Class BY 8£T4r Book__iAtL <£ \ A COLLECTION OF HIMNS FOB THE USE OF THE PROTESTANT CHURCH OF THE UNITED BUETHKEN. NEW AND REVISED EDITION, 'ome before his Presence irith Singing. Psalm c. 2. I will sing of thy Power; yea, I will sing aloud of thy JSfercy. Ps.lix. 16. jet the -word of Christ dwell in you richly, i?i all Wisdom ; teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms, and Hymns, and spiritual Songs, singing -with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Col. iii. 16. ' I will ring with the Spirit, and I will sing ivith the Understanding also. s 1 Cor. xiv. 15. FHILJ1BELPHM: Printed my Conrad Zentler, Xo. 104, North Second Street. 1819. /?3 CONTENTS. Preface *^ GK * OF THE LITURGY. Church Litany vji Doxoiogy, X1U Easter-Morning Litany xiv Litanies at Baptism xviii Of Children, No. 1. . xviii I Of Adults xxii Of Children, No. 2. . xx | Of Adults from the Heathen xxv Of the Holy Communion xxviii Doxologiesat Ordinations ....... xxix Litanies at Burials, No. 1. xxxi No. 2. . xxxir OF THE HYMNS. I. Of the Word of God 1 II. Of the Fall and Corruption of Man, and his Redemption by Christ 4 III. Of the Incarnation and Birth of Jesus Christ 9 IV. Of the Name of Jesus, and his Walk on Earth 18 V. Of the Sufferings and Death of Jesus Christ. and his Resting in the Grave 22 VI. Of the Resurrection of Christ from the Grave 46 VII. Of the Ascension of Christ; his Sitting at the Right Hand of God, and interceding for us 50 VIII. Of God, as manifested in the Creation, Pre- servation and Government of the World . 54 IX. Of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ... 62 P X. Of our Heavenly Father .65 XI. Of Jesus Christ, the Son of God .... 68 XII. Of the Holy Ghost, and his Gifts and Opera- tions 74 XIII. Of God's Call of Grace to the unconverted Sinner 80 XIV. Of Repentance unto Life 87 XV. Of Faith 93 XVI. Of the Forgiveness of Sins 97 XVII. Of the Surrender of the Heart to Jesus 104 XVIII. Of Communion with Christ 109 IV CONTENTS. XIX. Of the Happiness of Children of God . 115 XX. Of Thankfulness of the Heart for Jesus' Incarnation and Death 120 XXI. Of the Love of Jesus 129 XXII. Of Love to Jesus 134 XXIII. Of Brotherly Love and Union of Spirit . 142 XXIV. Of following Jesus, and bearing his Re- proach 146 XXV. Of Growth in Self-knowledge, and Sigh- ing for Grace .131 XXVI. Of Sanctification - 139 XXVII. Of Humility, Simplicity, and Growth in Grace 165 XXVIII. Of Resignation, Confidence, and Patience in Tribulation 169 XXIX. Hymns of Praise and Thanksgiving . .176 XXX. Of Prayer and Supplication 186 XXXI. Of the Christian Church in general, and the Brethren's Congregations in particular 192 XXXII. Of the Servants and Witnesses of the Lord, and the Spreading of his King- dom upon Earth 205 XXXIII. Hymns for Festival Bays and Solemn Meetings 216 XXXIV. Of Holy Baptism 22* XXXV. Of the Holy Communion 228 XXXVI. Hymns for different Ages, Sexes and Sta- tions in Life 213 A. For Children . , . 243 E. For unmarried Women 255 B. For Boys .... 250 C. For unmarried Men 251 D. For Girls .... 253 XXXVII. Hymns for sundry Occasions A. For the New Year . 264 I D. For Travellers B. Morning- and Evening 1 | E. For the Sick . Hymns 266 F. Concerning the holy C. Before and after Meals 272 | Angels XXXVIII. Of our Departure unto the Lord, and the Resurrection of the Body .... 277 F For married People G. For Widowers H. For Widows . . 258 261 262 , 264 273 274 275 XXXIX. Of Christ's Coming to Judgment . .284 XL. Of the Church Triumphant, and the Glory of Eternal Life 288 PREFACE. T HE Hymn-Book printed in the year 1801, for the use of the Protestant Church of the United Breth- ren, being out of print, a new edition is now published. As this hymn-book is also intended for the use of our missions in the English dominions abroad, where holy baptism is frequently administered to adults; and as the same is at times administered here, we have added a few hymns, that may be suitably used on such occasions. The hymns translated from the German are distin- guished by an asterisk [*] ; those not marked in this mannerj are English compositions. In order to find any single verse, the Index does not contain the first line of each Hymn only, but of each Verse in this collection. The lines which begin a hymn are also marked in the index with an asterisk [*]. The numbers of the tunes, placed over the hymns, have a reference to the second index, which points out the tunes for the hymns that occur in this book, a % ri PREFACE. May all, who use these hymns, delight in and ex- perience at all times the blessed effects of the apostle Paul's advice, (Ephesians v. 18, 19.) " Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord," yea, anticipate already, whilst in the body, though in an humble and imperfect strain, the song of the innumerable company of angels, and the spirits of just men made perfect, (Heb. xii. 22, 23.) who being redeemed out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation, and having washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, (Rev. v. 9. and vii. 14.) are singing in perfect harmony, (Rev. v. 12 — 14.) " Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing, for ever and ever." Amen! March 1st* 1809. LITURGY CHURCH OF THE UNITED BRETHREN. THE CHURCH LITANY. JLrfORD, Have mercy upon us! Christ, Have mercy upon us! Lord, Have mercy upon us ! Christ, Hear us! Lord God, our Father, which art in heaven ! Hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come ; thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven ; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us; and lead us not into temp- tation ; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the king- dom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen ! Lord God, Son, thou Saviour of the world! Be gracious unto us! Lord God, Holy Ghost! Abide with us for ever! Cong. Most Holy Blessed Trinity! We praise Thee to eternity. :J|: :JJ: Thou Slaughter'd Lamb, our God and Lord ! To needy pray'rs thine ear afford, And on us all have mercy ! via CHURCH LITANY. From coldness to thy merits and death, From error and misunderstanding, From the loss of our glory in thee, From the unhappy desire of becoming great, From self-complacency, From untimely projects, From needless perplexity, From the murdering spirit and devices of Satan, From the influence of the spirit of this world, From hypocrisy and fanaticism, From the deceitfulness of sin, From all sin, Preserve ws, gracious Lord and God J By all the merits of thy life, By thy human birth and circumcision, By thy obedience, diligence, and faithfulness, By thy humility, meekness, and patience, By thy extreme poverty, By thy watching, fasting, and temptations, By thy griefs and sorrows, By thy prayers, and tears, By thy having been despised and rejected, Bless and comfort us, gracious Lord and God! By thine agony and bloody sweat, By thy bonds and scourgings, By thy crown of thorns, By thy cross and passion, By thy sacred wounds and precious blood, By thy dying words, By thy atoning death, By thy rest in the grave, By thy glorious resurrection and ascension, By thy sitting at the right hand of God, By thy prevailing intercession, By the holy sacrameutg, CHURCH LITANY. ix By thy divine presence, (Matth. xxviii. 20.) Bless and comfort ws, gracious Lord and God! Cong. We humbly pray with one accord, Remember us, most gracious Lord! Think on thy sufferings, wounds and cross, And how by death thou savedst us : For this is all our hope and plea In time and in eternity. We poor sinners pray, Hear us, gracious Lord and God! Rale and lead thy holy christian church; Increase the knowledge of the mystery of Christ, and diminish misapprehensions ; Make the word of the cross universal among those who are called by thy name ; Unite all the children of God in one spirit ; (John xi. 52.) Abide their only Shepherd, High-Priest and Saviour ; Send faithful laborers into thy harvest; Give spirit and power to preach thy word ; Preserve unto us the word of reconciliation till the end of days; And through the Holy Ghost, daily glorify the merits of thy life, sufferings and death; Prevent, or destroy, all designs &ud schemes of Satan, and defend us against his accusation; For the sake of that peace which we have with thee, may we, as much as lieth in us, live peaceably with all men; (Rom. xii. 18.) Grant us to bless them that curse us, and to do good to them that hate us ; Have mercy upon our slanderers and persecutors, and lay not this sin to their charge; (Acts vii. 60.) Hinder all schisms and scandals ; Put far from thy people all deceivers and seducers; Bring back all that have erred, or have been seduced; Grant love and unity to all our congregations ; Hear us, gracious Lord and God! x CHURCH LITANY. Thou Light and Desire of all nations! (Mat. iv. 16. Hag. ii. 7.) Watch over thy messengers both by land and sea ; Prosper the endeavours of all thy servants to spread thy gospel among heathen nations; Accompany the word of their testimony concerning thy atonement, with demonstration of the Spirit and of power; (1 Cor. ii. 4.) Bless our, and all other Christian congregations gather- ed from the Negroes, Greenlanders, Indians, Hotten- tots aud Esquimaux; Keep them as the apple of thine eye; (Deut. xxxii. 