' , \ } ,' W 7 ',1 li,. V , M''''. '' ' lfj,'*!i: '■ in>;i'^' ■ IP V, . ) } ' A:v.4v :.;■■■■ '- J_llll! '"^'^ .x^^ ^^^^ ^'^P!^= , ^^^••i® -.'--.'* ■•Jfe\ -^/".-'^ .\>, - ~ \ .<> >- viz ^ <.c;^ ■^ .. , virvv ^ 'z , ,Qo^ ^ -^^ ^^^^ ^* .0 ^^ -n^. "o^ ' ^ P" <^ ^' ^\^ ■% ^^ ^^ -^c.. '^^- ^ ■^ .^^ "^^. THE PREMIER DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Revised and brought up to date in accordance with the most recent eminent American and English authorities By EDWARD T. ROE, LL.B, n AND OTHER LEXICOGRAPHERS PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED IN COLORS AND HALF-TONES PUBLISHED BY WORLD SYNDICATE COMPANY NEW YORK 1914 EDITION V ',. Copyright, 1904, by LOUIS KLOPSCH, NEW YORK Copyright, 1905. by CUPPLES & LEON Copyright, 1911, by CUPPLES & LEON COMPANY Copyright, 1913, by WORLD SYNDICATE COMPANY y^/^'v INDEX TO FULL PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS COLORED PLATES. Standard Breeds of Cattle Characteristic Forms and Markings of American Birds' Eggs North American Food and Game Fishes Flags of All Nations Tropical Fruits Principal Types of Mankind Map of the United States Map of the World Standard Breeds of Poultry Silkworms Statistical Charts Areas of the Earth. Character of Land of the Earth. Principal Religions of the World. Principal Religious Sects of the United States. Precious Stones in their Natural State ** " 764- Army Uniforms of the Leading Nations of the World '* ' 83i BLACK AND WHITE PLATES The new United States Battleship "Delaware" Facing Pag& 344- Leading Types of Biplanes '* " 647 Birds " " 376 Modern Building Construction (New York Municipal Building) " " 725 icin^ Z Page 170 296 328 344 360 646 518 518 614 724 519 Butterflies and Moths Fac ing Page 202 New Cannon for Attacking Airships '' 834 Curious Costumes and Head-Dresses " 658 A Cotton Picking Machine " 170 New Grand Central Depot— New York " 361 Leading Types of Dirigible Balloons " 765 Familiar Types of Dogs " 203 Wild Flowers " 801 Domestic Fowl " 377 Gasoline Harvesting Engine '' 171 One of the Largest Locomotives in the World " 615 Leading Types of Monoplanes " 646 New White Star Liner "Olympic" " 345 At Work on the Panama Canal * " 614 Double Octuple or Eight - Roll Newspaper Press * " 297 United States Seals ' " 124 Shells " 800 Athletic and Outdoor Sports * " 659 The Woolworth Building — The Largest in the World ' . c. ^29 I PREFACE I I HIS work is specially designed to meet the popular demand for a convenient, complete, and reliable dictionary. The orthography and pronunciation in this work correspond with the rules laid down by Noah Webster. It contains all the words of the English language that are not peculiarly appropriate to a dictionary of technial terms. It gives the speUing and pronunciation of plurals, and indicates the use of capitals and small letters in writing every word in the vocabulary. The past tense and the participles of verbs are given wherever not regularly formed, as by the addition of -d, -ed, and -ing. The words in the vocabulary are arranged in strictly alphabeti- cal order, making quick reference easy, and the size of the type is sufficiently large to render close and tiresome scrutiny unnecessary. The pronunciation of each word is plainly indicated by phonetic speUing. The definitions, while concise, are sufficiently comprehensive to embrace all the recent distinctions and meanings, and are accurate and reliable in every respect. Believing that the demand for a convenient, complete, and reliable up-to-date American dictionary has been met by the con- struction of the present handy volume, it is confidently hoped by the publishers that the work will meet with a popular reception at the hands of the public. TABLE OF CONTENTS Afpkkbix, (Treasury of Facts) , . , Abbreviations of the Parts of Speedi, . • Christian Names of Men, . . • • Christian Names of Women, . • Constitution of the United States of America^ • Decisive Battles ..... Declaration of Independence, . • • Dictionary of the English Language, • • Dictionary of Commercial and Legal TeriBSy • Electoral Vote in 1908, . . . • Facts About the Earth, . . . • Familiar Allusions, . . » • Famous Characters in Poetry and Prose . • Foreign Words, Phrases, Proverbs, Quotations, etC^ Key to Pronunciation, . . . • . Language of the Flowers, • . • . Metric System of Weights and Measures, . Origia, Composition, and Derivation of the English Presidents of the United States, States, Names of, their Origin and Meanings • Synonyms and Antonyms, . . • • Time Difference, . . . . • U. S. Census, 1910, ..... Value of Foreign Coins in U. S. Money, . Weather Forecasts, ..... Abbreviations of the Parts of Speech AND THEIR GRAMMATICAL SIGNIFICATIONS The words that constitute our language are classified under eight different heads, called "parts of speech" ; and, independently of the articles a, an, and the, consist of the NOUN, the ADJEC- TIVE, the PRONOUN, the VERB, the ADVERB, the PREPOSITION, the CONJUNCTION, and the INTERJEC- TION ; and each word in the Dictionary is referred to one or other of these categories according to the functions, thus : — n. representing noun or substantive. adv. representing adverb, adjo " adjective. prep. " preposition. pron. " pronoun. conj. " conjunction. Vc " verb. interj. " interjection. As the four first parts of speech vary in inflection or other wise, these changes are indicated thus : — V. t representing verb-transitive. V, i. ** verb-neuter or intransitive. p. adj. " participial-adjective. p. p. " past participle. p. pr. " . present participle. p. t ** past tense. To one or other of the above Parts of Speech each of the many thousand words of which our language is composed belongs, and the same word may belong to this or that division according to its function in a sentence. Thus, a word is a Noun or Sub- stantive when it names a thing, whether that be a substance or an abstraction, being called a noun as naming, and a substantive as capable of qualification. An Adjective (from the Latin ad- jectum) is a word "added to" a substantive to qualify it in some way, and in general at once amplify its meaning and limit its application. A Pronoun (from tte ^ ^tm pro nomine) is 2i v^ord Abbreviation of the Parts of Speech used "in place of a noun" to avoid its repitition, as well as to indicate certain rhetorical relations or logical connections. The Verb (from the Latin verbum) is ''the word" of a sentence, and that which makes the assertion, as well as asks a question or expresses a command, and is here called active when it is transi- tive, and neuter (i.e.y neither active nor passive) when it is not. An Adverb (from the Latin ad verbum) is a word properly append- ed "to a verb" to express some modifying circumstance of place, time, manner or cause regarding it, but is also used to qualify attributive words like adjectives as well as verbs. The Prepo- sition (from the Latin prcepositum) is a word ''placed before" a noun or pronoun to show its relation to some other word in the sentence, and was originally expressive, for most part, of place- relation. The Conjunction (from the Latin conjunctio) is a word used to "join together" sentences or clauses of sentences, and to indicate the relation in which these stand to each other. The Interjection (from the Latin interjectum) is an abrupt exclama- tion "thrown between" the words of a sentence to express some related emotion on the part of the speaker, On referring to the Dictionary, the student will find many words which are of differ- ent parts of speech, and verbs which are both active and neuter, according to the senses in which they are used ; but these are all clearly distinguished, and the definitions given accordingly. ON THE Origin^ Composition^ and Derivation OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE I I The English Language, which is now spoken over a large section of the globe, and by upwards of two hundred millions erf its inhabitants, was originally formed from one imported into England by various small tribes from the north of Germany, who settled in it in the fifth and sixth centuries of the Christian era, the principal of which were the Jutes, the Saxons, and the Angles. These, on invading the country, gradually drove the greater number of the aboriginal inhabitants, who were of the Celtic race, westward, and into the mountainous parts of Wales, where their descendants are now located, and where their language is still spoken. Soon after these settlers arrived, the southern part of Britain was, after the chief tribe, called Angleland — i,e», land of the Angles — or England; and the language which they spoke, formed from the amalgamation of their several dialects, was called Anglo-Saxon. This is a branch of the Teutonic group, and claims kinship therefore with the Indo-European family of languages, of which the Teutonic is a member. At the present time we find four groups of languages spoken in Europe, viz., the Celtic, the Latin, the Sclavonic, and the Teu- tonic. The Celtic languages are Welsh, spoken in Wales, Gaelic in the Highlands of Scotland, Erse in Ireland, Manx in the Isle of Man, and Breton in Brittany. The Latin language is, with various Origin, Composition, and Derivation modifications, spoken by the Italians, the Spaniards, the French, and the Portuguese. The Sclavonic is spoken by the inhabitants of Russia, Poland, Croatia, and some parts of the Austrian Empire. The other inhabitants of Europe speak the Gothic languages, which are now generally called Teutonic. To the Teutonic belong the German, the Dutch, the Flemish, the Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian, and with these accordingly the English stands in close affinity. The majority of words in the English language, as now spoken, and all the properly English ones, are from the Anglo-Saxon, and include the more common, homely, and familiar words ; as, eome, go, can, will, good, see, hear, above, home, bad. The others are, directly or indirectly, mostly from the Latin or the language of the ancient Romans, while the rest are from the Celtic, French, German, and Scandinavian languages, along with the Greek, which supplies the language with nearly all its scientific terms. Latin words were introduced partly by the Romans themselves, but mainly by the clergy of the Romish Church after Christianity was established, and by learned men after the revival of the study of the ancient languages in the 15th and i6th centuries. French words were added by the Normans after the Conquest, and relate to feudalism, law, the church, the chase, and cuisine. The intro- duction of Greek words connects itself with the rise and extension of scientific discovery. About the beginning of the 17th century, in the reign of James L, our language had already begun to assume the form in which we now find it, and is from that date entitled to be called the English language. From the time when the Bible was translated into English, and, by being printed, s pread among the people ; when the Book of Common Prayer was compiled, and, along with the Bible, read to Origin, Composition, and Derivation the people in churches ; and when great writers, such as Spenser, Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Bacon, and Milton, began to publish their immortal works in the every-day speech of the country, the language may be said to have become fixed ; for, although numerous Greek and Latin words have been introduced since then to supply new terms required by the rapid extension of the arts and sciences, the language itself has, in its genius and form, undergone no material change. It is, in all essential particulars, the same as when it first took shape in the days of Queen Elizabeth, and her successor, James. There are four periods in the history of the English language: (i.) The Anglo-Saxon, or old EngHsh, from 450 to iioo, when the vocabulary was Saxon and the words were largely inflected ; (2.) The Early English, from iioo to 1250, when French words began to appear and inflections to disappear or become confused ; (3.) The Middle English, from 1250 to 1485, when inflections in many cases disappear altogether, and French, which had been intro- duced, began to yield to it ; (4.) The Modem English, from 1485 to the present time. Key to Pronunqation. a as in fade, aid, ate, sale, in<2de. a " f^i^ther, calm, half, farm., arm, a " ask, dance, gr^^sp, last, grant. a " hat, had, ran, sh(5^11, pss. o " not, torrid, slot, odd, bodkin, oo " moon, fool, stool, school. 00 " book, woman, wolf, wool, foot. U " m.'wte, -wnion, i^nit, P'^^ny, f'i^tile. II " hut, drum, dull, ci^rrent. oi " oil, join, oyster. ou " hoi^se, o'i^t, hownd. ch " chnrch, mucA, matoA. g " ^ood, ^ive, dig, d2.gger. kh " astraMan, Man, Medive. ng " '^ing, tongne, spring, hang, ih " thine, those, hresithe. th " thin, worth, sympa^^Ay. sh " .^Aall, pu^A, ^Aoot, fa^Aion. A a (a or a), indef. art. (contraction of an), one; any. used before words beginning with a consonant or the sound of h. abaca (ab'a-ka), n. manila hemp. abacist (ab'a-sist), n. a calculator; accountant. aback (a-bak'), adv. backward; pressed back against the mast : said of sails ; by surprise. abacus (ab'a-kus), n. a contrivance of beads or balls strung upon rods or wires : used for arithmetical com- putation ; the slab crowning a col- umn or pillar. abaft (a-baft'), adv. & prep, at, to- wards, or in the direction of the stern of a ship ; astern. abaiser (a-ba'ser), n. bone black. abaloue (ab-a-lo'ne), n. a gastropod having an ear-shaped shell. abandon, (a-ban'dun), v.t. to give up ; desert or forsake utterly ; give up all claim to ; yield one's self : n. unrestraint ; freedom of manner. abandoned (a-ban'dund), adj. given up entirely ; shamelessly profligate. abandonment (a-ban'dun-ment), n. the act of abandoning ; the state of being abandoned; freedom from re- straint. a-bas (a-ba'), [French] down with. abase (a-bas'), v.t. to humble or de- grade ; debase morally ; dishonor. abasement (a-bas'ment), n. the act of abasing or humiliating. abash, (a-bash'), v.t. to put to con- fusion ; confound or make ashamed by consciousness of guilt or error. abatable ( a-ba'ta-bl ) , adj. that may be abated. abate (a-bat'), v.t. to lessen; sup- press : v. i. to decrease ; moderate i subside. abatement (a-bat'ment), n. the act of abating ; the state of being abat- ed ; diminution ; the amount by which a sum or quantity is reduced, abatis, abattis (English ab'a-tis ; French (a-ba-te'), n. a barricade composed of felled trees with the branches pointing outward. abattoir (a-bat-twar'), n. a public slaughter-house. abb ( ab ) , n. the yarn of the warp ic weaving. abba (ab'a & ab'a), n. father; a title of a bishop in the Syriac, CoptiCs, and Ethiopic churches. abbacy (ab'a-si), n. the office and jurisdiction of an abbot. abbe (a-ba'), n. an ecclesiastic de voted to literature. abbess (ab'es), n. the lady-superiot of a convent or nunnery. abbey (ab'i), n. [pi. abbeys (-iz)], an establishment for religious devo- tees of either sex, renounced to celib« acy and seclusion from the world. abbot (ab'ut), n. the superior oi- head of an abbey. abbreviate (ab-bre'vi-at), v.t. to shorten, as by contraction of a word, or the omission of words in a sen- tence ; reduce a quantity to its low- est terms. abbreviation (ab-bre'vi-a'shun), w, the act of shortening or abbreviat- ing ; the state of being abbreviated ; the word, phrase, or title so con- tracted, as M.D. for Doctor of Medi I cine. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; booa- book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Bbb 10 abi abbreviator (ab-bre'vi-a-ter), n. one who shortens or abbreviates. abbreviatory (ab-bre'vi-a-to-ri), adj. abbreviating or contracting. abbreviature (ab-bre'vi-a-tur), n. the sign, letter, or character used for contraction ; a compendium or abridgment. abdicant (ab'di-kant), adj. renounc- ing ; abdicating : n. one who re- nounces or abdicates. abdicate (ab'di-kat), v.t. renounce, give up, or withdraw from ; to re- linquish the crown in favor of a successor. abdication (ab-di-ka'shun), n. the act of relinquishment or resignation. abdicator (ab'di-ka-ter), n. one who abdicates or resigns. abdomen (ab'do-men), n. the belly; the cavity containing the digestive apparatus or viscera ; the posterior segment or third division of the body of an insect. abdominal (ab-dom'i-nal), adj. per- taining to the abdomen. abdominous (ab-dom'i-nus), adj. re- lating to the abdomen ; large-bellied. abduce (ab-dtis'), 'V.t. to draw away by persuasion or argument ; draw aside by an abductor muscle. abducent (ab-dii'sent), n. that which abducts : adj. pulling away from a common center. abduct (ab-dukt'), v.t. to carry ofEby stealth or force ; kidnap. abduction (ab-duk'shun), n. the act of abducting or kidnapping. abductor ( ab-duk'ter ) , n. one who, or that which, abducts ; a muscle moving certain parts from the axis of a limb. abeam (a-bem'), adv. at right angles to the keel of a ship. abecedarian (a-be-se-da'ri-an), or abecedary, adj. belonging to the alphabet : n. one teaching or learn- ing the alpliabet. abed (a-bed'), adv. in bed; to bed. aberrant (ab-er'ant), adj. departing from the usual path, type, or stand- ard. aberration (ab-er-ra'shun), n. the act of departing from the usual path, type, or standard ; mental de- rangement ; the unequal refraction of rays of light from a lens so that they do not converge to a single point. aberuncator (ab-e-rung'ka-ter), n. an instrument for weeding, and for pruning trees. abet (a-bef), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. abetted, p.pr. abetting], to encourage; to aid or assist in the performance of an act, usually to a criminal nature ; to incite, or instigate. abetment (a-bet'ment), n. the act of abetting or instigating to action or crime. abetter or abettor (a-bet'er), n. one who aids or abets in the com- mission of a crime ; one who pro- tects a criminal or assists him to escape from justice. abeyance (a-ba'ans), n. held or kept back ; held over ; a state of suspen- sion. abbor (ab-hor'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. ab- horred, p.pr. abhorring], to hate, loathe, execrate, abominate ; be strongly averse to ; shrink or recoil from with horror, dread, or disgust. abborrence (ab-hor'rens), n. detes- tation ; extreme hatred ; that which excites a feeling of strong repug- nance. abhorrent (ab-hor 'rent), adj. detest- able, hateful, repulsive. abhorrer (al3-h6r'rer), n. one who abhors or detests. abhorring (ab-hor 'ring), n. the feel- ing of abhorrence ; the object of ab- horrence. abide (a-bid'), [p.t. & p.p. abode, p.pr. abiding], v.t. to await, endure, withstand, tolerate : v.i. to dwell, re- side, continue, stand firm. abider (a-bid'er), n. one who con- tinues or resides ; a resident. abiding (a-bl'ding), p.adj. remain- ing ; staying ; steadfast, in faith or in purpose. abigail (ab'i-gal), n. a waiting-maid, so called from Abigail, "thine hand- maid" (I Sam. XXV. 2-41). ability (a-bil'i-ti), w. power to per- form ; skill to achieve ; capability for carrying out ; capacity to devise, receive, retain, or make use of; tte, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon- book ; hue, hut ; think, then, abi 11 a1>( physical or moral strength ; talents or gifts, in a special or general de- gree ; wealth ; means. abintestate (ab-in-tes'tat), adj. suc- ceeding to the estate of a person dying without a wilL abiogenesis (ab-i-o-jen'e-sis), n. spontaneous generation. abiogenous (ab-i-oj'en-us)^ adj. re- suiting from spontaneous generation. abject (ab'jekt), adj. worthless; mean ; low ; despicable ; in a sunken or degraded condition. abjection (ab-jek'shun), n. the act of being cast down ; cast away ; deg- radation. abjuration (ab-jH-ra'shun), n. an oath of renunciation, as of allegi- ance ; the act of renouncing. abjure (ab-jur'), v.t. to renounce upon oath ; forswear allegiance to ; repudiate or recant. ablactation (ab-lak-ta'shun), n. the act of weaning a child from the breast. ablation (ab-la'shun), n. the act of removal or carrying away. ablatitious (ab-la-tish'us), adj. hav- ing the quality of carrying away. ablative (ab'la-tiv), n. one of the cases of Latin nouns, expressing chiefly separation and instrumental- ity. ablaze (a-blaz'), adv. or adj. on fire; well alight ; in a blaze ; eager ; in- flamed with desire ; resplendent. able (a'bl), adj. possessed of power, means, or ability ; qualified, compe* tent ; bodily or mentally strong ; legally authorized or entitled. able-bodied (bod'id), adj. possessed of physical strength ; capable or effi- cient for duty. ablegate (ab'le-gat), n. the envoy sent by the Pope with insignia, &c., to newly-appointed cardinals. abloom (a-bloom'), adv. & adj. in bloom. abluent (ab'lu-ent), adj. cleansing: n. that which cleanses ; a substance which purifies the blood. ablution (ab-lti'shun), n. a washing or cleansing of the body by water ; moral purification. ablutionary (ab-lu'shun-a-ri), adj. pertaining to cleansing. abnegate (ab'ne-gat), v.t. to refuse or deny to one's self. abnormal (ab-nor'mal), adj. irregu- lar; deformed; unnatural; depart ing from a type, standard, or rule , exceptional ; out of tlie common. abnormality ( ab-nor-mal'i-ti ) , n [pi. abnormalities (-tiz)], the state or condition of being abnormal oi irregular ; difference or departure from a regular type or rule. abnormally (-li), adv. in an abnor- mal manner. abnormity (ab-n5r'mi-ti), n. [ph abnormities (-tiz)], deformity; ir- regularity. aboard (a-bord'), adv. on or within a vessel : prep, into a ship, abode (a-bod'), n. a place of contin- ued residence ; a dwelling ; a hab- itation ; residence generally. abolish, (a-bol'ish), v.t. to efface; d© away with ; put an end to. abolition (ab-o-lish'un), n. the act of abolishing ; the state of being abolished ; the annulment or abro- gation of decrees, rites, customs, &Cc abolitionism (ab-6-lish'un-izm), Wa the doctrine or principles of those advocating the abolition of certain laws or customs, as the traffic im drink, slaves, &c. abolitionist (ab-o-lish'un-ist), n. one who is in favor of the repeal or abolition of some existing law or custom, as the slave trade or drink traffic. aboma (a-bo'ma), n. the name of a large species of boa or anaconda of tropical America. abominable (a-bom'i-na-bl), adjo hateful ; odious ; offensive ; uncleaUo abominate (a-bom'i-nat), v.t. to ab- hor ; regard with feelings of disgust or hatred. abomination (a-bom-i-na'shun), tio excessive hatred ; the act of abomi- nating ; the thing abominated ; de- filement ; pollution. aboriginal (ab-o-rij'i-nal), adj. orig- inal ; primitive ; existing from the beginning : n. the species of animals or plants presumed to have orig- inated within a given area. aborigines (ab-o-rij'i-nez), n.pl. the first or primitive inhabitants of a ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, rait ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut : think, then. B.ho 12 abs country ; the native or indigenous animals or plants of any geograph- ical area. abort (a-b6rt'), v.i. to miscarry in birth ; to remain undeveloped. aborted (a-bor'ted), p. adj. prema- turely born ; checked or arrested in development ; functionally imper- fect. .abortion (a-bor'shun), n. untimely birth ; miscarriage ; that which falls -short of maturity by arrest of de- velopment. abortionist (a-bor'shun-ist), n. one who is guilty of the crime of pro- curing a criminal abortion, or who ipduces abortion. abortive (a-bor'tiv), adj. born im- perfect ; arrested in development ; without issue or result. abound (a-bound'), v.i. to have in plenty or abundance ; to exist in great numbers or quantity (followed by in or with). about (a-bouf), adv. around; on every side ; circuitously ; near to ; intending ; prep, concerned in ; re- lating to. above (a-buv'), adv. in a higher place ; overhead ; in heaven ; before ; besides : prep, superior ; beyond ; in excess of. aboveboard (a-buv'bord) , adj. & adv. in open sight ; without trickery. abradant (ab-ra'dant), adj. having the property of rubbing away : n. substance employed for abrading or scouring. abrade (ab-rad'), v.t. to wear or rub away; to remove as by friction or abrasion ; to corrode, as by acids. abrasion (ab-ra'zhun), n. the act of wearing or rubbing away ; a chafe. $ibreast ( a-brest' ) , adv. side by side ; in line with ; opposite to ; at the same level. abridge (a-brij'), v.t. to curtail, shorten, condense, eptomize. abridgment (a-brij'ment), n. the state of being contracted or cur- tailed ; an epitome. abroacb (a-broch'), adv. & adj. let- ting out ; placed in position for yielding the contents. abroad (a-brawd'), adv. widely; ex- pansively; beyond the limits of house or country ; wide of the mark. abrogate (ab'ro-gat), v.t. to abolish, annul, or repeal by authority. abrogation (ab-ro-ga'shun), n. the act of abrogating ; the repeal or an- nulling of a law. abrogator (ab'ro-ga-ter), n. one who repeals by authority. abrupt (ab-rupf), adj. broken; ter- minating suddenly ; steep ; precip- itous ; rough ; unceremonious. abrupted (ab-rupt'ed), p.adj. broken off with suddenness ; torn off or asunder. abruption (ab-rup'shun), n. a sep- aration with violence ; a sudden or abrupt termination. abscess (ab'ses), n. [pi. abscesses (-ez)], a collection of morbid mat- ter or pus in the tissues of the body, abscission (ab-sizh'un), n. the act of severance ; the breaking off in a sentence, leaving the rest to be im- plied. abscond (ab-skond'), v.i. to flee or retire in haste from the place of one's residence or post of duty ; quit the country in secret. absence (ab'sens), n. the state of being absent ; the period of being absent. absent (ab'sent), adj. not present; away ; wanting ; regardless ; ab- stracted. absent (ab-sent'), v.t. to retire or keep away from. absentee (ab-sen-te'), n. one who is absent or absents himself purposely from home or duty. absenteeism (ab-sen-te'izm), n. the state or custom of living away from one's country or estate. absently (ab'sent-li), adv. in an ab- stracted manner. absintbe (English ab'sinth ; French ab-sangt'), n. wormwood; a bitter aromatic liqueur compounded of brandy and wormwood, largely drunk in France. absintbin (ab-sin'thin), n. the bitter principle of wormwood. absolute (ab'so-lut), adj. free as to condition ; perfect in itself ; unlim- ited in power ; fixed , irrevocable ; §te, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. abs 13 abs despotic ; positive : n. the will or power of the Almighty. absolution (ab-so-lti'shun). n. the act of absolving from the conse- quences of sin. absolutism (ab'so-lti-tizm), n. the state of being absolute ; the principle or system of absolute government. absolutist (ab'so-ltit-ist), n. sl sup- porter or advocate of despotic or absolute government. absolutory (ab-soru-to-ri), adj. ab- solving ; capable of absolving. absolvatory (ab-sol'va-to-ri), adj. containing or conferring absolution ; having power to pardon or absolve. absolve (ab-solv'), v.t. to release or set free ; clear of crime or guilt ; to forgive or remit. absorb (ab-sorb'), v.t. to drink in; imbibe ; suck or swallow up ; en- gross or engage wholly. absorbability (ab-sSrb-a-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being absorb- able. absorbable (ab-s6rb'a-bl), adj. capa- able of being absorbed. absorbency (ab-sorb'en-si), n. ca- pacity for absorbing. absorbent (ab-s6rb'ent), adj. ab- sorbing : n. the capacity for absorb- ing; anything which absorbs or takes in nutritive matter; a vessel in the body ; a substance capable of absorbing or withdrawing gases or moisture from the air. absorptiometer ( ab-s6rp-shi-om'e- ter), n. an instrument to show the amount of gas absorbed by a unit volume of a fluid. absorption (ab-s6rp'shun), n. the process or act of absorbing; the state of being absorbed ; entire oc- cupation of the mind. absorption-bands (-banz), n.pl. the dark bands in the spectrum, more or less wide, and not usually sharply defined. absorption- lines (-lins), n.pl. dark lines in the spectrum produced by the absorption of cool vapors through which the light has passed. absorptive (ab-s6rp'tiv), adj. having power or capacity for absorption. absorptivity (ab-s6rp-tiv'i-ti), w. the power of absorption. absquatulate (ab-skwot'u-lat), v.i. to abscond. abstain (ab-stan'), v.t. to forbear; refrain ; hold aloof ; keep away from. abstainer ( ab-stan'er ) , n. one who abstains, especially from intoxicants. abstemious (ab-ste'mi-us), adj, moderate and sparing in the use of food and drink ; non-indulgent. abstention (ab-sten'shun), n. the act of holding off or abstaining. abstentionist (ab-sten'shun-ist), n. one who favors or practices absten- tion. abstentious (ab-sten'shus), adj, characterized by abstention. abstergent (ab-ster'jent), adj. pos- sessing cleansing or purging proper- ties : n. that which cleanses or purges ; a detergent. abstersion (ab-ster-shun), n. the act of wiping clean ; the act of cleans- ing by the use of abstergents. abstersive (ab-ster'siv), adj. cleans- ing; of the nature or quality of an abstergent : n. that which cleanses or purifies. abstinence (ab'sti-nens), n. the act or practice of abstaining ; self- denial ; partial or total forbearance from the use of food or drink. abstinent (ab'sti-nent), adj. refrain- ing from over-indulgence, especially with regard to food and drink ; n. an abstainer. abstract (ab-strakt'), v.t. to take or draw away ; separate ; purloin or steal ; epitomize ; separate from and consider apart. abstract ( ab-strakt'), n. an epitome; a summary or abstract comprising the essence or principal parts of a larger work : adj. considered or con- ceived apart from its concrete or material nature, abstract noun, n. the name of a state or quality considered apart from the object to which it belongs. abstracted (ab-strakt'ed), p.adj. separated ; disjoined ; refined ; ab- struse ; mentally absent. abstraction (ab-strak'shun), n. the act of separating or drawing away; ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n6rth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. «ttt» 14 tJie state of being withdrawn or ab- stracted ; concentration of mind or attention. abstractional ( ab-strak'shun-al ) , adj. pertaining to abstraction. albstractionist ( ab-strak'shun-ist ) , n. one who deals witli abstractions ; an idealist ; a dreamer, abstractive (ab-strak'tiv), adj. hav- ing the quality or power of abstrac- tion. abstractly (ab'strakt-li) , adv. in an abstract manner. abstrabent (ab'stra-hent), adj. ab- stract ; eliminating from unessential or foreign elements. abstruse (ab-stroos'), adj. obscure; hidden ; difficult of comprehension ; profound. absurd (ab-serd'), adj. contrary to reason or sense ; ridiculous. absurdity (ab-serd'i-ti), n. ipl. ab- surdities, (-tiz)] the state of being absurd ; that which is absurd. abundance (a-bun'dans), n. in great plenty ; an over-flowing quantity ; affluence. abundant (a-bun'dant), adj. plenti- ful ; fully sufficient ; abounding. abuse (a-buz'), v.t. to use ill; treat i-tidely or wrongfully ; to defile or violate ; use violent or abusive lan- guage towards ; vituperate. abuse (a-bus'), n. ill-treatment; the excessive or injudicious use of any- thing ; insult ; violation. abusive (a-bti'siv), adj. practicing or containing abuse. abut (a-buf), v.i. Ip.t. & p.p. abut- ted, p.pr. abutting], to border upon; touch at one end; terminate, (tjsed with on, upon, against.) abutment ( a-but'ment ) , n. that which borders upon something else ; the solid structure which supports the extremity of a bridge or arch. abuzz (a-buz'), adv. filled with buzz- ing sounds. abysm (a-bizm'), n. an abyss, a gulf. abysmal (a-biz'mal), adj. pertaining to an abyss ; bottomless. abyss (a-bis'), n. a bottomless gulf; that which is unfathomable ; hell. acacia (a-ka-shi-a), n. a plant of the genus of same name. academic (ak-a-dem'ik), or aca- demical (-al), n. a college student or member of a university : adj. be- longing or appertaining to a college or university. academically (-li), adv. in an aca- demical manner ; after the fashion of an academy. academicals (ak-a-dem'i-kals), n.pl. the costume worn by graduates and undergraduates at a university or a college. academician (ak-a-de-mish'an), n, a member of an academy or society for promoting the arts, sciences, and literature. academy (a-kad'e-mi) , n. a private school or seminary for the teaching of the higher branches of education ; a school for instruction in special subjects ; an association or society of men eminent in literature, science, and art ; a building devoted to academic purposes. acanthus (a-kan'thus), n. a plant having sharp-toothed leaves ; orna- mentation adopted in the capitals of the Corinthian and Composite orders, and resembling the foliage of the acanthus. accede (ak-sed'), v.i. to come or at- tain to ; to agree or yield to. accelerate (ak-sel'er-at), v.t. to hasten ; to cause to move or pro- gress faster ; quicken the speed of ; bring nearer in time. acceleration (ak-sel-er-a'shun), n. the act of accelerating ; the state of being accelerated. accelerative (ak-sel'er-a-tiv), adj, hastening ; tending to increase ve- locity. accelerator (ak-sel'er-a-ter), n. that which quickens or accelerates ; any method in photography by which a sensitized or chemical plate is ex- posed for a less time to the light. acceleratory ( ak-serer-a-to-ri ) , adj. accelerating or tending to accelerate. accent (ak'sent), n. the stress laid by the voice upon a particular syl- lable of a word, so as to ren- der it more prominent than the rest ; the mark or character used in writing and printing to express the manner of pronouncing of a word ; ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me. merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, but ; think, then. 15 a peculiarity of utterance or ex- pression distinguishing the language of different parts or districts of the same or a foreign county ; the em- phasis placed upon certain notes of a bar of music : v.t. to express the accent, or denote the vocal division of a word by stress or modulation of the voice ; to pronounce ; mark or accent a word in writing by use of a sign ; dwell upon or emphasize, as a passage of music, accentual (ak-sen'tti-al), adj. be- longing to accent ; rhythmical. accentuate (ak-sen'tti-at), v.t. to speak ; pronounce or mark with an accent ; give prominence to in speak- ing or writing ; lay stress upon. accentuation (ak-sen-tu-a'shun), n. the act of accentuating by stress or accent; the act of speaking (or writing) with emphasis or distinc- tion. accept (ak-sept'), v.t. to take or re- ceive with approbation ; entertain ; agree to, or acquiesce in ; under- stand or receive in a particular sense ; to agree or promise to pay. acceptable (ak-sep'ta-bl), adj. capa- able of giving pleasure or gratifica- tion. acceptability (ak-sep'ta-bil'i-ti), or acceptableness (ak-sep'ta-bl-nes) , n. the quality of being acceptable or agreeable. acceptance (ak-sep'tans), n. the act of accepting ; the fact of being ac- cepted, or received with approba- tion ; the subscription to a bill of exchange ; the bill accepted or the sum contained in it. acceptation (ak-sep-ta'shun), n. the act of accepting, or state of being accepted or acceptable ; the meaning or sense of a word or statement in which it is to be understood. accepter or acceptor (ak-sep'ter), n. one who accepts ; the person who accepts a bill of exchange. access (ak'ses), n. admittance or ap- proach to a person or place ; means of approach or admission ; addition or increase ; the recurrence or fits of paroxysms in diseases. accessary. See accessory. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, tliQU, accessibility ( ak-ses-i-bil'i-ti ) , «, the condition of being accessible. accessible (ak-ses'i-bl), adj. capable of being approached ; easy of access ; attainable. accession (ak-sesh'un), n. a coming to, as by succession or by right; entrance or attainment ; the act of acceding by assent or agreement ; in- crease or augmentation ; the acquire- ment of property by improvement, growth, or labor expended ; the at- tack or commencement of a disease. accessional ( ak-sesh'uh-al ) , adj. ad- ditional ; pertaining to an accession. accessorial (ak-ses-o'ri-al), adj. per- taining to an accessory, as acces- sorial guilt or agency. accessory (ak-ses'o-ri), [pi. acces- sories (-riz)], adj. aiding; contrib- uting to some result or effect : n. one who aids in the commission of a felony ; an accomplice ; that which is in the nature of an appendage. accidence (ak'si-dens), n. the por- tion of grammar which deals with the inflections of words ; a book containing the rudiments of gram- mar ; the rudiments themselves. accident (ak'si-dent), n. an event which is unexpected, or the cause of which was unforeseen ; a contingen- cy, casualty, or mishap ; a property of a thing which is not essential to it. accidental (ak-si-den'tal), adj. hap- pening by chance or unexpectedly ; fortuitous ; non-essential ; connected with, but not necessarily belonging to : n. that which happens unex- pectedly ; an adjunct, or non-essen- tial part or quality ; a sharp, flat, or natural introduced into a piece of music to lower or raise the note be- fore which it is placed. accidentally (-li), adv. in an acci- dental manner. acclaim (ak-klam'), v.i. to shout ap- plause : n. a shout of joy or praise : acclamation. acclamation (ak-kla-ma'shun), n. a shout of applause, or other demon- stration of hearty approval ; an out- burst of joy, or praise ; the adop- tion of a resolution viva voce; a mode of papal election. ace 16 gicciamatoi'y (ak-klam'a-to-ri), adj. exi»re3«ing joy or applause by ac- clamation. acclimate (ak-feirmat), ■t':v, to accus- tom a pc.rion to a foreign climate. acclimation (ak-kli-ma'shun), n. the process of acclimatizing, or the state of being inured to a foreign climate ; acclimatization. acclimatize (ak-kli'ma-tiz), v.t. & v.i. to accustom or become accus- tomed to a foreign climate ; said of plants or animals. acclivity (ak-kliv'i-ti), n, [pi. ac- clivities (-tiz)], an ascent or up- ward slope of the earth ; the talus of a rampart. acclivous (ak-kli'vus), adj. rising, as a slope ; uphill. accolated (ak'ko-la-ted), p.adj. con- taining two or more profile heads, so arranged that one partially over- laps the next, as in the shilling of William III. and Mary. accommodate (ak-kom'mo-dat), v.t. to adapt or make fit or suitable ; ad- just, settle ; supply or furnish ; do a favor to ; lend money for the con- venience of a borrower : v.i. to be conformable to. accomm.o dating (ak-kom'mo-da- ting), p.adj. obliging; of a yielding disposition ; adapting one's self to the desires of others. accommodation (ak-kom-mo-da'- shun) , n. the act of accommodating ; or the state of being accommodated ; that which supplies a want or de- sire. accommodation-bill (-bil), n. a bill or note endorsed by one or more parties to enable the drawer to raise money upon it. accommodation-ladder (-lad'er), n. a ladder or stairway suspended at the gangway of a ship. accommodative (ak-kom'mo-da-tiv) , adj. disposed or tending to accom- modate. accompaniment (ak-kum'pa-ni- ment), n. something which is added to, or attends the original or princi- pal thing by way of ornament, or for the sake of symmetry. accompanist (ak-kum'pa-nist), n. one who plays an accompaniment. accompany (ak-kum'pa-ni), v.t. to keep company with ; escort ; join in movement or action ; perform the accompaniment in a composition for voice and instrument. accomplice (ak-kom'plis), n. an as- sociate or companion in crime. accomplisli (ak-kom'plish), v.t. to bring to completion, or to an issue ; fulfill ; attain as the result of exer- tion. accomplished (ak-kom'plisht), p. adj. finished ; perfected ; possessed of social qualifications. accomplishment (ak-kom'plish- ment), n. the completion of an act or undertaking ; fulfillment ; an ac- quirement or qualification in art or manners. accomptant. See accountant. accord (ak-kord'), v.t. & v.i. to be in agreement with ; reconcile ; agree ; give ; grant ; concede ; to adjust or bring to agreement ; to be in corre- spondence or harmony ; agree in pitch and tone : n. agreement ; uni- son ; concurrence of will or opinion ; harmony. accordance (ak-kord'ans), n. the state of being in harmony or accord. accordant (ak-kord'ant ),«(?;. corre- sponding ; of the same mind. according (ak-kord'ing), p.adj. agreeing, harmonious : adv. in ac- cordance (with) or agreeably (to). accordion (ak-kord'i-un), n. a small wind instrument, having keys and metallic reeds, and worked by means of a bellows, after the fashion of a concertina. accost (ak-kosf), v.t. to draw near, or come face to face with ; speak to ; salute : n. the act of accosting ; manner. accoucliement (ak-koosh'mong), n. delivery in child-bed ; parturition ; a lying-in. accouclieur (ak-koosh-er'), n. a medical man who attends confine- ment cases. account (ak-kounf), v.t. to reckon or hold to be ; compute ; count : v.i. to assign an explanation [with for] ; take into consideration ; relate : n. a reckoning ; a financial statement or memorandum ; a narrative ; any- ate, arm, ask, at, awl; mg, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not;^ booDo book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ace 17 thing in the form of a statement, written or verbal ; reason or con- sideration ; profit ; advantage ; esti- mation ; consequence ; importance. " account- current (-kur'ent), n. the statement of account between two or more persons, drawn out in the form of debtor and creditor. accountability (ak-kount-a-bil'i-ti) , n. the state of being liable or ac- countable. accountable ( ak-kount'a-bl ) , adj. answerable ; responsible ; liable to be called to account. accountably (-bli), adv. in an ac- countable manner. accountancy (ak-koun'tan-si), n. the art or practice of an accountant. accountant (ak-koun'tant), n. one skilled in the keeping or examina- tion of accounts : adj. giving ac- count ; responsible. accoutre (ak-koo'ter), v.t. to dress; equip ; to array in military dress ; furnish with accoutrements. accoutrements (ak-k5o'ter-ments) , n.pl. equipage ; dress ; military equipments. accredit (ak-kred'it), v.t. to give credit to ; have confidence in ; authorize ; stamp with authority ; to believe and accept as true. accrescent (ak-kres'sent), adj. in- creasing ; growing. accrete (ak-kref), 'v.i. to adhere; be added: v.t. to cause to grow or unite. accretion (ak-kre'shun), n. increase by natural growth ; the addition of external parts ; the growing together of parts or members naturally sepa- rate. accretive (ak-kre'tiv), adj. adding to or increasing by growth. accroacbment (ak-kroch'ment),_ n. the act of accroaching ; usurpation. accrue (ak-kro6), v.i. to come to hap- pen or result to naturally as an increment, as of profit or loss. accruement (ak-kroo'ment), n. an addition or increment. accruer (ak-kroo'er), n. the act of accretion. accumbent (ak-kum'bent), adj. re- clining or recumbent. accumulate (ak-ku'mti-lat), v.t. to collect or bring together; amass; heap up : v.i. to increase in size, number, or quantity. accumulation ( ak-ku-mu-la'shun ) , n. the act of accumulating or amass- ing ; the addition of interest to. principal ; the mass accumulated. accumulative ( ak-ku'mu.-la-tiv) , adj. tending to accumulate. accumulative juagment (-juj'- ment), n. a second judgment which takes effect against a person after the first sentence has expired. accumulator (ak-kti'mu-la-ter), n. one who, or that which, accumu- lates ; an apparatus for equalizing pressure ; an electric storage bat- tery. accuracy ( ak'kH-ra-si ) , n. the qual- ity of being accurate; exactness or correctness. accurate (ak'ku-rat), adj. in exact conformity with the truth; free from error ; precise. accursed (a-ker'sed), or accurst (a-kerst'), p.adj. under or subject to a curse ; doomed to destruction ; de- testable ; execrable. accusable ( ak-kuz'a-bl ) , adj. liable to be censured or accused. accusation (ak-kti-za'shun), n. a charge or imputation of wrong- doing ; the act of accusing or imput- ing. accusatival (ak-ku-za-ti'val), adj. pertaining to the accusative case. accusative (ak-ku'za-tiv), adj. ac- cusing : n. the objective case, denot- ing the otject of the verb. accusatory (ak-ku'za-to-ri), or ac- cusatorial (ak-ku-za-to'ri-al), adj. accusing, or containing an accusa- tion. accusatorially (-li), adv. in an ac- cusatorial manner. accuse (ak-kuz'), v.t. to charge with guilt or blame; make or bring an imputation against. accuser (ak-kuz'er), n. one who ac- cuses ; one who formally charges an offense against another. accustom (ak-kus'tum), v.t. to habit- ituate or familiarize by custom or use. te, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, them 18 accustomed ( ak-kus'tumd ) , p. adj. frequent ; usual ; often practiced. ace (as), n. [pi. aces (-ez)], a unit; in playing cards and dice, a card or die marked with a single pip ; a very small quantity. ace-point (-'point), the single mark of the ace-card and of the die marked with one spot. acedia (a-se'di-a), n. an abnormal condition of the mind, characterized by lassitude, listlessness, and general indifference. acentric ( a-sen'trik ) , adj. away from the center ; having no center. Acephala (a-sef'a-la), n.pl. a term applied to all ordinary bivalves, as the oyster, having no distinct head. acephalous (a-sef'a-lus), adj. head- less ; without a leader ; an ovary of a plant that has its style springing from the base instead of the apex. acerbity (a-ser'bi-ti), n. [pi. acerbi- ties (-tiz)], sourness; sharpness; harshness or severity of temper or expression. acetanilide (as-et-an'i-lid), w. a pun- gent white powder, formed by the action of acetyl chloride on aniline : used in medicine as an antipyretic. acetate (as'e-tat), n. a salt of acetic acid. acetated (as'e-ta-ted), p.adj. com- bined with acetic acid. acetation. See acetification. acetic acid (a-se'tik & a-set'ik as'id) , n. _ a clear liquid, with a strong acid taste and peculiar sharp smell. It is present in a dilute form in vinegar. acetification (a-set-i-fi-ka'shun), n. the act or process of acetifying or becoming acetous ; the preparation of vinegar. acetify (a-set'i-fi), v. t, [p.t. & p.p. acetified, p.pr, acetifying], to turn into vinegar ; make acetous. acetimeter (as-e-tim'e-ter), n. an instrument for gauging the strength or purity of vinegar or acetic acid. acetin (as'e-tin), n. a combination of acetic acid with glycerine. acetone (as'e-ton), n. a clear volatile liquid, composed of carbon, hydro- gen, and oxygen. acetose (as'e-tos), or acetous (as'e tus ) , adj. of the nature of vinegar j ' sour ; causing acetification. acetylene (a-set'i-len), n. a brilliant illuminating gas, produced by sub- jecting calcium-carbide to the action of water. aclie (ak), n. pain, more or less con- tinuous : v.i. to suffer, or be in pain. achievable (a-che'va-bl), adj. possi- ble to achieve ; capable of being per- formed. achieve (a-chev), v.t. to perform, carry out, accomplish ; to gain or bring to a successful issue by an ef- fort : v.i. to bring about a desired result. achievement (a-chev'ment), n. the act of achieving ; accomplishment ; that which is achieved or accom- plished ; an escutcheon or armorial shield, also called a hatchment. achilles-tendon ( a-kil'ez-ten'dun) , the powerful tendon placed in, and moving, the heel. aching (a'king), p.adj. enduring or causing pain ; painful : adv. with aching ; painfully. achromatic (ak-ro-mat'ik), adj. free from coloration ; transmitting light without decomposition. achromatic-lens (-lenz), a lens free from chromatic aberration. achromatically (-al-li), adv. in an achromatic manner^ achromatize (ak-ro'ma-tiz), v.t. to deprive of the power of transmitting color : to render achromatic. achromatous (ak-ro'ma-tus), adj. without color. acid (as'id), adj. sour and sharp or biting to the taste, as vinegar : n. anything sour ; the name applied to a large number of compounds con- taining one or more atoms of hydro- gen which may be displaced by a metal. acidic (a-sid'ik), adj. containing a large proportion of the acid element ; opposed to basic. acidiferous (as-i-dif'e-rus), at?;, pro- ducing or containing acids. acidific (as-i-dif'ik), adj. acidifying; producing acidity or an acid. acidification (a-sid-i-fi-ka'shun), n» the process of acidifying. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. aci 19 acq acidifier (a-sid'i-fi-er), w. a sub- stance having the property of im- parting an acid quality. acidify (a-sid'i-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. acidified, p.pr. acidifying], to make acid ; convert into an acid ; sour ; embitter. acidity (a-sid'i-ti), n. the quality of being acid or sour. acidulate (a-sid'ti-lat), v.t. to render slightly acid. acidulent (a-sid'u-lent), adj. some- what acid ; tart ; peevish. acidulous (a-sid'u-lus), adj. slightly sour ; subacid. acierage ( as'i-er-aj ) , n. the term given to the process of electrically depositing iron on an engraved cop- per plate. aciform (as'i-form), adj. needle- shaped. acinaceons (as-i-na'shus), adj. con- sisting of or full of kernels, as the grape, mulberry, &c. acknowledge (ak-nol'ej), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. acknovt^ledged, p.pr. ac- knowledging], to admit or own to be true; recognize, confess; admit the receipt of. acknowledgment ( ak-nol'ej-ment ) , n. the act of acknowledging ; the ad- mission or recognition of a truth ; confession ; the expression of appre- ciation of' a favor or benefit con- ferred; a receipt. aclinic (a-klin'ik), adj. without in- clination. aclinic-line (-lin), n. the imaginary point near the equator where the magnetic needle has no dip. acme (ak'me), n. the highest point; the utmost reach ; the crisis of a disease. acne (ak'ne), n. a pustular eruption of the body, chiefly confined to the face, shoulders and chest. acock (a-kok'), adv. in a cocked or turned up manner. acock-bill (-bil), adv. with the ends directed upwards, as of an anchor or yards of a ship. acology (a-kol'o-ji), n. the science of remedies. acolyte (ak'6-lit), or acolytk (ak'o- lith & -lith), n. the highest of the minor orders in the Roman Catholic Church, ranking next be- low the subdeacon. aconite (ak'o-nit), n. the plant wolf's-bane or monk's-hood ; the drug prepared from the plant. aconitine (a-kon'i-tin & -tin), n. the narcotic drug prepared from the roots and leaves of several species of aconite, used as a remedy for neu- ralgia. acorn (a'korn), n. the fruit of the oak ; a conical piece of wood affixed to the spindle above a vane, to keep the vane from being blown off. acotyledon (a-kot-i-le'dun), n. a plant whose seeds (spores) are not furnished with cotyledons (seed- lobes). acotyledonous ( a-kot-i-led''un-us ) , adj. having no cotyledons or seed- lobes. acoumeter (a-kou'- & a-koo'me-ter)» n. an instrument to test the power of hearing, or sensibility to sound. acoustic (a-kous'- & a-koos'tik), adj. belonging to the science of sound : n. a remedy for deafness. acoustics (a-kous'- & a-koos'tiks), the science of sound; the study of the effects of sound upon the organ of hearing. acquaint (ak-kwanf), v.t. to famil- iarize or make one's self conversant with ; furnish information. acquaintance (ak-kwant'ans), n. the state of being acquainted with a person or subject ; personal knowl- edge less than friendship ; a person with whom one is acquainted. acquainted (ak-kwan'ted), p.adj. having personal knowledge; famil- iar, known (of or with). acquiesce (ak-kwi-es'), v.i. to agree; comply passively ; assent [followed usually by in]. acquiescence (ak-kwi-es'ens), n. the act of submitting ; silent assent ; neglect to take legal proceedings, so as to imply consent. acquiescent (ak-kwi-es'ent), adj. disposed to submit or yield tacitly ; resting satisfied. acquirable ( ak-kwir'a-bl ) , adj. ca- pable of being acquired. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. aca 20 act acquire (ak-kwir'), v.t. to gain or ob- tain possession of by one's own physical or intellectual exertions. acquirement (ak-kwir'ment), n. the act of acquiring; that which is acquired. acquisition (ak-kwi-zish'un), n. the act of acquiring; the object ac- quired. acquisitive (ak-kwiz'i-tiv), adj. hav- ing a propensity to acquire ; greedily disposed. acquisitiveness (-nes), n. the pro- pensity to acquire. acquit (ak-kwif), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. acquitted, p.pr. acquitting], to re- lease ; set free ; discharge ; to pro- nounce not guilty. acquittaiL (ak-kwit'al), n. the act of releasing or acquitting ; the state of being acquitted ; the judicial pro- nouncement of "not guilty." acquittance (ak-kwit'ans), n. a dis- charge or release from debt or other liability ; a receipt barring a further demand. acre (a'ker), n. a superficial measure of land containing, in Great Britain, the United States and the Colonies, 4,840 sq. yds. acreage (a'ker-aj), n. the number of acres in a tract of land. acred (a'kerd), adj. possessing acres or landed property. acrid (ak'rid), adj. sharp or biting to the taste ; pungent ; irritating ; stinging: n. an acrid or irritant poison. acridity (ak-rid'i-ti), n. the quality of being acrid. acrimonious ( ak-ri-mo'ni-us ) , adj. bitter ; caustic ; stinging. acrimony ( ak'ri-mo-ni ) , n. sharp- ness of temper ; bitterness of ex- pression, acrobat (ak'ro-bat), n.- a performer on the tight-rope ; one who practices tumbling, vaulting, trapezing, &c. acrobatism (ak'-ro-bat-izm), n. the performance of acrobatic feats; the profession of an acrobat. acrolitb (ak'ro-lith), n. a sculptured figure, the head and extremities of which are of stone and the rest of wood. acropolis (a-krop'o-lis), n. the high- est part or citadel of a Grecian city, as that of Athens, hence a cit- adel. across (a-kr6s'), adv. & prep, from side to side ; transversely ; adverse- ly ; athwart ; intersecting at an angle. acrostic (a-kros'tik), n. a composi- tion, usually in verse, in which the first or last letters of the lines, or other letters, taken in order, form a motto, phrase, name, or word. act (akt),w. an action; process of do- ing ; a decree, edict, or enactment ; the judgment of a court ; a formal writing ; one of the principal divi- sions of a drama ; a thesis main- tained by a candidate for a degree at a university : v.t. to do ; perform ; play, as on the stage ; set in motion : v.i. to exert force or energy. acting (akt'ing), p. adj. performing services, as those of an official. actinic (ak-tin'ik), adj. having the property of actinism. actinism (ak'tin-izm), n. that prop- erty of the sun's rays which pro- duces chemical action. actinium (ak-tin'i-um), n. a recent- ly discovered radio-active element. actinograpb. (ak-tin'o-graf), n. an instrument for measuring the varia- tion of the chemical rays of light. actinoid (ak-tin'oid), adj. having the form of rays ; resembling a star- fish. actinology (ak-ti-nol'o-ji), n. the science that treats of the chemical action of light. actinometer (ak-tin-om'et-er), n. an instrument for measuring the in- tensity of heat-rays. action (ak'shun), n. the state of be- ing active, as opposed to rest ; the effect of one body upon another (used in sing.) ; an act or thing done (used in pi.) ; a suit instituted by one party against another in a court of law; the gesture or deportment of a speaker; the performance of a function ; effective motion, as of ma- chinery ; the appearance of anima- tion, &c., given to figures; an en- gagement on sea or land, less important than a battle. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; booii| book; hue, hut; think, then. act 21 ad4 actionable (ak'shun-a-bl), adj. giv- ing grounds for an action at law. active (ak'tiv), adj. endowed with or exercising the power or quality of action ; constantly active ; the per- formance and not the continuance of an action; lively, moving freely; acting quickly. activity (ak-tiv'i-ti), n. [pi. activi- ties (-tiz)], energy; the state of action. actor (ak'ter), n. one who acts or performs ; a stage-player ; a proctor or advocate in civil causes. actress (ak'tres), n. a female actor. actual ( ak'tti-al ) , adj. real ; existing ; present. actuality (ak-tu-al'i-ti), n. ]_pl. actu- alities (-tiz)], the state of being real or actual ; that which is in full existence. / actualization (ak'tti-al-i-za'shun) , n. making actual. actualize (ak'tti-al-iz), v.t. to make actual. actually (ak'tti-al-li), adv. as an ex- isting fact. actuary (ak'tu-a-ri), n. [pZ. actuaries (-riz)], a registrar or clerk of a court ; one who is skilled in life as- surance and similar computations. actuate (ak'tti-at), v.t. to move or incite to action. actuation (ak-tu-a'shun), n. the state of being actuated or impelled. aculeate (a-kti'le-at), adj. equipped with a sting ; having aculei or sharp prickles : n. certain insects fur- nished with stings, as the bee. acumen (a-ku'men), n. quickness of perception ; penetration ; insight ; discrimination. acuminate (a-ku'min-at), adj. end- ing in a sharp point. acupress (ak'u-pres), v.t. to check hemorrhage by acupressure. acupressure (ak'u-presh'er), n. a method of checking hemorrhage in arteries during amputations by nee- dles or wire. acute ( a-ktit' ) , adj. sharp-pointed ; intellectually sharp ; quick of per- ception; severe, as pain or symp- toms attending a disease ; high in pitch ; shrill. adage (ad'aj), n. an ancient proverb, or pithy saying. adaru's ale (ad'amz al), n. water. adam's apple (ap-1), n. a lofty spe- cies of the banana ; the prominence' in front of the throat, especially conspicuous in males. adamant (ad'a-mant) , n. a substance of extreme hardness ; the dia- mond : adj. formed of adamant ; hard. adamantine (ad-a-man'tin), adj. made of adamant ; impenetrable. adapt (a-dapf), v.t. to make to cor- respond ; fit by alteration or adapta- tion. adaptability (a-dap-ta-bil'i-ti), n, the quality of being adaptable. adaptation (ad-ap-ta'shun), n. the act of adjusting or adapting ; the state of being adapted ; that which is adapted. add (ad), v.t. to join, unite, sum up; increase ; affix. addendum (ad-den'dum), n. [pi. ad- denda (-da)], an appendix. adder (ad'er), n. the popular name for the viper. addict (ad-dikt'), v.t. to devote or give one's self up to ; to practice sedulously (usually in a bad sense). addition (ad-dish'un), n. the act or process of adding together ; increase ; the result of addition ; the thing added ; the adding or uniting of two or more numbers in one sum ; a title added to a name, denoting rank, as esquire ; a dot placed at the side of a note to indicate the lengthening of the sound by one-half. additional (ad-dish'un-al), adj. add- ed ; supplementary. additionally (-li), adv. in addition to. additive (ad'di-tiv), adj. that may be, or is to be, added. addle ( ad'l ) , w. & adj. rotten, as eggB that are barren or putrid : v.t. to make corrupt or putrid, as eggs : v.i. to become addled. addle-beaded (adl-hed'ed), or ad- dle-pated (ad-1-pa'ted), adj. stu- pid ; weak-brained ; muddled. address (ad-dres'), v.t. to straighten; to bring into line ; to arrange, redress, as wrongs, &c. ; to direct ; ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ^dd 22 adj speak or write to ; get ready ; con- sign : n. a speech delivered or writ- ten ; manners and bearing ; tact ; adroitness ; the attention of a lover. addressee ( ad-dres-e' ) , n. one who is addressed. adduce (ad-dtis'), v.t. to bring for- ward or cite in proof or substantia- tion of what is alleged. adducent (ad-du'sent), adj. bringing forward or together. adducible (ad-du'si-bl), adj. capable of being adduced. adductive (ad-duk'tiv), adj. bringing forward. adductor (ad-duk'ter), n. one who draws to. adductor muscles (mus'lz), n. pi. muscles which draw certain parts to a common center. adept (a-depf), adj. well skilled: n. one who is fully proficient or skilled in an art. adequacy (ad'e-kwa-si), n. sufficiency for a particular purpose. adequate (ad'e-kwat), adj. equal to requirement or occasion ; fully suffi- cient. adfected (ad-fek'ted), adj. com- pounded ; consisting of different powers of an unknown algebraic quantity. adhere (ad-her'), v.i. to stick fast; become firmly attached to. adherence (ad-her'ens), n. the actor state of adhering ; unwavering at- tachment. adherent (ad-her'ent), adj, adher- ing ; sticking : n. one who adheres ; a follower of a party or leader. adhesion (ad-he'zhun), n. the state or act of adhering. adhesive (ad-he'siv), adj. holding fast ; gummed for use ; sticky. adieu (a-dti'), n. [pi. adieus, adieux (a-duz')], a farewell; good wishes at parting : inter j. goodby ; fare- well. adit (ad'it), n. an entrance or pas- sage ; an entrance to a mine more or less horizontal. adjacency (ad-ja'sen-si), n. the state of being close or contiguous. adjacent (ad-ja'sent), adj, near; close to. adjectival (ad-jek-ti'val), atZ/. of the nature of an adjective. adjective (ad'jek-tiv), n. a word used with a substantive or noun to express the quality or attribute of the thing named, or to limit and de- fine a thing as distinct from some- thing else. adjoin (ad-join'), v.t. to unite or join : v.i. to lie next to. adjourn (ad-jern'), v.t. to put ofE to another day. adjournment (ad-jern'ment), n. the act of adjourning ; the postponement of a meeting. adjudge (ad-juj'), v.t. to determine in a controversy. adjudged (ad-jujd'), adj. determined by judicial decree. adjudgment ( ad-juj 'ment), n. the act of judging. adjudicate (ad-jti'di-kat), v.t. to try and determine a case as a court. adjudication (ad-ju'di-ka'shun), n. the act of determining judicially ; a judicial sentence._ adjudicator (a-ju'di-ka-ter), n. one who adjudicates. adjunct (ad'jungkt), n. something added to another thing, but not an essential part of it. adjunctive (ad-jungk'tiv), adj. hav- ing the quality of joining or uniting. adjunctly (ad-jungkt-li), adv. in connection with. adjuration (ad-ju-ra'shun), n. the solemn charging on oath ; the form of an oath. adjure (ad-jur'), v.t. to command on oath under pain of a penalty ; to charge solemnly. adjust ( ad-just'), v.t. to fit, or make exact ; to make correspondent ; to make accurate. adjuster (ad-jus'ter), n. one who regulates or adjusts. adjustment (ad-just'ment), n. the act of adjusting. adjutancy (ad'ju-tan-si), n. the of- fice of an adjutant. adjutant (ad'ju-tant), n. a regimen- tal staff-officer who assists the commanding officer. adjutant-general (-jen'er-al), [pi. adjutants-general], the chief staff- officer of an army, through whom ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book: hue, hut; think, then. adm 23 adn I all orders, &c., are received and is- sued by the general commanding. admeasure (ad-mezh'ur), v.t. to measure dimensions ; apportion. admeasurement ( ad-mezh'ur-ment ) , n. a measurement by a rule. administer (ad-min'is-ter), v.t. to manage as chief agent or minister, as a king, president, or judge ; direct the application of the laws ; dis- pense ; to cause to be taken, as med- icine ; to give, as an oath or a sacra- ment. administerial ( ad-min-is-ter 'i-al ) , adj. pertaining to administration. administrable ( ad-min'is-tra-bl ) , adj. capable of being administered. administration (ad-min-is-tra'- shun), n. the act of administering, as government, justice, medicine, a sacrament, or an intestate's estate ; the ministry. administrative (ad-min'is-tra-tiv) , adj. pertaining to administration. administrator ( ad-min-is-tra'ter ) , n. one who administers affairs; one who settles the estate of an intestate. administratrix (-tra'triks), n. a female administrator. admirable (ad'mi-ra-bl), adj. wor- thy of admiration ; excellent. admiral (ad'mi-ral), n. the chief commander of a fleet ; a naval offi- cer of the highest rank. Admiralty (ad'mi-ral-ti), n. \_pl. Admiralties (-tiz)], the department of the English government having authority over naval affairs; the building in which British naval af- fairs are transacted ; the office of an admiral. admiration (ad-mi-ra'shun) , n. won- der excited by beauty or excellence. admire (ad-mir'), v.t. to regard with strong approval. admissible (ad-mis'i-bl), adj. wor- thy of being admitted. admission (ad-mish'un), n. the power or permission to enter ; the granting of an argument. adm.it (ad-mit'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. ad- mitted, p.pr. admitting], to permit to enter; allow in argument; re- ceive. admittable (ad-mit'a-bl), adj. ad- missible. admittance (ad-mit'ans), n. the power or permission to enter. admix (ad-miks'), v.t. to mix with something else. admixture (ad-miks'ttir), n. a com- pound of substances mixed together. admonish, (ad-mon'ish), v.t. to re- prove gently ; warn ; instruct. admonition (ad-mo-nish'un), n, friendly reproof or warning. admonitory (ad-mon'i-to-ri), adj. conveying reproof or warning. adnascent (ad-nas'ent), adj, grow* ing upon something else. adnate (ad'nat), adj. with organic cohesion of unlike parts. ado (a-do6'), n. bustle; trouble. adobe (a-do'ba), n. unburnt brick dried in the sun, used -for building in Central America and Mexico. adolescence (ad-o-les'ens), n. the period of life between puberty and maturity; youth. adolescent (ad-o-les'ent), adj. grow- ing to maturity. adopt (a-dopf), v.t. to choose or take to one's self, as a child, an opinion, or a course of action. adoption (a-dop'shun), n. the act of adopting; the state of being adopt- ed; voluntary acceptance; admis- sion into more intimate relations. adoptive (a-dop'tiv), adj. consti- tuted by adoption. adorable (a-dor'a-bl), adj. worthy of worship. adoration (ad-o-ra'shun), n. the act of worship. adore (a-dor'), v.t. to pay divine honors to ; honor highly ; love in- tensely; admire greatly: v.i. to of- fer worship. adorn (a-d6rn'), v.t* to beautify; dig- nify ; ornament ; embellish. adornment (§.-d6rn'ment), n. orna- ment ; decoration. adown (a-doun'), adv. & prep, down- ward ; down. adrift (a-drift'), adj. & adv. floating at random. adroit (a-droif), adj. exhibiting skill ; dexterous. adulation (ad-u-la'shun), n. inter- ested praise; flattery. adulator (ad'ti-la-ter), n. a flatterer. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. adn 24 adv adulatory (ad'ti-la-to-ri), adj. flat- tering. adult (a-dulf), adj. grown up to mi age, size, and strength : n. :3, naan or a woman. adulterant (a-clBl'tGr-ant), at?/, adulterating : n. the person or thing that adulterates. adulterate (a-dul'ter-at), -y.t. to cor- rupt by baser admixture : g^dj. corrupted by baser admixture. adulteration (a-dul'ter-a'shun), n. the debasing or being debased by admixture ; deterioration. adulterator (a-dul'ter-a-ter), n. one who corrupts or adulterates. adulterer ( a-dul'ter-er ) , n. a man who commits adultery. adulteress (-es), n. a woman who commits adultery. adulterous (a-dul'ter-us), adj. guilty of adultery. adultery (a-dul'ter-i), n. [pi. adul- teries (-iz)], violation of the mar- riage-bed. adumbrant (ad-um'brant), adj. shadowing forth. adumbrate (ad-um'brat), v.t. to shadow forth; give a faint resem- blance of. adumbration (ad-um-bra'shun), n. something that shadows forth. adumbrative (ad-um'bra-tiv), adj. faintly representing ; typical. aduncous (ad-ung'kus), adj. hooked, as a parrot's bill. advance (ad-vans'), v.i. to go for- ward : v.t. to further ; to make a payment of beforehand : n. improve- ment; an addition to or rise in value ; an overture (usually used in pi.) ; a loan; payment beforehand. advancement "(ad-vans'ment), n. furtherance; progress; promotion. advantage ( ad-van'taj ) , n. a state of advance or forwardness ; a ben- efit ; the first point gained after deuce. advantageous (ad-van-ta'jus), adj. of advantage ; beneficial. advent (ad' vent), n. a coming or ar- rival. Advent (ad'vent), n. the period in- cluding the four Sundays before Christmas. adventitious (ad-ven-tish'us), adj. happening by chance ; casual ; for- tuitous ; accidental ; produced out of normal and regular order. adventual ( ad-ven'tti-al ) , adj. relat- ing to the season of Advent. adventure (ad-ven'tur), n. an event the issue of which is determined by chance : v.t. to hazard or risk. adventurer (ad-ven'ttir-er), n. one who undertakes adventures ; a spec- ulator ; one who seeks social dis- tinction by false or specious pre- tenses. adventuress ('tur-es), n. a female adventurer ; ( usually in a bad sense). adventuresome (ad-ven'tur-sum), or adventurous ( ad-ven'tur-us ) , adj. inclined to incur risk; full of risk ; daring. adverb (ad'verb), n. a word used to modify the sense of a verb or adjec- tive. adverbial (ad-ver'bi-al), adj. of the nature of an adverb. adverbially (-li), adv. with the force of an adverb. adversary (ad'ver-sar-i), n. [pL ad- versaries (-iz)], an opponent. adversative (ad-ver'sa-tiv), adj. ex- pressing opposition. adverse (ad'vers), adj. opposed to; contrary ; unfortunate ; inimical. adversity (ad-ver'si-ti), n. a state of things adverse ; the reverse of prosperity ; misery. advert ( ad-vert'), v.i. to turn one's attention to ; refer. advertence (ad-ver'tens), n, atten- tion. advertency (ad-ver'ten-si), w. the habit of being attentive. advertent (ad-ver'tent), adj. atten^ tive. advertently (-li), adv. in an inten- tional manner. advertise (ad'ver-tiz), v.t. to turn the attention of others to ; an- nounce ; publish. advertisement (ad-ver'tiz-ment), ». a notice in a public print; an an- nouncement. advice (ad-vis'), n. an opinion given ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. JfcdTT 25 aes for the practical direction of con- duct ; information given by letter ; counsel. advisable (ad-vi'za-bl), adj. fit to be advised ; prudent ; expedient. advisability (ad-viz-a-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being advisable ; de- sirability. advise (ad- viz'), v.t. to offer an opin- ion to; counsel; inform. advised (ad-viz'd), p.adj. acting with caution. advisedly (ad-vi'zed-Ii), adv. v^ith advice ; with intention ; deliberately. advisory (ad-vi'zo-ri), adj. having power to advise ; containing advice. advocacy (ad'vo-ka-si), n. the act of pleading for. advocate (ad'vo-kat), n. one called to the aid of another ; one who pleads the cause of another. advocator (ad'vo-ka-ter), n. an ad- vocate ; a supporter. advowee (ad-vou-e'), n. one who has an advowson ; the patron of a living. advoivson (ad-vou'zn), n. the right of presentation to a benefice. adynamia (a-din-a'mi-a), n. great debility ; physical weakness. adze or adz (adz), n. a cutting tool having a curved blade at right an- gles to the handle, used for dressing timber by ships' carpenters, coop- L ers, &c. adze-plane, a tool for p molding and rabbeting. sedile or edile (e'dil), n. a Roman magistrate who exercised supervi- sion over the temples, public and private buildings, the markets, pub- lic games, sanitation, &c., hence a municipal officer._ seolian barp (e-o'li-an harp), n. a stringed instrument, the wires of which are set in motion by air. aeon or eon (e'on), n. a period of im- mense duration ; an age. aerate (a'er-at), v.t. to combine or charge with carbonic-acid gas, or with air. aerated bread (bred), n. bread raised by charging the dough with ^carbonic-acid gas. aeration (a-er-a'shun), n. the act of aerating ; oxygenation of the blood by exposure to the air in respira- tion. aerial (a-e'ri-al), adj. belonging to the air. aerially (-11), adv. like the air. aerification (a-er-if-i-ka'shun), n, the state of being aeriform. aeriform (a'er-i-form), adj. having the form of air ; gaseous. aerify (a'er-i-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. aerified, p.pr. aerifying], to combine with air. aerocyst (a'er-o-sist), n. one of the air-bladders of algae. aerodrome (a'er-6-drom), n. a place to exhibit flying machines. aero-dynamics ( a-er-o-di-nam'iks) , n. the science which treats of air in motion. aerogram (a'er-o-gram), n. a wire- less telegraph message. aerolite (a'er-o-lit), n. a meteorite. aerometer (a-er-om'e-ter), n. an in- strument for weighing the air. aeronaut (a'er-o-nawt), n. an aerial navigator ; a balloonist. aeronautic (a-er-o-naw'tik), or aeronautical (-al), adj. pertain- ing to aeronautics. aeronautics (a-er-o-naw'tiks), n. aerial navigation. aeropbone (a'er-o-fon), n. an in- strument invented by Edison for increasing the intensity of sound. aeropbor (a'er-o-fer), n. an appara- tus used in spinning-factories to moisten the air, to counteract the electricity produced by the friction of the machinery. aeropbyte (a'er-o-fit), n. an air- plant ; a parasitical plant. aeroplane (a'er-o-plan), n. a flying machine, distinguished from an air- ship or balloon. aerostat (a'er-o-stat), n. a balloon; a flying machine. aerostatic (a-er-o-stat'ik), or aero- statical (-ai), adj. pertaining to aerostatics. aerostatics (a-er-6-stat'iks), n. the science which treats of the equilib- rium of bodies sustained in air. aery (er'i), n. en eagle's nest; a brood of eagles or hawks. sestbesiometer ( es-the-si-om'e-ter ) , n. an instrument for determining sensibility of touch. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book: hue, hut; think, then. 2(5 aiS sestlietic or esthetic (es-thet'ik), adj. pertaining to aesthetics. sestlietic school (-skool), a school of art composed of devotees of the beautiful. sestheticisiu (es-thet'i-sizm), w, love for, or devotion to, the beautiful. sestlietics or esthetics (es-thet'iks), n. the science or theory of the beau- tiful. aether. See ether. sethrioscope (eth'ri-o-skop), n, an instrument for measuring char^ges of temperature of the sky, as when clear or clouded. aetiology. See etiology. afar (a-far'), adv. at, to, or from, a distance. afPability (af-a-bil'i-ti), n. the qual- ity of being affable. affable (af'a-bl), adj. easy to be ad- dressed; courteous. affair ( af-ar' ) , n. that which is done, or is to be done ; business. affect (af-fekt'), v.t. to produce an effect upon ; seek by natural affin- ity ; assume the appearance of ; pre- tend. affectation (af-ek-ta'shun), n. the assuming a manner which is not one's own. affecting (af-fek'ting), adj. having power to excite the emotions ; pa- thetic. affection (af-fek'shun), n. having the feelings affected ; inclination ; attachment ; fondness ; disease. affectional ( af-f ek'shun-al ) , adj. re- lating to the affections. affectionate ( af-f ek'shun-at ) , adj. having affection ; kind. afferent (af'fer-ent), adj. conveying inwards or to a part. affiance (af-fi'ans), n. trust; a mar- riage-contract : v.t. to betroth. affidavit (af-i-da'vit), n. a sworn statement in writing. affiliable ( af-fil'i-a-bl ) , adj. capable of being affiliated. affiliate (af-fil'i-at), v.t. to assign a child to its father ; connect with in origin ; ^ connect with a parent society : v.i. to be intimately con- nected or associated (followed by witJi). affiliation (af-fil-i-a'shun), n. as- signment of a child to its father ; connection by way of descent. affinity (af-fin'i-ti), n. \_pl. affinities (-tiz)], nearness of kin. [Affinity is relationship by marriage ; con- sanguinity, relationship by blood.] Physical or chemical attraction ; a relationship between species or groups depending on similarity of structure. affirm (af-ferm'), v.t. to assert strongly : v.i. to confirm, as a judg- ment, decree, or order, in an appel- late court ; aver. affirmance (af-fer'mans), n. confir- mation. affirmant (af-fer'mant), n. one who affirms ; one who affirms instead of taking an oath. affirmation (af-er-ma'shun), n. an averment ; the solemn declaration permitted to those who have con- scientious scruples about taking an oath. affirmative (af-fer'ma-tiv), n. that which affirms : adj. relating to, or containing, an affirmation ; positive. affix (af-fix'), v.t. to fix to; attach: n. a letter or syllable added to the end of a word ; a suffix. afflatus (af-fla'tus), n. & breath or blast of wind ; inspiration. afflict (af-flikt'), v.t. to cau^e pro- longed pain to body or mind ; dis- tress. affliction (af-flik'shun), n. pro- longed pain of body or mind ; dis- tress. afflictive (af-fiik'tiv), adj. causing pain. affluence (af'lu-ens), n. an abundant supply, as of thoughts, words, rich- es ; wealth. affluent (af'lu-ent), n. a tributary stream : adj. abundant. afflux (af'luks), n. an increase; an influx. afford (af-ford'), v.t. to supply; pro- duce ; yield ; be capable of bearing the expense of. affranchise (af-fran'shiz), v.t. to make free ; enfranchise. affray (af-fra'), n. the fighting of two or more persons in a public place to the terror of others. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; booiir book ; hue, hut ; think, then. aff 27 agg affright (af-frlf), v.t. to frighten; terrify ; alarm ; confuse. affront (af-frunt'), v.t. to confront, oppose face to face ; insult designedly. affusion (af-fu'zhun), n. the act of pouring upon. Afghan (af'gan), adj. pertaining to Afghanistan : n. sl native of Afghan- istan. afghan (af'gan), n. sl crocheted or knitted soft wool blanket or car- riage-robe. afield (a-feld'), adv. to, in, or on, the field ; astray. aflame (a-flim'), adj. & adv. in flames ; ablaze. afloat (a-flot'), adj. & adv. floating; in circulation ; unfixed ; adrift. afoot (a-foof), adv. on foot; astir. afraid (a-frad'), adj. frightened. afresh, (a-fresh'), adv. again; anew. African (af'rik'an), adj. pertaining ,to Africa ; also Afric : n. a native ef Africa. Africander (af-ri-kan'der), n. a na- tive of South Africa born of white parents. aft (aft'), adj. & adv. towards the stern. after (after), adj. next, subsequent, later : prep, behind in place ; in suc- cession to ; later in time ; in imita- tion of ; according to ; next in rank or excellence ; in proportion to ; in pursuit of : adv. behind ; subsequent in time or place : n. the future. after-clap (-klap), n. an untoward event happening after an affair is supposed to be at an end. after-damp (-damp), n. the car- bonic acid found in coal-mines after an explosion of fire-damp; choke- damp. after-hold (-hold), n. that part of the hold which lies abaft the main- mast. aftermath (-math), n. a second mowing in a season. afternoon (af-ter-noon'),»i. the part of the day between noon and even- ing. after-ward (after- ward), or after- wards (-wardz), adv. at a later time; subsequently. after-ivit (-wit), n. wisdom that comes too late. again (a-gen'), adv. a second time; in return ; further ; anew. against (a-gensf), prep, opposite to; in opposition to ; contrary to one's inclinations. agape (a-gap'), adj. & adv. gaping; with the tQouth wide open in a state of expectation or astonishment. agate (ag'at), n. a precious stone, a variety of chalcedony ; Scotch peb- ble. agaty (ag'a-ti), adj. of the nature of agate. age (aj), n. a particular period of time in life or in history ; time : v.i, to grow old. agency (a'jen-si), n. operation; ac- tion ; an establishment for the pur- pose of doing business for another. agent (a'jent), n. one who acts, espe« cially for another ; an active power or cause. agglomerate (ag-glom'er-at), v.t. to gather into a heap ; accumulate. agglomeration ( ag-glom-er-a'shun ) , n. a heap. agglomerative (ag-glom'er-a-tiv), adj. tending to gather together. agglutinant ( ag-glti'ti-nant ) , adj. uniting : n. any sticky substance which causes bodies to adhere to- gether. agglutinate (ag-glti'ti-nat), v.t. to glue together : adj. glued together. agglutination ( ag-gl u-ti-na'shun ) , n. the act or condition of being united or joined together. aggrandize (ag'gran-diz), v.t. to make great or greater in power, rank, or riches ; augment. aggrandizement ( ag'gran-dlz- ment), n. exaltation; advancement. aggravate (ag'gra-vat), v.t. to add to a load ; be troublesome ; intensify. aggravating (ag'gra-va-ting), p. adj. making worse or more heinous. aggravation (ag-grd-va'shun), n. the act of making worse. aggregate (ag'-gre-gat), v.t. to col- lect or bring together ; gather into a mass or body ; accumulate : n. total ; mass ; a mass formed by the union of similar particles : adj. formed into a mass or total. aggregation (ag'gre-ga'shun), n. a collection of particulars. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. agg 28 agr aggregative (ag'gre-ga-tiv), adj. collective ; social. aggress (ag-gres'), v.i. to attack; begin a quarrel or controversy. aggression (ag-gresh'un)^, n. unpro- voked attack. aggressive (ag-gres'iv), adj. un- justly attacking. aggressor (ag-gres'er), n. one who attacks. aggrieve (ag-grev'), v.t. to bear heavily upon ; oppress. agbast (a-gasf), adj. struck with sudden astonishment, or terror. agile (aj'il), adj. easily driven about ; active in body ; nimble. agility (a-jil'i-ti), n. nimbleness. agio (a'ji-o), n. [pi. agios (-oz)], the premium on money or foreign bills of exchange ; discount. agiotage (aj'i-o-taj), n. exchange business ; stock-jobbing. agitable (aj'i-ta-bl), adj. capable of being moved, or debated ; debata- ble. agitate (aj'i-tat), v.t. to stir vio- lently ; discuss ; excite ; revolve in the mind ; disturb ; keep constantly before the public. agitation (aj-i-ta'shun), n. the act of agitating ; excitement ; discus- sion. agitative (aj'i-ta-tiv), adj. tending to agitate. agitator (aj'i-ta-ter), n. one who starts or keeps up a political or other agitation ; an implement for stirring. aglow (a-glo'), adj. & adv. in a glow ; glowing. aglntition (ag-lti-tish'un), n. ina- bility to swallow. agnail (ag'nal), n. a sore under or near the nail ; a whitlow. agnomen (ag-no'men), n. an addi- tional name or epithet, as Milton, the poet. agnostic (ag-nos'tik), n. one who denies that man possesses any knowledge of the ultimate nature of things ; one who neither affirms nor denies the existence of a personal Deity : adj. pertaining to the agnos- tics or their teachings ; expressing ignorance. agnosticism, (ag-nos'ti-sizm), n. the doctrines of the agnostics. ago (a-go'), adj. gone; past (used always after the noun) : adv. in past time (used only in the phrase long ago). agog (a-gog')> adj. & adv. in agita- tion or expectation ; eager. agoing (a-go'ing), adv. on the go- ing; in motion. agonistics (ag-o-nis'tiks), n. the science of athletic combats. agonize (ag'-o-niz), v.i. to suffer anguish, make convulsive efforts: v.t. to torture. agonizingly (ag'6-ni-zing-li), adv. with anguish or struggles. agony (ag'o-ni), n. [pi. agonies (-niz)], extreme pain; anguish. ago«ti (a-go6'ti), n. a rodent found in the West Indies and South America. » agrarian (a-gra'ri-S.n), adj. relating to land, or to land-tenure ; growing wild in the fields : n. one who is in favor of a redistribution of land. agrarianism (a-gra'ri-an-ism), n. the principle of a uniform division of land; agitation with respect to land-tenure. agree ( a-gre' ) , v.i. to harmonize phys- ically, mentally, or morally; to ac cord. agreeability (a-gre-a-bil'i-ti), n. agreeableness. agreeable ( a-gre'a-bl ) , adj. pleasing to the mind or senses. agreement (a-gre'ment),«. harmony of opinions or feelings ; concord of one word with another in gender, number, case, or person ; a com- pact ; a contract ; mutual under- standing. agricultural (ag-ri-kul'tur-al), adj. pertaining to tillage. agriculture (ag'ri-kul-tur), n. the science and art of cultivating fields by the plow, &c. ; tillage ; farming. agriculturist (ag-ri-kul'tur-ist), n. one engaged in tillage; a farmer. agr in (a-grin'), adj. & adv. in the act or state of grinning. aground (a-ground'), adj. & adv. on the ground; the situation of a ship whose bottom touches the ground; stranded. ate, arm, ^sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. I agn 29 ala ague (a'gti),w.an intermittent fever; the cold fit of the intermittent fever. ague-cake (-kak), n. an enlargement of the spleen produced by ague. aguish (a'gu-ish), adj. having the qualities of an ague; producing ague ; intermittent. alia (a-ha')> inter j. an exclamation expressive of satisfaction or irony. ahead (a-hed'), adv. in the front; forward. ahoy (a-hoi'), inter j. a term used in hailing a vessel. ahull (a-hul'), adv. with sails furled and helm lashed alee : said of a ship in a storm. ai (a'i), n. [pi. ais (a'ez)], the three- toed sloth of America. aid (ad), v.t. to assist; support: n. help ; assistance. aide-de-camp (ad'de-kong), n. [pi. aides-de-camp], an officer who as- sists a general. aigret (a'gret) or aigrette (a- gret'), n. the small white heron; a plume arranged in imitation of the feathers of the heron, worn on hel- mets, and as an article of women's head-attire; a feathery crown of seed. ail (al), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. -ed, p.pr. -ing], to give or cause pain: vA. to feel pain : be afflicted with pain. aileron (al'er-on), n. a small deflect- ing plane, placed at each end of the Curtiss biplane, between the upper and lower planes, to steady the ma- chine. ailment (al'ment), n. a slight dis- order of the body ; sickness. aim (am), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. -ed, p.pr. -ing] , to endeavor after ; direct at something ; seek : n. a purpose ; an endeavor. air (ar), v.t. to expose to the air; dry, thoroughly, as clothes ; to ex- hibit ostentatiously : n. the fluid which we breathe ; the atmosphere ; external manner ; appearance ; bear- ing ; a melody. air-gas (-gas), n. an illuminating gas made from air charged with the vapor of petroleum, naphtha, &c. air-gun (-gun), n. a gun discharged by the elastic force of condensed air. airily (ar'i-li), adv. in an airy man- ner; gaily. airiness (ar'i-nes), n. the state of being airy ; gaiety. airing (ar'ing), n. a walk, ride, or drive in the open air ; exposure to the air or fire. air-line (-lin), n. a straight line. Also called a bee-line. air-plant (-plant), n. a plant which derives its nourishment from the air. air-pump (-pump), n. a machine for exhausting the air from a re- ceiver ; the pump used to exhaust the water and gases from the con- denser of a steam-engine. airship (ar'ship), n. a steerable bal- loon. airy (ar'i), adj. exposed to or com- posed of air ; breezy ; unsubstan- tial ; gay. aisle (il), n. the wing of a church. ajar (a-jar'), adj. & adv. slightly turned or opened, as a door ; out of harmony. ajog (a-jog'), adv. on the jog; jog- ging. akimbo (a-kim'bo), adv. with the hands on the hips and the elbows turned outwards. akin (a-kin'), adj. & adv. of kin; re- lated by blood ; allied by nature. alabaster (al'a-bas-ter), n. a white marble-like mineral ; a box made of alabaster, in which the ancients held ointments : adj. made of, or trans- parent like, alabaster. alack (a-lak'), inter j. an exclamation expressive of blame, sorrow, or sur- prise. alacrity (a-lak'ri-ti), n. eager readi- ness ; joyous activity ; briskness. alalia (a-la'li-a), n. loss of speech by paralysis of the muscles. alalus (al'a-lus), w. the hypothetical ape-man. alamode (a-la-mod'), adv. in the fashion : adj. fashionable : n. a thin, light, glossy black silk. alar (a'lar), adj. pertaining to or having wings ; wing-shaped. alarm (a-liirm'), v.t. arouse to a sense of danger ; strike with appre- hension of danger : n. a call to arms ; a warning of danger ; the apprehen- sion of danger. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ala 30 alg alarming (a-larm'ing), adj. exciting apprehension ; ominous. alary (a'la-ri), adj. of or pertaining to wings ; wing-shaped. alas ( a-las' ) , inter j. an exclamation expressive of nnhappiness. alate (a'lat) or alated (-ed), adj. having wings or wing-like side-ap- pendages. alb (alb), n. a white priestly vest- ment worn at the celebration of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church and in some Anglican churches. albata (al-ba'ta), n. an alloy imi- tating silver ; German silver. albatross (al'ba-tros), n. sl sea-bird allied to the petrel, inhabiting the Pacific and Southern Oceans. albeit (awl-be'it), conj. although; even though ; notwithstanding. albino (al-bi'no), n. a person with white skin and hair and pinkish eyes ; a man, animal, or plant ab- normally white in color. albugineous (al-bu-jin'e-us), adj. of the nature of white-of-egg ; albumi- nous. album (al'bum), n. a blank book in which to insert autographs, photo- graphs, stamps, &c. albumen (al-bii'men), n. the white of an egg ; the nutritious farina- ceous matter stored up with the em- bryo of an animal or plant. albumenize (al-bu'men-iz), v.t. in photography, to coat paper with an albuminous solution. albumin (al-bti'min), n. a variant of albumen. albuminoid (al-bti'mi-noid), adj. like albumen : n. a class of organic compounds which form the chief part of the organs and tissues of animals and plants ; proteids. albuminous (al-bu'mi-nus) or al- buminose (-nos), adj. like, or con- taining albumen. albuminuria ( al-bu'mi-nu'ri-a ) , n. the presence of albumen in the kid- neys and the urine. alburnum (al-ber'num), n. the white and softer part of wood be- tween the bark and the heart-wood ; sap-wood. alcalde (al-kal'da), n. a magistrate or justice in Spain or Portugal. alchemist (al'ke-mist), n. one who studies or practices alchemy. alchemy (al'ke-mi), n. the chemistry of the Middle Ages ; the professed art of transmuting the baser metals into gold. alcohol (arko-hol), n. pure or recti- fied spirits of wine ; the spirituous or intoxicating element in ferment- ed liquors ; rectified spirits ; a class of compounds of the same type as spirits of wine. alcoholic (al-ko-hol'ik), adj. con- taining alcohol : -s, n.pl. alcoholic liquors. alcoholism (al'ko-hol-izm), n. a diseased condition produced by alco- hol. alcoholization ( al-ko-hol-i-za'shun ) n. subjection to the influence of al- cohol. alcoholize (al'ko-hol-iz), v.t. to sub- ject to the influence of alcohol ; to rectify (spirits of wine). Alcoran (al'ko-ran & al-ko-ran'), n. the Koran ; the Mohammedan Bible. alcove (al-kov'), n. a recess in a room or a garden ; a bower. alder (awl'der), n. a genus of plants growing in moist land and related to the birch. alderman (awl'der-man), n.; pi. aldermen (-men), in English and Irish cities and boroughs a magis- trate next in dignity to the mayor; certain members of county councils elected by those bodies. ale (al), n. a liquor made from an infusion of malt by fermentation. alee (a-le'), adv. & adj. on the lee or sheltered side of the ship ; opposite to aweather. alert (a-lert'), adj. on the watch; active : n. an alarm ; a sudden at- tack. alexandrine (al-eks-an'drin), n. a kind of heroic verse of six iambic feet, or twelve syllables. algae (al'je), n.pl. one of the great divisions of cryptogamic plants, including seaweeds and kindred fresh-water plants. algebra (al'je-bra), n. the science of calculation by general symbols. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. alg 31 alk algebraic (al'je-bra-ik) or alge- braical ('ik-al), adj. occurring in or dealing with algebra. algebraically (-li), adv, by means of algebraic processes. algine (al'jin), n. a substance ob- tained from seaweed, and used in manufactures instead of horn. alias (a'li-as), adv. otherwise [named] : n. [pi. aliases (-ez)], an- other name ; an assumed name. alibi (al'i-bi), n. the plea of having been elsewhere when the alleged act was committed. alien (a'li-en), adj. belonging to an- other : n. a foreign-born resident of a country in which he is not nat- uralized. alienability (a-li-en-a-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being alienable ; sal- ability. alienage (a'li-en-aj), n. the state or legal status of an alien. alienate (a'li-en-at), v.t. to estrange, as the affections ; transfer to an- other, as property. alienation (a-li-en-a'shun), n. es- trangement ; transference ; diver- sion to another purpose ; mental de- rangement. alienism (a'li-en-izm), n. the posi- tion of being an alien ; the study and treatment of mental diseases. aliform (al'i-form), adj. wing- shaped. alight (a-lif), v.i. to dismount; to descend and settle ; to come upon accidentally : adj. lighted ; lighted- up ; in a flame. align (a-lin'), same as aline. alignment (a-lin'ment), same as alinement. alike (a-lik'), adj. like one another: adv. in like manner ; similar. aliment (al'i-ment), n. food; the necessaries of life generally ; an al- lowance for support by decree of court : v.t. to make provision for the maintenance of ; make provision for the support of parents or chil- dren respectively. alimental (al-i-men'tal), adj. hav- ing the quality of, or supplying the materals for, nourishing. alimentary (al-i-men'ta-ri), adj. pertaining to food ; nutritious. alimentary canal (ka-nal'), n. the great duct which conveys food to the stomach and carries off solid excreta. alimentation (al-i-men-ta'shun), w. the act of giving nourishment ; the function of the alimentary canal. alimentiveness ( al-i-men'tiv-nes ) , n. the instinct for food. alimony (ari-mon-i), n. means of living ; an allowance made by decree of court to a wife out of her hus- band's estate on separation, or pending an action for the same. aline (a-lin'), v.t. to lay out or ad- just by a line : v.i. to form or fall into a line. alinement (a-lin'ment), n. the act of laying out or adjusting by a line ; the ground-plan of a railway or road. aliped (al'i-ped), adj. wing-footed, like the bat. aliquant (al'i-kwant), adj. being a part of a number which does not divide it without a remainder, as 8 is an aliquant part of 25. aliquot (al'i-kwot), adj. being a part of a number or quantity which will divide it without a remainder, as 8 is an aliquot part of 24. alive (a-liv'), adj. having life; in a state of action ; sprightly ; sensi- tive ; thronged. alkahest (al'ka-hest), n. the pre- tended universal solvent of the al- chemists. alkalescent (al-ka-les'sent), adj. tending to become alkaline. alkali (al'ka-li & -li), n. [pi. alkalis & -ies], one of a class of caustic bases, as soda, potash, having the common properties of being soluble in water and in alcohol, combining with fats to form soap, neutralizing acids and forming salts with them, and changing the tint of many vege- table coloring-matters. alkaline (al'ka-lin & -lin), adj. per- taining to, or having the properties of, an alkali. alkaloid (al'ka-loid), n. a body or substance containing alkaline prop- erties ; pi. nitrogenous compounds met with in plants in combination ate, arm. at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. alk 32 all with organic acids : adj. resembling an alkali in its properties. alkauet (al'ka-net), n. a plant the root of which yields the rich red dye of commerce. all (awl), adj. the whole quantity of, as substance, duration, extent, amount, or degree ; the whole num- ber of, collectively, as individuals, particulars, or parts ; every, as with kind ; any, used after a preposition or verb : pron. the whole ; the whole quantity or amount ; total ; aggre- gate : n. a whole ; an entirety ; one's entire possessions : adv. wholly ; en- tirely ; completely. all along (a'long), adv.phr. through- out. all but (but), adv.phr. everything but ; almost. all-fours (-forz), n. a game of cards which comprises four points or chances for scoring : adv. on hands and knees. all-hail ( hal ) , inter j. all health ! a phrase of salutation. All-liallo-ws (hal'oz), n. pi. All Saints' Day, celebrated on the first of November, in honor of all the saints. all one (wun), adj. & n. in effect the same ; quite the same. all-round (round), adj. versatile; capable of doing anything ; many- sided. all-sorts (sorts), n. remnants of various liquors blended together. All Souls' Day (solz da), n.pl. the day, celebrated second of November by the Roman Catholic Church, in honor of the departed. all told (awl told), adv. all counted. Allah (al'la), n. the Arabic name for the Supreme Being, in use among the Mohammedans. allay (al-la'), v.t. to quiet or calm; assuage ; appease ; abate ; mitigate ; relieve ; as pain or grief. allegation (al-e-ga'shun), n. the act of alleging ; assertion ; declaration ; that which is asserted or alleged ; that which is offered as a plea, an excuse, or Justification ; the state- ment of a party to a suit of that which he is prepared to prove. allege (al-lej'), v.t. to produce or adduce as argument, plea, or ex- cuse ; affirm ; declare ; assert. allegeable ( al-lej 'a-bl), adj. that may be alleged or affirmed. allegiance (al-le'jans), n. the tie or obligation of a subject to his sover- eign or government ; fealty ; fidelity ' y to a cause or person. allegoric (al-e-gor'ik) or allegori- cal (al-e-gor'i-kal), adj. pertaining to, consisting of, or in the nature of allegory ; figurative. allegorically (-li), adv. figurative^ ly ; in an allegorical manner. allegorize (al'e-go-rlz), v.t. to turn into allegory ; to treat allegorically ; to interpret in an allegorical sense : v.t. to make use of, or indulge in, allegory. allegory (al'e-go-ri), n. [pi. allego- ries (-riz)], a figurative manner of treating a subject by the use of other terms analogous in properties or circumstances; a figurative rep- resentation in which the meaning is conveyed symbolically. alleviate (al-le'vi-at),!?.*. to lighten; lessen ; make easier ; mitigate. alleviation (al-le-vi-a'shun), n. the act of alleviating ; that which les- sens or lightens. alleviative (al-le'vi-a-tiv), adj. tend- ing to alleviate : n. that which alle- viates. alleviator (al-le'vi-a-ter),7*. one who, or that which, alleviates. alley (al'i), n. [pi. alleys (-iz)], a passage; a way (generally narrow) ; a lane. alliaceous (al-i-a'shus), adj. of the nature or property of garlic or the onion. alliance (al-ll'ans), n. the state of being allied ; relation or connection by birth or marriage; union be- tween nations. alligation (al-i-ga'shun), n. a rule for ascertaining the value or price of a compound by determining the relative proportions and prices of the ingredients. alligator (al'i-ga-ter), n. the Ameri- can crocodile. alliteration (al-lit-e-ra'shun),w. the repetition of the same initial letter in closely-succeeding words, or in ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; booii» book ; hue, hut ; think, then. bu < words directly following each other, as "apt alliteration's artful aid." alliterative (al-lit'e-ra-tiv), adj. pertaining to, or characterized by, alliteration. allocate (al'o-kat), v.t. to assign or allot-; distribute, as in equal or pro- portionate parts or shares. allocation (al-o-ka'shun), n. the act of allotting, allocating, or assigning ; an allotment or assignment ; an al- lowance made on an account. allocntion (al-o-ku'shun), n. an ad- dress of a formal nature, as that delivered by the Pope to his clergy or to the Church generally. allodial ( a-lo'di-lil ) , adj. freehold; not feudal : n^ land thus held. allodium (a-l6'di-um), n. ipl. allo- dia (-a)], freehold estate. allograph, (al'o-graf), n. a signature by one person on behalf of another : opposed to autograph. allomorphisiu (al-o-m6r'fizm), n. the property in certain substances of assuming a different form while remaining the same in constitution. allopath (al'o-path), n. one who fa- vors or practices allopathy ; an al- lopathist. allopathic (al-o-path'ik), adj. per- taining to allopathy. allopathically (-al-li), adv. in an ' allopathic manner. allopathy (al-op'a-thi), n. a method of treating disease by inducing an action opposite to the disease it is sought to cure ; opposed to homoeop- athy. alloquialism (§.-lo'kwi-al-izm), n. a phrase or manner of speech used in addressing. allot (a-lof), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. allotted p.pr. allotting], to distribute or di- vide, as by lot ; apportion, as shares ; assign or grant for a specific pur- pose. allotment (a-lot'ment), n. the act of allotting ; that which is allotted ; a portion of land assigned or al- lotted. allotropic (al-o-trop'ik), adj. per- taining to or characterized by al- lotropy. allotropism (a-lot'ro-pizm), n. di- versity of molecular arrangement. i all allotropy (a-lot'ro-pi), n. the capa- bility shown by certain chemical elements to assume different forms, each characterized by peculiar qualities, as the occurrence of car- bon in the form of the diamond, charcoal, and plumbago respective- ly. allotee (al-lot-te'), n. one to whom an allotment or share is granted or assigned. allow (a-lou'), v.t. to grant, yield; admit ; deduct ; permit ; approve : v.i. to make concession or provision (followed by for). allowable ( a-lou'a-bl ) , adj. that may be allowed ; permissible ; lawful ; praiseworthy ; acceptable. allowance (a-lou'ans), n. the act of allowing ; admission ; concession ; a definite sum granted ; sanction or approval ; abatement or deduction : 'V.t. to put upon allowance ; limit to- a fixed expenditure or consumption of money or food. alloy (a-loi'), v.t. to combine; to form a compound, by fusion, of two or more metals ; reduce in standard or quality by mixture, as with a metal of baser value ; debase : n. a compound or fusion of two or more metals ; a mixture of two metals of differing nature and value ; an ad- mixture of evil with good. allspice (awl'spis), n. the fruit or berry of the pimento : so named in allusion to its taste being supposed to combine the flavors of other spices. allude (a-lud'), v.t. to compare: v.i. refer or make an allusion indirectly (with to). allure (a-lur'), v.t. to tempt by the offer of something good, real or ap- parent ; entice ; attract. allurement (a-lur'ment), n. the act of alluring, or that which allures. allusion (a-lu'zhun), n. a casual ref- erence ; a comparison or reference by symbol or metaphor. allusive (a-lu'siv), adj. having ref- erence to something not definitely expressed. allusory (a-lu's6-ri), adj. allusive. alluvial ( a-lu'vi-al ) , adj. pertaining to or composed of alluvium. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon,, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. aU 34 alp alluvion (a-lu'vi-un), n. land added to a shore or river-bank by the action of water. alluvium, (a-lti'vi-um), n. [pi. allu- via (-a)], a deposit of mingled sand and clay (mud), or of alternating layers of sand and clay, of river origin. ally (a-li'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. allied, ^ p.pr. allying], to unite by marriage, treaty, league, or confederacy ; bind or connect by friendship or re- semblance : n. [pi. allies (a-liz')], one united, related, or associated by these means ; a confederate. aliuadia (al-ma-de'a), n. an Indian river-boat, shuttle-shaped, about 80 ft. in length, with a narrow beam ; a small African bark-canoe. almagra (al-ma'gra), n. a fine deep- red ochre used in India for staining the skin ; used also as a paint and polish (Indian-red). almanac (awl'ma-nak), n. a year- book or calendar giving the order of the days of the week and month, astronomical data, tide-tables, ec- clesiastical festivals and fasts, and other varied information. almighty (awl-ml'ti), adj. possess- ing all power ; omnipotent. Almighty (awl-mi'ti), n. the om- nipotent God. almightiness (-nes), n. omnipo- tence ; infinite or boundless power. almond (a'mund & al'mund), n. the kernel of the fruit of the almond- tree; anything resembling the al- mond in shape. almoner (al'mun-er), n. one who dispenses or distributes alms or charity ; an alms-purse ; a pouch or purse which in early times was sus- pended from the girdle. almonry (al'mun-ri), n. [pi. almon- ries (-riz)], the residence of the almoner : the place where alms are dispensed. almost (awl'most), adv.'^' neavlj ; very nearly ; well-nigh ; all but. alms (amz), n.sing. [used sometimes as n.pl.] the act of relieving by charitable aid ; that which is be- stowed in or out of charity. alms-house (-hous), n. a house en- dowed by private or public charity and appropriated to the use of the poor. aloe (al'o), n. [pi. aloes (-oz)], the common name for succulent plants, natives of the warm climates of the Old World, and especially of the southern part of Africa. aloes (al'oz), n. a drug, the inspis- sated juice of several species of aloe, and obtained from the leaves ; the fragrant resin or wood of the agallochum. aloft (a-loft'), adv. on high; far above the earth ; at the mast-head, or on the higher yards or rigging. alone (a-lon'), adj. & adv. without or apart from another ; single or sin- gly ; only ; separately ; by itself. along (a-long'), prep. & adv. by the length ; lengthwise ; in a line parallel with the length ; onward. alongshoreman (-shor'man), n. [pi. -men], a laborer employed at docks in loading and unloading vessels, alongside (-sid), adv. by the side; side by side. aloof (a-loof), adv. at a moderate distance but within sight ; purposely keeping apart. alopecia (al-o-pe'si-a), or alopecy (al'o-pe-si), n. baldness; loss of hair through skin disease. alopecist (al'o-pes-ist), n. one who undertakes the cure or prevention of baldness. aloud (a-loud'), adv. with raised voice; loudly; with a great noise; audibly. alpaca (al-pak'a), n. a mammal, closely allied to the llama, a native of the Andes of Chili and Peru ; the fabric constructed from the long, soft, silky wool of the alpaca. alpen-glow (al'pen-glo), n. a pecul- iar purple glow on the snow on the Alps seen just before sunrise and after sunset. alp en-horn (-horn), n. a long and nearly straight horn used by the mountaineers of the Alps. alpen-stock (-stok), n. a stout staff, furnished with an iron spike, used by mountain-climbers. alphabet (al'fa-bet), n. the letters of a language arranged in the cus- tomary order ; the first rudiments of ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, /7ien. alp 35 alt any branch of knowledge : v.t. to arrange or classify in alphabetical sequence ; mark by the letters of the alphabet. alpliabetic (al-fa-bet'ik), or alpha- betical ('i-kal), adj. pertaining to an alphabet; in the order of the alphabet. alphabetically (-li), adv. in an al- phabetical order or manner. alphabetize ( al'f a-bet-iz, v.t. to ar- range in alphabetical order. already (awl-red'i), adj. quite ready ; fully prepared : adv. by, at, or before, a specified time. also (awl'so), adv. & conj. wholly so ; in like manner ; likewise ; further, or in addition to. altar (awl-tar), n. a raised place, structure, or elevation, whether of earth or stone, for the offering of sacrifices or burning of incense ; the Communion-table; a place of wor- ship. altazimuth (alt-az'i-muth), n. an in- strument employed to determine the altitudes and azimuths of the heav- enly bodies, alter (awl-ter), v.t. to effect some change in ; modify or vary ; change entirely or materially. alterability (awl-ter-a-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being alterable or liable to change. alterant (awl'ter-ant), adj. produc- ing or effecting change : n. a sub- stance used in dyeing to change or modify a color. alteration (awl-ter-a'shun), n. the act of altering or changing ; the change or modificatioi^ effected. alterative (awl'ter-a-tiv), adj. pro- ducing change ; having the power to alter : n. a medicine which restores the healthy functions of the body. altercate (awl'ter-kat), v.i. to con- tend in words ; wrangle ; dispute with anger or heat. altercation (awl-ter-ka'shun), n. the act of wrangling ; warm conten- tion in words ; a dispute. alter ego (al'ter e'go), n. a second self ; one's double : frequently ap- plied to a person fully authorized to act for another. alternant (al-ter'nant), adj. com- posed of alternate layers. alternate (al'ter-nat), v.t. to per- form by turns ; cause to succeed by turns ; exchange reciprocally : v.i. to_ take place by turns (followed by with): adj. by turns; following each other in reciprocal succession; succeeding each other by turns on opposite sides of a stem. alternate angles (ang'glz), n.pl. the internal angles made by two lines with a third on opposite sides of it. alternation (al-ter-na'shun), n. the act of alternating, or sta^e of being alternate ; reciprocal succession ; antiphonal singing or reading. alternative (al-ter'na-tiv), adj. giv- ing the choice of two things : n. the option or choice of two possibilities, so that if one be rejected the other must be accepted. alternator (al'ter-na-ter), n. an al- ternating current dynamo. alt-horn (alt'horn,) n. a musical in- strument of the sax-horn class, fre- quently used in military bands. although (awl-*7io'), conj. granting that ; though ; even if ; notwith- standing. altimeter (al-tim'e-ter), n. an in- strument for measuring altitudes trigonometrically. altimetry (al-tim'e-tri), n. the art of measuring altitudes by the use of the altimeter. altiscope (al'tis-kop), n. an instru- ment consisting of mirrors and lenses by means of which an object is brought to the view of the ob- server notwithstanding intervening obstacles ; used to guide submarine^ boats. altisonant (al-tis'o-nant) , adj. high sounding ; pompous in language. altitude (al'ti-tud), n. space ex- tended upward ; laeight ; highest point or degree ; the elevation of a celestial body above the horizon ; the perpendicular distance from the base of a figure to the summit or to the side parallel to the base. altitudinal (al-ti-tu'di-nal), adj. of or pertaining to height. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. alt 36 ama alto (al'to), adj. high: n. the con- tralto ; the tenor violin or viola. altogether awl-too-ge^/i'er ) , adv. wholly ; completely ; without excep- tion ; conjunctly ; entirely^ alto-relievo (al'to-re-le'vo), or alto-rilievo ( al'to-re-le-a'vo ) , n. [pi. alto-relievos (-voz)], high re- lief ; figures or other objects that stand out boldly from the backr ground, and having more than half their thickness projecting. altropathy (al-trop'a-thi), n. sym- pathy for others. altruism (al'troo-izm), n. the prin- ciples inculcated by Comte, and in- volving the sacrifice of self in the interests of others : opposed to egoism. altruist (al'troo-ist), 7i. one who ad- vocates or practices altruism. altruistic (al-troo-is'tik), adj. per- taining to altruism ; mindful of the wants and interests of others. altruistically (-al-li), adv. in an al- truistic manner. aluxa (al'um), n. a double sulphate formed of aluminum and some other element, usually an alkali metal. alum-root (-root), n. a popular name given to certain roots of an astringent nature belonging to the saxifrages. alumina (a-lu'mi-na), n. the single oxide of aluminum, the most abun- dant of the earths ; a notable consti- tuent of common clay. Alumina is largely used in dyeing and calico- printing as a mordant. alumiuite (a-lu'mi-nit), n. the hydrous sulphate of aluminum. aluminous ( a-lti'mi-nus ) , adj. per- taining to, or containing, alum or alumina. aluminum (a-lti'mi-num) or alu- minium (al-u-min'i-um), n. a blu- ish-white, light, sonorous, ductile, malleable metal. alumna (a-lum'na), n. [pi. alumnae (-ne)], a female graduate or pupil of a university or college. alumnus (a-lum'nus), n. [pi. alumni (-ni)], a pupil, more particularly the graduate of a university ; one educated at a school, college, or university. alveolated (al-ve'o-la-ted), adj. with deep pits or cells resembling the honeycomb. always (awl'waz), adv. constantly; ever ; regularly at intervals ; con- tinually. am (am), 1st pers. sing, indie, mood of the verb to be. See be. amain (a-man'), adv. with force or violence ; suddenly ; at once. amalgam (a-mal'gam), n. any me- tallic mixture or alloy of which mercury is the chief constituent ; a mixture or compound of different things. amalgamate (a-mal'ga-mat), v.t. to alloy mercury with another metal ; mix to form a compound: v.i. to blend, combine, as one race with another. amalgamation ( a-mal-ga-ma'shun ) , n. the act or process of compound- ing mercury with another metal ; the separation of precious metals from the mother-rock by means of quicksilver; the blending or mixing of different elements or things ; the union or consolidation of two or more companies or businesses into one concern. amalgamator (a-marga-ma-ter), n. one who or that which amalgamates ; a machine for purifying ore con:- taining precious metals by amalga- mation with mercury ; one who takes an active part in combining two or more businesses. amanuensis (a-man-ti-en'sis), w. [pi. amanuenses (-sez)], one who is employed to write at the dictation or direction of another ; a secre- tary. amaranth (am'a-ranth), n. an im- aginary flower said by poets to be unfading; a plant of the genus am- arantus ; a color-mixture in which magenta is the chief ingredient. amaranthine (am-a-ran'thin), adj. pertaining to the amaranth ; never- fading, like amaranth ; purplish. amass (a-mas'), v.t. to collect into a heap ; gather together in great quan- tity or amount ; accumulate. ama'ssment (a-mas'ment), n. the act of amassing; a heap or accumula- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 37 amb tion ; a great quantity or number brought together. amateur (am'a-ttir & am-a-ter') n. one who cultivates an art or pur- sues a study from love or attach- ment, and without reference to gain or emolument : adj. applied to the work or productions of an amateur as opposed to professional. amative (am'a-tiv), adj. amorous; full of love. amativeness ( am'a-tiv-nes ) , n. the tendency to love ; the desire for sexual intercourse. amatorial (am-a-tor'i-al), adj. per- taining to love ; amatory ; pertain- ing to the oblique muscles of the eye used in ogling. amatorially (-li), adv. in an ama- torial manner. amatory (am'a-to-ri), adj. relating to or expressive of love. amaurosis (am-aw-ro'sis), n. loss or decay of sight due to partial, period- ic, or complete paralysis of the optic nerve. amaurotic (am-aw-rot'ik), adj. re- lating to, or affected with, amauro- sis. amaze (a-maz'), v.t. to confound or stun with fear, surprise, or won- der ; astonish : n. astonishment ; confusion ; perplexity. amazement (a-maz'ment), n. the state of being amazed ; astonish- ment ; perplexity arising from sud- den surprise. ambassador (am-bas'a-der), n. an accredited representative of a sov- ereign or state at the court of an- other ; a diplomatic agent of high rank ; a representative or agent of another charged with a special mis- sion. ambassador-extraordinary (-eks- tra-6r'din-a-ri), n. an ambassador sent on a special mission. ambassador-plenipo tentiary (-plen-i-po-ten'shi-a-ri), n. an am- bassador sent with full powers to make a treaty. ambassadorial ( am-bas-a-dor'i-al ) , adj. belonging to an ambassador, or to his office. ambassadress (am-bas'a-dres), n. the wife of an ambassador ; a fe- male ambassador. amber (am'ber), n. a yellowish fos- sil resin found on the shores of the Baltic : adj. made of amber ; amber- colored. ambergris (am'ber-gres), n. a mor- bid secretion from the intestines of the sperm-whale, usually found floating in tropical seas : used in perfumery. ambidexter (am-bi-deks'ter), adj. using both hands equally : n. a man of unusual dexterity. ambidextrous (am - bi-deks'trus) , adj. able to use both hands alike; unusually clever. ambient (am'bi-ent), adj. surround- ing ; investing. ambiguity (am-bi-gu'i-ti), n. [pi. ambiguities (-tiz)], double or du- bious signification ; vagueness. ambiguous (am-big'ti-us), adj. doubtful ; equivocal. ambit (am'bit), n. a circuit or com- pass ; the line or sum of the lines by which a figure is bounded; the perimeter. ambition (am-bish'un), n. a seeking for preferment ; a consuming desire to achieve some object or purpose, as to gain distinction, influence, &c. ambitious (am-bish'us), adj. having ambition ; aspiring. amble (am'bl), v.i. to move with a peculiar pace, as a horse, by lifting the two feet on one side together : n. at an easy pace. amblyopia (am'bli-o-pi-a) or am- blyopy (-pi), n. dimness of vision. amboyna-wood (am-boi'na-wood), n. a beautifully mottled and curled wood used in cabinet-work. ambrosia (am-bro'-zhi-a), n. any- thing exquisitely pleasing to taste or smell ; a genus of weeds allied to wormwood. ambrosial (am-bro'zhi-al), adj. di' vinely delicious ; fragrant. ambrosially (-li), adv. with ambro- sial fragrance. ambrotype (am'bro-tip), n. a pho- tographic process by which the light parts of a photograph are produced ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, amb 38 in silver, the dark parts showing as a background through the clear glass. ambulance (am'bti-lans), n. a field hospital; an ambulance cart or wagon for the conveyance of the sick and wounded. ambulant (am'bu-lant), adj. walk- ing ; moving about. ambulation (am-bii-la'shun), n. the act of walking about. ambulator (am'bu-la-ter), n. a walker ; a pedometer. ambulatory (am'bu-la-to-ri), adj. of or pertaining to walking; movable; temporary : n. a place for walking in ; a covered way. ambuscade (am-bus-kad'), n. a strategic disposition of troops in ambush. ambush (am'boosh), n. a lying in wait to attack by surprise : v.t. to place in ambush to surprise an enemy ; waylay : v.i. to lie in wait for the purpose of attacking by surprise. ameer (a-mer'), n. a prince; govern- or ; the Mohammedan ruler of Af- ghanistan. Also written amir, emir. ameliorable (a-me'li-or-a-bl), adj. capable of improvement. ameliorate (a-me'li-or-at), v.t. to make better : v.i. to grow better ; improve. amelioration (a-me-li-or-a'shun),^ n. the making or growing better ; im- provement. ameliorative (a-me'li-or-a-tiv), ad}. producing amendment ;_ improving. ameliorator (a-me'li-or-a-ter), n. one who amends. amen (a-men' & a'men'), adv. verily: interj. so be it. amenability (a-me-na-bil'i-ti) or amenableness ( a-me'na-bl-nes ) , n. liability to answer (to a charge, ' &c. ) ; tractableness ; responsibility. amenable (a-me'na-bl), adj. easy to lead ; submissive ; liable. amend (a-mend'), v.t. to free from fault ; improve ; correct. amendatory (a-men'da-tor-i), n.adj. tending to amend. amende-bonorable (a-mangd-on'or- a-bl), n. a public apology and repa- ration ; a punishment formerly in- flicted in France on traitors and the sacrilegious. amendment (a-mend'ment), n. the removal of faults ; the alteration of a bill before Parliament ; a counter- motion at a public meeting. amends (a-mendz'), n. pi. compensa- tion for loss or injury ; reparation. amenity (a-men'i-ti) , n. [pi. amen- ities (-tiz)], pleasantness, as of climate or demeanor ; geniality. amenorrboea (a-men-or-re'a), n. en- tire or partial suppression of the ' menses. amentia (a-men'shi-a), n. want of reason ; mental imbecility. amerce (a-mers'), v.t. to punish by an arbitrary fine. amerceable ( a-mer'sa-bl ), »(?;'. liable to be amerced. amercement (a-mers'ment), n. an arbitrary fine left to the discretion of a court. Amei'ican (a-mer'i-kan), adj. be- longing to, or characteristic of, America. Americanism (a-mer'i-kan-izm), n. a form of expression peculiar to the United States ; a custom peculiar to the United States or America ; attachment to the United States. Americanize (a-mer'i-kan-iz), v.t. to render American ; assimilate to the political institutions of the United States. amethyst (am'e-thist), n. a violet- purple variety of quartz or rock- crystal. amethystine (am-e-this'tin), adj. containing, composed of, or colored, like amethyst. amiability (a-mi-a-bil'i-ti), n. ami- ableness ; excellence of disposition ; lovableness. amiable (a'mi-a-bl), adj. friendly; worthy of love ; lovable. amicable (am'i-ka-bl), adj. friend- ly ; peaceable. amice (am'is), n. a square of white linen formerly worn on the head, but now worn about the neck and shoulders, by celebrant priests while saying Mass. amid (a-mid') or amidst ('st), prep, in the middle of ; among. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon,^ book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ami 39 amp amidships (a-mid'ships), adv. in the middle of a ship. amir. See ameer. amiss (a-mis'), adj. wrong; faulty: adv. wrongly ; that misses the mark. amity (am'i-ti), n. friendly rela- tions ; friendship. ammonia (a-mo'ni-§.), n. a trans- parent, pungent volatile gas, used in medicine and the arts ; spirits of hartshorn. amimoiiiac (a-mo'ni-ak), adj. per- taining to ammonia : n. sal am- moniac; chloride of ammonium, formerly called muriate of ammonia. ammonite (am'on-it), n. a fossil shell, twisted like a ram's horn ; snake-stone. ammunition (am-ti-nish'un), n. powder, balls, &c., used in charging firearms of all kinds ; military stores : adj. supplied to troops as equipment, &c. amnesia (am-ne'si-a), n. loss of memory. amnesty (am'nes-ti), n. an act of ob- livion for political offenses ; a gen- eral pardon : v.t., p.t. & p.p. amnes- tied, p.pr. amnestying, to grant par- don to. amnion (am'ni-on), n. the thin in- nermost membrane surrounding the foetus of mammals, birds, and rep- tiles. amoeba (a-me'ba), n. [pi. amoebas ('baz) & -bee ('be)], a genus of mi- croscopic organisms, consisting of a mass of protoplasm which moves about in fresh-water ponds by means of finger-like processes with wkich it grasps its food. among ( a-mung' ) or amongst ( 'st ) , prep. & adv. mixed with ; sur- rounded by ; amidst. amorous (am'or-us), adj. fond of the opposite sex : loving. amorphism (a-m5r'fizm), n. want of regular form ; without crystalline structure ; the communistic system of Bakunin, the Russian anarchist ; Nihilism. amorphous (a-m5r'fus), adj. form- less ; irregularly shaped ; uncrystal- lized ; anomalous ; unorganized. amount (a-mount'), v.i. to mount up to ; be equivalent or equal to : n, the totality ; sum. amour (a-moor'), n. a love-intrigue. ampere (am-par'), n. the unit of measurement of the strength of an electrical current. ampere-meter (am-par'me-ter) or amperometer ( am-pe-rom'e-ter ) , n. an instrument for measuring in amperes the power of an electric current. Amphibia (am-fib'i-a), n.pl. the fourth division of vertebrates, in- termediate between fishes and rej)- • tiles, which in their early state breathe by gills. amphibian (am-fib'i-an), n. cue of the Amphibia. amphibious (am-fib'i-us), adj. hav- ing the powei* of living both on land and in water. amphibrach (am'fi-brak), n. a foot of three syllables, the middle long, the first and last short. amphioxus (am-fi-ox'us), n. the name of the lancelet, a fish with a body tapering at both ends, the low- est in orgajTiization of the verte- brates. amphitheater, -re (am-fi-the'a- ter), n. a double theater; a theater with seats all round the arena; a circus. amphitype (am'fi-tip), n. sl photo- graphic process which simultaneous- ly produces negatives and positives. amphora (am'for-a), n. [pi. am- phorae (-re)], a two-handled vessel of oblong shape, used by the an- cients for holding wine, &c. ; a Greek and Roman liquid measure, the former = 9 gals., the latter = 6 gals. ample (am'pl), adj. full; large; abundant. ampliative (am'pli-a-tiv), adj. en- larging; synthetic. amplification (am-pli-fi-ka'shun), n. the act of amplifying or expand- ing ; enlargement. amplify (am'pli-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p» amplified, p.^r. amplifying], to make large : v.i. to speak or write diffuse- ly ; expand. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon^ book; hue, hut; think, ^7i-en. amp 40 ana amplitude (am'pli-tud), n. the angular distance of a celestial body at rising or setting from the east- ern or western points of the hori- zon ; an angle on which the value of some mathematical function de- pends ; the distance which a particle moves in performing a complete vi- bration. amply (-li), adv. in an ample man- ner ; liberally. ampulla (am-pul'la), n. \_pl. am- pullae (-le)], an ancient vessel which contained unguents for the bath ; a drinking vessel ; a vessel for consecrated oil or chrism used ^ in Church rites, and at the coronation of sovereigns. amputate (am'pu-tat), v.t. to lop off in pruning ; to cut off a limb ; dis- member. » amiputation ( am-pu-ta'shun ) , n. a cutting off ; the operation of cutting off a limb. am.t (amt), n. the largest territorial administrative division of Norway and Denmark. amt-man (-man), n. [pi. -men], the principal executive official of an amt. amuck (a-muk'), adj. or adv. (used only in the phrase, to run amuck) running about armed, in a state of frenzy, attacking all that come in the way, or committing indiscrimi- nate slaughter. am.ulet (am'u-let), n. a charm worn to protect against evil ; a talisman. amuse (a-mtiz'), v.t. to occupy the attention pleasantly ; beguile ; en- tertain ; divert. amLUsement (a-muz'ment), n. that which amuses ; a pastime. amusively (a-mti'ziv-li), adv. in an amusive manner. amygdaliu (a-mig'da-lin), n. white crystalline substance obtained from the kernels of almonds. amyl (am'il), n. the hypothetical al- cohol radical of many chemical compounds. amylaceous (am-i-la'shus), adj. starchy. amiylene (am'i-len), n. a hydrocarbon obtained by the removal of water from amyl alcohol. amy lie (a-mil'ik), adj. of or per- taining to amyl. an (an), indef. art. any; each. [An is properly an adj., and is used be- fore nouns of the singular number only ; also before a word having an initial vowel and silent h (See H). An has a distributive force in such expressions as "once an hour" ; "a dime an ounce."] ana (a'na), ipl. anas ('naz)], a col- lection of notable sayings, literary gossip, anecdotes, &c., as Shakes- periana, boxiana. anachronism (an-ak'ron-izm), n. an error in the order of time, hence any error in the misplacement of persons or events in point of time. anachronistic (an-ak-ron-is'tik), adj. out of date. anaconda (an-a-kon'da), n. the spe- cific name of a large South Amer- ican boa, and loosely applied to any large snake which crushes its prey. anadromous (a-nad'ro-mus), adj. ascending from the sea to fresh- water rivers to deposit spawn, as the salmon, &c. ; tending upwards : said of ferns. ansemia, anemia (a-ne'mi-a), n. de- ficiency or low condition of the blood. anaesthesia, anesthesia (an-es- the'si-a), n. a condition of insensi- bility to pain, combined with loss of the sense of touch, produced by anaesthetics. anaesthetic. See anesthetic. anaglyph (an'a-glif), n. a work of art carved in relief, as distinguished from intaglio. anaglyphic ( an'a-glif 'ik) or ana- glyptic (-glip'tik), adj. relating to anaglyphs, or the art of decora- tion in relief. anaglyphy (an-ag'li-fi), n. the art of producing sculpture, or ornamenta- tion, in relief. anaglyptograph (an-a-glip'to-graf ) , n. an instrument by which a medal- lion-engraving of any object in relief can be made. anaglyptographic (an - a-glip'to- graf'ic), adj. relating to the produc- tion of engravings in relief. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 41 > I anaglyptography ( an-a-glip-tog'ra- fi), n. the art of reproducing relief- work on paper. anagram (an'a-gram), n. a word or a sentence constructed out of anoth- er by the transposition of the letters contained in the second ; a word ob- tained by reading the letters of an- other word backwards. anagrammatic (an-a-gram-mat'ik) or anagraminatical ('i-kal), adj. relating to, or forming an ana- gram. anagraxnmatically (-11), adv. in the style of an anagram. anagr ammatize ( an-a-gram'ma-tiz ) , v.t. to make into an anagram : v.i. to construct anagrams. anal (a'nal), adj. relating to the anus ; situated near to the anal ori- fice. analect (an'a-lekt), n. [pi. analects (-lekts) & analecta (-ta)], a pas- sage or extract from a published work : pi. B. collection of such ex- tracts from different authors. analectic (an-a-lek'tik), adj. pertain- ing to, or composed of, selections ,from other works. analgesia (an-al-je'si-a), n. the in- sensibility to pain in any part of the body. Called also analgia. analgesic (an-al-jes'ik), adj. that al- lays pain : n. an anodyne. analgetic (an-al-jet'ik), adj. per- taining to analgesia ; insensible to pain ; painless. analogical (an-a-loj'i-kal ),«(?/. bear- ing reference ; having relation or re- semblance. analogically (-li), adv. by way of analogy. analogism (a-naro-jism), n. a rea- soning from the cause to the effect ; study and examination of matters and things by reference to their analogies, analogist (a-nal'o-jist), n. one who reasons from the standpoint of analogy. analogize (a-nal'o-jiz), v.t. to rea- son or expound by reference to anal- ogy : v.i. to treat or investigate by use of analogy. analogous (a-nal'o-gus), adj. pos- sessing points of analogy ; linked by resemblance ; similar. analogue (an'a-log), n. an object which bears analogy to something else ; a part which corresponds with another in structure, function, or other relations. analogy (a-nal'o-ji), n. [pi. analo- gies (-jiz) ], agreement, resemblance, or correspondence in relations be- tween different objects ; the infer- ence as to general agreement which is derived from similarity in certain essential particulars ; equality of mathematical ratios ; conformity of its parts to the general rules and structures of a language. analysis (a-nal'i-sis), n. [pi. analy- ses (-sez) ], the resolution of a com- pound into its constituent parts; the method of determining the nature of a compound by resolution into its constituent parts ; the resolving of problems by reducing the conditions that are in them to equations; a synopsis. analyst (an'a-list), w. one who is skilled in analysis ; one skilled in the resolution of chemical com- pounds. analytic (an-a-lit'ik) or analytical (-i-kal), a (Zy. relating to, or charac- terized by, the method of analysis. analytically (-al-li), adv. in the manner or by means of analysis. analytics (an-a-lit*iks), n. pi. the science of analysis. analyzable (an'a-li-za-bl), adj. capa- ble of being resolved by, or that may be subjected to, analysis. analyze (an'a-liz), v.t. to separate or resolve ; determine the nature of a compound by resolution of its con- stituent parts. anapest or anapaest (an'a-pest), n. a foot comprising two short sylla- bles and one long syllable. anaplasty (an-a-plas'ti), n. the re- pairing of wounds by the trans- plantation of adjacent healthy tis- sue. anarchic (an-ar'kik), or anarchic- al (-al), adj. of or pertaining to anarchy, or the theory of anarchism. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, th&n. I ana 42 ano anarcMsin (an'ar-kizm), n. lawless- ness ; confusion ; anarchy ; the doc- trines of the anarchists. anarchist (an'ar-kist), n. one who supports or promotes a scherae for anarchy, or upholds anarchy* as a social theory. anarchy (an'ar-ki), n. non-existence or incapability of governmental rule ; a lawless condition of society ; the theory of individual liberty. anarthrous (an-iir'thrus), adj. with- out the article ; destitute of joints ; without articulated limbs. anastrophe or anastrophy (a-nas'- tro-fe), n. an inversion of the se- quence of words in a sentence, as "echoed the hills," for "the hills echoed." anathema (a-nath'e-ma), n. [pi. anathemas (-maz)], the curse ac- companying excommunication pro- nounced by a religious assembly or convocation ; an imprecation or curse ; the thing or person held to be accursed. anathematize (a-nath'e-ma-tiz), v.t. to pronounce a decree of excommu- nication against : v.i. to curse. anatomical (an-a-tom'i-kal), adj. re- lating to, or according to, the laws of anatomy. anatomically (-li), adv. in an ana- tomical manner. anatomism (a-nat'o-mizm), n. ana- tomical analysis or structure ; anat- omy as the basis of life of organized bodies ; the explanation of vital phe- nomena by anatomical structure ; the application of the principles of anatomy, as in art. anatomist (a-nat'o-mist), n. one possessing a knowledge of anatomy derived from dissection. anatomize (a-nat'o-miz), v.t. to sep- arate by dissection and exhibit the relative position and structure of the parts of an animal or plant. anatomy (a-nat'o-mi), n. [pi. anato- mies (-miz)], separation by dissec- tion of the various parts of a body, with a view to the examination and determination of their structure and relations ; the art or science of dis- section ; a descriptive account of th© parts of an organic body ; a with- ered or emaciated person. anatripsis (an-a-trip'sis), n. mas- sage. ancestor (an'ses-ter), n. a forefather or progenitor, on the side of father or mother, from whom one is de- scended in direct line ; one who held previous possession. ancestral ( an-ses'tral ) , adj. belong, ing to, or connected with, one's an- cestors ; derived from one's progeni- tors ; lineal. ancestress (an'ses-tres), n, a female ancestor. ancestry (an'ses-tri), n. the line of one's descent traced from a period more or less remote ; the personages comprising such lineage ; lineage. anchor (ang'ker), n. an iron imple- ment of varying form, but generally having two curved and pointed arms terminating one end of a shank, to the other extremity of which is af- fixed a cable, used to secure a float- ing vessel to the bottom ; that on . which dependence is placed for se- curity or stability ; a metallic clamp securing a tie-rod connecting oppo- site walls : v.t. to afiix by an an- chor ; grapple ; hold fast. anchor-ice (ang'ker-is), n. ground- ice. anchorage (ang'ker-aj), n. a suita- ble or customary place for the an- choring of vessels ; the hold attained by an anchor ; harbor-dues for an- chorage in a port. anchoret (ang'kor-et) or anchor- ite (-it), n. one who voluntarily secludes himself from society and lives a solitary life devoted to re- ligious or philosophic meditation ; a recluse ; a hermit. anchovy (an-cho'vi), n. [pi. ancho- vies (-viz)], a diminutive fish abounding in the Mediterranean, and especially esteemed for its pe- culiar flavor, used for pickling and as a sauce. ancient (an'shent), adj. of or per- taining to the early history of the world ; of past times or remote ages ; of great age or antiquity : n. one who lived in ancient times ; pi. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. anc 43 ang the people of classic times ; the Jew- ish elders; the grrerning body of an Inn of Court : n. formerly a flag or ensign ; a ship's pennant. ancillary (an'sil-ar-i), adj. attend- ant upon ; accessory ; subservient. ancipital (an-sip'i-tal), adj. two- edged and sharp. ancon (ang'kon), n. [pi. ancones (-ez)], the upper extremity of the forearm or ulna;, the elbow; a bracket or project \)n for the sup- port of a cornice. and (and), conj. the copulative join- ing words and sentences. And is sometimes used emphatically by way of contrast, as "there are orators and orators," i.e. two very different kinds. andesite (an'de-sit), n. a silicate of alumina, soda, and lime. andirons (and'i-ernz), n.pl. metal standards used for open fires, to support the logs ; fire-dogs. andr oceplialus ( an-dro-sef 'a-lus ) , adj. having a human head, as a sphinx, &c. androgynous (an-droj'i-nous), adj. combining both sexes, or bearing both male and female organs ; her- maphroditical. androsphinx (an'dro-sfingks), n. a sphinx with the body of a lion and the head of a man. anecdotal ( an'ek-do-tal ) , adj. relat- ing to, or consisting of, anecdotes. anecdote (an'ek-dot), n. a brief nar- rative of an entertaining character ; a terse and pithy account of some detached incident, chiefly personal or biographical. anecdotic (an-ek-dot'ik) or anec- dotical ('i-kal), adj. relating to anecdotes. anecdotically (-li), adv. by anec- dotes. anelectric (an-e-lek'trik), adj. with- out the properties of electricity; non-electric : n. a conductor in con- tradistinction to an insulator. anelectrode (an-e-lek'trod), n. the positive pole of a galvanic battery. anemia. See anaemia. anemograph (a-nem'o-graf), n. an instrument for registering the force or direction of the wind. anemometer (an-e-mom'e-ter), n. a wind-gauge ; an instrument which indicates the pressure of the wind. anemone (a-nem'o-ne), n. [pi. anem- ones (-nez)], the wind-flower or wood-anemone ; a sea-anemone, a marine zoophyte. anemoscope (a-nem'o-skop), n. an apparatus for exhibiting the direc- tion of the wind. aneroid (an'e-roid), adj. having no liquid, as quicksilver : n. a barome- ter shaped like a watch, the action depending on the varying pressure of the atmosphere on the top of an elastic metal box. anesthesia. See anaesthesia. anesthetic or anaesthetic (an-es- thet'ik), adj. pertaining to loss of the sense of feeling : n. a drug which produces insensibility. anaesthetize (an-es'the-tiz), v.t. to bring under the influence of an an- aesthetic ; render insensible to pain. aneurism (an'u-rizm), n. a local swelling or dilation of an artery at a point where the coat is thinned or weakened by disease. anew ( a-nti' ) , adv. afresh ; over again ; in a new manner or style. angel (an'jel), n. a messenger of God ; one of an order of spiritual attendants who form a connection between heaven and earth, as from God to mankind ; a spirit of evil, as a fallen angel ; the presbyter in the Early Christian Church residing in some particular city (Rev. ii. 8) ; an English gold coin, value about 10s., struck in the reign of Edward IV., and impressed with the figure of the archangel Michael. angel-fish (-fish), n. a species of shark with large pectoral fins, which give to it a winged appearance. angelic (an-jel'ik) or angelical! ('i-kal), adj. belonging to or re- sembling an angel in nature or func- tion. angelus (an'je-lus), n. a devotional exercise in commemoration of the Incarnation, during which the Ave Maria is twice repeated : said morn- ing, noon, and night ; the bell which is rung to announce the time of such devotions. ate, arm, "<«k, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, L book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ftng 44 anger (ang'ger), n. excessive emotion or passion aroused by a sense of injury or wrong ; wrath : v.t. to pro- voke to resentment ; excite to wrath ; enrage. angina (an-ji'na & an'ji-na), n. an inflamed condition of the throat, as in quinsy, &cc. angina pectoris (pek'to-ris), n. a muscular spasm of the chest, very often accompanied by an aifection of the heart, and frequently fatal. angiology (an-ji-ol'o-ji), n. that branch of anatomy which treats of the blood-vessels and lymphatics. angle (ang'gl), n. the inclosed space near the point where two lines meet ; a sharp or projecting corner ; the inclination of two lines which meet at a point (the vertex). angle (ang'gl), v.i. to fish with a hook and line : v.t. to fish for. angler (ang'gler), n. one who fishes with rod and line ; a piscator ; the name of a fish furnished with fila- mentary appendages, which by their movement attract smaller fish on which it feeds. Also called fishing- frog and sea-devil. anglican (ang'gli-kan), adj. pertain- ing to England as a nation ; per- taining to the Church of England and churches in other countries in accord with it, and (popularly) to the High or Ritualistic section of the Anglican Church : n. a member of the Anglican Church ; a Ritualist. anglicanism (ang'gli-kan-izm), n. the principles and ritual of the Anglican Church. anglice (ang'gli-se), adv. according to the English language or manner. anglicism (ang'gli-sizm), n. a form of speech ; a principle or mannerism peculiar to England. anglicize (ang'gli-siz), v.t. to make or to render into English ; accord with English manners and customs. angling (ang'gling), n. the piscato- rial art ; the act of fishing with rod and line. Anglo-American ( ang'glo-a-mer'i- kan), adj. pertaining to England and the United States conjointly, as to commerce or population : n. an American citizen of English descent. Anglomania (ang'glo-man'i-a), «. a predilection carried to excess for everything that is English, in the sense of being peculiar to England. Anglophobia (-fo'bi-a), n. an in- tense aversion for or fear of every- thing English. Anglo-Saxon (-saks'un), adj. per- taining to the Saxon settlers in England prior to the Conquest, or to their language : n. one of the Saxon settlers in England as dis- tinguished from those on the Conti- nent : pi. the English race. angora (ang-go'ra), n. cloth made from Angora-wool. angora-cat (-kat), n. a cat of the domestic kind with long handsome hair. angora-'wool (-wool), n. the coat of the Angora goat, much esteemed for its long silky hair. angostura-bark (ang-gos-tu'ra bark), n. a bitter aromatic bark used for medicinal purposes. angry (ang'gri), adj. inflamed with anger ; provoked ; feeling resent- ment ; wrathful ; showing anger ; fierce ; inflamed. angrily ('gri-li), adv. in an angry manner. angriness (-ness), n. the state of being angry. anguish ( ang'gwish ) , n. intense pain or grief ; acute suffering, bodily or mental. angular (ang'gii-lar), adj. possess- ing an angle or angles ; sharp, bent, or cornered ; pointed, or full of points. angularity ( ang-gti-lar'i-ti ) , n. [pi. angularities (-tiz)], the quality of being angular in any sense. angulate (ang'gti-lat), adj. con- structed of angles; having the form of an angle. angustate (ang-gus'tat), adj. nar- row at the base and expanded at the top. ahydride (an-hi'drid), n. an oxygen compound formed by substituting an acid radical for the whole of the hydrogen in one or two molecules of water. anhydrite (an-hi'drit), n. anhydrous sulphate of lime. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n6rth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. anil 45 anlc anliydrous (an-hi'drus), adj. with- out water : applied to minerals ^ in which the water of crystallization is not present. anil (an'il), n. the indigo plant. anile (an'il & 'il), adj. resembling an old woman ; aged ; old-womanish. aniline (an'i-lin), n. a base used in the formation of many rich dyes obtained from coal-tar, but more ex- tensively from benzole : adj. of or pertaining to aniline. anilism (an'il-izm), n. aniline poi- soning, caused by the inhalation of aniline vapors. anility (a-nil'i-ti), n. the state of being anile ; a condition of dotage. animadversion ( an-i-mad-ver'shun ) , n. the act of observing ; capacity for perception ; censure ; criticism ; stricture. animadversive ( an-i-mad-ver'si v ) , adj. possessing the faculty of obser- vation. animadvert (an-i-mad-vert'), vA. to give the mind to ; pass comment or stricture upon ; criticise. animal (an'i-mal), n. an organized living body, sentient, mobile, and locomotive ; an inferior being ; a brute : adj. of or belonging to ani- mals. animal-magnetism ( an'i-mal-mag'- net-izm), n. another name for mes- merism. animalcular (an-i-mal'ku-lar) or animalculine ( -lin ) , adj. of or re- lating to animalcules. animalcule (an-i-mal'kul), n. one of a class of minute or microscopic organisms abounding in water and infusions ; an infusorian. animalculist (an-i-markti-list), n. a specialist of animalcules. animalculum (an-i-mal'ku-lum), n. [pi. animalcula (-la)], a minute organism ; an animalcule. animalia ( an'i-ma-li-a ) , n.pl. the animal kingdom. animalism (an'i-mal-izm), n. the state of being animal, or actuated by animal instincts or appetites ; the theory w^aich regards mankind as merely animal ; sensuality. animalistic (an-i-mal-is'tik), adj. characterized by animal or sensual instincts. animality (an-i-mal'i-ti),**. the state or quality of being an animal, or possessing ^animal characteristics. animalization ( an-i-mal-i-za'shun ) , n. the act of making animal ; the process of becoming bestial. animalize (an'i-mal-iz), v.t. to make animal ; impart animal life, form, and attributes ; sensualize or bes- tialize ; convert into animal sub- stance by assimilation. animate (an'i-mat), v.t. to impart life to ; to inspire with energy or action ; enliven : adj. endowed with animal life ; full of spirit and vigor. animatingly (an'i-ma-ting-li), adv, so as to enliven or excite feeling. animation (an'i-ma'shun), n. the act of giving life or spirit ; the state of being animated ; vivacity. animative (an'i-ma-tiv), adj. that has power to impart life or spirit. animism (an'i-mizm), n. the theory of the existence of an immaterial principle or force inseparable from matter to which all life and action are attributable. animosity (an-i-mos'i-ti), n. [pL animosities (-tiz)], hostility; ha- tred ; active enmity. animus (an'i-mus), n. a hostile spirit, or purpose ; hostility. anion (an'i-on), n. the element in a body decomposed by voltaic action, which is evolved at the positive pole or anode. anise (an'is), n. the common name for a plant (indigenous in Egypt) yielding the aniseed of commerce. ankle (ang'kl), n. the joint or articu- lation connecting the foot with the leg. anklet (ang'klet), n. a diminutive ankle; an ornament or support for the ankle ; a fetter or shackle. ankylose (ang'ki-los), v.t. to consoli* date or join by bony growth ; stifOen as a joint : v.i. to grow together ; . become stiff. ankylosis (ang'ki-lo-sis), n. the join- ing or consolidation of parts for- merly or normally separate or mova- ble by means of bony growth. site, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, tliQU. auk 46 ankylotic (ang-ki-lot'ik), adj. per- taining to, or of the nature of ankylosis. annalist (an'al-ist), n. a compiler of annals. annals (an'alz), n.pl. a description, history, or chronicle issued from time to time, and comprising the events of each year in order of se- quence ; chronicles. anneal (an-nel')? "i^-t- to heat or fix by heat ; temper and render mallea- ble ; bake or fuse. annealing (an-ne'ling), n. the proc- ess of tempering, baking, fusing, or fixing. annex (an-neks'), v.t. to add or affix at the end ; subjoin or connect ; pur- loin : n. (an-neks' & an'neks), that which is added ; an addition. annexation (an-eks-a'shun), n. the act of annexing ; that which is an- nexed. annexationist (an-eks-a'shun-ist) , n. an advocate for, or promoter of, annexation. anniMlable ( an-nl'hi-la-bl ) , adj. ca- pable of annihilation. annihilate (an-ni'hi-lat), v.t. to re- duce to nothing ; wipe out of exist- ence ; destroy. annihilation (an-ni-hi-la'shun), n. the act of annihilating ; non-exist- ence. annikilationist ( an-m-hi-la'shun- ist), n. one who believes that eter- nal punishment consists of annihila- tion. anniversary (an-i-ver'sa-ri), n. [pi. anniversaries (-riz)],the recurrence in each year of the date of an event ; the annual commemoration of an event : adj. recurring once in every twelve months ; yearly. annotate (an'o-tat), v.t. to mark or note by way of explanation or criti- cism, as a book. annotation (an-o-ta'shun), n. the act of noting or commenting upon ; a note, remark, or criticism made in a book. annotator (an'6-ta-ter), n. one who annotates or writes remarks by way of comment or criticism upon the works of authors. announce (an-nouns'), v.t, to pro- claim or make known, formally, or in a public manner ; pronounce by judicial sentence ; proclaim. announcement (an-nouns'ment), n. the act of announcing ; that which is announced ; a proclamation. annoy (an-noi'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. -ed, p.pr. -ing], to vex or trouble by repeated acts ; harass or discompose by petty injury or opposition : v.i. to be troubled, vexed : n. the feeling of discomfort caused by an injury or vexation. annoyance (an-noi'ans), n. the act of annoying or causing vexation ; the state of being annoyed; the thing or act which annoys. annoyingly { sm-noV ing-li) , adv, in a vexatious manner. annual (an'ti-al), adj. once in twelve nionths ; yearly ; of or belonging to a year ; published once a year ; com- pleted in a year ; lasting or living only for a year or season, as an annual plant : n. an anniversary mass said for a deceased person; the fee paid for such a mass. annually (-li), adv. yearly; happen- ing, returning, or completed year by year. annuitant (an-nti'i-tant), n. one who is in receipt of, or is entitled to receive, an annuity. annuity (an-nu'i-ti), n. [pi. annui- ties (-tiz)], the payment of a sum of money by periodical or yearly installments. annul (an-nul'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. an- nulled, p.pr. annulling], to ,make void, abolish, or obliterate, as a law, decree, or compact. annular (an'u-lar), adj. ring-like; in the form of a ring or annulus : n. the ring -of light surrounding the moon's body in an annular eclipse of the sun. annulate (an'u-lat), adj. ringed; having ring-like bands or circles. annulation (an-u-la'shun), n. a ring-like formation. annulet (an'u-let), n. a little ring; a small fillet encircling a column. annulment (an-nul'ment), n. the act of reducing to nothing; aboli- tion ; invalidation. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 47 ant annulosa (an-u-lo'sa), n. the annu- lose animals, as crustaceans, insects, worms. annulose (an'u-los), adj. composed of a succession of rings._ annunciate (an-nun'si-at), v.t. to make known officially or publicly ; announce. annunciation (an-nun-si-a'shun), n. the act of annunciating. Annunciation ( an-nun-si-a'shun ) , n. the Church festival (Lady-day, Mar. 25) commemorating the inti- mation of the Incarnation made by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary (Luke i. 28-33). annunciator (an-nun'shi-a-ter), n. a signaling apparatus ; an indicator used in hotels, and connected with the bells and telephones, to show in which room attendance is required. anode (an'od), n. the path of the electric current from the positive to the negative pole ; the positive pole. anodyne (an'5-din), adj. assuaging pain : n. a drug which relieves pain. anoint (a-noint'), v.t. to pour oil upon, in a religious ceremony ; con- secrate. anomalistic (a-nom-a-lis'tik), adj. pertaining to the anomaly or angu- lar distance of a planet from its perihelion. anomalous (a-nom'a-lus), adj. de- viating from the common order ; ab- normal. anomaly (a-nom'a-li), n. deviation from the natural order ; the angular distance of a planet from its peri- helion. anon (a-non'), adv. soon; straight- way ; again._ anonym (an'o-nim), n. a person who remains nameless ; a pseudonym. anonymity (an-5-nim'i-ti), n. the state of being anonymous. anonymous (a-non'i-mus), adj. bear- ing no author's name ; nameless. another ( a-nuth'er ), ocZ;. & pron. one more ; not the same ; any other ; any or some one else_. anserine (an'ser-m), adj. relating to or resembling a goose ; stupid as a goose. ansxrer (an'ser), v.t. to swear in op- position to ; to reply to a charge ; a counterstatement : n. a response or rejoinder ; a reply to a charge ; a solution, as of a mathematical prob- lem. answerable (an'ser-a-bl), adj. liable to give answer ; responsible. ant (ant), n. a small social insect of the hymenopterous order. ant-bear ('bar), n. the name some- times given (from its likeness to a bear) to the great ant-eater of America ; the Cape ant-eater of South Africa. ant-eater ('e-ter), n. the name ap- plied to a group of quadrupeds which feed upon ants. ant-lion ('li-un), n. a neuropterous insect whose larva constructs a pit- fall for ants and other insects. antacid (ant-as'id), adj. counteract- ing acidity : n. a medicine which counteracts the formation of acids in the system. antagonism (an-tag'o-nizm), n. the active opposition of two opponents or opposing forces ; hostility. antagonist (an-tag'o-nist), n. a com- petitor in any sphere of action ; an opponent. antagonistic (an-tag-o-nis'tik), adj, acting in opposition ; opposed. antagonistically (-al-li), adv. in rivalry or opposition. antagonize (an-tag'o-niz), v.t. to op- pose ; hinder ; counteract ; _ contend against ; coApete with : v.i. to act in opposition ; neutralize. antarctic (ant-ark'tik), adj. opposite to arctic ; pertaining to the south- polar regions ; southern. antecede (an-te-sed'), v.t. to precede or go before in time or space. antecedence (an-te-se'dens) or an- tecedency ('den-si), n. preced- ence; the act or state of going be- fore ; priority. antecedent (an-te-se'dent), adj. pre- ceding : n. the substantive or noun to which a relative or other pro- noun refers ; the part of a condi- tional proposition upon which the other depends : pL the previous events of a person's life. antecedently (-li), adv. at a time preceding. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. ant 48 ant antecessor (an-te-ses'er), n. one who goes before (in office). antechamber (an'te-cham-ber), n. an apartment next the principal room, where persons wait for audi- ence ; an outer room. antedate (an'te-dat), v.t. to carry back to an earlier period ; antici- pate: n. a date earlier than the ac- tual date. antediluvian ( an-te-di-lti'vi-an ) , adj. of or pertaining to the world before the Flood; belonging to very ancient times ; antiquated : n. one who lived before the Flood. antelope (an'te-lop), n. the name given to numerous species of deer- like ruminants, intermediate be- tween the deer and the goat, with cylindrical ringed horns. antemeridian ( an-te-me-rid'i-an ) , adj. preceding noon. antemetic (ant-e-met'ik), adj. allay- ing vomiting : n. a medicine possess- ing this property. antemundane (an-te-mun'dan), adj. before the creation of the world. antenatal ( an-te-na'tal ) , adj. before birth. antenna (an-ten'a), n. [pi. antennae ('e)], the jointed horns or feelers upon the heads of insects and Crus- tacea. antenuptial ( an-te-nup'shal ) , adj. before marriage. antepaschal (an-te-pas'kal), adj. before Easter ; preceding the Jewish Passover. antepenult (an-te-pe-nulf) or an- tepenultima ( an-te-pe-nul'ti-ma ) , n. the last syllable but two of a word. antepenultimate ( an-te-pe-nul'ti- mat), adj. pertaining to the last but two : n. that which is last but two. anteprandial ( an-te-pran'di-al ) , adj. before dinner. anterior (an-ter'i-er), adj. more to the front ; former. anteriority (an-ter-i-or'i-ti), n. the quality of being anterior, especially in order of time; priority. anteroom (an'te-room), n. a room before^ or forming an entrance to, another ; an antechamber. antetemple (an'te-tem-pl), n. the portico of an ancient temple or church ; the narthex. anthelion (ant-he'- or an-the'li-on), n. [pi. anthelia (-a)], a halo or a colored ring or rings, opposite the sun, formed around the shadow of the head of the observer, as pro- jected on a cloud or moist surface. anthem (an'them), n. a composition from the Scriptures or liturgy set to sacred music. anther (an'ther), n, the summit of the stamen of a flower containing the pollen or fertilizing dust. antheroid (an'ther-oid), adj. having the form of an anther. anthocarpous (an-tho-kar'pus) ,adj, having a fruit formed from the ovaries of several flowers, as the pineapple. anthography (an-thog'ra-fi), n. the scientific description of flowers. anthological (an-tho-loj'i-kal), adj. pertaining to an anthology ; consist- ing of beautiful extracts, more es- pecially of those from the poets. anthologist (an-thol'o-jist), n. one who compiles an anthology. anthology ( an-thol'o-ji ) , n. a collec- tion of choice poems, epigrams, and fugitive pieces by various authors; a hymnal. anthracene (an'thra-sen), n. a com- plex hydrocarbon obtained from coal- tar ; paranaphthalin. anthracite (an'thra-sit), n. a non- bituminous coal which burns with- out smoke ; blind-coal ; glance-coal ; stone-coal ; hard-coal. anthracitic (an-thra-sit'ik), adj. re- sembling, or of the nature of, an- thracite. anthras: (an'thraks), n. [pi. anthra- ces (-sez)], a carbuncle, or malig- nant boil ; the splenic fever of sheep and cattle, caused by the presence of a bacillus in the blood and tis- sues ; the carbuncular disease caused in man by inoculation from aifected sheep and cattle. anthropography (an-thro-pog'ra- 6.) , n. that branch of anthropology which treats of the actual geograph- ical distribution of the human race, ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ant 49 an« and the local variations of its dif- ferent divisions. anthropoid (an'thro-poid), adj. re- sembling man : n. one of the higher apes resembling man. Anthropoidea (an-thro-poi'de-a), n. pi. a sub-order of primate mammals, including man, the apes, and monkeys. anthropological (an-thro-po-loj'i- kal), adj. relating to an anthropolo- gy. anthropologist (an-thro-pol'o-jist) , n. a student of anthropology. anthropology (an-thro-pol'o-ji), n. the science of man, considered zo- ologically or ethnographically. anthropometric ( an-thro-po-met'- rik), adj. relating to the measure- ment or proportions of the human body. anthropometrically (-al-li), adv. in an anthropological manner, or by means of anthropometry. anthropometry ( an-thro-pom'e-tri ) , n. the measurement of the human body ; the department of anthropol- ogy relating to such measurement of persons at various ages, and in different tribes, races, occupations, &c. anthropomorphic ( an-tiiro-po-m6r'- fik), adj. characterized by anthro- pomorphism ; resembling man. anthropomorphism (an-thro-po- mor-fizm), n. the ascription of a human form and attributes to the Deity, or to supernatural beings. anthropophagi ( an-thro-pof 'a-ji ) , n.pl. maneaters ; cannibals. anthropophagous ( an-thro-pof 'a- gus), adj. feeding on human flesh. antic (an'tik), adj. grotesque: n. a clown ; a trick ; a grotesque gesture. Antichrist (an'ti-krist), n. an op- ponent of Christ, especially the great personal opponent expected to ap- pear before the end of the world [I John ii. 221. antichristian (ae-ti-kris'chan), n. one _ who is an opponent of the Christian religion : adj. pertaining to Antichrist ; opposed to the Chris- tian religion. anticipant (an-tis'i-pant), adj. that which operates beforehand : n. one who looks forward. anticipate (an-tis'i-pat), v.t. to take beforehand ; use in advance ; look for as certain ; deal with before- hand : v.i. to treat of something be- fore the proper time. anticipation (an-tis-i-pa'shun), w. the act of taking beforehand ; ex- pectation ; hope ; preconception. anticipative (an-tis'i-pa-tiv), or anticipatory (-to-ri), adj. taking beforehand ; anticipating. anticlimax (an'ti-kli-maks), n. a ludicrous descent in thought and expression ; bathos. anticyclone (an'ti-sl-klon), n. a meteorological condition in which the ordinary features of a cyclone are reversed, i.e. the winds, which are light, flow from instead of to- wards the center. anticyclonic (an-ti-si-klon'ik), adj. pertaining to an anticyclone. antidotal (an'ti-do-tal), adj. of the nature or quality of an antidote. antidotally (-li), adv. in the man- ner of an antidote. antidote (an'ti-dot), n. a substance which acts medicinally as a coun- teractive to the effects of poison or disease ; that which annuls or tends to prevent the evil effects of any- thing else ; a remedy, antifat (an'ti-fat), adj. available for preventing or reducing fatness : n, a remedy against fatness. antifebrile ( an-ti-f eb'ril ) , adj. capa- ble of allaying fever : n. a fever med- icine or antipyretic. antifebrine ( an-ti-f eb'rin), n. acet- anilide, used in medicine as an antipyretic. antimask (an'ti-mask), n. a species of drollery introduced as interlude between acts of more serious nature. Written also antimasque. antimasonic (an-ti-ma-son'ik), adj. opposed to the principles of free- masonry. antimonarchical ( an-ti-mo-nar'ki- kal), adj. opposed to monarchy. antimonial (an-ti-mo'ni-al), adj. pertaining to antimony ; composed of, or possessing the qualities of, antimony. ate, arm, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not book ; hue, hut ; think, then. boon, ant 50 ant antimoniate (an-ti-mo'iii-at), n, a salt of antimonic acid. antimonic ( an-ti-mon'ik ) , or anti- monious ( an-ti-mo'ni-us ) , adj. re- lating to, composed of, or obtained from antimony. antimonite (an'ti-mo-nit), n. native sulphide of antimony. antimony (an'ti-mo-ni), n. a white lustrous metal, entering largely into medicinal preparations and various important alloys, such as pewter and Britannia-metal. antinomianism ( an - ti-no'mi-an- izm), n. the tenets of the Antino- mian sect. antinomy (an-tin'o-mi), n. [pi. an- tinomies (-miz)], the opposition of one law or part of a law to another. antiparallel ( an-ti-par'a-lel ) , adj. running parallel, but in an oppo- site direction : n. one of two or more lines making equal angles with two other lines, but in contrary order. antipathetic (an-ti-pa-thet'ik), or antipathetical ('i-kal), adj. pos- sessing a natural antipathy or aversion [with to]. antipathic (an-ti-path'ik), adj. per- taining to antipathy ; adverse ; op- posite. antipathy (an-tip'a-thi), n. [pi. an- tipathies (-thiz)], natural aversion; an instinctive dislike ; the object of aversion (followed in composition by to, against, between, and for). antiperiodic (an-ti-pe-ri-od'ik), adj. preventive of return in periodic or intermittent diseases : n. a medicine for periodic diseases. antiphlogistic (an - ti-flo-jis'tik) , adj. eflacacious in counteracting fever or inflammation : n. any rem- edy which serves to check inflamma- tory symptoms. antiphon (an'ti-fon), or anti- phone (-fon), n. a chant or hymn rendered alternately by two choirs, as in English cathedral services. antiphonal (an-tif'6-nal), adj. char- acterized by antiphony or respon- sive singing : n. a collection of an- tiphons. antiphonary (an-tif'o-nar-i), n. [pi. antiphonaries (-iz)], a book of re- sponses used in the services : adj. antiphonal, or responsive. antiphonetic (an-ti-fo-net'ik), adj. similar in sound ; applied to words which rhyme. antiphony (an-tif'o-ni), n. [pi, an- tiphonies (-niz)], the alternate or responsive rendering of psalms or chants by a dual choir ; a musical setting of sacred verses arranged for alternate singing. antiphrasis (an-tif'ra-sis), n. the employment of a word, or words, in a sense contrary to its, or their, true meaning. antipodal (an-tip'o-dal), adj. per- taining to the antipodes ; opposite or extreme. antipode (an'ti-pod), n. [pi. antip- odes (an-tip'o-dez) ], one who re- sides on the opposite side of the earth ; that which is directly oppo- site to another, antipodean (aa-tip-o-de'an), adj. belonging to the antipodes : n. one who resides on the opposite side of the earth. antipodes (an-tip'6-dez), n. pi. those who, residing at opposite sides of the globe, have their feet directly opposed ; the two portions of the earth's surface which are exactly opposite to each other ; the direct opposite of a person or thing. antipyretic (an-ti-pi-ret'ik), adj, preventive of, or remedial to, fever : n. a remedy of such nature. antipyrin (an-ti-pi'rin), w. a drug, obtained from coal-tar, employed for the relief of neuralgia, nervous headaches, and reduction of heat in fevers. antiquarian (an-ti-kwar'i-an), adj. pertaining to antiquaries or to an- tiquity : n. an antiquary. antiquarianism ( an-ti-kwar'i-an- izm), n. the attachment to what is old or antiquated which character- izes the antiquary ; the study or col- lecting of antiquities. antiquary (an'ti-kwar-i), n. one who is attached to ancient things, and is learned in their history ; one who collects antiquities for the pur- pose of study. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book : hue, hut ; think, then. !g/P<; 51 any antiquated (an'ti-kwa-ted), p.adj. grown old ; old-fashioned ; obsolete ; ancient. antique (an-tek'), adj. of or belong- ing to a former age; ancient: n, something of great age; a relic of antiquity. antiqueness (-nes), n. the quality of being ancient, or having the ap- pearance of antiquity. antiquity (an-tik'wi-ti), n. Ipl. an- tiquities (-tiz)], great age; ancient- ness ; early ages ; the people or races of ancient times ; that which be- longed to, or survives from, ancient times ; a relic. antiscorbutic (an-ti-sk6r-bu'tik>, adj. & n. counteractant or remedial to scurvy. anti-Semite ( an-ti-sem'it ) , n. one who favors the social and political persecution of Jews. anti-Semitic (an-ti-sem-it'ik), adj. pertaining to, or characterized by, anti-Semitism. anti-Semitism (an-ti-sem'it-izm) , n. antagonism to the Jewish race. antisepsis (an-ti-sep'sis), n. the ex- clusion of bacteria from wounds, &c., by the use of antiseptics. antiseptic (an-ti-sep'tik), adj. de- structive to the germs of disease or putrefaction : n. a substance that acts as a preventive to putrefaction. antislavery ( an-ti-sla'ver-i ) , adj. opposed to slavery : n. opposition to slavery. antispasmodic (an-ti-spaz-mod'ik) , adj. counteractive to, or curative of, spasms : n. a medicine having such an effect. antisplenetic (an - ti-sple-net'ik) , adj. of use remedially in diseases of the spleen : n. a medicine for spleen diseases. antistrophe (an-tis'tro-fe), n. in the ancient Greek chorus, the alternat- ing part immediately following the strophe and sung in moving to the right, the strophe having been sung when moving to the left. antithesis (an-tith'e-sis), n. ]_pl. an- titheses (-sez)], opposition; con- trast ; expression by contrast or op- position of words or sentiments. antithetic (an-ti-thet'ik), or an- tithetical (-al), adj. pertaining to, of the nature of, or containing an- tithesis. antitoxin ( an-ti-toks'^n7 , n. a se- rum used hypodermically as a pre- ventive of, or cure for, diphtheria. antitrade (an'ti-trad), n. a tropical wind blowing steadily in an oppo- site direction to the trade wind. antitype (an'ti-tip), n. that which preceded the type, and of which the type is the prefigurement or repre- sentation. antitypical (an-ti-tip'i-kal), adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, an antitype. antizymotic (an-ti-zl-mot'ik), adj. preventing fermentation: n. the agent so used. antler (ant'ler), n. the individual branches of a stag's horns ; the horn in its complete condition. antonym (an'to-nym), n. a word meaning the opposite of some other word ; as unhappy is the antonym of happy. anurous (a-nu'rus), adj. having the character of the Anura, as the frogs and toads, which are tailless when adult. anus (a'nus), n. the terminal portion of the rectum ; the excremental ori- fice. anvil (an'vil), n. an iron block used for the hammering and shaping of metals. anxiety (ang-zi'e-ti), n. {pi. anxie- ties (-tiz)], a condition of mental uneasiness arising from fear or solic- itude. anxious (ang'shus), adj. deeply con- cerned ; very solicitous ; apprehen* sive. any (en'i), adj. & pron. one, indeter- minately, unlimited ; some, an indef- inite number, quantity, or degree : adj. one indefinitely; {pi.) some: pron, one; anyone; {pi.) some: adv. to any extent ; at all ; in any degree (used with comparatives, as any better). anybody (-bod-i), n. any person; some one of importance. anyhow (-hou), adv. in any way or manner ; in any case ; at any rate. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon^ book; hue, hut; think, ^/*en. any 52 ape any tiling (-thing), n, any object as distinguished from apersonffi aught ; with as or like, as "It rains like anything." anyway (-wa), adv. in any manner. anywhere (-hwar), adv. in any place. any- whither (-hwii^'er), adv. to or towards any place. any- wise (-wiz), adv. in any way or manner ; anyhow. aorta (a-6r'ta), n. [pi. aortse (-te)], the chief artery or main trunk of the arterial system, opening from the left ventricle of the heart and supplying all parts of the body, ex- cepting the lungs, with arterialized blood. aortic (a-6r'tik), adj. pertaining to the aorta. aortitis (a-6r-ti'tis), n. inflamma- tion of the aorta. aoudad (a'ti-dad), n. a sheep-like animal of North Africa, somewhat resembling the chamois. apace (a-pas'), adv. quickly; at a quick pace ; speedily. apart (a-part'), adv. separately; aside ; asunder. apartment (a-part'ment), n. a room or part of a divided building : pi. a set or suite or two or more rooms of a house set apart as lodgings. apathetic (ap-a-thet'ik), or apa- thetical (-al), adj. devoid of, or insensible to, feeling or emotion. apathetically (-li), adv. in an apa- thetical manner. apathy (ap'a-thi), n. [pi. apathies (-thiz)], lack of feeling; want of passion or emotion; indifference. apatite (ap'a-tit), n. a crystalline phosphate of lime. Bpe (ap), n. a tailless monkey hav- ing teeth in number and appear- ance as man ; a silly mimic ; a fool. The family of the apes includes the gorilla, chimpanzee, orang-outang, &c. : v.t. to imitate servilely ; mimic, as an ape. apeak (a-pek'), adv. nearly vertical in position. aperient (a-per'i-ent), adj. gently laxative ; opening the bowels : n. a mild laxative medicine. aperiodic (a-per-i-od'ik), adj. with- out periodicity. aperture (ap'er-ttir), n. an opening; a perforation or passage ; the spact between two intersecting right lines : the diameter of the exposed part of the object-glass of a telescope or other optical instrument. apetalous (a-pet'a-lus), adj. without petals or corolla. apex (a'peks), n. [pi. apices (ap'i- sez), & apexes (a'pekTsez) ], the point, tip, or summit of anything. aphagia (a-fa'ji-a), n. inability to swallow. aphasia (§.-fa'zi-a), n. loss of the power of speech, or the appropriate use of words, due to disease or in- jury of the brain. aphelion (a-fe'li-on), n. [pi. aphelia (-a)], that point in the orbit of a planet or a comet which is farthest from the sun. aphid (af'id), n. a plant-louse be- longing to the genus Aphis. aphides, pi. of Aphis. aphidian (a-fid'i-an), n. an aphid: adj. pertaining to the genus Aphis. Aphis (a'fis), n. [pi. Aphides (af'i- dez)], the genus of plant-suckers, to which the aphides belong; a member of the genus. aphorism (af'o-rizm), n, a concise and pithy statement of a rule or precept ; a maxim. aphthong (af 'thong), n. a letter or letters not sounded in a word. apiary (a'pi-a-ri), n. [pi. apiaries (-riz) ], a place where bees are kept ; a bee-house. apiece (a-pes'), adv. to or for each; each ; severally. apish (a'pish), adj. resembling an ape in manners ; foppish ; foolish. aplomb ( a-pl6ng' ) , n. self-possession ; assurance. Apocalypse (a-pok'a-lips), n. the last book of the New Testament. Apocalyptic (a-pok-a-lip'tik), or Apocalyptical ('ti-kal), adj. per- taining to or containing the Apoca- lypse. apocope (a-pok'e-pe), n. the cutting off or deletion of the last letter or syllable of a word. ftte, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. apo 53 apai apocrypha (a-pok'ri-fa), n.pl. used as a sing, with pi. apocryphas, (-faz), a writing, or something, of doubtful authorship ; certain writ- .ngs received by some Christians as an authentic part of the Holy Scrip- tures, but rejected by others, as Ecclesiasticus. apocryphal (a-pok'ri-fal), adj. of doubtful authority ; uncanonical ; of or pertaining to the apocrypha. apocryphally (-li), adv. in an apocryphal manner ; doubtfully. apod (ap'od), n. an animal without feet. apodosis (a-pod'o-sis), n. the lat- ter portion, or consequent clause, of a conditional sentence. apogean (ap-o-je'an), or apogeic ('ik), adj. pertaining to the apogee. apogee (ap'o-je), n. that point in the orbit of a planet which is most dis- tant from the earth. apologetic (a-pol-o-jet'ik), or apol- ogetical ('i-kal), adj. in the way of defense or apology. apologetically (-li), adv. in an apologetic manner. apologetics (a-pol-o-jet'iks), n. the defense and vindication of the prin- ciples and laws of the Christian be- lief. apologist (a-pol'o-jist), or apolo- gizer (-ji-zer), n. one who apolo- gizes ; one who pleads in extenua- tion or defense of the actions or principles of another. apologize (a-poro-jiz), v.i. to make an apology or excuse ; to express re- gret or make amends for anything said or done, on one's own behalf or that of another : 'V.t. to write a de- fense of ; to defend. apologue (ap'o-log), n. a moral fable ; a fiction or allegory embody- ing a moral application, as ^sop's fables. apology (a-pol'o-ji), n. [pi. apolo- gies (-jiz)], a vindication or ex- cuse ; something spoken, written, or offered in defense or extenuation ; an explanation by way of amends. apophthegm. See apothegm. apoplectic (ap-o-plek'tik), or apo- plectical ('ti-kal), adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, apoplexy ; aflaicted with apoplexy. apoplexy (ap'o-plek-si), n. the sud- den loss of consciousness and mo- tive power, resulting from cere- bral rupture. aport (a-port'), adv. on or towards the port or left side of a ship. apostasy (a-pos'ta-si), n. [pi. apos- tasies (-siz)], the forsaking or abandonment of what one has hith- erto professed or adhered to, as faith, principles, or party. apostate (a-pos'tat), n. one who has forsaken or apostatized his faith or party ; one who renounces his pro- fession after having been in holy orders: adj. false; traitorous; rene- gade. apostatical (ap-os-tat'i-kal), adj. re- bellious, in the manner of apostasy ; apostate. apostatize (a-pos'ta-tiz), v.i. to abandon one's faith, church, or party ; change one's religion for an- other. a posteriori (a-pos-te-ri-o'ri), rea- soning founded on observation of facts, effects, or consequences, by means of which the causes are reached. apostle (a-pos'l), n. one charged with a high mission ; one of the twelve persons specially selected by Christ to propagate His gospel (Luke vi. 13) ; one who performed apostolic functions, as St. Paul (I Cor. i. 1) ; the first missionary who plants the Christian faith in any region ; one who labors with special success as a moral or social re- former. Apostles' Creed (kred), n. the shortest of the tkree creeds, so named as containing a summary of apostolical doctrine. apostle-spoon (-spoon), n. a spooo having a figure of one of the Apos- tles at the top of the handle. apostolate (a-pos'to-lat), n. apostle- ship (now restricted to the dignity or office of the Pope). apostolic (ap-os-tol'ik), or apos- tolical (-'i-kal), adj. & n. of or ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. apo pertaining to an apostle or apostles, and their age, doctrine, or practice ; papal. apostolical succession (suk-sesb'- un), n. the regular and uninter- rupted transmission of ministerial authority by bishops from the Apostles. apostroplie (a-pos'tro-fe), n. a breaking olf in a speech to address directly a person or persons who may or may not be present ; the omission from a word of one or more letters, such omission being indicated by the sign (') ; the sign (') so employed in writing or print- ing. apostropliic (ap-o-strof'ik), adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, an apostrophe. apostrophize (a-pos'tro-fiz), v.t. to address by apostrophe ; omit a let- ter or letters ; mark an omission by the sign (') : v.i. to make an apos- trophe or short digressive address in speakingc apothecary (a-poth'e-ka-ri), n. [pi. apothecaries (-riz)], one who pre- pares and dispenses medicines and drugs for profit ; one who is licensed to prescribe ; a pharmacist. apothecaries' weight (wat), n. the weight used for dispensing drugs, and comprising the pound (12 oz. ), the ounce (8 drachms), the drachm (3 scruples), the scruple (20 grs.), and the grain. apothegm (ap'6-them), n. a pithy saying, embodying a wholesome truth or precept. Also spelt apoph- thegm. apotheosis (ap-o-the'o-sis), n. [pi. apotheoses (-sez) ] , deification ; the god-like personification bestowed upon deceased emperors under the Roman Empire ; excessive honor paid to a distinguished person ; canonization. apotheosize (ap-o-the-o'sTz), v.t. to exalt to the rank of a God ; deify. appal (ap-pawl'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. ap- palled, p.pr. appalling], to fright: depress or discourage by fear ; dis- may ; terrify. appalling (ap-paw'ling), p.adj. in- spiring horror or dismay. 54 app apparatus (ap-a-ra'tus), n. sing. & pi. an outfit of tools, utensils, or in- struments adapted to the accom- plishment of any branch of work, or for the performance of an ex- periment or operation ; a set of such appliances ; a group or set of organs concerned in the performance of a single function. apparel (a-par'el), n. clothing; ves- ture ; garb, or dress ; the equipment of a vessel : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. appar- eled, p.pr. appareling], to clothe or adorn ; furnish or fit out. apparent (ap-par'ent), adj. open to view ; capable of being readily per- ceived or understood ; evident ; seem- ing, but not real. apparition (ap-a-rish'un), n. a vi.s- ible object ; an appearance of some- thing not real or tangible ; a ghost or specter ; the first appearance of a luminary after obscuration : op- posed to occultation. appeal (ap-pel'), v.t. to transfer or refer to a superior court or judge ; to refer to another person or tri- bunal ; entreat, call for, or invoke aid, sympathy, or mercy : n. a call or invocation for aid or sympathy ; the right of appeal ; a summons to answer a charge ; a call or reference to another ; recourse ; the removal of a cause from an inferior to a superior court, the latter having the power to revise the decision of the lower tribunal. appear (ap-per'), v.i. to be or be- come visible ; come before ; seem. appearance (ap-per'ans), n. the act of becoming visible ; the object seen ; a phenomenon ; an apparition ; sem- blance ; outward show ; the act of coming before the public ; coming into court ; look ; bearing or aspect. appeasable (ap-pe'za-bl), adj. ca- pable of being appeased. appease (ap-pez'), v.t. to allay; as- suage ; quiet ; satisfy ; pacify. appeasement (ap-pez'ment), n. the act of appeasing; the state of being appeased. appeasive (ap-pe'ziv), adj. of a na- ture to appease; that tends to quiet or assuage. ate, arm. :, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. app 55 app appellant (ap-perant), n. one who appeals to a higher court ; one who appeals to a judge, or to any tri- bunal. appellate (ap-pel'at), adj. pertain- ing to appeals ; having cognizance of appeals : n. the person appealed against or called upon to appear. appellation (ap-e-la'shun), n. the name, title, or designation by which a person or thing is called or known ; the act of appealing. appellative (ap-pel'a-tiv), adj. serv- ing to distinguish, as a name or de- nomination of a group or class ; common, as a noun : n. a common, as distinguished from a proper, name ; the designation of a class. appellator^ ( ap-pel'a-to-ri ) , adj. containing an appeal. appellee (ap-e-le'), n. the person ap- pealed against ; the defendant in an appeal. append (ap-pend'), v.t. to attach, hang, or suspend ; subjoin or add to, as an accessory part ; annex. appendage (ap-pen'daj), n. some- thing appended or attached as a part of ; something added as an adjunct. appendant (ap-pen'dant), or ap- pendent ('dent), adj. attached or annexed : n, that which is appended or added. appendicitis (ap-pen-di-si'tis), n. inflammation of the vermiform ap- pendix of the caecum. appendix (ap-pen'diks), n. [pi. ap- pendixes ('dik-sez) & appendices ('di-sez)], that which is added as supplemental. appertain ( ap-er-tan' ) , v.i. to be- long or pertain to, as by relation or custom. appetite (ap'e-tit), n. tne desire for gratification of some want, craving, or passion that is natural or acquired ; the relish for food induced by keenness of stomach. appetizer ( ap'e-ti-zer ) , n. something that excites or whets the appetite. applaud (ap-plawd'), v.t. to praise; express approval or approbation by clapping of the hands or acclama- tion. applause (ap-plawz'), n. the ex- pression of approval by clapping ; approbation openly shown by ac- clamation. applausive (ap-plaw'siv), adj. ap- plauding ; manifesting approval. apple (ap'l), n. the round fleshy fruit of the apple-tree, and its numerous cultivated varieties ; any fruit re- sembling an apple. appliance (ap-pli'ans), n. the act of applying ; that which is used with, or as a part of, something else. applicability (ap-li-ka-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being applicable. applicable ( ap'li-ka-bl ) , adj. capable of being, or fit to be, applied. applicant (ap'li-kant), n. one who applies, or prefers a request for . something ; a petitioner. application (ap-li-ka'shun), n. the act of applying, putting to, or on ; the thing applied ; the applying or reducing to practice ; the practical demonstration of a principle ; the act of requesting ; request ; mental assiduousness. applicative (ap'li-ka-tiv), adj. capa- ble of being applied. applicatory (ap'li-ka-to-ri), adj. fit- ness to be applied : n. that which applies. applied (ap-plid'), p.adj. practical. applique (ap-li-ka'), n. a method of ornamentation in dress or uphol- stery in which portions or figures cut from other patterns are fixed or applied to a groundwork or founda- tion of any material. apply (ap-pli'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. ap- plied, p.pr. applying], to place one to another ; lay on ; put into prac- tice ; devote to a particular purpose ; refer or ascribe as fitting to a per- son or thing ; address or direct ; fix the mind upon : v.i. to suit ; have connection with or reference to ; make application to. appoint (ap-poinf), v.t. to fix; set- tle ; found ; make fast ; establish by decree ; assign or ordain ; fix the time and order of ; furnish or equip ; v.i. to decree ; ordain ; determine. appointee (ap-poin-te'), n. one in whose favor an appointment is made. appointment (ap-point'ment), n, the act of appointing ; the assign- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ftpp 56 ap^ ing to an office or trust ; the state of being appointed ; the position or office assigned or held ; a stipula- tion ; an engagement ; an arrange- ment to meet by mutual agreement ; an ordinance or decree established by authority ; furniture or equip- ment. apportion (ap-por'shun), v.t. to as- sign by equal or proportionate di- vision ; distribute or set out in just proportions. apportionment ( ap-por'shun-ment ) , n. the act of apportioning or divid- ing into just shares. apposite (ap'o-zit), adj. proper; fit; pertinent ; well-adapted. apposition (ap-o-zish'un), n. the act of adding ; addition by application, or placing together ; the placing of a second noun in the same case in juxtaposition to the first, which it characterizes or explains, as St. Mark, the EvangeHst. appositional (ap-o-zish'un-al), adj. belonging to apposition. appraisal (ap-pra'zal), n. the act of appraising, or putting a price upon with a view to sale. appraise (ap-praz'), v.t. to set a price upon ; value ; estimate the worth of, as by a licensed appraiser. appraisement (ap-praz'ment), n. the act of valuing ; an authorized valuation. appraiser (ap-pra'zer), n. one who appraises ; a person licensed and sworn to estimate the value of goods or estates. appreciable (ap-pre'shi-a-bl), adj. capable of being appreciated, per- ceived, or estimated. appreciate (ap-pre-shi-at), v.t. to value ; estimate the worth of ; es- teem highly ; prize ; be sensible of ; raise in value. appreciation (ap-pre-shi-a'shun), n. the just valuation, or proper esti- mate of worth or merit ; a rise in value. appreciative (ap-pre'shi-a-tiv), adj. exhibiting appreciation. appreciatory ( ap-pre'shi-a-to-ri ) , adj. expressive of admiration. apprehend (ap-re-hend'), t;.;t. to take or lay hold of ; seize ; arrest ; take a mental hold of ; anticipate or ex- pect : v.i. to incline to belief ; forip a conception. apprehensible ( ap-re-hen'si-bl ) , adj. capable of being apprehended or conceived. apprehension (ap-re-hen'shun), n. the act of seizure or laying hold of ; arrest ; the act of conceiving ; per- ception ; anticipation of evil ; fear or distrust of the future. apprehensive (ap-re-hen'siv), adj. capable of apprehending ; quick to learn, or grasp ; fearful of evil ; anxious for the future. apprentice (,a-pren'tis), n. one bound or articled bv indenture to serve a certain number of years to learn some trade or craft ; a novice or tyro : v.t. to put under the care of a master for instruction in some trade or craft. apprize (a-priz'), v.t. to give notice to ; inform. approach (ap-proch'), v.i. to draw or grow near ; approximate : v.t. to resemble, come near to. approach (ap-proch'), n. the act of drawing near ; access ; passage. approbate '^ap'ro-bat), v.t. to ex- press approval of ; license or sanc- tion. approbation (ap-ro-ba'shun), n. the act of approving ; commendation. approbative (ap'ro-ba-tiv), adj. ap- proving ; expressing approbation. approbativeness (-nes), n. love of praise or fame ; ambition. approbatory (ap'ro-ba-to-ri), adj. containing or 'expressing approba- tion. appropriable (ap-pro'pri-a-bl), adj. capable of appropriation. appropriate (ap-pro'pri-at), v.t. to take to one's self, in exclusion of others ; claim or use, as by an ex- clusive right ; set apart or assign to a particular use ; annex a benefice to a religious corporation : adj. pe- culiar ; fit ; apt. appropriation ( ap-pro-pri-a'shun ) , n. the act of assigning to one's self, or to a particular use or person ; application to a special use or pur° pose ; the annexation of a benefice to a religious corporation. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, t7?en. «pp 57 aqn ■appropriative (ap-pro'pri-a-tiv) , adj. appropriating ; making or tend- ing to appropriation. ^ppropriator (ap-pro'pri-a-ter), n. one who appropriates ; one who holds an appropriated_ benefice. approvable (ap-proo'va-bl), adj. deserving of or meriting approval. approval (ap-proov'al), n. approba- tion ; sanction ; ratification ; consent. approve , (ap-proov'), v.t. to prove, test, or demonstrate ; ratify ; pro- nounce efficient or sufficient ; be pleased or satisfied with ; commend : v.i. to express approval (usually fol- lowed by of). approver (ap-proo'ver), n. one who approves. approvingly (ap-proo'ving-li), adv. in a commendatory manner. approximate (ap-prok'si-mat), v.t. to bring or carry near ; cause to ap- proach : v.i. to draw near ; approach closely : adj. making approach to ; near in resemblance or position. .approximately ( ap-prok'si-mat'li ) , adv. very nearly but not absolutely. -approximation (ap-prok-si-ma'- shun), n. the act of approximating: approach to anything as a standard ; continual approach in exactness to the quantity sought, without actual- ly arriving at it ; a value nearly but not quite correct. approximative ( ap-prok'si-ma-tiv ) , adj. with a tendency to exactness. •approximatively ( ap-prok'si-ma-tiv- li), adv. in an approximative man- ner. appnlse (ap-puls'), or appulsion (-pul'shun), n. sl coming towards; the near approach of a planet to a conjunction with the sun or any fixed star. appurtenance (ap-per'te-nans), n. that which belongs or relates to something else ; an adjunct or ap- pendage ; that which belongs to, or is accessory to, an estate or property. appurtenant (ap-per'te-nant), adj. belonging or pertaining to ; acces- sory. ■apricot (a'pri-kot & ap'ri-kot), w. the fruit of a tree, allied to the plum. -April fool (fool), n. one who is im- posed upon or deceived in a jocular manner on April 1st, or All Fools' Day. a priori (a pri-o'ri), from something prior ; proceeding from antecedent to consequent. apron (a'prun), n. a portion of cloth, leather, or other material, worn as a protective or ornamental covering to the front of the person ; a leath- ern covering for the legs, used in driving ; the vent-cover of a cannon ; the curved timber placed above the foremost end of a ship's keel ; a plat- form at the entrance to a dock. apropos (a-pro-p6'), adv. to the pur- pose ; to the point ; opportunely ; in respect (followed by o/) : adj. season- able ; happy. Written also a propos. apse (aps), n. [pi. apses (-ez)], a polygonal or semicircular recess ter- minating the choir or other portion of a church. apsidal (ap'si-dal), adj. pertaining to the apsides. apsis (ap'sis), n. [pi. apsides ('si- dez) ], one of two points in the orbit of a planet situated at the furthest or the least distance from the central body or sun ; the imaginary line con- necting these points. apt (apt), adj. suitable; pertinent; appropriate ; liable ; inclined ; ready ; exj»ert ; quick of apprehension. apteral (ap'te-ral), adj. without wings ; without side-columns. apterous (ap'te-rus), adj. destitute of wings, or wing-like expansions. apteryx (ap'te-riks), n. a wingless and tailless bird peculiar to New Zealand. aptitude (ap'ti-tud), n. capacity for anything ; fitness ; tendency ; readi- ness in learning. aqua (a'kwa), n. a term much used in pharmacy in the abbreviated form of Aq., and denoting the addition of water. aqua ammonise (am-mo'ni-e), water containing an infusion of ammonia- gas. aqua fortis (for 'tis), n. (strong wa- ter), impure nitric acid. aqua regia (a'kwa re'ji-a), n. (royal-water), a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids, capable of dissolving gold. :ate, arm, c, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boonj book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Bqn 58 arb aqua vitse (a'kwa vi'te), n. (water of life ) unrectified alcohol ; brandy and other ardent spirits. _ aquamarine (a'kwa-ma-ren'), n. a pale bluish-green variety of beryl ; a color resembling the precious beryl. aquarium (a-kwar'i-um), n. [pi. aquaria (-a) & aquariums (-umz)], a tank or globe for the keeping and cultivation of aquatic plants and animals ; a series of such recepta- cles. aquatic (a-kwat'ik), adj. pertaining to water ; growing or living in or upon water ; performed in or upon water, as sports : n. an animal or plant inhabiting water : pi. aquatic sports. aquatiut (a'kwS.-tint), n. sl species of etching resembling a water-color drawing in India ink or in sepia ; an engraving produced by this proc- ess : v.f. to etch or engrave in aqua- tint. aqueduct (ak'we-dukt), n. sl struc- ture in the form of a conduit or ar- tificial channel for conducting water from a source, as for the supply of a large city. aqueous (a'kwe-us), adj. of the na- ture of, or abounding in, water ; watery; formed in or by means of water. aquiform (a-kwi-f5rm), adj. having the form of water ; liquid. aquiline (ak'wi-lin & -lin), adj. be- longing to or resembling an eagle ; curved, as the beak of an eagle. Arab ( ar'ab ) , n. a native of Arabia ; a desert-dweller ; one of the Arabic races spread over the African and Syrian deserts ; a homeless street- urchin or outcast : adj. pertaining to Arabia or the Arabs. arabesque (ar-a-besk'), n. the style of Arabic decorative art, which con- sists of the painting, inlaying, or carving in low relief of figares of plants, fruits, flowers, and foliage, variously combined or fantastically grouped : adj. pertaining to or ex- hibiting the arabesque style of orna- mentation : v.t. enrich with orna- , ment in arabesque. Arabic numerals (-num'er-alz), n.pl. the figares 0, 1, 2, 3, &c., of Indian origin, used by the Arab3 and introduced into Europe in the 12th cen<"ury. arable (ar'a-bl), adj. fit for the plow ; suited to the purposes of cultivation. arbiter (ar'bi-ter), n. an umpire or judge ; an arbitrator. arbitrament (ar-bit'ra-ment), n. the decision of arbitrators ; an award. arbitrarily (-li), adv. in a capri- cious manner ; imperiously. arbitrary (ar'bi-trar-i), adj. de- pending on the will of the arbiter; discretionary ; capricious ; imperi- ous. arbitrate (ar'bi-trat), v.i. to act as arbiter ; to settle a dispute, as an umpire ; mediate. arbitration (ar-bi-tra'shun), n. the settlement of a dispute by an um- pire. arbitrator (ar'bi-tra-ter), n. one chosen by the parties in a dispute to settle it ; an umpire. arbor (ar'ber), n. a bower; a shaded nook or walk. Arbor Day (ar'ber da), a day legally set apart in certain States for plant- ing trees. arboraceous (ar-bo-ra'shus), adj, pertaining to, or of the nature of, a tree or trees ; living on or among trees. arboreous (ar-bo're-us) or arboreal (-al), adj. pertaining to trees; wooded. arborescence (ar-bo-res'ens), m» something having the shape of a tree, as certain crystals. arborescent (ar-bo-res'ent), adj. tree-like. arboretum (ar-bo-re'tum), n. [pi arboreta, (-ta) & arboretums (-tumz)], a place in which rare trees are cultivated and exhibited. arboriculture (ar-ber-i-kul'tur), n. the cultivation of trees. arborise (ar-ber-e-za'), adj. marked like the branching of trees, as agates, enamels, &c. arborisation or arborization (ar- ber-i-za'shun), n. a tree-like appear- ance. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; booiv book ; hue, hut ; think, then. arb 59 arc arborous (ar'ber-us), adj. having the appearance or nature of an ar- bor. arbor-vitae (ar-ber-vl'te), n. an evergreen tree extensively culti- vated in gardens, &c, arc (ark), n. a curved line or any part of a curve forming the segment of a circle ; the portion of a circle described by the sun or any heav- enly body in its apparent passage through the heavens. arc-lamp (-lamp), n. a lamp having a luminous bridge or arc. arc-light (-lit), a light produced by a current of electricity passing be- tween two carbon points placed a short distance from each other. arcade (ar-kad'), n. a series of arches supported by pillars ; an arched gallery, or promenade, lined with shops. arcadian, (ar-ka'di-an), adj. rurally simple. arcanum, (ar-ka'num), w. [pL arcana ( 'na ) ] , a secret ; a mystery ; a val- uable elixir. arcb (arch), n. structure of brick or masonry, the component wedge- shaped parts of which follow a curved line ; any curvature having the form of an arch : v.t. to cover with an arch or arches ; to bend or curve into the form of an arch : v.i. to form an arch or arches ; curve : adj. chief ; of the first rank ; cun- ning ; crafty ; shrewd ; waggish ; mischievous ; roguish ; sportive ; coy. arch-board (arch'bord), n. the por- tion of the stern over the counter of a ship. arch-brick (arch'brik), n. a wedge- shaped brick used in the construc- tion of arches. archseologic ^ (iir-ke-o-loj'ik) . or archaeological ('i-kal), adj. per- taining to the study of antiquities. archseologically (-li), adv. in ac- accordance with the science of an- tiquities. archaeologist or archeologist (ar- ke-ol'o-jist), n. one versed in the study of ancient things ; an anti- quary. archaeology or archeology (ar-ke- ol'o-ji), n. the science of antiquities ; the study of prehistoric remains, or the relics of the early races of man- kind. archaic (ar-ka'ik) or archaical ('i-kal), adj. pertaining to a re- mote period ; characterized by an- tiquity ; old-fashioned ; antiquated. archaism (ar'ka-izm), n. antiquity of stj'le or use ; an antiquated, old- fashioned, or obsolete word, expres- sion, or idiom. archangel (ark-an'jel), n. an angel of the highest order. archangelic (ark-an-jel'ik), adj. per- taining to archangels. archbishop (arch-bish'up) , n. a chief bishop, one who supervises the bishops in his province, and also ex- ercises episcopal authority in his own diocese. archbishopric (arch-bish'up-rik), n. the jurisdiction, office, or see of an archbishop. archdeacon (arch-de'kn), n. digni- tary ranking next below a bishop, and who acts as his vicar or vice- regent. archdeaconate. See archidiaconate. archdeaconry ( arch-de'kn-ri ) , ^. the office, rank, jurisdiction, or residence of an archdeacon. archducal (arch-dti'kal), adj. per- taining to an archduke or an arch- duchy. archduchess (iirch-duch'es), n. the wife of an archduke ; a daughter of the Emperor of Austria. archduchy (arch-duch'i), n. Vph archduchies (-iz)], the territory or rank of an archduke or archduchess. archduke (arch-duk'), n. a prince of the imperial house of Austria. archdukedom (iirch-duk'dom), w. the dignity or territory of an arch- duke. archebiosis (ar-ke-bi-o'sis), n. the origination of living from non-living matter ; abiogenesis. archegony (ar-keg'o-ni), n. the doc- trine of the origin of life. archenemy (arch-en'e-mi), n. a principal enemy ; Satan. archer (ar'cher), n. a bowman; one skilled in the use of the bow and ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 60 archer-fish (-fish), n. a scaly-finned fish of the Java seas, which catches insects by darting drops of water upon them. archery (ar'cher-i), n. the art, prac- tice, or skill of one who uses the bow and arrow. archetype ( ar'ke-tip ) , n. the original type or pattern upon or after which a thing is made ; a model ; the orig- inal or fundamental type-structure from which a natural group of plants or animals are assumed to have descended. archetypic (ar-ke-tip'ik), arche- typal (-ti'pal), or archetypical (-tip'i-kal), adj. of or pertaining to an archetype. archetypically (-li), adv. after the manner of an archetype. archiepiscopacy . ( ar-ki-e-pis'ko-pa- si), n. the rule or dignity of an archbishop. archiepiscopal ( ar-ki-e-pis'ko-pal ) , adj. pertaining to an archbishop or to his office. archiepiscopate. See archiepisco- pacy. arching (ar'ching), adj. curving like an arch : n. arched work. archipelagic (ar-ki-pe-laj'ik), adj. pertaining to a collection of islands with the sea dividing them. archipelago (ar-ki-pel'a-go), n. [pi. archipelagoes & -gos (-goz)], any sea or body of salt water inter- spersed with numerous islands ; the island-group itself. architect (ar'ki-tekt), n. one versed in the art of building and the vari- ous styles of architecture ; one who plans or designs buildings and su- perintends their construction, hence one who forms or designs. architective (ar'ki-tek-tiv), adj. used in building; proper for build- ing. architectonics ( ar-ki-tek-ton'iks ) , n.pl. the science of architecture. architectural ( ar-ki-tek'tu-ral ) , adj. pertaining to the art of building ; in accordance with the rules of the building art. architecturally (-li), adv. with re- gard to the principles of the build- ing art; from the designer's point of view. architecture (ar'ki-tek-ttir), n. the science or art of building ; the meth- od or style of building ; construc- tion ; workmanship. architrave (ar'ki-trav), n. the low- est division of an entablature, or that part which rests immediately on the column. archival (ar-ki'val & ar'ki-val), adj. pertaining to, or included in state records. archive (ar'kiv), n. [pi. archives ( -kivz ) ] , a record preserved as evi- dence : pi. the place where public or state records are kept ; state or pub- lic documents, or records of histori- cal value pertaining to a nation or to a family. archly (-li), adv. roguishly; wag' gishly; coyly. archness (-nes), n. shyness; coy- ness. archon (ar'kon), n. a chief magis- trate of ancient Athens ; one of the nine chief magistrates chosen to su- perintend civil and religious matters. archpriest (arch'prest), n. a chief priest ; a rural dean. archway (arch'wa), n. an opening or passage beneath an arched or vaulted roof. arcograph (ark'o-graf), n. an in- strument for drawing an arc with- out the use of a central point. arctic (ark'tik), adj. pertaining to the region of the north pole ; polar ; northern ; frigid. arctic circle (ser'kl), n. an imagin- ary circle parallel to the equator and distant 23° 28' from the north pole. ardent (ar'dent), adj. hot; burning; fiery ; warm ; glowing ; passionate ; eager ; zealous ; vehement. ardent spirits (spir'itz), n.pl. alco- holic beverages, as brandy, whiskey, &c. ardor (ar'der), n. heat in a physical sense; warmth of affection or pas- sion ; eager desire ; zeal. arduous (ar'du-us), adj. steep; hard to climb ; attended with great labor or exertion ; difficult. are (ar), pres. tense pi. of the verb to be. See be. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. Photo, by American Press Assn AEROPLANES. 1, Bleriot Monoplane. 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8, AVright Biplanes. 3, Curtis Biplane. 5, Farnum Biplane. 9, Zeppelin Airship. are 61 arl; are (ar), n. the unit of French super- ficial or square measure containing 100 sq. meters or 1076.44 English sq. ft. area (ar'e-a), n. [pi. areas (-az)], any plane surface having bounds, Whether natural or artificial, as the floor of a hall, &c. ; any defined ex- tent of land-surface ; the sunken space situated at the base of a build- ing and separating it from the street; the superficial contents of any space or figure ; extent ; range ; scope ; a compass of ore allotted to miners. arena (a-re'na), n.. [pi. arenas (-naz)], the central enclosed space (usually strewn with sand) of a Roman amphitheater, in which the gladiatorial combats took place; hence the scene or field for combat or exertion of any kind. arenaceous (ar-e-na'shus), adj. sandy ; abounding in, or having the properties of, sand. Areopagus (ar-e-op'a-gus), n. the tribunal, or highest court, of ancient Athens, so named from its situation on the hill of Ares (Mars) ; hence any high court or tribunal. Argand lamp (lamp), n. a lamp having a hollow circular wick to permit the passage of air inside and outside the flame. argent (ar'jent), n. the silver of a coat of arms, represented in drawing or engraving by a plain white sur- face, symbolical of purity, beauty, &c. : adj. made of, or resembling, silver ; silvery white ; bright like sil- ver. argentite (ar'jen-tit), n. sulphide of silver of a lead-grey color. argentous (ar-jen'tus), adj. pertain- ing to, or containing, silver. argil (ar'jil), n. potters' clay or earth. argillaceous (ar-ji-la'shus), adj. of the nature of, or containing, clay ; clayey. argillite (ar-'ji-lit), n. clay-slate. argol (ar'gol), n. crude tartar from which cream of tartar is prepared. argon (ar'gun), n. an element asso- ciated with nitrogen, and forming one of the constituents of the air. argonaut (ar'go-nawt), n. a cepha- lopod commonly known as the pa- per-nautilus, and paper-sailor of the Mediterranean. argosy (ar'go-si), n. [pi. argosies ( -siz ) ] , a large richly-freighted mer- chant-vessel. arguable ( ar'gu-a-bl ) , adj. capable of being disputed or discussed. argue (ar'gti), v.i. to show or offer reasons in support of, or in opposi- tion to, a proposition, opinion, or measure ; to reason, dispute, dis- cuss ; contend in debate : v.t. to de- bate or discuss ; prove or evince. argufy (ar'gti-fi), v.i. [p.t. & p.p, argufied, p.pr. argufying], to con- tend in argument ; to persist in dis- cussion. argument (ar'gti-ment), n. that which is advanced in support or proof with a view to persuade or convince the mind ; a discussion, controversy, or debate ; the subject of a discourse or writing ; an ab- stract or summary of a book. argumental ( ar-gti-men'tal ) , adj. pertaining to reasoning ; consisting of reasons. argumentation ( ar-gti-men-ta'- shun), n. the act of arguing ; discus- sion. argumentative ( ar-gti-men'ta-tiv ) , adj. consisting of, or exhibiting a process of reasoning ; addicted to argument ; disputatious. argus-eyed (ar'gus-id), adj. watch- ful ; vigilant ; extremely observant. aria (ar'e-a & ar'i-a), n. an air; a melody or tune for single voice with accompaniment ; a solo part in a cantata or oratorio, &c. Arian (a'ri-an), adj. pertaining to the doctrines of the Arian sect. arid (ar'id), adj. dry; parched up; barren. aridity (a-rid'i-ti) or aridness (ar'- id-nes), n. the state of being dry; dryness ; want of life or interest. arietta (ar-e-et'ta), -ti. a short song or air. aright (a-rit'), adv. rightly; in a right way or form ; without sin or error. arise (a-riz'), v.i. [p.t. arose, p.p. arisen, p.pr. arising], to mount up ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n6rth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. ari 62 arm or ascend ; to come into view ; rise or get up ; spring up ; come into existence or action ; originate. aristocracy (ar-is-tok'ra-si), n. [pi. aristocracies (-siz)], government by- persons of the highest rank in a state ; the nobility or chief persons in a state. aristocrat (ar'is-to-krat & a-ris'to- krat), n. a personage of rank and noble birth ; one who upholds the aristocracy or favors government by the nobles ; a person who pos- sesses traits supposed to charac- terize the nobility. aristocratic (ar-is-to-krat'ik) or aristocratical (-i-kal), adj, per- taining to, or consisting in, a gov- ernment of the nobles ; pertaining to, or characteristic of, the higher class or nobility. aristocratically (-li), adv. in an aristocratic manner. aristocratisiu (ar'is-to-krat-izm & ar-is-tok'ra-tizm), n. the rank, con- dition, or privileges of one of noble birth ; the principles of aristocracy. arithmetic (a-rith'me-tik), n. the science of numbers ; the art of com- putation by figures. arithmetical (ar-ith-met'ikal), adj. of or pertaining to arithmetic. arithmetically (-li), adv. according to the rules or methods of arith- metic. arithmetician ( §.-rith-me-tish'an ) , n. one skilled in the science of num- bers. arithmometer (ar-ith-mom'e-ter), n. a calculating machine which per- forms multiplication and division. ai'k (ark), n. the repository of the Covenant, or tables of the Law, in the Jewish Tabernacle (Exod. xxv.), and subsequently'' placed in the Tem- ple of Solomon (I Kings viii.) ; the vessel in which Noah and his fam- ily were preserved during the Deluge, hence a place of safety or refuge ; a large boat used for trans- porting produce on American rivers. iu*m (arm), n. the limb of the human body which extends from the shoul- der to the hand ; the anterior or fore-limb of any vertebrate animal ; any projecting or diverging organ or part of a main body or trunk, as the tentacle of a star-fish, the branch of a tree, an inlet of the sea, :&c. ; might ; power ; support. arm (arm), n. a weapon; a branch of the military service : v.t. to fur- nish or equip with weapons of of- fense or defense ; fortify or provide against ; furnish with an armature : v.i. to fit one's self with arms, or take to ^one's self means of defense. arm-chair (arm'-char), n. a chair furnished with supports for the el- bows. arm-pit (arm '-pit), n. the cavity be- neath the shoulder ; the axilla. armada (iir-ma'da), n. a fleet of armed vessels ; a squadron ; the Spanish fleet dispatched against En- gland in 1588, by Philip II. armadillo (ar-ma-dil'o), n. [pi. ar- madillos ('oz)], a South American quadruped, armed with a bony shell divided into belts consisting of nu- merous small plates, and resembling a coat of mail ; an electric battery so named, worn round the body as a cure for nervous and other affec- tions. armament (ar'ma-ment), n. a body of forces equipped for war, either military or naval ; the cannon and small arms collectively of a warship or ^ fortification ; the number and weight of guns of a war-vessel. armature (ar'ma-tur), n. armor: that which serves as a means of de- fense ; a piece of soft iron connect- ing the poles of a magnet, or elec- tro-magnet, to preserve and increase the magnetic force ; iron bars or frame-work used to strengthen a building. armful ( arm'f ool ) , w. as much as can be compassed by the arms. armistice (iir'mis-tis), n. a tempo- rary cessation of hostilities agreed upon by opposing forces ; a truce. armlet (arm'let), n. a small arm of the sea ; a metal band for the arm used for ornament or for protection. armoire (ar-mwar'), n, a movable cupboard with doors. armor (ar'mer), n. defensive arms; protective covering for the body in ate, arm, ^sk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, n5rth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. arm 63 arr battle; the steel plating of a war- ship. armor-clad (-klad), adj, ironclad: n. a war vessel protected by steel plating. armor-grating (-gra'ting), n. deep iron gratings used to protect the boilers of ironclads from missiles during an engagement. armcr-plate (-plat), n. sl plate of iron or steel intended to be affixed to the side of a ship as part of a casing for protection against shell- fire. arraiorer (ar'mor-er), n. formerly a maker of arms or armor, or one who had charge of the armor of another ; the custodian of the arms of a troop or battleship. armorial (ar-mo'ri-al), adj. pertain- ing to armor or to the arms or es- cutcheon of a family : n. a book or dictionary of heraldic devices and the names of persons entitled to use them. armory (ar'mer-i), ii. [pi. -ries, (-riz)], a place for arms or the as- sembly of soldiers ; a manufactory of arms. armozeeu or armozine (ar-mo- zen'),n. a thick plain silk, generally black, used for clerical robes. arms (armz), n.pl. weapons of offense or defense ; the military service ; war as a profession ; armorial bear- ings. army (ar'mi), n. [pi. armies (-miz)], a body of men trained and equipped for war, and organized in regiments, brigades, or similar divisions under proper officers ; a great number or multitude ; an organized body of persons engaged in moral warfare. army--worm (-werm), n. the larva of a moth which devastates grain and other crops. arnica (ar'ni-ka), n. a genus of per- ennial herbs ; the mountain tobac- co : from the roots or flov/ers of a species of this herb a valuable ex- ternal remedy for bruises is made. aroma (a-ro'ma), n. [pi. aromas ('maz)], the odor exhaled by plants or other substances, generally of an agreeable or spicy nature ; perfume ; fragrance. aromatic (ar-o-mat'ik) or aromat* ical ('i-kal), adj. giving out aro- ma ; fragrant ; spicy ; odoriferous : n. a plant, herb, or drug yielding a. fragrant smell. aromatically (-li), adv. with aoi aromatic taste or smell. aromatic- vinegar (-vin'e-gar), w. a powerful perfume composed of strong acetic acid, the essential oils.; of lavender, camphor, &c. aromatous (a-ro'ma-tus), adj. full of fragrance ; aromatic. arose (a-roz'), p.t. of arise. around (a-round'), adv. in a circle; on every side ; roundabout : prep,. about ; on all sides ; encircling ; en- compassing. arousal (a-rou'zal), n. the act of awakening ; the state of being awak- ened. arouse (a-rouz'), v.t. to excite or stir to action ; put in motion that which i is at rest ; awaken from sleep or a state of inactivity ; stimulate ; ani- mate. aro-w (a-ro'), adv. in a row; in or- der ; successively. arraign (a-rJin'), v.t. to summon or- set, as a prisoner at the bar of a court to answer to a charge ; cen- sure publicly ; impeach ; indict. arraignment (a-ran'ment), n. an- accusation ; an impeachment. arrange' (a-ranj'), v.t. to put in proper order or sequence ; classify ; adjust or settle ; adapt ; group. arrangement ( a-ranj 'ment), n. the- act of putting in proper form or or- der ; that which is ordered or ^ dis- posed ; the method or style of dispo- sition ; a preparatory measure ; preparation ; settlement ; classifica- tion ; adjustment ; adaptation. arrant (ar'ant), adj. notorious; un-i mitigated ; thorough or downright' (in a bad sense) ; shameless. arras (ar'as), n. tapestry; hangings made of rich figured fabric. arrasene or arasene (ar-as-sen'),w. a kind of mixed thread of wool and. silk used in raised embroidery. array (ar-ra'), n. order; the group- ing or arrangement of a body of mea^ as drawn up for battle ; an orderly collection or series of things impos-- ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book ; hUe, hut ; think, then. 64 art ingiy displayed; dress arranged on the person ; apparel : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. -ed, p.pr. -ing], to place or dispose in order ; marshal ; deck or dress. arrayal (ar-ra'al), n. the process of arraying. arrear (ar-rer'), n. the state of being behind-hand ; that which is undone, outstanding, or unpaid. arrearage (ar-rer'aj), n. the state o)' condition of being in arrears ; that which remains unpaid and overdue after a previous payment. arrest (ar-resf), v.t. to stop or stay; check or hinder the action or motion of ; seize, take, or apprehend by le- gal authority ; seize and fix, as the eye or attention : n. the act of seiz- ing; stoppage or holding back by force or restraint ; the state of being seized or detained by legal authority. arris (ar'is), n. the line or edge in which two curved or straight sur- faces of a body, forming an exterior angle, meet each other. arris-wise (-wiz)', adv. diagonally laid, like tiles ; ridge-wise. arrival (ar-ri'val), n. the act of com- ing to a place, or reaching a destina- tion from a distance ; attainment of any object ; the person or thing ar- riving, or which has arrived. arrive (ar-riv'), v.i. to come to or reach, as a destination ; reach a point or stage ; gain or compass an object ; attain to a state or result [with at]. arrogance (ar'ro-gans), n. an undue degree of self-importance; an exor- bitant claim to dignity, rank, or estimation; a lordly contempt of others. arrogant (ar'ro-gant), ad^. making exorbitant claims to dignity or esti- mation, by presuming upon one's self-importance; overbearingly haughty. arrogate (ar'ro-gat), v.t. to assume or lay claim to unduly, or with pre- sumptuous pride. arrogation (ar-ro-ga'shun), n. the act of arrogating. arrow (ar'ro), n. a slender, pointed missile weapon, usually feathered and barbed, made to be shot from a bow. arrow cliaracters (kar'ak-ters), n. pi. the arrow-headed (cuneiform or wedge-shaped) characters of the As- syrian inscriptions. arrow-head (-hed), n. the head or barb of an arrow ; an aquatic plant so named from its leaves. arrowroot ( ar'i'6-root ) , n. a starch obtained from the rootstocks of sev- eral species of West Indian plants. arrow- wood (-wood), n. a wood of which the arrows of the Red In- dians are made. arroyo (a-roi'5), n. [pi. arroyos (-oz)], a watercourse or rivulet; the dry bed of a small stream. arsenal (ar'se-nal), n. a magazine for the storage of arms and military stores for land or naval service, or their manufacture. arsenic (ar'se-nik), n. an element of steel-gray color and brilliant luster, and exceedingly brittle, occurring usually in combination. arsenic (ar-sen'ik) or arsenical ('i-kal), adj. pertaining to or con- taining arsenic. arsenious (ar-se'ni-us), adj. pertain- ing to or containing arsenic. arsenite (ar'sen-it), n. a salt of ar- senious acid. arsis (ar'sis), n. that part of a foot where the metrical accent is placed. arson (ar'sn), n. the malicious firing of any building, agricultural prod- uce, ship, &c., belonging to anoth- er, or one's own property, with the intent to defraud an insurance office. art (art), 2nd pers. sing, indie, mood, pres. tense, of the verb to be. [Art is used only in solemn or poetic style.] See be. art (art), n. the employment of means to the accomplishment of some end; the skilful adaptation and application to some purpose or use of knowledge or power acquired from Nature ; a system of rules and established methods to facilitate the performance of certain actions ; fa- miliarity with such principles, and skill in applying them to an end or purpose, as of a practical, useful, or technical character : opposed to Sci- ence ; one of the fine arts ; the fine ate, arm, i, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 4 art 65 art arts collectively ; the power or qual- ity of perceiving and transcribing the beautiful or sesthetical in Na- ture, as in painting or sculpture ; practical skill ; dexterity ; knack ; cunning ; artifice : pi. the branches of learning included in the ordinary course of academic study. arterial (ar-ter'i-al), adj. pertaining to an artery or the arteries ; con- tained in an artery. arterialization (ar-ter-i-al-i-za'- shun), n. the process of converting venous blood into_ arterial blood. arterialize (ar-ter'i-al-iz), v.t. to convert as venous blood into arterial blood by exposure to oxygen in the lungs. arteriology (ar-te'ri-ol'o-ji), n. that branch of anatomy which treats of the arteries. arteriotomy (ar-ter-i-ot'o-mi), n. the opening of an artery ; the part of anatomy treating of the dissec- tion of the arteries. artery (ar'ter-i), n. [pi. arteries (-iz)], one of a system of tubes or vessels which convey the blood from the heart to all parts of the body. artesian well (ar-te'zhan wel), n. a well formed by boring, often to great depth, through strata the na- ture and arrangement of which per- mit of the permeation and accumu- lation of water ; on being freed from constraint, the water rises by pres- sure in the tube and overflows at the surface. artful (art'fool), adj. cunning; crafty. artfully (-li), adv. in a cunning or crafty manner. arthritis (ar-thri'tis), n. any inflam- mation of the joints ; the gout. artichoke (ar'ti-chok), n. a plant with thistle-like foliage, and bearing large terminal flower-heads, the low- er portion of which, consisting of a fleshy receptacle covered with thick scales, is used as food ; the tuberous root of an American sunflower (Helianthus tulerosis), used as a substitute for potatoes. article (ar'ti-kl), n. sl distinct por- tion or member ; a single clause, item, or particular, as in a formal agreement or treaty ; a concise state- ment ; a prose composition, com- plete, in itself, in a newspaper, mag- azine, or work of reference ; a ma- terial thing, as one of a class ; an item ; a point of duty, faith, or doc- trine ; one of the words (an [a be- fore consonant-sounds], the indefi- nite article, and the, the definite ar- ticle [see a, an, & the] ) used before nouns or substantives to define or limit their application ; a jointed segment connecting two parts of a limb or body : v.t. to bind by articles of covenant or stipulation ; specify. articular ( ar-tik'ti-lar ) , adj. pertain- ing to the joints or to a joint. articulate (ar-tik'ti-lat), v.t. to joint ; unite by means of a joint ; to form words ; utter in distinct syllables ; speak as a human being : v.i. to unite or form an articulation (with); utter articulate sounds; speak with distinctness : adj. joint- ed ; formed with joints ; segmented ; characterized by syllabic division ^ uttered with distinctness. articulation (ar-tik-u-la'shun), n. the act of jointing ; the act of speak- ing distinctly ; a distinct utterance ; the state of being articulated ; a joint or juncture between bones ; the point of separation of organs or parts of a plant ; a node or joint of the stem, or the space between twO' nodes. articulator (ar-tik'u-la-ter), n. one who pronounces distinctly ; an in- strument to cure stammering ; an apparatus attached to a telephone to secure regularity of tone ; one who mounts skeletons. artifice (ar'ti-fis), n. an artful or crafty device ; an ingenious expedi- ent ; a trick or stratagem ; a ma- noeuvre. artificer (ar-tif'i-ser), n. a skilled or artistic worker ; a mechanic ; a maker or constructor ; an inventor. artificial ( ar-ti-fish'al ) , adj. made or contrived by art ; produced by hu- man skill or labor ; feigned ; unreal ; assumed; affected; not genuine or natural. artificiality (-fish-i-al'l-ti) or ar- tificialnessss (-nes), n. the qual- ,^te, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Mrt 66 asc ity of being unreal or unnatural ; that which is artificial. artificially (-li), adv. by human skill or contrivance. artillery (ar-til'ler-i), n. cannon; great guns ; ordnance of all kinds, with its equipment of carriages, men, and material ; the officers and men forming the artillery division of an army ; the science which treats of the use or management of ordnance. artisan (ar'ti-zan), n. one skilled in any art or trade ; a mechanic ; a handicraftsman. artist (ar'tist), n. one skilled in any branch of high art ; one professing or practicing one of the fine arts. artiste (ar-test'), n. one who is an expert in any branch of professional art other than the fine arts, as a public singer, cook, &c. artistic (ar-tis'tik) or artistical ('ti-kal), adj. pertaining to art or to artists ; characterized by aesthetic feeling or conformity to the princi- ples of a school of art or design. ^artistically (-al-li), adv. in a man- ner conformable to the rules and principles of art. artless (art'les), adj. lacking art; unskilful ; devoid of cunning ; sim- ple ; natural ; undesigning ; unaf- fected ; ingenuous. Aryan (ar'yan), adj. pertaining to' the Aryans, or to their language. j as (as), n. [pi. asses (as'sez)], a Ro- j man weight equivalent to the libra | or pound. j asafetida or asafoetida (as-a-fet'i- [ da), n. a fetid sap obtained from the roots of several large umbelliferous plants of Persia and Afghanistan. asbestine (as-bes'tin), adj. pertain- ing to or of the nature of, asbestos ; incombustible. asbestos (as-bes'tos) or asbestus Ctus), n. a fibrous variety of horn- blende, separable into flexible fila- ments of flax-like appearance and silky luster, and possessing the property of being incombustible. ascend (as-send'), v.i. to take an up- ward direction ; mount ; go up ; rise ; to proceed from an inferior to a su- perior ; rise from a lower to a higher pitch or tone : v.t. to go or move up- ward upon ; climb ; go upward along. ascendable ( as-sen'da-bl ) or as- cendible ('di-bl), adj. capable of being climbed or navigated. ascendancy (as-sen'dan-si) or as- cendency ('den-si), n. a govern- ing or controlling power or influ- ence ; domination. ascendant (as-sen'dant) or ascend- ent ('dent), adj. rising; supe- rior ; predominant ; above the hori- zon : n. superiority or commanding influence ; predominance ; an ances- tor, or one who precedes in geneal- ogy or degrees of kindred : opposed to descendant : the particular zodia- cal sign appearing above the horizon at the time of one's birth. ascension (as-sen'shun), n. the act of moving upward ; a rising ; the ascent of our Lord to heaven ; the rising of a star or point above the celestial horizon. Ascension Day (da), n. a movable feast to commemorate Christ's as- cension into heaven, celebrated on the Thursday next but one before Whit-Sunday : also called Holy Thursday. ascent (as-sent'), n. the act of ris- ing ; an upward movement ; the act of climbing ; the way or means of reaching a height ; an acclivity ; an upward slope. ascertain (as-ser-tan'), v.t. to make certain ; find out or determine defi- nitely by test or examination. ascertainment ( as-ser-tan'ment) , n. the act of ascertaining. ascetic (as-set'ik), adj. exceedingly rigid in the exercise of religious du- ties and mortification of worldly de- sires : n. one who renounces the world and devotes himself to re- ligious exercises ; one who subjects himself to severe disciplinary meth- ods of living ; a hermit ; a recluse. ascetically (-al-li), adv. in an ascet- ical manner. asceticism (as-set'i-sizm), n. the condition or mode of life adopted by one who renounces worldly matters ; austerity. ascribable ( a-skri'ba-bl ) , adj. capa- ble of being attributed or imputed. Ste, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. asc 67 asp ascribe (a-skrib'), v.t. to attribute, impute, or refer ; assign ; attribute. ascription (a-skrip'shun), n. the act of attributing or imputing ; that which is assigned. aseptic (a-sep'tik), adj. free from the germs of disease or putrefaction ; not liable to putrefy : an aseptic sub- stance. asexual ( a-seks'ii-al ) , adj. not sex- ual ; produced by other than sexual processes. asexually (-li), adv. in a manner other than by conjunction of the sexes : applied to reproduction. ash (ash), n. the name popularly ap- plied to trees of the genus Fraxinus, many of which supply valuable tim- ber ; the wood of the ash-tree : adj. pertaining to, or like, the ash ; made of ash. ash (ash), n. [pi. ashes ('ez)], the residue of plant or animal substance remaining after subjection to red- heat : pi. the waste of burned coal ; the remains of a human body when cremated, hence a corpse. ashamed (a-shamd'), p.adj. affected or touched by shame ; cast down or dejected by conscious guilt ; abashed by a sense of indecorum ; reluctant through fear of shame (followed by an infinitive). ashen (ash'n), adj. pertaining to the ash-tree ; made of ash ; of the color of ashes ; pale. ashore (a-shor'), adv. on shore; to the shore ; on land. aside (a-sid'), adv. on or to one side; out of a given direction ; apart ; away from : n. a speech or utter- ance not intended for the present company ; a remark made by an ac- tor on the stage, and assumed to be heard only by the person for whom it is intended, asinine (as'i-nin), adj. pertaining to the ass ; having the nature or char- acteristics of an ass. asininity (as'i-nin'i-ti), n. the quali- ty of being asinine ; obstinate stu- pWity. ask (ask), v.t. to request; seek to obtain by words ; petition or beg for ; claim or demand ; expect or. require ; inquire respecting ; interrogate ; in- vite : v.i. to prefer by request ; in- quire after. askance (a-skans') or askant (a- skant'), adv. sideways; obliquely; awry ; from the corner of the eye ; aslant. aske-w ( a-sku'),ac?f. obliquely ; awry; out of position or arrangement. aslant (a-slant'), adv. not at right angles ; sloping ; oblique ; slanting ; athwart. asleep (a-slep'), adj. & adv. sleeping; in a state of slumber ; dormant. aslope (a-slop'), adv. in a sloping direction. asoak (a-sok'), adv. in a state of saturation or soaked with moisture. asp (^sp), n. a small venomous snake of Egypt ; the common viper, or adder, of Europe ; a royal symbol of ancient Egypt. asparagus (as-par'a-gus), n. a plant having tender edible shoots. aspect (as'peckt), n. visual or mental appearance ; look ; mien ; air ; out- look or prospect ; the relative posi- tion of the planets as viewed from the earth ; appearance. aspen (as'pen), n. a species of poplar whose leaves have the property of trembling in the slightest breeze : adj. pertaining to the asp-tree ; quivering like an aspen-leaf. asper (as'per), adj. rugged; hard; warlike : n. the mark ( ' ) in Greek, to indicate the rough breathing, or aspirate. asperity (as-per'i-ti) , n. [pi. asperi- ties (-tiz)], roughness of surface; roughness or harshness of sound ; sourness ; bitterness of taste or tem- per. aspermous (a-sper'mus), adj. with- out seed ; not producing seed. i asperse (as-pers'), v.t. to besprinkle;! injure in reputation by calumny ; slander. aspersion (as-per'shun), n. a sprink- ling as of dust or water ; injury by false and calumnious charges or re* ports ; slander. asphalt (as'falt), n. a compact, brit- tle variety of native bitumen, em- ployed for the purpose of paving^ ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ASP 68 roofing, and cementing : v.t. to lay down or cover with asphalt. ^sphaltic (as-fal'tik), adj. of the na- ture of, composed of, or containing asphalt. asphaltiiiu. Same as asphalt. a^spliodel (as'fo-del), n. the name of several plants of the liliaceous ge- nus Asphodelus ; the daffodil of the older English poets ; the unfading plant of the dead, which covered the meadows of Hades. asphyxia (as-fik'si-a) or asphyxy ('si), n. the condition of lifelessness occasioned by suspension or inter- ruption of respiration. asphyxiate (as~fik'si-at), v.t. to suf- focate ; deprive of oxygen, and so cause death or dangerous symptoms. aspic (as'pik), n. a venomous asp: the great lavender ; a side-dish com- posed of game, fish, &c., encased in clear savory meat-jelly. aspirant (as-pi'rant), adj. aspiring; ambitious : n. one who seeks to at- tain, or aspires to, a high object or position. aspirate (as'pi-rat), v.t. to pro- nounce with a full breathing ; to prefix the sound of the letter h : n. the sound of the letter h, as in horse ; the mark or sign used to de- note the sound : adj. pronounced with the audible breath. aspiration (as-pi-ra'shun), n. the act of aspirating ; an aspirated sound ; a breath ; the yearning desire for something higher or better than that already possessed ; ambition. aspiratory (as-pi'ra-to-ri), adj. per- taining to breathing ; suited to the inhaling of air. aspire (as-pir'), v.i. to seek after or desire with longing ; yearn for that which is better or nobler ; rise or ascend ; to soar : v.t. to breathe to, or into ; breathe forth ; soar to ; at- tain. asquint (a-skwinf), adv. with a squint ; to or out of the corner of the eye ; obliquely. ass (as'), n. a quadruped of the ge- nus Equus, allied to the horse, usu- ally employed in its domesticated State as a beast of burden ; a dull, stupid fellow. . assafoetida. See asafetida. assail (as-sal'), v.t. to fall upon or attack with vehemence ; attack with argument or abuse. assailant (as-sa'lant), adj. assault- ing ; attacking : n. one who, or that which, assails. assassin (as-sas'sin), n. one who slays treacherously or by covert as- sault ; one who kills, or attempts to kill, secretly as the agent of another or others, or for reward ; formerly one of a band of Syrian fanatics. assassinate (as-sas'si-nat), v.t. to kill, or attempt to kill, by secret or treacherous means ; slay suddenly or unawares ; murder. assassination ( as-sas-si-na'shun ) , n. the act of slaying in secret, or at the bidding or reward of others ; murder. assault (as-sawlt'),w. an attack with violence by physical means ; an on- slaught ; an attack by military force ; a violent attack by moral force ; an attempt or threat to do bodily violence or injury to another ; the charge of an attacking party on a fortified position : v.t. to attack violently ; storm, as by armed force ; attack by moral force ; threaten or attempt by visible means bodily vio- lence or injury to another ; attack a fortified position by a sudden charge. assay (as-sa'), n. the act or process of determining by analysis the quan- tity or proportion of any one or more metals in a metallic compound, ore, or alloy, especially the standard purity of gold or silver coin or bul- lion ; the substance or metal to be assayed : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. -ed, p.pr. -ing] , to subject to analysis ; to de- termine the quantity or proportion of one or more of the constituents of a metal. assay er (as-sa'er), n. one who as- says ; an officer of the Mint appoint- ed to test the purity of bullion and coin. assemblage (as-sem'blaj), n. the act of assembling ; the state of being assembled ; a group or collection of persons or particular things. assemble (as-sem'bl), v.t. to collect or gather together in one place or ate^ arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. ass body ; congregate : v.i. to meet or come together ; convene. assembly (as-sem'bli), n. [pi. assem- blies (-bliz)], a collection or com- pany of persons brought together in one place, and' for a common object ; a meeting ; a congregation. assembly-man. (-man), n. a mem- ber of a legislative assembly. assent (as-sent'), v.i. to admit as true ; concede ; agree to ; consent : n. the act of agreeing to ; consent ; ac- quiescence ; approval ; concurrence. assentation ( as-sen-ta'shun ) , n. com- pliance vs^ith the opinion of another, in flattery or obsequiousness. assentient (as-sen'shi-ent), adj. as- senting : n. one v^ho assents. assert (as-serf), v.t. to maintain; declare positively, or v^ith assur- ance ; aver ; aflfirm ; defend or vin- dicate ; declare. assertion (as-ser'shun), n. the act of asserting ; that v^hich is assert- ed ; positive declaration ; allegation ; maintenance or defense. assertive (as-ser'tiv), adj. positive; dogmatical ; confident in assertion. assert or (as-ser'ter), n. one who as- serts ; one who maintains or de- fends. assertory (as-ser'to-ri), adj. affirm- ing ; supporting. assess (as-ses'), v.t. to fix or deter- mine, as damages; fix, rate, or set a certain charge upon, as a tax ; estimate or value officially for the purpose of taxation. assessed taxes (taks'ez), n.pl. taxes levied on income, houses, and prop- erty. assessment (as-ses'ment), n. the act of assessing or determining an amount to be paid ; an official valua- tion of property, or income, for the purpose of taxation ; the specific sum levied as tax, or assessed for damages. assessor (as-ses'er), n. one appointed to assess property or persons for taxation. assessorial (as-ses-so'ri-al), adj. pertaining to an assessor. assets (as'sets), n.pl. the property, whether real or personal, of a de- ceased person which is subject by law to the discharge of his debts and legacies ; the property or effects of an insolvent debtor which are avail- able for the satisfaction of his cred- itors ; the entire property of a trader or company of traders. asseverate (as-sev'er-at), v.t. to af- firm or aver positively, or with so- lemnity. asseveration (as-sev-er-a'shun), n. a solemn affirmation or declaration, as upon oath. assibilate (as-sib'i-lat), v.t. to pro- nounce with a hissing sound; to alter to a sibilant. assibilation (as-sib-i-la'shun), n, pronunciation with a hissing sound ;, the change of a dental or guttural mute into a sibilant or a similar sound. assiduity (as-si-dii'i-ti), n. [pi. assi- duities (-tiz)], close application or unremitting attention to ; diligence : pi. studied and persevering atten- tion to please. assiduous (as-sid'u-us), adj. con- stant in application ; devotedly at- tentive ; perseveringly diligent. assign (as-sin'), v.t. to appoint, mark out, apportion, make over ; fix ; des- ignate for a specific purpose ; point out exactly ; to transfer or make over to another, as for the benefit of creditors : n. an appurtenance ; one to whom property or interest is assigned by will or deed. assignat (as'ig-nat, French a-se- nya'), n. a money or currency bond issued by the French Revolutionary Government (1789-96). assignation (as-ig-na'shun), n. the act of assigning ; an appointment to meet [used chiefly of love-meetings and in a bad sense] ; the transfer of title, or the deed of transferment. assignee (as-si-ne'), n. one to whom an assignment of anything is made, either in trust or for his own use and enjoyment. assignment (as-sin'ment), n. a set- ting apart, allotment, or appoint- ment to some particular person or use; transfer of title or interest; the deed of writing effecting such a transfer. ate, arm, :, ai, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book : hue, hut : think, then. flSS 70 ass assignor (as-si-nor'), n. one who as- signs or transfers an interest. assimilable (as-sim'i-la-bl), adj. ca- pable of being assimilated. assimilate (as-sim'i-lat), v.i. to bring to conformity or agreement with something else ; convert or in- corporate into organic substance ; absorb or appropriate, as nourish- ment : v.i. to be converted into or become incorporated with the sub- ,, stance of the animal body. assimilation (as-sim-i-la'shun), n. the act or process of assimilating ; the state of being assimilated. assimilative (as-sim'i-la-tiv), adj. having the power of assimilating, or causing assimilation. assist (as-sist'), v.t. to help; aid; give support to ; attend : v.i. to lend help or aid. assistance (as-sis'tans), n. help; furtherance ; aid ; succor ; support. assistant (as-sis'tant), adj. helping; lending aid ; auxiliary : n. one who, or that which, assists ; a helper ; an auxiliary. assistful (as-sist'fool), adj. helpful. assize (as-siz'), n. [pi. assizes ('ez)], a court or session of justice for the trial by jury of civil or criminal cases ; the sessions held periodically in each county of England by judges of the Supreme Court [usually in the pi.] ; the time or place of hold- ing the assize [usually in the pi.]. assizement (as-slz'ment), n. an in- spection of weights and measures, enacted by statute. assizer (as-si'zer) or assizor ('zer), n. a juror. associate (as-so'shi-at ),!?.*. to unite; join with ; connect ; accompany, as I a companion, friend, or confederate : v.i. to unite in company ; keep com- pany ; unite in action : adj. joined in interest, object, or purpose ; sharing office or employment, as a colleague or partner ; connected by habit, function, or sympathy : n. a companion ; a confederate ; an ally ; one belonging to a society or insti- tution, usually of a lower grade than a Member or Fellow. -association (as-so-shi-a'shun), n. the act of associating or state of being associated ; union ; conjunc- tion ; an associate body of persons formed for a common object ; a so' ciety. associative (as-so-shi-a'tiv), adj. tending to or characterized by asso- ciation. assonance (as'so-nans), n. resem- blance of sound ; a species of rhyme which consists in the use of the same vowel-sound in the last sylla- ble of words having different conso- nants. assonant (as'so-nant), adj. having resemblance of sound; pertaining to, or possessing, assonance. assort (as-s6rt'), v.t. to divide or separate into lots according to ar- rangement ; to classify ; arrange : v.i. to agree ; suit ; be in accordance with. assortment (as-s6rt'ment), n. the act of assorting or placing out ; a classified collection of articles or goods of a varied character. assuade (as-swad'), v.t. to present, as advice ; urge persuasively. assuage (as-swaj'), v.t. to soften; mitigate, allay, lessen, satisfy, or ap- pease. assuagement (as-swaj'ment), n. mitigation ; a lenitive application or medicine. assume (as-sum'), v.t. to take to; take in or into ; take upon one's self ; arrogate or appropriate ; take for granted ; take in appearance ; pretend to possess : v.i. to be arro- gant ; presume ; claim more than is one's due ; give a legal undertaking ; pretend ; usurp. assumpsit (as-sump'sit), n. a verbal or unsealed contract based on a con- sideration ; an action to enforce such a contract. assumption (as-sump'shun), n. the act of assuming or taking to or upon one's self ; taking for granted ; the thing supposed ; a postulate ; the taking up of a person to heaven ; a verbal or unsealed contract. assumptive (as-sump'tiv), adj. as- sumed, or capable of assumption. assurable ( a-shtir'a-bl ) , adj. capable of being assured or insured. ^ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 71 ast assurance (a-shtir'ans), n, the act of assuring ; an earnest or testimony intended or tending to elicit or in- spire confidence ; certain expecta- tion ; confidence ; self-possession ; self-reliance ; impudence ; a deed or other legal evidence of the con- veyance of property ; a security or contract to make good a loss, or pay over a sum at death or at some de- terminate age. assure (a-shur'), v.f. to make sure or certain ; to inspire confidence by declaration or promise ; secure to another ; insure, or covenant for in- demnity in event of loss or death. assured (a-shurd'), p. adj. made cer- tain ; guaranteed ; self-possessed ; insured : n. a person insured. assuredly (-li), adv. certainly; ,with assurance. assuredness (-nes), n. certainty; full confidence. assurer (a-shtir'er), n. one who as- sures. Assyrian (as-sir'i-an), adj. pertain- ing to Assyria or to its inhabitants. Assyriology (as-sir-i-oro-jij, n. the science or study of the language and antiquities of Assyria. astatic (a-stat'ik), adj. without po- larity. astatically (-al-li), adv, in an astatic manner. astaticism ( a-stat'i-sizm ) , n. the state of being astatic. astay (a-sta'), adv. said of an anchor when on heaving it the cable makes an acute angle with the level of the water. Aster (as'ter), n. a genus of flower- ing-plants with rosette-shaped flow- ers, to which the Michaelmas-daisy belongs. aster,^ n. any plant of the genus Aster. asterial (as-te'ri-al), adj,. connected with, or related to, the stars. asteriated (as-te'ri-a-ted), adj. ra- diated ; having the form of a star. asterisk (as'ter-isk), n. the mark (,*) used in printing as a reference to a marginal passage or footnote appended to the text, or to indicate letters or words omitted (***) : v.t. to mark with an asterisk. asterisxn (as'ter-izm), n. a group or cluster of stars ; three asterisks placed in the form of a triangle [ »** or *** ] to direct attention to a particular passage ; the star-like appearance in certain crystals. astern (a-stern'), adj. & adv. at or toward the hinder part of a ship; behind a ship. asternal (a-ster'nal), adj. not joined to the sternum or breastbone : said of ribs. asteroid (as'ter-oid), adj. star-like; star-shaped : n. one of the small planets whose orbits lie between those of Mars and Jupiter ; a minor planet. asthenia (as-the-m'a), n. debility. asthenic (as-then'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or characterized by, asthe- nia ; feeble. asthma (ast'ma & as'mS^), n. a respi- ratory disease, chronically recurrent and attended by difficulty of breath- ing, with a wheezing cough and a sense of constriction in the chest. asthmatic (ast-mat'ik), or asth- matical ^ 'i-kal ) , adj. pertaining to asthma ; affected by asthma : n. a person suffering from the dis- ease. asthmatically (-li), adv. in an asthmatical manner. astigmatic (as-tig-mat'ik), adj. per- taining to, affected with, or curing astigmatism. astigmatism (as-tig'ma-tizm), or astigmism ('mizm), n. a defect in the structure of the eye causing variation of the focus of the crys- talline lens. astir (a-ster'), adv. or adj. on the move ; active ; stirring. astomatous (as-tom'a-tus), or as- tomous (as'to-mus), adj. destitute of a mouth ; without breathing pores. astonish (as-ton'ish), v.t. to strike with sudden wonder ; surprise ; amaze. astonishment (as-ston'ish-ment), n. the state of being astonished; amazement. astound (as-tound'), v.t. to strike with amazement ; shock ; alarm ; stun. ate, arm, :, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, ihen. ast 72 ast astraddle (a-strad'l), adv. with one leg on each side of something ; astride. astragal (as'tra-gal), n. a small molding or bead of semicircular form : called also a roundel ; the astragalus ; the circular molding near the mouth of a cannon. astragalus (as-trag'al-us), n. [pi. astragali (-li)], the ball of the ankle-joint ; the lower bone into which the tibia articulates. astrakhan (as'tra-kan), n. the skins of young lambs with curly wool, ob- tained from Astrakhan, a city in Russia ; an imitation with a pile resembling this wool or fur. astral (as'tral), adj. pertaining to the stars ; starry ; star-shaped ; per- taining to a super-sensible sub- stance presumed by occultists to pervade the regions of space and to enter into the composition of all bodies. astral body (bod'i), n. a kind of ethereal body said by the occultists to be capable of projection to a dis- tance, and to possess the power of occupying two places at the same instant ; a ghost or double. astral lamp (lamp), n. a lamp sim- ilar to an Argand lamp, giving an uninterrupted light. astral spirits (spir'itz), n.pl. spirits formerly supposed to inhabit the stars, and represented as fallen an- gels or spirits of fire. astray (a-stra'), adv. out of the right way ; wandering. astride (a-strld'), adv. with the legs wide apart ; astraddle. astringency (as-trin'jen-si), n. the quality of being astringent; harsh- ness ; severity. astringent (as-trin'jent), adj. bind- ing ; contracting, opposed to laxa- tive : n. a substance or medicine that produces contraction of the tissues and checks discharges. astrolabe (as'tro-lab), n. an instru- ment formerly employed for taking the altitude of the sun or stars; a stereographie projection of the sphere on the plane of the equator or a meridian. astrologer (as-trol'o-jer), n. one who professes to forecast events by means of the stars. astrological (as-tro-loj'i-kal), adj, pertaining to astrology, or the prac- tice of astrology. astrologically (-li), adv. in an as- trological manner ; according to astrology. astrology ( as-trol'o- ji ) , n. predesti- nation by the stars ; the art ancient- ly pursued of foretelling or fore- casting the future of mankind, by reference to the influence supposed to be exerted by the stars in their various aspects and relative posi- tions upon the course of human destiny. astrometer (as-trom'e-ter), n. an instrument for ascertaining and comparing the relative magnitude and luster of the stars. astronomer (as-tron'o-mer), n. ona who studies, or is versed in, astron- omy. astronomer royal (roi'al), n. the official title of the astronomer in charge of a royal observatory in Great Britain and Ireland. astronomic (as-tro-nom'ik) or as- tronomical ('i-kal), adj. pertain- ing to astronomy, or according to astronomical laws. astronomical clock (klok), n. a clock which keeps sidereal time. astronomical signs (sinz),w.pZ. the signs of the zodiac. astronomical year (yer), n. a year the length of which is determined by astronomical observations. astronomically (-li), adv. in an as- tronomical manner. astronomy (as-tron'o-mi), n. the study of the heavenly bodies ; the science "which treats of their mag- nitude, motions, relative positions, and all connective phenomena. astropbotograpky ( as-tro-f o-tog'- jra-fi ) , n. photography applied to the delineation of the heavenly bodies. astr ophot ometer ( as-tro-f o-tom'e- ter), h. an instrument for measur- ing the intensity of the light of stars. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. ast 73 atm, I astrophysical (as-tro-fiz'i-kal), adj. pertaining to the physical structure of the stars. astute (as-tut'), adj. shrewd; keenly penetrating ; sagacious ; cunning ; crafty. asunder (a-sun'der), adv. apart; separately ; into parts. as wail (as'wal), n. the sloth-bear of India. asylum (a-si'lum), n. [pi. asylums ('lumz)], a sanctuary or place of refuge wherein formerly criminals and debtors might find immunity from arrest ; an institution for the care or relief of the aged, destitute, or afflicted. asymmetrical (as-i-met'ri-kal), adj. not symmetrical ; disproportionate. asymmetrically (-li), adv. not symmetrical. asymmetry (a-sim'e-tri), n. lack of symmetry or proportion between ihe parts of a thing. asyndeton (a-sin'de-ton), n. a figure of speech which omits connectives, as "I came, I saw, I conquered. atavism (at'a-vizm), n. the rever- sion, or tendency to revert, to the ancestral type of a species ; resem- blance to a remote ancestor, ex- hibited by a certain organism ; the recurrence of any peculiarity or dis- ease from which an ancestor in re- mote generations has suffered. atavistic (at-a-vis'tik), adj. of, or pertaining to, atavism. ataxia (a-tak'si-a), or ataxy ('si), n. irregularities in the functions of the body or in the course of a dis- ease. ataxic (a-tak'sik), adj. pertaining to, or characterized by, ataxy. ataxic fever (-fe'ver), n. typhus fever of a malignant type. ate (et & at), p.t. of eat. atelier (a'te-lya), n. a workshop; the studio of a painter or sculptor. atheism (a'the-izm), n. disbelief in the existence of a God. atheist (a'the-ist), n. one who dis- believes or denies the existence of a God. atheistic (a-the-is'tik), or atheis- tical ('ti-kal), adj. pertaining to, containing, or implying atheism. atheistically (-li), adv. in an athe- istic manner ; impiously. atheneum, athenseum ( ath-e-ne'- um), n. [pi. atheneums ('umz) & athensea ('a)], an institution, club, or building devoted to the purposes or study of literature, science and art. athermancy (a-ther'man-si), n. im- permeability to radiant heat. athermanous ('ma-nus), adj. im- pervious to radiant heat. athirst (a-thersf), adj. in want of drink. athlete (ath'let), n. a competitor for a prize in public games ; one trained to contend in feats of physical prowess ; one possessed of great physical strength. athletic (ath-let'ik) , adj. pertaining to athletes, or their performances ; strong ; robust ; vigorous ; muscular, athletically ('i-kal-li), adv. in an athletic manner. athleticism (ath-let'i-sizm), n. the practice of athletic games or exer- cises. athletics (ath-let'iks), n. any sys- tem of athletic training by gymnas- tic exercises or outdoor sports ; ath- letic exercises collectively. athwart ( a-thwawrt' ) , prep, across; from side to side : adv. crosswise ; obliquely ; across the course or di- rection of a ship. athwart-ships (-ships), adv. phr, across a ship from one side to the other. atilt (a-tilt')» d^v. & adj. in the posi- tion or with the action of a person making a thrust ; tilted. atlantes (at-lan'tez), n.pl. figures or half-figures of men, used in place of columns or pilasters to support an entablature. atlas (at'las), n. [pi. atlases ('ez)], a collection of maps in a volume ; a work in tabulated form ; a large size of drawing-paper. atlas-powder (at'las-pou'der) , n. a powerful nitro-glycerine blasting compound. atmidometer (at-mi-dom'e-ter), n. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. atm 74 ati' an instrument for measuring the evaporation from ice, snow, or water. atmology (at-mol'o-ji), n. the science of aqueous vapor, its laws and phenomena. atmometer (at-mom'e-ter), n. an instrument for measuring the rate and amount of evaporation from I a moist surface. atmospliere (at'mos-fer), n. the aeriform fluid surrounding the earth, composed of a mechanical mixture of 79 parts by volume of nitrogen with 21 parts of oxygen, and a trace of carbonic acid and argon, with a varying proportion of aqueous vapor, ammonia, ozone, and organic matter ; the gaseous envelope surrounding any of the heavenly bodies ; the influence, men- tal and moral, exerted on a person by his environments. atmospheric (at-mos-fer'ik), or at- mospherical ('i-kal), adj. pertain- ing to, resembling, or consisting of, existing in, or dependent upon, the atmosphere. atmospheric pressure (-presh'er), n. the pressure exerted in every di- rection upon a body by the atmos- phere ; equivalent to 14 2-3 lb. on the sq. in., or 1,033 grams on the sq. centimeter. atoll (a-tol' & at'ol), n. a coral island having the form of an outer ring of coral surrounding a basin or lagoon. atom (at'um), n. an ultimate indi- visible particle of matter. atomic (a-tom'ik), or atomical (_'i-kal), adj. pertaining to, or con- sisting of, atoms ; extremely minute. atom.ic weight (a-tom'ik wat), n. the weight of the atom of any ele- ment as compared with another taken as a standard, usually hydro- gen, taken as 1. atomically (-li), adv. in an atomic manner. atomicity (at-o-mis'i-ti), n. equiva- lence ; the combining capacity of an element. atomize (at'um-iz), v.t. to reduce to atoms or exceedingly fine particles. atomizer (at'um-izer), n. an instru- ment constructed to reduce a liquid to spray. atonable (a-ton'a-bl), adj. capable of being atoned for. atone (a-ton') , v.i. [p.t. &p.p. atoned p.pr. atoning], to make reparation or amends, as for injury done or im- plied ; expiate ; make satisfaction for ; reconcile. atonement (a-ton'ment), n. repara- tion or satisfaction offered or made in return for injury ; expiation of wrong or sin by suffering; the recompense for sin typified by the sufferings and death of Christ ; reconciliation. atonic (a-ton'ik), adj. wanting tone, or vital energy ; unaccented : n. an unaccented word or syllable ; a medi- cine to allay excitement. atony (at'o-ni), n. want of tone; de- bility ; weakness of any organ. atrip (a-trip'), adv. just clear of the ground. atrium (a'tri-um), n. [pi. atria (-a)], the square entrance-hall, lighted from above, constituting the chief apartment in an ancient Ro- man house ; a hall or entrance- court ; a portico ; the auricular por- tion of the heart ; a cavity. atrocious (a-tro'shus), adj. wicked in the highest degree ; extremely criminal or cruel ; outrageous ; ex- hibiting or characterized by great atrocity ; flagrant. atrocity (a-tros'i-ti), n. [pi. atroci- ties (-tiz)], enormous wickedness; abominable cruelty ; an atrocious deed. atrophy (at'ro-fi), n. a wasting, or diminution in bulk, of the body, or any part of the body arising from lack of nourishment ; the degenera- tion of an organ or part : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. atrophied, p.pr. atrophying], to waste away ; to dwindle. atropin (at'ro-pin), or atropine -pin), n. a crystalline alkaloid of very poisonous nature extracted from the deadly nightshade (bella- donna), having the singular proper- ty of producing dilatation of the pupil of the eye. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. atr 75 atropism (at'ro-pizm), n. poisoning by atropin or belladonna. attach (at-tach'), v.t. to fasten, or fix, to or on ; bind ; connect with or appoint to ; connect by ties of affec- tion ; to take, or seize, by legal authority : v.i. to adhere. attache (at-ta-sha'), n. one who is attached to another, or as part of a suite or staff, as of an embassy or legation. attachment (at-tach'ment), n. the 1^ act of attaching ; adherence ; fidel- ity ; affection or regard ; that which attaches, or the thing which is at- tached ; a taking into custody or seizure of the person, goods, or estate by virtue of a legal process. attack (at-tak'), v.t. to assault; fall upon with force ; assail with intent to overcome or to damage, discredit, or bring into ridicule ; begin to af- fect or act upon, as disease : v.i. to make an onset or attack : n. the act of attacking in any sense of the word. attain, (at-tan'), v.t. to achieve; gain ; compass ; accomplish : v.i. to reach ; come, or arrive at. attainability ( at-ta-na-biri-ti ) , n. attainableness. attainable ( at-ta'na-bl ) , adj. ca- pable of being attained. attainableness (-nes), n. the qual- ity of being attainable. attainder (at-tan'der), n. the act of attainting, or the state of being at- tainted ; an act, formerly in opera- tion, for the deprivation of all civil rights and of power to inherit or transmit property : applied to per- sons under sentence of death or out- lawry for treason or felony. attainment (at-tan'ment), n. the act of attaining ; the act of arriving at or reaching, as the result of exer- tion or effort; that which is at- tained ; an acquisition. attaint (at-tant), v.t. to taint; cor- rupt ; sully or stain by disgrace. attar of roses (at'ar of roz'ez), n. an essential oil expressed from the petals of the rose. Written also atar, ottar, and otto. attemper ( at-tem'per ; , v.t. to re- duce, modify, or moderate by mix- att ture ; regulate ; temper ; smooth, soften, or mollify ; mix in proper proportion ; fit or adapt. attempt (at-tempt'), v.t. to make an effort to accomplish ; try ; endeavor or essay to perform ; try to win or seduce ; attack, or invade : n. a trial, essay, or endeavor ; an effort to gain a point ; an attack or assault. attend (at-tend'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. -ed, p.pr. -ing], to wait upon; ac- company or be present with ; serve or look after in any capacity ; be present at ; accompany or follow : v.i. to pay heed or regard to ; listen ; be in attendance upon. attendance (at-ten'dans), n. the act of attending ; waiting on ; presence ; the persons attending ; retinue. attendant (at-ten'dant), n. one who attends or accompanies in service or train of another ; one who is pres- ent ; that which attends or is conse- quent upon anything else : adj. ac- companying ; being present ; con- nected or consequent upon ; depend- ing on or owing duty or service to. attention (at-ten'shun), n. the act of applying the mind to anything ; consideration or regard for any per- son or thing ; a mark or act of civil- ity or courtesy ; care for the com- fort of others ; a military command to assume the attitude of atten- tion. attentive (at-ten'tiv), adj. heedful; full of attention ; intent ; mindful ; regardful of the wishes of others. attenuant (at-ten'u-ant), adj. mak- ing thir, as fluids ; diluting ; dimin- ishing in denseuess : n. a medicine which thins the fluids of the body; a diluent. attenuate (at-ten'u-at) , v.t. to make thin or slender ; weaken or .reduce ; thin out by dilution ; rarefy : v.i. to become thin, slender, or fine : les- sen : adj. made thin ; dilute ; rare- fied ; tapering ; slender. attenuation (at-ten-ti-a'shun), n. the act or process of making slender, or thinning out by dilution; the state of being slender. attest (at-tesf), i:t. to bear witness to ; certify as being genuine or true, ate^ arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. att 76 ano especially in an official sense ; give proof of ; manifest. attestation (at-tes-ta'shun), n. the act of attesting ; testimony or evi- dence given on oath, or by official declaration ; swearing in. attestor (at-tes'ter), n. one who at- tests. attic (at'tik), n, an uppermost room in a house immediately beneath the roof ; a garret. Attic (at'tik), ac?/./ pertaining to At- tica, in Greece ; classical ; elegant. Atticisiu (at'i-sizm), n. a peculiarity of style or idiom characterizing the Attic rendering of the Greek lan- guage ; elegant manner of expres- sion. attire (at-tir'), v.t. to dress; clothe; array ; adorn : n. dress ; clothes ; habit ; garb ; the horns of a stag, employed as a heraldic bearing. attitude (at'ti-ttid), n. bodily posi- tion or posture ; the bearing as- sumed by a person or body of per- sons indicative of feeling, opinion, &c. attitudinal ( at-ti-tu'di-nal ) , adj. pertaining to attitude. attitu dinar ian (at - ti-tti-di-na'ri- an), n. one who studies or affects attitudes. attitudinize (at-ti-tu'di-niz), v.i, to pose for effect. attorney (at-ter'ni)," n. [pi. attor- neys (-nez)], one legally qualified to act for another in the transaction of private business, or in the man- agement, prosecution, or defense of actions at law. attorney-general (-jen'er-al), n. the chief law officer appointed to act for the government ; the chief law officer of a State. attorneyship (at-ter'ni-ship), n. agency for another. attract (at-trakf), v.t. to draw to or towards ; cause to approach ; draw by moral influence ; allure ; entice. attract ability (at-trak'ta-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being attractable ; the power of attraction. attractile (at-trak'til), adj. having the power to attract. attraction (at-trak'shun), n. the power or act of attracting; the force exerted by one body or mass upon or over the constituent par- ticles of another, by which it tends to overcome the resistance to mo- tion, and to draw them together ; tendency to coherence, i attractive (at-trak'tiv), adj. having the power or tendency to attract ; al- luring ; inviting : n. that which at- tracts, allures, or charms. attributable ( at-trib'u-ta-bl ) , adj. capable of being attributed. attribute (at-trib'ut), v.t. to as- cribe, impute, assign : n. (at'tri-but), that which is attributed, as quality ; trait ; property ; a characteristic ; an attributive adjunct or adjective ; that which may be predicated of any subject. attribution (at-tri-bu'shun), n. the act of attributing ; designation. attributive (at-trib'ti-tiv), adj. per- taining to, of the nature of, or ex- pressing, an attribute : n. a word denoting an attribute ; a word joined to and describing a noun ; an adjec- tive or adjective p^irase. attrite (at-trif), adj. worn by fric- tion ; repentant through fear of pun- ishment. attrition (at-trish'un), n. the act of wearing by rubbing ; abrasion ; the state of being worn ; grief for sin arising only from fear of punish- ment. attune ( at-tun' ) ,. v.f . to put in tune; bring into accordance or harmony, atypic (a-tip'ik), or atypical ('i- kal), adj. without definite typical character ; not comformable to the type. auburn (aw'burn), adj. reddish- brown. auction (awk'shun), n. a public sale of property or effects conducted on the principle of the highest bidder becoming the purchaser of any par- ticular lot put up for sale ; the property or effects offered for sale by auction : v.t. to sell by auction. auctioneer (awk-shun-er'), n. one licensed to sell property or goods by public auction : v.i. to sell by auction. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n6rth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. mud 77 aur audacious (aw-da'shus), adj. bold; daring ; spirited ; insolent ; impu- dent ; characterized by shameless ef- frontery. audacity (aw-das'i-ti), n. [pi. audac- ities (-tiz)], boldness; daring; spir- it ; presumptuousness ; impudence ; effrontery. audible (aw'di-bl), adj. capable of being heard, audibly 1-bli), adv. so as to be heard. audience (aw'di-ens), n. the act of hearing ; admittance to a hearing or formal interview with one of high position ; an assembly of hearers. audient (aw'di-ent), adj. hearing; listening. audiometer (aw-di-om'e-ter), n. an instrument for gauging the power of ^ hearing. K audiphone ( aw'di-f on ), w. an instru- ment constructed to assist the deaf by collecting the sound-waves and conveying the vibrations to the auditory nerves through the medium of the teeth. audit (aw'dit), n. official examina- tion and verification of claims or ac- counts with vouchers and the at- tendance of witnesses to effect a set- tlement ; a receipt of rent at stated times : v.t. to examine and adjust,^ as accounts or claims : vA. to examine an account ; act as auditor. auditor (aw'di-ter), n. a hearer or listener ; a person appointed to ex- amine and verify accounts and claims ; one who hears judicially, as in an audience court. auditorium (aw-di-to'ri-um), n. [pi. auditoria (-a), & auditoriums (-umz)], the space in a theater or other public building assigned to the audience. auditory (aw'di-t5-ri), adj. pertain- ing to hearing, or to the sense or organs of hearing : n. an audience ; a place or space allotted to hearers ; an auditorium. auger (aw'ger), n. a tool for boring holes. aught (awt), n. anything; any part: adv. in any way ; at all. augment (awg-menf), v.t. to in- crease ; to enlarge in size or ex- tent ; to add an augment to : v.i. to grow larger ; increase in size and strength : n. increase ; enlargement ; a vowel prefixed, 6r a lengthening of the initial vowel. augmentation ( awg-men-ta'shun ) , 71. increase ; the increase in time- value of the notes of a theme ; an additional charge to a coat of arms bestowed as a mark of honor ; the period of increase in a fever before the crisis is reached. augmentative ( awg - men'ta-ti v ) , adj. having the quality or power of augmenting : n. a word or affix which expresses with greater force the idea conveyed by the term from which it is derived : opposed to di- minutive. augur (aw'ger), n. one who officially predicted events by the observation and interpretation of natural signs or omens, the flight of birds, the in- spection of the entrails of slaugh- tered victims, the occurrence of me- teorological phenomena, &c. ; one who professes to foretell events by omens ; a soothsayer ; a prophet : v.i. to conjecture from signs or omens : v.t. to predict or prognosti- cate ; betoken_ or infer. augury (aw'gu-ri), n. [pi. auguries (-riz)], the art or practice of fore- telling events by reference to natural signs or omens ; an omen ; predic- tion ; presage. august ( aw-gust' ) , adj. grand ; in- vested with grandeur and dignity; majestic ; of a nature to inspire awe and reverence. August (aw'gust), n. the eighth month of the year. auk (awk), n. the name given to the members of a family of arctic diving birds. The Great Auk is now ex- tinct. Also spelled awk. aulic (aw'lik), adj. pertaining to a royal court. aunt (ant), n. the sister of one's father or mother. aura (aw'ra), n. a subtle, vaporous streaming, or exhalation, supposed to emanate from a living body or substance, as aroma, effluvium, or the subtle essence of its individual nature ; a sensation as of a stream ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 78 aut of air rising from a part of the body toward the head, and preceding an epileptic seizure or hysteria. aural (aw'ral), aclj, pertaining to the air or to an aura ; pertaining to the ear, or to the sense of hearing. aureate (aw're-at), adj. golden; gilded ; golden-yellow. aurelia (aw-re'lya), n. the pupa or chrysalis of an insect. aurelian (aw-re'lyan), adj. pertain- ing to the aurelia : n. one who makes a special study of butterflies and moths. aureola (aw-re'o-la), or aureole (aw're-61), n. a halo, radiance, or luminous cloud encircling the figures of Christ, the Virgin, and the saints as represented by the painters ; any- thing resembling an aureola. auric (aw'rik), adj. pertaining to gold. auricle (aw'ri-kl), n. the external ear ; that part of the ear which pro- jects from the head ; one of two chambers of the heart which receive the blood from the veins and trans- mit it to the ventricle or ventricles. auricular (aw-rik'u-lar), adj. per- taining to the ear or to the sense of hearing ; privately addressed, as to the priest in the confessional ; per- ceived by the ear ; known by report ; obtained by the ear ; ear-shaped ; pertaining to the auricles of the heart. auriculate (aw-rik'u-lat), or auric- ulated (-ed), adj. ear-shaped; hav- ing ears or ear-like appendages. auriferous (aw-rif'er-us), adj. gold- bearing ; yielding or containing gold. auriform (aw'ri-form), adj. ear- shaped ; having the form of the human ear. auriscope (aw'ri-skop), n. an in- strument for examining the ear. aurist (aw'rist), n. one skilled in the treatment of ear disorders. aurochs (aw'roks), n. the European bison. aurora (aw-ro'ra), n. {pi. auroras ('raz) & aurorfe ('re)], the rising light of the morning ; the dawn or dayspring. aurora borealis (bo-re-a'lis), n. the northern lights, a luminous meteoric phenomenon manifesting itself by streams of light ascending from the northern horizon towards the zenith, or assuming the form of an arc having its ends on the horizon. aurora australis (aw-stra'lis), n. a phenomenon of corresponding nature in the southern hemisphere. aurous (aw'rus), adj. pertaining to gold. auscultate (aws'kul-tat), v.t. to ex- amine by auscultation. auscultation (aws-kul-ta'shun), n. a method of detecting chest disease by observing the sounds arising in the part, either by applying the ear directly to the chest or thorax, or by means of a stethoscope. auscultator (aws'kul-ta-ter), n. one who practices auscultation ; a steth- oscope. auscultatory (aws-kul'ta-^o-ri), adj. pertaining to auscultation. auspice (aws'pis), n. {pi. auspices (-ez)], an omen drawn from birds; an omen ; a predication as to the future ; protection ; patronage ; fa- voring influence (generally In pi.). auspicious (aws-pish'us), adj. hav- ing promise of success or happiness ; propitious ; prosperous ; fortunate. austere (aws-ter'), adj. sour; harsh; rough to the taste ; severe ; rigid in character or mode of living ; severe- ly simple. austerity (aws-ter'i-ti), n. severity of manner or life ; harsh discipline ; rigorous simplicity. austral (aws'tral), adj. southern. authentic (aw-then'tik), or an- thentical ('ti-kal), adj. genuine; original ; duly authorized ; true ; trustworthy ; vested with all due formalities, and legally attested. authentically (-li), adv. in an au- thentic manner. authenticate (aw-then'ti-kat), v.t. to make authentic ; give authority to by accordance with legal formalities ; to establish as genuine. authentication ( aw - then - ti-ka - shun), n. the act of authenticating. ate, arm \sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ant 79 ant authenticity ( aw-then-tis'i-ti ) , n. the quality of being authentic ; au- thority. autlior (aw'ther), n. the beginner or prime mover of anything ; an ef- ficient cause; an originator; a creator ; one who composes or writes a book ; a composer. authoress (aw'ther-es), n. a female author. [The term author is now generally used without regard to I sex.] authoritative ( aw - thor 'i-ta-tiv ) , adj. having due authority, or the air of being duly authorized ; positive, dictatorial ; magisterial ; command- ing. authority (aw-thor'i-ti), n. [pi. au- thorities (-tiz)], power or right to act or command ; dominion ; juris- diction ; power derived from opinion, respect, or reputation ; influence ; justification or support for state- ment or action; a person invested with power to act or command ; one deserving of credit, to whom ap- peal or reference can be made; in pi. the government ; the constituted authorities. authorization (aw-ther-i-za'shun) , n. the act of authorizing ; establish- ment by authority. authorize ( aw'ther-iz) , v.t. to vest with authority; give a right to act or command ; empower ; legalize ; establish or confirm by authority. auto (aw'to), n. an abbreviation in common use for automobile. auto, prefix meaning self; of one's self; of itself. autobiographic ( aw-to-bl-o-graf '- ik), or autobiographical ('i-kal), adj. pertaining to autobiography, autobiographically (-li), adv. in an autobiographic manner. autobiography ( aw-to-bi-og'ra-f i ) , n. \_pl. autobiographies (-fiz)], a biography, account, or character- sketch of a person written by him- self. autocar (aw'to-kar), n. a carriage containing within itself the machin- ery necessary for its own propulsion. autocracy (aw-tok'ra-si), n. [pi. au- tocracies (-siz)], absolute, uncon- trolled authority ; supremacy ; gov- ernment by one invested with absolute and uncontrolled authority ; autonomy. autocrat (aw'to-krat), n. an abso- lute prince or sovereign ; one who rules without restriction. autocratic (aw-to-krat'ik or auto« cratical ( 'i-kal ) , adj. pertaining to autocracy ; absolute. autocratically (-li), adv. in an au- tocratic manner. autocycle (aw'to-si-kl), n. a motor bicycle. autodynamic (aw-to-dl-nam'ik), adj. operating by its own force. autogenic (aw-toj'en-ik) or autog- enous (-us), adj. self-generated; produced independently. autograph (aw'to-graf), adj. self- written ; in one's own handwriting : n. a person's own handwriting ; an original manuscript or signature : v.t. to reproduce by autography; to sign or write one's_ autograph. autographic (aw-to-graf'ik) or au- tographical ('i-kal), adj. pertain- ing to an autograph or personal handwriting; relating to, or used in, the process of autography; self- recording. autography (aw-tog'ra-fi), n. the science or study of autographs ; an original manuscript ; a process in lithography by which copies of writings or drawings are reproduced in facsimile. autogravure (aw-to-grav-ur'), n. a process of photo-engraving. autolatry (aw-tol'a-tri), n. self- worship. autology (aw-tol'o-ji), n. the scien- tific study of one's self. automatic (aw-to-mat'ik), or auto- matical ('i-kal), adj. having the power of self-motion or self-action; of the nature of an automaton; in- dependent of the will. automatically (-li), adv. in an au- tomatic manner. automatism (aw-tom'a-tizm), n. au- tomatic action ; the doctrine which assigns all animal functions to the active operation of physical laws. automaton (aw-tom'a-ton), n. [pi. automata (-ta), & automatons ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. I ant 80 (-tonz)], that which possesses the power of spontaneous movement without consciousness ; a self-acting machine. aiitoiaatous (aw-tom'a-tus), adj. spontaneous ; of the nature of an automaton. autometry (aw-tom'e-tri), n. the es- timation, or measurement, of one's self. automobile (aw-to-mo'bil), adj. self- moving, automobile (aw-to-mo-bel' & aw-to- mo'bil), n. a self-moving vehicle; motor-carriage. automobilist (aw-to-mo'bil-ist), n. one who rides in and manages an automobile ; a chauffeur. automorphism (aw-to-morf'ism) , n. the judgment of others by analogy from the knowledge of one's self. automotoT (aw'to-mo-ter), n. a self- acting machine. autonomic ( aw-to-nom'ik ) , or au- tonomous (-ton'o-mus), adj, per- taining to autonomy. autonomist (aw-ton'o-mist), n. a supportei^ of autonomy. autonomy (aw-ton'o-mi), n. \_pl. au- tonomies (-miz)], the power or right of self-government; the state of political independence. autonym (aw'to-nim), n. one's own name : opposed to pseudonym ; a work published under the author's real name. autopbon (aw'to-fon), n. a barrel- organ, the tunes of which are deter- mined by perforated mill-board. autoplasty (aw'to-plas-ti), n. the process of repairing lesions by ap- plication of tissue removed from an- other part. Called also rhinoplasty. autopsy ( aw'-top-si ) , n. personal ob- servation ; ocular demonstration ; a post-mortem examination. autotoxic (aw-to-toks'ik), adj. self- poisoning. autotruck (aw'-to-truk), n. a self- moving truck ;_ motor-truck. autotype (aw'to-tip), n. a facsimile; a photo-gelatine process of produc- ing pictures. autotypograpby ( aw-to-tl-pog'ra-fi ) , n. a kind of nature printing, by the transference of gelatine draw- ings on to a plate of soft metal from which the design is printed. autumn (aw'tum), n. the season be- tween summer and winter, begin- ning astronomically at the autumnal equinox, about September 22nd, and ending at the winter solstice, about December 23rd ; the period of de- cline or decay. autumnal (aw-tum'nal), a(Z;. belong- ing or peculiar to autumn ; pro- duced or gathered in autumn ; per- taining to the period of life when middle age is past : n. a plant that' flowers in autumn. autumnal equinox (e'kwi-noks), n. the time of the sun's southward passage across the equator, about September 22nd. auxiliary (awg-ziri-a-ri), adj. help- ing ; aiding ; assisting ; subsidiary : n. [pi. auxiliaries (-riz)], a helper; an assistant ; a confederate or ally ; aid of any kind ; a verb which helps to form the moods and tenses of oth- er verbs : pi. foreign troops in the service of a nation at war. avail (a-val'), v.i. to be of use, value, or service ; give profit : v.t. to turn to profit or advantage : n. use ; means towards an end ; advantage to an object : pi. proceeds or profits. availability (a-va'la-bil-i-ti), n. the state or quality of being available^ avalancbe (av'a-lanch), n. the sud- den descent of a mass of compact snow or ice from the higher parts of a mountain ; a fall of rocks or earth from the heights of a mountain ; anything that overwhelms by sud- denness and irresistible force. avarice (av'a-ris), n. an inordinate or insatiable desire of gain ; covet- ousness ; cupidity ; greediness. avaricious (av-a-rish'us), adj. im- pelled by avarice ; greedy of gain ; grasping. avast (a-vast'), inter j. stop!, cease I hold ! avatar (av-a-tar') or avatara (-ta'- ra), n. the descent of a deity to earth in an incarnate form ; a man- ifestation or embodiment. avaunt (a-vawnf & a-vant'), inter j. begone ! depart ! an exclamation of contempt or abhorrence. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ftve 81 ave (a've & a've), inter j. hail! fare- well ! n. an Ave Maria ; a salutation. avenaceous (av-e-na'shus), adj, be- longing to or resembling oats. avenge (a-venj'), v.t. to exact pun- ishment or satisfaction for wrong or injury done to one's self or another : v.i. to execute vengeance ; to receive satisfaction for injury by the pun- ishment of the offender. avenue (av'e-nu), n. a way or means of approach to a place, a passage- way, drive, or alley bordered by trees leading to a house ; a broad road- way o7 street planted with trees. aver (a-ver), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. averred, p.pr. averring], to affirm positively; declare to be true; verify. average (av'er-aj), n. any charge ad- ditional to the cost of freightage • v.t. to find the mean, as of unequal sums or quantities ; reduce to a mean ; assign proportionately. averment ( a-ver 'ment), n. the act of affirming positively; verification; a statement or allegation as to facts. averse (a-vers'), adj. unwilling; un- favorable ; having a repugnance or disinclination to. aversion (a-ver'shun), n. opposition or repugnance of mind ; antipathy ; fixed dislike; hatred; the object or cause of dislike or repugnance. avert (a-verf), v.t. to turn aside or away; turn or ward off; prevent. avertible (a-vert'i-bl), adj. capable of being warded off, or averted. Avesta (a-ves'ta), n. the sacred writ- ings attributed to Zoroaster; the Zend-Avesta. avian (a'vi-an), adj. pertaining to birds. aviary (a'vi-a-ri), n. [pt. aviaries (-riz)], a house, large cage, or in- closure for the keeping and rearing of birds in confinement. aviation (a'vi-a-shun), n. the art of flying. aviator (aVi-a-ter), n. one who op- erates a flying machine. avicularinm (a-vik-u-lar-i-um), n. [pi. avicularia (-a)], the small pre- hensile process, resembling the head of a bird with a movable mandible, which continually snaps aviculture (a'vi-kul-ttir), n. the breeding and rearing of birds. avidity (a-vid'i-ti), n. greediness; eagerness ; strong appetite. avocation (av-o-ka'shun), n. a sub- ordinate or occasional occupation, as contradistinguished from vocation. avoid (a-void'), v.t. to keep away shunning ; the state of being vacant, make void : v.i. to become vacant or void. avoidance (a-voi'dans), n. the act of annulling or making void ; the act of shunning ; the state of being vacant. avoirdupois ( av-er-du-poiz' ) , a sys- tem of weights in which one pound contains 16 ounces : used generally for all commodities except precious metals, gems and drugs. avouch (a-vouch'), v.t. to affirm openly ; maintain ; declare positive- ly ; vouch for ; admit or confess. avow (a-vou'), v.t. to declare openly; acknowledge frankly ; to admit a-nd justify. avowal (a-vou'al), n. an open decla- ration ; a frank acknowledgment ; a confession. awabi (a-wa'be), n. an edible shell- fish found on the coast of Japan ; the abalone. ax^ait ( a-wat' ) , v.t. to wait for ; look for or expect ; be ready for. awake (a-wak'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. awoke, awaked, p.pr. awaking], to arouse from sleep, or from any state resembling sleep ; put into action ; infuse new life mto : v.i. to cease to sleep ; bestir one's self : adj. not sleeping ; roused from sleep or in- activity ; in a state of vigilance or action. awakening (a-wak'ning), n. the act of rousing from sleep ; a revival of religion, or activity of a particular religious sect : adj. rousing ; excit' ing ; alarming. award (a-wawrd'), v.t. to adjudge; assign by judicial sentence, or arbi- tration ; bestow in consideration of merit ; to determine or make an award : n. a judgment ; a decision ; a sentence ; the decision of arbitrators on points submitted to them ; ^ the document containing such decision ; that which is awarded or assigned. ate, arm, ^sk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon» book; hue, hut; think, then. 82 azl aware (a-war'), adj. on guard; watchful ; apprised ; cognizant ; con- scious ; vigilant. awash (a-wosh'), adj. & adv. on a level with the waves. away (a-wa'), adv. absent; at a dis- tance ; out of ; off ; in another direc- tion ; continuously : inter j. begone ! depart ! awe (aw), n. reverential fear; the feeling or emotion inspired by the contemplation of something sub- lime ; a sense of profound admira- tion and respect ; reverence : v.t. to strike or inspire with feelings of rev- erential respect or fear ; restrain by fear or respect. aweather (a-weth'er), adv. on the weather side, or toward the wind : n. opposed to alee. awful (aw'ful), adj. inspiring or im- pressing with profound fear or rev- erence ; of a dreadful or appalling nature ; solemn. awfully (-li), adv. in an awful man- ner ; excessively. awhile (a-hwil'), adv. for a period of time. awk. See auk. awkward (awk'werd), adj. wanting dexterity ; unskilful ; ungraceful or ungainly in shape, movement, or manners ; clumsy. awl (awl), n. a pointed instrument for piercing. awn (awn), n. the beard or bristle- like appendage of the outer glume of wheat, barley, and numerous grasses. awning (awn'ing), n. a covering of canvas or other cloth stretched upon a frame and used as a shelter from wind or sun. awny (aw'ni), adj. having bristles; bearded. awoke, p.t. of awake. awry (a-ri'), adj. or adv. turned or twisted toward one side ; erroneous. axal. See axial. axe or ax (aks), n. a tool or instru- ment of steel, or iron with a steeled edge, attached to a handle, used for the hewing of timber and chopping of wood. axial ( aks'i-al ) , adj. pertaining to an axis in any sense of the word. axially (-li), adv. in the direction of an axis. axiferous ( ak-sif 'e-rus ) , adj. con- sisting of stem or axis alone without leaves. axiform ( ak'si-f orm ) , adj. in the form of an axis. axil (ak'sil), n. the angle formed by the upper side of an organ or branch with the stem or trunk to which it is attached. axile (ak'sil), adj. pertaining to the axis ; situated or lying in the axis. axilla (ak-sil'a), n. [pi. axillae ('e)], the armpit, or cavity in the junction of the arm and shoulder ; the axil of a leaf. axillar (ak'si-lar), or axillary (-la- ri), adj. pertaining to the armpit; pertaining to, springing from, or sit- uated in, the axil. axiom (ak'si-um), n. an indisputable self-evident truth ; a proposition em- bodying a truth at once obvious and incontrovertible ; an established principle in an art or science. axiomatic (ak-si-o-mat'ik) or axio- matical ('i-kal), adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, an axiom. axiomatically (-li), adv. in the manner, or by use, of accepted truth. axis (ak'sis), n. [pi. axes ('sez)], the straight line, real or imaginary, passing through a body, upon or around which such body revolves, or is supposed to revolve; a straight line drawn through the center of a bilateral symmetrical figure, as the spinal column ; the central line of any symmetrical body ; the stem or central column of a plant, round which the organs or parts are dis- posed ; the central region of a moun- tain chain. axis (ak'sis), n. the hog-deer of India. axle (ak'sl), n. the spindle, or por- tion of the axle-tree, which is in- serted in the hub of the wheel, and on which the wheel revolves. axle-box (-boks), n. a bushing in the hub of a wheel through which the axle passes. axle-tree (-tre), n. a bar connecting the opposite wheels of a carriage, on the rounded ends of which the wheels revolve. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n6rth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. aye ay or aye (a), adv. always; for ever; continually. aye or ay (a or i), adv. or inter j. yes ; yea ; even so ; indeed : n. \_pl. ayes (iz)], the affirmative votes in a parliamentary division ; the mem- bers so voting. aye-aye (i'i), n. a singular nocturnal quadruped, native of Madagascar, and allied to the lemurs. Ayrshire (ar'shir), n. a fine breed of cattle from the county of Ayr, Scot- land, noted for their rich milk. Azalea (a-za'le-a), n. [pi. azaleas (-az)], a genus of plants, belonging to the rhododendron tribe, and re- markable for their showy flowers. azarine (az'a-rin), n. a bright red dye obtained from coal-tar. azimutli. (az'i-muth), n. an arc of the horizon j\itercepted between the meridian of a place and the vertical 83 circle passing through the center of a celestial body. azote (az'ot), n. the old name for nitrogen. Aztec (az'tek), adj. pertaining to the Aztec race. Also written Aztecan. azure (azh'ur & a'zhtir), adj. like the blue of the sky ; cerulean : n. the clear blue of the sky ; any pigment of this color ; the blue tint expressed in heraldry by horizontal shading. azure-stone (azh'ur-ston), n. the lapis lazuli, from which genuine ul- tramarine is made. azurine (azh'tir-in), n. a greyish-blue color. azurite (azh'ti-rit), n. blue carbonate of copper ; blue malachite or ches- sylite ; lazulite. azziiuina (at-si-me'na), a mode of decoration by damaskeening in gold and silver, &c. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, tJiQu. baa (ba), v.i. to cry, as a sheep; bleat : n. the cry or bleating of a sheep. Baalism (ba'al-izm), n. the worship of Baal ; gross idolatry. bab (bab), n. a fishing bob: v.i. [p.t. & p.p. babbed, p.pr. babbing] , to fish with a bob. baba (ba'ba), n, an Eastern title of respect. Babbitt-metal (bab'it-met-al), n. an anti-friction alloy of copper, tin, and zinc, used in crank and axle bearings, &c. babble (bab'bl), v.i. to utter indis- tinct or imperfect sounds ; prattle ; talk childishly ; murmur continu- ously : v.t. to utter ; prate ; repeat unintelligently ; tell secrets : n. un- meaning or foolish talk; a confused murmur. babbler (bab'ler), n. one who bab- bles ; a dog that gives tongue too frequently when on scent. babe (bab), n. [pi. babes (babz)], an infant or young child of either sex. babiroussa or babirussa (bab-i- roo'sa), n. the wild hog of Eastern Asia. Written also babyroussa, babyrussa. bablab (bab'la) or babul (ba-bool'), n. the rind of the legume of an East Indian species of the acacia, con- taining gallic acid and tannin. baboon (ba-boon'), n. the popular name of a large division of monkeys, which inhabit Africa and Arabia, and are characterized by a long dog- like snout, large canine teeth, great head, rudimentary tail, large callosi- . ties on the hips, and capacious cheek pouches ; an epithet of contempt. baboonery (ba-boon'er-i), n. [pi. babooneries, ( -iz ) ] , a collection of baboons ; behavior or conduct like that of a baboon. baboonisb. (ba-boon'ish), adj. like a baboon. baboosb or baboucbe (ba-boosh'), n. a kind of loose slipper worn in Oriental countries. Also written pabouche. babuina (bab-u-i'na), n. a female baboon. babul. See bablah. baby (ba'bi), n. [pi. babies ('biz)], an infant of either sex ; a small child : adj. pertaining to an infant or young child : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. babied, p.pr. babying], to' treat or fondle like a baby or young child; to keep dependent. baby-farm (ba'bi-farm), n. a place where young children are put out for nursing. babyish, (ba'bi-ish), adj. childish. babyism (ba'bi-izm), n. the charac- teristics of a baby; a childish man- ner of speech. Babylonian (bab-i-lo'ni-an), adj. pertaining to Babylonia; magnifi- cent ; luxurious. Also Babylonish. bacca (bak'a), n. a berry; any fleshy fruit ; a one-celled fruit with a soft outer envelope, and with naked seeds immersed in pulp. baccalaureate (bak-a-law're-at), n. the degree of Bachelor of Arts, Sci- ence, &c. : adj. pertaining to the degree of Bachelor. baccarat (bak-a-ra'), w. a French card game played between a banker and an unlimited number of betters with one or more packs of cards. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 64 bac 85 bao baccate (bak'at) or baccated (-ted), adj. having many berries. bacchanal (bak'a-nal) or baccba- nalian (bak-a-na'li-an), adj. in- dulging in or characterized by drunken revelry ; drunken : w. a vo- tary of Bacchus ; a drunken rev- eler ; a drunken feast. baccbantic (ba-kan'tik), adj. of or resembling a bacchanal ; noisy ; jo- vial. bacchic (bak'ik) or baccbical ('i-kal), adj. pertaining to Bacchus or the feasts in his honor ; riotous, or mad with drink. bachelor (bach'el-er), n. one who has taken the lowest university de- gree in any faculty ; an unmarried man. bachelor's-buttons (bach'el-erz- but'unz), n.pl. the name popularly given to several flowering plants whose blossoms somewhat resemble buttons. bacillaria (bas-i-la'ri-a), n. a genus of microscopic diatoms. bacillary (bas'i-la-ri), adj. consist- ing of bacilli. bacillian (ba-sil'i-an), adj. pertain- ing to, or of the nature of, a bacil- lus. bacillicide (ba-siri-sid),w. an agent employed for destroying bacilli. bacilliculture ( ba-sil'i-kul-tiir ) , n. the culture of bacilli in animal or vegetable infusions for scientific re- search. bacillus (ba-sii'us), n. [pi. bacilli ('i), a genus of microscopic vege- table organisms commonly known as bacteria, having slender rod-like jointed bodies or filaments, and pos- sessing the power of constant move- ment, present in many ferments, in ' all stages of putrefaction, and asso- ciated with the earliest stages of ma- lignant or zymotic disease. back or bac (bak), n. a flat-bot- tomed ferry-boat, especially one adapted for carrying vehicles ; a large cistern or vat used by brew- ers, &c., for liquids. back (bak), n. the hinder part of the body in man, or in other animals the upper portion ; the whole region of the spine, extending from the base of the neck to the buttocks ; the dorsal region of a fish ; that which is opposed to the front ; the rear or hinder part of anything; the part of a tool or weapon op- posed to the edge : adj. lying or being behind or in the rear, as to ^time, situation, or direction ; in a backward direction : adv. into or toward the rear ; to or toward a for- mer or original place, state, or con- dition ; to or toward times past ; not advancing ; in a state of hin- drance or restraint ; in -withdrawal or retirement ; away ; in return ; again : v.t. to furnish with a back or backing ; get upon the back of or mount ; second or support ; bet or wager ; sign or indorse ; put backward or cause to recede : v.L to move or go backward. back-rent (bak'rent), n. arrears of rent ; rent paid after reaping the first crop by a tenant entering on a lease. back-rest (bak'rest), n. a guide at- tached to the slide-rest of a lathe, and placed in contact with tke work to steady it. back-settlement (bak-set'1-ment) , w.an outlying or partially reclaimed portion of a country beginning to be cultivated. back-settler (bak-set'ler), n. one living in the outlying districts of a settlement. backbite (bak'bit), v.i. [p.t. backbit, p.p. backbit & backbitten, p.pr. backbiting], to slander or speak evil of in absence : v.i. to censure absent persons. backboard (bak'bord), n. a board to support the back ; a thin wooden backing used for picture frames, mirrors, &c. backbone (bak'bon), n. the bone of the back ; the vertebral column of animals ; that which serves as a backbone ; hence, firmness or de- cision of character. backer (bak'er), n. one who sus- tains or abets another ; especially one who bets in favor of a person or ainmal in a contest. backgammon (bak-gam'un), n. a game played by two persons upon ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon> book; hue, hut; think, t1ien» 111 bac St3 bad a table or board made for the pur- pose, with fifteen pieces each, and dice-boxes and dice. background (bak'ground),w. ground in the rear ; tke distant portion of a landscape ; the portion of a pic- ture furthest from the spectator ; that which is dimly seen ; a subordi- nate position ; a place of retirement or reserve. backhand (bak'hand), n. writing which slopes backward or to the left. backkanded (bak'han-ded), adj. with the hand turned backward ; unfair ; indirect ; ambiguous ; slop- ing backward. backing (bak'ing), n. something placed behind to support or strengthen ; aid or support given to a person or cause. backskeesk or backskisk. See bakshish. backside (bak'sid), n. the hind part of anything or that which is op- posed to the front ; the hind part of an animal. backslide (bak-slld'), v.i. [p.t. back- slid, backslided, p.p. backslid, back- slidden, backslided, p.pr. backslid- ing], to slide back; fall off or away from ; apostatize. backstair (bak'star) or back- stairs ('starz), n. stairs in the back part of a house ; stairs for pri- vate use : ad), indirect ; underhand ; secret ; intriguing. backstays (bak'staz), n.pl. long ropes extending from the masthead to the side of the ship, slanting a little aft, to assist the shrouds in supporting the mast. backs'ivord (bak'sord), n. a sword with one sharp edge ; a stick with a basket handle used in the game of singlestick. back-ward (bak'werd) or back- wards (-werdz), adv. with the back foremostj toward the back ; in a contrary or reverse manner, way, or direction ; toward past times or events ; from a better to a worse state. backward (bak'werd), adj. directed to the back or rear; unwilling; re- luctant ; hesitating ; slow ; behind in learning or progress ; behind in time. backwater ( bak'waw-ter ) , n. water caused to flow backwards by ob' struction of its course ; accumula- tion of water overflowing lowlands, caused by obstruction ; water held back by a dam or weir ; water thrown back by the turning of a water-wheel or the paddles of a steamer. backwoods (bak-woodz'), n.pl. for- ests or partially cleared land situ- ated far from the centers of popula- tion. bacon (ba'kn), n. hog's flesh salted or pickled and dried, usually in smoke. bacteria (bak-te'ri-a), n.pl. of bac- terium. bacteriological (bak-te-ri-6-loj'i- kal), adj. of or pertaining to bac- teriology. bacteriologist (bak-te-ri-ol'o-jist) , n. a student of bacteriology. bacteriology (bak-te-ri-ol'o-ji), n. the scientific investigation or study of bacteria. bacterioscopy ( bak-te-ri-os'ko-pi ) , n. the examination of bacteria by the microscope. bacterium (bak-te'ri-um), n. [pi. bacteria (-a)], a microscopic or- ganism of various forms and shapes ; a disease germ. bad (bad), adj. [compar. worse, su- perl, worst], the opposite of good; evil ; ill ; wicked ; depraved ; vicious ; pernicious ; corrupting ; hurtful ; offensive ; noxious, physically or morally ; defective ; worthless ; un- happy ; unfortunate. bad-form (bad'form), n. that which is bad ; not very refined ; somewhat vulgar. badderlocks (bad'er-loks), n. a large dark green edible seaweed. badelaire (ba-de-lar'), n. a curved sword used as a heraldic bearing. badge (baj), n. a mark, sign, or token, or cognizance to denote the occupation, allegiance, association, or achievements of the person by whom it is displayed; the mark or token of anything ; a carved orna- ment on the stern of a vessel. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon- book ; hue, hut ; think, then. bad 87 bai badger (baj'er), n. a plantigrade car- nivorous mammal, of nocturnal hab- its ; an artist's brush of badger's hair : v.t. to worry or annoy, as a badger when baited ; pester ; per- sistently assail. badger-baiting (baj'er-ba'ting), n. a cruel sport formerly practiced of assailing a badger placed in a barrel with dogs. badger-dog (baj'er-dog), n. another name for the dachshund. badiaga (bad-i-a'ga), n. a seaweed, the powder of which is used for re- moving discoloration caused by . bruises. badinage (bad'i-naj & ba-de-nazh'), n. light or playful raillery or banter. badly (bad'li), adv. wickedly; griev- ously ; unskilfully ; defectively ; ill. badminton (bad'min-tun), n. an out- door game similar to tennis, but played with shuttlecocks ; a kind of claret-cup. badness (bad'nes), n. the state of being wicked or vicious ; depravity. baffle (baf'l), v.t. to elude or circum- vent by artifice or the interposition of obstacles ; foil or check ; defeat ; frustrate ; thwart ; subject to indig- nities. bag (bag) , n. a sack ; a pouch ; a wal- let ; a receptacle for holding any- thing; that which is contained in a bag, or the result of a day's sport ; a sack or receptacle in animal bod- ies, containing a fluid or other sub- stance ; a definite quantity of cer- tain commodities : v.t. to enclose in a bag ; distend ; swell ; secure or capture, as game ; steal : v.i. to bulge ; hang down like a full bag. bagasse (ba-gas'), n. sugar-cane refuse as delivered from the crush- ing mill. bagatelle (bag-a-tel'), n. a trifle; a game played on a nine-holed board, baized and cushioned, with a cue and nine balls. baggage ( bag'a j ) , n. the tents, cloth- ing, utensils, &c., of an army or ex- peditionary force on the march ; the trunks, bags, and other impedimenta or baggage of a traveler : n. an im- moral woman ; a coquettish or frol- icsome girl. baggala (bag'a-la), n. Arab trading vessel with two masts. bagging (bag'ing), n. the act of put- ting into bags ; coarse cloth or other material used for bags ; filtration through canvas bags. baggy (bag'i), adj. having a loose or flabby appearance ; swelled or puffed out. bagnio (ban'yo), n. a bath-house; a brothel ; an oriental prison. bagpipe (bag'pip), n. a shrill-toned musical instrument, consisting of a leathern wind-bag from which air is forced by the performer's elbow into pipes, one (the chanter) giving the melody. [Commonly used in pi.} bah. (ba), inter j. an exclamation ex- pressing incredulous contempt or disgust. bail (bal), v.t. to set free or liberate from arrest on security for reappear- ance ; to deliver, as goods, in trust, on contract expressed or implied that the person entrusted shall re- turn or account for the same : n. the person or persons who provide se- curity for the release of a prisoner ; the security tendered, or accepted. bail (bal), v.t. to free from water by dipping; to lade out with a bucket or other utensil, as in a boat : n. a bent or arched handle of a pail or kettle ; a half-hoop supporting the cover or tilt of a wagon ; one of the two small sticks, 4 in. long, which are laid across the tops of cricket stumps. bailee (ba-le'), n. the person to whom goods are committed in trust. bailer. See bailor. bailiff (ba'lif), n. a sheriff's officer who serves processes, &c. ; any subordinate civil officer ; an overseer or under-steward on an estate. bailixcick (ba'li-wik), n. the district within which a bailiff has jurisdic- tion. bailment (bal'ment), n. a delivery of goods in trust to another ; the action of becoming surety for one in custody. bailor (ba'ler) or bailer (ba'ler), n. one who delivers goods to another in bailment. bairn (barn), n. a child [Scotch]. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. bai 88 hail halt (bat), v.t. to harass or provoke, as by the setting on of dogs ; worry ; torment, for sport ; annoy persistent- ly ; prepare a hook, trap, or snare by covering it v^ith food or other substance ; give food and drink to upon a journey : v.i. to take food or drink upon a journey : n. any sub- stance used to entice or allure fish or other animals with a view to cap- ture ; an allurement ; temptation ; refreshment taken on a journey. baize (baz), n. a coarse woolen stuff, with a nap on one side. bake (bak), v.t. to cook or prepare food by subjection to dry heat in a closed place, as an oven ; to dry and harden by heat : v.i. to do the work of baking ; become hard by heat : n. the result of baking, as a clam bake. baker (ba'ker), n. one whose busi- ness is to make bread, biscuits, &c. bakery (ba'ker-i), n. [pi. bakeries -iz)], a place used for bread-mak- ing ; a baker's shop. baking (ba'king), n. the quantity of anything baked at the same time ; a batch. bakshisk, bakkskisk, or bak- skeesk (bak'shesh), n. an Eastern term for a present or gratuity. balance (bal'ans), n. an instrument for determining the weight of bodies ; a pair of scales ; a steel- yard ; a spring balance ; the act of weighing mentally ; equilibrium ; equipoise ; equality ; an equality be- tween the two sides of an account ; the excess shown on either side ; the sum or weight necessary to make two unequal sums or weights equal : v.t. to weigh ; compare ; bring to a state of equipoise ; keep in equilib- rium ; poise ; equal or make equal ; counterbalance ; adjust or settle ; to examine and compare accounts : v.i. to have equal weight ; be in equi- poise ; be employed in the adjust- ment of accounts. balance of trade '(bal'ans of trad) , n. the difference between the imports and exports of a country. balanee-reef (bal'ans-ref), w. a reef- band crossing a sail diagonally. balance-skeet (bal'ans-shet), n. sl statement of the assets and liabili- ties of a business. balance- wkeel (bal'ans-hwel), w. a wheel in a watch chronometer) which regulates the beats. balancer (bal'an-ser), n. one who, or that which, keeps anything in equilibrium ; an acrobat : pi. the or- gans placed under the wings of cer- tain insects to balance the body. balata (ba-la'ta), n. the dried gum of the bully-tree, similar to india- rubber, and used for insulating elec- tric wires. balayeuse bal-a-yez'), n. plaited muslin or lace inserted at the bot- tom of a dress to protect it froEb the ground. balconet (bal-ko-nef), n. a slightly projecting low ornamental railing to a door or window. balconied (bal'ko-nid), adj. having a projecting exterior platform or in- terior gallery. balcony (bal'ko-ni), n. [pi. balco- nies (-niz)], a platform or gallery projecting from the wall of a build- ing, enclosed by a balustrade or parapet. bald (bawld), adj. without the natu- ral or usual covering to the head or summit ; unadorned ; bare ; literal ; undisguised ; having a white spot or patch on the head ; bald-faced. bald-kead (bawld'hed), n. a man bald on the head. balder dask (bawl'der-dash), n.^ a nonsensical jumble of words ; silly talk or writing; a worthless mix- ture. baldric or baldrick (bawl'drik), n. a broad belt, often richly orna- mented, worn round the waist, or ■ over one shoulder and across the breast. bale (bal), n. a large bundle or pack- age of goods : v.t. to make up into a bale or bales ; to lade out as water. bale (bal), n. woe; calamityj mis- chief. baleen (ba-len'), n. whalebone in its natural condition; the horny elastic material fringing the jaws of right whales. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; .mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon* book ; hue, hut ; think, ^Tien. hal 89 bal liale-fire (bal'fir), n. a beacon or signal-fire ; a bonfire ; a funeral pyre. baleful (bal'fool), adj. replete with deadly oi* malign influence ; full of woe ; direful ; predicative of disas- ter. balefully (-li), adv. calamitously; miserably. balise or balize (ba-lez'), n. a sea- mark or beacon, consisting of a pole or buoy surmounted by a flag or other object. balk or baulk (bawk), n. a strip or ridge of land left unplowed ; a thick heavy piece of timber ; a bar- rier or check ; frustration or disap- pointment : v.t. to thwart, check, or disappoint : v.i. to stop short, or swerve; to signify the position of herring or pilchard shoals from a height, and indicate their position to the fishermen. ball ( bawl ) , w. a round body ; any mass resembling a sphere ; a spheri- cal body used for play ; a bullet ; any roundish part of the body ; a game played with a ball ; the globe or earth : v.t. to make into a ball : v.i. to form or gather into a ball, ball- bearing (bawl'bar-ing), n. a bear- ing containing loose balls of metal to reduce friction. ball (bawl), n. a dance; a social as- sembly of persons of both sexes for the purpose of dancing. ballad (bal'ad), n. a short narrative poem, adapted for reciting or sing- ing. ballast (barast), n. weighty mate- rial carried by a ship to ensure sta- bility ; sand carried in the car of a balloon to steady it ; gravel or rub- ble filling the space between the sleepers of a railway ; that which imparts stability to the character: v.t. to place ballast in or on ; im- part steadiness to. ballastag-e (bal'as-taj), n. a toll paid for leave to take ballast. ballet (bal'a), n. sl theatrical repre- sentation in which a story is told, and actions, characters, and pas- sions represented by gestures, ac- companied by music and dancing ; the company of persons who per- form the ballet. ballistic (bal-lis'tik), adj. pertain- ing to the scientific construction and use of projectiles. ballistics (bal-is'tiks), n. the science of the motion of projectiles. ballon d'essai (ba-long da-se'), a balloon used to test the direction of air currents ; hence a feeler to test public opinion. balloon (bal-loon'), n. a large bag of prepared silk or other material, which, when inflated by hydrogen gas or heated air, ascends and floats in the atmosphere ; a round vessel with a short neck used in distilla- tion. balloon-jib (bal-loon'jib), n. a tri- angular sail used by yachts in a slight breeze. ballooning (bal-loon'ing), n. the art or practice of managing balloons or making balloon ascents. balloonist (bal-loo'nist), n. one who makes or ascends in a balloon ; an aeronaut. ballot (bal'ot), n. a ball, ticket, or paper by which a vote is registered ; the system of secret voting by the use of balls, tickets, or papers ; elec- tion by secret vote ; also the total number of votes cast or recorded : v.i. to vote or decide by secret vote. balm (bam), n. the oily aromatic exudation of certain trees or shrubs, used for healing or soothing ; bal- sam ; anything which heals, or that soothes pain ; an odoriferous tree or shrub yielding balm. balm of gilead (of gil'e-ad), n. the name of various kinds of fragrant resins, as that of the evergreen tere- binth tree of Arabia. balmily (bam'i-li), adv. in a sooth- ing manner ; fragrantly. balminess (-nes), n. the state or quality of being soothing or refresh- ingly fragrant. balmoral (bal-mor'al), adj. & n. the name given to various strong arti- cles of dress, as a petticoat, or lace up boots. balmy (bam'i), adj. having the quali- ties of balm ; soft ; fragrant ; re- freshing. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. bal 90 ban balsam (bawl'sam), n. an oily, aro- matic, resinous substance obtained from certain trees or shrubs, and used medicinally or in perfumery ; balm ; the name applied to several trees, shrubs, or plants yielding bal- sam, as the balsam-tree ; anything soothing or healing. balsamic (bawl-sam'ik) or bal- samical (-al), adj. having the qualities of, or yielding, balsam ; soft; soothing; healing. baluster (bal'us-ter), n. a small col- umn or pilaster to support the rail of a parapet or balustrade. balustrade (bal-us-trad'), n. a series of small columns or pilasters, sur- mounted by a top-rail or coping, serving as a parapet or protective railing, staircase, &c. balzarine (bal'za-rin), n. a dress fabric of v^ool and cotton. bam (bam), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. bammed, p.pr. bamming], to bamboozle; cheat ; v^heedle : n. an imposition ; a cheat ; a hoax. bambino (bam-be'no), n. [pi. bam- bini ('ne)], a child or baby; a fig- ure of the infant Christ v^rapped in swaddling clothes : exhibited in many Roman Catholic churches from Christmas to Epiphany. bamboo (bam-boo'), n. the name of certain tropical grasses having thick- jointed stems of exceeding hardness, and attaining to a height of from 20 to 120 ft. ; a stick or cane : v.t. to flog w^ith a bamboo rod. bamboozle (bam-boo'zl),'y.l to hoax ; deceive by trickery ; mystify ; hum- bug : v.i. to practice cheating. ban (ban), n. in feudal times a public proclamation, or summons to arms ; an edict of proscription or interdic- tion ; prohibition ; excommunica- tion ; curse; anathema: v.t. [p.t. & p.p. banned; p.pr. banning], to curse ; to interdict or prohibit ; to place under a ban. ban (ban), n. the title of the gov- ernor of Croatia and Slavonia as viceroy of the Austrian emperor. banana (ba-na'na), n. a tropical her- baceous plant, closely allied to the plantain ; its soft, luscious fruit, which furnishes a nutritious and important article of food in tropi- cal countries. banate (ban'at), n. the territory ruled by a ban : the office itself. band (band), n. that which binds to- gether ; that which connects ; that which encircles, supports, or re- strains ; a fillet ; strap ; tie ; shackle or fetter ; collar ; ligature ; a driving belt ; a company of persons united by a common object ; a body of sol- diers ; a company of musicians form- ing an orchestra, a military or other band : v.t. to unite in a troop, com- pany, or confederacy : v.i. to asso- ciate or unite for some common pur- pose. bandage (ban'daj), n. a roller of cotton or other material used in dressing and binding up wounds, &c. ; a band or ligature : v.t. to dress or bind with a bandage. bandala (ban-da'la), n. manila white rope. bandana or bandanna (ban-dan'a), n. a large silk or cotton handker- chief, dyed red, blue, or yellow, with white or yellow spots ; a style of calico printing in imitation of the bandana. bandbox (band'boks), n. a light box of pasteboard, &c., for holding bon- nets. bandeau (ban-d5'), n. [pi. bandeaux (-doz')], a ribbon worn over the forehead. banded (ban'ded), p.adj. allied; confederated ; having bands ; marked by stripes of different color or ma- terial ; having a band differing in tincture from the garb. bandelet. Same as bandlet. banderilla (ban-de-rel'ya), n. a dart, with a banderole attached, used in bull fights to exasperate the bull. banderole (ban'de-rol) or bande- rol (-rol), n. a little flag or stream- er ; a small flag carried at the head of a lance or mast. bandicoot (ban'di-koot), n. a large rat, native of India and Ceylon, very destructive to rice fields and gardens ; the name given to rat-like marsupials of several species found in Australia and Tasmania. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; booOf hook; hue, hut; think, th^n. "hSLU 91 ban bandit (ban'dit), n. [pi, bandits ('dits) & banditti (-dit'i)], an out- law ; a brigand ; a robber ; a high- wayman. bandlet (band'let), n. a small band; a little band or flat molding encir- cling a column. bandog (ban'dog), n. a large fierce kind of dog usually kept chained ; a mastiff. bandoleer (ban-do-ler'), n. a broad leather belt, worn over the shoulder and across the breast, for holding ammunition. bandoline (ban'do-lin), n. a gummy perfumed substance used for im- parting a gloss to the hair or for fixing it in any position. bandore (ban-dor' & ban'dor), n. an ancient stringed instrument resem- bling a zither. bandsaw (band'saw), n. an endless steel saw running on pulleys. bandy (ban'di), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. ban- died, p.pr. bandying], to throw or beat to and fro, as a ball in play ; toss from one to another ; give and take : v.i. to contend ; strive : n. a club bent at the end for striking a ball ; a hockey-stick ; a game played with such a club, commonly called hockey : adj. bent ; having a bend or crook outward. bandy (ban'di), n. a kind of cart or buggy used in India, drawn by oxen. bane (ban), oi. that which causes death, ruin, or destruction, hence a deadly poison, vice, or sin ; a dis- ease (rot) in sheep. baneful (ban'fool), adj. poisonous; pernicious. banefully (-li), adv. in a pernicious manner ; destructively. bang (bang), v.t. to beat, as with a club or cudgel ; thump ; handle roughly ; produce a loud sound by or from (as, bang the door) ; sur- pass or excel : v.i. to make a loud noise ; thump violently : n. a heavy blow ; a loud, sudden noise : adv. with a sudden or violent blow ; ab- ruptly. bang (bang), n. [pi. bangz], hair cut straight across the forehead so as to form a fringe ; false hair so worn : v.t. to cut the hair across the fore- head so as to form a fringe. bangle (bang'gl), n. an ornamental ring w^orn upon the wrists and ankles in India and Africa ; a ring- bracelet. banian or banyan (ban-yan'), n. a Hindu trader or merchant ; a Ben- gali native who manages money af- fairs for Europeans ; a loose gown for men, like that worn by the Hin- dus. banian-tree (-tre), n. the Indian fig-tree, which spreads over a large area by sending down shoots from its branches ; these take root and become new trunks. banish, (ban'ish), v.t. to condemn to exile ; expel from the country as a punishment ; drive away ; dispel from the mind. banishment (ban'ish-ment), n. the act of expelling or driving away ; the state of being expelled. banister or bannister (ban'is-ter), n. corrupt forms of baluster. banjo (ban 'jo), n. a musical instru- ment, of from five to nine strings, having a neck like a guitar, and a circular body covered in front with tightly-stretched parchment. banjoist (ban'jo-ist), n. a performer on the banjo. bank (bangk), n. a heap, mound, or ridge of earth ; any steep acclivity ; an elevation or rising ground be- neath the sea or at the mouth of a river, forming a shoal or shallow ; a bench for rowers ; a tier of oars : v.t. to enclose, defend, or fortify with a bank ; pile or heap up. bank (bangk), n. an establishment for the custody, loan, exchange, or issue of money ; the office of a bank- ing company ; in certain games of chance, the fund held against the table : v.t. to deposit money in a bank : v.i. to have an account with a banker. bank-bill (bangk'bil), n. a note or a bill of exchange of a bank payable on demand or at a future specified time. bank-book (bangk-book), n. the pass-book kept by a depositor, in ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; htie, hut; think, then. ban 92 bap which a cashier of the bank enters the debits and credits. bank-credit (bangk-kred'it), n. the amount a person, on giving proper security, is allowed to draw upon a bank. bank-note (bangk'not), n. a promis- sory note issued by a legally author- ized bank, payable on demand, and forming part of the money currency. bankable ( bang'ka-bl ) , adj. receiv- able by a bank. banker (bang'ker), n. one who keeps a bank ; one who traffics in money, receives and remits money, nego- tiates bills of exchange, &c. ; a ves- sel employed in the cod-fishery on the banks of Newfoundland ; the stone bench on which masons cut and square their work ; a ditcher. banking (bang'king), n. the act of raising a mound or bank ; fishing on the banks of Newfoundland; the loading of coals at the pit's mouth. bankrupt (bangk'rupt), n. a person legally declared to be unable to dis- charge his liabilities ; an insolvent debtor : adj. unable to meet one's obligations ; insolvent : v.t. to make or render insolvent : v.i. to exhaust one's financial credit; become insol- vent. bankruptcy fbangk'rupt-si), n. [pi. bankruptcies (-siz)], the state of being legally insolvent, or unable to pay all debts ; failure in trade. banner (ban'er), n. a piece of cloth or silk attached to a pole or staff, and usually worked with same device or motto, heraldic or emblematical ; an ensign, standard, or flag of a country, state, or order. bannock (ban'uk), n. a thick cake made of oatmeal, barley-meal, or pease-meal, and baked on an iron plate or griddle. banns (banz), n. pi. the proclama- tion in church of an intended mar- riage. banquet (bang'kwet), n. a sumptu- ous entertainment or feast : v.t. to treat with a feast or rich entertain- ment : v.i. to regale one's self sump- tuously. banquet or banquette (bangrkef), n. a bank running along the inside of a parapet, on which soldiers stand to fire upon the enemy ; the footway of a bridge when raised above the carriage-way ; a side-walk. banskee (ban'she), benshie (ben'- she), or benshi ('she), n. a kind of female fairy who, according to the belief of the peasantry of Ire- land, and some parts of Scotland, attaches herself to a particular house, and foretells the death of any member of the family by an appear- ance. bantam (ban'tam), n. a diminutive breed of domestic fowl : adj. pertain- ing to the bantam ; diminutive ; con- sequential. banter (ban'ter), v.t. to rail at good- humoredly ; attack jestingly ; make fun of : n. humorous raillery. bantling (bant'ling), n. a young child. Bantu (ban'tti), n. a term sometimes used to designate the languages of South Africa. banyan or banyan-tree. See ban- ian. baobab (ba'o-bab & ba'o-bab), n. an African tree of huge size, called the sour-gourd, or the cream-of-tartar tree, largely used as an article of food by the natives. baptism (bap'tizm), n. the applica- tion of water by an authorized ad- ministrator, in the name of the Holy Trinity, to a person, by sprinkling, effusion, or immersion, constituting the sacrament or rite by which he is initiated into the visible church of Christ. baptismal (bap-tiz'mal), adj. per- taining to the ceremonial application of water or initiatory rite of the Christian Church. baptismally (-li), adv. in the man- ner of, or by means of, baptism. Baptist ( bap'tist ) , n. one of a Chris-, tian denomination who baptize adult believers only, and who maintain the necessity for immersion. baptistery (bap'tis-ter-i), or bap- tistry (-tri), n. [pi. baptisteries (-iz), -tries (-triz)], a building or portion of a building in which the rite of baptism is administered. baptize (bap-tiz'), v.t. to administer ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; booii» book ; hue, hut ; think, ^^en. 93 1)ar the rite of baptism to ; admit to the Christian Church by the ceremonial application of water ; christen. bar (bar), n. a piece of wood, metal, or other solid matter, long in pro- portion to its thickness ; anything which impedes or obstructs ; a bank of sand, gravel, &c., obstructing navigation at the entrance to a har- bor or mouth of a river ; the railing enclosing the space occupied by counsel in courts of justice ; the place in court where prisoners are stationed for trial, or sentence ; the members of the legal profession col- lectively, entitled to plead in court ; any tribunal ; the portion of a hotel, &c., where liquors are served out ; a band or stripe ; a line drawn ver- tically through the staff of a piece of music, dividing it into equal measures of time ; the space and notes enclosed by two such lines ; an ordinary, similar to, but narrower than, a fess, and filing one-fifth of the heraldic field : v.t. [pt. & p.p. barred: p.pr. barring], to fasten with a bar ; to hinder ; obstruct ; ex- clude. barb (barb), n. that which resembles a beard in lower animals ; a hair or bristle ending in a double hook ; the sharp point projecting backwards from the extremity of an arrow, fish- hook, &c. : v.t. to furnish with barbs. barb (barb), n. a horse of the Bar- bary breed, remarkable for speed, endurance, and docility ;' a short- beaked pigeon of a breed originally brought from Barbary. barbarian (bar'ba'ri-an), n. a for- eigner ; a man in a rude, savage state ; an uncivilized person ; a cruel, savage, brutal man : adj. pertaining to savages ; rude ; uncivilized ; inhu- man. barbaric (bar-bar'ik), adj. pertain- ing to or characteristic of savage or uncivilized people ; rude ; savage. barbarism (bar'ba-rizm), n. an of- fense against purity of style or lan- guage ; an uncivilized state or condi- tion ; a cruel or barbarous action ; an outrage. barbarity (bar-bar'i-ti), n. [pi. bar- ate, arm. barities (-tiz)], the state of being uncivilized ; cruelty ; inhumanity ; an act of savage cruelty. barbarize (bar'ba-riz), v.i. to adopt a foreign or barbarous mode of speech : v.t. to make barbarous. barbarans (biir'ba-rus), adj. uncivil- ized ; rude and ignorant ; contrary to pure idiom ; savage ; cruel ; fero- cious ; inhuman ; wild. barbate (bar 'bat), or barbated Cba-ted), adj. bearded; furnished with long .^nd weak hairs. barbecue (bar'be-ku), n. a frame on which all kinds of meat or fish are roasted or smoke-dried ; the carcass of an ox, hog, &c., roasted whole ; a social or political entertainment at which animals are roasted whole, with appropriate surroundings; v.t, to dress and roast whole. barbel (bar'bel), n- a slender vermi- form process appended to the lips of certain fishes ; a European fresh- water fish, having its upper ja^ furnished with four barbels. barber (bar'ber), n. one whose occu- pation is to shave the beard and cut and dress the hair : v.t. to shave and dress the hair of. barbette (bar-bet'), n. the platform or breastwork of a fortification, from which cannon may be fired over a parapet instead of through the embrasures. barbican (bar'bi-kan), n. a tower or advanced work defending the en- trance to a castle or city. barbotine (bar'bo-tin), n. kaolin clay, thinly mixed, used for orna- menting pottery. barbule (bar'btil), n. a very minute barb. barcarole or barcarolle (bar'ka- rol), n. a simple song or melody sung by Venetian gondoliers ; a piece of music in imitation of such a song. bard (bard), w. a poet and singer. bard or barde (bard), n. one of the ornaments and housings of a horse ; one of the pieces of defensive ar- mor of a mediaeval war-horse. bardic (bar'dik), adj. pertaining to bards or to their poetry. at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, ixCrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. bar 94 bar bardisb. (bar'dish), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, bards. bardisxa (bar'dizm), n. the methods, maxims, and sentiments of bards. bare (bar), adj. naked ; with the head uncovered ; unconcealed ; simple ; unfurnished ; threadbare ; poor j mere : v.t. to divest of covering. barefaced (bar'fast), adj. with the face uncovered ; undisguised ; shame- less ; impudent. barege (ba-razh'), n. thin gauze- like fabric, usually of silk and wor- sted. bargain (bar'gan), n. an agreement or contract between two or more parties with reference to the sale or transfer of property ; a compact or pledge mutually agreed upon ; the thing purchased or stipulated for ; that which is acquired or sold at a low price ; an advantageous pur- chase : vA. to make a contract or agreement : v.t. to sell or transfer for a consideration. bargainee ( bar-ga-ne' ) , n. the party to whom a bargain and sale is made. bargainer or bargainor (bar'ga- ner), n. one who stipulates or con- tracts to sell or transfer to another for a consideration. barge (barj), n. a flat-bottomed ves- sel employed in loading and unload- ing ships, and for the conveyance of goods on rivers and canals ; a vessel of ^ state. barilla (ba-ril'a), n. an impure car- bonate and sulphate of soda im- ported from Spain and the Levant, and obtained from the alkaline ashes of certain plants. barillet (bar'il-let), n. the cylindric- al case containing the mainspring of a watch. baritone. See barytone. baritiHi (ba'ri-um), n. one of the ele- mentary metals. bark (bark), v.i. to utter a sharp, short sound, as the cry of a dog ; to cough: n. the sound or cry emitted . by dogs. bark (bark), n. the exterior layer or rind of woody Bt&ms or trunks ; Pe- ruvian bark : v.t. to remove by strip- ping. bark or barque (bark), w. a three- masted vessel having the fore- and main-mast square-rigged, ' and the mizzen-mast fore-and-aft rigged. bar kan tine or barkentine (bar'- kan-ten), n. a three-masted vessel having the fore-mast square-rigged, and the main- and mizzen-mast fore-and-aft or schooner-rigged. Also barquantine. barking (bar 'king), n. a sharp sound like that of a dog; coughing: n. the process of stripping bark from trees ; the process of tanning leather and of dyeing with bark. barky (bar'ki), adj. consisting of, or covered with, bark. barley (bar'li), n. the grain grown and used chiefly for malting; the plant which yields the grain. barley-corn (bar'li-korn), n. a grain of barley ; formerly a measure of length equal to the third part of an inch. barm (barm), n. the foam rising upon beer or other malt liquors when fermenting, and used as leaven in bread-making; yeast. barmy (barm'i), adj. containing or consisting of yeast ; frothy. barn (barn), n. a covered building for the storage of grain or other farm produce. barn-owl (biirn'oul), n. the white or screech owl. barnacle (bar'na-kl), n. a species of wild goose, called barnacle or ber- nicle goose v a cirriped crustacean, found adhering in groups or clusters to rocks or to the bottoms of ships, &c. ; an ofiicial who holds tenacious- ly to his post : n.pl. an instrument placed on a horse's nose to restrain him while being shod, bled, or dressed ; a pair of spectacles. barogram (bar'o-gram), n. the record traced by the barograph. barograph (bar'6-graf ), n. an in- strument recording automatically variations in atmospheric pressure. barology (ba-rol'o-gi), n. the science of weight or gravity. barometer (ba-rom'e-ter), n. an in- strument for measuring the weight or pressure of the atmosphere : used for indicating the various changes ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon^ book; htie, hut; think, th^n. bar 95 bar of weather, or to determine the alti- tude of a particular place. barometric (bar-o-met'rik), or bar- ometrical ('ri-kal), adj. pertain- ing to, made with, or indicated by, a barometer. barometrically (-li), adv. by means of a barometer. baron (bar'un), n. the titJe of an English peer of the lowest rank, next below a viscount ; formerly the title of the judges of the Court of Exchequer. baronage (bar'un-aj), n. the whole body of barons ; the dignity or rank of a baron. baroness (bar'un-es), n. a baron's wife ; a lady holding a baronial title in her own right. baronet (bar'un-et), n. a title of hereditary rank or degree of honor next below a baron and above a knight. baronetage (bar'un-et-aj), n. the collective body of baronets ; the dig- nity or rank of a baronet. baronetcy (bar'un-et-si), n. the title and dignity of a baronet. baronial (bar-o'ni-al), adj. pertain- ing to a baron or a barony. baronism (bar'un-izm), n. the feudal system of government by barons. barony (bar'un-i), n. [pi. baronies (-iz)], the rank or dignity of a baron ; the domain or lordship of a baron; a territorial division in Ire- land, corresponding nearly to the English hundred ; a large freehold estate in Scotland. baroque (ba-rok'), adj. grotesque; in bad taste. baroscope (bar'6-skop), n. an in- strument for indicating variations in the pressure of the atmosphere with- out aci:ual measurement of its weight; a storm- or weather-glass. barouche (ba-roosh'), n. a roomy, four-wheeled carriage with a folding or falling top. barquantine. See barkantine. barque. See bark. barracan (bar'a-kan), n. a thick strong stuff made of camel's hair. barrack (bar'ak), n. a large build- ing, or series of buildings, for the lodgment of soldiers and officers ; a building or collection of huts within an enclosure in which a body of men are lodged [generally in the pi] barratry (bar'a-tri), n. the practice of vexatiously inciting and encourag- ing to law-suits or litigation ; the committal by a ship's master, officer, or mariner, of an act of fraud, or breach of duty, whereby the owners, freighters, or insurers of the vessel are defrauded or injured. barred (bard), p.adj. furnished with bars ; obstructed ; secured ; striped. barrel (bar'el), n. a vessel or cask, cylindrical in form, bulging in the middle, made of wooden staves bound with hoops, and having flat ends or heads; the quantity which a barrel should contain ; anything resembling a barrel in shape; a drum or cylin- der ; a metallic tube. barrel (bar'el), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. bar- reled, p.pr. barreling], to put or pack in a barrel. barren (bar'en), adj. incapable of producing its kind; unproductive; unfruitful; sterile; lacking; devoid; profitless; empty; n. an unproduc- tive tract of land. barricade (bar-ri-kad'), n. a fortifi- cation constructed in haste of such materials as are nearest to hand, and which will serve to obstruct the progress or attack of an enemy, or shield a besieged party; any bar or obstruction : v.t. to obstruct or stop up; fortify or enclose by a barri- cade. barrier (bar'i-er), n. anything which hinders or obstructs ; an obstacle to progress, approach, or attack; an enclosing fence or boundary wall ; a limit or boundary. barrier-reef (-ref), n. a reef of coral encircling an island, or skirt- ing the mainland, and enclosing ar. open channel or lagoon. barring (bar'ing), p.pr. as prep, ex- cepting ; leaving out of account. barrister (bar'is-ter), n. in England, a member of the legal profession qualified to plead at the bar ; in Scotland, an advocate; counselor at law. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; bo6n> book ; hue, hut ; think, then. bar 96 bas barrow (bar'6), n. a frame covered with boards, and furnished with handles at both ends, or with a pair of wheels and handles or shafts at one end ; a hand-barrow ; a shal- low box, with a single wheel and handles and supports ; a wheel-bar- row ; a mound of earth or heap of stones forming an ancient or pre- historic grave, constructed in various forms. bar-shot (bar'shot), n. double- headed shot. barter (bar'ter), v.i. to traffic or trade by exchanging one commodity for another : v.t. to give in ex- change : n. trafficking by exchange of commodities ; the thing given in exchange. bartizan, (bar'ti-zan), n. a small overhanging turret, with loopholes or embrasures, projecting from tLe top of a tower or wall. barwise (bar'wiz), adv. horizontally. barivood (bar'wood), n. a red dye- wood. baryta (ba-ri'ta), n. the oxide of barium. barytes (ba-ri'tez), n. the native sul- phate of barium. Also called heavy- spar. barytic (ba-rit'ik), adj. pertaining to or containing baryta. barytone or baritone (bar'i-ton), adj. intermediate between bass and tenor, as a male voice or instru- ment : n. a person with a voice hav- ing this range : adj. having the last syllable unaccented : v.t. to leave the last syllable unaccented. barytone-clef (-kief), n. the F clef on the middle line of the bass staff. basal (bas'al), adj. pertaining to or forming the base ; fundamental : n. a basal part. basalt (ba-sawlt' & bas'awlt), n. an igneous rock of greenish black coloi, and composed of feldspar^ augite, titaniferous iron, and frequently olivine. basaltic (ba-sawl'tik), adj. pertain- ing to or formed of basalt. basanite (bas'a-nit), n. a black sili- ceous rock or jasper ; Lydian stone ; touchstone. bas-bleu (ba-ble'), n. a blue-stock- ing ; a literary woman. bascule (bas'kul), n. a mechanical arrangement on the see-saw prin- ciple by which the lowering of one end raises the other. base (bas), adj. worthless; spurious; of mean spirit ; morally abject ; deep or grave in sound (commonly bass). base (bas), n. the part of a thing on which it rests ; a foundation or groundwork ; that which combines with an acid to form a salt ; the line or surface forming that part of a figure OJH which it is supposed to stand ; a fortified line from which the operations of an army proceed; a starting place ; the lower part of a heraldic field: v.t. to lay a founda- tion. baseball (bas'bawl), a game of ball played by nine on a side; ball used in playing baseball. base-born (bas'born), adj. born out of wedlock ; of low or mean paren- tage ; mean. baseman (bas'man), n. [pi. basemen ('men)], a player placed at base- ball at the first, secbnd, and third bases respectively. basement (bas'ment), n. the lowest part of a structure ; the lowest story of a building. bash (bash), v.t. to strike heavily; to knock out of shape. bashaw (ba-shaw'), n. a pasha; a magnate or grandee ; a bigwig. bashful (bash'fool), adj. easily dis- concerted ; modest to excess ; diffi- dent ; shy. bashfully (-li), adv. in a bashful manner. bahsi-bazouk (bash'i-ba-zook'), n. a volunteer or irregular in the Turk- ish army. bashlyk (bash'lik), n. a kind of hood with long ends, worn in Russia. basic (ba'sik), adj. pertaining to a base ; fundamental ; performing the office of a base in a salt. basil (baz'il), n. a sheepskin tanned with bark ; the name given to several aromatic herbs used in cookery. basil (baz'il), n. the angle to which the cutting edge of a tool is ground : ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, ;f7ien. 1>as 97 1>as v.t. to grind or form the edge of to an angle. basilar (bas'i-lar),. or basilary (-la- ri), adj. pertaining to, or situated at, the base. basilic (ba-zil'ik), or basilical ('i- kal ) , adj. kingly ; royal ; pertaining to a basilica : n. the middle vein of the arm. basilica (ba-ziri-ka), n. [pi. basilicas (-kaz)], in ancient Rome, a public hall of rectangular shape used for judicial assemblies ; a church built on such a plan. basilicon (ba-zil'i-kon), n. an oint- ment composed of yellow wax, black pitch, res:n, and olive oil. basilisk (bas'i-lisk), n. a fabulous creature, variously conceived as a kind of serpent, lizard, or dragon, and sometimes identified with the cockatrice ; the name of a lizard with an inflatable crest : adj. per- taining to the basilisk ; penetrating or malignant. basin (ba'sn), n. a circular vessel for holding water or other liquid ; a pond, or dock, or other reservoir for water ; the area drained by a river ; a set of strata or stratified forma- tions occupying a basin-shaped de- pression in older rocks. basis (ba'sis), n. [pi. bases ('sez)], a foundation ; the groundwork or fun- damental principle of anything. bask (bask), v.i. to lie in warmth; be exposed to genial heat ; be at ease and thriving under benign in- fluences : v.t. to warm by continued exposure to heat. basket (bas'ket), n. a vessel made of rushes, or other flexible material, plaited or interwoven ; as much as a basket will hold. basketful (bas'ket-fool), n. [pi. bas- ketfuls], as much as a basket will carry. basking-skark (bas'king-shark), n. one of the largest of the sharks in- habiting the northern seas ; it is harmless, and has the habit of bask- ing at the surface in the sun. Basque (bask), adj. of, or pertain- ing to, the Basque race or language : basque (bask), n. a kind of a wom- an's jacket with a short skirt. bas-relief (ba-re-lef), n. low relief; a form of relief in which the figures stand out very slightly from the ground. Also spelled bass-relief, basso-relievo, & basso-rilievo. bass or basse (bas), n. the name of various edible fishes allied to the perch. bass (bas), n. the American lime- tree ; matting made from its bark ; a hassock. bass (bas), adj. low; deep; grave: n, the lowest part in the harmony of a musical composition ; the lowest male voice, ranging from D below the bass staff to D oi: E above it; one who sings bass. bass-bar (bas'bar), n. a piece of wood placed lengthwise inside stringed instruments to resist the pressure of the bridge. bass clef (bas'klef), n. the character placed at the beginning of the bass staff. baSs born (bas'horn), n. a modified form of a clarionet. bass staff (bas'staf), n. the staff on which the notes of the bass of a harmonized composition are written. bass viol (bas'vil), n. a large stringed instrument of the violin class for playing bass. basset (bas'et), v.i. to crop out at the surface. basse t-korn (bas'et-horn), n. an in- strument resembling a clarionet, but of greater compass. bassinet (bas'i-net), n. a wicker bas- ket with a hood at one end. basso (bas'o), adj. Italian for bass: n. one who sings bass. basso-profondo (-pro-fon'do), n. the lowest bass voice ; a singer hav- ing such a voice. bassoon (bas-oon'), n. an instrument of the reed kind. bassoonist (bas-oon'ist), n. a per- former on the bassoon. basso-relievo. See bass-relief. bassorin (bas'o-rin), or bassorine (-rin), n. a substance extracted from gum tragacanth and some other gums. bast (bast), n. the tough inner fibrous bark of various trees, especially of ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. lias 98 1>a« the lime ; rope or matting made from this bark. bastard (bas'tard), n. sl child be- gotten and born out of wedlock ; an animal of inferior quality or breed; a kind of hawk formerly ■ased in falconry ; a coarse brown ^ugar made from syrup previously boiled : adj. begotten and born out of lawful matrimony; spurious; adulterate. bastardize (bas'tar-diz), v.t. to make or prove to be a bastard; de- clare to be illegitimate. bastardy (bas'tar-di), n. the state of being illegitimate, or born out of lawful wedlock. baste (bast), v.t. to beat with a stick ; to drip or pour melted fat or butter on meat while roasting ; to sew slightly, or fasten with long stitches, as in dressmaking. bastile or bastille (bas-tel'), n. a tower 'or fortification used for the defense or siege of a fortified place ; an old castle in Paris used as a state prison, demolished by the populace in 1789. bastinado (bas-ti-na'do), n. an Oriental mode of punishment, con- sisting in beating an offender upon the soles of his feet with a stick or rod. Spelled also bastinade : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. bastinadoed ; p.pr. bas- tinadoing], to beat the soles of the feet with a stick or cudgel. £»astion (bas'chun), n. an earth- work faced with brick or stone, projecting from the angles of a rampart, and having two flanks and two faces. basto (bas'to), n. the ace of clubs in the card games of quadrille and ombre. bat (bat), n. a heavy stick or club; the flattened club used in cricket or similar games ; a batsman ; a part of a brick with one end whole ; a plate of flexible gelatine used to print impressions on glaze ; bitumi- nous shale : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. batted ; p.pr. batting] , to hit or strike : v.i. to use or wield a bat in cricket or baseball. bat (bat), n. an insectivorous mam- mal furnished with wings formed by a membrane stretched between the elongated fingers, legs, and tail. batch (bach), n. the quantity of bread baked at one time ; a quanti- ty of anything produced at one operation ; a group or collection of similar things. bate (bat), v.t. to lessen or reduce; deduct. bateau or battean (ba-to'), n. [pi. bateaux, batteaux (-toz)], a light boat used on Canadian rivers ; a pontoon of a floating bridge. bateau-bridge (-brij), n. a float- ing bridge constructed on boats. bath (bath), n. [pi. baths, (hsLthz)], the act of washing or immersing the body in water, or exposing it to any other fluid or vapor ; a vessel holding water for bathing ; a build- ing fitted up for bathing purposes; a medium through which heat is applied to a body ; a vessel contain- ing a solution for treatment of an object by immersion. bathe (hath), v.t. to subject to a bath ; immerse in water or other liquid ; to suffuse or moisten with a liquid ; immerse or surround with anything analogous to water, as vapor or light : v.i. to take a bath. bathometer (ba-thom'e-ter), n. an apparatus for measuring depths. bathos (ba'thos), n. a ludicrous descent from the elevated to the commonplace in writing or speech. bathymetric (bath-i-met'rik), or bathymetrical ('ri-kal), adj. per- taining to the measurement of depths. bathymetry (ba-thim'e-tri), n. the art of sounding or of measuring sea depths. batiste (ba-tesf), n. sl kind of cam- bric. baton (bat'un, French ba-tong'), n. a staff or truncheon used as a weap- on, or as a mark or badge of of- fice ; the wand of an orchestral con- ductor ; a heraldic mark indicat- ing illegitimacy: v.t. to strike with a baton or truncheon. Batrachia (ba-tra'ki-a), n.pl. the order of Amphibia which includes the frogs and toads. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n5rth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 1>at 99 hay batrachian (ba-tra'ki-an), adj. per- taining to the Batrachia : n. one of that order. batrachoid (bat'ra-koid), adj. hav-r ing the form of a frog. battalion (ba-taryun), n. a body of infantry usually forming a division of a regiment. batten (bat'n)^ v.t. to make fat by plenteous living ; fertilize or en- rich : v.i. to grow or become fat ; thrive at the expense of others. batten (bat'n), n. a narrow strip or scantling of wood used for various purposes ; a strip of wood used to fasten the edges of a tarpaulin to the deck of a ship : v.t. to fasten or form with battens. batter (bat'er), v.t. strike with heavy, repeated blows, so as to bruise, shatter, or demolish ; injure or impair : v.i. to make an attack by heavy blows. batter (bat'er), n. sl mixture of sev- eral ingredients, as flour, eggs, &c., beaten together, used in cookery. battering-ram ( bat'er-ing-ram ) , n. a military engine anciently used to beat down the walls of besieged places, and consisting of a large beam with a head of iron somewhat resembling the head of a ram. battery (bat'er-i), n. [pi. batteries (-iz)], the act of battering or beat- ing ; S, body of cannon, with its com- plement of officers, men, and equip- ments, for field operations ; any raised work or parapet where guns are mounted and gunners screened ; a number of Leyden jars connected for charging and discharging sim- ultaneously ; an apparatus for gen- erating voltaic electricity. battle (bat'l), n. a fight or en- counter between opposing forces ; a combat; a contest or struggle for mastery : vA. to contend in fight ; struggle (followed by against, loith). battle-piece (bat'1-pes), n. a painting, poem, or writing de- scriptive of a battle, battle-roy- al (bat'l-roi'al), n. a match in which more than two game-cocks are engaged ; a melee. battledore or battledoor (bat'l- dor), n. a kind of light racket used for playing battledore and shuttle- cock. battlement (bat'1-ment), n. an in- dented parapet consisting of alter- nate solids and openings. battue (bat-tti'), n. in shooting over cover, the method pursued by the beaters who surround the preserve and drive the game by beats and cries towards the sportsmen. bauble (baw'bl), n. a trifling piece of finery ; anything showy or gay ; a child's cheap trinket : n. the club or staff formerly carried by a court jester, or king's fool. bavin (bav'in), n. wood easily kin- dled. bawbee or baubee (baw-be'), w. originally a coin issued in 1542 by James V. of Scotland, of the value of l%d., Scotch ; now applied in Scotland to the halfpenny. bawble. Same as bauble. bawd (bawd), n. a person who keeps a house of prostitution ; one who procures women for lewd purposes, or acts as agent in illicit inter- course. bawdiness ('i-nes), n. obscenity; lewdness. bawdry (bawd'ri), n. the business or practice of a procuress ; illicit intercourse ; obscenity ; filthy lan- guage. bawdy (bawd'i), adj. obscene; un- chaste. bawl (bawl), v.i. to cry out with a loud, full, and sustained sound ; vociferate : v.t. to proclaim loudly : n. a loud prolonged cry. bay (ba), v.i. to bark as a dog, with a deep sound, as hounds in the chase : v.t. to bark at ; to pursue with barking so as to bring to bay : n. the deep-toned prolonged bark of a dog. bay (ba), adj. red or reddish, ap- proaching to chestnut [applied to horses] : n. a horse of such color. , bay (ba), n. a recess in the shore of a sea or lake ; the expanse of water between two capes or headlands ; a recess or opening in walls ; a place or receptacle for depositing or stor- ing coal ; the fore part of a ship ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, tlien. bay 100 bea between decks ; the laurel-tree, noble laurel, or sweet-bay ; an hon- orary garland or crown, composed of woven laurel leaves, bestowed as a prize upon successful poets and conquerors, hence [pi.] fame. bay-salt (ba'sawlt), n. salt result- ing from the evaporation of sea- water, and used for artificial sea- baths. bay-ivindo-w (ba'win'do), n. the window or windows forming a bay or recess in a room, and extending outwards from the wall, usually of a rectangular, semicircular, or polygonal shape. baya (ba'ya), n. the weaver-bird of the East Indies, resembling the bull- finch. bayadeer or bayadere (ba-ya-der'), n. a Hindu dancing girl. Also writ- ten bajadere. bayamo (ba-ya'mo), n. a violent tempest of wind with lightning. bayonet (ba'o-net), n. a short dag- ger-like instrument constructed to fix on to the barrel of a rifle : v.t. to stab or drive with a bayonet. bayou (bi'o6),w. [pi. bayous ('ooz)], in the southern United States, the outlet of a lake, or one of the delta streams of a river ; a sluggish water- course. bazaar or bazar (ba-zar'), n. in the East, a market-place or exchange ; a hall or series of rooms with stalls for the sale of goods ; a sale of fancy articles in aid of some char- ity ; a fancy fair. bdelliuiu (del'ynm), n. an aromatic gum-resin brought from Africa, In- dia and Persia, and used medici- nally and as a perfume. be (be), v.i. [p.t. was, p.p. been, p.pr. being], to exist; have existence in fact, physical or mental ; include or involve as a result ; bring ; produce ; come about ; become ; remain ; sig- nify ; answer to. beach (bech), n. [pi. beaches ('ez)l, the portion of the shore of the sea or of a lake which is washed by the waves ; the strand ; shingle : v.t. to run or haul up (as a vessel or boat) upon the beach : v.i. to land on a beach. beacb-comber (bech'kom-er), n. a long curling wave rolling in from the ocean ; one who hangs about the shore on the look-out for wreckage or plunder. beacliy (bech'i), adj. having a beach ; covered with shingle. beacon (be'kn), n. a signal of warn- ing or guidance, on sea or land ; for- merly a fire lighted on a hill or high. tower to signal danger or assemble troops, &c. : v.t. to light up, as a beacon ; furnish with beacons : v.i. to serve as a beacon. bead (bed), n. a little perforated ball of any suitable material, intended to be strung with others and worn as an ornament or used to form a rosary ; any small globular body ; a drop or bubble ; a small knob of metal at the end of a gun-barrel used as a sight ; a narrow rounded molding ; an astragal : v.t. to orna- ment with beads or beading. bead-roll (bed'rol), n. a list of per- sons for the repose of whose souls a certain number of prayers are as- signed to be repeated ; a rosary. beadle (be'dl), n. a messenger or crier of a court ; a parish ofiicer with various subordinate duties con- nected with a church or vestry, &c. beagle (be'gl), n. a small hound, for- merly used for hunting hares. beak (bek), n. the bill of a bird; the horny jaws or mandibles of other animals ; anything which is pointed or shaped like a beak ; the metal- sheathed prow of an ancient galley intended to pierce the vessels of an enemy ; the powerful appendage of steel forming part of the bow of modern war- vessels ; a magistrate. beaker (be'ker), n. a large drinking cup or vessel with a wide mouth ; an open-mouthed glass vessel with a projecting lip. beam (bem), n. a long piece of tim- ber or iron used horizontally or ver- tically to support the rafters of a building ; one of the principal hori- zontal timbers of a building or ship ; the extreme breadth of a ship; the shank of an anchor ; the oscillating lever which transmits motion in a steam-engine; a cylinder of wood ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Ilea 101 tiea around which, before weaving, the warp is wound; the pole of a car- riage ; the main part of a plow to which the handles are secured ; the bar of a balahce which suspends the scales ; the principal stem of a deer's horns which bears the antlers ; a collection of parallel rays of light emitted from the sun or other lumi- nous body : v.t. to send forth, as rays of light : v.i. to shine. beam-compass (bem-kum'pas), w. an instrument used for describing large circles. beam-feather (bem'feiA.-er), n, one of the long feathers in the wing of a bird. beamy (be'mi), adj. emitting rays of light resembling a beam in size and weight. bean (ben), n, the smooth, kidney- shaped seed of many leguminous plants ; the plant itself ; the popular name of other seeds or fruits re- sembling true beans. bear (bar), v.t. [p.t. bore, bare, p.p. borne, p.pr. bearing], to support, hold up ; carry or convey ; sufEer or endure ; be answerable for ; pos- sess, wear, or use ; have in or on ; contain ; cherish ; v,arry in the mind ; admit or be capable of ; show or exhibit ; bring forth or produce : v.i. to be capable of supporting; be fruitful ; to bear, press, or weigh upon or against ; tend ; relate ; take effect; be situated. [N. B. — When used passively bear (to produce) has as its p.p. born, as an infant was dorii.] bear (bar), n. a plantigrade carniv- orous mammal, belonging to the genus TJrsus, the three best known species of which are : the brown or black bear of Europe, the grizzly bear of North America, and the po- lar bear of arctic regions ; the name of two constellations in the northern hemisphere, called the Great Bear and the Little Bear ; one who at- tempts to depreciate the value of stock in order to buy cheap ; opposed to a bull ; a rude, uncouth, or brutal person : v.t. to endeavor to lower the price of. bear-baiting (bar'bat-ing), n. the illegal sport of setting dogs to fight ea 102 "bee fall of the hand or foot marking the divisions of time ; the divisions of the measure so marked. beat (bet), p.p. of beat, exhausted bv mental or bodily fatigue. "beaten (be'tn), p.adj. worn by use, as by the beat or tread of feetj con- quered ; exhausted ; baffled. beaten-Tirork (-werk), n. metal shaped by being beaten on an anvil. beatific (be-a-tif'ik), adj. having power to bless or render perfectly happy ; blissful. beatific-vision (-vizh'un), n. the direct vision of God, regarded as the bliss of the angels and saints. beatifically (-li), adv. in a blissful manner. beatification (be-at-i-fi-ka'shun), n. the act of blessing or the state of being blessed ; the act of the Pope in declaring a deceased person to have attained the rank of "the blessed :" usually the second step towards canonization. beatify (be-at'i-fi), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. beatified, p.pr. beatifying], to make happy ; bless with the completion of celestial enjoyment ; to declare by public decree that a deceased person has attained the rank of "the blessed." beating (be'ting), n. the act of striking ; a flogging ; pulsation or throbbing ; a defeat ; tacking against the wind. beatitude (be-at'i-tud), n. felicity of the highest kind ; consummate bliss. beau (bo), n. [pi. beaus or beaux (boz)], one who dresses himself in strict accordance with the fashion ; a ladies' man or suitor. "beau-ideal (bo-i-de'al), n. ideal ex- cellence. beau monde (bo-mond'), n. the fash- ionable world. beauisla (bo'ish), adj. like a beau; foppish. laeauteous (bu'te-us), adj. possess- ing beauty. beautiful (bu'ti-ful), adj. possess- ing qualities which charm and de- light the senses ; lovely. beautifully (-li), adv. in a charm- ing or attractive manner. lieautify (bu'ti-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. beautified; p.pr. beautifying], to make or render beautiful ; embel- lish : v.i. to grow beautiful. beauty (bti'ti), n. [pi. beauties ('tiz)], an assemblage of graces or properties which command the ap- probation of the senses ; those qual- ities which are most pleasing to the eye ; a particular grace or charm ; a beautiful woman. beauty-sleep (-slep), n. sleep taken before midnight, popularly supposed to be more restorative than that taken later. beauty-spot (-spot), n. a patch or spot placed on the face with intent to heighten beauty by contrast. beauty-wash, (-wosh), n. a cosmetic. beaver (be'ver), n. a rodent quadru- ped of amphibious habits, and val- ued for its fur ; the fur of the beaver ; a hat formerly made of bea- ver fur. beaver (be'ver), n. the portion of ar- mor which served to protect the lower part of the face, and could be raised or depressed. beaver-rat (be'ver-rat), n. a water rodent of Australia and Tasmania, similar in habit to the European water vole. beaver-tree (be'ver-tre), n. the sweet-bay, common in United States. beaverteen (be'ver-ten), n, a species of fustian. becalm (be-kam'), v.t. to make calm or still. becbamel (besh'a-mel), n. a fine white sauce thickened with cream. beche-de-mer (bash'de-mar'), w. the trepang, a sea-slug dried and eaten by the Chinese. beck (bek), n. a nod, or other signifi- cant gesture. becket (bek'et), n. a contrivance in ships to confine small spars or loose ropes, &c. beckon (bek'n), v.i. to make a signal to another by a motion of the head or hand ; v.t. summon or signal by signs. becloud. See cloud. become (be-kum'), v.i. [p.t. became, p.p. become, p.pr. becoming], to pass ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, ndrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. lieG 103 bee from one state to another ; come or grow to be : v.t. to suit, or be suit- able to ; befit ; accord with ; grace or adorn. » becoming (be-kum'ing), p.adj. fit; suitable ; seemly ; proper ; appropri- ate ; befitting. becquerel rays (bek-rel' raz), n.pl. radio-active energy manifested by t radium, polonium, and certain com- pounds of uranium. bed (bed), n. an article of domestic furniture upon or within which one rests or sleeps ; conjugal rights ; anything which serves as a resting- place, or in which something lies or is imbedded ; a portion of a garden prepared and set apart for bedding plants ; the bottom of a river or oth- er stream, or of any body of water ; a layer or stratum of rock ; a mass or heap of anything resembling a bed ; either of the horizontal sur- faces of a building stone : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. bedded; p.pr. bedding], to fur- nish with a bed ; plant, as flowers ; lay in a stratum ; lay flat, or in or- der : v.i. to go to bed ; cohabit. bedbug (bed'bug), n. a flat-bodied, reddish-colored insect infesting fur- niture, &c. bedpan, (bed'pan), n. a warming- pan ; a utensil for the use of those confined to bed. bedstraw (bed'straw), n. straw for stuffing beds ; a popular name of plants used formerly in beds. bed-tick (bed'tik), n. a bag or case of strong linen or cotton for con- taining the feathers or other ma- terials of a bed. bedabble. See dabble. bedaub. See daub. bedazzle. See dazzle. bedding (bed'ing), n. a bed and its furniture ; the materials of a bed, whether for man or beast ; stratifi- cation ; occurrence in layers ; a foun- dation, or bottom layer. bedeck. See deck. bedevil (be-dev'l), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. (-ed), p.pr. (-ing)], to throw into disorder or confusion ; spoil or cor- iupt, as by evil agency. bedevilment (be-dev'1-ment), n. the state of being vexatiously and be- wilderingly disordered or confused. bedew (be-dti'), v.t. to moisten with dew. bedim. See dim. bedizen (be-diz'n & -di'zn), v.t. to deck or adorn ; trick out with vulgar finery. bedlam (bed'lam), n. a madhouse; an asylum or hospital for lunatics : hence, any scene of uproar and con- fusion. bedlamite (bed'lam-it), n. a mad- man ; an inmate of Bethlehem Hos- pital or bedlam. Bedouin (bed'oo-in), n. a nomadic Arab or tent-dweller of Arabia, Syria, and northern Africa : adj, nomad. bedrabble. See drabble. bedraggle. See draggle. bedrencb. See drench. bedrid (bed'rid) or bedridden ('rid- n) , adj. confined to bed by age or infirmity. bedrop (be-drop'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. bedropped, p.2yr. bedroppihg], to sprinkle as with drops ; bespatter. bee (be), n. p hymenopterous insect of the genus Apis ; the hive or hon- ey-bee kept in hives for the sake of its honey and wax ; an industrious person ; a social meeting for work on behalf of a neighbor or a charitable object ; strips of wood bolted each side of a bowsprit, through which the foretopmast stays are reeved. bee-bread (be'bred), n. a brown bit- ter substance consisting of the pol- len of flowers collected and stored by bees as food for their young. bee-eater (be'et-er), n. one of the numerous species of bee-eating birds. beebive (be'hiv), n. a bos or other covering for a swarm of bees, and serving for the storage of honey. bee-line (be'lin), n. the straight J course pursued by a bee returning ' laden to the hive : hence the most direct way from one point to an- other. bee-motb (be'mCth), n. a mothj which lays its eggs in beehives, and whose larvae feed upon the wax. beech (bech), n. [pi. beeches ('ez)], a tree of the genus Fagus, yielding ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon^ book ; hue, hut ; think, then. be© 104 beg a hard timber and edible triangular nuts. beechen (be'chen), adj. pertaining to, or made of the wood or bark of, the beech. beef (bef), n. the flesh of an ox, bull, or cow, when killed. beefeater ('e-ter), n. a yeoman of the English royal guard, attending the sovereign on state occasions. beefy (be'fi), adj. resembling beef: fleshy. been (bin), p.p. of be. beer (ber), n. a fermented liquor made from any farinaceous grain, but generally from malted barley, with hops or other substances added to impart a bitter flavor ; a ferment- ed extract of the roots and other parts of various plants, as ginger, spruce, &c. beery (ber'i), adj. pertaining to beer ; stained by beer ; affected by beer ; maudlin. beestings (bes'tingz), n. the first milk given by a cow after calving. beeswing (bez'wing), n. a gauzy film occurring in port and some other wines, indicative of age. beet (bet), n. a biennial plant, culti- vated for its edible succulent root, and from which sugar is made. beetle (be'tl), n. a heavy wooden mal- let employed for driving wedges, consolidating earth, &c. ; a club for beating linen, &c., in washing : v.t. to use a beetle on ; beat with a heavy wooden mallet, as a substitute for mangling. beetle (be'tl), n. any insect belong- ing to the order of Coleoptera, hav- ing four wings, the anterior or outer pair being hardened and serving as a horny sheath to the inner pair. beetle (be'tl), v.i. to be prominent; jut out ; overhang, as a cliff. beetling (bet'ling), adj. standing out ; overhanging. befall or befal (be-fawl'), v.t. \_p.t. befell, p.p. befallen, p.pr. befalling], to happen or occur to : v.i. come to pass. bef ana (be-fa'na), n. a fairy sup- posed to reward children by presents of sweetmeats, &c., on Ephiphany- eve (Jan. 5th). befit (be-fit'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. be- fitted, p.pr. befittting], befitting or suitable to ; become. befog. See fog. befool. See fool. before (be-for'), prep, in front of; preceding in space, time, or rank; in presence or sight of ; under juris- diction of ; rather than ; earlier than : adv. in front ; in advance ; previously ; formerly ; already. beforehand (be-for 'hand), adv. in advance. befoul. See foul. befriend (be-frend'), v.i. to act as a friend to ; aid or shield ; assist. beg (beg), v.t. & v.i. [p.t. & p.p. begged ; p.pr. begging] , to ask or supplicate in charity ; ask for ear- nestly ; beseech ; entreat with humil- ity ; ask as a favor ; to practice beg- ging. (The phrase "I beg to," in polite usage, is employed elliptically for ask, request, as I deg to state.) began, p.t. of begin. begem. See gem. beget (be-gef), v.t. [p.t. begot, be- gat, p.p. begotten, begot, p.pr. be- getting], to procreate, as a father or sire ; generate ; produce i cause to exist. begetter (be-get'ter), n. one who be- ■gets. beggable (beg'a-bl), adj. capable of being solicited as gift or alms. beggar (beg'er), n. one who entreats or supplicates with humility ; one who makes it his business to beg or ask for alms ; one who is reduced to extreme poverty : v.t. to exhaust the resources of ; outdo. beggar liness (-nes), n. extreme pov- erty ; meanness. beggarly (beg'er-li), adj. like, or in the condition of, a beggar ; poor ; mean ; contemptible. beggary (beg'er-i), n. the state of a beggar ; extreme poverty ; beggars collectively. begin (be-gin'), v.i. [p.t. began, p.p. begun, p.pr, beginning], to com- mence existence ; originate ; arise : to take the initiatory step ; make a start. beginner (be-gin'er), n. one who be- gins or originates ; one who enters ate, arm, ask, at, awl; mS, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon« book ; hue, hut ; think, then. lies 105 1>el upon anything for the first time; a novice. Iieginxiing; (be-gin'ing), n. the first cause; origin; the initial stage of anything. begird. See gird. ibegirdle. See girdle. begone (be-gon'), inter j. go away! depart ! begonia (be-go'ni-a), n. a genus of tropical plants, cultivated for their ornamental leaves and showy flow- ers. begot (be-gof), p.t. & p.p. of beget. begotten (be-got'n), p.p. of beget. begrease. See grease. begrime. See grime. begrudge. See grudge. beguile (be-gil'), v.t. to impose upon or delude by guile ; deceive ; cause to pass pleasantly ; divert or enter- tain. beguilement (be-gll'ment), n, the act of beguiling ; the state of being beguiled. begum (be'gum), n. in the East In- dies, a princess or lady of high rank. begun, p.p. of begin. bebalf (be-haf), n. advantage; fa- vor ; support ; defense ; stead ; inter- est [governed always by the prepo- sition in, on, or upon'\, bebave (be-hav')> 'V.t. to conduct, comport, demean, or acquit : v.i. to act; conduct one's self in a proper manner. bebavior (be-hav'yer), n, manner of behaving, whether good or bad ; con- duct ; deportment ; manners. bebead (be-hed'), v.t. to cut off the head of. bebeld (be-held'), p.t. & p.p. of be- hold. behemotb (be-he'moth), n. an ani- mal described in Job si. 15-24, and probably intended for the hippopota- mus. bebest (be-hest') , n. a command ; pre- cept. bebind (be-hind'), prep, at the back of ; in the rear of ; remaining after ; inferior to : adv. at the back ; in the rear ; toward the back ; out of sight ; past In point of time. bebindband (be-hind'hand), adv. or adj. in a state of backwardness; late ; in arrear. bebold (be-hold'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. beheld, p.pr. beholding], to fix the eyes upon; have in sight; look at; observe with care : v.i. to look ; di- rect or fix the mind. bebolden (be-hol'dn), p.adj. indebt- ed ; obliged ; bound in gratitude. beboof (be-h6of')» n. advantage; in- terest ; profit ; use ; behalf. beboove or bebove (be-hoov')", v.t. to be meet, necessary, or fit for. beige (bazh), adj. having its natural color, as a fabric of undyed wool. being, p.pr. of be. being (be'ing), n. existence, as op- posed to non-existence ; that which exists in any form, whether actual or ideal. be jewel (be-ju'el), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. -ed, p.pr. ing], to ornament or fur- nish with jewels. bekko-ware (bek'o-war), n. an an- cient kind of Japanese pottery ia imitation of tortoise-shell. belabor (be-la'ber), v.t. to beat soundly. belate (be-laf), v.t. to make late, or retard. belated (be-la'ted), p.adj. delayed; too late ; overtaken by darkness :, benighted. belay (be-la'), v.t. make fast, as a rope, by winding round a pin, cleat, &c. belcb (belch), v.t. to eject with force or violence : v.i. to eject wind from the stomach : n. the act of ejecting wind forcibly. beldam (bel'dam) or beldame ( 'dam ) , l^. a grandmother ; an ugly old woman. beleaguer (be-le'ger), v.t. to be- siege ; surround with an army so as to preclude escape ; blockade. belemnite (berem-nit), ii. the fossil internal bone, or shell, of an extinct family of cuttle-fishes. belfry (bel'fri), n. a bell tower; that part of a steeple or tower in which a bell is hung. Belgr avian (bel-gra'vi-an), adj. be- longing to Belgravia, a fashionable quarter of London : hence aristo- fite, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, u6rth, not; boon,, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. bel 106 t>el cratic ; fashionable : n. an inhabi- tant of Belgravia; a member of the upper classes. belie (be-li'), v.t, to calumniate; slander by lies ; give the lie to ; show to be false. belief (be-lef), n. assent to anything proposed or declared, and its accept- ance as fact, by reason of the au- . thority whence it proceeds, apart from personal knowledge ; faith ; the thing believed; the whole body of tenets held by the professors of any faith ; a creed ; a conviction. believable (be-le'va-bl), adj. capable of being accepted as truth ; credible. believability ('i-ti), n. credibility; credence ; believableness. believe (be-lev'), v.t. to place cre- dence in and accept as true, upon the ground of authority, testimony, or logical inference apart from per- sonal knowledge; place ^confidence in ; expect or hope : v.i. to have faith ; be more or less firmly per- suaded of the truth of (anything; think or suppose. believer (be-le'ver), n, one who ac- cepts as truth something not actu- ally demonstrated ; one who adheres to a religious faith; a professor of Christianity. belike (be-lik'), adv. probably. belittle (be-lit'l), v.t. to lower or de- preciate; run down by speaking slightingly of. bell (bel), -yi. to bellow, as deer in rutting time ; to be in flower : said of the hop. bell (bel), n. a hollow metallic ves- sel, usually cup-shaped, and giving forth a clear, ringing sound when struck ; anything in the form of a bell : pi. the divisions of daily time marked each half-hour by strokes on a bell : v.t. to put a bell on. bell-bird (bel'berd), n. an American bird whose note resembles a bell ; an Australian bird whose note is sim- ilar. bellman (bel'm&n), n.; pi. bellmen, one who uses a bell for public an- nouncement ; a town-crier. bell-metal (bel-met'al), n. an alloy of copper and tin, used for the man- ufacture of bells. bell-pnncli (bel 'punch), n, a punch with a signal bell used on tramcars for puncturing the tickets and checking the number of fares issued. bell-telegraph (bertel'e-graf), n. a telegraphic instrument in which bells are employed instead of needles. bell-ivether (bel'we^Ti'er), w. a weth- er or sheep which leads the flock with a bell on his neck. belladonna (bel-a-don'a), n. the deadly nightshade, a poisonous plant used as medicine. belle (bel), n. a young and handsome lady ; a reigning beauty. belles-lettres (bel-let'r), w.pZ. polite or elegant literature; light litera- ture. bellicose (bel'i-kos), adj. pugna- cious ; contentious ; warlike. bellied (bel'id), adj. having a belly; swelled out in the middle. belligerence (bel-ij'er-ens), or bel- ligerency (-en-si), n, the act or state of warfare. belligerent (bel-ij'er-ent), adj. wag- ing war ; pertaining to war or war- fare : warlike : n. a power recog- nized as carrying on warj a person engaged in fighting. bellite (bel'it), n. an explosive com- pound formed of ammonium nitrate and other substances. bellow (bel'o), v.i. to utter a full resonant sound, as a bull ; bawl or vociferate; roar, as the sea in a tempest, or as the wind when vio- lent : v.t, to utter with a loud, full voice : n. the roar of a bull ; a loud, resounding outcry. bellows (bel'oz), n. sing. & pl.Sin in- strument for producing a current of air, and used for various purposes, as blowing fires, or filling the pipes of an organ. belly (bel'li), n. [pi. bellies ('liz)], that part of the human body which extends from the breast to the thighs, and contains the bowels ; the abdomen ; the corresponding part in the lower animals ; the part of any- thing that swells out into a larger capacity: v.i. [p.t. & p.p. bellied: p.pr. bellying], to swell and become ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 1>el 107 hen protuberant; bulge out: v.t. to cause to swell out, as sails. belly-band (bel'i-band), n. a band that encircles the belly of a horse ; a saddle-girth. belong (be-long'), v.i. to be the prop- erty (of) ; go along with ; be a part (of) ; be appendant (to), or con- nected (with) ; be the concern or business (of) ; appertain (to) ; be suitable ; be due ; have a settled or legal residence (in) ; be native (to). belonging (be-l6ng'ing), n. that which belongs to one [generally used in the pi.