* **fc<»**td>«* »« t*'f ■ J Ai«ni yi i*f*«**** >*««« «*tt ttt > *>4* A^^^»4 . !/ isr O T E s ON COLORED TR00P8 AND Military Colonies on Southern Soil. BY AN OFFICER OF THE 9th ARMY CORPS. IVETV-^OIMi:. 186.1. *TTV'TTT» r >TTTT1'»T1'T " T Tfy >T>T*TT« » »TTT V -ri H r » T f y V 'r » f " TTirTtyi " r> 5//^ Copyiight }j° COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/notesoncoloredtrOObrag ]Sr O TE s ON COLORED TROOPS AND Military Colonies on Southern Soil. BT AN OFFICER OF THE 9tli ARMY CORPS. ■ ' W i -J > '. c t r^E^V^-YORK. 1863. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1863, by S. B. BRAGUE, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. \ \ \ :p^ .A The following notes are by an officer occupying a high position in the service. He writes : " Before Vicksburgh daring a tedious campaign of observation, surrounded by a multitude of families of fugitive slaves, crossing every day into our lines, I could not help but thinking as to what would be their status at the close of the war. " These notes have been extracted from letters addressed to the writer of this ; should they appear somewhat cruda or should there be discovered an infelicity of expression, it will doubtless be overlooked when it is considered that they were not intended for publication . New York, November, 1 8 63. NOTES UPON COLORED TROOPS. I. ^ If you should ask me for the type of an admirable soldier, I would present you with the Mulatto. It seems that he unites in himself, physically speaking, the perfection of both races. He possesses the symmetrical form of the white engrafted upon the incom- parable frame of the negro, and contains all the elasticity, indifference and cheerfulness of the latter. Although the negro is sometimes very ingenious, he excels him in intelligence. He can subsist with very little and supports with ease the. most trying marches. He possesses much of the instability of the negro as well as that great docility and impulsive power so necessary in a soldier. The Mulatto is like the Zouave who, by his gaiety and heroism, instilled spirit and life into the united armies before Sebastopol and so stamped his memory upon the legends of his country. The negro is like the Turco who, by the vigor of his fire, the irresistible energy of his charge, simply decided the fortune of the day at Magenta, The negro and the mulatto possess physical merits which the white often has not : nimbleness and power of endurance in a warm climate. Owing to their excitability, they will throw themselves forward to the cannon's mouth ; and in their rage, will even tear their opponents with their teeth, should they have lost their rifle or the arm bearing it ; but let them be repulsed, they will fly in disorder and cannot again be rallied except by the reanimating sight of fresh troops. This is caused by the lack of that cool enthusiasm which is possessed in such an eminent degree by the white who, even in death, looks forth to the realization of his idea, the execution of his plans, and, who, though ten times repulsed, will ten times return to the charge. A steel spring"^ is effeetive so long as it retains its elasticity. Should it however happen to lose that, a considerable labor would be required to restore it. The nagro may be compared to such a spring. The Turcos taking by assault the farm of Magenta was the spring ; the French losing 10,000 out of 15,000 men, I do not now remember in what battle, under Napoleon the First, and the English at Inkermann, was the steel itself. The spring is reliable so far as its force admits ; the steel is to be depended upon under all circumstances because it is the strength itself and will either break that which opposes it or break itself. It is the lever of Archimedes, which resting on its " point d'appui," could lift this planet. The negro and its varieties furnish an admirable material for mobile troops ; he is to the white what infantry generally speaking is to artillery in modern warfare : one prepares and achieves the principal elements of victory ; the other decides it. Negroes might be made admirable scouting troops, for the purpose of feeling the enemy and of scenting him as a dog does game. White troops may be used to engage the enemy in battle all day, to commence the rout, to prepare the assault ; black troops to rush onward in pursuit of his broken columns, to effect the bloody work of the bayonet, to storm the defences and utterly annihilate the defenders with the butts of their muskets. All this is the work, of an instant, of a minute, more the effect of their impulsiveness than of their courage, the lightning rather than the storm . They would form a terrible instrument of destruction . If such an element in our army is singular, original, unique, it is not less valaable. Let us add that endowed with an admirable eye, the Negro and Mulatto would form an excellent material for that which is so rare with us; light cavalry and sharpshooters, those two miracles of modern warfare. II. Well intentioned but evidently mistaken persons have advanced in our days the opinion that the. army does not need organization, .and that, as regards the negro, th^e only way to make him useful is to take him as he comes to us without drill ; and without tactics ; a rifle, some powder, a few bullets, courageous officers and the order, forward 1 Force and chance will serve him. Such an opinion cannot be sustained. For if victory is the triumph of force, it is of a force well prepared and organised, guided by intelligence and genius, proceeding from the principles