10.) Have mercy upon thy ancient covenant people, the Jews; And bring all nations to the saving knowledge of thee; Hear ws, gracious Lord and God! Min. O praise the Lord, all ye heathen ! Cong. Praise him, all ye nations ! Give to thy people open doors to preach thy gospel, and set them to thy praise on earth ; Grant all ministers of the church soundness of doctrine and holiness of life, and preserve them therein; Sprinkle all thy servants with thy blood; Keep our episcopacy precious before thee; Help all elders to rule well, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine; (1 Tim. v. 17.) That they may feed thy church, which thou hast pur- chased with thine own blood ; (Acts xx. 28.) Hear us, gracious Lord and God! Watch graciously over all governments and hear our supplications for them ; Grant and preserve unto them thoughts of peace and concord ; We beseeeh thee especially, to pour down thy blessings in a plentiful manner upon the President of the United States, both houses of Congress, and the Governors CHURCH LITANY. xi and legislative Assemblies of the individual States, Direct and prosper all their councils and undertakings to the promotion of thy glory, the propagation of the gospel, and the safety and welfare of this country.* Guide and protect the magistrates of the land, wherein we dwell, and all that are put in authority ; and grant us to lead under them a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty; Hear us, gracious Lord and God! Supply, O Lord, all the wants of thy church; Let all thiugs be conducted among us in such a manner, that we provide things honest, not only before God, but also before men; (2 Cor. viii. 21. Rom. xii. 17.) Bless the sweat of the brow, and the faithfulness in handicraft business ; Let none entangle himself with the affairs of this life ; (2 Tim. ii. 4.) But may all our labor of body and mind be hallowed unto thee; Hear us> gracious Lord and God! O thou Preserver of men! Send help to all that are in distress or danger; * To be prayed in times of war, directly after the petitions for the gen* eral and state governments. Grant, O Lord, unto the President of the United States, in these times of danger, thy gracious counsel, that in all things he may approve himself the father of the people. Be thou the gracious protector of these States and of all our fel- low-citizens in all parts of the world. Turn the hearts of our enemies ; defeat every evil design against us, and continue to show unto us thy tender mercy, as thou hast done in the days past. Cause us to bow down before thee, to confess our sins, and to acknowledge with contrite hearts, that it is of thy mercy that we are not consumed. Stop, in thy tender mercy, the effusion of human blood, and make discord and wars to cease. To this end, put into the hearts of the rulers of the nations, thoughts of peace, that we may see it soon established, to the glory of thy name; Hear us, gracious Lord and God ! xii CHURCH LITANY. Strengthen and uphold those who suffer bonds and perse- cution for the sake of the gospel ; Defend, and provide for the fatherless children, and widows, and all who are desolate and oppressed; Be the support of the aged; Make the bed of the sick, and, amidst all their sufferings, let them feel that thou lovest them; (Ps. xli. 3.) And when thou takest away men's breath, that they die, then remember, that thou hast died, not for our sins only, but also for the sins of the whole world; (1 John ii. 2. Rom. v* 18.) Hear us, gracious Lord and God ! Now, Lord, thou who art over all, God blessed for ever! Be the Saviour of all men; (1 Tim. iv. 10.) Yea, have mercy on thy whole creation; (Rom. viii. 19, 22.) For thou earnest, by thyself to reconcile all things unto God, whether things on earth, or things in heaven; (Col. i. 20. Eph. ii. 16.) Hear us, gracious Lord and God! Thru Saviour of thy body ! (Eph. v. 23.) Bless, sanctify, and preserve every member of thy church; Grant that each, in every age and station, may enjoy the powerful and sanctifying merits of thy holy humanity; and make us chaste before thee in soul and body; Let our children be brought up in the nurture and admo- nition of thee; (Eph. vi. 4.) Pour out thy Holy Spirit on all thy servants and hand- maids; (Acts ii. 18.) Purify our souls, in obeying the truth, through the Spirit, unto unfeigned love of the brethren ; (l Pet. i. 22.) Hear us, gracious Lord and God! Keep us in everlasting fellowship with the church triumphant, and let us once rest together in thy pres- ence from all our labor ! Hear us, gracious Lord and God! DOXOLOGY. xiii O Christ, Almighty God ! Have mercy upon us! O thou Lamb of God, which takest away the sin of the world, Own us to be thine ! O thou Lamb of God, which takest away the sin of the world, Be joyful over us! O thou Lamb of God, which takest away the sin of the world, Leave thy peace with us! O Christ, Hear us! Lord, Have mercy upon us! Christ, Have mercy upon us ! Lord, Have mercy upon us ! DOXOLOGY. To be used after the CHURCH- LIT ANY on solemn occasions. \j NTO the Lamb that was slain, (Rev. v. 12.) And hath redeemed us out of all nations of the earth; (Rev. v. 9.) Unto the Lord who purchased our souls for himself; (Acts xx. 28.) Unto that Friend who loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood ; (Rev. i. 5.) Who died for us once, (Rom. vi. 10, 11. 2 Cor. v. 15.) That we might die unto sin; (1 Pet. ii. 24.) Who rose for us, That we also might rise ; (1 Cor. xv.) Who ascended for us into heaven, To prepare a place for us; (John xiv. 2, 3.) Choir. And to whom are subjected the angels, and powers, and dominions; (1 Pet. iii. 22.) To him be glory at all times, b xiv EASTER-MORNING LITANY. In the church that waitethfor him, and in that which is around him, Choir. From everlasting to everlasting, Amen ! Little children, abide in him; that, when he shall ap- pear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed feefore him at his coming. (1 John ii. 28.) Cong. In none but him alone I trust for ever, In him, my Saviour. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee ! The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee! The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace ! Choir. In the name of Jesus, Amen. EASTER-MORNING LITANY. CThe bishop or minister shall say : J JL BELIEVE in the One only God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, who created all things by Jesus Christ, and was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself. I believe in God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath chosen us in him, before the foundation of the world; Who halh delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son ; Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ; who hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light; hav- ing predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure EASTER-MORNING LITANY. xv of his will, to the praise of the glory of his grace, where- in he hath made us accepted in the Beloved. Cong. This I verily believe. Min. I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth ! because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes ; even so, Father ! for so it seemed good in thy sight. Father! glorify thy name! Cong. Our Father, which art in heaven; hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven ; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us ; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil ; for thine is the kingdom, and the, power, and the glory ^ for ever and ever, Amen. Min. I believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God, by whom are all things, and we through him; I believe, that he was made flesh, and dwelt among us ; and took on him the form of a servant ; By the overshadowing of the Holy Ghost, was con- ceived of the virgin Mary ; as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; was born of a woman; And being found in fashion as a man, was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin ; For he was the Lord, the Messenger of the covenant, whom we delight in. The Lord and his Spirit hath sent him to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord ; He spoke that which he did know, and testified that which he had seen: as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God. Behold the Lamb of God! which hath taken away the sin of the world, Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was erucified, dead and buried ; xvi EASTER-MORNING LITANY. Went by the Spirit and preached unto the spirits in prison; The third day rose again from the dead, and with him many bodies of the saints which slept ; Ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the throne of the Father; whence he will come, in like manner as he was seen going into heaven. Cong, The Spirit and the bride of Christ say, come! Letev'ry one that heareth, answer, come! Amen! come, Lord Jesus! come, we implore thee; With longing 1 hearts we now are waiting- for thee; Come soon, O come ! Min\ The Lord will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, to judge both the quick and the dead. This is my Lord, who redeemed me, a lost and undone human creature, purchased and gained me from all sin, from death, and from the power of the devil, Not with gold or silver, but with his holy, precious blood, and with his innocent suffering and dying; To the end that I should be his own, and in his king- dom live under him, and serve him, in eternal right- eousness, innocence and happiness; So as he, being risen from the dead, liveth and reign- eth, world without end. Cong. This I most certainly believe. Min. 1 believe in the Holy Ghost, who proceedeth from the Father, and whom our Lord Jesus Christ sent, after he went away, that he should abide with us for ever. That he should comfort us, as a mother comforteth her children; That he should help our infirmities and make inter- cession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered; That he should bear witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God, and teach us to cry, Abba, Father ! That he should shed abroad in our hearts the love of God, and make our bodies his holy temples; EASTER-MORNING LITANY- xvii And that he should work all in all, dividing to every man severally as he will* To him be glory in the church, which is in Christ Jesus, the holy, universal Christian church, in the com- munion of saints at all times, and from eternity to eternity; Cong. Amen. Min. I believe, that by my own reason and strength I cannot believe in Jesus Christ my Lord, or come to him; But that the Holy Ghost calleth me by the gospel, enlighteneth me with his gifts, sanctifieth and preserveth me in the true faith ; Even as he calleth, gathereth, enlighteneth and sanc- tifieth all Christendom on earth, which he keepeth by Jesus Christ in the only true faith; In which Christian Church he forgiveth me and every believer all sin daily and abundantly. Cong. This I assuredly believe. Min. I desire to depart, and to be with Christ, which is far better; I shall never taste death; yea, I shall at- tain unto the resurrection of the dead : for my body, which I shall put off, this grain of corruptibility, shall put on incorruption : my flesh shall rest in hope : And God, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, wHl also once quicken the bodies here interred, beeause the Spirit of God hath dwelt in them. Cong. Amen. We poor sinners pray, Hear us, gracious Lord and God! Min. And keep us in everlasting fellowship with our brethren N. N. and with our sisters N. N.* who are en- tered into the joy of their Lord; (and whose bodies are buried here) * Here are mentioned in each congregation the names of those;, who departed into eternal rest since the preceding Easter. b 2 xviii EASTER-MORNING LITANY. Also with the servants and handmaids of our church, whom thou hast called home within this year, and with the whole church triumphant; and let us once rest with them in thy presence. Cong. Amen. They are at rest in lasting bliss,— Beholding Christ our Saviour; Our humble expectation is—To live with him* for ever. Min. Glory be to Him, who is the Resurrection and the Life ; He was dead, and behold! He is alive for evermore; And he that believeth in Him, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Glory be to Him in the church which waiteth for Him, and in that which is around Him ; for ever and ever, Cong. Amen. Grant us to lean unshaken — Upon thy faithfulness, Until we hence are taken — To see thee face to face. Min. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with us all; Cong. Amen. LITANIES AT BAPTISM. BAPTISM OF CHILDREN. No. 1. (After the singing of some suitable verses, and a short discourse :J Min. CHRIST, thou Lamb of God, which takest away the sin of the world, Cong. Leave thy peace with us! Amen. M. By thy holy Sacraments, C. Bless us, gracious Lord and God ! LITANIES AT BAPTISM. xix T. 90. C. An infant we present to thee, As thy redeemed property, And thee most fervently intreat This child thyself to consecrate By Baptism, and its soul to bless Out of the fulness of thy grace. J\L * Baptism is the answer of a good conscience towards God, the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost, which is shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Children may also be made partakers of this grace, For Christ hath said, " Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." (Then the child -which is to be baptized, is brought in, and the minister offers up a suitable prayer ; or sings an appropriate verse; for ex* ample :J T. 14. a. M. Be present, Lord! tho' water fails To cleanse a soul from sin, Yet while we pour it, let thy blood Now make this infant clean. Jtf. Ye, who are baptized into Christ Jesus, how were ye baptized ? C Into his death. M. Into the death of Jesus I baptize thee N. N. in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. (During the imposition of hands the minister continues :J Now art thou buried with him, by baptism, into his death ; C In the name of Jesus, Amen. T. 79. p. 2. His death and passion ever, — Till soul and body Shall in thy heart engrav'd remain. (* Questions which may be put to the children, and answered by them. J What is baptism ? May children also be made partakers of this grace? What is the ground of this hope? x± LITANIES AT BAPTISM. Jtf.Now therefore live, yet not thou, hut Christ live in thee! And the life which thou now livest in the flesh, live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved thee, and gave himself for thee. T. 132. a. p. 2. C. This grant according 1 to thy word, Thro* Jesus Christ, our only Lord, O Father, Son, and Spirit* M. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee ! The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gra- cious unto thee ! The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace ! C. In the name of Jesus, Amen. BAPTISM OF CHILDREN. No. 3. C After the singing of some suitable verses, and a short discourse: J Min. \J THOU Lamb of God, which takest away the sin of the world, Cong. Have mercy upon us, and give us thy peace ! M. By all the merits of thy life, sufferings, death and resurrection, C. Bless us, gracious Lord and God ! M. * Baptism was instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ, who said unto his disciples, " Go ye, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I have commanded you." ■HP C* Questions -which may be put to children, and answered by them. J Who instituted baptism ? What promise did he annex thereto ? What are the benefits whereof we are made partakers by baptism? LITANIES AT BAPTISM. xxi He annexed this promise to it, " He that believeth and is baptized, shall he saved." By baptism we are made partakers of the forgiveness of and cleansing from sin, by the blood of Jesus Christ, who loved the church, and gave himself for it, that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word. As many of us as have been baptized, have put on Christ. T. 22. a. C. The Saviour's blood and righteousness Our beauty is, our glorious dress ; Thus well array'd we need not fear, When in his presence we appear. T. 83. d. M. Are the children heirs of Heav'n ? Have they part in Christ our Saviour? C. Yea, this grace to them is giv'n, They are objects of his favor; For he saith : Bring them to me,* Heav'n is theirs assuredly. f* Here the child is brought in, and the minister either offers up a suita- ble prayer, or si7igs an appropriate verse, for example: J T. 1. M. Thou Friend of children, in thy arms of love Receive this child, let it thy mercy prove; And cleanse it with thy blood, that it may share In all thy merits : Jesus, hear our pray'r ! M. Ye who are baptized into Christ Jesus, how were ye baptized ? C. Into his death. •W. Into the death of Jesus I baptize thee N. N. in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. C During the imposition of hands the mijuster continues :J Now art thou buried with him, by baptism, into his death; C In the name of Jesus, Amen. T. 184. p. 2. C. May his atoning death and passion, His agony and bitter pain, Until thy final consummation Deep in thy heart engrav'd remain ! M. Now therefore live, yet not thou, but Christ live in thee! And the life which thou now livest in the xxii LITANIES AT BAPTISM. flesh, live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved thee, and gave himself for thee. T. 58. C. That our Lord's views with thee may be attain'd, We recommend thee now, with faith unfeign'd, To the Father's blessing", to the Son's favor, The Holy Spirit's guidance, now and ever, The angels' guard. *V. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee ! The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gra- cious unto thee ! The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace! C In the name of Jesus, Amen. BAPTISM OF ADULTS. T. 22. Cong. CHRIST, the almighty Son of God, Took on him human flesh and blood, And willingly gave up his breath To save us from eternal death. Praise to the Father, and the Son, And Holy Spirit, Three in One, That we're from condemnation freed, Since Christ our ransom fully paid. C After a short discourse follow these petitions :J /. Dost thou believe that he is thy Lord, who redeemed thee, a lost and undone human creature, pur- chased and gained thee from all sin, from death, and from the power of the devil, not with gold or silver, but with his holy, precious blood, and with his innocent suffering and dying? Answer. I verily believe it. •If. Dost thou desire to be cleansed from sin in the blood of Jesus Christ, and to be buried into his death by holy baptism ? Answer. That is my sincere desire. «.1f. Dost thou desire to be embodied into the congregation of Christ, by holy baptism, which is the laver of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost, and in his kingdom to live under him, and serve him, in eternal righteousness, innocence and hap- piness ? Answer. That is my sincere desire. T, 155. C. Unto him, O Lamb of God, Op^n thy salvation's treasure — In rich measure; Graciously his sins forgive, — Him receive, Grant Mm peace and consolation; Join him to thy congregation, As the purchase of thy deaths xxiv LITANIES AT BAPTISM. T. 22. a. The water flowing" from thy side, Which by the spear was open'd wide, Be now his bath ; thy precious blood Cleanse him, and bring Mm nigh to God. Clhiring the last verse the candidate for baptism kneels down, and the following question is put to the Congregatioii :J M. Ye who are baptized into Christ Jesus, how were ye baptized ? C. Into his death. JH, Into the death of Jesus I baptize thee N. N. in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. C During the imposition of hands the mhiister continues : Now art thou washed, justified and sanctified by the blood of Christ: therefore live, yet not thou, but Christ live in thee! And the life which thou now livest in the flesh, live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved thee, and gave himself for thee. C. Amen, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen, Hallelujah! {Then, tlie congregation kneeling, and the person baptized falling pros^ trate, the following vei^ses may be sung: J T. 22. C. May Christ thee sanctify and bless, His Spirit's seal on thee impress; His body torn with many a wound Preserve thy soul and body sound! The blood-sweat trickling down his face, Thy condemnation doth erase; His cross, his sufferings and his pain, Thy everlasting strength remain. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Will thee protect, we humbly trust. CThiring the last, or any other suitable verse, the congregation rises, and the minister pronounces the blessing: J J\L The Lord bless thee, and keep thee! The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gra- cious unto thee ! The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace ! C In the name of Jesus, x\men. LITANIES AT BAPTISM. xxr BAPTISM OF ADULTS FROM THE HEATHEN. Min. UtFR Lord Jesns Christ, Cong. Be gracious unto us ! M. By thy divine presence, C. Bless us, gracious Lord and God ! M. By all the merits of thy holy humanity, life, suffer- ings, death and resurrection, C, Bless us, gracious Lord and God! T. 22. C. Lord Jesus Christ, all praise to thee, That thou didst deign a man to be, And for each soul which thou hast made Hast an eternal ransom paid ! T. 132. a. O Jesus Christ, thou Son belov'd Of thy celestial Father, By whom all enmity's remov'd, And all the lost find succor; Thou slaughter'd Lamb, our God and Lord, To needy pray'rs thine ear afford, And on us all have mercy ! T. 127. O Lamb of God unspotted, — Our crucified Saviour, Who hast to shame submitted, — With patient meek behaviour; Thy bearing* our transgression — Hath sav'dus from damnation; Have mercy on us, O Jesus ! O Jesus ! T. 30. Lift up thy pierc'd hands, O dearest Saviour, Now pour out on Mm (her or them) that grace and favor, Which in thy loving— -And kind heart for him is ever moving. (After tJiese or other verses suited to tins transaction have been sung, and a short discourse delivered concerning the aim of baptism, and the grace imparted by it to those ivho receive it, the minister shall put the folloiving questions to the candidate: J M. Dost thou believe, that thou art a sinful creature, and dost, on account of thy sins, deserve the wrath of God, and eternal punishment? Answer. I do believe it. »V. Dost thou believe, that Jesus Christ became a man for us, and by his innocent life, sufferings, blood- c xxvi LITANIES AT BAPTISM. shedding, and death, reconciled us poor sinful creatures to God ? Answer. I verily believe it. M. Dost thou believe, that he hath purchased for thee, by his blood and death, remission of sins, life and happiness ? Answer. I verily believe it. *M. Wilt thou in this faith be baptized into the death of Jesus, and be washed from thy sins in his blood ? Answer. That is my sincere desire. M. Dost thou also desire to be delivered from the power of sin and of Satan, and to be received into the fel- lowship of Jesus Christ, and of those who believe in him ? Answer. That is my sincere desire, and I renounce the devil and all his works and ways. T. 22. C. Soul, body, spirit, Lord ! are thine, The purchase of thy blood divine, O take him, as thy property, And keep him thine eternally! C During this verse the candidate for baptism kneels down, and the 77ii?i- ister prays that lie may be cleansed from all his si?is in the blood of Christ; delivered from guilt and punishment, and from the dominion of sin and Satan ; bwied by baptism into the death of Jesus, and raised together with him unto newriess of life, and thus, together with all Believers, received into and made a partaker of the fellowship of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. J T. 75. C. Thro' thy atoning blood, That precious healing* flood, Purge off all sin and sadness, And fill his heart with gladness; Lord, hear thou his confession, And blot out his transgression. Qiij T. 22. C. The water flowing from thy side, Which by the spear was open'd wide, Be now his bath, thy precious blood Cleanse him, and bring him nigh to God. ( 'After tinging one of these, or any other suitable verses follows the baptism :J LITANIES AT BAPTISM. xxvii 9K I baptize thee N. N. into the death of Jesus, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; C. Amen. M. Nfiw art thou buried with Christ, by baptism, into his death; therefore, from henceforth live, yet not thou, but Christ live in thee! And the life which thou now livest in the flesh, live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved thee, and gave himself for thee. IT. 14. a. C. With awe and heartfelt thankfulness, Him in the dust adore;* He who hath look'd on thee in grace, Hath bliss for thee in store. * During these -words the congregation kneels down, and the person bap- tized falls prostrate, during which some more verses may be sung, for instance: T. 22. a. C. May Christ thee sanctify and bless, His Spirit's seal on thee impress; His body torn with many a wound Preserve thy soul and body sound. Or, T. 22. C. The Saviour's blood and righteousness, Thy beauty is, thy glorious dress; Thus well array'd thou need'st not fear, When in his presence all appear. Or, T. 79. p. 2. C. His death and passion ever, Till soul and body sever, Shall in thy heart engrav'd remain. T. 22. ALL. All pow'r and glory doth pertain Unto the Lamb, for he was slain, And hath redeem'd us by his blood,* And made us kings and priests to God. * At these -words the congregation rises, and the mnisler pronounces the blessing of the Lord: M. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee ! The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gra- cious unto thee ! xxviii OF THE HOLY COMMUNION. The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace I C. In the name of Jesus, Amen. T. 11. a. C. Praise on earth to thee be giv'n, Never ceasing praise in heav'n ; Boundless wisdom, povv'r divine. Love unspeakable are thine ! OF THE HOLY COMMUNION. Note. J. N the church of the United Brethren there is no prescribed form of words used at the administration of the Holy Communion. The service is opened by singing verses expressive of a penitent, contrite heart, after which a prayer for absolution is offered up. The Congregation rising, a verse is sung and the bread is conse- crated by pronouncing the words of Institution, thus : " Our Lord Jesus Christ, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and gave it to his disciples, and said: Take, eat ; this is my body, which is given for you. This do in remembrance of ?ne." The blessed bread is then distributed by the minister and his as- sistants, to each communicant, during the singing of hymns, treat- ing principally of the sufferings and death of our Lord. After all the communicants have received the bread, the minister repeats the words : Take, eat, this is the LorcVs body given for you. The congre- gation partake altogether at the same time, kneeling, either in silence, or while a verse is sung, expressive of the solemn act. The congregation rising, verses of thanksgiving are sung, after which the minister consecrates the wine, by pronouncing the words : " After the same manner also our Lord Jesus Christ took the cup, when he had supped, gave thanks, and gave it to them saying: Drink ye all of it; this is my blood, the blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you and for many, for the remission of sins. DOXOLOGIES. xxix This do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of The minister then partaking of the blessed cup, delivers it to his assistants, by whom it is administered to the congregation; during which hymns are sung, treating of the remission of sins in the blood of Jesus and its healing and sanctifying power. The service is closed with such hymns as treat of brotherly love, communion with Christ, and thankfulness for his incarnation and death. DOXOLOGIES. TO BE USED AT ORDINATIONS. Note. A HE service being opened by the singing of the Veni, Crea- tor Spiritus (Come, Holy Ghost, come, Lord our God!) or some other suitable hymn, the bishop addresses the congregation in an appropriate discourse, ending with a charge to the candidate (or candidates) for ordination, after which he offers up a prayer, im- ploring the blessing of God upon the solemn transaction, and com- mending the candidate (or candidates) to his grace, that he (they) may be endowed with power and unction and the influences of the Holy Ghost, for preacbing the word of God, administering the Holy Sacraments, and for doing all those things, which shall be committed unto him, (them) for the promotion of the spiritual edification of the Church. The bishop then proceeds to ordain the candidate (or candidates) with imposition of hands, pronouncing the following, or similar, words ; I ordain (consecrate) thee N. N. to be a Deacon (Presbyter) (Bishop) of the Church of the United Brethren, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: And may the Lord bless thee, find keep thee! TJie Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee J The Lord lift up his counte- nance upon thee, and give thee peace! Lithe name of Jesus, Amen* C 2 xxx DOXOLOGIES. [N. B. At the consecration of bishops, three, or at least two, bishops are required to assist ; and the words used are 3uch as par- ticularly refer to the charge committed to them in the