} ; qualities; endowments; property ; possessions ; appendages. beloved (be-luvd' & luv'ed), p.adj. greatly loved ; dear to the heart : n. one who is greatly loved. belo^v (be-lo'), prep, under in place; beneath ; not so high ; inferior to in rank or excellence ; lower in value, price, &c. : adv. in a lower place ; on the earth ; in hell, or the regions of the dead; in a lower rank or grade ; off duty ; under. belt (belt), n. a girdle or band used to encircle the waist ; anything re- sembling a belt, or which- encircles, restrains, or supports, as a belt ; a . strip ; a band ; a heraldic badge de- noting knightly rank ; one of the rings surrounding the planet Jupi- ter ; a band connecting two wheels and transmitting motion from one to the other : v.t. to encircle, as with a belt ; surround. belted-cruiser (-kroo'zer), n. a quick-sailing ship, having a broad band of armor-plating. belting (bel'ting), n. belts collective- ly; the material of which belts are made. beluga (be-lu'ga), n. the large white sturgeon from the roe of which caviare is made ; the white whale of the Northern Seas. belvedere (bel-ve-der'), n. a pavilion or open structure raised upon the top of a house ; a summerhouse built on an eminence. bemire (be-mir'), v.t. to soil by pass- ing through mire ; to fix in the mire. bemoan (be-Taon') ,. v.t. to lament; bewail ; pity ; sympathize with. bencb (bench), n. [pi. benches ('ez)l, a long seat; a strong table on which mechanics do their work; the seat where judges sit in court ; the persons who sit as judges ; the court : v.t. to furnish with benches. bench-ivarrant (bench-wor'ant), n. a warrant issued by a court ^ or judge, as distinguished from a }.^s~ tice's warrant issued by a magis- trate. bend (bend), v.t. to curve or make crooked; move or deflect out of a straight line ; direct to p certain point ; incline ; cause to yield ; fasten : v.i. to be or become curved or crooked ; be turned towards ; bow or be submissive : n. a curve ; a turn or deflection ; a crook ; a knot by which one rope is fastened to an- other, or to anything else : n. one of the nine heraldic ordinaries crossing the field from the dexter chief to the sinister base point of the escutcheon. bender (ben'der), n. one who, or that which, bends. beneatb (be-neth'), prep, lower in place, with reference to something above ; under the pressure of ; lower in rank, dignity, or excellence than; unworthy of : adv. in a lower place ; below. benedict (ben'e-dikt), n. a newly married man, especially one who has previously ridiculed the idea of matrimony. From Benedick in Shakespeare's • play "Much Ado about Nothing." benediction (ben-e-dik'shun), w. the act of blessing ; a blessing or ex- pression of kind wishes solemnly or affectionately invoked ; the short blessing pronounced at the close of public worship. benedictive (ben-e-dik'tiv) or ben- edictory ('to-ri), adj. tending to bless ; conveying or expressing good wishes. benefaction (ben-e-fak'shun), n. the act of conferring a benefit ; a benefit conferred ; a charitable donation. benefactor (ben-e-fak'ter), n. one who confers a benefit. Benefac- tress, the feminine form of the word. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hiie, hut ; think, then. lien 108 ber "benefice (ben'e-fis), n. a fief, or es- tate in lands ; an ecclesiastical liv- ing ; a church endowed with reve- nue ; the revenue itself. besieficence ( be-nef 'i-sens ),n. active goodness ; a benefaction. beneficent ( be-nef 'i-sent ) , adj. char- acterized by benevolence. beneficial (ben-e-fish'al), adj. con- tributing to a valuable end ; help- ful ; profitable ; conferring or hav- ing the right to benefit or user. beneficially (-li), adv. in an advan- tageous manner. beneficiary (ben-e-fish'i-a'ri), adj. holding office under another ; con- nected with the receipt of benefits or profits ; freely bestowed : n. one who holds a benefice ; in feudal times a vassal ; one who receives anything as a gift. benefit (ben'e-fit), n. an act of kind- ness ; a favor conferred ; whatever promotes the happiness and well- being of a person or thing, or adds to the value of property ; a theatri- cal performance, the proceeds of which go to one of the actors, &c. : v.t. to do good to ; be of service to : v.i. to gain advantage ; make im- provement. benevolence (be-nev'o-lens), n. the disposition to do good ; philanthro- py ; good-will ; an act of kindness ; a royal tax formerly levied under the guise of a gratuity to the sov- ereign. benevolent (be-nev'6-lent), adj. kind ; charitable ; philanthropic. bengal (ben-gawl'), n. a thin stuff made of silk and hair. bengal light (lit), n. a firework, used also for signaling at sea, giv- ing a steady bright blue light. Called also blue light. bengal-stripes (-strips), n. a kind of cotton cloth or gingham with colored stripes. bengal tiger (ti'ger), w. the royal tiger. benight (be-nlf), v.t. enshroud in darkness ; overtake with night [usu- ally in jj.p.]. benign (be-nln'), adj. of a kind or gentle disposition ; favorable ; salu- tary ; genial. benignant (be-nig'nant), adj. kind; gracious ; favorable. benignity (be-nig'ni-ti), n. [pi. be- nignities (-tiz)], kindness of na- ture ; graciousness ; gentleness ; mildness. benison (ben'i-zn), n. a blessing. benitier (ba-ne'tia), n. sl font for holy water. benne (ben'e), n. the Sesame, an East Indian annual, cultivated for its seeds, out of which a valuable oil is obtained. bent (bent), adj. curved; crooked; strongly inclined ; determined : n. a turn ; an inclination ; a leaning or bias ; disposition ; propensity ; a stiff or wiry grass. benumb. See numb. benumbment (be-num'ment), n. the act of stupefying ; torpidity. benzene (ben'zen), n. a volatile highly inflammable liquid, obtained commercially by distillation from coal-tar. Also called benzole and benzoline. benzine ^(ben-zen'), n. a liquid com- pounded of the volatile hydrocar- bons of petroleum, and obtained by distillation ; used as a solvent and for the removal of grease, &c. benzoic (ben-zo'ik), adj. pertaining to or obtained from benzoin. benzoic acid (as'id), n. (flowers of benzoin), a peculiar vegetable acid obtained from benzoin and other balsams by sublimation or decoc- tion. benzoin (ben-zo'in) or benzoine Czoin), n. the resinous juice of Gum Benjamin, a tree of Sumatra, &c., used chiefly in cosmetics, per- fumes, and incense. bequeath (he-kweth'), v.t. to give or leave by will ; hand down ; transmit. bequeathment (he-kweth' ment) , n. the act of leaving by will ; a be- quest. bequest (be-kwest'), n. the act of leaving by will ; something left by will ; a legacy. berate. See rate. berberine (ber'ber-in), n. an alka- loid obtained, as a bitter, yellow substance, from the barberry and other plants ; used in dyeing. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. her 109 berberry. Same as barl^erry. berceuse (bar-sez') , n. a cradle song ; a tender or soothing musical com- position. bereave (be-rev'), 'v.t. [p.t. & p.p. bereaved, bereft, p.pr. bereaving], to deprive ; make destitute ; strip ; rob [with of before the thing taken away]. bereavement (be-rev'ment), n. the act of bereaving ; the state of being bereaved; the loss of a relative or friend by death. bereft (be-reft'), P-t. & p.p. of be- reave. berg (berg), n. a large floating mass of ice ; an iceberg ; a sharp pointed rock projecting from the sea. bergamot (ber'ga-mot), n. variety of lemon, the rind of which yields the volatile oil of bergamot, much used in perfumery ; a variety of pear ; a variety of mint ; a coarse kind of tapestry. bergmehl (berg'mal), n. mountain- meal, a powdery substance com- posed of the siliceous skeletons of diatoms. Bermuda grass (ber-mu'da gras'), n. SL valuable variety of pasture grass. Berm.udian (ber-mii'di-an), adj. of or pertaining to the island of Ber- muda. Bernese (ber-nez'), adj. pertaining to Berne in Switzerland, or its in- habitants. bernicle (ber'ni-kal), n. the bernicle goose. beroon (be-roon'), n. the principal court of a Persian house. berry (ber'i), n. [pi. berries ('iz)], any small pulpy or succulent fruit, as the strawberry, &c. ; anything re- sembling a berry in shape : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. berried, p.pr. berrying], to bear, produce, or gather berries. berth (berth), n. ample or adequate sea room; a station which a ship occupies at anchorage or port ; a room in a vessel set apart for oSi- cers or seamen ; a sleeping place for a passenger in a ship or railway carriage ; a situation or appoint- ment : v.t. to allot an anchorage to ; give space to lie in ; allot a sleeping place to. bertha (ber'tha), n. a kind of lady's cape. berthage (ber'thaj), n. dues levied upon vessels using anchorage in harbor or dock ; the space for moor- ing vessels in harbor or dock. beryl (ber'il), n. a mineral of vary- ing colors, commonly green or greenish-blue. berylline ber'i-lin), adj. like a beryl in color. beseech (be-sech'), v.t. [p.t, & p.p. besought, p.pr. beseeching], to en- treat; supplicate; implore; beg eagerly for ; solicit. beseem (be-sem'), v.i. & v.t. [p.t. & p.p. -ed, p.pr. -ing], to be suitable or seemly ; to become ; to seem. beset (be-sef), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. be- set, p.pr. besetting], to set or stud; distribute over ; surround ; besiege ; press upon on all sides ; press hard on. besetment (be-set'ment), n. the condition of being surrounded. besetting (be-set'ing), adj. habitual- ly attacking or coming upon. beshrew (be-shroo'), v.t. to wish a curse to ; execrate. beside (be-sid'), prep, at the side of; near ; apart from ; not connected with. besides (be-sidz'), adv. more than that ; in addition ; as well : prep. over and above ; separate or dis- tinct from. besiege (be-sej'), v.t. to encompass with armed forces, in order to com- pel a foe to surrender ; lay siege to ; beset or harass. besiegement (be-^sej'ment), n. the act of besetting ; the state of being encompassed, beslaver (be-slav'er), v.t. to besmear with spittle ; cover with fulsome praise. beslobber (be-slob'er) , v.t. to smear with anything running from the mouth, as spittle ; kiss effusively all over the mouth ; to flatter ful- somely. besmear. See smear. besmirch (be-smerch'), v.t. to soil; discolor ; sully or dishonor. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. bes 110 bet besom (be'zum), n. a brush of twigs for sweeping ; a broom. besot (be-sof), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. be- sotted, p.pr. besotting], to bestial- ize, as with drink ; stupefy ; infatu- ate. besotment (be-sot'ment), n. the act or state of being besotted or infatu- ated. besottedly (-li), adv. in a foolish or infatuated manner. besougbt, p.t. & p.p. of beseech. bespangle (be-spang'gl), v.t. to adorn with spangles ; dot or sprinkle with something that glit- ters. bespatter (be-spat'er), v.t. to soil by spattering; spot with mud; as- perse with calumny. bespeak (be-spek'), v.t. [p.t. be- spoke, p.pr. bespeaking], to speak for beforehand ; order or arrange in advance ; betoken ; indicate, as by signs or marks : w. among actors, a benefit. bespread. See spread. besprinkle. See sprinkle^ bessemer steel (bes'em-er-stel), n. steel made by forcing atmospheric air into cast iron while in a molten state. best (best), adj. having the highest degree of goodness or excellence ; of the first quality or standing; most desirable, suitable, advan- tageous, &c. ; largest : n. the high- est state of excellence; the utmost endeavor ; all one can do or show : adv. (superl. of well) in the high- est degree ; with most advantage or success : v.t. to get the better of ; surpass ; outwit. best-man (best'man), n. the grooms- man or principal attendant on a bridegroom. bested or bestead _(be-sted'), p.adj. situated ; placed ; circumstanced. bestial (bes'tial), adj. belonging to a beast ; animal ; having the quali- ties of a beast ; brutal ; sensual ; ob- scene. bestialize' (bes'tial-iz), v.t. to make like a beast ; degrade to the level of a brute. bestiality (bes-tial'i-ti), w. the qual- ities or nature of a beast. bestially ( bes'tial-li ) , adv. in a beast-like manner. bestir (be-ster'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. be- stirred, p.pr. bestirring], to put into brisk or vigorous action. bestow (be-sto')j v.t. to lay up in store ; deposit in safe keeping ; use or apply ; give or confer [followed by on or upon}. bestowment (be-sto'ment) or be- stowal ('al), n. the act of giving or conferring ; that which is given. bestraddle (be-strad'l), v.t. to be stride. bestrew (be-stroo') or bestrow (-stro'), v.t. to strew or scatter over. bestride (be-strid'), v.t. [p.t. be- strode & bestrid, p.p.* bestridden, bestrid, p.pr. bestriding], to stand or sit on with the legs astride ; em- brace with the legs, as a horse. bet (bet), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. bet and betted, p.pr. betting], to stake or pledge on the event of a future contingency : v.i. to lay a wager : n. the act of wagering; that which is laid, staked, or pledged on any event or contest the issue of which is un- certain ; the terms on which a bet is arranged. betake (be-tak'), v.t. [p.t. betook, p.p. betaken, p.pr. betaking], to have recourse to ; repair ; resort ; take one's self (to). betel (be'tl), n. a species of pepper, native of the East Indies, the leaves of which are chewed with the betel- nut and a little lime. betel-nut (-nut), n. the nut-seed of the East Indian areca-palm. bethel (beth'el), n. a hallowed spot; a dissenting chapel ; a seaman's chapel. bethink (be-think'), v.t. & v.i. [p.t. & p.p. bethought, p.pr. bethinking], to call to mind ; consider ; remind one's self ; to reflect. betide (be-tid'), v.t. to happen to; befall : v.i. to come to pass. betimes (be-tlmz'), adv. in good sea- son or time ; before it is too late ; early ; soon. betoken (be-to'kn), v.t. to indicate by signs ; serve as a sign or token atSf arm, I, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; booni book; hue, hut; think, then. bet 111 be-vr of; foreshadow by what is visibly present. tieton (bet'un, French ba-t6ng'), n. a concrete composed of lime, sand, and gravel, used for submarine structures. Tietony (bet'o-ni), n. a common name for a woodland plant, with purple flowers, formerly used in medicine and as a dye. t lietook, p.t. of betake. I betray (be-tra'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. •betrayed, p.pr. betraying], to de- liver into the hands of an enemy by treachery ; violate by fraud or unfaithfulness ; reveal in breach of confidence ; disclose inadvertently ; deceive; indicate or show. betrayal (be-tra'al), n. the act of betraying. betroth, (be-troth'), v.t. to contract to give any one in marriage ; af- fiance ; plight or pledge one's troth to. betrotbal (be-troth'al) or betrotb- ment ('ment), n. the act of en- gaging to marry ; the state of being engaged ; a mutual promise for fu- ture marriage made between a man and a woman. better (bet'er), adj. [used as the compar. of good], having good qual- ities in a greater degree than an- other ; preferable or more suitable ; improved in health ; more perfect ; larger ; greater : adv. [used as com- par. of well], in a superior or more excellent manner ; more correctly or thoroughly ; . in a higher degree ; more in extent : v.t. to improve or ameliorate ; increase the good quali- ties of ; surpass ; excel ; outdo : v.i. to become better : n. a superior ; one who has a claim to precedence [usually in the pi.] ; superiority, or advantage over [usually with ofl. better or bettor (bet'er), n. one who wagers or lays bets. betterment (bet'er-ment), n. a mak- ing better ; the improvement of land or houses. betting (bet'ing), n. the act of mak- ing bets. between (be-twen'), prep, in the space or interval which separates ; in intermediate relation to ; from one to another of; shared in com- mon. betweenwbiles ('hwilz), adv. at in- tervals. betwixt (be-twikst'), prep, between; in the space which separates. bevel (bev'el), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. -ed, p.pr. -ing], to cut to a bevel- angle : v.i. to slant or incline off to a bevel-angle : n. an angle other- wise than a right angle (90°) ; the inclination which one surface makes with another when not at right angles ; an instrument used for drawing angles : adj. having the form of a bevel ; aslant. bevel-gear (ger), n. a species of wheel-work in which the axis or shaft of the driving-wheel forms an angle with the shaft of the wheel driven. bevel- wbeel (hwel), n. a cog-wheel with its working face oblique to the axis. bevelment (bev'el-ment), n. the act or process of beveling. beverage (bev'er-aj), n. drink of any description; liquor for drink- ing. bevy (bev'i), a company or assembly of persons, especially of ladies ; a flock of quails or larks. bewail (be-wal'), v.t. to mourn or weep aloud for ; lament : v.i. to ex- press grief. bewailment (be-wal'ment), n. the act of lamenting ; a lamentation. beware (be- war'), v.i. to be on one's guard ; be wary or cautious ; take care. bewilder (be-wil'der), v.t. to lead into perplexity or confusion ; puz- zle. bewilderment (be-wil'der-ment), n. the state of being greatly puzzled or perplexed; a tangled or con- fused mass. bewitch, (be-wich'), v.t. to cast a spell over ; subject to witchcraft ; charm beyond the power of resist- ance ; fascinate. bewitchery (be-wich'er-i), n. witch* ery ; fascination ; charm. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, n^t* boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, tTien. 112 bill "be-witcliing (be-wich'ing), adj. hav- ing power to fascinate; captivat- ing; alluring. be-w-itcliment (be-wich'ment), n. fascination ; charm ; power of be- witching. "bewray (be-ra'), v.t. ]_p.t. & p.p. bewrayed, p.pr. bewraying], to ex- pose, reveal. bey (ba), n. a governor of a province or district in the Turkish domin- ions ; a Turkish title of respect ; a beg. beylik (ba'lik), n. the territory ruled by a bey. beyond (be-yond'), prep, on the fur- ther side of ; before ; past ; out of reach of ; later than ; above ; in a degree or amount exceeding or sur- passing : adv. further away ; yon- der : n. that state of existence which is beyond our present experience. bezan (bez'an), n. a Bengal cotton cloth. bez-antler (bez-ant'ler), n. the sec- ond branch of a stag's horn next to the antler proper. bezel (bez'el), n. the slope at the edge of a cutting tool ; the rim which encompasses and fastens a gem in its setting ; the groove in which the glass of a watch is fitted. bezetta (be-zet'ta), n. a dye obtained by immersing coarse rags in a col- ored solution. "bezique (be-zek'), n. a modern game of cards. bezoar (be'zor), n. a calcareous con- cretion found in the intestines of certain animals. bbang or bang (bang), n. an East- ern drug prepared from the dried leaves of the hemp plant, having strong narcotic and astringent tiual- ities ; hashish. biannual ( bi-an'u-al ) , adj. occur- ring twice in a year. biannually (-li), adv. twice a year. biarticulate (bi-ar-tik'u-lat), adj. having two joints. bias (bi'as), n. [pi. biases (-ez)], a seam formed by uniting the edges of two pieces of cloth cut obliquely to the texture ; a weight on the side of a bowl which causes it to turn from a straight line ; prepossession or undue propensity for; prejudice: v.t. [p.t. & p.p. -ed, p.pr. -ing], to give a bias or particular direction to ; incline to one side ; influence ; prejudice ; prepossess : adv. in a slanting manner ; obliquely. biauricnlate (bi-aw-rik'u-lat), adj. having two auricles, as the heart of the higher vertebrates ; having two ear-like projections at the base, as a leaf. biaxial (bi-aks'i-al) or biaxal ('al), adj. having two axes. biaxially (-li), adv. with two axes. bib (bib), n. a piece of cloth placed under an infant's chin to protect its clothes. bibasic (bi-bas'ik), adj. a term ap- plied to acids which combine with two equivalents of a base. bibber (bib'er), n. a tippler. Bible (bi'bl), n. the Book (or the Books) by pre-eminence; the writ- ings of the Old and New Testament, whether in the original tongue or translated. Biblical (bib'li-kal), adj. of or per- taining to the Bible ; scriptural. Biblically (-li), adv. according to the Bible. Biblicist (bib'li-sist), n. one who adheres to the strict letter of the Bible. bibliograpber (bib-li-og'ra-fer), ii. one who is versed in the making of books, or writes a history of their production. bibliograpbic (bib-li-o-graf'ik) or bibliograpliical (-al), adj. per- taining to the history of books. bibliograpbically (-li), adv. in a bibliographical manner. bibliography (bib-li-og'ra-fi), n. the science or description of books ; a list of authorities on any subject. biblioklept (bib'li-o-klept) , n.a. book stealer. bibliolater (bib-li-ol'a-ter) or bib- liolatrist (-trist), n. a book wor- shiper ; one addicted to bibliolatry. bibliolatry (bib-li-ol'a-tri), n. book worship ; excessive reverence for the letter of the Scriptures. bibliological (bib-li-o-loj'ik-al) ,« 113 bid bibliology (bib-li-ol'o-ji), n. an ac- count of books; Biblical literature or doctrine. bibliomania (bib-li-6-ma'ni-a), n. a mania for acquiring rare and curi- ous books. bibliomaniac (bib-li-o-ma'ni-ak), n. one who has a mania for acquiring books. bibliopbile (bib'li-o-fil), n. a lover of books. bibliopbilism (bib-li-of'i-lizm), n. \o\Q of books. bibliopole (bib'li-o-p61), n. a book- seller, especially one who deals in rare works. bibliotbeca (bib-li-o-the'ka), n. a library. biblus (bib'lus), n. another name ^for the papyrus. bibulous (bib'u-lus), adj. readily ab- sorbing or imbibing fluids ; spongy ; addicted to drink. bicallose (bi-kal'os) or bicallous ^('us), adj. having two callosities. bicameral ( bi-kam'e-ral ) , adj. per- taining to or consisting of two legislative chambers. bicarbonate (bi-kar'bon-at), n. a carbonate or salt containing two equivalents of carbonic acid to one of a base. bicarinate (bi-kar'i-nat), adj. hav- ing two keel-like projections. bicaudate (bi-kaw'dat), adj. fur- ^nished with or ending in two tails. bice or bise (bis), n. name given to two pigments used in painting, one blue and the other green, called blue ^bice and green _bice respectively. bicentenary (bi-sen'te-na-ri), n. the two hundredth anniversary of any event, or its celebration : adj. per- taining to a bicentenary. bicentennial ( bi-sen-ten'i-al ) , adj. comprising two hundred years : n. the two hundredth anniversary of an event, or its celebration. bicephalous (bi-sef'a-lus), adj. hav- ing two heads. biceps (bi'seps), n. a muscle having two heads ; the large flexor muscle of the arm and thigh. bichloride (bi-klo'rid or ('rid), n. a compound of two or more atoms of chlorine combined with a base. bicbord (bi'kSrd), adj. having two chords. bichromate (bi-kro'mat), n. a salt having two parts of chromic acid to one of the base. bicipital ( bi-sip'it-al ) or bicipi- tons (-us), adj. having two heads; pertaining to a biceps muscle; di- viding into two parts at either ex- tremity. bicker (bik'er), v.i. to engage in petty altercation ; move rapidly with a noise ; quiver ; flicker : n. a ^noisy wrangle. biconcave (bi-kon'kav), adj. hollow on both sides. bicon jugate (bi-kon'ju-gat), adj, ^twice paired. biconvex (bi-kon'veks), adj. rounded on both sides. bicorn (bi'korn) or bicornus ('us), adj. having two horns. bicorporal (bi-kor'po-ral) or bi- eorporate (-rat), adj. having two bodies. bicuspid (bi-kus'pid) or bicuspi- date (-at), adj. having two points or prominences : n. one of the double-pointed teeth forming the first pair of molars on either side ^of the jaw, above and below. bicycle (bi'si-kl), n. a vehicular ma- chine of various forms, but consist- ing primarily of two wheels placed in line, connected -hj a fork and backbone, and supporting a saddle for the rider, the machine being propelled by means of treadles at- tached to cranks or levers : v.i. to ride on a bicycle. bicycling (bi'si-kling) , or bicy- clism (-klizm), n. the practice or art of riding a bicycle. (The abbre- viation cycling is now more gener- ally though less accurately used.) bicyclist (bi'sik-list), n. one who rides a bicycle ; a cyclist. bid (bid), v.t. [p.t. bade (bad) or bid, p.p. bidden, bid, p.pr. bidding], to make an offer of ; propose as a price ; offer for ; invite ; request ; ask ; offer or express by words ; command ; order or direct ; enjoin ; to proclaim : v.i. to make an offer ; offer a price : n. an offer of a price ; a price offered at auction. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, Wien. bid 11^ feia biddable (bid'a-bl), adj. docile, obedient. bidder (bid'er), n. one who bids or offers a price, as at a sale or auc- tion. biddery-ware (bid'er-i-war), n. in- laid work made from a metallic alloy. Called also bidhri-ware. bidding (bid'ing), n. an order; com- mand ; proclamation ; the act of offering a price at auction. biddy (bid'i), n. a fowl or chicken. bide (bid), vA. [p.t. & p.p. bode, bided, p.pr. biding] , inhabit ; reside : v.t. to endure ; suffer ; wait for. bident (bi'dent), n. a two-pronged instrument. bidental (bi-den'tal) or bidentate ('tat), adj. having two teeth, or two tooth-like processes. bidet (bi-def, French be-da'), n. a form of night commode ; a portable bath ; a sitz bath. bidh.ri-'ware. See biddery-ware. biennial ( bi-en'ni-al ) , adj. happen- ing once in two years ; continuing or existing for two years, as plants : n. SL plant which produces roots and leaves in the first year, and in the second flowers, fruit, and seed, aft- erwards perishing; something which is held once in two years. biennially (-li), adv. once in two years. bier (ber), n. a frame or carriage on which a corpse is placed, or con- veyed to the grave; a tomb. bifacial (bi-fa'-shi-al), adj. having two similar faces or the opposite surfaces alike. bifarious (bi-fa'ri-us), adj. two- fold; two-rowed; pointing in two ways. biferous (bif'er-us), adj. bearing flowers or fruit twice a year. bifid (bi'fid), adj. partially divided into two. bifilar (bl-firar), adj. two-threaded; fitted with two threads. bifocal (bi-fo'kal), adj. having two foci. bifold (bi'fold), adj. two-fold; dou- ble. bifoliate (bi-fo'li-at), adj. having two leaves. ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, *7ien. bifurcate (bi-fer'kat), v.i. to divide in two directions or branches. bifurcate (bi-fer'kat) or bifur* cated (-ed), adj. divided into two branches. bifurcation (bi-fer-ka'shun), n. a forking or division into two branches. big (big), adj, compar. bigger, su- perl, biggest], of great bulk or mag- nitude ; grown up ; pregnant ; full of something important ; full ; in- flated ; pompous. big game (big' gam), n. a hunter's name for large animals. bighorn (big'horn), n. the wild sheep of the Rocky Mountains. big-wig (big'wig), n. an important person ; great official importance. biga (bi'ga), n. a two-horse chariot. bigamist (big'a-mist), n. one guilty of bigamy. bigamous (big'a-mus), adj. pertain- ing to and involving bigamy. bigamy (big'a-mi), n. the offense of contracting a second marriage dur* ing the existence of a former mar- riage. bigbt (bit), n. a loop or bend of a rope, in distinction from the ends ; a bend in a coast-line forming an open bay; a small bay between two headlands. Bignonia (big-no'ni-a), n. a large genus of American tropical climb- ing plants, to which the trumpet- creeper belongs. bigot (big'ot), n. one who is unrea- sonably and blindly attached to a particular creed, church, or party; one who is intolerant of opinions which differ from his own. bigoted (big'ot-ed), adj. character- ized by bigotry. bigotry (big'ot-ri), n, [pi. bigotries (-riz)], the state or condition of a I narrow-minded, intolerant person ; blind and obstinate attachment to a particular creed, party, or opinion; intolerance ; fanaticism. bijou (be-zho6'), n. [pi. bijoux (-zhooz)], a jewel; any small and elegantly finished article. bijouterie (be-zhoo'tre), n. jewelry or other small articles of vertu. 1>ik 115 bU hike (bik), n, a bicycle: v.i. to ride a bicycle. bilabiate (bi-la'bi-at), adj. having two lips. bilander (bil'an- & bi'lan-der), n. a small two-masted Dutch vessel of the hoy class. bilateral (bi-lat'er-al), adj. per- taining to, or having two sides. .bilaterally (-li), adv. in a two- sided manner ; on both sides. bilberry (bil'ber-ri), n. [pi. bilber- ries (-riz)], the whortleberry. bilbo (bil'bo), n. [pi. bilboes ('boz)], a rapier or sword ; pi. a long bar of iron with sliding shackles for the feet, and a lock at the end, for- merly used as fetters. bile (bil), n. a yellow bitter fluid secreted by the liver from venous blood ; ill-humor. bile-stone (-ston), n. a gall-stone. bilge (bilj), n. the bulging part of a cask ; the broadest part of a ship's bottom, on which the vessel rests when aground : v.i. to spring a leak by a fracture in the bilge : v.t. to stave, or break in, the bottom or bilge of a ship. bilge-board (-bord), n. one of the boards covering the timbers where the bilge-water accumulates. bilge-keel (-kel), n. a piece of tim- ber secured edgewise under the bot- tom of a vessel to prevent heavy rolling. bilge-water (-waw-ter), n. water which accumulates in the bilge of a ship. bilge-ways (-waz), n.pl. the timber supporting the cradle of a vessel, which upholds it while being built, and in launching. biliary (bil'i-a-ri), adj. pertaining to the bile ; conveying the bile. bilin (bi'lin), n. a yellow gummy substance precipitated from bile. bilingual (bi'ling'gwal), adj. writ- ten or expressed in two languages. bilingually (-li), adv. in two lan- guages. bilious (bil'yus), adj. pertaining to the bile ; having the system disor- dered by derangement of the biliary function ; choleric. biliousness (-nes), n. the state of being bilious. biliteral (bi-lit'er-al), adj. consist- ing of two letters : n. a word, root, or syllable consisting of two letters. bilk (bilk), v.t. to spoil the score ot an opponent at cribbage; deceive or defraud, as by evading a pay- ment ; leave in the lurch : n. the act of spoiling the score of an oppo- nent at cribbage ; a swindler. bill (bil), n. the beak of a bird; v.i. to join bills, as doves ; caress in fondness ; to issue bills or posters. bill (bil), n. a kind of hatchet with a blade hook-shaped toward the point, used in pruning, &c. ; a bat- tle-axe, attached to a long staff, formerly used by infantry ; the ex- tremity of the fluke of an anchor. bill (bil), n. an account for goods sold, services rendered, or work done; a document binding the signer or signers to pay a specified sum at a certain date or on de- mand ; a draft of a proposed statute presented to a legislature ; a printed advertisement ; any written paper containing a statement of particu- lars ; a written declaration of wrong or injury sustained or committed. bill-broker (bil'bro-ker), n. one who negotiates the discount of bills of exchange. bill of entry (en'tri), n. a written account of goods entered at the cus- tom house. bill of exchange (eks-chanj'), n. a written order from one person or house (the drawer) to another (the acceptor) to pay to the person des- ignated a certain sum at a fixed time, in consideration of value re- ceived. bill of health (-helth), n. a certifi- cate given to the master of a vessel, under the signature -of a ©onsul or other authority, specifying the state of the health of a ship's company or passengers at the time of her clearing a port. bill of lading (la'ding), n. a docu- ment specifying the goods shipped on board a vessel, and signed by the master of such ship, acknowledging the receipt of the goods, and under- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not book ; hue, hut ; think, then. booDf bil 116 Un taking their safe conveyal to the consignee, unforeseen perils being only excepted. bill of mortality (m6r-tari-ti), n. the official return of the deaths (also births) occurring in a par- ticular district within a certain period. till of sale (sal), n. a formal in- strument for the transfer of goods and chattels. billet (bil'et), n. a small paper in writing ; a note or short letter ; ticket directing soldiers at what house to lodge ; a soldier's lodging : v.t. to quarter or lodge, as soldiers : v.i. to be quartered or lodged. billet (bil'et), n. a small stick or log of wood, as for fuel ; an ornament in Norman work, resembling a bil- let of wood. billet-doux (bil-le-doo'), n» [pi. billets-doux (bil-le-doo')], a love- letter. bill-liook (bil'hook), w. a small kind of hatchet with a hooked point. billiards (bil'yerdz), n. a game plaved on a rectangular, cloth-cov- ered slate table, 12 ft. x 6 ft. in size, with ivory balls and a cue. (The sing, form IjilUard is used always in composition.) billingsgate (bil'ingz-gat), n. coarse or profane language ; virulent abuse. billion (bil'yun), n. in the United States one thousand millions (1,- 000,000,000) ; in England a million millions (1,000,000,000,000). billon (bil'on), n. an alloy of gold and silver, with a large proportion of copper or other base metal, used in coinage of low value. billot (bil'ot), n. bullion in the mass or bar. billow (bil'o), n. a great wave of the sea swelled by the wind : v.i. to rise and roll in large waves or surges. billy-goat (bil'i-got), n. a male goat. bilobate (bi-lo'bat), or bil«bed ('lobd), adj. divided into two lobes or segments. bimanons (bi'ma-nus), adj. having two hands. Iiimetallic (bi-me-tal'ik), adj. per- taining to two metals ; pertaining to bimetallism. bimetallism (bi-met'al-izm), n. the legalized adoption of two metals (as gold and silver) in the currency of a country, at a fixed ratio. bimetallist (bi-met'al-ist), n, an ad- vocate for the use of a double metallic standard. bimonthly (bl-munth'li), adj. oc- curring once in two months. [Some- times incorrectly employed to desig- nate semi-montlily periodicals.] bin (bin), n a receptacle for any commodity, as corn, coal, &c. ; a frame for bottles in a wine-cellar. binary (bi'na-ri), adj. consisting of two things or parts ; twofold. binary star (star), n. a double star or sun whose members revolve round their common center of gravity. binate (bi'nat), adj. growing in couples. bind (bind), v.t. ]_p.t. & p.p. bound; p.pr. binding], to confine or make fast with a cord or band ; confine or restrain by physical force ; unite by bonds of affection, loyalty, or duty ; hold by any moral tie ; hinder or restrain ; protect or strengthen by a band, border or cover ; fasten together ; cause to cohere ; place under legal obligation : v.i. to tie up ; confine by ligature or band ; be obligatory ; grow hard or stiff ; stick together : n. anything which binds or ties ; a twining stem ; a stalk of hops ; indurated clay or shale forming the roof of a coal- seam ; a musical sign or brace grouping notes together. bind- weed (-wed), n. a common name for plants belonging to the genus Convolvulus. binding (bind'ing), n. the act of making fast ; a bandage ; the cover of a book; something that secures the edges of cloth. bine (bin), n. the slender stem of a twining plant. bing (bing), n. a heap or pile of any- thing. binnacle (bin'a-kl), n. a turret- shaped box containing a ship's corn- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; bodOi book ; hue, hut ; think, then. BIRDS OF PARADISE 1. Most beautiful type. — 2. Six-threaded or Golden. — 3. King bin 117 Tjir l>inocle (bin'o-kl or bi'no-kl), w. a field or opera glass with two eye- tubes for the use of both eyes at once. binocular (bi-nok- or bin-ok'u-ler), adj. having two eyes ; pertaining to, or suited to, the use of both eyes. ^Also binoculate. binomial (bi-no'mi-al), n. an expres- sion or quantity consisting of two terms connected by the sign plus ( + ) or minus ( — ) : adj. consist- ing of two terms ; pertaining to bi- nomials ; having two names. binomial theorem (the'6-rem), n. the celebrated theorem of Sir Isaac Newton, which expresses the law of formation of any power of a bino- mial. liinoxide. Same as dioxide. bioblast. Another name for bio- plast. biodynamics (bI-6-di-nam'iks), n. the doctrine of vital force or energy. biogenesis (bi-o-jen'e-sis), or biog- eny (-oj'e-ni), n. the doctrine that living organisms can proceed only from, or be generated by, living parents or germs ; the science of life development. biograph. (bi'o-graf), n. a device for projecting animated pictures onto a screen, biographer (bi-og'ra-fer), n. one who writes the history of a particu- lar person's life. biograpbically ( bi-o-graf 'i-kal-li ) , adv. in the manner of a life history. biography (bl-og'ra-fi), n. [pi. biog- raphies (-fiz)], the history of the life of a particular person ; bio- graphical writings in general. biologic (bi-o-loj'ik), or biological (-al), adj. pertaining to the science of life. biologically (-li), adv. in accord- ^ance with the principles of biology. biologist (bi-ol'o-jist), n. one who studies, or is skilled in, the science of living forms. biology (bl-ol'-o-ji), n. the science which deals with the origin and life- history of plants and animals. bioplasm (bi'6-plazm), n. living germinal matter or protoplasm. j bioplast (bi'o-plast), n. a minute mass of protoplasm possessing formative powers. biotaxy (bi'o-tak-si), n. the classifi- cation of living organisms according to their structural characters. biparous (bip'a-rus), adj. bringing forth two at a birth. bipartite (bl-par'tit), adj. divided into two similar parts ; having two correspondent parts. bipartition (bi-piir-tish'un), n. the act of dividing into two parts ; the state of being so divided. biped (bi'ped), adj. having two feet: n. a two-footed animal, bipedal (bi'ped-al), adj. pertaining to a biped ; two-footed. bipennate (bi-pen'nat), or bipen- nated (-ed), adj. having two wings. biplane (bi'plan), n. an aeropltuie with two planes or sustaining t ur- faces, as in the Wright or Farman machines. biplicate (bi'pli-kat), adj. doubly ^foIded. biq[uadrate (bi-kwod'rat), or bi- quadratic (-rat'ik), adj. pertain- ing to the fourth power : n. the fourth power, arising from the mul- tiplication of a square number or quantity by itself. birch (berch), n. [pi. birches ('ez)], a tree or shrub belonging to the genus Betula ; a rod formed of birch twigs used for punishment ; a birch- bark canoe : adj. birchen : v.t. to chastise with a birch rod ; flog. bird (berd), n. a warm-blooded feathered vertebrate, furnished with wings, and belonging to the class Aves ; small feathered game, as dis- tinguished from water-fowl : v.i. to shoot or catch birds. birdlime (berd'llm), n. a viscous substance prepared from holly-bark, and used for entangling small birds in bird-snaring : v.t. to smear with birdlime. bird's-eye (berdz'i), adj. seen from above, or at a glance, as by a flying bird; hence, general, not minute or detailed. biretta (be-ret'ta), n. a square ec- clesiastical cap. Also birretta, be- retta, berretta. ate, arm, :, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. bir 118 bit birn (bern), n. that part of a clario- net or a similar instrument into which the mouthpiece fits. "birostrate (bi-ros'trat), adj. having a double beak, or beak-like process. birth (berth), n. the act of coming into life ; the fact of being born ; the act of bringing forth ; lineage ; extraction ; descent ; origin ; begin- ^ning. birth-rate ('rat), n. the increase of population as shown by the percent- age of registered births to the num- ber of inhabitants in a district within a specified period. birth-right ('rit), n. any right or privilege to which a person is en- titled by birth ; the right of the first born. biscuit (bis'kit), n. sl kind of un- raised bread, baked hard and drj', and shaped in flat cakes ; pottery after the first baking and previous to glazing and burning. bisect^ (bi-sekt'), v.t. to cut or di- vide into two equal parts. bisection (bi-sek'shun), n. division into two equal parts. bisector (bi-sek'ter), n. one who, or that which, bisects ; a straight line which bisects an angle. bisexual (bi-seks'u-al), adj. combin- ing the organs of both sexes in one individual ; hermaphrodite. b'shop (bish'up), n. one of the high- est orders of an Episcopal Church ; below in rank to an archbishop, but above a priest ; a spiritual overseer ; the spiritual head or ruler of a \ diocese, having the power of ordina- tion, confirmation, and consecra- tion ; the name of one of the pieces used in playing chess, having _ the top cleft in resemblance to a miter, originally called archer; a beverage composed of wine, oranges, lemons, and sugar ; a woman's dress-im- prover ; a kind of pinafore : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. -ed, p.pr. -ing], to make a horse appear younger by manipulat- ing its teeth, and hence to deceive by improving the appearance of any- ^thing. bishop's sleeve (bish'ups-slev), n. a wide sleeve worn by women, so j called from its resemblance to that worn by Anglican bishops. bishop's staff (bish'ups-staf), n. a crosier. bishopric (bish'up-rik), n. the of- fice, dignity or jurisdiction of a bishop ; a diocese. bisk or bisque (bisk), n. soup or broth composed of several kinds of meat or fish boiled together ; craw- fish soup ; a stroke allowed to an inferior player or side at lawn- tennis. bismuth (bis'- or biz'muth), n. one of the elements, a light reddish- ^colored metal of brittle texture. bison (bi'son), n. the aurochs, or European bison, still preserved in Lithuania ; the American bison, in- accurately termed the buffalo, which is now practically extinct. bisque (bisk), n. an unglazed white porcelain, used for statuettes, &c. bissextile ^ (bis-seks'til), n. leap- -year : adj. pertaining to leap-year. bister (bis'ter), n. a dark brown pigment extracted from wood-soot. bisulphate (bi-sul'fat), n. a salt of sulphuric acid in which half of its hydrogen is replaced by a positive element. bisulphite (bi-sul'fit), n. a salt of sulphurous acid, half the hydrogen of which is replaced by the base. bisymmetry (bi-sim'e-tri), n. corre- spondence of the right and left parts of anything. bit (bit), p.t. & p.p. of bite. bit (bit), ii. a tool for boring; the metal mouthpiece of a bridle ; the part of a, key which enters the lock and acts on the bolts and tumblers ; the cutting blade of a plane ; a small piece or fragment of any- thing ; any small coin : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. bitted; p.pr. bitting], to put a bridle upon ; put the bit in the mouth of. bitch (bich), n. the female of the dog, or of other canine animals. bite (bit), v.t. [p.t. bit, p.p. bitten, bit, p.pr. biting], to seize, grip, cut, or crush with the teeth ; sting, as an insect ; cause smarting pain to ; cut ; pinch, as with intense cold ; blight or blast ; take fast hold on ; to cor- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Mt 119 bla rode or eat into ; to cheat, trick, take in [now only in p.p.] : v.i. to have the habit or exercise the power of biting ; inflict injury with the teeth ; cause to sting or smart ; take a bait ; take a firm hold : n. the act of seizing with the teeth ; a wound made by the teeth, or by a sting ; a mouthful ; a hold or grip ; in print- ing, a blank on a page due to some intervening substance between the paper and the type. bi-telephoxLe (bi-tere-fon), n. a pair of telephones arranged so that they can be applied simultaneously to both ears. bitingly (-li), adv. in a sarcastic manner. bitt (bit), n. a post of wood or iron to which cables are made fast [gen- erally used in the pi.} : v.t. to put round the bitts. bitten, p.p. of bite. bitter (hit'er) , adj. having a sharp or harsh taste ; acrid ; piercing ; painful ; grievous ; poignant ; severe ; reproachful ; caustic ; sarcastic ; cruel : n. any substance that is bit- ter. bitter- cup (-kup), n. a cup made of . quassia wood, which imparts a bit- ter taste to liquids poured into it. bitter-sweet (bit'er-swet), n. the woody nightshade, the roots and leaves of which when chewed pro- duce first a bitter, then a sweet taste. bitterisb (-ish), adj. somewhat bit- ter. bittern (bit'ern), n. a wading bird of the heron family ; the residual brine in salt works from which Epsom salt is prepared. bitters (bit'ers), n.pl. liquor in which herbs or roots are steeped. bitumen (bi-tii'men), n. mineral pitch. bituminous (bi-tu'min-us), adj. hav- ing the qualities of, or containing, bitumen. bivalent (bi'va- or biv'a-lent), n. slji element, one of the atoms of which can replace two atoms of hydrogen. bivalve (bi'valv), adj. having two valves or shells united by a liga- ment : n. a mollusk whose shell is composed of two parts or valves, connected by a ligament or hinge, which are opened or closed by muscles, as the oyster or mussel. bivouac (biv'oo-ak), n. an encamp- ment of soldiers in the open air, without tents : hence, any open air encampment : v.i. to encamp with- out tents in the open. biwa (be'wa), n. a Japanese musical instrument similar to the mandolin. biweekly _(bi-wek'li), adj. occurring or appearing every two weeks ; fort- nightly [frequently confused with semi-weekly = twice in a week]. bizarre (bi-zar',) adj. odd in manner or appearance ; fanciful ; grotesque. blab (blab), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. blabbed, p.pr. blabbing], to tell thoughtless- ly : v.i. to talk indiscreetly ; tell tales : n. one who lets out secrets, or tells tales. black (blak), adj. destitute of light; of the darkest hue ; opposed to white ; enveloped in darkness ; dis- mal ; gloomy or forbidding ; desti- tute of moral light or goodness ; atrocious ; evil ; calamitous ; threat- ening ; clouded with anger ; sullen : n. the darkest color ; the opposite of white ; a black pigment or dye ; a negro ; mourning : v.t. to make black ; blacken . apply blacking to. blackamoor (biak'a-moor), n. a. negro. black antimony (an'-ti-mo-ni), n. the black sulphide of antimony. black art, necromancy, magic. blackball (blak'bawl), v.t. to reject or exclude (as a candidate) by placing black balls in the ballot box. blackberry (blak'ber-ri), n. the fruit of several species of bramble. blackbird (blak'berd), n. an English song bird, a species of thrush. Called also merle, ousel, or black thrush ; a crow-like bird of North America ; a name given to a kid- napped negro or Polynesian. blackbirding (-ing), n. the kidnap- ping of such negroes or Polyne- sians. black-canker (blak'-kangk-er), n. a disease in root crops. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. bla 120 bla black-cap (blak'-kap), n. the popu- lar name of several black-crested birds ; the cap worn by a judge when pronouncing sentence of death ; the black raspberry. black-cattle (blak'-kat'l), n.pl. cat- tle raised for slaughter, irrespective of color. black-cock (blak'-kok), n. the male of the European black grouse or black game ; the heath-cock. black-currant (blak'kur-ent), n. the well-known garden bush, and its fruit. blacken (blak'n), v.i. to grow black or dark : v.t. to make black ; de- fame ; asperse. black-fisk (blak'-fish), n. a female salmon immediately after spawn- ing ; a common name for several species of English and American fish. black-flag (blak'-flag), n. the flag of a pirate with a skull and cross- bones emblazoned upon it. black-fly (blak'-fll), n. a black plant-louse ; a minute beetle inju- rious to turnips. black-friar (blak'-fri-ar), n, a friar of the Dominican order ; so called from the black gown adopted by members of the order. blackguard (blag'ard), n. a man of low character, and addicted to the use of foul or abusive language ; a scoundrel : adj. vicious ; low ; vile ; scurrilous ; abusive : v.t. to revile in scurrilous language. blackguardism (blag'ard-izm), n. the conduct or language of a black- guard. black-bole (blak'-hol), n. a dun- geon or dark cell in a prison ; a place of confinement for soldiers. blacking (blak'ing), n. a prepara- tion for imparting a shining black polish to boots. blackisb (blak'ish), adj. somewhat black. black-jack (blak'-jak), n. a large leathern vessel or drinking-cup of old times ; the ensign of a pirate ; a Cornish mining term for blende. blacklead (blak'led), v.t.. to cover with blacklead or plumbago: n. plumbago. black-leg (blak'-leg), n. one who endeavors to obtain money by cheat- ing at races or cards ; a rook ; an opprobrious term for a workman who is not a member of any trade union ; a disease affecting sheep and cattle. black-letter (blak'-let-er), n, the old English or Gothic letter em- ployed in the early manuscripts and the first printed books : adj. writ- ten or printed in black-letter. black-list (blak'list), n. a list of persons who are deemed to be de- serving of punishment, or whom it is desirable to exclude from busi- ness transactions : v.t. to put in a black-list. blackmail (blak'mal), w. a tax an- ciently paid in money, corn, or cat- tle, in the north of England, and in Scotland, to the agents of robbers, to secure protection from pillage ; hence extortion by means of intimi- dation : v.t. to extort money or goods from by intimidation of any kind. blacksmitb (blak'smith), n. a smith who works in iron and makes iron utensils, horse-shoes, &c. blackthorn (blak'thorn), n. the sloe ; a stick cut from the stem of the sloe. bladder (blad'er), n. a thin elastic membranous bag in animals, in which a fluid is collected ; any ves- icle, blister, or pustule containing fluid or air ; a hollow membranous appendage to some plants : v.t. put up in a bladder, as lard. bladdery (blad'er-i), adj. resembling or containing bladders. blade (blad), n. the leaf of a grass; the young stalk or spire of a grass ; the broad expanded part of a leaf ; the cutting part of an instrument; the broad part of an oar ; anything resembling a blade ; a dashing, reck- less, rollicking fellow: v.t. to fur- nish with a blade: v.i. put forth blades. blade-bone (blad'bon), n. the scap- ula or shoulder-blade. blain (blan), n. a pustule or blister. blamable or blameable (blam'a- bl ) , adj. deserving of censure. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. bla 121 bla I blamably (-bli), adv. in aculpable manner. blame (blam), v.t. to censure; re- proach : n. an imputation of a fault ; censure; responsibility for anything wrong. blameful (blam'fool), adj. meriting blame. blamefully (-li), adv. in a censur- able manner. blanch (blanch), v.t. to take the color out ; make lustrous ; to remove the covering of : v.i. become white ; turn pale; n. lead ore found sepa- rate in the rock. blanc-mange (bla-monzh'), n. a white jelly, composed of isinglass, &c. bland (bland), adj. mild: soft; gen- tle ; affable ; soothing. blandishment (blan'dish-ment), n. winning expressions or actions ; art- ful caresses. blank (blangk), adj. confounded; confused ; dejected ; empty ; free from writing or printing ; without result ; absolute ; complete : n. any void space ; an unfilled space in a written or printed document ; a lot- tery ticket to which no prize is at- tached; a disk of metal prior to stamping ; the white spot in the center of a target : v.t. a euphemis- tic form of the oath damn. blank verse (vers), n. unrhymed verse. blanket (blang'ket), n. a soft, loose- ly woven woolen cloth for a bed or as a covering : v.t, to toss in a blanket by way of punishment or joke ; pass to windward to take the wind out of the sails of. blanketing (blang'ket-ing), n. coarse cloth for blankets ; the act of tossing in a blanket. blare (blar), v.i. to bellow; to give forth a loud sound like a trumpet : v.t. to sound loudly ; trumpet forth : n. a noise like the blast of a trum- pet. blarney (blar'ni), n. soft, wheedling speech ; flattery : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. blarneyed; p.pr. blarneying], to in- fluence or talk over by soft whee- dling speeches ; humbug with flat- tery. blarney-stone, a stone in the wall of Blarney Castle, Cork, on kissing which a person is said to become an adept in flattery. blase (bla-za'), adj. exhausted by excess of pleasure. blaspheme (blas-fem'), v.t. to speak irreverently of ; mock ; revile : v.i. to utter blasphemy ; use profane lan- guage. blasphemous (blas'fe-mus), adj. uttering, containing, or exhibiting blasphemy ; profane. blasphemy (blas'fe-mi), n. [pi. blas- phemies (-miz)], impious, profane, or mocking speech concerning God or sacred things ; expressed con- tempt or contumely for the person- ality or authority of God. blast (blast), n. a violent or sudden gust of wind ; a forcible stream of air from an orifice ; the sound pro- duced by blowing a wind instru- ment ; any sudden pernicious in- fluence upon plants or animals; a blight ; the explosion of gunpowder, dynamite, &c., in i-ending or remov- ing rocks, or the charge so used ; a flatulent disease in sheep : v.t. to in- jure ; cause to fade or wither by some pernicious influence ; blight ; ruin or destroy ; to rend or shatter by any explosive agent. blastema (blas-te'ma), n. [pi. bias- temata (-ma-ta)], the point of growth of an organ as yet unformed, from which it is developed. blastoderm (blas'to-derm), n. the germinal spot in an ovum, from which the embryo is developed. blastogenesis (blas-to-jeu'e-sis), n. reproduction by gemmation or bud- ding. blatant (bla'tant), adj. bawling; noisy. blather (bla^/i'er), n. foolish chatter. blaze (blaz), n. a body of flame ; bril- liant sunlight ; a sudden bursting out ; active display ; a white spot on the face of a horse or other quad- ruped : a white mark cut on a tree, to serve as a guide : v.t. to mark, as trees, by removing a portion of the bark ; to indicate, as a path or boundary, by blazing trees ; publish ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Dla 122 bli widely : v.i. to flame ; send forth a brilliant light ; be conspicuous. "blazer (blaz'er), n. that which shines; a bright colored striped jacket. blazon (bla'zn), n. a coat of arms; a description of armorial bearings ; ostentatious display : v.t. to ex- plain technically, according to heraldic rules ; embellish ; display ; proclaim boastingly. blazonment (bla'zn-ment), n. the act of blazoning. blazonry (bla'zn-ri), n. a heraldic device ; the art of describing and explaining coats of arms; decora- tion, as with heraldic devices. bleacb. (blech), v.t. to make white by removing color or dirt by the action of the sun's rays, or by a chemical process : v.i. to grow or become white. lleachery (blech'er-i) , n. [pi. bleach- eries (-iz) ], a place where bleaching is carried on. bleacliing-pow^dei? (-poud'er), n. chloride of lime. ^ bleak (blek), adj. exposed to wind and cold ; desolate ; unsheltered ; cheerless ; piercing. bleak (blek), n. a small river fish, remarkable for its brilliant silvery scales. blear (bier), adj. sore or dim from a watery discharge : said of the eyes : v.t. to make sore or watery, as the eyes ; to dim or obscure. bleat (blet), v.i. to cry as, or like, a sheep : n. a cry, as of a sheep. bleb (bleb), n. a blister; a pustule; a bubble._ bleed (bled), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. bled, p.pr. bleeding], to emit, or lose blood ; to shed one's blood ; to lose sap or juice ; to pay or lose money freely : v.t. to take blood from ; take money, &c., from. blemisk (blem'ish), v.t. to injure; stain ; mar ; tarnish ; defame : n. any defect or deformity, physical or moral ; a blemish. blench (blench), v.i. to start back; flinch ; quail. blend (blend), v.t. to mix together, so that the things mixed cannot be separated or individually distin- guished : v.i. to mingle ; shade im- perceptibly into each other : n. a mixture, as of colors, liquids, tobac- cos, teas, &c. ; a shading of one color, &c., into another. blende (blend), n. native sulphide of zinc. bless (bles), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. -ed & blest, p.pr. -ing], to consecrate: in- voke a blessing upon ; bestow happi- ness upon ; praise or extol ; esteem happy. blessedness (bles'ed-nes), n. the state of being blessed; happiness; heavenly joys. blessing (bles'ing), n. an invocation of happiness on another ; a benedic- tion ; that which promotes prosper- ity ; a divine benefit or gift ; a mercy or boon ; grateful adoration. blest p.t., p.p. & p.adj. sl contracted form of blessed. blet (blet), n. a decayed spot in fruit: v.i. [p.t. & p.p. bletted, p.pr. bletting], to become internally de- cayed. blew, p.t. of blow. blewits (bloo'its), n. the edible pur- ple mushroom. blight (blit), n. a disease in plants, which causes them to wither partly or^ wholly ; smut ; mildew ; any- thing which serves to check, nip, or destroy : v.t. to affect with blight ; to check, nip, destroy, or frustrate. blind (blind), adj. destitute of the sense of sight ; without light, moral- ly or ^ intellectually ; undiscriminat- ing ; inconsiderate ; hidden ; essen- tially incomplete ; closed at one end ; without understanding : n. anything which serves to hinder or obstruct vision, or intercept the passage of light ; a window-screen ; a blinker ; something to mislead the eye or the understanding : v.t. to deprive of sight ; make blind, intellectually or morally ; obscure ; conceal. blind-coal (kol), n. a flameless an- thracite. blind-fish (blind'fish), n. a diminu- tive fish of pale color, with rudi- mentary eyes, inhabiting the waters of Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. ate, arm, §.sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, *7ien. bU 1255 Mo blind sliell (blind'shel), n. a shell which falls without exploding, or contains no charge. blind spot (blind'spot), n. that point in the retina where the optic nerve enters the eye, but is not sen- sitive to the light. blindness (-nes), n. want of sight; want of discernment ; ignorance ; heedlessness. I blindfold (bllnd'fold), adj. having the eyes covered so as to be unable to see ; having the mental eye or understanding darkened : v.t. to cover the eyes of, as with a bandage ; hinder from seeing. blindman (blind'man), n. [pi. blind- men (-men)], a man who is blind. blind worxa ( blind' werm), n. a small slender, limbness lizard, so named from the popular but erroneous sup- position that it was blind. Also called slow-worm. blink (blink), v.i. to wink with or as with the eye ; twinkle ; to get a glimpse ; glimmer : v.t. to evade or shut one's eyes to ; shirk : n. a glimpse or glance ; a gleam ; a glim- mer ; a twinkle ; the gleam reflected from an ice-field or -berg at sea : pi. boughs cast in the path of deer to check their course. blinker (bling'ker), n. one who blinks ; a leather flap placed one on each side of a horse's bridle to pre- vent him from seeing any object ex- cept in front ; that which obscures the sight or mental perception : pi. colored spectacles to shield the eyes from excess of light. 1}liss (blis), n. the highest degree of happiness ; blessedness ; the perfect joy of heaven. blissfully (-li), adv. in a blissful manner. blister (blis'ter), n. a vesicle or pus- tule on the skin containing watery matter or serum ; an elevation made by the raising of an external film or skin ; an application to the skin to produce a blister : v.t. to raise a blister or blisters on : v.i. to rise in blisters, or become covered with blisters. blitke (bli*^), adj. gay; joyous; glad ; mirthful ; sprightly. blitbesome (blK^'sum), adj. gay; merry. blizzard (bliz'^rd), n. a furious hur- ricane of wind with fine blinding snow, and characterized by intense cold ; a poser. bloat (blot), v.t. to cure or dry in smoke. bloat (blot), v.t. to cause to swell; make turgid or swollen, as with water or air ; inflate ; make vain : v.i. to grow turgid. bloater (blot'er), n. a herring smoked and partially dried, but not split open. blob (blob), n. a blister; a bubble. block (blok), n. any unshaped solid mass of matter, as of wood, stone, &c. ; a piece of wood for supporting the neck of a person condemned to be decapitated ; a piece of hard wood prepared for the tool of the engraver ; the piece of hard wood to which an electrotype, &c., is se- cured ; a wooden mold for shapir.g hats; the piece of wood in which. the wheels of one or more grooved pvilleys run; a row of buildings; a square or portion of a city enclosed by streets; an obstruction; hin- drance ; shares bought or sold in the mass : v.i. to obstruct so as to hin- der the passage of persons or things ; stop up ; obstruct ; to secure or sup- port by blocks ; to mold or shape on a block ; to stop a train by signal ; to give notice of opposition to a bill, which cannot then be proceeded with after a specified time. block-kead (blok'hed), n. a stupid fellow. block-kouse (blok'hous), n. an edi fice constructed of heavy timber, and furnished with loopholes for musketry. block system (blok'sis-tem), n. a system of working railway trafiic by which the line is divided into short sections, nc train being al- lowed to leave a section until the next section is signaled clear. blockade (blok-ad'), n. the shutting up of a place, as a port, by hostile ships or troops, with a view to com- pelling a surrender by preventing ingress or egress, or the reception of ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. -bio 1-^rk blfr supplies : v.t. to surround and shut up ; obstruct ; block. blockage (blok'aj), n. an obstruc- tion. blond or blonde (blond), adj. of a fair color ; light colored : n. a per- son of very fair complexion and light hair (usually fem. blonde). bl«nde-Iace ('las), n. a silk lace. bl*ed (blud), n. the fluid which cir- culates in the arteries and veins of an animal ; the juice of anything, especially if red ; kinship ; consan- guinity ; lineage ; extraction ; high birth ; temper ; a man of high spirit ; fleshy nature ; blood shed in sacri- fice ; the atonement : v.t. to give a taste of blood ; inure to the sight of blood. blood-beat (blud'het), n. the nor- mal heat of the human blood in health (98° F.). blood-borse (blud'hSrs), n. a. horse of pure breed or pedigree. bloodhound (blud'hound), n. a breed of large dogs remarkable for their acuteness of smell, and em- ployed to track vi^ounded game, or, as formerly, fugitive slaves and es- caped criminals ; a blood-hunter. blood-money (blud'mun-i), n. mon- ey obtained at the cost of another's life ; the reward paid for discovery or capture of a murderer ; compen- sation paid to the next of kin of a person slain by another. bloodstone (blud'ston), n. a dark green variety of quartz spotted with red jasper ; heliotrope ; red hematite iron ore. blooded, adj. of the best stock or breed. bloodily (blud'i-li), adv. in a bloody manner ; relentlessly ; cruelly. bloodiness (-nes), n. the state of being bloody ; disposition to shed blood. bloody (blud'i), adj. pertaining to, containing, or resembling blood ; blood-stained ; cruel ; murderous ; at- tended with bloodshed ; a coarse in- tensive expletive. bloody-flux (blud'i-fluks'), n. dys- entery. bloom (bloom), n. a blossom; the flower of a plant ; the blossoming of flowers ; a state or period of health and growth, promising higher per- fection, or exhibiting freshness and beauty ; the blue color upon certain newly-gathered fruits; a flush; a glow; the powdery appearance on new coins, &c. ; a rough mass of iron from the puddling furnace, in- tended to be drawn out under the hammer or rolled into bars: v.i. to produce blossoms ; flower ; exhibit the freshness and beauty of youth; glow. bloomer (bloom'er), n. a costume for women sought to be introduced by a Mrs. Bloomer, of New York, in 1849-50, and consisting of a short skirt, loose trowsers, fastened round the ankle, and a broad-brimmed hat. [Also used as adj.]. bloomery (bloom'er-i), or bloom- ary ('a-ri), n. a forge in which wrought iron is made directly from the ore. blossom (blos'um), n. the flower of a plant ; the state of flowering ; bloom : v.i. to put forth blossoms ; flower ; flourish. blot (blot), n. a spot or stain; an ob- literation or erasure ; a blemish ; disgrace : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. blotted, p.pr. blotting], to spot or stain; mar ; stain with infamy ; cancel or efface [usually with out] ; dry with blotting-paper ; eclipse ; obscure. blotch (bloch), n. a large irregular spot ; a clumsy daub ; an eruption, or pustule : v.t. to mark or disfigure with irregular blots or spots. blotchy (bloeh'i), adj. having blotches. blottesque (blot-esk'), adj. coarsely delineated, or marred by a heavy touch or blots, blotty (blot'i), adj. full of blots. blouse (blouz), n. a light, loose over- garment ; a French workman : such artisans usually wearing a blue blouse. bloxr (bio), n. a mass of blossoms; the state or condition of flowering: v.i. [p.t. blew, p.p. blown, p.pr. blowing], to blossom; flower. blo-w (bio), n. a stroke with the hand or with a weapon; a knock; an act ate, arm, at, awl; me, merge, met; nlte, mit; note, nSrth, not; booD. book; hue, hut; think, ^Tien. UNITED STATES SEALS. Mississippi. UNITED STATES SEALS bio 1215 bla of hostility; a sudden shock or ca- lamity. blow (bio), v.i. [p J. blew, p.p. blown, p.pr. blowing], to form or make a current of air ; pant ; breathe quick- ly ; sound by being blown ; spout ' water ; boast : v.t. to drive a current of air upon ; impel by a current of air ; sound a wind instrument by forcing air through it ; clear by forcing air through ; form by infla- tion ; put out of breath by fatigue ; scatter or shatter by explosives ; spread by report ; deposit eggs in or upon : n. a blowing ; a blast ; a gale of wind ; an egg deposited by a fly ; the spouting of a whale. blow- fly (blo'fli), n. any species of fly which deposits its eggs upon flesh. ^ blow-pipe (bl6'plp),w. a long tube of cane or reed used by South Amer- ican Indians and the Dyaks of Bor- neo to discharge arrows by the force of the breath ; a tube through which a current of air or gas is driven upon a flame so as to concentrate its heat upon a substance to fuse it. blo-wy (blo'i), adj. windy; breezy. blowzed (blouzd') or blowzy (blou'- zi), adj. ruddy- f aced ; high-colored; coarse-complexioned, as by exposure to the weather. blubber (blub'er), v.i. to weep vio- lently, or so as to disfigure the face : v.t. to disfigure with weeping : n. the fat of whales and other cetaceans, from which train-oil is prepared ; a jelly-fish or medusa. blucber (blooch'er), n. a strong half- boot. bludgeon (bluj'un), n. a short heavy stick, sometimes loaded, used as a weapon. blue (blti), adj. of the color of the clear sky ; azure ; low-spirited ; dis- mal ; severe ; pedantic : n. color of the clear sky ; one of the primary colors ; azure ; a dye or pigment of this color ; pale without glare, as a flame : v.t'. to make, or dye, blue. blue-bell ('bel), n. the wild hya- cinth ; the harebell of Scotland. blue-book ('book), n. a governmen- tal official report, &c. : so called from the blue paper covers. blue blood ('blud), n. aristocratic lineage. bluebottle ('bot-1), n. a common field flower ; a species of fly. bluebonnet ('bon-et), n. a Scotch cap of blue cloth ; a name given to the Scottish troops before the Union ; a Scotchman. bluebuck ('buk), n. a name given to a small antelope, and the blauwbok of South America. blue-devils ('dev-ilz), w.pL low spir- its ; mental depression ; delirium tre- mens. blue-grass ('gras), n. a rich pasture grass. blue-gum ('gum), n. a lofty tree of Australia, valuable for its timber, and for its essential oil : used as a preventive against influenza. bluejacket (blii'jak-et), n. a sailor. bluelight (blu'lit), n. a light of that hue used as a signal ; a pyrotechnic composition. blue-mold (blu'mold), n. a minute fungus which attacks Ijread and oth- er food-stuffs. blue-peter (blu'pe-ter), n. sl small blue flag with a white square in the center used as a signal for sailing, &c. blue-ribbon (blti'rib-un), n. a prized distinction ; mark of success. blue-spar (blu'spar), n. lazulite. blue-stocking (blu'stok-ing), n. a wotnan of literary tastes or occupa^ tion. blue-stone (blti'ston), n, sulphate of copper. bluing (blti'ing), n. the process of imparting a blue tint ; the indigo, &c., used by washerwomen. bluff (bluf), adj. having a broad, flattened front ; rising steeply or boldly ; broad and full ; rough and hearty ; surly ; gruff : n. a high steep bank : a cliff or headland with a broad steep face : v.t. to deceive, or gain an advantage over, an oppo- nent in the game of poker, by in- ducing the other players to suppose one's hand is more valuable than it is in reality : hence to frighten by an assumed possession of strength or knowledge. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me. merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. blr» 126 boa bluffly (-li), adv. in a blunt, out- spoken, or off-hand manner. bluffy (bluf'i), adj. having bold steep banks, or headlands. bluisli (blu'ish), adj. somewhat blue. blunder (blun'der), v.i. to make a gross mistake ; err stupidly ; to move or act clumsily : n. a gross or stupid mistake. blunderbuss (blun'der-bus), n. a short gun or firearm with a large bore, now obsolete. blunderingly (blun'der-ing-li) , adv. in a blundering manner. blunt (blunt), adj. having a thick or rounded edge or point ; not sharp ; dull in understanding ; abrupt in address ; plain-spoken : n. money, especially silver money : v.t. to dull the edge or point of, by making it thicker ; impair the force, keenness, or susceptibility of. bluntish. (blunt'ish), adj. some'^hat blunt. blur (bier), v.t. [p.#. & p.p. blurred, p.pr. blurring], to dim ; sully ; stain ; blemish : n. a smudge ; a moral stain or blemish ; a dim confused appear- ance. blurt (blert), v.t. to speak inadver- tently ; divulge unadvisedly [usually with out]. blush, (blush), v.i. to become red in the face, as from shame or confus- ion ; bloom; feel shame (for) : n. the suffusion of the cheeks or face with a red color, through shame, confusion, modesty, &c. ; a red or reddish color ; a rosy tint. blushful (blush'fool), adj. full of blushes. blushfuUy (-li), adv. in a modest, blushing, manner. bluster (blus'ter), v.i. to be windy and boisterous, as the weather ; talk in a noisy, swaggering style ; bully ; use empty threats : v.t. to utter with noisy violence [with forth or out] : n. the noise and violence of a storm, or of the wind in impotent gusts; noisy talk ; empty menace ; swagger. blusterous (blus'ter-us), blustrous ('trus), or blustery ('ter-i), adj. noisy ; tumultuous ; rough. boa (bo'a), n. [pi. boas ('az)], a huge serpent of South America ; a long fur tippet. boa-constrictor (bo'a-kon-strik- ter), n. a reptile remarkable for its length and power of destroying its prey by constriction. boar (bor), n. the male of swine; the wild hog, or wild boar. board (bord), n. a piece of timber sawed thin, and of considerable length and breadth compared with the thickness ; a table for food ; pro- vision ; entertainment ; a council or court ; a number of persons elected to the management of some public or private ofiice or trust ; a table op frame on which games are played ; a thick stiti kind of paper ; one of the two stiff covers of a book : pi. the stage of a theater ; the side, deck, or interior part of a ship or boat; the line over which a ship runs be- tween tack and tack ; v.t. to cover with boards ; place at a board ; fur- nish with food, or food and lodging, for a compensation ; go on board of ; enter a ship by force : v.i. to be sup- plied with meals, or obtain food and lodging, at a fixed charge. boarding (bord'ing), n. light timber collectively ; a covering of boards ; the act of supplying, or state of be- ing supplied with, food and lodging for a stipulated sum ; the act of en- tering a ship. bearish (bor'ish), adj. swinish; bru- tal ; cruel. boast (host), v.i. to brag; to speak of one's self or belongings in asser- tive and bombastic terms ; vaunt ; exult : v.t. to brag of : n. proud, vainglorious speech ; a cause of boasting ; occasion of pride, vanity, or laudable exultation ; a i=;troke, in tennis, driving the ball at an acutt angle against the court wall. boast (host), v.t. to dress (stone) with a broad chisel and mallet ; to dress (a block) in outline for a statue, &c., prior to more detailed or delicate work. boastful (bost'fool), adj. given t^ boasting. boastfully (-li), adv. in a boastfa' manner. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 127 log lioat (bot), n. a small open vessel usually moved by oars but often by a sail ; a ship ; an open dish resem- bling a boat in shape : v.t. to trans- port in a boat : v.i. to go in a boat ; row ; sail. boatswain (bot'swan, usually bo'- sn), n. a petty officer of a ship who has charge of the rigging, anchors, cables, and cordage, and who sum- mons the crew to their duty. "bob (bob), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. bobbed, p.pr. bobbing], to impart a short jerking motion to ; to cut short : v.i. to have a short jerking motion ; move or play to and fro, or up and down ; to angle with a bob : n. any small round object playing loosely at the end of a cord, chain, &c. ; a pendant ; an ear-drop ; the weight at the end of a pendulum, plumb-line, &c. ; a knot of worms or rags on a spring, used in angling for eels ; a f .at ; a short jerking action or mo- tion ; a bobwig ; a shilling. bobbin (bob'in), n. one of the pins or small cylinders of wood used to carry and steady the threads in pil- low-lace making ; a spool or reel with a head at one or both ends, used to hold yarn or thread for spinning, weaving, or sewing ; a ma- chine-made cotton netting or lace, in imitation of pillow-lace ; bobbinet. bobolink (bob'o-lingk), n. an Amer- ican song-bird. Called also ricebird, reedbird, boblincoln. bob-stay (bob'sta), n. one of two or more ropes or chains to hold" the bowsprit down towards the stem or cut-water. bobtail (bob'tal), n. a short tail or a tail cut short; the rabble (rag-tag and bobtail). bobtailed (bob'tald), at?;, having the tail cut short. bock-beer (bok'ber), n. a variety of lager beer of double strength. boco--wood ( bo'ko- wood ), w. the hard dark-colored wood of a tree of Gui- ana, extensively used for furniture, turnery^ &c. bode (bod), v.t. to portend; be an omen of : v.i. to augur ; presage. bodice (bod'is), n. the close-fitting waist or body of a woman's dress. bodily (bod'i-li), adj. not mental; corporeal : adv. corporeally ; entire- ly. boding (bod'ing), n. an omen; pre- sentiment ; adj. foreboding ; ominous. bodkin (bod'kin), n. a pointed in- strument for piercing holes ; a blunt needle for drawing tape, ribbon, &c., through a hem or loop ; a long pin or stiletto to fasten up the hair ; an awl-like printer's tool. body (bod'i), n. [pi. bodies ('iz)], the material organized substance of an animal, as distinguished from the soul, spirit, or vital principle ; the trunk, or main portion, of an ani- mal or tree ; the main or principal part of anything ; a person ; a num- ber of individuals united by some common tie ; a corporation ; a united mass ; a general collection ; any solid geometrical figure ; a material thing; a certain consistency or dens- ity ; substance ; strength, as wine, &c. : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. bodied ; p.pr, bodying], to furnish with a body; embody ; produce in definite shape. body-color (bod'i-kuler), n. a pig- ment possessing body or consistence, as distinguished from a transparent wash-tint. body politic (bod'i pol'i-tik), n. the collective body of people living un- der an organized political govern- ment. body-snatcber (bod'i-snatch-er), n, one who removes bodies from graves to sell them for dissection ; resur- rectionist. Boeotian (be-o'shan), adj. pertaining to Boeotia in central Greece, noted for its moist and heavy atmosphere ; dull ; stupid. Boer (boor), n. a Dutch colonist of South Africa engaged in farming or cattle breeding. bog (bog), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. bogged, p, ■ pr. bogging], to sink or submerge \n a bog or quagmire : v.i. to sink or stick in a bog : n. a tract of wet, spongy ground, composed of decayed and decaying vegetable matter ; a quagmire ; marsh ; morass. bogey or bogy (bo'gi), n. [pi. bo- geys, bogies Cgiz)], a hobgoblin; a spectre. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. bog 128 bol boggle (bo^'gl), v.i. to hesitate; wa- ver ; eqaivocate ; act clumsily ; bun- gle : v.t. to make a bungle of ; em- barrass : n, the act of hesitating or taking alarm ; a bungle ; botch. boggy (bog'i), adj. full of bogs; marshy. bogie or bogey (bo'gi), n. a four- wheeled truck supporting the front of a locomotive, or each end of a carriage, and turning beneath it Ly a central pivot. bogus (bo'gus), adj. counterfeit; spurious. bobea (bo-he'), n. a kind of black tea. Sobemian (bo-he'mi-an), n. a per- son who disregards social conven- tionalities, or evinces a wild or rov- ing disposition ; a gipsy. Sobemianism (bo-he'mi-an-izm), n. the life or habits of a person who by natural inclination leads a free and easy unconventional existence. boil (boil), vA. to be in a state of ebullition through the action of heat ; seethe ; be agitated or excited by passion or anger ; be subjected to the action of boiling water : v.t. to heat to the boiling point ; cause to bubble by heat ; collect froin, or separate, by boiling ; subject to the action of heat in a boiling liquid. boil (boil), n. an inflamed and pain- ful suppurating tumor. boiler (boil'er), n. one who boils; a vessel in which anything is boiled ; a strong metallic vessel, in which steam is generated for driving en- gines or for other purposes. boisterous (bois'ter-us), adj. vio- lent ; rough ; stormy ; turbulent ; noisy. bolas (bo'las), n. sing, or pi. a hunt- ing implement consisting of two or more balls of iron or stone attached to the ends of a leather cord, used by the Gauchos and Indians of Southern and Western America. bold (bold), adj. courageous; ven- turesome ; planned or executed with courage and spirit ; forward ; rude ; impudent ; over-stepping conven- tional rules ; striking to the eye ; steep ; abrupt ; prominent. bole (bol), n. the trunk or stem of a tree ; a general term for friable clayey shale or clay, usually colored by oxide of iron. bolero (bo-ler'o), n. a lively Spanish dance ; the music accompanying such a dance. bolide (bo'lld), n. a large meteor which explodes on coming into con- tact with the air. boll (bol), n. the pod or capsule of a plant, as of flax : v.i. to form into a boll or seed-vessel ; go to seed (Ex. ix. 31). bollard (bol'ard), n. a strong post of wood or iron for securing hawsers. bolo (bo'lo), n. a large knife, used in the Philippines as a war weapon.^ bolometer (bo-lom'e-ter), n. an in- strument for measuring minute quantities_ of radiant heat. bolster (bol'ster), n. sl long pillow or cushion used to support the head; a pad to ease pressure ; a compress ; a cushioned or padded part of a sad- dle : v.t. to support with a pillow or cushion ; prop ; maintain ; or sup- port [usually with up]. bolt (bolt), n. a short, thick arrow with a blunt head ; a thunderbolt ; a discharge of lightning ; a stout me- tallic pin or rod used for holding objects together ; a sliding catch for securing a door, gate, &c. ; the por- tion of a lock shot or withdrawn by the key ; an elongated bullet for use in a rifled cannon ; a roll or length of certain textile fabrics ; a refusal to support a nomination made by one's party, or withdrawal from one's party : adv. like a bolt : straight; suddenly: v.t. to shoot; discharge; start or spring; fasten or secure with a bolt ; blurt out ; swallow hurriedly or without chew- ing; secede from (a party) or de- cline to support (a party nomina- tion) : v.i. to shoot forth suddenly; depart with suddenness ; start and run off. bolt-rope (bolt'rop), n. a rope to which the edges of sails are sewed. bolt (bolt), v.t. to sift or separate the coarser from the finer particles; hence to examine with care; sep- arate. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon^ book; hue, hut; think, if /ten. bol 129 Iboik bolns (bo'lus), n. [pi. boluses (-ez)], a medicine in the form of a soft rounded mass, larger than an ordi- nary pill, to be swallowed at once ; hence anything disagreeable which must be accepted. Iioiub (bom or bum), n. a hollow iron ball or shell filled with an explosive material, fired from a mortar and usually exploded by a fuse ; any mis- sile similarly constructed and thrown by the hand. bonib-ketcli (bom'ketch), n. a strongly-built vessel, on which one or more mortars are mounted for use in a naval bombardment. boiii-bard (bom-bard'), v.t. to attack with cannon ; fire shot or shell at or into ; assail hotly ; fire questions at. bombardier (bom-bard-er'), n, a non-commissioned officer of the Royal Artillery. boanbardment (bom-biird'ment), n. a continuous attack with shot and shell ; the act of shelling a town or fort. bombardon (bom-bar'dun), or bom- bar done (-do'ne), n. a large-sized musical instrument of the trumpet class. bombast (bom'bast), n. originally cotton or other soft material used for stufiing gawnents : hence, high- sounding words ; inflated language or style ; fustian. bombastically (-li), adv. in an in- flated manner or stjie. bombazet or bombazette (bom-ba- zet'), n. a sort of thin woolen cloth, either plain or twilled. bombazine (bom- or bum-ba-zen), n. a twilled fabric, of which the warp is silk and the weft worsted. Written also bombasine, bombasin, and bombazeen. bombsbell. Same as bomb. bona fid^ (bo'na fi'de), genuine. bona fides (bon'a fid'ez), good faith ; honorable dealing. bonanza (bo-nan'za), n. a rich vein of ore : hence, anything which is a mine of wealth. bonbon (bong'bong), n. a sugar- plum ; any confection of sugar ; a Christmas cracker. bond (bond), n. anything that binds, fastens, or confines ; a ligament : pL fetters ; imprisonment ; captivity : hence, a cause of union ; duty ; obli- gation ; an instrument under seal by which a person binds himself, hi? heirs, &c., to do, or abstain from doing, a certain act ; a promise to pay a certain sum on or before a specified date ; a certificate, bearing interest, issued by a government, a corporation, or company, for the purpose of borrowing money ; a unit of combining power equivalent to one atom of hydrogen : v.t. to put in bond or into a bonded warehouse, as dutiable goods, the duties remaining unpaid till the goods are taken out, but bonds being given for their pay- ment : adf. in a state of servitude or slavery; captive. bone (bon), n. the ossified tissue forming the skeleton of most verte- brate animals ; one of the parts or pieces of an animal skeleton ; some- thing made of bone ; pieces of bone held between the fingers and rattled together as an accompaniment to music : v.t. to remove the bones from ; put whalebone into ; steal ; appropriate. bone-black (bon'blak), n. animal charcoal. bonfire^ (bon'fir), n. any large fire made in the open air to celebrate an event, or consume rubbish. bonhomie (bon-o-me' ) , n. good- heartedness ; a frank good-natured manner. boniface (bon'i-fas), n. an inn- keeper. bon-marcbe (bong-mar-sha'), good market. bonne (bon), n. a French nurse. bonnet (bon'et), n. a soft woolen cap worn by men in Scotland ; a woman's head-covering, varying ac- cording to fashion, but distinguished from a hat by having no brim ; any- thing resembling a bonnet in shape or use : v.t. to crush the bonnet or hat over the eyes of. bonny (bon'ni), adj. handsome; beautiful ; pretty ; gay ; blithe. Writ- ten also bonnie. ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. bon 130 boo bonspiel (bon'spel), n. in Scotland, a curling match between players of different clubs. bou-ton (bong-tong'), n. the style of persons in high life ; good breeding ; fashionable society ; height of fash- ion. lionus (bo'nus), n. [pi. bonuses (-ez)], a sum given, or paid, over and above what is required, or actu- ally payable ; an additional dividend out of accumulated profits ; a sum paid in addition to regular pay or wages. boo (boo), inter j. an expression of aversion or contempt : n, hooting : v.i. to low like an ox ; groan : v.t. to hoot at. booby (boo'bi), n. a dunce; a stupid fellow ; a species of gannet, a West Indian bird. boobyisb (-ish), adj. stupid; silly. boodle (bood'l), n. money paid for votes, or undue political influence ; bribe money. boodler (bood'ler), n. one who gives or accepts a bribe. book (book), n. a collection of sheets of paper and other material, blank, written, or printed, bound together ; a volume ; a treatise ; a division, sec- tion, or part of a literary composi- tion ; a register or record : v.t. to enter or register in a book ; record ; to secure or engage beforehand by registry or payment. book-keeping (book'kep-ing), w. the art of recording pecuniary or busi- ness transactions in a regular and systematic manner. book-maker (book'mak-er), n. one who writes and publishes books; a compiler ; one who bets against the success of a horse in a race, and en- ters his transactions in a book ; a professional betting man. book-man (book'man), n. a studious man ; a scholar. book-muslin (book'muz-lin), n. a fine kind of transparent muslin. bools-name (book'nam), n. the name of a plant or animal in use only in text-books. book- worm (book'werm), n. the Jarva or grub of various species of insects which infest and injure books ; a person closely addicted to study. booking-o£&ce (book'ing-of fis), n. in England, an oflSce where tickets are sold for railway or steamship traveling, or for seats in a theater. bookish (book'ish), adj. given to reading ; fond of study ; better ac- quainted with books than with men ; pedantic. booklet (book'Iet), n. a little book. boom (boom), n. a long pole or spar run out to extend the foot of certain sails ; a strong chain, cable, or line of spars bound together, extended across a river or harbor to exclude an enemy's ships ; a deep, hollow sound ; a sudden demand for a com- modity ; a rapid rise in price ; a sudden burst of popular favor : v.i. to make a deep, hollow, reverberat- ing sound ; to go off with a rush : v.t. to push with energy. boomer (boom'er), n. one who starts or promotes a boom ; the Australian name for the male of the great kan- garoo. boomerang (boom'e-rang), n. a mis- sile weapon used by the Australian aborigines, consisting of a piece of flat curved hard wood, which, when thrown by the hand in a certain manner, describes a series of curves, and finally returns to the thrower, striking the ground behind him; hence any action which may recoil on its projector. boon (boon), n. prayer or petition; a benefit ; a gift ; a privilege ; a favor : adj. gay ; kind ; jovial ; merry, con- vivial. boon (boon), n. the refuse woody matter of flax from which the fiber has been dressed. boor (boor), n. a rustic; a peasant; a South African colonist of Dutch descent ; a rude, ill-mannered, clownish person. boorisb (boor'ish), adj. like a boor; clownish ; awkward in manner ; il- literate. boose. See booze. boost (boost), v.t. to lift by pushing from behind : n. a lift from behind. boot (boot), n. profit; that which is thrown in as an inducement to a ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, theiic boo 131 bos bargain, or to make an exchange equal. boot (boot), v.t. to profit; advan- tage; avail [usually with ifi. boot (boot), n. a leather covering for the feet and the lower part of the leg ; an old instrument of torture ; a receptacle for luggage at either end of a coach ; a driving apron of leather or rubber-cloth : v.t. to put boots on ; kick with the boot. .boots (boots), n. the servant in a short boot, for women; a child's knitted boot. booth, (booth), n. a temporary struc- ture made of boards, canvas, &c. bootless ('les), adv. without advan- tage. boots (boots), n. the servant in a hotel who cleans the boots of the guests. booty (boo'ti), n. Ipl. booties ('tiz)], spoil taken in war ; plunder ; pillage. booze or boose (booz), v.t. to_ drink immoderately ; tipple : n. liquor ; drink ; a carouse ; spree. bora (bo'ra), n. a fierce, dry N.E, wind which blows on the coasts of the Adriatic Sea. boracic (bo-ras'ik), adj. pertaining to, or produced from, borax. boracic acid (as'id), n. a compound of boron with oxygen and hydrogen. borax (bo'raks), n. a salt compound- ed of boracic acid and soda, used as a flux in soldering metals, and in the manufacture of glass, enamel, artificial gems, &c. bord (bord), n. the face of coal paral- lel to the natural fissures. bordage (bord'aj), w.. planking of a ship's side; the servile tenure by which a villein of the lowest rank held his cottage. bordeaux (bor-do')j n. red and white wines produced in the district of Bordeaux, France. border (bSr'der), n. the outer part or edge of anything ; a margin ; brink ; boundary ; frontier ; a nar- row flower bed : v.t. to make a bor- der about, or to adorn with a bor- der : adjoin : v.i. to touch at the edge or boundary [with on or upon']. border-land (bor'der-land), n. land forming a border or frontier ; ao uncertain or debatable district. bore (bor), v.t. to pierce or drill a hole in ; form by piercing or drill- ing ; to force (as a passage) with effort ; weary by tedious repetition, or by dullness ; annoy : v.i. to pierce or penetrate by boring, &c. ; push forward toward a certain point : n. a hole made by boring ; the caliber or internal diameter of a hole; a person or thing that wearies by pro- lixity or dullness ; anything which causes ennui. bore (bor), n. a tidal wave which breaks in the estuaries of some riv- ers, and, being impeded by the nar- rowing channel, rises in a watery ridge and courses along with great force and noise. bore, p.t. of bear. borean (bo're-an) or boreal (-al), adj. northern ; pertaining to the North, or to the North wind. borecole (bor'kol), n. a variety of kale. boredom (bdr'dum), n. ennui; the realm of bores ; bores collectively. boride (bo'rid), n. a compound of boron with a metallic base. born (born), p. adj. innate; inherited. born, p.p. of bear, to bring forth. borne, p.p. of bear, to carry. bornite (bSrn'it), n. a valuable ore of copper. boroglyceride (bo-ro-glis'e-rid), n, an antiseptic containing boric acid, glycerine, &c. boron (bo'ron), n. a non-metallic ele- ment occurring abundantly in borax. borough (bur'o), n. a corporate town. borough. English (ing'lish), n. a custom existent in some parts of England, by which an estate de- scends to the youngest son instead of the eldest, or, if there is no son, to the youngest brother. box'ro-w (bor'o), v.t. to obtain (a thing) on loan ; adopt ; appropriate ; copy. bort (bort), n. imperfect or inferior diamonds used for polishing other stones. boscage or boskage (bos'kaj), n. ground covered with trees and ute, arm. at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, th&a.. bos 132: 1)011 shrubs ; woods ; thickets ; a wooded landscape. bosli (bosh), n. absurd or empty talk ; utter nonsense ; inter j. hum- bug ! bosket (bos'ket), n. a grove; a thicket. bosky (bos'ki), adj. woody; bushy. bosom, (boo'zum), n. the breast; clothing covering the breast ; the af- fections or passions ; something lik- ened to a bosom, as a sustaining surface, inmost recess, &c. : adj. per- taining to the bosom ; intimate ; ! cherished ; beloved ; worn on the , bosom : v.t. to place or harbor in the - bosom ; cherish ; conceal. boss (bos), n. [pi. bosses ('ez)], a protuberant part ; a stud or knob ; , &n ornamental projection of a ceil- I ing : v.t. to ornament with studs or knobs. boss (bos), n. a master, superintend- ent ; foreman ; loader : adj. chief ; most highly esteemed : v.t. to direct ; manage. botanic (bo-tan'ik), or botanical Ci-kal), adj. pertaining to botany. botanically (-li), adv. from a bota- nist's point of view ; according to a system of botany. botanist (bot'a-nist), n. one who studies or is skilled in a knowledge of plants. botanize (bot'a-niz), v.i. to seek af- ter plants for the purpose of study- ing them : v.t. to explore botanically. botany (bot'a-ni), n. the science which treats of plants. botck (boch), n. a swelling on the skin ; a large ulcerous affection. botch (boch), v.t. to mend or patch in a clumsy manner ; put together ^ unskilfully : n. sl clumsy patch ; bad work. ^botchy (boeh'i), adj. marked with botches. both (both), adj. & pron. the one and the other ; the two ; the pair, with- out excepting either : adv. & conj. as. bother (bof/i'er), v.t. to annoy; tease ; worry ; give trouble : v.i. to trouble one's self ; be troublesome : n. worry ; annoyance ; one who, or that which, bothers. botheration (bo#/i-er-a'shun), n. the act of bothering, or state of being bothered. bothersome (bo;f^'er-sum), adj. trou- blesome. bots (bots), n.pl. the larvae of several specie* of gadfly, which infest horses, oxen, sheep, &c. bottle (bot'l), n. a hollow vessel, usually with a narrow neck, made of glass or earthenware, for holding liquids ; the contents of a bottle : v.t. to put into bottles ; a quantity of bay or grass bundled up. bottle-holder (bot'l-hold'er), n. one who waits upon a pugilist in a prize- fight, administering refreshment, &c. ; a backer ; a second. bottle-nose (bot'1-noz), n. a name given to several species of cetaceans having bottle-shaped noses. bottom (bot'um), n. the deepest part of anything ; the base ; foundation ; root ; the ground under any body of water ; the buttocks ; the seat of a chair ; low land formed by alluvial deposits ; a river ; a valley ; a dale ; a ship ; stamina : adj. lowest ; un- dermost : v.t. to found or build upon ; furnish with a bottom ; fathom ; get to the bottom of : v.i. to rest ; be based or grounded. bottom-lands (bot'um-lanz), n.pl. rich flat alluvial soil on the river banks of the Western States. bottomry (bot'um-ri), n. the act of borrowing money on the security of a ship. bouche or bonch (boosh), v.t. to drill a new mouth or vent in. boudoir (boo'dwiir), n. a small room, elegantly furnished for a lady's pri- vate use. bouffe (boof), n. opera-bouffe ; comic opera. bough (bou), n. an arm or branch of a tree. bought, p.t. & p.p. of buy. bougie (boo-zhe'), n. a wax taper Or candle ; a slender flexible tube for insertion in the urethra, rectum, &c., in cases of stricture. bouilli (b5o'lye, French boo-ye'), n, ment boiled or stewed with vege« tables. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; bSeOf book ; hue, hut ; think, t^en. 133 bomr bouillon (boo'lyon, French bo5- yong'), n. sl clear soup produced from boiled meat. boulder (bol'der), n. a large stone worn or rounded by the action of water; a portion of rock which has been transported to some distance from its native bed. bpule (boo'le), n. the higher popular assembly of ancient Athens; the modern Greek legislative assembly. boulevard (boo'le-vard), n. a broad street, planted with trees. bounce (bouns), v.t. to cause to bound ; to eject summarily ; to bully : V.i. to strike against anything so as to rebound ; leap or spring suddenly or unceremoniously ; boast or blus- ter : n. a sudden bound or spring ; a heavy sudden thrust or thump ; a boast ; brag ; an impudent lie : adv. with a spring ; suddenly. bound (bound), n. a limit; confine; extent ; boundary : pi. territory within certain boundaries : v.t. to serve as a limit to ; circumscribe. bound (bound), -yi. to jump or spring suddenly or in succession ; leap ; re- bound : n. a leap; spring; jump; rebound. bound, p.t. & p.p. of bind. bound (bound), adj, ready to go; destined. boundary ( bound'a-ri ) , n. [pi. boun- daries (-riz)], the extent or limit of anything. bounteous (boun'te-us), adj. giving freely ; liberal in gifts ; munificent. bountiful (boun'ti-fool), adj. liberal in bestowing gifts or favors ; gener- ous ; ample. bountifully (-li), adv. in a liberal manner. bounty (boun'ti), n. [pi. bounties ('tiz)], liberality in bestowing gifts or favors ; generosity ; munificence ; a premium offered by a government to induce men to enlist in the army or navy, or to encourage some branch of industry. bouquet (boo-ka'), n. a nosegay; a perfume or aroma characteristic of some wines. bouquetier (boo-ke-ter'), n. a bou- quet-holder. bourdon (boor'-don), n. the bass drone of the bagpipe ; a bass stop of an organ. bourgeois (boor-zhwa'), n. a French citizen of the mercantile class ; a shopkeeper ; a size of type between long primer and brevier (ber-jois') (see type) : adj. of or pertaining to the mercantile or middle class. bourgeoisie (bo6r-zhwa-ze'), n. the French middle classes ; the middle class connected with the trade of any country. bourn (boorn), n. a stream; a rivu- let ; a bound ; destination ; goal. bourree (boor-ra'), a composition of a lively character, allied to the gavotte. . bourse (boors), n. a stock exchange for the transaction of business, es- pecially the Bourse or Stock Ex- change of Paris. bout (bout), n. a turn or bend; a going and returning ; as much as is performed at one time ; a trial 5 essay ; round ; contest. boutonniere (boo-ton-nyar'), n. a bouquet worn in the button-hole. bovine (bo'vin), adj. of, or pertain- ing to, oxen • '^esembling or possess- ing the characteristics of an ox or cow; stolid, dull. boTsr (bou), n. the forepart or prow, of a ship. bow (bou), v.t. to bend; make curved or crooked ; bend or incline, as the head or body in token of respect ; subdue : v.i. to make a bow : n. an inclination of the head or bending of the body, as a salute, or in token of reverence, respect, assent, or sub- mission. bow (bo), n. a weapon for discharg- ing arrows ; anything curved ; an implement with which instruments of the violin kind are played ; an elastic stick with its ends connected by string, used for turning a drill, &c. ; a looped ornamental knot of ribbon or other material : v.t. to bend or curve like a bow ; play with a bow : v.i. become bent or curved. bow-net (bo'net), n. a conical bas- ket for trapping lobsters and cray- fish. bow-saw (bo'saw), n. a saw for cutting curves. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. boxtr 134 bra Bowdlerize (bod'ler-iz), v.t. to ex- purgate, as an editor, everything deemed ofEensive or indelicate. bowel (bou'el), n. one of the intes- tines of an animal ; a gut [generally in the pi.] : pi. the interior part of anything; tenderness; pity (II Cor. vi. 12). bower (bou'er), n. a shelter con- structed of boughs or twining plants; an arbor. bower (bou'er), n. an anchor carried at the bow of a ship ; one of the two highest cards in euchre, or the second and third highest (when the joker is used). bwwery (bou'er-i), adj. like a bower; shady. bowery (bou'er-i), n. [pi. boweries (-iz)], a country retreat; farm. bowie-knife (bo'e-nif), n. a sheath- knife formerly used in the United States as a weapon. bowl (bol), n. a circular hollow ves- sel for holding liquids ; a large drinking cup ; the hollow or concave part of anything. bowl (bol), n. a ball of wood used in the games of bowls, and skittles : pi. a game played with bowls : v.i. to play with bowls ; roll a bowl or a cricket ball ; move rapidly and smoothly like a ball : v.t. to roll, as a bowl or ball. bowline (bo'lin), n. a rope fastened near the middle of a square-sail, to keep the ship near the wind. bowse (bouz), v.i. to pull or haul hard. bowsprit (bo'sprit), n. a large boom or spar running out from the stem of a ship or other vessel to carry its sails forward. bowstring (bo'string), n. string of a bow ; string used by the Turks for strangling offenders : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. bowstrung, p.pr. bowstringing] , to strangle with a bowstring. box (boks), n. an evergreen shrub or small tree, yielding a hard close- grained wood : adj. of box, or re- sembling a box-tree. box (boks), n. [pi. boxes ('ez)], a case or receptacle for holding any- thing ; the quantity a box contains ; the driver's seat on a carriage ; a compartment in a theater or other public place ; a Christmas present ; a place of shelter for a man on duty ; a small country house used by sportsmen ; a cylindrical hollow iron in a wheel, in which the axle runs ; a case to protect mechanism from injury : v.t. to enclose in a box ; confine ; boxhaul. box (boks), n. a blow on the head with the fist, or on the ear with the open hand : v.t. to strike with the fist or hand: v.i. to fight with the fists. boxhaul (boks'hawl), v.t. to veer a ship round instead of tacking. boxiana (bok-si-an'a or -a'na), n.pl. the literature of prize-fighting. boxing-glove (boks'ing-gluv), n. a padded glove. box-metal (boks'met-al), n. an an- tifriction alloy used for journal- boxes,, shafting, &c, boy (boi), n. a male child; a young lad ; sometimes used for a man. boy (boi), n. a palanquin bearer. boyar (boi'ar), n. a Russian landed proprietor ; the name of the Con- servative party in Roumania. boycott (boi'kot), v.t. to combine against a person so as to ostracize socially, and prevent or hinder the conduct of his business or profes- sion, as a means of punishment or intimidation : n. the act or state of boycotting; a combination for such a purpose. boycottee (boi-kot-e'), n. a boycot- ted person. boyer (boi'er), n. a Flemish sloop with a raised structure at each end. boyhood (boi'hood), n. the state of being a boy. boyish (boi'ish), adj. pertaining to a boy or boyhood ; childish ; puerile. brace (bras), n. that which holds anything tightly or supports it firm- ly ; a prop ; a bandage ; a pair ; a curve connecting two or more lines : thus Bits} ' ^ curved instrument for holding and turning boring tools ', a rope reeved through a block at the end of a yard, by which the yard is swung from the deck: a timber or ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. bra 135 bva scantling to strengthen the frame- work of a building : pi. the leathern bands clasping the cords at the side of a drum ; shoulder-straps to sup- port the trowsers : v.t. to bind or tie closely ; strain up ; strengthen ; furnish with supports. brace-drill (bras'dril), n. a drill for boring metals. bracelet (bras'let), n. an ornamental band or ring for the wrist. brachial (bra'ki- or brak'i-al), adj. pertaining to, or connected with, the arm. braebiate (bra'ki- or brak'i-at), adj. having branches in pairs, nearly horizontal, and each pair at right angles with the next. bracken (brak'en), n. the brake fern. bracket (brak'et), n. a supporting piece projecting from" a wall ; a single or jointed gas-pipe, burner. &c. ; one of two marks [ ] , used to enclose a word or note, or to indi- cate an interpolation ; a brace : v.t. to furnish with or enclose within brackets ; connect by brackets ; couple together. brackish (brak'ish), adj. saltish. bract (brackt), n. a modified leaf growing from the flower stem, or enveloping a head of flowers. bracteate (brak'te-at), adj. fur- nished with bracts ; made of thin beaten metal. bracteolate (brak'te-o-lat), adj. furnished with bracteoles. bracteole (brak'te-ol), n. a small bract. brad (brad), n. a slender flat nail, having a projection on one side : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. bradded, p.pr. bradding], to nail or secure with brads. brae (bra), n. a hillside; sloping ground. brag (brag), v.t. [pJ. & p.p. bragged, p.pr. bragging], to boast; speak vaingloriously : n. a boast ; a thing to boast of ; ostentatious pretense ; a game of cards. braggadocio (brag-a-do'shio), n. a boaster ; a braggart ; empty boast- ing. braggart (brag'art), n. a boaster; a vain fellow : adj. boastful. br agger (brag'er), n. one who brags. brabma (bra'ma), n. a useful varie- ty of large domestic fowl. Brahmin, (bra'min) n.[pl. Brahmins (-minz)], a member of the Hindu priestly caste. Brahminee (bra'min-e), n. a female Brahmin. Brahminism (bra'min-izm), n. the religion or doctrines of the Brah- mins. Brahminist (bra'min-ist), n. an ad* herent of Brahminism. braid (brad), v.t. to weave or inter- twine ; plait : n. a plaited band or fillet. Braidism (bra'dizm), n. hypnotism. brail (bral), n.pl. certain ropes used to gather up the foot and leeches of a sail prior to furling : v.t. to haul in by the brails [usually with up]. brain (bran), n. the soft whitish con- voluted mass occupying the cranium of a vertebrate, constituting the cen- ter of the nervous system, and the seat of consciousness and volition ; the understanding ; intellectual pow- er : v.t. dash out the brains of. brain- wave (bran'wav), n. a tele- pathic vibration by which it is sup- posed a thought is conveyed from one mind to another. brainy (bran'i), adj. possessed of brains ; acute ; sharp witted. braise (braz), v.t. to stew (as meat) in a covered vessel : n. braised meat, brait (brat), n. a rough diamond. brake (brak), n. an instrument or machine to break flax ; the handle of a pump ; a baker's kneading trough ; a sharp bit or snaffle ; a frame for confining refractory horses while shoeing ; a heavy vehicle without a body, for breaking in young horses to harness ; a kind of wagonette ; a heavy harrow for breaking clods; a mechanical device for checking the motion of a vehicle or machine ; a brake van. brake (brak), n. a place overgrown with bracken, brushwood, &c. : the common fern. brake-shoe (brak'shoo), n. that part of a brake which presses against the wheel. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. f>ra 136 brs braky (brak'i), adj. full of bracken, brushwood, &c. ; rough ; thorny. bramble (bram'bl), n. the English blackberry ; any prickly bush or shrub. brambly (bram'bli), adj. full of brambles. bran (bran), n. the husks of wheat, rye, &c., separated from the flour by bolting. branch, (branch), n. [pZ. branches Cez)], a shoot or limb from a main bough ; an off-shoot ; any member or part of a body or system ; a depart- ment ; a section or subdivision ; any part of a family descending in a collateral line : adj. deviating from the trunk or main body : v.i. to ramify ; diverge ; spread diffusely [with out'\ : v.t. to divide. branchiae (brang'ki-e), n.pl. the re- spiratory organs of fishes and some amphibia ; gills. branchial (brang'ki-al), adj. per- taining to the branchiae or gills. branchiate (brang'ki-at), adj. hav- ing permanent gills. branchlet (branch'let), n. a little branch. branchy (bran'chi), adj. full of branches. brand (brand), n. a burning piece of wood, any form of trade-mark : hence, quality or kind ; a stigma or mark of infamy ; a fungoid disease of plants : v.t. to mark by burning with a hot iron, or by other means ; stig'matize. brandish (bran'dish), v.t. to move, wave, or shake, as a raised weapon. brandling (brandling), n. a salmon of the first year ; a small red worm used for bait by fresh-water anglers. brandy (bran'di), n. [pi. brandies Cdiz)], an ardent alcoholic liquor distilled from wine or the husks of grapes. bran-new (bran'nti), adj. quite new. branny (bran'i), adj. having the ap- pearance of bran ; consisting chiefly of bran. brant. Same as brant-goose. brant-fox (brant'foks), n. a variety of fox found in Sweden. Called also brent-fox. brant-goose (brant'goos), n. the smallest species of the wild goose. brash (brash), adj. brittle, as wood. brash (brash), n. a rash or eruption. brash (brash), n. broken, loose, and angular fragments of rock under- lying alluvial deposits ; small bro- ken pieces of ice. brasque (brask), n. a paste used for lining crucibles, &c. : v.t. to line with brasque. brass (bras), n. [pi. brasses ('ez)], an alloy of copper and zinc ; a uten- sil, ornament, or other article made of brass ; a monumental tablet of brass ; money ; impudence : pi. the brass instruments of a band : v.t. to cover with brass. brassy (bras'i), adj. pertaining to, or resembling, brass ; impudent, brazen. brat (brat); n. a child [used con- temptuously]. brattice (brat'is), n. a partition or separation-wall in a level or shaft to form an air passage : v.t. to di- vide by a brattice. bratticing (brat'is-ing), n. orna- mental open-work cresting ; rich open work in metal ; a brattice ; a boarded protection against machin- ery. bravado (bra-va'do), n. [pi. brava- dos & -does ('doz)], arrogant men- ace ; defiance. brave (brav), adj. bold; courageous; intrepid ; making a fine show : n. an Indian warrior ; one indiscreetly bold : v.t. to encounter with courage and f orti tude ; defy. bravery (bra'yer-i), n. the quality of being brave ; fearlessness ; mag- nificence. bravo (bra'vo), inter j. well done! good ! n. a cheer. bravo (bra'vo), n. [pi. bravos or -voes Cvoz)], a daring villain; a bandit; an assassin. bravura (bra-voo'ra), n. an air of florid, brilliant style, adapted to dis- play the skill of the performer, or the range and flexibility of a sing- er's voice : adj. brilliant ; florid ; per- taining to a bravura. brawl (brawl), v.i. to quarrel noisi- ly and outrageously ; make a noise as of water rushing over a rocky or ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; Jitie, hut; think, th&n.. &ra 137 bre pebbly bed : n. a noisy quarrel ; an uproar ; a row. bra^srn (brawn), n. boar's flesh, espe- cially when prepared by collaring, boiling, and pickling; muscular strength. brawuiness (-nes), n. hardness; strength. brawny (braw'ni), adj. muscular; tough. braxy (brak'si), n. a name given to a variety of diseases of sheep ; a diseased sheep, or its mutton : adj. affected with braxy. bray (bra), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. brayed, p.pr. braying], to pound or beat fine or small : v.L to utter a loud, harsh cry, as the ass : n. the harsh cry of an ass. braze (hraz) ,v.t. to solder with brass ; cover or ornament with brass; brazen (bra'zn), adj. made of brass; pertaining to brass ; impenetrable ; impudent ; shameless : v.t. to carry off or behave with insolence or ef- frontery. Brazen Age (aj), n. the age that succeeded to the Silver Age, charac- terized by violence. brazier (bra'zher), n. an open pan for burning charcoal. brazil--w-ood (bra-zil'wood), n. a very heavy wood of a red color from Brazil, used for dyeing red. braziletto (braz-i-let'o), n. an in- ferior sort of brazil-wood brought from Jamaica. Brazilian pebbles (peb'lz), n.pl. lenses made from rock crystal from Brazil. brazilin (braz'i-lin), n. the coloring substance extracted from brazil- wood. brazil-nut (bra-zirnut), n. the seed of a palm of tropical America. breacb (brech), n. the act of break- ing ; the violation of a law, contract, or any other engagement ; a gap ; a difference ; quarrel ; injury ; surf : v.t. to make an opening in. bread (bred), n. food made from ground corn ; food in general. bread-fruit (-froot), n. the fruit of a tree growing in the Pacific islands, which, when roasted, is eaten as bread. bread-stuff (-stuf), n. bread-corn: flour ; meal from which bread is made. breadth (bredth), n. the measure of any surface from side to side; free- dom from narrowness ; broad effect. break (brak), v.t. [p.t. broke, p.p. broken, p.pr. breaking], to sep- arate with violence ; interrupt ; frac- ture ; weaken or destroy ; disperse ; violate ; make bankrupt ; make a first disclosure of ; dismiss, cashier, or reduce to the ranks ; tame or subdue : n. a breach ; rupture ; aE interruption ; change of direction ; a first appearance ; a pause ; ae opening in the circuit causing m- terruption to an electric current ; a twist of the ball in cricket ; a play- er's turn in billiards ; the number of points scored successively ; altera- tion of the male voice at puberty ; a sudden fall in prices. breakage (bra'kaj), n. the act of breaking ; allowance for accidental fracture. breakdown (brak'doun), n. a col- lapse ; failure ; downfall, as of a carriage ; a lively, noisy dance. breaker (bra'ker), n. one who, or that which, breaks ; a machine to crush roqfes, &c. ; a wave broken against the shore, or a rock [usual- ly in the _pl.] ; a small water cask; a trainer of horses, &c. breakfast (brek'fast), n. the first meal in the day : v.t. to provide with or entertain at breakfast : v.i. to eat breakfast. breakwater ('waw-ter), n. any structure to break the force of the waves. bream (brem), n. a broad-shaped fresh-water fish of the carp family : v.t. to clear of shells, seaweed, &c., by fire. breast (brest), n. the fore part of the body between the neck and the ab- domen ; one of the organs in wom- en, and some other mammalia, for the secretion of milk ; the affec- tions ; the conscience ; the front of anything: v.t. to present the front to ; meet or oppose manfully or openly; stem. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; n5te, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. tor© 138 brl breastfast ('fast), n. a large rope or chain to secure the midship part of a ship to a dock, wharf, or to another vessel. breastplate ('plat), n. a portion of armor covering the front of the body ; a part of the vestment of the Jewish high priest. breast-work ('werk), n, a hastily constructed work thrown up breast- high for defense; the parapet of a building. breath (breth), n. the air inhaled and exhaled in respiration ; life ; the ^ower or capacity to breathe freely ; respite ; a pause ; a respiration ; an instant ; air in gentle motion ; a mere word ; a trifle ; an odorous ex- halation ; fragrance ; an aspirate. breathe (bre/7i), v.i. to inhale air and expel it from the lungs ; live ; take breath ; rest from action ; pass, as air ; blow softly ; insinuate : v.t. to inhale and exhale ; inspire ; whis- per ; exercise ; blow into. breathing (bre'if/iing), n. respira- tion ; air in gentle motion ; a gentle influence ; a pause ; ardent desire ; an accent [']. breccia (brech'ia), n. angular rock fragments united by a matrix. bree (bre), n. broth; sauce; mois- ture. breech (brech), n. the buttocks; the hinder part of anything ; the part of a cannon or other firearm behind the bore or chamber : v.t. to put into breeches ; furnish with a breech ; fasten by a breeching. breeches (brich'ez), n.pl. a garment worn by men, covering the legs from the knees to the hips ; trowsers or pantaloons. breeching (brich'ing), n. the harness which passes round a horse's breech ; a strong rope to check the recoil of a gun. breed (bred), 'G.t. [p.t. & p.p. bred, p.pr. breeding] , to procreate ; hatch ; produce ; train ; rear : v.i. to bear young ; be fruitful ; be produced : n. a race or progeny from the same parents or stock. breeze (brez), n. a gadfly or horsefly. breeze (brez), n. a gentle gale; a fresh soft wind; an excited quarreJ or wrangle. breeze (brez), n. house sweepings; sifted ashes and cinders used in burning bricks. brethren (brei/i'ren), n. plural of brother. breve (brev), n. a note of time equal to two semibreves or four minims ; a mark (v.) used to indicate a short vowel. brevet (bre-vet'), n. a commission to an oflicer in the army conferring a higher rank, but without increase of pay ; a patent ; a warrant ; a li- cense : adj. conferred by brevet : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. brevetted, p.pr. brevet- ting], to confer brevet rank upon. breviary (bre'vi-a-ri, or brev'i-a-ri), n. [pi. breviaries (-riz)], a book containing the daily offices and prayers. brevier (bre-ver'), n. a size of type between bourgeois and minon. (See type.) brevity (brev'i-ti), n. [pL brevities (-tiz)], shortness; conciseness. brew (broo), v.t. to make liquors i from malt or other materials ; plot : v.i. be in preparation : n. the action, ! process, or product of brewing. i brewery (broo'er-i), n. a brew-house. J briar-root (bri'er-root), n. the root of the white heath, used in the manufacture of tobacco-pipes. Also brier-root. bribe (brib), n. a gift or considera- tion in money given or promised with the object of corrupting or un- duly ilnfluencing the judgment or conduct of the recipient : v.t. to gain over or influence by a bribe: v.i. to practice or attempt bribery, bribery (brib'er-i), n. [pi. briberies (-iz)], the act or practice of brib- ing. bric-a-brac (brik'a-brak), w. an- tique articles of vertu ; fancy ware. brick (brik), n. an oblong block of kneaded clay dried in the sun or burned in a kiln ; a jolly, good-na- tured fellow : adj. made of, or re- sembling, brick : v.t. to lay or build , with bricks : make like brickwork. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. ori 139 brj brick-kiln (-kil), n. a kiln or fur- nace in which bricks are baked or burnt. bricole (bri-kol'), n. harness worn by men for dragging guns or loads. bridal (brid'al), n. a marriage; nup- tials : adj. pertaining to a bride, or wedding. bride (brid), n. a woman newly mar- ried, or about to be married. bridegroom ( 'groom ) , »i. a man new- ly married, or about to be married. bridesmaid (-z'mad), n, a young unmarried woman who attends on a bride. bridewell (brid'wel), n. a house of correction for the confinement of disorderly persons. bridge (brij), n. a structure of iron, stone, or wood, spanning a river, road, valley, &c. ; anything resem- , bling a bridge in form or use ; an j apparatus for measuring the resist- } ance of a conductor, called Wheat- stone's bridge ; a game of cards : v.t. i to build a bridge ; make a passage ; find a way of overcoming. bridge-board ('bord), n, a notched' board into which the ends of the steps of wooden stairs are fastened. ^ bridge-deck ('dek), n. a partial deck extending from side to side of a vessel amidships. bridge-head ('hed), n. a covering work to protect the end of a bridge nearest the enemy; a tete-de-pont. bridge-rail ('ral), n. a railroad rail with an arched tread and lateral foot-flanges. bridge-train ('tran), n. a pontoon train. bridging (brij'ing), n. a piece of wood between two beams to keep them apart. bridle (bri'dl), n. the headstall, bit, and reins by which a horse is con- trolled ; a restraint : v.t. to put a bridle on ; control ; guide : v.i. to hold the head up, as an indication of pride, scorn, or anger [with up']. bridoon (bri-doon'), n. the light snaflSe and rein of a military bridle. brief (bref), adj. short; concise; contracted ; narrow : n. an epitome ; an abridged statement of a case for the instruction of counsel ; a writ ; a papal letter : v.t. to shorten ; make an abstract of. brier (bri'er), n. a thorny plant or shrub. brig (brig), n. a two-masted, square- rigged vessel. brigade (bri-gad'), n. a subdivision of an army, consisting of several regiments, squadrons, or battalions (cavalry, infantry, militia, or volun* teers), under the command of a brigadier-general ; an organized body acting under authority : v.t. to form into a. brigade or brigades. brigadier (brig-a-der'), n. a general officer commanding a brigade, and ranking next below a major-gen- eral. Also brigadier-general. brigand (brig'and), n. a robber; a member of a gang of freebooters infesting mountainous districts; a highwayman ; a bandit. brigandage (brig'and-aj), n. the life and practices of a brigand; organ ized robbery. brigantine (brig'an-tin or -tin), n a small two-masted vessel, square rigged like a brig, but with fore and-aft mainsail and raking masts brigkt (brit), adj. [comp. brighter, superl, brightest], luminous; bril liant ; shining ; sparkling ; illustri ous ; glorious ; witty ; clever ; lively ,- auspicious ; alert ; glowing. brighten (brifn),-?;.*. to grow bright f clear up : v.t. to make bright or luminous ; make gay or cheerful ; make acute. Bright's disease (brit's-diz-ez'), n a form of kidney disease character ized by the presence of albumin in the urine. brill (bril), n. a flat fish resembling the turbot. Also prill. brilliancy (bril'yan-si), n. splendor^ brilliant (bril'yant), adj. sparkling f lustrous ; glittering ; distinguished t n. a diamond, cut to exhibit its re fracting qualities to the best ad vantage ; the smallest size of type (See type.) brilliantine (bril'yan-tin), n. a cos metic preparation for imparting s gloss to the hair. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. %ri 140 liro brilliantly (-li), adv. in a brilliant manner. brim (brim), n. the edge of any- thing : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. brimmed, p. pr. brimming], to fill to the brim: v.i. to be full to the brim. Brimful (brim'fool), adj. overflow- ing. brimstone (brim'ston), n. sulphur: adj. made of brimstone ; of the color of sulphur. brine (brin), n. salt water; pickle; the ocean ; tears : v.t. to steep in brine. bring (bring), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. brought, p.pr. bringing], to fetch or convey from another place ; fetch ; cause to come ; produce ; procure ; conduct ; persuade ; lead. brink (bringk), n. the edge; verge. briny (bri'ni), adj. very salt. briquette ( bri-ket', French bre-ka' ) , n. coal-dust molded into the shape of bricks. brisk (brisk), adj. lively; active; swift ; vivacious ; effervescing vigor- ously ; sparkKng ; burning freely : v.i. to become brisk [generally with up]. brisket (bris'ket), n. that part of an animal's breast where the ribs join the breast-bone. bristle (bris'l), n. a short stiff, coarse hair, especially upon the back and sides of swine ; any stiff, sharp hair : v.t. to erect like bristles ; fix a bristle to. bristly (bris'li), adj. covered with bristles. bristol board (bris'tol bord), n. a thick, smooth, white pasteboard. bristol paper (pa'per), n. a kind of stout drawing paper. bristol stone (ston), n. a transpar- ent rock-crystal. Called, when pol- ished, bristol diamond. brit (brit), n. the young of the her- ring and sprat ; small animals upon w^hich whales feed. britannia metal (bri-tan'i-a-met'- al), n. a white metal alloy of tin, copper, antimony, and bismuth. brite (brit), v.i. to be over-ripe. British (brit'ish), adj. of, or per- taining to, Great Britain or its in- habitants ; pertaining to the ancient Britons. Britisher (brit'ish-er), n. a British subject, especially one belonging to the British army or navy. Briton (brit'un), n. a native of Great Britain. brittle (brit'l), adj. apt to break; not tough. britzska (brits'ka), n. an open car- riage used in Russia. broach (broch), n. an awl; spike; skewer ; any boring bit or drill ; a stonecutter's chisel ; a spire rising directly from a tower without a parapet : v.t. to tap or pierce ; be- gin a discussion about. broad (brawd), adj. [comp. broader, superl. broadest], wide; ample; vast ; liberal ; comprehensive ; wide- ly diffused ; open ; unrestrained ; evident ; characterized by breadth of treatment ; bold ; indelicate : n. a flooded fen ; an expansion of a river over low-lying land. broad-arrow (-ar'o), n. a British government mark to distinguish its property. broad-cloth ('klawth), n. a fine woolen cloth with a smooth finished surface. broad-seal ('Sel), n. the great seal of England. broadside ('sid), n. the entire side of a ship above the water-line ; a simultaneous volley from one side of a warship ; a sheet printed on one side, and containing information of a popular character, or an attack on some public person. broadsword ('sord), n. a cutting sword with a broad blade. broaden (brawd'n), v.i. to grow broad : v.t. to make broad or com- prehensive. Brobdingnagian (brob'ding-nag'i- an), adj. resembling an inhabitant of the fabled country of Brobding- nag in Swift's "Gulliver's Travels," hence, gigantic : n. a giant. brocade (bro-kad'), n. a silk stuff variegated with gold and silver flow- ers, &c. brocatelle (brok'a-tel), n. a beauti- fully variegated marble obtained ate, arm, ask, at, awl; m6, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. bro 141 "bro' from Italy and Spain ; a figured fab- ric of silky texture. broccoli (brok'o-li), n. a variety of cabbage. brocb. (brok), n. a prehistoric roof- less round tower, with massive walls of unhewn stone: found chiefly in Scotland. brochure (bro-shoor'), n. a pamphlet dealing with a subject of passing interest. brock (brok), n. a badger. brogue (brog), n. a coarse, rough shoe ; a dialectic pronunciation. broil (broil), v.t. to cook upon a gridiron : v.i- to be subjected to . great heat ; to be heated with pas- sion: n. a noisy quarrel. brokage (bro'kaj), n. the premium or commission of a broker; broker- age. broke, p.t. & p.p. of break. broken (bro'kn), p.adj. not entire; in pieces ; rough ; hilly ; trans- gressed ; bankrupt ; crushed ; infirm ; imperfect ; interrupted. broker (bro'ker), n. one who acts as agent or middleman for another ; a dealer in second-hand furniture. brokerage (bro'ker-aj), n. the busi- ness of a broker; his fee or com- mission. broma (bro'ma), n. aliment; a light preparation of cocoa or chocolate. bromal (bro'mal), n. a colorless, oily fluid obtained by the action of bromine on alcohol. bromate (bro'mat), n. a salt of bromic acid. broiue-grass (brom'gras), n. a name for the oat-like grasses of the genus Bromus. bromic acid (bro'mik as'id), n. a compound of bromine and oxygen. bromide (bro'mid or 'mid), n. a com- pound of bromine. bromide of potassium (of po-tas'- i-um), n. a compound of bromine, used largely in medicine as a seda- tive. bromine (bro'min or 'mm), n. a non- metallic element related to chlorine and iodine. bromize (bro'miz), v.t. to prepare or trent with a bromide. bromocbloralum (bro-mo-klo'ri- lum), n. a disinfectant fluid, com- posed of the bromide and chloride of aluminium. bromogelatin (bro - mo-jel'a-tin) , adj. prepared from certain bromides, nitrate of silver, and gelatine, and used for the sensitive emulsions em- ployed for dry photographic plates, bronchi, n.; pi. of bronchus. bronchia (brong'ki-a), n.pl. the bronchial tubes. bronchitic (brong-kit'ik), adj. of or pertaining- to bronchitis. bronchitis (brong-ki'tis), n. an in- flammation, acute or chronic, of the mucous lining of the bronchial tubes. broncho (brong'ko), n. an unbroken Mexican or Californian horse. bronchopneumonia (brong-ko-nti- mo'ni-a), n. inflammation of the lungs and bronchi. bronchotomy (brong-kot'o-mi), n. the operation of making an incision into the windpipe or larynx to af= ford a passage for air to the lungs, bronchus (brong'kus), n. [pL bronchi ('ki) 1, one of the two prin= cipal branches of the windpipe or trachea. bronze (bronz), .n. an alloy of copper and tin, to which other metallic sub- stances are sometimes added ; a work of art cast or wrought in bronze ; a pigment used to imitate bronze; im- pudence : adj. made of or resembling bronze : v.t. to make of the color of bronze ; tan by exposure to the sun ; apply bronze pigment oir leaf to. Bronze Age (aj), n. the age succeed- ing the Stone Age, the ornaments and weapons of that period being made of bronze. bronzine (bronz'in), n. a metal re- sembling bronze. brooch (broch), n. an ornamental dress-clasp. brood (brood), n. offspring; a hatch; the young birds hatched at one time ? v.i. to sit on eggs, as a hen; linger over sorrowfully [with on or over} i v.t. to sit over, cover, and cherish ° ponder over. broody (brood'i), adj. inclined to sit 5' adapted for breeding. brook (brook), n. a small stream. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boo% book ; hue, hut ; think, then. liro 142 Iru 1>rook (brook), v,t, to bear; put up with. brooklet (brook'let), n, a small brook. broom (bro5m), n. a shrub, bearing large yellow flowers ; a besom or brush. brose (broz), n. a kind of porridge, made by pouring boiling water, or milk, or meat liquor, on oatmeal. broth, (broth), n. a kind of thin soup. brotbel (broth'el), n. a bouse of ill- fame. brother (bru;f^'er), n. [pi. brothers (-erz), & brethren (bre^Vren)], a male born of the same father and mother ; one closely united by a com- mon interest ; a member of a re- ligious order ; a fellow creature ; one who resembles another. brotber-german (-jer'man), n. a brother on both the father's and the mother's side. brotber-im-law (-in-law), n. the brother of one's husband or wife ; sister's husband. Brother JoxLatban (jon'a-then), n. a humorous personification of the United States. brother-uterine (-u'ter-in), n. one born of the same mother, but of a different father. brotherhood (bruf^'er-hood), n. the state or quality of being a brother ; a fraternity. brotherly (bruf^'er-Ii), adj. as be- comes a brother ; affectionate. brougham (broo'am or broom), n. a close four-wheeled carriage for one or two horses. brought, p.t. & p.p. of bring. broxtr (brou), n. the arch of hair over the eye ; the forehead ; the general aspect of the countenance ; the edge of a steep place; the upper portion of a hill. l>rowbeat (brou'bet) , v.t. [p.t. brow- beat, p.p. browbeaten, p.pr. brow- beating], to depress or bear down arrogantly ; bully. bro-wn (broun), adj. of a dusky or dark color : n. a dark color, inclined to red or yellow ; a halfpenny : v.i. to become brown : v.t. to make brown. brownie (brou'ni), n. a beneficent spirit supposed to haunt old farm- houses [Scotch], browse (brouz), n. the tender shoots J or twigs of shrubs and trees : v.t. to feed on ; pasture on ; graze : said of cattle, deer, &c. bruin (broo'in), n. the brown bear. bruise (brooz), n. an injury to the flesh of an animal or to a plant or other body, caused by a blow: v.t. to injure, crush, or indent by a blow or pressure without laceration ; con- tuse ; bray, as drugs, &c. : v.i. to fight with the fists ; box, bruit (broot), n. report; rumor; fame : v.t. to report ; noise abroad. brumal (broo'mal), adj. pertaining to winter ; foggy ; misty. brummagem (brum'ma-jem), adj. sham; counterfeit; showy, but worthless. brunette (broo-nef), n. a woman with a brown or dark complexion, usually with dark hair and eyes: adj. having such a color, brunt (brunt), n. a violent shock; a furious onslaught; a brief and sud- den effort. brusb (brush), n. a thicket of small trees; the small trees and shrubs of a wood ; an instrument composed of bristles, &c., used for cleaning, ap- plying paint, &c, ; the brushy tail of a fox ; a slight encounter ; a brushing; thin metallic plates or flexible wires bound together, em- ployed to conduct a current to or from an electric motor, &c. ; a brief trial of speed : v.t. to sweep, cleanse, or rub with a brush ; touch lightly in passing; renovate; ruffle [with upl : v.i. to move with haste; skim over with a light touch. brush-xrheel ('hwel), n. a tooth- less wheel used to turn a similar wheel by means of bristles, leather. Cloth, &c., attached to the circum- ference ; a circular wheel for polish- ing, used on a lathe, , brushwood (brush'wood), n. rough, close bushes ; a thicket ; a coppice ; small wood, suitable for the fire, brusque (brusk), adj. abrupt in man- ner. Brussels-carpet (brus'elz-kar'pet) , n. a strong kind of woolen carpet. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. l>ru 143 bu« Brussels-lace (-las), n. various kinds of expensive lace made origi- nally at Brussels. Brussels-sprouts (-sproutz), n.pl. a variety of the common cabbage. brutal (broo'tal), adj. pertaining to or resembling a brute ; savage ; cruel. brutality (broo-tal'i-ti), n. the qual- ity of being brutal ; pitiless cruelty. brutalize (broo'tal-iz), v.t, to make brutal ; sensualize. brutally (broo'tal-i), adv. in a cruel or brutal manner ; inhumanly. brute (broot), adj. without reason or intelligence ; rough ; brutal ; un- civilized : n. a beast ; an irrational, irresponsible animal [ a brutal per- son. brutify (broo'ti-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. brutified, p.pr. brutifying], to make like a brute; degrade morally or physically. brutish (broot'ish), adj. pertaining to, or resembling, a brute ; savage ; sensuous. bub (bub), n. a boy. Also bubby. bubble (bub'l), n. a small bladder of water or other fluid filled with air or gas; anything unreal or unsub- stantial ; a swindling speculation : v.i. to rise in bubbles ; run with a gurgling sound ; v.t. to cause to bub- ble; cheat. bubo (bu'bo), n. [pi. buboes ('boz)], an inflammatory swelling in the groin or armpit. bubonocele (bti-bon'o-sel), n. rup- ture or hernia in the groin. buccal (buk'al), adj. pertaining to the cheek. buccaneer (buk-a-ner'), n. a pirate; a sea-robber ; one of the piratical ad- venturers who, during a part of the 17th century, made depredations on the Spaniards in America : v.i. act the part of a buccaneer. buccinator (buk'si-na-ter), n. a muscle of the cheek called the trum- peter's muscle from its use in blow- ing wind-instruments. bnccinum (buk'sin-um), n. the genus of mollusks to which the whelk be- longs. bucentaur (bti-sen'tawr) , n. a fabu- lous monster, half man and half bull ; the state barge of Venice used by the doge in the annual ceremony of espousing the Adriatic. bucbu (bti'ku), n. the name of cer- tain species of Barosma, employed as a medicine. buck (buk), v.t. to break or pulver- ize, as ore. buck (buk), n. the male of the fal- low-deer, goat, rabbit, hare, &c. ; a gay fellow; a fop; a male Indiaa or negro. buck-eye ('i), n. a name of the American horse-chestnut. buck-bound ('hound), n. a stag- hound. buck- jumper ('jump'er), n. a vi- cious untrained horse that en« deavors to throw the rider by arch«> ing its back and drawing its feet together. buck-sbot ('shot), shot of a large size. buck-wbeat ('hwet), n. a plant cul« tivated for its triangular seeds, which are ground into meal and used for food. bucket (buk'et), n. a vessel for draw- ing or holding water ; the scoop of a dredging-machine or of a grain elevator ; a receptacle on a water- wheel which receives the force of the water. bucket-sbop (-shop), n. an office for gambling in stocks, grain, &c. in small amounts. buckle (buk'l), n. a metal clasp con- sisting of a frame with movable tongue or catch, used for securing straps, bands, &c. : v.t. to fasten with a buckle; twist, bend; confine, join ; to prepare for action : v.i, to curl ; apply one's self with vigor [with to]. buckle (buk'l), n. a bend, or kink, as in a blade ; a curl of hair ; the condition of being curled, as hair. buckler (buk'ler), n. a kind of an cient shield. buckra (buk'ra), n. Negro term for a white man. buckram (buk'ram), n. coarse linen cloth stiffened with dressing : adj. made of, or resembling, buckram hence, stiff; precise. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. j^uc 144 ^bui bucolic (bu-kol'ik), adj. pastoral: n. a pastoral poem ; a rustic. bud (bud), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. hndded, p.pr. budding], to graft: v.t. to put forth or produce buds ; begin to grow : n. the rudimentary, unde- veloped stage of a branch, leaf, or flower ; a gemmule. Buddhist (bood'ist), ii. one who ac- cepts the doctrines of Buddhism : adj. pertaining to Buddha or Bud- dhism. '^udge (buj), v.i. to move from one's position : v.t. change the position of. budge (buj), qi. lambskin dressed with the wool outwards. budget (buj'et), n. sl bag with its contents : hence a stock or store ; the annual financial statement of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. budlet (bud'let), n. a small bud. buff (buf), n. a thick leather pre- pared from the skin of the buffalo, ox, &c., dressed with oil ; a light yellow ; the bare skin : adj. made of buff-leather ; buff-colored. buffalo (buf'a-lo), n. [pi. buffaloes (-loz)], a ruminant mammal of the ox family; a name given to various wild oxen, especially to the North American bison. 'Buffalo-bird (-herd), n. bird which perches on the buffalo to catch parasites. buffer (buf'er), n. any contrivance which serves to deaden the concus- sion caused by the impact of two bodies ; a good-tempered, somewhat foolish person. ibuffet (buf'et), n. a blow with the hand : v.t. to strike with the hand ; box ; beat ; contend against : v.i. to exercise or contend with blows ; struggle. buffet (buf'et & boo-fa'), n. a cup- board or sideboard ; a counter for refreshments. Iduffe (boof'o), n. the comic actor in an opera : adj. comic ; burlesque. liiuffoon (buf-oon'), n. one who amuses others by low jests, ancles, odd gestures, &c. buffoonery (buf-oon'er-i) , n. [pi. buffooneries (-iz)], the arts and practices of a buffoon ; vulgar tricks and postures. buffy (buf'i), adj. buff-colored. bug (bug), n. name in England for the bedbug; an insect. bugaboo (bug'a-boo), n. sl bugbear. bugbear (bug'bar), n. a frightful ob- ject ; a vain terror. buggy (bug'i), n. a light four-wheeled carriage drawn by one horse. bugle (bti'gl), n. a hunting horn; a military wind-instrument. bugle (bu'gl), n. an elongated glass bead. bubl (btil), n. decorative inlaying for cabinet-work, consisting of brass or other metal, tortoise-shell, &c., worked into scrolls or other pat- terns ; the articles so ornamented. build (bild), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. built, builded, p.pr. building], to con- struct ; erect, as a house ; form by art ; raise anything on a support or foundation ; establish : v.i. to con- struct an edifice ; depend, base, or reckon [with on or tipon] : n. mode or style of construction. building (bild'ing), n. the act of con- structing, raising, or establishing ; an edifice. bulb (bulb), n. an onion-shaped root; a kind of leaf bud ; any protuberance or expansion on a stem or tube : v.i. to project as a bulb [with out]. bulbiferous (bul-bif'er-us) , adj. pro- ducing bulbs. bulbous (bul'bus), adj. pertaining to or resembling a bulb. bulbul (bool'bool), n. the Persian nightingale. bulbule (bulb'ul), n. a little bulb; a bulbler. bulge (bulj), n. the bilge or widest part of a cask ; a bending outwards ; the bilge of a ship : v.i. to jut out ; be protuberant. bulk (bulk), n. magnitude or size; complete dimensions ; the main mass or body ; the cargo of a ship when stowed ; volume : v.i. to increase in size ; swell out. bulk-bead (-hed), n. a partition in a vessel which separates one part of it from another. bulky (bul'ki), adj. of great size or bulk. bulkiuess (-nes), «. greatness in bulk. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 0nl 145 bus bull (bool), n. the male of any bovine mammal ; the male of various large animals, as the whale, elephant, &c. ; one who endeavors to raise the price of stock in order that he may sell dear : the opposite of a bear : adj. male, or of large size [in composi- tion] : v.t. to endeavor to raise the market value of. bull (bool), n. a papal letter, edict, or rescript, having a leaden seal (bulla) affixed to it. bull (bool), n. a ludicrous inconsis- tency in language. bull-baiting (bool'bat-ing), n. the sport of baiting or attacking bulls with dogs. bull-calf (bool'kaf), n. a male calf. bulldog (bool'dog), n. a variety of dog of strong muscular build, and remarkable for its courage and feroc- ity, formerly used for baiting bulls : pL a pair of pistols ; a proctor's at- tendant : adj. characterized by the courage of a bulldog, as bulldog tenacity. bullet (bool'et), n. a small ball or projectile. bulletin (bool'e-tin), n. an official report regarding some matter or event of public interest ;• a periodic- al publication : v.t. to publish or an- nounce by bulletin. bull-figbt (bool'flt), n. a combat be- tween armed men and a bull. bull-lincli (boorfinch), n. a common British song bird. bull-frog (boorfrog), n. a large North American species of frog abounding in marshy places, re- markable for its loud, bellowing croak. bullbead (bool'hed), n. a broad- headed scaleless fish of North Amer- ica ; catfish. bullion (bool'yun), n. uncoined gold or silver ; foreign coin ; a heavy twisted fringe covered with fine gold- or silver-wire. bullionist (bool'yun-ist), n. an ad- vocate for an exclusive metallic cur- rency, or a metallic currency com- bined with convertible paper. bullock (bool'ok), n. an ox or cas- trated bull ; a full-grown steer. bull's-eye (boolz'i), n. a boss of glass ; a sweet-meat ; any circular . opening for light or air ; a small ob- scure cloud, with a ruddy center ; a lantern with a convex lens ; a plano- convex lens for concentrating the light, attached to a microscope ; the center of a target ; a shot that hits the bull's-eye. bull-terrier (boorter'i-er), n. a cross-breed between the bulldog and the terrier. bully (bool'i), n. [pi. bullies ('iz)]j one who domineers by insolence or threats : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. bullied, p, pr. bullying], to overbear with bluster and menaces : v.i. to be in- solently noisy and quarrelsome. bulrush (bool'rush), n. sl rush-like aquatic plant. bulse (buls), n. a bag or purse used in the East Indies to carry or meas- ure valuables ; a packet of diamonds or gold dust. bulwark (bool'werk), n. a rampart; a fortification; the boarding round the sides of a ship, above the level of the deck ; any means of protec- tion or defense. bumble-bee (bum'bl-be), n. a large bee. bumboat (bum'bot), n. sl boat u«pd for the conveyance of provisioiis, fruit, &c., for sale to vessels lying off the shore. bummer (bum'er), n. a loafing fel- low who sponges on others ; a low politician. bump (bump), n. a shock from a blow ; a swelling protuberance ; the striking of a boat by the prow of another following it in college boat- races : v.t. to bring in violent con- tact ; thump: v.i. to com© in colli- sion ; strike heavily. bumper (bump'er), n. an overflowing cup. bumpkin (bump'kin), n. an awk- ward, clumsy, rustic ; a country lout. bumptious (bump'shus), adj. self- assertive. bun (bun), n. a small light cake. bunck (bunch), n. a cluster; a col- lection of things of the same kind growing or fastened together ; a tuft ; a small mass of ore : v.i. to swell out ; cluster : v.t. to form inte ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; nOte, nOrth, not; b55n, book; hue, hat; think, tbea. iyan 146 liur a bunch; to present (a lady) with a bouquet. bunchiness (-nes), the state of being bunchy. bunchy (bunch'i), adj. gathered into a bunch. bunco (bung'ko), n, a confidence game. buncombe or bunkum (bung'kum), n. idle or showy speech, especially if intended to secure votes or satisfy one's constituents. bund (bund), n. an embankment to protect the land against inundation. bundesrath (boon'des-rat), n. the federal council of the German Em- pire ; bund. bundle (bun'dl), n. a number of things bound together ; a roll or package ; two reams of printing or brown paper : v.t. to tie or bind in a bundle or roll ; to dismiss uncere- moniously [with off or ouf] : v.i. to depart without ceremony [with off]. bung (bung), n. a large cork for stop- ping the hole in a cask ; a publican : v.t. to stop with a bung ; close or shut up. bungalow (bung'ga-lo), n. a single- storied house, lightly built, and gen- erally surrounded by a veranda. bungle ( bung'gl ) , v.i. to botch ; man- age awkwardly : v.t. to perform clumsily : n. a clumsy performance ; a botch. bunion (bun'yun), n. a swelling on the foot, usually over the joint of the great toe. bunk (bungk), n. a box or recess serving for a sleeping-berth in a ves- sel, sleeping-car, &c. : v.i. to sleep in a bunk. bunker (bung'ker), n. a large bin or receptacle ; a sandhole on golf links. bunt (bunt), n. the middle part or belly of a square sail : v.i. to swell out : v.t. to haul up, as the middle part of a sail in furling. bunt (bunt), n. a species of fungus which produces the smut disease in wheat. bunting (bunt'ing), n. a bird allied to the finches and the sparrows ; a thin woolen stuff used for making flags ; flags collectively. buntline (bunt'lln), n„ one of the ropes attached to the foot-rope of a square sail to draw the sail up to the yard. buoy (boi), n. a floating body moored at a certain place to indicate the position of something beneath the water; a life-buoy: v.t. to keep afloat in a fluid [with up]; to mark with a buoy ; support. buoyage (boi'aj), n. buoys collec- tively. buoyancy (boi'an-si), n. relative lightness ; elasticity of spirits. w^ buoyant (boi'ant), adj. having the quality of floating in a fluid; not easily depressed. bur (ber), n. the rough prickly seed- case of certain plants; a partially burnt brick ; the guttural pronuncia- tion of the rough r; the rough ridges of metal left by the graver in cutting metal. burbot (ber'bot), n. the eel-pout. burden (ber'dn), n. that which is borne or carried ; a load ; something grievous, wearisome or oppressive; a ship's capacity for carrying a cargo; a chorus or refrain; a topic on which one dwells: v.t. to load; lay a weight upon. burdock (ber'dok), n. a large way- side weed with rough broad leaves. bureau (bu ro)_, n. [pi. bureaus or bureaux ('roz)], a desk or writ- ing-table furnished with drawers: an ofiice ; a governmental depart- ment for the transaction of public business. bureaucracy (bti-ro'kra-si), n. the system of centralized government by means of bureaus or departments ; the officials administering such bu- reaus, as a body. bureaucrat (bu'ro-krat), n. an ad- vocate or supporter of bureaucracy, burg (berg), n. a borough. burgess (ber'jes), n. a citizen or free- man of a borough. burgher (ber'ger), n. a citizen or freeman of a burg or borough. burglar (berg'lar), n. one who breaks into a house at night with intent to commit a felony. burglarious (berg-la'ri-us), adj. per- taining to, or constituting, burglary. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon^ book; hue, hut; think, then. bur 147 bus burglary (bgi^'la-ri), w. the act or crime of breaking into a house at night with intent to commit a fel- ony. burgomaster (ber'go-mas-ter), n. the chief magistrate of a municipal town in Holland, Flanders, and Ger- many. burgundy (ber'gun-di), n. a wine, red and white, made in Burgundy in France. fourfi:&...ndy-pitcL. (-'pitch), «. spruce- 1 fir resin. burial (ber'i-al), w. the act of bury- ing. burin (bu'rin), w. a cutting tool. burl (berl), n. a small knot or lump in thread or cloth ; a knot in wood : v.t. to pick knots, &c., from, as in finishing cloth. burlap (ber'lap), n. a coarse fabric made of jute, hemp, &c., used for bagging or in upholstery [commonly in the pl.^. burlesque (ber-lesk'), adj. tending to excite laughter by extravagant con- trast or caricature : n. a ludicrous, grotesque representation ; a literary composition or dramatic piece com- posed in burlesque style : v.t. to ridi- cule or make ridiculous by carica- tured representation; travesty; par- ody. burletta (ber-let'a), w. a comic opera ; a musical farce. burliness (-nes), n. the quality of being burly. burly (ber'li), adj, bulky; large; cor- pulent. Burmese (ber'mez), adj, pertaining to Burma. burn(bern), v.t. Ip.t. burnt & burned, p.pf. burning], to consume or in- yare with fire; reduce to ashes; scorch ; expose to the action of fire ; produce by means of fire ; affect with a burning sensation ; cauterize : v.i. to be on fire ; suffer from or be in- jured by excess of heat ; glow ; shine ; be inflamed with passion or desire : n. an injury to the flesh caused by fire. burn (bern), n, a rivnlet; a brook. burner (ber'ner), n. one who burns or sets fire to anything; the part of a lamp or gas fixture from whicli the flame issues. burning-glass (-gl^s), n, a double- convex lens used to focus the rays of the sun upon combustible sub- stances to ignite them. burnish, (ber'nish), v.t. polish by friction ; make smooth and lustrous J n. polish ; gloss ; brightness. burnt offering (of'er-ing), n. some- thing offered and burnt upon an altar as a sacrifice or an atonement for sin. burro-w (bur'o), n. a bole in the ground excavated by a rabbit or other animal, as a refuge and habita- tion : v.i. to excavate ; work a way into or under something; lodge in a deep or concealed place; hide. burry (bur'i), adj. full of burs; rough. bursa (ber'sa), n. a sac or sac-like cavity. bursar (ber'ser), n. the treasurer of a college ; a university- student who receives an allowance for his sup- port. bursary (ber'ser-i), n. the treasury of a college or monastery; the al- lowance paid to a student in a Scot- tish university. burst (berst), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. burst, p.pr. bursting], to rend or break open with violence ; yield to internal force or pressure ; explode ; give way under excess of grief or pain ; ap- pear or disappear suddenly : v.t. to rend or break by violence ; open sud- denly : n. a violent or sudden break- ing forth ; a sudden explosion ; a rush ; a strenuous effort ; a spurt. bury (ber'i), n. a manor-house; a borough. bury (ber'i), iP.t. [p.t. & p.p. buried, p.pr. burying], to deposit and cover in a grave or tomb, or in any final resting-place ; entomb ; keep secret ; hide. burying (ber'i-ing), n. burial (John xii. 7). bus (bus), n. sl shortened form of omnibus. bush (boosh), n. a thick shrub; st forest region; wild, uncleared coun- try ; the tail or brush of a fox ; a branch of a tree formerly hung out ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boo% book; hue, hut; think, then» "bus 148 but as a tavern sign : vA. to grow thick or bushj : v.t. to set bushes about ; use a bush-harrow on. t}ti.sli (boosh), n. a lining or tube of hard metal inserted in an orifice, to reduce wear by friction : v.t» to fur- nish with a bush. Businnan (boosh'man), n. [pi. bush- men ('men)], one of a tribe of ab- originals near the Cape of Good Hope ; a Bosjesman. Iiusliraiiger (boosh'ranj-er), n. one who leads a predatory life in the bush country ; originally a criminal who escaped and lived a lawless life in the bush. busli-wliacker (boosh'hwak-er), n. a back-woodsman ; an implement for cutting brushwood. busliel (boosh'el), n. a dry measure containing eight gallons or four pecks ; a vessel of such a capacity ; a large quantity. Iiushiness (-nes), n. the quality of being bushy. bushy (boosh'i), adj. thick and spreading like a bush; overgrown with shrubs. busily (biz'i-li), adv. in a busy man- ner. business (biz'nes), n. employment; trade ; profession ; something to be transacted or required to be done ; right of action ; affair ; matter : adj. pertaining to business ; practical. busk (busk), n. a strip of flexible ma- terial worn in the front of corsets. buskin (bus'kin), n. kind of half -boot or high shoe reaching to the middle of the calf; a high shoe (cothurnus) worn by ancient actors in tragedy to increase their height. buss (bus), n. a small two-masted vessel used in herring fishing. bust (bust), n. the chest or thorax; the head, shoulders, and breast of a person represented in sculpture. bustard (bus'terd), n. a bird of the genus Otis, of which there are many species, as the great bustard of Europe and Africa. bustle (bus'l), v.i. to be busy, with a certain amount of noise ; move quickly : n. tumult ; noisy activity ; a pad or cushion worn by women beneath the skirt. busy (biz'i), adj. earnestly or closely employed ; bustling ; diligent ; of- ficious ; meddlesome : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. busied, p.pr. busying], to keep constantly engaged; occupy one's self actively. busybody (biz'i-bod-i), n. [pi. busy- bodies (-iz)], a meddling, officious person. butcher (booch'er), n. one who slaughters animals for food ; one who delights in slaughter : v.t. to slaughter for food ; to murder in a barbarous manner. butcker-bird (herd), n. a name given to various shrikes, from their habit of suspending their slaughtered prey upon thorns. butchery (booch'er-i), n. the busi- ness of slaughtering cattle; bar- barous murder. butler (but'ler), n. a manservant in a household who has the care of the plate, wines, &c. ; the chief servant in a large household. butt (but), n. a push or thrust de- livered by the head of an animal ; a thrust in fencing : v.t. to strike by thrusting the head against. butt (but), n. the extremity of a thing ; the thicker end of anything ; a target ; a rifle or gunnery range ; a goal ; a limit ; the thickest part of tanned ox-hides; an object of ridi- cule. butt (but), n. a large cask of 117 gals, of Lisbon wine, or 108 gals, of beer. butte (but), n. an abrupt isolated hill or ridge. butter (but'er), n. an oily, unctuous substance obtained from cream or milk by churning ; any substance of butter-like consistence ; gross flat- tery : v.t. to spread or smear with butter ; to flatter grossly. ^ butter-bird (-herd), n. the rice-bunt-' ing. buttercup (-kup), n. a plant bearing yellow cup-shaped flowers. butter-fingers (-fing'gerz), n.pl, one who lets a ball slip through his fingers. butterfly (but'er-fli), n. [pi. butter- flies (-fliz) ], a general name for any species of diurnal lepidopterous in- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Imt 149 bya sects; a gay, showily-dressed, tri- fling person. bntterine (-in), h. an imitation but- ter. buttermilk (but'er-milk), n. whey separated from the cream in butter- making. butternut (but'er-nut), n. the fruit of a North American tree allied to the walnut. buttery (but'er-i), n, [pi. butteries (-iz)], an apartment in which pro- visions, wines, &c., are kept ; a room in some colleges where liquors and provisions are kept for sale. butting (but'ing), n. an abuttal; a boundary. buttock (but'ok), n. the rump or pro- tuberant hinder part of a man or animal [used usually in the pi.'] ; the convex part of a ship under the stern. button (but'n), n. any small rounded object used to secure different parts of a garment, or attached for orna- ment ; something resembling a but- ton ; the knob at the end of a foil ; a ball of gold, «&c., worn on the hats of Chinese officials to indicate their rank : pi. young mushrooms ; a page boy : v.t. to fasten or furnish with buttons. buttonliole (but'n-hol), n. a small bouquet worn in the coat : v.t. to de- tain in conversation against the will ; bore. buttonwood (-wood), n. the plane- tree. buttress (but'res), n. masonry or brickwork built on to an outside wall to afford support ; a support : v.t. to support by a buttress; prop. butyrate (bti'ti-rat), n. a salt of butyric acid. butyric (bu-tir'ik), 0(f/. pertaining to or derived from butter. butyric acid (as'id), n, a colorless liquid obtained from butter : it is present also in cod-liver oil and in sweat glands. buxom (buk'sum), adj. cheerful; jol- ly ; robust ; plump and comely. buy (bi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. bought, p.pr. buying], to acquire by paying an agreed price ; purchase ; bribe. buyer's option (bi'erz op'shun), n. a purchaser's privilege of taking an agreed amount of stock within a cer- tain period. buzz (buz), n. a continuous humming noise, as of bees ; a confused or blended murmur, as of many voices ; a whispered report or rumor : v.i. to make a low humming sound ; speak with a low humming voice : v.t, spread secretly. buzz-sa-w (-saw), n. a circular saw. buzzard (buz'erd), n. the name of several species of hawks; a stupid, dull fellow. buzzingly (-li), adv. with a hum- ming sound. bye (bi), n. a run scored at cricket when the ball passes the wicket keeper and long-stop, and has not been struck by the batsman ; a goal at football. by-lavr (-law), n. a private law or statute framed by a corporate body. by-word (bi'werd), n. a proverb; nickname; an object of derision. Byzantine (biz-an'tin), adj. of, or pertaining to, Byzantium (Constan- tinople), the ancient capital of the Eastern Roman Empire. "^ ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, ^ book; hiie, hut; think, it/ien. 8ab (kab), n. a public carriage with four or two wheels, drawn by one horse ; the shelter for the driver of a locomotive : v.t. ip.t. & p.p. cabbed, p.pr. cabbing], to pass over in a cab : as, to cab the distance. cabal (ka-bal'), n. a secret combina- tion of a few persons for carrying out some specific design ; an in- trigue : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. caballed, p.pr. caballing], to unite in secret with others to effect some design. cabala (kab'a-la), n. a secret science of the Jewish rabbins to interpret the hidden meaning of the Penta- teuch ; esoteric doctrine. cabalism (kab-al'izm), n. occult doc- trine. cabalist (kab'al-ist), n. one versed in the Jewish cabala ; an occultist. caballero (ka-ba-la'ro), n. a Spanish knight or gentleman; a stately Spanish dance. cabaret (kab'a-ret), n. originally an ale house or tavern; now, a place of refreshment where dancing and sing- ing are provided. cabbage (kab'aj), n, a well-known vegetable; v. t. to appropriate to one's own use. cabega (ka-ba'sa), n. the finest qual- ity of Indian silk. cabin (kab'in), n. a small hut, cot- tage, or room ; a room in a ship for officers or passengers : v.t. to confine in a cabin : v.i. to live in a cabin, cabinet (kab'in-et), n. a small apart- ment ; a private room ; a piece of furniture to hold objects of vertu, &c. ; a cabinet photograph ; a delib- erative committee of the principal members of the Ministry. cabinet picture (pik'tur\, n. a val- uable picture of small dimensions. cable (ka'bl), n. a large strong rope or chain ; a submarine telegraph line ; a molding resembling a cable ; a measure of distance = 100 to 140 fathoms : v.t. to fasten with a cable ; transmit by telegraph cable. cablegram (ka'bl-gram), n. a mes- sage sent by a submarine cable. cabocbon (kab'oo-shon), n. a pre- cious stone polished but not faceted. caboose (ka-bo6s'), n. a ship's galley or kitchen ; the trainmen's car at- tached to a freight-train. cabriolet ( kab-ri-o-la' ) , n. a covered carriage with two or four wheels drawn by one horse. cacaine (ka-ka'in), n. the essential principle of cario. cacao (ka-ka'o), n. a small evergreen tree of tropical America and West Indies, from the seeds of which cocoa and chocolate are prepared. cacbe (kash), n. a place of conceal- ment for food for future use : v.t. to hide (piOvisions) in the ground. cacbelot (kash'a-lot & -15'), n. the sperm whale, which yields sperma- ceti. cacbet (ka-sha'), n. a seal. cacbinnation (kak-i-na'shun), n, loud or unrestrained laughter. cacbolong (kash'o-long), n. a milk or greyish-white variety of opal ; pearl opal. cacbou (ka-shoo'), w. a pill for sweet- ening the breath. caciqne (ka-sek'), n. the name or title of the aboriginal chiefs of the West Indies and some parts of South America. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 150 eac 151 eal cackle (kak'l), v.i. to cry like a hen or goose : specifically used of the cry made by a hen which has laid an egg ; giggle ; prattle : n. the cry of a hen or goose ; silly talk. cacophonous (ka-kof'o-nus), adj. discordant. cactus (kak'tus), n. [pi. cacti ('ti) & cactuses (-eL,)], a spiny fleshy plant with showy flowers. cad (kad), n. a vulgar, ill-bred fel- low ; an omnibus conductor. cadaver (ka-da'ver), n. a dead body; a corpse. cadaverous (ka-dav'er-us), adj. r(i- sembling a corpse ; pale ; ghastly. caddie (kad'i), n, a lad who carries golf clubs. caddis (kad'is), n. the larva of the caddis-fly. caddy (kad'i), n. Ipl. caddies ('iz)], a small box for keeping tea. cade (kad), n. a barrel or cask of 500 herrings, or 1,000 sprats. cadence (ka'dens), n. the full modu- lation of the voice in reading or speaking ; rhythm ; a musical run or trill. cadenza (ka-den'za), n. a vocal or instrumental flourish. cadet (ka-det'), n. a younger son; student in a naval or military acad- emy. cadi (ka'di), n. a Mahommedan judge. Cadmean (kad-me'an), adj. of or be- longing to Cadmus ; Theban. cadmium (kad'mi-um), n. a bluish- white ductile metal, resembling tin. caducean (ka-du'se-an), a n. a Canadian. Also Kanuck. canvas (kan'vas), n. a coarse heavy cloth of hemp or flax, used for tents, sails, &c., and also for painting on ; sails in general ; a painting : adj. made of canvas. canvas-back (-bak), n. a North American duck, esteemed for the delicacy of its flesh. cazivass (kan'vas), v.t. to examine; sift ; discuss ; solicit ^^otes or opin- ions : v.i. to traverse a district for the purpose of soliciting votes, in- terest> orders, &c. : n. a close inspec- tion or scrutiny ; discussion ; a so- licitation of votes, interest, orders, &c. ©any (ka'ni), adj. consisting of cane; full of canes. canyon (kan'yun). Same as caSon. canzona (kan-tzo'na) or canzone ('ne), n. a song or air somewhat resembling the madrigal ; an instru- mental piece in the style of a mad- rigal. canzonet (kan-tso-net')* w. a short song. caontckin or caoutckine (koo'- chin), n. an inflammable volatile oil distilled from caoutchouc. caoutckonc (koo'chook), n. an elas- tic gummy substance obtained from the milky juice of several tropical trees, and much used in the indus- trial arts; india-rubber. cap (kap), n. a covering for the head, usually without a brim; anything resembling a cap ; a percussion cap ; the top or summit ; a particular size of writing-paper : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. capped, p.pr. capping], to put a cap on ; cover with, or as with, a cap ; cover the top end of ; com- plete; crown; place a cap on the head when conferring a university degree. capability (ka-pa-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being capable : pi. intel« lectual attainments. capable (ka'pa-bl), adj. receptive; susceptible ; having power, skill, or capacity ; competent ; legally quali- fied. capacious (ka-pa'shus), adj. roomy; spacious. capacitate (ka-pas'i-tat), v.t. to make capable ; enablej qualify. capacity (ka-pas'i-ti), n. [pi. ca- pacities (-tiz)], the power of re- ceiving or containing ; the power of containing a certain quantity ex- actly ; cubic contents ; intellectual ability ; legal qualification ; profes- sion ; function ; position. cap-a-pie (kap-a-pe'), adv. from head to foot. caparison (ka-par'i-son), n. an or- namental covering for a horse ; gay or rich clothing : v.t. to cover with rich clothing, as a horse ; adorn with rich dress. cape (kap), n. a covering for the shoulders, worn separately or at- tached ; a headland. caper (ka'per), v.i. to ^kip ; jump r n. a frolicsome leap oi spring ; a skip ; a prank. caper (ka'per), n. a plant, the flower- buds of which are pickled and used as a condiment under the name of capers. capful (kap'fool), n. as much as fllls a cap ; a small quantity ; a passing gust. capias (ka'pi-as), n. a writ author- izing the arrest of the person named in it. capillarity (kap-i-lar'i-ti), n. the state of being capillary ; capillary attraction. capillary (kap'il-a-ri & ka-pil'a-ri), adj. resembling a hair ; minute ; slender ; possessing ta very small bore ; pertaining to the capillary vessels of the body : n. a tube with a small bore : pi. one of the minute blood-vessels connecting the arteries with the veins. capillary attraction (a-trak'shun ) , n. the power possessed by porous bodies of drawing up a fluid. capilliform ( ka-pil'i-f orm ) , adj. having the form of a hair. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boonr book; hue, hut; think, then. eap 159 ca^ capital (kap'i-tal), adj. affecting the head or life ; punishable with death ; first in importance ; chief ; princi- pal, good, excellent ; first-rate : n. the chief city or town in a kingdom or state; a capital letter. capital (kap'i-tal), n. the sum in- vested in any particular business ; stock in trade ; stock or resources of any kind, moral or physical ; that part of wealth which is saved and is available for, or employed in, future production ; the head or top of a column, pilaster, or pillar. capitalism (kap'it-al-izm), n. the possession of capital, especially its concentration in the hands of a few ; the power of combined capital. capitalist (kap'i-tal-ist), n, one who possesses capital. capitalization ( kap-i-tal-iz-ii'shun ) , n. the act of capitalizing. capitalize (kap'i-tal-iz), v.t. to con- vert into capital ; compute or real- ize the present value of in money, as a periodical payment ; print with a capital. capitally (-li), adv. in a manner in- volving the forfeiture of life ; in an excellent manner. capitate (kap'i-tat), adj. growing in a head. capitation (kap-i-ta'shun), n. a tax, fee, or grant per head. Capitol (kap'i-tul), n. the temple of Jupiter at Rome, situated on the S.W. summit of the Capitoline Hill ; the building occupied by the United States Congress at Wash- ington ; the Senate-house of a State. capitular (ka-pit'ti-lar) or capitu- lary (-lar-i), adj. pertaining to a chapter ; growing in a head : n. a statute passed in a chapter, as of knights or canons : pi. the body of statutes of a chapter or of an ec- clesiastical council ; a member of a chapter. capitulate (ka-pit'u-lat), v.i. to sur- render to an enemy on conditions agreed upon. capitulation (ka-pit-ti-la'shun), n. the act of capitulating; the instru- ment containing the terms of sur- render. capitulator (ka-pit'u-la-ter), w. one who capitulates. caplin (kap'lin), n. a small fish of the smelt family, largely used as bait forcod. capon (ka'pon), n. a castrated cock; a cock-chicken castrated for the purpose of improving the flesh for table. caponiere or caponniere (kap-o- ner'), n. a covered lodgment; a pas- sage from one part of a defensive work to another, protected by a par- apet. capote (ka-pot'), n. a kind of long coarse cloak ; a long mantle for women. caponch (ka-poosh'), n. a monk's hood or cowl ; the hood of a cloak. capric (kap'rik), adj. pertaining to a goat. capric acid (as'id*), n. an acid found in the butter of cow's and goat's milk, cocoanut-oil, &c., united with glycerine, and having a smell like that of a goat. caprice (ka-pres'), n. a sudden im- pulse of the mind ; a whim ; a freak. capricious (ka-prish'us), adj. char- acterized by caprice ; unsteady ; fickle. capriform (kap'ri-f6rm), adj. hav- ing the form of a goat. caprin (kap'rin), n. a substance in butter giving to it its characteristic taste and smell. caprine (kap'rin), adj. pertaining to, or resembling, a goat. capriole (kap'ri-ol), n. a leap of a horse made without advancing : v.i. to execute a capriole. capsicin or capsicine (kap'si-sin), n. an alkaloid extracted from sev- eral species of Capsicum. Capsicum (kap'si-kum), n. a genus of South American plants, the pods of several species of which are used as a condiment (chillies), and when dried and ground form cayenne pep- per. capsize (kap'siz), v.i. to be over- turned ; upset : v.t. to turn over or upset : n. an lapset or overturn. capstan (kap'stan), n. an upright drum or cylinder revolving upon a. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon,, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. »ap 160 spindle, and worked by bars or levers. capsular (kap'su-lar), adj. pertain- ing to, or of the nature of, a cap- sule. •capsulated (kap'su-lat-ed), adj. fur- nished with, or enclosed in, a cap- sule. capsule (kap'siil), w. a metallic seal or cover for a bottle ; a small en- velope of gelatine inclosing a nau- seous drug ; a seed-vessel or pod which at maturity opens by valves ; a small shallow vessel ; a membran- ous sac inclosing some part or or- gan. •captain, (kap'tan, or 'tin), n. one who has command of, or authority over, others ; a chief ; a commander ; in the army, the commander of a company ; in the navy, an officer commanding a ship of war ; the master of a merchant vessel ; the head of a team or side ; the chief boy in a school. •captaincy (kap'tan-si or 'tin-si), n. the rankj post, or commission of a captain. caption (kap'shun), n. a certificate of arrest. captious (kap'shus), adj. ready to catch at faults or take offense ; quibbling ; sophistical ; fitted to harass or perplex ; carping. captivate (kap'ti-vat), v.t. to en- slave or hold captive by beauty or excellence ; charm or lure ; fasci- nate. captivation (kap-ti-va'shun), n. the act of charming; the state of being charmed. captive (kap'tiv), adj. made pris- oner ; held in bondage ; fascinated ; of or pertaining to bondage : n. one who is taken prisoner, especially one so taken in war ; one held in bondage or fascinated. captivity (kap-tiv'i-ti), n. the state of being held in bondage or con- finement ; servitude ; imprisonment. captor (kap'ter), n. one who cap- tures or takes any person or thing by force or stratagem. capture (kap'tur), n. the act of seiz- ing or taking, as a prisoner or a prize ; arrest ; the thing taken : v.t. to take or seize by force, surprise, or stratagem ; make a prisoner or prize of. capuchin (kap'ti-shen or -oo-shen'), n. a Franciscan monk of the men- dicant order : so named from the long pointed cowl or capouch worn by the members ; a woman's cloak and hood. caput (kap'ut), n. [pi. capita ('i- ta)], the head. car (kar), n. a wheeled vehicle, espe- cially one having only two wheels ; a coach running upon rails ; the bas- ket suspended beneath a baljoon to contain the aeronaut ; a chariot of war or state. carack or carrack (kar'ak), n. a large round-built vessel formerly used by the Portuguese and Span- iards in the East Indian and Ameri- can trade. caracole (kar'a-kol), n. a half turn which a horseman makes, either to the right or left ; a spiral staircase. Also caracol : v.i. to move in a cara- cole ; wheel. caramel (kar'a-mel),n. burnt sugar, used for coloring spirits, gravies, soups, &c. ; a kind of sweetmeat. carapace (kar'a-pas), n. the upper shell of the tortoise, turtle, &c. ; the upper covering of the Crustacea. carat (kar'at), n. the weight of 3.17 grains, used for weighing precious stones and pearls ; a twenty-fourth part, a term used to express the fineness of gold used in jewelry; thus, gold 22 carats fine contains 22 parts of pure gold and 2 of alloy (copper or silver). Also spelled karat. caravan (kar'a-van or kar-a-van'), n. a company of travelers, mer- chants, or pilgrims, associated to- gether for mutual security, especial- ly when traveling through deserts or regions infested by robbers ; a large covered wagon or carriage for _ the conveyance of traveling exhibitions or passengers ; a van. caravaneer (kar-a-van-er'), n. one who leads the camels, &c., of a caravan. caravansary (kar-a-van'sa ri), n. [pi. caravansaries (-riz)], in the ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. tSLT 161 East, a kind of inn consisting of a large unfurnished building sur- rounding a spacious court, where caravans rest at night. Also cara- vanserai. caravel (kar'a-vel) or carvel (kar'- vel), n. a name given to several kinds of ships, as a small 16th cen- tury vessel, used by the Spaniards and Portuguese, with broad bows, narrow high poop, four masts, and lateen sails. caraway (kar'a-wa), n. a biennial plant with aromatic and pungent seeds, used medicinally and as a condiment. carbazotic (kar-ba-zot'ik), adj. per- taining to or composed of carbon and nitrogen. carbazotic acid (as'id), n. an acid obtained by the action of nitric acid on^ indigo and other vegetable and animal substances : used in dyeing. carbide (kar'bid), n. a compound of carbon with a metal : formerly called a carburet. carbide of calcium^ n. calcium carbide. carbine (kar'bin), n. a short rifle adapted to the use of cavalry. Also carabine. carbineer (kar-bi-ner'), n. a soldier armed with a carbine. Also cara- bineer. carbohydrate (kar-bo-hi'drat), n. one of a group of organic com- pounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. carbobydrous (kar-bo-hi'drus), adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, a carbohydrate. carbolated (kar'bo-la-ted), adj. im- pregnated or treated with carbolic acid. carbolic (kar-bol'ik), adj. pertaining to, or derived from, carbon or coal- tar. carbolic acid (as'id), n. an acid ob- tained from coal-tar by distillation : largely used as an antiseptic in sur- gery, and as a disinfectant. Also called phenic acid. carbolize (kar'bol-Tz), v.t. to treat or impregnate with carbolic acid. carbon (kar'bon), n. an elementary substance present in all organic compounds, and occurring in nature in two distinct forms, as the dia- mond and graphite. The action of heat on vegetable and animal tis- sues produces carbon in the form of charcoal, lampblack, coke, &c. : v.t^ to place carbons in (an arc-lamp). carbon-dioxide (-di'oks-id), n. car- bonic acid gas. carbon-light (-lit), n. a brilliant light produced by passing an elec- tric current through carbon-points. carbon-point (-point), n. the rod of an arc-lamp, moved forward by clockwork to maintain its position to another opposing rod as it is burned away. carbonaceous (kar-bo-na'shus), adj^ pertaining to, consisting of, or con- taining carbon. carbonate (kar'bon-at), n. a com- pound of carbonic acid with a base^ carbonated (kar'bon-a-ted), adj, combined, or impregnated, witb carbonic acid. carbonic (kar-bon'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or obtained from, carbon. carbonic acid (-as'id), n. (carbon- dioxide) a gaseous colorless com- pound of carbon and oxygen in th© proportion of 12 parts of carbon to 32 of oxygen. It is a heavy irre- spirable gas, and, acts as a narcotic poison. carbonif erons (kar-bo-nif 'er-us) ^ adj. containing or yielding carbon or coal. carbonization (kar-bo-ni-za'shun) ,. n. the process of carbonizing or- ganic substances. carbonize (kar'bo-niz), v.t. to con- vert into carbon by combustion, by the action of fire, or an acid. carboy (kar'boi), n. a large globular bottle of glass, protected by a bas- ket-work, used to contain or con-= vey corrosive acids. carbuncle (kar'bung-kl), n. a beau- tiful gem of a deep red color ; an in- flammatory tumor, boil, or ulcer. carbuncular (kar-bung'kti-ler), adj^ pertaining to, or resembling, a car- buncle ; red; inflamed. carburet, an old form of carbide. carburetted (kar'bu-ret-ed), p.adj„ ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon> book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ear 162 combined with carbon in the man- ner of a carbide. carbureter (kar-bu-ret'er), n. a. de- vice which mixes vaporized oil with air and feeds it to the cylinder of a gasoline engine. carcase or carcass (kar'kas), n.lpl. carcases (-ez)], the dead body of an animal ; a corpse ; the decaying re- mains of a bulky thing ; the frame- work or skeleton of a building, ship, &c. ; a perforated shell filled with combustibles, used to set fire to buildings, ships, &c. «arcel-laittp (kar'sel-lamp), n. a lamp, the oil in which is raised m^^- chanically : used in lighthouses, and as a table-lamp. carcimology (kar-si-noro-ji), n. that department of zoology which treats of the Crustacea, as crabs, shrimps, &c. card (kard), n. a printed piece of pasteboard used for various social or business purposes ; such a piece printed bearing certain devices or figures, used for playing games ; a short business advertisement in a newspaper ; the dial of a mariner's compass ; an . instrument for comb- ing the fibers of wool, flax, or cot- ton, preparatory to spinning . card-sliarper (•-shar'per), n. one who cheats at cards, and fleeces those he traps into playing with him. Cardaxnine (kar'da-min), n. a genus of herbs, which includes the cuckoo- flower, &c. cardamom (kar'da-mum), n. the capsule of several species of plants of the ginger family with its aro- matic seeds, used medicinally and as a condiment. cardia (kar'di-a), w. the heart; the upper or cardiac end of the stomach where the oesophagus or gullet en- ters it. cardiac (kar'di-ak), adj. pertaining to the heart ; stimulating the heart's action : n. a medicine which excites action in the heart through the me- dium of the stomach, and stimu- lates the spirits ; a cordial ; stimu- lant. cardialgia (kar-di-al'ji-a), n. heart- burn. cardigan (kar'di-gan), n. a knitted woolen jacket or waistcoat. cardinal (kar'di-nal), adj. chief; pre-eminent ; fundamental. cardinal (kar'di-nal), n. an ecclesi- astical prince ranking in dignity next to the Pope; a woraan's short cloak with a hood. cardinal numbers (num'berz)', n, pi. the numbers one, two, three^ &c., in distinction from first, sec- ond, third, &c., which are called ordinal numhers cardinal points (pointz), n.pl. N., S., E., W. cardinal signs (sinz), n.pl. Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn. cardinal virtues (ver'tuz), n.pl. justice, prudence, temperance, and fortitude. cardinal- winds (windz), ti.pZ. winds which blow due N., S., E., and W. carditis (kar-di'tis), n. inflamma- tion of the muscular tissue of the heart. cardol (kar'dol), n. an oily liquid ex- tracted from the pericarp of the cashew-nut, and used for blistering. care_(kar), n. concern; solicitude; anxiety ; a burdensome responsibil- ity ; caution ; charge or oversight ; attention, watchfulness ; an object of watchful attention and regard: v.i. to be anxious or solicitous ; be concerned, troubled, or interested. careen (ka-ren'), v.t. to bring (a ship) on one side for the purpose of calking, cleansing, or repairing : v.i. to incline on one side, as a ship under press of sail. career (ka-rer'), n. a run at full speed ; general course of action ; an occupation or calling : v.i. to move or run rapidly. careful (kar'fool), adj. full of care; anxious ; attentive ; watchful ; cau- tious ; provident, thoughtful. carefully (-li), adv. in a careful manner. caress (ka-res'), n. any act or ex- pression of affection ; an embrace : v.t. to treat with tokens of affec- tion ; bestow caresses upon. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; booiif book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 163 caret (ka'ret or kar'et), n. a mark C A ) used in writing, or in correcting proofs, to indicate the place where something is omitted or is to be added. cargo (kar'go), n. [pi. cargoes Cgoz)], the lading or freight of a ship. Carib (kar'ib) or Caribbee ('i-be), n. a native of the Caribbee Islands, or one of a tribe inhabiting certain regions of Central America and the north of South America. caribou or cariboo (kar'i-boo), n. the North American reindeer. caricature (kar'i-ka-tur), n. a pic- torial or descriptive representation of a person or thing, in which the defects or peculiarities are exag- gerated so as to produce a ludicrous effect ; parody : v.t. to represent in a ridiculous or exaggerated style; parody; burlesque. caricaturist (kar'i-ka-tur-ist), n. one who represents others in carica- ture, f caries (ka'ri-ez), n. decay of bones, teeth, or vegetable tissue. carillon (kar'i-lon), n. a chime of bells diatonically tuned and played by hand or machinery ; a simple air adapted for playing on a set of bells. cariole (kar'i-ol), n. a small open carriage ; a light covered cart. cariosity (ka-ri-os'i-ti), n. the state of being carious. carious (ka'ri-us), adj. affected with caries. cark (kark), v.i. to be anxious or concerned : v.t. to vex ; load with care or grief. carl or carle (karl), n. a strong, sturdy fellow ; a rustic ; a churl. carliue (kar'lin), n. a ship's timber running fore and aft from one transverse deck-beam to another, serving as a foundation for the planks of the deck. carlock (kar'lok), n. a kind of isin- glass made of the sturgeon's blad- der, and used in clarifying wine. carminative (kar-min'a-tiv), n. a medicine, which expels wind and re- lieves colic and flatulence : adj. ex- pelling wind. carmine (kar'mln or 'min), n. the essential coloring principle of coch- ineal ; a rich crimson pigment. carnage (kar'naj), n. slaughter; great destruction of life by vio- lence ; massacre. carnal (kar'nal), adj. pertaining to the body, its passions and its ap- petites ; animal ; fleshly ; sensual, im- pure ; not spiritual, but essentially human ; secular. carnalism (kar'nal-izm) or car- nality (kar-nal'i-ti), n. the state of being carnal ; sensuality. carnalist (kar'nal-ist), n. a sen- sualist. carnally (-li), adv. in an animal or fleshly manner, carnation (kar-na'shun), n. a light rose-pink ; flesh color ; the parts of a picture in which flesh is repre- sented ; a pink. carnationed (kar-na'shund), adj. having a pink color like that of flesh. Carney (kar'ni), n. a disease of horses, in which the furred condi- tion of the mouth prevents eating. carnification ( kar-ni-fi-ka'shun ) , n. tissue so altered as to resemble flesh. carnival (kar'ni-val), n. the season of rejoicing before Lent : observed in Roman Catholic countries ; feast- ing or revelry. carnivoTous (kar-niv'o-rus), adj, eating or feeding on flesh. carob (kar'ob), n. an evergreen tree which yields a nutritious pod known as St. John's-bread. carol (kar'ul), n. a song of joy or praise, especially one in honor of the Nativity : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. -ed, p.pr, -ing], to sing in joy; warble: v.t. to praise or celebrate in song. carotid (ka-rot'id), n. one of the two principal arteries, one on either side of the neck, which convey the blood from the aorta to the head : adj. pertaining to the two great arteries of the neck. carouse (ka-rouz'), n. a feast or fes- tival ; a noisy drinking bout or revel. Also carousal : v.i. to drink heartily and with jollity ; revel. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. car 164 carp (karp), v.i. to cavil or find fault. carp (karp), n. sl fresh-water fish. carpal (kar'pal), adj. pertaining to the carpus or wrist. carpel (kar'pel), n. a simple pistil. or one of the parts of a compound pistil or ovary of a flower. carpenter ( kar'pen-ter ) , n. an artif- icer who works in timber and pre- pares the woodwork of houses, ships, &c. : v.i. to perform car- penter's work. carpentry (kar'pen-tri), n. the art of cutting, framing, and joining timber ; work done by a carpenter. carpet (kar'pet), n. sl thick woven or felted fabric, with a pattern, used for covering floors or stairs ; a soft covering, resembling carpet : v.t. to cover with a carpet ; bring under consideration ; reprimand. carpet-bag (-bag), n. traveling bag. carpet-bagger (-bag'er), n. a politi- cal adventurer. carpet-knigbt (-nit), n. one upon whom the honor of knighthood or other distinction has been conferred for other than active service. carpeting (kar'pet-ing), n. cloth for carpets ; carpets in general. carriage (kar'ij), n. the act of car- rying or transporting ; cost of con- veyance ; behavior ; deportment ; a wheeled vehicle ; the wheeled stand or support of a gun ; the frame- work of a wooden staircase. carrier (kar'i-er), n. one who, or that which, carries or conveys ; one whose business is to carry goods for hire ; a portion of various ma- chines ; a frame for holding photo- graphic plates or magic-lantern slides. carrier-pigeon (-pij'un), n. a va- ' riety of pigeon trained to convey letters, &c. carrion (kar'i-on), n. dead or putre- fying flesh ; filth ; garbage : adj. per- taining to, or feeding on, carrion. carrion-croiv (-kro), n. the com- mon crow of Europe : also the American crow. carronade (kar-on-ad'), n. a short cannon of large bore for close range, formerly used in the navy. earron-oil (kar'on-oil), n. linseed- oil and lime-water : used as a lini" ment for burns. carrot (kar'ot), n. the well-known plant with an edible root; the root itself. carry (kar'i), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. car- ried, p.pr. carrying], to convey from one point to another ; bear ; have on one's person ; convey by force ; lead ; transfer ; accomplish ; gain posses- sion of ; extend or continue in time or space [with up or back'\ ; ex- hibit ; imply ; have in charge or conduct ; to take by assault : v.i. to act as a bearer ; propel a projectile to a distance ; hold the head in a particular manner. cart (kiirt), n. a carriage for the con- veyance of heavy goods ; a light two-wheeled vehicle used by trades- men, &c. : v.t. to carry or convey in a cart. cartage (kart'aj), n. the charge made for conveyance by a cart; the act of caj-ting. carte (kart), n. a bill of fare. carte blancbe (kart blangsh), a blank paper ; a signed sheet of paper given to another to be filled up as he pleases : hence, uncondi- tional terms or authority. carte-de- visite ( kart'-de-vi-zet' ) , [pi. car tes-de- visite], a photograph of a person mounted on a card of a size formerly used as a visiting card, cartel (kar'tel), n. an agreement be- tv^^een hostile states regarding the exchange of prisoners ; a challenge to single combat. cartilage (kar'ti-laj), n. elastic ani- mal tissue, forming bone ; gristle. cartilaginous (kar - ti-laj'i-nus) , adj. pertaining to, or in the form of, cartilage; gristly. cartograpber, cartographic, car- tography, &c. See chartographer, &c. cartoon (kar-toon'), n. a study or design executed on strong paper, and of the size to be reproduced in fresco or tapestry ; a pictorial sketch dealing with a political or social subject. cartoucb (kar-toosh'), n. a car- tridge ; a cartridge-box ; an orna- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ear 165 ment in the form of an unrolled scroll ; on Egyptian monuments, &c., an oval figure containing tbe name or title of a sovereign or deity. cartridge (kar'trij), n. a case of cardboard, metal, or other material, containing the charge of a firearm. caruncle (kar'ung-kl), n. a small fleshy excrescence ; the comb or wattle of a fowl ; an appendage surrounding the hilum of a seed. carve (karv), v.t. to form a design; shape by cutting ; cut into slices : v.i. to exercise the trade of a sculp- tor or carver ; cut up meat. caryatid (kar-i-at'id), n. a figure of a woman in long robes, serving to support an entablature. cascarilla (kas-ka-ril'a), n. the bark of a West Indian shrub, possessing aromatic and bitter properties ; the shrub itself, from which is obtained a white bitter crystalline substance, cascarillin. case ( kas ) , n. Si covering or recep- tacle ; a sheath ; a box with its con- tents ; a frame or casing ; a di- vided tray for types : 225 sq. ft. of crown glass : v.t. to cover with, or enclose in, a case. case (kas), n. that which happens or befalls ; the matters involved in a question under discussion or inves- tigation; a certain form or instance of disease ; a suit or action at law ; one of the forms or inflections in the declension of a noun, pronoun, or adjective, which indicates its relation to other words. case-harden (kas-hiir'dn), v.t. to harden the surface of (as iron) by conversion into steel. caseic (ka'se-ik), adj. pertaining to, or derived from cheese. casein (ka'se-in), n. the curd-matter of milk, forming the main part of cheese. casemate (kas'mat), n. a shell-proof vault or battery, having embrasures for cannon ; a hollow molding. casement (kas'ment), n. a hinged window-frame made to open out- ward ; a compartment between the mullions of a window. caseous (ka'se-us), adj. cheesy. cash (kash), n. money; ready mon- ey : v.t. to turn into, or exchange for, money. cash-book, a book in which a regis- ter is kept of money received or paid out. cashew (ka-shoo'), n. a tree native of tropical America which produces the cashew-nut, a kidney-shaped fruit containing an edible kernel from which a caustic oil is obtained. cashier (kash-er'), n. one who has charge of the money, and superin- tends the payments and receipts of a bank or trading establishments v.t. to dismiss from service or place of trust ; discharge. cashmere (kash'mer), n. a soft woolen fabric for shawls, &c., orig- inally made in Cashmere, from the downy hair of the wild goat of Thibet and the Himalayas ; a soft woolen dress fabric made^ in imita- tion of real cashmere : adj. made of cashmere. casing (kas'ing), n. the act of cov- ering with or placing in a case ; a covering. casino (ka-se'no), n. [pi. English casinos ('noz), Italian casini ('ne) ], a small country house ; a public room or building used for social meetings, dancing, gaming, &c. cask (kask), n. a vessel composed of wooden staves, bound by iron hoops, for holding liquors ; the quantity, contained in a cask. casket (kas'ket), n. a small chest or box for jewels, &c. ; a costly coffin : v.t. to place or preserve in a casket. casque (kask), n. a helmet. cassation (kas-a'shun), n. abroga- tion. cassava (kas'a-va), n. a plant of tropical America and Africa, culti- vated for its tuberous roots, which yield a nutritious starch, from which cassava-bread and tapioca are made. cassia (kash'ia), w. 'a genus of legu-: minous plants, the leaves of several species of which constitute the drug senna. cassia-oil (-oil), n: oil extracted) from cassia-bark and cassia-buds.i •Called also oil of cinnamon. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note,, north,^ not ; boonj book; hue, hut; think, then.^ cas 166 caa cassimere (kas'i-mer), n. a thin twilled woolen cloth, used for men's garments. Also casimire, and ker- seymere. cassinette (kas-i-nef), n. a cloth with a cotton warp and a woof of very fine wool, or wool and silk. Also kerseynette. cassiterite (ka-sit'er-it), n. native tin dioxide ; the principal ore of tin. cassock (kas'uk), n. a long, close- fitting vestment worn by clergymen, choristers, &c. cassowary (kas'o-wa-ri), n. Vpl. cassowaries (-riz)], a large bird resembling the ostrich, inhabiting Australia and the Papuan Islands. cast (kast), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. cast, p.pr. casting], to throw ; hurl ; shed ; direct or turn ; thrown down ; cal- culate ; defeat at law ; condemn ; form into a certain shape ; assign to various actors : v.i. to throw the line in angling ; ponder ; to warp or twist ; receive form or shape in a mold : n. the act of casting ; the dis- tance to which a thing may be thrown; motion or turn (of the eye) ; direction, glance; the form or shape ; manner ; appearance ; a tinge ; the company of actors to whom the parts of a play are as- signed. cast-iron, or -steel (-irn, or -stel), n. iron or steel melted and run into molds. castanets (kas'ta-nets), n.pl. small spooix-shaped shells of hard wood or ivory, fastened loosely at the top, a pair of which is fastened to each thumb and shaken with the fingers to beat time. castaway (kast'a-wa), n. one who is cast away or lost ; a person or ves- sel wrecked on an unfrequented coast; an outcast; reprobate (I Cor. ix. 27) : adj. shipwrecked; re- jected. caste (kast), one of the artificial or hereditary divisions into which Hindus are restricted by Brahmin religious law. castellated (kas'te-la-ted), adj. fur- nished with turrets and battle- ments, as a castle. caster (kas'ter), n. one who, or that which casts ; a computor ; a cruet or small vessel for holding condiments at table ; a small swiveled wheel. Also castor. castigate (kas'ti-gat), -y.*. to cor- rect ; chastise ; punish ; subject to severe criticism. _ castigation (kas-ti-ga'shun), n. the . act of castigating. castigator (kas'ti-ga-ter), n. one who castigates. castigatory (kas'ti-ga-to-ri), adj. punitive. Castile-soap, a superior kind of refined soap, originally made at Castile, Spain. Gastilian (kas-tiFian), adj. of, or pertaining to, Castile. casting (kast'ing), n. the action of the verb to cast ; the act or process of founding or molding ; the process of taking impressions of statues, medals, «S:c. ; a worm-cast. casting-vote (-vot), n. the deciding vote of a chairman when the votes are equal. castle (kas'l, or kas'l), n. a fortified residence ; a fortress ; a strong and imposing mansion of a noble or wealthy person ; one of the pieces at chess, called also rook : v.i. to move the king two squares to the right or left, and bring the castle to the square the king has passed over. castrate (kas'trat), v.t. emasculate; geld ; expurgate ; deprive a flower of its anthers: adj. emasculated; gelded : n. one who has been emasculated ; a eunuch. castration (kas-tra'shun), n. the act of castrating. casual (kazh'u-al), adj. happening by chance ; accidental ; occasional ; fortuitous : n. one who receives re- lief for a night in a parish to which he does not belong. casualty (kazh'ti-al-ti), n. [pi. casu- alties (-tiz)], an accident, especially if resulting in bodily injury or death. casuist (kazh'ti-ist), n. one skilled in casuistry ; one who studies or re- solves cases of conscience. casuistic (kazh-u-is'tik), or casuis- tical (-al), adj. of or pertaining to casuistry. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 167 cat casuistry (kazh'u-ist-ri), n. [pi. casuistries (-riz)], the science or doctrine which deals with cases of conscience as determined by theolog- ical dogmas or ethical rules ; sophis- tical or equivocal reasoning. cat (kat), n. a carnivorous animal of the family Felidse, especially the domesticated quadruped, Felis do- mestica ; a cat-fish ; a cat-o'-nine- tails ; the game of tip-cat ; a strong tackle ; to raise an anchor to the cat-head ; a stoutly-built vessel with a narrow stern, projecting quarters, and a deep waist ; a double tripod - which always lands on its feet : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. catted, p.pr. catting], to draw up (an anchor) to the cat- head. cat-block (-blok), n. a two- or three- fold block used to cat the anchor. cat-boat (-bot), n. a small boat with one sail on a mast near the bows. cat-harpings (-har'pings), n.pl. short ropes or iron clamps used for tightening the shrouds. cat-o'-nine-tails, n. a whip with nine lashes of knotted cord, former- ly used as a punishment in the English army and navy. cat's-eye (-1), n. a hard semi-trans- parent variety of quartz. cat's-paw (-paw), n. a dupe, from the fable of the monkey who used the cat's paw to get the roasted chestnuts from the fire ; a light air that slightly ripples the surface of the water. catabolism (ka-tab'o-lizm), n. a downward series of changes by which complex bodies are broken down into simpler forms. Also katabolism. cataclysm (kat'a-klizm), n. a del- uge ; flood ; a violent or sudden physical change of the earth's sur- face. catacomb (kat'a-kom), n. a subter- raneous burial place with niches hollowed out for the dead. catacoustics (kat-a-kous'tiks), n. that part of the science of acoustics which treats of reflected sounds. catadioptric (kat-a-di-op'trik), adj. refracting and reflecting light. catafalque (kat'a-falk), n. a tem- porary structure erected, usually in a church, to support the coffin of a distinguished person on the occasion of a ceremonious funeral. Catalan (kat'a-lan), adj. of, or per- taining to, Catalonia, a former prov- ince of Spain, or to its inhabitants or language. catalepsy (kat'a-lep-si), n. a sud- den suspense of voluntary sensa- tion. Also catalepsis. cataleptic (kat-a-lep'tik), adj. of, or pertaining to, catalepsy. catalogue (kat'a-log), n. an ar- ranged list : v.t. to enter in, or make, a catalogue of. catalysis (ka-tal'i-sis), n. [pi. ca- talyses (-sez)], a decomposition and new combination supposed to be effected by one substance acting upon a compound body, itself re- maining unchanged. catamaran (kat-a-ma-ran'), n. a raft or float propelled by paddles, consisting usually of three or more logs lashed together, the third or middle one being longer than the rest : any vessel with twin hulls ; a flat-bottomed boat ; a vixen. catamount (kat'a-mount), n. the wild cat ; the puma, cougar, or mountain lion. catapbonics (kat-a-fon'iks), n. that branch of acoustics which treats of the theory of reflected sounds ; cata- coustics. cataphoric (kat-a-for'ik), adj. pos- sessing the power of producing mo- tion through a diaphragm : said of a liquid, or electric current. cataplasm (kat'a-plazm), n. a poul- tice. cataplexy (kat'a-plek-si) , n. a sud- den shock to the nerves causing paralysis. catapult (kat'a-pult), n. an ancient military engine for hurling darts and stones ; a forked stick with an elastic band by which small mis- siles are propelled. cataract (kat'a-rakt), n. a large w^aterfall ; a furious rush or down- pour of water ; a disease of the eye in which the crystalline lens ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. cat 168 cat becomes opaque, and the vision be- comes impaired or is lost. catarrh ( ka-tar' ) , n. an inflamma- tory affection of any mucous mem- brane accompanied by increase of the mucus, especialy from the nose ; a violent cold in the head. catarrhal (ka-tar'al), adj. pertain- ing to, or produced by, catarrh. catastrophe (ka-tas'tro-fe), n. a great calamity or disaster ; an event subversive of the order of things ; the unfolding and winding up of a plot ; a cataclysm. Catawba (ka-taw'ba), n. a light-red variety of American grape ; a light v^ine made from this grape. catcall (kat'kawl), n. a squeaking instrument used in theaters to ex- press disapproval : v.t. to express disapproval of by a catcall. catch (kach), v.t. {p.t. & p.p. caught, p.pr. catching], to seize or grasp; lay hold of suddenly ; intercept ; take captive ; apprehend by the in- tellect or senses ; take, by conta- gion, infection, or sympathy ; at- tack, or communicate to, as a fire ; come upon unexpectedly ; come up to ; reach in time : n. the act of seiz- ing or grasping ; that which is caught or taken ; gain ; something desirable to be caught; anything that seizes or checks motion ; a song, the parts of which are caught up by different voices. catchpenny (kach'pen-i), n. {pi. catchpennies (-iz)], an article of little value got up attractively to effect a quick sale. catchup (kach'up), n. a sauce made from mushrooms, tomatoes, walnuts, &c. Also catsup, ketchup. catechetical (kat-e-ket'ik-al), adj. consisting of questions and answers. catechetically (-li), adv. by way of question and answer. catechetics (kat-e-ket'iks), n. the art or practice of instructing by means of question and answer. catechin (kat'e-kin), n. a tannic acid extracted from catechu. catechism (kat'e-kizm), n. an ele- mentary manual of instruction in the form of question and answer, especially in the principles of the Christian religion. catechist (kat'e-kist), n. one who instructs by question and answer ; a catechizer. catechize (kat'e-kiz), v.t. to instruct by means of questions and answers, and offering explanations, especially to instruct on points of Christian dogma ; interrogate or examine. catechu (kat'e-ku), n. a brown astringent extract used in the arts and as a medicine. Called also terra japonica and cutch. catechumen (kat-e-ku'men), n. one who is under religious instruction prior to receiving baptism ; a begin- ner in the first principles of knowl- edge. categorical (kat-e-gor'i-kal), adj. pertaining to a category; absolute; unconditional. categorically (-li), adv. in a cate- gorical manner ; absolutely. category (kat'e-go-ri), n. Ipl. cate- gories (-riz)], one of the highest classes to which the objects of knowledge or thought can be re- duced, and by which they may be arranged into a system. cater (ka'ter), v.i. to supply food, amusement, &c. [with for and ^o]. caterpillar (kat'er-pil'er), n. the hairy worm-like larva of a butter- fly or lepidopterous insect. caterwaul ( kat'er-wawl ) , v.i. to cry, as cats at night; to utter harsh discordant sounds. catfish (kat'fish), n. a fish remark- able for its voracity ; bullhead ; pout. catgut (kat'gut), n. a kind of cord made from the intestines of animals, usually sheep, and used as strings for musical instruments and some other purposes ; a string of this kind ; a kind of open canvas. cathartic (ka-thar'tik), adj. purga- tive : n. a purgative medicine. cat-head (kat'hed), n. a beam pro- jecting from a ship's bows to which the anchor is secured. cathedral (ka-the'dral), n. the chief church in a diocese in which is the throne of a bishop : adj. pertaining to a cathedral. ate, arnij dsk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n6rth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, tJi&n., cat 169 catheter (kath'e-ter), a tubular in- strument to withdraw urine from the bladder. cathiou (kath'i-on), n. the electro- positive ion evolved at the cathode in electrolysis. cathode (kath'od), n. the negative pole of a current : opposed to anode. ^Vritten also kathode. catholic (kath'6-lik), adj. universal; general ; embracing all ; liberal ; large-hearted ; free from prejudice ; including all mankind. Catholic (kath'o-lik), adj. pertain- ing to the Church of Rome : n. a member of the Universal or Cath- olic Church, or of the Roman Church. Catholicisni (ka-thol'i-sizm), n. the belief of, or adherence to, the Cath- olic Church or faith, especially to that of the Roman Catholic Church. catholicity (kath-ol-is'i-ti), n. the quality of being catholic. Catholicize (ka-thori-siz), v.f. to convert to the Roman Catholic Church. catkin (kat'kin)., n. the pendulous inflorescence of the willow, birch, &c. catling (kat'ling), n. a little cat; kitten ; the down or moss resem- bling cat's hair which grows on cer- tain trees. catmint (kat'mint), catnip (kat'- nip), n. a strong-scented perennial herb, much liked by cats. catopsis (ka-top'sis), w. morbidly keen vision. catoptric (ka-top'trik), adj. relating to catoptrics. catoptric light (lit), n. form of light, used in lighthouses, in which reflectors are used in the place of prisms and lenses. catoptrically (-li), adv. by reflec- tion. catoptrics (ka-top'triks), n. that branch of optics which treats of the principles of reflected light. cattle (kat'l), n. sing. & pi. live stock, especially oxen, bulls and cows. cattle-plague (-plag), n. a popular name for the rinderpest. Caucasian (kaw-ka'shi-an or kaw- kash'i-an), adj. of or pertaining to the Caucasus, a mountainous range between the Black and the Caspian Seas ; of or pertaining to the Euro- pean Aryans. caucus (kaw'kus), n. a preliminary meeting of representatives of a po- litical party, to decide upon a line of policy to be submitted to a con- vention or larger meeting ; a party combination for influencing elec- tions : v.i. to hold, or meet in, a caucus. caudal (kaw'dal), adj. pertaining to a tail. caudate (kaw'dat), adj. having a tail ; having a tail-like appendage. caudle (kaw'dl), n. a warm drink made of wine or ale, spiced or sug- ared, and mixed with bread, eggs, &c., for sick persons, or for women in childbed. caught, p.t. & p.p. of catch. caul (kawl), n. a net or covering for the head ; a small net ; i mem- brane covering the lower intes- tines ; a part of the amnion or mem- brane of the fetus, sometimes inclos- ing a child's head at birth. cauldron (kawl'dron), n. a large kettle or boiler. cauliflower (kaw'li-flou-er), n. a garden variety of cabbage with an edible flowering head. caulk. See calk. causal (kaw'zal), adj. relating to or expressing cause ; creative : n. a. word that expresses a cause, or in- troduces a reason. causally (-li), adv. as a cause. causality (kaw-zal'i-ti), n. [pi. caus- alities (-tiz)], the relation of cause to effect ; the supposed faculty of tracing effects to causes. causation (kaw-za'shun), n. the act of causing or producing ; relation between cause and effect. causative (kaw'za-tiv), adj. tha causes ; effective as a cause ; ex- pressing causation. cause (kawz), n. that which pro- duces or contributes to a result ; a reason ; motive ; principle ; subject in debate; a side or party; a suit or action ; a case for judicial de- cision : v.t. to act as an agent in producing an effect ; produce. i ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; b5on, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 170 ced causeway (kawz'wa), or causey ('zi), n. a pathway raised and paved with stone ; a highway. caustic (kaws'tik), adj. burning; hot ; corrosive ; sarcastic ; cutting ; pungent : n. a substance which burns. caustic-potasli (pot'ash), n. potas- sium hydrate, a white substance act- ing as a powerful cautery, much used in medicine, the arts, and . manufactures. 'caustic-soda (so'da), n. sodium hy- drate, a white solid substance, largely used in soap-making. caustically (-li), adv. in a caustic manner. causticity (kaws-tis'i-ti), n. the quality of being caustic. cauteraut (kaw'ter-ant), n. a cau- terizing substance. cauterizatiois. ( kaw-ter-i-za'shun ) , n. the act of cauterizing. cauterize (kaw'ter-iz), v.t. to burn or sear with a hot iron, or with cauterants. cautery (kaw'ter-i), n. {pi. cauteries (-iz)], a burning or searing; an in- strument or drug used for such a purpose. caution (kaw'shun), n. heedf ulness ; prudence in regard to danger ; watchfulness ; an admonition ; some- thing to occasion amazement or fear : v.t. to warn. cautionary (kaw'shun-a-ri), adj. containing a caution ; given as a pledge or security. cautious (kaw'shus), adj. exercising caution ; heedful ; wary ; vigilant ; circumspect. cavalcade (kav-al-kad'), n. a train or procession of persons, chiefly on horseback. cavalier (kav-a-ler'), n. an armed horseman, especially a knight or gentleman soldier ; a gallant ; a gay military man ; a beau or attendant upon a lady ; a partisan of Charles I. in his struggle with the Parlia- ment ; an elevation for cannon with- in a bastion : adj. gay ; sprightly ; frank ; careless ; haughty ; supercili- ous. cavalierly (kav-a-ler'li), adv. in a haughty or supercilious manner. cavallard (kav-al-yard'), a drove of horses or mules. cavalry (kav'al-ri), n. horse soldiers. cavatiua (kav-a-te'na), n, a short simple melody. cave (kav), n. a hollow place in the earth ; a large natural cavity ; a den ; cavern : v.t. to hollow out. cave-bear (-bar), n. a fossil bear belonging to the Quarternary epsch. cave-man (-man), n. a man belong- ing to the prehistoric race who inhabited caves. caveat (ka've-at), n. a notice filed to stop procedure, except after warning to the caveator ; notice of intention to apply for a patent. cavern (kav'ern), n. a large natural hollow under the earth ; a den ; cave. cavernous (kav'er-nus), adj. hollow like a cavern ; filled with small cavities. caviare (kav-i-ar'), or caviar (-i- ar' ) , n. the roes of certain large fish, especially the sturgeon, salted and dried. cavil (kav'il), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. cav- iled, p.pr. caviling], to raise cap- tious or frivolous objections ; carp [followed by at] : n. a captious or frivolous objection. cavity (kav'i-ti), n. [pi. cavities (-tiz)], a hollow place or part. cavo-rilievo (ka'vo-re-lia-v6), n. a relief in which the highest surface only is level with the plane of the original stone. Also cavo-relievo. cavort (ka-vort'), v.i. to prance about, as a horse ; to bustle around briskly or eagerly. caw (kaw), v.i. to cry like a crow, rook, or raven : n. the cry of the crow, &c. cayenne (ki-en' or ka-en'), n. a kind of pepper made from the seeds and fruit of various species of the genus Capsicum. cease (ses), v.i. to come to an end; stop ; desist [followed by from be- fore a noun] : v.t. to put a stop to ; end. cedar (se'dar), n. the name of sev- eral evergreen trees, having wood of great durability and fragrance : ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; bo5n. book ; hue, hut ; think, then. «ed 171 ceit adj. pertaining to, or made of, cedar. cede (sed), v.t. give up or surrender. cedilla (se-dil'a), n. a mark placed under c to indicate the sound of s, as in French legon. ceil (sel), v.t. to overlay or cover the inner surface of a roof ; furnish with a ceiling, ceiling (se'ling), n. the inner roof of an apartment. celandine (sel'an-din), n. the name of two perennial plants of the pop- py family, the greater celandine and lesser celandine. celebrant (sel'e-brant), n. one who celebrates, especially the principal officiating priest in offering mass or celebrating the Eucharist. celebrate (sel'e-brat), v.t. to praise, extol, or honor ; commemorate ; dis- tinguish by solemn ceremonies. celebration (sel-e-bra'shun), n. the act of celebrating ; an observance or ceremony to celebrate anything. celebrity (se-leb'ri-ti), n. [pi. cele- brities (-tiz)], fame; renown; dis- tinction ; a renowned person. celerity (se-ler'i-ti), n. rapidity; swiftness. celery (sel'e-ri), n. a plant cultivated for a salad and vegetable. celeste (se-lesf), n. sky-blue. celestial (se-les'tial), adj. of or per- taining to the sky or heavens ; heavenly ; supremely excellent. Celestial (se-les'tial), n. an inhabi- tant of heaven ; a native of China. Celestial Empire (em'pir), n. China. celestially (-li), adv. in a celestial or heavenly manner. celibacy (sel'i-ba-si), n. the state of being unmarried ; single life, espe- cially that of a bachelor, or one bound by vows to an unmarried life. celibate (sel'i-bat), n. one who is unmarried or practices celibacy : adj. unmarried. cell (sel), n. a small room in a mon- astery, convent, or prison ; a small or mean place of residence ; a small cavity ; a minute mass of contractile protoplasm forming the structural unit of every organized body ; a sin- gle element or jar of a galvanic bat- tery ; a small religious house at- tached to a monastery or convent; the interval between the ribs of a vaulted roof. cellar (sel'ar), n. a vault for storing provisions, wine, fuel, &c. cellarage (sel'er-aj), n. cellars; the space occupied by cellars ; cellars collectively ; charge for storage in cellars. cello (chel'o), n. [pi. cellos ('6z), Italian celli ('le)], a violoncello. cellular (sel'ti-lar), adj. formed of cells. celluloid (seru-loid), n. a compound of camphor and gun-cotton, resem- bling ivory. cellulose (sel'ti-los), or celluline (-lin), n. the substance resembling and allied to starch which forms cel- lular plant tissue : adj. containing or composed of cells. celt (selt), n. an instrument or weapon of stone or metal, resem- bling a chisel or blade of an axe, found in ancient tumuli. Celtic (sel'tik), or Keltic (kel'-), adj. pertaining to the Kelts. celticism (sel'ti-sizm), or kelticism (kel'-), n. a Keltic custom or idiom. Celtist (sel'tist),or Keltist (kel'-), a student of Keltic antiquities, lan- guages, &c. cement (se-ment' or sem'ent), n. any adhesive substance which makes two bodies cohere ; mortar ; a bond of • union ; the bony layer which forms the outer substance of the fang of a tooth : v.t. to unite with cement ; unite firmly or closely : v.i. become solid. cementation (sem-en-ta'shun), n. the act of cementing ; a process for converting iron into steel, glass into porcelain, &c. cemetery (sem'e-ter-i), n. [pi. ceme- teries (-iz) ], a public burial ground. cenobite (sen'o-bit), n. one of a re- ligious order living in a convent or in community. cenotaph, (sen'5-taf), n. an empty tomb, or a monument erected in honor of a person buried elsewhere. censer (sen'ser), n. a covered cup- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ^exL 172 shaped vessel pierced with holes, in which incense is burned ; a thurible. censor (sen'ser), n. one of two mag- istrates of ancient Rome who im- posed taxes and regulated the mor- als and manners of the community ; an official appointed to examine books, manuscripts, plays, &c., prior to publication or performance to as- certain there is nothing immoral or offensive in them ; one who censures or blames ; a critic ; at Cambridge University, a collegiate official sim- ilar to a dean. censorial (sen-s6'ri-al), adj. pertain- ing to a censor ; censorious. censorious (sen-so'ri-us), adj. ad- dicted to, or expressing, censure ; carping ; critical. censurable (sen'shur-a-bl), adj. blamable. censure (sen'shur), n. blame; re- proof ; the act of finding fault ; a sentence or penalty of an ecclesias- tical court : v.t. to find fault with or condemn ; criticise adversely. census (sen'sus), n. a quinquennial registration of the numbers and property of Roman citizens for the purpose of taxation ; in modern us- age, an official enumeration of the in- habitants of a country, with details of sex, age, occupation, &c., taken in the United States decennially. cent (sent), n. the 1-lOOth part of a dollar. cental (sen'tal), adj. pertaining to or consisting of a hundred : n. a weight for corn =: 100 lb. avoirdupois. centare (sang-tar'), n. in the metric system, one hundredth part of an are ; one square meter. centaur (sen'tawr), n. a fabulous being, half man and half horse. centenarian _( sen-te-na'ri-an ) , adj. of, or pertaining to, a centenary or of a person a hundred years old : n. a person of such an age or older. centenary (sen'te-na-ri), n. [pi. cen- tenaries (-riz)], the space of a hun- dred years ; the commemoration of the hundredth anniversary of an event : adj. relating to, or consisting of, a hundred ; recurring once in a century. centennial (sen-ten'i-al), ad], con- sisting of, or enduring, a hundred years ; taking place once in a hun- dred years : n. the commemoration of a 100th anniversary. centennially (-li), adv. once in a 100 years. center (sen'ter), n. the middle point of anything ; the nucleus around which things are collected ; a title of the leaders of certain organizations ; the name of certain members of a legislative assembly who hold mod- erate views and occupy a place be- tween the Conservative party on the right, and the Radicals on the left; the circle or square next to the bull's-eye ; a shot which hits such a division ; a conical pin, by which the work is secured and around which it revolves ; troops in a line between the wings ; in a fleet, the column or division between the van and the rear, or between the weath- er division and the lee : v.t. to place on a center ; collect to a point ; to form a recess for the reception of a center : v.i. to be placed in the cen- ter ; meet in one point or focus. center-bit (-bit), n. a carpenter's tool turning upon a center for bor- ing holes. center-board (bord), n. a keel so constructed that it may be raised within the vessel or lowered at pleasure : it is extensively used by racing craft. center of gravity (of grav'i-ti), n. that point of a body through which the resultant of all the forces acting' upon it in consequence of the earth's attraction will pass. centering (sen'ter-ing), n. the wood- work or timber framing by which vaulted work is supported during- construction. centesimal (sen-tes'i-mal), adj. hun- dredth : n. a hundredth part. centiare (sen'ti-ar, French sang-ti- ar'), n. a centare. centigrade (sen'ti-grad), adj. gradu- ated or divided into a hundred de- grees. centigram or centigramme ( sen'- ti-gram ) , n. a. measure of weight = 100th of a gramme (.15432 of a grain troy). ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; booUy book ; hue, hat ; think, then. ,„ <«en 173 cer ■centiliter (sen'ti-le-tr, French sang'-), n. a measure of capacity =: the hundredth part of a liter (.6102 of an inch). centime (sang-tem'), n. a small French coin == the hundredth part of a franc. centimeter (sen'ti-me-tr, French sang'-), n. a measure of length =: 100th of a meter (.3937 inch). centiped (sen'ti-ped), or centipede (-ped), n. the term applied to an articulated animal with numerous feet belonging to the class Myriap- oda, popularly supposed to have a hundred feet, whence the name. •cento (sen'to), n. [pi. centos ('toz)], a literary or musical composition formed by selections from various authors or composers, and arranged in a new order. central ( sen'tral ) , adj. relating to, or situated in, the center. centrally (-li), ddv. in a central manner. centralism (sen'tral-izm),) n. the state or quality of being central ; centralization. centrality (sen-tral'i-ti), n. the quality of being central. centralization ( sen-tral-i-za'shun ) , n. the act of bringing all local ad- ministrations under one central gov- ernment. centralize (sen'tral-iz), v.t. to draw or bring to a center ; bring all ad- ministrations under one central gov- ernment. centre (sen'ter), n. same as center. centric (sen'trik), or centrical ( -al ) , adj. placed in the center ; central. centricity (sen-tris'i-ti), n. the state of being centric. centrifugal (sen-trif'ti-gal), adj. tending or causing to fly off from the center ; radiating from a central focus ; expanding first at the sum- mit and later at the base. centrifugally (-li), adv. from the center. centrifugence (sen-trif'u-jens), w. a tendency to fly off from the center. centripetal (sen-trip'e-tal), adj. tending or causing to approach the center : opposed to centrifugal ; ex- panding first at the base and then at the summit. centripetal rail^^ay (ral'wa), n. a railway constructed with a single rail to support the carriage, and two side^rails to steady it. centripetally (-li), adv. in a cen- tripetal manner. centumvir (sen-tum'ver), n. [pi. centumvirs (-verz) ; Latin centum- viri ('vi-ri)], one of a body of 105 Roman judges, appointed annually to try civil causes. centumvirate (sen-tum'vi-rat), n. the office of a centumvir, or the cen- tum viri ; a body composed of a hun- dred men. centuple (sen'tu-pl), adj. hundred- fold : v.t. to multiply or increase a hundredfold. centurion (sen-tti'ri-un), n. a mili- tary officer commanding a hundred men. century (-sen'tti-ri), n. [pi. centuries (-riz) ], a hundred ; a hundred years, especially of the Christian era ; a division of the Roman people ; a sub-division of a legion. century-plant (-plant), n. a name of the American aloe, from the sup- position that it flowered once only in a hundred years. cephalalgia (sef-a-larji-a), n. head- ache. cephalic (sef'a-lik or se-fal'ik), adj, pertaining to the head ; forming the front or forepart of a body or organ. cephalitis (sef-a-li'tis), n. inflamma- tion of the brain or its membranes, cephalopod (sef'a-lo-pod), adj. of or pertaining to the Cephalopoda : n.- a member of the Cephalopoda. Cephalopoda (sef-a-lop'o-da), n.ph the highest class of the Mollusca, having a distinct head with tenta- cles attached. The nautilus and oc- topus belong to this class. ceraceous (se-ra'shus), adj. having the texture and color of new wax. ceramic (se-ram'ik), or keramic (ke-), adj. of or pertaining to pot- tery or the fictile arts : n.pl. work executed wholly or partly in clay and baked ; the fictile arts. cerate (se'rat), n. a thick ointment of wax, &c. ate, arm, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. cer 174 eev ceratin (ser'a-tin), n. horny tissue. ceratcid (ser'a-toid) , adj. horny. ceratdplasty (ser'a-to-plas-ti), w. the replacement of the cornea by one taken from an animal. cere (ser), n. the naked skin at the base of the bill of many birds, as the parrot, cere (ser), v.t. to cover or close with wax. cereal (se're-al), adj. pertaining to, or producing, wheat or edible grain : n. edible grain. cerebellum ( ser-e-bel'um ) , n. [pi. cerebella ('a)], the hinder and low- er part of the brain in vertebrate animals ; the little brain. cerebral (ser'e-bral), adj. of or per- taining to the brain. cerebral bemispliere (hem'is-fer), n. one of the two lateral halves of the cerebrum. cerebralism (ser'e-bral-izm), n. the theory that mental operations arise from activity of the brain or cere- brum. cerebrate (ser'e-brat), v.i. to have the brain in action. Also cerebrize. cerebration (ser-e-bra'shun), n. the conscious or unconscious action of the brain. cerebric (ser'e-brik), adj. pertaining to, or derived from, the brain. cerebrin (ser'e-brin), n. a name for several nitrogenous substances obtained from brain- and nerve-mat- ter. cerebritis (ser-e-bri'tis), n. inflam- mation of cerebrum or brain. cerebrum (ser'e-brum), n. [pi. Cere- bra (-bra)], the superior and larger part of the brain : the seat of the mind and will. cerecloth (ser'kloth), n. a cloth sat- urated with wax or some gummy substance, used for wrapping em- balmed bodies in. cerement (ser'ment), n. a grave-cloth or shroud : pi. grave-clothes. ceremonial (ser-e-mo'ni-al), adj. re- .lating to, or performed with, exter- nal rites or ceremonies : n. the pre- scribed order for a ceremony or function. ceremonialism (ser-e-mo'ni-al-izm) , n. adherence to, or fondness for, ceremonial observance ; ritualism. ceremonially (-li), adv. according to rites and ceremonies. ceremonious (ser-e-mo'ni-us), adj. full of ceremony ; punctilious of pre- scribed formalities ; according to prescribed form or usage ; fond of using ceremony ; precise. ceremony (ser'e-mo-ni), n. [pi. cere- monies (-niz)], a sacred rite or ob- servance ; a prescribed rite or f or= mality ; behavior regulated by the laws of. strict etiquette. ceripb (ser'if), n. one of the fine lines of a printing type, especially a stroke at the bottom or top of a letter. Also serif. cerium (se'ri-um), n. a rare metallic element. cerograpby (se-rog'ra-fi), n. the art of writing or engraving on wax ; wax painting ; encaustic painting. certain (ser'tin), adj. sure; beyond a doubt ; fixed or stated ; indefinite. certainty (ser'tin-ti), w. [pL certain- ties (-tiz)], full assurance. certes (ser'tez), adv. certainly; as- suredly. certificate (ser-tif'i-kat), ii. a writ- ten testimony to the truth of any fact : a testimonial as to character or ability ; a statement written and signed and legally authenticated : v.t. to give a certificate to ; to at- test or vouch for by certificate. certification (ser-ti-fi-ka'shun), n, the act of certifying. certify (ser'ti-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. certified, p.pr. certifying], to testify to or to make known in writing ; as- sure. certiorari (ser-shi-o-ra'ri), n. a writ issuing from a superior court call- ing for the records of an inferior court, or to remove a case from a court below. certitude (ser'ti-tud) , adj. certainty ; freedom from doubt ; assurance. certosina-TiT-ork (cher-to-se'na- werk), n. a kind of inlaid work of light and dark woods, or ivory and wood. cerulean (se-roo^e-an), adj. sky-col- ored. ate, arm, ask, at awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. eer 175 clia cerulin (se'roo-lin), n. an olive-green dye. cerunten (se-roo'men), ear-wax. ceruse (se'roos), n. white-lead, used as a pigment, and from which a cos- metic is prepared. cervical (ser'vi-kal), adj. of or per- taining to the neck. cervine (ser'vin),) adj. of, or per- taining to, the deer family ; of a tawny or fawn color. cess (ses), v.t. to impose a tax; as- sess : n. a rate or tax, especially the land tax. cessation (ses-sa'shun), n. the act of ceasing. cession (sesh'un), n. a yielding up, as of territory, property, or rights ; the surrender of a benefice by an incumbent who has accepted another living. cessionary (sesh'un-a-ri), adj. a giv- ing or yielding up. cesspool (ses'pool), n. a deep hole in the ground, or the well of a drain, for the reception of filth ; any foul receptacle. cestus (ses'tus), n. [pi. cestus (ses'- tus)], a kind of glove used by an- cient boxers, frequently loaded with lead or iron, and secured by leathern thongs to the hands and arms. cetacean (se-ta'shun), adj. pertain- ing to the Cetacea, formerly a group of marine mammalia which in- cluded the whales : n. sl whale ; an animal -belonging to the order Cete. Cete (se'te), n.pl. an order of the mammalia, containing the true whales, dolphins, &c. cetic acid (se'tik as'id), n. an acid obtained from spermaceti. cetin (se'tin), n. a white waxy sub- stance forming the essential part of spermaceti. cliafe (chaf), v.t. to make warm by friction ; to wear away or make sore by rubbing ; irritate ; annoy : n. mental irritation caused by contin- ued annoyance ; vexation : v.i. to be worn by friction ; be irritated or an- noyed ; fret. chafer (cha'fer), n. the cockchafer. chaff (chaf), n. the husk of grain, especially when separated by thresh- ing, &c. ; straw or hay cut fine for cattle ; anything worthless. cliaff (chaf), v.t. to banter; make game of : v.i. to use bantering lan- guage : n. banter. chaffer (chafer), n. the act of bar- gaining : v.i. to haggle about a pur- chase. chaffinch (chaf 'inch), n. a bird, so named from its feeding on grain. chaff weed (chaf 'wed), n. a plant al- lied to the pimpernel. chaffy (chaf'i), adj. resembling, or full of, chaff; anythiog light or worthless. chafing-dish (-dish), n. a small portable grate for coals ; a vessel to hold live coal to keep meat, &c., hot. chagrin (sha-grin' or -gren'), vexa- tion due to disappointment ; ill- humor ; mortification : v.t. to excite vexation in ; mortify. chain (chan), n. a connected series of links or rings fitted into one an- other ; a bond ; a measure of 100 links = 66 ft. ; the warp threads of a web : v.t. to fasten, secure, or con- nect with a chain ; enslave ; to unite firmly ; fasten. chain-gang (-gang), n. a gang of convicts working together in chains. chain-mail (-mal), n. flexible armor formed of metal links interwoven. chain-stitch (-stich,) n. an orna- mental stitch resembling a chain ; a loop-stitch made by a sewing ma- chine. chair (char), n. a movable seat with a back for one person ; an official seat ; a professorship ; the presiding officer of an assembly ; an iron socket fastened to the sleeper which receives and secures railroad metals : v.t. to carry publicly in a chair in triumph ; to install. chairman (char'man), n. [pi. chair- men ('men)], the president of an assembly, meeting, public company, &c. chaise (shaz), n. a light two- wheeled carriage ; a carriage in general. chalcedony (kal'se-do-ni or kal-sed'- o-ni), a cryptocrystalline variety of quartz, resembling diluted milk. Also calcedony. ate, arm, aj :, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. clia 176 clia chaldron ( chawl'dron ) , n. a meas- ure for coke = 36 bush. (25% cwt.). chalet (sha-la'), n. a Swiss cottage or herdsman's dwelling ; a small country house built in such style. chalice (chal'is), n. a cup ; a Euchar- ist cup. chalk (chawk), n. a soft limestone rock composed of carbonate of lime ; ■prepared chalk for drawing : v.t. to mark, rub, or manure with chalk. chalkstone (-ston), n. a chalky con- cretion in the joints. chalkiness (chawk'i-nes), n. the state of being chalky. chalky (chawk'i), adj. containing, or resembling, chalk. challenge (chal'enj), n. an invitation to a contest ; a summons to fight ; a duel ; an objection taken to a voter or juror ; the demand of a soldier on sentry : v.t. to summons to a con- test ; invite to a duel ; defy ; take exception to. challengeable (chal'enj-a-bl), adj. that may be challenged. challis (shal'e), n. a light all-wool fabric. chalybeate (ka-lib'e-at), adj. im- pregnated with iron. chalybite (kal'i-bit), n. native car- bonate of iron ; siderite. chamber (cham'ber), n. an apart- ment ; especially a bedroom ; a pri- vate room ; a political or commercial body ; a cavity ; that part of a gun, &c., which contains the charge : pi. a suite of rooms ; a judge's private room : v.t. to inclose ; furnish with a chamber. chamberlain (cham'ber'lan), n. an officer who has charge of the private apartments of a sovereign or noble- man ; a male servant who has charge of a suite of rooms ; the treasurer of a city or corporation. chameleon (ka-me'le-un), n. an in- sectivorous lizard-like reptile, pos- sessing the power of changing its color. chamfer (cham'fer), n. a small fur- row cut in wood or metal ; a bevel : v.t. to groove, channel or flute. champ (champ), v.t. to bite with the teeth repeatedly and impatiently : n. the act of champing. champagne (sham-pan'), n. a light sparkling effervescent wine. champaign (sham-pan'), n. flat open country : adj. level, open. champerty (cham'per-ti), n. the maintenance of a party in a suit on condition that, if successful, the property is to be shared. champion (cham'pi-un), n. one who defends the cause of another, by combat or other means ; a hero ; valiant warrior ; a successful com- petitor against all rivals : v.t. to de- fend or support a cause. chance (chans), n. an unforeseen, event ; an accident ; a possibility ; opportunity ; risk : v.i. to happen ; occur without design or expectation ; v.t. to risk (with it). chancel (chan'sel), n. that part in a church where the altar stands ; the sanctuary. chancellor (chan'sel-er), n. a judge of a court of equity or chancery ; the president or highest ofiicial of a uni- versity ; a vicar-general ; the presi- dent of the German Federal Coun- cil. chance-medley (-med'li), n. justi- fiable homicide in self-defense. chancery (chan'ser-i), n. originally in England, next to Parliament, the highest Court of Justice, since 1873 a division of the High Court of Jus- tice ; a court of Equity. chandelier (shan-de-ler'), n. a hang- ing frame with branches for lights. chandler (chand'ler), n. a maker or vendor of candles ; a dealer or mer- chant. change (chanj), v.t. to alter; sub- stitute ; exchange or give an equivalent for ; render acid or tainted : v.i. undergo change ; suffer alteration ; pass from one place to another ; deteriorate : n. an altera- tion or variation ; a passing from one state or form to another ; vicissi- tude ; small coin ; balance returned after deduction of amount paid. changeability (chanj-a-bil'i-ti), n. liability to change. changeable (chanj'a-bl), adj. fickle. changeling (chanj'ling), .n. a child left in place of another ; an idiot ; a waverer. ate, arm, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book : hue, hut ; think, then. chx 177 clia channel (chan'el), n. the bed of a stream ; a watercourse ; the deepest part of a strait, bay, harbor, &c. ; a wide arm of the sea extending in- land ; a groove ; a medium of con- veyance : pi. planks bolted to the outside of a ship to extend the rig- ging : v.t. to cut into a channel ; groove. chant (chant), v.t. to sing; intone: v.i. make melody with the voice ; go in full cry, as hounds : n. a song ; a solemn or monotonous song. chanter (chan'ter), n. one who chants; the drone of a bagpipe; a horse-coper. chanticleer (chan'ti-kler), w. a cock. chaos (ka'os), n. the confused matter out of which the universe was formed ; confusion. chaotic (ka-ot'ik), adj. resembling chaos. chaotically (-al-li), adv. in a chaotic manner. chap (chap), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. chapped : p.pr. chapping], to cause to crack or open longitudinally : v.i. to have the skin crack : n. a longitudinal crack or slit. chap (chap), n. a fellow. chap (chap, or chop), n. one of the jaws or its fleshy covering (usually pi.) ; the mouth of a channel. chaparral (chap-a-ral'), n. a dense thicket. chap-book (chap'book), n. a small book, usually of fairy tales, ro- mances, &c., formerly hawked about by chapmen. chapeau (sha'po), n. [pi. chapeaux -poz ) ] , a hat or head covering. chapel (chap'el), n. a subordinate place of public worship ; a place of worship in a palace, institution, &c. ; a nonconformist place of worship ; an association of journeymen in a printing house. chapelry (chap'el-ri), n. [pi. chapel- I ries (-riz)], the district legally as- I signed to a chapel dependent upon the mother church. chaperon (shap'er-on), n. a married lady who accompanies young ladies in public : v.t. to act as a chaperon to. chapf alien (chap'faw-Ien), adj. de- jected. chapiter ( chap'i-ter ) , n. the upper part or capital of a pillar. chaplain (chap'lin), n. a clergyman who performs service in the army, navy, a public institution, a royal or private household. chaplaincy (chap'lin-si), n. the of- fice or status of a chaplain. chaplet (chap'let), n. a wreath or garland encircling the head ; a rosary ; a round molding carved into beads, olives, &c. chapman (chap'man), n. [pi. chap- men ('men)], formerly a merchant or trader ; a hawker. chappie (chap'i), n. familiar for chap. chapter (chap'ter), n. a division of a book ; the clergy of a cathedral or collegiate church ; a meeting of cer- tain organized societies or orders. char (char), n. work by the day; a single job ; a chore : v.i. to work in the house of another by the day ; do odd jobs ; do chores. char (char), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. charred, p.pr. charring], burn or reduce to charcoal ; burn partially. character (kar'ak-ter), n. a letter, sign, or figure ; distinctive qualities or traits ; moral excellence ; a cer- tificate as to conduct or ability. characteristic ( kar-ak-ter-is'tik ) , adj. pertaining to or indicating the character. characteristically (-al-li), adv. in a characteristic manner. characterization ( kar-ak-ter-i-za'- shun), n. the act of characterizing. characterize (kar'ak-ter-iz), v.t. de- scribe by peculiar qualities ; mark or distinguish. charade (sha-rad'), n. an acted enigma. charcoal (char'kol), n. wood par- tially burnt ; impure carbon. charge (charj), v.t. to rush on or at- tack ; load ; fill up ; impose ; com- mand or enjoin ; instruct ; accuse ; place on the debit side : v.i. to make an attack ; demand a price : n. an onset ; quantity with which a fire- arm or apparatus is charged ; an of- fice or obligation ; an order or com- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; booD« book ; hiie, hut ; think, then. da 178 clia . mand ; authoritative instruction or direction ; an entry on the debit side. chargeability (char-ja-bil'i-ti), oi. the quality of being chargeable. chargeable (char'ja-bl), adj. liable to be charged ; ratable ; burdensome. charge d'affaires (shar-zha'da-far') , n. [pi. charges (-shar-zha-) ], a government official v^ho acts for an ambassador in his absence, or at a court to which no ambassador is ac- credited. charger (charj'er), n. a cavalry horse ; a large dish. chariot (char'i-ot), n. an ancient two-wheeled car for war, state pro- cessions, racing, &c. ; a four-wheeled pleasure carriage, chariotee (char-i-o-te'), n. a light four-wheeled covered pleasure car- riage with two seats. charitable (char'i-ta-bl), adj. benev- olent in disposition ; kind and lib- eral. charity (char'i-ti), n. [pi. charities (-tiia)], the disposition to think well of others ; liberality ; alms ; univer- sal love ; an institution for the poor ; a gift in trust for a benevo- lent object. charivari (shar-i-va'ri), n. a mock serenade of discordant music. charlatan (shar'la-tan), n. a quack. charlatanism (-izm), n. quackery. charlotte rnsse (shar'lut rus), n. whipped cream enclosed in sponge- cake. charm (charm), n. a spell or en- chantment ; an allurement ; a trin- ket : v.t. influence by magic ; sub- due or fascinate; give exquisite de- light to : v.i. to work by magic powers ; act as a spell. charnel (char'nel), adj. containing flesh or dead bodies. chart (chart), n. a map of any part of the' sea, river, &c., for the use of mariners ; the representation of a ship's course ; a mariner's compass ; a sheet giving information in tabu- lt:r form : v.t. to lay down, or de- lineate on a chart ; map out : v.i. to make a chart or map. charter (char'ter), n. a document be- stowing certain rights and privi- leges : v.t. to charter-party. charter-party (-par'ti), n. a writ- ten agreement relating to the hire of a vessel and its cargo : v.t. to let or hire by charter-party. chart ographer (kar-tog'ra-fer), n. one who prepares charts and maps. chartography (kar-tog'ra-fi), n. the art or business of drawing charts or maps. Chartreuse (shar-trez'), n. a cele- brated liqueur made by the monks of La Grand Chartreuse, France. chary (char'i), adj. cautious ; sparing. chase (chas), v.t. to pursue; capture or kill ; hunt ; drive away : v.i. to ride or hunt rapidly : n. eager or vehement pursuit ; hunting ; opeo ground for preserving deer. chase (chas), n. a groove; an iron frame for securing types ; that part of a cannon in front of the trun- nions : v.t. to work or emboss (pre- cious metals) ; cut, as the thread of a screw. chasm (kazm), n. a deep gap or open- ing in the earth ; a void space. chassepot (shas'po), n, a French breech-loading rifle. chasseur^ (sha-ser'), n. a domestic dressed in military or hunting cos- tume ; a French light-armed foot or cavalry soldier. chaste (chast), adj. morally pure; modest; pure in style; refined. chasten (chas'n), v.t. to punish for the purpose of reformation ; purify ; refine. chastise (chas-tiz'), v.t. to correct by punishment ; reduce to order or obe- dience. chastisement (chas'tiz-ment), n, punishment. chastity (chas'ti-ti), n. moral and sexual purity. chasuble (chas'ti-bl), n. a rich vest- ment worn over the alb by a cele- brating priest. chat (chat), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. chatted, p.pr. chatting], to talk in an easy familiar manner : n. familiar or in- formal speech. chateau (sha-to'), w. [pi. chateaux, (-toz')], a castle; a manor house or country seat ; the name of various French wines. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. CHERRIES I. Large Gobet. — 2. Hedelfinger Giant. — 3- Spanish Sour.— 4. Royal Amarelle.— 5. Coburg Mayheart. 6. Euttner's Late Red, hard. — 7. Winkler's White Heart. — 8. Ostheimer Common. — 9. Red May. — 10. Kruger's Heart. — ii.Lucien. — 12. Sweet Early Common. — 13. Duchess of Angouleme. — 14. Queen Hortense. — 15. Late Amarelle. — 16. Red Muscatel. — 17. Large Long Dark Red. — 18. Large Princess. — 19. Donissen's Golden, hard. — 20. Large Black, hard. cha 179 elie chatelaine (shat'e-lan), n. a bunch of chains to which are attached trin- kets, &c., worn at the waist by la- dies. chattel (chat'el), n. personal prop- erty except freehold (usually in pi.) . chatter (chat'er), v.i. to utter sounds rapidly, as a monkey ; rattle the teeth, as in shivering or from fright ; talk idly or carelessly ; jab- ber : v.t. to utter rapidly, idly, or indistinctly : n. sounds like those of the magpie, &c. ; idle, rapid talk. chatterbox (chat'er-boks), n. an in- cessant talker. chattiness (chat'i-nes), n. the qual- ity of being chatty. chatty (chat'i), adj. talkative, uncon- ventional. chauffeur (sho-fer'), n. an operator of an automobile ; an automobilist : fern, chauffeuse (sho-fez'). chauvinism, (sho'vin-izm), n. blind and unreasoning attachment to a fallen cause ; exaggerated political or i)arty fanaticism. cheap (chep), adj. purchasable for a low price ; common ; of small value. cheapen (chep'en), v.t. to lessen the price of. cheat (chet), n. a fraud or decep- tion ; one who cheats : v.t. to deceive or defraud ; impose upon : v.i. to act as a cheat. check (chek), n. a restraint; a re- proof ; a pass, ticket, or token ; a term in chess ; cloth woven in squares of alternate patterns ; an order or draft on a bank or banker for money : v.t. to restrain ; stop ; reprove ; examine by comparison ; mark as having been examined ; to place an opponent's king in danger at chess ; mark in small squares. checker (chek'er), n. checker-board; one of the squares of a checkered pattern ; piece with which to play checkers : pi. game played on a checker-board ; draughts : v.t. to mark or decorate with checkers ; variegate. checker-board, n. board on which the game of checkers is played. checkmate (chek'mat), n. the win- ning move at chess when the oppo- nent's king cannot move out of check ; a complete defeat from which there is no escape : v.t. to give checkmate to ; defeat utterly ; thwart. cheek (chek), n^ the side of the face beneath either eye ; one of two cor- responding sides ; cool impudence : v.t. face in an impudent manner. cheep (chep), n. a shrill noise, as that of a young chicken, or a mouse :v.i. to make such a noise. cheeper (chep'er), n. a young game bird. cheer (cher), n. temper or state of mind ; a state of gladness or joy ; a' shout of applause ; tidings ; luck : v.t. to gladden ; encourage ; applaud. cheerful (cher'fool), adj. full* of good spirits. cheerfully (-li), adv. in a cheerful manner. cheerily (cher'i-li), adv. heartily. cheeriness (cher'i-nes), n. the state of being cheery. cherry (cher'i), adj. cheerful; gay. cheese (ches), n. the curd or casein of milk coagulated, pressed and al- lowed to dry in a mold ; anything resembling cheese. cheese-cake ('kak), n. a confection of soft curds, butter, and sugar. cheese-paring (-par'ing), adj. nig- gardly. cheetah (che'ta), n. the hunting leopard of India. Also chetah. cheetal (che'tal), n. the Indian spot- ted deer. chef (shef), n. a head or professional cook. chef-d'oeuvre (sha-de'fr), n. [pi. chefs-d'oeuvre (sha-de'vr) ], a mas- terpiece. Gheiranthus (ki-ran'thus), n. a ge- nus of plants, which includes the wallflower. chemical (kem'i-kal), adj. pertain- ing to chemistry : n. a chemical sub- stance. chemically (-li), adv. according to chemical principles or operations. chemico-electric ( kem-i-ko-e-lek'- trik ) , adj. depending upon electric activity produced by chemical means. chemise (she-mez'), n. a woman's ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. elie 180 cM undergarment ; a wall lining an earthwork. chemisette ( shem-i-zet' ) , n. a short chemise worn over the breast. chemist (kem'ist), n. one skilled in chemistry ; a dealer in drugs and medicines ; an analyst. chemistry (kem'is-tri), n. the sci- ence which treats of the properties of elementary and compound sub- stances and the laws which govern their molecular and atomic rela- tions. chenille (she-nel')* n. silk or worsted cord. cheque (chek), n. an order or draft on a banker or bank, payable to the bearer ; check. cherish (cher'ish), v.t. to hold or esteem dear ; treat with tenderness ; protect and aid ; encourage ; harbor in the mind. cheroot (she-root'), n. a kind of cigar. cherry (cher'i), n. [pi. cherries Ciz)], the fruit of a tree allied to the plum ; a cordial made from cher- ries : adj. of a cherry color ; ruddy. cherub (cher'ub), n. [_pl. cherubs Cubz), cherubim ('oo-bim)], an angel next to a seraphim in rank ; a beautiful child ipl. cherubs]. cherubic (che-roo'bik), adj. angelic. chess (ches), n. a game played by two persons with 16 pieces each on a checkered board divided into G4 squares. chest (chest), n. a large box; the quantity such a box contains ; the breast or thorax ; a certain quantity of goods. • chested (ches'ted), adj. having a chest. chestnut (ches'nut), n. the nut or seed of trees of the genus Castanea ; the chestnut-tree with its edible fruit ; a reddish-brown color ; a horse of such color ; an old or stale joke : adj. reddish-brown. cheval-glass (she-val'glas), n. a large swing looking-glass. chevalier (shev-a-ler'), n. a knight: a horseman ; a member or knight of an honorable order ; the lowest title of rank of the old French nobility ; a gallant. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. chevaux-de-f rise ( shev-o6-de-f rez' ) , n.pl. a fence constructed of a bar armed with long spikes. Cheviot (chev'i-ot), n. a sheep bred on the Cheviot Hills ; a rough cloth made from its wool. chevron (shev'ron), n. a term in heraldry; the badge on the coat sleeve of a non-commissioned offi- cer, indicative of his rank ; a va- riety of fret ornament. chew (choo), v.t. to crush and grind with the teeth ; masticate ; meditate upon : v.i. grind tobacco between the teeth : n. that which is chewed ; a quid of tobacco. chiaroscuro (ki-ar-os-koo'ro), n. the treatment of light and shade in painting, drawing, or engraving : adj. pertaining to such treatment. chic (shek), adj. stylish: n. Parisian elegance in dress ; manual dexterity. chicane (shi-kan'), n. mean or un- fair artifices to obscure the truth ; sophistry.^ Also chicanery : v.t. to cheat : v.i. use artifices. chick (chik), n. the young of a bird, especially of the domestic hen : hence a child. chickadee (chik'a-de), n. the Ameri- can black-cap titmouse. chicken (chik'en), n. the young of a fowl, especially the domestic fowl. chicken-hearted (-hart'ed), adj. timid. chicken-pox (-poks), n. a mild erup- tive disease of children ; varicella. chick-pea (chik'pe), n. a plant the roasted seed of which forms the pulse of the East. chickweed (chik'wed), n. a common wild plant with white blossoms. chicory (chik'6-ri), n. a perennial plant with bright blue flowers and a tapering root, which, when roast- ed and ground, is used to mix with coffee. chide (chid), v.t. [p.f. & p.p. chid, chode, p.p. chidden, chid, p.pr. chid- ing], to find fault with; scold: v.i. to clamor. chidingly (chid'ing-li), adv. in a chiding manner. I chief (chef), n. a commander or leader ; a head or principal person ; the principal or most important CM 181 chl part : adj. principal ; most eminent ; of the first order, rank, or estima- tion ; leading ; main. chieftain (chef tan), n. a captain, leader, or commander ; the head of a class or tribe. _ , chiffon (shif'un, French she-fong'), n. a kind of thin gauze fabric. chiffonier ( shif -o-ner' ) , n. a piece of furniture fitted with drawers and shelves used as a sideboard; a rag gatherer. chignon ( she-ny6ng' ) , n. a roll of natural or artificial hair worn by women over a pad at the back of the head. chig-oe (chig'o), n. a species of West Indian and South American flea which burrows beneath the skin of the feet, and breeding there pro- duces ulcers. Also jigger. chikara (chi-ka'ra), n. the four- horned antelope of Bengal. chilblain (chil'blan), n. a sore or inflammation caused by frost or cold : v.t. to afflict with chilblains. child (child), n. {pi. children (chil'- dren)], a son or daughter; a very young person ; a descendant ; one immature in judgment. childbirth < 'berth), n. the act or time of bringing forth a child. ehilde (child), n. a term formerly applied to the scions of knightly houses before their admission into knighthood. childhood (child'hood), n. the period from infancy to puberty. childish ('ish), adj. like a child; puerile. children, pi. of child. chiliad (kil'i-ad), n. 1,000; a thou- sand years. chill (chil), n. a sudden coldness; the absence of heat in a substance ; the hardened part of a casting : adj. having the sensation of cold ; de- pressing ; discourteous : v.t. to make cold ; blast with cold ; deject ; harden cast iron by sudden cooling. chilli (chil'i), n. [pi. chillies (-iz)], the dried pod of a capsicum. Also chile, chili. chiloplasty (ki'lo-plas-ti), n. the transplantation of healthy skin to a diseased lip. chimera (ki-me'ra), w. an incon- gruous conception of the fancy ; a cartilaginous fish of remarkable ap- pearance. chime (chim), n. the musical har- mony produced by striking a set of bells with hammers ; a set of bells tuned to the musical scale and struck with hammers : v.i. to sound in consonance or harmony ; be in harmony or agree with ; join in • v.t. to cause to sound in harmony. chimerical (ki-mer'ik-al), adj. mere- ly imaginary ; fantastic ; unreal. chimerically (-li), adv. in a chimer- ical manner. chimney (chim'ni), n. [pi. chimneys ('niz)], the flue, vent, or passage through which smoke or heated air, &c., escapes ; a glass tube for a lamp to intensify combustion. chimpanzee (chim-pan'ze), a large West Indian anthropoid ape allied to the gorilla. chin (chin), n. the part of the face below the under lip. china (chi'na), n. a fine kind of porcelain : adj. of, or from, China ; of, or made of, china. chinch (chinch), n. a fetid insect destructive to corn crops; the bed- bug. chinchilla (chin-chil'a), n. a small South American rodent with a soft fine fur. chine (chin), n. the backbone or spine of an animal ; a piece of the backbone of an animal with adja- cent parts cut for cooking; a rocky ravine or large fissure in a cliff. Chinese (chi-nez'), adj. of, or per- taining to, China. chink (chingk), n. a small fissure opening lengthwise ; a narrow aper- ture : v.i. to crack ; to form into or close up cracks. chink (chingk), n. a sharp metallic or jingling sound ; money : v.t. to cause to make a sharp metallic sound ; jingle. chinkapin (ching'ka-pin), n. the dwarf chestnut of the United States, or its nut. chinse (chins), v.t. to force oakum or tow in (the chinks or seams be- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue hut ; think, then. «lii 182 cho tween the planking of a ship) ; calk temporarily. chintz (chints), n. cotton cloth, usually glazed, printed in various colors. cMp (chip), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. chipped, p.pr, chipping], to cut into small pieces ; bet at cards : v.i. break or fly off into small pieces : n. a small piece of stone, wood, &c. cut or broken off ; a bonnet, &c., made of thin split wood or 'Cuban palm leaf. chipmunk (chip'mungk), n. a small squirrel of North America, having dark and light stripes on its back. cMpper (chip'er), adj. active; pert. chirograpliy (ki-rog'ra-fi), n. the art of writing or engrossing ; judg- ment of character by the hand- writing. cMromancy (ki'ro-man-si), n. palm- istry. chiropodist (ki-rop'o-dist), n. one who removes corns, bunions, &c., and is skilled in diseases of the feet and hands. chirp (cherp), n. a short shrill cheer- ful note : v.i. to utter such a note. chisel (chiz'el), n. an edged instru- ment of iron or steel for cutting wood, stone, or metal : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. chiseled, p.pr. chiseling], to cut, pare, gouge, or engrave with a chis- el ; to take an unfair advantage of in a transaction. chit (chit), n. a child; a pert for- ward girl. chit-chat (-chat), n. familiar talk. chivalresque (shiv-al-resk'), adj. of, or pertaining to, chivalry; chival- rous. chivalrous (shiv'al-rus), adj. relat- ing to chivalry ; warlike ; high- spirited ; gallant. chivalry (shiv'al-ri), n. the mediae- val system of knighthood ; knights collectively : the qualifications of a knight, as bravery, nobleness, courtesy, respect for womanly dig- nity and chastity, &c. ; tenure of land by knight's service. chloral (klo'ral), n. a strong nar- cotic. chloralism (klo'^ral-izm), n. the habit of using chloral ; a diseased condi- tion caused by the use of chloral. chloralize (klo'ral-iz), v.t. to bring under the influence of chloral. chloralum (klo'ral-um), n. an anti- septic. chlorate (klo'rat), n. a salt of chlo- ric acid. chloric (klo-rik), adj. pertaining to, or containing, chlorine. chloric acid (as'id), n. an acid con- taining hydrogen, oxygen, and chlo- rine. chloride (klo'rid), n. a compound of chlorine with another element. chloride of lime (of lim), n. a com- pound of chloride with lime, used in bleaching. chlorine (klo'rin), n. a greenish- yellow gas possessing great bleach- ing powers. chlorodyne (klo'ro-din), n. a popu- lar anodyne. chloroform (klo'ro-form), n. a vola- tile liquid used for producing in- sensibility to pain : v.t. to adminis- ter chloroform to. chlorophyll (klo'r5-fil), n. the green coloring matter in plants. chlorosis (klo-ro'sis), n. a disease affecting young women, character- ized by anemia. chocolate (chok'o-lat), n. a paste made from the roasted kernels of the cacao-nut, used in making the beverage so called : adj. having the color of, or made of, chocolate. choice (chois), n. the act of choos- ing ; option ; the thing chosen ; the best or preferable part : adj. select ; carefully chosen. choir (kwir), n. a band of singers in a church ; the place where they sing. choke (chok), v.t. to suffocate by obstructing the windpipe; block up. choke-damp (-damp), n. carbonic acid generated in mines. choker (chd'ker), n. one who, or that which, chokes ; a necktie. choler (ko'ler), n. bile; irascibility. cholera (kol'er-a), n. a disease with violent vomiting and purging. choose (chooz), v.t. [p.t. chose, p.p. chosen, p.pr. choosing], to take by preference ; select : v.i. to make a choice ; prefer. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. elio 183 clir chop (chop), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. chopped, p.pr. chopping], to cut with re- peated blows ; hew ; mince ; to ex- change : v.i. to do anything with a quick motion ; turn or vary sud- denly : n. the act of chopping ; a piece chopped off. chop (chop), n. a mark or brand de- noting quality. chops (chops), n.pl. the sides of the mouth of a river, channel, &c. chopsticks (chop'stiks), n.pl. two small sticks used in China for eat- ing. choral (ko'ral), adj. of, or pertain- ing to, a choir ; chanted or sung by a choir. chorale (ko'ral), n. a simple sacred melody or hymn sung in unison, chorally (-li), adv. in the manner of a chorus. chord (k6rd), n. the string of a musical instrument ; notes in har- mony ; harmony of color ; a straight line joining the ends of the arc of a circle : v.t. to string, as a musical instrument. chores (chorz), n.pl. the daily light work of a farmyard or household. chorister (kor'is-ter), n. a member of a choir. chorus (ko'rus), n. a number singing in concert ; that part of a musical composition in which the company join the singer ; a concerted piece of music ; a band of singers and dancers in a Greek tragedy. chosen (cho'zen), adj. selected; choice. chough (chuf), n. a bird like a jack- daw. chouse (chous), v.t. to cheat; swindle. chow-cho-w (chou'chou), adj. an East Indian mixed pickle. chowder (chovi'der), n. a dish of fresh fish ; clams stewed together with pork and biscuits, &c. chrism (krizm), n. consecrated oil. christen (kris'n), v.t. to baptize in the name of the Holy Trinity ; give a Christian name to. Christendom (kris'n-dum), n. coun- tries whose inhabitants profess the Christian faith ; Christians collec- tively. Christian (kris'chan), n. a profes- sor of the religion of Christ : adj. professing the religion of Christ. Christian era (e'ra), n. the present era reckoned from the birth of Christ. Christianity (kris-chi-an'i-ti), n. the precepts and doctrines taught by Christ. Christianization (kris-chan-iz - a '- shun), n. the act or process of con- verting to Christianity. Christianize (kris'chan-iz), v.t. to convert to Christianity. Christmas (kris'mas), n. the festival (Dec. 25) celebrating the birth of Christ. Christmastide (-tid), n. Christmas Eve (Dec. 24) to Epiphany (Jan. 6). chromascope (kro'ma-skop), n. an instrument to show the optical ef- fects of color. _ chromate (kro'mat), n. a salt of chromic acid. chromatic (kro-mat'ik) , adj. relat- ing to colors ; including notes not belonging to the diatonic scale : n. a note affected by an accidental ; p/. that branch of optics which treats of colors. chromatically (-al-li), adv. in a chromatic manner. chr omatometer ( kro-ma-tom'e-ter ) , n. SL scale for measuring colors. chromatrope (kro'ma-trop), n. a revolving magic-lantern slide. chromatype (kro'ma-tip), n. a proc- ess for obtaining a colored photo- graphic picture. chrome (krom), n. chromium: v.t. to dye in a bath of bichromate of potash. chromium (kro'mi-um), n. a steel- gray metal, one of the elements. chromo (krO'mo), n. [pi. chromos ('moz)], a chromo-lithograph or pic- ture produced by chromo-lithog- raphy. chromogen (kr5'mo-jen), n. the col- oring matter of plants. chromograph (kro'mo-graf), n. an apparatus for duplicating circulars, oil-paintings, &c. ; a hectograph. chromolithic (kro-mo-lith'ik), adj. executed in chromo-lithography. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. clir 184 chn diromo-litliography (kro-mo-lith- og'ra-fl), n. the art of printing in colors from stone. chromospliere (kro'mo-sfer), n. the rose-colored outer envelope of the sun. clironic (kron'ik), adj. continuing a long time, or recurring : said of a disease. chronically (-al-li), adv. in a chron- ic manner. clironograia (kron'o-gram), n. an inscription which includes in it the date of some event. clironograpli (kron'6-graf), n. an instrument for recording minute in- tervals of time. chronological ( kron - o-loj'i-kal ) , adj. relating to, or containing an ac- count of, past events in the order of time. chronologically (-li), adv. in a chronological manner. chronologist (kro-nol'o-jist) , n. one versed in chronology. Also chronol- oger. chronologize (kro-nol'o-jiz), v.t. to arrange in historical sequence. chronology ('o-ji), n. [pi. chronol- ogies (-jiz)], the science that treats of events and arranges their dates in proper sequence. chronometer (kro-nom'e-ter), n. an instrument for measuring time with extreme accuracy. chronopher (kron'o-fer), n. an in- strument for signaling by electricity the exact time to distant stations. chronoscope (kron'o-skop), n. an instrument for measuring by elec- tricity the velocity of a projectile. chrysalis (kris'a-lis), n. the final stage through which a lepidopterous insect, or a butterfly, passes prior to its winged state. chrysanthemum (kris-an'the-mum), n. - a composite plant with large heads of showy flowers ; a flower of this plant. chrysolite (kris'6-lit), n. 2l green- colored and sometimes transparent gem. chrysoprase (kris'o-praz), n. a va- riety of chalcedony of apple-green color. chub (chub), n. a fresh- water fish. chubbiness (chub'i-nes), n. plump- ness. chubby (chub'i), adj. plump; fat and round. chuck (chuk), v.t. to make a noise like a hen calling to her chickens : n. a hen's call. chuck (chuk), v.t. to pat in a play- ful manner ; throw smartly to a short distance; hold in a chuck t n. a light blow under the chin '; a short toss ; an appendage to a lathe to secure the work to be turned. chuckle (chuk'l), n. a quiet, sup- pressed laugh : v.i. to laugh in such a manner. chum (chum), n. one who lodges in the same apartment ; a college stu- dent ; an old or intimate friend : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. chummed ; p.pr. chum- ming], to occupy the same room. chump (chump), n. a short, thick, heavy piece of wood. chunk (chungk), n. a short, thick piece ; a thick-set strong person or animal. chunky (chung'ki), adj. short and thick. church (cherch), n. a building set apart or consecrated for divine wor- ship. Church (cherch), n. the collective body of Christians ; a particular body of Christians ; the clergy. Churchman (-man), n. an adherent of the Established Church ; an Epis- copalian. church-warden ('wawr-dn), n. in the Anglican Church, one of two ofiicers chosen at Easter in every parish to attend to the secular af- fairs of the church, and to act as the legal representatives of the parish ; a long clay pipe. churl (cherl), n. formerly one of the lowest orders of freemen ; a peasant ; a surly ill-bred person ; a niggard. churlish ('ish), adj. ill-bred; nig- gardly. churn (chern), n. a vessel in which milk or cream is agitated to form butter : v.t. to make (butter) by agi- tating milk or cream ; agitate by violent motion. chute (shoot), w. an inclined trough for sending articles down ; an aquat- ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. cliy 185 elr ic switch-back; a river-fall over which timber is floated; a stam- pede ; a_ bayou. chyle (kll), n. a milk-like fluid sepa- rated from digested matter in the stomach, absorbed by the lacteal vessels, and assimilated into blood. diyme (kim), n. the pulpy mass of digested food prior to the separa- tion of the chyle. cicada (si-ka'dA), n. [pi. cicadse ('de)], a genuM of insects having the power of producing a shrill sound. cicatria: (sik'a-ti'iks), n. [pi. cica- trices (-tri-sez)j, the scar remain- ing after a wour.di has healed. cicatrize (sik'a-ti^!iz), v.t. to heal (a M^ound) by iadvicing the skin to form a cicatrix. cicerone ( sis-e-ro'ne ; Italian che-cha- ro'ne), n. [pi. cicorones (-nez), cice- roni ('ne)], a guide who explains the antiquities and chief features of a place. Cid (sid), n. a chief or commander, especially in Sparash literature ; the hero, Ruy Diaz, the Christian cham- pion against the Moors ; the name of a Spanish epic. cider (si'der), n. the juice of apples expressed and fermented. ci devant ( se-de-vang' ) , adj. former : used with reference to an office pre- viously held. cierge (serg), n. a wax candle used in religious processions. cigar (si-gar'), n. a small roll of to- bacco-leaf used for smoking. cigarette (sig-a-ret'), n. a small ci- gar made of tobacco rolled in thin paper. cilia (sil'i-a), n.pl. the hair of the eyelids ; long minute hair-like ap- pendages on the margins of vege- table bodies ; the very minute vibra- tile filaments lining or covering certain organs. ciliated (sil'i-a-ted), adj. covered with cilia. Cimmerian, (kim- or sim-e'ri-an), adj. pertaining to the Cimmerii, a fabulous people mentioned by Homer as living in perpetual darkness : hence intensely dark ; gloomy. cinch (sinch), n. a saddle girth firm- ly fastened in place by loop and knots ; a sure grip or hold. cinchona (sin-ko'na), n. a South American tree which yields quinine. cinchonism (sin'ko-niam), n. a con- dition of the system characterized by buzzing in the ears, deafness, &c., caused by the excessive use of quinine. cincture (singk'ttir), n. a belt or girdle worn round the waist ; a raised or carved ring at the bottom and top of a pillar. cinder (sin'der), n. any piece of a body thoroughly burnt but not re- duced to ashes : pi. volcanic scoriae ; ^ slag. cinematograph ( sin-e-mat'o-graf ) , n. a French device similar to the biograph. cinerary (sin'e-ra-ri), adj. pertain- ing to, or containing, ashes : applied to sepulchral urns. cinnabar (sin'a-bar), n. red sulphide of mercury. cinnamon (sin'a-mun), n. the inner aromatic bark of an East Indian tree : adj. light-reddish brown. cinque (singk), n. a five. cinque-foil (-foil), n. a plant of the genus Potentilla ; five fingers ; an architectural ornamentation resem- bling five leaves. cipher (si'fer), n. the symbol 0: hence a person or anything without value or power ; a monogram ; a secret manner of writing, or the key to it ; a code : v.i. to practice arith- metic ; to sound independently of the player : v.t. to express in cipher. circle (ser'kl), n. a round body; a plane figure bounded by a single curved line called its circumference, every part of which is equally dis- tant from a point within it, called the center ; an orb ; an enclosure ; a sphere or position in society ; a number of persons or things united by a common bond ; a coterie ; an administrative division of a coun- try ; an inconclusive form of argu- ment : v.t. to encompass : v.i. move in a circle ; to revolve. circlet (serk'let), n. a small circle. circuit (ser'ket), n. the act of going round anything ; the space enclosed ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. cir 186 , in a circle ; the journey of a judge from one place to another to hold assizes ; a district assigned to an itinerant preacher ; the arrange- ment by which an electrical current is kept up between the two poles of a battery or machine ; the path of the electric current. circuitous (ser-kti'i-tus), adj. round- about. circular (ser'kti-lar), adj. round like a circle ; ending in itself ; intended for circulation : n. a printed or written letter or notice. circularize (ser'ku-lar-iz), v.t. to make circular ; send circulars to. circulate (ser'ku-lat), v.t. to cause to pass from point to point or from one person to another : vA. move round and return to the same point ; pass from hand to hand ; be diffused or distributed ; travel. circulation (ser-ku-la'shun), n. the act of moving round ; passing or transmitting from place to place ; the extent to which a thing is cir- culated ; currencv of money. circulator ( ser'ku-la-ter ) , n. a cir- culating decimal. circulatory (ser'kti-la-to-ri), adj. circulating. eircum (ser'kum), a prefix = around, forming compounds the meaning of many of which is ob- vious, as ctrcwmpolar, around the pole, &c. circumamljient (ser - kum - am'bi- ent), adj. inclosing, or being sur- rounded, on all sides. circumcise (ser'kum-siz), v.t. to cut off the foreskin or prepuce ; purify the heart. circumcisioB, (ser'kum-sizh-un), n. the act of circumcising ; spiritual purification. circumference (ser-kum'fer-ens), n. the line that bounds a circle ; a pe- riphery. circumferential ( ser-kum-f er-en'- shal ) , adj. pertaining to the circum- ference. circumferentially (-li), adj. in a circumferential manner. circumflect (ser-kum-flekt'), v.t. to bend around. circumflection, n. Same as circum- flexion. circumflex (ser'kum-fleks) , n. a mark C^ ^ '^) Qygj, g^ vowel or syllable to denote accent or contraction : adj. marked with such an accent ; curved or winding : v.t. to pro- nounce or mark with the circum- flex. cir cumflexion ( ser-kum-flek'shun ) , n. the act of marking with a cir- cumflex. circumfuse ( ser-kum-fuz' ) , v.t. to pour or spread around. circumjacent (ser-kum-ja'sent) ,a(f/. lying around ; bordering on every side. circumlocution ( ser - kum - lo-ku'- shun), n. a roundabout way of speaking ; an indirect mode of state- ment. circumlocutionary (-a-ri), adj. roundabout. circumlocutory ( ser-kum-lok'u-to- ri ) , adj. expressing few words in many. cir cumnavigable ( ser-kum-nav'i- ga-bl), adj. capable of being circum- navigated. circumnavigate (ser - kum - nav'i- gat), v.t. to sail round: usually the globe. circumnavigator ( ser-kum-nav'i- ga-ter), n. one who circumnavigates. circumscribe (ser-kum-skrib'), v.t. to inclose within certain lines or boundaries ; restrict. circumscriptive (-skrip'tiv), adj, limiting. circumspect (ser'kum-spekt), adj. cautious ; prudent ; watchful on all sides. circumspection (ser - kum - spek'- shun), n. caution; watchfulness on every side ; prudence. circumstance (ser'kum-stans), n. something relative or appendent to a fact ; an incident : pi. state of af- fairs : v.t. to place in a particular situation [only in p.p.]. circumstantial ( ser-kum-stan'shal ) , n. something incidental and sub- ordinate to the main subject : pi. incidentals : adj. accidental ; de- tailed ; proving indirectly. ate, arm, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, tlien. cir 187 cia^ circumstantiality (-shi-al'i-ti), n. the state of being circumstantial ; fullness of detail. circumstantially (-li), adv. in- cidentally ; not essentially ; minute- ly ; exactly. circumstantiate ( ser-kum-stan'shi- at), v.t, to verify in every particu- lar. circumvallation (ser-kum-val-a'- shun), n. the act of throwing up walls or fortifications. circumvent (ser-kum-vent'), n. to gain an advantage over by strata- gem or deception. circumvention (-ven'shun), n. the act of circumventing; a stratagem. circumventive ('tiv), adj. deceiv- ing by artifice. circumvolution ( ser - kum - vo-lii'- shun), n. the act of rolling round; ^the state of being rolled round. circus (ser'kus), n. [pi. circuses (-ez)], a large level oblong space for £eats of horsemanship, &c., with seats for the spectators arranged ^ in tiers ; a semi-circular space. cisalpine (sis-al'pin), adj. this side of the Alps with regard to Rome ; south of the Alps. cisatlantic (sis-at-lan'tik), adj. on this side of the Atlantic Ocean. cistern (sis'tern), n. a natural or ar- tificial receptacle for storing water ; a reservoir. citadel (sit'a-del), n. a fortress; a being cited. citadel (sit'a-del), n. a fortress, a castle. citation (sl-ta'shun), n. an official summons to appear before a court, especially an ecclesiastical court ; a quotation. citatory ( si'ta-to-ri ) , adj. having the ^ form or nature of a citation ; citing. cite (sit), v.t. to summon officially to appear in court ; quote. cithara (sith'a-ra), n. an ancient lyre. citizen (sit'i-zen), n. a native or in- habitant of a town or city ; a free- man ; a member of a state or na- tion who enjoys political rights and privileges ; a tradesman. citrate (sit'rat), n. a salt of citric acid. citric acid (sit'rik as'id), n. an acid found in the lemon and orange. citron (sit'run), n. a tree with a fruit like the lemon. city (sit'i), n. [pi. cities ('iz)], a large and important town ; a corpo- rate town. civet (siv'et), n. a musky secretiori of the- anal glands of the civet cat. civic (siv'ik), adj. pertaining to a city. civil (siv'il), adj. relating to the af- fairs of a city or government ; in- testine ; non-international ; not mili- tary or criminal ; complaisant ; well- bred. civil service (ser'vis), n. the paid service of the State not exclusively naval or military. civil \ffSLV (wawr), n. war between two factions of the same country. civilian (si-vil'yan), n. one engaged in the pursuits of civil life : adj, oc- cupied in civil pursuits. civility (si-vil'i-ti), n. [pi. civilities (-tiz)], good breeding; courtesy. civilization (siv-i-li-za'shun), n, the act or state of being civilized; culture ; refinement. civilize (siv'i-llz), v.t. to reclaim from a savage state ; instruct in the arts and refinements of civilized life. civilly ( siv'il-li ) , adv. in a civil man- ner. clack (klak), v.i. to make a sudden, sharp sound ; chatter rapidly and continuously : n. a sudden, sharp sound ; continual prattle ; a variety of ball-valve ; a mechanical contri- vance in a corn-mill. clad, p.t. of clothe. claim (klam), v.t. to demand as a right, or by authority : v.i. to be entitled to anything ; assert or put forward a claim : w. a demand ; a right or title to anything ; the thing claimed ; a piece of land which a miner marks out in accordance with mining law. claimant (kla'mant), n. one who demands anything as his right. clairaudience (klar-aw'di-ens) , n. the supposed power of hearing in a trance sounds otherwise inaudible. clairvoyance (klar-voi'ans), n. the ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. «la 188 cla power attributed to persons in a mesmeric state of seeing objects not usually perceptible. clairvoyant ('ant), adj. pertaining to, or characterized by, clairvoy- ance : n. one who professes to have the power of clairvoyance : fcm. clairvoyante. dam. (klam), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. clam- med, p.pr. clamming], to clog with any glutinous matter : v.i. 'to be moist and cold. clam (klam), n. an edible bivalve mollusk. clam-bake (-bak), n. clams baked with sea-weed ; a picnic at which baked clams form the chief dish. clamber (klam'ber), v.t. to ascend or climb with difficulty. clamLmiily (-li), adv. in a clammy manner. clamminess (klam'i-nes), n. the state of being clammy. clammy (klam'i), adj. soft and sticky. clamor (klam'er), n. a loud and con- tinued noise ; popular outcry : v.t. shout with a loud voice : v.i. make importunate demands. clamorous (klam'er-us), adj. vocif- erous. clamp (klamp), n. anything that fastens or binds ; a piece of wood, metal, &c., used to bring two things together : v.t. to fasten or bind with clamps. clan (klan), n. sl tribe or association of families united under one chief- tain, having one common ancestor, and the same surname. clandestine (-des'tin), adj. secret; private. clandestinely (-li), adv. in a secret manner. clang (klang), n. a loud, sharp, ring- ing metallic sound : v.t. to cause to resound with a clang : v.i. give out a clang. clangor ('ger), n. a sharp clang. clank (klangk), n. a sharp, hard , metallic sound : v.t. & v.i. to rattle and sound, as chains. clannish (klan'ish), adj. pertaining to a clan ; closely adherent. clap (klap), v.t. & v.i. [p.t. & p.p. clapped, p.pr. clapping], to strike one thing against another with a quick, sharp noise ; indicate approv- al by striking the hands together ; put on quickly : n. a loud noise made by a sudden collision ; applause expressed by clapping ; a sudden act or movement. clapboard (klab'ord), n. a thin, narrow board, used for the covering of the sides of frame houses. clapper ('er), n. one who, or that which, claps ; the tongue of a bell ; the clack of a mill-hopper. claque (klak), n. an organized body of men who applaud or express dis- approval at theaters : hence inter- ested admirers. claquer (kla-ker'), n. a member of a claque. claret (klar'et), n. a light bodied wine of a dark-red color ; blood : adj. claret-colored. clarification (klar-i-fi-ka'shun), n. the act of clarifying. clarify (klar'i-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. clarified, p.pr. clarifying], to make clear from impurities : v.i. to be- come bright. clarinet (klar'i-net), n. a keyed reed instrument of the oboe class. Also clarionet. clarion (klar'ri-un), n. a kind of trumpet. clask (klash), v.i. to make a loud harsh noise by mutual collision : v.t. to strike violently together : n. the noise so produced. clasp (klasp), v.t. to shut or fasten together with, or as with, a clasp : n. a hook to hold anything close ; a close embrace. clasper ('er), n. one who, or that which, clasps; a tendril. class (clas), n. a rank or order of persons or things ; a number of students of the same status ; a group of animals or plants next in rank above an order : v.t. to classify. class meeting (met'ing), n. a class, under a class-leader, for religious instruction. classic (klas'ik), adj. of, or relating to, the highest class or rank in lit- erature or art ; pertaining to, or having the characteristics of, the Greek or Roman authors ; relating ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Ola 189 cle to localities associated with great authors or events ; pure ; refined ; clear-cut. Also classical : n. an author of the first rank whose works serve as a standard ; one versed in Greek and Latin litera- ture : pi. ancient Greek and Latin literature. classically (-al-li), adv. in the style or manner of a classic. classification (klas-i-fi-ka'shun), n. the art of forming or dividing into classes. classificatory (klas'i - fi-ka-to-ri) , adj. relating to, or forming the basis of, classification. classifier (klas'i-fi-er), n. one who classifies. classify (klas'i-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. classified; p.pr. classifying], to ar- range in classes ; systematize. classman (klas'man), n. [pi. class- men ('men)], a student who has gained honors at an examination : opposed to passman. clatter (klat'er), v.i. to make a noise by knocking two sonorous bodies frequently together ; talk idly and noisily : v.t. to strike anything to make a clatter : n. a continuous or confused noise ; idle gossip. clause (klawz), n. a separate part of a written composition, or a sentence ; a special proviso in a document. claustral (klaws'tral), adj. pertain- ing to a cloister. clavate (kla'vat), adj. club-shaped. clavichord (klav'i-k6rd), n. a medi- aeval stringed instrument. Also clari- chord. clavicle (klav'i-kal), n. the collar- bone. clavier (kla-ver'), n. the key-board of an organ, pianoforte, or harmo- nium. claw (klaw), n. a sharp hooked nail in the foot of an animal, as the cat ; the whole foot of a bird ; anything resembling a claw ; the narrow part at the base of a leaf or foot-stalk of a petal : v.t. to tear or scratch with, or as if with, claws. clay (kla), n. anything easily mold- ed ; soft plastic earth ; the bodily or earthly nature of man : adj. made of or like clay : v.t. to purify, cover, or manure with clay. claymore (kla'mor), n. a Highland broad-sword. clean (klen), adj. free from dirt oi^ extraneous matter ; morally or cere- monially pure : adv. in a clean man- ner ; entirely ; cleverly ; v.t. to ren- der clean. clean-cut (-kut), adj. clear-cut; well-shaped. cleanlily (klen'li-li), adv. in a clean- ly manner ; adroitly. cleanliness (-nes), n. the state of being clean. cleanly (klen'li), adj. neat; pure: adv. wholly clean. cleanness (klen'nes), n. moral or physical purity ; neatness. cleanse (klenz), v.t. to make clean; purify from moral impurity or guilt. clear (kler), adj. bright; pure; un- dimmed ; translucent ; manifest to= the understanding ; unobstructed ; audible; unadulterated: v.t. to make bright ; render evident ; free from obstructions ; render more acute or quick ; prove or declare innocent ; free from legal detention, as im- ported goods : v.i. leave a port ; ex- change ch;eques, bills, &c., at a bank» clear-cut (kut), adj. having a sharp, clearly-defined outline, as if chisejed. clearance (kler'ans), n. the act of clearing. clearing (kler'ing), n. the act of making clear ; land cleared of tim- ber. clearstarch (kler'starch), v.t. to- stiffen or dress with starch. cleat (klet), n. a thin piece of iron worn on boots to make them more durable ; a piece of wood or iron on the yard-arm of a ship to keep the ropes from slipping ; a strip of wood nailed across a board : v.t. to secure or strengthen with a cleat. cleavable (kle-va-bl), adj. divisible. cleavage (kle'vaj), n. the act of splitting ; the property of some min- erals and rocks of being broken in one or more directions. cleave (klev), v.i. [p.t. clave, cleaved, p.p. cleaved, p.pr. cleaving], to ad- here to ; be attached strongly to. ate, arm, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ele 190 cli cleave (klev), v.t, [p.t, cleft, clove, p.p. cleft, cloven, cleaved, p.pr. cleaving], to divide with violence; part naturally. cleaver (kle'ver), n. a butcher's heavy hatchet for dividing carcasses. cleavers (kle'verz), n. goose-grass. clef (kief), n. s. figure at the begin- ning of each staff in music to indi- cate the pitch of all the notes on one particular line or space. cleft, p.t. & p.p. of cleave, to split. cleft (kleft), n. a crack; crevice. clematis (klem'a-tis), n. a perennial plant of the crowfoot family. clemency (klem'en-si), n. [pi. clem- encies (-siz)], compassion; remis- sion. clement (klem'ent), adj. compassion- ate ; forgiving ; gentle ; forbearing. clergy (kler'ji), n. a body of men set apart by ordination for the service of the Church. clergyman (-man), n. [pi. clergy- men (-men)], a minister. clerical (kler'i-kal), adj. pertaining to the clergy ; pertaining to a clerk, ^ ,, . writer, or copyist. ■^-■^r- clerical-error (er'er), n. an error in copying. clerk (klerk), n. a parish clerk; a scholar ; one engaged in an office to conduct correspondence, keep books, or transact business generally ; an assistant salesman in a store or shop : v.i. to act as clerk or sales- man. clever (klev'er), adj. possessing skill or ability ; dexterous ; expert ; good naturedand obliging. clew (kloo), 11. a ball of thread; one of the corners of a sail : v.t. to truss up (sails) to the yard of a ship. click (klik), v.i. to make a short sharp successive noise : v.t. to move with a clicking sound : n. a slight sharp sound ; a catch for retaining a bolt. client (kli'ent), n. one who employs a lawyer ; one dependent upon an- other's patronage. clientage ( kli'en-ti j ) , n. the condi- tion of being a client; clients col- lectively. cliff (klif ) , n. high steep rock or bank. climacteric ( kli-mak'ter-ik ) , n. one of the critical periods in human life when some great change is supposed to take place in the constitution. climate (kll'mat), n. the temperature and meteorological conditions of a country, &c. climatic (kli-mat'ik), adj. relating to, or connected with, climate. climatize (kli'ma-tiz), v.t. to accus- tom to a new climate. climatography (kli-ma-tog'ra-fi), n. a description of climates. climatology (-tol'o-ji), n. meteor- ology. climatometer (kli-ma-tom'e-ter), n. an instrument for recording varia- tions of temperature in any given region. climax (kll'maks), n. the summit; acme. climb (klim), v.i. to mount or as- cend, as by the hands and feet : v.t. ascend laboriously : n. an ascent by climbing. clime (klim), n. a country, region, or tract. clinch (klinch), v.t. to rivet; fix firmly by folding over ; double up tightly, as the fingers ; to hold fast : n. anything that holds both ways ; a mode of fastening large ropes. cling (kling), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. clung, p.pr. clinging], to adhere closely; hold fast by embracing or entwin- ing. clinic (klin'ik), n. a medical lecture at the bedside or in the presence of patients. clinical (klin'ik-al), adj. pertaining to a clinic. clinically (-li), adv. in a clinical manner. clink (klingk), v.t. to strike so as to make a slight sharp sound : v.i: to make a clinking noise : n. a slight sharp successive vibrating noise. cli-nker ('er), n. a mass of partly vitrified brick ; slag. clip (klip), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. clipped, dipt: p.pr. clipping], to cut with shears or scissors ; cut off ; former- ly to debase coin by cutting off the edges : v.i. mOve quickly : n. the wool of a season's shearing ; a spring holder for holding papers; a slight blow with the hand. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, ndrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ell 191 do clipper (/er), one who, or that which, clips ; an instrument for cut- ting the hair of horses ; a sailing vessel with very sharp lines and great sprsr>d of canvas ; a person or animal that runs swiftly ; a first- rate person or thing. clique (klek), n. a group of persons united for some common purpose (usually sinister) ; a coterie; a ring. cloak (klok), n. sl sleeveless, loose outer garment worn by both sexes : hence, a pretext ; disguise : v.t. to cover with, or as with, a cloak ; cover up or conceal. clock (klok), n. a machine for meas- uring and indicating the divisions of time by means of hands moving over a dial-plate. clock (klok),w. a woven or embroid- ered ornament upon a stocking. clockwise ('wiz), adv. in the direc- tion of the rotation of the hands of a clock. clod (klod), n. a lump of earth, turf, or clay ; a bait used in eel-fishing ; the shoulder part of the neck-piece in beef. clog (klog), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. clogged: p.pr. clogging], to load with any- thing that may impede motion ; em- barrass : v.i. to stick or cluster to- gether : n. a load or weight ; a hin- drance ; a kind of wooden shoe. clogginess ('i-nes), n. the state of being clogged. cloggy (klog'i), adj. clogging; ad- hesive. cloister (klois'ter), n. a place of re- ligious retirement ; a monastery or nunnery : pi. an arched way or cov- ered walk running round an ecclesi- astical building or college : v.t. to confine in, or as in, a cloister or convent ; seclude from the world. cloistral (klois'tral), adj. pertaining to, or confined in, a cloister ; se- cluded. close (kloz), v.t. to shut; surround closely ; unite together ; consolidate ; end : v.i. to come together ; shut in ; coalesce ; engage in hand-to-hand conflict ; grapple : n. an inclosed space ; the precincts of a cathedral or abbey; an alley: adj. (klos) hav- ing no outlet ; confined ; without ven- tilation ; oppressive ; minute ; con- cise ; reticent ; niggardly : adv. near. close corporation (klos kor-po-ra'- shun), n. a corporation in which vacancies are filled by its members. close-hauled (-hawld), adj. kept as near to the wind as possible. close port (port), n. a river port. close-reef (-ref), n. the last reef in a sail. close season (se'zun), n. certain months in the year in which it is il- legal to kill game, protected wild birds, fish, &c. closet (kloz'et), n. a small room for privacy or retirement ; a place for storing valuable things or household requisites : adj. private ; secluded : v.t. to receive in a private room for confidential consultation. closure (klo'zhtir), n. the act of shut- ting up ; that which closes ; the end ; the closing of a debate by the vote of the majority (the cloture) : v.t. to end (a debate) by closure. clot (klot), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. clotted, p.pr. clotting], to coagulate: v.t. to make, form into, or cover with, clots : n. a concrete or coagTilate mass of soft or fluid matter. cloth (kl6th).w, [p?. cloths (klo^/iz)], a woven fabric of some fibrous ma- terial, especially wool ; a table cover- ing ; the distinctive dress of any profession, especially the clerical. clothe (kloth), v.t. to put raiment on ; cover with, or as with, a gar- ment. clothes (klo^Tiz), n.pl. covering for the body ; dress ; bedclothes. clothier (kloth'jer) , n. one who manufactures or sells clothes. clothing (klo^/i'ing), n. garments in general. cloture. See closure. cloud (kloud), n. a mass of visible vapor floating in the atmosphere ; a volume of smoke or dust ; the dark markings in marble or precious, stones ; a diffused body of anything ; a multitude ; a light woolen shawl : v.t. to overspread with, or as with, a cloud ; render gloomy ; blacken or sully : v.i. to grow cloudy. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n6rth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. rowa butterfly. FAMILIAR TYPES OF DOGS. 1, Pointer; 2, turnspit; 3, Newfoundland; 4, wolfhound; 5, deerhound; 6, bulldog; 7, poodle; 8, Eskimo; 9, bloodhound; 10, greyhound; 11, St. Bernard. 3ll com 203 con compulsory (-pal'so-ri), adj. exer- cising compulsion ; obligatory. compunction (-pungk'shun), n. con- trition, compurgation (-per-ga'shun), n. the practice of justifying one man's ve- racity by the testimony of another. computable (kom-put'a-bl), adj. that may be computed. computation (-pu-ta'shun), n. the act or process of computing; esti- I mate. compute (-put'), v.t. to number; reckon. comrade (kom'rad), n. a companion. con (kon), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. conned, p. pr. conning], to peruse carefully; fix in the mind by constant repeti- tion; to direct (a helmsman) how to steer. conation (ko-na'shun), n. the fac- ulty of voluntary agency, including volition and desire. conative (ko'na- or kon'a-tiv), adj. pertaining to the faculty of cona- tion ; expressing endeavor or effort. concatenation ( kon-kat-e-na'shun ) , n. a series of things united like links. concave (kon'kav), adj. hollow and curved. concave lens (lenz), n. a lens one side of which is flat and ;he other slightly concave. concavity (-kav'i-ti), n. [pi. eon- cavities (-tiz)], the state of being concave ; the inner surface of a rounded hollow body. concavo-concave ( kon-ka'vo-kon'- kav), adj. hollow on both surfaces, as a lens. concavo-convex (-kon'veks), adj. concave on one side, convex on the other. conceal (kon-sel'), 'V.t. to hide; keep secret ; disguise. concealment ('ment), n. the act of hiding or keeping secret ; a place of hiding ; shelter. concede (-sed'), v.t. to yield; admit. conceit (-set'), n. an idea; an over- estimate of one's own abilities ; a quaint fancy. conceivability (-sev-a-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being conceivable. conceivable (-sev'a-bl), adj. imag- inable. conceive (-sev'), v.t. imagine; un- derstand ; develop in the womb ; v.i, to think ; become pregnant. concentrate (kon-sen'trat), v.t. to bring to one point or common cen- ter ; intensify the action of ; con- dense : adj. reduced to a pure or dense state. concentration (-sen-tra'shun), n, the state of being concentrated; condensation. concentrativeness ('tra-tiv-nes), n, the power of fixing the mind on a particular subject. concentrator (-tra-ter), n. a pneu- matic apparatus for separating dry ores when comminuted. concentric (-sen'trik), adj. having a common center. concentricity (-sen-tris'i-ti), n. the state of being concentric. concept (kon'sept), n. an abstract general notion or conception. conceptacle (-sep'ta-kl), n. that which contains anything; a follicle. conception (-sep'shun), n. the im- pregnation of the ovum ; the act or power of conceiving in the mind; an idea or notion. conceptive (-sep'tiv), adj. capable of conceiving mentally or physically. conceptualist ('tii-al-ist), n. one who holds the theory (conceptual- ism) that the mind can form for itself general conceptions. concern (kon-sern'), v.t. to relate or belong to ; interest or engage ; make uneasy : n. business ; affair ; inter- est ; anxiety ; a firm. concerning ('ing), prep, relating to. concernment ('ment), n. solicitude; affair. concert (kon-serf), v.t. to contrive or devise together ; adjust or ar- range mutually: n. (kon'sert) a musical entertainment ; co-opera- tion ; harmony, or mutual agree- ment. concerted ('ed), adj. mutually planned or agreed upon ; arranged in parts. concertina (-ser-te'na), n. a musical instrument of the accordion class. ate, arm, ask, at;, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon; book; hue, hut; think, then. con 204 COB concertino (-te'no), n. a small con- certo. concerto (-ser'to, Italian -char'to), n. [pi. concertos ('toz)]. a musical composition for a solo instrument, with an orchestral accompaniment. concession (kon-sesh'un), n. the act of conceding ; the thing conceded ; land, privileges, &c., granted by a government to a company, &c., for some specific purpose. concessionaire (-un-ar'), n. a per- son holding a concession. concessive (-ses'iv), adj. implying concession. concessory (-ses'o-ri), adj. conced- ing. conch, (kongk), n. a marine shell. concha (kong'ka), n. [pi. couchse (-ke)], the outer ear; auricle; the dome of an apse. concho-grass ('ko-gras), n. a valua- ble forage grass of the southern United States. conchoid ('koid), n. a shell-like curve. conchology ('kol-o-ji), n. the branch of zoology which treats of mollusks and their shells. concierge ( kong-si-arzh' ) , n. in France, a door-keeper or janitor. conciliate (kon-sil'i-at), v.t. to rec- oncile ; win or gain the affections of. conciliator (-a-ter), n. one who conciliates. conciliatory (-to-ri), adj. tending to conciriate or reconcile. Also con- ciliative. concise (kon-sis'), adj. condensed, terse. concisely ('li), adv. tersely; briefly. conciseness ('nes), n. brevity. conclave (kon'klav), n. a private meeting, as of cardinals for the election of a Pope. conclude (kon-kltid'), v.t. to infer; determine ; settle ; end : v.i. draw an inference. conclusion ('■klii'zhun), n. a final determination ; result ; end. conclusive (-klti'siv), adj. decisive; final. concoct (kon-kokt'), v.t. to digest; cook ; assimilate mentally ; plot. concoction (-kok'shun), n. the act of concocting ; a plan or plot ; a compound of various ingredients. concomitance (-kom'i-tans), n. the state of being concomitant. Also concomitancy. concomitant ('i-tant), n. accom- panying ; conjoined with : n. an at- tendant. concord (kong' or kon'kSrd), n. har- mony ; union ; agreement. concordance (kon-kor'dans), n. agreement ; a diccionary of words or passages, with references to the places where they occur, especially in the Bible. concordant ('dant), adj. harmoni- ous. concordat ('dat), n. a compact or agreement, especially between Church and State. concourse (kong'kors), n. arriving together ; an assembly or crowd. concrete (kon'kret), adj. united in growth ; coalesced ; not abstract : n. a mass formed by concretion ; a compact mass of lime, sand, gravel, mortar, _&c., used for building : v.i. (kon-kref), to coalesce : v.t. to form by the union of particles. concretion (kon-kre'shun), n. the act of concreting ; a mass formed by the union of separate particles. concretionary (-a-ri), adj. charac- terized by concretions. concretive ('tiv), adj. producing con- cretes. concubinage (kong-kii'bi-naj), n. the act of living as man and wife without being legally married. concubine (kong'kti-bin), n. a wom- an who lives with a man without being legally married. concupiscence (kon-kii'pi-sens), n. illicit sexual desire ; unlawful de- sire. concupiscent (-sent), adj. lustful. concur (kon-ker'), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. concurred, p.pr. concurring], to agree or unite in action or opinion ; coincide. concurrence (-kur'ens), n. the act of concurring ; agreement ; consent. concurrent (-kur'ent), adj. acting in union or conjunction ; joint and equal in authority ; meeting at one ate, arm, §.sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. con 205 point : n. that which concurs ; a con- tributory cause. concussion (-kush'un), n. the shock caused by two bodies coming violent- ly together ; injury by a fall. condemn (kon-dem'), v.i. to pro- nounce or judge guilty ; blame ; cen- sure ; declare to be forfeited. condemnation (-dem-na'shun), n. the act of condemning. condemnatory (-dem'na-to-ri), adj. implying condemnation. condensability ( kon-den-sa-bil'i-ti ) , n. the quality of being condensable. condensable (-den'sa-bl ),«(?/. capa- ble of condensation. condensation (-den-sa'shun), n. compression. condense (-dens'), v.t. to compress; make close or thick : v.i. grow dense. condenser ('er), n. an apparatus for reducing gases or vapors to a liquid or solid form ; a device for storing electricity ; a lens for concentrat- ing light. condescend (kon-de-send'), v.i. to stoop ; descend ; yield ; deign. condescension (-de-sen'shun), n. the act of condescending; voluntary humiliation. condign (-din'), adj. well-deserved; suitable. condiment (kon'di-ment), n. a sea- soning. condition (kon-dish'un), n. state; quality ; external circumstances ; stipulation or terms of a contract : v.i. to contract or stipulate ; bring into and keep in bodily health ; ex- amine. conditionally (-al-li), adv. with cer- tain limitations. condolatory (-do'la-to-ri), adj. ex- pressing condolence. condole (kon-dol'), v.t. to lament: v.i. to express sympathy for an- other [with tvith], condolence ('ens), n. sympathy. condonation ( -do-na'shun ) , n. the act of pardoning a wrong act. condone (kon-don'), v.t. to pardon, especially a violation of marital duty. condor (kon'der), n. a very large South American vulture. conduce (-dtis'), v.i. to tend to; con- tribute. conducible (-du'si-bl), adj. tending; contributing ; promoting. conducive (-siv), adj. having the quality or power of conducing [with to]. conduct (kon-dukf), v.t. to guide; direct; manage; behave: n. (kon'- dukt) personal behavior or prac- tice; management. conductance (kon-duk'tans), n. power or capacity for conducting electricity. conductibility (kon-duk-ti-bil'i-ti) , n. the capability of being conducted. conductible (-duk'ti-bl), adj. ca- pable of being conducted. conduction (-duk'shun), n. trans- mission by a conductor. conductive (-duk'tiv), adj. having the quality or power of conducting. conductivity (-duk-tiv'i-ti), n. the quality of being conductive. conductor (duk'ter), n. one who, or that which, conducts ; a leader or guide ; one who has charge of a car or train ; a substance which con- ducts or transmits certain forces. conduit (kon' or kun'dit), n. sl canal or pipe for the conveyance of water, &c. cone (kon), n. a geometrical figure broad, round, and broad at the bot- tom, and lessening the circumference towards the top ; the fruit of the fir, pine, &c. ; a storm-cone : v.t. to shape like the segment of a cone. coney (ko'ni), another form of cony. confab (kon'fab), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. confabbed, p.pr. confabbing], to chat. confabulation (-fab-ti-la'shun), n. a chat. confection (-fek'shun), n. anything conserved or compounded with sugar ; a sweetmeat. confectioner (-er), n. one who pre- pares and sells sweetmeats, &c. confectionery (-i), n. [pi. confec- tioneries (-iz)], sweetmeats, cakes, preserves, &c. confederacy (-fed'er-a-si), n. [pi. confederacies (-siz)], persons, states, or nations united in a league ; unlawful combination. confederate ('er-at), v.i. to unite in a league : adj. united by a league : ate, arm, ksk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 206 con n. a member of a confederation ; an ally ; an accomplice._ confederation (-er-a'shun), n. the act of confederating ; an alliance ; an alliance of states previously in- dependent. confederative (-fed'er-a-tiv), adj. of, or belonging to, a confederation. confer (kon-fer'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. conferred, p.pr. conferring], to give or bestow : v.i. to consult together ; converse. conference ('fer-ens), n. the act of consulting together formally ; an appointed meeting for discussing some topic or business ; an ecclesias- tical assembly. confess (kon-fes'), v.t. to admit or acknowledge ; avow ; grant ; prove ; hear (as a priest) a confession: v.i. disclose the state of one's conscience to a priest and receive absolution. confession (-fesh'un). n. act of con- fessing ; anything ' disclosed or acknowledged. confessional (-al), n. an inclosed cabinet, in which a priest sits to hear confessions ; the practice of auricular confessicrv. confessor (kon' or kon-fes'er), n. one who makes a profession of his faith and suffers persecution ; a priest who hears confessions and grants absolution. confetto (-fet'to), n. [pi. confetti ('ti)], a sweetmeat; a plaster pel- let used for pelting at carnivals. confidant ('fi-dant), n. a confiden- tial or bosom friend : fern, confi- dante. confide (kon-fid'), v.i. have confi- dence in : v.t. to trust fully [with to]. confidence (kon'fi-dens), n. trust; reliance. confident (-dent), adj. full of con- fidence ; positive : bold ; dogmatical. confidential (-den'shal), adj. spoken or ^T-itten in confidence ; trust- worthy. confidentially (-li), adv. in a con- fidential manner. configuration (-fig-u-ra'shun), n. ex- ternal form ; relative position of the planets. confine (kon'fin), n, a boundary, the to the the evi- border, or limit ; a frontier [usually pi.} : v.t. (kon-fin'), to restrict within limits ; imprison. confinement (kon-fin'ment), n. act of confining ; childbirth. confirm (kon-ferm'), v.t. strengthen ; ratify ; administer rite of confirmation. confirmation (-fer-ma'shun), n. act of confirming ; verification ; dence ; admission to full communion after Ijaptism. confirmatory ('a-to-ri), adj. serving to confirm. confiscate (kon-fis' or kon'fis-kat), v.t. to adjudge to be forfeited to the public treasury ; seize, as thus for- feited. confiscation (-ka'shun), n. the act of confiscating. confiscator ('fis-ka-ter), n. one who confiscates. confiscatory (-fis'ka-to-ri), adj. char- acterized by, or attended with, con- fiscation. conflagration (-fla-gra'shun), n. a great fire. conflict (kon-flikt'), v.i. to strike or dash together ; contend ; fight : n. (kon'flikt), a fight or struggle for the mastery ; a battle ; antagonism ; a violent collision. conflicting ('ting), adj. opposing. confluence (kon'flu-ens), n. th^ junc- tion of two or more streams; an assembly. confluent (-ent), adj. flowing or run- ning together : n. a tributary river or stream. conflus ('fluks), n. the meeting to- gether of two or more streams ; a crowd. conform (kon-form'), v.t. to make like; bring into harmony [usually with to] : v.i. to be in harmony with ; comply with. conf ormability (-form-a-bil'i-ti) , n. the quality or state of being conformable. conformable ('a-bl). adj. like; cor- responding ; compliant ; in parallel order. conformation (-for-ma'shun), n. structure ; arrangement ; shape. conformist ('ist), n. a member of the Established Church of England. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. con 207 eonformity ('i-ti), n. compliance with established forms ; resemblance. confound (kon-found'), v.t. to min- gle ; perplex ; astonish ; confuse ; overthrow. confraternity (-fra-ter'ni-ti), n. [pi. confraternities (-tiz)], a broth- erhood or society of men associated for a common purpose. confrere (k6n-frar'), n. an asso- ciate. confront (kon-frunt'), v.t. to stand face to face [with with] ; oppose ; compare. confuse (kon-ftiz'), v.t. to mingle; jumble up ; render indistinct ; dis- concert ; perplex. confusion (-fu'zhun), n. the act of confusing ; perplexity ; loss of self- possession ; disorder ; tumult. confutation (-fii-ta'shun), n. dis- proof. ^ confute (kon-fuf), v.t. to prove to be false or invalid ; convict of error. congenial (-je'nial), adj. kindred; from a liquid to a solid state by cold : v.i. to concrete by cold. congelation (-je-la'shun), n. the act of congealing. congenial ( -je'nial ) , adj. kindred ; pleasant and sympathetic ; cognate. congeniality (-ni-al'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being congenial. congenital (-jen'i-tal), adj. existing, or produced, at birth ; constitutional. conger (kong'ger)_, n. a large sea-eel. congeries (kon-je'ri-ez), n. sing. & pi. a collection of particles into one mass. congest (kon-jest'), v.t. to accumu- late. congested ('ed), p.adj. unduly crowded ; containing an unnatural accumulation of blood. congestion (-jest'yun), n. an over- crowded condition, especially of the blood-vessels. congestive ('tiv), adj. implying con- gestion. conglomerate (-glom'er-at), v.t. to gather into a ball or round mass : adj. collected or clustered together : n. a rock composed of rounded or water-worn fragments of pre-exis- tent rocks. conglomeration (-er-a'shun), w. the act of conglomerating; a miscella- neous collection. conglutinate ('ti-nat), v.t. to glue together : adj. glued together ; united by an adhesive substance. conglutination (-na'shun), n. the act of gluing or joining together ; coalescence. conglutinative ('ti-na-tiv), adj. having power to unite or heal wounds. congratulate ( kon-grat'ti-lat ) , v.t. to felicitate on account of some happy event [with on or upon]. congratulation (-grat-u-la'shun), n. the act of congratulating. congratulator ('u-la-ter), n. one who congratulates. congratulatory (-to-ri), adj. ex- pressing congratulations. congregate (kong'gre-gat), v.t. to assemble ; gather together : v.i. to come together. congregation (-ga'shun), n. an as- sembly, especially of persons for religious worship. congregational (-al), adj. pertain- ing to a congregation. C ongr egationalism ( 'shun-al-izm ) , n. a democratic form of church gov- ernment, each congregation being self-governed. Congregationalist (-al-ist), n. an adherent to Congregationalism : adj. pertaining to Congregationalism. congress (kong'gres), n. a confer- ence ; an assembly of ambassadors, &c., for the settlement of interna- tional affairs. Congress (kong'gres), n. the na- tional legislature of the United States. Congressional ( kon-gresh'un-al ) , adj. pertaining to Congress. Congressman (-man), n. a member of Congress, especially of the House of Representatives. congruence ('groo-ens), n. suitabil- ity ; agreement ; consistency. Also congruency. congruent Cent), adj. suitable; agreeing. congruity ('i-ti), n. agreement; fit- ness. congruous ('groo-us), adj. accord- ant; fit. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. * con 208 conic (kon'ik), adj. pertaining to, or shaped like, a cone. Also conical : n.pl. the branch of geometry which treats of the parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola ; conic sections. coniferous (ko-nif'er-us), adj. bear- ing cones. coniform (ko-ni-form), adj. cone- shaped. Conine (ko'nin), n. a very poisonous alkaloid existing in the hemlock. conjectural (kon-jek'ttir-al), adj. doubtful. conjecturally _(-li), adv. doubtfully. conjecture ('tur), n. a probable in- ference ; a guess : v.t. to imagine ; surmise : v.i. to form conjectures. conjoin (kon-join'), v.t. to join to- gether ; connect or associate : v.i. to unite. conjoint (-joint')* o,dj. united; co- operating. conjugal Cjoo-gal), adj. of, or per- taining to, marriage ; connubial. conjugality ('i-ti), n. the married state, conjugally (-li), adv. connubially. conjugate (kon'ju-gat), v.t. to in- flect (verbs) : v.i. to unite in conju- gation : adj. combined in pairs ; kin- dred in meaning and origin : n. a word agreeing in derivation with another word. conjugation (-ga'shun), n. the act of conjugating ; the inflection of a verb ; a kind of sexual union. conjunct (kon-jungkt'), adj. con- joined. conjunction (-jungk'shun), n. un- ion ; association ; connection ; the ap- parent meeting of two or more stars or planets ; a word used to connect sentences or words. conjunctive (-jungk'tiv), adj. serv- ing to unite ; closely connected : n. the conjunctive mood. conjunctive mood (mood), n. the mood which expresses contingency or condition. conjunctively (-li), adv. in union. conjuncture ('tur), n. a combina- tion of many circumstances or causes ; a critical time. conjuration (kon-ju-ra'shun), n. the act of conjuring or invoking ; an in- cantation ; an enchantment ; solemn entreaty. conjure (kon-jur'), v.t. to summon in a sacred name ; enjoin with the highest solemnity: (kun'jer), in- fluence by, or as if by, magic : v.i, to practice the arts of a conjurer. conjurer (kun'jer-er), n. one who performs tricks by sleight of hand ; an enchanter: (kon-jur'er), n. one who solemnly enjoins. conjuror (kon-jti'rer), n. one bound by an oath with others. connate (kon'nat), adj. united at the base. connauglit (kon'awt), a kind of cotton cloth used for embroidery. connect (kon-nekt'), v.t. to bind or fasten together ; unite ; associate with : v.i. to be joined ; cohere. connected ('ed), adj. linked together. connection or connexion (-nek'- shun), n. the state of being con- nected ; relation by marriage or blood ; sexual intercourse ; surround- ings ; acquaintance ; a religious body ; one's customers, &c. connective (-nek'tiv), adj. able to connect : n. that which connects. connectively (-li), adv. by connec- tion. connector ('ter), n. one who or that which connects, conning (kon'ing), n. the act of di- recting the helmsman of a vessel. conning-tower (-tou'er), n. the low shot-proof pilot-house of an armored vessel. connivance (-ni'vans), n. the act of conniving : passive cooperation in a crime or fault ; collusion. connive (kon-niv'), v.i. to close the eyes upon a fault ; be in secret com- plicity [with at}. connoisseur (kon-i-ser'), n. a criti- cal judge. connotation (-ta'shun), n. inference. connotative (kon-no'ta-tiv), adj. attributive. connote (kon-not'), v.t. to designate by implication; imply as an attri- bute. connubial (kon-ti'bi-al), adj. of, or pertaining to the marriage state ; nuptial. conoid (kon'oid), adj. cone-like. ate, arm, dsk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, ndrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. COE 209 conoidal ('al), adj. almost conical. conquer (kong'ker), v.t. gain by con- quest ; overcome ; subdue : v.i. to get the victory. conqueror (-er), n. a victor. conquest ('kwest), n. the act of con- quering ; subjugation ; victory. consanguineous (kon-sang-gwin'e- us), adj. related by blood or birth. consanguinity ('i-ti), n. blood rela- tionship. conscience (kon'shens), n. the moral sense which determines right and wrong. conscientious (-shi-en'shus), adj. influenced or regulated by con- science ; scrupulous. conscious ('shus), adj. aware of one's thoughts and actions ; sen- sible. consciousness (-nes), n. the knowl- edge of that which passes in one's own mind. conscript (kon-skript'), v.t. to en- roll for compulsory military or naval service: (kon'skript) adj. registered; enrolled : n. one thus compulsorily enrolled. conscription (-skrip'shun), n. com- pulsory military or naval service ; the persons enrolled. consecrate (kon'se-krat),. u.if. to set apart as sacred ; dedicate to the service of God ; set apart to a sacred office ; devote : adj. conse- crated ; made sacred. consecration (-kra'shun), n. the act of consecrating ; a setting apart or devoting to a sacred use or office. consecrator (-ter), n. one who con- secrates. consecutive (-sek'u-tiv), adj. succes- sive. consecutively (-\i),adj. successively. consensus (-sen'sus), n. general agreement. consent (kon-senf), n. a yielding of the mind or will ; acquiescence ; sympathy : v.i. to comply ; yield ; accede ; concur. consentaneous (-ta'ne-us), adj. ac- cordant. consentient (-sen'shent), adj. agree- ing. consequence (kon'se-kwens), n. that which naturally follows an effect; inference; result; importance; sig- nificance. consequent (-kwent), adj. following as a result or natural effect [with to] : n. a result or effect. consequential (-kwen'shal), adj. following as the effect ; self-im- portant. conservable (-serv'a-bl), adj. that may be preserved from decay or in- jury. conservancy ('an-si), n. preserva- tion. conservant ('ant), adj. preserving. conservation (-va'shun), n. the act of preserving from decay, loss, or in- jury. conservational (-al), adj. tending to conservation. conservative ('va-tiv), adj. having the tendency or power to preserve : n. that which preserves ; one op- posed to hasty changes in the politi- cal, religious, or civil institutions of the country. conservatoire (-va-twar'), n. a pub- lic institution for instruction, es- pecially singing, music, &c. conservator (kon'ser-va-ter), one who preserves. conservatory (ser'va-to-ri), adj. tending ' to preserve : n. a green- house. conserve (kon-serv'), v.t. to pre- serve from injury or destruction; preserve with sugar : ( kon'serv ) n. preserved or candied fruit. consider (kon-sid'er), v.t. to fix the mind upon ; contemplate : v.i. to de- liberate ; reflect. considerable (-a-bl), adj. worthy of notice ; important ; valuable ; more than a little. considerably (-bli), adv. in a con- siderable manner. considerate ( -at ) , adj. having re- gard for others ; prudent ; thought- ful ; careful. consideration (-a'shun), n. the act of considering ; claim to notice ; mature thought ; an equivalent ; re- gard for others. considering ('er-ing), jjrep. taking into consideration : allowing for : n. doubt ; consideration. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 210 con consign (kon-sin'), v.t. to deliver in a formal manner to another ; yield in trust ; to send goods. consignee (-sin-e'), n. the person to whom goods are sent ; an agent or factor. consignment ('ment), n. the act of consigning ; the thing consigned. consignor ('er), n. the person who consigns goods to another. Also consigner. consist (kon-sist')> v.i. to be com- posed of ; co-exist ; subsist [with in'\. consistence (-sis'tens), n. degree of density or firmness ; harmony. Also consistency. consistent ('tent), adj. solid; not contradictory. consolable (kon-sol'a-bl), n. admit- ting of consolation or comfort. consolation (-so-la'shun), n. allevia- tion of mental or physical distress ; solace. consolatory (-sol'a-tor-i), adj. tend- ing to console ; comforting ; sooth- ing. console (kon-sol'), v.t. to give com- fort to ; cheer in sorrow ; solace. console (kon'sol), n. an ornamental bracket supporting a cornice. consolidate (-sol'i-dat), v.t. to make solid ; harden ; condense : v.i. to be- come solid. consolidation (-da'shun), n. the ?«ct of consolidating ; solidification. consols (kon'solz or kon-solz'), n. the principal British funded secur- ity : abbreviation for consolidated fund. consomme (kon-so-ma'), n. a strong clear soup or bouillon. consonance (kon'so-nans), n. agree- ment of sounds ; harmony ; concord. consonant (-nant), adj. harmonious; accordant : n. a letter other than a vowel. consort (kon's6rt), n. a companion; a partner ; a husband or wife ; a ship accompanying another : v.t. & v.i. (kon-sort') to associate; keep company [with with]. conspectus (-spek'tus), n. a general sketch or digest of some subject ; a synopsis. conspicuous (-spik'ti-us), adj. men- tally or physically visible ; mani- fest ; distinguished. conspiracy (-spir'a-si), n. [pi. con* spiracles (-siz)], a plot; two or more persons engaged together for an unlawful or evil purpose. conspirator ('a-ter), n. one who conspires. conspire (kon-spir'), v.i. to concert a crime ; combine for an unlawful purpose. constable (kun'sta-bl), n. a high of- ficer of state in mediaeval courts ; a policeman. constabulary (-stab'ti-ler-i), adj. pertaining to constables : n. consta- bles collectively. constancy (kon'stan-si), n. firm- ness ; stability ; fidelity. constant ( 'stant ) , adj. steadfast ; firm ; continuous : n. in physics, that which is not subject to change, as gravity. constellation (-stel-a'shun), n. a group or cluster of fixed stars de- signated by some name ; an assem- blage of splendors, &c. consternation (-ster-na'shun), n, excessive terror, wonder, or sur- prise ; perturbation. constipate ('sti-pat), v.t. to make costive. constipation (-pa'shun), n. costive- ness. constituency (-stit'ti-en-si), n. [pi. constituencies (-siz)], the body of electors voting for a Member of Congress, &c. constituent ('u-ent), adj. necessary or essential : n. an essential or com- ponent part ; an elector. constitute ('sti-ttit), v.t. to compose or make up ; appoint ; elect ; enact ; establish. constituted authorities (aw-thor'- i-tiz), n.pl. government officers col- lectively. constitution (-tti'shun), n. the act of constituting ; the thing consti- tuted ; bodily strength ; mental or physical temperament; the system of fundamental laws of a nation, state or society. constitutional (-al), adj. inherent in the constitution ; fundamental : ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; bo5% book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 211 n. a walk taken for the benefit of the health. constitutionalist (-ist), n. an ad- herent to constitutional government. constitutive ('sti-tu-tiv), adj. ele- mental ; essential ; productive. constrain (kon-stran'), v.t. to hold dow^n or keep back by force ; re- strain. constraint (-strant'), n. compul- sion. constrict (-strikt'), 'V.t. to bind; cramp. constriction ('shun), n. compres- sion ; contraction. constrictive ('tiv), adj. that con- stricts. constrictor (-strik'ter), n. that which contracts or compresses ; a muscle which contracts, closes, or compresses ; a large serpent, the boa- constrictor. constringent (-strin'jent), adj. con- tracting or binding. construct (kon-strukt'), v.t. to build ; form ; put together ; compose. construction (-struk'shun), n. the act of building ; that which is con- structed ; an edifice ; interpretation ; the syntactical arrangement of words in a sentence. constructive ('tiv), adj. having the character of construction ; inferred. constructively (-li), adv. by con- struction. constructiveness (-nes), n. the fac- ulty to construct. constructor ('ter), n. one who con- structs. construe (kon'stroo), v.t. to put into proper order by syntactical rules ; translate ; interpret. consubstantial ( -sub - stan'shal ) , adj. having the same substance, es- sence, or nature. consubstantiality (-shi-al'i-ti), n. participation in the same nature or essence : said of the Holy Trinity. consubstantiation (-shi-a'shun), n. the doctrine that the body and blood of Christ are in a mysterious manner substantially present in the Eucharistic elements after consecra- tion. consul (kon'sul), n. the chief magis- trate of the Roman Republic, and of the French Republic (1799-1804) ; an officer commissioned by a gov- ernment to reside in a foreign country to promote the interests of its trade, and protect its subjects. consul-general (-jen'er-al), n.' sl chief consul. consular (-ar), adj. pertaining to a consul. consulate ('su-lat), n. the office and residence of a consul. consult (kon-sulf), v.t. to ask advice of ; regard : v.i. to take counsel to- gether. consultation (-sul-ta'shun), n. the act of consulting ; a conference or deliberation on some special matter. consultative ('ta-tiv), adj. delibera- tive. consume (kon-stim'), v.t. to destroy; waste ; spend : v.i. waste away ; be exhausted. consummate (kon'sum-at), v.t. to complete; finish: adj. (kon-sum'at), perfect. consummately (-sum'at-li), adv. perfectly. consummation (-a'shun), n. com- pletion. consumption (-sump'shun) , n. the act of consuming ; a gradual wast- ing away ; pulmonary • disease ; phthisis. consumptive ('tiv), adj. pertaining to consumption; affected with phthisis. contact (kon'takt), n. touch; close union. contagion (kon-ta'jun), n. transL'.mis- sion of disease by direct or indirect contact. contagious ('jus), adj. transmitted by contact. contain (kon-tan'), v.t. to hold, as a vessel ; keep within bounds ; inclose : v.i. to live in continence. contaminate (-tam'i-nat), v.t. to pollute. contamination (-na'shun), n. pol- lution. contaminative ('i-na-tiv), adj. tend- ing to contaminate. contemn (kon-tem'), v.t. to despise. contemplate ('plat), v.t. to con- L ate, arm, :, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; bOon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 212 con sider with continued attention ; meditate on ; study. contemplation (-pla'shun), n. the act of contemplating ; pious medita- tion ; intention. contemplative ('pla-tiv), adj. thoughtful. contemplatively (-li), adv. thought- fully. contemplator (kon'tem-pla-ter), n. one who contemplates. contemporaneous (-po-ra'ne-us), adj. contemporary. contemporary ('po-ra-ri), adj. ex- isting Or occurring at the same time : n. one living at the same time as another. contempt (kon-tempt'), n. disdain; scorn ; disobedience to the orders, &c., of a court. contemptible ('i-bl), adj. meriting scorn. contemptibly (-bli), adv. in a con- temptible manner. contemptuous ('u-us), adj. disdain- ful. contend (kon-tend'), v.i. to strive m opposition ; vie [with with or against] ; dispute or debate ; assert. content (kon-tenf), adj. satisfied; willing : v.t. to satisfy ; gratify ; ap- pease : n. (con'tent), generally plu- ral, that which is comprised in any- thing. contented ('ed), p.adj. gratified; satisfied. contention (-ten'shun), n. contest; debate. contentious (-ten'shnis), adj. caus- ing contention ; quarrelsome ; liti- gious. contentment (-tent'ment), n. satis- faction. conterminous (-ter'mi-nus), adj. contiguous. contest (kon-test'), v.t. to dispute; oppose ; litigate : v.i. to strive ; con- tend ; vie: n. (kon'test) a struggle for superiority; dispute. contestant (-tes'tant), n. one who contests, especially an election, or a will. , ^ . context (kon'tekst), n. the parts in a book or discourse immediately ad- joining the sentence quoted. contexture (-teks'tur), n. structure. contiguity (-ti-gti'i-ti), n. contact. contiguous ( -tig'ti-us ) , adj. adjacent. continence (kon'ti-nens), n. chasti- ty ; self-restraint ; moderation. Alsa continency. continent ('ti-nent), adj. chaste; exercising self-restraint : n. a large extent of land forming a geograph- ical division. continental ('al), adj. pertaining to a continent. contingence (kon-tin'jens), n. [pi. contingencies ('jen-siz)], a chance or possible occurrence. Also con- tingency. contingent ('jent), adj. accidental; conditional : n. a possibility ; quota of troops. continual ('ti-al), adj. proceeding without interruption ; incessant ; constant. continually (-li), adv. without in-' termission. continuance ('u-ans), n. perma- nence ; uninterrupted succession ; duration. continuation (-u-a'shun), n. the act of continuing. continue (kon-tin'ii), v.t. to carry on without interruption ; persist in : v.i.. to remain ; abide ; endure ; perse- vere. continuity (-ti-nu'i-ti), n. [pi. con- tinuities (-tiz)], uninterrupted suc- cession or connection ; cohesion. continuous (-tin'u-us), adj. uninter- rupted. contort (kon-tort'), v.t. to twist. contortion (-tor'shun), n. a twist; flexure. contortionist (-ist), n. an acrobat who contorts his body in perform- ing gymnastics. contour (kon-toor'), n. an outline; profile : v.t. to make an outline of. contraband, (kon'tra-band), adj.. prohibited from importation ; illegal. contraband o£ war (wawr), n. cer- tain commodities used in warfare, and the traffic in them with belliger- ent states. contrabandist (-ist), n. a smuggler. contrabass© (-tra-bas'so) , adj. sounding an octave lower than an- other instrument of the same class: ate, arm, ask, at, awl me, merge, met ; mite, book; hue. hut; think, mit ; then. note, nCrth, not ; boon,. 213 n. the largest instrument of the vio- lin class, the double-bass. •contract (kon-trakt'),i;.;f. draw closer together ; shorten ; condense : v.i. to shrink up ; bargain ; agree upon : n. (kon'trakt) a compact; a written agreement. iContractibility (trak-ti-bil'i-ti), n. the quality or capability of being contracted. -contractile (-trak'til), adj. having the power of shortening itself. Also contractible. contractility (-trak-til'i-ti), n. the power of contracting. contraction (-trak'shun), n. the act of contracting ; the state of being contracted ; the reduction of two vowels or syllables into one ; abbre- viation. contractor (-trak'ter), n. one of the parties to a contract ; one who con- tracts to supply or construct for a stipulated sum. contra-dance (kon'tra-dans), n. a dance in which the partners are ar- ranged in opposite lines ; a country- dance. Also contre-dance. contradict (kon-tra-dikt'), v.t. to as- sert the contrary or opposite of ; gainsay ; deny. contradiction (-dik'shun), n. the act of contradicting ; denial ; incon- gruity. contradictorily (-dik'to-ri-li), adj. contentiously. contradictory (-dik'to-ri), adj. con- trary. contradistinction ( - dis - tingk ' - shun), n. a distinction by opposite qualities. contradistinctive ('tiv), adj. char- acterized by contradistinction. contradistinguish (-ting'gwish) ,v.#. to distinguish by opposite qualities. contralto (kon-tral'to), n. the part sung by the highest male {counter- tenor) or the lowest female voice {alto). contrariety (-tra-ri'i-ti), n. [pi. con- trarieties (-tiz)], opposition; in- consistency. contrarily ('tra-ri-li), adv. in a con- trary manner. contrariness ('tra-ri-nes), n. con- trariety. contrari^vise ( 'tra-ri-wiz ) , adv. con- versely. contrary ('tra-ri), adj. opposite; in an opposite direction ; perverse ; wayward : n. a thing of opposite qualities. contrast (kon-trast') , v.t. to place in contrast; compare: n. (kon'trast) opposition or difference of qualitiea made manifest by comparison ; dis- similitude. contravallation (-val-a'shun), n. ^ fortification thrown up round a city by a besieging force for security against the enemy's sallies. contravene ( kon-tra-ven' ) , 'y.^. to ob- struct ; violate. contravention (-ven'shun), n. oppo- sition ; violation. contre-dance, same as contra-dance. contretemps (kong-tr-tang'), n. an unexpected event causing confusion ; a hitch. contribute (kon-trib'ut), v.t. to give to some common stock ; furnish as a share : v.i. to use one's influence. contribution (-tri-bu'shun), n. the act of contributing ; a subscription ; tax ; a writing furnished to a period- ical. contributive (-trib-u'tiv), adj. con- tributing. contributor ('ti-ter), n, one who contributes. contributory ('ti-to-ri), adj. pro- moting the same end. contrite (kon'trit), adj. penitent. contritely (-li), adv. penitently. contriteness (-nes), n. penitence; sorrow. contrition (-trish'un), n. sorrow for sin. contrivance (-tri'vans), n. Si device; apparatus ; scheme ; plan. contrive (kon-triv'), v.t. to devisej invent ; plan ; scheme. control (kon-trol'), n. a check; re- straint ; superintendence ; authority : v.t. [p.t.. & p.p. controlled: p.pr. controlling], to restrain; govern; regulate. controllable ('a-bl), adj. subject to control. controller ('er), n. one who con- trols ; a public ofiBcer who oversees and verifies the accounts of subor- ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, ndrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 214 dinate officials. Less correctly comp- troller. CGUitroversial (-tro-ver'shal), adj. polemical. controversialist (-ist), n. a dispu- tant. controversially (-li), adv. in a con- troversial manner. controversy ('tro-ver-si), n. [pi. controversies (-siz)], agitation of contrary opinions ; debate ; disputa- tion. controvert (-tro-vert'), v.t. to con- tend against ; refute ; disprove. controvertible (-ver'ti-bl), adj. ca- pable of being disputed. controvertibly (-bli), adv. in a con- trovertible manner. controvertist (-ver'tist), n. a dis- putant. contumacious (-tii-ma'shus), adj. perverse ; obstinate. contumacy ('tu-ma-si), n. [pi. con- tumacies (-siz)], obstinate or per- verse opposition to lawful authority. contumelious (-tii-me'li-us) , adj. haughtily contemptuous or offensive ; supercilious. contumely ('tu-me-li), n. [pi. con- tumelies (-liz)], haughty and con- temptuous rudeness ; scornful and insolent abuse. contuse (kon-tuz'), v.t. to wound or bruise without breaking the skin. contusion (-tu'zhun), n. the act of contusing ; the state of being con- tused. conundrum (ko-nun'drum), n. a rid- dle. convalesce - (kon-va-les'), v.i. to re- cover strength and health after ill- ness. convalescence ('ens), n. gradual re- covery after illness. Also convales- cency. convalescent ('ent), adj. recovering health. convene (kon-ven'), v.i. to meet to- gether : v.t. cause to assemble ; sum- mon judicially. convenience (-ve'niens), n. fitness; freedom from discomfort ; accommo- dation. convenient ('nient), adj. suitable; appropriate ; affording accommoda- tion ; handy. convent (kon'vent), n. a community of religious recluses ; a nunnery ; monastery. conventicle (-ven'ti-kl), n. an as- sembly for worship [usually imply- ing schism]. convention (-ven'shun), n. a polit- ical or ecclesiastical assembly; a diplomatic agreement. conventional (-al), adj. sanctioned by, or growing out of, custom or tacit agreement ; based on accepted models or artistic rules. conventionalism (-al-izm), n. that which, is received as established by usage, &c. conventionality (-al'i-ti), n. [pi. conventionalities (-tiz)], adherence to conventional rules or precedents; artificiality. conventionally (-li), adv. in a con* ventional manner. converge (kon-verj'), v.i. tend to one point. convergence ('ens), n. [pi. conver- gencies ('en-siz)], tendency to one point. convergent ('ent), adj. tending to one point. conversable (kon-vers'a-bl), social; inclined to converse. Also conversi- ble. conversant (kon'ver-sant), adj. ac- quainted or familiar with; profi- cient. conversation (-sa'shun), n. infor- mal or familiar talk. conversational (-al), adj. pertaining to conversation. conversationist (-ist), oi. one who excels in conversation. Also con- versationalist. conversazione (-ver-sat-ze-o'ne), n. [pi. conversazioni ('ne)], a meeting for conversation, especially on lit- erary or scientific topics. converse (kon-vers'), v.i. to inter- change thoughts ; talk familiarly : adj. & 11. (kon-vers) reversed in order or relation ; opposite ; ac- quaintance ; familiar talk. conversely (-li), adv. reciprocally. conversion (-ver'shun), n. change from one state, or from one religion, to another. convert (kon-vert'), v.t. to trans- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, ;t7ien. con 215 I mute ; change from one religion to another ; cause to undergo a moral change ; apply to any use : n. ( kon'- vert) one who changes from one religion to another ; one who has un- dergone a moral change. converter ('er), n. one who con- verts ; an iron retort used for con- verting pig iron into steel in the Bessemer process ; a kind of electri- cal induction coil. convertibility ('i-ti), n. the qual- ity of being convertible. convertible ( kon-ver'ti-bl ) , adj. transmutable ; interchangeable. convex (kon'veks), adj. curved on the exterior surface: opposed to con- cave : n. a convex body. convexity ('i-ti), n. roundness. convexo-concave ('o-kon'kav), adj. convex on one side, concave on the other. convey (kon-va'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. conveyed, p.pr. conveying], to carry or transport ; transmit ; impart ; communicate; transfer the title to (property). conveyance ('ans), n. the act or means of conveying; a vehicle; the transference of property from one owner to another. conveyancer ('ans-er), w. a lawyer who draws up deeds, &c., transfer- ring property. conveyancing ('ans-ing), w. the busi- ness of drawing deeds, leases, &c., and investigating titles to property. convict (kon-vikt'), v.t. to prove or pronounce guilty of a crime charged : n. (kon'vikt) a criminal sentenced to penal servitude. conviction (-vik'shun), n, the act of convicting ; the state of being con- victed ; strong belief. convince (kon-vins'), v.t. to satisfy by evidence or argument ; persuade ; cause to believe. convivial ( kon-viv'i-al ) , adj. festive ; jovial. conviviality ('i-ti), n. good fellow- ship. convivially (-li), adv. festively. convocation (kon-vo-ka'shun), ^. the act of convoking an assembly, es- pecially of bishops and beneficed clergy, or heads of a university ; an assembly of clergy. convocational (-al), adj. pertaining to a convocation. convoke (kon-vok'), v.t. to call or summon together ; convene. convolute (kon'vo-lut), adj. rolled upon itself; twisted. Also convo- luted. convolution (-Iti'shun), n. a rolling together. convolve (-volv'), v.t. to roll to- gether. convoy (kon-voi'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. convoyed, p.pr. convoying], to ac- company on the way for protection, by sea or land: n. (kon'voi) a pro- tecting force accompanying ships, goods, persons, &c. ; an escort. convulse (kon-vuls'), v.t. to agitate violently ; shake ; affect with convul- sions. convulsion (-vul'shun), n. an agita- tion ; tumult ; a violent and unnat- ural contraction of the muscles. convulsive (-vuls'iv), adj. producing convulsions. cony or coney (ko'ni), n. \_pl. conies ('niz)], a rabbit. coo (koo), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. cooed, p.pr. cooing], to cry like a dove or pi- geon ; to act or converse in a loving manner : n. the sound uttered by doves and pigeons. cook (kook), v.t. to prepare for eat- ing by boiling, baking, or roasting: v.i. to act as a cook : n. one who prepares food for the table. cookery ('er-i) , n. [pi. cookeries ( -iz ) ] , the art or practice of cook- ing. cooky ('i), n. [pi. cookies ('iz)], a small flat sweet cake. Also cookie. cool (kool), adj. [compar. cooler, superl. coolest], slightly or moderate- ly cold ; calm ; deliberate : v.t. to make cool : v.i. to become cool. cooler ('er), n. that which cools; a vessel for cooling liquids, &c. coolie (koo'li), n. an East Indian porter : adj. pertaining to coolies. coolly ('li), adv. in a cool manner. coolness ('nes), n. the state of being cool. coom (koom), n. matter which col- ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 216 coq lects at the naves of wheels, &c. ; soot ; coal-dust. coon (koon), n. abbreviation of rac- coon ; a sly knowing person ; slang name for a negro : v.i. to creep along the branch of a tree like a racoon. coop (koop), n. a cage; pen: v.t, to confine in, or as in, a coop ; inclose. cooper ('er), n. a maker of barrels, casks, &c. ; a beverage, half stout and half porter ; vessel that sells spirits, tobacco, &c., to fishermen, especially on the North Sea. cooperage ('er-aj), n. the business or workshop of a cooper ; price for cooper's work. cooperant (ko-op'er-ant), adj. coop- erating. cooperate ('er-at), xi.i. to act or work jointly ; concur to produce the same effect. cooperation (-a'shun), n. the act of working jointly together ; concur- rence. cooperative ('er-a-tiv), adj. promot- ing jointly the same end. cobperator ('er-a-ter), n. one who acts or labors conjointly with oth- ers. coordinate (-or'di-nat), v.t. to place in the same order, class, &c. ; har- monize : adj. of the same rank or authority as another : n.pl. lines or other elements by which the position of any point is determined by a fixed figure or lines. coordinately (-li), adv. in the same rank, &c. coordination (-na'shun), n. state of being coordinate. coot (koot), n. a short-tailed water- fowl. cop (kop), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. copped, p.pr. copping], to seize as a prison- er ; throw underhand : n. a police- man. copaiba (ko-pa'ba), n. a resinous balsam from various South Ameri- can and West Indian trees : used as a medicine. Also copaiva. copal (ko-pal), n. a gum-resin: used in varnishes. cope (kop), n. a large semi-circular ecclesiastical vestment, worn by bishops and priests over the surplice. cope (kop), v.i. to strive or contend (followed by with). copeck (ko'pek), n. a Russian coin, — 1-lOOth rouble. Also kopeck. Copernican (ko-per'ni-kan), adj» pertaining to the astronomical sys- tem of Copernicus, which conceived the sun to be its center. copier (kop'i-er), n. a transcriber; imitator. coping (ko'ping), n. the top masonry of a wall. copiotis ('pi-us), adj. abundant; dif- fusive. copper (kop'er), n. a red, ducjtile, malleable, tenacious metal ; a boiler : v.t. to cover with copper. Also cop- perize. copper (kop'er), n. a policeman. copperhead (-hed), n. a venomous American serpent. copperplate (-plat), n. a polished copper plate on which something is engraved for printing : adj. pertain- ing to the art of engraving on cop- perplate. coppice (kop'is), n. same as copse. copse (kops), n. a thicket of brush- wood : v.t. to cut and trim as brush- wood : v.i. to preserve or plant brushwood. copula Cu-la), n. [pi. copulas, or .^e (az, -e)], a word which joins the subject and predicate in a sentence or proposition. copulate ('u-lat), v.i. to have sexual intercourse. copulation (-la'shun), n. sexual in- tercourse. copulative (-la'tiv), adj. uniting: w. a copulative conjunction. copy (kop'i), n. [pi. copies ('iz)], an imitation ; a transcript ; a writing exercise ; an original work : v.t. to transcribe ; reproduce : v.i. imitate. copyist (-ist), n. one who copies. copyright (-rit), n. the exclusive right of an author in his literary or artistic work for a prescribed num- ber of years. coquet (ko-ket'), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. co- quetted, p.pr. coquetting], to flirt; seek to attract attention or admj. ration ; trifle. coquetry (ko'ket-ri), n. [pi. coquet ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not : boon, book; hue, hut; think, ttiQn. cocv 217 ries (-riz)], the act of coquetting; flirtation. coquette (ko-ket')» w- a vain woman who seeks to gain men's attention and admiration. coral (kor'al), t., the hard calcareous skeleton of certain marine polyps ; the unimpregnated roe of the lob- ster : adj. pertaining to coral. coralline ('al-in), adj. consisting of, or like, coral ; of a color like coral : n. an orange-red dye stuff. corbeil (kor'bel), n. a little basket filled with earth, used in sieges to shelter troops. corbel ('bel), n. a projection of stone, wood, or iron to support some mass, often ornamented with grotesque fig- ures ; a sculptured basket of flowers, fruit, &c. cord (kord), n. a twisted string; a measure of wood — 128 cub. ft. (8 ft. long 4 ft. high, 4 ft. broad) ; a moral influence : v.t. to fasten or connect with cord. cordage ('aj), n. a quantity of cords or ropes ; ropes and rigging collec- tively. cordate (kor'dat), adj. heart-shaped. cordelle ('del), n. a twisted rope or tassel ; a tow-rope. cordial (kor'jal), adj. hearty; sin- cere ; cheering : n. a medicine that increases the strength and restores the spirits ; an aromatic and sweet- ened spirit. cordiality ('i-ti), n. sincere sympa- thetic geniality ; sincerity ; hearti- ness. cordiform ('di-f6rm), adj. heart- shaped. cordilla (-dil'a), n. coarse German hemp. Cordillera (-dil-ya'ra), n. a continu- ous ridge or chain of mountains. cording (kord'ing), n. the ribbed sur- face of a twilled fabric. cordon (kor'don), n. a ribbon worn as the badge of an order ; a band ; a course of projecting stones forming the coping of a scarf wall ; a line of military posts. cordon bleu (bioo), n. the highest distinction in any profession ; a first- class cook. oordonnet (-do-na'), n. the slightly- raised border of a point-lace pat- tern ; edging made of piping. cordovan ('do-van), n. a Spanish leather made of goatskin, or split horsehide tanned and dressed. Also cordwain. corduroy ('dti-roi), n. a stout ribbed or corded cotton ; piled fustian : v.t. to construct (a corduroy road). corduroy road (rod), n. a roadway formed of logs laid side by side across swampy ground, &c. cordivainer (kord'wa-ner), n. a worker in leather ; a shoemaker. core (kor), n, the heart or innermost part of anything, especially of fruit : v.t. to remove the core from ; to mold or cast on a core. co-respondent (ko-re-spond'ent), n. a joint respondent in a divorce suit. coriaceous (ko-ri-a'shus), adj. like leather. coriander (kor-i-an'der), n. an um- belliferous plant, the seeds of which are used as a carminative. Corintbian (ko-rin'thi-an), adj. of, or pertaining to, Corinth, a cele- brated city of Greece, noted for its luxury and licentiousness ; luxuri- ous ; conducted by amateurs ; noting the Corinthian order of architecture : n. a man about town ; a gentleman yachtsman, or sportsman. corintbian bronze (bronz), n. an alloy of fine quality originally pro- duced at Corinth. corintbian order (Or'der), n. the lightest and most ornate of the clas- sic orders of architecture, with a bell-shaped capital, and ornamented with acanthus leaves. corium (ko'ri-um), n. the innermost layer of skin of the cuticle. cork (kork), n. the outer layer of the bark of the cork tree, a species of oak ; a stopper for a bottle : adj. made of cork. corky ('i), adj. made of, or like, cork. cormorant (kor'mo-rant), n. a div- ing bird that preys voraciously on fish; a glutton. corn (korn), n. grain, as wheat, bar- ley, &c. ; maize, or Indian corn ; plants that yield grain ; breadstuff. corn (korn), n. a horny excrescence as with salt in grains. ate, arm, ask, at, awl me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not book; hue, hut; think, then. boon. 218 corn (korn), n. a horny excrescence on the toe, or foot.' corn-cob ('kob), n. the spike of an ear of Indian corn. cornea, (kor'ne-a), n. the horny circu- lar transparent membrane which forms the anterior portion of the eyeball. cornelian (-ne'lian), n. a semi-trans- parent variety of chalcedony. Also carneliau. corner (kor'ner), n. an angle; a re- tired place ; a mercantile ring to mo- nopolize some product : v.t. to drive or force into some position of diffi- culty from which there is no escape. corner the market, to buy up a commodity so as to monopolize it. corner-stone (-ston), n. the princi- pal stone. cornet ('net), a kind of trumpet. cornflo-wer ('flour), H. any wild plant growing in the cornfields, espe- cially the bluebottle. cornice ('dIs), n. the highest projec- tion or border on a wall or column. cornstarch ( 'starch ) , n. starch made from meal of Indian corn ; used for puddings, &c. cornucopia (kor-nu-ko'pi-a), n. [pi. cornucopise (-e), or -as (-az)], the horn of plenty represented in sculp- ture, as overflowing with fruit, flow- ers, &c. cornuted (-tit'ed), adj. horned. corolla (ko-rol'a), n. the inner envel- ope of a flower composed of two or more petals. corollaceous (kor-ol-la'shus), adj. pertaining to, or resembling, a co- rolla. corollary (kor'ol- or ko-rol'a-ri), n. an additional deduction or inference drawn from a demonstrated propo- sition. corona (ko-ro'na), n. [pi. coronse • ('ne)], a crown; the flat projecting part of a cornice ; the upper surface of a molar tooth ; a halo surround- ing heavenly bodies ; any crown-like appendage at the top of an organ of a plant. coronal (kor'o- or ko-ro'nal), adj. pertaining to the corona : n. a crown, or garland. coronation (kor-o-na'shun), n. the act or ceremony of crowning a sov- ereign. coroner (kor'o-ner), n. an officer who inquires into cases of sudden or ac- cidental death. coronet ('o-net) , n. an inferior crown ; an ornamental head-dress ; the bone immediately beneath a horse's hoof. coronium (ko-ro'ni-um), n. sl recent- ly discovered element, lighter than hydrogen. corporal (kor'po-ral), adj. relating to the body ; opposed to the mind : n. a communion cloth ; a corporale ; a non-commissioned officer of the low- est grade. corporally (-li), adv. bodily; phys- ically. corporate (-rat), adj. united in a body or community by legal enact- ment. corporation (-ra'shun), n. a body politic having a common seal, and legally authorized to act as one indi- vidual ; a protuberant stomach. corporator (-ra-ter), n. a member of a corporation, especially an original member. corporeal (-po're-al), adj. having a material body ; physical. corporeality ('i-ti), n. the state of being corporal. corps (kor), n. [pi. corps (korz)], a body of troops ; a body of persons associated in a common work. corps diplomatique (dip-lo-ma- tek'), n. the ministers accredited to a government. corpse (korps), n. a dead body. corpulence (k6r'pu-lens), n. exces- sive fatness of body. Also corpu- lency. corpulent (-lent), adj. bulky; fat; having a large, fleshy body. corpus ('pus), n. [pi. corpora ('po- ra)], a body; collection; the chief part of an organ. Corpus Christi (kris'ti), (Latin the body of Christ), a Roman Catholic festival (the first Thursday after Trinity Sunday) in honor of the Eucharist. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 219 corpuscle ('pus-1), n. a minute par- ticle. corpuscular (-pus'kti-lar), adj. per- taining to, or composed of, corpus- cles. corral (kor-ral'), n. a pen for live stock ; an inclosure with wagons ; a strong stockade for capturing wild elephants: v.t. [p.t. & p.p. corralled, p.pr. corralling], to drive into, or secure in, a corral ; to take posses- sion of, or capture ; corner. correct (ko-rekf) , v.t. to set straight ; rectify ; punish faults ; amend : adj. exact ; accurate ; free from error ; conforming to a fixed rule or stand- ard. correction ('shun), n. the act of cor- recting ; chastisement. correctional (-al), adj. tending to correct. corrective ('tiv), adj. able to cor- rect : n. that which corrects ; an an- tidote. corrector ('ter), n. one who corrects. correlate (kor-e-laf), v.i. to be re- ciprocally related : adj. reciprocally related. correlation (-la'shun), n. recipro- cal relation ; similarity or parallel- ism of relation or law ; the interde- pendence of functions, organs, nat- ural forces, or phenomena. correlative (-el'a-tiv), adj. having reciprocal or mutual relation : n. the antecedent of a pronoun. correlatively (-li), adv. in a correl- ative relation. correspond (kor-e-spond'), v.i. to be adequate to ; agree ; suit ; answer ; communicate by letters. correspondence ('ens), n. communi- cation by letters ; mutual adapta- tion ; congruity. correspondent Cent), adj. agreeing with ; similar : n. one with whom in- tercourse is maintained by letters ; one who sends news to a journal. corridor (kor'i-dor), n. a gallery or open passage in a building. corrigible (kor'ij-i-bl), adj. capable of being amended, corrected, or re- formed. corroborate (kor-rob'or-at), i;.f. con- firm ; strengthen ; establish verify. corroboration (-ra'shvm), n. verifi- cation. corroborative ('6-ra-tiv), adj. veri- fying ; confirmative. corroboratory ('o-ra-to-ri), adj. tending to corroborate. corrode (kor-od'), v.t. to eat away gradually ; consume ; disintegrate. corrodible (-o'di-bl), adj. capable of being corroded. Also corrosible. corrosion (kor-o'zhun), n. the act of corroding ; a corroded condition. corrugate ('oo-gat), v.t. to draw, or shape, into wrinkles or folds. corrugated iron (irn), w. sheet-iron pressed into alternate parallel ridges and grooves and galvanized. corrugation (-ga'shun), n. the act of corrugating ; a fold or wrinkle. corrupt (kor-upf), v.t. to turn from a sound to an unsound and putres- cent state ; make impure ; vitiate or deprave ; seduce ; bribe : v.i. to be- come putrid : adj. depraved ; putrid : spoiled ; abounding in errors ; open to bribery. corruptibility (-up-ti-bil'i-ti), w. the state or possibility of being cor- rupted. corruptible (-up'ti-bl), adj. capable of being corrupted ; subject to decay ; susceptible of being bribed. corruption (-up'shun), n. the act of corrupting ; the state of being cor- rupted ; physical dissolution. corsage (kOr'sazh) , n. a bodice ; waist. corsair ('sar), n. a pirate. corse (k6rs), n. poetic for corpse. corset ('set), n. a bodice: pi. a pair of stays : v.t. to inclose in corsets. corslet ('let), n. light body armor, cortege (kor-tazh'), n. a train of at- tendants ; retinue ; procession. Cortes (kor'tez), n.jjl. the national and legislative assembly of Spain and Portugal. cortex (kor'teks), n. [pi. cortices ('ti-sez)], outer bark or covering. cortical ('ti-kal), adj. consisting of, or like, bark ; external. corundum (ko-run'di^m), n. a min- eral of extreme hardness. coruscate (ko-rus' or kor'us-kat), v.i. to sparkle ; flash. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 220 coruscation (kor-us-ka'shun), n. a sudden liash or play of light. corvette (kor-vef ) , n. a. sloop of war. corvine ('vin), adj. pertaining to a crow. cosey, cosy (ko'zi), adj. & n. same as cozy. cosily (ko'zi-li), adv. snugly. cosmetic (koz-met'ik), ad;, imparting or improving beauty : n. a wash or preparation for such a purpose. cosmic (koz'mik), adj. pertaining to the universe and the laws which gov- ern it ; rising or setting with the sun. Also cosmical. cosmism ('mizm), n. Herbert Spen- cer's evolutionary philosophy. cogmogony (-mog'o-ni), n. a. treatise on the world's origin. cosmography (-mog'ra-fi), n. the science which treats of the constitu- tion of the whole system of worlds, or the earth as part of the universe : it includes geography, astronomy, and geology. cosmology (-mol'o-ji), n. the science which investigates the origin of the world. cosmopolitan (-mo-pol'i-tan), n. a citizen of the world. Also cosmopo- lite : adj. at home in any part of the world. cosmorama (-mo-rii'ma), n. an exhi- bition of views, &c., of various parts of the world realistically produced. cosmos (koz'mos), n. the world or universe as an orderly system : op- posed to chaos. Cossack (kos'ak), n. one of a war- like tribe of Southern Russia, skilled as horsemen : adj. pertaining to Cos- sacks. cost (kost), v.t. to be bought for, or had at, a price ; cause to bear or suffer : n. charge ; expense ; labor : pi. law charges. 3osta (kos'ta), n. [pZ. costse ('te)], a rib. costal Ctfil), adj. pertaining to a rib. costate ('tat), adj. ribbed. costermonger ('ter-mung-ger) , n. a hawker of fruit, vegetables, fish, &c. costive Ctiv), adj. constipated. costume (kos'tum), n. dress in gen- eral ; style of dress ; a walking or tailor-made dress: v.t. (kos-tum'), to dress in, or provide with, appro- priate costumes. cosy, another form of cozy. cot (kot), n. a cottage; small bed. cotangent (ko-tan'jeut) , n. the tan- gent of the complement of an arc or angle. cote (kot), n. a hut; a sheepfold. cotemporary, cotemporaneous, &c., same as contemporary, &c. coterie (ko-te-re'), n. an association or set of persons united together for social or other intercourse ; a clique. coterminous. Same as contermi- nous. cotillion (-til'yun), n. a brisk, lively dance for eight or more persons ; music for such a dance ; a black and white woolen skirt material. Also cotillon. cottage (kot'aj), n. a small dwelling. cotter, cottier, cottar, abbreviations for cottager : n. one who dwells in a cottage ; one who lives rent free on a common ; a wedge for tightening machinery. cotton (kot'n) , n. a white, soft, downy substance resemblkig wool enveloping the seeds of the cotton- plant ; cotton thread or cloth : adj. pertaining to, or made of, cotton : v.i. to fit or go well together ; be very intimate (with). cotton-gin (-jin), n. a machine for separating the seeds from cotton fiber. couch (kouch), v.t. to place on a bed or other resting-place ; hide ; de- posit in a bed or layer ; express in words ; include : v.i. to lie down ; stoop ; depress or remove a cata- ract : n. a bed ; sofa ; a layer or stratum ; a preliminary coat of size, paint, &c. ; a layer of barley spread out for malting. couchant ('ant), adj. in heraldry, crouching or lying down. cougar (koo'gar), n. the puma. cougk (kof), v.i. to expel air from the lungs by a violent effort : v.t. to expel from the lungs (followed by wp) : n. an effort of the lungs, at- tended with noise, to expel irritating or foreign matter. could (kood), p.t. of can. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 221 coulomb (koo-lom'), n. the electrical standard unit of quantity = a cur- rent of one ampere per second. coulter (kol'ter), n. a ploughshare. council (coun'sil,) n. an assembly of persons met in consultation, or to give advice ; a convocation ; a mu- nicipal body. councillor (-er), n. a member of a common council. councilman (-man), n. [pi. council- men (-men)], a member of a mu- nicipal council. counsel ( 'sel ) , n. interchange of opin- ion ; advice ; consultation ; deliberate purpose or design ; a barrister : v.t. ip.t. & p.p. counseled, p.pr. coun- seling], to give advice to; advise. counselor (-er), n. one v^ho gives ad- vice, especially legal advice ; a mem- ber of a council. count (kount), n. a title of nobility. count (kount), v.t. to reckon or sum up ; enumerate ; place to an ac- count ; esteem : v.i. to tell off ; mark time : n. the act of numbering or reckoning ; the total ascertained ; a separate and distinct charge in an indictment ; rhythm. countenance (koun'te-nans), n. the whole form of the face ; appearance ; support : v.t. to support ; encour- age ; favor. counter ('ter), n. one who, or that which, counts ; a shop table ; imita- tion money ; a counter-tenor : a horse's breast between the shoulders and under the neck ; a ship's stern between the water-line and the knuckle of the stern ; a blow given in parrying : v.i. to give a blow while receiving or parrying one. counter ('ter), adv. contrary; ad- verse ; in an opposite direction ; the wrong way : used in composition, as counter-eYidence, evidence opposing other evidence ; cown^er-balance, to weigh or act against with equal force. counteract (-akt'), v.t. to act in op- position to so as to defeat or hinder ; neutralize. counterfeit (koun'ter-fit), v.t. to make a copy of without authority for fraudulent purposes ; forge ; imi- tate : v.i. to carry on deception : adj. feigned ; spurious ; forged : n. an imitation ; a forgery. counterfeiting (-ing), n. the crime of making or uttering false coins or bank-notes. counterfoil (-foil), n. that part of a document, as a cheque, &c., retained by the drawer. counterfort (-fort), n. a buttress built at right angles to a wall or terrace ; a spur of a mountain. counter-light (-lit), n. a light op- posite any object, causing it to ap- pear to disadvantage. countermand (-mand), v.t. to re- voke or annul, as an order or com- mand ; contradict the orders of : w. a revocation of a former order or com- mand. countermark (-mark), n. an addi- tional mark placed on goods for greater security ; the mark of the Goldsmiths' Company to indicate the standard quality of gold or sil- ver : v.t. to place a countermark upon. counterpane (-pan), n. a bed cover- let. counter-parole (-pa-rol'), w. a word given in addition to the password. counterpart (-part), n. a duplicate. counterpoint (-point), n. the science of harmony. counterscarp (-skarp), n. the ex- terior slope of a ditch opposite the scarp. counter-sea (-se), n. a sea running: in an opposite direction to the wind. counterseal (-sel), v.t. to seal with others : n. the reverse side of a pen- dent seal attached to a document. countersign (-sin'), v.t. to authenti- cate by an additional signature : n. (koun'ter-sin) an additional signa- ture to a document to attest it ; a military watchword. countersink (-singk), v.t. to drill (a conical depression) in timber or metal to receive a screw or bolt so- that the head is flush with the sur- face. countervail (~val), v.t. to compen- sate ; counteract ; counterbalance. countess (koun'tes), n. the wife of an earl or count. counting (kount'ing), n. reckoning. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon^ book; hue, hut; think, then. 222 counting-liouse (-hous), n. the room where accounts or mercantile transactions are carried on. country (kun'tri), n. [pi. countries (-triz)], a tract of land; region; rural parts ; one's native land : adj. rural ; rustic ; unpolished. county (koun'ti), n. [pi. counties Ctiz) ], a definite district of a coun- try separated from the rest for po- litical or judicial administrative pur- poses : adj. pertaining to a county. coup (koo), n. a sudden telling blow, a master-stroke. coupe (koo- pa'), n. the front com- partment of a French stage-coach ; the end of a first-class carriage. couple (kup'l), n. two of the same kind connected together ; a pair ; man and wife ; a pair of equal and parallel forces ; two dissimilar metal plates in contact forming a voltaic battery : v.t. to link or join together ; unite in marriage : v.i. to copulate ; unite. couplet (kup'let), n. two successive lines of verse which rhyme togethei*. coupon (koo'pon), n. sl certificate at- tached to transferable bonds, which is intended to be cut off and pre- sented for the payment of dividends when due ; a section of a ticket en- tilting the holder to some specified accommodation, &c., over a line or route to be traveled, or to a seat in a theater, &c. courage (kur'aj), n. fortitude; valor. courageous (-a'jus), adj. brave; bold. courier (koo'ri-er), n. an express messenger ; a traveling attendant who makes preliminary arrange- ments. course (kors), n. a race; a path or track ; career ; direction or line of motion ; regular sequence ; the por- tion of a meal served at one time ; conduct ; behavior ; the direction a ship is steered ; a continuous level range of brick or masonry of the same height ; the chase of a hare by greyhounds : pt. catamenia ; the sails set on the lower yards of a ship : v.t. to hunt : v.i. move swiftly ; en- gage in coursing. courser ('er), n. a swift and spirited horse; a war-horse; one who courses ; a running bird of the os- trich family. coursing ('ing), n. the sport of pur- suing hares with greyhounds. court (kort), n. an enclosed space; a small paved space surrounded by houses ; a royal palace ; the retinue of a sovereign ; a hall of justice ; the judges, &c., engaged there ; ad- dress ; civility ; flattery : v.t. to pay court to ; woo i flatter ; solicit. courteous (ker'te-us), adj. polite; obliging. courtesan ('te-zan), n. a prostitute. courtesy ('te-si), n. [pi. courtesies (-siz)], politeness combined with kindness ; civility. courtesy (kert'si), n. [pi. courtesies (-siz)], a salutation made by bend- ing the knees : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. cour- tesied, p.pr. courtesying], to make a courtesy. courtier (kort'yer), n. one who fre- quents or attends court ; one who solicits the favor of another ; one having courtly manners. courtliness ('li-nes), n. elegance of manners. courtly ('li), adj. refined; elegant. court-martial (miir'shal), n. [pi. courts-martial], a court of justice composed of naval or military offi- cers for the trial of disciplinary offenses. court-plaster ('plas-ter), n. a supe- rior kind of sticking-plaster, origi- nally used by ladies at court for or- namental patches on the face. courtsliip ('ship), n. the act of woo- ing. courtyard ('yard), n. an inclosed space adjoining a house. cousin (kuz'in), n. the son or daugh- ter of an uncle or aunt ; a kinsman ; a title of address used by a sover- eign to noblemen. cousin-german (-jer'man), n. a first cousin. cove (kov), n. a small sheltered in- let or creek ; a retired nook ; a hol- low molding ; a fellow : v.i. to arch over. covenant (kuv'e-nant), n. a written agreement ; deed ; bargain ; a free promise of God's blessing ; a solemn ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hiie, hut ; think, then. tJOV 223 agreement of fellowship and faith between members of a church : v.i. to enter into a formal agreement ; bind one's self by contract. covenanter (-er), n. one who enters into a covenant. cover (knv'er), v.t, to overspread, as the top of anything, with ssomething else : hide : save from punishment : shelter ; clothe : v.i. put on a head covering : n. that which is laid on something else ; a shelter ; a covert ; table furniture for one person : p). thickets, underwood, &c., concealiug game. covering (-ing), n. that which covers or protects ; dress. coverlet (-let), n. a bed quilt. covert (kuv'ert), adj. concealed; cov- ered ; disguised ; insidious ; under authority or protection ; said of a married woman : n. a place that pro- tects or shelters ; a thicket ; shelter for game. coverture ('er-ttir), n. a cover; shel- ter ; the status of a married woman. covet (kuv'et), v.t. to desire earnest- ly ; lust after : v.i. to indulge in in- ordinate desire. covetiveness ('et-iv-nes), n. ac- quisitiveness. covetous (-us), adj. inordinately de- sirous, especially of money ; avari- cious. covey (kuv'i)j n. a hatch or brood of birds, especially partridges. coving (kov'ing), n. the projection of the upper stories of a house over the lower. co-w (kou), n. [pi. cows (kouz)], the mature female of the genus Dos, or ox ; the female of various other ani- mals, as the whale, elephant, &c. : n. a wedge placed behind a crab or windlass to check its motion : v.t, to depress with fear. coward Curd), n. one without cour- age ; a dastard ; poltroon. cowardice (-is), n. dishonorable fear. cow-bird ('herd), n. an American blackbird, so called from its accom- panying cattle. cowboy ('boi), n. a boy who looks after cows ; a mounted employee of a stockman or ranchman who looks after the cattle while grazing. cow-catcber ('kacii-er), n. a wedge- shaped iron frame in the front of a locomotive to remove obstructions on the rails. cower (kou'er), v.i. to crouch or sink down through fear ; tremble. • eowberd ('herd), n. a tender of cat- tle. cowhide ('hid), n. the tanned and dressed skins of cows ; a stout flexi- ble whip made of raw hide : adj. made of cowhide leather : v.t. to chastise with a cowhide. cowl (koul), n. a monk's hood; a re- volving cover for a chimney pot. cowlick ('lik), n. a tuft of hair turned up or awry on the forehead. cowpox ('poks), n. a disease which affects the teats of cows, producing vesicles : from these the vaccine matter is obtained for inoculation against smallpox. cowrie ('ri), n. [pi. cowries (-riz)], a small glossy shell, used as money by some African tribes, and in Siam. Also cowry. cowslip ('slip), n. a species of prim- rose. coxcomb ('kom), n. something re- sembling a cock's comb formerly worn by licensed jesters ; a vain^ pretentious, conceited fellow ; a fop. coxswain (,kok'sun), n. the steers- man of a boat, especially in a race- coy (koi), adj. modest: bashful; de- mure. coyisb ('ish), adj. somewhat coy. coyly ('li). adv. in a coy manner. coyness ('nes), n. reserve; demure- ness. coyote (koi-ot'. or ko-yo'ta), n. the prairie-wolf: v.i. (koi-ot') to search for gold single-handed, and as by chance, cozen (kuz'n), v.t. to cheat. cozy (ko'zi), adj. warm and comforta- ble; snng : n. a woolen cover to keep a teapot warm. crab (krab), n. a short-tailed, stalk- eyed, ten-footed crustacean ; a crab- apple ; a sign (Cancer) in the Zo- diac ; a name of various mechanical devices or machines : ^l. the lowest cast at hazard : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boony book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 224 crabbed, p.pr. crabbing], to fish for crabs ; to back out. crabbed ('ed), adj. morose; hard to decipher. crabby ('i), ddj, crabbed. «rack (krak), n. a chink or fissure; a narrow fracture ; a sharp sound ; a sharp resonant blow ; an altered tone of voice : v.t. & v.L to burst, break, or sever ; utter a sharp, ab- rupt cry ; extol ; injure ; damage mentally ; open a bottle : adj. of su- perior excellence. cracked (krakt), adj. split; blem- ished ; broken ; insane ; legally im- perfect. cracker (krak'er), n. a hard biscuit; a firework ; a kind of bonbon ; a lie : pi. an instrument for cracking nuts. crackle (krak'l), v.i. to make a slight, sharp explosive noise : v.t. cover with a delicate network of minute cracks : n. a noise of fre- quent and slight cracks and re- ports ; a surface glaze on glass or porcelain ; the noise made by dis- eased lungs in breathing. crackling (krak'ling), n. small ab- rupt cracks or reports made fre- quently ; the browned crisp rind of roast pig. cracknel ('nel), n. a hard fancy biscuit. cracksman ('s-man), n. [pi. cracks- men ('men)], a burglar. cradle (kra'dl), n. a baby's crib or little bed ; infancy ; birthplace or origin ; a case for a broken limb ; a device for rescuing shipwrecked per- sons ; a frame of timbers placed under a ship for launching it ; a steel tool used in engraving; a gold- washing machine ; a frame of wood, with long teeth, fastened to a scythe : v.t. to rock or place in a cradle ; nurse or train in infancy ; wash in a miner's cradle : v.i. to lie in a cradle. cradling ('dling), n. the open tim- bers or ribs of a vaulted ceiling. craft (kraft), n. manual skill; a trade ; cunning ; fraud ; a small trading vessel. craftily ('i-li), adv. cunningly. craftiness ('i-nes), n. cunning. craftsman (krafts'man), n. [pi. craftsmen ('men) ], a skilled artisan ; a member of a particular trade. crafty (craf'ti), adj. cunning; artful. crag (krag), n. a steep, rugged rock; shelly deposits in Pliocene strata. cram, (kram), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. crammed, p.pr. cramming], to stuff; fill beyond satiety ; tell lies to : v.i. qualify speedily for an examination : to eat greedily : n. the act of cram- ming physically or mentally ; has- tily acquired knowledge ; a lie. cramp (kramp), n. a rectangular piece of iron with a tightening screw at one end ; a spasmodic mus- cular contraction of the limbs ; a piece of iron bent at both ends for holding : v.t. to affect with muscular spasms ; confine ; secure with a cramp. crampit (kram'pit), n. the metal tip of a scabbard, or staff. crampoons ('poonz), n.pl. an ap- paratus like double calipers for rais- ing heavy weights. cranberry ('ber-ri), n. [pi. cranber- ries (-riz)], the marsh whortleber- ry, with red acid berries. crane (kran), n. a large wading bird with very long legs and neck, and a long straight bill ; a machine for raising heavy weights: v.t. to stretch or bend (the neck) like a crane : v.i. hesitate at a dangerous jump. cranial (kra'ni-al), adj. pertaining to the skull. craniology (-ni-ol'o-ji), n. the scien- tific study of skulls and their char- acteristics. cranium ('ni-um), n. [pi. crania], the skull. crank (krangk), n. a device for caus- ing the rotation of an axis, or for converting rotary into reciprocal mo- tion, or the contrary ; an instru- ment of prison discipline like a paddle-wheel ; an iron brace ; a twist or turn ; a fantastic form of speech ; whim ; fancy ; a crotchety or impracticable person, especially one who has a monomania : adj. lia- ble to lurch or capsize; opposed to stiff : hence shaky. crankiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being cranky. cranky ('i), adj. full of crotchets or ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; booDi book; hue, hut; think, tMn. iSira 225 ere cranks ; liable to be upset ; in a shaky or loose condition. crannied (kran'id), adj. full of chinks. cranny ('ni), n. [p?. crannies ('niz)], a chink. crape (krap), n. a thin black gauze made of raw silk and gummed : v.t. to cover or drape with crape. crash (krash), v.t. to clash together with violence : v.i. to make a loud clattering noise : n. a loud, sudden, confused noise ; a coarse, heavy linen fabric. crass (kras), adj. gross; dense; ob- tuse. crate (krat), n. a wicker hamper. crater (kra'ter), n. the cup-shaped cavity of a volcano ; an ancient goblet. crannch. See crunch. cravat (kra-vaf), n. a neckcloth. crave (krav), v.t. to ask for with humility ; beg earnestly ; long for eagerly. craven (kra'vn), adj. cowardly; base : n. a coward ; recreant. craving ('ving), n. a strong desire. craiv (kraw), n. a bird's crop. crawfish, (kraw'fish) or crayfish (kra') n. the common name of a fresh-water lobster-like crustacean ; the spiny lobster. crawl (krawl), v.i. move slowly and with difficulty ; creep : n. the act of crawling ; a pen on the sea-coast for fish, turtles, &c. crayon (kra'un), n. a kind of chalk pencil ; a drawing done with cray- ons ; one of the carbon points of an arc-light : adj. drawn with crayons : v.t. to^ sketch out, as with a crayon. crayonist (-ist), n. one who draws or sketches with crayons. craze (kraz), v.i. to become dement- ed ; open in slight cracks : v.t. to produce cracks ; render insane : n. a passing fashion or infatuation ; a crack in pottery glaze. crazily (-li), adv. in a crazy manner. craziness (-nes), n. the state of be- ing crazy. crazy (kra'zi), adj. insane; dilapi- dated ; foolishly eager. crazy- work (-werk), n. patchwork of irregular sized pieces of silk, &c. creak (krek), v.i. to make a sharp, harsh, grating sound : n. such a sound. creaky ('i), adj. apt to creak. cream (krem), n. the rich, oily part of milk : hence the choicest part of anything ; a soft unctuous cosmetic : v.t. to skim cream from ; remove the best part of. cream of tartar (of tar'tar), n, purified tartar or argol. creamery ('er-i), n. [x)l. creameries (-iz)], a place where butter and cheese are made, or where cream, &c., are sold. cream-laid, adj. noting a paper of a creamy-white color, showing the lines of the mold impressed on it : opposed to cream-wove, which has no such lines. crease (kres), n. a mark made by folding or doubling anything ; a line drawn to define the limits of bowler and batsman : v.t. make a crease in. creasote. Another form of creosote. creatable (kre-at'a-bl), adj. that may be created. create (kre-af), v.t. to cause to come into existence ; form out of nothing ; invest with a new rank, office, or function : v.i. to originate. creatine ('a-tin), n. a white crystal- line substance in muscular tissue. Also kreatine. creation (-a'shun), n. the act of creating; the thing created; the universe. creative ('tiv), adj. constructive. creator ('ter), n. one who creates. Creator, n. the Supreme Being. creature (kre'ttir), n. anything cre- ated, especially a living being ; one dependent on the influence^tof anoth- er : adj. of, or belonging to, the body. crSche (krash), n. a public nursery. credence (kre'dens), n. belief ; trust. credenda (-den'da), n.pl. articles of faith. credential (-den'shal), adj. giving a claim or title to credit : n.pl. letters or certificates given to a person to show he has a right to confidence or the exercise of authority. credibility (kred-i-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being credible. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, but; think, then. ©re 226 en credible i'i-hl) , adj. worthy of cred- it ; probable. credibly (-bli), adv. in a credible manner. credit (kred'it), v.t. to believe; trust ; have confidence in ; enter on the credit side of an account : n. belief ; honor ; trust reposed ; sale on trust ; time allowed for payment of goods sold. creditor (-er), n. one to whom an- other is indebted for money or goods. credulity (-du'li-ti), n. ready belief. credulous (kred'u-lus), adj. easily imposed upon. creed (kred), n. a brief statement of belief. creek (krek), n. a small bay; cove. creel (krel), n. a wicker fishing bas- ket ; a wickerwork cage : v.t. to put in a creel ; catch. creep (krep), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. crept, p.pr. creeping], to move slowly along the ground, as a worm or rep- tile ; grow along the ground, as a plant ; move secretly or insidiously ; fawn. creeper ('er), n. one who, or that which, creeps ; a plant which clings by rootlets or tendrils to some sup- port ; the name of certain birds ; a wingless insect ; a kind of grapnel. creepy ('i), adj. shivering; chilled. cremate (kre'mat), v.t. to reduce to ashes by heat, especially dead bodies. cremation (-ma'shun), n. the act of cremating. cremator (-ma'ter), n. a furnace for consuming dead bodies, refuse, &c. crematory ('ma-to-ri), adj. pertain- ing to cremation : n. [pi. crematories (-riz)], a place for burning the dead. crenate ('nat), adj. notched. crenellated (kren'el-a-ted), adj. dec- orated with indented moldings (cre- nelles). Creole (kre'ol), n. a native of Span- ish America or the West Indies, de- scended from European (originally Spanish) ancestors: adj. pertaining to a Creole. creosol ('o-sol), n. an oily liquid re- sembling phenol. creosote ('o-sot), n. a heavy oily ate, arm, ask, at, awl liquid with a smoky smell, prepared from wood-tar : used as an antisep- tic : v.t. to impregnate with creosote. crepitate (krep'i-tat), v.i. to make a slight, sharp, crackling noise. crepitation (-i-ta'shun), n. a low crackling noise. crepon (kre'pon), n. a thin crape- like material of wool, silk, or cotton. crept, p.t. & p.p. of creep. crescent (kres'ent), adj. growing: n. an increasing or new moon ; a figure like a new moon ; the Moslem pow- er : v.t. to form into a crescent. cresol (kre'sol), n. a phenol obtained from coal- and wood-tar. cress (kres), n. a name for various cruciferous plants, as the water- cress. cresset ('et), n. a light set on a beacon ; an open frame of iron con- taining fire, used as a torch ; a cooper's implement. crest (krest), n. a plume of feathers on the head of a bird, helmet, &c. ; the ridge of a wave ; summit of a hill ; courage ; pride ; spirit : v.t. to furnish or adorn with a crest ; mark with lines or streaks : v.i. to take the form of a crest or ridge. crestfallen ('fawl-n), adj. dejected. cretaceous (kre-ta'shus), adj. com- posed of, or like, chalk ; chalky. cretonne (kre-ton'), n. an unglazed cotton fabric printed on one side. crevasse (krev-as'), n. a deep fissure in a glacier ice ; a breach in a levee or embankment of a river. crevice (krev'is), n. a crack; fissure. crew, p.t. of crow. crew (kroo), n. a ship or boat's com- pany ; a crowd or company of peo- ple. crewel ('el), n. fine twisted worsted, &c., used in fancy work. crib (krib), n. a rack or manger; a stall for horses or cattle; a child's bed; a small lodging; a situation; a petty theft; a plagiarism; a lit- eral translation : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. cribbed, p.pr. cribbing], to confine; steal ; plagiarize : v.i. make notes for dishonest use in an examination. cribbage ('aj), n. a card game. crick (krik), n. a painful stiffness of me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. cri 227 the muscles of the neck, or local spasm. cricket ('et), n. the well-known game played with wickets, bats, and a ball, by eleven players on each side ; a chirping insect. cricketings (-ingz), n.pl. a kind of fine twilled flannel. crier (kri'er), n. one' who makes a public proclamation. crime (krim), n. a violation of the law ; an offense against morality or the public welfare ; wrong-doing. criminal ('i-nal), adj. pertaining to crime : n. one guilty of a crime. criminality ('i-ti), n. guilt. criminate ('i-nat), v.t. to accuse, or declare guilty, of crime ; involve in a crime. crimination (-i-na'shun), n. accusa- tion. criminology (-i-nol'o-ji), w. the sci- entific investigation of crimes and criminals. crimp (krimp), v.t. to bend or twist in regular undulations ; to cause to contract, as the flesh of live fish ; decoy for enlistment : n. formerly one who entrapped men for the En- glish navy or army, or the merchant service ; one who keeps a low lodg- ing-house for seamen. crimson (krim'zn), n. a deep red color inclining to purple : adj. crim- son-colored : v.t. to dye with crim- son : v.i. to blush. cringe (krinj), v.i. to bend or crouch from, fear or with servility : n. a servile bow. crinkle (kring'kl), v.t. to wrinkle; corrugate : v.i. to be corrugated or crimped : n. a wrinkle ; bend. crinoline (krin'o-lin), n. a hoop- skirt ; a stiff fabric for stiffening a garment. cripple (krip'l), v.t. to deprive of the use of a limb ; disable : n. one who is lame. crippling ('ling), n. spars or tim- bers used to support the sides of a building. crisis (kri'sis), n. [pi. crises (-sez)], a turning point ; a critical turn in a disease ; emergency ; conjuncture. crisp (krisp), adj. wavy; curled; brittle ; cheerful ; terse ; sparkling : v.t. to curl ; ripple : v.i. to form little curls ; become friable. crispate ('at), adj. curled. Crispin ('in), n. a shoemaker: in allusion to St. Crispin, the patron saint of shoemakers. criss-cross ('kros), n. an intersec- tion ; a child's game played with O's and X's : adj. going backwards and forwards. criterion (kri-te'ri-on), n. [pi. cri- teria (-a)], a standard, law, or rule by which a correct judgment can be formed. crith (krith), n. a unit of mass, used for gases = 1 liter of hydro- gen. . critic (krit'ik), n. one skilled in criti- cism ; one who judges captiously. critical (-al), adj. nicely exact; skilled in criticism ; censorious ; pertaining to the turning point of a disease. critically (-li), adv. in a critical manner. criticise ('i-siz), v.t. to examine or judge as a critic ; censure : v i. to review. criticism ('i-sizm), n. the art of jvidging and defining the merits of a literary or artistic work ; censure. critique (kri-tek'), n. a careful an- alysis of a literary or artistic pro- duction. croak (kr5k), v.i. to make a sound like a raven, &c. ; grumble : n. the low, hoarse sound of the raven or frog. crochet (kro-sha'), n. a kind of knit- ting with a hooked needle, in cot- ton, wool, &c. : v.t. to work in cro- chet. crock (krok), n. soot on a kettle, &c. ; an earthenware pot or vessel : v.t. to blacken with soot ; smudge. crockery ('er-i), n. earthenware. crocket ('et), n. an ornament era- ployed to decorate the angles of spires, canopies, &c. ; one of the ends of a stag's horn. crocodile ('o-dil, or -dll), n. a large lizard-like amphibian reptile, with hard square scales on its back and tail. crocus (kro'kus), n, a genus of irida- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. cro 228 cro ceous plants, from one species of which saffron is obtained. croft (kroft), n. a small farm, or in- closed field. crofter ('er), n. a small farmer of Western Scotland, who rents and tills a small farm. cromlech (krom'lek), n. an ancient monument of rough stones with one hue:e flat stone resting horizontally upon others. crone (kron), n. an old woman. crony ('ni), n. [pi. cronies ('niz)], a familiar friend. crook (krook), n. a bend; a shep- herd's hooked staff ; a bishop's staff ; a swindler : v.t. to bend : v.i. to be bent. croon (kroon), v.i. to utter a hollow continued moan ; sing in a soft, plaintive tone. crop (krop), n. the produce of the ground, as corn, &c. ; a bird's craw ; a stout hunting whip ; hair cut close or short : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. cropped, cropt, p.pr. cropping], to cut off the tops or ends of anything ; reap ; mow ; cause to bear a crop : v.i. appear unexpectedly ; to sprout. cropping-out (-out), n. the appear- ance at the surface of a lode of metal, or seam of coal. croquet (kro-ka'), n. a lawn game played with mallets, balls, and hoops : v.t. to drive away, as an op- ponent's ball after placing one's own in contact with it. croquette (-kef), n. ball of mince- meat, fish, or fowl, seasoned and fried brown. crosier (kro'zher), n. a bishop's staff. cross (kros), n. a gibbet of wood formed of an upright and a cross piece, used in the punishment of crucifixion : now the emblem of the Christian faith ; a device resembling a cross ; a mark made on a docu- ment by those who cannot write ; a trial of patience ; an animal of a cross-breed : v.t. to put, or draw, across ; cancel ; pass ; thwart ; ob- struct ; make the sign of a cross upon ; to cause to interbreed : v.i. to be athwart ; be inconsistent ; inter- breed : adj. falling athwart ; not parallel ; fretful ; perverse ; untrac- table. cross-bill ('bil), n. a bill brought by a defendant against a plaintiff pray- ing for relief ; a bird with a cross- shaped bill. crossbow ('bo), n. a shooting weap- on, having a bow across the stock. cross-breed ' ('bred), n. an animal produced by a male and female of different varieties. cross-examination ( -eg-zam-i-na'- shun), n. the questioning of a wit- ness by his own, or the opposing, counsel. cross-grained ('grand), adj. with an irregular grain or fiber ; con- trary or awkward in temper. crossing ('ing), n. the action of the verb to cross ; a path across ; inter- section ; opposition. cross-jack (kro'jak), n. the lower yard on the mizzen-mast. crossly ('li), adj. athwart; peevish- ly. cross-purpose ('per-pus), n. a con- trary purpose : pi. a game of ques- tions and answers. cross-question (-kwes'chun), v.t. to cross-examine. cross-sea ('se), n. a chopping sea, in which the water runs in different directions. cross-stitck ('stich), n. a stitch formed of two stitches of the same length, the one crossing the other. cross-tie ('tl), n. a railroad sleeper. cross-trees ('trez), n.pl. short pieces of timber at the upper ends of the lower and top masts, to support the rigging. cross-wind ('wind), n. a side, or un- favorable, wind. cross-wise ('wiz), adv. across; cross- shaped, crotch (kroch), n. a hook or fork. crotchet ('et), n. a musical note = l-4th a semibreve ; a bracket ; a whim or fancy. crotchety ('et-i), adj. whimsical; odd. croton-bug (kro'tun-bug), w. a small active winged cockroach. croton-oil (-oil), n. a viscid vege- table oil expressed from the seeds of a tropical plant. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 229 crtt croucli (krouch), v.i. to stoop low: cringe. croup (kroop), n. the rump or but- tocks of certain animals ; the place behind the saddle ; inflammation of the trachea and larynx, with a hoarse cough and difficult breath- ing. croupier ('pi-er), n. one who pre- sides at a gaming table and collects or pays out the money won or lost ; a vice-chairman. croupy Cj), adj. affected with croup. crow (kro), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. crowed, crew, p.pr. crowing], to make a shrill sound like a cock ; boast in triumph ; utter a cry of pleasure : n. the cry of a cock ; a general name for birds of the genus Corvus, us- ually black, and with a strong con- ical bill. crowbar ('bar), n. an iron lever. crowd (kroud), n. sl number of per- sons or things collected closely to- gether ; the populace : v.t. to press closely together ; fill to excess ; im- portune, as for a debt : v.i. to press in numbers. crown (kroun), n. a royal head-dress worn as the insignia of sovereignty ; regal power ; a wreath ; the top ; an English silver coin (5s) ; the cor- ona of a flower ; the upper part of a tooth ; a size of printing paper ( 15 X 20 in.) : v.t. to invest with a crown ; adorn or dignify ; complete ; reward. crown-glass ('glas), n. finest win- dow-glass. crow's-foot (kroz'foot), n. the ra- nunculus ; a caltrop ; an arrange- ment of cords to suspend an awning : pi. wrinkles under the eyes. crow's-nest ('z-nest), n. sl look-out, or watch-tower, on the main-top- mast crosstrees of a whaling vessel. croy (kroi), n. marsh land; an in- closure for taking fish. crucial ( kroo'shial ) , adj. cruciform ; intersecting ; severe ; searching. crucible ('si-bl), n. sl melting-pot. crucifier ('si-fi-er), n. one who cru- cifies. crucifix ("si-fiks), n. [pi. crucifixes (-ez)], a cross with the sculptured figure of Christ. crucifixion (-si-fik'shun), n. the act of crucifying, especially the cruci- fixion of Christ upon the cross ; great mental trial, or suffering. cruciform ('si-form), n. cross- shaped. crucify ('si-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. cru- cified, p.pr. crucifying], to put to death by nailing the hands and feet to a cross ; torture ; destroy the power of (Gal. v. 24). crude (krood), adj. in a natural state ; unripe ; raw ; immature ; un- cultured ; harsh in color. crudely ('li), adv. in a crude man- ner. crudeness ('nes), n. the quality of being crude. crudity ('i-ti), n. [pi. crudities (-tiz)], the state or condition of being crude. cruel (kroo'el), adj. disposed to give pain to others ; merciless ; hard- hearted ; fierce ; painful ; unrelent- ing : adv. very. cruelly (-li), adv. in a cruel manner. cruelty ('ei-ti), n. [pi. cruelties (-tiz)], inhumanity; savageness. cruet ('et), n. a small glass vial. cruise. Same as cruse. cruise (krooz), v.t. to sail to and fro; wander about : n. a voyage from place to place for warlike purposes, or for pleasure. cruiser ('er), n. a person, or ship, that cruises ; fast warship. crumb ( krum ) , n. the soft inner part of bread ; a fragment of bread ; a little piece : v.t. to dress with crumbs. crumble ('bl), v.t. to break into crumbs ; cause to fall into pieces : v.i. to disappear gradually. crummy ('i), adj. having crumbs; soft. crumpet ('pet), n. a soft tea-cake. crumple ('pi), v.t. to press into wrinkles ; rumple : v.i. to become rumpled. crunch (krunch), v.t. to crush with the teeth : grind violently : v.i. to chew audibly : n. the act of crunch- ing. crupper (krup'er), n. the buttocks of a horse ; the looped leather band ate, arm, a: :, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 230 cnb passing round a horse's tail : v.t. to put a crupper on. ©rural (kroo'ral), adj. pertaining to the leg or thigh ; leg-shaped. crusade (kroo-sad'), n. sl mediaeval military expedition under the ban- ner of the cross by any one of the Christian powers to recover the Holy Land ; vigorous concerted ac- tion for the defense of some cause, or the advancement of some idea: v.i. to engage in a crusade. cruse (kroos), n. an earthen pot or dish; a small vessel for holding liquids. cruset (kroo'set), n. a goldsmith's crucible. crush (krush), v.t. to press between two opposite bodies ; squeeze ; break by pressure ; bruise ; ruin ; quell : v.i. to be pressed out of shape or into smaller compass : n. a violent compression or collision. crush-hat ('hat), n. a collapsible hat. crust (krust), n. a hard external coating or rind ; the exterior solid part of the earth's surface ; a shell or hard covering : v.t. to cover over with crust : v.i. to contract into a hard covering. Crustacea (krus'ta'shi-a), n.pl. a prime division of the Orthropoda, comprising crabs and lobsters. crustacean ('shi-an), adj. pertaining to the Crustacea : n. one of the Crus- tacea. crustaceous (-ta'shi-us), adj. shelly. crusty (krus'ti), adj. like a crust; rough in manner ; surly ; snappish. crutch (kruch), n. a support for cripples ; any mechanical device like a crutch ; the forked rest on a woman's saddle. cry (kri), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. cried, p.pr. crying)], to call aloud; proclaim; exclaim vehemently ; implore ; re- quire redress ; shed tears : v.t, to utter loudly and publicly in giving notice : n. loud or passionate utter- ance, especially of weeping or lam- entation ; an exclamation of won- der or triumph ; outcry ; clamor ; acclamation ; proclamation ; common report ; a pack of hounds ; a battle cry ; a party catchword or phrase. crying ('ing), p. adj. specially de- manding notice ; notorious ; urgent. cryolite ('o-lit), n. a fluoride of so- dium and aluminium: the source of aluminium. crypt (kript), n. a subterranean cell or vault, usually under a church: sometimes used as a chapel or shrine. cryptic ('ik), adj. hidden; secret. Cryptogamia (krip-to-ga'mi-a), n. pi. in the Linnean system, a class of flowerless plants, as mosses, ferns, &c. cryptogram ('to-gram), n. a writ- ing, or a system of writing, in cipher. cryptography (-tog'ra-fi), n. the art of writing in cipher or secret characters. crypton (krip'ton), n. an element of the atmosphere^ recently discovered. cryptonym ('to-nim), n. a secret name. crystal (kris'tal), n. an inorganic body having a definite geometrical form ; a glass of superior clearness ; anything transparent and clear : adj. consisting of crystal ; clear ; trans- parent. crystalline ('ta-lin), adj. pertaining to, or having the form of, a crystal ; clear ; transparent. crystallization (-li-za'shun), n. the act of crystallizing. crystallize ('tal-iz), v.t. to cause to form crystals or a crystalline struc- ture : v.i. to be converted into crys- tals ; assume a definite shape. crystallography (-log'ra-fi), n. the science of the forms and structure of crystals. cub (kub), n. the young of certain animals, as the fox. cubage (ku'baj), n. the act of de- termining the contents of a solid ; the contents so measured. cubby-hole (kub'i-hol), n. a snug place. cube (kub), n. a regular solid body with six equal square sides or faces ; the product obtained by multiplying the square of a quantity by the quantity itself, as 5 X 5 X 5 = 125, cube of 5: v.t. to raise to the third power, or cube. ate, arm, :, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. cub >31 cul cube root ('root), n. the first power of a cube, as 5 of 125. cubeb (ku'beb), n. the small spicy- berry of a species of pepper ; Java pepper. cubic ('bik), adj. having the form or properties of a cube. Also cubic- al. cubically (-al-li), adv. in a cubic manner. cubit ('bit), n. an ancient measure of about 18 inches ; the forearm from the elbow to the wrist. cubo-cube ('bo-kub), n. the square of the cube, or the sixth power of a number, as 729 = 3^ cucking-stool (kuk'ing-stool), n. a kind of chair in which disorderly females, scolds, &c., were placed and ducked. cuckold (kuk'old), n. the husband of an adulteress ; the burdock. cuckoo (kook'oo), n. a passerine bird with a dark plumage and curved bill : so named from its char- acteristic note. S5ucuiixber ( ku'kum-ber ) , n. sl creep- ing plant, the elongated fruit of which is used as a salad, and as a pickle. cud (kud), n. food brought from the first stomach of a ruminating ani- mal back into the mouth and chewed again. cuddle (kud'l), v.t. to embrace close- ly : v.i. to lie close or snug : n. a close embrace. cudgel (kuj'el), n. a short thick stick : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. cudgeled, p.pr. cudgeling], to beat with a cudgel. cue (kti), n. the tail or end of a thing_^ a queue ; a hint ; the last word of an actor's speech ; the part one has to play ; a number of per- sons waiting ranged in a line ; the tapering rod used in billiards. cuff (kuf), n. a blow; the ornamental fold of the sleeve of a garment at the wrist : v.t. to strike with the hand. cuirass (kwe-ras'), n. a breastplate. cuirassier (-er'), n. a cavalry soldier armed with a cuirass. cuisine (kwe-zen'), n. the kitchen of a hotel, &c. ; style or quality of cooking. cul-de-sac (koo'de-sak), n. [pi. culs- de-sac], a passage open only at one end ; a position in which an army finds itself when hemmed in and no exit but in front. culinary (kti'li-na-ri), adj. pertain- ing to the kitchen, or the art or pro- cess of cooking. cull (kul), v.t. to pick out; select; gather. culminate ('mi-nat), v.i. to reach the highest point of altitude, rank, power, &c. ; come to the meridian. culmination (-na'shun), n. the at- tainment of the highest point ; the transit of a planet through the me- ridian. culpability (-pa-bil'i-ti), n. liability to blame. culpable ('pa-bl), adj. deserving cen- sure ; criminal ; blameworthy. culpatory ('pa-to-ri), adj. censuring, culprit Cprit), n. one arraigned he- tore a judge ; one accused of a crime' or fault. cult (kult), n. a particular ritual oi^ system of worship ; a subject of special sljudy ; devoted or extrava- gant homage or adoration. cultcb (kulch), n. materials forming: a spawning bed for oysters ; oyster- spawn. cultivate (kul'ti-vat), v.t. to till? improve by care, labor, or study ; seek the society of. cultivation (-va'shun), n. the act of cultivating ; tillage ; culture. cultivator ('ti-va-ter), n. one who, or that which, cultivates ; a farmer ; an agricultural implement. cultural ('tur-al), adj. pertaining to culture. culture ('tur), n. tillage; the train-' ing or refining of the moral or in- tellectual faculties ; care given to , the growth and development of ani- mals and plants ; the propagation of bacteria for scientific study. culverin ('ver-in), n. a long cannon of the 16th century with serpent- shaped handles. culvert ('vert), n. a drain or water- way of masonry or brickwork under a road, &c. ate, arm, ask. awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut: think, then. 232 cumber (kum'ber), v.t. to hinder; embarrass ; oppress ; perplex. Gumbersome (-sum), adj. burden- some ; unwieldy. cumbrous ('brus), adj. troublesome; vexatious ; heavy ; obstructing. cumin (kum'in), n, a plant, with warm aromatic bitterish seeds. Also cummin. cumulative (kti'mu-la-tiv), adj, augmenting or giving force ; in- creasing by successive additions. cumulative vote (vot), n. a system of voting by which a voter votes for each candidate, or gives all his votes to one. ^cumulus (kum'u-lus), n. [pi. cumuli (-li)], a cloud in round woolly masses. cuneate (kti'ne-at), adj. wedge- shaped. cuneiform (-i-f6rm), adj. having the form of a wedge : said of the wedge- shaped characters of the Assyrian and ancient Persian inscriptions. Also arrowhead. cunning (kun'ing), adj. crafty; sly; designing ; subtle : n. deceit ; crafti- ness ; the natural instinct of an animal. cup (kup), n. a small drinking ves- sel ; something shaped like a cup ; a chalice ; a piece of plate offered as a prize ; a vessel for drawing blood : pi. repeated potations : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. cupped, p.pr. cupping], to bleed by means of a cupping-glass : v.i. to strike or indent the ground with a golf-club when striking the ball, cupboard (kub'erd), n. a closet fit- ted with shelves for holding cups, plates, &c. cupel (kti'pel), n. a shallow porous vessel in whirh gold and silver are refined : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. cupeled, p.pr. cupeling], to refine (precious metals) from lead in a cupel. cupellation (-pel-a'shun), n. the act of refining in a cupel. cupful (kup'fool), n. [pi. cupfuls Cfoolz)], as much as a cup will contain. cupidity (ku-pid'i-ti), n. covetous- ness. cupola Cpo-la), n. [pi. cupolas (-laz) ], a spherical cup-shaped roof ; a revolving shot-proof turret. cupreous ('pre-us), adj. coppery. cupric Cprik), adj. pertaining to cop- per. cupriferous (-prif'er-us), adj. yield- ing copper. cuprite ('prit), n. red oxide of cop- per. cupule ('pill), n. a little cup, as of the acorn ; a small cup-shaped organ. cur (ker), n. a mongrel dog; a surly, ill-bred person. curable (kur'a-bl), adj. remediable. curacy (ku'ra-si), n. the office or dis- trict ^of a curate. curari (-ra'ri), n. a black resinoua substance prepared from the bark of a South American tree, used by the natives for poisoning their ar- rows : it is a powerful anaesthetic. curarine ('rin), n. an alkaloid ex- tract of curari of a more deadly nature. curarize ('riz), v.t. to poison by cu- rari. curassoiv (-ras'o), n. a large galli- naceous South American bird. curate (ku'rat), n. a clergyman who assists a vicar or incumbent. curative ('ra-tiv), adj. pertaining to the cure of diseases ; promoting cure : n. that which cures or serves to cure. curator (-ra'ter), n. the superintend- ent of a museum, art gallery, &c. curb (kerb), v.t. restrain; keep in subjection ; furnish with, or as with, a curb : n. that which checks, restrains, or subdues ; a part of a horse's bridle ; a curbstone. curbing (kerb'ing), n. curbstones collectively ; material for curbstones. curbstone ('ston), n, the stone-edge of a path. curd (kerd), n. the coagulated part of milk, containing casein : v.t. to cause to curdle. curdiness ('i-nes), n. the state of being curdy. curdle (ker'dl), v.t. to thicken into curd : v.i. to coagulate. curdy ( 'di ) , adj. like, or full of, curd. cure (ktir), n. restoration to health; the act, or art, of healing ; spiritual ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; booHj book; hue, hut; think, then. 233 charge ; the office of a parish priest or curate : v.t. to heal ; restore to health ; set free from ; preserve by salting. cure (ku-ra'), n. in France, a Roman Catholic parish priest. curfe-w (ker'fti), n. a bell originally rung at 8 p. m. as an intimation that fires and lights were to be ex- tinguished. curio Cri-o), n. [pi. curios (-oz)], bric-a-brac; a curiosity. curiosity (-os'i-ti), n,. [pi. curiosities' (-tiz) ], the quality of being curious ; inquisitiveness ; something strange or rare. curioso (-o'so), w. [pZ. curiosi ('si)], a ^virtuoso. curious ('ri-us), adj. desirous to see or know something new or strange ; inquisitive ; scrutinizing ; exact ; ex- traordinary. curl (kerl), n. a ringlet of hair; an undulation or bend ; a disease in fruit trees and potatoes : v.t^ to twist into ringlets ; crisp ; coil ; raise in undulations ; curve : v.i. to con- tract or bend into ringlets ; move in spirals or undulations ; become curled ; play at the game of curling. curler ('er), n. one who curls; one who plays at the game of curling. curle-w ('lu), n. migratory short- tailed wading bird with a long curved bill. • curling ('ling), n. a popular Scottish game played on the ice T^th smooth, flat, cheese-shaped stones, fitted with handles. curly ('li), adj. having curls; wavy. curmudgeon (-mud'jun), n. a grasp- ing, churlish fellow; a niggard. currant ('ant), n. a small variety of dried grape ; the well-known shrub and its berry. currency ('en-si), n. a continual passing from hand to hand ; unin- terrupted course ; the circulating monetary medium of a nation used by authority. current ('ent), adj. widely circu- lated ; passing from hand to hand ; now passing, as time ; generally ac- cepted or credited ; prevalent ; com- mon : n. a flow or passing : said of fluids ; body of air or water flowing in a certain direction ; general tend- ency. curricle ('i-kl), n. a two- wheeled chaise drawn by two horses abreast. curriculum (-ik'u-lum), n. [pi. cur- ricula (-la)], a course; a prescribed course of study in a university, school, &c. currier ('i-er), n. a leather dresser. currish ('ish), adj. snappish; quar- relsome. curry (kur'i), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. curried, p.pr. currying], to dress (leather) after tanning; beat; flatter; dress or clean (a horse). curry (kur'i), n. [pi. curries ('iz)], a highly-spiced East Indian sauce ; a stew of rice, fowl, &c., flavored with curry : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. curried, p.pr. currying], to cook or flavor with curry. curry-comb (-kom), n. a metallic comb, used in grooming horses. curse (kers), n. an imprecation of evil ; that which brings or causes evil or trouble ; a profane oath : v.t. to imprecate evil upon ; cause evil to ; anathematize : v.i. to swear. cursed (ker'sed), p.adj. under a curse ; hateful ; unsanctified. cursorial (-s6'ri-al), adj. adapted for running or walking. cursorily ('so-ri-li), adv. hastily. cursory ('so-ri), adj. hasty; superfi- cial. curst, p.p. of curse. curt ( kert ) , adj. abrupt ; short. curtail (ker-tal'), v.t. to cut short; reduce. curtailment ('ment), n. the act of curtailing. curtain ('tin), n. a textile hanging screen which can be drawn up or set aside at pleasure ; the part of the rampart and parapet between two bastions or grates : v.t. to in- close in, or as with, curtains. curtsy (kert'si), n. [pi. curtsies ('siz)], a salutation made by bend- ing the knees. Also curtsey : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. curtsied, p.pr. curtsy- ing], to make a curtsy. curvate (ker'vat), adj. bent; curved. curvation (-va'shun), n. the act of bending. curvature ('va-ttir), n. a bending. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 234 cut curve (kerv), adj. bent without angles : n. sl bending without angles ; a draughtsman's instrument for forming curves : v.t. to bend. curvet (ker' or ker-vet'), n. a partic- ular leap of a horse; a frisk or bound : v.L to leap as a horse ; frisk or bound. curvilineal (-vi-lin'e-al), or curvi- linear (-ar), adj. consisting of, or bounded by, curved lines. curving ('ving), n. a curve; bend. cusliiou (koosh'un), n. a pillow or' soft pad for sitting or reclining upon ; a pillow used in lace-making ; the elastic rim of a billiard-table : v.t. to seat upon a cushion ; furnish with a cushion : v.i. make the cue-ball strike against the cushion. cusp (kusp), n. the horn of a cres- cent ; a sharp rigid point ; a spear- shaped architectural ornament. cuspidal (kus'pi-dal), adj. ending in a point. cuspidate ('pi-dat), adj. furnished with a sharp, spear-like point. cuspidor ('pi-dor), n. a spittoon. custard ('terd), n. a composition of eggs and milk, &c., baked or boiled. custodian (-to'di-an), n. one who has the care of anything. custody ('to-di), n. guardianship; imprisonment ; security. custom ('tum), n. frequent or habit- ual repetition of the same act ; es- tablished usage ; business support ; unwritten law ; duties on imported or exported goods : v.i. to be ac- customed. custom house (hous), n. a building where duties are paid on exported or imported goods, and vessels are entered and cl_eared. customary (-a-ri), adj. habitual; conventional ; common. customer (-er), n. a purchaser. cut (kut), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. cut, p.pr. cutting], to cleave or separate with a sharp instrument ; make an in- cision in ; divide ; trim ; castrate ; excavate ; intersect ; abridge ; di- minish ; pass deliberately without recognition; wound deeply; divide (a pack of cards) at random; strike (a ball ) so as to send it at right angles to the batsman : v.i. to make an in- cision ; perform the work of an edged instrument ; grow through the gums : n. an incision or wound made by a sharp instrument ; gash ; a sharp stroke ; a sarcastic remark ; a trench, channel, «&;c., made by dig- ging ; a slice ; a near passage ; a block on which an engraving is cut ; the fashion of a garment ; shape ; deliberate ignoring of an ac- quaintance ; the division of a pack of cards ; a particular stroke in cricket, and lawn tennis ; a diminu- tion in price below another mer- chant : adj. divided or separated ; gashed ; having the surface orna- mented or fashioned ; not wrought or hand-made. cut-glass (kut'glas), n. flint glass cut into facets or figures. cut-off ('of), n. a short or straight road ; a new shorter channel cut by a river across a bend ; a device for stopping steam from entering a cyl- inder. cut-out ('out), n. a switch-like con- trivance to cut off an electric light from the circuit. cut-throat ('tkrot), n. a murderer; ruffian. cutaneous (ku-ta'ne-us), adj. per- taining to the skin. cuta-way (kut'a-wa), adj. cut back from the waist : n. a coat, the skirts of which slope from the waist. cuteh (kuch), n. oyster-spawn; couch- or quick-grass ; cultch. cute (ktit), adj. sharp; clever. cuticle (kut'i-kl), n. the scarf-skin; the thin exterior bark of a plant. cutify X'i-fi), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. cuti- fied, p.pr. cutifying], to form, or be- come covered with, skin. cutlass ('las), n. a broad cutting sword. cutler ('ler), n. one who makes or sells knives or other cutting instru- ments. cutlery (-ri), n. edged or cutting in- struments. cutlet ('let), n. a slice of meat. cutter ('er), n. one who cuts or hews ; one who cuts out and shapes garments ; a light sledge for two persons ; a small fast-sailing vessel? ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boonr book ; hue, hut ; think, then. cut 235 cym II with one mast sloop-rigged ; a man- of-war's boat, cutting^ ('ing), p.adj. dividing by an edged instrument ; deeply wounding the feelings ; sarcastic ; chilling ; sharp : n. a, piece cut off or from ; a slip ; an incision. cuttle (kut'l), n. the cuttle-fish, a cephalopod with an internal shell, the arms furnished with suckers, two large eyes, and an ink-bag contain- ^ ing a dark fluid. cutivater ('waw-ter), n. the fore part of a ship's prow; the angular edge of the pier of a bridge. cutweed ('wed), n. a coarse marine alga. cutworm (Verm), n. a destructive larval moth. cyanate (si'an-at), n. a compound of cyanic acid with a base. cyaneous (-a'ne-us), adj. azure blue. cyanic (-an'ik), adj. pertaining to cyanogen. cyanic acid (as'id), n. a strong acid composed of cyanogen and oxygen. cyanide ('a-nid), n. a compound of cyanic acid with a metal. cyanogen (-an'o-jen), n. a colorless poisonous gas burning with a purple flame, with the odor of peach blos- soms. cyanosis (-a-no'sis), n. a condition of the body in which its surface be- comes blue, due to the insufficient aeration of the blood. cyanotype (-an'o-tip), n. a photo- graphic process in which the picture is taken in Prussian blue. cycle (si'kl), n. a revolution of a cer- tain period of time, which recurs again in the same order ; an imagin- ary circle in the heavens ; the ag- gregate of traditional or legendary matter connected with a mytholog- ical personage or event ; a bicycle or tricycle: v.i. [p.t. & p.p. cycled, p.pr. cycling], to occur, or recur, in cycles ; ride a bicycle or tricycle. cyclic (sik' or sik'lik), adj. pertain- ing to, or moving in, a cycle ; belong- ing to the literary cycle of Greek poets who wrote on the Trojan war and its heroes. Also cyclical. cyclist (sik'list), n. a bicyclist. cycloid (si'kloid), n. a geometrical curve traced out by any point of a circle rolling along a straight line until it has completed a revolution. cyclometer (si-klom'e-ter), n. an in- strument for registering the revolu- tions of a wheel. cyclonal ('klo-nal), adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, a cyclone. Also cyclonic. cyclone ('klon), n. a violent storm; an atmospheric movement in which the wind blows spirally round to- wards a center. cyclonoscope (-klo'no-skop), n. an apparatus for recording the mo- tions of atmospheric currents which produce cyclones. cyclopaedia or cyclopedia (sT-klo- pe'di-a), abbreviation of encyclopae- dia. Cyclopean (-klo-pe'an), adj. pertain- ing to the Cyclops : hence huge and rough ; terrific ; vast ; massive. cyclorama (-klo-ra'ma), n, a series of moving pictures extended cir- cularly so as to appear in natural perspective to the spectator standing in the center. cyclostyle ('klo-stil), n. an appara- tus for producing manifold copies by means of a small toothed wheel. cygnet (sig'net), n. a young swan. cylinder (sil'in-der), n. a long cir- cular body, solid or hollow, of uni- form diameter ; a chamber in which force is exerted on the piston of a steam engine ; the barrel of a pump ; a hollow roller for printing ; a roller- shaped stone with cuneiform in- scriptions. cylindric ('drik), adj. having the form, or properties, of a cylinder. Also cylindrical. cylindricity (-dris'i-ti), n. the state or character of being cylindrical. cylindroid ('in-droid), n. a solid body resembling a cylinder, but with the ends elliptical :_ adj. having the form of a cylindroid. cym"bal (sim'bal), n. one of a pair of circular dish-shaped brass plates, which when struck produce a clash- ing sound. cyme (sim), n. a convex or flattened flower cluster. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. cyn 236 cynic (sin'ik), n. a morose, surly, or sarcastic person ; one of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers. cynical ('i-kal), adj. like a cynic. cynicism ('i-sizm), n. the temper and practice of a cynic. cynosure (si'no- or sin'o-shtir), n. an object of general attraction. cypress (si'pres), n. a coniferous tree, the emblem of mourning : adj. belonging to, or made of, cypress. Cyprian (sip'ri-an), adj. pertaining to Venus : hence wanton ; lascivious. cyst (sist), n. a bladder; pouch, us- ually membranous, containing mor- bid matter. cystic (sis'tik), adj. pertaining to, or contained in, a cyst ; vesicular. cystocele ('to-sel), n. hernia oc- casioned by protrusion of the blad- der. cystoscopy (-to-skop'i), n. the ex- amination of the human bladder by an incandescent electric lamp. cystose ('tos), adj. full of cysts. cystotomy (-tot'6-mi), n. the open- ing of the human bladder for the extraction of stone. cytoblastema ( si-to-blas-te'ma ) , n. the protoplasm in which animal and vegetable cells are produced. cytococcus (-kok'us), n. the nucleus of a parent cell. cytode (si'tod), n. a cell. cytogenesis (-to-jen'e-sis), n. cell formation. Czar (zar), or Tzar (tsar), n. the title of the Russian Emperor. Czarevitch (ziir'e-vich), or Tsare- vitch (tzar'-), n. the eldest son of the Czar. Also Czarewitch, Csesare- witch. Czarevna (za-rev'na), or Tzarevna (tza-), n. a Russian princess (im- perial) : applied to the wife of the Czarevitch. Czarina (za-re'na), or Tsarina (tsa-), n. an empress of Russia; the wife of the Czar. CzecL. (chek), n. a member of the most westerly branches of the Sla vonic family, including Bohemians, Moravians, and Slovaks. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. dab (dab), v.t. \_p.t. & p.p. dabbed, p.pr. dabbing], to strike or touch lightly : n. a small soft lump ; a gentle blow ; a salt-water flounder ; an expert : pi. refuse foots : adj. clever ; handy. dabber (dab'er), n. an inking-ball used by printers and engravers. dabbing ('ing), n. the process of in- denting the surface of a stone by a pick-shaped tool, dabble (dab'l) , v.t. to dip slightly and often ; moisten ; spatter : v.i. to play in water ; do anything in a superfi- cial manner. dabchick ('chik), n. an unfledged bird ; a small grebe. dabster ('ster), n. an expert. dace (das), n. a small fresh- water fish resembling the roach. dacbsbniid (daks'hoont), n. the Ger- man badger-dog. dactyl (dak'til), n. a poetical foot of three syllables, one long and two short (" " "). dactylic (-til'ik), adj. pertaining to the dactyl. dactyliography (-i-og'ra-fi), the art of engraving on gems. dactylology (-ol'o-ji), n. the art of communicating ideas with the fin- gers. dad (dad), n. a child name for father. Also daddy. daddle (dad'l), v.t. to walk unstead- ily like a child ; waddle ; trifle. daddy-long-legs ('i-long-legs), -n. a name for various kinds of crane- fly. dado (da'do), n. the solid block form- ing the body of a pedestal ; an ornamental border around the lower part of the wall of a room, &c. : v.% to ornament with a dado. daifodil (daf'o-dil), n. the narcissus. daft (daft), adj. simple; silly. dagger (dag'er), n. a short edged and pointed weapon, used for stab- bing ; a reference mark in printing (t). dago (da'go), n. [pi. dagos ('goz)], a nickname for a dark-complexioned person, especially of Spanish, Portu- guese, or Italian descent ; a sailor's name for a person speaking Portu- guese or Spanish. daguerreotype (da-ger'o-tip), n. a picture produced on a silvered plate. dahlia (dal'ya), n. [pi. dahlias Cyaz)], a composite plant, with large bright-colored flowers. daily (da'li), n. [pi. dailies ('liz)], a newspaper or periodical published each week-day : adj. occurring or recurring each successive day ; diur- nal : adv. day by day. daintiness (-nes), n. the quality of being dainty. dainty (dan'ti), n. [pi. dainties Ctiz)], something choice or deli- cious : adj. refined as regards taste ; fastidious ; delicious ; elegant ; sen- sitive ; choice. dairy (da'ri), n. [pi. dairies ('riz)], a place where milk is kept and con- verted into butter and cheese, &c. ; the shop where dairy produce is sold. dairy-produce ('pro'dus), n. milk, cream, butter, cheese, eggs. dairying (-ing), n. the business or occupation of a dairy farmer. dais (da'is), n. a raised platform. daisied (da'zid), adj. full of, or adorned with, daisies. [< ate. arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, thQn. 237 dai 238 daiB daisy (da'zi), n. [pL daisies ('ziz)], a low composite herb witli a yellow disk, and white or rose-colored rays. dale (dal), n. a vale; glen. dalliance (dal'i-ans), n. the act of dallying. dally (dal'i), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. dallied, p.pr. dallying], to trifle away time; loiter; procrastinate; exchange ca- resses. daltonism ( dawl'tun-izm ) , n. color- blindness. dam (dam), n. a barrier across a watercourse ; any artificial contri- vance to stop the flow of water or a gas ; a female parent : said of beasts : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. dammed, p.pr. damming], to confine, or raise the level of, by a dam ; restrain (usual with in or up). damage ('aj), n. injury or harm; harm willfully done to a person's character, person, or estate : pi. money recovered for loss suffered : v.t. to injure : v.i. to receive injury. damask ('ask), n. a rich silk fabric woven with elaborate patterns ; a fine twilled table-linen ; a fabric of silk aad wool, silk and cotton, &c., with a flowered or variegated de- sign ; Damascus steel or work ; deep pink : adj. pertaining to, or made of, damask : v.t. to work flowers upon ; ornament (metals) with wavy, sil- very devices. damaskeen (-as-ken'), v.t. to apply decorative metallic designs to (a sur- face of steel, &c,). damasse ( da-ma-sa' ) , adj. woven with a rich pattern to imitate dam- ask ; decorated with white on a white ground : said of porcelain. dame (dam), n. a title formerly used instead of mistress, written Mrs. ; the mistress of an elementary school ; an elderly woman. damn (dam), v.t. to sentence to pun- ishment judicially ; consign to a cer- tain fate ; condemn as bad or as a failure ; ^ to invoke a malediction upon : v.i. curse inwardly : n. a curse. damnation (-na'shun), n. the state of being damned ; ruination by ad- verse criticism ; punishment in a future state. damnatory ('na-to-ri), adj. assign- ing to, or containing a threat of, damnation. damned (damd), p.adj. condemned to perdition ; execrably bad ; used sometimes adverbially as an inten- sive [printed d — d]. damnify (dann'm-ti) , v.t. [p.t. & p.p. damnified, p.pr. damnifying], to cause loss or damage to. damnum ('num), n. loss or damage capable of assessment by a jury. damosel ('o-zel), n. formerly a dam- sel, or the wife of a squire. damp ( damp ) , n. moisture ; fog ; humid exhalation : adj. moist ; fog- gy ; humid ; dejected : v.t. to mois- ten ; discourage ; depress ; diminish the vibrations of. damper ('er), n. something which depresses or discourages ; a contri- vance for deadening the vibrations of a musical instrument. dampness ('nes), n. humidity; moisture. damsel ('zel), n. a maiden. damson (dam'zn), n. a small purple oval-shaped plum. dance (dans), v.i. to move with measured steps or to a musical ac- companiment ; perform the figures of a dance ; move nimbly, or merri- ly ; exult : v>.t. to give a dancing motion to ; perform as a dancer : n. a regulated movement of the feet to a rhythmical musical accompani- ment ; a dancing party, less formal than a ball. dandelion (dan'de-li-un), n. a bien- nial composite plant with large yel- low flowers and deeply notched leaves. dander ('der), n. dandruff; anger. dandle (dan'dl), v.t. to move up and down on the knee or in the arms in affectionate play ; fondle. dandru£P ('druf), n. scurf on the scalp. dandy ('di), n. [pi. dandies ('diz)], a fop ; coxcomb ; something very neat and trim. dandyism (-izm), n. foppishness. danger ('jer), n. hazard; peril. dangerous (-us), adj. involving, or beset with, danger ; ready to do harm or injury ; perilous ; hazard* ous. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. dan 239 dau dangle (clang'gl), v.i. to hang or swing loosely ; follow : v.t. to cause to dangle. dank (dangk), adj. humid; damp. danseuse (dang-sez'), n. sl female professional dancer ; a ballet-dancer. dapper (dap'er), adj. small and ac- tive ; trim and neat in appearance. dapple (dap'l), adj. spotted; varie- gated : v.t. to variegate with spots. dare (dar), v.i. [p.t. dared, durst, p.p. dared, p.pr. daring], to have cour- age ; attempt ; venture : v.t. to defy ; challenge. dare-devil ('dev-1), acZ/. characteris- tic of a reckless man : n. a reckless fellow. daring (dar'ing), n. intrepidity: adj. fearless ; bold ; intrepid. dark (dark), adj. destitute of light; not reflecting light ; wholly black or grey ; producing gloom ; unenlight- ened, mentally or physically ; ob- scure ; untried ; of a brunette com- plexion : n. darkness. dark ages (a'jez), n.pl. the mediaeval period. darken ('en), v.t. to make dark; ob- scure ; render unintelligible : v.i. to become dark. darkening (-ing) , n. twilight ; gloam- ing. darkish ('ish), adj. somewhat dark. darkling ('ling), adj. dimly seen. darkly ('li), adv. with imperfect light ; not clearly ; mysteriously. darkness ('nes), n. absence of light, partial or total ", physical or moral blindness ; obscurity ; gloom ; wick- edness. darksome ('sum), adj. gloomy. darky ('i), n. [pi. darkies ('iz)], a negro. darling (dilr'ling), n. a favorite; pet : adj. tenderly beloved ; very dear. darn (darn), v.t. to mend (a rent) by filling in the hole with yarn or thre0,d by means of a needle : n. a patch made by darning. darnel ('nel), the popular name of a grass, Lolium tremulentum, formerly supposed to be poisonous. dart (dart), n. a small lance or spear ; a kind of eel-spear ; the ar- row of a blow-gun ; a swift, sudden movement; the dace: v.t. throw; give out or send forth : v.i. move swiftly ; start suddenly and run quickly. Darwinian (dar-win'i-an), adj. per- taining to Chas. Darwin, the natu- ralist (1809-1882), or Darwinism: n. an evolutionist. Darwinism ('izm), n. the theory of natural selection advocated by Dar- win. dash (dash), v.t. to throw violently or hastily ; break by collision ; hurl ; shatter ; suffuse ; depress ; confuse ; mingle ; sketch rapidly : v.i. to rush with violence; fly off the surface with a violent noisy motion : n. a collision ; a slight addition ; ostenta- tious parade ; a mark ( — ) in writ- ing or printing. dash-board (-bord), n. a splash- board ; a pdddle-wheel float. dastard (das'tard), n. a coward: adj. meanly shrinking from danger ; cowardly. dastardliness (-li-nes), n. mean ti- midity. dastardly (-li), adv. cowardly. data, pi. of datum (q.v.). date (dat), n. the time of an epoch or transaction ; the inscription which specifies when a writing or inscrip- tion was executed ; duration ; the edible oval fruit of the date-palm : v.t. to mark with a date : v.i. to have a date ; reckon. date-tree (-tre), n. a species of palm. dative (da'tiv), adj. denoting the case of a noun, pronoun, or adjective which expresses the remoter object : usually indicated in English by to or for with the objective case : n. the dative case. datum ('tum), n. [pi. data ('ta)], something assumed, known, or con- ceded for the basis of an argument or inference [usually in pi.]. daub (dawb), v.t. to cover or smear with adhesive matter ; paint coarse- ly or unskilfully ; plaster ; flatter grossly : n. a coarse or rudely-exe- cuted painting ; a smear ; a cheap kind of mortar. daubing ('ing), n. a coarse painting; ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. dau 24€ dea. the application of rough mortar to a wall to imitate stone. dauby ('i), adj. viscous, sticky; like a daub. daughter (daw'ter), n. the female offspring of a man or woman ; a fe- male in a childlike relation ; some- thing conceived as feminine. daughter-in-laxir (-in-law), n. a son's wife. daunt (dant), v.t. to intimidate; dis- hearten. dauntless ('les)j adj. fearless. dauphin (daw'fin), n. the title of the eldest son of the King of France from 1349 to 1830. davenport (dav'en-p5rt), n. a kind of small writing-desk or -table. davit (dav'it), n. one of a pair of f-shaped uprights projecting over the side of a vessel for suspending or lowering a boat. davy (da'vi), n. [pi. davies ('viz)], a miner's safety-lamp surrounded by fine gauze wire, invented by Sir H. Davy, as a protection against fire- damp. Davy Jones (jonz), n. a humorous name for the spirit of the sea ; a sea- devil. daiv (daw), n. a bird of the crow family ; a jackdaw. daivdle (daw'dl), v.i. to waste time in a trifling manner ; loiter : n. a dawdler. dawn (dawn), v.i. to begin to grow light ; glimmer ; break as the day : n. the first appearance of light in the morning ; beginning. dawning ('ing), n. daybreak; begin- ning. day (da), n. the period of light be- tween sunrise and sunset ; daylight ; sunshine ; the space of twenty-four hours, reckoning from midnight to midnight (the civil day), or from noon to noon (the astronomical day) ; in the East, a distance that can be traveled in 24 hours ; a spec- ified time or period. daybook ('book), n. a book in which the transactions of the day are en- tered in the order of their occur- rence. daybreak ('brak), n. the dawn. daydream ('drem), n. a visionary fancy. days of grace (gras), n.pl. the cus- tomary period (three days) allowed, for the payment of a bill of ex- change after it becomes due. daysman (daz'man), n. [pi. daysmen ('men)], an umpire; a mediator. dayspring ('spring), n. the dawn (Luke i. 78). daze (daz), v.t. to dazzle: n. the state of being dazed. dazzle (daz'l), v.t. to overpower by a glare of light ; dim by excess of light ; overpower by splendor : v.i. tO' be overpowered by light : n. excess, of light. deacon (de'kn), n. the lowest order of the clergy in the Anglican Church ; in non-episcopal churches^ a layman appointed to assist the minister and manage the temporal affairs of a church. dead (ded), adj. destitute of life; in- animate ; resembling death ; inac- tive ; unprofitable ; monotonous ; tasteless ; unerring ; without reli- gious vitality ; flat ; not transmitting a current ; deprived of civil rights ; out of the game or play : n. dead! persons individually or collectively; the point or degree of greatest life- lessness : adv. absolutely ; exactly. dead-beat ('bet), adj. making suc- cessive movements with intervals of rest and no recoil ; thoroughly ex- hausted : n. a dead-beat escapement. dead-center (-sen'ter), n. that posi- tion of a crank in which the crank- axle, crank-pin, and the connecting rod are all in a straight line. dead-coloring (-kul'er-ing), n. the first broad outlines of a picture. deaden (ded'n), v.t. to diminish the acuteness, intensity, or vigor of ; re- tard ; blunt ; render non-conductive ; make insipid or stale ; deprive of gloss or brilliancy; kill (trees) by girdling. deadeye (ded'i), t*. a round, flat block of wood encircled with an iron band and pierced with three holes to re- ceive lanyards : used for setting up rigging. deadhead ('hed), n. a person who has a free pass on railways or to ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 1 — 19. Examples of Modification (1 — 4: by animals of same breed and habitat, 5 — 7: Climatic M 20 — 27. Examples of Adaptation (20 — 25, by Marine Life, 26 and 27, by Parasites.) { and 9: Seasonal Dimorphisn,.. 10-16: Generic Dimorphism, -17-19: Development of Hybrids). dea 241 dea places of amusement, &c. ; a wooden buoy : v.t. to furnish free admission to : v.i. to travel or gain admission without payment. dead letter (let'er), n. an unclaimed letter, the owner for which cannot be found ; that which has lost its authority. dead-lift ('lift), n. a heavy weight; the last extremity. dead-liglits ('lits), n.pl. strong wooden shutters placed over the cabin windows in stormy weather. deadliness ('li-nes), n. the state of being deadly. dead-load ('lod), n. a constant mo- tionless load. deadlock ('lok), n. a lock worked on one side by a handle, and on the other side by a key ; a situation in which progress is impossible. deadly ('li), adj. causing death; de- structive ; fatal ; implacable : adv, implacably. dead-neap ('nep),w. the lowest stage of the tide. deadness ('nes), n, absence of life; inactivity. dead-reckoning (-rek'un-ing) , w.the calculation of a ship's place at sea by the log and the compass courses, allowing for drift, leeway, &c. dead-set ('set), n. the fixed position of a dog in pointing game; a deter- mined effort or attack: adj. deter- mined to do something. dead-water (-waw'ter), n.the water that closes in under the stern of a ship; eddy- water. dead- weight ('wat), n. the weight of the vehicle in addition to the load to be carried ; freight charged for by weight instead of by bulk ; the heav- iest part of a ship's cargo. dead-wind ('wind), n. a wind blow- ing directly opposite to a ship's course. dead- work ('werk), n. work at first unprofitable, but which leads the way to profitable production, as in opening a mine. deaf (def), adj. deprived of hearing; unwilling to hear or pay regard to. deafen (def'n), v.t. to make deaf; render impervious to sound. deafening (-ing), p.adj. making im- pervious to sound : n. material em- ployed to deaden a floor or wall. deafness ('nes), n. the state of being deaf. deal (del), n. an indefinite quantity, degree, or extent ; a division of cards to the players ; a mercantile com- bination ; the wood of the fir or pine tree cut into boards or planks : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. dealt; p.pr. dealing], to distribute, apportion, or divide ; throw about : scatter : v.i. to have business; make a private arrange- ment. dealer ('er), n. one who deals; a trader. dealing ('ing), n. conduct towards others ; business intercourse ; traffic [frequently ^Z.]. dealt, p.t. of deal. dean (den), n. the presiding ecclesias- tical dignitary in cathedral and col- legiate churches ; the president of a faculty in a college ; the oldest mem- ber, by reason of service, in a consti- tuted body of which he acts as pres- ident. dean and chapter (chap'ter), the governing body of a cathedral, com- prising the dean, canons, or preben- daries. deanery (den'er-i), n. \_pl. deaneries (-iz) ], the office, jurisdiction, or res- idence of a dean. dear (der), adj. expensive; costly; marked by scarcity or dearth ; be- loved ; highly esteemed ; precious : n. a darling; favorite: adv. at a high price or rate : inter j. expressing sur- prise, pity, or emotion. dearly ('li), adv. with great affec- tion ; at a high price or rate. dearness ('nes), n. affection; high price ; dearth. dearth (derth), n. want; scarcity; famine. deary (der'i), n. a darling. Also dearie. death (deth), n. extinction of life or feeling ; the state of the dead ; a general mortality ; decay ; destruc- tion ; spiritual ruin after physical death (Rom. viii. 6). death-bell ('bel), n. a passing bell. death-point ('point), n. the degree ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, tlien. dea 242 de@ of heat or cold which destroys an animal organism^ death-rate ('rat), n. the percentage of deaths, usually reckoned at per thousand, among the population of a country, city, &c., for a given period, death's-head (s'hed), n. a skull, or representation of a skull, emblematic of death. death-watch ('woch), n. a vigil be- side the dying person ; a guard set over a criminal prior to his execu- tion ; a small beetle which makes a ticking sound, superstitiously sup- posed to forebode death. deathless ('les), adj. immortal. deathly ('li), adj. mortal; fatal. debacle (de-bak'l), n. the breaking up of ice on a river ; a stampede ; a violent flood carrying with it debris in great masses. debar (de-bar'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. de- barred, p.pr. debarring], to shut out ; exclude ; hinder from approach, enjoyment, or action ; preclude [with from], debark (de-bllrk'), v.i. to disembark. debarkation (-bar-ka'shun), n. the act of disembarking. debase (de-bas'), v.t. to reduce from a higher to a lower state ; lower in character, virtue, purity, or quality. debasement ('ment), n. act of de- basing. debatable (de-ba'ta-bl), adj. admit- ting of question or debate. debate ( de-bat'), v.t. to contend for in words or arguments ; meditate upon ; deliberate together : v.i. to ar- gue or discuss a point ; reflect : n. contention in words or argument ; controversy ; discussion. debauch (de-bawch'), v.t. to cor- rupt in morals or principles ; se- duce ; pollute ; vitiate : v.i. to engage in debauchery or riot : n. excess in eating and drinking ; lewdness. debanchee (deb'o-she), n. a drunk- ard. debauchery (de-baw'cher-i), n. [pi. debaucheries, (-iz) ], excessive intem- perance ; seduction from purity or virtue ; corruption of fidelity. debenture (de-ben'tur, n. a written acknowledgment of a debt. debilitant (de-bil'i-tant), adj. weak- ening. debilitate ('i-tat), v.t. to enfeeble: enervate. debilitation (-i-ta'shun), n. enerva- tion. debility (-bil'i-ti), n. [pi. debilities (-tiz)], abnormal functional weak- ness ; languor. debit (deb'it), n. that which is ow- ing, entered on the debtor side of a ledger : opposed to credit : adj. re- lating to debts : v.t. to charge with debt ; enter on the debtor's side of an account. debonair (deb-o-nar'), adj. of gentle manners or breeding ; elegant. debouch (de-boosh'), v.i. to march out of a confined space into open ground. debouche (da-boo-sha'), an opening; a market for goods ; an opening in military works for troops. debris (da-bre'), n. fragments; bro- ken rubbish ; loose pieces of rock, &c., at the base of a mountain. debt (det) n. that which is due from one person to another ; obligation ; trespass. debtor ('er), n, one who owes some- thing to another ; one who is in debt. debut (da-boo'), n. a first appearance in society, or before the public. debutant (-boo-tang'), n. one who makes a debut : fern, debutante. decade (dek'ad), n. a group of ten; ten consecutive years. Also decad. decadence (de-ka'dens), n. a state of decay. Also decadency. decadent ('dent), adj. deteriorating. decagon (dek'a-gon), n. plain figure having ten sides and ten angles. decagonal (-ag'o-nal), adj. pertain- ing to a decagon. decagramme ('a-gram), n. sl weight of ten grammes. Also decagram. decahedron (-he'dron), n. [pi. deca- hedra ('dra)], a solid bounded by ten plane faces. decaliter ('a-le-tr), n. a measure of capacity containing 10 liters := 2 1-5 imperial gallons. decalogue ('a-log), n. the ten com* mandments (Ex. xx.) ; the moral law. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, n6rth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. dec 243 dec decameter ('a-me-tr), n. a measure of length of 10 meters = 32.8 feet. decamp (de-kamp'), v.i. to depart speedily ; go away secretly or un- ceremoniously. decant (de-kanf), v.t. to pour off gently. decanter ('er), n. an ornamental glass bottle for holding wines, &c. decapitate (de-kap'i-tat), v.t. to be- head. decapitation (-i-ta'shun), n. behead- ing. decapod (dek'a-pod), adj. having ten feet or ten arms : n. a ten-footed crustacean, or ten-armed cephalopod. Decapoda (de-kap'o-da), n.pl. the or- der of Crustacea which includes those having ten feet, as lobsters, crabs, shrimps, &c., and cephalopods with ten arms. decarbonate (de-kar'bon-at), v.t. to deprive of carbon. Also decarbon- ize (-ize). decare (dek-ar'), a superficial meas- ure of 1,000 sq. meters = % acre (nearly). decastere ('a-ster), n. a solid meas- ure, ten times a cubic meter = 13 cubic yards (nearly). decay (de-ka'), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. de- cayed, p.pr. decaying], to become impaired ; rot ; decline or fall : n. deterioration ; decline ; rottenness ; corruption. decease (de-ses'), v.i. to die: n. death. deceit ( de-set'), n. deception; false- hood. deceitful ('fool), adj. full of deceit. deceitfully (-li), adv. in a deceitful manner. deceitfulness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being deceitful. deceivable (-sev'a-bl), adj. capable of being, or liable to be, deceived. deceive (-sev'). v.t. to mislead or cause to err ; delude ; impose upon ; disappoint. December (de-sem'ber) ,w.the twelfth month of the year. decemvir ('ver), n. [pi. decemvjri ('vi-ri)], one of ten Roman magis- trates, especially one of those who possessed absolute authority in an- cient Rome (451-449 b. c), and ed- ited the laws known as the Twelve Tables. decemviral ('vi-ral), adj. pertaining to the decemviri_. decemvirate (-rat), n. a body of ten men in authority ; their office, or term of office. decency (de'sen-si), n. [pi. decencies (-siz) ], the state of being decent, or modest. decennial ('i-al), adj. lasting for or occurring every ten years. decent ('sent), adj. decorous; becom- ing ; respectable ; modest ; passable. deception (-sep'shun), n. the act of deceiving ; the state of being de- ceived ; fraud. deceptive ('tiv), adj. tending to de- ceive. deciare (des-i-ar'), n. a unit of super- ficial measurement, the tenth part of an are, = 107.6 square feet. decidable (de-sid'a-bl), adj. capable of being decided. decide (de-sid'), v.t. to bring to an issue or conclusion ; fix the end of ; resolve : v.i. to give a judgment or decision ; arbitrate. decided ('ed), adj. free from ambi- guity ; determined ; unquestionable ; resolute. deciduous (-sid'ti-us), adj. falling off at maturity, or in season ; shed peri- odically. decigramme (des'i-gram), n. a met- ric weight, 1-lOth of a gramme — 1.54 grains troy (nearly). Also decigram. deciliter ('i-le-tr), n. a measure of capacity, 1-lOth of a liter = 3.52 fluid ounces. decillion (de-sil'yun), n. in France and the United States a unit fol- lowed by 33 ciphers ; in England a unit followed by 60 ciphers. decilux (des'i-luks), n. 1-lOth of a lux. decimal ('i-mjil), adj. pertaining to, or based upon, the number 10 : n. a decimal fraction. decimal place (plas), n. the place of a figure after the decimal point. decimal point (point), n. a dot sep- arating a decimal fraction from a whole number, also indicating when ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. dec 244 dec standing alone its fractional charac- ter. decimal system (sis'tem), n. a sys- tem of reckoning or measuring by 10, or powers of 10. decimally (-li), adv. by tens. decimate (des'i-mat), v.t. to select by lot and put to death, or punish, every tenth man ; destroy a large proportion of. decimation (-ma'shun), n. the act of decimating ; destruction on a large scale. decimeter ('i-me-tr), n. a measure of length, 1-lOth of a meter = 3.937 inches. decipher (de-sl'fer), -y.^. to read (se- cret writing) ; discover or make out the meaning of ; solve ; unravel. decision (-sizh'un), n. the act of de- ciding ; determination ; judgment ; settlement. decisive (-si'siv), adj. final; conclu- sive. decistere (des-i-star'). n. a cubic measure, 1-lOth of a stere = 3.532 cubic feet. deck (dek), v.t. to array in finery or ornaments ; adorn ; to furnish with a deck : n. the plank flooring of a ship. decker ('er), n. one who, or that which, decks ; a ship having decks. deckle-edged (dek'1-ejd), adj. hav- ing the edges rough and uncut ; said of books. declaim (de-klam'), v.t. to speak in a^ rhetorical style ; speak as an exer- cise in elocution ; harangue. declamation (dek-la-ma'shun) , n. the art of declaiming according to rhe- torical rules ; impassioned oratory ; distinct and correct enunciation of words in vocal music. declamatory (de-klam'a-to-ri), adj. pertaining to, or characterized by, reclamation ; noisy in style ; appeal- ing to the passions. declaration (dek-la-ra'shun), n. the act of declaring or proclaiming ; that which is declared ; an assertion : publication; a statement reduced to writing. declarative (de-klar'a-tiv), adj. ex- planatory. declaratory ('a-to-ri), adj. affirma- tive. declare (de-klar'), v.t. to make known ; tell openly or publicly ; pro- claim formally ; publish ; make a sol- emn affirmation before witnesses ; make a full statement as to goods, &c. : v.i. to make a declaration ; avow [with for or against]. declension (-klen'shun), n. decline; a falling off, or away ; deterioration ; the inflection of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives. declinable (-klin'a-bl), adj. capable of being declined. declinal ('al), adj. sloping down- wards. declinate (dek'li-nat), adj. curved downwards. declination (dek-li-na'shun), n. the act or state of bending, or moving, downwards ; oblique variation from some definite direction ; deteriora- tion ; decay ; the angular distance of a heavenly body N. or S. of the equator ; non-acceptance. declinator ('li-na-ter), n. an instru- ment for determinating the declina- tion and inclination of a plane. decline (de-klin'), v.i. to incline from a right line ; bend or lean down- wards ; droop ; draw to a close ; be- come weak ; deviate from rectitude : v.t. to refuse ; bend downwards ; de- press ; inflect : n. diminution ; de- cay ; deterioration ; consumption. declinograph ('o-graf), n. an auto- matic registering instrument for re- cording astronomical declinations. declinometer (dek-li-nom'e-ter), n. an instrument for measuring the declination of the magnetic needle. declivitous (de-kliv'i-tus), adj. mod- erately steep. declivity (-kliv'i-ti), n. [pi. declivi-j[ ties (-tiz)], a gradual descent; de-'j viation from a horizontal line : op- posed to acclivity. decoct (de-kokf), v.t. the act of boil- ing anything to extract its essence. decoction (-kok'shun), n. an extract obtained by boiling or digesting in hot water. decollate (-kol'at), i^.t. to behead. decollation (-a'shun), n. the act of beheading. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. dec 245 deo decollete (da-kol-e-ta'), adj. cut low in the neck so as to expose the neck and shoulders : said of a dress. De- colletee, fern, wearing a low-necked dress. decoxaposable ( de-com-poz'a-bl ) , adj. capable of being decomposed. decompose (de-kom-poz'), v.t. to re- solve into constituent elements ; cause to decay or rot : v.i. to become (decomposed ; putrefy. decomposite (-poz'it), adj. com- pounded a second time. decomposition (-po-zish'un), n. the act of resolving into constituent ele- ments ; analysis ; disintegration. decom.pouiid (-pound'), v.t. to com- pound things already compounded : adj. compounded more than once. decorate (dek'o-rat), v.t. to orna- ment, embellish, adorn, or beautify ; confer a badge of honor upon ; grace. decoration (-ra'shun), n. the art of decorating ; an ornament or embel- lishment ; a badge of honor. Decoration Day (da), n. the day I (May 30) on which the graves of those who fell in the Civil War (1861-65) are decorated. Also Me- morial Day. decorative ('o-ra-tiv), adj. tending to decoration. decorator (-ter), n. one who deco- rates ; an artist or artisan who deco- rates rooms, &c. decorous (de-ko' or dek'er-us), adj. marked by propriety ; decent ; fit ; proper. decorticate (de-kor'ti-kat), v.t. to remove the bark, husk, or peel from. decorum (de-ko'rum), n. propriety and decency of words, dress, and conduct. decostate (-kos'tat), adj. without ribs. decoy (de-koi'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. de- coyed, p.pr. decoying], to lead or al- lure into danger by artifice : v.i. to be allured by means of a decoy : n. a deceptive stratagem ; a lure ; a piece of enclosed water into which wild fowl are decoyed. decoy-duck (-duk), n. a tame, or imitation, duck used to allure wild fowl : hence a person who entraps others. decrease (de-kres'), v.i. to become less ; diminish ; abate ; wane ; fail : v.t. to cause to grow less ; reduce gradually in size or extent ; dwindle : n. gradual diminution, or decay ; the amount or degree of lessening ; the wane of the moon. decree (de-kre'), n. an ordinance, law, or edict ; a judicial decision ; the award of an umpire or arbitra- tor ; the predetermined purpose of God : v.t. to determine by a decree ; ordain ; constit^ite by edict ; assign : v.i. to make a decree ; determine. decrement (dek're-ment), n. diminu- tion. decrepit (de-krep'it), adj. enfeebled by age, or infirmity ; wasted ; worn out. decrepitate ('i-tat), v.t. to calcine (as salt) in a strong heat, causing a crackling sound. _ decrepitude ('i-tud), n. physical in- firmity caused by old age. decrescent (-kres'ent), adj. growing less. decretal (-kre'tal), n. a papal de- cree ; a book of edicts. decretive ('tiv), adj. having the au- thority of a decree. decretory (dek're-to-ri), adj. judi- cial ; settled. decrial (de-kri'al), n. clamorous cen- sure. decrier ('er), n. one who censures. decry (de-kri'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. de« cried, p.pr. decrying], to blame clam- orously ; cry down ; censure ; dispar- age. decumbent (-kum'bent), adj. lying down ; prostrate ; reclining. decuple (dek'u-pl), adj. tenfold: n. a number repeated 10 times : v.t. in- - crease tenfold. decurrent (-kur'ent), adj. running, or extending, downw^ard : said of a plant. decursive ('siv), adj. running down. decussate (-kus'at), v.i. to intersect or cross at an acute angle : adj. in- tersected. dedicate (ded'i-kat), v.t. to set apart by a solemn act or religious cere- mony ; devote or set apart to some work or duty ; inscribe, as a literary work. ate, iirm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue. but: think, ///en. ded 246 del dedication (-i-ka'shun), n. the act of dedicating; an inscription or ad- dress. dedicator ('i-ka-ter), n. one who dedicates. dedicatory (-to-ri), adj. pertaining to composing, or constituting, a ded- ication. deduce (de-dus'), v.t. to gather by reasoning ; infer ; derive [with from or out of]. deduct (de-dukt'), v.t. to take away. deduction (-duk'shun), n. the act or process of deducting ; subtraction. deductive ('tiv), adj. pertaining to deduction. deductively (-li), adv. by deduction. deed (ded), n. that which is done by a responsible agent ; an act ; an ^il- lustrious achievement ; a written in- strument for the transfer of real es- tate : v.t. convey by deed. deem (dem), v.t. to think ; determine : v.i. to have, or be of, an opinion ; judge. deemster (dem'ster), n. a judge or umpire : the title of either of the two chief judges of the Isle of Man. Also dempster. deep (dep), adj. extending far below the surface ; low in situation ; pen- etrating ; sagacious ; profound ; dif- ficult to understand ; absorbed ; grave in tone, or low in pitch ; strongly colored : n. that which is of great depth ; a great body of water. deepen ('en), v.t. to make deep or deeper ; make darker ; make sad ; cloud : v.i. to become deep or deeper. deep-laid ('lad), adj. well-concerted. deepness ('nes), n. depth; profun- dity. deep-sea ('se), adj. pertaining to the open sea, or deeper parts of the ocean. deer (der), n. sing. 8c pi. b. general name for solid-horned ruminants of the genus Cervus. deerliound ('hound), n. a staghound. deer-lick ('lik), a spot of salt ground, resorted to by deer to lick the earth. deer-stalking ('stawk-ing), n. the hunting of deer by stealing upon them unawares. deface (de-fas'), v.t. to mar or de- stroy the surface of ; disfigure ; im- pair the legibility of ; injure ; spoil. defacement ('ment), n. the act of defacing ; the condition of being de- faced ; injury. defalcation (-fal-ka'shun), n. a def- icit of funds through a breach of trust ; embezzlement ; diminution. defalcator (def'al-ka-ter), n. an em- bezzler. defamation (def-a-ma'shun), n. the act of injuring one's good name or reputation without justification, either orally, or by a written com-, munication. defamatory (de-fam'a-to-ri), adj, containing that which is injurious to the character or reputation. defame (de-fam'), v.t. to injure or destroy the good reputation of ; ac- cuse falsely ; asperse ; vilify. default (de-fawlf), n. failure or omission to do any act ; failure to satisfy the acts required in a law- suit : v.t. to make a default in ; neg- lect : v.i. to make a default. defaulter ('er), n. one who makes a default ; one who fails to make a proper account of money or prop- erty intrusted to his charge. defeasance (de-fez'ans), n. the an- nulment of a contract or deed. defeat (de-fef), v.t. to overcome or vanquish ; frustrate ; baffle : n. the act of defeating ; frustration ; over- throw. defecate (def'e-kat), v.t. to clarify: v.i. to become clear ; discharge es- crementous matter from the bowels. defecation (-ka'shun), n. clarifica- tion ; evacuation from the bowels. defecator (def'e-ka-ter), n. one who, or that which, purifies or cleanses; an apparatus for removing feculent matter from juices, &c. defect (de-fekf), n. an imperfection, moral or physical ; insufficiency ; fault ; error. defection (-fek'shun), n. a falling away from duty or allegiance ; de- sertion. defective ('tiv), adj. having a defect or flaw of any kind ; incomplete ; faulty ; wanting some of the usual grammatical forms. defend (de-fend'), v.t. to guard or ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. dcf 247 de£ protect ; maintain ; vindicate one's legal rights by force of argument or evidence : v.i. to formally enter a de- fense to an action. defendant ('ant), n. a person who is sued or accused in a civil or crim- inal court. defense (de-fens'), n. the act or state of defending or being defended ; pro- tection ; vindication by force or ar- gument ; a defendant's plea or an- swer. defensibility (-fen-si-bil'i-ti), adj. the quality of being defensible. defensible ('si-bl), adj. capable of being defended. defensive (-fen'siv), adj. serving to defend or protect; carried on in de- fense. defer (de-fer'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. de- ferred, p.pr. deferring], to put off to a future time; delay; v.i. to pro- crastinate. deference (def'er-ens), n. a yielding to the opinions or wishes of anoth- er ; regard. deferent ('er-ent), adj. conveying: n. that which conveys or carries ; a duct or vessel in the body which con- veys fluids. deferential (-er-en'shal), adj. char- acterized by, or expressing, defer- ence. deferentially (-li), adv. respect- fully. deferment (de-fer'ment), n. delay. defiance (-fi'ans), n. contemptuous disregard ; a challenge. defiant ('ant), adj. characterized by defiance. deficiency (-fish'en-si), n. [pi. defi- ciencies (-siz)], the state of being deficient : incompleteness ; insuflS- ciency ; scarcity. deficient ('ent), adj. wanting; in- complete. deficit (def'i-sit), n. a falling off, or deficiency, in amount or quantity, especially of receipts. defier (de-fi'er), n. one who defies. defilade (def-i-lad'), v.t. to raise, as a rampart, so as to protect the lines of the defending parts from guns placed in a high position. defile (de-fil'), v.t. to make foul or impure ; tarnish ; corrupt the chas- tity of : v.i. to march off in a file : n. a long narrow mountainous pass ; a marching in file. defilement ('ment), n. moral or physical pollution. definable (-fln'a-bl), adj. capable of being defined. define ( de-fin' ) , v.t. to determini i %^ limits of; describe the nature Vy properties of. definite Cdefi-nit). «(?;. having fixed, or distincr limits ; certain ; pointing out. definitely (-li), adv. certainly; di& tinctly. definition (-nish'un), n. a brief de- scription or explanation of the pre- cise meaning of a term, phrase, &c. ; a concise statement. definitive (de-fin'i-tiv), adj. deter- mining ; conclusive : n. a word used in grammar to define the significa- tion of a noun. deflagrate ^ (def'la-grat), v.t. to set fire to : v.i. to burn with sudden and sparkling combustion. deflagrator ('la-gra-ter), n. an in- strument for producing combustion of metallic substances by electricity. deflect (de-flekf), v.t. to bend from a straight line: v.i. to swerve; bend or turn aside. deflection (-fiek'shun), n. a bending. deflective ('tiv), adj. causing deflec- tion. deflector ('ter), n. a plate or cone in a furnace or lamp to bring flames or gases into close contact, and thus increase combustion. deflexure (-flek'shur), n. a bending down. deflower (-de-flour') , v.t. to deprive of flowers or bloom ; despoil of pristine grace or beauty ; deprive of virginity. defluent (def'lu-ent), adj. running downward : n. a river rising in a lake. deforest (de-for'est), v.t. to clear of forest ; cut down, clear away, or de- stroy the trees of. deform (-form'), v.t. to render ugly or unshapely ; disfigure ; mar. deformity ('i-ti), n. [pi. deformi- ties (-tiz )], physical malformation; disfigurement; want of beauty or harmony. ate, arm, ask, at., awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. def 248 del defraud (-frawd'), v.t. to deprive of some right or interest by deception ; cheat; withhold wrongfully. defray (de-fra'), v.t. \_p.t. & p.p. de- frayed, p. pr. defraying], to discharge (the expenses of anything) ; pay ; settle. defrayal ('al), n. the act of defray- ing. deft (deft), adj. dexterous; handy; clever. defunct (de-fungkf), adj. dead; ex- tinct : n. a dead person ; the dead (collectively). defy (-fi')j v.t. [p.t. & p.p. defied, p. pr. defying], to challenge or pro- voke to strife; set at defiance; re- sist openly. degeneracy (de-jen'er-a-si), n. the state of being degenerate. degenerate ('er-at), v.i. to become inferior in goodness or quality; be- come of a lower type; pass to an inferior or worse state ; deteriorate : adj. deteriorated ; degraded : n. a degenerate person or organism. degenerately (-li), adv. in a degen- erate manner. degeneration (-a'shun), n. the act, state, or process of growing worse ; degeneracy ; decline ; the morbid impairment of any structural tis- sue or organ. deglutition (deg-loo-tish'un), n. swallowing. degote (de-got'), n. oil distilled from the white birch : used for Russian leather. degradation (deg-ra-da'shun), n. the act of degrading. degrade (de-grad'), v.t. to reduce in grade or rank ; deprive of honors, office, or dignity; lower physically or morally ; tone down ; diminish ; wear away. degree (de-gre'), n, a step or grade; rank or station ; relationship be- tween a person and the next in line of descent ; rank conferred by a diploma after examination ; one of three degrees in the comparison of an adjective or adverb ; a certain amount or interval ; the 360th part of the circumference of a circle ; 60 geographical miles. dehisce (de-his'), v.i. to gape open. dehiscence ('ens), n. the opening of a capsule for the discharge of seeds, or of anthers for the discharge of pollen. dehiscent Cent), adj. opening. dehorn (-horn'), v.t. to deprive of horns. dehypnotize (-hip'no-tiz), v.t. to awaken from hypnotism. deification (de-i-fi-ka'shun), n. the act of defying ; apotheosis. deify ('i-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. deified, p.pr. deifying], to make, or exalt to the rank of, a deity ; idolize. deign (dan), v.i. to condescend; vouchsafe : v.t. to permit. deism (de'izm), n. the creed of a deist. deist ('ist), n. one who believes in the existence of a personal God, but not in revealed religion. deistic ('ik), adj. pertaining to deism, or deists. deity ('i-ti), n. [pi. deities (-tiz)], a god, goddess, or person worshipped as a divine being. Deity, n. God ; Jehovah ; the charac- ter, nature, or attributes of God; the Godhead. deject (de-jekt'), v.t. to depress the spirits of; dishearten; sadden. dejection (-jek'shun) n. lowness of spirits ; melancholy ; depression ; evacuation. dejeuner (da-zhu-na'), n. the first formal meal of the day. delaine (de-lan'), n. a light textile fabric of wool and cotton. delay (de-la'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. de- layed, p.pr. delaying], to postpone; hinder for a time : v.i. to act or pro- ceed slowly : n. postponement ; pro- crastination. dele (de'le), v.t. to take out (a letter. &c.) in proof reading : n. a mark (d) that a letter, &c., is to be deleted. delectability (de-lek-ta-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being delectable. delectable ('ta-bl), adj. pleasing; delightful. delectably (-li), adv. delightfully. delectation (-ta'shun), n. delight; pleasure. delegate (del'e-gat), v.t. to send as a representative with authority to fite, firm, ^sk, at, awl ; mS, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; bOon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. del 249 ifek act ; entrust ; commit : n. one sent to represent and act for others. delegation (-ga'shun), n. the act of delegating ; a person or body of per- sons chosen to act for others. delete ( de-let'), v.t. to blot out; erase. deleterious (-ter'i-us), adj. harm- ful, morally or physically; poison- ous. deletion (-le'shun), n. the act of de- leting. delf (delf), n. glazed earthenware. deliberate (de-lib'er-at), v.t. to think upon or consider ; weigh in the mind ; ponder : v.i. to take counsel with one's self or others : adj. circum- spect; slow in determining or in action ; well-considered. deliberately (-li), adv. with care- ful consideration. deliberateness (-nes), n. circum- spection. deliberation (-er-a'shun), n. calm and careful consideration ; slowness in action. deliberative (-tiv), adj. character- ized by, or acting with, deliberation. delicacy (del'i-ka-si), n. [pi. delica- cies (-siz)], the state or quality of being delicate; agreeableness to the taste or other senses ; grace ; sensi- tiveness ; refinement ; sensibility ; consideration for the feelings of others ; susceptibility to disease. delicatessen (-ka-tes'en), n.pl. table delicacies. delicious (de-lish'us), adj. highly pleasing to the senses, taste, or mind ; exquisite. deligbt ( de-lit'), v.t. to gratify or please greatly ; charm : v.i. be high- ly gratified or pleased (with in) : n. an extreme degree of pleasure; high satisfaction ; joy. delightful ('fool), adj. affording delight. delimit (-lim'it), v.t. to mark out or fix the limits of, as territory ; bound. delineate (-lin'e-at), v.t. to mark out with lines ; sketch ; portray ; describe minutely and accurately in words. delineation (-e-a'shun), n. the act or art of delineating; a sketch, de- scription, &c. delineator ('e-a-ter), n. one who de- lineates. delineatory (-to-ri), adj. delineat- ing. delinquency (-ling'k wen-si), n. [pi, delinquencies (-siz)], neglect of, or failure in, duty ; a misdeed ; fault. delinquent ('kwent), adj. falling short of duty : ti. one who neglects, or fails to perform, a duty; an of- fender. deliquesce (del-i-kwes'), v.i. to melt and become liquid by absorbing moisture from the atmosphere. deliquescence ('ens), n. the . act, property, or state of deliquescing. deliquescent ('ent), adj. liquefying or melting on exposure to the at- mosphere. delirious (de-lir'i-us), adj. light- headed ; insane ; frantic with delight. delirium ('i-um), n. excitement and aberration of the mind, caused by fever, &c. delirium tremens (tre'mens), n. a disease of the brain caused by the excessive and prolonged use of in- toxicating liquors. deliver (de-liv'er), v.t. to set free; save ; yield possession or control of ; send forth vigorously; discharge; communicate ; speak ; disburden of a child. deliverance ('er-ans), n. the act of delivering ; rescue ; an authoritative utterance by an official or judge on some technical point. delivery ('er-i), n. [pi. deliveries (-riz)], the act of delivering; a set- ting free ; a surrender ; transfer ; manner of utterance ; a distribution of letters, &c. ; the act or manner of delivering a ball ; parturition. dell (del), n. a small secluded valley. Delpbic (del'fik), adj. pertaining to Delphi, or to the famous sanctuary \ of Apollo with its priestess, or the ' games celebrated there in honor of Apollo. Also Delphian. delta (del'ta), n. [pi. deltas ('taz)], an alluvial deposit, shaped like the Greek letter A formed at the mouth of a river ; any triangular surface. deltaic (-ta'ik), adj. pertaining to a delta. deltoid ('toid), adj. shaped like a ate, arm, &sk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon. book; hiie, hut; think, *Aen. del 250 dent delta (J) ; pertaining to the deltoid muscle of the shoulder. delude (de-lud'), v.t. to impose upon the mind or judgment of ; beguile ; deceive. deluge (del'uj), n. an inundation; a great overflowing of the land by water, especially that of the time of Noah (Genesis vii.) ; a sudden and resistless calamity : v.t, to over- ^ whelm. delul (de-lool'), n. a female drome- dary. delusion (-lii'zhun), n. the act of deluding ; deceit ; imposition ; illu- sion. delusive (-lu'siv), adj. tending to delude or deceive ; deceptive. Also delusory. delve (delv), v.t. to open with a spade ; fathom ; penetrate. demagnetize (de-mag'net-iz), v.t. to deprive of magnetic properties. demagogic (dem-a-gog'ik), adj. char- acteristic of a demagogue. Also demagogical. demagogism ('a-gog-izm), n. the principles or practice of a dema- gogue. demagogue ('a-gog), n. a popular and factious orator, especially one who inveighs against constituted au- thority. demand (de-mand'), v.t. to claim as by right or authority ; ask in a per- emptory manner ; summon : n. an authoritative claim ; a peremptory request ; the state of being much sought after. demandant ('ant), n. a plaintiff. demantoid (-man'toid), n. an em- erald green garnet : used as a gem. demarcation (-mar-ka'shun), n. the act of defining, or marking, the bounds of. demarcL. (de'mark), n. the ruler of a deme or district in Greece. demean (de-men'), v.t. to behave (with self). demeanor ('er), n. behavior; de- portment. dement (-menf), v.t. to make in- sane. dementia (-men'shi-a), n. insanity. deniesne (de-men'), n. landed estate attached to a manor : adj. pertaining to a demesne. demi (dem'i), a prefix signifying half, used in composition, as demi- quaver, a note equal in duration to half a quaver. demi. Same as demy. demigod (dem'i-god), n. an inferior deity ; one wdiose nature is partly divine ; the offspring of a god and a human being ; a deified hero. demijolin (-jon), n. a. large glass bottle with a small neck and large body, usually incased in wickerwork. demisable (-miz'a-bl), adj. capable of being demised. demise (-miz'), n. the transfer of a right to, or of a title in, an estate through death or forfeiture ; death, especially of a royal personage ; the conveyance or transfer of an estate by will or lease for a term of years or in fee simple : v.t. to give or grant by will : v.i. to pass by bequest or inheritance. demobilize (-mo'bi-liz), v.t. to dis- band or dismiss (troops that have been mobilized) ; change from a war to a peace footing. democracy (-mok'ra-si), n. [pi. de- mocracies (-siz)], government by the people collectively by elected representatives ; political or social equality. Democracy, n. the Democratic party or its principles. democrat (dem'o-krat), n. one who advocates and upholds the principles of democracy. Democrat, n. sl member of the Demo- cratic pa.rty. democratic (-krat'ik), or demo- cratical (-al), adj. pertaining to democracy. democratically (-li), adv. in a dem- ocratic manner. demoiselle (dem-wa-zel'), w. a young lady, or unmarried woman ; the Nu- midian crane ; a handsome small dragon-fly. demolish (de-mol'ish), v.t. to thro^ down ; reduce to ruins ; destroy ; annihilate. demolition (dem-o-lish'un), n. the act or process of demolishing ; de- struction. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. dem 251 ftei. demon (de'mon), n. an evil spirit; devil ; a guardian spirit or genius. demonetize (-mon'e-tiz), v.t. to de- prive of standard value, as currency ; withdraw from use as money. demoniac (-mo'ni-ak), adj. pertain- ing to, or influenced by, demons ; characteristic of a demon or evil spirit. Also demoniacal : n. a luna- tic. demonism ('mon-izm), n. belief in demons ; the nature of a demon. demonolatry (-ol'a-tri), n. devil worship. demonology (-ol'o-ji), n. a treatise on demons or evil spirits, as con- nected with the science of religion, or popular superstitions. demonstrable ( de-mon'stra-bl ) , adj. capable of being demonstrated. demonstrate (de-mon' or dem'on- strat), v.t. to prove beyond the pos- sibility of a doubt ; teach by exam- ples : v.i. to organize, or take part in, a party demonstration. demonstration ( dem-on-stra'shun ) , n. the act of demonstrating ; a proof beyond the possibility of a doubt ; jaanifestation ; a public exhibition of sympathy with some political or social movement ; the exhibition and description of examples in art and science teaching, especially anatomy. demonstrative ('stra-tiv), adj. hav- ing the power of demonstration ; conclusive ; manifesting the feelings openly and strongly : n. a demon- strative pronoun. demonstrator ('on-stra-ter), n. one who demonstrates ; a teacher of practical anatomy, or physical sci- ence. demoralize ('al-iz), v.t. to corrupt, or undermine, the morals of ; de- prive of spirit or energy; throw into confusion. demulcent (-mul'sent), adj. soften- ing ; lenitive : n. a medicine which allays irritation. demur (de-mur'), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. de- murred, p.pr. demurring], to hesi- tate ; raise objections ; to interpose a demurrer : n. an objection or ex- ception. demure (-mur'), adj. grave; sober; decorous in bearing* affectedly modest or grave. demurely (-li), adv. in a demure manner. demureness ('nes), n. quality of being demure. demurrage (-mur'aj), n. the com- pensation paid by the freighter for the detention of a vessel in port beyond the stipulated time. demurrer ('er), n. an issue on a point of law. demy (de-mi), w. [^L demies (-miz')], a particular size of writing and printing paper, 15 x 20 inches, and 17% X 22 inches respectively. den (den), n. the hollow cave of a wild beast ; lair ; subterraneous re- treat ; a squalid place of residence ; a small or secluded apartment, used as a retreat for work and leisure. denationalize (de-nash'un-al-iz), v.t. to deprive of national rights or character ; render local. denaturalize (-nat'u-ral-Iz), v.t. to make unnatural ; divest of the ac- quired rights of citizenship in a foreign country. dendrite (den'drit), n. a stone or mineral with tree-like markings. dendroid ('droid), adj. resembling a tree in appearance ; arborescent. dendrology (-drol'o-ji), n. the nat- ural history of trees; a treatise on trees. dendrometer (-drom'e-ter), n. an apparatus for taking the heights and diameters of trees to ascertain their contents. dengue (deng'ga), n. the West In- dian name for the dandy fever, an acute febrile epidemic disease with pain in the bones, and skin eruption. denial (de-nl'al), n. the act of deny- ing ; refusal ; contradiction ; non- compliance. denizen (den'i-zen) , n. an inhabitant ; citizen ; an alien who has received letters patent admitting him to the rights of citizenship. denominate (de-nom'i-nat), v.t. to designate ; characterized by an epi- thet ; name : adj. made up of units of a specified kind. denomination (-i-na'shun), n. the ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. deu 252 dep act of designating ; a sect, class, or division. denominational (-al), adj. pertain- ing to, or carried on by, a sect. denominationalism (-al-izm), '•^^ a denominational or class spirit, _ or policy ; the opinion that education should be carried out through reli- gious bodies. denominationally (-li), adv. by sects. denominative ('i-na-tiv), adj. giv- ing a name ; formed from a sub- stantive or adjectival stem ; conno- tative : n. a verb formed from a sub- stantive or adjectival stem. denominator ('i-na-ter), n. one who, or that which, denominates ; the ex- pression of a fraction which, when placed below the line, gives the name or value to the unit. denotable (de-not'a-bl), adj. that may be denoted. denotative (-no'ta-tiv), adj. having the power to denote or point out ; significant. denote (de-nof), v.t. to signify or identify by a visible sign ; indicate ; betoken. denouement (da-noo-mang'), n. the act of unraveling or solving a plot ; outcome. denounce (de-nouns'), v.t. to threat- en or accuse publicly ; censure ; stigmatize; lay claim to (a new, or an abandoned, mine). dense (dens), adj. thick; compact; intense. density (den'si-ti), n. compactness; mass of matter per unit of volume ; depth of shade. dent (dent), n. a slight depression caused by a blow or pressure ; the tooth of a wheel ; a cog, card, comb, or metallic brush : v.t. to make a dent in. dental (den'tal), adj. pertaining to the teeth ; pronounced by the aid of the teeth : n. a letter pronounced by the aid of the teeth. dentary ('ta-ri), adj. pertaining to teeth. dentate ('tat), adj. toothed. Also dentated. denticulate (-tik'u-lat) , adj. fur- nished with small teeth. Also den- ticulated. dentiform ('ti-form), adj. tooth- shaped. dentifrice ('ti-fris), n. tooth-powder. dentil ('til), n. one of the^ small square blocks or projections in cor- nices. Also dentel. dentilabial (-ti-la'bi-al), adj. artic- ulated between the teeth and the lips. dentilingual (-ling'gwal), adj. formed between the teeth and the tongue. Dentolingual. dentine (den'tin), n. the hard, dense, calcified tissue which forms the body of a tooth. dentipbone ('ti-fon), n. an audi- phone. dentist ('tist), n. a dental surgeon. dentistry ('tis-tri), n. dental sur- gery. dentition (-tish'un), n. the process, or period, of cutting the teeth ; ar- rangement of the teeth. dentoid ('toid), adj. tooth-shaped. denudation (de-nu- or den-ii-da'" shun ) , n. the act of stripping or making bare. denude (de-nCid'), v.t. to make bare or naked; lay bare (rocks) by ero- sive action. denunciation (-nun-si-a'shun), n. the act of denouncing ; a threat ; menace. denunciator (-nun'si-a-ter), n. a de- nouncer. denunciatory (-to-ri), adj. pertain- ing to, or containing", a denunciation. Denunciative. deny (de-ni'), v.t. to refuse to be- lieve or admit ; contradict ; refuse to grant ; abjure. deodand (de'o-dand), n. any per- sonal chattel which has caused death, and for that reason has been given to God (forfeited to the Crown) for pious uses. deodorant (-o'der-ant), n. a deodor- izer. deodorize ('der-iz), v.t. to disinfect. depart ( de-part'), v.i. to go or move away ; leave ; die ; desist. department ('ment), n. a separate room or office for business ; a branch ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. dep 253 dep of business, study, or science ; a territorial administrative division. departmental ('al), adj. pertaining to a department ; governed by de- partments. ■ departure (par'chur), n, the act of ■ departing ; a going away ; deviation ; ■ death. ■ depend (de-pend'), v.i. to rely for support ; trust ; hang down. dependence ('ens), n. the state of being dependent ; connection ; reli- ance ; trust. Also dependency (-si), \_pl. dependencies (-siz)], a colony. dependent ('ent), adj. hanging down ; contingent ; conditional ; su- bordinate : n. one dependent upon another ; a retainer ; consequence. depict (de-pikt'), v.t. to paint or » portray ; describe or represent vivid- ly. depilatory (de-pil'a-to-ri), adj. hav- ing the power of removing hair : n. an application for removing super- fluous hairs. depletion (-ple'shun), n. the act of emptying or exhausting ; blood-let- ting. deplorable (-plor'a-bl), adj. worthy to be deplored ; sad ; calamitous ; grievous. deplore (-plor'), v.t. to lament; grieve for. deploy (-ploi'), v.t. & vi. [p.t. & p.p. deployed, p.pr. deploying], to open out ; extend in line so as to present a wider front : n. the act of deploy- i ing. Also deployment. I depolarize (-p5'lar-iz), v.t. to de- prive of polarity. deponent (-pon'ent), adj. denoting a Latin verb with a passive form and an active meaning : n. a witness who makes an affidavit to a state- ment of fact. depopulate (-pop'ti-lat), v.i. to de- prive of inhabitants ; devastate ; lay waste. deport (-port'), v.t. to carry from one country to another ; banish ; be- have (one's self). deportment ('ment), n. conduct; behavior. depose (-poz'), v.t. to remove from a throne, or other high station ; de- prive of office : v.i. testify on oath. deposit (-poz'it), v.t. to put or set down ; place ; intrust to another for security : n. anything deposited ; something committed to the care of another ; a pledge ; rocks produced by denudation or by the laying down of other formations. depositary ('i-ta-ri), n. one with whom something is intrusted ; a guardian. deposition (dep-o-zish'un), n. the act of depositing or deposing ; that which is deposited or deposed ; an afiidavit. depositor (de-poz'i-ter), n. one who deposits. depository ('i-to-ri), n. [pi. deposi- tories (-riz)], the place where any- thing is deposited for security ; a depot for the sale of publications. depot (de'po, or dep'o), n. a ware- house ; a magazine for military stores, &c. ; the headquarters of a regiment ; a railway station. depravation (dep-ra-va'shun), n. the act of depraving ; deterioration. deprave (de-prav'), v.t. to make bad. depraved (-pravd') , p. adj. morally de- based ; corrupt ; made bad or worse. depi'avity ( -prav'i-ti ) , n. the state of being depraved or corrupt ; wicked- ness. deprecable (dep're-ka-bl), adj. that which is, or should be, deprecated. deprecate ('re-kat), v.t. to pray against ; disapprove strongly ; ex- press regret for. deprecation (-ka'shun), n. the act of deprecating ; in litanies, a peti- tion to be delivered from some spir- itual or temporal evil. deprecatory (dep're-ka-to-ri), adj. apologetic. depreciate (de-pre'shi-at), v.t. to lower the value, or rate, of ; dis- parage : v.i. to fall in value. depreciation (-a'shun), n. the act of lessening the value or worth of ; fall in value. depredate (dep're-dat), v.t. to pil- lage ; rob ; lay waste ; prey upon. depredation (-da'shun), n. the act of depredating. depredator (dep're-da-ter), n. a plunderer. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrtb^ not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. dep 254 det depredatory (-to-ri), adj. plunder- ing. depress (de-pres'), v.t. to press or thrust down ; humble ; dispirit ; lower or cheapen. depressed (-presf), p.adj. cast down in spirits ; lowered in position ; flat- tened from above, or vertically. depression (-presh'un), n. the act of depressing; the sinking or fall- ing in of a surface ; abasement ; de- jection of spirits ; debility ; diminu- tion or dullness of trade. depressor (-pres'er), n. one who, or that which, depresses ; a muscle that draws down an organ or part. deprivation (dep-ri-va'shun), n. the act of taking away ; destitution ; loss ; the deposition of a cleric from his office or functions. deprive (de-priv'), v.t. to take from; dispossess ; debar ; depose from of- fice. depth, (depth), n. the state or de- gree of being deep ; profoundness ; extent of penetration ; richness of tone or color. deputation (dep-ti-ta'shun), n. the act of deputing ; the persons de- puted. depute (de-put'), v.t. to appoint as an agent or deputy ; send with au- thority to act on behalf of the prin- cipal. deputize (dep'ti-tiz), v.t. to appoint as a deputy. deputy ('u-ti), n. [pi. deputies (-tiz)], one appointed to act for another ; a delegate. derail (de-ral'),' v.i. to run off the rails : v.t. to cause to leave the rails. derange (-ranj'), v.t. to throw into confusion ; disturb the normal func- tions of ; displace. derangement ('ment), n. the act of deranging ; insanity. Derby {der'bi),n. [p?. derbies ('biz)], a race, founded, 1780, for three-year- old horses, run annually at Epsom, England. derby (der'bi), n. a kind of stiff felt hat, with convex crown and curved brim. derelict (der'e-likt), adj. abandoned; adrift : n. anything left, forsaken, or cast away intentionally, as at sea : pi. abandoned goods found at sea. dereliction (-lik'shun), n. omission, as of obligation or duty ; the gain- ing of land by the permanent retire- ment of the sea. deride (-rid'), v.t. to mock; laugh at : v.i. to indulge in mockery, scorn, or ridicule. deridingly ('ing-li), adv. with de- rision. derisible (-riz'i-bl), adj. open to de- rision. derision (-rizh'un), n. the act of de- riding ; ridicule ; scorn ; contempt. derisive (-ris'iv), adj. expressing de- rision. derivable (-riv'a-bl), adj. capable of being derived ; deducible. derivation (der-i-va'shun), n. the act of deriving, or the condition of being derived ; the process of trac- ing a word from its original source ; evolution ; deduction. derivative (de-riv'a-tiv) , adj. derived or taken from another ; deducible ; secondary : n. a word obtained from some other by a prefix or suffix, or other modification. derive (-riv'), v.t. to draw from an original source ; obtain by trans- mission or descent; trace (a word) to its original rpot or stem ; deduce ; infer. derma (der'ma), n. the true skin. dermal ('mal), adj. pertaining to the, or consisting of, skin. Also dermic. dermatoid ('ma-toid), adj. like skin. dermatology (-tol'o-ji), n. the sci- ence which treats of the skin and its diseases. dermic, another form of dermal. dernier ressort (der'ni-er re-zor'), n. the last resort or expedient. derogate ('o-gat), v.t. to take away; annual partially: v.i. detract (with from). derogation (-ga'shun), n. the act of derogating ; detraction ; deprecia- tion. derogatory (de-rog'k-to-ri) , adj. tend- ing to derogate from honor, char- acter, or value (with to, from). ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. der 255 des derrick ('ik), n. an apparatus for hoisting heavy weights. derringer ('in-jer), n. a pocket pis- tol with a short barrel of very large caliber. dervish ('vish), n. a Mohammedan monk who professes extreme pov- erty, chastity, and humility, and leads a very austere life ; a Sou- danese adherent of the Madhi. descant (des'kant), n. a varied song or melody ; a disquisition or com- ment : (des-kant') vA. to comment freely ; discourse at length. descend (de-send'), vA. to pass from a higher to a lower position ; fall upon or invade ; be derived from ; fall in order of inheritance, or from one generation to another ; move to- ward the south : said of a star : 'v.i. to move or pass along downwards. descendant ('ant), n. one who is lineally descended from an ancestor ; offspring. descendent ('ent), adj. descending; sinking, descendible ('i-bl), adj. that may be descended ; transmissible. descension ('shun), n. the act of descending ; a falling ; declension ; sinking downwards. descent (-sent'), n. change from a higher to a lower place ; a sudden hostile invasion or attack ; moral or social declension ; transmission of an estate ; derivation from a common ancestor ; birth ; a passage from a higher to a lower pitch. describable (de-skrib'a-bl), adj. ca- pable of description. describe (-skrib'), i;.#. to delineate or trace out ; narrate ; set forth. description (-skrip'shun), n. the act of describing ; delineation by marks or signs ; an account of anything in words or writing. descriptive ('tiv), adj. tending to, or serving to, describe ; containing description. desecrate (des'e-kr^t), v.t. to divert from a sacred to a secular use ; pro- fane. desecration (-kra'shun), n. profana- tion. desert (de-zerf), v.t. to forsake; abandon : v.i. abscond from duty. desert (dez'ert), n. a barren tract incapable of supporting life or vege- tation ; a solitude : adj. pertaining to a desert. desert (de-zert'), n. a reward or pun- ishment deserved ; merit. deserve (-zerv'), v.t. to earn by serv- ice ; be justly entitled to, or worthy of ; merit : vA. to be worthy or de- serving (usual with well or ill). deser\'edly ('ed-li), adv. justly. deshabille, same as dishabille. desiccate (des'i-kat)^ v.t. to dry thoroughly ; dry up ; preserve by- exhausting the moisture from : v.i. to become dry. desiccation (-ka'shun), n. the act of drying. desiccative (des'i-ka-tiv), adj. tend- ing to dry. desiccator (-ter), n. an apparatus for drying foods and other sub- stances. desiderate (de-sid'er-at), v.t. to be in want or need of ; desire to have. desiderative (-iv), adj. having de- sire. desideratum (-ra'tum), n. {pi. de- siderata ( 'ta ) ] , anything desired ; a want or desire generally felt and recognized. design (-zin'), v.t. to draw, mark, or plan out ; project ; set apart mental- ly : v.i. to formulate designs or exe- cute original work : n. an outline, plan, or drawing ; project ; inten- tion. designate (des'ig-nat), v.t. to indi- cate by marks, lines, or a descrip- tion the limits of ; point out ; dis- tinguish ; name : adj. designated ; selected. designation (-na'shun), n. the act of designating ; nomination ; ap- pointment. designedly (de-zin'ed-li), adv. inten- tionally. designing (-zln'ing), adj. scheming; artful : cunning ; insidious ; wily. desirability (-zir-a-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being desirable. desirable ('a-bl), adj. pleasing; agreeable. desire (-zir'), v.t. to wish earnestly for ; crave : v.i. be in the state of desire : n. a longing for the posses- ate, arm, i, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrth, not; boon, book; hue. hut: think. #7)en. des 256 des sion of some object ; a petition or prayer ; natural or sensual tenden- cy ; the object longed for. desirous ('us), adj. full of desire. desist Csist), v.i. to cease from. desk (desk), n. a sloping frame or table for reading or writing upon ; a clerk's position. desolate (des'o-lat) , v.t. to lay waste ; deprive of inhabitants ; overwhelm with sorrow : adj. deprived of in- habitants ; solitary ; laid waste ; abandoned ; miserable. desolately (-li), adv. in a desolate manner. desolation (-la'shun), n. the act of desolating ; the state of being deso- lated ; a solitude ; ruin ; destruction ; affliction ; misery. despair (-par'), v.i. to abandon all hope, or expectation ; become hope- less : v.t. to lose hope or confidence in : n. loss of hope or confidence ; hopelessness ; desperation. despatch (des-pach'), or dispatch (dis-), v.t. to send off; expedite; put to death ; finish quickly : n. speedy performance ; celerity ; an ex- press ; an ofiicial document sent to a minister abroad. desperado (-per-a'do), n. a man reckless of danger; a wild ruffian. desperate ('per-at), adj. regardless of danger or consequences ; reckless ; hopeless. desperately (-li), adv. recklessly; hopelessly. despicable ('pi-ka-bl), adj. con- temptible. despise (-spiz'), v.t. to look down upon with scorn or contempt; dis- dain. despite (-spit'), n. extreme con- tempt ; malicious anger ; scorn ; ha- tred : prep, notwithstanding. despitefuUy (-fool-li), adv. mali- ciously. despoil (-spoil'), v.t. to rob; deprive. despond (-spond'), v.i. to be cast down in spirits ; give way to de- spondency. despondency ('en-si), n. absence of hope or courage; deep mental de- pression. despot (des'pot), n. an absolute ir- responsible ruler ; an autocrat ; tyrant. despotic (-pot'ik), adj. absolute in power ; autocratic ; irresponsible ; arbitrary ; tyrannical. Also despot- ical. despotically (-al-li), adv. in a des- potic manner. despotism ('pot-izm), n. absolute power or government; tyranny. dessert (dez-erf), n. a course of fruits, sweets, &c., usually served last at dinner. destination (des-ti-na'shun), n. pur- pose or end for which anything is appointed ; ultimate design ; goal ; termination. destine (des'tin), v.t. to appoint to any use or purpose ; fix unalterably ; doom. destiny ('ti-ni), n. [pi. destinies (-niz)], premeditated lot; fate; in- evitable necessity. destitute ('ti-tut), adj. without means of existence ; forsaken ; poor ; penniless. destitution (-tti'shun), n. poverty; want. destroy (de-stroi'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. destroyed, p.pr. destroying], to pull down ; overturn ; lay waste ; render desolate ; kill ; put an end to ; dis- prove. destructibility (-struk-ti-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being destructible. destructible ('ti-bl), adj. that may be destroyed. destruction (-struk'shun), n. the act or process of destroying ; sub- version ; overthrow ; ruin ; death. destructive ('tiv), adj. tending to, or causing, destruction ; ruinous ; hurtful. destructively (-li), adj. in a destruc- tive manner. destructiveness (-nes), n. the qual- ity of being destructive ; a propen- sity to destroy. desudation (des-u-da'shun), n. pro- fuse sweating. desuetude (des'we-ttid), n. disuse. desultory (des'ul-to-ri), adj. passing from one thing to another without order or method ; cursory ; erratic. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon^ book ; hue, hut ; think, then. des 257 det desultorily (-ri-li), adv. in a desul- tory manner. desultoriness (-ri-nes), n. the qual- ity of being desultory ; discursive- ness. detach (de-tach'), v.t. to disconnect; detail for a specific purpose ; send away from. detachment ('ment), n. the act of detaching ; the thing detached ; a body of troops, or certain ships, de- tached from the main body and sent on special service. detail (de-tal'), v.i. to relate minute- ly ; enumerate ; tell off for a given duty : v.i. to give details of : n. an item ; a particular or minute ac- count ; a small detachment for spe- cial service : pi. minute parts of a picture, statue, &c. detain, (de-tan'), v.t. to hold back; restrain from departure ; retain in custody. detainer ('er), n. one who detains; a writ for holding a person in cus- tody. detainment ('ment), n. detention. detect (de-tekf), v.t. to discover; bring to light ; expose ; find out ; as- certain the character of. detectable (-tek'ta-bl), at?/, that may be detected. Also detectible. detection ('shun), n. the act of de- tecting or its result ; discovery. detective ('tiv), adj. employed in de- tecting ; pertaining to detectives, or detection : n. one whose business it is to trace wrong-doers. detector ('ter), n. one who, or that which, detects ; an apparatus or de- vice for indicating the presence of anything. I detent (de-tent'), n. a pin, lever, or ■ stud forming a stop in a clock, lock, &c. detention (-ten'shun), n. the act of detaining or withholding ; restraint ; delay. detentive ('tiv), adj. employed in detaining. deter (de-ter'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. de- terred, p.pr. deterring], to dis- courage, or hinder, by fear ; re- strain ; dishearten. deterge (-terj'), v.t. to cleanse, as a wound. deteriorate (-te'ri-6-rat), v.t. to re- duce to an inferior quality or value; impair : v.i. to grow worse. deterioration (-ra'shun), n. degen- eracy. determinable (-ter'mi-na-bl), adj. capable of being definitely ascer- tained ; defined with clearness ; ter- minable. determinant ('mi-nant), adj. caus- ing determination : n. that which determines, decides, or establishes something. determinate ('mi-nat), adj. having definite or fixed limits; clearly de-' fined; ^specific. determination (-na'shun), n. the act of determining; purpose; reso- lution. determinative ('min-a-tiv), adj. de- termining, limiting, or defining; tending to define the genus or species : n. that which serves to de- termine the quality or character of something else ; a demonstrative pronoun ; an ideograph. determine (de-ter'min), v.i. to de- cide ; end : v.t. to fix or settle the bounds of ; put an end to ; restrict. determined ('mind), p. adj. reso- lute; inflexible; fixed; circum- scribed ; limited. determinedly (-li), adv. resolutely. deterrent (-ter'ent), adj. serving, or tending, to deter: n. that which deters. detest (-test'), v.t. to hate intense- ly. detestation (de-tes- or det-es-ta'- shun), n. extreme dislike or abhor- rence ; loathing. dethrone (-thron'), v.t. to remove from a throne ; deprive of authority. detinue (det'i-nu), n. a writ for the recovery of chattels unlawfully de- tained. detonate (det'o-nat), v.t. to cause to explode with a loud and sudden report : v.i. to explode loudly and suddenly. detonation (-o-na'shun), n. a sud- den explosion with a loud report. detonator ('o-na-ter), n. a sub- stance that detonates ; a percussion- cap. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, th&n. ^et 258 dev detour (de-toor'), n. a circuitous way. detract (-trakt'), v.t. to draw or take away (with from) : v.i. take away the reputation. detraction (-trak'shun), n. depre- ciation ; defamation ; slander. detractor ('ter), n. one who de- tracts ; a muscle that draws away some part. detrain (de-tran'), v.t. to remove from a train, as troops : v.i. alight from a train. detriment (det'ri-ment), n. that ' which injures, reduces in value, or causes damage. detrimental ('al), adj. injurious. detrimentally ('al-li), adv. inju- riously. detrital (de-tri'tal), adj. pertaining to, or consisting of, detritus. detritus ('tus), n. accumulations arising from fragments of rocks broken off or worn away ; debris ; waste. de trop (de tro'), too much; out of place ; not wanted : said of a per- son whose presence is not desired. deuce (dus), n. the devil ! ; a card or dice with two spots ; a term used in scoring at lawn tennis. deuce-ace ('as), n. the one and two thrown at dice. deutoplasm (du'to-plazm), n. the secondary or nutritive plasm or albu- minous part of the yolk, which pro- vides food for the embryo. Deutzia (dut'zi-a), n. a small genus of handsome Chinese and Japanese shrubs. dev (dav), n. one of the high powers or gods in nature. Also deva. devachan (da'va-kan), n. in occult- ism, a state into which the higher spiritual life of man passes after death. devaclianee (-e'), n. one who is in the enjoyment of the devachan. devaporation (de-vap-o-ra'shun), n. the change of vapor into water. devastate (dev'as-tat), v.t. to lay waste ; desolate ; ravage ; plunder. devastation (-ta'shun), n. the act of devastating ; desolation ; waste ; destruction. devastator ('as-ta-tgr), n. one who devastates. develop (de-vel'op), v.t. to unfold gradually ; make known in detail ; complete ; to cause to go from a lower to a higher state ; bring to view by inducing changes on a sen- sitized plate : v.i. to advance from one stage to another : become grad- ually apparent. development (-ment), n. the act of developing. developmental {-Sil),adj. pertaining to development. devest (de-vesf), v.t. to alienate or annul, as right or title : v.i. to be lost or alienated. deviate (de'vi-at), v.i. to turn aside from a certain course ; diverge ; err : v.t. to change the direction or posi- tion of. deviation (-a'shun), n. the act of deviating ; digression ; wandering ; variation from established rule ; er- ror. de viator (-ter), n. one who deviates. device (de-vis'), n. a contrivance; invention ; a stratagem ; a. fanciful design or pattern; a heraldic em- blem. devil (dev'l), n. the Evil Spirit, Sa- tan ; a fallen angel ; a false god or demon ; a very wicked person ; a bold dashing fellow; a malicious spirit in a person ; a printer's ap- prentice ; a machine for dividing rags or cotton in paper-making : v.t. to season highly with cayenne pep- per cold cooked meat and then to fry it ; prepare work for another ; tear up in a machine. devil-fish (-fish), n. a large species of octopus. devilish (-ish), adj. diabolical; ex- tremely wicked ; infernal ; excessive, devilishly (-li), adv. diabolically; excessively. devilkin (-kin), n. a little devil. devilment (-ment), oi. roguishness. devilry (-ri), malicious mischief; dia- bolical wickedness. devious (de'vi-us), adj. rambling; circuitous. devisable (-vis'a-bl), adj. capable of being imagined or bequeathed. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; nDte, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. dev 259 dia devise (-viz'), v.t. to imagine; scheme ; contrive ; concoct ; bequeath by will : n. a gift of real property by will ; a will._ devisee (dev-i-ze'), n. the person to whom a bequest has been made. deviser (de-viz'er), n. one who de- vises or invents. devisor ('er), n. one who bequeaths by will. devoid (-void'), adj. destitute of. devoir (dev- war'), n. a service or duty owed ; an act of courtesy or respect (usual pi.). devolve (de-volv'), v.t. to transfer from one to another ; transmit : v.i. to be transferred or transmitted. devote (de-vof). v.t. to dedicate or consecrate ; consign to evil ; give up wholly to; apply (one's self, &c.) to some object. devotee (dev-o-te'), n. a votary; en- thusiast. devotion (de-vo'shun), n. the act of devoting or consecrating ; the state of being devoted ; strong affection ; ardent love ; religious worship ; prayer (usually pi.). devotional (-al), adj. devout. devour (de-vour'), v.t. to swallow greedily or ravenously ; consume or destroy rapidly ; annihilate ; enjoy with avidity. devout (-vout'), adj. devoted to re- ligious thoughts and exercises ; heartfelt. dew (du), n. aqueous vapor con- densed from the atmosphere and de- posited in small drops at evening ; that which falls lightly and in a re- freshing manner. dew-claw ('claw), n. the little claw behind a dog's foot ; the false hoof of a deer. dewiness (dti'i-nes), n. state of being dewy. dewlap ('lap), n. the loose skin that hangs from the neck of an ox or cow. dewy (du'i), adj. moist with dew. dexter (deks'ter), adj. right: opposed to left. dexterity ('i-ti), n. manual skill; mental or physical adroitness ; clev- erness. dexterous (-us), adj. possessing manual skill ; quick, mentally or physically ; adroit ; clever. Also dextrous. dextrine ('trin), n. a white gummy substance found in plant sap, &c. : used as gum. dextrose ('tros), n. a white crystal- line variety of sugar found in sweet fruits : as the grape, cherry, &c., and in diabetic urine. dey (da), n. the former title of the governor of Algiers, and of the chief of the Janissaries. diabase (di'a-bas), n. a dark colored igneous rock ; composed of augite, feldspar, and iron ; greenstone. diabetes (-a-be'tez), n. a disease characterized by a morbid and ex- cessive discharge of urine. diabetic (-bet'ik), adj. pertaining to diabetes. diabolic (di-a-bol'ik), or diabolic* al (-al), adj. devilish; outrageously wicked ; impious. diabolically (-li), adv. in a diabol- ical manner. diacaustic (-a-kaws'tik), adj. denot- ing a caustic curve formed by re- fracted rays : n. a diacaustic curve. diaconal (-ak'o-nal), adj. pertaining to a deacon. diaconate (-ak'o-nat), n. the office or dignity of a deacon ; deacons col- lectively. diacoustics dl-a-kous' or -koos'- tiks), ii.pl. the science of refracted sounds ; diaphonics. diacritical (-krit'i-kal), adj. serving to separate or distinguish ; sufficient to magnetize an iron core to one- half its saturation. Also diacritic. diacritical mark (mark), n. a mark employed to distinguish letters or sounds which resemble each other, and to indicate their true pronun- ciation, as a, o. diadem ('a-dem), n. a crown; tiara, diaeresis, same as dieresis. diaglypbic (-glif'ik), adj. pertaining to, or like, an intaglio : sunk into the general surface. diagnose (-ag-nos'), v.t. to ascer- tain, as a disease, by its general symptoms. diagnosis (-no'sis), n. [pi. diagnoses ('sez)], scientific discrimination; ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrth, not; boonj book ; hue, hut ; think, then. dia 260 dia the recognition of a disease by its symptoms. diagnostic (-nos'tik), adj. char- acteristic : n. a symptom distinguish- ing a disease. diagometer (-gom'e-ter), n. a kind of electroscope for measuring and determining relative conductivity. diagonal (-ag'o-nal), adj. extending from one angle to another : n. a straight oblique line dividing a rec- tangular figure into equal parts. diagonally (-li), adv. in a diagonal manner. diagrasu ('i.-gram), n. a geometrical figure ; a mechanical plan ; an out- line, drawing, or figure. diagrammatic (-at'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or illustrated by, a diagram. diagrammatically (-al-li), adv. by a diagram. diagraph ('a-graf), n. an instrument for drawing figures or objects me- chanically. dial (di'al), n. an instrument for showing the time by the sun's shad- ow ; the face of a timepiece ; any plate on which an index finger marks revolutions, pressure, &c. ; an insulated fixe'd wheel used in telegraphy : v.t. to measure or in- dicate by a dial ; survey with a miner's compass. dialect ('a-lekt), n. the peculiar manner in which a language is spoken in a province or district of a country ; idiom ; a sub-division of a language. dialectic ('ik), adj. pertaining to a dialect, or to logic. Also dialectical. dialectics ('iks), n.pl. the art of rea- soning. dialectician (-tish'an), n. a logician. dialectology (-toro-ji), n. that branch of philology which treats of dialects. dialing ('ul-ing), n. the art of con- structing dials. dialogue ('a-log), n. a conversation between two or more persons ; a literary composition in which per- sons are represented as reasoning on, or discussing, a subject. dialysis (-al'i-sis), n. the breaking up, or division, of one syllable into two ; in Latin grammar, the change of j and V into i and u; the separa- tion of different substances in solu- tion by diffusion through a moist membrane or septum. diamagnetism (-mag'net-izm), n. the property possessed by certain bodies when under the influence of magnetism, and freely suspended, of taking a position at right angles to the magnetic meridian. diameter (di-am'e-ter), n. the length of a line passing through the center of any object from one side to the other ; the distance through the low^er part of the shaft of a column. diametrical (-a-met'ri-kal), adj. pertaining to a diameter ; directly adverse or opposite. diametrically (-li), adv. in a dia- metrical manner. diamond (di'a-mund), n. a gem of extreme hardness and refractive power : a rhomboidal figure ; a play- ing card with one or more lozenge- shaped figures ; a glass cutter's tool ; the smallest kind of type generally used (see type) : adj. resembling a diamond. diamond-drill (-dril), n. a rod or tube furnished at the end with dia- monds for boring very hard rock. _ diapason (-a-pa'zon), n. the entire compass of a voice or instrument ; a recognized musical standard of pitch ; the foundation stops of an organ. diaper ('a-per), n. linen cloth woven in geometric patterns ; a napkin ; surface decoration of one or more simple figures repeated : v.t. to varie- ^gate or embroidery work in diaper. diapliane (-af'a-ne), n. the art of imitating stained glass by trans- parencies on plain glass. diaphanous (-af'a-nus), adj. tranS' parent. diaplnantograpli (-fan'to-graf), n. an instrument for drawing objects from their reflection on a sheet of glass. diaphonic, same as diacoustic. diaphoretic (-fo-ret'ik), adj. pro- ducing perspiration : n. a sudorific medicine. I diaphragm ('a-fram), n. the mid- 1 riff, which divides the chest from *Ue, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book: hue. hnt : fl^i^ik. f^"^^. lia 261 did the abdomen ; any substance that in- tercepts or divides. diapliy lactic (-fi-lak'tik), n. a pre- ventive against disease. diarist ('a-rist), n. one who keeps a diary. diarrhoea (di-a-re'a), n. a morbidly persistent purging or looseness of the bowels. diary ('a-ri), n. [pi. diaries (-riz)], a register of daily occurrences or duties ; a book for daily memoranda. diastase ('a-stas) , n. a soluble nitrog- enous ferment formed in germinat- ing grain and animal fluids, and having the property of converting starch and dextrine into sugar. diastole (-as'to-le), n. the rhythmical expansion and dilatation of the heart and arteries in beating ; the lengthening of a syllable naturally short. dlastyle ('a-stil), n. an arrangement of columns in which the interspace between each measures 3 or 4 diam- eters of the shaft. diatonic (-a-ton'ik), adj. designat- ing the regular tones of a key or scale. diatribe ('a-trib), n. a continued dis- course or disputation ; a strain of violent abuse ; bitter criticism. dibber (dib'er), n. an instrument with a sharp steel point : used by gardeners, miners, &c. dibble (dib'l), n. a gardening tool for making holes in the earth : v.t. plant with a dibble; v.i. dip bait gently into the water. dice (dis), n.pl. small cubes marked on the sides with one to six spots : used in games of chance : v.i. to play with dice : v.t. to decorate with woven patterns to resemble cubes ; cut into cubes. dichroism ('kro-izm), n. the proper- ty by which a crystallized body ex- hibits different colors according to the direction of light transmitted through it. dicbromism (-mizm), n. color blind- ness characterized by inability to see more than one of the three primary colors. dicing (di'sing) , n. gaming with dice ; stamped leather ornamented with squares. dicker ('er), v.i. to barter or trade on a small scale. dicky (dik'i), n, [pi. dickies ('iz)], a small separate shirt front ; a seat at the back of a coach ; a child's bib or pinafore ; a donkey. dicrotic (di-krot'ik), adj. having a double or secondary pulse-beat. dictate (dik'tat), v.t. declare with authority ; express orally so that an- other may take words down in writ- ing : v.i. to speak with final author- ity ; prescribe : n. an injunction ; command ; a controlling principle. dictation (-ta'shun), n. the act of dictating ; the thing dictated ; au- thoritative utterance. dictator ('ter), n. one who dictates; one invested with absolute powers of government ; an ancient Roman magistrate with supreme authority, appointed in times of emergency. dictatorial (-to'ri-al), adj. pertain- ing to a dictator ; absolute ; imper- ious. dictatorially (-li), adv. in a dicta- torial manner. diction (dik'shun), n. manner of speaking or expression ; choice of words ; style. dictionary (-a-ri), n. [pi. diction- aries (-riz)], a book containing all, or the principal, words in a lan- guage, arranged alphabetically, with their meanings, derivations, &c. ; a lexicon ; vocabulary ; wordbook. dictum ('tum), n. [pi. dicta ('ta)ly a dogmatic or authoritative asser- tion ; aphorism. did, p.t. of do. didactic (di-dak'tik), adj. teaching; instructing ; explanatory. Also di- dactical. didactically (-al-li), adv. in a 'di- dactic manner. didactics ('tiks), n.pl. the art of teaching. didactyl (-dak'til), adj. having two digits, as fingers or toes : n. an ani- mal with only two toes on each foot. diddle (did'l), v.t. to overreach or cheat : v.i. to totter like a child ; trifle. ^te, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, n6rth, not; boon„ book ; hue, hut ; think, t/ien. did 262 die didecahedral ( di-dek-a-he'dral ) , adj. having the form of a ten-sided prism with a five-sided base. dido (di'do), n. a caper. didodecahedral ( -do-dek-a-he'dral ) , adj. having the form of a prism w^ith 12 sides and a 6-sided base. didymous (did'i-mus), adj. growing in pairs ; paired or double. die (di), v.i. \_p.t. & p.p. died, p.pr. dying], to cease to live; expire; perish ; wither ; become extinct gradually ; faint ; sink, languish with pleasure. die (di), n. [pi. dies (diz)], a small cube {pi. dice, see dice) ; a piece of engraved metal with a device used for coining money, medals, &c. ; a tool used in cutting the threads of screws or bolts, &c. ; a kind of knife used by envelope makers, and in shoe factories : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. died, p.pr. dying], to mold, stamp, cut with a die. dielectric (di-e-lek'trik), adj. non- conducting : n. any medium, as glass, &c., that transmits electric force by induction. dieresis (-er'e-sis), n. a sign ( • •) placed over the second of two sepa- rate vowels to show that each has a separate sound in pronunciation, as aerated ; a division in a line or verse ; cell-division. Also diaeresis. diesis (di'e-sis), n. the double dagger (t) used in printing; the difference ^between a greater and less semitone. diet (di'et), n. solid or liquid food; manner of living, with special refer- ence to food ; a deliberative conven- tion ; a national or legislative assem- .bly. dietary (di'e-ta-ri), adj. pertaining to the rules of diet : n.pl. dietaries (-riz)], a certain fixed allowance of food ; system of diet. dietetic (di-e-tet'ik), adj. regulating food or diet. Also dietetical : n.pl. that branch of hygiene which relates to rules of diet. dieting (di'et-ing), n. the act of eat- ing according to regimen. differ (dif'er), v.i. to be dissimilar; be distinguished from, or have dif- ferent properties or qualities ; dis- agree ; contend. difference ('er-ens), n. the act or state of being unlike; disparity; distinction ; controversy ; quarrel ; on the Stock Exchange, the margin payable on settlement : v.t. to distin- guish between ; discriminate ; take the difference of. different ('er-ent), adj. unlike; dis- tinct. differentia (-en'shi-a), n. [pi. dif- ferentiae (-e)], that which distin- guishes one species from another of the same genus. differential ('shal), adj. indicating a difference ; having different veloci- ties. differential calculus (kal'ku-lus), n. the method of finding an infinite- ly small quantity which shall equal a given quantity when taken in- finite times. differential duties (dti'tiz), w.pi duties levied unequally on similat produce from foreign countries. differentially (-11), adv. in a differ- ential manner. differentiate (-en'shi-at), v.t. to constitute a difference between ; specialize in structure or functions : v.i. to acquire a distinctive and sepa- rate character. differentiation (-a'shun), n. the act ^of differentiating ; specialization. difficult ('i-kult), adj. not easy; arduous ; perplexing ; not easily managed. difficulty (-kul-ti), n. [pi. difliculties (-tiz)], something that requires la- bor or skill to overcome ; scruple ; objection ; controversy : pi. compli- cation of affairs ; embarrassment ; perplexity. diffidence ('i-dens), n. lack of self- reliance ; modest reserve. diffident ('i-dent), adj. lacking self- reliance ; shy ; modest. diffraction (dif-rak' or di-frak'shun) , n. the act of turning aside a ray of light when passing the edge of an opaque body. diffractive ('tiv), adj. pertaining to diffraction. diffuse (dif-uz'), v.t. to pour out and spread all around ; scatter ; circwi- late: adj. (dif-us') widely spread; verbose ; redundant. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ^if 263 dil diffusibility (-i-bil'i-ti). n. the ca- pability of being diffused. diffusible ('i-bl), adj. capable of be- ing diffused. diffusion ( dif -u'zhun ) , n. the act of diffusing ; a spreading abroad ; the passing by osmosis through animal membranes. diffusive (-us'iv), adj. capable of dif- fusing ; spreading every way ; wide- ly reaching. dig (dig), v.i. Ip.t. & p.p. dug, or digged; p.pr. digging], to work with a spade ; cast up earth ; study hard : -?;.#. to excavate ; break up (ground) ; search; thrust or force in (with into) : n. a poke or thrust; a plod- ding student. digest (di'jest), n. any compilation, abridgment, or summary of laws ar- ranged methodically under proper heads, or titles ; the Pandects of the Emperor Justinian ; a synopsis : v.t. (di-jest') to arrange methodically un- der proper heads or titles ; classify ; dissolve in the stomach by the action of digestive juices ; think over and arrange in the mind ; soften and pre- pare by heat : v.i. to be digested, or prepared by heat. digester ('er), n. an apparatus for extracting the essence of a substance by heat. digestibility (-jes-ti-biri-ti), n. the quality of being digestible. digestible ('ti-bl), adj. capable of being digested. digestion (-jes'chun), n. the act of digesting ; the conversion of food by the action of the gastric juices into soluble products ; mental or physical assimilation. digestive ('tiv), adj. pertaining to digestion. digger (dig'er), n. one who digs. Digger, n. a name of a class of Cali- fornian Indians who subsist chiefly on roots. digging ('ing), n. the act of excavat- ing : pi. a locality where mining op- erations, especially for gold, are car- ried on ; residence. digit (dij'it), n. a finger or toe; a measure (% inch) ; l-12th of the di- . ameter of the sun or moon ; any one of the Arabic numerals. digital ('Hal), adj. pertaining to a ^digit. ^ digitalin ('i-tal-in), n. a poisonous crystalline alkaloid obtained from the leaves of the foxglove. Digitalis (-i-ta'lis), n. a genus of tall plants, the figworts, including the ^foxglove. digitate ('i-tat), adj. finger-shaped. digitigrade ('i-ti-grad), adj. walk- ing on the toes, as cats, dogs, &c. dignified (dig'ni-fid) , adj. invested, or marked, with dignity; noble; stately. dignify ('ni-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. dig- nified, p.pr. dignifying], to invest with, or exalt in, dignity or rank ; confer honor upon ; elevate ; ennoble. dignitary (-ta-ri), n. [pi. dignitaries (-riz)], one who holds a position of dignity or honor ; an ecclesiastic who holds rank above a priest or canon. dignity ('ni-ti), it. [pi. dignities (-tiz)], elevation of rank; degree of excellence ; ^ moral worth ; qualities suited to inspire or command re- spect and reverence. digraph (dl'graf), n. combination of two sounds or characters to repre- sent one simple sound, as read. Also digram. digress (di- or di-gres'), v.i. to turn aside; deviate from the main sub- ject or line of argument ; wander. digression (-gresh'un), n. the act of digressing; the angular distance of the planets Mercury and Venus from the sun. digressive (-gres'iv), adj. character- ized by digression. digressively (-li), adv. in a digres- sive manner. dihedral (-he'dral), adj. having two plane faces or sides. dike (dik), n. an embankment or cut- ting of earth, especially one thrown up as a protection against the sea, floods, &c. ; a mass of igneous intru- sive rock. Also dyke : v.t. to sur- round, protect, or inclose with a dike ; drain by ditching. dilapidate (di-lap'i-dat), -y.f. to bring into partial ruin by neglect or mis- use : v.i. to become dilapidated. dilapidation ('i-da'shun), n. a state ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. dil 264 of partial ruin, especially through neglect or misuse. dilatability (di- or dl-la-ta-biri-ti ) , n. the quality of being dilatable. dilatable (-lat'a-bl), adj. expansive. dilatation (-ta'shun), n. expansion. dilate (-laf), v.t. to enlarge or ex- pand in all directions ; distend : vA. to be extended or enlarged ; speak fully and copiously. dilator ('er), n. one who, or that which, dilates ; a surgical instrument for opening or expanding an orifice, &c. ; a muscle that dilates the parts on which it acts. dilatory (dil'a-to-ri), adj. causing, or tending to cause, delay ; slow ; inac- tive. dilemma (di- or di-lem'a), n. an awkward or vexatious situation ; an argument which presents an antag- onist with alternatives, each of which is fatal to his cause. dilettante (-e-tan'te), n. [pi. dilet- tanti (-ti)], one who pursues the fine arts, literature, or science, only for amusement ; an amateur : op- posed to connoisseur : adj. pertain- ing to dilettanti, or dilettantism. dilettantism ('tizm), n. the charac- teristics of dilettanti ; amateurish pursuit of art, literature, &c. (used in a disparaging sense). diligence ('i-jens), n. carefal atten- tion ; assiduity ; industry ; a French stage-coach ( de-la-zhans' ) . dill (dil), n. an herb belonging to the parsley family, with an aromatic fruit. dilly-dally (dil'i-dal'i), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. -dallied, p.pr. -dallying], to loi- ter ; trifle. dilute (di- or di-lut'), v.t. to thin or weaken by the admixture of another fluid, especially water : weaken : v.i. ^to become thinner. dilution (-lu'shun), n. the act of di- luting ; a weak liquid. diluvial (-lu'vi-al), adj. pertaining to, produced by, or resulting from, a ^deluge or flood. dim (dim), adj. [comp. dimmer, su- perl. dimmest], somewhat dark; hazy ; obscure ; faint ; tarnished ; ill- defined : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. dimmed, p.pr. dimming], to render obscure or less distinct ; cloud ; tarnish ; dull t v.i. to become dim ; fade. dime (dim), n. a silver coin = 1-lOth of a dollar, or ten cents : adj. of the value of a dime. dime novel (nov'el), n. a term ap- plied to cheap sensational literature. dimension (di-men'shun), n. the size or measured extent of a body; cubic capacity ; the literal factor of an algebraic product or term : pi. mag- nitude or importance. dimensional (-al), pertaining to di- mension. diminish (di-min'ish), v.t. to make less; reduce in bulk or amount; weaken ; impair ; detract from ; re- duce by a semitone : v.i. to lessen ; dwindle. diminution ( dim-i-nti'shun ) , n. the act of making less ; reduction ; les- sening. diminutive (di-min'ti-tiv), adj. be- low the average size ; little ; cou' tracted ; narrow ; n. a word formed from another to express the sense of littleness. dimissory (dim'is-o-ri), adj. sending to the jurisdiction of another ; giv- ing leave to depart. dimity ('i-ti), n. [pL dimities (-tiz)], a cotton cloth of thick texture with a ridged surface. dimorpliism (di-m6r'fizm), n. the quality of assuming, crystallizing, or existing in, two forms. dimorphous ('fus), adj. existing in two forms. Also dimorphic. dimple (dim'pl), n. a small depres- sion or hollow in the cheek or chin ; an indentation : v.i. to form dim- ples ; sink in slight depressions : v.t. to mark with dimples. dimply Cpli), adj. full of, or marked with, dimples. Also dimpled. din (din), n. a continued and violent noise: v.t. [p.t. & p.p. dinned, p.pr. dinning], to stun with noise; press with clamor or persistent repetition : v.i. make a clamor. dine (din), v.i. to take dinner: v.t. to give or provide a dinner for ; feed. ding (ding), v.i. to sound, as a bell, with a continuous monotonous tone : v.t. to impress by noisy repetition. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, but ; think, then. Sln.it-liaiiL(i riiL;lisli greyhound - 3 Coarse-haired Scotch greyhoun 6. Short-haired dachshund Black field-spaniel terrier — 2. Long-haired Russian greyhound. d 4. English fox-hound. — 5. box 7. Long-haired daclishund. — 8. din 265 dir ding-dong ('dong), n. the sound of a metallic body produced by blows, as a bell. dinghy (ding'ji), n. the smallest boat of a man-of-war ; an East Indian ferry-boat ; a small boat without outriggers. Dinghey, dingy. dingily (-li), adv. in a dingy manner. dingle (ding'gl), n. a narrow hollow between hills ; the enclosed weather- porch of a house. dingle-dangle (-dang'gl),^^?^. swing- ing backwards and forwards ; loose- ly pendent. dingo (ding'go), n. the Australian wild dog. dingy (din'ji), adj. dark-colored; dirty. ^nner ('er), n. the chief meal of the day ; a dinner party. dint (dint), n. a mark left by a blow or pressure; force or power (with of) : v.t. to make a mark on or in. diocesan (di-os'e-san, or di'o-se-san), adj. of, or pertaining to, a diocese : n. a bishop._ diocese ('o-ses), n. [pi. dioceses (-se- sez ) ] , a bishop's see ; a bishopric. dioptase (-op'tas), n. a vitreous em- erald green ore of copper. dioptric ('trik), adj. assisting vision by means of the refraction of light in viewing distant objects. Also dioptrical. diorama (-ra'ma), n. an exhibition of pictures on movable screens, viewed through a large opening in a darkened room. diorite (-rit), n. a granite-like rock consisting of triclinic feldspar and hornblende. diosmose (-os'mos), n. the mingling of fluids through a permeable mem- brane. Also diosmosis. dioxide (-oks'id), n. an oxide con- sisting of 2 atoms of oxygen and 1 atom of a metal. dip (dip),.i;.*. [p.t. & p.p. dipped, dipt, p.pr. dipping], to plunge for a short time into a fluid ; baptize by immersion ; lower and raise quickly : v.i. to immerse one's self ; enter slightly into anything ; incline down- wards ; sink : n. the act of dipping ; the inclination of the magnetic nee- dle, or the angle made by it ; the angle of inclination of strata to the horizon. diphtheria (dif- or dip-the'ri-a), n. a contagious throat-disease charac- terized by the formation of a false membrane in the air-passages. Also diphtheritis. diphthong ('thong), n. the union of two vowel sounds pronounced in one syllable. diploma (di-plo'ma), n. a writing on parchment or paper under sign and seal, conferring some honor, author- ity, &c. diplomacy ('ma-si, or -plom'a-si), n. [pi. diplomacies (-siz)], the art of conducting negotiations between two states or nations, or of transacting international business ; skill in con- ducting negotiations. diplomat (dip'lo-mat), n. a diplo- matist. diplomatic (-mat'ik), adj. pertain- ing to diplomacy ; characterized by special tact in the management of affairs. diplomatically (-al-li), adv. with diplomatic skill ; with tact. diplomatist ('ma-tist), n. one who is skilled in diplomacy. dipper (dip'er), n. one who, or that which, dips ; a water-fowl. dipsomania (-so-ma'ni-a), n. a mor- bid and uncontrollable craving for alcoholic drinks. dipsomaniac ('ni-ak), n. one who suffers from dipsomania : adj. pert, to dipsomania. dipteral ('te-ral) , adj. furnished with a double row of columns, as in tem- ples ; dipterous. dipterous ('te-rus), adj. two- winged. dire (dir), adj. dreadful; mournful. direct (di-rekf), adj. straight; not circuitous ; open ; plain ; straightfor- ward ; not of collateral descent; not retrograde : v.t. to aim or drive in a straight line ; guide or show ; point out or determine with authority : v.i. to act as a guide. direction (-rek'shun), n. relative po- sition ; a command ; order ; guid- ance ; the address of a person on a package, &c. directly ('li), adv. in a direct or straight line; immediately; openly. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; booiif book; hue, hut; think, then. dir 266 dii> directness ('nes), n. the quality of being direct; freedom from ambigu- ity. director ('ter), n. one who directs or superintends ; one appointed to transact the affairs of a company, &c. ; a spiritual guide or adviser ; a surgical instrument. directorate ('to-rat), n. the office of a director ; a body or board of direc- tors. directory ('to-ri), n. [pi. directories (-riz)], a book containing the names, addresses, and occupations of the residents of a place ; a body of directors ; a book of ecclesiastical rules or directions for divine wor- ship : adj. guiding ; commanding. direful (dir'fool), adj. dreadful; dis- mal, direfully (-li), adv. in a dire man- ner. dirge (derj), n. a funeral hymn. dirigible (dir'i-ji-ble), adj. that may be guided or steered : as, a dirigiMe balloon. dirk (derk), n. a dagger. dirt (dert), n. any foul or filthy sub- stance ; garden earth. dirtily ('ti-li), adv. filthily; meanly. dirtiness (-nes), n. the state or qual- ity of being dirty. dirty ('i), adj. impure; soiled; mor* ally unclean ; disgusting ; muddy ; sleety ; rainy : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. dir- tied, p.pr. dirtying], to soil; sully; tarnish. dis-, prefix, signifies separation, pri- vation or negation, disability (dis-a-bil'i-ti), n. [pZ. dis- abilities (-tiz)], lack of physical, intellectual, or social fitness ; legal incapacity, disable (-a'bl), v.t. to deprive of power ; disqualify ; impoverish ; in- capacitate, disabuse (-buz'), v.t. to clear from mistakes or false conceptions ; set right, disafPect (-a-fekt'), v.t. to fill with discontent ; alienate the affections ^from ; disturb the functions of, disaffection (-fek'shun), n. aliona- ^tion of affection ; disloyalty ; ill-will, disagreeable ('a-bl), adj. exciting repugnance or displeasure : n. that which is displeasing or unsatisfac- tory. disagreeableness (-bl-nes), n. un- pleasantness. disagreeably (-bli), adv. in a disa- greeable manner. disappear (-a-per'), v.i. to pass away ; vanish. disappearance ('ans), n. removal from sight. disappoint (-point'), v.t. to thwart or frustrate the hopes of ; fail to keep an appointment with. disappointment ('ment), n. defeat or failure of expectation ; state of depression caused by failure, &c, disarm (-arm'), v.t. to deprive of arms ; reduce to a peace footing ; render harmless ; subdue, disarmament (-arm'a-ment), n. the act of disarming; reduction to a peace footing. disarray (-ra'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. dis- arrayed, p.pr. disarraying], throw iUto disorder ; rout : n. negligent or insufiicient dress ; confusion, disaster (-as'ter), n. sl sudden or un- expected misfortune ; a serious acci- dent. disastrous ('trus), adj. occasioning loss or misfortune ; unfortunate ; ca- lamitous, disband (-band') , v.t. to dismiss from military service ; break up : v.i. to be dismissed. disbar (-bar'), -y.*. [p.t. & p.p. dis- barred, p.pr. disbarring], to deprive a lawyer of his right to practice. disburden (-ber'dn), v.t. to remove a burden from ; relieve of anything annoying or oppressive : v.i. to ease one's mind. disburse (-bers'), v.t. to expend, disbursement ('ment), n. money ex- pended. disc, another form of disk. discard (-kard'), v.t. to cast off as useless ; dismiss from service ; reject as useless : v.i. in card-playing, to throw out cards not required. discern (diz-ern'), v.t. to distinguish mentally, or with the eye ; judge or decide between : v.i. to make distinc- tion, discernible ('i-bl), adj. perceptible. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon^ book ; hue, hut ; think, then. dis 267 dis discernment ('ment), n. acuteness in judgment ; penetration ; discrim- ination. discharge (-charj'), v.t. unload; dis- embark ; free from any burden, im- pediment, or obligation ; exonerate or acquit ; free from restraint or custody ; let fly ; explode ; perform (a trust or duty) : v.i. to send out liquid matter : n. the act of discharg- ing ; that which is discharged ; an explosion ; a flowing or issuing out ; dismission from office or employ- ment ; liberation. disciple (di-si'pl), n. one who re- ceives the teaching of another ; a scholar ; a follower. disciplinable (dis'i-plin-a-bl), adj. capable of instruction, or liable to disciplinary punishment. disciplinarian (-pli-na'ri-an), adj. pertaining to discipline : n. one who advocates, or enforces, strict disci- pline. disciplinary ('i-plin-a-ri), adj. per- taining to discipline. I discipline ('i-plin), n. mental or moral training ; education ; subjec- tion to control ; military regulation ; chastisement ; an instrument of pun- ishment : iKt. to train to obedience or efficiency ; regulate ; chastise. disclaim (-klam'), v.t. to disown; re- j pudiate. ' disclaimer ('er), n. disavowal; de- ■ nial. disclose (-kioz'), v.t. to uncover; re- veal. disclosure ('iir), the act of revealing anything secret ; discovery ; uncov- ering. discoid ('koid), adj. disk-shaped. discolor (-kul'er), v.t. to change from the natural color ; give a false com- plexion to ; stain. discomfit (-kum'fit), v.t. to defeat; J rout ; frustrate ; thwart. ■ discomfiture ('fi-ttir), w. defeat ; dis- T appointment. discommode (-kom-od'), v.t. to in- convenience. discompose (-kom-poz'), v.t. disar- range ; vex ; ruflie. discomposure ('ur), n. agitation; unrest. disconcert (-kon-sert'), v.t. to dis- turb the composure or self-posses- sion of ; frustrate. disconsolate ('so-lat), adj. hope- less ; sad. disconsolately (-li), adv. hopeless- ly; sadly. discord ('kord), n. disagreement; a confused noise ; a combination of discordant sounds ; disagreement in coloring or parts. discordant ('ant), adj. at variance; inharmonious ; jarring ; incongruous. discount (dis'kount), n. a sum de- ducted or allowed for prompt pay- ment of an account ; a deduction made according to the current rate of interest: v.t. (dis-kount') to al- low a discount on ; advance money, deducting a certain rate per cent. ; make a deduction from ; anticipate. discourage (-kur'aj), v.t. to deprive or lessen the courage of ; dishearten ; deter. discouragement ('ment), n. the act of depriving of confidence ; that which destroys courage. discourse (-kors'), n. speech or lan- guage ; conversation ; a treatise or dissertation ; sermon : v.t. & v.i. to talk or converse ; utter ; communi- cate ideas orally. discover (dis-kuv'er), v.t. to bring to light; reveal; find (something previ- ously unknown). discovery (-i), n. [pi. discoveries (-iz)], a bringing to light or mak- ing known, especially for the first time ; disclosure. discreet (-kref), adj. prudent; cir- cumspect. discrepancy (-krep'an-si), n. incon- sistency ; difference. Also discrep- ance. discrepant ('ant), adj. disagreeing; different. discrete (-kref), adj. separate from others ; distinct ; not continuous. discretion (-kresh'un), ci. prudence; judgment ; sagacity ; skill. discriminate (-krim'i-nat), v.t. to observe or mark the differences be- tween ; select : v.i. to make a differ- ence or distinction. discrimination (-i-na'shun) , n. pow- er of penetration ; faculty of nice discernment. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; booHp book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ais 268 dis discriminative ('i-na-tiv), acZy. char- acteristic. discriminator ('i-na-ter), n. one who discriminates. discursive (-ker'siv), adj. desultory. discursively (-li), adv. in a discur- sive manner. discursiveness (-nes), n. digression. discuss (dis-kus'), v.t. to debate; agi- tate; reason upon; test (viands). discussion (-kush'un), n. argument; debate ; ventilation of a Question. disdain (-dan'), v.t. to think unvror- thy ; deem unsuitable ; look upon with contempt or scorn : n. con- tempt ; haughty, or indignant scorn. disdainful ('fool), adj. contemptu- ous. disdainfully (-11), adv. in a disdain- ful manner. disease (di-zez'), n. any mental, moral, or physical disorder ; mal- ady ; illness : v.t. to cause disease in ; derange. disembogue _(dis-em-bog'), v.t. to pour out or discharge at the mouth : said of a river : v.i. to find a vent, pass across, or out, at the mouth of a river. disemboAvel (-bou'el), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. disembovv^eled, p.pr. disembowel- ing], to deprive of bowels ; wound in the abdomen, so that the bowels pro- trude. disfiguration (-fig-ti-ra'shun), 7i. de- formity. disfigure ('•fig'tir), v.t. to injure the shape, form, or beauty of ; deform. disfranchise (-fran'chiz), v.t. to de- prive of electoral or municipal priv- ileges, especially to withdraw the power of voting in elections. disgorge (-gorj'), v.t. to force out of the mouth or stomach with violence ; surrender what has been unlawfully obtained ; make restitution of. disgrace (-gras'), n. the state of be- ing out of favor ; ignominy ; shame ; dishonor : v.t. to bring shame, re- proval, or dishonor upon ; dismiss with dishonor. disgraceful ('fool), adj. character- ized by, or occasioning, disgrace. disgracefully (-li), adv. in a dis- graceful manner. disguise (-giz'), v.t. to change the appearance of, as by an unusuai dress ; counterfeit ; conceal : n. a dress designed to conceal the iden- tity of the wearer ; counterfeit ap- pearance ; false pretense. disgust (-gust'), v.t. to cause aver- sion in, or repugnance to ; ofEend the moral sense of : n. strong aversion or repugnance. dish (dish), n. a broad hollow vessel with a rimmed edge ; food served in a dish : v.t. to put into a dish for serving at table (often with up) ; frustrate. dishabille (dis-a-bil'), n. undress or negligent attire. Also deshabille. dishearten (-har'tn), v.t. to discour- age. dishevel (-shev'el), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. disheveled, p.pr. disheveling], to dis- order (the hair 7 or cause it to hang negligently : v.i. to be spread in dis- order. dishonor (-on'er), v.t. to deprive of honor ; bring shame upon the char- acter of ; lessen the reputation of ; violate the chastity of ; refuse, or_ fail, to pay (a bill or note when due and presented) : n. disgrace; igno- miny ; shame ; violation of dignity. dishonorable (-a-bl), adj. discredit- able ; shameful ; ignominious. dishonorably (-li), adv. in a dishon- orable manner. disintegrate (-in'te-grat), v.t. to break up into component parts by mechanical or atmospheric agency ; v.i. separate. disintegration (-gra'shun), n. the act of disintegrating ; wearing down of rocks by atmospheric influences ; separation. disjunctive (-jungk'tiv), adj. serv- ing, or tending, to disjoin or sepa- rate : n. a disjunctive conjunction which connects grammatically two words or clauses disjoined in mean- ing. disk (disk), n. an ancient quoit; a flat circular plate, or anything re- sembling it; the whole surface of a leaf. Also disc. dislike (dis-lik'), n. a strong feeling of repugnance or aversion ; disrel- ish ; antipathy : v.t. to regard with aversion ; be displeased with. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not : boon< book; hue, hut; think, then. ais 269 dis dislocate ('lo-kat), v.t. to put out of ^ joint ; interrupt the continuity of. 'dislocation (-ka'shun), n. the act of dislocating ; a joint put out of its socket ; a displacement of stratified rocks. dislodge (-loj'), v.t. to remove or drive out from a place of lodgment ; drive from a hiding place or chosen station. dismal (diz'mal), adj. gloomy; de- pressing ; dark ; horrid ; sorrov^ful. dismally (-li), adv. in a dismal man- ner. dismantle (dis-mant'l), v.t. to strip or divest of furniture, equipment, or means of defense ; raze ; demolish. dismay (-ma'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. dis- mayed, p.pr. dismaying] , to terrify ; dispirit ; discourage ; intimidate : n. loss of courage through fear ; a con- dition of terror. dismember (-mem'ber), v.t. to cut or tear limb from limb ; sever into parts and distribute ; dislocate ; sev- er ; divide. dismiss (-mis'), v.t. to send away; permit to depart ; discharge from of- fice or employment ; efface from memory. dismissal ('al), n. the act of dis- missing ; removal from office, &c. disorder (-or'der), n. want of order or arrangement ; lack of system ; ir- regularity ; breach of public order ; riot ; mental or physical disease : v.t. to throw into confusion ; disturb the regular mental or physical func- tions ; derange ; ruffle. disordered ('derd), p.adj. disorder- ly ; irregular ; loose ; unruly ; dis- reputable. disorderly (-li), adj. confused; un- methodical ; turbulent ; unruly. disparage (-par'aj), v.t. treat with contempt ; criticise unjustly ; depre- ciate ; belittle. disparagement (-ment), n. the act of disparaging ; depreciation ; re- proach ; disgrace ( often with to ) . disparity (-par'i-ti), n. \_pl. dispari- ties (-tiz)], inequality of rank, sta- tion, degree, or excellence ; dispro- portion. dispart (-part'), n. the difference be- tween the thickness of the muzzle of 2i piece of ordnance and its breech. dispassionate (-pash'un-at), adj. free from passion ; calm ; unpreju- diced ; impartial. dispassionately (-li), adv. in a dis- passionate manner. dispatch, same as despatch. dispel (dis-pel'), v.t. \_p.t. & p.p. dis- pelled, p.pr. dispelling], to drive away by, or as by, scattering; dis- perse ; dissipate. dispensable (-pen'sa-bl), adj. that for which a dispensation may be granted. dispensary ('sa-ri), n. [pi. dis- pensaries (-riz)], a place where medicines are kept and made up ; a charitable institution for providing the poor with medical advice and medicines. dispensation (-sa'shun), n. the act of dispensing ; distribution ; that which is appointed or bestowed by a higher power ; the particular way by which, at different periods, God has made known His dealings with man- kind ; the suspending of a rule or law in some particular case ; a li- cense granted from the pope, or by a bishop. dispense (dis-pens'), v.t. to deal out in portions ; distribute ; give forth effusively ; excuse : v.i. to give dis- ^pensation ; distribute medicines. dispermous (di-sper'mus), adj. two- seeded. disperse (dis-pers'), v.t. to scatter in different directions or parts ; dif- fuse ; spread ; cause to vanish : v.i. to separate ; go to different parts ; vanish out of sight. dispersion (-per'shun), n. the act of dispersing ; the separation of light into different colored rays in passing through a prism. dispersive ('siv), adj. tending to dis- perse. dispirit (-pir'it), v.t. to depress the spirits of ; dishearten ; render cheer- less. displace (-plas'), v.t. to put out of place ; disorder ; depose from office or dignity. displacement ('ment), n. the act of displacing ; substitution ; apparent change of position; the weight of ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nQrth, not ; boon, book ; hue. hut ; think, then. dis 270 dis water displaced by a solid body im- mersed in it. display (-pla'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. dis- played, p.pr. displaying], to spread out ; unfold ; exhibit ; force into no- tice ; manifest mentally or physical- ly : v.i. to make a display. displeasure (dis-plezh'tir), n. annoy- ance ; vexation ; distaste ; pique. disport (-port'), v.t. to amuse or di- vert (with self) ; to display gaily: v.i. to play. disposable (-poz'a-bl), adj. free to ^be employed ; subject to disposal. disposal ('al), n. arrangement; or- der ; control ; right of bestowing. dispose (-poz'), v.t. to place; ar- range ; order ; distribute ; adapt ; in- cline. disposition (-izh'un), n. the act of disposing ; order ; method ; arrange- ment ; tendency ; natural tempera- ment. disputable ('pti-ta-bl), adj. liable to be disputed ; called in question. disputation (-ta'shun), n. a verbal controversy ; an altercation. disputatious ('shus), adj. conten- tious. dispute (dis-put'), v.i. to debate; argue : v.t. contend for by words or actions ; express doubt of ; contro- vert : n. a controversy ; altercation ; quarrel ; contest. disquisition (-kwi-zish'un), n. a sys- tematic investigation or discussion of some subject ; an elaborate essay. disrate (-rat'), v.t. to degrade or lower in rank, as a petty officer. disruption (-rup'shun), w. forcible separation ; breach. disruptive ('tiv), adj. causing dis- ruption. diss (dis), n. a reedy Algerian grass. dissatisfaction (-sat-is-f ak'shun ) , ti. state of being discontented ; dis- pleasure. dissatisfy ^'is-fi), v.t. To render discontented ; to displease. dissect (-sekf), v.t. to cut in pieces; anatomize ; divide and examine mi- nutely. dissection (-sek'shun), n. the act of dissecting for critical examination. disseize (-sez'), v.t. to deprive of seizin or possession ; dispossess un- lawfully. disseizin ('in), n. the act of unlaw- fully dispossessing a person of an estate. dissemble (-sem'bl), v.t.. to hide un- der a false appearance ; give the semblance of something else to : v.i. to act the hypocrite. dissembling (sem'bling), n. dissimu- lation. disseminate (-sem'i-nat), v.t. to scatter abroad, like seed ; propagate ; diffuse. disseminator ('ter), ii. one who, or that which, disseminates. dissension (dis-sen'shun), n. strife; disagreement ; breach of union ; va- riance. dissent (-sent'), v.i. to disagree in opinion (with from) ; refuse adher- ence to an Established Church : n. difference of opinion ; refusal to ac- knowledge or conform to an Estab- lished Church. dissenter ('er), n. a nonconformist. dissentient ('shent), adj. dissenting: n. one who disagrees. dissenting (-sent'ing), p.adj. per- taining to, or characterized by, dis- sent ; separating from an Established Church ; pertaining to dissenters. dissertation (-er-ta'shun), n. a for- mal argumentative discourse ; trea- tise. dissever (-sev'er), v.t. to cut in two; disjoin ; divide ; separate. dissidence ('i-dens), n. disagree- ment. dissident ('i-dent), adj. not agree- ing, or conforming : n. one who dis- agrees, or dissents. dissilient (-sil'i-ent) , adj. springing asunder, or bursting open with force. dissimulate (-sim'ti-lat) , v.i. & v.t. to dissemble ; feign ; disguise. dissimulation (-la'shun), n. hypoc- risy ; false pretense ; fallacious ap- pearance. dissipate ('i-pat), v.t. to scatter com- pletely ; drive in different directions ; squander: v.i. to engage in dissipa- tion. dissipated (-ed), p.adj. scattered; dispersed ; characterized by dissipa- tion. ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, ' book : hue. hut ; thin!:, then. dis 27i dis dissipation (-pa'shun), n. the act or state of being dissipated ; mental dis- traction ; excessive indulgence in luxury, especially drink or vicious pleasures, dissociate (-so'shi-at), v.t. to sepa- rate. dissolubility (-sol-u-bil'i-ti), n. the capacity of being dissolved. dissoluble ('ol-u-bl), adj. capable of being dissolved or converted into a fluid. dissolute ('o-lut), adj. given to vice or dissipation ; loose in morals or conduct. dissolution (-lu'shun), n. the act of dissolving or liquefying ; separation y'^t component parts ; separation of tiie soul from the body ; death ; a breaking up of a union of persons, as a society, &c. dissolutionism (-izm), n. the social theory of anarchism or nihilism. dissolvable (diz-ol'va-bl), adj. that may be dissolved. Also dissolvible. dissolve (-olv'), 'v.t. to liquefy; melt; terminate ; annul : i^i. to become liquefied ; waste away ; separate. dissonance ('6-nans), n. discord. dissonant (-nant), adj. discordant. dissuade (-wad'), v.t. to advise or counsel against ; divert by argument or persuasion. dissuasion (-swa'zhun), n. the act of dissuading ; advice or persuasion against a purpose or action. dissuasive ('siv), adj. tending to dis- suade : n. an argument employed to dissuade. dissyllable (-sil'jVbl), n. a word of two syllables. distaff (dis'taf), n. [pi. distaffs ('tafs)], the staff from which flax is drawn in spinning. distance ('tans), n. the space or in- terval between two objects or points ; remoteness of time, rank, re- lationship or place ; interval be- tween two notes ; reserve of man- ner ; alienation : v.t. to place re- motely ; leave behind in a race. distant ('tant), adj. remote; re- served. distaste (-tast'), n. aversion of the palate ; dislike ; disinclination. distasteful ( 'fool ) , adj. unpleasant to the taste ; expressive of dislike. distastefully (-li), adv. in a dis- tasteful manner. distemper (-tem'per), v.t. to disor- der or disease ; derange the func- tions of; compound (colors) for use in distemper painting : n. a disease ; a catarrhal disease affecting young dogs ; a method of painting in spe- cially prepared opaque colors mixed with a binding medium soluble in water : used for mural decoration, &c. distend (-tend'), v.t. to stretch out in all directions ; expand : v.i. to swell. distention (-ten'shun), n. a swelling out. distich, ('tik), n. a couplet. distil (-til'), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. dis- tilled, p.pr. distilling], to fall in drops ; flow gently ; trickle forth ; practice the art of distillation : v.t. to let fall in drops ; obtain by dis- tillation ; rectify. distillate ('at), n. the product of distillation found in the receiver of a distilling apparatus. distillation (-a'shun), n. the proc- ess of distilling ; the substance drawn by the still. distinct (-tingkt'), adj. separate; different ; clear ; plain ; unconf used. distinction (-tingk'shun), n. mark of difference or superiority ; emi- nence of rank or conduct ; fame ; discrimination. distinctive ('tiv), adj. marking a difference or distinction ; character- istic ; discriminating ; plain. distingue (dis-stan-ga'), adj. dis- tinguished. distinguisb (-ting'gwish), v.t. ta separate from others by some mark of honor or preference ; designate by special characteristics ; discrim- inate ; make known : v.i. to make a distinction (with hetioeen) . distinguished ('gwisht), p.adj. emi- nent ; celebrated ; conspicuous ; noted. distort (-tort'), v.t. to twist or turn from the natural shape or figure; twist ; pervert from the true mean- ing ; misrepresent. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mi te, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. dis 272 dii) distortion (-tor'shun), n. the act of distorting ; perversion ; a deformity. distract (-trakf), v.t. to perplex; harass ; confuse the mind ; bewilder ; derange. distractile ('il), adj. widely sepa- rated. distraction (-trak'shun), n. per- plexity ; embarrassment ; perturba- tion or mental distress ; insanity. distr active ('tiv), adj. causing dis- traction. distrain (-tran'), v.t. to seize and hold (goods or chattels) as security for payment of a debt : v.i. to levy a distress. distraint (-trant'), n. the act of dis- training for' debt. distrait (dis-tra'), adj. absent-mind- ed. distraught (dis-trawf), adj. bewil- dered or harassed. distress (dis-tres'), v.t. to inflict pain or suffering upon ; grieve ; harass ; perplex ; in law, to seize for debt : n. physical or mental anguish ; the act of distraining ; goods taken in dis- traint. distribute (-trib'tit), v.t. to deal out or divide ; allot ; apportion ; arrange according to classification ; dispose of separately ; separate and return (as types) to their respective cases. distribution (-tri-bti'shun), n. the act of distributing ; apportionment ; arrangement ; classification. distributive ('tiv), adj. pertaining to distribution : n. a distributive word. district ('trikt), n. a territorial di- vision ; circuit ; region or tract of country. distrust (-trust'), n. want of confi- dence, faith, or reliance ; suspicion ; discredit : v.t. to have no confidence or trust in ; doubt ; suspect. distrustful ('fool), adj. suspicious. distrustfully (-li), adv. suspicious- ^ly. disturb (-terb'), v.t. to trouble ; vex; throw into confusion ; agitate ; dis- place. disturbance ('ans), n. the interrup- tion of a settled state ; uproar ; men- tal agitation. distyle ('til), n. a two-columned por- tico. disulpbate (di-sul'fat), n. a sulphate containing one atom of hydrogen, replaceable bya basic element. disulphide ('fid), n. a sulphide in which two atoms of sulphur are contained. ditch, (dich), n. a trench cut in the earth ; a moat : v.i. make a ditch : v.t. surround with a ditch ; run into a ditch. ditto ('to), n. that which has been said ; a duplicate : adv. as before ; likewise, ditty ('i), n. [pi. ditties ('iz)], a lit- tle song. diuretic (di-u-ret'ik), adj. promoting the secretion and flow of urine. diurnal (er'nal), adj. pertaining to a day ; daily ; performed in 24 hours ; active during the day-time ; w. a day- book ; journal. diurnally (-li), adv. daily. diva (de'va), n. a prima donna. divan (di-van'), n. a court of jus- tice ; a council of state in Turkey ; a council-hall ; a smoking-room ; cafe ; couch. dive (div), v.i. to plunge head fore- most into water ; enter deeply into any subject or question : v.t. to ex- plore by diving : n. a sudden plunge head foremost into water. diverge (di-verj'), v.i. to spread out from one point ; recede from. divergence (-ver'jens), n. a receding from each other ; a tending apart. divergent ('jent), adj. tending to di- verge. divers (di'verz), adj. various; sun- ^dry. diverse ( 'vers, or di- vers' ) , adj. es- sentially different ; dissimilar ; sep- arate. diversification (-i-fi-ka'shun), n. variation. diversify (di-ver'si-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. diversified, p.pr. diversifying], to make different from another ; give variety to ; discriminate ; variegate. diversion ('shun), n. variation; al- teration ; pastime ; the act of di- verting the attention of an enemy from the real point of attack. ate, arm, ask, at. awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. haired-poinler. setter. — 6. Short- 8. Long- -o bb re -^ CO ^" 1 I O o div 273 doQ divert (di- or di-vert'), v.t. to turn aside from any direction or course ; draw away from ; entertain ; amuse. divertimento (di-vert-i-men'to), n. a light pleasant vocal or instru- mental composition. divertissement ('tiz-mang), n. amusement ; recreation ; an entr'- acte, as a ballet, &c. divest (di-vest'), v.t. to strip or de- prive of anything ; despoil ; make bare. divestiture ('i-ttir), n. surrender of property. divide (di-vid'), v.t. to cut into two or more parts ; separate ; keep apart ; disunite by discord ; distrib- ute : v.i. to be separated ; cleave ; diverge ; have a share ; vote by di- vision : n. a watershed. divided skirt ('ed skert), n. a skirt made so as to combine both skirt and knickerbockers. dividend (div'i-dend), n. a share of the profits of a public company or business ; a sum paid pro rata out of a bankrupt's estate ; interest pay- able on money invested in the pub- lic funds ; a number or quantity to be divided. divi-divi (div'i-div'i), n. astringent husks of a South American tropical plant, used for dyeing and tanning. divination (-i-na'shun), n. the act of divining; the pretended art of foreseeing future events by super- natural or magical agency. divine (di-vin'), adj. partaking of the nature of God ; excellent in the highest degree ; godlike ; sacred ; holy ; pertaining to theology : n. a theologian ; clergyman : v.t. to fore- tell by, or as by, divination ; pre- sage : v.i. to conjecture ; guess. diving (div'ing), n. the act of plung- ing into water ; connected with, or used in, diving. diving-bell (-bel), n. a hollow ap- paratus supplied with air, used for various purposes below the surface of the water. divining-rod (-rod), n. a forked rod or branch, as of witch-hazel, which, when held loosely in the hand, is said to be drawn down to the ground where water or minerals are situ- ated. divinity (di-vin'i-ti), n. [pi. divini- ties (-tiz)], the state or quality of being divine ; Godhead ; a pagan or heathen deity ; theology. divisibility (-viz-i-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being divisible. divisible ('i-bl), adj. capable of be- ing divided ; capable of division with- out a remainder. division (-vizh'un), n. the act or state of being divided ; separation ; a partition ; section ; discord ; dif- ference ; the separating of the mem« bers of a legislative or municipal assembly in order to take a vote ; two or more brigades under the com- mand of a general officer ; a section of a fleet under one commander ; the process of finding how many times one number or quantity is contained in another. divisional (-al), adj. pertaining to division. divisor (di-vi'zor), n. the number by which another (the dividend) is divided. divorce (-vors'), n. a dissolution of the marriage contract by legal au- thority ; disunion : v.t. to dissolve the marriage contract between by legal authority ; release from close union. divorcement ('ment), n. the act or process of divorcing (Deut. xxiv, 1). divort (di-v6rt'), n. a watershed. divulge (di-vulj'), v.t. to make known, as something previously kept secret ; disclose. dizen ( di'zn ) , v.t. to deck out ; dress. dizziness ('i-nes), n. giddiness. dizzy (diz'i), adj. giddy. do (doo), v.t. [p.t. did, p.p. done, p. pr. doing], to perform; achieve; cause to bring about ; make ready for some object or purpose ; cheat or swindle : v.i. to act or behave ; suc- ceed ; suffice ; fare as to health : n. a trick or hoax. docile (do'sil, or dos'il), adj. easy to teach ; tractable ; easily managed. docility (do-sil'i-ti), n. the quality of being docile. dock (dok), n. a place for construct- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, ^7ien. doc 274 dog ing and laying up ships ; the place where a prisoner stands in a court to be tried; a coars^ weed with broad leaves ; the tail of a horse after it has been docked : v.t. to cut off or curtail ; deduct from ; di- minish. dockage (Ttj), n. reduction; provi- sion or accommodation for the dock- ing of vessels ; money paid for the use of a dock, docket ('et), v.t. to mark the con- tents or titles of papers on the back of them ; indorse : n. a directed label or ticket tied on goods ; a summary of a larger writing ; a digest. dockyard ('yiird), n. a place where ships are built and naval stores are kept. doctor ('ter), n. one skilled in any particular branch of knowledge ; an academical degree denoting the highest proficiency in a faculty of a university ; a learned man ; a medical practitioner : v.t. to treat medically ; tamper with or give a false appearance to: v.i. to practice medicine ; undergo medical treat- ment. doctorate (-at), n. the degree of doctor. doctrinaire (-tri-nar'), n. one who theorizes on political or other mat- ters, disregarding practical consid- erations : adj. visionary. doctrinal ('trin-al), adj. pertaining to, or containing, doctrine. doctrinally (-li), adv. in a doctrinal manner. doctrine ('trin), n. that which is taught ; the principles, belief, or dogma of any church, sect, or party. document ('ti-ment), n. a printed or written paper relied upon to estab- lish some fact or assertion, or con- veying information. documentary (-men'ta-ri), adj. per-, taining to, derived from, or consist-" ing of, documents. dodder (dod'er), n. a parasitical plant. dodecagon (do-dek'a-gon), n. a figure with twelve sides and twelve angles. dodecahedron (-he'dron), n. a solid having twelve faces. dodge (doj), v.i. to start aside and ate, arm, ask. shift about ; evade by craft ; avoid ; practice tricky devices : v.t. to es- cape by starting aside : n. the act of dodging ; a trick. dodo (do'do), n. [pi. dodos ('doz)], a large extinct bird with a short neck, a large hooked bill, short wings and legs. doe (do), n. the female of a buck or fallow deer, or of an antelope, rab- bit, or hare. doeskin ('skin), n. the skin of a doe ; a fine woolen cloth with a smooth finish. doif (dof), v.t. to take or put off, as clothes : v.i. remove the hat in saluting. dog (dog), n. a domesticated carnivo- rous animal belonging to the genus Canis ; name of various mechanical contrivances : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. dog- ged, p.pi". dogging], to hunt as a dog ; follow pertinaciously. dogcart ('kart), n. a light cart with two transverse seats back to back. dog-days ('daz), n.pl. a period in July and August when the dog star or Sirius rises and sets with the sun : usually the hottest part of the summer. doge (doj), n. the title of the chief magistrates of the ancient republics of Venice and Genoa. dogfisk (dog'fish), n. a species of small littoral shark very destructive to fish. dogged ('ed), adj. stubborn; perti- nacious. dogger ('er), n. a two-masted vessel with a broad beam : used in the cod and herring fisheries by the Dutch in the North Sea. doggerel (-el), n. a kind of verse devoid of sense or rhythm : adj. weak and absurd in construction : said of verse or poetry. dogma ('ma), n. [pZ. dogmas ('maz)], or dogmata ('ma-ta)], an estab- lished principle, tenet, or doctrine ; a doctrine stated in a formal man- ner and received by the Church as authoritative. dogmatic (-mat'ik), adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, dogma ; posi- tive ; authoritative ; dogmatical : n.pl. doctrinal theology. at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. dog 275 dom dogmatically (-al-li), adv. in a dog- matic manner. dogmatisxu (-tizm), n. dogmatic or positive assertion of opinion. dogmatize ('ma-tiz), v.i. to make dogmatic assertions ; utter positive assertions without adducing proof : v.t. to treat dogmatically. dog-trot ('trot), n. a gentle trot. dog-watch ('woch), n. one of tv^o watches on board ship of two hours each, between 4 and 8 p.m. dogwood ('wood), n. the wild cornel. doily (doi'li), n. [pi. doilies ('liz)], a small mat or napkin : used on dessert plates, &c. doings (doo'ingz), n.pl. things done; movements ; conduct ; stir. doldrums ('drumz), n.pl. a sailor's term for the tropical zones of calms and variable winds ; depression of spirits ; the dumps. dole (dol), n. that which is dealt out sparingly ; a charitable gift of mon- ey or food ; alms : v.t. to deal out sparingly. doleful ( 'fool ) , adj. sorrowful ; dis- mal. dolefully (-li), adv. sorrowfully; dismally. dolerite (dol'er-it), n. a dark-col- ored bassic igneous rock ; basaltic greenstone. dolesome (dol'sum), adj. melancholy. doll (dol), n. a girl's puppet or toy- baby ; a childish-featured girl or woman. dollar Car), n. a silver coin current in the United States and Canada = 100 cents ; a coin of various other countries. dolly ('i), n. {pi. dollies ('iz)], a lit- tle doll ; a block used in pile driv- ing ; an apparatus for washing clothes ; a contrivance for washing ore in mining ; in India a brass tray on which fruit, flowers, &c., are presented as a complimentary offer- ing. Dolly Varden (-var'dn), n. a wom- an's dress of light bright-figured muslin, worn over a bright colored petticoat. dolman ('man), n. a long outer gar- ment worn by the Turks ; a hussar's uniform jacket ; a woman's sleeve- less mantle. dolmen ('men), n. a sepulchral mon- ument, consisting of a large unhewn stone resting on two or more un- hewn stones. dolomite ('o-mit), n. a crystalline variety of magnesian limestone. doloriiic (-rif'ik), adj. causing grief. dolorous (dol'o-rus), adj. sorrowful. dolour (do'ler), n. sorrow; pain. dolpMn (dol'fin), n. the name of a cetaceous mammal of the genus Delphinus and allied genera. dolt (dolt), n. a heavy stupid fellow. dom (dom), n. a title of respect ap- plied to gentlemen in Portugal and Brazil ; in Portugal a title of the king and royal family. domain (do-man'), n. lordship; au- thority ; empire ; landed property ; demesne. dome (dom), w. a hemispherical roof. domestic (do-mes'tik), adj. pertain- ing to the house or household af- fairs ; private ; home-made : n. a household servant : pi. articles of home manufacture, especially cotton- cloths. domestic economy (e-kon'o-mi), n. the art of managing household af- fairs in the best and thriftiest man- ner. domestically (-al-li), adv. privately. domesticate ('ti-kat), v.t. to make domestic ; familiarize with domestic life ; tame : v.i. to become domestic. doxnesticity (-tis'i-ti), n. \_pl. domes- ticities (-tiz)], the state of being domestic ; domestic character. domicile (dom'i-sil), n. a permanent residence or place of abode. ; home : v.t. to establish in a fixed residence. domiciliary ('i-a-ri), adj. pertaining to the residence of a person or fam- ily. dominant ('i-nant), adj. exercising chief authority ; ruling ; predomi- nant ; ascending : n. the recitative note in Gregorian scales ; the fifth tone of a musical scale in any as- cending key. dominate ('i-nat), v.t. to govern; rule ; predominate over : v.i. to be dominant. domination (-na'shun), n. the act ate, arm, isk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. doxil 276 dot of dominating ; absolute authority ; power. domineer (-i-ner'), v.i. to exercise authority arrogantly or tyrannical- ly ; bluster. dominical ( do-min'i-kal ) , adj. per- taining to Christ as Lord, or to Sun- day : «. a dominical letter. dominical letter (let'er), n. one of the letters (A B C D E F G) used in the calendar of the Prayer Book to denote Sunday throughout the year, and to determine the date of Easter Day. dominie (dom'i-ne), n. a schoolmas- ter ; a clergyman of the Dutch Re- formed Church. dominion (do-min'yun), n. supreme authority ; sovereignty ; independent right or possession ; a territory or country subject to the control of one government. domino (dom'i-no), n. [pi. dominos (-noz)], a large loose silk cape or cloak with large sleeves and a hood used as a masquerade garment ; an ecclesiastical hood : pi. a game played with 28 oblong dotted pieces of bone or wood (dominoes). dom-pedro (-pe'dro), n. the name of the game of sancho-pedro when played with the joker. don (don), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. donned, p.pr. donning], to put on; invest with ; assume : n. a Spanish title [Fern. Dona] ; a fellow or collegiate dignitary. donate (do'nat), v.t. to contribute, especially to some religious or phil- anthropic object. donation (-na'shun), n. a charitable gift ;^ benefaction ; present. donative (don'a-tiv), adj. vested or vesting by donation : n. a gift. donator (do-na'ter), n. a giver. done (dun), p.adj. completed; pub- lished officially; cooked sufficiently; thoroughly fatigued ; cheated : inter j. agreed ! donee (do-ne'), n. a person to whom a gift or donation is made. dongola (don'go-la), n. a goatskin, or sheepskin tanned to resemble kid. doni (do'ni), n. a single-masted Cey- lonese coasting vessel with a long sail. ate, arm, ask, at, awl me, merge, met ; mite, book; hue, hut; think, donjon (don' or dun'jun), n, the principal tower or keep of a medise- val castle, containing the prison. donkey (dong'ki), n. [pi. donkeys ('kiz)], an ass; a stupid or obsti- nate fellow. donna (don'na), n. a lady (Italian). donnish, (don'ish), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, a don. donnism ('izm), n, academic self- importance. donor (do'ner), n. a giver. doom (doom), n. a judicial sentence of condemnation ; the infliction of a sentence ; irrevocable destiny , fate ; ruin ; the Day of Judgment ; v.t. to pronounce condemnation upon ; sentence to punishment ; or- dain as a penalty. doomsday (doomz'da)^ n. the day of final and universal judgment. door (dor), n. the gate or entrance of a house ; portal ; means of access. dor (dor), n. a large black dung bee- tle with a characteristic droning sound in flight. Dorian (do'ri-an), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, Doris, a small district of ancient Greece : n. a member of the Doric or Dorian race, one of the four great division of the ancient Greeks. Doric (dor'ik), adj. Dorian: n. the broad hard dialect of the Dorians. Doric order (or'der), the oldest and simplest of the three orders of Greek architecture. Doricism ('i-sizm), n. a Doric idiom, phrase, or peculiarity. dorking (dor'king), n. one of a breed of domestic fowls. dormancy ('man-si), n. quiescence, dormant ('mant), adj. sleeping; quiet ; in abeyance. dormer ('mer), n. a bedroom; a win- dow pierced vertically in the side of a roof. dormitory ('mi-to-ri), n. [pZ. dormi- tories (-riz) ], a large apartment ca- pable of holding several beds. dormouse ('mous), n. [pi. dormice ('mis)], a small European squirrel- like rodent. dorsal ('sal), adj. pertaining to, or situated near, the back. dory (do'ri), n. [pi. dories ('riz)], a note, north, not; boon, mit; then. dos 277 dow popular name for a golden-colored fish much esteemed for the table ; the wall-eyed pike-perch ; John Dory ; a small flat-bottomed skiff with a sharp prow. dosage ('saj), n. the operation of putting into sparkling wines some- thing to give them a distinctive taste. dose (dos), n. the quantity of medi- cine to be taken at one time ; any- thing nauseous ; quantity : v.t. to give doses to ; administer anything objectionable or nauseous. dost, 2 p. sing. pres. indie, of do. dot (dot), n. a small point or speck; a diminutive child : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. dotted, p.pr. dotting], to mark with dots or specks. dotage (do'taj), n. imbecility of mind; foolish or excessive affection. dotard ('tard), n. one whose intellect is impaired by age ; one who is foolishly affectionate : adj. imbecile. dote (dot), v.i. to exhibit the weak- ness of age ; bestow excessive love. doth, 3 p. sing, indie, of do. dotterel ('er-el), n. a small plover. double ( dub'l ) , adj. twofold ; two of a sort ; being in pairs ; twice as much ; deceitful ; insincere : n. twice the quantity ; a duplicate ; trick ; a turning back to escape pursuit ; an apparition ; a fold or plait : pi. changes rung on five bells ; games played by two on a side : v.t. to make double ; duplicate ; repeat ; fold ; sail round or by : v.i. to in- crease to twice the quantity ; return on one's track ; march at double quick time : adv. twice over. double-bass (-bas), n. the largest violin. double-dagger (-dag'er), n. a refer- ence mark ($). double entendre (doobi ang-tiing'- dr), n. a word or phrase with a double meaning, one of which is usually indelicate. doubleness (dub'1-nes), n. the state of being double ; duplicity. doublet (dub'let), n. a duplicate; pair ; a kind of close-fitting man's garment. doubloon ('loon), n. a Spanish gold coin. doubly ('li), adv. twice the quantity or degree ; in a double or twofold manner. doubt (dout), v.i. to waver in opin- ion ; hesitate ; be in suspense : v.t. to suspect ; distrust ; question : n. uncertainty of mind ; suspense ; scruple ; perplexity ; apprehension ; fear ; disbelief. doubtful ('fool), adj. of uncertain issue ; questionable ; hazardous ; in- secure. doubtfully ('li), adv. in a doubtful manner. doubting ('ing), adj. inspiring, or subject to, doubt ; questionable. doubtless ('les), adv. assuredly; certainly. doucbe (doosh), n. a jet or current of water directed upon some part of the body. dough (do), n. a soft mass of mois- tened flour yet unbaked. doughty (dou'ti), adj. valiant; strong. doughtily (-li), adv. valiantly. doughtiness (-nes), n. valor; bra- very. doughy (do'i), adj. soft like dough. douse (dous), v.t. to plunge sudden- ly into a liquid ; drench ; extinguish ; strike ; slacken or lower suddenly, as sails : v.i. to fall suddenly into water ; search for water or ores by a divining rod. dove (duv), n. a pigeon of the genus Columba ; a_ term of endearment. dovecote ('kot), n. a small house or box with compartments for doves. Dovecot. dovetail ('tal), v.t. to join by a joint resembling a dove's tail spread out; fit closely and exactly. dowager (dou'a-jer), n. the widow of a king, prince, or person of rank ; a widow with a jointure. dowdily ('di-li), adv. in a dowdy manner. dowdiness (-nes), n. the state of being dowdy. dowdy ('di), n. [pi. dowdies ('diz)], a slatternly woman who affects finery : adj. slovenly or ill-dressed ; shabby. dowel (dou'el), n. a pin to connect two pieces of wood by being sunk ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, ^7ien. dow 278 dra in the edges of each ; a piece of wood driven into a wall to secure soDtething else: v.t. to fasten by dowels. dower ('er), n. that part of a hus- band's property which his widow en- joys during her life ; jointure ; per- sonal endowment. dowlas ('las), n. a kind of coarse linen cloth. down (doun), n. soft feathers, hair, or wool ; the soft fibers of plants : pi. a tract of bare, hilly land used for pasturing sheep ; banks or round- ed hillocks of sand : adv. from a higher to a lower degree or position ; at the lowest point ; on the ground ; below the horizon ; from earlier to later times ; in hand, or on the counter ; on paper, or in a book : adj. dejected ; downcast : prep, along a descent ; from a higher place to a lower; along the course or current of. downcast ('kast), adj. directed down- wards ; sad : n. the ventilating shaft of a mine. doxirnfall ('fawl), n. a falling down- wards ; sudden fall from rank or reputation ; ruin. downgrade ('grad), n. a downward movement ; reverse of fortune ; de- parture from the orthodox standard of belief. downright ('rit), adj. straight to the point ; blunt ; unceremonious : adv. perpendicularly ; completely ; thor- oughly. downward ("ward), adj. tending to the ground ; moving from a higher to a lower place, grade, or direc- tion ; descending : adv. from a higher to a lower condition, state, or place : from the sour-ce. Also downwards. downy ('i), adj. covered with, or made of, down ; soft ; restful ; cun- ning ; artful. dowry (dou'ri), n. [pi. dowries ('riz)], the property a woman brings to her husband at marriage ; gift or possession. doxology (doks-ol'o-ji), n. [pi. dox- ologies (-jiz)], an ascription or short hymn of praise to God. doze (doz), v.i. to sleep lightly or fit- fully : n. a light sleep, or nap. dozy ('i), adj. sleepy; drowsy. drab (drab), n. a kind of thick dull brown or yellowish-grey woolen cloth ; a tint of such a color : adj. of a drab color. drabble ('1), v.t. to make wet or dirty by dragging through mud or water : v.i. to fish with a long line and rod. drac (drak), n. an evil spirit; lilia- ceous palm-like plants, to which the dragon-tree belongs. drachma (drak'ma), n. [pi. drach- mae ('me), drachmas ('maz)], a Greek silver coin. Also drachm. dra:ff (draf), n. refuse from malt breweries ; hog's-wash ; dregs. draft (draft), n. a sketch or outline; bill of exchange ; an order for mon- ey ; detachment of soldiers ; the act of drawing a load ; the state of be- ing drawn ; the act of drinking or the amount drunk at once ; an out- line or sketch ; the act of sweeping with a net ; the quantity of fish caught at one draw of the net ; the depth of water a vessel draws or to which she sinks ; a current of air : v.t. to delineate or sketch out ; call forth ; select by a draft for mili- tary service. drag (drag), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. dragged, p.pr. dragging], to pull or draw along by force ; draw along slowly or heavily ; haul ; tug : v.t. to trail along the ground : n. the act of dragging ; a net or apparatus for drawing along the bottom of the water ; a coach drawn by four horses ; a kind of sledge for heavy loads ; the difference between the draft of water forward or aft of a ship. draggle (drag'l), v.t. to wet or soil by dragging in the mud or along the ground : v.i. to become dirty or wet by dragging. dragoma^n -(drag'o-man), n. [pi. dragomans (-manz)], in the East, an interpreter, guide, or agent for travelers, especially an interpreter attached to an embassy, &c. dragon ('un), n. a fabulous animal represented as a winged serpent or lizard ; a fierce person ; a winged ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon,. book ; hue, hut ; think, then. dra 279 dra heraldic beast : adj. fierce ; destruc- tive. dragon-fly (-fli), n. an insect witi^, a long slender abdomen, large eyes and wings. dragon's-blood (-z-blud), n. the red juice and gum of several South American and East Indian trees. dragoon (dra-goon'), n. originally a kind of mounted infantry, now^ cav- alry, either light or heavy, wearing helmets : v.t. to harass or reduce to submission by military force. drain (dran), v.t, to draw off grad- ually ; exhaust : v.i. to become dry : n. a channel or pipe for superfluous water ; a sewer ; the act of exhaust- ing. drainage ('aj), n. the act or means of draining ; that which is drained off. drake (drak), n. a male duck. dram (dram), n. l-8th of an ounce troy, and l-16th of an ounce avoir- dupois ; a small quantity of spiritu- ous liquor. drama (dra'ma), n. a prose or poet- ical composition depicting a story of human life in character, &c., on the stage ; theatrical entertainment ; dramatic literature or art. dramatic (dra-mat'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or appropriate to, the drama. Dramatical. dramatically (-al-li), adv. in a dra- matic manner. dramatis personse (dram'a-tis per- so'ne), the characters in a play oa- drama. dramatize (dram'a-tiz), v.t. to com- pose in the form of a drama ; adapt for stage representation. dramaturgy ('a-ter-jl), n. the art of dramatic composition ; represen- tation and stage effect. drank, p.t. & p.p. of drink, drape (drap) , V.t. to cover with cloth ; arrange in folds or hangings. draper (dra'per), n. a dealer in wool- en or cotton cloth, &c. draperied (-id), adj. furnished or covered with drapery. drapery (-i), n. [pi. draperies (-iz)], textile cloths or fabrics used for gar- ments or hangings ; costuoes repre- sented in sculpture or painang. drastic (dras'tik), adj. powerful; vigorous. draugkt (draft), n. Same as draft. draughts (drafts), n. the game of checkers. draw (draw), v.t. ip.t. drew, p.p. drawn, p.pr. drawing], to pull along or haul ; raise ; suck in ; pull out ; force out ; elongate ; disembowel ; win, as in a lottery ; drive or beat out ; sketch ; draft ; require a cer- tain depth to float in ; entice or al- lure ; induce ; receive ; write out ; leave undecided : v.i. to produce mo- tion ; act as an inducement ; shrink : come together or near ; practice drawing ; settle in the water to a certain depth : n. the act of draw- ing ; a lot or chance drawn ; a game left undecided ; a feeler ; the act of drawing a covert. drawback ('bak), n. loss of advan- tage ; a discouragement ; money paid back, especially to an importer of goods on which customs duty has been paid on thpir being exported, drawbridge ('brij), n. a bridge which may be wholly or partially lifted up. _ draw^ee (-e'), n. one on whom an order, bill of exchange, or a draft is drawn. drawer ('er), n. one who draws; a draftsman ; a sliding box-like ar- rangement for holding clothes, pa- pers, &c. ; one who draws a bill of exchange, or an order for the pay- ment of money : pi. an under-gar- ment worn by both sexes, covering the lower part of the body and legs. drawing ('ing), n. delineation; at- traction or motion ; a distribution in a lottery : pi. the takings or re- ceipts of a business. drawing-room (-room), n. a room for the reception of company ; a for- mal reception by the sovereign, or a distinguished official ; the company assembled in a drawing-room. drawl (drawl), v.t. to utter in a slow, lazy tone : n. a slow, lazy manner of speaking, drawn (drawn), p.adj. left unde- cided ; disemboweled ; contracted. dray (dra), n. a low, stoutly-built cart used for heavy loads. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; booiij book ; hue, hut ; think, then. dre 280 dri dread (dred), v.t. to fear greatly; an- ticipate with hrinking or terror ; venerate : v.i. to be in great fear : n. apprehensive terror ; reverential awe : adj. awful ; solemn. dreadful ('fool), adj. inspiring dread, dreadfully (-li), adv. in a dreadful manner. dreadnauglit ('nawt), n. a fearless person ; a thick woolen felted cloth. dream (drem), n. a train of thoughts or images passing through the mind during sleep ; an idle fancy : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. dreamt, p.pr. dreaming], to see or imagine in sleep ; think about vainly : v.i. to have a train of ideas in sleep. dreamy ('i), adj. pertaining to, or full of, dreams ; indistinct ; vision- ary. drear (drer), adj. dismal; sorrowful. drearily ('i-li), adv. gloomily. dreary ('i), adj. cheerless; gloomy. dredge (drej), n. a drag or instru- ment for sweeping the bottoms of rivers to bring up something : v.t. to clean out and deepen by a dredge ; gather with a dredge ; sprinkle flour upon. dregs (dregz), n.pl. the sediment of liquor ; lees ; worthless matter. dreibund (dri'bunt), n. a triple al- liance, especially that (1883) be- tween Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy for mutual defense. drench, (drench) , v.t. to wet thorough- ly ; steep in moisture; forcibly ad- minister a draft to : n. s, large draft ; a dose of medicine for a horse or cattle. Dresden (dres'den), n. a fine porce- lain. dress (dres), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. dressed or drest, p.pr. dressing], to invest with, or as with, clothing ; adorn ; deck out ; embellish ; prepare or make ready ; cook ; curry or rub down; adjust to a straight line; prune or trim : v.i. to put on clothes : n. a covering for the body ; a robe ; elegant or fashionable attire ; ex- ternal finish or ornament ; plumage ; adjustment. dresser ('er), n. one who regulates or adjusts dress; a surgeon's as- sistant ; a set of shelves or open cupboard for plates, &c. ; a com- bination of mirror and bureau. dressing ('ing), n. the act of putting on clothes ; material used in sizing or stiffening fabrics ; the smoothing of the surface of stone ; sauce or stuffing used for preparing a dish ; a beating ; reprimand ; an external application to a wound ; the prepara- tion of mineral ores for the furnace. dressing-gown (-goun), n. a light, easy, loose gown worn while dress- ing or in dishabille. dressy (dres'i), adj. fond of dress, especially showy or elaborate attire ; stylish. drest, p.t. & p.p. of dress. drew, p.t. of draw. ^ dribble (drib'l), v.i. to fall in small drops ; drip : v.t. to let fall in drops ; give out or deal in small portions ; in football to give a slight kick or shove to : n. a drizzling shower ; a trickling out in small drops. driblet (drib'let), n. a small piece, part, or sum. dried, p.t. & p.p. of dry. drier (dri'er), n. one who, or that which, dries ; a substance added to paint, &c., causing it to dry quick- ly ; an apparatus for drying off moisture. drift (drift), n. the direction in which anything is driven ; an im- pellent force ; overbearing influence ; an accumulation heaped up by sea or wind ; tendency ; scope ; the hori- zontal passage of a mine ; a collec- tion of loose earth, rocks, &c., trans- ported from a distance by the agency of ice; leeway made in a gale ; the direction of a current : v.t. to drive along, or in heaps ; cover with driftage : v.i. to be carried along by a current, or by circum- stances ; accumulate in heaps. driftage ('aj), n. that which is drifted ; leeway caused by wind or sea currents. drill (dril), v.t. to pierce with a drill ; bore ; perforate ; instruct thor- oughly in the rudiments of any busi- ness, &c. ; train ; sow in lines or rows : v.i. to engage in military ex- ercises : n. a tool for boring or mak- ate, a/m, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. dri 281 dm ing holes in a hard substance ; a machine for sowing seeds in rows ; military exercise. drilling ('ing), n. the act of using a drill ; a heavy, firm twilled cloth. drink (dringk), vA. [p.t. drank, p.p. drunk, p.pr. drinking], to swallow a liquid ; imbibe alcoholic liquors ha- bitually : n. any beverage swallowed to quench thirst ; as much Liquor as can be taken at once ; strong or in- toxicating liquor, drip (drip), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. dripped, p.pr. dripping], to fall in drops : v.t. to let fall in drops : n. that which falls in drops ; a projecting cornice to throw off rain. drive (driv), v.t. [p.t. drove, p.p. driven, p.pr. driving], to impel or urge forward by force ; propel ; com- municate motion to ; - convey in a vehicle : v.i. to press, or be impelled forward with violence ; travel in a carriage; aim a blow (with let) : n. thp act of driving or impelling ; a strong blow ; a road prepared for driving ; an excursion in a carriage ; an annual gathering of cattle for branding ; a forward blow given to a ball at cricket. drivel (driv'el), v.i. to slaver; be weak or foolish ; talk or act like a fool or dotard. driven, p.p. of drive. drizzle (driz'l), v.i. to rain slightly or in misty drops : n. fine misty rain. drizzly ('li), adj. shedding fine rain. droit (droit, or drwa), n. equity; right of ownership, especially in ^and : custom ; duty. di die ( drol' ) , w. a funny fellow ; buf- foon. droll (drol'), adj. ridiculous; queer. -irollery ('er-i). n. [pi. drolleries (-riz)], the quality of being droll; buffoonery. drolling ('ing), n. burlesque. drolly ('li), adv. comically. dromedary (drum'e-da-ri), n. [pi. dromedaries (-riz)], one of a do- mesticated breed of camels distin- guished for its speed and by having one hump. drone (dron), v.i. to utter in a mo- notonous tone or sound ; live in idle- ness : v.t. to read in a monotonous tone : n. a dull, monotonous tone ; one of the pipes of a bagpipe; the male of the honev-bee which pro- duces no honey ; a lazy fellow. drony (dro'ni), adj. like a drone. droop (dro5p), v.i. to sink or hang: down ; languish ; bend down gradu- ally : v.t. cause to hang down : w, the act of drooping. drop (drop), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. dropped^ dropt, p.pr. dropping], to fall in drops ; distil ; sink to a lower posi- tion ; fall in death ; visit informally (with in) : v.t. to let fall ; discou- tinue ; utter casually; send off (u. hasty note) : n. a globule of mois- ture ; something that hangs like a drop ; a small quantity of a liquid ; a falling trap-door ; the painted cur- tain of a theater (drop-scene) : pi. medicine regulated by drops ; lauda- num. drop-shutter (-shut'er), n. a device, operated by a spring, for taking in- stantaneous photographs. dropsical ('si-kal), adj. affected with dropsy. dropsy ('si), n. an unnatural accu- mulation of serous fluid in any cavity of the body or its tissues ; a disease affecting the food-sac of young trout ; blue swelling. dropt, p.t. & p.p. of drop. dross (dros), n. the scum or slag of melted metal ; sediment ; refuse. drouglit (drout), n. continued ab- , sence of rain or moisture ; dryness. drove, p.t. of drive : w. a collection of cattle or sheep driven in a body ; a crowd ; sprats caught early in the season. drown (droun), v.i. to perish by suf- focation in water : v.t. to suffocate by immersion in water ; overwhelm ; inundate ; deluge. ^ droTTse (drouz), v.i. to be heavy with sleepiness ; be half-asleep : n. a light sleep. drowsiness ('i-nes), n. sleepiness. drowsy ('i), adj. sleepy; sluggish. drtib (drub), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. drubbed, p.pr. drubbing], to beat vigorously: n. a thump. drudge (druj), v.i. to labor hard at mean or uncongenial tasks ; slave : v.t. to spend or pass laboriously : n. &te, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue. hut; think, then. daru 282 due one employed in menial work who works hard for insufficient remu- neration. drudgery ('er-i), n. the work of a drudge ; mean servile labor. drug (drug), n. an ingredient used in medicine ; a narcotic ; an unsal- able article: v.t. \_p.t. & p.p. drug- ged, p.pr. drugging!, to mix drugs with ; render stupid by a narcotic drug : v.i. to take drugs habitually. drugget ('et), n. a coarse woolen fabric. druggist ('ist), n. a dealer in drugs. druid (droo'id), n. a priest of the ancient Kelts of 3ritain, Gaul, and Germany. drum (drum), n. an instrument of percussion, consisting of a hollow cylinder with vellum at the ends, and beaten with sticks (drum- sticks) ; the tympanum of the ear; a drum-shaped box for figs ; a cylin- der or revolving shaft : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. drummed, p.pr. drumming], to beat a drum ; beat up recruits ; tout for customers; beat rapidly with the fingers : v.t. to play (a tune) on a drum ; din ; expel ignominiously (with out). drumhead ('hed), n. the head or top of a drum ; the top of a capstan. drumzner ('er), n. one who plays a drum ; a commercial traveler. drumstick ('stik), n. the stick with which a drum is beaten ; the outer joint of a fowl's leg from the knee to the heel. Drummond-liglit ('und-lit), n. an- other name for the limelight. drunk (drungk), p.p. of drink: n. a fit of drunkenness ; a drunken per- son : adj. intoxicated. drunkard ('ard), n. one habitually drunk. drunken ('en), p.adj. habitually in- temperate. drunkenness (-nes), n. the state of being drunk ; habitual intemperance ; frenzy. dry (dri), adj. [comp. drier, superl. driest], free from moisture or wet- ness ; not yielding juices ; devoid of interest ; unintentionally humorous or _ quaint ; without sweetness or fruity flavor : v.t. free from moisture or juice ; stop the flow of ; parch : v.i. to lose or be deprived of moist- ure. dryad (dri'ad), n. a wood nymph. dryly ('li), adv. without moisture; in a dry manner ; coldly ; sarcastical- ly. Also drily. dry-nurse ('ners), v.t. to rear with- out the breast. drysalt ('sawlt), v.t. to cure by salt- ing and drying, as meat. dual (du'al), adj. expressing, or com- posed of, the number 2 : n. the form of the noun or verb connoting two persons or things. dualism (-izm), n. a twofold divi- sion ; the doctrine of two indepen- dent and separate principles in man, the spiritual and the corporeal ; the Gnostic theory that there are two independent eternal principles, one evil and the other good. dualist ('a-list), n. one who holds any of the theories of dualism. dualistic (-a-list'ik), adj. twofold; characterized by, or pertaining to, dualism. duality (-al'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being twofold; division into two. dub (dub), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. dubbed,, p.pr. dubbing], to invest with knighthood by striking the shoulder with a sword ; confer any rank, dig- nity, character, or name upon ; rub, dress, or smooth : v.i. make a brisk noise : n. a tap or blow. dubious (du'bi-us), adj. doubtful. ducal ('kal), adj. pertaining to a duke. ducat (duk'at), n. a gold or silver coin formerly in use in Europe : pi. money. duckess (duch'es), n. the consort or widow of a duke. ducky ('i), n. [pi. duchies ('iz)L the territory, dominions, or jurisdiction of a duke. duck (duk), n. any bird of the fam- . ily Anatid^e, especially the domestic duck ; the female of this bird, as dis- ' tinguished from the drake ; an ex- pression of endearment ; a strong linen untwilled fabric : pi. sailors' trousers or light clothes worn in hot climates : v.i. to plunge the head ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; booEU book; hue, hut; think, then. dnc 283 dam under water and then withdraw it quickly ; bob the head. ducking ('ing), n. the act of putting under water ; the sport of shooting wild ducks, dncking-stool (-stool), n. a stool in which female scolds were ducked in the water. duckling ('ling), n. a young duck. duckiveed ('wed), n. a common fresh-water plant eaten by ducks. duct (dukt), n. a passage, tube, or canal by which a fluid or secretion is conveyed. ductile ('til), adj. capable of being drawn out into threads or wire ; tractable. ductility_ ('i-ti), n. flexibility. dude (dud), n. a kind of dandy, characterized by over-affectedness in manners, dress, «S:c. dudeen (du-den'), n. a short clay pipe. dudgeon (duj'un), n. sullen anger: resentment ; ill-will. diidism. (dtid'izm), n. the affectation or social peculiarities of dudes. Also dudeism. duds (dudz), n.pl. clothes. due (du), adj. owed or owing; pay- able ; fulfilling obligation ; suitable to a case ; ascribable ; proper : adv. exactly ; directly : n. that which is owed or required by an obligation ; a custom, toll, tribute, or fee. duel ('el), n. a combat between two persons with deadly weapons : v.i. to fight in a duel. dueling (-ing), n. the fighting a duel. duena (doo-a'nya), n. an elderly Spanish or Portuguese lady who acts as a guardian to a younger one ; a governess. Also duenna, duet (du-et'), n. a vocal or instru- mental composition for two per- formers. Also duetto. duetino ( doo-a-te'no ) , n. a short duet, duff (duf), n. pudding of flour, &c., boiled in a bag ; a vegetable growth accumulated in forest ground. duifer ('er), n. a peddler or hawker of feminine articles of attire, flash jewelry, &c. ; a dull, stupid, inefii- cient person ; a fogy ; a spurious coin. duffing ( 'ing) , adj. worthless ; coun- terfeit. dug, p.t. & p.p. of dig: n. a teat. dugong (du'gong), n. an aquatic herbivorous mammal resembling the seal and walrus ; the sea-cow. dugout (dug'out), n. a canoe hol- lowed out from a log ; a rough kind of shelter excavated in the side of a hill or bank. duke (duk), the highest order of • English nobility and ranking next below an archbishop and the princes of the blood ; a continental prince or noble. dukedom ('dum), n. a duchy. dulcet (dul'set), adj. sweet or pleas- ant to the ear ; harmonious. dulciana (si-a'na), n. a soft-toned stop. dulcimer ('si-mer), n. an instru- ment with wire strings which are struck with a rod. dull (dul), adj. slow of apprehension or action ; stupid ; sluggish ; with- out sensibility ; not bright or clear to the eye ; blunt ; without wind : v.t. to deprive of sharpness ; make stupid or heavy ; tarnish : v.i. to be- come calm : becqme dull or blunt. dullard ('ard), n. a stupid person; blockhead. dulness ('nes), n. the state or qual- ity of being dull, duly (du'li), adv. in a fit and becom- ing manner ; fitly ; regularly. dum.b (dum), adj. incapable of speech, dumb-bell Chel), n, one of a pair of heavy weights used for muscular exercise. dumb-sbo-w ('sho), n. gesture with- out speech. dumbledore (dum'bl-dor), n. the bumble-bee ; the brown cockchafer. dummy (dum'i), n. [pi. dummies ('iz)], one who is mute or silent; that which imitates a reality ; an exposed hand at whist when three .persons are playing: adj. fictitious. dump (dump), n. sl thud or heavy sound; anything short, thick, and* heavy ; a place to discharge rub- bish in : pi. low spirits : v.t. to throw down and empty, especially abrupt- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. dnm 284 das ly ; unload from a cart : vA. to un- load by tilting. dumpy ( 'i ) , adj. short and thick ; discontented ; sulky. dun (dun), adj. of a dull brown col- or : n. a creditor who presses per- sistently for payment of a debt ; a fortified eminence; earthwork; mound : v.t. [p.t. & jj.p. dunned, p.2)r. dunning], to urge importunate- ly, especially for a debt ; cure, as codfish, after salting, to impart a' dark color. dunce (duns), n. a dull, ignorant person. dunderhead ('der-hed), n. a dolt; a numskull. dune (dun), a heap of drifted sand piled up on the sea-shore by the action of the wind. dunfisli. ('fish), n. codfish cured by dunning. dung (dung), n. the excrement of animals ; anything filthy or rotten : v.t. to manure with dung. dungeon ('jun), n. the principal keep of a mediaeval castle ; a dark underground cell ; a prison. Dunkers ('kerz). n.pl. a sect of Ger- man-American Baptists, properly termed Brethren. ' dunnage ('aj), n. loose wood, fag- ots, &c., stowed in the hold of a vessel to protect the cargo from in- jury. dunnisL. ('ish), adj. inclined to dun color. duodecimal ( du-o-des'i-mal ) , adj. consisting of, or computing by, twelves or any power of 12 : n. a twelfth power of anything : pi. a system of computing by twelves the number of square feet and inches in a rectangular area. duodecimo ('i-mo), n. a sheet folded into 12 leaves (12mo) : said of a book. duodenum (-de'num), n. [pi. duo- dena Cna)], the first portion of the small intestine. dupable (dup'a-bl), adj. capable of being duped. dupe (dup), n. one who is, or can be, easily tricked; a credulous person; v.t. to deceive by trickery ; cheat. duplex (du'pleks), adj. double; com- pound : applied to the transmission of two telegraphic messages over a single wire at the same time : v.i. to transmit telegraphic messages by the duplex system. duplicate ('pli-kat), v.t. to make or render double ; make a copy or copies of : v.i. to celebrate Mass or receive the Eucharist twice in one day : adj. corresponding exactly with another ; twofold ; double ; growing in pairs : n. facsimile ; counterpart ; an exact copy. duplication (-ka'shun), n. the act of duplicating ; a fold ; multiplication by 2. duplicity (-plis'i-ti), n. deceit; hypocrisy. durability (dti-ra-biri-ti), n. endur- ance. ' durable ('ra-bl), adj. not perishing; permanent ; stable ; lasting, durably (-li), adv. in a durable man- ner. dura mater ('ra ma'ter), w. the tough covering which envelops the brain and spinal cord. duramen (-ra'men), n. the inner or heart wood of an exogenous tree. durance ('rans), n. imprisonment. duration (-ra'shun), n. continuance in time ; permanency. duress (du-res' or dU'res), n. re- straint of personal liberty by fear or physical force, compelling a per- son to do some act ; imprisonment. during (dur'ing), prep, in the time of ; at soma period of. durometer (du-rom'e-ter), n. an in- strument for testing the hardness of steel rails. durst, p.t. of dare. dusk (dusk), adj. tending to dark- ness ; shadowy ; swarthy : n. incip- ient darkness. duskily ('i-li), adv. with a tendency to darkness or blackness. dust (dust), n. fine dry particles of matter ; a stirring of such fine par- ticles ; state of dissolution ; un- organized matter ; pollen ; obscur- ity ; confusion : v.t. to brush away dust from ; cover with a powdered substance. dusty ('i), adj. [conip. dustier^ superl. dustiest], covered with dust. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth. not ; boon, book; htie, hut; think, then. dnt 285 dys Dutch, (duch), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, the Dutch or Low Germans of Holland, or their lan- guage. duteous ('ti-us), adj. fulfilling duty; obedient. dutiable (dti'ti-a-bl), adj. subject to duty. dutiful (-fool), adj. respectful; obedient to parents. dutifully (-li), adv. in a dutiful manner. * duty Cti), n. [pi. duties ('tiz)], ob- ligatory service ; tax, impost, or toll levied by Government on certain articles. duumvir (-um'ver), n. [pi. duumviri Cvi-ri), duumvirs ('verz)], two an- cient Roman officers of high rank acting together in one capacity or public function. duumvirate ('ver-at), n. the joint office of the duumviri. d'tvarf (dwawrf), n. a human being, animal, or plant much below the average height : adj. of smaller size or height than the average : v.t. hin- der from growing to the natural size : v.i. become stunted ; grow smaller. dwell (dwel), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. dwelt, p.pr. dwelling], to reside for a length of time ; have a fixed abode ; continue ; linger : v.t. to inhabit. dwelling ('ing), n. a house or place of abode. dwindle (dwin'dl), v.i. to become gradually less ; diminish ; decrease. Dyak (dl'ak), adj. pertaining to the natives of the Malay race inhabiting Borneo. dye (di), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. dyed, p.pr. dyeing], to stain or color: v.i. to follow the trade of a dyer : n. a col- oring liquid or stain. dying ('ing), p.adj. the passing away from life ; decaying physically ; drawing to a close ; the act of ex- piring. dynactinometer ( nak-ti-nom'e-ter ) , n. an instrument for measuring the intensity of the photogenic rays of light and comparing the quickness of action of lenses in photography. dynam ('nam), n. a unit of work = 1 foot pound. dynamic ('ik), adj. pertaining to mechanical forces not in equilibrium ; effective. Also dynamical ; n.pl. that branch of mechanics whicK treats of the effects of force in producing motion. Also kinetics. dynamitard ('na-mi-tard), n. one who advocates the use of dynamite as a revolutionary agent. Also dynamiter. dynamite ('ni-mit), n. a highly ex- plosive compound of nitro-glycerine mixed with sawdust or infusorial silica : v.t. to destroy by dynamite. dynamo ('na-mo), n. an electric ma- chine for converting mechanical into electric energy. dynamograph (-nam'o-graf), n. an instrument for registering muscular power by compressing a spring held in the hand. dynamometer (-n^-mom'e-ter), w. an apparatus for measuring the force or power in moving a load, &c. dynastic (-nas'tik), adj. pertaining to a dynasty. dynasty ('nas-ti), n. [pL dynasties (-tiz)], a line or succession of sov- ereigns of a particular family ; the length of time during which a cer- tain family reigns. dyne (din), n. the force which, act- ing upon a gramme per second, gen- erates a velocity of 1 centimeter. dysentery (dis'en-ter-i), n. a tropic- al disease akin to diarrhoea, at- tended with fever. dyspepsia (-pep'si-'l), n. indiges- tion. dyspeptic ('tik), adj. pertaining to, causing, or afflicted with, dyspepsia. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. each (ech), adj. & pron. every one; either. eager (e'ger), adj. impetuous; vehe- ment ; earnest ; keen ; enthusiastic. eagle ('gl), n. a bird of prey, genus Aquila, noted for its strength, size, and keenness of vision ; a gold coin of the United States = 10 dollars ; the military standard of ancient Rome. eagle- wood (-wood), n. a highly fragrant resinous wood. Also agal- lochum. eaglet ('glet), n. a young eagle. ear (er), n. the organ of hearing; . delicate perception of sounds ; at- tention ; a spike of corn ; anything that resembles an ear. eared (erd), adj. having ears. earing (er'ing), n. a small rope for fastening the upper corner of a sail to a yard or stanchion ; a plowing of land ; the formation of ears, as in wheat. earl (erl), n. nobleman next in rank below a marquis. earldoiH ('dum), n. the possessions or dignity of an earl. early (er'li), adj. [comp. earlier, superl. earliest], before the usual time ; seasonable : adv. soon ; sea- sonably. earmark (er'mark), n. a mark for identification : v.t. to set a distinc- tive mark upon. earn (ern), v.t. to gain as a just recompense for one's labor, service, &c. ; merit. earnest ('est), adj. in serious reality : serious in speech or action ; ardent ; zealous; eager: n. a portion of something given or done in advance as a pledge. earnings ('ingz), n.pl. wages; re« ward. earring (er'ring), n. an ear orna« ment. eartlx (erth), ?i. the inhabited terra- queous globe ; the solid materials which compose the globe ; ground ; soil ; a region or land ; worldly things or interests ; the inhabitants of the globe ; that part of the ground forming part of an electric cir- cuit : v.t. to hide or bury in the earth ; place in connection with the t earth : v.i. to burrow. i earthen ('en), adj. made of earth. j earthenware (-war), n. vessels or I other objects made of clay or a [ similar earthy substance. ; earthly (-li), adj. pertaining to the earth ; sensual ; worldly ; possible ; conceivable. earthnut ('nut), n. the ground nut. earthquake ('kwak), n. a shaking or trembling of the earth produced by subterranean volcanic forces. earth^work (-werk), n. a cutting or embankment ; an offensive or de- fensive fortification constructed chiefly of earth, earthworm ('werm), n. a common name for worms that live in the ground. earthy ('i), adj. pertaining to, com- posed of, or resembling, the earth; dull ; coarse. earwax (er'waks), n. cerumen. earwig (er'wig), n. a well-known : insect with a pair of curved forceps I at its tail: v.t. [p.t. & p.p. earwig- ged, p.pr. earwigging], to gain the ear of and influence by whispered or covert statements. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 286 eas 287 eee ease (ez), n. freedom from pain, dis- turbance, labor, or affectation ; quiet ; repose ; facility : v,t. to free from pain, anxiety, or trouble; give rest or relief. easel (e'zl), n. a wooden frame or tripod for supporting a canvas, blackboard, &c. easement (ez'ment), n. that v^hich gives ease or relief ; a right of ac- commodation in another's land, or a right of passage. east (est), n. that part of the hea.vens where the sun is seen to rise ; one of the four cardinal points ; the eastern part of the earth : adj. com- ing from the east ; near the altar of a church, as seen from the nave : adv. in an easterly direction. East (est) , n. the Orient ; eastern part of the United States. Easter (es'ter), n. a festival of the Christian Church to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ : adj. pertaining to Easter. easterly (-li), adv. situated, or mov- ing towards, the east : adj. in the direction of the east. eastern (est'ern), adj. situated to- wards, or lying in, the east. Eastern (-em), adj. Oriental. Eastern Churcli (cherch), n. the Orthodox Oriental or Greek Church. Eastern Empire (em'pir), n. that part of the later Roman Empire which had its papital at Byzantium ( Constantinople) . Easterner (-er), n. a person who resides in the eastern part of the United States. Eastern question (kwes'chun), n. the term applied to the complicated internal problems arising out of the possession by the Turks of the southeast of Europe, and their re- lations to Russia and adjoining states. easting ('ing), n. the distance trav- ersed by a vessel eastward from a given meridian. eastward ('ward), adv. toward, or in the direction of, the east. Also eastwards. easy (-ez'i), adj. [comp. easier, superl. easiest], free from pain, disturbance. &c. ; not burdensome ; moderate ; well-to-do ; credulous ; natural ; not formal ; yielding ; gentle ; self-indul- gent : adv. easily : n. diminution in speed while rowing. eat (et), v.t. [p.t. ate, p.p. eaten, p.pr. eating], to chew and swallow, as food ; devour ; consume ; corrode : waste or wear away : v.i. to take food ; penetrate ; taste. ean (6),n. [pi. eaux (oz), (French)], water, especially as applied to per- fumes, cordials, spirituous waters, &c., as eau de cologne. eaves (evz), n.pl. the edges of the roof which overhang a building. eavesdrop ('drop), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. eavesdropped, p.23r. eavesdropping], to listen to the private conversa- tion of others. ebauchoir (a-bo-shwar'), n. a large broad hewing chisel used by statu- aries. ebb (eb), n. the flowing back of the tide ; ebb-tide ; decline : v.i. to flow back or return, as the tide to the sea ; decline ; recede. eblis (eb'lis), n. the Mohammedan Devil ; in Mohammedan mythology, the chief evil spirit. ebonite ('un-it), n. a hard dark va- riety of vulcanite. ebonize (-iz), v.t. to make black by staining like ebony. ebony ('un-i), n. a hard, heavy, dur- able black-colored wood [pi. ebonies (-iz)], negroes: adj. made of, or like, ebony. eboulement (a-bool'mang), n. the crumbling of a wall or fortification; a landslip ; avalanche. ebullition (eb-u-lish'un), n. the act of boiling ; effervescence ; a sufiden outburst of feeling. eburine (eb'ti-rin), n. an artificial ivory. e carte (a-kar-ta'), n. a game of cards played by two persons with 32 cards, from which those from two to six have been cast out. ecaudate (e-kaw'dat), adj. tailless. ecbatic (ek-bat'ik), adj. denoting the relation of cause and effect. eccentric ('sen-trik), adj. not sit- uated in, or deviating from the cen- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book: hue, hut; think, then. ecc 288 ter ; peculiar in manner or char- acter ; erratic ; not having the same center : opposed to concentric : n. a circle or sphere not having the same center as another circle ; a mechanic- al device for converting continuous circular motion into reciprocating rectilinear motion. eccentricity (-tris'i-ti), n. [pi. ec- centricities (-tiz)], deviation from a center ; peculiarity of manner or character ; idiosyncrasy. ecchymosis (-i-mo'sis), n. a livid spot on the skin, caused by extrav- asated blood. ecclesiastic (e-kle-zi-as'tik), n. a person in holy orders ; a clergyman. ecclesiastical (-al), adj. pertaining to the Chvirch and its organization or government. ecclesiastically (-li), adv. in an ec- clesiastical manner. ecclesiasticism ( -as ' ti -sizm), n. strong attachment to the forms, usages, organization, and privileges of the Church. ecclesiology (-zi-ol'o-ji), n. the science which treats of the Church as an organized society, and of its development ; science of church architecture and decoration. echelon (esh'e-lon), n. an arrange- ment of a body of troops in the form of steps ; an arrangement of the vessels of a fleet in V form : v.t. to form in echelon. ecliinoderm (e-ki'no-derm), w. an in- dividual of the Echinodermata, a class of animals in Cuvier's system vphich includes the star-fishes, sea- urchins, &c. echinus Cnus), n. [pi. echini ('m)], a sea-urchin ; a rounded egg-shaped molding. echo (ek'o), n. [pi. echoes ('oz)], the repetition of a sound caused by reflection ; the repetition of the words or opinions of others : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. echoed; p.pr. echoing], to emit an echo ; give, or reflect back, a sound : v.t. to repeat the sound of; repeat closely (the words, &c., of others). echometry (e-kom'e-tri), n. the art of measuring the duration of sounds. eclair (a-klar'), n. a small oblong cake containing flavored cream, &c., covered on the top with sugar or chocolate. eclaircissement (-ses'mang), n. an explanation or clearing up of some- thing previously obscure or misun- derstood. eclat (a-kla'), n. a bursting forth, as of applause or admiration ; renown ; striking effect ; splendor. eclectic (ek-lek'tik) , adj. selecting or choosing from different systems, doc- trines, or sources ; liberal and broad in taste or belief : n. one of a class of ancient philosophers. eclecticism ('ti-sizm), n. the eclectic system of philosophy. eclipse (e-klips'), n. the total or par- tial obscuration of the light of a heavenly body caused by its entering the shadow of another body : hence diminution : obscuration ; temporary failure : adj. pertaining to an eclipse : v.t. to cover or obscure by an eclipse ; darken or conceal ; over- shadow. ecliptic (-klip'tik), n. the apparent path of the sun, or real path of the earth, in the heavens during a year. eclogue (ek'log), n. a pastoral poem. economic (ek-o, or e-ko-nom'ik), adj. frugal ; saving ; pertaining to_ do- mestic economy. Also economical r n.pl. political economy. economically (-al-li), adv. with economy. economist (-kon'o-mist), n. one pru- dent in expenditure ; a student of political economy. economize ('o-miz), v.t. to manage with care or frugality : v.i. to be careful in outlay. economy ('o-mi), n. [pi. economies (-miz)], the regulation of household affairs ; frugality in expenditure ; any system of religious laws, rites, or ceremonies. ecorche (a-kor-sha'), n. an anatom- ical model, represented as deprived of the skin ; to exhibit for study the muscular system. ccrevisse (a-kre-ves'), n. a piece of armor formed of overlapping splints resembling the tail of the crawfish. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met: mite, mit : note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 289 edu 6cTXL ( a-kroo' ) , adj. unbleached : said of the color of textile fabrics. ecstasy (ek'sta-si), n. [pi. ecstasies (-siz)], the state of being beside one's self ; excessive joy ; a kind of cataleptic trance. ecstatic (-stat'ik), adj. overpower- ing ; rapturous ; entrancing. Also ecstatical. ecstatically (-&I-Ii), adv. raptur- ously. ectasis (ek'ta-sis), n. the pronuncia- tion of a vowel as long, or its length- ing if short. ectoblast ('to-blast), n. an outer cell wall. ectocyst ('sist), n. the outer covering of a polyzoon. ectoderm (-derm), n. the external skin, or outer layer, of an animal or plant. ectoplasm (-plazm), n, the exterior protoplasm or sarcode of a cell, ectozoa (-zo'a), n.pl. external para- sites. ectype (ek'tip), n. a reproduction or imitation of an original design. ectypography (-ti-pog'ra-fi), n. a method of etching in relief. 6cu (a-ko6') , n. a mediaeval shield ; the name of various gold and silver coins formerly current in France. ecumenic (ek-u-men'ik), adj. gen- eral ; universal, pertaining to the Christian Church throughout the world : said of certain councils of the Church. Also ecumenical. eczema ('ze-ma), n. an inflammatory disease of the skin. eddy (ed'i), n. [pi. eddies ('iz)], a contrary current of air or water causing a circular motion ; a small whirlpool : v.i. to move with a circu- lar motion ; whirl. edelTveiss (a'dl-vis) , n. a small peren- nial white, woolly, composite Alpine plant. Eden (e'dn), n. paradise; any partic- ularly delightful region or residence. edge (ej), n. the thin, sharp or cut- ting part of an instrument ; extreme border ; brink ; margin ; keenness ; mental acuteness : v.t. to furnish with an edge or a border ; exasper- ate ; incite ; move forward little by little : v.i. to sail close to the wind. edged ('d), p. adj. furnished with an edge, border, or fringe. edge-tool (tool), n. any sharp tool. edging ('ing), n. that which forms an edge or border ; narrow lace or embroidery for a garment ; the oper- ation of shaping or ornamenting anything. edible ('i-bl), adj. fit to be eaten as food : n. something fit to be eateu (usually in pi.) . edict (e'dikt), n. a public proclama- tion or decree issued by a sovereign and having the force of a law. edification (ed-i-fi-ka'shun), n. a building up in a moral or religious sense ; instruction. edify ('i-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. edified, p.pr. edifying], to build up or strengthen, especially in faith or morals ; impart instruction to. edit ('it), v.t. to revise and prepare for publication ; direct, select, and adapt literary matter for the press ; make a revision of. edition (e-dish'un), n. the published form of a literary work ; the number of copies of a book, magazine, or newspaper published at one time ; reproduction. editor (ed'i-ter), ti. one who superin- tends, revises, or prepares a literary work for publication ; one who con- ducts a newspaper, magazine, &c. editorial (-tor'i-al), adj. pertaining to an editor, or his duties : n. a leading article. editress ('i-tres), n. a female editor. educate ('ti-kat) , v.t. to impart knowledge to ; cultivate the moral or intellectual faculties of; instruct; train. education (-ka'shun), n. the act, pro- cess, or result of educating ; the sys- tematic training of the moral and intellectual faculties ; the rearing of animals. educationist ('shun-ist), n. one versed in the art, theory, and meth- ods of education ; one who advocates the promotion and extension of edu- cation. educator (-ka-ter), n. one who, or that which, educates ; a tutor ; an educationist. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon^ book; hue, hut; think, then. edii 290 eff educe (e-dus'), v.t. to draw out; evolve ; bring to light. eduction (e-duk'shun), n. the act of exhausting, as steam. eductive (tiv), adj. drawing out. eel (el), n. an elongated fish, destitute of ventral fins, having a slippery mucous skin. eelbuck ('buk), n. a funnel-shaped wicker basket for catching eels. eelfare ('far), n. the passage of young eels up a stream ; a brood of eels. eel-pout ('pout), n. the burbot. e'en (en), contraction of even and evening. e'er (ar), contraction of ever. eerie (e'ri), adj. lonely; weird; gloomy ; mysterious. Also eery. efface (ef-fas'), v.t. to obliterate; render indistinguishable ; destroy. effaceable ('a-bl), adj. capable of being effaced. ejffacement ('ment), n. obliteration. effect (ef-fekt'), v.t. to produce as a cause, consequence, or result ; ac- complish ; fulfil : n. result ; purpose : realization ; efficiency ; purport : pi. goods ; personal estate. effective ('iv), adj. having the power to effect ; operative ; efficient ; pow- erful : n. a soldier fit for duty. effectual ('ti-al), adj. producing, or having, effect ; completely operative ; efficient. effectually (-li), adv. in an effectual manner. effeminacy (-fem'i-n§.-si), n. the quality of being effeminate ; woman- ish softness or delicacy ; unmanli- ness. effeminate ('i-nat), v.t. to make womanish or delicate; unman: v.i. become womanish : adj. having the qualities or characteristics of a woman ; delicate or unmanly. efferent ('fer-ent), adj. conveying or discharging outwards, effervesce (-ves'), v.i. to be in a state of natural ebullition ; bubble or hiss. effervescence ('ens), n. the state or condition of effervescing ; irrepressi- ble excitement ; a display of feeling. effervescent ('ent), adj. gently bub- bling and hissing from the giving off of gas. effervescible ('i-bl), adj. capable of effervescing. effete (-fef), adj. worn out; barren; exhausted. efficacious (-i-ka'shus), adj. produc- ing, or capable of producing, a de- sired effect. eiiicacy (-ka-si), n. power to produce results or effects ; ability. efficiency (-fish'en-si), n. effectual agency or power ; the state of being efficient. efficient ('ent), adj. producing or causing effects or results ; powerful ; ready : n. an agent or cause ; a qual- ified person. effigy Ci-ji), n. [pi. effigies (-jiz)], an image ; a likeness or figure in sculpture, painting, or on coins, &c. effloresce (flo-res'), v.i. to blossom; become covered with a whitish crust or fine white crystals. efflorescence ('ens), n. the time or state of flowering ; the production of flowers ; redness of the skin ; the formation of fine white crystals on the surface of efflorescing substances. efflorescent ('ent), adj. blossoming. effluence ('flti-ens), n. an issuing out. effluent (-ent), adj. flowing or issu- ing forth : n. a stream which flows out of another or forms the outlet of a lake. effluvial ('vi-M), adj. pertaining to effluvia. effluvium ('vi-um), n. [pi. effluvia (-fi) ], an invisible subtle emanation ; disagreeable exhalations arising from decaying matter. efflux ('fluks), n. the act of flowing out ; effluence ; emanation ; a passing away. effoliation (-fol-i-a'shun), n. the de- priving of leaves : said of a plant. effort ('fort), n. strenuous exertion, physical or mental ; struggle ; at- tempt. effrontery (-frunt'er-i), n. impu- dence. effulgence (-ful'jens), n. a great lus- ter, brightness, or splendor. effusion (-fu'zhun), n. the act of ate, iirm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. eff 291 ela pouring out, or shedding forth ; an outpouring of thought or sentiment ; the escape of a fluid from the vessel inclosing it. effusive ('siv), adj. pouring forth freely or widely. eft (eft), n. a newt. egad (e-gad'), inter j. an exclamation of wonder, pleasure, or admiration. egg (eg), n. the oval or roundish body laid by birds and certain other ani- mals, from which their young are produced ; something shaped like an egg ; the germ or first principle of anything : v.t. to urge on or incite ; pelt with eggs. egging ('ing), n. incitement. egis, same as aegis. eglantine ('lan-tin), n. the dog-rose. ego (e'go), n. self; personality. egoism (-izm), n. the habit of re- garding self as the center of every- thing ; the doctrine that everything is uncertain but the fact of one's existence. egoist (-ist), n. an adherent of ego- ism. egotism (e'go-, or eg'o-tizm), n. self- exaltation in thought, speech, or writing ; vanity. egotist (-tist), n. one characterized by egotism. egotistic ('ik), adj. pertaining to, or characterized by, egotism. Also ego- tistical. egregious (e-gre'jus), adj. extraordi- nary. egress ('gres), n. departure. egret ('gret), n. a species of heron ; a heron's plume ; the feathery down of seeds. egyptology ('o-ji), n. the science or scientific investigation of Egyptian antiquities and hieroglyphics. eider (i'der), n. a large marine duck, the down of which is an article of commercial value. eidograpb. ('do-graf),, n. an appara- tus for copying drawiiigs, &c. eidoscope (-sk5p), n. an instrument for producing an infinite variety of geometrical figures. eight (at), adj. one more than 7: a cardinal numeral : n. the sum of 7 and 1 ; a symbol (8, VIII., viii.), de- noting this number. eighteen (a'ten), adj. one more than 17 : a cardinal numeral : n. the sum of 17 and 1; a symbol (18, XVIII., xviii.), denoting this number. eighteenmo (-mo), n. a book whose sheets are folded into 18 leaves. Oc- todecimo. eighteenth ('tenth), adj. next in or- der after 17th : an ordinal numeral. eighth (at'th), adj. next after sev- enth : an ordinal numeral : n. an in- terval of an octave. eightieth (a'ti-eth), adj. next to 79th. eightscore ('skCr), adj. containing eight times 20 : n. 160. eighty ('ti), adj. 8 times 10. eikon (i'kon), n. \_pl. eikones ('ko- nez)], a holy image; a sacred pic- ture used in the Greek Church. eis-'wool (is'wool), n. a fine kind of worsted. either (e' or I'tMv) , adj. one or the other of two ; both : pron. one of two : conj. the correlative to or. ejaculate (e-jak'ti-lat), v.t. to utter suddenly : v.i. to utter ejaculations. ejaculation (-la'shun), n. the act of uttering suddenly ; an exclamation. ejaculatory ('u-la-to-ri), cwZ/. uttered suddenly or sharply. eject (e-jekf), v.t. to cast forth; dis- miss from office ; evict. ejecta ('a), n.pl. refuse. ejection (-jek'shun), n. expulsion. ejective ('tiv), adj. pertaining to ejection. ejectment ('ment), n. the act of ejecting ; an action for the recovery of lands, &c. ejector ('ter), n. one who, or that which, ejects. ejoo-fiber (ej'oo-fi'ber), n. a strong black fiber, used in commerce. eke (ek), v.t. to extend or lengthen, (with out): adv. also; likewise [poet.]. elaborate (e-lab'o-rat), v.t. to pro- duce with labor ; improve or refine with study or labor : adj. highly-fin- ished ; complicated. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; bo6n^> book; hue, hut; think, tliQU. ela 292 ele elaborately (-li), adv. in an elab- orate manner. elaborator (-ra-ter), n. one who, or that which, elaborates. elain, same as olein. elan (a-liing'), n. dash. eland (e'land), n. the Cape elk. elapse (-laps'), vA. to slip or glide away ; run out without notice. ^elastic (-las'tik) , adj. springing back : having the power of returning to its original form ; rebounding ; springy ; capable of extension : n. an elastic woven fabric made in part of india- rubber. elasticity (-tis'i-ti), n. the quality of being elastic ; power to recover from depression. elastic-tissue (-tish'u), n. elastic light yellow tissue in the ligaments of the vertebrae. elate (-laf), v.t. to raise the sp'rits of ; cause to feel exultant ; excite ; puff up. elation (-la'shun), n. the state of be- ing elated ; joyful elevation of mind. elbo-w (el'bo), n. the joint or'bend of the arm ; anything bent or curved like an elbow : v.t. to thrust on one side : v.i, to jut into an angle ; push rudely. elder ('der), adj. older; exceeding an- other in age ; prior in time, origin, or appointment : n. one older in age, rank, or station ; a lay member of the Jewish Sanhedrim ; one of a body of laymen, in certain churches, authorized to superintend its spir- itual interests, and to assist the minister ; a shrub or tree with a spongy pith and purple berries. elderly ('li), adj. somewhat old. eldest ('est), adj. oldest; firstborn. El Dorado (do-ra'do), n. an imagin- ary country in South America, fa- bled to be very rich in gold and precious stones : hence an inexhaus- tible treasure. elect (e-lekt'), v.t. to choose for any office or use ; choose by ballot ; select from a number : adj. taken in prefer- ence ; chosen to an office but not yet invested with the dignity : n.pl. those chosen to eternal life by Di- vine Sovereignty. election (-lek'shun), n. the act of electing ; voluntary preference ; the act of choosing a person for some of- fice or function by show of hands, or ballot ; the selection by Divine Sov- ereignty of certain individuals to eternal life ; one of the five points of Calvinism. electioneer (-shun-er'), v.i. to em- ploy means for influencing the result of an election. electioneering ('ing), n. the act of canvassing for, or the means em- ployed to secure, votes at an elec- tion. elective (-lek'tiv), adj. regulated by choice ; exerting the power of choice : opposed to hereditary ; having the tendency to attract, or combine with. elector ('ter), n. one legally qualified to vote ; a member of a United States electoral college ; one of the German princes who formerly pos- sessed the power of electing the Em- peror. electoral (-al), adj. pertaining to elections or electors; having the rights of an elector. electoral college (kol'ej), n. body of representatives elected by the vot- ers of the several states to choose a president of the United States. electorate ('to-rat) , n. the whole body of persons entitled to vote ; the dig- nity or territory of an elector of the old German empire. electric ('trik), adj. pertaining to, containing, generated by, or pro- duced by, electricity ; magnetic. Also electrical. electrically (-al-li), adv. by elec- tricity. electrician (-trish'un), n. one who is skilled in the science of electric- ity ; the maker or vendor of electri- cal appliances. electricity (-tris'i-ti), n. an impon- derable and invisible agent produc- ing light, heat, chemical decomposi- tion, and other physical phenomena ; the science of the laws and phenom- ena which characterize electricity. electricute (-kut), v.t. same as elec- trocute. electrifiable ('tri-f i-a-bl ) , adj. capa- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; Doon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ele 293 el^ ble of receiving, being charged with, or transmitting, electricity. electrification (-fi-ka'shun), n. the act of electrifying ; the state of be- ing electrified. electrify ('tri-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. electrified, p.pr. electrifying], to charge with, or act upon, by elec- tricity ; pass an electric current through. Also electrize. electro, a prefix denoting electricity as the motive power, or operating agent, used in many words, the meaning of which is self-evident, as eZec^ro-engrave, eZec/ro-gild, &c. electro-biology (-bi-ol'o-ji), n. mes- merism. electro-cautery (-kaw'ter-i) , n. cau- terizing by a platinum wire heated by electricity. electrocute ('tro-ktit), v.t. to put to death j^a criminal) by an electric current*. electrocution (-ku'shun), n. the act of electrocuting. electrode (e-lek'trod), n. either of the terminals of an electric source ; anode or cathode. electro- dynamics (-di-nam'iks), n. that branch of physics which treats of electric currents. electro-dynamometer (-na-mom'e- ter), n. an instrument for measur- ing the strength of an electric cur- rent. electrograph (-graf), n. an appara- tus used in preparing copper cylin- ders for printing fabrics and wall- papers. electrograpliy (-trog'ra-fi), w. a pro- cess of copying fine engravings on copper or steel by means of an elec- tro-copper deposit. electrokinetics (-ki-net'iks), n. that branch of electrical science which treats of electric currents, or elec- tricity in motion, as distinguished from electrostatics. electrolier (-tro-ler'), n. an orna- mental metal bracket for supporting electric lamps. electrolysis (-trol'i-sis), n. the de- composition of a chemical com- pound by electricity into its compo- nent parts. electrolyze ('tro-liz), v.t. to decom- pose by the direct action of elec- tricity or galvanism. electro-magnet (-mag'net) , n. a coil of soft iron rendered magnetic by the passage of an electric current through it. electromagnetics (-mag-net'iks), n, the science of electro-magnetism. electromassage (-mas-aj'), n. mas- sage with the application of an elec- tric current. electrometallurgy (-met'al-er-ji), n. the art of precipitating certain met- als from their solutions, or of sep- arating metals from their ores, &c., by a slow electric current. electrometer (-trom'e-ter), n. an in- strument for measuring the amount of electrical force. electromotor (-mo'ter), n. any ar- rangement, or apparatus, which pro- duces or excites an electric current ; a dynamo. electron (e-lek'tron), n. an electrical unit. electronegative (-neg'a-tiv) , adj. having a tendency to pass to the pos- itive pole in electrolysis. electropathy (-trop'a-thi), n. the treatment of diseases by electricity. electroplione (-fon), n. an instru- ment for producing resonant sounds by electric currents ; a form of tele- phonic transmitter. electrophorus (-trof'o-rus), n. an instrument for generating statical electricity by induction. electropliotometer ( -f o-tom'e-ter ) , n. an instrument for comparing the brightness of various lights with that produced by an electric spark. electrophotomicrograpliy (-fo-to- mi-krog'ra-fi), n. photographing by electric light objects magnified by the microscope. t electrophysiology (-fiz-i-ol'o-ji), n. that branch of electricity which in- vestigates the electric phenomena of living organisms. electroplate ('tro-plat), v.t. to cov- er or give a coating of metal to by means of a current of electricity : n. an article thus coated : generally ap- plied to silver plate. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. ele 294 elf electropositive (-poz'i-tiv), adj. tending to pass to the negative pole in electrolysis. electroscope (-skop), n. an electrom* eter. electrotlierape'atics, see electropa- thy. electroteclia&ics (-tek'niks), n. the science of the processes or methods in which electricity is applied to the industrial arts. electrotintimg (-tint'ing) , n. a meth- od of producing a design, &c., in re- lief on a metal plate, the lines of which when exposed in an electro- bath are protected by an agent. electrotype ('tro-tip), n. a facsimile in metal of any object made by cov- ering a mold, plate, &c.,with a coat- ing of copper by the action of a gal- vanic electric current : v.i. to take a copy of by electrical deposition. electrum ( 'trum) , n. amber ; German silver plate. electuary (-lek'-tti-a-ri), w. a purga- tive composed of powders and fruit preserves. eleenaosynary (el-e-mos'i-na-ri), adj. pertaining to alms ; devoted to chari- table purposes ; dependent upon charity : n. one who lives on alms. elegance ('e-gans),) n. [pi. elegances (-gan-siz)], the state or quality of being elegant ; polish ; refinement ; symmetry. elegant (-gant), adj. characterized by refinement and good taste ; refined ; polished ; beautiful in form, color, or design. elegiac (el-e-ji'ak, or e-le'ji-ak), adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, an elegy ; plaintive ; mournful : n. a song expressing sorrow ; a funeral song. elegit (e-le'jit), n. a writ of execu- tion under which a creditor can hold a debtor's goods until his claim is satisfied. elegy (el'e-ji), n. [pi. elegies (-jiz)], a funeral song or ode ; dirge ; re- quiem. element (el'e-ment), n. a first or con- stituent principle ; a component or essential part ; a substance which cannot be decomposed by any known method ; natural environment ; in- gredient : pi. the letters or sounds of the alphabet ; the Eucharistic bread and wine. elemental ( 'al ) , adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, an element ; fun- damental. Also elementary. elephant ('e-fant), n. a large five- toed proboscidian mammal with a flexible trunk and large tusks. elepkantiasis (-ti'a-sis), n. a cuta- neous disease resembling leprosy. elepliantine ('tin), adj. pertaining to, or resembling, an elephant ; huge ; unwieldy. elepliantoid ('toid), adj. like an ele- phant. elevate (el'e-vat), v.t. to raise from a lower to a higher position ; enno- ble ; animate ; inspire ; raise by train- ing or education ; to intoxicate slightly. elevation (-va'shun), n. the act of elevating ; the state of b'eing ele- vated ; a sketch plan of the front or principal side of a building ; the alti- tude of a heavenly body above the horizon ; raising of the land by seis- mic or other agency: slight intoxi- cation. elevator (-ter), n. that which raises up or exalts ; a hoisting machine or lift ; a warehouse for the storage of grain. elevatory (-to-ri), adj. tending to . elevate. eleven (e-lev'n), adj. 10 with 1 added : a cardinal numeral : n. the sum of 10 with 1 added. eleventh, (-lev'nth), adj. next in or- der after 10th : an ordinal numeral ; constituting one of 11 parts : n. one of 11 equal parts. elf (elf), n. \_pl. elves (elvz)], a di- minutive mischievous sprite supposed to haunt hills and wild places ; a dwarf ; fairy. elf -child ('child), n. a child believed to have been left by the fairies in the place of one stolen by them ; a changeling. el&n ( 'fin ) , w. an inhabitant of fairy- land ; a sportive child : adj. pertain- ing to elves. elf -fire (elf 'fir), n. will-o'-the-wisp. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, f/ten. elf 295 elfish (.'isb), adj. resembling, or caused by, an elf ; mischievous. elf kin ('kin), n. a little elf. elf-lock ('lok), n. a knot of hair twisted in an intricate manner. elicit (e-lis'it), v.t. to draw out. elide (-lid'), v.t. to slur over, or cut off, as a final vowel. eligibility (el-i-ji-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being eligible. eligible (el'i-ji-bl), adj. capable of being, or fit to be, chosen ; legally qualified. eliminate (e-lim'i-nat), v.t. to leave out of consideration, or cast aside. eliquate (el'i-kwat), v.t. to separate or melt out, as metal from ore. elision (e-lizh'un), n. the cutting off of a vowel or syllable for the sake of euphony, as o'er for over. 61ite (a-lef), n. the choicest part, as of society, a profession, an army, &c. elixir (-lik'ser), n. an imaginary liquid of the alchemists supposed to be capable of prolonging life indefi- nitely, and of changing baser metals into gold ; a tincture, essence, or cordial. elk (elk) , w. a very large deer of North America and Northern Europe ; the moose-deer. elk-wood ('wood), n. the wood of the ambrella-tree. ell (el), n. a measure formerly used for cloth, varying in different coun- tries, an English ell being 45 inches. ellipse (el-lips'), n. one of the sec- tions of a cone ; the elliptical orbit of a planet. ellipsis ('is), n. the omission of a word or words in a sentence, the sense of which is obvious. ellipsoid ('oid), n. an elliptical sphe- roid. elliptic (-lip'tik), adj. pertaining to, or formed like, an ellipse ; having a part omitted. Also elliptical. elliptically (-al-li), adv. in an ellip- tical manner. ellipticity (-lip-tis'i-ti), n. the qual- ity of being elliptic ; the extent of any divergence of any ellipse from the circle. elm (elm), n. a tree of various spe- cies belonging to the genus Ulmus. elocution (el-o-kti'shun), n. the art, manner, or style of speaking in pub- lic ; delivery. elocutionary (-a-ri), adj. pertaining to elocution. elocutionist (-ist), n. one skilled in, or a teacher of, the art of elocution. elod (ei'od), n. the odic force of elec- tricity. eloge (a-l6zh'), n. a funeral oration, especially one pronounced on the death of a member of the French Academy. EloMm (el'o-him), n. one of the Old Testament names of God. elongate (e-long'gat), v.t. to stretch out ; extend ; lengthen. elongation (-ga'shun), n. extension. elope (e-l6p'), v.i. to escape private- ly ; run away with a lover or para- mour. elopement ('ment), n. running away. eloquence (el'o-kwens), n. the art of speaking with fluency and elegance. eloquent (-kwent), adj. having the power of fluent and elegant oratory. else (els), adv. besides; otherwise. elsewhere ('hwar), adv. in another place. elucidate (e-ltis'i-dat), v.t. to make clear ; render intelligible ; illustrate. elucidator ('i-da-ter), n. one who elucidates ; an expositor. elude (e-lud'), v.t. to avoid by artifice or dexterity ; shun ; escape. elusion (-Iti'zhun), n. evasion; arti- fice. elusive ('siv), adj. deceptive; falla- cious. elusory ('so-ri), adj. evasive; decep- tive. elvan ('v&n), adj. pertaining to elves. elver ('ver), n. a young conger. elves, pi. of elf. elysian (-liz'i-an), adj. pertaining to elysium ; yielding the highest enjoy- ment. Elysium ('i-um), n. the Greek Para- dise or residence of the blessed after death ; a condition of perfect happi- ness. em (em), n. the square body of any size of type, serving as a unit of measurement. emaciate (e-ma'shi-at), v.i. to lose ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not book ; hue, hut ; think, then. boon. 296 emb flesh gradually ; pine away : v.t. to make thin. emanate (em'a-nat), v.i. to flow out, issue, or proceed, as from a source. emancipate (e-man'si-pat), v.t. to liberate from servitude or bondage ; set free ; enfranchise. emancipator (-pa-ter), n. a libera- tor. eiuarginate ' (-mar'gin-at), adj. in- dented at the edges ; having the apex notched. emasculate (-mas'kti-lat), v.t. to castrate ; deprive of virility ; weaken by expurgation : adj. castrated ; de- prived of vigor. embalm (em-bam'), v.t. to preserve from decay by balsams or aromatic spices ; keep from putrefaction by antiseptics. embank (-bangk'), v.t. to inclose with a bank ; protect by a bank. embankment ('ment), n..a bank of earth, stones, &c., for protection or defense. embargo (-bar'go), n. [pi. embar- goes ( 'goz ) ] , an order by authority prohibiting the departure of vessels from a port. embark (-bark'), v.t. to put on board ship ; venture or invest : v.i. to go on board a vessel ; engage in any affairs. embarrass (-bar'as), v.t. to hinder; perplex ; involve in pecuniary diffi- culties ; distress. embarrassment (-ment), n. confu- sion of mind ; pecuniary difficulties. embassy ('ba-si), n. [pi. embassies (-iz)], the public function, mission, or official residence of an ambassa- dor ; a legation. embattled (-bat'ld), p.adj. furnished with battlements ; drawn up in bat- tle array. embed (-bed'), v.t. to lay in, or as in, a bed ; set in surrounding matter. embellish, (-bel'ish), v.t. to make beautiful ; set off by ornamentation. ember ('ber), n. a small live coal or unextinguished smoldering ashes. embezzle (-bez'l), v.t. to appropriate fraudulently, as property entrusted to one's care. embitter (-bit'er), v.t. to make bit- ter, or more bitter ; exasperate. Also imbitter. emblazon (-bla'zn), v.t. to adorn with heraldic figures ; blazon ; deco- rate ; celebrate the praises of. emblazonry (-ri), n. [pi. emblazon- ries (-riz)], heraldic decoration. emblem ('blem), n. a symbolical fig- ure or design ; a visible sign of an idea. emblemata (-ble'ma-ta), n.pl. de- tachable figures with which the an- cients ornamented gold, silver, or other metallic vessels. emblematic (-blem-at'ik) , adj. per- taining to an emblem ; symbolical. Also emblematical. emblematically (-al-li), adv. in an emblematical manner. emblements ('ble-ments), 7i.pl. an- nual crops produced by the labor of the cultivator. embodier (-bod'i-er), n. one who em- bodies. embodiment ('i-ment), n. the act of embodying, or uniting in a whole. embody (-bod'i), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. em- bodied, p.pr. embodying], to collect into one mass or united whole ; in- vest with, or as with, a material body : v.i. to coalesce. embolden (em-bold'en), v.t. to en- courage. embolism ('bo-lizm), n. an intercala- tion ; the insertion of days, months, or years into the calendar to pro- duce regularity of time ; the presence of obstructing clots in the blood ves- sels. embolus ('bo-Ius), n. [pi. emboli (-11)], something inserted and act- ing in another thing, as a piston- rod. embonpoint (ang-bong-pwang'), n. plumpness of figure, especially of the bust. embosom (em-booz'um), v.t. to hold in the bosom ; inclose in the midst ; shelter. emboss (-bos'), v.t. to cover with bosses or studs ; raise in relief from the surface. embossing ('ing), n. the art of pro- ducing raised or projecting figures or designs in relief on surfaces. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. emb 297 CTui embouchure (ang-boo-shtir'), n. the mouth of a river, a cannon, &c. ; the mouthpiece of a musical wind instrument. ezubowel (-bou'el), v.i. \_p.i, & p.p. emboweled, p.pr. emboweling], to remove the intestines from ; disem- bowel. embo-wer (-bou'er), v.t. to cover with, or as with, a bower : v.i. to rest, as in a bower ; form a bower. embrace (-bras'), v.t. to take in close, or press to the bosom with affection ; hug ; cling to ; receive with willingness ; in law, to attempt to influence by threats or bribes : v.i. to join in an embrace : n. the act of embracing ; a clasping in the arms ; a hug. embracery (-bra'ser-i), n. the act of attempting to corrupt or influence a Jury. embrasure ('zhur), n. an opening in a wall or parapet from which to fire guns ; a window or door having its sides slanted on the inside. embrocate ('bro-kat), v.t. to mois- ten and rub, as a diseased or injured part, with a lotion. embrocation (-ka'shun). n. a lini- ment for applying to. or rubbing, an injured part of the body. embroider (-broid'er), v.t. to deco- rate with needlework ; embellish with additions. embroidery (-i), n. pi. embroider- ies (-iz)], ornamental work of gold, silver, silk, &c., executed with the needle ; embellishment. embroil (-broil'), v.t. to throw into confusion ; involve in contention ; mix up ; entangle. embryo ('bri-o), n. [pi. embryos (-oz)], the first germ or rudiment of an organism ; the first or unde- veloped state of anything. embryogeny (-oj'e-ni), n. the devel- opment of the embryo in the ovule. embryologist (-ol'o-jist), n. one who studies, or is skilled in, embryology. embryology ('o-ji), n. that branch of biology which treats of the de- velopment of embryos. embryonic (-on'ik), adj. pertaining to, or resembling, an embryo ; rudi- mentary. embryoplastic (-plas'tik), adj. per- taining to the formation and devel- opment of an embryo. embryoscope ('bri-6-skop), n. an in- strument for the observation of the development of embryos. embryotomy (-ot'o-mi), n. the ex- traction of an embryo or foetus by cutting. emendation (e-men-da'shun), n. the alteration or correction of a text, so as to give an improved reading. emendator (-ter), n. one who cor- rects or improves the text of a work. emerald (em'e-rald), n. a precious stone of a rich, deep green color : a variety of berj'l ; a size of type : adj. of a color like the emerald. emeraldine (-din), n. a dye of a dark green color, emerge (e-merj'), v.i. to rise up, or come forth, from anything which conceals ; become apparent. emergency (-mer'jen-si), n. \_pl. emergencies (-siz)], a sudden occa- sion ; pressing necessity ; strait ; cri ■ sis : adj. pertaining to, or used in, an emergency. emeritus (-mer'i-tus), adj. retired from service with honor : said of a university or college professor. emersion (-mer'shun), n. the act of emerging; the reappearance of a heavenly body after an eclipse. emery (em'er-i), n. a very hard va- riety of corundum : used when pow- dered for grinding or polishing. emetic (e-met'ik), adj. inducing vom- iting : 11. a medicine possessing emetic properties. emetically (-al-li), adv. so as to cause vomiting. emeute (a-muf), n. a seditious or revolutionary outbreak ; riot. emigrant (em'i-grant), n. one who quits his own country to settle in another : adj. moving from one coun- try to another ; pertaining to, or used by, emigrants. emigrate ('i-grat), v.i. to leave one's country to settle in another. eminence (em'i-nens), n. that which is lofty ; elevation ; height ; exalted ate, iirm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, f/ien. emi 298 esLp rank, station, celebrity, or repute ; a title given to cardinals. eminent (-nent), adj, high in office, rank, or reputation ; distinguished ; exalted ; conspicuous. emir (e-mer'), n. a prince: a title of dignity given to a Mohammedan prince or chieftain. Also ameer, amir. emissary (em'i-sa-ri), n. [pi. emis- saries (-riz)], a person, or agent, sent on a mission, especially of a secret nature. emission (e-mish'un), n. the act of sending out ; that which is issued at the time, as bank notes. emissive (-mis'iv), adj. sending out. emit (-mif), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. emitted, p.pr. emitting], to send or give forth ; issue, as an order or decree ; to print and send into circulation, as bank notes. emmet ('et), n. an ant. emollient (e-moryent), adj. soften- ing : n. a medicine that has a soften- ing effect on living tissues. emolliotype ('i-o-tip), n. a picture taken on opal glass by the collodio- chloride process. emolument ('ti-ment), n. profit; re- muneration ; income ; pecuniary gain. emotion (-mo'shun), n. mental agita- tion ; excited feeling ; passion. emotional (-al), adj. pertaining to, or characterized by, emotion. emotionality (-al'i-ti), n. the quali- ty of being emotional. emotive (-mo'tiv), adj. prodi-'cing emotion. empale. Same as impale. emperor (em'per-er), n. the sover- eign or supreme ruler of an empire. empliasis ('fa-sis), n. a particular stress of the voice on a word or words in reading or speaking ; spe- cial force of language or thought. emphasize ('fa-siz), v.t. to pronounce with emphasis ; bring out clearly and distinctly. emphatic (-fat'ik), adj. uttered with emphasis ; forcibly significant ; im- pressive ; earnest. Also emphatical. emphatically (-M-li), adv. in an emphatic manner. empire Cpir), n. supreme power or dominion ; imperial rule or sover- eignty ; the region ruled over by an emperor or sovereign ; sway ; con- trol. empiric (-pir'ik), adj. pertaining to, founded upon, or derived from, ex- perience. Also empirical. empirically (-61-li), adv. in an em- pirical manner. empiricism ('i-sizm), n. observation, or practical experience apart from scientific knowledge ; the practice of medicine without the usual medical training or qualification ; quackery. employ (-ploi'), v.t. {p.t. & p.p. em- ployed, p.pr, employing], tq give oc- cupation to ; keep busy ; exercise ; make use of ; apply or devote to an object : n. occupation. employee (-e'), n. one who works for another [French employe (-a)]. employment ('ment), n. business; occupation. emporium (-po'ri-um), n. a commer- cial center or place of trade ; a large shop. empoiver (-pou'er), v.t. to authorize; enable. empress ('pres), n. a woman invest- ed with sovereign sway over an em- pire ; the consort or widow of an emperor. empresario (-pres-a'ri-o), n. a con- tractor who introduces foreign set- tlers to Mexico by arrangement with the government. emptiness (emp'ti-nes), n. the state of being empty ; want of knowledge or sense. empty ('ti), adj. [comp. emptier, superl. emptiest], containing noth- ing ; vague ; unsatisfactory ; desti- tute of force, knowledge, or sense ; fasting ; vacant : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. emptied, p.pr. emptying], to deprive of the contents ; pour out ; dis- charge ; make vacant : v.i. to become empty; discharge itself: n.pl. (emp- ties) an empty vessel, packing case, or sack. emptying (-ing), n. the act of mak- ing empty : pi. the lees of beer or cider, used as yeast (pronounced emptins) . ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, > book ; hue, hut ; think, then. exnp 299 empyrean (em-pir'e-an), adj. per- taining to the highest and purest re- gion of heaven, or the region of pure fire ; ethereal. Also empyreal. emu (e'mti), n. a large Australian ostrich-like bird. ezuulate (em'u-lat), v.t. to strive to equal or excel ; vie v^ith ; rival. emulator (-la-ter), n. a rival; com- petitor. emulgeut (e-mul'jent), adj. draining out : applied to the arteries and veins : n. an emulgent vessel ; a med- icine that promotes a flow of bile. emulous (em'ti-lus), adj. desirous to excel ; rivaling ; competitive. emulsion (e-mul'shun), n. any liquid preparation resembling milk ; a sub- stance suspended in gelatine or col- lodion, used in the preparation of dry photographic plates, enable (en'a-bl), v.t. to make able; furnish V7ith adequate means or power ; empower. enact (-akt'), v.t. to decree; pass into law ; act the part of. enacting clause (klawz), n. the in- troductory clause of a bill or act, usually commencing "Be it enact- ed." enactment ('ment), n. the act of enacting ; a statute ; the passing of a bill into law. enactor ('ter), n: one who enacts. enamel (-am'el), w. an opaque, semi- transparent, or colored substance, or glass, used in coating the surface of metals or porcelain, and afterwards fired ; anything enameled ; any smooth hard coating, especially the dense white substance of the teeth : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. enameled, p.pr. en- ameling], to lay on, cover, or deco- rate with enamel ; adorn with vari- ous hues : v.i. to practice the art of enameling. enamor (-am'er), v.t. to captivate, encamp (-kamp'), v.i. to form a camp ; halt on the march ; go into camp or settle in temporary quar- ters : v.t. to form into a camp. encampment ('ment), n. a tem- porary resting place for an army or company of travelers. encaustic (-kaws'tik), adj. pertain- I ing to the drt of painting in burnt wax. encaustic-tile (-til), n. a variegated paving-tile inlaid on ground of an- other color. enceinte (ang-sangt'), n. the line of works which forms the main in- closure of a fortress or place ; a close or precinct : adj. with child ; pregnant. enchain (en-chan'), v.t. to hold fast with, or as with, a chain. enchant (-chant), v.t. to charm or subdue, as by spells or sorcery ; be- witch ; fill with delight. enchantment ('ment), n. the use or practice of magic, sorcery, charms, &c. ; the state of being enchanted ; rapture. encircle (-ser'kl), v.t. to form, or inclose, in a circle ; enclasp ; em- brace. encomiastic (en-ko-mi-as'tik), adj. bestowing praise ; eulogistic. encomium ('mi-um), n. {pi. encomi- ums (-umz)], formal praise; eulo- gy. encompass (-kum'pas), v.t. to sur- round. encore (ang-kor'), adv. once more; again: n. a repetition in response to a call by an audience : v.t. to call for a repetition of (any particular part of a performance). encounter (en-koun'ter), v.t. to come upon suddenly ; meet face to face : v.i. to come into collision ; meet in combat : n. a sudden or accidental meeting ; conflict ; battle. encourage (-kur'aj), v.t. to give, or inspire with, courage ; stimulate. encouragement (-ment), n. the act of encouraging ; that which gives courage or incites to action or per- severance. encrinite ('kri-nit), n. a stone-lily. encroach (-kroch'), v.i. to invade gradually or by stealth; infringe; intrude (usually with on or upon). encroachment ('ment), n. intru- sion. encumlfer (-kum'ber), v.t. to im- pede ; retard ; clog ; obstruct ; load with debt or other legal liabilities. encumbrance ('brans), n. that ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not : boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, theu. 300 which encumbers ; a Jien or liability attached to real property. encyclical (-sik'lik-al), adj. sent to all members of a class or commu- nity ; intended for general circula- tion. Also encyclic : n. a circular letter sent by the Pope to the bish- ops, treating of topics of general ec- clesiastical interest. encyclopsedia or encyclopedia (-sl- klo-pe'di-a), n. the circle of the arts and sciences ; a dictionary of the arts, sciences, and literature ; a comprehensive summary of knowl- edge ; a cyclopsedia. encyclopssdic (-pe'dik), adj. pertain- ing to, or of the nature of, an ency- clopaedia. Also encyclopedic. encyclopsedist (-pe'dist), n. a com- piler of an encyclopsedia ; one whose studies embrace all knowledge. Also encyclopedist. encyst (-sist'), v.t. & v.i. to inclose, or become inclosed, in a cyst or vesi- cle. end (end), n. the extreme limit or terminal point of anything ; purpose in view ; design ; necessary termina- tion, or logical outcome ; death : v.t. to bring to an end ; finish ; ter- minate ; destroy : v.i. to come to an end ; die. endanger ( en-dan' jer), v.t. expose to, or bring into, danger ; hazard. endear (-der'), v.t. to make dear or beloved ; attach to one's self. endearment ('ment), n. affection. ■endeavor (-dev'er), v.i. to strive for the attainment of some object ; at- tempt : n. an effort or attempt ; physical or intellectual exertion to- wards the attainment of some ob- ject. endemic (-dem'ik), adj. peculiar to a nation, people, or locality : ap- plied to a disease. ending (end'ing), r>. result; end. endo and endon, a prefix used in many scientific words, meaning witliin, denoting internal growth, as entoderm, enc/oplasm. endocarp (en'do-karp), n. the inner coat or shell of a fruit. endogen ('do-jen), n. an endogenous plant : pi. one of the primary classes of the vegetable kinaxlom. in w^hich the plants increase by in- ternal growth and elongation at the summit, and have a distinct pith. endogenous (doj'en-us), adj. per- taining to the endogens ; originating or growing within. endoscope ('do-skop), n. an instru- ment used for examining some in- ternal part of the body, as the urethra. endosmosis (-dos-mo'sis), n. the transmission of a fluid inward from outside when two fluids are sepa- rated by a porous septum. endosperm ('do-sperm), n. the albu- men of a seed. endow (-dou'), v.t. to bestow a fund or income upon ; settle upon ; fur- nish, as with some gift or quality (with icitli) . endowment ('ment), n. the act of endowing ; that which is bestowed, settled, or appropriated to any ob- ject ; that which is given _ or be- stowed on the person or mind : pi. natural gifts. endue (-du'), v.t. to clothe; invest; assume ; furnish with some moral or spiritual gift. Also indue. endurability (-dur-a-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being endurable. endurable ('a-bl), adj. bearable. endurance (-dtir'ans), n. the capac- ity to endure ; power of suffering without succumbing ; continuance ; fortitude. endure (-dur'), v.t. to support with- out breaking or yielding; put up with : remain in : v.i. to harden ; re- main in the same state. enduring {'\x\g) , adj. permanent. endways (end'waz), adv. on end; with the end forward or uppermost ; lengthwuse. Also endwise. enema (en'e-ma), n. an injection thrown into the rectum as a medi- cine. enemy ('e-mi), n. [pi. enemies (-miz) ], one hostile to another ; foe ; antagonist ; a hostile army. energetic (-er-jet'ik), adj. possess- ing, or displaying, energy ; vigorous in action ; forcible : n.pl. physical, as distinguished from vital dynamics. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, t/ien. 301 emg energico (-er'je-ko), adj. with ener- gy, force, and strong accentuation [Mus.]. energize ('er-jiz), v.t. to endow with energy : v.i. to act with energy, energy ('er-ji), n. [pi. energies (-jiz)], internal or inherent power; vigorous operation ; power efficient- ly and forcibly exerted ; capacity for performing work ; emphasis. enervate (en'er-vat or e-ner'vat), v.t. to deprive of nerve, force, or vigor ; render effeminate or feeble ; debilitate. en f amille ( ang f a-mel' ) , with one's family ; at home ; in domestic fash- ion, without formality. enfeeble (en-fe'bl), v.t. to weaken; relg.x. enfeoff (-fef), v.t. to invest with a feud, fief, or fee ; give, sell or con- vey lands in fee to. enfilade (-fi-lad'), n. a straight line or passage ; the situation of a place or a body of men liable to be raked with shot through its whole extent : v.t. to pierce or rake with shot in a straight line. enforce (-fors'), v.t. to put into exe- cution with vigor ; compel ; make clear or intelligible. enfranchise (-fran'chiz), v.t. to lib- erate or set free ; make free of a state, city, or corporation ; confer the electoral franchise upon ; ad- mit to the right of voting in public elections. engage (en-gaj'), v.t. to pledge or bind by oath or contract ; make lia- ble for a debt ; secure for aid or em- ployment ; encounter in battle ; oc- cupy the time or attention of ; inter- lock : v.i. to promise or assume an obligation ; occupy one's self ; enter a conflict. engaged (-gajd'), p. adj. busy or oc- cupied ; affianced. engagement (-gaj'ment), n. the act of engaging ; the state or condition of being engaged ; betrothal ; occu- pation ; a conflict between armies or fleets. engaging ('ing), ac?;. winning ; pleas- ing. engender (-jen'der), v.t. to beget; excite : v.i. to come into existence. engine (-jin), n. anything used to effect a purpose ; a machine by which power is applied for the perform- ance of work ; an apparatus for pro- ducing some mechanical effect : v.t. to furnish or fit up a vessel with engines. engineer (-ji-ner'), n. one who is skilled in the principles, or practice of any branch of engineering ; one who has charge of and manages an engine ; one who carries through a scheme or undertaking by skill or astuteness : v.t. to plan, lay out, or direct, as an engineer, the forma- tion or execution of, as a road or work. engineering ('ing), n. the art of constructing and using machinery ; the ax't and science by which natu- ral forces and materials are utilized in structures or machines. English (ing'glish), adj. belonging to, characteristic of, or pertaining to, the language or th© people of England, or those descended from them : n. the English people or the language spoken by them ; a size of printing-type (see type) : v.t. to give a twisting or spinning motion to, as a ball at billiards so as to deflect it from its course. engrailment (-gral'ment), n. a ring of dots round the edge of a coin or medal. engrain, another form of ingrain. engrave (en-grav'), v.t. to cut or carve in sunken patterns ; incise with figures or lines ; impress deep- ly or indelibly. engraving ('ing), n. the act, process, or art of producing designs, &c., in- cised or relief, on metal, stone, or hard wood ; that wnich is engraved ; an impression from an engraved plate. engross (-gros'). v.t. to purchase in the gross or bulk ; monopolize ; write in a large distinct round hand. engrossment ('ment), n. the act of acquiring large or undue quantities of things ; the act of engrossing documents ; that which has been en- grossed ; attention to one thing to the exclusion of everything else. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, j book ; hiie, hut ; think, then. eng 302 engulf, same as ingulf. enhance (-bans'), v.t. to raise in esteem ; advance ; heighten in price or value. enharmonic (-har-mon'ik), adj. pro- ceeding by smaller intervals than a semitone. Also enharmonical. enharmonically (-al-li), adv. in an enharmonic manner. enharmonic scale (skal), n. a mus- ical scale having more than 12 tones to the octave. enhydrite (-hi'drit), n. any mineral containing water. enigma (e-nig'ma), n. a riddle. enigmatic (-mat'ik), adj. pertaining to an enigma ; obscure or puzzling. Also enigmatical. enigmatically (-al-li), adv. in an enigmatical manner. enjoin (-join'), v.t. to direct with authority or urgency ; enforce ; pro- hibit or restrain by an injunction. enjoy (-joi'), v.t. to feel or perceive with pleasure ; have the use or pos- session of. enjoyment ('ment), n. the act of enjoying ; pleasure or gratification. enkindle (-kin'dl), v.t. to set on fire; rouse. enlarge (-larj'), v.t. to make larger; extend in limits or dimensions ; am- plify ; extend to more purposes or uses ; release from confinement ; di- late upon : v.i. to become larger ; ex- patiate. enlighten (-lit'n), v.t. to illuminate; make clear to the mind ; furnish with increased knowledge ; elevate morally or spiritually. enlist (-list'), v.t. to enroll, as for military service ; register ; gain over, or employ in some cause : v.i. to engage one's self for military service. enlistment ('ment), n. the act of enlisting; the state of being en- listed, enliven (-liv'n), v.t. to make vigor- ous, active, or vivacious ; exhilarate ; inspirit. en masse (ang mas'), collectively; altogether. enmity (-mi'ti). n. [pi. enmities (-tiz)], animosity; hatred; hostility; ill-will. ennoble (-no'bl), v.t. to make noble; dignify ; exalt ; make famous or il- lustrious. ennui (ang-we'). languor of mind; listlessness. enormity (e-nor'mi-ti), n. [pi. enor- mities (-tiz)], something outrageous or extremely immoderate ; an atroc- ity. enormous ('mus), adj. excessive; very great ; immense ; huge ; ex- tremely wicked. en passant (ang pas-sang'), by the way. enough (e-nuf), adj. sufficient: n. a sufficiency : adv. so as to be suffi- cient ; very ; quite : inter j. stop ! enquire, same as inquire. enrage (en-raj'), v.t. to throw into a rage. enrail (-ral'), v.t. to place a car upon rails : opposed to derail. en rapport (ang rap-por'), in sym- pathy with (with with). enrapt (-rapt'), adj. enraptured. enrapture (-rap'tur), v.t. to trans- ' port with delight ; please intensely ; charm. en regie ( ang ra'gl ) , in due order. enrich (en-rich'), v.t. to make rich; fertilize ; store ; adorn. enrobe (-rob'), v.t. to clothe; invest. enroll (-rol'), v.t. to insert in a reg- ister ; enlist ; record. Also enrol. en route ( ang root' ) , on the way. ens (enz), n. [pi. entia (en'shi-a)], an entity ; existence ; being. ensanguine (en-sang'gwin), v.t. to smear or cover with blood. ensconce (-skons'), v.t. to hide; fix securely or comfortably ; settle. ensemble (ang-sang'bl), the whole. enshrine (en-shrin'), v.t. to place in a shrine ; keep sacred. ensheathe (sheth'). v.t. to sheathe. enshroud (-shroud'), v.t. to cover with, or as with, a shroud ; conceal. ensiform ('si-form), adj. sword- shaped. ensign ('sin), n. a flag; badge; the lowest rank in the navy. ensilage ('si-laj), n. fodder or vege- table produce stored in a silo : v.t. to preserve in a silo. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 303 emt enslave (-slav'), v.t. to bring into, or reduce to, slavery ; enthrall. ensnare (-snar'), v.t. to take in, or as in, a snare ; take by craft ; al- lure. ensue (-sti'), v.i. to follow as a con- sequence ; succeed. en suite (ang swet'), in a series. ensure, same as insure. entablature (-tab'la-ttir), n. the w^le parts on the top of a pillar or column, composed of architrave, frieze, and cornice. entail (en-tal'), n. an estate in fee limited to a particular heir or heirs : v.t. to leave or settle, as if by en- tail ; involve ; necessitate. entangle (-tang'gl), v.t. to involve; tangle ; ensnare ; perplex ; bev^^ilder. enter ('ter), v.t. to go or come into; begin ; penetrate ; set down in writ- ing ; join or become a member of ; initiate into a business, &c. ; place on the records of a court : v.i. to effect an entrance ; come in. enteric (-ter'ik), adj. pertaining to, or situated near, the intestines. enteritis (-i'tis), n. inflammation of the small intestines. enterozoa (-ter-o-zo'a), n.pl. intes- tinal parasites. enterprise ('ter-priz), n. an under- taking of importance or risk ; bold- ness ; energy and invention. enterprising (-ing), n. adventurous, energetic, and progressive. entertain (-tan'), v.t. to receive and treat hospitably ; afford diversion to ; keep in the mind ; take into con- sideration : v.i. to receive guests hospitably. entertaining ('ing), p.adj. amusing; diverting. entertainment ('ment), «. the act of entertaining ; hospitality at table ; a feast or banquet ; a diverting per- formance ; amusement. entlirall (-thrawl'), v.t. to enslave; bring or hold under some overmas- tering influence. enthrone (-thron'), v.t. to place on a throne ; invest with sovereign power and authority. enthuse (-thuz'), v.t. to render en- thusiastic : v.i. manifest enthusiasm. enthusiasm (-thu'zi-azm), n. eleva- tion of fancy ; ardor of mind ; fer- vent zeal ; fanaticism. enthusiast ('zi-ast), n. one who is filled with enthusiasm ; one who thinks himself to be inspired; a visionary ; fanatic. enthusiastic (-as'tik), adj. given to, or characterized by, enthusiasm ; ar- dent ; zealous. enthusiastically (-al-li), adv. with enthusiasm. entice (-tis'), v.t. to attract or al- lure ; tempt. entire (-tir'), adj. complete in all parts ; whole ; undivided or un- broken ; unalloyed ; consisting of one piece : adv. entirely ; wholly : n. the whole ; entire beer. entirely ('li), adv. fully; completely. entireness ('nes), n. the state or quality of being entire ; complete- ness. entirety ( 'ti ) , n. completeness ; the whole. entitle (en-ti'tl), v.t. to give a title, name, or designation to ; style ; give a right to. entity ('ti-ti), n. [pi. entities (-tiz)], anything that exists, or is supposed to exist ; being. ento, ent, a prefix forming many compounds with scientific words, meaning ivitMn, interior. entomb (en-toom'), v.t. to place in, or as in, a tomb. entombment ('ment), n. the act of placing in a tomb. entomoid ('to-moid), adj. resembling an insect. entomology (-to-mol'o-ji), n. that branch of zoology which treats of in- sects and their habits. entomologist (-jist), n. a student of entomology. entomophagus (-mof'a-gus), adj, insect-eating. entonic (-ton'ik), adj. having great tension ; strained. entourage (ang-too-razh'), n. asso- ciates, surroundings. entr'acte (ang'tr-akt), n. the inter- val between the acts of a play or opera ; a musical interlude. entozoon (-to-zo'on), n. [pi. entozoa ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ent 304 epe ('a)], a parasite living in the in- testines of another animal. entrails ('tralz), n.pl. the intestines, entrain (-tran'), v.t. to dispatch (troops) by train. entrance ('trans), n. the act of en- tering ; a passage ; avenue ; the en- try of a ship, or goods, at the cus- tom house of a port. entrap (-trap'), v.t. to take in, or as in, a trap ; inveigle ; ensnare. entreat (-tret), v.t. to solicit ear- nestly ; importune ; beseech. entreaty (-tret'i), n. [pi. entreaties Ciz)], an earnest petition or re- quest ; prayer. entree (ang-tra'), n. entrance; ad- mission ; a subordinate or side dish. entremets (ang-tr-ma'), n.pl, side dishes ; a made dish. entrencli, same as intrench. entre nous (ang'tr noo), confiden- tially. entre pas (pa), n. an amble. entre-pot (ang'tr-po)', n. a commer- cial center for the distribution of goods ; a free port where foreign merchandise is kept in bond. entrust, same as intrust. entry (en'tri),w. [2)L entries ('triz)], an entrance ; passage ; entree ; the act of entering and inscribing in a book ; item ; the act of taking right- ful possession of lands or tene- ments, or feloniously entering an- other's premises. entwine (-tv^'in'), v.t. to twine around ; twist together. enumerate (e-nu'mer-at), v.t. to reckon or name singly ; count ; go over in detail. enumeration (-a'shun), n. the act of numbering ; counting up ; a cata- logue ; list. enunciable ( -nun'shi-a-bl ) , adj. ca- pable of being enunciated. enunciate ('shi-at), v.t. to declare or proclaim ; utter ; express ; speak. enunciation (-a'shun), n. definite or declaratory statement ; articulation ; the words in which a proposition is expressed. enunciative ('shi-S.-tiv), adj. declar- atory. enunciator ('shi-a-ter), one who enunciates or declares. envelop (-vel'up), v.t. to surround with, or as with, a wrapper ; hide ; cover, envelope (en'vel-op), n. a case or wrapper, usually gummed, for safe conveyance of a letter by post, &c. ; covering ; wrapper ; an investing in- tegument ; exterior fortified works. envelopment (-vel'up-ment), n. the act of enveloping ; a covering ; wrap- per. envenom (-ven'um), v.t. make poi- sonous ; infuse venom into ; embit- ter. enviable ('vi-a-bl), adj. exciting envy ; capable of awakening the de- sire to possess. enviably (-bli), adv. in an enviable manner. envious ('vi-us), adj. feeling, or characterized by, envy ; jealous, environ (-vi'run), v.t. to surround or inclose ; encompass ; hem in : n.pl. places near a town or city ; suburbs. environment (-ment), n. that which surrounds ; external circumstances of an organism. envoy ('voi), n. a diplomatic repre- sentative, second in rank to an am- bassador ; one sent on a special mis- sion. envy ('vi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. envied, p.pr. envying], to grudge; feel dis- pleasure at the excellence or pros- perity of ; covet : v.i. to feel or ex- hibit envy : n. malice, ill-will ; dis- pleasure felt at the excellence of an- other ; an object of envy. enwrap (-rap'), v.t. to wrap up. enzootic (-zo-ot'ik), adj. pertaining to a disease which affects animals of a particular district, epact (e'pakt), n. the excess of the solar over the lunar month, about 11 days in the year, epaulment (e-pawl'ment), n. a side- work to protect troops in flank, epaulet (ep'aw-let), n. an ornament- al badge sometimes worn on the shoulder by naval and military of- ficers. epentbesis (-en'the-sis), n. the in- sertion of a letter or syllable in the middle of a word. fite, arm, ^sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. epe 305 epi epergne (e-pern'), n. an ornamental stand with a dish and branches for holding flowers, &c. ephemera _(ef-em'e-ra), n. [pi. eph- emerae (-re)], that which exists but for a day ; a May-fly. eplieiueral ('er-al), adj. existing only for a day ; short-lived. ephemeris ('er-is), n. [pi. ephemer- ides (-mer'i-dez) ], an astronomiacl almanac showing the daily positions of the sun, moon, and planets. ephod (ef'od), n. a priestly vestment worn by the Jewish high priest. ephor (ef'er), n. [pi. ephori (-i), ephors ('erz) ], one of the five Spar- tan magistrates. epic (ep'ik), adj. heroic; narrative; said of a poem : n. a narrative poem of some heroic deed or event. epicarp ('i-karp), n. the outer layer or skin of a fruit. epicene ('i-sen), adj. of common gender : n. a noun common to both genders. epicranium (-i-kra'ni-um),. n. the ^ scalp of the cranium or skull. epicure ('i-ktir), n. one devoted to luxury, especially of a dainty kind. epicurean (-ku-re'an), adj. luxu- rious ; devoted to the pleasures of the table : n. a voluptuary ; gor- mand ; epicure. epicycle ('i-si-kl), n. a small circle whose center is situated on the cir- cumference of a greater circle. epicycloid ('kloid), n. a curve de- scribed by a point in the circum- ference of one circle which rolls upon the convex circumference of another circle. epidemic (-i-dem'ik), adj. attacking many at the same time : said of a disease : n. a disease having this characteristic. epidermal (-der'mal), adj. pertain- ing to the epidermis. Also epider- mic. epidermis ('mis), n. the cuticle or scarf skin ; the outer coating or bark of a plant. epigenesis (-jen'e-sis), w. the hypoth- esis that the germ is created by the division or segmentation of a fecun- dated egg-cell. epiglottis (-glot'is), n. the leaf- shaped cartilage which covers the upper part of the larynx in the act of swallowing. epigram ('i-gram), n. a verse or short poem ending in some ingenious or witty turn ; a pithy phrase. epigrammatic (-at'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or of the nature of, an epi- gram ; pointed. Also epigrammatical. epigrammatically (-al-li), adv. in an epigrammatical manner ; pointed- ly and concisely. epigraph ('i-graf), n. an inscription on a building, monument, &c. ; a motto or quotation prefixed to a literary work. epilepsy ('i-lep-si), n. a chronic ner- vous disease accompanied by loss of consciousness and convulsions. epileptic ('tik), adj. pertaining to, or affected with, epilepsy : n. one af- fected with epilepsy. epilogue ('i-log), n. a poem or speech at the conclusion of a play. epiornis (-or'nis), n. a gigantic fos- sil bird. Epiphany (e-pif'a-ni), n. a Church festival (Jan. 6) to commemorate the visit of the Magi to Bethlehem, and the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. episcopacy (e-pis'ko-p§.-si) , n. church government by bishops ; prel- acy. episcopal ('ko-pal), adj. pertaining to, or characterized by, episcopacy ; vested in a bishop. episcopalian (-pa'lian), adj. per- taining to episcopacy. Episcopalian, adj. pertaining to the Protestant Episcopal Church : w. a member, or supporter, of such church. episcopally (-li), adv. by episcopal authority. episcopate ('ko-pat), n. the oflace and dignity of a bishop ; bishopric. episode (ep'i-sod), n. an incident; a digression, or incidental narrative. episodic (-sod'ik), adj. pertaining to an episode ; adventitious. Also epi- sodical. episodically (-Al-li), adv. incident- ally. episperm (-sperm), n. the outer cov- ering of a seed. I ate. arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, 1 book ; hue. hut ; think, then. epi 306 eqn epistle ( e-pis'l ) , n. a letter ; a writ- ten cbimnunication or message. epistolary ('to-la-ri), adj. pertaining to letters. epitapli (ep'i-taf), n. a memorial in- scription on a tomb or monument. epithet ('i-thet), n. an adjective de- noting any quality either good or bad ; appellation. epitome (e-pit'o-me), n. a summary; abridgment ; compendium. epitomize ('o-miz), v.t. to describe briefly ; condense. epizoan (ep-i-zo'an), n. [pi. epizoa ('a)], a parasitic animal which lives on the exterior of another ani- mal. epizootic (ep-i-zo-ot'ik), adj. parasit- ic on animals ; prevailing among animals. epizoiity (ep-i-zo'o-ti), n. an epi- demic influenza prevailing among animals, especially horses. epoch (e'pok), n. a point of time ^rom which succeeding years are reckoned ; era ; date. epode (ep'od), n. the last part of an ode ; a burden or refrain in music. ©ponym ('6-nim), n. the presumed ancestor or founder of a, race, tribe, city, nation, &c. ; surname. epsom salts ('sum sawltz), n.'pl. sul- phate of magnesia. equability ( e-kwa-bil'i-ti ) , adj. even- ness. equable ( 'kwa-bl ) , adj. uniform ; consisently eqw^X ; proportionate. equably (-bli), adv. in an equable manner. equal ('kwal), adj. of the same ex- tent, or magnitude : uniform ; ade- quate ; of the same rank, degree, or value ; just ; parallel : n. one of the same age, rank, ofiice, talents, &c. : y.t. ['p.t. & p.p. equaled, p.pr. equal- ing], to be, become or make equal; return a full equivalent for. equality (-kwal'i-ti), n. [pi. equali- ties (-tiz)], the state of being equal; uniformity; evenness; equa- bility. equalize ('kwa-llz), v.t. to make equal ; render uniform. equally (-li), adv. in an equal man- ner ; in the same degree ; uniformly ; in equal parts or shares. equanimity (-kwa-nim'i-ti), n. even- ness of temper or mind ; calmness. equate (-kwaf), v.t. to reduce to an average ; put in the form of an equa- tion.^ equation (-kwa'shun), n. in mathe- matics, a proposition expressing the equality of two quantities, the sign = being placed between them ; a representation of a chemical reac- tion expressed by symbols. equator (-kwa'ter), n. the imaginary circle which passes round the mid- dle of the earth and divides it into two equal parts. equatorial (-to'ri-al), adj. pertain- ing to the equator : n. a telescope mounted on two axes, one axis being parallel to the axis of the earth's rotation : used for keeping any star constantly in the field independently of the earth's rotation. equatorially (-li), adv. in a line with the equator. equerry (ek'wer-i), n. [pi. equerries (-iz)], an officer in the house of a prince or nobleman, who attends him in public, and has the super- vision of his horses. equestrian (e-kwes'tri-§.n), adj. per- taining to horses or horsemanship ; performing with horses : n. one skilled in horsemanship. equestrienne (-kwes-tri-en'), n. a skillful horsewoman. equi, a prefix meaning equal, equally, same, found in many words, the sense of which is usually self-evi- dent, as egwiangular, egwtdistant, equiiovm., &c. equilateral (e-kwi-lat'er-al), adj. having all the sides equal : n. a fig- ure with equal sides. equilibrium (-lib'ri-um), n. equali- ty of weight, power, force, &c. ; equipoise. equine (e'kwin), adj. pertaining to, or resembling, a horse or horses. equinoctial (-kwi-nok'shal), adj. pertaining to the equinoxes : n. the equinoctial line. equinoctially (-li), adv. in the di- rection of the equinoctial line. equinox ('kwi-noks), n. the point of intersection of the ecliptic and the equator ; the time the sun enters ate, iirm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. equ 307 one of the two equinoctial points when the days and nights are of equal duration. -equip (e-kwip'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. equipped, p.pr. equipping], to fur- nish or fit out ; accoutre ; prepare or qualify. equipage (ek'wi-paj), n. the arms and outfit of an army, vessel, trav- eler, &c. ; the carriage, horse, liver- ied servants of a person of rank or gentleman. equipment (e-kv^ip'ment), ■». arti- cles or supplies necessary for any particular service ; arms, horses, &c., required for military service ; roll- ing-stock or plant of a railway. equipoise (e'kwi-poiz), n. equilibri- um ; equality of weight. equiponderant (-pon'der-ant), adj. of the same weight. equitable ( ek'wi-ta-bl ) , adj. impar- tial ; just. equitably (-bli), adv. justly; impar- tially. equity ('wi-ti), n. [pi. equities (-tiz)L justice; just regard to right or claim ; impartiality ; the adminis- tration of law according to its spirit and not according to the letter. equivalence (e-kwiv'a-lens), n. equality of value or power ; in chem- istry, the property of having equal valency. Equivalency. equivalent ('a-lent), adj. equal in value or power ; the same in signifi- cance or effect ; commensurate : n. a thing of the same value, weight, power, effect, &c. equivocal ( 'o-kal ) , adj. of a doubt- ful or double significance ; ambigu- ous ; open to suspicion or doubt ; uncertain. equivocally (-li), adv. in an equivo- cal manner. equivocate ('o-kat), v.i. to use words of double meaning ; prevari- cate. era (e'ra), n. the point of time from which a series of years is reckoned ; period ; the beginning of a new geo- logical system or formation. eradicate (e-rad'i-kat), v.t. to de- stroy thoroughly ; exterminate. erase (-ras'), v.t. to obliterate by, or as by, scratching, or blotting out; expunge. eraser (-ra'ser), n. a knife or pre- pared india-rubber for rubbing out pencil-marks, &c. erasure ('zhur), n. the act of erasing. erbium (er'bi-um), n. a rare metal; one of the elements. ere (ar), conj. & prep, before; sooner than. Erebus (cr'e-bus), n. a place of utter darkness ; Hades. erect (e-rekt'), v.t. to raise upright; construct ; build ; raise ; establish ; distend or stiffen : adj. upright ; firmly uplifted ; bold or unshaken. erectile (-rek'til), adj. having the property of, or susceptible to, erec- tion. erection ('shun), n. the act of con- structing or raising edifices ; a struc- ture or building. erective ('tiv), adj. tending, or serv- ing, to erect, or to build up. erector ('ter), n. one who erects; a muscle that erects any part. eremite, another form of hermit. erethism (er'e-thizm) n. unnatural excitation of some organ or tissue of the body. erg (erg), n. a unit of work in the centimeter-gram-second system. Also ergon. ergmeter ('me-ter), n. an instrument for measuring the strength of an electric current in ergs. ergo (er'gd), adv. therefore; conse- quently. ergometer (-gom'e-ter), n. an in- strument for measuring work per- formed or force produced. ergot ('got), n. a black horn-like fungus, growing upon rye, &c. erg-ten ('ten), n. a unit of work =: 10,000,000,000 ergs. erinite ('in-it), n. a rich emerald- green arseniate of copper. ermine (er'min), n. a weasel-like animal, much valued for its fur, which becomes white in winter, ex- cept the tip of the tail, which re- mains black ; the emblem, dignity, or ofiice of a judge. ermined ('mind), p.adj. clothed or invested with ermine. ern (ern), n. an eagle. Also erne. 4te, arm, Sslf, at, awl : m5, mSrge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; bo5n, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 808 esp erode (e-rod'), v.t. to eat away; cor- rode. erose (-ros'), adj. toothed irregularly, as if gnawed away : said of a leaf. erosion (-ro'zhun), n. the act of eroding ; gradual destruction or eat- ing away ; an eroded part. erosive (-ros'iv), adj. gnawing or wearing away. erostrate (-ros'trat), adj. beakless. erotic (-rot'ik), adj. pertaining to, or caused by, love ; amorous : n. an amatory poem or composition. err (er), v.i. to commit an error or mistake ; wander ; deviate from the path of rectitude. errand (er'and), n. a message; com- mission. errant ( 'rant ) , adj. roving ; wander- ■ ing. errantry (-ri), n. knight-errantry. erratic (-rat'ik), adj. wandering; irregular ; eccentric : n.pl. boulders transported by natural agencies from their original site. erratically (-al-li), adv. irregularly. erratum (-ra'tum), n. [pi. errata Cta) ], an error in printing or writ- ing. erroneous (-ro'ne-us), adj. charac- terized by error ; incorrect ; mis- taken ; wrong. error ('er), n. deviation from the truth ; mistake ; blunder ; an irreg- ularity. Erse (ers) , adj. pertaining to the Kelts of Ireland or Scotla.nd, or to their language. . erst (erst), adv. formerly. eructation (e-ruk-ta'shun), n. the act of throwing off wind from the stomach. erudite (er'ti-dit), learned. erudition (-dish'un), n. knowledge obtained by the study of books ; learning. erupted (e-rupt'ed), adj. violently ejected. eruptive (-rup'tiv), adj. bursting forth. eryneo (e-ring'go), n. sea-holly. erysipelas (er-i-sip'e-las), n. an in- flammation of the skin, accompanied with fever. escalade (es-ka-lad'), n. the act of scaling the walls of a fortified place by means of scaling-ladders : v.t. to storm by scaling-ladders. escallop. Same as scallop. escapade (-pad'), n. a breach of pro- priety : misdeed ; freak. escape (-kap'), v.t. to flee from; get out of the way of ; avoid ; enjoy ] immunity from : v.i. to get out of danger; fly: n. a getting away from danger ; flight ; deliverance. escapement ('ment), n. a mechani- cal device for securing regularity of movement. , escarp (-karp'), v.t. to give a steep slope to : n. the side of the ditch next the rampart forming a steep slope. escarpment ('ment), n. the precipi- tous face of a ridge of high land. escheat (-chet), v.t. to forfeit through failure of heirs : v.i. to re- vert to the crown or lord of the manor by reason of forfeiture or failure of heirs : n. land or tene- ments which fall to the crown or lord of the manor by forfeiture or failure of heirs. escheiv (-chCi'), v.t. to shun; avoid. escorial (es-ko'ri-al), n. a worked- out mine. escort (es'kort), n. a body of armed men acting as a guard ; a retinue : v.t. (es-kort') to accompany; con- voy. escritoire (-kri-twar'), n. a writing desk, table, or bureau. esculent ('kti-lent), adj. eatable. escutclieon (-kuch'un), n. a shield on which the heraldic arms of a family are emblazoned. Eskimo ('ki-mo), adj. pertaining to one of a tribe of diminutive people inhabiting Greenland and adjacent parts. Also Esquimau. esophagus (e-sof'a-gus), n. the gul- let or canal through which food and drink pass to the stomach. Also oesophagus. esoteric (es-6-ter'ik), adj. pertaining to doctrines taught privately ; se- cret ; confidential. esoterist ('o-ter-ist), n. an occultist. espaliers (-pal'yerz), w.pZ. fruit trees trained on a trellis. esparto (-par'to), n. a species of Spanish grass used for making pa- per. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. «sp 309 etc especial (-pesh'al), adj. particular; chief. especially (-li), adv. particularly; chiefly. espionage ('pi-o-naj), n. the act or practice of spying to detect wrong- doing, or Of employing spies or se- cret agents. esplanade (-pla-nad'), n. a level walk or drive, especially by the sea- side ; a lawn ; glacis. espousal (-pouz'al), adj. pertaining to the act of espousing : n. the act of espousing or betrothing : pi. the ceremony of contracting a man and woman to each other in marriage. espouse (-pouz'), v.t. to promise, en- gage, or give in marriage ; vied ; adopt ; advocate or defend, as a cause. esprit de corps (-pre' de kor'), a spirit of common devotion, honor, interest, binding together men of the same profession, society, &c. espy (-pi'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. espied, p.pr. espying], to see at a distance; discover (something intended to be hid) ; see unexpectedly. Esquiimau, same as Eskimo. esquire (-kwir'), n. originally the ar- mo] -bearer or attendant on a knight ; a title next below a knight ; a title applied to professional men, justices of the peace, and often used instead of Mr. in the address of a letter. essay ('sa), n. a short written com- position or treatise ; an attempt ; experiment: v.t. (es-sa'), [p.t. & p.p. essayed, p.pr. essaying], to try or attempt. essence ('ens), n. the concentrated preparation of any substance ; vola- tile matter ; perfume ; that in which the real character of a thing con- sists. essential (-sen'shal), adj. necessary to the existence of a thing ; most important ; indispensable ; pure ; volatile : highly rectified. essemtiality (-shi-al'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being essential. essentially (-li), adv. in the highest degree. establish (-tab'lish), v.t. to fix firm- ly ; settle ; prove legally ; strength- en ; restore. establislinient (-ment), n. the act of establishing ; ratification ; settle- ment ; a place of residence or busi- ness ; household ; income ; a form of religion connected with the state. estate (-tat'), n. condition of life; rank, position, or quality ; the title or interest one has in lands or tene- ments ; property in general : pi. or- ders or classes of men in a country ; a legislative assembly composed of these classes. esteexn (-tem'), v.t. to set a high value upon ; respect ; prize ; con- sider : n. favorable opinion ; estima- tion ; respect ; reverence. esthetics, same as aesthetics. estimable ('ti-ma-bl), adj. worthy of regard, esteem, or honor ; calcula- ble. estimate ('ti-mat), v.t. to compute; determine the value of : n. the com- puted cost or value of anything ; appraisement. estimation (-ma'shun), n. calcula- tion ; appraisement ; honor, respect, or esteem ; conjecture. estop (-top'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. es- topped, p.pr. estopping], to place under estoppel ; bar. estoppel ('el), n. a legal impediment. estovers (-to'verz), n.pl. alimony; wood taken for his own use by a tenant. estrade (-trad'), n. a level place; a slightly raised platform. estrange (-tranj'), v.t. to alienate; keep at a distance ; turn from kind- ness to indifference or enmity (with from) . estrapade (-tra-pad'), n. the effort of a horse in trying to throw his rider, by kicking, rearing, &c. estrich ('trich), n. a trade name for fine ostrich down. estuarial (-tti-a'ri-al), adj. pertain- ing to, or formed in, an estuary. Also estuarine. estuary ('tti-a-ri), n. [pi. estuaries (-riz) ], the mouth of a tidal river. et csetera (et set'er-a), and others of the same kind ; and so forth. Also et cetera. etch (ech), v.t. to engrave by biting out with an acid the design previous- ate, arm. ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ete 310 end ly drawn with an etching-needle : v.i. to practice etching. eternal (e-ter'nal), adj. without be- ginning or end ; everlasting ; per- petual ; incessant. Eternal, n. an appellation of God (with The). eternally (-li), adv. perpetually. eternity ('ni-ti), n. [pi. eternities (-tiz)], infinite duration; unending existence. etesian (e-te'zhi-an) , adj. noting the north or northeast wind which in early spring prevails over Europe. ether (e'ther), n. an extremely fine fluid, lighter than air, supposed to pervade all space beyond the atmos- phere of the earth ; a volatile in- flammable liquid produced by the distillation of alcohol with sulphuric acid. ethereal (-the're-al), adj. pertaining to, or formed of, ether ; airy ; ex- quisite ; heavenly. ethereally (-li), adv. in an ethereal manner. etherol (e'ther-ol), n. a yellowish, viscid, oily hydrocarbon. ethical (eth'i-kal), adj. pertaining to ethics ; moral. Also ethic. ethicis ('iks), n.2ol. the science that treats of the principles of human morality and duty ; moral philoso- phy ; morals. Ethiopian (-thi-o'pi-an), adj. per- taining to Ethiopia : n. a native of Ethiopia. ethmoid (eth'moid), n. a light, spongy, sieve-like bone, which forms the roof of the nose. ethnic ('nik), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, races or peoples. Also ethnical. ethnography (-nog'ra-fi), n. the sci- entific description of races and na- tions of mankind. ethnology (-nol'o-ji), n. the science that treats of races of men, their characteristics, &c. ethology (-ol'o-ji), n. the science of ethics. ethos (e'thos), n. the characteristic genius of a people, institution, or system. ethyl (eth'il), n. a monatomic fatty hydrocarbon radical, contained in alcohol and ether. ethylene (-en), n. heavy carburetted hydrogen, or defiant gas. etiolate (e'ti-o-lat), v.t. to blanch or whiten by exclusion from sunlight. etiq.nette (et'i-ket), n. the conven- tional rules or ceremonial observed in polite society ; good breeding. etymological (et-i-mo-loj'i-kal), adj. pertaining to etymology. etymologically (-li), adv. in an ety- mological manner. etymologist (-mol'o-jist), n. one who is proficient in etymology. Also etymologer. etymologize (-mol'o-jiz), v.i. to in- vestigate the origin and primary meaning of words. etymology ('o-ji), n. [pi. etymolo- gies (-jiz)], that branch of philolo- gy which treats of the origin and derivation of words ; that part of grammar which treats of the parts: of speech and their inflections. etymon ('i-mon), n. the root of a word or its primitive signification. eucalyptol (ti-ka-lip'tol), n. a liquid contained in eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus ('tus), n. [pi. Eucalypti ('ti)], a genus of Australian ever- green trees, some species of which furnish gum and a valuable medi- cine. eucalyptus, n. a tree of the genus- above defined. eucharist (u'ka-rist), n. the Holy Communion ; the sacrament of the Lord's Supper ; the elements, bread and wine, used in that sacrament. eucharistic (-ris'tik), adj. pertain- ing to the eucharist ; expressing thanksgiving. Also eucharistical. euchlorine (-klo'rin), n. a greenish explosive gas, having bleaching properties. euchre ('ker), n. a particular game of cards, those between seven and ace being discarded : v.t. to prevent (an opponent at euchre) from tak- ing three of the five tricks : hence to outwit. eudiometer (-di-om'e-ter), n. a grad- uated instrument for measuring the ■volume of a gas. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. enl 311 evo eulogist (-jist), n. one who eulo- gizes. eulogistic ('ik), adj. laudatory. eulogize ('lo-jiz), v.t. to praise high- ly ; ■ commend. eulogy (-ji), n. [pi. eulogies (-jiz)], the praise of anyone spoken or writ- ten; panegyric. eunuch ('nuk), n. a castrated per- son, especially an attendant in a harem. euphemism ('fem-izm), n. the sub- stitution of a delicate or pleasing expression in place of that which is offensive or indelicate. euphemistic (-is'tik), adj. pertain- ing to, or characterized by, euphe- mism. euphonic (-fon'ik), adj. sounding pleasantly to the ear. Also euphoni- cal, euphonious. euphonium (-fo'ni-um), n. a bass brass instrument ; a musical instru- ment consisting of glass tubes unit- ed by metal bars. euphony ('fo-ni), n. [pi. euphonies (-niz)], an agreeable sound, or pro- nunciation. euphuism ('fti-izm), n. the pedantic or affected use of words or language. euroclydon (-rok'li-don), n. a tem- pestuous northeasterly wind preva- lent in the Levant. Also euraquilo. European (-ro-pe'an), adj. pertain- ing to Europe. eustachian (-sta'ki-an), adj. noting a tube which leads from the cavity of the tympanum of the ear to the pharynx. eutectic (-tek'tik), adj. melting at a low temperature. euthanasia (-than-a'zhi-a), n. a painless, easy death. Also euthan- asy. evacuate (e-vak'ti-at), v.t. to make void or empty ; discharge through the excretory passages ; abandon possession, or withdraw from. evade (-vad'), v.t. to elude; escape by artifice, stratagem, or sophistry. evadible ('i-bl), adj. capable of be- ing evaded. Also evadable. evanescent (ev-a-nes'ent), adj. dis- appearing gradually from sight; vanishing. evangel (e-van'jel), n. good news, especially that of the Gospel. evangelical ('ik-al), ayij. pertaining to the Gospel, or the four Gospels ; maintaining the fundamental doc- trines of the Protestant faith ; spir- itually minded. Also evangelic : n. one who holds evangelical doctrines. evangelically (-li), adv. in an evan- gelical manner. evangelism Cjel-izm), w. the doctrine and preaching of evangelical princi- ples. Also evangelicalism. evangelist (-ist), n. one of the four writers of the Gospel ; an itinerant preacher. evangelize ('jel-iz), v.t. to instruct in the Gospel ; convert to Chris- tianity. evaporate (-vap'o-rat), v.i. to dis- perse in vapor; pass away without effect : v.t. to convert into vapor. evaporation (-ra'shun), n. the slow conversion of a fluid into vapor. evasion (-va'zhun), n. the act of evading ; an excuse ; equivocation ; subterfuge. evasive (-va'siv), adj. tending, or seeking to evade ; elusive. evasively (-li), adv. with evasion. eve (ev), n. the fast or vigil before a church festival, or saint's day ; the period immediately preceding some important event ; evening [Poet.]. evection (-vek'shun), n. a periodical irregularity of the moon's motion. even (e'vn), adj. level; uniform; smooth ; parallel ; divisible by 2 without a remainder ; equal ; bal- anced ; calm ; whole : n. evening [Poet.] : v.t. to level or make even : v.t. to be quits : adv. verily ; exactly ; noting emphasis ; but also. evening ('vn-ing), n. the close of the day and beginning of the night ; the latter end of life. evenly (-li), adv. in an even man- ner ; smoothly ; uniformly ; impar- tially. evenness (-nes), n. smoothness; uni- formity ; regularity ; equality of sur- face ; equanimity. event (-vent'), n. an occurrence; in- cident ; consequence of an action ; ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; booo, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. eve 312 any single item in a program of sports or games. eventful ('fool), adj. full of inci- dents or events ; momentous. eventide ('vn-tid), n. evening. eventual (-ven'tu-al), adj. happen- ing as a result ; ultimate ; contin- gent. eventuality ('i-ti), n. [pi. eventual- ities (-tiz)], a possible occurrence; a propensity to take cognizance of events or facts. eventually (-li), adv. ultimately. eventuate ('tti-at), v.i. to happen; terminate; result. ever (ev'er), adv. at any time; al- ways ; without end ; in any degree. everglade (-glad), n. a low, swampy tract of land, with patches of tall grass. evergreen (-gren), n. a tree or plant which retains its foliage throughout the year : adj. always green, or fresh. everlasting (-last'ing), adj. perpet- ual ; n. eternity ; a plant whose flow- ers retain their color when dried ; a kind of stout woolen material. Everlasting, n. God, the Eternal. evermore (-mor), adv. eternally; al- ways. evert (e-vert'), v.t. to destroy; over- throw ; turn outwards. every (ev'ri or ev'er-i), adj. the whole, taken one at a time ; each. evict (e-vikt'), v.t. to expel or dis- possess by legal process. eviction (-vik'shun), n. the act of evicting. . evidence (ev'i-dens), n. indubitable certainty ; proof ; testimony : v.t. to prove ; make evident or plain. evident (-dent), adj. plain; obvious. evidential (-den'shal), adj. proving clearly. evidentially (-li), adv. as evidence. evil (e'vl), adj. morally bad; wicked; sinful ; unfortunate ; mischievous ; disastrous ; worthless : adv. badly ; unkindly : n. moral depravity ; in- jury ; affliction. evil-eye (-i), n. an influence for in- jury, supposed to be exerted by cer- tain persons who cast a malignant glance at anyone. evilly (-li), adv. maliciously; wick- edly. evizice (e-vins'), v.t. to manifest or make evident ; demonstrate. evincible (-vin'si-bl), adj. capable of proof or demonstration. eviscerate (-vis'er-at), v.t. to dis- embowel. evoke (-vok'), v.t. to call forth. evolution (ev-o-lu'shun), n. devel- opment or growth ; the movements of troops in marching or on the bat- tle field ; the extraction of roots of any arithmetical or algebraical pow- er ; the gradual development or de- scent of forms of life from simple or low organized types consisting of a single cell. evolutional (-al), adj. pertaining to, or resulting from, evolution. Also evolutionary. evolutionist (-ist), adj. pertaining to evolution : n. one who maintains the doctrine of evolution ; tactician. evolutive (-tiv), adj. evolutionary. evolve (e-volv'), v.t. to develop; un- fold ; expand ; work out. eive (ti), n. a female sheep. ewer ('er), n. a large water jug, used in the toilet. ex, prefix, meaning out of, teyond, from; before words denoting occu- pation or ofiice, it indicates previous occupancy. exact (egz-akt'), adj. very correct or accurate; precise; methodical; strict ; particular : v.t. require or claim authoritatively ; compel to be paid ; insist upon as a right. exacting ('ing), p.adj. making un- reasonable demands ; oppressive ; severe ; arduous. exaction (-ak'shun), n. the act of exacting ; extortion. exactly ( 'li ) , adv. accurately ; pre- cisely. exactness ('nes), n. accuracy; pre- cision. exactor ('er), n. one who exacts. exaggerate (egz-aj'er-at), v.t. to en- large or heighten by overstatement ; color highly. exalt (-awlt'), v.t. to elevate in rank, station, or dignity ; raise on high ; glorify or extol. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon^ book; hue, hut; think, *Aen. 313 examine (-am'in), v.t. to scrutinize or investigate carefully ; search or inquire into ; interrogate as a wit- ness ; test orally or by papers the knowledge, qualifications, &c., of, as a candidate for a degree or office ; experiment ; analyze ; test. examinee (-i-ne'), n. one who is ex- amined. example (-am'pl), n. a pattern; a model or copy ; an illustration of a rule or precept ; sample ; specimen ; one punished for the admonition of others. exasperate (egz-as'per-at), v.t. to irritate exceedingly ; enrage great- ly ; embitter ; intensify : adj. cov- ered with hard, stiff points : said of a plant. ex cathedra (eks ka-the'dra), adv. with an air of official authority ; dogmatically. excavate (eks'ka-vat), v.t. to dig or hollow out ; scoop or cut out. excavation (-va'shun), n. a hollow cavity formed by cutting or digging out earth ; an open earth-cutting. excavator (-va-ter), n. one who, or that which, excavates ; a digging machine. exceed (ek-sed'), v.t. to go beyond the limit or measure of ; surpass ; excel ; transcend : v.i. to be greater ; go be- yond bounds. exceeding ('ing), p.adj. very great. exceedingly (-li), adv. extremely. excel (-sel'), v.i. [p.t. &, p.p. excelled, p.pr. excelling], to possess good qualities in a great degree : v.t. sur- pass ; outdo in comparison ; to be superior to. excellence (-ens), n. the state of ex- celling in anything ; superior merit, goodness, or virtue. excellency (-en-si), n. [pi. excellen- cies (-siz)], a title of honor of vari- ous high officials, as an ambassador, governor, &c. excellent (-ent), adj. of great value, merit, or virtue ; highly useful or desirable ; eminently distinguished for goodness, or ability. excelsior ('si-er), adj. yet higher. except (-sept'), v.t. to omit or leave out ; exclude : v.i. to object (with to) : prep, omitting; without inclu- ' sion of ; besides : conj. unless. exception ('shun), n. the state of being excepted ; omission ; exclu- sion ; objection; offense taken (with to) ', a. formal objection to a decision of a court during trial. exceptionable (-a-bl), adj. objec- tionable. exceptional (-al), adj. unusual. exceptionally (-li), adv. unusually. excerpt (-serpf), v.t. to take out or select from, as a book ; quote : n. a selection or extract from a book or writing. excess (-ses'), n. that which exceeds the ordinary limit, measure, or ex- perience ; overplus ; superfluity ; in- temperance. excessive ('iv). adj. extreme; un- reasonable. exchange (eks-chanj'), v.t. to give in return for an equivalent ; barter, feive, rc'siorn, or abandon : n. the act of exchanging' ; barter ; reciprocity ; the act of resigning one thing for another ; a place where merchants meet (often 'change). exchange-broker (-bro'ker), n. a broker who negotiates foreign bills. exchangeable ('a-bl), adj. that may be exchanged ; ratable. exchanger ('er), n. a money-chang- er. exchequer (-chek'er), n. a treasury; cash or funds ; formerly an English court of law, now merged into the Queen's Bench division of the High Court of Justice. excisable (ek-siz'a-bl), adj. dutiable. excise (-siz'), v.t. to levy an excise duty upon : n. an inland tax levied on commodities of home production and consumption. excision (-sizh'un), n. the act of cut- ting out, or off ; the state of being cut off ; destruction ; ruin ; amputa- tion. excitability (-sTt-ta-bil'i-ti), n. [pi. excitabilities (-tiz)], the state or quality of being excitable or easily stirred up ; sensitiveness to irrita- tion. excitant (-si'tant), n. a stimulant. excitation (-ta'shun), n. the act of exciting ; the excitement produced. ate, arm, ask, at, awl I me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; bOon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. esc 314 excite (-sit'), v.t. to animate; rouse up ; encourage ; put into motion or action. excited ('ed), p.adj. aroused; pro- voked. exciting ('ing), p.adj. tending to ex- cite ; stirring ; lively. excitement ('ment), n. the state of being excited ; commotion ; sensa- tion ; stimulation ; warmth of tem- per. exclaim (eks-klam'), v.L & v.t. to cry out abruptly and passionately ; to vociferate. exclamation (-kla-ma'shun), n. an abrupt or clamorous outcry ; an ex- pression of surprise, pain, &c. ; a mark (!) in v^riting or printing to denote emotion, surprise, &c. exclamatorily (-li), adv. in an ex- clamatory manner. exclamatory (-klam'a-to-ri), adj. containing, expressing, or using, ex- clamation. exclave ('klav), n. a small part of a country lying within the territory of another power. exclude (-klud'), v.t. to shut out; hinder from entrance or admission ; prohibit ; debar ; except. exclusion (-klti'zhun), n. the act of excluding ; the state of being ex- cluded ; omission. exclusionist (-ist), n. one who would debar another from any privilege or right. exclusive ('siv), adj. tending to ex- clude ; illiberal ; shutting out from limits fixed by law: n. one who ex- cludes all but a few from his society or fellowship. excogitate (-koj'i-tat), v.t. to in- vent ; discover by thinking. excommunicable ( -kom-mu'ni-ka- bl), adj. deserving, or punishable by, excommunication. exeommunicate ('ni-kat), v.t. to punish by cutting off from the mem- bership and communication of the church. excoriate (-ko'ri-at), v.t. to strip ofB the skin ; rub or gall ; abrade. excortication (-kor-ti-ka'shun), n. the act of stripping off bark. excrement ('kre-ment), n. matter discharged from the body of an ani- mal after digestion. excremental (-men'tal), adj. of the nature of excrement. excrementitious (tish'us), arf;. per- taining to, or consisting of, excre- ment. excrescence (-kres'ens), n. an un- natural or disfiguring outgrowth. excrescent Cent), adj. pertaining to an excrescence ; superfluous. excreta (-kre'ta), n.pl. useless mat- ter eliminated from the body. excretion ('shun), n. the throwing off or ejection of waste matter from the body. excretory ('to-ri), adj. pertaining to excretion: n. [pZ. excretories (-riz)], a duct or vessel that transmits ex- creted matter. excruciate (-krti'shi-at), v.t. to in- flict severe pains upon ; torture. excruciating (-a-ting), adj. agoniz- ing. excruciation (-a'shun), n. agony; torture. exculpate (-kul'pat), v.t. to clear from the imputation of a fault ; ex- . onerate. exculpatory ('pa-to-ri), adj. vindi- catory. excurrent (-kur'ent), adj. running out beyond the edge : said of trees or leaves. excursion (-ker'shun), n. a pleasure trip ; a short or rapid tour ; a di- gression. excursive ('siv), adj. rambling. excursus ('sus), n. a dissertation supplemental to a work, giving ad- ditional information on certain points ; a digression. excusable (-kuz'a-bl), adv. pardona- ble. excusably (.-bli), adv. pardonably. excuse (-kuz'), v.t. to extenuate by apology ; pardon ; free from obliga- tion or duty ; remit ; justify : n. (-kus') a plea offered in extenua- tion of some fault or neglect of duty ; apology ; pretext. exeat ('e-at), n. leave of absence from a college ; permission granted by a bishop to a priest to depart from his diocese. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hiie, hut ; think, then. exe 315 esh execrate ('e-krat), v.t. to imprecate evil upon; detest; abhor. execration (-kra'shun), n. the act of execrating ; imprecation ; detesta- tion. execute ('e-kut), v.t. to perform; carry into effect ; put to death ; pur- sue to the end ; make valid or legal by signing or sealing : v.i. to per- form any act or office ; play some piece of music. execution (-ku'shun), n. the act of executing ; performance ; manner of carrying anything into effect ; com- pletion ; a legal v^^arrant or order ; the act of giving validity to a legal instrument ; capital punishment ; destruction ; effective work or oper- ation. executive (egs-ek'u-tiv), adj. per- taining to the governing body ; ad- ministrative ; active : n. an official, or body, charged with carrying the laws into effect ; the administrative branch of a government. executor ('u-ter), n. a person ap- pointed by a testator to see that the terms of his will are duly carried out. Fern, executrix. executory ('u-to-ri), adj. pertaining to the execution of laws ; carrying out official duties ; to be performed at a future period. exegesis (eks-e-je'sis), n. explana- tion or interpretation of a text or passage, especially of the Bible. exegetic (-jet'ik), adj. expository; interpretative. Also exegetical : n. pi. the science which deals with the interpretation of Scripture. exeniplar (egz-em'plar), n. some- thing to be copied, or serving as a model ; example. exemplary (-em'pla-ri), adj. serving as a copy or model ; commendable. exemplification (-pli-fi-ka'shun), n. illustration by example. exemplify ('pli-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. exemplified, p.pr. exemplifying], to illustrate by example ; transcribe. exempt (-empt'), v.t. to free from some duty or obligation ; grant im- munity to : adj, free from some duty or obligation (with from) : w. a person thus set free ; an exon. exequatur (eks-e-kwa'ter), n. a written recognition of a consul or commercial agent given by the for- eign government to which he is accredited, authorizing him to exer- cise his authority in the place where he is stationed. exercise ('er-siz), v.t. to train by use ; exert ; practice ; employ ac- tively ; make anxious ; harass ; v.i. to undergo training : n. bodily exer- tion ; mental or physical develop- ment ; labor ; practice ; a lesson or example for practice. exercitor (egz-er'si-ter), n. the per- son to whom the profits of a ship be- long. exergue (-erg'), n. the small space beneath the principal design on a coin or medal for the insertion of a date, &c. exert (-erf), v.t. to put forth; use with an effort, exeunt (eks'e-unt), they go out: a word used in plays to denote that the actors retire from the stage. exfoliation (-fo-li-a'shun), n. the act of scaling or peeling off. exhalation (eks-ha-la'shun), n. the act of exhaling ; emanation. exhale (-hal'), v.t. to breathe forth; emit or ^ send out ; cause to evapo- rate : v.i. to rise in vapor. exhaust (egz-awst'), v.t. to empty by drawing off the contents ; drain ; weaken ; wear out by exertion ; dis- cuss or treat thoroughly : adj. whol- ly or partially deprived of strength. exhaustible ('i-bl), adj. capable of being exhausted. exhaustive ('iv), adj. exhausting; complete. exhibit (egz-ib'it and eks-hib'it,) v.t. to present to view ; display ; show ; manifest publicly; present formally or officially ; administer : n. a legal document presented in proof of facts ; an object offered for public view. exhibition (-hi-bish'un), n. the act of exhibiting ; a public show ; a pri- vate benefaction for the support of a scholar at a university. exhilarate (egz-il'a-rat and eks-hil'- a-rat), v.t. to make joyous, glad, or cheerful ; enliven. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, t/ien. exh. 816 exp exhort (egz-ort and eks-hort'), v.t. to incite by appeal or argument to good deeds ; caution ; admonish. exhortative ('a-tiv), adj. contain- ing exhortation. exhortatory ('a-to-ri), adj. tending to exhort. exhume (eks-htim'), v.t. to disinter. exigency (eks'i-jen-si), n. [pi. exig- encies (-S4z)], pressing necessity or demand ; urgency. exigent ('i-jent), adj. urgent; press- ing. exile (ex'il), v.t. to banish from one's native country : n. the state of being banished from one's native country ; the condition of living away from one's home or friends. exist {egz-ist'),v.i.to have existence; live. existence ('ens), n. the state of being ; life ; duration ; occurrence. existent, ('tent), n. having being. exit (eks'it), n. the act of going out; egress ; the departure of an actor from the stage. exo, a prefix, meaning on the outside, occurring in many scientific words. exode (eks'od), n. an interlude, &c., at the conclusion of a play. ex ofScic (of-fish'i-o), by virtue of office. ezogen ('o-jen), n. a plant which increases year by year by the addi- tion of layers outside the previous bark : opposed to endogen. exogenous (-oj'en-us), adj. pertain- ing to exogens or their method of growth. exonerate (egz-on'er-at), v.t. to free from the imputation of a fault ; acquit ; justify ; relieve or dis- charge from a responsibility, duty, &c. exonerative (-a-tiv), adj. tending to exonerate. exophthalmia (eks-of-thal'mia), n. abnormal prominence of the ejaball. exorbitance (egz'or-bi-tans), n. go- ing beyond due limits ; excess. Also exorbitancy. exorbitant (-tant), adj. excessive. exorcise (eks'or-slz), v.t. to expel (an evil spirit) by prayers or incanta- tions ; pronounce exorcisms over. exorcism (-sizm), n. the act of ex- pelling evil spirits. exorcist (-sist), n. one who exor- cises ; one of the minor orders in the Roman Catholic and Greek Churches. exordium (egz-or'di-um), n. the opening part of a speech or compo- sition. exosmose (eks'os-mos), n. the pas- sage outwards through a membrane of gases and liquids. exoteric (-o-ter'ik), adj. pertaining to the uninitiated public : opposed to esoteric. exotic (-ot'ik), adj. foreign. expand (-pand'), v.t. to distend; di- late ; extend : v.i. to increase in size. expanse (-pans'), n. a continuous area ; the firmament ; extent. expansible (-pan'si-bl), adj. capable of, or permitting, expansion. expansion (-pan'shun), n. the state of being expanded. expansive ('siv), adj. capable of being expanded ; widely extended ; large. Also expansile. ex parte (par'te), adj. one-sided. expatiate (-pa'shi-at), v.i. to en- large in statement or language ; be copious in discussion. expatriate (-pat'ri-at), v.t. to drive from one's native country. expect (-pekt'), v.t. to wait for; look for with an apprehension of something good or evil. expectance ('ans), n. the act or state of expecting. Also expectancy. expectant ('ant), adj. waiting in ex- pectation ; presumptive. expectation (-ta'shun), n. the act of looking forward to ; anticipation ; contingent prospect of wealth. expectorant ('to-rant), n. a medi- cine that promotes expectoration. expectorate ('to-rat), v.t. to eject from the lungs by coughing, &c. ; spit. expectoration (-to-ra'shun), n. the act of expectorating ; the mucous matter expectorated. expediency (-pe'di-en-si), n. [pi. ex- pediencies (-siz)], suitability to an end or purpose ; fitness ; propriety. Also expedience. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hiie, hut ; think, then. dsp 317 ezp expedient ('di-ent), adj. fit; con- venient ; suitable ; proper : n. that which aids as a means to an end ; device. expedite ('pe-dit), v.t. to hasten; facilitate. expedition (-dish'un), n. haste; des- patch ; promptness ; a march, voy- age, &c., by an army or several per- sons for some particular purpose. expeditionary (-a-ri), adj. pertain- ing to, or constituting, an expedition. expeditions ('us) , adj. quick; speedy. expel (-pel'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. ex- pelled, p.pr. expelling], to drive away ; force out ; send away by authority ; exclude. expend (-pend'), v.t. to lay out; spend. expenditure ('i-tur), n. a laying out, as money, time, labor, &c. ; disburse- ment. expense (-pens'), n. expenditure; drain on resources ; detriment ; cost. expensive ('iv), adj. causing ex- pense. experience (-pe'ri-ens), n. knowl- edge gained by trial and practice ; test ; practice ; spiritual exercise of mind. experientialism (-en'shal-izm), n. the theory that all knowledge is based upon experience. experiment (-per'i-ment), 11. a trial or operation to discover something previously unknown ; proof ; trial : v.i. to search out by trial. Also experimentalize. experimental (-al), adj. pertaining to, or founded on, experiment ; guided, or learned by experience. experimentally (-li), adv. by ex- periment. expert (-pert'), adj. skilful, through practice or experience ; adroit ; dex- terous. expiate ('pi-at)_, v.t. to atone for. expiatory (-a-to-ri), adj. having the power or nature of atonement. expiration (-pi-ra'shun), n. termi- nation. expire (-pir'), v.t. to breathe out from the lungs : v.i. to die. expiry ('pi-ri), n. the end. explain (-plan'), v.t. to make in- telligible or clear ; expound or in- terpret. explanation (-pla-na'shun), n. the act of explaining ; elucidation ; in- terpretation ; a mutual clearing up of a misunderstanding. explanatory (-plan'a-to-ri), adj. serving to explain. expletive ('ple-tiv), n. a word not necessary for the sense inserted in a sentence for ornament or to fill up a verse : adj. filling up ; added or inserted for emphasis, &c. explicable ('pli-ka-bl), adj. that may be explained or interpreted. explicative (-ka-tiv), adj. serving to explain. Also explicatory. explicit (-plis'it), a(Z;. plain ; definite. explode (-plod'), v.i. to burst forth with sudden noise and violence ; col- lapse : v.t. to cause to pass from a solid to a gaseous state ; refute ; de- molish. exploit (-ploit ;, v.t. to make use of for one's own profit ; put to use ; explore in search of : explain at length : n. a remarkable deed or heroic act. exploitation (-ploi-ta'shun), n. the act of exploiting ; the improvement of lands, working of mines, &c. ; an examination to utilize natural re- sources previously neglected ; sel' fish utilization. exploration (-plo-ra'shun), n. the act of exploring ; careful investi- gation or search, especially geo- graphical research. explore (-plor'), v.t. to search into or examine thoroughly ; travel in or over (a country) to discover its characteristic features, &c. explosion (-plo'zhun), n. the act of exploding ; a sudden bursting with a loud report ; a sudden and violent outbreak. explosive ('siv), adj. pertaining to, or causing, explosion : n. any sub- stance that causes an explosion ; a mute consonant. exponent (-po'nent), n. the index of an algebraical power ; one who ex- plains or interprets the principles of something. exponential (-nen'shal), adj. per= taining to an exponent. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. mxp 318 est export (-port'), v.t. to send or carry out of a country, as merchandise : v.i. to send goods to a foreign country: (eks'port), n. a commodity carried to a foreign country. expose (-poz'), v.t. to lay open; put forward for sale ; leave to the ac- tion of any force or circumstance; disclose ; place in peril ; lay open to censure or ridicule. expose (-po-za'), n. an exposure. exposition (-zish'un), n. an expla- nation or interpretation ; an exhi- bition. expositor (-poz'i-ter), n. one who ex- pounds or interprets. expository ('i-to-ri), adj, pertaining to, or conveying, exposition. Also expositive. ex post facto (post fak'to), (Latin, after the deed is done), a law en- acted with retrospective effect. expostulate (-pos'tu-lat), v.i. to reason earnestly or remonstrate (followed by with, on or upon). expostulatory ('tu-la-to-ri), adj. pertaining to, containing, or of the nature of, expostulation. exposure (-po'zhur), n. the act of exposing ; situation ; aspect. expouurl (-pound'), v.t. to set forth, explain, or interpret ; make clear. express (-pres'), v.t. to exhibit by language ; utter ; show ; represent ; squeeze out ; despatch by express : adj. plainly stated ; exact ; resem- bling precisely ; not implied ; special- ly prepared ; pertaining to quick or Jirect conveyance : n. sl person or vehicle that carries letters or small packages expeditiously ; an express- train ; a message or despatch ; a regular and systematic method of conveyance for passengers, mails, goods of small bulk, &c. expressible ('i-bl), adj. capable of being expressed, in any sense of the word. expression (-presh'un), n. the act or power of representing anything ; a saying ; mode of speech ; transient change of the countenance ; modu- lation of the voice. expressive ('iv), adj. serving to ex- press ; full of significance ; forcibly. expressively (-li), adv. in an ex- pressive manner. expressly (-pres'li), adv. plainly; specially. expressman ('man), n. the person who takes charge of express matter and attends to its delivery ; the driver of an express wagon. expropriation (-pro-pri-a'shun), n, the exclusion of a small owner from the ownership of land, &c. expulsion (-pul'shun), n. forcible ejection. expulsive (-siv), adj. serving to ex- pel. expunge (-punj'), v.t. to blot out; erase ; destroy ; obliterate. expurgate ('per-gat), v.t. to remove whatever is offensive to good taste or morality from : said of books. expurgator (-ga-ter), n. one who ex- purgates. expurgatory ('ga-to-ri), adj. serving to expurgate. exquisite ('kwi-zit), adj. refined; delicate ; nice ; accurate ; choice ; ex- cellent ; highly finished ; very sen- sibly felt ; extreme : n. a person over refined in dress ; a dandy. extant ('tant), adj. still existing. extemporaneous (-tem-po-ra'ne-us) , adj. unpremediated ; without pre- vious notes or study ; off-hand. Also extemporary. extempore ('po-re), adj. without study or premeditation. extemporize ('po-riz), v.t. to com- pose on the spur of the moment : v.i. to discourse, &c., without notes or previous study. extend (-tend'), v.t. to stretch out; enlarge ; amplify ; continue ; diffuse ; communicate ; disseminate : v.i. to reach to any distance ; be prolonged. extensible (-ten'si-bl), adj. capable of extension. Also extensile. extension ('shun), n. the act of ex- tending; the state of being ex- tended ; a branch line of railway, &c. ; space regarded as having di- mensions. extensive ('siv), adj. having great extent ; wide ; comprehensive. extensively (-li), adv. widely ; large- ly- ate, arm, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, *^en. est 319 est eztensometer (-som'e-ter), n. sl mi- crometer for measuring the expan- sion of a body. extensor (-ten'ser), n. a muscle that extends, or straightens, a limb. extent (-tent'), n. the space or de- gree to which a thing is extended ; size ; compass ; reach ; a writ of execution. extenuate (-ten'ti-at), v.t. to offer excuses for ; palliate ; mitigate. extenuator (-a-ter), n. one who ex- tenuates. extenuatory (-to-ri), adj. palliative. exterior (-te'ri-er) adj. outward; external : n. that which is outside ; outer surface. exterminate (-ter'mi-nat), v.t. to destroy utterly ; annihilate ; root out. exterminator (-na-ter), n. one who, or that which, exterminates. exterminatory (-to-ri), adj. per- taining to extermination; serving to exterminate. extern (-tern'), n. a non-resident scholar : adj. external ; visible. external (-ter'nal), adj. outside; ex- terior ; superficial ; objective ; for- eign : n. an exterior or outward part ; an outward form, rite, or ceremony. externally (-li), adv. outwardly. exterritoriality (- ter - ri-to-ri-al'i- ti), n. the right possessed by am- bassadors to live under the laws of their own country. extinct (-tingkt'), adj. extinguished; put out; quenched; worn out; in- active. extinctenr ('tur or -tang-tur'), n. a portable fire-extinguisher. extinguish, (-ting'gwish), v.t. to put out ; pay off and satisfy in full ; eclipse. extinguislier (-er), n. one who, or that which, extinguishes ; a hollow cone for extinguishing a light. extirpate ('ter-pat), v.t. to eradi- cate ; destroy ; exterminate. extirpative (-tiv), adj. capable of, or tending to, extirpate. Also ex- tirpatory. extirpator (-ter), n. one who, or that which, extirpates. extol (tol'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. ex- tolled, p.pr. extolling], to praise highly ; magnify ; laud ; celebrate. extorsive (-tor'siv), adj. tending to extort. extort (-tort'), v.t. to obtain by threats, violence, or injustice : v.i. to practice extortion. extortion (-tor'shun), n. the act or practice of extorting; oppressive or unjust exaction. extortionate ('shun-at), adj. char- acterized by extortion ; unjust. extortionately (-li), adv. in an ex- tortionate manner. extortioner ('shun-er), n. one who practices extortion. Also extortion- ist. extra, a prefix meaning over and aiove; ieyond; hesides, found in numerous words, the sense of which is self-evident, as ea?