of art ; in fine, of a force assisted by the most elevated social virtues, courage, abnegation and devotion. As for chance, it has its share in the circumstance of war ; but art consists in making this share as small as possible ; and the object of its principle is fiercely to master chance through prudence, wisdom and calculation. It has been justly observed, that execution in war acts as in fencing ; the best combinations succeed, only, when well executed. But in war the application of theory to facts is delicate and difficult, because armies are not inert machines, the motions of which are to be regulated by mathematical calculations. They are living instruments whose tone becomes elevated by success or depressed by defeat. When organizing them one should note particularly their component elements. The French army is not organized after the system of the Russian ; the Russian after the Italian, nor the Austrian after the French ; Prussia has a military organization which is peculiar to her alone ; the negro should not be organized in every respect as the white troops are. III. The first question which presents itself in the organization of colored troops, is that of the relations of the inferior to the superior ; The question of discipline. The negro is very fanciful and instable in his disposition. There is in him nothing rude however. His love of music is proverbial ; every one knows the ecstasies into which he is thrown by its influence. He is very vain and loves to cover himself with feathers, gold, silver and bright colors. He is a great child, full of ambition and sensitiveness, who could be go- verned by the use of great firmness, much lenity and persuasion rather than compulsion. The discipline among colored troops should be at the same time, humane and inflexible, as it is the rule in our public schools where nothing passes unobserved. Those called to command this class of men should, above all, endeavor to maintain over their men, that moral superiority, which would give a prestige to the command. This course would assist in preserving order to a greater extent than the most approved system of punishment. The French well understood this when they organized their indigenous troops in Algiers, Spahis, Zouaves, Turcos, &c., &c. ; officers selected to command those men, represented the flower of the French army ; de L'Etang, Yusuf, de la Moriciere, Changarnier, and many others, whose names will remain inscribed in golden letters in the military annals of France. There is no discipline where there is no justice, and 'justice cannot rule where there exists the incapacity of judging ; hence the importance of making a good selection of officers to compose military courts. These courts should be composed of picked officers retired from the service on account of ill health or wounds. They should be men of intelligence and education, whose functions would be of a nature purely judiciary. Besides the experience, they would have the advantage of leisure, which officers in active service have not, and would become by practice and study, rapidly proficient in that branch of the service, and capable of settling military jurisprudence. When courts, through ignorance or neglect, fail to punish as law or common sense provides, the mass of the people soon perceive it, and rapidly become disgusted and indignant ; but when this system applies to military, it is destructive to discipline in the highest degree ; because it deprives judiciary authority, of all its majesty and greatness, and lowers it to a terrible mockery. IV. A point of great importance in military discipline, and which would be vital when relating to troops of color, is the promptness with .which faults and crimes would be punished. No delay should occur, no hindrance, in the apprehension of the offender, in his trial and the execution of his sentence. The composition of the courts as I propose them to be, would provide per- manent tribunals ; hence the possibility of an immediate trial, of a prompt revision of the proceedings, and of an immediate execution of the sentence rendered. In all matters of simple offence I would recommend the avoidance of all trial by a regular court, and all punishments of that class could be, without inconvenience, passed by the regimental major on the report of the company commander. Sentences in more serious cases, passed by a court martial, would not require any more formality to make them valid, than the approval of the Colonel commanding the regiment, and, in all other cases, that of the General commanding the division. Such is the first consequence of military discipline, a system of punishment ; the second would bring a system of rewards. I would remunerate military services in colored troops, 1st., by promotion as the law provides ; 2nd., by medals or other decorations, 3rd., by pensions. V, Promotion appeals to one of the most powerful passions implanted in the breast of man. To ambition, to one's desire of elevating himself ; at the same time, to the necessity, common to all, of improving his position and securing his future - When we endeavor to apply the idea of illimited promotion to the negro, however, we attempt that which is impossible ; the law itself prevents us ; and that powerful stimulant of all soldiers, which sustains him in all tempta- tions and privations, which makes him heroic in the battle-field, which consoles him for the past and encourages him for the future, that magic rod which, in good hands, has performed miracles, which made the grand army of Napoleon, what it was, and caused it to conquer the world, is powerless in the man of color. He cannot rise from the' ranks even by heroism. Yet, when we closely consider this question, we are astonished, to discover that, where injustice appears to exist, and prejudices seem to take the place of equity, there is nothing more than the reservation of a wise legislation. Let us examine. , Colored people, in the midst of northern society, occupy, even with those who have displayed the warmest interest in their cause, a very inferior posi- 8 tion, wfialever may be their education, their capacity, or their profeMion And why is this ? Let as say the word ; their color kills them ! This is a prejudice will you say ; no matter if it is 1 It is, nerertbelcss a fact : and it is impossible to go against the current of public opinion on this subject.