T X "ulljftt mg (3lh SCenturky Ijnmf. — Foster Candlelight Tea U Co J Co. A BOOR OF RECIPES By UNA DUNUP Aathcr o( 'HEART OF THE WHEAT" "OCT OF THE BLUE GRASS' [COPYRIGHTED 1910 Press of Transylvania Printing Compeny, Lexington, Kentucky. s^ % ^Cl, A 275395 ^ B^attbtutrlfFB ]ftierages( EGGNOGG Separate three eggs, beat the whites to a stiff froth, and add the yolks, with three cups of granulated sugar, beating all until creamy. To this add, very slowly, and only a small quantity at a time, one pint of best whiskey, stirring briskly. Dash with one-half pint of imported Jamaica rum. Immediately before using add one quart of ice cream, one quart of sweet cream, and one quart whipped cream. Vanilla to taste. Serve in toast cups. CLARET CUP To one quart of claret, add the juice of two lemons, one-half cup of sugar, and one-half cup of whiskey. Serve in toast cups over crushed ice. Candlelight Tea NAVY PUNCH Take one quart of Jamaica rum, one quart of cham- pagne, the juice of eight lemons, the grated rinds of three, one and one-half pounds of sugar, one quart of hot tea, made from eight teaspoonsful of tea. Upon the lemons and sugar, pour tea and allow to stand half an hour, stirring often. Then add the rum. Place in punch bowl. When iced and ready to serve add the champagne. APPLEJACK Peel and core one-half dozen large cooking apples; fill the center with sugar, cover with three pints of water and let boil until tender, but not broken. While hot place apples and juice in punch bowl with a few whole cloves, cinnamon, mace and alspice. Add to this one pint of brandy and a dash of rum. Serve either warm or cold. FRUIT PUNCH One cup each of lemon and orange juice, one pint of grape juice, one pint of grated Hawaiian pineapple, two cups of any fruit minced. Sugar or sugar syrup to taste. Serve very cold, with crushed ice. 10 Beverages CHAMPAGNE PUNCH To the juice of eight lemons add one pint of sugar; when thoroughly dissolved, add tw^o quarts of some good effervescent water, and two quarts of cham- pagne. Pour over block of ice in punch bowl on which has been placed a couple of bunches of hot- house grapes (green preferred), and several pink roses. LEMONADE One quart of boiling water, juice of three lemons, with a very little of the grated rind, and one-half pint of sugar. When cold make very chill with crushed ice. CHERRY SHRUB Make a syrup of two pounds of sugar and two quarts of water. Put through a fruit press one gallon of pitted cherries, add this to the syrup and boil ten minutes; add the juice of two lemons. Strain and serve when very cold, with a few of the fresh cherries floating on top. 11 Candlelight Tea ORANGE COCKTAIL Mix the juice of two lemons with that of three oranges and the grated peel of one orange. Add to this one-half pint of sherry; strain and chill, then fill cocktail glasses with the mixture, put a maraschino cherry in each. A small amount of sugar can be added to the lemon juice if preferred. ORANGEADE To one quart of water add the juice of three oranges, the grated rind of one orange, juice of one lemon and one-half pint of sugar. Pour in glasses half filled with crushed ice. CREAM PUNCH Cream punch is much better made of ice cream, as it is not near so apt to curdle. If made of plam cream it should be thoroughly chilled before adding whiskey- When made of ice cream, stir in whiskey to taste. If sweet cream is used, add sugar first, then whiskey^ slowly to taste. 12 Beverages MINT JULEP Each glass of julep should be made separately. Take about six fresh mint leaves, crush in bottom of glass, add one teaspoonful of sugar, fill within tv^^o inches of top with crushed ice, then fill glass with whiskey, put on cover at once and let stand for five minuies. When cover is removed the glass will be frosted. Julep should always be made in the tall narrow glass, using metal cover. FRUIT FIZZ All fruit fizz is made by pouring appollinaris water over the fruit syrup that has already been made by boiling one quart of fruit juice with a pint of sugar. This fruit syrup can be made in season and put up in Mason jars or bottled. Serve in tall slender glasses with crushed ice. This is much improved by a dash of sherry. FRAPPE Pineapple, orange or lemon sherbert, either plain or with minced fruit. Turn out in punch bowl and to one gallon of sherbert pour over one gallon of appolli- naris water. 