^ra-official, ex- ;fra-parochial, eo^^ra-judicial, extra- mural, &c. extra (/tra), adj. additional: n. something not included in the usual fee or charge ; an edition of a news- paper issued in addition to the reg- ular edition, or for some particular object. extract (-trakt'), v.t. to draw out of ; pull out ; select from a larger literary work: n. (eks'trakt) a sub- stance extracted by distillation, so- lution, &c. ; an abstract or excerpt from a book ; quotation. extractible ('i-bl), adj. capable of being extracted. Also extractable. extraction (-trak'shun), n. the act of extracting; lineage, birth, or de- scent. extractor ('ter), n. one who, or that which, extracts. extradite ('tra-dit) , v.t. to surrender (a person) to another government under, the terms of a treaty of ex- tradition. extraditable (-di'ta-bl), adj. liable or subject to, extradition. extradition (-dish'un), n. the sur- render by the government of one nation to another of a person guilty of a crime, in accordance with the terms of a treaty existing between the two nations. extrados ('dos), n. the exterior curve of an arch. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ext 320 eyx extrane (eks-tran'), adj. foreign; not in accord with the hypnotized subject : n. one who is extreme. extraneity (eks-tra-ne'i-ti), n. ex- ternality. . , extraneous ('ne-us), adj. external; foreign. extraordinary (-tror'di-na-ri, or -tra-6r'di-na-ri), adj. beyond or out of the usual course ; uncommon ; unusual ; remarkable ; rare ; emi- , nent ; special. extravagance (-trav'ti-gans), n. ex- cess in anything, especially expendi- ture ; profusion. extravagant ('a-gant), adj. exceed- ing reasonable limits ; wasteful ; prodigal ; irregular ; needlessly lav- ish in expenditure ; visionary. extravaganza (-gan'za), n. a stage burlesque ; an irregular piece of music ; a wild flight of language or feeling. extravasate ('a-sat), v.t. to force out of a duct or vessel, as blood : vA. to escape out of the proper ves- sel. extreme (-trem'>, adj. of the highest degree ; last ; utmost ; furthest ; final ; most severe or strict ; uncompro- mising : n. the utmost degree of any- thing ; extremity ; excess ; end : pi. points at the greatest distance from each other. extremely ('li), adv. exceedingly. extremist ('ist), n. a supporter of extreme views or practice. extremity (-trem'i-ti), n. [pi. ex- tremities (-tiz)], the utmost point • or degree ; remotest part ; utmost violence, vigor, or necessity ; end : pi. the limbs. extricate ('tri-kat), v.t. to free I from difficulties, complications, or perplexity ; disembarrass, €5:trieable ('tri-ka-bl), adj. capable of being extricated. extrinsic (-trin'sik), adj. external; not inherent or essential ; foreign. extrinsically (-al-li), adv. outward- ly. extroversion (-tro-ver'shun), n. the turning of an inner part out- ward. extrude (-trud'), v.t. to thrust out. exulierance (-u'ber-ans), n. super- abundance. exuberant (-ant), adj. copious. exude (-ud'), v.t. to discharge grad- ually through pores : v.i. to flow out slowly. exult (egz-ulf), v.i. to rejoice in tri- umph ; be glad above measure. exultant ('ant), adj. rejoicing tri- umphantly. exuviae (eks-u'vi-e), n.pl. the cast off skinSj shells, &c., of animals ; fossil remains of animals. eye (i), n. the organ of sight; the eyeball ; sight ; observation ; view ; a small perforation; bud; that which resembles an eye : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. eyed; p.pr. eyeing], to ;watch close- ly ; keep in view ; scrutinize. eyeball ('bawl), n. the globe of the eye. eyebright ('brit), n. the plant eu- phrasy, of the figwort family. eyebrow ('brou), n. the hairy arch above the eyes. eyelash ('lash), n. the ridge of hair that lines the eyelid. eyelet ('let), n. a small hole to re- ceive a lace or cord. eyelid ('lid), n. the movable skin which covers over and closes the eye. eye-opener (-op'en-er), n. anything that opens the eyes ; something in- credible, as news ; an early dram of spirits. eye-piece ('pes), n. the lens or lenses in an optical instrument through which the image of an ob- ject is magnified and viewed. eyesight ('sit), n. the sight of the eye ; range of vision ; view. eyesore ('sor), n. anything that of- fends the sight. eye-spot ('spot), n. a rudimentary visual organ ; an eye-like marking. eye-tooth ('tooth), n. [pi. eye- teeth Cteth)], one of the upper canine teeth in the human jaw. eyot (I'ot), n. a little island in .a river or lake. Also ait. eyra ('ra), n. the wild cat of Texas. eyre (ar), n. a circuit of itinerant judges. eyrie (e' or a'ri), n. the nest of a predatory bird. Also eyry. ate. arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. fa (fa), w. the fourth note in the sol- fa musical notation = F. fable (fa'bl),w. a short fictitious nar- rative intended to convey some moral ; an idle story or falsehood : v.t. to feign ; fabricate : v.i. to speak falsely or untruthfully. fabric (fab'rik), n. an edifice or building ; a woven, felted, or knitted material. fabricate ('ri-kat), v.t. to con- struct ; form by manufacture or art ; invent falsely. fabricator (-ka-ter), n. one who fabricates. fabulist ('ii-list), n. a writer of fa- bles ; a liar. fabulize ('ti-liz), v.i. to compose, write, or relate fables. fabulous ('ti-lus), adj. fictitious; mythical. facade (f^-sad'), n. front elevation. face (fas), n. the countenance; dial of a clock, &c. ; front ; visage ; sur- face ; appearance ; outward aspect ; confidence ; personal influence ; an expressive grimace ; value, exclud- ing discount or interest : said of a ! note, &c. (face-value): v.t. [p.t. &j p.p. faced, p.pr. facing], to meet, in front ; oppose with boldness or confidence ; stand opposite to ; cover with an additional surface : v.i. to turn the face. faced (fast), p.adj. having a face; dressed, as stone or tea ; furnished with a covering of harder metal. facer (fas'er), n. a blow in the face; a quick retort ; an unexpected check. facet (fas'et), n. a small surface or face; one of the minute planes into which the surface of a diamond is cut : v.t. to cut or work a facet upon. facetise (fa-se'shi-e), n.pl. witty sayings ; books characterized by coarse wit. facetious ('shus), adj. humorous; jocular. facial ('shal), adj. pertaining to the face. facial angle (ang'gl), n. the angle formed by the two lines drawn re- spectively from the nostrils to the ear, and from the nose to the fore- head : used in craniometrical calcu- lations. facially (-li), adv. as regards the face. facies ('shi-ez), n. the face; the gen- eral resemblance or aspect of any group of organisms or rocks. facile (fas'il), adj. yielding; pliant; affable. facile princeps (prin'seps), easily first. facilitate (fa-sil'i-tat), v.t. to make easy or less difficult ; lessen the labor of. facility ('i-ti), n. [pi. facilities (-tiz)], freedom from difficulty; dexterity ; ease ; pliancy ; ready com- pliance : pi. the means by which the performance of any act may be more easily accomplished. facing (fa'sing), n. a covering in front for ornamental or other pur- poses ; a method of coloring tea, &c. : pi. military movements in drill in turning to the right, left, &c. ; the collars, cuffs, &c., of different ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, ^Tien. 823 tac 322 fal color to the coat on a military uni- form. fac-simile (fak-sim'i-le), n. an ex- act reproduction, counterpart, or likeness of an original. fact (fakt), n. anything that is done; reality ; event ; truth. faction (fak'shun), n. a party in dis- loyal opposition ; dissension. factious ('shus), adj. given to, or characterized by, faction ; turbulent. factitious (-tish'us), adj. artificial; sham. factitive ('ti-tiv), adj. causative. factor ('ter), n. an agent who trans- acts business for another ; one of two or more quantities (multiplier and multiplicand) which, multiplied together, give a product ; any cir- cumstance, &c., which produces a result : v.t. to manage or act as a factor for ; resolve into mathemat- ical factors. factorage (-aj), n. a factor's com- mission. factory ('to-ri), n. [pi. factories (-riz)], a manufactory; a trading settlement. factotum (-to'tum), n. a man of all work. faculse ('u-le), n.pl. luminous spots on the sun's surface. facultative ('ul-ta-tiv), adj, ena- bling ; permissive. faculty ('ul-ti), n. [pi. faculties (-tiz)], any mental or physical power ; mental capacity ; skill ob- tained by practice ; ability ; ease ; readiness ; the members collectively of any one of the learned profes- sions, especially the medical ; the masters and professors of a depart- ment in a university. fad (fad), n. a crotchet; a pet idea or hobby : a passing fashion. faddist ('ist), n. one given to fads. faddy (^i), adj. given to fads. fade (fad), vA. to lose color or dis- tinctness ; languish ; wither ; droop ; die away. fading ('mg), n. decay; loss of color. faecal (fe'kal), adj. pertaining to ex- crement or sediment. faeces ('sez), n.pl. excrement; sedi- ment. f aecula, same as fecula. fag (fag), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. fagged, p.pr. fagging], to work hard; grow weary ; drudge for another : v.t. to tire out or exhaust ; to compel to drudge for another : n. one who drudges for another ; a school-boy who performs menial duties for an- other in a higher class ; fatigue or weariness ; drudgery. fag-end ('end), n. the latter or meaner part of anything ; the frayed end of a piece of cloth, rope, &c. fagot ('ot), 71. a bundle of sticks bound together ; a bundle of fish laid up for drying ; a bundle of scrap- or wrought-iron or steel to be worked over ; a kind of meat-cake of pork : v.t. to form into fagots. fagoting (-ing), n. a method of ornamenting textile fabrics. Fahrenheit (fa'ren-hit) , n. the name of a thermometer-scale, having 32° as its freezing point, and 212° as the boiling point ol! water. faience (fa-ytings'), n. a variety of decorated majolica ware. fail (fal), v.i. to fall short; be defi- cient; waste away; decline; turn out badly ; become bankrupt : v.t. to be wanting, or insuflBcient for: for- sake : n. failure ; omission. failing ('ing), n. a fault; weakness; imperfection; the act of becoming bankrupt. faille (fal, or fa'ye), n. a soft un- twilled silk used for dresses or bon- net trimmings, &c. failure (fal'ur), n. the act of fail- ing ; omission ; neglect or non-per- formance ; want of success ; lapse ; the act of becoming bankrupt. fain (fan), adv. willingly; gladly. faint (fant), v.i. to become feeble; lose consciousness ; swoon ; lose courage and hope : adj. feeble ; lan- guid ; depressed ; spiritless ; not bright or vivid in color ; not loud or clear : n. a sudden loss of conscious- ness : pi. the impure spirit which distils over first and last in making whisky. fainting ('ing), n. a sudden and tem- porary loss of consciousness ; syn- cope. fair (far), adj. beautiful; handsome; pleasing to the eye or mind ; free ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, i/ien. fai 323 fal from any dark hue ; spotless ; not cloudy ; fine ; favorable ; prosper- ous ; just ; equitable ; civil ; legible ; above mediocrity ; of good reputa- tion ; reasonable ; passably good ; blowing direct ; the female sex (with the) ; a market held at particular times : adv. distinctly ; openly ; hon- estly ; on good terms ; legibly. fairly ('li), adv. honorably; openly. fairness ('nes), n. the quality of being fair ; beauty ; equity ; clear- ness ; candor. fairy (far'i), n. [pi. fairies (-iz)], an imaginary being of graceful and diminutive human form, supposed to interfere in human affairs for good or evil ; an elf ; fay ; sprite ; brownie : adj. pertaining to, or re- sembling, fairies. fairy-land (-land), n. the supposed abode of fairies ; an enchanting and pleasant abode. fairy ring (ring), n. a small circle of grass greener than the turf sur- rounding it, caused by an under- ground fungus. fait accompli (fat a-kang-ple')", something already done. faith (fath), n. belief; trust in the honesty and truth of another ; the assent of the mind to Divine revela- tion ; unshaken adherence ; fidelity ; honesty; a system of doctrines or tenets. faithful ('fool), adj. full of faith; trustworthy ; truthful ; honest ; loy- al : n. Christians in full communion (with the). faithfully (-li), adv. in a faithful manner. fake (fak), v.t. to fold or coil; to cover up imperfections of, or fabri- cate with the view to deception ; steal : n. a coil or turn of a rope ; a cheat or dodge ; canard ; hoax ; a swindler or trickster. fakement ('ment), n. fraud; decep- tion. faker ('er), n. one who fakes; a swindler ; pickpocket. fakir (fa'ker), n. a Mohammedan as- cetic or mendicant priest. falcate (fal'kat), adj. sickle-shaped. Also falciform. falchion (fawl'shun), n. a short, slightly curved sword, with a broad blade. falcon ('kn or faw'kn), n. a preda- tory bird with a hooked beak, trained for hunting. falconer (faw'kn-er), n. one who trains or sports with falcons, faflconry (faw'kn-ri), n. the art of training hawks to pursue other birds. faldstool (fawld'stool), n. a litany- stool, or -desk ; the bishop's chair near the altar. fall (fawl), v.i. [p.t. fell, p.p. fallen, p.pr. falling], to drop from a higher to a lower place : drop from an erect posture ; descend ; sink ; flow into ; perish ; be degraded or disgraced ; happen ; apostatize or fall into sin ; begin with ardor ; become the prop- erty of : adj. pertaining to the au- tumn : n. the act of falling ; distance through which anything falls ; over- throw ; ruin ; death ; cadence ; water- fall ; cataract ; decrease in value ; a veil ; autumn. fallacious (fal-Ia'shus), adj. decep- tive. fallacy ('a-si), n. [pi. fallacies (-siz)], a deceptive or false appear- ance ; mistake ; an unsound method of reasoning ; sophism. fallen (fawl'n), p. adj. sunk to a low- er state or condition ; degraded ; ruined ; outcast ; overthrown ; dead. fallibility (fal-i-bil'i-ti), n. the state of being fallible ; liability to err. fallible ('i-bl), adj. liable to be de- ceived, mislead, err, or fail. falling (fawl'ing), p.adj. moving or hanging downwards ; sinking ; de- clining ; decreasing in value or quan- tity : n. the act or process of falling ; descent ; downward displacement. fallopian (fal-o'pi-an), adj. pertain- ing to the ducts which convey the ova to the uterus. fallow ('6), v.t. to make or keep fal- low : adj. plowed but not sown for the season ; untilled ; neglected ; of a pale yellow or reddish-yellow col- or : n. land plowed but left un- seeded. fallow-deer (-der), n. a species of nte, arm, ^sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. fal 324 fan deer of yellowish-brown color, with branched and recurved horns. false (fawls), adj. untrue; dishon- est ; disloyal ; perfidious ; counter- feit ; not well founded ; unreliable ; made for temporary use ; not in har- mony : adv. falsely. falsehood ('hood), n. an untruth; lie. false-keel (-kel), n. the timber below the main keel. falsetto (fawl-set'o), n. an artificial tone higher in key than the natural compass of the voice. falsify ('si-fl), v.t. [p.t, & p.p. falsi- fied, p.pr. falsifying], to make, or prove to be, false ; counterfeit ; forge : v.i. to lie. falsity ('si-ti), n. [pi. falsities (-tiz)], the quality of being false; an untruth ; false statement. FalstaJiian (fawl'staf-i-an), adj. re- sembling Palstaff : hence boasting ; coarsely jovial, etc. falter ('ter), v.t. to utter in a weak trembling manner (with out) : v.i. to exhibit moral or physical hesi- tancy ; waver ; tremble ; fail in ut- terance. fame (fam), n. public report ; rumor ; celebrity ; renown. famed ('d), adj. renowned; cele- brated. familiar (fa-mil'yer), adj. well ac- quainted, or intimate, with ; domes- tic ; affable ; easy ; unconstrained ; unceremonious ; habituated by cus- tom : 11. a spirit or demon supposed to attend at the call of a necroman- cer : a domestic of the papal house- hold. familiarity (-i-ar'i-ti), n. [pi. famil- iarities (-tiz)], intimacy; ease of conversation ; freedom from cere- mony or conventionality ; a liberty or freedom. familiarize ('yer-iz), v.t. to make familiar ; habituate. family (fam'i-li), n. [pi. families (-liz) ], a household ; children as dis- tinguished from the parent ; a body of persons descended from a common ancestor ; tribe ; race ; genealogy ; noble lineage ; class ; a group of ani- mals larger than a genus, but less than an order; an order [Bot.]. famine (fam'in), n. extreme dearth; great scarcity. famish, ('ish), v.t. & v.i. to starve. famous (fa'mus), adj. renowned; conspicuous ; noted. famously (-li), adv. in a famous manner ; admirably. famulus ('u-lus), n. the familiar spirit of a magician ; an assistant. fan (fan), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. fanned, p.pr. fanning], to cool with a fan; agitate the air, as with a fan ; ven- tilate ; winnow : n. a fiat implement used to cool the face by agitating the air ; an instrument for exciting a current of air ; anything resembling a fan in shape ; a winnowing imple- ment. fanatic (fa-nat'ik), n. one who is in- temperately zealous, or wildly ex- travagant, especially on religious subjects : adj. characterized by fa-. naticism : visionary. Also fanatical. fanatically (-al-li), adv. in a fanatic manner. fanaticism ('i-sizm), n. extravagant or frenzied zeal ; wild enthusiasm. fancied (fan'sid), adj. imaginary. fancier ('si-er), n. one who breeds or sells animals and birds ; an amateur. fanciful ('si-fool), adj. influenced by the fancy ; unreal ; whimsical ; wild. fancifully (-li), adv. in a fanciful manner. fancy ('si), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. fancied, p.pr. fancying], to imagine; take a liking to ; be pleased with : v.i. to imagine ; suppose : adj. ornamental ; elegant ; imaginary ; characterized by - variety : n. creative imagination ; idea ; notion ; liking ; caprice ; pet pursuit ; sporting characters, as pugilists, &c. (with the). fandango (-dang'go), n. a lively Spanish dance ; a lively ball. fane (fan), n. a temple; church. fanfare (fan'far), n. a flourish of trumpets ; noisy ostentatious parade. fanfaronade (-o-nad'), n. blustering talk or swagger : v.i. to make a noisy parade. fang (fang), n. the lower part of a tooth set in the socket ; the poison- tooth of a serpent ; a tusk, claw, talon, or pointed tooth. f anion (fan'yun), n. a small banner. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. fan 325 fas f antail ( 'tal ) , w. a variety of pigeon. fantan ('tan), n. a Chinese gambling game. fantasia (-ta' or ta'zhi-a), n. a mu- sical composition not restricted by the usual laws of form or time. fantastic (-tas'tik), adj. odd; whim- sical ; grotesque ; unreal ; imaginary. Also fantastical, fantastically (-al-li), adv. in a fan- tastic manner. fantasy, see phantasy. far (far), adj. [comp. farther, fur- ther, superl. farthest, furthest], re- mote ; distant ; extending widely or at length ; contrary to design or pur- pose ; alienated : adv. remotely ; very much ; to a certain point or degree ; to a great distance ; widely. farad (far 'ad), n. a unit of electric capacity. farce (fars), n. a short comedy in which qualities and actions are muoh exaggerated ; ridiculous or empty parade. farcical (far'si-kal), adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, a farce ; ludicrous. farcically (-li), adv. in a farcical manner. farcy ('si), n. a disease of horses, closely allied to glanders. fardage ('daj), n. loose wood, &c., stowed among the cargo to prevent it from moving, or to protect it from bilge water. fare (far), v.i. to be in any state, either good or ill ; be entertained with food ; live ; succeed ; result : n. the sum paid for a journey by rail, &c. ; a person conveyed for hire in a vehicle ; provisions of a table ; enter- tainment ; the quantity of fish taken by a smack. farewell ( 'wel ) , inter j. may you fare well or prosper ; good-bye : adj. not- ing, or accompanying, a parting : n. an adieu. far-fetched ('fecht), adj. unnatu- ral ; forced. farina (fa-re' or fa-ri'na), n. starch; flour or meal obtained by grinding the seeds of cereals and leguminous plants. ' farinaceous (na'shus), adj. consist- ing of, or made from, farina ; like meal. farinose (far'i-nos), adj. producing, or covered with, farina ; mealy. farm (farm), n. a portion of land, cultivated by one person, with the buildings, «S:c., appurtenant to it : v.t, to cultivate (land) at a fixed rental ; lease or let : v.i. to cary on the op- eration of farming. farmer ('er), n. one who cultivates a farm ; an agriculturist ; one who col- lects revenues, taxes, &c., for a cer- tain commission or rate. farming ('ing), adj. pertaining to, or engaged in, agriculture : n. the leas- ing out, or collection of taxes, rev- enues, &c., for a certain commission or rate per cent. faro (fa' or fa'ro), n. a game of chance, played with cards : so called from the picture of Pharaoh, which formerly was printed on one of the cards. farness (far'nes), n. distance; re- moteness. farrago (far-ra'go), n. a medley; hotch-potch. farrier ('i-er), n. one who shoes horses ; a veterinary surgeon. farriery (-i), n. the occupation of shoeing horses ; veterinary surgery. farrow ('o), v.t. to give birth to: said of pigs : n. a litter of pigs : adj. noting a cow not calving in a given season. fartiier (far'f/ier), adj., comp. of far; more distant or remote; addi- tional : adv. more remotely : conj. moreover. farthing {' thing), n. l-4th of an English penny. farthingale (-gal), n. a kind of hoop-skirt formed of circles of whale- bone, worn by women of the 16th and 17th centuries. Also farthing- dale. fasces (fas'ez), n.pl. a bundle of rods containing an axe, carried by the lictors before the magistrates of an- cient Rome as a symbol of authority. fascia (fash'i-a), n. [pZ. fasciae (-e)], a filet or belt ; a broad volute ; a jutting brick course beyond the win- dows ; a ligature ; the board over the top of the window of a shop, on ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; bo5n, book : hue, hut ; think, then. fas 326 fat which the owner's name, &c., are in- scribed. fasciculate (fas-ik'ti-lat), adj. formed of, or growing in, bundles. Also fas- ciculated. fascicle ('i-kl), n. a small collection, group, or bundle ; a serial division of a book. fascinate ('i-nat), v.t. to influence the mind or will of as if by enchant- ment ; bewitch ; captivate : v.i. to exercise a bewitching or captivating power. fascination (-na'shun), n. the act of fascinating ; the state of being fas- cinated ; any invisible influence that overpowers the mind or will ; be- witchment ; charm. fascine (-en'), n. a cylindrical bundle of sticks or fagots bound together, used for fortifying ditches, building earthworks, &c. fashion ('un), n. the shape or form of anything ; conventional custom or usage, especially in dress ; compli- ance with the rules of good society ; method ; general practice : v.t. to mold, shape, or form ; accommodate. fashionable (-a-bl), adj. according to the prevailing mode ; made in ac- cordance with the fashion of the day; observant of the rules of polite society and its usages ; well-bred. fast (fast), v.i. to abstain from food, either from necessity, or as a reli- gious obligation : n. abstinence from food ; religious mortification by ab- stinence. fast (fast), adj. quick; speedy in mo- tion ; expeditious ; in advance of the standard : said of a timepiece ; firm ; immovable ; close ; faithful ; dissi- pated ; gay :_ adv. rapidly ; firmly. fast-day (-da), n. a day set apart by civil or ecclesiastical authority for religious fasting, fasten (fas'n), v.t. to fix securely; make fast ; bolt or bar : v.i. to seize or take hold : generally with on. fastening (-ing), n. the act of mak- ing fast ; a bolt or clasp. fastidious (-tid'i-us), adj. squeam- ish : overnice. fasting (fast'ing), n. abstinence from food, especially as a religious ob- servance. fastland ('land), n. upland. fastness ('nes), n. the state or qual- ity of being fast; a fortress or nat- ural stronghold. fat (fat), adj. [comp. fatter, superl. fattest], corpulent; fleshy; adipose; greasy ; unsually extended : said of type ; broad ; sluggish ; stupid ; dull ; lucrative ; fertile ; afiluent : n. a solid, oily, yellow or white substance forming part of the tissue of ani- mals ; the best or richest of any- thing : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. fatted, p.pr. fatting], to fatten; cause to gain flesh : v.i. to become fat. fatal (fa'tal), adj. causing death or destruction ; mortal ; fateful. fatalism (-izm), n. the doctrine that all things happen by irresistible ne- cessity overruling all things. fatalist (-ist), n. a believer in the doctrine of fatalism. fatalistic (-is'tik), adj. pertaining to fatalism. fatality ('i-ti), n. [pi. fatalities (-tiz) ], predetermined order or series of events ; destiny ; a calamity ; fa- tal occurrence. fatally ('tal-i), adv. in a fatal man- ner. fata morgana (fa'ta mor-ga'na), n. a name for the mirage sometimes seen near the straits of Messina. fate (fat), n. destiny; inevitable ne- nessity ; death or destruction ; pre- destined lot : pi. the three classic goddesses, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, who presided over the des- tinies of mankind. fated (fa'ted) , p. adj. decreed by fate ; destined. fateful (fat'fool), adj. possessing fatal power ; determining destiny ; fatal. father (fa'^/ier), n. a male parent or ancestor ; one who stands in the re- lation of a father ; an originator or founder ; the official title of a con- fessor of the Roman Catholic Church, the superior of a convent, and of an ancient Roman senator ; the senior member of any class, profession, or body ; an ecclesiastical writer of the Early Christian Church : v.t. to adopt as a son or daughter : to ate, arm, ask. t, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. fat 327 fea ascribe to anyone as his offspring or production : with on. Father, n. the Creator, God. fatherhood (-hood), n. paternity. fatherland (-land), n. one's native country. fatherly (-li), adj. pertaining to a father ; kind, affectionate, as a fa- ther : adv. like a father. fathom (faf/i'um), n. a measure of length = 6 ft. : v.t. to reach ; ascer- tain the depth of. fatigue (fa-teg'), n. weariness; toil; bodily or mental exhaustion : v.t. to weary with bodily or mental exer- tion ; tire ; harass. fatigTxe-duty (du'ti), n. labor a sol- dier is employed in distinct from the practice of arms. fatling ('ling), n. a young animal fattened for slaughter. fatness ('nes), n. the quality or state of being fat ; corpulency ; fertility. fatten ('n), v.t. to make fat, plump, or stout ; feed for the table ; make fertile or abundant. fatty ('i), adj. consisting, or having the qualities of, fat ; greasy ; oily. fatuity (fa-tu'i-ti), n. weakness of intellect ; obstinate folly. fatuous ('u-us), adj. weak in intel- lect ; silly ; obstinately foolish ; illu- sory. faubourg (fo'boorg), n. a suburb. fauces (faw'sez), n.pL the upper part of the throat and entrance to the gullet. faucet ('set), n. a short pipe with a valve, used for drawing out liquor. faugh (faw,) inter j. an exclamation expressive of disgust or abhorrence. fault (fawlt), n. a slight crime or offense ; blemish ; defect ; omission ; the loss of scent in hunting : said of a hound ; fracture of strata ; an ac- cidental leak in an electric circuit ; an improper service in lawn-tennis. faultfinder ('find-er), n. one given to finding fault ; a mechanical de- vice for discovering faults in an electric circuit. faulty ( 'i ) , adj. imperfect ; erroneous. faun (fawn), n. a classic woodland deity, resembling the satyrs in ap- pearance. fauna (faw'na), n. [pi. faunae Cne), faunas ('naz)], the animals charac- teristic of any particular region, or geological period. fauteuil (fo-tal' or -tul'), n. an up- holstered arm chair ; membership in the French Academy ; the seat of a president, &c. faux pas (fo pa'), n. an error or slip, especially in respect of good man- ners or morality. Favonian (fa-vo'ni-an), adj. pertain- ing to Favonius, the west wind : hence auspicious. favor (fa'ver), n. kindness; support; patronage ; good will ; facility ; par- tiality ; bias ; a love token ; a bunch of ribbons worn on some special oc- casion ; a letter : v.t. to regard with favor ; befriend ; facilitate ; resemble in features ; spare. favorable (-a-bl), adj. propitious; advantageous ; friendly ; partial. favored ('verd), adj. featured. favorite (-it), n. one who, or that which, is particularly esteemed ; one regarded with undue preference ; a person or animal considered to have the best chance of winning in a con- test : adj. preferred ; esteemed. favoritism (-izm), n. the disposition or tendency to favor one person or class in preference to others possess- ing equal claims ; partiality. fawn ( fawn ) , w. a young deer : v.i. & v.t. to court servilely (with on or upon) ; to exhibit affection by leap- ing upon, cringing, or licking the hand of a person : said of a dog. fawning ('ing), n. gross, or servile, flattery. fay (fa), n. an elf; fairy: v.t. to fit (two pieces of wood) flush together : v.i. to fit closely : adj. fated ; dead [Scotch]. faze (faz), v.t. to worry; annoy; frighten ; disturb ; produce an effect on. fealty (fe'al-ti), n. the duty of a vassal or tenant to his feudal su- perior ; loyalty. fear (fer), n. apprehension of evil or danger ; dread ; anxiety ; solicitude ; reverence : v.t. to regard with appre- hension ; dread : v.i. to be in fear ; feel anxiety. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. £ea 328 fee fearful ('fool), adj. affected with fear ; timorous ; apprehensive ; in- spiring fear. fearfully (-li), adv, in fear; so as to cause fear. fearless ('les), adj. intrepid. fearlessness (-ues), n. intrepidity. fearsome (fer'sum), adj. fearful; terrible. feasibility (-bil'i-ti), n. practicabil- ity. feasible (fe'zi-bl), adj. practicable. feasibly_ ('zi-bli), adv. practicably. feast (fest), n. a sumptuous repast, especially in commemoration of some event, &c. ; a festival, especially of the Church ; anything affording pleasure to the palate or mind : v.t. to_ entertain sumptuously ; delight : v.i. to feed sumptuously ; enjoy one's self. feat (fet), n. a notable achievement, deed, or performance. featber (fe^/i'er), n. part of the ex- terior covering of a bird ; a plume ; something resembling a feather ; the water thrown up by the turn of the blade of an oar ; kind or class : v.t. to ornament with feathers ; cover with, or as with, feathers ; turn the blade of (an oar) horizontally when leaving the water : v.i. to become covered with, or something resem- bling, feathers. f eatber-braiued (-brand), adj. giddy. featber-edged (-ejd), adj. thin at the edges. featber-weigbt (-wat), n. in a handicap, the least weight than can be put on a racehorse. featbery (-i), adj. covered with, or resembling, feathers ; very light. feature (fe'tur), n. the cast of the face ; lineament ; principal part ; outline; characteristic; appearance. featured ('turd), adj. having a par- ticular cast of face. feaze (fez), v.t. to disturb; discon- cert ; frighten. febrifuge (feb'ri-fuj) , n. a medicine that lessens or dispels fever. febrile (feb' or fe'bril), adj. pertain- ing to, accompanied by. or indicat- ing fever. fecal, same as fsecal. feces, same as faeces. fecula (fek'u-la), n. farina; starch; chlorophyll. feculence ('lens), n. the quality of being feculent ; dregs. Also fecu- lency. feculent ('lent), adj. containing, or full of, dregs or sediment ; turbid ; muddy. fecund (fek' or fe-kund'), adj. fruit- ful ; prolific. fecundate (fek'un-dat), v.t. to make fruitful or prolific ; fertilize ; im- pregnate. fecundity ('di-ti), n. fruitful ness ; prolificness ; fertility of invention \ germination. fed, p.t. & p.p. of feed. federal (fed'er-al), adj. pertaining to, constituting, or founded upon, a league or treaty ; consisting in a union or compact between the states, especially of the United States or Switzerland ; confederated : n. a sup' porter of federalism. Federal, adj. supporting the cause of the Union in the American civil war 1861-'65) : n. one who favored the Union cause in that war. federalism (-izm), n. the doctrine of federal union, and the support of the central government of the Uni- ted States. federalize (-Tz), v.t. to bring togeth- er in a political federacy : v.i. to unite under a federal form of gov- ernment. Also federate. federiate (-at), adj. united by com- pact. federation (-a'shun), n. a league; federal government. federative (-tiv), adj. forming a league or confederacy ; federal. fee (fe), n, a compensation or pay- ment for service rendered, especially professional service ; a gratuity ; an heritable or inherited estate ; land held from a superior ; feud : v.t. to pay or give a fee to. feeble (fe'bl), adj. weak; wanting in physical strength or mental vigor ; infirm : v.t. to weaken. feed (fed), v.t. to give food to; nour- ish ; graze or pasture ; supply with necessaries ; furnish with materials, as a machine : v.i. to eat ; subsist ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. fee 329 fel (with on or upon) : n. a certain quantity of food given to animals at one time ; fodder ; pasture ; a ban- quet. feeder ('er), n. one who, or that which, feeds ; one who fattens cat- tle ; that which nourishes or supplies the needs of, or increases the im- portance or value of ; a branch canal or railway ; an electric wire supply- ing a current to a main conductor. feeding ('ing), the act of eating; pasture. feed-pipe (-pip), n. a pipe which supplies water to the boiler of a steam-engine. feed-pump (-pump), n. sl force-pump which supplies water to the boiler of a steam-engine. feel (fel), v.t. to perceive by the touch ; be conscious of ; understand ; test ; be influenced or moved by ; ex- perience, as pleasure or pain ; exam- ine by touching or handling : v.i. seem to the touch ; have the passions moved : n. the sense of feeling ; touch ; sensation. feeler ('er), n. one who, or that which, feels ; that part of an inverte- brate animal which serves as an or- gan of touch, as the antennae of in- sects, &c. ; something put forth as a means of gaining information not directly obtainable. feeling ('ing), p.adj. easily affected; sympathetic ; of great sensibility ; perceptible by touch : n. sense of touch ; physical or mental sensation ; perception ; tenderness. fee-simple (-sim'pl), n. an estate in land or tenements held by a person in his own right, without restrictions. feet, pi. of foot. fee-tail (fe'tal), n. an estate en- tailed to a person and his heirs. feign (fan), v.t. to pretend; invent. feigned (fand), adj. pretended ; coun- terfeited. feint (fant), n. a pretense; mock at- tack. feldspar (feld'spar), n. a name for various crystalline minerals occur- ring in igneous rocks, composed principally of silicate of aluminia. Also felspar. felicitate (fe-lis'i-tat), v.t. to con- gratulate. felicitous ('i-tus), adj. characterized by, or causing, happiness ; appropri- ate. felicitously (-li), adv. happily; suit- ably. felicity ('i-ti), n. [pi. felicities (-tiz)], a condition of supreme hap- piness ; blissfulness ; pros])erity ; ap= ' propriateness ; a neat or well-choseis expression. feline ('lin), adj. pertaining to, or resembling, a cat ;' stealthy ; treach- erous. fell (fel), v.t. to hew, cut, or knock down ; cause to fall ; turn down ( a seam) : adj. cruel; savage; barbar-= ous ; hideous ; powerful : 71. the skin of an animal ; a hem laid level with the material ; a rocky or barren hill ; small pieces of ore. fellah ('a), n. [pi. fellahs ('az), fel- laheen (-hen')], in Egypt and Syria^ a peasant or laboring man. felloe, same as felly. fellow ('o), n. SL companion or asso^ ciate ; one of the same kind ; com peer ; one of a pair ; an individual ; one held in slight esteem ; a membei of an incorporated society ; a gradu= ate member of a college who holds a fellowship ; the trustee of a college ', adj. associated or joined with (used in composition). fellowship (-ship), n. association; communion ; intimacy ; society ; joint interest or feeling ; a college endow- ment for the support of a fellow ; one of the rules of arithmetic. felly ('i), n. [pi. fellies ('iz)], one of the curved pieces of wood which form the rim of a wheel ; the rimo Also felloe. felo-de-se (fe'lo-de-se), n. a suicide, felon (fel'un), n. one guilty of fel= ony ; a whitlow: adj. malignant; traitorous. felonious _(fe-lo'ni-us), adj. done with the intention of committing crime ; malignant. felony (fel'o-ni), n. [pi. felonies (-niz)], a crime punishable by death or imprisonment in a state prison. felsite (slt),w. a variety of feldspar. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon.^ book ; hue, hut ; think, *^en. fel 330 fer felspar ('spar), n. same as feldspar. felt, p.t. of feel. felt (felt), n. an unwoven fabric composed of wool or wool and hair, compacted together by pressure or heat. felting; ('ing), n. the material of which felt is made-, or the process of manufacturing it. felucca (fe-luk'a), n. a small sailing- vessel propelled by lateen sails and oars, used in the Mediterranean. female (fe'mal), n. one of that sex which conceives and produces young; the plant or flower which bears the pistil and receives the pollen of the male flower : adj. per- taining to that sex which produces young ; feminine ; womanly ; having pistils but destitute of stamens ; noting, in mechanics, something, as a hollow, into which another part fits. feme coverte (fern or fam kuv'ert), n. a married woman. Also femme coverte. feme sole (sol), n. an unmarried woman. Also femme sole. feminine (fem'i-nin), a(?y. pertaining to, or characteristic of, women ; deli- cate ; tender ; sensitive ; wanting in manly characteristics ; effeminate : n. a woman. femininity (-i-ti), n. the state or quality of being feminine ; woman- kind. femme de cliambre (fam' de shang'- br), n. a lady's-maid; chambermaid. femoral (fem'o-ral), adj. pertaining to the thigh. femur (fe'mer), n. the thigh-bone. fen (fen), n. low, flat, marsh land, covered with sedges, &c. ; a kind of mold or moss causing disease in hops. fence (fens), v.i. to practice fencing; deposit stolen property with a con- federate : v.t. guard or protect ; de- fend ; to inclose or surround with a fence ; fortify : n. the art of fencing ; defense ; guard ; a boundary con- sisting of posts, wire, &c. ; inclos- ure; skill in debate; a receiver of stolen goods. fencible (fen'si-bl), adj. capable of defense, or being defended : n. a sol- dier enlisted for home service. fencing ('ing), n. the art of skil- fully using a foil or sword for at- tack or defense ; materials used for constructing a fence ; a collection of fences ; guard ; skilful debate. fend (fend), v.t. to ward off; protect with a fender. fender ('er), n. a cushion of rope, or piece of wood hung over the side of a vessel to prevent injure by con- tact with a landing-stage, &c. ; a metal guard in front of a fireplace to prevent the hot coal falling upon the floor ; a device affixed to the front of a street car to prevent in- jury to pedestrians. fenks (fenks), n. whale-blubber ref- use : used as a manure. fennec ('ek), n. small African fox. fennel (fen'el), n. an aromatic bien- nial herb of the parsley family, with yellow flowers. fenny ( 'i ) , adj. full of fens ; marshy. fent (fent), n. a slit in a garment for convenience in putting it on; placket ; remnant. ferae naturae (-na-tu're), in law, wild animals as distinguished from those domesticated. feral ( f e'ral ) , adj. wild ; undomesti- cated. ferial ('ri-al), adj. pertaining to week days, especially those which are not festivals or fasts ; pertaining to holidays. ferment (fer'ment), n. a microscopic fungus which produces fermenta- tion ; internal commotion ; tumult : v.t. (fer-ment'), to produce fermen- tation in ; excite : v.i. to be in a state of fermentation ; effervesce ; be excited. fermentation (-men-ta'shun), n. the chemical decomposition which takes place in an organic substance ex- posed to the air, due to the action of microscopic organisms, or to un- organized ferments ; excitement. fermentative (-men'ta-tiv), adj. causing, or characteristic of, fermen- tation. fern (fern), n. a cryptogamous or flowerless plant with broad and ate, iirrn, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n6rth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. fer 331 fes feathery fronds or leaves, on the under surface of which the repro- ductive seeds are situated. fernery ('er-i), n. pi. ferneries (-iz)], a place where ferns are cul- tivated. ferny ('i), adj. fern-like, or abound- ing in ferns. ferocious (fe-ro'shus), adj. savage; fierce ; rapacious ; of cruel nature. ferocity (-ros'i-ti), n. [pi, ferocities (-tiz)], savageness or cruelty of disposition ; inhuman cruelty. ferrate (fer'at), n. a salt of ferric acid. ferret (fer'et), n. a domesticated va- riety of polecat, employed to hunt rats and rabbits from their holes ; a kind of binding ; an iron rod used for making the rings at the mouths of bottles, or trying melted glass : v.t. to search minutely or discover by cunning methods (with out). f erreter ( 'er ) , n. one who ferrets. ferretto (-ret'to), n. a preparation of copper with sulphuric acid : used in coloring glass. ferriage ('i-aj), n. money paid for conveyance by ferry. ferric ('ik), adj. pertaining to, con- taining, or extracted from, iron. ferric acid (as'id), n. an acid com- posed of 3 atoms of oxygen and 1 of iron. ferric oxide Coks'id), n. red oxide of iron ; haematite. ferro (fer'rd), a prefix, denoting the presence of iron in a substance. ferro-cyanic (-si-an'ik), adj. per- taining to an acid formed by the union of iron and cyanogen. ferr o-manganese ( -mang'ga-nez ) , n. an alloy of iron and manganese, used in the Bessemer process of manufacturing steel. ferrotype (-tip), n. a photograph taken upon a sensitized iron plate. ferrous (fer'us), adj. pertaining to, or obtained from, iron. ferrous oxide (oks'id), n. monoxide of iron. ferruginous (-ru'ji-nus), adj. con- taining, or impregnated with, iron ; rust-colored. ferrule ('ril), n. a metal ring placed at the end of a stick, &c., to strengthen it. ferry ('i), n. [pi. ferries ('iz)], a passage across a river, &c. ; a ferry- boat ; the place where a ferry-boat lands its passengers : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. ferried, p.pr. ferrying], to con- vey across a river, &c., in a boat : v.i. go across water in a boat. fertile (fer'til), adj. producing abun- dantly ; fruitful ; reproductive ; rich in resources or invention. fertilization (-i-za'shun), n. the act or process of making fertile ; im- pregnation. fertilize ('til-iz), v.t. to make fer- tile ; render fruitful ; impregnate. fertilizer (-er), n. any material used as a manure for the land. fertility Ci-ti), n. the state or quali- ty of being fertile ; abundance ; fe- cundity ; richness of resources or in- vention. £«rule ('ul), n. a rod or flat stick used for chastisement : v.t. to chas- tise with a ferule. fervency (fer'ven-si), n. earnestness; ardor. fervent ('vent), adj. zealous; ear- nest ; vehement ; very hot. fervently ('li), adv. with fervor. fervid ('vid), adj. burning; ardent; fiery ; intense ; eager ; vehement. fervor ('ver), n. intensity of feeling; zeal ; warmth. festal Ctal), adj. pertaining to a feast ; joyous ; festive ; hilarious. festally (-li), adv. festively. fester ('ter), v.t. to cause to fester or rankle : v.i. to become ulcerated ; suppurate ; rankle ; become putrid ; rot : n. an ulcerous or purulent sore ; act of festering or rankling. festival ('ti-val), n. a joyful cele- bration in cor nemoration of some event, religious .'>r civil ; an enter- tainment on behalf of some charity at which fruit, &c., :s sold. festive ('tiv), adj. pe^'taining to a feast; gay; joyous; merry. festively (-li), adv. in a fe^rtive man- ner. festivity (-tiv'i-ti), n. [pi. festivi- ties (-tiz)], social gaiety at an en- tertainment or feast ; merrymaking ; joyfulness; a festival. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. fes 332 fexv festoon (-toon'), n. a wreath or gar- land suspended at the extremities and hanging in a curve ; an archi- tectural ornament of such form : v.t. to decorate with, or form into, fes- toons. fetal, same as foetal. fetch (fech), v.t. to go after and bring ; obtain as its price ; call for and accompany ; heave, as a sigh ; fascinate : v.i. to move and turn ; reach or get : n. an artifice or trick ; the deep long breath, as of a person dying ; a wraith ; the appearance at night of a light resembling a candle, supposed to portend death (fetch- light). fete (fat), n. a festival or holiday: v.t. to entertain, or honor, with fes- tivities. fete cliampetre (shang-pa'tr), n. a rural or open-air festival. fete day (da), n. a birthday celebra- tion, especially the day of the saint whose name one bears [French]. feticide, same as foeticide. fetid (fe'tid, or fet'id), adj. giving forth an offensive smell ; stinking. fetish (fe'tish, or fet'ish), n. any material object, as a stone, weapon, feather, &c., supposed by the ne- groes of Western Africa to be the abode of a spirit, and to give to its possessor power over such a deity : hence any object of unreasoning de- votion ; image or idol. Also fetich. fetishism (-izm), n. the worship of, or belief in, fetishes ; unreasoning or superstitious devotion. Also fet- ichism. fetish-man (-man), n. a medicine- man. fetlock ('lok), n. a tuft of hair be- hind a horse's pastern joint ; the pastern joint. fetlocked ('lokt), adj. having fet- locks ; secured or fastened by the fetlocks. fetter ('er), n. a chain or shackle for the feet (usually pi.) ; a re- straint ; hindrance : v.t. to place fet- ters upon ; chain ; bind ; hinder ; re- strain. fettle (fet'l), v.i. to repair; work with activity ; clean up : v.t. to put in order ; cover or line ; fasten : n. \\ good condition or repair ; fuss. fetus, same as foetus. feud (fud), n. an inveterate quarrel between clans or families ; blood- feud ; quarrel ; enmity ; hatred. feud (fud), n. a fief, or land held from a lord on condition of render- ing him feudal service. Also feod. feudal ( 'al ) , adj. pertaining to a feud or quarrel ; pertaining to, or found- ed upon, a feud or fief. feudalize ('al-Iz), v.t. to conform to feudalism. feudalist (-ist), n. one skilled in feudal law. Also feudist ; an up- holder of feudalism. feudality (-al'i-ti), n. the state of being feudal ; feudal principles or constitution. feudally (-li), adv. in accordance with the principles of feudalism. feudal system (sis'tem), n. the po- litico-social system formerly preva- lent in Europe during the Middle Ages of holding lands on condition of military service. Feudalism. feudatory (-da-to-ri), n. [pi. feuda- tories (-riz)], one holding land by feudal tenure ; a vassal : adj. per- taining to, or held by, feudal tenure. Also feudary. __ feu de joie (foo de zhwa'), w. an ex- pression of public rejoicing, as the firing of guns, or burning of bon- fires. feudist, sameas feudalist. f euilleton ( f oo-i-tang' ) , n. that sec- tion of a French newspaper which is devoted to light literature, criti- cal notices, fiction, &c. ; a newspaper serial. fever (fe'ver), n. a disease charac- terized by marked increase of heat of the skin, quickened pulse, great debility, thirst, &c. ; a condition of extreme nervous excitement : v.t. to put into a fever. f ever-few (-fu), n. a plant of the aster family, formerly esteemed as a febrifuge. feverish (-ish), adj. affected with, indicating, or resembling, fever. few (fu), adj. [comp. fewer, superl. fewest], not many; small in num- ber ; limited. ate, arm, S.sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. few 333 fid fewness ('nes), n. smallness of num- ber. fez (fez), n. a brimless, close fitting, felt hat, usually red, with a black tassel : worn by Turks, Egyptians, &c. fiacre (fe-a'kr), n. a hackney-coach r French]. fiance (fe-ang-sa'), n. one who is be- trothed or affianced. Fem. fiancee. fiasco (fe-as'ko), n. a complete or lu- dicrous failure, as of some enter- prise of which high hopes were en- tertained, as a musical performance, &c. ; a flask or bottle. fiat (fi'at), n. a peremptory order or decree ; an order of a court authoriz- ing certain proceedings, as in bank- ruptcy. fib (fib), n. a falsehood; white lie: ^.i. [p.t. & p.p. fibbed, p.pr. fibbing], to tell fibs ; to deliver a quick suc- cession of blows. fibber ('er), n. one who tells fibs. fiber (fl'ber), n. a slender, thread- like substance, or filament ; raw ma- terial which can be separated into threads for making up textile fab- rics. fibriform ('bri-form), ad], fiber-like. I fibril Cbril), n. a small fiber. fibrillse ('e), n.pl. minute subdivi- sions of a root, as of the lichens. fibrillose (-os), adj. composed of, or covered with, fibrils. - fibrin (fi'brin), n. a white albumi- noid substance which forms the clot of blood ; the fibrous part of flesh ; gluten obtained from corn, &c. Also fibrin e. fibrinous (-us), adj. composed of, or of the nature of, fibrin. fibroid ('broid), adj. of the struc- ture of, or containing, fiber. fibroin ('bro-in), n. the principal constituent of raw silk, cobwebs, and horny sponge-tissue. fibrous ('brus), adj. composed of, or of the nature of, fibers. fibster (fib'ster), n. a liar in a small way. fibula ('u-la), n. ]_pl. fibulae (-le)], the outer and smaller of the two bones which form the lower leg; an ancient ornamental brooch or safe- ty-pin. ficbu (fe-shoo'), n. a light three-cor- nered article of ladies' dress worn on the neck, or over the neck and shoulders. fickle (fik'l), adj. capricious; incon- stant. fictile (fik'til), adj. pertaining to pot tery ; readily molded ; plastic. fiction ('shun), n. the act of feign- ing or inventing ; that which is feigned or invented ; a literary pro- duction of the imagination in prose form, as a novel, romance, &c. ; a legal assumption for the purpose of convenience, the furtherance of justice, &c. fictional (-al), adj. pertaining to» characteristic of, or created by, fic- tion. fictionist (-ist), n. a writer of fic- tion. fictitious (-tish'us), adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, fiction : false ; unreal. fid (fid), n. an iron or wooden bar to support a topmast ; a large tapering wooden pin for opening the strands of a rope : v.t. to put into place and secure by a fid. Also fidd. fidalgo (fi-dal'go), n. a Portuguese nobleman : hidalgo. fiddle (fid'l), n. a violin; a frame used on board ship to prevent arti- cles from rolling off the table in stormy weather : v.i. to play the fid- dle or violin : v.t. to cheat by ?rti- fice. fiddle-de-dee (-de-de), inter j. non- sense ! : M. a piece of nonsense. fiddle-faddle (-fad'l), *i. nonsense* trifling conversation : v.i. to talk nonsense ; fuss about trifles : adj. fussy about trifles. fiddler (fid'ler), n. a violinist; a name of the common sandpiper ; sixpence ; one who is fussy about trifles. fiddlestick (-stik), n. a bow for playing upon the fiddle or violin : interj. nonsense! (usually in pi.), fiddling (fid'ling), n. the act of play- ing the violin : p.adj. trifling. fidelity (fi-del'i-ti), n. [pi. fldelities (-tiz)], integrity; faithful adliier- ence to obligation or duty ; honesty ; loyalty ; reliability. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon^ book; hue, hut; thi^ik, tliQn. €d 334 fig fid-fad (fid'fad), n. fiddle-faddle. fidget (fij'et), n. one who is fidgety; nervous restlessness (often in pi.) : v.t. to put in a fidget ; worry ; v.i. to move about uneasily or restlessly. fidgetiness (-i-nes), n. the state of being fidgety. fidgety ('et-i), adj. restless; impa- tient. fiducial (fi-du'shal), adj. of the na- ture of a trust ; practical confidenc. fiduciary ('sbi-a-ri), n. [pi. fiducia- ries (-riz)], a trustee; one who de- pends for salvation on faith without works : adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, a trust ; confident ; unwa- vering. fie (fi), inter j. for shame! Also fy, fye. fief (fef), n. a fee or feud; a landed estate or manor held under a feudal superior. field (feld), n. a piece of land en- closed for tillage or pasture ; open country ; a region yielding some nat- ural product ; site of a battle ; sphere of action ; a wide expanse ; space within which telescopic or microscopic objects are viewed ; out-door work ; in heraldry, the sur- face of the shield; the ground upon which a game is played ; the com- petitors in a race, hunt, &c. : v.t. to catch or stop and return to the wicket-keeper, as a ball at cricket, &c. : v.i. to act as a fielder ; in a race, bet on the field against the favorite. Seld-allowance (-a-Iou'ans), n. ex- tra pay given to ofiicers on active service. field-artillery (-ar-til'er-i), n. artil- lery so mounted as to be readily handled in active service. field-book (-book), n. a surveyor's note-book. field-day (-da), n. a military review; a day of unusual excitement or dis- play ; a day devoted to outdoor sci- entific research. field-glass (-glas), n. a small porta- ble telescope. field-marlisal (-mar'shal), n. the highest rank in the British army. field-o£Glcer (-of'i-ser), n. a major, lieutenant-colonel, or colonel. field-sports (-sportz), n.pl. outdoor diversions, especially shooting, hunt- ing, &c. field-work (-werk), n. outdoor oper- ations or observations. fiend (fend), n. an infernal being; demon : one who is intensely mali- cious or wicked ; a monomaniac. fiendish ('ish), adj. like a fiend. fierce (fers), adj. savage; violent; merciless ; ferocious ; unrestrained. fiercely ('li), adv. in a fierce manner. fieri facias (fi'e-ri fa'shi-as), (Latin cause it to be done), a writ of exe- cution authorizing a levy on the goods and chattels of the person against whom it is issued. fierily (fir'i-li), adv. in a fiery man- ner. fieriness (-nes), n. the quality of being fiery ; heat of temper. fiery ('ri), adj. [comp. fierier, superl. fieriest], pertaining to, or consisting of, fire ; passionate ; easily roused ; fervent ; ardent. fife (fif), 11. a shrill-toned musical instrument of the flute class : v.t. to play (a tune) on a fife. fifteen (fif 'ten), adj. consisting of 5 and 10 ; a cardinal numeral : n. the number made up of 5 and 10 ; one point scored at lawn-tennis. fifteenth ('tenth), adj. next in order after 14th : n. a fifteenth part. fifth (fifth), adj. next in order after 4th : n. one of 5 equal parts ; in ^usic, an interval of three tones and a semi-tone ; the dominant. fifthly ('li), adv. in the fifth place. fiftieth (fif'ti-eth), adj. next in order after 49th : n. one of 50 equal parts. fifty ('ti), adj. consisting of five times 10: n. [pi. fifties ('tiz)], the number which amounts to five times 10. fig (fig), n. the pear-shaped fruit of the fig-tree ; the fig-tree ; a snap of the fingers in token of contempt : anything insignificant or worthless. figgy Ci), adj. fig-like. fight (fit), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. fought, p.pr. fighting], contend in battle or in arms ; make war ; offer resist- ance : v.t. to war against ; strive for the mastery of ; manoeuvre in bat- &te, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hae, hut ; think, then. fig 335 m tie, as ships : n. a combat ; battle or engagement ; contest. figlLtiiig ('ing), adj. pertaining to conflict ; qualified, or trained, to fight ; skilled in v^arf are : n. a com- bat. fig-leaf (fig'lef), n. the leaf of a fig- tree ; a light covering in the form of a fig-leaf to conceal nakedness. fig-marigold (-mar'i-gold), n. a plant which produces a fig-shaped fruit. figment ('ment), n. an invention; fiction. figuline ('ii-lin), n. potter's clay. figuraut ( 'u-rant) , n. an opera dancer who performs as one of the group. Fern, figurante. figurative ('ti-ra-tiv), adj. repre- senting by figure; symbolical; un- real ; metaphorical. figuratively (-li), adv. in a figura- tive manner. figure ('ur), n. the outline or shape of a person or object ; appearance ; an image or statue; representation of a person by drawing or painting ; idea ; pattern ; type ; sign or charac- ter denoting a number ; a movement in a dance ; musical phrase, or re- peated theme ; a horoscope ; value or cost ; in logic, the character of a syllogism as determined by the place of the middle term ; a space bounded on all sides by lines or planes : v.t. to form into any determinate shape ; show by resemblance ; represent ; symbolize ; adorn or cover with fig- ures ; calculate or compute ; v.i. to be conspicuous ; cipher. figured Curd), adj. covered or adorned with figures ; symbolized ; pictured; indicated by figures [Mus.]. figurs-head (-hed), n. a carved rep- resentation of a human or other fig- ure placed at the prow of a ship ; a person who is only nominally im- portant. figuring (fig'tir-ing), n. computation. figwort (fig'wert), n. a plant used as a specific for piles. filament ('a-ment), n. a fine thread, or thread-like process or appen- dage ; the stalk of an anther. filamentary ( -men'ta-ri ) , adj. con- sisting of, or resembling, a filament. filar (fi'lar), adj. pertaining to, or furnished with, threads ; having fine threads stretched across the field of view : said of a microscope, &c. filbert (fil'bert), n. the edible nut of the cultivated hazel. filch (filcSi), v.t, to pilfer; rob. file (fil), n. a wire, &c., on which pa- pers are strung for preservation or reference ; a bundle of papers fas- tened together and endorsed with the date, contents, &c., of each ; a line of soldiers ranged one behind the other ; a tool of hard steel with small grooves on the surface, used for cutting and smoothing : v.t. to cut or smooth with a file ; string (papers. &c.) on a file, or place them away, endorsed, for future reference ; place among the records of _ a court or house of legislature : v.i. to march in a file or line. filial (fil'i-al), adj. pertaining to, or befitting, a son or daughter ; due to a father. filially (-li), adv. in a filial manner. filiation (-a'shun), n. affiliation. filibuster (-i-bus'ter), n. a free- booter ; buccaneer ; a lawless military adventurer who invades a foreign country ; v.i. to act as a filibuster ; to delay legislation by obstructive tactics. filiform (fil'i-fCrm), adj. thread-like. filigree ('i-gre), adj. made of, or re- lating to, work in filigree : n. orna- mental work, resembling lace, in gold or silver wire ; something deli- cate and ornamental, but not last ing. filigreed ('i-gred), adj. ornamented with, or as with, filigree. filing (fi'ling), n. the act of using a file : pi. fine fragments rubbed off by the action of a file. Filipino (fil-i-pe'no) , n. a native of the Philippine Islands. fill (fil), v.t. to make full; satisfy; crowd ; engage ; occupy ; employ : v.i. to become full or replete ; be dis- tended ; pour a glass or vessel full : n. as much as produces complete satisfaction; satiety. filler ('er), n. one who, or that which, ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. fil fin fills; a funnel for filling bottles, &c. ; composition for stopping up holes or pores in a material before painting it ; the body of a cigar. fillet ('et), n. a narrow band of metal, linen, silk, &c., worn around the forehead, for securing the hair ; the fleshy part of the thigh : said of veal ; a boneless lump of meat or fish served flat or rolled together and tied round ; a raised rim, nar- row ornament, or molding ; a plain line or band ; the loins of a horse : v.t. to bind with a fillet ; ornament with a fillet ; make into fillets, as veal, &c. filling (firing), p.adj. serving to fill; occupying the whole space ; satiat- ing : 71. something that serves to fill up a vacant space, cavity, or pore : pi. prepared wort. fillip ('ip), n. a sudden sharp jerk or stroke with the finger ; an incite- ment : v.t. to strike with the nail of the finger by a sudden movement ; project : v.i. to aim a fillip, fillister ('is-ter), n. a rabbet-plane; a groove or rabbet on the outer edge of a window-sash to receive glass. filly ('i), n. [ph fillies ('iz)], a young mare ; a bold, lively girl. film (film) , n. a thin skin or filament ; a thin covering of some sensitized substance to receive a photographic impression : v.i. to become covered with a film. filminess ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being filmy. filmy -('i), adj. composed of, or re- sembling, films. filo-iloss (fi'lo-flos), n. a fine soft thread, used in embroidery, filo-plume (-plum), n. a long slen- der feather with a delicate shaft, filose {'los),_ adj. thread-like, filoselle ('lo-zel), n. a kind of floss- silk, filter (fil'ter), n. any material or ap- paratus by which water or any other liquid is purified ; a contri- vance for arresting particles of steel, dust, &c., in the air ; a strain- er : v.t. to purify, as a liquid, filth (filth), n. foul matter; dirt; de- filement, moral or physical. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. filthily (-li), adv. in a filthy manner. filthiness (-nes), n. uncleanness ; impurity. filthy ('i), adj. [comp. filthier, su- perl. filthiest], foul; dirty; unclean, morally or physically ; obscene. filtrate (fil'trat), n. sl liquid which has been filtered : v.t. to filter, fin (fin), n. one of the organs of loco- motion of a fish, finable (fin'a-bl), adj. liable to a fine ; capable of belong refined, final (fi'nal), adj. pertaining to the end ; ultimate ; finishing ; decisive : n. that which is last, or makes an end ; the deciding heat of an ath- letic contest, final cause (kawz), n. the end for which a thing is done. finale (fe-nii'la), n. the last passage in a musical composition ; the final act, &c., of a scene or performance ; termination ; end, finality (fi-nal'i-ti), n. completeness. finally (fi-nal-li), adv. lastly; com- pletely. finance (fi-nans'), n. the public revenue of a government or state ; the science of the profitable manage- ment of monetary affairs : v.t. to manage the financial arrangement of : v.i. to raise money for some spe- cial object. financial (-nan'shal), adj. pertaining to finance. financially (-li), adv. with respect to finance. financier (fin-an-ser'), n. one who is skilled in the principles of banking, or conducts private or public finan- cial affairs. finback (fin'bak), n. sl variety of ' whale, having the dorsal fin promi- nent. Also finner, razorback. finch (finch), n. the common name for various small birds, as the chaf- finch, canary, &c. find (find), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. found, p.pr. finding], to discover; obtain by searching ; ascertain by experi- ment ; meet by accident ; regain, as something lost ; supply ; declare by judicial verdict : n. the discovery of something valuable. finder ('er), n. one who, or that which, finds ; a small telescope at- fin 337 fin tached to a larger one to locate some particular star, &c., to be ex- amined by the larger instrument. fin de siecle (fang de sia'kl) [French], at the end of the cen- tury. finding; (fmd'ing), n. discovery; the verdict of a jury, or court : pi. the tools, &c., which a workman himself supplies. fine (fin), n. money paid as a pen- I alty ; forfeiture : v.t. to impose a I monetary penalty upon ; purify ; re- fine ; clarify. fine (fin), adj. slender; thin; keen; pure ; refined ; subtle ; delicate ; ele- gant ; of small diameter ; very hand- some ; noble ; showy ; admirable ; splendid ; beautiful in thought or language ; free from clouds or rain ; dexterous ; discriminating ; artful : adv. very much ; finely. fine-cut ('kut), adj. delicately cut or chiseled ; cut fine, as tobacco. finedraxiT' ('draw), v.t. to sew up neatly, as a rent, so that it is im- perceptible ; draw out to extreme tenuity, as wire. finedrawn ('drawn), adj. spun very fine ; over-subtle ; far-fetched. finely ('li), adv. in a fine manner. fineness ('nes), n. the state or quali- ty of being fine ; in an alloy, the quantity of pure metal contained. finery (fi'ner-i), n. [pi. fineries (-iz)], personal adornment, as fine or showy clothes, &c. ; outward show. finesse (fi-nes'), n. artifice or strat- agem ; skill ; dexterity ; finessing at whist : v.i. to use artifice or skill to accomplish some end ; in playing whist, to endeavor to take a trick with a lower card than that held by an opponent, while holding a higher card. finger (fing'ger), n. one of the five divisions of the hand ; one of the four digits of the hand, as dis- tinguished from a thumb ; a fin- ger's breadth ; any mechanical con- trivance resembling a finger ; an in- dex ; musical touch : v.t. to handle, or perform, with the fingers ; meddle with ; steal ; pilfer : v.i. to use the fingers skilfully in performing upon a musical instrument. fingerer (/ger-er), n. one who fin- gers ; a pilferer. fingering (-ing), n. the act of touch- ing with the fingers ; the act of manipulating the fingers on a fin- gered instrument ; fine work exe- cuted by the fingers ; a loose-twisted woolen yarn, used for knitting stockings, &c. fingerling ('ling), n. a young trout. finger-print (print), n. an impres- sion of the markings on the fin:^?rs, used by the police to identify crimi- nals. fingerstall (-stawl), n. a protective covering for an injured finger. finial (fin'i-al), n. a pointed orna- ment at the top of a spire, gable, &c. finical ( 'i-kal ) , adj. fastidious ; over particular. finicality ('i-ti), n. the characteris- tic of being finical. finically (-li), adv. in a finical man- ner.^ finikin ('i-kin), adj. fussy or affect- edly precise in trifles, as in dress, manner, &c. ; a variety of pigeon. Also finicking. fining (fin'ing), n. the act or process of purifying or refining ; clarifica- tion. finis (fi'nis), n. the end. finish (fin'ish), v.t. to bring to an end ; complete ; put an end to ; con- clude ; make perfect ; polish ; kill or render powerless: v.i. to come to an end ; expire : n. completion ; careful elaboration ; the final touches given to a work. finished ('isht), p. adj. complete; of superior excellence or quality ; care- fully elaborated. finite (fi'nit), adj. having limits: n. that which is finite (with the). finitely (-li), adv. in a limited de- gree. finiteness (-nes), n. the state of be- ing finite. finlet (fin'let), n. a small fin. finned (find), adj. having fins. finny ('ni), adj. having fins; resem- bling, or abounding in, fish. fines (fe'nos), n. wool of the merino sheep of the second best quality. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, ' book ; hue, hut ; think, then. £o 33f5 fix fiord (fyOrd), n. a long narrow inlet or arm of the sea between high rocks or banks. fir (fer), n. the name of various cone- bearing trees of the genus Abies, and allied genera ; a fir-tree. fire (fir), n. heat and light evolved by ignition and combustion ; the result of combustion of bodies; a burning ; conflagration ; flame ; discharge of firearms ; light ; in- tensity of feeling ; ardor ; spirit ; severe trial or afiiiction : v.t. to set on fire ; inflame ; kindle ; bake, as porcelain ; explode ; excite violently ; irritate ; illuminate ; cauterize : v.i. to become ignited ; be inflamed ; dis- charge firearms ; ring a peal of bells all together. firearms ('armz), n.pl. rifles, can- non, &c. fire-ball ('bawl), n. a grenade; me- teor. fire-balloon ('bal-loon), n. a bal- loon inflated by hot air ; a balloon sent up with fireworks, which be- come ignited when at a certain height. fire-box ('boks), n. in a locomotive engine, the receptacle for the fire. firebrand ('brand), n. a piece of burning wood ; an incendiary ; one who inflames the passions of others. firebug ('bug), n. an incendiary. fire-clay ('kla), n. a kind of clay capable of resisting intense heat. firecracker ('krak-er), n. a small explosive firework. fire-damp ('damp), n. carburetted hydrogen. fire-dog^ ('dog), n. an andiron. fire-engine ('en-jin), n. a hand or steam engine for ejecting water through hose to extinguish a fire. fire-escape ('es-kap), n. a kind of ladder for rescuing persons from the upper parts of a building on fire. firefly ('fii), n. a winged insect which emits light at night. fire-irons ('i-erns), n.pl. the shovel, poker, and tongs. fire-kiln ('kil), n. an oven. fireman ('man), n. \_pl. firemen ('men)], one trained to extinguish fires ; a stoker. fire-skip ('ship), n. a ship filled with combustibles, set firo to, and floated among the vessels of an enemy. fireside ('sid), n. the hearth: hence domestic life and comfort. fire-water ('waw-ter), n. ardent spirits [American Indian]. firework ('werk), n. a preparation of gunpowder, sulphur, charcoal, &LC., inclosed in a cardboard or paper case, which, when ignited, scintil- lates and explodes : pi. a pyrotech- nic display. fire-worskip ('wer-ship), n. the worship or veneration of fire as a deity. firing ('ing), n. the act of discharg- ing firearms ; the application of in- tense heat, as in baking, &c. ; fuel ; cauterization. firkin (fer'kin), n. a small wooden vessel for holding butter, lard, &c. ; a measure of capacity — l-4th of a barrel ; 9 gals. firm ( f erm ) , adj. hard ; compact ; solid ; closely compressed ; unyield- ing ; not easily moved ; rigorous ; staunch ; unfaltering ; steadfast : n. the title or style under which a mercantile house transacts its busi- ness ; a mercantile partnership. firmament (fer'ma-ment), n. the sky. firman ('man, or 'man, n. a spe- cial decree, edict, or license of an oriental potentate, as of the Turk- ish Sultan. first (ferst), adj. the ordinal of one; foremost in place, rank, dignity, time, excellence, &c. ; earliest ; most important ; chief : adv. before all others in order, place, rank, time, &c. ; sooner : n. the beginning ; the upper part of a vocal or instru- mental duet, trio, &c. [Mus.]. first-ckop ('chop), adj. of the first quality. first-class ('Mas), adj. of the high- est excellence, rank, or quality. First-day ('da), n. the name given to Sunday by the Society of Friends. first-fruits (-fruts), n.pl. the first gatherings of the produce of the season ; the first profits of any of- fice or undertaking. first-kand ('hand), n. the mate of a fishing-smack : adj. obtained direct from the producer or grower. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. fir 839 fit firstling ('ling), n. the first-born; first produced. firstly ('li), adv. in the first place. first-mate ('mat), n. in the mer- chant service, the officer next in rank to the captain. first-rate ('rat), adj. of the highest excellence ; having the highest qual- ity or character : n. a warship of the first class : adv. excellently. firth., same as frith. fiscal (fis'kal), adj. pertaining to the exchequer or public revenues ; finan- cial : n. a state treasurer [ Span- ish]. fish (fish), n. [pi. fish, fishes ('ez)], a vertebrate, cold-blooded, aquatic animal furnished w^ith permanent gills ; the flesh of fish used as food ; a machine for hoisting an anchor ; a piece of v\^ood fastened to an- other to strengthen it ; one of the signs (Pisces) of the zodiac;, a counter used at cards : v.t. to search in quest of fish; catch (fish) ; seek for and bring to light ; draw up ; strengthen bj^ spars : v.i. to try to catch fish ; seek to gain or obtain something by artifice or indirect methods. fish-beam ('bem), n. a beam of tim- ber bulging downwards. fish-block ('blok), n. a hoisting- block for raising the fiukes of an anchor to the gunwale. fish-davit ( 'dav-it) , n. a strong spar, or crane, for fishing the anchor. fisher ('er), n. one who fishes; the pekan. fisherman (-man), n. one whose oc- cupation it is to catch fish ; a fish- ing-smack. fishery ('er-i), n. [pi. fisheries (-iz) ], the business of catching fish ; a fishing-ground ; the right to fish at a particular time or ground. fishgarth ('garth), n. a fish-weir. fishgig Cgig), n. a pronged instru- ment for spearing fish. Also fizgig. fish-glue Cgloo), n. isinglass. fish-hawk ('hawk), n. the osprey. fishiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being fishy. fishing ('ing), n. the art, sport, or business of taking fish ; a fishing- ground ; the operation of hoisting an anchor up to the gunwale of a vessel. fish- joint ('joint), n. a pair of iron plates for fastening the ends of two rails together. fish-maw ('maw), n. the sound of a fish. fishmonger ('mung-ger), n, one who sells fish. fish-sound ('sound), n. the swim- ming or air-bladder of a fish. fish-torpedo ('tor-pe-do), n. a sub- marine torpedo somewhat resem- bling a fish in shape. fish- weir ( 'wer ) , n. a. dam for stop- ping or preserving fish. fish- wife ('wif), n. a woman who retails fish. Also fishwoman. fishy ('i), adj. pertaining to, consist- ing of, abounding in, or like, fish ; dull ; vacant ; questionable ; incredi- ble. fissi, prefix, meaning cleft, occurring in various scientific words, as fissi- parous, propagating or multiplying by fission. fissile (fis'il), adj. capable of being split : said of rocks. fission (fish'un), n. the act of cleav- ing or splitting up into parts ; the spontaneous division of a simple organism into two parts, each of which becomes a new individual. fissiparous. See fissi. fissiped (fis'i-ped), adj. having the toes separated : n. an animal belong- ing to the Pissipedia, a division of carnivorous mammals, including the dogs, cats, &c. fissure (fish'ur), n. a cleft or crack; a narrow opening ; furrow : v.t. to make a fissure.: v.i. to crack. fist (fist), n. the hand when closed or clenched : v.t. to grip or strike with the fist. fistic (fis'tik), adj. pertaining to pu- gilism. fisticuffs ('ti-kufs), n. a combat with the fists ; boxing. fistula ('tti-la), n. a deep pipe-like ulcer. fistulose (-los), adj. of the nature of a fistula ; hollow like a pipe. Also fistulous. fit (fit), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. fitted, p.pr. fitting], to make fit or suitable; ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. fit 340 fla adapt ; accoramodate to anything ; qualify; adjust; eqaip ; benetit : v.i. to be proper or suitable : n. adapta- tion of one thing to another; suit- ability : ad), [comp. fitter, superL fittest] , convenient ; suitable ; pre- pared ; qualified. fit (fit), w. a sudden attaek of disease attended with convulsions, and often with loss of consciousness ; a tem- porary mental paroxysm, or attack of pain or illness ; caprice. fitch (fitsh;, n. the pole-cat. fitful ( fit'f ool ) , adj. capricious ; spas- modic. fitfully (-li), adv. in a fitful manner. fitly (fit'li), adv. suitably; properly. fitness ('nes), n. the state or quality of being fit. fitter ('er), n. one who adjusts pipes, or puts the parts of a machine to- gether ; one who fits on and shapes an article of dress ; a coal-broker. fitting ('ing), p.adj. suitable; appro- priate : n.pl. the necessary fixtures, «S:c., of a house or shop. fitty Ci), adj. subject to fits. five (fiv), adj. consisting of 4 and 1: a cardinal numeral : n. the sum of 4 and 1 : pZ. a game resembling ten- nis, fivefold ('fold), adj. five times as much or as great ; multiplied by 5. fix (fiks), v.t. to make fast, secure, or staple ; direct steadily ; set or place permanently ; adjust ; transfix ; de- prive of volatility ; predispose : v.i. to become solid or firm ; settle down : n. an awkward situation ; quandary. fixation (-a'shun), n. the act of fix- ing ; stability ; absence of volatility ; reduction from a fluid to a solid state. fixative ('a-tiv), n. something that serves to fix, as a mordant, &c. fixed (fikst), p.adj. firm; lasting; settled ; permanent ; stable ; estab- lished ; resolute ; not volatile. fixed body (bod'i), n. a substance not readily volatilized, as a fixed oil. fixedly (fiks'ed-li), adv. steadily; firmly. fixedness (-nes), n. the state of being fixed ; absence of volatility. fixed star (star), n. a star which retains relatively the same position in the heavens. fixing (fiks'ing), n. the act of making firm, or rendering permanent ; the act of adjusting or amending ; a cast to carry a shaft-bearing : pi. ornaments, outfit, apparatus, &c. fixity ( 'i-ti ) , n. stability ; perma- nence. fixture (fiks'tur), n. that which is firmly fixed ; an article of furni- ture fixed to a house and regarded as part of it. fizgig (fiz'gig), n. a firework made of damp powder; a flirting, giddy girl. fizz (fiz), n, a hissing noise; an ef- fervescent beverage, as sparkling champagne : v.i. to make a fizzing noise. Also fizzle. fjeld (fyeld), n. a lofty barren table- land [Norwegian]. flabbily (flab'i-li), adv. in a flabby manner. fjord. Same as fiord. flabbily (flab'i-li), adv. in a flabby manner. flabbiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being flabby. flabby ('i), adj. easily shaking or yielding to the touch ; lacking mus- cle ; mentally or physically feeble. flabellate (-bel'at), adj. fan- shaped. flabellum (flri-bel'um), n. [pi. flabel- la ('a)], a large fan carried by the Pope's attendants ; in the (jrreek Church, a fan used to drive away flies from the chalice during the cele- bration of the eucharist. flaccid (flak'sid), adj. flabby; weak. flaccidity ('i-ti), n. the state of being flaccid. flag (flag), n. a piece of cloth or bunting on which usually some de- vice is wrought, used as a standard, ensign, signal, &c. ; a plant of the genus Iris : a flagstone : v.i. {p.t. & p.p. flagged, p.pr. flagging], to be- come weary ; lose vigor ; hang down : v.i. signal with a flag ; pave with flagstones. flagellant (flaj'el-ant), adj. using a whip or scourge : n. one who scourges himself for religious disci- pline. flagellata (-a'ta), n.pJ. a class of in- ate, arm. ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, *7ien. fla 341 fla fusorians with whip-like append- ages. flagellate Cel-at), v.t. to whip: adj. having whip-like processes. flageolet (flaj'o-let), n. a musical instrument of the flute class. flagging (flag'ing), n. pavement of flagstones. flagitious (fla-jish'us), adj. atro- cious : wicked ; highly criminal. flag-offtcer (-of'i-ser), n. an admiral. flagon (flag'un), n. a large drinking vessel with a narrow mouth. flagrant (fla'grant), adj, openly wicked ; heinous ; glaring ; notorious. flagrante delicto (-gran'te de-lik'- to) [Latin], in the very act. flagstone ('ston), n. a large flat pav- ing stone. flail (flal), n. a wooden instrument for threshing wheat, &c., by hand. flake (flak), n. a small film of any- thing loosely held together, as snow ; a thin scaly piece of any- thing ; a carnation with a single color in stripes on a white ground : v.t. & v.i. to form into flakes ; scale or peel off. flake-white ('whit), n. pure white lead. flaky ('i), adj. consisting of flakes or layers. flam (flam), n. a falsehood; freak; blarney ; false pretense. flaxubeau ('bo), n. {pi. flambeaux Cboz)], a lighted torch ; a large or- namental candlestick. flamboyant (-boi'ant), adj. denoting a florid or showy style, especially as deficient in good taste ; denoting the French Pointed Gothic, character- ized, by flame-like tracery. flame (flam), n. fire; ardor of tem- per or passion ; glow of imagina- tion ; excitement ; a sweetheart : v.t. to heat ; excite : v.i. to burst into flame ; blaze. flamen (fla'men), n. one of fifteen priests in ancient Rome devoted to the service of a special deity. flaming (flam'ing), adj. giving forth flames : blazing ; causing excite- ment ; violent. flamingo (flf\-ming'go), n. a long- legged, web-footed, red-colored bird. flamingo-plant (-plant), n. a hand- some hot-house plant belonging to the arum family. flammule (flam'ul), n. a little flame, especially the small flame symboliz- ing Chinese and Japanese deities. flamy (flam'i), adj. resembling flame; flame-colored. flang (flang), n. a miner's double- pointed pick. flange (flanj), n. a raised or project- ing rim for preventing a wheel slip- ping, or as an attachment : v.t. to attach a flange to. flank (flangk), n. the fleshy part of an animal between the ribs and hip ; the side of an army, regiment, or building ; that part of a fortifica- tion constructed to defend another : v.t. to attack or turn the flank or side of (an army) ; guard on the flank: v.i. to border or touch (with on) : adj. pertaining to, or cut from, the flank. flanker ('er), n. one of a body of troops thrown out to protect a line of march ; a man who walks on the flank of grouse-drivers to keep the birds in the line required. flannel (flan'el), n. a soft-textured, loosely-worn cloth with a light nap. flanneled ('eld), adj. covered in flan- nel. flannelet (-et), n. a soft cotton ma- terial resembling flannel. flap (flap), n. anything broad and flexible, hanging loosely, and fas- tened on one side ; the motion or noise of anj-thing broad and flat ; a slap ; the tail of a coat : v.t. \_p.t. S: p.p. flapped], to strike with, or as with, a flap ; let fall ; move back- wards and forwards rapidly : v.i. to move, as wings, with noise. flapper ('er), n. one who, or that which, flaps ; a flipper. flare (flar), n. sl large, unsteady, glaring light : v.i. to burn with a broad, unsteady light ; be offensive- ly showy in dress. flash (flash), n. a sudden, quick, transitory blaze or light ; sudden outburst, as of merriment, wit, or passion ; a short, transient state ; a body of water driven by violence ; a sluice above a shoal on navigable rivers for easing the water for the ate, arm. :, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. fla 342 fla passage of boats : v.t. to cause to act, burst, or appear suddenly ; cover with a thin coating of colored glass : v.i. to shine with a sudden, quick, transient blaze or light ; act, or burst forth, suddenly ; gleam ; splash : adj. pertaining to thieves or their language ; cheap and gaudy ; sham ; vulgarly ostentatious or showy. flash liglit (-lit), n. a momentary, brilliant light for taking photo- graphs. flashily ('i-li), adv. in a flashy man- ner. flashiness ('i-nes), n. gaudiness. flashing ('ing), n. a name for va- rious operations in glass-making : pi. pieces of lead or other metal used as a cap-joint to keep roofs, &c., watertight : adj. emitting flashes. flashing-point (-point), n. the tem- perature, below the burning-point, at which the vapor of a volatile liquid will ignite and explode : used as a test for illuminants. fiashy ('i), adj. brilliant, but empty; gaudy. flash (flask), n. a small bottle; a ves- sel, usually metal or leather, for holding powder or shot. flat (flat), adj. level; even; smooth; prostrate : horizontal ; insipid ; posi- tive ; downright ; low : said of prices ; dull : said of sales ; without interest ; wanting relief or promi- nence : said of figures in painting ; sounded below the true pitch : n. a level or extended plain ; a shallow ; shoal ; story or floor of a house ; the broad or plane part of a thing ; sur- face without relief or prominence ; depression in thought or language ; a musical sign (b) which lowers the succeeding note half a tone ; one of the halves of a scene which meet in the middle of the stage of a theater ; a person easily duped : adv. in a level or prostrate position. flatfish ('fish), n. any fish with a compressed body, having its eyes situated on one side, and the under side colorless, as the sole. flatten ('n), v.t. to lay flat; make level or even ; beat down ; depress • ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. make dull, insipid or tasteless ; lower in tone : v.i. to become flat or level ; become insipid. flatter (er), v.t. to gain over or please by complimentary speech ; soothe ; persuade ; raise false hopes or expectations : v.i. to employ flat- tery. ^ flattering (-ing), p.adj. pleasing to pride or vanity; fallacious; partial. flattery ('er-i), n. [pi. flatteries (-iz)], insincere complimentary speech ; adulation ; false praise. flatting ('ing), n. the act or process of making flat or smooth ; the pro- cess of rolling metal into sheets by cylindrical pressure ; the sounding of a note below the true pitch ; a method of house painting by which the paint appears lusterless ; a coat of size laid over gilding to protect it. flatulence ('u-lens), n. distension of the stomach, caused by gases generated within it ; emptiness ; con- ceit. Also flatulency. flatulent ('u-lent), adj. afEected with, or tending to produce, flatulence ; pretentious ; conceited. flatwise ('wiz), adv. with the flat side downwards. flaunt (flant and flawnt), v.i. to make an ostentatious display in dress : v.t. behave or exhibit pertly or impudently : n. the act of flaunt- ing ; a boast ; brag. flav, prefix, occurring in various scientiflc compound words, meaning yelloio. Also flavi, flavo. flavor ( 'ver ) , w. a particular smell or taste : v.t. to impart a flavor to. flavoring (-ing), n. an essence or extract for giving a flavor to any- thing. flaw (flaw), n. a blemish; inherent defect ; crack : v.t. to make a flaw in ; crack. flax (flaks), n. a plant of the genus Linum, the fiber of which is spun into linen cloth. flaxen ('en), adj. resembling, or made of, flax ; of golden color : said of the hair. Also flaxy. flaxseed ('sed), n. linseed. (fla), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. flayed, p.pr. flaying], to strip off, skin; torture. fle 843 M flea (fle), n. a small blood-sucking insect of the genus Pulex, remark- able for its agility and irritating bite. fleabaue ('ban), n. a plant of the aster family. flea-bite ('bit), n. the bite of a flea; the red spot it causes ; a trifling wound or trouble ; a very small quantity. fleaking ('king), n. a light covering of reeds under the thatch of a house. fleam (flem), n. a lancet for bleeding cattle. * fleck (flek), n. a streak or spot: v.t. to streak or spot ; variegate. flection. Same as flexion. fledge (flej), v.i. to acquire the full plumage or feathers necessary for flight. fledgling ('ling), n. a young bird just fledged. flee (fle), v.t. [p.t. fled, p.pr. fleeing], to run away from ; avoid : v.i. to hasten away from danger ; scatter ; disappear. fleece (fles), n. the whole wool shorn from a sheep at one time : v.t. to deprive of the wool or fleece ; strip ; plunder by injustice or fraud ; cover with, or as with, a fleece. fleece-wool ('wool), n. wool cut from a living animal. fleecy ('i), adj. resembling a fleece; w^oolly. fleer (fler), n. mockery or contempt expressed in words or gesture : v.i. to mock or sneer ; grin contemptu- ously. fleering ('ing), p.adj. mocking; scoff- ing : n, the act of mocking or scoff- ing. ;^eet (flet), adj. swift; rapid; nimble: n. a company of warships or mer- chant vessels ; a creek or inlet : v.t. to move or pass rapidly over ; skim. fleeting ('ing), p.adj, passing quick- ly. flense (flens), v.t. to cut up and strip the blubber from : said of a whale or seal. Also flench, flinch. flesk (flesh), n. that part of an ani- mal body underlying the skin, and composed of soft muscular tissue ; animal food ; pulp of fruit, &c. ; the body : opposed to soul ; human na- ture or race ; carnal state or ap- petites ; present life ; kindred : adj. resembling flesh in color or ap- pearance : v.t. to satiate or glut ; in- ure or harden by practice ; intiate ; make familiar with. fleskiness ('i-nes), n. corpulence. fleskings ('ingz), n.pl. flesh-colored tights. fleskliness Cli-nes), n. carnality. fleskly ('li), adj. pertaining to the body ; corporeal ; human ; carnal ; lascivious : adv. carnally. flesky ('i), adj. \_comp. fleshier, superl. fleshiest], full of flesh; plump ; corpulent ; succulent ; gross. fleur-de-lis (floor-de-le'), n. [pi. fleurs-de-lis], the royal bearing or emblem of France ; the name for various species of iris. flew, p.t. of fly. flexibility (fleks-i-bil'i-ti), w. the state or quality of being flexible. x\lso flexibleness. flexible ('i-bl), adj. easily bent; pli- ant ; yielding to persuasion. Also flexile. flexion (flek'shun), n. the act or pro- cess of bending ; a curve ; in gram- mar, inflection. flexor (fleks'er), n. a muscle that acts in bending the joints : opposed to extensor. flexure ('ur), n. the act of bending; the part bent ; a curve or fold ; joint. flick (flik), n. a light, quick stroke, as with a whip : v.t. to whip lightly. flicker ('er), v.i. to move with an un- steady and quick motion ; flutter with the wings: n. an unsteady light or movement ; the golden- winged woodpecker of North Amer- ica. flickering (-ing), n. the state of burning unsteadily. flier (fli'er), n. one who flies, or flees; a fugitive; that part of a machine that regulates and equalizes motion ; an essay or feeler : pi. a straight flight of steps. flies, pi. of fly. fligkt (flit), n. the act, process, man- ner, or power of flying; hasty de- parture; birds flying together, or dte, arm, dsk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrth, not; bo6n, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. fli 344 flo produced in the same season ; a soaring forth ; extravagant sally ; the distance traveled by a projectile ; a shower or volley ; a series of steps. flightily ('i-li), adv. capriciously. iLig'litiness ('i-nes), w. the state of being flighty. flighty ( 'i ) , adj. changeful ; capri- cious ; extravagant in fancy ; wild ; giddy. fiimsily (flim'zi-li), adv. in a flimsy manner. flimsiness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being flimsy. flimsy ('zi), n. [pi. flimsies ('ziz)], a thin manifold paper, especially that used for making reporting copies ; a bank-note : adj. unsub- stantial ; thin ; weak ; ineffective. flinch (flinch), v.i. to shrink or draw back, as from pain, danger, &c. : n. the act of flinching. flinder (flin'der), n. a splinter; frag- ment. fling (fling), v.t. \_p.t. &, p.p. flung, p.pr. flinging], to throw or hurl; drive by violence ; scatter ; cast to the ground: v.i. to flounce ; throw out the legs violently : n. the act of throwing or casting ; a sneer or gibe ; kick or leap ; unrestrained pleasure ; dash ; a Highland dance. flint (flint), n. a variety of quartz; a flint implement ; anything pro- verbially hard. flinty ('i), adj. composed of, or re- sembling, flint ; hard ; obdurate. flip (flip), n. a liquor of beer, spirit, sugar, &c. ; a short quick ^troke ; a flick : v.t. to jerk with the fingers ; strike with a short quick blow. flip-flap (-flap), n. the noise caused by something flapping : adv. with a flapping sound. flippancy (flip'an-si), n. pertness ; thoughtless fluency of speech. flippant ('ant), adj. characterized by thoughtless levity of speech, or pertness. flipper ('er), n. a broad fin, arm, or paddle used in swimming, as that of the whale, seal, or turtle. flirt (flert), v.t. move to and fro with a short rapid action ; throw with a quick elastic motion : v.i. make love from mere amusement ; coquette : n. a coquette ; a sudden jerk or toss. flirtation (fler-ta'shun), n. the act of flirting. flirtatious ('shus), n. inclined to flirt. flirting ('ting), n. coquetry: adj. co- quettish. flit (flit), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. flitted: p.pr. flitting], to remove (a thing) from one house to another [Scotch] : v.i. to pass lightly and swiftly along ; fly away ; skim : migrate. flitch (flich), n. the side of a hog salted and cured. flitter-niouse(flit'er-mous),n. a bat. flitting (flit'ing), n. the act of flying or moving lightly and swiftly ; a removal. flix (fliks,) n. soft fur. float (flot), v.t. to cause to rest or be conveyed on the surface of a liquid ; convey without effort or will ; to start, sell, or dispose of ; smooth or level plaster with a float : v.i. to be buoyed up on the surface of a liquid or gaseous fluid ; move lightly or glide without apparent effort ; drift about : n. anything that floats on the surface of a liquid or buoys up something ; a raft ; the cork or quill used in angling ; a ball-cock ; a plasterer's tool for spreading and smoothing ; tiie water-gauge of a steam-boiler. floater ('er), n. one who, or that which, floats ; a voter not belonging to any particular party. floating, p.adj. swimming, or buoyed up, on the surface of a liquid ; free to move about ; circulating ; not fixed or settled ; ready for use : n. the act or state of anything that floats. floccillation (flok-sil-a'shun), n. the picking of bed-clothes by a delirious patient : regarded as a serious symptom. floccose (flok'os), adj. covered with soft hair or wool ; woolly. flocculence ('u-lens), n. the state of being flocculent. flocculent ('u-lent), adj. woolly. i flocculus ('ti-lus), n. [pi. flocculi ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. fio 345 fl< (-li)], a small flake; a small tuft of down or wool-like hair. floccus ('us), n. [pi. flocci ('si)], the long tuft of hair which terminates the tail of certain quadrupeds, as the lion ; the down on an unfledged bird. flock (flok), n. a company or collec- tion of sheep or birds ; a congrega- tion ; crowd ; a lock of wool ; fibrous material used for stuffing uphol- stery, &c. : v.i. to come together in a flock ; assemble. floe ( flo ) , n. a large flat mass of float- ing ice. floe-rat ('rat), n. the ringed seal. flog (flog), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. flogged, p.pr. flogging], to whip; chastise; to lash (the water) with the line in angling. flogging ('ing), n. a whipping. flood (flud), n. a great flow of water ; inundation ; the deluge ; high tide ; the sea ; an abundant supply or out- pouring of anything : v.t. to deluge ; inundate ; overflow\ flood-gate ('giit), n. a gate in a water-way, which when opened al- lows the water to escape when at a certain height. flood-tide ('tid), n. the rising tide. floor (flor), n. the part of a house, room, &c., on which one treads ; story ; a level suite of rooms ; any smooth or level area ; pavement ; the part of a legislative chamber oc- cupied by the members : v.t. to cover with a floor ; put to silence ; strike down. floorage ('aj), n. the area of a floor. floorer ('er), n. a knock-down blow; an unanswerable question or argu- ment. flooring ('ing), n. materials for floors ; floors collectively ; pavement. flop (flop), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. flopped, p.pr. flopping], to strike frequently; unfold with a jerk : v.i. to plump down ; fall loosely and flatly : n. the sound caused by a soft flat body coming suddenly in contact with the ground : adv. suddenly. flora (flo'ra), n. the wild plants of a particular region, district, or geo- logical period ; a description of such plants. floral ('ral), adj. pertaining to, re- sembling, or consisting of, flowers, floral envelope (en'vel-op), n. the corolla and calyx of a flower. floran ('ran), n. fine-grained tin ore. floreated ('re-a-ted), adj. orna- mented with floral decorations. Also floriated. florescence (flo-res'ens), n. the flow- ering of a plant. floret ('ret), n. a little flower. floretum ('re-tum), n. a botanical garden specially devoted to flowers. floricnltural (-ri-kul'tur-al), adj. pertaining to floriculture. floriculture ('ri-kul-tur), n. the cul- ture of flowers. floriculturist ('tur-ist), n. one who is skilled in floriculture. florid (flor'id), adj. bright in color; brilliant with decorations ; profuse- ly embellished. floridly (-li), adv. in a florid man- ner. florin ('in), n. a European silver coin, ranging in value in different countries from 40 to 50 cents. florist (flo'rist), n. one who culti- vates flowers for pleasure, or sells them for profit. flory-boat (flo'ri-bot), n. a small boat for conveying passengers be- tween a steamboat and the shore at low tide. flosh. (flosh), n. a receptacle into which ore is put for stamping. floss (flos), n. floss-silk; the soft,, downy, silken substance in the husks of certain plants ; the slag on the surface of molten iron in a puddling- furnace ; a small stream. floss-silk ('silk), n. an inferior un- twisted soft silk. flossy ('i), adj.Jike floss; downy. flotation (flo-ta'shun), n. the act or state of floating ; the science of float- ing bodies. flotilla (-til 'a), n. a fleet of small vessels. flotsam (flot'sam), n. goods lost in shipwreck, and found floating upon the sea. Also flotson. flounce (flouns), n. a narrow piece of cloth sewed to the skirt of a dress or petticoat, with the lower border loose and spreading ; a eud- fite, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ffl 84(5 flu den jerk or movement of the body, indicative of impatience : v.t. to fur- nish or trim with flounces : v.i. to throw about the limbs and body. flouncing ('ing), n. material for flounces. . flounder (floun'der), v.i. to strug- gle, roll, or proceed with difficulty, as an animal in the mire : n. a flat sea-fish ; a bootmaker's tool. flour" (flour), n. the fine meal of ground wheat ; a fine soft powder : v.t. to sprinkle flour upon. flourish, (flur'ish), v.i. to prosper or thrive ; be vigorous ; be copious or flowery in language ; embellish : v.t. swing about or brandish ; give flour- ishes to : n. a figure formed by lines or strokes fancifully drawn ; the act of brandishing ; a musical passage intended only for display ; ostenta- tious parade. flourishing (-ing), p. adj. prosper- ous ; thriving ; vigorous ; ostenta- tious. floury (flour'i), adj. resembling, con- sisting of, or covered with, flour. flout (flout), v.t. to insult; treat contemptuously ; jeer : v.i. to scofE ; sneer : n. an insult ; scoff. flow (flo), v.i. to run or spread, as water ; circulate ; glide ; rise, as the tide ; melt ; issue forth : v.t. to over- flow or inundate : n. a current or stream ; copiousness ; the rise of the tide. flower (flou'er), n. that part of a plant which contains the reproduc- tive organs ; blossom ; the best, or choicest, part of anything ; the prime ; a figure or ornamental ex- pression : pi. a light powdery sub- stance obtained by sublimation : v.i. to put forth flowers ; blossom or bloom : v.t. ornament or cover with flowers. floweret (-et), n. a little flower. flowering-fern ('er-ing-fern), n. the Osmunda regalis. flowery ('er-i), adj. abounding, or adorned, with flowers ; highly figu- rath-e or embellished. flowing (flo'ing), p.adj. moving, or pouring forth, as a stream ; copious ; fluent ; hanging loosely or swaying. flown, p.p. of fly. fluctuate ( fluk'tti-at ) , v.i. to roll to and fro, as a wave ; undulate ; rise ^ and fall ; be irresolute or wavering. flue (flu), n. a pipe or passage to con- vey away smoke, hot air, &c. ; soft downy matter ; fluff. fluency (flti'en-si), n. the quality of being fluent. fluent Cent), adj. possessing readi- ness and ease of speech ; voluble ; eloquent. fluey Ci), adj. like flue; fluffy. fluif (fluf), n. light down or fur nap ; v.t. to spread out, as feathers : n. a flash. flui^ness ('nes), n, the quality of be- ing fluffy. fluiSfy ('i), adj. consisting of, or cov- ered with, fluff ; feathery. fluid (flti'id), adj. liquid or gaseous: n. a substance the particles of which are readily separable. fluidity (-id'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being fluid. fluke (fltik), n. the broad part of an anchor which is fixed into the ground ; a flounder ; a parasitic dis- ease in sheep ; a variety of potato ; one of the two lobes of a whale's tail ; a lucky stroke in billiards : v.i. to score by a lucky stroke ; use the flukes in swimming : said of a whale. fluky ('i), adj. like a fluke; obtained by chance. flume (flum), n. a channel for the conveyance of water. flummery (flum'er-i), w. a jelly made of flour ; blanc-mange ; insipidity ; humbug. flung, p.t. & p.p. of fling. flunk (flungk), n. a complete failure: v.i. to fail completely ; retire through fear. flunky ('i), n. [pi. flunkies ('iz)], a liveried servant ; a toady ; snob ; a foolish incautious speculator. Also flunkey. flunky ism ('i-izm), n. the character- istics of a flunky. Also flunkeyism. fluoresce (floo-o-res'), v.i. to exhibit fluorescence. fluorescence ('ens), ii. the quality existing in certain transparent bodies of giving off under the action of light a color differing from their ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n^rth, not ; boon^ book; hue, hut; think, *7ien. flu 347 fly own ; the property possessed by cer- tain substances of becoming lumi- nous when exposed to X-rays or oth- er forms of radiant energy. fluorescent ('ent), adj. pertaining to fluorescence ; possessing the ca- pacity of fluorescing. fluoric (-or'ik), adj. pertaining to, or obtained from, fluorine. fluoride ('o-rld), n. a compound of fluorine with a metallic base. fluorine ('o-rin), n. an elementary gaseous body allied to chlorine. fluoroscope (flo6'er-o-skop), n. a de- vice for use in making X-ray ex- aminations on a screen covered with fluorescent material. fluor-spar ('er-spar), n. a trans- parent or semi-transparent mineral, composed of fluoride of calcium. Also fluorite. flurry (flur'i), v.t. \.p.t. & p.p. flur- ried, p.pr. flurrying], to agitate, confuse, or bewilder : n. sudden com- motion or excitement ; hurry ; a sud- den gust. flush (flush), v.t. to cause to blush; excite ; clean out with a rush of water : drive from cover : said of game birds : vA. to blush ; glow : n. a sudden rush of water ; flow of blood to the face ; sudden ex- citement or impulse ; a flock of game birds suddenly started ; abun- dance ; bloom ; growth ; a hand of cards all of the same suit : said of cribbage ; a bog or morass : adj. level with the surface ; quite full ; abun- dant ; plentifully supplied with mon- ey ; vigorous: adv. so as to be level. flush deck (dek), n. a deck level from stem to stern. flushing I'ing), n. the act of cleans- ing out by a copious flow of water ; a glow of red in the face. fluster (flus'ter), v.t. to confuse or agitate ; hurry : n. agitation or con- fusion ; excitement. flute (flut), n. a tubular wind-instru- ment furnished with finger-holes and keys ; a long channel or groove cut in the shaft of a column ; crimping or furrowing : v.t. to sound as a flute ; form parallel grooves or chan- nel in ; crimp or furrow. fiutina (-te'na), a kind of accordion. fluting (flu'ting), n. a channel or groove ; fluted work ; a flute-shaped crimp. flutist ('tist), n. a performer on the flute. flutter (flut'er), v.i. to move or flap the wings rapidly ; move rapidly and irregularly ; be in agitation or un- certainty : v.t. to throw into con- fusion : n. a quick and irregular mo- tion ; vibration ; state of excitement or anxiety. flutter-wheel (-hwel), n. a water- wheel connected with a chute. fluty (flu'tj), adj. flute-like in tone. fluvial (flu'vi-al), adj. pertaining to, growing or living in, or caused by, rivers. Also fluvatile. flux (fluks), n. any flow or issue of matter ; flow of the tide ; a substance added to assist in the reduction of a metal by fusion : v.t. to melt or fuse. fluxion (fluk'shun), n. the act of flowing or melting ; matter that flows : pi. in mathematics, the analy- sis of infinitely small variable quan- tities. fly (fli), v.i. [p.t. flew, p.p. flown, p.^r. flying], to move through, or rise in, the air with wings ; pass swiftly ; be driven through the air ; move rapid- ly ; run away ; part with violence ; burst ; fade : v.t. to avoid or shun ; cause to fly or float in the air ; flut- ter : n. [pi. flies (fliz)], a two- winged insect of many species, in- cluding the house-fly, Musca domes- tica ; an artificial fly used in an- gling ; a disease in turnips ; a hack- ney carriage : adj. wide awake. flyblow ('bio), n. the egg or larva of a fly : v.t. & v.i. [p.p. flyblown, p.pr. flyblowing], to lay eggs in meat, &c., and taint it. flying ('ing), n. the action of the verb to fly: p.adj. adapted for flight ; floating ; waving ; brief, or hurried. flying-bridge (-brij), n. a tempo- rary bridge. flying-buttress (-but'res), n. an arched brace for strengthening and supporting a part of a building which rises above the rest. flying-fish (-fish), n. a fish with long pectoral fins, which has the power ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. fly of sustaining itself in the air for a short time. flying- jib (-jib), n. a sail beyond the jib. fly-wheel (fli'hwel), n. a heavy wheel in a machine which regulates its motion. foal (fol), n. the young of a horse, ass, or camel : v.i. to bring forth young : said of a mare, &c. foam (fom), n. the white substance formed on a liquid by violent agita- tion or fermentation ; spume : v.t. to cause to foam : v.i. to gather foam ; be enraged ; froth. fob (fob), n. a small pocket, especial- ly for a watch : v.t. to cheat. focal (fo'kal), adj. pertaining to, or placed at, a focus. focal distance (dis'tans), n. the dis- tance between the optical center of a lens or mirror and the point where the rays converge. focns (fo'kus), n. [pi. focuses (-ez), foci ( 'si ) ] , the point where a sys- tem of rays of light or heat meet after being reflected or refracted ; any central point : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. focused, p.pr. focusing], to bring to a focus or center. Also focalize (-iz). fodder (fod'er), n. food for horses, cattle, or sheep ; a weight for lead = 21 cwt. (Also f other) : v.t. to feed with fodder. foe (fo), n. a personal enemy; ill- wisher ; an adversary in war. foebn (fon), n. a warm, dry, Alpine wind, prevalent in Switzerland. foeman (fo'man), n. [pi. foemen ('men)], an adversary in war. foetal (fe'tal), adj. pertaining to the fcptus. foeticide ('ti-sid), n. the destruction of a foetus in the womb ; criminal abortion. foetus ('tus), n. the young of vivipa- rous animals in the uterus. fog (fog), n. condensed watery vapor near the surface of the sea or land ; bewilderment; a cloud or haze ob- scuring a photographic plate; the after-grass of autumn ; winter pas- ture : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. fogged, p.pr. fogging], to become foggy. 8 foi fog-bank ('bangk), n. a dense mass of fog at sea, appearing like land in the distance. foggily (fog'i-li), adv. in a foggy manner ; dimly. fogginess ('i-nes), n. the state of be- ing foggy. foggy ('i), adj. abounding in, or filled with, fog ; bewildered ; obscure ; ob- tuse, fogy (fo'gi), n. [pi. fogies ('giz)], a person of old-fashioned or eccen- tric habits. Also fogey, fogie, fohat (fo'at), n. a term used in oc- cultism to denote the connecting- link between mind and matter. foible (foi'bl), n. a failing or imper- fection in character ; the weakest part of the blade in a sword. foil (foil), v.t. to baffle or frustrate; defeat : n. a long thin fencing weap- on with a button on the end; the trail of hunted game ; a thin plate, or sheet of metal ; a contrast to set something off to advantage ; a small arc in the tracery of a Gothic win- dow, &c. foist (foist), v.t. to place in wrong- fully or surreptitiously ; palm off slyly (with in, into, upon). fold (fold), v.t. to bend one part over another ; inclose ; wrap up ; shut up in a pen or fold : n. a part bent or doubled over another ; a plait ; a pen for sheep ; a bend of a stratum ; flock of sheep ; the Church. folder ('er), n. one who, or that which, folds ; a name for various in- struments or contrivances for fold- ing. folderol (fol'de-rol), n. mere non- sense ; an idle fancy or conceit ; a silly trifle. folding ('ing), n. the act or process of doubling one part over another. folding-doors (-dorz), n.pl. a pair of doors hung on opposite side-posts and meeting in the middle. foliaceous (fo'li-a'shus), adj. resem- bling, shaped like, or having, leaves ; consisting of thin plates or laminae. foliage ('li-aj), n. leaves collective- ly ; the artistic representation of leaves, flowers, &c., as in archi- tectural decoration. foliated ('li-a-ted), p.adj. beaten. ate, arm, ask, at, awl me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, book; hue, hut: think, then. north, not; boon. fol 349 foo formed into, or covered with, thin plates ; splitting into laminae ; deco- rated with leaf-like ornamentation. foliation (-a'shun), n. the act of leafing ; the act or process of beating a metal into thin plates ; lamina- tion : said of a ipineral ; the number of the leaves of a book. folio (fo'li-o), n. a book of the larg- est size formed by folding a sheet of paper once ; a page of MS. or print- ed matter ; the right and left hand pages of a ledger, &c. ; in legal doc- uments 72 words of MS., 100 words in congressional proceedings ; a case for music, &c. : adj. having a sheet of paper folded once : v.t. to page. foliole (fo'li-ol), n. a leaflet. f oliose ( 'li-os) , adj. resembling a leaf ; covered with leaves. folk (folk or fok), n. people in gen- eral ; nation or race ; one's relatives. folk-lore ('lor), n. popular tradi- tions, customs, beliefs, &c. folk-song ('song), n. a popular song or ballad, illustrative of the common life of the people. follia (fol-le'a), n. a kind of musical composition consisting of varieties on a given air. follicle (fol'i-kl), n. a seed-vessel; a very small tube or cavity ; a sim- ple gland. follicular (-ik'u-Iar), adj. like a fol- licle. toUoxfr (fol'o), v.t. to go or come after ; pursue ; succeed in order ; ac- company ; attend ; espouse the opin- ions or cause of ; imitate or conform to ; watch or attend to closely ; to practice : v.i. to go or come after an- other ; result : n. a particular stroke in billiards or croquet. follo-wer (-er), n. one who follows another ; a disciple, attendant, or dependent ; one of the same sect or party ; a maidservant's sweetheart. following ('o-ing), adj. succeeding: n. vocation or calling ; disciples or adherents collectively. folly (fol'i). n. [pi. follies ('iz)], want of understanding ; foolishness ; unbecoming conduct ; criminal weak- ness ; sin. foment (fo-ment'), v.t. to bathe with warm or medicated liquids ; excite ; stir up or instigate. fomentation (-men-ta'shun), n. the act of fomenting ; warm or medi- cated liquids applied to a diseased part ; incitement. fomes (fo'mez), n. [pi. fomites ('mi- tez)], a porous substance, as wool, &c., capable of retaining germs, and ■ thus communicating contagion. fond (fond), adj. affectionate; lov- ing ; ardently attached or devoted ; partial to ; injudiciously, foolishly- indulgent (with of). fondle (fon'dl), v.t. to caress; treat with tenderness ; handle tenderly : v.t. to exhibit fondness. fondling ('dling), n. one who, or that which, is fondled. f o n d u (fong-doo') , adj. in calico- printing and paper hangings, the gradual blending of one color into another. font (font), n. a stone receptacle to hold the water used in baptizing ; a. complete assortment of a particular kind of type. fontal ('al), adj. pertaining to a font. fontanel (fon'ta-nel), n. one of the six open spaces in the skull of an infant ; a seton. food (food), n. nutriment; material. fool (fool), n. a person devoid of rea- son or intelligence ; idiot ; one who- acts in a foolish manner ; a victim or butt ; a compound of crushed gooseberries with cream : v.t. to make a fool of ; treat with contempt ; dis- appoint. foolery ('er-i), n. [pi. fooleries (-iz) ],. habitual folly ; absurd conduct or action. foolhardiness ('har-di-nes), n. a courage without sense. foolhardy ('har-di), adj. foolishly bold ; daringly rash ; regardless of consequences. fooling ('ing), n. foolish speech or conduct ; buffoonery ; banter ; idle interference. foolish ('ish), adj. acting without reason or judgment ; weak-minded y silly ; ridiculous ; trifling ; contempt- ible. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon,, book; hue, hut; think, then. foo 350 for foolisMy (-li), adj. in a foolish man- ner, foolishness (-nes), n. folly. foolscap (foolz'kap), n. a size of pa- per about 17 in. X 14 in. : original- ly water-marked with the cap and bells formerly worn by professional jesters. foot (foot), n. [pi. feet (fet)], that part of the leg on which an anim.al walks or stands ; the lower part, base, foundation, or end of any- thing ; that part of a boot or stock- ing which receives the foot ; a meas- ure = 12 in. ; infantry soldiers ; a certain number of syllables consti- tuting part of a verse : v.t. to add a foot to, as a stocking ; add fig- ures in a column, and place the total at the bottom : v.i. to dance ; go on foot. football ('bawl), n. a large india- rubber ball encased in leather, used in the game of football. footing ('ing), n. ground or support for the feet ; tread ; a firm or as- sured position ; dance ; an entertain- ment given by a new employe, &c., to his fellow workmen ; state or con- dition. footman ('man) , n. [pi. footmen ('men)], a livery servant who at- tends a carriage, waits at table, &c. footpad ('pad), n. a highwayman who robs on foot. foot-pound ('pound), n. the unit of energy = work required to raise 1 lb. through a space of 1 ft. foots (footz), n.pl. the sediment of oil or sugar. fop (fop), n. a dandy; pretentious fool. foppery ('er-i), n. [pi. fopperies (-iz) ], dandyism. foppish ('ish), adj. affected in dress and manners. for (for), prep, in place of; on ac- count of ; for the sake of ; notwith- standing ; to the number or amount of : conj. because ; since : prefix, meaning tlioroughly, before, greatly, with a privative, or negative force.* forage (for'aj), n. food for horses and cattle ; a search for provisions : v.i. to wan der about in search of iite, arm, ask, at, provisions : v.t. to supply with for- age. foraging (-ing), n. the act of search- ing for forage. foramen (fo-ra'men), n. [pi. foram- ina (ram'i-na)], a short passage or or opening, as in a bone^ or ovule. foraminated (-ram'i-na' ted), adj. furnished with small holes or fo- ramina. Also foraminate. foray (for'a), n. a predatory expedi- tion in border warfa,re : v.t. to plun- der or ravage. forbade, p.t.ot forbid. forbear (-bar'), v.t. [p.t. forbore, p.p. forborne, p.pr. forbearing], to abstain from ; excuse ; spare : v.i. to restrain one's self ; be patient : n. an ancestor. Also forebear. [Scotch.] forbearance ('ans), n. patience; in- dulgence ; self-command. forbid (-bid'), v.t. [p.t. forbade, p.p. forbidden, forbid, p.pr. forbidding], to prohibit ; command not to do ; op- pose. forbidding ('ing), p.adj. repellent; disagreeable. force (fors), n. active power; vigor; strength ; energy ; violence ; power to persuade or convince ; validity ; legality ; efficacy ; meaning ; troops ; armanent ; a trained or organized bodj'- ; unlawful violence to property or person; any cause that produces, or tends to produce, motion, or a change of motion, in a body ; a wa- terfall : v.t. to compel ; overpower by strength ; impel ; push ; press ; strain ; cause to grow or ripen by artificial means : v.i. to endeavor. forced (forst), p.adj. strained; af- fected. forcemeat (fors'met) , n. meat chopped fine and seasoned. forceps (for'seps), n. pincers or pli- ers for seizing and extracting any- thing. forcible (for'si-bl), adj. character- ized by mental or physical power ; vigorous ; violent. forcibly ('si-bli), adv. in a forcible manner ; vigorously ; violently. ford (ford), n. a shallow part of a stream, &c., which can be crossed by men or animals : v.t. to wade ; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. ?or 351 fox through, or pass over without swim- ming. fore, a prefix meaning 'before, in front, much used in composition : its mean- ing is usually self-evident. fore and aft (aft), the entire length of a ship. forearm (for'arm), n. the arm be- tween the wrist and elbow : v.t. to prepare for attack or resistancf' be- fore the time of need. forebear. See under forbear. forebode (-bod'), v.i. to presage, es- pecially evil ; feel a presentiment of: vA. to foretell (evil). forebo"w ('bo), n. the pommel of a saddle. forecast ('kast), n. a previous con- trivance ; foresight ; prediction of the weather: v.t. (for-kast'), to plan or calculate beforehand ; foresee ; pre- dict. forecastle (fok'sl), n. the part of a vessel forward of the foremost, where the seamen take their meals and sleep. foreclose (for-kloz'), v.t. to cut off from the right of redemption : said of a mortgage. forefather {'IMli-ev) , n, a male an- cestor. Forefather's Day ('ia.-theTZ da), n. Dec. 21, the day when the Pilgrim Fathers landed at Plymouth, Mass., 1620 : observed as an anniversary in New England, &c. foregather (-ga/7i'er), v.i. to assem- ble; associate (with with). forego (-go'), v.t. [p.t. forewent, p.p. foregone, p.pr. foregoing], to re- nounce or refrain from ; give up : v.t. precede. forehead (for'ed), n. that part of the face between the eyes and the hair ; brow. foreign (for'en), adj. belonging to another nation or country ; alien ; exotic ; extraneous ; remote. for el ('el), n. a kind of parchment used for covers of books. foreland (for'land), n. point of land projecting into the sea ; headland. forelock ('lok), n. a lock of hair growing on the forehead ; a linchpin. foreman ('man), n. [pi. foremen ('men)], the spokesman of a jury; an overseer. foremost ('most), adj. chief; first. forensic (fo-ren'sik) , adj. pertaining to, or used in, courts of justice or public debate. forensic medicine (med'i-sin), n. medical jurisprudence. forereach (for-rech'), v.t, to gain upon : v.i. to forge ahead in stays : said of a vessel. forerun (-run'), v.t. [p.t. foreran, p.p. forerun, p.pr. forerunning], to run before ; precede ; announce. forerunner ('er), n. a messenger sent before ; herald ; something that precedes a person or event. foresail ('sal), n. a large square sail, the principal one on the foremast. foreshore ('shor), n. that part of a beach or shore situated between the high and low water marks. foreshorten (-short'n), v.t. to depict (figures as they appear to the eye when viewed obliquely) so as to convey the impression of full length. foreskin ('skin), n. the prepuce. forespeech ('spech), n. a preface. forest (for 'est), n. a large extent of ground covered with trees ; wood- land ; an uncultivated tract of land, more or less covered with trees and undergrowth : adj. pertaining to a forest ; rustic ; sylvan : v.t. to cover with trees or forest. forestall (-stawl'), v.t. to be before- hand with ; anticipate ; buy up in advance. forestay ('sta), n. a strong rope reaching from the foremast-head to the bow of a vessel to strengthen the foremast. forester (for'est-er), n. one skilled in forestry, or an officer who has charge of a forest ; an inhabitant of a forest or wild region. ( forestry ('est-ri), n. the art of cul- tivating forests or managing timber. foretop (for'top), n. the platform at the head of a foremast. foretopmast (-mast), n. the mast immediately above the foremast. forewind ('wind), n. a favorable wind. forfeit (for'fit), n. a fine or penalty: &te, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; b5on. book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 4for 352 fox v.i. to lose (some position, right, or advantage) by breach of conditions, omission, or conduct : adj. alienated or lost. forfeiture ('fi-ttir), n. the act of for- feiting ; that which is forfeited ; pen- alty. forfend (-fend'), v.t. to ward off. ■£org;ave,_ p.t. of forgive. forge (forj and forj), v.t. to fashion (a piece of metal) by heating and hammering ; form into shape ; in- vent ; counterfeit, with intent to de- fraud ; impel forward : v.i. to be guilty of the crime of forgery ; go slowly or with difficulty : n. an open fire in which a blacksmith heats irons by forced draught, and fash- ions the metal while hot ; a place where metal is forged ; smithy ; workshop. forgeable ('a-bl), adj. capable of being forged. €orger ('er), n. one who commits the crime of forgery ; a fabricator. forgery (-i), n. the act of counter- feiting the handwriting of another with intent to defraud; the act of counterfeiting coin. forget (for-gef), v.t. [p.t, forgot: p.p. forgotten, p.pr. forgetting], to lose the remembrance of ; overlook or neglect ; slight. ^orgetable ('a-bl), adj. liable to be forgotten. ■forgetful ('fool), adj. apt to forget; careless ; negligent ; heedless. iforgetfuUy (-li), adv. in a forgetful manner. ^orgetfulness (-nes), n. the quality of being forgetful ; loss of remem- brance ; neglect. forget-me-not ('me-not), n. a per- ennial plant with small bright sky- blue flowers. forgivable (-giv'a-bl), adj. that may be forgiven. forgive (-giv'), v.t. [p.t. forgave, p.p. forgiven, p.pr, forgiving], to par- don ; remit, as a sin, offense, debt, &c. : v.i. to exhibit forgiveness. forgiveness ('nes), n, pardon; re- mission. forgotten, p.p. of forget. fork (fork), n. an instrument with two or more prongs; anything re- sembling, or branching like, a fork ; the branch or space caused by the junction of two roads or rivers : v.t. to raise, throw, or dig with a fork ; steal : v.i. to branch off. forked (forkt), adj. shaped like a fork ; opening into two or more parts ; zigzag, as lightning. forlorn (-lorn'), adj. abandoned; de- serted ; destitute ; miserable ; bereft ; hopeless. forlorn-kope (-hop), n. a body of men detached for some service of ex- ceptional peril ; a hopeless enter- prise. form (form), n. the external appear- ance or shape of anything ; image ; likeness : orderly arrangement ; beau- ty ; symmetry ; determinate shape or structure ; established practice, or ritual ; a mold or pattern ; an offi- cial formula ; a long bench without a back ; a class ; state of high con- dition or fitness ; the bed or seat of a hare ; types, plates, &c., imposed in a chase ready for printing (forme) : v.t. to give shape to; create; mold to a particular pattern ; conceive or imagine ; constitute ; devise ; adjust : v.i. to take shape. formal ('al), adj. according to form or established rules ; precise ; cere- monious ; conventional ; essential ; having the outward form without the inward reality. formaldehyde (form-al'de-hid), n. a gas obtained by the partial oxida- tion of methyl alcohol, used largely as a disinfectant and as an anti- septic. formalin (form'al-in), n. a 40 per cent solution of formaldehyde, used for preserving specimens for biolog- ical work. Also formol. formalism (-izm), n. exact and scru- , pulous observance of outward forms and conventional usages, especially in religious duties. formalist (-ist), n. a scrupulous ob- server of outward forms. formality ('i-ti), n. [pi. formalities (-tiz)], strict adherence to external or customary forms ; ceremony ; method or mode. formally (-li), adv. in a formal man- ner. ^te, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, */ien. FUNGI II. (All illustrations at] 1. False Egg or Chantarelle Mushroom (Orange Crinkled). — 2. Devil Fungus. — 3. Tuberous Mushrcl 8. Witches' Fungus. — 9. Thick Base Fungus. — 10. Little Horn Fungus. — 11. Fly Agaric or Mushroom; FUNGI iths natural size) , inge Apple. — 5. Green Agaric or Mushroom. — 6. Poisonous Mushroom. — 7. Satan s Fungus. [ur Top. for 353 foi formate (for 'mat), n. a salt of for- mic acid. formation (-ma'shun), n. the act of forming ; that which is formed ; structure ; figure ; production ; a group of strata of nearly the same age having certain common charac- teristics. formative ('ma-tiv), adj. giving or serving to form ; plastic ; germinal : n. a word formed by adding a pre- fix, or suffix. former ( 'mer ) , adj. preceding in time or place ; first mentioned : n. a mak- er ; author. formierly (-li), adv. anciently; some time ago. formic ('mik), adj. pertaining to, or produced by, ants ; derived from formic acid. formic acid (as'id), n. a colorless corrosive acid consisting of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon, obtained from oxalic acid and glycerine : originally obtained from the bodies of red ants. formiicant ('mi-kant), adj. weak: said of the pulse. formication (-mi-ka'shun), n. irri- tation of the skin, resembling that made by the creeping of ants. formidable ( 'mid-a-bl ) , adj. exciting dread ; fearful ; powerful. formidably (-li), adv. in a formid- able manner. formula ('ti-la), n. [pi. formulas (-laz), formulae (-le)], a prescribed form, rule, or model ; a group of symbols, expressing the composition of a chemical compound ; a formal statement of faith or doctrine ; a prescription ; the expression of a rule by algebraic symbols. formulary (-ri) , n. [pi. formularies (-riz)], a book of stated and pre- scribed forms, or of prayers, ritual, &c. ; a formula. formulate ('u-lat), v.t. to put into the form of, or reduce to, a formula ; fix or state, in definite terms. formyl ('il), n. the hypothetical base of formic acid. fornicate (forn'i-kat), v.i. to com- mit fornication : od;. arched ; vaulted. fornication (-i-ka'shun), n. the illic- it sexual intercourse of unmarried persons; adultery; idolatry; an arching or vaulting. fornix _ (for'niks), n. [pi. fornices ('ni-sez)], in anatomy, an arch- shaped part; the upper shell of an oyster. forsake (-sak'), v.t. [p.t. forsook, p.p, forsaken, p.pr. forsaking], to leave; desert ; abandon ; depart from. forsooth (-sooth'), adv. verily; in truth. forswear (-swar'), v.i. [p.t. forswore, p.p. forsworn, p.pr. forswearing], to swear falsely ; commit perjury : v.t. to deny on oath ; abjure. fort (fort), n. an inclosed fortified place ; castle ; fortress. fortalice ('a-lis), n. a small fort, or fortified outwork. forte (fort), n. one's strong point, or special talent. forth (forth), adv. onward in time, place, or order; forward; abroad; away. forthcoming (-kum'ing), adj. ready, or about to appear : n. a coming forth. forthwith (-wiif^,), adv. immediately. fortieth (for'ti-eth), adj. next in or- der after 39th: n. one of 40 equal parts. fortification (-ti-f i-ka'shun), n. th& art or science of fortifying ; a mili- tary defensive work ; a strengthen- ing. fortifier ('ti-fi-er), n. one who forti- fies. fortify Cti-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. forti- fied, p.pr. fortifying], to strengthen against attack by military works ; make strong ; encourage or confirm : v.i. to erect works of defense. fortitude ( 'ti-tud ) , n. mental strength to endure suffering or adversity with courage ; patient endurance. fortnight (fort'nit), n. 14 days. fortnightly (-li), adv. once every 14 days. fortress ('res), n. a large permanent fortified place for defense or secur- ity ; castle. fortuitous (-tti'i-tus), adj. happen- ing by chance ; accidental. fortuity ('i-ti), n. [pi. fortuities ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; bden, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. for 354 ton (-tiz)], an accidental occurrence; chance. fortunate ('tti-nat), adj, happening by good fortune ; lucky ; auspicious ; successful. fortunately (-li), adv. luckily; au- spiciously. fortune ('tCm), n. the good or ill that happens to mankind ; chance ; fate ; estate ; wealth ; possessions ; future destiny. fortune-liTiiater .(-liun'ter), n. one who seeks to marry an heiress, or wealthy woman. forty ('ti), adj. one more than 39: n. the sum of 10 and 30. forum (for'um), n. [pi. fora ('a), forums ('umz)], the public place of meeting in ancient Rome, where the law courts, public offices, &c., were situated : hence a place of public re- sort, or court of law. forward (for'werd), adv. onward; in advance ; toward the forepart : adj. situated near the front ; early in sea- son or preparation ; ready ; prompt ; presumptuous ; unreserved ; not over modest ; eager ; earnest ; imperti- nent : inter j. on ! v.t. to help for- ward ; quicken or hasten ; improve ; transmit. forwardness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being forward; imperti- nence ; pertness. forwarder (-er), n. one who for- wards or promotes ; a merchant who transmits goods ; the workman who forwards the rough work in book- binding to the finisher. forwards. Another form of forward, adv. fossil (fos'il), n. any organic body which by burial in the earth's strata has become petrified ; a person an- tiquated in his ideas : adj. pertain- ing to, of the nature of, or converted into, a fossil ; dug from the earth ; antiquated. fossiliferous (-if'er-us), adj. con- taining fossils. fossilize (-Iz), v.t. to petrify: v.i. to become antiquated. foster ('ter), v.t. to nourish; nurse; rear up ; sustain or support ; cherish. foster-brother (-brut/i'er), n. a brother by nursing, but not by birth. foster-child (-child), n. a child nursed or reared by one who is not its parent. f other. Same as fodder. fought, p.t. & p.p. of fight. foul (foul), adj. offensive, morally or physically ; dirty ; impure ; scurril- ous ; filthy ; hateful ; loathsome ; dis- graceful ; unfair ; cloudy and stormy ; contrary, as a wind ; thick with weeds, &c. ; entangled, as an anchor : n. a wilful collision : v.t. to make foul or dirty ; sully or defile ; come into collision with : v.i. to become foul or dirty. foulard (foo-lard'), n. a light silk, or silk-cotton washable dress fabric ; a silk handkerchief for wear round the neck or head. foumart ('mart), n. the pole-cat. found, p.t. & p.p. of find. found (found), v.t. to lay the basis of ; build ; fix firmly ; establish ; orig- inate ; form by melting a metal and pouring it into a mold ; cast. foundation (foun-da'shun), ii. the basis or lowest part of a structure ; groundwork ; the principles or origin of anything ; an endowment or en- dowed institution ; the first stitches in knitting or crocheting. founder (foun'der) , n. one who founds or originates ; builder ; one who casts metal : v.t. to sink by fill- ing with water ; disable or make lame : said of a horse : v.i. to fill and sink ; go lame. foundling (found'ling), n. a child found whose parent is unknown. foundry ('ri), n. [pi. foundries ('riz)], the place where metal cast- ing is carried on. fount (fount), n. a fountain or spring ; original source. fountain (foun'tan), n. a natural or artificial spring of water ; the head or source of a river ; a jet or spout of water ; the first cause or origin. fountain-head (-hed), n. the spring from which a stream flows ; the first source. fountain-pen, n. a pen having a reservoir of ink in the holder. four (for), adj. consisting of 1 more than 3 ; a cardinal numeral : n. the ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nDrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. fon 355 fra sum of 3 and 1 ; a four-oared boat, or its crew. fourcliette (foor-shet'), n. a forked surgical instrument ; the wish-bone of a bird ; the frog of a horse's foot. fourfold (for'fold), n. a quantity four times as much : adj. four times told. fourgon (foor-gohg'), n. a military ammunition wagon, or baggage car- riage. Fourierism (foo'ri-er-izm), n. the socialistic and cooperative system advocated by Fourier, the French socialist. four-in-liand (for'in-hand), n. a coach drawn by four horses and driven by one person ; a necktie, worn tied in a knot so as to leave the ends hanging vertically : adv. with a team of four horses. fourneau (foor-no'), n. the chamber of a mint in which the powder is placed. four-o'clock ('o-klok), n. a flower, the Marvel of Peru. fourscore ('skor), adj. 80. fourteen ('ten), adj. consisting of 4 more than 10 : n. the sum of 4 and 10. fourteentli ('tenth), adj. fourth in order after 10th : n. one of 14 equal parts. fourth, (forth), adj. next in order after third : n. one of 4 equal parts ; a musical interval of two tones and one semitone. Fourtli, n. the fourth day of July ; Independence Day. fourthly ('li), adv. in the fourth place. fovilla (f6-vira),'M. the gummy fer- tilizing protoplasmic liquid of pollen grain. fowl (foul), n. a gallinaceous bird, especially the domestic cock or hen ; poultry ; birds collectively : v.i. to catch or kill wild birds for sport or food. fowler ('er), n. one who catches or kills wild birds for sport or food. fowling ('ing), n. the act or practice of catching or shooting wild birds. fowling-piece (-pes), n. a light gun used for ordinary sporting. foz (foks), n. a canine mammal with a long bushy tail, belonging to the genus Vulpes, notorious for its cun- ning : hence a sly, cunning person ; a small strand of rope, formed by twisting several rope-yarns together : v.t. to make sour, or turn reddish ; repair : said of boots ; watch slyly : v.i. to turn sour or become reddish ; act as a spy. fox-bats ('batz), n. a genus of bats with a fox-like head. fox-hrush ('brush), n. the tail of a fox. foxed (fokst), p.adj. stained, as tim- ber, or spotted, as prints, books, &c., with a reddish discoloration ; re- paired with leather : said of a boot. foxglove Cgluv), n. a plant of the genus Digitalis, especially the purple foxglove, the leaves of which are used medicinally. fox-grape ('grap), n, a variety of grape. foxhound ('hound), n. one of a breed of dogs used for fox-hunting. foxiness ('i-nes), n. sly cunning, or shrewdness ; the state of being de- cayed, or sour. fox-squirrel ( 'skwer-el) , n. the North American tree squrrel. foxtail ('tal), n. the name of various species of grass ; the tail of a fox. foxy ('i), adj. pertaining to, or re- sembling, a fox ; cunning ; crafty ; reddish-brown ; soured ; discolored. foyer (fwa-ya'), n. the lobby of a theater. fracas (fra'kas), n. a noisy quarrel. fraction (frak'shun), n. a part bro- ken off ; act of breaking ; the state of being broken ; a part of a unit, as %. fractional (-al), adj. pertaining to, or constituting, a fraction; very small. fractious ('shus), adj. unruly; cross. fracture ('tur) n. a part broken; a break caused by violence ; separa- tion ; the direction in which a min- eral breaks so as to show its texture : v.t. to break, or crack, as a bone, &c. fragile (fraj'-il), adj. easily broken; weak ; delicate. fragilely (-li), adv. in a fragile man- ner. fragileness (-nes), n. the state of being fragile. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. fra 356 fra fragility (fra-jil'i-ti), n. the state of being fragile. fragment (frag'ment), n. a part broken off from a whole ; an imper- fect part. fragmental (-al), adj. pertaining to, or composed of, fragments, discon- nected ; made of parts of preexistent rock ; conglomerate. Also fragmen- tary. fragxuentation (-ta'shun), n. fis- sion. fragrance (fra'grans), n. the state or quality of being fragrant. Also fragrancy. fragrant ('grant), adj. sweet-smell- ing. frail (frai), adj. fragile; brittle; weak, physically or morally ; infirm : n. a basket made of rushes. fraise (fraz), n. palisading formed of inclined or horizontal stakes. framable (fram'a-bl), adj. capable of being framed. frame (fram), n. something con- structed or composed of parts fitted and joined together ; that on which anything is held or stretched ; any contrivance for inclosing, admitting, or supporting something ; a compos- itor's stand ; an inclined table of planks for washing ore ; shape ; temper ; state : v.t. to fit (one thing) into another ; shape or form ; adjust or regulate ; invent ; adapt : v.i. to wash ore on a frame. frame-bridge ('brij), n. a timber bridge. framer ('er), n. one who frames; a contriver. framework ('werk), n. that which incloses or supports something else. franc (frangk), n. sl French coin, the unit of monetary value — 19.3 cents. /^franchise (fran'chiz), n. the consti- tutional right of suffrage ; a particu- lar privilege or right granted by a sovereign or by a legislative body to an individual, or to a corporation ; the district or jurisdiction to which a particular privilege extends. Franco, a form used in composition to denote France, or French, as the Franco-German war. francolin (frang'ko-lin), n. a bird al- lied to the partridge. frangibility (franj-i-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being frangible. frangible ('i-bl), adj. easily broken. frank (frangk), adj. open or ingenu- ous ; candid ; outspoken ; unreserved : n. a signature that exempts maii- matter from payment of postage ; a letter privileged to go post-free : v.t. to send or have conveyed free of charge. frankincense ('in-sens), n. a fra- grant inflammable resin burnt as in- cense. frankly ('li), adv. candidly, openly. frankness ( 'nes ) , n. candor ; open- ness. frantic (fran'tik), adj. violently mad or distracted ; outrageous ; trans- ported by passion. frantically (-al-li), adv. in a frantic manner. frap (frap), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. f rapped, p.pr. frapping], to strengthen or draw together by ropes crossing each other ; undergird. frappe (-pa'), adj. chilled with ice. fraternal ( f ra-ter'nal ) , adj. pertain- ing to, becoming, or like, brothers. fraternally (-li) , adv. in a fraternal manner. fraternize (frat'er-niz), v.i. to asso ciate or hold fellowship as brothers, fraternity (fra-ter'ni-ti). ;i. [pi. fra- ternities (-tiz)], brotherly relation- ship ; a body of men associated to- gether by a common bond of inter- est, especially of a religious charac- ter ; men of the same profession or class. fratricide (frat'ri-sid), n. the crime of killing a brother ; one who kills a brother. fraud (frawd), n. deceit; artifice: trick ; cheat ; a humbug. fraudulence ('ti-lens), n. deceitful- ness ; trickery ; unfairness. fraudulent ('ti-lent), adj. character- ized by, founded on, or obtained by, fraud. fraugkt (frawt), adj. laden ; charged. fraxin (fraks'in), n. a crystalline substance obtained from the bark of the ash tree. Also fraxinin. fray (fra) , n. a riot ; quarrel ; a chafe or rub : v.t. to chafe or wear away. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. fra 151 fre fraying ('ing), n. the act of wearing away by friction ; the peeling off of the velvet of a deer's horn. freak (frek), n. sudden or capricious change of mind, or whim ; a prank ; an abnormal animal or plant : v.t. to variegate ; spot or streak. freckle (frek'l), n. a brownish spot in the skin : v.t. to mark with frec- kles : v.i. to become freckled. freckly ('li), adj. marked with frec- kles. free (fre), adj. [comp. freer, superl. freest], without restraint; at liber- ty ; permitted ; liberal ; generous ; open ; free from guilt ; independent ; familiar ; licentious ; not arbitrary or despotic ; spirited ; not attached or fixed ; uncombined ; invested with the franchise, &c. (with of) : v.t. to set at liberty ; emancipate ; rid or exempt ; clear : adv. gratuitously. free-board ('bord), n. that part of the side of a ship between the upper side of the deck and the water-line. freebooter ('boot-er), n. one who roves about for plunder or pillage ; buccaneer. free city (sit'i), n. a city having an independent franchise and govern- ment. freedxuan (fred'man), n. \_pl. freed- men ('men)], a slave who has been legally emancipated. freedom (fre'dum), n. the state of being free ; liberty ; independence ; ease in performance ; particular privilege ; absence of conventionali- ty ; undue familiarity. free-band ('hand), adj. drawn by the hand without the aid of instru- ments. free-banded (-ed), adj. generous; liberal. freebold ('hold), n. an estate or ten- ement held by fee-simple, fee-tail, or for life. free-lance ('lans), n. one of a class of mediaeval soldiers who sold their services to fight for the highest bid- der ; one who acts, speaks, or writes irrespective of any party. freeman ('man), n. {pi. freemen ('men)], one in the enjoyment of liberty ; one possessed of certain franchises or municipal pr^n'leges. Freemason ('ma-sn), n. a member of a secret society in the Middle Ages, consisting formerly of skilled crafts- men, now a social association pro- fessing principles of brotherly love, charity, and mutual aid. Freemasonry (-ri), n. the system, rites, &c,, of the Freemasons. free port (port), n. a port where no duties are levied on merchandise. Free-soil ('soil), adj. opposed to the* extension of slavery : said of the party formed at Boston, United States, 1848, to restrict slavery. freestone ('ston), n. a sandstone suitable for working. freetbinker ('thingk-er), n. one who forms his opinions independently of others ; one who rejects revelation in religion, and dogmatic belief ; a latitudinarian. free trade (trad), n, trade with other countries unrestricted by tariffs or customs duties. free-ivill ('wil), adj. voluntary; holding the theological doctrine that man is free to exercise his will for good or evil. freezable (frez'a-bl), adj. that may be frozen. freeze (frez), v.t. [p.t. froze, p.p. frozen, p.pr. freezing], to congeal or harden into ice ; kill by cold : v.i. to be congealed with cold ; be chilled with cold ; be at or below the tem- perature of 32°. freezing-point ('ing-point), n. 32° above 0° in the Fahrenheit scale (0° Centigrade), at which water freezes. freigbt (frat), n. the goods with which a vessel is loaded ; cargo ; goods carried by rail ; the sum paid or charged for the conveyance of goods : adj. used for conveying goods : v.t. to load with goods for conveyance ; hire or charter. freigbtage ('aj), n. charge for freight ; cargo. freigbt-car ('kar), n. a railway car for transporting freight. freigbter ('er), n. one who freights a ship or car ; shipper ; a vessel for conveying freight, French (french), adj. pertaining to France, its inhabitants, or language. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boop^ book : hue. hut ; think, th^n. fre 358 fri frencMfy ('i-fl), v. Ip.t. & p.p. frenchified, p.pr. frenchifying], to infect with French manners, char- acteristics, or customs. fremcli leave- (-lev), n. departure without ceremony or notice. frenzied (fren'zid), p. adj. affected with frenzy ; delirious. frenzy ('zi), n. {pi. frenzies ('ziz)], " violent agitation ; temporary mad- ness ; fury : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. fren- •^ied, p.pr. frenzying], to throw into ^ a frenzy ; render mad. frequency (fre'kwen-si), n. the re- peated occurrence of a thing at short intervals. frequent ('kwent), adj. recurring often: v.t. (fre-kwenf) to resort to, or visit often. frequentative ('ta-tiv), adj. in grammar, noting repetition, as cer- tain verbs. frequently (-li), adv. often; repeat- edly. fresco (fres'ko), n. [pi. frescos, fres- coes ('koz)], a method of wall- painting in water-colors on fresh plaster : v.t. to decorate or paint in fresco. fresh (fresh), adj. new; recent; un- faded ; uninjured by time ; in good condition ; not forgotten ; healthy ; strong and active ; not wearied ; live- ly ; brisk ; pure and cool ; not salt ; inexperienced ; intoxicated : n. a spring ; freshet ; the union of fresh and salt water in a river. freshen ('en), v.t. to make fresh; render less salt; revive; slacken (a rope) to relieve the part exposed to friction : v.i. to become vigorous ; grow fresh ; lose saltness. freshet ('et), n. a flood caused by melting snow or heavy rain. freshman ('man), n. [pi. freshmen ('men)], a college student in his first year. fresh- water ('waw-ter), adj. per- taining to, living in, found in, or formed in, fresh water ; accustomed to river navigation or the coasting trade. fret (fret), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. fretted, p.pr. fretting], to wear away by fric- tion ; injure by rubbing ; corrode ; agitate ; vex ; irritate ; make rough on the surface ; ornament with raised or interlaced work ; varie- gate : v.i. to be worn away by fric- tion or corrosion ; be agitated or irritated ; utter peevish complaints : n. the act or process of fretting ; an ornament formed by small bands or fillets interlacing each other at right angles ; perforated or interlaced or- namental work ; an agitation on the surface of a liquid ; chafing, or irri- tation ; a small piece of ivory or wood on the keyboard of certain stringed instruments. fretful ( 'fool ) , adj. peevish ; irri- tated. fret-saw ('saw), n. a long, thin, nar- row saw with fine teeth, used for cutting frets. frette (-ta'), adj. decorated with fret- work. Also fretted. fretwork ('werk), n. carved, raised, or open ornamental work. friability ( f rl-a-bil'i-ti ) , n. the state or quality of being friable. Also friableness. friable ('a-bl), adj. readily crum- bled, or reduced to powder. friar ('er), n. one of a mendicant order of monks in the Roman Cath- olic 'Church. friary (-ri), n. a raonastery. fricassee (frik-a-se'), n. a dish of , chicken, rabbit, or other meat cut into small pieces, stewed and fried with gravy or sauce : v.t. to make into, or dress like, a fricassee. fricative ('a-tiv), n. a name for cer- tain letters, as th, sh, zh, produced by the friction of the breath issuing through the narrow aperture of the organs of articulation. friction ('shun), n. the act of rub- bing ; attrition ; resistance to the motion of a body, caused by contact with the surface upon which it moves ; the act of rubbing to stimu- late the circulation of the blood ves- sels ; irritation or disagreement caused by divergence of opinion. frictional (-al), adj. pertaining to, or produced by, friction. Friday (fri'da), n. the sixth day of the week : named from the Scandi- navian deity Frigga, the goddess of love. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ] boon; book ; hue, but ; think, then. fri 859 £rt fried, p.t. & p.p. of fry. friend (frend), n. one attached to another by affection, regard, or es- teem ; an intimate acquaintance ; a supporter or favorer of a cause, \ &c. ; an ally ; a term of salutation. Friend, w. a member of the Society of Friends. : friendliness ('li-nes), n. the state or quality of being friendly. ' friendly ('li), adj. pertaining to a friend ; having the characteristics of a friend ; amicable ; affable ; gen- 1 ial ; convenient ; favorable : adv. I amicably. friendship ('ship), n. intimacy; united with affection or esteem ; mu- tual attachment ; good-v^ill. Triesian (fre'zian), adj. pertaining to Friesland, its inhabitants, or its language. Also Frisian. frieze (frez), n. the middle part of the entablature of a column between the architrave and cornice : usually ornamented with sculpture, &c. ; a coarse woolen cloth with a rough shaggy nap on one side. frigate (frig'at), n. formerly a war- ship with an upper flush deck, car- rying from 24 to 50 guns. frigate-bird (-herd), n. a swift rap- torial bird allied to the pelican. frigeratory (frij'er-a-to-ri), n. a cooling or refrigerating chamber. fright (frit), n. a sudden and vio- lent fear ; alarm ; a person whose dress or appearance is ridiculous. frighten ('n), v-t. to terrify. frightful ('fool), a (Zy. terrible; dread- ful ; alarming ; shocking ; grotesque. frightfully (-li), adv. terribly; gro- tesquely. frigid (frij'id), adj. without warmth ; wintery ; cold in temperament ; stiff ; formal ; dull. frigidity (fri-jid'i-ti), n. the state of being frigid ; coldness. frijole (fre-hol'), n. a bean much cultivated in Mexico as an article of food. frill ^ ( f ril ) , n. a pleated or crimped edging of fine linen to a garment, as a shirt front, &c. ; ruffle : pi. af- fectation of manner ; ornamentation of dress, &c. : v.i. to ruffle or shiver the feathers with cold : said of a hawk : v.t. to make into a frill. frilling ('ing), n. gathered trimming or edging for garments, fringe (frinj), n. an ornamental bor- der of hanging cords, &c. ; any bor- der or edging resembling a fringe : v.t. to border with, or as with, a fringe. fringy ('ji), adj. fringe-like. frippery (frip'er-i), n. old clothes or furniture ; the place where old clothes are sold ; trade in second- hand clothes : adj. trumpery ; con- temptible. frisk (frisk), v.i. to gambol or dance in frolic : n. a gambol, dance, or frolic. frisket (fris'ket), n. a light frame for holding down the sheet while the impression is being printed. f riskiness ('ki-nes), n. the state or quality of being frisky. frisky ('ki), adj. lively in action; sprightly ; gay ; frolicsome. frit (frit ) , n. the mixture of sand and fluxes from which glass is made after being calcined and baked in a furnace prior to fusion : v.t. [p.t. &. p.p. fritted, p.pr fritting], to decom- pose and melt partially. frit-fly ('fli), n. a small fly injurious: to wheat. frith (frith), n. an inlet of the sea. at the mouth of a river ; estuary- [Scotch]. Also firth; a kind of weit for capturing fish. fritter (frit'er), v.t. to waste by de- grees ; cut up as meat into small pieces for frying : n. a small piece of meat cut for frying ; a small cake with meat or fruit in it. frivolity (fri-vol'i-ti), n. [pi. frivoli- ties (-tiz)], levity; a trifling act, thought, or action. frivolous (friv'o-lus), adj. trifling; trivial ; petty ; silly ; inclined to levity. frizette (fri-zef), n. a small 'piece of hair worn as a bang. Also fri- sette. frizz (friz), v.t. to curl or crisp; form into little hard burrs : said of the nap of cloth : n. that which is frizzed, as hair. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. fri 3 frizzle (friz'l), v.t. to curl on hot coals ; curl or frizz : n. a crisped lock of hair. fro ( f ro ) , adv. away from ; backward. frock (frok), n. a loose upper gar- ment worn by children and women ; dress ; a monk's habit ; a coarse over-garment worn by laborers, &c. ; an undress regimental coat. ^rock-coat ('kot), n. a close-fitting strait-bodied coat with wide skirts of the same length before and be- hind. farog (frog), n. a small tailless am- phibious animal of the genus Rana ; a tender horny substance growing in the middle of the sole of a horse's foot ; a spindle-shaped button or toggle used for fastening military cloaks, ladies' mantles, &c. ; a section of a railway line where the rails diverge. frogged (frogd), adj. ornamented or fastened with frogs. frogging ('ing), n. ornamentation with frogs ; fishing with frogs as live bait. frolic (frol'ik), n. a scene of merry- making or gaiety ; a sportive out- burst ; wild prank : adj. sportive ; merry or gay : v.i. to indulge in tricks of mirth and levity ; play wild pranks. frolicsome (-sum), adj. full of frolic. froin (from), prep, out of, away; since; noting source or beginning, distance, logical or physical se- quences. frond (frond), n. the union of a leaf and a branch ; the leaf of a fern, palm, or seaweed. frons (fronz), n. [pi. frontes (fron'- tez)], the forehead. front (frunt), n. the forehead; the forepart or foremost of anything ; van ; the most conspicuous part • impudence or boldness ; a false shirt- bosom or dickey : adj. situated at the front : v.t. to stand, or be situated, opposite to, or over against : v.i. to have the front turned in a particular direction, frontage ('aj), n. the front part of a building or its area. frontal (fron'tal), adj. pertaining to frt the front or forehead : n. somethin4 worn on the forehead; an ecclesias- tical hanging in front of an altar ; a small pediment over a window or door. frontier (fron'ter), n. the boundary or limits of a country : adj. pertain- ing to, or situated near, the boun- dary of a country ; contiguous. frontispiece (fron'tis-pes), n. an illustration facing the front page of a book. frontlet (frunt'let), n. a fillet or band worn on the forehead ; a Jew- ish phylactery ; the margin of the head of a bird behind the bill. fronton (fron'ton), n. the entrance to a building ornamented. frost (frost), n. minute frozen parti- cles of moisture ; the temperature of the atmosphere which causes the congelation of water ; hoar-frost ; an enterprise ending in failure : v.t. to cover with, or as with, hoar-frost ; injure by frost; sharpen (horses' shoes) in frosty weather. frosted ('ed), p.adj. covered with, resembling, or injured by, frost. frostily ('i-li), adv. with frost, or ex- cessive cold. frostiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being frosty. frosting ('ing), n. a preparation of fine sugar and white of egg for cov- ering cakes ; rough powdered glass used in decorative work. frosty ('i), adj. [comp. frostier, su- perl, frostiest], producing, or accom- panied with, frost ; frozen ; hoary ; cold or distant in manner. froth (frOth), n. the mass of bubbles formed on the surface of a liquid by agitation, or fermentation ; foam ; superficial knowledge ; vapid elo- quence. frothily ('i-li), adv. in a frothy man- ner. frothiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being frothy. frothy ('i), adj. [comp. frothier, su- perl. frothiest], full of, or composed of, froth ; empty ; frivolous ; unsub- stantial. frousy. Same as frowsy. frow (frou), n. a German or Dutch woman ; slattern ; (fro) potato-flour r ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. fro 3 a tool used for cleaving shingles, staves, &c. fro-ward (fro'werd), adj. perverse; wayward. :?roivii (froun), n. a contraction of the brows indicative of displeasure, &c. : v.i. to contract the brows to indicate displeasure, &c. ; scowl ; lower. ±rowyz (frou'zi), adj. musty; untidy. ■froze, p.t. of freeze. -frozen (froz'en), p. adj. congealed, benumbed, or killed with cold ; icy ; wanting in warmth of feeling or sympathy. •fructify (fruk'ti-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. fructified, p.pr.ivuctif.jing\, to make productive ; fertilize : v.i. to bear fruit. n. sugar in ripe -fructose ('tos), fruit or honey. :f r ugal ( f rti'gal ) , nomical. frugality ('i-ti), adj. thrifty ; eco- n. thrift ; economy. frugally (-li), adv. with economy. €rugivorous (fru-jiv'6-rus), adj. fruit-eating. fruit (frut), n. the product of a tree or plant containing the seed ; prod- uct ; result or profit ; offspring : v.i. to produce fruit. fruitage ( 'aj ) , n. fruit collectively ; product. fruiterer ('er-er), n. one who deals in fruit. fruitful ('fool), adj. yielding fruit; prolific. fruitfully (-li), adv. abundantly. fruitfulness (-nes), n. the quality of being fruitful. fruiting ('ing), p.adj. bearing fruit. fruition (fru-ish'un), n. the bearing of fruit ; realization ; enjoyment de- rived from use or possession. fruity (frut'i). adj. full-flavored; rich. frumenty (frti'men-ti), n. food made of wheat and boiled milk. frustrate (frus'trat), v.t. to defeat or disappoint ; thwart ; nullify : adj. vain ; useless ; void. frustrum ('trum), n. [pi. frustra Ctra)], that part of a solid next the base, as a cone, pyramid, &c., which is left after cutting off the top. 1 ful fry (fri), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. fried, p.pr, frying], to cook or roast with fat in a pan over a fire : v.i. to be cooked with fat in a pan ; be sub- jected to intense heat : n. a dish of things fried ; a swarm of young fish. fuchsia (fu'shi-a), n. a garden plant with handsome pendulous elongated flowers. fuddle (fud'l), v.t. to stupefy with drink ; intoxicate : v.i. to become intoxicated. fudge (fuj), n. a made-up story: inter j. nonsense ! : v.t. to make or do in a bungling, careless manner : v.i. to contrive by imperfect or impro- vised means. fuel (fu'el), n. combustible material for supplying a fire ; anything that serves to inflame or sustain passion or excitement. fugacious (fu-ga'shus), adj. fleet- ing ; volatile ; falling off very early. fugal ('gal), adj. pertaining to a fugue. fugh (foo), inter j. an exclamation of disgust. fugitive (fu'ji-tiv), adj. unstable; volatile ; fleeting ; not permanent ; fleeing from danger, pursuit, or duty : n. one who flees from danger, pursuit, or duty; a runaway or de- serter ; one who takes shelter with another power to escape punish- ment. fugitively (-li), adv. in a fugitive manner. fugleman (fu'gl-man), n. [pi. fugle- men (-men)], a trained soldier who stands in front of a line of men and leads them by his movements in their drill. fugue (fug), n. a musical composi- tion in which the parts follow each other with repetitions at certain in- tervals. fuguist Cist), n. a composer or per- former of fugues. fulcrum (ful'krum), n. [pi. fulcra ('kra), fulcrums ('krumz)], that part of a lever on which it rests. fulfill (fool'fil), v.t. to complete or accomplish ; execute ; perform or carry out, as that which is prom- ised, foretold, or anticipated. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; hbon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ful fun fulfillment ('ment), n. accomplish- ment ; completion ; execution. fulgency (ful'jen-si), n. brightness; splendor. full (fool), adj. filled; having no empty space ; well supplied ; stored ; saturated ; satiated ; copious ; round- ed out; plump; expressing much; clear ; distinct ; souorous ; having the whole disk illuminated : said of the moon : n. the highest state, ex- tent, or measure : v.i. to pucker : v.t. scour and thicken, as cloth, in a mill : adv. without diminution or qualification ; directly ; quite. [Full is used in composition to express full extent or degree, its meaning being generally self-evident, as full- armed, full-Qedged, &c.l full age, n. age of twenty-one years. full-back ('bak), n. in football, the player furthest from the goal of the opposing side. full-butt ('but), adv. meeting di- rectly and violently. full-dress ('dres), n. dress required for formal or ceremonial occasions. full-drive ('driv), adv. with full speed or vigor. fuller ('er), n. one who fulls cloth. fuUer's-earth ('erz-erth), n. a soft clay used for fulling cloth and the removal of grease. fully (fool'i), adv. completely; abun- dantly. fulminate (ful'mi-nat), v.t. to cause to explode ; send out or utter ( a threat or denunciation, as a papal bull) : v.i. to thunder; make a loud sudden noise ; detonate : n. a de- tonating compound formed of a salt of fulminic acid. fulminating powder (-ing pou'- der), n. an explosive substance which on being struck detonates with a loud report, fulminic acid (-min'ik as'id), n. an acid composed of cyanogen and oxy- gen. fulsome (ful'sum), adj. offensive; gross. fulvous (ful'vus), adj. tawny; saf- fron-colored. fulwa (ful'wa), n. the butter-tree of India; the butter obtained from it. fumarole (fu'ma-rol), n. a small hole from which volcanic smoke issues. fumble Cbl), v.i. to grope or feel about ; handle or attempt something in an awkward manner : v.t. to man- age awkwardly. fume (fum), n. vapor or exhalation^ especially of a narcotic or suffocat- ing nature ; mental irritation or agi- tation : v.i. to emit smoke ; pass off in gas or vapor ; to be in a passion : v.t. fill with gas or vapor ; exhale. fumigate ('i-gat), v.t. smoke; per- fume ; disinfect by the action of smoke or vapor. fumitory ('i-to-ri), n. a plant, the leaves of which were formerly used as a specific for skin diseases. fun (fun), n. mirth; drollery; sport: v.i. [p.t. & p.p. funned, p.pr. fun- ning], to indulge in fun, funambulist (fu-nam'bu-list), n. a rope-walker or -dancer. function (fungk'shun), n. the dis- charge or performance of any duty, office, or business ; faculty ; power ; the office of any organ, animal or vegetable ; public or official cere- mony ; any mathematical quantity considered as formed from another quantity, the change in the one af- fecting the other correspondingly : v.i. to perform a function ; act. functional (-al), adj. pertaining to^ or performing, a function ; official. functionary (-a-ri), n. [pi. func- tionaries (-riz)], one who holds an office, or discharges som^ trust ; an official. fund (fund), n. established stock or capital ; money set apart for carry- ing out some permanent or tempo- rary object ; a permanent debt due by a government on which interest is paid at a certain rate per cent. ; a stock in reserve : pi. money : v.t. to place in, or convert into, a fund. fundament ('a-ment), n. the base of the body ; anus ; foundation. fundamental ('al), adj. pertaining to a foundation or basis ; essential ; primary : n. a primary or essentia! principle ; basis ; the note on which a chord is formed [Mus.]. fundamental bass (has), n. that part in musical harmony which ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. fun 363 fur contains .the fundamental notes of chords. fundamentally (-li), adv. in a fund- amental manner. funded (fund'ed), p. adj. converted into a permanent loan ; invested in the public^ funds. funded debt (det), n. that part of a public debt for the payment of the interest of which certain funds are appropriated. funding ('ing^, n. the act or proc- ess of converting money lent to the government into a permanent fund bearing a fixed rate of interest ; in- vestment in government stocks or funds. fundus (fun'dus), n. the base or depth of anything. funeral ( f u'ner-al ) , n. the ceremony of burying a dead human body and the procession of mourners accom- panying it : adj. pertaining to, be- fitting, or used at, a funeral. funereal (-ne're-al), adj. pertaining to, or suitable for, a funeral ; mourn- ful ; sad. funereally (-li), adv. in a funereal manner. fungous (fung'gus), adj. pertaining to the nature of fungi ; spongy ; ex- crescent ; growing up suddenly. fungus Cgus), n. {pi. fungi (fun'ji), funguses (-ez)], a cryptogamous plant not containing chlorophyll, as a mushroom, toadstool, &c. ; a spongy excrescence. funicle (fu'ni-kl), n. a small cord, ligature, or fiber. funicular (-nik'u-lar), adj. pertain- ing to, composed of, or resembling, a funicle or funiculus ; rope-shaped. funiculus ('ti-lus), n. \_pl. funiculi (-li)], a small cord, ligature, or fiber ; a little stalk or cord-like ap- pendage uniting a seed with the placenta. funk (fungk), n. an overpowering or offensive odor ; cowardice ; a kick ; ill-temper [Scotch]; fright: v.i. to be in a state of cowardly fear ; to kick backwards [Scotch]. funnel (fun'el), n. a wide-mouthed conical vessel terminating in a spout for pouring liquids into close vessels ; the chimney of a steam- ship or steam-engine. funneled ('eld), ad;', having, or re- sembling, a funnel. funnily ('i-li), adv. in a funny man- ner. funning Cing), n. merry jesting. funny ('i), adj. {comp. funnier, su- perl. funniest], comical; droll; pro- voking laughter ; ludicrous ; queer ; curious : strange : n. a long narrow clinker-built pleasure boat rowed with sculls. funny-bone (-bon), n. the lower part of the elbow over which the nerve of the ulna passes. fur (fer), n. the soft hair of certain animals, growing thickly upon the skin ; morbid matter collected on the tongue ; the calcareous coating on the interior of a boiler, &c. : pi. the dressed skins of fur-bearing animals, used for apparel or ornament : adj. consisting, lined, or trimmed, with fur: v.t. [p.t. furred, p.pr. furring], to cover, line, or trim with fur ; cover with a calcareous deposit or morbid matter. furbelow ('be-lo), n. an ornament of feminine attire. furbish, ('bish), v.t. to make bright by rubbing, polishing, or burnish- ing ; renovate. furcate ('kat), adj, forked. furious (fti'ri-us), adj. full of fury; frenzied ; mad ; tempestuous. furl (ferl), v.t. to roll up and secure to something, as a sail, flag, «&c. furlong (fer 'long), n. l-8th of a mile. furlough. ('15), n. leave of absences v.t. to grant leave of absence to. furnace ('nas), n. a chamber or ap- paratus for producing a violent heat to reduce ores, metals, &c. ; severe trial. furnish ('nish), v.i. to supply with what is requisite ; fit out ; equip : v.i. to improve in flesh and condi- tion : said of a racehorse. furnishing (-ing), n. the act of pro- viding with furniture. furniture ('ni-tur), n. the necessary equipments of a house, ship, or a trade ; outfit ; equipage ; trappings of a horse. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. iur 364 fyk furore (fu'ror, or fu-ro're), n. a great outburst of excitement or en- thusiasm. furrier (fur'i-er), n. one who pre- pares or sells furs ; fur-dresser. furrow (fur'6), n. a trench made in the* ground by a plow ; a groove ; wrinkle : v.t. to plow ; make grooves or wrinkles in. furry (fur'i), adj. covered with, or consisting of, fur. further (fur'f/ier), adj, more dis- tant ; additional : adv. to a greater distance or degree ; moreover ; also : v.t. to promote ; help forward. furtherance (-ans), n. advancement. furthermore (-mor), adv. moreover; besides. furthermost (-most), adj. most re- mote. furthest ('tJiest), adj. most distant in time or degree : adv. at, or to, the greatest distance. furtive (fer'tiv), adj. sly; secret; stealthy. fury (fti'ri), n. [pi. furies ('riz)], violent or uncontrollable rage ; mad- ness; one of the three avenging dei- ties of Greek mythology ; a terma- gant woman. furze (ferz), n. a hardy spiny shrub, belonging to the bean family. furzy ('i), adj. covered with furze. fuse (fuz), v.t. to liquefy by heat; melt : v.i. to become melted by heat ; blend, as if melted : n. a small tube filled with an inflammable material, or a cord impregnated with such material, used for exploding gun- powder, &c. fusee (fu-ze'), n. a kind of match, used for igniting tobacco ; a grooved cone in a watch, &c., around which the chain is wound. fusel-oil ('zel-oil), n. an oily poi- sonous product produced in rectify- ing grape-, potato-, or corn-spirit. fusible (fuz'i-bi), adj. capable of be- ing fused. fusil (fu'zil), n. the old flint-lock musket. fusileer ('zi-ler), n. the name of sev- eral British line regiments. Also fusilier. fusillade (-zi-lad'), n: sl simulta- neous discharge of firearms : v.t. to shoot down or kill by a fusillade. fusinist ('zin-ist), n. an artist who draws with charcoal crayons. fusion, ('zhun), n. the act or process of melting by heat ; the state of be- ing fused or melted ; union by, or as by, melting. fuss (fus), n. unnecessary or irritat- ing activity, especially in small mat- ters ; disorderly bustling about ; con- fusion ; stir : v.i. to worry. fussy ('i), adj. making a fuss. fustanelle (-ta-nel'), n. the short white skirt worn by modern Greeks. fustian ('chan), n. a kind of coarse twilled cotton cloth, as corduroy, velveteen, &c. ; an inflated or pre- tentious style in writing or speak- ing ; bombast : adj. made of fustian ; bombastic. fustiness ('ti-nes), n. the state or quality of being fusty. fusty Cti), adj. [comp. fustier, su- perl, fustiest] , ill-smelling ; moldy ; meddlesome ; officious. futile ('til), adj. vain; useless. futilely (-li), adv. in a futile man- ner. futility (-til'i-ti), n. the quality of being futile. futtocks (fut'oks), n.pl. the upright curved ribs of a ship springing fromi the keel. futtock-shrouds ('ok-shrouds), w.. pi. the short shrouds which go ta the shrouds above. future ('tur), adj. that will be here- after : n. time yet to come ; a tense in grammar ; a commodity, &c., sold or bought for future delivery. futurity ('i-ti), n. [pi. futurities (-tiz) ], time to come ; future events. fuzz (fuz), n. fine minute particles of down, wool, &c. : v.i. to fly off iB fuzz. fuzzy ('i), adj. covered with, or like, fuzz. fy. Same as fie. fyke (fik), w. a kind of fish-trap. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; hodn» book) hue, hut; think, then. gab (gab), n. idle chatter; loquacity; a hook on the eccentric rod of a steam-engine; the mouth [Scotch]: v.i. [p.t. & p.p. gabbed, p.pr. gab- bing], to chatter. gabardine (-er-den'), n. a coarse smock frock. gabble (gab'l), v.t. to utter rapidly without sense : v.i. to chatter inco- herently : n. rapid incoherent talk. gabion (ga'bi-un), n. a large cylin- drical bottomless basket filled with earth : used for purposes of military defense, &c. gabionnade (ga-bi-o-nad'), n. a de- fensive work formed of gabions. gable (ga'bl), n. the triangular end of a building. gablet ( ga'bl et), n. a small ornamen- tal gable : used for the summit of niches, &c. gad (gad), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. gadded, p.pr. gadding], to roam about in a purposeless manner : n. the act of roaming about without an object ; an iron or steel pointed mining tool ; a gadfly. gadfly ('fli), n. [pi. gadflies ('fliz)], a fly that stings cattle. gadolinite ('o-li-nit), n. a silicate of yttrium. gadwall Cwawl), n. a large fresh- water duck, esteemed as game. Gael (gal), n. a Scottish Highlander. Gaelic ('ik), adj. pertaining to, or be- longing to, the Keltic inhabitants of the Scottish Highlands, or to their language : n. the language of the Gaels. Also Gadhelic, Galic. gafP (gaf), n. a large hook for land- ing salmon, &c. ; a boom or yard to extend the upper edge of a fore-and- aft sail ; a low-class theater, &c., admission to which is a penny : v.t, to seize or land with a gaff. gaff-topsail ('top-sl), n. sl light sail set above a gaff. gag (gag), n. something placed in the mouth to hinder speech : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. gagged, p.pr. gagging], to stop the mouth of, with, or as with, a gag ; silence by force ; introduce one's own words, &c.; into : said of an actor, &c. gage, gauge (gaj), n. a standard of measure ; the number of feet a ves- sel sinks in the water ; position of one ship to another and the wind; a measuring rod ; the distance be- tween the rails of a railway line : v.t. to ascertain the capacity or contents of; estimate. gageable (gaj'a-bl), adj. that may be gaged. gager (gaj'er), n. one who gages. See gauger. gagger ('er), n. one who gags; a T- shaped piece of iron used by foun- ders. gabnite (gan'it), n. a greenish and dark-brown mineral ; zinc-spinel. gaiety (ga'e-ti), n. [pi. gaieties (-tiz)], the state or quality of be- ing gay ; merriment ; pleasure ? finery. gaily (ga'li), adv. merrily; finely. gain (gan), n. advantage; profit; a mortise : v.t. to obtain, as profit or advantage ; earn ; win ; arrive at : v.i. to improve or make progress; increase; advance. ate, arm, ask, at, awl* me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; bod]3; book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 365 gai 366 gal gainsay ('sa), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. gain- said, p.pr. gainsaying], to contra- dict ; speak against ; oppose. gairish, same as garish. gait (gat), n. manner of walking; way or course. gaiter ('er), n. a covering of cloth for the ankle, fitting over the top of the boot ; a shoe with a cloth top. gala ('la), n. a festive show; pomp. galactic (ga-lak'tik), adj. pertaining to the secretion or flow of milk ; per- taining to the Milky Way. galacto, a prefix meaning niilh, form- ing compound words, as galactoi)hsL- gus, feeding on milk. galanga (-lang'ga), n. the name for various species of Alpinia, from the rootstocks of which an aromatic medicine, used in China, is obtained. galantine (gal'an-tin), n. a dish composed of chickens, veal, or other wliite meat, boned, seasoned, tied up, boiled, and served cold in its own jelly. galatea (-a-te'a), n. a cotton fabric with blue and white stripes. Galaxy ('aks-i), n. the Milky Way. galaxy, n. an assemblage of splendid persons or things. galbanum ('ba-num), n. an odorous and bitter gum resin used in medi- cine. gale (gal), n. a strong wind, less vio- lent than a tempest ; a quarrel ; noisy merriment ; bog myrtle. galeate (ga'le-at), adj. wearing, cov- ered with, or shaped like, a helmet. galena (ga-le'na), n. sulphide of lead. galiot (gal'i-ot), n. a heavily-built two-masted trading vessel. galipot ('i-pot), n. a white resinous juice which exudes from pine trees. gall (gawl), n. the bile; anything very bitter ; malignant feeling ; ran- cor ; the gall-bladder ; the morbid excrescence of plants caused by in- sects ; gall-nut ; a wound caused by friction ; low-lying marshland with rank vegetation : v.t. to break the skin of by friction ; wear away ; vex ; fret ; harass ; impregnate with an infusion of gall-nuts : v.i. to fret ; be vexed, &c. gallant (gal'ant), adj. brave; high- spirited ; chivalrous : n. a person of sprightly and gay manners ; a beau. gallant ( gal-ant'), adj. showing courtesy and respectful deference to women : n. a man who is attentive to women (used either in a good or bad sense) : v.t. to pay court to ; accompany or escort. gallantly (gal'ant-li), adv. bravely (gal-ant'li) politely. gallantry ('ant-rJ), n. [pi. gallant- ries ( -riz ) ] , bravery ; heroic cour- age ; polite and deferential attention to women ; court paid to women for immoral purposes ; intrigue. gallate ('St), n. a salt of gallic acid. gallatin ('a-tin), n. coal tar oil used in the Bethell process for preserving timber. galleass ('e-as), n. a large low-built three-masted vessel propelled bj* sails and oars, and carrying twenty or more guns. galleon ('e-on), n. a large Spanish three-decked vessel, formerly used as a warship, or as a merchantman for trading to South America. galleried ('er-id), adj. furnished with galleries. gallery ('er-i), n. [pi. galleries (-iz)], a long apartment serving as a means of communication to others ; corridor ; the upper seats of a theater, church, assembly-room, &c. ; a building, or room, used for the exhibition of works of art, &c. ; a covered passage in a work for de- fense, or for communication ; a .bal- cony at the stern of a large ship. galley ('li), n. [pi. galleys ('liz)], a low, flat, one-decked vessel pro- pelled by oars, and sometimes with sails, formerly rowed by slaves or convicts ; an open boat used by British men-of-war, river police, and customs officers ; the cook-house of a ship ; a flat, oblong frame for hold- ing composed type. Gallic ('ik), adj. pertaining to an- cient Gaul, or modern France. gallic acid (as'id), n. an organic crystalline compound found in gall- nuts, tea, &c. Gallican ('i-kan), adj. pertaining to Gaul, or Prance, or the Roman Catholic Church in France. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. gal 367 gam Gallicism ('i-sizm), n. a French idiom. Gallicize ('i-siz), v.t. to conform to the French idiom. galling (gawl'ing), p.adj. chafing; irritating. gallisiipper (gal'i-nip-er), n. a large ■ mosquito. gallipot ('i-pot), n. a small glazed earthenware jar. gallium ('i-um), n. a metallic ele- ment. gallivant ('i-vant), v.i. to flirt; idle or gad about with women. gallivat ('i-vat), n. a large, two- masted, quick-sailing boat, used by Malay pirates. gallnnt (gawrnut), n. a round ex- crescence produced on the oak by the puncturing of the leaf-buds by an insect, the gall-beetle. The gall contains tannin, and is used in the manufacture of ink, dyeing, &c. gallon (gal'un), n. a liquid measure = 4 quarts ; a dry measure = l-8th of a bushel. galloon (-oon'), n. a cotton, silk, or worsted fabric used for dress trim- mings ; a thin tape made of metal woven in silk, worsted, &c., used for uniforms. gallop Cup), n. the rapid forward springing movement of a horse ; the act of riding at a gallop : v.i. to run with leaps, like a horse ; ride a horse at a gallop ; hasten. gallopade (-lo-pad'), n. a lively dance ; music appropriate to it ; a curvetting or sidelong gallop. galloper (-er), n. one who gallops. galloping (-ing), p.adj. going at a gallop ; progressing very quickly. gallows ('oz), n. a wooden structure consisting of two uprights with a cross bar on the top ; used for hang- ing criminals ; execution by hanging. gallstone (gawl'ston), n. a concre- tion formed in the gall bladder or biliary duct. galore (ga-lor'), adv. in great plenty. galosh (gfi-losh'), n. an overshoe of india-rubber. Also goloshe. galvanic ( gal-van'ik ) , adj. ' pertain- ing to galvanism ; voltaic ; spasmod- ic. galvanism (-izm), n. that branch of electric science which treats of cur- rents arising from the chemical ac- tion of certain bodies placed in con- tact, or an acid on a metal. galvanize (-iz), v.i. to affect with galvanism ; to imbue with fictitious animation ; to electrotype. galvanography (-va-nog'ra-fi), n. a method of reproducing by the elec- trotype process copies of stone and metal objects, so as to resemble a copper-plate engraving. galvanometer (-va-nom'e-ter), n. an instrument for measuring the presence, extent, and direction of an electric current. galvanometry (-nom'e-tri), n. the art, science, or process of measur- ing currents of electricity. galvanoscope ('os-kop), n. an in- strument for measuring delicate cur- rents of electricity. gambier (gam'ber), n. a vegetable extract used medicinally as an as- tringent, and for tanning and dyeing. gambit ('bit), n. an opening in chess in which a pawn, or piece, is sacri- ficed to obtain a favorable position for the action of the more important pieces. gamble ('bl), v.i. to practice gam- ing ; play for money ; risk money on an event or contingency : v.t. to squander in gaming (with aioay), gambler ('bier), n. one who gambles, especially one who gambles as a business. gamboge (-booj'), n. a yellow gum- resin obtained from Cambodia, used as a pigment, and as a drastic pur- gative. gamboised ('boizd), adj. quilted or padded. gambol ('bol), n. a dancing or skip- ping about for joy or sport ; frolic : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. gamboled, p.pr. gamboling], to skip about sportive- ly ; frolic. gambrel ('brel), n. the hock of a horse ; a bent stick, resembling a horse's leg, used by butchers. gambrel-roo£ (-roof), n. a curved roof. gambroon (-broon'), n. a twilled lin- en fabric used for linings. ^te, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, mSrge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. gaxu 368 gar game (gam), n. a sport or diversion; fun ; frolic ; a single match at play ; the advantage required in order to win ; wild animals pujsued and killed by shooting or hunting ; any object of pursuit : pi. athletic con- tests : adj. pertaining to game ; ready ; plucky : v.i. to play at any sport or diversion ; play for a stake or prize. game-cock ('kok), n. a cock bred and trained for fighting. game-fcwl ('foul), n. one of a breed of fancy poultry, of a pugna- cious disposition, kept for fighting. gameful ('fool), adj. sportive. gamely ('li), adv. pluckily. gamesome ('sum), adj. merry ; sport- ive. gamete (gam'et), n. a protoplasmic •body that in conjunction with an- other forms a zygote. gamin ('in), n. a precocious street child ; street Arab. gaming (gam'ing), n. the act of playing games for stakes ; gambling. gammon ('un), v.t. to impose upon (a person by inducing him to believe improbable stories) ; hoax ; to de- feat at the game of backgammon ; cure by salting and smoking ; at- tach or fix a bowsprit to (a ship : n. a hoax ; imposition ; the buttock of a hog salted and smoked : inter j. nonsense ! gamut (gam'ut), n. the lines and spaces upon which musical notes are written or printed : hence entire range or extent. gamy (gam'i), adj. having the flavor of game. gander (gan'der), n. a male goose. gang (gang), n. a number of persons associated together for a particular purpose ; a selected number of a ship's company for special duty ; a lode or course ; the matrix in which an ore is embedded. Also gangue. gangboard ('bord), n. a plank with pieces of wood fastened on it for going on board a vessel. ganger ('er), n. the foreman of a gang of workmen, especially of nav- vies or platelayers. ganglion ('gli-on), n. [pi. ganglia (-a), ganglions (-onz)], an enlarge- ment in the course of a nerve ; an encysted tumor on a tendon. ganglionic (-gli-on'ik), adj. pertain- ing to a ganglion. gangrene ('gren), n. the first state of mortification : v.t. to mortify : v.i. to become mortified. gangue, see under gang. gangway (gang'wa), n. a narrow platform of horizontal planks used as a temporary passageway, or to enter a ship ; a passage into or out of any place ; a passageway be- tween two rows of seats ; that part of a ship's side, within or without, by which persons enter or depart; the waist of a vessel or clear way by the side of the bulwarks ; the main level in a mine. gannet ('et), n. the solan goose. gantlet, same as gauntlet. gaol, same as jail. gap (gap), n. an opening; cleft; passage ; hiatus ; breach : v.t. Ip.t. & p.p. gapped, p.pr, gapping], to make a gap in. gape (gap), v.i. to open the moutb wide, as from drowsiness, wonder, &c. ; yawn ; open as a fissure or chasm : n. the act of gaping ; yawn ; the opening between the mandibles of birds ; the width of the mouth of a fish when opened : pi. a disease in poultry. gar (gar), n. a garfish. garage ( ga-raj'), n. a shed, shelter or stable for automobiles. garb (garb), n. a dress; external form : v.t. to clothe. garbage ( 'aj ) , n. offal ; refuse. garble (gjir'bl), v.t. to cleanse by sifting; select such parts of as are wanted or may serve some particu- lar purpose. garboard ('bord), n. the first plank ^ fastened to the keel on the outside. ■ garcon (-song'), n. a boy; waiter [French]. garden ('dn), n. a piece of ground set apart for the cultivation of flow- ers, fruit, vegetables, &c. ; a place specially delightful or fertile : v.t. to cultivate as a garden : v.i. to lay out and cultivate a garden. gare (gar), n. coarse wool growing on the legs of sheep. ate, arm, ^sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. i^UNGi I. 1 -n i-Li T.^ , (All illustrations abo • Edible Mushroom. -2. Morel. -3. Golden Coxcomb, -4. Early Turban Top. -5. Egg or ChantareJi 10. Golden Hedgehog Mushroom. -11. The Mousseron. - 12. Parasol Mushroom. - 13. Common Mushr. ttural size) • Capuchin Mushroom. - 7. Stone Mushroom. Edible Mushroom. — 9. French Truffle. gar 369 gas garfish (gar'fish), n. a marine fish with a long body and spear-like snout. garget ('get), n. a disease in cattle. gargle ('gl), n. a medicinal liquid for washing the throat and mouth : v.i. to wash the throat and mouth with a gargle. gargoyle ('goil), n. in Gothic archi- tecture, a projecting stone water- spout, often in the form of a gro- tesquely-shaped man or animal. garibaldi (gar-i-bal'di), n. a loose blouse-shaped shirt, usually red. garish (gar'ish) , adj. gaudy ; dazzling. garland (giir'land), n. a chaplet or wreath made of flowers, &c., a col- lection of choice extracts of prose or poetry ; a netted provision-bag used by sailors ; in heraldry, a wreath of laurel, or oak-leaves and acorns : v.t. to deck or adorn with a garland. garlic ('lik), n. a bulbous-rooted plant of the lily family, with a strong pungent taste and unpleasant smell. garment ('ment), n. any article of clothing : pZ. clothing collectively. garner ('ner), n. a granary: v.t. to store for preservation in, or as in, a granary ; gather up. garnet ('net), n. a precious stone. garnish ('nish), v.t. to adorn; em- bellish with something laid round a dish : n. an ornament or decoration ; something laid round a dish as an embellishment. garnishee (-e'), n. the person in whose hands the property of an- other is attached pending the satis- faction of the claims of a third party. garnishment (-ment), n. an embel- lishment ; a warning or summons ; especially a notice to a party not to pay money, &c., to a defendant, but to appear in court. garniture ('ni-tur),M. embellishment. garpike ('pik), n. the garfish. garret (gar'et), n. the uppermost room of a house. garrison ('i-sn), n. a body of troops stationed in a fort or fortified place ; a fortified place with troops, guns, &c. : v.t. to furnish (a fortified place) with troops. gar rot ('ot), n. a kind of torniquet; a sea-duck. garrote (-rot'), n. an instrument for strangling a criminal : used in Spain ; strangulation : v.t. to exe- cute with a gar«pte or by stran- gling ; seize by the throat so as to render a person helpless and then to rob him. garroter ('er), n. one who is guilty of the crime o_f_ garroting. garrulity (-roo'li-ti), n. incessant and inconsequent loquacity. garrulous (-lus), adj. characterized by garrulity ; verbose. garter (gar'ter), n. an elastic band, &c. by which a stocking is held up on the leg; the distinctive badge of the Order of the Garter, the highest order of British knighthood (insti- tuted about 1348 by Edward III.) : v.t. to bind or fasten with a gar- ter ; invest with the Order of the Garter. garter-fish (-fish), n. a long thin- bodied fish. garter-snake (-snak), an innocuous yellow striped snake, common in America. garth (garth), n. a fish- weir. gas (gas), n. [pi. gases ('ez)], mat- ter in its most rarefied state : op- posed to fluid, and solid ; carburet- ted hydrogen used for lighting and cooking ; empty talk : v.t. ip.t. & p.p. gassed, p.pr. gassing], to^ im- pose upon by empty talk : v.i. to boast or indulge in empty talk. gasconade (-kun-ad'), n. boastful or blustering talk : v.i. to bluster ; boast. gaselier ('e-ler), n. a gas- burning chandelier. gaseous ('e-us), adj. having the na- ture or form of gas. gash (gash), n. a deep or gaping wound : v.t. to cut deep. gasify (gas'i-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. gas- ified, p.jyr. gasifying], to convert into gas. gasket ('ket), n. a flat plaited cord by which the sails are furled or tied to the yard ; hemp, &c., used for pack- ing the piston of a steam-engine. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; booijj book ; hue, hut ; think, th&n^ gas 370 gan &c. ; a thin round piece of rubber, metal, &c., placed between two flat surfaces to make a water-tight joint. gasogene ('o-jen), n. an apparatus for making aerated beverages. gasolier, another form of gaselier. gasoline ('o-len), n. a volatile in- flammable colorless product of petro- leum : used for heating purposes, &c. gasometer (-om'e-ter), n. a circular hollow reservoir for storing gas, open at the bottom and closed at the top ; an apparatus for measuring gases. gasometry ('e-tri), n. the science or process of measuring gas. gasoscope ('o-skop), n. an instru- ment for detecting the presence of inflammable gas. gasp (gasp), n. a convulsed pain- ful effort to catch the breath : vA. to catch the breath with difliculty ; crave earnestly : v.t. to breathe out in gasps (with away). gasping ('ing), n. convulsive or dif- ficult breathing. gassing (gas'ing), n. pretentious talk. gassy ('i), adj. impregnated with gas ; given to pretentious talk ; in- flated. gastero, a prefix, meaning tJie stom- ach : found in various compound scientific w^ords, as gastero^od, one of the gasteropoda. Also gastro. gasteropoda (gas-ter-op'o-da), n.pl. a division of univalve mollusks, which move by means of a broad muscular foot under the belly, in- cluding the snails and slugs. Also gastropoda. gasteropodons (-dus), adj. pertain- ing to the gasteropoda. gastralgia (-tral'ji-a), n. neuralgia of the stomach ; stomachache. gastric ('trik), adj. pertaining to the stomach. gastric juice (jus), n. a thin acid fluid secreted in the mucous mem- brane of the stomach : the chief agent in digestion. gastritis (-tri'tis), n. inflammation of the stomach. gastro-cephalitis (sef-a-li'tis), n. inflammation of the stomach and brain. gastro-enteritis (-en-te-ri'tis), n. inflammation of the stomach and in- testines. gastronomic (-tro-nom'ik), adj. per- taining to gastronomy. Also gastro- nomical. gastronomically (-al-li), adv. in a gastronomic manner. gastronomist (-tron'o-mist) , n. an epicure. gastronomy (-tron'o-mi), n. the art of good eating, or the preparation of food. gastropoda, same as gasteropoda. gatcla (gach), n. plaster. gate (gat), n. a frame of wood, iron, &c., closing an entrance or passage, usually moving on hinges ; a large entrance to a city, castle, &c. ; an avenue ; entrance ; power. gather (ga//i'er), v.t. to assemble; collect ; bring into one place ; pick up ; glean ; pluck ; accumulate ; pucker or plait ; infer : v.i. to con- gregate ; generate pus ; increase ; ripen : n. a plait or pucker in cloth, made by drawing thread through the folds. gathering (-ing), n. the act of as- sembling together ; an assemblage ; a charitable contribution ; an ab- scess or suppurating tumor. gatling gun (gat'ling-gun), n. a cannon with numerous small barrels, which are discharged in succession by turning a handle. gaud (gawd), n. finery; ornament. Also gaudery. gaudily ('i-li), adv. in a gaudy man- ner. gaudiness ('i-nes), n. the quality of being gaudy. gaudy ('i), adj. [comp. gaudier, superl. gaudiest], showy; vulgarly gay or fine. gauge (gaj)., same as gage. ganger ('er), n. one who gauges; an officer of excise who ascertains the contents of casks. gauging ('ing), n. the art or science of measuring the contents of ves- sels of capacity. Gaul (gawl), n. an inhabitant of an- cient Gaul or France. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, tJi^n. gan 371 gaunt (gant), adj. pinched and lean. gauntlet (gjint'let), n. a military or naval punishment, formerly prac- ticed, by which the culprit was compelled to run bet^t^een two lines of soldiers or sailors, who chastised him with rods, ropes, &c. ; a series of unpleasant events ; a mailed glove, or one with a long M^rist-es- tension. Also gantlet, gantlope. gauntleted (-ed), adj. wearing a gauntlet. gaur (gawr), n. a large fierce, dark- colored ox found in Indian jungles ; Bengal bison. gauze (gawz), n. a very thin light transparent silk or cotton fabric ; light open-work material, as wire gauze. gauzy ('i), adj. thin and semi-trans- parent, like gauze. gave, p.t. of give. gavel (gav'el), n. a small mallet; a small unbound sheaf ; toll or cus- tom : v.t. to bind into sheaves. gavial (ga'vi-al), n. the crocodile of the Ganges, with a long, narrow snout. gavotte (ga-vof), n. a lively, but dignified, dance of the minuet class ; a dance-tune in common time. gawk (gawk), n. a simpleton; cuckoo. gawkiness ('i-nes), n. the state of being gawky. gawky ('i), adj. awkward; ungain- ly : w. a tall, awkward, stupid per- son. gay (ga), adj. lively; merry; full of spirits ; cheerful ; sportive ; given to pleasure ; licentious. gayal ('al), n. a short-horned, semi- domesticated East Indian ox. gaze (gaz), v.i. to look earnestly and fixedly : n. a steady, fixed look. gazelle (ga-zel'), n. a small, elegant, swift-footed antelope, with large, soft, black eyes. gazette (-zef), n. English govern- ment bi-weekly newspaper contain- ing official announcements ; news- paper : v.t. to publish in a gazette. gazeteer (gaz-e-ter'), n. a dictionary of geographical names. gear ( ger ) , n. accoutrements ; ap- paratus ; tackle ; harness ; dress ; the gem .t. to moving parts of machinery : put gear on ; harness ; dress. gearing ('ing), n. a train of toothed wheels for transmitting motion; ropes and tackle. gear- wh.eel_ ( 'hwel ) , w. a cog-wheel. gecko (gek'o), n. the wall-lizard. gee (Je), v.i. to turn to the off side; to move ; stir. geese, pi. of goose. gelatinate (jera-ti-nat), v.t. to con- vert into gelatine or a jelly-like sub- stance : v.i. to be converted into gelatine. Also gelatinize. gelatine ('a-tin), n. a transparent nitrogenous animal substance found in bones, hoofs, connective tissue, &c., from which it is extracted by boiling, &c. ; animal jelly. Also gelatin. gelatine process (pro'ses), n. a method of photo-engraving by tak- ing a negative on a gelatine film im- pregnated with a bichromate. gelation (-a'shun), n. solidification. geld (geld), v.t. to castrate: said of horses; deprive of any essential part. gelding ('ing), n. castration; a young horse which has been cas- trated. gelid (jel'id), adj. intensely cold; icy. gelidity ('i-ti), n. intense cold; ici- ness. gelose (jel'os), n. a vegetable gum- my isinglass prepared from seaweed and Chinese moss. gem (jem), n. a precious stone; leaf- bud ; any perfect or rare object ; jewel : v.t. [v.t. & p.p. gemmed, p.pr, gemming], to adorn with, or as with, gems. gemel-window (-win'do), n. a win- dow with two bays. geminate ('i-nat), adj. growing or occurring in pairs. gemination (-i-na'shun), n. duplica- tion. Gemini ('i-ni), n.pl. one of the signs in the zodiac (Castor and Pollux) ; the Twins. gemmule ('ul), n. a small bud; an ovule ; a kind of cell produced by certain molds. gemmy ('i), adj. full of, set with, or resembling, a gem ; spruce. ate, arm, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, th&n.. gem 372 geifc gemote (ge-mof), n. an assembly; the court of the hundred, or local court. gemsbok (gemz'bok), n. the South African antelope. genappe (je-nap'), n. a smooth worsted yarn, used for fringes, &c. gendarme (zhang-darm'), n. ipl. gendarmes], in France and Belgium, an armed policeman. gendarmerie ('e-re), n. gendarmes collectively. gender (jen'der), n. the grammatical distinction of sex, expressed by suf- fixes, prefixes, or by a different word : v.t. to produce. genealogical (je-ne or jen-e-a-loj'i- kal), adj. pertaining to genealogy; exhibiting descent. genealogist (-al'o-jist), n. one skilled in tracing pedigrees or genealogy. genealogize ('o-jiz), 'v.i. to trace family lineage. genealogy ('o-ji), n. [pi. genealogies (-jiz)], family pedigree; lineage; the science that treats of t^^acing pedigrees. genera, pi. of genus. general (jen'er-al), adj. relating to a whole genus, kind, class, order, or race ; not special or particular ; pertaining to the majority ; not re- stricted ; usual ; ordinary ; common ; extensive but not universal ; indefi- nite ; taken as a whole ; senior or highest, as Postmaster-General : n. the whole ; the chief part ; a general principle or statement ; the popu- lace ; the commander of an army di- vision or brigade ; the chief of a religious order ; the roll of a drum to summon troops (usually gen- erale). generalissimo (-is'i-mo), n. a com- mander-in-chief. generality ('i-ti), n. [pi. generali- ties (-tiz)], the state of being gen- eral : opposed to specific ; bulk ; ma- jority. generalization ('i-aa'shun), n. the act or result of generalizing ; an in- duction. generalize ('er-al-iz), v.t. to reduce to, or arrange in, a genus or genera ; infer inductively, as a general prin- ciple from particular instances. generally (-al-i), adv. commonly; in the main ; without exact limitation. generalship (-ship), n. the office, rank, or military skill of a general ; skilful tacticsor leadership. generate ('er-at), v.t. to produce; procreate ; originate ; trace out or form by motion. generation (-a'shun), n. the act or process of generating ; a single suc- cession in natural descent ; people of the same period ; progeny. generative ('er-a-tiv), adj. pertain- ing to generation ; having the power to generate. generator ('er-a-ter), n. one who, or that which, generates ; a machine in which steam or gas is produced ; the principal sound or sounds by which other musical sounds are pro- duced. generic (je-ner'ik), adj. pertaining to a genus, kind, or class : opposed to specific ; comprehensive. Also ge- nerical. generically (-al-li), adv. with re- spect to a genus or generic charac- teristics. generosity (jen-er-os'i-ti), n. [pi. generosities (-tiz)], the quality of being generous ; liberality ; magna- nimity ; munificence. generous (-er-us), adj. characterized by liberality ; munificent ; bounti- ful ; high-minded ; honorable; strong ; stimulating. genesis ('e-sis), n. the act or process of producing or originating; begin- ning. genet (-ef), n. an animal allied to the civet, valued for its fur ; the fur of a cat made in imitation of genet. Also genette. genet ('et), n. a small Spanish horse. Also jennet. genial (jen'i-al), adj. kindly and sympathetic in disposition ; cordial ; contributing to cheerfulness and life ; agreeably warm and cheerful. geniality ('i-ti), n. the quality of being genial ; cheerfulness, genially (-li), adv. in a genial man- ner. geniculate (je-nik'ti-lat), adj. having knee-like joints. genie, same as jinn. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. gen 373 geo genii, pi. of genius. genital (jen'i-tal), adj. pertaining to generation. genitival ('i-tiv-al), adj. pertaining to^the genitive case. genitive ('i-tiv), n. a grammatical case, indicating origin, possession, or relation. genius (jen'ius), n. innate bent of mind or disposition ; remarkable aptitude or natural endowment for some special pursuit, &c. ; character or essential principle ; embodiment ; a person possessed of high mental powers or faculties {pi. geniuses) : a good or evil spirit supposed to preside over the destinies of men (pi. genii). genoblast (jen'o-blast), n. the nu- cleus of an impregnated ovum. Genoese (-o-ez'), adj. pertaining to Genoa, or to its inhabitants. Also Genovese. genre (zhang'r), n. a style of paint- ing or sculpture representing some scene of common life. gens (jenz),w. [pZ. gentes (jen'tez)], among the ancient Romans, a clan, house, or subdivision of a curia. genteel (jen-tel'), adj. graceful or elegant in manners or dress ; polite ; well bred. gentian ('shian), n. a biiiter herb with tonic roots. Gentile ('til), adj. belonging to a non-Jewish people : n. one who is not a Jew. gentility (-til'i-ti), n. [pi. gentilities (-tiz)], high or gentle birth; good breeding ; social status and refine- ment. gentle ('tl), adj. mild and refined in manner and disposition ; kindly ; moderate in action ; peaceful ; docile ; easy ; well born or descended : n. the larva of the flesh-fly ; a trained fal- con. gentle-folks (-foks), n.pl. persons of good birth or breeding. gentleman (-man), n. [pi. gentle- men (-men)], one who is entitled to bear a coat of arms ; a well-bred and honorable man ; a person of in- dependent income ; a term of polite- ness, used in addressing an assem- bly. gentle-woman (-woom'an), n. [pi. gentlewomen (-wim'en)], a woman of good birth and breeding ; lady. gently (jen'tli), adv. in a gentle manner. gentry ('tri), n. the upper class of society. genuflection (-H-flek'shun), n. bend- ing of the knee, especially in wor- ship. Also genuflexion. genuine ('ti-in), adj. real; unadul- terated ; belonging to, or derived from, the original or true stock ; not hypocritical ; open. genus (je'nus), n. [pi. genera (jen'- er-a)], that which has under it sev- eral species or sub-genera, having certain common characteristics ; in logic, a class made up of two or more species or subordinate classes. geo, a prefix, meaning earth, forming the first element of many scientific words, as greobotanical, pertaining to geographical botany. geocentric (je-o-sen'trik), adj. per- taining to the center of the earth ; having the earth as the center ; viewed from the earth as a center. geode C'od), n. a rounded nodule of stone, usually hollow and lined with crystals. geodesy (-od'e-si), n. the science of measuring large portions of the earth's surface ; the determination of the earth's figure and size. geodetic (je-o-det'ik), adj. pertaining to, determined by, or carried out by, geodesy. Also geodetical. geodetically (-al-li), adv. by geode- sy. geodetic line (lin), n. the shortest line between any two points on the earth's surface. geographer (-og'ra-fer), n. one who is versed in, or a writer on, geog- raphy. geograpMcal (-o-graf'i-kal,) adj. pertaining to geography. geographically (-li), adv. with ref- erence to geography. geography (-og'ra-fi), n. [pi. geog- raphies (-fiz)], the science that* describes the surface of the earth, and its division into continents, kingdoms, &c. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon;, book; hue, hut; think, tllQU, geo 374 gew geological (-o-loj'i-kal), adj. per- taining to geology. geologically (-li), adv. according to geology. geologist (-ol'o-jist), n. one versed in geology. geology ('o-ji), n. the science that investigates the structure of the earth, the successive physical changes it has undergone, and the causes which have operated in pro- ducing such alterations in the crust of the globe. geometer (-om'e-ter), n. a geometri- cian. geometric (-o-met'rik), adj. pertain- ing to, or done by, geometry. Also geometrical. geometrician (-om-e-trish'an), n. one who is skilled in geometry. geometry (-om'e-tri), n. [pi. geom- etries (-triz)], that branch of mathematics that treats of the meas- urement of lines, angles, surfaces, and solids, with their various rela- tions ; a text-book on geometry. georgic (jor'jik), adj. pertaining to husbandry or rural : n. a poem on agriculture. geotropism (je-ot'ro-pizm), n. a tendency in the roots of certain plants to turn in the direction of the earth. geraniuiu (-ra'ni-um), n. a plant of various species, cultivated for its handsome scarlet or white flowers. germ (jerm), n. the rudimentary form of an organism ; origin ; first principle. German (jer'man), adj. pertaining to Germany, its inhabitants, or lan- guage ; of the same stock or parent- age ; germane. germander (-man'der), n. a wild plant of the mint family with a blue flower, used sometimes as a substi- tute for hops. germane (jer-man'), adj. related; akin ; relevant ; appropriate. Germanic (-man'ik), adj. pertaining to Germany ; Teutonic. Germanisxa (-izm), n. a German idiom, custom, or characteristic ; love of^ German institutions. germanium (-ma'ni-um) , ■ w. one of the metallic elements. Germanize (-iz), v.t. to make Ger- man, in language, customs, &c. German-millet (-mil-et), n. an edi- ble grain obtained from a grass. German-silver (-sil-ver), n. a white alloy of zinc, nickel, and copper. German-text (-tekts), n. a black letter type similar to Old English and modern German. germicide (jer'mi-sid), n. a sub- stance used to destroy disease germs. germinal ('mi-nal), adj. pertaining to a germ or seed-bud. germinant ('mi-nant), adj. sprout-, ing ; gradually developing. germinate ('mi-nat), v.i. to sprout or bud ; begin to develop into a higher form. germination (-na'shun), n. the first act of growth in a seed, bud, or germ. germnle (jerm'ul), n. a small or in- cipient germ. gerrymander ( ger'i-man-der ) , v.t. to divide, as a state, voting district, &c., so as to give an unfair advan- tage to a particular political party ; misrepresent ; garble. gerund (jer'und), n. a kind of verbal noun. gestation (jes-ta'shun), n. pregnan- cy. gestatory ('ta-to-ri), adj. pertaining to gestation. gesticulate (-tik'ti-lat), v.i. to make gestures or motions, as in speaking or attracting attention. gesticulator (-la-ter), n. one who gesticulates. gesture ('tur), n. a movement of the face, body, or limbs, to express ideas, emotions, &c. get (get), v.t. [p.t. got, p.p. got, got- ten, p.pr. getting], to obtain; pro- cure ; win ; gain ; acquire ; deserve ; meet with ; realize ; learn ; pro- create ; prevail upon : v.i. to arrive at ; become ; find time, opportunity. &c. ; depart quickly. getter ('er), n. one who gets or ac quires. getting ('ing), n. acquisition; profit. get-up ('up), n. style, as of dress, &c. gewgaiv (gu'gaw), n. a showy trifle. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. gey 375 gii geyser (gi'ser), n. an intermittent hot or boiling spring from which water or mud is ejected. Also gey- sir. |g]ia,stliness (gast'li-nes), n. the quality or state of being ghastly. ghastly ('li), adj. death-like; pale; haggard ; cadaverous ; horrible. ghaut (gawt), n. in India, a moun- tain pass ; chain of mountains ; a [ flight of steps to a river, or to a ! temple ; approach ; a wharf. Ghat. gherkin (ger'kin), n. a small cucum- ber used for pickling. Ghetto (get'o),w. [pi. ghettos ('oz)], ghetti ('i)], the Jews' quarter. ghost (gost), n. the spirit of a de- ceased person ; apparition ; the soul ; breath of life ; shadow ; remotest likelihood; a false image due to some defect in a lens. ghostly ('li), adj. pertaining to the soul ; spiritual ; supernatural. ghoul (gool), n. a supposed demon who robs graves and feeds on the flesh of the dead. giant (ji'ant), n. a man of extraor- dinary bulk or stature ; one pos- sessed of great physical or intellec- tual power ; one of a race of mon- strous size who, according to classic mythology, assailed the gods : adj. like a giant ; huge. giaour (jour), n. the term applied by Mohammedans to unbelievers, especially Christians. gibber (gib'er), v.i. to speak inco- herently. gibberish (-ish), n. rapid incoherent talk : adj. incoherent. gibbet (jib'et), n. a gallows: v.t. to hang on a gibbet ; expose to public scorn or ridicule. gibbon (gib'un), n. a long armed anthropoid ape of Southern Asia. gibbosity (-os'i-ti), n. [pi. gib- bosities (-tiz)], a round or swelling prominence. gibbous ('us), adj. protuberant; ir- regularly rounded ; between full and half-full : said of the moon ; hump- backed. Also gibbose. gibe (jib), n. a scoff; taunt; sneering or sarcastic expression : v.t. to sneer at ; taunt : v.i. to use gibes ; cast re- proaches ; sneer ; scoff. giblet (jib'let), n. one of the edible ^internal parts of a fowl, goose, &c. gid (gid), n. a disease in sheep. giddiness ('i-nes), n. the state of being giddy. giddy ('i), adj. [comp. giddier, superl. giddiest], having a confused whirling sensation in the head ; friv- olous ; fickle. gift (gift), n. something given or be- stowed ; present ; donation ; offering ; benefaction ; natural talent. gifted ('ed), adj. talented. gig (gig), n. a two-wheeled open chaise drawn by one horse ; a rotary machine for raising nap on cloth ; a long ship's boat, rowed by alter- nate oars, and usually reserved for the commanding ofiicer ; a racing boat ; a whirligig ; a fish-gig : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. gigged, p.pr, gigging], to fish with a fish-gig. gigantic (ji-gan'tik), adj. huge; co- lossal. giggle (gig'l), v.i. to laugh in a nerv- ous, foolish, tittering manner : n, a nervous, silly laugh. gild (gild), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. gilded, gilt, p.pr. gilding], to overlay or wash with gold ; give a fair external appearance to ; illuminate : n. an- other form of guild. gilding ('ing), n. the art or process of overlaying or covering with gold ; gold leaf, powder, &c., applied to a surface ; a . superficial covering de- signed to give a fair external ap- pearance. gill (gil), n. the respiratory organ of aquatic animals, especially fishes ; the wattle of a fowl ; a deep, nar- row glen through which a rivulet flows : pi. the thin spore-bearing lamellae, or plates, under a cap of certain fungi, as a mushroom. gill (jil), n. l-4th of a pint; ground- ivy ; a wanton girl ; sweetheart. gilling (gil'ing), n. a salmon of the second year. gillyflower (jil'i-flou-er), n. one of various plants of the mustard fam- ily, as the wall-flower, stock, &c. gilt (gilt), adj. covered with, or yel- low like, gold : n. gilding. gimbal (jim'bal), n. one of two brass rings moving within each other at ate, arm, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. gim 376 gla right angles : used for suspending a mariner's compass, chronometer, &c. gimcrack ('krak), adj. showy, but of no value ; trumpery : n. a pretty, useless thing ; toy. gimlet (gim'let), n. a small boring- tool with a pointed screw at the end : v.t. to make a hole in with a gimlet. gimp (gimp), n. a kind of interlaced silk twist or trimming interwoven with wire or cord ; used for furni- ture, dresses, &c. : v.t. to border with gimp. gin (jin), n. an aromatic alcoholic liquid flavored with juniper berries ; a trap or snare ; a machine for clear- ing cotton fibers from the seeds _; a portable hoisting-machine ; a pile- driving machine : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. ginned, p.pr. ginning], to catch in a trap ; clear cotton. ginger ('jer), n. the scraped and dried root of a pungent aromatic East & West Indian plant. gingerade (-ad'), n. an aerated bev- verage flavored with ginger. ginger-Tjeer (-ber), n. an efferves- cent beverage made from ginger, yeast, cream of tartar, and sugar. gingerbread (-bred), n. a dark col- ored cake made of flour, ginger, molasses, sugar, &c. gingerly (-li), adv. cautiously; daintily. gingham (ging'am), n. a cotton dress-cloth dyed in the yarn before weaving ; an umbrella. gingko (ging'ko), n. a Japanese tree with handsome foliage ; the maiden- hair tree. ginn, same as jinn. ginseng (jin'seng), n. an herb with an aromatic root, much valued in China. Gipsy (jip'si), n. [pi. Gipsies ('siz)], one of a wandering, dark-skinned, and dark-eyed race, of Eastern, prob- ably Hindu, origin; the language of the Gipsies (Romany) ; a person of dark complexion ; a hoydenish girl : y.i. [p.t. & p.p. gipsied, p.pr. gipsy- mg], to picnic or camp out in the woods. Also Gypsy. giraffe (ji-raf), n. the camelopard. girandole (jir'an-dol), n. a branch- ing chandelier ; a kind of rotating firework. girasol ('a-sol), n. a variety of opal; the fire-opal. Also girasole. girba (gir'ba), n. a stiff leather water vessel, used in Africa. gird (gerd), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. girded, girt, p.pr. girding], to surround with a flexible substance ; bind ; encircle ; gibe ; taunt. girder ('er), n. the main beam in a floor. girdle (ger'dl), n. a belt or zone for the waist ; anything that encompass- es like a girdle ; a circular band round the shaft of a column : v.t. to bind with, or as with, a girdle ; en- close ; to make a cut round the bark of the trunk of a tree and so kill it. girl (gerl), n. a female child; young unmarried woman. girt (gert), p.t. of gird : p.adj. moored so taut by two cables as not to swing to the wind or tide. girtb. (gerth), n. the band by which the saddle is kept secured on a horse ; the circumference of a tree, animal, &c. ; anything that binds or encircles. gist (jist), n. the substance of a mat- ter ; main point ; object. gittern (git'ern), n. a cithern. give (giv), v.t. [p.t. gave, p.p. given, p.pr. giving] , to bestow ; confer without price or reward ; grant ; yield ; deliver ; supply ; enable ; emit : v.i. to give gifts ; yield to pressure ; grow moist : n. elasticity. gizzard (giz'ard), n. the muscular part of the intestinal canal in cer- tain birds. glabrous (gla'brus), adj. bald; smooth. glace (-sa'), adj. iced or cooled: n. a thin shiny silk. glacial ('shi-ul), adj. pertaining to, consisting of, or caused by, ice. glaciate ('shi-at), v.t. to cover over with, or transform into, ice. glacier (gla'shi-er or glas'i-er), n. a vast accumulation of ice and snow found in the valleys and ravines of lofty mountains which moves slowly ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not; booilt book; hue, hut; think, *^en. BIRDS. 1, Wren; 2, blackbird; 3, swallow; 4, wagtail; 5, crow; 6, thrush; 7, magpte; 8, cuckc^; 9, wryneck; 10, canary; 11, sparrow; 12, robin; 13, jay; 14, humming-bird; 15, mocking-bir J ' 16, whippoorwill; 17, linnet; 18, nightingale. DOMESTIC 70WLS. 1 and 16, Turkey cock and ken; 2, duck; 3, goose; 4. peacock; 5- carrier-pigeon- 6 and 7 Cochin China Chickens; 8. 9 and 12. collared, turtle and ring doves; li, pheasant f 11 Dorking cock 't game-cock; 14 and 15. Silver Hamburg chickens; 17. guinea: 18. bantam: 19. bL-owl gla 377 Sla down the slopes till it melts or breaks off into icebergs. glacis (gla'sis), n. a sloping bank of earth directly in front of a fortifica- tion and designed for its defense ; a protective slope on an ironclad to throw off hostile shot, glacure (-siir'), n. a. thin glaze on the finer sorts of pottery. glad, adj. [comp. gladder, superl. glad- dest], in a state of hilarity; joyous; gay ; pleased ; cheerful ; satisfied. gladden ('n), v.t. to make glad: v.i. to rejoice. glade (glad), n. an open space or passage in a wood or forest ; an open space surrounded by ice. gladiate (glad'i-at), adj. sword- shaped. gladiator ('i-a-ter), n. in ancient Rome a professional swordsman who fought in the arena with other men or animals ; a combatant. gladiatorial (-a-to'ri-al), adj. per- taining to gladiators or their com- bats. gladiolus (gla-di'6-Ius) , n. the sword- lily. gladsome (glad'sum), adj. joyous; gay ; pleased ; cheerful. Gladstone ('ston or 'stun) , n. a four- wheeled pleasure-carriage carrying two passengers ; a long narrow trav- eling bag with a wide mouth. glair (glar), n. the white of egg, used as size or varnish; any sticky or glairy matter. glairy ( 'i ) , adj. consisting of glair. glaive, same as glave. glamour (glam'er), n. a charm on the eyes causing them to see things differently from what they are in reality ; fascination ; witchery : v.t. to fascinate. Glamer. glance (glans), n. a sudden shoot of light ; quick passing look of the eye ; a quick momentary view ; a lustrous ore : v.i. to shoot a sudden ray ; view with a quick movement of the eye : v.t. to shoot or dart suddenly or ob- liquely ; allude to in passing. gland (gland), n. a bodily organ by which secretion is carried on ; small secreting organ for sap in plants ; an acorn ; a name for various me- chanical contrivanceso glanders ('erz), n.pl. a contagious disease in horses, in which mucus is discharged profusely from the nos- trils. glandular ('u-lar), adj. pertaining to, resembling, or having glands ; covered with hairs tipped with glands : said of a plant. glandule _('ul), n. a small gland. glare (glar), n. a bright dazzling light ; overpowering luster ; a fierce piercing look : v.i. to shine with a dazzling overpowering light ; look with fierce piercing eyes ; be exces- sively gaudy in dress or ornamenta- tion : adj. having a smooth slippery surface, as ice. glaring ('ing), p.adj. emitting or re- flecting a dazzling light ; gaudy. glass (glas), n. a hard, brittle, trans- parent substance formed of silica and certain metallic oxides ; an in- strument or vessel made of glass ; a drinking glass, or the quantity contained in it ; a mirror ; lens ; a telescope, or barometer : adj. per- taining to, or made of, glass ; vitre- ous : v.t. to mirror, or reflect in a mirror ; glaze. glasswort ('wert), n. a plant from which a soda is obtained ; used in glass-making. glauberite (glaw'ber-it), n. a min- eral formed of sulphate of limej and sulphate of soda. glauber's-salt ('berz-sawlt), n. sul- phate of soda, used medicinally as a strong purgative. glaucous (glaw'kus), adj. sea-green; green with a bluish-grey tinge ; cov- ered with bloom of a bluish-white color. glave (glav), n. a cutting weapon fixed to a pole, somewhat resembling a halbert, formerly used by foot sol- diers. Also glaive. glaze (glaz), v.t. to furnish with glass ; overlay with a transparent substance resembling glass : v.i. to be- come glassy or glazed : n. the vitreous or glassy coating on potter's ware. glazier ('zher), n. one whose busi- ness is to set glass in windows, &c. glazing ('ing), n. a glaze; vhe opera- tion of setting glass, o> applying a glaze ; window-panes ; gls.ss ; semi- Ste, arm, ask, atj awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. gle 378 glo transparent colors passed thinly over other colors to tone down their ef- fect. gleam (glem), n. a stream or shoot of light ; brightness : v.i. to emit brightness ; shoot, or dart, as rays of light. _ glean (glen), v.t. to gather, as grain that the reapers have left ; collect little by little, or piece by piece ; infer : v.i. to gather gleanings : n. a collection made by gleaning ; a col- lection, as of herrings. glebe (gleb), n. land belonging to a parish church, or ecclesiastical bene- fice ; in mining, a plot of land con- taining ore. glede (gled), n. the kite. glee (gle), n. gaiety; mirth; exhila- ration; a musical composition for voices in harmony. gleeful ('fool), adj. merry, joyous. gleet (glet), n. a thin mucous dis- charge resulting from gonorrheal disease. glen (glen), n. a narrow valley; a secluded hollow between hills. glib (glib), adj. voluble; flippant: n. the tongue ; smooth talk. gliddery (glid'er-i), adj. slippery. glide (glid), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. glided, p.pr. gliding], flow or move along smoothly and noiselessly ; to slur [Music] : n. the act of gliding ; a gliding movement; a slur [Music], glider (glld'er), n. an aeroplane without motor power on which the operator descends or glides from a height to the ground. gliff (glif), n. a glimpse; brief inter- val ; sudden fear. glim (glim), n. a light or candle. glimmer ('er), v.i. to shine faintly and intermittently : n. a faint inter- mittent light ; sheen. glimpse (glimps), n. a weak, faint light ; transient view ; slight trace : v.t. to catch a glimpse of : v.i. to glance ; appear for the moment. glin (glin), n. a haze on the horizon at sea, indicative of a storm. glint (glint), n. a gleam of light; sly glance : v.i. to gleam or flash out. glioma (glT-o'ma), n. a tumor of rapid growth on the brain, spinal cord, or auditory nerve. glissade (glis-ad'), n. the act of slid- ing down a glacier ; a glide in danc- ing : v.i. to slide, especially down a glacier. glissando (-san'do), n. in pianoforte playing, a run by sliding the fingers over the keys ; in violin-playing, a quick slur. glisten (glis'n), v.i. to sparkle with light ; shine : n. a glitter. glitter (glit'er), v.i. to sparkle with light ; gleam ; be showy, attractive, or specious : n. brilliancy ; specious luster. glizade (gli-zad'), n. a sliding move- ment of the foil in fencing. gloam (glom), v.i. to begin to grow dark, like twilight ; exhibit sullen- ness or gloom. gloaming ('ing), n. twilight: adj. pertaining to twilight. gloat (glot) , v.i. to stare or gaze earn- estly or with admiration, often in a bad sense with feelings of lust and cruelty. global (glo'bal), adj. pertaining to a globe ; world-wide. globate ('bat), adj. globe-shaped. globe (glob), n. a spherical body; ball ; the terraqueous earth (with the) ; a sphere on which are repre- sented the divisions of the earth, &c. (terrestrial globe), or the heavenly bodies (celestial globe). globe-fisli ('fish), n. a fish capable of inflating itself to a globular shape. globeflower ('flou-er), n. a plant of the crowfoot family with globular- shaped flowers. globe-trotter ('trot-er), n. an ex- tensive traveler. globi, a prefix in various scientific words, meaning a ball, or ball- sliaped. Globo. globin ('bin), n. a constituent of red blood corpuscles. globular (glob'u-lar) , adj. globe-like ; spherical. Also globose. globule ('til), n. a small spherical particle ; a minute homoeopathic pill ; a blood- or lymph-corpuscle. globulin Cti-lin), n. an albuminous proteid substance forming one of the constituents of the blood and cellu- lar tissue of plants. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; htie, hut ; think, then. glo 379 glo glome (glom), n. a roundish head of flowers. glomerate (glom'er-at), adj. gath- ered into a roundish head or mass. glonoin (glon'o-in), n. a pure nitro- glycerine. gloom (gloom), n. partial darkness; obscurity ; melancholy ; depression ; sadness ; sullenness : vA. to be, or become, cloudy or partially dark ; present a gloomy aspect : v.t. to make gloomy ; deject or sadden. gloomily ('i-li), adv. in a gloomy manner. gloominess ('i-nes), n. the state of being gloomy. gloomy ('i), adj. \_c07np. gloomier, superl. gloomiest], overspread with, or enveloped in, darkness ; dismal ; melancholy ; dispirited ; cheerless ; morose. gloria (glo'ri-a), n. an ascription of praise, especially the Gloria in Ex- celsis and Gloria Patri ; a musical setting of these. glorification (-ri-fi-ka'shun), n. the act of glorifying ; exaltation to honor and dignity ; a jollification. glorify ('ri-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. glori- fied, p.pr. glorifying], to raise in honor and dignity ; magnify and {^ honor in worship ; adore ; beautify. gloriole ('ri-ol), n. a circle of light. gloriosa (-ri-o'sa), n. a genus of plants of the lily family, with bright red or yellow flowers. glorious ('ri-us), adj. full of glory; illustrious ; celebrated ; magnificent ; exalted. glory ('ri), n. [pi. glories ('riz)], splendor ; magnificence ; brightness ; praise ascribed in adoration ; distinc- tion ; renown ; honor ; the Divine perfection or presence ; the felicity of heaven ; in art, a circle of rays surrounding the head of a saint : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. gloried, p.pr. glorying], to rejoice or exult (with in). gloss (glos), n. luster from a polished surface ; specious show ; an explana- tion or comment to elucidate some difficulty or obscurity in the text ; a plausible, specious representation : o.t. to explain by notes or com- ments ; palliate by plausible repre- sentation ; varnish ; make glossy : v.i. to annotate. glossa ('a), n. [pi. glossse ('e)], the tongue, especially of insects. glossarial (-a'ri-al), adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, a glossary. glossary ('a-ri), n. [pi. glossaries (-riz)], a dictionary of obsolete, ob- scure, or technical words. glossily ('i-li), adv. in a glossy man- ner. glossiness ('i-nes), n. superficial lus- ter. glossitis (-i'tis), n. inflammation of the tongue. glosso, a prefix in scientific words meaning tongue, or tongue-like, as glossocele, protrusion of the tongue due to inflammation. glossograph (glos'o-graf), n. an in- strument for recording the vibra- tions of the tongue in speaking. glossography (-og'ra-fi), n. an an- atomical description of the tongue. glossology (-ol'o-ji), n. that branch of anthropology which treats of the classification of languages; compar- ative philology. glossonomy (-on'6-mi), n. the sci- ence of language and the laws which govern it. glossy ('i), adj. [comp. glossier, superl. glossiest], having a lustrous smooth surface ; smooth and plausi- ble. glottal (glot'al), adj. pertaining to, or produced by, the glottis. glottic ('ik), adj. pertaining to the tongue. glottis ('is), n. the small elastic ob- long opening at the top of the wind- pipe. glove (gluv), n. a hand-covering with a separate sheath for each finger : pi. boxing-gloves: v.t. to cover with, or as with, a glove. glover ('er), n. a maker or seller of gloves. gloving ('ing), n. glove-making. gloiv (glo), v.i. to shine with intense heat ; radiate heat and light ; be in- candescent ; be red or flushed ; be animated with passion, love, zeal, &c. : n. intense or shining heat ; in- candescence ; redness, or brightness of color ; passion ; ardor. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon^ book ; hue, hut ; think, then. glo 380 gno glower (glou'er), v.i. to stare with a threatening or angry countenance ; frown. glow-worm (glo'werm), n. a beetle, the wingless female of which emits a shining green light at night. gloxinia (gloks-in'i-a), n. a genus of tropical plants with bell-shaped flowers, gloze (gloz), v.t. to gloss over. glucic acid (gloo'sik as'id), n. a col- orless honey-like compound obtained by the action of acids from cane- sugar. glucinum (-si'num), n. a metallic element resembling magnesium. glucose ('kos), n. the particular form of sugar existing in many animal and vegetable organisms : it is pro- duced for commercial use by the ac- tion of sulphuric acid on starch. glue (gloo), n. a tenacious viscid ce- ment made by boiling some animal substance to a jelly : v.t. to unite or cement with glue. gluey ('i), adj. like glue; sticky. glum (glum), adj. gloomy; moody; sullen. glume (gloom), n. the husk of corn or grasses. glut (glut), n. a superabundance: v.t. [p.t. & p.p. glutted, p.pr. glutting], to fill to repletion ; oversupply. gluten (gloo'ten), n. a tough grey al- buminous substance obtained from wheat and other grains. glutinous ('ti-nus), adj. viscid; gluey. glutton (glut'n), n. one who eats to excess ; a carnivorous animal, the wolverine. gluttonize (-iz), v.i. to act as a glutton. gluttonous (-us), adj. pertaining to, or characterized by, gluttony. gluttony (-i), n. pi. gluttonies (-iz)], the act or habit of eating to excess. glyceric (glis'er-ik), adj. obtained from glycerine. glyceride (-id), n. an ether of glyc- erine. glycerine (glis'er-in), n. a sweet col- orless viscid liquid obtained from oils, fat, &c. : used extensively in various manufactures and medicine. Also glycerin. glycerol, another name for glycerine. glycogen (gli'ko-jen), n. a white in- soluble starch-like substance ob- tained from the livers of animals. glycol (gli'kol, or 'kol), n. a viscid^ liquid, intermediate between glycer-' ine and alcohol. glyph, (glif), n. a perpendicular flut- ing. glyphic ('ik), adj. pertaining to carving or sculpture : n. a hiero- glyphic. glypliograpliy (-og'ra-fi), n. a meth- od of producing engravings in re- lief for printing, similar to electro- typy, after etching the picture on a copperplate covered thinly with wax. glyptic (glip'tik), adj. pertaining to engraving on gems ; figured : n.pl. the art of engravging designs on pre-: cious stones, ivory, &c. glyptograph ('to-graf), n. a design cut or engraved on a gem. gnarl (narl), n. a knot on the trunk or branch of a tree. gnarled ('d), adj. full of knots; dis- torted. gnash (nash), v.t. to strike together, as the teeth : v.i. to grind the teeth in anger or agony. gnat (nat),n. a small stinging winged insect of several species, allied to the mosquito. gnaw (naw), v.t. to bite off, or eat away, by degrees ; corrode ; bite in agony, rage, or despair ; fret : v.i. to exercise the teeth in biting re- peatedly ; act as if by continual biting. gneiss (nis), n. a crystallized rock composed of quartz, mica, and feld- spar. gnome (nom),n. a fabulous deformed, diminutive goblin, supposed to dwell in the earth or to be the guardian spirit of miners ; a pithy or sen- tentious saying. gnomic ( 'mik ) , adj. dealing in, or containing, pithy or sententious say- ings ; didactic. Also gnomical. gnomide ('mid), n. a female gnome, supposed to keep guard over dia- monds. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book ; hCie, hut ; think, then. gno 381 god gnomiometrical ( -mi-o-met'ri-kal ) , adj. employed in the measurement of angles. gnomon ('mon), n. the style which by its shadow on a dial shows the time of day ; the figures made up of the two complements of a parallelo- gram, together with either of the parallelograms about the diameter. gnomonics ('iks), n.pl. the science of dialing. gnosiology (no-si-ol'o-ji), n. that branch of philosophy that treats of the principles of cognition. gnosis ('sis), n. higher knowledge or insight. Gnostic (nos'tik), adj. pertaining to the Gnostics or the adherents of Gnosticism. gnostic, adj. knowing; shrewd. Gnosticism ('ti-sizm), n. a system of religion and Greek and Oriental philosophy (lst-6th century A.D.) intermediate between Christianity and paganism. gnu (noo), n. a ruminant horned ani- mal with a head resembling a buf- falo, of the antelope kind, inhabit- ing South Africa. go (go), v.i. Ip.t. went, p.p. gone, p.pr. going], to depart; proceed; move on ; pass from one state or place to another ; conduce ; contrib- ute ; be habitually used or said ; pass current ; succeed ; fall out or terminate ; move by mechanism ; strike, as a clock ; act in harmony with ; fit or suit ; be expended ; car- ry young in the womb : n. the fash- ion ; enterprise or push ; difficulty or scrape ; a glass of spirits. goa ('a), n. the Tibetan gazelle. goad (god), n. a pointed stick to urge on cattle : v.t. to urge on with, or as with, a goad ; stimulate : v.i. to act as a goad. goaf (gof), n. [pi. goaves (govz)], a place left in the old workings of a coal mine ; the coal-waste left there. goal (gol), n. the winning post at a race or at football : hence, the end aimed at. goat (got), n. a ruminating horned quadruped with long hair. goatee (go-te'), n. a goat-like beard. gobble (gob'l), v.t. to swallow hasti- ly or greedily : v.i. to utter a cry like a turkey : n. the noise of a turkey ; a quick straight stroke in putting at golf. gobelin (go'be-lin, go'blin, go-be- lang'), n. a superior kind of French tapestry. go-between ('be-twen), n. an inter- mediary. goblet (gob'let), n. a drinking-vessel with a stem and without a handle. goblin ('lin), n. an evil, mischievous spirit ; gnome ; fairy. goby (go'bi), n. [pi. gobies ('biz)], a fish of peculiar shape. go-by Cbi), n. avoidance; evasion. go-cart ('kart), n. a contrivance for teaching children to walk ; a child's cart ; a light village cart. God (god), n. the Supreme Deity, and self-existent Creator or Up- holder of the Universe. god,n. a supernatural being conceived of as possessing divine powers or attributes ; idol ; a person or thing deified or honored to excess ; an oc- cupant of the upper gallery of a theater. godcbild ('child), n. one for whom one is sponsor at baptism. goddess ('des), n. a female deity; a woman of superior charms or excel- lence. godfather ('fa-]57ter), n. one who acts as sponsor to another at bap- tism : v.t. to act as godfather to. Godhead ('hed), n. the Divine es- sence, nature, and attributes ; the Supreme Deity. godbood ('hood), n. divinity. godliness ('li-nes), n. piety; devo- tion. godly Cli), adj. devout; pious. God-man ('man), n. the union of deity and manhood in Jesus Christ. godmother ('mu^/i-er), n. a female sponsor at baptism. godroon (go-droon'), n. fluting or beading of olive shape. God's-acre (godz'a-ker), n. a church- yard. godsend (god'send), n. unexpected assistance or acquisition. godspeed ('sped), n. success. god-wit ('wit), n. a curlew-like bird. ate, arm, aek, at, awl : me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; booQi book ; hue. hut : think, i/ien. «oe 382 gon goer (go'er), n. one who, or that which, goes. gofPer (gofer), v.t. to form flutes in ; crimp. goffering (-ing), n. fluting for frills, &c. ; indented ornamentation on the edge of a book. goggle (gog'l), v.i. to strain or roll the eyes : adj. staring ; prominent : n. a strained or affected rolling of the eyes : pi. a particular kind of spectacles for protecting the eyes from dust, excessive light, &c. going (go'ing), n. the act of depart- ing or moving ; state of roads. goiter (goi'ter), n. a swelling of the glands in the front part and side of the neck : prevalent in mountainous districts. goitrous ('rus), adj. affected with goiter. d-olconda (gol-kon'da), n. a mine of wealth. gold (gold), n. a metallic element, soft, ductile, and of a bright yellow color when pure ; money ; wealth ; precious or pure quality ; in archery, the bull's-eye. gold-beater ('be-ter), n. one who beats gold into thin leaves for gild- ing. gold-bug ('bug), n. one who advo- cates gold as the only money stand- ard. gold-carp_ ('karp), n. the goldfish. golden (gold'n), adj. formed of, con- sisting of, or resembling, gold ; shin- ing ; lustrous like gold ; bright ; most valuable ; excellent. golden age, n. the fabled primeval age of perfect human happiness and innocency. golden number (num'ber), n. a number which shows the year of the moon's cycle. 'golden-pheasant (-fez-ant), n. a handsome Chinese pheasant. golden rod (-rod), n. a tall plant of the aster familywith yellow flowers. golden rule (rool), n. the rule to treat others as we ourselves wish to be treated _(cf. Matthew vii. 12). goldfields Cfeldz), n.pl. auriferous deposits and diggings in Australia, Alaska, California, South Africa, &c. goldfincb ('finch), n. a beautiful singing bird with yellow-streaked wings and a red throat. goldfish, ('fish), n. an orange-col- ored fresh-water fish of the carp family. goldsmith ('smith), n. a worker in gold, or dealer in gold-plate. goldylocks (-loks), n. a common name for various plants with yellow flowers, as the buttercup. golf (golf), n. a game played with a small gutta-percha ball and club- headed sticks, the object being to drive the ball into a series of small holes with the fewest possible strokes : v.i. to play golf. Golgotha (gol'go-thji), n. (Hebrew the place of a skull) the place where Jesus Christ was. crucified. golgotha, n. a burial place. gommer (gom'er), n. milled amel- corn (an inferior wheat) : much used in parts of Germany as an in- gredient in soups. gomphiasis (-fi'a-sis), n. looseness of the teeth. gomuti (go-moo'ti), n. a tough hair- like fiber obtained from the sago- palm : used for cordage ; ejoo. gonad (gon'ad), n. a germ-gland. gonagra (go-nag'ra), n. gout in the knee. gondola (gon'do-la), n. a long nar- row Venetian pleasure boat pro- pelled by one oar ; a ■ flat-bottomed boat or railway car used for carry- ing coal, produce, &c. gondolier (-do-ler'), n. the rower of a gondola. gondolino (-le'no), n. a racing gon- dola. gone (gon), p. adj. ruined; lost; char- acterized by faintness or weakness ; carried away : said of a spar, &c. goneness ('nes), n. a state of weak- ness or collapse. goner ('er), n. one who is lost or ruined. gonfalon ('fa-Ion), n. standard or ensign, usually with streamers. gong (gong), n. a tambourine-shaped musical instrument of bronze, which is struck by a padded stick. goniometer (go-ni-om'e-ter) , n. an instrument for measuring angles. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met: mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. eon 383 go< gono, a prefix in many scientific words, meaning generation, repro- duction, as gonohl&st, a reproduc- tive cell or bud. gonopliore (gon'o-for), n. the gen- erative bud or receptacle of a hy- drozoan ; in plants, an elongated re- ceptacle elevating the pistil and sta- mens above the floral envelope. gonorrlioea (-re'a), n. a venereal dis- ease. good (good), adj. [comp. better, su- perL best], having excellent quali- ties ; proper, fit for, adapted, or con- ducive to, any particular object : pious ; moral ; kind ; well-disposed ; favorable ; beneficial ; convenient ; useful ; unblemished ; adequate ; ex- pedient ; reliable ; well-informed ; full ; not irritable : n. that which contributes to happiness ; moral qualities ; prosperity ; benefit : pi. household furniture ; merchandise : interj. an expression of assent or pleasure. Good Friday (fri'da), n. a fast hqld in commemoration of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the Friday be- fore Easter Day. goodliuess ('li-nes), n. grace; physi- cal beauty. goodly ('li), adj. [comp. goodlier, superl. goodliest], good-looking; no- ble ; considerable ; pleasant. goodman ('man), n. the master of a house. goodness ('nes), n. the state or qual- ity of being good; benevolence; ex- cellence. goods and chattels (chat'lz), n. personal property. goodwife ('wif), n. [pi. goodwives ('wivz)], the mistress of a house. goodwill (-wil'), n. benevolence; kindly feeling ; the value a business has over and above stock-in-trade, &c. ; the money paid for such value ; friendly disposition. goody ('i), adj. affectedly or weakly pious; namby-pamby: n. {pi. good- ies) a person affectedly or weakly pious ; a poor old rustic woman ; a kind of sweetmeat. googul (goo'gul), n. a gum obtained from a tree of the myrrh family. goose (goos), n. [pi. geese (ges)], a web-footed domesticated bird of the genus Anser ; a tailor's smoothing iron ; a silly person. gooseberry (gooz'ber-i), n. [pi. gooseberries (-iz)], the fruit of a shrub of the genus Ribes ; the shrub itself : adj. made of gooseberries. gooseneck (goos'nek), n. a bent iron fitted to the extremity of a boom or yard. gooseiving ('wing), n. a studding- sail ; the lower corner of a fore-sail or square main-sail when the body of the sail is furled. gopher (go'fer), v.i. to mine unsys- tematically : n. a North American burrowing, rat-like rodent ; a wood mentioned in the Old Testament (Gen. vi. 14). goral ('ral), n. the Nepaul antelope. Gordian (gor'di-an), adj. pertaining to the Phrygian King Gordius, or to the intricate knot tied by him in his harness, which Alexander the Great cut with his sword. gordian, n. anything intricate or difficult. gore (gor), n. congealed or clotted blood ; a triangular piece sewn into a dress, sail, &c. ; a narrow or tri- angular piece of land : v.t. to pierce as with a horn ; furnish with gores : said of a garment, &c. gorge (g6rj)j n. the throat; gullet; that which is gorged or swallowed ; a narrow passage between moun- tains or hills : v.t. to swallow with greediness or in large mouthfuls : satiate : v.i. to feed greedily. gorged (gorj'd), adj. having a gorge; in heraldry, bearing a crown or the like about the neck. gorgeous ('jus), adj. glittering in various colors ; splendid ; showy ; in- clined to magnificence. gorget Cjet), n. a protective piece of armor for the throat or neck ; a crescent-shaped' breast-plate. Gorgon ('gun), n. one of three sis- ters in Greek mythology whose as- pect was so terrible that anyone who beheld them was turned to stone. gorgoneia (-go-ni'a), n.pl. masks carried in the form of Gorgons' heads : used as keystones in arches. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, */ien. gor 384 gow gorilla (go-ril'a), n. an African an- thropoid ape some 5 ft. in height with powerful limbs; the largest ape known. gormand (gor'mand), n. a greedy or ravenous eater ; glutton ; a connois- seur in table delicacies. gormandize (-iz), v.i. to eat greedi- ly or voraciously. gorse (gors), n. the common furze; whin. gorsy ('i), adj. covered with gorse. gory (gor'i), adj. covered or stained with gore. goshaivk (gos'hawk), n. a raptorial bird of the hawk family. gosling (goz'ling), n. a young goose; a catkin. gospel (gos'pel), n. the announce- ment of the salvation of mankind by Jesus Christ ; the history of the life and doctrines of Jesus Christ, con- tained in the four canonical books of SS. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John ; a selection from these in the Church service ; the general doc- trines of the New Testament ; some- thing received as infallibly true : adj. pertaining to the gospel. gospeler (-er), n. an evangelist; the priest who reads the gospel at the altar. gossamer ('a-mer), n. a very fine spider's web which floats in the air; a very thin soft filmy strong gauze : adj. very thin, like gossamer ; flim- sy. gossip ('ip), n. familiar or idle talk; scandal ; a babbler ; formerly a sponsor, neighbor, or friend : v.i. to tell idle tales about others; tattle; chat. got, p.t. of get. Goth (goth), n. one of an ancient Teutonic tribe that overran the Ro- man Empire (3rd and 4th centuries A.D.) ; an uncivilized person, espe- cially one who is destitute of artis- tic taste. Gothic ('ik), adj. pertaining to the Goths or their language ; denoting the style of architecture character- ized by high and pointed arches, clustered columns, &c. : n. the lan- guage of the Goths ; the Gothic or pointed style of architecture. gouge (gouj), n. a rounded hollow chisel for cutting grooves or holes ; a swindle : v.t. to scoop out with a gouge : v.i. force out the eye with the thumb or finger. gonger ('er), n. one who, and that which, gouges ; a swindler. gourami (goo'ra-mi), n. an Oriental fish, cultivated for food. Also go- ramy. gourd (gord), n. a plant and fruit of various species of the genus Cu- curbita, the shell of which is used for holding liquids ; a gourd-shaped vessel. gourmet (goor'ma'), n. an epicure. gout (gout), n. a painful inflamma- tory disease of the joints or extremi- ties, especially of the great toe. gouty (gout'i), adj. pertaining to, or affected with, gout. govern (guv'ern), v.t. to control by authority ; regulate ; direct ; man- age ; steer ; restrain ; require to be in a particular mood, case, &c. : v.i. to exercise authority ; administer the law. governance (-ans), n. government; control. governante (-ant), n. a governess; duenna. governess (-es), n. a lady who trains and instructs children ; an instruc- tress ; teacher. governing (-ing), p.adj. exercising control ; prevalent ; ruling. government (-ment), n. the act of governing; administration of pub- lic affairs ; established state of le- gal authority ; executive power ; self-control ; relation between two words by which one determines the case or mood of another. governmental (-men'tal), adj. per- taining to, connected with, or pro- ceeding from, the government. governor ('ern-er), n. one who is invested with supreme authority ; chief ruler ; tutor ; a mechanical de- vice for regulating the speed of an engine, &c. gown (goun), n. a woman's outer garment, or dress ; a long loose robe worn by university or professional men : the emblem of peace ; a long ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. «ow 385 gra loose outer covering or wrapper, as a dressing-gown, &c. go'wned (gound), adj. attired in a gown. goivnsman (z'man), n. one who wears a gown professionally ; a ci- vilian. gowt (gout), n. a sluice in an em- bankment for letting out water. grab (grab), v.t. \_p.t. & p.p. grabbed, p.pr. grabbing], to seize suddenly and forcibly ; snatch : n. a sudden and forcible seizure : a large East Indian coaster with two or three masts. grabble ( '1 ) , v.i. to feel about ; grope. grabouge (gra-boozh'), n. a card game. grace (gras), n. any excellence, char- acteristic attraction, or endowment, natural or acquired ; elegance of action or language ; beauty ; embel- lishment ; the unmerited favor and love of God towards man in Christ ; divine sanctifying, regenerating, and preserving influence ; spiritual excellence ; virtue ; a brief prayer before or after meals ; a respectful title of address appplied to an arch- bishop or duke ; behavior or de- meanor ; indulgence or privilege ; in music, an ornamental note or pas- sage ; an act, vote, or decree of the governing body of a university or college : v.t. to adorn or embellish ; honor ; dignify ; favor. graceful ('fool), adj. full of grace or beauty ; easy and elegant in man- ner or demeanor. gracefully (-li), adv. in a graceful manner. grace-note ('not), n. an ornamental note. gracious (gra'shus), adj. showing or bestowing grace, kindness, or mer- cy ; affable ; polite. grackle (grak'l), n. a starling-like bird. gradate (gra'dat), v.t. to produce in grades ; blend by gradation. gradatim. (gra-da'tim), adv. by de- grees. gradation (gra-da'shun), n. a regu- lar advance or progress, step by step ; regular arrangement ; a grad- ual blending of one tint into an- other ; series ; order. gradatory (grad'a-to-ri), adj. pro- ceeding by gradations ; suited for walking: n.pl. (gradatories) a se- ries of steps leading from a cloister into a church. grade (grad), n. a step or degree in rank, dignity, quality, order, &c. ; the rise or descent of a railroad, &c. : v.t. to level and prepare (ground) for laying the rails of a railway ; arrange in a regular series : v.i. to take rank. gradely ('li), adv. decently ; properly. gradient (gra'di-ent), adj. advancing by steps ; walking or running on legs ; ascending or descending in a certain proportion : n. the incline of a railway or road ; in meteorology, the rate of atmospheric pressure or temperature. gradine (-den), n. a sculptor's toothed chisel ; a tier of seats (gra- dang'). gradual (grad'u-al), adj. proceeding by degrees ; step by step ; regular and slow : n. a response sung after the Epistle ; an ancient book of an- thems or scripture sentences : so called because some were chanted on the steps of the pulpit. Also grad- uale, grail. gradually (-li), adv. in a gradual manner. graduate ('ti-at), n. one on whom an academical degree has been con- ferred : v.t. to mark with degrees or a scale ; temper : v.i. to take or re- ceive an academical degree ; change by degrees : adj. having been gradu- ated. graduation (-a'shun), n. the con- ferring or reception of an academi- cal degree ; regular progression ; a marking intodegrees or parts. graduator ('u-a-ter), n. an instru- ment for dividing lines into equal minute parts ; an electro-magnet for making and breaking gradually a telegraphic circuit. gradus (gra'dus), n. a dictionary of Greek and Latin prosody (Gradus ad Parnassum). graffito (graf-fe'to), n. [pi. graffiti ('te)], rude writing, or sketching, ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl : me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book : hue, hut ; think, then. gra 386 gra on the wall of an ancient building, as at Rome. graft (graft), n. a small shoot of a tree inserted into another tree : hence something incorporated with a foreign stock ; an unlawful or ir- regular perquisite ; a bribe : v.t. to insert as a shoot in another tree ; join so as to receive support from another thing ; In surgery, to trans- plant (tissue) : i;.*. to practice graft- ing ; to accept bribe money. grail (gral), n. a dish or chalice, es- pecially the Holy Grail (Sangreal), the cup used by Jesus Christ at the . Last Supper, said to have been pre- served by Joseph of Arimathea, who collected in it some of the blood which flowed from our Lord on His crucifixion ; a gradual. Also graal. grain (gran), n. any minute hard mass ; a single seed of corn ; the smallest particle or amount ; a unit of weight = l-20th of a scruple, l-24th of a pennyweight; the ar- rangement of particles in a body ; texture ; a red dye obtained from cochineal insects : pi. the refuse of malted barley : v.t. form into grains ; to paint in imitation of the grain of wood. grainer ('er), n. one who imitates the grain or texture of wood ; a graining tool. graining ('ing),) n. painting in imi- tation of the grain or texture of wood ; a process in dyeing ; the peb- bling of paper or leather in book- binding. graxa, see gramme. grama-grass (gra'ma-gras), n. a low pasture grass of the West and Southwest United States. gramercy (gra-mer'si), inter j. great thanks ! graminivorous ( gram - i - ni v'o - rus ) , adj. feeding on grasses. grammalogue ('a-log), n. in pho- nography, a word represented by a single sign. grammar ('er), n. the art of speak- ing or writing a language correct- ly ; the science that treats of the principles that govern the correct use of language ; an elementary treatise. grammarian (-ma'ri-an), n. one who is versed in grammar ; a phi- lologist. grammatical (-at'ik-al), adj. per- taining to grammar, or its rules. grammatically (-li), adv. in a gram- matical manner. grammaticism ('i-sizm), n. a point in grammar. grammaticize ('i-siz), v.t. to ren- der grammatical. gramme (gram), n. the unit of weight in the metric system, 15.43 grains troy. Also gram. grammopetalous (-6-pet'a-lus), adj. having the petals very narrow. gramophone ('o-fon), n. an instru- ment for recording and reproducing speech. grampus ('pus), n. a large cetacean, akin to the porpoise ; a corpulent person. granadilla ( gran-a-dil'a ) , n. the edi- ble fruit of a species of passion- flower. granary ('a-ri), n. [pi. granaries ( -riz ) ] , a store-house for grain ; a country where grain is the chief product. grand (grand), adj. high in dignity or power ; illustrious ; chief ; great ; magnificent ; splendid ; sublime ; no- ble ; of striking excellence or im- pressive dignity ; conceived or ex- pressed in dignified language ; com- prehensive ; complete ; the second degree of parentage or descent : n. a grand piano. grandam (gran'dam), n. a grand- mother ; an old woman. grandchild (grand'child), n. the child of one's son or daughter. granddaughter ('daw-ter), n. the daughter of one's son or daughter. grandee (gran-de'), n. a Spanish no- bleman of the highest rank. grandeur ( ' jiir ) , n. greatness ; vast- ness ; sublimity ; splendor of ap- pearance ; social distinction and display ; elevation of thought, sen- timent, or demeanor. grandfather (grand'fa-^/ier), n. the father of one's father or mother. grandiloquent ( gran- dil'o-k went ) . adj. speaking in, or characterized by, a lofty or bombastic style. ate, arm, i, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book : hue. hut : think, then. gra 387 grandiose ('di-os), adj. really or af- fectedly grand or impressive. grandparent ('par-ent), n. the par- ent of one's parent. grandsire ('sir), n. a grandfather; male ancestor. grandson ('sun), n. the son of one's son or daughter. grand vizier (viz'er), n. the chief minister of the Turkish Empire. grange (granj), n. a farm with its dwelling-house, appurtenances, &c. ; a local lodge of the Patrons of Hus- bandry, a powerful agricultural as- sociation in the United^tates. granite (gran'it), n. a massive crys- talline rock composed of quartz, feldspar, and mica. granitic (-it'ik), adj. pertaining to, or formed of, granite. granitoid (gran'i-toid), adj. resem- bling granite. granivorous (gra-niv'6-rus), adj. eating grain ; living on seeds. granny, abbreviation of grandmother. grant (grant), v.t. to give or confer, especially in response to a request ; admit as true (what has not been proved) ; concede; transfer the title of, for any good consideration : n. the act of granting ; a gift ; a be- stowing ; an allowance ; the thing conveyed ; an admission or conces- sion. grantee (-e'), **• the person to whom property is transferred by deed, &c. granter ('er), n. one who grants. grantor ('er), n. one who transfers property by deed, &c. granular ( gran'ti-lar ) , adj. composed of, or resembling, grains or granules. granulate ('u-lat), v.t. to form into grains or small masses ; roughen the surface of : v.i. to become granu- lar. granule ('ul), n. a small grain or particle. granulose ('u-los), n. the more solu- ble part of starch grains in plants, capable of being formed into sugar. grape (grap), n. the fruit of the grape-vine ; a vine of the genus Vitis ; grape-shot. grapery ('er-i), n. a vinery. grape-shot ('shot), n. a cluster of small shot arranged in tiers of three shots each between plates, so as to disperse when fired. graphic (graf'ik), adj. pertaining to the art of writing or delineating ; vividly described ; well delineated ; life-like. Also graphical. graphically (-al-li), adv. in a graph- ic manner. graphite ('it), n. a metallic variety of carbon. graphitic (gra-fit'ik), a (?;. pertaining, to, or obtained from, graphite. grapho, a prefix meaning loriting or delineation, as grap}wi>hone, an in- strument resembling the phono- graph, but having a rubber cylinder instead of one of' wax. Also graph. graphology (graf-ol'o-ji), n. the art of describing character by the hand- writing. graphometer (-om'e-ter), n. an in- strument for measuring the degrees in an angle. graphophone, see under grapho. graphotype ('o-tip), n. a chemical process for producing surface-blocks speedily ; the chalk process. grapnel (grap'nel), n. a kind of small anchor usually with flukes ; heavy tongs used for lifting stone, ice, &c. grapple (grap'l), v.t. to lay fast hold of : v.i. struggle or contend in close fight : n. a close fight ; a seizing ; close hold, as in wrestling, &c. ; a mechanical device for taking hold of anything. grasp (grasp), v.t. to seize or catch at ; hold by clasping or contracting : v.i. to endeavor to seize ; struggle or grapple ; lay hold of greedily ; encroach : n. a seizure of the hand ; reach of the hand ; power of seiz- ure ; hold ; intellectual capacity. grasping ('ing), p.adj. avaricious. grass (gras), n. field or hill pasture; herbage having hollow-jointed stalks,, a husky calyx, and the seed single; springtime ; that which is subject to decay : v.t. t® cover with grass; or turf ; bleach, by exposure on grass ; pasture or graze. grasshopper ('hop-er), n. a small nimble insect of the locust kind. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, but; think, then. gra 388 gre grassiness ('i-nes), n. the state of being grassy. grass-ivido-w ('wid-o), n. a wife whose husband is abroad. grassy ('i), adj. abounding in, cov- ered with, or like, grass. grate (grat), n. a framework of iron bars to hold fuel ; a set of bars : v.t. to rub or wear away by the friction of a rough body ; produce a sound of by the friction of rough or hard surfaces ; grind down ; furnish with a grate : v.i. make a harsh roise ; produce mental irritation. grateful ( 'fool ) , adj. thankful ; pleasurable. gratefully (-li), adv. in a grateful manner. graticulation ( gra-tik-u-la'shun ) , n. the art of dividing a plan, &c., into small squares for reduction or en- largement. gratification (grat-i-fi-ka'shun), n. the act of gratifying ; satisfaction • pleasure ; reward or recompense. gratify ('i-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. grati- fied, p.pr. gratifying], to afford pleasure to ; indulge ; delight ; hu- mor. grating (grat'ing), n. an open frame- work or lattice of bars : p.adj. harsh ; irritating. gratis (gra'tis), adv. gratuitously. gratitude (grat'i-ttid), n. the state of being grateful ; appreciation of favors received ; thankfulness. grattoir (grat-twar'), n. a chipped stone or flint implement. gratuitous (gra-tti'i-tus), adj. free- ly bestowed ; voluntary ; without cause or provocation ; granted with- out merit or claim. gratuity ('i-ti), n. [pi. gratuities (-tiz)], a donation or present; free gift. gravamen (gra-va'men), n. cause of complaint or action. grave (grav), adj. serious; solemn: thoughtful ; sedate ; important ; in grammar, the grave, or long-sound- ing accent ; plain ; slow in move- ment ; very deep in pitch [Mus.] : n. an excavation in the earth for the reception of a dead body; place of interment ; place of great slaugh- ter or mortality; the place of the dead (Hades) : v.t. to shape or carve by cutting with a chisel ; en- grave. gravel (grav'l), v.t. to cover with gravel ; run aground on a beach : said of a vessel ; embarrass ; lame a horse by gravel under the shoe : n. fragments of rock coarser than saijd, and frequently intermixed with it ; a disease occasioned by the presence of calculi in the bladder and kidneys. gravelly (-li), adj. composed of, ©r abounding in, gravel. gravely (grav'li), adv. in a grave manner. graver ('er), n. a cutting tool used by engravers and sculptors ; an en- graver, or carver in stone. gravied (gra'vid), adj, covered, or served with, gravy. gravimeter (gra-vim'e-ter), n. an instrument for measuring the spe- cific gravity of liquid or solid bodies. gravimetric (grav-i-met'rik), adj. determined by weight. graving (grav'ing), n. the act of en- graving or incising ; the clearing ot the bottom of a ship. gravitate (grav'i-tat), v.i. to be acted upon or attracted by the force of gravity ; be naturally attracted. gravitation (-i-ta'shun), n. the force which attracts material bodies to each other. gravity ('i-ti), n. that force which tends to draw all bodies towards the center of the earth ; weight ; im- portance ; seriousness ; solemnity ; weight of guilt ; lowness of a tone or note [Mus.]. gravy (gra'vi),w. [pi;, gravies ('viz)], the fatty juice from roasting flesh. gray, another form of grey. grayling (gra'ling), n. a fresh-water fish of the salmon family. graze (graz), v.t. to furnish pasture for ; touch or rub lightly : v.i. to eat grass ; move along while grazing : n. a slight rub or touch. grazier (gra'zher), n. one who pas- tures cattle or breeds them for the market. grease (grez), n. soft animal fat; oily matter ; inflammation of the ^^^ hoof and fetlock in horses, with a ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. gre 389 gre fetid discharge : v.t. to smear or rub with grease ; cause to move easi- ly ; bribe. greaser ('er), n. one who, or that which, greases ; a Mexican, or Mex- ican Creole. greasily ('i-li), adv. in a greasy manner. greasiness ('i-nes), n. the state of being greasy. greasy ('i), adj. [comp, greasier, su- perl. greasiest], resembling, smeared, or spotted with, grease ; oily ; unctu- ous ; foggy ; muddy. great (grat), adj. large; chief; prin- cipal ; weighty ; marvelous ; emi- nent; illustrious; high in rank or position ; sublime ; noble ; able ; ac- complished ; long-continued ; mag- nanimous ; high-minded ; wealthy ; sumptuous ; proud ; swollen ; preg- nant ; intimate ; denoting a step of ascending or descending consanguin- ity : adv. very much : n. the whole, or gross ; noble, or influential, peo- ple. Greater Britain ('er-brit'n), n. the colonies of Great Britain. great primer (grat prim'er), n. a size of type (see type). great seal (sel), n. the chief official seal of a kingdom, government, state. &c. Great Spirit (spir'it), n. the title applied to the Supreme Being by the Red Indians. greaves (grevz), n.pl. armor to pro- tect the legs from the ankle to the knee ; the sediment of melted tallow. grebe (greb), n. a four-toed tailless diving bird. Grecian (gre'shan), adj. pertaining to Greece ; a native or inhabitant of Greece ; a Greek scholar. Grecian bend (bend), n. a fashion prevalent among women in 1868 of bending the body forward in walk- ing. Grecism ('sizm), n. a Greek idiom. Grecize (gre'siz), v.t. to make Gre- cian ; translate into Greek : v.i. to imitate the Greeks in language, man- ner, &c. Greco, a prefix meaning Greek. greed (gred), n. avarice; greediness. greedily ('i-li), adv. in a greedy manner. greediness ('i-nes), n. the quality of being greedy. greedy ('i), adj. [comp. greedier, superl. greediest], voracious; glut- tonous ; eagerly desirous ; covetous. Greek (grek), adj. pertaining to, or resembling, Greece or the Greeks ; Hellenic : n. a Grecian ; the lan- guage of ancient and modern Greece ; something unintelligible. Greek Church (cherch) , n. the East- ern or Oriental Church. Greek-cross ('kros), n. a cross with four equal arms. Greek-fire ('fir), n. an inflammaMe material used by the ancient Greeks in warfare : said to have been inex- tinguishable in water. Greek orders (or'derz), n.pl. in architecture, the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders. green (gren), adj. having the color of growing grass or plants ; of a color composed of blue and yellow ; fresh ; flourishing ; unripe ; not salted ; immature ; inexperienced ; raw ; pale ; sickly ; not four months old : said of a goose : n. the color of growing grass or plants ; a color composed of blue and yellow ; a grass plot or common : v.t. to make green : v.i. to become green. greenback ('bak), n. a paper money (U. S. legal-tender note) with a green back, first issued in 18G2. greenfinch ('finch), n. the green grosbeak. greenfly ('fli), n. a green plant- louse. greenhorn ('horn), n. a simpleton; novice. greenhouse ('hous), n. a conserva- tory. greenroom ('room), n. the actors* retiring-room in a theater. green sickness ('sik-nes), n. chloro- sis. greet (gret), v.t. to salute in kind- ness or respect ; congratulate : v.i. to exchange greetings. greeting ('ing), n. salutation; wel- come. gregale (gra-ga'la), n. a cold dry ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. gre 390 gri northeast wind prevailing at Malta ; the euroclydon. gregarian (gre-ga'ri-an), adj. liv- ing in herds ; common. gregarina (greg-a-rl'na), n. a very- minute parasite belonging to the Protozoa, gregarious (gre-ga'ri-us), adj. asso- ciating or going together in herds. grege (grej), n. raw silk. Crregorian calendar (kal'en-der), n. the reformed calendar introduced, 1582, by Pope Gregory XIII. Gregorian chant (chant), n. the mediaeval system of choral music, in- troduced by Pope Gregory the Great ; plain song. gremial (gre'mi-al), n. an ecclesias- tical vestment worn by a bishop of the Roman Catholic Church. grenade (gren-ad'), n. an explosive shell fired by a fuse and thrown by hand. grenadier (gren-a-der'), n. originally a foot soldier who threw grenades, now a soldier of the Grenadier Guards. grenadine (-a-den'), n. a dress fabric of thin gauzy silk or wool ; a dye- stuff. gres (gra), n. a fine stoneware made in Germany. greiv, 'p.t. of grow. grey (gra), adj. of a white color with a mixture of black ; hoary ; ma- ture : n. the color of white mixed with black ; a grey horse. greybeard ('herd), n. an old man. greyhound ('hound), n. a slender swift hound used for coursing. griddle (grid'l), n. a broad shallow pan, used for cooking cakes ; a large sieve for sifting ore. griddle-cake (-kak), n. a thin but- ter cake. gride ^(grid), v.t. to jar harshly. gridelin (grid'e-lin), n. a color mixed of white and red, or a grey violet. gridiron ('irn), n. a grated iron utensil for broiling meat or fish ; a contrivance for examining and re- pairing the hulls of ships. grief (gref), n. mental pain on ac- count of present or past trouble ; that which causes sorrow or sad- ness ; physical pain. grievance (grev'ans), n. a sense of wrong or oppression ; just or sup- posed ground of complaint ; an in- justice ; cause of annoyance. grieve (grev), v.t. to cause to ex- perience grief ; affiict mentally : v.i. to be in sorrow ; lament. grievous ('us), adj. causing grief or sorrow ; hard to be borne ; painful ; oppressive ; pitiable ; atrocious ; vex- atious. griffin ('in), n. a fabulous animal with the body and legs of a lion, the wings and beak of an eagle, and with listening ears ; a watchful chaperon. Also griffon and gryphon. grig (grig), n. a grasshopper; crick- et ; the sand-eel ; heather. grill (gril), v.t. to broil; torment, as if by grilling : v.i. to be broiled : n. a gridiron ; grilled meat. grillade (-ad'), n. the act of grill- ing ; grilled meat. grillage ('aj), n. an arrangement of sleepers and crossbeams forming a foundation in loose or marshy soil for erections. grille (gre-la'), n. lace with a back- ground of parallel bars. grille (gril), n. an open grating or screen of wrought metal ; a kind of frame for hatching fish. grim (grim), adj. [comp. grimmer, superl. grimmest], of a forbidding aspect ; stern and surly ; hideous ; frightful ; cruel ; unyielding. grimace (gri-mas'), n. a distortion of the countenance ; smirk : v.i. to make grimaces. grimalkin (-mawl'kin), n. an old cat. grime (grim), n. foul matter; dirt deeply ingrained : v.t. to make dirty or grimy. grimily ('i-li), adv. in a grimy man- ner. griminess ('i-nes), n. the state of being grimy. grimy ('i), adj. full of grime. grin (grin), n. the act of closing the teeth and showing them ; a broad smile : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. grinned, p.pr, grinning], to show the teeth in laughter, scorn, or pain : v.t. to ex- press by grinning. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, but; think, then. gri 891 gro grind (grind), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. ground, p.pr. grinding], to pulverize or reduce to powder by friction ; sharpen or smooth by friction ; grate ; oppress ; harass ; prepare for examination ; study hard : v.i. to perform the act of grinding; be rubbed together ; turn a mill : n. the act of grinding ; hard study for an examination ; laborious and tedious work. grinder ('er), n. one who, or that which, grinds ; a molar tooth ; one who coaches pupils for an examina- tion. grindstone ('ston), n. sl flat, circu- lar stone for sharpening tools, &c. grinningly (grin'ing-li), adv. with a grin. grip (grip), n. a grasp with the hand ; a holding fast ; that by which ' anything is held firmly ; a particular mode of grasping the hand, as among Freemasons ; grasping power ; a small ditch or trench ; grippe : v.t. to grasp, or seize : v.i. to take fast hold. gripe (grip), n. sl clasping with the hand' or -arms ; a squeeze ; pressure ; pinching distress : pi. colic : v.t. to hold with closed fingers ; grasp ; hold tightly ; seize ; clutch ; oppress ; pinch : v.i. to take firm hold. griping ('ing), adj. avaricious. grippe (grip, or grep), n. influenza. Also grip. gripper (grip'er), n. one who, or that which, grips; a mechanical de- vice for seizing and holding. grisaille (gri-zal' or gri-za'ya), n. a method of painting in grey tints, so as to represent a solid body in bas-relief. grisette (gre-zef), n. a Parisian shop-girl ; a French girl of the operative class who dresses coquet- tishly ; a moth. griskin (gris'kin), n. a hog's spine. grisly (griz'li), adj. terrible; savage- looking. grisly, same as grizzly. grison (gri'sun), n. a carnivorous mammal of South America resem- bling a weasel. grist (grist), n. grain for grinding: ground corn ; provision or supply. gristle (gris'l), n. cartilage. gristly ('li), adj. cartilaginous. grit (grit), n. rough, hard particles, as sand, &c. ; a hard sandstone com- posed of sharp silicious grains ; the coarse part of meal ; firmness of character ; courage : pi. oats hulled and coarsely ground. grittiness ('i-nes), n. the state of being gritty. gritty ('i), adj. composed of, con- taining, or resembling, grit ; cour- ageous. grizzly ('li), adj. somewhat grey: n. the grizzly bear, a large, fierce, bear of North America. groan (gron), n. a low, deep sound uttered in pain or sorrow ; a deep, rumbling sound expressive of dis- approbation or ridicule ; a low, dis- mal sound, as of the wind: v.i. to utter a groan ; lament ; be burdened : v.t. to express disapproval of by groans. groat (grot), n. formerly a silver coin current in England, value 4d. ; a trifling sum : pi. hulled oats. grocer (gro'ser), n. one who sells groceries. grocery (-i), n. [pi. groceries (-iz)], tea, coffee, sugar, spices, &c. (usu- ally pi.) ; a grocer's shop; a grog- shop. grog (grog), n. a mixture of spirits and water ; spirituous liquor : v.t. to make into grog by the addition of water. groggery ('er-i), n. a low drinking place ; a grog-shop. grogginess ('i-nes), n. the state of being groggy. grogging ('ing), n. the extraction of spirits from empty casks by hot water. groggy ('i), adj. tipsy; moving with an unsteady gait : said of horses ; staggering as if dazed : said of a pugilist. groin (groin), n. the depressed part of the human body between the thigh and the belly ; the angular curve made by the intersection of two arches : v.t. to build or form into groins. grommet (grom'et), n. a ring formed of a strand of rope laid round ; an fitf» fi.rm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boo% book ; hiie, hut ; think, then. grt 392 gro eyelet of metal ; a cannon-wad made of rope, and rammed between the powder and the ball. grooiu (groom), n. a man or boy who has charge of horses ; a bridegroom ; the title of several officers of the royal household: v.t. to feed and take care of, as a groom does a horse ; curry and brush. groomsman (groomz'man), n. one who attends a bridegroom ; best man. groove (groov), n. a channel or fur- row, especially as cut by a tool ; set- tled habit or routine: v.t. to form or cut a groove in. grope (grop), v.i. to feel one's way with the hands, as in the dark ; seek blindly : v.t. to search out, as in the dark, by feeling with the hands. gros (gro), n. a heavy silk fabric. grosbeak (gros''bek), n. the name of various warblers with a large stout beak, allied to the finches. grosgrain (gro'gran), n. a stout double-corded silk. gross (gros), adj. bulky; thick; coarse ; rude ; indelicate ; flagrant ; dull ; heavy ; corpulent ; dense ; whole : n. 12 dozen ; main body ; mass ; entire amount. grossuline (gros'u-lin), n. a prin- ciple obtained from certain acid fruits, as gooseberries. Also grossa- line. grot (grot), n. a grotto [Poet.]. grotesque (gro-tesk'), adj. fantas- tically or oddly formed ; extrava- gant ; whimsical ; ridiculous : n. whimsical ornamentation, figures, or scenery ; the incongruous or uncouth in art. grotto (grot'o), n. a natural or arti- ficial cavern in the earth. grotto-xsrork (-werk), n. ornamental work in imitation of grottos. ground (ground), n. the earth or soil ; surface of a floor or pave- ment ; land ; territory ; country ; es- tate ; foundation ; cause or reason : origin ; original principle ; a funda- mental or preparatory part in va- rious arts ; plain song : pi. dregs or sediment : v.t. to place or set on, or in, the ground ; settle in first principles ; base ; cover with paint or plaster ; run aground : v.i. /o take the ground ; place dependence on : adj. fundamental : p.t. & p.p. of grind. ground-hog ('hog), n. the wood- chuck ; the aardvark. groundsel ('sel), n. a weed of the aster family with yellow flowers. ground-swell ('swel), n. a broad, deep, heavy, rolling sea, caused by a distant storm or earthquake. group (groop), n. a small crowd or assemblage ; a cluster ; an assem- blage of figures or objects forming an artistic whole ; a division of organisms with certain characteris- tics ; the chief division of a geological system : v.t. to form into a group. grouse (grous), n. red and black heath-game ; partridge ; pheasant ; prairie-hen. grout (grout), n. mortar or cement mixed with gravel, used for founda- tions and joints of masonry ; a fine plaster for ceilings ; coarse meal : v.t. to surround or fill in with grout. grouty (grout'i), cross; sulky; dreg- gy. grove (grov), n. a small wood; a row of trees shading an avenue. grovel (grov'el), v.i. to lie prone; move with the body prostrate on the ground ; be mean or debased. groveler (-er), n. one who grovels. groveling (-ing), p.adj. lying pros- trate ; mean ; undignified. grow (gro), v.t. [p.t. grew, p.p. grown, p.pr. growing], to cultivate: v.i. to increase in stature or size by natural organic development; be produced by vegetation ; increase : flourish ; thrive ; become ; advance ; become fixed or attached. growl (groul), n. a deep angry snarl or murmur: v.i. to snarl or murmur like a dog; grumble. growler ('er), n. one who, and that which, growls ; a North American perch ; a four-wheeled cab ; pitcher or pail of beer. grown, p.p. of grow. growth (groth), n. the progressive increase of animal or vegetable bod- ies ; advancement ; increase ; prog- ress ; result ; effect. tte, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. gm 393 gue grub (grub), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. grub- bed, p.pr. grubbing], to dig up; root out of the ground ; provide with food : v.f. to drudge or toil ; per- form dirty work : n. the larva of a beetle, moth or other insect ; food ; a sloven or dirty person. grubber ('er), one who, or that which, grubs. grudge (gruj), v.t. to regard with envy or discontent ; give or take with reluctance : n. secret malice or ill-will ; an old dislike or quarrel. gruel (groo'el), n. sl light semi-liquid food made of oatmeal, &c., for in- valids. gruesome (groo'sum), adj. horrible of aspect ; inspiring gloom or hor- ror. gruff (gruf), adj. rough or surly in voice or manner ; harsh ; hoarse. gru-gru (groo'groo), n. the larva of a South American weevil, cooked for food as a delicacy. grumble (grum'bl), v.i. to murmur discontentedly ; find fault. grum.bling ('bling), n. the act of murmuring discontentedly. grumous (groo'mus), adj. consisting of clustered grains; thick or clotted. grumpily (grump'i-li), adv. in a grumpy manner. grumpiness ('i-nes), n. the state of being grumpy. grumpy ('i), adj. surly; cross; low- spirited. grunt (grunt), n. the guttural noise of a hog; an edible marine Ameri- can fish : v.i. to make a noise like a hog. gruyere (groo-yar'), n. a Swiss or French cheese made from skim-milk. gryposis (gri-po'sis), n. an ingrow- ing of the nails. Also gryphosis. grysbok (gris'bok), n. a South Afri- can antelope. guaco (gwa'ko), n. tropical Ameri- can plant, used as a specific for snake-bites. Guaiacumi (gwi'a-kum), n. a genus of tropical American and West In- dian shrubs and trees from which a resin, extensively used in medicine, is pbtained. guan (gwan), n. a gallinaceous bird of South America. guanaco (gwa-na'ko), n. the wild llama of the Andes. guaniferous (gwa-nif'er-us), adj. yielding guano. guanine ('nin), n. a principle found in guano, pancreatic juice, &c. guano ('no), n. the dung of sea-birds found in thick layers in South America and Africa, yielding a valu- able manure. guarantee (gar-an-te'), n. an en- gagement made by a third person to secure the fulfillment of an agree- ment ; one who becomes surety for the performance of another's acts : v.t. to undertake that another shall perform a certain stipulation ; war- rant ; be responsible for. Also guar- anty. guarantor ('an-t5r), n. one who guarantees, or makes, a guaranty. guaranty, the legal form of guar- antee. guard (gard), v.t. to watch over or protect ; preserve by caution ; shield or defend : v.i. be cautious ( with against) : n. security or defense against injury or attack ; a state of vigilance or caution ; attention ; any contrivance or device for se- curity ; an official in charge of a train ; a man or body of men em- ployed for defense or control. guarded ('ed), p.adj. defended; careful ; cautious ; circumspect. guardian ('i-an), n. one who has the care of the person or property of another ; a warden : adj. protecting ; tutelary. guard-ship ('ship), n. a warship stationed at a port or harbor for its protection. guardsman (z'man), n. [pi. guards- men ('men) ], an officer or soldier of the guards. guava (gwa'va), a tree of tropical America yielding a pear-shaped fruit, from which a jelly is made. gubernatorial ( gu-ber-na-to'ri-al ) , adj. pertaining to a governor or to his office. gudgeon (guj'un), n. a small edible fresh-water fish ; a person who is easily imposed upon ; an iron pin or shaft on which a wheel revolves. guerdon (ger'dun), n. a reward. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, but ; think, then. gue 394 gul guerilla (ger-il'a), n. one of an ir- regular force engaged in harassing an enemy in small bands ; petty war- fare : adj. belonging to, or consisting of, guerillas ; pertaining to irregular warfare. Guernsey (gern'zi), n. a breed of dairy cattle from the island of Guernsey. guernsey (gern'zi), n. a close-fitting knitted woolen shirt. guess (ges), n. a conjecture; the act of guessing : v.t. to hit upon at ran- dom ; believe or think : v.i. to con- jecture. guess-work ('werk), n. random conjecture ; work performed by guess. guest (gest), n. one who is enter- tained at the house or table of an- other. guevi (gwa've), n. a South African antelope. guffaw .( guf-f aw'), n. a rude boister- ous laugh. guffer ('er), n. the eel-pout. guhr (goor), n. a loose earthy de- posit found in the clefts and cavities of rocks. guib (gwib), n. a West African ante- lope. guidable (gid'a-bl), adj. that may be guided. guidance ('ans), n. direction ;" lead- ing. guide (gid), n. one who leads or directs ; conductor ; director ; a soldier or other person who obtains information for an army ; that by which one directs his course ; a guide-book : v.t. to lead or direct ; influence ; regulate ; govern by coun- sel. guide-book ('book), n. a handbook for the direction of travelers. guidon (gi'dun), n. the forked flag of a troop of light cavalry ; the flag of a guild or confraternity. guild (gild), n. a fraternity; corpo- ration ; association. Also gild. guilder ('er), n. the Dutch florin, value about 40.2 cents. guile (gil), n. deceit; cunning; du- plicity. guileful ('fool), ad), full of guile. fite, arm, ask. guillemot (gil'e-mot), n. a species of auk. guilloche (gil-losh'), n. a series of interwoven or twisted ornaments. guillotine ('o-ten), n. an apparatus for beheading a criminal by means- of a heavy knife sliding in two up- right grooves: v.t. (-o-ten') to be- head with the guillotine. guilt (gilt), n. the state of one who is liable to a penalty ; sin ; crim- inality. guiltily ('i-li), adv. in a guilty man- ner. guiltiness ('i-nes), n. the state of being guilty. guilty ('i), adj. [comp. guiltier, superl. guiltiest], justly chargeable with a crime ; wicked ; criminal ; not innocent. guinea (gin'e), n. a gold coin, for- merly current in England, value 21s. or about $5. guinea-fowl (-foul), n. a greyish- blue gallinaceous bird with white spots, originally from Guinea. guinea-pig (-pig), n. a small do- mesticated South American rodent, allied to the cavy. guipure (ge-piir'), n. a kind of lace or gimp. guise (giz), n. external appearance; dress ; mien. guitar (gi-tar'), n. a six-stringed in- strument, on the principle of the violin, played with the fingers. gnla (gu'la), n. [pi. guise ('!§)], n. the gullet ; throat. gular ('lar), adj. pertaining to the gula. gulcb (gulch), n. a rocky or rough narrow valley. gulf (gulf), n. an arm of the sea extending into the land, interme- diate in size between a bay and sea ; a deep place in the earth ; an abyss ; whirlpool ; something insati- able. gulf stream (strem), n. a vast and important warm ocean-current flow- ing out from the Gulf of Mexico. gull (gul), n. a web-footed sea-fowl with long wings ; one who is easily cheated : v.t. to cheat ; deceive ; im- pose upon. at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, f/ien. %nl 395 gns .gullet ('et), n. the throat; oesopha- gus. gullibility (gul-i-biri-ti), n. capac- ity for being gulled. .gullible (gul'i-bl), adj. capable of being easily deceived. gully ('i), n. [pi. gullies ('iz)], a channel or hollow worn by water : narrow ravine ; a metal tram-rail or -plate. gulp (gulp), v.t. to swallow down eagerly or in large draughts : n. the act of gulping ; swallow. gum (gum), n. the soft fleshy part of the jaws by which the teeth are surrounded ; a semi-transparent viscid vegetable substance that ex- udes from certain trees and shrubs and hardens on the surface : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. gummed, p.pr. gum- ming], to smear or unite with gum. gum arable (ar'a-bik), n. a gum ob- tained from various species of acacia. gumbo ('bo), n. a dish or soup made from the gummy pods of the Dkra ; a Creole patois ; prairie mud. gumminess ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being gummy. gum.my ('i), adj. like gum. gumption (gump'shun), n. quickness of perception ; common sense ; in the fine arts, the art of preparing col- ors. gumptious ('shus), adj. shrewd; smart. gun (gun), n. an instrument for dis- charging shot, by the force of an ex- plosive : v.i. to shoot with a gun. gunboat (gun'bot), n. a warship of light draught, next in size to a cruiser, carrying several heavy guns. guncotton ('kot-n), n. a highly ex- plosive substance formed by the ac- tion of nitric and sulphuric acid upon cotton, or some other vegetable fibre. gun-fire ('fir), n. the hour at which the morning and evening gun is fired. gunjab. Cjii), n. the hemp plant of India. Also ganja, I gun-metal ('met-al), n. an alloy of ■ copper and tin. gunnel, same as gunwale. gunner ('er), n. one who works a gun ; an artilleryman ; a warrant- officer in the navy who has charge of the ordnance of a war-vessel and ordnance-stores. gunnery ('er-i), n. the science of artillery. gunning ('ing), n. the shooting of game with a gun. gunny ('i), n. [pi. gunnies ('iz), a coarse heavy sackcloth of jute or hemp. gunpo-wder ('pou-der), n. an explo- sive substance composed of sulphur, niter and charcoal : a fine kind of green tea. Gunter's cbain (gun'terz chan), n. a surveyor's chain used in measur- ing land, 66 ft. long, and divided in 100 links of 7.92 in. each. Gunter's scale (skal), n. a large plane scale, with various lines of numbers engraved upon it, by means of which surveyors' and navigators* calculations are determined. gunwale (gun'l), n. the upper edge of the side of a ship next to the bulwarks. gurgitation (ger-ji-ta'shun), n. a state of boiling, or whirling round. gurgle (ger'gl), v.i. to flow or run with a purling bubbling sound : n. a purling, bubbling noise. gurglet Cglet), n. a porous earthen vessel for cooling water. gurnet ('net), n. an edible sea-fish with a large angular head and rough bony skin. Also gurnard. gurrah (gur'a), n. a plain coarse Indian muslin. gurry ('i), n. in India, a small native fort ; crude oil from the livers of fish. gush (gush,) n. a sudden and violent flow of a liquid from an inclosed space ; outburst ; an extravagant display of sentiment : v.i. to issue with violence and rapidity ; flow copiously ; be extravagantly senti- mental. gusher ('er), n. one who, or that which, gushes ; an oil well that dis- charges its contents without the aid of machinery. gusset (gus'et), n. a small triangular piece of cloth inserted in a garment to strengthen or enlarge a part. ate, Urm, fisk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n6rth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. gns 396 gy» gust (gust), n. a sudden squall; a sudden and violent outburst of pas- sion. gustatory ('ta-to-ri), adj. pertaining to the taste. gustful ('fool), adj. full of gusto. gusto ('to), n. zest; relish. gusty ('i), adj. characterized by gusts. ' gut (gut), n. the intestinal canal; an intestine ; catgut ; a narrow channel or strait : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. gutted, p.pr. gutting], to extract the en- trails of ; eviscerate ; to plunder, or empty entirely. gutta-percha (-per'cha), n. a red- dish-brown horn-like substance ; the inspissated juice of the gutta-percha tree {Isonandra gutta) of the Malay Archipelago. gutter ('er), n. a channel for carry- ing away water : v.t. to cut into small channels ; furnish with gut- ters : v.i. to run in drops. guttering (-ing), n. a making into hollows ; the act of falling in drops ; material for making gutters. guttural ('er-al), adj. pertaining to, or produced in, the throat : w. a letter produced in the throat. gutturally (-li), adv. in a guttural manner. guy (gi), n. a rope, chain, &c., to swing and keep steady a heavy body : an effigy, especially of Guy Fawkes ; a person oddly or dowdily dressed : v.t. to steady or guide with a guy ; ridicule ; delude. guzzle (guz'l), v.i. to drink greedily and immoderately : n. intoxicating liquor ; a drunken debauch. guzzy ('i), n. an East Indian cotton cloth. gwiniad (gwin'i-ad), n. a Welsh trout ; the powan. Also guiniad. gymn, a prefix meaning naked, desti- tute of, occurring in many com- pound words. Also gymno. gymnantlious (jim-nan'thus), adj. without calyx or corolla. gymnasium (-na'zi-um), n. [pi. gym- nasia (-a)], a building where gym- nastic exercises are practiced ; a school for the higher branches of literature and art; in ancient Greece, a place for athletic exer- cises, provided with baths, &c., also, in connection with it, apartments in which philosophic discussions were carried on. gymnast ('nast), n. one who prac- tices, or is expert in, gymnastics. gymnastic ('ik), adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, gymnsatics. gymnastics ('iks), n,pl. athletic ex- ercises ; the art of developing the physical powers by athletic exer- cises. gymno, prefix see gymn. gymnogens (jim'no-jens),w.pZ. plants having naked seeds, or not inclosed in an ovary. gymnotus (jim-no'tus), n. the elec- tric eel of South America. gynarcliy (jin'ar-ki), n. government by a woman ; female rule. gyne, a prefix meaning woman, fe- male. Also gyneco. gynecocracy (jin-e-kok'ra-si), n. fe- male rule or supremacy. Also gyne- ocracy. gynecology (jin-e-kol'o-ji), n. that branch of medical science which treats of the functions and diseases of women. gyneolatry ('ol'a-tri), n. excessive homage paid to women. gyno, prefix meaning ovary or pistil, occurring in various botanical terms, as firynophore, the long stalk upon which some ovaria are situated, as in the passion flower. gypsum (jip'sum), n. sulphate of lime ; plaster of paris. Gypsy, same as Gipsy. gyral (ji'ral), adj. rotatory; whirl- ing. gyrate ('rat), v.i. to revolve round a central point ; rotate ; wheel. gyratory ('ra-to-ri), adj. revolving in a circle. gyre (jlr), n. a fetter for the legs: v.t. to fetter. gyro, a prefix in various scientific words meaning a circle, round. gyroscope (ji'ro-skop), n. an instru- ment for demonstrating the laws ot rotation. gyrostat (-stat), n. an instrument for demonstrating the dynamics of rotating rigid bodies. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book : hue, hut ; think, then. h.a. (ha), inter j. an expression of wonder, joy, hesitation, &c. : v.i. to express wonder, &c. ; hesitate. liaaf (haf), n, a deep-sea fishing- bank off the Shetlands. liabeas corpus (ha'be-as kor'pus, Latin have the body), a writ to pro- duce a prisoner at a stated time and place to declare the cause of his de- tention. liaber dasher (hab'er-dash-er), n. a dealer in small wares, as ribbons, lace, tapes, needles, &c. liaberdasliery (-i), n. the wares sold by a haberdasher ; a haberdasher's shop. babergeon ('er-jun), n. a coat of mail covering the neck and breast. IxabilimeKt (ha-bil'i-ment), n. an article of clothing : pi. dress. babilitate ('i-tat), vA. to become qualified. babit (hab'it), n. ordinary course of conduct ; general condition or tend- ency ; disposition ; established cus- tom ; dress ; a woman's riding-dress ; the distinctive dress worn by mem- bers of a religious order: v.t. to dress ; furnish with a habit. habitable ('it-a-bl), adj. fit to be dwelt in. habitant ('it-ant), n. a dweller; per- manent resident ; a farmer of French descent, in Canada and Louisiana. habitat ('i-tat), n. the natural lo- cality of animals, plants, &c., in their wild state ; geographical range. habitation (-i-ta'shun), n. residence or place of abode ; natural locality ; a Primrose League lodge. habited ('i-ted), p.adj. wearing a habit or dress. habitual ( ha-bit'ti-al ) , adj. formed or acquired by use ; customary ; in- veterate. habitually (-li), adv. by habit. habituate ('u-at), v.t. to make fa- miliar by use or custom ; familiarize. habitude (hab'i-tud), n. habit; cus- tomary manner or mode ; familiar- ity. habitue (ha-bit'u-a), n. one who habitually frequents a place of amusement, &c. hacienda (a-the-en'da, or has-i-en'- da.), n. in Spanish America, a large plantation on which the owner is resident ; an isolated farm ; an es- tablishment for raising stock, farm produce, &c. hack (hak), v.t. to cut irregularly and into small pieces ; injure by cutting; notch; kick (the shins of another) at football; let out for hire : n. a notch ; hollow irregular cut ; a horse let out for hire ; a kick on the shins at football ; a carriage let out for hire ; a hackney-coach ; a literary drudge ; a drying frame for fish ; a place where green bricks are dried ; a feeding rack. hackberry ('ber-ri), n. a large North American forest-tree, with an edible fruit. hackbut ('but), n. an arquebus. hackee ('e),n. the chipmunk. hackia ('i-a), n. a lofty South Amer- ican tree of the madder family. hacking ('ing), adj. notching; ir- ritating and wearing : said of a cough : n. the stacking of bricks for ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not i book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 397 boon. liac c drying ; a particular method of mas- sage ; a process in gem cutting. hackle (hak'l), v.t. to dress or comb, as flax or hemp ; tear into pieces ; mangle in cutting : n. sua implement with sharp spikes for cleansing flax or hemp ; unspun fiber ; a long narrow feather in the neck of a cock, used for making artificial flies for angling; a feather fly for an- gling. hackmatack ('ma-tak), n. the red American larch, or tamarack. hackney ('ni), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. hack- neyed, p.pr. hackneying], to wear out by constant use ; make common- place : adj. let out for hire ; com- mon or trite : n. a hackney-coach ; a horse kept for hire ; a nag. hackney-coach (-koch), n. a li- censed carriage that plies for hire. hackneyed ('nid), p.adj. worn out; commonplace. had, p.t. of have. haddock ('ok), n. a sea-fish of the cod family. Hadean (ha-de'an), adj. pertaining to Hades. Hades ('dez), n. the abode and state of the dead. hading (had'ing), n. the deviation from the vertical of a vein or stra- tum ; underlay. haema, a prefix meaning hlood, occur- ring in many scientific words. Also haem, hsemat, hsemo, hemo. hsemachrome (hem'a-krom), n. the coloring matter of the blood. haemadromonieter (-dro-mom'e-ter) , n. an instrument for determining the velocity of the flow of blood. haemal (he'mal), adj. pertaining to the blood. hsemalopia (hem-a-lo'pi-a), n. dis- ease of the eye in which objects ap- pear red. hsematemesis (-a-tem'e-sis), n. vom- iting of blood from the stomach. haematic (he-mat'ik), adj. pertaining to the blood : n.pl. that branch of physiology that treats of the blood. haematoid (hem'a-toid), adj. blood- like. haemoglobin (-o-gl6'bin), n. same as hemoglobin. 18 hal haemoptysis ( he-mop ''ti-sis), n. same as hemoptysis. haemorrhage (hem'o-raj), n. same as hemorrhage. haemorrhoids ('o-roids), n.pl. same as hemorrhoids. haft (haft), n. a handle of a tool or knife : v.t. to furnish with a haft or handle. hag (hag), n. a witch; an ugly old woman ; a cartilaginous fish, para- sitic in the bodies of other fish. haggard ('ard), adj. worn and anx- ious in appearance ; lean and hollow- eyed. haggle ('1), v.i. to higgle. haik (hak), n. an outer woolen gar- ment with colored stripes worn by the Arabs. hail (hal), n. frozen raindrops; a call or salutation : v.i. to pour down hail : v.t. to pour down or out like hail ; call to or salute. haily ('i), adj. consisting of, or like, hail. hair (har), n. one of the small horny fibrous tubes with a bulbous root growing out of the skin of a mam- mal ; the mass of such horny fibrous tubes ; minute hair-like filaments on the surface of plants. hairsplitting ('split-ing), adj. mak- ing oversubtle or very minute dis- tinctions, in reasoning or statement. hairspring ('spring), n. a very fine spring to regulate the balance wheel of a watch. hair-trigger (har'trig-er), n. a sec- ondary trigger of a gun. hairy ( 'i ) , adj. covered with, abound- ing in, or resembling, hair. hake (hak), n. an edible seafish al- lied to the cod. halation (ha-la'shun), n. a halo on a photographic plate. halberd (hal'berd), n. a mediaeval weapon consisting of a long staff to which an axe was affixed with a spear-like point. Also halbert. halcyon ('si-un), adj. pertaining to • the kingfisher ; peaceful ; happy ; calm : n. the kingfisher : from the fable that its hatching season was in calm weather. hale (hal) , adj. sound bodily ; healthy ; Ite, arm, &sk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. lial 399 ham hearty : v.t. to drag or draw by vio- lence. half (haf), n. [pi. halves (havz)], one of two equal parts ; a school term ; in football, a half-back : adv. equally ; partly : adj. consisting of a half ; approximating. half-and-half, n. a mixture of ale and porter, or of old and new ale. half-blood ('blud), n. one whose parents are of different races ; rela- tionship between persons who have one parent in common. half-breed ('bred), n. a person of mixed blood : as, an Indian half- breed. half-caste ('kast), n. a person of an East Indian parent on one side and of a European on the other. halibut (hal'i-but), n. a large edible flatfish. halicore ('i-kor), n. the dugong. hall (hawl), n. a large room for the transaction of public business, entertainments, &c. ; a court of jus- tice ; the first large room of a house ; a manor-house ; a college dining- room ; the dinner served there ; the public room of a. corporation or guild ; a minor college. hallelujah (hal-e-loo'ya), n. (He- brew, Praise ye Jehovah) an ascrip- tion of praise to God ; a musical composition having as its theme such an ascription of praise : adj. singing, or containing, hallelujah. Also al- leluiah. hallelujah lass (las), n. a female member of the Salvation Army. halliard, same as halyard. hall-mark (hawl'mark), n. the oflS- cial mark of the Goldsmiths' Compa- ny and other English assay offices, attesting the quality of the gold and silver articles on which it is im- pressed : hence a mark or proof of genuineness. halloo (ha-lo'), inter j. an exclama- tion to call attention to or cheer one ; a shout to attract attention, or to cheer or urge on : v.t. to shout out ; incite or cheer on, as dogs : v.i. to cry out loudly. Also holloa. halloxv (hal'o), v.t. to consecrate; devote to sacred purposes ; revere. Halloween (-en'), n. the Eve of All Saints or All Hallows, Oct. 31. hallucination ( hal-loo-si-na'shun ) , n. belief in something imaginary ; delusion ; error. halo (ha'lo), n. a ring or circle of light round the sun or moon, caused by refraction ; a ring of light or nimbus. halogen (hal'o-jen), n. an element as chlorine, bromine, iodine, and fluo- rine, which forms saline Compounds* by combining with other elements. haloid ('oid), adj. resembling salt. halt (hawlt), n. the act of limping; a stop in marching : adj. crippled or lame : v.i. to be lame ; limp ; be du- bious or hesitate ; to stop in march- ing. halter ('er), n. one who halts ; a rope for hanging criminals ; a rope for leading or holding a horse : v.t. to put on, or secure with, a halter. halve (hav), v.t. to divide into two equal parts ; fasten together, as tim- bers. halves, pi. of half, halyard (hal'yard), n. a rope or tackle for hoisting a sail, flag, &c. Also halliard. ham (ham), n. the hinder part of the thigh ; a thigh of an animal, espe- cially a pig, salted and smoked ; a house ; village : in place names of Anglo-Saxon origin, as Tottenham. Hamamelis (-a-me'lis), n. an order of shrubs, to which the witch-hazel belongs, and from which a medicinal extract is obtained. Hamburg ('berg), n. a rich kind of black grape; a breed of black do- mestic fowl. hame (ham), n. one of the curved bars on the collar to which the traces of a draught horse are fastened. hamerkop (ham'er-kop), n. an Afri- can bird with hammer-shaped feath- ers on its head. hamiform ('i-form), adj. hook- shaped. hamlet ('let), n. a small village. hammer ('er), n. an instrument with a handle and iron head for driving nails, beating metals, &c. ; anything resembling a hammer in its action or shape : v.t. to beat with, or as ate, arm, isk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, liSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, 'aut ; think, then. ham. 400 lian with, a hammer ; forge ; beat ; work in the mind : v.i. to work hard. hammer-beam (-bem),w. a horizon- tal piece of timber projecting from the inside of a wall. hammer-clotli (-kloth), n, the cloth which covers a coach-box. iiammock ('ok), n. a swinging bed usually of network or canvas. hamper ('per), n. a large wicker- work basket for carrying food, &c. ; the rigging of a ship : v.t. to put into, or inclose in, a hamper ; em- barrass ; perplex ; impede. hamshackle ('shak'H, v.t. fasten the head of an animal to one of its fore- legs, as a horse. hamster ('ster), n. a species of grain- storing rat with two cheek-pouches and a short tail. hamstring ('string), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. hamstrung, p.pr. hamstringing], to lame by cutting the tendons of the ham : n.pl. the strong sinews at the back of the knee. hand (hand), n. the divided and ter- minal extremity of the human arm connected with the wrist, a similar organ terminating the fore-limb of certain animals ; something resem- bling a hand in appearance or use ; a measure of 4 in. ; dexterity in manipulation or performance ; right or left side ; possession ; style of writing ; an employg who labors with his hands ; a sailor ; cards held ; a game ; pledge of betrothal ; near- ness ; gain ; advantage ; agency of ; index of any kind ; turn of a player to serve the ball at tennis, &c. ; a shoulder of pork : v.t. to give or transmit with, or as with, the hand ; assist or lead with the hand : adj. pertaining to, ^ used by, the hand. handicraft ('i-kraft), n. the work or skill of an artificer ; manual skill, or labor : adj. pertaining to manual la- bor. handily (han'di-li), adv. in a handy manner. handiness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being handy. handiwork (-werk), n. work done, or produced by, the hands. handkerchief (hang'ker-c hif ) , n. a ate, iirm, ask, at, awl pocket handkerchief ; a silk or cot- ton square for the neck. handle (hand'l), n. that part of a tool, vessel, &c., grasped by the hand ; an instrument or occasion : v.t. to touch or feel with the hand ; manage ; manipulate ; discourse on ; act toward or treat ; buy, sell, or in- vest in : v.i. to work with the hands. handmaid ('mad), n. a female serv- ant or attendant. Also handmaiden. handscrew ('skroo), n. a lifting-jack. handsel ('sel), n. an earnest given to make good a contract ; the act of using anything for the first time ; a gift, especially at the time of the New Year : v.t. to give a handsel to ; use or do for the first time. handsome ('sum), pleasing to look upon ; well-formed ; elegantly dressed ; graceful ; liberal ; gener- ous ; ample. handy ('i), adj. [comp. handier, su- perl. handiest], dexterous; skilful; convenient ; close at hand ; manage- able. hang (hang), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. hung, hanged, p.pr. hanging], to suspend; to fasten to something so as to be movable ; suspend by the neck ; cause to droop ; display ; show aloft ; attach or fasten ; furnish with orna- ments or drapery suspended or fas- tened to the walls, &c. ; catch fast : v.i. to be suspended ; bend forward ; be dependent upon ; dangle ; cling ; be in a deadlock : n. method of hang- ing ; manner of doing or using ; gen- eral tendency ; slope. hangar (ahng'gahr), n. a shed or shelter for housing aeroplanes, bal- loons and all other air-craft. hangdog ('dog), adj. of degraded or sneaking appearance. hanger ('er), n. one who hangs; that by which something is hung or sus- pended ; a kind of cutlass. hanging ('ing), p. adj. suspended or dangling ; suggesting or involving death by hanging: n. the. act of put- ting to death by the punishment of the halter : pi. drapery for a room. hangman ('man), n. [pi. hangmen ('men)], a public executioner. hangnail ('nal), n. a small piece of me, merge, met; mite, book; hue, hut; think, mit ; tliQn. note, north, not ; boon. !han 401 bar skin hanging from the root of a fin- ger-nail ; an agnail. lianif (ha-nef), n. an orthodox Mo- hammedan ; a monotheistic Arab, before the time of Mohammed. liank (hangk), n. two or more skeins of thread, silk, wool, &c., fastened together ; one of the wooden rings to which a fore-and-aft sail is bent ; a withy or rope for fastening a gate : v.t. to form into .hanks. hanker i'er), v.i. to desire eagerly (with after). kanky-panky ('ki-pang'ki), n. jug- glery : adj. tricky ; cheating. lianse (bans), n. a confederacy of merchants or commercial towns. Hanseatic (-e-at'ik), adj. pertaining to the Hanse towns or their confed- eracy. Hanse tojxrn (toun), n. a town con- federated with another for mutual trade and protection. kansom ('sum), n. a two-wheeled cab. kap (hap), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. happed, p.pr. happing], to happen ; befall cas- ually : v.t. cover or wrap [Scotch] : n. chance ; a casual event ; a cloak or wrapper [Scotch]. hapkazard ('haz-ard), n. chance; accident : adv. by chance. hapless (hap'les), adj. unfortunate; unlucky ; unhappy. kaploma ('lo-ma), n. an outer cloth for an altar. kaply ('li), adv. by chance; perhaps. kappen ('n), i;.i. to chance; occur. kappily ('i-li), adv. successfully; by good fortune ; felicitously. happiness ('i-nes), n. the state of being happy ; good fortune : felici- tousness. happy ('i), adj. [comp. happier, superl. happiest], enjoying pleasure or good ; successful ; prosperous ; lucky ; living in concord ; satisfied ; propitious ; felicitous. haptic ('tik), adj. relating to the sense of touch. harakiri (hii'ra-ke-ri), n. formerly, in Japan, a method of suicide by rip- ping open the bowels, permitted to nobles and military officers so as to escape the indignity of a public exe- cution or official disgrace. Called also happy despatch : hari-kari (wrongly) . karangue (ha-rang'), n. a public ad- dress or oration, especially extem- pore : v.i. to deliver a harangue : v.t. to address by a harangue. karass (har'as), v.t. to annoy or vex; fatigue or weary with labor or im- portunity ; to tire out and annoy an enemy by incessant petty attacks. karassing (-ing), p.adj. fatiguing; annoying. karassment (-ment), n. the act of harassing ; the state of being har- assed. karbinger (har'bin-jer), n. a pre- cursor ; forerunner : v.t. announce ; foretell ; usher in. karbor ('ber), n. a port or haven for ships ; any place of refuge or safety ; formerly an inn or lodging : v.t. to shelter or protect ; cherish. karborage (-aj), n. a port or anchor- age for ships. kard (hard), adj. compact and solid; firm ; not easy to be pierced or broken ; unyielding ; difficult of ac- complishment ; laborious ; fatiguing ; cruel ; oppressive ; severe ; keen ; austere ; inflexible ; unfeeling ; ex- acting ; not easily granted ; rough ; coarse ; unprosperous ; uttered gut- turally ; stiff or formal : adv. forci- bly ; laboriously ; diligently ; tem- pestuously ; closely ; near ; roughly ; to the utmost extent ; so as to be- come hard ; with vexation, trouble, or sorrow : n. a roadv^ay of hard ma- terial by the sea; a pier or landing- place : pi. the refuse of flax or wool ; alum and salt mixed together, used for giving a white color to bread. karden ('n), v.t. to make hard or harder ; confirm in impudence or wickedness ; toughen ; inure : v.i. to become hard or harder. kardikood ('i-hood), n. effrontery; boldness ; physical endurance. kardily ('i-li), adv. with hardihood. kard-labor ('la-ber), n. work im- posed as an additional punishment to a term of imprisonment. kardly ('li), adv. with difficulty; scarcely ; vigorously ; severely ; with- out delicacy ; coarsely : unfavorably. kardness ('nes), n. the quality of being hard. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. bar 402 har bard-pan ('pan), n. in mining, a stratum of gravel or sand ; a solid foundation. hardship ('ship), n. oppression; se- vere labor or want ; injustice. hard-tack ('tak), n. large hard cracker or biscuit baked for army and navy use. hardware ('war), n. manufactured articles of metal. hare (har), n. a rodent, with long ears and a short tail, larger than a rabbit, characterized by its great timidity. harebell ('bel), n. a species of cam- panula, the bluebell of Scotland. harebrained ('brand), adj. volatile; wild. barefoot ('foot), n. a long narrow foot ; a fast runner. barebound ('hound), n. a harrier. harelip ('lip), n. a malformation of the upper lip, which is divided in the middle. harem (ha' or ha'rem), n. the apart- ments of the women and children in a Mohammedan house ; the wives and concubines of a Mohammedan. Also hareem, haram. hare's-foot (harz'foot), n. a species of fern ; a kind of clover ; the foot of a hare used in making up by actors. hare's-tail ('tal), n. a species of cot- ton-grass allied to the bulrushes. haricot (har'iko), n. a kind of stew of meat and vegetables ; the kidney- bean. hark (hark), v.i. to listen. Also harken. harlequin (har'le-kwin), n. the per- former in a pantomime who wears parti-colored garments and carries a talismanic wand : adj. fantasic or full of trickery ; parti-colored : v.i. to make fun by sportive tricks. harlequinade (-ad'), n. that part of a pantomime in which the harlequin appears : an extravaganza. harlot ('lot), n. a prostitute. harlotry (-ri), n. the trade or prac- tice of prostitution. harm (harm), n. injury; hurt; dam- age ; moral evil or wrong-doing : v.t. to inflict hurt, damage, or injury upon. barmel ( 'mel ) , n. an herb of the rue family used in the East as a vermi- fuge and disinfectant. harmful (harm'fool), adj. hurtful; injurious. harmfully (-li), adv. injuriously. harmonic (har-mon'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or producing, harmony ; mu- sical ; concordant ; harmonious ; also harmonical : n.pl. the science of mu- sical sounds. harmonica (-mon'i-ka), n. a musical instrument the tones of which are produced by friction from a number of musical glasses filled to various heights with water ; a mouth-organ ; an oblong musical instrument con- sisting of a number of glass slips which are struck by a mallet. Also harmonicon. harmonically ('ik-al-li), adv. in a harmonic manner. harmonic triad (tri'ad) , n. the com- mon chord, consisting of its third and perfect fifth. _ harmonious (-mo'ni-us), adj. con- cordant ; musical ; symmetrical. barmonipbon (-mon'i-fon), n. a musical wind instrument with reeds and a keyboard. harmonize ('mo-niz), v.t. to render harmonious ; cause to agree ; recon- cile : v.i. to agree ; be in peace and friendship ; correspond. harmonist ('mo-nlst), n. one who is skilled in harmony ; an expounder of the harmony of the Scriptures, espe- cially of the Gospels. harmonium (-mo'ni-um), n. a reed- organ. harmony ('mo-ni), n. [pi. harmonies (-niz)], the quality of being pleas- ing to the ear ; unison ; just adapta- tion of parts to one another, so as to form a connected whole ; accord in feeling, sentiment, &c. ; a literary work showing the agreement be- tween parallel or similar histories or passages. harness ('nes), n. the working gear of a horse ; the accoutrement and armor of a knight ; any arrange- ment, as of straps, &c., for perform- ing some mechanical operation: v.t.. to put harness upon ; equip, as a knight. ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; thinks then. Bar 403 liat barp (harp), n. a musical stringed instrument of triangular shape, played with the fingers : v.i. to play on the harp ; dwell tediously or per- sistently on some particular subject (with on or upon). ' ' harping ('ing), n. the act of playing upon a harp : pi. the breadth of a ship at the bow. i harpoon (-poon'), n. a long barb- I headed spear having a line attached to the staff, for striking and killing whales ; v.t, to strike with a har- poon. harpsichord ('si-kord), n. a stringed instrument with a keyboard, the precursor of the pianoforte. harpy ('i), n. [_pl. harpies ('iz)], in classical mythology, one of three winged monsters, the daughters of Neptune and Terra, with a woman's face, and the body and sharp claws of a vulture, exceedingly rapacious and filthy : hence, an extortioner ; a large crested American eagle. harridan (har'i-dan), n. an ugly ill- tempered old woman. harrier ('i-er), n. a variety of dog used for hunting hares ; a species of hawk. harroiv ('o), n. an agricultural in- strument for breaking up ciods and casting earth upon sown land : v.t. to break up, tear, or draw over with a harrow; lacerate or torment. harry ('i), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. harried, p.pr. harrying], to plunder, lay waste ; annoy or vex ; tease ; harass : v.i. to make predatory raids. harsh (harsh), adj. discordant; jar- ring ; rough to the ear, taste, or touch ; austere. hart (hart), n. the male of the red deer. hartbeest ('best), n. a large African antelope. hartshorn (z'horn), n. the antler of a hart ; a volatile preparation of ammonia. hart's-tongue ('tung), n. a British fern. harum-scarum ( har'um - skar'um ) , Qdj. g^iddy ; wild ; reckless ; untidy. liaruspex (ha-rus'peks), n. [pi. ha- rnspices ('pi-sez)], an ancient Ro- man diviner or soothsayer who fore- told events by inspecting the entrails of sacrificial victims. Also aruspex. harvest (hiir'vest), n. the season of reaping and gathering in che har- vest : v.t. to gather in, as corn ; reap. harvest-home (-hom), n. a harvest festival. harvest-moon (-moon), n. the full moon which falls near the time of the autumnal equinox, about Sept. 23. harvest-mouse (-mous), n. a small field mouse which builds a round nest in the stalks of corn. hash (hash), n. a dish of meat cut and cooked with vegetables ; a mix- ture : v.t. to chop small and mix. hashish ('esh), n. an intoxicant made from Indian hemp ; bhang. haslet (has'let), n. the liver, heart, and lungs of a sheep. hasp (hasp), n. a clasp folded over a staple and secured with a padlock: v.t. to shut or secure with a hasp. hassock (has'ok), n. a padded mat or cushion for kneeling upon in church, &c. ; a kneeler. hast, 2nd per., sing., pres.t. of have. haste (hast), n. quickness of move- ment ; celerity ; speed ; urgency ; pre- cipitancy ; vehemence : v.t. to has- ten. hasten (ha'sn), v.t. to cause to make haste ; hurry ; urge forward : v.i. to move wtih speed ; be quick. hastily ('sti-li), adv. in a hasty man- ner. hasty Csti), adj. [comp. hastier, superl. hastiest] , precipitate ; quick ; speedy ; eager ; vehement ; rash. hasty-pudding ( -pud-ing ), w. a pud- ding of flour or meal and water or milk stirred together and boiled. hat (hat), n. a covering for the head, with a crown and brim ; a cardinal's rank and dignity. hatband ('band), n. a band worn round the hat ; a black cloth band worn as a token of mourning. hatch (hach), v.t. to produce (young) from eggs ; plot or contrive ; shade by narrow lines ; close with, or as with, a hatch : n. the number of young produced from eggs at a sit- ting ; brood ; plot ; a narrow line in ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, iTien. tat 404 "havr engraving, or drawing ; a door with an opening over it ; a half-door : pi. doors or openings by which a de- scent is made from one deck of a ship to another. hatclL-boat ('hot), n. a half-decked fishing-vessel with a well for holding fish. \ liatcliery ('er-i), n. a place where eggs are artificially hatched, espe- cially those of fish. hatchet C.et), n. a small axe. hatching ('ing), w. a kind of draw- ing or engraving by narrow parallel or crossed lines. hatchi^ient ('ment),M. the escutcheon or armorial bearings of a deceased person, placed in front of his house, on a tomb, in a church, &c. hatchway (Va), n. a rectangular opening in the deck of a vessel for passage below. hate (hat), v.t. to dislike intensely; abhor ; detest : n. hatred. hateful ( 'fool ) , adj. causing hate. hatefully (-li), adv. in a hateful manner. hatred ('red), n. bitter aversion: continued hostility of feeling ; detes- tation. hatted (hat'ed), adj. wearing a hat. hatter ('er), n. a maker of hats. hanhergeon (haw'ber-jun), n. a short hauberk. hauberk ('berk), n. a coat of armor formed of steel rings, reaching be- low the knees. haughtily (haw'ti-li), adv. in a haughty manner. haughty ('ti), adj. [comp. haughtier, superl. haughtiest], proud and dis- dainful ; supercilious ; contemptuous. haul (hawl), v.t. to pull or draw with force ; transport by drawing ; v.i. to change the course of a ship ; shift : said of the wind : n. a strong pull ; draught of a net ; quantity caught at one time; distance over which anything is drawn. haulage ('aj), n. the act or process of hauling; charges for hauling. hauler (hawl'er), n. one who, or that which, hauls. haulm (hawm), n. the stalks or stems of grain, beans, &c. ; stubble. haunch (hanch), n. the fleshy part of the hip and buttock ; a joint of venison or mutton ; shoulder of an , arch. haunt (hant), n. a place of accus- tomed resort : v.t. to visit frequently or habitually ; trouble with frequent visits, as an apparition. hautboy (ho'boi), n. a wind instru- ment of the flute class : the oboe. hauteur (ho-toor'), n. haughty bear- ing or spirit. ' Havana (ha-van'a), n. a cigar made of Cuban tobacco. have (hav), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. had, p.pr. having], to possess; take; hold or bear ; enjoy ; desire ; be obliged ; bring forth ; cheat ; obtain the ad- vantage of. haven (ha'vn), n. a sheltered anchor- age for ships ; harbor ; place of shel- ter and safety. haversack (hav'er-sak), n, a strong coarse linen bag in which soldiers carry their rations when marching. haversian canals (ha-ver'si-an ka'- nalz), n.pl. small longitudinal canals in the bones conveying the vessels of nutrition. havildar ('il-dar), n. a native ser- geant of an Indian infantry regi- ment. having ('ing), n. the act or state of possession. havoc ('ok), n. wide and general dd struction ; devastation. haw (haw), n. the fruit of various species of hawthorn ; an excrescence under the third eyelid of a horse ; a hedge or inclosure; a hesitation in speech. Hawaiian (ha-wi'yan), adj. pertain- ing to Hawaii, its inhabitants, or language. hawfinch (haw'finch), w. the common grosbeak. hawk (hawk), n. a name for various - species of raptorial birds allied to the eagles and falcons ; a forcible ef- fort to clear the throat of phlegm ; a square board, with a short handle, for holding mortar : v.t. to cry, or carry about, for sale : v.i. to make a forcible effort to cough up phlegm ; to fly trained hawks at birds on the wing. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, n6rth, not; boon, book; hUe, hut; think, i/ien. liaw 4Uo !hea liawkbill ('bil), n. a marine turtle that furnishes tortoiseshell : so named from its curved upper jaw. baivker ('er), n. one who cries and sells goods in the streets ; peddler ; falconer. hawk-eyed ('id), adj. keen sighted like a hawk. bawkmoth ('moth), n. a large moth whose flight somewhat resembles that of a hawk. kaivk-iveed ('wed), n. a plant of the aster family with yellow flowers. / Iiawok (ha'wok), n. the shell money of the aborigines of California. liawse (hawz), n. that part of a ship's • bows where the hawse-holes are sit- uated. hawse-hole ( 'hoi ) , n. one of the two holes under a ship's bow through which the cable passes when the ves- sel is moored. hawser ('er), n. a thick rope or cable. hawthorn (haw'thorn), n. sl prickly shrub or tree of the rose family. hay (ha), n. grass, clover, &c., cut and dried for fodder. haycock ( 'kok) , a conical pile of hay. hay-fever ('fe-ver), n. a catarrh, ac- companied by itching, sneezing, slight fever, and pains in the head. haymow ('mow), n. a mass of hay laid up in a barn. Haytian (ha'ti-an), adj. pertaining to Hayti or its inhabitants. Also I Haitian. j hazard (haz'ard), n. chance; acci- dent ; risk ; danger ; a dice game ; a stroke at billiards : v.t. to run the risk of ; chance ; put in peril. hazardous (-us), adj. risky; peril- ous. haze (haz), n. a slight fog or mist; dimness of sight or knowledge : v.i. to be foggy or misty : v.t. pursue or 1 I harass by overwork or unpleasant j tasks ; play practical jokes upon, ^ ' especially of a severe kind. hazel ('1), n. a shrub or tree of the genus Corylus, bearing an edible nut. haziness ('i-nes), n. the state of be- ing hazy. hazy ('i), adj. misty; obscure. he (he), pr. [pi. they (tha)], the masculine pronoun of the 3rd per- son : n. SL male. hea (he'a), n. a tree of the Pacific Islands bearing a fruit from which a red stain is obtained. head (hed), n. the uppermost part of the body of an animal that contains the face, brain, &c. ; chief or princi- pal part of anything ; an individual ; leader or commander ; place of honor or authority ; top ; fore-par^ ; the understanding or intellect ; princi- pal topic ; a division ; origin or source ; pitch ; crisis or height ; static or latent force ; froth : adj. princi- pal or chief ; acting against the front : v.t. to lead or direct ; take the first place in ; get in front of ; direct the course of ; oppose ; strain : v.i. to move forward ; come to, or form, a head. headed ('ed), adj. having a head; noting understanding or intellect (much used in composition, as clear- headed, wrong-headed, &c.) . header ('er), n. a plunge or fa!! fore- most ; one who puts heads on, as in pin-making ; a machine, &c., for making or removing heads ; a brick or stone with its short face in front. headfast ('fast), n. a rope at the bow of a ship to secure to a wharf, &c. heading ('ing), n. a title; material from which casks' heads are made ; the strip on a piece of embroidery, for sewing on to a garment ; the adit of a mine. headland ('land), n. a promontory. headline ('lin), n. a line of type dis- played conspicuously at the top of a page, chapter, column of a newspa- per, &c. : pi. the ropes at the head of a sail by which it is secured to the yard. headlong ('long), adv. head fore- most ; rashly ; piecipitously : adj. rash ; precipitate ; violent ; thought- less. headsman (z'man), n. an execution- er. headstrong ('strong), adj. ungov- ernable ; selr willed. headwind ('wind), n. a contrary wind. heady (hed'i), adj. precipitate; in- toxicating. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not , boon, ^ book ; hue, hut ; think, then. bea 406 Ilea heal (hel), v.t. to restore to health; cure ; make sound ; reconcile : v.i. to become well or sound. healing ('ing), p.adj. curative. health, (helth), n. freedom from bod- ily pain or disease ; vigor of mind ; moral purity ; righteousness ; heal- ing power ; a toast or pledge. healthful ('fool), adj. promoting health ; salubrious. healthfully (-li), adv. in a healthful manner. healthiness ('i-nes), n. the state of being healthy. healthy ('i), adj. [comp. healthier, superl. healthiest], noting a sound condition of body ; enjoying, or con- tributing, to health. heap (hep), n. a pile or collection of things thrown together ; a quantity ; accumulation ; crowd : v.t. to form into a heap ; pile up ; aggregate ; amass. hear (her), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. heard, p.pr. hearing], to perceive by the ear ; attend or listen to ; give heed to ; obey ; accede to the wishes of ; attend judicially : v.i. to have the sense of hearing ; be told of. hearing ('ing), n. the sense by which sound is perceived ; audience ; judi- cial investigation. hearken, same as harken. hearsay ('sa), n. rumor or report: adj. second hand. hearse (hers), n. a vehicle for the conveyance of dead bodies to the grave. heart (hart), n. the organ in animals by the muscular contraction and di- lation of which the blood is circu- lated through the arteries, &c. ; the vital, inner, or chief part of any- thing ; the seat of the affections and passions ; emotion ; tenderness ; af- fection ; courage ; will ; spirit ; en- ergy ; power ; resolution ; secret thoughts ; conscience ; one of a suit of cards marked with one or more red hearts ; a variety of cherry : pi. a card game. heartache ('ak), n. sorrow; pang; grief. heart-broken ('bro-ken), adj. over- whelmingly grieved. heartburn ('bern), n. a burning af- fection of the esophagus, caused by acidity of the stomach. hearted ('ed), adj. having a heart (used in compounds, denoting gen- erally affections, qualities, &c., as good-hearted, &c.) . hearten ('n), v.t. to give courage to; inspirit. hearth (harth), n. that part of a room where the fire is made : hence the family circle. heartily ('i-li), adv. cordially; ener- getically. heartiness ('i-nes), n. cordiality; vigor. heartsease (z'ez), n. the pansy. heartseed ('sed), n. a climbing plant with seeds marked with a heart- shaped scar. hearty (hart'i), adj. [comp. heartier, superl. heartiest], cordial; sincere; open ; warm ; strong ; vigorous ; good-natured ; kind ; healthy ; having a keen appetite. heat (het), n. the sensation produced by a hot body ; caloric ; the state of being hot ; effervescence ; agitation of sudden or violent passion ; ardor ; vehemence ; redness or flush of the face ; a course at a race ; hot weath- er : v.t. to make hot ; warm ; excite with passion or desire ; make fever- ish ; animate : v.i. to become hot or warm. heater ('er), n. one who, or that which, heats, as various mechanical contrivances. heath (heth), n. a small evergreen flowering shrub with rose-colored flowers growing on moorlands, &c. ; heather ; moorland, especially with heath growmg upon it. heathen (he'//m), n. one who is ig- norant of the true God ; a pagan ; idolater ; a rude, irreligious, uncul- tured person. heathendom, (-dom), n. the state or condition of being a heathen ; that part of the world inhabited by heathens. heathenish (-ish), adj. pertaining to heathens ; rude ; ignorant, or uncul- tured. heathenism (-izm), n. ignorance of the true God ; paganism ; idolatry. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Ilea 407 hed heatlieiiize (-iz), v.t. to render heathen. lieatlier (heth'erj, same as heath. lieatliy (heth'i), adj. pertaining to, resembling, or abounding in, heath. heave (hev), v.t. to hoist or lift up; force from the breast, as a sigh ; cause to swell ; throw : v.t. to be lifted up ; swell ; rise and fall alter- nately ; struggle or toil ; pant ; vomit : n. an effort or exertion up- wards ; lift ; the act of throwing ; swell or rising ; haul ; struggle, ef- fort to vomit. iieaven (hev'n), n. the abode of God and the blessed ; the firmanent or sky ; a state or condition of bliss. Heaven, n. the Supreme Being. heavenliness (-li-nes), n. supreme excellence. Iieavenly (-li), adj. pertaining to, or resembling, heaven ; celestial ; di- vine ; supremely excellent. lieaver (hev'er), n. one who, or that which, lifts or heaves, especially one who loads or unloads goods, coal, &c. heaviness (hev'i-nes), n. the quality of being heavy ; dejection ; grief. heavy ('i), adj. [comp. heavier, sw- perl. heaviest], ponderous; weighty; oppressive ; grievous ; laborious ; ob- structive ; depressed ; dull ; dense ; powerful ; loud ; indigestible ; clayey : adv. heavily [Foet.]. heavy-spar (-spar), n. sulphate of barium. Hebraic (he-bra'ik), adj. pertaining to the Hebrews, the Jewish language or literature. Hebraicize ('i-siz), v.t. to convert into the Hebrew idiom : v.i. to speak Hebrew, or adopt Hebrew customs. Also Hebraize (-ize). Hebraism (•'izm), n. a Hebrew idiom, or a characteristic of the Hebrews. Hebraist (-ist), n. one who is learned in the Hebrew language and litera- ture. Hebrew ('broo), adj. pertaining to the Hebrews, a Semitic race ; Jew- ish : n. the Hebrew language ; a Jew. Hebrewess (-es), n. a Jewess. Hecate (hek'a-te), n. an ancient threefold Grecian deity possessing power over heaven, earth, and the under-world. hecate, n. a witch ; a hag. becato, a prefix meaning a hundrea^ Also hecaton, hect, hecto. hecatomb ('a-toom), n. a sacrifice of a hundred oxen ; any large sac- rifice or slaughter. heck (hek), n. a rack for fodder; lat- ticework ; a latticework grating for catching or hanging fish upon ; a bend in a stream. hectare ('tar), n. in the metric sys- tem, a French land measure = 100 ares, of 2.47 acres. hectic ('tik), adj. constitutional; slow, but of long continuance ; per- taining to hectic fever ; feverish : n. a remittent fever accompanying con- sumption, characterized by a bright pink spot or flush on the cheeks. hectogramme ('to-gram), n. in ^he metric system, a French weight = 100 grammes, or 3.53 ounces. hectograph ('to-graf), n. an appa- ratus for multiplying copies of a letter or drawing, &c. hectoliter ('to-le-tr), n. in the met- ric system, a French liquid measure = 100 liters, or 26.42 gallons. hectometer ('to-me-tr), n. in the metric system, a French measure of length = 100 meters, or 328 feet, 1 inch. hector ('ter), v.t. to bully or blus- ter : from Hector, the Trojan hero. hectostere ('to-ster), n. in the met- ric system, a French cubic measure = 100 cubic meters. heddles (hed'dlz), n.pl. in a loom, the harness for guiding the warp threads. hedge (hej), n. a fence of bushes or shrubs : v.t. to inclose with a hedge ; encircle ; invest : v.i. to bet on both sides, so that the possibility of loss will be diminished ; skulk : adj. mean ; contemptible ; of the lowest class. hedgehog ('hog), n. an insectivorous mammal covered on the back with spines or prickles. hedonic (he-don'ik), adj. pertaining to hedonism. hedonism ('do-nizm), n. the doctrine that pleasure is the chief end of life. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Iiee 408 nel Heed, (bed), v,t. to regard with care; take notice of ; mind ; attend ; re- gard : n. carefvil attention ; regard ; caution. heedful ('fool), adj. cautious; at- tentive. heedfully (-li), adv. cautiously; at- tentively. lieehaw ('haw), v.i. to bray like an ass : n. the bray of an ass. lieel (hel), n. the hinder part of the foot ; the hinder part of a boot, shoe, or stocking ; anything shaped like a heel : v.t. to furnish with a heel : v.i. lean on one side, as a ship. h.eel'hall ('bawl), n. a black waxy composition used for blacking the heels of shoes, &c., and for obtain- ing ruDbiugs of brasses, &c. lieeler ('er), n. a political hanger-on. lieeling; ('ing), n. the degree of in- clination of a vessel from the per- pendicular. teel-tap ('tap), n. a small thickness of leather for a shoe-heel. lieft (heft), n. a handle; an effort; weight ; the greater part or bulk : v.t. to try the weight of by lifting or holding in the hand. Hegira (he-ji'ra), n. the flight of Mohammed from Mecca to Medina (602 A.D.). Also Hejira. liegleek (heg'lek), n. an African tree yielding an edible fruit, from which an intoxicating drink is made by the natives. heifer (hef'er), n. a young cow. !heigli-!ho (hi'ho), inter j. an expres- sion of languor or uneasiness. lieiglit (hit), n. altitude; elevation; highest state or degree ; an eminence or hill ; summit ; stature. heighten ('en), v.t. to make high or higher ; elevate ; intensify ; set ofE ; increase ; aggravate ; improve. heinous (ha'nus), adj. atrocious; extremely wicked; flagrant. heir (ar), n. one who succeeds an- other in the possession of property, title, ofiice, mental gifts, &c. heir-apparent (-ap-pa'rent), n. one whose right to succeed is indefeasi- ble at law if he outlives his ancestor. heiress ('es), n. a female heir. heirloom ('loom), n. any movable or personal chattel, which by its connection with an estate descends to the heir. heir-presumptive (-pre-zump'tiv) , n. one who will succeed as heir if his right is not barred by the birth of one nearer in succession than him- self. hejira, same as hegira. held (held), p.t. of hold. heliac (he'li-ak), adj. pertaining to the sun ; emerging from, or passing into, the light of the sun. Also heli- acal, heliacally (-li'a-kal-li), adv. in a heliacal manner. Helianthus (he-li-an'thus), n. a ge- nus of plants to which the sunflower belongs. helic, a prefix meaning spiral. Also helico. helical (hel'i-kal), adj. spiral-shaped. helicoid ('i-koid), adj. coiled like the shell of a snail : n. a spirally-curved geometrical figure. helio, a prefix meaning sun, caused hy, or like, the sun or sunlight, as heliogva.-ph, an instrument for tak- ing a photograph of the sun, or foi signaling by reflecting sunlight fron;. one mirror to another. heliocentric (he-li-o-sen'trik), adj. having the sun as the center. heliochrome ('li-6-krom), n. a pho- tograph in natural colors. heliochromotype ('o-tip), n. a pho- tograph reproducing the color of the subject. heliochromy (-ok'ro-mi), n. the arl or process of obtaining photographs in natural colors. heliograph, see under helio. heliogravure (-grav'ur), n. photo- engraving or -etching;. heliolatry (-ol'a-tri), n. worship of the sun. heliometer (-om'e-ter), n. a microm- eter for measuring small angles in the heavens. heliophag ('li-o-fag), n. that part of an animal that absorbs sunlight. helioscene ('li-o-sen), n. a kind of sun-blind. helioscope ('li-6-skop), n. a form of refracting telescope for observing the sun. ate, arm, 4sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; booDf book ; hue, hut ; think, then hel 409 liem ]ieliosi» (-o'sis), n. the production of spots on leaves by the continued action of the sun's rays ; sunstroke. lieliostat ('li-6-stat), w. an instru- ment by which signaling is carried on by means of a mirror, moved by clockwork. lieliotrope ( 'li-o-trop ) , n. a plant whose flowers follow the course of the sun ; a green-colored variety of chalcedony with small red spots ; bloodstone , the color of the flowers of heliotrope, bluish-pink. lieliotropic (-li-o-trop'ik), adj. char- acterized by heliotropism. Also he- liotropical, heliotropism (-ot'ro-pizm), n. the movements of flowers or leaves to- wards the sun. teliotype ('li-o-tTp), n. an impres- sion from a photograph taken on a gelatine plate hardened with alum. lieliiim ('li-um), n. an element first discovered in the spectrum of the sun and supposed to be peculiar to that body. It has recently been discovered on the earth, and a gas arising from radium has been ob- served to change into this element. helix ('liks), n. [pi. helices (hel'i- sez)], a spiral line, as of a line coiled round ; a circumvolution ; the margin of the external ear ; a small volute ; a genus of molluscs, con- taining the shell snails. hell (hel), n. the place of the dead or of departed souls (more correctly Hades) ; the place of punishment for the wicked after death : hence any place or condition of extreme misery or evil ; a gambling-house. hellebore ('e-bor), n. the Christmas rose. Hellene ('en), n. a Greek. Hellenic (he-len'ik), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, the ancient Hellenes or Greeks, or to Grecian art and literature. Hellenism (hel'en-izm), n. a Greek idiom ; Grecian culture and the love of the beautiful in art, &c. Hellenist ('en-ist), n. a Jew who spoke Greek ; one learned in Greek. Hellenize ('en-iz), v.t. to cause to conform to Greek standards or usages ; make Hellenic. helm (helm), n. the apparatus for steering a ship ; tiller ; the place of its direction and government ; a hel- met [Poet.] : v.t. to guide or con- duct. helmet ('et), n. metal or leather ar- mor for the head ; the hooded upper lip of a flower. helminthology ( hel-min-thol'o-ji ) , n. that branch of zoology that treats of worms. helo, a prefix meaning nail, occurring in various scientific words, as helo- dont, having nail-like teeth ; helo- derm, a Mexican poisonous lizard with nail-like scales. helot (hel'ot, or he'lot), n. a slave in ancient Sparta ; slave or serf. helotry (hel'ot-ri), n. the condition of a helot ; body of helots. Also helotage. help (help), v.t. to give assistance to ; aid ; support ; sustain ; succor ; relieve ; avoid ; prevent ; distribute food to at table ; remedy ; cure : v.i. to lend aid ; be available or useful : n. assistance ; aid ; support ; succor ; relief ; that which forwards or pro- motes ; a portion of food served at a meal ; a hired servant. helpful ('fool), adj. affording help. helter-skelter (hel'ter-skel'ter), adv. in hurry and confusion. helve (helv), n. the handle of an axe, &c. Helvetian (hel-ve'shan), adj. per- taining to Switzerland : n. a Swiss. Also Helvetic. hem (hem), w. the edge of a garment doubled and sewn ; an ejaculatory sound : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. hemmed, p. pr. hemming], to form a hem on; to shut in ; environ : v.i. utter the ejaculation hem. hema, a prefix meaning Mood, occur- ring in many scientific words. Alsc> hem, hemato, hsema, hsem, hsemato ' hematin (nem'a-tin), n. the red col- oring matter in the blood. Also haematin. hemi» a prefix meaning half, as hemi* sphere, half a sphere or globe. heniicrania (hem'i-kra-ni-a), n. a pain on one side of the head. hemihedral (-he'dral), adj. having ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; bo6n, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Iiexii 410 her only half the normal number of planes or faces : said of crystals. liemiopia (-i-o'pi-S,), n. sl defect in vision in which only the half of an object is seen. hemiplegia (-ple'ji-a), n. paralysis of one side of the body. hemispliere, see under hemi. hemistich (-stik), n. in poetry, an incomplete line, or the half of a line. hemlock (hem'lok), n. sl wild poi- sonous plant of the parsley family : hemlock spruce, an evergreen tree of the pine family : the lumber made from the hemlock tree. hemmer ('er), n. one who, or that which, hems ; an attachment to a sewing machine for hemming. hemming ('ing), n. the action of the verb to hem ; hems collectively. hemo, see hsema. hemoglobin (hem-o-glo'bin), w. 'an albuminoid substance in the blood forming the chief constituent of the red corpuscles. hemoptysis (-op'ti-sis), n. spitting of blood. hemorrhage (hem'o-raj), n. bleed- ing from the lungs, arteries, veins, &c. hemorrhoids ('o-roidz), n.pl. bleed- ing piles. hemp (hemp), n. a plant of the net- tle family, the tough fiber of which is used for cordage and various kinds of coarse linen ; in the East, a narcotic and intoxicant, hashish (q.v.), is obtained from hemp. hempen ('en), adj. pertaining to, or made of, hemp. hemstitch ('stich), n. a particular kind of ornamental stitching. hen (hen), n. the female of a bird, especially the domestic fowl. henbane ('ban), n. a poisonous coarse hairy wild herb of the night- shade family deadly to fowls. hence (hens), adv. from this place, source, or time ; in consequence of this . inter j. away ! begone ! henchman (hench'man), n. [pi. henchmen ('men) ], formerly, a male attendant or servant ; groom ; one who serves in a political campaign under another for pecuniary consid- erations. hendeca, a prefix meaning eleven, as /lendecahedron, a solid figure having eleven plane faces. hendecagon (hen-dek'a-gon), n. a plane figure having eleven sides and eleven angles. hendecasyllable (-sil'a-bl), n. a metrical line or verse of eleven syl- lables. henna ('a), n. a tropical shrub from the powdered leaves of which a cos- metic paste is made : used in the East to dye the nails, hair, &c., a reddish-orange color. henpecked ('pekt), adj. governed by one's wife. hepar (he'par), n. sulphide of cal- cium. hepat, a prefix meaning the liver. Also hepato, as hepatocele, hernia of the liver. hepatic (he-pat'ik), adj. pertaining to the liver. hepatite (hep'a-tit), n. foetid sul- phate of barium. hepatocele, see under hepat. hepatogastric (he-pat-o-gas'trik) , adj. pertaining to the liver and the stomach. hept, a prefix meaning seven. Also hepta, as heptachord, a series of seven notes ; a seven-stringed musi- cal instrument. heptad (hep'tad), n. a chemical atom or element that has the equivalence of seven atoms of hydrogen. heptaglot ('ta-glot), adj. written in seven languages. heptagon ('ta-gon), n. a plane figure having seven sides and seven angles. heptagonal (-tag'o-nal), adj. having seven sides or seven angles. heptahedron (-he'dron), n. a solid figure with seven sides. heptahexahedral (-heks-a-he'dral) , adj. having seven ranges of faces one above the other, each range containing six faces. heptarchy ('tark-i), n. [pi. hep- tarchies (-iz)], a government by seven rulers, especially the seven Anglo-Saxon kingdoms estblished in England. her (her), pron. the objective and possessive case of the personal pro- noun she. ate, iirm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. her 411 hev herakla (he-rak'la), n. an antelope of equatorial Africa. herald (her'ald), n. formerly an offi- cial who proclaimed peace and war, bore messages from a sovereign to a commander, superintended coro- nations and other public ceremonial functions, &c. ; an official whose duty it is to grant, record, and bla- zon arms, trace pedigrees, &c. ; a precursor : v.t. to introduce ; pro- claim ; usher in. heraldic (he-ral'dik), adj. pertaining to heralds or heraldry. heraldically (-al-li), adv. according to the rules of heraldry. heraldry (her'ald-ri), n. the science that treats of armorial bearings, and of determining pedigrees, &c. herb (erb, or herb), n. a plant with a soft and succulent stem that, after flowering, withers away. herbaceous (-a'shus), adj. pertain- ing to, or of the nature of, or feed- ing upon, herbs. herbage ('aj), n. herbs collectively; grass ; pasturage ; the right of pas- ture on the lands of another. herbal ('al) , adj. pertaining to herbs : n. a book descriptive of plants. • herbariam (-ba'ri-um), n. [pi. her- baria (-a)], a systematic collection of dried plants for purposes of study ; a building where such a col- lection is kept. herbiferotis (-bif'e-rus), adj. pro- ducing herbs. herbivoi'a (-biv'o-ra), n.pl. mam- mals that feed on herbs or vegeta- bles. herbivorous ('o-rus), adj. feeding on herbs. Herculean (-ku'le-an), adj. pertain- ing to Hercules, the hero of Grecian mythology, possessed of superhuman strength : hence of exceeding strength and power ; huge ; vast : very difficult. herd (herd), n. a collection of beasts or cattle feeding or driven together ; crowd ; a keeper of cattle : v.i. to unite or associate, as beasts ; crowd together. here (her), adv. in, or to, this place; at this point ; in the present life or state ; on this occasion. hereby (-bi'), adv. by virtue of this; near. hereditable (he-red'it-a-bl) , adj. that may be inherited. Also heritable. hereditably (-bli), adv. by way of inheritance. hereditament (her-e-dit'a-ment), n. property inherited. hereditarily (he-red'i-ta-ri-li), adv. by way of inheritance. hereditary ('i-ta-ri), adj. passing from an ancestor to a descendant ; transmitted from parent to off- spring. heredity ('i-ti), n. the transmission of physical or mental characteris- tics or qualities from parent to off- spring ; the tendency of an org'anism to reproduce the characteristics of the^ progenitor. herein (her-in'), adv. in this. hereinafter (-after), adv. in this (deed, book, &c.) after or subse- quently. heresy (her'e-si), n. [pi. heresies (-siz)], an opinion or doctrine at variance with fundamental truths commonly received as orthodox, es- pecially if leading to division. heretic ('e-tik), n. one who holds, or maintains, heretical opinions. heretical (-al), adj. pertaining to, or having the character of, heresy ; sub- versive of, or contrary to, orthodox belief. heretically (-li), adv. in a heretical manner. heretofore (her-too-for'), adv. pre- viously ; hitherto. heritable, sameas hereditable. heritage (her'i-taj), n. an estate that passes from an ancestor to a de- scendant ; a birthright or inherit- ance ; the people of God. hermaphrodite (her-maf'ro-dit) , adj. having the sexual characteristics of both male and female in the same individual : n. an animal with both the male and female sexual organs ; a plant having stamens and pistils in the same floral envelope ; a brig square-rigged forward and schooner- rigged aft. hermaphroditic (-dit'ik), adj. per- taining to, or of the nature of, a hermaphrodite. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 1 lier 412 net heruietic (her-met'ik), adj. perfect- ly closed and air-tight. Also her- metical. liernietically (-al-li), adv. in an air- tight manner, by means of fusion. liermit ('mit), n. one who retires from society and lives in solitude, especially for devotional contempla- tion ; an anchorite. liermitage (-aj), n. the abode of a hermit ; a variety of red and v^hite French wine. hermit-crab ('krab), n. one of a genus of crabs that live in the empty shells of univalve mollusks. liermitical ('i-kal), adj. pertaining to, or suited for, a hermit ; solitary. lieru (hern), n. the heron. Also hernshaw. heruani (her-na'ni), n. a woolen or silk dress fabric. liernia ('ni-a), n. a protrusion of some part of the intestine, or of some other internal organ ; rupture. liernial ('ni-al), adj. pertaining to, or resembling, hernia. herniotomy (-ni-ot'o-mi), n. the operation of cutting for strangu- lated hernia. Iiernshaxr, see hern. hero (he'ro), n. [pi. heroes ('r5z)], a demigod ; a man of distinguished courage, moral or physical ; the chief character in a play, novel, poem, &c.^ heroic (he-ro'ik), adj. having the qualities of a hero ; producing he- roes ; larger than life ; venturesome ; drastic. Also heroical : n.pl. ex- travagant or boastful language. heroic age (aj), n. the age in which the demigods or heroes of Greek antiquity are fabled to have lived. heroically (-li), adv. like a hero. heroic verse (vers), n. epic poetry: the hexameter verse in Greek and Latin poetry ; in English, an iambic measure of ten syllables. heroine (her'6-in), n. a female hero; the female character in a play, novel, &c. heroism, (her'o-izm), w. the qualities of a hero. heron ('un), n. a wading bird with a long neck and long legs. heronry (-ri) , n, a place where her- ons breed. hero--worship (-wer'ship), n. exces- sive admiration of distinguished men. herperto, a prefix meaning lizard. herpes (her'pez), n. a skin disease, characterized by small clusters of vesicles on inflamed surfaces. herpetology (her-pe-tol'o-ji), n. that branch of zoology that treats of rep- tiles and amphibians. herr (her), n. mister, or sir [Ger- man]. herring ('ing), n. an edible sea-fish moving in shoals. herring-hone (-bon), n. a kind of cross-stitch : v.t. & v.i. to work in such a stitch. Herschel (her'shel), n. the planet Uranus. herse (hers), n. a portcullis, in the form of a harrow set with spikes. hesitancy (hez'i-tan-si), n. hesita- tion ; suspense. hesitate ('i-tat), v.i. to be in sus- pense or uncertainty ; pause ; vacil- late ; stammer. Hesper (hes'per), n, the evening star, especially Venus. Also Hes- perus. Hesperides ('i-dez), n.pl. in Grecian mythology, the four daughters of Nox (Night) and granddaughters of Hesperus, who guarded the golden apples given by Gaia .to Hera on her marriage with Zeus (Jupi- ter) ; the garden containing the golden apples protected by an en- chanted dragon. Hesperus, same as Hesper. Hessian (hesh'an), adj. pertaining to Hesse in Germany or its inhabit- ants ; a venal politician : pi. top- boots with tassels in front. Hessian-fly (-fli), n. a small fly the larvae of which are very destructive to corn crops. hest (hest), n. a behest; command. hetserism (he-te'rizm), n. open con- cubinage ; a system of communal marriage among certain tribes. hetero, a prefix meaning another, ah- normal, different, unequal. Also heter, as Tze^erocercal, having the upper lobe of the tail longer than the lower lobe : said of certain fish. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. bet 413 Me lieterodox ('er-o-doks), adj. deviat- ing from an accepted doctrine or standard of faith, &c. ; heretical : opposed to orthodox. teterodoxy (-dok-si), n. [pi. hetero- \ doxies (-iz)], an unorthodox doc- trine or opinion ; heresy. jieterogeneity (-je-ne'i-ti), n. dif- ference in kind ; dissimilarity. heterogeneous (-o-je'ne-us), adj. opposite or dissimilar in character, I quality, structure, &c., not homo- geneous. heterogenesis (-jen'e-sis), n. the doctrine that certain organisms can produee offspring differing in struc- ture and habit from the parent, but reverting in subsequent generations to the original type. lieterologous (-ol'o-gus), adj. ab- normal in type or structure ; con- sisting of different elements, or of the same elements in varying pro- portions. heteroiuorpliisin (-mor'fizm), n. deviation from the natural form or structure. heteronomous (-on'o-mus), adj. dif- fering from the normal type. heulandite (hti'land-it), n. a vitre- ous transparent brittle mineral, a silicate of alumina and lime. hexir (hu), v.t. [p.t. hewed, p.p. hewn, hewed, p.pr. hewing], to cut or shape, as with an axe or other sharp instrument ; hack ; chop ; form laboriously. lieza, a prefix meaning six. Also hex, as 7tea?achord, a six-stringed musical instrument. hexad' (heks'ad), n. a chemical ele- ment, atom, or radical that can be combined with, or replaced by, six atoms of hydrogen. hexagon ('a-gon), n. a plane figure having six angles and six sides. "hexagonal (-al), adj. six-sided. liexahedron (-a-he'dron), n. [pi. hexahedra ('dra)], a solid bounded by six plane faces. hexameter (-am'e-ter), n. in Greek and Latin verse, a line consisting of six feet, the last being usually a spondee. hexapod ('a-pod), n. an animal with six legs, as insects. hexiology (-i-ol'o-ji), n. the science of habits and environment. hiatus (hl-a'tus), n, a break; vacan- cy ; gap ; the concurrence of two- vowels in two successive syllables. hibernaculum (-ber-nak'u-lum), n. [pi. -la], the winter quarters of a hibernating animal ; the bud-scales of a winter bud. hibernal (-ber'nal), adj. wintry. hibernate ('ber-nat), v.i. to pass the winter in a state of torpor, as certain animals ; to winter. Hibernian ('ni-an), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, Hibernia or Ireland. Hibernianism ('ni-an-izm), n. an Irish idiom. Also Hibernicism. Hiberno-Celtic ('no-sel'tik), adj.. pertaining to the Kelts of Ireland or their language : n, native Irish. Also Hiberno-Keltic. Hibiscus (hi-bis'kus), n. a genus of plants, shrubs, &c., of the mallow family. hiccatee (hik-a-te'), n. an American fresh water tortoise. hiccough ('up), n. a short convulsive cough : v.i. to utter a short convul- sive cough. Also hiccup. hie jacet (ja'set), (Latin here lies) an inscription on tombstones. hichory ('o-ri), n. [pi. hickories (-riz)], an American nut-bearing tree of the genus Carya. hid, p.adj'. concealed ; not known ; se- cret. Also hidden. hidalgo (hi-dal'go), w, in Spain, a nobleman of the lowest rank. Fern, hidalga. hide (hid), v.i. [p.t. hid, p.p. hidden,. p.pr. hiding], to conceal; secrete; not to confess ; disguise ; whip : v.i. to lie concealed : n. an animal's skin raw or dressed; formerly a measure of land. hidebound ('bound), adj. having the skin close or contracted ; preju- diced ; bigoted. hideous (hid'e-us), adj. offensive to the sight, ear, or taste ; shocking ; dreadful ; horrible. hiding (hid'ing), n. concealment; a beating. hie (hi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. hied, p.pr. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, tTien. hie 414 hil hieing], to excite; speed: v.i. to hasten. liierarcL. ('er-ark), n. the chief ruler of an ecclesiastical body ; the leader of an angelic host ; in ancient Greece, an officer who had charge of votive offerings. Merarcliic ('ik), adj. pertaining to a hierarch, or a hierarchy. Also hier- archical. tierarcliisiii (-izm), n. church gov- ernment by a hierarchy. Merarcliy (-i), n. [pi. hierarchies (-iz)], the higher and lower clergy of a church ; priesthood ; rank of holy beings, as angels ; in biology, a series of systematic groups. hieratic (-e-rat'ik) , adj. pertaining to priests ; sacred ; consecrated. Also hieratical. hiero, a prefix meaning sacred, as /iterophant, a priest who, in ancient Greece, initiated novices into the sacred mysteries. hieroglypliic (hi-er-o-glif'ik), n. a sacred character or symbol : pi. the picture writings of the ancient Egj'ptians, &c. : adj. pertaining to hieroglyphics ; emblematic. liieroglypliicaliy (-al-li), adv. by hieroglyphics. hierology (-ol'o-ji), n. the science of hieroglyphics. Mggle (hig'l), v.i. to carry provi- sions about for sale ; chaffer ; dis- pute about trifles. liiggledy-piggledy ( -di-pig'1-di) , adv. in confusion ; topsy-turvy. liigli (hi), adj. elevated in place; lofty ; exalted in degree or quality ; chief ; head ; honorable ; noble ; of large amount or quantity ; strong ; powerful ; intense ; tempestuous ; full or complete ; near to the wind ; tainted ; shrill ; acute : n. an ele- vated place : adv. aloft ; profoundly ; ^eminently ; aloud ; luxurious. iiigli-chTircli Ccherch), adj. attach- ing great importance to the prerog- ative and authority of the Church, its sacraments and priesthood. high-colored ('kul-erd), adj. having a strong, deep, or glaring color ; flushed ; vivid ; exaggerated. highest ('est), adj. most high. highfalutin ( -f a-Iu'tin ) , adj. bom- bastic : n. bombastic speech. high- farming ('fiirm-ing), adj. using fertilizing manures extensive- ly. high-flown ('flon), adj. elevated; proud ; extravagant ; inflated. high-handed ('hand'ed), adj. vio- lent ; arbitrary. high- jinks ('jingks), n. sportive jol- lification. highland ('land), n. a mountainous region : pi. the mountainous dis- tricts of Scotland. high life (lif), n. fashionable socie- ty ; its manner of living. highlows ('loz)], n.pl. laced shoes reaching to the ankle. highly ('li), adv. in a high manner; in a great degree ; with high esteem or opinion ; proudly ; arrogantly. high mass (mas), n. a mass, usually at the high altar, at which a dea- con and a subdeacon assist the cele- brant. highness ('nes), n. the state or qual- ity of being high ; a title of honor applied to persons of princely rank (with a possessive pronoun). high priest (prest), n. a chief priest, especially the principal priest of the Jewish hierarchy. highroad ('rod), n. a chief road; highway ; an easy course or method. highstrung ('strung), adj. strung to a high pitch ; extremely sensitive. hight (hit), p.adj. called. high-toned ('tond) ,0(?i.high pitched ; high principled ; fashionable. highwater ('waw-ter), adj. pertain- ing to high tide, or its height or time. highway ('wa), n. a public road; a course or path. highwayman (-man), n. [pi. high- waymen (-men)], one who robs on the public road. high wine (win), n. a distillage of wine ; brandy containing a large ^percentage of alcohol. hilarious (hi-la'ri-us), adj. merry; exhilarated. hilarity (-lar'i-ti), n. [pi. hilarities (-tiz)], noisy merriment; exhilara- tion. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, th&n. I Il i I I hil 415 his hill (hil), n. an elevation less than a mountain ; a small mound or heap : v.t. to draw earth about (plants in mounds), as potatoes. hilliness ('i-nes), n. the state of be- ing hilly. hillock ('ok), n. a small hill. hilly ('i), adj. abounding with, or characterized by, hills ; rugged. hilt (hilt), n. a handle, especially of a sword. him (him) , pr 071. the objective case of he. hind (hind), n. the female of the stag or red deer ; a farm servant ; peasant : adj. backward ; hinder. hinder (hind'er), adj. belonging to, or constituting, the back or r>"'ar of anything. hinder (hin'der), v.t. to obstruct ^r impede : v.i. to impose obstruction^ or impediments. hindermost (hind'er-most),o I ), or, in accentual versi- fication, a foot of two syllables, in which the stress accent falls on the second syllable. ibex ('beks), n. a genus of wild goats, having very large recurved horns, the best known species of which is the Alpine steinbok or bouquetin. ibis ('bis), n. a genus of large wad- ing birds, having a long, curved beak, of which the most notable spe- cies is the sacred Ibis of the ancient Egyptians. ice (is), n. frozen water or other fluid; a frozen confection, as ice- cream : v.t. to convert into ice ; freeze ; preserve in ice, cover with concreted sugar ; frost. ice age (aj), n. the glacial epoch. iceberg ('berg), n. a large mass of ice detached from a glacier, and floating in the sea. ice boat (bot), n. a strong steam boat used to break a channel through ice : a boat mounted on runners and propelled by sails on ice. ice-field ('feld), n. an extensive sheet of floating ice. ice-floe ('flo), n. a smaller sheet of floating ice. ice-pack ('pak), n. sl field of broken and drifting ice, consisting of great masses packed together. ichneumon (ik-nu'mun), n. an ani- mal of the weasel kind, found in Egypt, where it was anciently wor- shipped ; it tracks out and devours the eggs of the crocodile. icbneumon-fly (-fli), n. an insect which lays its eggs in the bodies or other insects. icbnolite ('no-lit), n. a stone im- pressed with a fossil footprint. ichnology (-nol'o-ji), n. that branch of science which treats of fossil foot- prints. icbor (I'kor), n. in classical mythol- ogy, the ethereal fluid which ran, in- stead of blood, in the veins of the gods; a thin, watery, acrid serum from an ulcer or wound. ichtbyic (ik'thi-ik), adj. fish-like. ichtbyo, a prefix meaning a fish, as ichthy oUte, a fossil fish ; the impres- sion of a fossil fish. Also ichthy. iditbyograpby (ik-thi-og'ri-fi), n. a treatise on fishes. icbthyolite, see under ichthyo. ichthyology (-ol'o-ji) , n. that branch of zoology which treats of fishes, their structure, classification, &c. Ichthyosaurus (-saw'rus), n. a genus of huge fossil fish-lizards. ichthyosis (-o'sis), n. a disease in which the skin presents the form of hard dry scales and plates. icicle (I'si-kl), n. a pendent cone of ice formed by the freezing of drip- ping water. icily ('si-li), adv. in an icy manner,* coldly. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 430 i^^^ •^^w .A \ I / H 1. Belgian work horse. 2. Shetland pony. (Clydesdale). 3. Scotch work horse 431 idi iciness ('si-nes), n. the state of being icy ; coldness. icing ('sing), n. a coating of concrete sugar. icon (i'kon), n. [pi. icons ('konz), icones ('kon-ez)j, in the Greek Church, a sacred image or picture. Also eikon, ikon. icono, a prefix meaning image, as iconoclasm, image breaking. iconoclsLst (i-kon'o-klast), n. an im- age breaker ; one who attacks super- stitions or shams. icos, a nrefix meaning twenty, as icos- ahedral, having twenty plane faces. icosahedron (-kos-a-he'dron), n. a solid bounded by twenty plane faces, ictus (ik'tus), n. a blow or stroke ; iu prosody and music, rhythmical or metrical accent or stress. icy (i'si), adj. [conip. icier, superl. iciest], pertaining to, or resembling, or abounding in, ice ; cold ; chilling ; indifferent. idea (-de'a), n. a mental image or picture ; a conception of what ought to be ; an abstract principle ; opin- ion ; belief ; plan. ideal (-de'al), adj. existing in imagi- nation only ; visionary ; conforming to a standard of perfection ; per- fect : n. a mental conception, or an individual regarded as the standard of perfection. idealize (-iz), v.t. to make ideal; embody in an ideal form ; represent (natural objects) so as to show their most important characteristics only : v.i. to form ideals. idealism (-izm), n. in art, the effort to realize, by elimination and com- bination, the highest type of any natural object ; the doctrine that all our knowledge of objects is a knowl- edge of ideas. idealist (-ist), n. one who pursues the ideal ; one who holds the doc- trine of idealism ; a visionary. idealistic (-is'tik), adj. pertaining to an ideal ; relating to idealism or idealists. ideality ('i-ti), n. the quality of be- ing ideal ; the faculty to form ideals. ideally (-li), adv. according to an ideal ; mentally. identical (I-den'tik-al), adj. express- ing sameness ; differing in no essen- tial point. identically (-li), adv. in an identi- cal manner. identical note (not), n. a note in terms agreed upon by two or more powers, intended to influence anoth- er power. identifiable ( -ti-f i'a-bl ) , adj. that may be identified. identify (-den'ti-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. identified, p.pr. identifying], to make, prove to be, or consider as, the same. identity ('ti-ti), n. essential or prac- tical sameness. ideograph, (id'e-o-graf), n. a sym- bol, figure, or hieroglyph, not nam- ing but suggesting the idea of an object. Also ideogram. ideographic ('ik), adj. representing ideas by symbols independently of sounds. Also ideographical. ideography (e-og'ra-fi), n. the direct representation of ideas by symbols. ideologist (i-de-ol'o-jist), n. one oc- cupied with ideas or ideals ; a theo- rist. ideology ('o-ji), n. the science of ideas ; the system of philosophy which derives ideas exclusively from sensation. ideomotion (-o-mo'shun), n. uncon- scious muscular motion arising from a dominant idea. ides (idz), n.pl. in the ancient Roman calendar, the eighth day after the nones — the 15th of March, May, July, October, and the 13th of the other months. idio, a prefix meaning one^s own, pe- culiar, as idiogra-gh, a private or trade mark. idiocy (id'i-o-si), n. the state of be- ing an idiot ; mental imbecility. Also idiotcy. idiograph, see under idio. idiom ('i-um) , n. a turn of expression . peculiar to a language ; the distinc- tive characteristics of a language. idiomatic (-o-mat'ik), adj. peculiar to a language ; given to, or marked by, the use of idioms. Also idio- matical. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. idi 4S^ ign idiomatically (-al-li), adv. accord- ing to the idiom. idiopathic (-o-path'ik), adj. charac- terizing a disease not produced by another. idiopathy (-op'a-thi), n. an individ- ual or personal affection ; a primary disease not arising from another. idiosyncrasy (-i-o-sin'kra-si), w. [pi. idiosyncrasies (-siz)], peculiarity of constitution or temperament) a characteristic peculiar to an indi- vidual. idiot Ci-ot), n. one of weak intellect ; a foolish person. idiotic ('ik), adj. pertaining to, or like, an idiot; foolish, fatuous. Also idiotical. idiotically (-al-li), adv. in an idiotic manner. idle (I'dl), adj. empty; unoccupied; unemployed ; unused ; useless ; vain ; of no importance ; irrelevant ; averse to labor ; futile ; lazy : v.i. to be in- active or v^ithout employment : v.t. to spend in idleness; waste (time) : usuallj- with away. idler (i'dler), n. one who id^es ; a lazy person ; one who has constant day duty on board ship, and does not keep night watch. idle- wheel ('hwel), n. a wheel placed between two others to trans- fer motion without change of direc- tion. idol ( i-dol ) , M. an image of a divinity, employed as an object of worship ; a person or thing loved to excess. idolater ('a-ter), n. an idol-wor- shipper ; one who pays divine honors to images, &c. ; one who loves a per- son or thing to excess. idolatress ('a-tres), n. a female idolater. idolatrous ('a-trus), adj. pertaining to, or practicing, idolatry ; marked by undue reverence or affection. idolatry ('a-tri), n. [pi. idolatries (-triz)], the paying of Divine hon- ors to idols, images, or any created object ; the ascription of Divine pow- er to natural agencies ; excessive ad- miration, veneration, or love for any person or thing. idolize (-Iz), v.t. to make an idol of; love or admire to excess. idyl (i'dil),w. a short, highly-wrought pastoral poem ; applied also to de- scriptive and narrative poems of greater length ; a description of sim- ple, rural, pastoral scenes. Also idyll. idylist (i'dil-ist), n. a pastoral poet, or painter. idyllic ( 'ik ) , adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of an idyl ; pastoral. if (if), conj. on the condition; sup- posing that ; whether ; although. igneous ('ne-us), adj. pertaining to, consisting of, or resembling fire, or produced by fire. ignis fatuus ('nis fat'u-us), n. a me- teoric light seen to flit above the ground in marshy places, &c. ; a mis- leading influence. Popularly known as Will-o'-the-wisp, J ack-o' -Lantern^ Corpse-candle. ignite ('nit), v.t. to set on fire; to make incandescent with heat ; sub- ject to the action of intense heat : v.i. to take fire ; glow with heat. igniter ('er), n. one who, or that which, ignites ; a time exploder for igniting the powder of a torpedo. ignitible (ig-ni'ti-bl), adj. capable of being ignited ; easily kindled. ignition (-nish'un), n. the act of ig- niting ; the state of being ignited. ignoble (-no'bl), adj. of low birth or station ; of mean character or qual- ity ; of little value ; characterizing a short-winged hawk, as distinguished from a long-winged falcon. ignobleness ('bl-nes), n. the state or quality of being ignoble ; absence of dignity. ignobly ('bli), adv. in an ignoble manner ; basely. ignominious (-no-min'i-us), adj. marked with ignominy or public dis- grace ; shameful ; deserving disgrace ; despicable. ignominy (ig'no-min-i), n. [pi. igno- minies (-iz)], loss of one's good name ; public disgrace or dishonor ; cause or source of disgrace. ignoramus (-ra'mus), n. an ignorant person, especially an ignorant pre- tender to knowledge. ignorance (-rans), n. the state of be- ing ignorant ; want of knowledge. ignorant (-rant), adj. destitute of knowledge ; uninstructed ; illiterate. ftte, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrtK, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, th&a.. fgn 433 ill ignore (-nor'), v.t. to be ignorant of ; treat as unknown ; disregard ; throw out as false or unsupported by sufficient evidence : said of a grand jury rejecting a bill. iguana (i-gwa'na), n. a large trop- ical American lizard, having a dew- lap under the throat. il, a prefix, another form of in when followed by I, meaning not, as *nit- erate, uneducated. ileum (il'e-um), n. the lower part of the small intestine. Ilex (i'leks), n. a genus of evergreen trees and shrubs represented by the holly. iliac (il'i-ak), adj. pertaining to the ileum, or to the ilium, or flank bone. ilium (il'i-um), n. the dorsal or up- per part of the hip-bone. ill (il), adj. [comp. worse, superl. worst], bad or evil; contrary to good ; causing or attended by evil or suffering in a bad or disordered state physically or morally ; sick ; dis- eased ; unfriendly ; not proper ; un- skilful ; vicious : n. evil ; wickedness ; misfortune ; disease ; anything dis- creditable ; harm ; mischief : adv. not well ; not easily. illapse (-laps'), n. a gliding in or into, especially a divine influx ; in- spiration. illation (-la'shun), n. an inference, deduction, or conclusion. illicit (-lis'it), adj. not authorized or allowed ; unlicensed ; unlawful. lUicium ( 'i-um ) , ?^. a genus of shrubs of the magnolia family, containing the Japanese incense plant. illimitable (-lim'it-a-bl), adj. im- measurable ; vast ; infinite. illimitableness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being illimitable. inimitably (-bli), adv. without pos- sibility of being bounded. illision (-lizh'un), n. the act of strik- ing into or against. illiteracy (-lit'er-a-si), n. ignorance of letters. illness ('nes), n. the condition of be- ing ill ; disease ; sickness. illude (-Itid'), v.t. to mock; deceive; delude. illuminant (-lum'i-nant), adj. per- taining to illumination : n. anything which illuminates or affords light. illuminate ('i-nat), v.t. to give light to ; decorate with lights, in token of rejoicing ; enlighten ; throw light upon ; make plain ; elucidate ; adorn, as a manuscript, with miniature pic- tures in colors and gold : v.i. to dis- play lights in token of rejoicing., illumination (-na'shun), 71. supply of light; the act of illuminating, or state of being illuminated, especially the festive decoration of houses or cities with lights : the art of illumin- ing books or manuscripts ; a design in an illuminated work ; intellectual bght; inspiration. illuminator ('mi-na-ter), n. one M^ho, or that which, gives light ; one who illuminates books, manuscripts, &c. ; a condenser or reflector ; an il- luminant. illumine ('min), v.t. to illuminate [Poet.]. illusion ('zhun), n. deceptive ap- pearance ; false show ; hallucination. illusionist (-ist), n. one subject to illusion ; a sleight-of-hand performer. illusive Csiv), adj. deceiving by il- lusion ; deceptive ; illusory. illusively (-li), adv. in an illusive manner. illusiveness (-nes), n. deception; false show. illusory ('so-ri), adj. causing illu- sion ; fallacious ; deceptive. illustrate (-us'trat), v.t. to make clear or intelligible ; explain by ex- amples ; elucidate by means of pic- tures, &c. illustrated y-ed) , p.adj. having illus- trations. illustration (-tra'shun), n. the act of illustrating ; the state of being illustrated; that which illustrates; a comparison ot example which ex- plains or corroborates ; a picture designed to elucidate the text. illustrative ('tra-tiv), adj. tending to illustrate, elucidate, or exemplify. illustratively (-li), adv. by way of illustration. illustrator ('us-tra-ter), n. one who illustrates ; one who exemplifies something in his own person ; one who draws pictorial representations. ate, arm, ^sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. ill 434 illustrious ('tri-us), adj. distin- guished by luster or greatness ; emi- nent ; renowned ; conferring luster or honor ; glorious ; famous ; hon- ored. im, a prefix representing in when fol- lowed by 6, m, or p. image (im'aj), n. an imitation of any person or thing; a statue, effigy, or bust ; an idol ; a counterpart ; like- ness ; a mental picture, conception, or idea ; an extended metaphor ; the figure of an object formed by rays of light : v.t. to form, or reflect, an image of; represent to the mental vision ; imagine. imaged ('ajd), adj. decorated with human figures, as porcelain. imagery ('aj-ri), n. [pi. imageries (-riz)], representation by images; images collectively ; figures in dis- course ; forms of the fancy. imaginable (-aj'i-na-bl), adj. that may be imagined or conceived. imagiuableuess (-nes), n. the state of beiag imaginable. imaginably (-bli), adv. in a con- ceivable manner ; possibly. imaginary ('i-nji-ri), adj. existing only in imagination ; unreal ; Uto- pian. imagination (-na'shun), n. the im- age-forming power of the mind, or the power of the mind which modi- fies the conceptions, especially the higher forms of this power exercised in art and poetry, usually termed the plastic or creative power ; a con- ception or idea ; fanciful opinion ; fancy ; invention. imaginative ('i-na-tiv), adj. pro- ceeding from, exhibiting, or en- dowed with, imagination ; inventive ; fanciful. imaginatively (-li), adv. in an im- aginative manner. imaginativeness (-nes), n. the quality of being imaginative. imagine (-aj'in), v.t. to form a men- tal picture of; produce by the im- agination ; conceive ; conjecture ; think ; suppose : v.i. to form a men- tal image; fancy; to surmise. imbecile (im'be-sil), adj. without strength, especially of mind ; feeble- imm one of feeble minded ; idiotic : mind. imbecility (-sil'i-ti), n. [pi. imbe- cilities (-tiz)], mental or physical weakness. imbibe ('bib), v.t. to drink in; ab- sorb, as if by drinking ; receive or absorb into the mind : v.i. to drink ; absorb moisture. imbricate ('bri-kat), v.t. to lay in order, one lapping over another, like tiles or shingles : v.i. to overlap seri- ally : adj. bent and hollowed like a gutter tile or pantile ; overlapping like tiles, as the scales of fishes, or the leaf-buds of plants ; decorated with a pattern resembling lapping tiles or scales. imbroglio (-bro'lyo), n. a confused mass of things ; intricate and per* plexing state of affairs ; misunder- standing ; entanglement ; strife ; per- plexity ; complicated plot. imbrue ('broo), v.t. to wet or mois- ten ; soak ; drench, especially in blood. imbue ('bti), v.t. to cause to absorb; tinge deeply ; dye ; to tincture deep- ly, as the mind with certain princi- ples. imitable ('i-ta-bl), adj. capable of, or worthy of, imitation. imitate ('i-tat), v.t. to produce a semblance of, in form, color, quali- ties, conduct, and the like ; use as a model or -"»attern ; to take example by ; to counterfeit ; copy. imitation (-ta'shun), n. the act of imitating ; that which is produced by imitating ; the repetition of the same melodic theme or phrase, either in a different key, or in another voice or part : adj. made in imita- tion ; not genuine. imitative ('i-ta-tiv), adj. inclined to, or aiming at, imitation ; formed after a model. imitatively (-li), adv. in an imita- tive manner. imitator ('i-ta-ter), n. one who imi- tates. immaculate (-mak'ti-lat), adj. with- out blemish ; unspotted ; undefiled ; pure. immaculately (-li), adv. in an im- maculate manner. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. £mza 435 imm Jminacnlateiiess (-nes), n. spotless puritj^ Izamamuely another form of Em- manuel. ixninaterial (-ma-te'ri-al), adj. not consisting of matter ; spiritual ; dis- embodied ; unimportant. iiU3nateTialisiu (-izm), n. idealism; spiritualism. immaterially (-li), adv. without matter : in an unimportant manner or degree. immature (-ma-tur'), adj. not ripe; not fully grown or developed; not finished or perfected ; crude. immatured (-turd'), adj. not ma- tured ; not ripened. immaturely (-tur'li), adv. crudely. imimaturemess ('nes), n. immaturi- ty. immaturity (-tur'i-ti), n. unripe- ness ; incompleteness. imm.easur ability ( -mezh-ur-a-bil'i- ti ) , n. the quality of not being meas- urable. immeasurable ( 'ur-a-bl ) , adj. not to be measured ; immense ; limitless ; vast. imm.easurableness (-nes), n. bound- less extent. immeasurably (-bli), adv. to an in- definite extent or degree. immediate (-me'di-at), adj. directly related without an intervening me- dium ; next ; direct ; approximate ; instant. immediately (-li), adv. directly; proximately • instantly. im.mediateiiess (-nes), n. the quali- ty of being immediate ; promptness. immemorial (-me-mor'i-al), adj. ex- tending beyond, the reach of mem- ory, record, or tradition : as imme- morial usage or custom. immemorially (-li), adv. from time out of mind. immense (-mens'), adj. immeasura- ble ; boundless ; vast ; very great or large ; very good or fine : n. infinite space ; immensity. immensely ('li), adv. to an immense degree ; exceedingly. immenseness ('nes), n. the state of being immense ; immensity. immensity ('si-ti), n. [pi. immensi- ties (-tiz)], the character of being immense ; immeasurableness ; infi^ nite space ; vastness in extent or bulk. immerge (-merj'), v.t. to plunge into or under anything, especially a fluid ; immerse : v.i. to disappear by entering into any medium, as the moon into the shadow of the earth. immerse (-mers'), v.t. to plunge into or under anything, especially a fluid ; sink ; dip ; plunge into, as an occupation ; baptize by immersion. immersed (-merst'), p. adj. deeply plunged into anything, especially a fluid ; deeply occupied, engrossed, or involved ; growing wholly under water : said of a plant. immersion (-mer'shun), n. the act of immersing ; the state of being immersed ; baptism by dipping the whole person into water. immigrant ('i-grant), adj. passing or coming into, as a new habitat or place of residence : n. one who, or that which, immigrates. immigrate ('i-grat), v.i. to come into a new habitat or place of residence, especially to come into a country to settle. imminence ('i-nens), n. the condi- tion of being imminent ; nearness ; impending evil or danger. imminent ('i-nent), adj. threatening or about to fall or occur immediate- ly : said especially of misfortune or peril. isnmobility (-mo-bil'i-ti), n. fixed- ness in place or state. immoderate (-mod'er-at), adj. not moderate ; not confined to custom:- ary or just or reasonable limits ; extravagant ; intemperate. immoderately (-li), adv. excessive- ly ; unreasonably. immoderateness (-nes), n. want of moderation ; excess. immodest (-mod'est), adj. forward; arrogant; wanting in the restraint required by decency ; indelicate ; un- chaste. immodesty (-mod'est-i), n. want of modesty, delicacy, or proper re- serve ; arrogance ; unchastity. immolate ('o-lat), v.t. to kill as a ate, arm, §.sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. i^fl imm f sacrificial victim; offer in sacrifice; make a sacrifice of. immoral (-mor'al), adj. contrary to the moral law, or to the public good ; vicious ; dissolute ; dishonest ; unprincipled. immorality (-mo-ral'i-ti), n. the quality of being immoral ; an im- moral act or practice. immorally (-li), adv. in an immoral manner. immortal (-mSr'tal), adj. not mortal or subject to death ; imperishable ; ever-living : n. one who is immor- tal : pi. the gods of classical my- thology. immortalize ('tal-iz), v.t. to render immortal ; bestow lasting fame upon. immortality (-tal'i-ti), n. exemption from death or oblivion; unending existence. immortally (-li), adv. eternally. immortelle (-mor-tel'), n. [pi. im- mortelles (-telz')], a plant whose flowers may be dried without losing their form or color ; an everlasting ; a wreath made of everlastings. immovability (-moov-a-bil'i-ti), n. fixedness. imimiovalble ('a-bl), adj. incapable of being moved ; fixed ; steadfast ; un- changing ; unfeeling : n.pl. land,^ or things fixed to, or running with, land, as trees, buildings. immune (-mun'), adj. exempt, as from a disease : n. one who is ex- empt from any particular disease by reason of having had it. immunity (-mtin'i-ti), n. [pi. im- munities (-tiz)], exemption from any duty, office, or tax ; freedom from natural or usual liability ; spe- cial privilege (usually in pL). immunize (-mun'iz), v.t. to render immune. immure (-mur'), v.t. to enclose with- in walls ; shut up in prison ; con- fine. immutability (-mut-a-bil'l-ti), n. unchangeableness. immutable (-mut'a-bl), adj. un- changeable ; invariable ; unaltera- ble ; permanent. imp (imp), n. a young, little, or in- ferior devil ; a hobgoblin ; sprite ; a pert or mischievous child. 6 inip impact (im'pakt), n. collision. impair (-par'), v.t. to make worse; lessen in quantity, value, excellence, or strength : v.i. to become worse ; deteriorate. impairment ('ment), n. diminution; injury. impale (-pal'), v.t. to fix on a stake; put to death by spitting on a sharp stake fixed upright ; surround with, or as with, a pale or palisade ; in heraldry, to join (two coats of arms) on one shield, palewise. impalpable (-parpa-bl), adj. not to be perceived by touch ; not material ; incorporeal ; not ( readily ) appre- hensible by the mind ; intangible ; unreal. impanel (-pan'el), v.t. to enter the names of (jurors) on a piece of parchment called a panel; summon to serve on a jury ; draw from the panel and swear in. imparity (-par'i-ti), n. inequality; disproportion ; difference of degree, rank, excellence, number, quantity, &c. ; want of correspondence. impart (-part'), v.t. to bestow a share or portion of ; give ; to com- municate ^ knowledge of ; make known : v.i. to give a share. impartial (-par'shal), adj. free from partiality ; equitable ; fair ; just ; unprejudiced. impartiality (-shi-al'i-ti), n. free- dom from bias ; fairness. impartially (-par'shal-li), adv. just- ly ; fairly ; without prejudice. impartialness (-nes), n. impartial- ity. impartible ('ti-bl), adj. capable of being imparted or communicated; indivisible. impassable (-pas'a-ol), adj. not to be passed ; not admitting passage ; impervious. impassableness (-nes), n. the state of being impassable. impassably (-bli), adv. in an impas- sable manner. impassably (-bli), adv. in an impas- pable of suffering from external causes ; exempt from harm or pain ; not to be moved to passion, sym- pathy, or any sign of emotion. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, DOt ; bodily book; hue, hut; think, then. imp 437 imp Impassioned (-pash'und), p. adj. moved to strong feeling ; animated ; excited. Impassive (-pas'iv), adj. apathetic. impassively (-li), adv. in an impas- sive manner. impassiveness (-nes), n. insensi- bility. impatience (-pa'shens), n. the state of being impatient. iinpatient ('shent), adj. intolerant of pain, delaj', opposition, control, or circumstances ; exhibiting or ex- pressing impatience (with at) ; eager (with for). impawn (-pawn'), v.t. to put in pawn ; deposit as security ; pledge. impeach (-pech'), v.t. to call in question : accuse before a tribunal of official misconduct ; challenge the credibility or validity of : as a wit- ness or a document. Impeachment ('ment), n. the ar- raignment of a public officer for malfeasance in office ; a discrediting or calling in question. impeccability (-pek-a-bil'i-ti) , n. exemption from sin, error, or wrong- doing. impeccable (-pek'a-bl), adj. not lia- ble to sin ; faultless. impecnniosity (-pe-kti-ni-os'i-ti), n. want of money ; poverty. _ impecnnions ('ni-us), adj. without money ; poor. impede (-ped'), v.t. to obstruct; hin- der. impediment (-ped'i-ment), n. that which impedes progress or activity ; obstruction ; obstacle ; hindrance. impedimenta (-ped-i-men'ta), n.pl. encumbrances ; traveling equipage ; baggage, especially military bag- gage ; military supplies. impedimental ('tal), adj. of the na- ture of an impediment ; impeding. impel (-pel'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. im- pelled, p.pr. impelling], to drive or urge forward or on ; constrain to any kind of motion or action. impellent ('ent), adj. having the quality of impelling : n. a motive or impelling power. Impend (-pend'), v.i. to hang over; be ready to fall ; be at hand. impendent ('ent), adj. impending. impending ('ing), p.adj. overhang- ing ; suspended so as to menace ; close at hand. impenetrability (-pen-e-tra-bil'i-ti) , n. incapability of being penetrated; that property of matter in virtue of which no two bodies can occupy the same space at the same time. impenetrable ( 'e-tra-bl ) , adj. not penetrable ; not admitting entrance ; having the property of being im- penetrable ; impervious. impenitence (-pen'i-tens), n. the state of being impenitent ; hardness of heart ; stubborn wickedness. Also impeuitency. impenitent ('i-tent), adj. not con- trite ; finally negligent of the duty of repentance ; obdurate : n. one who finally neglects the duty of re- pentance ; a hardened sinner. imperative (-per'a-tiv), adj. express- ing command ; peremptory ; obliga- tory : n. that mood of a verb that expresses command, entreaty, or exhortation. imperatively (-li), adv. perempto- rily. imperceptibility (-sep-ti-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being imperceptible. imperceptible (-sep'ti-bl), adj. that cannot be immediately perceived by the senses, or easily apprehended by the mind. imperceptibly ('ti-bli), adv. so as not to be readily perceived. imperfect ('fekt), adj. wanting in completeness, correctness, or excel- lence ; wanting in some organ es- sential to normal activity ; incom- plete ; defective ; faulty. imperfection (-fek'shun), n. in- completeness ; f aultiness ; a defect or blemish, physical, mental, or moral ; failing. imperforate ('fo-rat), adj. having no perforations or pores. imperial (-pe'ri-al), adj. pertaining to an empire or emperor ; fit or suit- able for one who wields supreme au- thority ; of superior size or excel- lence ; royal ; sovereign : n. the top of a diligence or coach ; a baggage-case on a traveling carriage ; a size of ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then imp 438 imp paper, 30 in. x 22 in. ; a tuft of hair left unshaven on tlie lower lip and chin (so called from Napoleon III., who set this fashion). imperialism (-izm), n. the system of imperial government ; the policy of imperial federation ; policy of territorial expansion. imperialist (-ist), n. one who fa- vors or upholds imperialism. imperialistic (-is'tik), adj. pertain- ing to, or favoring, imperialism. imperialization (-i-za'shun), n. the establishment or extension of im- perial power. imperialize ('ri-al-iz), v.t. to invest with imperial character, style, or power ; bring to the form of an em- pire. imperially ('ri-al-li), adv. in an im- perial manner. imperil (-per'il), v.t. to put in peril ; endanger ; jeopardize. imperious (-pe'ri-us), adj. domineer- ing, dictatorial, overbearing; ur- gent ; imperative. imperisliable (-per'ish-a-bl), adj. indestructible ; not subject to decay ; permanently enduring. im.permeability ( -per-me-a-bil'i-ti ) , n. the property of being impermea- ble. impermeable ('me-a-bl), adj. not permitting passage, as of a fluid, through its substance ; impervious ; impenetrable. impermeably (-bli), adv. so as to be impermeable. impermeator ('me-a-ter), n. a con- trivance for uniformly supplying oil to the cylinder of a steam-engine. impersonal ('sun-al), adj. wanting personality or conscious individuali- ty ; not referring to a particular person : n. an impersonal verb. impersonality ('i-ti), n. absence of personality. impersonally (-li), adv. in an im- personal manner. impersonal verb (verb), n. a verb used without a subject, or (in En- glish) with only the impersonal it. impersonate ('sun-at), v.t. to invest with personality ; embody as a per- ■ sou ; represent as a personality ; to represent the person or character of, especially on the stage. impersonator (-a-ter), n. one who impersonates ; an actor. impertinence ('tin-ens), n. that which is impertinent or irrelevant, as in speech or manners ; a thing of no value ; a trifle ; forwardness ; rudeness ; in law, matter which is immaterial in substance. impertinent ('tin-ent), adj. non- pertinent ; of no relation to the mat- ter in hand ; not to the point ; in- apposite ; inapplicable : rude ; un- civil, or offensive in behavior : n. one who interferes in things which do not concern him ; a forward, ill- mannered person. imperturbability ( -ter-ba-bil'i-ti ) , n. the quality of being imperturba- ble. imperturbable ('ba-bl), adj. not easily disturbed, agitated, or dis- concerted ; self-contained, cool, calm. impervious ('vi-us), adj. not to be passed through or penetrated ; im- penetrable ; not permitting passage, as of a fluid, through its substance. impetuosity (-ti-os'i-ti), n. vehe- mence ; violence ; force. impetuous ('u-us), adj. rushing with force and violence ; vehement in feeling ; acting with sudden energy ; precipitate. impetus ('pe-tus), n. the force with which any body is driven or im- pelled ; impulse ; impulsion ; mo- mentum. impiety (-pi'i-ti), n. [pi. impieties (-tiz)], want of piety; disregard of the Supreme Being ; ungodliness ; an act of irreverence or wicked- ness ; violation of natural duty to- wards others, as disobedience to parents. impinge (-pinj'), v.i. strike or dash; clash ; come in collision (with on, upon, or against). impingent ('pin-jent), adj. imping- ing. impioiis ('pi-us), adj. irreligious; wicked ; profane. impish, (imp'ish), adj. having the mischievous character of an imp. implacability (-pla-ka-bil'i-ti), n. a ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut^ think, then. imp 439 imp state of irreconcilable enmity or un- appeasable auger. Also implacable- ness. implacable (-pla'ka-bl), adj. not to be pacified or appeased ; constant in anger or eniuit^^ ; relentless. implacably (-bli), adv. with unap- peasable resentment. implant (-plant'), v.t. to infix for growth ; cause to take root ; ingraft. implead (-pled'), v.t. to sue or prose- cute ; accuse ; impeach. implement ('ple-ment), n. that which supplies a want, or is a requi- site to an end, especially an instru- ment, tool, or utensil : pi. the tools and weapons of prehistoric man. implemental ('al), adj. pertaining . to, or characterized by, the use of implements. implicate ('pli-kat), v.t. to infold; involve ; entangle ; bring into con- nection with. implication (-ka'shun), n. entangle- ment ; that which is implied ; an inference not expressed but under- stood ; deduction. implicit (-plis'it), adj. implied; rest- ing on implication or inference ; trusting in the word or authority of another ; submissive ; blind ; tacit ; unreserved. implore (-plor'), v.t. to entreat (a person, or for a thing) earnestly, humbly, and importunately : v.i. to beg ; pray ; supplicate. imploring ('ing), jt.adj. supplicat- ing. imply (-pli'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. im- plied, p.pr. implying], to contain by implication ; mean or signify by fair inference ; express indirectly ; in- sinuate. impolicy (-pol'i-si), n. the quality of being impolitic ; want of policy ; in- expediency. impolite (-po-llf), adj. wanting in good manners ; boorish ; coarse. impolitely (-li), adv. ill-mannered- ly ; discourteously. impoliteness (-nes), w. incivility ; rudeness. impolitic (-pol'i-tik), adj. contrary to good policy ; unwise ; injudicious : indiscreet. iiaponderability ( -pon-der-a-bil'i- ti ) , n. the quality of being impon- derable. imponderable (-pon'der-a-bl) , adj. not capable of being weighed ; with- out (sensible) weight: n. a term applied to the hypothetical universal medium, ether. imporosity (-po-ros'i-ti), n. absence of pores ; compactness. imporous (-po'rus), adj. without pores ; solid. import (-port'), 'i^-t- to bring into a country from abroad : opposed to ex- port ; bring in from without, as ir- relevant matter into a discussion ; bear in meaning : imply ; signify ; betoken ; be of interest or conse- quence to ; concern : v.i. to be of moment: n. (im'port) merchandise brought into a country from abroad (usually in pi.) ; meaning; purport; significance ; importance. importance (-por'tans), w. the qual- ity of being important ; high place in public estimation ; high self-es- teem. important ('tant), adj. of much im- port or significance ; momentous ; bearing weight or consequence ; of high standing ; pompous. importation (-ta'shun), n. th& act or practice of bringing merchandise into a country from abroad ; that which is imported ; one who, or that which, is recently introduced. importunate (-por'tu-nat), adj. per- sistent ; unreasonable or troublesome in solicitation ; not to be repulsed ; urgent. importunately (-li), adv. with per- sistent solicitation. importuuateness (-nes), n. impor- tunity. importune (-por-tun'), v.t. to harass with perpetual petitions or de- mands : v.i. to beg persistently or urgently. importunity (-tu'ni-ti), n. [pi. im- portunities (-tiz)], persistent so- licitation or demand ; incessant in- sistence ; urgency. impose (-poz'), v.t. to place upon: as, to impose the hands in confirma- tion or ordination ; lay upon, as a burden, punishment, or charge ; to ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book : hue, hut ; think, then. ^n imp 440 imp palm off; lay (pages of type) on an imposing-stone or the bed of a press, and secure them in a chase : v.i. to place a burden or tax ; prac- tice deception (with upon). imposiiig ('ing), p.adj. adapted to impress forcibly ; commanding ; stately ; grand ; impressive : n. in printing, the arrangement of pages or columns into forms. imposition (-p6-zish'un), n. a, lay- ing upon, especially of hands in or- dination or confirmation ; the fixing of a meaning upon the terms of a proposition ; that which is imposed, levied, or enjoined ; an extra exercise imposed on a student as a punish- ment ; a trick, fraud, or deception ; a duty formerly imposed at the pleasure of the British king on im- ports and exports. impossibility (-pos-i-bil'i-ti), n. character of being impossible.; that which cannot be, or be supposed to be, done. impossible (-pos'i-bl), adj. that can- not be done ; inconceivable. impost ('post), n. that which is im- posed or levied ; a tax, tribute, or duty, especially a customs-duty lev- ied by government on imports ; the top member of a pillar on which the arch rests. impostor (-pos'ter), n. one who im- poses upon others by an assumed character or false pretensions. im.postress ('tres), n. a female im- postor. imposture ('pos-ttir), n. deception, especially that which is practiced under an assumed character or by false pretensions. impotence ('po-tens), n. the state of being impotent in body or mind ; feebleness ; want of capacity ; de- ficiency of means to achieve an end. impotent ('po-tent), adj. wanting in phj'sical, intellectual, or moral power ; weak ; deficient in capacity ; lacking self-restraint. impound (-pound'), v.t. to shut up in a pound or pen, as stray cattle ; confine ; hold in the custody of a court. impoverish (-pov'er-ish) , v.t. to make poor ; reduce to poverty ; cause to deteriorate in quality ot productiveness. impoverishment (-ment), n. the act of impoverishing ; the state of being impoverished ; indigence ; de- terioration. impracticability ( -prak-ti-ka-bil'i- ti), n. the quality of being imprac- ticable. impracticable ('ti-ka-bl), adj. not to be effected by the means em- ployed, or at command ; not easily dealt with ; unmanageable ; impossi- ble ; intractable. imprecate ('pre-kat), v.t. to invoke, especially an evil or curse, upon ; curse ; wish evil to. imprecatory ('pre-ka-to-ri), adj. in- voking evil or a curse. impregnability ( -preg-na-bil'i-ti ) , n. the quality of being unconquera- ble. impregnable ('na-bl), adj. not to be captured, as a fortress ; not to be overcome, as virtue. impregnably (-bli), adv. so as to defy attack. impregnate (-preg'nat), v.t. to make pregnant ; fecundate ; fertilize ; in- fuse an active principle, or the par- ticles of another substance, into ; imbue ; saturate. impresario (-pra-sa're-o), n. the manager of an opera or concert company ; one who engages singers and brings them before the public. imprescriptible ( -pre-skrip'ti-bl ) , adj. not founded on prescription ; not to be alienated or lost by lapse of time ; independent of external authority ; inalienable ; self-evidenc- ing. impress (-pres'), v.t. to mark, stamp, or print by pressure ; to affect for- cibly, or stamp deeply on, the mind ; to imprint ; inculcate ; compel to enter the public service as soldiers or sailors, especially to carry off forcibly to serve in the navy ; seize for the public service, as money or provisions: n. (im'pres) a mark made by pressure ; an image or fig- ure ; _ a mark of distinction ; char- acteristic ; stamp ; an impression or image fixed in the mind. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon/ book; hue, hut; think, then. inrp 441 imp impressibility (-i-biri-ti), n. the quality of being impressible. impressible ('i-bl), adj. capable of being impressed ; susceptible of im- pressions. impression (-presh'un), n. the mark made by a stamp or mold; style or character formed by external force or influence ; the mark or stamp which is the result of external force or influence ; an image in the mind caused by something external to it ; the immediate effect produced upon the mind by a sensation, passion, or emotion.; an indistinct or vague notion, remembrance, or belief ; a copy taken by pressure from type ; number of copies printed at once ; edition. impressionability (-a-biri-ti), n. the quality of being impressionable. impressionable ('a-bl), adj. capable of receiving impressions ; suscepti- ble. impressional ('un-al), adj. pertain- ing to impressions. impressionism ('un-izm), n. the doctrine that natural objects should be painted — in literature described — so as to reproduce only their larger and more immediate effect or impression, without selection or elaboration of details. , impressionist ('un-ist), n. one who, in art or in literature, adheres to the theory of impressionism. impressionistic (-is'tik), adj. per- taining to, or characterized by, im- pressionism. impressive (-pres'iv), adj. capable of making impression. impressively (-li), adv. in an im- pressive, affecting, or touching man- ner. impressiveness (-nes), n. the quali- ty of being impressive. impressment (-pres'ment), n. the act of seizing for public use, or of compelling to enter the public serv- ice. imprimis (-pri'mis), adv. in the first place : a word introducing the first of a series of particulars in an enumeration. imprint (-print'), v.t. to mark by pressure; to stamp, as letters and words on paper, by means of inked types ; print ; impress deeply, as on the mind or memory: n. (im'print) an impression, impress, or mark left by something; the publisher's or printer's name, usually with time and place of issue, on the title-page or at the end of ^ book or other pub- lication. imprison (-priz'n), v.t. to put into a prison ; detain in custody ; re- strain or confine in any way ; in- ». carcerate. imprisonment (-ment), ii. state of being shut in, or as in, prison ; con- finement. improbability (-prob-a-bil'i-ti), n. [pi. improbabilities (-tiz)], unlike- lihood ; an improbable event. improbable ('a-bl), adj. unlikely; not to be expected. improbably (-bli), adv. in an im- probable manner. improbity (-prob'i-ti), n. want of probity or rectitude ; dishonesty. impromptu (-promp'tii), adv. with- out preparation ; offhand ; extem- pore : adj. extemporaneous ; thrown off on the spur of the moment : n. an extemporaneous speech or effort. improper (-prop'er), adj. not well adapted or suited to the purpose; not according to nature, usage, &c. ; erroneous ; unseemly. improper fraction (frak'shun), n. a fraction whose numerator is equal to, or greater than, its denominator. impropriety (-pri'e-ti), n. [pi. im- proprieties (-tiz)], the quality of being improper ; unsuitableness ; that which is improper in act, ex- pression, &c. improvable (-proov'a-bl), adj. capa- ble of being ipaproved. improve (-proov')? v.t. to make bet- ter ; turn to account ; intensify : v.i. I to grow better. improvement ('ment), n. advance- ment of anything from good to bet- ter ; profitable use or application of anything ; that by which the value of anything, especially property, is advanced : pi. betterments. improver ('er), n. one who, or that which, improves. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. ixnp 442 improvidence (-prov'i-dens), want of foresight or thrift. improvident ('i-dent), adj. lacking foresight or thrift ; wanting care to provide for the future ; careless. improvisation (-i-sa'shun), n, the act of improvising ; the act of com- . posing poetry or music extempora- neously ; an impromptu. improvisator ('i-sa-ter), n. an im- proviser. Also improvisatore. improvisatrice (-ve-za-tre'cha), n. a female improvisatore. improvise (-pro-viz'), v.t. to com- pose extemporaneously, especially verse or music ; bring about on a sudden, or without previous prepa- ration ; devise on the spur of the moment, or for a special occasion : v.i. to compose extemporaneously ; do a thing in an offhand way. imprudence (-proo'dens), n. want of prudence ; carelessness of conse- quences ; inattention to one's in- terest, imprudent ('dent), adj. wanting prudence ; not attentive to conse- quences or interest ; indiscreet ; in- judicious. impudence ('pti-dens), n. want of modesty ; sha,melessness ; rudeness ; forwardness. impudent ('pti-dent), ad], shame- less ; immodest ; offensively forward ; intentionally disrespectful. impugn (-pun'), v.t. to attack by arguments ; contradict ; gainsay. impugnable ('a-bl), adj. that may be impugned or gainsaid. impulse ('puis), n. force communi- cated suddenly ; the result of an impelling force ; a mental force di- rectly urging to action ; a sudden de- termination not arising from reflec- tion. impiilsion (-pul'shun), n. the act of impelling ; the state of being im- pelled ; instigation. impulsive ('siv), adj. having the power of impelling ; actuated by, or resulting from, impulse; passion- ate ; acting by momentary impulse, not continuously. impulsively (-li), adv. by impulse. impulsiveness (-nes), n. the quality of being impulsive. impunity (-pun'i-ti), n. freedom from punishment, injury, or loss. impure (-pur'), adj. mixed with ex- traneous matter ; unchaste ; un- clean ; dirty ; not accurate or idio - matic : said of a language or style. impurely ('li), adv. in an impure manner. impureness ('nes), n. the quality of being impure; impurity. impurity ('ti), n. ipl. impurities (-tiz)], uncleanness ; a physical or moral blemish. imputable (-ptit'a-bl), adj. that may be imputed, charged, or ascribed. isaputation (-ta'shun), n. the act of imputing or charging ; anything im- puted or charged, especially in the way of discredit ; censure ; reproach ; insinuation ; the doctrine that the sin of Adam is attributed to his posterity, and the righteousness of Christ to the believer. impute (-put'), v.t. to charge, at- tribute, or ascribe, especially a fault ; attribute (sin or righteousness) as derived from another. in, prefix meaning in, within, inside, not. inadvertence (in-ad-vert'ens), n. want of attention ; oversight ; mis- take. Also inadvertency. inadvertent ('ent), adj. inatten- tive ; heedless ; careless ; uncon- scious. inalienability (-al-yen-a-bil'i-ti), n, the quality of being inalienable. inalienable (-a-bl), adj. that cannot, or should not, be alienated, surren- dered, or transferred to another. inalienableness (-nes), n. inaliena- bility. inalienably (-bli), adv. so as to be inalienable. inamorata (-a-mo-ra'ta), n. a wom- an with whom one is in love ; sweet- heart ; mistress [Italian]. inamorato ('to), n. a man who is in love; a lover [Italian]. inane (-an'), adj. empty; void; senseless; silly; pointless; frivo- lous : n. infinite void ; space. inanimate (in-an'i-mat), adj. not animate or animated ; dead ; spirit- less ; lifeless. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 443 ine inanition (-a-nish'un), n. empti- ness ; exhaustion from lack of nour- ishment. inanity (-an'i-ti), n. [pi. inanities (-tiz)], emptiness; mental vacuity; frivolity : pi. vanities. inappreciable (-pre'shi-a-bl), adj. not to be appreciated or estimated ; of no consequence. inarch, (in-arch'), v.t. to graft by uniting (a scion) to a stock without separating the scion from its parent tree. inarticulate (in-ar-tik'u-lat), adj. not uttered with intelligible distinct- ness ; incapable of speech ; not arti- culated ; not jointed, segmented, or valved. inarticulately (-li), adv. in an in- articulate manner. inarticulateness (-nes), n. indis- tinctness of utterance. inasmuch (-az-much'), adv. in a like degree; seeing that (with as) ; be- cause. inaugural (-aw'gti-ral), adj. pertain- ing to an inauguration : n. an inau- gural address. inaugurate ('gii-rat), v.t. to induct into office with appropriate cere- monies ; invest with office in a for- mal manner ; consecrate ; make a formal beginning of ; initiate, as a new policy ; celebrate the first pub- lic use of by some opening cere- mony ; dedicate, as a public build- ing. inaugurator (-rat-er), n. one who inaugurates, or initiates. inauguratory (-to-ri), adj. pertain- ing to inauguration. inauguratrix (-triks), n. a female who inaugurates. inauspicious (-spish'us), adj. ill- omened ; unlucky ; unfavorable ; un- fortunate. inbeing ('be-ing), n. inherent exist- ence ; inherence ; inseparableness. inboard ('bord), adv. and adj. with- in the ship ; not projecting over the bulwarks. inbond ('bond), adj. a term applied to a brick or stone laid lengthwise across a wall. inbreed (-bred'), v.t. to breed or de- velop within ; breed from animals closely related. Inca (ing'ka), n. the Peruvian em- peror, or a member of the royal race in Peru (which claimed descent from the sun) previous to the Spanish conquest under Pizarro, 1531 ; the aboriginal Peruvian race, whose lan- guage, called Quichua, is still spoken in the Sierra. incalculable (in-karkti-la-bl), adj. beyond calculation. incalculably (-bli), adv. immeasur- ably. incalescence (-kal-es'ens) , the state of growing warm. Also incalescen- cy. incalescent (-es'ent), adj. increas- ing in heat. incandesce (-kan-des'), v.t. to cause to glow with heat : v.t. to glow with heat. incandescnce ('ens), n. white heat. Also incandescency. incandescent ('ent), adj. glowing; white with heat. incandescent lamp (lamp), n. a lamp in which the light is produced by a thin strip of non-conducting material contained in a vacuum, and heated to incandescence by an elec- tric current. incantation ( -kan-ta'shun ) , n. a magical charm said or sung ; en- chantment. incantatory ('ta-to-ri), adj. dealing by enchantment ; magical. incapacitate (-ka-pas'i-tat), v.t. to deprive of capacity or natural pow- er ; render incapable or unfit ; dis- qualify ; disable. incapacity (-ti), n. lack of power, physical or mental ; legal disqualifi- cation. incarcerate (-kar'ser-at), v.t. to im- prison ; confine. incarceration (-ra'shun), n. im- prisonment ; confinement ; constric- tion, as of a hernia. incarcerator ('ser-a-ter), w. one who nicarcerates. incarnate ('nat), v.t. to clothe with flesh ; embody in flesh : p.adj. . em- bodied in flesh ; flesh-colored. incarnation (-na'shun), n. the act ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. inc 444 inc of clothing with, or of assuming, flesh ; embodiment in human form; a striking exemplification or personi- fication ; the assumption of human nature by the Son of God ; the pro- cess by which a wound heals by being filled v/ith new flesh. incase, same as encase. incautious (-kaw'shus), adj. want- ing in caution ; not circumspect ; unwary. incavo (-ka'vo), the hollowed part in an intaglio or an engraved work. incendiarism (-sen'di-a-rizm), the act of an incendiary ; burning ; ar- son. incendiary ('di-a-ri), adj. pertaining to arson or the malicious burning of property ; tending to excite passion or violence ; inflammatory ; sedi- tious : n. one guilty of arson ; one who excites passion or violence ; a seditious agitator. incense (in-sens'), v.t. to fire; in- flame with anger ; provoke ; irritate ; (in'sens), perfume with incense: n. any aromatic material which ex- hales perfume when burned, especial- ly olibanum, the frankincense of the Jews, and also of the ancient Greeks s.nd Romans ; any gratifying odor, as of flowers ; homage ; odor of spices and gums burned in religious rites. incentive (sen'tiv), adj. inciting; encouraging : n. incitement ; en- couragement ; motive ; spur ; stimu- lus. inception (-sep'shun), n. reception; beginning ; the formal qualification of a master of arts, previous to tak- ing his degree. inceptive (-sep'tiv), adj. beginning; noting beginning : n. an inceptive word or phrase. incessant (ses'ant), adj. unceasing; ceaseless ; continuous. incest ('sest), n. sexual commerce between persons related within the prohibited degrees of marriage. incestuous (-ses'tu-us) , adj. guilty of, or involving, incest. inch (inch), n. l-12th of a foot; a small quantity or degree ; a critical moment : v.t. to drive by small de- grees ; deal out sparingly : v.i. move slowly. inchoate ('ko-at), adj. just begun; incipient ; elementary ; incomplete. inchoately (-li), adv. rudimentarily. inchoative ('a-tiv), adj. incipient; rudimentary : n. an inceptive. incidence ('si-dens), n. the direction in which a ray of light or heat falls upon a surface. incident ('si-dent), adj. falling upon, as a ray of light on a reflecting sur- face ; apt to occur ; appertaining ; occurring accidentally ; casual ; sub- ordinate : n. occurrence ; that which happens beside the main design ; casualty ; episode ; event ; accident. incidental ( 'al ) , adj. casual ; sub- ordinate : n. something casual or subordinate : pi. minor expenses. incidentally (-li), adv. casually. incinerate (-sin'er-at), v.t. to burn to ashes. incineration (-er-a'shun), n. crema- tion. incinerator ('er-a-ter), n. a furnace or retort for reducing substances to ashes. incipience (-sip'i-ens), n. incipient state ; beginning ; commencement. Also incipiency. incipient ('i-ent), adj. beginning to be or to appear ; initial. incised (-sizd'), p. adj. cut; caused by cutting ; engraved ; notched. incision (-sizh'un), n. a cut made with a sharp instrument ; notch. incisive (-si'siv), adj. having the quality of cutting into ; sharp ; trenchant ; pertaining to the incisor teeth ; incisorial : n. the incisive edge or tooth of the mandible of a beetle. incisively (-li), adv. with incision. incisiveness (-nes), n. the quality of being incisive. incisor ('ser), n. a cutting tooth; one of the teeth in front of the ca- nines in both jaws. incisorial (-sor'i-al), adj. pertaining to, or having the character of, an in- cisor tooth. incisory ('so-ri), adj. cutting. incite (-sit'), v.t. to move to action; stir up ; spur on ; encourage ; im- pel. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. inc 445 ino incitement ('ment), n. ah inciting cause ; incentive ; impulse ; encour- agement. incivility (-si-vil'i-ti), n. [pi. inci- vilities (-tiz)], lack of civility or courtesy ; impoliteness. inclemency (-klem'en-si), n. [pi. in- clemencies _(-siz)], v^ant of clem- ency ; severity of temper ; y stormi- ness ; adversity. inclement ('ent), adj. not clement; unmerciful ; tempestuous. inclination (-cli-na'shun), n. a lean- ing ; deviation from normal direc- tion or position ; tendency of the mind ; disposition ; a slope or de- clivity ; slant ; propensity. incline (-klin'), v.i. to deviate from the normal direction or position ; lean ; bov^ ; have a mental bent or tendency ; be disposed : v.t. to cause to lean ; direct ; bovv^ ( as in rever- ence or civility) ; give a tendency to ; turn ; dispose : n. a. slope ; an in- clined plane ; gradient. inclined (-klind'), p.adj. having a tendency ; sloping ; disposed ; bent into a convex curve._ inclined plane (plan), n. a plane that makes an angle with the plane of the horizon ; one of the mechan- ical powers. inclinometer (-kli-nom'e-ter), n. an apparatus for determining the mag- netic inclination or dip ; a dipping needle ; clinometer. ip-^lose (-kloz'), v.t. to shut in; en- compass ; surround ; put into an enveloi:/e ; i)ut into the same envel- ope (with another letter) ; sepa- rate from common lands by a fence. inclosure ('zhur), n. the act of in- closing, or state of being inclosed, especially the act of separating land from a common by a fence ; that which is inclosed ; that which in- closes, as a fence ; something in- closed with a letter in an envelope, as a bill, check, &c. include (-klood'), v.t. to inclose; hold as in an inclosure ; confine within something ; comprise or com- prehend, as a genus the species. included ('ed), p.adj. inclosed; con- tained ; not projecting beyond the mouth of the corolla of a flower. inclusion (-kloo'zhun), n. the act of including ; the state of being in- cluded ; that which is included. inclusive ('siv), adj. inclosing; in- cluding ; comprehending the ex- tremes in the sum, as from Monday to Saturday inclusive, i.e., taking in both Monday and Saturday. inclusively (-li), adv. so as to in- clude. incognito (-kog'ni-to), adj. un- known or disguised : adv. in dis- guise ; under an assumed name : n. a great personage who travels under an assumed style ; the assumption of a character or title to avoid, recog- nition ; state of being unrecognized. Fern, incognita. incoherence (-ko-her'ens), n. want of cohesion ; looseness ; want of con- nection ; incongruity ; inconsequence. Incoherency. incoherent ('ent), without cohesion; incongruous ; inconsecutive. incohesion (-he'zhun), n. want of cohesion. incombustible (-kom-bus'ti-bl), adj. that cannot be consumed by fire : n, an incombustible substance. income ('kum), n. the gain which proceeds from labor, business, prop- erty, or capital ; annual receipts of a person or corporation. incomer ('kum-er), n. one who comes in ; one who succeeds another as a tenant. incoming ('kum-ing), p.adj. coming in ; accruing : n. the act of coming in ; that which comes in ; income. incommensurability (-kom-men-su- ra-bil'i-ti), n. the quality or state of being incommensurable. Also in- commensura-bleness. incommensurable ( 'su-ra-bl ) , adj. having no common measure ; having no common divisor except unity : n. one of two (or more) quantities that have no common measure. incommensurate (-rat), adj. not admitting of a common measure ; incommensurable ; not sufficient in measure ; inadequate. incommensurately (-li), adv. not in equal or due measure. incommode (-kom-od'), v.t. to give ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. inc 446 inc inconvenience or trouble to ; dis- turb. incoxximodioiis ('i-us), adj. tending to incommode ; troublesome ; incon- venient. imcoajffl.imiiiica'ble, ( -mu'ni - ka-bl ) , adj. that cannot be communicated or told. imcomparaMe (-kom'pa-ra-bl), adj. not admitting of comparison ; un- equaled ; transcendent ; peerless. ineomparableness (-nes), n. excel- lence beyond comparison. incomparably (-bli), adv. beyond comparison. incoiiipatiljility (-pat-i-biri-ti), n. irreconcilableness. Also incompat- ibleness. incompati'ble ('i-bl), adj. incapable of harmonious subsistence or com- bination ; inconsistent ; incongru- ous : n.pl. persons or things irrecon- cilably disagreeing with each other. incompatibly (-bli), adv. in an in- compatible manner. incompetence (-kom'pe-tens), n. in- ability, physical, intellectual, or moral ; insufficiency ; inadequacy ; lack of qualification or jurisdiction. Also incompetency. incompetent ('pe-tent), adj. want- ing ability ; inadequate ; wanting qualification or fitness ; incapaci- tated ; inadmissible. incomplete (-plef), adj. not fully finished or developed ; not having all its parts ; imperfect ; defective. incompletely ('li), at^v. imperfectly. incompleteness ('nes), n. imperfec- tion. incompr eliensible ( -pre-hen'si-bl ) , adj. illimitable ; not. to be under- stood or grasped by the mind; in- conceivable. incompressible (-pres'i-bl) , adj. in- capable of being reduced in volume by pressure ; resisting pressure. inconceivability (-kon - sev-a-bil'i- ti), n. the quality of being incon- ceivable. inconceivable ('a-bl), adj. incapable of being conceived or imagined ; in- credible. inconceivably (-bli), adv. beyond tjip power of conception. inconclusive (-kloo'siv), adj. lead- ing to no conclusion in evidence or argument ; unconvincing ; reaching no definite result in action ; inef- fective ; inefficient. inconclusively (-li), adv. in an in- conclusive manner. incondensible (-den'si-bl), adj. in- capable of being made more dense or compact, or of being reduced to liquid form. incongruity (-groo'i-ti), n. \_pl. in- congruities (-tiz)], want of mutual fitness ; unsuitableness of one thing to another. incongruous (-kong'groo-us), adj.. reciprocally disagreeing ; unsuited to one another ; inharmonious ; inap- propriate. inconnu (-kon-nu.'), adj. unknown: n. an unknown person. Feminine inconnue [French]. inconsequence ('se-kwens), n. the quality of being inconsequent ; want of logical sequence ; inconclusive- ness. inconsequent (-kwent), adj. not fol- lowing from the premises ; illogical ; out of proper relation ; irrelevant. inconsiderable (-sid'er-a-bl) , adj. not deserving consideration ; unim- portant. inconsiderably (-bli), adv. very lit- tle. inconsiderate (-sid'er-at), adj. with- out consideration ; thoughtless. inconsiderately (-li), adv. thought- lessly. inconsistency (-sis'ten-si), n. {pi. inconsistencies (-siz)], the quality of being inconsistent ; incongruity. inconsistent ('tent), adj. lacking coherence or agreement ; discrepant ; lacking uniformity ; self-contradict- ing ; incongruous. inconsolable (-so'la-bl), adj. not to be consoled or comforted. ineonsolably (-bli), adv. in an in- consolable manner or degree. inconspicuous (-spik'u-us), adj. not easily perceived ; so small as to es- cape notice ; hardly discernible. inconstancy ('stan-si), n. change- ableness. inconstant ('stant), adj. subject to ate, iirm, fisk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book; hiie, hut; think, tMn. 447 inc change ; unstable ; variable ; fickle ; capricious. incontestable (-test'a-bl), adj. not admitting of question or dispute ; incontrovertible. incontestably (-bli), adv. indispu- tably. incontinence ('ti-nens), n. lack of restraint, especially undue indul- gence of the sexual passions ; licen- tiousness ; involuntary discharge. Also incontinency. incontinent ('ti-nent), adj. unre- strained ; unchaste : n. an unchaste person. incontr overtibility ( -tro-ver-ti-bil '- i-ti), n. the state or quality of being incontrovertible. incontrovertible ( 'ti-bl ) , adj. not admitting of controversy ; indis- putable. incontrovertibly (-bli), adv. indis- putably. inconvenience (-ven'iens), n. want of convenience ; unfitness ; trouble- someness ; that which incommodes ; disadvantage. Also inconveniency : v.t. to put to inconvenience ; incom- mode ; annoy ; molest. inconvenient ('lent), adj. disad- vantageous ; inopportune ; unfit ; in- expedient. inconvertibility (-ver-ti-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being inconvertible. inconvertible ( 'ti-bl ) , adj. incapa- ble of being converted into, or ex- changed for, something else. incorporate (-kor'po-rat), v.t. to combine into one body ; give a body to ; embody ; unite ; associate ; unite intimately ; assimilate ; blend ; form into a corporation recognized by law : v.i. to unite with another body so as to form a part of it ; be mixed or blended with : p.adj. incorpo- rated ; united in one body. incorporation (-po-ra'shun), n. combination ; assimilation ; mixture ; formation of a body corporate ; a corporation. incorporator (-ra-ter), n. one who incorporates ; an original member of an incorporated society. incorporeal (-p6're-al), adj. not cor- poreal ; immaterial ; intangible, and existing only in contemplation of the law. incorporeally (-li), adv. immaterial- ly. incorrect (-kor-ekt'), adj. not ac- cording to model or rule ; faulty ; not according to fact ; inaccurate ; not in accordance with morality or good manners ; improper. incorrigible ('ri-ji-bl), adj. bad be- yond correction or amendment ;. ir- reclaimable. incorrigibleness (-nes), n. the qual- ity of being incorrigible. Also in- corrigibility. incorrigibly (-bli), adv. irreclaim- ably. incorrodible (-rod'i-bl), adj. in- capable of being corroded. incorrupt (-kor-upf), adj. fre*^ from physical or moral taint ; unim- paired ; upright ; especially above the influence of corruption or bribery ; honest. incorruptibility (-ti-bil'i-ti), n. in- capability of corruption. incorruptible ('ti-bl), adj. incapa- ble of physical corruption, decay, or dissolution ; not liable to moral per- version or contamination ; especially incapable of being bribed. incorruptibly (-bli), adv. in an in- corruptible manner. incorruption (-rup'shun), n. ex- emption from corruption. increase (-kres'), v.i. to become greater in any respect ; augment ; multiply ; grow ; wax, as the moon : v.t. to make greater in any respect ; enhance ; aggravate ; enlarge : n. (in'kres), a growing larger; that which is added to the original stock ; increment ; produce ; profit ; issue ; offspring ; a waxing, as of the moon. incredibility (-kred-i-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being incredible. Also in- credibleness. incredible ('i-bl), adj. surpassing belief ; hard to believe ; . unimagin- able ; inconceivable. incredibly (-bli), adv. in an incred- ible manner. incredulity (kre-dii'li-ti), n. the quality of being incredulous ; scep- ticism ; disbelief. ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n6rth, not ; bo6n, book : hue, hut ; think, then. inc 448 ind incredulous (-kred'u-lus), adj. hard of belief ; sceptical ; unbelieving, increment ('kre-ment), n. increase; augmentation ; produce. increscent (-kres'ent), p.adj. in- creasing ; in heraldry, denoting the new moon, with the horns towards the dexter side. incriminate (-krim'i-nat), v.t. to charge with a crime ; criminate ; ac- cuse. incrnst (in-krust'), v.t. to cover with, or as with, a crust ; coat ; overlay ; to inlay, as mosaic, so as to form a decorative covering. Also en- crust. incrustate ('at), adj. covered with earthy matter ; growing firmly to the pericarp : said of seeds. incrustation (-krus-ta'shun), n. a crust ; covering ; an incrusted or in- laid object or substance ; a covering or inlaying of marble, mosaic, &c., attached to the masonry. incubate ('ku-bat), v,t. to sit upon (eggs) to hatch them; hatch out: v.i. to brood ; in medicine, to go through the stage of incubation. incubator ('ku-ba-ter), n. one who, or that which, incubates ; especially an apparatus for hatching eggs arti- ficially. incubus ('kii-bus), n. [pi. incubuses (-ez) incubi (-bi)], the nightmare; in the superstition of the middle ages, a demon believed to cause nightmare, and the birth of de- formed children ; a heavy weight or burden. inculcate (-kul'kat), v.t. to impress upon the mind by frequent admoni- tions. incuicator ('ka-ter), n. one who in- culcates. incumbency (-kum'ben-si), n. [pi. incumbencies (-siz)], the act or state of being incumbent ; full pos- session and exercise of any ofiice ; state of holding a benefice. incumbent ('bent), adj. lying upon; imposed as a duty : n. the holder of an office ; a clergyman in posses- sion of a benefice. incur (-ker'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. in- curred, p.pr. incurring], to become liable to, by one's own action ; con- tract, as a debt. incurability (kur-a-bil'i-ti), n. the state of being incurable. incurable (-kur'a-bl), adj. incapable of being cured ; beyond the power of skill or medicine ; irremediable ; in- corrigible : n. a person diseased be- yond cure. incurably (-bli), adv. without reme- dy. incursion (in-ker'shun), 71. an in- road ; raid ; invasion. incurvate ('vat), p.adj. bent in" ward ; curved. indebted (-det'ed), p.adj. being in debt ; lying under an obligation. indecency (-de'sen-si), n. [pi. in- decencies (-siz)], want of decency, modesty, or good manners ; that which is indecent, grossly vulgar, or obscene; in law, the public exhibi- tion of something indecent. indecent ('sent), adj. violating pro- priety in language ; behavior, &c. ; immodest ; indelicate ; obscene. indecision (-de-sizh'un), n. want of decision ; a wavering of the mind ; irresolution. indecisive (-si'siv), adj. not bring- ing to a decision or final issue ; in- conclusive. indecisively (-li), adv. in an inde- cisive manner. indeclinable (-kli'na-bl), adj. that cannot be declined, or varied by declension : n. a word that cannot be declined. indeclinably (~bli), adv. without de- clension. indecorous (-de-ko'rus), adj. vio- lating decorum, or any accepted rule of conduct. indecorum (-ko'rum), n. violation of decorum or propriety ; breach of etiquette or civility. indeed (-ded'), adv. in fact; in truth. indef atigability ( -de-f at-i-ga-bil'i- ti), n. the quality of being indefati- gable. indefatigable ('i-ga-bl), adj. not to be v/earied out ; not yielding to fatigue ; unremitting in labor or ef- fort. iadefatigably (-bli), adv. without yielding to fatigue ; persistently. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrth, not; boon, book-; hue, hut; think, then. ind 449 ind indefeasibility (-de-fe-zi-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being indefeasible. indefeasible ('zi-bl), adj. not to be defeated or made void, as a title. indefeasibly (-bli), adv. so as not to be set aside or made void. indefectible (-fek'ti-bl), adj. subject to no defect, failure, or decay. indefensible (-fen'si-bl), adj. that cannot be defended, maintained, or justified. indefensibly (-bli), adv. so as to ad- mit of no defense. indefinable (-fi'na-bl), adj. that can- not be defined. indefinably (-bli), adv. in an inde- finable manner. indefinite (-def'i-nit), adj. not de- fined ; not precise ; vague ; having no particular limit ; large beyond the comprehension of man, though not absolutely infinite ; too numerous or variable to be easily counted ; inde- terminate in logical quantity. indefinitely (-li), adv. to an indef- inite degree ; without determinate limitation. indelibility (-del-i-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being indelible. indelible ('i-bl), adj. not to be blot- ted out, effaced, or obliterated. indelibly (-bli), adv. so as to be in- delible. indelicacy (-del'i-ka-si), n. [pi. in- delicacies (-siz)l, want of delicacy; that which is offensive to modesty or refined taste. indelicate ('i-kat), adj. offensive to modesty or propriety ; coarse ; in- decent. indelicately (-li), adv. in an indeli- cate manner. indemnification (-dem-ni-fi-ka'- shun), n. the act of securing against loss ; reimbursement of loss. ' indemnify ('ni-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. [ indemnified, p.pr. indemnifying], to I secure or insure against loss or dam- i age ; reimburse. indemnity ('ni-ti), n. [pi. indemni- ties (-tiz)], security against loss, damage, or punishment ; compensa- tion for loss. indent (-dent'), v.t. to make a dent or depression in ; dent ; cut into points like teeth ; notch ; bind out by indenture, as an apprentice : n. a notch in the margin ; a covenant. indentation (-den-ta'shun), n. a small hollow or depression, as from a blow ; a dent or dint ; a notch or recess in a margin. indented ('ted), p.adj. notched in the margin like a row of teeth ; ziz- zag ; in heraldry, notched or ser- rated. indenture ('ttir), n. a covenant or deed, formerly in duplicate, with the edges notched so as to correspond : v.t. to bind by indenture, as an ap- prentice. independence (-de-pend'ans) , n. free- dom from support or governance by others ; a competency ; self-reliance. Independence Day (da), July 4, the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, observed as a na- tional holiday. independency ('en-si), n. independ- ence ; the principles of the Independ- ents. independent ('ent), adj. not de- pendent, supported by, or governed by, another ; having a competency ; not subject to bias or influence ; free ; irrespective : n. one who sup- ports measures or men independent- ly of any organized party. indestructibility ( -struk-ti-bil'i-ti ) , n. incapability of being destroyed. indestructible ('ti-bl), adj. not to be destroyed. indestructibly (-bli), adv. so as to be indestructible. indeterminate (-ter'min-at), adj. not determinate, settled, or fixed ; indefinite ; not precise ; having an indefinite number of values or solu« tions. indeterminately (-li), adv. indefi- nitely. index ('deks), n. [pi. indexes (-ez), indices ('di-sez)], that which points out or indicates ; an alphabetical table of the contents of a book ; the figure or letter which shows the power or root of a quantity ; the ex- ponent : v.t. provide with an index. index-finger (-fing'ger), n. the fore- finger. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ind 450 ind Indiaman ( ' di-a-man ) , n. [pi. In- diamen (-men)], a large vessel for- merly employed in the India trade. Indian ('di-an), adj. pertaining to the Indies, to the West Indies or to the American Indians ; made of maize or Indian corn : n. an East Indian, West Indian or Anglo-In- dian ; one of the aborigines of Amer- ica, or a Red Indian. Indian corn (korn), n. a native American plant, known as maize. Indian-file (-fil), n. single file. Indian red (red), n. a silicate of iron, imported from the Persian Gulf. india-rubber ( 'di-a-rub'er ) , n. caout- chouc. Indian summer (sum'er), n. sum- mer-like weather, with calm and ab- sence of rain, occurring in autumn. Indian yellow (yel'o), n. a bright yellow pigment. indican (in'di-kan), n. a substance obtained from the various indigo- producing plants, decomposing, by the action of acids, into sugar, in- digo-blue, indigo-red, and indiglucin. indicant ('di-kant), adj. indicating: n. that which points out a remedy for a disease. indicate ('di-kat), v.t. to point out; show ; suggest ; hint ; point out, as a remedy. indication (-ka'shun), w. the act of indicating; that which indicates; information ; token ; evidence ; sign ; symptom. indicative (-dik'a-tiv), adj. pointing out ; bringing to notice ; noting that mood of the verb which indicates, predicates, or affirms : n. the indica- tive mood. indicatively (-li), adv. so as to in- dicate. indicator ('di-ka-ter), n. one who, or that which, indicates ; the part of an instrument by which an effect is indicated, especially an apparatus for ascertaining and recording the variations of pressure or vacuum in the cylinder of a steam engine. indicatory (-ka-to-ri), adj. serving to indicate. indict (-dit'), v.t. to charge with a crime, by the presentment of a grand jury. indictable ('a-bl), adj. liable to be indicted ; punishable. indicter ('er), w. one who indicti Also indictor. indictment ('ment), n. a written accusation against a prisoner pre- sented by a grand jury to a court. indifference (-dif'er-ens), n. the state of being indifferent ; impartial- I ity ; absence of preference or in- terest ; unconcernedness ; unimpor- tance ; condition of being indifferent in character or quality ; mediocrity. indifferent ('er-ent), adj. uncon- cerned ; unimportant ; mediocre ; re- gardless. indigence ('di-jens), n. the state of being indigent ; poverty ; want. Also indigency. indigene ('di-jen), n. a native; aborigine. indigenous (-dij'e-nus), adj. born or produced in a country ; not exotic ; not imported ; innate ; inherent ; native, indigent ('di-jent), adj. destitute; needy. indigested (-jest'ed), adj. undi- gested, as food ; crude ; not softened by heat. indigestibility (-i-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being indigestible. indigestible (-jesf'i-bl), adj. not di- gestible, physically or mentally. indigestibly (-bli), adv. so as not to be digested. indigestion (-jes'chun), n. difficulty in digesting food ; dyspepsia. indignant (-dig'nant), adj. affected with indignation ; inflamed with mingled anger and disdain. indignation (-na'shun), n. anger at what is unworthy, unjust, dishonor- able, or base ; anger mingled with contempt or disgust. indignity (-dig'ni-ti), n. [pi. indig- nities (-tiz)], an action intended to lower the dignity of another ; insult. indigo ('di-go), n. a blue dye-stuff obtained from the indigo plant by decomposition of the glucoside in- dican. indirect (-di-rekt'), adj. not straight ate, iirm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. ind 451 ind or rectilinear ; not directly result- ing from a cause ; not reaching the end aimed at by the most direct method ; not straightforward or fair indiscreet (-dis-kref), adj. wanting in discretion ; imprudent. indiscretion (-dis-kresh'un), n. want of discretion ; imprudence ; an im- prudent act. indiscriminate (-krim'i-nat), adj. undistinguisLmg ; promiscuous. indiscriminately (-li), adv. without distinction. indis criminative ( -krim'in-a-tiv ) , adj. making no distinction. indispensability (-pens-a-bil'i-ti) , n. incapability of being dispensed with. indispensable ('a-bl), adj. that can- not be dispensed with ; absolutely necessary. indispensably (-bli), adv. unavoid- ably. indispose (-dis-poz'J, v.t. to disin- cline ; unfit. indisposed (-pozd'), adj. slightly ill in health ; disinclined. indisposition (-po-zish'un), n. slight illness ; disinclination. indispntability (-pu-ta-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being indisputable. indisputable ('ta-bl), adj. too evi- dent to admit of dispute ; unques- tionable. indisputably (-bli), adv. unques- tionably. indissolubility ( o-lu-bil'i-ti ) , n. in- capability of being dissolved or lique- fied ; perpetuity of obligation. indissoluble ('o-lu-bl), adj. not dis- soluble or dissolvable. indistinct (-dis-tingkt'), adj. not distinct to the senses or the mind ; undefined ; indefinite ; confused. indistinguisbable ( -ting'gwish-a- bl), adj. incapable of being distin- guished, discriminated, or perceived. indistinguisbably (-bli), adv. so as not to be distinguished. indite (-dit'), v.t. to compose; write. indium ('di-um), n. a rare metallic element found in zinc-blende. individual (-di-vij'u-al), adj. exist- ing as a single indivisible entity ; pertaining to, or characteristic of, a single person or thing : n. a single person, animal, or thing. individualize ('u-al-iz), v.t. to in- vest with individuality ; distinguish. individualism (-izm-), n. the qual- ity of being individual ; a social system in which each individual works for himself alone ; the theory of government which discountenances the interference of the state in the affairs of the individual. individualist (-ist), n. one who holds the theory of individualism : adj. individualistic. individualistic (-is'tik), adj. per- taining to individualism or to indi- vidualists. individuality (-al'i-ti), n. the con- dition of being inf^ividual ; separate or distinct existence ; distinctive character. individually (-li), adv. separately; personally. individuate ('u-at), v.t. to mark as distinct. indivisibility (-viz-i-bil'i-ti), n. the property of being indivisible. indivisible ( 'i-bl ) , not separable into parts : n. that which is indivisible ; an element, infinitely small, assumed to admit of no further division. indi visibly (-bli), adv. so as to be incapable of division. Indo, a prefix meaning connected with India, as 7w(Zo-Chinese, pertain- ing to Indo-China. indocile (in-dos'il), adj. unteach- able ; intractable. indocility (-do-sil'i-ti), n. the qual- ity of being indocile. indoctrinate (-dok'tri-nat), v.t. to imbue with learning, principles, or doctrines. Indo-£uropean (-do-ti-ro-pe'an) ,ad;. pertaining to the family of Aryan languages extending from India over Europe. indolence ('do-lens), n. love of ease ; indisposition to labor ; lazi- ness ; supineness, indolent (-lent), adj. indulging in ease ; avoiding labor ; lazy. indomitable (-dom'i-ta-bl), adj. un- tamable ; irrepressible ; invincible. indorse (-dors'), v.t. to write on the back of, as a check, &c. ; sanction; approve. Also endorse. ate, arm, ask, a<-, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ind 452 ine indorsee (-e'), n. a person to whom a check, &c., is indorsed or assigned, indorsement ('ment), n. the act of writing on the back of a check, «S:c. ; that which is so written ; approval ; sanction. indorser ('er), n. one who indorses. Also indorsor. indubitable (-du'bi-ta-bl), adj. too evident to be doubted ; unquestion- able. indubitably (-bli), adv. beyond doubt. induce (dus'), v.t. to lead on; in- fluence ; prevail upon ; bring on ; ef- fect ; cause ; to infer by induction ; produce by magnetic or electric in- duction. induced (-dust'), p. adj. caused by induction. inducement (-dus'ment), n. that which induces ; motive ; in pleading, an introductory statement. inducible ('i-bl), adj. capable of being induced, caused, or inferred. induct (-dukt'), v.t. to introduce; install into an office ; put into pos- session of a benefice. inductance ('tans), n. the capacity for induction possessed by an active electric circuit on itself, or on neighboring circuits. induction (-duk'shun), n. the act of inducting; the introduction of a person into an office ; the introduc- tion of a clergyman into a benefice ; the process of discovering and prov- ing general propositions from par- ticular cases ; conclusion drawn from a process of induction ; elec- trical or magnetic influence without direct contact. inductional ('shun-al), adj. pertain- ing to, or produced by, induction ; inductive. inductive ('tiv), adj. proceeding by induction ; producing indaction ; operating by induction; susceptible of being acted on by induction. inductive pbilosopby (fil-os'o-fi), n. the name given by Bacon to ex- perimental science, or science found- ed on induction. inductive science (si'ens), n. any branch of science which admits of, and employs, the inductive method. inductivity (-tiv'i-ti), n. specific in- ductive capacity. inductometer (-tom'e-ter), n. an in- strument for measuring the degree or rate of electric induction. inductor ('ter), n. one who inducts; that part of an electric apparatus which acts inductively. indue (-dti'), v.t. to clothe or invest; furnish ; supply ; endow. indulge (-dulj'), v.t. to be kind or complaisant to ; humor ; give free course to : v.i. to gratify one's self. indulgence ('ens), n. forbearance from restraint or control ; permis- sion ; license ; gratification ; excess ; forbearance of present payment ; toleration. indulgent ('ent), adj. disposed to indulge ; compliant ; showing favor ; kind. indulgently (-li), adv. with indul- gence. induline ('du-lin), n. a coal-tar dye- stuff of a dark blue color. Also in- dulin. indurate ('du-rat), v.i. to grow hard : v.t. to make hard ; render un- feeling or obdurate. industrial (-dus'tri-al), adj. pertain- ing to productive industry. industrialism ('tri-al-izm), n. a state of society marked by the pre- dominance of industrial pursuits. industrially (-li), adv. with refer- ence to industry or industrialism. industrious ('tri-us), adj. character- ized by diligence or industry ; hard- working. industry ('dus-tri), n. [pi. industries (-triz)], steady application to busi- ness or labor ; productive labor ; an industrial art ; a particular branch of work or trade. inebriate (-e'bri-at), v.t. to make drunk ; intoxicate ; intoxicate men- tally or emotionally : n. an habitual drunkard. inebriation (-a'shun), jt. intoxica- tion. inebriety (-bri'e-ti), n. intoxication, especially habitual drunkenness. ineffable (-ef'a-bl), adj. unspeaka- ble ; inexpressible ; too sacred for utterance. ate, arm, ask, at, awl: me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book: hue, hut; think, then. ine 453 ine ineffableness (-nes), n. unspeakable- ness. ineffably (-bli), adv. unspeakably. ineffective (-ef-ekt'iv), adj. not pro- ducing the desired effect ; ineffectual. ineffectively (-li), adv. without ef- fect. ineffectual ('u-al), adj. not produc- ing the desired effect ; unavailing. ineffectually (-li), adv. in vain. inefficacy (-ef'i-ka-si), n. lack of ef- ficacy. inefficiency (-ish'en-si), n. incompe- tency. inefficient ('ent), adj. not producing, or not capable of producing, the de- sired effect ; incapable. inelegance (-el'e-gans), n. [pi. inele- gances (-gan-sez)], want of any quality required by good taste ; some- thing inelegant. inelegant ('e-gknt) , adj. offensive to good taste. ineligibility (-el-i-ji-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being ineligible. ineligible ('i-ji-bl), adj. unworthy of choice ; unsuitable ; legally disqual- ified for choice or election. ineligibly (-bli), adv. in an ineligi- ble manner. ineptly (-ept'li), adv. unsuitably; foolishly. inequality (-e-kwal'i-ti), n. [pi. ine- qualities (-tiz)], difference, especial- ly of rank or station ; unevenness ; changeableness ; inadequacy ; devia- tion of a planet or satellite from its uniform mean motion, inequitable (-ek'wi-ta-bl), adj. not according to equity ; unjust. inequitably (-bli), adv. unjustly; unfairly. inequity ( 'wi-ti ) , n. lack of equity ; injustice. inert (-ert'), adj. having no power of motion or action ; lifeless ; slug- gish. inertia (-er'shi-a), n. lack of activ- ity ; inertness ; sluggishness ; that property of matter by virtue of which it tends to remain at rest, if resting, or to more uniformly in a straight line, if moving {vis iner- Uce). inestimable (-es'ti-ma-bl), adj. not to be estimated ; beyond measure or price ; incalculable ; invaluable. inestimably (-bli), adv. above esti- mation. inevitability (-ev-i-ta-bil'i-ti), n. impossibility of being avoided. Also inevitableness. inevitable (-ev'i-ta-bl), adj. not to be evaded ; unavoidable. inevitably (-bli), adv. unavoidably. inexact (-egz-akf), adj. not precise, correct, accurate, or punctual, inexactness (-nes), n. want of pre- cision. inexcusable (-eks-ku'za-bl), adj. in- capable of being excused ; unpardon- able. inexcusably (-bli), adv. without ex- cuse. inexhaustible C-egs-awst'i-bl), adj. not to be exhausted or spent; un- failing ; unwearied. inexhaustibly (-bli), adv. in an in- exhaustible manner or degree. inexorability (-eks-o-ra-bil'i-ti), n. incapability of being moved by prayers. Also inexorableness, inexorable ('5-ra-bl), adj. not to be moved by prayers ; unyielding ; un- relenting. inexorably (-bli), adv. infiexibly. inexpediency (-pe'di-en-si) , n. un- suitableness ; inadvisability. Also inexpedience. inexpedient ('di-ent), adj. unsuita- ble to circumstances ; inadvisable. inexpensive (-pen'siv), adj. cheap» inexperience (-pe'ri-ens), n. want of experience, or of the knowledge that comes by experience, inexperienced (-enst), adj. lacking experience ; unpracticed ; unskilled ; unversed. inexpert (-pert'), adj. unskilled; lacking the knowledge or dexterity derived from practice. inexpiable ('pi-a-bl), adj. that can- not be expiated, atoned for, or sat- isfied, inexplicable ( 'pli-ka-bl ) , adj. not to be explained, made plain, or intelli- gible ; not to be interpreted or ac- counted for, inexplicably (-bli), adv. so as not to be explained. ate, arm, fisk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, • book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 454 inf inexplosive (-plo'siv), adj. not lia- ble to explode. inexpressible (-pres'i-bl), adj. inca- pable of being expressed, uttered, or described, inexpressibly (-bli), adv. unspeaka- bly. inexpressive (-pres'iv), adj. lacking expression or distinct significance. inextensibility (-ten-si-bil'i-ti) , n. the quality of being inextensible. inextensible ('si-bl), adj. that can- not be extended or stretched. inextinguishable ( -ting'gwish-a-bl ) , adj. unquenchable. inextinguishably (-bli), adv. so as not to be extinguished. inextricable ( 'tri-ka-bl ) , adj. not ex- tricable ; not permitting extrication ; not to be freed from intricacy or perplexity. inextricably (-bli), adv. beyond dis- entanglement. infallibility (-bil'i-ti), n. the qual- ity of being infallible. infallible (-fal'i-bl), adj. incapable of erring ; unerring ; certain ; un- failing. infallibly (-bli), adv. without error or failure. infamous ('fa-mus), adj. having a notoriously bad reputation ; odious ; scandalous. infamously (-li), adv. shamefully; wickedly. infamy ('fa-mi), n. infamous charac- ter ; public disgrace ; ignominy. infancy ('fan-si), n. the state of be- ing an infant ; early childhood ; the first age of anything; in law, the period of life from birth to the age of twenty-one. infant ('fant) , n. a young child ; pop- ularly a child under two years ; in law, a person who has not attained his legal majority, or the age of twenty-one: adj. pertaining to in- fancy, or to the legal period of in- fancy ; infantile ; incipient. infanticidal Cti-si-dal), adj. pertain- ing to infanticide. infanticide ('ti-sid), n. the murder of an infant born alive; one who kills an infant. infantile ('fan-til), a dj. pertaining ate, arm, ask, at, awl to infants or infancy ; child-like ; childish. infantry ('fan-tri), n. foot soldiers, except engineers and men of the army service corps. inf are ('far), n. a housewarming. infatuate (-fat'u-at), v.t. to make extravagantly foolish ; to inspire with fatuous passion. infatuation (-u-a'shun), n. extrava- gant folly ; fatuous passion. infect (-fekt'), v.t. to communicate some (especially bad) quality to; taint, especially with disease, physi- cal or moral. infection (-fek'sbun), n. the act of infecting ; that which infects ; con- taminating ; taint ; communication of disease from the sick to the healthy ; an infectious disease. infectious ('shus), adj. communica* ble by infection ; sympathetic ; com- municating infection ; demoralizing. infecundity (-fe-kun'di-ti), n. bar- renness. infelicitous (-fe-lis'i-tus), adj. un- fortunate ; unhappy ; inappropriate ; ill-timed. infelicity (-lis'i-ti), n. [pi. infelici- ties (-tiz)], misfortune; unhappi- ness ; inappropriateness ; an infelici- tous act or expression. infelt ('felt), adj. felt within; heart- felt. infer (-fer'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. inferred. p.pr. inferring], to derive by induc- tion or deduction ; accept as a fact or consequence ; imply : v.i. to con- clude. inferable ('a-bl), adj. capable of be- ing inferred. inference ('fer-ens), n. the act of in- ferring ; the conclusion ; deduction ; induction. inferential (-en'shal), adj. having the nature of an inference ; deduced by inference. inferentially (-li), adv. by way of inference. inferior ('ri-er), adj. lower in place, rank, or quality ; secondary ; subor- dinate ; between the earth and the sun : below the horizon ; growing be- low another organ : n. one who ranks below another ; a subordinate. me, merge, met; mite, mit ; book; hue, hut; think, then. note, north, not; boon, inf 455 inf inferiority (-ri-or'i-ti), n. lower state or quality. infernal (-fer'nal), adj. pertaining to the Tartarus of the ancients, the lower regions, or regions of the dead ; pertaining to or resembling hell ; hellish ; diabolical ; fiendish ; outrageous. infernally (-li), adv. in an infernal manner. infernal macliine (ma-shen'), n. an apparatus maliciously designed to explode to the destruction of life or property. inferno ('no), n. [pi. inferni ('ne)], a place or position of torment. infest (-fesf), v.t. to attack; haunt; overrun. infidel ('fi-del), adj. rejecting all re- ligion ; rejecting a religion which claims to be divinely revealed, espe- cially the Christian religion ; mani- festing unbelief : n. one who rejects Christianity as a divine revelation ; formerly, a Mohammedan, Jew, or heathen. infidelity (-del'i-ti), n. [pi. infideli- ties (-tiz)], disbelief in all religion, especially disbelief in Christianity ; breach of trust ; violation of the marriage contract by adultery. infield ('feld), n. in baseball, the space within the base line, 30 yds. X 30 yds. infiltration (-fil-tra'shun), n. the act of infiltrating ; that which infil- trates ; morbid condition of an organ due to accumulation of substances introduced from without. infinite ('fi-nit), adj. indefinitely ex- tensive ; immeasurable : n. the Infi- nite Being ; the Absolute ; the Un- conditioned ; a quantity greater or less than any assignable quantity of the same kind ; an indeterminate. infinitely (-li), adv. beyond any con- ceivable degree ; vastly. infiniteness (-nes), n. infinity; im- mensity. infinitesimal (-fin-i-tes'i-mal), adj. infinitely small : n. a quantity less than any assignable quantity. infinitesimally (-li), adv. by infini- tesimals ; in infinitely small quanti- ties ; in an infinitesimal degree. infinitive (-fin'i-tiv), adj. the term applied to that verb-form which sim- ply expresses the general sense of the verb without limitation to person or number : n. the infinitive mood ; a verb in the infinitive mood. infinitude ('i-tud)_, n. the state of being infinite ; unlimited extent ; in- finity. infinity ('i-ti), n. [pi. infinities (-tiz)], the state of being infinite; unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity ; absolute perfection ; an infinite quantity. infirm (-ferm'), adj. feeble in body or health ; weak-minded ; vacillat- ing ; insecure ; debilitated ; irreso- lute ; precarious. infirmary ('ma-ri), n. [pi. infirma- j ries (-riz)], a hospital for the sick j and injured. infirmity ('mi-ti), n. [pi. infirmities I (-tiz)], the state of being infirm; debility ; imbecility ; weakness of I body or of mind ; malady ; failing ; I foible. infix (-fiks'}, v.t. to fix or fasten in; implant; insert: (in'fiks) n. some- thing infixed ; an element equivalent to a prefix or suffix inserted in the body of a word. inflame (-flam'), v.t. to set on fire; fire with passion ; excite ; provoke ; irritate ; put into a state of inflam- mation : v.i. to become inflamed. inflamed (-flamd'), p.adj. heated; ex- asperated ; in heraldry, represented as burning, or decorated with tongues of flame. inflammability (-flam-a-bil'i-ti) , n, the quality or state of being inflam- mable. inflammable ('a-bl), adj. easily set on flame ; combustible ; easily ex- cited ; excitable. inflammably (-bli), adv. in an in- flammable manner. inflammation (-a'shun), n. a mor- bid process, characterized, when ex- ternal, by pain, redness, heat, and swelling. inflammatory ('a-to-ri), adj. tend- ing to excite passion, tumult, or se- dition ; tending to produce, accompa- nied by, or indicative of, inflamma- tion. ^ ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; htie, hut; think, then^ inf 456 inf inflatable (-flat'a-bl), adj. capable of being inflated. reflate (-flat'), v.t. to swell, or dis- tend, with air or gas ; puff up ; elate ; expand or raise artificially, as prices. inflationist (-fla'shun-ist), n. one in favor of an increased issue of paper money. inflator ('ter), n. a mechanical appli- ance for producing inflation. inflatus (-fla'tus), n. inspiration; af- flatus. inflect (flekt'), v.t. bend; turn from a direct line ; modulate ; vary the terminations of ; decline ; conjugate : v.i. to undergo grammatical change of termination. inflected ('ed), p.adj. bent or turned from a direct line or course ; having inflections ; bent or turned inward or downward, inflection (-flek'shun), n. a bend or bending ; modulation of the voice ; variation of nouns, verbs, &c., by declension and conjugation ; diffrac- tion of light or heat. Also inflexion. inflectional (-al), adj. exhibiting grammatical inflections. Also in- flexional. inflective (-flek'tiv), adj. capable of bending. inflex (fleks'), v.t. to inflect; curve inward. inflexibility (-fleks-i-bil'i-ti), n. in- capability of being bent; stiffness; obstinacy. inflexible ('i-bl), adj. not to be bent ; rigid; stiff; not to be moved by prayers ; inexorable ; not to be varied or changed ; unalterable ; stubborn. inflexibleness (-nes), n. the quality of being inflexible. inflexibly (-bli), adv. rigidly; inex- orably. inflict (-flikf), v.t. to cause by, or as if by, striking ; cause to be suffered ; impose as a punishment. inflorescence (-flo-res'ens), n. the mode or principle of floral arrange- ment exhibited by any species of plant ; a group of flowers arising upon a common main axis. influence ('flu-ens), n. energy or po- tency tending to produce effects in- sensibly and invisibly ; power arising from character or station ; electrical induction : v.t. to exercise influence on, physically or morally. influential (-flu-en'shal), «(?;. having or exerting influence. influentially (-li), adv. so as to in- fluence. influenza (-flu-en'za), n. an epidemic catarrh accompanied by fever, pains, and nervous prostration. influx ('fluks) , n. an inflow ; infusion ; continuous importation ; the point at which a stream flows into another or into the sea. inform (-form'), v.t. to animate; mold ; instruct ; apprise : v.i. to give information. informal ( 'al ) , adj. not according to form, custom, or rule ; irregular ; un- ceremonious ; deficient in legal form. informality ('i-ti), n. [pZ. informali- ties (-tiz)], want of regular, custo- mary, or legal form. informally (-li), adv. in an informal manner. informant ('ant), n. one who gives information. information (for-ma'shun), n. com- municated knowledge or intelligence ; a suit instituted on behalf of the government ; a declaration made be- fore a magistrate to induce him to issue a summons or warrant. informer (-form'er), n. one who in- forms a magistrate of a violation of the law, or sues for a penalty under some statute. infra, a prefix, meaning telow, fur- ther on, as iw/ra-axillary, situated below the axil. infraction (-frak'shun), n. a viola- tion, or breach, especially of law; infringement. infrangible (-fran'ji-bl), adj. that cannot be broken, separated, or vio- lated ; inviolable. infrequence (-fre'kwens), n. the state of being infrequent ; rareness. Also infrequency. infrequent ('kwent), adj. seldom oc- curring. infringe (-frinj'), v.t. to violate or break, as a law : v.i. to encroach : followed by on or upon. infringement ('ment), n. violation ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. inf 457 ini or breach, as of a law, patent, trade- mark, &c. infuriate (-fu'ri-at), v.t. to enrage; madden. infuse (-fuz'), v.t. to introduce, as by pouring ; instil ; make an infusion of. infusibility (-i-bil'i-ti) , n. capability of infusion. infusible (-fuz'i-bl), adj. capable of being infused. infusion (-fu'zhun), n. a pouring in, or something poured in or mingled ; instillation, as of good principles ; a liquid extract obtained by steeping a vegetable substance in hot or cold water without boiling. ingate ('gat), n. the aperture in a mold through which the melted met- al enters. ingenious (je'nius), adj. having in- genuity or inventive skill ; clever. ingenue ( ang-zha-noo' ) , n. an artless girl or young woman ; an actress who acts such a character in a play. ingenuity (in-je-nu'i-ti), n. clever- ness in contriving or inventing ; skill. ingenuous (in-jen'u-us), adj. frank: open ; sincere ; artless ; candid. inglorious (-glo'ri-us), adj. without glory ; disgraceful ; shameful. ingot ('got), n. a cast mass of metal, ingrain (-gran'), v.t. to dye with grain or kermes ; dye with any deep, lasting color ; impregnate deeply : adj. (in'gran), dyed prior to being manufactured: n. (in'gran), a car- pet made of cotton warps and wool filling. ingratiate (-gra'shi-at), v.t. to in- sinuate (one's self) into the favor of another ; secure favorable reception for ( with into ) . ingratitude (-grat'i-ttid), n. absence of gratitude ; insensibility to kind- ness. ingredient (-gre'di-ent), n. a compo- nent part of a compound body ; part. •ingress ('gres), n. entrance. ingulf, same as engulf. inhabit (-hab'it), v.t. to dwell in; occupy as a place of residence : v.i. to reside ; remain. inhabitable ('it-a-bl), adj. fit for habitation, inhabitance ('it-ans), n, occupancy ; residence. Also inhabitancy. inhabitant ('it-ant), n. one who, or that which, inhabits ; a permanent resident, inhabitation (-i-ta'shun), n. the act of inhabiting ; continu£d residence, inhalant (-ha'lant), n. an apparatus for inhaling ; that which is inhaled. inhalation (-la'shun), n. the act of inhaling ; inspiration. inhale (-hal'), v.t. to draw into the lungs. inharmonious (-har-mo'ni-us), adj, unmusical ; discordant. inhere (-her'), v.i. to be fixed or exist in something else ; be an essential part of. inherence ('ens), n. the state of be- ing inherent. Also inherency. inherent Cent), adj. existing insep- arably in something else ; innate. inherit (-her'it), v.t. to possess from an ancestor by right of succession ; receive by nature from one's ances- tors ; become divinely endowed with : v.i. to come into possession of prop- erty as the heir, inheritance (-ans), n. the act of in- heriting ; that which is inherited ; a possession, inhibit (-hib'it), v.t. to restrain ; pro- hibit ; interdict; prohibit (a priest) from exercising his spiritual func- tions, inhospitable (-hos'pi-ta-bl), adj. not hospitable ; affording no shelter ; barren ; cheerless, inhuman (-hti'man), adj. crjiel ; un- feeling. inhumanity (-man'i-ti), n. [pi. in- humanities (-tiz)], the quality of being inhuman ; cruelty. inhume (-hum'), v.t. to bury; inter, inimical (-im'i-kal), adj. hostile; ad- verse. inimically (-li), adv. hostilely ; ad- versely. inimitable ('i-ta-bl), adj. matchless. inimitably (-bli), adv. in an inimi- table manner. iniquitous (-ik'kwi-tus) , adj. wicked ; unjust. iniquity ('kwi-ti), n. [pi. iniquities (-tiz)], wickedness; injustice; un- righteousness ; crime ; evil. initial (-ish'al), adj. placed at the fite, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ini 458 inn beginning ; incipient : n. a letter placed at the beginning of a word, &c. : pi. the first letters of a per- son's name placed separately : v.t. to mark with an initial. initiate ('i-at), v.t. to instruct in the first principles of anything ; set on foot ; bring in ; acquaint with mys- teries or secrets. initiation (-i-a'shun), n. the act of initiating ; formal admission. initiative ('i-a-tiv), adj. introduc- tory : 11. an introductory or first step ; power of commencing, espe- cially legislative projects. initiator ('i-a-ter), n. one who ini- tiates. initiatory ('i-a-to-ri), adj. introduc- tory. inject (-jekf), v.t. to throw or cast in ; introduce, as a liquid, by me- chanical means. inj^ecta (-jek'ta), n.pZ. things injected. injector ('ter), n. one who, or that which, injects, especially an appa- ratus for filling the boilers of steam- engines with water. injudicious (-ju-dish'us), adj. not judicious ; indiscreet ; unwise. injunction (-jungk'shun), n. the act of enjoining ; that which is enjoined ; command, order, or precept ; a writ of equity or prohibition to restrain certain proceedings. injure ('jur), v.t. to hurt; harm; damage, physically or morally. injurious (-joo'ri-us), adj. hurtful, physically or morally ; unjust ; detri- mental. injury ('joo-ri), n. [pi. injuries (-iz)], that which occasions harm morally or physically; detriment; loss ; damage. injustice (-jus'tis), n. the quality of being unjust ; violation of another's rights : injury ; wrong. ink (ingk), n. a fluid or viscous ma- terial used for writing, printing, &c. ; v.t. to spread ink upon ; color or blacken with ink. inkiness ('i-nes), n. the state of be- ing inky. inkling ('ling), n. an intimation; hint. inky ('ki), adj. consisting of, or like, ink ; discolored with ink ; black. inland ( in'land ) , adj. pertaining to, or situated in, the interior of a country ; remote from the sea ; not foreign : adj. towards the interior. inlay (-la'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. inlaid, p.pr. inlaying], to ornament (a sur- face) by laying in pieces of ivory, wood, metal, &c. : n. materials for inlaying. inlet (-let'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. inlet, p.pr. inletting], to inlay; insert: n. (in'let), an entrance; a small bay or creek. inly ('li), adv. inwardly; secretly. inmost ('most), adj. deepest within. Also innermost. inn (in), n. a house for the reception and entertainment of travelers ; tav- ern ; in England, a college of com- mon law professors and students. innate ('nat), adj. inborn; native. inner ('er), adj. internal; interior; esoteric : n. that part of a target which is between the outer and the bull's-eye. innervation (-er-va'shun), w. the ar- rangement of nervous filaments in the body ; special activity or stim- ulus in any part of the nervous sys- tem. innings ('ings), n.pl. the turn of a side or player to bat ; lands re- claimed from the sea. innocence ('o-sens), n. freedom from guilt ; purity ; simplicity of heart ; harmlessness ; mental imbecility. Also innocency. innocent ('o-sent), adj. free from guilt or wrong-doing ; blameless ; pure in heart and life; weak in in- tellect. innocuous (-nok'H-us), adj. harm- less. innovate ('o-vat), v.i. to make alter- ations or changes in something al- ready established; introduce new things. innovator ('o-va-ter), n. one who in- troduces, or seeks to introduce, new- things. innoxious (-nok'shus), n. harmless. innuendo (-ti-en'do), n. [pi. innuen- dos, -does (-doz)], an oblique hint or insinuation. innumerability ( -nu-mer-a-biri-ti ) , ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. inxL 459 ins n. the state of being innumerable. Also innumerableness. innumerable ( 'mer-a-bl ) , adj. that cannot be counted : very numerous. innumerably (-bii), adv. without number. innutritions (-trish'us), adj. not af- fording nutrition or nourishment. inocarpus (-o-kar'pus), adj. having fibrous fruit. inoculate (-ok'u-lat), v.t. to commu- nicate a disease to by the insertion of infectious matter into the system ; graft on by the insertion of buds : v.i. to practice inoculation ; graft by the insertion of buds. inoculator ('ter), n. one who inocu- lates. inordinate (-or'di-nat), adj. immod- erate ; excessive. inordinately (-li), adv. immoder- ately. inorganic (-gan'ik)^ adj. destitute of organs ; not produced by living or- ganisms. Also inorganical. inorganically (-al-li), adv. without organs. inquest ('kwest)^ n. a coroner's in- quiry with a jury into the cause of a sudden death from any cause ; a judicial inquiry. inquire (-kwir'), v.i. to seek for or after by questions ; make inquiry (with for, into, after, alout). inquiry (-kwir'i), n. [pi. inquiries ('iz)], the act of inquiring; search by question ; investigation ; ques- tion ; research. inquisition (-kwi-zish'un), n. in- quiry ; examination ; a judicial in- quiry in criminal matters. inquisitive (-kwis'i-tiv), adj. given to asking questions ; prying ; curious. inquisitor ('i-ter), n. one who makes inquiries or investigates. inquisitorial (-to'ri-al), adj. per- taining to an inquisitor or to his office ; prying. inroad ('rod), n. a hostile incursion. insane (-san'), adj. mentally de- ranged ; mad ; irrational ; very fool- ish. insanity (-san'i-ti), n. derangement of mind or intellect ; lunacy ; mad- ness. insatiability (-sa-shi-a-bil'i-ti), n, the quality of being insatiable. insatiable ('shi-a-bl), adj. that can- not be satisfied or appeased. inscribe (-skrib'), v.t. to write or engrave upon ; address in a formal dedication ; draw ( one figure within another). inscription (-skrip'shun), n. the act of inscribing; that which is in- scribed ; a dedicatory address ; entry in a roll or register. inscriptive ('tiv), adj. inscribed. inscrutability (-skroo-ta-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being inscrutable. inscrutable ( 'ta-bl ) , adj. not to be penetrated by inquiry or reason ; incomprehensible. insect ('sekt), n. one of a numerous class of articulate animals, the In- secta ; anything very minute or con- temptible. Insecta (-sek'ta), n.pl. a class of ar- ticulate animals having 3 pairs of legs, 2 pairs of wings, and the body divided into 3 segments — head, tho- rax, and abdomen. insecticide ('ti-sid), n. a powder for destroying insects. insensate (-sen'sat\, adj. destitute of sense or mental perception ; soul- less ; mad ; brutish. . insensibility (-si-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being insensible ; apathy. insensible ('si-bl), adj. that cannot be felt or perceived mentally or physically ; heedless ; callous ; sense- less. insert (-sert'), v.t. to place in or among ; introduce into. insertion (-ser'shun), n. the act of inserting ; that which is inserted, as lace or embroidery in a garment, words in writing, &c. inset ('set), n. a leaf or leaves in- serted in a newspaper, magazine, &c. : v.t. (in-set') to set in; im- plant. insbore ('shor), adv. near or towards the shore. inside ('sid), adj. interior; being within : adv. & prep, within ; in less time or space : n. that which is with- in ; inner part ; contents ; entrails ; an inside passenger. ate, arm, dsk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ins 460 ins insidious (sid'i-us), adj. treacher- ous ; deceitful ; operating secretly. insight ('sit), n. penetration; intui- tion. insignia (-sig'ni-a), n.pl. badges of honor or office. insignificance (-nif'i-kans), n. un- importance. Also insignificancy. insignificant ('i-kant), adj. without importance, force, influence, or meaning ; trivial ; contemptible. insinuate ('u-at), v.t. to ingratiate, as into the confidence or affections of ; suggest or hint indirectly ; intro- duce as by a winding motion ; worm in : v.i. work one's self into the con- fidence or affection of another. insinuating (-ing), p.adj. character- ized by insinuation ; gently gaining favor ; hinting slyly. insinuation (-u-a'shun), n. the act of insinuating ; an indirect or sly hint. insipid (-sip'id), adj. without flavor; tasteless. insipidity ('i-ti), n. the quality of being insipid. insist (-sist'), v.i. to urge or press, as a wish or command ; be persistent or peremptory. insistence ('ens), n. the act of in- sisting. Also insistency. insistent ('ent), adj. urgent; con- spicuous ; entirely on the ground, as the hind toe of a bird ; supported by something else. insobriety (-so-bri'i-ti), n. intemper- ance. insolence ('so-lens), n. contemptu- ous or overbearing language or man- 'ner; offensive impertinence; insult- .^ ing behavior. insolent ('so-lent), adj. overbearing or contemptuously offensive to oth- ers ; insulting ; grossly rude. insolubility (-sol-u-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being insoluble. insoluble ('ti-bl), adj. that cannot be dissolved ; not soluble ; inexplica- ble. insolvency (Ven-si), n. [pi. insol- vencies (-siz)], the state of being insolvent. insolvent ('vent), adj. unable to pay all debts ; bankrupt : n. one who can- not pay all his debts; a bankrupt. insomnia (-som'ni-a), n. sleepless- ness. inspect (-spekt'), v.t. to examine critically ; test officially ; superin- tend. inspection (-spek'shun), n. the act of inspecting ; careful or critical scrutiny. inspector ('ter), n. one who inspects or oversees ; an official who superin- tends some matter of public inter- est ; a police officer ranking next below a superintendent. inspiration (-spi-ra'shun), n. the act of drawing air into the lungs ; creative influence of genius ; elevat- ing influence derived from associa- tion with great minds, scenery, &c. ; the supernatural influence of the Holy Spirit on sacred writers and teachers. inspiratory (-spTr'-a-to-ri), adj. per- taining to inspira.tion. inspire (-spir'), v.t. to draw (air) into the lungs ; breathe into ; imbue with ideas ; exhilarate or enliven ; communicate officially : v.i. to inhale air or any other influence. inspirit (-spir'it), v.t. to infuse spirit into ; animate ; exhilarate ; cheer. inspissate (-spis'at), v.t. to thicken by boiling or evaporation. instability (-sta-bil'i-ti), n. want of stability or firmness ; inconstancy ; fickleness. install (-stawl'), v.t. to place or in- state in an office or rank. installation (-a'shun), n. the act of installing ; induction of a minister of a non-episcopal church to a charge; introduction of machinery for use. installment ('ment), n. the act of installing ; payment of part of a sum of money due ; one of a number of parts of anything produced. instance ('stans), v.t. to refer to, or offer as an example : n. something offered as an illustration or exam- ple ; earnest solicitation. instant ( 'stant ) , adj. urgent ; imme- diate ; passing ; current : n. a par- ticular moment of time ; point of duration. instantaneous (-tan-ta'ne-us), adj. 8te, arm, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book : hiie. hnt : think, then. ins 461 ins acting or occurring in a moment ; position at a particular moment. instanter (-stan'ter), adv. imme- diately. instantly (-stant'li), adv. at once. instate (-staf), v.t. to put in office or rank. instead (-sted'), adv. in room or place : followed by of. instep ('step), n. the arched fore- part of the upper side of the human foot ; that part of a horse's hind-leg which reaches from the ham to the pastern-joint. instigate ('sti-gat), v.t. to provoke or urge on (in a bad sense) ; incite. instigator (-ga'ter), n. one who in- stigates. instil (-stir), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. in- stilled, p.pr. instilling], to insinuate gradually, as if by drops ; pour in by drops. instinct ('stingkt), adj. animated: stimulated from within : w. natural impulse in animals. instinctive (-stingk'tiv), adj. acting or prompted by instinct ; spontane- ous. institute ('sti-tut), v.t. to establish; set up ; fix ; originate ; set in opera- tion ; ordain ; invest with the spir- itual part of a benefice : n. estab- lished law ; a maxim or principle ; scientific or literary society : pi. a book of laws or principles, especially Roman laws. institution (-tu'shun), n. the act of instituting ; that which is instituted or established ; a corporate body or .society for promoting a particular object ; the building where such a society meets. institutional (-al), adj. pertaining to institutions ; elementary. institutor ('sti-tu-ter), w. a founder; a cleric appointed by the bishop to institute a clergyman into a spir- • itual benefice. instruct (-strukt'), v.t. to teach; educate ; furnish with orders or di- rections. instruction (-struk'shun), n. the act of instructing ; education ; an order, &c. instructional (-al), adj. pertaining to instruction. instructive (-struk'tiv), adj. tending to instruct ; conveying instruction. instructor ('ter), n. one who in- structs. instrument ('stroo-ment), n. that by which anything is effected ; a tool or implement ; a mechanical con- trivance for producing musical sounds ; agent ; a writing containing the terms of a contract, as a deed. instrumental (-men'tal), adj. per- taining to, or done by, an inst-ru- ment ; conducive to some end ; help- ful. instrumentality (-tal'i-ti), n. [pi. instrumentalities (-tiz)], a subordi- nate or auxiliary agency ; means. instrumentation (-ta'shun), n. the arrangement of music for a com- bination of instruments ; music thus arranged ; use or method of using an instrument. insubordinate (-sub-or'di-nat), adj. not submitting to authority ; muti- nous. insubordination (-di-na'slAm), n. the state of being insubordinate. insufferable (-suf'er-a-bl), adj. in- tolerable. insufferably (-bli), adv. intolerably. insular ('sti-lar), adj. pertaining to an island, or to the inhabitants of an island, their customs, &c. ; iso- lated ; narrow. insularity (-lar'i-ti), n. the state of being insular ; narrowness of opin- ions, «S:c. insulate ('sii-lat), v.t. to place alone, or in a detached situation ; separate by a non-conductor from other con- ducting bodies. insulation (-la'shun), n. the act of insulating ; the state of being in- sulated. insulator ('ter), n. one who, or that which, insulates ; a non-conductor of electricity, heat, or sound. insult ('suit), n. an affront or in- dignity ; gross abuse in word or ac- tion : v.t. (in-sult') to treat with gross indignity, contempt, or abuse, by word or act. insuperable (-sii'per-a-bl), adj. not to be overcome ; invincible. insuperably (-bli), adv. insurmoun- tably. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; bo5n« book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Ins 462 int insurable (-shur'a-bl), adj. capable of being insured against loss, dam- age, «&;c. ; proper to be insured. insurance ('&ns), n. the act or sys- tem of insuring against loss or dam- age ; a contract entered into to se- cure against loss by fire, &c., by the payment of a specified sum ; pre- mium paid, insure (-shur'), v.t. to contract^ on certain conditions to secure against loss or damage by fire, &c. ; make sure or secure. insurgent (-ser'jent), adj. rising against constituted authority : n. a rebel. insurrection (-rek'shun), n. active or open hostility to constituted au- thority ; rebellion. insurrectionary (-a-ri), adj. per- taining to, or engaged in, insurrec- tion ; seditious. intact (-takf), adj. entire; unin- jured.. intaglio (en-tii'Iyo), n. [pi. intaglii, -glios (lye, lyoz)], a gem or stone having a design cut in the surface ; incised carving. integer (in'te-jer), n. the whole; a v/hole number : opposed to fraction. integral ('te-gral), adj. constituting a whole ; complete ; pertaining to an integer : n. the whole made up of parts. integrant ('te-grant), adj. making part of a whole ; necessary to con- stitute an entire thing. integrate ('te-grat), v.t. to bring to- gether the parts of ; give the sum total of : vA. to pass from a complex and unstable state to one relatively simple and stable. integrity (-teg'ri-ti), n. uprightness; virtue ; honesty ; soundness ; unim- paired or unbroken state of any- thing. integument ('u-m.ent), n. an exter- nal covering or skin. intellect ('tel-ekt), n. the mind or understanding ; superior intelli- gence ; acquired knowledge. intellectual ('tu-al), adj. pertaining to, or apprehended by, the intellect ; mental ; ideal. intellectualism (-izm), n. intellec- tual power or quality; the doctrine that all knowledge is derived from pure reason. intellectual* ty (-tu-al'i-ti), n. the quality or state of being intellectual. intellectually ('tu-al-li), adv. by means of the intellect. intelligence (-tel'i-jens), n. intellec- tual capacity ; understanding ; mind ; acquired knowledge ; notification ; news. intelligent ('i-jent), adj. endowed with intelligence or understanding ; exhibiting knowledge ; clever ; acute ; discerning. intelligible ('i-ji-bl), adj. capable of being understood ; clear. intelligibly (-bli), adv. clearly. intemperance (-tem'per-ans), «. want of moderation or self restraint ; excess, especially in the use of al- coholic liquors. intemperate ('per-at), adj. charac- terized by want of moderation or self restraint ; excessive ; addicted to alcoholic liquors. intend (-tend'), v.t. to purpose; mean. intendant ('ant), n. a superintend- ent. intended ('ed), n. an aflSanced lover. intense (-tens'), adj. increased to ex- cess ; strained ; forced ; ardent ; vehe- ment. intensify (-ten'si-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. intensified, p.pr. intensifying], to render more intense ; heighten. intensity ('si-ti), n. [pi. intensities (-tiz) ], the state or quality of being intense ; density, as of a negative plate ; the force or energy of any physical agent. intensive ('siv), adj. serving to in- tensify ; giving force or emphasis to. intent (-tent'), adj. having the mind strained or closely fixed on a sub- ject ; anxiously diligent ; constantly or assiduously directed (with on) : n. purpose ; aim. intention (-ten'shun), n. purpose; fixed design ; end or aim ; project. intentioned ('shund), adj. having intentions. inter (-ter'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. interred, p.pr. interring], to bury. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, th^n. mt 463 int inter, a prefix meaning ietween, among. intercalary (-ter'ka-la-ri), adj. in- serted in the calendar, as Feb. 29 in leap-year. intercalate ('ka-lat), v.t. to insert between or among. intercede (-sed'), v.i. to mediate as a friend between persons at vari- ance ; plead for another ; interpose. intercept (-sept'), v.t. to stop and seize in the way ; cut off ; obstruct ; include between two points of a line. intercession (-sesh'un), n. the act of interceding ; mediation ; a prayer for persons of different conditions. intercessor (-ses'er), n. a mediator. intercourse ('ter-kors), n. connec- tion, correspondence, or communica- tion between individuals, nations, &c. ; mutual exchange ; familiarity ; fellowship. interdict (-dikt'), v.t. to restrain or forbid ; cut off from the spiritual services of the Church. interest ('ter-est), v.t. to engage the attention ; awaken concern in ; cause to take a share in : n. advan- tage ; influence ; personal concern ; benefit ; profit ; premium paid for the use of money. interesting (-ing), p.adj. engaging the attention or curiosity ; exciting the feelings or emotions. interfere (-fer'), v.i. to interpose or meddle in the affairs of others ; op- pose ; come into collision ; act recip- rocally so as to modify the result ; injure the fetlock by striking it with the opposite hoof. interference ('ens), w. the act of interfering. interim ('ter-im), n. intervening time or period : adv. in the mean- while. interior _(-te'ri-6r), adj. not exterior; inner ; internal ; remote from the coast or frontier : n. the inside ; the inland ; home department of a gov- ernment. interjection (-ter-jek'shun), n. an exclamation ; a word thrown in to express sudden emotion, feeling, &c. interleave (-lev), v.t, to insert a leaf in : as to interleave a book with blank leaves or illustrations. interlinear (-lin'e-ar), adj. written or printed between other lines, as a translation. interlocutory ( -lok'u-to-ri ) , adj. conversational ; intermediate ; not final. interloper ('ter-16-per), n. an in- truder. interlude ('ter-ltid), n. a short en- tertainment given Ijetween acts of a play, &c. ; a short instrumental passage played between the stanzas of a hymn, acts of an opera, &c. intermediary (-me'di-a-ri), adj. in- tervening : n. an agent ; go-between ; medium. intermediate ('di-at), adj. existing or lying in the middle ; intervening. interment ('ment), n. burial. intermezzo (-met'zo), n.. an inter- lude. intermission (-mish'un), n. inter- ruption ; pause ; temporary cessation between paroxysms of a disease. intermit (-mit'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. intermitted, p.pr. intermitting], to cause to cease for a time ; interrupt ; suspend. intern (-tern'), v.t. to confine within a town or fortress, or in the inte- rior of a country ; place under ar- rest. internal (-ter'nal), adj. pertaining to the center ; interior ; inward ; not foreign ; domestic. internally (-li), adv. inwardly. international (-nash'un-al), ad), pertaining to two or more nations in common. internecine (-ne'sin), adj. mutually destructive ; deadly. interpellate (-pel'at), v.t. to ques- tion. interpleader (-pled'er), n. the dis- cussion of a point incidentally oc- curring in law. interpolate ('po-lat), v.t. to insert in a book or writing new or spurious matter ; corrupt by insertions. interpolator (-er), n. one who in- terpolates. interpose (-poz'), v.t. to place be- tween ; thrust in ; interrupt : v.i. to intercede ; come between. interpret ('pret), v.t. to explain the meaning of ; expound ; construe. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. int 464 int interpretation (-ta'shun), n. the act of interpreting ; explanation. interregnum (-reg'num), n. the pe- riod between two reigns, govern- ments, or ministries ; time of abey- ance. interrogate ('o-gat), v.t. to ques- tion : v.i. to ask questions. interrogation (-ga'shun), n. the act of interrogating ; a question ; in- quiry ; a mark (?) denoting a ques- tion. interrogative (-rog'a-tiv), adj. de- noting or containing a question or inquiry : n. a word used in asking a question. interrogatively (-li), adv. by ques- tions. interrogator ('o-ga-ter), n. one who interrogates. interrogatory (-rog'a-to-ri), adj. pertaining to, or expressing, a ques- tion : n. a question in writing put to a party to a suit. interrupt (-rupf), v.t. to stop or hinder by breaking in upon ; break the continuity of ; cause to be de- layed ; end suddenly. interrupted ('ed), p.adj. intermit- ted ; broken. interruption ('shun), n. the act of interrupting ; hindrance ; obstruc- tion ; intervention ; sudden cessa- tion. intersect (-sekt'), v.t. to cut or di- vide mutually: v.i. to cross each other. intersection (-sek'shun), n. the act or state of intersecting ; place of crossing ; the point or line in which two lines or two planes cut each other. interstellar (-stel'ar), adj. pertain- ing to, or situated in, space be« tween the stai,?. interstice ('ter-stis, or -ter'stis), n. a narrow space between things close- ly set ; crevice. interstitial (-stish'al), adj. pertain- ing to, containing, or existing in interstices. intertidal (-ti'dal), adj. living be- tween high- and low-water mark. interval ('ter-val), n. time or space between ; distance between two given musical sounds. fite, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note. nSrth, not; b56n, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. intervale ('ter-val), n. a tract of low ground situated between hills, or by the banks of a river. intervene (-ven'), v.i. to come, or be situated, between ; interpose ; in- terfere. intervention (-ven'shun), ?i. the act of intervening; interposition; medi- ation. intervie-w ('ter-vu), v.t. to visit, a? a notable personage, to obtain par^ ticulars respecting himself or his opinions : h. a personal conference or meeting. intestacy (-tes'ta-si), n. the state of j dying without a will. intestate ('tat), adj. dying without having made a valid will : n. one who dies without having made a will. intestinal ('ti-nal), adj. pertaining to, or found in, the intestines. intestine ('tin), adj. internal; not foreign : n.pl. the bowels ; entrails, intimacy ('ti-ma-si), n. [pi. intima- cies (-siz)], close or confidential friendship. intimate ('ti-mat), adj. close in friendship ; well acquainted ; famil- iar ; confidential ; complete : v.t. to indicate ; make known. intimately (-li), adv. in an intimate manner. intimation (-ma'shun), n. an indi- rect suggestion or hint ; announce- ment. intimidate (-tim'i-dat), v.t. to make afraid. _ _ into ('too), prep, noting passage in- wards ; inclusion or comprehension. intolerable (-tol'er-a-bl), adj. un- bearable. intolerably (-bli), adv. in an intol- erable manner. intoler£:nce ('er-ans), n. want of toleration of the opinions or prac- tices of others ; inability to bear or endure. intolerant ('er-ant), adj. bigoted; unable to bear or endure (v^ith of). intonation (-to-na'shun), n. the act or manner of sounding musical notes ; modulation of the voice ; act of intoning. intone (-ton'), v.t. to recite in mono- tone. int 465 inv intoxicant (-toks'i-kant), n. that which intoxicates. intoxicate ('i-kat), v.t. to make drunk by spirituous liquors ; excite unduly. intoxication (-ka'shun), n. the act of intoxicating ; extreme excitement. intra, a prefix meaning within, as intramural, within the walls of a cit3^ intractability (-trak-ta-bil'i-ti), n. the quality or state of being intrac- table. . intractable (-trak'ta-bl), adj. un- manageable. intractile ('til), adj. incapable of being drawn out ; not extensible. intrados (-tra'dos), n. the interior and lower line or curve of an arch. intramural, see under intra. intransitive ('si-tiv), adj. not pass- ing over to or requiring an object : said of certain verbs. intransitively (-li), adv. in an in- transitive manner. intransitu (-tran'si-tti) , on the way. intrepid (-trep'id), adj. bold; fear- less. intrepidity (-tre-pid'i-ti), n. fear- lessness. intricacy ('tri-ka-si), n. [pi. intrica- cies (-siz)], the quality of being in- tricate ; perplexity. intricate ('tri-kat), adj. entangled or involved. intrigue (in-treg'), v.i. to carry on a secret plot ; engage in clandestine love affairs : n. a secret plot ; clan- destine love affair. intrinsic (-trin'sik), adj. pertaining to that which is inherent ; real ; genuine. intrinsically (-al-li), adv. inherent- intro, a prefix meaning toithin, into, as introcession, a depression or sink- ing of parts inwards. introduce (-tro-dus'), v.t. to con- duct or bring in ; bring into use or notice ; bring into acquaintance ; in- sert. introduction (-duk'shun), n. the act of introducing ; presentation ; a pref- ace. introductory ('to-ri), adj. serving to introduce. Also introductive. iutroflexed (-flekst')., adj. bent in- wards. intromission (-tro-mish'un), n. in- sertion ; introduction. intromit (-mit'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. in- tromitted, p.pr. intromitting], to ad- mit ; insert. intrude (-trud'), v.i. to thrust one's self in without invitation or wel- come : v.t. force in. intrusion (-tru'zhun), n. the act of intruding ; encroachment ; unlawful entry into vacant lands or tene- ments. intuition (-tu-ish'un), n. instinctive knowledge or feeling ; immediate per- ception. intuitional (-al), adj. pertaining to intuition. intuitive ('i-tiv), adj. perceived im- mediately by the mind. intuitively (-li), adv. without rea- soning. inundate (-un'dat), v.t. to fill with an overflowing abundance ; flood. inundation (-da'shun), n. overflow; flood. inure (-tir'), v.t. to habituate, or ac- custom ; toughen. in vacuo (vak'u-o), in a vacuum. invade (-vad'), v.t. to enter (a coun- try) with a hostile army; infringe upon ; violate. invalid (-val'id), adj. of no force or authority; null and void: n. (in'va- lid), one who is weak or infirm in health ; a disabled soldier or sailor : v.t. to register as an invalid ; affect with disease. invalidate (-val'i-dat), v.t. to weak- en or destroy the force or validity of. invalidity (-id'i-ti), n. want of legal force or argument. invaluable ( -val'ti-a-bl ) , adj. price- less. invariable (-var'i-a-bl), adj. con- stant. invariably (-bli), adv. constantly. invasion (-va'zhun), n. the act of in- vading ; hostile incursion ; encroach- ment. invective (-vek'tiv), n. a violent ut- terance of censure, sarcasm, or abuse : adj. abusive. ate, arm, z, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. inv 466 inv inveigh (-va'), v.i. to rail against persons or things with vehemence ; utter censure or reproach ; declaim. inveigle (-ve'gl), v.t. to entice; se- duce. invent (-vent'), v.t. to find out by original study or contrivance ; devise or contrive ; originate. invention (-ven'shun), n. the act of inventing ; the thing invented ; dis- covery ; creative faculty ; concoc- tion ; fabrication. inventive ('tiv), adj. able to invent; quick at contriving ; ready in ex- pedients. inventively (-li), adv. by the faculty of invention. inventiveness (-nes), n. the inven- tive faculty. inventor ('ter), n. one who invents. inventory ('ven-to-ri) , n. [pi. in- ventories (-riz], a catalogue or list of goods, furniture, &c. ; account : v.t. to draw up an inventory or cata- logue of. inverse (-vers'), adj. contrary in tendency, direction, or effect ; recip- rocal : inverted. inversely ('li), adv. in an inverse order or ratio. inversion (-ver'shun), n. the act of inverting ; the state of being in- verted ; contrary change of order or position. Inversive ('siv), adj. pertaining to, or causing, inversion. invert (-vert'), v.t. to turn upside down. Invertebrata (-ver-te-bra'ta) , n.pl. one of the sub-divisions of the ani- mal kingdom, including those ani- mals which have no vertebrae or spinal column. invertebrate ('te-brat), n. one of the Invertebrata : adj. having no backbone ; having no force of char- acter ; weak. invest (-vest'), v.t. to place or lay out, as money ; clothe, as with office, authority, or dignity ; surround : v.i. to make an investment. investigate ('i-gat), v.t. to ascer- tain by careful inquiry ; search ; ex- amine. investigation (-ga'shun), n. the act of investigating; inquiry; search. investigator ('ter), n. one who in- vestigates. investiture ('ti-tur), n. the act or right of giving legal possession ; the ceremony of inducting a bishop into his office. investment (-vest'ment), n. the act of laying out money productively ; money so invested ; the act of be- sieging or blockading. investor (-ves'ter), n. one who in- vests. inveteracy (-vet'er-a-si), n. the state of being inveterate. inveterate ('er-at), adj. deep-rooted; habitual. invidious (-vid'i-us), adj. likely to provoke ill-will or envy ; unpleas- ant. invigorate (-vig'o-rat), v.t. to give vigor to ; strengthen ; animate. invincibility (-vin-si-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being invincible. invincible ('si-bl), adj. unconquer- able. inviolability ( -vi-o-la-bil'i-ti ) , n. the state or quality of being invio- lable. inviolable ('6-la-bl), adj. that can- not be profaned or injured ; un- broken. Inviolate. invisibility (-viz-i-bil'i-ti), n. the state of being invisible. invisible ('i-bl), adj. that cannot be seen. invitation (-vi-ta'shun), n. the act of inviting ; polite solicitation ; the words or document by which one is invited. invitatory (-vl'ta-to-ri), adj. con- taining, or using, invitation. invite (-vif), v.t. to ask, solicit, or summon ; request the presence of ; persuade ; allure. inviting ('ing), p.adj. tempting; se- ductive. invocation (-vo-ka'shun), n. the act or form of invoking. invoice ('vois), n. a document an- nouncing the despatch of goods with their prices, quantity, &c. : v.t. to state or insert in an invoice. invoke (-vok'), v.t. to address in prayer or supplication; solicit (aid or protection). ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. mv 467 iro involuntarily (-vol'un-ta-ri-li), adv. not willingly. involuntary (-vol'un-ta-ri), adj. without will or choice ; not spon- taneous. involute ('vo-ltit), adj. folded or rolled inwards, as certain leaves and flowers ; coiled spirally : n. a par- ticular kind of curve turned inward at the margin. involution (-lu'shun), n. the act of involving or infolding ; complica- tion ; return of an organ or tissue to its normal size after distention ; the process of raising an arithmetical or algebraical quantity to a given power, as 3* = 81. involve (-volv'), v.t. to complicate; entangle ; surround ; embroil ; re- sult as a logical consequence ; mul- tiply a quantity into itself any given number of times. invulnerability ( - vul-ner-a-bil'i-ti ) , n. the quality of being invulnerable. invulnerable (-vul'ner-a-bl), adj. that cannot be wounded or injured ; without any weak point. inivard ('ward), adj. situated with- in ; in the mind : adv. interior ; to- wards the center. Also inwards. inwardly (-li), adv. in an inward manner ; secretly. in-wrouglit (-rawt'), p. adj. worked in ; adorned with figures or patterns. io (i'o), n. the peacock butterfly. iod, a prefix, indicating the presence of iodine. Also iodo. iodic (-od'ik), adj. pertaining to, or containing, iodine. iodide ('o-did), n. a compound of io- dine. iodine ('o-din), n. a non-metallic ele- ment, which, when heated, gives of£ a rich violet vapor. iodize ('o-diz), v.t. to treat with io- dine. iodism ('o-dizm), n. a morbid con- dition caused by overdoses of iodine. iodoforsn (-6'do-form) , n. a crystal- line compound formed by the action of iodine on alcohol and potash. iodol ('o-dol), n. an antiseptic specif- ic used for wounds and cutaneous diseases. ion ('on), n. a substance resulting from the decomposition of a body by electrolysis. Ionian ('6-ni-an), adj. pertaining to Ionia, or its inhabitants. Also lon- ic.^ Ionic order ('ik or'der), n. an order of classic architecture, characterized by the volute, or ram's-horn scroll, of its capital. iota (-o'ta), n. the Greek letter (t), which from its being used under the vowels a, tj, w {iota suhscriptum) f denotes anything small or insignifi- cant. ipecac (ip'e-kak), n. ipecacuanha. ipecacuanha (ip-e-kak-ti-an'a), n. the root of a South American plant : used in medicine. ir, prefix meaning not. irade (i-ra'de), n. an imperial decree [Turkish]. irascibility (i-ras-i-bil'i-ti), n. qual- ity of being irascible. irascible ('i-bl), n. easily excited to anger. irascibly (-bli), adv. in an irascible manner. irate (-rat'), adj. angry; enraged. ire (ir), n. anger; wrath. irid, a prefix meaning eye. Also irido. iridescence (ir-i-des'ens), n. the ex- hibition of colors like those of the rainbow. iridescent Cent), adj. exhibiting ir- idescence. iridium (i-rid'i-um), n. a metallic element. iris ('ris), n. [pi. irises, irides (-sez, 'ri-dez)], the pupil of the eye; the rainbow. iriscope ('ri-skop), n. an apparatus for showing the prismatic colors. Irish ('rish), adj. pertaining to Ire- land, its inhabitants, or language. Irishism (-izm), n. an Irish idiom. irk (erk), v.t. to weary: v.i. to be- come tired. irksome ('sum), adj. tedious; weari- some. iron (i'ern), n. the most common and useful of the metals ; an instrument made of iron ; anything especially- hard or durable : pi. fetters : adj. pertaining to, resembling, or made of iron: v.t. to smooth with an iron ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. iro 468 iso implement ; furnish with iron ; fet- ter. iron age (aj), n. the last prehistoric age, characterized by the use of iron for weapons, &c. ; the last of the four ages of classic mythology. ironclad (-klad), n. a warship pro- tected wholly or partially with iron or steel plates : adj. covered or pro- tected with iron armor. ironical (i-ron'i-kal), adj. express- ing one thing and meaning another. ironically (-li), adv. in an ironical manner. ironivood ('ern-wood), n. a name for the timber of trees of exceptional hardness and durability. irony ('ron-i), n. subtle sarcasm; a mode of speech conveying the op- posite of what is meant. irradiance (ir-ra'di-ans), n. the act of sending forth luminous rays ; luster. Irradiancy. irradiant (-ant), adj. emitting rays of light. irradiate ('di-at), v.t. to shed light upon ; illuminate ; brighten : v.i. emit rays of light. irradicate (-rad'i-kat), v.t. to root deeply. irrespective (-re-spek'tiv), adj. re- gardless (with of) . irrespectively (-li), adv. without regard. irrigate ('i-gat), v.t. to moisten (land) by causing water to flow over ' by artificial means. irritability (-i-ta-bil'i-ti), n. the quality or state of being irritable. Irritableness. irritable ('i-ta-bl), adj. easily pro- voked to anger ; easily stimulated to perform some physical function. irritably (-bli), adv. with irritation. irritant ('i-tant), adj. causing irri- tation : n. anything which causes irritation. irritate ('i-tat), v.t. to provoke or make angry ; excite heat and redness in. irritation (-ta'shun), n. the act of irritating; the state of being irri- tated ; exasperation ; vexation ; im- patience ; excitement of muscular ac- tion by external agency. irruption (-rup'shun), n. a bursting or rushing in ; sudden invasion. is (iz), 3rd p., sing.,pres., indie, of be. is, prefix meaning equal. Also iso : as tsanthous, having equal anthers ; isothermal, having the same mean summer temperature. isagon (i'sa-gon), n. a figure with equal angles. Isbmaelite (ish'ma-el-lt), n. a de- scendant of Ishmael : hence a social outcast. isinglass (i'zing-glas), n. a white semi-transparent substance prepared from the sounds or air-bladders of the sturgeon, cod, &c. Islam (is'lam), n. the Mohammedan religion ; the whole body of Moham- medans and the countries where the religion of Mohammed is pirofessed. island (i'land), n. a tract of land surrounded by water ; anything re- sembling an island. isle (il), n. an island [Poet.]. islet (i'let), n. a small island. isna (izm), n. a system or theory. iso, prefix, see is. isobar (i'so-bar), n. a line which con- nects places on the earth's surface having the same atmospheric pres- sure at the sea level. isobaric (-bar'ik), adj. of equal baro- metric pressure ; pertaining to, or showing, isobars. Also isobaromet- ric. isochromatic (-kro-mat'ik), adj. having the same color. isocbronous (-sok'ro-nus), adj. oc- curring in equal times. isoclinal (-so-kli'nal), adj. having the same dip or inclination. isodynamic (-di-nam'ik), adj. having equal force. isogeotbermal (-je-o-ther'mal), adj. noting imaginary lines connecting places on the earth's surface which have the same mean annual tem- perature. isolate ('so-lat), v.t. to place alone; place in a detached situation ; insu-. late ; obtain in an uncombined form. isolation (-la'shun), n. the state of being isolated. isomeric (-mer'ik), adj. having the same elements in the same propor- ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, n6rth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, *^en. iso 469 ivy tions, but with different physical characteristics. isometric (-met'rik), adj. having equality of measure. isomorpliisxu (-mor'fizm), n, the quality of having the same crystal- line form, but formed of different elements. isosceles (-sos'e-lez), adj. having equal sides. isotherm, ('so-therm), n. an imag- inary line connecting those places on the earth's surface which have the same mean temperature. isothermal, see under is. Israelite (iz'ra-el-it), n. a descendant of Israel ; a Jew. Israelitish ('ish), adj. pertaining to the Israelites ; Jewish. Also Is- raelitic. issue (ish'u), n. the act of passing or flowing out ; egress ; t^at which flows or passes out ; discharge ; flux ; publication ; offspring ; lineal de- scendants ; produce of the earth ; profits of land, &c. ; essential points in pleading or debate ; result ; v.t. to send out ; publish ; put into cir- culation : v.i. to come or pass out ; arise, as from a source ; flow ; pro- ceed ; be descended ; end. isthmian (ist'mi-an), adj. pertain- ing to an isthmus. isthmus ('mus), n. a neck of land connecting two larger portions. Italian (i-tal'yan), adj. pertaining to Italy, its inhabitants, or lan- guage. Italic ('ik), adj. pertaining to Italy; noting a slender, sloping kind of type {italic) : used for emphasis, &c. : n.pl. italic type. italicize ('i-siz), v.t. to write or print in italics. Italiote Ci-ot), n. a Greek inhabi- tant of Italy. itcjb, (ich), n. a parasitic cutaneous disease causing great irritation; a constant and teasing desire for some- thing : v.i. to feel a particular un- easiness in the skin, causing a de- sire to scratch the part affected ; have a constant and teasing desire for. item (rtem), n. a separate a-rticle or particular ; a newspaper paragraph i adv. also. iterate (it'er-at), v.t. to repeat. iteration (-a'shun), repetition. iterative ('er-a-tiv), adj. repeating, itineracy (i-tin'er-a-si), n. the prac- tice of itinerating. itinerancy ('er-an-si), n. a passing from place to place, especially in the discharge of some official func- tion, as by a judge on circuit, a preacher, &c. itinerant ('er-ant), oAj. passing from place to place: n, one who itinerates. itinerary ('er-a-ri), adj. pertaining to, or done on, a journey ; traveling from place to place : n. a traveler's guide or route-book ; a diary of a journey ; plan of a projected ex- cursion. itinerate ('er-at), v.i. to travel from pl§,ce to place. ivoride ('vo-rid), n. sl variety of arti- ficial ivory. ivory ('vo-ri), n. the hard, bony, white dentine which forms the tusks of the elephant, walrus, &c. : adj, made of, or like, ivory. ivory palm (-pam), n. the palm from which the ivory nuts used in turning as an imitation for ivory are obtained. ivorytype (-tip), n. a particular kind of photographic picture with an ivory-like surface. ivy (i'vi), n. a clinging evergreen plant of the genus Hedera. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. Jabber ('er), v.i. to talk rapidly and indistinctly ; cha,tter. jacinth (ja'sinth), n. hyacinth; a red variety of zircon. jack (jak), n. a pike; in bowls, a small ball serving as a mark to be aimed at ; the male of some animals ; a leather cup or jug ; timber cut short of its usual length ; a flag used for signaling ; the knave of cards ; a leathern coat of mail ; a name applied to various kinds of levers or mechanical labor-saving appliances, as a jack-screw, roast- ing-jack, &c. : v.t. to lift with a jack ; give up. jackal ('awl), n. a dog-like carniv- orous animal which hunts in packs ; one who does base work for an- other. jackanapes ('a-naps), n. a conceited or upstart fellow. jackass ('as), n. the male ass; don- key. jackboots ('bootz), n.pl. large boots reaching above the knee. jackda-w ('daw), n. a glossy species of crow. jacket ('et), n. a short tailless coat: a covering to prevent radiation of heat: v.t. to clothe with a jacket; beat. jackstays ('staz), n.pl. ropes stretched along the yard of a ship to fasten the sails to. jaconet ('o-net), n. a fine soft white cotton material somewhat resembling cambric ; nainsook. Also jacconet. Jacquard ('kiird), n. a loom for weaving patterns invented by Jac- quard, a Frenchman. jade (jad), n. a tired or worn-out ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, ndrth, not; boon^ book; hue, hut; think, th&n. horse ; a vicious woman ; a young woman (contemptuously or humor- ously) ; a silicate of magnesia and lime of green color : formerly much used for ornaments, &c. : v.1^. to tire by long-continued labor ; harass. jag (jag), n. a notch; projecting point ; denticulation ; a small load ; a condition of partial intoxication : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. jagged, p.pr. jag- ging], to cut into notches or teeth. jaguar (-gwar'), n. a fierce animal of South America, resembling the leopard ; the American tiger. jail (jal), n. a prison; a bridewell. jalap (jal'ap), n. the root of Ipomcea purga : used medicinally as a purga- tive. jam (jam), n. a conserve of fruit boiled with sugar ; a squeeze ; block ; crush : v.t. \_p.t. & p.p. jammed, p.pr, jamming], to squeeze or crush; press in tightly ; block up by crowd- ing. jamb (jam), n. one of the upright sides of a doorway, window-opening^ or fireplace. janapa (jan'a-pa), n. an East Indian hemp, from which gunny bags, &c., are made. jangle (jang'gl), v.i. to quarrel or wrangle ; sound discordantly : n. a discordant sound ; wrangle ; alterca- tion ; chatter. janissary (jan'i-sa-ri), n. [pi. janis- saries (-riz)], formerly the foot- guard of the Turkish sultans. Also janizary. janitor ('i-ter), n. a door-keeper. japan (ja-pan'), n. work varnished and lacquered after the Japanese 470 Jap 4T1 jei? style of ornamentation: a kind of varnish : v.t. ip.t. & p.p. japanned, p.pr. japanning], to cover, varnish, or lacquer, with japan ; make black and glossy. Japanese (jap-a-nez'), adj. pertain- ing to Japan, its inhabitants, or lan- guage. Japanesque (-nesk'), ac?;. resembling the Japanese style of art. japonica (-pon'i-ka), n. the name of various species of Japanese plants. jar (jar), n. an earthenware pot or vessel ; a shake produced by a sud- den shock ; jolt ; harsh sound ; con- flict of opinion or interest : v.t. \_p.t. & p.p. :'arred, p.pr. jarring], to cause to shake by a sudden shock ; jolt : v.i. to interfere or clash ; smit a harsh sound. jardiniere (zhar-din-yar'), n, an or- namental flower-stand of porcelain or metal. jargon (jar'gon), n. confused, unin- telligible talk; a mixture of two or more languages ; the peculiar phrase- ology of a party, sect, &c. jasliawk (jas'hawk), n. a young, or eyas, hawk. jasmine ('min), n. a plant of the genus Jasminum with fragrant flow- ers. jasper ('per), n. an opaque, many- shaded variety of quartz : when pol- ished it is made into a variety of ornamental articles. jaundice (jan'dis), n, a disease char- acterized by yellowness of the eye- balls, skin, &c., caused by biliary de- rangement : hence a mental condi- tion in which everything appears in a prejudiced form. jaunt (jant), n. a short excursion or ramble : v.i. to roam or ramble ; take a short excursion. jauntily ('i-li), adv. in a jaunty manner. jaunty {'\),adj. airy; gay; showy. Javanese (jav'a-nez), adj. pertaining to Java, its inhabitants, or language. javelin ('lin), n. a light spear. jaw (jaw), n. the bones of the mouth in which the teeth are placed ; mouth ; a mechanical contrivance for holding the inner end of a vessel's boom. jay (ja), n. a crow-like, chattering bird with handsome plumage, jealous (jel'us), adj. full of, or char- acterized by, jealousy; anxiously suspicious or watchful. jealousy (-i), n. suspicious feai or watchfulness, especially the fear of being supplanted by a rival. jean (jen), n. twilled undressed cot- ton cloth. jeer (jer), v.t. to scoff at; ridicule: v.i. to speak in a derisive or sarcas- tic manner : n. a scoff ; derision : pi. tackle by which the lower yards of a vessel are hoisted or lowered. Jehovah (je-ho'va), n. Lord; God of the Hebrews. jehu ('hu), n. one fond of driving, especially fast driving (2 Kings, ix» 20) ; coachman. jejune (-jun'), adj. empty; void of interest. jejunum (-ju'num), n. [pi. jejuna ('na) ], that portion of the small in- testines between the duodenum and ileum. jelly ('i), n. [pi. jellies ('iz)], the stiffened gelatinous juice of fruit,, meat, &c., after boiling ; any semi- transparent soft gluey substance : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. jellied, p.pr. jelly- ing], to turn to, or become, jelly. jemmy ('i), n. [2?Z. jemmies ('iz)], a short crowbar used by burglars. Also jimmy. jennet (jen'et), n. a small Spanisb horse. Also genet. jenny ('i),w. a machine for spinning; used in composition for female, as jenny-wren, jenny-ass, &c. jeopard (jep'ard), v.t. to expose to loss or injury ; hazard. Also jeopar- dize. jeopardy (-i), n. hazard; peril. jerboa (jer-bo'a), n. the leaping mouse of Africa, with long hind legs. jereed (-ed'), n. a javelin, used in Turkey and Persia in mock battles ; a game played with jereeds. Alsa jerid. jeremiad (-e-mi'ad), n. lamentation, especially over modern degeneracy : from the Book of Lamentations of Jeremiah. jerk (jerk), v.t. to give a sudden pull, twist, or push to ; throw with a ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boonv book ; hue, hut ; think, then. jei- 472 jim sudden quick movement ; cut into long strips and dry in the sun, as beef' n. a sudden quick pull, twist or push ; spasmodic movement ; jerked beef ; charqui. jerkin ('in), n. a short coat or jack- et ; close v^aistcoat ; gyrf alcon ; young salmon. Jerry (jer'i), adj. constructed hastily, and of bad materials, as a jerry-built house. Jersey (jer'zi), cij. pertaining to the Isle of Jersey, or to its breed of cat- tle : n. a close-fitting thick w^oolen shirt ; fine yarn wool ; of or pertain- ing to New Jersey. jess (jes), n. a leathern strap fastened to the leg of a hawk, to which the leash is attached. Jesse (jes'e), n. a large branched can- dlestick used in churches ; symboliz- ing the genealogical tree of Jesse and of Jesus Christ. jest (jest), n. a joke ; humorous pleas- antry ; fun ; a laughing-stock : v.i. to joke; make merriment; make game of. jester (er), n. a person given to jest- ing, sportive talk and merry pranks ; a joker ; a buffoon ; a merry-an- drew ; a person formerly retained by princes to make sport for them. Jesuit (jez'u-it), n. a member of the Roman Catholic Society of Jesus, founded ' y Ignatius Loyola, 1534. Jesuitic (-u-it'ik), ad/, pertaining to, or resembling, the Jesuits, their principles and practices. Jesuit's bark (bark), n. cinchona. Jet (jet), n. a stream of water sud- denly emitted ; a deep black variety of lignite, black amber ; a gas branch ; tube for running molten metal into a mold : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. jetted, p.pr. jetting], to spout out: v.i. to shoot or jut out. Jetsam ('sum), n. that part of a ship's cargo which is thrown into the sea to lighten the vessel in case of peril : opposed to flotsam. Also jetsom, jetson. jettison ('i-sun), n. the act of throw- ing goods overboard to lighten a ves- sel in case of peril : v.t. to throw overboard to lighten a vessel. jetty ('i), n. [pi. jetties ('iz)], a structure extending into the water, used as a pier, mole, or wall, to re- strain or direct currents ; projection of a building : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. jettied, p.pr. jetting], to jut out or project. Je^v (joo), n. an Israelite; Hebrew. Fern. Jewess. je-ivel ('el), n. a valuable ornament; gem ; precious stone ; anything of great value or dear to one : v.t. to adorn with, or as with, jewels ; fur- nish with jewels. jeweler ('er), n. one who makes or deals in jewels. jewelry ('ri), n. jewels collectively; the art or trade of a jeweler. Jewisk ('ish), adj. pertaining to the Jews, their language, customs, &c. Jewry ('ri), n. Judsea ; a district in a city inhabited by Jews ; ghetto. jew's-karp ('harp), n. a small lyre- shaped musical instrument with a thin metal tongue which, when placed between the teeth and vi- brated, emits a twanging sound. jib (jib), n. a large triangular sail projecting beyond the bowsprit ; the projecting arm or beam of a crane ; a jibbing horse : v.i., [p.t. & p.p. jibbed, p.pr. jibbing], to move rest- lessly backwards or sideways : said of a horse. jib-boom ('boom), n. a spar beyond the bowsprit, on which the jib is set. jibe, another form of gibe. jifpy (jif'i), n. an instant, jig (jig), n. a quick lively dance, or music for such a dance ; a particular kind of fish-hook : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. jigged, p.pr. jigging], to dance a jig: v.t. jerk up and down. jigger ('er), n. one who jigs; a name for various mechanical contrivances and appliances ; another form of chigoe. jig-jog Cjog), n. a jolting motion. jill (jil), n. a young woman; sweet- heart ; the female of a ferret. jilt (jilt), n. a coquette or flirt: v.t. to encourage (a lover) and then dis- card him : v.i. to play the jilt ; prac- tice deception in love. jimmy (jim'i), n. a burglar's tool. See jemmy. ate, iirm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Jim 473 joi jimson-'weed (jim'sun-wed), n. stra- monium. jingle (jing'gl), n. a sharp tinkling metallic sound; a little bell or rat- tle ; meaningless rhyme ; a covered two-wheeled Irish car : v.i. to sound with a jingle. jingo ('go), n. [pi. jingoes ('goz)], one of a party of Conservatives who, at the time of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78, wished Great Brit- ain to go to war with Russia : named from a popular song of the day ; a mild oath (with dy) . Jingoism (-izm), n. the jingo mili- tary spirit. jinnee (jin'e), n. [pi. jinn (jin)],the good and evil spirits of Mohamme- dan mythology which sometimes as- sume human shape. Also genie, jin, jinn, djinnee. jinrikisha (-rik'i-sha), n. a small Japanese two - wheeled carriage, drawn by one or more men. Also jinriksha. jo (jo), n. a sweetheart [Scotch], job (job), n. a piece of work, espe- cially of a temporary or chance na- ture ; any scheme for making morey or securing private advantage at the public expense ; any event or circum- ''tance ; a sudden stroke or thrust with a pointed instrument : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. jobbed, p.pr. jobbing], to let out for hire; buy up (goods) and retail them ; punch suddenly with a sharp instrument : 'V.i. buy and sell, as a stock-broker ; perform job work ; let out or hire horses ; work for one's own advantage under the guise of public zeal. jobber (job'er), n. a middleman, es- pecially one who acts as agent be- tween a stock-broker and the public ; one who transacts public business • for his own private interests. jobbery ('er-i)_, n. [pi. jobberies (-iz) ], low intriguing for private ad- vantage or political ends. jockey (jok'i), n. [pi. jockeys ('iz)], one who rides a horse in a race ; groom ; a dealer in horses ; cheat : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. jockeyed, p.pr. jock- eying], to cheat or deceive; jostle against by riding unfairly. jocose (jo-kos'), adj. sportive; hu- morous. jocosity (-kos'i-t:), n. the quality of being jocose. jocular ( jok'u-lar) , cdj. making jokes. jocularity ('i-ti), n. merriment. jocund ('und), adv. jovial; sportive; gay. jocundity (-un'di-ti), n. the state or quality of being jocund. jog (jog), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. jogged, p.pr. jogging], to push or shake slightly, usuallj^ with the elbow or hand, by way of reminder ; stimulate : v.i. to travel along with a slow trotting motion : n. a slight push or shake ; slow trot ; stimulant. johnny-cake (-kak), n. a flat maize cake, mixed with milk or water, quickly prepared at an ordinary fire. join (join), v.t. to unite; connect; associate ; add or annex ; to unite in marriage : v.i. to adhere ; be in con- tact ; be associated or in unity with : n. a joint or union. joinder ('der) , n. in law, the coupling of two or more causes of action into the same declaration. joiner ('er), n. one who, or that which, joins, especially an artisan who finishes the woodwork for houses, &c. joinery ('er-i), n. joiner's work. joint (joint), n. the place where two or more things join ; articulation of limbs ; node or internode ; hinge ; a fissure dividing rock masses into blocks ; one of the larger pieces into which a carcass is cut up ; a place of low resort ; as, an opium joint : adj. produced by the action of two or more ; united in or sharing : v.t. to form with, or unite by, joints ; cut or divide into joints, as meat. joint-stock company (-stok kum'pa- ni), n. a company the stock or cap- ital of which is divided into trans- ferable shares. jointure ('ur), n. landed estate or tenements settled on a woman in consideration of her marriage, to be enjoj^ed by her after the death of her husband : v.t. to settle a jointure upon. ate, arm. J, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. joi 474 jud joist (joist), n. a horizontal timber to which the boards of a floor or laths of a ceiling are fastened : vJ. to fur- nish with joists. joke (jok), n. something said or done to excite mirth ; jest ; sport : vA. to make jokes : v.t. to cast jokes at ; rally. joker ('er), n. a jester; an extra card, the highest trump card at euchre. jollification (jol-i-fi-ka'shun), n. merry-making. jollity C'i-ti), n. the state of being jolly. jolly ('i), adj. comparative jollier, su- perlative jolliest], full of life and mirth ; gay ; inspiring mirth ; excel- lent ; most remarkable ; companion- able : adv. exceedingly : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. jollied, p.pr. jollying], to joke or rally ; to treat well for the pur- pose of obtaining some advantage. jolly-boat (-bot), n. a ship's small boat. jolt (jolt), v.t. to shake by sudden jerks : v.i. to have a jerky motion : n. a sudden jerk. jonquil ('kwil), ^. a bulbous plant with fragrant flowers. Also jon- quille. jorum (jo'rum), n. a large drinking bowl. joss (jos), n. a Chinese god or idol. jostle ('1), v.t. to push against; el- bow. jot (jot), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. jotted, p.pr. jotting], to make a memorandum of (with dotvn) : n. a tittle. joule (joul), n. the unit of electrical force in the centimeter-gram-second system. journal (jer'nal), n. a record of news or events ; diary ; a book in which particular transactions are entered from the day-book ; a ship's log- book ; the bearing part of the shaft of a machine. journalism (-izm), n. newspaper or periodical literature ; the influence exercised by such literature ; the pro- fession of a journalist. journalist (-ist), n. an editor, or contributor to a journal or newspa- per ; one who keeps a journal. journalistic (-is'tik), adj. pertain- ing to journals, journalists, or jour- nalism. journey (jer'ni), n. passage from one place to another ; a day's work or travel : v.i. to travel from one place to another. journeyman (-man),w. [pL journey- men (-men)], a mechanic who has served his apprenticeship. joust (joost), n. a mediaeval mock combat with blunted lances between two mounted knights : v.i. to engage in such a combat. jovial ( jov'i-al) , adj. convivial ; merry. joviality ('i-ti), n. conviviality; mirth. jovially {-\i) , adv. with joviality. jowl (joul), the jaw or cheek; head of a fish. joy (joi), n. exhilaration of spirits; gaiety ; gladness : v.i. to rejoice or be glad. joyful ('fool), adj. full of joy. jubilant (joo'bi-lant), adj. express- ing exultation ; triumphant. jubilate ('bi-lat), v.i. to express ex- ultation. jubilation (-la'shun), n. a shouting for joy ; declaration of triumph. jubilee ('bi-le), n. a Jewish festival celebrated every 50th year, to com- memorate the deliverance of the Is- raelites from Egyptian bondage ; the 50th anniversary of any event ; a year of special indulgence granted by the Pope every 25th year. Judsean (-de'an), adj. pertaining to Judsea, &c. Judaic (-da'ik), adj. pertaining to the Jews. Also Judaical. Judaize (-iz), v.i. to conform to the rites and doctrines of the Jews : v.t. bring into conformity with Judaism. Judaism (da'izm), n. the religious rites and doctrines of the Jews ; con- formity to Jewish rites and doc- trines. judge (juj), n. the presiding official in a court of law, having authority to hear and determine civil and criminal causes ; arbitrator ; connois- seur; one of the chief rulers of the Israelites from the death of Joshua ate, iirm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. |ud 475 jun to the kingship of Saul : v.t. to ex- amine and pass sentence upon ; dis- tinguish ; consider : v.t. to come to a conclusion by comparison and con- sideration ; hear and determine a case, and pass sentence. judgment ('ment), n. the act of judging ; a judicial decision ; mental faculty of deciding correctly by the comparison of facts and ideas ; pen- etration ; intelligence;^ criticism; opinion ; punishment inflicted by God ; the final trial of mankind by God (with the) ; judgment-day. judicature ( 'di-ka-tur ), n. a. court of justice ; power of dispensing justice by legal trial and judgment. judicial (-dish'al), adj. pertaining to courts of justice or to the adminis- tration of justice ; proceeding from, or inflicted by, a court of justice ; impartial. judicially (-li), adv. in a judicial manner. judiciary ('i-a-ri), adj. pertaining to courts of justice ; passing judgment : n. judges collectively ; that branch of a government concerned with the ad- ministration of . civil and criminal law. judicious ('us), adj. prudent; dis- . creet. jug, v.t. to put into a jug; to cook in a jug ; to imprison : v.i. to imitate the cry of a nightingale; to nestle together as birds : n. an earthenware vessel with a handle, used to carry liquids ; a jail or prison. juggle (jug'l), v.t. to cheat by arti- fice : v.i. to conjure : n. a trick by sleight of hand ; imposture. jugglery ('ler-i), n. [pi. juggleries (-iz)], legerdemain; imposture. jugular ('u-lar), adj. pertaining to the neck or throat or jugular vein : n. a jugular vein. juice (joos), n. sap; the fluid parts of animal bodies. juicy (joo'si), adj. full of juice. jujube Cjoob), n. a kind of lozenge; the edible fruit of a shrub. julep ('lep), n. a drink composed of brandy or whisky sweetened and flavored ; a mixture of sugar and water serving as a vehicle for ad- ministering medicine. Julian C'lian), adj. pertaining to Julius Caesar, or to the Julian cal-* endar as adjusted by Julius Caesar 46 B.C. : replaced by the Gregorian year (New Style) in England, 1752. julienne (zho6-li-en'), n. a clear meat soup with chopped carrots, &c. jumble ( jum'bl) , n. a confused mass ; a kind of thin cake : v.t. to mix in a confused mass ; throw together with- out order : v.i. to mix or unite con- fusedly. jumbo ('bo), n. a huge person or animal. jump (jump), n. sl spring or bound; the space jumped ; in mining, a fault : v.t. to cause to spring or bound ; leap over •, to take possession of (a mining claim) during the ab- sence of its owner : v.i. to spring upward or forward. jumper ('er), n. one who, or that which, jumps ; a name applied to certain religious sects who practice dancing under religious excitement ; a hooded Arctic fur jacket. junction (jungk'shun), n. the act of being joined ; union ; a point or place of union. juncture ('tur), n. the point or line at which two bodies are joined ; joint ; articulation ; particular or critical occasion. jungle (jung'gl), n. a dense tropical thicket of forest trees, brushwood, tall grasses, &c. jungly Cgli), adj. pertaining to, or covered with, jungle. junior (joon'yer), adj. younger; of lower standing ; pertaining to youth : n. the younger of two ; one of lower standing. juniority (-yor'i-ti), n. junior state. juniper (joo'ni-per), n. a shrub, the berries of which are used in flavor- ing gin. junk (jungk), n. short pieces of old cable, rope, &c., used for making mats, oakum, &c. ; hard salt ship beef; a Chinese flat-bottomed vessel Math a square bow and high stern, having the mast in one piece. junket (jung'ket), n. a preparation of curds a,rid cream ; a variety of sweetmeat ; excursion ; picnic : v.i. to participate in an excursion or picnic. ate, arm, a; :, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. jun 476 jus junta (jun'ta), n. a legislative assem- bly or council. junto ('to), n. [pi. juntos ('toz)], a secret council of state ; faction ; ca- bal. jupon (joo'pon), n. a petticoat. Also jupe. juridical (-rid'i-kal), adj, pertaining to law, judicial proceedings, or juris- prudence. jurisconsult (-ris-kon'sult), n. a jurist. jurisdiction (dik'shun), n. legal au- thority ; extent of power ; district over which any authority extends. jurisprudence (-proo'dens), n. legal science ; system of laws of a country. jurist Crist), n. one skilled in legal science. juror ('rer), n. a juryman. jury ('ri), n. a body of men, usually twelve, selected according to law and sworn to inquire into or decide on the evidence before them ; a commit- tee of experts selected to award prizes, &c., at a public exhibition, &c. jury-mast (-mast), n. a temporary mast. jus (jus), n. a right that may be le- gally enforced. just (just), adj. comformable to di- vine or human laws ; upright ; im- partial ; faithful ; exact ; regular ; fair : adv. exactly ; barely ; nearly ; almost ; perfectly. justice (jus'tis), n. the quality of be- ing just; rectitude in dealing with others ; impartiality ; a judge or magistrate. justiciary (-tish'i-a-ri), n. [pi. jus- ticiaries (-riz)], a judge. justifiable ( 'ti-f i'a-bl ) , adj. defensi- ble. justifiably (-bli), adv. so as to be justifiable. justification (-ka'shun), n. the act of justifying ; vindication or defense ; the act of acceptance of a man by God as justified by the merits of Jesus Christ. justify ('ti-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. justi- fied, p.pr. justifying], to show or prove to be just or right ; vindicate ; pardon ; accept and treat as just on the ground of faith and repentance : v.i. to conform to each other by proper spacing, as lines of type. jut (jut), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. jutted, p.pr. jutting], project beyond the main body. jute (joot), n. the fiber of an East Indian plant used for ropes, bag- ging, mats, &c. juvenescence (joo-ve-nes'ens), n. a growing young. juvenescent ('ent), adj. becoming young. juvenile ('ve-nil), adj. youthful; characteristic of, or suitable to, youth : n. a young person. juvenility (-niri-ti), n. youthfulness. juxta, a prefix meaning near^ as juxta- position. ate, arm, ask» at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon book; hue, hut; think, thQU. Kaaba (ka'ba), w. the shrine at Mec- ca towards which all Mohammedans turn when praying. Kaffir (kaf'er), n. any member of one of the Bantu tribes of South Africa ; the KaflSr language ; one of a non- Mohammedan race of Northern Af- ghanistan ; an infidel. Also Kafir, Kaffre, Caffre. kaftan (kaftan), n. a kind of vest worn in Oriental countries. Also caftan. kago (kag'o), n. a Japanese palan- quin. kaiser (ki'zer), n. the title of the em- perors of Germany and Austria. kaki (ka'ke), n. the Japanese date- plum. kale (kal), n. a cabbage with open curled leaves ; sea-kale. Also kail. kaleidoscope (ka-li'do-skop), n. an optical instrument which by an ar- rangement of mirrors causes objects viewed through it to appear in a variety of symmetrical and beautiful patterns. kalendar, kalends, see calendar, &c. kali (k§.'le), n. a species of glass- wort, the ashes of which are used in glass manufacture ; caustic potash ; a Persian carpet. kalif, same as caliph. Kalmuck (kal'muk), adj. pertaining to the Western Mongols, or to their language. kalmuck, n. a rough hairy kind of cloth. kami (ka'mi), n. a Japanese title equivalent to English Lord. kamis (-mes'), n. a long shirt worn by Mohammedans. Kanaka (ka-na'ka), n. a SandwicH Islander. kangaroo (kang-ga-roo'), n. a her- bivorous marsupial mammal peculiar to Australia, having short fore legs and long powerful hind legs, with which it leaps. kaolin (ka'o-lin), n. china or porce- lain clay. karat, same as carat. karyo, a prefix meaning nucleus, oc- curring in various scientific words. katakana (kat-a-kii'na) , n. the square style of writing of the Japanese. kayak (ka'yak), n. an Eskimo seal- skin canoe. Also kaiak, kajak. kea (ke'a), n. a New Zealand parrot, which feeds on carrion and attacks sheep. keckle (kek'l), v.t. to preserve (a rope, &c.) from chafing by a cover- ing of canvas, &c. kedge (kej), n. a light anchor used in warping : v.t. to warp. keel (kel), n. the chief and lowest timber of a vessel extending from stem to stern and supporting the whole frame : hence a ship ; a low, flat-bottomed ^oal-barge ; the lowest petals of the corolla of a papiliona- ceous flower ; carina : v.t. to furnish with a keel : v.i. turn up the keel ; give up. keel-boat ('bot), n. a large covered freight boat. keelhaul ('hawl), v.t. to drag under water beneath the bottom of a ship from one side to the other : formerly a naval punishment ; reprimand sternly. keelson ('sun), n. a beam or timber ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; booD* book; hue, hut; think, then. 477 feee 478 kid laid on the middle of the floor tim- bers over the keel of a vessel to strengthen it. Kelson. keen ( ken ) , adj. sharp ; eager ; pierc- ing ; bitter ; acute : n. a shrill bitter wail [Irish]. keep (kep), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. kept, p. pr. keeping], to have the care of; guard ; preserve ; maintain ; do ; ob- serve ; fulfil ; supply vv^ith the neces- saries of life ; detain ; confine : v.i. to remain in any state or condition : n. subsistence ; the stronghold or donjon of a mediaeval castle. keeping ('ing), n. care; custody; charge ; subsistence ; harmony ; con- gruity. keepsake ('sak), n. something kept as a souvenir of the giver. keeve (kev), n. a large vat or tub. keg (keg), n. a small barrel. kelp (kelp), n. the calcined ashes of sea-weeds, from which iodine is ob- tained ; a large coarse seaweed or wrack. kelpie (kel'pi), 11. a malevolent water- sprite, supposed to take the form of a horse. Kelt, same as Celt. kemp (kemp), n. coarse rough hair or wool ; refuse of fur. ken (ken), n. view; knowledge: v.t. [p.t. & p.p. kenned, p.pr. kenning], to know; descry [Scotch]. kendal ( 'dal ) , w. a coarse green cloth. kennel ('el), n. a house for a dog or pack of hounds ; lair of a fox ; street gutter ; vile lodging : v.t. to confine in a kennel : v.i. to live in a kennel. keno (ke'no), n. a game of chance played with numbered balls and cards. kepi (kep'i), n. a military cap with a straight vizor. keratin (ker'a-tin), n. the principal constituent of hair, nails, and horn. kerite (ke'rit), n. an insulating ma- terial made of vulcanized rubber. kermes (ker'mez), n. the dried bodies of a cochineal insect {Coccus ilicis) , furnishing a scarlet dye ; an oxysul- phide of antimony of a deep cherry color ; a festival or fair. kern (kern), ti. the overhanging part of a type. kernel ('el), n. a grain or seed; the edible substance of a nut or fruit stone ; essence. kerosene ('o-sen), n. refined petro- leum. Kerry ('i), n. an Irish breed of cattle. kersey ('zi), n. a coarse smooth-faced cloth. kerseymere (-mer), n. cassimere. kestrel (kes'trel), n. a kind of hawk. ketch (kech), n. a stoutly-built, two- masted, fore-and-aft rigged vessel. ketchup ('up), n. a sauce prepared from tomatoes, mushrooms, &c. Also catsup and catchup. kettle (ket'l), n. a metallic vessel for boiling liquids. kettledrum (-drum), n. a hemi- spherical copper drum ; afternoon tea party. key (ke), n. a portable metal instru- ment for operating a lock ; an in strument by which something io' turned, secured, or operated upon ; clef ; solution ; literal translation ^ v.t. fasten or connect with a key. keynote ('not), n. the fundamental note; ruling principle. keystone ('ston), n. central stone of an arch. khaki (ka'ki), n. a light drab-col- ored cloth. khan (kan), n. an Asiatic prince, chief, or governor ; a caravanserai. khanate ('at), n. the jurisdiction of a khan. khedive (ke-dev'), n. the oflScial title of the Viceroy of Egypt. khedeviate (-de'vi-at), n. the juris- diction of the khedive. kick (kik), n. a blow with the foot; a recoil : v.t. to strike with the foot : v.i. recoil ; resist. kickshaiv ('shaw), n. something fan- ciful or out of the way ; a delicacy. kid (kid), n. the young of the goat, or its soft skin used for gloves, &c. ; a child ; a small wooden tub : adj. made of kid : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. kidded, p.pr. kidding] , to bring forth a kid : v.t. to furnish or cover with kid ; humbug. kiddle (kid'l), n. a wicker fish- weir. kidnap ('nap), v.t. to get forcible and illegal possession of (human be- ings, especially children). kidney ('ni), n. [pi. kidneys ('niz)], ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. kil 479 kit one of two oblong flattened organs which separate the urine from the blood ; anything resembling a kid- ney ; sort or kind. kilerg (kil'erg), n. a unit of energy = 1,000 ergs. kill (kil), v.t. to deprive of life; de- stroy ; slay. kiln (kil), n. a furnace, oven, or pile for burning, drying, or hardening. kilogramme ('o-gram), n. 1,000 grammes = 2.2046 lbs. kiloliter (-le'tr), n. 1,000. liters — 220 imperial gals, (about). kilomieter (-me'tr), n. 1,000 meters = 3,280.8 feet. kilt (kilt), n. a short petticoat or philibeg of the Scottish Highland- ers ' v.t. to form into broad, flat plaits; tuck up [Scotch]. kimono (ki-mo'no), n. the loose outer robe of the Japanese. kin (kin), n. consanguinity; relation- ship ; kindred ; a Chinese lute. kind (kind), adj. benevolent; indul- gent ; affectionate ; sympathetic : n. genus or species ; quality ; variety ; sort. kindergarten (kin'der-gar-ten), n. a school for young children in which they are taught by diverting object lessons, &c. kindle (kind'l), v.t. to set fire to; in- flame. kindliness (kind'li-nes), n. kindly disposition. kindly ('li), adj. [comp. kindlier, superl. kindliest], benevolent; sym- pathetic ; beneficial ; natural : adv. in a kindly manner. kindness ('nes), n. the state or qual- ity of being kind; a kind act. kindred (kin'dred), adj. of like na- ture or character ; cognate : n. rela- tionship by birth or marriage; con- sanguinity. kinematics (kin-e-mat'iks), n. the science of pure motion. kinetic ( ki-net'ik ) , adj. pertaining to, or imparting, motion ; active : n.pl. that branch of dynamics which treats of the action of forces in causing or influencing motion. kinetograph (-ne'to-graf ), n. an ap- paratus for taking photographs of moving objects and afterwards re- producing them on a screen, as if in actual motion. king (king), n. a male sovereign or ruler ; a piece or card representing a king in a game ; one who is spe- cially distinguished in the same class or kind. kingdom ('dum), n. the territory ruled by a king or queen ; royal au- thority ; sphere of influence ; primary division. kingfisher (-er), n. a fish-eating bird with bright blue and green or slate-blue and white plumage. kingwood ('wood), n. a hard violet- tinted wood imported from Brazil : used in turnery and cabinet-making. kink (kingk), n. a twist in a rope or thread when doubled ; whim : v.t. & v.i. to form kinks. kinkajou (king'ka-joo), n. a South American carnivorous mammal with a long prehensile tail. kinnikinic (kin-i-ki-ni!i'), n. a kind of tobacco smoked by the American Indians, made of the leaves of the sumac, willow, &c. kino (kl'no), n. an astringent gum, used in medicine, tanning, &c. kinsfolk (kins'fok), n. relatives. kiosk (ki-osk'), n. a Turkish open pavilion or summer house. kip (kip), n. the untanned skin of a calf or small cattle. kipper ('er), n. a salmon after spawning ; a salmon, herring, &c., cut open, salted, and smoke-dried : v.t. to cure, as a salmon. kirk (kerk), n. a church; the Church of Scotland (with the) [Scotch]. kirtle (ker'tl), n. an upper garment; petticoat : v.t. to array in a kirtle. kismet (kis'met), n. fate; destiny. kiss (kis), n. a salute or caress with the lips ; a slight touch : v.t. to sa- lute with the lips ; touch slightly : v.i. to caress mutually with the lips. kist (kist), n. a chest or box. kit (kit), n. a small wooden tub: a small violin ; traveling necessaries, outfit, &c. ; set ; a large bottle ; a family or brood. kitcat (kit'kat), n. a portrait 28x36 in. showing half the length. kitcken (kich'en), n. a room set ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth. not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, ^^en. kit 480 knG apart for cooking ; ship's galley : adj. pertaining to the kitchen. kitcliener (-er), n. a cooking range. kite (kit), n. a rapacious bird of prey ; a light frame of wood cov- ered with paper or linen for flying in the air ; a light lofty sail ; an ac- commodation bill. kitk (kith), n. acquaintance. kitten, (kit'n), n. a young cat. kittiwake ('i-wak), n. a gull. kiwi (ke'wi), n. a New Zealand bird with a long bill. kleptomania (klep-to-ma'ni-a), n. a form of insanity manifesting itself in an irresistible propensity to steal. kleptomaniac ('ni-ak), n. one who is under the influence of klepto- mania. knack (nak), n. adroitness; dex- terity. knacker ('er), n. a horse-slaugh- terer ; dealer in worn-out horses. knapsack (nap'sak), n. a leather or cloth traveling case carried on the back. knap -weed ('wed), n. a purple-flow- ered plant ; bachelor's button. knave (nav), n. a dishonest or de- ceitful person ; a court-card with the figure of a soldier or servant. knavery ('er-i), n. [pi. knaveries (-iz)], dishonesty; fraud; deceit. knavish, ('ish), adj. dishonest; mis- chievous. knead (ned), v.t. to work into a mass, as dough ; operate upon in massage ; mold. knee (ne), n. the articulation of the leg and thigh bones ; anything re- sembling a knee: v.t. to connect or strengthen with knees. knee-breeckes ('brich-ez), n.pl. breeches reaching just below the knee. kneecap ('kap), n. a flattened oval bone on the forepart of the knee- joint ; patella. Also kneepan. kneel (nel), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. knelt, p.pr. kneeling], to bend, or fall upon, the knees. knell (nel), n. the sound of a bell when struck, especially a funeral bell ; an ill omen : v.t. & v.i. to sound or toll, as a funeral bell. knickerbockers (nik'er-bok-erz), n. pi. wide breeches gathered in below the knee. knickknack ('nak), n. a little orna- mental trifle ; kickshaw. knife (nif), n. [pi. knives (-nivz)], a cutting instrument with a sharp- edged blade set in a handle : v.t. to stab with a knife. knight (nit), n. one who holds non- hereditary rank next below a baro- net, entitling him to the prefix Sir; in mediaeval times, one of gentle birth, who, after serving as an es- quire, was admitted by certain cere- monies to military rank ; a cham- pion ; lover ; one of the pieces in chess : v.t. to confer the honor of knighthood upon. knightage ('aj), n. knights collec- tively. knight-errant (-er'ant), n. [pi. knights-errant], in the Middle Ages, a knight who went in quest of ad- venture, to show his prowess, chiv- alry, &c. knight-errantry (-tri), n. the prac- tices or customs of knights-errant. knighthood ('hood), n. the charac- ter, rank, or dignity, of a knight. knit (nit), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. knitted, p.pr. knitting], to tie, unite, or draw together ; weave together by nee- dies ; contract. knitting ('ing), n. the work of a knitter ; the netted fabric thus wo- ven ; union. knob (nob), n. the rounded handle of a door, &c. ; round protuberance ; knoll. knobby ('i), adj. full of knobs. knock (nok), n. a blow or stroke with something hard or heavy ; rap : v.t. to give a blow to ; drive or strike against : v.i. to strike a blow with something hard or heavy. knock-out ('out), n. a mechanical device for throwing out finished work ; a knock-down blow ending a fight. knoll (nol), n. a rounded hillock; hilltop. knop (nop), n. an architectural or- nament of clustered leaves and flow- ers ; button. knot (not), n. an interweaving or tying of thread or cord, &c. ; any- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boont book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ikzio 481 kym thing resembling a knot ; entangle- ment ; difficulty ; a hard part in a piece of wood ; part of a tree where the branches shoot out ; a division of a log-line (each 47.42 ft.) ; a nautical mile = 2,025 yds. ; bond of union ; group ; the red-breasted sand-piper : v.t. \_p.t. & p.p. knotted, p.pr. knotting], to tie in a knot; unite firmly or closely : v.i. form knots or joints ; make knots for fringe. knotting ('ing), n. a kind of lace work ; a paint of red lead, &c., for protecting metal. knotty ('i), adj. [comp. knottier, superl. knottiest], full of knots; rugged ; difficult. knout (nout), n. a leathern whip formerly used as a punishment in Russia : v.t. to punish with the knout. know (no), v.t. [p.t. knew, p.p. known, p.pr. knowing], to perceive with the mind ; understand clearly ; have knowledge of ; distinguish : v.i. to be informed. knowing ('ing), p.adj. having knowl- edge ; intelligent ; shrewd ; cunning ; stylish. knowledge (nol'ej), n. clear percep- tion of a truth or fact ; erudition ; skill from practice ; acquaintance ; information. knuckle (nuk'l), n. the projecting joint of the fingers ; the knee-joint of a calf or pig : v.i. to bend the fingers ; yield or submit. knur (ner), n. a hard knot or pro- tuberance. Also knurl. koa (ko'a), n. a Hawaiian tree of the Acacia genus yielding a valuable timber. kobold (ko'bold), n. a dwarf goblin or sprite frequenting houses, mines, and caves. kodak ('dak), n. a portable camera for taking instantaneous photo- graphs : v.t. to take an instanta- neous picture of. kofp (kof), n. a Dutch fishing-vessel. kohl (kol), n. powdered antimony, used in the East for imparting lus- ter to the eyes. koklrabi ('ra-bi), n. a variety of cab- kokra-wood (kok'ra-wood), n. the wood of an Indian tree, used for making flutes, &c., and in turnery. koniscope (kon'i-skop), n. an appa- ratus for determining the amount of dust contained in the air. koodoo (koo'doo), n. the striped an- telope of South Africa. kopeck, same as copeck. kopi (ko'pi),_w. an African peasant. kopje (kop'ye), n. a hillock [South Africa.] Koran, see Alcoran. koto (ko'to), n. a Japanese musical instrument, somewhat resembling the zither. koumiss (koo'mis), n. a spirituous beverage made by the Tartars from fermented mare's milk. Also kumiss. kowtow (ko-tou'), n. a Chinese form of salutation from an inferior to a superior by touching the ground with the forehead : v.i. salute by the kowtow. Also kotow. kraal (krawl), n. an African village consisting of a group of huts sur- rounded by a palisade ; a single hut ; a sheepfold, or cattle-pen. kraken (kra'ken), n. a sea-monster said to have been seen off the Nor- wegian coast. kremlin (krem'lin), n. a Russian citadel, especially that of Moscow. kreutzer (kroit'ser^, n. an Austriaji copper coin = % of a cent ; former- ly a German coin j= 2-3 of a cent. kriegspiel (kreg'spel), n. a military game with blocks to represent the various sections of an army as if in actual warfare. krone (kro'na), n. \_pl. kroner ('ner)], a coin (crown) current in Teutonic and Scandinavian coun- tries = 27 cents. kiimmel (kem'el), n. a German and Russian liqueur, flavored with cara- way seeds. kutck (kuch), n. the packet of vel- lum leaves in which gold is placed to be beaten. kyanize (ki'an-iz), v.t. to impreg- nate (wood) for preservation with a solution of corrosive sublimate. kymograph, (-mo'graf), n. an ap- paratus for determining the pres- sure of blood. ate, arm, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boonj book ; hue, hut ; think, ffcen. la (la), n. the sixth note of the scale [Mus.]. laager ('ger), n. an extemporized camp for defense, formed with wag- ons, «S:c. : v.t. to protect by a laager [South Africa]. label (la'bel), n. a small slip of paper, &c., attached to anything to indicate its destination, ownership, &c. ; codicil ; a projecting molding : v.t. to mark with, or affix, a label ; classify. labial (la'bi-al), adj. formed by the lips : n. a letter representing a sound so formed. labiate ('bi-at)_, adj. lipped. labiodental (-o-den'tal), adj. formed by the lips and teeth. labionasal (-na'zal), adj. formed by the lips and nose. labium ('bi-um), n. [pi. labia (-a)], a lip or lip-like organ. labor ('ber), n. toil or exertion, phys- ical or mental ; effort ; difficulty ; pain ; parturition : v.t. to cause to toil ; fabricate : v.i. to exert muscu- lar strength ; use mental efforts ; be hard pressed ; take pains ; move slowly ; pitch and roll heavily ; suf- fer the pains of childbirth. laboratory (lab'or-u-to-ri), n. [pi. laboratories (-riz)], a place where S scientific experiments and operations are carried on._ laborious (lu-bo'ri-us), adj. difficult; toilsome. labradorite (lab'ra-dCr-it), n. a feldspar displaying an iridescent play of colors. labrum (la'brum), n. [pi. labra ('bra)], the lip-like shield of an in- sect's mouth. labrus (la'brus), adj. thick lipped. laburnum (la-ber'num), n. an orna- mental tree with pendent yellow flowers. labyrintb (lab'i-rinth), n. a series of intricate winding passages : from the structure made in Crete by Daeda- lus ; a maze ; inexplicable difficulty ; the winding cavities of the internal ear ; a series of troughs through which ore slime is passed and the metallic particles deposited. lac (lak), n. a resinous substance formed on certain trees by an in- sect {Carferia lacca) ; the inspis- sated sap of varous trees ; the sum of 100,000 rupees = $500,000 (about). lace (las), n. an ornamental fabric of fine linen, cotton thread, gold or silver, &c., curiously woven ; a cord used for binding or fastening : v.t. to fasten with a lace ; adorn with lace ; beat. lacerate (las'er-at), v.t, to rend; wound. laceration (-a'shun), n. the act of rending ; a harrowing of the feel- ings ; a rent. lachrymal ('ri-mal), adj. pertaining to tears. lacbrymose ('ri-mos), adj. tearful; sad. lack (lak), v.t. to be destitute of: v.i. to be in need ; to be deficient ; come short : n. want : failure. lackadaisical (-a-da'zi-kal), adj. af fectedly pensive or sentimental. lackey ('i), n. a menial attendant; foo!man : v.t. to wait upon, as a lackey : v.i. act servilely. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, #7ien. 482 fac 48.^ lam laconic (-kon'ik), adj. expressing much in few words. Also laconical. laconically (-ul-li), adv. briefly. lacquer (lak'er), n. a varnish con- sisting of shellac dissolved in alco- hol and variously colored : v.t. to varnish with lacquer. lacrosse (lii-kros'), n. a Canadian game resembling football, but played with a netted bat {crosse) . lact, a prefix meaning mlk, as lactic, adj. pertaining to milk. Also lacti, lacto. lactarine (lak'ta-rin), n. a prepara- tion of casein or milk curds : used extensively in calico printing. lactation (-ta'shun), n. secretion of milk ; the act or period of suckling. lacteal ('te-al), adj. pertaining to, or like, milk ; conveying chyle : n.pl. the lymphatic vessels which convey chyle from the intestines to the tho- racic-duct. lactic, see under lact. lactic acid ('tik as'id), n. a bitter acid contained in sour milk. lactometer (-tom'e-ter), n. an in- strument for ascertaining the spe- cific gravity of milk. lacuna (la-ku'na), n. \_pl. lacunae ('ne) ], a blank space ; hiatus ; small pit or hollow. lacustrine (-kus'trin), adj. pertain- ing to a lake. lad (lad), n. a boy or youth; com- rade. ladder ('er), n. a framework con- sisting of two parallel side pieces connected by bars, &c., forming steps at suitable distances ; any- thing by which one climbs or as- cends. laddie ('i), n. a lad [Scotch]. lade (lad), v.t. {p.t. laded, p.p. laded, laden, p.pr. lading], to load; bur- den ; heave or throw out. lading ('ing), n, the act of loading; freight. ladle ( '1 ) , M. a deep spoon for serving out liquids : v.t. to dip up with a ladle. ladrone (la-dron'), n. a robber; ban- dit ; guerrilla. lady (la'di), n. [pi. ladies ('diz)], a well-bred woman; the title of the wife of a knight or a superior in rank to him ; the daughter of a duke, marquis, or earl ; mistress of a house. ladybird (-berd), n. a red coleop- terous insect marked with black spots. ladyship (-ship), n. the rank or title of a lady (with her or your). lag (lag), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. lagged, p.pr. lagging], to move slowly; loiter; stay behind : v.t. cause to be ar- rested or punished : adj. long de- layed ; last : n. retardation of me- chanical movement. lager beer (lii'ger ber), n. a German beer suitable for storing. laggard (lag'erd), n. a slow person; loiterer : adj. backward ; slow. lagoon (la-goon'), n. a shallow lake formed at the mouth of a river or near the sea ; marsh or fen. Lagtbing (liig'ting), n. the Norwe- gian Upper House of Parliament. laic (la'ik), adj. pertaining to the laity. laid (lad), p.t. & p.p. of lay; marked with fine parallel ribbed lines : said of paper. lain, p.p. of lie. lair (lar), n. the covert of a wild beast. laity (la'i-ti), n. the people, as dis- tinguished from the clergy. lake (lak), n. a large body of water surrounded by land ; a pigment. lama (iJi'ma), n. a Tibetan Buddhist priest, monk, or nun. lamb (lam), n. the young of a sheep; one who is gentle or innocent ; an inexperienced speculator : v.i. to bring forth lambs. lambent ('bent), adj. playing about; flickering ; touching lightly. lambkin ('kin), n. a little Icmb. lambrequin (lam'bre-kin), n. a fes- tooned drapery, hanging from the upper part of a window, doorway, &c. lambskin ('skin), n. the skin of a lamb dressed with the fleece on and frequently colored. lambswool ('zwool), n. the wool of lambs ; a beverage composed of ale ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut : think, then. lam. 484 Ian with nutmeg, sugar, and the pulp of roasted apples. laxue (lam), adj. crippled or disabled in the limbs ; not sound or efficient : v.t. to cripple or disable. lamella (la-melTi), n. [pi. lamellae ('e) ], a thin scale or plate. lamellar (iam'e-lar), adj. composed of lamellae. lam.elli, a prefix meaning a plate or scale, found in various scientific words, as lamelUlorm : adj. scale- like. lamely (lam'li), adv. in a lame man- ner. lam.eness ('nes), n. state of being lame. lament (-ment'), v.t. to mourn for: v.i. to express sorrow : n. an expres- sion of sorrow ; lamentation. lamentable (lam'en-ta-bl), adj. to be lamented ; mournful ; pitiable. lamentably (-bli), adv. in a lamen- table manner. lamentation (-ta'shun), n. grief audibly expressed ; outcry. lamina (lam'i-na), n. [pi. laminae (-ne) ], a thin plate or scale; a coat or layer lying over another ; blade of a leaf or petal. laminar ('i-nar), adj. composed of thin plates. Also laminary. laminate ('i-nat), adj. composed of, or ^arranged in, laminae. lamination (-i-na'shun), n. divisi- bility or division into thin plates. lamp (lamp), n. a vessel for burning oil, &c., with a wick; any device for producing artificial light. lampblack ('blak), n. finely divided charcoal or soot : v.t. to apply lamp- black to. lampoon (lam-poon'), n. personal written satire designed to bring the subject of it into contempt : v.t. to satirize by a lampoon. lamprey ('pri), n. an eel-like fish. lanate (la'nat), adj. woolly. lance (lans), n. a long shaft of wood with a spear head; a thrust with a lancet : v.t. to pierce with a lance ; cut open with a lancet. lancelet ('let), n. the amphioxus. lanceolate (lan'se-6-lat), adj. taper- ing to a point at either end, as cer- tain leaves. lancer (lan'ser). n. a cavalry soldier armed with a lance : pi. a kind o£ quadrille. lancet ('set), n. a surgeon's knife ; a lancet-shaped or pointed window. lance-f^ood ('wood), n. a tough elas- tic wood used in coachbuilding, &c. lanciform ('si-form), adj. lance- shaped. land (land), n. the solid portion of the surface of the globe ; the earth ; a country or district ; real estate : v.t. to set on shore ; capture and bring on shore ; win : v.i. to come or go on shore ; disembark. landau ('do), n. a kind of carriage. landgrabber (land'grab-er), n. one who gets possession of public land by means of fraud ; in Ireland, one who buys or occupies land from which another has been evicted. landlord ('16rd), n. one who has tenants holding under him; the keeper of a hotel or inn. Fern. land- lady. landlordism (-izm), n. the action of landlords collectively, especially with respect to their landed interests. landlubber ('lub-er), n. one not a sailor. landrail ('ral), n. the corncrake. landscape ('skap), n. the general aspect of a country, or a picture representing it. Landstbing (lans'ting), n. the Up- per House of the Danish Parliament (Rigsdag). landsturm (lant'stiirm), n. the last reserve of the German army, only called out in time of war. Landtag ('takh), n. the Parliament . of one of the states comprising the German Empire. landwebr (lant'var), n. the reserve or militia of the German army. lane (Ian), n. a narrow path, as be- tween hedges, walls, &c. ; narrow street. language (lang'gwej), n. human speech ; the speech of one nation or race as distinguished from that of another ; style or expression peculiar to an individual. languid ('gwid), adj. wanting ener- gy ; weak. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then» Ian 485 lar languish ('gwish), v.i. to become weak or spiritless ; pine away ; look with tenderness or wistfulness. lank (lang'k), adj. lean; slender. lanky ('i), adj. tall and thin. lanner (lan'er), n. a species of hawk. lanolin ('o-lin), n. an unctuous sub- stance obtained from the wool of sheep, &c. lantern (lan'tern), n. a transparent case for holding or carrying a light ; the light-room of a lighthouse; a small tower on the roof of a building to admit light and air. lantern-jawed (jawd), adj. having a long thin face. lanthanum (lan'tha-num), n. sl rare metallic element. Also lanthanium. lanyard ('yard), n. a piece of rope, cord, &c., for seizing or fastening the tackle of a ship. Also laniard. lap (lap), n, the loose part of a gar- ment which may be doubled at pleas- ure ; part of the body or clothes from the waist to the knees of a person seated ; a name for various pieces of mechanism ; one length of a course which has to be passed over more than once in a race ; the act of lapping : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. lapped, p.pr. lapping], to bend and spread over ; lick up : v.i. to lie partially on something else. lapdog ('dog), n. a small pet dog. lapel (la-pel'), n. part of a coat which laps over. lapid, a preftoe meaning stone. lapidary (lap'i-da-ri), n. [pi. lapi- daries (-riz)], an artificer who cuts and sets precious stones ; a connois- seur or dealer in gems. lapis lazuli (la'pis laz'u-li), n. a rich blue stone from which ultramarine was originally obtained. Lapp (lap), n. a Laplander; the lan- guage of the Lapps. lappet ('et), n. a little loose flap. lapsable (laps'a-bl), adj. capable of lapsing. lapse (laps), v.i. to glide or slip slowly away ; fall by degrees ; com- mit a slight fault or fail in duty ; pass to another proprietor by negli- gence or death ; slide or fall anew into sin : n. a gliding or passing away slowly ; slight fault or miS' take; omission to present to a bene- fice within a certain time. lapsus ('sus), n. a slip or mistake. lapwing (lap' wing), n. a plover-like bird. larboard (lar'bord), n. the term used formerly for the port or left-hand side of a ship. larcenous ('se-nus), adj. theivish. larceny ('se-ni), 71. theft. larch (larch), n. a coniferous tree. lard (liird), n. the fat of swine melted down : v.t. to cover with lard ; insert strips of bacon in before roasting : hence to mix. lardaceous (lar-da'shus), adj. per- taining to, or resembling, lard. Also lardy. larder ('der), n. a pantry; house* hold provisions. large (larj), adj. great in size; bulky ; wide ; extensive ; comprehen- sive. largely ('li), adv. to a large extent; boastfully ; before the wind : said of a vessel. largeness ('nes), n. the state of being large. largess Cjes), n. a gift or bounty. lariat (lar'i-at), n. a rope or lassoy especially of horsehair. lark (lark), n. a noted song-bird of the genus Alauda; a frolic. larking ('ing), p.adj. catching larks; indulging in a frolic. larkspur ('sper), n. a plant with showy blue spurred flowers. larmier (lar'mi-er), n. a corona or dripstone. larrup (lar 'up), V.t. to beat or flog. larva (lar'va), n. [pi. larvae ('ve)], an insect in the first stage of its metamorphosis after leaving the egg. larval ('val), adj. pertaining to a larva. larviparous (-vip'a-rus), adj. pro- ducing young in the state of larvae laryngeal (lar-in-je'al), oc?y. pertain- ing to, or situated near, the larynx. laryngectomy (-jek'to-mi), n. the operation of cutting away a part o£ the larynx. laryngismus (-jis'mus), n. a spas- modic affection of the glottis. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. iar 4S laryngitis (-ji'tis), n. inflammation of the larynx. laryngo, a prefix meaning larynx, as laryngoscope, an instrument fur- nished with mirrors for inspecting the larynx. laryngotomy (-got'o-mi), n. the sur- gical operation of cutting into the windpipe. larynx ('ingks), n. the upper part of the trachea or windpipe. lascar (las-kar'), n. an East Indian sailor employed on a European ves- sel. lascivious (-siv'i-us), adj. lustful; wanton ; exciting lust. lash (lash), v.t. to strike with a sounding blow ; whip ; scourge with satire; fasten or bind with a cord or rope : i\i. to apply the whip ; flog : n. the thong of a whip ; a scourge ; stroke with anything pliant ; sarcasm or satire. lasher ('er), n. one who lashes; a weir. lashing ('ing), n. a cord, rope, &c., to secure or bind anything ; a whip- ping. lass (las) , n. a young woman ; girl. lassie ('i), n. a lass [Scotch]. lassitude ('i-tud), n. weariness; lan- guor. lasso ('o), n. a rope, usually of hide, with a noose, used for catching wild horses and cattle : v.t, to catch with a lasso. last (last), adj. coming after all oth- ers in time, place, or order ; lowest ; utmost ; least likely : adv. on the last time or occasion ; finally : v.i. to re- main in existence or operation ; en- dure : n. a wooden implement for shaping boots and shoes. lasting ('ing), adj. durable; perma- nent : n. a twilled fabric used for making women's shoes. lastly ('li), adv. in the last place. latch (lach), n. a door catch: v.t. to secure or fasten with a latch. latchet ('et), n. a shoe string. late (lat), adj. [coniiJ. later, superl. latest], coming after the usual time; tardy ; long delayed ; far in the day or night ; recent ; recently deceased : adv. after delay ; recently. ) lat lateen (la-ten'), n. a triangular sail used on boats on the Mediterranean, &c. lately ('li), adv. not long ago. latency (la'ten-si), n. the state of being latent. latent ('tent), n. concealed; invis- ible. lateral (lat'er-al), adj. pertaining to, proceeding from, or acting upon, the side. i Lateran ('er-an), n. the Papal pal- i ace, and the church of St. John Lateran at Rome, the cathedral of the Pope. ^ || latero, a prefix meaning side. | lath (lath), n. a strip of wood. '' lathe (la^7i), n. a machine for turn- ing and polishing articles of wood, metal, &c. lather (\a.th'er), n. froth made by moistened soap ; profuse sweating : v.t. to cover with lather. Latin (lat'in), adj. pertaining to, written, or expressed in, Latin ; per- taining to Latium, ancient Rome, its inhabitants or language, or the races and languages derived from Rome ; Roman ; Roman Catholic : n. an ancient Roman ; the language of ancient Rome and its literature. Latin cross (kros), n. a cross hav- ing the lowest limb longer than the two sides and top. Latinize ('in-Iz), v.t. to give Latin terminations, or characteristics, to ; translate into Latin. Latinism (-izm), n. a Latin idiom. Latinist (-ist), n. a Latin scholar. Latinity ('i-ti), n. purity of Latin style or idiom. latitude ('i-ttid), n. distance on the earth's surface as measured by de- grees north or south from the equa- tor ; breadth ; extent ; freedom from rules ; laxity ; range or scope. latitudinal ('di-nal), adj. pertain- ing to latitude; in the direction of latitude. latitudinarian (-di-na'ri-an), adj. wide in range or scope ; tolerant in' speculative religious opinions : w, one who holds latitudinarian views. latten (lat'en), n. metal in thin sheets. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite,, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. lat 487 lay latter ('er), adj. the second of two things previously mentioned ; re- cent ; modern. lattice ('is), n. crossed open work of metal or wood : v.t. to furnish or cross with a lattice. laud (lawd), v.t. to praise highly; extol : n. praise ; worship or hymn of praise. laudable ('a-bl), adj. commendable. P laudanum ('a-num), n. a prepara- tion of opium. laudator ('a-ter), w. one who praises. laudatory ('a-to-ri), adj. expressing praise. laugh (liif), n. a convulsive sound caused by merriment : v.i. to ex- press merriment, &c,, by a laugh ; appear gay, pleasant, &c. ; jeer (with at) : v.t. to express or utter with laughter. laughing-gas ('ing-gas), n. nitrous oxide. laughing-stock (-stok), n. object of I laughter. laughter ('ter), n. convulsive merri- ment. launch (lanch), v.t. to move or cause to slide into the water, as a vessel ; hurl ; dart ; send forth : v.i. to put to sea ; expatiate in language ; plunge ; enter on a new career : n. the act of launching a vessel ; plunge ; the largest boat of a man- of-war; a large open pleasure-boat usually propelled by steam, gas, or electricity. laundress (lawn'dres), n. a washer- woman. laundry ('dri), n. Ipl. laundries ('driz)], a place where clothes are washed and ironed. laureate (law're-at), adj. decked or I invested with laurel : n. one crowned I with laurel ; poet-laureate. laurel ('rel), n. an evergreen shrub; crown or wreath of laurel : hence honor ; distinction. laureled ('reld), adj. crowned with laurel. lava (la'va), n. molten volcanic mat- ter. lavatory (lav'a-to-ri), n. [pi. lava- tories (-riz)], a place for washing; retiring-room. lave (lav) , v.t. & v.i. to bathe or wash. lavender (lav'en-der), an aromatic plant. laver (la'ver), n. a large vessel for washing in, especially the brazen laver of the Jewish tabernacle and temple used by the priests ; an edible seaweed. lavish (lav'ish), adj. profuse ; extrav- agant : v.t. expend or bestow with profusion ; squander ; waste. laiv (law), n. a rule of action estab- lished by authority ; edict, statute, or custom ; act or enactment of a legislative body ; jurisprudence ; ju- dicial process ; rule or axiom of science or art ; established principle ; the Mosaic code. lawful ('fool), adj. agreeable or com- formable to law ; just ; legal. lawfully (-li), adv. legally; justly. lawless ('les), adj. not obedient to or controlled by law; not according to law ; ungoverned ; unruly. lawn (lawn), n. a plot of grass kept closely mown ; fine cambric used for the sleeves of a bishop's gown ; hence the office of a bishop. lawn-tennis ('ten-is), n. an outdoor game played with rackets, balls, and a net. lawsuit ('sut), n. an action at law. lawyer ('yer), n. one skilled in legal knowledge ; one, especially a solic- itor, who practices in the law- courts; a skilled exponent of the Mosaic law. lax (laks), adj. loose; vague; weak. laxative ('a-tiv), adj. loosening; pur- gative. laxity ('i-ti), n. the state or quality of being lax. Also laxness. lay (la), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. laid, p.pr. laying], to put or place; spread over ; cause to lie down ; settle ; calm ; bring forward ; wager ; de- posit ; exercise ; set or place secret- ly ; impose ; impute : v.i. to produce eggs : n. relative arrangement ; par- ticular business ; share of profits ; a simple song : adj. pertaining to the people, as distinguished from the clergy ; non-professional. layer ('er), n. a stratum, row, or bed ; runner of a plant fastened down and covered with earth for propagation. tte, arm. at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; booa book; hue, hut; think, then. lay 488 lea iay^figure ('fig-ur), n. an artist's jointed model for hanging drapery upon ; a mere puppet. laying ('ing), n. a sitting of eggs; the first coat of plaster. layman ('man), n. [pi. laymen ('men)], one of the people, as dis- tinguished from a clergyman ; a non- professional man. lazaretto (laz-a-ret'o), n. a hospital for persons suffering with infectious diseases ; a ship's store-room. Also lazaret. lazily (la'zi-li), adv. in a lazy man- ner. laziness (-nes), n. indolence; slug- gishness. lazTilite (laz'u-lit), n. an azure blue mineral. lazy (la'zi), adj. [conip. lazier, superl. laziest], idle; indolent; slothful. lazzarone (laz-a-ro'ne), n. [pi. laz- zaroni ('ni)], a Neapolitan loafer who does casual work. lea (le), n. a meadow. leacli (lech), v.t. to pass water through (ashes) to form lye. lead (led), n. a soft heavy ductile bluish-grey metal ; a plummet for sounding depths at sea ; a thin strip of type-metal for separating lines ; a stick of graphite ; a sheet of lead : adj. consisting, wholly or partially, of lead : v.i. to furnish with lead. lead (led), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. led, p.pr. leading], to conduct with the hand; guide or conduct ; precede ; allure ; induce ; spend or use : v.i. to take precedence ; act as a leader ; play the first card or domino : n. guidance ; precedence ; the right to play first. leaded (led'ed), p.adj. separated by leads ; set in, or covered with, lead. leaden ('en), adj. made of, or colored like, lead ; heavy ; sluggish, leader (led'er), n. one who leads; the chief editorial article of a news- paper ; tendon ; the foremost horse in a vehicle. leaderette (-ef), n. a short newspa- per leader. leaf (lef), n. [pi. leaves (levz)], one of the thin flat parts of a plant ; ' anything thinly beaten ; something resembling a leaf ; part of a book containing two pages ; a valved part of a table^ shutter, &c. leafage ('aj), n. leaves collectively. leaflet ('let), n. a small leaf; a tract or folding circular. leafy ('i), adj. [comp. leafier, superl. leafiest], full of leaves. league (leg), n. an alliance for mu- tual interests ; confederacy ; 3 geo- graphical miles : v.t. to combine for mutual interests : v.i. to confederate. leak (lek), n. a hole which lets in water : v.i. to let water in or out through a hole, &c. leakage ('aj), n. the state of a ves- sel that leaks ; allowance for loss by leakage. leal (lei), adj. true-hearted [Scotch]. lean (len), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. leaned, leant, 2:).pr. leaning], to incline or deviate from an upright position : v.t. to cause to lean ; rest : adj. thin ; sterile. lean-to CtoS), n. a building whose rafters rest on another building; penthouse. leap (lep), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. leaped, leapt, p.pr. leaping], to pass over by leaping ; jump or spring over : v.i. to jump ; vault : n. the act of leaping ; jump ; spring ; the space passed in leaping. leap year (yer), n. sl year of 366 days, when February has 29 days ; every year divisible by 4, except those divisible by 100 but not by 400. learn (lern), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. learned, learnt, p.pr. learning], to acquire knowledge of ; fix in the mind : v.i. to gain or receive knowledge or skill. leai^ned ('ed), p.adj. erudite; skilled. learning ('ing), n. skill in literature, languages, or science ; knowledge ac- quired. lease (les), n. a written contract for the letting of land or tenements for a specified number of years ; period : v.t. to let by a written contract ; take a lease of. leasehold ('hold), n. property held by lease : adj. held on lease. leash (lesh), n. a thong by which a hawk or hound is held ; a brace and a half ; three ; a band by which ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. lea ^ 41 anything is held : v.t. to tie or bind by a leash. least (lest), adj. smallest in degree, size, value, importance, &c. : adv. in. the lowest or smallest degree. leather {leth'ev), n. the tanned and curried skin of an animal ; anything made of, or resembling, leather. leatberback ('bak), n. the soft- shelled turtle. leatlierette (-ef), n. imitation leather. leathern ('ern), adj. made of, or re- sembling, leather. leave (lev), n. permission granted; departure ; farev^ell : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. left, p.pr. leaving], to depart from; forsake, abandon ; bequeath ; desist from ; refer for decision : v.i. to de- part; go away. leaven (lev'n), v.i. to produce fer- mentation in ; taint ; imbue : n. fer- ment mixed with a body to render it light ; any influence working silently and strongly that causes changes in things or opinions. lecher (lech'er), n. a lewd man. lechery ('er-i), n. lustf ulness ; lewd- lectern (lek'tern), n. the reading desk of a church. lection ('shun), n. reading; a por- I tion of the Scriptures to be read in ^ the church service. lectionary- (-a-ri), n. a table of les- sons. lector ('ter), n. one of the minor or- ders of the Roman Catholic Church ; a reader. lecture ('tur), n. a formal discourse on any subject ; reprimand : v.i. to deliver a lecture : v.t. to reprimand. ledge (lej), n. a shelf; ridge; layer; edge. ledger ('er), n. the principal account book of a mercantile house. ledger-line (-lin), n. the line either above or below the staff [Mus.]. lee (le), n. the side or quarter to- wards which the wind blows ; calm or sheltered side. leech (lech), n. an aquatic worm fur- nished with a sucker, used in medi- cine for bleeding : formerly the name for a physician : v.t. to bleed with leeches. ) leg leek (lek)', n. a biennial plant of the onion family with a bulbous root. leer (ler), n. a sly, sidelong look indicative of malice, triumph, or lasciviousness : v.i. to look with a leer. lees (lez), n.pl. dregs of liquor. leeward (le'werd), n. in the direction towards which the wind blows : n. lee side. leeway (le'wa), n. the lateral drift of a vessel to leeward of her course; arrears. left (left), adj. opposite to right: n. the side opposite to right : p.t. & p.p. of leave. left-handed ('hand-ed), adj. using the left hand with greater strength or dexterity ' than the right ; awk- ward ; malicious ; irregular. leg (leg), n. one of the limbs by which men and animals walk, espe- cially in man between the knee and the ankle ; anything resembling a leg, especially if used as a support ; a covering for the leg ; one of the fielders in cricket. legacy ('a-si),^. [29L legacies (-siz)], a gift by will of money or property ; bequest. legal (le'gal), adj. pertaining to law ; permitted or authorized by law ; legitimate. legalize ('iz), v.t. to make lawful; sanction. legalism (-izm), n. close adherence or conformity to law ; the observ- ance of the strict letter of the law rather than its spirit. legality ('i-ti), n. conformity to law. legally ('li), adv. lawfully. legate (leg'at), n. a papal ambassa- dor; envoy. legatee (-a-te'), n. a person to whom a legacy is bequeathed. legatine ('a-ten), adj. pertaining to a legate. legation (le-ga'shun), n. an embas- sy ; ambassador ; the official resi- dence of an ambassador. legend (lej'end), n. a romantic or non-historical story ; myth ; fable ; inscription, as on a coin, coat of arms, &c. legendary ('end- a-ri), adj. fabulous j mythical. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. leg 490 leo legerdemain (-er-de-man') , n. sleight of hand. legged (legd or leg'ed), adj. having legs. leggings (leg'ingz), n.pl. long gai- ters. I adj. pertaining to, or appropriate to, literature or men of letters ; versed in, or engaged in, literature. literate ('er-at), adj. instructed; learned : n. a literary man ; a candi- date for holy orders who has not taken a university degree. literatesque (-a-tesk'), adj. fit for literature. literati (-a'ti), n.pl. the learned. literatim (-er-a'tim), adv. literally. literature ('er-a-tur), n. the written or printed literary productions of a country or period ; literary work ; learning. litharge (lith'arj), n. oxide of lead. litlie (\ith), adj. supple; pliant. lithesome ('sum), adj. nimble; lis- som. litMa (lith'i-a), n. oxide of lithium. lithic (lith'ik), adj. pertaining to stone. lithium ('i-um), n. a metallic ele- ment. litho, a prefix meaning stone, also lith, as Zi//ioglyph, a carving on a gem or stone ; Zi^/ianthrax, stone- coal, &c. lithochromatics (lith'o-kr5-mat'iks) , n.pl. the art or process of painting in oil upon stone and then transfer- ring it upon canvas. lithograph (lith'o-graf), n. a print reproduced from a drawing on stone : v.t. to draw, or engrave on stone, and transfer to paper. lithographic ('ik), adj. pertaining to lithography. Also lithographical. lithographically ('ik-al-li), adv. by lithography. lithography (-og'ra-fi), n. the art of making a design on stone so that ink-impressions can be taken from it. lithoid ('old), adj. stone-like; of stone structure. lithotint ('o-tint), n. a lithograph from a drawing executed with a camel's-hair pencil. lithotomy (-ot'o-mi), n. the opera- tion of cutting into the bladder to remove stone. lithotrity (-ot'tri-ti), n. the surgical operation of crushing stone in the bladder. litigant (lit'i-gant), n. one who con- tends in law : adj. engaged in, or in- clined to, litigation. litigate ('i-gat), v.t. to contest in a court of law : v.i. to engage in a law suit. litigation (-ga'shun), n. the act or process of carrying on a lawsuit ; judicial contest. litigious (li-tij'us), adj. given to carrying on lawsuits ; quarrelsome. litmus (lit'mus), n. a purple dye, ob- tained from certain lichens. litter (lit'er), n. straw, hay, &c.; used for horses' bedding : a frame-work with a bed, for carrying a person in a recumbent position ; state of con- fusion or untidiness ; number of ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. lit 497 loa young produced at one birth, as pigs, &c. : v.t. supply with litter ; cover with straw ; scatter about careless- ly : v.i. bring forth a litter of young. litterateur (-a-ter'), n. a literary man. little (lit'l), adj. [comparative less, superlative least], small in size, quantity, duration, or importance ; insignificant ; young ; mean : adv. in a small degree ; not much : n. small in size, quantity, &c. littoral ('o-ral), adj. pertaining to, near, or living on the shore ; situ- ated between high- and low-water mark : n. country lying near the shore of a sea, lake, &c. liturgic (li-ter'jik), adj. pertaining to a liturgy. Also liturgical. liturgically (-al-li), adv. by a lit- urgy. liturgies Cjiks), n.pl. the science of liturgies. liturgy (lit'er-ji), n. \pl. liturgies (-jiz)], the prescribed forms or rit- ual for public worship. live (liv), v.i. to exist or have life; pass or enjoy life ; reside ; endure ; subsist: adj. (liv) having life; quick ; effective ; ignited ; kept for use ; energetic. livelihood (liv'li-hood), n. means of living. liveliness (-nes), n. briskness. lively ('li), adj. active; brisk; ani- mated ; sprightly ; vivid ; forcible. live-oak ('ok), n. an American oak valuable for shipbuilding. liver (liv'er), n. one who lives; a glandular organ secreting bile. liveried (-id), adj. clothed in livery. liverivort ('wert), n. a name for any cryptogamous plant of the class Hepaticse. livery ('er-i), n. {pi. liveries (-iz)], a particular costume worn by serv- ants ; the state of being kept and fed ^ at a stipulated rate, as horses. liveryman (-man), n. [pi. liverymen (-men)], the keeper of a livery-sta- ble. livery-stable (-sta'bl), n. a stable where horses are kept and let out for hire. livid ('id), adj. black and blue; dis- colored as by a blow ; ashy pale. living ('ing), p. adj. having life; flowing ; vigorous ; active ; quicken- ing : n. livelihood ; a church bene- fice ; mode of life. livre (le'ver), n. an old French money of account, value 19^^ cents. lixiviate (liks-iv'i-at), v.t. to dis- solve out the saline matter from (wood-ashes) ; form into lye. lizard (liz'ard), n. a lacertilian rep- tile having a scaly body, and four well-developed limbs, each with five toes. llama (la'ma), n. a South American quadruped, somewhat resembling a camel. llama, same as lama. llanero (lya-na'ro), n. a herdsman of the South American llanos. llanos ('noz or la'noz), n.pl. the ex- tensive level grassy plains, or steppes of South America. lo (lo), interj. behold! see! loach (loch), n. a small edible fresh- water fish ; a simpleton. load (lod), v.t. to put on as much as can be carried ; burden ; weigh down ; embarrass'; freight ; charge, as a gun : n. a burden ; weight ; freight ; encumbrance ; pressure ; a weight of hay, straw, or ore. loaded ('ed), p. adj. laden; drunk. loadline ('lin), n. the line to which a vessel sinks when loaded with her full cargo. loadstar ('star), n. the pole-star. loadstone ('st5n), n. magnetic oxide of iron ; magnet. Also lodestone. loaf (lof), v.i. to idle away time: n. [pi. loaves (lovz)], a large cake of bread. loafer ('er), n, an idler; cadger. loam (lom), n. rich vegetable mold, with clay and sand : v.t. to cover with loam. loan (Ion), n. a sum of money lent for a period, repayable with inter- est ; something granted for tempo- rary use : v.i. to lend money. loath (loth), adj. unwilling; reluc- tant. loathe {loth), v.t. to regard with ab- horrence or disgust ; detest : v.i. to feel nausea. loathing ('ing), n. disgust; nausea. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not book ; hiie, hut ; think, //ten. boon. loa 498 loo loatlisome ('sum), adj. exciting loathing.' lob (lob), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. lobbed, p.pr. lobbing], to toss gently: v.i. to bowl lobs : n. a large worm, used for fish- ing, the lugworm ; a slow ball bowled underhand. lobate (lo'bat), adj. lobe-like. lobby (lob'i), n. [pi. lobbies ('iz)], a small hall or waiting room ; pas- sage opening before an apartment ; that part of the hall of a legislative chamber to which the public have access : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. lobbied, p.pr. lobbying], to solicit the votes of members of a legislature to carry a particular measure. lobbyist (-ist), n. a person, not a member, who tries to influence the votes of members of a legislative body. lobe (lob), n. any rounded and pro- jecting part ; a subdivision of an orggji. lobelet ('let), n. a small lobe. liobelia (lo-be'lia), n. an extensive genus of plants with handsome flow- ers, including the Indian tobacco plant, &c. lobster ('ster), n. an edible marine decapod crustacean. lobule ('til), n. a small lobe. lob-worm, same as lugworm. local (16'kal), adj. pertaining to place ; restricted to a particular place : n. a newspaper paragraph of local interest ; a suburban train. locale (-kill'), n. place; locality [French], localism ('kal-izm), n. a word, idiom, or custom restricted to a particular locality. locality (kal'i-ti), n. [pi. localities (-tiz)], existence in or limitation to a place ; position. localize ('kiil-iz), v.t. to limit to a particular place. locally (-li), adv. with respect to place. local option (op'shun), n. the re- striction of the sale of intoxicating liquors by the majority of the voters of a district. locate (lo'kat), v.t. to place; estab- lish; mark out and determine the position of: v.i. to settle. location (-ka'shun), n. place; plot of ground marked out by boundaries. locative (lok'a-tiv), adj. noting place. loch, (lokh), n. a lake [Scotch]. lock (lok), n. a mechanical device furnished with a spring and bolt for fastening a door, &c., by means of a key ; anything that fastens ; enclos- ure between lock-gates for raising and lowering the water within them ; mechanism for firing a gun ; hug in wrestling ; a tuft of hair on wool ; ringlet ; tress : v.t. to fasten or secure with a lock ; shut up ; con- fine : v.i. to become fast by a lock ; entwine. lockage ('aj), n. difference of level of the water between canal locks; dues paid for passage through a lock. locker ('er), n. a receptacle secured by a lock. locket Cet), n. a small gold or silver case attached to a necklace or chain. lockjaw Cjaw), n. a spasmodic dis- ease by which the lower jaw is drawn up and becomes fixed ; te- tanus. lockman ('man), n. an under-sheriff in the Isle of Man. lockout ('out), n. the exclusion of workmen from a factory by an em- ployer to compel them to accept his terms : v.t. to close a factory against. lockup ('up), n. a temporary prison; calaboose ; jail. loco (lo'ko), n. a name for various poisonous American plants, causing disease to animals eating them ; also the disease so caused. locomotion (-mo'shun), n. the act or power of moving from place to place. locomotive ('tiv), adj. pertaining to locomotion ; not stationary : n. a steam engine for drawing railway cars. locomotor ('ter), adj. pertaining to locomotion : n. a motor. locomotor ataxy (a-tak'si), n. want of co-ordination of the movements of the legs. locust Ckust), n. a migratory and destructive winged insect resem- bling the grasshopper ; a tree of the bean family. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. Photo, by Underwood & Underwood. LOCOMOTIVES. Electric and Steam. loc 499 Ion locution (-ku'shun), n. speech; phrase. lode (lod), n. sl vein containing metal- lic ore. lodestar, lodestone, see loadstar, &c. lodge (loj), v.t. to furnish with a temporary dwelling : v.i. to reside for a time ; be deposited or fixed : n. a small house in a park ; gate-keep- er's cottage ; wild beast's den ; hut of an American Indian ; place where members of an association meet, es- pecially Freemasons ; the /members themselves. lodger ('er), n. one who resides in lodgings. lodging ('ing), n. a place of tem- porary residence : pi. sl room or rooms hired in the house of another. lodgment ('ment), n. the act of lodging ; the state of being lodged ; accumulation of something deposit- ed ; occupation of a military posi- tion. loft (lolt), n. a room directly be- neath a roof. loftily ('i-li), adv. in a lofty man- ner. loftiness ('i-nes), n. the state of be- ing lofty. lofty ('i), adj. [comp. loftier, superl. loftiest], very high; proud; stately; sublime. log (log), n. an undressed piece of timber; a log-book; a heavy dull fellow ; an instrument for ascertain- ing the rate of progress of a ship : v.t. {p.t. & p.p. logged, p.pr. log- ging] , to enter in a log-book : v.i. to hew down and get out trees. logarithm ('a-rithm), n. the expo- nent of the power to which a fixed number (the base) must be raised in order to produce a given number. logarithmic (-rith'mik), adj. per- taining to, or consisting of, loga- rithms. Also logarithmical. log-book ('book), n. a ship's diary, or journal, recording the progress of a vessel, daily occurrences, &c. loggan ('an), n. a rocking-stone. loggerhead ('er-hed), n. a block- head ; dolt ; species of sea-turtle. loggia (loj'a), n. a covered gallery or portico; an open balcony in a theater. logging (log'ing), n. the business of cutting down timber. logic (loj'ik), n. the science of cor- rect reasoning, especially of infer- ence. logical (-al), adj. pertaining to, or used in, logic ; according to the rules of logic. logically (-li), adv. by the rules of logic. logician (lo-jish'un), n. one skilled in logic. logistics (-jis'tiks), n.pl. sexagesi- mal arithmetic ; the science of mov- ing and supplying armies. logo, a prefix meaning speech, word^ ratio, as logotype, a type containing two or more letters, as ff. logogram (log'o-gram), n. a letter or sign standing for a word, as d for pence, &c. ; a word-puzzle in verse. logograph (log'o-graf), w. a written word. logography (lo-gog'ra-fi), n. sl meth- od of printing in which a type rep- resents a word instead of a letter. logotype, see under logo. l«groll (log'rol), v.i. to engage in logrolling. logrolling (-ing), n. the act of roll- ing logs ; united action in carrying legislative schemes for mutual bene- fit ; mutual praise by authors of each other's books. logwood ('wood), n. a wood of a deep-red color, used in dyeing. loin (loin), n. the lower part of the back of a quadruped or man : pi. the reins. loiter (loi'ter), v.t. to idle (with away) : v.i. to spend time idly; de- lay ; linger. loll (lol), v.i. to lounge at ease; hang out the tongue. lone (Ion), adj. solitary; retired; by one's self ; unmarried or in widow- hood. loneliness ('li-nes), n. the state of being lonely. lonely ('li), adj. [comp. lonelier, su- perl. loneliest], deserted; solitary; unfrequented. lonesome ('sum), adj. secluded from ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Ion 500 lor society depressed ; unfrequented ; drearily solitary. long (long), adj. not short; extended in time, or length ; drawn out ; slow ; tedious ; tall ; lingering ; far- seeing : adv. to a great length or period ; far distant ; for a length of time : n. anything that is long : v.i. to desire eagerly (with for or after). longboat ('hot), n. the largest and strongest boat of a ship. longbow ('bo), n. a long powerful bow formerly used by English arch- ers. longclotb. ('kloth), n. a superior cot- ton fabric. long-dozen (-duz'n), n. thirteen. longevity (lon-jev'i-ti), n. extended age. longhand ('hand), n. ordinary hand- writing, as distinguished from short- hand. longi, a prefiw meaning long, as longi- corn : adj. long-horned. longing (long'ing),^. earnest desire. longitude (lonj'i-ttid), n. distance east and west on the earth's surface measured from a meridian or place, estimated in degrees ; on the ecliptic, distance in degrees from the vernal equinox. longitudinal (-tud'i-nal), adj. per- taining to longitude, or length. longitudinally (-li), adv, length- wise. long-primer ('prim-er), n, a size of type between small pica and bour- geois (see type). longshoreman (16ng'shor-man), n. a wharf laborer. loo (loo), n. a card game. looby ('bi), n. an awkward fellow. loo£ (loof), n. the fullest part of a ship's bow. look (look), v.i. to direct the eye to anything, in order to view it ; direct the mind or attention to ; examine ; front or face ; expect ; watch ; ap- pear : v.t. to search or seek for ; turn the eyes upon : n. the act of looking ; mJen ; aspect : inter j. see ! lool (lool), n.. a vessel for receiving the washings of ore. loom (loom), n. a frame or machine for weaving cloth ; an oar handle : v.i. to rise gradually and appear larger than in reality. loon (loon), n. the great northern diver. loony ('i), adj. crazed. loop (loop), n. a folding or doubling of string, rope, &c. ; noose through which a cord may be run : anything resembling a loop : v.t. to form into, furnish with, or secure with, loops. loophole ('hoi), n. a narrow aper- ture for observation or defense ; means of evasion. loopline ('lin), n. a railway line run- ning out of and rejoining the main line. loose (lo5s), adj. not fast; unbound; not fixed ; not tight ; not crowded together ; vague ; unconnected ; lax in principles or morals : n. the state of being loose : v.t. to set free ; un- bind ; disengage ; relax. loosen (loos'n), v.t. to free from tightness, restraint, or tension ; free from costiveness. loot (loot), v.t. to pillage or plunder, especially a captured city : n. booty thus taken. lop (lop), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. lopped, p. pr. lopping], to cut of£ (a part of anything), especially branches of a tree ; cut off partially ; trim ; let fall : v.i. to hang down : n. a hanging down ; that which is lopped, as branches. lopsided ('si-ded), n. heavier on one side. loquacious (lo-kwa'shus), adj. talk- ative. loquacity (-kwas'i-ti), n. talkative- ness. lord (lord), n. a ruler or governor; master ; one possessed of supreme power ; the owner of a manor ; a baron in the British peerage; the son of a duke or marquis; eldest son of an earl ; title of honor given to certain officials : v.t. to invest with authority ; preside over : v.i. to dom- ineer. lordliness ('li-nes), n. lordly degree or rank ; pride ; haughtiness. lordling ('ling), n. a little or would- be lord. ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl; m5, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut : think, then. lor 501 lou lordly ( -li ) , adj. like a lord ; noble, aristocratic. Haughty, imperious. adv. Proudly, despotically. lordosis (lor-do'sis), n. In pathology, an irregular curvature of the bones ; curvature of the spine forward. lords-and-ladies, n. In botany, the European wake-robin, {Arum Ma- culatum). lordship ('ship), n. the state, quali- ty, or jurisdiction of a lord ; title of address (with Ms or your) given to noblemen and judges. Xord's Supper ('z sup'er), n. the Holy Communion or Eucharist. lore (lor), n. learning; instruction; space between the eye and bill of a bird. lorette (lo-ref), n. a woman of the demi-monde [French]. Xorettine (lo-ret-tin), n. A nine- teenth century order of nuns found- ed in Kentucky, devoted to the edu- cation of girls and destitute orphans. Also called Sisters of Loreto and Friends of Mary at the Foot of the Cross. lorgnette (16r-nyet'), n. a long-han- dled opera glass ; a pair of eye- glasses fixed to a long handle into which they shut. lorikeet (lor-i-kef), n. a straight- billed parrot. loris (lo'ris), n. a nocturnal lemur. lorn (16rn), adj. forsaken; forlorn. lorry (lor'i), n. [pi. lorries ('iz)], a long four-wheeled wagon without sides ; a miner's hand-cart. lory (lo'ri), n. [pi. lories ('riz)], a species of parrot with brilliant plum.age. lose (looz), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. lost, p.pr. losing], to be deprived of; cease to have in possession ; mislay ; forfeit ; waste ; squander ; v.i. to fail of suc- cess ; yield ; be defeated. loss (16s), n. detriment; injury; pri- vation ; failure ; defeat ; that which is lost. lost (lost), p.adj. missing; forfeited; destroyed ; perplexed. lot (lot), n. fortune; destiny; por- tion or parcel ; anything used to determine chances; great quantity'; v.t. to separate into lots ; assign ; catalogue. Lothario (lo-tha'ri-o), n. a gay de- ceiver or libertine, from Rowe's The Fair Penitent. lotion ('shun), n. a medicated fluid for outward application. lottery (lot'er-i), n. [pi. lotteries (-iz)], a distribution of prizes by chance ; drawing of lots. lotto ('6), n. a parlor game played with 24 cards and wooden discs numbered 1 to 100. Lotus (lo'tus), n. a genus of the water-lily family, especially the sa- cred lotus of the ancient. Nile ; a name for various trees or shrubs, the fruit of which was fabled to cause forgetfulness of care and in- duce a state of dreamy indolence. Lotus-Eater, n. one of the Lotophagi of mythology ; an indolent dreamer. (See page 976.) louchettes ( loo-shets' ) , n.pl. colored spectacles for direct vision in stra- bismus, loud (loud), adj. high- or full-sound- ■ ing ; noisy ; ostentatious in dress or manner ; showy ; having an unpleas- ant odor ; adv. loudly. loudly ('li), adv. in a loud manner; ostentatiously. loud-mouthed, adj. having a noisy, offensive manner of speaking. lough (lokh), n. a lake [Irish]. louis d*or (loo'i dor'), n. an old French coin, of varying value (about $4). lounge (lounj), v.i. to saunter about in a lazy manner ; loll ; live indo- lently ; n. the act of lounging ; a low-backed couch. lounger, n. an idler ; one who loiters away his time. loup (loop), n. a mask or half-mask worn by masqueraders. lourd (lurd), adj. dull, stupid, fool- ish ; n. a stupid, worthless fellow. louse (lous), n. [pi. lice (lis)], a parasitic insect of various species, especially those of the genus Pedicu- lus, parasitic on man. lousy (lou'zi), adj. infested with lice- lout (lout), n. an awkward fellow. louver (166'ver), n. an open turret ;ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. lov 502 or lantern on the roof of a build- ing. lovable (luv'a-bl), adj. worthy of love. lovability (-a-bil'i-ti), n. the quality that attracts love. love (luv), n. a strong feeling of af- fection, especially to one of the op- posite sex ; courtskip ; devoted af- fection for or attachment to ; pa- rental care ; a sv^'eetheart : v.L to regard with strong affection ; feel devotion towards ; delight in : vA. to be in love ; have strong affection. love-apple ('ap-1), n. the tomato. love-bird ('berd), n. a small bird of the parrot family. love-feast ('fest), n. a religious feast of the nature of the agape. love-lies-bleeding (-liz-bled'ing), n. a species of amaranth. loveliness (/li-nes), n. the quality of being lovely. lovely ('li), adj. [comp. lovelier, su- perl, loveliest 1, exciting love or ad- miration , amiable ; beautiful ; pret ty ; inviting ; delightful : adv. so as to inspire love or admiration. lover ('er), n. one who loves; one in love : said of a man ; one deeply at- tached. loving ('ing), p.adj. devoted; affec- tionate. loving-cnp (-kup), n. a wine-cup, usually with several handles, passed round from guest to guest. lo-w (15), adj. not high; depressed; shallow ; not noisy ; subdued ; near the horizon ; cheap ; moderate ; fee- ble or weak ; of less than the normal height ; below the recognizea stand- ard ; vulgar ; abject : n. the bellow of cattle : adv. not on high ; deeply ; softly ; quietly ; meaningly ; at a low price ; in humble rank : v.i. to bel- low like cattle. lowbell ('bel), n. a sheep- or cattle- bell. liow Church (cherch), adj. pertain- ing to the Evangelical section of the English Church, or to its doctrines. lower ('er), v.t. to lessen or bring down ; reduce in price or value ; weaken ; humble ; change to a lower pitch : v.i. to become lower ; sink ; Ino dark. fall; (lou'er) to appear gloomy, or threatening. lo-wer case (kas), n. that part of a compositor's case which contains the small printing types. lo'wering (lou'er-ing), p.adj. over- cast with clouds ; threatening a storm ; gloomy. lowermost (lo'er-most), adj. lowest. lowing ('ing), n. the bellow of cat- tle. lowland ('land), adj. pertaining to a low or level country : n.pl, a level country. liOw Latin (lat'in), n. mediaeval Latin. lowliness ('li-nes), n. the state of being lowly. lowly ('li), adj. [comp. lowlier, SU' perl, lowliest], low in rank or size; humble ; modest : adv. modestly. low mass (mas), n. mass said with- out musical accompaniment and by one priest. loxia (loks'i-d), n. wryneck. loxo, a prefix meaning slanting. loyal (loi'al), adj. faithful in allegi- ance to one's sovereign or country ; true to plighted faith or duty. loyalist (-ist), n. one who adheres to and supports the authority of his sovereign or country. loyally (-li), adv. in a loyal manner. lozenge (loz'enj), n. an oblique-an- gled parallelogram ; a rhomb ; dia- mond-shaped figure used in herald- ry ; a sweetmeat. lubber (lub'er), n. an awkward, clumsy fellow ; a raw sailor. lubricant (lu'bri-kant), n. a sub- stance for lubricating. lubricate (-kat), v.t. to make smooth or slippery. lubricator (-er), n. one who, or that which, lubricates, especially a de- vice for oiling machinery. lucernal (-ser'nal), adj. pertaining to a lamp, or to artificial light. lucerne (-sern') , n. a clover-like plant cultivated for fodder. lucid ('sid), adj. clear; readily un- derstood ; shining ; transparent. lucidity ('i-ti), n. the state of being lucid. liucifer ('si-fer), n. Venus, as the morning star ; Satan. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, ;ti^en. Itec 503 lii» lucif er, n. a match ignited by fric- tion. luck (luk), n. casual event or acci- dent; fortune, eitlier good or bad; success. luckily ('i-li), adv. in a lucky man- ner. lucky ('i), adj. [comp. luckier, su- perl. luckiest], having good luck or fortune ; successful ; auspicious. lucrative (lu-kra-tiv), adj. profita- ble. lucratively (-li), adv. profitably. lucubration (-kti-bra'shun), n. a literary composition produced as the result of protracted study. luculi ('ku-li), n.pl. bright spots on the sun's surface. luculite (-kti'lit), n. a variety of black marble, cut and polished for ornamental purposes. ludicrous ('di-krus), adj. exciting mirth ; comical ; droll. luff (luf), n. the weather-gauge, or that part of a ship towards the wind ; the act of sailing close to the wind; luff-tackle: v.i. to steer nearer to the wind. luff-tackle (-tak'l), n. a large tackle consisting of a double and a single block. lug (lug), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. lugged, p.pr. lugging], to pull or draw along : v.i. to drag ; move heavily ; pull laboriously : n. the act or effort of lugging ; something diflBcult to move; a projecting part; the ear; a lug-sail ; handle of a vessel : pi. conceited airs. luggage ('aj), n. effects of a trav- eler ; baggage. lugger ('er), n. a small vessel with 2 or 3 masts with a running sprit and lug-sails. lug-sail ('sal), n. a square sail, with- out boom or lower yard, bent to a yard that hangs nearly at right an- gles to the mast. lugubrious (-gii'bri-us), adj. mourn- ful. lug-worm ('werm), n. a sand worm. lukewarm, ('wiirm), adj. moderate- ly warm. lull (lul), v.t. to soothe to sleep; quiet : v.i. to become calm : n. abate- ment ; temporary calm. lullaby Ca-bi), n. [pi. lullabies (-biz)], a cradle-song. lum.bago (-ba'go), n. rheumatism of the muscles of the loins. lumbar ('bar), adj. pertaining to the loins. lumber ('ber), n. rubbish; forest timber sawed for market : v.t. to fill with lumber or rubbish ; heap to- gether in disorder : v.i. to cut down timber and prepare it for market. lumberer ('ber-er), n. one who cuts forest timber and shapes it for mar- ket. lumberman ('ber-man), n. one who is engaged in the lumber trade; a foreman of lumberers. luminary ('mi-na-ri), n. [pi. lumi* naries (-riz)], a body emitting light, especially a heavenly body? one who enlightens or instructs. luminescence (lu-mi-nes'ens), n. a power of emitting light possessed by certain bodies that have been exposed to light or radiant energy. luminiferous (-nif'er-us), adj. emit- ting, or transmitting, light. luminous ('mi-nus), adj. emitting or radiating light ; bright ; clear ; per- spicuous. lump (lump), n. a small shapeless mass; aggregate; gross; a swelling; v.t. to throw or unite in the gros^i heap indiscriminately ; put up with. lumper ('er), n. a docker; militia man. lumpfish ('fish), n. a thick marine fish with horny spines. lumpy ('i), adj. full of lumps. lunacy (Iti'na-si), n. [pi. lunacies- (-siz)], mental unsoundness: adj. pertaining to lunacy, or to lunatics. lunar ('nar), adj. pertaining to. measured by, or influenced by, the moon : n. lunar distance. lunar month (munth), n. a month measured by the complete revolution of the moon = 29% days. lunar year (yer), n. a year of twelve lunar months = 354 1-3 days. lunate ('nat), adj. crescent-shape i. lunatic ('na-tik), adj. affected with, or characteristic of, lunacy: n. one who is insane. lunation (-na'shun), n. a complete- revolution of the moon. ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; booiL, book; hue, hut; think, then. itm 504 lye lunch (lunch), n. a light meal be- tween breakfast and dinner. Also luncheon : v.i. to take lunch. lunette (lu-nef), n. anything shaped like a half-moon, as in fortification, &c. ; a flattened watch-glass. lung (lung), n. one of two organs of respiration in air-breathing verte- brates. lunge (lunj), n. a sudden thrust or pass with the sword ; sudden lurch : v.i. to make a lunge. lungivort (lung'wert), n. a plant with dark-colored leaves spotted with white ; a lichen growing on trees. luni, a prefix meaning moon, as luni- solar : adj. produced by the united attraction_ of the moon and the sun. lunula (lu'nu-la), n. \_pl. lunulas (-le)], the white crescent-shaped part of the nail near the root. lupus ('pus), n. a chronic tubercu- lous disease which eats into the skin, especially of the face. lurch (lerch), n. a sudden roll to one side, as of a ship ; tendency ; a dif- ficult or forlorn position ; a losing position in cribbage : v.i. to roll suddenly to one side. lure (Itir), v.t. to allure: n. any- thing used as an enticement ; bait ; a long carved trumpet used in Scan- dinavia. lurid ( 'id ) , adj. greyish-orange ; wan ; ghastly ; pale ; gloomy. lurk (lerk), v.i. to lie in wait; be concealed. luscious (lush'us), adj. sweet to ex- cess ; delightful to the taste or sense ; fulsome. lush (lush), adj. rich and juicy: n. intoxicating drink. lust (lust), n. strong desire to pos- sess or enjoy ; concupiscence : v.i. to desire strongly ; have inordinate desires (with after). lustful ('fool), adj. sensual; robust. lustfully (-li), adv. in a lustful man- ner. lustily ('i-li)i, adv. in a lusty man- ner. lustiness ('i-nes), n. the state of be- ing lusty. lustral (lus'tral), adj. pertaining to, or used in, purification. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. lustration (-tra'shun), n. purifica- tion. luster ('ter), n. brightness; splen- dor ; brilliancy of reflected light ; re- nown ; a chandelier ornamented with cut glass pendants ; a lustrous dress-cloth; the quality and intensi- ty of light reflected from the surface of minerals. lustrous ('trus), adj. having a lus- ter. lustwort ('wert), n. the plant sun- dew. lusty ('i), adj. [comp. lustier, superl. lustiest], robust; vigorous; healthy. lute (lut), n. a stringed musical in- strument of the guitar family; a composition of clay, &c., used for making the joints of vessels air- tight, or protecting them from the action of fire. Lutheran ('ther-an), adj. pertain- ing to Luther, the German reformer, or to the Lutheran Church and its doctrines : n. a member of the Lu- theran Church. Ltutheranism (-izm),n. the doctrines of Luther and the Lutheran Church. lux (Inks), n. [pi. luces (lH'sez)], the unit of intensity of electrical illumi- nation. luxuriance (lug-zti'ri-ans), n. exu- berant in growth. Also luxuriancy. luxuriant ('ri-ant), adj. character- ized by luxuriance ; superabundant ; superfluous. luxuriate ('ri-at), v.i. to grow ex- uberantly ; live luxuriously ; indulge unrestrainedly. luxurious ('ri-us), adj. pertaining to luxury ; indulging in, or administer- ing to, luxury. luxury (luk'shu-ri), n. [pi. luxuries (-riz)], extravagant indulgence in the pleasures of the senses, dress, &c. ; a dainty ; anything productive of enjoyment. ly, a suffix meaning like, or pertain- ing to, as womanly, &c. liyceum (li-se'um), n. [pi. Lyceums, Lycea ('umz, 'a)], originally the grove at Athens where Aristotle taught. lyceum (-se'um), n. a literary semi- nary ; an academy ; a literary asso- iyc 505 lyi ciation ; an intermediate classical school. Lycurgan (-ker'gan), adj. pertaining to Lycurgus, the Spartan lawgiver, noted for the severity of his code of laws : hence relentlessly severe. lyddite (lid'it), n. a powerful explo- sive, consisting chiefly of picric acid. Lydian (lid'i-an), adj. pertaining to ancient Lydia in Asia Minor, noted for its luxury, music, and purple dyes ; effeminate ; voluptuous. lye (li), n. an alkaline solution. lying ('ing), p. adj. addicted to false- hood ; the state or act of being re- cumbent : n. untruthfulness. lying-in (-in), adj. pertaining to childbirth : n. parturition. lymph (limf), n. a colorless alkaline nutritive fluid in animal bodies. lymphatic (lim-fat'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, conveying, or containing lymph ; sluggish : pi. the minute ducts which convey lymph. lynch (linch), v.t. to judge and pun- ish by lynch-law. lynch-law ('law), n. summary pun- ishment by private individuals with- out the usual legal formalities. lynx (links), n. a fierce cat-like ani- mal, proverbial for its keenness of sight. lyrate (li'rat), adj. lyre-shaped. lyre (lir), n. a musical instrument of the harp kind : used by the ancients to accompany the voice. lyre-bird ('herd), n. an Australian bird having a tail shaped like a lyre. lyric (lir'ik), adj. pertaining to, or adapted to singing to, a lyre : n. a lyric composition. lyric poetry (po'et-ri), n. poetry expressive of the emotion of the poet. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, #7ien. ma (ma), n. contraction of mamma; a Hindu form of respectful address to a woman. macaco (ma-ka'ko), n. a name for the ruffled lemur, and the ring-tailed lemur. macacus (-ka'kus), w. the ape- baboon. macadamize (mak-ad'am-iz), v.t. to cover (a road) with small broken stone, so as to form a smooth hard rounded surface. macaroni (-a-ro'ni), n. a paste com- posed chiefly of fine flour and made into long thin tubes ; a dandy of the 18th century. macaronic (-ron'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or like, macaroni, or to a burlesque composition consisting of a jumble of incongruous words : n. macaronic verse. macaroon (-roon'), n. a small cake made of flour, eggs, almonds, and sugar. 3naca-w (ma-kaw'), n. a large and handsome species of parrot with strong hooked bill. mace (mas), n. a massive staff usual- ly surmounted with a crown ; a heavy billiard cue ; the second cov- ering of the nutmeg. macerate (mas'er-at), v.t. to soften or separate the parts of by steeping in a fluid ; mortify or harass. snacliete (ma-cha'ta), n. a large heavy knife used by the inhabitants of South America for cutting through forests, &c. Machiavellian (mak-i-a-vel'i-an) , adj. pertaining to Machiavelli, the Florentine statesman, or to his prin- ciples of political duplicity : hence crafty ; double-dealing : n. a cunning, unprincipled politician. Machiavellianism (-izm), n. the principles of Machiavelli. machination (-i-na'shun), n. a plot; artifice. machine (ma-shen'), n. any contri- vance to increase and regulate mo- tive power ; an engine ; a light car- riage or vehicle ; one who acts me- chanically or at the bidding of an- other. machinery ('er-i), n. machines col- lectively ; parts of a machine ; any combination by which something is kept in action or the result desired is obtained. machinist ('ist), n. a constructor of machines ; one skilled in the princi- ples of machinery ; one who works, or attends to, a machine. mackerel (mak'er-el), w. an edible marine fish, mottled with green and blue. mackintosh (mak'in-tosh), n. an india-rubber water-proof overcoat. mackle ('1), v.t. to blot or blur, so as to produce the impression of double printing. made ('1), n. a twin-crystal. macled ('Id), adj. spotted. macro, a prefix meaning large, long, as macrocephalous, adj. large-head- ed. macrocosm (mak-ro'kozm), n. the universe. macrometer (ma-krom'e-ter), n. an optical instrument for determining the distance or size of inaccessible objects. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 506 n&ae 507 mag macron (mak'ron), n. a mark (-) over a vowel to indicate that it is long, as came. mad (mad), adj. [comp. madder, su- perl. maddest], mentally disordered or distracted ; insane ; infatuated ; furious with rage or terror ; in- flamed with anger. madam ('am), n. [pi. mesdames (ma-dam')], a complimentary title, or form of courteous address to a lady. madarosis (-a-ro'sis), n. loss of the hair, especially that of the eye- lashes. madcap ('kap), n. a wild, thought- less, eccentric person. madden ('n), v.t. to make mad or furious : vd. to become mad or furi- ous. madder ('er), n. a plant of the ge- nus Rubia, fiom the root of which a red dye and pigment is extracted. madding ('ing), adj. raging; furi- ous. made (mad), adj. artificially pro- duced or formed : p.t. & p. p. of make. madeira (ma-de'ra), n. a rich wine made in the island of Madeira. mademoiselle (mad-mwa-zel'), in France, a title of courtesy given to a young lady. madonna (ma-don'na), n. [pi. ma- donnas Cnaz)], a picture of the Virgin Mary, usually with the in- fant Christ. madreperl (mad're-perl), n. mother- of-pearl. madrepore (mad're-por), n. coral. madrigal ('ri-gal), n. a. light amor- ous song ; a pastoral poem ; a part song unaccompanied by music. maelstrom (mal'strum), n. a cele- brated whirlpool on the Norwegian coast. magazine (mag-a-zen'), n. a ware- house ; receptacle for military stores, as ammunition, &c. ; cham- ber in a gun ; a periodical literary or scientific publication. magdalen ('da-len), n. a reformed prostitute, from Mary Magdalene (Luke vii. 36-50). magenta (ma-jen'ta), n. a red ani- line dye. maggot (mag'ot), n. the footless lar- va of a fly ; grub ; whim. maggoty ('ot-i), adj. full of mag- gots ; whimsical. Magi (ma'ji), n.pl. among the Akka- dians and ancient Persians, the sacerdotal and learned class ; the wise men of the East. Magian ('ji-an), adj. pertaining to the Magi : n. one of the Magi ; an adherent of the Zoroastrian religion. magic (maj'ik), n. the pretended art of working by the power or assist- ance of supernatural beings ; sor- cery ; witchcraft ; enchantment : adj. pertaining to, produced by, or ex- ercising, magic ; enchanted ; necro- mantic. Also magical. magically (-al-li), adv. as by magic. magician (ma-jish'an), w. one skilled in magic. magic lantern (maj'ik lan'tern), n. an optical instrument for producing magnified objects on a screen. magic square (skwar), n. a series of numbers in parallel or equal rows so arranged that the perpendicular, horizontal, and diagonal columns shall give the same sum. magilp (ma-gilp'), n. a mixture of linseed-oil and mastic varnish. magisterial (maj-is-te'ri-al), adj. pertaining to, or suitable to, a mas- ter or magistrate ; authoritative. magistracy ('is-tra-si), n. [pi. mag- istracies (-siz) ], the office or dignity of a magistrate ; magistrates collec- tively. magistrate ('is-trat), n. a civil of- ficer invested with certain judicial and executive powers. Magna Charta ('na kar'ta), n. the Great Charter, forming the basis of civil liberty, granted by King John of England to the Barons, 1215. Also the Great Charter granted by Henry III. and confirmed by Ed- ward I. magnanimity (-na - nim ' i-ti) , n. greatness of mind; elevation of soul ; nobility. magnanimous (-nan'i-mus), adj. great of mind ; elevated in soul or sentiment ; generous ; courageous ; heroic. ate, firm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon^ book ; hue, hut ; think, f feen. mag 508 snail xnagnate ('nat), n. a person of rank or distinction ; nobleman. magnesia (-ne'sbi-a), n. a wbite tasteless eartby powder, tbe oxide of magnesium. magnesium, (-um), n. a metallic ele- ment, tbe base of magnesia. magnesium light (Ht), n. a power- ful and brilliant ligbt produced by the combustion of metallic magne- sium. magnet ('net), n. tbe loadstone; a magnetized steel bar. magnetic ('ik), adj. pertaining to, exhibiting, or produced by, the mag- net or magnetism. magnetic poles (polz), n.pl. the two points in the north and south polar regions where the magnetic needle is vertical. magnetics (-net'iks), n. the science of magnetism. magnetism (-izm), n. that property possessed by various bodies, as iron or steel, of attracting or repelling each other according to certain phys- ical laws ; the science that treats of such magnetic phenomena and laws. magnetize ('net-iz), v.t. to communi- cate magnetic properties to. magneto, a prefix meaning pertain- ing to, or caused by, magnetism, as magneto-electvicitj, electric pheno- mena produced by magnetism. magnetograph. ('o-graf), n. an in- strument for registering automatic- ally terrestrial magnetism. magnetometer (-om'e-ter), n. an in- strument for measuring the intensity of magnetic force. magnificable (-nif'i-ka-bl), adj. ca- pable of being magnified or extolled. magnificence ('i-sens), n. grandeur of appearance ; splendor ; pomp. magnificent ('i-sent), adj. grand in appearance ; splendid ; pompous ; sublime. inagnifico ('i-ko), w. formerly a cour- tesy title of the noblemen of Venice ; the rector of a German university. magnifier ('ni-fi-er), n. one who, or that which, magnifies. magnify ('ni-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. magnified, p.pr. magnifying], to make great or greater ; increase the apparent dimensions of ; glorify or extol. magniloquent ( -nil'o-kwent ) , adj. pompous in style or speech; bom- bastic. magnitude ('ni-tud), n. comparative size or bulk ; extent of dimensions (length, breadth, and thickness) ; importance. magnolia (-no'li-a), n. a handsome sweet-scented flowering shrub. magnum ('num), n. a large wine bottle. magpie ('pi), n. a chattering bird of the crow genus. maguey ('wa or ma-ga'e), n. the century plant, a species of agave or American aloe. Magyar ('yar), adj. pertaining to the Hungarian race or language. maharmah. (ma-hiir'ma), w. a muslin wrap worn by Turkish women over the head and across the mouth and chin when out of doors. maliatma (ma-hat'ma), n. a priest of the inner cult of Buddhism ; a theosophist. Mahdi (ma'de), n. a title given to certain Mohammedan spiritual lead- ers : applied especially to the last great millennial, spiritual or tem- poraHeader (imam) of the Faithful. Mahdism ('dizm), n. the doctrine of the coming of the Mahdi. Mahdist ('dist), n. one who enter- tains the belief that the Mahdi has appeared. mahl-stick (mawl'stik), n. a stick used by painters as a rest for the hand while painting. .Also maul- stick. mahogany (ma-hog'a-ni), n. a tree of tropical America yielding a dark reddish-brown wood, used for fur- niture ; a dining-table. Maliomedan or Mahometan, see Mohammedan. mahoohoo (-hoo'hoo), n. the white two-horned rhinoceros of Africa. Mahori (ma'ho-re), adj. pertaining to the Eastern Polynesian race. mahout (ma-hoot'), n. an elephant driver or keeper. Mahratti (-rat'e), w. the language of the Mahrattas, spoken in the Dec- can. Also Marathi. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. xnah 509 Mahratta ('a), adj. pertaining to the Mahrattas, a people inhabiting part of West and Central India, or to their language. xuaid (mad), n. a young unmarried woman ; girl ; virgin ; a female serv- ant. maiden ('en), n. an unmarried wom- an ; virgin ; girl ; a washing ma- chine ; a kind of guillotine formerly used in Scotland ; in cricket, an over in which no runs are scored : adj. pertaining to, or like, a maiden ; pure ; innocent ; unsullied ; unused. xuaidenhair (-har), n. a handsome and delicate-leafed fern. xnaidenlicad (-hed), n. virginity. maidenliood (-hood), n. the state of being a maiden, maidenliness ('li-nes), n. the qual- ity of being maidenly ; modesty. maidenly ('li), adj. like, or suitable to, a maiden ; modest ; gentle : adv. in a maidenlike manner. mail (mal), n. defensive body armor of steel, net, or plate-work ; govern- ment system for conveying letters, &c. ; a receptacle for the conveyance of letters, &c. ; letters, &,c., carried by post ; tribute formerly levied by freebooters : v.t. to clothe with, or as with, mail ; post, or send by post. mailable ('a-bl), adj. admissible by post. mailed ('d), adj. clad in, or covered by, mail ; spotted ; speckled ; posted. maim (mam), v.t. to deprive of the use of a limb ; cripple or mutilate : n. an injury to the body by crippling or mutilation. main (man)., adj. chief; principal; leading ; direct : n. the ocean. mainmast (man'mast), n. the prin- cipal mast of a vessel. mainsail (man'sal), n. the principal sail. mainsheet ('shet), n. one of the ropes by which the mainsail is ex- tended and fastened. miainstay ('sta), n. the stay extend- ing from the foot of the foremast to the main-top. maintain (-tan'), v.t. to support; sustain ; defend ; vindicate ; affirm ; continue. maintenance ('te-nans), n. suste- nance ; support ; vindication ; cham- perty. maize (maz), n. Indian corn. majestic (ma-jes'tik) , adj. having dignity of person or mien; stately; noble ; sublime. majestically (-al-li), adv. in a ma- jestic manner. majesty (maj'es-ti), n. [pi. majesties ( -tiz ) ] , sovereignty ; grandeur ; no- bility ; sublimity. majolica (ma-jol'i-ka), n. a fine soft enameled kind of pottery. major (ma'jer), adj. greater in num- ber, extent, or quality ; greater by a semitone [Mus.] : n. a military officer next in rank above a cap- tain ; the first proposition of a reg- ular syllogism in which the major term is contained. major-domo (-do'md), n. the stew- ard of a household. major-general (-jen'er-al), n. an officer next in rank below a lieuten- ant-general. majority (ma-jor'i-ti), n. \_pl. ma- jorities (-tiz)], the state of being greater ; greater number ; more than half; full legal age (21) ; rank, &c., of a major. major term (ma'jer term), n. that term of a syllogism which forms the predicate of the conclusion. make (mak), v.t. to create; fashion; fabricate ; compose ; produce or ef- fect ; prepare for use ; acquire ; in- cur ; force ; raise to rank or dig- nity ; score ; keep or hold ; arrive near or in sight of : vA. to tend or move ; have effect ; contribute ; be active ; rise or flow : n. shape ; con- struction. makeshift (mak'shift), n. a tempo- rary expedient. make-up ('up), n. the general com- position of anything ; artificial prep- aration. makeweight ('wat), n. anything which is added to make up weight. mal, a preftcc meaning ill, evil. Also male, as, ?nflZadroit, clumsy; male- volent, malicious, spiteful. &c. malachite (mal'a-klt), n. native car- bonate of copper, of a blue or green color. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; booti. book ; hue, hut ; think, then. anal 510 maladroit, see under mal. malady ('a-di), n. \_pl. maladies (-diz)], a disease, especially a deep- seated or lingering disorder, mental or physical. malaga ('a-ga), n. sl variety of wine. Malagasy ('a-gas-i), n. a native of MadagaRcar ; the language of Mada- gascar. malaise (ma-laz'), n. a vague feeling of uneasiness, often as the precursor of an attack of illness. malapert ('a-pert), adj. pert; saucy. mtalapropism ('a-prop-izm), n. a grotesque misuse of fine words : from Mrs, Malaprop, in Sheridan's The Rivals. malapropos (-ap-ro-p6'), adv. unsea- sonably. mialar (ma'lar), adj. pertaining to the cheek or cheek-bone. malaria (ma-la'ri-a), n. noxious ex- halations from marshy land, produc- ing fevers, &c. ; disease produced by such exhalations or by the bite of malaria-infested mosquitoes ; chills and fever ; ague. malarial ('ri-al), adj. pertaining to, producing, or infected by, malaria. malarious ('ri-us), adj. full of, or causing, malaria. Malay (-la'), adj. pertaining to the inhabitants of Malay, or to their language. malcontent (mal'kon-tent), adj. dis- contented, especially with established authority. male (mal), adj. pertaining to the sex that begets young ; not female ; bearing stamens; suitable to the male sex : n. one of the male sex. mialediction (mal-e-dik'shun), n. de- nunciation of evil ; execration ; curse. malefactor ('e-fak-ter), n. an evil doer ; criminal. malevolence (ma-lev'o-lens), n. spitefulness ; ill-will. malevolent, see under mal. malfeasance ( mal-f e'zans ) , n. an il- legal act or deed. malformation (-f6r-ma'shun), n. faulty or abnormal structure of an organism: malic (ma'lik), adj. derived from fruit, especially from the apple. malice (mal'is), n. evil intenton to injure others; deliberate mischief; spite. malicious (ma-lish'us), adj. bearing ill-will or spite ; prompted by hatred. malign (-lin), v.t. to speak evil of; slander : adj. hurtful ; pestilential. malignancy (-lig'nan-si), n. the state of being malignant; virulence, malignant ('nant), ad/t malicious; pernicious ; intending or effecting evil ; virulent. maligner (-lin'er), n. one who ma- ligns. malignity (-lig'ni-ti), n. the state of being malignant ; malice ; virulence. malinger (-ling'ger), vA. to feign ill- ness in order to evade duty. malison ('i-zn), n. sl curse; execra- tion. mall (mawl), n. a large heavy wooden mallet or beetle ; a public walk shaded by trees, originally a place where the game of pall-mall was played. mallard (mal'ard), n. a wild duck. malleability (-e-a-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being malleable. malleable ('e-a-bl), adj, capable of being extended by hammering or rolling. malleolar ('e-o-lar), adj, pertaining to the ankle. mallet ('et), n. a wooden hammer. malleus ('e-us), n. one of the three small auditory bones of the ear. Dtualloiv ( 'o ) , n. a plant of the genus Malva. Also mallows. malmsey (miim'zi), n. a rich variety of grape; a strong, full-flavored sweet wine. malpractice (mal-prak'tis), n. evil practice ; illegal or immoral conduct. malt (mawlt), n. barley or other grain steeped in water, fermented, and kiln dried for brewing: adj, made with malt : v.t. to make into malt : v.i. to be converted into malt. Maltese (mawl'tez), adj. pertaining to Malta, or to its inhabitants. Maltbusian (mal-thu'si-an), adj. pertaining to Malthus, the political economist, or his theory that over- population should be checked by moral self-control. maltine (mawlt'in), n. the fermenta- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. snal 511 tive principle of malt ; a medicinal preparation in which malt forms the chief ingredient. xnalt-liquor (mawlt'lik-er), n. an alcoholic liquor made from malt, as beer, ale, stout. xualtose Cos), n. sugar obtained from starch by the action of diastase or malt. maltreat (mal-tref), v.t. to treat ill or roughly. malversation (-ver-sa'shun), n. fraudulent practices, especially those committed in an office of trust. mama (ma-ma' or ma'ma), n. famil- iar name for mother. Also mamma. Mamaluke (mam'a-luk), n. one of a body of cavalry constituting the mil- itary force of Egypt : destroyed by Mehemet All (1811). Also Mam- eluke. mamma (ma-ma', or ma'ma), n. a family name for mother. mammae (mam'e), n.pl. the breasts. m.ammal ('al), n. one of the Mam- malia. Mammalia (-a'li-a), n.pl. the highest class of the Vertebrata, containing those animals which suckle their young. mammalian ('li-an), adj. pertaining to the Mammalia. mammary ('a-ri), adj. pertaining to the breasts. mammillary ('il-a-ri), adj. pertain- ing to, or resembling, the breast or nipples. mammodis ('mo-dis), n. coarse plain Indian muslins. mammon ('un), n. wealth; wordly gain : from Mammon, the Syrian god of riches. mammoth ('moth), n. an extinct species of huge fossil elephants : adj. gigantic. man (man), n. [pi. men (men)], a human being; an adult male of the human species ; mankind ; male serv- ant ; vassal ; one possessed of man- ly attributes ; a husband ; one of the pieces in chess or draughts : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. manned, p.pr. manning], to furnish with men ; guard. manacle ('a-kl), n. a handcuff: v.t. to place handcuffs upon ; shackle. manage ('aj), v.t. to conduct or car- ry on ; govern ; render docile or trac- table ; use cautiously ; wield : v.i. to conduct affairs._ manageable ('aj-a-bl), adj. easy to be managed ; docile. management ('aj-ment), n. the act or art of managing ; control ; skill in direction ; administration. manager ( 'a-jer ) , n. one who directs or conducts anything ; a skilful econ- omist. managerial (-je'ri-al), adj. pertain- ing to a manager or to management. manakin ('a-kin), n. a dwarf. manatee (-a-te'), n. the sea-cow. Also manati. manbote ('bot), n. among the Anglo- Saxons, the fine paid for killing a man. mandamus (-da'mus) (Latin we com- mand), n. a writ issued by a superior court directing the person or in- ferior court to whom it is issued to perform some specified act. mandarin (-da-ren'), n. in China, an official or magistrate, of whom there are nine classes, each being distin- guished by a particular kind of but- ton worn on the cap ; a variety of orange: v.t. to dye (silk, &c.) an orange color produced by the action of dilute nitric acid on the fiber. mandarinate ('at), n. mandarins collectively. mandarin duck (duk), n. an Asiat- ic duck with handsome plumage. mandatary ('da-ta-ri), n. a person to whom a mandate is given ; one to whom the Pope has, by his preroga- tive, given a mandate or order for his benefice. Also mandatory. mandate ('dat), n. an order; com- mand ; Papal rescript. mandatory ('da-to-ri), adj. contain- ing a mandate ; directory. mandible ('di-bl), n. the jaw; in vertebrates, the under jaw ; in birds, both jaws : in insects and crusta- ceans, the anterior pair. mandolin ('do-lin), n. a musical in- strument of the guitar kind. mandrake ('drak), n. a plant of the nightshade family, with narcotic properties. mandrel ('drel), n. the shank of a lathe on which the work to be turned ate, arm, ksk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, *Aen. 512 is placed ; the revolving arbor of a circular saw. Also mandril. mandrill ('dril), n. the blue-faced baboon of Africa. mane (man), n. the long hair on the neck of certain quadrupeds, as the horse. manege (ma-nazh'), n. the art of horsemanship ; the training of horses ; a school for horsemanship. manes (ma'nez), n.])l. the shades of the departed ; the deities of the in- fernal regions. maneuver, manoeuvre (ma-no6'- ver), n. adroit management or opera- tion in military or naval affairs ; skilful or dexterous management ; stratagem : v,i. to perform maneu- vers V7\th. troops or war vessels ; manage with adroitness or address. tuanful (man'fool), adj. courageous; resolute. manfully (-11), adv. bravely; reso- lutely. mauganate (mang'ga-nat), n. a salt of manganic acid. manganese (-nez), n. a grey-colored, hard and brittle metallic element. mange (manj), n. a cutaneous dis- ease of dogs, cattle, &c. manger (man'jer), n. a feeding trough for horses or cattle. suangily ('ji-li), adv. in a mangy manner. manginess ('ji-nes), n. the state of being mangy. mangle (mang'gl), v.t. to lacerate; mutilate ; hack ; to smooth with a mangle : n. a machine for smoothing linen. Hangler ( mang'gl er), n. a meat- chopping machine ; one who man- gles. mango ('go), n. Ipl. mangoes Cgoz)], the fruit of the mango tree. m.ango-iisli (-fish), n. a handsome yellow-colored edible fish of the Ganges, m.angosteen (-sten), n. a delicious fruit of the size of an orange grow- ing in Java and the Moluccas. Also mangostan. mangrove (mang'grov), n. an East and West Indian tree yielding an edible fruit: its bark is used in tanning. mangy (man'ji), adj. affected with the mange ; unkept. manhood ('hood), n. human nature; manliness. mania (ma'ni-a), n. violent insanity; intense excitement ; excessive or un- reasonable desire. maniac ('ni-ak), adj. affected with mania : n. a madman. manicure (man'i-ktir), n. the care of the hands, nails, &c. manifest ('i-fest), adj. clear; plain; apparent : v.t. to make manifest ; place beyond doubt : n. the invoice of a cargo to be exhibited to the cus- tom-house officials. manifesto (-fes'to), n. [pi. manifes- toes ('toz)], a public declaration concerning political measures or in- tentions. manifold ('i-fold), adj. various in kind or quality ; numerous ; multi- plied ; complicated : adv. many times : v.t. to reduplicate by means of a manifold-writer. manifold-w^riter (ri'ter), n. an ap- paratus for reduplicating a writing by means of thin tracing paper. manikin ('i-kin), n. a dwarf; a model of the human body for apa- tomical study. manila, manilla (ma-nil'a), n. a kind of cheroot manufactured at Ma- nila in the Philippine Islands ; a hemp used for ropes, matting, &c., made from the fibers of Musa tex- tills, allied to the banana. • manioc (man'i-ok), n. a tropical plant from the roots of which tapioca and cassava are prepared. maniple (man'i-pl), n. a kind of scarf worn on the left arm by a priest at mass ; a company in an ancient Roman legion. manipulate (ma-nip'u-lat), v.t. to operate or work by means of the hands ; treat ; control the action of, by management ; falsify : v.i. to use the hands, especially in scientific operations, or mechanical processes. manipulation (-la'shun), n. the act or process of manipulating; manual dexterity ; falsification. manipulative ('u-la-tiv), adj. per- taining to, or performed by, manip- ulation. ate, arm. at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 513 manipulator ('ti-la-ter), n. one who manipulates. juanis (ma'nis), n. the scaly ant- eater. Manitou (man'i-too), n. the Great Spirit of the North American In- dians. zuanliuess ('li-nes), n. the state or quality of being manly. manly ('li), adj. having the charac- teristics of a man ; courageous ; noble ; dignified ; resolute : adv. like a man. mianna ('a), n. a name given by the Israelites to the food miraculously supplied in the wilderness (Ex. xvi. 15) ; the sweet laxative juice exuded from certain species of ash of South- ern Europe. manner ('er), n. method; mode of action ; habit ; custom ; sort ; mien ; aspect ; style ; fashion : pi. deport- ment ; morals ; behavior. mannerism (-izm), n. a peculiarity of style, action, or bearing, especial- ly if constrained or affected. mannerist (-ist), n. one who carries characteristic peculiarities to excess. mannerly (-li), adj. polite; com- plaisant ; respectful : adv. politely ; respectfully. mannish ('ish), adj. masculine. manoeuvre (ma-no6'ver), see maneu- ver. mian-of-Tirar (man-of-wawr), n. [pi. men-of-war], a large ship of war. manometer (ma-nom'e-ter), n. an instrument for determining the den- sity of the air or other gas from its elastic force. manor (man'er), n. the district over which a feudal lord held authority, and subject to the jurisdiction of his court-baron ; the land belonging to a lord, or so much as he formerly re- served for his own use ; a tract of land occupied by tenants who pay a fee-farm rent to the owner. manorial ( ma-no*ri-§,l ) , adj. pertain- ing to a manor. mansard roof (man'sard roof), n. a roof which has on ail sides two slopes, the lower being steeper than the upper. manse (mans), n. the residence of a Presbyterian parochial minister [Scotch]. mansion (man'shun), n. a large dwelling house. manslaughter ('slaw-ter), w. the un- lawful killing of a human being, but without malice or premeditation. mantel ( 'tel ) , n. a narrow ornamen- tal slab above a fireplace. Also mantelpiece. mantelet (-et), n. a kind of movable parapet for the protection of the pioneers ; a small mantel ; a besieg- ing party. Also mantlet. mantilla (-til'a), n. a lady's light cloak or hood. mantle (man'tl), n. a loose cloak or cape; the external fold of the skin of the body of mollusks ; a conical net-work that becomes incandescent when heated : used over a gas jet, &c., to increase the brilliancy of the light : v.t. to cover with, or as with, a mantle ; conceal : v.i. expand or spread out. mantua-maker ('tti-a-ma'ker), n. a dress-maker. manual ('u-al), adj. pertaining to, or performed by, the hands: n. a handy compendium ; the service book of the Roman Catholic Church ; the keyboard of an organ or harmonium. manufactory (-fak'to-ri), n. [pi. manufactories (-riz)], the place where goods are manufactured. manufacture ('tur), v.t. to make or fabricate from raw materials ; pro- duce artificially : v.i. to be occupied in manufactures : n. the conversion of raw materials into articles for use ; the thing manufactured. manufacturing (-ing), adj. pertain- ing to, or used in, manufacture. manumission (-ii-mish'un), n. the act of liberating from slavery ; emancipation. manumit (-mif), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. manumitted, p.pr. manumitting], to set free from slavery. manure (ma-nur'), n. any fertilizing substance used for enriching the soil : v.t. to enrich with fertilizing substances. manus (ma'nus), n. the hand. manuscript (man'ii-skript), adj. ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 514 snai* written : n. a book or paper written by hand. Manx (mangks), adj. pertaining to the Isle of Man, to its inhabitants, or to the old language of the island. many (men'i), adj. [conip. more, superl. most], numerous; consisting of a great number : n. a great num- ber ; multitude ; people. Maori (ma'o-ri, or mou'ri), adj. per- taining to the Maoris, or aborigines of New Zealand, or to their lan- guage. map (map), n. a representation of the earth or some portion of it on a plane surface ; a representation of the heavens : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. map- ped, p.pr. mapping], to delineate or lay down in a map ; describe clearly ; sketch or plan. maple (ma'pl), n. a tree of several species of the genus Acer, from one of which the rock-maple sugar is extracted. mar (mar), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. marred, p.pr. marring], to disfigure; injure; damage : n. a blemish or disfigure- ment; injury. marabou (mar'a-boo), n. a large Af- rican stork, with handsome feath- ers. marabout (mar'a-boot), n. a Mo- hammedan saint, who professes to cure diseases by supernatural power. marasmus (ma-raz'mus), n. atrophy. miaraud (-rawd'), v.i. to rove in search of plunder. marble (mar'bl), n. a hard lime- stone of various colors capable of taking a fine polish ; anything re- sembling marble; a small ball of marble or stone : adj. made of, or like, marble ; cold ; hard ; unfeeling : v.t. to stain or vein like marble. March (march), n. the third month of the year. march (march), n. a regular, meas- ured walk, especially of soldiers ; steady onward movement ; a musical composition for the accompaniment of troops ; frontier ; borderland : v.t. to cause to move in a regular meas- ured walk, as troops : v.i. to move with regular steps, or in military form. marchioness (mar'shun-es), n. the wife or widow of a marquis. marconigram (mar-ko'ni-gram), n. a message sent by Marconi's system of wireless telegraphy. Mardi Gras (mar'de gra), n. Shrove Tuesday, the last day of Carnival. mare (mar), n. the female of the horse. mare's-nest (marz'nest), n. some fancied discovery which proves to be a hoax. .mare's-tail ('tal), n. an aquatic plant of the genus Hippuris ; a cir- rus cloud. margarine (mar'ga-rin), n. artificial butter. margin ( ' jin ) , n. border ; the part of a page at the edge, not printed upon ; reserved amount ; latitude : v.t. to furnish with a margin ; enter on the margin of a page. marginal (-al), adj. pertaining to, or placed on, a margin. marginalia (-ji-na'li-a), n.pl. mar- ginal notes. marginate ('jin-at), adj. having a margin. Also marginated. margosa (-go'sa), n. an East Indian tree yielding a valuable oil and tonic bark. margot ('got), n. a variety of perch. margravate ('gra- vat), n. the do- main or jurisdiction of a margrave. margrave ('grav), n. a German title of nobility. Fern, margravine. marigold (mar'i-gold), n. a plant with showy yellow flowers of various genera. marine (ma-ren'), adj. pertaining to, living in, or formed by, the sea ; naval ; near to the sea ; used at sea : n. a soldier who serves on a war- ship ; the navy of a nation ; naval affairs ; collective shipping of a country. mariner (mar'i-ner), n. a sailor. marionette (mar-i-o-nef), n. a pup- pet moved by strings. marital ('i-tal), adj. pertaining to marriage. maritime ('i-tim), adj. pertaining tOp connected with, or bordering upon, the sea ; naval. marjoram (mar'jo-ram), n. a genus ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n5rth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, ther\. 515 of aromatic plants, containing the sweet marjoram. mark (mark), n. a visible sign by which anything is known ; impres- sion ; evidence ; target ; a character made as a substitute for writing ; an old Scotch coin = 27 1/^ cents ; a current German coin and monetary unit = 241^ cents ; a former Euro- pean unit of weight = about 8 ounces : v.t. to make a mark upon ; notify by, or as by, a sign ; distin- guish ; take notice of ; single out : v.i. to observe critically ; take note, markedly ('ed-li), adv. distinctly; publicly. . juarker ('er), n. one who, or that which, marks ; a counter in card- playing ; one who registers the score at billiards. market (mar'ket), n. a public place for the sale or purchase of commodi- ties ; market place ; rate or price : v.i. to deal in a market ; buy or sell. marking ('ing), adj. having the qual- ity to produce a mark : n. the mark made ; arrangement of marks or col- oring. -mLarksman. (marks'man), n. ipl. marksmen ('men)], one skilful in shooting. marl (marl), n. calcareous earth min- gled with clay and carbonate of lime : used as a manure : v.t. to manure with marl ; to wind with marlines. marline (mar'lin), n. a two-stranded cord used for winding round ropes, splicing, &c. marline-spike (-spik), n. a pointed piece of iron used for opening the strands of a rope in splicing. Also marling-spike. marling ('ling), n. the act of winding with marlines. marly ('li), adj. containing, or like, marl. marmalade ('ma-lad), n. a confec- tion made of oranges or other fruit. juarmose ('mos), n. a species of small opossum. marmoset ('mo-zet), n. a species of small American monkey. marmot ('mot), n. the Alpine rat; prairie dog. anaroon (ma-roon'), n. formerly a fu- gitive slave in the West Indies ; one who is marooned : v.t. to place and abandon on a desert island : adj. of a brownish-crimson color. marplot (mar'plot), n. one who frus trates some plan by his officious in- terference. marque (rfiark), n. a license granted by a state to a private vessel to make reprisals at sea on the ships of • another nation. marquetry ('ket-ri), n. inlaid work. marquis ('kwis) , n. a nobleman rank- ing next below a duke. Also mar- quess. Feminine marchioness. marquisate (-at), n. the seigniory, dignity, or lordship of a marquis. marriage (mar'aj), n. the act of le- gally uniting a man and woman in wedlock ; marriage ceremony. marriageability (-a-bil'i-ti), n. the state of being marriageable. marriageable ('aj-a-bl), adj. jfit, or of an age, to be married. married ('id), p. adj. united in wed- lock ; conjugal. marrow ('o), n. the medulla or oily tissue which fills the cavities of bones ; the essence of anything ; a vegetable marrow. marrow-bone (-bon), n. a bone con- taining marrow : pi. the knees. marrow-fat (-fat), n. a late variety of pea. marry ('i), v.i. Vp.t. & p.p. married, p.pr. marrying], to unite as husband and wife ; wed : v.i. to enter into the state of wedlock: inter j. By Mary! forsooth ! Mars (marz), n. one of the planets: from the Roman god of war. Marseillaise (mar-se-lya'), adj. per- taining to Marseilles or to its in- habitants : n. national anthem of the first French Revolution : composed by Rouget de I'lsl^, 1792. marseilles (-salz'), n. a double cloth fabric, quilted in the loom. marsh (marsh), n. a swampy tract of land. marshal (mar'shal), n. an official of high rank who superintends and regulates state ceremonials ; a pur- suivant ; in the French army, the highest military officer : a sheriff : v.t. to arange or dispose in order. ate. arm, ask, at. awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 516 marshiness ('shi-nes), n. the state of being marshy. marshy ( 'shi ) , adj. swampy ; grow- ing in marshes. marsupial (-su'pi-al), adj. pertain- ing to the Marsupialia : n. one of the Marsupialia. %Marsupialia (-pi-a'li-a), n.pl. a sub- class of mammals that carry their young in a marsupium or external pouch, as the opossum and kangaroo. auart (mart), n. a market; purchase and sale. martagon ('ta-gon), n. a variety of lily with purple-red flowers ; the Turk's cap. marten ('ten), n. a small carnivorous animal of the weasel kind. martial ('shal), adj. pertaining to, or adapted for, war ; military. martial laiv (law), n. a code of reg- ulations enforced by the military power and applicable to civilians in time of war, insurrection, &c. martially ('li), adv. in a martial manner. martin ('tin), n. one of several spe- cies of birds allied to the swallow. martinet (-et), n. a strict disciplin- arian : pi. small lines fastened to the leech of a sail. martingale (-gal), n. a broad strap passing from the nose-band to the girth of a horse, between its fore legs, to keep its head down ; a lower stay for the jib-boom or flying jib- boom. martyr ('ter), n. one who testifies by his death to his faith or principles ; one who suffers acutely : v.t. to put to death for adherence to some be- lief, especially Christianity ; perse- cute ; torture ; destroy. martyrdom (-dum), n. the death or sufferings of a martyr. \ niartyroiogist (-ol'o-jist), n. a writ- er of martyrology. niartyrology (-ol'o-ji), n. a register or history of martyrs. marvel ('vel), n. something extraor- dinary and astonishing ; a prodigy : v.i. to be struck with astonishment ; wonder, marvelous (-us), adj. exciting won- der ; incredible. mascle (mas'kl), n. a lozenge-shaped scale of a coat of armor ; in her- aldry, a lozenge perforated. mascot ('kot), n. a person or thing that brings good fortune. Feminine mascotte [French]. masculine ('ku-lin), adj. pertaining to, having the qualities of, or suita- ble for, a man ; manly ; powerful ; robust ; coarse ; noting the male gen- der in grammar. mash (mash), n. a soft or pulpy mass ; a mixture of bran and water for horses ; bruised malt, &c., steeped in hot water for making wort : v.t. to mix with hot water (as malt) in brewing ; convert into a mash or soft pulpy state ; to inspire love in. masher ('er), n. one who imperti- nently endeavors to make himself attractive to, or engage the attention of, women. mask (mask), n. a cover or partial cover to conceal the face ; pretext or subterfuge ; a masquerade : v.t. to conceal with, or as with, a mask ; cover or hold in check : v.i. to take part in a masquerade ; be disguised. mason (ma'sn),w. a builder in stone; a Freemason. Masonic (-son'ik), adj. pertaining to Freemasons or to their craft. masonry ('sn-ri), n. the art or occu- pation of a mason ; materials used by masons ; Freemasonry. masque (mask), n. a masquerade. masquerade (mas-ker'ad), n. a ball or festive gathering where masks are worn ; a disguise : v.t. to cover with a mask or disguise : v.i. to take part in a masquerade. mass (mas), n. a large quantity; lump ; body of things collectively ; the celebration of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church ; a mu- sical setting for certain parts of such a celebration : pi. common people (with the) : v.t. & v.i. to collect into a mass or body. massacre ('a-ker), n. indiscriminate slaughter with unnecessary cruelty: v.t. to slaughter indiscriminately with unnecessary cruelty. massage ('aj or ma-siizh'), n. a meth- od of medical treatment by rubbing or kneading the bodv. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 517 mat masseter ('e-ter), n. the short thick muscle chat raises the lowei- iaw. masseur (ma-ser'), n. oue who per- forms the operation of massage. Feminine masseuse [French]. massicot (mas'i-kot), n. yellow oxide of lead. massive ('iv), adj. weighty; heavy; bulky ; imperfectly and irregularly crystallized. massively (-li), adv. in a mass. massiveness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being massive. massy ('i), adj. massive. mast (mast), n. a long round piece of timber or iron tube, either entire, or formed of parts, raised vertically on the keel of a vessel to support the sails; the fruit of the oak and the beech. masted ('ed), adj. furnished with a mast. masthead ('bed), n. the top part of a mast : v.t. to send to the masthead as a nautical punishment. master ('er), n. one who rules or commands others ; director ; em- ployer ; owner ; head of a household, college, school, &c. : an expert ; com- mander of a merchant-vessel ; a uni- versity degree ; appellation given to (boys ; a legal title : adj. pertaining to a master ; chief : v.t. to subdue or overcome ; v.i. excel. mastery (-i), n. dominion; preemi- nence ; eminent skill. mastic (mas'tik), n. a resin obtained from the mastic tree : used as a var- nish. masticable ('ti-ka-bl), adj. capable of being masticated. masticate ('ti-kat), v.t. to grind j with the teeth ; chew. I mastication (-ka'shun), n. the act j of masticating ; chewing. i masticator ('ter), w. one who, or I that w^hich, masticates ; a machine j for mincing meat or cutting leather, &c,, into small pieces. masticatory ('i-ka-to-ri), adj. adapt- ed for chewing mastiff (mas'tif), n. a large variety of dog. mastodon (mas'to-don), n. an extinct genus of mammals, allied to the ele- phant. mastoid Ctoid), o(?;. breast-like. I masturbation (-ter-ba'shun), ?i. self- I pollution. I mat (mat), n. a texture of various I Hbrous materials, used for cleansing the feet, &c. ; a web of rope-yard ; an ornamental article on which to place things at table: v.t. [p.t. & p.p. matted, p.pr. matting], to cover with mats ; entangle or interweave, matador (ma-ta-dor'), n. the man who kills the bull in a bull-fight ; one of the three principal cards at omber and quadrille. Also madadore. match (mach), n. anything that read- ily ignites ; a lucif er ; anything which agrees with or suits another thing ; an equal ; game or contest ; mar- riage ; one to be gained in marriage : v.t. to be equal to ; set against or oppose as an equal : v.i. to agree with. matchboard ('bord), n. a thin plank used for wainscoting, &c. matchlock ('lok), n. an old kind of musket. matchmaker ('mak-er), n. one who seeks to arrange marriages. mate (mat), n. a companion or asso- ciate ; an equal ; the male and female of animals associated for propaga- tion ; an officer in the merchant serv- ice ranking below the captain ; checkmate : v.t. to match ; be equal to ; marry. mate (ma'ta), n. a tea made of the dried leaves of Brazilian holly : used largely in South America. matelote (mat'e-lot), n. sl dish com- posed of various kinds of fish. mater (ma'ter),w. (Latin a mother) one of the two membranes {dura mater, pia mater) covering the brain. materfamilias (-fa-mil'i-as), n. the mistress of a family or household. materia medica (ma-te'ri-a med'i- ka), a name for the various sub- stances employed in medicine. material ('ri-al), adj. consisting of matter ; not spiritual ; corporeal ; essential : n. the substance of which anything is made. materialism (-izm), n. the doctrine that all spiritual phenomena are the result of organized matter. ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hiie, hut ; think, then. It mat 518 mat anaterialize (-iz), v.t. to invest with material characteristics. materialist (-ist), n. one who holds the doctrine of materialism. materialistic (-is'tik), adj. pertain- ing to materialism. materiality (-al'i-ti), n. material ex- istence. materially ('i-al-li), adv. essentially. materiel (-ta-re-al'), n. the baggage, munitions, provisions of an army, &c. maternal (-ter'nal), adj. motherly, maternally (-li), adv. like a mother. maternity ('ni-ti), n. the character or relationship of a mother. math, (math), n. a mowing. mathematical (-e-mat'ik-al), adj. pertaining to, or performed by, mathematics ; theoretically precise. Also mathematics. mathematically (-li), adv. by math- ematics. mathematician (-ma-tish'an) , n. one who is skilled in mathematics. mathematics (-mat'iks), n. the sci- ence of number and space. m.atico (ma-te'ko), n. a Peruvian plant, whose leaves are used as a powerful styptic. matin (mat'in) , adj. pertaining to the morning or to matins : n.pl. morning prayer; in the Roman Catholic Church the first canonical hour. matinee (-i-na' or ma-te-na'), n. a reception or musical or dramatic per- formance held in the daytime. matricidal (mat'ri-si-dal), adj. per- taining to matricide. matricide ('ri-sid), n. the murder of a mother by a son or daughter ; one who murders one's mother. matriculate (ma-trik'ti-lat), v.t. to admit to the membership of a college or university by entering one's name in a register : v.t. to be admitted as a member or student of a college, &c. matriculation (-la'shun), n. the act of registering and admitting as a matriculated student. matrimonial (mat-ri-mo'ni-al), adj. pertaining to marriage; nuptial; connubial. matrimonially (-li), adv. in a mat- rimonial relation. matrimony ('ri-mo-ni). n. marriage, matrix (ma'triksj, n. [pi. matrices (mat'ri-sez) ], the womb; the cavity in which anything is formed or cast ; a mold ; the rock in which a fossil or mineral is embedded ; the five col- ors (black, white, blue, red, yellow) from which all others are formed in dyeing. matron (ma'tron), n. a married woman, especially one who has borne children ; the lady superin- tendent of a hospital or institution. matronage (-aj), n. matrons collec- tively. matronal ('tron-al), adj. pertaining to, or suitable for, a matron. matronly (-li), adv. matron-like; el- derly ; sedately. matronymic (mat-ro-nim'ik), n. a man's or woman's name derived from that of a mother. matte (mat), n. metal imperfectly reduced. matted ('ed), adj. covered with a mat ; closely tangled together. matter ('er), n. that which occupies space, and is perceptible by the senses ; body ; substance ; thing of importance ; business ; event ; indefi- nite amount ; pus ; set-up type : v.i. to signify ; be of importance. matties ('iz), n.pl. Scotch herrings of moderate size with small milts and roes. matting ('ing), n. mats collectively; material for mats ; ornamental mat- work. mattock ('ok), n. a pickaxe having one of its ends flat. mattress ('res), n. a quilted hair- or straw-stuffed bed ; a spring mat- tress ; a mat made of trees or shrubs. maturation (-u-ra'shun), n. the pro- cess of ripening or coming to ma- turity. mature (ma-tur), adj. [comparative maturer, superlative maturest], ripe : full-grown ; ready for application or use : v.t. to bring or hasten to ma- turity : v.i. to become ripe. maturely (-li), adv. in a mature manner. maturity ('i-ti), n. the state or qual- ity of being mature ; ripeness ; full development. ate. arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boonj book ; hue, hut ; think, then. mat 519 mea I xnatutinal (ma-tu'ti-nal), adj. per- taining to the morning ; early. maud (mawd), n. a grey-striped Scotch plaid. Biaudlin ('lin), adj. easily moved to tears ; weakly and foolishly senti- mental. xnaugre (maw'ger), prep, in spite of. maul ( mawl ) , n. a. large wooden ham- mer : v.t. to wound or bruise in a rough manner. maul-stick, same as mahl-stick. mausoleuiu (maw-so-le'um), n. a stately tomb or monument, especial- ly that of Mausolus, King of Caria, erected by his widow Artemisia. mauve (mov), n. a soft lilac or pur- ple color. miavis (ma'vis), n. the song-thrush. maw (maw), n. the stomach of ani- mals ; the craw of a bird. mawkish (mawk'ish) , atZ;. loathsome ; affectedly sentimental. maxilla (maks'il-a), n. [pi. maxillse -e)], the upper jawbone. miaxillary ('il-a-ri), adj. pertaining to the jaw or jawbone. xaaxilliform ('i-form), adj. shaped like the cheek or jawbone. maxim ('im), n. an established prin- ciple or truth ; proverb ; aphorism. maximum, ('i-mum), w. the greatest number, quantity, or degree, attain- able. May (ma), n. the fifth month of the year. may, n. the English hawthorn. m.ay, v. aux. \_p.t. might, (-mit)], to be able ; be allowed. mayor (ma'er), n. the chief magis- trate of a city or borough. Feminine mayoress. mayoralty (-al-ti), n. the oflBce, or term of office, of a mayor. Maypole ('pol), n. a pole around which May festivities are held. maze (maz), n. bewilderment; a laby- rinth : v.t. to bewilder. mazily ('i-li), adv. in a mazy manner. mazurka (ma-zer'ka), n. a lively Polish dance ; music set to such a dance. Also mazourka. mazy (maz'i), adj. intricate; bewil- dering ; winding. mead (med), n. a fermented liquor of honey, water, and spices ; a meadow [Poet.]. meadow (med'o), n. a tract of rich pasture land ; land yielding hay ; low grass land by the banks of .rivers. meadowy (-i), adj. containing mead- ows. meager (me'ger), adj. thin; scanty; poor ; barren ; lean ; weak. meagerly (-li), adv. thinly; poorly. meal (mel), n. edible ground grain ; a repast. mealy ('i), adj. consisting of, sprin- kled with, or having the qualities of, meal. mealy-moutked (-mou#/^d), adj. us- ing soft words ; unwilling to tell the truth in plain words. mean {-men), adj. [comparative mean- er, superlative meanest], wanting in dignity or honor ; vulgar ; inferior ; insignificant; humble; sordid; stingy ; middle ; not excessive : n. the middle point, quantity, value, or de- gree ; average : pi. resources ; prop- erty : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. meant, p.pr. meaning], to have in the mind or intention ; signify : v.i. to have an intention. m.eander (me-an'der), v.t. to wind or flow round : v.i. to have a winding course ; be intricate. meaning (men'ing), n. intention; sense. meant, p.t. & p.p. of mean. meantime ('tim), adv. in the inter- vening time. Also meanwhile. measles (me'zlz), n. an infectious disease characterized by fever and small red spots on the skin ; a dis- ease of swine and of trees. measurable (mezh'er-a-bl), adj. ca- pable of being measured. measurably (-a-bli), adv. in a meas- urable manner ; in a limited degree. measure ('er), n. the standard by which the volume or extent of any- thing is compared ; extent or dimen- sions of a thing ; proportion ; a di- visor leaving no remainder ; an in- strument for measuring ; musical time ; meter ; law or statute : pi. strata or beds : v.t. to ascertain the extent, size, or volume of ; mark out ; estimate ; allot ; determine by rule ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 520 med or standard : v.i. to take measure- ments ; be equal or uniform. measured ('erd), adj. determined by a standard ; uniform ; steady ; mod- erated. xueasuremeut ('er-ment), n. the act of measuring ; quantity ascertained by measuring ; size ; area ; capacity. meat (met), oi. animal food. mechanic (rae-kan'ik), n. a skilled workman : pi. the science of the laws of matter and motion, especially the science of machinery. m.echanical (-ul), adj. pertaining to the principles of mechanics ; pertain- ing to, or produced by, machines or machinery ; done automatically, as from force of habit. meclianically (-li), adv. in a me- chanical manner. mecliamcal powers (pow'erz), n.pl. powers obtained by the application of a small force, viz., the lever, in- clined plane, wheel and axle, screw, pulley, and wedge. mecliaiiician (mek-a-nish'an) , n. one skilled in mechanics or machinery. meclianism (Ti-nizm), n. parts of a machine ; mechanical construction. medal (med'al), n. a coin-shaped piece of metal impressed with a de- vice or inscription to commemorate some event, distinguished person, &c. medallic (me-dal'ik), adj. pertaining to medals. medallion ('yun), n. a large antique medal ; a round or oval tablet with figures in bas-relief. medallist (med'al-ist), n. an engrav- er of medals ; one who has gained a medal as a reward or prize. meddle (med'l), v.i. to interpose or interfere officiously. meddler ('ler), n. an officious per- son ; busybody. meddlesome ('1-sum), adj. officiously intrusive. mediaeval, same as medieval. median (me'di-an), adj. pertaining to, or connected with, the middle of anything. mediate (-at), v.i. to interpose as a mutual friend between parties to ef- fect a reconciliation. mediation (-a'shun), n. the act of mediating ; reconciliation. mediator ('di-a-ter), n. one who mediates ; an intercessor. mediatorial (-a-to'ri-al), adj. per- taining to a mediator or mediation : intercessory. Also mediatory. mediatorially (-li), adj. by media- tion. medical (med'i-kal), adj. pertaining to, or connected with, medicine. medically (-li), adv. according to medical rules, medicament ('i-ka-ment), n. a medi- cine or healing application. medicate ('i-kat), v.t. to impregnate or tincture with anything medicinal. medicinal (me-dis'i-nal), adj. having the properties of, or used in, medi- cine. medicinally (-al-li), adv. medically. medicine (med'i-sin), n. the science which relates to the treatment and alleviation of disease ; a specific for the cure of disease. medicine-man (-man), n. among certain tribes, as the North Ameri- can Indians, a conjurer who pro- fesses to drive away evil spirits or disease by magical arts. medieval (me-di-e'val), adj. pertain- ing to, or characteristic of, the Mid- dle Ages (8th-15th centuries A.D.). Also mediaeval. medievalism (-izm), n. the spirit, especially in religion and art, char- acteristic of the Middle Ages. mediocre (me'di-o-ker), adj. of me- dium excellence ; ordinary. mediocrity (-ok'ri-ti), n. of moder- ate degree ; a person of ordinary abilities. meditate (med'i-tat), v.i. to muse or ponder ; think abstractedly : v.t. to think upon ; design ; purpose. meditation (-ta'shun), n. the act of meditating ; deep thought. meditative ('i-ta-tiv), adj. disposed to meditation. meditatively (-li), adv. with medi- tation. meditativeness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being meditative. medium (me'di-um), n. [pi. media, mediums (-a, -umz)], a mean; any- thing intervening ; agency ; space or substance in which bodies exist or move ; a size of paper 24 X 19 inches : ate, arm, isk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. med 521 me) middle term of a syllogism ; a per- son through whom communications from the spirit world are conveyed ; the liquid vehicle with which dry pig- ments are ground. medley ('li), n. mixture or confused mass of different ingredients. medulla (me-dul'a), n. the marrow of bones ; pith of plants. medullary ('a-ri), adj. pertaining to, consisting of, or like, marrow or ' medulla. meduUin (-dul'in), n, a variety of cellulose found in the pith of certain plants. Medusa (me-dii'sa), n. [pi. medusae ('se) ], in classical mythology, one of the three Gorgons whose fine hair was changed into snakes, and whose glance changed into stone all who looked on her. juedusa, n. the sea-nettle or jelly-fish. meed (med), n. recompense; reward. meek (mek), adj. [comparative meek- er, superlative meekest], gentle ; sub- missive ; yielding ; mild of temper ; humble ; patient. meer (mer), n. a boundary or divi- sion. Also mere. lueerschaum ('shum), n. a claylike silicate of magnesia from which pipe- bowls are made ; a pipe of this ma- terial. meet (met),-?;.*, [p.t. & p.p. met, p.pr. meeting], to come up to from a dif- ferent direction ; confront ; encoun- ter ; fall in with ; receive ; satisfy ; come upon ; answer : v.i. to assem- ble ; be united : n. a meeting of huntsmen ; the place of meeting : adj. fit ; suitable ; appropriate. meeting ('ing), n. an assembling or coming together ; junction ; a congre- gation. meg, a prefix meaning great, power- ful. Also mega, megalo, as mega- cpphalous : adj. having a large head. megolim ('6m), n. 1,000,000 ohms: a measure of electrical resistance. megrim (me'grim), n. a sick or neu- ralgic headache, usually on one side of the head : pi. vertigo in a horse. melancholia (mel-an-ko'li-a), n. a form of insanity characterized by great depression of spirits. melancholic (-kol'ik), adj. affected with melancholy ; depressed in spir- its ; dejected. melancholy ('an-kol-i), n. great de- pression of spirits ; melancholia : adj, depressed in spirits ; hypochondriac. melange (ma-liingzh'), n. a confused mixture; medley [French]. melanin (mel'a-nin), n. the black pigment cells of the eye and skin. melanite ('an-it), n. a black variety of garnet. melanism ('an-izm), n. excess of the coloring pigment in the skin. melee (ma-la'), n. a hand-to-hand conflict ; scuflBe ; affray. melinite (mel'in-it), n. a powerful explosive. melilot ('i-lot), n. a species of sweet" scented trefoil or clover. meliorate (mel'yo-rat), v.t. to im- prove or make better. melioration (-ra'shun), n. improve- ment. mellifluent (mel-ifflti-ent), adj. smooth ; sweetly flowing. Also mel- lifluous. melligenous (-ij'e-nus), adj. having the qualities of, or producing, honey. mellow Co), adj. fully ripe ; not hard, harsh, or rigid ; half tipsy. mellowy (-i), adj. soft; unctuous; loamy. melodeon (me-lo'de-on), n. a small reed organ ; a music hall. melodious ('di-us), adj. full of, or produced by, melody ; musical. melodist ('dist), n. a composer of melodies. melodize ('diz), v.t. to make melo- dious : v.i. compose melodies. melodrama (mel-6-dra'ma), n. a play characterized by highly sensational or romantic incidents. melodramatic (-dra-mat'ik), adj. pertaining to melodrama; highly sensationah melody ('o-di), n. [pi. melodies (-diz) ], the arrangement of different musical sounds for a single voice or instrument ; tune. melon ('un), n. a plant of the cucum- ber family with its edible fruit. melotype ('6-tip), n. a method of producing photographs so that their development may be deferred. ate, arm, c, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. mel 522 melt (melt) , v.t. & v.i. to change from a solid to a liquid state ; dissolve ; soften to love and tenderness. melton ('un), n. a kind of thick broadcloth v\^ith an unfinished sur- face. member (mem'ber), n. a limb or or- gan ; essential part of anything ; one of an association or community. membrane ('bran), n. a thin fold or layer of itssue forming the covering of some part or organ. membranous ('bra-nus), adj. per- taining to, consisting of, or like, membranes. memento (me-men'to), n. [pi. me- mentos ('toz)], a souvenir; memo- rial. memoir (mem'war), n. a history written from personal experience and knowledge ; a biography : pi. a record of investigations on . a sub- ject ; transactions or journal of a learned or scientific society. memorabilia (-o-ra-bil'i-a), n.pl. things worthy of remembrance or record. memorable ( 'or-a-bl ) , adj, worthy of remembrance ; remarkable ; notable. memorably (-a-bli), adj. so as to be remembered. memorandum (-o-ran'dum), n. [pi. memoranda ('da)], a note to assist the memory ; brief record of some- thing to be remembered ; summary or outline. memorial (me-mo'ri-al), adj. com- memorative ; preservative of, or con- tained in, the memory : n. an in- formal diplomatic paper ; a written representation of facts addressed to the government, a public body, &c. memorialize (-iz), v.t. to petition by means of a memorial. memorialist (-ist), n. one who pre- pares, signs, or presents, a memorial. memoriter (-mor'i-ter), adv. from memory. memory (mem'o-ri), n. [pi. memories (-riz)], that faculty of the mind by which it retains the knowledge of previous occurrences, facts, thoughts, &c., and recalls them. menace (men'as), n. a threat: v.t. to threaten. menacingly ('a-sing-li), adv. in a threatening manner. menagerie (-azh'er-i or -aj'e-ri), m. a place where wild animals are kept ; a collection of wild animals for exhibition. mend (mend), v.i. to repair (that which is broken or worn} ; make good or better ; reform ; increase : v.i. to grow better ; improve. mendacious (men-da'shus) ,a(?/. given to falsehood ; lying ; false. mendacity (-das'i-ti), n. [pi. men- dacities (-tiz)], falsehood; habitual lying. mendicancy ('di-kan-si), n. the state of being a beggar ; begging. Also mendicity. mendicant (-kant), adj. practicing begging ; reduced to beggary : n. a. beggar ; a begging friar. menliaden (-ha'dn), n. an American fish allied to the herring, yielding a valuable oil. menial (me'ni-al), adj. pertaining to a retinue of servants ; pertaining to, or suitable for, servants ; mean ; servile : n. a domestic servant ; one who performs servile work. menilite (men'i-lit), n. a variety of opal. meninges (me-nin'jez), n.pl. the three membranes that envelop the brain and the spinal cord. meningitis (men-in-ji'tis), n. inflam- mation of the meninges. meniscus (me-nis'kus) , n. [pi. menisci ('si), meniscuses ('kus-ez)], a cres- cent ; a lens convex on one side and concave on the other. menses (men'sez), n.pl. the catame- nial discharge. Also menstruation. menstrual ('str5o-al), adj. occurring monthly. menstruum (-um), n. a solvent. mensurable ( 'shti-ra-bl ) , adj. meas- urable. mensuration (-ra'shun), n. the act or process of taking the measure or dimensions of anything ; measure- ment. mental ('tal), adj. pertaining to the mind ; intellectual. mentally (-li), adv. in the mind; in thought or idea ; intellectually. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book: htie. hut: think, then. 523 mentliol ('tbol), n. a crystalline sub- stance resembling camphor : used as • a counter-irritant. xuentliyl ('thil), n. the base of men- thol. mention ('shun), n. a brief notice; casual remark ; hint : v.t. to speak briefly of ; notice casually ; name. mentor ('ter), n. sl wise and faithful counselor : from Mentor, the friend and tutor of Ulysses. menu (-00'), n. a bill of fare. Mephistop helian ( mef-is-to-f e'li- an), adj. pertaining to, or like, Mephistopheles : hence scoffing, re- lentless, and cynical. mepliitic (me-fit'ik), adj. poisonous; noxious ; offensive to the smell. Also mephitical. mercantile (mer'kan-til), adj. com- mercial. mercenarily ('se-na-ri-li ) , adv. in a mercenary manner. mercenary ('se-na-ri), n. [pi. mer- cenaries (-riz)], a soldier hired into foreign service ; one who serves for pay : adj. serving for pay or re- ward ; venal ; sordid. mercer ('ser), n. a dealer in textile fabrics. mercery (-i), n. the commodities in which a mercer deals. mercliandise ('chan-diz), n. goods, wares, or commodities, bought and sold. merchant ('chant), n. one who traf- fics or carries on trade on a large scale, especially with foreign coun- tries ; a shopkeeper : adj. pertaining to, or employed in, trade ; mercantile. merchantman (-man), n. [pi. mer- chantmen (-men)], a trading vessel. merciful ('si-fool), adj. full of, or exercising, mercy ; tender-hearted ; compassionate. mercifully (-li), adv. with mercy or compassion. merciless (-les), adj. destitute of mercy ; unfeeling ; cruel. mercurial (-ku'ri-al), adj. active; volatile ; fickle ; pertaining to, made of, or caused by, mercury. Mercury ('ku-ri), n. one of the plan- ets ; from Mercury, the messenger of the gods. mercury, n. quicksilver. mercy ('si), n. [pi. mercies ('siz)], the disposition to forgive, spare, or pity ; clemency ; forbearance ; com- passion ; beneficence. mere, same as meer. mere (mer), adj. [superlative mer- est], such and no more; simple; en- tire ; absolute. merely ('li), advo simply; purely; only. meretricious (mer-e-trish'us), adj. pertaining to prostitutes ; lustful ; alluring by false show ; tawdry. merge (merj), v.t. to absorb or swal- low up : v.i. to be swallowed up or lost. merger (merj'er), n. the legal consol- idation of two estates, conforming them into one estate ; the placing of the operations of two or more com- peting interests under the control of a single body. mericarp (mer'i-karp), n. one of the carpels of an umbelliferous fruit. meridian (me-rid'i-an), adj. pertain- ing to mid-day : n. mid-day ; noon ; highest point or culmination ; an imaginary great circle of the sphere passing through the poles of the heavens and the zenith and nadir of any given place, and cutting the equator at right angles. meridional ('i-o-nal), adj. pertain- ing to the meridian ; southern. meridionally ('li), adv. in the direc- tion of the meridian. meringue (me-rangg'), n. a light con- fection of eggs, sugar, cream, or jam. merino (me-re'no), n. [pi. merinos ('noz) ], a breed of sheep with a fine wool ; the wool of such sheep : adj. pertaining to, or made of, the wool of the merino sheep. merit (mer'it), n. excellence; worth; deserved reward : pi. essential cir- cumstances : v.t. to earn ; be entitled to ; be deserving of. meritorious (-i-to'ri-us), adj. having merit ; deserving of reward or praise. merle (merl), n. the. blackbird [Poet.], merlin (mer'lin), n. a small falcon. merling (merl'ing), n. the whiting. merlon ('on), n. that part of a para- pet included between two embra- sures. ate, arm, isk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. jner 524 met mermaid (mer'mad), n. a fabled ma- rine creature having the upper part like a woman and the lower part like a fish. merman ('man), n. the male of the mermaid. merrily (mer'i-li), adv. in a merry manner. merriment ('i-ment), n. mirth; fun; frolic ; gaiety. Also merriness. merry ('i), adj. [comparative merri- er, superlative merriest], full of mirth and good humor ; gay ; sport- ive ; jovial ; pleasant. merry-andrew (-an'droo), n. a buf- foon. merry-dancers (-dan'serz), n.pl. the Aurora Borealis. merry - go - round ( mer'-i-go-round ) , n. a circular frame fitted with wooden horses or seats, on which persons ride at fairs, &c. merry-thonght (-thawt), n. the forked bone (furcula) of a fowl's breast. mesa (ma'sa), n. elevated table-land. mesalliance (-za-le-angs'), n. mar- riage with one of lower social posi- tion. mesh (mesh), n. an opening or inter- stice of a net ; brewer's grains. mesial (mez'i-al), adj. middle. mesjid (mez'jid), n. a mosque. xnesmeric (-mer'ik), adj. pertaining to, or produced by, mesmerism. mesmerism ('mer-izm), n. the art of inducing an abnormal state of the nervous system in which the thoughts and actions of the patient are con- trolled by the will of the operator; animal magnetism. mesmerist (-ist), n. one who prac- tises the art of mesmerism. Also mesmerizer. mesmerize (-iz), v.t. to induce the mesmeric state. mesne (men), adj. middle; interven- ing. meso, a preiix meaning middle, inter- mediate, as mesoblast, the inter- mediate layer of the blastoderm of an ovum ; mesocarp, the middle layer of a pericarp. mesosperm (mes'o-sperm), n. the second membrane of a seed. Mesozoic (-zo'ik), adj. pertaining to the Secondary Age or era of rep- tiles. ' mess (mes), n. a number of persons who sit down to table together, es- pecially soldiers or sailors ; a state [j, of dirt or confusion : v.i. to eat to- gether : v.t. to furnish with food ; dirty. message ('aj), n. a communication, written or verbal, sent from one per- son to another ; an official commu- nication. messenger ('en-jer), n. one who con- veys a message ; an office servant who carries messages ; a herald or harbinger ; an official of the bank- ruptcy court. Messiah (-I'a), n. Christ the Anoint- ed One. Also Messias. Messianic (-i-an'ik), adj. pertaining to the Messiah. messieurs ('yers), n.pl. sirs; messrs. messuage ('waj), n. a dwelling house with its adjacent buildings and land for the use of the household. mestee (-te'), n. the offspring of a white and a quadroon. mestizo (-te'zo), n. [pi. mestizos ('zoz)], the offspring of a Spaniard or Creole and an Indian. Also mes- tino. met, p.t. & p.p. of meet. meta, a prefix meaning between, over^ after, duplicate, resembling, change from one state to another. metabasis (me-tab'a-sis), n. transi- tion. metabolian (met-a-bo'li-an), n. an insect of the sub-class Metabola which undergo complete metamor- phosis. metabolic (-bol'ik), adj. pertaining to, or undergoing, change or meta- morphosis. metabolism (-tab'o-lizm), n. the con- tinuous process by which living cells or tissues undergo chemical change. metacarpal (met-a-kar'pal), adj. pertaining to the metacarpus. metacarpus ('pus), n. that part of the hand which is between the wrist and the fingers. metacenter (-sen'ter), n. that point in a floating body on the position of ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, n6rth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. met 525 met which its equilibrium or stability de- pends. metagenesis (-a-jen'e-sis), n. alter- nation of generation. metal ('al), n. an elementary sub- stance having certain physical char- acteristics, as luster, ductility, mal- leability, insolubility, is fusible by heat, and a conductor of elec- tricity ; molten glass ; small stone cubes ; effective power or caliber of the guns of a warship : pi. the rails of a railroad : v.t. to cover with metal. metallic ('ik), adj. pertaining to, consisting of, or like, metal. metallic oxide (oks'id), n. a com- pound of metal with oxygen. metallic salt (sawlt), n. a salt which has a metallic oxide as its base. metalliferous (-lif'er-us), adj. yield- ing metal or metallic ores. metallography (-og'ra-fi), n. the science of metals ; a treatise on metals. metalloid (-oid), n. a non-metallic elementary body : adj. resembling a metal ; non-metallic. metallurgic (-er'jik), adj. pertain- ing to metallurgy. Also metallur- gical. metallurgist ('al-er-jist), n. one who is skilled in metallurgy. metallurgy (-ji), n. the art or proc- ess of working metals and of sep- arating them from their ores. metamorpliic (-a-mor'fik), adj. per- taining to, or produced by, meta- morphism. metamorphism. ('fizm), n. the proc- ess by which stratified rocks under pressure, heat, chemical action, &c,, have changed from their original structure, as limestone to marble. m.etaxuorpliose ( 'foz ), 1?.:^. to change into a different form. metamorpliosis ('fo-sis), n. change of form, shape, or structure ; trans- formation, as of a chrysalis into a butterfly. metaphor ('a-fer), n. a figure of speech by which one word is em- ployed for another of which it is the image ; a compressed simile. metaphoric (-for'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or comprising, a metaphor ; not literal ; figurative. Also meta- phorical. metaphorically (-al-li), adv. in metaphors. metaphrastic (-fras'tik), adj. close or literal in translation. metaphysical (-fiz'i-kal), adj. per- taining to, or according to the rules of, metaphysics ; ontological. metaphysically (-li), adv. by the rules of metaphysical science. metaphysician (-fi-zish'un), n, one who is skilled in metaphysics. metaphysics (-fiz'iks), n. mental philosophy. metathesis (-ath'e-sis), n. transposi- tion of the letters of a word or syl- lable. metempirical (-em-pir'i-kal), adj. exceeding the limits of experience. metempsychosis (-si-ko'sis), n. transmigration of the soul after death into the body of another man or lower animal. meteor (me'te-er), n. a transient lu- minous body in the sky ; falling or shooting star ; anything that daz- zles or excites wonder for the mo- ment. meteoric (-or'ik), adj. pertaining to, or formed of, or like, a meteor. meteorite ('te-er-it), n. a stone or metallic body which, in its passage through space, has fallen upon the earth. meteor ography (-er-og'ra-fi), n. the registration of meteorological phe- nomena. meteorologic (-loj'ik), adj. pertain- ing to the atmosphere, or its phe- nomena, or to meteorology. Also meteorological. meteorologist (-oro-jist), n. one who is skilled in meteorology. meteorology (-ji), n. the science of the atmosphere and its various phe- nomena. meter (me'ter), n. an instrument for registering automatically the amount measured by it. meter, metre (me'ter), n. a rhyth- mic arrangement of syllables in verse ; unit of length in the decimal system — 39.37 inches. meterage (-aj), n. measurement; cost of measuring. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. .tit met 526 mic xuetliinks (me-thingks'), v'.i. Ip.t. methought], it appears or seems to me. xaethod (meth'od), n. regular ar- rangement of things ; system ; or- der ; classification. luethodica] ('i-kal), adj. character- ized by, or arranged with regard to, method ; systematic. Also methodic. methodically (-li), adv. in a meth- odical manner. methodize ('o-diz), v.t. to reduce to method ; systematize. Methodism ('o-dizm), n. the doc- trines and worship of the Metho- dists. Methodist ('o-dist), n. one of a sect of Christians founded by John Wes- ley : adj. pertaining to the Metho- dists. methyl (meth'il), n. the hydro-car^ bon radical of methyl alcohol, or wood spirit. miethylated (-i-la'ted), adj. mixed with or containing methyl. methylene (-len), n. an inflammable liquid obtained from the distillation of wood. x\lso methene. methylic (-il'ik), adj. derived from, or containing, methyl. metonymy (me-ton'i-mi), n. a figure of speech in which one word is used for another related to it. metre, see meter. metric (met'rik), adj. pertaining to the decimal system of weights and measures. metrical (-al), adj. pertaining to meter, measurement, or rhythm. metrically (-li), adv. in a metrical manner. metrograph ('ro-graf), n. an appa- ratus for indicating the mileage run by a locomotive, and the number and time of stoppages at stations, &c. metrology (-rol'S-ji), n. the science of weights and measures. metronome ('ro-nom), n. an instru- ment which beats musical time by means of a short pendulum. metronymic (-nim'ik), adj. derived from one's mother or female ances- tor. metropolis (me-trop'6-lis), n. the capital or chief city of a kingdom or country ; the seat or see of a metropolitan. metropolitan (-tro-pol'i-tan), adj. pertaining to the capital city of a kingdom or country, or to an arch- bishopric : n. the presiding bishop of m a country or province; an arch- bishop. mettle (met'l), n. constitutional ar- dor or spirit ; fortitude. mettlesome (-sum), n. high spirited. mew (mu) , n. the cry of a cat ; a sea- gull : pi. stables for carriage horses : v.t. to shed or molt (the feathers) : v.i. to cry like a cat. mezzanine (met'za-nen), n. a low intermediate story between two higher ones ; a window in such a story. mezzotint (-tint), n. a variety of copper engraving. Also mezzotinto. mica (mi'ka), n. a mineral divisible into thin transparent plates. micaceous (-ka'shus), adj. pertain- ing to, consisting of, or like, mica. mice, pi. of mouse. mico (mi'ko), n. a small South Amer- ican monkey ; a Japanese solid oil or butter. micro, a prefix meaning small, as microcosm, a small universe or com- munity. microbe (mi'krob), n. a minute mi- croscopical organism found in the blood of animals, especially those suffering from disease ; bacterium. microbe (krob'ik), adj. pertaining to, or caused by, a microbe. Also microbial. microbicide (-krob'i-sid),w. an agent for destroying microbes or bacteria. micrococcus (-kro-kok'us), n. [pi. micrococci ('si)], a genus of bac- teria, a source of fermentation and of zymotic disease. microcosm, see under micro. microcoustic (-kous' or -koos'tik), adj. pertaining to, or serving to in- crease, indistinct sounds : n. an in- strument for the deaf, to augment faint sounds. microcrith (-krith'), n. the weight of an atom of hydrogen. microcyte ('kro-sit), n. a minute ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. xnic 527 mil elementary granule in the blood, es- pecially present in disease. micrograph, ('kro-graf), n. a kind of pantograph for executing very minute engraving or writing. miicrography (-krog'ra-fi), n. the description of microscopic objects. microhm ('krom), n. the 1,000,000th part of an ohm. micrometer (-krom'e-ter), n. an in- strument for measuring minute dis- tances, or apparent diameters : used with a microscope or telescope. micromillimeter (-kro-mil'i-me-ter) , n. the 1,000,000,000th part of a me- ter. microphone ('kro-fon), n. an instru- ment for intensifying very minute sounds. microphotography ( -f o-tog'ra-fi ) , n. photographing in miniature. microphyte ('kro-fit), n. a micro- scopic vegetable growth. microscope ('kro-skop), n. an opti- cal instrument for magnifying mi- nute objects so as to render them visible for purposes of investigation. microscopic (-skop'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or determined by the- aid of, a microscope. Also microscopical. microscopically (-al-li), adv. by, or as by, a microscope. microscopist ('kro-sko-pist), n. one skilled in microscopy. microscopy ('kro-sko-pi), n. the use of the microscope ; microscopic in- vestigation. microspore ('kro-spor), n. a /very minute reproductive spore found in the capsules of lycopods. microvolt ('kro-volt), n. the 1,000,- 000th part of a volt. microzyme ('kro-zim), n. a minute organism occurring in the air and found in the human blood, acting as a ferment in producing certain zymotic diseases. mid (mid), adj. middle: prefix, as midday : n. a midshipman. middle ('1), adj. equally distant from the extremes ; mean ; medial : n. the point equally distant from the ex- tremes ; central part ; the waist. Middle Ages (aj'ez), n.pl. the period between the 5th and 15th centuries A. D. middlemost (-most), adj. situated in, or nearest, the middle. middling Cling), adj. of middle rank, size, or quality ; moderate : n.pl. the coarser part of flour. middy ('di), n. [pi. middies ('diz)], a midshipman. midge ( mi j ) , w. a gnat. midriff ('rif), n. the diaphragm sep- arating the cavity of the chest from the stomach. midshipman ('ship-man), n. [pi. midshipmen], in the British navy, a junior oificer ranking next above a cadet. midst^ (midst), n. the middle. midivife (mid'wif), n. [pi. midwives ('wivz)], a woman who assists at childbirth : v.t. to . assist in child- birth: v.i. to serve as a midwife. midwifery ('wif-er-i), n. obstetrics. mien (men), n. external appearance; air ; look ; carriage. might (mit), n. power; strength; force : p.t. of may. mightily ('i-li), adv. with great power or strength ; vehemently ; in a great degree. mightiness (-nes), n. greatness; power ; a title of dignity. mighty ('i), adj. [comp. mighti-er, superl.mightiest], powerful; strong; influential ; momentous ; wonderful ; huge : adv. very ; exceedingly. mignon ( min-y5ng' ) , adj. pretty ; delicate [French]. mignonette (min-yun-ef), n. a fra- grant annual with greenish flower and orange-colored stamens. migrant (mi'grunt), adj. migratory. migratory ('gra-to-ri), adj. remov- ing or passing from one place of abode or resort to another ; roving ; nomad. Mikado (mi-ka'do), n. the Japanese emperor, as the spiritual and tem- poral head of the empire. milch (milch), adj. yielding milk. mild (mild), adj. [comp. milder, su- perl. mildest], gentle in temper and disposition ; gentle ; soft ; placid : moderate ; not sharp, sour, or bit- ter ; lenitive. mildeiv (mil'dii), n. a disease of plants produced by small fungi : spots of mold on cloth, &c., caused ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, tliQn. mil 528 mil by damp : v.t. to taint with mildew : v.i. be affected with mildew. mile (mil), n. a measure of length varying in different countries : the English statute mile, in use in this country, contains 1,760 yds., the geographical or nautical mile l-60th of a degree of latitude or 2,025 yds. (nearly). mileage ('aj), n. an allowance for expenses per mile ; length in miles. 3uilfoil (mil'foil), n. a composite plant with finely divided leaves. militancy ('i-tan-si), n. warfare; militarism. militant ('i-tant), adj. warlike; fighting ; serving as a soldier. militarism ('i-ta-rizm), n. military spirit, policy, or government. military ('i-ta-ri), adj. pertaining to soldiers or to arms ; warlike ; mar- tial : n. soldiers collectively ; army ; troops. militate ('i-tat), v.i. to be, or stand, opposed ; operate against (with against). militia (mi-lish'a), n. citizens en- rolled and trained for the internal defense of a state. anilk (milk), n. a white fluid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals for the nourishment of their young, especially the milk of the cow ; the white juice of certain plants : v.t. to draw milk from ; sup- ply with milk. milksop ('sop), n. an effeminate, weak person. milk-tootk (-tooth), n. the fore- tooth of a foal ; one of the tempo- rary first set of teeth in the young of mammals. Milky Way ('i wa), ^. a broad lumi- nous band in the heavens, from horizon to horizon, consisting of in- numerable stars. mill (mil), n. a machine for grinding and reducing a substance to small particles ; a manufactory ; a prize fight ; a money of account = 1- 1,000th of a. dollar: v.t. to reduce to fine particles in a mill ; press or stamp, as the edges of coins; full (cloth); roll into bars, as metal; thrash. millboard ('bord), n. a kind of thick pasteboard. millennial (mil-len'ni-al), adj. of or pertaining to the millennium. millennium ('i-um), n. the space of 1,000 years, especially that period during which Satan will be bound and Christ will reign on earth (Rev. XX. 1-4). milleped (mil'e-ped), n. an insect with numerous feet, belonging to the genus Julus. Also millepede. millepore ('e-por), n. sl coral of the genus Millepora, having a smooth surface, perforated with very small pores. miller ('er), n. one who keeps or works a flour mill. millet ('et), n. a grain-bearing plant. milli, a prefix meaning 1,000th part of, as miZZtampere, the 1,000th part of an ampere. milliard ('i-ard, or me-lyar'), n. one thousand millions. millier (me-lya'), n. in the metric system, a ton — 1,000,000 grams. milligram (mil'i-gram), n. the 1,000th part of a gram = .0154 grain- English. Also milligramme. milliliter ('i-li-ter), n. the 1,000th part of a liter = .06102 cubic in. millinxeter ('li-me-ter),w. the 1,000th part of a meter = .03937 in. milliner ('in-er), n. one who makes women's bonnets, hats, headdresses, &c. millinery ('li-ner-i), n. the articles made and sold by a milliner. milling ('ing), n. the act of grind- ing in, or passing through, a dress- ing mill ; the process of making a serrated edge on a coin, &c. million ('yun), n. the number of ten hundred thousand ; an indefinitely large number. millionaire (-ar'), n. a person who is worth a million ; one very rich. millionth ('yunth), adj. being one of a million : n.one of 1,000,000 parts. millpond ('pond), n. a reservoir of water for driving a mill. millrace ('ras), n. a current of water that drives a mill. millstone ('ston), n. one of two flat cylindrical stones for grinding grain. milt (milt), n. the spleen; the sper- ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not: book •- hue, hut ; think, then. boon. 529 min matic organ of a male fish : v.t. to im- pregnate the ova of (a female fish). mime (mim), n. a kind of drama among the Greeks and Romans in which real persons and events were represented in a ludicrous manner ; an actor in a mime. mimetic (ml-met'ik), adj. imitative. Also mimetical. mimetism (mim'e-tizm), n. mimicry. mimic ('ik), adj. inclined to imi- tate ; imitative : n. one who mimics or imitates : v.t. to imitate, or ridi- cule by imitation. mimicker (-er), n. a mimic. m.im.icry (-ri), n. ludicrous imitation for sport or ridicule ; close external likeness. minaret (min'a-ret), n. a tall slen- der turret attached to a mosque surrounded with several balconies' from which the muezzin calls the people to prayers. minatory Ca-to-ri), adj. threatening. mince (mins), v.t. to cut or chop into minute pieces ; extenuate or suppress : v.i. to talk with affected elegance ; walk with short steps or in a prim manner. miince-meat ('met), n. meat chopped very fine, especially with suet, rai- sins, lemon peel, &c. mincing ('ing), adj. affectedly ele- gant. mind (mind), n. the intellectual or rational faculty in man ; the under- standing or intellect ; soul ; mem- ory ; intention ; opinion : v.t. to at- tend to ; heed ; obey. minded ('ed), p.adj. liaving a mind; disposed or inclined. mindful ('fool), adj. bearing in mind ; observant ; attentive. mine (min), pron. belonging to me: n. an excavation in the earth from which minerals, precious stones, &c., are extracted ; crude ironstone ; a tunnel under an enemy's works to blow them up ; a rich source of wealth : v.i. to carry on mining operations ; practice secret methods : v.t. to undermine or sap. mineral (min'er-al), n. any inor- ganic body found on the surface or in the earth : adj. pertaining to, con- sisting of, or impregnated with, a mineral. mineralize (-iz), v.t. to convert into a mineral ; impregnate with mineral matter : v.i. to make excursions to collect minerals. mineralogist (-al'o-jist), n. one skilled in the knowledge of minerals. mineralogy (-al'o-ji), n. the science of minerals. mingle (ming'gl), v.t. to intermix; join or combine ; blend ; compound : v.i. to be mixed or united with. miniature (min'i-a-ttir), n. a very small painting, especially a portrait on ivory, &c. : adj. done on a very small scale ; diminutive ; minute. minim ('im), n. the smallest liquid measure ; a single drop ; a musical note = 2 crotchets ; one of an order of mendicant friars founded by St. Francis of Paola, 15th century ; a small fish. minimize (-iz), v.t. to reduce to a minimum. minimum ('i-mum), n. [pi. minima -ma)], the least quantity; trifle. xaining (min'ing), p.adj. pertaining to mines ; burrowing in the earth : n. the act of making mines or work- ing them. minion (min'yun), n. a size of type intermediate between nonpareil and brevier (see type) ; a servile flat- terer or dependent. minister ('is-ter), n. a servant; one subordinate to another ; agent ; one intrusted with the direction of af- fairs of state ; ambassador ; a cler- gyman or pastor of a church author- ized to preach and administer the sacraments : v.t. to supply ; admin- ister : v.i. to serve in some office, clerical or lay ; supply things neces- sary. ministerial (-te'ri-al), adj. pertain- ing to ministry or service, official or clerical ; pertaining to a minis- ter of the state or_of religion. ministerialist (-te'ri-al-ist), n. a supporter of the ministry in office. ministerially (-li), adv. in a mkiis- terial manner. ministrant ('is-trant), adj. serving as a minister. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note;, north, not ; boonj book; hue, hut; think, then. min 530 mis ministration (-tra'shun), n. the act of ministering ; administration ; service. ministry ('is-tri), n. [pi. ministries (-triz)], the agency or service of a ininister of religion ; the office, du- ties, or functions of a minister of state ; ministers of state collective- ly ; term of ministerial office. minium ('i-um), n. red oxide of lead. miniver ('i-ver), n. the Siberian squirrel or its fur. Also minever. mink (mingk), n. a carnivorous mam- mal allied to the weasel, yielding a valuable fur. minnoiv (min'o), n. a fresh-water fish of small size. minor (mi'ner), adj. smaller; less; inconsiderable ; less by a semitone [Music] : n. one of either sex who is under the age of 21 ; in logic, the term or premise containing the sub- ject of the conclusion. minority (mi-nor'i-ti), n. [pi. mi- norities (-tiz)], the smallest num- ber : opposed to majority ; the state of being a minor. miinotaur (min'o-tawr), n. in classic mythology, a monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man. minster ('ster), n. the church of a monastery ; a cathedral church. minstrel ('strel), n. in medieval times, one of an order of men who traveled from place to place singing their musical compositions to the accompaniment of a harp ; a poet or musician. minstrelsy (-si), n. the art or occu- . pation of minstrels ; minstrels col- lectively ; a collection of ballad poetry. mint (mint), n. the place where money is coined by government au- thority ; source of unlimited supply ; place of invention or fabrication ; an odoriferous plant yielding a pungent essential oil : v.t. to coin or stamp ^( money) ; invent. mintage ('aj), n. coin, &c., produced in a mint; duty paid to the mint for coining gold or silver. mint julep (ju'lep), n. a drink com- pounded of brandy, sugar, and pounded ice, flavored with mint. minuend (min'u-end), n. that num- ber from which another number is to be subtracted. minuet ('u-et), n. a slow graceful dance ; music for such a dance. minus (mi'nus), n. the sign ( — ) of subtraction. minute (-nut'), adj. very small; pre- cise: n. (min'it) l-60th part of an hour or of a degree ; an official note ; memorandum. minutely (mi-nut'li), adv. in a mi- nute manner ; exactly. minuteness ('nes), n. the quality of being^ minute ; exactness. minutiae (mi-nu'shi-e), n.pl. smaller or minor details or particulars. minx (mingks), n. a pert, wanton girl. Miocene (mi'o-sen), adj. pertaining to the middle division of the Ter- tiary formation. miracle (mir'a-kl), n. a supernatural occurrence or act ; wonder or mar- vel. miraculous (mi-rak'ti-lus), adj. per- formed supernaturally ; wonderful. mirage (mi-riizh'), n. an optical at- mospheric illusion by which the im- age of a distant object is seen as if inverted. mire ( mir ) , n. deep mud ; wet clayey earth : v.t. to soil with mire ; plunge and fix in mud : v.i. to sink in mud. miriness ('i-nes), n. the state of be- ing miry. mirror (mir'er), n. a looking-glass; speculum ; pattern : v.t. to reflect as in a mirror. mirth (merth), n. noisy gaiety; so- cial merriment ; hilarity ; jollity. mirthful ('fool), adj. merry; fes- tive. mirthfully (-li), adv. in a mirthful manner. miry ('ri), adj. abounding in, or cov- ered with, mire. mirza (mer'za), n. a Persian title equivalent to prince. mis, prefix meaning wrong, wrongly, ill, error, divergence. misadventure (mis-ad-ven'tiir), n. an unlucky accident ; misfortune. misalliance (-a-ll'ans), n. an im- proper alliance by marriage, espe- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon^ book; hue, hut; think, then. mis -31 mis cially with one of lower social status ; see also mesalliance. 3uisantlirope ('an-throp), n. a hater of mankind. misanthropic (-throp'ik), adj. hat- ing mankind. Also misanthropical. misanthropy ('thro-pi), n. hatred of mankind. misapprehend (-ap-re-hend'), v.t. to misunderstand ; misconceive. snisappropriate (-pro'pri-at), v.t. to apply to a wrong use or purpose, as trust-money, &c. miscarriage (-kar'aj), n. failure; misbehavior ; premature parturition. miscarry (-kar'i), vA. [p.t. & p.p. miscarried, p.pr. miscarrying], to go wrong ; be unsuccessful ; bring forth young prematurely. miscellanea (-e-la'ne-a), n.pl. a col- lection of miscellaneous matters, or things. miscellaneous ('ne-us), adj. con- sisting of several kinds mixed to- gether ; promiscuous. miscellany ('e-la-ni), n. [pi. miscel- lanies (-niz)], a mixture of various kinds ; a book containing a variety of literary compositions. mischance (-Chans'), n. misfortune; mishap. mischief ('chif), n. harm; injury; hurt ; damage ; misfortune. mischievous ('chi-vus), adj. produc- ing injury or damage ; hurtful ; in- clined to mischief. miscible ('i-bl), adj. capable of be- ing mixed. misconceive (-kon-sev'), v.t. to con- ceive wrongly; misjudge; misappre- hend. misconception (-sep'shun), n. false opinion ; misapprehension. miscreant ('kre-ant), n. an unscru- pulous villain ; vile wretch : adj. un- scrupulous. misdemean (-de-men'), v.t. to be- have (one's self) ill. misdemeanant (-de-men'ant), n. one guilty of a misdemeanor. misdemeanor ('er), n. evil conduct; a crime less than a felony. miser (mi'zer), n. a covetous man who denies himself the comforts of life to hoard up money. miserable (miz'er-a-bl), adj. wretch- ed ; very unhappy ; worthless ; des- picable ; very mean or poor. miserably (-bli), adv. in a miserable manner. misery ('er-i), n. extreme pain, dis- tress, or misfortune ; great unhap- piness. misfeasance (-fe'zans), n. legal trespass ; wrong performance. mislay (mis-la'), v.t. to lose. misle, another form of mizzle. misly (miz'li), adj. raining in mi- nute drops. misogynist (mi-soj'i-nist), n. a wom- an-hater. misogyny ('i-ni), n. hatred of wom- en. misplace (-plas'), v.t. to put in a wrong place ; place on an improper or undeserving object. misprision (-prizh'un), n. in law, a high offense under the degree of a capital one, but bordering upon it. misprision of felony (fel'o-ni), n, concealment of a felony by one who is cognizant thereof, but without consenting to it. misrepresent (-rep-re-zent')> 'W.*. to represent falsely or incorrectly, wil- •fully, or through carelessness. Miss (mis), n. [pi. misses ('ez)], a title of address prefixed to the name of an unmarried lady. miss, n. a young unmarried girl or woman ; failure to hit, reach, per- ceive, or obtain : v.t. to fail to hit, &c. ; omit or pass by ; do without ; feel the want of : v.i. to fail to hit ; fly wide of the mark. missal ('al), n. the book containing the order of service for the Roman Catholic Mass. missel (miz'l), n. the mistlethrush. missile (mis'il), n. a weapon or thing thrown, or designed to be thrown, to injure another. missing ('ing), p.adj. lost; wanting. mission (mish'un), n. the act of sending, or state of being sent with certain powers, especially to propa- gate religion ; embassy ; delegation ; commission ; a series of special re- ligious services. missionary (-a-ri), n. [pi. mission- aries (-riz)], a person who is sent to propagate religion, especially in ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. mis 532 foreign parts : adj. pertaining to missions or missionaries. xnissioner (-er), n. a missionary ; one who has charge of, or conducts, a mission. missive ('iv), n. a letter or message: adj. sent specially. mist (mist), n. visible watery va- por in the atmosphere, at or near the earth's surface ; fog ; anything that dims or obscures the vision : v.t. to cover with, or as with, mist : v.i. to rain in minute drops. mistakable (mis-tak'a-bl), adj. lia- ble to be mistaken. mistake (-tak'), v.t. [p.t. mistook, p.p. mistaken, p.pr. mistaking], to misunderstand ; misconceive ; mis- judge : v.i. to err in judgment or opinion : n. an error in judgment ; misconception ; fault. Mister ('ter), n. a title of address prefixed to a man's name : abbre- viated in writing Mr. mistily ('ti-li), adv. obscurely; dark- ly- mistiness (-nes), n. the state of be- ing misty ; obscurity ; dimness. mistletoe (miz'l-to), n. an evergreen plant parasitic on apple trees, &c., and less commonly on the oak. mistress (mis'tres), n. a woman who exercises authority or governs ; the female head of a family, school, &c. ; a woman well skilled in anything ; a woman courted and beloved ; sweetheart ; a kept woman. Mistress (mis'tres), n. a title of ad- dress prefixed to the name of a married woman; abbreviated Mrs. (mis'is). misty ('ti), adj. \_comp. mistier, superl. mistiest], characterized by, or obscured with, mist ; dim ; ob- scure"; clouded. misunderstand (-un-der-stand'), v.t. to^ take in a wrong sense ; miscon- ceive. misunderstanding ('ing), n. mis- conception ; disagreement. mite (mit), n. a minute insect of the division Acarida; a small coin formerly current; a very small ob- ject or quantity, miter, mitre (mi'ter), n. the head- dress of the high priest of the Jews ; ate, arm, ask, at, awl a kind of crown cleft in the middle, worn by archbishops, bishops, and sometimes by abbots on special oc- casions ; the dignity of a bishop ; the junction of moldings at an angle of 45° : v.t. to adorn with a miter ; join at 45°. mitigate (mit'i-gat), v.t. to render less severe or rigorous or painful ; soften ; alleviate. mitigation (-ga'shun), n. the act of mitigating ; alleviation. mitigative (mit'i-ga-tiv), adj. allevi- ating. mitigator (-ter), n. one who, or that which, mitigates. mitigatory (mit'i-ga-to-ri), adj. tending to mitigate. mitrailleuse (me-tra-lyez'), n. a breech-loading gun formed of many barrels fitted together, and capable of being fired simultaneously. mitral (mi'tral), adj. pertaining to, or shaped like, a miter. mitriform ('tri-form), adj. shaped like a miter ; conical. mitten ('n), n. a fingerless winter glove ; a fingerless cover for the hand or wrist. mittimus (mit'i-musj, (Latin we send), n. a warrant of commitment to prison ; a writ transferring a rec- ord out of one court to another. mix (miks), v.t. to unite or blend into one mass or compound ; join : v.i. to become united in a com- pound ; associate ; mingle. mixture ('tur), n. the state of being mixed ; a compound or mass formed by mixing, especially one in which the particles of each ingredient re- tain their property. mizzen (miz'n), n. the hindmost of the fore- and aft-sails of a vessel. mizzle ('1), v.i. to rain in very mi- nute drops ; to take one's self off : n. fine rain. mizzly ('li), adj. drizzling; misty. mnemonic (ne-mon'ik), adj. assist- ing the memory. mnemonics ('iks)., n.pl. the art or science of assisting the memory. moan (mon), v.i. to utter a low sound from, or as from, pain or sorrow : n. a low prolonged expres- sion of sorrow or pain. me, merge, met; mite, mit; book; hue, hut; think, then. note, north, not; b55n, 533 mog suoat (mot), n. a ditch round a for- tress, &c. : v.t. to surround with a moat. mob (mob), n. the populace; a rude disorderly crowd ; riotous assembly ; rabble : v.t. to attack in a disorderly crowd ; crowd about and annoy. mobcap ('kap), n. sl woman's plain headdress or cap. mobile (mo'bil), adj. easily moved. mobility (-bil'i-ti), n. susceptibility of motion. miobilization (-i-za'shun), n. the act of mobilizing. mobilize (-Iz), v.t. to call (troops) into active service. mobocracy (mob-ok'ra-si), n. the rule, or ascendency, of the mob. moccasin (mok'a-sin), n. a deerskin sandal or shoe worn by the North American Indians ; a poisonous American snake. mocba (mo'ka), n. a kind of coffee from Mocha, a seaport of Arabia. mock (mok), v.t. to ridicule; mimic in sport, contempt, or derision ; de- ride ; disappoint the hopes of ; tan- talize : n. derision ; ridicule : adj. false ; counterfeit. mockery ( 'er-i ) , n. derision ; ridi- cule ; delusion ; imitation. mocking ('ing) , p. adj. derisive ; mim- icking. mocking bird (herd), n. an Ameri- can thrush noted for mimicry of the notes of other birds. modal (mo'dal), adj. pertaining to mode or form ; indicating some mode of expression. modality (-dal'i-ti), n. the fact of being a mode ; in law, the quality of being suspended by a condition. mode (mod), n. form; custom; fashion ; manner ; variety of a syllo- gism. model (mod'el), n. a pattern of some- thing to be made, or reproduced ; ex- ample for imitation ; standard copy : a person who poses as a subject for a painter or sculptor : adj. serving as a pattern or model : v.t. to form after a model, especially in some plastic material : v.i. to practice modeling. modeler (-er), n. one who models. modeling (-ing), n. the act or art of making a model, especially of a work of art in some plastic material. moderate (mod'er-at), v.t. to keep within bounds ; lessen ; qualify : v.i. to become less violent or intense ; preside as a moderator : adj. kept within bounds ; not extreme or ex- cessive ; restrained ; frugal ; calm ; reasonable ; mild. moderately (-li), adv. in a moderate manner. moderation (-a'shun), n. the act of moderating ; the state of being mod- erate ; freedom from excess ; equa- nimity. moderator (mod'er-a-ter), n. one who, or that which, moderates or re- strains ; the presiding officer in a church meeting. modern ('ern), adj. pertaining to the present time ; recent : n.pl. people of modern times. modernize (-iz), v.t. to render mod- ern in usage or taste. modest ('est), adj. restrained by a due sense of propriety ; diffident ; decent ; chaste. modesty ('es-ti), n. the quality or state of being modest ; propriety of behavior or manner ; chastity ; dif- fidence ; moderation. modicum ('i-kum), n. a little. modification (-i-fi-ka'shun), n. the act of modifying ; the state of being modified ; slight change in form. modify ('i-fl), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. modi- fied, p.pr. modifying], to change slightly in form ; vary ; qualify ; re- duce. modiste (mo-dest')> w. a fashionable dressmaker. modulate (mod'u-lat), v.t. to vary the sound of ; change the key or mode of : v.i. to pass from one musi- cal key to another. modulation (-la'shun), n. the act of modulating ; the state of being modulated. suodulator ('ii-la-ter), n. one who, or that which, modulates ; in the tonic sol-fa system, a chart to in- dicate its modulations. Mogul (mo-gul'), adj. pertaining to the Mongolians : n. a person of the Mongolian race. The Emperor of Delhi is called the Great Mogul. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. inoli 534 mohair ('har), n. a fabric made from the hair of the Angora goat ; an im- itation of such a fabric. Mohammedan (-ham'e-dan), adj. pertaining to Mohammed, or to Mo- hammedanism : n. an adherent of Mohammedanism. Also Mahometan, Mahomedan, Mussulman, Moslem. Mohammedanism (-izm), n. the re- ligion, doctrines, or institutions founded by Mohammed. moiety (moi'e-ti), w. one of two equal parts or shares ; half. moil (moil), v.i. to toil; drudge. moire (mwar), n. watered silk. moire-antique (an-tek'), n. a supe- rior variety of watered silk. moist (moist), adj. containing water or other liquid ; humid ; damp. moisten (mois'n), v.t. to make moist. moisture (moist'ur), n. a moderate degree of dampness ; slight wetness. moke (mok), n, a donkey. molar (mo'ler), n. a double tooth or grinder : adj. used for, and capable of, grinding. molasses (-las'ez), n. treacle. mold, mould (mold), n. a fine soft soil, rich in decayed matter ; sub- stance of which anything is com- posed ; a minute fungoid growth of decaying animal or vegetable mat- ter ; the matrix in which anything is cast or shaped ; cliaracter : v.t. cover with mold ; cause to become moldy ; fashion in, or as in, a mold : v.i. to become moldy. molder, moulder ('er), v.t. to turn into dust by natural decay : v.i. to crumble to mold ; waste away by degrees : n. one who molds. moldiness, mouldiness ('i-nes), n. the state of being moldy. molding, moulding ('ing), n. the act of molding ; anything made in or by a mold ; ornamental strip : used on a wall, picture frame, &c. moldy, mouldy ('i), adj. covered with or having mold. mole (mol), n. a dark-colored mark or small protuberance on the skin ; a small soft-furred burrowing ani- mal with small eyes of the genus Talpa -, a pier or breakwater. molecular (mo-lek'ti-lar), adj. per- taining to, consisting of, produced by, or existing between, molecules. molecularity (-lek-u-lar'i-ti), n, molecular state. molecule (mol'e-kul), n. the smallest quantity of an element or compound which can exist separately. moleskin (mol'skin), n. a twilled fustian cloth with a soft surface resembling a mole's fur. molest (mo-lesf), v.t. to annoy, or interfere with ; trouble ; vex. molestation (mol-es-ta'shun), n. the act of molesting ; interference ; an- noyance. mollifier ('i-fi-er), n. one who molli- fies. mollify ('i-fi), 'C.t. [f.t. & p.p. molli- fied, p.pr. mollifying], to calm; soften ; assuage. mollusk ('usk), n. one of the Mol- lusca. Mollusca (mo-lus'ka), n.pl. a divis- ion of the Invertebrata comprising animals with a soft fleshy body, and covered more or less with a calca- reous shell, as the snail, &c. molluscan ('kan), adj. pertaining to the Mollusca. Also molluscous. Moloch (mo'lok), n. the fire-god of the ancient Phoenicians and Ammo- nites to whom human sacrifices were offered. Also Molech. molt, moult (molt), v.i. to cast the feathers, hair, skin, &c. molten (molt'en), adj. melted; made of melted metal. molybdenum (mol-ib-de'num), n. a rare metallic element. moment (mo'ment), n. the smallest possible portion of time ; an instant ; importance ; value ; the product of a force and the perpendicular of its line of action from the point on which it acts. momentarily (-ta-ri-li), adv. for a moment ; from moment to moment, momentary ('men-ta-ri), adj. last- ing only for, or done in, a moment. momentous (-men'tus), adj. very important. momentum (-men'tum), n. impetus; the product of the mass by the ve- locity of a moving body. monachism (mon'a-kizm), n. mo- ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nDrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 535 nastic life or system. Also monas- ticisrn. monad ('ad), n. an ultimate atom; a simple primary constituent of mat- ter ; one of the smallest flagellate Infusoria ; an elementary organism or cell ; a univalent atom or radical. xaonarcli ('ark), n. a supreme ruler; sovereign ; the chief of its class or kind : adj. supreme. znonarcliic (-ar'kik), adj. pertain- ing to a monarch or to monarchy ; vested in a monarch. Also monar- chical. xuonarcliisxu ('ar-kizm), n. the prin- ciples of monarchy ; preference for monarchy. monarcliist (-ist), n. an advocate for, or supporter of, monarchy. monarcliy ('ark-i), n. [pi. monarch- ies (-iz)], government in which the supreme power, either absolute or limited, is vested in a monarch, kingdom, or empire. xuonasterial (-as-te'ri-al), adj. per- taining to a monastery, or to mo- nastic life. monastery ('as-ter-i), n. [pi. mon- asteries (-iz)], a home for religious retirement for men. monastic (mo-nas'tik), adj. pertain- ing to monasteries, monks, their rules, &c. Also monastical. monastically (-al-li), adv. in a monastic manner. monasticism ('ti-sizm), n. monach- ism. mondaine (mon-dan'), n. a woman of fashion. Monday (mun'da), n. the second day of the week. monetary (mun'e-ta-ri), adj. per- taining to money. monetary unit (u'nit), n. the stand- ard of the currency of a nation, as the pound in England, or the dol- lar in the United States. monetization ( -e-ti-za'shun ) , n. the act of monetizing. monetize ('e-tiz), v.t. to convert in- to money ; give a standard or cur- rent value to. money ('i), n. [pi. moneys ('iz)], coin ; specie ; gold, silver, or other metal stamped by legal authority and used as currency ; any currency used as money ; wealth. moneyed ('id), adj. possessed of money ; wealthy. monger (mung'ger), n. a dealer. Mongol (mong'gol), adj. pertaining to Mongolia, or to its inhabitants, or to one of the great divisions of mankind, of which the Mongols and Chinese are the type : n. a member of the Mongol race. Also Mongo- lian. mongoose, another form of mun- goose. mongrel "(mung'grel), adj. of a mixed breed or kind : n. anything of mixed breed or kind, as a dog, &c. monism (mon'izm), n. the doctrine of the unity of substance ; the identity of matter and mind. monist ('ist), n. a supporter or ad- vocate of monism. monistic (mo-nis'tik), adj. pertain- ing to monism. monition (mo-nish'un), n. admoni- tion ; warning ; notice. monitive (mon'i-tiv), adj. admoni- tory. monitor ('i-ter), n. one who warns or admonishes ; a senior pupil se- lected to. instruct the younger schol- ars ; heavily-armed turreted iron- clad ; a genus of large lizards. monitorial (-to'ri-al), adj. pertain- ing to, or performed by, a monitor. monitorially (-li), adv. in a monito- rial manner. monitory ('i-to-ri), adj. giving moni- tion. moni tress ('i-tres), n. a female mon- itor. monk (mungk), n. a man who de- votes himself exclusively to a reli- gious life and lives in community with others similarly bound by vows to chastity, obedience, and poverty. monkey ('i), n. [pi. monkeys ('iz)], a quadrumanous mammal, of the species Simiidse ; a name for va- rious mechanical contrivances ; a name of contempt, especially for one of mischievous propensities. monkey-boat (-bot), n. a small dock-boat. ate, arm, ash, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 536 monkey-jacket (-jak'et), n. a short closely fitting thick jacket. mGnkhood ('hood), n. the character or condition of a monk; monks col- lectively. monkshood ('s-hood), n. aconite. mono, a prefix meaning one, single, alone. Also mon, as monobasic : adj. having only a single atom or equivalent of base, wonocle, an eye- glass for one eye. monocular (mo-nok'u-lar), adj. adapted for use for one eye; with one eye only. anonody (mon'o-di), n. a plaintive poem or song for one voice. monogamy (mo-nog'a-mi), n. mar- riage of one wife only; marrying only once ; pairing with a single mate, as the dove. monogenesis (mon-o-gen'e-sis), n. a sexual reproduction from a single cell. monogram, ('o-gram), n. a cipher or character formed by the interweav- ing of two or more letters. monograpk ('6-graf), n. a paper or treatise written on one particular subject or some b.ranch of it. xaonolith ('o-lith), n. a pillar or col- umn formed of a single stone. monologue ('o-log), n. a dramatic scene in which one-, person only speaks ; soliloquy. monomania (-ma'ni-a), n. mental derangement in regard to one sub- ject only. monomaniac (-ma'ni-ak), adj. per- taining to, or affected with, mono- mania: n. one affected with mono- mania. monometallism (-met'al-izm), n. the legalized use of one metal only as currency. monoplane (mon'-6-plan), n. an aeroplane supported by a single plane or sustaining surface, as con- trasted with the biplane, q. v. m.onopolist (mo-uop'o-list), n. one who has a monopoly, or monopolizes. monopolize ('o-liz), v.t. to acquire the possession of so as to be the only seller ; to engross the whole of. monotkeism (mon'o-the-izm), n. the doctrine of, or belief in, the ex- istence of one God. monotone (mon'o-ton), n. recitation on a single note or key : v.t. to re- cite (as prayers) on a single note. monotonous (mo-not'o-nus), adj. continued in the same unvarying tone ; wearisome. monotony ('o-ni), n. dull uniform- ity of tone ; unvarying or irksome sameness. monoxide (-noks'id), n. an oxide having one atom of oxygen in each molecule. laonseigneur (mong-sa-nyer'), n. [pi. messeigneurs (ma-sa-nyer') ], formerly a title in France given to persons of high birth or rank, espe- cially to the dauphin; a title of French bishops. monsieur (mo-sye'), n. [pi. mes- sieurs (me-sye')], a French title of courtesy, equivalent to Sir or Mr, ; formerly the title of the eldest brother of the King of France. monsignore (mon-se-nyo'ra), n. [pi. monsignori ('re)], an ecclesiastical title conferred by the Pope on prel- ates of the papal household, equiva- lent to Lord. monsoon (-soon'), n. a periodical wind in the Indian Ocean blowing from the southwest from April to October, and from the southwest during the other part of the year. monster ('ster), n. anything out of the usual course of nature ; prodigy ; something greatly deformed ; a per- son remarkable for extreme wicked- ness, cruelty, &c. : adj. of unusual size. monstrosity (-stros'i-ti), n. [pi. monstrosities (-tiz)], the state or quality of being monstrous ; an un- natural production. monstrous ('strus), adj. out of the common course of nature ; wonder- ful ; huge ; horrible ; enormous. monte (mon'ta), n. a gambling game played with dice or cards by the Spaniards. month (munth), n. one of the twelve divisions of the year, either calen- dar or lunar. monthly ('li), adj. continued, per- formed, or happening, in a month : adv. once each month : n. a maga- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n6rth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. mon 537 zine or periodical published each month. moxLument (mon'u-ment), n. any- thing that perpetuates the memory of a person or event. monumental ('al), adj. pertaining to, or serving as, a monument ; last- ing. monumentally (-li), adv. by way of a monument or memorial. moo (moo), v.i. to make the noise of a C0V7 ; lov^ : n. the lowing of a cow. mood (mood), n. style; manner; temper of mind ; variation in the form of a verb to express the man- ner of action or being ; in logic, the form of a syllogism with regard to the quantity and quality of the three propositions by which it is formed ; in music, the same as mode. moodily ('i-li), adv. in a moody man- ner. moodiness (-nes), n. moody disposi- tion. moody ('i), adj. [comp. moodier, swperZ. moodiest], abstracted and pen- sive ; out of temper ; sad ; gloomy. moon (moon), w. the satellite that re- volves round the earth ; satellite of a planet ; a month ; a crescent- shaped outwork : v.i. to wander and look about in an abstracted and list- less manner. moonsail ('sal), n. a sail carried above a skysail. Also moonraker. moonshine ('shin), n. moonlight; show without reality ; smuggled spirits. moonshiner (-er), n. a distiller of illicit whisky ; a smuggler of whisky. moonstone ('ston), n. a translucent stone of yellowish or yellow-white color exhibiting beautiful pearly reflections. moonstruck ('struk), adj. lunatic. moonwort ('wert), n. a fern with crescent-shaped fronds. moony ('i), adj. crescent-shaped; weakly sentimental ; intoxicated. Moor (moor), n. one of a dark race dwelling in Barbary in Northern Africa. moor (moor), n. an extensive tract of waste land covered with heather, &c., sometimes marshy or peaty : v.t. to secure (a ship) by a cable and anchor : v.i. to be secured by a cable and anchor. moorage ('aj), n. a mooring place. moor-cock ('kok), n. the male of the red grouse. Also moor-fowl. mooring ('ing), n. the act of secur- ing a vessel to a particular place ; the cables, anchors, &c., laid at the bottom of a harbor, &c., to which a vessel is moored : pi. the place where a vessel is moored. moorstone ('ston), n. a variety of Cornish granite, used for building. moose (moos), n. a large North American deer resembling the Euro- pean elk. moot (moot), v.t. to propose for dis- cussion : v.i. to argue or plead on a supposed case : n. a discussion on a supposed case : adj. subject or open for discussion or debate. mop (mop), n. an instrument for washing floors, decks, &c., consist- ing of a bundle of cloth, rags, &c., fastened to the end of a long handle ; a fair at which servants are hired : v.t. [p i. & p.p. mopped, p.pr. mop- ping], to rub or dry with a mop. mope (mop), v.i. to be silent, dull or dispirited. moquette (mo-kef), n. a Brussels or tapestry carpet with a short velvety pile. mora (mo'ra), n. a South American tree the wood of which is used for shipbuilding and furniture, and its bark for tanning ; an Italian game of guess played with the fingers. moraine (mo-ran'), n. a line of rocks and gravel at the edges and base of glaciers. moral (mor'al), adj. pertaining to morality or morals ; conformed to right ; subject to, or influenced by, the moral law ; virtuous ; practical- ly sufiicient ; serving to teach a moral : n. inner meaning : pi. moral philosophy or ethics ; conduct of life ; behavior. morale (mo-ral'), n. moral condi- tion ; that mental state which ren- ders a man capable of endurance and of exhibiting courage in the pres- ence of danger. moralize (mor'al-iz), v.t. to apply or explain in a moral sense ; render ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boonj book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 538 moral : v.i. to 'make reflections on good or evil. moralist (mor'a-list), n. one who moralizes ; one who teaches or prac- tices the duties of life. morality (mo-ral'i-ti), n. [pi. moral- ities (-tiz)], the doctrine or prac- tice of the duties of life ; ethics ; vir- tue ; formerly a kind of allegorical play. morally (mor'al-i), adv. according to the rules of morality ; ethically ; vir- tuously ; practically. moral pMlosopky (fil-os'o-fi), n. ethics. morass (mo-ras'), n. a swamp; fen. Moravian (-ra'vi-an), adj. pertain- ing to Moravia, or to a Protestant sect, the Moravians or United Breth- ren. morbid (mor'bid), adj. pertaining to disease ; sickly ; unhealthy. morbidity (-bid'i-ti), n. sl morbid state. morbific (-bif'ik), adj. producing dis- ease. morceau (-so'), n. a small pieCe [French]. mordant ('dant), adj. biting into or fixing colors ; sarcastic ; caustic : n. a substance that has a chemical af- finity for coloring matter, and serves to fix certain colors in dyeing ; a substance to make gold-leaf adhere. more (mor), adj. [comp. of many and mucli, superl. most], greater in num- ber, quality, extent, number, &c. ; additional ; longer : adv. to a greater degree, &c. ; again ; besides : n. a greater quantity, number, &c. ; something further or additional. moreen (rao-ren'), n. a stout woolen embossed or figured fabric. morel (mor'el), n. a small fungus used for food and flavoring. Also moril. morello (mo-rel'o), n. a dark-red cherry : used for making cherry- brandy. moreover (mor-5'ver), adv. besides; further. Moresque (mo-resk'), adj. Moorish or Arabesque : n. such decoration or architecture. morganatic (mor-ga-nat'ik), adj. noting the marriage of a man of royal rank with a woman of infe^ rior degree, whose children are legit- imate but cannot inherit their fa- ther's rank or possessions. morgue (mOrg), n. a place where the bodies of persons unknown found dead are exposed for identification. moribund (mor'i-bund), adj. dying. moringa (mo-ring'ga), n. a highly scented East Indian tree, yielding the ben-nut and ben-oil. morion (mo'ri-un), n. an open hel- met without beaver or vizor. Morisco (mo-ris'ko), n. a Moor; the Moorish language. Mormon (mor'mun), adj. pertaining to a sect founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith, who professed to have found the Book of Mormon. The sect, called also Latter Day Saints, for- merly practiced polygamy, and has its headquarters in Utah, U. S. A. Mormonisxn (-izm), n. the doctrines and practices of the Mormons. morning (morn'iug), n. the early part of the day : Poet, morn : adj. pertaining to, occurring, or per- formed, in the morning. morning -watch, (woch), n. watch on shipboard from 4 a. m. to 8 a. m. merocco (mo-rok'o), n. a fine kind of grained leather of goatskin or sheepskin ; first prepared at Moroc- co, Africa. mor one (-ron'), n. a dark crimson color. morose (-ros'), adj. sullen; austere; gloomy. morosely ('li), adv. in a morose man- ner. moroseness ('nes), the quality or state of being morose. morpbia (mor'fi-a), n. the narcotic principle of opium. Also morphine. morphinism ('fin-izm), n. a morbid state occasioned by the excessive use of morphia. morphological (-fo-loj'i-kal), adj. pertaining to morphology. Also morphologic. morphology (-fol'o-ji), n. the science of the forms in the organisms of animals and plants. morris (mor 'is), n. a Moorish dance with tambourines, bells, castanets, &c., common in Old English pa- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 539 mot geants and revels ; an old game played with men and counters on squares. Also morrice. anorro-w ('o), n. the next day. morse (mors), n. the walrus; a clasp for fastening a cope. morsel (mor'sel), n. a small piece. mort (mort), n. a salmon in its third year ; a note or notes sounded on a hunting horn to notify the death of game. mortal (mor'tal), adj. subject to death ; causing death ; fatal ; pun- ishable with death ; violent ; ex- treme ; tedious ; pertaining to human beings : n. a human being ; man, as subject to death. mortality (tal'i-ti), n. the condition of being mortal ; mankind ; fre- quency or number of deaths in ratio to population. mortally ('tal-li), adv. so as to cause death ; fatally ; extremely. Eiortar ('ter), n. a vessel in which substances are pounded with a pes- tle ; a short piece of ordnance used for throwing shells at high angles of elevation ; a building cement of lime, sand, and water : v.t. to plaster or secure with mortar. mortgage ( mor'ga j ) , w. a deed con- veying property to a creditor as se- curity for the payment of a debt ; the deed by which such conveyance is made : v.t. to convey or make over to a creditor as security ; pledge. mortgagee (-ga-je'), n. the person to whom a mortgage is made or given. mortgager ('ga-jer), n. the person who grants a mortgage. Also mort- gagor. mortification (-ti-fi-ka'shun), n. the act of mortifying ; gangrene ; subjugation of the passions and ap- petites by abstinence ; humiliation ; vexation ; chagrin. mortify ('ti-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. mor- tified, p.pr. mortifying], to destroy the vital functions of ; produce gan- grene in ; subdue by penance or aus- terities ; humble ; depress ; chagrin : v.i. to be subdued ; practice austeri- ties ; become gangrenous. mortifying (-ing), adj. tending to mortify ; humiliating ; vexatious. mortise ('tis), n. a hole made in wood to receive a tenon : v.t. to cut or make a mortise in. mortmain ('man), n. alienation of lands or tenements to any corporate body. mortuary ('ti-a-ri), n. [pi. mortu- aries (-riz)], a building for the dead pending burial : adj. pertain- ing to the burial of the dead. Mosaic (mo-za'ik), adj. pertaining to Moses, to the Law, institutions, &C.5 given through him, or to his writ- ings. mosaic (-za'ik), adj. pertaining to, or consisting of, mosaic work : n. ?. design, or form of artistic work, formed by the union of very minute pieces of glass, stone, &c,, of various colors, inlaid in a ground of stucco or metal. Moselle (mo-zel'), n. a light white wine. Moslem (mos'lem), adj, pertaining to Mohammedans : n. a Mohamme- dan or Mussulman. m.osq-ae (mosk), n. a Mohammedan temple. mosquito (mus-ke'to), 11. an insect of the genus Culex, the females of which puncture the skin of men and animals, causing great cutaneous ir- ritation and pain. moss (mos), n. soft peaty moorland; a natural order of cryptogamous bog plants, the musci, with simple narrow leaves and of cellular struc- ture ; a lichen. moss-rose ('roz), n. a fragrant va- riety of rose with a moss-like calyx. most (most), adj. [superl. of morely greatest in number, quantity, or de- gree : n. the greatest number, part, quantity, or value. mot (mo) , M. a witty saying [French]. mote (mot), n. a popular assembly for the discussion and management of affairs; a very small particle. motet (mo-tef), n. a short vocal composition of a sacred character; anthem. moth (m6th), n. a lepidopterous in- sect or its larvae, which feed upon cloth, fur, &c. ; anything that grad- ually gnaws away. mother (mnth'er) , n. female parent^ especially one of the human race; ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. mot 540 mon one who has given birth to a child ; origin or source ; the female superior of a religious house ; a thick slimy substance or film concreted in liq- uids : adj. native ; producing others : v.t. to adopt as a son or daughter. mother-in-la^Btr (-in-law), n. the mother of one's husband or wife. mother-of-pearl (-perl), n. the hard, silvery internal layer of va- rious kinds of shells. motion (mo'shim), n. the act, pro- cess, or state of moving ; passage of a body from one place to another ; animal life and action ; impulse, de- sire, or passion ; internal activity ; a propostion made in a deliberative as- sembly ; evacuation of the bowels : v.i. to make a significant movement or gesture. motive ('tiv), adj. causing motion; able or tending to move : n. that which moves or excites to action ; inducement ; reason ; stimulus ; in art, leading idea, or conception. motive po-wer (pou'er), n. any nat- ural agent, as wind, water, steam, electricity, &c., employed to produce motion in a machine. motley (mot'li), adj. covered with parts of various colors ; heteroge- neous. auotmot ('mot), n. any one of various species of beautiful jay-like South American birds : so named from the note. motor (mo'ter), n. that which pro- duces motion, or power, especially a machine which performs mechanical work ; a machine for transmuting energy into mechanical motion. jnotor boat (bot), n. a boat pro- pelled by a gasoline or other marine motor, motor car (kar), n. a vehicle pro- pelled by means of petroleum, elec- tricity. «&c. motorcycle (-si-kl), n. a bicycle pro- pelled by a motor. motordrome (drom), n. a field for automobile and motorcycle races. mottle (mot'l), v.t. to mark with spots of various colors ; variegate. motto Co), n. [pi. mottoes ('oz)], a concise sentence added to a device. or prefixed to anything, suggesting some guiding principle, &c. mouflou (moof'lon) , n. the wild large- horned sheep of Corsica and Sar- dinia. Also moufflon. moujik (moo-zhek'), n. a Russian peasant. mould, see mold. mioiilin (moo-lang'), n. a deep crack intersecting a glacial rivulet [French]. moulinage ('lin-aj), n. the process of reeling off silk in its raw state and dressing it prior to dyeing. moulinet ('li-net), n. a kind of turn- stile ; the drum or capstan of a ma- chine for hoisting. moult, see molt. mound (mound), n. an artificial bank of earth or stone, originally for de- fensive purposes ; hillock ; a small globe surmounted by a cross, sym- bolical of empire : v.t. to furnish, or fortify, with a mound. Mound Builders (bil'derz,) n.pl. a prehistoric race formerly dwelling in the valley of the Mississippi, who erected large earthen mounds, &c. mount (mount), n. a hill or moun- tain ; a rocky mass or elevation ris- ing above the level of the surround- ing land ; a mound for defense or at- tack ; rampart ; cardboard on which a drawing is fixed : v.t. to raise on high ; climb ; ascend ; bestride ; fur- nish with horses ; prepare for use by fixing on, or in, something else : v.i. to rise up ; project ; tower ; get on horseback. mountain ('in), n. a large mass of rock or earth rising above the level of the adjacent country ; usually over 2,000 feet ; anything very large. mountaineer (-er'), n. one who dwells among, or climbs, mountains : v.i. to climb mountains. mountainous (-us), adj. full of, or resembling, mountains. mountebank ('e-bank), n. a quack- doctor ; boastful pretender. mounted ('ed), p.adj. seated or serv- ing on horseback ; placed on a suit- able support. mounting ('ing), n. the act of mount- ing, embellishing, or equipping. mourn (morn),) v.i. to grieve; la- ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 541 mud ment ; be sorrowful ; wear mourn- ing : v.t. to grieve for ; bewail. snourner ('er), n. one who mourns; one who attends a funeral. mournful ('fool), adj. causing, or expressing, sorrow ; doleful ; sad. mournfully ('li), adv. in a mournful manner. mourning ('ing), n. expression of grief ; lamenting ; the dress of a mourner. mouse (mous), n. \_pl. mice (mis)], a small rodent of the genus Mus, that infests houses, granaries, &c. : v.i. (mouz) to watch for, or catch, mice ; watch for something in a sly manner ; pry curiously : v.t. to tear, as a cat tears a mouse. mtousseline-de-laine (moo-se-len- de-lan'), n. a very light textured woolen dress material. moustaclie» see mustache. mouth (mouth), n. the opening in the head of an animal by which it receives food and utters sounds ; en- trance or opening ; exit ; instrument of speaking; grimace: v.t. {mouth) to utter with an affected swelling or pompous voice : v.i. make grimaces. moutliful ('fool), n. \_pl. mouthfuls (-foolz)], as much as can be put into the mouth at one time; small quantity. mouthpiece ('pes), n. that part of an instrument which is held in or applied to the mouth ; a spokesman. movability (moov-a-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being movable. movable ('a-bl), adj. capable of be- ing moved or conveyed ; changing from one time to another : n.