^ In the south the negro is regarded as an animal, or very little more ; and all, there, would even deny to him the right to claim his beginning from our common parents had not the Almighty placed upon his forehead, that indis- putable sign, which establishes his origin. In this state he has remained since time immemorial, In his native country, what is he ? Assuredly less yet than he is among us. Transformed from the state of barbarism into the midst of civilized society, though in a state of servitude, he has little by little elevated himself. If he has not acquired there all the rights of a human being, he has received at least, some of the information which belongs to one 1 And in the solitude of the night, or when bending over the barniog field, he may yet dream of better days. Such has been his first step in the way of civilization. All rights suppose an obligation. That the colored man knows his right to freedom, none can deny ; for he affirms it ; he proves it, when, breaking his chains, he comes to us. But has he really a true conception of his duties as a man ? We might be allowed to doubt it, because he has not proved it. Society, up to this time, has not allowed him an opportunity. The education, intelligence, and experience which cultivation gives, all that enlightens man in his sublime inquiries after knowledge, on which depends all human elevation in the midst of modern society, the negro unfortunately does not possess. Under those circumstances, tbo condition of the colored man, would be similar to that of an exotic, which is brought from beneath the warm and bright influence of a tropical climate, and planted in the colder soil of a northern State. It requires time and great care before it becomes accustomed to the change. Unless it be fostered with tenderness it would wither and die. Persons of color emerging from a life of servitude, require to be installed by degrees into the mysteries of their new state. To permit them "to take at once, and without previous preparation, of all its delights would be to pass sentence of death upon the whole race. All existence, whether of individuals, of nations, or of races, are works of art. History, is the magnificent gallery, where may be seen all those who have traced their varied stories upon the eternal canvass of time. As this Planet revolves they revolve with it, and claim a share of attention, more or less considerable proportionate to the knowledge, skill, energy, perseverance or opportunity of the artist. To gain this share is the aim of everything in this world ! Men, nations, animals, plants, and minerals ; it is the dream of nature. From this law common to all, the colored race have not been emancipated. If they partake of its liberal provisions, they are equally subject to its servitudes. All they required heretofore, was a basis on which to stand and proceed with their labor. The liberty we have just given to them will be this basis. On it they may build the edifice of their future. On their industry, their perseverance, and their courage, will depend their success in accomplishing that new result, the object of their ambition, — a place in the midst of modern civilization. 9 VI. The Geography of the United States; makes it a condition of her existence that she be one country, from the North Pole to the isthmus of Panama. The object of this war is the conquest of this physical unity of the nation. Nothing more, nothing less. It is a matter of very little importance to the North, whether or not her armies force upon the society of the Southern states, a fraternity which is hateful to her. What she requires of them, is to restore again, to the heart of the nation, the powerful extremities of its natural body, through which, for nearly a century, she has caused to circulate blood, prosperity and ( life. It matters little, how many people may be left on the surface of that southern land, after the conquest, if the land itself remains, or the subdued race leave room enough for the inventive genius of the north, to take root and grow, for her traditions, her activity, Labor and Liberty. VII. As the Federal armies advance into the interior of the subdued States, two kinds of property may be noted ; that deserted and left to the care of the slaves, their lords having gone to the war, and that which has been main- tained in a state of culture under the immediate supervision of their owners. The amount of the former class, to that of the latter, is in the proportion of 5 to 3, and is invariably destroyed by the troops ; most of it should be confiscated. The latter class of property is not much better treated, unless it belongs to loyal persons. In short the country is desolated as fast as subdued. I