13 Candlelight Tea PINEAPPLE PUNCH To two cans of Hawaiian pineapple add juice of four lemons, two cups of sugar, three quarts of appolli- naris; either pour over block of ice or chill with one quart of pineapple sherbert. The slices of pineapple must be cut in small pieces. A few maraschino cher- ries, without any of the juice, will add to the beauty of the punch. Always use the Hawaiian pineapple, for none other has the fresh fruit flavor. PINEAPPLEADE To one-half gallon of water add one cupful of sugar, dissolving thoroughly, to this add one large can of Hawaiian pineapple (after cutting fruit into small pieces), and the juice of three lemons. Serve over crushed ice. If in strawberry season, add from two to three selected strawberries to each glass. RHINE CUP To a quart of well-made lemonade add a quart of Rhine wine. Serve from a pitcher with crushed ice and thin slices of lemon. Appolinaris water may be used in making the lemonade, and will make it much more delicious. 14 Beverages MARASCHINO PUNCH Quart bottle of maraschino cherries, two quarts of appollinaris lemonader, one can of Hawaiian pine- apple cut in small pieces, one pint of sherry. Mix well and pour over block of ice. Dash with Jamaica rum. Serve in small punch glasses. RASPBERRY VINEGAR Place raspberries, well crushed, in jar, one-half pint of vinegar to each gallon of berries. Cover and let stand one week; then strain and to each pint of juice add one pint of sugar. Place on fire and bring to a boil. Strain and bottle. Serve ovei crushed ice. UNFERMENTED GRAPE JUICE Wash the grapes, drain well and pop out of shells. Place them in a kettle, and barely cover with water, allowing them to boil twenty minutes Cool and strain, and to each pint of juice add one-'ialf cup of sugar, boil again, strain through flannel. Bottle while hot. 15 Candlelight Tea TO MAKE GOOD COFFEE One heaping teacupful of Moca and Java coffee; stir into it the half of the white of one egg and wet with cold water, mixing well. Scald the coffee-pot, put in the mixture and pour over it two quarts of cold water; let boil for five minutes over a very hot fire; stir down and pour out a very little of the coffee and pour back again to settle it, or add a little cold water; set back to keep hot, but not boil. This makes deli- cious, clear coffee. DRIPPED COFFEE Put one teacupful of ground coffee into the upper division of the coffeepot or perculator, pour over it one quart of boiling water. Keep perfectly hot, but not allow to boil. If it drips through very quickly, it should be poured through a second time. ICED TEA The tea must be made as above in the morning of the day it is to be used. Put it into glass or china vessel to cool. Serve over crushed ice with a slice of lemon, and a dash of claret, if desired. 16 Beverages TEA Scald well the tea-pot; put in a teaspoonful of tea for each person; pour over a small quantity of boiling water and let stand to draw, then pour on the desired amount of freshly-boiled water. The water must be boiling and tea made quickly. CHOCOLATE Scrape fine one ounce (one of the small squares) of Baker's chocolate, add to this two tablespoonsful of sugar, and put into a double-boiler with one tablespoon- ful of hot milk. Stir over hot fire until perfectly smooth and glossy, then stir into it a quart of boiling milk, mix thoroughly and serve at once. Never allow it to boil after the chocolate is added. BREAKFAST COCOA Into a breakfast cup put a teaspoonful of the pow- der, add a tablespoonful of boiling water, and mix thoroughly, then add boiled milk and sugar to taste. Boiling for a few minutes will improve it. 17 ^ Candlelight Tea GRAPE WINE Take the white grape when fully ripe, pick from the stems, pound to a pulp, put them