CV 804 .K37 Copy 1 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress GV 804 K37 THE Copy 1 uuiiiJE CREWS —1875- Names, Weights, Heights & Positions OF THE MEN IN THE Substitutes, College Colors, &c. AND A SUMMARY OF FOBMER COLLEGE CONTESTS r — Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1875, in the office of the Librarian of Congress. - POSTAGE FREE. THE NEW YORK LEDGER FOR THE YEAR 1875- The G-reat Family Paper. IT PA YS THE HIGHEST AND GETS THE BEST. Our best and most popular writers— whose placea could not, in our opinion, be supplied by any others on the American Continent— will continue to write, most of them exclusively, for the Ledger. We have also made arrangements with eminent new writers, We believe that hundreds of thousands of young men and women, through the attractive and entertain- ing matter in the Ledger* have formed a taste for reading which has now become fixed, and will remain with them a source of happiness and improvement, through lite. Our old readers will bear U6 witness that the Ledger has always been better at performing than promising. The Ledger is always full of life and spirit; and a person once accustomed to reading it finds it too pleasant a companion to willingly part with it. It contains the purest, sweetest and most delightful stories, striking narratives, and instructive biograph- ical and historical sketches and has the most popular and carefully prepared collection of scientific facts. OUR TERMS FOR 1875. Single copies,$3 per annum; four copies, $10, which is $2.50 a copy; eight copies. $2<>, postage free. The party who sends us $20 for a club ot eight copies all sent at one time, will be entitled to a copy free Postmasters and others who get up clubs, in their re- spective towns, can afterward add single copies, at $2.50 Mo subscription taken for a less period than one year When a draft or money order can conveniently be sent, it will be preferred, as it will prevent the possi- bility of the loss of money by mail. Remember that the postage on the Ledger to all parts of the country will be paid by us, so that our subscribers will have no postage to pay. &&" We employ no agents. Address all commu- nications to. MQBEMT MQ*r*rBM* Publisher. Corner of William «€* Spivee Sis*, New York. It will be noticed that certain names in the various crews are marked with an asterisk *; this denotes that those men rowed last year in the University crew- there are also some marked with a dasher f that de- notes that they rowed in some previous freshman crew. The following extract may prove of service to the public. Extract from Agreement. between "R A. of A. C" and "S. R. A." Article XXL The Saratoga Rowing Association, guarantee that the rate of transportation during Regatta days shall not exceed the following, viz. From any part of Sara- toga to the Grand Stand, Saratoga Lake and return, to remain at the Lake any number of hours within one day until the race is terminated or a postponement announced. Two horse pleasure car- nage, without driver, $10. One horse pleasure carriage, without driver, $6. For Hacks, Barouches, Pleasure Car- nages, and like Vehicles, carrying pas- sengers from any part of Saratoga to the Grand Stand, Saratoga Lake, or return $lper passenger. For Stages, 0mni<- busses, seated wagons, and other similar Conveyances, 50 cents per passenger each way. The Saratoga Rowing Asso- ciation are to repay the amount of any payment above the rates specified. But the "S. E. A." are not to be held respon- sible for cases where it is proved that the extra amount was offered by the complainant or any member of the com- plainant's party. Any complaint of charges oyer these specified rates from Saratoga to Saratoga Lake, to be valid shall be made at the entrance of the Grand Stand Ground. Any complaint from Saratoga Lake to