have been a witness to* this speqtacle frequently, in the course of the campaign of Vicksburg ; everything was burned and destroyed. On the return of our forces from Jackson, Miss., provisions had to be distributed to the destitute families, in order to prevent starvation. One must not suppose that all the immense wealth thus suddenly consumed was regularly, legally confiscated, by military authority, for the use of the troops. No, each one throws himself upon his prey and what he does not devour, he leaves for the vulture. Had an account been taken of the division of the spoils, the inhabitants of the air would have been found to have received the larger share. A forager, half an hour before the time fixed for the departure of the column, after many unsuccessful attempts, discovers an animal of some sort, an ox or a cow. He kills it forthwith, takes from it ten ounces of meat, for himself, which he cooks and eats on the spot, ten pounds for himself and friends in camp, and leaves the balance on the road. Such is the way it is done ; such is the evil. The question is to find a remedy. VIII. It is not even rare to find in the South plantations whose extent is three, four, and even five miles square. Of the immense tract, seldom more than 1,200 or 1,500 acres is cultivated, and the balance remains wild and over- grown with timber. A scarcity of labourers is certainly the cause of this state of unproductive- ness in which the land is left. If their number could be increased, those vast deserts would rapidly become covered with cropps of golden grain. The inquiry has often been made as to what should be done with the myriads of soldiers who compose our armies after the war has closed. What 10 • occupation can be found for all these men who have spent four or 6ve years of their life in the leisure of camps and in the uncertain moyements of the field, in the midst of our crowded northern cities ? The question is certainly calculated one day to erabarras? our legislators. To offer these soldiers lands in the midst of western solitudes, would not be jast ; for there ten yeni-s must elapse ere the land provides them with suffi- cient for their maintenance, so irreat is the difficnlty in procuring a market for their products. It would bo much preferable to locate the more merito- rious of our soldiers on the uncnltivated lands of the oonsGcated plantations in the south, giviner them the rii?ht of preemption on the laud, which might be sold to them at the nominal price of $5 or $10 per acre, they being allowed ten years in which to pay the^sarae. At the end of the ten years they might be allowed the privilege of purchasing the remainder of the plantation, and improvements, at the par value at the time of the conquest. The government would thus increase its means for liquidating the debts incurred by it for the prosecution of the war, and at the same time encourage the improvement of the lands in tl;e south, and remunerate the brave men who have been engaged in its service. On the other hand it would insure to itself for the future, a host of faithful adherents, and would establish on an enemies soil a race of devoted patriots, who would be in case of need, forever at their posts. IX. A State, or a portion of a State, having been acquired by our arras, the General in command, should appoint a commission to proceed to the inventory of the resources of the occupied territory, to divide it into free and confiscated soil, and to make the census of her population, both whites and blacks. This commission might be composed as follows : — Assistant Adjutant General, Chief Engineer, Chief Quarter-Master and Chief Commissary. The Engineer corps, after having made a map of the territory, might divide it into divisions, representing at the same time territorial circumscrip- tions, unities of military organization, and administration, all of which under the government of a military commander. The elementary division of the territory, military and administrative, would be the Captaincy. It should correspond to the Company and would be com- manded, administered and governed by a Captain, having under him 251 men, officers and soldiers : viz. — 1 Lieutenant, 1 2nd. Lieutenant, I Sergeant-major, 1 Sergeant Quarter-master, 1 Sergeant-Commissary, 5 Sergeants of second class, 5 Sergeants of third class, 20 Corporals, 204 Private soldiers, 5 Drummers and 5 Buglers. The Captaincy, would comprise a tract of land on which there should be located, disseminated, or in one lot, at least 2,000 acres, cultivated for the account, and being the property of the United States. The following division should be the Battalioncy, governed by a Major, having under him four companies, with the following staflF, viz. — 1 Captain- Adjutant, 1 Lieutenant Quarter-Master, 1 Lieutenant Commissiary, 1 Lieutenant instructor, 1 Lieutenant Sargeon, 1 Hospital steward, Sergeant, 1 Clothing-sergeant, 1 Accountant-sergeant ; all of whom would be officers detailed for that purpose, from regiments. The Battalioncy would at least comprise four Cnptaivcus. The Colonelcy, administered by a Colonel, would become the next territorial divieion. It would comprise three Battalioncics with the following staflF, vi/. — 1 Lieutenant Colonel, 1 Major, chief of Administration, 1 Captain-Adjutant, 1 Captain Quarter-Master, 1 Ijieutenant-Commissary, I Surgeon, 1 Chief of repairs to the material, 2nd. Lieutenant, 1 Chief of clothing, 2nd. Lieutenant, 11 1 Chief of music, 2nd, Lieutenant, 1 Chief Bugler and Drummer, 1 Hospital Steward, 1 Post-master, Sergeant ; most of these ofl&cers, would be detailed from regimeuts. The Brigadierry, might be composed of three Colonelcies, and be com- manded and administered by a Brigadier-General. The business treated at the Brigadierry, would be similar to that which, occurs in a Captaincy ; but there it would be concentrated from regimental returns, in the same manner as pure military affairs, and in nine different Bureaus, corresponding to the different classes, in which it would be proper t© divide them, viz. — Bureau of correspondence and political affairs. Bureau of justice. Bureau of recruiting, Bureau of Agricultural works, Bureau of works and companies of discipline, Bureau of public building, railroads, and other com- munications, Bureau of Infantry, Bureau of Cavalry, Artillery and Provost guards, Bureau of Quarter-Masters, Commissaries and Agricultural products. The Divisionnery, would comprise three Brigadierries at least ; it would be administered and commanded by a Brigadier or a Major General, with a number and a class of Bureau similar to those enumerated in the preceding division ; the nature of the affairs to be treated there being of the same kind. Independent of Infantry, the Divisionnery we have just spoken of, would be garrisonned by cavalry or mounted infantry and artillery, in numbers to vary according to times, localities, and circumstances. The composition of a Battalion of mounted infantry would be similar to that of a Battalion of infantry, with the exception, that in the former there would be an instructor of horsemanship, and a veterinary surgeon, with rank of 2nd. Lieutenant, saddler and blacksmith, with ranks of sergeants, all of whom would not be required in the latter. The staff of a squadron of cavalry would comprise: — 1 Captain, 1 1st. Lieutenant, 1 2nd. Lieutenant, 1 Instructor of Horsemanship Lieutenant, 1 Hospital-Steward Sergeant, 1 Sergeant-Major, 1 Blacksmith, 12 Sergeants, 120 Horsemen, 3 Buglers one of whom a Corporal, 1 Sergeant Quarter- master, 1 Sergeant-Commissary, 1 Sergeant-saddler. ♦ The composition of artillery, would be similar to that of the volunteer service in the United States argiy. Sappers and Pioneers. — These two corps would be formed by details from Regiments, and attached to the Battalions and Companies, according to the exigencies of the service. Provost-Guards : — The service of Provost-Guards, would be performed by white troops. The army so organised and on a war footing, would comprise • — 30 Regiments of heavy infantry 91,230 men 5 Battalions of mounted infantry 5,045 " 45 Battalion of Zouaves 45,405 " 6 Battalions of sharp shooters . . 5,045 " 4 Companies of discipline ,504 " 40 Squadrons of cavalry .. 5,840 "^ 50 Battalions of light artillery, about 6,000 " 159,069, Men This force would be recruited among colored persons actually forming, or to form the black population of the South. This population now comprises over 4,000,000 of souls. After the completion of the war, it will be largely increased. Because, instead of colored men in the South going North, those of the North will come South. 12 This army will include all able bodied colored men from 18 to 45 years of age. It will then present the following elements : — Ist., The active army. 2nd., The reserFC of this array. The active army numbering at least 70,000 men, would be recruited from men, between 18 and 35 years of age. Cavalry, Mounted Infantry, Zouaves and artillery, would recruit exclusively from the first class of the population, and would he constantly maintained on a war footing. Infantry, on the contrary, would be recruited from both classes. In times of peace, an infantry company would consist of only 125 mcir, recruited if possible, from those between 18 and 35 years of age ; on a war footing, it would consist of 126 men additional, taken from the reserve of the population, who recruited and enrolled At the same time with the former, would return to their homes immediately after enrolment holding themselves subject to being called upon at any moment for service, a certain number of sergeants would accompany the latter, and remain stationed among them to attend to their military instructions, or maintain among them that discipline so necessary in an army of this nature, also acting as the medium of communication between the men and their ofiBcers. X. With this system the United States would procure an army resembling much the military colonies of the frontier provinces of Austria or Russia ; born on the soil, living on it, knowing it well, and in sufficient numbers to* bring back under the law any local insurrection. About 25,000 men of color would attain yearly the age of enrollment. From those the contingent annual would be selected among the strongest, the most intelligent, the most apt for the service. The balance would remain at home with the reserve of the army, and be part of it. The selection of the men would be made by two commissions, composed, the 1st. of 1 Major of Infantry, 1 Captain of Cavalry, 1 Surgeon, 1 Deputy Provost Martial, The Commission would examine all young men capable of performing military service, and would classify them according to their aptitude ; Infantry, Cavalry, Zouaves, &c., &c. A second Commission established in every Brigadierry, would distribute the conscripts between the dififerent Regiments of the circumscription. Its composition would vary at the discretion of tic officers in command, its labor being of little importance. This Commission should be empowered to use a surplus existing in one of the Colon^cies, to fill