Church.] The bishop having returned to his place, kneels down with the whole congregation, all worshipping in silent devotion, while the following Doxologies are sung in a solemn manner by the choir, the congregation joining in XheJlmen, Hallelujah! The service is concluded with a short hymn, and the bishop pronouncing the blessing. TO BE USED AT THE ORDINATION (a) Of Deacons. Glory be to Thy most meritorious Ministry, O Thou Servant of the true Tabernacle, Who didst not come to be ministered unto, But to minister! Amen, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Cong. Amen, Hallelujah! (b) Of Presbyters. Glory be to thy most holy Priesthood, Christ, Thou Lamb of God ! Thou, who wast slain for us; Who, by one offering, hast perfected for ever them that are sanctified! Amen, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Cong. Amen, Hallelujah! (c) The Consecration of Bishops. Glory be to the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, The great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting Covenant; Glory and obedience be onto God the Holt Ghost, our Guide and Comforter ! LITANY AT BURIALS. No. 1. kxi Glory and adoration be to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the true Father of all, who are called children on earth and in heaven ! O might each pulse thanksgiving beat! And ev'ry breath His praise repeat! Amen, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Cong. Amen, Hallelujah! LITANY AT BURIALS. No. 1. JLiORD, Have mercy upon us! Christ, Have mercy upon us J Lord, Have mercy upon us! Christ, Hear us! Lord God, our Father, which art in heaven ! Hallowed be thy name ; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us; and lead us not into temp- tation; but deliver us from eviL For thine is the king- dom, arid the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen! Lord God, Son, thou Saviour of the world! Be gracious unto us! By thy human birth, By thy prayers and tears, By all the troubles of thy life, By thine infirmities and pains, By all the grief and anguish of thy soul, By thine agony and bloody sweat, By thy bonds and scourgings, By thy crown of thorns, xxxii LITANY AT BURIALS. No. 1. By thine ignominious crucifixion, By (hy sacred wounds and precious blood, By thy atoning death. By thy rest in the grave, By thy glorious resurrection and ascension, By thy sitting at the right hand of God, By thy divine presence, By thy coming again to thy church on earth, or our being called home to thee, Bless and comfort us 9 gracious Lord and God! Lord God, Holy Ghost! Abide with us for ever! T. 83. Coxg. Christ is risen from the dead, Thou shalt rise too, saith my Saviour, Of what should I be afraid? I with him shall live for ever: Can the head forsake his limb, And not draw me unto him ? I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me, shall never die. Therefore, blessed are the dead, which die in the Lord from henceforth; yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law; but thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. T. 580. Cong. This body now to rest convey'd, Into the earth like Jesus' laid, Like his shall rise again : Christ soon in glory will appear, Then we, and these interred here, With him o'er death shall ever reign* We poor sinners pray. Hear ms, gracious Lord and God! * During the singing of this verse, the corpse is laid into the grave. LITANY AT BURIALS. No. 1. xxxiii And keep us in everlasting fellowship with our broth- er (sister) N. N. whose remains we here inter, and with the whole church triumphant, and let us once rest with him (her) in thy presence from all our labor. Jlmen. Our late brother (sister) desired to depart and to be with Christ, which is far better; and he (she) shall nev- er taste death, but attain unto the resurrection of the dead ; for this body, which he (she) hath put off, this grain of corruptibility, shall put on incorruption. His (her) flesh here rests in hope. The Father and the Son, who quicken whom they will, and the Spirit of him, who raised up Jesus from the dead, will also quicken this body, because the Spirit ©f God hath dwelt in it. Amen* T. 22. Cong. The Saviour's blood and righteousness My beauty is, my glorious dress ; Thus well array 'd, I need not fear, When in his presence I appear. None of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself, for whether we live, we live unto the Lord, and whether we die, we die unto the Lord; whether we live therefore or die, we are the Lord's; for to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living. Blessed and holy is he, that hath part in the first resurrection; on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ. T. 58. Cong. The Spirit and the bride of Christ say : come! Let ev'ry one that heareth answer : come ! Amen, come, Lord Jesus ! come, we implore thee; With longing hearts we now are waiting 1 for thee, Come soon, O come ! Glory be to Him who is the Resurrection and the Life, who vivifieth us as long as we are dying: and after we have obtained the true life, doth not suffer us to die any more. xxxiv LITANY AT BURIALS. No. 2. Glory be to Him, in the church which waiteth for Him, and in that which is around Him; for ever and ever, Amen. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with us all. Amen. LITANF AT BURIALS. No. 2. JLiORD, Have mercy upon us! Christ, Have mercy upon us ! Lord, Have mercy upon us! Christ, Hear us! Our Father ', which art in heaven; hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come ; thy will be done on earth, as It is in heaven ; give us this day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that tres- pass against us ; and lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever, Amen. O Father, accept us as thy children in thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who came forth from thee, and came into the world, was made flesh, and dwelt among us, took on him the form of a servant, and hath redeemed us, lost and undone human creatures, from all sin and from death, with his holy and precious blood, and with his in- nocent suffering and dying; to the end that we should be his own, and in his kingdom live under him and serve him, in eternal righteousness, innocence, and happiness: so as he is risen from the dead, liveth and reigneth world without end. Therefore, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors. LITANY AT BURIALS. No. 2. xxxv Whosoever liveth and believeth in Christ, shall never die, for he is the Resurrection and the Life, and went to prepare a place for us, and will come again, and receive us unto himself, that where he is, there we may be also. Meanwhile none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself, for whether we live, we live unto the Lord, and whether we die, we die unto the Lord; whether we live therefore or die, we are the Lord's; for to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living. Blessed and holy is he, that hath part in the first re- surrection; on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ. O death, where is thy sting? O grave where is thy victory? Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory f through our Lord Jesus Christ. T. 14. Cong. Now to the earth let these remains* In hope committed be, Until the body chang'd obtains Blest immortality. We poor sinners pray, Hear ws, gracious Lord and God J And keep us in everlasting fellowship with our broth- er (sister) (or with this child) N. N. whose remains we here inter, and with the whole church triumphant, and let us once rest with him (her) in thy presence from all our labor. Amen. (fAs touching children, Jesus saith: " Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, whoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.") We desire to depart and to be with Christ, which is far better : we shall never taste death : and we shall * During" the singing of this verse, the corpse is laid into the grave, f To be used only at the burial of a child. xxxvi LITANY AT BURIALS. No. 2. attain unto the resurrection of the dead ; for the body, which we shall put off, this grain of corruptibility, shall put on incorruption : our flesh shall rest in hope. The Father and the Son, who quicken whom they will, and the Spirit of him who raised up Jesus from the dead, will also quicken this body, because the Spirit of God hath dwelt in it. Glory be to Him, who is the Resurrection and the Life ! He was dead, and behold He liveth for evermore ! And he that believeth in Him, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Glory be to Him in the church which waiteth for Him, and in that which is around Him ; for ever and ever, Jlmen* T. 79. Coxe. While here, the great salvation Procur'd by Jesus' passion Our fav'rite theme shall be; By virtue of his merit, We shall true life inherit In heav'n to all eternity. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God^ and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with us all. Amen. COLLECTION OF HYMNS, &c. &#W WITH the fallen human race, Lay welt'ring in my blood; Cover'd with shame and deep dis- grace, And banish" d far from God. 2 The loving Jesus passing* by, His bowels yearn'd to see Me wretched sinner helpless lie In deepest misery. 3 Inclin'd to me in tenderness, My soul he would relieve From all its mis'ry and distress, He said, " Arise, and live." 4 He wash'd away my ev'ry stain, And cleans'd me in his blood ; Deck'd me with righteousness di- vine, And brought me nigh to God. 5 My heart no condemnation fears, Nor hell, nor Satan dreads, Christ as the mercy-seat appears, His blood my pardon pleads. 6 Against the fiercest pow'rs of hell, He is my strength and shield; Within his wounds I safely dwell; He fights, I win the field. 