Saratoga to be valid shall be made to the Committee on Grievances within three hours after the termination of the day's race, Article XXIV. Seer. 1th. For the due fulfillment of Article XXI the <t. Bow J. S. Waterman, - 5.07 150 2 D. O. Barto, - - 5.09 155 3 A. E. Gillis, - - 5.10 160 4 J. L. Jarvis, - - 5.10| 165 5 C. C. King,* - - 5.10 160 Stroke J. N. Ostrom,* CapL 5.10 165 Substitute, E. L. Gardner, 5.10 150 This College enters no one for single sculls. TIME in 1874; 18 m. O s. came in No. 6. in 1873; m. s. came in No, FRESHMAN CREW. Bow L. Palmer, - - 5.06 135 2 A. W. Smith, - - 6.01 138 3 V. D. Grave, - 5.09;* 163 A J. L. Camp, - - 5.09^ 1-30 3 H. I. Carpenter, - 3. i t 168 Stroke J. Lewis, Capt, - 3.09 136 Substitute J. Borden, - - 5.09 14.& TIME in 1873 m, f. Came in No. Remarks Amherst, College.— 3 5 Colors— PURPLE & WHITE. UNIVERSITY CREW. H't. W't. Bow W. Weeden, - 5.09 148 2 S. E. Johnson, - - 5.09 152 3 L. G. Beck, - - '6.00 165 4 G. H. Keecl, - - 5.09| 165 5 H. A. Hull,f - - 6.00 168 Stroke M. A. Goodnow,f - 6.00 155 t These men rowed respectively Stroke and No. 4 of Freshman Crew in 1873. The College did not row in the race of 1874. ; This College, although entered for a freshman crew, concluded not to contend and have entered no one for single scull. Rejoined Assciation this year. TIME . in 1875; m s. came in No, Remarks. Bowdoin College.— 4. Colors— WHITE. UNIVERSITYCREW Tl't. wt Bow E. II. Hall, Capt - 5.11 165 2 Clias. Sargent, 5.094 153 3 J. F. Hall, - 5.10 170 4 F. H. Crocker, - 5.10$ 175 5 F. C. Parson, 5.10 159 Stroke J. M. Burleigh, - 6.00 167 Substitute^ D. A. Sargent, 5.09 170 This College enters no crew for fresh- man race and no one for single sculls. The college rejoined the Association this year having lost her membership by not participating in the Eegatta last year. TIME in 1875; m. s. came in No. Remarks. Brown University,-5. Colors— BROWN. UNIVERSITY CREW. H't W>t. Bow S. J. Bradbury, Capt 5.10 155 2 W. C. Joslin, - 5.10 160 3 S. S. Koper, - - 5.10-1 165 4 W. A. Peck, - - 5.11 165 5 C. M. Lee, - - 5.091 158 Stroke F. H. Brown, - r 5.10J 165 Substitute C. E. Field, - - 5.111 165 This College did not row last year. TIME in 1873; m. s. came in No. FRESHMAN CREW Bow I. O, Winslow^ . 5.08# 134 2 A. N. Fairbank, - 5.09^ 133 3 G. F. Weston, - 5.09X 170 4 F. T Whitman, 5.09 170 3 Geo Goodwin, - 5.08 ISO Stroke J. B. Parrott, Capt. S.lOtf 134 Substitute R. Case, * 5.08 ieo Remarks Columbia College.— 6. Colors— BLUE & WHITE. UNIVERSITY CREW. B't wt. Bow I. A. Sprague, 5.08 152 2 E. E. Sage, - 5.11 167 3 J. G. Murphy, - 5.09 167 4 G-. M. Hammond, - 6.02 167 5 C. S. Boyd, 6.01 183 Stroke J. T. Goodwin,* Gapt. 5.101 162 Substitute H. J. Brown, 5:091 145 This College will not contend in the freshman race although entered. No one is entered for single scull. TIME in 1874; 16 m. 4>%M s- came in No. 1. in 1875; m. s. came in No. Remarks 10 Wesleyan University,-?, * Colors— LA VENDER. university; CREW H't. W't. Bow W. H. Dovtn?*Capt. 5.09 152 2 J. W. Whitney,* - 5.10 148 3 F. W. Fort, - 5.09 180 4 H. W. Kodgers, - 6.02 193 5 D. H. Jack, 5.07 155 Stroke C. P. Marsh,* - 5.03| 158 Substitute H. Sewell, 5.09£ 152 This College enters no Crew for freshman race and no one for single sculls. TIME in 1874; 16m.50 s. eame inNo.2 in 1873; m. s. eame in No. Remarks 11 Princeton University.— 8. Colors— ORANGE & BLACK. UNIVERSITY CREW. ii>t. wt. Bow J. Ely,t - 5.10J 153 2 E. Halt* - 5.11f 166 3 W. B. Van Lennep, G.00 181 4 G. I). Family, - G.00 185 5 F. Biddle, &iif 177 Stroke B. Nicoll,f Copt. - 5.111 163 Substitute, B. Ball, 5.10J 175 This College enters no one for single sculls. TIME in 1 874; 1 8 m. 88 s. came in No. 8 in 1875; m. s. eame in No. FRESHMAN CREW Bow John Thurston^ - 5.06 185 2 I.H.Hen, - 5. OS 153 8 J. MeFarland, - B.6l% 155 4 H.Stevenson, - 5.07 161 5 R F. Karge, - - 5.10 175 Stro. E. J. VanLenn-p, Capt. 5.09X 156 Substitute Savage, - 5.1 O 160 TIME in 1875 m, s. Came in No. Remarks 12 . Dartmouth College —9. Colors— GREEN. UNIVERSITY CREW. • H't. wn. Bow W . Gr. Eaton, Jr.