up the defect in men existing in another. XI. Such is the system of organization I would propose for the troops of color. It is not without reason that it dififers from that adopted in the regular army, and that of the volunteers. As to what relates to the effective force of the Regiment, which I have brought up as high as 3,000 men in place of 1,000, volunteer system, or 2,400 regulars, I would remark that this unity of the colored army being called to operate, in case of insurrection, as regular troops, and, in times of peace, as laborers and farmers of the United States, in the Colonelcia, that is to say, in a circumscripton often very extensive, should be large enough to contain as much as possible, all the elements of war there existing. Had I adopted the English system of small Battalions of 500, or 600 men, I would have increased excessively the number of officers, and hence the expense of keeping the army. Moreover, Regiments formed of three battalions arc far from being defective. They are strong enoagh to occupy all the activity of one man without 18 overcharging him with business, and present an agglomeration of individuals where reigns an " esprit de corps, " more energetic than in orginizations, of less importance, a circumstance very apt to aid the moral action of the commander on the mass of the men, In all armies of occupation organized for defence, it is very important to attach the soldier to the soil by some kind of lien ; — the stronger the better. Hence our idea of recruiting as much as possible, the regiment on the territory where it may be called to serve. Nature wishes man to become attached to any halting point in this desert called " Life, " whatever it may be, the palace or the cottage where he was born, the cabin or the tent where he has found temporary shelter against the storm. The home is nearly as dear to man's heart, as his family ; one could not think of having the former had he not already procured the latter. To that idea we attach all the affections of the soul, and anything having a resemblance to it is dear to him. The colored man called to defend the law which has furnished him with a free roof, will die in front of this shelter of his family before he surrenders it. Every home will be a fortress on the various territorial circumscriptions of the south, and which the enemy will have to force and burn before he can take possession of the soil. What I have said of the Regiment, I could repeat of the Battalion, or of the Company. This last orginization offers to the officers commanding it an instrument of great strength in case of active service, and it is not without reason that I have connected with it so small a number of officers, so that I may cause to fall on the colored non-commissioned officers deprived of promotion, a large part of the responsibility of the command. It would be a sort of compensation for those of the blacks, who should present a real aptitude for the profession . If they have not the advantage conferred by the grade, they would have, at least, to share the responsibility it confers, and so would have an opportunity of showing how far they are capable of distinction and worthy of elevation. In short this organization of a Regiment and of its subdivision, has nothing new ; the Prussian army organized on a similar principle, is one of the most admired in Europe. As a force called for the defence of the territory, it has the reputation of being without equal . Even if such was the only advantage resulting from Regiments of 3,000 men, with their solid companies of 251 men, it would suffice to force the adoption in this case, to guard against possible insurrec- tions, being, above all, the object desired in placing an army on the subdued territories of the south. Another consideration has decided me in urging the formation regiments of 3.000 men. They resist better in active service, and endure longer in a cam* paign, where the loss in men is ten times greater than it is in a state of peace. In the English organization of 600 men, by Regiment, the smallest losses reduce it so much that those who survive are very apt to be demoralized by the vacancies left in their ranks. And it is seldom that a Regiment in such a condition can stand three months of active campaigning. With regiments of 3,000 men, nothing of this kind exists ; a loss of 200 men, the largest a Corps engaged, even in the most murderous actions, generally suffers, is but very little noticed ; and the column may be sent to the assault again, and again, before it can realize the extent of its loss. This consideration to which so very little attention has been paid, on this side of the Atlantic, is more important than one would at first imagine, and should be carefully noticed. I say nothing of the division of the Regiments into three Battalions of 1*000 men, which permits, in the course of a campaign, the keeping in reserve of one Battalion in which recruits can be formed, drilled, and prepared for active service. The vacuum occurring in the two other Battalions on active service .1* in the field, could thus be repaireil without difficulty or delay. Everyone fiimiliar with military matters has had time to appreciate the merits of this system during the course of this war. . XII. The real strength of the infantry-man, is in his fire, and in his bayonet. The wars of the first French Empire have demonstrated, what a Company or a Battalion fire well kept up and delivered at 60 and 200 yards, can do. It breaks the strongest lines and prepares tlicra for the bayonet