into large stone jar, pour over them half as much water as there are grapes, cover with cheese cloth and let stand until next day, then squeeze out and strain the juice. Mix three pounds of granulated sugar and the whites of two eggs to each gallon of juice, boil a few minutes and skim. When cold, put into a keg until through fermenting. Bottle it, seal the corks, keep in cool place, or bury in sawdust. BLACKBERRY WINE To every three pints of berries add one quart of water. Let stand twenty-four hours, strain through cheese cloth. To each gallon of juice add three pounds of granulated sugar. Put into a wine keg until it is through fermenting, which will be two or three weeks. Pour into bottles and seal, keep in cool place. 18 Beverages BLACKBERRY CORDIAL Let the berries come to a boil, then squeeze out the juice, adding to each gallon three pounds of sugar, boil for five minutes. While boiling drop in a bag containing ground cinnamon, mace, allspice and cloves. When cool add one-third whiskey, bottle and seal. CLARET PUNCH To one quart of rich lemonade add one quart of claret, half-pint of whiskey. Pour this mixture over block of ice, which has been placed in punch bowl. Minced fruit and maraschino cherries improve any punch. GRAPE FRUIT FREEZE Juice of four grape fruit and of five oranges, three cups of sugar, well dissolved pour over crushed ice and then add one bottle of appolanaris. 19 Candlelight Tea ROMAN PUNCH To make one gallon take two quarts of water, three pounds of sugar, add one pint of imported Jamaica rum, the juice of five lemons, the grated rind of one, minced candied or maraschino cherries and Hawaiian pineapple. Then freeze. It will take a good hour to freeze. CHAMPAGNE ICE The juice of one dozen lemons, two quarts of water, two quarts of granulated sugar, have sugar well dis-. solved. Freeze until the consistency of mush. Pour in a pint of champagne and freeze hard. APRICOT ICE Take quart can of apricots, add one quart of water and juice of two lemons. Thoroughly dissolve in this one quart of sugar, strain through a sieve and freeze. 20 Beverages ORANGE AND LEMON ICE Either are made the same as lemon or orangeade, only to every quart of liquid there must be same quantity of sugar well dissolved. The w^hite of one egg well beaten may be added to the half-gallon. PINEAPPLE ICE Take two cans of Hawaiian pineapple, remove frorr^ the juice and chop line. Make a thick syrup by boil- ing together three pints of sugar and two of water. Let boil a few minutes, and while hot pour over it the chopped pineapple, adding the juice in the can. After it cools, add the white of one egg well beaten, and one pint of water. Freeze until firm. FROZEN FRUIT Take half-dozen bananas cut fine, half-dozen oranges cut fine, one can Hawaiian pineapple chopped; use all the juice from pineapple and oranges, mix this well, add one pint of water, one half-pint of sherry and one quart of sugar. When it begins to freeze stir in the white of one egg well beaten. 21 ^antituicl^^sf anbtuicfi^si CHICKEN Follow recipe for chicken salad, only cutting chicken and celery very fine. Place between slices of bread just before serving. Mayonnaise must be used liberally. ANCHOVY Two leaspoonsful of anchovy paste, add half-cup of mayonnaise dressing, and three hard boiled eggs chopped fine. Spread between thin slices of bread. OYSTER Fry select oysters in very hot fat after being dipped in egg and cracker crumbs. Place between slices of bread with lettuce leaf, first spreading bread with mayonnaise dressing. 25 Candlelight Tea EASTER Cut hard boiled eggs into slices, add shredded pamentoes, pour over this a stiff mayonnaise. Spread on bread quarter oi an inch thick. EGG Lay slices of hard boiled eggs and finely chopped or ground ham, between slices of bread that have been spread generously with mayonnaise dressing. TOMATO Peel and slice good solid tomatoes, season with salt, pepper and paprika. Spread slices of bread with mayonnaise, lay on a lettuce leaf, then the slice of tomato, cover with parmesan cheese, then place on upper slice of bread. This sandwich should be made just before serving. 