7 Since he became my sacrifice, My bonds and chains he broke ; Now to my willing neck he ties His soft and easy yoke. 8 A pardon'd sinner I remain, But sin its pow'r hath lost, Sin still I have, but grace doth Mercy is all my boast. [reign, 9 Arise, O happy soul, rejoice, In endless happiness ; Open to thee is paradise, Go in, and take thy place. 27. T. 22. JLd ORD, lam vile, conceiv'd in sin, And born unholy and unclean; Sprung from the man whose guil- ty fall [all. Corrupts his race, and taints us 2 Soon as we draw our infant breath The seeds of sin engender death; The law demands a perfect heart, But we're defil'd in ev'ry part. 3 O God! create my heart anew, And form my spirit pure and true; O make me wise betimes to see My dang-er and my remedy. 4 Behold, I fall before thy face; My only refuge is thy grace : No outward forms can make me clean, The leprosy lies deep within. 5 My sin I feel, my guilt I know, Thy blood can make me white as snow; [voice, Lord, let me hear thy pard'ning Andmakemy broken heart rejoice. 28. T. 22. TV HEN justice did demand its due, [strife, And sins increas'd the dreadful My Saviour to my succor flew, And by obedience bought my life. 2 My ransom from thepow'rof sin Could not be paid on other term?-. Of the Incarnation and Birth of Jesus Christ. 9 Run, hide thyself, my soul, within Thy bleeding* Saviour's out- stretch' d arms. 3 When law condemns, and justice cries For dreadful vengeance without end, To Jesus then I turn my eyes ; He tells me, he will stand my friend. 4 God on these terms is reconcil'd, And I his gracious heart have won: Now I am deem'd his favor'dchild, In Jesus his beloved Son. 5 What can be laid unto my charge ? When God saith, u Freely I for- give!" Tlio' Satan on my crimes enlarge, Christ saith, I shall not die, but live. 6 The curses which the law of God Pronounc'do'er me, he freely bore; I'm now, by faith in Jesus' blood, Acquitted of sin's dreadful score. 7 Away then doubts and anxious fears ! Be silent all my needless sighs ! My Saviour wipes away my tears, O'er sin and deathlconqu'ror rise. 8 Jesus ! be endless praise to thee ! Let sinners loud thy lauds pro- claim ! Ofoldtheirsinscouldpardon'dbe, And Jesus always is the same. 29. T. 580. A. RISE, ye who are captive led, Complain no more, for Christ, ottr Head, From sin can set you free : Redemption Jesus freely gives, Repenting sinners he receives, He came to save both thee and me. 2 He meekly all our sorrows bore, Us fallen sinners to restore To life and liberty: For us he surFer'd deep distress, Was without form or comeliness ; O depth of love ! O mystery ! 3 Th' almighty Judge condemned was, [cause; That he by death might gain our The Prince of life was slain : And since he suffer'd in our stead, We need no condemnation dread, Eternal life in him we gain. 4 The Holy One, made sin for us, Was nail'dto the accursed cross, And shed his precious blood ; Thus he obtain'd a righteousness For all who mourn for pard'ning grace ; [God ! Thro' Jesus we have peace with 5 Rejoice, O heav'ns, and earth reply ! [sky, With praise, ye sinners, fill the All grace his death procures ; Your woes to blessings he will change, You in his children's order range, Thro' him eternal life is yours. III. Of the Incarnation and Birth of Jesus Christ T. 97. 30. JeSUS, th' almighty Son of God, Takes up with mortals his abode; He who was sworn to Abraham, Who ever was and is the same, Came in due time and mysteries reveal'd, Which from the world's founda- tion were conceal'd. 2 We, dead in sins and trespasses, The narrow way to life and peace Had neither will norpow'r to find; Nor were our stubborn hearts in* clin'd iO Of the Incarnation and Birth of Jesus Christ. To wish, or ask, that happiness to know, [bestow. Which love alone on sinners could 3 Then Love brake forth, " Be- hold me still " Prepar'd, O God, to do thy will ! M i freely come, I freely die, u For guilty man to satisfy; " I in his stead will hang" upon the tree, " From sin, and death, and hell to set him free." 4 And thus, to save our souls from guilt, [spilt; Our Surety's precious blood was The sins of all on him were laid, And he for all hath fully paid : Kow God, as children, freely will receive [believe. Repenting sinners who in Christ 5 Out of mere grace unmerited, Salvation showers on our head ; Because the Lamb was crucify' d, Because the Lord of glory dy'd, Are we invited to receive a crown, Before the world was made or- dain 'd our own. 31.* T. 22. A O God we render thanks and praise, Who pity'd mankind's fallen race, And gave his dear and only Son, That us, as children, he might own . 2 What grace, what great benev- olence ! [sense ! What love, surpassing human For this great work, no angel can Him duly praise, much less a man. 3 The Word eternal did assume Our flesh and blood, and man be- come ; [see The First and Last with wonder Partake of human misery. 4 He came so seek and save the lost; [cost, We sinn'd, and he would bear the That we might share eternal blia#; O what unbounded love was this ! 5 For what is all the human race, That God should show such matchless grace, To give his Son, that we might claim Life everlasting in his name. 6 How wretched they who still despise Jesus, the Pearl of greatest price ! Such as neglect to hear his voice, Must perish by their own free choice. 7 Unhappy those who turn away, Or such as carelessly delay To meet their Saviour, tho' he came Their souls from mis'ry to reclaim. 8 Come, sinners, Jesus will re- ceive [live ! The worst of sinners ; come and " I'll dwell with you," our Sa- viour saith ; [faith. Receive him in your hearts by 9 Your crimes and self-made ho- liness, Your carnal reason and distress Give up, and trust to Christ alone, Who did for all your sins atone. 10 Thus sav'dby God's unbound- ed grace, [praise, You'll humbly render thanks and With all the num'rous ransom'd host, To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ! 32. T. 590. BEHOLD, to us a Child is born, To us a Son is giv'n ; Unto the wretched and forlorn, Descends the Lord from heav'n i The promis'd seed, Immanuel, The everlasting God, Comes down to save from death and hell Poor sinners by his blood. Of the Incarnation and Birth of Jesus Christ. 11 2 Great is the hidden mystery That God became a man ! He had, from all eternity, In mercy form'd a plan To save from mis'ry and distress The fallen human race ; And now the Sun of Righteousness His healing beams displays. 3 The Father lov'd us as his own, Tho' we from him hadstray'd, And freely gave his only Son To suffer in our stead. The Son, in love to us, declar'd : ° I come to do God's will ;" And in this fallen world appear'd, His counsel to fulfil. 4 The Holy Ghost had long fore- That Jesus should appear ; [told And thus the patriarchs of old Did his salvation share : Of him blest Mary did conceive The holy child she bore : And he instructs us to believe In Christ, and him adore. 5 Thus Father, Son, and Holy In this decree are one, [Ghost, To save us sinners, vile and lost, By Jesus Christ the Son : The Father's love we plainly trace In Christ th' incarnate God ; What we possess of life and grace The Spirit hath bestow'd. 6 Come, sinners, view th' incar- nate Word, Who us and all things made ; This helpless Babe is Christ the Lord, Though in a manger laid. For us to die is Jesus born, Adore his saving name, Rej oice, rej oice ! for all that mourn May his salvation claim. 33.* T. 101. JtXOW shall I meet my Saviour ? How shall I welcome thee ? What manner of behaviour Is now requir'd of me ? 1 wait for thy salvation, Grant me thy Spirit's light. Thus will my preparation Be pleasing in thy sight. 2 While with her fragrant flowers Thy Zion strews thy way, I'll raise with all my powers To thee a grateful lay : I'll thee, the King of glory, For thy great goodness praise, And thankfully adore thee Throughout my future days. 3 What hast thou not performed From death to rescue me ! While I was so deformed By sin and misery ; Fair gifts of my creation Quite lost, made me despair ; But thy blest incarnation Brought my redemption near. 4 I lay in fetters groaning, Thou cam'st to set me free ; My shame I was bemoaning, With grace thou clothedst me ; Thou raisedst me to glory, Endowedst me with bliss, Which is not transitory. As worldly grandeur is . 5 Love caus'd thy incarnation, Love brought thee down to me ! Thy thirst for my salvation Procur'd my liberty : O Love beyond all measure ! Wherewith thou dost embrace Mankind, 'midst all that pressure Which since the fall takes place. 6 No sinful man's endeavor, Nor any mortal's care, Could draw his sov'reign favor To sinners in despair ; Uncall'd, he comes with gladness Us from the fall to raise, And change our grief and sadness To songs of joy and praise. 7 Be not cast down, nor frighted At sin, though e'er so great ; No ! Jesus is delighted The greatest to remit : ±2 Of the Incarnation and Birth of Jesus Christ. He comes, repenting sinners With life and love to crown, And make them happy winners Of glory like his own. 34.* T. 50. J ESUS, all praise is due to thee, That thou wast pleas'd a man to be ! [pow'r, O'ershadow'd by the Spirit's A virgin thee conceiv'd and bore. Hallelujah! 2 The son of God, who fram'd the skies, Now humbly in a manger lies ; He, who the earth's foundations laid, A helpless infant now is made. Hal. 3 Th' eternal and almighty God Assumes our feeble flesh and blood ; [dwell, He deigns with sinful men to Is God with us, Immanuel. Hal. 4 He is the Sun of righteousness, Which riseth with resplendent grace, [night, And doth dispel sin's gloomy That we may share his saving light. Hal. 5 To grant us pardon, peace and rest, He in this world became a guest, And open'd, thro' himself, the way To life and everlasting day. Hal . 