charge ; and if under Napoleon 1st., or before him, the bayonet has been considered more an instrument of terror than of destruction, in the Crimean campaign, its effects have been proved to be quite ecjual to if not more murderous than those of the ball itself. Rifle muskets are admirable weajwns when placed in the hands of men who thoroughly comprehend their use ; but in the hands of ordinary soldiers, they are less efficient than the smooth bore mu.skets ; because, satisfied that his piece will carry 800 or 1000 yards, and thinking that he can hit his adversary at that distance, the soldier throws upon him volley after volley, which seldom does much damage, and thus wastes half of hia ammunition ere he reaches the point at which he.ought to commence to fire. When on the contrary the mass of the troops is armed with the smooth bore musket, nothing of that kind happens. The light troops always com- posed of the most intelligent and best learned, begin to fire at long ranges, say, 800 or 1000 paces. They guide the main column by a sure fire which, drawing that of the enemy, very seldom fails to discover the position of the enemies lines. One, two, or even three lines of reserve, also formed of light troops, sustain that advance, and by it give to the body of the army time to arrive without opposition, within 200 or 300 yards of the theatre of the conflict, to run against the foe, deliver from six to eight volleys, and if successful in the advance, to charge with the bayonet. Such is the theory of the rifle in the hands of infantrymen. In the organization of volunteer regiments it has been very little consid- ered. Indistinctively our soldiers have been armed with the Enfield rifle or the Springfield. In our case it would be important to avoid such au error. And to this end I would recommend for the heavy infantry, the old, smooth bore Springfield musket : the mounted infantry, the IJurnside carabine to which a long bayonet should be adapted : the Zouaves, the short Springfield rifle musket : the Sharpshooters and the Cavalry, the Burnside carbine. The costume the best adapted to colored troops, is without doubt that adopted by the French for their Algerine sharpshooters, simple, secure, not expensive. It unites all the advantages of a dress to be used in warm cli- mates. It is of a dark blue color, of a sensible shape, though very pictur- esque. Variety of trimmings designate the different corps. The Spahis uni- form would be also much desirable for the Cavalry. XIII. The care of his person, of his quarters, of his arms and of his horse, if mounted, is the first teaching to give a soldier. After comes the various elements of the drill, such as the appearance he should have in the ranks, the handling and use of his arms, the theory of the diflferent steps, etc., etc. But above all, and from the real start, be should learn how to march, or to ride, if a horseman. For the aptitude to stand long marches, or long rides is acquired much more through theory and practice than by nature. An infantry incapable of standing long marches will never accomplish any- thing. And it is recorded that, in a march of some duration, made at the rate of 25 miles a day, a column of infantry had succeeded in fatiguing cav- alry, whoso retreat they were prcs.sing and took part of their horses. Those animi^g being ia much more need of rest than man himself. 15 Arm of all times and of all places, infantry forms the basis and the strength of an army. In battles, artillery prepare success, cavalry or light troops assist, but it is nfantry which decides it, and this explains why we have spoken so lengthy of what we have thought to constitute its strength and its importance. One word more about artillery : In the formation of batteries, I should recommend the formation of those of small calibre, — such as four pounders. This kind of ordinance can be used with just as much efficiency in rapid operation as 6 pounders and has the advantage of carrying ammunition weighing just one third less than those of the latter. Wherever heavy artillery would be required, regular troops would be called for. . XIV. The labor of the Commission appointed to proceed to the inventory of the subdued territory having been ended in the manner we have said, that part of the black population left without employ, would be divided into associa- tions of culture, which I would co\\ families, Sind. at once established on the con- fiscated lands laying within the limits of a circumscription. Families would enter into possession of the lands by virtue of a written con- tract with the president of the military Commission acting in the name of the United States. This contract would clearly stipulate all advantages, privileges, and obligations, by both parties, the United States on the first part and the farmers on the second. The lease would be for 50 years, and among other obligations include, for the farmers, that of keeping in a perfect state of culture, all lands granted to them and of performing all labors in such lands — under the direction of the military commander or of his agent. This agent would receive all his instructions from the Bureau of the Quar- termaster, through the regular channel, and, as often as it would be practica- ble, should be a man of color, well acquainted with Southern agriculture. On the other side, it would provide for the United States the obligation of protecting the family, and of allowing it one-eighth of the net products of the soil, as a remuneration for its labors. A famihi should comprise at least ten