26 Sandwiches LETTUCE Spread thin slices of bread with mayonnaise, be- tween these place crisp white lettuce leaf, a few nut kernels may be added. NASTURTIUM Select crisp nasturtium leaves of one size, and the delicate green ones. Spread thin slices of bread, that have been cut round and about the size of the leaves, with highly seasoned mayonnaise, lay on leaves. Serve on sandwich dish, garnish with nasturtium leaves and blossoms. CELERY Take half-cup pecan kernels, one cup of finely chopped celery. Mix with mayonnaise dressing that is highly seasoned with cayenne and paprika. Soread between thin slices of bread, either with or without lettuce leaves. 27 Candlelight Tea CUCUMBER Slice cucumbers a quarter of an inch thick. Spread thin slices of bread with mayonnaise, placing lettuce leaf on each side with cucumber between that has been dipped in mayonnaise. This sandwich must be served at once. SARDINES Carefully bone the sardines, chop very fine, mix in the yellows of two hard boiled eggs to each box. Moisten with lemon juice and spread between thin bread or crisp crackers. NEUFCHATEL To four cakes of neufchatel add one pint of deviled olives, and one-quarter pound of pecans; break cheese with fork, add olives minced and nut meats broken in four or five parts. Cover all with mayonnaise and spread between slices of bread. Decorate top with whole nut meats and slices of olives, 28 Sandwiches GREEN PEPPER Take sweet green peppers, remove seeds and chop fine, add a tiny bit of celery and onion. Mix with mayonnaise and spread between thin slices of bread. OLIVE Chope olives fine, add pecan kernels and a touch of pamentoes. Mix all with mayonnaise and spread between bread. WALDORF Peel and chop apples, adding equal amount of chopped celery. Mix with mayonnaise and spread between thin bread. WATERCRESS Spread thin slices of bread with heavy mayonnaise, lay fresh leaves of watercress between. 29 Candlelight Tea CLUB SANDWICHES Cut fresh bread a quarter of an inch thick, toast quickly over red coals; spread the toast with thick mayonnaise, lay on slices of tender white meat, of chicken or turkey, then fresh crisp lettuce leaves and a slice of broiled breakfast bacon; over this spread a lib- eral share of mayonnaise and press on the upper side slice of toast. DEVILED HAM Mix into one small can of deviled ham the yolks of two hard boiled eggs that have been made into a soft paste with vinegar ; add to this some finely chopped pickle. Spread between thin slices of bread. PATE DE FOIE GRAS One cupful of pate de foie gras, mixed with equal amount of chopped chicken. Spread between slices of buttered bread. 30 Sandwiches PEANUT SANDWICHES Hull and remove skins from fresh roasted peanuts; put nuts through meat grinder. Make a cooked may- onnaise of three eggs beaten very light, one-half cup of water, three or four spoons of vinegar, one spoonful of sugar and butter size of an egg, salt and cayenne pepper. Mix all well and cook in double boiler until it thickens. When cool stir into ground peanuts. Spread both slices of bread with the peanut paste and place lettuce leaf between, pressing closely. This makes a delicious sandwich. FRUIT SANDWICHES Orange marmalade or currant jelly spread between very thin slices of bread make a good sandwich for afternoon tea. TRUFFLE To equal parts of canned truffles, ground chicken and chopped sweetbreads, add mayonnaise to make a consistency, to spread on thin slices of bread. 31 Candlelight Tea SALMON To one can of salmon, add one cup of bread crumbs, one-half cupful of chopped pickle, moisten all with mayonnaise, spread between thin slices of bread. PECAN One cupful pecans chopped fine, one-half the amount of celery also chopped; mix well with mayonnaise high- ly seasoned with salt, cayenne and paprika. Spread between bread. BERNAISE Thin slices of brown bread, spread with any soft cheese, which may be grated or mashed and softened with mayonnaise. Lay on a crisp lettuce leaf and press together. 