6 For therefore poor on earth he came, That we might all his riches claim, To make us heirs of glory bright, With all the ransom'd saints in light. Hal. 7 For us these wonders hath he wrought [thought : To show his love, surpassing Then let us all unite to sing Praise to our Saviour, God and King. Hallelujah! 33.* T. 137. JilSE, my soul, shake off all sadness, Christ is near — thee to cheer; Angels sing with gladness: Unto you is born a Saviour On this day; — don't delay To accept God's favor. 2 Our eternal, kind Creator Leaves his own — glorious throne, And assumes our nature : From perdition full exemption To procure, — and endure Death for our redemption. 3 O th' amazing demonstration Of his love, — which we prove By his incarnation ! If mankind by him were loathed, How could he — deign to be With our nature clothed ? 4 See your Saviour in a manger j 'Midst his own, — yet unknown. Treated like a stranger ; Tended by an earthly mother : Him believe,-— and receive, He is Christ your Brother ! 5 Lo ! he in the manger lieth ; Full of grace,-^truth and peace, Sweetly thus he crieth : " Cease, my brethren, now from grieving, Anxiousness — and distress ; Your loss I'm retrieving." 6 Ye that feel quite poor and needy, Come, who will, — take your fill, All things now are ready : He is come to be your Saviour, Full of love, — to remove Guilt and curse for ever. 7 Jesus, hear my supplication, Grant me graces — to embrace Thee as my salvation;: Then like Simeon, (O what favor ! ) I desire — to retire Hence in peace for ever. Of the Incarnation and Birth of Jesus Christ, lc 36. T. 166. INFINITE Source, whence all did spring", [Lord, Thou of all things the Head and Thou mighty and eternal King, Who art in heav'n and earth a- dor'd, [contain, Thou, whom the heav'ns cannot Didst deign to leave thy throne above, To be an infant poor and mean : myst'ry deep 1 O boundless love! 2 The cause of this, I know it well, [woe ; Was thy great love and my great 1 was an heir of death and hell, This prompted thee to stoop so low ; My mis 'ry mov' d the Go d of grace, Who in the Father's bosom lay, When the due time had taken place His deep compassion to display. I 3 What off'ring shall I bring to thee, Immanuel, my King and God! Thou, who vouchsaf 'st a man to be, To save me by thy precious blood; Thou, to whom angels praises sing, " Peace upon earth, good will to men;" To whom the sages humbly bring Their gifts, tho' thou appear so mean. 4 This will 1 do, thou Child divine! I'll give thee that for which thou cam'st! My soul and body, Lord, are thine, And them in love to me thcu claim'st. My humble sacrifice receive, Dear Jesus ! born to bleed for me, That I by faith in thee might live, And with thee live eternally. 37. T. 58. vi COME and view the greatest mystery ! ' [seas and sky, He who made ajl the world, the Now is born an infant : the virgin Mary, [doth carry. Upon her arms, the Lord of hosts A feeble child. 2 He who prepar'd for ev'ry bird a nest, [to rest, And gave the foxes holes wherein Poverty endured, became a stran- ger [a manger In his own world; then rested in The Lord of all ! 3 But why was Jesus born in pov- erty ? [lie ? Why did our Maker in a manger 'Twas that he might purchase life and salvation, And gain for us a glorious habi- tation In realms of bliss. 4 O Jesus Christ, thou onlv holy child, How canst thou show such love to sinners spoiPd ! But since thou thus lovest, we now adore thee, We humbly praise thy name and bow before thee. Hallelujah! 5 Thy sacred meritorious infancy Our crown and everlasting glory be ! [us estranged, From world, sin and Satan, keep Till we shall once around thy throne be ranged For evermore. 38. T. 590. \j OME, ye redeemed of the Lord, Your grateful tribute bring, And celebrate, with one accord, The birth of Christ our King" : Let us with humble hearts repair (Faith will point out the road) To little Bethlehem, and there Adore th' incarnate God. 2 All glory to ImmanuePs name The choirs of angels sing ; Gladly these heralds peace pro- claim, Peace from our God and King • B 14 Of the Incarnation and Birth of Jesus Christ. Well might the shepherds haste away This wond'rous Babe to see ; Well might the sages homage pay, Before him bow the knee. 3 We too have reason to rejoice, When we this myst'ry view, That God assum'd our flesh and O wonder ever new! [blood. We humbly in the dust adore ; Lord, who is like to thee ! That thou, vile sinners to restore, Hast deign'd a man to be. 39. T. 126. SlNNERS, with adoration Keceive this wond'rous Child, Who came and brought salvation, Th' eternal Father styl'd : Behold him with our nature drest, Divested of his glory, In his own world a guest. 2 With his blest incarnation His glorious work began, A needful preparation For his whole future plan ; Had not his body been prepar'd, He never could have suffer 'd, Nor we his nature shar'd. 3 Behold! laid in a manger, The Ancient of all days ; Upon this heav'nly Stranger With awe and rev'rence gaze ; He, who the world's foundation laid, Must now be fed and nourish'd By creatures whom he made. 4 Though to his boundless mercy No limits can be set, Yet without controversy The mystery is great ; Angels into its depths can't pry, 'Tis great, immense, stupendous ; Jehovah, born to die ! 40.* T. 169. A RISE, my spirit, bless the day Whereon the ages' Sire A Child became ; thy homage pay, Receive him with desire. This is the night in which he came, Was born, and put on human frame, Us sinners to deliver From sin and death for ever. 2 Welcome, thou Source of ev'ry O Jesus, King of glory ! [good, Welcome, thrice welcome, Lamb of God, To this world transitory ! In grateful hymns thy name I'll praise, [my days ; With heart and voice throughout For thy blest incarnation Procured my salvation. 3 Ah Jesus ! thy unworthy bride Deserved to be loathed, And yet thou hast her to thyself Upon the cross betrothed : Her portion had been infamy, Eternal shame and misery, Hadst thou not left thy glory : Who can enough adore thee ! 4 O lovely Infant ! thou art full Of grace above all measure ; Thou art more precious to my Than ev'ry other treasure : [soul Come, Jesus, come, abide with me, O let my heart thy dwelling be ; Then I, without cessation, Shall joy in thy salvation. 41. T. 580. A.LL glory be to God on high! Ye sons of Adam, fill the sky With praise and thankfulness ; God, mov'd by everlasting love, Decreed with his dear Son above, A sinful world to save and bless. 2 Stand still, and see what God hath done ; His only and beloved Son For us he freely gave ; For us, and for the num'rous race Of cursed sinners vile and base ! Yea, ev'n the worst he came to save. Of the Incarnation and Birth of Jesus Christ. 15 3 He as a poor mean Child was born, His birth no palace did adorn, A manger was his bed ; Look, look upon this rising Sun, Till tears of love your eyes o'er- run : " [Head. This lovely babe is Christ our 42. T. 11. WHAT good news the angels bring ! What glad tidings of our King ! Christ the Lord is born to-day, Christ, who takes our sins away. 2 He who rules both heav'n and earth, Hath in Bethlehem his birth ; Him shall all the faithful see, And rejoice eternally. 3 Lift your hearts and voices high, With hos annas fill the sky : Glory be to God above, Who is infinite in love ! 4 Peace on earth, good will to men ! Now with us our God is seen : Angels join his name to praise, Help to sing redeeming grace. 5 Jesus is the loveliest name ; This the angel doth proclaim ; Sinners poor he came to save, They in him redemption have. 6 They who see themselves un- done, And take refuge to the Son, They shall all be born again, And with him in glory reign. 43." T. 11. ALL the world give praises due! God is faithful, God is true : He to man doth comfort send In his Son, the sinners' Friend. 2 What the fathers wish'd of old, What the promises foretold, What the seers did prophesy, Is fulfill'd most gloriously. 3 My Salvation, welcome be ! Thou, my Portion, praise to thee! Come, and make thy blest abode In my heart, O Son of God ! 4 Grant thy comforts to my mind, Since I'm helpless, poor and blind; O may I in faith abide Thine, and never turn aside. 5 Jesus, when in majesty Thou shalt come my judge to be, Grant in grace that I may stand Justify'd at thy right hand. 44.* T. 22. ImMANUEL, to thee we sing, Thou Prince of life, almighty King, That thou, expected ages past, Didst come to visit us at last. 2 Thou, Lord, tho' heav'n belongs to thee, On earth a stranger deign'st to be, Thou clothest all, yet wear'st a dress [press. Which doth the poorest state ex- 3 Thou dost a mother's nursing need, Who dost the whole creation feed; Thou, who control'st the sea and wind, In swaddling clothes art now con- fin'd. 4 On wither'd grass reclines thy head, A wretched manger is thy bed : Tho' thou appear'st among thine own, No kindness unto thee is shown. 5 I thank thee, gracious Lord, that thou On my account didst stoop so low: O that my words, my works and ways May all proclaim thy matchless praise ! 10 Of the Incarnation and Birth of Jesus Christ* 43.* T. 22. C HRIST, whom the virgin Mary bore, We all with humble hearts adore; O might all nations, tribes and tongues, To our Immanuel raise their songs. 2 God, who to all things being gave, The fallen human race to save, Assum'd our feeble flesh and blood, And for our debt as Surety stood. 3 lie who the wants of all sup- plies, Xow in a manger helpless lies, He, who the whole creation feeds, An earthly mother's nursing needs . 