* 6.00 160 2 Sumner Wallace, 6.00 160 3 B. F Bobinson,*(7ap£.6.00 150 4 W. , C. Frost, - 6.02 170 5 F. W. Mitchel,* 6.00J 172 Stroke C. W. Eager/ - 6.01 167 Substitute, c. W. Stevens, 6.03 170 This College although it entered crew for freshman race, withdrew, no entries foi • single scull. TIME in 1874; 17 m. SU s. came in No. 4 in 1875; m. s. came in No. Remarks 13 Yale College— 10, Colors— DARK BL UE. UNIVERSITY CREW. Bow A. D. Chandler, 2 E. C, Cooke, t - 3 D. H. Kellogg,* 4 C. N. Fowler, - 5 J. Kennedy/ Stroke E. J. Cook,*Oap£ Substitutes, S. D. Harrison, - W. W. Collin, TIME 1874; not taken, claimed foul on Harvard in 187S; m . s. eamein No. Julian Kennedy enters for single sculls. FRESHMAN CREW B't. wt. 5.11 163 5.10 165 6.00 160 5.11 165 6.00 165 5.08 154 Bow H. Livingston, 5.09K • 158>£ 2 W. Holeomb, - S.09X 1533£ 3 C. K. Mixter, - S.08& 163^ 4 W. K. James s. i i:x 167 5 J. P. Clark, - 5.11 16S Stroke TIME in 1875 m, s. Came in No. Remarks 14 Hamilton College.— 11, Colors— ROSE. UNIVERSITY CREW. H't W't Bow A. L. Love, 5.061 141 2 E. M. Brown, - 5.091 165 3 E. C. Stinger, 5.07J 150 4 E. S. Yofchoff, - 6.01 160 5 N, W. Cadwell, 6.011 175 Stroke G. E. Butler, Gapt. 5.091- 150 Substitutes, Geo. Griffith, 5.081 146 W. R. Prescott, 6.02 170 This College enters no crew for fresh- man race and no one for single sculls. Is a new member of the Association. TIME in 1875; m. s. eame in No. Remarks 15 Harvard College.— 12. Colors— SCARLET. UNIVERSITY CREW. Bovj E. D. Thayer, - 2 Mont. James, 3 W. K. Taylor,* 4 E>. C. Bacon,* Capt. 5 C. W. Wetmore, Stroke W. J. Otis, TIME in 1874; 16 m. 54 s. eame in. No, 3. in 1875; m. s. eame in No. Wiley enters for single scull. FRESHMAN CREW. H't wt. 5.10 160 6.G0fr 168 6.03^ 181 6.00 170 5.10 168 5.091 155 Bow A. W. Morgan. - 2 W . A. Bancroft, -= 3 W . L. Lemoyne, - 4 P. V'R. Ely, 5 H. P. Warden, - Stroke A. P . Loring, C; apt, Su.bstitu.tes L. N. Littauer, - J. W. Wells, Time Remarks - B.IO* 160 -= 5.10 158 , - 5.09 162 - 5.10 164 - 5.08 160 rapt. 5.09 150 „ 5.07>£ 140 5.09 148 s. Came in No. 16 Union College— 13. Colors— GARNET. UNIVERSITY ■ CREW. H't. w>t. Bow G-. C. Bender, - 5.10 151 2 H. C. Jagger, - 5.08 150 3 F. Hastings, 5.06^- 140 4 C. P. Townsley, 5.081 150 5 T. D. B. Frear, - 5.06J 158 Stroke F. Tweedy Gapt. 5,G7| 152 Substitutes, C. B. King, 5.07 147 J. Bald, 5.08$ 157 This College enters no crew for freshman race and no one for single scull. Is a new member of the Associ- ation. TIME in 1875; m. s. eameinNo. Remarks By a law parsed at last meeting of the delegates to the Association, no more Colleges will he admitted as members ETAGERE '3jllS« Piano-Harp Cabinet Organs. New Solo and Combination Stops; Elegant Cases, new designs, highly ornate. See New Catalogue, free: EASY PAYMENTS. &SUS&ZS&S payments; or rented until rent pays for them. jjyQjDT on having a Mason "&• Hamlin. Dealers liiOlu I get larger commission for selling inferior or- gans, and for this reason often try very hard to sell something else. Address MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN Co.. 154 Tremont Street. BOSTON: 25 Union Square. NEW YORK; or So & 82 Adams Street, CHICAGO. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS A 15?L 7 26 832 6 M~aTo^ "4MLII* °«CAN C OftfPA^' MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. Three Highest MEDALS. and DIPLOMA OF HONOR AT ma, tit a, .MIS, 1867. OATT "V" America11 Organ ever awarded any medal U1N JJ X in Europe, or which presents such extraor- dinary excellence as to command a wide sale there, OVER. 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