^tl. goods, wares, or furniture. movable feasts (fests), n.pl. certain Church festivals, the date of which is determined by Easter. movably (-bli), adv. so as to be moved. move (moov), v.t. to cause to change place or position ; impel ; set in mo- tion ; rouse to action ; influence ; propose formally : v.i. to change place or position ; go from place to place ; stir ; take action ; change res- idence : n. the act of moving ; right to move ; movement ; artifice or scheme. movement ('ment), n. the act or manner of moving ; change of place or position ; motion ; excitement ; emotion ; agitation ; the going mech- anism of a watch or clock ; any single part in a musical composition. moving ('ing), p. adj. causing motion, or change of position ; stirring the passions or affections ; pathetic : n. the act of changing one's residence. moving-picture ('ttir), n. popular term covering every form of ani- mated pictures (see biograph). mow (mo), v.t. [p.t. mowed, p.p. mowed, mown, p.pr. mowing], to cut down with, or as with, a scythe : v.i. to cut grass with a scythe. miow (mou), n. a heap of hay, &c., stowed in a barn ; the compartment in a barn where hay, etc., are stored : v.t. to stow in a mow. mown, p.p. of mow. much (much), adj. {comparative more, superlative most], great in quantity or amount ; long in dura- tion ; many in number : adv. to a great degree or extent ; often or long ; nearly : n. a great quantity ; something considerable or unusual. mucilage (mti'si-laj), n. a gummy or gelatinous substance ; gum of plants. mucilaginous (-laj'i-nus), adj. per- taining to, resembling, or secreting, mucilage or gum. muck (muk), n. moist dung; any- thing filthy or vile: v.t. to manure with dung. muckiness ('i-nes), n. the quality or state of being mucky. muckworm ('werm), n. a grub or larva bred in manure ; a miser. mucky ('i), adj. consisting of muck; miry ; nasty ; filthy. miicous (mu'kus), adj. pertaining to, resembling, or secreting, mucus ; vis- cous or slimy. mucous membrane (mem'bran), n. the moist, glandular lining of the cavities and canals of the human body. mucus ('kus), n. the viscid fluid se- creted by the mucous membrane ; a gummy or slimy substance found in certain plants. mud ( mud ) , n. soft wet earth ; mire. muddle ('!), v.t. to make a mess of ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. xunf 542 xnnl or confuse ; cloud or stupefy ; make partially drunk ; squander : n. a con- fused state ; intellectual dulness or bewilderment. muff (muf), n. a warm soft cylindri- cal cover of fur, &c., to keep the hands warm in cold weather ; a stupid, spiritless fellow; failure to hold a ball when catching it : v.t, to handle awkwardly; fail to hold (a ball) when catching it. muffetee (-e-te'), n. a fur or worsted wristband. auufiin ('in), n. a soft light spongy round cake. auuffle ('1), v.t. to wrap up closely and warmly ; cover or conceal the face of ; cover up so as to deaden sound : v.i. to speak indistinctly : n. a semi-cylindrical earthenware oven used in assaying metals. auuffler ('ler), n. a wrapper. 3uufti ('ti), n. [pi. muftis ('tiz), n. a doctor or official expounder of Mo- hammedan law ; civilian dress worn by a naval or military officer when off duty. anug (mug), n. an earthenware or metallic drinking vessel ; the face. mugginess ('i-nes), n. the state of being muggy. anuggy ('i), adj. warm, damp, and close ; moldy. anug-wuiup ('wump), n. an independ- ent member of the Republican party. Muhammedan, same as Mohamme- dan. mulatto (mu-lat'o), n. [pZ. mulattoes ('oz)], the offspring of negro and white parents. Feminine mulat- tress. mulberry (mul'ber-i), n. [pi. mul- berries (-iz)], the tree or fruit of the genus Morus ; dark purple. auulch (mulch), n. half rotten straw, litter, &c., used to protect the roots of trees, plants, &c. : v.t. to cover, or protect, with mulch. mulct (mulkt), v.t. to punish with a fine : n. a fine, especially for some misdemeanor. mule (mul), n. the offspring of a male ass and a mare ; a stubborn obstinate person ; a machine for spinning cotton, &c. auuleteer (-e-ter'), n. a mule driver. mulisli (mul'ish), adj. like a mule; stubborn. mull ( mul ), n. a headland or cape ; a snuff-box made of the end of a horn ; a very thin soft kind of muslin ; an inferior kind of madder ; dust or rubbish ; failure : v.t. to warm, spice, and sweeten (wine, ale, &c.). mullein (mul'in), n. a coarse her- baceous plant. muller ('er), n. a flat-bottomed pestle used for grinding pigments or drugs. mullet Cet), an edible marine fish, much esteemed for the table. uiulliou ( 'yun ) , w. an upright bar or division between the lights of win- dows, screens, &c., in a Gothic arch : v.t. to furnish with, or divide by> mullions. m.ulse (muls), n. wine boiled and mixed with honey. 3nult, mnlti^ prefixes meaning many : as, mwZ^angular, having many an- gles, multi^OTOus, having many flow- ers. multiple (mul'ti-pl), adj. consisting of many parts ; repeated many times : n. a number or quantity which con- tains another an exact number of times without a remainder. multiplex ('ti-pleks), adj. manifold. xaultiplicand (-pli-kand'), n. the number or quantity to be multiplied. multiplicate ('ti-pli-kat), adj. con- sisting of many. multiplication (-ka'^hun), n. the act or process of multiplying ; rule or operation by which any given number or quantity is multiplied. multiplicity (-plis'i-ti), n. the state of being manifold ; a great number. multiplier ( 'ti-pll-er ) , n. one who, or that which multiplies or increases; the number or quantity by which an- other is multiplied. multiply Cti-pli), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. multiplied, p.pr. multiplying], to cause to increase in number; make more by natural generation, produc- tion or addition; repeat (any given number or quantity) as often as there are units in another number or quantity : v.i. to increase in num- ber or extent. multitude ('ti-tud), n. a great num- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. xnnl 543 ber ; crowd ; assembly ; populace (with the). multitudinous ( -tu'di-nus ) , adj. per- taining to, or consisting of, a multi- tude ; numerous. multum ('turn), n. a mixture of the extracts of quassia and liquorice used for adulterating beer. muiu (mum), adj. silent: n. silence; a kind of strong ale : inter j. be si- lent ! mumble ('bl), v.t. & v.i. to mutter or speak indistinctly ; chew gently with closed lips. mumbo-jumbo ('bo-jum'bo), n. a West African idol or object of su- perstitious reverence or dread ; vul- gar bugbear. mumm (mum), v.i. to mask or dis- guise one's self for sport. muuiBier ('er), n. one who makes sport in disguise ; a masker ; actor. muxnmery ('er-i), n. masquerading; buffoonery ; hypocritical parade or disguise. mumm.iform ('i-form), adj. like a mummy. mumiuy ('i), n. [pi. mummies ('iz)], a dead body embalmed after the manner of the ancient Egyptians ; a kind of wax used in grafting trees ; a rich brown color from bitumen. mump (mump), v.i. & v.t. to move the lips with the mouth nearly closed ; nibble ; cheat ; whine or sulk ; play the beggar ; to mutter ; impose upon. miiraLper ('er), n. a begging impostor. miuiups ('s), n. a contagious febrile disease characterized by the swelling of the glands of the neck : pi. the sulks, mumpish ('ish), adj. sulky. muncb (munch), v.t. & v.i. to chew with an audible crunching noise. mLunda,ne (mun'dan), adj. pertaining to the world. luundil ('dil), n. a richly embroid- ered turban. muugoos (mung'goos), n. an ichneu- mon that preys on snakes. Also mongoos. municipal (mu-nis'i-pal), adj. per- taining to a city, corporation, state, or local self-government. municipal law (law), n. the com- mon law of a city or country. municipality ('i-ti), n. [pi. munici- palities (-tiz)], a corporate town or city ; a division of the country [France]. municipally ('i-pal-i), adv. in a mu- nicipal manner. munificence (nif'i-sens), w. the qual- ity or state of being munificent ; lib- erality. munificent ('i-sent), adj. character- ized by great liberality in giving ; bountiful. muniment (mu'ni-ment), n. a strong- hold or fortification ; a legal record defending a title ; title-deed or char- ter. munitions (-nish'unz), n.pl. military stores or material. mural ('ral), adj. pertaining to, growing on, or resembling, a wall. murder (mer'der), n. homicide with malice aforethought : v.t. to kill with premeditated malice ; mangle ; mar or ruin. murderer (-er), n. one who is guilty of murder. Feminine murderess. murderous (-us), adj. pertaining to, guilty of, or attended with, murder. muriate (mu'ri-at), n. a salt of muri- atic acid. muriatic (-at'ik), adj. derived from sea salt. murine ('rin), adj. pertaining to a mouse or mice. murk (merk), n. darkness. murkiness ('i-nes), n. the state of being murky. murkily ('i-li), adv. darkly. murky ('i), adj. dark; gloomy; ob- scure. murmur (mer'mer), n. a low indis- tinct sound, as of a running stream ; a complaint in a low muttering tone : v.i. to make a low continued noise like the hum of bees ; mutter in discontent ; grumble. murra ('a), n. a delicate kind of handsome ancient ware made of fluor-spar. murrain (mur'an), n. an infectious and fatal disease among cattle. murrey ('i), n. dark red. muscardine (mus'kar-din), n. a fungus which causes fatal disease in silk-worms. muscatel ('ka-tel), n. a variety of ate, arm, S,sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 544 rich wine ; the grapes which produce it ; a sweet fragrant pear. Musca- del, muscadine. muscle ('1)5 n. a highly contractile organ of fibrous tissue by whicli movement in an animal body is ef- fected ; muscular strength. muscled ('Id), adj. having muscles. Muscovite ('ko-vit), n. a Russian. muscovy duck (-vi dut), n. a large duck of tropical America. muscular ('ku-lar), adj. pertaining to, consisting of, or performed by, muscles ; strong ; vigorous ; brawny. muscularity (-lar'i-ti), 11. the qual- ity or state of being muscular. Muse (muz), n. any one of the nine classical goddesses who presided each over one of the nine liberal arts. muse (miiz), v.i. to study in silence; meditate ; be absent-minded : v.t. to meditate on. musette (mu-zef), n. a small bag- pipe ; a soft melodious air. museum (-ze'um), n. a collection of natural, scientific, or literary curi- osities, or of works of art ; the building containing such a collection. auusli (mush), n. boiled Indian maize meal. mushroom ('room), n. an edible fun- gus Agaricus campestris, or similar edible fungi ; an upstart : adj. made from, or resembling mushrooms ; up- start ; ephemeral. music (mti'zik), n. the art or science of harmonic sounds ; harmony or melody ; musical score or composi- tion. Doiusical ('zi-kal), adj. pertaining to, producing, or consisting of, music ; harmonious ; melodious. musicale (-zi-kal'), n. a social mu- sical party. musically (-li), adv. in a musical manner. xuusicalness (-nes), n. musical qual- ity. musician (-zish'an), n. one skilled in the science of music ; one who sings, or plays on a musical instrument. musing (mi~iz'ing), n. meditation: adj. meditative. musk (musk), n. a strong-scented substance obtained from the male musk-deer ; a small plant with a musk-scented perfume. musk-deer ('der), n. a small horn- less deer which yields musk. musk-duck ('duk), n. the Muscovy duck ; an Australian duck. musket (mus'ket), n. the firearm for- merly used by infantry. musketeer (-er'), n. a soldier armed with a musket. musketoon (-oon'), n. a short mus- ket. musketry (-ri), n. firearm practice. musk-ox musk'oks), n. an Arctic bovine animal. muskrat (musk'rat), n. an aquatic rodent of North America which emits a musky secretion. Also musk- beaver, musqnash. muslin (muz'lin), n. a fine thin cot- ton cloth or fabric : adj. made of muslin, muslinet (-ef), n. a coarse muslin. musquask, same as muskrat. musquito, same as mosquito. niiiiss (mus), n. a confused struggle; disorder : v.t. to disorder, as cloth- ing. mussel ('el), n. a marine edible bi- valve. Mussulman ('ul-man), n. [pi. Mus- sulmans (-manz)], a Mohammedan, or INIoslem. mussy (mus'i), adj. disordered. must (must), n. unfermented ex- pressed grape juice : v.t. to make moldy and sour : v.i. to be obliged morally or physically. mustacke (mus-tash'), n. hair worn on a man's upper lip. Also mous- tache. mustang ('tang), n. the small, hardy, semi-wild horse of the prairies. mustard ('terd), n. a plant and its seed of the genus Sinapis ; a condi- ment made from the ground seed, mustee (-te'), n. the offspring of a white and a quadroon. muster ('ter), n. an assembly of troops for review or active service ; register of troops mustered ; assem- blage ; collection : v.t. to assemble, as troops for review or active service : v.i. to meet in one place. mustily ('ti-li), adv. in a musty con- dition. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 545 my* mustiness (-nes), n. the state of be- ing musty musty ('ti), adj. [comp. mustier, su- perl. mustiest], spoiled with damp, mold, or age ; spiritless ; antiquated. I mutability (mu-ta-bil'i-ti), n. the I quality of being subject to change ; ! instability. I mutable ('ta-bl), adj. susceptible of ] change. mutableness (-nes), n. the quality or state of being mutable. mutably (-bli), adv. in a mutable manner. mutation (mu-ta'shun), n. altera- tion ; change. mute ( mut ) , adj. silent ; dumb ; not pronounced or sounded : n. one who is dumb or remains silent ; an under- taker's assistant who stands before the door of a house at a funeral ; a consonant which is not pronounced, or intercepts the sound ; a contriv- ance to deaden or soften the sound of a musical instrument. mutely ('li), adv. silently. muteness ('nes), n. the quality or state of being mute. mutilate (mu'ti-lat), v.t. to cut off a limb or essential part of ; render im- perfect ; maim. mutilation (-la'shun), n. the act of mutilating. mutilator ('ti-la-ter), n. one who mutilates. mutineer (-ti-ner'), n. one who is guilty of mutiny : v.i. to mutiny. mutinous ('ti-nus), adj. disposed to, or ^guilty of, mutiny ; seditious. mutiny ('ti-ni), n. insurrection against, or forcible resistance to, constituted authority, especially of soldiers or sailors against their offi- cers : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. mutinied, p.pr. mutinying], to rise against consti- tuted authority. mutism ('tizm), n. the state or habit of being mute. mutoscope (mti'to-skop), n. a form of kinetoscope, worked by hand. miutter (mut'er), v.i. to utter words in a low voice with compressed lips ; murmur : v.t. to utter indistinctly : n. indistinct utterance ; murmur. mutton ('n), n. the flesh of sheep. mutual (mu'tii-al), adj. reciprocal. mutually (-li), adv. reciprocally. mutuality (-al'i-ti), n. reciprocation. mutualism (-izm), n. the ethical doc- trine of mutual dependence in social development. muzzle (muz'l), n. the projecting mouth, lips, and nose of an animal ; snout ; the mouth of a gun, &c. ; a fastening or cover for the mouth of a dog, &c., to prevent biting : v.t. to secure the mouth of with a muzzle. muzzy ('i), adj. absent-minded; mud- dled. my (mi), poss. pron. belonging to me. myalgia (-al'ji-a), n. stiffness or cramp in the voluntary muscles. mycoderm ('ko-derm), n. a cryto- gamic plant which forms on the sur- face of fermenting liquids. mycology (-kol'o-ji), n. the branch of botany that treats of fungi or mushrooms. myelitis (-el-i'tis), n. inflammation of the spinal cord. mylodon (mi'lo-don), n. a huge ex- tinct fossil edentate animal. mynbeer (min-har'), n. sir [Dutch] ; a Dutchman. myo, a prefix meaning 7nuscle, as myo- dynamics, the science of muscular action. myology (mi-ol'o-ji), n. a description of the muscles. myopia (-o'pi-a), n. short-sighted- ness. myriad (mir'i-ad), n. the number of 10,000 ; a very large number : adj. innumerable. myriagram, myriagramme ( 'i-a- gram), n. in the metric system, 10,000 grams. myrialiter, myrialitre (-letter), n. in the metric system, 10,000 liters. myriameter, myriametre (-me- ter), n. in the metric system 10,000 meters. myriare ('i-ar), n. in the metric sys- tem, 10,000 ares. Myrmidon ('mi-don), n. one of a tribe of Thracian warriors who ac- companied Achilles to the Trojan war. myrmidon, n. a brutal or unprinci- pled follower or subordinate. myrrb (mer),«. the aromatic gummy ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me. merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; booDj book ; hue, hut ; think, then. myr 546 myx resin of Balsamodendron mijrrha, growing in Arabia and Abyssinia. myrtle (mer'tl), n: a fragrant ever- green shrub of the genus Myrtus. myself (mi-sell') , pron. [p^, ourselves (our-selvz') ], I or me in person: used emphatically or refiexively. jnystagogtie (mis'ta-gog), ii. an ini- tiator into, or interpreter of, mys- , teries ; in the Roman Catholic Church, one who keeps and exhibits relics. -mysterious (-te'ri-us), adj. not clear to the understanding ; obscure ; in- comprehensible. mystery ('ter-i), n. [j)l. mysteries (-iz)], something secret, obscure, or unexplained ; that which is beyond human comprehension ; formerly a trade or handicraft : pi. among the ancients, sacred rites and ceremonies to which the initiated only were ad- mitted ; religious dramas or miracle plays. mystic ('tik), adj. pertaining to, or containing, mystery or mysticism ; allegorical ; emblematical ; obscure ; occult. Also mystical : n. a believer in mysticism. mystically (-al-li), adv. in a mystic manner. niysticism Cti-sizm), n. the doctrines of the Mystics, who professed a pure, sublime, and disinterested de- votion, and who aspired to a more direct intercourse with God, through the inward perception of the mind. than is afforded by revelation ; ob- scurity of thought or teaching. mystification (-fi-ka'shun) , n. the act of mystifying ; the state of be- ing mystified. mystify ('ti-fi), v.f. [p.t. & p.p. mys- tified, p.pr. mystifying], to involve in mystery ; obscure ; bewilder ; puz- zle. my til (mith), n. a legend; poetic fic- tion ; a fabulous narrative founded on some event, especially in the early existence of a people, and em- bodying their ideas as to their own origin, their gods, natural phenom- ena, &c. mythic ('ik), adj. pertaining to myths. Also mythical. mythically (-al-li), adv. in a mythi- cal manner. mythological (-o-loj'i-kal), adj. per- taining to mythology ; mythical. mythologically (-li), adv. accord- ing to mythology. mythologist (-ol'o-jist), n. a student of, or one skilled in, mythology. mythology ('o-ji), n. [pi. mytholo- gies (-jiz)], the collected body or system of the traditions or legends of a people in which are embodied their beliefs concerning their origin, j gods, heroes, &c. ; the science of myths ; a treatise on myths. myxomycetes (miks-o-mi-se'tez), n. pi. organisms forming a network of creamy filaments on decaying wood, leaves, &c. ate, S.rm, 2.sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, tfeen. I nab (nab), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. nabbed, p.pr. nabbing], to eatch or seize unexpectedly. nabee (na-be'), n. a powerful poison prepared in the East Indies from the root of Aconitum ferox. nabob (na'bob), n. in India, a deputy or administrator under the Mogul Empire ; one who has amassed wealth in India; a very wealthy man. nacarat (nak'a-rat), n. a pale red color ; fine linen or crape dyed such color. nacre (na'ker), n. mother-of-pearl. nacreous ('kre-us), adj. having an iridescent luster ; resembling moth- er-of-pearl. nacrite ('krit), n. a mineral with a pearly luster. nadir (na'der), n. that part of the heavens directly under our feet, or directly opposite to the zenith. nsevose ('vos), adj. freckled, nsevns (ne'vus), n. a birth-mark. nag (nag), n. a small saddle-horse: v.t. [p.t. & p.p. nagged, p.pr. nag- ging], to scold or find fault with continually : v.i. to find fault con- stantly, naggy (nag'i), adj. disposed to nag, naboor (na-hoor'), n. a species of wild Nepaul sheep. Naiad (na'yad), n. a wat^r-nymph. naif (na-ef), adj. noting an uncut jewel with a natural luster, as a naif gem. nail (nal), n. the horny substance at the ends of the human fingers and toes ; the claws of a bird or other animal ; 2% inches ; a pointed piece of metal usually furnished with a head for fastening woodwork, &c. : v.t. to fasten with nails ; to secure or make certain ; to hold down tight- ly, as to an argument ; to expose, as to nail a lie. nainsook (nan'sook), n. a thick kind of muslin. naive (na-ev'), adj. artless; ingenu- ous ; unaffectedly simple, naxvete (na-ev-ta'), w. natural, un- affected simplicity or ingenuousness. naked (na'ked), adj. unclothed; bare; unarmed ; defenseless ; exposed to view ; plain ; without addition or ornament ; without glasses. namaycusb. (nam'a-kush), n. the great American trout. namby-pamby (nam'bi-pam'bi), adj. weakly sentimental or affectedly pretty or fine. name (nam), n. that by which a person or thing is called ; designa- tion ; character ; reputation ; fame ; authority: v.t. to give an appella- tion or designation to ; nominate ; specify ; mention by name, nam.eless ('les), adj. without a name; unknown : not fit to be mentioned. nam.ely ('li), adv. that is to say. namesake ('sak), n. one having the same name. nankeen (nan-ken'), n. a buff-coK ored cotton cloth, originally from] China. nap (nap), n. a short slumber; doze; a game at cards ; the woolly sub- stance on the surface of cloth ; pile ; downy covering of plants; top of a hill: v.i. [p.t. & p.p. napped, p.pr. napping], to doze. nape (nap), n. the back of the neck. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 547 nap 548 nat napery (nap'er-i), n. tab'e-linen ; linen underclothing. uaphtlia ('tlia), n. a clear, volatile, inflammable, bituminous, liquid hy- drocarbon exuding from the earth, or distilled from coal-tar, &c. ; rock- oil. naplithalic (-thal'ik), adj. produced from naphtha. napkin (nap'kin), 7i. a small cloth, specificallj^ one used at table for wiping the hands, &c. napoleon (na-po'le-on), n. a gold coin formerly current in France, value 20 francs. nappy (nap'i), adj. covered with nap or pile ; drowsy. narceine (nar'se-in), qi. an alkaloid obtained from opium. Narcissus (-sis'us), n. a genus of ornamental bulbous plants with handsome fragrant flowers, includ- ing the daffodils. narcissus, n. a plant of the genus Narcissus. narcosis (-ko'sis), n. stupefaction from the effects of a narcotic. narcotic (-kot'ik), adj. producing coma or torpor : n. a medicine to alleviate pain and produce sleep, and in excessive doses causing death. narcotine ('ko-tin), n. the active narcotic principle of opium. narcotism, same as narcosis. nard (nilrd), n. spikenard; an aro- matic unguent prepared from it. nardine ('in), adj. pertaining to, or like, nard. narrate (nar-raf), 'V.t. to tell; re- cite ; give an account of ; write, as a story. narration (-ra'shun), n. the act of narrating; statement, written or verbal. narrative ('ra-tiv), adj. pertaining to narration : n. recital of a story or event ; tale. narrator (-ra'ter), n. one who nar- rates. narrow (nar'o), adj. of little breadth or extent ; limited ; straitened ; con- tracted in mind ; bigoted ; ungener- ous ; within a little distance : v.t. to lessen the breadth or extent of; confine or contract ; restrict : v.i. to become narrow ; not to take ground enough : said of a horse : n.pl. a strait or narrow passage between two seas. narwhal (nar'hwal), n. a cetaceous mammal allied to the whale, with a large projecting tusk ; the sea uni- corn. Also narwal, narwhale, nar- val. nasal (naz'al), adj. pertaining to, af- fected by, or pronounced through the nose : n. a letter pronounced through the nose. nascent (nas'ent), adj. beginning to grow or exist. nastily ('ti-li), adv. in a nasty man- ner ; filthily ; disagreeably. nastiness (-nes), n. the quality or state of being nasty. Nasturtium (-ter'shi-um), n. a ge- nus of plants, including the water- cresses. nasturtium, n. a plant of the gera- nium family, having aromatic flow- er-buds. nasty ('ti), adj. [comp. nastier, sw- perl. nastiest], dirty; nauseous; fil- thy ; obscene ; foul ; serious. natal (na'tal), adj. pertaining to one's birth or birthday ; indigenous. natant ('tant), adj. swimming; in heraldry, floating on the surface : said of fish. natation (-ta'shun), n. the act or art of swimming. natatorial (na-ta-to'ri-al), adj. swimming, or adapted for swim- ming. Also natatory. nation (na'shun), n. the inhabitants of one country or united under the same government ; people ethnolog- ically or linguistically allied. national (nash'un-al), adj. pertain- ing to a nation ; public ; general ; attached to one's country. nationalism _(-al-izm), n. the state of being national ; national idiom, characteristic, or independence. nationality ('i-ti), n. national char- acter ; patriotism ; nation. Mationalize (-al-iz), v.t. to render national. nationally (-li), adv. as a nation. native (na'tiv), adj. pertaining to the time and place of birth ; pro- duced by nature ; not acquired ; in- nate : n. one who is born in a cer- ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrth, not; boon^ book; hue, hut; think, then. nat 549 tain country or place ; an oyster cul- tivated artificially. nativism. (-izm), n. in philosophy, the doctrine of innate ideas ; the ad- vocacy of the claim of natives, as opposed to that of naturalized citi- zens. nativity (-tiv'i-ti), n. time, place, and manner of birth ; astrological representation of the position of the heavenly bodies at the time of one's birth. Nativity, n. the birth of Christ (with the). natrolite (na'tro-lit), n. a hydrated silicate of aluminum and soda. natron ('tron), n. native carbonate of soda. natterjack (nat'er-jak), n. the yel- low-backed rush toad, remarkable for its deep voice. nattily ('i-li), adv. tidily; neatly. nattiness ('i-nes), n. the quality of being natty. natty ('i), adj. tidy; neat; smart. natural (nat'ti-ral), adj. pertaining to, produced by, or in the course of, nature ; inborn ; not artificial ; oc- curring in the ordinary course of things ; treating of mind and mat- ter ; not revealed, as religion ; true to life ; unassumed ; affectionate by nature ; illegitimate ; unconverted ; according to the usual diatonic scale of C [Music] : n. an idiot ; a sign ( bj ) used to correct the pre- vious power of a sharp or flat [Mu- sic]. natural history (his'to-ri), n. the scientific description of the ea'rth and its various productions, espe- cially the animal kingdom. naturalize (-iz), v.t. to make natu- ral; acclimatize; invest (a foreign- er) with the privileges of a natural- born citizen or subject. naturalism (-izm), n. mere state of nature ; natural religion ; the denial of supernatural interference with natural laws. naturalist (-ist), n. one skilled in natural history ; one who believes in naturalism. naturalistic (-is'tik), adj. realistic. naturalization (-i-za'shun), n. the act of investing a foreigner with the rights and privileges of a natu- ral-born citizen. naturally (-li), adv. according to nature ; spontaneously. naturalness (-nes), n. the state of being natural ; conformity to truth or reality. nature (na'cher or nat'ur), n. the universe ; essential qualities ; spe- cies ; natural order of things ; con- stitution ; personal character or natural disposition ; natural affec- tion ; nudity. naught (nawt), n. nothing: adj. worthless : adv. in no degree. naughtily ('i-li), adv. in a naughty manner. naughtiness ('i-nes), w. the state of being naughty ; misbehavior. naughty ('i), adj. bad; perverse or mischievous. nausea ('shi-a), n. a strong sensa- tion of sickness ; sea-sickness ; loath- ing or disgust. nauseate ('shi-at), v.t. to affect with nausea ; loathe : v.i. to feel disgust ; be inclined to vomit. nauseation (-a'shun), n. the act of nauseating ; the state of being nau- seated. nauseous ('shus), adj. loathsome; abhorrent. nautch (nawch), n. in India, a dance performed by girls ; dancing exhibi- tion. nautical (naw'ti-k&l), adj. pertain- ing to ships, sailors, or navigation ; maritime. Also nautic. nautically (-li), 'adv. in a nautical manner. nautilus ('ti-lus), n. [pi. nautili], any member of a genus of cephalo- pods, including those furnished with a chambered spinal univalve shell ; a kind of diving-bell. naval (na'val), adj. pertaining to ships or a navy ; consisting of ships ; maritime. nave (nav), n. the middle or body of a church, extending from the chan- cel to the principal entrance ; the center of a wheel in which the spokes are inserted. navel ('el), n. the depression in the center of the lower part of the ab- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hte, hut ; think, then. aav 550 domen, indicating where the umbili- cal cord was joined to the foetus. navigability (nav-i-ga-bil'i-ti), n. the quality or state of being navi- gable. xiavigalile ('i-ga-bl), adj. capable of being navigated. aavigably (-bli), adv. in a navigable manner. navigate ("i-gat), v.i. to pass on the water by a ship or vessel ; sail : v.t. to pass over in a ship or boat ; steer or manage in sailing. aiavigatioii (-ga'shun), n. the act of navigating ; the science of navi- gating ships. navigator ('i-ga-ter), n. one who navigates ; one skilled in the science of navigation. navvy (nav'i), n. a laborer employed in constructing railways, canals, &c. navy (na'vi), n. the ships of war belonging to a nation, or their oflS- cers and men. nay (na), adv. no; not only so, but: n. a refusal or denial. Nazarene (naz-a-ren'), n. a native of Nazareth : applied to Jesus Christ, His followers, and the early Chris- tians as a term of contempt; in the Early Church, one of a sect of Ju- daizing Jews. Nazarite ('a-rit), n. a Jew devoted by vow to God to a life of purity (Num. vi.). neap (nep), adj. low: applied to the tides which occur in the beginning of the second and fourth quarters of the moon. neaped ('t), adj. left aground by the tide : said of a ship. Neapolitan (ne-a-pol'i-tan), adj. per- taining to Naples or its inhabitants. .'near (ner), adj. [comp. nearer, su- perl. nearest], not far distant in time, place, or degree ; close ; inti- mate ; dear ; familiar ; literal ; nar- row ; parsimonious ; on the left side: adv. at a little distance; al- most : prep, close to : v.t. to ap- proach ; come near to. neat (net), n. cattle of the bovine genus : adj. pertaining to bovine ani- mals ; tidy ; trim and clean ; simple and elegant; chaste; unadulterated. neatsfoot ('z-foot), n. the foot of an ox or cow. neb (neb), n. a bird's beak; mouth; nose or snout. nebula ('u-lu), n. [pi. nebulae (-le)l, a faint misty patch of light in the heavens produced by groups of stars too remote to be. seen singly, or by masses of diffused gaseous matter ; a slight white spot on the cornea. nebular ('ti-lar), adj. pertaining to nebulae. nebulosity (-los'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being nebulous. nebulous ('ii-lus), adj. pertaining to, or resembling, a nebula ; cloudy ; hazy ; perplexed. necessarily (nes-e-sa'ri-li), adv. by necessity. necessariness ('e-sa-ri-nes), h. the state of being necessary. necessary ('e-sa-ri), adj. that cannot be otherwise ; essential ; indispensa- ble : n. Ipl. necessaries (-riz)l, things requisite. necessitate (ne-ses'i-tat), v.t. to make necessary ; compel ; render un- avoidable ; constrain. necessitous ('i-tus), adj. very poor; destitute ; needy. necessity ('i-ti), n. the state of be- ing necessary ; that which is un- avoidable ; compulsion ; extreme poverty : pi. things necessary for hu- man life. neck (nek), n. that part of the body between the head and trunk ; a long narrow part, as of land or a vessel. necklace ('las), n. a string of beads or ornaments, as pearls, &c., worn round the neck. uecrological (-ro-loj'i-kal), adj. per- taining to a register of deaths. necrology (-rol'o-ji), n. a register, or account,' of the dead. mecromancer ('ro-man-ser), n. one who practices necromancy ; a con- jurer. necromancy (-si), n. the pretended art of predicting future events by communication with the dead. necromantic (-man'tik), adj. per- taining to, or done by, necromancy. necropolis (-rop'o-lis), *i. a cemetery. necrosis (-ro'sis), n. mortification and death of a bone; a disease in ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, ^^en. irfl 551 nei plants, characterized by small black spots. nectar (nek'tar), n. in classic my- thology, the wine of the gods ; the honey of plants ; any delicious bev- erage. nectarial (-ta'ri-al), adj. pertaining to, containing, or like, nectar. xiectareous ('re-us), adj. producing, or sweet like, nectar. nectarine ('ta-rin), n. a variety of peach. nectary ('ta-ri), n. that part of a flower which secretes a saccharine fluid. Nectarium. nee (na), adj. by birth: often placed before the maiden name of a mar- ried woman. need (ned), n. necessity; urgent want ; exigency ; poverty : v.t. to want : v.i. to be necessary or want- ed. needful ('fool), adj. necessary; needy. needfully (-li), adv. necessarily. needle ('1), n. a small sharp-pointed steel instrument furnished with an eye to hold thread ; anything resem- bling a needle ; the polarized steel of a mariner's compass. needle-gun (-gun), n. a breech-load- ing gun, the cartridge of which is exploded by a needle. needs (nedz), adv. necessarily; indis- pensably. needy (ned'i), adj. very poor; neces- sitous. ne*er (nar) , adv. contraction of never. nefarious (ne-far'i-us), adj. ex- tremely wicked ; vile ; infamous. negation ( ne-ga'shun ) , n. denial ; ab- sence of certain qualities. negative (neg'a-tiv), adj. implying negation ; denying ; refusing ; having the power of veto ; noting a quantity to be subtracted : n. a proposition by which something is denied ; a word expressing denial ; right of veto ; a photograph in which the lights and shades of the object are the opposite of those in nature : v.t. to prove the contrary of ; dismiss or reject by vote. negatively (-11), adv. in a negative manner. neglect (-lekt'), »*• omission; habit- ual negligence ; disregard ; careless- ness : v.t. to omit by carelessness or design ; slight ; disregard. neglectful ('fool), adj. indicating, or accustomed to, neglect ; careless. neglectfully (-li), adv.' witYx neg- lect. negligee (-li-zha'), n. a loosely fit- ting dress or gown ; easy and un- ceremonious dress in general : adj. carelessly arranged or attired. negligence ('li-jens), n. careless- ness. negligent ('li-jent), adj. careless. negligible ('li-ji-bl), adj. that may be neglected ; of little account or value. negotiate (ne-go'shi-at), v.i. to treat with others in business or private affairs ; hold intercourse respecting a treaty, &c, : v.t. to conclude by treaty, bargain, or agreement ; sell. negotiability (-go-shi-a-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being negotiable. negotiable ('shi-a-bl), adj. capablt of being negotiated, transferred, or exchanged. negotiation (-a'shun), n. the act o^ negotiating or transacting business; treaty. negotiator ('shi-a-ter), n. one who negotiates. negotiatory (-to-ri), adj. pertaining to negotiation. negrillo (ne-griro), »i. a young negro. Negrito (-gre'to), n. one of a diminu- tive negro-like race of the Malay Archipelago. negro ('gro),**. [pi. negroes ('groz)], an African black. Fern, negress : adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, negroes. negroid ('groid), adj. of the negro type. negus Cgus), n. a beverage of hot water and wine, sweetened and spiced. Negus, n. the title of the ruler of Abyssinia. neigli (na), V.i. to utter the cry, or whinny, of a horse: n. the cry of a horse. neighbor (na'ber), n. one who dwells near to another ; an intimate : adj, near to another ; adjacent : v.t. to ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, *^en. aei 552 nes adjoin : v.i. to be neighborly or friendly. Xkeighlsorhood (-hood), n. adjacent district ; vicinity ; the state of be- ing neighbors. neighboring (-ing), adj. living or being near. ueighborliness ('ber-li-nes), n. the state of being neighborly. meigliborly (-li), adj. like, or be- coming, a neighbor ; social ; civil ; friendly : adv. in the manner of a neighbor. neighing ('ing), n. the cry of a horse. neither (ne' or ni'ther), pron. & conj. not either. Nem%an (nem-e'an), adj. pertaining to Nemsea, or to the ancient games held by the Greeks at Nemsea. nemesis ('e-sis), n. retributive ven- geance : from Nemesis, the avenging deity of the Greeks. neo, a prefix meaning new, young, re- cent, as neoplastic, recently formed. neodymium (ne-o-dim'i-um), n. a metallic element found in cerite. Neolithic (-o-lith'ik), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, the later or polished Stone Age. neologian, same as neologist. neologism (-ol'o-jizm), n. a new word or phrase introduced into a language ; new religious doctrines. neologist ('6-jist), n. an innovator in language or religion, especially one who holds doctrinal views op- posed to the orthodox interpretation of revealed religion. neologize (-jiz), v.i. to introduce new words, phrases, or religious doc- trines. neology (-ol'o-ji), n. neologism; doc- trines or rationalistic theological in- terpretation at variance with ortho- dox belief. neon (ne'on), n. a recently discovered element existing in atmospheric air. meontology (-tol'o-ji), n. the scien- tific study of existing species. neophyte ('o-fit), n. a novice; one recently baptized ; a convert : adj. recently entered. neoplasm ('o-plazm),w. tissue growth more or less distinct from that in which it occurs. neoplastic (-plas'tik), adj. newly formed. neoplastic ('o-plas-ti), n. the restor- ation of tissue by granulation, or autoplasty. neoteric (-o-ter'ik), adj. recent in origin. nep (nep), n. catmint. nepenthe (ne-pen'the) , n. a drug sup- posed by the ancient Greeks to have the power of causing forgetfulness of sorrow. nephe-w (nev'ti), n. the son of a brother or sister. nephritis (ne-fri'tis), n. inflamma- tion of the kidneys. neoptism (nep'o-tizm), n. a prefer- ence shown in bestowing patronage to one's relatives in the church or public service. Neptunian (nep-tun'i-an), adj. per- taining to the classic deity Neptune, or to the sea ; deposited by the agency of the sea. Nereid (ne're-id), n. a sea nymph. neroli (ner'o-le), n. the essential oil of orange flowers. nervation (-va'shun), n. arrange- ment of nerves. nerve (nerv) , n. one of the grey fibers which convey sensation from all parts of the body to the brain and originate motion ; tendon ; sinew ; strength ; manliness ; the strong vein of a leaf : v.t. to invigorate or strengthen. nervine (ner'vin), n. a tonic for the nerves. nervous (Vus), adj. pertaining to, or composed of, nerves ; having weak nerves ; easily agitated ; vigorous in style. nest (nest), n. the bed or dwelling chosen by a bird for incubation, and the rearing of its young; the place where eggs are laid and hatched ; a cozy residence ; a number of boxes one fitting inside another : v.i. to build and occupy a nest. nest-egg ('eg), n. sen egg left in a nest to keep the hen from forsaking it ; money forming a nucleus. nestle (nes'l), v.i. to lie close and snug ; take shelter : v.t. to cherish. nestling ('ling), n. a young bird in ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon^ book ; hue, hut ; think, then^ net 553 ncMf the nest or just taken from it : adj. recently hatched. aiet (net), n. an instrument of twine knotted into meshes for catching birds, fish, &c. ; anything resembling or made like a net ; a snare : adj. clear of all charges or deductions : opposed to gross : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. netted, p.pr. netting], to make into a net or network ; take with a net ; snare ; produce as clear profit : v.i. to form network. netliei* (neth'er), adj. lying beneath; lower ; belonging to the regions be- low. nettle (net'l), n. a stinging plant of the genus Urtica : v.t. to provoke or irritate. nettlerash (-rash), n. a. cutaneous eruption resembling the effects of a nettle sting. neural (nti'ral), adj. pertaining to the nerves. neuralgia (-ral'ji-a), n. acute pain in a nerve. neuralgic ('jik), adj. pertaining to neuralgia. neurastlienia (-ras-the'ni-a), n. brain and nerve exhaustion, as from influenza, &c. neuration (-ra'shun), n. the vena- tion of the wings of an insect ; nerve distribution. neurilennma (-ri-lem'a), n. the fibrous sheath of a nerve. neurine ('rin), n. nerve matter. Also neurin. neuritis (-ri'tis), n. inflammation of a nerve. neuro, a prefix meaning nerve, as wewrography, a treatise on the nerves. neuroglia (-rog'li-a), n. the delicate connective tissue between the nerve- fibers of the brain and spinal cord. neurology (-rol'd-ji), n. a scientific description of the nerves. neuroma (-ro'^a), n. a fibrous tu- mor occurring in a nerve trunk. neuropathic (-path'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or suffering from, nervous disease ; affecting the nerves. neurosis (-ro'sis), n. nervous dis- ease. neurotic (-rot'ik) , adj. pertaining to, seated in, or affecting, the nerves ; characterized by a morbid hysteri- cal style : n. a nerve tonic. neurotomy ('o-mi), n. dissection of the nerves. neuter ('ter), adj. of neither sex; in- transitive : n. a flower having nei-^ ther pistil nor stamens ; a sterile sexless insect, especially the work- ing bee. neutral ('tral), adj. unbiased; in- • different ; taking no part on either side in a contest ; neither very good nor very bad ; neither acid nor al- kaline : said of chemical salts. neutrality ('i-ti), n. the state of being neutral. neutralize ('tral-iz), v.t. to make neutral ; render inactive. neutrally ('tral-i), adv. in a neutral manner. neutral tint (tint), n. a dull grey. neve (na-va'), n. the granular com- pressed snow which forms glacier ice. never (nev'er), adv. not at any time; in no degree. nevertheless (-#7ie-les'), adv. not- withstanding ; in spite of that. new (nu), adj. recent in origin; mod- ern ; novel ; lately made, produced, invented, or discovered ; recently entered upon or commenced ; not previously used ; fresh. newel ('el), n. in a winding stair- case, the central upright pillar around which the steps turn. new-fangled (-fang'gld), adj. new- fashioned, Newfoundland (-found'land), n. a large variety of dog, originally from Newfoundland. news (nuz), n. recent intelligence; tidings. newspaper ('pa-per), n. a paper published periodically, usually daily or weekly, containing the most re- cent intelligence. new style (stil), n. the Gregorian or present style of computing the cal- endar : opposed to the former or Julian method. •newt (nut), w.an eft; salamander. Newtonian (nu-to'ni-an), adj. per- taining to, discovered by, or invented by. Sir Isaac Newton, the pMloso^ p'her, or to his system. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; booiif book; hue, hut; think, th^n. next 554 nin next (nekst), adj. [superl. of nigh], nearest in time, place, degree, or rank : adv. immediately succeeding. xiexus (neks'us), n. a connection or tie. siib (nib), n. a bird's beak; the point of anything, especially a pen. nibbed ('d), adj. furnished with a nib. nibble ('1), v.t. & v.i. to bite by little at a time ; continue to bite at gently and quickly, as a fish : n. a small bite; a seizing to bite. niblick (nib'lik), n. a heavy iron round-headed golf club. nicolite (nik'o-lit), n. arsenical nickel ore. nice (nis), adj. fastidious; precise; squeamish ; minutely discriminative : delicate ; refined ; socially agreeable ; pleasing to the palate ; scrupulously exact. nicely ('li), adv. in a nice manner. niceness ('nes), n. the state or qual- ity of being nice ; delicacy of per- ception or touch. nicety ('e-ti), n. delicate manage- ment ; fastidious delicacy ; preci- sion ; minute accuracy : pi. table delicacies. niche (nich), n. a recess in a vrall for a statue. Nick (nik), n. an evil water spirit: the Devil (with old). nick (nik), n. exact or critical point of time ; winning throw at dice : v.t. to cut in nicks or notches ; touch at the lucky moment ; cheat ; steal. nickel ('el), n. a greyish-white duc- tile metal ; a five-cent coin, made of nickel and copper alloy. nickel-green (-gren), n. the apple- green colored arseniate of nickel. nickel-silver (-sil'ver), n. an alloy of nickel, copper, and zinc. nickname ('nam), n. a name given in derision or familiarity : v.t. to give a nickname to; call by an op- probrious name. nicotine ('o-tin), n. an acrid, poi- sonous alkaloid extracted from to- bacco. Also nicotin. nidge (nij), v.t. to dress (stones) with a pick. nidification (nid-i-fi-ka'shun), n. the act of building a nest, rearing young, &c. nidus (ni'dus), n. a nest or hatching place. niece (nes), n. the daughter of a brother or sister. niello (ni-el'o), n. a kind of orna- mental engraving on brass, &c. niggard (nig'ard), adj. meanly cov- etous ; parsimonious ; miserly. Also niggardly ; oi. one who is meanly covetous ; a miser. niggardliness (-li-nes), n. the state of being niggardly ; stinginess. niggardly (-li), adv. like a niggard. nigh (ni), adj. near in time or place; adjacent ; closely allied by blood or friendship : adv. near ; almost : prep. near to. nighness ('nes), n. nearness; prox- imity. night (nit), n. the time from sunset to sunrise ; period of darkness ; death ; intellectual or moral dark- ness. nightingale ('in-gal), n. a small bird which sings with a sweet note at night ; philomel. nightmare ('mar}, n. a dreadful dream accompanied with oppres- sion on the chest and a feeling of helplessness ; an incubus. nihilism (ni'hil-izm), n. scepticism which denies that anything, even ex- istence, can be known ; an extreme socialist movement in Russia to destroy existing institutions and found a new order of things, with communistic rights of land and property. nihilist (-ist), n. a supporter of ni- hilism. nihilistic ('ik), adj. pertaining to nihilism. nil (nil), n. nothing [Latin]. nimble (nim'bl), adj. quick and ac- tive ; alert ; lively ; brisk. nimbus (nim'bus), n. in art, the halo or cloud of light surrounding the heads of divinities, saints, and sovereigns ; a rain-cloud; nine (mn), adj. containing one more than eight : n. the sum of 1 and 8. ninefold ('fold), adj. nine times re- peated. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, *7ien. 1 i ii «L Jl . -d Ei^H^B-' mjll||l jBil I ». J- ..aaai ^ '*-* ™''?^^^^ Copyright, Under WLud \ 'Liidcrwoud. Panoramic View of New York fi iattery to the Municipal Building nin 555 noli ninepins ('pinz), n.pl. a game in which nine pins or pegs of wood are set up to be bowled at with wooden bowls or balls. nineteen ('ten), adj. consisting of 9 and 10 : n. the sum of 9 and 10. nineteenth ('tenth), adj. being one of 19 equal parts : n. a nineteenth part. ninetieth, ('ti-eth), adj. next after 89th : n. a ninetieth part. ninety ('ti), adj. containing 9 ten times : n. the number containing 9 times 10; the symbol (xc. 90) ex- pressing such a number. ninny (nin'i), n, a simpleton. ninth (nin'th), adj. the ordinal of 9: 11. one of 9 equal parts. niobite (ni'o-bit), n. a black min- eral. niobium ('bi-um), n. a metallic ele- ment present in niobite. nip (nip), n. a pinch, as with the nails or teeth ; a blast as by cold ; a small drink of spirits : n.t. [p.t. & p.p. nipped, p.pr. nipping], to pinch ; cut off the end of ; check the growth or vigor of, especially by frost ; blast or destroy. nipper ('er), n. one who, or that which, nips ; one of the four fore- teeth of a horse ; a small boy : pi. small pincers. nippingly ('ing-li), adv. keenly. nipple (nip'l), n. that part of the breast of a woman from which milk is drawn by a child : a teat. Nirvana ( ner-va'na ) , Bud- dhism, the highest religious state, when all desire of existence and worldly good is extinguished, and the soul is absorbed into the Deity. nit (nit), n. the egg of any small in- sect. niter, nitre (ni'ter), n. nitrate of potash or saltpeter. nitrate (ni'trat), n. a salt of nitric acid. nitrate of silver (sil'ver), n. silver dissolved in nitric acid. nitrated ('tra-ted), adj. combined with nitric acid. nitre, see niter. nitric ('trik), adj. contained in nitro- gen. nitric acid (as'id), n. a powerful acid, used in chemistry, the arts, and medicine, composed of nitro- gen and oxygen, obtained by the ac- tion of sulphuric acid upon nitrate of potash ; aquafortis. nitride ('trid), n. a compound of nitrogen with a metal, also with phosphorus, silicon, or boron. nitriferous (-trif'er-us), adj. pro- ducing niter. nitrification (-tri-fi-ka'shun), n. the process of converting into niter. nitrify ('tri-fi), v.t. to form into niter. nitrite ('trit), n. a salt of nitrous acid. nitro, a prefix meaning containing nitrogen, as nt^fro-hydrochloric acid or aqua regia. nitro-glycerine (-glis'er-in), n. a highly explosive, oily liquid, pre- pared by the action of nitric and sulphuric acids upon glycerine. Also nitro-glycerin, nitroleum. nitrogen (ni'tro-jen), n. a gas which, with argon, constitutes 4-5ths by volume of the atmosphere, and con- stitutes the basis of nitric acid. nitrogenize (-troj'en-iz), v.t. to im- pregnate with nitrogen. nitrogenous ('en-us), adj. pertain- ing to, or containing, nitrogen. nitrous ('trus), adj. resembling, ob- tained from, or impregnated with, niter. nitrous acid (as'id), n. a compound of four volumes of nitrogen and one of oxygen. nitrous oxide (oks'id), n. a com- pouitd of one volume of oxygen and two volumes of nitrogen ; laughing- gas. niveous (niv'e-us), adj. snow-like. nix (niks), n. in Teutonic mythology, a water-sprite; a kelpie [Scotch]. no (no), adv. a word of denial or refusal : opposed to yes : adj. none. nob (nob), n. a knob; the head; a fop. nobby ('i), adj. capital; spruce; stylish. nobility (no-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being noble ; noble birth ; grandeur ; dignity ; nobles collec- tively. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, 'met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. nob 556 non noble (no'bl), adj. high in excellence or worth ; illustrious ; magnani- mous ; generous ; exalted in rank ; of ancient lineage : n. peer or noble- man. nobleman (-man), n. a peer. Fern. noblewoman. nobleness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being noble. nobly Cbli), adv. in a noble manner; of noble rank. nobody ('bod-i), n. no one; a per- son of no importance or influence. nocent ('sent), adj. harmful. nocturnal (nok-ter'nal), adj. per- taining to, done, or happening at, night. nocturnally (-li), adv. by or in the night. nocturne ('tern), n. a picture of a night scene ; a musical composition appropriate to the night ; a lullaby. nod (nod), n. a quick inclination of the head ; a command : v.t. [p.t, & p.p. nodded, p.pr. nodding], to sig- nify by a nod ; incline or bend : v.i. to give a quick forward motion of the head ; bend the head in token of assent, or as a salute ; be drowsy. nodal (no'dal), adj. pertaining to nodes. nodated ('da-ted), adj. knotted. nodder (nod'er), n. one who nods; a drowsy person. noddle ('1), n. the head. noddy ('i), n. sl simpleton; a sea- fowl. node (nod), n. a knot; knob; one of the two points at which the orbit of a planet intersects the ecliptic ; the points of the stem of a plant from which a leaf springs ; the plot of a poem or play ; a tumor of the perios- teum, the_ bones, or tendons. nodose (no'dos), adj. having knots or nodes. nodular (nod'u-ler), adj. pertaining to, or like, a nodule. nodule ('ul), n. sl little knot or ir- regular rounded lump. noggin (nog'in), n. a small cup or mug ; a liquid measure = 1 gill. nogging Cing), n. sl partition formed of timber scantlings filled up with bricks. noise (noiz), n. sound; clamor; out- cry ; frequent or public conversa- tion : v.t. to spread abroad by rumor : v.i. to sound loud. noisef ul ( 'fool ) , adj. clamorous ; loud. noisily ('i-li), adv. with noise. noisiness ('i-nes)', n. the state of being noisy. noisome (noi'sum), adj. injurious to health ; noxious ; disgusting. noisy (noiz'i), adj.inU of noise; tur- bulent. nomad (nom'ad), n. one of a tribe ' that wanders about in search of game,^ pasture, «S:c. : adj. nomadic. nomadic (no-mad'ik), adj. wander- ing ; pastoral. nomenclature (no'men-kla-ttir), n. the words, terms, or language used in any art or science. nomial ('mi-al), n. in algebra, a sin- gle term. nominal (nom'i-nal), adj. pertain- ing to, or containing, names ; exist- ing only in name. nominally (-li), adv. in name only. nominate ('i-nat), v.t. to propose for an office ; appoint. nomination (-na'shun), n. the act of nominating; the state of being nominated. nominative ('i-na-tiv), adj, noting in grammar the case of the subject : n. the case of the subject. nominator ('i-na-ter), n. one who nominates. nominee (-i-ne'), n. one who is pro- posed for an office. non, pre-fix me_aning not. nonage (non'aj), n. minority. nonagenarian (-a-jen-a'ri-an), n, a person 90 years old. nonagesimal (-jes'i-mal), adj. per- taining to 90, or to a nonagesimal : n. that point of the ecliptic which is highest above the horizon. ' nonagon ('a-gon), n. a plane figure with 9 sides and 9 angles. nonchalance (n6ng-sha-langs'), n. coolness; indifference [French]. nonchalant (-lang'), adj. cool; in- different. nondescript (non'de-skript), n. a person or thing that cannot be eas- ily described or classed : adj. abnor- mal : novel ; odd. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, tTiQji. 557 not I none (nun), adj. not any; not one; n. & pron. no one ; nothing. nonentity (non-en'ti-ti), n. [pi. non- entities (-tiz)], a thing not exist- ing; a person of no importance or influence. Xiones (nonz), n.pl. in the ancient Roman calendar the ninth day be- fore the ides, reckoned inclusively ; in the Roman Catholic Breviary, the devotional office for the ninth hour or 3 p. m. nonillion (non-il'yun), n. in the English system of numeration, the number denoted by 1 follov^ed by 54 ciphers ; in the French system, in use in this country, the number de- noted by 1 followed by 30 ciphers. nonpareil (-pa-rel'), adj. without an equal : n. unequaled excellence ; a kind of printing-type (see type) ; a variety of apple. nonplus ('plus), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. nonplussed, p.pr. nonplussing], to throw into complete perplexity ; puz- zle : n. an insuperable difficulty ; puzzle. nonsense ('sens), n. language with- out meaning ; anything absurd : inter j. absurd ! nonsensical ( 'i-kal ) , adj. absurd ; unmeaning. nonsensically (-li), adv. absurdly. non seqnitnp (sek'wi-ter), n. in logic, a conclusion or inference which does not follow from the premises. nonsuit ('sut), n. the withdrawal of a suit during trial either voluntarily or by judgment of the court on the discovery of error or defect in the pleadings : v.t. to subject to a non- suit. noodle (nood'l), n. sl simpleton; a strip of dried dough, served in soup or as a baked dish. nook (nook), n. a small recess or se- cluded retreat ; a corner. noon (noon), n. the middle of the day, 12 o'clock ; height : adj. per- taining to noon. noonday ('da), adj. pertaining to noon, or midday : n. noon. Also noontide. noose (noos), n. a running knot which binds the closer the more tightly it is drawn : v.t. to catch or tie in a noose ; ensnare. nor (nor), conj. a negative particle correlative to neither or not. normal ('mal), adj. according to rule ; regular ; perpendicular. normal school (skool), n. a school for the training of teachers for elementary schools. Norman ('man), adj. pertaining to the Normans, Normandy, or to a style of architecture introduced into England by the Normans, character- ized by the rounded arch and mas- sive square towers. Norse (nors), adj. pertaining to an- cient Scandinavia, its language, and its people. north (north), n. one of the four cardinal points ; the point opposite to the south : adj. pertaining to, sit- uated in, or coming from, the north: adv. to the north. norther (nor'ther) , n. a strong gale which prevails in the Gulf of Mexico from September to March. northern {'them), adj. in, from, or towards, the north. Also northerly. northern lights (lits), n.pl. the Aurora Borealis. northing (north'ing), n. distance northward. Nor-wegian (nor-we'jian), adj. per- taining to Norway, its language, or inhabitants. nose (noz), n. the organ of smell; scent ; a snout ; nozzle ; anything re- sembling a nose: v.t. to smell or scent. nosegay ('ga), n. a bouquet. nosology (-sol'o-ji), n. the systemat- ic classification of the diseases of animals and plants. nostalgia (nos-tal'ji-a), n. home- sickness. nostril ('tril), n. one of the two openings in the nose. nostrum ('trum), n. a quack medi- cine. not (not), adv. a word expressive of denial or refusal. notahilia (no-ta-bil'i-a), n.pl. things worthy of note. notability (-ta-bil'i-ti), n. [pi. nota- bilities (-tiz)], a person of note; the quality of being notable. ate, arm> ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. not 558 notable (no'ta-bl), adj. worthy of notice ; memorable ; notorious ; re- markable ; industrious ; thrifty : w. a person or thing of distinction. notably (-bli), adv. in a notable man- ner. ^ notarial (no-ta'ri-al), adj. pertaining to, or done by, a notary. notary ('ta-ri), n. [pi. notaries (-riz)], an ofBcial authorized to at- test deeds, protest bills of exchange, &c, notation (-ta'shun), n. the act or practice of recording by marks or symbols ; a system of signs or sym- bols. notch (noch), n. a small hollow cut; indentation : v.t, to cut into small hollows. note (not), n. a memorandum; repu- tation ; brief explanation ; short let- ter ; a diplomatic communication ; a mark or sign representing a sound ; the sound itself [music] ; a paper acknowledging a debt and promis- ing payment : pi. a summary of a speech: v.t. to make a- note of; mark ; show respect or attention to. noted ('ed), p.adj. well-known; cele- brated ; remarkable. nothing (nuth'ing), n. not any- thing ; a thing of no value, use, or importance ; a cipher : adv, in no de- gree. nothingness (-nes), n. non-exist- ence ; worthlessness. notice (no'tis), n. mental or visual observation ; attention ; remark ; ad- vice ; information ; warning ; pub- lic intimation ; press criticism : v.t. to see or observe ; regard ; attend to ; make remarks upon. noticeable (-a-bl), adj. worthy of observation ; remarkable. notification (-ti-fi-ka'shun), n. the act of giving notice ; notice given ; document by which information is communicated. notify Cti-fi), v.t, [p.t. & p.p. noti- fied, p.pr. notifying], to give notice to ; make known. notion ('shun), n. an idea or concep- tion ; opinion ; belief ; inclination ; a eJever contrivance. notional (-al), adj. pertaining to, Ste, arm, ask or conveying, a notion ; ideal ; im- aginary. notoriety (-to-rfi-ti), n. the state of being notorious. Also notorious- ness. notorious (-to'ri-us), adj. publicly known ; usually in a bad sense. notornis (-tor'nis), n. the gigantic short-winged coot of New Zealand. Notus (no'tus), n. the south wind. not'tvithstanding (-wif/i-stand'ing) , prep. ■ in spite of : conj. although : adv. however ; yet. nougat ( noo-gii' ) , n. a confection of almonds, pistachio nuts, sugar, and paste. nought, same as naught. noumenon (no-oo'me-non), n. \_pl. noumena (-na)], essence; the sub- stance or reality existing under the: phenomenal. noun (noun), n. the name of any thing : a substantive. nourish (nur'ish), v.t. to feed or bring up ; support ; maintain ; edn cate : v.t. to promote growth. nourishment (-ment), n. that which nourishes. nous (nous), n. intellect; clever com- mon-sense. novel (nov'el), adj. of recent origin or introduction ; new ; strange or unusual : ti. a fictitious tale or ro- mance. novelette (-ef), n. a short novel. novelist ('el-ist), n. a writer of novels. novelty ('el-ti), n. newness; some- thing new. novice ('is), n. a beginner; in the Roman Catholic Church, one who has entered a religious house but has not yet taken the vow. novitiate (no-vish'i-at), n. the state of a novice ; time of probation as a novice ; a house or retreat for novices. now (nou), adv. at the present time; quite recently. nowel ('el), n. the inner part of a. large loam foundry ipold. noivise (no'wiz), adv. not in any manner or degree. noxious (nok'shus), adj. harmful;, pernicious ; deadly. , at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon,. book; hue, hut; think, th^n. noz 559 nur nozzle (noz'l), n. a projecting mouth- piece. nubbin (nub'in), n. a small or im- perfect ear of maize. nubilous (nu'bi-lus), adj. cloudy. nuclear ('kle-ar), adj. pertaining to, or connected with, a nucleus. nucleate ('kle-at), adj. having a nu- cleus. nucleolus ('6-lus), n. a minute body inside a nucleus. nucleus ('kle-us), n. the central mass around which matter accretes or grows ; the head of a comet. nudation (-da'shun), n. a making bare. nude (ntid), adj. bare; naked; in law, made without consideration ; void ; in art, the undraped body (with the). nudely ('li), adv. nakedly. nudeness ('nes), n. nakedness. Also nudity. nudge (nuj), v.i. to touch gently, as with the elbow : n. a gentle touch, as with the elbow. nudity (nti'di-ti), n. nakedness: pi. naked parts. nugatory ('ga-to-ri), adj. trifling; useless. nugget (nug'et), n. a lump or mass of metal, especially of gold in aurif- erous soil. nuisance (nti'sans), n. anything of- fensive, injurious, vexatious, or an- noying. null (nul), adj. of no legal force; void. nullification (-i-fi-ka'shun), n. the act of nullifying. nullifier ('i-fi-er), n. one who nulli- fies. nullify Ci-fi), v.t. ['p.*. & p.p. nulli- fied, p.pr. nullifying], to annul or render void. nullity ('i-ti), n. want of existence, force, or validity. numb (num), adj. deprived of sensa- tion or motion ; torpid : v.t. to be- numb. number ('ber), n. a unit; one, or more than one ; multitude ; one of a series ; a collection of things ; sounds distributed into harmonies ; poetry; meter, or verse (usually pi.): v.t. to count; mark with a number. numeral ( nH'mer-al ) , adj. pertain- ing to, consisting of, or denoting, number : n. a symbol or word ex- pressing a number. numerary ( 'mer-a-ri ) , adj. belong- ing to a certain number. numerate (-at), v.t. to reckon or enumerate ; point or read, as fig- ures. numeration (-a'shun), n. the act or art of numbering, or of reading and writing numbers. numerator ('mer-a-ter), n. one who numbers ; the figure or figures above the line in fractions which indicate how many parts of a unit are taken. numerous ('mer-us), adj. consisting of a great number. numismatic (-mis-mat'ik), adj. per- taining to coins or medals : n.pl. the science and study of coins and med- als. Also numismatology. numismatist ('ma-tist), n. one skilled in numismatics. Also numis- matologist. numskull ('skul), n. & blockhead. nun (nun), 7i. a female devoted to a religious life and seclusion under a vow of chastity ; a variety of pig- eon ; the blue titmouse. nuncio ('shi-o), n. a papal ambas- sador. nuncupative (nung'ku-pa-tiv), adj. verbal ; nominal. Also nuncupatory. nunnery (nun'er-i), n. \_pl. nunner- ies (-iz)], a religious house for nuns. nuptial (nup'shal), adj. pertaining to, or constituting, marriage : n.pl. a marriage ; marriage ceremony. nurse (ners), n. a woman who has the care of infants, or of the child of another person ; one who tends the sick or infirm; one who, or that which, protects or fosters : v.t. to tend or suckle, as an infant ; bring up ; tend in sickness ; promote ; economize. nursery ('er-i)» n. [pi. nurseries ( -iz ) ] , an apartment for young chil- dren ; a place or garden for rear- ing young plants ; a race for two- year-old horses. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. nur 560 nym nursling ('ling)_, n. an infant. nurture (ner'tur), n. that wliich nourishes ; diet ; food ; education : v.t. to bring up ; educate ; nourish. nut (nut), n. the fruit of certain trees, containing a kernel inclosed in a hard shell ; a piece of metal grooved for screwing on to the end of a bolt : v.i. Ip.t. & p.p. nutted, p.pr. nutting], to gather nuts, nutant (nu'tant), adj, having the top bent downward. nutation (-ta'shun), n. the periodic- al vibratory movement of the axis of the earth. nutmeg (nut'meg), n. the aromatic kernel of the fruit of an East In- dian tree. nutria (nu-tri-a), n, the commercial name for the fur or skin of the coypou. nutrient ('tri-ent), adj. promoting growth. nutriment ('tri-ment), n. nourish- ment. nutrition (-trish'un), w. .that which nourishes; food; the action of pro- moting growth or repairing waste in organic bodies. nutritious ('us), adj. affording nu- trition. nutritive ('tri-tiv), adj. pertaining to, or having the quality of, nutri- tion. nutritively (-li), adv. by nutrition. nutty (nut'i), adj. abounding in, or tasting like, nuts. nnx vomica (nuks vom'i-ka), n. the fruit of an East Indian plant {Strychnos Nux vomica) which yields the deadly poison strychnine. nuzzle ('1), v.t. to root up with the nose, as swine : v.i. to nestle. nye (ni), n. a brood of pheasants. nylghau (nil'gaw), n. a large In- dian antelope. Also nylgau. nymph (nimf), n. in classic myth- ology, a goddess of nature inhabit- ing the mountains, woods, streams, &c. ; a light, handsome, graceful young woman. nympha (nim'fa), n. the pupa or chrysalis of an insect. nymphomania (-fo-ma'ni-a), ». erotic insanity in females. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. O (o), inter j. an exclamation of won- der, pain, &c. : n. [pi. o's (-oz)], a ring, cipher, or naught. oadal (o'a-dal), n. a tree of the cola- nut family. oaf (of), n. a changeling; dolt. oafish, ('ish), adj. simple; silly; dolt- ish. oak (ok), n. a tree of many species, especially the common oak (Quercus roiur), valued for its timber. oak-apple ('ap-1), n. a spongy ex- crescence growing on the leaves or young branches of the oak. oaken ('en), adj. made of, or con- sisting of, oak. oakum ('um), n. old ropes untwisted and pulled into loose hemp. oar (or), n. a light pole with a broad blade, for rowing a boat : v.t. & v.i. to row, oasis (o-a'sis), n. [pi. oases ('sez)], a fertile spot in a barren sandy desert. oast (ost), n. a kiln for drying hops or barley. oat (ot), n. a grassy plant of the genus Avena, the grain of which is used as food [usually in pi.} oaten (_'en). adj. made of oats. oatk (6th), n. a solemn declaration of truth-telling with an appeal to God as witness. ob, a prefix meaning "before, against, towards, in front of, reversed. obbligato (ob-li-ga'to), n an indis- pensable instrumental part or ac- companiment written especially for the instrument named [music]. obduracy ('du-ra-si), n. obdurate conduct or quality. obdurate ('du-rat), adj. hardened in heart or feelings, especially against moral influence. obdurately (-li), adv. stubbornly. obdurateness (-nes), n. the quality or state of being obdurate. obedience (o-be'di-ens), n. submis- sion to authority ; dutifulness. obedient ('di-ent), adj. submissive to authority ; dutiful. obeisance (-ba'sans), n. a bow or curtsey ; act of reverence. obelisk (ob'e-lisk), n. a lofty, four- sided stone pillar gradually tapering as it rises, and terminating in a pyramidal top ; a reference mark obelus ('e-lus), n. sl mark ( — or -f- or t) used in old MSS. to indicate a doubtful or spurious reading ; in modern writing, a break ( — ). obese (o-bes'), adj. corpulent. obesity (-bes'i-ti), n. excessive corpu- lence, especially of an unhealthy kind. Also obeseness. obey (-ba'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. obeyed, p.pr. obeying], to submit to the rule or authority of ; comply with^ the orders or instructions of : v.i. to yield ; do as bidden. obfuscate (ob-fus'kat), v.t. to be- wilder. obi (o'bi), n. among the West Indian natives and negroes of Africa a sys- tem of secret sorcery or magical rites ; a charm ; a kind of sash worn by Japanese women. obituary (o-bit'ii-a-ri), n. [pi. obit- uaries (-riz)], a register of deaths; an account of a deceased person: adj. pertaining to, or recording, deaths. object (ob-jekf) , v.t. to urge against ; ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 561 obj 562 obs oppose : v.i. to make objections : n. (ob'jekt) anything placed before the mind or senses ; motive ; end ; aim. object-glass ('ject-glas), n. the lens of a microscope or telescope nearest to the object to be observed and forming the image. objection (-jek'shun), n. the act of objecting ; adverse reason ; diflBculty raised. objectionable (-a-bl), adj. liable or open to objection ; reprehensible. objective ('tiv), adj. pertaining to an object ; external to the mind ; in grammar, noting the case v^hich fol- lows a transitive verb or a preposi- tion and is governed by it : n. the accusative case ; an objective point. objectively (-li), adv. in an objec- tive manner. objectivism ('tiv-izm), n. the philo- sophical doctrine that the knowledge of the non-ego is anterior to that of the ego ; in art and literature, the representation of persons and in- cidents as they really appear. objectivity ('i-ti), n. the state or quality of being objective. Also ob- jectiveness. objurgate (-jer'gat), v.t. to chide or reprove. objurgation (-ga'shun), n. reproof. objurgatory ('ga-to-ri), adj. con- taining reproof or censure. oblate (-lat'), adj. depressed or flat- tened at the poles ; orange-shaped ; in the Roman Catholic Church, not- ing a secular priest who has devoted himself and his property to the mon- astery he has entered. oblation (-la'shun), n. an offering or sacrifice ; anything presented in re- ligious worship. obligation (-li-ga'shun), n. the bind- ing power of a vow, promise, or contract ; the state of being indebted for a favor ; in law, a bond to which a penalty is annexed on fail- ure of due performance. oblie:atory (ob'li-ga-to-ri), adj. mor- ally or legally binding. oblige (o-blij'), v.t. to constrain by force, morally, legally, or physically ; bind by some favor or kindness rendered ; render a favor to ; gratify. obligee (ob-li-je'), n. one to whom a bond is given, obliging (o-bllj'ing), p.adj. complai- sant ; civil or courteous. obliger ('er), n. one who obliges. obligor (ob'li-gor), n. one who is bound by a bond. oblique (-lek'), adj. deviating from a right line ; not parallel ; not di- rect or straightforward. oblique angle (ang'gl), n. an angle greater or less than a right angle. oblique case (kas), n. in grammar, any case except the nominative. obliquely ('li), adv. in an oblique manner or direction. obliqueness ('nes), n. the state or quality of being oblique ; slanting direction ; moral error. Also obliq- uity. obliterate (-lit'er-at), v.t. to efface or wear out ; destroy by the effects of time or other means. obliteration (-a'shun), n. the act of obliterating ; effacement. oblivion (-liv'i-un), n. the state of being blotted out from memory ; for- getfulness. oblivions ('i-us), adj. forgetful. oblong ('long), adj. longer than broad : n. a geometrical figure of such shape. _ obloquy ('lo-kwi), n. reproachful language ; calumny ; slander ; re- proach. obnoxious (-nok'shus), adj. deserv- ing of censure or disapproval ; hate- ful; offensive; unpopular. oboe (o'bo-e), n. a musical wind in- strument of the reed class ; hautboy ; an organ stop. obolus (ob'o-lus), 11. an ancient Greek coin, value 1^/4 farthings ; an Attic weight = l-6th of a drachma. obovate (-6'vat), adj. inversely ovate. obscene (-sen'), adj. offensive to chastity ; impure in language or ac- tion ; indecent ; filthy. obscenely ('li), adv. in an obscene manner. obsceneness ('nes), n. impurity in language or action ; indecency. Also obscenity. obscure (-skur'), adj. without light or distinctness ; dark ; not easily un- derstood ; illegible ; secluded ; hum- ' ate, arm, ask, 'at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, Dot; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. obs 563 obv ble : v.t. to darken or dim ; dis- guise ; render less visible or intel- ligible ; tarnish ; make mean. obscurely ('li), adv. in an obscure manner. ■obscureness ('nes), n, the state or quality of being obscure. Also obscurity. obsecrate ('se-krat), v.t. to implore. obsecration (-kra'shun), n. en- treaty. obsequies ('se-kwiz), n.pl. funeral rites. obsequious (-se'kwi-us) , adj. servile ; compliant to excess. observable (-zer'va-bl) , adj. capable of being observed ; worthy of obser- vation ; remarkable. observably (-bli), adv. remarkably. observance ('vans), n. the act of oJa- serving ; performance of rites ; rule of practice. observant ( 'vant) , adj. taking notice ; attentive'; mindful. observation (-va'shun), n. the act of observing ; attention ; that which is observed ; remark ; note. observational ('shun-al), adj. con- sisting of, or containing, observa- tions. observatory ('va-to-ri), n. [pi. ob- servatories (-riz)], a building fitted up for astronomical research. observe (-zerv'), v.t. to keep in view ; take notice of ; celebrate ; practice ceremonially ; mention : v.i. to make observations. observing ('ing), p.adj. giving par- ticular attention to. Also observant. obsidian (-sid'i-an), n. volcanic larva of a glassy appearance. obsolescence (-so-les'ens), n. the state of becoming obsolete. obsolescent Cent), adj. becoming ob- solete. obsolete ('so-let), adj. gone out of date ; disused ; imperfectly developed. obsoleteness (-nes), n. the state of being obsolete ; indistinctness. obsteric (-stet'rik), adj. pertaining to midwifery : n.pl. the science of midwifery. obstetrician (-ste-trish'an), n. an accoucheur. obstinacy ('sti-na-si), n. the state or quality of being obstinate; stub- bornness. Also obstinateness. obstinate ('sti-nat), adj. perti- naciously adhering to one's opinion or purpose ; stubborn. obstinately (-li), adv. in an obsti- nate manner. obstreperous ( -strep 'er-us), adj. clamorously noisy ; turbulent. obstruct (-strukt'), v.t. to block up or impede ; hinder from passing ; in- terrupt. obstruction (-struk'shun), n. an im- pediment. obstructionist (-ist), n. a member of a legislative assembly who makes use of its rules to deliberately hinder the progress of public business. obstructive ('tiv), adj. causing ob- struction. obtain (-tan'), v.t. to get possession of ; gain ; acquire ; win ; procure : v.i. to be established in practice or use.. obtainment ('ment), n. the act of obtaining. obtrude (-trood'), v.t. to thrust in or upon ; urge or offer with unreason- able importunity : v.i. to enter un- invited. obtrusion (-troo'zhun), n. the act ot obtruding. obtrusive ('siv), adj. inclined or apt to intrude. obtrusively (-li), adv. by way of obtrusion. obtuse (-tus'), adj. not pointed or acute ; greater than a right angle ; dull. obtusely ('li), adv. in an obtuse manner. obtuseness ('nes), n. the state or quality of being obtuse ; bluntness ; mental dulness. obverse (-vers'), adj. bearing the head : said of a coin or medal ; nar- rower at the base than the top : said of a leaf or radicle: n. ('vers) the side of a coin or medal having the face or head upon it : opposed to reverse. obversely ('li), adv. in an obverse form. obvert (-vert'), v.t. to turn towards; face. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; mg, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. obv 564 oct obviate ('vi-at), v.t. to remove, as difficulties or objections.^ obvious ('vi-usK adj. evident. obvolute ('vo-ltit), adj. arranged so as to overlap, as the margins of an organ or part of a plant. oca (o'ka) , n. a South American plant with a tuberous root resembling the potato. occasion (ok-ka'zhun) , n. occurrence : state or position of affairs ; opportu- nity ; incidental cause or need ; exi- gence : v.t. to cause or influence di- rectly or indirectly ; give rise to. occasional (-al), adj. incidental or casual. occasionally (-li), adv. incidentally or casually. Occident (ok'si-dent), n. the West; the countries v^est of Asia and the Turkish dominions. Occidental (-si-den'tal), adj. of or belonging to the Occident : n. a na- tive of the- Occident. occipital (-sip'i-tal), adj. pertaining to the occiput. occiput ('si-put), n. the hinder part of the skull or head. occult (-kult'), adj. hidden; secret; invisible. occultation (-kul-ta'shun), n. tem- porary disappearance or obscura- tion : said of one heavenly body when another conceals it from sight. occulted (-kult'ed), adj. hidden from the vision, as a star, &c. occultism ('izm), n. Eastern theos- ophy. occultly ('li), adv. in -an occult man- ner. occult sciences (si'en-sez), n.pl. magic, alchemy, and astrology. occupancy ('u-pan-si), n. the act of taking and holding in possession. occupant ('ti-pant), n. one who has possession. occupation (-pa'shun), n. the act or state of occupying ; business, em- ployment, or calling. occupier ('u-pi-er), n. one who oc- cupies. occupy Cu-pl), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. occu- pied, p.pr. occupying], to take pos- session of ; hold or keep in posses- sion, as for use ; fill or cover ; em- ploy : v.t. to traffic. occur (-ker'), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. oc- curred, p.pr. ocurring], to happen or take place ; come to the mind ; be found or met with. occurrence (-kur'ens), n. an acci- dent, event, or incident. ocean (6'shun), n. the vast expanse of salt water covering more than 3-5ths of the globe ; any one of its chief divisions ; an immense expanse : adj. pertaining to the great expanse of salt water. oceanic (-she-an'ik), adj. pertaining to, occurring in, or produced by, the ocean. ocelot ('se-lot),) n. the Mexican cat. ochre ('ker), n. a fine yellow- or brown-colored clay : used as a pig- ment. octa, a prefix meaning eight. Also octo, as octachord, an instrument of 8 strings ; a system of 8 sounds •, octodecimo, a book with 18 leaves to the sheet (18mi.). octagon (ok'ta-gon) , n. a plane figure of 8 sides and 8 angles. " - octagonal (-tag'o-nal), adj. having 8 sides and 8 angles. octabedral (-ta-he'dral), adj. having 8 equal sides. octahedron ('drun), n. a solid figure contained by 8 equal equilateral tri- angles. octangular (-tang'gti-lar), adj. hav- ing 8 angles. octant ('tant), n. the 8th part of a circle. octave ('tav), n. an eighth, or an in- terval of 12 semitones ; the 8th day after a church festival, the festival itself being included ; a small cask of wine = l-8th of a pipe : adj. con- sisting of 8. octavo (-ta'vo), n. a sheet of printing paper folded ^'n 8 leaves or 16 pages (8vo.) : adj. having 8 leaves or 16 pages to the sheet. octennial (-ten'i-al), adj. recurring every 8th year ; continuing 8 years. octennially (-li), adv. every 8 years. octillion (ok-til'yun), n. in French and American numeration the num- ber represented by 1 followed by 27 ciphers ; in English numeration 1 followed by 48 ciphers. octodecimo (-to-des'i-mo), adj. con- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Oct 565 oft sisting of 18 leaves or 36 pages to a sheet : n. a book of such size (18mo.). octogenarian (-to-je-na'ri-an), n. one who is 80 years old : adj. 80 years old. octopod ('to-pod), n. an animal with 8 feet. octopus ('to-pus), n. Ipl. octopuses (-ez)], a genus of Cephalopods hav- ing 8 arms, containing the cuttle- fish. octoroon (-to-roon'), n. the offspring of a white person and a quadroon. octuple ('_tti-pl), adj. eight-fold. ocular ('ti-lar), adj. pertaining to, depending on, or formed by, the eye ; known from actual sight. oculiform ('ii-li-form), adj. eye- shaped. oculist ('ti-list), n. one who is skilled in the treatment of eye diseases. odd (od), adj. not paired or matched with another;. not even; not exactly divisible by 2 ; unusual ; peculiar ; eccentric. Odd Fellow ('fel-5), n. a member of the order of the benevolent society of Odd Fellows. oddity ('i-ti), n. a person or thing that is peculiar ; eccentricity ; strangeness. odds (odz), n.pl. inequality; advan- tage ; superiority ; excess of either compared with the other ; probabil- ity ; more than an even wager. ode (od), n. a short song; lyric poem. odious (o'di-us), adj. offensive; un- popular. odium ('di-um), n. hatred; dislike. odometer (o-dom'e-ter), n. an in- strument for registering the number of revolutions of a carriage-wheel, to which it is attached. odontoid (-don'toid), adj. tooth-like. odontology (-tol'o-ji), n. dental sci- ence ; a treatise on the teeth. odoriferous (-der-if'er-us), adj. dif- fusing fragrance. odorous ('der-us), adj. emitting an odor or scent ; fragrant. odor ('der), n. a scent; estimation. o'er, same as over. oesopliagus. See esophagus. of (ov), prep, from; out of; belong- ing to ; according to ; proceeding from. off (of), adj. most distant; noting the right-hand side in driving, or the left-hand side of the bowler at crick- et : adv. away from : prep, not on ; distant from : inter j. begone ! offal (of'al), n. refuse; waste meat. offend (-fend'), v.t. to displease or make angry ; molest or annoy ; pain or shock : v.i. to transgress ; do any- thing displeasing. offense (-fens'), n. any cause of an- ger or displeasure ; insult ; injury ; assault. offensive (-fen'siv), adj. causing dis- pleasure ; annoying ; disagreeable ; disgusting ; used in attack : n. the act of attacking (with the). offensively (-li), adv. in an offensive manner. offensiveness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being offensive. offer ('er), v.t. to present for accept- ance or refusal ; proffer ; present in worship or sacrifice ; bid as a price or reward : v.i. to be ready ; express a willingness ; attempt or make an attempt : n. a proposal made ; price offered ; first advance. offering (-ing), n. that which is of- fered ; a sacrifice ; oblation. office (of 'is), n. public or private business ; employment ; function ; act of worship ; formulary of devo- tion ; act of 'kindness; service; apartment for the transaction of business : pi. the outlying buildings of a mansion ; apartments of a house in which domestics discharge their duties. officer ('is-er), n. a person commis- sioned to perform a certain public duty : v.t. to furnish with officers. official (-fish'al), adj. pertaining to an office or public duty ; from the proper authority : n. one who holds a civil office. officialism (-izm), n. government by officials ; official routine. officially (-li), adv. by the proper of- ficer ; in an official manner. officiate ('i-at), v.i. to perform the duties of an office. officinal (-fis'i-nal), adj. noting drugs ate, arm, isk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. il ofE 566 oli officially recognized by the pharma- copceia. officious (fish'us), adj. too forward in offering services ; meddling. offing (of'ing), n. that part of the sea with deep water off the shore. ofFscouring ('skour-ing), n. refuse. ofPsc-um ('skum), n. dregs; filth. offset ('set), n. a young shoot or bud ; a sum or account placed as an equivalent for another ; in survey- ing, a perpendicular let fall from the main line to an outlying point. offside ('sid), n. the side to the right hand of the driver. offspring ('spring), n. children; de- scendants. often ('en), adv. many times; fre- quently. ogee (6-je'), w. a wave-like molding, one side convex the other concave ; a cyma. ogle Cgl), v.t. to look fondly at with a side glance : n. a side glance. ogre (o'ger), n. an imaginary man- eating monster or giant. Feminine ogress. ogreisli (-ish), adj. like an ogre. oh. (6), inter j. an exclamation of won- der, pain, or anxiety. olini (om), n. the unit of electrical resistance. oil (oil), n. a highly inflammable fatty liquid obtained from various animal and vegetable substances : v.t. to lubricate with oil. oilcake ('kak), n. the substance that remains after the oil has been expressed, as from flaxseed. oilcloth, ('kloth), n. painted canvas for floor covering. oil-color ('kul-er), n. a pigment made by grinding a coloring sub- stance in oil ; a painting executed in oil-colors. oiliness ('i-nes), n. oily quality; greasiness. cily ('i), adj. containing, or like, oil; greasy ; unctuous ; flattering. ointment (oint'ment), n. an unctu- ous substance applied to a wound or injured part. okra (ok'ra), n. a West Indian plant, the pods of which are used in soups, &c. Okro, ochra. old (old), adj. [comp. older, superL oldest], aged; decayed by time; an- cient ; out of date ; long practiced. olden (ol'den), adj. ancient; bygone. oldish (old'ish), adj. somewhat old. old style (stil), n. the old mode of 11 reckoning time according to the Julian year of 365^ days. oleaginous (o-le-aj'i-nus), adj. oily; unctuous. • oleander (-an'der), n. an evergreen shrub with handsome fragrant flow- ers. oleaster (-as'ter), n. the wild olive. oleate ('le-at), n. a salt of oleic acid, oleiiant ('e-fi'ant), adj. noting a gas formed by heating 2 volumes of sul- phuric acid with 1 volume of alcohol. oleiiant gas (gas), n. heavy car- buretted hydrogen. olefine (o'le-fin), n. a hydrocarbon containing 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of carbon. oleic ('le-ik), adj. pertaining to, or obtained from, oil. oleic acid (as'id), n. an oily acid ob- tained from the saponification of lin- seed and other oils, or in the making of soap. oleiferous (-le-if'er-us, adj. produc- ing oil. oleine ('le-in), n. the pure liquid part of oil or fat. Also olein. oleo, a prefix meaning oily, pertaining to oil, or oily. oleograph ('le-o-graf), n. a litho- graph in oil-colors. oleomargarine (-o-mar'gar-in), n. imitation butter made from milk and animal fat, &c. oleometer (-om'e-ter), n. an instru- ment for testing and determining the relative density of oils. oleo-oil (-oil), n. oil obtained from animal fat. olfactory (ol-fak'to-ri), adj. pertain- ing to, or used in, smelling : n. organ of smell (usually pi.). olibanum (o-lib'a-num), n. a gum resin ; the frankincense of the an- cients. Also oliban. oligarch (ol'i-gark), n. one of an oli- garchy. oligarchal (-al), adj. pertaining to an oligarchy. ate, arm, ask, at, awl , me, merge, met ; rnfte, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. oli 567 oligarcliy ('i-giir-ki), n. [pi. oligar- chies (-kiz)], government in which the supreme power is in the hands of a few ; a state so governed. olive ('iv), n. a plant of the genus Olea, or its oily fruit ; a tawny yel- low color : adj. pertaining to, or re- sembling, the olive. olive-branch, (-branch), n. the branch of the olive : the emblem of peace. olivet ('i-vet), n. an imitation pearl made for traffic with savage races. ' olivil ('i-vil), n. a crystalline sub- stance obtained from the gum of the olive tree. olivine ('i-vin), n. a variety of chrys- olite. Olympiad (o-lim'pi-ad), n. in an- cient Greece, the interval (4 years) between the celebration of the Olym- pic games : a system of chronology reckoning from the first Olympiad, 776 B.C. Olympic _('pik), adj. pertaining to Olympia in Elis, where the Olympic games were celebrated. Also Olym- pian : n.pl. the Olympic games of ancient Greece, celebrated every 4 years in honor of Zeus of Mt. Olym- pus. omber, ombre (om'ber), n. a card game. ombrometer (-brom'e-ter) , n. a rain- gage. omega (o-me'ga), n. the last letter of the Greek alphabet ; hence the last ; end. omelet (om'e-let), n. a kind of pan- cake of eggs, &c. omen (o'men), n. a sign of some fu- ture event : v.t. to portend or prog- nosticate. ominous (om'i-nus), adj. foreboding evil ; inauspicious. omission (o-mish'un), n. neglect or failure to do something required ; something omitted. omit (-mit'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. omitted, p.pr. omitting], to leave out; neg- lect ; fail to mention. omni, a prefix meaning all, entirely, as omnipresent. omnibus (om'ni-bus), n. a public four-wheeled carriage for passenger traffic omnipotence (-nip'o-tens), n. unlim- ited power. omnipotent ('o-tent), adj. having unlimited power. Omnipotent, n. God (with the). omnipresence ( -ni-prez'ens ) , n. uni- versal presence. omniscient (-nish'ent), adj. know- ing all things ; infinitely wise. omnivorous (-niv'er-us), adj. feed- ing upon animal and vegetable food ; all-devouring. on (on), prep, upon; in contact with the upper part ; at ; near : adv. for- ward ; onward : adj. noting the side to the right of the batsman in crick- et : interj. go on ! onager (on'a-jer), n. the, wild ass. onanism (o'nan-izm), n. masturba- tion. once (wuns), adv. at one time; for- merly ; one time. one (wun), adj. single in number; some way ; individual : n. [pi. ones (wunz)], the number one or its symbol ; an individual. onerous (on'er-us), adj. burdensome: weighty ; oppressive. onion (un'yun), n. a bulbous-rooted plant of the genus Allium : used in cookery. only (on'li), adj. single; one and no more : adv. singly ; merely. onomatopoeia (on-o-mat-o-pe'ya) , n. the formation of words to resemble the sounds made by the thing sig- nified, as tvM« ; the use of words so formed, or the word itself. onomatopoetic (-po-et'ik), adj. formed by onomatopoeia. Also ono- matopoeic. onset ('set), n. an assault; attack. onslaught ('slawt), n. a furious at- tack. ontogenesis (-to-jen'e-sis), «. ther history of the evolution of individual [ organisms. Also ontogeny. ontological (-to-loj'i-kal), adj. per-^ taining to ontology ; metaphysical. ontologist (-tol'o-jist), n. a meta- physician. ontology ('o-ji), n. the logic of pure being; metaphysics. onus (6'nus), n. a burden; duty; ob- ligation. on-ward (on'werd), adj. advancing; &te arm, ask, at. awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ©n!r 568 opu progressing : adv. in advance. Also onwards : inter j. forward ! onyx (on'iks), n. a variety of agate. oolite (o'o-lit), n. a limestone com- posed of grains like the roe of a fish. oolitic (-lit'ik), adj. pertaining to, composed of, or like, oolite. oology (-ol'o-ji), n. a treatise on birds' eggs ; the scientific study of birds' eggs. oolong (oo'long), n. a Chinese black tea, the flavor of which resembles green tea. Also oulong. oomiak ('mi-ak), n. an Eskimo fish- ing and transport boat. Also oomi- ac, umiak. oosperm (o'o-sperm), n. a fertilized ovum. ootheca (-the'ka), n. the egg-case of certain mollusks and insects contain- ing the eggs. ooze (ooz), n. soft mud or slime ; gen- tle flow ; liquor of a tan vat : v.i. to flow gently ; percolate. opacity (o-pas'i-ti), n. opaqueness. opali ('pa), n. the king-fish. opal ('pal), n. a precious stone of milky hue, exhibiting a play of vari- ous colors. opalesce (-es'), v.i. to exhibit a play of various colors like the opal. opalescence ('ens), n. the quality of being opalescent. opalescent ('ent), adj. resembling opal in its reflection of light. opaline ('pa-lin), adj. pertaining to, or resembling, the opal. opaque (-pak'), adj. not transparent. opaqueness (-nes), n. the quality or state of being opaque. ope (op), V. & adj. same as open [Poet.]. open ('n), adj. not shut; unfastened; clear of trees ; expanded ; uncovered ; unsealed ; not frozen nor frosty ; clear ; unreserved ; public ; generous ; frank ; sincere ; enunciated without closing the mouth : v.t. to make open ; explain ; begin ; expand ; break the seal of : v.i. to unclose itself ; com- mence ; begin to appear ; bark in view or the scent of game : said of a dog. opening (-ing), n. an aperture; be- ginning ; opportunity : adj. first in order. opera (op'er-a), w. a musical drama. opera-bouffe (-boof), n. a comic opera. opera-cloak (-klok), n. a lady's evening dress cloak worn at an. opera, theater, &c. opera-glass (-glas), n. a small bi- nocular glass used in operas, thea- ters, &c. operameter (-er-am'e-ter), n. an in- strument for recording the number • of revolutions made by the shaft or wheel of a machine. operate ('er-at), v.i. to work; pro- duce a certain effect ; perform a sur- gical operation : v.t. to cause to per- form certain work : as, to operate a machine. operatic (-at'ik), adj. pertaining to the opera. operation (-a'shun), n. the act of operating ; agency ; effect ; manipu- lation ; surgical performance with instruments ; a series of movements of an army or fleet. operative ('er-a-tiv), adj. having the power of acting ; effiacious ; vigor- ous : w. an artisan or skilled work- man. operator (er-a-ter), n. one who, or that which, operates. operetta (op-er-et'a), n. a light mu- siv^al drama. opkicleide (of'i-klid), n. a large brass keyed musical instrument of the horn class. Ophidia (6-fid'i-a), n.pl. an order of reptiles, including the serpents. ophidian ('i-an), adj. pertaining to the Ophidia ; snake-like : n. one of the Ophid'a. ophiological (of-i-o-loj'i-kal), adj. pertaining to ophiology. ophiology (-ol'o-ji), n. that branch of natural history which treats of serpents. ophthalmia (of-thal'mi-a), n. in- flammation of the eye or eyeball. Also ophthalmitis. ophthalmic ('mik), adj. pertaining to the eye. ophthalmologist (-mol'o-jist), n. one who is skilled in diseases of the eye. ophthalmology ('o-ji), n. the sci- ate, arm, ask, at. awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, ndrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, *^ea. oph 569 opt ence that treats of the eye and its diseases. oplitlialiiioscope ('mo-skop), n. an instrument for examining the inte- rior of the eye. ophtlialiiioscopy- (-mos'ko-pi), n. ex- amination of the eye. ophtlialiiioscopy ('mo-sko-pi), n. ex- section or extraction of the eye. opiate (o'pi-at), n. a medicine com- pounded with opium to induce sleep or rest ; narcotic ; anything that soothes : adj. narcotic ; soothing ; in- ducing sleep or quiet. opine (o-pin'), v.i. to think; be of opinion. opinion (-pin'yun), n. belief or judg- ment ; estimation ; persuasion. I opinionated (-a-ted), adj. firm or obstinate in one's opinions. opinionative (-a-tiv), adj. fond of preconceived ideas ; self-conceited. opinionatively (-li), adv. obsti- j nately. opium (o'pi-um), n. the dried juice of the capsules of the white poppy. opobalsam (op-o-bawl'sam), n. balm of Gilead. opodeldoc (-del'dok), n. a soap lini- ment : used for sprains, &c. opossum (o-pos'um), n. an American and Australian marsupial carnivo- rous mammal. opponent (op-po'nent), adj, oppo- site ; adverse ; antagonistic : n. one who opposes, especially in argument or debate ; adversary. opportune ( -per-tiin' ) , adj. well- timed ; seasonable. opportunely ('li), adv. seasonably. opportuneness ('nes), n. seasona- bleness. k opportunism ('izm), n. sacrifice of principle to circumstances, especial- ly in politics. opportunist ('ist), n. one who takes advantage of circumstances to pro- mote the political interests of his party. opportunity (-tu'ni-ti), n. conven- ient time or occasion. opposable (-poz'a-bl), adj. that may be opposed. oppose (-poz'), v.t. to act against; contend with ; resist ; place as an obstacle ; check. opposite ('po-zit), adj. placed or standing in front ; contrary ; ad- verse ; antagonistic. oppositely (-li), adv. in front; ad- versely. oppositeness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being opposite. opposition (-zish'un), n. the act or state of opposing ; hostile resistance ; contrariety ; obstacle ; the situation of two heavenly bodies when their longitudes differ by 180° ; the col- lective body of opponents to the ex- isting administration or government. oppositionist (-ist), n. one of the party that opposes an administra- tion or government. oppress (-pres'), v.t. to burden ; crush by hardship or severity ; lie heavily upon. oppression (-presh'un), n. the act of oppressing : state of being oppressed ; hardship ; calamity ; injustice ; lassi- tude ; dulness. oppressive (-pres'iv), adj. unreason- ably burdensome ; unjustly severe ; tyrannical ; overpowering ; heavy. oppressively (-li), adv, in an oppres- sive manner. oppressiveness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being oppressive. oppressor ('er), n. one who op- presses. opprobrious (-pro'bri-us) , adj. ex- pressive of opprobrium ; reproachful and contemptuous ; disgraceful. opprobrium ('bri-um), n. reproach with disdain or contempt ; ignominy. opsiometer (-si-om'e-ter) . n. an in- strument for measuring the limits of distinct visi_on, optative ('ta-tiv), adj. expressing de- sire or wish. optic ('tik), adj. pertaining to vision. Also optical : n.pl. the science of thej properties of light and vision. optically (-al-li), adv. by optics or vision. optician (-tish'un), n. one skilled in optics ; one who makes or sells opti- cal instruments. optigrapb ('ti-graf), n. a kind of camera for copying landscapes. optimism ('ti-mizm). n. the doctrine that everything in the present state of existence is for the best. e, arm, ^sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon» book ; hiie, hut ; think, *^en. opt 570 ori optimist ('ti-mist), n. one who holds the doctrine of optimism. optimistic (-mis'tik), adj. character- ized by optimism ; sanguine. optimistically (-al-li), adv, hope- fully. option ('shun), n. power or right of choice ; wish ; selection ; on the Stock Exchange, the liberty to sell or buy stock in a time bargain at a stated price. optional (-al), adj. left to one's wish or choice. optionally (-li), adv. at one's own option. optometer, same as opsiometer. opulence ('ti-lens), n. wealth. Also opulency. opulent ('ti-lent), adj. wealthy; rich. opus (o'pus), n. Ipl. opera (-op'er- a)], a work; musical composition. opuscule ('kill), n. a little work; brochure. or ( or ) , conj. the correlative of either. oracle (or'a-kl), n. among the an- cients, the response of a deity or in- spired priest to some inquiry ; the deity who gave the answer ; the place where a deity might be consulted ; the Jewish temple ; a prophetic dec- laration ; a prophet or person of reputed wisdom. oracular (o-rak'u-lar), adj. of the nature of an oracle ; uttering ora- cles ; dogmatically magisterial ; am- biguous ; venerable. oral ('ral), adj. verbal. orally (-li), adv. verbally. orange (or'enj), n. a tree (Citrus Aurantium) with a deep golden-col- ored and juicy fruit ; the color of such fruit : adj. pertaining to an orange ; orange-colored. orangeade (-ad'), n. a beverage made from orange-juice. Orangeman (-man), n. [pi. orange- men (-men)i, a member of a polit- ical society of Irish Protestants : named from William III., Prince of Orange. orangery (-ri), n. a place for the cultivation of oranges. orang-outang (o-rang'oo-tang) , n. the great anthropoid ape of the East- ern Archipelago. ate, arm. oration (-ra'shun), n. a formal pub- lic speech delivered on an occasion of special importance ; harangue. orator (or'a-ter), n. one who makes an oration ; an eloquent speaker. oratorical (-tor'i-kal) , adj. pertain- ing to an orator or to oratory ; rhe- torical. oratorically (-li), adv. in a rhetori- cal manner. oratorio (-to'ri-o), n. a musical com- position having a sacred theme as its subject. oratory ('a-to-ri), n. the art of an orator ; eloquence : n.pl. oratories, a small chapel, especially one for pri- vate devotion. orb (orb), n. a circular body; sphere; the eye ; circuit. orbed ('d), adj. spherical. Orbicu- late. orbicular (-bik'ti-lar), adj. orb- shaped. orbit ('bit), n. the bony cavity of the eye ; the path described by a heav- enly body during its periodical rev- olution. orbital (-al), adj. pertaining to an orbit. orchard ('cherd), n. an inclosure of fruit trees. orchestra ('kes-tra), n. in the an- cient Greek theater the place where the chorus danced ; in a modern the- ater, &c., the place occupied by the musicians ; the parquet ; the body of musicians. orchestral (-tral), adj. pertaining to, suited to, or performed by, an orchestra. orchestration (-tra'shun), n. musi- cal arrangement or instrumentation for an orchestra. orchid ('kid), n. a handsome flower, often of fantastic shape, of the genus Orchis. Orchis ('kis), n. a genus of plants with curiously-shaped roots and flowers, orcin ('sin), n. a coloring substance obtained from lichens. ordain (-dan'), v.t. to appoint; in- stitute ; invest with ministerial or priestly functions. ordeal ('de-al), n. an ancient method of trial by fire, water, combat, &c., :, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. ORCHIDS 1. Aganisia tricolor. — 2. Coryanthes macrantha. — 3. Miltonia Blunti. — 4. Nanodes Medusae.— 5. Dendrobium Brymerianum. — 6. Brassia caudata var. hieroglyphica. — 7. Cattleya Trianae var. purpurata. — 8. Masdevallia spectrum. — 9. Laelia elegans var. Houtteana. — 10. Coelogyne pan- durata. — 11. Taphinia Randi. ^ ord 571 ori to determine the guilt or innocence of an accused person : hence a severe trial or test. order ('der), n. method or regular ar- rangement ; settled mode of proced- ure ; rule ; regulation ; command : class ; rank ; degree ; a religious fra- ternity ; an association of persons possessing a common honorary dis- tinction ; a division intermediate be- tween a class or sub-class and a family ; in architecture, a system of constructing and ornamenting col- umns, comprising the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite : pi. the three orders (bishop, priest, deacon) of the Christian ministry in an Episcopal Church (Holy Or- ders) : v.t. to regulate or manage ; command ; conduct ; direct : v.i. to give a command or order. ordering: ('der-ing), n. arrangement; distribution. orderly ('der-li), adj. well regulated; methodical ; performed in good or- der ; peaceable ; on military duty : n. a soldier who attends upon an offi- cer to carry his orders : adv. method- ically. ordinal ('din-al), adj. noting order: n. a number noting order ; a book containing the form of service for ordination. ordinance ('di-nans), n. an estab- lished rule, rite, or law. ordinarily ('di-na-ri-li), adj. accord- ing to established rule or method ; usually. ordinary ('di-na-ri), adj. according to established order ; usual ; cus- tomary ; commonplace ; mediocre : plain ; a meal for all comers at fixed charges ; an ecclesiastical judge ; a prison chaplain ; in heraldry, that part of the escutcheon contained be- tween straight and other lines. ordinate ('di-nat), n. a straight line in a curve terminated on both sides by the curve and bisected by the diameter. ordination (-na'shun), n. the act of conferring holy orders ; the state of being ordained or appointed. ordnance (ord'nans), n. artillery. ore (or), n. metal as extracted from the earth in its natural state or com- bined with some other substance. oread (o're-ad), n. a mountain nymph. organ (or'gan), n. an instrument; means of communication or convey- ance ; that part of a living structure by means of which some fuction is discharged or work performed ; a wind instrument. organic (-gan'ik), adj. pertaining to, composed of, containing, or produced by, organs ; instrumental. Also or- ganical. organically (-al-li), adv. in an or- ganic manner ; with, or by means of, organs. organicalness (-nes), n. organic quality. organism ('gan-izm), n. organical structure. organist ('ist), n. a performer on the organ. organization (-i-za'shun) , n. organic structure ; the act of organizing, organize ('gan-iz), v.t. to form or furnish with organs ; to arrange or distribute into parts with the proper officials so as to work or carry out a scheme efficiently. organogeny ('oj-e-ni), n. organic de- velopment. organography (-og'ra-fi), n. a scien- tific description of the organs of animals or plants. organology (-ol'o-ji), n. that branch of physiology which treats of animal organs. organon ('ga-non), n. a body of rules for regulating scientific or philo- sophical investigation. organoplastic (-o-plas'tik), «(?/. pro- ducing, or evolving, organic tissue. organzine ('gan-zin), n. thrown silk of very fine texture ; a fabric made from it. orgasm ('gazm), n. immoderate ex- citement or action. orgues (orgz), n.pl. pieces of timber pointed and shod with iron ; an ar- rangement of gun-barrels in parallel order for firing simultaneously. orgy Cji), n. a drunken revel,, espe- cially at night : pi. secret rites in the worship of Dionysus (Bacchus) dis- tinguished by wild revelry. oriel (o'ri-el), n. a large bay window. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, fh&n. ' ori 572 orp Orient ('ri-ent), adj. Oriental : w. the East. orient ('ri-ent), v.t. to define the po- sition of with reference to the East. Oriental (-en'tal), adj. pertaining to, or situated in, the East; proceeding from Asia or the East : n. an inhabi- tant of Asia or the East. oriental (-en'tal), adj. precious; pure ; valuable : said of gems. Orientalism, (-izm), n. an idiom or custom characteristic of the East. Orientalist (-ist), n. one who is skilled in Oriental languages, sub- jects, &c. orientate (-tat), v.t. & i?.*. to turn towards the East. orientation (-ta'shun), n. the deter- mination of the position of the east ; eastward position ; the faculty pos- sessed by certain birds of finding their way home from long distances. orifice (or'i-fis), n. a mouth or aper- ture. oriflaxume ('i-flam), n. the ancient royal standard of France, a red flag split at one end and forming flame- slaaped streamers. origin ('i-jin), n. beginning; first ex- istence ; source ; cause ; derivation. original (6-rij'i-nal), adj. first in or- • der ; having power to originate ; not copied : n. that from which anything is copied, &c. ; the language in which a work is written; archetype; an jeccentric person. originality ('i-ti), n. original state or quality. originally (-li), adv. at first. original sin (sin), n. the inherent tendency of mankind to sin, derived from Adam and imputed to his de- scendants. originate (-rij'i-nat), v.t. to bring into existence : v.i. to rise ; com- mence. origination (-na'shun), n. first pro- duction ; source ; method of produc- tion. originatox* ('i-na-ter), n. one who originates. orillon (o-ril'yun), n. a mound of earth faced with a wall to protect a cannon. oriole (o'ri-ol), n. the golden-thrush. orlop (Or'lop), n. the lowest deck of a ship. ormolu ('mo-loo), n. bronze or cop- per gilt in imitation of gold. ornament ('na-ment), n. anything that adorns or beautifies ; embellish- ment : v.t. to adorn, beautify, or dec- orate. ornamentally ('al-li), adv. so as to adorn. ornamentation (-ta'shun), n. deco- ration. ornate (-nat'), adj. ornamented. ornately ('li), adv. in an ornate manner. ornith, a pre-fix meaning hird. Also ornitho, as ornithoWte, the remains of a bird in a fossil state. ornithological (-ni-tho-loj'i-kal), adj. pertaining to ornithology. ornithologist (-thol'o-jist), n. one who is skilled in ornithology. ornithology ('o-ji), n. the scientific study of the structure, habits, &c., of birds. orographic (or-o-graf'ik), adj. per- taining to orography. Also oro- graphical. orography (o-rog'ra-fi), n. the sci- ence that treats of mountains, moun- tain systems, their height, &c. Also orolog3\_. oroide (o'ro-id), n. an alloy of tin and copper resembling gold. orotund (o'ro-tund), adj. character- ized by fullness, clearness, strengtli, and smoothness : said of the voice or manner of utterance : n. a quality of voice thus characterized. orphan (or'fan), n. a child bereft of one or both parents : adj. bereft of parents. orphanage (-aj), n. the state of an orphan ; an institution for orphans, orphaned ('fand), adj. bereft of pa- rents. Orphean ('fe-an), adj. pertaining to Orpheus, the celebrated bard of classic mythology ; hence melodious, enchanting. Also Orphic. orphrey ('fri), n. an embroidered band or bands of gold or silver on the front of an ecclesiastical vest- ment from the neck downwards, es- pecially on a cope. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon book ; hue, hut ; think, th^n. orp 5?» orpiment ('pi-ment), n. yellow sul- phuret of arsenic ; king's yellow. orpin ('pin), n. a, yellow color of various shades of intensity. orpine ('pin), n. a succulent plant with fleshy leaves : so named from its yellow color. orrery (or'e-ri), n. an apparatus to illustrate by balls mounted on rods the motions, magnitudes, and posi- tions of the planets of the solar sys- tem. orris ('is), n. gold or silver lace; the iris. orris-root (-root), n. the dried roots of the Florentine orris : used as a perfume. orthite (or'thit), n. a variety of alla- nite. ortho, a prefix meaning straight, right, true. orthoclase (6r'tho-klaz), n, potash feldspar. orthodiograph (6r-th6'di-o-graf ), n. a device for taking X-ray pictures of the internal organs of the hu- man body. orthodox ('tho-doks), adj. holding, or in accordance with, the received or established belief or doctrine, es- pecially as taught in the formularies of a particular church. orthodoxy (-dok-si), n. conformity to orthodox belief or opinion ; sound- ness of belief or doctrine. orthoepy (-tho'e-pi), n. correct pro- nunciation. orthogonal (-thog'o-nal), adj. rec- tangular. orthographer ('ra-fer), n. one skilled in orthography. Also or- thographist. orthographic (-th5-graf'ik), adj. pertaining to orthography ; correct- ly spelt. Also orthographical. orthographically (-al-li), adv. ac- cording to the rules of orthography. orthography (-thog'ra-fi), n. the art of spelling and writing words _ correctly. t orthopaedia (-tho-pe'di-a), n. the * prevention and cure of deformities, especially in children. ortolan ('to-lan), n. a small bird, allied to the bunting : much es- teemed for its flesh. OS (os), w. (Latin) [pi. ossa ('a)], a bone; the mouth {pi. ora). oscillate ('i-lat), v.i. & v.t. to swing backwards and forwards ; vibrate. oscillation (-la'shun), n. a swinging backwards and forwards ; vibration. oscillator (os'i-la-ter), n. one who, or that which, oscillates ; a device for producing electric currents of a constant period, independently of variations in its driving force. oscillatory (os'i-la-to-ri), adj. swing- ing ; vibrating. osculate ('kii-lat), v.t. & v.i. to kiss; touch. osculation (-la'shun), n. kissing; touching. osculatory ('ku-la-to-ri), adj. per- taining to kissing : n. a tablet or board on which the picture of 'Christ or the Virgin Mary is painted for worshipers to kiss. osier (o'zher), n. a willow, the twigs of which are used in basket-making; matter in muscular fiber containing those constituents to which its taste when cooked is due. osmium (os'mi-um), n. a metallic ele- ment in platinum ore. osmose ('mos), n. the process of at- traction by which gases and fluids pass through a separating mem- brane. Osmund ('mund), n. the flowerins fern of the genus Osmunda. osnaburg ('na-berg), n. a coarse linen. osprey (os'pra), n. the fish-hawk. Also ossifrage. ossein ('e-in), n. gelatinous tissue in bone. osseous ('e-us), adj. pertaining to, consisting of, or like, bone. osseter ('e-ter), n. a species of stur- geon, yielding a fine kind of isin- glass. ossicle ('i-kl), n. a little bone: pi. a hard structure of small size, as the calcareous plates of the starfish. ossiferous (-if'er-us), adj. producing, or containing, bone. ossification (-fi-ka'shun), n. conver- sion of soft animal tissue into bone. ossify ('i-fl), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. ossified, p.pr. ossifying], to convert into ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, hof>k; hue, hut; think, then. 08t 574 out bone or into a bone-like substance; harden : v.i. to become bone. ostensibility (-ten-si-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being ostensible. ostensible ( 'si-bl ) , adj. apparent ; held forth to view ; plausible. ostensibly ('si-bli), adv. in appear- ance. ostensive ('ten-siv), adj. showing; . exhibiting. os'tentation (-ta'shun), n. outward show or appearance ; ambitious or vain display. ostentations ('shus), adj. fond of show ; intended for vain display ; gaudy. osteodentine (-te-o-den'tin), n. a substance forming the teeth of verte- brate animals and structurally in- termediate between bone and den- tine. osteogenesis (-jen'e-sis), n. bone formation. osteologist (-ol'o-jist), n. one who is skilled in osteology. osteology ('6-ji), n. that part of an- atomy treating of bones, their struc- ture, &c. osteopatMc (-o-path'ik), adj. per- taining to osteopathy, osteopatMst (-op'a-thist), n. one skilled in, or who practices, osteop- athy. osteopathy (-op'a-thi), n. a system of therapeutics in which the treat- ment is by manipulation of the bones, muscles, and nerve centers. osteosarcoma (-6-sar-ko'ma), w. sof- tening of the bones. ostitis (-ti'tis)^ n. inflammation of the bones. ostler (os'ler), n. a man who attends to horses at an inn. ostracism ('tra-sizm), n. banishment by ostracizing. ostracize ('tra-siz), v.t. to banish by popular vote : from the ancient cus- tom in Athens of banishing a citizen by throwing a shell, inscribed with the name of the person to be ban- ished, into an urn ; exclude from public or private favor. ostrich ('trich), n. a swift running African bird, valued for its feathers. Ostrogoth Ctro-goth), n. an Eastern Goth. other (lih'ev), adj. noting something besides ; different ; contrary. other-wise (-wiz), adv. in another manner ; in other respects : conj. • else. otoscope (o'to-skop), n. an instru- ment for examining the interior of the ear. otter (ot'er), n. an amphibious mam- mal of the weasel family, which feeds on fish. otto, another form of attar. Ottoman (ot'o-man), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, the Turks or their government : n. a Turk. ottoman ('6-man), n. a cushioned seat ; a movable cushioned foot-rest. ought (awt), vA. to be under obliga- tion ; be fit, necessary, or proper : n. anything. ounce (ouns), n. a weight l-16th of a pound avoirdupois ; l-12th of a pound troy ; a carnivorous animal resembling the leopard. our (our), pron. pertaining to. or be- longing to, us. ourselves (our-selvz'), pron.pl. we or us, not others. ousel, ouzel (oo'zel),. n. the Euro- pean blackbird. oust (oust), v.t. to eject. out (out), adv. without; not within or at home ; abroad ; gone forth ; not in office or employment; in a state of extinction ; to the end ; at a loss ; without restraint ; not actively engaged in a game ; in an error ; loudly : inter j. begone ! : n. one who is not in office. out-and-out, adj. thorough : adv, completely ; thoroughly. outbreak (out'brak), n. a breaking out ; an eruption. outcast ('kast), adj. cast out; re- jected : n. one who is east or driven out ; an exile. outcrop ('krop), n. the exposure of strata at the earth's surface : v.i. to crop out at the surface. outcry ('kri), n. clamor; tumult. outfall ('fawl), n. the lower end of a water-course; point of discharge. outgo (-go'), v.t. [p.t. outwent, p.p. outgone, p.pr. outgoing], to go be- yond ; surpass. ate, arm, ask. at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, ndrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. out 575 outgoings ('ings), n.pl. expenses. ont-herod (-her'od), v.t. to exceed the cruelty or violent character of (Herod the Great) : hence to exceed in any evil. outlandish (-land'ish), adj. foreign; extraordinary ; vulgar. outlaw ('law), n. one who is deprived of legal benefits and protection : v.t. to deprive of legal benefits and pro- tection. outline ('lin), n. a line bounding or defining a figure ; first sketch : v.t. to sketch out. outport ('port), n. a port or harbor at some distance from the chief port. outrage ('raj), n. open and exces- sive violence ; wanton abuse or mis- chief : v.t. to commit an ^ outrage upon ; insult indecently : v.i. to act in an outrageous manner. outrageous ('us), adj. violent; ex- cessive ; exceeding all bounds. outre ( oo-tra' ) , adj. overstrained ; exaggerated. outrider (out'ri-der), n. a servant on horseback who rides in advance of a carriage. outrigger ('rig-er), n. a projecting spar or beam for extending sails or ropes ; a boat with projecting row- locks. outright ('rit), adv. completely; at once. outside ('sid), n. the external part of anything ; superficies ; utmost ; a passenger on the top of a bus, &c. : pi. the exterior sheets of a ream* of paper : adj. pertaining to, or situ- ated upon, the outside; exterior. outspoken ('spo-kn), adj. candid. outstanding (-stand'ing), adj. pro- jecting ; unpaid. outward Cwerd), adj. external; to or from the exterior ; visible ; ex- trinsic. outw^ard-bound (-bound), adj. sail- ing to foreign parts. outwards ('werdz), adv. towards the outside ; to foreign parts. All ',o out- ward. outwent, p.t. of outgo. outwit (-wit'), v.t. to overreach, or defeat, by superior skill or cunning. outwork ('werk), n. a defense con- structed beyond the main body of a fort, &c. ouzel, see ousel. ova, pi. of ovum. oval (6'val), adj. shaped like an egg; elliptical : n. anything egg-shaped. ovarian (-va'ri-an), adj. pertaining to the ovary. ovaritis (-ri'tis), n. inflammation of the ovaries. ovary ('va-ri), n. [pL ovaries (-riz)], the organ in a female animal in which the ova or first germs of fu- ture life are formed; the hollow seed-case of a plant. ovate ('vat), adj. egg-shaped. ovate-oblong (ob'long), adj. longer than oval. ovation (-va'shun), n. among the ancient Romans, a minor triumph of a general for an inferior victory at which sheep were sacrificed ; an enthusiastic demonstration of pub- lic esteem. oven (uv'n), n. a place or apparatus for baking or heating. over (o'ver), prep, superior in posi- tion, authority, dignity, excellence, or value ; above ; upon ; across ; cov- ering ; more than : adv. from begin- ning to end ; from one to another ; from side to side ; in excess ; on the surface ; throughout : adj. beyond ; superior : n.' in cricket, the number of balls delivered by one bowler. overhaul ('hawl), v.t. to examine thoroughly ; overtake ; gain upon : said of a ship. overplus ('ver-plus), n. excess. overpower (-pou'er), v.t. to bear down or crush by superior force ; vanquish. over-production (-pro-duk'shun), n. supply in excess of the demand. overseer (-ser'), n. the superintend- ent of some department of a busi- ness ; a parochial official who super- intends the poor. overshot wheel ('ver-shot hwel), w. a water wheel which is driven by water flowing over its top. overt ('vert), adj. open; public. overtake (o-ver-tak') , v.t. [p.t. & p.p. overtook, p.pr. overtaking], to catch by pursuit ; come upon as a punish- ment ; take by surprise. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ove 57G oys overthroxp- (-thro'), v.t. to turn up- side down ; demolish ; vanquish ; de- stroy : n. ('ver-thro) ruin; defeat; ir cricket, a ball missed by the wicket-keeper when returned to him. overtones (Ver-tonz), n.pl. har- monics. overture ('ver-ttjr), n. an offer or proposal ; opening ; an introductory symphony before the commencement of an opera, &c. overweening (-wen'ing), adj. con- ceited. overwhelm (-hwelm'), v.t. to crush or destroy utterly. overwise (-wiz'), adj. affectedly wise. ovicular (-vik'u-lar), adj. pertaining to an egg ; oviform. oviparous (-vip'a-rus), adj. produc- ing young by eggs. ovoid ('void), adj. egg-shaped. Also ovoidal. ovolo ('vo-l6), n. a round or convex egg-shaped molding. ovoplasm ('vo-plazm), n. the proto- plasmic substance or yolk of an egg. ovoviviparous (-vi-vip'a-rus), adj. producing eggs containing the young in a living state, as certain animals. ovule ('vul), n. the germ borne by the placenta of a plant, and subse- quently developing into a seed. ovum Cvum), n. [pi. ova ('va)], the germ or body in the ovary which, when impregnated, develops in the foetus ; an egg-shaped ornament. owe (o), v.t. to be indebted, or under obligation to ; be obliged to pay : v.i. to be in debt. owing Cing), p.adj. due as a debt; ascribable to ; imputable to. owl (oul), n. a raptorial nocturnal bird characterized by its hoot : v.i. to smuggle. owlet Cet), n. a young owl. own (on), adj. belonging to; peculiar or proper to : v.t. to possess or hold by right ; concede or acknowledge. owner ('er), n. lawful proprietor. ownership ('er-ship), n. rightful possession. ox (oks), n. [pi. oxen ('n)], an ani- mal of the bovine genus, especially a castrated bull. oxalate ('a-lat), n. a salt of oxalic acid. oxalic (-al'ik), adj. pertaining to, or derived from, oxalis, a genus of plants with a bitter taste, contain- ing the wood-sorrel. oxalic acid, (as'id), n. a poisonous acid obtained from sawdust. oxidability (-id-a-bil'i-ti), n. capa- bility of being converted into an oxide. oxidable ('i-da-bl), adj. capable of being converted into an oxide. oxidate, same as oxidize. |, oxidation (-da'shun), n. the opera- tion of converting into an oxide. oxide ('id), n. a compound of oxygen and a base. oxidize ('i-diz), v.t. to convert into an oxide : v.i. to be converted into an oxide. Also oxidate. oxlip ('lip), n. a variety of primula. oxy, a prefix occurring in various sci- entific words, meaning the presence of oxygen. oxygen ('i-jen), n. a colorless in- odorous gas, which with nitrogen and argon constitutes l-5th by vol- ume of the atmosphere, and in com- bination with hydrogen forms water. oxygenate ('i-jen-at), v.t. to com- bine with oxygen. Also oxygenize. oxygenation, same as oxidation. oxy hydrogen (-hl'dro-jen), adj. con- sisting of a mixture of oxgyen and hydrogen, as in the oxyhydrogen- blowpipe by which an intense heat is produced by the combination of the two gases. oxy tone ('i-ton), adj. having an acute sound ; having the last sylla- ble accented : n. an acute sound. oyer (o'yer), n. a hearing or trial of legal causes. oyer and terminer (ter'min-er), n. a court constituted by commission to hear and determine specified causes. oyes ('yes), interj. the introductory cry of an official or public crier de- manding silence. Also oyez. oyster (ois'ter), n. a bivalve mollusk of the genus Ostrea, much esteemed as a delicacy. oyster-plant (-plant), w. a plant Ste, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n5rth, not ; boon. , book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 577 ozo whose root, when cooked, has the flavor of oysters; salsify. ozone ('zon), n. an allotropic form of oxygen present in the atmosphere, especially after electrical disturb- ance, with a characteristic odor. ozonize ('zo-mz), v.t. to charge with ozone. ozonometer (-nom'e-ter), n. an in- strument for determining the pres- ence and amount of ozone in the atmosphere. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, n&rth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, *Aen. pa (pa), n. abbreviation of papa. pabulum (pab'ti-lum), n. food; nour- ishment. paca (pak'a), n. a small South American rodent of a dark-brown color spotted with white. [pace (pas), n. a step; manner of walking; length of one's movement of the foot in walking ; a linear measure, varying from 30 in. to 60 in. ; rate of progress ; an amble : v.t. to measure by steps or paces : v.i. to walk slowly or deliberately ; am- ble. paced (past), p. adj. having a par- ticular manner of walking. paclia, same as pasha. pachycarpous (pak-i-kar'pus), adj. having a very thick pericarp. pachydactyl (-dak'til), n. an ani mal with thick toes. pachydermatous (-der'ma-tus), adj thick-skinned. pacific (pa-sif'ik), adj. peace-mak ing ; conciliatory ; mild ; peaceful tranquil. pacification (-i-ka'shun), n. the act of peace-making ; conciliation. pacificator (-sifi-ka-ter), n. a peace- maker. pacifier (pas'i-fi-er), n. one who pacifies. pacify Ci-fl), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. paci- fied, p.pr. pacifying], to calm or ap- pease ; reconcile. pack (pak), n. a large bundle tied up for carriage ; load ; burden ; set of playing-cards ; great, number or quantity; gang; weight of wool — 240 lbs. ; number of dogs kept for hunting : v.t. to bind and press to- gether, as goods for carriage ; load ; dismiss summarily or unceremoni- ously ; select and put together for an unjust object : v.t. to become firm- ly pressed ; depart or remove in haste. package ('aj), n. a bundle or bale of goods. packet ('et), n. a small pack, or par- cel ; a vessel sailing between two or more ports for the conveyance of passengers, mails, and merchau- dise at regular intervals. paco (pji'ko), n. the alpaca; an earthy brown oxide of iron contain- ing small quantities of native silver. pact (pakt), n. an agreement. pad (pad), n. a soft cushion; a thick mass of sheets of blotting paper for writing upon ; a slow-paced horse : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. padded, p.pr. pad- ding], to travel slowly: v.t. stufiE with padding. padding ('ing), n. material used for stuflBng ; the act of impregnating cloth with a mordant ; inserted mat- ter for filling out a newspaper or magazine article, &c. paddle ('1), v.i. to row slowly; play in the water : v.t. to propel by pad- dle or oar ; to spank : n. a short broad oar ; an oar blade ; one of the floats for propelling a steamship. paddle-wkeel (-hwel), n. a wheel with floats for propelling a steam- ship. paddock ('uk), n. a small field or enclosure adjacent to a stable for horses, &c. ; a large toad or frog. padlock (pad'lok), n. a lock with a link to pass through a staple or eye : v.t. to fasten with a padlock. padrone (pa-dro'na), n. a person, ate, arm, c, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, I book; hue, hut; think, then. 578 pae 579 pal usually an Italian, who owns barrel organs and lets them out on hire; in Italy, a contractor for labor. psean. (pe'an), n. a triumphal song. psedobaptism (-do-bap'tizm), n. in- fant baptism. Also pedobaptism. pseony, same as peony. pagan, (pa'gan), n. a heathen; idola- ter : adj. heathen ; idolatrous. paganish (-ish), adj. heathenish. paganism (-izm), n. heathenism; idolatry. page (paj), n. a boy attending on a person of distinction ; a boy in liv- ery; a male attendant on a legisla- tive body ; one side of the leaf of a book ; a book or writing ; episode : v.t. to mark or number in pages. pageant (paj'ent), n. a theatrical show or spectacle; anything merely showy. pageantry (-ri), n. ostentatious dis- play. paginal ('i-nal), adj. consisting of pages. pagination (-na'shun), n. the mark- ing, numbering,' or making, into pages. Also paging. pagoda (pa-go'da), n. a Buddhist temple ; a Hindu idol temple ; an idol ; a gold or silver coin current in India. paid, p.t. & p.p. of pay. paidology (pa-dol'o-ji), n. scientific child study. pail (pal), n, an open vessel of wood or metal furnished with a handle for carrying water, &c. pailful ('fool), n. the quantity that a pail will hold. pain (pan), n. physical or mental suffering ; penalty : pi. diligent ef- fort ; throes of parturition : v.t. to cause physical or mental suffering ; render uneasy. painful ('fool), adj. full of, or caus- ing, pain. painfully (-li), adv. so as to cause pain. painfulness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being painful. paint (pant), v.t. to represent by delineation and colors ; depict ; be- smear or cover with color ; dye : v.i. to practice painting ; rouge : n. a coloring substance or pigment; rouge. painter ('er), n. one whose occupa- tion is to paint ; an artist who is skilled in depicting subjects in col- ors ; a rope for fastening a boat. painter's-colic ('erz-kol'ik), n. lead-poisoning. painting ('ing), n. the act, art, or occupation of laying on colors ; the representation of objects by delinea- tion and colors ; a picture ; vivid verbal description. pair (par), n. two things of a kiml^ similar in form, suited to each other, and used together ; couple ; married couple : v.t. to join in couples : v.i. to be joined in couples ; suit or be adapted to each other ; in a legisla- tive body, to offset votes, or agree te a pair-off. pair-off ('of), n. an agreement by two members on opposing sides of a measure to abstain from voting when the votes if cast would neu- tralize each other. pajamas (pa-ja'maz), n.pl. loose trousers of silk, &c. ; a kind of sleeping costume. pal (pal), n. an, intimate friend; ac- complice. palace (pal'as), n. the residence of a sovereign or bishop ; a magnifi- cent house or building. paladin ('a-din), n. a knight-errant, especially one of the knights of Charlemagne or Arthur. palseo, a prefix meaning ancient, as palwoUthic, adj. noting the earliest division of the Stone Age. palaeontology, same as paleontology. palaeozoic, same as paleozoic. palaestra, same as palestra. palanquin (pal-an-ken'), n. in India and China, a covered conveyance for one passenger borne on the shoulders of men. palatable ('a-ta-bl), adj. agreeable to the taste; savory. palatal ('a-tal), adj. pertaining to, or uttered by means of, the palate: n. a letter pronounced by means of the palate. palate ('at), n. the roof of the mouth ; taste or relish. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, */ien. pal 580 pal palatial (pa-la'shal), adj. pertaining to, or suitable to, a palace ; royal. palatinate (-lat'i-nat), n. the prov- ince^ or dignity of a palatine. palatine ('a-tin), adj. invested with royal privileges and rights, as cer- tain counties : n. one who is thus invested. palaver (pa-la'ver), n. a public con- ference [African] ; superfluous or idle talk ; chatter : v.t. to talk over ; deceive by words : v.i. to confer ; chatter. pale (pal), adj. not of a fresh or ruddy complexion ; wan ; wanting in color ; of a faint luster : n. a narrow board used in fencing; a pointed stake ; space inclosed by rails ; lim- it ; district or territory : v.i. to turn pale : v.t. to inclose with, or as with, pales. paleontologist ( pa-le-on-tol'o-jist ) , n. one who is skilled in paleontology. paleontology _('o-ji), n. that brancli of geology which treats of fossil re- mains. Paleozoic (-o-zo'ik), adj. noting the fossiliferous strata in which the earliest forms of life appear. palestra (pa-les'tra), n. a place for wrestling or gymnastic exercises. palette (pal'et), n. a thin oval wood or porcelain plate for mixing and holding colors. palfrey (pawl'fri), n. a small saddle- horse for a lady's use. Pali (pa'le), n. the sacred language of the Buddhists, allied to. Sanskrit. palimpsest (pal'imp-sest), n. a parchment manuscript which, after the writing upon it has been par- tially erased, is used again, the for- mer writing being more or less dis- cernible. palindrome ('in-drom), n. a word, verse, or sentence which reads the same backwards or forwards, as "Able was I ere I saw Elba." paling ('ing), n. a fence constructed of pales ; materials for a fence of pales. palingenesis (pal-in-jen'i-sis), n. new birth or regeneration ; inherited evolution. palisade (-i-sad'), n. a fence or forti- fication formed of stakes driven into the ground and pointed at the top ; v.t. to inclose or fortify with stakes. palish (pal'ish), adj. somewhat pale. pall (pawl), n. a cloak or mantle; a kind of scarf of lamb's wool sent by the Pope to an archbishop on his consecration (also pallium) ; a cof- fin covering : v.i. to become insipid ; lose strength : v.t. to make insipid. palladium (pal-a-di'um), n. any safeguard of a liberty, or privilege: from the statue of Pallas at Troy, said to have fallen from heaven, and on the preservation of which de- pended the safety of the city; a rare greyish metal found with plat- inum. pallet ('et), n. a pallette; a name for various tools used in gilding, pottery, horology, &c. ; a small piece of the mechanism of a watch ; a small rough bed. palliate ('i-at), v.t. to excuse or cover over ; extenuate ; lessen or abate. palliation (-a'shun), n. the act of palliating ; extenuation ; mitigation. palliative ('i-a-tiv), adj. tending to lessen or mitigate. pallid ('id), adj. pale; wan. pallium, see under pall. pall-mall (pel-mel'), n. a game for- merly played with a ball which was driven through an iron ring by a mallet. pallor (pal'er), n. paleness. palm (piim), n. the inner part of the hand ; a linear measure of varying length (from 3 to 4 in.) ; a tree of various species of the order Palmse ; a palm branch symbolical of victory or rejoicing : v.t. to conceal in the palm of the hand ; impose upon by fraud (with off). palmate (pal'mat), adj. resembling a hand with the fingers outstretched ; web-footed. palmer (pam'er), n. a pilgrim to the Holy Land who carried a palm branch as a token of his pilgrimage. palmetto (pal-met'o), n. a species of palm-tree, the cabbage-tree palm._ palmist (pal'mist), adj. pertaining to palmistry. palmister (-er), n. one who pro- fesses palmistry. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, thQn. pal 581 pan palmistry ('mis-tri), n. the pretend- ed art of foretelling the future by examination of the lines and marks of a person's hand. paliuitin ('mi-tin), n. a solid fatty substance obtained from vegetable oils, &c. Palm Sunday (pam sun'da), n. the Sunday next before Easter, held in commemoration of Christ's trium- phal entry into Jerusalem. palmy (papa'i), adj. abounding in palms ; flourishing ; prosperous. palpability (pal-pa-bil'i-ti), n. the I state or quality of being palpable. I Also palpableness. i palpable ('pa-bl), adj. easily per- ceived ; obvious. palpably ('pa-bli), adv. obviously. palpitate ('pi-tat), v.i. to beat or throb. palpitation (-ta'shun), n. abnormal beating or throbbing of the heart. palsied (pawl'zid), p. adj. affected with palsy. palsy ('zi), n. paralysis: v.t. [p.t. & p.p. palsied, p.pr. palsying], to par- alyze. palter ('ter), v.i. to trifle; act insin- cerely. paltry (!tri), adj. worthless; con- temptible. pampas (pam'paz), n.pl. in South America, vast treeless plains cov- ered with luxuriant pasture. 'pamper ('per), v.t. to feed luxurious- ly ; satiate. pampero (-pa'ro), n. a strong south- west wind that blows across the pampas of South America. pamphlet ('flet), n. a small unbound book, usually on some current topic, of one or more sheets stitched to- gether. pamphleteer (-er'), n. a writer of pamphlets : v.i. to write pamphlets. pan, a prefix meaning all, universal, as paw-Anglican : n. a broad shallow vessel ; that part of an old flint- lock which held the priming. panacea (pan-a-se'a), n. a universal remedy or medicine. panada (pa-na'da), n. a bread pulp: bread soaked in sweetened boiled water and flavored with nutmeg. pancake ('kak), n. a thin cake of batter fried. pancratic (-krat'ik), adj. excelling in gymnastic exercises : from an athletic contest (pancratium) of the ancient Greeks. pancreas ('kre-as), n. a large fleshy gland (the sweetbread) situated under and behind the stomach se- creting a fluid that assists in the process of digestion. pancreatic (-at'ik), adj. pertaining to, or secreted by, the pancreas. pancreatin ('kre-a-tin), n. an albu- minoid principle in the fluid of the pancreas. panda ('da), n. the Himalayan bear- cat. Pandean (-de'an), adj. pertaining to the god Pan, the tutelary deity of shepherds. ^ Pandean-pipes (-pips), n.pl. a mu- sical wind instrument consisting of short reeds of varying length blown by the breath. Also Pan's-pipes. Pandect ('dekt), n. the digest of the Roman or civil law. pandemonium (-de-mo'ni-um), n. a place or abode of general disorder. pander ('der), v.i. to act as an agent for the gratification of the passions. pandit, another form of pundit. pane (pan), n. a square of glass; a piece in variegated work. panegyric (-e-jir'ik), n. an ovation or eulogy in praise of some person or event; encomium. panegyrize ('e-jir-iz), v.t. to praise or commend highly : v.i. to bestow praise. panel ('el), n. a piece of board, the edges of which are inserted in a frame ; a thin board on which a pic- ture is painted ; a schedule contain- ing the names of persons summoned to serve as jurors ; the jury ; in Scots law, the prisoner at the bar : v.t. to form with panels. pang (pang), n. a violent sudden pain ; agony, mental or physical. panic ('ik),' n. a sudden fright; a kind of millet: adj. suddenly, and violently alarming : said of fear. pannier ('ni-er), n. one of two bas- kets suspended across the back of a horse, for carrying market produce. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, th^n. pan 582 pap panoplied ('o-plid), adj. furnished with a complete suit of armor. panoply ('5-pli), n. a complete suit of armor. panopticon (-op'ti-kon), n. a prison so arranged that the warder on duty can see all the prisoners with- out himself being visible ; a kind of polytechnic ; a room for the exhibi- tion of novelties, &c. panorama (-o-riim'a), n. a picture, viewed from a central standpoint, of several scenes unrolled and made to pass before the spectator. panoramic (-ram'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or like, a panorama. Panslavic (-slav'ik), adj. pertaining to all the Slavic races or Panslavism. Panslavism ('izm), n. a Russian movement for the political union of all the Slavic races. pansy ('zi), n. the heart's-ease. pant (pant), v.i. to breathe rapidly, desire ardently (with for or after) : 77. rapid breathing: pi. abbreviation for pantaloons. pantagrapli, same as pantograph. pantalettes (pan-ta-lets') , n.pl. loose drawers for women or children. pantaloon ('a-loon), n. a buffoon in a pantomime : pi. a pair of tight trousers. pantamorphic (-mor'fik), adj. tak- ing all shapes. pantheism ('the-izm), n. the doc- trine that the universe in its totality is God. panth.eist (-ist), n. a believer in pantheism. pantheistic (-is'tik), adj. pertain- ing to pantheism. Pantheon ' ('the-on), n. a temple dedicated to all the Gods, especially that of ancient Rome dedicated to Mars and Jupiter. panther ('ther), n. a fierce feline carnivorous animal. Fern, pan- theress. pantile ('til), n. a curved tile. pantochronometer ( -to-kro-nom'e- ter), n. an instrument which com- bines the sun-dial, compass, and a time-dial. pantograph ('to-graf), n. an in- strument for copying drawings, de- signs, &c., on an enlarged or re- duced scale. Also pantagraph. pantology (-tol'o-ji), n. universal knowledge. pantometer (-tom'e-ter), n. an in- strument for measuring angles, ele- vations, distances, &c. pantomime ('to-mim), n. a repre- sentation in dumb show ; a popular Christmastide theatrical entertain- ment with music, dancing, «&;c. pantomimic (-mim'ik), adj. pertain- ing to a pantomime. Also panto- mimical. pantomimist ('to-mim-ist), n. one who acts in pantomime. pantry ('tri), n. a provision closet. pap (pap), n. soft food for infants,- a nipple, teat, or breast ; pulp of fruit. papa (pa-pa', or pa^'pa), n. a word of endearment for father. papacy (pa'pa-si), n. the office, dig- nity, or authority, of the Pope : popes collectively ; Roman Catholic religion. papal ('pal), adj. pertaining to the Pope, or the Church of Rome. papa-w (-paw'), n. an East Indian fruit tree. paper (pa'per), n, a thin flexible substance made of various materials, as linen, straw, &c., used for writing or printing upon ; a piece of paper ; newspaper ; an essay or literary contribution; written instrument; bank-notes or bills of exchange : adj. made of paper ; thin : v.t. to cover with, or wrap in, paper. papeterie (pap'e-tre), n. a case con- taining paper and writing materials. papier-mache (pap-ya'ma-sha'), n. paper pulp molded and made into trays, &c., and japanned. papilla (-pil'a), n. [pi. papillae Ce)], a small nipple: pi. minute elevations on the tongue, &c. papillary ( pap'il-er-i ) , adj. pertain- ing to a nipple or the papillae ; cov- ered with papillae. papoose (-poos'), n. a young child [North American Indian]. pappus (pap'us), n. the feathery sub- stance on the seed of certain plants : the calyx of a composite flower. pappy ('i), adj. resembling pap. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Copyright, Underwood & Underwood. PANAMA CANAL. Upper view shows Miraflores twin locks, total lift about 55 feet. Lower view shows approach to Guard Gate, Gatiin. pap 583 par papyrus (pa-pi'rus), n. [pi. papyri pri)], a species of Egyptian reed, from which the ancients made pa- per ; a manuscript on papj'rus. par (par), n. state of equality; nomi- nal and market value. para, a prefix meaning Itepond, teside, divergence, as paracentric, parable (par'a-bl), n. an allegorical method of conveying instruction by means of a fable or short fictitious narrative ; a comparison or simili- tude. parabola (-ab'o-la), n. one of the conic sections formed by the inter- section of the cone by a plane par- allel to one of its sides. parabolic (-a-bol'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or formed like, a- parabola ; allegorical. Also parabolical. paraboloid (pa-rab'o-loid), n. a solid . generated by the revolution of a parabola on its axis. parachute ('a-shoot), n. an umbrella- shaped apparatus for descending from a balloon. Paraclete ('a-klet), n. a title of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, and Ad- vocate. parade (pa-rad'), n. ostentatious dis- play ; show ; military display ; place of assembly for exercising troops : v.t. to marshal in military order : make a display of : v.i. to exhibit, or walk about ostentatiously. paradigm (par'a-dim), n. an exam- ple or model ; example of the gram- matical inflection of a word. paradise ('a-dls), n. the garden of Eden ; any place of happiness ; heaven. paradox ('a-doks), n. something ap- parently absurd or incredible, yet true ; a tenet contrary to received opinions. paradoxical ('i-kal), adj. of the na- ture of a paradox. paradoxically (-li), adv. in a para- doxical manner. paraffin ('a-fin), n. a white crystal- line substance obtained by distilla- tion from wood^ shale, &c. paragoge (-go'je), n. the addition of a letter or syllable to the end of a word. paragon ('a-gon), n. something of extraordinary excellence ; model or pattern of perfection : v.t. to equal or compare. paragraph ('a-graf), n. a small sub- division of a connected discourse ; a short passage ; a reference mark (^) ; an item of newspaper intelli- gence. paragraphic ('ik), adj. consisting of paragraphs. Also paragraphical. paragraphist ('a-graf-ist), n. a writer of newspaper paragraphs. parallax ('al-laks), n. the apparent angular shifting of an object caused by change in the position of the ob- server, especially the difference in the apparent position of a heavenly body and its true place. parallel ('al-lel), adj. lying side by side ; extended in the same direction and equi-distant at all points ; hav- ing the same direction or tendency : corresponding : n. a line equidistant at all points from another line ; re- semblance or likeness : pi. trenches in front of a fortified place parallel to the defenses : v.t. to place so as to be parallel ; correspond to ; equal. parallelism (-izm), n. the state or quality of being parallel ; corre- spondence. parallelogram ('o-gram), n. a plane 4-sided figure whose opposite sides are parallel and equal. parallelepiped (-e-pip'ed), n. a reg- ular solid figure bounded by 6 paral- lelograms, of which the opposite pairs are equal and parallel. paralysis (pa-ral'i-sis), n. loss of the power of sensation of one or more parts of the body; palsy. paralytic (par-a-lit'ik), adj. per- taining to, affected by, or inclined to, paralysis : n. one who is affected with paralysis. paralyze ('a-llz), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. paralyzed, p.pr. paralyzing], to af- fect with paralysis ; unnerve ; ren- der useless or ineffective. paramount (par'a-mount), adj. su- perior to all others ; eminent or chief : n. the highest in rank or authority. parapet ('a-pet), n. a wall breast- high ; a rampart to protect troops from the fire of an enemy. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. par 584 par a form of paranoia _(par-a-noi'a) monomania. paranoiac (par-a-noi'ak), n. one af- fected with paranoia; a monoma- niac. paraphernalia (-fer-na'li-a), n.pL tlie apparel, jewels, &c., of a wife which she possesses over and above her dowry ; ornaments of dress gen- erally ; equipment ; trappings. paraphrase ('a-fraz), n. a free translation or explanation ; a hymn based on some Scriptural passage : v.t. make a free translation of ; ex- plain in many words : v.i. to make a paraphrase. paraphrastic (-fras'tik), adj. free or clear in explanation ; of the na- ture of a paraphrase. Also para- phrastical. paraphrastically (-al-li), adv. in a paraphrase. paraplegia (-ple'ji-a), n. paralysis of the lower half of the body. parasite ('a-sit), n. one who fre- quents the table of a rich man and gains his favor by flattery ; a hang- er-on ; an animal or plant nour- ished by another to which it at- taches itself. parasitic (-sit'ik), adj. of the nature of a parasite ; meanly servile or fawning ; living at the expense of another animal or plant. Also para- sitical. parasitically (-al-li), adv. like a parasite. parasitism ('a-sit-izm), n. the state or behavior of a parasite. parasol ( 'a-sol ) , n. a. lady's sunshade. parataxis (-a-taks'is), n. a loose ar- rangement of sentences : opposed to syntax. parathesis (pa-rath'e-sis), n. appo- sition ; in printing or writing, bracketed matter. parboil (par'boil), v.t. to boil par- tially. parbuckle ('buk-1), n. a rope formed into a double sling for hoisting casks, &c. : v.t. to hoist by means of a parbuckle. Parcse ('se), n.pl. in classic mythol- ogy, the three Fates, Clotlw, Lache- sis, and Atropos, who controlled the destiny of every mortal. parcel ('sel), n. a small bundle or package ; little part : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. parceled, p.pr. parceling], to divide into parts. parceling (-ing), n. long narrow strips of tarred canvas to prevent friction. parcenary ('sen-a-ri), n. co-heirship. parcener ('sen-er), n. a co-heir. parch (parch), v.t. to scorch; burn slightly ; dry to excess. parchment ('ment), n. the skin of a sheep, goat, &c., dressed and pre- pared for writing upon ; a deed : adj. made of, or like, parchment. pard (pard), n. a leopard; any spot- ted beast. pardon (par'dn), v.t. to forgive; ab- solve : n. forgiveness ; absolution ; official remission of a penalty. pardoner (-er), n. one who pardons ; formerly, a cleric who was licensed to sell papal indulgences. pare (par), v.t. to cut away little by little ; reduce or diminish. paregoric (par-e-gor'ik), n. a tinc- ture of opium to assuage pain : adi, mitigating pain. pareira (pa-ra'ra), n. the root of a Brazilian plant, used in medicine. parenchyma (-reng'ki-ma), n. the soft cellular tissue or pith of plants ; the soft tissue of the glandular or- gans of the body. parenchymous ('ki-mus), adj. per- taining to, or like, parenchyma : soft ; spongy. Also parenchymatous, parent (pa'rent), n. a father or mother ; origin. parentage (-aj), n. extraction; birth. parental (-ren'tal), adj. pertaining to, or becoming, parents ; fond. parentally (-li), adv. like a parent. parenthesis (pa-ren'the-sis), n. [pi. parentheses (-sez)], an explanatory word or clause inserted in a sen- tence, which is grammatically com- plete without it : indicated by the marks ( ) , parenthetical ( par - en - thet'i - kal ) , adj. expressed in a parenthesis ; us- ing parentheses. parenthetically (-li), adv. in a par- enthetical manner. paresis (par'e-sis), n. insanity with ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon , book ; hue, hut ; think, then. par 585 par general motor paralysis ; softening of the brain. parhelion (par-he'li-on), w. a mock sun ; a bright light seen near the sun. pariah, (pa'ri-a), n. one of the low- est class of Hindus without caste : hence an outcast. Parian (pa'ri-an), adj. pertaining to, or found in, the Isle of Paros, famed for its marble : n. a fine porcelain used for statuettes, &c. parietal (pa-ri'e-tal), adj. pertain- ing to a wall or side; forming the wall or side : said of the large lat- eral bones of the head ; growing from the wall or side of another organ. parish (par'ish), n. an ecclesiastical district under the particular charge of priest, clergyman, or minister ; a district having its own ofiicers for the care of the poor of such a dis- trict ; a congregation : adj. pertain- ing to, or maintained by, a parish. parishioner ('on-er), n. one who belongs to a parish. Parisian (pa-riz'i-an), n. a native or inhabitant of Paris. pari, a prefix meaning equal. parisyllabic (par-i-sil-ab'ik), adj. having an equal number of syllable's. parity ('i-ti), n. equality; likeness. park (park), n. a large inclosed piece of ground surrounding a man- sion, or used as a public place for recreation ; the train of artillery be- longing to an army division; an artillery encampment: v.t. to in- close, or collect, in a park ; com- pact. parlance (par'lans), w. conversation: idiom of conversation. parley ('li), w. a conference, especial- ly with an enemy : v'.i. Uj.t. & p.p. parleyed, p.pr. parleying], to hold a conference, especially with an enemy with a view to peace. Parliament ('li-ment), n. the su- preme legislative assembly of Great Britain and Ireland, consisting of the Sovereign, the -House of Lords, and the House of Commons. parliamentarian (-men-ta'ri-an), n. one who is versed in parliamentary law and usages. parliamentary ('ta-ri), adj. per- taining to, enacted by, or in ac- cordance with the usages of, Par- liament. parlor ('ler), n. reception room; drawing room. Parnassian (-nas'i-an), adj. pertain- ing to Mt. Parnassus in Greece, the abode of the Muses ; of or pertaining to poetry. " parochial (pa-ro'ki-al), adj. pertain- ing to a parish ; narrow-minded. parodist (par'o-dist), n. one who parodies. parody ('o-di), n. [pi. parodies (-diz)], a burlesque imitation of a serious poem : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. par- odied, p.pr. parodying], to convert into a parody. parole (pa-rol'), n. a word of honor, especially one given by a prisoner of war that in return for conditional freedom he will return to custody on a specified day ; the daily pass- word in a camp or garrison. paronym (par'o-nim), n. a parony- mous word. paronymous (-on'i-mus), adj. of the same derivation, but different in spelling and meaning. paroqnet, same as parrakeet. paroxysm ('oks-izm), n. a sudden spasm, or fit of acute pain ; sudden action or convulsion. paroxysmal (-iz'mal), adj. pertain- ing to, or occuring in, paroxysms. parquet, parquette (par-kef), n. the floor space of a theater between the orchestra-rail and dress-circle. parquetry ('ket-ri), n. mosaic wood- work for floors. parr (par), n. a young salmon. parrakeet (par'a-ket), n. a small long-tailed parrot. Also paraquet, paroquet. parricidal ('i-sid-al), adj. pertaining to parricide. parricide ('i-sid), n. the murderer of a father or mother ; murder of a parent. parrot ('ot), n. a tropical bird with a hooked bill, characterized by its brilliant plumage and its power of imitating the human voice. parrot-fish (-fish), n. a brilliant hued fish of the tropical seas. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; n5te, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut ; think, then. par 586 par parry ('i), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. parried, p.pr. parrying], to ward off, as a blow. parse (pars), v.t. to resolve by gram- matical rules a sentence into its component parts, and show the re- lation of the various parts of speech. Parsee (par'se), n. a descendant of the old Persians, holding the Zoroas- trian faith, and now li-ving in India. Also Parsi, Parseeism (-izm), n. the religion of the Parsees. Also Parsiism. Parsi, same as Parsee. _ parsimonious (-si-mo'ni-us), adj. frugal to excess ; miserly ; penurious. parsimony ('si-mon-i), n. closeness in expenditure ; niggardliness. parsley (pars'li), n. a culinary herb. parsnip ('nip), n. an edible plant with a carrot-like root. parson (par'sn), n. the incumbent of a parish ; a clergyman. parsonage (-aj), n. an ecclesiastical benefice ; the residence of an incum- bent. part (part), w. something less than the whole ; piece ; portion ; propor- tional quantity ; ingredient ; share ; member or organ ; side or party ; concern ; business ; portion of a work issued in numbers at stated inter- vals ; any one of the characters of a play ; one of the melodies in a har- mony : pi. faculties, qualities, or ac- complishments ; regions ; quarters : v.t. to divide into two or more pieces ; distribute ; separate : v.i. to be separated or divided ; take leave. partake (par-tak'), v.i. [p.t. par- took, p.p. partaken, p.pr. partak- ing], to take a part or share in common with others. parterre (-tar'), n. a series of flower beds arranged ornamentally, with in- tervening spaces of gravel or turf. parthenogenesis ( -then-o-jen'e-sis ) , n. reproduction of animals or plants by means of unimpregnated germs or ova. Parthenon ('the-non), n. the temple of Athene (Minerva) at Athens. partial ( 'shal ) , adj. inclined to favor one side or party ; biased. partially (-li), adv. in a partial manner. partiality (-shi-al'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being partial. participant (-tis'i-pant), adj. shar- ing : n. one who shares or partakes. participate ('i-pat), v.i. to partake: v.t. to have part of ; share. participation (-pa'shun), n. the act of sharing something with others ; division into shares ; com- panionship. participator ('i-pa-ter), n. one who partakes with another. participial (-ti-sip'i-al), adj. having the nature of a participle. participle ('ti-si-pl), n. a word which partakes of the nature of a verb and of an adjective. particle ('i-kl), n. an atom;, the smallest part into which a body can be divided ; a word non-inflected, or not used alone ; a crumb of conse- crated bread. parti-colored (par'ti-kul-erd), adj. having various colors. particular (-tik'u-lar), adj. distinct from others ; individual ; peculiar or special ; characteristic ; exclusive ; exact ; minute. particularity (-lar'i-ti), n. circum- stantiality. particularize ('ti-lar-iz), v.t. to give the particulars of : v.i. be attentive to single things or details. particularly ('ti-lar-li), adv. espe- cially. parting ('ing), p.adj. separating; given when separating : n. division ; separating ; a taking leave ; a divi' sion in strata. partisan (par'ti-zan), n. an adher- ent of a party or faction ; a kind of halberd : adj. pertaining to, or biased in favor of, a party, &c. partisanship (-ship), n. the state of being a partisan. partite ('tit), adj. divided almost to the base. partition (-tish'un), n. the act or state of being divided ; separation : distribution ; a dividing wall ; part where separation is made : v.t. di- vide into shares ; divide by walls. partitive ('ti-tiv), adj. noting a part : n. a word that denotes a part or expresses partition. partly (part'li), adv. in part. ate, arm. :, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue,, hut ; think, then. I 1. Pur>_:. __.,_' :^.::;y. — 2. Tri-colored Crested Cockatoo. — ^ CreenAMn^ed IM-iea^ — 4 Vlexam i — 8. Common Gray Parrot. — 9. Tabuan or Australian Parrot. — 10. Warbling Grass or Zebra Pa 'arrakeet — 5. Kakapo or Owl Par: rot -6. Blue-crowned Parrot. -7. Rose-colored Love-bird. I par 587 pas partner ('ner), n. one who is as- sociated with another, especially in a business, &c. ; an associate ; one who dances with another; a hus- band or wife. partnership (-ship), n. the state of being a partner; union of two or more persons in the same business or profession. partook, p.t, of partake. partridge (par'trij), n. a well- known gallinaceous bird of the genus Perdix, preserved as game. parturition (-tti-rish'un), n, the act of bringing forth young. party ('ti), n, [pi. parties ('tiz)], a number of persons united together for a particular purpose ; faction ; one concerned in an affair ; cause or side ; a select company ; single indi- vidual spoken of. party- wall (-wawl), n, a common wall separating two tenements. paschal (pas'kal), adj, pertaining to the feast of the Passover or Easter. pasha (pash'aw), n. a Turkish title given to high officials. Also pacha. pashalic (-lik), n. the jurisdiction of a pasha. Also pachalic. pasquinade (pas-kwin-ad')",w.a lam- poon or rude satire : v.f, to lampoon or satirize. pass (pas), v.i, to move from one place or state to another; be pro- gressive; change by degrees; disap- pear ; be enacted ; be current : v.t. to go beyond, or through, or by; cause to move onward; omit; dis- i'egard ; give authority to ; transfer ; void ; utter or pronounce : n. a nar- row passage, avenue, or entrance ; defile ; license or permission, state of extremity ; a thrust. passable ('a-bl), adj. that may be passed, traveled, or navigated ; ca- pable of bearing inspection ; toler- able. passage ('aj), n. the act of passing; course or journey ; entrance or exit ; right of passing ; legal enactment ; single clause or portion of a book ; migratory habits. pass-book ('book), n. a book which passes between a merchant and his customer and contains the entries of goods sold on credit ; a bank-book held by the depositor. passenger ('en-jer), n. one who trav- els in or on a conveyance ; one who passes. passe (-a'), adj. past; worn out or faded [French]. passerine ('er-in), adj. pertaining to the Passeres, the order of birds which includes the swallows and sparrows. passing (pas'ing), p.adj, departing: adv. exceedingly : n. the act of going by ; transit. passing-bell (-bel), n. a bell tolled immediately after the death of a person. passion (pash'un), n. violent agita- tion of mind in anger ; strong deep feeling or excitement ; love ; ardor ; intense desire. Passion, n. the sufferings of Christ in his last agonies. passionate (-at), adj. moved by pas- sion ; angry ; excitable. passionately (-li), adv. with pas- sion. passion-flower (-flou-er), n. sl flow- er of the genus Passiflora. Passion play (pla), n. a dramatic representation of the Passion of the Saviour. Passion Sunday (sun'da), n. the 5th Sunday in Lent. Passion week (wek), n. the week following Passion Sunday. passive ('iv), adj. suffering without resisting ; not acting ; submissive ; quiescent. passive verb (verb), n. that form of a verb in which the object of the active verb becomes the subject. Passover (pas'o-ver), n. a Jewish feast commemorative of the passing of the destroying angel over the houses of the Israelites when he slew the first-born of the Egyptians. passport ('port), n. a license to travel in a foreign country. password ('werd), n. a word by means of which friends are distin- guished from strangers or enemies. past (past), p.adj. having formerly been ; gone by ; completed : n. the time gone by : adv. along : prep, be- yond. 6te, arm, asK, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book : hue, hut ; think, then. .pas 588 pat paste (past), n. a mixture of flour, &c., with water, used as a cement ; dough prepared for pies, &c. ; a com- position for making artificial gems : v.t. to fasten with paste. pasteboard ('bord), n. thick stiff paper ; a board on which dough is rolled. pastel (pas'tel), n. a colored crayon. paster (pas'ter), n. strip of gummed paper with printed matter on it, for covering over other printed mat- ter, &c. pasteurize (pas'tur-iz), v.t. to inocu- late with the bacillus which pro- duces a specific disease. pastil ('til), n. a small cone of aro- matic paste used for fumigating a room ; a medicated lozenge. Also pastille (pas-tel'), pastime (pas'tim), n. diversion; sport. pastor ('ter), n. a clergyman or min- ister having spiritual charge of a church and congregation. pastoral (-al), adj. pertaining to shepherds, or to the care of a church ; rural ; addressed to the clergy of a diocese by its bishop : n. a kind of dramatic poem, delineating incidents in rural life ; a bishop's pastoral letter. pastorate ('ter-at), n. the ofiice or jurisdiction of a pastor. Also pas- torship. pastry (pas'tri), n. articles of food, as pies, &c,» made of light puffy dough. pasturable (pas'tur-a-bl), adj. suited for pasturing. pasturage ('tur-aj), n. the business of grazing cattle ; pasture. pasture ('tur), n. land under grass for grazing cattle ; grass for graz- ing : v.t. to supply with grass or pasture : v.i. to graze. pasty (past'i), adj. like paste; a small pie of crust raised without a dish. pat '(pat), n. a light quick blow with the hand; a small lump of butter made up : adj. apt ; exact : adv. fit- ly : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. patted, p.pr. pat- ting], to strike gently and quickly with the fingers or hand. patch (pach), n. a piece applied to cover a hole or rent ; a piece in- serted in variegated work ; a plot of ground : v.t. to put a patch on ; mend clumsily. patchouli (pa-choo'li), n. an Indian plant, from the dried roots of which a strong odoriferous perfume is made. pate (pat), n. the head; crown of the head. paten (pat'en), n. the plate used for the bread at the Eucharist. patent (pat'ent, or pa'tent), adj. ap- parent ; open to the perusal of all ; secured by letters patent ; spreading widely : n. a privilege granted by letters patent, as a title of nobility, or the sole right in an invention,: v.t. to grant or secure by letters* patent. patentee (-e'), n. one who has se- cured a patent. patent-leather (-leth-er) , n. a var- nished or japanned leather. patent-yelloiv (-yel-o), n. a pig- ment or paint composed of oxide anci chloride of lead. patera (pat'er-a), n. a shallow cir- cular dish ; a flat ornament on a frieze. paterfamilias (pa-ter-fa-Hiiri-as), n. the father of a family. paternal ('ter-nal), adj. pertaining to, or exhibiting the characteristics of, a father ; hereditary. paternally (-li), adv. in a paternal manner. paternity (-ter-ni-ti), n. paternal re- lation ; authorship. paternoster (pa-ter-nos'ter), n. the Lord's Prayer ; a rosary ; every 11th bead in a rosary. path (path), n. a road; footway; track ; course of conduct or action. pathetic (pa-thet'ik), adj. affecting the emotions or passions ; touching. Also pathetical. pathetically (-al-li), adv. in a pa- thetical manner. pathogenetic (path-o-jen-et'ik), adj. producing disease. pathogeny (pa-thoj'e-ni), n. the science of the origin of diseases. pathological (path-o-loj'i-kal), adj. pertaining to pathology. pathologist (pa-thol'o-jist), n. one skilled in pathology. ate, iirm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. ill pat 589 pav patliology ('o-ji), n. the science of diseases. pathos (pa'thos), n. expression of deep feeling ; that which excites the mental emotions. patience ('shens), n. the quality of being patient or calmly enduring. patient ('shent), adj. suffering pain, hardship, affliction, insult, &c., with calmness and equanimity ; continu- ance of labor ; persevering ; waiting with calmness : n. a person under medical treatment. patina (pat'i-na), n. the fine green rust with which coins, ancient bronzes, &c., become covered by age, &c. patness ('nes), n. appropriateness. patois (pa-twa'), n. provincial dialect. patriarch (pa'tri-ark), n. the foun- der or head of a family ; an aged man ; in the Greek Church, a metro- politan dignitaryof the highest rank. patriarchate (-at), n. the office, rank, or jurisdiction of a patriarch. patrician (pa-trish'an), n. one of the senators of ancient Rome ; a nobleman : adj. senatorial ; noble. patrimonial (pat-ri-mo'ni-al), adj. inherited from ancestors. patrimouially {-li), adv. by inher- itance. patrimony ('ri-mo-ni), n. an estate or right inherited from a father or one's ancestors ; an ecclesiastical en- dowment or estate. patriot (pat'ri-, or pa'tri-ot), n. one who loves, and is devoted to, his na- tive country and its welfare. patriotic (-ri-ot'ik), adj. character- ized by patriotism. patriotically (-al-li), adv, like a patriot. patriotism ('ri-ot-izm), n. love of one's country. patristic (pa-tris'tik), adj. pertain- ing to the theology and writings of the fathers of the Christian Church. Also patristical. patrol (pa-trol'), n. a corporal's guard that marches round at night to preserve order ; a mounted police- man : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. patrolled, p.pr. patrolling], to go round as a patrol. patron (pa'tron), n. a guardian or protector ; one who has the gift of a benefice. Fern, patroness : adj. giv- ing aid or exercising guardianship ; tutelary. patronage (-aj), n. special support; guardianship or protection ; right of conferring a benefice. patronal ('tro-nal), adj. performing the office of a patron. patronize (-niz), v.t. to act as a patron towards ; support or protect ; frequent as a customer. patronymic (pat-ro-nim'ik), adj. derived from the name of an an- cestor : n. a name derived from an ancestor. patroon (pa-troon'), n. a landed pro- prietor with manorial rights. patten (pat'en), n. a wooden shoe with an irong ring worn under the soles by women as a protectioa against damp; the base of a col- umn. patter ('er), v.i. to strike with a quick succession of light sounds, as hail : n. the dialect of a class. pattering (-ing), p.adj. making a quick succession of light blows. pattern ('ern), n. a model, sample, or specimen ; anything cut out or formed into shape to be copied. patty ('i), n. a small pie. paucity (paw'si-ti), n. smallness of number or quantity. paunch (panch, or pawnch), n. the belly ; the first and largest stomach of a ruminant. pauper (paw'per), n. a poor person; one who is supported by the poor rates. pauperism (-izm), n. the state of being a pauper. pauperize (-iz), v.t. to reduce to pauperism. pause (pawz), n. cessation; tempo- rary stop ; a break in writing indi- cated by the mark [ — ] ; a mark of cessation in speaking; a mark [f^] in music, indicating the continuance of a note or rest : v.i. to make a short stop ; wait ; hesitate. pave (pav), v.t. to cover or lay with stones, bricks, &c. : as, to pave a street. pavement (pav'ment), n. a paved roadway or floor. 5te, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. pav 590 pea paver (pa'ver), n. one whose occupa- tion is to lay pavements. pavilion (pa-vil'yun), n. an orna- mental domed-shaped building ; a large tent ; a temporary movable habitation ; summer-house. paving (pa'ving), n. pavement. pavonine (pav'o-nin), adj. resem- bling the tail of a peacock ; irides- cent : said of certain ores. paw (paw), n. the foot of an animal with claws ; the hand : v.t. to scrape with the forefoot ; handle, as with paws ; caress, as a dog. pawl (pawl), n. a short bar to pre- vent the recoil of a windlass. pawn (pawn), n. something given as security for the redemption of a pledge ; a common piece at chess : v.t. to give in pledge. pawTibroker ('bro-ker), n. one who lends money on the security of goods pawned with him. pawpa"w (paw'paw), n. a tree of the custard-apple family, common in the southwestern United States. pax (paks), n. a small crucifix, or a crucifix engraved on a small metal plate kissed by worshippers. paxwax ('waks), n. the strong ten- don in the neck of animals. pay (pa), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. paid, p.pr. paying], to discharge a debt to; give an equivalent for ; compensate ; reward ; fulfil ; smear with tar, pitch, &c. : n. money given for serv- ice rendered. payee (-e'), n. one to whom money is paid. paymaster ('mas-ter), n. one who pays or from whom wages are re- ceived, especially an officer in the army or navy whose duty is to pay the officers and men. pea (pe), n. [pL peas, or pease (pez)], a leguminous plant of the genus Pisum and its edible seed. peace (pes), n. a state of rest or tranquillity ; calm ; freedom from war or disturbance. peaceable ('a-bl), adj. disposed to peace ; calm ; quiet. peaceableness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being peaceable. Also peacefulness. peaceably (-bli), adv. without agita- tion or tumult. peaceful ('fool), adj. full of peace; pacific ; quiet. peacefully (-li), adv. in a peaceful manner. peace-officer (-of'i-ser), n. a justice of the peace or a police-officer. peach (pech), n. a tree with its downy edible fruit : v.i. to betray one's ac- complices. peacock (pe'kok), n. a gallinaceous bird with handsome plumage : adj. iridescent like the feathers of the peacock. peahen ('ben), n. a female peafowl, homologous to the peacock. pea-jacket ('jak-et), n. a seaman's heavy jacket. peak (pek), n. the sharp-pointed sum- mit or jutting part of a mountain or hill ; pointed end ; the leather pro- jection in front of a cap ; the upper outer corner of an extended sail : v.i. to look pale and wan : v.t. to raise (a sail) obliquely to the mast. peakish ('ish), adj. having pale thin features. peaky ('i), adj. having, or resem- bling, a peak. peal (pel), n. a loud sound, as of thunder, bells, &c. ; a set of musical bells, or the changes rung by them : v.i. to give forth loud or solemn sounds. pean, same as paean. peanut (pe'nut), n. the ground-nut. pear (par), n. the juicy edible fruit of the pear-tree {Pyrus communis). pearl (perl), n. a hard, smooth, grey- ish-white iridescent gem found in the mother-of-pearl oyster ; anything resembling a pearl or very precious ; a white speck in the eye ; a small size of type (see type) : adj. pertain- ing to, or formed of, pearls : v.t. to set or adorn with pearls. pearlash ('ash), n. an impure car- bonate of potash. pearliness ('i-nes), n. the quality of being pearly. pearly ('i), adj. resembling or con- taining, pearls ; clear ; transparent. peasant (pez'ant), n. a countryman; rustic laborer : adj. rural ; rustic. ate, arm, ask. at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, ndrth, not ; bodn, book; hue, hut; think, th&a,. 591 ped peasantry (-ri), n. peasants collec- tively. pease (pez), n.pl. peas collectively. peastone (pe'ston), n. pisolite. peat (pet), n. decayed vegetable mat- ter resembling turf cut out of bogs : used as fuel. pebble (peb'l), n. a roundish stone; transparent rock crystal used for spectacles, &c. pebbly ('ii), adj. full of pebbles. J pecan (pe-kan'), n. a species of North American "hickory and its fruit. . peccability (pek-a-bil'i-ti), n. the state of being subject to sin. peccable ('a-bl), adj. liable to sin. peccadillo (-dil'o), n. a trifling fault. peccancy ('an-si), n. sinfulness. peccary ('a-ri), n. a South American mammal allied to the hog. peccavi (a'vi), (Latin, I have sinned), a word in colloquial use, expressive of contrition for the com- mission of a fault. peck (pek), n. l-4th of a bushel; quick sharp stroke with the beak : v.t. to strike with the beak ; pick up with the beak ; eat. pecker ('er), n. one who pecks; a woodpecker. pectic acid ('tik as'id), n. an acid found in various fruits. pectin ('tin), n. the gelatinizing prin- ciple of certain ripe fruits. pectinate ('tin-at), adj. shaped like the teeth of a comb. Also pectinated. pectoral ('to-ral), adj. pertaining to, good for, or worn on, the chest : n. the breastplate of the Jewish high-priest ; a medicine for chest complaints ; a pectoral fin. peculate ('u-lat), v.i. to appropriate public money to one's own use ; em- bezzle. peculation (-la'shun), n. the act of appropriating public money to one's own use. peculator ('ti-la-ter), n. one who peculates. peculiar (pe-kti'lyar) , adj. one's own ; appropriate ; individual ; strange : n. a church or parish exempted from the jurisdiction of the diocese to which it belongs. peculiarity (-li-ar'i-ti), n. [pi. pecu- liarities (-tiz)], something peculiar or characteristic. peculiarly ('iyar-li), adv. in a pecu- liar manner. pecuniarily ('ni-ar-i-li), adv. as re- gards money. pecuniary ('ni-ar-i), adj. pertaining to, or consisting of, money ; mone- tary. pedagogic (ped-a-goj'ik), adj. per- taining to a pedagogue or to the science of teaching. Also pedagog- ical. pedagogics ('iks), n. the science of teaching. pedagogism ('a-gog-izm), n. the oc- cupation or manners of a pedagogue. pedagogist (-ist), n. one who treats of pedagogics. pedagogue ('a-gog), n. a schoolmas- ter ; pedant. pedagogy ('a-go-ji), n. pedagogics. pedal (ped'al), adj. pertaining to a foot : n. a key or lever attached to a musical instrument and moved by the foot, to modify the swell or tone. pedant ('ant), n. one who makes an ostentatious display of his learning. pedantic (pe-dan'tik), adj. pertain- ing to, or characterized by, ped- antry. Pedantical. pedantically (-al-Ii), adv. like a pedant. pedantry ('an-tri), n. ostentatious display of learning. pedate ('at), adj„ palmate, with the two lateral sections lengthened and lobed. peddle ('1), -y.-i. to travel about sell- ing small wares; be busy about trifles : v.t. to retail in small quan- tities. peddler, pedler, pedlar ('ler), n, one who peddles. peddling ('ling), adj, trifling. pedestal ('es-tal), n. the base of a column, statue, &c. pedestrian (pe-des'tri-an), adj. go- ing on foot ; walking : n. one who journeys on foot ; professional walk- er. pedestrianism (-izm), n. the art or practice of walking; racing on foot. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. ped 592 pen pedicel (ped'i-sel), n. a small short foot-stalk. pedicure ('i-kur), n. the care of the feet ; a chiropodist. pediform ('i-fOrm), adj. foot-shaped. pedigree ('i-gre), n. lineage; gen- ealogy. pediment ('i-ment), n. the triangu- lar or circular ornament over the entablature, &c., of a building. pedler, see peddler. pedobaptism, same as psedobaptism. pedometer (pe-dom'e-ter), n. a watch-shaped instrument for re- cording paces and distances in walk- ing. peduncle (-dung'kl), n. a flower- stalk. peduncular ('kti-lar), adj. of or per- taining to a peduncle. pedunculate ('ku-lat), adj. having, or growing upon, a peduncle. Also pedunculated. peel (pel), v.t. to strip the skin, bark, or rind from : v.i. to undress : n. skin or rind ; a baker's long flat wooden shovel ; a contrivance for hanging up printed sheets to dry. peeler ('er), n. one who peels; a pillager ; a policeman : from Sir Robert Peel. peen (pen), n. the point of a ma- son's hammer. peep (pep), v.i. to chirp or cry, as young birds ; to look through a crevice or hiding place ; look slyly ; begin to appear : n. the cry of a chicken ; a sly look ; a beginning to appear. peer (per), n. one of the same rank; an equal ; associate ; a nobleman ; a member of the House of Lords : v.i. to appear ; look narrowly. peerage ('aj), n. the rank or dignity of a peer ; peers collectively ; a book giving information respecting the nobility. peeress ('es), n. a peer's wife; a lady of noble rank. peerless ('les), adj. witlbout an equal. peevish (pev'ish), adj. fretful; diffi- cult to please. peewit (pe'wit), n. the lapwing. peg (peg), w. a small pointed wooden pin ; a piece of wood serving as a nail : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. pegged, p.pr. pegging], to fasten or mark out with pegs. pelage (pel'aj), n. the hair or similar covering of a mammal. pelagic (-laj'ik), adj. pertaining to the ocean. pelerine (pel'er-in), n. a lady's long cape with tapering ends. pelf (pelf), n. money; wealth: used in a bad sense. pelican (pel'i-kan), n. a large aquat- ic bird with a huge axe-shaped bill ; a dentist's instrument. pelisse '(pe-les'), n. a lady's silk habit. pell (pel), n. a skin or hide; a roll of parchment. pellet Cet), n. a little ball. pellicle ('i-kl), n. a thin skin or film. pellitory ('i-to-ri), n. a perennial plant of the nettle family, grow- ing on old walls. pell-meH ('mel), adv. with confused violence. pellucid (-u'sid), adj. perfectly clear ; transparent. pelt (pelt), n. a raw hide; a blow from something thrown : v.t, to strike by throwing something: v.i, to fall heavily, as rain. peltry (pel'tri), n. skins of furred animals collectively. pelt-wool (pelt'wool), n, wool from dead sheep. pelvic (pel'vik), adj, pertaining to the pelvis. pelvis ('vis), n. the bony cavity in the lower part of the abdomen, pemmican (pem'i-kan), n. lean meat, dried, pounded, and pressed into cakes. pen (pen), n. sl small inclosure; coop ; an instrument for writing : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. penned, p.pr. pen- ning], to shut up or confine in a small inclosure ; write. penal (pe'nal), adj. enacting, inflict- ing, or incurring punishment for crime ; punitive. penally (-li), adv, by way of pun- ishment. penalty (pen'al-ti), n. legal punish- ment either on the person or by a ate, arm, ask, at, awl : me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n6rth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. pen 5 fine ; fine or forfeit ; an extra weight carried by a racehorse. penance (pen'ans), n. self-imposed suffering, as an expression of con- trition for sin; repentance; in the Roman Catholic Church one of the sacraments by which sins are par- doned after confession and satisfac- tion. penates (pe-na'tez), n.pL the house- hold gods of the ancient Romans. pence, pi. of penny. penchant (pang-shang'), n. a strong inclination or taste [French]. pencil (pen'sil), n. a small fine brush used by artists ; a pointed instru- ment of black lead, colored chalk, &c. ; a collection of rays of light converging to a point : v.t. to write, sketch, paint, or mark with a pencil. penciled ('sild), p.adj. written, drawn, or painted, with a pencil ; radiating. penciling (-ing), n. the art of writ- ing, sketching, or painting with a pencil. pendant ('dant), n. anything hang- ing for ornamentation ; an ear-ring or locket ; a pennant. pendency ('den-si), n. suspense; in- decision. Also pendence. pendent ('dent), adj. hanging; pro- jecting ; swinging. pending ('ding), adj. undecided; hanging in suspense. pendulous ('dii-lus), adj. hanging; oscillating. pendulum ('du-Ium), n. a heavy body suspended so that it may vi- brate backwards and forwards about a fixed point by the force of gravity, as in a clock. penetrability (-e-tra-bil'i-ti), n. the susceptibility of being entered or passed through by another body. penetrable ('e-tra-bl), adj. that may be penetrated ; susceptive of im- pression. penetralia (-tra'li-a), n.pl. the in- ner part of a temple, house, »S:c. ; mysteries. penetrant ('e-trant), adj. penetrat- ing ; subtile ; acute. penetrate ('e-trat), v.t. to pierce in- to ; enter ; bore or perforate ; reach 'd pen the mind; affect deeply; reach the interior. penetrating (-ing), p.adj. piercing; sharp ; discerning. Also penetra- tive. penetration (-tra'shun), n. the act of penetrating ; mental acuteness. penetrativeness (-tiv-nes), n. the quality of being penetrative. pen-fish ('fish), n. a kind of eel pout. penguin ('gwin), n. a large sea-fowl with rudimentary wings. peninsula (pe-nin'sti-la), n. a por- tion of jutting land nearly sur- rounded by water, and connected with the mainland by an isthmus. peninsular ('su-lar), adj. pertaining to, or shaped like, a peninsula. penitence (pen'i-tens), n. sorrow for sin ; state of being penitent. penitent ('i-tent_), adj. repentant: n. one who is penitent ; one under ec- clesiastical censure, but admitted to penance ; one who is under the di- rection of a confessor. penitential (-ten'shal), adj. per- taining to, or expressing, penitence ; of the nature of penance : n. in the Roman Catholic Church a book treating of the rules and degrees of penance. penitentiary (-ten'sha-ri), adj. per- taining to penance : n. a penitent ; a house of correction : a state prison ; a home for fallen women ; an ofl[ice at the papal court, that grants dis- pensations, absolutions, &c. ; the of- ficial who presides over such a court. penknife ('nif), n. a small pocket- knife. penman ('man), n. an author; one who writes a good hand. ' penmanship (-ship), n. the art, or style, of writing. pennant ('ant), n. a long narrow strip of bunting at the mast-heads of men-of-war. pennate, same as pinnate. penniless (pen'i-les), adj. without money ; destitute. pennon ('on), n. a small swallow- tailed flag or streamer. penny (-i), n. [pi. pennies ('iz) (de- notiup- number), pence (pens), (de- noting amount or value)], a bronze lite, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, tliQu. pen 594 pep coin = 1-12 of a shilling, or 2 cents, (English). pennyroyal (-roi'al), n. an aromatic herb of the mint family. pennyweight (-wat), n. a weight = 24 grains troy. penological (pe-no-loj'i-kal), adj. pertaining to penology. penologist (-nol'o-jist), n. a student of penology. penology (-nol'o-ji), n. the scientific study of punishments, prison man- agement, &c. pensile ('sil), adj. hanging. pension ('shun), n. a stated allow- ance paid for past services, as to the state, &c. ; money paid instead of tithes ; a continental boarding house or school (pang-si-ang') : v.t. to grant a pension to. pensionary ('shun-a-ri), adj. con- sisting of, or maintained by, a pen- sion : n. a person in receipt of a pen- sion. pensioner ('shun-er), n. one who re- ceives a pension, especially a dis- charged soldier. pensive ('siv), adj. thoughtful; sad. pensively (-li), adv. in a pensive manner. pensiveness (-nes), n. thoughtful- ness ; melancholy. pent, p.t. & p.p. of pen (to shut up). penta, a prefix meaning five, as penta- chord, an instrument with 5 strings ; musical scale of 5 sounds. Also pente. pentad (pen'tad), n. an element which combines with or replaces a monad. pentagon (pen'ta-gon), n. a figure of 5 sides and 5 angles. pentahedral (-he'dral), adj. having 5 sides. pentahedron ('dron), n. a solid fig- ure having 5 sides. p entahexahedr al ( -heks-a-he'dral ) , adj. exhibiting 5 ranges of faces, one above another, each range contain- ing 6 faces. pentamerons (-tam'e-rus), adj. con- sisting of 5 parts. pentameter ('e-ter), n. a verse con- sisting of 5 feet. pentastyle ('ta-stll), n. a building with .5 columns in front. Pentateuch ('ta-tiik), n. the first 5 books of the Old Testament. Pentecost ('te-kost), n. a Jewish fes- tival kept the 50th day after the sec- ond day of the Passover ; Whitsun- tide, commemorative of the descent of the Holy Ghost. Pentecostal (-al), adj. pertaining to Pentecost. penthouse ('hous), n. a shed with a slanting roof projecting from a main wall or building. penult (pe-nult'), n. the last syllable of a word but one. Also penultima. penultimate ('i-mat), adj. last but one. penumbra (-num'bra), n. a partial shadow on the exterior of the perfect shadow of an eclipse ; the boundary of light and shade in a picture. penurious (-nu'ri-us), adj. miserly; sordid. penury (pen'ii-ri), n. want of the ne- cessities of life ; poverty. peon (pe'on), n. a Mexican laborer; an Indian native soldier or consta- ble ; a pawn at chess. peony ('o-ni), n. a perennial plant with handsome flowers of the genus Pseonia. Also pjeony. people Cpl), n. [pi. people, peoples X'plz)], persons generally; commu- nity ; inhabitants ; race, kindred, or family ; the commonalty : v.t. to stock with people or inhabitants. pepper (pep'er), n. a hot pungent spice made of the ground seeds of Pipe}' nigrum. peppercorn (-korn), n. the small berry of the pepper-plant : hence anything insignificant. peppermint (-mint), n. an aromatic herb ; the cordial prepared from it. pepperwort (-wert), n. a cress. peppery (-i), adj. like pepper; fiery; pungent. pepsin ('sin), n. a nitrogenous fer- ment contained in gastric juice ; a preparation from the sto'mach of a pig used in medicine to aid digestion. Also pepsine. peptic ('tik), adj. pertaining to, or promoting, digestion : n. a medicine to aid digestion : pi. the science of digestion. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Copyright, Underwood & Underwood. PENNSYLVANIA STATION, NEW YORK. Exterior and Interior Views, pep 595 per peptones ('tonz), n.pl. the products of the action of pepsin. per, a prefix meaning through, over the whole extent, ij/, very, as per- ambulate, to walk over ; per diem, by the day, &;c. peradventure ( per-ad-ven'tiir ) , adv. by chance. perambulation (-am-bti-la'shun), n. the act of passing through ; a survey made by traveling ; the annual sur- vey of a parish boundary. perambulator ('bu-la-ter), n. one who perambulates ; a baby carriage ; an instrument for measuring road distances. percale (-kal') , n. cotton fabrics with a linen finish. perceivable (-se'va-bl), adj. discern- ible by the mind. perceivably (-bli), adv. perceptibly. perceive (-sev'), v.t. to obtain knowl- edge of by the senses ; understand ; discern. per cent, (-^ent'), by the hundred. percentage (-sent'aj), n. proportion- al allowance per cent. perceptibility (-sep-ti-bil'i-ti), w. the quality of being perceptible. perceptible ('ti-bl), adj. that may be perceived. perceptibly (-bli), adv. so as to be perceived. perception (-sep'shun), n. the act, state, or faculty of receiving knowl- edge of external things by the me- dium of the senses ; idea, notion, or conception. perceptive ('tiv), adj. having the faculty of perceiving. perceptivity ('i-ti), n. the power of perception or thinking. perch (perch), n. a fresh-water fish; a measure of length = 5% yards, l-40th of a rood ; anything on which birds sit or roost : v.i. to sit or roost r v.t. to place on a perch. perchance (per-chans'), adv, per- haps. perchlorate (-klo'rat), n. a com- pound of perchloric acid and a base. perchloric ('rik), adj. noting an acid having 7 equivalents of oxygen to 2 of chlorine. perchloride ('rid), n. a compound of an excess of chlorine with a base. percipience (-sip'i-ens), n. the act of perceiving. percipient ('i-ent), adj. perceiving: n. one who perceives. percolate ('ko-lat), v.i. to pass through small spaces. percolation (-la'shun), n. filtration. percolator ('ko-la-ter) , n. a filtering machine or vessel ; a coffee-pot fitted with a filter. percussion (-kush'un), n. violent col- lision ; shock produced by the colli- sion of bodies ; impression of sound on the ear ; the medical examination of a part of the body by tapping it gently so as to determine its condi- tion by the sound produced. percussion-cap (kap), n. a small copper cap containing fulminating powder, which, placed on the nipple of a gun, explodes the powder when struck by the lock. percussive (-kus'iv), adj. striking against. perdition (-dish'un), n. total de- struction; ruin; utter loss of the soul or of happiness in a future state. perdu (-du'), adj. forlorn; hidden: n. one lying in ambush : adv. in am- bush or a post of danger. peregrination (-e-grin-a'shun), n, the act of traveling about. peregrinator ('e-grin-a-ter), n. a traveler. peremptorily ('emp-tor-i-li), adv. in a peremptory manner. peremptoriness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being peremptory. peremptory ('emp-tor-i), adj. posi- tive ; final ; decisive ; precluding dis- cussion or hesitation. perennial (-en'i-al), adj. lasting through the year ; perpetual ; noting plants that continue more than 2 years. perennially (-li), adv. so as to be perennial ; perpetually. perfect ('fekt), adj. complete; with- out defect or blemish ; blameless : pure ; possessing every moral excel- lence ; fully skilled or accomplished ; in grammar, the tense that expresses completed action : v.t. to make per- fect ; complete or finish. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. per 596 pes perfectibility (-fek-ti-bil'i-ti) , ti. the capacity for becoming perfect. perfectible (-fek'ti-bl), adj. capable of being made perfect. perfection ('shun), n. the state of being perfect ; supreme excellence. perfidious (-fid'i-us), adj. false to trust ; treacherous ; faithless. perfidy ('fi-di), n. violation of a trust reposed ; breach of faith. perforate ('fo-rat), v.t. to pierce or bore through ; make a hole through. perforation (-ra'shun), n. the act of piercing or boring through ; a hole bored through._ perforator ('fo-ra-ter), n. one who, or that which, perforates. perforce (-fors'), adv. by force; vio- lently. perform, (-form'), 'V.t. to do or carry out ; execute ; achieve ; fulfil : v.i. to act a part. performance ('ans), n. the act of performing ; execution ; completion ; deed or feat ; an entertainment. perfume (-fum'), v.t. to impregnate with a pleasant odor ; scent : n. a sweet-smelling scent. perfumery ('er-i), n. perfumes in general. perfunctorily (-fungk'to-ri-li), adv. carelessly, perfunctoriness (-nes), n. careless- ness. perfunctory ('to-ri), adj. done care- lessly or negligently with the pur- pose of getting rid of the duty ; negligent. perhaps (-haps'), adv. possibly. peri (pe'ri), w. in Persian mythology, a descendant of a fallen spirit ex- cluded from paradise ; a fairy : (per'i), a prefix, meaning around, as periholos, a wall or court sur- rounding a temple. perianth (per'i-anth), n. a floral en- velope. pericardiac (-kar'di-ak>, adj. per- taining to the pericardium. Also pericardial. pericarditis (-di'tis), n. inflamma- tion of the pericardium. pericardium (-kar'di-um), n. the membrane that surrounds the heart. pericarp ('i-karp), n. the seed-vessel of a plant. pericarpial (-kar'pi-al), adj. per- taining to a pericarp. periclase ('i-klaz), n. a magnesian mineral. periclinal (-kli'nal), adj. dipping on all sides from a central axis. pericranium (-kra'ni-um), n. the membrane that surrounds the cra- nium. perigee (-je), n. that point in the orbit of the moon, or of a planet, nearest the earth. perihelion (-he'li-on), n. [pi. peri- helia (-a)], that point in the orbit of a planet, or a comet, nearest the sun. peril ('il), n. exposure to injury; danger ; jeopardy ; risk : v.t. to ex- pose to danger or risk. perilous (us), adj. full of peril; hazardous ; dangerous. perimeter (pe-rim'e-ter), n. the out- er boundary of a plane surface. period (pe'ri-od), n. a circuit or cy- cle ; interval of time ; the time taken by a planet to revolve round the sun ; length of duration ; conclusion ; a dot [.] to mark the end of a sen- tence ; in rhetoric, a complete sen- tence. periodical ('i-kal), adj. pertaining to a period, or to periodicals ; occur- ring at regular intervals. Also peri- odic : n. a publication issued at stated intervals, as a magazine. periodically (-li), adv. at stated in- tervals. periodicity (-6-dis'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being periodical. _ periosteal (per-i-os'te-al), adj. per- taining to the periosteum. periosteum ('te-um), n. the vascular nervous membrane which covers the bones. periostitis (-tl'tis), n. inflammation of the periosteum. Peripatetic (-pa-tet'ik), adj. per- taining to the philosophy of Aristotle who instructed his disciples while he walked about the Lyceum : n. a dis- ciple of Aristotle. peripatetic (-pa-tet'ik), adj. walking about : n. one who is accustomed or compelled to walk. peripheral ( pe^rif 'er-al ) , adj. per- taining to a periphery. fite, arm, ask, at, awl ; m§, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, ^^en. per 597 per periphery ('er-i), n. [pi. peripheries (-iz) ], the circumference of a circle, ellipse, or similar figure. periphrasis (-rif'ra-sis), n. circum- locution. periphrastic (per-i-fras'tik), adi. circumlocutory. Also periphrastical, periphrastically (-al-li), adv. by periphrasis. periscope (-per'i-skop), n. an instru- ment for seeing over intervening ob- jects ; used in guiding submarine boats. periscopic (per-i-skop'ik), adj. view- ing all round, and so constructed as to increase the distinctness of ob- jects when viewed at an oblique an- gle. Also periscopical. perish ('ish), v.i. to lose life or vi- tality ; decay or die ; be destroyed or come to nothing. perishability (-a-bil'i-ti), n. the state of being perishable. Also per- ishableness. perishable (per'ish-a-bl), adj. liable to perish ; mortal, perisperm ('i-sperm), n. albumen of a seed. peristaltic (-stal'tik), adj. pertain- ing to the peculiar worm-like move- ment of the intestines by which their contents are forced onward. peristyle ('i-stil), n. an open court in the interior of a house surrounded by a row of columns. perisystole (-sis'to-le), n. the inter- val that ensues on the contraction of the heart before the dilation (dias- tole) which follows. peritoneal (-to-ne'al), adj. pertain- to the peritoneum. peritoneum ('um), n. a thin serous membrane which covers the abdom- inal viscera. peritonitis (-ni'tis), n. inflammation of the peritoneum. periwig (per'i-wig), n. a small wig. periwinkle (-wing'kl), n. a peren- nial creeping plant ; a small uni- valve mollusk. perjure (per'jur), v.i. to swear false- ly. perjury (-i), n. the act of swearing falsely when on oath. perk (perk), v.t. to make trim or smart : v.i. to hold up the head in a smart or saucy manner ; peer. perky ('i), adj. jaunty; smart. permanence ('ma-nens), n. the state or quality of being permanent ; dura- tion. Also permanency. permanent (-nent), adj. lasting; durable; continuing in the same state. permeability (-me-a-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being permeable. permeable ('me-a-bl), adj. that may be passed through. permeate ('me-at), v.i. to penetrate and pass through the pores or in- terstices of. permeation (-a'shun), n. the act of permeating. permissible (-mis'i-bl) , adj. that may be permitted. permission (-mish'un), n. the act of permitting ; leave ; license. permissive (-mis'iv), adj. granting permission or license ; not forbid- ding. permissively (-li), adv. by permis- sion. permit (-mif), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. per- mitted, p.pr. permitting], to allow without command ; consent to ; toler- ate : 11. (per'mit) a written license from an officer of customs to remove dutiable goods ; permission. permitter ('er), n. one who permits. permutable (-mtit'a-bl), adj. inter- changeable. permutation (-mu-ta'shun), n. the exchange of one thing for another ; the arrangement of any determinate number of things or letters, in all possible orders, one after the other. pernicious (-nish'us), adj. highly in- jurious or hurtful ; destructive. pernickety (nik'i-ti), adj. trim; at- tentive to trifles ; overnice ; fussily particular. peroration (-o-ra'shun), n. the con- cluding part of an oration. peroxide (-oks'id), n. the oxide of a base which contains the largest pro- portion of oxygen. peroxidize ('i-diz), v.t. to oxidize to the greatest degree. perpendicular (-dik'u-lar), adj. standing at right angles to a given ate^ arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, t%%n. per o line or surface ; perfectly upright : n. a perpendicular line. perpetrate ('pe-trat), v.t. to com- mit; perform (in a bad sense). perpetration (-tra'shun), n. the act of perpetrating. perpetrator ('pe-tra-ter), n. one who perpetrates. perpetual (-pet'u-al), adj. never ceasing ; not temporary. perpetually (;li_), adv. continually. perpetuate ('u-at), v.t. to make per- petual ; preserve from extinction or oblivion. perpetuation (-a'shun), w. the act of perpetuating. perpetuity (-pe-tu'i-ti), n. the state of being perpetual ; endless duration. perplex (-pleks'), v.t. to make diffi- cult to be understood ; make anx- ious ; puzzle ; embarrass or confuse. perplexity ( 'i-ti ) , n. embarrassment ; doubt ; intricacy. perquisite ('kwi-zit), n. a gift or al- lowance in addition to regular wages or salary ; that which is gained, as distinct from that which is inherited. perron ('on), n. a staircase outside a building leading to the first floor. perry ('i), n. the fermented juice of pears. persecute ('se-kut), v.t. to harass or ill-treat, especially for religious opin- ions ; annoy with importunity. persecution (-kii'shun), n. the act of persecuting; the state of being per- secuted. persecutor (-ter), n. one who perse- cutes. perseverance (-ve'rans), n. the act or state of persevering ; continuance in grace. persevere (-se-ver'), v.i. to persist in any enterprise or business under- taken ; continue steadfastly. Persian ('shan}, adj. pertaining to Persia, to its inhabitants, or to its language : n.pl. sculptured draped male figures used as columns. persimmon (-sim'un), n. an Ameri- can plum-like fruit ; the tree yield- ing it. persist (-sisf), v.i. to continue stead- ily in any course commenced ; perse- vere. persistence (-sis'tens), n. the state per ob- or quality of being persistent stinacy. Also persistency. persistent ('tent), adj. continuing; constant ; persevering ; not falling ofe. person ('sn), n. a human being or in- dividual ; consisting of body and soul ; one's self ; one of the three states of a subject or object of a verb, as speaking, spoken to, or spoken of. personage (-aj), n. a man or woman, especially one of distinction. personal (-al) , adj. pertaining to men or women ; relating, or peculiar, to a person and his private affairs ; per- taining to the external appearance ; done in person ; denoting the per- son ; movable : opposed to real : n. movable property or goods : opposed to lands and tenements (real estate). personality (-al'i-ti), n. that which constitutes distinction of person ; application of remarks (usually of- fensive) to some individual. personally (-li), adv. in person; par- ticularly ; individually. personalty (-al-ti), n. personal es- tate, or all kinds of movable prop- erty. personate (-at), v.t. to represent by an assumed character ; counterfeit : assume the character of for fraudu- lent purposes, as in voting. personation (-a'shun), n. the coun- terfeiting of the person and charac- ter of another. personator (-ter), n. one who as- sumes the character of another. personification (-son-i-fi-ka'shun), n. the act of personifying. personify ('i-fi>, v.t. [p.t. & p.p. personified, p.pr. personifying], to represent as endowed with personal qualities. personnel (p^r-son-el'), n. the per- sons employed in any public service, especially the army and navy, as dis- tinguished from the materiel, arms, stores, &c. perspective (per-spek'tiv), adj. per- taining to, or in accordance with, the art of perspective : n. a vista or view ; the art of representing objects on a plane surface as they appear to the eye. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. per 599 pes) terspectively (-li), adv. according to the rules of perspective. I perspectograph ('to-graf), n. an op- • I tical instrument for drawing me- 1 chanically the points and outlines of objects. perspicacious (-spi-ka'shus), adj. mentally acute ; quick-sighted. perspicacity (-kas'i-ti), n. the qual- ity of being perspicacious ; acute- ness of sight or discernment. perspicuity (-ku'i-ti), n. freedom from obscurity ; mental clearness ; lucidity. perspicuous (-spik'ii-us), adj. men- tally clear ; easily understood ; evi- dent ; clear. , perspirable (-spir-a-bl), adj. that may be perspired, perspiration (-spi-ra'shun), n. ex- cretion by the pores of the skin ; sv\'-eat. perspire (-spir'), v.i. to excrete by the pores of the skin ; sweat. persuade (-swad'), v.t. to influence by argument, advice, entreaty, &c. ; draw or incline the will of; exhort, induce ; prevail upon. persuasibility (swa-si-bil'i-ti), n. the capability of being persuaded. Also persuasibleness. persuasion ('zhun), n. the act or art of persuading ; the state of being persuaded. persuasive ('siv), adj. having the power to persuade ; influencing the will or passions : n. an incitement. persuasively (-li), adv. so as to per- suade. ^ persuasiveness (-nes), n. the qual- ity of being persuasive. pert (pert), adj. saucy; forward. pertain (per-tan'), v.i. to belong, or have relation. pertinacious (-ti-na'shus), adj. un- yielding ; obstinate ; resolute ; tena- cious. pertinacity (-nas'i-ti), n. the quality of being pertinacious. pertinence ('ti-nens), n. suitable- ness ; fitness. Also pertinency. pertinent ('ti-nent), adj. .fitting or appropriate ; relevant. perturb (-terb'), v.t. to agitate; dis- turb ;. disquiet. perturbation (-ter-ba'shun) , n. men- tal agitation or disquietude ; an ir- regularity or deviation in the move- ment of a hea,venly body in its orbit. peruke (per-ook'), n. a wig. perusal (pe-roo'zul), n. the act of perusing ;_ study or examination. peruse (-rooz'), v.t. to read with care and attention ; examine. Peruvian (-roov'i-an), adj. pertain- ing to Peru. Peruvian bark (bark), n. cinchona^ pervade (per-vad'), v.t. to penetrate; extend or be diffused all over ; per- meate. pervasion (-va'zhun), n. the act of pervading. perverse (-vers'), adj. obstinate; un- tractable ; petulant. perversely ('li), adv. in a perverse manner. perverseness ('nes), n. the quality or state of being perverse ; disposi- tion to thwart or annoy. Also per- versity. perversion (-ver'shun), n. the act of perverting ; the state of being per- verted ; a turning from truth or pro- priety ; misapplication. perversity, same as perverseness. perversive (-ver'siv), adj. tending to> pervert. pervert (-vert'), v.t. to turn from the true end or proper purpose ; misap- ply : n. (per'vert) one who has been perverted, especially from truth to error. pervious^ ('vi-us), adj. admitting pas- sage ; permeable. pesade (pe-zad'), n. the motion of a horse when he raises or lifts up his fore quarters without advancing. pesky (pes'ki), adj. troublesome; an- noying^ peso (pa'so), n. a dollar [Spanish]. pessimism (pes'i-mizm), n. the doc- trine that the present state of exist- ence is essentially evil ; the tendency to exaggerate in thought the evils of life : opposed to optimism. pessimist (-mist), n. one who holds the doctrine of pessimism ; one who looks on the worst side of everything. pessimistic (-mis'tik), adj. pertain- ing to, or characterized by, pessi- mism ; gloomy. pest (pest), n. a fatal epidemic dis- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, thoxi. pes 600 pha ease ; plague ; anything very mis- chievous, annoying, or injurious. pester (pes'ter), v.t. to annoy. pestiferous (-tif'er-us), adj. convey- ing pestilence ; physically or morally noxious. pestilence ('ti-lens), n. an infectious or contagious disease. pestilent ('ti-lent), adj. noxious to health, morals, or society. pestilential (-len'shal), adj. pertain- ing to, or producing, a pestilence ; pernicious ; destructive. pestle (pes'l), n. an instrument for pounding substances in a mortar. pet (pet), n. any person or animal that is fondled ; a sudden fit of pee- vishness or slight passion : adj. fa- vorite : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. petted, p.pr. petting], to fondle or indulge. petal ('al), n. one of the separate parts of the corolla of a flower ; a flower-leaf. pietaled ('aid), adj. having petals. Also petalous. petard (pe-tard'), n. a bell-shaped explosive machine used for bursting open gates, &c. petersham ('ter-sham), n. a thick shaggy cloth :_used for overcoats, &c. petiole (pet'i-ol), n. the footstalk of a leaf connecting the blade with the stem. petit ('i), adj. small; inconsiderable [ French ] . Feminine petite ( pe-tet' ) . petition (pe-tish'un), n. an earnest supplication or prayer ; a formal supplication from an inferior to a superior ; a paper or document con- taining a written request : v.t. to solicit earnestly ; present a petition to. petitionary (-a-ri), adj. containing a petition. petit jury (pet'i jo6-ri),-w. a trial jury as distinguished from a grand jury. Also petty jury. petit-maitre (pet'i-ma'tr), n. a fop who affects women's society. petrel ('rel), n. a web-footed, strong- winged, oceanic bird, that appears in its flight to walk upon the water. petrescence (-tres'ens), n. the act of becoming converted into stone. petrifaction (-ri-fak'shun), n. the process of changing animal or vege- table substance into stone ; a fossil. petrif active ('tiv), adj. having pow- er to petrify. petrify ('ri-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. pet- rified, p.pr. petrifying], to change into stone ; fix in silent amazement or fear ; render callous, obdurate, or : hard : v.i. to become stone or of a stony hardness. petroleum (-tro'le-um), w. an inflam- mable dark yellowish-brown bitu- minous liquid issuing from certain rocks ; mineral oil. petrology (pe-trol'o-ji), n. the sci- entific study of rocks, and their mineral and chemical composition. petticoat ('i-kot) , n. a woman's loose underskirt. pettifogger ('i-fog-er), n. a lawyer who practices in petty cases. pettily ('i-li), adv. in a petty manner. pettiness ('i-nes,) n. smallness ; un- importance. pettish ('ish), adj. fretful; petulant. petty ('i), adj. trifling; small; incon- siderable ; unimportant ; contempti- ble. petty jury, same as petit jury. petulance ('u-lans), n. peevishness; caprice. Also petulancy. petulant ('ti-lant), adj. peevish; ca- pricious. Petunia (pe-tu'ni-a), n. a South American genus of ornamental plants with handsome flowers. petunia, n. a plant of the genus Pe- tunia, or its flower. pe-w (pti), n. an inclosed seat in a church : v.t. to furnish with pews. pewit (pe'wit), n. the lapwing. Also peewit. pewter (pti'ter), n. an alloy of tin, lead, antimony, &c. : adj. made of pewter. pfennig (fen'ig), n. a small copper coin of Germany = % cent. phaeton (fa'e-ton), n. an open four- wheeled carriage. phalanges, pi. of phalanx. phalanx (fa'langks), n. [pi. pha- langes (-lan'jez)], among the an- cient Greeks, a square battalion of heavy-armed infantry drawn up in close rank : hence any close compact ate, arm, &sk, at, awl me, merge, book : hue. met; hut; mite, think. mit ; note, then. north, not; boon.. plia 601 plia body : pi. the small bones of the fin- gers and toes. pliantasm (fan'tazm), n. a vision or specter. phantasmagoria (-taz-ma-go'ri-a) , n. a magic lantern. pliant om. ('torn), n. an apparition; spirit ; fancied vision. pliarisaic (far-i-sa'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or charactertistic of, the Pharisees ; formally religious ; hypo- critical. Also Pharisaical. Pharisaism ('i-sa-izm), n. the doc- trines and practices of the Pharisees. Pharisee ('i-se), n. one of a religious sect among the Jews characterized by their strict observance of the let- ter of the law, and rites and cere- monies ; one who observes the letter rather than the spirit of the law ; a mere formalist. pharmaceutic (far-ma-sti'tik), adj. pertaining to pharmaceutics. Also pharmaceutical : n.pl. pharmacy. pharmaceuist ('tist), n. one who prepares medicines. Also pharma- cist. pharmacology (-ma-kol'o-ji), n. a treatise on pharmacy. pharmacopoeia (-ko-pe'ya), n. an official publication containing the list of drugs of the Materia Medica, and directions for the preparation of medicines, &c. pharmacy ('ma-si), n. the art of pre- paring and compounding medicines ; a drug-store. pharos (fa'ros), n. a lighthouse. pharyngeal (fa-rin'je-al) , adj. per- taining to the pharynx. pharynx (far'ingks), n. the muscu- lar or membranous sac at the upper part of the esophagus. phase (faz), n. {pi. phases (fa'sez)], the illuminated surface shown by a planet, or the moon ; aspect ; appear- ance ; transparent green quartz. Also phasis. pheasant (fez'ant), 11. a gallinaceous bird with brilliant plumage, and pre- served for sport. pheasantry (-ri), n. a. place where pheasants are bred and preserved. phenix (fe'niks), n. a fabulous bird, said to live 500 years in the Arabian desert, and to rise rejuvenescent from its ashen after immolating it- self on a funeral pyre : hence the emblem of immortality. Also phoe- nix. phenol (fe'nol), n. carbolic acid, phenomenal (-nom'en-al), adj. per- taining to, or consisting of, phenom- ena. • phenomenalism (-izm),n. the meta- physical doctrine that visible things are really phenomena. phenomenist ('e-nist), n. a believer in phenomenalism. phenomenon ('e-non), n. \_pl. phe- nomena ( 'e-na ) ] , an appearance, es- pecially one of unusual occurrence ; something as it is perceived by ex- periment or observation. phenyl (fe'nil), n. the hydro-carbon radical of phenol. phial (fi'al), n. a small glass bottle or vessel : v.t. to put or keep in a phial. Also vial. philanthropic (fil-an-throp'ik), adj. loving mankind ; benevolent. Also philanthropical. philanthropically (-al-li), adv. be- nevolently. philanthropist ('an-thro-pist), n. one who loves and seeks to benefit mankind. philanthropy (-pi), n. love of man- kind ; benevolence. philatelist (fi-lat'e-list). n. a collec- tor of postage stamps : adj. pertain- ing to philately. philately ('e-li), n. the systematic collection of postage stamps. philharmonic (-har-mon'ik), adj^ loving harmony ; noting a musical society. philippic (fi-lip'ik), n. a speech of vehement invective : from one of the three orations of Demosthenes against Philip of Macedon. Philistine (fil'is-tin or -is'tin), n. an ancient inhabitant of the southwest- ern coast of Palestine ; in Germany, a non-academical person ; an uncul- tured person or one of narrow views : adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, the Philistines ; uncultured ; nar- row-minded ; prosaic. Philistinism (-izm), n. the manners or modes of thought of a modern Philistine. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me. merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut : think, thQH, phi 602 Vh.o philological (-o-loj'i-kal), adj. per- taining to philology. philologist (-ol'o-jist), n. one skilled in philology. Also philologer. philology (-ol'o-ji), n. the scientific study of languages and their struc- ture and mutual relation. philomel ('o-mel), n. the nightingale. philopr ogenitiveness ( -o-pro-jen'i- tiv-nes), n. the instinctive love of offspring. ,jj- philosopher (-os'o-fer), n. a student of philosophy ; one noted for calm judgment and practical wisdom. philosophic (-o-sof'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or in accordance with, phi- losophy ; rational ; wise ; calm. Also philosophical. philosophically (-al-li), adv. in a philosophic manner. philosophize (-os'o-flz), v.i. to rea- son like a philosopher. philosophy ('6-fi), n. the knowledge of the causes of all phenomena both of mind and matter ; a particular philosophic system ; calmness of temper. philter, philtre ('ter), n. a love charm or potion. phiz, abbreviation of physiognomy. phlebotomy (fle-bot'6-mi), n. the act or practice of opening a vein to let blood. phlegm (flem), n. mucus secreted in the air passages of the throat ; cold- ness ; sluggishness. phlegmatic (fleg-mat'ik), adj. abounding in phlegm ; sluggish ; dull. Phlegmatical. phlegmatically (-al-li), adv. in a phlegmatic manner. Phlox (floks), n. a genus of North American bright-colored flowering plants. phlox, n. any plant of the genus Phlox. Phoebus (fe'bus), n. Apollo; the sun. Phoenician (fe-nish'an) , adj. per- taining to ancient Phoenicia, or to its inhabitants. phoenix, same as phenix. phonetic (fo-net'ik), adj. pertaining to the voice or sounds ; representing the simple elementary sounds. Also phonetical : n.pl. the science of sounds, especially of the human voice. phonetically (-kl-ll) ,adv.hj sounds. phonics (fon'iks), n.pl. the science of sounds ; acoustics. phonogram (fo'no-gram), n. articu- late sound as recorded by the phono- graph ; a written character repre- senting a particular sound. phonograph ('no-graf), n. a letter or character indicating a distinct spoken sound ; an instrument to re- cord or reproduce articulate speech or sounds. phonographic ('ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or representing, articulate sounds, or to phonography. phonography (-nog'ra-fi), n. a de- scription of sounds uttered by the human voice ; a system of shorthand, by which every sound is represented by a separate character or mark. phonology (-nol'o-ji), n. the science of articulate sounds. phonoscope ('nq-skop), n. an instru- ment which by means of electricity translates vibrations of sounds into visible figures. phonotype ('no-tip), n. a phonetic type. phonotypy ('no-ti-pi), n. a method of printing each vocal sound by a distinct type. phormium (for'mi-um), n. New Zea- land flax. phosphate (fos'fat), n. a salt of phosphoric acid. phosphide, same as phosphuret. phosphite ('fit), n. a salt of phos- phorous acid. phosphorate ('fo-rat), v.t. to com- bine with phosphorus. phosphoresce (-fo-res'), v.i. to emit light like phosphorus. phosphorescence ( 'ens) , n. emission of light under certain conditions by substances at common temperatures ; faint light. phosphorescent ('ent), adj. lumi- nous. phosphoric (-for'ik), adj. pertaining to, like, or obtained from, phos- phorus. Phosphorous. phosphorous acid ('for-us as'id), n. an acid formed by the union of 1 ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. pho 603 phy atom of phosphorus and 3 atoms of oxygen. phosphorus ('for-us), n. a yellowish, wax-like, inflammable, non-metallic element, luminous in the dark. phosphuret ('fu-ret), n. a combina- tion of phosphorus with a metallic base. phosphurettedL ('ed), adj. combined with phosphorus. photo, a prefix meaning light. photo (fo'to), n. a photograph. photochromy (fo'to-kro-mi), n. the art or process of photographing in colors. photogen ('to-jen), n. an inflamrna- ble hydro-carbon ; parafiin. photoglyphy (-tog'li-fi), «. a process of engraving by which photographs are etched into metal plates by the action of light and chemicals. photograph ('to-graf), n. a photo- graphic picture : v.t. to take a pic- ture of by means of photography. photographic (-graf'ik), adj. per^ taining to, or produced by, photogra- phy. photography (-tog'ra-fi), n. the art or process of producing pictures by the action of light on certain sub- stances sensitized by various chem- ical processes. photogravure (-to-gr§,-vur'), n. the process of producing by photography on a sensitized surface an incised engraved metal plate from which im- pressions maj' be printed : v.t. to produce by such a process. photoheliograph (-he'li-o-graf), n. a photographic telescope or camera moved by clockwork, for depicting solar spots, transits, &c. photophone ('to-fon), n. an instru- ment for communicating sounds by the agency of light. photopsia (top'si-a), n. a morbid af- fection of the eyes in which corrus- cations of light appear to play be- fore them. Also photopsy. photosphere ('to-sfer), n. the lumi- nous envelope of the sun. phototype ('to-tip), n. a block pro- duced by photography from which engravings, &c., can be printed ; the process itself. photozimcograpixy ( -zing-kog'ra-fi ) , n. a process by which zinc blocks are prepared for printing from. phrase (fraz), n. a part of a sen- tence ; brief pithy expression ; idiom ; style or manner : v.t. to style ; ex- press in peculiar words. phraseology (-e-ol'o-ji), n. style,, manner, or peculiarity, of expres- sion ; a collection of phrases. phrenic (fren'ik), ad;, .pertaining to the diaphragm. phrenitis (fre-ni'tis), n. inflamma- tion of the brain. phrenological (fren-6-loj'i-kal), adj.. pertaining to phrenology. phrenologically (-li), adv. accord- ing to phrenology. phrenologist (fre-nol'o-jist), n. one who believes in, or is skilled in, phre- nology. phrenology (Vji), n. the science of the human mind or brain, as con- nected with the moral, intellectual, and sensual dispositions of the indi- vidual, which are supposed to be in- dicated by the undulations, or "bumps," on the cranium. phthisic (tiz'ik), w. asthma; phthisis. phthisical (-al), adj. pertaining to, or caused by, phthisic or phthisis. phthisis (thi'sis), n. pulmonary con- sumption. phycology (fi-koro-ji), n. the study of the algse or seaweeds. phylactery (fi-lak'ter-i), n. [pt. phy- lacteries (-iz)], a small square box containing a thin strip of parchment upon which certain texts from ^ the law are inscribed, worn by pious Jews upon the forehead and left wrist. phylloxera (-loks-e'ra), n. an insect (Phylloxera vastoArix) which punc- tures the roots and leaves of vines and causes their destruction. physeter (fi-se'ter), n. the sperm whale. physic (fiz'ik), n. the science of med- icine, or the art of healing; medi- cine ; a cathartic : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. physicked, p.pr. physicking], to ad- minister medicine to ; cure. physical ('i-kal), adj. pertaining to nature, or to material things ; per- ceptible to the senses ; pertaining to physics ; medicinal. ate, arm, ask, at, "^wl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. phy 604 pic physician (fi-zish'an), n. one legally qualified to prescribe remedies for diseases. physicisin (fix'i-sizm), n. material- ism. physicist ('i-sist), n. a student of natural science. physico, a prefix, meaning of, or per- taining to, nature, as physico-theol- ogy, theology illustrated by natural philosophy. physics ('iks), n.pl. physical science or natural philosophy. physiognomist (-i-og'no-mist), n. one who is skilled in physiognomy. physiognomy (-mi), n. the science of discerning the character of the mind from the features of the coun- tenance ; the face ; outward appear- ance. physiological (-i-o-loj'i-kal), adj. pertaining to physiology. physiologist (-i-ol'-o-jist), n. one who is skilled in physiology. physiology (-ol'o-ji), n. the science that treats of the vital functions performed by the organs of animals and plants. physique (fi-zek'), n. physical organ- ization. pi, pie (pi), n. disarranged or jum- bled type : v.t. to jumble or throw into disorder, as printing type. piacular ( pT-ak'ti-lar ) , adj. expia- tory ; requiring sacrifice ; atrocious. pia mater (pi'a ma'ter), n. a deli- cate vascular membrane which in- vests the brain and spinal cord. pianist (pi-an'ist), n. a performer on the piano. piano (pi-an'o), n. a pianoforte. pianoforte (-for-te), n. a stringed musical instrument, the notes of which are produced by hammers acted upon by keys. piano-player (-pla'er), n. an at- tachment to a piano causing it to ^play automatically. piazza (-az'u), n. an open square sur- rounded by buildings or colonnades; a walk under a roof supported by ^pillars. pibcorn (pib'korn), n. a Welsh mu- ^sical pipe. pibroch (pe'brokh), n. the wild mar- tial music of the Scottish bagpipe; a bagpipe. pica (pi'ka), n, a sizd of type, used as a standard of measurement in printing (see type) ; a vitiated ap- petite for unnatural kinds of sub' stances, as coal, sand, chalk, &c. picador (pik-a-dor'), n. the horse- man who incites the bull in a Span- ish bull fight by attacking it with a lance. picaroon (-roon'), n. a robber, pi- rate, or marauder. picayune (-yoon'), n. a small silver coin = Qy^^ cents. piccalilli ('a-lil-i), n. a kind of pickle. piccaninny ('a-nin-i), n, Ipl. picca- ninnies (-iz)], a negro baby or child. piccolo ('o-lo), n. a small flute hav- ing its notes an octave higher than the ordinary flute. pick (pik), n. a sharp pointed iron tool ; choice or selection : v.t. to strike with a sharp instrument, or with the beak ; pierce ; open by an instrument ; pluck or gather ; sep- arate with the fingers ; choose or select ; clean ; rob : v.i. to eat, or do anything, leisurely and fastidiously ; pilfer. pick-a-back ('a-bak), adv. on the shoulders like a pack. pickax, pickaxe ('aks), n. an ex- cavating tool, pointed at one end and broad at the other. pickerel ('er-el), n. a small pike, picket ('et), n. a pointed stake used in fortification ; pale of a fence ; a stake to which a horse is fastened r a military guard to give notice of the approach of an enemy, or to bring in deserters ; one or more appointed by a trades-union to watch a fac- tory, &c., where non-unionist men are employed during a strike : v.t. to place as a picket ; fasten to a picket. pickle ('1), n. a mixture of brine and water, &c., for preserving food ; vegetables, &c., preserved in pickle ; embarrassment or difiiculty ; a mis- chievous or troublesome child : v.t, to preserve in, or as in, pickle. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, th^n. pic 605 Pi> picklock ('lok), n. an instrument for picking locks ; a thief. picnic ('nik), n. a short excursion into the country, &c., by a pleasure party carrying their own provisions ; a kind of biscuit. picric acid ('rik as'id), n. an in- tensely bitter acid formed by the action of nitric acid on indigo ; car- bazotic acid. picromel ('ro-mel), n. a greenish- yellow sweet-bitter substance found in bile. picrotoxin (-toks'in), n. the poison- ous bitter principle found in the berries of Cocculus indicus. pictorial (pik-to'ri-al), adj. pertain- ing to, or illustrated by, pictures. picture ('ttir), n. a painting or draw- ing representing a person or thing ; vivid representation or description. picturesque (-esk'), adj. giving vivid impression of nature or reality ; graphic ; wild and beautiful ; roman- tic : n. that which is picturesque. pie (pi), n. the magpie; printer's type confusedly mixed ; meat or fruit cov- ered with crust and baked. piebald ('bawld), adj. having patches of different colors. piece (pes), n. a part of anything; certain quantity ; literary or artistic composition ; separate performance ; coin; gun; person (used contemptu- ously) : v.t. to enlarge by adding a piece ; patch : v.i. to join ; unite by coalescence of parts. piecemeal ( 'mel ) , adj. made of pieces or parts ; single : adv. in pieces or parts. pied (pid), at?/, variegated or spotted. pier (per)-, n, a mass of masonry supporting an arch, bridge, &c. ; tim- bers of a bridge or other building ; mole or jetty ; wharf ; a landing place projecting into the sea. pierce (pers), v.t. to penetrate, espe- cially with a pointed instrument ; affect deeply ; explore ; dive into : v.i. to enter. pierceable ('a.-bl), adj. that may be pierced. piercing ('ing), adj. penetrating; keen. pier glass (per gl§s), n. an orna- mental mirror, especially one be- tween windows. piety (pl'e-ti), n. the quality of be- ing pious ; reverence for, and duty towards, God ; reverence to parents. pig (pig), n. the young of swine; a swine ; pork ; an oblong mass of un- forged metal : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. pigged^ p.pr. pigging], to bring forth pigs; be huddled together. pigeon (pij'un), n. a bird of the ge^ nus Columba ; a simpleton ; one who is easily imposed upon or swindled. . pigeon-breasted (-bres'ted), adj. having a narrow breast like a pig- eon. pigeon Englisk (ing'glish), n. a jar- gon of English used in commercial dealings with the Chinese. Also pidgin English. pigeon-liole (-hoi), n. a compart- ment for papers, &c. pigeon-toed (-tod), adj. having the toes turned inwards. piggery (pig'er-i), n. a place for pigs. piggin ('in), n. a small drinking ves- sel. pigheaded ('hed-ed), adj. stupidly obstinate. pigmean (-me'an), adj. dwarfish. pigment ('ment), n. paint; coloring matter. pigmy, same as pygmy. pignons (pin'yunz), n.pl. the edible seeds of various pine cones. pig-nut (pig'nut), n. the sweetish- bitter nut of a species of hickory ; the ground chestnut. pigsty C'sti), n. a pen for pigs. pigtail ('tal), n. the tail of a pig; hair twisted into the form of a long queue and hanging down the back of the head ; tobacco in long twists. pigwidgeon (-wij'un), n. a fairy; anything very diminutive. pike (pik), n. a weapon with a shaft and spearhead ; a voracious fresh- water fish with a narrow, elongated, pointed head. pilaster (pi-las'ter), n. a square col- umn or pillar, inserted partly in a wall. pilchard (pil'chard), n. a marine edible fish, resembling the herring. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. pil 606 pin found chiefly on the coasts of Devon and Cornwall. pile (pil), n. a large beam driven into the ground to make a firm foundation ; mass or heap ; accumu- lation ; large building ; a series of plates arranged to produce an elec- tric current ; nap of cloth ; a for- tune : pi. hemorrhoids : v.t. to heap up ; collect in a mass ; accumulate ; lay on ; drive piles into. pilfer (pil'fer), v.t. to steal in small quantities. pilgarlick (-gar'lik), n. one who has lost his hair by disease ; a wretched sneaking fellow. pilgrim ( 'grim ) , w. a traveler ; one who travels from a distance to visit some sacred place or shrine. pilgrimage ( -aj ) , w. a journey, espe- cially to some sacred place. pill (pil), n. a small ball of some medicinal substance to be swallowed entire ; something disagreeable that must be accepted : v.t. to reject by black balls in a club ballot. pillage ('aj), n. the act of plunder- ing ; spoil : v.t. to plunder or spoil ; lay waste. pillar Car), n, a column to support a structure ; monument ; something resembling a pillar, or affording sup- port. pillion Cyun), n. a cushion for a ' woman to ride on horseback behind a horseman ; a soft low saddle. pillory Cor-i), n. [pi. pilktries (-iz)], a wooden frame supported by an up- right post, having holes through which the head and hands of a per- son exposed to disgrace were passed and secured : v.t. to place in a pil- lory; expose to public disgrace or abuse. pillow ('o), n. a case filled with feathers, &c.,- to support the head of a person reposing; the block on which the inner end of a bowsprit is supported : adj. noting a kind of lace : v.t. to place on a pillow. pilose (pi'los), adj. hairy. Also pi- lous. pilot ('lot), n. one who conducts a vessel in or out of a harbor or where navigation is difficult or dangerous ; a guide : v.t. to guide or direct as a pilot. pilotage (-aj), n. the act of piloting; skill of a pilot; pilot's dues. pilot-cloth (-kloth) , n. a stout thick cloth. pilot-engine (-en'jin), n. a locomo- tive sent on in front to clear the line. pim.ento (pi-men'to), n. allspice. pimp (pimp), n. a procurer: v.i. to procure immoral women for others. pimpernel (pim'per-nel), n. a name for various plants of the genus Ana- gallis. pimple Cpl), n. a small pustule. pimpled ('pld), adj. having, or full of, pimples. Also pimply. pin (pin), n. a short piece of wire sharpened at one end and having a head at the other, used for fasten- ing articles together ; anything driven to hold parts together ; bolt or peg ; linchpin ; cylindrical wood- en roller ; anything of small value : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. pinned, p.pr. pin- ning], to fasten with, or as with, a pin; inclose. pina-cloth (pe'nya-kloth), n. sl fine cloth made in Manila from the fibers of the pineapple leaf. pinafore (pin'a-for), n. a loose apron or covering to protect children's dresses. pinaster (pi-nas'ter), n. the cluster- pine of southern Europe. pincerS) same as pinchers. pinch (pinch), v.t. to squeeze or nip; oppress or distress : v.i. to bear hard; be straitened; be mean or niggardly : n. a squeeze or nip, as with the fingers and thumb ; dis' tress, or difficulty. pinchbeck ('bek), n. a yellow alloy of 5 parts of copper and 1 of zinc : adj. noting jewelry of inferior make, pinchers (pinch'erz), n. an instru- ment for drawing out nails, &c. ; nippers. Also pincers. pine (pin), n. a cone-bearing tree o£ the genus Pinus ; timber of the pine : v.i. to waste away from dis- tress, anxiety, &c. pineal (pin'e-al), adj. shaped like ij pine-cone. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; . bo5n, book ; hue, hut ; think, /7ien. PLOIAGE 1 a, b. Horned Bell. — 2 a, b. Red Starred Blue-Throated Warbler. — 3 a, b. Dominican Widow. — 4 a, b. Teal. — 5 a, b. Running Game Cock. — 6. Golden Snipe Hen. — 7 a. Prairie Hen. — 8 a, b. Crested Auk. — 9 a, b. Crested Grebe. — 10 a. Temminck Tragopan (Asiatic game bird), with inflated throat-sac and erect horns, (a, female: b, male.) pin 607 pis pineapple (pin'ap-l), n. a tropical plant and its cone-shaped fruit. pin-footed (pin'foot-ed), adj. hav- ing the toes or feet bordered by a membrane. pinion ('yun), n. the last joint of a bird's wing ; a wing ; the smaller of two geared wheels : v.t. to bind or secure, as by binding the arms ; confine or fetter. pink (pingk), n. a shade of light-red color ; a flower with sharp-pointed leaves of the genus Dianthus ; a narrow-sterned vessel ; anything of supreme excellence : adj. of the color of a pink : v.t. to stab ; pierce or punch with small round holes or small scallops ; work in eyelet holes. pinking ('ing), n. a method of orna- menting dress materials or leather by scalloping the edges. pin-money (pin-mun'i), n. money allowed to a wife by her husband for her private expenses : originally for buying pins. pinnace (pin'as), n. a small light schooner-rigged vessel with oars ; an ^eight-oared man-of-war's boat. pinnacle ('a-kl), n. a small polyg- onal turret or elevation above the rest of the building; a high point like a spire : v.t. furnish with pin- nacles. pinnate ('at), adj. shaped like a feather ; divided into leaflets. Also pinnated. pint (pint), n. l-8th of a gallon. pintail (pin'tal), n. a duck with a pointed tail. pintle ( 'tl ) , w. a bolt ; the hook which attaches the rudder to the stern of a vessel. pioneer (pi-o-ner'), n. a soldier or person whose business it is to clear and repair roads, &c., before an army, sink mines, and throw up for- tifications ; one who goes before to prepare the way for another : v.i. act as a pioneer. pious ('us), adj. dutiful to God, or to parents ; religious ; devout ; proceed- ing from, or actuated by, religious feeling. pip (pip) , n. the seed of certain fruit ; a disease in fowls ; a spot on a play- ing card : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. pipped, p.pr. pipping], to cry like a chicken ^or small bird. pipe (pip), n. any long hollow tube; a tube of clay, wood, &c, with a bowl at one end for smoking tobac- co ; a wine measure = 2 hogsheads, or 105 imperial gallons, or 126 wine- gallons : v.t. to play on, or call by, a pipe : v.i. to whistle ; emit a shrUl sound. piperine (pi'per-in), n. the active principle of black pepper. piping ('ing), adj. feeble; weak; shrill ; playing upon a pipe ; hot like boiling water : n. corded trimming for dresses. pipkin (pip'kin), n. an earthen pot glazed on the inside. pippin ('in)^ n. sl variety of apple. piquancy (pe'kan-si), n. the state or quality of being piquant. piquant ('kant), adj. pungent; se- vere. pique (pek), n. slight anger or re- sentment ; wounded pride ; punc- tilio : v.t. to wound the pride of ; irritate ; displease ; pride or value (one's self). pique (pe-ka'), n. a French cotton material, usually with some geomet- rical pattern. piquet (pe-ket'), n. a card game. piracy (pi'ra-si), n. the act or crime of a pirate ; infringement of copy- right. pirate ('rat), n. a robber on the high seas ; one who infringes the law of literary or artistic copyright : v.t. to take without permission or com- pensation : v.i. to practice piracy. pirogue (pi-rog'), n. a canoe consist- ing of the hollowed trunk of a single tree; a North American narrow ferry-boat. pirouette (pir-oo-ef), n. a whirling or turning about on one toe; turn- ing of a horse on the same ground ; , v.i. to execute a pirouette. piscary (pis'ka-ri), n. right or liber- ty of fishing. piscatorial (-to'ri-al), adj. pertain- ing to fishing. Also piscatory. piscicultural ( -i-kul'tu-ral ) , adj^ pertaining to pisciculture. pisciculture ( 'i-kul-tur ) , n. the arti- ficial breeding and rearing of fishes. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; booOf book; hue, hut; think, then. pis 608 piv pisk (pish), inter j. a contemptuous exclamation : v.i. to express con- tempt. pismire (pis'mir), n. an ant. pistil ('til), n. the seed-bearing or- gan in the center of a flower. pistillate (-at), adj. having a pistil. pistol ('tol), n. a small hand-gun; v.t. to shoot with a pistol. pistole (-tol'), n. a Spanish gold coin of varying value : usually about $3.60. piston ,('tun), n. a small solid cylin- der of metal or wood, fitting exactly and moving up and down the barrel of a pump, or the cylinder of a steam-engine. piston-rod (-rod), n. the rod moving the piston and connecting it with the external machinery. pit (pit), n. a deep hole in the earth ; an abyss ; shaft of a mine ; a hole used for trapping wild animals ; area for cock-fighting ; ground floor of a theater; a hollow part of the body, as the stomach ; indentation left by small-pox ; Hades (with the) : v.t. [p.t. & p.p, pitted, p.pr. pitting], to mark with small hollows or depressions ; set in competition ; place in a pit. pitacal ('a-kal), n. a substance ob- tained from wood-tar. pit-a-pat (-a-paf), adv. with quick beating : n. a palpitation ; a light quick step. pitch (pich), n. the solid black res- inous substance obtained from boiled tar ; a casting forward or down ; degree or rate ; slope ; the degree of acuteness or graveness of a musical note ; distance between the center of two gearing teeth ; at cricket, the distance between the wickets : v.t. to smear with pitch ; throw ; cast headlong ; set to a key-note ; order regularly ; fix in, or on, the ground : v.i. to settle ; fall headlong ; en- camp ; rise and fall; fix the choice (with upon). pitchblende ('blend), n. a black ox- ide of uranium : used in coloring glass a pale sea-green ; it is the chief source of radium. pitched battle ('t bat'l), n. a bat- tle in which the opposing forces have taken up a regular position. pitcher ('er), n. one who pitches; an earthen vessel for holding water ; an instrument for piercing the ground. pitcher-plant (-plant), n. an East- ern plant, the vase-like leaves of which, furnished with lids, hold water. pitchforh ('fOrk), qi. a pronged fork for pitching hay, straw, &c. : v.t. to lift or throw with, or as with, a pitchfork. pitchiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being pitchy. pitch- wheel (-hwel), n. a toothed wheel that works in another. pitchy ('i), adj. like, or smeared with, pitch. piteous (pit'e-us), adj. exciting pity; sorrowful ; sad. pitfall ('fawl), n. a pit lightly cov- ered so that wild beasts may fall into it; a trap. pith (pith), n. the soft spongy sub- stance in the center of plants ; mar- row ; quintesscence ; energy or force. pithily (pith'i-li), adv, in a pithy manner. pithiness ('i-nes), n. concentrated ^force. pithy ('i), adj. of the nature of or full of pith ; forcible. pitiable (pit'i-a-bl), adj. deserving pity.. pitiably ('i-a-bli), adv. in a pitiable manner. pitiful ('i-fool), adj. moving com- passion; insignificant. pitifully (-li), adv. in a pitiful man- ner. pitiless ('i-les), adj. without pity or compassion ; merciless. pitsaw ('saw), n. a two-handled saw. pittance ('ans), n. a small allow- ance, especially of money. pitted ('ed), p. adj. marked with in- dentations or small hollows. pity ('i), n. sympathy with distress; compassion ; a subject of pity or grief : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. pitied, p.pr. pitying] , to sympathize with : v.i. to be compassionate, or affected with pity. pivot (piv'ot), n. the short shaft on ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrtb, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, tliQU. pi3 pu which anything turns ; the soldier who is stationary at the flank while the company drilling wheels round : v.t. to place on a pivot. pix, another form of pyx. pixy (piks'i), n. [pZ. pixies ('iz)], a fairy. Also pixie. placability (pla-ka-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being placable. Also placableness. placable ('ka-bl), adj. that may be appeased or pacified ; forgiving. placard (plak'ard), n. a bill placed on a wall, &c., as an advertisement : v.t. (pla-kard'), to advertise by a placard. vlace (plas), n. a special spot or locality ; broadway or square ; sit- uation ; site ; residence ; office ; city or town ; room ; existence ; du^y ; passage in writing or a book ; for- tified post ; precedence : v.t. to put in any place, office, &c. ; ascribe ; settle ; establish ; invest ; put out at interest. placeman ('man), n. a government official. placenta (pla-sen'ta), n, the vascu- lar organ that connects the fetus in the womb with the mother, the after-birth ; that part of the carpel of a plant to which the ovules or seeds are attached. placental ('tal), adj. pertaining to, or having, a placenta : w. a mam- mal with a placenta. placer (plas'er), n. a mineral deposit which is not a vein. placid (plas'id), adj. calm; peaceful ; mild. placidity ('i-ti), n. the state or qual- ity of being placid. placket (plak'et), n. a petticoat; a slit in a skirt or petticoat ; a wom- an's pocket. plagiarism (pla'ji-a-rism), n. the act of plagiarizing. plagiarist (-rist), n. one who steals from the writings of another and passes them off as his own produc- tion ; literary theft. Also plagiary. plagiarize (-iz), v.t. to steal from the writings of another. plague (plag), n. a malignant epi- demic ; anything very troublesome or annoying- v.t. to infest with dis- ease ; trouble or annoy greatly. plaguily Ci-li), adv. so as to plague., plaguy ('i), adj. vexatious. plaice (plas), n. an edible flat-fish. plaid (plad), n. a checkered woolen cloth, originally worn as a garment by the Highlanders of Scotland. plain (plan), adj. level; flat; even; smooth ; clear ; evident ; easily un- derstood ; not luxurious ; devoid of beauty, or ornament ; homely : n. level ground ; any flat expanse. plaint (plant), n. lamentation; a mournful song ; the exhibiting of an action in writing by a plaintiff. plaintiff (plan'tif), n. one who com- mences a suit in a court of law. plaintive ('tiv), adj. expressing grief or sorrow ; sad. plaintively (-li), adv. in a plaintive manner. plaintiveness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being plaintive. plait (plat), n. a flat fold; braid: v.t. to fold or braid; interweave. Also pleat. pjan (plan), n. a drawing on a flat surface, as of a building, &c. ; scheme or project : v.t. \_p.t. & p.p. planned, p.pr. planning], to make a plan or sketch of, on a flat surface; form in design ; outline. planchet ('chet), n. a flat piece of metal prepared for coining. plancbette (plang-shef), n. a heart- shaped board fitted with wheels and a pencil which traces marks as it moves the hand by some supposed mysterious agency. plane (plan), adj. flat; level; even: without elevations or depressions :, n. a flat or even surface ; in geom- etry, an even superficies ; a level sur- face parallel to the horizon ; a car- penter's tool for smoothing wood : v.t. to make level ; make smooth with a plane. plane-tree ('tre), n. a large tree with broad-spreading leaves. planet (plan'et), n. a heavenly body revolving round the sun. planetarium (-a'ri-um), n. a ma- chine to exhibit the planets, their motions round the sun, and their relative distances and magnitudes. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book : hue, hut ; think, f/ien. pia 610 pla planetary ('et-a-ri), adj. pertaining to, consisting of, or produced by, planets ; erratic. planetoid ('et-oid), n. any one of the small planets revolving in the space between Mars and Venus; minor planet. planish, (plan'ish), v.t. to polish or smooth by hammering. planisphere ('is-fer), n. a sphere or globe projected on a plane surface. plank (plangk), n, a long broad piece of sawn timber thicker than a board ; an item in a political pro- gramme or policy : v.t. to cover with planks; pay (with down). planner (plan'er), n. one who plans; a projector. piano, a prefice meaning flat, as piano- concave : adj. flat or plane on one side, concave on the other. plant (plant), n. any vegetable organism ; sprout or sapling ; the tools, machinery, or fixtures of any trade or business ; a swindle : v.t. to put into the ground for growth, as seed ; fix_ in the mind ; establish. plantain ('tan), n. a tropical broad- leaved tree yielding an edible fruit similar to the banana. plantation (-ta'shun), n. a place planted with trees ; a large culti- vated estate for cotton, sugar, &c. ; a new settlement or colony. planter ( 'er ) , n. one who plants ; the owner of a plantation. plantigrade ('i-grad), n. walking on the sole of the foot; a carnivorous animal, as the bear, of the section plantigrada. plantule ('til), n. an embryo of a plant. plaque (plak), n. a metal or terra- cotta plate upon which flowers, fig- ures, &;c., are enameled or painted. ' plash, (plash), n. a puddle; pond: v.t. to splash or dash with water ; interweave the branches or twigs of : as, to plash a hedge. plasm (plazm), n. sl mold or matrix. plasma (plaz'ma), n. the colorless fluid of the blood in which the red corpuscles float ; protoplasm ; a grass-green variety of chalcedony. plaster (ter), n. calcined gypsum us^ed for castings, &c. (plaster of paris) ; a composition of lime, sand, and water, for coating walls ; a me- dicinal application for external use : adj. made of plaster : v.t. to over- lay or cover with, or as with, plaster. plastic C'tik), adj. capable of being formed or molded ; giving form. plasticity (-tis'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being plastic. plat, same as plait. plate (plat), n. a thin piece of metal ; a small shallow vessel used at table for eating from ; an engraved piece of metal ; household articles of gold or silver ; a prize given at a race : v.t. to coat with a more valuable metal ; to beat into laminae or thin plates. plateau (pla-to'), «• [pl- plateaux (-toz')], elevated broad flat land; table-land ; a large ornamental cen- ter-dish. plate-glass (plat'glas), ii. a fine kind of glass cast in thick plates : used for mirrors, &c. plate-mark, same as hall-mark. platen (plat'en), n. the flat part of a printing-press by which the impres- sion is made. platform ('fdrm), n. a flat floor of wood, stone, &c., raised above the level of the ground ; the place where guns are mounted on a fortress or battery ; political program or policy, of which each item is called a plank. platina, another form of platinum. plating (pla'ting), n. the art of over- laying or covering anything with a metallic plate. platinize ('i-niz), v.t. to coat with platinum. platinoids ('in-oldz) , ■ n.pl. metals found associated with platinum. platinous (-us), adj. containing plat- inum. platinum (-in-um), n. a greyish- white metal very hard and ductile, the heaviest of the known metals. Also platina. platitude ('i-tud), n. insipidity; dulness ; a weak, empty, trite re' mark. Platonic (pla-ton'ik), adj. pertaining to Plato, the ancient Greek philoso- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boorii book ; hue, hut ; think, then^ pla 611 pie pher, or to his philosophy, &c., or school ; pure and untainted with car- nal desires. platoon (-toon'), n. two files of sol- diers forming a subdivision. platter (plat'er), n. a large flat dish. platy, a prefix meaning troad or fiat, as platypus, the ornithorhyncus, from its fiat, duck-like bill. platyrhine ( 'i-rin ) , adj. broad-nosed : noting American monkeys, thus characterized. plaudit (plaw'dit), n. applause. plauditory ('di-to-ri), adj. applaud- ing. plausibility (-zi-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being plausible ; spe- ciousness. Also plausibleness. plausible ( 'zi-bl ) , adj. specious ; superficially pleasing. plausibly (-bli), adv. in a plausible manner. play (pla), n. any exercise or occupa- tion for amusement ; exertion of powers; diversion; pastime; drama, tragedy, or comedy ; gaming ; scope ; practice ; manner of dealing ; style i v.i. [p.t. & p.p. played, p.pr, play- ing], to engage in some exercise for amusement ; sport or frolic ; per- form upon, as a musical instrument ; personate a character ; gamble. playful (pla'fool), adj. sportive; live- ly. playfully (-li), adv. in a playful manner. playfulness (-nes), n. playful state or disposition. plaza (pla'za), n. an open square or market place. plea (pie), n. an excuse or apology; the defendant's answer to the plain- tiff's declaration in a lawsuit ; ur- gent entreaty. plead (pled), v.i. to argue or rea- son in support of a cause against another ; argue before a court of law ; supplicate earnestly : v.t. dis- cuss or defend by arguments ; offer as an excuse. pleadings ('ingz), n.pl. the written statements of the two parties in a lawsuit. pleasant (plez'ant), n. grateful to the mind or senses ; delightful ; agreeable ; cheerful ; facetious. pleasantry (-ri), n. merriment; lively talk ; gaiety ; a laughable trick or joke. please (plez), v.t. to gratify; give pleasure to ; gain approbation from : v.i. to afford pleasure or gratifica- tion ; like or choose. pleased ('d), p. adj. gratified. pleasing ('ing), p. adj. affording pleasure ; agreeable. pleasurable ( plezh'u-ra-bl ) , a d j» gratifying ; delightful. pleasurably (-bli), adv. in a pleas- urable manner. pleasure ('tir), n. gratification; agreeable emotions, mental or physi- cal ; transient enjoyment ; sensual gratification. pleat, another form of plait. plebeian (ple-be'an), adj. pertaining to the Plebs or Roman commonalty ; pertaining to the common people; hence common or vulgar : n. one of the common people. plebeianism (-izm), n. vulgarity. plebiscite (pleb'i-sit), n. a vote taken of the entire male community by universal suffrage on some special matter submitted ; the decree founded on such a vote. pledge (plej), n. anything placed as a security or guarantee ; pawn ; hostage ; a health in drinking : v.t. to give as security or guarantee j deposit in pawn ; drink to the health of. pledget ('et), n. a flat piece of lint placed over a wound. Pleiades (pli'a-dez), n.pl. the cluster of 7 stars in the constellation Tau- rus ; from the 7 daughters of Atlas and Pleione, changed after death into stars. plenary (ple'na-ri), adj. full; com- plete. plenipotentiary ( plen - i - po - ten*'shi- a-ri), adj. having full power: n. an ambassador to a foreign court in- vested with full powers. plenist (ple'nist), n. one who holds the theory that all space is filled with matter. plenitude (plen'i-ttid), n. fulness. plenteous ('te-us), adj. abundant t amply suflScient. I ate, arm, &sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon^ book ; hue, hut ; think, then. pie 612 pin plentiful ('ti-fool), adj. yielding abundance ; copious. plentifully (-li), adv. abundantly. plenty ('ti), n. abundance. pleonasm (ple'o-nazm), n. use of more words than necessary in speak- ing or writing. pleonastic (-nas'tik), adj. redun- dant. pleonastically (-al-li), adv. redun- dantly. plet (plet), n. a kind of birch-rod, used in Russian prisons. plethora (pleth'6-ra), n. excessive fulness of blood ; overabundance. plethoric (ple-thor'ik), adj. having excess of blood. pleura (ploo'ra), n. Ipl. pleurae ('re)], a delicate serous membrane covering the interior of the thorax and each lung. pleural ('ral), adj. pertaining to the pleura. pleurisy ('ri-si), n. inflammation of the pleura. pleuritic (-rit'ik), adj. pertaining to, or affected with, pleurisy. Also pleuritical. pleuro, a prefix meaning rih or side, as pleurodynia, rheumatism of the chest walls. pleur o-pneumonia ( ploo-ro-nu-mo'- ni-a), n. inflammation of the pleura and lungs. plevin (plev'in), n. a warrant. plexus (plek'sus), n. a network of veins, nerves, &c. pliability (pli-a-biri-ti), n. the state or quality of being pliable. Also pliableness. pliable ('a-bl), adj. easily bent; flex- ible ; easy to be persuaded. pliably ('a-bli), adv. in a pliable manner. pliancy ('an-si), n. pliant quality. pliant ('ant), adj. flexible; easily bent ; yielding to moral suasion. plicate ('kat), adj. plaited; folded in the form of a fan. Also plicated. pliers C'erz), n. a kind of small pinchers for seizing and bending, especially small articles. plight (plit), n. a dangerous or dis- tressed condition ; predicament ; pledge; promise: v.t. to pledge, as one's faith. plinth (plinth), n. the lowest square* shaped part of the base of a column, pedestal, &c. ; the projecting face at the bottom of a wall. plod (plod), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. plodded, p.pr. plodding], to travel laborious- ly ; drudge or toil ; study closely. plot (plot), n. a complicated scheme, conspiracy, or plan ; intrigue ; chain of incidents in a play, novel, &c., gradually developed : v.t. \p.t. & p.p. plotted, p.pr. plotting], to devise; make a plan of : v.i. to conspire ; form a plan against another. plover (pluv'er), n. a wading bird of various species. plow, plough (plou), n. an agricul- tural implement for turning up the soil ; a grooving-plane : v.t. to turn up with a plow ; furrow. plowshare, ploughshare ('shar), n. the iron part of a plow that cuts the soil. pluck (pluk), v.t. to pull off, out, or up ; snatch ; pick or gather ; reject as a candidate in an examination : n. a pull ; the heart, liver and lungs of an animal ; courage. pluckily ('i-li), adv. courageously. plucky ('i), adj. [comp. pluckier, superl. pluckiest], having courage or pluck. plug (plug), 11. a piece of wood, &c., used for stopping a hole : v.t. [p.t, & p.p. plugged, p.pr. plugging], to stop with a plug. plum (plum) J n. a tree, Prunus do- mestica, or its well-known fruit ; a raisin ; £100,000 : hence a large for- tune. plumage (pltim'aj), n. a bird's feath- ers. plumb (plum), n. a heavy body, usu- ally of lead, suspended at the ex- tremity of a line to indicate the per- pendicularity of work done, as a wall, &c. : adj. perpendicular : adv. perpendicularly : v.t. to adjust by a plumb-line ; make perpendicular ; sound (the depth of water) by a plummet. plumbago (-ba'go), n. a mineral of carbon and iron, used for lead pen- cils ; a form of carbon. plumber ('er), n. one who is en- gaged in the business of plumbing. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. plu 613 pod plumbing ('ing), n. the art or occu- pation of putting into buildings the pipes, traps, &c., for the conveyance of water, gas, and sewage. plumb-line ('lin), n. a line attached to a mass of lead to indicate the per- pendicular ; perpendicular line. plume (ploom), n. a feather ; a feath- er worn as an ornament ; crest : v:t. to pick and adjust the feathers of; adorn with plumes ; boast ; pride (used reflexively). plummet (plum'et), n. a leaden weight attached to a string used for sounding depths, &c. plump (plump), adj. round and sleek with fulness of flesh ; in good condi- tion ; downright ; unqualified : adv. with a sudden or heavy fall : v.i. to grow plump ; fall or sink down ; to vote for a single candidate when one has the right to vote for two or more : v.t. to make plump ; fatten. plumy (ploo'mi), adj. feathered. plunder (plun'der), n. booty; pil- lage: v.t. to take by open force; spoil ; rob. plunderage (-aj), n. the embezzle- ment of goods on board ship. plunge (plunj), v.t. to put suddenly Into water or any other liquid ; im^ merse ; baptize by immersion : v.i. to sink, fall, or rush, as into water ; dive ; throw the body forward and the legs up, as a horse ; bet heavily and thoughtlessly : n. the act of plunging ; sudden fall. plunger ('er), n. one who plunges ; a diver ; the long solid cylinder or pis- ton of a pump ; one who bets heavily and thoughtlessly. pluperfect (ploo'per-fekt), adj. not- ing an event or action occurring prior to some other event or action. plural ('ral), adj. consisting of more than one : n. that form of a word that expresses more than one. plurality (ploo-ral'i-ti), n. the ma- jority ; the greatest of three or more numbers ; the excess of votes cast for any one candidate over the can- didate who receives the next largest number of votes at an election where there are three or more candidates for the same office. pluralize (-Tz), v.t. to make plural. plus (plus), n. the sign ( + ) used to denote addition: adj. more (by a certain amount) ; increased (by a specified addition) ; above zero. plusb. (plush), n. a kind of shaggy cloth with a pile ; woolen velvet. plutocracy (ploo-tok'ra-si), n. rule or government by the rich. plutocrat (ploo'to-krat), n. one who exercises political power or influence by virtue of his wealth. Plutonian (-to'ni-an), adj. pertain- ing to Pluto, the god of the lower world, or to the lower regions of fire ; igneous. Also Plutonic. Plutonic rocks (roks), n.pl. igneous rocks. pluvial (Vi-al), adj. rainy. ply (pli), v.t. Ip.t. & p.p. plied, p.pr. plying], to work on closely; prac- tice diligently or earnestly ; urge or solicit : v.i. to run regulai-ly between two ports ; work against the wind. pneumatic (nu-mat'ik), adj. pertain* ing to, consisting of, containing, like,, or moved by, air. Also pneumatical. pneumatically (-al-li), adv. by air. pneumatics ('iks), n.2Jl. the science that treats of the mechanical proper^ ties of air and similar elastic fluids* pneumatology (-ma-tol'o-ji), n». pneumatics ; the science of mind or spiritual existences or essences and their operation. pneumo, a prefix meaning lung. pneumonia (-mo'ni-a), n. acute in-^ flammation of the lungs. pneumonic (-mon'ik), adj. pertain- ing to the lungs. poach, (poch), v.i. to trespass upon preserves to shoot or steal game ; v.t. to steal game from ; plunder by stealth; cook (eggs) by breaking them into boiling water. poacliy ('i), adj. swampy; marshy. pochard ('ard), n. the sea-duck. pock (pok), n. a pustule on the skin containing eruptive matter. pocket ('et), n. a small bag inserted in a garment for carrying small ar- ticles ; a small netted bag in a bil- liard table for the reception of the balls ; a small quantity. pod (pod), n. the pericarp or the cov- ering of the seed of certain plants, as the pea, &c. : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. I ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. pod 614 pol podded, p.pr. podding], to swell or fill, as a pod ; produce pods. podge (poj), n. a puddle. podgy ('i), adj. short and fat. podium (p6'di-um), n. a low wall, usually with a plinth and cornice, in the front of an edifice to support pillars ; that part of an amphithea- ter which projects over the arena ; a balcony. .tmdocarp (pod'o-karp), n. the stem which supportsthe fruit of a plant. podophyllin' (-o-firin), n. a purga- tive resin obtained from the root of the May-apple. ;poe (po'e), n. a food made from the roots of the taro plant by the natives of Hawaii. ;poe bird (berd), n. the parson bird of New Zealand, with a plumage of a dark m,etallic hue. poem ('em), n. a metrical or poetical composition ; a poetic conception. poesy ('e-si), n, the art of composing poems. poet ('et), n. the author of a poem; one gifted in writing poetry ; one who is strongly imaginative. Fem- inine poetess. poet laureate (law're-at), n. a court poet. poetic (-et'ik), adj. pertaining to, suitable to, or expressed in, poetry ; sublime. Also poetical. poetically (-al-li), adv. in a poetic manner. poetry ('et-ri), n. a metrical compo- sition produced or embellished by creative imagination ; utterance in song ; poems collectively. poi, same as poe. poignancy ('nun-si), n. the state or quality of being poignant. poignant ('nant), adj. stimulating to the palate ; irritating ; very painful. poinsettia (-set'i-a), n. a Mexican plant with handsome flowers. point (point), n. the sharp end of any instrument ; mark or dot ; indi- visible part ; mark in punctuation ; that which has position but no mag- nitude ; a spot ; exact place ; critical moment ; expression or force ; sting of an epigram ; aim ; act of aiming ; small cape or promontory ; lace wrought with the needle ; railway switch ; unit of measurement for type-bodies = .0138 inch, or one- twelfth of a pica : v.t. to sharpen ; give a point to ; direct or aim ; mark with points; fill the joints of (ma- sonry) with mortar and smooth them with a trowel : v.i. to indicate ; show clearly. point-blank ('blangk), adj. horizon- tal ; straight forward to the mark ; direct. pointed ('ed), p.adj. sharpened; hav- ing a sharp point ; direct ; telling ; personal ; epigrammatic ; Gothic. pointer ('er), n. one who, or that which, points ; a variety of dog trained to point game. pointing ('ing), n. punctuation; the act or operation of filling in the crevices of masonry with mortar. poise (poiz), n. weight; balance; equilibrium : v.t. to balance ; weigh ; ascertain or examine : v.i. to be in a state of equilibrium. poison (poi'zn), n. anything noxious or destructive to life, health, or mo- rality ; venom : v.t. to infect with, or kill by, poison ; administer poison to ; corrupt. poisonous (-us), adj. having the qualities of poison ; deadly ; injuri- ous to health. poke (pok), n. a thrust or push; a bag or sack : v.t. to thrust or push against, especially with something pointed ; thrust at with the horns : v.i. to grope or feel about in the dark ; search. poker ('er), n. a metal bar for stir- ring fires ; a card game. poking ('ing), adj. servile; drudging. poky (po'ki), adj. lacking spirit or interest ; slow ; stupid. polar ('lar), adj. pertaining to, or sit- uated near, either of the poles, espe- cially the North Pole ; pertaining to the magnetic poles. polariscope (-lar'i-skop), n. an in- strument for exhibiting polarized light. polarity ('i-ti), n. the property pos- sessed by certain bodies, as in elec- trified or magnetized bodies, by which they arrange themselves in certain directions or tend to given poles. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; booDi book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Copyright, Underwood & Underwood. POLO. International Polo Teams in game played at Meadowbrook, L. I., June 10th and 14th, 1913. American team won. English team at top. American team at bottom. I pol 615 pol polarization (-i-za'shun) , n. the act of polarizing; the state of being po- larized, polarize (-iz), v.t. to communicate polarity to. pole (pol), n. a long staff; a measure = 5l^ yards ; a square measure = 30% yards ; a measuring instru- ment ; one of the extremities of the imaginary axis of the earth ; one of the two points in a magnet in which the attractive or repellent force is concentrated ; that on which any- thing revolves ; the extreme opposite. polecat ('kat), n. a small carnivo- rous animal which emits a strong of- fensive, odor, polemic (po-lem'ik), n. a controver- sialist : pi. the art of controversy ; controversial writings, especially those on religious subjects. polemical ('i-kal), ac^;. controversial. polemically (-li), adv. controver- sially. pole-star (pol'star), n. the north star (Polaris) situated in Ursa Mi- nor, within 1^ degrees of the true pole ; a guide. police (po-les'), n. in a city, town, or district, an organized force of civil ofl&cers for preserving order. policeman ('man), n. a member of a police force. policy (pol'i-si), n. [pi. policies (-siz) ], the art or method of govern- ment ; management of public affairs ; system of regulative measures ; sa- gacity in management ; course of conduct ; prudence ; cunning ; a doc- ument given to insurers containing a contract of insurance ; a warrant for money in the public funds ; a gambling game. polish ('ish), v.t. to make smooth or glossy by friction ; rnake polite or refined : v.i. to become polished : n. a smooth, glossy surface ; a prepara- tion for imparting a polish ; refine- ment or elegance of manners. Polish (po'lish), adj, pertaining to Poland, its language, or to its in- habitants. polite (-lit'), adj. well-bred; refined in manner ; courteous or obliging. politeness ('nes), n. good-breading; courtesy. politely ('li), adv. in a polite man- ner. politesse (pol-i-tes'), n. over-acted politeness. politic ('i-tik), adj. shrewd; spe- cious ; sagacious : especially in pol- icy ; adapted to promote the welfare of the state : n.pl. the art of govern- ment or the administration of public affairs ; political opinions ; party management or control. political (po-lit'i-kal), adj. pertain- ing to politics, or to a nation or state ; derived from government. politically (-li), adv. in a political manner. political economy (e-kon'o-mi), n. the science that treats of wealth, its nature, production, distribution, and consumption, and the laws which regulate and govern these. politician ('i-tish-un), n. one who is skilled in politics ; a statesman. politics, see under politic. polity ('i-ti), n. the form or constitu- tion of the civil government of a state; constitution. polka (pol'ka), n. a dance of Bohe- mian origin, performed by two per- sons ; mu«ic suitable for such a dance. poll (pol), n. the head, especially the back part of it ; a register of per- sons, especially those entitled to vote at elections ; an election ; number of votes recorded at an election ; place where votes are cast : v.t. to^ lop ; clip or shear ; enroll in a register ; bring to the poll, as a voter ; to cast or deposit in a ballot box ; to poll a jury is to examine each member in- dividually as to his concurrence in the verdict. pollack (pol'ak), n. a species of cod- fish. pollard Card), n. a tree lopped or polled; a stag that has cast its horns ; a mixture of bran and meal ; the chub-fish. pollen ('en), n. the fertilizing pow- der in the cells of the anthers of flowers. pollination (-i-na'shun), n. the con- veyance of pollen from the anther to the stigma of a flower. pollock, same as pollack. ate, arm, S^k, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. pol 616 poll poll-tax (pol'taks), n. a capitation tax. pollute (pol-ltit'), v.t. to defile; ren- der unclean ; taint with guilt ; cor- rupt ; violate. pollution (-lu'shun), n. the act of polluting ; the state of being pol- luted ; defilement ; legal or ceremo- nial uncleanness. polo (po'lo), n. a game similar to hockey, played on horseback. polonaise (po-lo-naz'), n. a dress, body and skirt made in one; a Po- lish air or dance. polonium (po-lo'ni-um), a radio- active element. poltroon (pol-troon'), n. a coward. poly, a prefix meaning many, much. polyandry (pol-i-an'dri), w. the prac- tice of a woman having more than one husband at the same time : op- posed to polygamy. polyanthus (-an'thus), n. sl hand- some flower ; a cultivated variety of the oxlip primrose. polychromatic (-kro-mat'ik), adj. exhibiting a play of colors. polychrome ('i-krom), adj. having many colors : n. a work executed in many colors. polygamist (po-lig'a-mist), n. one who practices or upholds polygamy. polygamous ('a-mus), adj. pertain- ing to, or practicing, polygamy. polygamy ('a-mi), n. the practice of having more than one wife at the same time. polyglot (pol'i-glot), adj. contain- ing many languages : n. a book, ' es- pecially an edition of the Bible, in several languages. polygon ('i-gon), n. a figure having many angles. polygraph ('i-graf), n. a manifold writer. polyhedral (-he'dral), adj. having many sides or faces. Also polyhe- drous, polyhedric. polyhedron ('dron), n. a solid hav- ing many sides or faces ; a polyscope. polyp ('ip), n. an extensive group of radiated animals including the hydra, sea-anemone, &c. Also polype, poly- pus. polypus ('pus), n. [pi. polypi (-pi)], a fleshy tumor in the nose or uterus *, a polype. polyscope ('skop), n. a multiplying lens. polystyle ('stil), n. a building with many columns, polysyllabic (-sil-ab'ik), adj. per- taining to, or consisting of, three or more sj'-llables. Also- polysyllabical. polysyllable ('a-bl), n. a word con- sisting of three or more syH,ables. polytechnic (-tek'nik), adj. noting, including, or giving instruction in, the arts and sciences : n. a school for imparting instruction in the arts and sciences. polytheism ('i-the-izm), -n. the doc- trine of a plurality of gods, each taking a part in the government of the world. polytheist ('ist), n. a believer in polytheism. polytheistic (-is'tik), adj. pertain- ing to, or consisting in, polytheism. poly type (-tip), n. a facsimile in metal of an engraving on wood, &c. pomade (po-mad'), n. a perfumed ointment for dressing the hair. Also pomatum. pomegranate (pom'gran-at), n. a tree (Punica Granatum) yielding an orange-like, edible fruit with a thick rind and numerous seeds. pommel (pum'el), n. the knob on a sword-hilt ; the high part of a saddle- bow : v.t. to beat with anything thick or bulky ; bruise. pommeling (-ing), n. sl beating. pomology (po-mol'o-ji), n. the sci- ence of cultivating fruit and fruit- trees, especially apples ; a treatise on fruits. pomp (pomp), n. ostentatious dis- play ; grandetir ; parade. pompon (pom'pon), n. a tufted orna- ment ; a variety of chrysanthemum. pomposity (-pos'i-ti), n. the state of being pompous. Also pompousness. pompous (pom'pus), adj. stately; grand ; self-important ; ostentatious. poncho (pon'cho), n. a sort of cloak or loose woolen garment worn in Spanish America. pond (pond), n. a pool of standing water. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut: think, then. pon 617 pop ponder (pon-der), v.t. to weigh men- tally : v.i. to deliberate. ponderability (-a-bil'i-ti), n. the state of being ponderable. Also ponderableness. ponderable ('der-a-bl), adj. capable of being weighed. ponderosity (-os'i-ti), n. weight. ponderous ('der-us) , adj. very heavy ', weighty ; important ; dull. pone (pon), n. bread made of maize- meal, milk, &c. pongee (pon-je'), n. an inferior kind of silk. poniard (pon'yard), n. a small dag- ger : v.t. to stab with a poniard. pontiff ('tif), n. a high priest; the Pope. pontifical ('i-kal), adj. pertaining to a pontiff, high priest, or pope ; pa- pal : n. a book containing ecclesiasti- cal rites and ceremonies : jjI. the full dress worn by an officiating priest or bishop. pontifically (-li), adv. in a pontifi- cal manner. pontificate ('i-kat), n. the office or dignity of a high priest or pope ; the reign of a pope. pontoon (pon-toon'), n. a buoyant, flat-bottomed structure supporting a floating military bridge ; a bridge of boats ; a lighter. pony (po'ni), n. [pi. ponies ('niz)], a small horse ; a very small glass of beer or liquor ; student's key to translation of Latin or Greek les- sons ; often used adjectively to de- note something small of its kind, as a pony engine. pool (pool) , n. a small body of water ; a variety of play at billiards ; the stakes in certain games or the re- ceptacle for them : v.t. to unite or aggregate together, as in mercantile risks, railway traffic, &c. poop (poop), n. the stern of a ship; the raised deck in the stern of a ves- sel : v.t. to strike the stern of ; break heavily over the stern of : said of waves. pooped (poopt), p.adj. having a poop ; struck on the poop by a heavy sea. pooping (poop'ing), n. a breaking of a heavy sea over the taffrail of the poop ; the action of a vessel running her stern against the stern of an- other. poor (po5r), adj. necessitous; having little or no means ; destitute of rich- es ; without strength, beauty, or dig- nity ; dejected ; spiritless ; insignifi- cant ; humble ; lean ; without fer- tilty ; an expression of tenderness, compassion, or disdain. poorly ('li), adv. without adequate means ; with scant success : adj. somewhat ill ; delicate in health. pop (pop), n. a short, smart, quick sound : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. popped, p.pr. ■ popping], to thrust suddenly ; pawn : v.i. to make a short, smart, quick sound ; move quickly ; dart ; come suddenly into view : adv. suddenly. pop-corn ('korn), n. any variety of Indian corn or maize having small ears and small, hard grains. The grains "pop" and expand when ex- posed to heat of a fire. pope (pop), n. the bishop of Rome and head of the Roman Catholic Church ; a title of priests of the Greek Church ; a variety of perch. popedom ('dum), n. the office, dig- nity, or jurisdiction of the Pope. popinjay ('in-ja), n. a parrot; fop. poplar (pop'lar), n. a tree of rapid growth, with a white soft wood. poplin ('lin), n. a fabric of silk and worsted. poppet ('et), n. one of the timbers that support a ship in launching; a term of endearment. poppy ('i), n. any plant of the genus Papaver, with bright showy flowers ; from one species (Papaver somnif- erum) opium is obtained. populace ('ti-las), n. the common people. popular ('ii-lar), adj. pertaining to, suitable for, or pleasing to, the com- mon people ; easily understood ; ple- beian. popularity (-lar'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being popular; general esteem. popularize (-iz), v.t. to render pop- ular. populate ('ti-lat) , v.t. to furnish with inhabitantSo population (la'shun), n. the inhab- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. pop 618 por itants of a country, place, town, &c., collectively. Populist (-list), n. a member of a political party in the United States known as the Populist or People's party. populous C'u-lus), adj. thickly peo- pled. porcelain (pors'lan or pors'lan), n. a fine white, thin, semi-transparent kind of earthenware : adj. pertaining to, or made of, porcelain. porch (porch), n. a vestibule sup- ported by pillars ; portico. porcine (por 'sin), adj. pertaining to swine. porcupine ('ku-pln), n. a rodent cov- ered with spines, of the genus Hys- trix. pore (por), n. a minute hole in the skin through which perspiration passes to the surface ; an opening between the molecules of a body : v.i. to look with close and steady atten- tion, as on a book. porgee (por'je), n. a coarse kind of silk. porgy Cji), n. a marine fish much esteemed for food. pork (pork), n. the flesh of swine either fresh or salted. porker ('er), n. a pig. porkling ('ling), n. a young pig. porosity (p6r-os'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being porous. Also por- ousness. porous ('us), adj. having pores. porpkyritic (p6r-fi-rit'ik), adj. hav- ing the appearance, or texture of, porphyry. porphyry ('fi-ri), n. originally a red- dish igneous rock found in Egypt, with enclosed crystals of feldspar ; now applied to any rock having a feldspathic base with feldspar crys- tals. porpkyry-skell (-shel), n. a uni- valve shell of the genus Murex, yielding a purple dye. porpoise (por'pus), n. a cetaceous mammal of the genus Phocsena ; the sea-hog. porridge (por'ij), n. oatmeal boiled slowly in water until it thickens. porringer ('in-jer), w. a small dish for porridge, &c. port (port), n. a harbor; harem; de- portment or carriage ; the left side of a ship ; porthole ; gate ; a dark colored Portuguese wine : v.t. to turn to the port of left side of a ship : as, to po7't the helm. portability (-a-bil'i-ti), n, the sta.te of being portable. Also portable- ness. portable ('a-bl), adj. that may be easily carried by hand or about the person. portage ('aj), n. carriage; cost of carriage ; a break in a chain of water communication over which goods, boats, &c., have to be carried. portal ('al), n. a gate or entrance; an arch over a gateway or door. portcullis (-kul'is), n. a strong har- row-shaped grating hung over the doorway of a fortified place and ca- pable of being let down to defend the gate. Porte (port), n. the Turkish govern- ment and court : so called from the gate of the Sultan's palace where justice was administered. portemonnaie ('mon-a). n. a purse [French]. portend (por-tend'), v.t. to indicate in advance ; presage ; forebode. portent ('tent), w. an omen, especial- ly of ill. portentous ('ns), adj. ominous; foreshadowing evil'; wondrous. porter (por'ter), n. a door- or gate- keeper ; a dark-colored malt beer ; one who carries parcels, &c., for hire. Feminine porteress. porterage (-aj), n. money charged for carriage by a porter. portfire (port'fir), n. a paper tube filled with powder, &c., formerly used for firing guns. portfolio (-fo'li-o), n. a portable^ case for loose papers, drawings, &c. , ' the office and functions of a minister of state. porthole ('hoi), n. a window-shaped hole in the side of a ship, especially of a man-of-war. portico (por'ti-ko), n. [pi. porticos (-koz)], a walk covered by a roof supported on columns ; a columned porch. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; b6on» book ; hue, hut ; think, then. por 619 pos portiere (-tiar'), n. a door-curtain [French]. portion ('shun), n. a piece or part; allotment ; dividend ; final state ; dowry ; part of an estate descending to an heir : v.t. to divide ; allot ; en- dow with a fortune. portliness ('li-nes), n. the state of being portly, .portly ('li), adj. stately of mien ; cor- l pulent. 'portmanteau (-man'to) , n. [pi. port- manteaux ('toz)], a bag or trunk for carrying clothes or traveling ne- cessities. portoise (por'tiz), n. a ship's gun- wale. portrait ('trat), n. a picture or rep- resentation of an individual or face drawn from life ; a vivid graphic de- scription in words. portraiture Ctra-ttir), n. the art or practice of drawing or painting por- traits ; vivid delineation in words. portray (-tra'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. por- trayed, p.pr. portraying], to paint or draw the likeness of ; describe in words. portrayal ('al), n. description. Portuguese (por-tu-gez'), adj. per- taining to Portugal, its inhabitants, or language. pose (poz), n. attitude or position: v.i. to assume an attitude : v.t. to puzzle or perplex ; cause to be at a loss. poser (poz'er), n. a puzzling ques- tion ; one who, or that which, poses or puzzles. position (p6-zish'un), n. the state of being set or placed ; situation ; atti- tude ; principle laid down ; office ; so- cial status. positive (poz'i-tiv), adj. clearly ex- pressed ; actual ; direct ; explicit ; overconfident ; dogmatical ; settled by arbitrary appointment ; having power to act directly ; noting the simple form of an adjective (posi- tive degree) ; affected by the sign + (positive quantity) : n. that which may be affirmed ; reality ; a word which affirms or asserts existence ; a photograph with the natural lights and shades restored. positively (-li), adv. absolutely; ex- pressly. positiveness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being positive. positivism ('i-tiv-izm)_, n. a French philosophical and religious system originated by Auguste Comte (1798- 1857), called also Comtism, and the Religion of Humanity. positivist (-ist), n. an adherent of positivism. posse (pos'e), n. an improvised force of men. posse comitatus (kom-i-ta'tus), the force of citizens which the sheriff of a county is empowered to raise to quell a riot, &c. possess (p6-zes'), v.t. to have as an owner ; be master of ; occupy ; seize. possessed (-zest'), p. adj. owned; mad. possession (-zesh'un), n. the having, holding, or detention of property ; the thing possessed ; property or es- tate. possessive (zes'iv), adj. noting pos- session. possessor ('er), n. owner; one who possesses, possessory ('o-ri), adj. pertaining to posession. posset (pos'et), n. milk curdled with wine, &c. possibility (-i-bil'i-ti), n. the state of being possible ; contingency. possible ('i-bl), adj. that may hap- pen or exist. possibly ('i-bli), adv. by possibility; perhaps. possum, same as opossum. post (post), n. a piece of timber, &c., set erect, usually to support some- thing else; a messenger or postman » established system of conveying and delivering letters ; the mail ; a post- office : a relay of horses ; situation or office ; a size of paper double that of common note-paper ; military sta- tion : v.t. set or station ; transmit by post ; carry to the ledger ; inform fully : v.i. to travel with speed or a relay of horses : adv. speedily ; with despatch, post, a prefix meaning after, as post- date. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. pos 620 pot postage ('aj), the fee for the convey- ance of letters by post. postal ('al), adj. pertaining to the postoffice or mail service. postdiluvial (-di-lti'vi-al), adj. tak- ing place after the deluge. poster ('er), n. a large advertising bill. ^ posterior (pos-te'ri-er), adj. subse- quent in time or place ; hinder : n.pl. the hinder parts of an animal. posterity (-ter'i-ti), n. \_pl. posteri- ties (-tiz)], succeeding generations; descendants. postern (pos'tern), n. a small gate or door ; private entrance ; vaulted passage beneath the parapet and through the rampart of a fortifica- tio : adj. behind ; private. post facto (post fak'to), done after the act ; retrospective. post:^x ('fiks), v.t. to aflSx. posthumous (post'u-mus), adj. born after the death of the father ; pub- lished after the death of an author. postilion (pos-til'yun), n. the rider on the near leader in a carriage. pcrstmaster (post'mas-ter), n. the su- perintendent of a postoffice ; one who supplies post-horses. postmaster-general (jen'er-al), n. the chief officer of the postoffice de- partment. post-meridian (-me-rid'i-an), adj. after noon. postpone (pon'), v.t. to delay; defer. postponement ('ment), n. the act of deferring to a future time; tempo- rary delay. postscript ('skript), n. a paragraph added to a letter after the writer's signature ; appendix to a book. postulate (pos'tti-lat), v.t. to assume without proof ; ^solicit : n. a self-evi- dent problem ; a position assumed as self-evident. posture Ctur), n. attitude; placing or position of parts of the body; state : vA. to place the body in par- ticular postures. posy (po'zi), n. a bunch of flowers, originally a motto or verse sent with a bouquet. pot (pot), w. a metal vessel for hold- ing or boiling liquids, &c. ; a mug for liquor ; a quart ; a vessel of earthen- ware, &c., for holding plants ; a size of paper 12% X 15 inches ; a large amount : v.t. \_p.t. & p.p. potted, p.pr. potting], to preserve, put into, or plant in pots ; shoot. potable (po'ta-bl), adj. drinkable. potance (po'tans), n. the stud in which the lower pivot of the verge of a watch is placed. potash (pot'ash), n. a powerful alka- li obtained from the ashes of certain plants. Also potass, potassa. potassium (po-tas'i-um), n. a monad element, the metallic base of potash. potation (po-ta'shun), n. drinking- bout; a draught or drink. potato (-ta'to), n. [pi. potatoes (-toz)], the edible tuber of a South American plant, widely cultivated ; the plant itself. potency ('ten-si), n. power, physical or mental. potent ('tent), adj. powerful; having great authority or influence. potentate ('ten-tat), n. one who pos- sesses great power ; sovereign or monarch. potential (-ten'shai), adj. existing in possibility, not in reality ; latent ; in grammar, expressing power, possi- bility, liberty, or obligation. potentiality (-shi-ai'i-ti), n. possi- bility without reality. potentially ('shal-li), adv. in a po- tential manner. pother (po^/fc'er), n. confusion; bus- tle : v.i. to make a stir : v.t. to con- fuse ; tease, pothouse (pot'hous), n. a low public- house. potion (po'shun), n. a draft; dose. pot-pourri ( po-p6o-re' ) , n. a med- ley, especially of musical airs ; a dish composed of various kinds of meats and vegetables. potsherd (pot'sherd), n. a fragment of a broken pot. pottage ('aj), n. a kind of soup. potter ('er), n. a maker of pottery. pottery ('er-i), n. [pi. potteries (-iz) ], earthenware of all kinds ; the place where it is manufactured. pottle (pot'l), n. a liquid measure = 4 pints ; a small conical basket for holding fruit. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, *7ien. pot 621 pra pottoroo (-o-roo'), n. the kangaroo rat of Australia. Also potoroo. pouch (pouch), n. a small bag; pocket ; bag or sack of an animal ; cartridge-box ; protuberant stomach. poulp (poolp), n. the octopus. Also poulpe. poult (polt), n. a pullet; a young chicken, turkey, partridge, &c. poulterer (pol-ter-er), n. a dealer in poultry. poultice ('tis), n. a soft preparation of bread, meal, &c., applied to a sore or inflamed part of the body ; a cata- plasm : v.t. to apply a poultice to. poultry ('tri), n. domestic fowls. pounce (pouns), n. a fine powder for- merly used for drying ink on paper, now chiefly used for sprinkling into holes in paper in pattern-making ; the talon or claw of a bird of prey : v.t. to sprinkle with pounce : v.i. to fall upon and seize with, or as with, the claws. pound (pound), n. a standard weight = 16 ounces avoirdupois, or 12 ounces troy ; a monetary unit = 20 shillings, or about $4.86 ; an inclos- ure for confining stray cattle : v.t. to shut in or confine in a pound ; beat ; pulverize as in a mortar : v.i. to plod. poundage ('aj), n. an allowance of so much in the pound. pour (por), v.t. to empty, as a liquid, out of a vessel ; discharge in a con- tinuous stream ; send forth ; give vent to ; utter : v.i. to stream ; rush tumultuously. pourparler (poor-par'la), n. [pi. pourparlers ( 'laz) ] , a diplomatic consultation preliminary to a treaty. pout (pout), n. a poult; a thrusting out of the lips ; fit of sullenness ; n kind of codfish : v.i. to thrust out the lips in sullenness, contempt, or dis- pleasure ; look sulky. pouter C'er), n. one who pouts; a pigeon. poverty (pov'er-ti), n. the state of being poor ; indigence ; necessity ; penury ; deficiency or defect, as of words, &c. powan (pou'an), n. a fish similar to the herring, found in Loch Lomond. powder ('der), n. any dry substance in fine particles ; gunpowder ; face- powder ; a medicinal preparation : v.t. to reduce to, or sprinkle with, powder ; salt. power (pou'er), n. the faculty of do- ing or performing something ; abil- ity ; energy ; force ; strength ; rule or authority ; dominion ; government ; influence ; mental capacity ; legal authority ; ruler or sovereign ; state or nation ; supernatural being or agent ; force tending to produce mo- tion ; magnifying power of a lens ; the product arising from the multi- plication of a number or quantity into itself. powerful (-fool), adj. having great power ; mighty ; forcible ; strong ; efficacious. powerfully (-li), adv. in a powerful manner. pow-wow (pou'wou), n. a North American Indian priest or conjurer ; an incantation accompanied with noise and dancing for the cure of disease ; a noisy political meeting : v.i. to conjure ; frolic noisily. pox (poks), n. an eruptive disease characterized by pustules ; syphilis. pozzuolana (potz-o6-o-la'na), n. vol- canic ashes used in hydraulic or Ro- man cement. praani (pram), n. a flat-bottomed boat or lighter used in Holland and the Baltic. p r a c t i cability ( prak-ti-ka-bil'i-ti ) , n. the state of being practicable. practicable ('ti-ka-bl), adj. that may be done, used, or passed over ; feasible ; possible. practicably ('ti-ka-bli), adv. so as to be practicable. practical ( 'ti-kal ) , adj. pertaining to action or use ; useful ; capable of ap- plying knowledge or theory to prac- tice ; derived from, or reduced to, practice. practically (-li), adv. in a practical manner. practice (prak'tis), n. frequent or customary action ; dexterity acquired by habit ; use ; exercise of any pro- fession ; systematic exercise ; a rule in arithmetic : v.t. to do habitually or repeatedly ; perform ; exercise, as a profession : v.i. to form a habit ; exercise a profession. 11 ate, Urm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n6rth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. pra 622 pre practitioner (-tish'un-er), n. one who is engaged in the exercise of any profession, especially medicine or law. prse, see pre. praecipe (pres'i-pe), n. a writ requir- ing something to be done, or the rea- son why it is not performed. prsenomen (pre-no'men), n. a name prefixed to the family name. prsetor ('ter), n. a Roman magistrate ranking next to consul. pragmatic (prag-mat'ik), adj. med- dling ; officious ; assuming business airs. Also pragmatical. prairie (pra'ri), n. an extensive tree- less tract of level or slightly undu- lating land covered with tall coarse grass. prairie-dog (-dog), n. a small bur- rowing rodent that lives in commu- nities on the prairies. praise (praz), n. approbation; com- mendation ; tribute of gratitude for benefits ; renown ] applause ; object or reason of praise : v.t. to bestow commendation upon ; honor ; wor- ship ; glorify. prance (prans), n. a spring or bound : v.i. to spring or bound ; ride ostentatiously ; strut about in a shadowy or bellicose manner. prank (prangk), n. a freak or frolic; mischievous trick : v.t. to dress up in a showy style; decorate. prate (prat), v.i. to -prattle; talk idly ; be loquacious : v.t. to utter without sense or meaning : n. tri- fling talk. Also prating. pratique (pra-tek'), n. a license to a ship to trade after quarantine, or after a certificate has been given that the vessel has not come from an infected port. prattle (prat'l), n. childish or empty talk : v.i. to talk much and lightly ; chatter. pra"wn (prawn), n. a small marine crustacean, allied to the shrimp. praxis (prak'sis), n. an example or series of examples for exercise. pray (pra), v.t. & v.i. [p.t. & p.p. prayed, p.pr. praying], to ask earn- estly ; address or petition ; ask with humility and reverence; supplicate. prayer (prar), n. a solemn address to the Supreme Being ; entreaty ; a formula of worship ; that part of a petition which specifies the request or desire. prayerful ('fool) , adj. using prayer ; devotional. prayerfully (-li), adv. in a prayer- ful manner ; devoutly. prayer-book (-book), n. a manual of public or private devotion, contain- ing forms of prayer. pre, a prefix, meaning lefore, prior in time, space, or degree. preach (prech), v.i. to pronounce a public discourse on a sacred subject, especially from a text of Scripture ; give advice in an offensive or obtru- sive manner on religious or moral grounds : v.t. to teach publicly. preamble (pre'am-bl), n. an intro- duction or preface ; the opening clauses of a statute setting forth the reasons and object of the act : commencing with the word whereas, preaudience (-aw'di-ens), n. the right of previous audience ; preced- ence at the bar. prebend (preb'end), n. the stipend granted to a canon out of the es- tate of a cathedral or collegiate church. precarious (pre-ka'ri-us), adj. de- pending upon the will or pleasure of another ; uncertain ; held by a doubt- ful tenure. precaution (pre-kaw'shun), n. cau- tion taken beforehand ; preventive measure. precautionary (-a-ri), adj. contain- ing, or proceeding from, precaution. precede (pre-sed'), v.t. to go before in time, place, rank, or importance. precedence (-se'dens), n. the act of, going before in time, rank, &c. ; pri-' ority ; relative rank in social eti- quette. Also precedency. precedent ('dent), adj. going before; anterior : n. (pres'e-dent) something previously said or done, serving as an example to be followed ; a paral- lel case in the past. preceding (pre-sed'ing), p.adj. going before ; antecedent ; former, precentor (-sen'ter), n. the leader of a cathedral choir, &c. ; the leader of ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nortih, not ; bodn, book; hue, hut; think, then. pre 623 pre the psalmody in a Presbyterian church. precept (pre'sept), n. an authorita- tive command ; rule of action oi* moral conduct ; maxim ; written mandate. preceptor {'ter),-n. an instructor or teacher. Fern, preceptress. preceptory (-sep'to-ri), adj. giving, or containing, precepts : n. a college or religious house of the Knights Templars. precession (-sesh'un), n. a going for- ward, especially the slow but con- tinual shifting of the equinoctial points along the ecliptic from east to west {precession of the equi- noxes). precinct (pre'singkt), n. an outward limit or boundary ; minor territorial district. precious (presh'us), adf/. of great price or value ; costly ; highly es- teemed ; worthless {in irony). precipice (pres'i-pis), n. a steep de- scent, especially one nearly or quite perpendicular. precipitance (pre-sip'i-tans), n. haste in resolving or carrying out a purpose. Also precipitancy. precipitant ('i-tant), adj. falling headlong ; hasty : n. any chemical substance that causes something held in solution by a liquid to fall down in a solid state. precipitate (-sip'i-tat), v.t. to throw headlong ; urge on violently ; hurry on rashly, thoughtlessly, or unex- pectedly ; throw to the bottom of a vessel : v.i. to fall to the bottom of a vessel : adj. headlong ; over hasty ; rash; falling, flowing, or rushing headlong : n. a substance precipi- tated. precipitately (-li), adv. in a precipi- tate manner. precipitation (-ta'shun), n. the act of precipitating ; rash haste ; that which is precipitated. precipitous ('i-tus), adj. very steep; headlong ; rash ; hasty. precise (pre-sis'), adj. exact; strict; accurate ; definite ; adhering rigidly to rule ; punctilious. precisely ('li), adv. in a precise man- ner. preciseness ('nes), n. the quality of being precise. precisian (-sizh'an), n. a punctilious or over precise person. preclude (-klood'), v.t. to shut out; hinder from access ; obviate ; pre- vent. preclusion (-kloo'zhun), n. the act of precluding ; the state of being precluded. preclusive ('siv), adj. precluding or tending to preclude. preclusively (-li), adv. in a preclu- sive manner. precocious (-ko'shus), at?/. . prema- turely ripe or developed ; pertly for- ward. precocity (-kos'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being precocious ; prema- ture development. Also precocious- ness. precognition (-kog-nish'un) , n. pre- vious knowledge or thought. precursor (-ker'ser), n. one who, or that which, precedes ; forerunner ; omen. precursory ('so-ri), adj. indicating something that is to happen or fol' low. predacious (da'shus), adj. living by prey. predatory (pred'a-to-ri), adj. rapa- cious ; plundering : pillaging. predecessor (pre-de-ses'er), n. one who has preceded another in the same office, business, position, &c. ; an ancestor. predestinarian (-des-ti-na'ri-an) , adj. pertaining to predestination : n. one who believes in the doctrine of predestination. predestinate ('ti-nat), v.t. to or- dain beforehand by an unchangeable purpose. predestination (-na'shun), n. the act of foreordaining ; the doctrine that God has from all eternity de- creed whatever comes to pass, espe- cially, by an unchangeable purpose, the eternal life or death of man. predicability (pred-i-ka-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being predica- te. predicable ('i-ka-bl), adj. capable of being predicated : n. in logic, a term that can be predicated of others, ate, arm, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. pre 624 prt. and noting genus, species, difference, property, or accident. predicament (pre-dik'a-ment), n. in logic, a category ; a peculiar situa- tion ; critical condition or state. predicate ('i-kat), v.t. to affirm one thing of another ; found : n. in logic, . that which is affirmed or denied of the subject. predication (-ka'shun), n. affirma- tion. predicative (-tiv), adj. affirmative. prediction (pre-dik'shun), n. the declaration of a future event ; prophecy. predictor ('ter), n. one who predicts or foretells. predilection (pre-di-lek'shun), n. preference beforehand ; preposses- sion ; partiality. predispose (-dis-poz'), v.t. to incline beforehand ; adapt previously. predisposition (-po-zish'un), n. pre- vious inclination or propensity : prejudice. predominancy (-dom'i-nan-si), n. prevalence over others ; superiority in strength, power, authority, &c. Also predominance. predominant ('i-nant), adj. having superior influence, &c. ; superior ; controlling. predominate ('i-nat), v.i. to be su- perior in strength, power, authority, &c. ; prevail ; be ascendant. predomination (-na'shun), n. the act or state of predominating. preempt (pre-empt'), v.t. to secure or occupy by preemption ; establish a right or claim to before others. preemption (-emp'shun), n. the act or right of purchasing before others. preen (pren), n. a forked instrument used in cloth dressing : v.t. to cleanse, trim, and compose with the beak, as birds. preface (pref'as), n. the introduction to a book, &c. ; preamble : v.t. to in- troduce by preliminary remarks : v.i. to say or do something introductory. prefatory ('a-to-ri), adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, a preface ; introductory. prefect (pre'fekt), n. a civil magis- trate or governor ; commander ; monitor ; the civil governor of a de- partment in France. prefecture (-tilr), n. the office, juris- diction, or official residence of a pre- fect. prefer (-fer'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. pre- ferred, p.pr. preferring], to regard or esteem more than something else ; present ; place in advance. preference (pref'er-ens) , n. the act of preferring ; the thing preferred ; choice of one thing more than anoth- er ; predilection, prefelfential (-en'shal), adj. having a preference. preferment (pre-fer'ment), n. pro- motion, especially in the church. preferrer ('er), n. one who prefers. prefix (pre'fiks), n. a letter, word, or syllable placed at the beginning of a word: v.t. (pre-fiks') to place before or at the beginning of, pregnancy (preg'nan-si), n. the state of being pregnant ; inventive power. pregnant ('hant), adj. being with young ; fruitful ; teeming ; fertile ; full of importance or significance. prehensible ( pre-hen'si-bl ) , adj. that may be seized. prehensile ('sil), adj. adapted for holding or seizing. prehension ('shun), n. a taking hold. prejudice (prej'u-dis), n. previous and unfavorable bias ; prejudgment without due examination ; detri- ment ; injury : v.t. to prepossess against ; bias the mind of ; create a prejudice against ; hurt, impair or damage in any way. prejudicial (-dish'al), adj. disadvan- tageous ; injurious. prejudicially (-li), adv. injuriously. prelacy (prel'a-si), n. the office or status of a prelate ; episcopacy : bishops collectively. prelate ('at), n. an ecclesiastical dig- nitary having episcopal authority. prelatic (pre-lat'ik), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, prelates or prelacy. Also prelatical. prelection (-lek'shun), n. a lecture, &c., read before students or others. prelector ('ter), n. a lecturer. preliminary (-lim'i-na-ri) , adj. pre- ceding the main discourse or busi- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, th^n. pre 625 pre ness ; introductory : n. an introduc- tion ; something preceding. prelude (prel'ud, or pre'lud), n. a short piece of music played as an introduction to a larger piece ; pref- ace : v.t. to serve as a prelude to ; precede. prelusory (pre-lu'so-ri), adj. intro- ductory. premature (pre-ma-ttir'), adj. ripe before the proper time ; arriving, oc- curring, or done, before the proper time. ** premeditate (-med'i-tat), v.t. to de- sign, conceive, or deliberate, before- hand. premeditation (-ta'shun), n. the act of premeditating. premier (prem'i-er, or pre'mi-er), adj. first ; chief : n. the prime minis- ter. premiersliip (-ship), n. the office or dignity of prime minister. premise (pre-miz'), v.t. to explain previously ; lay down as proposi- tions to reason from : v.i. to state antecedent propositions: n. (prem'- is) a proposition antecedently as- sumed and laid down : pi. the two propositions of a syllogism in logic, the major and minor, from which the conclusion is drawn, (Also premisses) ; a building and its ad- juncts ; foregoing statements or facts of a deed of conveyance. premium (pre'mi-um), n. a recom- pense or reward ; prize or bounty : bonus ; payment for insurance ; value above the original price or par of stock, &c. premonitory (-mon'i-to-ri), adj. giv- ing warning beforehand. preparation (prep-a-ra'shun), n. the act of preparing or fitting for a par- ticular purpose ; state of being pre- . pared ; readiness ; a part of an ani- mal body prepared for anatomical use ; that which is prepared or made ready, as a medicine, &c. preparative (pre-par'a-tiv), adj. tending to prepare or make ready. Also preparatory : n. that which pre- pares. preparatively (-li), adv. by prepa- ration. preparatory (-par'a-to-ri), adj. pre- viously necessary ; introductory. prepared (pre'pard), p.adj. in readi- ness. prepense (-pens'), adj. premeditated. preponderance (-pon'der-ans), n. superiority of weight, power, force, or influence. preponderant (-ant), adj. outweigh- ing. preponderate ('der-at), v.t. to out- weigh ; exceed in power or influence : v.i. to incline to one side. preposition (prep-6-zish'un), n. a word placed before a noun or pro- noun to indicate its relation to some other word in the sentence. prepositional (-al), adj. pertaining to a preposition. prepositionally (-li), adv. like a preposition. prepositive (pre-pos'i-tiv), adj. placed before : n. a word or particle placed before another word. prepossess (-poz-es'), v.t. to occupy beforehand ; bias. prepossessing ('ing), p.adj. tending to win or secure favor ; attractive. prepossession (-zesh'un), n. prior possession ; preconceived opinion or judgment. preposterous (-pos'ter-us), adj. con- trary to nature or reason ; ridicu- lous ; absurd. prerogative (-rog'a-tiv), n. an ex- clusive or peculiar privilege, espe- cially of a sovereign. presage (pres'aj), n. a foreboding or presentiment: v.t. (pre-saj'), to forebode ; predict. presbyopia (-bi-o'pi-a), n. long-sight- edness while near objects are indis- tinctly seen, caused by a change in the refractive power of the eye, due to the flattening of the lens. presbyter (pres'bi-ter), n. an elder, minister, or priest ; an elder with authority to rule in the early Chris- tian church. Presbyterian (-bi-te'ri-an), n. one of a religious body governed by presbyters : adj. pertaining to a presbvter, or to the Presbyterian Church. Presbyterianism (-izm), n. the sys- tem of church government by pres- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. pre 626 pre byters, all of whom are regarded as having equal rank and function. presbytery ('bi-ter-i), n. in the early Christian church, a body of elders ; in the Presbyterian Church, a court composed of the pastors and ruling elders of the churches in a given district ; such district so represented. prescience (pre'shiens), n. fore- knowledge. prescient ('shient), adj. foreknow- ing. prescribe (-skrib'), v.t. to set down authoritatively ; direct medically ; appoint : v.i. to write medical direc- tions ; give law ; claim by prescrip- tion. prescript ('skript), adj. prescribed; directed : n. a direction ; prescrip- tion. prescription (-skrip'shun), n. the act of prescribing ; the thing pre- scribed ; a written direction for the preparation of a medicine ; recipe ; custom or title continued until it has acquired the force of law. presence (prez'ens), n. the state or quality of being present ; quickness at expedients ; approach face to face ; society ; mien. present ('ent), adj. being in a cer- tain place ; at hand or in sight ; at this time ; not past 04* future ; in- stant or immediate : n. the present ■^ime ; a gift or donation : pi. what is written in a document or con- veyance now present or referred to : v.t. (pre-zenf) to introduce to a superior ; exhibit to view ; offer ; give formally ; point or aim, as a gun ; appoint to an ecclesiastical benefice ; lay before for considera- tion, presentation (prez-en-ta'shun), n. the act of presenting ; representa- tion ; the right or act of present- ing to an ecclesiastical benefice ; po- sition of a child at parturition. presentative ('ta-tiv), adj. having the right of presentation ; directly apprehending or apprehended by the mind. presentee (-en-te'), n. one who is presented to an ecclesiastical bene- fice. presentient (-sen'shient), adj. hav- ing previous perception. presentiment ('ti-ment), n. previ- ous apprehension of something about to come or happen (usually of im- pending evil). presently (prez'ent-li), adv. ere long. presentment (pre-zent'ment), n. the act of presenting ; the thing pre- sented ; representation ; notice taken of an offense by a grand jury from their personal knowledge ; formal information to the lord of a manor by his tenants. preservable (-zer'va-bl), adj. that may be preserved. preservation (prez-er-va'shun), n. the act of preserving ; the state of being preserved from injury or de- cay. preservative (pre-zer'va-tiv), adj. having the power of preserving : n. that which preserves. Also preser- vatory. preserve (-zerv'), v.t. to keep from injury ; defend ; uphold ; save ; keep in a sound state ; season with sugar for preservation : n. fruit, &c., sea- soned and kept in sugar ; a place set apart for preserving game. preside (pre-zid'), v.i. to direct or control, especially at a public meet- ing ; superintend. presidency (prez'i-den-si), n. the of- fice, dignity, term, jurisdiction, or residence of a president ; one of the three principal divisions of British India. president ('i-dent), n. one who pre- sides over a corporation or assem- bly ; the highest officer of a repub- lic ; the chief officer of a college, university, or society. presidential (-den'shal), adj. per- taining to a president. press (pres), v.t. to urge; squeeze or crush strongly ; hug or embrace*; compel ; crowd upon ; distress ; hur- ry ; make smooth, as cloth, &c. ; formerly, to force for service into the navy : v.i. to exert pressure ; move forward forcibly ; crowd : n. an instrument or machine for com- pressing anything; a printing ma- chine ; newspaper and periodical literature ; literature generally ; a ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. pre 627 pre crowd ; act of urging forward ; pres- sure : urgency ; a closet with shelves ; wine vat. press-gang ('gang), n. a detachment from a ship's crew to force men into the navy. pressing ('ing), p.adj. urgent; im- portunate. pressman ('man), n. a printer who works at the press and impresses the sheets ; a journalist. prestidigitation ( -ti-di j'i-ta'shun ) , n. sleight of hand ; legerdemain. Also prestigiation. prestige ('tij, or -tezh'), n. moral influence due to past reputation, achievements, &c. presume (pre-zum'), v.t. to take for granted on probable grounds ; sup- pose : v.i. to venture without actual leave ; form confident or arrogant opinions ; behave with overconfidence or presumption, presumption (-zump'shun), n. the act of presuming ; the thing pre- sumed ; strong probability ; arro- gance or overconfidence ; the as- sumption of the credibility of cer- tain facts from circumstantial evi- dence. presumptive ('tiv), adj. taken by previous supposition ; proving cir- cumstantially ; arrogant. presumptively (-li), adv, in a pre- sumptive manner. presumptuous ('tii-us), adj. bold and confident to excess ; arrogant ; wilful ; rash. presuppose (pre-sup-oz') , v.t. to take for granted ; imply as antecedent presupposition (-o-zish'un), n. a supposition previously formed. Also presupposal. pretend (-tend'), v.t. to allege or put forward falsely ; make a show of ; simulate ; counterfeit ; assert : v.i. to put forward a claim, true or false. pretended (-ten'ded), p.adj. ostensi- ble ; feigned. prete,nder ('er), n. one who lays claim to anything under the guise of a right ; one who makes a show of anything not real. pretense (-tens'), oi. false or hypo- critical profession ; unfounded claim ; pretext. pretension (-ten'shun), n. a claim, true or false ; assumed right. pretentious ('shus), adj. assuming an air of superiority. preter, a _ prefix meaning heyond^ more, hesides, as preternatural, &c. preterit (pret'er-it), adj. past; not- ing the tense which expresses past or completed time or action. Also preterite : n. the past tense. pretext (pre'tekst), n. a pretense or excuse ; ostensible motive put for- ward to conceal the real one. pretor, same as praetor, prettily (prit'i-li), adv. in a pretty manner ; pleasingly and elegantly. prettiness (-nes), n. the quality of being pretty ; attractiveness without dignity ; neatness with taste ; agree- able manner. pretty ('i), adj. [comp. prettier, SU' perl, prettiest], pleasing without be- ing absolutely beautiful ; pleasing ; neatly arranged or ornamented; trim ; moderately large or excellent ; fine : adv. fairly ; moderately ; tol- erably. pretzel (pret'zel), n. a hard wheaten biscuit, made in the form of a knot and salted on the surface. prevail (pre-val'), v.i. to overcome; gain the advantage ; operate effec- tually ; obtain influence or superiorly ty ; persuade (with on). prevalence (prev-a'lens), adj. supe* rior strength, influence, or efficacy ; preponderance ; general diffusion. Also prevalency. prevalent ('lent), adj. powerful; predominant ; victorious ; most gen- eral. prevaricate (pre-var'i-kat), v.i. to evade the truth ; quibble. prevarication (-ka'shun), n. a quib- bling to evade the truth ; deviation from truth or fair dealing. prevaricator (-var'i-ka-ter), n. one who prevaricates. prevent (-vent'), v.t. to hinder, ob- struct, or impede ; obviate ; precede (as in prayer-book, "prevent us O Lord")^. prevention (-ven'shun), n. the act ate- arm, ask, at, awl , me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. pre 628 of preventing ; hindrance or obstruc- tion. preventive ('tiv), adj. tending to prevent : n, that which prevents. preventorium (-to'ri-um), n. an in- stitution for treatment to ward off the development of various diseases in persons who have tendencies to those diseases. previous ('vi-us), adj. going before; anterior. prevision (-vizh'un), n. foreknowl- edge. ■^rey^ (pra), n. plunder; booty; that which may be, or is, seized by a wild beast for food : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. preyed, p.pr. preying] to take booty or plunder ; seize and devour an animal as prey ; weigh heavily (with on or upon). "^Hce (pris), n. the current value of a commodity; cost; value; recom- pense. priceless ('les), adj. invaluable. prick (prik), n. a puncture; dot or point ; slender pointed instrument ; a sharp stinging pain ; thorn ; goad ; remorse ; small roll ; footprint of a hare or deer : v.t. to pierce with, or as* with, a prick ; puncture . pricking ('ing), n. the act of pierc- ing with a sharp point ; sensation of a sharp, tingling pain. prickle ('1), w. a sharp point grow- ing from the bark of a plant. prickliness ('li-nes), n. the state or quality of being prickly. prickly ('li), adv. full of prickles. prier (pri'er), n. one who pries. priest (prest), n. an ecclesiastic in full orders, below a bishop and above a deacon ; one who officiates in sacred offices, especially by of- fering sacrifice. Fern, priestess. priestcraft ('kraft), n. the policy pursued by priests for the aggran- dizement of their order and material interests. priestkood ('hood), n. the priestly order ; office or character of a priest. priestly ('li), adj. pertaining to, or befitting, a priest ; sacerdotal, priestliness ('li-nes), n. the appear- ance or manner of a priest. prig (prig), n. a conceited fellow who gives himself airs of wisdom : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. prigged, p.pr. prigging], to drjess up ; primp ; prink. priggish ('ish), adj. conceited. priggism ('izm), n. the manners of a prig. prim (prim), adj. precise; affectedly nice ; formally neat : v.t. to deck with affected nicety ; make prim. prima (pre'ma), adj. first (Fern.) [Italian]. primacy (pri'ma-si), n. the office or dignity of a primate. prima donna (pre'ma don'a), n. the principal female singer in an opera. primage (prim'aj), n. a small allow- ance paid to the captain and crew of a vessel for loading or unloading a cargo, &c. primal ('al), adj. first. primarily (pri'ma-ri-li), adv. in the first place ; originally. primary ('ma-ri), adj. in the first or- der of time, r)lace, or rank ; chief ; original ; principal ; preparatory : n. that which is first in rank, place, or importance : pi. large quill feathers on. the last joint of a bird's wing. primary colors (kul'erz), n.pl. red, yellow, blue. primary rocks (roks), n.pl. rocks in which no organic remains occur. primate ('mat), n. the highest dig- nitary in a national church ; arch- bishop. prime (prim), adj. first in order of rank, time, or importance ; original ; early ; excellent : n. the spring of life; first or best part; beginning or dawn ; height of perfection ; the first canonical hour : v.t. to prepare for firing, as a gun; lay the first coat of paint on : v.i. to serve for the charge of a gun ; convey water with the steam to the cylinder of an en- gine from the boiler. primely ('li), adv. originally; excel- lently. . primeness ('nes), n. supreme excel- lence. prisne number (num'ber), n. a num- ber not divisible without remainder by any number except itself and unity. primer (prim'er), n. a manual of elementary instruction ; a small ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hiie, hut ; think, then. pri 629 pri prayer book ; one of two sizes of type, long primer and great primer (see type). primeval (pri-me-vS.1), adj. of the earliest age or time ; original. primevally (-li), adv. in primeval times. priming' (prim'ing), n. the first coat of paint ; powder in the nipple of a firearm. primitive (prim'i-tiv), adj. pertain- ing to the beginning ; original ; not derivative ; old-fashioned : n. a word in its simplest form and not derived from another. primitively (-li), adv. originally. primitiveness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being primitive. primogeniture (pri-mo-jen'i-tur), n. seniority of birth ; right of the eld- est son to succeed to real estate. primordial (-mor'di-al), adj. exist- ing from the beginning ; first in or- der ; original : n. first principle or element. primp (primp), v.t. to deck (one's self) in a prim or affected manner ; prink. primrose (prim'roz), n. an early spring flower of a pale yellow color, of several species : adj. pale yellow. prince (prins), n. a rnler or sover- eign ; the son of a king or sovereign ; the chief of a body of men. prince consort (kon'sort), n. the husband of a female sovereign. princely ('li), adj. resembling, or be- fitting, a prince ; royal ; high-born ; dignified ; magnificent. princess (prin'ses), n. the daughter of a sovereign ; the wife of a prince. princess royal (roi'al), n. the eldest daughter of a sovereign. principal (prin'si-pal), adj. occupy- ing i\\Q first place or rank ; chief in character, degree, or importance*, essential : n. a principal person or thing ; one who takes the lead ; the chief in authority ; head of a firm ; a capital sum lent at interest. principality (-si-pal'i-ti), n. the ter- ritory of a prince ; the country from which he derives his title ; royal state ; supreme power. principally ('si-pal-li), adv. chiefly. principia (-sip'i-a), n.pl. first prin- ciples [Latin]. principle ('si-pl), n. source or ori- gin ; element ; fundamental truth or doctrine ; settled rule or law of ac- tion or conduct ; reason ; foundation of morality or religion ; uprightness : v.t. to establish firmly in the mind. prink (pringk), v.t. to dress up, or deck out, in a showy or ostentatious fashion ; arrange with nicety. print ( print ) , n. b. mark or character made by impression ; impression of type ; anything that being impressed leaves its form on any substance; anything produced by printing, as a newspaper, engraving, &c. : pi. en- gravings ; printed cotton cloth : v.t. to impress ; fix oi stamp deeply : v.i. to practice the art of printing ; pub- lish books. printing ('ing), n. the art or act of impressing figures or characters on paper, &c. ; typography ; the busi- ness of a printer. prior (pri'er), adj. coming before, in time ; former : adv. previously : n. the head of a priory or monastery, next in rank below an abbot. Fern, prioress. priorate (-at), n. the. office, dignity, or government of a prior. priority (-or'i-ti), n. the state of be- ing first in rank, time, or place ; first claim. priory ('er-i), n. [pi. priories (-iz)], a religious house, in dignity below an abbey. prism (prizm), n. a solid whose bases are similar, equal, and parallel, and whose sides are parallelograms ; an instrument of solid glass with tri- angular ends. prismatic (priz-mat'ik), adj. per- taining to, like, formed by, or sep- arated by, a prism. Also prismati- cal. prismatic colors (kul'erz), n.pl. the seven colors into which a ray of light is decomposed when refracted from a prism. prison (priz'n), n. a public building for the confinement of criminals, &c. ; jail ; any place of confinement or detention : v.t. to imprison. pristine (pris'tin), adj. pertaining to J,te, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. pri 630 pro an early period ; first ; original ; primitive. prithee (pri^Ti'e), corruption of "I pray thee." prittle-prattle (prit'l-prat'l), n. trifling talk ; loquacity. privacy (priv'a-si, or priv'a-si), n. a state of retirement ; place of seclu- sion ; secrecy. private (pri'vat), adj. peculiar to one's self ; personal ; alone ; secret ; not public ; secluded ; unofficial : n. a common soldier. ^ privately (-li), adv. in a private manner. privateness (-nes), n. the state of being private ; privacy ; seclusion. privateer (-va-ter'), n. a private ves- sel licensed by the government to seize and plunder the ships of an enemy : v.i. to cruise in a privateer. privation (-va'shun), n. the state of being deprived of something, espe- cially of the necessaries of life ; des- titution ; hardship ; absence. privative (priv'a-tiv), adj. causing privation ; taking away ; negative : n. that which depends on the absence of something else ; a prefix or suffix, noting absence or negation. privatively (-li), adv. in a privative manner. privet (priv'et), n. an evergreen shrub. privilege ( 'i-lej ) , w. a law, or exemp- tion from the common provisions of a law, in favor of an individual or a body; peculiar advantage, right, or immunity ; prerogative : v.t. to in- vest with a privilege ; exempt. privity ('i-ti), n. joint knowledge; secrecy. privy ('i), adj. private; secret; clan- destine ; admitted to the knowledge of something secret (with to) : n. Si person having an interest in a legal action ; a necessary house. prize (priz), n. a reward gained in a competition, lottery, &c. ; that which is taken from an enemy in war, es- pecially a captured vessel ; a lever used for forcing or raising heavy bodies, &c. : v.t. to value ; esteem ; to force with a lever. prize-fight ('fit), n. a boxing match for stakes. pro, a prefix meaning before, in the place of, forth, forward, as pro and con, for and against, or both sides of an argument, &c. probability (prob-a-bil'i-ti), n. ap- pearance of truth ; likelihood. probate (pro'bat), n. the official proof of wills ; the official copy of a will with the certificate of its having been proved. probation (-ba'shun), n. the act of proving ; evidence ; proof ; moral trial ; novitiate ; trial of abilities prior to election, &c., to office or employment. probationary (-a-ri), adj. serving for probation or trial. Also proba- tional. probe (prob), n. a surgical instru- ment for examining a wound : v.t^ to examine with a probe ; scrutinize. probity (prob'i-ti), ii. integrity; sin- cerity. problem ('lem), n. a question for so- lution ; a proposition requiring some- thing to be demonstrated. problematical (-at'i-kal), adj. ques- tionable ; doubtful. problematically (-11), adv. doubt- fully. proboscis (pro-bos'is), n. the trunk of an elephant ; the elongated snout of certain animals and insects. procedure (-sed'iir), n. manner of proceeding ; conduct ; process. proceed (-sed'), v.i. to pass from one step or place to another ; advance ; issue ; make progress ; be produced ; carry on a legal process : n.pl. money resulting from a commercial trans- action. proceeding ('ing), n. advancement; course of conduct ; transaction ; op- eration : pi. legal process ; transac- tions of a learned or scientific society. process (pros'es), n. progressive course ; series of measures or changes ; operation ; projection on a bone ; proceedings in a legal action. procession (pro-sesh'un), n. sl train of persons in a formal march. processional (-al), adj. pertaining to, or consisting in, a procession : n. a book relating to the ritual to be observed in the processions of the Roman Catholic church. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon^ book ; hiie, hut ; think, then. * i *^|||^^g^^^^^^g&3^y^^5- ti^<5:-. 1 Bail 1 aIn^l - H 1 \^^ i^^^J . \'^U l^^t ^ ^M ^S ^^^m H|^^te- K 4.M l^^S ^^^m^^^^^ K^^^^B^' \ ^m * Jpm l^» jM pm HI pro 631 pro proclaim (-klam'), v.t. to announce officially ; publish ; outlaw by public proclamation. proclamation (prok-la-ma'shun), n. an official announcement to the pub- lic ; edict. proclivity (pro-kliv'i-ti), n. an in- clination ; tendency. proclivot&s (-kli'vus), adj. inclined; slanting forward and upward or downward : as, iwoclwous teeth. proconsul (-kon'sul), n. a Roman official who governed a province ; a magistrate invested with consular authority without the office. proconsular (-ar), adj. pertaining to, or governed by, a proconsul. proconsulate (-at), n. the jurisdic- tion, office, or term of office, of a proconsul. procrastinate (-kras'ti-nat) , v.t. to put off to a future time ; defer : vA, to be dilatory. procrastination (-na'shun), n. de- lay. procrastinator ( 'ti-na-ter ) , n. one who delays. procreate ('kre-at), v.t. to generate and produce ; beget. procreation (-a'shun), n. the beget- ting and production of young. procreative ('kre-a-tiv) idj. genera- tive. procreativeness (-nes), n. the power of generating. procreator (-ter), n. one who begets. Procrustean (-krus'te-an), adj. per- taining to Procrustes, a fabled rob- ber of ancient Greece, who tortured his victims by stretching them on an iron bed to which their limbs were made to fit by mutilation : hence strict conformity to a meas- ure or standard by violent means. proctor (prok'ter), n. one employed to manage the affairs of another ; ap attorney in an ecclesiastical, ad- miralty, or probate court ; a univer- sity official charged with the main- tenance of university regulations. prsctorial (-to-ri'al), adj, pertain- ing to a proctor. procumbent (-kvm'bent), adj. lying down ; prostrate ; trailing. procurable (-ku'ra-bl), adj. obtaina- ble. procuration (prok-ti-ra'shun), n. the act ot obtaining young women for immoral purposes. procurator ('u-ra-ter), n. one who manages another's affairs, especially legal interests. procure (pro-kur'), v.t. to get or ob- tain ; cause. procurer ('er), n. one who procures; one who engages in the business of procuration. Fem. procuress. prod (prod), n. a goad; prick: v:t. Ip.t. & p.p. prodded, p.pr. prodding], to goad. prodigal ('i-gal), adj. extravagant in expediture ; lavish ; wasteful : n. a spendthrift ; one who is lavish or w^asteful. prodigality ('i-ti), n. the state or quality of being prodigal ; extrava- gance ; lavishness. prodigious (-dij'us), adj. enormous; adapted to excite wonder. prodigy (prod'i-ji), n. anything won- derful or extraordinary ; a miracle ; portent. produce (pro-dtis'), v.t. to exhibit or bring to view ; yield or bring forth ; manufacture; extend: n. (prod'us) that which is yielded or brought forth ; result. producible (pro-dus'i-bl), adj. capa- ble of being produced. product (prod'ukt), n. that which is produced by nature, or made by art; work ; result ; the result of multiply- ing two or more numbers together. production (pro-duk'shun), n. that which is produced ; act of produc- • ing ; fruit ; result. productive ('tiv), adj. having the power of producing ; generative ; fer- tile. productively (-li), adv. in a produc- tive manner. productiveness (-nes), ». quality of being productive. proenx ('em), n. a preface or intro- duction. profanation (prof-a-na'sbun), n. the act of treating sacred things with disrespect or irreverence ; desecra- tion. profane (pro-fan'), adj. secular; ir- reverent ; irreligious ; blasphemous : v.t. to treat with irreverence; dese- ate, arm, ask, at, awl; mS, merge, met; mite, mit; note, n6rth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. tpro 632 pro crate; violate (holy things) ; put to an improper use. profanely ('li), adv. in a profane manner. profaneness (-nes), n. irreverence towards holy things ; blasphemy. Also profanity. profess (-fes'), v.t. to make open declaration of; acknowledge or avow ; declare publicly. professed (-fesf), p.adj. openly de- clared. profession (-fesh'un), n. the act of professing ; open declaration or avowal ; calling or vocation, espe- cially one that requires a learned education ; collective body of per- sons in a profession _; the formal en- trance of a novice into a religious order under a sacred vow. professional (-al), adj. pertaining to a profession : n. one who makes his living by his art, as distinguished from an amateur. professionalism (-izm), n. the cul- tivation of athletic sports for pe- cuniary considerations. professionally (-li), adv. in a pro- fessional manner. •professor ('er), n. one who makes an outward profession of religion ; one who publicly teaches any branch of knowledge. professorate (pro-fes'er-at), n. pro- fessional staff. professorial (-s6'ri-al), adj. pertain- ing to professors. professorship (pro-fes'er-ship), n. the office or position of a professor. proffer (prof-er), v.t. to offer for ac- ceptance ; tender : n. an offer made. proficiency (pro-fish'en-si), n. de- gree of advancement in any branch of knowledge, science, or art. proficient ('ent), adj. thoroughly qualified, or skilled : n. an expert, or adept. profile ('fil), n. a head or portrait in a side view, outline or contour, especially of a building in vertical section : v.t. draw in profile. profilist ('fil-ist), n. an artist who draws profiles. profit (profit), n. pecuniary gain; benefit or advantage ; emolument : . v.t. to benefit ; improve : v.i. to be of advantage ; make improvement ; re- ceive profit. profitable (-a-bl), adj. yielding or bringing profit ; lucrative ; advan- tageous. profitableness (-nes), n. the quality of being profitable. profitably (-bli), adv. with profit. profligacy ('li-ga-si), n. a profligate course of life. Also profligateness. profligate ('li-gat), adj. abandoned to vice ; dissolute ; openly vicious. profligately (-li), adv. in a profligate manner. profound ( pro-found' ) , adj. deep in skill or knowledge ; abstruse ; deep ; intense. profundity (fun'di-ti>, n. depth of place, knowledge, skill, «S:c. profuse (-fus'), adj. liberal to ex- cess ; exuberant. profusely ('li), adv. in a profuse manner. profusion (-fti'zhun), n. lavishness; excess ; "abundance. Also profuse- ness. progenitor (-gen'i-ter), n. an an- cestor ; forefather. progeniture ('i-tur), n. a birth or begetting. progeny (proj'en-i), n. offspring; descendants ; lineage. prognathous (-na'ithus), adj. having projecting jaws, as certain races. Also prognathic. prognosis (-no'sis), n. knowledge of the probable result of a disease from its symptoms ; opinion so formed. prognostic (-nos'tik), adj. foreshad- owing ; foretelling : n. an omen or prediction. prognosticate ('ti-kat), v.t. to fore- tell : v.i. indicate the future by pres- ent signs. prognostication (-ka'shun), n. the act of prognosticating ; a foretoken. prognosticator ('ti-ka-ter), n. one who foretells. program, programme ('gram), n. an outline of a public entertain- ment, ceremony, &c. ; a course of ac- tion prepared or announced before- hand. progress (prog'res), n. a moving or going forward ; advancement ; pro- ficiency ; journey of state: v.i. (pro- ato, arm, 5, at, awl ; me, merge, me book ; hue, hut t ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, ; think, then. I pro 633 pro gres') to move forward; advance; increase in proficiency. : progression (pro-gresh'un), n. mo- tion onwards ; intellectual advance ; regular and gradual advance ; prog' ress ; a series of numbers increas- ing or decreasing by proportional differences. ( progressive ('iv), adj. moving for- ward ; making progress ; improving. I progressively (-li), adv. in a pro- gressive manner. . progressiveness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being progressive. I prohibit (-hib'it), v.t. to forbid ; in- terdict by authority ; hinder. prohibition (-hi-bish'un), n. the act ; of prohibiting ; interdict. prohibitionist (-ist), n. one who de- sires to prohibit the sale of intoxi- cating liquors. prohibitive (-hib'i-tiv), adj. tending to prohibit. project (proj'ekt), n. a design or scheme: v.t. (pro-jekt'), to throw or cast forward ; plan or scheme : v.i. to jut out. projectile (pr5-jek'til)_, n. a body thrown forward, especially through the air ; a bullet, shot, &c. : adj. im- pelled or impelling forward. projecting (jekt'ing), p.adj. jutting out. projection (-jek'shun), n. the act or state o2 projecting ; that which juts out ; a plan or delineation repre- sented on a plane. projector ('ter), n. one who projects. projecture ('tur), n. a jutting out. prolapse (laps'), n. a falling down or out of some part of the hody : v.i. to fall down or out ; project too much. Also prolapsus. prolate ('lat), adj. elongated at the poles. proletarian (-le-ta'ri-an), adj. per- taining to the common people ; low ; vulgar : n. one of the lowest class of society ; a workman ; in ancient Rome, the lowest class of citizens. proletariat ('ri-at), n. proletarians collectively. p^roliferous (-lif'e-rus), adj. produc- ing another by budding. prolific (-lif'ik), adj. productive; fer- tile. prolifically (-al-li), adv. abundantly. prolix (pro-liks' or pro'liks), adj. tedious and verbose ; not concise. prolixity ('i-ti), w. verbosity ; minute detail. prolocutor (-lok'u-ter), n. the speak- er or chairman of a convocation. prologue ('log), n. an introduction or preface, especially verses spoken before a dramatic performance by way of introduction ; v.t. to intro- duce by a preface. prolong (long'), v.t. to lengthen; extend. prolongation ( long-ga'shun ) , n. ex- tension in time or space; delay or postponement. promenade (prom-e-nad'), n. a walk for pleasure, show or exercise ; a public place for walking : v.i. walk for pleasure, &c. Promethean (pro-me'the-an), adj. pertaining to Prometheus of classic mythology, who was fabled to have stolen fire from heaven and bestowed it upon men : hence life-giving or instinct with quickening fire. prominence (prom'i-nens), n. the state or quality of being prominent ; a projection. Also prominency. prominent {'i~nent), adj. projecting; conspicuous ; chief : protuberant. promiscuous (pro-mis'ku-us), adj. confused ; mingled ; indiscriminate ; not restricted to any particular per- son. promise (prom'is), n. an engagement to do or not to do something ; basis for expectation ; the thing promised : v.i. to assure one by a promise : v.t. to make a promise of ; afford reason to expect. promiser (-er), n. one who promises. promisor (-er), n. one who makes a legal promise or covenant. promissory ('is-o-ri), adj. contain- ing a promise or covenant <"o do, or. not to do, something. promissory-note (-not), n. a Writ- ten promise to pay a certain sum at a specified date in consideration of value received. promontory ('on-to-ri), n. a hisrh cape ; a point of land jutting into the sea. promote ( pro-mot'), v.t. to advance. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon> book; hue, hut; think, then. pro 634 pro forward, or elevate ; excite or stir up ; raise to higher rank. promoter ('er), n. one who pro- motes, especially one who makes it his business to float new companies, &c. promotion (-mo'shun), n. the act of promoting ; state of being promoted ; advancement ; preferment. promotive ('tiv), adj. tending to promote. prompt (prompt), adj. ready and quick to act as occasion demands ; immediate ; done without delay : v.t. incite to action; assist (a speaker) when at a loss for words. promptitude (promp'ti-tud) ,7t. quick- ness of decision and action ; readi- ness ; alacrity. promulgate (pro-mul'gat), v.t. to publish. promulgation (-ga'shun), n. publi- cation. promulgator ('mul-ga-ter), n. one who promulgates. , prone (pron), adj. lying with the face downwards ; not erect ; inclined ; disposed. proneness ('nes), n. the state of be- ing prone ; propensity. prong (prong), n. a sharp-pointed in- strument ; the spike of a fork. pronominal (-nom'i-nal) , adj. per- taining to, or of the nature of, a pronoun. pronominally (-li), adv. as a pro- noun. prononce (-nang-sa'), adj. pro- nounced ; strongly marked ; emphatic. pronoun ('noun), n. a word which refers to, or is used in the place of, a noun. pronounce (-nouns'), v.t. to speak or utter distinctly ; articulate ; utter formally, authoritively, or rhetoric- ally ; affirm : v.i. to speak with con- fidence or authority. 'pronounceable ('a-bl), adj. that may be pronounced. pronounced (-nounst'), p.adj. strong- ly marked or decided. pronouncement (-nouns'ment), n. an emphatic declaration. pronunciamento (-nun-si-a-men'to) , n. a proclamation. pronunciation (-si-a'shun), w. the act or manner of articulating words or syllables; graceful and proper public speaking. pronunciative ('si-a-tiv), adj. per- taining to pronunciation. proof (proof), n. testimony or con- vincing evidence ; test or experi- ment ; reason ; argument ; demon- stration ; impenetrability ; capability of resistance ; a standard strength of spirit ; an impression taken from type for correction ; an early im- pression of an engraving : adj. strong to resist impression or pen- etration ; capable of moral or phys- ical resistance. prop (prop), n. a support or stay: v.t. [p.t. & p.p. propped, p.pr. prop- ping], to support by something under or against ; sustain. propagable (prop'a-ga-bl), adj. that may be propagated. Propaganda (-gan'da), n.pl. a socie- ty at Rome charged with the man- agement of the missions of the Roman Catholic Church. propaganda (-gan'da), n.pl. any methods for the propagation of doc- trines, principles, &c., religious or secular. propagandism ('dizm), w. the act or practice of zealously propagating doctrines, &c. propagandist ('dist), n. one who devotes himself to the propagation of any system of principles, &c. propagate ('a-gat), v.t. to continue or spread by generation or succes- sive production ; extend ; impel for- ward in space : v.i. to be produced by generation, or by new shoots or plants. propagation (-ga'shun), n. the act of propagating ; spreading or ex- tension. propagator ('a-ga-ter), n. one who propagates^ propel (pro-pel'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. propelled, p.pr. propelling], to drive forward ; urge onward by force. propellent ('ent), adj. that propels. propeller ('er), n. one who, or that which, propels ; a screw-propeller ', vessel so propelled. propensity (-pen'si-ti), n. natural tendency. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. pro 635 pro proper (prop'er), adj. noting a par- ticular person or thing ; peculiar ; fit or suitable ; correct ; appropriate. property ('er-ti), n. \_pl. properties (-tiz)], a peculiar attribute, quality, or disposition ; exclusive right of possession ; the thing owned ; estate ; goods ; attribute common to a class • pi. articles, including dresses, re- quired by actors on the stage. prophecy (prof'e-si), n. a predic- tion of something to take place in the future, especially a prediction by Divine inspiration. pr«p]iesier ('e-si-er), ». one who prophesies. prophesy ('e-si), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. prophesied, p.pr. prophesying], to foretell future events, especially by Divine inspiration : v.i. to utter prophecies ; preach. prophet C'et), n. one M^ho foretells future events, especially one inspired by God. Feminine prophetess. prophetic (pro-fet'ik), adj. pertain- ing to prophecy; predictive. Pro- phetical. prophetically (-al-li), adv. in a prophetic manner. prophylactic (prof-i-lak'tik), adj. guarding, or preserving, against dis- ease : n. a preventive of disease. propinquity (pro-ping'kwi-ti), n. nearness of place, time, or relation- ship. propitiate (-pish'i-at), v.t. to concil- iate ; make propitious : v.i. to atone. propitiation (-a'shun), n. the act of propitiating ; atonement. propitiator ('i-a-ter), n. one who propitiates. propitiatory (-to-ri), acZ;. capable of propitiating. propitious (-pish'us), adj. favor- able ; disposed to be merciful. proportion (pro-por'shun), n. com- parative relation of one thing to an- other ; ratio ; rate ; symmetrical re- lation ; rule of three ; equal or just share : v.t. to form symmetrically ; apportion. proportional (-al), adj. having due proportion ; having the same ratio : n. a quantity or number in propor- tion. proportionality (-al'i-ti), n. the quality of being proportional. Pro- portionateness. proportionally ('11), adv. in pro- portion. proportionate ('shun-at), adj. ad- justed to something else according to a certain rate : v.t. to adjust ac- cording to a settled rate. proportionately (-li), adv. in a pro- portionate degree. proposal (-poz'al), n. that which is offered for consideration or ac- ceptance ; offer of marriage ; terms or conditions proposed. propose (-poz'), v.t. to bring forward or offer for consideration ; nominate for election : v.i. to make an offer of marriage. proposition (prop-6-zish'un), n. an offer of terms ; proposal ; a complete sentence, or one that affirms or de- nies something ; a theorem or prob- lem for solution. prepositional (-al), adj. pertaining to, or considered as, a proposition. propound (-pound'), v.t. to offer for consideration ; put or set as a ques- tion. proprietary (-pri'e-ta-ri), adj. be- longing to a proprietor or proprie- tary : n. a possessor in his own right; proprietors collectively. proprietor ('e-ter), n. one who has a legal right to anything ; owner. Fern, proprietress ; proprietrix. propriety ('e-ti), n. conformity to established rules or custom; deco- rum ; fitness. propulsion (-pul'shun), n. the act of propelling. propulsive ('siv), adj. having power to propel. Also propulsory. prorogation (-ro-ga'shun), n. the act of proroguing. prorogue (-rog'), v.t. to terminate a session of_; to postpone. prosaic (-za'ik), adj. like prose; commonplace ; uninteresting. Also prosaical. prosaically (-al-li), adv. in a prosaic manner. prosaism {'zk-izm) , n. prosaic style. proscenium (-se'ni-um), n. that part of the stage from the curtain to the orchestra. ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boonr book: hue, hut: think, then. pro 636 pr© proscribe (-skrib'), v.i. to punish with civil death ; outlaw ; interdict. proscription (-skrip'shun), n. the act of proscribing ; outlawry ; inter- diction. prescriptive ('tiv), adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, proscription. prose (proz), n. ordinary spoken or written language ; unmetrical com- position : v.i. & v.t. to write or speak tediously : adj. dull ; tedious ; commonplace. prosecute (pros'e-kut), v.t. to fol- low or pursue with the view to reach or accomplish ; accuse of a crime be- fore a legal tribunal : v.i. to carry on a legal prosecution. prosecution (-ku'shun), n. the act of prosecuting ; pursuit ; the institu- tion and carrying on of a legal suit ; prosecutor or prosecutors collective- ly. prosecutor ('e-ku-ter), n. one who carries on a legal suit with another ; one who pursues any purpose, &c. Fern, prosecutrix. proselyte ('e-llt), n. a convert to some religion or belief, or party ; a Gentile convert to the Jewish law and belief : v.t. to proselytize. proselytism ('e-li-tizm), n. the act of proselytizing; conversion to a creed or system. proselytize (-tiz), v.t. to make a con- vert of. prosily (proz'i-li), adv. in a prosy manner. prosiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being prosy. prosing ('ing), n. tedious minute- ness ; dull talk. prosody (pros'o-di), n. that part of grammar that treats of quantity, ac- cent, and the laws of versification. prospect Cpekt), n. a view of some- thing distant ; scene ; object of view; expectation: v.t. (pro-spekt') to search or explore, especially for gold or valuable minerals. prospective (-spek'tiv), adj. looking forward ; acting with, or character- ized by, foresight : in prospect. prospectively (-li), adv. with regard to the future. prospectiveness (-nes), n. regard for the future. piTOspector (pros'pek-ter), n. one who searches for valuable minerals. prospectus (pro-spek'tus), w. an out- line of a proposed undertaking; sketch, or plan. prosper (pros'per), v.t. to render successful ; favor : v.i. to thrive ; succeed. prosperity ('i-ti), n. successful progress in any business or enter- prise ; good fortune. prosperous ('us), adj. successful; thriving. prostitute ('ti-ttit), v.t. to offer or expose to hire for lewd use ; devote to infamous or improper purposes : adj. prostituted : n. a woman who indulges in lewdness, especially for hire ; a base mercenary or hireling. prostitution (-tu'shun), n. the act or practice of prostituting the per- son to lewd purposes for hire; the being devoted to infamous or base purposes. prostitutor ('ti-tti-ter), n. one who prostitutes himself for any base ends. prostrate ('trat), adj. lying at full length ; extended on the ground ; ly- ing at mercy as a suppliant : v.t. to lay flat ; throw down ; bow in hum- ble reverence. prostration (-tra'shun), n. the act of prostrating ; great depression ; ex- haustion of the vital powers under disease. prostyle (pro'stil), n. a portico or range of columns in front of a build- ing ; a temple with a portico in front. prosy (proz'i), adv. tedious; dull. protean (pro'te-§.n), adj. readily as- suming different shapes : from Pro- teus, the sea deity of classic mythol- ogy. protect (-tekt'), v.t. to cover over; defend ; shield ; shelter ; support. protection ('shun), n. the act of protecting; the state of being pro- tected ; defense ; shelter ; security ; passport ; encouragement of home in- dustry bv duties on imports, boun- ties, &c. protectionism (-izm), n. the doc- trine that certain home industries and produce should be encouraged by the imposition of duties on foi eign imports. ate, iirm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; r ite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. pro 6S7 pr© protectionist (-ist), n. one who ad- vocates or supports protectionism ; ,1 one who opposes free trade unless it ) be reciprocal. protective ('tiv), adj. serving to protect ; defensive. protector ('ter), n. one who pro- tects, especially from injury or op- pression ; guardian. Fern, protec- tress. protectorate (-at), n. government or defense by a protector. protege (-ta-zha')» w. one who is under the protection, guardianship, or care of another. Fern, protegee [French]. proteids ('te-idz), n.pl. a class of nitrogenous compounds, as albumen, fibrin, casein, &c., which form ani- mal tissue. _ protein ('te-in), n, the gelatinous, semi-transparent substance obtained from albumen, fibrin or casein, the essential principle of food. protest -(-test'), v.i. to aSirm with solemnity ; make a solemn declara- tion against some public act or meas- ure ; remonstrate : v.t. to make a solemn declaration or affirmation of ; to declare formally to be insufficient- ly provided for by deposit or pay- ment : said of a note or bill of exchange: n. (pro'test) a solemn declaration of opinion against some- thing ; a document containing rea- sons for dissent ; a formal declaration by the holder of a bill of exchange of its non-payment or non-accept- ance by the drawer. Protestant (prot'es-tant), n. a mem- ber of any of those bodies of Chris- tians that protest against the spirit- ual supremacy of the Church of Rome, originally one of the party who adhered to Luther after the sec- ond diet of Spires, 1529 : adj. per- taining to Protestants or Protestant- ism. ProtestantissB. (-izm), n. the doc- trines or religion of Protestants. protestation (-ta'shun), n. a formal declaration of dissent ; solemn affir- mation. protlionotary (-thon'o-ta-ri), n. a chief clerk or notary ; the principal clerk or registrar in certain courts ; one of the chief secretaries of the Papal Chancery. proto, a prefix meaning first, as proto- martyr, &c. protocol ( 'to-kol ) , n. the rough draft of a treaty, diplomatic despatch, &c. protoplasm ('to-plazm), n. a semi- fluid albuminous substance, regarded as the ultimate basi:^ of physical life, from which all living organisms are formed and developed. f protoplasmic (-plaz'mik), adj. per- j taining to, or formed of, protoplasm. ; protoplast ('to-plast), n. the original. protoplastic (-plas'tik), adj. first formed. prototype ('lO-tlp), n. the original from which others are copied. protoxide (-toks'id), n. a compound of one equivalent of oxygen with one of another element. Protozoa (-zo'a), n.pl. the first or lowest division of the animal king- dom containing animals of the sim- plest type of organization. protract (-trakf), v.t. to draw out or lengthen in time ; prolong ; defer. protracter ('ter), n. one who pro- tracts. protraction ('shun), n. the act of protracting ; delay ; the act of lay- ing down on paper the dimensions of a plot of land, &c. protractor ('ter), n. a mathematical instrument for laying down angles on paper : used in surveying, &c. : a surgical instrument for drawing out extraneous bodies ; a muscle that draws forward any part. protrude (-trtid'), v.t. to thrust out or push forward : v.i. to shoot for- ward ; project. protrusion ( -trti'zhun ) , n. the act of protruding; the state of being protruded. protrusive ('siv), adj. thrusting or impelling forward. protrusively (-li), adv. in a protru- sive manner. protuberance (-tu'ber-ans), n. a swelling; a prominence ; tumor. _ protuberant (-ant), adj. swelling; prominent. proud (proud), adj. having exces- sive self-esteem ; arrogant ; ostenta- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. pro 638 prn tious ; haughty ; spirited ; of lofty mien ; pleased ; grand ; gratified. provable (proov'a-bl), adj. capable of being proved. prove (proov), v.t. to ascertain or try by an experiment or test ; estab- lish or ascertain by argument or other evidence ; ascertain the genu- ineness of ; experience ; endure ; try by suffering ; show or demonstrate the accuracy of (a calculation). proven ('en), adj. proved. Provencal (pro-vang'sal), adj. per- taining to, or from, Provence, France, its language or its inhabit- ants. provender (prov'en-der), n. dry food for beasts, as hay, &c. proverb ('erb), n. a short familiar pithy saying, expressing some well- knowr truth or common fact of ex- perience ; adage. |»r©verbial (pro-ver'bi-al), adj. per- ^taining to proverbs ; mentioned in, or like, a proverb ; widely spoken of or well-known. provide (pro-vid'), v.t. to make ready beforehand ; furnish ; stipulate as a preliminary condition : v.i. to procure supplies; make preparations (with for or against). provided ('ed), conj. on condition. providence (prov'i-dens), n. timely care or preparation ; economy ; pru- dence ; foresight and care of God for his creatures ; an event directly caused by the power of God. Providence (prov'i-dens), n. God as exercising his providence. provident ('i-dent), adj. careful for the future ; prudent ; economical. providential (-den'shal), adj. ef- fected by, or proceeding from, Divine providence. providentially (-li), adv. in a pro- vidential manner. province ('ins), n. a division of an empire or state ; a dependent coun- try ; region ; jurisdiction of an arch- bishop ; proper ofiice or business ; de- partment of knowledge : pi. the coun- try districts. provincial (pro-vin'shal), adj. per- taining to, or characteristic of, a province ; rustic : n. one who belongs to a province ; countryman. provincialism (-izm), n. an idiem or dialect peculiar to a province. provision (-vizh'un), n. the act of providing ; the things provided ; measures taken beforehand ; accu- m.ulation of stores : pt. food : v.t, to supply with food. provisional (-al), adj. provided for present use ; temporary. provisionally (-11), adv, in a pro- visional manner. proviso (-vi'zo), n. a conditional clause or stipulation in a deed. provisory ('zo-ri), adj. conditional. provocation (prov'o-ka'shun), n, that which excites to anger or re- sentment ; act of provoking. provocative (pro-vok'a-tiv), adj, tending to provoke ; inciting : n. anything that tends to provoke ; in- citement. provoke (-vok'), v.t. to excite or stir to action ; enrage or irritate ; ex- - asperate. provost (prov'ust, or pro-vo'), n. the head of a college ; superintendent or president ; chief dignitary of a cathedral ; chief magistrate of a city or town (Scotch]. pr®^ (prou), n. the bow of a ship. pro-wess ('es), n. bravery; valor. pr®ivl (proul), v.i. to wander stealth- ily as for prey or plunder : n. a roving for prey or plunder. proximate (proks'i-mat), adj. im- mediate. proximately (-li), adv. immediately. proximity (-im'i-ti), n. immediate nearness in place, blood, or alliance. proximo ('i-mo), adv. in or of th€ next or coming month. proxy ('i), n. [pi. proxies ('iz)], the agency of a substitute ; the docu- ment by which one person is author- ized to act of vote for another. prude (prood), n. a woman who af- fects great reserve, coyness, and ex- cessive virtue. prudence (proo'dens), n. the quality of being prudent ; wisdom applied to practice. prudent ('dent), adj. practically wise ; careful of the consequences of measures or actions ; judicious ; cautious ; circumspect. ite, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, fAen. prn 639 pub prudential (-den'shal), adj. proceed- ing from, or_ influenced by, prudence. prudery (proo'der-i), w. affected nice- ness or scrupulousness in conduct ; manners of a prude. Also prud- ishness. prud'homme (proo-dom'), n. in France, one of a board of concilia- tion of masters and workmen to set- tle trade disputes. prudish (proo'dish), adj. like a prude; affectedly precise, nice, or scrupulous. prune (proon), n. a dried plum: v.t. to cut superfluous twigs or branches from (a vine^ bush or tree) ; trim. prunella (proo-nel'a), n. a smooth woolen stuff used for shoes and gaiters ; a kind of dried plum. Also prunello. prurience ('ri-ens), n. the state or quality of being prurient. Also pruriency. prurient ('i-ent), adj. having an eager desire for, or characterized by, lewdness ; itching. Prussian-blue (prush'an-bloo), n. a rich. Mue color obtained from fer- rocyapiide of iron. prussiate (prus'i-at), n. a salt of prussic acid. prussic acid ('ik as'id), n. hydro- cyanic acid, a deadly poison. pry (pri), vA. \_p.t. & p.p. pried, p.pr. prying], to inspect closely or with keen scrutiny : n. close inspection : impertinent peeping. psalm (salm), n. a sacred song. psalmist ('ist), n. a composer of psalms, especially of any of the Scriptural psalms. psalmodist ('o-dist), n. one who composes or sings psalms. psalmody ('o-di), n. the art or prac- tice of singing psalms. Pstalter (sawl'ter), n. the Book of Psalms ; the Prayer Book version of the Psalms. psaltery (-i), n. a stringed musical instrument, used by the ancient Hebrews. pseudo, a pre-fix meaning false, spu- rious, as psetttZoblepsis, false or de- ceptire vision. pseudonym (su'do-nim), n, a, ficti- tious name. pseudoscope ('do-skop), n. an optic- al instrument which exhibits bodies in reversed relief. pslia-w (shaw), inter j. an expression of contempt, &c. psychical (sfki-kil), adj. pertaining to, or connected with, the human soul, spirit, or mind; spiritualistic; psychological. Also psychic. psychogenesis (-ko-jen'e-sis), n. the development of mind as given in consciousness ; biogenesis regarded as resulting from the operation of higher agency than natural selection. psychology (-kol'o-ji), n. the science that treats of mental phenomena, and their classification and analy- sis ; mental philosophy ; metaphys- ics. psychological (-loj'i-kal), adj. per- taining to psychology. psychologically (-li), ddv, in a psychological manner. psychologist ('o-jist), n. one skilled in psychology. psychometry (si-kom-'e-tri), n. the science of divining mental processes. psychophysics (-fiz'iks), n. the sci- ence which treats of the correlation of mind and matter. pteropod (ter'-o-pod), n. an individ- ual of the Pteropoda, a class of marine cephalopods having the foot extended into a pair of wing-like lobes adapted for swimming or sail- ing. Ptolemaic (tol-e-ma'ik), adj. per- taining to Ptolemy, the Greek geog- rapher and astronomer, or to his system of astronomy which supposed the earth to be the center or fixed point of the universe, and that the heavenly bodies moved around it. ptomaines (to'ma-inz), n.pl. a class of alkaloids of a highly poisonous nature, originating in decaying or dead matter. puberal (pu'ber-al), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, puberty. puberty ('ber-ti), n. the age at which the generative powers begin to be de- veloped. pubescence (-bes'ens), n. the state or age of puberty ; soft, short, downy hair. pubescent Cent), adj. arriving at ate, arm, &sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. pul) 640 pT% the age of puberty; covered with soft, downy hairs. public (pub'lik), ad}, pertaining to a nation, state, or community ; belong- ing to the people ; circulating among all classes; open; generally known: common to all ; open to general use : n. the people in general. publican ('li-kan), n. one who keeps a public-house; among the ancient Romans, a farmer of the public rev- enues ; a collector of tolls, tribute, or customs. publication (-li-ka'shun), n. the act of publishing or making public ; the act of publishing a book, &c. public-bouse ('lik-hous), n. an inn; tavern ; hotel. publicist ('li-sist), n. a writer on in- ternational law, or on current events of politiiral or social interest. publicity ('lis-i-ti), n. the state of being public ; notoriety. publicly ('lik-li), adv. in a public manner. publish ('lish), v.i. to make known; announce or proclaim ; divulge ; print and offer for sale ; put into cir- culation. puce (pus), adj. dark-brownish pur- ple. Puck, n. a mischievous sprite or elt. pucker ('er), v.t. & v.i. to gather into small folds ; wrinkle : n. a small fold or wrinkle. pudding (pood'ing), n. a soft kind of food made of flour and various in- gredients ; an intestine stuffed with meat, &c. ; quantity of yarns, mat- ting, or oakum. puddle (pud'l), n. a small pool of dirty water ; clay worked together with sand : v.t. to make muddy ; ren- der watertight with puddle ; convert (pig-iron) into wrought-iron. pueblo (pweb'lo), n. ipl. pueblos ('loz)], a building constructed of adobe or sun-dried brick by the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico. puerile (pu'er-il), adj. pertaining to children ; juvenile ; boyish ; trifling. puerility (-il'i-ti), n. the quality of being puerile ; childishness. puerperal ('per-al), adj. pertaining to, or following, childbirth. puff (puf), n. a short quick blast- sudden forcible breath ; a fungous ball filled with dust ; anything light and porous or swollen ; a light kind of tart ; exaggerated praise or adver- tisement : v.i. to expel air from the mouth with a sudden forcible blast ; breathe quick and hard ; swell with air ; blow in contempt ; move witb hurry : v.t, to drive with a puff : swell, as with wind ; praise in exag- gerated terms. puiFer ('er), n. one who puffs; one who praises in exaggerated terms ; one who is hired to force up bids at sales. puiHn ('in), n. a diving bird with a short thick projecting beak, allied to the auk. pufHng ('ing), n. exaggerated praise, especially with the view to advertise- ment ; quick and hard breathing : p.adj. praising in exaggerated terms. puffiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being puffy. pu:ffiy ('i), adj. distended with air or other light matter ; windy ; bombas- tic; tumid. pug (pug), n. a monkey; a small dog with the face and nose like a bull- dog ; imp or elf ; plastic clay : v.t. [pt. & p.p. pugged, p.pr. pugging], to line or fill up with plastic clay or any other material. pug'ging ('ing), n. the act or opera- tion of working up clay for bricks ; any substance to deaden sound be- tween spaces. pugb (poo), inter j. an exclamation of contempt or disdain. pugilism (pti'jil-izm), n. the art or practice of boxing or fighting with the fists ; prize-fighting. pugilist (-ist), n. a prize-fighter; boxer. pugilistic ('ik), adj. pertaining to pugilism. pugnacious (pug-na'shus), adj. dis- posed to fight ; quarrelsome. pugnacity (-nas'i-ti), n. inclination to fight ; quarrelsomeness. puisne (pu'ne), adj. younger or in- ferior in rank : said of judges. puissance ( 'is-ans) , n, power ; strength. puissant (-ant ),«^-i' to square ; fit or correspond. ate, arm, quadratic (-rat'ik), adj. pertaining to, or involving, a square. quadrature ('ra-ttir), n. the act of squaring ; the reduction of a figure to a square, exactly or approximate- ly ; the position of a heavenly body when distant 90° from another : said especially of the position of the moon from the sun. quadrennial (-ren'i-al), adj. com- prising, or occurring, every 4 years. quadrennially (-11), adv. once in 4 years. quadrilateral (-ri-lat'er-al), n. a plane figure with 4 sides and 4 an- gles ; the area inclosed and defended by four fortresses. quadrille (ka- or kwa-dril'), n. a dance by four sets of couples ; a game at cards played by four per- sons. quadrillion (kwod-ril'yun), n. in the French system of numeration, fol- lowed in the United States, a thou- sand trillions ; in the English sys- tem, the fourth power of a million, or 1 followed by 24 ciphers. quadroon (roon'), n. the offspring of a mulatto and a white. Quadrumana (-roo'ma-na), n.pl. an order of mammalia, including the monkey, &c. quadrumanous ('mi-nus), adj. hav- ing 4 hands. quadruped ('roo-ped), n. a four- footed animal : adj. four-footed. quadruple (ro6-pl), adj. four-fold: n. a sum or quantity four times as great as that taken as the standard : v.t. to multiply by four : v.i. to in- crease four-fold. qusestor (kwes'ter), n. in ancient £, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then, 646 qtia 64T qua Rome, the public treasurer ; in cer- tain legislative assembles, an officer in charge. Also questor. quaff (kwaf), v.t. to drink or swal- low in large quantities : v.i. to drink luxuriously. qnagga (kwag'a), n. a South Afri- can quadruped allied to the ass and zebra. quagmire (kwag'mir), n. wet, boggy ground yielding under the feet. qnail (kwal), -y.