32 Sandwiches BERNE Thin slices of Swiss cheese, pressed between very thin brown bread that has been lightly spread with French mustard. GRUYERE Use Gruyer cheese and make same as above. SAUSAGE SANDWICH Chop sausage meat that has been fried a ni:c brown, place between thin slices of bread, securing the ends with small wooden toothpicks. Have tw,- well beaten eggs ready and add to them one-half cup of milk, salt and small dash of cayenne. Dip sanJ- wiches in egg mixture and fry in equal parts of butter and lard, which must be very hot. 33 Candlelight Tea ENGLISH WALNUT Equal parts of English walnuts chopped and grated, Swiss cheese, a few capers, moisten with mayonnaise or French dressing. Spread between brown bread. WINDSOR SANDWICHES Mix one cupful of chopped chicken meat with one of sweetbreads, add to this three or four tablespoonsfu! of mayonnaise. Spread this mixture between thin slices of whole wheat bread. CHEESE SANDWICH Fry on one side thin slices of bread that have been dipped in egg and milk. Turn over and sprinkle on the brown side grated cheese that has been seasoned with a little cayenne. When the under side is brown the cheese on top will be melted. 34 Sandwiches RAREBIT SANDWICH One cup of milk heated to boiling in chafing dish, stir in slowly one pound of ground cheese, when thor- oughly melted and creamy, add two well beaten eggs; season with salt, cayenne and paprika, and two table- spoonsful of Worchesteshire sauce. Pour into a square mould. When cold slice and lay between thin toast or crisp crackers. STACKED SANDWICH Remove crust from loaf of sandwich bread, cut thin slices lengthwise of the bread. Use any sand- wich filling, stacking as you would layer cake, slice through the loaf. This makes a very attractive sand- wich. PAMENTO SANDWICH Equal parts of hard boiled eggs chopped and pamentoes cut in cubes, not forgetting to throw pamentoes in ice water for a few minutes; wipe dry and mix all with mayonnaise; spread between thin slices of bread. 35 ^alabsi alabsf MAYONNAISE To the yolks of two well beaten eggs add one tea- spoonful of vinegar. Then begin to drop slowly /^ur olive oil, occasionally adding salt, paprika and cayenne pepper. Beat constantly, and as it thickens add vine- gar or lemon juice. By using the vinegar in the be- ginning over the yolks, there is less danger of curdling. Mayonnaise can always be lightened by beating iq whipped cream just before serving. Eggs, oil and dish used in making the dressing should be thoroughly chilled. EGG SALAD Six hard boiled eggs cut into half-inch cubes, three pamentoes cut in small pieces, two stalks of chopped celery. Serve on lettuce leaf with mayonnaise. 39 Candlelight Tea CHICKEN SALAD Boil chicken the day before, not forgetting salt, as it can not be properly seasoned afterward; cut white meat into good sized pieces; cut the same amount of crisp white celery. Mix in some pecan and almond kernels; cover all with a heavy, well seasoned mayon- naise. Thoroughly chill before using. Serve on let- tuce leaf, in sweet peppers, or as a fllhng for tomatoes, or moulded in aspic jelly. SWEETBREAD SALAD Boil sweetbreads in salt water until thoroughly done, when cold break into small pieces, adding an equal amount of celery, some pecan kernels and one pamento. Cover with mayonnaise and serve in toma- toes or on lettuce leaf. POTATO SALAD Boil potatoes in salt water, being careful not to have them over-done; set aside until thoroughly cool; cut in small disks, adding very finely chopped onion. Cover with mayonnaise or a cooked dressing. 40 Salads PINEAPPLE SALAD Pineapple salad can be made the year round, as Hawaiian-canned pineapple is superior to the fresh fruit. Cut the slices into disks, add the meat of one grape fruit to one can of pineapple. Cover with may- onnaise, to which whipped cream has been added. SPANISH SALAD Three cucumbers cut in cubes ; three large solid toma- toes cut in same way, three sweet bell peppers and one small hot pepper chopped. Serve on lettuce leaf or in sweet peppers with mayonnaise. NUT SALAD One cup of pecan kernels, one of almonds; kernels must be cut in small pieces, add to this one cup of deviled olives cut fine and a cup of cottage or neufcha- tel cheese. Serve on lettuce with mayonnaise, and strips of pamentoes. 