males between the ages of 16 and 50, and the quantity of land granted to it should be calculated to correspond to the amount of farming work that ten males, with a sufficient number of do- mestic animals, are able to perform in one year. On this principle, a Captaincy would comprise about twelve families. Military commanders would reside, as much as possible, in the centre of their respective circumscriptions ; the Captain in the centre of his Captaincy, the Major of his Battalioncy, and the Colonel of his Colonelcy. This last officer should make a minute inspection of his circumscription, at least once a month. In the centre of the Colonelcy would be erected all buildings required for the different burgaus, also an hospital, store house for the Quartermaster, Commissary, Ordnance department, etc., etc., of his circumscription. Around those buildings would extend, on a large circumferance, a fortified camp, where 9,000 men could camp and manoeuver easily, once a month, at least, on a peace footing, and once every three months on a war footing. The Regiments would camp on the ground, and there be drilled and inspected by their commanders. The Brigades would assemble, in the same manner, for drill and inspection, as often as it would be practicable. However, they should go in camp once a year, on a war footing, and for six days. XV. The products of the ground, on the various circumscriptions, would be col- lected by the Agent of the U. S., and turned over by him, through the regu- lar channel, to the Quartermaster's or Commissary's bureau, to be used or sold to the best advantage of the U. S., and in a manner fixed by regulation. 16 The products which conld not be coDsamed directly by the troops, tind coaUl be transported and stored without risk of being injured, should be, in all cases, turned over to Division-Qaartermasters or Commissaries, who would receive instructions as to their ulterior and final disposition from the Head- quarters of the Army. For the better disposition of that class of property, foundries, mills, tan- yards, cloth, clothinp, shoes, hat and cap factories, would be erected under the direction of the Quartermaster's Department, in the mosi suitable places, and for the preparation of raw products, such as metallic ores, corn, wheat, cotton, wool, skins, etc., or the manufacturing of articles of clothing, uniforms, ordnance, as needed by the troops. Those establishments should be under the immediate supervision of staff officers, and should recruit their hands from the ranks, or among the inhabi- tants of the Government larm*?. When troops of reserve, boys, females, from government plantations, or otherwise connected with the U. S. service, would be so employed outside of their legitimate system of labor, on the soil, they should receive an additional allowance, in money, of fifty cents a day, for the men, and forty for the women. XVI. Such would be the system of organization I would propose for the persons of color, as fast as the conquest of the Sonth would progress. This system would tend to greatly develope the mineral and agricultural resources of the South, for it would open a wide way to the emigration of the persons of color now residing north, and would greatly increase the power of production of the actual black population by procuring it an opportunity of improving, intellectually speaking, through means they never had before. On the other hand, it would force the planters to remunerate the black la- bor, in a just manner, as we do at the North, that of our mechanics. Deprived by this of a great share of the benefit they had been in the habit of receiving under the system of slavery, they would have to supply the loss through personal activity, invention and industry. This, more than anything else, would help in the regeneration of the whole population. By and by, and little by little, the colored race would accustom themselves to seeing in their former master nothing but a source of employment, and the latter in his former slave only a means of indispensable production. The precipice which now divides both races, would also dissipate, and in time would make room to a salutary and just solidarity between them. As this would go on, the Northern men no longer fearing to have to adopt, when emigrating South, institutions opposed to their religious faith, their pre- ference and Bym|>athies, would, more than they had done before implant them- selves South and would bring there their inventive genius, their arts and their activity, and having to such an extent helped to the developments of the resources of the soil, and contributed to the increase of the general wealth of the land of their adoption, would gradually become attached to it as they had once attached themselves to New York or New England. The South in its turn would soon learn how to appreciate the newly-arrived their incomparable energy — their industry without equal — their human tend- encies and in fine see in those enemies of yesterday benefactors and friends. A community of ideas, of afifections, of sentiments would really unite all parts of the nation, and then one could engrave in golden letters on the stand of the collossal statue of liberty radiant and victorious from the dome of the finished Capital, over a prospering country, those words of another age : "Wo stand on the broad common ground of these national rights that we all feel and know as men. No more New England, no more New York on iths CoDtiaent, but all of na amirioans." -i'\ • C'F CONGRESS 012 201 910 A # Tic ' vl' I rmib I ^