4 The angels at his birth rejoice, And sing his praise with cheerful voice, [born, The shepherds, hearing Christ is To Jesus, our chief Shepherd, turn. 5 Thanks to the Father now be giv'n, [heav'n : Who sent liis Son to us from Thanks to the Son who saves the lost, Thanks to our Guide the Holy Ghost. 46.* T. 22. A O-DAY we celebrate the birth Of Jesus Christ, who came on earth, Man as his property to claim, And from perdition to redeem. 2 Awake, my heart ! my soul, re- joice ! Look, who in yonder manger lies ! Who is that Child, so poor and mean ? [tain. 'Tis he, who all things doth sus- 3 Welcome, O welcome, noble Guest ! Who sinners not despised hast, But cam'st into our misery ; How shall we pay due thanks to thee ? 4 Immanuel, incarnate God, Prepare my heart for thy abode i O may I, through thy aiding* grace, In all I do, shew forth thy prake. 47. T. 16. CHRIST the Lord, the Lord most glorious, Xow is born ; O shout aloud ! Man by him is made victorious ; Praiseyour Saviour, hail your God! 2 Praise the Lord, for on us shi- neth Christ the Sun of righteousness; He to us in love inclineth, Cheers our souls with pard'ning- grace. 3 Praise the Lord, whose saving splendor Shines into the darkest night ; O what praises shall we render For this never-ceasing light ! 4 Praise the Lord, God our Sal- vation, Praise him, who retriev'd our loss; Sing with awe and love's sensation: Hallelujah, God with cs I 48. T. 585. liAIL, thou wond'rous infant stranger, Born, lost Eden to regain ; Welcome in thy humble manger ! Welcome to thy creature man ! Hail Immanuel :|: thou who wast ere time began. 2 Say, ye blest seraphic legions, What thus brought your Maker down ? [gions, Sav, why did he leave your re- Why forsake his heav'nly throne ? Notes melodious :J|: tell the cause : " Good will to man." Of the Incarnation and Birth of Jesus Christ. 17 3 We this ofFer'd favor needed, Hence we j oin your theme with j oy ; We by none will be exceeded, While we laud this mystery ; And with wonder :[: God incar- nate glorify. 49. T. 22. MAKER of all things, Lord our God, [blood, Now veil'd in feeble flesh and To reconcile and set us free From endless woe and misery ; 2 What heights, what depths of love divine In thy blest incarnation shine! Let heav'n and earth unite their lays, To magnify thy boundless grace. 50. T. 14. HoSANNA to the royal Son Of David's apxient line ! iBs Matures two, his person one, Mysterious and divine. 2 The root of David here we find, And offspring is the .same,; Eternity and time are join'd In our Immanuel's name. 3 Blest He that comes to wretch- ed men With peaceful news from heav'n ! Hosannas, in the highest strain^ To Christ the Lord be giv'n ! 51. T. 155. CHRIST, the sov'reign Lord of all, Was a Babe laid in a manger, A poor Stranger ; 'Midst the people styl'd his own Quite unknown ; In the world, which he created, Disavow'd, despis'd and hated ; Him our Lord and God we own. 2 Othou Day-springfrom on high! When we, lost in deepest wonder, B Duly ponder On thy love in coming down From thy throne, To save sinners from damnation, For thy love and great compassion, Thee we praise, thank and adore. 52.* T. 14. A WOND'ROUS change Christ with us makes ; The praise is his alone ; [takes, His own t'impart, our nature To raise us to his throne. 2 In servant's form, lo! he ap- Our freedom to obtain ; [pears, To show his love, our shame he And glory thus we gain, [bears, 03. T. 14. BOTH to the Seraph and the worm God's goodness doth abound, He calms the sea, calls forth the storm, And fructifies the ground. 2 But yet his mercy to man's race More richly was display'd ; He pity'd us in our distress, And therefore flesh was made. 3 That he as man might sympa- With ev'ry grief we feel, [thize And, being made a sacrifice, AVith blood our pardon seal. 54. T. 240. -OlLL hail, Immanuel, Eternal Word, all hail ! O Jesus, -sinners' friend, Whose mercy knows no end, Love made thee condescend. With men to make abode, And, veil'd in flesh and blood, To bring us nigh to God; Thy sacred name we bless, Jesus, Jesus, Full of truth and power; Blessed, blessed, Blessed evermore ! 2 18 Of the Name of Jesus, and his Walk on Earth. 55. T. 586. A WILL rejoice in God my Sa- viour, And magnify this act of love ; I'm lost in wonder at his favor, Which him to leave his throne could move, To take upon him human nature, To suffer for his wretched crea- ture, Dire anguish, keenest pain, And death-pangs to sustain, My soul to gain. 56.* T. 58. O SING, all ye redeem'd from Adam's fall, Your Hallelujahs join, both great and small ; Praise ye God rejoicing, for our salvation This Child was born ; this blest, divine donation Is God with us. 67* T. 39. I O God our Immanuel, made flesh as we are, Our Friend, our Redeemer, and Brother most dear, Be honor and glory ! Let with one accord All people say, Amen ! Give praise to the Lord. IV. Of the Name of Jesus, and his Walk on Earth. 58.* T. 146. JL ORD Jesus, when I trace Thee as the great Creator, With fear I hide my face ; But when in human nature 1 see thy deep distress, And lowliness of heart, 1 freely must confess That thou my Brother art. 2 Therefore I'll thee adore With deep humiliation, And own thee evermore Lord of the whole creation ; But thy humanity, Thy birth, thy life, and death, Unite my soul to thee, While here on earth I breathe. 59. T. 14. II OW sweet the name of Jesus To a believer's ear ! [sounds It sooths his sorrows, heals his wounds And drives away his fear. 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast ; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary rest. 3 Jesus ! the Rock on winch I build, My Shield and hiding-place, My never-failing treas'ry fill'd With boundless stores of grace. 4 Jesus, my Shepherd, Saviour, Friend, My Prophet, Priest, and King; My Lord, my life, my way, my Accept the praise 1 bring. [end, 5 Weak are the efforts of my heart, And cold my warmest thought ; But when I see thee as thou art, I'll praise thee as I ought. 6 Till then I would thy love pro- claim With ev'ry fleeting breath ; And may thy saving Jesus-name Refresh my soul in death. 60. T. 14. uESUS, I love thy charming 'Tis music to mine ear ; [name, I gladly would thy praises sound, That earth and heav'n might hear. Of the Name of Jesus, and his Walk on Earth. 19 2 Yes, thou art precious to my In thee is all my trust ; [soul, Jewels to me are gaudy toys, And gold is sordid dust. 3 O may thy name still cheer my heart, And shed its fragrance there ! The noblest balm for all its wounds, The cordial of its care. 4 Til speak the honors of thy name, With my last lab'ring breath ; When speechless, thou shalt be my hope, My joy in life and death. 61.* T. 08. fe ACRED name of Jesus, So great and holy, That all our tongues can never praise thee truly As thou deserv'st. 2 Holy name of Jesus, Though men blaspheme thee, I will adore, whene'er I hear or name thee, With gratitude. 3 Precious name of Jesus, How sweet and blessed Art thou to souls, who, mourning and distressed, Upon thee call ! 4 Cheering name of Jesus, Whence comfort floweth ; No angel like a contrite sinner knoweth Thy pow'r divine. 5 Lovely name of Jesus, Whoe'er confideth In thee, obtains a treasure which abideth, And never fails 6 Saving name of Jesus, In which salvation Is preach'd to ev'ry kindred, tongue and nation, Might all thee praise ! 7 Faithful name of Jesus, In thee I've trusted, And of thy faithfulness on earth have boasted, And shall in heav'n. 8 Blessed name of Jesus, How efficacious To save, to sanctify and to pre- serve us ! Thee we adore. 9 Jesus, blessed Jesus, Name so revered By all believers ; they can ne'er be wearied In praising thee. 10 Name for ever sacred, For ever precious ; Let ail within us echo Jesus, Jesus ! For evermore. 62. T. 119. JESUS' name, :!|: Source of life and happiness ; In this name true consolation Mourning 1 sinners may possess ; Here is found complete salvation: Blessed Jesus, we thy name will All our days. :||: [praise 2 God with us, :||: God appears in human frame ; In his name rejoice with gladness, Since to save lost man he came ; None need sink in hopeless sad- ness, For Immanuel is now with us, God with us. :(j: 63. T. 11. J ESUS is our highest good, He hath sav'd us by his blood; May we love him evermore, And his saving name adore. 2 Jesus, when stern justice said, " Man his life hath forfeited, M Vengeance follows by decree," Cry'd, " Inflict it all on me." 3 Jesus gives us life and peace, Faith, and love, and holiness ; Ev'ry blessing, great or small, Jesus for us purchas'd all. 20 Of the Name of Jesus, and his Walk on Earth* 4 Jesus therefore let us own, Jesus we'll exalt alone, Jesus hath our sins forgiv'n, Jesus' blood procur'd us heav'n. 64. T. 14. J>1 Y God a man ! a man indeed, An infant truly poor ; Born, for a sinful race to bleed, Salvation to procure. 2 Who can describe the loveliness Which was, blest Child, in thee ? Thy whole deportment heav'nly And true humility. [grace, 3 According to th' appointed plan My infant Saviour grew, In favor both with God and man, In years and stature too. 4 My Saviour learned Joseph's trade, Was call'd a carpenter, (Mark 6.3) And therefore, that he earn'd his We justly may infer. [bread, 5 Often oppress'd with human He to his Father sighs, [care, Or spends the night in fervent pray'r, And offers tears and cries. 6 Again, as Teacher of Mankind I see my humble Lord ■ How cheerfully was he inclin'd To preach the saving word! 7 To comfort men was his delight, To help them in distress ; He ready was, by day and nig-ht, To pardon, heal and bless. 8 Oft he was hungry, spent and In his own world a guest, [sad, And of his own no place he had, His weary head to rest. 9 Ah, might my heart a mirror be, Reflecting