41 Candlelight Tea APPLE SALAD Select six apples of uniform size, remove the cen- ters, leaving shells for serving salad. To the apple meat add some quantity of celery and pecan kernels. Mix all with mayonnaise and return to shells. CAPON SALAD Made same as chicken, but served in cucumber shells or half sweet peppers, cut lengthwise. CUCUMBER AND TOMATO SALAD Select cucumbers about five inches long, cut in half, lengthwise; remove the seed and a part of the meat, place shells carefully in ice water to be used in serving the following salad: Cucumbers cut in cubes, the meaty part of tomatoes also cut in small pieces, sweet green pepper cut in very slender strips (best done with scissors), some crisp celery. Mix all with mayonnaise. Place In cucumber shells, cover top with mayonnaise and decorate with strips of the peppers and pamentoes. 42 Salads HAM SALAD Put pieces of lean ham through a coarse meat grinder, add hard boiled eggs after being chopped fine, and a small quantity of crisp celery and cucumber pickle. Serve with cooked dressing. TOMATO SALAD Select large firm tomatoes, peel and cut in half, sprinkle on top some very fine chopped onion; place on lettuce leaf and serve with highly seasoned French dressing. FRUIT SALAD SERVED IN PINEAPPLES Select very small pineapples, cut lengthwise, scoop out the fruit with small round potato cutter, add to this white grapes, oranges cut in small pieces, pecans and almonds; cover with mayonnaise that has been lightened with whipped cream. Serve in the pine- apple shells, placed on crisp lettuce leaves. 43 Candlelight Tea GARDEN SALAD French peas, small cubes of tomatoes, chopped celery and cucumbers, shredded sweet pepper and a touch of onion juice. Serve in sweet peppers or cucum- ber shells with French dressing. FRENCH DRESSING To three spoons of olive oil add one of vinegar, beating briskly until creamy, season with salt, pepper, paprika and onion juice. SNOWBALL SALAD This salad can be made of neufchatel, cottage or any soft white cheese. Crush cheese with a fork, add to this pecans, deviled olives and pamentoes, which have been cut fine. Mix all with a small amount of mayonnaise, make into a stiff paste, roll into balls and j;erve on lettuce leaf with touch of mayonnaise on top. 44 Salads GRAPE FRUIT SALAD Peel and quarter grape fruit, preserving shape; place on lettuce leaf, one piece overlapping the other; decorate with strips of peppers and pamentoes, cover with French dressing. ARTICHOKE SALAD Get canned artichokes, pour off the water and place them on ice, peel a few apples and cut in small cubes, add a few truffles. Mix apples, truffle and arti- chokes with French dressing and serve on lettuce leaf. SWEETBREAD AND CUCUMBER SALAD Boil sweetbreads until very tender, when cool break into small pieces cut cucumbers into small cubes and put them on ice. Mix just before serving. Serve on lettuce leaf or in sweet pepper hulls. 45 Candlelight Tea TOMATO AND CRAB SALAD Peel large ripe tomatoes, carefully remove seed and pulp. Mix a pint of crab meat which has been freed from bits of shell with tiny crisp heart leaves of lettuce, some celery cut fine, lightly stir in mayonnaise. Fill tomato shells. Serve with touch of mayonnaise on each. TOMATO JELLY SALAD To one can of tomatoes add an onion chopped fine, a tablespoon ful of minced sweet pepper, two stalks of celery, two cloves, teaspoonful of sugar and a touch of soda, let all cook slowly together for half an hour, during which time soak half a box of gelatine in half-pint of cold water; after straining the mixture add gelatine and return to fire until gelatine is dissolved. Have ready a mould or individual moulds, put jelly in them and place on ice to congeal. Turn out and serve on lettuce leaf with mayonnaise. Pecans and small bits of crisp celery can be dropped in before jelly congeals, and it will add greatly to the delicious- ness of this salad. 46 Salads TOMATO AND SHRIMP SALAD Peel large ripe, but firm, tomatoes, cut in thick slices, over each slice sprinkle shredded sweet green pepper, surround with shelled shrimps, cover with French dressing. Serve on lettuce leaf. ASPARAGUS SALAD Take the best grade of asparagus tips, place on crisp lettuce leaves, garnish with strips of pamentoes. Serve with French dressing or mayonnaise. BEET SALAD Cut tender, well boiled beets in cubes; to a scant half-pint of mayonnaise add a tablespoonful of minced cucumber pickle, the same amount of olives and capers, lastly stir in a few drops of onion juice. Mix this dressing with beet cubes and serve on lettuce leaf. 47 Candlelight Tea SALAD PIQUARTE Fill a salad dish with crisp lettuce leaves, cover with sliced tomatoes, place upon these some carefully shredded green peppers, add minced onions. Serve with French dressing. SALAD OF STRING BEANS Cut a pint of French string beans into pieces an inch long, and slice a small young onion very thin cover with French dressing and serve on lettuce leaf. SHAD ROE SALAD Boil a large roe for twenty to thirty minutes in salt water and when quite cool break in small pieces ; make cups of the heart of the lettuce and place within each a spoonful of roe, lay a border of cucumbers cut in small disks, and pour over all a French dressing. 48 Salads ROQUEFORT CHEESE SALAD Take the heart of very crisp white lettuce, open the leaves gently and fill with grated Roquefort cheese, cover with highly seasoned French dressing. CHERRY AND ALMOND SALAD Get a can of large red or white California cherries, seed them and fill with a blanched almond, place in pyramid fashion on crisp lettuce leaves and serve with French dressing. LOBSTER SALAD Boil a live lobster in salted water, remove meat carefully from the shell and chop evenly, add a few chopped olives, moisten all with mayonnaise and serve on lettuce leaf. 49 Candlelight Tea SALMON SALAD Pour oil from one can of salmon, take out bones and lift off skin, chop all very fine, add one large cup of cracker crumbs, one cup of chopped mixed pickle; pour over all a cooked mayonnaise. Serve on lettuce leaf, and garnish with olives and slices of hard boiled eggs. CHEESE BALLS Neufchatel cheese, paprika, chopped nuts, a touch of onion juice. Mix in enough mayonnaise to make a paste, roll in balls and place pecan kernels on top. Serve v^ith any salad. MOULDED SALAD Fill individual moulds about one-quarter full of aspic jelly; let stand until it begins to congeal, then press in chicken, nuts or sweetbread salad, that has already been mixed with mayonnaise. When thoroughly chilled, turn out on lettuce leaf and serve with a touch of mayonnaise on top of each mould. 50 Salads ASPIC JELLY Aspic jelly is made from any meat stock, chicken, beef or veal; clear with white of egg, the same as for bouillon, then add to one quart of stock one box of gelatine that has been soaked for an hour in a cup of cold water; season highly with salt, cayenne, table- spoonful of lemon juice. Pour in square mould and cut in small squares before serving. If preferred indi- vidual moulds can be used. MOULDED FRUIT SALAD Make the same as any fruit salad, using juice of minced fruit for the jelly. To one pint of juice add three tablespoonsful of granulated gelatine; when jelly begins to congeal pour in moulds and press in fruit. No sugar must be used in jelly for fruit salad, but a small amount of lemon juice adds very much. When ready to serve, turn out on lettuce leaf, with a touch of mayonnaise. The daintiest fruit salad is made of Hawaiian pineapple, white grapes, marischino cherries, oranges, grape fruit and a few nut kernels. 51 Candlelight Tea SHRIMP SALAD Boil shrimps and remove shells, add celery, mix with highly seasoned mayonnaise, garnish with sliced deviled olives. If canned shrimps are used drain well before mixing salad. 52 -r 1^ \$n One copy del. to Cat. Div. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 486 906