*. to sink in spirit or by dejection ; lose heart ; cower : n. a gallinaceous bird, allied to the par- tridge. quaint (kwant), €dj. singular and antique ; not expressed or shown in the usual way ; odd ; neat. quake (kwak), v.i. to tremble or shake ; be agitated : n. a tremble or shudder. Quaker ('er), n. one of a religious sect, the Society of Friends, founded by Geo. Fox. Feminine Quakeress. Quaker-gun. (-gun), n. a wooden gun mounted to deceive an enemy. quaking ('ing), adj. trembling; shak- ing : n. a shaking or tremor. quakiness ('i-nes), n. shakiness. quakj ('i), adj. shaky. qualifiable (kwal'i-fi-a-bl), adj. that may be qualified. qualifieation (-fi-ka'shun), n. nny quality, endowment, or acquirement which fits a person for any office or occupation ; legal power or ability ; limitation ; restriction. qualificative ('i-fi-ka-tiv), adj. serv- ing to qualify. quali&er ('i-fl-er), n. one who, or that which, qualifies. qualify ('i-fi)., v.t. [p.t. & p.p. qual- ified, p.pr. qualifying], to render fit or capable for any office, occupation, &c. ; render legally capable ; make fit ; moderate ; limit : v.i. to become qualified. qualitative ('i-ta-tiv), adj. pertain- ing to quality ; determining the na- ture of component parts. quality ('i-ti), n. [pi. qualities (-tiz) ], peculiar power or property ; attribute ; disposition ; rank ; supe- rior birth. qualm (kwam), n, a sudden fit of sickness; nausea; scruple. quamash (kwa-mash'), n. an escu- lent bulb eaten by the North Amer- ican Indians. Also camass. quandary (kwon'da-ri), n. a state of difficulty or perplexity ; fix. quantitative ('ti-ta-tiv), adj. per- taining to quantity. Also quantitive. quantify ('ti-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. quantified, p.pr. quantifying], to in- dicate the quantity or extent of. quantity ('ti-ti), n. that property of anything that may be increased or diminished ; any indeterminate bulk, weight, or number ; large portion, sum, or mass ; the measure of time in pronouncing a syllable ; anything that can be increased, divided, or measured; in logic, a general con- ception. quantivalence (-tiv'^-lens), n. the combining power of an atom as com- pared with hydrogen. quantum ('tum), n. amount (Latin). quarantine (kwor'an-ten), n. the time (usually 40 days) during which a vessel from foreign parts suspected of infectious disease is prohibited from intercourse with the shore : v.t. to place under quarantine. quarrel ('el), n. an angry dispute; petty fight ; altercation ; ground of dispute ; a square-headed arrow : v.L to dispute violently ; be at variance ; disagree. quarrelsome (-sum), adj. inclined to quarrel ; contentious ; ea,sily pro- voked ; irascible. quarried ('id), p.adj. dug from the quarry. quarrier ('i-er), n. one who works in a quarry. quarry ( 'i ) , n. a place where stone is dug out for building purposes, &c. ; game pursued by hawks or hounds : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. quarried, p.pr. quar- rying], to dig or take from a quarry. quarryman, same as quarrier. quart (kwort), n. 2 pints, or l-4th of a gallon ; a sequence of 4 cards in the game of piquet. quartan (kwor'tan), adj. occurring every fourth day, as ague, &c. quarte (kart), n. a guard in fencing. quarter (kwor'ter), n. the 4th part; 28 lbs. avoirdupois ; 8 bushels ; the 4th part of the moon's monthly ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. qua 648 qne revolution; part of the globe; par- ticular county, region, or district ; life granted to a captive or enemy ; mercy ; after-part of a ship's side ; one of the 4 points of the compass ; in heraldry, one of the divisions of a shield when divided crosswise : pt. lodgings, especially for soldiers : v.t. to divide into four equal parts ; fur- nish with lodgings, as soldiers ; sta- tion ; bear as an appendage to he- reditary arms. quarter day (da), n. the day begin- ning or ending each quarter of the year, viz. : March 25, June 24, Sept. 29, Dec. 25, when payments of rent, &c., are made. quarter-deck (-dek),w. that part of a ship which is abaft the mainmast. quartered ('terd), p.adj. divided into quarters ; stationed or lodged. quartering (-ing), n, assignment of quarters ; the division of a shield containing many coats. quarterly ('li), adj. consisting of, or containing, a quarter : adv. once each quarter of the year : n. a pub- lication issued every quarter. quartermaaster ('ter-mas-ter), n. an officer whose duty it is to assign quarters and provide food, clothing, forage, ammunition, &c., for a regi- ment ; in the navy, a petty officer who attends to the steerage, signals, stowage, &c., of ships. quartern ('tern), n. l-4th of a pint, or of a bushel ; gill. quarter-staff (-staf), n. a staff 61^ feet long and shod with iron, for- merly used as a weapon of defense. quartet (-tef), n. anything in fours; musical composition in 4 parts for 4 voices or instruments. Also quar- tette. quarto ('to), w. [pi. quartos ('t6z)l, a book having the sheet folded into 4 leaves. AMreviated 4to. : adj. having 4 leaves in a sheet. quartz (kworts), n. a mineral com- pound of pure silica. quartzite ('it), n. quartz rock quash ( kwosh ) , v.t. to crush ; subdue suddenly or completely ; annul. quasi, a prefix meaning as it were, apparently, nearly. quassia (kwosh'i-a), n. a South American tree yielding bark and wood of excessive bitterness. quatern (kwa'tern), adj. fourfold; growing in fours. quaternion (-ter'ni-on), n. the num- ber 4 ; set of 4 ; a file of 4 soldiers : pi. a. calculus or method of mathe- matical investigation. quatrefoil (kii'tr-foil), n. in herald- ry, four-leaved gra^s ; an ornamental figure in architectural tracery di- vided by cusps into 4 leaves. quaver (kwa'ver), v.t. to shake or tremble ; vibrate ; sing or play with tremulous modulations : n. a vibra- tion of the voice ; a musical note, one-half a crotchet. quay (ke), n. a wharf for loading or unloading vessels. quean ( kwen ) , w. a worthless woman, queasy (kwe'zi), adj, affected with, or causing, nausea. queen (kwen), n. a female sovereign; consort of a king; sovereign of a swarm of bees (queen-bee) ; a court card with the figure of a queen ; a piece in chess ; the best or chief of her kind : v.i. to play the queen : v.t. in chess, to make a queen of. queen consort (kon'sort), n. the wife of a reigning king.^ queen dowager (dou'a-jer), n. the widow of a king. queenliness ('li-nes'), n. queenly character or attributes. queenly ('li), adj. like, or befitting, a queen. queen-post ('post), n. one of ^ two vertical timbers in a roof rising from the tie-beam. queen regnant (reg'nant), n. a queen in her own right. queen's counsel (-z-koun'sel), n. a barrister holding a patent of preced- ence from the queen. queen's-metal (-met'al), n. an alloy of tin, antimony, lead, and bismuth. queen's-ware ('war), n. cream-col- ored earthenware. queer (kwer), adj. odd; singular; droll ; strange ; out of health. quell (kwel), v.t. to crush or sub- due ; put an end to ; calm ; allay. quench (kwench), v.t. to put out or extinguish ; check ; allay. querimonious (kwer-i-mo'ni-us) , adj. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, but; think, thtn. qne 6^ complaining ; querulous ; discon- tented. querist (kwe'rist), n. one who asks questipns. querl (kwerl), -y.*. to coil. querulous (kwer'oo-lus), adj. com- plaining ; discontented. query (kwe'ri), n. a question; an in- quiry to be resolved ; a mark of in- terrogation : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. queried, p.pr. querying], to examine by ques- tions ; doubt ; mark with a query : v.i. to ask questions. quest (kwest), n. search; inquiry; jury of inquest: v.t. to search or seek for. question (kwes'chun) , n. an inquiry ; act of asking ; interrogation ; doubt ; subject of discussion ; examination by torture : v.t. to ask or interro- gate ; examine by questions ; treat as doubtful : v.i. to ask a question. questionability (-a-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being questiona- ble. Also questionableness. questionable (-a-bl), adj. that may be questioned ; doubtful ; suspicious. questionably (-a-bli), adv. in a questionable manner. questor, same as quaestor. quetzal (kwet'zal), n. an American bird of paradise. queue (ku), n. the tail of a wig. quibble (kwib'l), n. a petty evasion or cavil ; play on words : v.i. to evade the truth by artifice or eva- sion ; play on words. quibbling ('ling), n. evasion. quick (kwik), adj. rapid; hasty; active ; nimble ; ready ; sharp in dis- cernment ; sprightly ; precipitate ; living ; pregnant : adv. quickly : n. the living flesh ; sensitive parts ; a hedge of growing shrubs. quichen ('en), v.i. to impart life; vivify ; show signs of life in the womb : v.t. increase the speed of ; to resuscitate ; stimulate ; cheer.^ quickening ('ning), adj. vivifying. quicklime ('lim), n. lime burnt and unslaked. quickly ('li), adv. soon; swiftly. quickness ('nes), n. speed; activity; activeness of perception. quicksand ('sand), n. sand easily moved or readily yielding to pres- ^ qid sure ; anything unreliable or treach- erous. quickset ('set), n. a living shrub, especially the hawthorn, set to grow, as for a hedge. quicksilver ('sil-ver), n. fluid mer- cury : v.t. to overlay with an amal- gam of mercury and tin-foil. quid (kwid), n. a plug of tobacco for chewing ; a sovereign. quiddity ('i-ti), n. [pZ. quiddities (-tiz)], the essence of anything; a trifling nicety ; captious question. quidnunc ('nungk), n. one who is curious to know everything that passes ; one who pretends to a knowledge of current events. quiesce (kwi-es'), v.i. to be silent. quiescence ('ens), n. repose or rest; mental quietude. Also quiescency. quiescent ('ent), adj. reposing or resting ; calm ; silent. quiet (kwi'et), adj. free from mo- tion, disturbance, or alarm ; still ; calm ; peaceable ; gentle ; secluded ; subdued and modest ; not showy : v.t. to calm or pacify ; reduce to a state of rest : v.i. to become quiet. quietude ('et-tid), n. repose; tran- quillity. quietus (-e'tus), n. rest; death; final settlement or discharge ; heavy blow. quill (kwil), n. the large strong feather of a bird's wing ; such feath- er used as a pen; a porcupine's spine ; a weaver's spindle : v.t. to plait or form with small quill-like ridges. quilt (kwilt), n. a kind of coverlet or counterpane : v.t. to stitch to- gether, as two pieces of cloth, &c., with a soft material between. quilting ('ing), n. the act or process of making a quilt; material for quilting; quilted work. quinary (kwi'na-ri), adj. consisting of, or arranged in, fives. quinine (kwin'en or kwi'nin), n. an alkaline substance obtained from the bark of the Chinchona tree : used as a febrifuge and tonic. quinquagesima (-kwa-jes'i-ma), adjo fiftieth. Quinquagesima Sunday (sun'da), n. the Sunday next before Lent. quinque, a prefise meaning five, as ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. qnx 650 qur quinquevQvae, a galley with five banks of oars. qninqneniiial (-kwen'i-§.l), 0(Z/. re- curring once in, or lasting, five years. quinsy ('zi), n. inflammation of the tonsils of the throat. quint (kwint), n. a set or sequence of five. • quintal ('til), n. a weight of 100 or 112 lbs. qnintan ('tan), adj, recurring every fifth day: n. an intermittent fever which recurs thus. quintessence (kwin-tes'ens), n. the pure concentrated essence of any- thing; vital or essential part. quintet (-tet'), n. a musical compo- sition in five obligate parts. Also quintette, quintetto. quintillion (-til'yun), n. in the French system of enumeration, fol- lowed in the United States, a thou- sand quadrillions ; in the English system, a million raised to the fifth power, expressed by a unit followed by thirty ciphers. quintuple ('tu-pl), v.t. to make five- fold : adj. fivefold. quip (kwip), n. a short sarcastic turn or retort; jeer: v.i. [p.t. &^p.p, quipped, p.pr. quipping], to scoff; jeer. quire (kwir), n. 24 sheets; an obso- lete form of choir. Quis-inal (kwi-ri'nal), n. at Rome, the royal palace. Quirites (-ri'tez), n.pl. the ancient Romans in their civil capacity. quirk (kwerk), n. an artful evasion; subterfuge; quibble; smart retort; a light irregular air or melody. quit (kwit), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. quit or quitted, p.pr. quitting], to depart from; discharge (an obligation); give up ; forsake : adj. set free. quitcL. (kwich), n. couch-grass. quittance (kwit'ans), n, discharge from a debt, service, or obligation. quite (kwitj, adj. wholly; complete- ly. quiver (kwiv'er), n. a case for ar- rows; a trembling or shivering: v.i. to tremble, shake, or shiver. quixotic (kwiks-ot'ik), adj. chival- rous or romantic to extravagance: from Don Quixote, the hero of Cer- vantes' romance. quixotically (-al-li), adv. in a quix- otic manner. quiz (kwiz), n. an enigma or obscure question designed to puzzle anyone; one who quizzes others : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. quizzed, p.pr. quizzing], to puz- zle ; make fun of ; banter ; hoax ; examine narrowly with an air of mockery ; peer at. quizzical ('i-kal), adj. given to, or of the nature of, quizzing ; comical. quod (kwod), n. a quadrangle; prison. quodlibet ('li-bet), n. a nice point or subtlety. quoif, same as coif. quoiffure, same as coiffure. quoin (koin), n. a wedge used to sup- port and steady a stone ; external angle of a building ; a wedge of wood or metal to elevate a gun ; wedge- shaped wooden block to tighten the pages of type within the chase. quoit (kwoit), n. a circular ring of iron to be pitched at a fixed object : pi. the game thus played. quondam, (kwon'dam), adj. former [Latin]. quorum (kwo'rum), n. the number of members of a body or corporation competent to transact business by law or constitution. quota (kwo'ta), n. the part or share assigned to each. quotation (-ta'shun), n. the act of quoting ; that which is quoted ; cur- rent price. quote (kwot), v.t. to adduce (a pas- sage) from some author or speaker, for authority or illustration ; give the current price of. quoth (kwoth), v.t. said. quotlxa ('a), inter j. indeed! quotidian (kwo-tid'i-an), adj. recur- ring daily. quotient ('shent), n. the number re- sulting from the division of one number by another. quotum Ctum), n. share; proportion. Quran, another form of Koran. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; bodily book; hue, hut; think, then. araad (rad), n. a legislative assembly [South Africa]. rabbet (rab'et), n. sl groove cut longi- tudinally in the edge of a plank, &c., so that another may fit into it : v.t. to groove and unite by a rab- bet. rabbi ('i or 'i)^ii. [pi. rabbis ('iz)], a Jewish doctor or interpreter of the law. Also rabbin. rabbinic (-in'ik), adj. pertaining to the rabbis, their doctrines, learning, and language. Also rabbinical, n, later Hebrew. rabbinism ('in-izm), n. rabbinic phraseology. rabbinist ('in-ist), n. one who ad- heres to the Talmud and the rab- binic traditions. Also rabbinite. rabbit ('it), n. a burrowing rodent animal, esteemed for food and its fur. rabbit-ivarrem (-wor'en), n. a place where rabbits burrow and breed. rabble ( '1 ) , n. a noisy crowd or mob, especially of the lower orders. rabid ('id), adj. mad; enthusiastic to excess. rabboui (ra-b5'ni), n. my master: the highest title of distinction among the ancient Jews. rabies (ra'bi-ez), n, canine madness; madness caused by the bite of a dog ; hydrophobia. raca (ra'ka), adj. worthless: a term of great contempt among the ancient Jews. raccoon (rak-oon'), n. a badger-like animal of North America with a valuable fur. Also racoon. race (ras), n. a rapid course, as of an animal or river ; contest of speed; career: descent or lineage; breed or variety; peculiar strength or flavor ; root : pi. horseraces : v.i. to run swiftly ; contend in running : v.t. to cause to contend in a race. raceme (ra-sem'), n. a flower cluster. racemose (ras'e-mos), adj. growing in racemes. racial (ra'sial), adj. pertaining to race or lineage. racily ('si-li), adv. in a racy manner. raciness (-nes), n. the state or quali- ty of being racy. rack (rak), n. an instrument for stretching or straining ; an engine for stretching the limbs to extort a confession ; a frame in which arti- cles are arranged ; a grating above a manger for holding hay ; a straight toothed bar working in the pinions of a wheel ; an inclined plane on which ore is washed and separated ; thin, broken, vapory clouds ; entire ruin : v.t. to stretch or strain forci- bly on, or as on, the rack ; torture ; wrest ; perplex ; exhaust ; decant or strain off. racket ('et), n. a clattering noise; a network bat used in tennis ; a snow-shoe : pi. tennis : v.i. to make a clattering noise ; frolic ; play tennis : v.t. to strike, as with a racket. racketing (-ing), n. noisy, confused mirth. racking-pace ('ing-pas), n. the pace of a horse somewhat quicker and shorter than an amble. rack-rent ('rent), n. rent raised to its utmost value. racoon, same as raccoon. racquet, another form of racket. •ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, ndrtb, not; bOOni book ; hiie, hut ; think, then. 651 652 rag tacy (ra'si), adj. having a strong fla- vor ; mentally exciting ; piquant. raddle (rad'l), n. a hedge of branches interwoven : v.t. to interweave. raddock ('ok), n. the robin red- breast. radial (ra'di-ai), adj. pertaining to, or like, or using as, a ray; pertain- ing to the radius of the forearm. radiance ('di-ans), n. brightness shooting in rays ; brilliant bright- ness ; splendor. Also radiancy. radiant ('di-ant), adj emitting rays of light or heat ; shining ; brilliant : n. the point from which a shower of meteors proceeds ; a straight line proceeding from a given point about which it revolves; th« luminous point from which light emanates. radiate ('di-at), v.t. to send out as rays : v.i. to emit, or issue forth in, rays : adj. having rays. radiation (-a'shun), n. the emission or diffusion of rays of light or heat from one luminous or heated body to another. radiator ('di-a-ter), w. the body from which rays radiate ; a chamber, coil, drum, &c., in an apartment, heated by steam, hot air, or hot water, &c., for radiating warmth into the apart- ment. radical (rad'i-kal), adj. pertaining to the root or origin ; fundamental ; original ; underived ; extreme : n. a simple underived word ; letter be- longing to the root ; one of the ultra- liberal party ; the base of a chemi- cal compound (also radicle). radically ('i-kal-i), adv. essentially; entirely. radicate ('i-kat), v.t. to plant deep- ly and firmly : v.i. to take root : adj. deeply planted or rooted. radicel ( i-sel), n. a rootlet. radicle ('i-kl), n. that part in the embryo in the seed of a plant which becomes the root ; in chemistry, the same as radical. radio-active (ra'di-o-ak'tiv), adj. emitting Becquerel rays ; exhibiting the properties possessed by radium. radiofy (-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. radio- fied, p.pr. radiofying], to cause to become radio-active by exposing to the influence of radium. radiograpli (-graf), n. a picture ob- tained by means of radiography : v.t. to produce a likeness of by means of radiography. radiography (ra-di-og'ra-fi), n. the art or process of producing pictures by the action of Roentgen rays upon certain sensitive salts. radiometer (ra-di-om'e-ter), n. an instrument revolving In a vacuum, which under the influence of light exhibits the energy of the solar rays. radish, (rad'ish), n. a plant with an edible root, used as a salad. radium (ra'di-um), n. a radio-active element recently discovered in pitch- blende, possessing the property of giving off luminous and actinic rays, accompanied by heat, without appar- ent loss of energy or diminution in bulk or weight. radius (ra'di-us), n. [pi. radii (-1)], a straight line from the center to the circumference of a circle ; ex- terior bone of the forearm ; ray of a flower ; anything resembling a ra- dius, as the spoke of a wheel. radix ('diks), n. a root; a primitive word ; base of a system of loga- rithms. raff (raf), n. a jumble; refuse; the rabble. raiae ('1), n. a kind of lottery in which each participant deposits a part of the value of a thing in con- sideration of the chance of gaining it : v.t. to dispose of by rafflle : v.i, to take part in a raffle. raft (raft), n. pieces of timber fas- tened together for transport by floating; a floating wooden frame- work: v.t. to carry on a raft. rafter ('er), n. an inclined beam supporting the roof of a house : v.t to form into, or furnish with, raf- ters. rafting ('ing), n. the business of floating rafts. raftsman ('man), n. a man who manages a raft upon a river. rag (rag), n. a fragment of cloth; a low-class newspaper: pi. worn-out or tattered garments ; mean dress. ragamufi&n ('i-muf-in), n. a low, disreputable fellow. ate, arm, &sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. rag 653 rage (raj), n. excessive and uncon- trolled anger; vehemence; extreme violence ; enthusiasm ; extreme de- sire or eagerness : v.i. to be furious with anger ; prevail fatally, as a dis- ease ; be violently agitated, as the sea ; ravage. rageful ('fool), adj. full of rage. ragg, same as ragstone. ragged (rag'ed), adj. rent or worn into rags ; clothed in tattered gar- ments ; iestitute ; rough ; jagged. raging (raj'ing), p.adj. acting with fury ; violent ; vehement ; frantic : n. fury ; violence. ragout (ra-goo'), n. a dish of stewed and highly seasoned meat. ragstone (rag'ston), n. any hard, coarse-textured rock. rag-time ('tim), n. syncopated time, characteristic of negro melodies. ragwort (rag'wert), n. a common plant with jagged leaves. Taid (rad), n. a hostile or predatory incursion : v.t. to make a raid upon. rail (ral), n. a bar of timber or metal €fs:tending from one support to an- other ; wooden or iron fence ; a rail- way ; a wading bird with a harsh cry : v.i. to brawl ; use opprobrious language ; scoff : v.t. to inclose with rails ; despatch by rail. railing ('ing), n. material for rails; fence made of posts and rails : adj. insulting or reproaching. raillery ('er-i), n. good-humored irony or satire ; banter. railleur (-yer'), n. a banterer [French]. railway ('wa), n. a way or road laid with two parallel iron or steel rails along which cars are drawn by steam power, electricity, &c. Also railroad. raiment (ra'ment), n. clothing. rain (ran), n. water in drops dis- charged from the clouds : v.i. to fall in drops from the clouds ; drop like rain : v.t. to pour down like rain. xainboxir ('bo), n. the bright-colored arc formed in the heavens by the refraction or reflection of the sun's rays falling upon watery particles in that part of the heavens opposite to the sun. rainfall ('fawl), n. the amount of rain that falls on any given area. raininess ('i-nes), n, the state of being rainy. rainy ('i), adj. abounding with rain. raise (raz), v.t. to cause to rise; lift up ; elevate ; originate or pro- duce ; promote ; rouse ; increase ; construct ; levy ; collect ; cause to appear ; cause to swell. raisin (ra'zn), n. a dried grape. rajah (ra'ja), n. a Hindu king, prince, or chief. rajput (raj-poof), n. a Hindu of royal descent or of the higher mili- tary caste. Also rajpoot. rake (rak), n. a toothed implement for smoothing the soil ; a rascal ; in- clination or slope ; that part of the bow or stern of a ship that projects beyond the keel : v.t. to gather or smooth with a rake; collect to- gether ; scour ; fire upon, so as to sweep the deck of a vessel in a longitudinal direction : v.i. to slope from the perpendicular. rakish (rak'ish)-, adj. dissolute; de- bauched. rally ('i), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. rallied, p.pr. rallying], to collect and ar- range, as troops in confusion ; re- unite ; attack with raillery ; banter or satirize humorously : v.i. to re- turn to order ; recover strength ; ex- ercise raillery : n. the act of recover- ing order, or of regaining strength ; good humored satire ; horseplay, as in a pantomime. ram (ram), n. the male of a sheep; one of the signs (Aries) of the zodiac ; a military engine for batter- ing ; a hydraulic engine ; an iron- clad with a steel beak : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. rammed, p.pr. ramming], to push or press with force. ramble ('bl), v.i. to wander or rove about ; visit many places ; be desul- tory : n. a roving or wandering from place to place. ramee (ra-me'), same as ramie. ramenta (-men'ta), n.pl. the thin brown scales which cover the sterna of ferns. ramification (ram-i-fi-ka'shun), n. a division or separation into branches ; i ate, arm, ask, at, awi; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. ram 654 rap sub-division ; manner of producing branches. ramie (ram'e), n. grass-cloth plant, or its fiber. ramify ('i-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. rami- fied, p.pr. ramifying], to divide into branches, or divisions : v.i. to shoot into branches; become divided or sub-divided. rammier ('er), n. one v^ho, or that which, rams ; an instrument for for- cibly driving anything; a rod for forcing down the charge of a gun. ramose (ra'mos), adj. branched; producing branches. Also ramous. ramp (ramp), v.i. to climb like a plant; spring; leap violently: n. a leap or bound. rampage (ram'paj), v.i. to prance about with unrestrained spirits ; be furious : n. a state of excitement. rampant ('pant), adj. overleaping restraint or natural bounds ; in her- aldry, standing upright on the hind legs. raanpart ('part), n. a mound or wall surrounding a fortified place ; pro- tection from assault or danger : v.t. to fortify with a rampart. ramrod ('rod), n. a rod used for ramming down the charge of a gun. ramshackle ('shak-1), adj. .loose; out of repair. ramus (ra'mus), n. a branch. ran, p.t. of run. ranch (ranch), n. a cattle-farm. Also ranche, rancho [Mexican]. ranchero (ran-cha'ro), n. a herds- man [Mexican]. rancid (ran'sid), adj. having a rank, unpleasant smell ; sour or musty. rancidity ('i-ti), n. rancid condi- tion. Also rancidness. rancor (rang'ker), n. implacable en- mity : deep spite or malice. rancorous (-us), adj. malignant; spiteful. rand (rand), n. an edge, margin, or border. randan (ran'dan), n. a boat pro- pelled by three rowers, one in the center using two oars and the oth- ers one oar each. random ('dum), n. want of direction or method ; chance : adj. done hap- hazard; left to chance, or without method. ranee (ran'e), n. a Hindu queen or princess; rajah's wife. Also rani, rannee. rang, p.t. of ring. range (ranj), v.t. to set or arrange in a row ; place in proper order ; rove over ; sail along in a parallel direction : n. a rank or row ; order or class ; space or room for excur- sion ; extent of discourse or roam- ing ; power ; an extended kitchen grate ; distance to which a shot, &c., can be projected. ranger ( 'er ) , n. a rover ; the chief official or keeper of a park or for- est ; a variety of dog. rank (rangk), n. a row or line, espe- cially of soldiers placed abreast ; sta- tion or position ; grade ; dignity ; eminence : v.t. to draw up in line ; include in a particular class, or order, or division : v.i. to hold a certain position : adj. luxuriant in growth ; excessive ; coarse ; rancid. rankle ('1), v.i. to grow more rank or strong ; fester ; become mentally disquieted or irritated. ransack (ran'sak), v.t. to search mi- nutely ; rummage ; plunder. ransom ('sum), v.t. to free from captivity, slavery, or punishment, by a payment ; atone for ; redeem from the bondage of sin : n. price paid for release from captivity, &c., or for goods captured by an enemy; price paid for procuring the pardon of sin and the redemption of the sin- ner. rant (rant), v.i. to bluster or be noisily wordy; rave in extravagant or violent language : n. noisy ; empty declamation. ranter ('er), n. one who rants; a boisterous preacher. rap (rap), v.i. to strike a quick, sharp blow ; knock : v.t. to strike sharply ; n. a quick, sharp blow; something of no value. rapacious (ra-pa'shus), adj. given to plunder ; seizing forcibly ; subsisting on prey ; greedy ; avaricious. rapacity (-pas'i-ti), n. the quality of being rapacious. Also rapacious- ness. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, ndrth, not; boon, book; hue, but; think, then. rap 6 rape (rap), n. a seizing and carrying away by force ; the seizure and car- nal knowledge of a woman against her will ; a plant of the cabbage family, from the seeds of which an oil (colza oil) is expressed. rapid (rap'id), adj, very quick or swift ; expeditious : n.pl. a swift cur- rent in a river where the channel is descending. rapier (ra'pi-er), n. a long thin sword, used for thrusting. rapine (rap'in, or 'in), n. the act of plundering or seizing forcibly ; pil- lage; violence. rappoJE^t (-per'), w. harmonious rela- tion ; affinity. rapprocliement (ra-prosh'mUng), n. the act of coming together ; an understanding. rapscallioai (rap-scal'yun), n, a ras- cal. rapt (rapt), p.adj. transported; rav- ished. Kaptores (rap-to'rez) , n.ph an Order of birds characterized by the strength of their claws and bills, in- cluding the eagles, owls, &c. raptorial ('ri-al), a^;. pertaining to the Raptores. Also raptorious. rapture ('ttir), n. extreme pleasure or delight ; ecstasy ; enthusiasm. raptured, same as rapt. rare (rar), adj. icomp, rarer, superl. rarest], scarce; uncommon; unusu- al ; thinly scattered ; not dense ; ex- cellent ; incomparable ; of loose tex- ture ; almost raw. rare-bit ('bit), n. a dainty morsel. rarefaction (rar-e-fak'shun), n, the act of rarefying or rendering less dense. rarefy (rar'e-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. rarefied, p.pr. rarefying], to make rare, thin, or less dense ; expand : v.i. to become less dense, rarely ('li), adv, seldom. rareness ('nes), n. the state or qual- ity of being rare. rare-ripe (rar 'rip), adj. ripe before the usual season : n. an early fruit. rarity ('i-ti), n. a rare article; ex- ceptional excellence ; rareness. r&scal <'kal), n, a mean fellow; a scoundrel ; one who is guilty of mean offenses. S rat rascaldom (-dum), n, rascals col- lectively. rascality ('i-ti), n, the state of be- ing a rascal; petty villainy or dis* honesty. rash (rash), adj. hasty; incautious; precipitate; acting without caution or reflection : n. a slight cutaneous eruption. rasher ('er), n. a thin slice of ba- con. Rasores (ra-so'rez), n.pl. an order of birds, including the barn fowls, pheasants, partridges, &c., who scratch the ground in search of food. rasorial ('ri-al), adj. pertaining to the Rasores. rasp (rasp), v.t. to rub with, or as with, a rough instrument ; file with a rasp : n. a kind of rough file. raspberry (raz'ber-i), n. [pi. rasp- berries (-iz)], a shrub and its well- known fruit. rasure (ra'ztir), n. erasure. rat (rat), n. an animal of the mouse family but larger and more vora- cious ; one who deserts his party ; a workman who works during a strike, or for less than the usual wages : v.i, [p.t. & p.p. ratted, p.pr. ratting], to desert one's party; to act the rat, said of a workman ; to catch rats. ratable (rat'a-bl), adj. assessed at a certain value ; liable to be assessed, ratably ('a-bli), adv. proportionally. ratan, same as rattan. ratcb. (rach), n. a toothed bar into which a click drops; the wheel of a clock which causes it to strike. ratcbet ('et), n. the detent which stops a ratchet-wheel. ratcbet-wbeel (hwel), n. a circular ratch. rate (rat), n. ratio or proportion; price fixed or stated ; comparative value ; degree ; a tax or assessment ; speed at which anything is done or performed ; class of warship : v.t. to estimate; settle or fix the value, i-ank, or degree of ; scold vehemently and hastily: v.i. to make an esti- mate ; be placed in a certain class or rank. rather (ra^^'er), adv. sooner; more willingly; on the contrary; prefer- ably to the other. 6te, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; booiii book; hue, hut; think, th&iu rat 656 arav ratification (rat-i-fi-ka'shun), n,the act of ratifying ; confirmation. vatifier ('i-fi-er), n. one who ratifies. ratify ('i-fi), v.t, [pJ. & p.p. ratified, p.pr. ratifying], to approve and sanc- tion ; settle or confirm ; establish. ratio (ra'shi-o), w. [pL ratios (-oz)], the relation or proportion of one thing or quantity to another. ratiocinate (rash-i-os'i-nt), ^.i. to reason deductively ; argue. ratiocination (-i-na'shun), n. the act or process of reasoning ; deduc- ing conclusions from premises. ratiocinative ('i-na-tiv), adj. argu- mentative. ration (ra'shun), n. an allowance: pi. allowance of provisions given per man for daily subsistence : v.t. to furnish with rations. rational (rash'un-al), adj. agreeable to, or consistent with, reason ; nei- ther extravagant nor foolish ; wise ; judicious. rationale (rash-o-na'Ie), n. a series of reasons assigned for any opinion, action, &c. rationalism ('un-al-izm), n. a sys- tem or doctrine which, rejecting rev- elation, makes reason the sole guide in the interpretation of Scripture and dogma. rationalist (-ist), n. one who up- holds or supports rationalism. rationalistic (-is'tik), adj. pertain- ing to, characteristic of, or like, ra- tionalism. rationality (-ari-ti), n. the quality of being rational ; power of reason- ing ; reasonableness ; mental sanity. rationalize ('al-iz), v.t. to interpret as a rationalist ; convert to ration- alism : v.i. to rely solely on reason or as a rationalist. rationally ('al-li), adv. in a rational manner ; in accordance with reason. ratlins (rat'linz), w.pZ. small horizon- tal ropes, extending over thQ shrouds forming ladder-like steps. Also rat- lines. ratsbane (rats'ban), n, poison for rats ; arsenious acid. rattan (rat-an'), n. one of the long, smooth, reed-like stems of several species of palms; a rattan walking stick. ratteen, (-teen'), n. a thick woolen quilted or twilled stuff. rattinet (-in-et'), n» an inferior kind of ratteen. ratting ('ing), n. the act of deserting one's party ; the act of catching rats ; working for less than current prices. rattle (rat'l), v.i. to produce rapidly sharp noises ; speak rapidly or nois- ily ; ride rapidly : v.t. to cause to make a rapid, sharp noise ; stun with noise ; drive rapidly ; scold : n. a succession of rapid, sharp noises; noisy, rapid, empty talk ; a child's toy for rattling. rattler (rat'ler), n. one who or that which rattles ; a rattlesnake. rattlesnake (-snak), n. a venomous snake with hard bony rings on the tail producing a rattling sound when in motion. rattling ('ling), adj. making a rapid succession of sharp, noisy sounds ; quick: adv. very: n. noise produced by a rattle. raucous (raw'kus), adj. hoarse. ravage (rav'aj), v.t. to lay waste; pillage ; plunder or sack : n. destruc- tion by violence or decay ; devasta- tion ; ruin. rave (rav), v.i. to wander in the mind or be delirious ; rage as a madman. ravel (rav'l), v.t. to unweave or un- twist ; involve or entangle : v.i. to be unwoven or untwisted; busy one's self with perplexities. ravelin ('lin), n. a detached work with two embanlmients making a salient angle. ravelings ('el-ingz), n.pl. threads de- tached by "untwisting. raven (ra'vn), n. a large bird of the crow family noted for its deep black color : adj. raven-colored. raven (rav'n), v.t. to obtain, or seize, by violence ; devour with greediness or voracity : n. violence ; plunder ; prey. ravening ('n-ing), n. eagerness for plunder. ravenous ('n-us), adj. devouring with rapacity ; eagerly voracious ; eager for gratification. ravine (ra-ven'), n. a long, deep hol- ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. pav 657 rea low, worn by the action of a stream or torrent; mountain gorge. ravish (rav'ish), v.t. to seize and to carry away by force ; have sexual in- tercourse with (a woman) by force and without her consent; transport with delight or rapture. ravishment ('ish-ment), n. forcible violation of chastity; rape; abduc- tion ; transport ; rapture. raiv (raw), adj. uncooked; crude; without skin ; sore ; not spun or twisted; in the natural state; un- tanned ; undiluted ; unripe ; inexperi- enced ; cold and damp : n. a sore. rawboned ('bond), adj. with little flesh on the bones. rawhide ('hid), n. a cowhide whip. rawish ('ish), adj, somewhat raw. ray (ra), n. a line or pencil of light proceeding from a radiant point; light; beam of intellectual light; perception or apprehension ; the out- er whorl of a floret ; a radius ; a cartilaginous fish of the genus Raia, as the skate, &c. : v.t. to shoot forth, as a ray : v.i. shine forth. ray ah (ra'ya), n, in Turkey, a non- Mohammedan. raze (raz), v.ti to level to the ground ; blot out ; efface ; graze or shave. razee (ra-ze'), n. a large warship cut down to a smaller size and inferior class. razor ('zer), n. a sharp-edged cutting instrument used for shaving. razor-bill (-bil), n. the auk. razure, same as rasure. re, prefix noting repetition or retro- grade action. reach (rech), v.t. to touch with the extended hand ; stretch forth ; arrive at ; gain ; penetrate to ; include : v.i. to be extended so as to touch ; en- deavor to obtain something; the power of reaching or attaining; dis- tance that can be reached; limit of power or ability; stretch of water or stream. read (red), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. read (red), p.pr. reading], to observe and apprehend the meaning of (some- thing written, printed or inscribed) ; peruse; discover by observation; study: v.i. to perform the act of reading; peruse written or printed matter. read (red), adj. well-informed or ac- quainted with books. readable (red'a-bl), adj. fit to be read ; worth reading ; legible. reader ('er), n. one who reads; one who reads prayers in church ; a cor- rector of the press ; a university lec- turer ; a reading-book. readily (red'i-li), adv. in a ready manner ; quickly ; easily ; willingly. readiness ('i-nes), n. the state of be- ing ready ; promptness ; cheerfulness. reading (red'ing), adj. addicted to reading: n. perusal of books; lec- ture ; public recital ; variation ; ver- sion or interpretation of a particu- lar passage in a book or MS. ; ob- servation made by examining a scientific instrument; formal recital of a bill by the proper officer before a legislative assembly. ready (red'i), adj. [comp. readier, superl. readiest], prepared at the moment; quick; prompt; fit for a purpose ; willing ; near ; about to do or be; dexterous. real (re'al), adj. actually existing; not fictitious; genuine; true; per- taining to things fixed, as lands or tenements; not personal: n. (ra'al) a Spanish coin = 5 cents (about). real estate (es-tat), n. lands and all appertaining to them. realism ('al-izm), n. the representa- tion of nature or social life as it actually appears; the doctrine that the objects immediately known are real existences. realist (-ist), n. one who holds the doctrine of, or practices realism. realistic (-is'tik), adj. pertaining to realism and realists. reality ('i-ti), n. [pZ. realities (-tiz)], actual existence; fact; truth. realization (-i-za'shun), n. the act of realizing, or of making and be- lieving real ; conversion of money into real property, or the contrary. realize ('al-iz), v.t. to bring into act or being ; make real ; convert into real property or money ; bring home to one's self ; achieve ; complete. really CM-li), adv. with actual exist- ence; in truth. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. rea 658 ree realm (relm), n. royal jurisdiction or territory ; kingdom ; empire ; state. realty ('al-ti), n. real estate. ream, rem ) , r^. 20 quires, or 480 sheets of paper; 516 sheets (printer's ream ) . reap (rep), v.t, to cut with a sc5i;he, sickle, or corn-cutting machine ; per- form the operation of reaping; gather in ; receive as a reward. rear (rer), n. the part behind the rest ; last in order ; background ; that part of a fleet or army behind the other : v.t. raise or lift up ; ex- alt ; build ; educate ; bring to matur- ity : v.i. to assume an erect posture : adj. pertaining to the rear. rear-admiral (-ad-mir-al), n. in the United States navy, an officer rank- ing next below the admiral ; in other navies an officer ranking next below a vice-admiral. reason (re'zn), ji. that mental faculty in man which enables him to deduce inferences from facts, and to distin- guish between right and wrong ; right Judgment ; efficient or final cause ; cause for opinion or act ; premise of an argument, especially the minor : v.i. to exercise the faculty of reason ; argue ; infer conclusions from premises : v.t. to persuade by reasoning ; examine by the reason ; plead for. reasonable (-a-bl), adj. endowed with reason ; rational ; equitable ; moderate ; fair. reasonableness (-nes), n. the qual- ity or state of being reasonable ; moderation. reasonably (-a-bli), adv. in a rea- sonable manner. reasoning (-ing), n. the exercise of the faculty of reason ; argumenta- tion; reasons adduced or employed. rebate (-bat'), v.t. to make blunt; make obtuse ; abate or diminish. rebel (reb'el), n. one who revolts from his allegiance or defies consti- tuted authority : adj. rebellious : v.i. (re-bel') [p.t. & p.p. rebelled, p.pr. rebelling], to take up arms and re- sist lawful or constituted authority ; revolt ; rise against authority. rebeller ('er), n. one who rebels. rebellion Cyun), n. insurrection against, or open resistance to, law- ful or constituted authority; revolt. rebellions ( 'yus ) , adj. opposing law- ful or constituted authority. rebonnd (re-bound'), v.i. to start or leap back; re-echo; to reverberate: n. the act of rebounding; a leaping or flying back. rebuC (-buf), n. a beating back; sudden check or resistance; defeat; refusal : v.t. to beat back ; repel ; check ; refuse. rebnke (-buk'), n. reprimand or re- proof ; chiding ; chastisement : v.t. to reprimand or chide ; chastise. rebus (re'bus), w. [pZ. rebuses (-ez)], an enigmatical representation of a word or phrase by pictures or figures instead of words ; in heraldry, a coat of arms bearing an allusion to the name of the wearer. rebnt (re-buf), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. re- butted, p.pr. rebutting], to beat back ; oppose by argument or proof ; repel : v.i. in law, to put in or re- turn an answer. rebuttal ('al), n. the act of rebut- ting. rebutter ('er), n. one who rebuts; the answer of a plaintiff to the re- joinder of a defendant. recalcitrant (-kal'si-trant), adj. re- fractory. recall (-kawl'), v.t. to call back; re- member ; revoke ; withdraw : n. revo- cation. recant (-kant'), v.t. to withdraw or retract ; abjure. recantation (-kan-ta'shun), n. the act of recanting; a declaration re- calling and contradicting a former one. recapitulate (-ka-pit'u-lat) , v.t. to go over, or -summarize (the chief points or a discourse, argument, &c.). recapitulation (-la'shun), n. the act of recapitulating. recapitulatory ('u-l§.-t6-ri), adj. re- peating again in brief. recaptionC-kap'shun), n. reprisal. recede (-sed'), v.i. to fall back or re- trograde ; retreat : v.t. to cede back to a former possessor. receipt (-set'), n. the act of receiv- ing; reception; a recipe; written &te, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. CURIOUS COSTUMES AND HEAD-DRESSES. Miter head-Oress. 1475. Kttssian head-^rees. Homed: 1475. Butterfly hej^d-dress, 1475. Welsh girl.isso. Man's head-dress, 1300, Head-dress, 1350.; steeple head-dress, 1475. Head-dress, 1T80. gCDt^sIlddfiftaiz GentlemaDof GenUcman of 1680. Assyrian king. ATHLETIC AND OUTDOOR SPORTS. -ro^^-Ttten^luA^^^ and mallet; 5. battledores and shuttlecoC; 6. immers; 14. punching-bag; 15,^UnkAll^n%olf)-W^^ snow-shoes; 12. curling-stones; 13 mms-racket; 20. Indian clubs; A eolf-baH R Ao- n' ^^^""^b-bells ; 17, air-gun; 18. fencing-stick; 19, lofter; d. putter; e. niblick; frmashie-g cleek ' ^^^^^'P^^^' »• caddy-bag; a, driver! b, bulger ree ( acknowledgment of anything re- ceived: v.t. to give a receipt for; sign in acknowledgment of. receivable (-sev'a-bl), adj, capable of being received. receive (-sev'), v.t. to take or obtain from another in any manner; ac- cept ; obtain ; entertain ; gain knowl- edge of; suffer; take in, as stolen goods. ^ receiver ('er), n. one who, or thu.t which, receives ; one who buys stolen goods; a person appointed by a court to manage property in contro- versy. recency (re'sen-si), n. lateness of time ;^ newness. Also recentness. recension (re-sen'shun), n. review or revision, especially critical revision of the text of an autnor ; the text thus revised and established. recent ('sent), adj. of late origin or occurrence ; new ; modern ; fresh ; newly arrived; subsequent to man's existence. receptacle (-sep'ta-kl), n. a vessel or place into which anything is re- ceived ; basis of a flower. receptibility (-ti-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being receivable. reception ('shun), n. the act of re- ceiving ; the state of being received ; welcome ; entertainment ; admission ; formal or official receiving of a per- son. receptive ('tiv), adj. having the quality of receiving or containing; capable of receiving mental impres- sions. recess (-ses'), n. withdrawal; state of being in retirement ; seclusion ; remission of business ; cavity in a room or alcove ; niche. recession (-sesh'un), n. the act of receding or withdrawal ; cession back. rechercbe (re-sher-sha'), (^dj. un- common ; rare ; exquisite ; choice. recipe (res'i-pe), n. a medical pre- scription ; formula for compounding anything. recipient (re-sip'i-ent), n. one who receives : adj. receiving. reciprocal ('ro-kal), adj. mutual; alternating ; mutually interchange- able. y^ rec reciprocally f-li), adv, mutually. reciprocate ('ro-kat), v.t, to give and receive mutually: v.i, to alter- nate; interchange. reciprocating ('ro-ka-ting), adj, moving backwards and forwards. reciprocation (-ka'shun), n. inter- change of acts ; reciprocal motion. reciprocity (res-i-pros'i-ti), n. recip- rocal obligation or right; equal mu- tual rights or benefits to be yielded or enjoyed. recision (re-sizh'un), n. the act of cutting off. recital (-si'tai), n. the act of recit- ing ; rehearsal ; narrative ; a musical entertainment by one performer. recitation (res-i-ta'shun), n. a public reading; delivery of a composition committed to memory; the composi- tion so delivered. recitative (-ta-tev'), adj. pertaining to recitation ; words spoken in the sounds of the musical scale; chant. Also recitativo [Italian] : adj. ut- tered musically; chanied. recitatively ('li) adv. in a reciia- tive manner. recite (re-sIt'), v.t. to repeat aloud from memory ; enumerate ; rehearse ; recapitulate. reck (rek), v.t. & v.i. to care for; heed. reckless ('les), adj. heedless of con- sequences ; careless ; thoughtless. recklessness (-nes), n. carelessness; thoughtlessness ; heedlessness. reckon ('n), v.t. to count or com- pute ; number ; estimate by rank : v.i. to calculate ; charge to account ; make up accounts ; pay a penalty ; reason with one's self and conclude from argument ; think or suppose. reckoning (-ing), n. computation; calculation; statement of accounts between debtor and creditor; money charged by a host; estimated posi- tion of a ship by its progress and course. reclaim (re-klam'), v.t. to call back; demand the return of ; reform ; bring under cultivation. reclinate (rek'li-nat), adj. reclined, as a leaf. reclination (-na'shun), n. the act of reclining. ate, arm, &sk^ at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, ndrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. ree ve« recline (-klin'), v.t. to cause to lean or lie back ; lean to one side : v.i. to rest or repose. recluse (re-kl6os')» n. one who lives in retirement ; hermit ; anchorite : adj. retired from the world; soli- tary ; secluded. reclusely <'li), adv. in a recluse manner. recluseness ('nes), n. retirement from society. Also reclusion. reclusive ('siv), adj. affording re- tirement from the world or society. recognizable (rek'og-niz-a-bl), adj. capable of being recognized. recognizance (re-kon'i-zans), n. avowal ; acknowledgment ; badge or token ; a legal obligation entered into before a magistrate or court to do, or abstain from doing, some par- ticular act. recognize (rek'og-niz), v.t. to know again ; acknowledge ; avow ; admit with a formal acknowledgment : v.i. to enter into recognizance. recognizer (-er), n. one who recog- nizes. recognizor (re-kon'i-zer), n. in law, one who enters into a recognizance. recognition (rek-og-nish'un), n. the act of recognizing ; the state of be- ing recognized ; remembrance ; recol- lection ; formal avowal. recollect (-o_l-ekt'), v.t. to call to memory; (re-kol-ekt'), to gather to- gether again. recollection (rek-ol-ek'shun), n. memory ; that which is remembered. recollective ('tiv), adj. having the faculty of recollecting or remember- ing. recommend (-om-end'), v.i. to com- mend to another; introduce favora- bly ; advise. recommendation (-en-da'shun), n. the act of recommending; favorable introduction. recommendatory ('d§.-to-ri), adj. that recommends. recommit (re-kom-it'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. recommitted, p.pr. recommit- ting], to commit anew; refer back to a committee. recommitment ('ment), n. the act of recommitting; state of being re- committed. Also recommittal. recompense (rek'om-pens), n. an equivalent given in return; reward* compensation: v.t. to give back ag an equivalent; make amends forj repay or requite. reconcilable (-on-sil'^-bl), €dj, ca- pable of being reconciled. reconcile ('on-sil), v.t. to restore to friendship or favor after estrange- ment ; adjust ; harmonize. reconciliation (-sil-i-a'shun), n. the act of reconciling ; the state of being reconciled ; renewal of friendship ; expiation or atonement. Also recon- cilement. reconciliatory ('i-a-to-ri), adj. tend- ing to reconcile. recondite ('on-dit), adj. deep; ab- struse ; hidden from view ; secret. reconnaissance (re-kon'a-sans), n, the act of reconnoitering. reconnoiter, reconnoitre (rek-o- noi'ter), v.t. to make a survey of, especially for military purposes ; ex- amine for scientific purposes. record (re-kord'), v.t. to remember, or cause to be remembered; register or enroll; celebrate: n. (rek'erd) an authentic memorial ; register ; for- mal writing or copy of an official document ; in sports, the best per- formance : pi. public documents. recorder (-kord'er), n. one who, or that which, records; one whose offi- cial duty is to register writings or transactions. recount (re-kount')» v.t. to go over or narrate in detail. recoup (re-koop'), v.t. to indemnify or make good; diminish by keeping back a part. recourse (re-kors'), n. a going to for aid or protection ; application of ef- fort for a particular purpose or end. recover (-kuv'er), v.t. to regain; re- trieve ; cure ; obtain as compensa- tion ; obtain by judgment in a court of law ; cover again : v.i. to regain health, strength, or any former state ; be successful in a lawsuit. recovery ('er-i), n. the act of recov- ering ; restoration to health ; legal right to something after judgment of a court. recreant (rek're-ant), adj. cowardly; mean-spirited; apostate; false: n. a fite, arm, fisk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mte, mit; note, nOrtb, not; boon^ book; hue, hut; think, then. 661 red mean-spirited creature ; a coward ; an apostate. recreate ('re-at), v.f. to reanimate, especially after toil ; gratify : v.i. to take recreation: v.i. (re-kre-af) to create anew. recreation (rek-re-a'shun), n. re- freshment aiter toil, &c. ; amuse- ment : n. (re-kre-a'shun), the act of creating anew ; a new creation. Srecreative (rek're-a-tiv), adj. rein- vigorating. recriminate (re-krim'in-at), v.i. to return one accusation with another : v.t. to accuse in return. recrimination (-a'shun), n. the act of recriminating. recriminatory ('in-a-to-ri), adj. re- torting an accusation or charge. recrudescence (-kroo-des'ens), n. the state of becoming sore again; a sharp relapse. recrudescent Cent), adj. becoming sore or raw again. recruit (-kroot')? i^.*. to supply with new soldiers ; restore to health ; re- pair by fresh supplies : v.i. to obtain fresh supplies ; recover health : n. a soldier newly enlisted ; supply of any want. recruiting ('ing), n. the enlisting of recruits for the army. rectangle (rek'tang-gl), n. a 4-sided figure with 4 right angles, or angles of 90°. rectangled (-gld), adj. having one or more right angles. rectangular ('gu-lar), adj. right- angled. rectifiable ('ti-fi-a-bl), adj. capable of being rectified. rectification (-fi-ka'shun)', n. the act of setting right ; repeated distilla- tion of a spirit to concentrate it or render it purer ; reduction of a curve to a right line. rectify ('ti-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. recti- fied, p.pr. rectifying], to set right; adjust ; refine by distillation. rectilineal (-t>lin'e-al), adj. bound- ed by straight lines ; right- or straight-lined; straight. Also recti- linear. rectilineally (-1), adv. in a straight line. rectitude ('ti-tud), n. Tightness of principles and practice; honesty; moral Integrity. rector ('ter), n. a clergyman who has the great and small tithes of a liv- ing; the headmaster of a public school, or head of a university [Scotch] ; the superior of a convent or religious house. rectorate ('ter-at), n. the office of a rector. Also rectorship. rectorial (-to'ri-al), adj. pertaining to a rector. rectory ('ter-i), n. the house of a rec- tor ; the benefice of a rector, with the rights appertaining to it. rectum ('turn), n. the lowest part of the great intestine. recumbency (re-kum'ben-si), n. the state of leaning or reclining. Also recumbence. recumbent ('bent), adj. reclining; idle. recuperate (-ku'per-at), v.t. & v.i. to recover. recuperation (-a'shun), Jt. recovery, recuperative ( 'per-a-tiv ) , adj. per- taining to, or tending to, recovery. Also recuperatory. recur (-ker'), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. re- curred, p.pr. recurring], return to the mind ; return ; happen at a stated interval ; have recourse. recurrence (-kur'ens), n. return; re- sort. recurrent ('ent), adj. returning re- peatedly. recurvate ('vat), adj. bent back. recusancy (rek'u-zan-si), n. noncon- formity. recusant ('u-zant), adj. refusing to acknowledge the royal supremacy in religion ; nonconforming : n, a non- conformist. red (red), n. one of the primary col- ors varying from scarlet to pink : adj. red-colored. redan (re-dan'), n. a V-shaped field- work or rampart with the apex to- wards the enemy ; a projection in a wall. redbreast (red'brest), n. the robin. redcap ('kap), n. sl kind of goldfinch. redden ('n), v.t. to make red: v.i. to become red; blush. reddish, ('ish), adj, somewhat red. redeem (re-dem*), v.t, to ransom ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. red 662 ree from bondage ; rescue ; make atone- ment for ; perform ; recover ; make good use of ; ransom from sin and its consequences. Tedeemer ('er), n. one who redeems. Redeemer, n. Jesus Christ, the Sa- vior. xedemption (-demp'shun), n. repur- chase ; release ; ransom ; freeing of an estate from a mortgage ; salva- tion of mankind by Jesus Christ. xedemptioner (-er), n. an emigrant to the United States who sells his services for a certain term, as pay- ment for his passage out from Eu- rope. redemptive ('tiv), adj. pertaining to redemption, or serving to redeem. xedemptory ('to-ri), adj. paid for ransom. xeclj^Tam (redVum), n. strophulus; a lofty Australian gum-tree, yielding a gum resin used in medicine. xedingote (-ing-gof), «. a long dou- ble-breasted coat. xedivivus (-i-vi'vus), adj. come to life again. red-letter day ('let-er da), n. a lucky day : from the Saints* days printed in red-letter in the church calendars. redolence ('o-lens), n. perfume; fra- grance. redolent ('6-lent), adj. emitting a sweet smell ; fragrant. redoubt (re-douf), n. a field-work for strengthening or fortifying a military position without flanks. redoubtable ('a-bl), adj. formida- ble ; valiant ; terrible to enemies. redound (-dound'), v.i. to tend or contribute ; be in excess. redo-wa (red'o-wa), n. a Bohemian dance ; music for such a dance. redress (-dres'), v.t. to amend or set :■ right ; compensate ; relieve from ; to dress again : n. the reparation of wrong ; relief. redressible ('i-bl), adj. capable of being redressed. redsear (red'ser), v.t. to break or crack under the hammer, as iron when hot. redsbank ('shangk), n. the red-leg- ged sandpiper ; a Highlander. red-sno-w ('sno), n. an Arctic lichen or fungus. redstart ('start), n. a small red- tailed migratory song-bird. red-tape ('tap), n. red-colored tape used for tying official documents ; hence excessive official formality. red-tapism ( 'izm ) , n. government by strict official routine. reduce (re-dus'), v.t. to bring into a lower state ; degrade ; diminish ; con- quer ; shorten ; reclaim to order ; bring or change (numbers or quan- tities) from one denomination into another ; bring into classes. reducible ('si-bl), adj. capable of being reduced. reduction (-duk'shun), n. the act of reducing; the state of being re- duced ; diminution ; conquest or sub- jugation ; the changing of quantities* from one denomination to another ; the process of converting a metallic oxide into metal by the expulsion of the oxygen contained in it. redundance (-dun'dans), n. super- fluity ; excess. Also redundancy. redundant ('dant), adj. superfluous. reduplicate (-dup'li-kat), v.t. to double again ; repeat ; multiply. reduplication (-ka'shun), n; the act of reduplicating. red-wing (red' wing), n. a kind of thrush. ree (re), n. a Portuguese and Bra- zilian money of account, the 1,000th part of a milree. Also rea, rei. reed (red), n. a large, coarse grass, of the genus Arundo, with jointed hollow stems ; a pastoral pipe ; , mouth tube of a musical instru- ment; the comb-shaped part of a loom which beats the weft up to the web ; an arrow. reef (ref ) , n. that part of a sail which can be reduced by being drawn in by small ropes running in eyelet holes ; a chain of rock lying at or near the surface of the water : v.t. to reduce the size of (a sail) by means of reefs. reefer ('er), n. one who, for the pur- pose of plunder, entices vessels in distress by false signals to come among rocks ; a midshipman ; a rough kind of jacket. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrth, not; boon^ book ; hue, hut ; think, theut vee 663 ref reek (rek), n. smoke; steam: vA. to emit smoke or steam. reeky ('i), adj. smoky; made foul by smoke or steam. reel (rel), n. a turning frame for winding yarn, &c. ; bobbin ; an an- gler's implement for winding his line upon ; a. stagger ; a lively r^cotch dance : v.t. to wind on a reel : v.i. to stagger ; perform a reel. reeve (rev), n. a bailiff or steward; the female of the ruff; v.t. to pass the end of (a rope) through any hole. refection (re-fek'shun), n. a light repast. refectory ('to-ri), n. an eating room or hall. refer (-fer'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. referred, p.pr. referring], to submit to an- other person or authority for infor- mation, corroboration, or decision : v.i. to allude ; have relation ; appeal ; hint. referable (ref'er-a-bl), adj. that may be referred ; ascribable. referee (ref-er-e'), n. one to whom anything is referred for decision ; an umpire. reference ('er-ens), n. the act of re- ferring; allusion; one who, or that which, is referred to ; trial or deci- sion by referees. referential (-en'shal), adj, pertain- ing to, or referring to, something else. referrible (re-fer'i-bl), same as ref- erable. refine (-fm'), v.t. to separate from impurities ; clear from dross ; pol- ish ; educate or improve : v.i. to be- come fine or pure ; improve in ac- curacy or delicacy. refinement ('ment), n. the act of re- fining; state of being refined; ele- gance ; polish ; purity of taste, mind, morals, &c. ; affectation of elegant or subtle improvements. refinery ('er-i), n. [pi. refineries (-iz)], a place where anything is refined or purified. refit (-fit'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. refitted, p.pr. refitting], to make fit for use again ; prepare or fit afresh : v.i. to repair damages, especially dam- ages of ships : n. the renewal of that which is damaged or worn, especially of parts of a ship. reflect (-flekf), v.t. to throw back, especially rays of light or heat after striking on any substance : v.i. to be thrown back, as rays of light, &c. ; consider in the mind ; cast re- proach or censure (with upon). reflectible ('i-bl), adj. capable of being reflected. reflecting ('ing), p.adj. making re- flection ; thoughtful ; casting re- proach or censure. reflection (-flek'shun), n. the act of reflecting; state of being reflected; that which is reflected; the turning of thought back upon past experi- ences or ideas ; attentive considera- tion ; reproach or censure. Also re- flexion. reflective ('tiv), adj. throwing back images or rays ; considering the operations of the mind or things of the past ; reflexive. reflectively (-li), adv. in a reflective manner. reflectiveness (-nes), n. the power or habit of reflection. reflector ('ter), n. one who, or that which, reflects ; a polished surface reflecting rays of light or heat. reflex ('fleks), adj. bent or turned back ; directed backwards ; illumi- nated by light reflected from another part of the same picture ; noting the action of the motor nerves acting independently of the will under stimulus from impressions made on the sensory nerves ; n. reflected light, &c. reflexibility <-i-biri-ti), n. the qual- ity of being reflexible. reflexible ('i-bl), adj. capable of be- ing reflected. reflexive ('iv), adj. reflective; hav- ing respect to something past; re- ferring back to the grammatical sub- ject. reflux ('fluks), n. a flowing back. reform (-form'), v.t. to make better; change or return to a former good state; introduce improvement in or change for the better ; amend ; cor- rect; form again or anew: v.i. to abandon evil for that which is good ; become better, or amended: n. ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n5rth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ref 664 ref amendment ; change for the better, especially political change ; correc- tion. reformation (ref-6r-ma'shun) , n. the act of reforming ; state of being reformed ; amendment ; political re- dress ; the act of forming again or anew. Hefornnation, n. the great religious movement (16th century) under Martin Luther (with the). reformative ('a-tiv), adj, forming again. reformatory ('a-to-ri), adj. tending to reform : n. an institution for the detention and reformation of juve- nile offenders. reformed (-formd'), p.adj. restored to a previous good state ; amended, as noting the Protestant churches. "RefoTJXked Cliurcli (cherch), n. that section of the Protestant Church which on the Continent separated from Luther, and adopted the the- ology and ecclesiastical polity of Calvin. reformer ('er), n. one who effects a reformation, religious, moral, or po- litical. refract (-frakf), v.t. to break the natural course of, or bend from a straight line. refracted ('ed), p.adj. bent back at an acute angle ; bent from a direct course. refracting ('ing), p.adj. having the power to turn rays from a direct course. refraction (-frak'shun), n. the change from a straight line which a ray of light or heat assumes when passing through a smooth surface into a medium of greater density at any angle other than 90°. refractive ('tiv), adj. pertaining to refraction. refractorily ('to-ri-li), adv. in a re- fractory manner. refractoriness (-nes), n. perverse obstinacy; difficulty of fusion or malleability. refractory ('to-ri), adj. sullenly or perversely obstinate; difficult of fu- sion, &c. refrain (-fran'), v.t. to restrain: vA. to forbear ; abstain from action : n. burden of a song repeated at the end of each stanza. refrangibility (-fran-ji-bil'i-ti), n, the quality of being refrangible. Also refrangibleness. refrangible ('ji-bl), adj. capable of being refracted. refresh (-fresh'), v.t. to revive after fatigue or exhaustion ; reinvigorate ; restore. refreshing ('ing), adj. reanimating; reinvigorating ; cooling. refreshment ('ment), n. the act of refreshing ; state of being refreshed ; that which refreshes, as food or rest. refrigerant (-frij'er-ant), adj. cool- ing ; refreshing : 7i. a substance that cools ; a cooling medicine. Also re- frigerative. refrigerate ('er-at), v.t. to cool, or keep cool, as by a refrigerator. refrigeration (-a'shun), n. act of cooling. refrigerator ('er-a-ter), n. an ap- paratus or vessel for preserving or cooling things by means of ice, &c. refrigeratory ('er-a- to-ri), adj. cool- ing. refuge (ref'uj), n. protection from danger or distress ; shelter or asy- lum ; stronghold ; expedient or re- source. refugee (-e'), n. one who flees for protection, especially from political or religious persecution. refulgence (re-ful'jens), n. bright- ness ; flood of light ; splendor. Also refulgency. refulgent ('jent), adj. casting a bright light ; brilliant ; splendid. refund (-fund'), v.t to pay back again. ref usable (-fiiz'a-bl), adj. capable of being refused. refusal ('al), n. the act of refusing; rejection ; right to take the prefer- ence; option. refuse (-fuz'), v.t. to deny or reject, as a demand or request : v.i. to de- cline to accept ; not to comply : n. (ref'us), waste or worthless mat- ter ; rubbish : adj. rejected ; worth- less. refutable (re-fut'a-bl), adj. capable of being refuted. refutation (ref-ti-ta'shun), n. the lite, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut : think, then. ref 6 act of refuting; that which is re- futed. refute (re-fut'), v.t. to prove to be false or erroneous ; repel ; disprov,% regain (-gan'), v.t. to recover pos- session of ; get back ; reach again. regal (re'gal), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, a king ; kingly ; royal. regale (-gal')? ^-i- to entertain with something to delight the senses ; feast sumptuously : v.i. to feast. regalia (-ga'Iia), n.pl. the ensigns of sovereignty, as the crown, &c. ; royal rights or prerogatives ; decora- tions of an order or office. I*egard (re-gard'), v.t. to observe particularly ; heed ; esteem ; con- sider : respect ; value : n, attention ; respect ; consideration ; reference : pi. good wishes. regardant ('ant), adj. in heraldry, looking backwards or behind. regardful ( 'fool ) , adj. taking notice. regarding ('ing), prep, concerning. regatta (-gat'a), n. a sailing or row- ing match for prizes. regelation (-jel-a'shun), n. the act of freezing two pieces of ice with ■moist surfaces together at 32° F. regency (re'jen-si), n. the office or jurisdiction of a regent ; a body in- structed with the duties of a re- gent. regeneracy (re-jen'er-§,-si), n, the state of being regenerated. regenerate ('er-at), v.t. to renew the heart of and cause to turn to the love of God ; produce anew : adj. renewed ; reformed. regeneration (-a'shun), n. the act of regenerating; the state of being regenerated ; formation of new tis- sue to supply that which has been lost. regenerative ('er-a-tiv), adj. renew- ing. regeneratory ('er-a-to-ri), adj. hav- ing the power to regenerate. regent (re'jent), adj. exercising vi- carious authority : n. one who gov- erns in the interim during the mi- nority, absence, or disability of the sovereign ; a university teacher ; a member of a board of superintend- a reg ence of colleges and schools in the state of New York. regent-bird (-herd), n. an Austral- ian honey-eater with handsome plumage. regicidal (rej'i-sl-dal), adj. pertain- ing to a regicide or to regicide. regicide ('i-sid), n. the murder, or murderer, of a king. regime (ra-zhem'), n. mode; system or rule of government, social or political. regimen (rej'i-men), n. systematic regulation of diet or habit; rule; the grammatical regulation of one word by another. regiment (rej'i-ment), n. a number of companies of soldiers united into one body under the command of a colonel. regimental ('al), adj. pertaining to a regiment : n.pl. the uniforms worn by the troops of a regiment. regimentation (-men-ta'shun), n, enforced socialism. region (re'jun), n. a tract of land; country. register (rej'is-ter), n. an official written record ; the book containing such record ; that which registers, records, or regulates ; a list of per- sons entitled to vote ; an organ stop ; musical compass or range. registrar (-trar), n. an official who keeps a register or record. registration (-tra'shun), n. the act of inserting in a register. registry ('is-tri), n. the place where a register is kept. reglet (reg'let), n. a flat, narrow molding; a slip of wood used for separating lines or filling blank spaces in printing. regnal ('nal), adj. pertaining to a reign. regnant ('nant), adj. reigning; ex- ercising royal authority; prevalent. regression (re-gresh'un), n. retro- gression. regret (-pref), n. mental sorrow or concern for anything, as for past conduct or negligence ; remorse : v.t, [p.t. & p.p. regretted, p.pr. regret- ting], to remember with sorrow; bewail the loss or want of. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. reg w regretful ('fool), adj. full of re- gret. regretfully (-11), adv. with regret. regrettable ('a-bl), adj. admitting of, or causing, regret. regular (reg'u-lar), adj. according to rule, order, or established usage ; consistent; governed by rule; uni- form ; methodical ; exact ; fully qualified ; having sides or surfaces composed of equal figures or lines : n. a soldier belonging to a standing army ; one who is under monastic rule. regularity (-lar'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being regular; con- formity to rule ; uniformity ; method or certain order. regulate ('ti-lat), v.t. to make regu- lar; put in good order; adjust by rule. regulation (-la'shun), n. the act of regulating ; order ; method ; rule. regulator ('u-la-ter), n. one who, or that which, regulates ; a lever for regulating motion ; lever of a watch ; an accurate timepiece. regulus Cti-lus), n. a metal contain- ing more or less impurities of the ore. regurgitate (re-ger'i-tat), v.i. to be thrown or poured back. rehearsal (-her'sal), n. a recital in private prior to a public perform- ance. rehearse (-hers'), v.t. to repeat, as what has already been said or writ- ten ; tell or narrate ; recite before public performance. Reiclisratli (rikhs'rat), n. the par- liament of the Austrian empire. Heichstag ('takh), n. the German parliament. reign ( ran ) , v.i. to exercise sovereign authority ; rule ; be predominant : n. supreme power or influence ; time during which a sovereign rules. reimburse (re-im-bers'), v.t. to re- fund. reimbursement ('ment), n. refund- ing. rein (ran), n. the strap of a bridle; an instrument for curbing, restrain- ing, or governing ; power : pi. the kidneys, or parts about them ; loins ; the heart [Old Testament] : v.t. to rel govern with a bridle ; restrain ; con- trol : v.i. to check a horse with the reins. reindeer ('der), n. a large Arctic deer. reinforce (re-in-fors'), v.t. to sup- ply with new strength, support, or assistance. reinforcement ('ment), n. addi- tional support. reinstate (-in-stat'), v.t. to restore to a former state. reiteration (-it-er-a'shun), n. repe- tition. reiterative (-it'er-a-tiv), n. a word or part of a word reduplicated ; a verb noting reproduction or inten- sive action. reject (re-jekt'), v.t. to throw away as useless or vile ; refuse ; renounce ; discard. rejective (-jek'tiv), adj. tending to reject. rejection ('shun), n. the act of re- jecting. rejoice (-jois'), v.i. to feel or express joy or gladness ; exult : v.t. to make joyful. rejoicing ('ing), n. expression, sub- ject, or experience, of joy or glad- ness. rejoin (-join'), v.t. to unite again after separation : v.i. to answer a reply ; answer as the defendant to the plaintiff's replication. rejoinder ('der), n. an answer to a reply ; in law, the defendant's an- swer to the plaintiff's replication. relais (-la'), n. a narrow walk with- out the rampart of a fortification. relapse (-laps'), vA. to fall back from a state of convalescence ; return to a former bad state or habit : n. a falling into a former bad state; re- turn of a disease after convalescence or partial recovery. relapsing ('ing), p.adj. subject to relapse. relate (-laf), v.t. to tell; describe; recite ; narrate : v.i. to refer. related (-la'ted), p.adj. told or de- scribed ; allied by kindred or blood relationship. relation (-la'shun), n. the act of re- lating ; the thing related ; mutual connection between two or more &te, arm, isk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note- ndrthi not ; booOy book; hue, hut; think, then. rel 667 rel things ; proportion or ratio ; connec- tion by birth or marriage; kinsman or kinswoman. relationsliip (-ship), n. the state of being related by kindred, affinity, or other alliance. relative (rel'a-tiv), adj. having, or expressing, relation ; pertinent ; be- longing to or connected with; re- lating to a word, sentence, or clause : n. that which has relation to some- thing else ; a person connected by kinship or consanguinity ; a word which relates to its antecedent. relatively (-li), adv. comparatively. relativeness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being relative. Also rela- tivity. relator (re-la'ter), n. one who re- lates ; a prosecutor. relax (-laks'), v.t. to slacken; make less close ; render less tense, rigor- ous, or severe ; divert, as the mind ; loosen, as the bowels ; make lan- guid : vA. to take relaxation ; become less severe or close. relaxation (-a'shun), n. the act of relaxing ; state of being relaxed ; diminution of tension ; diversion or recreation. relay (-la'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. relaid, p.pr. relaying], to lay a second time : n. fresh post-horses or hunting dogs to relieve others ; new supply ; a subsidiary electric circuit. release (-les'), v.t. to set free; dis- charge; free from obligation or pen- alty : n. liberation from restraint, penalty, pain, &c. ; discharge from an obligation. relegate (rel'e-gat), v.t. to banish; consign. relegation (-ga'shun), n. the act of relegating. relent (-lent*), v.i. to grow less hard or severe ; become more tender ; yield. relenting ('ing), n. the act of becom- ing less hard or more tender or com- passionate. relessee (-les-e'), n- the person to whom a deed of release is granted. Also releasee. releasor ('er), n. the person who grants a deed of release. relevancy (rel'e-van-si), n. applica- bility; pertinence. Also relevance. relevant ('e-vant), adj. applicable; related ; pertinent. reliability (re-li-a-bil'i-ti), n. the state of being reliable. Also relia- bleness. reliable ('a-bl), adj. trustworthy. reliably ('a-bli), adv. so as to be re- lied on. reliance Cans), n. confidence; trust. reliant ('ant), adj. having reliance. relic (rel'ik), n. that which is left after the loss or decay of the rest; memorial or souvenir ; remains of a person deceased ; body or other me- morial of a saint held in religious reverence. relict ('ikt), n. a widow. relief (re-lef), n. that which miti- gates pain, grief, &c. ; release from some post of duty ; assistance given to the poor ; aid ; redress ; the pro- jection of a sculptured design from the plane surface. relier (-li'er), n. one who relies. relievable (-lev'a-bl), adj. capable of being relieved. relieve (-lev'), v.t. to free from pain, suffering, grief, &c. ; mitigate ; alle- viate ; help ; release from a post of duty. religion (re-lij'un), n. any system of faith or worship _; love and obedience towards God ; piety ; monastic vow or state. religious ('us), adj. pertaining to, characteristic of, or set apart for, religion ; godly ; pious; devotional; conscientiously exact or strict ; bound by monastic vows : n. one who is bound by monastic vows. religious-honse (-hous), n. a mon- astery or nunnery. relinqnisli (-ling'kwish), v.t. to for- sake or abandon ; quit ; leave with reluctance ; desist from ; renounce a claim to. relinqnislinient (-ment), n. the act of relinquishing ; abandonment. reliquary (rel'i-kwa-ri), n. [pi. reli- quaries (-riz)], a depository for relics ; a casket or small chest for holding relics. relique (-ek'), n. a relic [French]. relish, (rel'ish), v.t. to like the taste of ; use with pleasure ; enjoy : v.i. to have a pleasing taste : n. sensa- ftte, arm, 4sk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, nnt: boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. rcl 6( tion of flavor; taste; savor; zest; enjoyment given by anything ; pleas- ure ; inclination. reluctance (re-luk'tans), n, unwill- ingness. Also reluctancy. reluctant ('tant), adj. unwilling; disinclined. rely (-li'), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. relied, p.pr. relying], to lean upon with confidence; trust or have confidence in. remain (-man'), v.i. to continue; stay ; last ; endure ; be left in a par- ticular state or place ; be left after or out of a greater number : n.pl. a dead body ; the literary works of an author published after his death ; ruins. remand (-mandO, v.t. to recommit or send back ; remit in custody to a future time : n. the act of remand- ing; state of being remanded. remark (-mark'), v.t. to note or ob- serve ; express ; say : n. notice or ob- servation ; comment. remarkable ('a-bl), adj. worthy of notice or remark ; extraordinary ; strange ; famous ; uncommon. remarkably (-li), adv. in a remarka- ble manner. remediable (re-me'di-a-bl), adj. ad- mitting remedy. remediably (-§.-bli), adv. in a way that may be remedied. remedial ('di-al), adj. affording, or intended for, a remedy. remedially (-li), adv. by way of remedy. remedy ('e-di), n. \_pl. remedies (-diz)], that which cures a disease, or counteracts an evil ; a restora- tive ; an efficacious medicine : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. remedied, p.pr. remedy- ing], to repair or remove something evil from. remember (re-mem'ber), v.t. to re- call to mind; attend to; keep in mind with gratitude, regard, or rev- erence. remembrance ('brans), n. power of remembering ; memory ; length of time during which anything can be remembered ; recollection. remembrancer (-er), n. one who, or that which, reminds ; recorder. 3 rem remind (-mind'), v.t. to bring to the remembrance of ; put in mind. reminiscence (rem-i-nis'ens), n. re- covery of ideas ; memory ; that which is remembered. reminiscent ('ent), adj. having rec- ollection. remise (re-mlz'), v.t. to resign or surrender by deed : n. the surrender of a claim by deed. remiss (-mis'), adj. careless in the performance of duty or business; heedless ; dilatory. remission (-mish'un), n. the act of remitting ; pardon ; abatement ; re- laxation. remit (-mit'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. remit- ted, p.pr. remitting], to pardon; transmit, as money, bills, &c. ; send back : v.i. moderate or abate in vio- lence or force. remittal ( 'al ) , n. surrender ; trans- mission. remittance ('ans), n. that which is remitted ; the sending of money, bills, &c., in payment ; the sum so transmitted. remittent Cent), adj. increasing and abating alternately. remnant (rem'nant), n. that which is left after a part has been re- moved ; remainder. remonetize (re-mon'e-tiz), v.t. to re- store to circulation in the shape of money. remonstrance (-mon'strans), n. strong representation against some- thing complained of; expostulation. remonstrant ('strant), adj. expos- tulatory. remonstrate ('strat), v.i. to urge or put forward strong reasons against some act or course complained of; expostulate. remorse (re-mors'), n. anguish of mind caused by the sense of guilt ; sympathetic sorrow ; compunction. remorseful ('fool), adj. full of re- morse. remorsefully (-li), adv. with re- morse. remorseless ('les), adj. cruel; mer- ciless. remote (-mot'), adj. distant in time or space ; far ; prin^ary ; alien ; for- eign ; inconsiderable. ate, arm, ask, at, awl me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, book; hue, hut; think, then. not ; boon, Tern Tei» remotely ('li), adv. at a distance. remoteness ('nes), n. distance. removability (-moov-a-bil'l-ti), n. the quality of being removable. removable ('a-bl), adj. capable of being removed. removal ('al), n. the act of removing or displacing ; change of place ; dis- missal ; act of putting an end to. remove (-moov'), v.t. to put from its place ; withdraw ; cut off, or kill : v.i. to change place ; change resi- dence : n. change of place ; removal ; promotion ; class. removed (-moovd'), p.adj, remote; displaced. remunerable (-mu'ner-a-bl), adj. that may be remunerated. remunerate (-mti'ner-at), v.i. to re- ward as an equivalent for service ; recompense. remuneration (-a'shun), n. pay- ment for service ; recompense ; re- ward. remunerative ('ner-a-tiv),, adj. yield- ing an equivalent return for outlay ; lucrative ; profitable. remuneratory ('ner-a-to-ri), adj. yielding remuneration ; profitable. Renaissance (-na-sangs'), n. revival of letters and arts in the 15th cen- tury ; the style of architecture that succeeded the Gothic ; the classic decm-ative style revived by the artist Raphael. Also Renascence. renal (re'nal), adj. pertaining to the kidneys. renard, another form of reynard. renascent (re-nas'ent), adj. coming again into being. rencontre (rang-kong'tr) , n. a casual meeting in opposition or contest ; collision : v.i. to meet an enemy un- expectedly; to come in collision. Also recounter. rend (rend), v.t. Ip.t. & p.p. rent, p.pr. rending], to tear apart with violence ; split ; lacerate : v.i. to be- come rent. render (ren'der), v.t. to return; pay back ; make up ; deliver ; afford ; yield ; furnish ; reproduce ; trans- late ; cause to be boiled down ; ex- hibit : n. payment of rent. rendering (-ing), n. a translation; version ; execution ; first coat of plaster. rendezvous (ran'da-vo5 or ren'de- voo), w. appointed place of meeting, especially for warships or troops : v.i. to assemble. rendition (ren-dish'un), n. surren- der ; translation. renegade (ren'e-gad), n. one who re- nounces his faith ; apostate ; traitor ; deserter. renew (re-nii'), v.t. to make new ^^ again ; restore ; renovate ; reinvig- " orate: v.i. to be made new; begin afresh ; grow again. renewal ('al), n. the act of renew- ing; state of being renewed; reno- vation ; revival. reniform (ren'i-form), adj. kidney- shaped. rennet (ren'et), n. the inner mem- brane of a calf's stomach : used for coagulating milk. renounce (re-nouns), v.t. to disown; reject publicly and finally ; repudi- ate ; reject : v.i. in card playing, not to follow suit : n, failure to follow suit. renouncement, same as renuncia- tion. renovate (ren'6-vat), v.t. to make new again ; restore to a previous condition, or to a good state; re- _pair. renovation (-va'shun), n, renewal; state of being renovated. renovator ( 'o-va-ter ) , n. one who, or that which, renovates ; restorer. renown (-noun'), n. celebrity; fame; distinction : v.t. to make famous. renowned (-nound'), p. adj. cele- brated ; famous ; illustrious ; dis- tinguished. rent (rent), n. a tear; fissure; schism ; periodical payment for the use of property : p.t. & p.p. of rend. rental ( 'al ) , n. amount of rent ; schedule of rents of an estate ; rent- roll. renter (rent'er), n. one who holds an estate or tenements by payment of rent. rent-roll (rent'rol), n. a schedule of income derived from rents. renunciation (re-nun-si-a'shun), n, disavowal ; rejection. ate, 'arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. rep 670 rep rep (rep), o(?y.' having a fine corded surface : n. a dress fabric with a fine corded surface. repair (re-par'), ri. to go to a (spec- ified) place; betake one's self: v.t. to restore after injury ; mend ; reno- vate ; make amends : n. restoration after injury ; state of a building. reparable (rep'a-ra-bl), adj. capable of being repaired. reparation (-a-ra'shun), n, restora- tion to a good condition ; amends or compensation ; restitution. reparative (re-par'a-tiv), adj. amending defects ; repairing. repartee (rep-ar-te'), n. a ready, wit- ty reply. repast (re-past'), n. a meal ; victuals. repeal (-pel'), v.t. to revoke or abro- gate; annul; n. revocation; abro- gation. repeat (-pet'), v.t. to do or speak a second time ; iterate ; recite ; quote from memory: w.. repetition ; a sign in music directing a part to be repeated. repeater ('er), n. one who, or that which, repeats ; revolver ; a watch that strikes the hours, &c., by press- ing a spring; a decimal in which the same figure or figures are re- peated ; one who illegally votes more than once at the same election. repel (-pel'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. repelled, p.pr. repelling], to drive back; re- sist ; check the advance of : v.i. to act in opposition to force impressed ; check or drive inwards. repellent ('ent), adj. driving back; tending or able to repel ; repulsive. repent (-pent'), v.i. to feel pain or sorrow on account of something done or left undone, especially for sin committed leading to repent- ance ; change from past evil : v.t. to regret [Old Testament]. repentance (-pen'tans), n. contri- tion. repentant ('tant), adj. penitent. repertoire (rep-er-twar'), n. a repos-^ itory; stock of dramas, songs, &c., ready for use. repertory (-to-ri), n. a storehouse; treasury. repetition (-e-tish'un), n. the act of repeating; recital from memory. repine (re-pin'), v.i. to fret one's self ; murmur ; complain ; feel dis- content. replenish (-plen'ish), v.t. to fill up again ; fill or stock in abundance. replenisliment (-ment), n. the act of replenishing; state of being re- plenished. replete (-plet') , adj. completely filled ; full. repletion, (-ple'shun), n. the state of being too full ; plethora. replevin (-plev'in), n. an action to recover goods wrongfully seized, on security being given to try the case ; writ for replevying. replevy ('i), v.t. [p.t, & p.p. replev- ied, p.pr. replevying], to recover by writ goods wrongfully seized, on giv- ing security to try the right to them at law. replica (rep'li-ka), n. 2l copy of an original picture or statue executed by the same artist or sculptor. replicate ('li-kat), adj. folded back. replication (-ka'shun), n. a reply; echo ; repetition ; the plaintiff's an- swer to the plea of the defendant. replier (re-pli'er), n. one who .re- plies. reply (-pll'), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. replied, p.pr. replying], to answer; respond: n. an answer ; response ; rejoiner. report (-port'), v.t. to give an ac- count of ; relate ; tell f romp one to another ; circulate publicly ; take down (spoken words) : v.i. to make a statement : n. an official statement of facts ; description, an account of a meeting, &c. ; rumor ; hearsay ; noise. reportorial (-por-to'ri-al), adj. per- taining to, or constituted by, re- porters. reposal (-poz'al), n. state of repose. repose (-poz'), v.t. to lay to rest; re- fresh by rest; compose; lay, place, or rest, as confidence or trust (with in or on) : v.i. to sleep ; recline : n. sleep ; quiet ; mental rest ; certain parts in a picture which tranquilize its aspect. repository (-poz'i-to-ri), n. [pi. re- positories (-riz)], a warehouse for the storing and safe keeping of goods ; shop or warehouse. ate, arm, isk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. rep 671 rep repousse (re-poos'a), n. ornamental metal work formed in relief and chased. reprehend (rep-re-hend'), v.t. to cen- sure. reprehensible (-hen'si-bl), adj. de- serving censure ; culpable. reprehensibly (-bli), adv. in a rep- rehensible manner. reprehension ('shun), n. censure; reproof. reprehensive ('siv), adj. given to, or containing, reproof. Also re- prehensory. represent (rep-re-zent'), v.t. to ex- hibit the image of ; show ; describe. ; give an account of ; personate or act the part of; reproduce; to pre- sent again (re-pre-zent'). representation (-zen-ta'shun), n. the act of representing; that which represents ; portrayal ; description ; likeness ; image or picture ; dramat- ic performance ; body of representa- tives ; statement of arguments or reasons. representative ('ta-tiv), adj. having the power or character of another ; exhibiting a similitude ; typical : n. one who is authorized to act for another or others; deputy or dele- gate, especially one chosen by a body of electors ; a member of the popular branch of Congress or of a State Legislature ; he who, or that which, represents or exhibits a likeness ; an heir. repress (-pres'), v.t. to check or re- strain ; crush ; quell. repression (-presh'un) , n. the act of repressing. repressive (-pres'iv), adj. serving to repress. repressively (-li), adv. so as to re- press. reprieve (-prev'), v.t. to grant a respite to ; delay the execution of : n. temporary suspension of a crim- inal sentence. reprimand (rep'ri-mind), v.t. to re- prove severely ; reprove publicly and officially : n. a severe reproof. reprisal (re-priz'al), n. something done or seized by way of retaliation for an injury or wrong suffered. reproach (-proch'), v.t. to censure severely ; upbraid : n. severe blame mingled with contempt; object of scorn ; shame or disgrace. reproachful ('fool), adj. containing, or expressing, reproach. reproachfully (-li), adv. in a re- proachful manner. reprobate (rep'ro-bat), v.t. to con- demn strongly or with detestation; disown : adj. wholly given . up to sin ; abandoned ; depraved : n. a profligate person. reprobation (-ba'shun), n. the act of reprobating; abandonment to eternal destruction ; condemnation. reproof (-proof), n. censure; re- buke. reprove (-proov'), v.t. to censure or blame ; reprimand ; rebuke. reptile (rep'til), n. an animal of the class Reptilia that creeps or crawls on the ground ; a mean, groveling person : adj. creeping ; crawling ; groveling. reptilian (til'i-an), adj. pertaining to, or like, a reptile. Also reptilious. republic (re-pub'lik), n. sl state or country in which the supreme power is vested in representatives elected by popular vote ; commonwealth. republican ('lik-an), adj. pertaining to, characteristic of, or consisting of, a republic : n. one who favors republican government. Republican ('lik-an), n. a member of the Republican party, one of the two principal political parties in the United States. republicanism (-izm), n. the prin- ciples of a republican government; attachment to such principles. republicanize (-iz), v.t. to form into a republic; convert to republi- can ideas. republication (-li-ka'shun), n. the act of republishing ; re-impression of a printed book ; second publication. republish ('lish), v.t. to publish anew ; print a new edition of. repudiate (-pu'di-at), v.t. to dis- own or disclaim; refuse to pay or acknowledge ; disavow. repudiation (-a'shun), n. the act of repudiating; disavowal; rejection. repudiator ('di-a-ter), n. one who I repudiates. ate, arm, &sk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. rep 672 rea repugnance (-pug'nans), n. aver- sion ; reluctance ; dislike. Also re- pugnancy. repugnant ('nant), adj. highly dis- tasteful or offensive ; contrary ; hos- tile. repulse (puis'), v.t. to drive back; beat off ; repel : n. the state of being driven back or repelled; refusal; denial. repulsion (-pul'shun), n. the act of driving back; state of being re- pelled; the power by which certain bodies or their molecules recede from each other ; aversion. repulsive ('siv), adj. tending to re- pel ; forbidding ; disgusting. repulsively (-li), adv. in a repulsive inanner. repulsiveness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being repulsive. reputable (rep'u-ta-bl), adj. es- teemed ; honorable ; respectable. reputably ('u-ta-bli), n. in a reputa- ble manner. reputation (-ta'shun), n. good name or character ; honor ; credit. repute (-put'), v.t. to estimate; deem : n. estimation ; character ; rep- utation, request (-kwest'), n. desire ex- pressed ; petition ; prayer ; demand ; entreaty : v.t. to ask for. requiem (re'kwi-em), n. a mass, or musical setting of a mass, for the repose of the soul or a person de- ceased. require (re-kwir'), v.t. to ask for or claim as by right or authority ; de- mand ; exact ; need. requirement ('ment), n. the act of requiring ; that which is required ; demand ; necessity. requisite (rek'wi-zit), adj. needful; indispensable : n. anything requisite. requisitely (-li), adv. in a requisite manner. requisiteness (-nes), n. necessity. requisition (-wi-zish'un)_, n. the act of requiring ; that which is required ; demand, especially a written one : v.t. to demand ; make a requisition upon. requital (-kwit'al), n. retaliation. requite (-kwif), v.t. to make return for treatment, good or evil ; recom- pense ; retaliate ; revenge. reremouse (rer'mous), n. the bat. rescind (re-sind'), v.t. to annul ; re- voke. rescission (-sizh'un), n. the act of annulling. rescript ('skript), n. an edict or de- cree, especially of an emperor or pope in answer to some question of jurisprudence officially submitted to him, and having the force of a law. rescue (res'ku), v.t. to set free from danger, restraint, or violence ; lib- erate ; deliver : n. deliverance from danger, restraint, or violence ; forci- ble retaking of persons or goods de- tained by legal authority. research, (-serch'), n. laborious, care- ful inquiry or investigation : v.t. to search again ; investigate carefully and diligently. resemblance (-zem'blans), n. like- ness. resemble (-zem'bl), v.t. to have a likeness to ; have similarity to. resent (zent'), v.t. to consider as an injury or affront ; take ill ; be angry in consequence of. resentful ('fool), adj. easily pro- voked to anger ; full of resentment. resentfully (-li), adv. with resent- ment. resentment ('ment), n. strong anger or displeasure ; deep sense of injury. reservation (rez-er-va'shun), n. any- thing kept back or reserved ; clause, proviso, or limitation, by whicn something is reserved ; public land reserved for some particular use, as schools, &c. reserve (re-zerv'), v.t. to keep in store ; hold back for future use ; re- tain : n. that which is retained for future use ; closeness or caution in speaking or acting ; taciturnity ; modesty : pi. troops kept for the support of an army or to meet any contingency. reservoir (rez'er-vwar), n. a place where anything (usually fluids and liquids) is collected and stored up. for use. resetter (re-set'er), n. one who re- sets or places again. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. not ; boon, res 673 res reside (re-zid'), v.i. to dwell or in- habit ; live. residence (rez'i-dens), n. place of abode ; domicile ; act of residing. residency (-den-si), n. in India, the official residence of the British Min- ister. residential ('shal), n. pertaining to, containing or suitable for, residents. residual ( re-zid'u-al ) , adj. remain- ing after a part has been taken away. residuary ('u-a-ri), adj. pertaining to, or constituting, the residue ; re- lating or entitled to the remainder of an estate, &c., after deducting ' legal expenses. residue (rez'i-du), n. remainder. residuum (re-zid'ti-um), n. that which is left after a chemical proc- ess. resign (-zin') , v.t. to yield to another ; surrender formally ; withdraw from ; submit calmly ; sign again ( re-sin' ) . resignation (rez-ig-na'shun), n. the act of resigning; state of being re- signed ; calm submission or acqui- escence ; patience. resilient (re-zil'i-ent), adj. springing back. resin (rez'in), n. a solid inflammable substance obtained from various trees which exude it in the form of gum. resinous (-us), adj. containing, con- sisting of, or like, resin. resist (re-zisf), v.t. to oppose; with- stand ; thwart ; strive against : v.i. to make opposition or resistance, resistance (-zis'tans), n. the act of resisting ; opposition ; power of a body that acts in opposition to an- other ; in photography, contrast of light and shade. resistant ('tant), adj. offering re- sistance : n. one who, or that which, resists. resistibility (-zist-i-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being resistible. resistible ('i-bl), adj. capable of re- sisting. resistibly (-bli), adv. in a resistible manner. resistless ('les), n. irresistible. resoluble (rez'6-lu-bl), adj. capable of being melted or resolved. resolute ('6-lut), adj. determined; having a fixed purpose; decided; firm ; steady. resolutely ('li), adv, in a resolute manner. resoluteness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being resolute. resolution (-lu'shun), n. the act of resolving ; state of being resolved ; analysis ; fixed determination ; con- stancy of purpose ; formal proposal in a legislative assembly or public meeting ; solution. resolution of forces (for'sez), the dividing of a force into two or more, which would have the same effect as if it acted alone. resolutive ('o-lu-tiv), adj. having the power to dissolve. resolvability (re-zol-va-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being resolvable. Re- sol vableness. resolvable ('va-bl), adj. capable of being resolved. resolve (-zolv'), v.t. to reduce to constituent parts ; analyze ; free from doubt or difficulty ; clear or separate ; solve ; settle in an opin- ion ; decide ; determine by vote ; dis- perse, as a tumor, &c. ; carry a dis- cord into a concord [music] : v.i. to determine ; pass a formal resolution. resolved (-zolvd'), p.adj. determined; firm.. resolvent (-zol'vent), adj. having the power of resolving ; causing solu- tion : n. a medicine to disperse a tumor, &c. resonance (rez'6-nans), n. the qual- ity of being resonant. Also resonancy. resonant ('o-nant), adj. returning sound. resort (-z6rt'), "y.-^. to betake one's self ; go often ; have recourse ; ap- ply : n. place much frequented ; con- course ; resource. resound (-zound'), v.i. & v.t. to re- verberate ; be re-echoed ; spread the fame or renown of ; send back sound ; echo; sound again (re-sound'). resource (-sors'), w. source of help or supply ; an expedient to which one resorts : pi. money ; means of any kind. resp (resp), n. a disease of sheep. respect (re-spekt'), n. regard; ex- ftte, arm, &sk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, *7ien. ^es 674 feg pression of esteem ; deference ; man- ner of treating others; respectful demeanor ; point, reference, or par- ticular ; pi. expression of good-will or regard : v.t. to honor or esteem ; have relation to. respectability (-a-biri-ti), n, the state or quality of being respectable. respectable ('a-bl), adj. capable or worthy of respect ; held in good re- pute ; moderate in excellence or num- ber. respectably (-bli), adv. in a respect- able manner. respectful ('fool), adj. characterized by respect. respectfully (-li), adv. with respect. respecting ('ing), prep, concerning. respective ('iv), adj. relating to a particular person or thing; not ab- solute; relative. respectively (-11), adv. as each be- longs to each; not absolutely. respirability (-spir-a-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being respirable. Re- spirableness. respirable ('a-bl), adj. that may be, or is fit to be, breathed. respiration (res-pi-ra'shun), n. the act or process of breathing; relief from toil. respirator ('pi-ra-ter), n. a network contrivance for covering the mouth and protecting the lungs from cold, fog, &c. .respiratory ('pi-ra-to-ri), adj. per- taining to, or serving for, respira- tion. respire (-spir'), v.t. to draw air into the lungs and expel it again ; breathe; inhale: v.t. to breathe in and out, as air. respite (res'pit), n. pause or tempo- rary cessation of anything ; delay ; interval of rest ; reprieve : v.t. to grant a respite to ; suspend the exe- cution of. resplendence (re-splen'dens) , n. bril- liant luster ; intense light. Also resplendency. resplendent ('dent), adj. shining with brilliant luster; intensely bright. respond (-spond'), v.i. to answer or reply ; be liable for payment : v.t. to pay : n, a short anthem sung be- tween the reading of the lessons, respondent ('ent), adj. giving re- sponse: n. one who answers or re- plies ; one who maintains a thesis in reply ; one who answers to a suit at law. respondentia (-spon-den'shi-^), n, a loan on the security of a ship's cargo. response (-spons'), n. the act of answering ; reply ; in a liturgical service, the answer of the congrega- tion to the priest. responsible ('i-bl), adj. involving responsibility ; answerable ; liable. responsibly ('i-bli), adv. in a re- sponsible manner. responsive ('siv), adj. answering; correspondent. responsively (-li), adv. in a respon- sive manner. responsiveness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being responsive. responsory ('o-ri), adj. containing answer : n. the answer of the con- gregation to the priest in a liturgical service. rest (rest), n. cessation from motion or disturbance ; quiet ; peace ; re- pose ; sleep ; death ; place of quiet or repose ; trust ; interval of silence and its sign [music]; remainder: v.i. to cease from motion or action-; repose ; be quiet ; sleep ; die ; stand , be satisfied ; lean : v.t. to lay to rest; place. restaurant (res'to-rant, or-to-rang), n. a house for refreshment ; an eat- ing-house. restaurateur (-ra-ter) , n. the keeper of a restaurant. restful ('fool), adj. full of rest; quiet. restfuUy (-li), adv. in a restful man- ner. restitution (-ti-tti'shun), n. the act of making good any loss, injury, or damage ; compensation ; amends. restive (res'tiv), adj. unwilling to go forward ; stubborn ; obstinate ; uneasy. restively (-li), adv. in a restive man- ner. restiveness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being restive. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 675 vet restorable (re-stor'§.-bl), adj. capa- ble of being restored. restoration (res-to-ra'shun), n. the act of restoring ; renewal ; repair. restorative ( re-stor'a-tiv ) , adj. ca- pable of restoring : n. a re-invigorat- ing medicine. restoratively (-li), adv. so as to re- store. restore (-stor'), v.t. to bring back to its former strength ; repair ; rebuild ; heal or cure ; re-invigorate ; renevs^ ; amend ; reclaim ; store again. restrain (-stran'), v.t. to cheek; re- press. restraint (-strant'), n. the act of restraining: state of being re- strained ; limitation. restrict (-strikf), v.t. to confine or limit. restriction (-strik'shun), n. the act of restricting ; limitation ; confine- ment. restrictive ('tiv), adj. imposing re- straint. restrictively (-li), adv. with restric- tion. result (-zult')> v.i. to follow as c consequence ; to come to a decision ; ensue ; decree : n. conclusion or con- sequence. resultant (ant), adj. following as a result : n. a single force compounded of two or more forces and represent- ing their combined effects. resulting ('ing), p. adj. following as a result or consequence. resume (ra-zu-ma'), n. a summary. resume (-zum'), v.t. to take up again after interruption ; begin again ; take back. resumption (re-zump'shun), n. the act of resuming. resurrection (rez-er-ek'shun), n. a rising again from the dead ; moral revival. resurrectionist (-ist), n. formerly a man who disinterred dead bodies for sale for anatomical purposes. resuscitate (re-sus'i-tat), v.t. to re- vive from apparent death ; revivify. resuscitation (-ta'shun), n. the act of resuscitating ; state of being re- suscitated. resuscitative ('i-ta-tiv), adj. tend- ing to resuscitate ; restorative. resuscitator ('i-ta-ter), n. one who, or that which, resuscitates. ret (ret), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. retted, p.pr. retting], to steep in water to sepa- rate the fibers of a substance, as flax, by incipient rotting. retail (re-tal'), v.t. to sell in small quantities; sell second-hand: n. (re'- tal) sale of goods in small quanti- ties : adj. dealing in small quantities or second-hand. retain (-tan'), v.t. to hold or keep in possession ; detain ; engage by a fee prepaid. retainer {'er), n. one who, or that which, retains ; a dependent ; at- tendant ; preliminary retaining fee paid to counsel. retaliate (-tal'i-at), v.t. to return by giving like for like (usually in an ill sense). retaliation (-a'shun), n. the act o! retaliating. retaliative ('i-a-tiv), adj. returning like for like ; vindictive. Also re- taliatory. retard (-tard'), v.t. to hinder or ob- struct ; delay ; keep back. retardation (-tiir-da'shun), n. the act of retarding ; hindrance ; post- ponement. retar dative ('da-tiv), at?/, tending to retard. retch (rech), v.i. to try to vomit; strain in vomiting. retention (re-ten'shun), n. the act of holding back ; power of retaining, especially ideas. retentive ('tiv), adj. having the power to retain. retentively (-li), adv. with reten- tiveness. retentiveness (-nes), n. the quality of being retentive. reticence (ret'i-sens), n. silence; re- serve. reticent ('i-sent), adj. silent; re- served. reticular (-tik'u-iar), adj. formed with interstices. reticulate ('u-lat), adj. formed of, or resembling, net-work. reticule (ret'i-ktil), n. a lady's hand- bag or workbag; a telescopic eye- piece across which is stretched a network of very fine material for ate, arm, dsk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. A j*et 676 vet dividing the field of view into small equal squares. retiform (re'ti-fOrm), adj, net- shaped. retina (ret'i-na), n. one of the coats of the eye, containing the ends of the sensory nerves v^hich receive the impressions which give rise to vis- ion. retinitis (-i-ni'tis), n. inflammation of the retina. retinue ('i-nu), n. the suite or at- tendants of a prince or person of distinction ; train. retiracy (re-tir'a-si), n. the state of having retired ; competency. retire (-tir'), v.i. to go to a place of privacy ; withdraw ; retreat ; recede ; withdraw from business, official, or active life : to go to bed. retired (-tird'), adj. secluded from society; having given up business, &c. ; private. retirement (-tir'ment), n. the act of retiring ; state of being retired ; privacy; solitude. retiring ('ing), adj. reserved, not obtrusive ; assigned, as a pension, to an official retiring from the public service, &c. retort (-tort'), 'v.t. to return, as an argument, incivility, censure, accu- sation, &c. : v.i. to make a retort : n. censure, incivility, &c., returned ; sharp reply ; a vessel used in distill- ing and decomposing substances. retonch (-tuch'), v.t. to touch again; improve by going over a work of art to restore faded parts, &c. retract i^-trakt'), v.t. to draw, or take back ; recall ; rescind ; recant : v.i. to withdraw something pre- viously said or written : n. the prick of a horse's foot in nailing a horse- shoe. retractible ('i-bl), adj. capable of being retracted. Also retractile, re- tractable. retractation (-trak-ta'shun), n. the act of retracting ; recantation ; dis- avowal. Also retraction. retractor ('ter), n. one who re- tracts ; a muscle or instrument for drawing back. retreat (-tret'), n. the act of with- drawing or retiring ; retirement or seclusion ; place of privacy ; shelter ; the retiring of an army or body of troops from the face of an enemy or an advanced position ; signal for re- tiring from an engagement, or to quarters : v.i. to withdraw to seclu- sion or place of safety ; retire before an enemy. retrench, (-trench'), v.t. to furnish with a retrenchment: v.i, cut down expenses. retrenclinient ('ment), n. curtail- ment ; reduction of expenses ; a mil- itary work constructed inside an- other to resist an enemy who has forced the outer one. retribution (ret-ri-bti'shun), n. re- ward or punishment suitable to the action ; distribution of rewards or punishments in future life at the final judgment. retributive (re-trib'ii-tiv), adj. re- warding for good deeds and punish- ing for offenses. Also retributory, retrievable (-trev'a-bl), adj. capable of being retrieved. retrievableness (-nes), n. the state of being retrievable. retrievably ('a-bli), adv. in a re- trievable manner. retrieve (-trev'), v.t. to recover; re- store ; regain : v.i. to act as a re- triever. retriever ('er), n. a variety of dog trained to fetch game. retro, a prefix meaning "bach, hack- wards, as retrospect, a review of the past. retrocede ('re-tro-sed') , v.t. to cede or grant back. retrocession (-sesh'un), n. the act of going back. retrograde ('tro-grad), adj. going or moving backwards ; apparently mov- ing from east to west as a planet; going from a better to a worse moral condition ; becoming less highly or- ganized : v.i. to go backwards. retrogression (-gresh'un), n. the act of going backward. retrogressive, same as retrograde. retrospect, see under retro. retrospection (-spek'sfeun), n. the act or faculty of looking back on the past. retrospective ('tiv), adj. looking ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ret 677 rev back on things past; referring to past things. retrospectively (-li), adv. in a re- trospective manner. retroversion (-ver'shun), n. a turn- ing or falling backward. return (re-tern'), v.i. to come back again to the same place or state ; revisit ; retort : v.t. to repay ; re- store ; requite ; elect ; reply or report officially : n. ,the act of going back or returning ; retrogression ; repay- ment ; requital ; restitution ; remit- tance ; advantage ; profit ; official re- port. returning officer ('ing of'i-ser), n. an official whose duty it is to preside at an election, make returns to writs, juries, &c. retuse (-tus'), adj. very blunt; hav- ing the extremity broad and slight- ly depressed. reunion (re-ti'nyun), n. a festive gathering of familiar friends or as- sociates ; act of reuniting. reunite (-ii-mt'), v.t. to unite again ; reconcile after variance : v.i. become united again. reveal (re-vel'), v.t. to make known; disclose: n. the vertical side of a doorway, window, &c. reveille (rev-el-e' or re-val'ye), n. the beat of a drum, or bugle call at daybreak to awaken soldiers. revel (rev'el), n. a noisy or riotous feast : v.i. to feast with joyous or clamorous merriment. revelation (-a'shun), n. the act of revealing or making known, espe- cially Divine truth ; that which is revealed, especially by God to man. reveler ('el-er), n. one who revels. revelry (-ri), n. boisterous festivity. revenge (re-venj'), v.t. to inflict pain or punishment because of ; exact re- tribution for ; avenge : n. the act of revenging ; malicious injuring in re- turn for an injury or offense re- ceived ; retaliation ; malice. revengeful ('fool), adj. vindictive. revengefully (-li), adv. vindictively. revenue (rev'e-nu), n. the general income of a state, derived from the annual taxes, excise, customs, &c. ; annual profits from lands, &c. reverberate (re-ver'ber-at), v.t. to send back, as sound ; re-echo : v.i, to be driven back, or reflected, as sound or light. reverberation (-a'shun), n. the act of reverberating. reverberatory ('ber-a-t5-ri), adj. pertaining to, or characterized by, or produced by, reverberation : n. a domed furnace which reflects the flame upon a vessel placed within it, without being in contact with the fuel. revere (ver'), v.t. to regard with fear mingled with respect and affec- tion ; reverence. reverence (rev'er-ens), n. venera- tion ; honor ; respect ; act of obei- sance ; a title given to the clergy (with his, your) : v.t. to regard with reverence. reverend (-end), adj. worthy of rev- erence. Ke ver end (-end), n. a title given to the clergy. reverent (-ent), adj. showing, or ex- pressive of, reverence ; humble ; sub- missive. ■ reverential (-en'shal), adj. proceed- ing from reverence ; respectful. reverentially (-li), adv. with rever- ence. reverie ('er-i), n. deep musing; wake- ful dreaminess ; irrregular train of thoughts or fancies in meditation. reversal (re-ver'sal), n. the act of reversing ; overthrow or annulling ; repeal. reverse (-vers'), adj. turned btick- ward ; having an opposite direction ; made or declared void : v.t. to turn upside down; change entirely: n. the contrary or opposite; back of a coin or medal; change; vicissitude; defeat. reversible ('i-bl), adj. capable of be- ing reversed. reversion ('shun), n. right to future possession or enjoyment; tendency of an animal or plant to revert to its original form, &c. reversionary (-a-ri), adj. pertaining to, or involving, right of reversion. revert (-vert'), v.t. to turn back; change; reverse: v.i. to return or fall back ; return to the original owner or his heirS. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. rev 678 rlia revertible ('i-bl), adj. capable of being reverted. revest (-vest'), v.i, to return to a former ow^ner. revetment (-vet'ment), n. in fortifi- cation, a strong wall erected round the lower part of the rampart ; a re- taining wall. review (-vti'), v.i. to consider over again ; re-examine ; look back ; re- vise ; examine critically ; inspect (troops, &c.) ; write a critical notice of : n. the act of reviewing ; re-ex- amination ; survey of the past ; criti- cism, especially of a new publica- tion ; a periodical with criticisms on new books, essays, &c. ; inspection of troops, &c. revile (-vil'), v.t. to address with opprobrious or contumelious lan- guage ; reproach. revise (-viz'), v.t. to review and amend ; examine for correction : n. a revision ; second proof-sheet. revision (-vizh'un), n. the act of ex- amining for correction ; that which is revised. revival (-vi'val), n. the act of re- viving; recovery; renewal of life; renewed performance of ; reproduc- tion ; spiritual awakening. revivalism (-izm), n. an interest in revivals of religion, or the methods of procedure to promote such. revivalist (-ist), n. one who pro- motes revivals. revive (-viv'), v.i. to recover life; return to vigor or activity, especially from a state of languor, neglect, &c. : v.t. to restore to life again ; reno- vate ; reproduce. revivify (-viv'i-fi), v.t. \_p.t. & p.p. rev'vified, p.pr. revivifying], to re- animate ; quicken. revocable (rev'o-ka-bl), adj. that may be revoked. revocation (-ka'shun), n. the act of revoking ; recall ; repeal ; reversal. revoke (-vok'), v.t. to recall; re- peal ; annul : v.i. to fail to follow suit at cards : n. the act of revoking at cards. revolt (-volt')» n. rebellion against constituted authority ; insurrection ; change of sides ; desertion : v.i, to turn away in disgust ; to rebel : v.i. overturn ; shock. revolting ('ing), p. adj. disgusting; repellent. re volute (rev'o-lut), adj. rolled back- wards. revolution (-Iti'shun), n. the act of revolving ; rotation ; change or al- teration of system ; motion of a point or line about a center ; recur- g rence or succession; fundamental b and sudden change in the govern-? ment of a country. '^ revolutionary (-a-ri), adj. pertain- ing to, tending to produce, or consti- tuting, a revolution : n. a revolution- ist. revolutionist ('shun-ist), n. one who organizes or takes part in a revolution. revolutionize ('shun-iz), v.t. to cause a revolution or entire change of government or any system. revolve (re-volv'), vA. to turn round, as on an axis ; roll in a circle ; ro- tate : v.t. to cause to turn or roll round ; meditate or reflect upon. revolver (-vol'ver), n. one who, or that which, revolves ; a pistol with revolving barrels, fired successively without reloading. revolving ('ving), adj. turning round. revulsion (-vul'shun), n. sudden and violent change, especially of feeling ; diversion of the cause of a disease from one part of the body to an- other. revulsive ('siv), adj. having the power of, or tending to, revulsion. reward (-ward'), n. something given as a return for good or ill received ; recompense ; retribution ; punish- ment; gift in token of approved rnerit : v.t. to give in return for good or ill received ; recompense ; punish. reynard (ren'ard), n. the fox. Rhadamanthine ( rad-a-man'thih ) , adj. sternly just and inflexible : from Rhadamanthus, one of the three judges in classic mythology who de- cided the fate of the souls of the de- parted in the lower world. rhapsodic (rap-sod'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or connected with, rhapsody ; ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. rlia 679 rlio unconnected ; confused. Also rhap- sodical. rhapsodist ('so-dist), n, one who makes or recites verses, especially one whose profession was to recite the Homeric or other epics. rhapsodize ('so-diz), v.i, to write or utter rhapsodies. rhapsody ('so-di), n. [pi. rhapso- dies (-diz)], any unconnected or rambling composition, composed under the influence of excitement ; part of an epic poem for recitation at one time. rhea (re'a), n. the South American ostrich. Rhenish (ren'ish), adj. pertaining to the river Rhine : n. Rhine wine. rheochord (re'o-kord), n. a metallic wire used for measuring the resist- ance or variability of an electric current. rheometer (-om'e-ter), n. an instru- ment for measuring the intensity of an electric current, rheometry ('e-tri), n. the art of measuring the intensity and velocity of electric and other currents. rheoinotor ('o-mo-ter), n. an appa- ratus by which an electrical current is generated. rheophore ('o-for), n. the connecting wire of an electric or galvanic ap- paratus. rheoscope ('o-skop), n. an apparatus for detecting an electric current. rheostat ('o-stat), n. an apparatus for regulating an electric current. rheotome ('o-tom), n. an apparatus for interrupting an electric current at stated intervals. rheotrope ('6-trop), n. an apparatus for periodically reversing the direc- tion of an electric current. rhesus ('sus), n. a monkey, held sa- cred in certain parts of India. rhetoric (ret'o-rik), n. the art of speaking with elegance and force ; declamation ; showy oratory, rhetorical (re-tor'i-kalj, adj. per- taining to rhetoric; figurative; de- clamatory. rhetorically (4i), adv. in a rhetor- ical manner. rhetorician (ret-o-rish'^n), n. a teacher of rhetoric, or one skilled in the art ; orator. rheum (room), n. the increased ac- tion of the vessels of any organ, es- pecially the lungs or nostrils, pro- ducing an increased discharge of secretions. rheumatic (-at'ik), adj. pertaining to, or affected by, rheumatism. Also rheumatical. rheumatism ('§.-tizm), n. a painful disease of the muscles and joints ac- ^companied by swelling and stiffness. rhino (ri'no), n. money: a prefico meaning the nose. Also rhin. rhinoceros (-nos'er-os), n. a large pachydermatous animal allied to the elephant, with one or two horns on the snout. rhinoplasty ('no-plas-ti), n. a surgi- cal operation by which a new nose is formed or partially restored by in- grafting new flesh. rhinoscope ('no-skop), n. an instru- ment furnished with a mirror for examining the passages of the nose. rhizome ('zom), n. a thick stem run- ning along or under the ground, pro- ducing roots below and shoots above. Also rhizoma. rhodium Cro'di-um), n. one of the metallic elements, rare and of ex- treme hardness. rhodo, a prefix meaning a rose. Rhododendron (ro-do-den'dron), n. a genus of ornamental evergreen shrubs with large handsome rose- like flowers. rhodopsin (ro-dop'sin), n. the visual purple of the retina. rhomb, same as rhombus. rhombic (rom'bik), adj. rhombus- shaped. rhombohedral (-bo-he'dral), adj, pertaining to, or formed like, a rhombohedron. rhombohedron ('dron), n. a solid figure bounded by 6 rhombic planes. rhomboid ('bold), n. a 4-sided figure having its opposite sides equal, and its angles not right angles : adj. loz- enge-shaped. Also rhomboidal. rhombus ('bus), n. a 4-sided figure whose sides are equal and the oppo- site sides parallel, but which has two of its angles obtuse and two acute ; I ate, arm, ^sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not : boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. rHn rid a genus of flat fishes, containing the turbot, &c. rliubarlj (ro5'barb) , n. a plant whose leaf-stalks used for culinary pur- poses, and its roots used in medicine as a purgative. rlnimb (rum), n. a circle making any given angle with the meridian ; a point of the compass. Tlxumb-line ('lin), n. the track of a ship which cuts all the meridians at the same angle. rhyme (rim), n. the correspondence of the sound of the last word or syl- lable of one verse or line to the sound of the last word or syllable of anoth- er ; harmonical succession of sounds ; poetry : v.i. to accord in sound ; make verses or rhymes : v.t. put into rhyme. Rime (more correctly). rliymic ('ik), adj. pertaining to rhyme. rhyme (rim), n. the correspondence measure or time in poetry or prose ; meter ; verse. rbytlimic (rith'mik), adj. pertaining to rhythm ; harmonical ; periodical. Also rhythmical. rliytlimically (-al-li), adv. in a rhythmic manner. rib (rib), n. one of the curved bones attached to the vertebral column and supporting the lateral walls of the thorax ; anything resembling a rib : a piece of timber to shape and strengthen the side of a ship; the main vein of a leaf : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. ribbed, p.pr. ribbing], to furnish, or inclose, with ribs ; form with grooves. ribald ('aid), adj. low; obscure; filthy : n. a vulgar, foul-mouthed, li- centious fellow. ribaldry (-ri), n. obscenity. ribbon ('on), n. sl fillet or strip of silk, &c. ; narrow strip. rice (ris), n. a valuable food grain, produced extensively in hot coun- tries. rice-bird ('herd), n. the bobolink. rice-paper ('pa-per), n. a kind of paper prepared from pith : used in China, &g., for painting upon. irich. (rich), adj. abounding in money or possessions ; wealthy ; opulent ; sumptuous ; valuable ; splendid ; fer- tile ; fruitful ; high-flavored ; mel- low ; full of beauty ; vivid ; sweet or harmonious in sound : n. rich people collectively (with the) : pi. wealth ; affluence. rick (rik), n. a pile or heap, as of hay or corn, and usually thatched or sheltered: v.t. to pile or heap in a rick. rickets ('ets), n. a disease affecting children, characterized by softness and curvature of the bones, due to the absence of lime. rickety ('et-i) , adj. affected with rick- ets ; feeble in the joints ; unsteady. ricochet (-o-sha' or -o-shet'), n. the rebounding of a shot or shell, &c., along the ground or from the surface of the water : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. rico- chetted, p.pr. ricochetting], to bound by touching the earth or the surface of water and glancing off, as a can- non-ball : v.t. to cause to ricochet. rid (rid), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. rid, p.pr. ridding], to set free; deliver; clear or destroy by violence : adj. clear ; free. riddance Cans), n. the act of ridding or clearing away ; deliverance. ridden ('n), p.p. of ride. riddle ('!), n. an enigma; puzzling question ; something ambiguous ; a large sieve : v.t. to solve, as a riddle ; to sift by a riddle; perforate with, or as with, shot : v.i. to speak ambig- uously or as in riddles. riddlings ('lingz), n.pl. broken ore of medium size obtained by sifting. ride (rid), v.i. & v.t. [p.t. rode, p.p. ridden, p.pr. riding], to be borne along, as on horseback or in a ve- hicle ; practice horsemanship ; man- age a horse well ; sit, float or rest on ; to sit on so as to be carried ; manage insolently at will : n. excur- sion on horseback or in a vehicle ; drive ; road ; district under an officer of the excise. rideau (re-do'), n. a small mound to cover a camp from the approach of ^the enemy. rider (rid'er), n. one who rides on, breaks, or manages, a horse ; an ad- ditional clause to a document ; sub- sidiary problem. ridge (rij), n. anything formed like ate, i^vm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. rid 681 Til an animal's back, as a continuous range of hills, &c. ; crest of a roof : v.t. to form or furnish with a ridge ; wrinkle. ridgy ('i), adj. rising in ridges. ridicule (rid'i-kul), n. words or ac- tion designed to bring the subject of it into contempt ; banter ; mockery ; satire : v.t. to treat or address with ridicule; expose to contemptuous merriment ; laugh at. ridiculous j(ri-dik'u-lus), adj. de- serving or exciting ridicule; prepos- terous ; absurd ; ludicrous ; droll. riding (rid'ing), p.adj. employed for traveling : n. a road cut through a wood or ground for riding upon. ridotto (ri-dot'o), n. a public assem- bly ; a public entertainment of music and dancing. rifaciineuto (re-fa-chi-men'to), n. the recasting of a literary work to adapt it to changed circumstances. rife (rif)j o.dj. prevalent, common. riif-raff (rif'raf), n. refuse; the rab- ble. irifle (ri'fl), n. a musket with the bar- rel spirally grooved : pi. troops armed with rifles : v.t. to groove spi- rally ; pillage. xdfle-bird (-herd), n. an Australian bird. rifle-corps (-kor), n. a body armed with rifles. rifler ('fler), n. a plunderer. rift (rift), n. an opening or split in anything ; fissure : v.t, to cleave or split. rig (rig), n. a practical poke or frolic ; dress ; manner of fitting the masts and rigging to the hull of a vessel : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. rigged, p.pr. rig- ging] , to furnish or fit with rigging ; dress (with out). rigadoon (-a-doon'), n. an old-fash- ioned lively dance performed by one couple. rigger ('er), n. one whose occupation is to fit the rigging of a vessel ; a band-wheel with a flat or slightly curved rim. Tigging ('ing), n. the cordage or ropes by which the masts of a ves- sel are supported, and the sails ex- tended or furled. right (rit), adj. according to truth, justice, or law ; correct ; fit ; true ; exact ; most direct ; noting the side opposed to the left ; most conven- ient ; well performed ; rising perpen- dicularly : adv. in a right line ; just- ly : n. uprightness ; truth ; justice ; rectitude ; propriety ; virtue ; legal claim ; the right side : v.t. to set up- right ; make right or straight ; cor- rect ; do justice to : v.i. to recover the vertical position : inter j. v/ell done! riglit-angle ('ang-gl), n. an angle of 90°, formed by one straight line standing perpendicular to another. righteous ('yus), adj. just; equita- ble; honest; holy; deserved. righteousness (-nes), n. the quality of being righteous ; holiness ; jus- tice ; moral integrity. rightful ('fool), adj. having a just claim ; accordant with justice. rightfully (-li), adv. in a right man- ner. rightfulness (-nes), n. justice. rigid (rij'id), adj. not pliant; stiff; inflexible; strict; stern; severely just. rigidity (ri-jid'i-ti), n. want of plia- bility ; stiffness ; resistance to change of form. riglet, same as reglet. rigmarole (rig'ma-rol), n. foolish, disconnected talk ; long story. rigol (rig'ol), n. a circle; diadem. rigor ('er), n. stiffness or severity; exactitude; strictness; severity of climate. rigorism (rig'er-izm), n. austerity or severity in principle or practice ; obedience to the law ; the philosoph- ical doctrine that self-control and disregard of circumstances consti- tute human happiness. rigorist (-ist), adj. pertaining to rig- orism; one who is very austere or severe. rigor mortis (ri'gor mSr'tis), n. stiffness of the body caused by death. rigorous (rig'er-us), adj. character- ized by, or exercising, vigor ; stern ; inflexible ; scrupulously accurate. Rigsdag (rigz'dag), n. the Danish parliament. rill (ril), n. a small stream or rivu- let : v.i. to run in a small stream. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. rim 682 ris a border or margin ; brim : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. rimming], to furnish rim (rim), n. raised border rimmed, p.pr. with a rim. rime (rim), n. hoar-frost; another form of rhyme: v.i. to congeal into hoar-frost. rim.ose (ri'mos), adj. full of, or cov- ered with, cracks. Also rimous. rimple ( rim'pl ) , w. a wrinkle or fold : v.t. to become wrinkled. rimy (rim'i), adv. frosty. rind (rind), n. the outer covering of fruit, &c.; bark: v.t. to strip the rind from. rinderpest (rin'der-pest), n. a ma- lignant and contagions disease in cattle; cattle plague. ring (ring), n. a circle; anything cir- cular in form ; small hoop worn on the finger or used as a means of at- tachment ; circular area or course ; combination for private ends ; pu- gilists or betting-men collectively (with the) : v.i. [p.t. rang, p.p. rung, p.pr. ringing], to sound as a bell when struck ; practice the art of ringing bells ; tingle : v.t. to cause to sound, as metal when struck ; sound aloud or abroad. ringdove ('duv), n. the wood-pigeon. ringing ('ing), p.adj. sounding like a bell ; resonant : n. the act of sound- ing as a bell ; sound as of a bell ringing. ringleader ('le-der), n. the head of a riotous body or faction. ringlet ('let), n. a little ring; curl. ring-ousel ('oo-zl), n. a kind of thrush. ringworm (Verm), n. a contagious cutaneous disease, usually on the scalp, characterized by distinct cir- cular patches. rink (ringk), n. a long clear space on the ice used for curling; a ground for skating upon : v.i. .to skate on a rink. rinse (rins), v.t. to cleanse lightly with clean water ; cleanse repeated- ly ; give a final cleansing to after washing : n. a cleansing with a seg- ^ond application of clean water. riot (ri'ot), n. uproar; tumult; noisy revelry; luxurious excess; disturb- ance of the public peace by more than three persons: v.i. to raise an uproar ; go to excess in sensual in- dulgence ; be highly excited. rioting ('ot-ing), n. reveling; uproar. riotous (-us), adj. indulging in riot or excess ; licentious ; noisy ; turbu- lent ; seditious. rip (rip), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. ripped, p.pr. ripping], to divide by tearing or cut- ting ; cut asunder ; disclose ; undo the seam of: v.i. to swear (with out) : n. a rent or tear ; a rogue or cheat ; a wicker basket for fish. riparian (ri-pa'ri-an), adj. pertain- ing to the banks of a river. ripe (rip), adj. brought to maturity or perfection ; ready for harvest ; fit for use ; complete ; resembling ripe fruit. ripely ('li), adv. in a ripe manner. ripen ('en), v.t. to make ripe; bring to perfection : v.i. to grow ripe. ripeness ('nes), n. the state or qual- ity of being ripe ; maturity, ripper ('er), n. one who, or that which, rips ; something or somebody super-excellent. ripple (rip'l) , n. a small curling wave on the surface of water ; the sound made by such waves ; large comb for cleansing flax : v.t. to cover with small curling waves ; cleanse with a ripple. rippling ('ling), n. the breaking of, or sound made by, ripples ; the act of cleansing flax by a ripple. riprap ('rap), n. a loose foundation of stones in deep water on a soft bottom. rise (riz), v.i. [p.t. rose, p.p. risen, p.pr. rising], to ascend; get up from the ground or recumbent position ; begin to stir ; swell in quantity or extent ; grow upward ; spring ; tower up ; appear above the horizon ; come in view or existence ; be promoted ; thrive ; be hostile ; close a session ; ascend from the grave : . n. the act of rising ; ascent ; elevated place ; ap- •pearance above ; origin ; source ; in- crease of price or value, social ad- vancement or distinction; anger (in "take the rise out of"). risibility (riz-i-bil'i-ti), n. inclina- tion to laughter. Also risibleness. risible ( 'i-bl ) , adj. having the faculty ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met book ; hue, hut ; mite, think, mit ; note, north, then. not ; boon. ris rob or power of laughing; inclined to langh ; causing laughter. risibly ('i-bli), adv. laughably. rising (riz'ing), n. the act of getting up or ascending ; insurrection ; an ascent ; closing of a session : adj. in- creasing, as of wealth or influence ; appearing above the horizon ; reviv- ing from death. risk (risk), n. possibility of loss or injury ; hazard ; peril ; danger : v.t. to hazard ; venture upon. risky ('i), adj. hazardous; danger- ous ; approaching indelicacy. risorial (ri-s6'ri-al), adj. pertaining to, or exciting, laughter. risotto (re-sot'o), n. an Italian dish of rice with onions, &c., fried in but- ter. rissole (ris'ol), n. a savory mince in- closed in a thin batter paste and fried. rite (rit), n. a solemn religious act; external religious observance. ritornello (re-tor-nel'o), n. a short introduction or concluding sympho- ny ; repetition or burden of a song. Also ritornelle. ritual (rit'ti-al), adj. pertaining to, consisting of, or prescribing, rites : n. manner of performing divine serv- ice ; a book of rites, or manner of service; body of rites used in the Church. rittaalisin (-izm), n. a system of rit- ual or prescribed forms of religion ; excessive observance of forms in di- vine worship ; Tractarianism ; An- glo-Catholicism, especially as empha- sized by the use of Eucharistic vest- ments. ritualist (-ist), n. one who advo- cates, or is skilled in, ritual ; an ^nglo-Catholic. ritualistic (-al-ist'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or characterized by, ritual- ism ; pertaining to ritualists. ritually ('ti-al-i), adv. by rites. rival (ri'val), n. one who strives to equal or excel another in the same object or pursuit ; competitor ; an- tagonist : adj. having the ^ same claims ; emulous : v.t. to strive to equal or excel ; emulate. rivalry (-ri), n. competition; emula- tion. rive (riv), v.t. [v.t. rived, p.p. riven, p.pr. riving], to be split or torn asunder : n. a rent, tear, or split. river ('er), n. a large running srream of water flowing into the sea or an- other river ; copious flow. river-korse (hors), n. the hippopota- mus. rivet ('et), n. a short metal bolt clinched by hammering : v.t. to se- cure with, or as with, a rivet ; clinch ; make firm or secure. rivose (ri'vos), adj. marked with ir- regular grooves or furrows. rivulet (riv'u-iet), n. a little stream, rix-doUar (riks'dol-ar), n. a small silver continental coin of varying value. roack (roch), n. a fresh-water fish ; a cockroach. read (rod), n. a public way for trav- eling upon ; path ; way : pi. a place where ships may ride safely at an- chor. Roadstead. roadster ('ster), n. a horse suited for traveling ; a bicycle for road-work ; a vessel which works by tides. roam (rom), vA. to wander about without any definite object ; ramble : v.t. to wander over. roan (ron), adj. of a bay or dark color with a shade of red : n. a roau color ; grained sheepskin leather. roan-tree, same as rowan. roar (ror), n. the deep full cry of a large animal ; a cry as in distress ; any loud noise ; loudly expressed mirth ; sound of the wind or sea : v.i, to utter a roar : v.t. to utter in a roar. roaring ('ing), n. the act or sound of roaring ; a disease of horses : adj. noisy ; brisk. roast (rost), v.t. to cook before a fire ; heat too violently or to excess ; parch by exposure to heat ; burn (broken ore to free it from extrane- ous matter) ; to banter or ridicule; criticise severely : v.i. to be roasted : adj. roasted: n. that which is roasted. rob (rob), v.t. [p.i. & p.p. robbed, p.pr. robbing], to steal; plunder; strip of something by secret theft or violence; deprive. robber ('er), n. a thief. ate, lirm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon„ book ; hue, hut ; think, then. rob 684 rol robbery (-i), n. theft; the felonious and forcible taking away the money and goods of another. robe (rob), n. a loose outer garment; state dress ; an elegant gown ; dressed skin of a buffalo : vA. to put on robes : v.t. to invest with a robe ; dress ; array. robin (rob'in)_, n, the redbreast. roburite ('er-it), n. a flameless ex- plosive used extensively in mining operations. robust ( ro-bust') , adj. hardy ; strong ; vigorous ; muscular. roc (rok), n. a fabulous bird of great size and strength. rocbet (roch'et), n. a linen vestment worn by a bishop resembling a sur- plice open at the sides. rock (rok), n. a large mass of stone or stony matter ; any mineral de- posit ; natural deposit of sand, earth, or clay ; firm or immovable defense ; a movement backwards and for- wards ; distaff : v.t. to cause to move backwards and forwards ; lull to sleep : v.i. to move backwards and forwards. rocket ('et), n. a firework made of a case filled with saltpeter, sulphur, and charcoal, fastened to a stick, and which, on being ignited, is pro- jected through the air. rockiness ('i-nes), n. the state of be- ing rocky. rock-oil {'oi\)j_n. petroleum. rock-ruby ('roo-bi), n. a fine bluish- red variety of garnet. rock- wood ('wood), n. ligniform as- bestos. rocky ('i), adj. full of, or resembling, rocks ; stony ; hard ; inflexible. rococo (ro-ko'ko), adj. noting a florid, debased style in the ornamentation of buildings, furniture, &c., preva- lent during the reigns of Louis XIV. and XrV. of France : hence noting bad taste in ornamentation. rod (rod), n. a long twig or shoot of any woody plant; a wand; instru- ment of punishment ; cane ; a fish- ing-rod ; scepter ; measure of length, 5% yards. rode, p.t. of ride. rodent (ro'dent), adj. gnawing: n. any animal of the Rodentia, an order of Mammalia, containing the rats, mice, squirrels, &c. rodeo (ro-da'o), n, a gathering to- gether of cattle on a ranch. rodomontade (rod-o-mon-tad'), iu bluster ; brag : from Rodomonte in Ariosto's Orlando Furioso : v.i, to bluster or brag. roe (ro), n. sl species of deer, the roe- buck ; the female of the hart ; the spawn or sperm of fishes. Roentgen rays (rent'gen raz), n. a form of radiant energy emanating from the surface of an electrically excited vacuum tube opposite the cathode electrode, having power of penetrating objects impervious to light or heat rays, affecting sensi- tive photographic films, and excit- ing fluorescence in certain salts. Also called X-rays. rogation (-ga'shun), n» a litany; , supplication. Rogation Days (daz), n.pl. the Mon- day, Tuesday, and Wednesday before Ascension Day. rogue (rog), n. sl dishonest person; knave ; a shy, mischievous person ; wag ; term of endearment. roguery ('er-i), n. knavish or dis- honest practices ; cheating ; mis- chievous or waggish conduct. roguisb ('ish), adj. fraudulent; dis- honest ; somewhat mischievous or sly. roil (roil), v.t. to render turbid; vex or irritate. role ( rol ) , n. a part or character in a play, &c. ; function or part. roll (rol), v.i. to turn like a wheel or on an axis ; move in a circular direc- tion ; be moved with violence ; rock ; wallow ; make a long deep sound : v.t. to revolve ; inwrap ; move on wheels ; spread flat under a roller : n, the act of rolling ; that which rolls ; a writing or paper rolled upon it- self ; an official document ; list or register ; kind of fancy bread ; con- tinued deep sound, as of a drum beaten, thunder, &c. ; twist of to- bacco. roller ('er), n. one who, or that which, rolls ; a cylinder used for grinding, smoothing, flattening, &c. ; ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. rol 685 long heavy wave ; long broad band- age ; a kind of crow. rollick (rol'ik), v.i. to move or act with a careless, swaggering air. rollicking (-ing), adj. jovial; care- less ; swaggering. rolling (rol'ing), adj. moving on, or as on, wheels ; undulating ; used for rolling : n. a circular motion ; undu- lation ; lateral oscillation of a ship. roly-poly (ro'li-po'li), n. a game in which by rolling a ball into a certain hole it wins ; a kind of jam pudding. Jlomiiic (ro-ma'ik), adj. pertaining to the vernacular language of mod- ern Greece. B>oniau ('man), adj. pertaining to Rome, the Romans, or to the Church of Rome ; noting the ordinary type used in printing : opposed to italic ; written in letters, not in figures, as VI. Roman candle (-kan'dl), n. a kind of firework. IRoman cement (se-ment')> w. a strong cement used in building and hydraulic engineering. Xtoman Catkolic (kath'o-lik), adj. pertaining to the Church of Rome, of which the Pope is the head : n. a member of the Church of Rome. Koman Catkolicism (ka-thol'i- sizm), n. the doctrines and practices of the Roman Church. romance (-mans'), n. a work of fic- tion or adventure ; novel ; fable : v.i. to invent and tell fictitious stories ; exaggerate ; lie. Romance (-mans'), adj. pertaining to the dialects of Latin and the lan- guages which grew out of classic Latin, spoken in the old Roman provinces. Romanesque (man-esk'), n. that style of architecture and ornamen- tation in vogue during the period of the later Roman Empire : n. the dia- lect of Languedoc. Romanic (-man'ik), adj. pertaining to Rome, or the Romanesque dia- lects. romantic (-man'tik), adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, romance ; extravagant ; fanciful ; ideal ; full of wild and fantastic scenery. romanticism ('ti-sizm), n. the state or quality of being romantic; the reactionary movement in opposition to cold classical literary forms, be- gun in Germany in the 18th century. Romany (rom'a-ni), n. a Gipsy; Gipsy language. romp (romp), n. an unrestrained, boisterous girl ; rough play or frolic : v.i. to play in a boisterous, unre- strained manner. ronde (rond), w. a kind of type. rondeau (ron'do), n.; pi. rondeaux, ('doz), a little poem of 13 verses or lines; a light air or jig [Mus.]. Also rondo. rondel ( 'del ), n. b, poem of 14 lines ; small round tower. Rontgen rays. See Roentgen rays. rood (rood), n. 40 square poles or perches ; a cross or crucifix. rood-loft ('16ft), n. the gallery in a church over the entrance to the choir where the rood was fixed. roof (roof), n. the top covering of a house or other building ; covering or shelter ; canopy ; palate of - the mouth : v.t. to cover with, or as with, a roof. roof -tree ('tre), n. a roof-beam; roof; home. rook (rook), n. a bird of the crow family with dark glossy plumage and having the base of the bill des- titute o'f feathers ; a swindler or sharper ; the castle in chess : v.t. & v.i. to swindle or cheat. rookery ('er-i), n. a group of nesta on trees where rooks resort; colony of rooks; place of low resort; low slum. room (room), n. unoccupied place or space; apartment of a house; free- dom to act ; opportunity ; place of another; a deep blue dye: v.i. to lodge. roomily ('i-li), adv. spaciously. roominess ('i-nes), n. spaciousness. roomy ( 'i ) , , adj. spacious. roorback (roor'bak), n. a lie; ficti- tious report made for the purpose of influencing an election. roost (roost), n. the pole, perch, &c., upon which a bird rests at night; number of fowls resting together: v.i. to sit or sleep upon a perch, &e. ; lodge. ■ Ste, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, but; think, then. TOO rot rooster ('er), n. the domestic cock. root (root), n. that part of a plant that descends and fixes itself in the earth by which the plant is nour- ished ; edible root; anything resem- bling a root ; foundation ; basis, or origin ; fundamental note of any chord [Music] ; that quantity which multiplied by itself produces a given quantity ; the part of a word which expresses its primary or essential meaning, as distinguished from a derivative: v.t. to fix by the root; plant in the earth ; implant deeply ; to dig or burrow with the snout; eradicate (with out) : v.i. to take root. rootlet ('let), n. a radicle. rope (rop), n. a thick cord, usually over one inch in circumference, of several strands twisted together ; small cable ; halter ; series of things connected : v.t. to fasten or draw with a rope ; curb (a horse) so as to prevent him winning a race : v.i. to draw into viscous threads. ropiness ('i-nes), n. tendency to draw out into viscous filaments; partial viscosity. ropy ('i)» o^i- like a rope; viscous. Roquefort (rok'fSr), n. a French mold-streaked cheese made from ewe's milk. rorqual (ror'kwal), n. a whale with dorsal fins. rosaceous (ro-za'shus), adj. composed of several petals arranged in a cir- cular form ; consisting of roses. rosary ('za-ri), n. [pi. rosaries (-riz) ], a garland or chaplet ; a string of threaded beads by which prayers are counted ; the prayers repeated as thus counted. rose (roz), n. a plant of the genus Rosa or its well known flower; rose- color ; knot of ribbons ; rosette ; a perforated nozzle : p.t. of rise. roseate (ro'ze-at), adj. rose-colored; rose-like; blooming. rose-diamond ('di-a-mund), n. a diamond cut into 24 triangular fa- cets. rosemary (roz'ma-ri), n. a sweet- smelling evergreen shrub from which an aromatic water is distilled. rosette (-ef), n. sl cluster of ribbons arranged like a rose. rose-ivindoxy ('win-do), n. a circu- lar window with compartments branching from the center. rosewood ('wood), n. a Brazilian wood used as a veneer. rosily ('i-li), adv. with a rosy glow. rosin (roz'in), n. another form of resin ; specifically, inspissated tur- pentine : v.t. to rub with rosin. ross (ros), n. the outer rough bark of trees ; tan bark : v.t. to remove the outer bark or rough surface of. roster ('ter), n. list or muster-roll showing how the duties of military officers, regiments, &c., are regu- lated. rostral ('tral), adj. pertaining to, or like, a beak. rostrate ('trat), adj. furnished with a beak or beak-like process. rostrum ('trum), n. [pi. rostrums ('trumz), or rostra ('tra)], the beak of a bird ; in ancient Rome, a pulpit or elevated platform in the Forum, adorned with the beaks or prows of ships taken from the ene- my, and from which orators, &c., addressed the people : hence a pulpit or platform ; prow of an ancient war vessel. rosy (roz'i)^ €tdj. like a rose; red; blooming; charming; very favora- ble. rot (rot), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. rotted, p.pr. rotting], to purtrefy or become de- composed ; decay : v.t. to make pu- trid or corrupt : n. putrefaction ; de- composition ; nonsense. rotary (r6'ta-ri)» adj. turning on an axis ; pertaining to rotation. Also rotatory. rotate ('tat), v.t. to revolve on, or as on, an axis ; cause to turn : v.i. to turn round like a wheel : adj. wheel- shaped. rotation (-ta'shun), n. the act of turning round on an axis, like a wheel ; regular succession. rotative ('ta-tiv), adj. revolving. rotator ('ter), n. that which imparts a circular motion; a muscle having such power. rotatory (ro'ta-to-ri), same as ro* tary. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. rot 687 rote (rot), n. mechanical repetition, or learning without understanding. rotifer (ro-ti-fer), w. an individual of the Rotifera, the wheel-animalcules. rotor (ro'ter), n. the part of a dyna- mo which rotates. rotten (rot'n), adj. putrefied; decom- posed ; unsound ; untrustworthy. rottenstone (-ston), w. a soft stone used as a_ polishing powder. rotund (ro-tund'), adj. spherical. rotunda (-tun'da), n. a circular domed building. Also rotundo. rotundity ('di-ti), n. roundness. rouble (roo'bl), adj. a Russian silver coin of varying value, used as a monetary unite (about 77 cents). roue (-a'), n. a fashionable sensual- ist ; confirmed rake ; debauchee. rouge (roozh), n. a cosmetic of red color used for imparting a tint to the cheeks and lips ; a kind of lake color : v.i. to color or paint with rouge. rouge-et-noir (-a-nwar'), n. a gam- bling game played with cards and a table marked with two black and two red diamond-shaped spots. rough (ruf), adj. having inequalities on the surface ; rugged ; not smooth or plane ; uneven ; uncut ; unpol- ished ; harsh to the ear ; uncivil ; austere ; cruel ; unfeeling ; violent ; boisterous ; hard-featured ; shaggy ; vague : adv. roughly : v.t. to shape out roughly; furnish (a horse) with roughened shoes ; break in (a horse). roughen ('en), v.t. to make rough: v.i. to become rough. roulade (roo-lad'), n. a flourish or rapid movement [Music]. rouleau (-lo'), n. a little roll, espe- cially of coins made up in paper. roulette (-let'), n. a game of chance played with a revolving disc and ball ; a wheeled instrument for mak- ing dotted lines. rounce (rouns), n. the handle of a printing press. round (round), adj. circular; spheri- cal ; globular ; cylindrical ; plump ; corpulent ; whole ; considerable ; large : adv. on all sides ; circularly ; from one side or party to another : n. a circle, sphere, or globe; cir- cuit or tour ; routine ; step ^ of a ladder ; constantly recurring series ; cycle ; round dance ; accustomed walk ; volley of firearms ; a song in which all the company take part: prep, about; on every side of; around : v.t. to make round ; travel or pass round : v.i. to go the rounds, as a patrol, &c. ; grow or become round. roundabout ('a-bout), adj. indirect; encompassing : n. a merry-go-round ; a short coat or jacket. roundel (roun'del), n. a circle; roundelay ; a small circular Norman shield ; semi-circular bastion. roundelay ('de-la), n. an ancient song or dance in which the passages are repeated. roundhand (round'hand), n. pen- manship in well-rounded letters. Roundhead ('hed), n. a contemptu- ous epithet applied to the Puritans by the Cavaliers, from the close-cut hair of the former. roundhouse ('hous), n. formerly a watch-house ; the cabin on the after part of a ship's deck ; a building having stalls for the housing of loco- motives. roundly ('li), adv. in a round form; straightforwardly. round number (num'ber), n. a num- ber divisible by 10. round-robin ('rob-in), n. a petition having the signatures written in a circle so as not to show who signed it first. roundsman ('z-man), n. a police in- spector who visits the officers on their beats. round-tower ('tow-er), n. an ancient circular tapei-ing tower, as in Ire- land, with a conical top, usually near a church or monastery. rouse (rouz), v.t. to awaken; stir to thought or action; drive (game) from a covert. rousing ('ing), p. adj. stirring; ex- citing ; startling ; exceeding. roust (roust), v.t. to disturb. roustabout ('a-bout), n. an idler or loafer ; a laborer on a steam vessel. rout (rout), n. total defeat and flight of an army ; resulting disorder from such defeat ; tumultuous crowd ; up- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ron rnc roar ; a large evening party ; the at- tempt of three or more persons to avenge some common wrons: by an illegal act : v.t. to defeat and put to disorderly flight. route (root), n. way or road trav- eled; course ;_ journey ; march. routine (roo-ten'), n. course of busi- ness or official duties regularly pur- sued ; regular habit or practice. roux (roo), n. a thickening for soups, &c., of melted butter and flour. rove (rov), v.i. to wander or ramble: v.t. draw through an eye. rover ('er), n. a robber; wanderer; fickle person. roving ('ing), p.adj. rambling. row (ro), n. line, file, or rank; ex- cursion in a row-boat ; noisy dis- turbance (rou) : v.i. to labor with an oar ; be impelled by oars : v.t. to impel by means of oars : as to row a boat. rowan (rou'an), n. the mountain-ash. Also roan. rowdy (rou'di), n. a rough, riotous fellow : adj. rough and riotous. rowdyism (-izm), n. rude, riotous conduct ; blackguardism. rowel ('el), n. the small sharp-point- ed wheel of a spur ; flat ring on a horse's bit. rowen ('en)_, n. aftermath. rowlock (ro'lok), n. the crutch or hollow in the gunwale of a boat in which the oar rests in iwwing. royal (roi'al), adj. pertaining to a king or to the crown ; befitting or like a king ; majestic ; kingly ; no- ble ; magnificent ; specially patron- ized or founded by a king, or in his service : n. a size of paper, 25 X 20 in. ; one of the shoots of a stag's head ; the highest sail of a ship ; a gold coin formerly current in England : pi. the first regiment of foot in the British army (with the). royalism (-izm), n. adherence to the principles or cause of royalty or government by a king. royalist (-ist), n. an adherent of a king or government by a king. royally (-li), adv, in a royal man- ner. royalty ('al-ti), n. [pi. royalties (-tiz)], the character, or status, of a king; person of a king or sover- eign ; a certain sum paid to the crown or other proprietor on the produce of a mine, &c. ; a percentage for the use of a patent or copyright ; royal manor. Royston-crow (rois'ton-kro), n. the hooded crow. rub (rub), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. rubbed, p.pr. rubbing], to apply pressure with motion to the surface of ; clean or scour ; wipe ; polish : v.i. to make a friction ; get through difficulties ; fret : n. the act of rubbing ; that which is rubbed; friction; obstruc- tion ; pinch ; jibe. rubber ('er), n. one who, or that which, rubs ; india-rubber ; coarse file or whetstone ; in card-playing, two games out of three, or the win- ning game : v.i. to pry. rubbish, ('ish), n. mixed or waste fragments ; ruins of buildings ; any mingled mass ; anything of no value; nonsense. rubble ('1), n. rough undressed stone ; builders' rubbish. rubescent (roo-bes'ent), adj. becom- ing red. rubican ('bi-kan), adj. noting a bay, or grey-black color, with white or light-grey on the flanks : said of a horse. rubicund ('bi-kund), adj. inclined to red. rubidium (-bid'i-um), n. a metallic element. rubied ('bid), adj. ruby-colored. rubigo ('bi-go), n. rust or mildew on plants. rubric ('brik), n. the directions for liturgical use in prayer-books, for- merly printed in red ; title or direc- tion printed in red : v.t. to rubri- cate : adj. pertaining to, or marked in, rubrics ; red. rubricate ('bri-kat), v.t. to mark, or distinguish, with red. ruby ('bi), n. [pi. rubies ('biz)], a precious stone, varying in color from carmine-red to crimson ; a size of type used in England, smaller than nonpareil and larger than pearl. rucbe (roosh), n. frilled or plaited lace, silk, &c., for edging dresses, ate, arm, fi,sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; bdoD^ book; hue, hut; think, then. 689 mm &c. Also ruching : v.t. to make, or ornament with, a ruche. ruck ( ruk ) , v.t. to wrinkle or crease : n. a wrinkle or crease ; a heap ; a fag-end ; the crowd of horses that come in at the end of a race. mction ('shun), n. a row; disturb- ance. rudd (rud), n. a red-eyed fresh- water fish. srudder ('er), n. the frame of wood or metal by which a vessel is steered ; anything that directs or governs. ruddiness ('i-nes), n. redness of complexion denoting perfect health ; redness. ruddle (']), n. red ochre. ruddock ('ok), n. the robin red- breast. ruddy ('i), adj. approaching to red- ness ; florid ; fresh-colored ; flesh- colored : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. ruddied, p.pr. ruddying], to make ruddy. rude (rood), adj. [comp. ruder, su- perl. rudest], rough; barbarous; uncultivated ; harsh ; ignorant ; un- polite ; tempestuous ; robust ; strong ; rugged ; crude. rudely ('li), adv. in a rude manner. rudeuess ('nes), n. the state of being rude ; rude conduct ; incivility ; un- skilfulness. rudiment ('i-ment), n. first princi- ple ; anything in its first or unde- veloped state : v.t. to instruct in first principles. rudimentary (-men'ta-ri), adj. per- taining to, or containing, first prin- ciples ; in an undeveloped state. Also rudimental. me (roo), v.t. to lament or be sorry for ; repent of : n. an herb of bitter taste and strong odor, used as a medicine. rueful ('fool), adj. mournful; sad. ruefully (-li) , adv. mournfully ; sadly. ruff (ruf), n. a large frilled collar; anything plaited ; a small fresh- water fish (also ruffe) ; a kind of snipe {Fern, reeve) ; a kind of pigeon : v.t. to disorder or rufiie ; trump at whist instead of following suit. ruffian ('i-an), n. a brutal, boisterous fellow ; any base, low character, as a robber, &c. ruffle ('1), v.t. to wrinkle, pucker, or disarrange; furnish or adorn with ruffles ; annoy or vex : v.i. to grow rough or turbulent ; flutter ; be in disorder: n. a plaited article of dress ; agitation ; discomposure; low roll of a drum. rufous (roo'fus), adj. yellowi«h-red, rug (rug), n. an adjustable floor cov- ering, usually of a textile heavier than carpeting ; a coarse warm nap- py woolen cloth, used as a coverlet or wrap. rugae ('je), n.pl. wrinkles. rugate (roo'gat), adj. wrinkled; ridged. Also rugose, rugous. rugged (rug'ed), adj. having an un- even surface ; rough ; shaggy ; bru- tal ; uncouth ; crabbed. ruin (roo'in), n. overthrow; destruc- tion ; downfall ; loss of happiness ; cause of destruction or decay ; ruined building, &c. : v.t. to pull down, de- stroy, subvert, overthrow, or impov- erish. ruined ('ind), adj. demolished; de- stroyed; decayed. ruinous ('us), adj. fallen into ruin; decayed ; consisting of ruins ; de- structive ; hurtful. rule (rool), n. standard or guide; maxim or precept ; government ; law or regulation ; canon ; an instru- ment for drawing lines ; method of performing any operation ; order made between parties to a suit on motion, or to regulate the practice of a court : v.t. to govern or control ; settle as by a rule ; manage or re- strain ; establish by a decision ; mark with lines : v.i. to decide ; ex- ercise superior authority. ruler ('er), n. one who rules or gov- erns ; an instrument for ruling lines. ruling ('ing), p.adj. governing or having control ; marking with lines ; predominant : n. a rule laid down by a judge or court. rum (rum), n. spirit distilled from the fermented juice of the sugar- cane : adj. strange ; odd. rumble ('bl), v.i. to make a low, heavy, continued sound : n. a rum>- bling sound ; seat for servants be- hind a carriage. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me. merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, */^en. 690 rtnubling ('bling), adj. making a rumble : n. same as rumble. rumen (roo'men), n. the first stom- ach of a ruminant animal. rnminant ('mi-nant), adj. chewing the cud: n. an animal that chews the cud. miuinate ('mi-nat), v.i. to chew the cud ; meditate or muse ; ponder : v.t. to chew again. rnmination (-na'shun), n. the act of chewing the cud ; meditation. Tuminator ('mi-na-ter), n. one who muses or meditates on any subject. X'nmiiiage (rum'aj), v.t. to search carefully for ; ransack : v.i. to make a careful search : n. a careful search- ing. mminage sale (sal), n. a sale of unclaimed goods at the docks or at a warehouse, &c. ; sale of miscel- laneous articles for a charitable ob- ject. rumor (roo'mer), n. popular report: current story : v.t. to circulate by report. mmp (rump), n. the end of the back- bone of an animal, with its adja- cent parts ; buttocks ; fag-end. mmple (rum'pl), n. a fold or plait: v.t. to fold or plait ; make uneven. rumpus ('pus), n. great disturbance. run (run), v.i. [p.t. ran, p.p. run, p.pr. running], to pass quickly with the legs over the ground ; extend : move swiftly ; flee for escape ; con- tend in a race ; sail ; flow ; melt ; pass ; shoot ; discharge matter ; make sudden pressing demands ; con- tinue in time : v.t. to cause to move swiftly ; push ; force ; fuse or melt ; smuggle ; start as a candidate ; pur- sue in thought : n. the act of run- ning ; course run ; flow or discharge ; free access ; distance sailed ; sudden pressing demand ; pair of mill- stones ; prevalence ; large grazing ground ; in cricket, distance run be- tween the wickets. ninagate ('a-gat), n, a fugitive; renegade. runcinate ('si-nat), adj. having the lobes (of a leaf) convex before and straight behind. rundle ('dl), n. the step of a ladder. runes (roonz), n.pl. runic letters or poetry. rung (rung), p.t. of ring : n. step of a ladder ; a floor-timber in a ship ; spar. runic (roo'nik), adj. pertaining to, or consisting of, runes : n. the alphabet of the earliest Teutonic nations, the letters of which consisted principally of straight lines. runlet ( run'let ) , w. a rivulet ; a small barrel containing about 18 gals. runnel ('el), n. a little brook. runner ('er) , n. one who runs ; racer ; messenger ; keel to support a sleigh ; roller ; slender, prostrate, shooting sprig ; revolving millstone ; rope to increase the mechanical power of a tackle. running ('ing), adj. moving swiftly* kept for a race ; being in motion ; continuous ; discharging pus : n. the act of moving swiftly ; that which runs or flows ; discharge of pus. runt (runt), n. a dwarf animal: stump. rupee (roo-pe'), n. an East Indian coin, worth about 48 cents. rupture (rup'tur), n. the act of bursting or breaking ; state of being broken or violently burst asunder ; breach or interruption of friendly relations ; hernia : v.t. to burst or break violently asunder ; to affect with hernia : v.i. to sufiEer a breach or disruption. rural ( roo'ral ) , adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, the country or ag- riculture ; rustic. rural dean (den), n. an ecclesiastic having the supervision of the churches in a rural deanery or dis- trict. ruralist ('ral-ist), n. one who leads a rural life. ruralize ('ral-iz), v.t. to render ru- ral : v.i. to become rural. rurally (-li), adv. as in the country. ruse (rooz), n. a trick; stratagem. rusli (rush), v.i. to move or press forward with impetuosity ; enter with undue eagerness : n. sl driving forward with eagerness and haste; a plant of many species growing on ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; m5, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, *7ien. 691 rye wet ground ; anything worthless or of little value. rusk (rusk), n. a kind of light bis- cuit. Kuss, same as Russian. russet (rus'et), adj. reddish-brown; homespun ; coarse : n. russet color ; homespun cloth ; a variety of apple. russety ('et-i), adj. russet-colored. Russia leather (rush'a le#/i'er), n. a strong soft leather prepared from the hides of sheep and cattle steeped in birch-oil. rust (rust), n. the reddish matter formed on iron and steel : red oxide of iron ; anything resembling rust ; mildew on cereals ; loss of power by inactivity : v.i. to contract rust ; de- generate in idleness : v.t. to cause to contract rust; impair by time or inactivity. rustic ('ik), adj. pertaining to, oi^ characteristic of, the country ; ru- ral ; artless ; unpolished ; unadorned : n. a countryman ; peasant. rustically (-al-li), adv. in a rural manner. rusticalness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being rustic ; ruderiess. rusticate ('i-kat), v.i. to reside in the country : v.t. to banish for a time from college. rustication (-ka'shun), n. residence in the country ; temporary banish- ment from a college. rusticity (-tis'i-ti), n. rural man- ners or simplicity ; rudeness. rustily (rust'i-li), adv. in a rusty condition. rustiness ('i-nes), n. the state of being rusty. rustle (rus'l), v.i. to make a soft whispering sound, as the rubbing together of silk or dry leaves ; to bestir one's self : n. a rustling. rustler ('ler), n. one who rustles; an enterprising, successful man. rustling ('ling), n. the soft whis- pering sound made by rubbing silk or dry leaves together ; rustle. rusty (rust'i), adj. covered with rust; impaired by inactivity ; rust-col- ored. rut (rut), n. the copulation and sex- ual desire of deer and certain other animals ; the track of a wheel ; groove or hollow : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. rutted, p.pr. rutting], to be moved with sexual desire, as deer, &c. : v.t. to cut into ruts. rutabaga (ro6-ta-ba'ga), n. a varie- ty of turnip larger than the common turnip and of a yellowish color. rutli (rooth), n. pity; compassion; tenderness ; sorrow. rutlienium (roo-the'ni-um), n. a me- tallic element extracted from plati- num ore. rutMess ('les), adj. cruel; pitiles^. rutilant ('til-ant), adj. shining. rutile ('til), n. red oxide of titaniumc ruttish. (rut'ish), adj. lustful; wan- ton. rye (ri), n. a hardy cereal. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, fAen. sabaoth (sa-ba'oth), n.pl. armies; hosts. Sabbatarian (sab-a-ta'ri-an), adj. pertaining to the Sabbath or to Sabbatarianism : n. a rigid observer of the. Sabbath ; one who keeps the Sabbath on the seventh day. Sabbatarianism (-izm), n. the ten- ets and practices of the Sabbata- rians. Sabbath ('ath), n. the seventh day of the week, observed by the Jews as a day of rest, commencing from sunset on Friday and ending at sunset on Saturday ; the Christian Sunday ; Sabbatical year. Sabbatical (-at'i-kal), adj. pertain- ing to, or resembling, the Sabbath. Also Sabbatic. Sabbatical year (yer), n, among the ancient Jews, every seventh year, in which the lands and vine- yards of the Israelites were allowed to remain fallow. saber, sabre (sa'ber), n. a cavalry sword : v.t. to cut, wound, or kill with, or as with, a saber. Sabian (sa'bi-an), adj. pertaining to, or^characteristic of, Sabianism. Sabianism (-izm), n. the worship of the heavenly hosts, as symbolical of ^ the Deity. Sabine ('bin), adj. pertaining to an Italian race, subsequently merged into the Roman. sable (sa'bl), n. a kind of weasel valued for its handsome, dark, glossy fur ; in heraldry, black : pi. mourn- ing dress: adj. dark-colored; black. sabot (sa-bo'), n. a wooden shoe worn by the peasantry of France, &c. sabotage (sa-bo'taj), n. a system adopted by certain industrial workers to force demands without striking by reducing efficiency. saccade (sak-ad'), n. a sudden check with the bridle ; strong pressure of the bow of a violin, against the strings. saccharine ('a-rin), adj. pertaining to, or having the qualities of, sugar : n. the uncrystallized sugar of malt- wort. saecharize ('a-riz), v.t. to convert into sugar. Also saccharify. saccharoid ('a-roid), adj. having a texture resembling loaf-sugar. saccharometer (-rom'e-ter), n. an instrument for determining the quantity of sugar in liquids. saccholactic (-o-lak'tik), adj. ob- tained from the sugar of milk ; mu- cic acid. saccule ('til), n. a little sac or cyst. sacerdotal (sas-er-do'tal), adj. per- taining to priests or to the priest- hood ; priestly. sacerdotalism (-izm), n. sacerdotal spirit or system ; tendency to em- phasize the priestly office or its sa- cred character. sacerdotally (-li), adv. in a sacer- dotal manner. sachem (sa'chem), n. a North Ameri-i can Indian chief. » sachet (sa-sha'), n. a small bag or/ cushion filled with a perfume. sack (sak), n. a bag or pouch, espe- cially a large coarse bag for holding grain, &c. ; quantity contained by a sack; loose garment or cloak; a Spanish dry wine ; plunder or pil- lage by soldiery of a town taken by storm ; dismissal (with the) : v.t. &te, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 692 sao ( to plunder or pillage ; ravage ; put into sacks ; dismiss from service. sackbut ('but), n. an ancient musi- cal instrument of the lyre kind ; a kind of trombone. sackcloth ('kloth), n. coarse mate- rial of which sacks are made ; coarse rough cloth worn as a token of mourning. sackful ('fool), n. the quantity a sack will hold. sacking ('ing), n. coarse material used for making sacks. sacrament ('ra-ment), n. a sign or pledge of grace ; an outward and visible sign of an inward and spir- itual grace, instituted by Jesus Christ ; holy baptism, the eucharist. Lord's supper. sacramental (-ment'al), adj. per- taining to, or constituting, a sacra- ment ; solemnly pledged. sacramentally (-11), adv. in a sac- ramental manner. sacred (sa'kred), adj. pertaining to religion or to religious uses ; con- secrated; inviolable. sacrifice ('ri-fis), n. the act of sac- rificing or offering to a deity, es- pecially a victim on an altar ; that which is so offered ; destruction or giving up one thing for another ; goods sold at a loss : v.t. to offer to God or a deity in worship ; destroy or surrender to gain some other object ; devote with loss ; kill ; sell at a loss : v.i. to offer sacrifice. sacrificial (-ri-fish'al), adj. pertain- ing to, consisting in, or offering, sacrifice. Also sacrificatory. sacrificially (-li), adv. by sacrifice. sacrilege ('ri-lej), n. the crime of appropriating to one's self or to sec- ular use what is consecrated to God or religion ; breaking into a church and committing felony. sacrilegious (-le'jus), adj. violating sacred things ; guilty of sacrilege ; profane. sacrilegist ('ri-le-jist), n. one guilty of sacrilege. sacring-bell (sa'kring-bel), n. the sanctus-bell, rung when the Host is elevated at high mass. sacrist (sa'krist), n. a cathedral ofl5- )3 ^ ^ sa£ cial who copies the music for the choir ; minor canon ; sacristan. sacristan (sak'ris-tan), n. one who has the care of church vessels and movables. sacristy ('is-ti), n. an apartment in a church where the sacred vessels, vestments, &c.,_are kept ; vestry. sacrosanct ('ro-sangkt), adj. pre- eminently sacred or inviolable. sacrum (sa'krum), n. a triangular- shaped bone at the base of the ver- tebral column. sad (sad), adj. [comp. sadder, superl. saddest], full of grief; mournful; sorrowful ; sober or sedate ; dark- colored. sadden ('n), v.t. to make sad or sor- rowful ; tone down : v.t. to become sad. saddle ('1), n. a seat, usually of leather, for riding on horseback ; anything resembling a saddle; block of wood nailed to the lower yard arm : v.t. to place a saddle upon , burden or embarrass. saddle-boiv (-bo), n. the pieces which form the pommel or arched part of a saddle. saddlery ('ler-i), n. the business of a saddler ; articles made by a sad- dler. Sadducean (-ti-se'an), adj. pertain- ing to, or characteristic of, the Sad- duces. Sadducee ('u-se), n. one of the an- cient Jewish sect or school that ad- hered to the written law and denied the resurrection of the dead. safe (saf), adj. free from danger, in- jury, or damage, secure ; . securing from harm ; no longer dangerous ; sound ; sure : n. a fire- or burglar- proof iron chest ; cupboard. safe-conduct (-kon'dukt), n. sl guard or passport which ensures a safe passage. safeguard ('gard), n. one who, or that which, guards or protects ; de- fense ; protective warrant granted to a foreigner : v.t. to protect or guard safely. safely ('li), adv. in a safe manner. safety ('ti), n. freedom from danger, injury, or damage; safe keeping; a ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hiie, hut ; think, /7ien. d to heaven. saintliness ('li-nes), n. the quality of being saintly. saintly ('li), adj. like, or befitting, a saint. saiva (si'va), n. a devotee of the deity Siva. sajou (sa-joo'), n. sl South American monkey. sake (sak), n. end; purpose; cause; account ; regard ; reason. saki (sak'i), n. Japanese rice-beer; a South American monkey, with a non-prehensile hairy tail. sal, a prefice meaning salt, as sal- volatile, aromatic spirit of ammoniao salaam (sa-lam'), n. an Oriental form of salutation or respect, mean- ing "peace." salable (sal'a-bl), adj. marketable. salacious (sa-la'shus). adj. lustful; impure. salacity (-las'i-ti), n. lustfulness. Also salaciousness. salad (sal'ad), n. raw herbs cut up and dressed with vinegar, oil, &c. salad-days (daz), n.pl. years of youthful inexperience. salam.ander ('li-man-der), n. an am- phibious animal resembling a newt, and fabled by the ancients to live ia fire. ftte, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon^ book ; hue, hut ; think, *^en. isal 695 sa}' Salamandrine ('drin), adj. resem- bling a salamander ; fire-resisting or -enduring. salaried (sal'a-rid), p.adj. having a salary. salary ('a-ri), n. recompense, usually periodically, for services rendered ; stipend. sale (sal), ii. the act of selling; ex- change of a commodity for an agreed price ; market ; auction ; demand. Salic la-w (sal'ik law), n. the law of the Salian Franks excluding females from the succession to the French throne. salicin ('i-sin), n. sl bitter substance extracted from the willow and pop- lar : the acid (salicylic acid) is used as an antiseptic. salience (sa'li-ens), n. the state of being salient. salient ('li-ent), adj. leaping; prom- inent ; noting any angle less than two right angles ; in heraldry, in a leaping position. saliferous (sa-lif'er-us), adj. yield- ing salt. salina (sa-li'na), n. a salt-marsh; salt-works. salination (sal-i-na'shun), n. the act of steeping or washing in salt liquor. saline (sa'lin), adj. consisting of, containing, or like, salt : n. a salt- spring. saliva (^sa-li'va), n. the watery fluid or spittle secreted in the mouth. salival ('val), adj. pertaining to or secreting saliva. Also salivary. salivant (sli'i-vant), adj. exciting salivation: n. a substance to excite salivation. salivate (sal'i-vat), v.t. to produce an abnormal secretion in the mouth of. salivation (-va'shun), n. the act of producing an abnormal secretion of saliva. sallet (sal'et), n. a light helmet. sallo-w Co), adj. of a pale, sickly, yellow color; a small tree of the willow kind. sally ('i),n. [pi. sallies ('iz)], a sud- den rushing forth of troops to attack the besiegers; sudden outburst of wit or fancy ; excursion ; wild gaiety : vd. [p.t. & p.p. sallied, p.pr. sallying], to rush out as troops from a besieged town ; issue or rush forth suddenly. sallyport (-port), n. a postern cf passage for troops to sally out. salmagundi ( -ma-gun'di ) , n. a com- pound of chopped meats with other ingredients, seasoned, &c. ; medley. salmi ('mi), n. a ragout of roasted game and other ingredients stewed in wine. Salmis. salmon (sam'un), n. sl marine fish of the genus Salmo, which ascends fresh-water rivers to spawn. salmon-peel (-pel), n. a young sal- mon. salmon- tront (-trout), n, a sea- trout, resembling the salmon, but of smaller size. salon (sa-16ng*), n. a saloon; fine art gallery : pi. fashionable circles or assemblages [French]. saloon (sa-loon'), n. a hall or state apartment ; large reception room ; fine art exhibition; bar-room or grogshop. salpicon (sal'pi-kon), n. chopped meat, bread, and vegetables, re- cooked in sauce. salphinx (sal'pingks), n. the eusta- chian tube. salprunella (-proo-nel'a), n. nitrate of potash fused and cast into balls. salsify (sal'si-fi), n. a plant of the aster family, which from the flavor of its edible root is called oyster' plant and vegetahle oyster. salt (sawlt), n. chloride of sodium, used for seasoning and the preserva- tion of meat, &c., obtained from the earth or by the evaporation of sea water ; anything like salt ; the com- bination of an acid with a base; wit ; piquancy ; a sailor : v.t. to sprinkle or season with salt : adj. flavored, seasoned, or impregnated, with salt. saltant sal'tant), adj. leaping; danc- ing ; in heraldry, same as salient. saltarello (sal-ta-rel'o), n. a viva- cious Spanish and Italian dance; music for such a dance. saltation (-ta'shun), n. a leaping oi* dancing. saltatory (*ta-to-ri), adj. dancing. saltern (sawl'tern), n. a salt manu- factory. i ate, arm. at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, ndrth, not ; boooj book; hue, but; think, then. sai 696 saXi saltier, saltire (sal'ter), n. a St. Andrew's cross. laltisli (sawl'tish), adj. somewhat salt. saltless ('les), adj\ without salt; in- sipid. B a 1 u b r i ® 11 s ( sa-loo'bri-us ) , adj. healthy. salubrity ('bri-ti), n. healthfulness. Also salubriousness. ■'Salutarily (sal'ti-ta-ri-li), adj. in a salutary manner. ' salutariness ('u-ta-ri-nes), n. the state or quality of being salutary. salutary ( 'u-ta-ri ) , adj. healthful ; wholesome; beneficent. salutation (-u-ta'shun) , n. act or manner of saluting ; greeting, or act of paying respect. Salutatory (sa-lu'ta-to-ri), adj. salut- ing ; greeting : n. the opening oration at the commencement in American schools and colleges ; any address of welcome. salute (-lut'), n. a mark of military respect shown by raising the hand to the helmet, &c. ; a kiss ; greeting ; salvo of artillery, lowering of a flag, &c., as a mark of honor : v.f. to address with kind wishes ; wel- come ; greet with' a kiss or bow ; honor by a salvo of artillery, low- ering a flag, &c. : v.i. to make a salute. salvability (sal-va-bil'i-ti), n. the state of being salvable. salvable ( 'va-bl ) , adj. capable of be- ing saved. salvage (-vaj), n. compensation given to those who assist at saving a ves- sel or cargo at sea ; the goods or vessel saved. salvation (-va'shun), n. the act of saving ; preservation from destruc- tion ; rescue ; spiritual deliverance from sin and death. Salvation Army (ar'mi), n. a re- ligious organization formed on a quasi-military model. Salvationist (~ist), n. a member of the Salvation Army. salve (sav), n. a healing ointment; a remedy or soothing application. salver (sal'ver), n. a tray on which anything is presented. salvo ('vo), n. a discharge of a num- ber of pieces of artillery, intended as a salute ; general, simultaneous cheering; an exception or reserva- tion. sal-volatile, see under sal. salvor ('ver), n. one who affects the spJvage of goods, &c. Samaritan (sa-mar'i-tan), adj. per- taining to, or characteristic of, Sa- maria, or the Samaritans ; noting certain characters used by the He- brews prior to the captivity : w. a native of Samaria ; a kind, charita- ble person (Luke x. 30-37). sambo (sam'bo), n. the offspring of a black and a mulatto ; negro. sambur ('ber), n. the elk of the hill- country of India. same (sam), adj. identical in kind or degree ; exactly alike ; before-men- tioned. sameness ('nes), n. identity; simi- larity. samovar (sam'o-var), n. a Russian tea-urn. samp (samp), n. hulled Indian corn. sampan (sam'pan), n. a Chinese fish- ing boat, frequently used as a resi- dence. samphire ('fer), n. a marine plant growing usually on cliffs, and used as a pickle. sample ('pi), n. a specimen; model; pattern ; part shown as indicative of the quality of the whole: v.t. to show something similar ; take a sam- pie of. sampler ('pier), n. a pattern; a piece of ornamental needlework for practice, &c. sample-room (room), n. a dram- shop. sanability (san-a-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being sane. Also sanableness. sanable ('a-bl), adj. curable. sanativeness ('a-tiv-nes), n. power of healing. sanatorium (-to'ri-um), n. a health retr .at ; an institution for the care of invalids or the treatment of par- ticular diseases. sanatory ('a-to-ri), a^Z;. conducive to health. sanctification (sangk-ti-fi-ka'shun). ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 697 n. the act of sanctifying; state of being sanctified ; consecration. sanctifier ('ti-fi-er), n. one who sanctifies. sanctimonious (-ti-mo'ni-us), adj. having the appearance of, or affect- ing, sancity ; hypocritical. sanction ('shun), n. the act of rati- fying, or giving authority to ; au- thority ; custom : v.t. to fi'ive sanc- tion to ; countenance. sanctitude ('ti-ttid), n. holiness. sanctity ( 'ti-ti ) , n. purity ; inviola- bility ; sacredness ; solemnity ; a saint. sanctuary ('tti-a-ri), n. [pi. sanctu- aries (-riz)], the most retired and sacred part of a temple ; consecrated place ; temple ; part of a church around the altar ; inviolable asy- lum ; shelter ; refuge. sanctum, ('tum), n. a sacred or pri- vate place. sanctum sanctorum (-to'rum), n.a most holy place ; in the Jewish Tem- ple, the Holy of Holies ; a place of the utmost privacy. sanctus bell ('tus bel), n. a bell rung at the more solemn parts of the mass. sand (sand), n. fine particles of crushed or worn rock : pi. tracts of sand ; hours or time one has to live : v.t. to sprinkle with sand. sandal (san'dal), n. a kind of shoe fastened by straps to the foot ; a loose slipper ; the ofiicial shoe of a Roman Catholic preh te or abbot. sandaled ('dald), adj. wearing san- dals. sandalwood (-wood), n. a white- colored, odoriferous wood, used in cabinet-making. sandarac ('da-rak), n. a kind of resin or gum, used in varnishes. Also sandarach. sanderling ('der-ling), n. a small wading-bird. Sanders ('derz), n. red sandalwood. sandiver ('di-ver), n. a saline scum which forms on glass when fused ; glass-gall. sandix ('diks), n. a kind of red lead. sandpiper (sand'pi-per), n. a name for various birds of the snipe and woodcock family. sandwich ('wich), n. two thin slices of bread with ham, &c., between ; anything like a sandwich : v.t. to place between two other persons or things. sandy^ ('i), adj. composed of, abound- ing in, of the color of, or covered with sand; shifting; unstable. sane (san), adj. mentally sound or healthy. saneness ('nes), n. the state or qual- ity of being sane. \ sang, p.t. of sing. sangaree (sang-ga-re'), n. a beverage of wine or brandy and water spiced with nutmeg. sangfroid (sang-frwa'), n. cool in- difference or composure [French]. sangu Cgoo), n. the Abyssinian ox. sanguiferous ( -gwif 'er-us ) , adj. con- veying blood. sanguify ('gwi-fi), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. sanguified, p.pr. sanguifying], to form or produce blood : v.t. to con- vert into blood. sanguinary ('gwi-na-ri), adj. at- tended with much bloodshed ; blood- thirsty ; murderous ; cruel. sanguine ('gwin), adj. warm and ardent in temper ; hopeful ; confi- dent : n. blood color : v.t. to stain with blood. sanguinely (-li), adv. in a sanguine manner. sanguineness (-nes), n. the quality or state of being sanguine ; plethora ; heat or ardor of temperament ; hope- fulness. sanguineous (-gwin'e-us), adj. per- taining to, abounding with, or con- stituting, blood ; of a blood color. Sanhedrim (san-he'drim), n. the great judicial council of the ancient Jews, composed of 71 priests, scribes, and elders, presided over by the high priest. Also Sanhedrin. sanies (sa'ni-ez), n. a thin reddish discharge from a wound or sore. sanitarian (san-i-ta'ri-an), adj. of or pertaining to the laws of health ; having regard to the public health : n. one versed in, or devoted to sani- tary studies ; an advocate or pro- moter of sanitary^ measures. sanitarium (-ta'ri-um), n. a sana- torium, especially one where the ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mif, note, nSrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, fAen. sam treatment is phophylactic instead of therapeutic. sanitary (san'i-ta-ri), adj. pertain- ing to, connected with, or tending to promote, health, especially by leg- islative enactment ; hygienic. _ sanitation (-ta'shun), n. hygiene. sanity ('i-ti), n. saneness. sank, p.t. of sink. -sansculotte (sanz-koo-lof), n. a fel- low without breeches ; a term of con- tempt applied to the French Revo- lutionists. sansculotterie (-lot're), n. the French Revolutionists collectively ; extreme republicanism. Sanskrit (san'skrit), n. the ancient language of the Hindus. Also San- scrit. sap (sap), n, the watery circulating juice Df a plant ; alburnum of a tree ; vital fluid ; an excavated trench for approaching a fort; an ardent student : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. sapped, p.pr. sapping], to deprive of vitality ; undermine : v.i. to study ardently, as for an examination ; proceed by secretly undermining. sapid ('id), adj. savory. sapience (sa'pi-ens), n. knowledge; wisdom. sapient ('pi-ent), adj. wise; saga- cious. sapling (sap'ling), n. a young tree. sapodilla (-o-dil'a) , n. sl tropical tree yielding a large fruit, the seeds of which are used in medicine. saponaceous (-o-na'shus), adj. re- sembling, or having the qualities of, soap ; unctuous. saponification (sa-pon-i-fi-ka'shun) , n. conversion into soap. saponify ('i-fi), v.t. [p.f. & p.p. saponified, p.pr. saponifying] to con- vert into soap by combination with an alkali. saporific (sap-o-rif'ik), adj. produc- ing taste. saporosity (-ros'i-ti), n. that quality in a substance which excites the sensation of taste. saporous ('o-rus), adj. having, or stimulating, flavor. sappan ('an), n. an Asiatic dye- wood. Sapan. sapper ('er), n. one who saps; a sol- dier employed in sapping or digging trenches. sappkire (saf'ir), n. a precious stone of a blue color, a variety of corun- dum. sappiness (sap'i-nes), n. the quality of being sappy. sappy ('i), adj. full of sap; juicy. saraband (sar'a-band), n. sl Spanish dance ; music for such a dance. Saracen ('a-sen), n. the medigeval name for an Arab or Mohammedan. Saracenic ('ik), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, the Saracens. sarcasm (sar'kazm), n. a bitter, cut-, ting, satirical expression. sarcastic (-kas'tik), adj. bitterly sa- tirical. Also sarcastical. sarcastically (-al-li), adv. in a sar- castic manner. sarcine (sar'sin), n. a nitrogenous substance existing in muscular and glandular tissues. sarcocarp ('ko-karp), n. the fleshy part of a fruit. sarcocol ('ko-kol),»w. an inspissated sap or gum-resin of an African tree. Sarcocollin. sarcode ('kod),n. animal protoplasm. sarcoderm ('ko-derm), n. the fleshy layer between the interior and ex- terior covering of a seed. sarcodic (-kod'ik), adj. pertaining to> or consisting of, sarcode. sarcoid ('koid), adj. flesh-like. sarcoline ('ko-lin), adj. flesh-colored, sarcolite ('ko-lit), n. a flesh-colored mineral occurring in the volcanic rocks of Vesuvius. narcological (-loj'i-kal), adj. per- taining to sarcology. sarcology (-kol'o-ji), n. that part of anatomy that treats of the soft parts of the body. sarcoma (-ko'ma), n. a fleshy tumor. Also sarcosis. sarcopkagous (-kof 'a-gus) , adj. feed- ing on flesh. sarcopkagus ('a-gus), n. a lime- stone used by the Greeks for coffins : a stone coffin. sarcotic (-kot'ik), adj. flesh-forming. sard (sard), n. a precious stone, a - deep blood-red variety of carnelian. sardine (-den'), n. a species of pil- chard, abundant in the Mediterra- ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, *7ien. sat nean, and preserved in oil for ex- portation ; ( 'din ) a precious stone mentioned in Rev. iv., the sardius. sardonic (-don'ik), adj. forced, bit- ter, or heartless : said of a laugh or smile ; from a Sardinian herb, re- puted to cause convulsive motions of the cheek and lips when eaten. Also sardonian. sardonyx ('do-niks), n. a variety of agate. sargasso (-gas'o), n. the floating sea- or gulf-weed of the North At- lantic. Also sargassum. sarsaparilla (-sa-pa-rira, n. a twin- ing shrub found in Mexico, &c., the root of which is used as a medicine. sarsenet (sars'net), n. a thin fine kind of woven silk, used for ribbons, linings, &c. sartorial (-to'ri-al), adj. pertaining to a tailor. sartorious ('ri-us), n. the muscle of the thigh by means of which the legs can be crossed; the tailor's muscle. sash (sash), n. a band, ribbon, or scarf, worn round the waist or over the shoulder ; a frame for holding panes of glass : v.t. to furnish with sashes. sasin (sas'in), m. the Indian antelope. sassafras ('a-fras), n. a tree allied to the laurel, with a fragrant root, wood, and flowers. sassoline ('o-lin), n. native boracic acid. Also sassolin. sat, p.t. of sit. Satan (sa'tan), n, the Devil. Satanic (-tan'ik), adj. pertaining to, or resembling, Satan ; diabolical ; infernal ; very malicious. Satanism ('tan-izm), n. the evil dis- position of Satan ; a diabolical spirit. satchel (sach'el), n. a small bag for carrying books, papers, &c. ; any handbag. sate (sat), v.t. to satisfy the appe- tites or desires of. sateen (sa-ten'), n. a woolen or cot- ton fabric made in imitation of satin. satellite (sat'el-it), n. a small planet revolving round a larger one ; an obsequious attendant. satiable (sa'shi-a-bl), adj. capable of being gratified or satiated. satiate ('shi-at), v.t. to fill, or grat- ify fully ; surfeit ; glut : adj. glutted. satiety (-ti'e-ti), n. fulness of grati- fication beyond desire ; repletion. satin (sat'in), n. a closely woven glossy silk: adj, made of, or like, satin. satinet (-ef), n. a thin kind of satin ; a glossy cloth woven with wool and cotton made to resemble satin. satiny ('in-i), adj. like satin. satire (sat'ir), n. a species of poetry in which contemporary vice and folly are held up to ridicule ; sar- casm ; ridicule. satiric (sa-tir'ik), adj. pertaining to, or containing, satire ; addicted to satire. Also satirical. satirically (-al-li), adv. in a satiric manner. satirist (sat'i-rist), n. a writer of satire ; one who satirizes. satirize ('i-riz), v.t. to assail or ridi- cule with satire. satisfaction (sat-is-fak'shun), n. the act of satisfying ; the state of being satisfied ; contentment ; gratification ; payment ; redress ; conviction. satisfactory ('to-ri), ac?;. giving sat- isfaction or content ; making re- dress ; relieving the mind from doubt or uncertainty. satisfy ('is-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. satis- fied, p.pr. satisfying], to gratify to the fullest degree ; free from doubt or uncertainty ; pay in full ; dis- charge : v.i. to give satisfaction ; make atonement or payment. satrap (sa'trap), n. a kind of viceroy among the ancient Persians. satrapy (-i), n. the government or jurisdiction of a satrap. saturable ( sat'u-ra-bl ) , adj. capable of being saturated. saturant ('u-rant), adj. impregnat- ing to the full : n. a substance that neutralizes acid in the stomach. saturate ('ti-rat), v.t. to soak or im- bue. saturation (-ra'shun), n. the act of saturating ; the state of being sat- urated ; impregnation of one sub- stance by another until the latter can contain no more. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, th&n. sat 700 Saturday ('er-da), n. the 7th day of the week. Saturn (sat'ern), n. the planet next beyond, and next in magnitude to, Jupiter ; the ancient Italian god of seed-time and harvest. Saturnalia (-er-na'li-a), n. an an- cient Roman festival in honor of the god Saturn, in which all classes, in- cluding slaves, took part : hence un- restrained revelry. Saturnalian ('li-an), adj. pertain- ing to, or characteristic of, the Sat- urnalia; dissolute; riotously mirth- ful. Saturnian ('ni-an), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, the god Sat- urn, or to the golden age of purity and happiness. saturnine ('nln), adj. under the in- fluence of the planet Saturn ; dull ; morosej gloomy ; phlegmatic. satyr ('er), n. a sylvan Greek deity, attendant on Bacchus, represented with long, pointed ears, short horns, a man's body, and the legs of a goat. sauce (saws), n. a liquid condiment or seasoning for food ; any mixture - used as a relish ; pertness : v.t. to put sauce into ; render pungent ; treat with pertness. sauce-box ('boks), n. a pert, impu- dent person. saucer ('ser), n. a shallow piece of china, &c., in which a tea or coffee cup is placed. saucily (saw'si-li), adv. in a saucy manner. sauciness ('si-nes), n. impudent pert- ness or boldness. saucy ('si), adj. [comp. saucier, su- perl. sauciest], pert; impudent. sauerkraut (sour'krout), n. a pickle of chopped cabbage packed in layers with salt between, which causes fer- mentation. saul ( sawl ) , n. an Indian timber tree, used ^ for building purposes, and yielding the resin called dammar. saunter (san'ter or sawn'ter), v.i. to wander about idly ; loiter ; linger : n. a place for sauntering ; idle walk or ramble. saurian (saw'ri-an), n. any individ- ual of the Sauria, an order of four- legged reptiles having the body fur- nished with scales, as the crocodile and lizard. sauroid ('roid), adj. lizard-like. saury ('ri), n. a kind of pike. sausage (saw'saj), n. the gut of an animal stuffed with seasoned minced meat ; minced meat seasoned with sage, salt,_ pepper, &c. saute (so-ta'), n. a method of cooking by tossing the material in a frying pan of particular construction. sauterne (-tern'), n. a French white wine. savable (sav'a-bl), adj. capable of being saved. savage ( sav'aj ) , adj. uncivilized : wild ; cruel ; fierce ; pitiless ; unculti- vated ; enraged : n. a human being in a rude, uncivilized state ; barbarian ; a fierce, brutal person. savagely (-li), adv. in a savage man- ner. savageness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being savage ; wildness. savagery ('aj-ri), n. the state of be- ing wild or uncivilized ; barbarism ; brutal roughness. savannab. (sa-van'a), n. an exten- sive open plain or meadow. Also savanna. savant (-vang'), n. a man of learning or science [French]. save (sav), v.t. to bring out of dan- ger or preserve from evil ; rescue ; deliver from spiritual death ; pre- vent ; lay by ; take advantage of : v.i. to be economical : prep, except ; not including. saveloy (sav'e-loi), n. a kind of cooked sausage. savin ('in), n. an evergreen tree or shrub with a dark foliage with blu- ish-green berries : the young leaves and branches yield an active volatile oil used in medicine. Also savine. saving (sav'ing), adj. preserving; frugal ; parsimonious ; reserving : n. an exception or reservation : pi. money, &c., saved : prep, with ex- ception in favor of. savingly (-li), adv. in a saving man» ner. savior (sav'yer), n. one who saves. Savior, Saviour, n^ Jesus Christ, the Redeemer (with tJie). savonette (sav-o-nef), n. a hard ball ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 701 of toilet soap, composed of various ingredients. savor (sa'ver), n. flavor; taste; rel- ish ; scent ; characteristic property ; v.i. to have a particular flavor or smell ; exhibit tokens of : v.t. to taste or smell with delight. savorily ('ver-i-li), adv. in a savory manner. savoriness (-i-nes), n. the quality of being savory. savory ('ver-i), n. an aromatic plant. savoy (sa-voi'), n. a kind of winter cabbage with crisp curled leaves. saiv (saw), n. a cutting steel instru- ment with a toothed edge ; a proverb or wise saying : v.t. to cut with, or as with, a saw : v.i. to be cut with a saw : p.t. of see. sawfish ('fish), n. a fish with a long bony snout furnished with spines or teeth. saivfly ('fli), n. an insect with a saw- like apparatus for depositing its eggs. sawyer ('yer), n. one who saws tim- ber into planks ; a tree in a river, whose branches, partly above water, sway up and down by the force of the current. saxhorn (saks'hOrn), n. a musical wind instrument, used in military bands; Saxon ('n), adj. pertaining to the Saxons, a race of people formerly inhabiting North Germany, their country or language ; Anglo-Saxon : n. a member of the Saxon race. saxophone ('o-fon), n. a brass mu- sical instrument with a single reed and clarinet mouthpiece. say (sa), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. said (sed), p.pr. saying], to utter in words; de- clare ; speak ; decide ; allege ; pro- nounce ; intone : v.i. to speak ; relate ; answer : imper. tell me : n. something said ; speech ; remark. saying ('ing), n. the act of speak- ing ; expression ; saw ; adage. scab (skab), n. an incrustation formed over a wound ; a contagious disease in sheep ; a workman who refuses to join a strike, or who takes the place abandoned by a striker. scabbard ('ard), n. the sheath in which the blade of a sword is kept : v.t. to put into a scabbard. scabbiness ('i-nes), n. scabby state. scabby ('i), adj. covered with, or full of, scabs; affected with scab. scabies (ska'bi-ez), n. the itch. scabrous ('brus), adj. rough to the touch ; uneven ; dotted ; scaly. scad (skad), n. the shad or horse- mackerel. scafPold (skaf'old), n. a temporary timber stage or structure ; an ele- vated platform for the execution * of a criminal : v.t. to furnish or sup- port with a scaffold. scaffolding (-ing), n. a scaffold; materials for erecting scaffolds ; framework. scalable (skal'a-bl), adj. capable of being scaled. scalawag (skal'a-wag), n. a scamp; scapegrace. scald (skawld), v.t. to burn with hot liquid or steam ; injure by contact with any hot fluid ; expose to violent heat over a fire or hot liquid : n. a burn or injury to the skin or flesh from a hot liquid or steam ; scab or scurf on the head ; one of the old Scandinavian poets, who recited or sang heroic poems (also skald). scaldic ('ik), adj. pertaining to, or composed by, the scalds. Also skaldic. scalding ('ing), p.adj. burning as with a hot liquid or steam. scale (skal), n. the dish of a balance; a balance ; an instrument or ma- chine for weighing ; the small bony or horny plates covering a fish, cer- tain reptiles, and insects ; any thin plate or layer ; the thin oxide which forms on the surface of iron forg- ings ; incrustation on the interior of a boiler ; a series of steps ; gradu- ated measure ; series of all the tones [Music] ; relative dimensions ; basis for a numerical system ; a scale- insect, or bark-louse, very destruc- tive to fruit trees : v.t. to strip or clear of scales ; weigh ; climb over, as by a ladder ; clamber up ; ascend by steps or by climbing : v.i. to sep- arate and come off in thin layers. scalene (ska-len'), adj. having the ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 702 sides and angles unequal ; said of a triangle. scallop (skol'op), n. a marine bi- valve fish, having the edge of its shell in the form of a series of curves : the shell was formerly worn by pilgrims who had visited the Holy Land ; a curving or recess : v.t. to cut the edge or border of in scalops or curves. scalloped-oysters (-ois'terz), n.ph oysters baked with bread crumbs, &c. scalp (skalp), n. the skin on the top of the head from which the hair grows ; the skin and hair of ' the head torn off by the North Ameri- can Indians in token of victory : v.t. to deprive of the scalp : v.i. to make a small quick profit by slight fluctuations of the market. scalpel ('el), n. a small keen-edged knife. scalper ('er), n. one who scalps; a person who buys and sells the un- used parts of railway tickets. scaly (skal'i). adj. covered with, or like, scales ; mean ; caddish. scammony ('o-ni), n. an inspissated sap obtained from the root of a spe- cies of convolvulus, used as a ca- thartic. scamp (skamp), n. a rascal; worth- less fellow ; rogue ; v.t. to execute or ~ perform in a superficial or careless manner and with bad material. scamper ( skam'per ) , v.i. to run with speed ; hasten away : n. a hasty flight. scan (skan), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. scanned, p.pr. scanning], to examine by count- ing the metrical feet or syllables ; scrutinize or examine carefully. 3candal ('dal), n. offense occasioned by the faults of another ; something uttered that is false and injurious to the reputation ; opprobrium ; defamation ; disgrace. scandalize (-iz), v.t. to offend by some supposed improper action or conduct. scandalons (-us), adj. giving offense to the conscience or moral sense ; exciting condemnation or oppro- brium. Scandinavian (-di-na'vi-an), adj.. pertaining to Scandinavia, its lan- guage, literature, or people. Also Scandian. scant (skant), adj. [comp. scanter, superl. scantest], not full or abun- dant ; scarcely sufficient : v.t. to stint ; treat illiberally ; limit : v.i. to fail or become diminished. scantily ('i-li), adv. in a scanty manner. scantiness ('i-nes). n. the state or quality of being scanty. Also scant ness. scantling ('ling), n, a piece of tim- ber cut or sawn of small size; the size to which a piece of timber is to be cut. scanty ('i), adj. [comp. scantier, su- perl. scantiest], narrow; barely suf- ficient ; scant. scape (skap), n, the shaft of a col- umn where it leaves the base ; a peduncle rising from the ground or stem underneath the ground : v.t, & v.i. to escape [Poet]. scapegoat ('got), n. among the an- cient Jews, one of the two goats determined by lot, over whose head the high priest confessed the sins of the people, after which it was sent away into the wilderness: hence one who bears the blame for others. scapegrace ('gras), n. a graceless, unprincipled fellow. scapple (skap'l), v.t. to rough-dress (stone) preparatory to hewing. scapula ('ii-la), n, the shoulder- blade. scapular ('u-lar), adj. pertaining to the scapula or shoulder ; in the Ro- man Catholic Church, part of the habit of certain religious orders; two pieces of cloth worn over the shoulders from motives of devotion. Also scapulary. scar (skar), n. a mark caused by a wound ; mark or blemish ; a pre- cipitous rock or bank ; the parrot- fish : v.t. Ip.t.^ p.p. scarred, p.pr, scarring], to mark with; or as with, a scar : v.i. to form a scar. scarab (skar'ab), n. a lamellicorn beetle, scarabseus ; a gem or seal ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 703 sell cut in the form of a beetle worn as a charm by the ancient Egyptians. I scarce (skars), adj, not common; not plentiful; not equal to the dt^ mand. scarcely ('li), adv. seldom; rarely; with difficulty. scarceness ('nes), n, the state of being scarce. Also scarcity. scare (skar), v.t. to strike with sud- den terror ; frighten : n. a sudden fright or panic. scarecro-wr ('kro), n. anything fan- tastic set up to scare away birds ; a vain cause of terror ; a guy. scarf (skarf), n. a light handkerchief or tie for the neck ; sash : v.t. throw on loosely; dress with a scarf; to unite (two pieces of timber) at the ends by a kind of dovetail. scarfing ('ing), n. the formation of a beam out of two pieces of timber. scarf skin ('skin), n. the cuticle.^ scarification (skar-i-fi-ka'shun), n. the act of scarifying. scarificator ('i-fi-ka-ter), n, a surgi- cal instrument used in scarifying. scarifier ('i-fi-er), n, one who, or that which, scarifies ; a scarificator ; an agricultural instrument for stir- ring the soil. scarify ('i-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. scari- fied, p.pr. scarifying], to scratch or cut ; make small incisions in by a lancet or scarificator : as, to scarify the skin ; to stir up and prepare for planting : as, to scarify the soil. scarlatina (skar-la-te'na), n. scarlet fever of a mild form. scarlet ('let), n. a bright red color; cloth of such a color : adj. of a scar- let color. scarlet fever (fe'ver), n. contagious febrile disease characterized by a scarlet eruption. scarlet runner (run'er), n. a vari- ety of bean. scarp (skarp), n. a slope or declivity, nearly perpendicular ; the slope of a ditch at the foot of a parapet : v.t. to cut perpendicularly or nearly so. scary (ska'ri), adj. causing, or sub- ject to, sudden fright. scathe (skaif/i), v.t. to injure or hurt : n. injury or harm. scathing ('ing), adj. injurious: hurtful ; very severe or bitter. scatter (skat'er), v.t. to strew or throw loosely about ; disperse or dis- sipate : v.i. to be dispersed or dissi- pated. scatterbrained ( -brand ) , adj. giddy. scaup (skawp), n. a species of duck. scavenge (skav'enj), v.t. to cleanse, as streets, from mud and filth. scavenger (-er), n. a man employed to clean the streets ; any animal that devours refuse or any other deleteri- ous matter. scenario (sha-na're-6), n. the sketch of a plot or chief incidents of a li bretto or play. scene (sen), n. the time, place, or cir- cumstance, &c., in which anything occurs : part of a play ; the imagi- nary place where the action of a play is supposed to take place ; spec- tacle ; exhibition ; display of feeling or passion between two or more per- sons. scenery ('er-i), n. the appearance of anything presented to the vision ; general aspect ; combination of nat- ural views ; painted representation • on a stage. scenic ('ik), adj. pertaining to scen- ery or to the stage ; dramatic. Also scenical. scenographic (sen-o-graf'ik), adj. drawn in perspective. scenographically (-al-i), adv. in perspective. scenography (se-nog'ra-fi), n. the art of drawing in perspective. scent (sent), n. odor; sense of smell; chase followed by means of the scent : v.t. to perceive by the olfac- tory nerves ; smell ; perfume : v.i. to hunt animals by the sense of smell. scepter, sceptre (sep'ter), n-, a staff borne by a sovereign as the emblem of authority ; royal mace : v.t. to in- vest with regal authority. sceptered ('terd), p. adj. bearing a scepter ; regal ; imperial. sceptic, same as skeptic. schedule (sked'ul), n. a written or printed paper or parchment contain- ing a list, or inventory ; list or docu- ment annexed to a larger instru- ate, arm, askr, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. sch 704 SCI ment, as a will, &c. : v.t. to place in a schedule._ sclieme (skem), n~ a connected com- bination of tilings for the attain- ment of a certain end ; plan ; con- trivance ; purpose ; plot : v.t. to de- sign or plan; plot: v.i. to form a scheme or plan. Sdiiedam (ske-dam'), n. Holland gin. scMUer (shil'er), n. the peculiar bronze-like luster in certain minerals. scMsm. (sizm), n. a split or division, especially permanent division or sep- aration in the Christian Church ; sin of causing such a division. schismatic (siz-mat'ik), adj. pertain- ing tOf or characteristic of, or im- plying, schism. Also schismatical : n. one who creates or takes part in a schism. schist (shist), n. any rock that splits into slates or slabs. schistose ('os), adj. like schist; fis- sile Schizomycetes (skiz-o-mi-se'tez), n. a class of very small organisms, as bacteria, &c. scholar (skol'er), n. a student; dis- ciple ; man of letters ; an undergrad- uate on the foundation of a college. scholarly (-li), adj. like a scholar: adv. in the manner of a scholar. scholarship ('er-ship), n. high at- tainments in literature or science ; learning ; erudition ; maintenance for a scholar, awarded by an educational institution. scholastic (sko-las'tik), adj. pertain- ing to a scholar or to schools ; schol- ar-like ; characteristic of the mediae- val schoolmen ; formal. scholasticism ('ti-sizm), ii. the scho- lastic philosophy of the Mediaeval Age. scholiast (sko'li-ast), n. a commen- tator or annotator, especially of the classics. scholium ('li-um), n. [pi. scholia (-a)], a marginal or explanatory note, especially on the text of a classic author. school (skool), n. a place where in- struction is given ; scholars or pu- pils collectively ; a mediaeval sem- inary for teaching theology, logic, and metaphysics ; disciples of a jpar- ticular teacher ; canon, precepts, or body of opinion ; examination hall ; any means of knowledge ; a shoal or great number, as of fish : v.t. to train or instruct ; chide or admon- ish. schooling ('ing), n. education. -- schoolman, ('man), ?r. [^^Z. schoolmen ('men) ], one of the divines and phi- losophers in the Middle Ages, schooner (skoon'er), n. a vessel with 2 masts, sometimes 3, rigged fore and aft ; a tall beer-glass. schottische (sho-tesh), n. a kind of polka. schweitzerkase (shvits'er-ka-ze), n. another name for Gruyere cheese. sciagraph (si'a-graf), n. the vertical section of a building showing its in- terior. sciagraphy (-ag'ra-fi), n. the art or science of projecting or delineating shadows as they fall in nature. sciatic (-at'ik), adj. pertaining to, or affecting, the hip. sciatica ('i-ka), n. neuralgia of the sciatic nerve. science ('ens), n. systematized knowl- edge of any one department of mind or matter ; acknowledged truths and laws, especially as demonstrated by induction, experiment, or observa- tion. scientific (-en-tif ik) , adj. pertaining to, used in, or skilled in, science ; skilful. scientifically (-al-i), adv. in a sci- entific manner. scientism ('en-tizm), n. the theories and practices of scientists. scientist ('en-tist), n. one skilled in, or devoted to, science. scilicet (sil'i-set), adv. namely [Lat- in]. scimitar (sim'i-ter), n. an Oriental sword with a curved blade having its edge on the convex side. Also scimeter. scintillate (sin'til-at), v.i. to emit sparks, fire, or igneous par*^icles; twinkle. scintillation (-la'shun), n. the act of scintillating; a spark or flash; twinkle. sciolism (si'o-lizm), n. superficial knowledge. I ate, arm, ask, at, awl me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; book ; hue, hut ; think, then. sci 705 SCO sciolist (-list), n. one who knows many things superficially. scion (si'on), n. the sprout or shoot of a plant ; a descendant ; heir. scioptic (-op'tik), adj. pertaining to N, the art of exhibiting luminous ira- ages in a darkened room or camera ' obscura. Also scioptric. sciopticon ('ti-kon), n. a magic lan- tern for exhibiting photographs. scire facias (si-re fa'shi-as), a writ , to enforce the execution of judg ments, &c., or to annul them. scissors (siz'erz), n.pl. a cutting in- strument resembling shears but smaller. sclerotic (skle-rot'ik), adj. hard; noting the firm white outermost membrane of the eyeball. sclerotitis (-ro-ti'tis), n. inflamma- tior]i of the sclerotic coat of the eye. scobs (skobs), n. raspings of ivory, metal, or other hard substances. scoff (skof), n. an expression of scorn or contempt ; ridicule ; derision : v.i. to exhibit scorn or contempt : v.t. to treat or address with derision. scold (skold), v.i. to chide sharply or rudely ; rail in a loud or violent manner : v.t. to find fault with : n. one who habitually scolds, especially a rude, clamorous woman. scolex (sko'leks), n. [pi. scoleces <-le'sez)], the larva of the tape- worm. scollop, same as scallop. sconce (skons), n. sl bulwark; small fort ; protection ; a fixed hanging or projecting candlestick ; tube in a candlestick for inserting the candle ; the head ; mulct or fine ; a small, thin cake of oatmeal, &c. scoop (skoop), n. a large ladle; deep shovel ; kind of scuttle : v.t. to take out or up with a scoop ; ladle out ; make hollow. scoot (skoot) t V.I. to walk or run hastily. scope (skop), n. room or opportunity for free outlook or action ; aim or intention ; design ; suffice meaning an instrument for viewing, as micro- scope. scorbutic (skor-bti'tik), adj. pertain- ing to, or affected by, scurvy. scorcb (skSrch) , v.t. to burn or roast slightly; parch, shrivel, or affect painfully with beat; v.i, to be scorched. score (skor), n. a notch or incision, especially one made as a reckoning ; the number 20 ; line or groove ; bill ; account ; behalf ; sake ; reason ; copy of a small musical work showing the component parts : v.t. to notch or mark furrows in ; keep record or ac- count of; to make a score of, as runs, points, &c., in a game. scoria (sko'ri-a)c n. [pL scoriae (-e)]j' volcanic cinder; slag formed after the fusion of metallic ores. scoriaceous (-a'shus), adj. pertain- ing to, or resembling, scoria. scorn (skorn), n. extreme and lofty contempt ; haughty disdain ; object of contempt : v.t. to hold in extreme contempt or disdain. scorner ('er), n. one who scorns, es- pecially one who holds religion in derision. scornful ('fool), adj. full of scorn; contemptuous ; disdainful. scornfully (-i), adv. with scorn. scorpion (skor'pi-un), n. an indi- vidual of the genus Scorpio, fur- nished with lobster-like claws, and armed with a poisonous sting in the tail ; a painful scourge. Scot (skot), n. a Scotchman. Scotch, (skoch), adj. pertaining to Scotland, its inhabitants, or its dia- lect. scotch, n. a wedge, &c., to prevent slipping or rolling; a slight cut or incision : v.t. to cut or wound super- ficially. scoter (sko'ter), n. a kind of duck. scotia ('ti-a), n. the hollow molding in the base of an Ionic column. Scotticism, ('i-sizm), n. a Scottish idiom. scoundrel ( skoun'drel ) , n. a man without honor or virtue ; low, worth- less fellow. scour (skour), v.t. to clean by fric- tion ; cleanse from grease, dirt, and make bright ; pass swiftly along ; search thoroughly; purge. scourge (skerj), n a whip with thongs used as a punishment : v.t. to whip severely; afflict or harass greatly. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n6rth, not ; boon- book; hue, hut; think, then. 706 scout (skout), n. a person sent out to obtain and bring in information, es- pecially of the movements, &c., of an enemy ; a college servant ; in cricket, a fielder : v.i. to act as a scout : v.t. to treat with scorn. scovel (skuv'l), n. a mop for sweep- ing a baker's oven. scow (skou),w. a large flat-bottomed boat with square ends : v.t. to trans- port in a scow. scowl (skoul), v.i. to wrinkle the brows in frowning or displeasure ; look sullen or angry : n. the wrin- kling of the brows in displeasure or anger ; frown. scrabble (skrab'l), v.i. to scrawl or scribble ; make irregular, unmeaning marks : v.t. to mark with irregular lines or letters. scrag (skrag), n. anything thin, lean, or rough ; something merely skin and bones. scraggily ('i-li), adv. in a scraggy manner. scragginess ('i-nes) , n. scraggy state or quality. scraggy ('i), adj. lean, thin and rough ; rough, with irregular points. scramble (skram'bl), v.i. to clamber with the hands and feet ; seize or catch hold of anything with eager- ness and roughness : v.t. to toss to- gether at random ; mix and cook in a confused mass : as, to scramMe eggs : n. a rude, eager struggle ; act of scrambling. scraucb (skranch), v.t. to grind with the teeth with a crackling sound; craunch. scrap (skrap), n. a small or detached piece ; fragment ; a scrimmage : v.i. to engage in a scrimmage. scrapbook ('book), n. a blank book for the pasting in of newspaper ex- tracts, &c. f:crape (skrap), v.t. to make a harsh or_ grating noise on; rub with some- thing sharp ; clean by rubbing ; re- move by scraping; gather laborious- ly by small gains or savings : v.i. barely succeed, as in passing an ex- amination ; play awkwardly or in- harmoniously on the violin ; bow by awkwardly drawing back the foot: n. the act, noise, or effect of scrap- ing ; a drawing back of the faot awkwardly ; difficulty ; perplexity. scraper ('er), n. one who, or that which, scrapes ; an instrument for scraping ; an awkward violinist i miser. scratch (skrach), v.t. to mark or tear the surface of with something pointed ; wound slightly ; tear or dig with the claws ; erase ; remove the name of (especially that of a horse) from a race : v.i. to use the nails or claws in tearing or digging; score by a fluke : n. a mark or tear made by scratching ; a superficial wound ; a kind of wig ; a line across the prize ring, up to which boxers are brought when they commence fighting : adj. taken at haphazard. scratches ('ez), n.pl. dry scabs be- tween the heel and pastern- joint of a horse. scratch, race (ras), n. a raco in which the competitors are unre- stricted by conditions or are chosen by lot. scrawl (skrawl), v.t. & v.i. to write or draw irregularly or hastily ; scrib- ble : n. hasty, irregular, or illegible writing ; scribble. scray (skra), n. the sea-swallow. screak (skrek), n. a shriek; screech. scream (skrem), n. a sharp, shrill cry as of fear or pain : v.i. to utter such a cry. screamer ('er), n. a South American wading bird ; an exaggerated state- ment, or excessively funny joke. screech (skrech), n. a harsh, shrill cry : v.i. to utter a harsh, shrill cry. screed (skred), n. wooden rules fer running moldings ; loud, shrill sound ; a fragment or piece ; a ha- rangue ; a piece of poor prose or verse. screen (skren), n. a light movable partition for protection ; coarse sieve ; a partition separating the chancel from the rest of a church : v.t. to shelter or conceal ; protect ; pass through a coarse sieve. screw (skroo). n. a cylinder of metal or wood grooved spirally ; one of the six mechanical powers ; screw-pro- peller : v.t. to press with a screw ; ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 707 scu apply a screw , to ; twist ; force or squeeze; oppress by exactions. screw-propeller (pro-pel'er), n. a spiral-bladed wheel at the stern of a steam-vessel for propelling it ; the vessel thus propelled. iscribble (skrib'l), v.t. to write has- tily and carelessly : v.i. write care- lessly and without regard to correct- ness : n. hasty, careless writing. scribbler ('ler), n. one who scrib- bles ; a literary hack, or petty author. scribe (skrib), n. a writer; clerk; amanuensis ; a teacher or copyist of the Jewish law : v.t. to adjust. scrim (skrim), n. a kind of fabric of cotton or linen for making blinds, &c. scrimmage ('aj), n. a general row or tussle. scrimp (skrimp), v.t. to make small, narrow, or short ; limit or straiten : v.i. to be parsimonious or miserly : adj, short ; narrow ; curtailed : n. a niggard or miser. scrimpness ('nes), n. scantiness. scrip (skrip), n. a satchel; schedule; certificate ; writing ; certificate of stock subscribed to a bank or other company. script (skript), n. a piece of writing; style of writing; type in imitation of writing ; original document or in- strument. scriptural ('lir-al), adj. pertaining to, contained in, or according to, the Scriptures ; Biblical. scrip turalism. (-izm), n. adherence to the letter of the Scriptures. scripturally (-li), at^v. in a scriptur- al manner. scripture ('ur), n. sacred writing; Biblical text: pi. the books of the Old and New Testaments : the Bible. scrivener (skriv'ner), n. one who draws up contracts, prepares writ- ings, &c. ; formerly a broker or financial agent. scrofula (skrof'u-la), n. a disease caused by the formation and deposi- tion of tubercle in the organs and tissues of the body; king's evil. scrofulous (-lus), adj. pertaining to, of the nature of, or affected with, scrofula. scroll (skrol), n. a roll of paper or parchment; a convoluted spiral or- nament ; a flourish to a signature. scrotum (skro'tum), n. the pouch which contains the testes. scrouge (skrouj), v.t. to crowd or squeeze. scrub (skrub), v.t. [pret. & p.p. scrubbed, p.pr. scrubbing], to rub hard ; wash with rubbing or a wet brush : v.i. to clean or scour : n. one who labors hard and lives meanly ; a sorry fellow ; a worn-out brush : adj. mean or small ; contemptible ; dirty. scrubby ('i), adj. mean and small; stunted in growth; covered with brushwood; unshaven. scrumptious (skrump'shus), adj, nice ; excellent ; fine. scruuch. (skrunch), v.t. to crunch. scruple (skroo'pl), n. 1-3 of a dram, I or 20 grains; hesitation, especially from conscientious motives : v.i. tc hesitate from conscientious motives. scrupulosity (-pu-los'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being scrupulous ; nice or conscientious regard to ex- actness or propriety ; precision. Also scrupulousness. scrupulous Cpti-lus), adj. full of scruples ; conscientious ; exact ; care- ful ;^ strict. scrutinize ('ti-niz), v.t. to inspect or examine closely. scrutinous ('ti-nus), adj. closely in- specting or examining; precise; careful ; captious. scrutiny ('ti-ni), n. close inspection or examination ; minute inquiry ; ex- amination of votes recorded at an election. scud (skud), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. scudded, p.pr. scudding], to run quickly; run before a gale of wind with little or no sail spread : n. the act of scud- ding ; loose, vapory clouds driven by the wind. scuffle (skuf'l), v.i. to fight or strug- gle confusedly, especially hand to hand : n. a struggle for mastery with close grappling; confused conflict; fight. scull (skul), n, one of a pair of short oars ; an oar used at the stern of a boat to propel it : v.i. to impel a boat with a scull or sculls. scullery ('er-i), n. [pi. sculleries ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, ndrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 708 sea (-iz)], a place where culinary uten- sil^, &c., are kept and cleansed. scullion ('yun), n. a servant em- ployed in the menial work of a scul- lery. scnlpin. ('pin), n. a North American fish with a large head furnished with sharp spines. sculptor (skulp'ter), n. one who practices the art of sculpture. Fem- inine sculptress. sculptural ('tu-ral), adj. pertaining to sculpture. sculpture ('tiir), n. the art of carv- ing, cutting, or hewing stone or oth- er material into images of men, ani- mals, &c. ; carved work or figure : v.t, to represent in, or fashion by, sculpture. sculpturesque (-esk'), adj. resem- bling, or having the character of sculpture- scum (skum), n. extraneous matter or impurities which rise to the sur- face of liquids when boiled or fer- mented ; scoria of metals in a molten state ; anything worthless or vile : vA. [p.t. & p.p. scummed, p.pr. scum- ming], to form a scum: v.t. to clear impurities from the surface of ; skim. scupper (skup'er), n. a hole or tube in the side of a ship to cary off deck water. scurf (skerf), n. minute, white, flaky scales formed on the skin, especially on the scalp; dandruff; loosely ad- herent matter. scurff (skerf), n. the bull-trout. scurfiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being scurfy. scurfy ('i), adj. [comp. scurfier, su- perl. scurfiest], pertaining to, pro- ducing, covered with, or like, scurf. scurrile (skur'il), adj. befitting a buffoon or vulgar jester ; grossly op- probrious or jocosely indecent. scurrility ('i-ti), n. [pi. scurrilities (-tiz)], vulgar, vile, or indecent jocularity. scurrilous ('il-us), adj. using the low, indecent language of the vul- gar ; mean ; foul-mouthed ; vile ; con- taining low indecency or abuse. scurry (skur'i), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. scur- ried, p.pr. scurrying], to hasten or move rapidly along : n. hurried move- ment. scurvily (sker'vi-li), adv. in a scurvy manner. scurviness (-nes), n. scurvy state or quality ; meanness. scurvy ('vi), adj. affected by scurvy; scabby ; vile ; contemptible ; mean ; paltry : n. a. condition of anaemia, caused by deficiency of vegetable food or lime juice, causing great weakness, emaciation, &c. scut (skut), n. the short, erect tail of a fox, deer, &c. scutch (skuch), v.t. to dress (flax or cotton) by beating. scutcheon ('un), n. an escutcheon; shield for a keyhole. scuttle (skut'l), v.i. to hasten or hurry : v.t. to cut a hole or holes in (a ship) to sink it: n. a quick or short run ; a pan for holding coals ; lid or door closing or covering an opening in a roof, &c. ; hatchway or small opening in the deck of a ship. scutum (skti'tum), %. [pi. scuta ('ta)], a shield; a shield-like plate. scymiitar, same as scimitar. scythe (si#7i), n. a curved cutting in- strument used for mowing grass, &c. Scythian (sith'i-an), adj. pertaining to Scythia, to its language, or its in- habitants. 'sdeath (sdeth), inter j. an exclama- tion expressing impatience or dis- dain. se, a prefix, meaning without, apart ^ aside. sea (se), n. an expanse of salt water, less in extent than an ocean, and usually forming a part of, or con- necting with, an ocean or larger sea ; an inland body of water ; the ocean ; a billow or large wave ; swell of the ocean in a tempest ; a large quan- tity ; the great brazen laver of the Jewish Temple. sea-bar ('bar), n. the sea-swallow. sea-bat ('bat), n. a kind of flying- fish. sea-bear ('bar), n. the polar bear. sea-calf ('kaf), n. the common seal. sea-cow ('kou), n. the manatee; du- gong ; walrus. sea-cucumber ('kti-kum-ber), n. the trepang. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. sea 709 sea-devil (-dev'il), n. a fish with a large head and great mouth, the sea- angler. sea-dog ('dog), n. the common seal; an old sailor. sea-elephant ('el-e-fant), n. a va- riety of seal with a proboscis some- what like that of the elephant. seafarer ('fa-rer), n. a sailor. seafaring ('far-ing), adj. following the occupation of a sailor. sea-fennel (-fen'el), n. samphire. sea-fox ('foks), n. a variety of shark. sea-gage ('gaj), 7i. the draught of a ship ; a self-registering apparatus far deep-sea soundings. sea-hog ('hog), n. the porpoise. sea-horse ('hOrs), n. the walrus; the hippocampus ; the hippopotamus. seal (sel), n. a carnivorous marine mammal, valuable for its skin and oil ; a stamp or die engraved with ;some device, motto, or image, used for making an impression in relief on wax, &c. ; wax or other soft sub- stance set to an instrument, and impressed with a seal ; any act of confirmation or ratification ; that which seals or fastens ; drain-trap : "V.t. to fasten with a seal ; set or af- fix a seal to ; ratify or confirm ; keep secure or sectet ; among the Mor- mons, to set apart an additional wife. sea-legs ('legz), n.pl. ability to walk on a ship's deck, when the vessel is pitching or rolling. sea-lemon ('lem-un), n. a marine gasteropodus mollusk of the genus Doris. sea-leopard ('lep-ard), n. a variety of seal. sea-lion ('|i-un), n. a name for sev- eral large species of seals. seam (sem), n. the line formed by the jewing of two pieces of material to- ' gether ; line of junction or union ; narrow vein between two thicker strata : thin layer ; piece of needle- work c" v.t, to form a seam upon or of ; join with a seam ; scar ', knit with a particular kind of stitch °. v.i. to crack open* sea-me-w (se'mu) , n. a species of gulL seamstress (sem'stres), n. a needle- woman. seamy ('i), adj. showing, or like, seams. seamy-side (-sid), n. the worst side. seance (sa-angs'), n. a session as of some deliberative body ; a meeting of spiritualists for evoking manifesta- tions ; a select scientific gathering. sea-pheasant (se'fez-ant), n. the pin-tail duck. sea-purse ('pers), n. the horny en- velope of the skate, and certain sharks, in which they deposit their eggs. sear (ser), v.t. to burn to dryness on the surface ; cauterize ; brand ; ren- der callous or insensible. search (serch), v.t. to seek for; go over and examine ; explore ; inspect : v.i. to make inquiry ; seek : n. the act of seeking or looking for something ; iiivestigation ; examination ; pursuit ; quest. search-light ('lit), n. an electric light so arranged that by revolving it a tract of land or sea can be seen at night. search- warrant ('wor-ant), n. a warrant issued by a magistrate au- thorizing a police officer to search a house for stolen property. seared (serd), adj. hardened; cal- lous ; indifferent ; cauterized. seascape (se'skap), n. a picture re- presenting a scene at sea. season Czn), n. any particular time as distinguished from others ; one of the four divisions of the year : v.t. to mature ; prepare by drying and hard- ening, or removing natural juices ; render palatable; spice moderately: v.i. to become mature, acclimated, inured, or seasoned. seasonable (-a-bl), adj. occurring or done in good, or proper, time; op- portune. seasonableness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being seasonable. seasonably (-bli), adv. opportunely. seasoning (-ing), n. that which is added to give relish or piquancy to food ,• anything added to increase en- joyment. seat (set), n. that on which anyone sits ; chair ; post or authority ; sta- tion : site ; residence ; mansion ; reg- ular or appropriate place of sitting ; ate. arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit : note, north, not ; boon, feopk; hue, hut; think, then. ^ec no posture on horseback, &c. ; place in Congress or other legislative body : v.t. to place on a seat ; cause to sit down ; establish ; place in any site or position ; instal ; fix. secant (se'kant), adj. cutting into two parts : n. sl right line from the center of a circle through one ex- tremity of an arc, produced till it meets the tangent from the other extremity of the same arc ; the num- ber expressing the ratio of this line to the radius of the circle. secco (sek'o), n. painting on dry plas- ter : adj. dry [Italian]. Fecede (se-sed'), v.i. to withdraw from fellowship, communion, or as- sociation. secedei? ('er), n. one who secedes. secession (-sesh'un), n. the act of Receding; withdrawal or separation from the communion or association of others ; withdrawal of a State from the Federal Union. secessionist (-ist), n. an upholder Oi secession ; one who took part with the Southern States in the Civil war of 1861. seclude (-klood'), v.t. to keep apart from the company or society of oth- ers ; exclude. seclusion (-kloo'zhun), n. separation or withdrawal from the society of others ; privacy. seclusive ('siv), adj. keeping in se- clusion. second (sek'und), adj. immediately following the first ; next to the first in order of place, or time ; next in value, excellence, merit, dignity, or importance ; inferior ; subordinate ; being of the same kind as another that has preceded ; below in pitch [Music] : n. one or that next the first in place, rank, excellence, or power ; one who attends on the prin- cipal at a duel ; backer ; the l-60th part of a minute of time or of a de- gree : pi. coarse flour : v.t. to follow ; act as an assistant or supporter of; assist ; support, as a motion, &c., by adding one's voice to that of the pro- poser. secondarily ('und-a-ri-li), adv. in a secondary manner or degree. secondariness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being secondary. secondary ('und-a-ri), adj. succeed- ing next in order to the first ; of sec- ond place, origin, &c. ; not primary ; subordinate ; inferior ; deputed ; re- volving round a primary planet ; noting rocks intermediate between the Primary and Tertiary, the Meso- zoic : n. sl delegate or deputy. secondary battery (bat'er-i), n, a storage battery. secondary-color (-kul'er), n. a col- or produced by the mixture of two primary colors in equal proportions. secondary-tints (-tintz), n.pl.*suh- dued tints, as grey. secrecy (se'kre-si), n. [pi. secrecies (-siz)], the state or quality of being hidden ; concealment ; retirement ; solitude ; habit of keeping secrets ; discretion. secret ('kret), adj. hidden or con- cealed ; removed from sight ; kept from the knowledge or view of all except those concerned ; silent ; pri- vate : n. that which is concealed ; something unknown or undisclosed. secretarial ( sek-re-ta'ri-al ) , adj. per- taining to, or befitting, a secretary. secretary ('re-ta-ri), n. [pi. secre- taries (-riz)], a confidential person employed to assist another in con- ducting correspondence, &c. ; one who transacts the business of a Gov- ernment department, company, &c. ; an escritoire. secretary-bird (-berd), n. a South African predatory bird having a crest of feathers which resemble when depressed pens stuck in the ear. secretaryship (-ship), n. the office, or term of office, of a secretary. secrete (se-kref), v.t. to hide or con- ceal ; separate from the blood, sap, &c. secretion (-kre'shun), n. the act of secreting or separating from a circu- lating fluid ; any substance or fluid secreted. secretive ('tiv), adj. given to secre- cy ; causing, or promoting secretion. secretiveness (-nes), n. the quality of being secretive ; the phrenological &te, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 711 sed organ which impels to secrecy, re- serve, or concealment. secretory ('to-ri), adj. performing, or connected with, the office of se- cretion. sect (sekt), n. a number of persons who, following a teacher or leader, are united by a common attachment to some particular religious or phil- osophical doctrines. sectarian (sek-ta'ri-an), adj. per- taining to, or characteristic of, a sect : n. a member of a sect ; dissen- ter. sectarianism (-an-izm), n. the spir- it, tendency, or principles of a sect ; adherence to some particular sect. sectarianize ('iz), v.t. to imbue with a sectarian spirit, &c. sectary ('ta-ri), n. [pi. sectaries (-riz)], a member or adherent of a sect; sectarian. sectile (sek'til), adj. capable of be- ing cut. section (.'shun), n. the act of cutting, or separation by cutting ; part or di- vision : slice ; the line formed by the intersection of two surfaces; divi- sion or subdivision of a chapter or statute ; distinct part of a country, people, community, or class ; one of the squares of 640 acres each into which public lands are divided ; l-36th of a township ; division of a genus ; vertical plan of any struc- ture as it would appear if cut by an intersecting plane ; part of a musical period. sectionalism ('shun-al-izm), n. local patriotism, sectionally (-li), adv. in a sectional manner. sector (sek'ter), n. that part of a circle included between two radii and the arc ; a mathematical instru- ment for laying down plans, meas- uring zenith distances, &c. sectorial (-to'ri-al), adj. adapted for cutting; noting one molar tooth on each side of both jaws, having the crown adapted for cutting. secular ('u-lar), adj. pertaining to this present world, or to things not sacred ; worldly ; temporal ; extend- ing over, or occurring in, a long period of time ; not bound by mo- nastic vows : n. an ecclesiastic not bound by monastic vows ; a layman ; a church official whose duties are confined to the vocal department of the choir. secularism (-izm), n. the principles or tenets of the secularists. secularist (-ist), n. one who objects to religious teaching in elementary schools ; one who, discarding the forms of religion, maintains that the duties and problems of this present life should be the primary objects of man's concern. secularity ('i-ti), n. supreme atten- tion to the things of the present life ; worldliness. secularization (-i-za'shun), n. the act of secularizing, secularize ('ti-lar-iz), v.t. to convert from sacred to secular or common use ; render worldly or unspiritual ; convert from regular or monastic into secular. secund (se'kund), adj. arranged on one side only ; unilateral. secure (se-kur'), adj. free from fear or danger ; safe ; protected ; confi- dent ; relying upon (with of) : v.t. to make safe; protect; guarantee; make fast ; confine effectually ; gain possession of ; put beyond hazard of losing or not receiving (with against or from). securely ('li), adv. in a secure man- ner. security ('i-ti), n. [pi. securities (-tiz) ], the state or quality of being secure ; freedom from fear or dan- ger ; assurance ; certainty ; some- thing given to secure the fulfilment of a contract ; pledge ; evidence of debt or property ; one who becomes surety for another ; something given or done to secure good behavior. sedan (-dan'), n. a portable covered chair or vehicle for the conveyance of one person, used in the 18th cen- tury, and carried by two men by means of a pole on either side. Also sedan-chair. sedate (se-dat'), adj calm; com- posed ; quiet ; serious ; unruflBed. sedately ('li), adv, in a sedate man- ner. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon^ book ; hue, hut ; think, then. sed 712 see sedateness ('nes), n. tranquillity; composure. sedative (sed'a-tiv), adj. allaying nervous irritation and irritability ; assuaging pain : n. medicine having such an effect. sedentarily ( 'en-tar-i-li ) , adj. in a sedentary manner. sedentariness (-i-nes), n. the qual- ity or state of being sedentary. sedentary ('en-tar-i), adj. accus- tomed to pass much time in a sit- ting posture ; characterized by much sitting ; remaining in one place ; in- active. sedge (sej), n. a coarse grass of the genus Carex, grovp^ing in swamps. sedgy ('i), adj. overgrown with sedge. sedilia (se-dil'i-a), n.'pl. seats on either side of the altar set apart for the clergy. sediment (sed'i-ment), n. the matter which subsides or settles at the bot- tom of a liquid ; dregs ; lees. sedimentary ('a-ri), adj. pertaining to, or formed by, or consisting of, sediment. sedition (se-dish'un), n. any offense against the state less grave than in- surrection or treason ; tumultuous assembly of people in opposition to lawful authority ; the stirring up of such opposition. seditions ('us ) , adj. pertaining to, of the nature of, or characterized by, sedition. seduce (dtis'), v.t. to entice from the paths of rectitude, duty, or virtue, by flattery, promises, &c. ; persuade to a surrender of chastity. sedncement ('ment), n. the act of seducing ; seduction ; means em- ployed to seduce. seducer ('er), n. one who seduces, especially one who persuades a wom- an to surrender her chastity. Fem- inine seductress. seducible ('i-bl), adj. capable of be- ing seduced. seduction (-duk'shun), n. the act of seducing ; the act or crime of induc- ing a woman to surrender her chas- tity. seductive ('tiv), adj, tending to se- duce or lead astray ; enticing. seductively (-li), adv. in a seductive manner. seductiveness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being seductive. sedulity (se-du'li-ti), n, steady dili- gence. sedulus (sed'u-lus), adj. steadily in- dustrious and persevering in business and endeavor ; diligent ; untiring. see (se), ii. the authority of the Pope or papal court ; diocese or jurisdic- tion of an archbishop or bishop : v.t. [p.t. saw, p.p. seen, p.pr. seeing], to perceive by the eye ; observe ; per- ceive mentally ; experience ; pay a visit to ; meet or associate with ; es- cort or accompany : v.i. to have the faculty of sight or of perceiving; discern ; examine ; take care or heed ; be attentive. seed (sed), n. that part of a plant that contains the embryo of the fu- ture plant ; semen ; first principle or source ; offspring ; descendants ; race or birth: v.i. to sow, or, shed the seed : v.t. to sprinkle with seed. seediness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being seedy ; shabbiness ; exhaustion or wretchedness. seedy ('i), adj. abounding with, or run to, seeds ; having the flavor of weeds ; shabby ; exhausted and mis- erable. seeing (se'ing), n. the act or power of sight : conj. inasmuch as ; consid' ering ; since. seek (sek), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. sought, p.pr. seeking], to go in search of; look for ; resort to ; inquire for : v.i. to make search or inquiry ; try or endeavor. seem (sem), v.i. to appear; look: have the resemblance of truth or fact ; pretend. seeming ('ing), adj. apparent; spe- cious : n. appearance ; show, espe- cially false show. seemliness ('li-nes), n. the state or quality of being seemly ; -propriety ; decency ; comeliness. seemly ('li), adj. fit or becoming; de- cent ; proper ; comely ; suited to the object, occasion, purpose, or char- acter. seen, p.p. of see. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon. 713 sel seer (ser), n. one who foresees future events ; prophet ; one who sees. seesax^ ('saw), n. a reciprocating motion ; a game played with a plank balanced on some support enabling those who sit at each end to move up and down alternately : v.i. to move up and down with a recipro- cating motion. seetSie (seth), v.t. to boil ; decoct op prepare for food in a hot liquor : v.i. to be hot ; be in a condition of boil- ing. segment ('ment), n. a part divided or set off ; section ; a part cut off from a figure by a line or plane : v.i. to divide into segments. segmental (-al), adj. pertaining to, consisting of, or like, a segment. segmentation (-men-ta'shun) , n, the act of dividing into segments ; state of being divided into segments. segregate (seg're-gat), v.t. to sepa- rate from others. segregation (-ga'shun), the act of segregating; state of being segre- gated. Seidlitz (sed'litz), adj. noting effer- vescent powders used as a gentle aperient : n. a sparkling mineral j water. seignior (sen'yer), n. a title of honor in use in Southern Europe; a lord or fee of a manor. seigniorage ('yer-aj), n. something claimed or taken by virtue of sover- eign prerogative; a charge levied on bullion brought by private persons to the mint to be coined. seigniorial (-yor'i-al), adj. pertain- ing to the lord of a manor. seine (san), n. a large fishing-net. seismic (sTs'mik), adj. pertaining to, or produced by, an earthquake. seismograph, ('mo-graf), n. an in- strument for recording the undula- tory motions, duration, and direction of an earthquake. Also seismome- ter, seismoscope. seismograpMc ('ik), adj. indicated by a seismograph. seismography (-mog'ra-fi), n. a de- scription of earthquakes. seismologist (-mol'o-jist), n. one skilled in seismology. seismology ('o-ji), n. the scientific study of earthquakes. seizable (sez'a-bl), adj. capable of being seized. seize (sez), v.t. to take possession of forcibly or suddenly ; grasp ; snatch ; take hold of ; comprehend. seizin ('in), n. the act of taking pos- session ; thing possessed ; possession. Also seisin. seizor ('er), n. in law, one who takes possession. seizure ('tir), n. the act of seizing; sudden attack, as of a disease. selali (se'la), n. a Hebrew word used in the Psalms, supposed to indicate a pause. seldom (sel'dum), adv. rarely. select (se-lekf), adj. more valuable or excellent than others ; chosen or picked out as more valuable than others ; nicely chosen ; choice ; supe- rior : v.t. to take by preference from among others ; choose. selection (-lek'shun), n. the act of selecting ; the thing selected. selectman (-leki'mkn) , n. [?)?. select- men ('men)], one of a board of town officials concerned with its management, the enforcement of lo- cal laws, care of the poor, »%c., elected annually in New England. selector ('er), n. one who selects. selenate (sel'e-nat), n. a salt of selenic acid. selenic (se-len'ik), adj. pertaining to, containing, or derived from, sele- nium. selenium' (-le'ni-um), n. sl non- metallic elementary substance, re- sembling lead. selenocentric (-le-no-sen'trik), adj. as seen or calculated from the center of the moon. selenograph. ('no-graf), n. a map or delineation of the moon's surface. selenograpMc (-graf'ik), adj. per» taining to selenography. selenograpliy (sel-e-nog'ra-fi), n. a description of the moon, its features, and phenomena ; the art of delineat- ing the moon's surface. self (self), n. [pi. selves (selvz)l, one's own person ; personal interest ; personality ; personification ; iden- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book : hue, hut ; think, */ien. sel 714 sen tity ; selfishness : adj. very ; particu- lar. selfisli ('ish), adj. attentive only to one's own interests ; influenced in actions from motives of private ad- vantage ; egotistical. sell (sel), ly.t. [p.t. & p.p. sold, p.pr. selling], to transfer to another for an equivalent, as property, goods, &c. ; make a matter of sale or bar- gain of ; vend ; betray for a pecuni- ary reward : v.i. to practice selling ; be sold : n. a hoax ; an imposition. Seltzer water (selt'zer waw'ter), n. a mineral water, mildly stimulative. selvage ( sel'vaj ) , n. the edge of cloth so closed by complicating the threads as to prevent raveling ; woven bor- der. Selvedge^ selvagee (-va-je'), n. a kind of skein of rope yarns, used for stoppers, &c. selvedged ('vejd), adj. having a sel- vage. Also selvaged. selves, pi. of self. semaphore (sem'a-for), n. a tele- graphic apparatus for signaling by means of arms, lanterns, flags, &c. semMance ('blans), n. likeness; re- semblance ; exterior ; appearance. semen (se'men), n. sperm; seed of plants. semi, prefix meaning half, partially. semibreve (sem'i-brev), n. a note equal to 4 crotchets. semicolon ('kol-on), n. a mark in punctuation ( ;). seminal ('i-nal), adj. pertaining to, containing, or consisting of, seed ; primary ; radical ; original. seminary (sem'i-na-ri), n. [pi. semi- naries (-riz) ], a place of education ; school, academy, or college. semiped ('i-ped), n. a half-foot. semipedal (-al), adj. consisting of a hal^foot. Semi-Saxon (-sak'sun), adj. noting the language intermediate between Saxon and English 1150-1250. semi-tangent (-tan'jent), n. the tan- gent of half an arc. Semite (sem'it), n. one of the Semit- ic race ; a descendant of Shem ; adj. Semitic. Semitic (se-mit'ik), adj. pertaining to Shem, or to his descendants ; not- ing, or belonging to, one of the great ate. 8,rm, divisions of races and languages to which Hebrew, Phoenician, Arabic, Assyrian, &c., belong. sempstress (semp'stres), Ji. a woman who does needlework. sen (sen), n. a small Japanese coin. senary (sen'a-ri), adj. of, or contain- ing, 6. Senate (sen'at), n. the upper house of Congress or of a State legisla- ture ; the upper house of legislature in various countries ; a body of el- ders, elected or appointed in ancient Rome from the nobility and invested with supreme legislative authority. senate (sen'at), 7i. an assembly or body of elders ; a legislative body generally. senator ('a-ter), n. a member of a senate. senatorial (-to'ri-al), at?/, pertaining to, or befltting, a senator or a sen- ate ; entitled to elect a senator. send (send), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. sent, p.pr. sending], to throw, cast, or im- pel ; cause to go in any manner ; dispatch ; cause to be or happen ; grant ; inflict : v.i. to dispatch a messenger ; pitch, as a vessel : n. the motion of a wave causing a vessel to be carried forward. sendal (sen'dal), n. a light, thin silk stufe. senile (se'nil), adj. pertaining to, characteristic of, or occasioned by, old age. senility ('i-ti), n. the state or qual- ity of being senile; old age. senior (sen'yer), adj. prior in age, dignity, rank, or office ; elder : n, one older than another ; one older in dignity, rank, or office ; a student in the fourth or final year of his col- lege. seniority (-yor'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being senior. senna (sen'a), n. the dried leaves o£ several plants of the genus Cassia, used as a cathartic medicine. sennight ('it), n. the space of 7 nights and days. sennit ('it), n. braided cordage. sen.or(sa'nyor'), n. a Spanish title of courtesy,^ equivalent to Mr. or Sir. Feminine senora. senorita (-nyo-re'ta), n. a Spanish at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; b66n, book ; hue, hut ; think, then, sen 715 sen title of courtesy given to a young lady, equivalent to Miss ; a young lady. sensate (sen'sat), adj. perceived by or through the senses. sensation (-sa'shun), n. perception by the senses ; an impression made on the mind or brain by the senses ; spiritual or physical affections ; state of excited feeling or interest, or its cause. sensational (-al), adj. pertaining to, having, or causing, sensation ; fitted to excite great interest ; emotional. sensationalism (-izm), n. sensa- tional writing or language ; the phil- osophical doctrine that^ our ideas are the outcome of impressions originating solely in sensation and consist of sensations transformed. sensationalist (-ist), n. an advocate of philosophical sensationalism ; a sensational writer or speaker. sense (sens), n. the faculty by which objects are perceived physically, or mentally ; discernment ; understand- ing ; conviction ; good mental capac- ity ; correct judgment ; opinion : meaning; signification; moral per- ception. senseless ('les), adj. incapable of sen- sation ; without sensibility or feel- ing ; unconscious ; foolish ; stupid ; nonsensical ; opposed to reason or sound judgment. r sensibility (sen-si-bil'i-ti), n. [pi. sensibilities (-tiz)], the state or quality of being sensible ; acuteness of perception or emotion ; delicacy of feeling; capacity of being sensi- tive. Also sensibleness. sensible ('si-bl), adj. capable of be- ing perceived by the senses or the mind ; having moral perception ; easily affected ; delicate ; judicious ; reasonable ; intelligent. sensibly (-bli), adv. in a sensible manner ; with intelligence or good sense ; appreciably. sensitive ('si-tiv), adj. having keen sense^ or feeling ; quickly and acute- ly alive to impressions from exter- nal objects; easily affected or moved; pertaining to, or depending upon, sensation. sensitively (-li), adv. in a sensitive manner. sensitiveness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being sensitive. Also sen- sitivity. sensitize (-tiz), v.t. to render sensi- tive ; render capable of being acted upon by the actinic rays of the sun. X-rays, &c. sensorial (-so'ri-al), adj. pertaining to the sensorium. Also sensory. sensorium (-um), n. the central seat of sensation or consciousness ; the brain. sensual ('shti-al), adj. pertaining to, consisting in, or affecting, the senses ; not spiritual or intellectual ; carnal ; voluptuous ; devoted to the indulgence of the passions or appe- tites. sensualism (-izm), n. sensuality; the philosophical doctrine that all ideas or operations of the under- standing have their origin in sensa- tion and are transformed sensations. sensualist (-ist), n. one who is sen- sual ; a believer in the doctrine of sensualism. sensuality (-al'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being sensual ; indulgence of the bodily appetites. sensualize ('shu-al-iz), v.t. to make sensual ; debase by the indulgence of carnal gratifications. sensuous ('shu-us), adj. pertaining to, or addressed to, the senses ; con- nected with sensible objects; full of passion. sent, p.t. & p.p. of send. sentence ('tens), n. judgment, opin- ion, or decision ; judgi»ent pro- nounced by a court ; series of words so arranged as to convey a complete thought, followed by a dot or full point : v.t. to condemn by judgment of a court. sententious (-ten'shus), adj. short and energetic ; terse ; comprising sentences; abounding in axioms or maxims. sentience ('shi-ens), w, the state or quality of being sentient. Also sentiency. sentient ('shi-ent), adj, having the faculty or faculties of sensation and perception. Ate, arm, dsk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; DooDf book ; hue, hut ; think, then. sen 716 sep sentiment ('ti-ment), n. a thought prompted by passion or feeling ; opinion ; thought ; feeling ; sensibil- ity ; prevailing feeling ; maxim ; a toast; thought expressed in striking language ; sentence or passage ex- pressive of some wish. sentimental (-men'tal), adj. having, expressing, or given to, sentiment ; appealing to sentiment rather than reason ; artificially or affectedly ten- der ; romantic. sentimentalism (-izm), n. the qual- ity of being sentimental. Also sen- timentality. sentimentalize (-iz), v.i, to think or act in a sentimental manner ; af- fect sentiment. sentimentally (-li), adv. in a senti- mental manner. sentinel ( 'ti-nel ) , n. one V7ho watches or guards, especially a soldier on guard : v.t. to furnish with, or as with, a sentinel ; watch over or guard. sentry ('tri),w. [pi. sentries ('triz)I, a sentinel, guard or watch. sepal ( sep'al or se'pal ) , n. one of the leaf-like divisions of the calyx en- closing the corolla of a flower. separability (-a-ra-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being separable or divisi- ble. separable ('a-ra-bl), adj. capable of being sepswated or divided. separate ('a-rat), v.t, to part or di- vide ; disunite ; disconnect ; set apart from a number for a particular pur- pose ; withdraw : v.i. to part ; be dis- united ; withdraw from each other : adj. divided from the rest ; discon- nected ; not united ; distinct. separately (-li), adv. in a separate state or manner. separateness (-nes), n. the quality of being separate. separation (-ra'shun), n. the act of separating; state of being sepa- rated; disconnection; legal disunion of ^ married persons ; repeal of a union between two or more coun- tries or states. separator ('a-ra-ter), n. one who, or that which, separates. sepia (se'pi-a), w. [pZ, sepias (-az)l, the European cuttle-fish ; a dark- brown pigment prepared from the black secretion or ink o-f the cuttle-^ fish. sepoy Cpoi), n. [pi. sepoys ('poiz)],; an Indian native employed as a sol- dier in the British service in India, sepsin (sep'sin), n. a toxinous pto- main. sepsis ('sis), n. infection by patho- genic bacteria; a putrefactive con- dition. sept (sept), a prefitff meaning 7, as septangn\?ir : adj. having 7 angles. septemvir ('ver), n. [pi. septemviri Cvi-ri)], in ancient Rome, one of 7 men associated together in office. septenary ('te-na-ri), adj. consisting of, containing^ or lasting 7 years. septenate (-nat), n. a period of 7 years ; the period during which the President of the French Republic holds office : adj. growing in sevens. septennial (-ten'i-al), adj. occurring- once in, or containing, 7 years. septennially (-li), adv. once in 7 years. septet (sep-tef), n. a musical com- position for 7 voices. Also septette. septfoil (sept'foil), n. the plant tor- mentil ; in architecture, an orna- mental foliation with 7 lobes ; a sym- bolical figure composed of 7 equal segments of a circle typical of the 7 sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church. septi, a prefix meaning 7, as septi- lateral : adj. seven-sided. septic ('tik), adj. having the power to promote putrefaction : n. a sub- stance having such an effect. septicemia, septicaemia (-ti-se'mi- a), w. blood-poisoning, caused by the absorption of septic matter into the circulation. Also septemia, septse- mia. septillion (-til'yun), n. in the French system of numeration, followed in the United States, a number ex- pressed by unity with 24 ciphers an- nexed ; in the English _ system, a number expressed by unity with 42 ciphers annexed. septin, same as sepsin, septuagenarian ( -tii-a- je-na'ri-Sn ) , n. a person 70 years old. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, tliQn. Sep 717 septuagenary (-aj'e-na-ri), adj. con- sisting of 70 : n. the number 70. Septnagesima (-a-jes'i-ma), n. the 3rd Sunday before Lent. septuple Ctu-pl), adj. sevenfold. sepulchral (se-pul'kral), adj. per- taining to a sepulcher, or to monu- ments erected to the dead ; deep, grave, or hollow toned. sepulcher^ sepulchre ( sep'ul-ker ) , n. a grave or tomb ; place of burial : v.t. to bury; entomb. sepulture ('ul-tiir), n. burial. sequel (se'kwel), n. succeeding part or result; continuation; conse- quence. sequence ('kwens). n. order of suc- cession ; series ; result ; suit of cards in the same order ; regular alternate succession of similar chords. sequent ('kwent), adj. following; consequent : n. a sequence. sequentially (-kwen'shal-i), adv. by succession. sequester (-kwes'ter), v.t. to sepa- rate from the owner for a time ; take possession of the property of another until some claim is paid or established ; withdraw ; seclude ; v.i. to renounce, as a widow any interest in the estate of a husband. Also sequestrate. sequestered ('terd), adj. secluded: retired. sequestration (-tra'shun), n. the act of sequestering, especially the act of seizing property by the State during dispute or for the benefit of creditors ; the collecting of the fruits of a benefice during a vacancy for the use of the next incumbent; re- tirement ; seclusion. sequestrator (sek'wes-tra-ter), n. one who sequesters property or "takes possession of it for a time. Sequoia (se-kwoi'a), n. a genus of gigantic trees of the cypress family, comprising the redwood and "big tree" of California. seraglio (se-ral'yo), n. the palace of the Sultan of Turkey at Constanti- nople, especially that part where the women are kept ; a harem. iseria (se-ra'i), n. in the East, a pal- ace ; seraglio ; caravansary or inn. seralbumin ( ser-al-bti'min ) , n. the albumin of the blood, scrape (sa-ra'pa), n. a Mexican blanket or shawl worn by men. seraph (ser'af), n. [pi. seraphs, sera- phim ('afs, -im)], an angel of the highest order. seraphic (se-raf'ik), adj. pertaining to, composed of, or like, seraphs ; sublime ; angelic. scrap hically {-k\-\),adv. in the man- ner of a seraph. scraphine (ser'a-fen), n. a kind ot small harmonium. seraskier (ser-as-ker'), n. a Turkish general or commander of land f orces^ especially the commander-in-chief or minister of war. Also serasquier. Serbonian (ser-bo'ni-an), adj. not- ing the lake or bog of Serbonis in ancient Egypt, which .appeared like solid land, but engulfed those who ventured upon it : hence pertaining to any difficulty or complication from which there is no way of extrication. sere (ser), ad. dry; wiltered [Poet.]. serein (se-rang'), n. fine rain that falls from a clear sky. serenade (ser'e-nad), n. evening mu- sic in the open air ; music sung or played by a lover in a spirit of gal- lantry under the window of a lady; piece of music for such an occasion ! v.t. to entertain with a serenade. serene (se-ren'), adj. clear and calm; unclouded ; placid ; unruffled. serenely ('li), adv. in a serene man- ner ; unruffled ; calmly. serenity (-ren'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being serene ; calmness of mind ; equanimity of temper ; cool- ness, composure. Also sereneness. serf (serf), n. the lowest class of servants or slaves in the Middle Ages, who were attached to the land and transferred with it ; a villein or feudal slave ; formerly in Russia, one of the peasant class. serfage ('aj), n. the state or condi- tion of a serf. Also serfdom ; serf- ism. serge (serj), n. a twilled woolen stuff. sergeancy (sar'jen-si), n. the office of a sergeant. Also sergeantcy, ser- geantship. sergeant ('jent), n. a non-commis- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, th^n. Ber 718 sioned officer ranking next above a corporal. tergeant-major (-ma'jer), n. a war- rant officer who is attached to each company or troop and assists the adjutant. ■erial (se'ri-al), adj. pertaining to, or consisting of, a series ; published in successive parts or numbers : n. a periodical ; tale issued in parts. serially (-li), adv. in a series. eeriatim (-a'tim), adv. in regular order. sericeous (se-rish'us), adj. silky. sericulture (ser'i-kul-tur), n. the culture of silkworms. series (se'rez), n. a number of things or events standing or succeeding in ■ order, and connected by a like rela- \ tion ; sequence ; an infinite number of terms in succession, increasing or diminishing in a certain ratio. serin (ser'in), n. a kind of finch. sei*io-coinic (se-ri-o-kom'ik), adj. having a mixture of seriousness and comicality. serious ('ri-us), adj. grave in man- ner or disposition ; in earnest ; not trifling ; religious ; solemn. sermon (ser'mun), n. a discourse on a text of Scripture ; homily ; serious exhortation. sermonize (-iz), v.i. to compose or write a sermon ; preach : v.t. to preach a sermon to. serosity (se-ros'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being serous ; the thin watery fluid part of the blood exud- ing from serum. serous ('rus), adj. pertaining to se- rum ; thin, watery. serpent (ser'pent), n. a reptile of the order Ophidia, with a very long body without feet, and moving by contractions and undulations of the body ; a bass wind instrument ; a kind of firework ; a subtle, treacher- ous, malicious person. serpentine ('pen-tin), adj. pertain- ing to, like, or having the qualities of, a serpent ; moving or winding like a serpent ; zigzag ; subtle : n. a rock composed of a hydrated silicate of magnesia, susceptible of a fine polish. serrate (ser'at), adj. notched on the edge like a saw. Also serrated. serried ('id), adj. crowded; pressed together._ serum (se'rum), n. the thin yellow- ish watery fluid secreted by the serous membranes. serval (ser'val), n. the African bush* or tiger-cat, having a valuable fur. servant ('vant), n. one who serves, or is in the service of another ; a domestic ; subordinate ; an expres- sion of civility. serve (serv), v.t. to work for; per- form duties for ; yield obedience to ; worship ; supply with, as food, &c. ; attend or wait on ; treat or requite ; present (a writ) : v.i. to be a serv- ant ; be employed in labor ; suit or be convenient ; be in subjection ; dis' charge the duties of an office or em- ployment. service (ser'vis), n. the condition or occupation of a servant ; duty re- quired or performed in any office ; naval or military duty ; spiritual obe- dience and reverence ; course of dishes at table ; waiting at table ; labor, assistance, or kindness to another ; number of conveyances plying be- tween places ; musical composition for devotional use ; profession of re- spect. serviceable ('vis-a-bl), adj. useful; beneficial. serviceableness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being serviceable. serviceably (-bli), adv. in a service- able manner. servile ('vil or 'vil), adj. pertaining to, characteristic of, or befitting, a slave or servant ; meanly submissive or obsequious ; cringing ; fawning ; not belonging to the original root ; not sounded : said of a letter. servilely (-li), adv. in a servile man-, ner. ' servility (-vil'i-ti), n. mean submis- sion or obsequiousness ; baseness. Servileness. servitude ('vi-ttid), n. the condition of a servant or slave ; state of slav- ish dependence ; bondage. sesame (ses'a-me), n. a plant yield- ing flat seeds from which an oil is expressed. §te, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; n5te, north, not ; boor., book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 719 sev I sesamoid bones ('a-moid bonz), n.pl. small bones formed at the ar- ticulation of the great toes, fingers, &c. sesqui, a prefix meaning a whole and a half, as sesquioxide, an oxide con- taining 3 atoms of oxygen and 2 atoms of a metal. sessile ( 'il ) , adj. without a foot-stalk. session (sesh'un), n. the actual sit- ting or assembling of a court, coun- cil, or legislative body ; the time be- tween the first meeting and the pro- rogation, dissolution, or final ad- journment of a parliament, con- gress, or legislature. sessional (-al), adj. pertaining to a session, especially of an eclesiastical court. sesterce (ses'ters), n. an ancient Ro- man coin, value about 4 cents. sestertium (-ter-shi-um), n. sl sum of 1,000 sesterces. sestet Ctet), n. the last 6 lines of the second division of a sonnet. set (set), v.t^. [p.t. & p.p. set, p.pr. setting], to place or put in any posi- tion ; fix ; plant ; make stable ; ren- der motionless ; spread, as sails ; re- place ; make to agree with some standard ; start by fixing the key- note ; regulate or adjust ; value ; as- sign or prescribe; mark (game); compose, as type, &c. : v.i. to sink be- low the horizon ; strike root ; be fixed closely or firmly ; congeal ; apply one's self; flow or tend ; start (with out) : adj. fixed or established; reg- ular ; determined ; firm ; formal ; ob- stinate ; immovable : n. the act of setting ; direction ; number of per- sons associated together ; clique ; number of things of the same kind intended for use together ; a young plant for growth ; number of persons necessary to execute a quadrille ; descent below the horizon ; flow ; per- manent twist ; in lawn tennis, a series of as many games as will ena- ble one side to win six. settee (-te'), n. a long seat with a back for several persons ; a Medi- terranean single-decked vessel with a very long, sharp prow, and lateen sails. setter ('er), n. one who, or that which sets; a species of hunting- dog. setting ('ing), n. the act of one who, or that which, sets ; direction of a current of wind ; that which sets or holds, as the mounting of a jewel ; hardening. settle (set'l), v.t. to place or set in a fixed state ; establish ; cause to sink or subdue ; free from uncertainty ; compose; fix by a legal act; liqui- date ; pay ; clear of dregs ; make pure or clear ; colonize : v.i. to be- come fixed, stationary, or perma- nent ; descend or stop ; grow calm or clear ; sink to the bottom, or by its own weight ; cease from agita- tion ; adjust differences or accounts ; marry and establish a home. settlement (-ment), n. the act or state of being settled ; establishment in life, business, condition ; jointure granted to a wife ; liquidation, pay- ment, or adjustment ; subsidence ; a colony newly settled ; legal residence. settler ('ler), n. a colonist; some- thing that finally settles or decides a contest. set-to (too'), n. a contest in boxing; argument. seven (sev'n), n. the sum of six and one ; the symbol representing 7 units: adj. consisting of one more than 6. sevenfold (-fold), adv. 7 times as much. seventeen (-ten), adj. one more than sixteen. seventeenth (-tenth), adj. noting the next after the sixteenth. seventh (sev'nth), adj. next in order after the sixth : n. one next in order after the sixth ; one of 7 eqitel parts ; the interval of 5 tones and a semitone. seventieth ('n-ti-eth), adj. next in order after the sixty-ninth : n. one of 70 equal parts. seventy (-ti), n. [pi. seventies (-tiz)], the sum of 10 times 7; the symbol representing 70 units. seven-up (-up'), n. a card game. sever (sev'er), v.t. to divide or sep- arate with violence ; cut open or through ; keep distinct or apart : v.i. to make a separation or dis- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; bo5ri, book; hue, hut; think, then. sev 720 slia tinction _; be rent asunder ; part ; distinguish. several (-al), adj. distinct; separate; consisting of a number more than two, but not many ; different ; vari- ous. . severally (-li), adv. separately; in- dividually. severalty (-ti), n. a state of separa- tion from the rest, or from all oth- ers. severance (-ans), n. the act of sever- ing; the state of being severed; separation ; partition. severe (se-ver'), adj. strictly adher- ing to rule ; strict ; austere ; rigid ; harsh ; grave ; serious ; inclement ; inflexible ; painful ; critical. severely ('li), adv. in a severe man- ner. severity (-ver'i-ti), n. [pi. severities (-tiz)], the quality of being severe; harshness ; rigor ; gravity ; exact- ness ; strictness ; inclemency. Sevres (sa'vr), n. a highly glazed china or porcelain manufactured at Sevres, France. se-w (so), v.t. Vp.t. & p.p. sewed or sewn, p.pr. sewing], to unite or fasten together with a needle and thread : v.i. to practice sewing. sewage (su'aj), n. the foul matter carried off by a sewer. sewer ('er), n. a pipe or channel to carry off the used or surface water and foul matter of a town, &c. ; (so'er) one who sews. sewerage (-aj), n. drainage by sew- ers ; the system of sewers of a town, &c. sex, a prefice meaning siae, as sexen- nial, adj. occurringr once in, or last- ing, six years. sex (seks), n. the physical distinction between male and female ; one of the two divisions of animals and plants, based on such distinction ; women in general (with the). sexagenarian (-a-je-na'ri-in), n. one who is sixty years old. sexagenary (-aj'e-na-ri), adj. per- taining to, or noting, the number 60. Sexagesima (-a-jes'i-ma), n. the second Sunday before Lent. sexagesimal (-mul), adj. pertaining to, or based on, the number 60. sexed (sekst), adj. pertaining to, or having, sex. sexenary ('e-na-ri), adj. proceeding by sixes. sexlocular (-lok'u-Iar), adj» six- celled. sext (sekst), n. in the Roman Bre- viary, the office for the sixth canon- ical hour. sextain (seks'tan), n, a six-lined stanza. ( sextant ('tant), n. the sixth part on a circle ; an instrument for measur-* ing angular distances between ob- jects, used especially at sea for de- termining latitude and longitude. sextile ('til), adj. noting the aspect or position of two planets when distant from each other 60°. sextillion (-til'yun), n. in the French system of enumeration, fol- lowed in the United States, the 7th power of a thousand = 1 with 21 ciphers annexed ; in the English system, a million raised to the 6th power == 1 with 36 ciphers annexed. sexto ('to), n. [pi. sextos ('toz)], a book consisting of sheets each of which is folded into six leaves. sexton ('tun), n. an inferior official of a church whose duty it is to at- tend to burials, the church, &c. Fem. sextoness. sextuple ('tti-pl), adj. sixfold. sexual ('u-al), adj. pertaining to, characteristic of, based on, or dis- tinguishing, sex ; pertaining to the organs of generation. sexuality (-al'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being distinguished by sex. sexualize (-iz), v.t. to attribute sex to. sexually ('ti-al-li), adv. in a sexual manner; with reference or relation to sex. \ shabbily (shab'i-li), adv. in a shab-| by manner. sbabbiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being shabby. sbabby ('i), adj. [comp. shabbier, superl. shabbiest], threadbare or worn, as clothes ; mean in appear- ance or conduct ; despicable. shack (shak), n. shabby old house; hut ; log cabin. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, booGi ; hue, hut ; think, then. jj^mi Copyright, Underwood & l^ndeiwood. SHEEP RAISING IN THE WEST. slia 721 slia sitaek (sliak), n. liberty of winter pasturage from harvest to seed- time ; a tramp. shackle (shak'l), n. anything that confines the hands or legs or ob- structs free action, as gyves ; fet- ters ; handcuffs ; the bar of a pad- lock : v.t. to fetter ; embarrass or hinder ; unite or fasten with a shackle. shad, (shad), n. an anadromous fish, valued as food. sliade (shad), n. comparative ob- scurity caused by the interception of the rays of light ; darkness ; a shady place ; gradation of light ; screen or cover ; the soul after death : pi. wine vaults : v.t. to screen from light or heat ; darken or ob- scure ; shelter ; paint in obscure colors ; mark with gradation of light or color. skadily ('i-li), adv. in a shady man- ner. shading ('ing), n. the act of making a shade ; representation of light and shade. fishadoiv (shad'o), n. shade within defined limits ; shade or deprivation of light representing on a surface the forms of the body which inter- cepts the rays of light ; dark part of a picture ; obscurity or darkness ; protection or security ; reflected im- age ; faint representation ; insepara- ble companion ; small degree ; a de- tective : v.t. to shade ; darken or cloud ; conceal or screen ; represent typically; attend closely as a shadow ; follow and watch closely, as a detective. sliadowiness (-i-nes), n. the state or quality of being shadowy. shadoiviiLg (-ing), n. shading. shadowy ('i), adj. full of, or caus- ing, shade or shadows ; sheltered from light or heat ; dim ; unreal ; typical. shady (shad'i), adj. [comp. shadier, superl. shadiest], abounding in, or causing, shade ; sheltered from the glare of light or heat ; pertaining to darkness ; dubious ; equivocal. shaft (shaft), n. an arrow; anything resembling an arrow; the long nar- row entrance to a mine ; carriage- pole ; handle ; part of a chimney ; body of a column between the base and the capital. shafting ('ing), n. a system of shafts for transmitting power. shag (shag), n. a kind of tobacco; rough, woolly hair ; a bushy mass. shagginess ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being shaggy. shaggy ('i), adj. rough with long hair or wool ; rough ; rugged. shagreen (sha-gren'), n. the skins of various animals, as horses, don- keys, prepared without tanning, and grained to resemble the skins of sharks ; the rough skin of sharks and dogfishes prepared as leather : adj. made of shagreen. shah (sha), n. the sovereign of Per- sia. shake (shak), v.t. [p.t. shook, p.p. shaken, p.pr. shaking], to cause to shiver ; move with a quick, short motion ; agitate ; make afraid ; give a tremulous note ; to vibrate : v.i. to tremble or quake. shakedown ('doun), n. a temporary bed. shaken ('n), p. adj. agitated; cracked or split. Shaker ('er), n. one of a religious communistic sect that practices dancing in worship. Fem. Shaker- ess. Shakerism ('izm), n. the doctrines or tenets of the Shakers. Shakespearean ( shak-sper'e-an ) , adj. pertaining to, resembling, or characteristic of, Shakespeare or his works. Also Shakespearian, Shak- spearian. shakiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being shaky. shako (shak'o), n. a kind of military cap. shaky (shak'i), adj. [comp. shakier, superl. shakiest], in a shaking con- dition ; feeble ; full of cracks ; un- sound. shale (shal), n. a husk; a laminated argillaceous rock. shall (shal), v.i. & auxil. [p.t. should], to be under obligation; used in the future tense of the verb. shalloon (-oon'), n. a kind of twilled worsted stuff. ate, arm. :, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon^ book; hue, hut; think, then. Bhs^ 722 sha sliallop ('op), n. a schooner-rigged two-masted boat; a small boat or canoe. «Iiallot ('ot), n. the eschalot. shallow Co), adj. having little depth ; not profound ; superficial ; trifling ; a flat place where the water is not deep ; shoal : v.i. to become shallow. Oam (sham), n. a trick, fraud, or make-believe ; imposture ; counter- Mt : adj. feigned ; false ; unreal : €i.L [p.t. & p.p. shammed, p.pr. shamming] , to make false pretenses : v.t. to make a pretense of in order to deceive. nhamMe (sham'bl), v.i. to walk awkwardly and unsteadily ; shuffle : n.pl. a slaughter-house ; meat-mar- ket. sham'b'Ung ('bling), n. an awkward, unsteady pace. sliame (sham), n. sl painful sensa- tion caused by the sense of guilt, impropriety, or dishonor ; that which causes shame ; reproach in- curred or suffered ; modesty or de- corum : v.t. to make ashamed ; cause to blush ; cover with disgrace. shamefaced ('fast), adj. bashful. shameful ('fool), adj. causing shame ; disgraceful ; indecent. sliam.efully (-li), adv. in a shameful manner. shammer (sham'er), n. one who shams. shammy ('i), n. chamois. shampoo (-poo'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. shampooed, p.pr. shampooing], to rub and press (the limbs and joints) after a hot bath ; to cleanse and rub (the head) with soap, &c. : n. the act of shampooing. shampooer ('er), n. one who sham- poos. shamrock ('rok), n. a trefoil clover plant : the Irish national emblem. shank (shangk), n. the leg from the knee to the ankle ; long part of any instrument ; body of a type. shanty (shan'ti), n. a rude hut. shapable (shap'a-bl), adj. that may be shaped ; shapely. shape (shap), it. the form or figure of a thing ; external appearance ; pattern : v.t. to make into a particu- lar form ; fashion : regulate ; con- ceive. shapeliness ('li-nes), n. the state or quality of being shapely. shapely ( 'li ) , adj. well-formed ; sym- metrical ; comely. shard (shard), n. a potsherd. share (shar), n. a portion or part; part allotted or belonging to one ; dividend ; plowshare : v.t. to part among two or more ; divide ; take or possess in common ; partake of or use with others : v.i. to have a share or part. sharebroker ('bro-ker), n. one who deals in railway or other shares. shark (shark), n. a large voracious fish with sharp teeth ; a rapacious, artful fellow. sharp (sharp), adj. having a very thin edge or fine point ; terminating in an edge or point ; very thin ; peaked or ridged ; keen ; severe ; acute; subtle: n. a character (Jf) in music which raises a note a semi- tone. sharpen ('en), v.t. to make sharp or sharper ; give edge or point to ; make more acute : v.i. to become sharp ; play tricks in bargaining. sharper ('er), n. a cheat; swindler, shatter (shat-er), v.t. to break into many pieces at once ; crack or rend ; overthrow ; dissipate : n.pl. broken fragments. shave (shav), v.t. to cut or pare off with a razor or other sharp-edged instrument ; cut in thin slices ; skim along or near the surface of ; plun- der or fleece : v.i. to use the razor in removing hair : n. a thin slice ; the operation of shaving ; an in- strument for shaving hoops, &c. shaver ( 'er ) , n. one who, or that which, shaves ; a barber ; a young' ster. shaving ('ing), n. the act of one who shaves ; a thin slice pared off. shawl (shawl), n. a square cloth of various materials used as a loose outer covering for the shoulders, &c. : v.t. to cover or wrap with a shawl. shawm (shawm), n. an ancient wind instrument. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. she 723 sM shea (she'a), n. a tropical tree yield- ing a kind of butter or solid oil. sheaf (shef), n. [pi. sheaves (shevz) ], a quantity of grain bound together ; a bundle ; number of ar- rows sufficient to fill a quiver : v.t. to gather or bind into sheaves. I shear (sher), v.t. [p.t. sheared, p.p. '\ sheared or shorn, p.pr. shearing], to cut or clip, especially with shears; reap : v.i. to use shears : n.pl. a cut- ting instrument operating like scis- sors, but larger; an apparatus for raising heavy weights. shear-steel ('stel), n. a kind of fine ' steel, specially tempered, &c. shear- water ('waw-ter), n. a kind of gull. sheath (sheth), n. a scabbard; any sheath-like covering. sheathe (shei/i), v.t. to put into a sheath or scabbard ; case with a pro- tecting covering. sheave (shev), n. a grooved wheel in a block or pulley over which the rope runs. Shechinah (she-kx-na), n. the visible ■ presence of Jehovah manifested from the mercy-seat and reflected '' from the overshadowing cherubim. Also Shekinah. shed (shed), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. shed, p.pr. shedding], to pour out or dif- fuse ; cause to flow out ; emit : v.i. to let fall or cast off seed : n. a slight building. sheen (shen), n. brightness; splen- dor : adj. bright ; glittering. Also sheeny : v.i. to shine or glisten. sheep (shep), n., s. & pi. any rumi- nant animal of the genus Ovis, val- ued for its wool and flesh ; a foolish, bashful fellow : pi. God's people, as being under the care of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. sheer (sher), adj. pure; unmixed; kvery thin or transparent ; precipi- tous : v.i. to deviate from the proper J course. sheers, same as shears. sheet (shet), n. a large thin slice of - anything ; broad piece of linen to K cover a bed; broad piece of paper; |r letter ; newspaper ; broad expanse or surface ; rope attached to a sail to extend it ; open space in the bow or stern of a boat. sheik (shek, or shak), n. the head of a Bedouin family, tribe, or clan. shekel (shek'el), n. an ancient Jew- ish coin or weight : pi. money. Shekinah, same as Shechinah, sheldrake (shel'drak), n. a kind of duck. Fern, shelduck, shelf (shelf ),w. \_pl. shelves (shelvz) ], a flat ledge or board for holding anything ; a sandbank or flat pro- jecting ledge of rock. . shell (shel), n. a hard outside cover- ing ; any framework ; rough kind of coffin ; a hollow projectile ; lightly constructed boat : v.t. to strip off or remove the shell of ; take out of the shell ; separate from the ear or cob ; throw shells upon or into : v.i. to fall off, as a shell. shellac (-ak'), n. crude resin lac melted and formed into thin plates. shelter ('ter), n. that which protects or shields ; security ; asylum ; har- bor ; defense ; protector : v.t. to pro- tect or shield from injury or vio- lence ; conceal : v.i. to take or give shelter. sheltie ('ti), n. a Shetland pony. shelve (shelv), v.t. to place on a shelf ; furnish with a shelf ; dismiss from service, or postpone indefinite- ly : v.i. to incline gradually; slope. shelving ('ing), n. materials for shelves ; shelves collectively. Sheol (she'ol), n. among the Hebrews the place of departed spirits ; Ha- des. shepherd (shep'erd), n. one who tends sheep ; a pastor. Fern, shep- herdess : v.t. to tend as a shepherd. sherbet (sher'bet), n. a cooling bev- erage of water and fruit juices sweet- ened, &c. sherd (sherd), n. a fragment. sheriff ('if), n. the chief executive officer of a shire or coimty. sheriffalty (-al-ti), n. the office or jurisdiction of a sheriff. sherry ('i), n. a dry amber-colored wine, originally obtained from Xeres, Spain. shew, same as show. shibboleth (shib'o-leth), n. a word which was made the criterion to dis- Iate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, [ book; hue, hmt; think, then. sM 724 slio tinguish the Ephraimites from tlie Gileadites, the former not being able to pronounce sh (Judges xii.) : hence the criterion of a party. shied, p.t. & p.p. of shy. shield (sheld), n. a broad piece of defensive armor, carried on the left arm ; defense or protection ; an es- cutcheon : v.i. to protect with, or as with, a shield ; ward off or avert, shift (shift), n. a turning from one thing to another ; change ; substitu- tion ; chemise : v.t. to change the place of ; dress in fresh clothes : vA. resort to expedients ; to alter or change. shiftless C'les), adj. destitute of ex- pedients ; having no means of liveli- hood ; lazy ; improvident. shifty ('i), adj. full of expedients; changeable. shillalah (shil-a'la), n. an oaken cudgel. Also shillelah, shillelagh [Irish]. shilling ('ing), n. a silver British coin, value about 24 cents, shilly-shally ('i-shal'i), adv. in an irresolute, undecided manner : v.i. to hesitate ; act irresolutely. Shiloh (shi'lo), n. the Messiah [He- brew]. shiiumer (shim'er), v.i. to shine un- steadily or tremulously ; flicker : n. a tremulous gleam ; flicker. shin (shin), n. the forepart of the leg between the ankle and knee ; shank : v.i to climb a tree, &c., by means of the hands and legs. shindy ('di), n. an uproar; spree; fancy. , shine (shin), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. shone, p.pr. shining], to emit rays of light ; be bright or beautiful ; be distin- guished, eminent, or conspicuous : v.t. to cause to shine by reflected light : n. sunshine ; bright weather ; row ; prank ; fancy for a person. shiner ('er), n. one- who, or that which, shines ; the dace ; a gold coin. shiir.gle (shing'gl), n. a thin piece of wood used for roofing ; coarse, round, water-worn gravel : pi. a. cutaneous disease which spreads round the body like a belt : v.t. to cover or roof with shingles. shining (shin'ing), adj. emitting light ; radiant ; eminent ; distin- guished. shinty ('ti), n. hockey; the club used in playing hockey. Shintoism (shin'to-izm), n. the na- tive religion of Japan, a system of nature and ancestor worship, asso- ciated with which is the peculiar reverence paid to the Mikado, Also Shinto. Shintoist (-ist), n. an adherent of Shintoism. shinty ('ti), n. hockey; the club used in playing it [Scotch]. shiny (shin'i), adj. [comp. shinier, superl, shiniest], diffusing light; bright. ship, a suffiw meaning office, state, dignity, art, or skill, as lordship, hoTsevasinship. ship (ship), n. any large vessel for the conveyance of passengers or merchandise, especially one with three masts and square-rigged: v.t. [p.t. & p.p. shipped, p.pr. shipping], to place on board a ship ; carry by water ; put in its place or proper position : v.i. engage for service on board ship. shipboard ('bord), n. the deck of a ship. shipshape ('shap), adj. in good or- der : adv. neatly. shocker (shok'er), n. one who, or that which, shocks ; cheap sensa- tional novel. shocking ('ing), adj. causing to shake or tremble ; extremely offen- sive or disgusting. shod, p.t. of shoe. shoddy (shod'i), n. the wool of old woolen fabrics torn to pieces and remade with an admixture of fre&h wool into new cloth : adj. made of shoddy ; not genuine ; sham. shoe (shoo), n. [pi. shoes (shooz)], a low covering for the foot, usually of leather ; a horseshoe ; anything in the shape of a shoe : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. shod, p.pr. shoeing], to furnish with a shoe or shoes ; tip. shone, p.t. & p.p. of shine. shook (shook), p.t. of shake: n. a set of staves and headings for a cask ate, arm, ask, at* awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Copyright, Underwood & ^^^^^^^^^^ , ^^^3- ^SHIPS BilO 725 SiLF ready to be set up ; set of boards for a sugar-box : v.t. to pack in shooks. 3h«ot (shoot), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. shot, p.pr. shooting], to let fly or dis- charge with a sudden force, as a bullet, &c. ; strike with a shot ; hurl ; emit ; kill game in or over : v.i. to protrude or project ; be shot or pro- pelled forcibly ; rush along ; sprout ; be affected with darting pains : n. a yoang branch or growth ; chute. shooting: ('ing), n. the act of one who shoots ; wounding and killing with a firearm ; sensation of darting pain : adj. pertaining to, or suitable for, shooting. shop (shop), n. a building where goods are sold by retail ; place where mechanics carry on their trade : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. shopped, p. pr. shopping], to visit shops to pur- chase goods. shoplifting ('lift-ing), n. stealing goods from a shop. shore (shor), n. the coast or land ad- jacent to the sea, &c. ; a prop or s'jpport : v.t. to support by a shore or shores. shoring ('ing), n. the act of support- ing or strengthening by a shore : props collectively. shorn, p.t. of shear. short (short), adj. [comp. shorter, superl. shortest], not long either in space or time ; near at hand ; inade- quate ; defective ; deficient ; not tena- cious ; abrupt ; petulant ; brief ; brit- tle; crumbling in the mouth; not prolonged in sound : pi. ground grain sifted finer than bran : adv. abruptly ; quickly. shorten ('n), v.t. to make short or shorter in time, extent, or measure. shorthand ('hand), n. a system of writing by abbreviated symbols. shortly ('li), adv. soon; quickly; curtly. shortness ('nes), n. the state or quality of being short. shot (shot), n. [pi. shots and shot], the act of shooting ; discharge of a firearm, &c. : missile, especially a bullet or ball ; small balls of lead for killing game ; a marksman : range of a missile : v.t. to load with shct. shot-silk ('silk), n. a silk fabric hav- ing the warp and weft of two colors, thus presenting changeable tints. should, p.t. of shall. shoulder (shol'der), n. the articula- tion connecting the human arm, or the foreleg of a quadruped, to the body ; that which resembles a shoul- der ; a prominence ; support : pi. the upper part of the back : v.t. to take upon the shoulder ; assume the re- sponsibility of; jostle or thrust about with the shoulder. shout (shout), n. a loud and sudden Cry or outburst of joy, triumph, en- couragement, &c. : v.i. to utter a loud and sudden cry : v.t. to utter with a shout. shove (shuv), %. a forcible push: v.t. to push along ; drive before one : v.i. to push forward or off. shovel ('1), n. an implement with a broad scoop and a handle for lifting and throwing coal, &c. : v.t. to take and throw up with a shovel ; gather up with, or as with, a shovel. show (sho), v.t. [p.t. showed, p.p. shown, p.pr. showing], to present to view ; display ; disclose ; make clear ; guide ; direct ; teach ; confer or be- stow : v.i. to appear ; manifest one's self : n. the act of showing ; expos- ure to sight ; ostentatious display ; exhibition or spectacle ; pretense. shower (shou'er), n. a fall of rain or hail of short duration ; copious fall or supply of anything : v.t. to water copiously with rain ; bestow liberal- ly : v.i. to rain in showers. showeriness (-i-nes), n. the state or quality of being showery. showery (shou'er-i), adj. raining or abounding in showers. showily (sho'i-li), adv. in a showy manner. showiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being showy ; ostenta- tion ; parade. showy ('i), adj. ostentatious; gay. shrank, p.t. of shrink. shrapnel-shell (shrap'nel-shel), n. a projectile filled with bullets and a bursting charge. shred (shred), n. a long narrow piece torn or cut off ; piece or fragment : v.t. to tear into small pieces. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met book ; hue, hut : mite, mit ; note, north, not think, then. boonr , adj. pertain- ing to, or given at, Mt. Sinai. sinapism (sin'a-pizm), n. a mustard plaster. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. sin 730 sip since (sins), adv. from that time; before this or now : prep, from the time of ; after : conj. because ; see- ing that ; considering. sincere (sin-ser'), adj. true; hon- est ; not falsely assumed ; genuine ; frank ; upright ; pure ; adulterated. sincerely (-li), adj. in a sincere man- ner, sincerity (-ser'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being sincere ; freedom from hypocrisy or pretense. Also sincereness. sine (sin), n. a straight line drawn from one extremity of the arc of a circle perpendicular to the diameter passing through the other extremity : a prefix meaning without, as sine- cure (sin'e-kur), any office or posi- tion for which pay is received with- out an equivalent in work rendered. sine-w (sin'u), n. a tendon; anything supplying strength. sine-wy (-i), adj. pertaining to, con- sisting of, or like, sinew ; vigorous ; tough. sinful ('fool), adj. full of sin; wicked ; impious ; unholy. sinfully (-li), adv. in a sinful man- ner. «ing (sing), v.i. [p.t. sung, sang, p.p. sung, p.pr. singing], to utter melo- dious sounds ; make a shrill or hum- ming noise; celebrate in verse or poetry ; cry out : v.t. to celebrate in song ; chant. singe (sinj), v.t. to burn slightly or on the surface : n. a slight burn. single (sing'gl), adj. consisting of one only ; alone ; separate ; unmar- ried ; performed by one person or one on each side ; straightforward ; sincere; honest: v.t. to select (one person or thing) from others; sepa- rate : n. a unit : pi. reeled and twisted filaments of silk ; in lawn tennis, a game with only one player on each side. singleness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being single ; sincerity. singleton (-tun), n. a single card of any suit held by a player at a deal, as at whist. singly Cgli), adv. individually; par- ticularly. singsong (sing'song), n. bad singing or poetry ; monotonous or drawling tone : adj. monotonous. singular ('gu-ler), adj. not complex or compound ; alone ; noting one per- son or thing ; uncommon ; unusual ; strange ; extraordinary ; eminent ; peculiar ; odd ; unique : n. in Gram- mar, the number denoting one per- son or thing. singularity (-lar'i-ti), n. \_pl. singu- larities (-tiz)], the state or quality of being singular ; peculiarity ; odd- ity. sinister ('is-ter), adj. inauspicious; unlucky ; evil ; ill-omened ; corrupt ; dishonest ; on the left hand or side. sink (singk), v.i. [p.t. sunk, sank, p.p. sunk, sunken, p.pr. sinking], to fall or go downwards ; fall to the bottom ; descend lower and lower : decline gradually ; enter deeply ; sub- side : v.t. to cause to sink ; make by digging ; lower in value or amount ; reduce or extinguish by payment : n. a drain to carry off dirty or su- perfluous water. sinner (sin'er), n. one who sins; an offender ; transgressor ; one who is imregenerate. sinnet ('et), n. a yarn bound round ropes to prevent friction. Also sen- net. Sinology (si-nol'o-ji) , n. the system- atized knowledge of the Chinese lan- guage, literature, laws, and history. sinter (sin'ter), n. crystallized rock precipitated from mineral water ; scale from hammered iron. sinuate (sin'u-at), adj. having the margin alternately curved inward and outward. sinuosity (-os'i-ti), n. a wavy line; the character of being sinuous. sinuous ('u-us), adj. bending in and out ; winding ; crooked. sinus (si'nus), n. a bay or recess; cavity or depression ; fistula. sip (sip), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. sipped, p.pr. sipping], to imbibe in small quan- tities ; drink out of ; draw into the mouth ; taste : v.i. to drink a small quantity ; take a fluid with the lips : ^n. the act of sipping; taste. siphon (si'fon), n. a bent pipe or tube having one end longer than the other, used for drawing off liquids ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boaiv book ; hue, hut ; think, then. I sip 731 six. from a higher to a lower level ; the respiratory tube of a mollusk ; a siphon bottle : v.t. to convey or draw off by a siphon. Also syphon. siphonage (-aj), n. the action of a siphon. Sir (ser), n, the title of a baronet or knight ; a term of respect. sirdar (dar'), n. in India, a chief; captain. sire (sir), n. a title of respect used in addressing the sovereign ; father ; head of a family ; male of beasts : v.t. to procreate. siren (si'ren), n. one of certain fabu- lous nymphs in Southern Italy said to have sung with such sweetness that mariners were irresistibly lured to their destruction : hence a woman dangerous from her fascinating, en- ticing wiles ; a foghorn, a South American eel-like amphibian : adj. pertaining to, characteristic of, or like, a siren ; bewitching. sirene (-ren'), n. an instrument for ascertaining the number of vibra- tions per second corresponding to a note of given pitch. Sirius (sir'i-us), n, the dog-star. sirloin (ser'loin), n. the loin, or up- per part of the loin, of beef. sirocco (si-rok'o), n. \_pl. siroccos ('oz)], a hot, relaxing wind, from the Libyan deserts. sirrah, (sir'a), n. a term of reproach ^or contempt. sisal-grass (sis'al-gras), n. the pre- pared fiber of the American aloe, used for cordage, &c. siskin ('kin'), n. a kind of finch. siss (sis), n. a hissing noise: v.i. to make a hissing noise. sister (sis'ter), n. a female born of the same parents as another person ; a female fellow-Christian ; a female of the same religious society, order, or community ; nun ; one of the same ^ kind or condition. sisterhood (-hood), n. sisters collec- tively ; number of females belonging to the same religious society, &c. sister-in-law (-in-law), n. [pi. sis- ters-in-law], the sister of one's hus- ^band or wife ; wife of one's brother- Sisyphean (-i-fe'an), adj. pertaining to Sisyphus, condemned by Pluto to roll to the top of a hill a stone- which incessantly fell back when it had reached the summit : hence in- cessantly recurring ; vainly toilsome.. sit, v.i. [p.t. & p.p. sat, p.pr, sitting], to rest on the lower part of the trunk of the body ; perch ; rest or lie; repose on a seat; press or weigh ; occupy a seat officially ; be- officially engaged ; incubate ; hold a session : v.t. to sit upon. site (sit), n. local position or situa- tion ; ground-plot. sitting (sit'ing), adj. resting on the- haunches ; perching ; incubating : n.. the state, posture, or act of one who- sits ; a seat in a church, &c. ; a ses- sion ; time during which one sits ;: set of egg^s for incubation. situate ('u-at), adj. placed. situated ('u-a-ted), adj. having a position ; placed with respect to any^ other object. situation (-a'shun), n. position; lo- cality ; circumstances ; office ; em- ployment. sitz-bath (sits'bath), n. a bath for bathing in a sitting posture. six (siks), adj. one more than 5: n.. the number greater by one than 5 ; the symbol representing 6 units. sixfold ('fold), adj. 6 times as many or as much. sixpence ('pens), n. a small British silver coin, value 6 pennies, or 12 cents. sixpenny ('pen-i)y adj. worth six- pence. sixscore ('skor), n. & adj. 6 times 20. sixteen ('ten), adj. 15 and one more. sixteenmo (-mo), n. sextodecimo. sixteenth ('tenth), adj. next in order after the fifteenth. sixth (siksth), adj. first after the/ fifth. sixtieth (siks'ti-eth), adj. next in order after the fifty-ninth. sixty ('ti), n. [pi. sixties ('tiz)], the product of 6 and 10 : adj. 10 times 6. sizable ( siz'a-bl ) , adj. of considerable or suitable size. size (siz), n. a kind of thin, weak glue ; magnitude or bulk : v.t. to pre- pare or cover with size ; adjust or arrange according to size or bulk ; separate by means of a sieve. ftte, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Biz 732 sld sizzle (siz'l), v.i. to make a hissing sound ; fry : n. a hissing sound. skald, same as scald. skate (skat), n. a kind of flat fish of the ray family ; a metallic runner fitted in a frame for fastening to the boot to slide over ice : v.i. to slide on skates. skedaddle (ske-dad'l) v.i. to run away, especially in terror. skein (skan), n. a quantity of thread, silk, &c., coiled together. skeleton (skel'e-tun), n. the bones of an animal separated from the flesh ; framework of anything ; out- line ; a secret annoyance ; very thin person. skeletonize (-iz), v.t. to make a skeleton of. skeleton-key (-ke), n. a thin light key, the center parts of which have been almost wholly filed away. skeptic (skep'tik), n. one who doubts the truth of any doctrine or system ; one who doubts the existence of God or revelation ; an adherent of philo- sophical skepticism. skeptical (-al), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, a skeptic ; char- acterized by skepticism ; doubting the existence of God or Divine reve- lation. skeptically (-li), adv. in a skeptical maner ; with doubt. skepticism ('ti-sizm), n. incredul- ity ; doubt ; the doctrine that no facts can be known with certainty beyond the range of experience ; un- belief in any particular doctrine or system. sketck (skech), n. an outline; first rough draft ; preliminary study : v.t. to draw the outline or give principal features of ; make a sketch of : v.i. to make sketches. sketchily ('i-li), adv. in a sketchy manner. sketckiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being sketchy ; incom- pleteness. sketchy ('i), adj. outlined; unfin- ished. skew (sku), adj. oblique: adv. ob- liquely. skewer ('er), n. a pin of wood or .metal for securing meat, &c., in form when roasting: v.t. to fasten with, or as with, a skewer. ski (ske), n.pl. long narrow pieces of wood with one end curved in front, used as snow-shoes. skiagrapk (ski-a-graf), same as ra- diograph, skiagraphy, same as radiography. skid (skid), n. a sliding wedge or drag to retard the motion of a ve- hicle by pressure against the wheel ; a fender to protect the side of a ship : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. skidded, p.pr. skidding], to cause to move on, or protect with, a skid ; retard by a skid : v.i. to slip along obliquely. skiddaw ('aw), n. the black guille- mot. skied, p.t. & p.p. of sky. skiff (skif), n. a small light boat. skilful (skil'fool), adj. having, or displaying, skill ; expert in any art or science ; discriminating ; clever ; dexterous. skill (skil), n. expertness in any art or science ; aptitude ; power to dis- cern and execute. skilled (skil'd), adj. having the knowledge and ability which come from experience ; possessing skill. skillet ('et), n. a small culinary ves- sel. skilling ('ing), n. the bay of a barn or slight addition to a cottage. skilly ('i), n. a kind of thin oatmeal broth in which meat has been boiled. skim (skim),i;.*. [p.t. & p.p. skimmed, p.pr. skimming], to remove the scum from ; brush the surface of lightly : v.i. to pass lightly over ; read super* ficially. skimmer ('er), n. one who, or that which, skims ; a perforated iadle ; a marine, bird. skimp (skimp), v.t, to do carelessly or superficially : v.i, to be parsimo- nious : adj. scanty. skin (skin), n, the external covering of an animal body ; hide ; bark or rind ; anything resembling a skin : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. skinned, p.pr. skin- ning], to remove or strip the skin from ; flay ; fleece ; cover with, or as with, skin ; reduce to extremities by cheating, &c. : v.i. to become covered over with skin. ate, iirm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ski 733 sla skinflint ('flint), n. a niggard. skinful ('fool), n. a stomachful. skink (skingk), n. a kind of lizard. skinniness (skin'i-nes), n. the state or quality of being skinny. skinny ('i), adj. consisting only of skin ; very lean. skip (skip), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. skipped, p.pr. skipping], to leap lightly over; omit : v.i. to leap or bound lightly ; pass over unnoticed : n. a light leap or bound ; omission ; a wicker basket. Also skep. skipper ('er), n. one who, or that which, skips ; the cheese maggot ; the master of a merchant vessel ; sea-captain. skirmish (sker-mish), n. a slight combat or irregular fight between two small parties ; contest : v.i. to fight slightly or in small parties ; fight irregularly. skirr (sker), v.t. to pass over rap- idly. skirt (skert), n. the lower and loose part of a coat, dress, or other gar- ment ; part below the waist ; upper petticoat ; midriff of animals ; mar- gin or border : v.t. to cover with a skirt ; border ; run or pass along the edge of : v.i. to be on the border. skirting ('ing), n. skirts collective- ly ; material for skirts ; a narrow vertical board placed round the mar- gin of a floor. skit ( skit ) , n. brief satire ; burlesque. skittish, ('ish), adj. shy; easily frightened ; volatile ; vivacious ; wan- ton. skit,tles ('Iz), n.pl. ninepins. skiver (skiv'er), n. a paring tool for leather ; sheepskin split for book- binding, &c. skulk (skulk), v.i. to withdraw into a corner for concealment ; lurk ; avoid work in a cowardly manner r n. a skulker ; a number of foxes to- gether. skull (skul), n. the bony case inclos- ing the brain of a vertebrate animal, skunk (skungk), n. an American car- nivorous animal allied to the weasel, which emits a foetid secretion when pursued; a vile, contemptible fel- low: v.t. to defeat (an opponent) as at cards. sky (ski), n. [pi. skies (skiz)], the apparent vault of the heavens ; re- gion of clouds surrounding the earth ; climate or weather : v.t. [p.t. &-p.p. skied, p.pr. skying], to raise in the air ; hang very high. sky-boru ('born), adj. heaven-born [Poet.]. skylark ('lark), n. a species of lark that mounts high in the air and sings as it soars. skylarking (-ing), n. running about the rigging of a ship in sport ; frol- icking. skyscraper ('skra-per), n. a lofty building ; a triangular sail next above the royal. slab (slab), n. a flat piece of any- thing, especially marble or stone ; a puddle ; mire : adj. thick ; glutinous. slab-sided ('si-ded), adj. flat-sided; tall and lanky^ slabber ('er), n. saliva: v.i. to let saliva or liquid fall from, the mouth. slack (slak), adj. relaxed or loose; inattentive ; easy or moderate ; not busy ; backward : n. that part of anything, as a rope, &c., that hangs loose. slacken ('n), v.i. to become slack or less firm, tense, or rigid ; be remiss or less diligent ; languish ; become slower. slag (slag), n. the dross of a metal; vitrified cinders. slaggy ('i), adj. pertaining to, or like, slag. slake (slak), v.t. to quench; extin- guish ; mix with water : v.i. to be mixed with water. slam (slam) , v.t. [p.t. & p.p. slammed, p.pr. slamming], to shut violently and with a loud noise ; put down with force and loud noise : v.i. to strike violently or noisily : n. a vio- lent and noisy banging. slander (slan'der), n. a false or ma- licious report ; verbal defamation ; v.t. to defame or calumniate. slanderous (-us), adj. uttering slan- ders. slang (slang), n. a colloquial lan- guage or expression current at any particular period ; jargon of some particular calling or class in so- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 8la 784 sle ciety : v.t. to address with slang ; abuse with vulgar language. slant (slant), n. an inclined plane; a sarcastic remark ; a passing breeze : v.t. to give a sloping direction to ; adj. inclined from a straight line. slanting ('ing), adj. oblique. slap (slap), n. a blow given with the open hand : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. slapped, p.pr. slapping], to strike with the open hand or with anything broad : adv. with a sudden, violent blow ; direct ; quick. slapdash, ('dash), adv. in a bold, careless, or random manner. slapjack ('jak), n. a kind of flat bat- ter cake. slash (slash), n. a long cut; random cut ; slit in old costumes : pi. swampy or wet lands : v.t. to cut by striking violently and at random ; cut into long slits ; cut with a whip : v.i. to strike violently and at random. slashing ('ing), adj. sarcastic; se- vere. slat (slat), n. a thin, narrow strip of wood or metal used for fastening together larger pieces. slatch ( slach ) , n. the slack of a rope ; passing breeze. slate (slat), n. any rock that splits into thin plates ; thin stone for roof- ing ; tablet of stone for writing upon ; list of candidates, prepared for nomination or election : v.t. to cover with slate; register for a po- litical appointment ; criticise fiercely. slatt (slat), n. a slab of stone used as a veneer. slattern ('ern), w. a careless, sloven- ly woman. slatternly (-li), adj. slovenly; un- tidy : adv. awkwardly ; untidily. slatting ('ing), n. the violent flap- ping of anything hanging loose in the wind ; slats collectively. slaty (slat'i), adj. like slate. slaughter (slaw'ter), n. great de- struction of life by violence; car- nage; killing of oxen, &c., for hu- man food: v.t. to slay or kill with violence; kill (beasts) for the mar- ket. Slav (slav), n. one of the great divi- sions of the Aryan family or lan- guage : adj. Slavonic. slave (slav), n. a human being held in bondage ; serf ; drudge ; one under the power or influence of another : v.i. to work like a slave; toil or drudge. slaver ('er), n. a vessel or trader en- gaged in the slave trade. slavery ('er-i), n. [pi. slaveries (-iz)], the state of entire subjuga- tion to the will of another; condi- tion of a slave. slavey ('i), n. a maidservant. Slavic, same as Slavonic. slavish ('ish), adj. pertaining to, be- fitting, or characteristic of, a slave. Slavonic (sla-von'ik), adj. pertain- ing to the Slavs, their literature, or language. Also Slavonian, Slavic. slaw (slaw), n. sliced cabbage served as a salad. slay (sla), v.t. [p.t. slew, p.p. slain, p.pr. slaying], to kill or put to death with a weapon ; destroy suddenly or with violence, ,i sleave (slev), n. the knotted Of en- tangled part of silk or thread ; floss. sled (sled), n. sl carriage or vehicle mounted on runners for traveling over snow or ice. Also sledge : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. sledded, p.pr. sledding], to convey or transport on a sled or sledge. sledding ('ing), n. the act of tran- sporting on, or conveying by, a sled ; snow sufficient for the running of sleds. sledge (slej), n. a large, heavy ham- mer ; another form of sled. sleek (slek), adj. smooth; glossy. sleeky ('i), adj. of a sleek appear- ance ; fawning. sleep (slep) , n. slumber ; rest ; death : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. slept, p.pr. sleeping], to take rest in sleep ; be motionless or inactive ; be dead ; spin rapidly and smoothly. sleeper ('er), n. one who sleeps; a piece of timber supporting a railway track ; a sleeping car. sleepful ('fool), adj. drowsy. Also sleepish. sleepily ('i-li), adv. in a sleepy man- ner. sleepiness ('i-nes), n. the state or- quality of being sleepy. sleepy ('i), adj. [comp. sleepier, stt- ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrth, not; boon,, book; hue, hut; think, then. 8le 735 sU perl, sleepiest], inclined to, or over- come by, sleep ; drowsy ; sluggish ; lethargic. «leet (slet), m« rain mingled with snow or hail : v.i. to hail or snow with rain mingled. sleetiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being sleety. sleety ('1), adj. consisting of, or like, sleet. sleeve (slev), n, the part of a gar- ment that covers the arm : v.t. to furnish with sleeves. sleigh, another form of sled. sleight ( slit ) , n. dexterity ; cunning ; artful trick. slender (slen'der), adj. small or nar- row in proportion to the length or height ; feeble ; slim ; moderate. slept, p.t. & p.p. of sleep. sleuth (slooth), n. the track of a man or beast as known by the scent. sleuthhound ('hound), n. a blood- hound. slew, p.t. of slay. sley (sla), n. a weaver's reed. slice (slis), n. a thin broad piece of anything; a thin broad knife for taking up or serving fish ; a spatula : v.t. to cut into thin broad pieces ; cut into parts ; divide. slick (slik), ad(V. immediately; com- pletely : n. metal ore, especially gold, crushed and prepared for working. slid, p.t. of slide. slide (slid),-!;.*, to pass smoothly over a surface without leaving it ; glide ; pass inadvertently or unobserved ; slip : v.t. to thrust along ; cause to slip : n. a smooth surface of ice for sliding upon ; smooth declivity ; pic- ture on glass for exhibition on a screen ; fall of a mass of rock or snow down a mountain ; a grace of two small notes moving by degrees (Music]. sliding-scale ( 'ing-skal ) , w. a varia- blG scale of wages or prices accord- ing to the state of trade. slight (slit), adj. feeble; inconsider- able ; unimportant ; not severe ; tri- fling ; slender : n. neglect ; oversight ; v.t. to disregard as of little value ; neglect. slily, same as slyly. Blina. (slim), adj. [comp. slimmer, sm- perl. slimmest], of small diameter; weak ; unsubstantial ; slender. slime (slim), n. glutinous mud; any viscous substance. sliminess ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being slimy. slimsy (slim'zi), adj. frail. slimy (slim'i), adj. consisting of, cov- ered over with, or like, slime. sling (sling), n. an instrument for throwing stones ; a throw ; hanging bandage for an injured arm : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. slung, p.pr. slinging], to hurl with, or as with, a sling ; hang so as to swing ; hang by a rope so as to be moved. slink (slingk), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. slunk, p.pr. slinking], to creep away as if ashamed ; sneak off ; miscarry : said of ^ beasts : v.t. to cast prematurely : said of beasts : adj. produced prema- turely ; lean [Scotch] : n.. the young of a beast prematurely born, espe- cially a calf ; a sneak. slinky ('i), adj. thin. slip (slip), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. slipped, p.pr. slipping], to glide or slide; miss one's foothold ; fall down ; es- cape observation ; enter by over- sight ; move out of place ; depart or escape : v.t. to convey secretly ; cause to move quickly and smoothly ; omit ; part from a branch or stem : n. the act of slipping ; an oversight or omission ; indiscretion ; strip ; twig from a stock ; scion ; a kind of pet- ticoat ; outer covering or case ; liquid potter's clay ; an incline for launch- ing ships ; a young sole ; a fielder in cricket ; a narrow pew or bench : pi. part of a theater at the sides of the stage. slipper ('er), n. one who, or that which, slips ; a kind of loose shoe. slipperiness (-i-nes), n. the state or quality of being slippery. slippery ('er-i), adj. non-adhesive; without firm hold or footing ; unsta- ble ; smooth ; cunning. slipshod ('shod), adj. wearing shoes or slippers down at the heel ; slov- enly. slit (slit), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. slit Of slitted, p.pr. slitting], to cut length- wise or into long strips ; split : n. ai long cut ; narrow opening. ftte, jjm, &sk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; bod% book; hue, hut; think, then. Sli 736 sin slither (slith'er), v.i. to slide. sliver (sliv'er or sliv'er), v.t. to cut into long thin, or very small pieces : n. a splinter. sloam (slom), n. a layer of earth be- tween seams of coal. slobber, same as slabber. sloe (slo), n. a small bitter plum. slogan Cgan), n. the war-cry or gathering-cry of a Highland clan. sloop (sloop), n. a one-masted vessel with a fore-and-aft rig. slop (slop), n. water carelessly spilled : puddle ; poor liquor or liquid food: pi. dirty water; ready-made clothing ; seaman's outfit : v.t. Ip.t & p.p. slopped, p.pr. slopping], to soil by letting liquid fall upon. slope (slop), n. an oblique direction: surface inclining gradually down- wards : v.t. to form with a _ slope ; incline or slant ; direct obliquely : v.ii to take an oblique direction ; run off. sloppy (slop'i), adj. wet; muddy; splashed. slot (slot), n. a broad, flat wooden bar ; bolt ; narrow aperture ; mor- tise ; deer's track ; trap-door of a stage ; valley : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. slot- ted, p.pr. slotting], to groove; trace by a slot. sloth (sloth), n. idleness; habitual indolence ; a South American ar- boreal quadruped which walks slow- ly on the ground. slothful ('fool), adj. lazy; inactive, slothfully (-li), adv. lazily; indo- lently. slouch (slouch), n. a hanging down, as of the head or other parts of the body ; ungainly, clownish gait ; awk- ward, dull fellow : v.t. to cause to hang down ; depress at the side : v.i. to walk in a clumsy, heavy, awkward manner. slough (slou), n. a deep muddy place ; bog. slough (sluf), n. the cast-off skin of a serpent ; the part that separates from a foul sore : v.i. to separate in dead matter from the sound flesh ; come off, as the matter formed over a sore. Blough (sloo), n. drainage-stream and marsh in a prairie. sloven (sluv'en), n. one who is ha- bitually untidy in his dress and neg- ligent of cleanliness ; one who is negligent of order and neatness. slovenliness (-li-nes), n. the state or quality of being slovenly. slow (slo), adj. not quick or rapid in motion ; dilatory ; not prompt or quick ; behind in time ; not progres- sive ; dull. slowworm ('werm), w. a small snake- like reptile ; the blind-worm. sludge (sluj), n. slush; mire. sludgy ('i), adj. slushy; miry. slue (sloo), v.t. to turn about a fixed point, as a spar, &c. ; twist round : v.i. to turn about (with round). slug (slug), n. a shelless mollusk, al- lied to the land-snail ; a sluggard ; a kind of oval bullet : pi. half-roasted ore. sluggard ('erd), n. one who is habit- ually lazy and idle. sluggish ('ish), adj. habitually lazy and idle ; dull ; slothful ; inactive ; slow. sluice (sloos), n. a gate for excluding or regulating the flow of water in a canal, &c. ; stream of water issuing through a flood-gate : v.t. to wash with water from, or as from, a sluice ; wet copiously. slum (slum), nt a low, dirty street or district of a city or town, inhabited by the very poor or criminal classes : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. slum, p.pr. slum- ming], to visit slums as a fashion- able amusement. slumber ('ber), v.i. to sleep lightly; doze ; be in a state of inactivity or negligence. slump (slump), n. gross amount or mass ; a bog ; a sudden fall, as of shares, &c. : v.t. to lump or throw into a single lot: v.i. fall or sink suddenly. slung, p.t. of sling. slunk, p.t. of slink. slur (sler), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. slurred, p.pr. slurring], to sully; soil; con- taminate ; pass over superficially ; disparage ; pronounce indistinctly ; sing or perform in a light, gliding manner [Music] : n. a stain ; slight reproach or disgrace ; stigma ; a Bte, arm, ^sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book; htie, hut; think, th&n. sin 737 mark ( ' — ^ ) connecting notes that are to be sung or played legato. Blush, (slush), n. half-melted snow; a greasy lubricating mixture. slut (slut), n. a dirty, untidy woman. sluttish ('ish), adj. untidy and dirty. sly (sli), adj. [comp. slyer j superl. slyest], artfully cunning; under- hand and crafty ; meanly insidious. slyly ('li), adv. in a sly manner. slyness ('nes), n. the state of being sly. smack (smak), n. a quick, smart blow ; loud kiss ; quick, sharp noise with the lips ; flavor ; taste ; a one- masted coasting or fishing vessel : v.t. to kiss with a quick sharp noise : strike with a quick, smart blow : v.i. make a noise with the lips after tasting something. small (smawl), adj. [comp. smaller, superl. smallest], little in quantity or degree ; inconsiderable ; of little worth or ability; not large or ex- tended in dimensions ; narrow-mind- ed ; mean : n. the slender part of anything. small pica (pi'ka), n. a size of print- ing-type (see type). smallpox: ('poks), n. a contagious, feverish disease, characterized by eruptions upon the skin. smalt (smawlt), n. a deep blue pig- ment. smart (smart), adj. causing a quick, sharp pain ; poignant ; sharp ; clev- er ; accomplished ; brilliant ; wit- ty ; vivacious ; pretentious ; showy ; brisk ; obtained by sharp practices : n. a quick, pungent, lively pain ; poignant grief : vA. to feel a lively, pungent pain ; endure punishment. smarten ('n), v.t. to make smart or spruce. smart-mioney (-mun'i), n. money paid by a person to free him from some unpleasant diflBculty, especially a recruit from his enlistment ; money allowed to wounded soldiers and sailors. smash (smash) , v.t. to break in pieces by violence ; crush : v.i. to become bankrupt : n. a breaking to pieces ; bankruptcy. smasher ('er), n. one who, or that which, smashes. smatter (smat'er), v.i. to talk super- ficially or ignorantly ; have a super- ficial knowledge of anything, smattering (-ing), n. superficial knowledge. smear (smer), v.i. to overspread with anything unctuous, viscous, or adhe- sive; daub; pollute: n, a blot or stain. smectite (smek'tit), n. fuller's earth. sm.ell (smel), v.t. \_p.t. & p.p. smelled or smelt, p.pr. smelling], to perceive by the nose ; obtain the scent of : v.i. to affect the nos« or olfactory nerves ; exercise the sense of smell : n. that quality of bodies which affects the sense of smell ; odor. smelling ('ing) , n. the sense of smell. smelt (smelt), n. a small salmonoid fish : v.t. to fuse, as an ore, to sepa- rate the metal. smerky (smerk'i) ,a(Zy. jaunty ; spruce. smerlin (smer'lin), n, a kind of loach. sme-w (smu), n. a migratory diving bird of the duck family ; the white nun. smilax (smi'laks), n. a climbing plant of the lily family. smile (smil), v.i. to express pleasure, moderate joy, love, or kindness by the countenance ; look gay, cheerful, or happy ; express slight contempt by a smile ; favor : v.t. to express by a smile : n. the act of smiling ; a look of pleasure, kindness, happi- ness, or slight contempt : a drink of liquor. smirch (smerch), -y.f. to smear; dirty. smirk (smerk), v.i. to smile affected- ly or conceitedly : n. an affected smile : adj. spruce. smite (smit), v.t. [p.t. smote, p.p. smitten, p.pr. smiting], to strike, as with the hand or a weapon ; kill ; overthrow in battle ; blast ; chasten ; affect with any passion : v.i. to strike. smith (smith), n. one who forges metal with a hammer : worker in metals. smithing ('ing), »r. the art or process of working or forging metals into shape. smithy ('i), n. a smith's workshop. &te, arm. [, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, thotn. smo 738 smock (smok), n. a chemise; smock- frock. smock-frock ('frok), n. an agricul- tural laborer's_ loose outer shirt. smokable (smok'a-bl), adj. capable of being smoked. smoke (smok), n. the vapor or sub- stance that escapes when a sub- stance is burned ; vapor ; exhala- tion ; act of smoking ; pipe or cigar ; foolish talk : v.t. to apply smoke to ; hang up in smoke ; dry, scent, or medicate by smoke; inhale and puff out the smoke of ; expel by smoke ; detect or ferret out : v.i. to emit smoke ; burn tobacco in a pipe, &c. ; inhale and puff out smoke. smokily ('i-li), adj. in a smoky man- ner. smokiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being smoky. smoking ('ing), p.adj. emitting smoke ; used for smoking in. smoky ('i), adj. giving out, or filled with, smoke ; tarnished or noisome with smoke. smolder (smol'der), v.i. to burn slowly or smoke without vent ; exist in a stifled condition. smolt (smolt), n. a young salmon that has acquired its silver scales. smooth (smoo^/0, adj not rough; even ' surfaced ; frictionless ; gently flowing ; glossy ; bland ; soothing ; flattering • v.t. to make smooth ; ren- der easy ; calm ; regulate : v.i. to be- come smooth : n. the act of making smooth ; smooth part of anything ; a meadow. smiote, p.t. of smite. smotker (smuth'er) , v.t. to destroy the life of by suffocation ; stifle ; suppress or conceal : v.i. to be suffo- cated • n. stifling smoke or thick dust. smoulder, same as smolder. smudge (smuj), n. a smear or stain; suffocating smoke ; a smoldering fire of damp combustibles emitting dense smoke for the purpose of keeping off mosquitoes : v.t. to smear or stain ; blacken or stifle with smoke. smudginess ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being smudged. smug (smug), adj. affectedly precise or prim ; spruce ; neat. smuggle ('1), v.t. to import or ex- port secretly without paying custom- house duties; convey or introduce clandestinely : v.i. to practice smug- gling. smut (smut), n. a spot or stain made by soot or similar dirty matter ; bad, soft coal ; a fungoid disease affect- I ing cereal grain ; obscenity : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. smutted, p.pr. smutting], to soil or blacken with, or as with, smut : v.i. to become converted into smut ; give off smut. smuttily ('i-li), adj. in a smutty manner. smuttiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being smutty. smutty ('i)L, adj. soiled or stained with smut ; affected with smut ; ob- scene. snack (snak), n. a slight, hasty re- past. snacot Cot), n. a kind of pipe-fish. snaffle (snaf'l), n. a bridle consisting of a joint in the middle and rings at the ends : v.t. to put a snaffle in the mouth of. snag (snag) , -n. a short rough branch ; knot ; trunk of a tree fixed in the bed of a river : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. snagged, p.pr. snagging], to injure or destroy by contact with a snag. snagged ('d), adj. full of, or covered with, snags. Also snaggy. snail (snal),*^. a slimy, slow-creeping gasteropod of the genus Helix : hence any slow-moving person ; drone. snake (snake), n. a serpent: v.t. to wind round spirally ; to draw out. snakisk ('ish), adj. snake-like. snaky ('i), adj. pertaining to, or hav- ing the characteristics of, a snake; deceitful ; sly ; cunning ; insinuat- ing. snap (snap), v.i. [p-t. & p.p. snapi>ed, p.pr. snapping], to break short or instantaneously ; produce a sharp, sudden sound ; utter sharp, angry words ; miss fire : v.t. to break at once ; crack ; bite suddenly and un- expectedly : n. the act of snapping : noise made by snapping ; spring catch ; sudden and sharp spell, as of weather : pi. a kind of crisp cake : ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 739 adj. brisk ; offhand ; made or done without due notice ; unfair. snapdragon ('drag-un), n. a plant with a corolla that shuts with a snap when opened ; a social game in which raisins are snatched from a bowl of burning brandy. snappish, ('ish), adj. apt to snap or eager to bite; sharp in retorting; peevish ; caustic ; easily irritated. snapshot (snap'shot), n. instanta- neous photograph ; a quick shot with a gun or rifle. snare (snar), n. a running noose of cord or wire for catching an animal ; anything that entangles or entraps one; the gut stretched across the head of a drum : v.t. to catch or en- tangle with, or as with, a snare. snarl (snarl), v.i. to growl like an angry dog; speak surlily: v.t. to complicate or entangle, as thread or hair : n. the act of snarling ; growl ; angry contention or quarrel ; a com- plicated entanglement of hair, &c. snarling ('ing), n. the production of raised hollow metal work by ham- mering with a special tool on the inner surface. I snatch (snach), v.i. to take or seize abruptly and suddenly or without permission; seize and carry away: 'D.i. to attempt to seize anything suddenly. sneak (snek), v.i. to creep or steal away privately or meanly ; slink ; act with servility and meanness ; steal : n. a mean, servile fellow ; petty thief. sneer (sner), -yi. to show contempt by some facial expression ; insinu- ate contempt by a covert expres- sion ; scofE : n. an indirect expres- sion of contempt or scorn. sneeze (snez), v.i. to emit a sudden and violent rush of air through the mouth and nostrils, audibly and con- vulsively : n. the act of sneezing. snicker (snik'er) , n. a half-suppressed laugh ; a giggle : v.i. to laugh slyly ; giggle. sniff (snif), v.i. to draw in the breath through the nose, often as an ex- pression of contempt : v.t. to smell or scent : n. the act of sniflang. snigger, same as snicker. sniggle (snig'l), v.i. to fish for eels by thrusting the baited hook into their holes. snip (snip), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. snipped, p.pr. snipping], to cut or clip off at once, as with scissors : n. a single cut with scissors ; small piece. snipe (snip), n. a long-billed fen fowl ; curbstone broker. snivel (sniv'el), v.i. to run at the nose ; cry, as a child : n. mucus run- ning from the nose ; cant. sniveler (-er), n. one who snivels. snob (snob), n. a vulgar person who apes gentility ; vulgar upstart ; jour- neyman shoemaker ; knobstick. snobbish ('ish), adj. pertaining to, characteristic of, or like, a snob. snobbishness (-nes), n. vulgar or ostentatious show. Also snobbery, snobbism. snood (snood), n. a ribbon for bind- ing up the hair of a maiden [Scotch] ; hair-line to connect a fishing-linewith the hook. snooze (snooz), v.i. to nap : n. a nap. snore (snor), v.i. to breathe through the nostrils with roughness or hoarseness in sleep : n. a noisy breathing in sleep. snout (snout), n. the projecting nose of a beast; nose of a man (in con- tempt). snoiv (sno), n. frozen particles of vapor in the atmosphere in the form of white feathery flakes : v.i. to fall in snow. snowbird ('herd), n. an Arctic bird, the snow-bunting. snoAvdrop ('drop), n. a bulbous plant with pretty white flowers. snowfall ('fal), n. the quantity of snow which falls during a given time. snow-line ('lin), n. the lowest limit of perpetual snow. snowy ( 'i ) , adj. white like snow ; ■ covered with, or abounding in, snow ; pure. snub (snub), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. snubbed, p.pr. snubbing], to check or repri- mand with sarcasm or asperity; treat with designed contempt : n. an intended slight ; reprimand. snub-nosed ('nozd), adj. having a short, flat nose. &te, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. snn 740 soo snnfp (snuf), v.t. to draw in through the nose ; smell or scent ; take the snuff off, as a candle : v.i. to snort or sniff ; take snuff into the nostrils : n. powdered tobacco inhaled through the nose ; charred part of the wick of a candle. snuffle ('1), v.i. to speak or breathe hard through the nose when ob- structed : n. a speaking through the nose when obstructed ; affected nasal twang ; cant : pi. obstruction of the nostrils by mucus. snuffy ('i), ad;, soiled with snuff. snug (snug), adj. Icomp. snugger, su- perl. snuggest], concealed; lying close and warm ; compact and con- venient : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. snugged, p.pr. snugging], to lie close and warm (with up or together). snuggery ('er-i), n. [pZ. snuggeries (-iz)], a warm, cosy place. snuggle ('1), v.i. to lie close for warmth and comfort. so (so), adv. in a like manner or de- gree; in high degree; as has been stated ; for this reason ; therefore ; more or less : conj. on condition that ; if ; therefore : inter j. stop ! s»ak (sok), v.t. to cause to suck in moisture ; steep in a fluid ; wet thor- oughly : v.i. to become saturated or steeped in fluid ; drink excessively. soap (sop), n. a compound of oils or fats and an alkali used for washing and cleansing : v.t. to rub over, or wash, with soap ; wheedle. soapiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being soapy. soapstone ('ston), n. a variety of steatite. soapy ('i), adj. covered with, or like, soap ; soft and smooth. soar (sor), vA. to fly aloft, as a bird; mount upwards with wings ; rise in thought or imagination : n. a lofty flight. sob (sob), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. sobbed, p.pr. sobbing], to sigh in a convul- sive manner with tears : v.t. to utter with a sob : n. a convul-sive sigh ; lamentation. sobbing ('ing), n. the act of sighing with a short convulsive heaving of the breast. sober (so'ber), adj. habitually tem- perate, especially in the use of in- toxicating liquors ; self-possessed ; calm ; steady ; sedate : v.t. to make sober : v.i. to become sober. sobriety (-bri'e-ti), n. habitual tem- perance ; calmness ; seriousness. sobriquet (so-bre-ka') n. a nickname [French]. soc (sok), n. certain privileges of ten- ants under the feudal system ; the feudal lord's power of holding a court in a district. Also soke. sociability (so-shia-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being sociable; disposition to associate and converse with others. Also sociableness. sociable ('shia-bl), adj. disposed to associate and converse with others ; social ; conipanionable ; affable : n. a kind of vehicle ; tricycle or bicycle for two riders ; a social gathering. sociably (-bli), adv. in a sociable manner. Socially. social ('shal), adj. pertaining to men as living in society ; inclined to friendly intercourse and conversa- tion ; convivial ; growing in groups or masses ; living in communities. socialism (-izm), n. an economic theory or system of the reconstruc- tion of society on the basis of co- operation of labor and community of property. socialist (-ist), n. an advocate of so- cialism. socialistic (-is'tik), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, socialism. Also socialist. sociality (-shi-al'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being social. Also social- ness. socialize ('shal-iz), v.t. to render so- cial ; regulate according to socialise tic principles. society (-si'i-ti), n. [pi. societies (-tiz)], a number of persons united for a common interest ; people col- lectively who live in any region at any given period ; fraternity ; com- pany ; the more cultivated portion of any community in its social rela- tions, &c. sociological (-shi-o-loj'ik-al), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, sociology. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 741 sol sociologist (-ol'o-jist), n. a student of sociology^ sociology ('o-ji), n. the science of the constitution, evolution, and phe- nomena of human society ; social science. sock (sok), n. a light shoe worn by the classic actors of comedy ; a short stocking ; warm inner sole. sockdolager (-dol'a-jer), n. a conclu- sive argument ; whopper. socket ('et), n. a hollow into which something is fitted; hollow of a candlestick. socle (s5'kl), n. a plain plinth form- ing a low pedestal ; base of a statue, &c. sod (sod), n. turf; sward: v.t. to cover with sod; turf. soda (so'da), n. impure carbonate of soda ; sodium oxide. soda-water (waw-ter), n. aerated water containing bicarbonate of soda. sodden (sod'n), adj. boiled; satu- rated : v.i. to be soaked or seethed : v.t. to saturate. soddy ('i), adj. turfy. sodic (so'dik), adj. pertaining to, or containing, sodium. sodium ('di-um), n. a metallic ele- ment. sofa (so'fa), n. a long seat with stuffed bottom, back, and arms. soffit (sof'it), n. a small paneled ceil- ing; under part of a cornice pre- senting a flat surface. soft (soft), adj. easily yielding to pressure ; malleable ; smooth to the touch ; not glaring ; impressionable ; effeminate ; quiet ; easy ; courteous ; mild ; kind ; somewhat weak in in- tellect : n. a foolish person : adv. softly ; quietly : inter j. gently ! stop ! soften (sof'n), v.t. to make soft or softer ; tone down ; palliate ; as- suage ; render less rude or offensive ; make effeminate ; melt : v.i. to be- come soft or softened. soggy (sog'i), adj. soaked; wet. soi-distant (swa-de-zang'), adj. self- styled ; calling himself ; would-be ; pretended [French]. soil (soil), n. the top stratum of the earth's surface ; land ; dirt ; manure ; stain : v.t. to make dirty ; stain or mar : v.i. to become soiled. soiree (swa-ra'), n. an evening party for conversation and social inter- course ; public evening entertain- ment with refreshments. sojourn (so'jern or so-jern'), v.i. to dwell for a time: n. a temporary residence._ soko (so'ko), n. a species of anthro- poid ape. Sol (sol), n. the sun. sol (sol), n. the 5th note of the dia- tonic scale. solace (sol'as), n. comfort in sor- row ; consolation : v.t. to comfort in sorrow. solano (so-la'no), n. a hot oppressive wind in the Mediterranean. solar ('lar), adj. pertaining to, meas- ured by, or proceeding from, the sun. solarize (-Tz), v.t. to expose too long in the camera. solar-year (-yer), n. the period dur- ing which the earth makes one com- plete revolution round the sun, 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 52 seconds. sold, p.t. & p.p. of sell. solder (sod'er or sol'der), n. a me- tallic alloy for uniting metals : v.t. to unite by a fusible metallic ce- ment ; join. soldier (sol'jer), n. a person engaged in military service ; a private as dis- tinguished from an officer ; man of military skill : v.i. to serve or act aa a soldier ; make a pretense of work. sole (sol), n. the underside of the foot ; bottom of a boot or shoe, &c. ; bottom of anything; a flat fish of the genus Solea : v.t. to furnish with, or as with, a sole : adj. alone ; being or acting by one's self ; unmarried. solecism (sol'e-sizm), n. a breach of the rules of syntax, or idiom of a language ; impropriety ; absurdity. solely (sol'Ii), adv. alone; singly. solemn (sol'em), adj. characterized by religious rites or ceremonies ; in- spiring awe ; serious ; devout ; for- mal ; attended with a serious appeal to God. solemnity ('ni-ti), n. [pi. solemni- ties (-tiz)], a religious rite or cere* mony ; ceremony adapted to inspire ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. sol 742 sol awe ; gravity ; impressiveness ; af- fected or mock seriousness. solemnization (-ni-za'shun), n. the act of solemnizing. solemnize ('em-niz), v.f. to perform with ceremonies ; celebrate. solenoid (so-len-oid), n. an electro- magnetic helix. sol-fa (sol-fa') v.i. [p.t. & p.p. sol- faed, p.pr. sol-faing], to sing or vo- calize the diatonic scale to the sylla- bles do, re, mi, fa, &c. soMatara (sol-fii-ta'ra), n. a volcanic vent, which emits sulphurous and other vapors. solfeggio (-fad'jo), n. the system of arranging the musical scale with the syllables do, re, &c., instead of the letters. A, B, &c. Also solfeggiare. solferino (-fa-re'no), n. a bright, deep pink aniline color. solicit (so-lis'it), v.t. to ask for with earnestness ; entreat ; invite or sum- mon ; endeavor to obtain : v.i. to can- vass. solicitation (-i-ta'shun), n. the act of soliciting ; importunity ; the of- fense of inciting to a felony ; offense of accosting by a prostitute. solicitor ('it-er) , n. one who solicits ; - a person legally qualified to act for another in a court of law ; an attor- ney ; a canvasser. solicitorsMp (-ship), n. the office or rank of a solicitor. solicitous ('i-tus), adj. eager; anx- ious ; apprehensive : concerned. solicitude ('i-tud), n. the state of being solicitous ; concern ; anxiety ; carefulness, solid (sol'id), adj. having the parti- cles so close or firmly adhering as to resist impression ; compact ; cubic ; not hollow ; dense ; heavy ; weighty ; just ; unanimous : n. a body having its constituent particles firmly ad- hering together. solidarity (-i-dar'!-ti), n. community of interests and responsibilities. solidification (-id-i-fi-ka'shun), n. the act of solidifying, the state of being solidified. solidify (-id'i-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. solidified, p.pr. solidifying], to make solid : v.i. to harden. solidity ('i-ti), n. density; compact- ness ; stability ; truth ; moral firm- ness. soliloquize (so-lil'6-kwiz), v.i. to ut- ter a soliloquy. soliloquy ('o-kwi), n. [pi. soliloquies (-kwiz)], a talking or discourse to one's self ; a written composition of the nature of a monologue. | solitaire (sol-i-tar'), n. a game played by one person ; a stud ; pre- cious stone in single setting ; hermit* solitarily ('i-ta-ri-li), adv. in a soli- tary manner. solitariness (-nes), n. the state of being solitary. solitary ('i-ta-ri), adj. living by one's self ; lonely ; single ; done, passed, or suffered alone ; remote ; unoccu- pied ; gloomy. solitude ('i-ttid), n. the state of be- ing by one's self ; loneliness ; seclu- sion ; desert. solo (so'lo), n. [pi. solos ('loz)], an air, or musical piece performed by a single instrument or by one vocalist. soloist (-ist), n. one who performs or sings a solo. solstice (sol'stis), n. that point in the ecliptic at which the sun is farthest from the equator, north in summer, south in winter. solstitial (-stish'al), adj. pertaining to, or happening at a solstice. solubility (-n-bil'i-ti), n. the state, quality, or degree of being soluble or dissolvable. soluble ('ii-bl), adj. capable of being dissolved in a fluid ; capable of solu- tion. solus (so'lus), adj. alone [Latin]. solution (-lu'shun), n. the act of dis- solving by means of a fluid; deliver- ance ; explanation. solvability (sol-va-biri-ti), n. the state or quality of being solvable; solvency. solvable (Va-bl), adj. capable of be- ing solved. solve (solv), v.t. to explain; clear up ; remove. solvency ('en-si), n. the state or quality of being solvent. solvent (sol' vent), n. any liquid that dissolves another substance : adj. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book : hue, hut ; think, then. 743 SOG able to discharge just claims or debts; having the power of dis- solving. somatology (so-ma-toro-ji), n. the science of the general principles of matter, and its properties. somber (som'ber), adj. dull; melan- choly ; dark ; gloomy. soinbrero (-bra'ro), n, a kind of broad-brimmed hat. som.brous ('brus), adj. gloomy; dull. some (sum), a sufjlae meaning like, same, as winsome," gladsome, &c. : adj. more or less ; expressing an in- determinate number, person, or quantity ; one or the other ; about. somebody ('bod-i), n. some person; a person of importance. somehow ('how), adv. in one way or another ; by some means. somiersault ('er-sawlt), n. a leap in which a person turns with his heels over his head. som.etliing ('thing), n. a thing un- known, or not specified ; part or por- tion ; indefinite quantity or degree : adv. in some degree. sometimie ('tim), adv. at a time in- definitely ; formerly ; once. somewbat ('hwot), n. more or less: adv. in some degree or extent. soiuexiT-bere ('hwar), adv. in one place or another. somewbile ('hwil), adv. once; for a while. somewbitber ('hwWier) , adv. to some indeterminate place. somnambulism ( som-nam'bu-lizm ) , n. the act or practice of walking in sleep. somnam.bulist (-list), n. a sleep- walker. somniferous (-nif'er-us), adj, caus- ing sleep. somnipatby (-nip'a-thi), n. sleep caused by some external influence, as mesmerism. somnolence ('no-lens), n. sleepi- ness ; drowsiness. Also somnolency. somnolent ('no-lent), adj. inclined to sleep. son (sun), n. a male child, or de- scendant ; male issue of a parent, father or mother ; pupil ; native or inhabitant of a particular country. Son, n. the second person of the Holy Trinity. sonant (so'nant), adj. sounding; vo- cal. sonata (-na'ta), n. a musical com- position for one instrument, espe^ cially the pianoforte. sonatina (-na-te'na), n. a short, sim- ple sonata. song (song), n. a lyrical poem or bal- lad ; any poetical strain ; poetry ; poem ; notes of birds ; mere trifle. songster ('ster), n. one skilled in singing ; a singing bird. Fem. song- stress. soniferous (so-nif'er-us), adj, pro- ducing, or conveying, sound. son-in-law (sun'in-law), n. [pi. sons-in-law (sunz-)], the husband of one's daughter. sonnet (son'et), n. a short lyric poem of fourteen lines, each of five accents, with varying rhymes. sonneteer (-et-er'), n. a composer of sonnets ; minor poet : v.i. to com- pose sonnets. sonometer (so-nom'e-ter), n. an ap- paratus for showing the relation be- tween musical notes, or testing the capacity of the auditory nerves. sonorific (so-no-rif'ik), adj. produc- ing sound. sonorous (s6-no'rus), adj. giving a clear sound when struck ; resonant ; loud-sounding ; vocal ; deep-toned. sonsbip (sun'ship), n. the state or position of being a son. soon (soon), adv. in a short time; quickly ; easily ; early ; without de- lay. soot (soot), n. finely divided carbon, sootb (sooth), n. truth. sootbe (sooth), v.t. to please or calm with soft words or blandishments; comfort ; allay ; pacify ; assuage. sootbsay sooth'sa), v.i. to predict or foretell. sootbsayer (-er), n. one who fore- tells or prognosticates. soothsaying (-ing), n. the art or practice of foretelling or making predictions. sootiness (soot'i-nes), n. the state ot quality of being sooty. sooty ('i), adj. [comp. sootier, su- ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. sop 744 son perl, sootiest], pertaining to, pro- ducing, or like, soot ; dusky, black. sop (sop), n. anything steeped, dipped, or softened in a liquid, especially in broth ; something given to pacify : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. sopped, p.pr. sop- ping], to steep or dip in a liquid. sophisiu (sof'izm), n. a specious but fallacious argument ; fallacy. sophist ('ist), n. one of a body of men in ancient Greece (5th century B. C.) who taught philosophy, elo- quence, and politics ; a fallacious or captious reasoner. sophistical (so-fis'ti-kal). adj, per- taining to, or characteristic of, a sophist ; fallaciously subtle ; quib- bling. Also sophistic. sophisticate ('ti-kat), 'D.t. to render worthless by adulteration ; pervert ; vitiate. sophistry (sof'is-tri), n. [pi. sophis- tries (-triz)], specious but falla- cious reasoning ; unsound argument. sophomore ('o-mor), n. a student in his second academic year. sopor (so'per), n. deep sleep from which a patient is aroused with dif- ficulty. soporific (so-po-rif'ik), adj. causing, or tending to induce, sleep : n. an opiate or anodyne. soppy (sop'i), adj. soaked or satu- rated with a liquid ; very wet. soprano (so-pra'no), n. \_pl. sopra- nos, soprani ('noz, 'ne)], the high- est kind of female voice ; a singer with such a voice. sorb (sorb), n. the European moun- tain-ash, yielding a fruit called rowans. sorhefacient (s5r-be-fa'shi-ent), adj. producing absorption. sorcerer ('ser-er), n. a magician, wizard, or enchanter. Fem. sor- ceress. sorcery (-1), n. [pi. sorceries (-iz)], divination by the aid of evil spirits ; witchcraft ; magic ; enchantment. Sordid ('did), adj. mean; vile; base; niggardly ; meanly avaricious. sore (sor), adj. tender or painful to the touch ; inflamed : painful ; sensi- tive ; susceptible of irritation ; heavy : grievous ; severe ; distress- ing : adv. grievously ; severely ; deeply : n. a painful or diseased part ia an animal body ; ulcer ; wound ; sorrow ; trouble ; a hawk of the first year ; a buck of the fourth year. sorely (sor'li), adv. in a sore man- ner. soreness ('nes), n. the state or quali- ty of being sore ; tenderness. sorghum (sor'gum), n. a cane-like grass resembling broom corn, yield- ing sugar ; molasses prepared from the juice of sorghum. sorosis (so-ro'sis), n. a woman's club or association. sorrel (sor'el), n. a dock-like plant of the genus Rumex ; a reddish- brown color. Sorrento ■urork (-en'to werk), «. carved ornamental fretwork in olive- wood with inlaid decorations. sorrily ('i-li), adv. in a sorry man- ner. sorriness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being sorry. sorrow ('o), n. mental pain or un- easiness caused by loss, disappoint- ment, &c. ; grief ; distress ; unhappi- ness ; regret ; affliction : v.i. to feel mental pain or uneasiness; grieve; lament ; be sad. sorrowful (-fool), adj. full of, or showing, sorrow ; sad. sorrowfully (-li), adv. in a sorrow- ful manner. sorry ('i), a4j. [comp. sorrier, superl, sorriest], feeling regret for the loss of some good ; vexed ; pained ; mean ; worthless. sort (sort), n. a kind or species; class, rank, or order ; manner ; de- gree: v.t. to separate and place in different divisions or classes ; select : v.i. to consort or associate. sortie (sor'te), n. the issuing of a body of troops from a besieged place to attack the besiegers. sot (sot), n. a habitual drunkard. sottish ('ish), adj. like a sot; stu- pid ; infatuated. sotto voce ('to vo'cha), adv. in an undertone ; with a moderate or re- strained tone of voice. sou (soo), n. [pi. soos (so5z)], an old French copper coin =■ one cent. soubrette (-bret'), n. a female ser- vant or attendant; in comedies, a ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. sen 745 spa lady's maid who acts the part of an intriguing female. souchet (-sha'), n. fish served up in the water in which it has been boiled. songli (sou, or suf ), n. a hollow mur- mur or whistling, as of the wind : v.i. to murmur or whistle. songIit,_ p.t. & p.p. of seek. soul (sol), n. the spiritual, rational, and immortal part in man ; reason or intellect ; conscience ; life ; es- sence ; moving or inspiring power ; courage; human being. soulful ('fool), adj. full of soul or feeling. soulless ('les), adj. without a soul; senseless ; spiritless ; dull ; mean. sound (sound), adj. whole; entire; unbroken ; healthy ; not decayed ; founded on truth or right ; ortho- dox ; solvent ; firm ; safe ; strong ; legal ; valid ; laid on with force : n. the impression made on the ear by the vibrations of the air ; noise ; re- port ; noise without signification ; a strait or narrow passage of water ; swimming bladder of a fish ; the cuttlefish : v.t. to measure or ascer- tain the depth of ; cause to make a noise ; utter audibly ; play upon ; ex- amine or try ; probe : v.i. to make a noise or sound ; play upon an in- strument ; be spread or published. sounding ('ing), n. the ascertaining the depth of water : adj. causing sound ; resonant. soup (soop), n. a kind of broth. sour (sour), adj. having an acid, sharp, or astringent taste; changed so as to become rancid ; disagreea- ble ; cross ; morose : v.t. to cause to become sour : v.i. become morose, peevish, or discontented ; to turn from sweet to sour. sour-crout, same as sauerkraut. source (sors), n. that from which anything arises or originates ; spring or fountain ; first cause ; original. sourish (sour'ish), adj. somewhat sour. souse (sous), n. pickle made with salt; anything steeped or preserved in pickle ; a plunging in water : v.t. to steep in pickle ; plunge into water ; strike with sudden violence : v.i. to make a sudden attack; mdv^ with sudden violence. south (south), n. that one of the four cardinal points of the compass directly opposite the north : adv. to- ward the south : v.i. to tur-n or move toward the south ; come to the meridian : adj. pertaining to the south. South, n. the southern portion of the United States (with the). southern (suf/t'ern), adj. pertaining to, situated in, or proceeding from or towards the south. Southerner (-er), n. a native of the South. southernwood ('ern-wood), n. a species of wormwood. Southron ('run), n. a Southerner. souvenir (soo-ve-ner'), n. a memento or keepsake. sovereign (sov' or suv'er-in), adj. royal ; supreme in power ; possess- ing supreme dominion ; effectual : n. a king, emperor, or queen ; a British gold coin = 20s. sovereignty (-ti), n. supreme power or dominion. sow (sou), n. a female pig; oblong piece of metal. sow (so), v.t. ip.t. sowed, p.p. sown, p.pr. sowing], to scatter, as seed upon the earth ; propagate ; dissemi- nate ; scatter on or over : v.i. to scat- ter seed for growth. soy (soi), n. a kind of fish sauce. spa (spa), n. a spring of mineral water. space (spas), n. extension; room; interval between lines ; quantity of time ; short interval : v.t. in print- ing, to make intervals between (lines or words) by separating them with thin pieces of type-metal. spacial (spa'shal), adj. pertaining to space. Also spatial. spacious ('shus), adj. extending far and wide ; roomy ; vast in extent. spade (spad), n. an implement for • digging, &c., consisting of a broad blade of iron with a handle; one of a suit of cards having one or more figures resembling a spade ; a hart three years old : v.t. to dig or work with a spade. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, th^n. spa 746 spa spadeful ('fool), n. as much as a spade will hold. spalpeen (spal'pen), n, sl scamp [Irish]. span (span), n, the space from the thumb to the end of the little finger when extended ; nine inches ; a short space of time ; spread or ex- tent of an arch, &c., between its abutments or supports : yoke ^ of oxen or horses ; pair of horses sim- ilar in color harnessed together : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. spanned, p.pr. span- ning], to measure by the span of the hand ; reach from one side to the other ; fetter or hobble : v.i. to be matched for running in harness. spangle (spang'gl), n. a small plate or boss of shining metal ; any glit- tering ornament, especially for a dress : v.t. to set or adorn with, or as with, spangles. Spaniard (span'yerd), n. a native of Spain. spaniel ('yel), n. a variety of dog. Spanish, ('ish), adj. pertaining to Spain, its language, or to its in- habitants. Spanish-fly (-fli), n. cantharides. Spanish-main (-man), n. the name formerly applied to the southern part of the Caribbean sea, and ad- jacent coast. spank (spangk), v.t. to strike with the open hand ; slap : v.i. to move quickly : n. a sounding slap. spanker ('er), n. one who, or that which, spanks; the after-sail of a ship or barque. spanking ('ing), adj. moving with a quick, lively step ; dashing ; stout ; large. spanner (span'er), n. a wrench for tightening up or loosening the nuts on screws. spar (spar), n. a lustrous crystalline mineral ; a general name for a mast, yard, boom, &c. ; a contest at box- ing, or in words : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. sparred, p.pr. sparring], to box; contest in words. spare (spar), v.t. to use in a frugal manner; part with without incon- venience; omit; treat tenderly: v.i. to live frugally ; forbear or forgive : adj. thin or lean ; scanty ; parsi- monious ; superfluous ; reserved. sparing ('ing), adj. frugal; abste- mious. spark (spark), n. a small particle of fire or ignited substance thrown off in combustion ; small shining body or transient light ; small por- tion of anything active or vivid ; gay young fellow ; beau. sparkle ('1), v.i. to emit sparks; glisten ; scintillate ; flash ; coruscate. sparkling ('ling), adj. emitting sparks ; glittering ; flashing ; lively ; brilliant. sparling (spar'ling), n. a smelt. sparrow (spar'6), n. a well-known small bird of the passerine family. sparse (spars), adj. thinly scattered; not dense ; set or planted here and there. sparsely ('11), adv, in a sparse man- ner. sparseness ('nes), n. the state or quality of being sparse; thinness. Spartan (spar'tan), adj. pertaining to Sparta ; hardy ; undaunted ; se- vere. sparterie ('ter-i), n. articles spun or woven of esparto grass. spasm (spazm), n. a sudden, violent, involuntary contraction of the mus- cles. spasmodic (spaz-mod'ik), adj. per- taining to, or consisting in, spasms; convulsive; violent but short-lived. Also spasmodical. spasmodically (-al-i), adv. in a spasmodic manner. spat (spat), n. the spawn of shell- fish, especially the oyster : pi. spat- terdashes. spate (spat), n. a sudden heavy flood caused by heavy rains. spatial, same as spacial. spatter (spat'er), v.t. to sprinkle with a liquid ; defame : v.i. to under- go or cause scattering or splashing in drops or small quantities: n. a small splash. spatterdashes (-dash-ez), w.pL leath- er leggings for riding; gaiters. spatula (spat'ii-la), n. a broad, flat, thin, flexible knife for spreading plasters, paints, &c. ate, arm, isk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrtb, not; booD^ book; hue, hut; think, then. spa 747 spatulate ('ti-lat), adj. spatula- shaped. spavin (spav'in), n. a disease of horses, characterized by a swelling in the hock joint, causing lameness. spai^n (spawn), n. the ova of fishes, oysters, &c. ; mycelium of fungi ; offspring or product : v.i. to produce and deposit spawn; deposit eggs, as fish, &c. epawner ('er), n. a female fish. Speak (spek), v.i. [p.t. spoke, p.p. spoken, p.pr. speaking], to utter articulate sounds : said of human beings ; talk ; say ; utter a discourse or speech ; make mention ; convey ideas ; tell ; sound : v.t. to utter ar- ticulately; declare or pronounce; publish. fipeaker ('er), n. one who speaks; one who delivers a discourse in pub- lic ; the presiding ofllcer of the popu- lar branch of a legislative body, as of congress or a state legislature. speaking ('ing), p. adj. uttering speech ; life-like : n. the act of utter- ing words. spear (sper), n. a long-pointed weapon of war and the chase used . for thrusting or throwing ; a lance with barbed prongs for spearing £sh ; a shoot, as of grass : v.t. to pierce, or kill, with a spear : v.i. to shoot into a long stem. spear-grass ('gras), n. long stiff grass, especially of the genus Poa. spearwort ('wert), n. a species of ranunculus. spec., alihr, for speculation. special (spesh'al), adj. pertaining to, or constituting, a species; designed for a particular purpose ; different from others ; distinctive ; uncom- mon; appropriate; limited in range or extent ; specific. specialism, (-izm), n. devotion to a particular and restricted branch of knowledge, science, &c. specialist (-ist), n. one who devotes himself to a particular branch of a profession, &c. speciality (-i-al'i-ti), u. \_pl. spe- cialities (-tiz)], the special or dis- tinctive mark of a person or thing ; special department, &c. specialization ('al-i-za'shun), n. ap- plication to a special function or use ; act of specializing. specialize ('al-iz), v.t. to particu- larize ; assign to a specific use or function. specially ('al-i), adv. in a special manner; particularly. specialty ('al-ti), n. that for which a person is noted or distinguished special contract or obligation. specie (spe'shi), n. coined money. species ('shez), n. a group of indi viduals agreeing in common attri butes and called by a common name; a sub-division of a genus kind ; sort. specific (-sif'ik), adj. pertaining to a species ; definite or particular precise : n. a remedy for a particu- lar disease. specifically (-al-li). adv, in a spe- cific manner. specification (spes-i-fi-ka'shun), n. the act of specifying ; detailed statement of particulars. specify ('i-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. speci- fied, p.pr. specifying], to mention or name particularly ; designate verbally, so as to distinguish from other things. specimen ('i-men), n. a sample; a part of something to show the qual- ity, &c., of the whole. specious (spe'shus), adj. appearing well at first sight ; plausible ; osten- sible; fair. speck (spek), n. a spot; flaw; blem- ish ; small particle ; blubber : v.t, to spot. speckle ('1), n. a small spot in any- thing different in substance or color from the thing itself; v.t. to varie- gate with spots of a different color to that of the thing itself. spectacle ('ta-kl), n. something ex- hibited to view, especially some- thing unusual or worthy of notice ; pageant ; exhibition : pi. an optical instrument with two lenses mount- ed in a frame to assist the vision. spectacular (-tak'u-lar), adj. per- taining to shows or exhibitions; adapted to excite wonder or admira- tion by scenic effect. spectator (-ta'ter), n. a beholder. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. spe 748 spe specter, spectre (spek'tr), n, a ghost or apparition. spectral ('tral), adj. ghostly; per- taining to, or produced by, the spec- trum. spectrology (-troro-ji), n. the sci- ence of spectrum analysis. spectroscope ('tro-skop), n. an opti- cal instrument for forming and ex- amining spectra. spectroscopical (-skop'i-kal), adj. pertaining to the spectroscope. Also spectroscopic. spectroscopically (-li), adv. by means of the spectroscope. spectroscopist ('tro-sko-pist), n. one skilled in spectroscopy. spectroscopy (-sko-pi) , w. that branch of science connected with the use of the spectroscope and spectrum an- alysis. spectrum ('trum), n. [pi. spectra ( 'tra ) ] , the colored and other rays of light separated by refraction through a prism and exhibited on a screen, &c. spectrum analysis (a-nal'i-sis), n. the determination of the chemical or physical composition of a body by means of the spectrum of light which it gives forth or which passes through it : each substance in the spectrum having its own particular system of lines. specular ('u-lar), adj. having a smooth reflecting surface, as a mir- ror or speculum. speculate ('ti-lat), v.i. to consider or meditate upon ; purchase stock, land, goods, &c., out of the usual order of trade with a view to sell them at an enhanced profit by an expected rise in the market. speculation (-la'shun), n. intellec- tual examination ; theory ; purchase of stock, goods, &c., out of the regu- lar order of trade for future sale at an enhanced price; game at cards. speculative ('u-la-tiv), adj. pertain- ing to, or given to, speculation ; con- templative ; theoretical ; risky. speculator (-ter), n» one who en- gages in speculation. speculum ('u-lum), n. [pi. specula (-la)], a mirror, especially a con- cave mirror used as a reflector; a surgical instrument for dilating cer- tain passages of the body and throw- ing light by reflection within them for examination, &c. sped, p.t. Scp.p. of speed. speech (spech), n. the faculty of ut- tering articulate sounds or words ; expression of thought in words ; act of speaking; particular language or dialect ; formal discourse in public ; oration. speed (sped), n. velocity; swiftness; quickness ; success : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. sped, p.pr. speeding], to make haste; move quickly; tscre: v.t. to prosper; favor; despatch quickly; execute; aid. speedometer (-om'e-ter), n. a re- cording instrument showing the ve- locity of a moving vehicle. speedy ('i), adj. [comp. speedier, superl. speediest] not dilatory or slow ; prompt ; quick ; hasty. spell (spel), n\ a charm or incanta- tion ; time during which a person works ; duration : v.i. to form words with the proper letters, either orally or in writing: -?;./. to write, repeat, or point out the proper letters of; read with difiiculty (with out). speller ('er), qi, one who spells; a spelling-book. spelling; ('ing), p.adj. pertaining to spelling: n. orthography. spelt (spelt), n. a kind of grain. spelter ('er), n. zinc. spence (spens), n. a buttery or lar- der. spencer ('er), n. a kind of short jacket; a four-cornered fore-and-aft sail. Spencerism (-izm), n. the philo- sophical system advocated by Her- bert Spencer in his works, especial- ly the application of the principles of evolution. spend (spend), v.t, [p.t. & p.p. spent, p.pr. spending], to lay out, as money ; give for any purpose ; dis- pose of ; consume ; drain of force or strength : v.i. to incur expense. spendthrift ('thrift), adj. prodigal; extravagant : n. one who is prodigal or lavish in expenditure. sperm (sperm), n. the seminal fluid ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, f/ien. .U- 4r^ J* ' *: Copyright, Underwood & Underwood. SPINNING MILL. Interior view of a large New England Spninmg Mil spe 749 spi of animals ; spermaceti ; spawn of frogs and ^fishes. Bpermaceti (-sper-ma-se'ti), n. a white waxy substance obtained from the head of the sperm-whale. spermatic (-mat'ik), adj. pertaining to semen. ^Also spermatical. sperxuatozoon. (-ma-to-zo'on), n. the germ cell in animals and plants. spermoderm. ('mo-derm), n. the outer coat or testa of a seed. spew (spti), vA. to vomit. sphenoid (sfe'noid), adj. wedge- shaped. spliere (sfer), n. a globe or globular body ; the concave or expanse of the heavens ; circuit or range of knowl- edge, influence, action, &c. ; place of existence ; social position ; a solid body contained under a single sur- face, each point of which is equi- distant from a central point. spherical ( sf er'i-kal ) , adj. globular. spherically (-i), adv. in the form of a sphere. sphericity ( sf e-ris'i-ti ) , n. roundness. spherics (sfer'iks), n. spherical ge- ometry and trigonometry. spherograph ('o-graf), n. an instru- ment for the practical application of spherics to navigation. spheroid (sfe'roid), n. a body resem- bling a sphere but not quite round. spheroidal ( 'S.1 ) , adj. like a spheroid. spherometer (-rom'e-ter), n. an in- strument for measuring the curva- ture of round surfaces, and the thickness of small bodies. spherule (sfer'til), n. a little sphere. sphincter (sfingk'ter), n. a muscle that closes an orifice which it sur- rounds. sphinx (sfingks), n. [pi. sphinxes ('ez)], a fabled monster having the I head ot a woman and the body of I a lioness ; a person of enigmatical ] character or policy, from the custom of the sphinx of proposing riddles to travelers and destroying those who could not solve the enigmas. spicate (spi'kat), adj. having, or ar- ranged in the form of, a spike or ear. Also spicated. spice (spis), n. any aromatic and pungent vegetable used for season- ing food; relish; small quantity giving flavor to a greater : v.t. to season or flavor with, or as with, spice ; tincture. spicily ('i-li), adv. in a spicy man- ner. spiciness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being spicy. spick and span (spik and span), adj. new. spicular (spik'u-lar), adj. dart-like. spiculate ('u-lat), adj. covered with, or having, spicules. spicule ('til), n. a slender sharp- pointed body. spicy (spi'si), adj. [comp. spicier, superl. spiciest] flavored with, con- taining, or having the qualities of, spice; aromatic; fragrant; pun- gent ; racy. spider ('der), n. any individual of the genus Arachnida that spins webs to ensnare its prey; something like a spider. spigot (spig'ot), n. a pointed piece of wood used to stop the vent-hole of a cask or pipe of a faucet. spike (splk), n. a large kind of nail; anything like a spike ; ear of grain : v.t. to fasten with spikes ; stop the vent of (a cannon) by driving a spike into it. spikelet ('let), n. a small spike. spikenard ('n'ard), n. an aromatic plant from which an oil, the ancient nardos, is extracted. spiky ('!), adj. spike-like; set with spikes. spill (spil), 11. a thin strip of paper or wood for lighting a lamp, &c. ; a tumble or overthrow: v.t. [p.t. & p.p. spilled, spilt, p.pr. spilling], to suffer to run or fall out of a vessel : v.i. to fall out. spiller ('er), n. one who spills; a kind of fishing-line. spillikin (spil'i-kin), n. a small peg of wood, &c., used for making scores in a game : pi. a game played with spillikins. spin (spin), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. spun, p.pr. spinning], to draw out and twist into threads ; protract ; draw out tediously ; cause to whirl rapid- ly ; form by drawing out and twist- ing the materials of : v.i. to practice spinning ; whirl ; issue in a small ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. spi 750 spx stream ; move swiftly, as a bicycle : n. the act of spinning; single ef- fort ; a bicycle run. spinach, ('aj), n, an esculent vegeta- ble. spinal (spin'al), adj, pertaining to the spine. spindle (spin'dl), n. the long thin rod used in spinning wheels for twisting the thread; any axis of revolution. spine (spin), n. in vertebrates, the backbone. spinel (spin'el), n. a mineral of va- , rious colors, allied to corundum. spinet (spin'et), n. a keyed instru- ment, allied to the harpsichord, but smaller. spiniferons (spi-nif'er-us), adj, thorny. Also spinose, spinous. spink (spingk), n. a kind of finch. spinneret (spin'er-et), n. an organ * with which certain insects form their webs or silk. spinning jenny ( 'ing-jen-i ) , n. a machine for spinning cotton. spinster (spin'ster), n. an unmar- ried woman. spiny (spin'i), adj. full of spines. spiracle (spir'a-kl), n, any minute passage which serves for inhaling or exhaling air or other fluid. spiral (spi'ral), adj. winding around a center like the thread of a screw ; tapering or pointed like a spire : n. a curve or curved line receding con- tinually from the center about which it revolves. spirally (-i), adv. in a spiral form. spirant ('rant), n. a name applied to those consonants in which the breath is not entirely stopped in articulating. spire (splr), n. a slender stalk or blade; a tapering body; winding line ; steeple ; top : v.i. to shoot forth or up like a spire. spirit (spir'it), n. the soul; the in- telligent, immaterial, immortal part of man ; life ; disembodied soul ; ap- parition ; courage ; energy ; vivaci- ty ; power of mind, moral and intel- lectual ; genius ; real meaning ; es- sence; any liquid produced by dis- tillation ; alcohol : pi. intoxicants, as brandy, &c.. ; liveliness ; natural vi- vacity: v.t. to take away suddenly or secretly. Spirit, n. the third person of the Holy Trinity (with the). spirited (-ed), adj. full of spirit or life ; animated ; vivacious ; lively. spiritless ('les), adj. without spirit; depressed ; dejected. spirit-rapping (-rap'ing), n. a spiritualistic manifestation, charac- terized by rapping, table-turning, &c. spiritual (spir'it-ti-al), adj. incor- poreal ; not material ; possessing the nature or qualities of a spirit ; mental or intellectual ; pure ; holy ; heavenly-minded ; not lay or tem- poral ; ecclesiastical. spiritualism (-izm), n. the state of being spiritual ; the philosophical doctrine that nothing is real except soul or spirit ; the belief that cer- tain alleged phenomena, as rapping, table-turning, trances, &c., are caused by the presence of departed spirits who thus manifest their presence ; the tenets and practices of spiritualists. spiritualist (-ist), n. a believer in spiritualism. spiritualistic (-is'tik), adj. pertain- ing to, produced by, or characteris- tic of, spiritualism. spirituality (-al'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being spiritual ; spir- itual nature ; essence as distin- guished from matter; that which belongs to the church or religion. spiritualization (-i-za'shun), n. the act of spiritualizing. spiritualize (-Iz), v.t. to free from sensuality ; make spiritual ; give a spiritual meaning to. spiritually ('u-al-li), adv. in a spir- itual manner ; like a spirit. spirituelle (-u-el'), adj. refined; ethereal ; pure. spirituous (spir'it-u-us), adj. hav- ing the quality of spirit ; pure ; im- material ; alcoholic ; ardent. spirograpli (spi'r5-graf), n. an in strument for recording graphically respiratory movements. spirometer (-rom'e-ter), n. an in- strument for measuring the capacity of the lungs. ate, arm. c, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, tJi^n. 8pi 751 spo Bpit (spit), n. a long pointed rod on which meat is roasted ; small point of land or a long narrow shoal run- ning into the sea : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. spitted, p.pr. spitting], to thrust a spit through ; impale : [p.t. spit or spat], eject or throw out: v.i. eject saliva from the mouth ; drizzle, as rain. spite (spit), n. ill-will or hatred to- ward another, with the desire to thwart or injure; petty malice; grudge: v.t. to try to injure or thwart; annoy. spiteful ('fool), adj. full of spite; malicious ; malignant. spitefully (-i), adv. in a spiteful manner. spitfire (spit'fir), n. a very violent or passionate person. spittle ('1), n. saliva; sputum. spitz-dog (spitz'dog), n. a small va- riety of Pomeranian dog. splash (splash), v.t. to spatter with water, mud, &c. : v.i. to dash water about : n. water or slush thrown iipon anything; a noise as from water thrown up, or by anything striking in or upon a liquid. splatter (splat'er), v.t. to splash. splatterdash (-dash), n. uproar; noise : pi. same as spatterdashes. splay (spla), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. splayed, P4)r. splaying], to dislocate, as the shoulder bone of a horse ; slope or slant : n. a, sloped surface : adj. turned -or spreading outwards. spleen (splen), n. a soft vascular or- gan near the large extremity of the stomach, supposed by the ancients to be the seat of anger, melancholy, or vexation : hence a fit of ill-hu- mor, melancholy, or latent spite. spleget (splej'et), n. a wet cloth for washing a wound. splendent (splen'dent), adj. bril- liant ; illustrious ; shining ; very conspicuous. splendid ('did), adj. magnificent; very bright ; brilliant ; famous ; he- roic ; celebrated ; sumptuous. splendor ('der), n. the appearance of anything splendid ; magnificence ; pomp. splenetic (sple-net'ik), adj. fretful; peevish ; melancholy. splenic (splen'ik), adj. pertaining to the spleen. splice (splis), v.t. to unite, as two ropes, by interweaving the strands; connect, as pieces of wood or metal, by overlapping parts and making them fast together ; to unite in mar- riage : n. the union of ropes, &c., by interweaving or joining. splint (splint), n. a splinter; a thin piece of wood to keep a broken bone, &c., in position ; a hard ex- crescence on the shank-bone of a horse. splint-coal ('kol), n. a variety of coal with a slaty structure. splinter (splin'ter), n. a thin piece of wood, &c., split or rent off length- wise ; fragment : v.t. to split or rend into long thin pieces ; shiver : v.i. to be rent into splinters. splintery (-1), adj. of, or like, splin- ters. split (split), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. split, p.pr. splitting], to divide length- wise; tear asunder violently; cleave ; rupture ; disunite : v.i. burst with laughter (figuratively) ; be- tray confidence ; throb or ache vio- lently. splotch (sploch), n. a stain; daub. splurge (splerj), n. a great display. splutter (splut'er), v.i. to speak hastily and confusedly ; scatter ink upon a paper, as with a bad pen: n. a confused noise ; stir ; commo- tion. spoffish (spof'ish), adj. bustling about trifling matters. spoil (spoil), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. spoiled, spoilt, p.pr. spoiling], to take away by force ; plunder ; corrupt ; vitiate ; ruin ; destroy : v.i. to become use- less ; decay : n. that which is taken from another by violence; pillage; plunder ; booty. spoke (spok), n. one of the bars of a wheel connecting the nave or center with the felly or rim ; round of a ladder : v.t. to furnish with spokes : p.t. of speak. spoken ('n), adj. uttered in speech; oral ; speaking : p.p. of speak. spokeskave ('shav), n. a. kind of double-handled plane for dressing curved work. ate, arm, fisk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrth, not; boont book; hue, hut; think, then. spo 752 spo spoliation (spo-li-a'shnn), n. the act of plundering or robbery, especially in time of war; injury done to a document. spondaic (spon-da'ik), adj. pertain- ing to a spondee. spondee ('de), n. a poetic foot of two long syllables ( — — ). spondyl ('dil), n. a vertebra. sponge (spunj), n. the porous, elas- tic, fibrous framework of any spe- cies of Spongida ; any substance re- sembling sponge ', a mop for cleans- ing a gun after its discharge ; point of a horseshoe ; parasite : 'V.i. to suck in like a sponge ; live upon others : v.t. cleanse or wipe with a sponge ; obtain by mean arts with- out cost. sponginess (spun'ji-nes), n. the state or quality of being spongy. spongious (spon'ji-us), adj. sponge- like. spongy (spun'ji), adj. flexible and full of small cavities ; like a sponge ; having the quality of imbibing fluids ; wet and soft ; rainy. sponsion (spon'shun), n. the act of becoming surety for another ; an engagement on behalf of a state pending ratification. sponson ('sun), n. the triangular space before and abaft the paddle- boxes of a steamboat ; one of the armored projections with gun ports of a warship. sponsor ('ser), n. a surety; a god- father or godmother. sponsorial (-so'ri-al), adj. pertain- ing to a sponsor. sponsorship ('ship), n. state or po- sition of being a sponsor. spontaneity (-ta-ne'i-ti), n. the quality of being spontaneous ; tend- ency in animal and vegetable organ- isms to undergo changes irrespective of environment. spontaneous (-ta'ne-us), adj. pro- ceeding from natural disposition or impulses ; acting by internal im- pulse or natural law. spook (spook), n. a ghost. spool (spool), n. a hollow cylinder surrounded with a ridge at each end on which thread, &c., are wound : v.t. to wind on a spool. spoon (spoon), n. a small domestic implement consisting of a hollow bowl and handle for dipping in liquids and conveying them to the mouth, i&c. ; a simpleton ; a club used in golf : v.t. to take up in, or as in, a spoon : v.i. to act the part of a demonstrative lover. spoonbill ('bil), n. a wading bird of the heron family with a spoon- like bill. spoonful ('fool), n. [pi. spoonfuls ('foolz)], as much as a spoon will hold ; small quantity. spoonily ('i-li), adv. in a spoony manner. spoony ('i), n. a simpleton: adj. weak-minded ; demonstratively fond. spoor (spoor), n. the track or trail of any wild animal. sporades (spor'a-dez), n.pl, stars not included in any constellation. sporadic (spo-rad'ik), adj. occurring separately or apart from others of the same kind ; single. Also spo- radical. sporadically (-al-li), adv. in a spo- radic manner. sporadic disease (diz-ez'), n. a dis- ease, usually epidemic, attacking only a few in a particular district and not spreading. spore (spor), fi. a minute grain in cryptogamous plants which performs the function of a seed ; a minute ovoid body in certain organisms which gives rise to new organ- isms by germination. sporran (spor'an), n. the furry pouch worn in Highland costume in front of the kilt. sport (sport), n. diversion; jest; mirth ; mockery ; play ; outdoor rec- reation, as hunting, shooting, &c, ; athletics and games of skill for which prizes are given or money staked ; an animal or plant which deviates in its organism from the normal condition : v.i. to play or frolic ; trifle ; practice field diver- sions : v.t, to divert ; exhibit or wear in public. sportful ('fool), adj. full ot sport; indulging in mirth or play; merry; frolicsome. sporting ('ing)", p. ad jo pertaining to. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, thQu. spe 753 spr characteristic of, or engaging in, sport or sports. sporting man (man), n. \_pl. sport- ing men] , a fast man ; gambler ; a sportsman. sportive ('iv), adj. frolicsome; mer- ry. sportively (-li), adv. in a sportive manner. sportiveness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being sportive; disposi- tion to mirth. sportsman (sports'man), n. [pi. sportsmen ('men)], one v^ho pur- sues the sports of the field, as hunt- ing, &c. Fem. sportswoman. sportsmanship (-ship), n. skill or practice in field sports. sporule (spor'ul), n. a granule vs^ith a spore. spot (spot), n. SL blot or mark; dis- colored place or stain ; blemish ; dis- grace or reproach ; locality ; place ; small part of a different color ; dark place on a luminous disc, as of the sun or a planet ; mark on a billiard table where the red ball is placed ; spot-stroke : v.t. \p.t. & p.p. spotted, p.pr. spotting], to mark with spots; discolor ; stain ; disgrace or blemish ; mark or note so as to recognize ; de- tect. spot liglit ('lit), n. an adjustable calcium light for throwing a shift- ing light on a stage, so as to keep a player within its rays. spot-stroke ('strok), n. a particular stroke off the red ball when on the spot. spotter ('er), n. a detective. spottiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being spotted. spotty ('i), adj. marked with, or full of, spots. spousals (spou'zals), n.pl. marriage; nuptials. spouse (spouz), n. a married person. spout (spout), n. the projecting mouth of a vessel ; pipe for conduct- ing a liquid ; lift or shoot : v.t. to throw out forcibly and abundantly, as from a pipe ; pawn : v.i. issue with violence, as from a pipe. sprag (sprag), n. a young salmon or cod. sprain (spran), n. an excessive strain of the muscles or ligaments of a joint without dislocation : v.t. to overstrain (the muscles or ligaments of a joint) without dislocation. sprang, p.t. of spring. sprat (sprat), n. a small fish. sprawl (sprawl), v.i. to stretch the body carelessly when in a horizontal position ; lie ; stretch or toss out the limbs or move awkwardly ; open ir- regularly, as cavalry ; spread in an iregular manner, as a plant. spray (spra), n. a small shoot or branch of a tree, or a collection of them ; small particles of water driv- en or dashed in the air ; jet of fine medicated water, perfume, &c. : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. sprayed, p.pr. spraying], to throw spray upon. spread (spred), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. spread, p.pr. spreading], to extend in all directions ; propagate ; unfurl ; open ; emit ; scatter ; set or furnish with provisions : v.i. to be extended or propagated : n. extent ; table fur- nished with provisions ; feast. spread-eagle ('e-gl), adj. defiantlj; bombastic : n. the figure of an eagle with its wings elevated and its legs extended : the heraldic emblem of the United States. spree (spre), n. a merry frolic; ca- rousal. sprig (sprig), n. a small twig or shoot ; scion ; headless brad or nail ; ornament in the form of a spray : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. sprigged, p.pr. sprig- ging], to work or adorn with sprigs; drive brads into. spright (sprit), n. a sprite. sprightliness ('li-nes), n. vivacity. sprightly ('li), adj. [comp. spright- lier, superl. sprightliest], vivacious; brisk ; animated ; airy ; gay : adv. with vivacity. spring (spring), v.i. [p.t. sprang, p.p. sprung, p.pr. springing], to arise ; originate ; appear ; shoot up ; leap ; bound ; dart ; start or rise up suddenly ; fly back ; issue or pro- ceed ; warp : v.t. to start or rouse ; cause to spring up ; explode ; crack ; strain ; cause to close suddenly ; leap over ; cause to open : n. sl leap or bound ; an elastic body used for va- rious mechanical purposes ; a flying ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nCrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. spr 754 sav back with elastic force; source; a fountain of water ; one of the four seasons of the year when plants be- gin to grow ; crack in a mast, &c. Springbok ('bok), n. the South Af- rican gazelle. springe (sprinj), n. a gin or noose. springiness (spring'i-nes), n. elas- ticity; sponginess. springing ('ing), n. the act or pro- cess of leaping ; growth, the point at which an arch unites with its sup- port. springtide ('tid), n. the tide which happens at or near the new and full moon ; springtime. springy ('i), adj. elastic; light; spongy. sprinkle (spring'kl), v.t. to scatter in small drops ; baptize with a few drops of water ; cleanse or purify : v.i. to rain in small drops : n. a sprinkling. sprinkling (spring'kling), adj. scat- tering in small drops : n. a small quantity distributed in small drops ; „ a small quantity distributed or scat- tered, as of people, &c. sprint (sprint), n. a run for a short distance at full speed : v.i. to run at full speed. sprit (sprit), v.i. to bud or sprout: n. a sprout or shoot ; a small spar which raises diagonally the peak of the sail of a boat. sprout (sprout), v.i. to germinate; shoot, as the seed of a plant : n. a shoot; bud_:j)Z. Brussels sprouts. spruce (sproos), n. a fir tree of the genus Picea ; wood of the spruce tree ; a fermented beverage made from spruce leaves, &c. : adj. smart ; trim ; neat ; dandified : v.t. to dress with affected neatness. sprucely ('li), adv. in an spruce manner. spruceness ('nes), n. the state or quality of being spruce. sprung, pd. & p.p. of spring. spry (spri)_, adj. nimble; sharp. spume (spum), n. froth; foam: v.i. to foam. spumy ('i), n. frothy; foamy. spun, p.t. & p.p. of spin. spunk (spungk), n. touchwood; met- tle. spunky ('i) , adj. mettlesome ; plucky. spur (sper), n. a rowel with sharp points worn on the heel of boots for inciting a horse ; any incentive to action ; largest root of a tree ; some- thing projecting ; stiff, sharp spine on a cock's leg, &c. : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. spurred, p.pr. spurring], to prick with a spur ; incite to action ; hasten : v.i. to travel with haste ; push on. spurious (spU'ri-us), adj. not genu- ine ; counterfeit ; illegitimate ; false. spurn (spern), v.t. to drive away, as with the foot ; reject with contempt ; treat with disdain : v.i. to manifest contempt in rejecting anything : n. disdainful rejection. spurrier (spur'i-er), n. a spur maker. spurt (spert), v.i. to issue forth sud- denly or violently in a stream or jet ; make a sudden brief effort : v.t. to throw out in a stream or jet : n. a sudden or forcible ejection of a liquid ; brief, sudden effort. sputter (sput'er), v.i. to throw out moisture in scattered drops ; speak rapidly and indistinctly ; spit : v.t. to emit in small particles with a crackling or spluttering noise : n. moist matter thrown out in small drops. sputum (spu'tum), n. saliva; spittle. spy (spi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. spied, p.pr. spying], to discover, especially at a distance ; gain sight of ; detect ; ex- plore ; examine secretly : v.i. to scru- tinize ; play the spy : n. a person who in time of war enters the ene- my's camp to gain information as to its movements, &c. ; one who keeps watch on others ; secret agent. spy-glass ('glas), n. a small tele- scope. squab (skwob), n. a person of short, fat figure ; kind of sofa ; stuffed cushion ; nestling of a pigeon : adj. short and fat ; bulky : adv. with a heavy fall. squab-pie ('pi), n. pigeon-pie. squabble ('1), v.i. to wrangle or dis- pute in a noisy manner : v.t. to dis- arrange : said of type set up : w. a noisy wrangle ; dispute. squad (skwod), n. a small party of &te, arm, Ssk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. sqn 755 8q.ll soldiers assembled for drill, &c. ; any small party. squadron ('run), n. a division of a regiment of cavalry, comprising two troops ; detachment of war vessels employed on some particular service. squalid (skwol'id), adj. extremely dirty ; foul ; poverty-stricken. squall (skwawl), n. a sudden and violent gust of wind, often accom- panied with rain, sleet, &c. ; a loud scream : v.i. to scream or cry vio- lently. squally ('i), adv. gusty. squaloid (skwa'loid), adj. shark-like. squalor (skwol'er or skwa'lor), n. foulness ; dirt. squamoid (skwa'moid), adj. scaly. squamose ('mos), adj. covered with, or like, scales. Also squamous. squander (skwon'der), v.t, to spend lavishly or wastefuV.;,' ; dissipate : vX to be wasteful .,- prodigal. square (skwar). r.. a parallelogram having 4 equal sides and 4 right an- gles ; anything nearly resembling a square; an area of 4 sides having houses on each side ; square body of troops; a mathematical instrument for measuring right angles ; product of a number multiplied by itself : adj. having 4 equal sides and 4 equal anglts : forming a right angle ; hav- ing a .straight front ; true ; upright ; honest ; "lust ; well-set ; stout : v.t. to form with 4 equal sides and 4 equal angles ; multiply by itself ; reduce to a given standard ; adjust ; regulate ; make even ; place at right angles with the keel : vA. to accord or agree (with with) ; fit; assume a hoxing attitude (with up). squarely ('li), adv. in a square form. squareness ('nes), n. the state or quality of being square. square measure (mezh'er), n. the square of a lineal measure. square-rigged ('rigd), adj. having the sails extended on yards suspend- ed horizontally by the middle. square-root ('root), n. that number or quantity which, multiplied by it- self, produces the given number or quantity, as 2 is the square root of 4. squash (skwosh), v.t. to crush, espe- cially into a flat mass or pulp : n. something soft and easily crushed; something unripe and soft ; unripe pea cod ; shock of soft bodies ; sud- den fall of a soft body ; a gourd. squashiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being squashy. squashy ('i), adj. easily crushed; soft. squat (skwot), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. squat- ted, p.pr. squatting], to sit down on the hams or heels ; cover or lie close, as an animal ; to settle on public land ; settle on the land of another without a title : adj. sitting on the hams and heels ; crouching : n. the posture of one who squats; small vein of ore. squatter ('er), n. one who squats; one who settles on new or unculti- vated land without a title; in Au- stralia and New Zealand, one who leases land for pasturing sheep from the Gcvsrnment. squa-w (skwaw), n. a North ATn?r- ican Indian woman or ^^^'J^. squaivk (skwawk). ^\t,. i ' v.^mi l loud, harsh noise : n. a harsh squewii. squeak (skwek), v.i. to utter a short, ?\i-ill, sharp cry; make a sharp dis- agreeable noise ; break silence ; con- fess : n. a short, shrill, sharp cry ; a sharp disagreeable noise. squeal (skwel), v.i. to cry with a sharp, shrill, prolonged sound ; to turn informer : n. a sharp, shrill, prolonged sound. squeamish (skwem'ish), adj. sickish at stomach; easily disgusted; nice to excess in taste ; fastidious about trifles ; scrupujous. squeegee (skwe'je), n. a hoe-sha^ implement with an india-rubber e or plate for cleaning pavements, i squeezable (skwez'a-bl), adj. capa- ble of being squeezed. squeeze (skwez), v.t. to press be- tween two bodies ; crush ; embrace forcibly ; compress ; force by com- pression ; cause to pass : v.i. to press ; push between close bodies : n. the act of squeezing ; compression between bodies ; facsimile in some soft substance ; a forcible embrace. squelch (skwelch), v.t. to crush; si- lence : n. a heavy blow. squib (skwib), n. a kind of firework; ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. sqn 756 sta petty lampoon; sarcastic publica- tion : vA. to use or write squibs or sarcastic reflections; contend in petty dispute. sg.uid (skwid), n. a name for various 10-armed cephalopods ; cuttlefish. aiqtiill (skwil), n. a genus of plants allied to the lily, used in medicine. squint (skwint), adj. looking ob- liquely : said of the eyes : v.i. to see or look obliquely ; have the vision distorted : v.t. to cause to squint : n. the act or habit of looking obliquely. squirm ( skwerm ) , , •2;.i. to v/riggle ; writhe. squirrel (skwer'el), n. a small, agile, reddish-brown rodent with a long bushy tail. squirt (skwert), v.f. to eject in a stream from a small orifice ; spurt : n. a small stream or jet ; an instru- ment for ejecting water, &c. stab (stab), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. stabbed, p.pr. stabbing], to pierce with, or as with, a pointed weapon ; kill or wound ; injure secretly, or by mali- cious falsehood or slander : v.i. to pierce ; inflict a wound : n. a thrust or wound with a sharp-pointed weapon ; a malicious injury done secretly. stability (sta-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being stable or firm ; firm- ness of character ; strength of pur- pose or resolution ; fixedness. Also stableness. Stable ( 'bl ) , adj. fixed ; firm ; con- stant : n. a building for lodging horses, cows, &c. : v.t. to put or keep in a stable : v.i. to dwell or shelter, as in a stable. Stabling ('bling), n. the aot of put- ting into a stable ; accommodation. stack (stak), n. a large quantity of hay, corn, wood, &c., piled up in cir- cular or regular form ; number of chimneys standing together : v.t. to pile into a stack. stadium (sta'di-um), n. [pi. stadia (-a)], a Greek linear measure = 606% ft. ; the course for foot-races at the Olympic games : hence a race- course. staff (staf), n. [pi. staves, staffs (stavz, stafs)1, a stick carried for support in walking or for defense: support ; prop ; pole, handle, or bar ; wand as a badge of oflSce ; stanza or a series of verses ; the five lines and four spaces between them on which music is written ; flagstaff ; an es- tablishment of officers attached to an army -or its commander ; number of persons engaged in any undertaking or work. stag (stag), n. the male of the red deer ; male of the ox kind, castrated at a certain age ; an outside irregu- lar dealer in stocks. stag-beetle ('be-tl), n. a beetle hav- ing, in the male, mandibles resem- bling a stag's horn. stage (staj), n. an elevated platform, especially in a theater ; place of scenic entertainments or representa- tions ; the theatrical profession ; place of rest on a journey ; field of action ; degree of progress ; coach : v.t. to put on the stage, as a play. stager (sta'jer), n. a horse for draw- ing a stage coach ; one who has long acted on the stage of life ; a person practiced in cunning ; one who is ex- perienced ; a player. stagger (stag'er), v.i. to totter or reel ; begin to doubt, weary or give way ; hesitate : v.t. to cause to totter or reel ; shock ; make less confident : n. a sudden reeling or tottering : pi, a disease of horses and cattle; ver- tigo. staging (staj'ing), n. a temporary structure of boards and posts ; busi- ness of running and managing stage coaches ; style of play production. stagnancy (stag'nan-si) , n. the state or quality of being stagnant. stagnant ('nant), adj. not flowing, or running in a stream ; motionless ; not brisk ; torpid ; dull. stagnate ('nat), v.i. to cease to flow or run ; be motionless ; become tor- pid, inactive, or dull ; become impure or foul. stagnation (-na'shun), n. the state or quality of being stagnant. stagy (sta'ji), adj. characteristic of the stage : unreal. staid ( stad ) , adj. sober ; sedate ; reg- ular ; steady ; not volatile. stain (stan), v.t. to blot; spot; tinge with color ; dve ; soil with guilt or ate, iirm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; r =^te, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; thiiik, then. I Copyright, Undcrvvood & Underwood. STAMP PRINTING MACHINE. Prints, gums, dries and perforates 12,000 Postage Stamps in one minute. Bta 7^ sta infamy ; tarnish ; pollute : v.i. to take stains ; become stained : n. dis- coloration ; spot of color different from the ground ; spot or blot ; taint of guilt or infamy ; cause of re- proach. stair (star), n. one of a series of steps for ascending to a higher level ; a step : pi. a flight of steps. staircase ('kas), n. a set of steps in a house with railings, &c. staith. (stath), w. an elevated staging upon a wharf with a line of rails for discharging coals, &c. stake (stak), n. a post or strong stick sharpened at one end and fixed in the ground ; palisade ; post to which a person condemned to be burnt was secured : hence martyr- dom ; that which is pledged, wagered, or put to hazard ; prize contested for ; small anvil : v.t. to fasten or support with stakes ; defend with, or mark out the limits of, with stakes ; wager or pledge. stalactite (stal-ak'tit), n. an icicle- like incrustation of carbonate of lime, &c., formed by percolation in caverns, &c. stalagmite (-ag'mit), n. sl cone of carbonate of lime, &c., formed on the floor of a cavern in a similar manner to a stalactite. stale (stal), adj. not fresh or new; vapid ; tasteless ; worn out by use or familiarity ; trite ; common ; de- cayed ; past the prime : v.t. to make stale ; wear out : v.i. to discharge urine : said of horses. stalemate ('mat), n. the position of a king in chess, when he cannot move without being placed in check : v.t. to subject to stalemate ; bring to a stand. staleness ('nes), n. the state or quality of being stale. stalk (stawk), v.t. to pursue stealth- ily and under cover so as to kin. as game : v.i. to walk with high and proud steps ; walk behind a stalking- horse : n. the stem or main axis of a plant ; support which attaches a flower or fruit to a plant or tree ; anything like a stalk ; a high, proud, stately step. stalking-korse ('ing-h6rs), n. a horse, or figure of a horse, behind which a hunter conceals himself f roni his game ; a mask. stall (stawl), n. that part of a stable where a horse or ox is kept and fed ; a bench or table where goods are ex- posed for sale ; small house or shed where business is carried on ; seat of a church dignitary in the choir of a cathedral ; canonry ; reserved seat in a theater, &c. : v.t. to place or keep in a stall : v.i. to kennel, as dogs. stallage ('aj), n. rent paid for a stall ; right of erecting a stall at a fair. stallion (stal'yun), w. an uncastrated male horse kept for breeding. stalwart (stawl'wert), adj. sturdy; strong ; tall and stout ; brave ; dar- ing. stamen (sta'men), n. the male organ of a flower. stamina (stam'in-a), n.pl. tone and vigor of the animal system ; back- bone ; power of endurance. staxninal ('in-al), adj. pertaining to, or consisting in, stamens or stami- na ; tonic. staminiferous (-if'er-us), adj. bear- ing stamei\s. stammer (stam'er), v.i. to hesitate or falter in speaking, especially from an impediment in speech ; stutter : ' v.t. to utter or pronounce with dif- ficulty or hesitation : n. difficulty in pronouncing or speaking; stutter. stammering (-ing), n. imperfect ut- terance in speech : adj. hesitating in speech. stamp (stamp), v.t. to strike with the sole of the foot by thrusting it down- wards ; crush or pulverize ; impress ; fix deeply ; make valid ; affix a stamp to ; coin : v.i. to strike or beat the foot forcibly on the ground : n. the act of stamping ; die ; the impres- sion made ; official mark on dutiable things ; small piece of paper having a certain device and value impressed upon it by government, required le- gally to be affixed to a letter, docu- ment, &c. ; currency ; character or reputation ; authority. stampede (stam-ped'), n. a sudden panic seizing a herd of animals caus- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, *7ien. sta 758 sta ing them to run violently away ; any sudden flight or rush : v.t. to cause to take to sudden flight : v.i. to start off in a panic. stanch (stanch), adj. firm; constant; trustworthy ; zealous : v.t. to stop the flowing of, as blood. Also staunch. stanchion (stan'shun), n. sl support or post of iron or wood. stand (stand), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. stood, p.pr. standing], to be erect; occupy a certain position ; cease to move ; be at rest or fixed ; continue ; re- main without injury or ruin ; be safe ; not to fail or yield ; be obsti- nate ; be firm ; be placed ; become a candidate ; hold a course at sea ; continue in force ; stagnate : v.t. to endure ; sustain ; abide by ; set in an erect position ; pay for : n. a stop or halt; interruDticn ; station for the hire or venicles ; raised platform for spectators ; small table ; state of per- plexity or difficulty ; resistance. standard ('erd), n. an ensign or flag, especially a national ensign ; that which is established by authority as a fixed rule or measure ; established rule or model ; criterion ; a standing tree not supported by a wall ; pro- portion of weights of fine metal and alloy established by authority. standing ('ing), n. the act of stop- ping or of being erect on the feet; duration ; maintenance of position ; reputation ; rank or status : adj. re- maining erect : stagnant ; lasting ; established or settled ; fixed. i+.anhope (stan'hop or 'up), n. a light two-wheeled carriage without a top. stannary (stan'a-ri), n. [pi. stanna- ries (-riz)], a tin mine or works: adj. pertaining to tin mines. stannic ('ik), adj. pertaining to, or got from, tin. stanniferous (-if'er-us), adj. yield- ing tin. Stannous ('us), adj. of, pertaining to, or containing tin. Stanza ('za), n. a number of lines or verses connected with and adjusted to each other, usually ending in a pause; part of a poem containing every variation of measure in the poem. stanzaic (-za'ik), adj. pertaining to, or consisting of, stanzas. stapes (sta'pez), n. the stirrup bone of the ear. staple (sta'pl), n. the chief produc- tion or industry of a country or dis' trict ; settled market or emporium ; principal element or topic ; unmanu- factured or raw material, as cot- ton, flax, or wool fiber ; loop of metal for holding a bolt, &c. : adj. chief ; regularly produced ; established in commerce : v.t. to sort according to its staple, as cotton, &c. stapler ('pier), n. one who deals in staple commodities ; a wool sorter. star (star), n. any celestial body, es- pecially one that is self-luminous; anything resembling a star ; a planet supposed to influence a person's des- tiny ; an ornamental rayed badge; an asterisk (*) ; a person of distin- guished eminence, especially in the theatrical profession : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. starred, p.pr. starring], to set or adorn with stars : v.i. to shine as a star ; be preeminent ; appear as principal actor among inferior play- ers. starboard ('bord), n. the right-hand side of a vessel looking towards the bow : adj. pertaining to, or lying on the right side of a vessel : v.t. to put to the right or starboard side of a vessel. star chamber (cham'ber), n. an an- cient civil and criminal court at Westminster, notorious for its des- potism and injustice during the reign of Charles I. starch (starch), n. a widely diffused vegetable substance: used for laun- dry purposes, &c. : v.t. to stiffen with starch ; make stiff. starched (starcht), adj. stiffened with starch ; formal ; precise. starchy (starch'i), adj. consisting of starch ; stiff ; formal ; precise. stare (star), n. a fixed look with wide-open eyes ; a starling : v.i. to look with fixed eyes wide open ; look earnestly ; be very conspicuous ; stand out prominently : v.t. to gaze at. stark (stark), adj. stiff; strong: adv. wholly or completely. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. %"':"^^^ 4 : !i-ii t^ Ci^ o b/l !>' -r! ^ 3 wm ^ a c ?^ p o < ^ H (U C/) ^ ^ o ^ P^ :3 H o ^ bfl W U ^ o Q ^ ^ < (T > c/, ^ H W :^ sta 759 sta starling (star'ling), w. a passerine bird of the genus Sturnus; piles driven round the piers of a bridge for its protection. starred (stard), p. ad j. decora.ted with. stars ; influenced by the stars. starriness (star'i-nes), n. the state or quality of being starry. starry ('i), adj. abounding in, con- sisting of, or proceeding from, stars ; star-shaped. star stone ('ston), n, a variety of sapphire. start (start), v.i. to be moved or twitched suddenly, as by sudden alarm, &c. ; shrink ; move abruptly ; set out ; commence a race, career, &c. ; loosen : v.t. to originate or set going ; rouse suddenly from conceal- ment ; empty ; dislocate ; punish v^ith a rope's end : n. the act of starting ; outset ; a sudden motion or twitch ; sudden fit or excitement ; quick spring ; starting post. startliroat (star'throt), n. a hum- ming-bird. startle ( start'l ) , v.i. to move sudden- ly, as by an alarm ; to feel sudden alarm : v.t. to frighten suddenly ; shock. starvation (star-va'shun), n. the state of being starved. starve (starv), v.i. to suffer extreme hunger ; perish with hunger or cold : v.t. subdue by famine ; destroy by want of any kind. starveling ('ling), adj. hungry; weak ; lean : n. a thin, weak, pining animal or plant. stasis (sta'sis), n. arrest of the cir- culation of blood in the vessels. state (stat), n. circumstances or con- dition ; position or situation ; ease ; quality ; pomp ; principal persons constituting the government of a country ; legislature ; whole body of people united under one government ; civil power : adj. pertaining to the body politic; used on state occa- sions ; ceremonial : v.t. to express the details of ; represent fully in words ; narrate^ State, n. one of the federated com- monwealths composing the United States. stated Ced), adj. fixed; regular. statedly (-\i), adv. at fixed times. stateliness ('li-nes), n. the state or quality of being stately ; majestic apnearance. stately ('li), adj. [comp. statelier, superl. stateliest], grand; majestic; dignified ; displaying state or dignity. statement ('ment) , n. the act of stat- ing ; that which is stated ; narrative or recital. stater (sta'ter), n. a gold coin of an- cient Greece. statesman (stats'man), w. [pi. states- men ('men)], one who is skilled in public affairs and the art of govern- ment ; politician. statesmanship (-ship), n. the quali- fication or skill of a statesman. state-trial ('tri-al), n. a trial for political offenses. static (stat'ik), adj. pertaining to bodies at rest or in equilibrium ; act- ing by mere weight without produc- ing motion. Also statical : n.pl. that branch of mechanics which treats of the equilibrium, pressue, weight, &c., of bodies at rest. statically ('i-kal-li), adv. in a stati- cal manner. station (sta'shun), n. place where a person or thing stands ; position ; rank or condition of life ; class or order ; place on a railway for pas- sengers or goods ; district police of- fice ; military quarters ; post for war-vessels : v.t. to place in a cer- tain post, rank, or situation ; ap- point or assign. stationary (-a-ri), adj. fixed; not moving; not improving. stationer ('shun-er), n. one who sells paper, pens, pencils, writing materials, &c. stationery (-er-i), n. stationer's ar- ticles. statist (sta'tist), n. a statistician. statistic (sta-tis'tik), adj. pertaining to statistics. Also statistical. statistically (-al-li), adv. by statis- tics. statistician (stat-is-tish'an), n. one skilled in statistics. statistics (sta-tis'tiks), n. the sci- ence of the classification and ar- rangement of facts relating to the condition of a people or class, do- ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Bta 760 ■ie mestic economy, health, longevity, &c. stator (sta'ter), n. the part of a dy- namo or motor which remains at rest. statuary ( stat'ti-a-ri ) , n. a sculptor; the art of carving statues ; statues collectively. statue i'n) , n. the representation of a living being sculptured or modeled in some solid material : v.t. to form a statue of ; place, as a statue. statuesque (-ti-esk'), adj. having the characteristics of a statue ; immo- bile. statuette (-u-ef), n. a little statue. stature ('ur), n. the natural height. status (sta'tus), n. condition; social standing or place ; rank. status quo (kwo), present or pre- vious condition or position. statutable ( stat'u-ta-bl ) , adj. made or introduced by statute ; according to law or statute. statutaLly (-ta-bli), adv. conforma- bly to statute. statute Cut), n. a law expressly en- acted by the legislature of a country or state ; written law ; an act of a corporation or of its founders, de- signed to be a permanent rule. statutory ('u-to-ri), adj. enacted by statute ; depending on statute for its authority. stave (stav), n. [pi. staves (stavz)], one of the thin naijrow strips of wood forming the sides of a cask; a pole or piece of wood of some length ; the five parallel lines and the four contained spaces on and within which the notes and rests are writ- ten [Music] : pi. of staff : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. staved, stove, p.pr. staving], to break a hole in ; burst ; pour out ; delay or put off. stay (sta), n. a large, strong rope which stiffens and supports a mast ; stop or stand ; prop or support ; abode or continuance in a place : pi. pair of corsets : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. stayed, p.pr. staying], to hold up or support ; sustain ; endure ; restrain ; delay ; tack : v.i. to remain or abide ; wait ; rest ; stand still ; continue ; cease ; hold out or last. stead (sted), n. the place or room which another had or might have. steadfast ( 'fast ) , adj. firmly fixed or established ; steady ; constant ; uni- form. steadily ('i-li), adv. in a steady man- ner. steadiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being steady. steady ('i), adj. [comp. steadier, su- perl. steadiest], fixed; regular; firm ; constant in feeling or piJrpose ; resolute ; undeviating ; unwavering ; uniform : -y.^. [p.t. & p.p. steadied, p.pr. steadying], to make or keep steady or firm ; make constant or resolute ; regulate : inter j. be fixed. steak (stak), n. a slice of beef, &c., for broiling. steal (stel), v.t. [p.t. stole, p.p. stolen, p.pr. stealing], to take by theft or feloniously ; take without leave or right ; withdraw or convey clandestinely ; gain secretly and gradually : v.i. to commit theft ; slip in and out unperceived. stealth, (stelth), n. secret means em- ployed to accomplish an object ; un- derhand procedure. stealthily ('i-li), adv. in a stealthy manner. stealtMness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being stealthy. stealthy ('i), adj. [comp. stealthier, superl. stealthiest], done or per- formed by stealth ; clandestine ; sly. steam (stem), n. vapor into which water is changed when heated to boiling-point ; vapor ; any exhala- tion : v.i. to emit steam ; rise or pass off in steam : move by steam : v.t. to apply steam to. steamer ('er), n. a vessel propelled by steam ; road locomotive ; an ap- paratus for steaming articles. steaminess ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being steamy; mistiness. steamy ('i), adj. consisting of, or like, steam. stearate (ste'a-rat), n. any salt of stearic acid. stearic (-ar'ik), adj. pertaining to, or obtained from stearin. stearin ('a-rin), n. a constituent of most animal and some vegetable fats ; tallow. atp. arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; b55af book; hue, but: think, then. ste 761 sfe steatite ('a-tit), n. soapstone. steed (sted), n. a horse, especially one which is spirited. steel (stel), n. iron refined and com- bined with carbon ; any instrument of steel ; anything made of steel ; anything of extreme hardness ; a chalybeate medicine : adj. made of, or resembling, steel : v.t. to overlay, edge, or tip with steel ; make hard or invulnerable ; render like steel. steeliness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being steely. steeling ('ing), n. the process of overlaying, edging, or pointing with steel ; acierage. steely ('i), adj. made of, or like, steel ; hard ; inflexible ; colored like steel. steelyard ('yard), n. a kind of bal- ance, consisting of a single weight moved along a graduated beam. steening (sten'ing), n. a lining of stone, brick, &c., of a well or similar structure. steep (step), adj. rising or descend- ing with great inclination ; precipi- tous : n. a precipitous place : v.t. to soak in a liquid ; dip ; imbue. steepen ('n), v.i. to become steep or steeper. steeple (ste'pl), n. a tower or turret tapering to a point ; spire. steeple-chase (-chas), n. a kind of cross-country horse-race. steepled ('pld). adj. furnished with, like, or adorned with, a steeple. steer (ster), n. a young male of the ox kind ; bullock : v.t. to direct the course of (a vessel) with the helm; control ; guide : v.i. to direct a ship in its course; move; be governed. steerage ('aj ) , n. the act or practice of steering ; that part of a ship al- lotted to the poorer passengers. steerage- way (-wa), n. rate of mo- tion through the water of a vessel sufficient to enable her to feel the effect of the helm. steere (ster), v.t, to give a certain angle of elevation to (the bowsprit of a vessel). steering ('ing), n. the angle of ele- vation of a bowsprit with the hori- zon. steinbock (stin'bok), n. a small an- telope of South Africa. Also steen- bok. stellar (stel'ar), adj. pertaining to stars ; astral ; starry. Also stellary. stellate ('at), adj. star-like; radi- ated. stelliform ('i-f6rm), adj. star- shaped. stellular ('ti-lar), adj. radiated. stem (stem), n. the principal axis of a tree or plant ; anything resem- bling a stem ; race ; pedigree ; prog- eny ; branch of a family ; the fore- part of a vessel ; the unchangeable part of an inflected word ; the up- right or downright line joined to the body of a note [Music] : v.t, [p.t. & p.p. stemmed, p.pr. stem- ming], to resist or check; dam up: v.i. to move forward against an ob- stacle. stemple ('pi), n. a crossbar of wood in a mining shaft for ascending and descending. stench, (stench), n. a strong offensive odor. stencil (sten'sil), n. a thin plate of> metal with a pattern, &c., cut out, used for marking, &c. : v.t. [p.t. & p.p, stenciled, p.pr. stenciling], to mark or colorwith a stencil. stenograph ('o-graf), n. writing in shorthand: v.t. to write or report in shorthand. stenographer (ste-nog'ra-fer), n. a shorthand writer. Also stenogra- phist. stenographie (sten-o-graf'ik), adj. pertaining to, or written in, short- hand. stenography (ste-nog'ra-fi), n. the art of writing in shorthand. Stent or (sten'ter), n. a person with a very powerful voice : from the Greek herald in the Trojan war. stentorian (-to'ri-an), adj. extreme- ly loud. step (step), n. the distance measured by the foot in walking or running ; pace ; small distance ; footstep ; ac- tion ; measure ; procedure ; gait ; stair ; round of a ladder : pi. porta- ble framework of stairs : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. stepped, p.pr. stepping], to make a movement by a single change of the position of the foot ; walk ; ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, thQU, ate 762 ste advance or retire by pacing; go or come as by chance ; walk slowly : v.t. to set, as the foot ; measure by steps ; fix, as a mast : prefix denoting relation hy marriage only. steppe (step), n. a name for the vast barren plains of Russia. Btere (star), n. in the metric system, a unit of cubic measure = 35.31 cubic feet. stereo, a prefix meaning solid, firm, as stereogram, a picture represent- ing objects on a plane surface as if in relief : n. an a66r. of stereotype. Also stereograph. Stereometer ( ster-e-om'e-ter ) , n. an instrument for measuring the solid contents of a body ; an instrument for determining specific gravity. stereometry (-om'e-tri), n. the art of measuring the cubical contents of bodies ; the art of determining the specific gravity of bodies. Stereopticon (-op'ti-kon), n. a mag- ic-lantern showing photographic slides as if in relief. stereoscope (ster'e-o-skop), n. a bi- nocular optical instrument by means of which two pictures appear as one and stand out in relief. stereoscopic (-skop'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, characteristic of, or adapted to, the stereoscope. Also stereo- scopical. stereotype ('e-o-tip), n. a metal plate cast from a mold taken from a page of movable types : v.t. ip.t. & p.p. stereotyped, p.pr. stereotyp- ing], to cast or print in stereotype; fix permanently : adj. pertaining to, or ^ done by, stereotype. sterile ('il), adj. barren; producing little or no crop ; destitute of ideas. sterility (-il'i-ti), n. barrenness; in- fecundity. sterilization (-za'shun), n. the act or process of rendering sterile ; state of ^ being sterile. sterilize ('il-iz), v.t. to make sterile; deprive of the power of reproduc- tion, as bacteria, sterling ('ling), adj. pure; unadul- terated ; genuine ; noting English money of standard value ; of high merit. stern (stern), adj. harsh or severe in countenance or manners ; austere ; unrelenting ; steadfast ; being in the stern : n. the after part of a vessel. sternal ('al), adj. pertaining to the sternum. sternum ('um), n. the breast bone. sternsheets ('shetz), n. that part of a boat furnished with seats for pas- sengers. sternway ('wa), n. movement of a vessel backwards. stertorous (ster'to-rus), adj. charac- terized by deep snoring. stet (stet), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. stetted, p.pr. stetting], to mark with the word stet (let it stand) on a proof, indicating that something marked for omission is to remain. stethometer (steth-om'e-ter), n. an apparatus for measuring the exter- nal movements of the walls of the chest during respiration. stethoscope ('o-skop), n. an instru- ment for examining the chest, or ascertaining diseases of the chest by sound produced in the thorax. stetlioscopic (-skop'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or by means of, the stetho- scope. Also stethoscopical. stethoscopy ('6-sko-pi), n. examina- tion by the stethoscone. Steve (stev), v.t. to stow in a ship's hold. stevedore ('e-dor), n. one who loads or unloads a vessel in port, or stows cargo in a ship's hold. stew (stu), v.t. to boil slowly or with a simmering heat : v.i. to be boiled slowly or gently : n. a dish pre- pared, by stewing; a store-pond: pi. a brothel. steward ('erd), n. one who manages the domestic concerns of a family or institution ; manager of a large estate or farm ; person employed at a hotel, club, or on board ship to superintend culinary affairs ; a col- lege oflacial who superintends the kitchen arrangements ; a fiscal agent; an officer of the royal house- hold ; manager at races, sports, &c. stewardess (-es), n. a woman who attends to female passengers on board ship. stewardsMp (-ship), n. the office of a steward ; management. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. sth 76a sa stliemc (sthen'ik), adj. character- ized by morbid activity of the heart and blood vessels. stiacciato (ste-at-cha'to), n» in sculpture, the lowest kind of relief. stibial (stib'i-al), adj. like antimony. stibialism (-izm), n. antimonial poi- soning. stibium ('i-um), n. antimony. sticcado (stik-a'do), n. a musical in- strument of wooden bars of gradu- ated lengths, played with a small mallet. stick (stik), n. a small branch or shoot cut off a tree ; walking stick ; staff ; printer's composing-stick ; thrust or stab with a pointed instru- ment ; an incompetent or dull speak- er : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. stuck, p.pr. stick- ing], to stab or thrust; pierce; fas- ten ; fix in ; make to cohere ; at- tach ; set with something pointed ; compose or set up (type) : v.i. to be fixed ; remain ; cleave ; adhere ; be fastened by piercing; be stayed; hesitate (with at). stickiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being sticky. stickle ('1), v.i. to wrangle or con- tend pertinaciously, especially on in- sufficient grounds, for something of little importance. stickleback (-bak), n. a spiny- backed fish. sticky ('i), adj. [comp. stickier, su- perl. stickiest], adhesive; glutinous; viscous. stiff (stif), adj. not easily bent; rigid ; inflexible ; stubborn ; not liquid or fluid ; strong ; violent ; not natural or easy ; constrained ; af- fected ; formal ; severe ; not written with ease. stiffen (.'n), v.t. to make stiff; make more thick or viscous ; make tor- pid : v.i. to become stiff ; grow more obstinate. stiffening (-ing), n. the act of mak- ing stiff; material for making any- thing stiff. stiff-necked ('nekt), adj. inflexibly obstinate ; stubborn. stifle (stif'l), v.t. to suffocate; smother ; extinguish ; deaden ; sup- press or conceal : v.i. to be suffo- cated : n. the first joint above a horse's thigh, next the buttock. stigma (stig'ma), n. [pi. stigmas, stigmata ('maz, 'ma-ta)], a mark made with a branding-iron ; mark of infamy or disgrace ; the receptive upper part of the pistil of a flower on which the pollen which fertilizes it falls : pi. the counterparts of the marks of the wounds in Christ's body, supposed to be impressed on the bodies of certain saints (stig- mata). stigmatize ('ma-tiz), v.t. to mark with a stigma or brand ; hold up to disgrace, reproach, or infamy. stile (stil), n. a set of steps to pass from one side of a fence or wall, &c., to the other ; the gnomon of a sun-dial ; an upright piece in fram- ing or paneling. stiletto (sti-let'o), n. a small dagger with a thin, rounded, and pointed blade ; pointed instrument for mak- ing eyelet holes. still (stil), adj. at rest; without mo- tion ; quiet ; calm ; silent ; not effer- vescent : adv. to this time ; neverthe- less ; always ; after that : v.t. to make still ; calm ; lull ; pacify ; ren- der motionless : n. an apparatus for distilling liquids. stilt (stilt), n. a pole of wood with a rest for the foot : used in pairs in walking : v.t. to set or raise on stilts. stilted ('ed), adj. inflated; pompous. Stilton (stil'tun), n. a rich kind of ■ cheese. stimulant (stim'ti-lant), adj. serving to stimulate ; producing transient in- crease of vital energy : n.pl. medi- cines or alcoholic beverages having such an effect. stimulate ('u-lat), v.t. to excite or rouse ; animate ; goad ; encourage : excite greater vitality in : v.i. to act as a stimulus. stimulative ('u-la-tiv), adj. having the power of stimulating : n. any- thing that stimulates. stimulator (-ter), n. one who, or that which, stimulates. stimulus ('ti-lus), n. [pi. stimuli (-li)], that which stimulates; a spur ; anything exciting to action ; incentive; stimulant. ate, arm. f, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. sti 764 sto sting (sting), n. the sharp-pointed, poisonous weapon with which cer- tain animals and insects are fur- nished ; one of the stiff, sharp- pointed, hollow hairs of certain plants; anything that gives acute mental or physical pain ; the thrust of a sting : v.t. \_p.t. & ^.p. stung, p.pr, stinging], to pierce or wound with, or as with, a sting ; cause acute pain to ; goad. stingaree ('ga-re), n. the sting-ray. stinging ('ing), p.adj. piercing, as with a sting ; acutely painful ; pun- gent ; adapted for stinging. stingy (stin'ji), adj. [comp. stingier, svpcrl. stingiest], close and covet- ous ; meanly avaricious ; miserly ; niggardly. stink (stingk), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. stunk, p.pr. stinking], to emit a strong, of- fensive odor : v.t. to cause to stink : n. a strong, offensive odor ; disgust- ing smell ; an unpleasant exposure. stinking ('ing), p.adj. emitting a stink. stint (stint), v.t. to restrain within certain limits : v.i. to stop or cease : n. a limit ; quantity assigned. stipe (stip), n. the stalk of a frond or of a pistil ; stem of a fungus. Also stipes. stipend (sti'pend), n. salary, espe- cially clerical income. stipendiary (-pen'di-a-ri), adj. re- ceiving stipend or salary : n. one who performs services for a salary. stipple (stip'l), v.t. to engrave by means of dots ; paint by small, short touches. stippler ('ler), n. a brush used for stippling. stipulate ('u-lat), v.t. to arrange or settle definitely or by special men- tion. stipulation (-li-la'shun), n. the act of stipulating; contract, agreement, or bargain ; a special condition in a contract. stipulator ('ti-la-ter), n. one who stipulates, contracts, or covenants. stipule ('til), 71. a small leaf-like ap- pendage at the base of petioles. stir (ster), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. stirred, p.pr. stirring], to put into motion; move ; incite ; agitate ; animate ; rouse ; instigate : v.i. to move or ex- ert one's self ; be in motion ; change place ; rise in the morning : n. bus- tle ; agitation ; tumult ; noise ; pub- lic disturbance ; excitement. stirabout ('a-bout), n. oatmeal por- ridge. stirk (sterk), n. a young bull or heifer. stirps (sterps) , n. [pi. stirpes ('pez) ], family ; race ; stem ; root. stirrer (ster'er), n. one who stirs. stirring ('ing), n. the act of moving: adj. busy; bustling; exciting; stim- ulating. stirrup (stir'up or ster'up), n. an iron hoop suspended by a strap in which a horseman sets his foot when he mounts or rides. stitch (stich), n. a single pass of a needle and thread through anything made by sewing ; link of yarn in knitting ; sudden sharp, local pain ; a furrow : v.t. to form stitches in ; unite by stitches; form (land) into furrows : v.i. to practice stitching. stitcking ('ing), n. the act of sew- ing ; work sewn ; formation of land into furrows. stitky (stith'i), n. a smith's forge; anvil. stive (stiv), v.t. to make close, hot, or sultry ; stuff up ; pack or press closely together : v.i. to be stifled. stiver ('er), n. a Dutch coin, value 2 cents : hence anything of little value. stoa (sto'a), n. a portico or porch. stoat (stot), n. a weasel. stoccade (sto-kad'), n. a thrust in fencing. stock (stok), n. the trunk or stem of a tree or plant ; pillar ; log, or post ; trunk into which a graft is inserted ; a blockhead ; race, family, or line- age ; fund ; capital ; share of a pub- lic debt ; store ; cattle ; stiff cravat ; part of a firearm to which the bar- rel and lock are attached ; founda- tion of soups, &c. ; a kind of flower : pi. a wooden frame in which the legs of criminals were confined ; pub- lic funds ; shares of capital in a cor- porate company ; frame on which a ship is built : v.t. to store up ; fill ; supply : v.i. to take in or obtain sup- plies : adj. kept in stock ; permanent. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. sto 765 sto » stockade (-ad'), n. a line of posts used as a barrier for defense or en- closure for cattle: v.t. to surround with, or defend by, a stockade. stockfish ('fish), n. salted and dried fish. stockinet (-i-net'), n. an elastic tex- tile fabric. stocking ('ing), n. a close-fitting cov- ering for the foot and leg. stockjobber ('job-er), n. one who deals or speculates in stocks and shares. stockstill ('stil), adj. motionless. stodgy (stoj'i), adj. wet. stoic (sto'ik), n. a disciple of the Greek philosopher Zeno, who taught that a wise man should be governed by the reason, subdue all passions, and be indifferent to pleasure or pain : one who proposes such doc- trines : adj. pertaining to the Stoics ; indifferent to pleasure or pain. Sto- ical. stoically (-li), adv. in a stoical man- ner. stoichiometry (stoi-ki-om'e-tri), n. the science of estimating the atomic weights, &c., of chemical elements and their compounds. stoicism (sto'i-sizm) , n. the doctrines and maxims of the stoics ; real or assumed insensibility to pleasure or pain. stoke (stok), v.t. maintain and tend the fire in : as, to stoke a furnace : v.i. to act as a stoker. stoker ('er), n. one who supplies fuel to, and attends to the furnace of an engine ; a fireman. stola (sto'la), n. [pi. stolse ('le)], a long, loose garment worn by Roman matrons. stole (stol), n. a stola; a long, nar- row scarf fringed at the ends, worn by bishops, priests, and deacons of the Roman Catholic Anglican Churches : p.t. of steal. stolen, p.p. of steal. stolid (stol'id), adj. stupid; dull; impassive. stolidity ('i-ti), n. the state or qual- ity of being stolid; intellectual dul- ness. stolon (sto'lon), n. a trailing branch or creeping sucker which sends down roots. stoma ('ma), n. [pi. stomata (sto'- ma-ta) ], a minute breathing pore or aperture. stomach (stum'ak), n. the principal organ of digestion in the body ; ap- petite ; inclination ; haughtiness : v.t^ to resent ; put up with stomacher ('a-ker), n. an ornamen- tal breast covering, worn by women. stomachic (sto-mak'ik), adj. per- taining to, exciting or strengthening the stomach : n. a strengthening medicine for the stomach. stomatic (sto-mat'ik), n. a medicine- for diseases of the mouth. stomp, another form of stamp. stone (ston), n. a hard mass of earthy or mineral matter ; gem ; material of stone used for building, &c. ; calcu- lus ; hard seed shell of certain fruits ; a weight of varying value, usually 14 lb. avoirdupois ; insensibility ; hardness: v.t. to pelt or kill with stones ; free from stones, as fruit. stone age (aj), n. the period of civ- ilization when stone weapons, im- plements, &c., were used prior to in-,, troduction of bronze. stone-blind ('blind), adj. quite blind. stonechat ('chat), n. a small British bird. stonecutting ('kut-ing), n. hewing or dressing stone. stoneware ('war), n. a coarse kind of pottery baked hard and glazed. stone wort ('wert), n. a. plant of the genus Chara. stonily ('i-li), adv. in a stony man- ner. stoniness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being stony. stony ('i), adj. [comp. stonier, su- perl. stoniest], pertaining to, of the nature of, or like, stone; rocky; hard ; cruel ; inflexible ; pitiless. stood, p.t. of stand. stool (stool), n. a seat without a back for one person, usually sup-' ported with 3 legs ; the seat used in evacuating the bowels ; evacuation of the bowels. stoop (stoop), v.i. to bend the body downward and forward ; descend ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 3io 766 utr from rank or dignity; submit; con- descend ; sweep down on prey : n. in- clination downward and forward ; descent from dignity ; condescension ; fall of a bird upon its prey ; stair- way, veranda, or porch with seats; a flagon. stop (stop), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. stopped, p.pr. stopping], to hinder, check, or impede; render impassable; inter- cept ; desist from ; regulate ^ the sounds of ; deduct ; suspend : v.i. to cease from any motion or action ; reside temporarily : n. the act of stopping ; state of being stopped ; cessation ; a device for arresting or limiting musical sounds ; series of organ pipes ; mark used in punctua- tion : inter j. stay ! cease ! stopgap ('gap), n. a temporary ex- pedient. stoppage ('aj), n. the act of stop- ping; state of being stopped; ob- struction ; deduction from pay. stopper ('er), n. one who, or that which, stops ; that which closes a ,vent or hole. Stopping ('ing),"^^."the act of halt- ing ; stoppage ; something that fills np, or closes. Siopple ('1), n. a cork or plug: v. I. to close with a stopple. storage (stor'aj), n. safe keeping of goods in a warehouse, &c. ; price for storage. storaz (sto'raks), n. a balsamic resin. store (stor), n. a large number or great quantity ; stock accumulated ; abundance or plenty ; warehouse ; shop : pi. naval and military arms, ammunition, clothing, provisions, &c. : v.t. to furnish or supply with stores ; gather in quantities ; accu- mulate ; hoard up ; warehouse. storied ('id), adj. furnished with stories ; told in a story. stork (stork), n. a large wading bird with long legs and large pointed bill. storm (storm), n. a violent atmos- pheric disturbance; tempest; heavy fall of rain, snow, or hail ; violent commotion or agitation ; tumult ; ca- lamity ; violent assault on a fortified place : v.t. to attack with violence or open force : v.i. to blow violently ; be angry or rage. stormily ('i-li), adv. in a stormy manner. storxuiness ('i-nes), n. tempestuous- ness. storming ('ing), n. the taking of a fortified place by a violent and open assault : p.adj. violently angry or raging. stormy ('i), adj. [comp. stormier, su- perl, stormiest], characterized by, or proceeding from, storms; tempestu- ous ; violent. Storthing (stort'ing), n. the Norwe- gian Parliament. story (stor'i), n. [pi. stories ('iz)], a fictitious narrative ; pretty tale ; short romance ; history ; stage or floor of a building; division of a house reached by one flight of stairs. stoup (stoop), n. a flagon; receptacle for holy water ; a liquid measure. stout (stout), adj. corpulent; thick- set ; stormy ; lusty ; brave ; resolute : n. a strong kind of porter. stove (stov), n. an apparatus for en- closing a fire for cooking or heat- ing ; hothouse : v.t. heat or dry, as in a stove : p.t, of stave. stoxr (sto), v.t. to fill by packing closely ; lay up ; pack. stowage ('aj), n. the act of stowing; state ot being stowed ; accommoda- tion for stowing things ; money paid for stowage. sto-waway ('a-wa), n. one who con- ceals himself on a vessel leaving port to obtain a free passage. strabismus (stra-biz'mus),ii. squint- ing. strabatonxy (-bot'o-mi), n. a surgi- cal operation for the removal of squinting. straddle (strad'l), v.t. to stand or sit astride of : v.i. to stand or walk with the legs wide apart : n. the act of standing, sitting, or walking with the legs wide apart ; a stock option giving the holder the right of both "put" and "call." straggle (strag'l), v.i. to wander from the direct course or way ; ram- ble; rove; roam idly about; be dis- persed or scattered ; occur at inter- vals. stragnlum ('u-lum), n. the mantle of a bird. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. str 767 str ¥ stralilite (stral'it), n. actinolite. straight (strat), adj. not crooked; right, as a line stretched between two points; direct; upright; undi- luted : consistent in support of a candidate or party : adv. in a straight manner ; direct ; at once. straighten ('en), v.t. to make straight. straightforward (-fSr'werd), adj. not deviating ; honest ; open. straight- sp oken ( 'spo-ken ) , adj. plain-spoken. straightway ('wa), adv. at once. strain (stran), n. stock; lineage; race ; descent ; tune or melody ; man- ner of speech or action ; a violent effort ; injury by overexertion : v.t. to put to its utmost strength ; draw out with force ; stretch ; injure by overtasking; make uneasy or un- natural ; filter : v.i. to make violent efforts ; be filtered. strainer ('er), n. one who, or that which, strains ; an apparatus for fil- tering. strait (strat), adj. narrow; not broad ; confined ; distressful ; diffi- cult : n.pl. a narrow passage of water connecting two seas ; difii- culty ; poverty. straiten ('en), v.t. to make narrow; contract ; confine ; put into difficul- ties ; embarrass : v.i. to become nar- row. strait- jacket ('jak-et), n. a kind of garment for confining mad or delir- ious persons. Also strait-waistcoat. strait-laced ( 'last ) , adj. laced tight- ly ; strict in manners or morals. strake (strak), n. the iron tire by which the felloes of a wheel are se- cured; continuous line of planking of a vessel from stem to stern ; a trough for washing broken ore. stramoninni ( stra-mo'ni-um ) , n. the thorn-apple, commonly called jim- son-weed. strand (strand), n. the shore of a sea, ocean, or large lake ; one of the divisions or twists of a rope : v.t. to drive or force upon the sea-shore ; run aground ; bring into a state of embarrassment : v.i. to be lifted or be driven ashore. strange (stranj), adj. belonging to another country; not domestic; novel ; unusual ; reserved ; inexperi- enced ; unfamiliar. strangely ('li), adv. in a strange manner. strangeness ('nes), n. the state or quality of being strange. stranger ('er), n. a foreigner; guest or visitor; one who is unknown or acquainted ; one not admitted to fel- lowship. strangle (strang'gl), v.t. to choke; suffocate by compressing the wind- pipe ; suppress or stifle : pi. a, dis- ease in horses. , strangulation (-gu-la'shun), n. the act of strangling ; state of being strangled ; suffocation ; close con- striction. strangury ('gu-ri), n. painful void- ing or urine by drops. strap (strap), n. a long, narrow piece of leather or cloth ; razor- strop : v.t. [p.t. . & p.p. strapped, p.pr. strapping], to fasten or bind with a strap ; beat with a strap. strapper ('er), n. one who uses a strap ; a person unusually tall. strapping ('ing), adj. tall; strong; well-made ; handsome. strass (stras), n. sl kind of colorless glass used as the base of artificial paste gems. strata, pi. of stratum. stratagem (strat'a-jem), n. a device or scheme for defeating an enemy, especially in war ; an artifice or plan for deception of any kind, or for gaining some advantage. strategic (stra-tej'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or effected by, strategy or artifice. Also strategical : n.pl. the science of military warfare ; direc- tion of a campaign. strategy (strat'e-ji), n. strategics; use of artifice or stratagem in carry- ing out some design. stratification (-i-fi-ka'shun), n. the process of being arranged or depos- ited in layers. stratified ('i-fid), adj. arranged in strata. stratiform ('i-f6rm), adj. strata- like. stratify ('i-fl), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. strat- ified, p.pr. stratifying], to form, de- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ■ I str 768 str posit, or arrange,' in strata or lay- ers. stratnm (stra'tum), n. [pi. strata ('ta)], a bed of earth or rock, con- sisting generally of a series of lay- ers ; an artificial layer. stratus ('tus), n. a cloud apparently resting horizontally on the earth's surface. straw (straw), n. the stalk of grain; bundle of such stalks when cut and thrashed ; anything proverbially worthless ; mere trifle. strawberry ('ber-i), n. [pi. straw- berries (-iz)], a E^ant of the genus Fragaria and its well-known fruit. str aw- worm, ('werm), n. the caddis- worm. strawy ('i), adj. pertaining to, made of, or like, straw. stray (stra), v.i. to wander from limits or the direct path ; deviate ; err : v.t. to mislead : adj. gone astray ; wandering. streak (strek), n. a line of color dif- ferent from the ground color ; stripe : v.t. to form, or mark with, streaks ; stripe. streaky ('i), adj. having streaks; with alternate layers of fat and lean. stream (strem), n. a current of wa- ter or other fluid ; anything flowing out of a source ; river, rivulet, or brook ; drift or tendency : v.i. to is- sue or flow in a stream ; run in a current ; issue forth. streamer ('er), n. a long narrow flag or pennon ; the aurora borealis. streamlet ('let), n. a little stream; a rivulet ; a rill. streami-tin ('tin), n. diluvial ore in tin mines. streamy ('i), adj. abounding in, or full of, streams ; flowing in streams. street (stret), n. a public road in a city or town lined with houses on either side. street Arab (ar'ab), n. a neglected child who lives in the streets. street-car ('kar), n. a car that runs on a street-railway. street-railway (-ral'wa), n. a rail- way laid on the surface of the streets, distinguished from a rail- road, elevated road, or sub-way road. strengtli (strength), n. the state or quality of being strong; active or passive power ; muscular force ; vigor ; power of endurance or resist- ance ; toughness ; numbers or amount of any body, as an army ; vigor of style; intensity, as of light or color; legal or moral force; po- tency of liquors. strengtben ('en), v.t. to make strong ; confirm ; cause to increase in power or security : v.i. to become stronger, strenuous (stren'ti-us), adj. urgent or eagerly pressing ; ardent ; zeal- ous ; strong ; vigorous ; bold ; ear- nest; valiant. stress (stres), n. urgency; strain; pressure ; force; importance; weight ; violence ; force of utterance. stretcb (strech), v.t. to draw out to a greater length or width ; extend or expand ; strain ; exaggerate : v.i. to be extended ; reach ; sail by the wind under press of canvas : n. the act of stretching ; state of being stretched ; strain ; effort ; extension ; direction ; utmost extent of meaning. stretcber ('er), n. one who, or that which, stretches ; a footboard used in rowing; a frame or litter for carrying the sick or dead. strew (stroo), v.t. to spread by scat- tering ; scatter loosely. striae (stri'e), n.pl. fine thread-like lines ; slight furrows ; fillets between the channels of columns. striate ('ate), ©(?;. marked, or formed with, stria?. stricken (strik'en), p.adj. far ad- vanced : p.p. of strike. strict ( strikt ) , adj. vigorous ; exact ; severe ; nice to an extreme ; care- ful ; rigidly interpreted ; straight and narrow. stricture ('tir), n. a morbid contrac- tion of any passage of the body, es- pecially of the urethra; censure or adverse criticism. stride (strid), n. a long step; strad- dle : v.i. to walk with long steps ; straddle : v.t. to pass by long steps. strident (strl'dent), adj. harsh; shrill ; grating or creaking. stridulation(strid-u-la'shun), n. the power possessed by certain male in- ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. str 769 six sects of making shrill sounds by the friction of parts of their bodies. stridulons ('u-lus), adj. producing a shrill, harsh, creaking sound. strife (strif), n. contention for su- periority; discord; conflict; quar- rel ; enmity ; war. striga (stri'ga), n. [p?. strigse ('je)L the fluting of a column : pi. small, upright, stiff hairs, swelled at their bases. strigil (strij'il), n. an instrument for scraping, used by the ancients after the bath. strike (strik), v.i. Ip.t. struck, p.p. struck, stricken, p.pr. striking], to hit with a blow or with force ; dash ; collide; pass quickly; lower or take down ; notify by sound ; affect strongly or sensibly; produce by a blow or friction ; coin or mint ; ground ; light upon ; make, as a bar- gain : v.i. to make a quick blow or thrust ; hit ; sound by being struck ; pay homage, as by lowering a flag or sail in token of respect or submis- sion ; cease from work : n. cessation of work for higher wages ; an in- strument for leveling a measure, as of grain ; four bushels ; direction of the outcrop of a stratum. striking ('ing), adj. affecting with strong emotions ; impressive ; forci- ble ; wonderful ; surprising. string (string), n. a sm^ll cord or line; cord of a musical instrument; cord on which things are filed ; se- ries of things connected : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. strung, p.pr. stringing], to furnish with strings ; put in tune ; thread on a string ; file ; , deprive of strings. stringency (strin'jen-si), n. the state or quality of being stringent. stringent (strin'jent), adj. severe; rigid ; strict ; binding ; tense. stringiness (string'i-nes), n. the state or quality of being stringy. stringy ('i), adj. consisting of, or like, string ; filamentous ; viscid. strip (strip), v.t. [p.t.&p.p. stripped, p.pr. stripping], to make naked; de- prive of a covering ; skin or peel ; rob or pillage ; bereave ; take away ; milk dry : v.i. to undress : n. a long narrow piece; trough for washing ore ; waste, as destruction of fences. stripe (strip), v.t. to variegate with lines of different colors; form the stripes upon ; lash or whip : n. a line or long narrow division of any- thing of a different color to the ground; stroke or weal made by a whip, &c. ; party badge or color. stripling (strip'ling), n. a youth. strive (striv), v.i. to make exertions or efforts ; labor hard or earnestly ; aim ; struggle ; contend in emula- tion. strobile (strob'il), n. the cone or fruit of the pine-tree. strocal (stro'kal), n. a glassmaker's shovel. strode, p.t. of stride. stroke (strok), n. a knock or blow; calamity or affliction ; sudden effect ; hostile blow or attack ; touch of a pencil or pen ; sound of a clock ; length of the rectilinear motion of a piston, &c. ; sweep of an oar ; the principal oarsman in a boat who sets the time to the rowers : v.t. to rub gently with the hand in one direction ; soothe. stroll ( strol ) , v.i. to wander on foot ; ramble or rove idly : n. a leisurely ramble. stroller ('er), n. one who strolls; an itinerant player ; vagrant. stroma (stro'ma), n. [pi. stromata Cma-ta)], the basis of an organ or tissue. strong (strdng) ,adj. having strength ; robust ; healthy ; vigorous ; having power of endurance ; powerful ; vio- lent ; muscular ; affecting the senses ; ardent ; well-fortified ; rising to higher prices. stronghold ('hold), n. a fortress. strontia (stron'shi-a), n. an oxide of strontium. strontium ('shi-um), n. sl metallic element forming the base of stron- tia. strop (strop), n. a strip of leather for sharpening razors : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. stropped, p.pr. stropping], to sharpen on a strop. strophe (stro'fe), *i. that part of a song or dance in the ancient Greek drama performed by the chorus in ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. str 770 stu turning from the right to the left ; the first of two stanzas. stropMc (strof'ik), adj, pertaining to, or consisting of, strophes. strond (stroud), n. a kind of coarse blanket used by the North American Indians. struck, p.t. & p.p. of strike. structural (strukt'ti-ral), adj. per- taining to structure. structure ('ur), n. an edifice or building; manner or form of build- ing; form; make; arrangement of parts or organization of a vegetable or animal substance. struggle (strug'l), v.i. to use violent efforts with contortions of the body ; strive with effort ; be in pain or agony ; contend : n. a violent effort with contortions of the body ; pain or agony ; labor ; contest. Struiu (strum), v.t. & v.i. [p.t. & p.p. strummed, p.pr. strumming], to play badly and noisily on a stringed instrument. struma (stroo'ma), n. scrofula. strumous ('mus), adj. scrofulous. strumipet (strum'pet), n. a prosti- tute. strung, p.t. & p.p. of string. strut (strut), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. strut- ted, p.pr. strutting], to walk with affected dignity : n. a proud step or walk with the head erect ; a support of timber. Struthio (str6o'thi-6), n. a genus of birds, containing the ostriches. strychnic (strik'nik), adj. pertain- ing to, derived from, or containing, strychnine. stryclinine ('nin), n. a highly poi- sonous alkaloid extracted from nux vomica. stub (stub), n. the stump of a tree; a stub-nail : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. stubbed, p.pr. stubbing], to grub up by the roots ; root out ; strike against some fixed obstacle : as, to stul) one's toe. stubbed ('d), adj. short and thick. Also stubby. stubbiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being stubby. stubble ('1), n. short stalks or stumps of grain left in the ground after reaping. stubborn ('ern), adj. inflexibly head- strong ; obstinate ; contumacious ; refractory ; not easily worked or melted, as a metal. stub-nail ('nal), n. a short, thick nail, stucco (stuk'o), n. [pi. stuccoes ('oz)], plaster used as a coating for , walls or internal decorations ; work ' executed in stucco : v.t. to overlay, or decorate, with stucco. stuck, p.t. & p.p. of stick. stuck-up (stuk'up), adj. conceited. stud (stud), n. an ornamental knob or button ; large-headed ornamental nail ; an upright beam or scantling ; collection of breeding horses and mares ; place where they are kept ; horses kept for racing, hunting, &c. : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. studded, p.pr, stud- ding], to adorn with, or as with, studs ; set with detached ornaments or prominent objects. studding ('ing), n. material for studs or joists; studs or joists col- lectively. studding-sail (''ing-sal), n. a light sail set at the side of a square sail to increase its area in light winds. student (stti'dent), n. one who is engaged in study; scholar; one de- voted to books or learning; syste- matic observer. studkcrse (stud'hSrs), n. a stallion. studied ('id), adj. qualified by study; well-read ; precise or formal ; pre- meditated. studio (stti'di-o), n. an artist's work- room. studious ('i-us), adj. devoted to study or the acquisition of knowl- edge; diligent; designed; deliberate; careful (with of). study (stud'i), n. the application of the mind to acquisition of knowl- edge ; any particular branch of learning; sketched ideas of a paint- er, &e., for his future instruction or improvement ; a room set apart for a study : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. studied, p.pr. studying], to apply the mind closely to a subject; endeavor dili- gently : v.t. to examine closely in order to learn thoroughly ; con over ; devote one's thoughts to. stufa (stoo'fa), n. a jet of steam is- suing from a fissure in the earth. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, h^t ; think, f^en. stu 771 «ty stuff (stuf), n. materials out of which anything is made; textile fabrics; furniture; goods; refuse matter; nonsense: v.t. to fill by crowding something into ; press or pack ; fill with seasoning ; fill the skin of ( a dead animal) for preservation in its natural form : v.i. to eat glutton- ously. stuffiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being stuify. stuffy ('i), adj. close or ill-ventilat- ed ; ^ sulky. stultification (stul-ti-fi-ka'shun), n. the act of stultifying ; the state of being stultified. Stultifier ('ti-fi-er), n, one who stul- tifies. stultify Cti-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. stul- tified, p.pr. stultifying], to render foolish ; make nugatory. stumble (stum'bl), v.i. to trip up or fall in walking; light (with on or upon) ; slide into error or crime: n. a trip in walking or running; fail- ure or blunder. stump (stump), n. that part of a tree which remains in the ground after the trunk is cut down ; part remaining after amputation, &c. ; an artist's soft pencil or rubber ; one of three posts of the wicket at cricket : v.t. to lop ofE ; reduce to a stump ; defeat : v.i. travel about making speeches for electioneering purposes ; to walk clumsily. Stumx^-orator (-or'a-ter), n. one who harangues the people on some current question, usually political. stump-speech ('spech), n. an elec- tioneering speech. stwmpy Ci), adv. full of stumps; 7ihort and thick. S^'/Un (stun), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. stunned, p.pr. stunning], to render sense- less by, or as by, a blow; confuse with noise ; surprise completely ; astonish. stung, p.t. & p.p. of sting. stunk, p.t. & p.p. of stink. stunning ('ing), adj. remarkably fine or large. stunt (stunt), v.t. to check in growth or progress : v.i. to become stunted : n. a check in growth ; something stunted; an allotted task; a per- formance. stupe (sttip), n. flax, flannel, &c., steeped in warm water or medica- ments, used as a compress, &c. stupefacient (-e-fa'shi-ent), n. a narcotic. stupefaction (-fak'shun), n. the act of stupefying; state of being stupe- fied; insensibility; torpor; stupid- ity. stupefactive('tiv), adj. causing stu- pefaction. stupefier ('e-fl-er), n. one who, or that which, stupefies. stupefy Ce-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. stu- pefied, p.pr. stupefying], to deprive of sensibility ; make stupid ; dull. stupendous (-pen'dus), adj. over- coming the senses by its vastness;, astonishing. stupid Cpid), adj. deficient in under- standing; insensible; dull; silly; nonsensical. stupidity ('i-ti), n. extreme dulness of perception or understanding; crass ignorance ; folly. stupor ('per), n. suspension or great diminution of sensibility; numb- ness ; lethargy ; intellectual insensi- bility. sturdily (ster'dim), adv. in a sturdy manner. sturdiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being sturdy. sturdy ('i), adj. hardy; robust; stout; strong; stubborn; vigorous; forcible. sturgeon ('jun), n. a large, cartilag- inous fish of the genus Acipenser, the roes of certain species of which are made into caviare, and isin- glass from the air-bladder. stutter (stut'er), v.i. to speak with hesitation or stammering : v.t. to . utter in a stammering manner : n. hesitation or stammering in speech. Also stuttering. sty (sti), n. a pen or enclosure for swine ; a filthy or mean place ; a kind of boil upon the eyelid : v.t, [p.t. & p.p. stied, p.pr. stying], to shut up in a filthy or mean place. Stygian (stij'i-an), adj. pertaining to the Styx, the river of Hades, over which the dead were ferried ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. sty 772 avib by the boatman Charon : hence in- fernal ; hellish. style (stil), n» a pointed instrument used by the ancients for writing upon wax tablets ; the gnomon of a dial ; appellation or title ; distinc- tive manner of writing with regard to the choice of words, &c. ; manner of speaking ; characteristic mode of ■expression or execution ; method of reckoning time ; fashion ; manner ; the stalk between the ovary and stigma of a flower ; a probe : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. styled, p.pr. styling], to designate or name. styliform. ('i-form), adj. like a style. stylisL. ('ish), adj. fashionable; modis-h. stylist Cist), n. sl master of literary ' style. stylobate ('6-bat), n. an uninter- rupted , base below a range of col- umns. stylograph ('6-graf), w. a stylo- graphic pen. stylograpliic (-graf'ik), adj. per- taining to, or used in, a stylographic pen, or stylography. stylography (sti-log'ra-fi), n. a method of writing or tracing by means of a style. styloid ('loid), adj. resembling a style or pen ; pertaining to a par- ticular bone. styptic (stip'tik), adj. stopping bleeding. styracine (stir'a-sin), n. a crystal- line substance obtained from storax. Also styracin. suable (sti'a-bl), adj. capable of be- ing, or liable to be, sued. suant ('ant), adj. uniform; level. suasible (swa'si-bl), adj. easily per- suaded. suasion ('zhun), n. persuasion. suasive ('siv), adj. persuasive. suave (swav), adj. pleasant in man- ner. suavity (swav'i-ti), n. urbanity; gentleness. sub, prefix meaning under, "beneath, delotv, slightly. subacid (sub-as'id), ckZ;. slightly acid. subaltern (-awl'tern), n. a commis- sioned officer under the rank of cap- tain : adj. inferior. subalternate (-ter'nat), adj. succes- sive. subdue (-du'), v.t. to overcome or conquer ; vanquish ; reduce ; lower ; tone down. subjacent (sub-ja'sent), adj. lying under or below; situated lower but not directly beneath. subject Cjekt), adj. under the power or control of another ; subordinate ; disposed ; liable : n. one who is under the power or control of another ; that which is treated in writing, speaking, &c. ; theme ; topic ; de- sign ; a dead body for dissection ; substance ; material ; theme of a proposition : the Ego, as distin- guished from the non-Ego or object ; theme of a movement [Music] : v.t. sub-jekt') to bring under the power or control of; render subordinate; enslave ; subjugate ; render liable ; expose. subjection (-jek'shun), n. the act of subjecting ; state of being subjected. subjective ('tiv), adj. pertaining to the subject as opposed to the object ; derived from one's own conscious- ness. subjectively (-li), adv, in a subjec- tive manner. subjectiveness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being subjective. Also subjectivity. subjectivism ('iv-izm), n. the philo- sophical doctrine that knowledge is relative or purely subjective. subjoin (-join'), v.t. to affix. subjugate ('ju-gat), v.t. to conquer by force ; bring under dominion. subjugation (-ga'shun), n. the act of subjugating ; state of being subju- gated. subjugator ('ju-ga-ter), n, one who subjugates. subjunctive (-jungk'tiv), adj. not- ing a form of the verb expressive of contingency, condition, or hypothe- sis. sublimate ('li-mat), v.t. to convert (a solid) by heat into vapor, which on cooling returns to the solid state ; refine and exalt. sublimation (-ma'shun), n. the act of sublimating. sublime (-lim'), adj. awakening feel- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. sub 773 snb ings of awe and reverence ; high in place or excellence ; exalted in na- ture ; elevated in manner or style : n. that which is awe-inspiring in works of nature or art as distin- guished from the beautiful (with tJie) : v.t. to dignify or exalt; ren- der noble : v.L to be capable of sub- limation. sublimely ('li), adv. in a sublime manner. sublimity (-lim'i-ti), n. loftiness of style or sentiment; elevation.; moral grandeur ; excellence. Also sublime- ness. submarine ( sub-ma-rine' ) , adj. lo- cated or found under the sea ; h. a 1 oat so built and fitted that it can travel under the water, used priuei- pally for purposes of war. submerge (-merj'), "y-*. to place un- der water ; overwhelm : v.i. to be, or lie, under water. ,_ submersion (-mer'shun), n. the act jto of submerging ; state of being sub- P merged. Also submergence. submission (-mish'un), n. the act of submitting or yielding ; obedience. , submissive (-mis'iv), adj. yielding to authority ; obedient ; humble. submit (-mit'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. sub- mitted, p.pr. submitting], to yield to the authority of another ; surren- der ; resign ; refer to judgment or discretion ; comply with : v.i. to be subject; yield. «nbmultiple (-mul'ti-pl), n. a num- ber or quantity which is contained in another a certain number of times exactly, as 4 is the submultiple of 28. subordinate (-or'di-nat), adj. infe- rior in rank, value, power, or im- portance : n. one who is inferior to another in rank, &c. : v.t. to place in a lower order ; render subject. -subordinately (-li), adv. in a sub- ordinate manner. -subordination (-na'shun), n. the act of subordinating or placing in a lower order ; subjection ; state of being subordinate; inferiority of " rank, position, &c. suborn (-6rn')j v.t. to procure or in- duce to commit perjury ; procure by jL indirect means or by secret collu- P sion. subornation (-6r-na'shun), n. the act of inducing a person to commit perjury by bribes or persuasion. subpoena (-pe'na), n. a writ com- manding the attendance of a person in court as a witness under a pen- alty : v.t. to serve with a subpoena. subscribe (-skrib'), v.t. to write or annex (one's name) to a paper or document; give or promise (a sum of money) for some object by writ- ing one's name; publish (a book) by subscription : v.i. to give consent. subscription (-skrip'shun), n. the act of subscribing ; name subscribed;, signature ; sum of money subscribed. subsequence ('se-kwens), n. the act or state of being subsequent. subsequent ('se-kwent), adj. follow- ing or coming after in time or or- der ; posterior. subserve (-serv'), v.t. to be subservi- ent to ; promote ; serve instrumen- tally. subsesqui, prefix, meaning comhinO' tion in the proportion of two to three. subsessile (-ses'il), adj. having very short foot-stalks. subside (-sid'), v.i. to sink or fall to the bottom ; tend downwards ; set- tle ; abate ; become tranquil or calm. subsidence ('ens), n. the act of sub- siding or sinking down ; downward tendency. subsidiarily (-sid'i-a-ri-li), adv. so as to assist. subsidiary ('i-a-ri), udj. auxiliary: furnishing additional supplies : n. an auxiliary. subsidize ('si-diz), v.t. to furnish with a subsidy. subsidy ('si-di), n. {pi. subsidies (-diz)], pecuniary aid granted by one government to another, especial- ly for war expenses ; public grant or subvention to aid an enterprise for the public convenience. subsist (-sist'), v.i. to have exist- ence ; to retain the present state ; inhere ; have the means of livelihood. subsistence ('ens), n. means of sup- port ; maintenance ; livelihood ; in- herence. substance ( 'stans ) , n. matter or ma- terial ; characteristic and essential ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; booiv book; hue, hut; think, then. snb 774 part of anything ; purport ; wealth or property. substantial (-stan'shal), adj. be- longing to, or having, substance ; containing the essential parts ; solid ; material ; corporeal ; having consid- erable wealth or property : n.pl. es- sential parts. substantially (-11), adv. in a sub- stantial manner ; essentially. substantiate ('shi-at), v.t. to estab- lish the truth of by proof or compe- tent evidence. substantival (-stan-ti'val), adj. per- taining to, or of the nature of, a substantive. substantive ('stan-tiv), atZ;. express- ing existence ; real ; essential : n. that part of speech which expresses the existence of anything material or immaterial ; noun. substantively (-li), adv. in a sub- stantive maner ; essentially ; as a substantive or noun. substitute ('sti-ttit), v.t. to put in the place of another ; change : n. one who, or that which, is put in the place of another. substitution (-tti'shun), n. the act of substituting; state of being sub- stituted. subsume (-siim'), v.t. to include un- der a more general class or under something else. subtangent (-tan'jent), n. the part of the axis of a curve intercepted between the tangent and the ordi- nate. subtend (-tend'), v.f. to extend un- der or be opposite to. subter, a prefix meaning under. subterfuge ('ter-ftij), n. an evasion or artifice ; trick ; shift. subterranean (-ra'ne-an), adj. be- low the surface or beneath the earth. Also subterraneous. subtile (sub'til or sut'l), adj. thin; delicately constructed ; fine ; deli- cate ; refined ; acute ; cunning ; art- ful. subtilely (-li), adv. in a subtile man- ner. subtileness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being subtile. Also sub- tility. subtle (sut'l), adj. artful; insinuat- ing; crafty. subtlety (-ti), n. acuteness of intel- lect ; cunning ; shrewdness. Subtle- ness. subtract (-trakt'), v.t. to withdraw or take away, as a part from a whole ; deduct. subtraction (-trak'shun), n. the act of subtracting. subtractive ('tiv), adj. tending, or having power, to subtract. subtrabend ('tra-hend) , n. the quan- tity «t number to be subtracted from another. subtriple (-trip'l), adj. containing a third. subulate (sil'bu-lat), adj. awl-shaped. suburb (sub'erb), n. an outlying dis- trict of a city or town ; environs (usually pi.). suburban (-er'ban), adj. pertaining to, in, or living within, the suburbs. subvention (-ven'shun), n. a gov- ernment grant or subsidy. subversion (-ver'shun), n. the act of subverting; overthrow; ruin. subversive ('siv), adj. tending to subvert. subvert (-vert'), v.t. to turn upside down ; ruin ; overthrow ; corrupt. subvertible ('i-bl), adj. capable of being subverted. subway .(Va), n. an underground passage. sue, another form of sub. succeed (suk-sed'), v.t. to take the place of ; follow : v.i. to follow in order ; obtain one's wishes ; be suc- cessful ; accomplish something at- tempted ; end with advantage ; pros- per. success (-ses'), n. the prosperous ter- mination of any enterprise ; pros- perity. successful (-fool) , adj. ending in suc- cess ; prosperous ; fortunate. successfully (-li), adv. in a success- ful manner. succession ('shun), n. the act of fol- lowing in order ; lineage ; act or right of coming in the place of another ; rotation, as of crops. successional (-al), adj. pertaining to, or implying, succession ; consecu- tive. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. sue 775 snf successive ('iv), adj. following in uninterrupted order ; legitimate ; consecutive. successively (-li), adv. consecutive- ly. successor ('er), n. one who succeeds 01 follows in the place or character of another. succinct (-singkt'), adj. tersely ex- pressed. succor ('er), v.t. to help or relieve when in difficulty or distress ; aid : n. relief; aid. succotash C'o-tash) , n. a dish of green maize and beans boiled together. succula ('u-la), n. an axis or cylin- der without a drum, with staves to move it round. succulence ('u-lens), n. juiciness. succulent ('u-lent), adj. juicy: said of plants replete with juices. succumb (-kum'), v.i, to yield; sub- mit. succursal (-ker'sal), adj. annexed and assistant, as a chapel of ease. sucli (such), adj. the same that, or as referred to ; denoting a particular person or thing ; certain ; very great. suck (tiuk), v.t. to draw in with the » mouth : v.i. to draw milk from the breast : n. the act of sucking ; milk drawn from the breast. . sucker ('er), n. one who, or that which, sucks ; piston of a pump ; a tube through which anything is drawn ; shoot of a plant from the lower part of the stem ; a sweet. sucking ('ing), adj. drawing with the mouth or with an instrument ; very yonng. suckle ( '1 ) , v.t. to nurse at the breast. suckling ('ling), n. an unweaned child or animal. sucrose (sU'kros), n. cane-sugar. ; suction (suk'shun), n. the act or pro- cess of sucking; act of drawing fluids by the removal of the atmos- pheric pressure. suctorial (-to'ri-al), adj. adapted to, or living by, sucking. sudarium (sti-da'ri-um), n. the cloth on which Christ is said to have mi- raculously impressed his image when He wiped his face with it on the way to Calvary. sudation ('shun), n. the act of sweat- ing. sudatorium (-to'ri-um), n. a sweat- ing-bath. sudden (sud'n), adj. happening un- expectedly ; instantaneous ; without notice ; quick. sudoriferous (sti-dor-if'er-us), adj. secreting perspiration. sudorific (-if'ik), adj. causing per- spiration : n. a medicine producing such an effect. Sudra (soo'dra), n. the lowest of the four great castes into which the Hindus are divided. Also Soodra. suds (sudz), n.'pl. soapy water. sudsy (sud'zi), adj. like suds. sue (sii), v.t. to prosecute at law: v.i. to entreat ; beg ; petition ; pay court ; institute legal proceedings (with for). suet Cet), n. the hard fat around the kidneys and loins of sheep and oxen. su2er (suf'er), v.t. to feel with a sense of pain; undergo; bear; be af- fected by ; allow ; tolerate : v.i. to feel pain or punishment ; be in dis- tress ; endure loss or injury. su^erable (-a-bl), adj. that may be allowed or tolerated ; permissible. sufferance (-fer'ans), n. patience under pain ; toleration ; negative consent ; permission. suffering ('ing), n, the state of en- during physical or mental pain ; dis' tress ; loss or injury endured. su£5.ce ("is'), v.i. to be sufficient: v.t, to satisfy. sui^ciency (-ish'en-si), n. the state or quality of being sufficient ; com- petence ; self-confidence ; conceit. suilicient ('ent), adj. equal to any end or purpose ; adequate ; compe- tent. suffix ('iks), n. a letter or syllable added at the end of a word ; affix : v.t. (suf-iks') to add, as a letter or syllable at the end of a word. suffocate ('6-kat), v.t. to choke by stopping respiration ; smother ; stifle. suffocation (-ka'shun), n. the act of suffocating; state of being sufEo- cated. suffrage ('raj), n. vote, or right to vote ; franchise ; voice or vote given ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not : boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, tliQjx. snf 776 sul on a controverted subject : pi. united prayer of a congregation. suffragette ('ra-get), n. a woman who seeks equal suffrage or tbc right to vote. STLffnse (-fuz'), v.t. to spread over as with a fluid or a color. sugar (shoog'er), n. a sweet crystal- line substance obtained from the sugar-cane, beet, &c. ; any substance resembling sugar ; flattery : adj. per- taining to, like, made of, or yield- ing, sugar ; sweet : v.t. to sprinkle or mix with sugar ; sweeten ; flatter. sugariness ('er-i-nes), n. the state or quality of being sweet or like sugar. sugary ( 'er-i ) , adj. like, composed of, or fond of, sugar ; sweet. suggest (sug-jesf or suj-est'), v.t. to introduce indirectly to the mind or thoughts ; hint ; insinuate ; allude or refer to : v.i. to make suggestions. suggestion (-jes'chun), n. the act of suggesting ; thing suggested ; hint. suggestive ('tiv), adj. containing, or full of, suggestion. suggestively (-li), adv. by way of suggestion. suicidal (su'i-sid-al), adj. pertaining to, or partaking of, suicide, suicidally (-i), adv. in a suicidal manner. suicide ('i-sid), n. a person who kills himself ; self-murder ; ruin of one's own interests. suint (swint), n. a peculiar fatty sub- stance obtained from sheep's wool. suit (silt), n. a set of things corre- spondent to each other, as of the same kind ; petition or prayer ; courtship ; one of four sets of a pack of cards : an action or process at law for the recovery of a right or claim : v.t. to be fitted to ; fall in with ; accommodate ; please : v.i. to correspond or accord ; agree. suitability (-a-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being suitable. Also suitableness. suitable ('a-bl), adj. fitting; appro- priate. suitably ('a-bli), adv. in a suitable manner. suite (swet), n. a retinue or compa- ny ; series ; set, as of rooms, furni- ture, &c_. suitor (sut'er), n. a petitioner; sup- plicant ; lover_; party to a lawsuit. sulcate (sul'kat), adj. grooved. sulk (sulk), v.i. to be sulky. sulkily ('i-li), adv. in a sulky man- ner. sulkiness ('i-nes), n. the state of be- ing sulky. sulky ('i), adj. [comp. sulkier, su- perl, sulkiest], silently sullen: n. a kind of two-wheeled carriage. sullen (sul'en), adj. morosely silent; gloomily angry ; dismal ; heavy. sully ('i), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. sullied,. p.pr. sullying], to tarnish or soil; dirty ; stain : n. a tarnish or stain. sulpbate ('fat), n. a salt of sulphu- ric acid. sulpkide ('fid), n. a compound of sulphur with a metal or other ele- ment. sulphite ('fit), n. a salt of sulphur- ous acid. sulpkur ('fer), n. a non-metallic ele- ment, brittle and of a yellow color^ insoluble in water, but fusible by heat. sulphurate (-at), v.t. to combine with, or subject to the action of, sulphur : adj. pertaining to, or of the color of, sulphur. sulpkurator ('fer-a-ter), n. an ap- paratus for bleaching by the fumes of sulphur. sulphureous (-fu're-us), adj. con- sisting of, impregnated with, or hav- ing the qualities of, sulphur. Also sulphurous. sulphuret, same as sulphide. sulphuretted ('fii-ret-ed), adj. com- bined with sulphur. sulphuric (-fu'rik), adj. obtained from, or containing, sulphur. sulphuric acid (as'id), n. a heavy, corrosive liquid composed of sul- phur, oxygen, and water ; oil of vitriol. sulphurous acid ('fti-rus as'id), n. an acid composed of 2 parts of oxy- gen and 2 parts of sulphur. sulphury ('fer-i), adj. like sulphur. sultan ('tan), n. the title of a Mo- hammedan sovereign, especially the ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. snl 777 snp sovereign of the Ottoman Empire. Feminine sultana. sultanate ('tan-at), n. the rule or dominion of a sultan. snltauship ('tan-ship), n. the oflfice, rank, or dignity of a sultan. sultrily Ctri-li), adv. oppressively. sultriness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being sultry. sultry ('tri), adj. [comp. sultrier, superl. sultriest], very hot, close, and oppressive; close and heavy with a moist heat. sum (sum), n. the aggregate of two or more things taken together ; whole ; total ; quantity of money ; substance ; compendium ; utmost de- gree; arithmetical problem for solu- tion : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. summed, p.pr. summing], to add into one amount; condense into few words. sumac (sti'mak), n. a plant or shrub the dried leaves and roots of which are used in tanning, dyeing, and medicine. summarily (sum'a-ri-li), adv. in a short way or method; concisely. summarize ('a-riz), v.t. to state con- cisely. summary ('a-ri), adj. brief; laconic; compendious; done in a short way or method : n. an abridgment ; com- pendium. summation (-a'shun), n. the act of forming a total ; aggregate. summer ('er), n. that part of the year which comprises the hottest months, June, July, and August ; a large piece of timber to receive the ends of the joists ; horizontal girder : v.i. to pass the summer : v.t. to feed or keep during the summer. summit ('it), n. the top or highest point. summon ('un), v.t. to cite or call by authority ; command to appear in court ; invite ; rouse to exertion : n.pl. a citation to appear in court on a certain day ; document containing such a citation ; authoritative call. sumpit (sum'pit), n. the poisoned ar- row used with a sumpitan. svmpitan ('pi-tan), n. a kind of long blowpipe, used by the Malays. sumptuary (sump'tti-a-ri), adj. per- taining to, or regulating, expense. sumptuary laivs (lawz), n.pl. laws to limit excessive expenditure on dress or other luxuries. sumptuous ('tu-us), adj. expensive; costly ; luxurious ; magificent. sun (sun), n. the luminous body around which the earth, and other planets, &c., of the solar system re- volve : the source of light and heat to the earth ; any center of a system of worlds ; anything like the sun in splendor or power ; sunshine : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. sunned, p.pr. sunning], to expose to the sun's rays ; warm or dry in the sun. Sunday ('da), n. the first day of the week, the Christian Sabbath, or Lord's Day : adj. pertaining to Sun- day. sunder ('der), v.t. to divide or rend, sundew ('dti), n. a plant of the genus Drosera, whose leaves secrete a dew-like viscid fluid. sundries ('driz), n.pl. numerous small or miscellaneous articles or matters. sundry ('dri), adj. various; several. sung, p.p. of sing. sunk, p.t. & p.p. of sink. sunken (sungk'en), adj. lying on the bottom of the sea ; fallen or pressed down. sunn (sun), n. an East Indian plant, the fiber of which is used as a sub- stitute for hemp. Sunna ('a), n. a collection of oral laws and precepts of Mohammed handed down by tradition, and es- teemed as of equal value with the Koran by the Sunnites. sunniness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being sunny. Sunnites ('its), n.pl. the orthodox Mohammedans who regard the Sun- na as equally binding with the Ko- ran. sunny ('i), adj. pertaining to, like, proceeding from, or exposed to, the sun ; bright ; warm ; cheerful. sunshine ('shin), n. the light or rays of the sun; warmth; brightness. sunstroke ('strok), n. a kind of apoplexy, caused by the intense heat of the sun's rays. sun-up Cup), n. sunrise. sup (sup), v.t. \vJl & p.p. supped. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n®rth, not ; boon, book ; hiie, hut ; think, figc. A Snp 778 sup p.pr. supping], to take into the mouth with the lips ; sip : vA. to take supper : n, a small mouthful, as of a liquid ; sip. snper, preftao meaning over, alove, le- yond, in excess. superannuate (sti-per-an'u-at) , v.t. to pension on account of old age or infirmity. superannuation (-u-a'shun), n. the state of being superannuated ; pen- sion granted to one who is superan- nuated. superb (su-perb') , adj. grand ; proud ; stately ; elegant ; first-rate ; sumptu- ous. supercargo (su-per-kar'go), w. a per- son or officer in a merchant vessel who superintends the cargo and commercial affairs of a ship during its voyage. superciliary (-sil'i-a-ri), adj. per- taining to, or situated above, the eyebrow. supercilious ('i-us), adj. haughty; proud ; disdainful ; dictatorial ; over- bearing. super ciliuni (-sil'i-um), n. the eye- brow. supererogation (-er-o-ga'shun), n. the performance of more than is re- quired by duty. supererogatory (-e-rog'a-to-ri), adj. performed beyond what "is required by duty. superficial (-fish'al), adj. pertaining to, or being on the surface ; slight ; not deep ; unlearned. superficiality (-i-al'i-ti), ^. the state or quality of being superficial ; slight knowledge. Also superficial- ness. superficies (-fish'i-ez), n. superficial area or exterior face of a body. superfluity (-floo'i-ti), n. [pi. super- fluities (-tiz)], superabundance; ex- cess. superfluous ('floo-us), adj. more than enough or necessary ; excessive. Buperfrontal (-fron'tal), n. that part of an altar-cloth which hangs over the frontal. superheat (-hef), v.t. to heat to an extreme degree; heat (steam) until it resembles a perfect gas. superinduce (-in-dtis'), v.t. to bring ate, arm, ask, al^awl in or upon as an addition to some- thing else ; superadd. superintend (-in-tend'), v.t. to have, or exercise the charge or oversight of ; direct or control. superintendence (-ten'dens), n. su- pervision ; oversight ; control. superintendent ('dent), n. one who superintends ; overseer. superior (su-pe'ri-or), adj. higher or above in place, position, rank, dig- nity, office, or excellence ; stronger ; surpassing others ; unconquered ; preferable ; beyond the power or in- fluence of ; placed above another or- gan : n. one who is superior to oth- ers ; one of higher rank or position ; head of a religious house. superiority (-i-or'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being superior ; preemi- nence ; advantage. superlative (-per'la-tiv), adj. supe- rior to all others ; highest in degree : n. a word expressing the highest de- gree of anything. superlatively (-li), adv. in a super- lative manner. superlativeness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being superlative. supernal ('nal), adj. pertaining to, or situated in, a higher place or re- gion; celestial. supernatural (-nat'u-ral), adj. be- yond, or exceeding, the powers or laws of nature. supernaturalism (-izm), n. the state or quality of being supernatu- ral ; the doctrine that revelation is the only means by which man ac- quires the knowledge of God. supernaturalist (-ist), n. one who believes in the doctrine of supernat- uralism. super naturally (-li), adv. in a su- pernatural manner. supernumerary (-ntim'er-i-ri), n. [pi. supernumeraries (-riz)], a per- son or thing beyond the stated or required number : adj. exceeding the number stated- or required. superphosphate (-fos'fat), n. a phosphate containing the greatest quantity of phosphoric acid capable of entering into combination with the base. superroyal (-roi'al), adj. noting a me bOQ merge, met hue, hut ; mite, think, mit ; tliQ-a. note, north, not ; boon, I 9ap 779 snp I size of paper larger than royal, 27% X 201/2 in. superscribe (-skrib'), v.t. to write or inscribe, or engrave on the out- side or top. superscription (-skrip'shun), n, the act of superscribing; the address or direction. supersede (-sed'), v.i. to set aside or render null and void by superior power ; come into, or take, the place of. superstition (-stish'un), n. rever- ence for, and belief in, the super- natural, or objects which are not worthy of worship ; false worship or religion ; extreme observance of re- ligious rites or ceremonies. superstitious ('us), adj. pertaining to, characterized by, proceeding from, or addicted to superstition ; overscrupulous and extreme in re- ligious rites or ceremonies. superstructure (-struk'tur), «. any- thing built or founded on something else ; a building. supertonic (-ton'ik), w. in music, the note next above the keynote. supervene (-ven'), v.l. to come upon as something extraneous ; occur. supervise (-viz'), v.t. to oversee. supervision (-vish'un), n. the act of supervising ; superintendeTi^:e. supervisor (-yiz'er), v*,. an overseer. supervisory (-vizo-ri), adj. exercis- ing supervision. supine (sti-pin'), adj. lying on the back ; indolent ; careless ; inatten- tive; negligent: n. a Latin verbal noun, ending in urn, and u. supinely ('li), adv. in a supine man- ner. supineness ('nes), n. the state or quality of being supine. ■supper (sup'er), n. the evening meal. supplant (-plant'), v.t. to displace and take the place of, as by craft ; supersede. supple ('!), adj. flexible; yielding; servile : v.t. to make supple : v.i. to grow pliant. .supplement ('le-ment), v.t. to add something to ; fill up or supply : n. something added to render anything more complete or supply defects or errors; appendix; the quantity by which an arc or angle falls short of a semicircle. supplemental (-men'tal), adj. serv- ing as a supplement ; additional. Supplementary. suppleness (sup'1-nes), n. the state or quality of being supple; pliancy, suppliant (sup'li-ant), adj. beseech- ing; entreating; suing: n. one who supplicates ; humble petitioner. Also supplicant. supplicate (-kat), v.t. to ask or beg humbly and earnestly; address in prayer ; beseech ; implore. supplication (-ka'shun), n. the act of supplicating ; humble and earnest prayer or entreaty. supplicatory ('li-ka-to-ri), adj. per- taining to, containing, or of the na- ture of, supplication. supplier (-li'er), n. one who, or that which, supplies. supply (-li'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. sup- plied, p.pr. supplying], to furnish with what is required ; provide ; serve instead of ; fill : n. [pi. supplies (-liz')], the act of supplying; thing supplied; amount of money or food required for daily necessaries, as of an army, &Co (usuallv pJ.}. sn::^port (-port';, v.c. to sustain; bear up ; endure ; uphold ; f a^vor ; second ; incur ; carry on ; provide for or nourish : n. the act of sup- porting ; that which supports ; main- tenance ; livelihood ; aid. suppose (-poz'), v.t. to imagine; ad- mit without proof ; assume as true ; think. supposition (-p6-zish'un), n. the act of supposing; thing supposed; as- sumption. supposititious (-poz-i-tish'us) , adj. supposed or imaginary ; not genuine ; counterfeit. suppository (-poz'i-to-ri), n. a med- icated mass, usually in the form of a cone, for introduction into some cavity of the body, where it dis- solves. suppress (-pres'), v.t. to subdue; crush ; keep in or down ; quell ; con- ceal ; restrain the publication of ; arrest the normal secretions of. suppression (-presh'un), n. the act I tXe, arm, Ssk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; notes, nOrth, not; boon, book; hue, but; think, then. Snp 780 of suppressing ; stoppage ; conceal- ment I omission. suppressive (-pres'iv), adj. tending to suppress. suppressor ('er), n. one who sup- presses. suppurate ('ti-rat), v.i. to generate pus. suppuration (-ra'shun), n. the act of generating pus ; pus genera.ted in a sore. suppurative ('u-ra-tiv), adj. tending to produce, or accompanied by, sup- puration : n. a medicine to pj'omote suppuration. supra, a prefix meaning alove, he- yond, over, as si/pralapsarian. supremacy (sti-prem'a-si), n. the state or quality of being supreme ; highest authority. supreme (-prem'), adj. highest in power or authority ; most excellent ; extreme ; utmost. supremely ('li), adv. in a supreme manner. sur, a preflop. meaning over, teyond, ahove, upon, as surcharge (ser- charj'), n. an excessive charge, load, or burden ; an overcharge beyond what is just and right : v.t. to charge more than is due ; overload. surah (soo'ra), n. a soft, twilled silk fabric. surat (soo-rat'), n. a kind of short coarse cotton._ surbase (ser'bas), n. a cornice, or series of moldings, on the top of the base of a pedestal, &c. surcingle ('sing-gl), n. a girth, belt, or girdle for passing around the body of a horse and securing the saddle or some burden, &c. ; girdle of a cassock. sur coat ('kot), n. a coat worn over another coat or garment. surd (serd), n. a mathematical quantity that cannot be expressed by rational numbers, or has no root, as -^3 : adj. not expressible by ra- tional numbers ; involving surds ; uttered with the breath. sure (shoor), adj. fit to be depended upon ; certain ; reliable ; infallible ; firm ; safe : adv. certainly ; securely. surely ('li), adv. certainly; without risk, hazard, or doubt. sureness ('nes), n. the state or qual- ity of being sure ; certainty. surety ('ti), n. \_pl- sureties ('tiz)], certainty ; security against loss or damage ; guarantee ; hostage ; one who becomes jointly bound with an- other ; bail. suretyship (-ship), n. the state of being surety ; obligation of being bound to answer for another. surf (serf), n. the swell of the sea that breaks and foams upon the shore or the rocks. surface (ser'fas), w. the exterior part or upper face of anything; super- ficies ; outside. surf -boat (serf'bot), n. a strong, light boat for landing through the surf. surfeit (ser'fit), n. excess in eating or drinking ; sickness caused by such excess : v.t, to feed to excess and sickness. surf -man (serf 'man), n. a boatman of a surf-boat. surfy ('i), adj. covered with surf. surge (serj), n. a large wave or bil- low ; great roll ; swell : v.i. to roll or rise high. surgeon (ser'jun), n. a medical prac- titioner, especially one who prac- tices surgery. surgeoncy (-si), n. the post of a sur- geon in the army or navy. surgery ('jer-i), n, the act and art of treating injuries or diseases by man- ual operations ; place where a sur- geon operates or keeps his medi- cines. surlily (ser'li-li), adv. in a surly manner. surliness ('i-nes), n. surly behavior. surly ('li), adj. [comp. surlier, sm- perl. surliest], gloomily morose; rough ; uncivil ; churlish ; snarling ; ill-natured. surmise (-miz'), n. guess or conjec- ture ; suspicion : v.t. to imagine without certain knowledge ; suspect ; conjecture; fancy. surmount (-mount'), v.t. to rise above ; overcome ; conquer ; van- quish ; exceed. surname ('nam), n. a name added to the baptismal names; family name: v.t. to give the family name to. ate,- iirm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 781 surpass (-pas'), v.t. to exceed; ex- cel ; go beyond in excellence or bad- ness. surplice ('plis), n. the outer linen vestment with wide sleeves, worn by the officiating clergy and choristers of the Roman Catholic and Angli- can Churches. surplus ('plus), n. that which re- mains over and above what is re- quired ; excess : adj. exceeding what is required. surprise (-priz'), n. the act of taking unawares ; astonishment ; sudden emotion, confusion, or perplexity : v.t. to take unawares ; confuse or perplex ; assail unexpectedly ; aston- ish. surprise party ('par-ti), n. a party who visit the house of a mutual friend unexpectedly, each bringing some article of food for supper. surprising (-priz'ing), adj. causing surprise or astonishment ; extraor- dinary. surrender (-ren'der), v.t. to yield to the power of another ; give up on compulsion ; cede ; resign : v.i. to yield ; give up one's self into the power of another : n. the act of yielding into the power or possession of another ; a yielding or giving up. -surreptitious (-rep-tish'us), adj. done by stealth or fraud ; unauthor- ized. surrogate (sur'o-gat), n. the deputy of a bishop, who is authorized to issue marriage licenses. surround (-round'), v.t. to enclose on all sides ; encompass ; environ ; invest : n. a precipitous place where animals are surrounded and driven over and captured. surroyal (-roi'al), n. the crown ant- ler of a stag. surtax (ser'taks), n. an additional tax: v.t. (ser-taks') to impose a surtax on. surtout (-too'), n. a wide-skirted coat reaching below the knees. surveillance (val'yans), n. watch; oversight ; inspection. survey (-va'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. sur- veyed, p.pr. surveying], to inspect or take a view of ; overlook ; examine ; measure and estimate, as land : n. (ser'va), the act of surveying; par- ticular view or examination ; cus- toms district. surveying ('ing), n. the art or busi- ness of measuring land. surveyor ('er), n. one who surveys; one whose business it is to measure land. survival (-vi'val), n. continuance beyond the life of another ; any an- cient use, custom, or belief continu- ing to the present day. survive (-viv'), v.t. to live longer than ; outlive : v.i. to remain alive. survivor ('er), n. one who outlives another ; the longer-lived of two joint tenants, &c. survivorsMp (-ship), n. the state of outliving another ; a reversionary benefit contingent upon some sur* viving life. sus, prefiso, another form of sub. susceptibility ( sus-sept-i-bil'i-ti ) , n. the state or quality of being suscept- ible ; impressibility ; sensibility ; ca- pability. Also susceptibleness. susceptible ('i-bl), adj. capable of admitting something additional, or any change, influence, affection, &e. ; easily acted upon ; impressible. Also susceptive. susceptibly ('i-bli), adv. in a sus- ceptible manner. suslik ('lik), n. a " squirrel-like ro- dent. suspect (-pekt'), v.t. to have a sus- picion of ; imagine, to exist ; conjec- ture ; mistrust: n. (sus'pekt) a per- son suspected to be guilty of some crime. suspend (-pend'), v.t. to make to hang by anything; delay; inter- rupt ; cause to cease for a time ; debar temporarily. suspender ('er), n. one who, or that which, suspends : pi. braces. suspense (-pens'), n. a state of un- certainty, doubt, or anxiety; inde- cision ; act of withholding the judg- ment ; temporary cessation of a man's right. suspensible ('i-bl), adj. capable of being suspended, or held from sink- ing. suspension (-pen'shun), n. the act of suspending ; state of being sus- ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book; hiie, hut; think, f/(en. BUS 782 pended; a keeping in doubt; uncer- tainty ; delay ; interruption ; tempo- rary privation of power, office, priv- ilege, or rights ; continuation of a note from one chord to another [Music]. suspensor ('ser), n. something that suspends ; a suspensory. suspensory ('so-ri), adj. that sus- pends : n. a suspensory band, or pouch. suspicion (-pish'un), n. the act of suspecting ; distrust ; want of con- fidence ; imagination of something wrong on slight or insufficient proof ; hint; very small quantity. suspicious ('us), adj. full of, in- clined to, or cherishing, suspicion ; open to, or exciting, suspicion ; doubtful. sustain (-tan'), ^v.t. to hold up or support ; maintain ; keep ; support ; nourish ; bear ; endure ; strengthen. sustained (-tand'), adj. maintained at a certain pitch or level ; uniform. sustenance ('ten-ans), n. that which supports life ; food ; maintenance or support. sustentation (-ta'shun), n. the act of sustaining ; support or mainte- nance. sutler (sut'ler), n. a person who fol- lows an army and sells provisions, liquor, &c., to the troops. Sutras (soo'traz), n.pl. certain apho- risms summarizing the teaching of the Brahmans, and giving the es- sence of their doctrines in short, connected sentences. suttee^ (sut-e'), n. a Hindu widow who immolates herself on the funer- al pile of her deceased husband ; a form of widow sacrifice, formerly common among the Hindus, in which the wife was burnt with her deceased husband on his funeral pile. sutteeism ('izm), n. the practice or rite of self-immolation among Hin- du widows. sutural (su'tti-ral), adj. pertaining to, or situated at, a suture. suture Cttir), n. the drawing to- gether of the edges of a wound by sewing; lines of junction of the bones of the skull ; seam at the union of two margins of a plant. suzerain (su'ze-ran), n. a feudal lord, to whom fealty is due ; supe- rior or paramount ruler. suzerainty (-ti), n. the office, or dig- nity, of a suzerain ; paramount au- thority. swab (swob), n. a mop for cleaning J decks, floors, &c. ; clumsy person or lubber : v.t, [p.t. & p.p. swabbed, p.pr. swabbing], to rub or clean with a swab. sfxraddle (swod'l), v.t. to swathe or bind tightly, especially infants. swaddling ('ling), adj. binding tightly. swag (swag), v.i. [p.t. & p.p, swagged, p.pr. swagging], to sink down by its own weight ; hang heav- ily ; sag : n. an unequal, hobbling motion ; thieves' booty. swagger ('er), v.i. to bully or blus- ter ; strut haughtily or with affected superiority : n. an affected or inso- lent manner of walking; noisy boastfulness. swain (swan), n. a peasant; rustic lover ; sweetheart. svrallow (swol'o), n. a well-known migratory passerine bird ; any spe- cies of swift resembling the swal- low; groove round a tackle-block; the gullet or esophagus ; voracity ; as much as can be swallowed at once : v.t. to take into the stomach through the esophagus ; absorb ; en- gulf ; engage entirely ; retract ; put up with : v.i. to perform the act of swallowing. swalloxir-tailed (-tald), adj. like a swallow's tail ; having tapering or forked skirts. swam, p.t. of swim. swamp (swomp), n. wet or boggy land ; soft, low land saturated with water : v.t. to plunge, overwhelm, or sink in, or as in, a swamp ; overset or sink in water ; plunge into inex- tricable difficulties ; ruin. swampy ('i),) adj. consisting of, or like, a swamp. swan (swon), n. a web-footed bird of the genus Cygnus, with a very long neck, and remarkable for its grace in swimming. a*<», firm, fisk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, ndrth, not; bOoOf book; hue, hut; think, then. s^nra 783 I sxranskin (swon'skin), n. a kind of soft, fine-twilled flannel ; very thick, I closely-woven woolen cloth used by printers. swap (swop), v.t. Iv-t' & P-P' swapped, p.pr. swapping], to ex- change or barter : n. barter ; a blow or stroke : ad,v, hastily ; suddenly. , sward (swawrd), n. the grassy sur- face of land. swarded ('ed), adj. covered with sward. sxirare, old p.i. of swear. swarm, (swawrm), vA. to throng to- gether in a crowd ; collect and rise from the hive : said of bees ; breed multitudes ; to climb a tree, &c., by embracing it with the arms and legs alternately (with up) : n. Si cluster of insects, especially bees; crowd or multitude in motion. swarthily (sworth'i-li), adv. with a swarthy hue. swarthiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being swarthy. Also swartness. swarthy ('i), adj. of a dark or 'JL tawny hue ; dark-skinned. Also B swart, swarth. B swash (swosh), n. a dashing or K splashing of water : v.i. to dash or T" splash water about. swashing ('ing), adj. crushing; slashing. swashy ('i), adj. soft like fruit too ripe. swath (swawth), n. a line or ridge of grass or grain as cut down by the mower ; sweep of a scythe in mow- ing. swathe (swait^), v.t. to bind with a bandage or roller ; wrap : n. a ban- dage or roller. sway (swa), v.t. Ip.t. & p.p. swayed, p.pr. swaying], to move backwards and forwards ; influence by power or moral force ; bias ; govern : v.i. to incline on one side; be drawn by weight : n. the swing or sweep of a weapon ; cast of the balance ; any- thing moving with power and bulk ; ru.'e; dominion; authority; con- ^ trol ; inclination or weight on one P side. swear (swar), v.i. Ip.t. swore, sware, p.p. sworn, p.pr. swearing], to make a solemn declaration by appealing to God for the truth of what is affirmed; give evidence on oath ; use profane language : v.t. to utter or aflirm by appeal to God; cause to take, or bind by, an oath. sweat (swet), n. the moisture which exudes from the pores of the skin; toil ; exertion : v.i. to exude moisture through the pores of the skin ; per- spire ; labor ; drudge : v.t. to cause to sweat ; oppress by employing at an unfair rate of wages. sweating-system ('ing-sis-tem), n, the system by which middlemen em- ploy people to work at their own homes for unfair wages. Swedenborgian ( swe-den-bor'ji-an) , adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, the doctrines of Swedenborg, a Swedish mystic, the founder of the New Jerusalem Church. sweep (swep), v.t. \_p.t. & p.p. swept, p.pr. sweeping], to brush, rub over, or clean, with a broom, &c. ; drive or carry along or off with force; strike with a long stroke; touch in passing : v.i. to pass with violence, speed, or pomp; pass with celerity or force; move along with a long reach : n. the act of sweeping ; gen- eral destruction ; range ; extent ; di- rection of a curve; rapid survey with the eye ; extent of a stroke ; chimney-sweeper ; large oar ; black- guard. sweepstakes ('staks) , n.pl. the whole money or other things staked or won at a horse-race or in gaming. sweet (swet), adj. pleasing to the senses, as smell, taste, &c. ; tasting like sugar ; luscious ; fragrant ; me- lodious ; soft; gentle; kind; oblig- ing ; loved ; not stale or putrid ; fresh; not salted: n. a term of en- dearment : n.pl. confectionery ; home- made wines. sweetbread ('bred), n. r. calf's pan- creas. sweet-briar ('bri-gr), n. a thorny shrub of the rose kind ; eglantine. sweet- corn ('korn) , n. a kind of maize of a sweet taste, extensively used as a table food. sweeten ('n), v.t. to make sweet; render mild, kind, grateful, or pleas- I fite, Urm, isk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nDrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. awe 784 axri ing ; render less painful, difficult, or laborious ; palliate : v.i. to become sweet. sweet-flag ('flag), n. an aromatic plant with sword-shaped leaves ; calamus. sweetheart ('hart), n. a lover; one who is the object of a lover's af- fection. sweetish ('ish), adj. somewhat sweet. sweetmeat ('met), n. a confection made wholly or partly of sugar. sweet-potato (-po-ta'to), n. a plant and its edible root ; yam. sweet-william (-wil'yam), n. a beautiful flowering plant of the pink kind. swell (swel), v.i. [p.t. swelled, p.p. swelled, swollen, p.pr. swelling], to expand or enlarge ; increase in bulk ; heave ; be inflated ; rise and in- crease by degrees ; be puffed up : grow in violence : v.t. to heighten ; cause to rise or increase ; inflate ; dilate : n. extension of bulk ; act or state of swelling; gradual increase of sound ; succession of large waves ; gradual elevation of land; a dis- tinguished personage ; fop : adj. dandified. swelling ('ing), p.adj. becoming in- flated ; turgid : n. the act of increas- ing in bulk ; tumor or any morbid enlargement. swelter ('ter), v.t. to perspire pro- fusely ; faint witlj excessive heat. sweltry ('tri), adj. sultry. swept, p.t. & p.p. of sweep. swerve (swerv), v.i. to turn aside from any prescribed line or rule of duty ; deviate ; incline. swerving ('ing), n. deviation. swift (swift), adj. moving far in a short time ; rapid ; quick ; ready ; sudden : adv. rapidly : n. a bird al- lied to the swallow; a species of moth ; the common newt ; current of a stream. swifter ('er), n. a rope for confining the bars of the capstan in their sockets ; the foremost or aftermost shroud ; a rope used as a fender to a boat. swill (swil), v.t. to drink greedily or grossly ; inebriate : n. drink taken in excessive quantities ; liquid food for animals, particularly the refuse or leavings of the kitchen, as given to swine. swim (swim), v.i. [p.t. swam, swum, p.p. swum, p.pr. swimming], to float on water or other liquid ; move pro- gressively in the water by the hands and feet ; be conveyed along by, or as by, a current ; glide smoothly ; overflow ; be dizzy : v.t. to cause to swim or float : n. the act of swimming; air-bladder of fishes. swimmer ('er), n. one who swims; water-spider ; water-fowl ; protuber- ance on a horse's leg; a kind of dumpling. sw^imming ('ing), n. the act or art of floating or moving progressively in the water by the hands and feet. swimmingly ('ing-li), adv. in a smooth, easy, gliding manner ; with great success or without hindrance. swindle (swin'dl), v.t. to cheat grossly and deliberately under pre- tense of fair dealing: n. a grossi fraud. swindling ('dling), adj. cheating grossly. swine (swin), n. any animal of the genus Sus with bristly skin and long snout ; pig. swing (swing), v.i. [p.t, & p.p. swung, p.pr. swinging], to wave or vibrate to and fro ; oscillate ; prac- tice swinging ; float round with the tide ; be hanged : v.t. to move to and fro ; wave loosely ; brandish : n. the act or state of swinging; contriv- ance for swinging to and fro; full course. swinge (swinj), v.t. to whip or thrash : n. sweep or swing of any- thing in movement ; sway ; influence. swingle (swing'gl), v.t. to cleanse (flax) by beating r v.i. to dangle: n. that part of a flail which strikes the grain. swingletree (-tre), n. the crossbar of a carriage, &c., to the ends of w^hich the traces of the horse are fastened. swinish (swln'i'ih), adj. pertaining to, like, or characteristic of, swine ; bestial. swink (swingk), v.i. to toil; drudge. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; b5oD» book; hue, hut; think, then. swi 7 SJxri-pe (swip), n. a vigorous blow at cricket or golf ; sweeping blow : pi. thin or small beer : v.i. & v.t. to de- liver a strong blow ; hit out with great force at cricket, &c. ; take and ' carry away ; purloin. ts'veirl (swerl), v.i. to rush along in, ' or form, eddies : n. a whirling or eddying motion. ) swish (swish), v.t. to lash; flog. i Siviss (swis), adj. pertaining to Switzerland, its language, or its in- habitants. I switch (swich), n. a long, thin, flexi- ble rod ; a movable rail for trans- ferring a railway carriage, &c., from one line to another ; a device for connecting one electric circuit with another : v.t. to lash or flog ; shunt. Switzer (swit'ser), n. Swiss. swivel (swiv'l), n. something fixed in another body so as to turn round in it ; twisting link in a chain ; a kind of small cannon which turns on a pivot : v.t. & v.i. \_p.t. & p.p. swiveled, p.pr. swiveling], to turn on a swivel or pivot. swollen, p.p_._ of swell. swoon (swoon), v.i. to sink into a fainting fit, with apparent suspen- sion of the vital and mental pow- ers : n. the act of swooning ; syn- cope. swooning ('ing), n. the act of faint- ing. swoop (swoop), v.t. to fall upon and seize at once, as prey : v.i. to catch prey while on the wing : n. a sudden falling upon and seizing. sword (sord), n. a keen-edged weap- on for cutting and thrusting ; de- struction by war ; emblem of au- thority, power, justice, or ven- geance. swore, p.t. of swear. sworn, p.p. of swear : adj. bound by an oath. Sybarite (sib'a-rit), n. an effemi- nate voluptuary : from the inhabi- tants of Sybaris, Italy, an ancient Greek city noted for its luxury. Sybaritic (-rit'ik), adj. pertaining to, like, or characteristic of, a Syba- rite. sycamine (sik'a-min), n. the black mulberry-tree. b sym sycamore ('a-mor), n. a tree of the maple family ; the fig-mulberry of the East ; the buttonwood. sycee (si-se'), n. pure native silver cast into small hemispherical ingots by the "Chinese, and used as silver currency. sycophancy (sik'o-flin-si), n. obse- quious or servile flattery. sycophant ('o-fant), n. a mean or servile flatterer, especially of great men ; parasite. syenite (si'e-nit), n. a granitic rock found at Syene in Egypt. syllabic (sil-ab'ik), adj. pertaining to, or consisting of, a syllable. syllabically (-al-li), adv. in sylla- bles. syllabify ('i-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. syllabified, p.pr. syllabifying], to form into syllables. syllable ('a-bl), n. that part of a word which can be uttered distinct- ly by a single effort of the voice ; anything proverbially concise. syllabub, same as sillibub. syllabus ('a-bus), n. a table of con- tents ; compendium of the heads oi a discourse ;_ abstract. syllogism ('o-jizm), n. an argument stated in logical form, consisting of three propositions, the first two be- ing called the premises and the last the conclusion which contains the matter to be proved. syllogistic (-jis'tik), adj. pertaining to, or consisting of, a syllogism. syllogistically (-al-li), adv. in a syllogistic form. sylph (silf), n. an imaginary being inhabiting the air ; fairy. sylvan (sil'van), adj. pertaining to, inhabiting, or growing in, a wood or grove ; rustic ; woody ; shady. syjn.,~prefice, another form of syn. symbiosis (sim-bi-o'sis), n. the more or less permanent united life of certain animal and vegetable organ- isms rendering mutual service to each other. symbiotic (-ot'ik), adj. pertaining to symbiosis. symbol ('bol), n. an emblem or sign representing something else ; type ; mark or character used as an ab- breviation : a creed. tte, arm, :, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; booor book; hue, hut; think, then. sym 786 syn symbolic ('ik), adj. pertaining to, serving as, or of the nature of, a symbol : n.pl. the study of creeds. Also symbolical. symbolically (-al-Ii), adv. by sym- bols. symbolize (-iz), v.t. to represent by a symbol : v.i. to have a typical re- semblance ; agree. syKibolism ('bol-izm), n. the use of, or the being represented by, sym- bols ; science of creeds. symmetrical (-met'ri-kal), adj. hav- ing corresponding parts or rela- tions ; harmonious ; proportionate. Al'so symmetric. symmetrically (-li), adv. in a sym- metrical manner. symmetrize ('e-triz), v.t. to make symmetrical. symmetry ('e-tri), n. the due pro- portion of the several parts of a body to each other ; harmony or adaptation of parts -to each other ; proportion. sympathetic (-pa-thet'ik), adj. per- taining to, expressing, or inducing, sympathy ; compassionate. Also sym- pathetical. sympathetically (-al-li), adv. in a sympathetic manner. sympathize ('pa-thiz), v.i. to have a mutual feeling with another ; be compassionate. sympathy ('pa-thi), n. mutual feel- ing of pleasure or pain ; compas- sion ; reciprocal action of the organs of a body. symphonic (-fon'ik), adj. agreeing in sound ; pertaining to a sympho- ny. Also symphonious. symphony ('fo-ni), n. [pi. sympho- nies _ (-niz)], harmony of sound; a musical composition for a full band of instruments ; instrumental intro- duction or ending of a vocal com- position. symposium (-po'zi-um), n. [pi. sym- posia (-a)], a banquet; a drinking together ; merry-making _; an article in _ a magazine in which various writers express their views on some given topic. symptom (simp'tom), n. that which indicates the existence of something else of wliich it is the effect ; token or sign. symptomatic (-to-mat'ik), adj. per- taining to, serving as, or indicating, a symptom. Also symptomatica!. symptomatically (-al-li), adv. by symptoms. syn, a prefiap meaning with, together, as 5t/wantherous : adj. having sta- mens united by their anthers. synseresis (sin-er'e-sis), n. the con- traction of two vowels into one. synagogical ('a-goj'i-kal), adj. per- taining to a synagogue. synagogue ('a-gog), n. a religious assembly of Jews for worship ; Jew- ish place of worship. synchronism (sing'kro-nizm) , n. con- currence in time of two or more events ; tabular arrangement of con- temporaneous historical events. synchronize ('kro-niz), v.t. to cause to agree in time : v.L happen simul- taneously. synchronous ('kro-nus), adj. hap- pening at the same time. Also syn- chronal. synclinal ('kli-nal), adj. noting a line or axis formed when strata dip in opposite directions and meet in a common central point or line. syncopate ('ko-pat), v.t. to contract by omitting a letter or letters from the middle of (a word) ; unite (the last note of one bar to the first note of the next) by a slur. syncopation (-pa'shun), n. the act of syncopating. syncope ('ko-pe), n. the omission of a letter or letters from the middle of a word ; fainting caused by interrup- tion of the heart's action. syncretic (sin-kret'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or characteristic of, syncre- tism. syncretism ('kre-tizm), n. the at- tempt to blend opposite and contra- dictory tenets into one system to produce union and concord. syndic ('dik), n. a government offi- cial invested with varying powers in different countries ; chief magis- trate ; municipal or other oflScial. syndicate ('di-kat), n. a body of syndics ; a combination of capital- ate, arm, as at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. syn 787 MO ists to promote some special under- taking or speculation. synecdoclie (-ek'do-ke), n. a rhetori- cal figure in which the whole is put for a part, or a part for the whole. synergy ('er-ji), n. correlation be- tween different organs. synod ('od), n. a coundl or meeting of ecclesiastics for consultation on religious matters ; a church council composed of several presbyters. synodal ('od-al), adj. pertaining to a synod or synods. synodic (-od'ik), adj. pertaining to, or transacted by, a synod. Also synodical. synodically (al-i), adv. by the au- thority of a synod. synoecions (-e'shus), adj. having both male and female flowers on the same receptacle. synonym ('o-nim), n. a word having nearly the same signification as an- other. synopsis (-op'sis), n. a general or collective view of any subject ; sum- mary. synoptic (-op'tik), adj. giving a gen- eral view of the whole or principal parts of a thing. Also synoptical. synoptically (-al-i), adv. in a syn- optical manner. syntactic (-tak'tik), adj.^ pertaining to, or arranged according to, the relies of syntax. Also syntactical. syntacticaiiy (-al-i), adv. in a syn- tactical manner. syntax ('taks), n. that part of gram- mar which teaches of the proper construction and arrangement of words in a sentence. synthesis ('the-sis), n. \pl. synthe- ses (-sez)], composition or putting of two or more'tliings together : op- posed to analysis ; the method or process of deducing and combining complex ideas from simple ones. synthetic (-thet'ik), adj. pertaining to synthesis. Also synthetical. synthetically (-al-i), adv. by syn- thesis. syntonin ('to-nin), n. muscle fibrine. syphilis (sif'i-lis), n. venereal dis- ease. syphilitic (-lit'ik), adj. pertaining to, of the nature of, or affected with, syphilis. . syphiloid ('i-loid), adj. resembling syphilis. syphon, another form of siphon. syren, another form of siren. Syriac (sir'i-ak), adj. pertaining to Syria, its inhabitants, or language. Also Syrian. Syringa (si-ring'ga), n. a genus of plants, including the lilac. syringe (sir'inj), n. a small tube with a handle and worked like a pump : v.t. to inject or cleanse with a syringe. syrup (sir'up), n. a saturated or medicated solution of sugar in wa- ter ; liquid refuse of sugar. system (sis'tem), n. combination of parts in a whole ; orderly arrange- ment according to some common law ; collection of rules and princi- ples;, connected body of principles in science or art; method of trans- acting business, systematic (-at'ik), adj. methodical* according to system. Also sysie- matical. systematically (-al-i), adv. in a systematic iuanner. systematize ('tem-a-tiz), v.t. to re- duce to a system. systole ('to-le), n. the shortening of a long syllable ; contraction of auri- cles and ventricles of the heart for expelling the blood and circulating it through the body. systyle ('til), adj. having columns so arranged that they are distant two diameters from each other ; having a row of columns set closely to- gether. syzygy (siz'i-ji), n. Ipl. syzygies (-jiz) ], the point at which the moon or a planet is in conjunction with, or in opposition to, the sun ; times of new and full moon. szopelka (tzo-pel'ka), n. the Rus- sian oboe. ate, arm, Ssk, at, awi; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, north, not; booiif book; hue, hut; think, then. tab (tab), n. a shoe latchet ; tag; border of a woman's cap. tabard ('ard), n. sl loose garment or mantle worn over armor ; herald's coat. tabaret ('a-ret), n. a strong satin- striped silk used in upholstering. tabasheer (-sher'), n. a siliceous substance found in the stems of bam- boos and certain grasses, used in the East as a medicine. tabby ('i), adj. brindled; having a variegated, vv^avy, or watered ap- pearance : n.' a kind of wavy or watered silk ; mixture of stone or - shell with mortar ; tabby-cat : v.t. [p.t, & p.p. tabbied, p.pr. tabbying], to water or cause to look wavy. tabby-cat ('i-kat), n. a brindled cat. tabbying ('i-ing), n. the process of passing fabrics under a calender to give them a -watered, wavy appear- ance. tabef action (-e-fak'shun), ?^. the act or condition of wasting away. tabernacle ('er-nak-1), n. a tempo- rary dwelling, movable residence, or tent ; the human body as the tem- porary dwelling of the soul ; the movable structure or place of wor- ship carried by the Israelites in the wilderness ; receptacle for the con- secrated Host in Roman Catholic Churches ; place of worship : v.i. to sojourn ; take up a temporary resi- dence. tabernacle-xrork (-werk), n. sculp- tured tracery or canopy work. tabes (ta'bez), n. a gradual wasting away of the body ; atrophy. tabinet (tab'in-et), n. a mixed wool- en and silk fabric, used for window- curtains, &c. tablature ('la-tur), n. a painting on walls or ceilings ; single piece comprehended in one view ; division of the skull into two tables. table (ta'bl), n. a flat smooth board, furnished with legs ; flat surface ; persons sitting at a repast or enter- tainment ; fare ; supply of food ; en- tertainment ; tablet ; index or syl- labus : pi. collection of many par- ticulars brought into one view ; col- lection of numbers or figures meth- odically arranged ; the Ten Com- mandments, consisting of two ta- bles ; Holy Eucharist or Lord's Sup- U per ;. smooth, simple member or or- nament, usually rectangular : pi. backgammon : adj. pertaining to a table : v.t. to catalogue or index ; lay or place on a table (as a re- port ) for future consideration : v.i. to board. tableau (ta-blo'), n. [pi. tableaux or tableaus (ta-bloz')], a striking and vivid representation. tableau vivant (ve-vang'), n. sl liv- ing picture ; a picturesque represen- tation by one or more silent and mo- tionless performers suitably cos- tumed and posed. table d*bdte (ta'bl-dot), n. a meal for several persons at the same hour and at a fixed price ; ordinary. tableland (ta'bl-land), n. a plateau. tablet (tab'let), n. small table, medi- cine in the form of a small flat disk ; small flat piece of ivory, &c., for memoranda ; ancestral monument ; small flat cake, as of soap, sweet- meats, &c. ate, arm, usk, at, awl : me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrtk. not ; booH, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 788 «al9 789 tai table-turmng' (ta'bl-tern-ing), n. the movement of tables said to be caused by the agency of spirits. tablier (tab-li-a'), n. a kind of large apron or small overskirt. tabo9 (ta-bo6'), n. a religious rite formerly prevalent among the Poly- nesians by which persons and things I were rendered sacred and inviola- ble ; ban ; prohibition : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. tabooed, p.pr. tabooing], to for- bid approach to, or use of. Also tabu. tabor (ta'ber), n. a small drum, beaten with one stick. Also tabour. taboret (tab'6-ret), n. a small tabor; an ornamental cushioned stool. taborine (-rin), n. a side-drum; a drum-head in a hoop of wood with jingles to increase the noise; tam- bourine. tabular (tab'ti-lar), adj. pertaining to, or in the form of, a table ; formed in plates or laminae ; set down, computed, or arranged in, ta- bles or schedules. tabulate ('ti-lat), v.t. to reduce to, or arrange in, tables or synopses ; shape with a flat surface. tacamabac (tak'a-ma-hak), w. a kind of resin from the balsam poplar. taehe (tach), n. a button; loop; catch, clasp, or other fastening, tachometer ( ta-kom'e-ter ) , n. an in- strument for measuring velocity. tachymeter (-kim'e-ter), n. a sur- veyor's instrument for making rapid measurements. tacit (tas'it), adj. implied, but not expressed verbally. taciturn ('i-tern), adj. habitually si- lent. tacitiiT-Taity ('i-ti), n. habitual si- lence. tack (tak), n. a small broad-headed nail ; supplement or appendage ; di- rection of a vessel in regard to the trim of her sails : v.t. to fasten with t tacks ; fasten slightly ; attach : v.i. I to change the course of a vessel by r shifting the position of her sails. tackle ('1), n. the ropes, rigging, &c., of a vessel ; apparatus for raising or lowering heavy weights consist- ing of pulleys and ropes ; imple- ments or gear : v.t. to harness ; seize or lay hold of; deal with or attack vigorously. tackling Cling), n. the furniture of the masts and yards of a vessel ; in- struments of action; gear. tact (takt), n. nice discernment and delicate skill in saying and doing ex- actly what is exi)edient or suitable in given circumstances. tactic (tak'tik), adj. pertaining to the art of tactics. Also tactical. tactician (-tish'an), n. one skilled in tactics. tactics ('tiks), n. naval and military evolutions ; science of disposing and maneuvering naval and military forces for battle. tactile ('til), adj. perceptible by the touch ; capable of being touched. tactility (-til'i-ti), n. perceptibility by the touch. tactual (tak'tu-al), adj. pertaining to the organs of touch tadpole (tad'pol), n. the young aquatic larva of an amphibian, espe- cially that of the frog. tael (tal), n. a Chinese money of ac- count, value about $1.05 ; a weight of 1 1-3 oz. tafferel, same as taffrail. tafFeta (taf'e-ta), n. a fine, thin, glossy silken fabric. Also taffety. ta£Prail ('ral), n. the upper flat part of the stern of a ship ; rail round a ship's stern. taffy ('i), n. molasses candy; toffy; flattery. tafia ('i-a), n. rum distilled from mo- lasses. tag (tag), n. a point of metal at the end of a string or a lace ; something small attached to another ; anything paltry or mean ; a children's game : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. tagged, p.pr. tag- ging], to fix a tag to; append or tack on ; follow closely and persist- ently. taglia (tal'ya), n. a peculiar com- bination of pulleys. tag-rag (-rag), n. the rabble. talir (tar), n. the Himalayan wild goat. tail (tal), n. the end of the backbone of an animal's body, usually hang- ing loose ; hinder, or inferior part of anything; anything pendant; lumi- §te, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, theiir tai 790 tal nous appendage of the nucleus of a comet ; catkin ; limitation : vA. to depart one after another, as a crowd (with off). tallage ('aj), n. tax or toll. Also tallage. tailboard ('bord), n. the movable board at the rear of a cart. tailing ('ing), n. the part of a pro- jecting stone or brick inserted in a wall ; refuse of stamped ore thrown behind the rail of the washing ap- paratus : pi. chaff. tailor ('er), n. one whose business is to cut out and make men's clothes and ladies' costumes. Feminine tai- loress. taint (tant), n. corruption; infec- tion ; spot or stain ; disgrace : v.t. to imbue or impregnate with anything noxious ; infect ; corrupt : vA. to be corrupted by incipient putrefaction. take (tak), v.t. [p.t, took, p.p. taken, p.pr. taking], to lay or seize hold of ; obtain ; receive mentally ; cap- ture ; engage or interest ; choose ; use or require; catch; assume; con- duct or lead ; transport ; tolerate ; swallow ; note or take down ; make or perform (a journey or walk) : v.i. to have recourse ; have the in- tended effect ; please : n. the amount or quantity received or caught, espe- cially fish. taker ('er), n. one who takes, seizes, or captures ; one who accepts a bet. taking ( 'ing ) , adj. attractive ; allur- ing ; pleasing ; infectious : n. the act of gaining possession ; seizure ; agi- tation : pi. receipts. talapoin (ta'a-poin), n. a Buddhist monk of Ceylon, Siam, &c. ; kind of monkey. talaria (ta-la'ri-a), n.pl. the small wings attached to the ankles of Mer- cury or Hermes, the messenger of the gqds. talbot (tawl'bot), n. a quick-scented hunting-dog, with long pendulous ears. talc (talk), n. a hydrous silicate of magnesia occurring in thin flakes. tale (tal), n. a narrative or story; fable ; anecdote ; reckoning ; number reckoned. talent (tal'ent), n. among the an- cients, a weight, coin, or sum of ! money of varying value; mental ca- pacity ; eminent ability ; skill ; clev- erness ; gift. talented ('ent-ed), adj. endowed witk talents or eminent ability. talipes ('i-pez), n. club-foot. talipot ('i-pot), n. the gigantic fan- palm of Ceylon and India. Also taliput. talisman ('is-man), n. [p?. talismans (-manz)]. a magical figure cut in metal or stone supposed to possess magical virtues in averting evil, &c. ; something that produces an ex- traordinary effect. talismanic ('ik), adj. pertaining to, or having the properties of, a talis- man ; magical. talk (tawk), v.i. to utter words; speak familiarly ; converse ; prattle : v.t. to utter ; make a subject of con- versation : n. familiar converse ; col- loquy ; subject of discourse : rumor ; conference. talkative ('a-tiv), adj. addicted to much talking, talkatively (-li), adv. in a talkative manner. talkativeness (-nes), n. the quality of being talkative. talking ('ing), n. the act of convers- ing : adj. loquacious. tall (tawl), adj. high in stature; lofty ; extravagant. tallage, same as tallage. tallow (tal'o), n. the melted fat of oxen and sheep ; candle-grease : v.t. to grease or smear with tallow ; fat- ten. tally ('i), n. [pi. tallies ('iz)], a stick notched to match another stick, used for keeping accounts ; one thing made to match or suit another : v.t. to make to correspond : v.i. to be fitted ; match. tally-ho ( -ho ) , inter j. & n. the hunts- man's cry to incite his hounds ; a four-in-hand coach. tallyman (-man), n. [pi. tallymen (-men)], one who sells goods to be paid for by instalments. tally-skop (-shop), n. a shop where goods are sold on the tally-system. tally- system (-sis-tem), n. the prac- atp., lirm, psk, at. awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, ndrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. tal 791 tan tice of selling goods on credit to be paid for by instalments. talmi-gold ('mi-gold), n. Abyssinian gold ; cheap imitt^tion of gold. Talmud ('mud), n. the book which contains the whole body of the Jew- ish civil and canonical laws and tra- ditions, with the commentaries and speculations of the Rabbis, consist- ing of two parts, the Mishnah and Gemara. Talmudic ('ik), adj. pertaining to, >or in, the Talmud. Also Talmudi- cal, Talmudistic. Talmudist ('mud-ist), w. one learned in the Talmud. talon ('on), n. the claw of a bird of prey ; an ogee molding. talus (ta'lus), n. the ankle-bone; sloping part of a work ; sloping heap of broken rocks accumulated at the foot of a cliff. tamability (tam-a-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being tamable. Tamableness. tamable ('a-bl), adj. capable of be- ing tamed. tamale (ta-ma'le) , n. a kind of dump- ling, m-ade of minced chicken and corn-meal, seasoned with red pepper, wrapped in corn-husks, and boiled or cooked by steam. tamandua (ta-man'du-a), n. the small ant-eater of South America. tamarack (tam'a-rak), **. the Amer- ican black larch. tamarin ('a-rin), n. a South Amer- ican monkey with a squirrel-like tail. tamarind ('a-rind), n. a leguminous and lofty tropical tree, yielding long pods which contain a soft acid pulp. tamarisk ('a-risk), n. a tree or shrub of the genus Tamarix, with small pink or white flowers and feathery branches. tambac, same as tombac. tambour ('ber), n. a drum-like frame on which a kind of embroidery with threads of gold, silver, and silk are worked in the figures of flowers, &c. ; drum ; the naked part of cer- tain capitals of drum-like appear- ance ; enclosure of stockade work : v.t. to embroider with, or upon, a tambour. tambourine (-en'), n. a small hand- drum with little cymbals inserted in the hoop; a sprightly French stage dance. tame (tam), adj. domesticated; spir- itless ; insipid : v.t. to bring from a wild to a domesticated state ; subdue. tameless ('les), adj. wild; not capa- ble of being tamed. taminy ('i-ni), n. a kind of woolen or worsted cloth. tamp (tamp), v.t. to block up with clay or similar material the blast- hole in a rock to direct the course of the explosion ; drive in or down by repeated gentle strokes. tampan ('pan), n. a venomous South African tick. tamper ('per), v.i. to meddle so as to injure or alter anything ; use brib- ery ;^ try small experiments. tampion ('i-on), n. a stopper, espe- cially for the mouthpiece of a can- non. Also tompion. tam-taxa ('tam), same as tom-tom. tan (tan), n. the bark of the oak or other trees bruised and broken by a mill for tanning hides : adj. tan-col- ored : v.t. Ip.t. & p.p. tanned, p.pr, tanning], to convert (a hide) into leather by steeping it in an infusion of bark or tannin ; make brown by exposure to the sun ; beat : v.i. to become sunburnt. tandem ('dem), adv. with two horses or persons one before the other : n. a vehicle with two horses harnessed one before the other ; a bicycle or tricycle for two, one riding before the other. tang (tang), n. a strong taste or flavor ; something that leaves behind a taste peculiar to itself; that part of a knife, fork, tool, &c., which is inserted into the handle ; sound or tone : v.i. to make a ringing sound. ' tangency ('jen-si), n. a contact or touching. tangent ('jent), adj. touching: n. a straight line that meets or touches a circle or curve, but when produced, does not cut it. tangential (-jen'shal), adj. pertain^ ing to, or in the direction of, a tan- gent. tangentially (-li), adv. in the direc- tion of a tangent. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, ffcen. tan 792 tar tangerine (-jer-en'), n. a small or- ange. tanghin (tang'gin), n. a Madagascar tree, from the seeds of which a pow- erful poison is obtained ; the ordeal- tree. tangibility (tan-ji-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being tangible. Also tangibleness. tangible ('ji-bl), adj. perceptible to the touch ; capable of being pos- sessed or realized ; evident ; real. tangle (tang'gl), v.t. to interweave so as to render difficult to unrave.l ; im- plicate ; embarrass. tango ( tang^o ) , n. one of a score or more of modern dances, in syncopated time and one-step motion; differing in the variety of positions, many of which are held to be immodest; all placed under a ban by the National Association of Masters of Dancing. tangram (tan'gram), n. a Chinese toy for forming combinations of fig- ures by small squares. tank (tangk), n. a large cistern or reservoir for storing water or other liquid. tankard ('erd), n. a drinking vessel with a lid. tannate (tan'at), n. a salt of tannic acid. tanner ('er), n. one who tans hides. tannery (-i), n. IpL tanneries (-iz)], a place where hides are tanned ; process of tanning. tannic ('ik), adj. pertaining to, or obtained from, bark. tannic acid (as'id), n. an astringent principle in oak-bark, and gall-nuts. Also tannin. tanning ('ing), n. the process of con- verting hides into leather. tansy ('zi), n. a bitter aromatic plant with small yellow flowers. tantalization (-tal-i-za'shun), n. the act of tantalizing ; state of being tantalized. tantalize ('tal-iz), v.t. to tease or torment by exciting hopes or fears which will not be realized ; provoke : from the classic fable of Tantalus. tantalizing (-ing), adj,^ teasing or tormenting. tantamonnt (-ta-mount), adj. equiv- alent in value or signification tantivy (-tiv'i), n. a gallop: adv, swiftly. tantrum ('trum), n, a sudden out- burst of temper or passion. tap (tap), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. tapped, p.pr. tapping], lo strike or touch lightly; broach (a vessel) to let out a fluid ; put a new sole or heel on ; find a new outlet for ; bore into : n. a gentle blow, or touch ; pat ; place where liquor is drawn and retailed ; pipe through which liquor is drawn from a cask. tape (tap), n. a narrow band of linen or cotton cloth. taper (ta'per), n. small wax candle; small light : adj. growing smaller or regularly narrowed towards the point, or from the bottom to the top : v.i. to become gradually more slender : v.t. to narrow to a point. tapering (-ing), adj. gradually di- minishing towards a point. tapestry (tap'es-tri), n. a textile fabric of wool or silk ornamented with a raised design, figures, &c., used for hangings : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. tapestried, p.jjr. tapestrying], to hang, or adorn with, tapestry. tapestry carpet (kar'pet), n. a kind of carpet somewhat resembling Brussels. tapeti ('et-i), n. a South American hare. tapeworm (tap'werm), n. a flat rib- bon-like intestinal worm (Taenia solium). tapioca (tap-i-o'ka) , n. a farinaceous food obtained from the root of the cassava. tapir (ta'per), n. a South Americau quadruped allied to the hog, tapis (ta-pe'), n. a carpet [French]. tappet (tap'et), n. a small lever or projection for changing or regulat- ing motion. tapping ('ing), n. a tap; act of tap- ping ; a surgical operation for the relief of dropsy. taproot ('root), n. the main root of a plant. tapster ('ster), 7i. one whose business is to draw liquor from a cask. tar ( tar ) , w. a thick, dark-brown, oily, viscous substance obtained by distil- lation from pine, or fir trees, coal. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n5rth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. tar 793 tas &c. ; a sailor : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. tarred. p.pr. tarring], to smear with, or as with, tar. tarantass (tar-an-tas'), n. a larf? four-wheeled Russian springless car- riage. tarantella (-an-tel'a), n. a wild, rapid Neapolitan dance; music for such a dance. tarantula ('tu-la), n. a large spider whose bite was formerly supposed to produce an irresistible mania for dancing. taraxacin (-aks'a-sin), n. the bitter crystalline principle of the root of the dandelion. tarboosh (tar-boosh'), n. a kind of red fez with a blue tassel worn by Orientals. tardily ('di-li), adv. slowly. tardiness ('di-nes), n. slowness of pace or motion ; reluctance. tardy ('di), adj. [comp. tardier, su- perl, tardiest], moving with a slow pace or motion ; dilatory ; reluctant ; late. tare (tar), n. darnel; weight of the cask, package, &c., which contains the commodity which is weighed with it and for which an allowance is made. target (tar'get), n. a small shield; butt or mark set up for rifle and ar- tillery practice. tariff (tar 'if), n. a schedule or table of dutiable goods, specifying the cus- toms rates, &c., to be paid or al- lowed on articles exported or im- ported ; a duty levied according to such a schedule : v.t. to fix a duty on. tarlatan (tar'la-tan), n. a thin, tran- sparent dress-muslin. tarn (tarn), n. a smdll mountain lake ; marsh. -tarnish (tar'nish), v.t. to diminish the luster of ; sully : v.i. to lose lus- ter ; become dull. taro Co), n. a plant of the Arum kind, the roots of which are used for food by the South Sea Islanders. tarpaulin (-paw'lin), ^. stout water- proof canvas. tarry (tar'i), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. tarried, p.pr. tarrying], to stay behind; de- lay ; linger. tarsal (tar'sal), adj. pertaining to the tarsus. tarsia ('si-a), n. a kind of mediaeval Italian wood inlaying. tarsus ('sus), n. [pi. tarsi ('si)], the instep, consisting of several bones : pi. the connective cartilages of the eyelids; foot of an insect or crus- tacean. tart (tart), adj. sharp to the taste; acid ; severe ; keen : n. small open pie. tartan (tar 'tan), n. woolen cloth, checkered with various colors ; small Mediterranean coasting vessel : adj. made from, or like, tartan. tartar ('tar), n. the white earthy substance deposited on the teeth, &c. Tartar, n. an inhabitant of Tartary (also Tatar) ; a person of keen, ir- ritable temper. Tartarean (-ta-re-an), adj. pertain- ing to Tartarus or Hell ; infernal. tartar emetic (e-met'ik), adj. anti- mony combined with potassium and tartaric acid. tartaric acid (-tar'ik as'id), n. an acid found in the juice of grapes,, berries, &c. Tartarus ('ta-rus), n. the deep and sunless abyss of the infernal re- gions ; Hades. tasimeter (ta-sim'e-ter), n. an elec- trical instrument for measuring minute variations in temperature^ moisture, motion, &c. task (task), n. business or study im- posed by another : usually a definite amount ; lesson to be learned ; duty ; burdensome employment : v.t. to im- pose a task upon ; burden. tassel ('1), n. sl pendent ornament of silk, wool, &c. ; a male goshawk ; pendent flower or head of certain plants, as maize. tasseled ('Id), p. adj. adorned with tassels. tasset (tas'et), n. armor protecting the front of the thigh. tastable (tast'a-bl), adj. savory. taste (tast), v.t. to perceive by the tongue and palate ; obtain pleasure from ; test by eating or sipping a lit- tle ; participate in ; experience : v.i. to try by the palate ; have a flavor ; enjoy moderately : n. the sensation ate., arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, nQrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. -tas 794 taa produced on the tongue and palate by something taken into the mouth ; quality or flavor ; relish ; trial ; ex- periment ; intellectual relish or dis- cernment of the sublime or beauti- ful ; choice of pleasures, pursuits, &c. ; a sample. tasteful ( 'fool ) , adj. savory ; charac- terized by, or showing, good taste. tastefully (-li), adv, in a tasteful manner. tastily Ci-li), adv. with good taste. tasty ( 'i ) , adj. showing taste ; savory. tat (tat), n. coarse cloth made from jute; pony [East Indian]. tatt (tat), v.t. to make by tatting. tatter ('er), n. a loose hanging rag: pi. rags : v.t. to make ragged ; rend. tatter dexualiou (-ter-de-mal'yun) , n. a ragged fellow. tattie ('i), n. a split bamboo door or window screen, over which water is made to trickle to cool the air [East Indian]. Also tatty. tatting ('ing), n. a kind of narrow lace for edging, made with a small hand-shuttle ; art of making such kind of lace. tattle ( '1 ) , v.i. to talk idly or trifling- ly ; prate ; tell tales or secrets : n. trifling or idle talk. tattoo (-too'), n. a beat of drum, es- pecially for warning soldiers to re- tire to their quarters ; marks or fig- ures made by puncturing the skin with a needle and rubbing a stain or dye into the wounds : v.t. ip.t. & p.p. tattooed, p.pr. tattooing], to mark permanently (the skin) by punctur- ing it and staining the wounds. tattooing ('ing), n. the operation or practice of tattooing the body. tau (taw), n. a cross resembling the Greek letter T (tau). taught, p.t. & p.p. of teach. taunt (tiint or tawnt), adj. lofty: n. I bitter or sarcastic reproach ; scoff ; insulting invective : v.t. to reproach with bitter, sarcastic, or insulting language; revile. tauriform. (taw'ri-fCrm), adj. having the form of a bull. taut (tawt), adj. tight; stretched; snug; secure. tautog (taw-tog'), n. a North Amer- ican edible fish. tautological (-to-loj'ik-al), adj. of the nature of tautology. tautologically (-li), adv. in a tau- tological manner. tautology (-tol'o-ji), n. repetition of the same thing or idea in different words ; sameness of words or of meaning. tavern (tav'ern), n. an inn or public- house ; a hotel. taw (taw), v.t. to dress (skins) to make them into leather : n. a game at marbles ; a marble to be played with. tawdrily ('dri-li), adv. gaudily. tawdriness ('dri-nes), n. the state or quality of being tawdry. tawdry ('dri), adj. showy or fiine without elegance ; gaudily dressed. tawniness ('ni-nes), n. the state or quality of being tawnyr tawny ('ni), adj. of a yellowish- brown color. taws (tawz), n.pl. a leathern strap with one end cut into fringes, used as an instrument of punishment [Scotch], Also tawse. tax (taks), n. a rate or duty on income or property ; excise ; impost ; bur- densome or oppressive duty : v.t. to impose a rate or duty upon for state or municipal purposes ; burden or oppress ; accuse. taxability (-a-bil'i-ti), n. the state of being taxable, taxable ('a-bl), adj. subject or liable to taxation. taxation (a'shun), n. the act of tax- ing ; rate or tax imposed : system of raising revenues. taxicab (taks'i-kab), n. an automo- bile for rent, that records the time and length of trip. taxidermist ('i-der-mist), n. one who is skilled in taxidermy. taxidermy ('i-der-mi), n. the art of stufiing and arranging specimens of natural history. taximeter (-me'ter), n. the record- ing device used in a taxicab. taxonomy (-on'o-mi), n. that df^part- ment of natural history which treats of the laws and principles of classi- fication. tazza (tat'sa), n. an ornamental cup ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. tea 795 tel or vase with a large shallow bowl, a foot, and sometimes handles. tea (te), n. the prepared leaves of the tea plant (Thea Sinensis) ; the bev- erage obtained by the infusion of the dried leaves ; afternoon repast at which tea is served ; an infusion of other substances, as beef : v.i. to take tea. teach (tech), v.t. [p.t, & p.p. taught, p.pr. teaching], to impart knowledge to ; instruct ; inform ; cause to learn or acquire skill in : v.i. to give in- struction. teaching ('ing), n. instruction. teak (tek), n. ,a very hard durable timber obtained from an Indian tree. teal (tel), n. a species of small, wild, fresh-water duck. team (tem), n. two or more horses, &c., harnessed to the same vehicle for drawing ; litter ; brood ; number of persons associated together to form a side in a game, or to perform a certain piece of work. teamster ('ster), n. the driver of a team. tear (ter), n. a small drop of the watery fluid secreted by the lachry- mal gland of the eye ; anything tear- like, or shaped like a tear ; a rent (tar) : v.t. (tar) [p.t. tore, p.p. torn, p.pr. tearing], to separate by violence ; rend ; disrupt ; lacerate : v.i. to be rent ; rave or rant. tearful (ter'f ool ) , adj. shedding tears. tease (tez), v.t. to comb or unravel, as wool or flax; separate the fibers of; irritate or annoy; vex by petty requests or raillery : n. one who teases. teasel ('1), n, a biennial plant, with hooked burrs, which are used for raising the nap of woolen cloth. Also teazel. teat (tet), n. the nipple of the female breast ; mammilla. techily (tech'i-li), adv. in a techy manner. techiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being techy. technic (tek'nik), adj. pertaining to the mechanical arts : relating to art, science, or to a particular profes- sion. Also technical : n.pl. those branches of learning which relate to the arts ; doctrine of arts in general. technique (-nek'), n. artistic execu- tion. technological (-no-loj'i-kal), adj, pertaining to technology. technologist (-nol'Q-jist), n. one skilled in technology. technology ('o-ji), n. the science of the industrial arts. techy (tech'i), adj. peevish; irritable. tectonics (tek-ton'iks), n. the science or art of construction. ted (ted), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. tedded, p.pr. tedding], to turn or spread for drying, as new-mown hay. Te Deum (te de'um), n. an ancient hymn of the Christian Church sung at matins and on occasions of thanks- giving : said to have been composed by Hilary, Bishop of Aries. tedious (te'di-us), adj. wearisome by continuance or repetition ; tire- some. tedium ('di-um), n. wearisomeness. tee (te), n. the mark aimed at in quoits and curling ; nodule of earth from which the ball is struck at golf ; umbrella-shaped finial of a Buddhist tope ; short piece of con- nective pipe. teem (tem), v.i. to be prolific; be full; be stocked to overflowing. teeming ('ing), p.adj. prolific. teen (ten), n. sorrow: pi. years of one's age ending in teen. teeth, pi. of tooth. teething (teth'ing) , n. dentition. teetotal (te-to'tul), adj. pertaining to teetotalers or teetotalism. teetotaler (-er), n. a total abstainer, teetotalism (-izm), n. entire absti- nence from intoxicating liquors. teetotum (-to'tum), n. a child's toy used in games of chance ; a kind of refreshment house for the working classes. tegmen (teg'men), n. [pi. tegmina ('mi-na)], a covering; inner layer of the coating of a seed : pi. scaly coat of the leaf-buds of trees. tegument ('ti-ment), n. natural cov- ering or envelope ; skin. tehee (te-he'), n. a titter: v.i. to tit- ter. teil (tel), n. the linden. teinoscope (ti'no-skop), n. a prism ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book ; hue. hut ; think, then. tel 796 teiu telescope for the correction of the chromatic aberration of light. telaiaon (tera-mon), n. [pi. tela- mones (-mo'nez)], a figure of a man, usually colossal, used as a col- umn or pilaster. telautograph, (tel-aw'to-graf), n. a telegraphic instrument for repro- ducing writings or drawings at a distance. teledu ('e-do6) , n. the stinking badger of Java and Sumatra. telegram ('e-gram), n. a telegraphic communication. telegraph ('e-graf), n. an instrument or apparatus for communicating in- telligence rapidly between certain points, especially by means of elec- tricity : vJ. to convey by telegraph ; signal : v.i. to send a telegraphic message. telegrapher (te-leg'ra-fer), n. one who sends telegraphic messages ; te- legraphist. telegraphic (tel-e-graf'ik), adj. per- taining to, done by means of, or communicated by, telegraph. telegraphically (-al-i), adv. by tel- egraph. telegraphist (te-leg'ra-fist), n. one skilled in telegraphy. telegraph-plant (-plant), n. a leguminous East Indian plant, the leaves of which have a jerky move- ment. telegraphy ('ra-fi), n. the science or art of constructing and working tel- egraphs. teleology (tel-e-ol'o-ji), n. the doc- trine of the final causes of things, telepathy (te-lep'a-thi), n. the trans- ference of thought from one person to another by the exercise of the will. telephone (tere-fon), n. an instru- ment for transmitting sound to a distance by means of electricity : v.t. & v.i. to communicate by telephone. telephonic (-fon'ik), adj. pertaining to, or conveyed by means of, the telephone. telephonist (te-lef-5-nist), n. one who is skilled in, or operates, a tel- ephone. telephony (te-lef'o-ni), n. the sci- ence or art of transmitting sounds at a distance. telescope (tel'e-skop), n. an optical instrument for viewing objects at a distance : v.t. to drive into one an- other, as railway carriages in col- lision. telescopic (-skop'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, visible by, or like, a tele- scope. Also telescopical. telescopically (-al-i), adv. by means of a telescope. telescopist ('e-sko-pist), n. one who is skilled in using the telescope. telescopy ('e-sko-pi), n. the art or science of using or constructing a telescope. telic (tel'ik), adj. noting the final end or purpose. tell (tel), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. told, p.pr. telling], to express or make known by words ; narrate ; enumerate ; ex- plain ; communicate ; confess : v.i. to give an account ; report ; play the informer ; act effectively. teller ('er), n. one who tells, nar- rates, or communicates ; a bank clerk whose duty is to receive and pay money over the counter ; one of two members of a legislative body who count votes on a division for each party. telling ('ing), n. the act of relating! adj. effective. telltale ('tal), adj. telling tales: n. a person who officiously or mali- ciously divulges the private con- cerns of others ; an automatic de- vice for counting or indicating. telluric (tel-u'rik), adj. pertaining to, or derived from, the earth or the metal tellurium. tellurium ('ri-um), n. a rare ele- ment usually found associated with other metals. telotype (tel'o-tlp), n. an electric telegraph that prints the message. telpherage ('fer-aj), n. a system of automatic haulage by electricity. temerity (te-mer'i-ti) , n. foolhardi- ness ; rashness ; precipitancy. temper (tem'per), v.t. to modify or regulate ; qualify ; assuage ; calm ; bring to a due proportion ; bring to a proper degree of elasticity or hard- ness : n. due proportion of different ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. Copvriglit, Underwood & Underwood. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. First Wireless School in the United States opened in New York. teiii 797 ieA qualities or ingredients ; state of a metal as to its hardness or elastic- ity ; mental disposition ; equanimity ; mood; natural inclinations; heat of mind or passion ; irritation. jtemperaiuent ('per-a-ment), n, nat- ural constitution or organization ; due mixture of opposite or different qualities. temperance ('per-ans), w. modera- tion, especially in respect to the ap- petites or passions ; patience ; so- briety ; total abstinence. temperate ('per-at), adj. moderate; not characterized by passion or in- dulgence of the appetites ; abstemi- ous ; calm ; not liable to excess of heat or cold. temperately (-li), adv. moderately. temperateness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being temperate. temperature ('per-a-tur), n. state of a body with respect to sensible heat ; degree of any quality. {tempered ('perd), adj. constitution- ally disposed; hardened. tempest ('pest), n. wind rushing with great violence, usually accompanied by rain, hail, &c. ; hurricane ; tu- mult. tempestuous (-pes'tii-us), adj. very stormy; pertaining to, or like, a tempest; violent. Templar ('pier), n. one of. a relig- ious and military order, especially in the 12th century. template ('plat), n. a mold or pat- tern used by masons, bricklayers, &c., in cutting or setting out their work. Also templet. temple ('pi), n. an edifice for the worship of a deity or deities ; resi- dence of a divinity ; place of public worship ; the flat part of either side of the head above the cheek-bones. temporal ('po-ral), adj. pertaining to time ; secular ; measured or re- stricted by time; civil or political. temporarily ('po-r^-ri-li), adv. for a time. temporariness (-nes), n. the state of being temporary. temporary (-ri), adj. existing or continuing for a limited time or some special purpose. temporize ('po-riz), v.i. to comply with the times ; yield to current opinion ; parley ; delay. tempt (tempt), v.t. to put to trial; test ; persuade to evil ; defy ; allure ; entice. tem.ptation (temp-ta'shun), n. the state of being tempted ; enticement, especially to evil. tempter (temp'ter), n. one who tempts; the Devil (with the). Fern. temptress. tempting ('ting), adj. alluring; se- ductive. ten (ten), adj. one more than 9; twice 5 : n. the sum of 5 and 5 ; ten units. tenability (-a-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being tenable. Also tenableness. tenable ('a-bl), adj. capable of be- ing held,_ maintained, or defended. tenace ('as), n. in whist, the holding by the fourth hand of the best and third best of the suit led. tenacious (te-na'shus), adj. holding fast or firmly ; cohesive ; tough ; ob- stinate. tenacity (-nas'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being tenacious ; cohesive- ness ; adhesiveness. tenancy (ten'an-si), n. [pi. tenan- cies (-siz)], the holding of land or tenements on certain conditions and for a specified time; tenure. tenant ('ant), n. one who holds lands or tenements on certain con- ditions and for a specified time ; oc- cupant : v.t. to hold as a tenant. tenantry (-ri), n. tenants collec- tively. tench, (tench), n. a fresh-water fish of the carp kind. tend (tend), v.t. to care for; attend; watch over or protect ; accompany ; swing at the turn of the tide: said of a vessel : v.i. to move in a par- ticular direction ; be directed to any end or purpose ; contribute. tendency (ten'den-si), n. inclina- tion ; aim ; direction or course. tender ('der), adj. easily impressed or injured ; sensitive ; soft ; not hard ; weak and feeble ; easily in- fluenced by love, pity, &c. ; com- passionate ; pathetic ; gentle ; care- ful : n. a vehicle attached to a loco- I ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ten 798 iep motive containing coal and water ; smaller vessel attending a larger one; an offer or proposal for ac- ceptance ; offer of a sum due in money under specified legal condi- tions : v.t. to offer for acceptance : v.i. to make an offer to do certain work or supply certain goods for a specified price. tenderfoot ('der-foot), n. one who is new to life in a mining region or frontier district. tenderling (-ling), n. one of the first horns of a deer ; one made tender by excessive care or affection. tendei'ness (-nes), n. kindness; be- nevolence ; sensibility ; pathos ; cau- tion ; soreness. tending (tend'ing), n. the act of at- tending ; the swinging round of a vessel upon her anchor. tendinous (ten'din-us), adj. per- taining to a tendon ; sinewy. tendon ('dun), n. the hard bundle of fibers which connects the muscles to the bones. tendril ('dril), n. the slender, twin- ing part of a plant which attaches itself to a supporting body. tenement ('e-ment), n. a house, shop, land, &c., held by a tenant ; dwelling house ; suite of rooms ; any kind of permanent property, as land, rents, &c. tenet ('et), n. a doctrine, dogma, opinion, or belief held or maintained as true. tenfold ('faid), adj. & adv. ten times as much or as many. tennis ('is), n. a game played with rackets. tenon ('un), n. the end of a timber cut wedge-shaped for fitting into a mortise in another timber : v.t. to form tenons in. tenor ( 'er ) , n. manner of continuity ; general tendency or drift ; purport or substance ; exact copy of a writ- ing ; the highest of adult male voices between bass and alto : adj. pertain- ing to, or adapted for, tenor. tenor-clef (-kief), n. the O clef, when placed on the third line of the staff. tense (tens), adj. drawn tightly: rigid ; not lax : n. a modification in the inflection of a verb, expressing time of action. tensely ('li), adv. with tension. tenseness ('nes), n. the state or quality of being tense. Also ten- sility. tensile (ten'sil), adj. ductile. tension ('shun), w. the act of stretch- ing or straining ; the state of being stretched ; mental strain ; strong ex- citement of feeling; expansive or elastic force. tensor ('ser), n, a muscle that stretches. tent (tent), n. a temporary shelter or habitation, usually of canvas, sup- ported by poles and ropes ; Recha- bite lodge ; plug or roll of lint for dilating a wound, &c. ; a variety of sacramental wine. tentacle (ten'ta-kl), n. a process or organ in certain invertebrate ani- mals used for feeling, prehension, or locomotion. tentacular (-tak'u-lar), adj. pertain- ing to tentacles, tentaculum (-tak'u-lum), w. [pi. ten- tacula (-la)], a tentacle. tentative ('ta-tiv), adj. experimen- tal. tentatively (-li), adv, by experi- ment. tenter ('ter), n. a frame for stretch- ing cloth on by hooks ; a tenter- hook : v.t. to hang or stretch on tenters. tenter-book (-hook), n. a sharp, hooked nail; anything that painful- ly strains. tentli (tenth), adj. next in order af- ter the ninth ; the ordinal of ten. tenuity (te-nu'i-ti), n. thinness; rar- ity. tenuous (ten'u-us), adj. slender; not dense. tenure ('tir), n. conditions under which a tenement is held ; right or manner of holding real estate ; man- ner of holding; term of holding. tepef action (tep-e-fak'shun), n. the act of warming or making tepid. tepefy ('e-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. tepe- fied, p.pr. tepefying], to make tepid: v.i. to become tepid. tepid ('id), adj. moderately warm; lukewarm. fite, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, ndrth, not ; boon,, book ; hue, hut ; think, theJi, i«p 799 ter tepidity (te-pid'i-ti), n. moderate warmth. Also tepidness. ter, a prefix meaning three times. teraph (ter'af), n. {pi. teraphim ('a-fim)], a tutelary household god or image, consulted by the ancient Hebrews as an oracle. teratology (-a-toro-ji), n. that branch of biology which treats of malformations or deviations from the normal type of animal and plant structure. terce, same as tierce. tercel (ter'sel), n. the male of the falcon. Also tassel. tercentenary (-sen'ten-a-ri), adj. comprising 300 years : n. a day or function commemorating some event occurring 300 years before. ter cine ('sin), n. the outer coat of the ovule of a plant ; chorion. terebinth ('e-binth), n. the turpen- tine-tree. terebintMne (-bin'thin), adj. per- taining to, of the nature of, or like, turpentine. tergiversation (-jiv-er-sa'shun), n. evasion ; subterfuge. term (term), n. a limit or boundary; limited time ; subject or predicate of a proposition ; number of a com- pound mathematical quantity ; ex- pression ; condition or arrangement ; word or expression noting something peculiar to an art or science ; time during which the law courts are open ; time during which instruc- tion is given in universities, schools, &c. ; time when rent is paid [Scotch] : pi. conditions or stipula- tions : v.t. to name, designate, or ex- press. termagant (ter'ma-gant), adj. noisy and violent : n. a noisy, violent wom- an. terminal ('mi-nal), adj. pertaining to the end or extremity ; arranged according to the terminations : n. a limit or boundary ; end ; one of the ends of a conducting circuit of a dynamo, &c. terminate ('mi-nat), v.t. to limit or bound; end: v.i. to be limited or ended. termination (-nS'shun), n. the act of terminating ; a bound or limit ; end; conclusion or r^rsult; final syl- lable or letter. terminator ('mi-na-ter), n. one who, or that which, terruinates ; the di- viding line between the illuminated and non-illuminated part of the moon. terminology (-mi-nol'o-ji), n» the definition of technical terms. terminus ('mi-nus), fi. [pi. termini (-ni)], a limit or boundary; station at the end of a railway. termite ('mit), n. the white ant. tern (tern), n. an aquatic bird allied to the gull : adj. arranged in threes, ternary (ter'na-ri), adj. proceeding by, or consisting of, threes : n. the number 3. Terpsichorean (terp-si-ko-re'an), adj. pertaining to Terpsichore or to dancing. terra (ter 'a), n. the earth; earth. terrace ('as), n. a raised level space or platform of earth with sloping sides, usually laid with turf; flat roof on an oriental house ; large open balcony or gallery ; row of houses : v.t. to form into a terrace. terra cotta (kot'a), n. a composition of fine clay and sand used for stat- ues, «S:c., and hardened by heat ; a work of art executed in terra cotta. terra Japonica (ja-pon'i-ka), n. pale catechu or gambler. terrapin ('a-pin), n. a species of fresh-water tortoise, much esteemed for food. terraqueous (-a'kwe-us), adj. con- sisting of land and water._ terrestrial (-es'tri-al), adj. pertain- ing to, existing on, or consisting of, earth ; belonging to the present world ; not celestial. terrestrially (-i), adv. in a terres- , trial manner. terret Cet), n. one of the rings on a harness-pad through which the fe driving reins pass. terrible (ter'i-bl), adj. exciting or causing fear or awe ; dreadful ; ex- treme ; severe. terribleness (-nes), n. dreadfulness. terribly (-bli), adv. violently; dread- fully. terrier ('i-er), n. a breed of small dogs. fite, arm, isk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; booni book; hue, hut; think, then. ter 800 t«s terrify ('i-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. terri- fied, p.pr. terrifying], to frighten or alarm exceedingly. territorial (-i-to'ri-al), adj. pertain- ing to a territory ; limited to a par- ticular district. territorially (-li), adv. as regards territory. territory ('i~to-ri), n. [pi. territo- ries (-riz) ], the extent of land with- in the jurisdiction of a state, sov- ereign, city, &c. ; large tract of land. Territory, n. an undeveloped region, under a temporary government, that ultimately may become a State ; e. g. the United States, and Canadian Territories. terror ('er), n. extreme fear; fright; one who excites extreme fear. terrcrism (-izm), n. a system of government by terror ; intimidation. terrorist (-ist), n. one who governs by terror, especially an agent of the revolutionary tribunal during the Reign of Terror in France. terrorize (-iz), v.t. to intimidate or coerce by terror. terry ('i), n. a heavy corded pile fabric. terse (ters), adj. elegantly and forci- bly concise. tersely ('li), adv. in a terse manner. terseness ('nes), n. quality of being terse. tertian (ter'shan), adj. occurring, or recurring, every third day : n. an in- termittent fever the paroxysms of which recur every other day. tertiary ('shi-a-ri), adj. of the third order, rank, or formation. tessellate (tes'el-at), v.t. to lay with squares or checkered work. tessera ('e-ra), n. [pi. tesserae (-re)], a cube of marble, glass, &c., used in mosaic work. test (test), n. anything by which the nature of a substance is tried; ex- amination by a cupel ; standard ; discrimination ; proof : v.t. to put to the proof; compare with a stand- ard ; try ; refine in a cupel ; examine or try by means of a reagent. testa (tes'ta), n. [pi. testae ('te)], the outer integument or covering of a seed; shelly covering of certain animals. testaceous (-ta'shus), adj. consist- ing of, or having, a hard shell. testacy Cta-si), n. the state or fact of leaving a valid will. testament ('ta-ment), n. a solemn, authentic instrument in writing dis- posing of the estate of a person deceased ; will. Testament, n. one of the two great divisions of the Bible. testamentary (-men'ta-ri), adj. per- taining to, bequeathed by, or done by, a will. Also testamental. testate ('tat), adj. having left a will. testator (-ta'ter), n. one who makes and leaves a will. Fern, testatrix. tester ('ter), n. an old English coin, value 6d. ; a flat canopy ; one who tests. testes ('tez), n.pl. the testicles. testicle ('ti-kl), n. one of the two glands which secrete the seminal fluid in males. testify ('ti-fi), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. testi- fied, p.pr. testifying] , to bear wit- ness ; make a solemn declaration ; give evidence : v.t. affirm or declare solemnly on oath ; bear witness to. testily ('ti-li), adv. in a testy man- ner. testimonial (-ti-mo'ni-al), n. a writ- ing or certificate bearing testimony to character, proficiency, &c. ; a present given as a token of respect ; acknowledgment of services ren- dered, &c. : adj. pertaining to, or containing testimony. testimony (-ti-mo-ni), n. [pi. testi- monies (-niz)], evidence; proof; solemn declaration ; profession ; the two tables of the Law; divine reve- lation. testiness (test'i-nes), n. peevishness. testing ('ing), n. the operation of refining gold and silver ; assay ; proof; trial. testis (tes'tis), n. [pi. testes ('tez)], a testicle. testudinal (-tu'di-nal), adj. tortoise- like. testudinate ('di-nat), adj. arched like a tortoise's shell. testudo (-tu'do), n. [pi. testudines ('di-nez)], a protective covering used by the ancient Roman soldiers ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me. merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, ' book ; hue, hut ; think, then. SHELLS. 1, Spiny rock; 2 and 30, cockle; 3, pagoda; 4, zebra snail; 5, 10 and 32, pinna; 6, sea-scorpion; T, ia-spider; 8, 14, 22 and 29, cowrie; 9, olive; 11 and 27, tiger-striped and watered pecten; 12, bulls; 11^ 3 and 24, helix snails; 15 and 31, turreted and spiny monodonta; 16, trochos; 17, cassis; 18, cerithiumj i. pectunculus; 20, conus; 21, staircase; 25, strombus; 26, headless mollusk; 28, long-spined limpet. WILD FLOWERS. 1. Trailing arbutus; 2, marsh-marigold; 3, camomile; 4, larkspur; 5. columbine; 6, wild orchli 7. goldenn.d; 8. cowslip; 9, fringed gentian; 10. senna; 11. hepatica; 12, bloodroot; 13. chicory; i Tlolet; 15, cattail; 16, spring-beauty. tea 801 tlia in besieging a city, by overlapping their shields ; a screen to shelter miners in places likely to cave in ; an encysted tumor. testy (tes'ti), adj. [comp. testier, su- perl. testiest] , peevish ; morose ; irritable. t«tanus (tet'a-nus), n. lockjaw. tetchy, same as techy. tete-a-tete (tat-ii-tat'), **• private or confidential conversation ; a kind of settee. tete-de-pont (-de-p6ng'), n. [pi. tetes-de-pont], a work thrown up to defend the entrance of a bridge. tether (teth'er) , n. a rope for con- fining an animal within certain lim- its ; scope or freedom allowed : v.t. to confine, as an animal, within certain limits. tetra, a prefloB meaning four, as tetra- branchiate, adj. having four bran- chiae or gills. tetrachord (tet'ra-kord), n. half of the octave scale [Music] ; an in- strument with four strings. tetrad ('rad), n. the number 4; col- lection of four things ; tetravalent radical or element. tetragon ('ra-gon), n. a plane figure with four sides and four angles. Tetragrammatoii (-gram'a-ton), n. the mystic number 4 symbolical among the ancient Jews of the Deity. tetrahedral (-he'dral), adj. four- sided. tetrahedron (-he'dron), n. a solid figure bounded by four triangles. tetrameter (te-tram'e-ter), n. a verse or line consisting of four measures. tetrapod (tet'ra-pod), n. a four- footed insect. tetrarch (te'trark), n. a Roman gov- ernor whose jurisdiction extended over the fourth part of a province ; petty prince. tetrarchate (-at), n. the office or jurisdiction of a tetrarch. Also tetrarchy. tetrastyle (tet'ra-stil), n. a building or portico with four columns in front. tetter ('er), n. a cutaneous disease characterized by itching and red- ness ; herpes. Teuton (tti'ton), n. one of the Ger- man race. Teutonic ('ik), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, the Teutons or the Teutonic languages, Low German, Scandinavian, and High German. Teutonism ('on-izm), n. a German- ism. texas (teks'as), n. the pilot-house, &c., on the hurricane deck of a steamer. ,' text (tekst), n. that on which a com- \ ment is written ; original words of an author ; verse, &c., of Scripture forming the subject of a sermon ; topic ; theme for composition, argu- ment, &c. ; text-hand. text-book ('book), n. a standard book of instruction. text-hand ('hand), n. a large hand in writing. textile (teks'til), adj. pertaining to, or formed by, weaving ; capable of being woven. textual ('tu-al), adj. pertaining to, contained in, or serving for, a text. texture ('tiir), n. manner of weav- ing ; web ; disposition of the several parts of a body in connection with each other ; filaments or fibers inter- woven ; tissue. thalamus (thal'a-mus), n. the place where a nerve originates or is sup- posed to originate; receptacle of a flower. thalassic (tha-las'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, or formed in, the sea. thalassography (thal-as-og'ra-fi), n. the science of marine organisms. thaler (ta'ler), n, a German silver coin, value about 72 cents. thallium (thal'i-um), n. a rare me- tallic element. than (*7ian), conj. used after the comparative degree of adjectives/ and adverbs expressing diversity or; comparison. * thanage (than'aj), n. the district or jurisdiction of a thane. thanatoid (than'a-toid), adj. death- like. thanatolog:y (-^.-tol'o-ji), n. a trea- tise on, or the doctrine of, death. thane (than), n. a title of honor or dignity among the Anglo-Saxons, ate, arm, &sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, fh&a.. tHa 802 the held by persons having large terri- torial possessions, thaneship ('ship), n. the dignity, state, or property of a thane. thank (thangk), v.t. to express grati- tude or obligation to. thankful ('fool), adj. grateful. thankfully (-li), adv. gratefully. thankless ('les), adj. ungrateful; not obtaining or deserving thanks. thanks (thangks), n.pl. an expres- sion of gratitude or obligation. thanksgiving (thangks-giv'ing), n. the act of expressing gratitude for favors and mercies ; a public cele- bration of divine goodness ; a day so set apart. Thanksgiving Day (da), n. a day set apart annually, usually the last Thursday in November, for thanks- giving to God for national mercies. that (thsit), pron. & adj. [pi. those (thoz)], not this but the other: conj. because ; since. thatch (thach), n. straw, reeds, &c., used for covering the roofs of cot- tages, stacks, &c. : v.t. to cover with, or as with, tha-^ch. thaumatrope (thaw'ma-trop), n. an optical toy for showing 'the per- sistence of an impression on the eye after the luminous object is with- drawn. thaumaturgic (-ter'jik), adj. per- taining to, or done by, thaumatur- gy : n. legerdemain ; magical feats. thaumaturgy ('ma-ter-ji), n. the act of performing miracles ; legerde- main ; magic. thaw (thaw)', v.i. to melt or become liquid, as ice or snow ; become milder or more genial : v.t. to dissolve : n. the melting of ice or snow by rise of temperature. thea (the'a), n. the tea plant. theater, theatre ('a-ter), n. a pub- lic building where dramatic repre- sentations are given ; large room arranged for lectures, anatomical demonstrations, &c. ; scene or sphere of action. theatrical (-at'ri-kal), adj. pertain- ing to, or adapted for, a theater, or scenic representations ; resembling the manner of actors ; histrionic. pompous : n.pl. dramatic perform- ances. theatrically (-li), adv. in a manner adapted for the stage. theatrophone ('ro-fon), n. an auto- matic telephone connected with a theater by which a person may hear a dramatic performance while seat- ed at home. thebaine ('b^-in), n. a poisonous alkaloid found in opium. Also the- bin. Theban ('ban), adj. pertaining to Thebes, or to its inhabitants. Theban Year (yer), n. the ancient Egyptian year consisting of 365 days, 6 hours. theca ('ka), n. a sheath; seed-case of a fern. thee (the), pron. objective case of thou. theft (theft), n. the act of stealing; robbery. theine (the'in), n. the bitter and vol- atile principle of tea, identical with caffeine in coffee. theirs (tharz), pron.pl. possessive case of they. theism (the'izm), n. the belief in the existence of a God : opposed to atheism. theist ('ist), n. one who believes in the existence of a God : opposed to atheist. theistic ('ik), adj. pertaining to the- ism or theists. Also theistical. them (them), pron. the objective case of they. theme (them), n. the subject or topic of a discourse or dissertation ; short essay on a given subject ; radical of a noun or verb ; series of notes se- lected as the subject of a new com- position [Music]. then (tlien), conj. in consequence; therefore ; in that case : adv. next ; at that or another time ; imme- diately. thence (thens), adv. from that place or time. theobromine (the'o-bro'min), n. an alkaloid contained in cacao-beans. theocracy (-ok'ra-si), n. the govern- ment of a state by the immediate direction of God ; the state thus gov- erned. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. the 803 the theocrasy ('ra-si), n. a mixture of the worship of different deities, as of God and idols ; the intimate union of the soul with God in con- templation. theocrat ('o-krat), n. one living un- der a theocracy. theocratic (-krat'ik), adj. pertain- ing to a theocracy ; administered by the immediate direction of God. theodicy (-od'i-si), n. a vindication of the dealings of divine Providence, and the freedom of the human will. theodolite (-od'o-lit), n. an instru- ment for measuring horizontal and vertical angles and ascertaining dis- tances and heights. theodolitic (-lit'ik), adj. pertaining to, or ascertained by means of, the theodolite. theogony (-og'o-ni), n. that branch of mythology which treats of the origin or genealogy of ancient dei- ties ; a poem treating of such gene- alogies. theologian (-o-l6'ji-an), n. one versed in theology ; professor of di- vinity; a divine. theological (-loj'i-kal), adj. pertain- ing to theology. theology (-ol'o-ji ),"?*. [pi. theologies (-jiz)], the science that treats of the existence, nature, and attributes of God, especially of man's relations to God ; divinity. theophamy (-of'a-ni), n. a manifesta- tion of God to man by actual ex- perience. theorbo (-6r'bo), n. a kind of large lute with two necks. theorem ('o-rem), n. a proposition to be proved. theoretical (-6-ret'i-kal), adj. per- taining to, or depending on, theory ; not practical ; speculative. Also theoretic. theoretically (-li), adv. in or by theory. theoretics ('iks), n.pl. the specula- tive part of a science. theorist ('o-rist), n. one who theo- rizes; speculatist. theorize ('o-riz), v/.i. to form a the- ory or theories ; speculate. theory ('o-ri), n. [pi. theories (-riz) ], an exposition of the abstract prin- ciples of a science or art considered apart from practice ; hypothesis ; philosophical explanation of moral or physical phenomena. theosophic (-o-sof'ik), adj. pertain- ing to theosophy or theosophists. Also theosophical. theosophism (-os'o-fizm), n. preten- sion to divine wisdom or illumina- tion. theosophist ('o-fist), n. a believer in theosophy. Also theosoph. theosophy ('o-fi), n. a system of philosophy which professes to inves- tigate the unexplained laws of na- ture, the powers of man over nature, and the direct knowledge of God at- tained by extraordinary illumina- tion. therapeutic (ther-a-pu'tik), adj. curative : n.pl. the art or science of curing diseases. there {thav) , adv. in that place; at that point or stage. therefore (tJiar' or ther'tor), adv. & conj. for that or this reason ; for that reason or purpose. therm, a prefix meaning heat. Also thermo. thermae (ther'me), n.pl. hot springs or baths. thermal ('mal), adj. pertaining to heat : warm. thermetrograph (-met'ro-graf), n. a self-registering thermometer. Also thermometrograph. thermometer (-mom'e-ter), n. an in- strument for measuring the degree of heat or temperature of bodies. thermometric (-mo-met'rik), adj. pertaining to, made, or ascertained by, a thermometer. Also thermo- metrical. thermometrically (-al-i), adv. by means of a thermometer. thermopile ('mo-pil), n. an instru- ment for indicating slight variations of temperature. thermoscope ('mo-skop), n. an in- strument indicating relative differ- ences in temperature. thermostat ('mo-stat), n. an auto- matic apparatus for regulating tem- perature. therm.otic (-mot'ik), adj. pertaining Ste, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; bo6n, book; hue, hut; think, thf^n. the 804 thi to, or produced by, heat : n.pl. the science of heat. thermotropism ('ro-pizm), n. the phenomena exhibited by some plants of turning towards the sun or source of heat. thesaurus (the-saw'rus), n. a store- house or treasury ; lexicon or di':- tionary. these, pi. of this. thesis (the'sis), n. [pi. theses ('sez)], an essay or dissertation on some particular subject ; subject set a Student on which to write prior to granting him a degree ; the exercise itself ; in logic, an affirmation. Thespian ('pi-an), adj. pertaining to Thespis, the founder of Greek drama : hence dramatic. theta (the'ta), n. the Greek tJi ((9), theurgic (-er'jik), adj. pertaining to theurgy or supernatural magic. the-ws (thuz), n.pl. muscles; strength. they, pi. of he, she, or it. thick ( thik ) , adj. not thin ; compact ; dense ; not clear or transparent ; misty ; muddy ; indistinct ; dull ; very intimate ; closely set ; crowded ; following in quick succession : adv. closely ; indistinctly : to a great depth ; fast : n. the thickest part. thicken ('n), v.t. to make thick or thicker ; render dense ; inspissate ; make dark or obscure : v.i. become thick or thicker. thickening ('en-ing), n. something added to a liquid mass to make it thicker. thicket Cet) , n. a close wood or clus- ter of trees. thickset ('set), adj. closely planted; having a thick body : n. a close, thick hedge. thief (thef),M. [pL thieves (thevz)], one who takes unlawfully what is not his own. thieve (thev), v.t. & v.i. to steal. thievish ('ish), adj. addicted to theft; dishonest; obtained by steal- ing. thigh (thi), n. the thick muscular part of the leg between the knee and the trunk. thill (thil), n, the shaft of a cart or other vehicle ; floor of a coal mine. thiller ('er), n. the shaft horse. thimhle (thim'bl), n. a cup-shaped metallic protective cover for the fin- ger in sewing ; anything like a thim- ble ; an iron ring belonging to a sail^ fitted to receive a rope. thimble-rig (-rig), n. a sleight-of- hand trick in which a pea is pre- tended to be hidden under one of three thimbles : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. -rigged, p.pr. -rigging], to cheat by means of the thimble-rig trick. thin (thin), adj. [conip. thinner, su- perl. thinnest], having little thick- ness ; slim ; slender ; not dense or thick ; not close or crowded ; poor ; slight ; meager ; not full or well grown : adv. not thickly : v.t. to make thin ; attenuate : v.i. to grow thin. thine (thin), pron. & adj. belonging to, relating to, or being the property of, thee. thing (thing), n. whatever is dis- tinct, or conceived to be distinct, from one's self or other intelligent beings ; inanimate matter ; part or portion ; an object of pity and con- tempt : pi. clothes ; furniture ; lug- gage, &c. think (thingk), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. thought, p.pr. thinking], to have the mind occupied on some subject ; form an opinion by reasoning; be- lieve ; judge ; intend or purpose ; imagine ; recollect ; consider or re- flect ; presume : v.t. to imagine. thinkable ('a-bl), adj. conceivable. thinking ('ing), adj. having the fac- ulty of thought ; capable of a regular train of thought : n. meditation ; judgment. thinness (thin'nes), n. the state or quality of being thin. third ( therd ) , adj. the next after the second : the ordinal of three ; noting one of P> equal parts : n. a third part of anything ; an interval of three diatonic sounds and two intervals [Music]. thirst (therst), n. the sensation of a desire to drink ; great desire for drink ; drought ; eager desire : v.i. to be thirsty. thirstily ('i-li), adv. in a thirsty manner. ate, firm, &sk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. till 805 thr thirstiness ('i-nes), n. the state of being thirsty. thirsty Ci), adj. [comp. thirstier, su- perl. thirstiest], feeling thirst. thirteen ( ther'ten ) , adj. 10 and 3 : n. the number of 10 and 3. thirteentli ('tenth), adj. next in or- der after the twelfth : the ordinal of thirteen. thirtieth ('ti-eth), adj. next in order after the twenty-ninth. thirty ('ti), adj. three times more than 10 : n. the sum of three tens. this (this), pron. & adj. [pi. these, ( thez ) _] , that which is present ; that which is just now or last mentioned. thistle (this'l), n. a plant with a prickly stem and leaves, of the genus Carduus. thither (thith'er), adv. to that place or end. thole (thol), n. a pin set in the gun- wale of a boat to serve as a fulcrum for the oar. thong (thong) , n. a thin leather strap or string for fastening something; striking part of a whip. thoracic (tho-ras'ik), adj. pertaining to the thorax. thorax ('raks), n. the chest, contain- ing the heart, lungs, &c. ; breast- plate or cuirass. thorite (tho'rit), n. an isometric mineral ; a powerful high explosive. thorium ('ri-um), n. a rare metallic element. Also thorinum. thorn (thSrn), n. a prickle or spine; prickly tree or shrub ; anything that troubles or annoys ; care. thornback ('bak), n. a species of spiny ray or skate. thorny ('i), adj. full of thorns; har- assing ; annoying. thorough (thur'o), adj. passing through or to the end ; perfect ; fin- ished; complete. thorough bass (bas), n. the science of harmony ; an accompaniment to a continued bass by means of figures [Music j. thorough-bred (-bred), adj. of pure and unmixed breed ; completely in- structed ; accomplished ; high-spir- ited. thoroughfare (-far), n. a passage from one street opening to another ; an unobstructed way for traflfic. thoroughly (-li), adv. completely; fully. thorough-paced (past), adj. going all lengths ; complete. those, pi. of that. thou (thon), pron. [pi. you], 2 per, sing, of I. though (tho), conj. granting, or sup- posing that ; notwithstanding that ; if : adv. nevertheless ; however. thought ( thawt ) , n. the act of think- ing ; that which the mind thinks ; meditation ; study ; care or anxiety : p.t. & p.p. of think. thoughtful ('fool), adj. full of thought ; contemplative ; attentive ; considerate for others ; anxious or careful. thoughtfully ('i) , adv. in a thought- ful manner ; with thought. thoughtless ('les), adj. unthinking; heedless ; inattentive ; inconsiderate. thought-reading ('re-ding), n. the act or art of discerning what anoth- er person is thinking of ; mind-read- ing. thought-reader ('re-der), n. one who practices thought-reading. thousand (thou'zand), adj. consist- ing of 1,000 : n. 1,000 ; a large num- ber. thousandth ('zaiidth), adj. next in order after 999th : the ordinal of 1,000. thraldom (thrawl'dum), n. serfdom; slavery. thrall (thrawl), n. a slave; serf. thrash (thrash), v.t. to beat out (grain) from the husk; beat or flog soundly : v.i. to perform the opera- tion of thrashing; drudge. thrasher ('er), n. one who thrashes; a species of shark, the sea-fox ; a thrashing machine. thrashing ('ing), n. the operation of separating grain from the husk; a sound flogging. thread (thred), n. a very thin line or cord of flax, cotton, silk, or other fibrous substance twisted and drawn out ; a filament ; uniform tenor ; something continued in a long course; spiral part of a screw: v.t. 3-te, arm, ksk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; bOdn^ book; hue, hut; think, then. til. 806 to pass through the eye of ; pierce through. threadbare ('bar), adj. worn to the threads ; poverty-stricken ; hack- neyed ; dull. threat (thret), n. a menace: v.t. & v.i. to menace. threaten ('n), v.i. to use threats : v.t. terrify by menaces. threatening (-ing), n. the act of one who threatens ; menace : adj. indi- cating a menace or some impending evil. three (thre)p adj. noting the sum of 2 and 1: n. sl number the sum of 2 and 1. threepence (thrip'ens), n. sl small British silver coin, value 6 cents. threnody (thren'6-di), n. a dirge. thresh, same as thrash. threshold (thresh'old) , n. the sill of a door ; entrance ; door ; place or point of entrance. thre-w, p.t. of throw. thrice (thris), adv. three times; re- peatedly. thrift (thrift), n. frugality; econom- ical management ; good husbandry ; increase of wealth ; profit ; a plant, thriftily ('i-li), adv. in a thrifty manner. thriftiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being thrifty. thrifty ('i), adj. [comi). thriftier, su- perl. thriftiest], characterized by economy and good management ; frugal. thrill (thril), v.t. to pierce; cause to have a shivering, tingling, or ex- quisite sensation : v.i. to penetrate, as something sharp ; feel a sharp tingling or exquisite sensation run- ning through the whole body ; quiv- er : n. a thrilling sensation ; quiver. thrive (thriv), v.i. {p.t. thrived, throve, p.p. thrived, thriven, p.pr. thriving], to prosper by industry, economy, and good management ; in- crease or prosper in business, &c. ; grow rich ; grow vigorously or lux- uriantly ; increase or flourish. thriving ('ing), p.adj. increasing in wealth ; prosperous or successful ; growing. thro*, contr. of through. throat (throt), n. the fore-part of the neck of an animal containing the windpipe and gullet ; contracting part of a vessel, &c. throatiness ('i-nes), n. gu\tural ut- terance. throaty ('i), adj. guttural. throb (throb), v.i. to beat, as the pulse, with more than usual force ; n palpitate : n. a strong pulsation. throe (thro), n. agony; extreme pain, especially in parturition : v.i. to be in agony. thrombosis (throm-bo'sis), n. the obstruction of a blood-vessel by a clot of blood. throne (thron), n. a chair of state; sovereign power and dignity : v.t. to place upon a throne ; exalt. throng ( throng ) , w. a multitude ; crowd : v.t. to crowd or press to- gether ; annoy with numbers : v.i. to come in multitudes. throstle ( thros'l ) , n. the song-thrush ; a machine for spinning wool and cotton. throstling ('ling), n., a disease in cattle, characterized by a swelling in the throat. throttle (throt'l), v.t. to strangle or choke by pressure on the windpipe; n. the windpipe ; a throttle-valve. throttle- valve (-valv), n. a valve in the steam-pipe of a boiler for con- trolling the flow of steam to any ap- paratus. through (throo), prep, from end to end of ; between the sides of ; in the midst of ; among ; by the agency of : adv. from end to end ; from the be- ginning to the end. throve, p.t. of thrive. thro-w (thro), v.t. [p.t. threw, p.p. thrown, p.pr. throwing], to fling or hurl ; cast to a distance ; cast in any manner ; propel ; overturn ; put on j hastily or carelessly ; strip ; shape or form roughly ; give utterance to ; produce ; twist or wind : n. the act of flinging or hurling ; a cast of dice ; distance a missile can be thrown ; stroke, as of a slide-valve; potter's wheel. thrum (thrum), n. the end of a weaver's thread ; coarse yarn : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. thrummed, p.pr. thrum- ming] , to fringe or put tufts on ; play ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; raite, mit; note, nOrth, not ; b65n, hook; hue, hut; think, ^^en. tlir 807 thy idly or unskilfully on (a stringed in- strument) with the fingers : v.i. to strum ; drum. thrush (thrush), n. a sweet-songed bird of the genus Merula ; a disease of infants characterized by minute white ulcers in the mouth and fauces ; an inflammatory and sup- purating affection in the feet of horses. thrust (thrust), v.t. to push or drive with force ; urge or impel : v.i. to push forward ; enter by pushing ; in- trude ; attack with a pointed weap- on : n, a violent or sudden push ; stab. thrusting ('ing), n. the act of push- ing with force or violence : pi. white whey expressed from the curd. thud (thud), n. a dull sound produced by a body falling on a comparative- ly soft substance. thug (thug), n. one of a fraternity of robbers and assassins in India who practiced secret murder as an act of propitiation to the goddess Kali ; a ruffian. thuggee (-e'), n. the practice of mur- der by the thugs. Also thuggism, thuggery. Thule (thti'le), n. the name given by the ancient geographers to the most northern part of the world as then known. thumb (thum), n. the short, thick digit of the human hand : v.t. to handle awkwardly ; soil with the thumb : v.i. to play awkwardly. thumbscre-w ( 'skroo ) , n. s. screw to [ turn with the finger and thumb ; an I instrument of torture for compress- " ing the thumb. Also thumbkins. thummiiu ('im), n.pl. a mysterious symbol worn on the breastplate of the Jewish high- priest signifying perfection. thump (thump), n. a hard, heavy blow : v.t. to strike or beat with dull heavy blows : v.i. to fall or strike with a dull heavy blow. thumper ('er), n. one who, or that which, thumps ; something huge ; barefaced lie. thunder (thun'der), n. the noise ac- companying a flash of lightning; loud noise ; an alarming denuncia- tion or threat : v.i. to produce thun- der ; make a loud noise : v.t. to utter with a loud and threatening voice. thunderbolt (-bolt), n. a shaft of lightning ; something resembling lightning in suddenness and terror ; dreadful denunciation, especially ec- clesiastical censure ; daring or irre- sistible hero ; a belemnite. thundering (-ing), adj. emitting, or producing a great noise like thun- der ; very great : n. the report ac- companying a discharge of lightning. thunderstruck (-struk), p. adj. as- tonished or struck dumb by sudden amazement, &c. thundery (-i), adj. produced by, or accompanied with, thunder. Also thunderous. thurible (thu'ri-bl), n. sl censer. thurifer ('ri-fer), w. one who attends the priest at mass, &c., and carries the thurible. Thursday (therz'da), n. the fifth day of the week. thus (tJins), adv. in this or that man- ner ; to this degree or extent ; so : n. (thus) the resin of the spruce fir. th-wack (thwak), v.t. to strike with something flat and heavy ; thump : n. a heavy blow with something blunt and hard ; thump. th-wart (thwawrt), adj. crosswise; oblique : prep, & adv. across : n. a seat in a boat extending from side to side : v.t. oppose ; run counter to ; frustrate. thy (thi), pron. pass, case of thou. thyine (thi'in), adj. noting a kind of wood of the cedar family yielding a resin called sandarach. thylacine (thil'a-sin), n. the zebra wolf of New Zealand. thyme (tim), n. a common aromatic herb of the genus Thymus. thyroid (thi'roid) , adj. shield-shaped : noting one of the cartilages of the larynx. thyrsoid (ther'soid), adj. thyrsus- shaped. thyrsus ('sus), n. [pi. thyrsi ('si)], a staff or spear entwined with ivy and vine leaves and grapes with a cone at the top, carried at the festi- vals of Bacchus by his devotees. thyself, emphatic for thy. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; booHt book; hue, hut; think, then. tia 8 tiara (ti-a'rd), n. the triple crown worn by the Pope ; a lofty headdress worn by the ancient Persians ; the miter of the Jewish high priest ; diadem. tibia (tib'i-§.), n. the inner and larger of the two leg bones ; shin-bone. tibial ('i-al), adj. pertaining to the tibia. tic (tik), n. neuralgia. Also tic-dou- loureux. tick (tik), n. a name for various par- asites which infest dogs, sheep, &c. ; a case for holding feathers, &c., for bedding ; small mark ; small, quick, distinct sound or beat ; credit : v.i. to make a small, quick, distinct sound ; go on credit : v.t. to mark off by a tick. ticket ('et), n. a label or card giving its possessor some specific right ; la- bel specifying price, &c., of goods ; printed list of candidates at an elec- tion : v.t. to distinguish by, or as by, a ticket. tickling ('ing), n. cloth used for bed-ticks. tickle ('i), v.t. to touch lightly so as to produce a thrilling sensation, usu- ally accompanied by laughter ; grat- ify and amuse : v.i. to feel titillation. tickler ('ler), n. one who, or that which tickles ; something puzzling or difficult. ticklish ('lish), adj. sensible to slight touches ; easily tickled ; critical ; pre- carious ; difficult ; delicate to handle or achieve. tickseed ('sed), n. a common name for plants of the genera Corisper- mum and Coreopsis. tidal (tid'ai), adj. pertaining to the tides ; ebbing and flowing like the tides. tide (tid), n. the regular rising and falling of the sea, rivers, &c. ; stream ; time ; season ; turning- point ; tendency ; in mining, period of twelve hours : v.t. to drive with the stream : v.i. to work in or out of a river or harbor by drifting with the tide. tidily ('i-li), adv. in a tidy manner. tidiness ('i-nes), n. neatness. tidings ('ingz), n.pl. news. 8 tig tidology (-ol'o-ji), n. the science of tides. tidy ('i), adj. [comp. tidier, superl. tidiest], kept or dressed in proper and habitual neatness ; trim ; neat ; orderly : n. an ornamental cover for the back of a chair, &c. : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. tidied, p.pr. tidying], to make ^ neat or tidy ; put in proper order. tie (ti), n. a knot or fastening ; bond ; obligation ; beam or rod for holding two parts together ; equality in num- bers ; knot of hair ; curved line placed over or under two or more notes, signifying they are to be slurred, or be sounded as one [Music] : v.t. to fasten with, or as with, a cord ; bind ; restrict ; unite,. as notes [Music] : v.i. to make an equal score. tier (ter), n. a row or rank, especial- ly one of two or more rows placed one above the other. tierce (ters) , n. a cask of 42 gallons ; sequence of three cards ; thrust in fencing ; a third [Music] . tiercel (ter'sel), n. a male hawk. tiff (tif), n. a fit of anger; slight quarrel ; small draught of liquor : v.i. to be in a fit. tiffany ('a-ni), n. a thin gauze or silk. tige (tezh), n. the shaft of a column from the astragal to the capital. tiger (ti'ger), n. a large, fierce, rapa- cious quadruped of the genus Felis ; a servant-boy in livery. tiger-flower (-flou-er), n. a flower of the Iris order, spotted yellow and orange. tiger-lily (-lil-i), n. a handsome lily having flowers spotted with orange. tiger-wood (-wood), n. a valuable wood yielded by a tree of British , Guiana. '. tigkt (tit), adj. not loose; close ;^ tenacious ; compactly built ; fitting close to the body ; not leaky ; ^ taut ;; snug ; parsimonious ; ill-supplied ^ or stringent ; drunk : n.pl. closely fitting underclotliing worn by actors. tighten ('en), v.t. to make tight. tigress (ti'gres), n. the female of the tiger. tigrine ('grin), adj. tigei'-like. ate, arm, &sk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, ndrth, not; boon, book: hue, hut; think, then. tig 809 tin tigrish Cgrish), adj. resembling a tiger ; fierce. tilde (til'de), n. a mark (— ) placed over n in Spanish words to indicate that the vowel following it is to be sounded as a y. tile (til), w. a thin slab of baked clay, used for roofing, &c. ; hat ; door of a Masonic lodge : v.t. to cover with tiles ; guard (the door of a lodge). tiler ('er), n. one who roofs houses with tiles ; door-keeper of a Masonic lodge. Tyler. tiliaceous (-i-a'shun), adj. allied to, or like, the limetree. till- (til), n. a. money drawer in a desk or counter ; a glacial deposit of unlaminated clay, sand, and gravel : prep, to the time of : adv. to the time ■when : conj. to the degree that ; un- til : v.t. to prepare (land) for seed, ^c. ; cultivate. -tillage raj), n. land prepared for crops ; husbandry ; agriculture. dtiller ('er),w. a husbandman; handle or lever for turning the rudder of a vessel ; a sprout springing from a root or stump. "tilt (tilt), n. a tent; the cloth cover- ing of a cart or wagon; cover of a iboat or stern awning ; a thrust ; a mediaeval military exercise or pa- ,geant in which the combatants on horseback attacked each other with 3ances ; a tilt-hammer ; upheaval of strata to a higher angle : v.t. to 'Cover with an awning ; point or i;hrust with, or as with, a lance : forge with a tilt-hammer ; raise on end ; incline : v.i. to run or ride and thrust with a lance. ^ilth (tilth), n. cultivated land; til- lage ground. tilt-hammer (tilt'ham-er), n. a heavy hammer used in iron foun- dries, worked by steam or hydraulic power. tilting ('ing), n. the process by which blister-steel is rendered duc- tile ; inclination forward ; act of one who, or that which, tilts. timber (tim'ber), n. the body or stem of a tree ; wood suitable for build- ings, carpentry, shipbuilding, &c. ; piece of wood for building or al- ready framed ; wooded land : v.t. to furnish or construct with timber. timbre ('ber), h. tone or character of musical sound. tixubrel ('brel), n, a kind of drum or tabret. time (tim), n. measure of duration, whether past, present, or future; particular period of duration ; age or period during which anything oc- curred or a person lived ; present life or existence ; season ; era r epoch ; proper time ; repetition ; leis- ure ; musical measure or duration of sounds ; tense ; hour of travail : v.t. to adapt to the time or occasion ; do at the proper season ; regulate or measure : v.i. to keep or beat time. time-bargain (-bar-gen), n. an agreement to buy or sell at a certain time. timeist. Same as timist. timeliness ('li-nes), n. seasonable- ness. timely ('li), adj. [comp. timelier, su- perl. timeliest], being or occurring in time ; opportune. timid (tim'id), adj. wanting in cour- ^ age ;^ faint-hearted ; fearful. timidity ('i-ti), n. want of courage. timist (tim'ist), n. one who keeps ^time [Music]. timorous (tim'er-us), adj. fearful of danger ; full of scruples. timothy grass ('o-thi gras), n. a ^valuable grass used for fodder. till (tin), n. a silvery-white, soft, malleable, and fusible metal ; thin plates of iron covered with tin ; a cylindrical vessel of tin ; money : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. tinned, p.pr. tinning], to cover with tin, or with tinned iron ; put into tins for preservation. tinamou ('a-moo), n. a South Amer- ican bird, resembling the partridge. tincal (ting'kal), n. crude borax. tinctorial (tingk-to'ri-al), adj. per- taining to, relating to, or imparting, a color. tincture ('tiir), n. a tinge or shade of color ; slight taste or quality ; so- lution of any medicine in or by means of spirits of wine; fine or more volatile parts of a substance : v.t. to dye or color ; tinge. tinder ('der), n. any inflammable ^te, arm, &sk« i&t, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, ndrth, not ; boon^ book; hue, hut; think, then. tin 810 til^ material used to kindle a fire from a spark, as rotten wood or scorched linen. tine (tin), n. a tooth or spike. tinfoil (tin'foil), n. tin beaten into thin leaf. ting (ting), n. a sharp, bell-like sound ; that part of a Chinese tem- ple which contains the idol. tinge (tinj), v.t. to stain or color; impregnate with something foreign ; dye : n. a slight degree of some color, taste, or quality imparted to a sub- stance ; tint, tingle (ting'gl), v.i. to feel a thrill- ing sensation, or pain : v.t. to ring ; cause to tingle : n. a thrilling sensa- tion or pain. tinker (ting'ker), n. a mender of metal pots, kettles, &c. : v.t. to patch up : v.i. meddle in an officious man- ner. tinkle ('kl), n. a small, quick, sharp, ringing sound : v.i. to make such a sound : v.t. to cause to give out a tinkle. tinned (tind), adj. covered with tin; packed or put up in tins. tin-plate ('plat), ?i. iron-plate coated with tin. tinsel ('sel), n. a kind of cloth over- laid or interwoven with gold and silver ; thin glittering metallic plate ; anything showy but of little value ; something superficial and gaudy : . adj. showy to excess ; superficial ; outwardly fine but really worthless : v.t. to decorate with, or as with, tinsel ; make outwardly gaudy, while valueless in reality. tint (tint), n. a slight coloring dis- tinct from the principal color ; hue or shade : v.t. to give a slight color- ing to. tintinnabulation ( tin-ti-nab-ii-la'- shun), n. a tinkling sound, as of bells. tinto ('to), n. a red Madeira wine. tintometer (-tom'e-ter), n. an appa- ratus for estimating shades of color by comparison with standard shades or tints. tintype, same as ferrotype. tiny (ti'ni), adj. [comp. tinier, su- perl. tiniest], very small; puny. tip (tip), n. a point or top of any- thing small ; end ; ferrule or nozzle ; anther ; gentle stroke ; small pres- ent ; private hint, especially in bet- ting; tilt: v.t. [p.t. & p.p. tipped, p.pr. tipping], to form a point to; cover the end of ; strike lightly ; give private hint to ; give a small pres- ent to ; tilt up. tipcat ('kat), n. a game played with a small piece of wood pointed at both ends. tipper ('er), n. a kind of ale. tippet Cet), n. a narrow cape, or covering of cloth or fur for the neck or shoulders. tipping ('ing), n. the peculiar artic- ulation given to the flute by the player's tongue striking the roof of the mouth. tipple ('1), v.i. to drink spirits or strong liquors habitually ; drink fre- quently in small quantities : n, liquor. tipsily ('si-li), adv. in a. tipsy man- ner. tipsiness ('si-nes), n. the state of be- ing tipsy. tipstaff ('staf), n. a constable. tipster ('ster), n. one who supplies private information about race- horses, &c. tipsy ('si), adj. intoxicated. tipsy-cake (-kak), n. sponge cake soaked in wine and stuck over with almonds. tiptoe ('to), n. the end of a toe: adv. on tiptoe ; stealthily : v.i. to walk or stand on tiptoe ; be on the strain, or alert. tiptop ('top), n. the highest point or degree ; best of anything : adj. most • excellent. tirade (ti-rad'), n. a long, violent, declamatory speech ; strain of cen- sure or reproof ; filling of an inter- val by the intermediate diatonic notes. tire (tir), n. a band or hoop of iron or rubber binding the felloes of wheels : v.t. to exhaust the strength of by labor ; weary or fatigue ; ex- haust the patience of : v.i. to become weary or fatigued. tiresome ('sum), adj. wearisome; tedious; fatiguing; annoying. ate, Erm, ftsk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrth, not; bOon, book: hue, hut; tixink, then. V >' amaran: (Longituc 1 — 2. Common Box. — 3. Cedar. — 4. Coral. — 5. New Guinea. — 6. Royal Wood or Brown Ebi Curly Ash. — 13. Padok (island) Mahogany. — 14. Olive. — IS. Rosewood. — 16. Violet-wood. — 1 IMBER. ctions) Eye Maple. — 8. Curly Amboyna. — 9. Arbor Vita;. — 10. Sycamore. — 11, 12. Hungarian Palisander-wood. — 18. Sandal-wood. II tir 811 tob tiresoxuely (-li), adv. in a tiresome manner. tiresoxueness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being tiresome. tirwit (ter'wit), n. the lapwing. Tisri (tiz'ri), n. the seventh month of the ecclesiastical, and first month of the Jewish civil year, corresponding to part of September and October. Also Tishri. tissue (tish'oo), n. a woven fabric, especially thin transparent silk used for veiling, formerly interwoven with gold or silver threads ; any thin or delicate texture or fabric; thin cellular organization of parts, con- sisting of forms closely compacted and performing special functions : connected series : v.t. to form tissue of ; interweave. tissued ('ood),) adj. variegated. tissue-paper (-pa-per), n. very thin, gauze-like paper. tit (tit), n. morsel or bit; small horse ; titmouse ; name for various species of small singing birds. titanic (tl-tan'ik), adj. pertaining to, characteristic of, or like the Ti- tans, the fabled giants of classic mythology: hence, huge; of enor- mous strength. titanium (-ta'ni-um), n. a rare, and extremely hard metal, allied to tin : found in combination. titbit ('bit), n. a choice morsel. tit-for-tat (-tat), n. exact equiva- lent or fair retaliation. tithe (tith), n. the tenth part of any- thing, especially the tenth part of the annual increase of the profit arising from land, stock, &c., allotted to the support of the clergy ; small part : v.t. to tax or levy a tithe of. ftitbing ('ing), n. the taking or levy- ing of tithes. titillate (tit'i-lat), v.t. to tickle. titillation (-la'shun), n. a tickling or itching sensation or state of feel- ing. titivate ('i-vat), v.t. to make smart or adorn. titlark ('lark), n. any small singing bird of the genus Anthus. title (ti'tl), n. an inscription over or at the beginning of something serv- ing to designate it; name; appella- tion of dignity, rank, distinction, or preeminence ; claim of right ; presen- tation to a curacy as a condition of ordination : v.t. to entitle. title-deed (-ded), n. the instrument or written evidence of right of own- ership of property. titmouse (tit'mous), n. [pi. titmice ('mis)], a small, active, perching bird. Also tit. titrate (tit'rat), v.t. to estimate or determine the strength of by volu- metric analysis. titration (ti-tra'shun), n. volumetric analysis. titter (tit'er), v.i. to laugh with re- straint ; giggle ; see-saw : w. a re strained laugh. tittle ( tit'l ), n. a small particle ; iota. tittle-tattle (-tat'l), n. idle, trifling talk. titular ('ti-lar), adj. existing in name or title only ; nominal : n. one who is invested with a title to an oflSce, but does not possess the power and authority appertaining to it. to (too) , prep, noting motion towards ; in accordance with. toad (tod), n. a batrachian reptile, resembling the frog, of the genus Bufo. toadeater ('et-er), n. a sycophant. toadfisb ('fish), n. a fish with a large head and wide mouth, of the genus Batrachus. toadstone ('ston), n. a local name for a kind of basaltic or igneous rock ; bufonite. toadstool ('stool), n. a name of nu- merous species of fungi of the genus Agaricus. toady ('i), n. a sycophant: v.t. [p.t. & p.p. toadied, p.pr. toadying], to fawn upon as a sycophant : v.i. to play the sycophant. toadysim (-izm), n. sycophancy. toast (tost), n. bread scorched or browned before the fire ; one who is named when a health is drunk : v.t. to brown or heat at the fire ; show honor to in drinking ; name when a health is drunk. tobacco (to-bak'o), n. an American plant of the genus Nicotiana, the dried leaves of which are used for smoking, chewing, or as snuff. ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. tob 812 torn tobacconist (-nist), n. a dealer in tobacco, cigars, &c. tobine ('bin), n. a stout, twilled, dress silk. toboggan (-bog'an), n. a kind of sledge in which one or more persons sit for sliding down snow-covered hills or inclines : v.i. to slide down- hill by means of a toboggan. tocsin (tok'sin), n. an alarm-bell. toddle ( tod'l ) , v.*. to walk with short, tottering steps like a child : n. a tod- dling walk. toddler ('ler), n. one who toddles; a young child. toddy ('i), n. a sweet juice obtained from certain palms ; mixture of spir- it and water sweetened. tody (to'di), n. a small West Indian bird. toe (to), n. one of the terminal mem- bers of the foot of a man or animal ; forepart of a horse's hoof ; a projec- tion : v.t. to touch, reach, or strike with the toe or toes. toffy (tof'i), n. a sweetmeat; taffy. toga (to-ga), n. [pi. togas ('gaz), togse Cje) ], the loose outer garment worn by the ancient Romans. toga virilis (vir'il-is), n. the toga assumed by Roman youths at the age of fourteen. together (too-geth'er) , adv. in com- pany or association ; mutually ; in union or concert ; uninterruptedly. toggery (tog'er-i), n. clothes; arti- cles. toggle ('1), n. a small wooden pin tapering towards both ends and grooved round its center ; button or frog. toggle-joint (-joint), n. an elbow or knee joint. toil (toil) , n. labor oppressive to mind or body ; fatiguing exertion ; snare ; net : v.i. to labor or work with pain or fatigue. toilet Cet), n. a covering of linen, silk, &c., spread over a bedroom or dressing-room table ; dressing-table ; style or manner of dressing; attire. toilinette (-i-net'), n. a cloth the weft of which is of woolen yarn and the warp of cotton and silk. toilsome ('sum), adj. laborious; wearisome. toilsomely (-li), adv. in a toilsome manner. toilsomeness (-nes), n. laborious- ness. Tokay (to-ka'), n. a rich Hungarian wine. token ('kn), n. a mark or sign; me- morial of affection, &c. ; symbol of good faith or authenticity ; piece of metal not coined by authority, but current by sufferance. tola ('la), n. in British India, a weight for gold and silver = 18Q grains troy. told, p.t. & p.p. of tell. Toledo (-le'do), n. a sword or sword- blade of the finest temper, made orig- inally at Toledo, Spain. tolerable (tol'er-a-bl), adj. endura- ble ; supportable ; fairly good. tolerableness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being tolerable. tolerably (-bli), adv. passably. tolerance ('er-ans), n. endurance; toleration. tolerant ('er-ant), adj. disposed to, or favoring, toleration. tolerate ('er-at), v.t. to endure; per- mit ; allow so as not to hinder or prohibit. toleration (-a'shun), n. the act of tolerating ; allowance of that which is not wholly approved ; recognition of the right of private judgment in religious opinions and modes of wor- ship differing from those of the es- tablished Church ; freedom from bigotry. toll (tol), n. the sound of a bell slow- ly repeated at short intervals ; a duty or tax on travelers or goods passing along a public road or bridge ; tax or duty paid for some privilege : v.i. to sound or ring slow- ly, as a bell ; annul. tolu (to'lu), n. a balsam produced by a South American tree (Myroxy- lon toluifera) . tomakawk ( tom'a-hawk ) , n. a hatch- et used by the North American In- dians in war and the chase : v.t. to strike, or kill with a tomahawk. toman (to'man), n. a gold coin cur- rent in Persia, value about $1.76. tomato (to-ma' or to-ma'to), n. [pL tomatoes ('toz)], a plant and its ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; bo5n# book; hue, hut; think, then. torn 813 too ^ f well-known fleshy fruit. Also love- apple. tomb (toom), n. a grave, or vault; monument erected to enclose and preserve the memory of the dead : v.t. to entomb. tombac (tom'bak), n. an alloy of cop- per and zinc. tomboy ('boi), n. a wild, romping girl. tom-cat ('kat), n. a full-grown male cat. tomcod ('kod), n. a small edible fish of the cod kind. tome (tom), n. a large book. tomentose (to-men'tos), adj. covered so closely with hairs as to be scarce- ly discernible; nappy. Also tomen- tous. tomentum ('turn), n. the closely matted down on the leave or stems of certain plants. t'omfool ('fool), n. a great fool; silly trifler. tom.foolery ('er-i), n. nonsense; ab- surd trifles or ornaments. tomin (to'min), n. a jeweler's weight of 12 grains. tompion (tom'pi-on), n. the stopper or plug of a cannon ; the iron button to which a charge of grape-shot is aflixed. Also tampion. tomtit ('tit), n. the titmouse. tom-tom ( 'tom ) ,n. a, drum^ flat at one end and convex at the other : used in Africa and the East Indies. Also tam-tam. ton (tun), M. 20 hundredweight; 40 cubic feet in ship measurement ; pre- vailing fashion (tong). tonality (ton-al'i-ti), n. key relation- ship ; accuracy of pitch. tone (ton), n. sound, or character of sound ; note ; accent ; quality of the voice ; prevailing style or character ; state of the body with reference to the healthy performance of its ani- mal functions ; harmony of the col- ors of a painting ; interval of sound ; chant [Music] ; v.t. to bring to a re- quired shade of color ; mitigate. tongs (tdngs), n.pl. a metal instru- ment with two jointed limbs for grasping anything. tongue (tung), n. the chief instru- ment of speech, and the organ of taste ; power of speech ; manner of speaking ; dialect ; idiom ; discourse ; mere words ; fluency ; clapper of a bell ; anything resembling a tongue ; promontory : v.t. to modulate or modify with the tongue ; scold : v.i. talk ; prate. tonic (ton'ik), adj. pertaining to, or based on, the key-note ; increasing tension ; strengthening : n. a strength- ening medicine. tonite (to'nit), n. a powerful explo- sive. Tonka bean (tong'ki ben), n. the aromatic kernels of the fruit of a shrubby plant of Guiana, used for scenting snuff, &c. Also Tonkuin bean. tonnage (tun'aj), n. the weight of goods carried in a boat or ship ; car- rying capacity of a vessel ; duty or toll on vessels ; collective shipping of any port or country. tonsils (ton'silz), n.pl. two almond- shaped glands situated at the two sides of the fauces of the throat. tonsilitis (-sil-i'tis), n. inflammation of the tonsils. tonsorial (ton-so'ri-al), adj. pertain- ing to shaving or to a barber. tonsure ('shtir), n. the act of clip- ping the hair or of shaving the crown of the head ; the corona thus worn by Roman Catholic clerics : v.i. to give the tonsure to. tontine (-ten'), a loan raised on life annuities with benefit accruing to the last survivor. too (too), adv. more than enough; likewise ; in addition ; over and above ; also. took, p.t_. of take. tool (tool), n. an instrument of man- ual operation ; one who acts as the instrument of another : v.t. to shape with a tool ; drive, as a coach. tooling ('ing), n. workmanship per- formed with a tool. toon (toon), n. the valuable dark wood of a large cedar tree of the East Indies and Australia. toot (toot), v.t. to sound, as a horn or flute : n. a blast on a horn. tootk (tooth), n. [pi. teeth (teth)], one of the hard bony processes grow- ing in the jaws used for biting and fite, arm, Ssk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book: hue, hut: think, then. i too 814 tor chewing; any projection resembling a tooth ; palate or taste : v.t. to in- dent or form into teeth. toothsome ('sum), adj. palatable. toothsomely (-li), adv. palatably. toothsomeness (-nes), n.the quality of being toothsome. tootliwort ('wert), n. a plant of va- rious genera having indented leaves. top (top), n. the highest part; sum- mit ; upper side or surface ; highest person, place, or rank ; crown of the head ; small platform at the head of the lower mast ; a child's toy : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. topped, p.pr. topping], to cover or place on the top ; rise to the top of ; excel ; cut ofE the top of. topau (to'paw), n. the rhinoceros- bird. topaz Cpaz), n. a crystallized mineral of various colors used as a gem. topazolite ('o-lit), n. sl variety of garnet. . top-boots (top'bootz), n.pl. high boots with light colored tops, used for riding, &c. tope (top), n. a mound-shaped Bud- dhist monument containing relics ; grove of trees [Hindu]. topee (to-pe'), n. a cork or pith hel- met. Also topi. toper ('per), n. sl drunkard. topgallant (top'gal-ant), adj. situ- ated above the topmast : n. a topgal- lant mast or sail. topliamper ('ham-per), n. a ship's rigging, spars, «xc. Tophet (to'fet), n. a place situated southeast of Jerusalem, in the Val- ley of Hinnom, where fire was burnt in honor of Moloch : subsequently made a burial place : hence hell. topic (top'ik), n. sl subject of dis- course, conversation, or argument ; theme. topical (-al), adj. pertaining to, or consisting of, a topic or topics ; re- lating to a place ; local. topically (-i), adv. in a topical man- ner ; locally. topmast ('mast), n. the second mast from the deck of a ship. topographer (to-pog'ra.-fer), n. one who describes particular places in writing. topographic (top-6-graf'ik), adj. de- scriptive of a particular place. Top- ographical. topographically (-al-li), adv. in a topographic manner. topography (to-pog'ra-fi), n. the sci- entific description of a particular place, &c. ; the features of a region or locality. topping (top'ing), adj. rising above; surpassing : n. the act of cutting off the top. topple ('1), v.t. to overturn: v.i. to fall forward ; tumble down. topsail ('sal), n. the sail second from the deck. topsy-turvy ('si-ter-vi), adv. in an inverted position ; in confusion : adj. disordered ; chaotic. toque (tok), n. a kind of bonnet. tor (tor), n. high pointed hill ; jutting rock. Torah (to'ra), n. the Mosaic law; Pentateuch. Also Thorah. torch (torch), n. a large light formed of resinous wood, flax, &c., soaked in some inflammable substance, and carried in the hand; any light used in the manner of a torch ; flambeau. tore, p.t. of tear. toreador (tor-e-a-dor'), n. a bull fighter. toreutic (to-roo'tik), adj. pertaining to carved or sculptured work, espe- cially t6 metallic work in basso- relievo. torment (tor'ment) , n. extreme pain ; torture; anguish: v.t. (tor-ment') to put to extreme pain, physical or mental ; torture ; harass. tormentil ('men-til), n. an astrin- gent root. torn (torn), p.t. of tear. tornado (t6r-na'd6), w. [p?. tornadoes ('doz)], a Tiolent tempest or whirl- wind. torose (to'ros), adj. swelling in knobs ; uneven. torpedo (tor-pe'do), n. [pi. torpedoes ('d5z)], a submarine apparatus for destroying ships by explosion ; kind of firework ; the cramp-fish : v.t. to destroy by a torpedo. torpescent (-pes'ent), adj. becoming torpid. torpid Cpid), adj. numb; inactive. ate, arm, ksk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. top 815 tou torpidity ('i-ti), n. inactivity; in- sensibility. torpify Cpi-fi), v.t. [p.f. & p.p. torpi- fied, p.pr. torpifying], to make tor- pid ; benumb. torpor ('per), n. numbness; inactiv- ' ity. torque (tork), n. a twisted collar or necklace worn by certain ancient barbaric nations. torrefy (tor're-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. torrefied, p.pr. torrefying], to dry by fire ; roast (ores). torrent ('ent), n. a violent and rapid stream ; heavy fall, as of rain ; strong current, rising suddenly and rushing rapidly along. torrid ('id), adj. dried with heat; ex- tremely hot ; burning ; parching. torsion (tor'shun), n. the act of turn- ing or twisting ; the wrenching or twisting of a body by lateral force. torso ('so), n. [pZ. torsos, torsi ('soz, 'se)], the trunk of a statue, espe- cially one having the head or limbs mutilated. tort (t5rt), n. in law, any wrong, in- jury, or damage. tortile (tOr'til), adj. bent; twisted; wreathed. tortilla (-tel'ya), n. a thin unleav- ened cake of maize baked on a heated iron plate. tortoise (tor'tis"), n. a reptile of the family Testudinidse with a very hard shell or test ;_ a testudo. tortuous ('u-us), adj. crooked; twisted ; wreathed ; underhand ; in- direct ; deceitful. torture ('tur), n. agony. of mind or body ; excruciating pain ; pain in- flicted as a punishment or as a means of extorting a confession : v.t. to punish with, or as with, torture ; put to the rack ; excruciate ; vex ; wrest from the true meaning. torus (to'rus), n. a large semi-circu- lar molding in the base of a column ; that part of a flower on which the carpels are seated. Tory (to'ri), n. [pi. Tories ('riz)], in English politics, a Conservative : adj. pertaining to Conservatives. Toryism (-izm), n. the principles of the Tories or Conservatives. toss (tos), v.t. to throw with the hand ; throw upward ; jerk ; put into violent motion ; cause to rise and fall : v.i. to roll or tumble ; be tossed : n. a throwing upward or with a jerk. tossing ('ing), n. the act of throwing upward ; a rolling or tumbling. tot (tot), n. anything small or insig- nificant ; a term of endearment : pi. a series of figures in column form to be added up as an exercise in rapid calculation: v.t. [p.t. & p.p. totted, p.pr. totting] , to add ; count up. total (to'tal), adj. whole; complete; full ; not divided : n. the whole sum or amount ; completeness. totality (-tal'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being total ; entire quan- tity, amount, or sum. totally_('tal-i), adv. entirely; fully. tote (tot), v.t. to carry. totem (to'tem), n. an animal used as the symbol or name of a tribe or clan. totter (tot'er), v.i. to shake as if about to fall ; be unsteady ; stagger ; reel. tottery ('er-i), adj. shaking as if about to fall ; unsteady. tottlish Cjish), adj. unsteady. toucan (too-kan'), n. a fruit-eating tropical bird with a long curved beak. touch, (tuch), v.t. to come in contact with ; perceive by feeling ; handle slightly ; play ; reach ; attain to : meddle with ; treat of in a superfi- cial manner ; add a light stroke to ; affect the senses or sensibility of ; injure or hurt : v.i. to be in contact ; call in at a port : n. the act of touch- ing ; state of being touched ; con- tact ; sense of feeling ; action of the hand on a musical instrument ; tried qualities ; emotion or affection ; sin- gle stroke on a painting, &c. touchily ('i-li), adv. peevishly. touchiness ('i-nes), n. irritability. touching ('ing), adj. pathetic: n. the act of coming in contact with : prep. with respect to_; concerning. touchstone ('ston), n. Lydian stone or basanite, used for testing the pur- ity of gold and silver : hence a cri- terion. touchxp-ood ('wood), n. dried fungus or decayed wood which easily ignites and burns slowly. ite, arm, fisk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nDrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. ton 816 tra touc!hy ('i), irritable; peevish. tough (tuf), adj. flexible without be- ing brittle ; not easily broken or fractured ; able to endure hardship ; strong ; firm ; tenacious ; viscous ; difficult ; not easy to masticate : n. a rough. toughen ('n), v.i. to grovi^ or become tough : v,t. to make tough. toughish ('ish) , adj. somewhat tough. toupee (too-pe')» n. a small wig, or curl. tour (toor), n. a circuitous journey; excursion ; trip : v.i. to make a tour : 'c.t. to make a tour or circuit of : as, to tour the country. tour billion (-bil'yun), n. an orna' mental rotating firework. tourist ('ist), n. excursionist. tourmaline ('ma-lin), n. a transpar- ent aluminous mineral of various colors, some varieties of which are used as gems. tournament ('na-ment), n. a mock fight by knights on horseback; con- test of skill. Also tourney. tourniquet' ('ni-ket), n. a surgical instrument for compressing an ar- tery and arresting hemorrhage. tousle or touzle (touz'l), v.t. to pull or fear ; worry ; put in disorder. tout (tout), v.i. to look out for custo- mers : n. one who secretly watches racehorses in training, in order to give private information to his cli- ents to guide them in betting ; a touter. tout-ensemble (too-tang-sam'bl), n. the general effect of a work of art, costume, &c., regarded as a whole. touter (tout'er), n. one who hangs about to secure the custom of tour- ists for a particular hotel, &c. tow (to), n. the coarse part of flax or hemp : v.t. to drag, as a vessel, through the water by means of a rope. towage ('aj), n. the act of towing; price paid for towing. toward (to'erd), prep, in the direc- tion of ; with a tendency to ; with re- spect to : adv. near ; at hand. Also towards. towel (tou'el), n. a cloth for wiping the hands, &c., after washing. toweling (-ing), n. cloth for towels. tower (tou'er), n. a lofty building, square or circular, usually flat on the top ; fortress ; high headdress worn by women in the 17th century j v.i. to rise to a great height ; soar. towering ('er-ing), adj. very high; soaring ; violent ; outrageous. town (toun), n. any collection of houses larger than a village, espe- cially one having a market, and not being a city; the inhabitants of a town ; township. township ('ship), n. the district or territory into which many of the States are divided and subordinate to the county. toxemia, toxaemia (toks-e'mi-a), n, blood poisoning. toxic ('ik), adj. poisonous. toxicologist (-i-kol'd-jist), n, one skilled in toxicology. toxicology ('6-ji), n. the science that treats of poisons, their effects, anti- dotes, &c. ^ toxicomania (-ko-ma'ni-a), n. a mania for intoxicating or poisonous drugs, as opium. toxin (toks'in), n. a poison produced by the action of bacteria upon or- ganic matter. toy (toi), n. a child's plaything; something of no real value ; bauble ; plaything: v.i. [p.t. & p.p. toyed, p.pr. toying], to dally amorously; trifle. . trace (tras), n. a mark left by any- thing passing ; footprint ; small quan- tity : pi. the straps, &c., by which a vehicle is drawn by a horse : v.t. to delineate by marks ; follow by tracks or footsteps; follow exactly. traceable ('a-bl), adj. capable of be- ing traced. tracery ( 'er-i ) , n. architectural orna- mentation in Gothic structures. trachea (tra-ke'a), n. the windpipe: pi. the air-tubes in the bodies of in- sects (tracheae). tracheal ('ke-al), adj. pertaining to the trachea. tracheotomy (-ot'o-mi), n. the surgi- cal operation of making an opening into the windpipe. trachitis (-kl'tis), w. inflammation of , the trachea. Also tracheitis. trachyte (trak'it), n. a term applied ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note. nOrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. tra 817 tr^i to the feldspathic class of igneous rocks. trachytic (tra-kit'ik), adj. pertain- ing to, consisting of, or resembling, trachyte. tracing (tra'sing), n. the act of one who traces ; regular path ; mechan- ical copy by marking on thin paper over the original. track (trak), n. a mark or impres- ' sion left by the foot ; beaten path ; course or way ; course for racing ; permanent way of a railroad : v.t. to pursue by following the footprints or marks left behind. trackage ('aj), n, towage. tract (trakt), n. a short treatise, usually on some religious subject ; region of indefinite extent ; expanse. tractability (-a-bil'i-ti), n. docility. tractable ( 'a-bl ) , adj. docile ; easily instructed or managed. tractate (trak'tat), n. a small book or treatise. tractile ('til), adj. ductile. traction ( 'shun ) , n. the act of draw- ing; state of being drawn; attrac- tion. tractive ('tiv), adj. serving, or used, to draw along; pulling. tractor ('ter), n. that which draws, or is used in drawing. tractrix ('triks), n. a curve, the tan- gent of which is always equal to a given line. Also tractatrix. tractory. trade (trad), n. commerce; business; buying and selling for money ; deal- ing by way of sale or exchange ; traffic ; persons engaged in a particu- lar business : adj. pertaining to, car- ried on by, or characteristic of, a trade : pi. the trade winds : v.i. to carry on commerce ; buy and sell ; traffic : v.t. to sell or exchange in commerce. trade-mark ('mark), n. a distin- guishing device affixed by a mer- chant to his goods to show his ex- clusive right, or as a guarantee of genuineness. trade-price ('pris), n. price of an article as charged to the retailer. trader ('er), n, one engaged in trade or commerce ; merchant ; shopkeep- er ; vessel engaged in any particular trade. trades-union (z'tin-yun), n. an or- ganized combination of workmen for the protection of their interests In any particular trade or industry. trades-unionism, (-izm), n. the principles and practices of trades- unions. trades-unionist (-ist), n. a member of a trades-union. trade--winds ('windz), n.pl. certain ocean winds in or near the torrid zone which blow steadily from the same quarter periodically. Also trades. trading ('ing), adj. pertaining to trade. tradition (tra-dish'un), n. the oral transmission of events, opinions, doctrines, practices, &c., through successive generations without writ- ten memorials ; that which is so handed down ; ancient custom. traditional ('un-al), adj. pertaining to, derived from, or handed down by tradition. traditionally ('un-al-i), adv. m a traditional manner. traduce (tra-dtis'), v.i. to slander. trai^c (traf'ik), n. business or trade ; commerce ; transportation of persons or goods on a railway, vehicle, ship, &c. ; intercourse : v.i. to trade ; bar- -^ain : v.t. to barter. tragacanth (trag'a-kanth), w. a gum obtained from various species of Astragalus. tragedian (tra-je'di-an), n. an actor or writer of tragedies. tragedienne (-zha-dyen' or -je'di-en), n, an actress of tragedy. tragedy (traj'e-di), n. [pi. traged'-^s (-diz) ], a dramatic poem of elevatei style, representing some event or series of events in the life of a per- son or persons and having usually a fatal ending ; a melancholy and fatal event ; an event in which human lives are lost by murderous violence or some catastrophe. tragic ('ik), adj. pertaining to trag- edy ; calamitous ; fatal ; terrible. Also tragical. tragically (-al-i), adv. in a tragic manner. trail (tral), v.t. to draw or drag along the ground ; hunt or follow by ate, arm, &sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. tra 818 tra tracking: v.i. to be drawn out in length; fall or hang down; grow or climb at great length : n. the track followed by a hunter ; scent left by a track ; anything drawn out in length ; the entrails of birds and fishes served up for the table. train (tran), n. a series of railway carriages or trucks coupled togeth- er ; something drawn or dragged be- hind as the skirt of a robe, &c. ; ret- inue ; procession ; connected series ; suite; process; line of gunpowder laid to fire a charge; a heavy kind of 'Canadian sledge : v.t. to instruct by exercise ; drill ; educate ; draw along ; form to a proper shape ; dis- cipline or tame for use ; prepare for athletic contests or horse-racing; trace (a lode) to its head. trainer ('er), n. an instructor, espe- cially one who prepares men or horses for exercises of skill, races, &c. train-oil ('oil), n, oil obtained by boiling whale's blubber. trait (trat), n. a peculiar feature or characteristic ; touch. traitor (tra'ter), n. one who is guilty of treason or the betrayal of his country to an enemy by breach of trust ; one who betrays any confi- dence ; a deceiver. Feminine trai- tress or traitoress. traitorous ('ter-us), adj. guilty of treason ; perfidious. trajectory (tra-jek'to-ri), n. C^)?. tra- jectories (-riz)], the curve described by a body in space, under the action of certain forces, as a comet, or stone thrown upwards. tram (tram), n. one of the rails of a tramway; a tramway; tramway- car ; shaft of a cart : v.i. [p.t, & p.p. trammed, p.pr. tramming], to travel by tram-car [English] : v.t. to trans- port on a tramway. tr amble ('bl), v.t. to wash (ore) in a particular manner. trammel ('el), n. a net used for fowling or fishing; shackle for horses ; anything that impedes prog- ress, action, or freedom : v.t. to im- pede or hinder; shackle. tramontana (tra-mon-ta'na), n. a cold, blighting north wind peculiar to the Mediterranean. tramp (tramp), v.t. to tread upon forcibly and repeatedly; travel over on foot : v.i. to wander : n. a vagrant foot traveler ; journey on foot ; sound of tramping. trample ( 'pi ) , v.t. to tread under the feet ; prostrate by treading ; treat with insult or contempt : v.i. to stamp rapidly and repeatedly with the feet ; tread roughly. trampoos ( tram- poos' ) , v.i. to tramp ; walk heavily ; wander about. tram 'way ('wa), n. a street railway; metal track for wagons or trucks. Tramroad. trance (trans), n. a state in wMch the soul appears to be absent from the body or rapt in visions ; tem> porary suspension of sensation and volition while the heart and lungs continue to act ; swoon ; catalepsy : v.t. to place in, or as in, a state of trance. traneen (tra-nen'), n. crested dog's- tail grass. tranquil (trang'kwil), adj. calm; quiet ; undisturbed ; not agitated. tranquillity ('i-ti), n. calmness: quiet. tranquilize ('kwil-iz), v.t. to make tranquil or calm. tranquilly ('kwil-i), adv. in a tran- quil manner. trans, a prefix, meaning over, across, 'beyond, through, on the other side. transact (trans-akf), v.t. to man- age, as business ; carry through ; ne- gotiate. transaction (-ak'shun), n. the man- agement^ of any business or affair ; that which is done or performed ; a proceeding ; affair : pi. report of a scientific or learned society. transactor ('ter), n, one who trans- acts. ( transcend (tran-send'), v.t. to rise' above; surpass; surmount; excel; exceed. transcendency ('en-si), n. the state or quality of being transcendent; supereminence. Also transcendence. transcendent Cent) , adj. surpassing others in excellence; noting, in the Kantian philosophy, speculations ite, arm, askj at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mTte, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. era 819 tra I concerning matters outside the range of the human intellect or experience. transcendental ('al), adj. noting that which lies beyond the limits of experience or external to the senses ; speculative ; metaphysical ; vague ; supereminent. transcendentalism ('§.I-izm), n. the Kantian philosophy which affirms that the primary principles of knowledge are ascertained by the in- vestigation of that which is a priori, or independent of experience; a re- ligious movement in the United States, 1839, associated with Emer- son and Channing. transcribe (-skrib'), v.f. to copy. transcript ('skript), n. a written copy from an original. transcription (-skrip'shun), n. a copy. transept ('sept), n. that part of a church at right angles on either side to the chancel. transfer (trans-fer'), v.t. [p.t. &p.p. transferred, p.pr. transferring], to convey from one person or place to another ; convey, as a right, title, &c. ; produce by impression, as an engraving from a lithographic stone : n. (trans'fer) conveyance of a right, title, property, &c., from one person to another ; deed by which such a transfer is executed ; removal ; a sol- . dier transferred from one troop or company to another ; drawing or writing printed off from one surface to another. transferability (-a-biri-ti), n, the quality of being transferable. transferable ('a-bl), adj. capable of being transferred. Also transferri- ble. transferee (-fer-e'), n. the person to whom anything is transferred. transferrer (-fer'er), n. one who makes a transfer. transfiguration (-fig-u-ra'shun), n. a change of form or appearance, es- pecially the supernatural change in the personal appearance of Jesus Christ on the Mount. transfigure (-fig'tir), v.f. to change the outward form or appearance of. transfix (-fiks'), v.t. to pierce through. transfixion (-fik'shun), n. the act of transfixing; state of being trans- fixed. transform (-f6rm'), v.t. to change the shape or appearance of ; con- vert or change the character of, transmute ; metamorphose ; change the form of (an algebraic equation) into another of different form with- out altering its value. transformation (-for-ma'shun), w. the act of transforming ; state of be- ing transformed ; transmutation ; metamorphosis ; change of charac- ter ; conversion. transformer (-form'er), n. an in- duction coil for raising or lowering electric pressure. transfuse (-fuz'), v.t. to pour out of one vessel into another ; instil ; transfer, as blood, from the veins of a person or animal to those of an- other. transfusion (-fu'zhun), n. the act of transfusing ; state of being trans- fused. transgress (-gres'), v.i, to offend by the violation or infraction of any law, rule, &c. ; sin : v.t. break or vio- late. transgression (-gresh'un), n. the act of violating any law or rule of moral duty ; fault ; offense ; sin. transgressor (-gres'er), n. an of- fender. transient (tran'shent), adj. fleeting j brief. transit (tran'sit), n. a passage through or over ; passage of a heav- enly body across the meridian of a place; passage of an inferior planet across the sun's disc. transition (-sish'un), n. the passage from one place or state to another : change, as of key in music or of the subject of discourse. transitional (-sish'un-al), adj. in- volving or denoting transition. transitive ('si-tiv), adj. noting an action passing from a subject to an object. transitively (-li), adv. in a transi- tive manner. transitiveness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being transitive. %te, a.rm, ask, at, awl * me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon. book; hue, hut; think, then. \ tra 820 tra transitorily ('si-to-ri-li), adv. with a short continuance. transitoriness (-nes), n. shortness of duration. transitory ('si-to-ri), at?;, continuing but a short time ; evanescent ; fleet- ing ; unstable. translate (trans-laf), v.t. to render from one language into another ; in- terpret ; remove to another place or position ; remove to heaven v^ithout dying. translation (-la'shun), n. the act of translating; that v^^hich is trans- lated ; removal ; version ; removal of a bishop from one see to another. translator ('ter), n. one who trans- lates. translucent (-lu'sent), adj. semi- transparent. transmutation (-mu-ta'shun), n. the passing of the soul after death from one body into that of another ; metempsychosis. transmissibility (-mis-i-biri-ti), n. the quality of being transmissible. transmissible ('i-bl), adj. that may be passed from one to another, or through a body or substance. transmission (-mish'un), n. the act of transmitting ; the things trans- mitted ; passage through. Also trans- mittal. transmit (-mit'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. transmitted, p.pr. transmitting], to cause or suffer to pass over or through ; send from one place or person to another. transmitter ('er), n. one who, or that which, transmits ; a telegraphic or telephonic sending instrument. transmutation (-mu-ta'shun), n. change from one form, nature, sub- stance, or species, into another. transmute (-muf), v.t. to change from one form, nature, substance, or species into another. transom (tran'som), n. a cross-beam over a door or over the sternpost of a vessel ; horizontal mullion or crossbar in a window. transparency (trans-par'en-si), n. [pi. transparencies (-siz)], the state or quality of being transparent ; a picture painted on a semi-transpar- ent material through which a light shines. transparent Cent), adj. having the property of transmitting rays of light ; clear. transpiration (-pi-ra'shun), n. ex- halation through the pores of the skin. transpire (-pir'), v.t. to be excreted n through the pores of the skin ; be exhaled ; become known ; come to pass ; occur : v.t. to perspire ; exhale. transplant (-plant'), v.t. to remove and plant in another place ; remove and establish. transplantation (-plan-ta'shun), n. the act of transplanting. transport (-p5rt'), v.t. to carry across or from one place to another ; banish as a criminal ; carry away by violence of passion, or pleasure : n. (trans'port) conveyance for bag- gage or stores ; a vessel employed for carrying troops, stores, &c., from one place to another ; violent mani- festation of anger ; rapture ; ecstasy. transportation (-por-ta'shun), n. banishment for crime ; conveyance. transporting (-port'ing), adj. rav- ishing ; ecstatic. transpose (-poz'), v.t. to ckange the place or order of, by putting each in the place of the other ; change the key of; change (a term) from one side of an equation to the other by changing the sign. transposition (-po-zish'un), n. the act of transposing ; state of being transposed. Also transposal. transubstantiation ( tran-sub-stan- shi-a'shun) , n. the doctrine that after consecration the elements in the Eu- charist are converted into the veri- table body and blood of Christ. transude (-sud'), v.i. to pass or ooze through the pores or interstices of a substance. transverse (trans- vers'), adj. lying or being across or crosswise ; broad- er than long. transversely ('li), adv. in a trans- verse direction. trap (trap), n. an instrument shut- ting suddenly with a spring for snar- ing game, vermin, and other ani- mals ; snare ; ambush ; stratagem ; a ate, arm, &sk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; bdoOf book; hue, hut; think, then. 821 tre game played with a bat, ball, and shoe-shaped block of wood ; a car- riage on springs ; contrivance for preventing the escape of foul air from a drain ; heavy igneous rock composed of feldspar, hornblende, &c. ; pi. baggage ; portable articles : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. trapped, p.pr. trap- ping] , to catch in, or as in a trap ; ensnare ; take by stratagem ; furnish with a trap : v.i. to set traps for game. trapeze (tra-pez'), n. a swinging horizontal bar suspended at each end by a rope,_used by gymnasts. trapezium (-pe'zi-um), n. a plane figure bounded by 4 right lines, of which no two are parallel ; the out- ermost bone of the second row of the carpus. trapezoid (trap'e-zoid), n. a plane figure with 4 sides, having 2 sides parallel to each other. trapper ('er), n. one who traps ani- mals, especially to obtain the fur. trappings ('ingz), n. pi. ornamented articles of dress ; superficial decora- tions ; ornaments for horses. trash (trash), n. refuse; worthless or useless matter ; rubbish ; decayed leaves and stems of the sugar-cane. trashily ('i-li) , adv. in a trashy man- ner. trashiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being trashy. trashy ('i), adj. {comp. trashier, su- perl. trashiest], worthless; useless. trass (tras), n. a tufaceous alluvium or volcanic earth, used as a hy- draulic cement. Also terras. traumatic (traw-mat'ik), adj. per- taining to, applied to, suitable for, or produced by, wounds. travado (tra-va'do), n. a sudden squall accompanied with lightning and rain [Spanish]. travail (trav'il or 'al), n. labor with pain ; severe toil ; parturition : v.i. to suffer the pains of childbirth. trave (trav), n. a wooden frame for confining a horse while being shod. travel (trav'el), v.i. to pourney, espe- cially to foreign or distant places ; proceed ; move : v.t. to journey over : n. the act of journeying, espe- cially to foreign or distant places : pi. an account of occurrences and things seen during a journey. traveled ('eld), p.adj. having made journeys : hence experienced. traveler ('el-er), n. one who travels; one who journeys from place to place to solicit custom for a mercan- tile house ; a ring that slides along a rope or spar. traverse ('ers), adj. lying or being across : adv. athwart ; crosswise : n. a cross piece ; something lying or placed across something else ; a gal- lery or loft of communication in a church or large building ; formal de- nial of the pleadings of the opposite party in a lawsuit ; parapet and trench across a ditch ; the turning, of a gun to command different points : v.t. to lay or place in a cross direction ; thwart ; multiply ; travel or pass over ; survey carefully ; turn to one side or the other and point, as a piece of ordnance ; plane across the grain ; deny formally : v.i. to* turn as on a pivot ; move round ; tread or move crosswise. travesty ('es-ti), n. [pi. travesties (-tiz)], a burlesque or parody: v.t, [p.t. & p.p. travestied, p.pr. trav- estying], to burlesque or parody. traivl (trawl), n. a large net of pe- culiar construction used in deep-sea fishing : v.i. to fish with a trawl. trawler ('er), n. one who trawls; a fishing vessel used in trawling. traxirling ('ir»g), n. the act or pro- cess of fishing with a net which drags along the bottom of the sea. tray (tra), n. [pi. trays (traz)], a broad, flat vessel for holding or car- rying dishes, glasses, &c. ; salver. trayful ('fool), n. [pi. trayfuls ('foolz)], as much as a tray will contain. treacherous (trech'er-us), adj. be- traying a trust ; perfidious ; faith- less. treachery ('er-i), n. [pi. treacheries (-iz)], treasonable or perfidious con- duct ; perfidy ; violation of allegi- ance or faith ; treason. treacle (tre'kl), n. a syrup drained from sugar in the process of refin- ing ; molasses. tread (tred), v.i. [p.t. trod, p.p. trod- Ste, arm, &sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. tre 822 tre den, p.pr. treading], to step or walk, especially to walk with a more or less stately or measured step ; copu- late, as birds : v.i. to walk on ; crush under the feet ; subdue or vanquish. treadle ('1), n. that part of a loom or other machine moved by the foot. treadmill ('mil), n. a large wheel driven by persons treading on the steps of the periphery. treason (tre'zn), n. the offense of betraying the state or subverting the government of the state to which the offender belongs ; rebellion. treasure (trezh'ur), n. accumulated wealth ; abundance ; plenty ; some- thing highly valued : v.t. to lay up or collect for future use ; hoard ; ac- cumulate ; value highly. treasurer (-er), n. one who has the charge of a treasure ; a public officer who receives the money collected from taxes, duties, &c. ; one who has charge of collected funds. treasurership (-ship), n. the office of a treasurer. treasury ('tir-i), n. \_pl. treasuries (-iz) ], a place or building where the public revenues are deposited and the public debts discharged ; that department of a government which has charge of the finances ; the offi- cials constituting such a department ; collection of valuable information or facts. treasury note (not), n. a demand note issued by the United States treasury, and by law made a legal tender for all debts, public and priv- ate, except duties on imports and interest on the public debt. treat (tret), v.t. to handle or manage in a particular manner ; behave to- wards ; entertain with food or drink without cost to the guests ; discourse on ; manage in the application of remedies : v.i. to discuss ; negotiate ; agree ; give a gratuitous entertain- ment : n. an entertainment given as an expression of regard ; something which affords great pleasure. treatise ('is), n. a written composi- tion on some particular subject, in which its principles are discussed or explained. treatment ('ment), n. act or man- ner of treating; usage; manage- ment ; manipulation. treaty ('i), n. [pi. treaties (-iz)], the act of treating for the adjust- ment of differences or for forming an agreement ; league or agreement between two states, &c. ; negotia- tion. treble (treb'l), adj, threefold; triple; pertaining to the highest vocal or instrumental part [Music] : n. the highest vocal or instrumental part; soprano : v.t. to make threefold : v.i. to become threefold. tree (tre), n. any woody plant hav- ing a single trunk and branches; anything resembling a tree ; a piece of timber ; cross : v.t. to drive to a tree ; place in difficulty : v.i. to take refuge in a tree. trefoil ('foil), n. any plant of the genus Trifolium, including the clo- vers ; an ornamental foliation used in architecture resembling three- leaved clover. treenail ('nal), n. a cylindrical wooden pin used for securing the planks of a ship to the timbers. Also trenail. trek (trek), v.i. to travel by wagon, especially in search of a new settle- ment : n. a journey by wagon [South Africa]. trellis (trel'is), n. a structure or frame of lattice-work for supporting vines, &c. trellis-urork (-werk), n. small bars nailed together crosswise. tremble (trem'bl), v.i. to shake in- voluntarily, as with fear, cold, weak- ness, &c. ; shudder ; totter ; quaver, as sound : n. an involuntary shak- ing ; shiver. trembling ('bling), adj. shaking as with fear ; quivering. tremendous (tre-men'dus), adj. ex- citing fear or terror ; dreadful ; ter- rible ; terrific ; marvelous. tremolite (trem'o-lit), n. a white va- riety of hornblende. tremolo (trem'o-lo), n. a tremulous or fluttering effect in vocal or instru- mental music ; mechanical device in an organ by which a tremolo is pro- duced. tremor (trem'er), n. an involuntary ate, arm, ^sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, tJien. tre 823 tri trembling ; (quivering or vibratory motion. tremulous ('ti-lus), adj. trembling; quivering; shaking; affected v^ith fear or timidity ; vibratory. trench, (trench), n. a long, narrow cut or ditch excavated in the earth ; open ditch for draining ; an excava- tion made to interrupt the advance of an enemy, or to cover the advance of troops to a besieged place : v.t. to form a ditch in ; dig or cultivate deeply : v.i. to encroach. trencliaut ('ant), adj. sharp; keen; severe. trenclieitr ('er), n. one who trenches; a large wooden plate ; trencher-cap. trenchev-cap (-kap), n. a college cap. trend (trend), n. inclination in a particular direction ; general tend- ency : v.i. to have a particular di- rection ; tend ; stretch. trepan (tre-pan'), n. a cylindrical saw of peculiar construction used in the operation of trepanning : v.i. [p.t. & p.p. trepanned, p.pr. trepan- ning], to perform the operation of trepanning: v.t. to perforate with a trepan. trepanning ('ing), n. the surgical operation of making a perforation in the skull and taking out a piece to remove pressure on the brain. trepang (tre-pang'), n. the beche-de- mer. trephine (tre-fin'), n. a surgical in- strument for removing a disk of bone from the skull : v.t. to operate on with a trephine ; to trepan. trepidation (trep-i-da'shun), n. an involuntary trembling ; state of ter- ror or alarm ; confused haste. trespass (tres'pas), v.i. to commit any offense ; sin ; enter unlawfully upon the land of another ; intrude ; violate any recognized rule of duty or social life : n. the act of trespass- ing ; any offense or injury done to the person or property of another ; transgression : sin. tress (tres), n, a braid or lock of hair. tressel, same as trestle. trestle (tres'l), n. a movable form for supporting anything ; frame of a table. trestle-board (-bord), n. a draught- man's designing board. trestle-tree (-tre), n. one of two stout bars of timber secured hori- zontally to a mast to support the cross-trees. trestle-ivork (-werk), n. a viaduct, pier, or scaffold supported on tres- tles connected together with cross- beams and braces. trey (tra), w. a 3 at cards or dice; card with 3 spots. tri, a prefix meaning three, threefold, as ^nangled, adj. having 3 angles. triable (tri'a-bl), adj. capable of be- ing tried or subjected to test. triad (tri'ad), n. a union of 3; an element which can replace or direct- ly unite with 3 atoms of hydrogen, or similar monatonic element ; the common chord of a tone with its third and fifth [Music]. trial (tri'al), n. an attempt or en- deavor ; examination by test or ex- perience; test of virtue, &c., by suf- fering or temptation ; proof ; verifi- cation ; state of being tried ; judicial examination. triandrian (tri-an'dri-an), adj. hav- ing 3 equal and distinct stamens. Also triandrous. triangle ('ang-gl), n. a plane figure bounded by 3 lines, and having 3 angles ; a frame of 3 halberds to which offenders against military dis- cipline were secured to be flogged ; a musical instrument of steel in the form of a triangle, sounded by being struck with a rod. triangular (-ang'gu-lar), adj. hav- ing 3 angles ; shaped like a triangle. triangulate ('gu-lat), v.t. to divide into triangles ; survey by means of triangles. triangulation (-la'shun), n. the act of triangulating; the division of a district or a country into triangular portions, as in a trigonometrical survey. tribal ('bal), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, a tribe. tribalism (-izm), n. the state of ex- isting in tribes ; tribal characteris- tics or feeling. ate, arm, Ssk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book; hue, h^it; think, then. trl 824 tri tribasic (-ba'sik) , adj. noting an acid in which 3 equivalents of hydrogen have been replaced by a metal. tribe (trib), n. a family, race, or class, constituting a distinct portion of a people ; a family or series of generations descended from a com- mon ancestor, but kept distinct ; na- tion of uncivilized people under one chief ; a group of animals or plants intermediate between an order and a genus. tribrach (tri'brak), n. a poetic foot of 3 short syllables. tribulation (trib-u-la'shun), n. se- vere affliction ; deep sorrow ; acute trial. tribunal (tri-bu'nal), n. the seat of a judge ; court of justice. tribune (trib'un), n. an ancient Ro- man official elected by the people to safeguard their liberties ; a bench or elevated place : raised stand or ros- trum from which speeches are deliv- ered. tribunesbip (-ship), n. the office or authority of a tribune ; period dur- ing which a tribune held office. tributary (trib'u-ta-ri), adj. paying tribute ; yielding supplies ; contrib- uting to make up a greater object of the same kind : n. a state or govern- ment which pays tribute to a supe- rior ; a stream or river flowing into a larger one. tribute ('tit), n. an annual or stipu- lated sum of money, &c., paid by one state to another ; personal con- tribution made in token of services rendered or acknowledgment due. trice (tris), n. an instant: v.i. to haul ; hoist and secure with a small rope. tricentenary, same as tercentenary. triceps (tri'seps), n. the great three- headed extensor muscle of the arm. trichina (tri-kl'na), n. \_pl. trichinae ('ne)], a nemotoid parasitic worm, which infests the muscles of swine and human beings. trichinosis (trik-i-no'sis), n. the dis- ease produced by the presence of trichinae in the muscles and intes- tines. Also trichiniasis. trichology (tri'kol'o-ji), n. the sci- entific study of the hair, especially for the cure of baldness. trichord (tri'kord), n. a three- stringed instrument ; a piano having three strings to each key for the greater part of its compass. trichroism ('kro-izm), n. the prop- erty of certain crystals of transmit- ting various colors in three different directions. trick (trik), n. a stratagem or arti- fice ; wile ; vicious habit or practice ; deception ; imposition ; legerdemain ; clever contrivance to puzzle, amuse, or annoy ; whole number of cards falling to the winner in one round : pi. frolic : v.i. to cheat ; impose upon ; deceive ; delineate without color ; decorate or set off (with out). trickery ( 'er-i ) , n. deception ; cheat- ing ; fraud ; imposture. trickily ('i-li), adv. in a tricky man- ner. trickiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being tricky. trickle ('1), v.i. to fiow gently down or in a small stream ; run down in drops : n. a small gentle stream. trickster ('ster), n. a cheat; de- ceiver. tricksy ('si), adj. full of tricks; pretty. tricktrack ('trak), n. an old game resembling backgammon. tricky ('i), adj, given to tricks; knavish ; shifty ; artful ; cunning. triclinic (tri-klin'ik), adj. having 3 unequal axes intersecting at oblique angles. triclinium (-klin'i-um), n. [pi. tri- clinia (-a)], a couch, usually ac- commodating 8 persons for reclin- ing at meals; a dining-room fur- nished with couches on 3 sides. tricolor ('kul-er), n. a national flag of 3 colors arranged in equal stripes. tricentahedral (-kon-ta-he'dral) , adj. having 30 sides. tricycle (tri'si-kl) , n. a three- wheeled modernized form of velocipede : v.i. to ride on a tricycle. trident ('dent), n. a scepter or spear with 3 prongs, especially the scepter of Neptune : hence sovereignty of the sea. ite, arm, §.sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. tri 825 iH tridentate (-den'tat), adj. having 3 teeth or prongs. tried (trid), p.adj. proved; tested; trustworthy ; faithful. triennial (tri-en'i-al), adj. occurring in, or continuing for, three years. triennially (-i), adv. once in 3 years. trier ('er), n. one who tries or makes experiments ; a judge ; test. trifid ('fid), adj, three-cleft. trifle ('fl), n. anything of little value or importance ; a light kind of dish made of sponge-cakes soaked in sherry and covered with jam, cream, «&c. : v.i. to act or talk with levity ; indulge in light or frivolous amuse- ments : v.t. to waste or fritter away. trifling ('fling), adj. of small value or importance. trifoliate (-fo'li-at), adj. three- leaved. triforium ('ri-um), n. the open gal- lery or arcade above the arches of a church, separating the nave arches from the aisles. trifurcate (-fer'kat), adj. three- forked. trig (trig), adj. trim; neat: v.t. \_p.t. & p.p. trigged, p.pr. trigging], to skid or stop (a wheel) : n. a skid. trigger ('er), n. a catch which, when pulled, releases the hammer of a gun. triglyph (tri'glif), n. an ornament of the Doric frieze placed directly over each column and at equal dis- tances. trigonal (trig'o-nal), adj. three-cor- nered. trigonometric (-o-no-met'rik), adj. pertaining to, or done by, trigonome- try. Trigonometrical. trigonometrically (-al-i), adv. by trigonometry. trigonometry (-nom'e-tri), n. the science of measuring the sides and angles of triangles, and ascertaining the relations between them by cer- tain parts which are given. trihedral (-he'dral), adj. having 3 sides. trihedron ('dron), n. a figure having 3 sides. trilateral (-lat'er-al), adj. three- sided. trilaterally (-i), adv. with 3 sides. trilinear (-lin'e-ar), adj. three-lined. trilith ('1ith),w. a monument formed by three stones, two upright and one across the others. Also trilithon. trill (tril), n. a shake or quaver of the voice ; v.t. to sing with a quaver : v.i. to quaver. trillion (tril'yun), n. in the French system of numeration, followed in the United States, a unit with 12 ciphers annexed ; in the English sys- tem, a unit with 18 ciphers annexed. trilobite (tri'lo-bit), n. a fossil crus- tacean of the Palaeozoic period. trilogy (tril'o-ji), 7i. a series of three dramas each complete in itself, but forming one poetical and historical picture. trim (trim), adj. [comp. trimmer, superl. trimmest], neat; compact; in good order or service : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. trimmed, p.pr. trimming], to decorate or adorn ; make trim ; ad- just ; make smooth : v.i. to balance or fluctuate between parties. trimmer ('er), n. one who trims; time-server ; joist into which others are framed. trimorphism (tri-mor'fizm), n. the property of crystallizing in three forms ; co-existence among individ- uals of the same species of 3 distinct forms, unconnected by intermediate gradations. Trinitarian (trin-i-ta'ri-an), adj. pertaining to the Trinity, or the doc- trine of the Trinity. Trinitarianism (-izm), n. the doc- trine that there are three Persons in the Trinity. Trinity ('i-ti), n. the union of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost in one Godhead : one God as to sub- stance, three Persons as to individ- uality. Trinity Sunday (sun'da), n. the Sunday next after Whitsunday. trinket (tring'ket) , n. anything small and of little value; small ornament or jewel. trinomial (tri-no'mi-al), adj. con- sisting of 3 terms, connected by the sign + or — . trio (tre'6), n. a set of 3 ; 3 united; composition for 3 voices or instru- ments. ate, arm, dsk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book : hue, hut ; think, then. tri 826 tro trip (trip), v.i. [p.f. & p.p. tripped, p.pr. tripping], to run or step light- ly or nimbly ; take short, quick steps ; stumble ; err ; take an excur- sion : n. a nimble, short step ; stum- ble ; mistake ; journey. tripartite (trip'ar-tit or trl-par'tit), adj. divided into 3 parts. tripe (trip), n. the large stomach of a ruminating animal prepared for food. tHplane (tri'plan), n. an aeroplane of three planes or sustaining sur- faces, the lowest bearing aviator. triple ('1), adj. threefold; consisting of 3 united ; 3 times repeated. triplet ('let), n. 3 united: pi. S chil- dren at one birth. triplicate ('li-kat), adj. threefold. tripod (trl'pod), n. a three-legged stool or table ; the seat supported by 3 legs on which the pythoness sat when giving responses at the Del- phic oracle. tnpoli (trip'o-li), n. an earthy sub- stance consisting of siliceous shells of diatoms. triptych ('tik), n. a writing-tablet in 3^ parts ; a panel, usually an altar piece, consisting of 3 compartments, two of them folding over the middle one which is fixed. trireme (tri'rem), n. an ancient gal- ley with three banks of oars. trisect (trvsekf), v.t. to divide into three equal parts. trisection (-sek'shun), n. division into 3 parts, especially an angle into 3 equal parts. trisyllable (tri-sil'a-bl), n, a word of three syllables. trite (trit), adj. worn out; stale. tritely ('li), adv. in a trite manner. triteness ('nes), n. the quality of be- ing trite. tritheism (tri'the-izm), n. the doc- trine that the three Persons in the Trinity are three distinct Gods. triturate (trit'ti-rat), v.t. to rub, grind, or bruise to powder. trituration (-ra'shun), n. the act of triturating or reducing to powder. triuxuplx (tri'umf), n. a grand pro- cession in honor of a general who has_ gained a decisive victory ; state of joy at success ; victory ; conquest : v.i. to rejoice over success; obtain a victory. triumphal (-um'fal), adj. pertaining to, indicating, or in honor of, a tri- umph. triumphant ('fant), adj. rejoicing for victory; victorious. triumvir (-um'ver), n. [pi. triumviri Cvi-ri) ], one of three men united in office. triumvirate ('vi-rat), n. a coalition of threemen in office or authority. triune ('un), adj. 3 in one. trivalent (triv'a-lent), adj. capable of being combined with, or replaced by, 3 atoms of hydrogen. trivet ('et), n. a stand for holding a kettle, &c., near the fire. trivial ('i-al), adj. trifling; common- place. triviality (-al'i-ti), n. [pi. triviali- ties (-tiz)j, the state or quality of being trivial. trocha (trot'sha), n. a military high- road. troche (tro'ke), n. a medicinal loz- enge. trochee ('ke), n. a metrical foot of 2 syllables: the first long, the second short. trochlear (trok'le-ar), adj. pulley- like : said of certain muscles. trod, p.t. of tread. troglodyte (trog'lo-dit), n. a cave dweller : said of certain tribes. Trojan (tro'jan), adj. pertaining to Troy. troll (trol), n. a giant or giantess of supernatural powers ; sorceress ; a kind of song; reel on a fishing-rod: v.t. to sing the parts of in succes- sion : v.i. to fish, as for pike, with a rod and line running on a reel. trolley ('i), n. a kind of truck; a grooved metal wheel traveling in contact with a live electric wire. trolley car (kar), n. a car propelled by means of a trolley and an electric motor. trollop ('up), n. a slattern. trombone (trom'bon), n. a large brass instrument of the trumpet kind. tromometer (tro-mom'e-ter), n. an instrument for measuring earth tre- mors. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; bdon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 827 tru troop (troop), n. a multitude; small body of cavalry, usually 60 ; soldiers collectively ; company of perform- ers : v.i. to march in a body ; collect in crowds. trooper ('er), n. a cavalryman; troopship. trope (trop), n. a vrord or expression • used in a sense different from its usual signification ; figurative word. trophy ('fi), n. [pi. trophies ('fiz)], a memorial of a victory ; memento. tropic (trop'ik), n. one of the two small circles of the celestial sphere, situated at each side of the equator, at a distance of 23° 28' and parallel to it, within the limits of which the sun moves in his yearly course ; re- gion between the tropics. tropical ('i-kal), adj. pertaining to, or situated within, the tropics; fig- urative. tropically (-i), adv. figuratively. trot (trot), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. trotted, p.pr. trotting], to move faster than a walk : v.t. to cause to trot : n. the pace of a horse a little faster than a walk ; jogging pace ; term of endear- ment. troth (troth), n. betrothal; fidelity. trotter (trot'er), n. a trotting horse; sheep's or pig's foot. troubadour (troo'ba-door), n. one of a class of lyric poets who flourished in the south of France and north of Italy llth-13th centuries. trouble (trub'l), n. mental agitation, distress, or worry ; fault or inter- ruption in the stratum of a mine : v.t. to agitate, distress, or worry ; give occasion of labor to. troublesome (-sum), adj. causing trouble. trough (tr6f), n. a long, hollow ves- sel for holding a liquid, food, &c. ; anything hollowed out. trounce (trouns), v.t. to beat sound- ly. trouncing ('ing), n. a severe beat- ing. troupe (troop), n. a company of per- formers. trousers (trou'zerz), n.pl. a garment worn by men and boys, from the waist to the ankles, and covering each leg separately. trousseau _(tr6o-so'), n. [pi. trous- seaux (-soz')], a bride's outfit. trout (trout), n. a fresh- water fish allied to the salmon, but smaller. trover (tro'ver), n. the gaining pos- session of goods by finding or other means; an action at law for goods found and not delivered on demand. trow (trou), v.i. to believe; trust. tro-wel ('el), n. a flat, triangular tool , used for spreading mortar ; a gar- dener's tool. troy weight (troi'wat), n. a weight of 12 ounces to the pound, used by goldsmiths and jewelers. truancy (tro6'an-si), n. playing trn- ant. truant ('ant), n. one who absents himself from school without leave ; one who idles away from duty or business ; loiterer : adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of a truant; idle. truce (troos), n. a temporary peace or cessation of hostilities; brief ces- sation. truck (truk), n. a wheeled vehicle for carrying goods ; small wooden wheel ; small wooden cap on the top of a flagstaff, &c. ; barter ; garden vegeta- bles : v.t. to send by truck ; peddle ; hawk : v.i. to exchange commodities ; barter ; negotiate. truckle ( '1 ) , n. a small wheel or cas- ter : t7.t. trundle ; move on rollers : v.i. to yield obsequiously to anoth- er's will. truckle-bed (-bed), n. a trundle-bed» truculence ('ti-lens), n. ferocity. truculent ('ti-lent), adj. ferocious; of fierce aspect. trudge (truj), v.i. to travel on foot, especially with labor or fatigue. true (troo), adj. [comp. truer, superl, truest], comformable to fact; faith- ful or loyal ; genuine ; rightful ; cor- rect. true-blue ('bloo), adj. of inflexible honesty and fidelity. truffle (truf'l), n. a fleshy under- ground fungus much esteemed as a table delicacy. truism, (troo'izm), n. a self-evident truth. truly ('li), adv. in agreement with ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. trn 828 tse truth or fact; precisely; sincerely; honestly, trnnip (trump), n. a trumpet: a win- ning card ; one of the suit of cards that takes any of the other suits ; a genuine good fellow : v.t. to take with a trump card: v.i. to play a trump card. trumpery ('er-i) , n. worthless finery ; rubbish : adj. worthless ; insigniti- cant. trumpet ('et), n, a metal wind in- strument formed of a single curved tube ; an organ s.top : v.t. to publish by, or as by, the sound of trumpet ; noise abroad ; praise extravagantly. trumpeter ('er), n. one who sounds a trumpet ; one who proclaims ; self- flatterer ; a variety of pigeon ; an American swan. truncal (trung'kal), adj. pertaining to the trunk. truncate ('kat), adj. appearing as if cut o££ at the tip : v.t. (trung-kaf) to lop. truncated ('ka-ted), adj. cut off short. truncheon (trun'chun), n. a short staff or cudgel ; baton or staff of au- thority : v.t. to beat with a trun- cheon. trundle ('dl), v.t. to roll along; roll, as on small wheels : n. a little wheel ; truck. trundle-bed ('bed), n. a low bed that runs on casters. trunk (trungk), n, the stem of a tree ; body of an animal, as distin- guished from the head and limbs ; main body of anything; elephant's proboscis ; large traveling box or chest ; shaft of a column. trunk-liose Choz), n. large breeches reaching to the knees. trunnion (trun'yun), n. one of the two bosses which project from the opposite sides of a cannon. truss (trus), n. a surgical apparatus for the relief of hernia ; a bundle or package ; timbers fastened together for the support of a roof; rope or iron for keeping the center of the lower yard to the mast ; tuft of flow- ers formed at the top of the main stalk or stem of certain plants : v.t. to bind or pack close; seize and carry off; skewer; make fast. trust (trust), n. confidence; faith; credit ; special reliance on presumed integrity ; combination of capitalists to secure a monopoly ; an estate held for the benefit of another : v.t. to place confidence in ; rely upon ; cred- it ; sell upon credit to : v.i. to have trust in : adj. held in trust. trustee (trus-te'), n. a person to whom property or the management of property is committed for the benefit of others. trusteeship (-ship), n. the oflBce or functions of a trustee. trustful (trust'fool), adj. full of trust ; faithful. trustfully (-i), adv. in a trustful manner. trustiness ('i-nes), n. the quality of being trusty. trusty ('i), adj. [comp. trustier, su- perl, trustiest], justly deserving con- fidence ; faithful. truth (trooth), n. [pi. truths], agree- ment with reality ; eternal principle of right, or law of order; veracity; fidelity; fact. truthful ('fool), adj. according to, adhering to, or speaking, the truth; reliable. truthfully (-i), adv. in a truthful manner. try (tri), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. tried, p.pr. trying], to prove by experiment; test or prove ; examine ; purify or refine ; subject to severe trial ; ex- amine judicially ; subject to strain : n. an attempt or experiment. trying ('ing), adj. afflictive; difficult. try-sail ('sal), n. a sail set on the fore and main masts, rigged with a boom and gaff. tryst (trist), n. a rendezvous; place of meeting; appointment to meet; meeting in accordance with appoint- ment. tsar, another form of czar. tsarina, same as czarina. tsetse (tset'se), n. an irritating Afri- can fly whose bite is fatal to oxen, horses, &c. T-square (te'skwar), n. a draughts' man's ruler. Ite, arm, Ssk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrth, not; bdon, book; hue, hut; think, then. tua 820 tun tuatera (too-^-ta'ra), w. a New Zea- land carnivorous lizard. tub (tub), n. a small cask; sponge bath: v.t. [p.t. & p.p. tubbed, p.p.. tubbing], to place in a tub: v.i. to take a sponge bath. tubby ('i), adj. tub-shaped. tube (tub), n. a hollow cylinder for conveying fluids ; pipe : v.t. to fur- nish with a tube. tuber (tu'ber), n. a thickened, round- ish, underground stem. tubercle (-kl), n. a small hard local tumor ; little tuber. tubercular ('ku-ler), adj. full of small knobs or tubercles. tuberculosis (-lo'sis), n. a disease accompanied by the formation oi small tubercles in the tissues. tuberous ('ber-us), adj. consisting of roundish fleshy tubers. tuberose ('ber-os), n. an odoriferous plant with a tuberous root and lilia- ceous flowers. tubing ('bing), n. material for tubes. tubular ( 'bu-lar ) , adj. tube-shaped ; consisting of a tube or tubes. tuck (tuk), n. a fold in a dress; roll of a drum : v.t. to thrust or press in ; gather, or turn up ; fold under. tuck-a-boe ('a-ho),w. a curious veg- etable production somewhat resem- bling the truffle ; Indian bread. tucker ('er), n. ornamental frilling or article of dress for shading the bosom of a woman. tucum (too'kum), n. a South Ameri- can palm, yielding a valuable fiber. Tuesday (ttiz'da), n. the 3rd day of the week. tufa (too'fa), n. friable volcanic rock or scoriae ; soft or porous stone formed by the deposition of carbon- ate of lime from water. Tuff. tuft (tuft), n. a collection of small things forming a knot or bunch : v.t. to separate into, or adorn with, tufts. tuft-hunter (-hun'ter), n. one who courts the acquaintance of persons of rank. tug (tug), n. a pull with great effort ; steam towing vessel : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. tugged, p.pr. tugging], to pull or draw with continued effort ; tow ; v.i. to strain in labor. tuition (tti-ish'un), n. act or busi- ness of teaching ; instruction ; fee for instruction. tulip Clip), n. a liliaceous plant with bell-shaped flowers. tulle (tool), n. a delicate silk lace or netting. tumble (tum'bl), v.i. to fall suddenly and violently ; roll about : v.t. to throw down ; turn over : n. a fall ; a rolling over. tumbler ('bier) , n. one who tumbles ; posture n^ker; a kind of drinking- glass; variety of pigeon. tumbrel ('brel), n. a cart that may be tilted up ; two-wheeled covered cart for conveying tools, ammuni- tion, &c., in a military train. Also tumbril. tumid ('mid), adj. swollen; distend- ed ; bombastic ; pompous. tumidity ('i-ti), n. the state or quality of being tumid. tumor ('mer), n. a morbid swelling or enlargement of any part of the body. turn- turn (tum'tum), n. a West In- dian dish of boiled plantain. tumult (tu'mult), n. the commotion of a number of people; noisy con- fusion ; riot. tumultuous (-mul'tu-us), adj. char- acterized by, or full of, tumult ; dis- orderly; agitated. tumulus ('mii-lus), n. [pi. tumuli (-li)], an artificial hillock raised over a grave. tun (tun), n. a large cask; measure of wine = 252 gallons; fermenting vat of a brewery. tunable (ttin'a-bl), adj. capable of being tuned; harmonious; melodi- ous. tundra (toon'dra;), n. a stretch of mossy, marshy, flat land in Northern Siberia. tune (tun), n. a series of musical notes with unity of key-note ; mel- ody ; short musical composition ; just intonation ; fit disposition or right mood : v.t. to cause to produce the proper sounds ; harmonize. tuneful ( 'fool ) , adj. musical ; har- monious. tunefully (-li), adv. harmoniously. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, north, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. tun 830 tnr tuner ( 'er ) , n. one who tunes musical instruments. tnngsten (tung'sten), n. a rare, heavy, greyish-white metal. tnngstic acid ('stik as'id), n. an acid of tungsten consisting of 1 equivalent of tungsten and 3 of oxy- gen. tunic (tti'nik), n. an undergarment worn by both sexes of the ancient Romans ; loose kind of frock worn I by women and boys ; military coat ; membrane covering some organ ; cov- ering, as of a seed. tunicated ('ni-ka-ted), adj. covered with a membrane. tunicle (ttin'i-kl), n. a small tunic; a close-fitting vestment worn by Ro- man Catholic bishops and sub-dea- cons. tunnel (tun'el), n. a vaulted under- ground passage cut through a hill or under a river ; funnel ; shaft of a chimney ; net wide at the mouth and ending in a point : v.t. to form a tunnel through or under. tunny ('i), n. [pi. tunnies ('iz)], a large marine fish allied to the mack- erel. tupelo (tti'pe-lo), n. a North Amer- ican tree with red berries and a very hard wood. turacine (too'ra-sin), n. a red pig- ment Turanian (tti-ra'ni-an), adj. noting generally those languages and peo- ples not included in the Aryan and Semitic families. turban (ter'ban), n. the headdress worn by Orientals, consisting of a cap around which a sash is wrapped. turbary ('ba-ri), n. right of digging turf on the land of another ; place where turf is dug. turbid ('bid), adj. muddy; thick. turbine ('bin), n. a wheel turning on a vertical axis and driven by steam or water. turbit ('bit), n. a variety of pigeon. turbot Cbot), n. a large flat fish. turbulence ('bti-lens), n. disorder; agitation. turbulent ('bu-Ient), adj. tumultu- ous; agitated; insubordinate; riot- ous. Turco ( 'ko ) , n. an Arab sharpshooter in the French army. Turcopbile ('ko-fil), n. a supporter of the Turks in their domination over the Slavonic Christians. Also Turcophil. tureen (tu-ren'), n. a deep table-ves- sel for holding soup. turf (terf), n. the grassy surface of untilled land ; race-course ; occupa- tion of racing (with the) : v.t. to cover with turf. turfiness ('i-ness), n. the state or quality of being turfy. turfing ('ing), n. the laying down of turf. turfite ('it), n. one who makes his living by, or is devoted to, horse- racing. turfy ('i), adj. abounding in, or like, turf. turgescence (-jes'ens), n. inflation. turgescent Cent), adj. growing in- flated. turgid Cjid), adj. distended beyond the natural size ; inflated ; bombas- tic. turkey- trot, n. a modern one-step, syncopated-time dance ; named from the high, single steps or trot of the turkey; accompanied by eccentric and sensational motions and posi- tions; widely prohibited as immod- est. See tango Turkish ('ish), n. the language of the Turks : adj. pertaining to Turkey or the Turks. Turkisk-batk (-bath), n. a hot air bath. turmeric (ter'mer-ik), n. the root- stock of an East Indian plant, yield- ing a yellow color used in dyeing. turmoil ( 'moil ) , n. harassing labor ; worrying confusion ; noise. turn (tern), v.t. to cause or make to go round ; change the direction of ; change from one state to another; reverse ; convert ; transform ; trans- late ; bend back ; blunt ; make giddy ; nauseate ; expel : v.i. to have a cir- cular motion ; be changed ; move as on a pivot*; recoil : n. the act of turning; movement in a circular di- rection ; bend or curve ; change of direction ; opportunity ; good or evil act ; short spell ; form or cast ; fright ate, arm^ Ssk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. tnr 831 twi or shock; single twist or bend of a rope. tnrndun ('dun), n. a flat piece of wood shaped like a fish which when whirled in the air makes a roaring noise: used by certain savage races. turner ('er), n. one who turns; one who turns articles in a lathe ; a kind of pigeon. turnery ('er-i), n. articles made in the lathe. turning ('ing), n. the act of one who, or that which, turns ; devia- tion ; a winding. turnip ('ip), n. a well-known plant with a solid bulbous root. turnkey ('ke), n. a prison warder. turnpike ('pik), n. a gate or bar to stop vehicles, and sometimes foot passengers, &c., until toll is paid. turpentine ('pen-tin), n. the resin- ous or viscid juice of pine and fir trees. turpitude ('pi-tud), n, moral de- pravity. turquoise (ter'koiz), n» a precious stone. turret (tur'et), n, a small tower; cylindrical rotary iron tower on a man-of-war. turreted (-ed), adj, furnished with turrets. turtle (ter'tl), n. a large edible sea- tortoise ; the turtle-dove. turtle-dove (-duv), n. a species of dove, noted for its gentleness and tenderness. Tuscan Order (tus'kan or'der), n. the most simple of the 5 orders of classic architecture. tush (tush), inter j, an expression of contempt, rebuke, or silence. tusk (tusk), n. the long, pointed tooth on each side of the upper jaw of certain mammals. tussah (tus'a), n. an inferior kind of silk. Also tussore, tusseh. tussle ('1), n. a scuflSe: v.i. to scuffle or struggle. tussock ('ok), n. a tuft, clump, or small hillock of grass; a species of tuffy grass, valuable for fodder. Also tussac. tut (tut), inter j. hush! be quiet! tutelage (tu'te-laj), n. guardianship. tutelary ('te-la-ri), adj. protecting. tutenag ('te-nag), n. Chinese copper. tutor ('ter), n. a teacher; guardian: v.t. to instruct ; train or discipline. tutorial (-to'ri-al), adj. pertaining to, or exercised by, a tutor or in- structor. tutorship ('ter-ship), n. the office of a tutor ; guardianship. twaddle (twod'l), n. silly talk: v.t, to talk in a silly or weak manner. twain (twan), n. & adj. two. twang (twang), n. a sharp, quick, vibrating sound ; affected nasal tone of voice : v.t. & v.i. to sound with a sharp, vibrating noise. tweak (twek), v.t. to pinch or pull with a sudden jerk and twist: n. a sudden sharp pull or pinch. tweed (twed), n. a soft, woolly cloth material. tweezers (twe'zers), n.pl. small pinch- ers for pulling out hairs. twelfth, (twelfth), adj. next in order after the eleventh : n. one of 12 equal parts. Twelfth Day (da), n. Epiphany. twelvemo (twelv'mo), n. duodecimo. twentieth (twen'ti-eth), adj. the or- dinal of 20 : n. one of 20 equal parts. twenty ('ti), adj, twice 10: n. the number which is one more than 19 ; a score. twice twis), adv. two times; doubly. twiddle (twid'l), v.t. to twirl in a light manner ; touch lightly : v.t. to move with a quivering motion : n. a twist of the fingers. twig (twig), n. a small shoot or branch : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. twigged, p.pr. twigging], to notice; under- stand : v.i. to comprehend. twilight (twi'lit), n. the faint light before sunrise and after sunset; partial illumination: adj. obscure; shaded. twill (twil), n. an appearance of diagonal lines in textile fabrics; fabric woven with a twill : v.t. to weave, as a fabric, with diagonal lines. twin (twin), adj. double; closely re- sembling : n. one of two born at a birth ; any person or thing very like another. twine (twin), v.t. to twist; wind round ; unite closely : v.i. to be close- ftte, arm, ftsk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boooi book; hue, hut; think, then. tx^ 832 typ iy united by twisting : n. a twist ; strong thread. twinge (twinj), v.i. to affect with a sudden sharp pain ; twitch : v.i. to suffer a twinge: n. a sudden sharp pain. twinkle (twing'kl), n. a quick mo- tion of the eye; short, tremulous light ; an instant : v.i. to open and shut the eyes rapidly ; blink ; shine with a tremulous, sparkling light ; J quiver. 'twirl (twerl), v.t. to move or turn round rapidly ; whirl : v.i. to rotate rapidly : n. a quick, circular mo- tion ; convolution. twist (twist), v.t. to unite or form by winding together ; wind spirally ; interlace ; writhe or contort ; cause to turn from a direct line : v.i. to be contorted ; move in a curve : n. the act of twisting ; convolution ; man- ner of twisting ; cord or thread ; kind of roll tobacco. twit (twit), v.t. [p.t. & p.v. twitted, p.pr. twitting], to annoy by remind- ing of a fault, &c. ; upbraid. twitch (twich), v.t, to pull with a sudden jerk : v.i. to contract or move quickly or spasmodically : n. a sud- den jerk or pull ; short spasmodic convulsion. twitch-gras ('gras), n. couch-grass. twite (twit), n. the mountain linnet. twitter (twit'er), v.i. to make a suc- cession of small, tremulous sounds, as a bird ; feel a tremulous, nervous motion : n. a small, tremulous noise ; slight nervous agitation. two (too), adj. one and one: n. the number of one and one. twopenny (tup'en-i), adj. of the value of twopence ; trumpery ; vul- gar ; worthless. twoply (too'pli), adj. of two thick- nesses. tycoon (ti-ko6n*), n. the title for- merly assumed by the commander- in-chief of the Japanese army. tying (ti'ing), p.pr. of tie: n, the process of washing ores. tyler, same as tiler. tympan (tim'pan), n. the parchment- covered frame on which sheets are laid to be printed. tympanic (-pan'ik), adj. pertaining to a tympan or tympanum. Also tympanal. tympanum ('pa-num), n. the mem- branous wall which separates the in- ternal from the external ear ; the drum of the ear ; flat triangular part of a pediment ; hollow " drum-shaped wheel. type (tip), v.t. to typify; reproduce by a typewriter : .i. an emblem, sign, or symbol ; figure or design stamped on coin ; distinguishing mark ; gen- eral form or structure ; original de- sign ; a letter in metal or wood for printing from. Different sizes of printing types are indicated by dis- tinguishing names and by means of a unit of type measurement, which . in the United States is one-twelfth of a pica. SIZES OF TYPE. Brilliant = 3% point. Diamond = 4 or 4^/^ point. Pearl = 5 point. Agate =5% point. Nonpareil = 6 point. Minion = 7 point. Breviej* = 8 point. Bourgeois = 9 point. Long primer = 10 point. Small pica — 11 point. Pica = 12 point. English = 14 point. Columbian = 16 point. Great primer = 18 point. type-metal ('met-al), n. an alloy of lead, antimony and tin for casting type. typewriter ('ri-ter), n. a mechan- ical contrivance for producing let- ters by means of an inked ribbon and types ; a typewriting-machine ; an operator of a typewriting ma- chine. typhoid (ti'foid), adj. pertaining to, or like, typhus : n. an enteric fever occasioned by defective drains, &c. typhoon (-foon'), n. a violent torna- do in the Chinese and Japanese seas. typhus ('fus), n. a contagious fever often occurring as an epidemic. typical (tip'i-kal), adj. figurative. typically (-i), adv. figuratively. typify ('i-fi),v.t. [p.t. & p.p. typified, &te, arm, &sk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, ndrth, not; bodn, book; hue, hut; think, then. typ 8 V-Pif' typifying], to represent by an image or emblem ; foreshadow. typist (tip'ist), n. one who operates a typewriting machine. typographer (tl-pog'ra-fer), n. a printer typographical (-po-graf'i-kal), adj. pertaining to the art of printing. Also typographic. typographically (-i), adv. by means of type ; employed in printing. typography (-pog'ra-fi), n. the art of printing. typology (-pol'o-ji), n. the doctrine of Scripture types or figures. tyrannical (-ran'i-kal), adj. pertain- . ing to, or characteristic of, a tyrant ; despotic; cruel. Also tyrannic. tyrannically (-i), adv. in a tyran- nical manner. ■S tyr tyrannize (tir'Sn-iz), v.i. to act like a tyrant; rule with oppressive se- verity, tyrannous ('an-us), adj. arbitrary; tyrannical. tyranny ('an-i), n. the government or conduct of a tyrant; severity; absolute monarchy imperiously ad- ministered. tyrant (ti'rant), n. an oppressor; despot. Tyrian (tir'i-an), adj. pertaining to ancient Tyre ; of a rich purple color. tyro (ti'ro), n. a beginner; novice. Tyrolese {tiv-b-\ez'), adj. pertaining to the Tyrol or its natives. tyrolienne (-o-le-en'), n. a popular song of the Tyrolese mountaineers, accompanied with dancing. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, *ften. ubiquitous (u-bik'wi-tus), adj, ex- isting everywhere ; omnipresent. nbiquity ('wi-ti), n. omnipresence. udder (ud'der), n. the glandular or- gan of a mammal which secretes the milk. uglily (ug'li-li), adv. in an ugly man- ner. ugliness (-nes), n. total absence of beauty; deformity, physical or moral. ugly ('li), adj. [comp. uglier, superl. ugliest], that which is offensive to the eye ; deformed ; morally repel- lent ; ill-natured. uhlan (u'lan), n. one of a kind of light cavalry, or lancer, in the Ger- man army. ukase (-kas'), n. a Russian imperial decree having the force of a law. ulcer (ul'ser), n. a sore, attended with a secretion of pus. ulcerate (-at), v.t. to affect with an ulcer : v.i. to be formed into an ulcer. ulceration (-a'shun), n. the process of forming into an ulcer. ulcerous ('ser-us), adj. ulcer-like. ule (ul), n. a Mexican tree which yields caoutchouc. ulna ('na), n. the larger of the two bones that form the fore-arm. ulnar ('ner), adj. pertaining to the ulna. ulster (ul'ster), n. a long, loose over- coat of coarse cloth. ulterior (-te'ri-er), adj. lying beyond or on the further side ; more dis- tant ; beyond something else either expressed or implied. ultima Cti-ma), n. the last syllable of a word. ultimate ('ti-mat), adj. being the last; utmost; furthest; extreme; final. ultimately (-li), adv. finally. ultimatum (-ti-ma'tum), n. [pi. ulti- mata, ultimatums ('ta, 'tumz)], final conditions offered as the basis of an agreement prior to the declara- tion of hostilities. ultimo ('ti-mo), adv. in the month preceding the present. ultra ('tra), adj. extreme. ultramarine (-ma-ren), n. a beau- tiful, permanent, blue pigment, orig- inally obtained from lapis-lazuli. ultramontane (-mon'tan), adj. be- ing beyond the mountains (the Alps) ; pertaining to, or character- istic of, ultramontanism. ultramontanism (-izm), n. extreme views of the Pope's authority and infallibility. ultramontanist (-ist), n. a sup- porter of ultramontanism. ululation (ul-u-la'shun), n. a howl- ing like a dog. umbel (um'bel), n. a fan-like inflo- rescence radiating from a common center. umbelliferous (-if'er-us), adj. pro- ducing or bearing umbels. Umbel- late, umbellated. umber ('ber), n. a brown pigment; the grayling : adj. of an olive-brown color. umbilical (-bil'i-kal), adj. pertain- ing to, or formed like, the navel. umbles ('biz), n.pl. a deer's entrails. umbo ('bo), n. the boss of a shield; point of a bivalve-shell immediately above the hinge. umbra ('bra), n. the dark cone of shadow projected from a planet or 1 ate, arm, ^sk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. 834 nnib 835 -and satellite on the side opposite to the sun ; the dark central part of a sun- spot. umbrage ('braj), n. screen of trees or foliage; offense. umbrageous (-bra' jus), adj. shady. timibrella (-brel'a), n. a covered slid- ing frame carried in the hand as a screen against the rain or sun. umlaut (oom'lout), n. the change of a vowel in one syllable through the influence of a vowel in the succeed- ing syllable. umpire (um'pir), n. a third party to whom a dispute is referred for set- tlement; one chosen in a game to see that its rules are observed : v.i. to act as umpire. unabridged (un-a-brij'd), adj. not shortened or condensed ; in size, like the original form. unanimity (ti-na'-nim'i-ti), n. agree- ment in opinion. unanimous (-nan'i-mus), adj. agree- ing in opinion. unarm (un-arm'), v.t. to disarm. unau (u'naw), n. the two-toed sloth. unbelief (un'be-lef), n. skepticism. unbend (-bend'), v.t. {p.t. & p.p. un- bent, p.pr. unbending], to free from flexure ; relax ; unfasten from the yards and spars : vA. to become re- laxed ; act with freedom or conde- scension. uncanny (-kan'i), adj. weird; mys- terious ; dangerous ; unpropitious [Scotch]. uncbancy (-chan'si), adj. unlucky; perilous. uncle (ung'kl), n. the brother of one's father or mother ; husband of one's aunt ; pawnbroker. unconscionable (un-kon'shun-a-bl) , adj. out of all reason or expectation. unction (ungk'shun), n. the act of anointing as a symbol of consecra- tion ; ointment ; anything soothing ; sham fervor or suavity. unctuous ('shus), adj. oily; sooth- ing ; lenitive ; extremely bland. undecagon (un-dek'a-gon) , n. a plane figure with 11 sides or 11 angles. under ('der), prep, beneath; subordi- nate to ; in subjection to ; less than ; during the time of. undergo (-go'), v.t. to pass through or experience ; suffer. undergraduate (-grad'u-at), n. a member of a university who has not taken his first degree. underhand (-hand'), adj. done by meanness or fraud ; clandestine. underlay (un'der-la), n. a layer of paper to raise the matter to be printed to a proper level. understand (-der-stand'), -y.f. to per- ceive by the mind ; be informed of ; assume or imply ; know by experi- ence : v.i. to have understanding ; be informed. understanding ('ing), n. the ra- tional faculties ; intellect ; intelli- gence ; wisdom ; skill. undertake (-tak'), v.t. \p.t. & p.p. undertook, p.pr. undertaking], to take under one's management ; as- sume ; attempt ; answer for : v.i. to take upon one's self ; guarantee. undertaker ('der-tak-er), n. one who undertakes to perform any office or business ; one who manages funerals. undertaking ('ing), n. any business or project a person engages to per- form. underwrite (-rit'), v.t. [p.i. under- wrote, p.p. underwritten, p.pr. un- derwriting], to subscribe one's name to (a policy of marine insurance) : v.i. to follow the calling of an un- derwriter. underwriter ('der-rit-er) , n. one who subscribes his name to a policy of marine insurance. underwriting (-ing), n. the calling of an underwriter ; marine insur- ance. undine (un-den'), n. a water-nymph. undue (un-du'), adj. improper; ex- cessive ; not legal. undulate ('du-lat), v.t. & v.i. to wave, or move like waves ; vibrate. undulation (-la'shun), n. a waving motion or vibration. undulatory ('du-la-to-ri), adj. undu- lating ; vibratory. undulatory tbeory (the'o-ri), w. the theory that light is caused by vibra- tions transmitted through an ethe- real medium in wave-like undula- tions. fite, arm, &sk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book; hue. hut; think, then. nnd unduly ('li), adv. excessively; im- properly. nnearned increment (-ernd' in'kre- ment), n. the increase of the value of land or property without labor or expenditure on the part of the pro- prietor. unequal (-e'kwal), adj. not equal; not regular or uniform ; ill-matched ; disproportionate ; insufficient. ungual (ung'gwal), adj. pertaining to, or having, a nail, claw, or hoof. unguent ('gwent), n. an ointment; lubricating substance. ^ ungulate ('gu-lat), adj. hoof-shaped. uni, a prefix, meaning one, or produc- ing one, as ■Mwtcellular : adj. formed of one cell. unicorn (u'ni-korn), n. a fabled ani- mal resembling a horse, but with a straight horn projecting from the forehead. uniform ('ni-form), adj. having only one form ; consistent with itself ; same in form, manner, or character ; equable : n. an official or regulation dress. uniformity ('i-ti), n. resemblance; conformity to one pattern ; accord. unify ('ni-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. uni- fied, p.pr. unifying], to form into one ; make a unit of. unilateral (-lat'er-al) , adj. one-sided. unilocular (-lok'ti-ler), adj. one- celled. union (iin'yun), n. the act of uniting, or making one ; combination ; coali- tion ; concord ; conjunction ; agree- ment between parts ; harmony in color ; trades-union. unionism (-izm), n. trades-unionism. unionist (-ist), n. a trades-unionist, union-jack (-jak), n. the national flag of Great Britain and Ireland. uniped (ti'ni-ped), adj. one-footed. unique (-nek'), adj. without another of the same kind ; unparalleled. unison ('ni-sun), n. accordance of sound ; concord ; harmony. unit ('nit), n. one; a single person or thing ; standard amount or quantity. Unitarian (-ni-ta'ri-an), n. one who denies the doctrine of the Holy Trin- ity, regarding the Godhead as uni- personal : adj. pertaining to Uni- tarians. Unitarianism (-izm), n. the doc- trines of the Umitarians. unite (-nit'), v.t. to incorporate into one ; make to agree or adhere ; join by a legal or moral bond : v.i. to be- come one ; combine ; commingle. United Brethren ('ed-bre*/i'ren), n.pl. the Moravians. unity ('ni-ti), n. the state of being one ; concord ; uniformity ; agree- ment ; harmony. universal (-ni-ver'sal), adj. all-per- vading ; embracing or comprehend- ing the whole ; general : n. in logic, a proposition which affirms the pred- icate to belong to the whole of the subject. Universalism (-izm) , n. the doctrine that all mankind will ultimately be saved, together with Satan and the fallen angels. Universalist (-ist), n. a believer in Universalism. universality (-sal'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being universal. universally ('sal-i), adv. without ex- ception. universe ('ni-vers), n. the whole sys- tem of created things ; world. university (-ver'si-ti), n. [pi. uni- versities (-tiz)], an assemblage of colleges or incorporated institutions for instruction in the higher branches of art, science, &c., and empowered to confer degrees in the several arts and faculties. unkempt (un-kempt'), adj. un- combed ; rough. unless (-les'), conj. except; if not. unman (-man'), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. un- manned, p.pr. unmanning], to de- prive of courage or fortitude; emas- culate. unnerve (-nerv'), v.t. to deprive of strength or power ; weaken. unplaced (-plasf), adj. not placed; not holding a governmental office ; not among the first three at the end of a race. unruliness (-ru.'li-nes), n. the state or quality of being unruly. unruly (-rii'li), adj. disregarding re- straint or authority; ungovernable; turbulent. unses (-seks'), v.t. to deprive of the characteristic qualities of a woman. ate, arm, &sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, ndrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. nnt 837 unto ('too), prep. to. iintratli (-trooth'), n. a falsehood. up (up), adv. on high; above the horizon; from a lower to a higher position. upas (ti'pas), n. a tree, common in Java, w^ith a poisonous juice. upbraid (up-brad'), v.t. to reproach. upcast Ckast), adj. directed up- wards : n. the ventilating shaft of a mine through which the air passes after circulating below. upheaval (-hev'al), n. a lifting from below ; a lifting of strata by some internal force. upheave (-hev'), 'O.t. to lift up from beneath. upholster (-hol'ster), v.t. to supply with house-furnishings. upholsterer (-er), n. one who sup- plies uuholstery. upholstery ('ter-i), n. the business of an upholsterer ; articles of house- furnishing. upland-cotton ('land-kot-un), n. cotton with a short fiber. upon (-on'), prep, on; resting on the top or surface ; relating to ; noting assumption, security, or time. upper ('er), adj. higher in place, rank, or dignity. uppish ('ish), adj. arrogant; assum- ing. upright ('rit), adj. erect; just; hon- est ; equitable ; elevation of a build- ing- timber supporting a rafter. uproar ('ror), n. noisy disturbance; bustle and clamor. uproarious ( 'i-us ) , adj. making great noise and tumult. apset (-set'), v.t. to overthrow; put out of normal condition: n. (up'set) the act of upsetting; state of being upset : adj. fixed. upshot ('shot), n. final result. upstart ('start), n. one who suddenly rises from a humble position to wealth or influence : adj. suddenly raised to a position of wealth and influence. upto-wn Ctoun), adj. situated in, or living in, the upper part of a town. upturn (-tern'), v.t. & v.i. to turn up. upwards ('werdz), adv. towards a higher place or source. Also up- ward. ursemia, same as uremia. ursemic, same as uremic. uranin (u'ra-nin), n. a brownish-red dye. uraninxn (-ra'ni-um), n. a metallic element. nranography (-ra-nog'ra-fi), n, a description of the heavens, and the character and relation of the fixed stars; the construction of celestial maps,_ globes, &c. urao (oo-ra'o), n. a name for natron found in South America. urate ('rat), n. a salt of uric acid. urban (er'ban), adj. pertaining to a city or town, urbane (-ban'), adj. polite; refined. urbanity (-ban'i-ti), n. politeness; refinement. urceolate (er'se-o-lat), adj. urn- shaped. urchin ( 'chin ),7J. a small boy; hedge- hog. urea (u're-^), n. the chief solid con- stituent of the urine of mammals. uremia (ti-re'mi-a), n. poisoning of the blood by the presence of urea and other hurtful substances. uremic (-re'mik), adj. pertaining to uremia. urge (erj), v.t. to incite; impel; pro- voke : v.i. act with earnestness ; in- sist upon ; allege proofs. urgency ('en-si), n. pressure ©f ne- cessity ; importunity. urgent ('ent), adj. pressing; calling for immediate attention. uric acid (as'id), n. a peculiar and characteristic substance found in urine. urim ('rim), n.pl. a mystic ornament worn by the Jewish high priest, con- stituting, with the thummim, the oracle by which Jehovah declared his will. urinal ('ri-nal), n. a place of conven- ience. urinary ('ri-na-ri), adj. pertaining to, or like, urine. urine ('rin), n. the excretion from the kidneys. urinoscopy (u'ri-no-sko-pi), n. the diagnosis of disease by examination of the patient's urine. urn (ern), n. a roundish vessel of va- rious materials bulging in the mid- Ste, arm, &sk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; booUf book; hue, hut; think, then. nrs 838 vzo die, usually with a foot or pedestal ; a vessel in which the ashes of the dead are preserved. UTsiforxn (er'si-form), adj. bear-like. ursine ('sin), adj. pertaining to, or resembling, a bear. nrubu (oo'roo-boo), n. the black vul- ture of Central America. ■ns (us), pron. objective of we. usablwi (iiz'a-bl), adj. that can be used. usage ('aj), n. mode of using; treat- ment; habitual or long continued use or custom. usance ('ans), n. the time fixed for the payment of a bill of exchange. use (us), n. the act of using; applica- tion of anything to a particular pur- pose ; employment ; custom or prac- tice; treatment: v.i. (uz) to make use of ; employ ; avail one's self of ; possess or enjoy for a time ; habitu- ate: v.i. to be accustomed. ■useful ('fool), adj. full of use, profit, or advantage ; beneficial. usefully (-i), adv. in a useful man- ner. useless ('les), adj. having, or being of, no use. usher (ush'er), n. a doorkeeper; an officer who introduces strangers or walks before persons of rank ; as- sistant master : v.t. to introduce or escort (with in or fortTi). usual (u'zhu-al), adj. habitual; cus- tomary. usually (-i), adv. ordinarily. usufruct ('zti-frukt), n. the tempo- rary use and enjoyment of lands and tenements belonging to another. usurer ('zhur-er), n. one who lends money at an exorbitant rate of in- terest. usurious (-zhoo'ri-us), adj. practic- ing usury. usurp (-zerp'), v.t. to take possession of by force, or without right : ap- plied to seizure and use of office, functions, powers, rights, &c. usurpation (-zer-pa'shun) , n. the act of usurping, especially the unlawful seizure of regal power. usurper (-zerp'er) , n. one who usurps. usury ('zhu-ri), n. interest on money beyond the current rate of interest ; practice of lending money at exorbi- tant interest. utensil (-ten'sil), n. an implement, especially one used for domestic or culinary purposes. uterine ('ter-in), adj. pertaining to the womb ; born of the same mother, but by a different father. uterus Cter-us), w.the womb. utilitarian (-til-i-ta'ri-an), adj. per- taining to, or aiming at, utility : n, one who holds the doctrine of utili- tarianism. utilitarianism (-izm), n. the doc- trine that virtue is defined and en- forced by its tendency to promote the highest happiness of mankind. utility (-til'i-ti), n. usefulness; in- trinsic value. utilize Ctil-iz), v.t. to make useful or profitable. utmost (ut'most), adj. in the great- est degree; most distant; furthest; extreme : n. the extreme limit or ex- tent. Utopian (ti-to'pi-an), n. pertaining the imaginary island, described by Sir Thos. More in his "Utopia," where the most perfect system of laws and institutions existed : hence ideal ; visionary. XJtopianism (-izm), n. ideal schemes for social happiness or perfection. utter (ut'er), adj. entire; absolute; unqualified ; total : v.t. to speak ; pronounce ; publish abroad ; circu- late, especially counterfeit coins or notes. utterance (-ans), w. vocal expres- sion ; speech ; style of speaking. uttermost ('er-most), adj. extreme; in the furthest, greatest, or highest degree : n. the furthest extent or de- gree. uvea (ti've-a), n. the posterior, dark- colored layer of the iris. uvula ('vu-ia), n. the fleshy, conical body, attached to the soft palate, hanging at the back part of the tongue. uvular Cvu-lar), adj. pertaining to the uvula. uxorious (uk-so'ri-us), adj. foolishly or excessively fond of a wife. ate, arm, &sk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; booD, book; hue, hut; think, then. vacancy (va'kan-si), n. [pi. vacan- cies (-siz) ], state of being vacant or empty ; listlessness ; unoccupied of- fice ; open or unoccuDied space. vacant ('kant) . rd/. empty ; free from thought or reflection ; not occupied. vacate ('kat), v.t. to make vacant; annul ; give up the possession of. vacation (-ka'shun), n. the act of vacating; intermission of a stated employment, or judicial proceed- ings ; school holidays. vaccinal (vak'si-nal), adj. pertaining to vaccine or vaccination. vaccinate ('si-nat), v.t. to inoculate with vaccine matter as a protection against smallpox. vaccination (-na'shun), n. act of vaccinating. vaccinator ('si-na-ter), n. one who vaccinates. vaccine ('sin), adj. pertaining to, or obtained from cows; caused by the cowpox : n. a liquid taken from the udder of a cow affected with cow- pox. vacillate (vas'il-at), v.i. to fluctuate in mind or opinion ; be unsteady ; waver. vacillation (-a'shun), n. fluctuation of mind; unsteadiness. vacuity (va-kti'i-ti), n. emptiness; vacant state of mind or expression. vacuole (vak'ti-ol), n. a small cell or cavity in the interior of organic cells 01 protoplasm. vacuous ('us), adj. empty; vacant. vacuum ('u-um), n. a space devoid of all matter; void. vade mecum (va'de me'kum), n. a manual for ready reference. vagabond (vag'a-bond), adj. without fixed habitation; roaming; idle: n. a vagrant ; scamp. vagary (va-ga'ri), n. [pi. vagaries ('riz)], a wild freak; whim. vagina (-ji'na), n. the canal which leads from the external orifice to the uterus ; sheathe vaginal (vaj'i-nal), adj. pertaining to, or like, a vagina or sheath. vaginate ('i-nat), adj. invested with a sheath. vagrancy (va'gran-si), n. a state of wandering without a settled home; habits and life of a vagrant. vagrant ('grant), adj. wandering from place to place without a settled home : n. a tramp. vague (vag), adj. indefinite; unset- tled. vaguely ('li), adv. in a vague man- ner. vagueness ('nes), n. the state or quality of being vague. vails (valz), n.pl. gratuities given to servants. vain (van), adj. [comp. vainer, sw- perl. vainest], empty; unreal; de- ceitful ; producing no good results ; conceited ; ostentatious. vainglorious (-glo'ri-us), adj. elated by one's achievements; boastful. valance (val'ans), n. hanging dra- pery for a bed, window, &c. vale (val), n. a tract of low land be- tween hills; valley. Valenciennes (va-long-si-enz'), n. a farewell. valedictory (-dik'to-ri), adj. bidding farewell. valence (va'lens), n. the degree of combining power of an atom. Kte, firm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrtb, not; bOdzif book; hue, hut; think, then. S39 val 840 vap Valenciennes ( va-len-si-enz' ) , n. a rich kind of lace. valentia (-len'shi-a), n. a waistcoat material. Also Valencia. valentine (val'en-tm), n. a sweet- heart chosen on St. Valentine's day ; love missive sent on February 14th. valerian (va-le'ri-dn), n. a plant of the genus Valeriana, with a valua- ble medicinal root. valet (val'a), n. a servant who at- tends on a gentleman's person : v.t. to act as valet to. valetudinarian ( -e-tu-di-na'ri-an ) , adj. sickly ; seeking to recover health : n. an invalid. Valhalla (-hal'a), n. in Scandina- vian mythology, the palace of immor- tality, in which the souls of heroes slain in battle dwell. valiant ('yant), adj. brave; heroic. valid ('id), adj. having legal force; not weak or defective; sound; well- grounded. validity (va-lid'i-ti), n. legal force; soundness ; strength ; Justness. valise (va-les'), n. small portman- teau. vallation (-la'shun), n. a rampart. valley (vari),n. [pZ. valleys ('iz)],a tract of land situated between ranges of hills or mountains, usually trav- ersed by a river. vallisneria (-is-ne'ri-a), n. a fresh- water plant. valonia (va-16'ni-a), n. a trade name for the large acorn-cups of two kinds of oak. valor (val'er), n. bravery; intrepid- ity. valorous ('er-us), adj. brave; in- trepid. valuable ('ti-a-bl), adj. possessing useful qualities ; having value or worth ; costly : n. a thing or posses- sion of value. valuation (-u-a'shun), n. the act of valuing ; estimated worth or price ; estimation. value ('ti), n. that which renders anything useful or estimable ; price ; importance ; excellence : v.t. to esti- mate the worth of ; appraise ; es- teem. valued ('ud), adj. highly esteemed or prized. valve (valv), n. a lid or cover open- ing in one direction and shutting in another; one of the divisions of a shell. vamose (va-mos'), v.i. to decamp. vamp (vamp), n. the upper leather of a boot or shoe; a piece added to something old to give it a new ap- pearance ; an improvised accompani- ment : v.t. to furnish with an upper leather; patch (with up); impro- vise an accompaniment to. vampire (vam'pir), n. a fabled de- mon or ghost that sucks the blood of persons asleep ; a kind of bat. van (van), n. the front of an army or fleet ; a large covered wagon for moving household goods, &c. vanadium (va-na'di-um), n. a rare metallic element. Vandal (van'dal), n. one of a Teu- tonic race inhabiting the south shores of the Baltic, noted for their fierceness and destruction of works of art, when plundering Rome, 5th century. vandal (van'dal), n. one who is hos- tile to art or literature ; one who ruthlessly destroys what is artistic or venerable. vandalism (-izm), n. hostility to works of art or literature ; wanton destruction of what is artistic, &c. vane (van), n. a weather-cock. vang (vang), n. a rope for steadying the extremity of the peak of a gaff to the side of a ship. Vanessa (va-nes'sa), n. one of a spe- cies of handsome butterflies. vanguard (van'gard), n. the advance guard of an army. vanilla (va-nil'a), n. the dried fruit of an orchid, used for flavoring. vanish (van'ish), v.i. to disappear. vanity ('i-ti), n. [pZ. vanities (-tiz)], love of indiscriminate admiration ; empty pride or conceit ; fruitless de sire or endeavor ; idle show ; empti- ness. vanning ('ing), n. a method of cleansing ore. vanquish (vang'kwish), v.t. to con- quer ; subdue ; refute in argument. vantage ( 'taj ) , n. advantage ; in lawn tennis, the first point after deuce. vapid (vap'id), adj. dull; insipid. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, n&rth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. vap 841 vapidity (v^-pid'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being vapid. vapor (va'per), n. the gas into which most liquids and solids are converted by heat ; steam ; mist ; whim : pi. hysteria ; melancholia : v.i. to pass off in vapor ; bully. vaporize (va'per-iz), v.t. to convert into vapor. vaporous ('per-us), adj. full of, or like, vapor ; unreal. vapory (-i), adj. full ,of vapors. vaquero (va-ka'ro), n. a herdsman [Mexican]. variability (va-ri-a-bil'i-ti), n. the state or quality of being variable ; changeableness. Also variableness. variable ( 'ri-a-bl ) , adj, changeable ; inconstant ; fickle. variably (-bli), adv. in a variable manner. variance ('ri-ans), n, difference; quarrel. variant ('ri-ant), adj. variable; dif- fei*ent : n. a different form of sub- stantially the same thing. variate ('ri-at), v.t. to diversify. variation (-ri-a'shun), n. partial change ; difference ; inflection ; devia- tion of the magnetic needle from the true north ; tendency in organisms produced by the same parents to vary slightly. varicella (var-i-sera), n. chicken- pox. varicocele ('i-ko-sel), n. a swelling of the veins of the scrotum or of the spermatic cord. varicose ('i-kos), adj. abnormally swollen or enlarged : said of veins. varied (va'rid), adj. altered; partial- ly changed ; various. variegate (va'ri-e-gat), v.t. to mark with different colors or tints ; di- versify. variegation (-ga'shun), n. diversity of colors. variety (-ri'e-ti), n. {pi. varieties (-tiz)], intermixture or succession of different things ; variation ; di- versity ; change ; subdivision or pe- culiar form of a species. variola (va-ri'o-li), n. smallpox. variorum (va-ri-6'rum), adj. noting an edition of a book with the notes of various commentators. various ('ri-us), adj. different; sev- eral. variz ('riks), n. dilatation of a vein, varlet (var'let), n. formerly a serv- ant, footman, or page; a scoundrel. varnish, ('nish), n. a viscid, resinous liquid used for giving a gloss to wood or metal work : v.t. to cover with varnish ; give a gloss to or over; palliate. varus (va'rus), n. a variety of club- foot. vary (va'ri), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. varied, p.pr. varying], to change; make of different kinds ; alter : v.i. to under- go a change ; alternate ; swerve ; dis- agree. vascular (vas'kti-ler), adj. consisting of, or containing, vessels as part of a structure of animal and vegetable organisms. vase (vas or vaz), n. a vessel for va- rious purposes, especially one of an- tique or ornamental pattern. vaseline (vas'e-lin), n. petroleum jelly. vassal ('al), n. a feudal tenant; bondman : adj. servile. vassalage (-aj), n. the state of being a vassal ; political servitude ; vassals collectively ; territory held in vassal- age. Also vassalry. vast (vast), adj. of great extent; great in number or degree ; very spa- cious ; immense : n. boundless space ; empty waste ; sea. vat (vat), n. a large tub or vessel, es- pecially one used for brewing or leather making. Vatican ('i-kan), n. the palace of the Pope at Rome; the papal au- thority. Vaticanism (-izm), n. ultramontan- ism. vaudeville (vod'vil), n. a light, gay, or topical song ; a short drama with comic songs. vault (vawlt), n. an arched roof; cel- lar ; prison ; cavern ; tomb of ma- sonry ; sky ; leap : v.t. to shape as a vault ; arch : v.i. to leap, spring, or bound ; exhibit feats of leaping. vaulted ('ed), adj. arched; concave. vaunt (vant or vawnt), v.i. to boast: v.t. to brag of; display boastfully S n. a boast ; vain display. ate, firm, Ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. #ait 842 Taunting: ('ing), n. vainglorious boasting. vauntlay ('la), n. hounds suddenly turned off to precede the rest of the kennel. Veadar (ve'a-dar), n. the 13th or in- tercalary month of the Jewish cal- endar. veal (vel), n. calf's flesh. vector (vek'ter), n. a directive quan- tity, as a straight line, force, or velocity. Veda (va'da), n. [pi. vedas ('daz)], one of the four oldest sacred books or collection of hymns of the Hin- dus, of great antiquity, the basis of Brahmanism. Vedanta (-dan'ta), n. a Hindu sys- tem of philosophy based on the Ve- das. vedette (ve-def), n. a mounted senti- nel. Also vidette. veer (ver), v.i. to change direction, as the wind ; wear : v.t. to turn ; direct to a different course. vegetable (vej'e-ta-bl), adj. pertain- ing to, having the nature of, pro- duced by, or consisting of, plants : n. a plant deriving its nourishment from the earth by means of roots ; a plant or root cultivated for the table, &c. vegetarian (-ta'ri-an), n. one who abstains from a meat diet and lives on fruit, vegetables, or farinaceous food : adj. pertaining to vegetarians or vegetarianism. vegetarianism (-izm), n. the theory and practice of living as a vegeta- rian. vegetate ('e-tat), v.i. to grow as a plant ; live a useless, indolent life. vegetation (-ta'shun), n, plants or vegetables collectively. vegetative ('e-ta-tiv), adj. growing or having the power of growing, as plants. vehemence (ve'he-mens), n. impetu- osity ; violent ardor ; animated fer- vor. Also vehemency. vehement ('he-ment), adj. very vio- lent or forcible ; passionate ; ardent ; energetic. vehicle (ve'hi-kl), n. any kind of carriage or conveyance; a medium. vehicular (-hik'u-lAr), adj. pertain- ing to^ or serving as, a vehicle. veil (val), n. a covering more or less transparent for the face ; curtaic or covering for concealment : v.t. to cover with, or as with, a veil ; hide ; conceal. vein (van), n. one of the vessels which convey blood from the arteries to the heart ; branching rib of a leaf; seam of rock filled with me- tallic or mineral matter ; train of thought ; particular disposition, genius, or style : v.t. to fill or cover with, or as with, veins. veinous ('us), adj. full of or pro- vided with veins. velarium (ve-la'ri-um), n. the great awning stretched over open theaters in ancient Rome. Also velum. veldt (velt), n. open country [South Africa]. Also veld. vellum (vel'um), n. fine parchment. velocipede (ve-los'i-ped), n. a light carriage propelled by the feet : the original form of the bicycle. velocity ('i-ti), n. [pi. velocities (-tiz)], speed; rate of movement of a body. veloute (ve-loo'ta), n, a rich white sauce. velutinons (-Iti'ti-nus), adj. velvety; soft. velvet (vel'vet), n. a silk fabric with short, close, soft nap ; fine down on the horns of young deer. velveteen (-en'), n. imitation velvet. venal (ve'nal), adj. that may be bought, or bribed ; mercenary ; of or pertaining to the veins. venality (-nal'i-ti), n. prostitution of talents or services for money or re- ward. venation (ve-na'shun), n. the ar- rangement of veins in a leaf, or in- sect's wing. vend (vend), v.t. to sell; offer for sale. vendace (ven'das), n. a small sal- monoid fish. vendee (-de'), n. the buyer. vendetta (ven-det'a), n. a kind of blood-feud. vendible (ven'di-bl), adj. salable. vendor ('der), n. the seller. Also vender. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, bopk; hue, hut; think, theu» ▼en 843 ve» veneer (ve-ner'), v.t. to overlay with a thin slice of ornamental or more valuable wood : hence give a gloss to : w. a thin strip of superior wood for overlaying; outside show; pre- tense. venerable (ven'er-a-bl), adj. worthy of being venerated or reverenced ; rendered sacred by religious or lofty associations ; title of an archdeacon. venerate ('er-at), v.t. to esteem as sacred; regard with the highest re- spect; revere. veneration (-a'shun), n. the highest degree of respect and reverence; re- spect associated with awe. venereal (ve-ne're-al), adj. pertain- ing to, or arising from, sexual inter- ocurse ; aphrodisiac. venery (ven'er-i), n, sexual iflter- course; hunting. venesection (ve-ne-sek'shun), n. the operation of opening a vein ; phle- botomy. Venetian (-ne'shan), adj. pertaining to Venice or its inhabitants. Venetian-blind (-blind), n. a win- dow-blind formed of long thin slats of wood. venetian-door (-dor) , n. a door with long narrow side-lights. vengeance (venj'ans), n. the inflic- tion of pain on another for an in- jury received. vengeful ('fool), adj, vindictive; re- tributive. vengefuUy (-1), adv, in a vengeful spirit. venial (ve'ni-al), adj. pardonable. venially (-i), adv. pardonably. venison (ven'zn), n. deer's flesh. venom ('um), n. poison introduced into the system by a bite or sting; spite. venomous (-us), adj. full of venom; poisonous ; malignant ; spiteful. venous (ve'nus), adj. pertaining to, contained in, or consisting of, veins. vent (vent), n. a small opening for the escape of air, &c. ; chimney-flue ; outlet ; rectum ; utterance : v.t. to give an opening to. ventilate (ven'ti-lat), v.t. to open to the free passage of air ; expose to free discussion. ventilation (-la'shun), n. the act of ventilating; state of being venti- lated ; free discussion. ventilator ('ti-la-ter), n. a contriv- ance for regulating the free admis- sion of air. ventral (ven'tral), adj, pertaining to the belly. ventricle ('tri-kl), n, a small cavity in an animal body. ventriloquism (-triro-kwizm), n, the act or art of speaking as from another source than the voice. ventriloquist (-kwist), n» one who practices ventriloquism. venture ('tur), n. an undertaking of chance or danger ; risk ; speculation : v.t. to risk ; send on a venture : v.u to dare. venturesome (-tur'sum), adj. in- trepid; rash. Also venturous. venturesomeness (-nes), w. intre- pidity ; rashness. venturine (vent'tir-in), n. a powder made of fine gold wire: used for japanning. venue (ven'ti), n. the place where an action in law is laid. veracious (ve-ra'shus), adj. truth* ful ; true. veracity (-ras'i-ti), n. truthfulness; truth. veranda (-ran'da), n. a kind of cov- ered balcony or open portico sup- ported by light pillars. Also veran- dah. verb (verb), n. that part of speech which signifies to be, to do, or to suffer. verbal ('al), adj. expressed in words; oral ; literal : n. a noun derived from a verb. verbalism (-izm), n. something ex- pressed verbally. verbally (-i), adv. orally; verbatim. verbatim (-ver-ba'tim), at^v. word for word. Verbena (-be'na), n. a genus of orna- mental fragrant plants. verbiage ('bi-aj), n. verbosity. verbose (-bos'), adj. wordy; prolix. verbosely ('li), adv. with verbosity. verbosity (-bos'i-ti), n. the use of more words than are necessary. Also verboseness. verdancy ('dan-si), n. greenness; in- experience. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; booo- book; hue, hut; think, then. 844 ver verdant ('dant), adj. green; fresh; inexperienced ; gullible. ▼erd- antique (verd-an-tek'), n. a green incrustation on ancient copper and brass coins ; a beautiful mottled marble. verderer (ver'der-er), n. an English official wh9 has charge of the royal forests. verdict ('dikt), n. the finding of a jury on a trial ;_ judgment ; decision. verdigris ('di-gres), w. the blue-green substance which forms on copper or brass : used as a pigment. verditer ('di-ter), n. a blue or green pigment. verdure ('dtir), n. freshness of vege- tation. verge (verj), n. a rod, mace, &c., car- ried as an emblem of authority ; shaft of a column ; spindle of a ivatch-balance ; border or limit : v.i. to approach or come near. verger ('er), n. a sword or mace bearer; an official who has care of the interior of an English cathedral. verifiable (ver'i-fi-a-bl), adj. capable of being verified. verification (-i-fi-ka'shun), n. the act of proving to be true ; confirma- tion ; state of being verified. verify ('i-fi), v.t. [p.t. & 2).p. verified, p.pr. verifying], to prove to be true ; fulfil. verily ('i-Vi) , adv. in truth; certainly. verisimilitude (-i-si-mil'l-tud), n. the appearance of truth; Drobabil- ity. veritable ('i-ta-bl), adj. true; gen- uine. verity ('i-ti), n. [pi. verities (-tiz)], agreement with fact ; truth ; reality. verjuice (ver'joos), n. an acid liquor expressed from unripe grapes, ap- ples, &c. : hence sourness ; tartness. vermicelli (-mi-sel'i), n. the stiff paste or dough of fine flour made into tubes. vermicular (-mik'u-Iar), adj. worm- like. Also vermiform. vermifuge ('mi-fuj), n. a medicine or substance to expel or destroy worms from or in the body. Also vermicide. vermilion (-miryun), n. a brilliant red pigment : v.t. to color or dye with vermilion. vermin ('min), n. noxious small ani- mals or insects, as rats, fleas, &c. ; low, despicable persons. vermutb ('mooth), n. a liqueur of ab- sinthe, aromatic herbs, &c., for cre- ating an appetite. vernacular (-nak'u-ler), adj. per- taining to, or characteristic of, one's native country or language : n. na- tive idiom. vernal ('nal), adj. pertaining to, or appearing in, the spring. vernier ('ni-er), n. a graduated scale that sub-divides the smallest divi- sions on a straight or circular scale. versatile ('sa-til), adj. turning with ease from one thing, subject, or opinion to another ; many-sided ; va- riable. versatility (-til'i-ti), n. quality of being versatile. verse (vers), n. a measured line of poetry ; stanza ; poetry ; short di- vision of any composition, especially of the chapters of the Bible ; part of an anthem for performance by a single voice to each part. versed (verst), adj. skilled; convers- ant. versicle (ver'si-kl), n. a little verse; short verse or text sung by priest and people alternately. versification (ver-si-fi-ka'shun), n, the art or practice of composing metrical verses. versifier ('si-fi-er), n. a composer of verses. version ('shun), n. a translation from one language into another; particular account or description. verst (verst), n. the Russian mile = 3,500 English feet. versus (ver'sus), prep, against (Lat- in). vertebra ('te-bra), n. [pi. vertebrae (-bre)], a single bone of the spinal column. vertebral ('te-bral), adj. pertaining to, or forming part of, the vertebrae. Vertebrata (-bra'ta), n.pl. one of the great divisions of the animal kingdom, including those animals which have a bony or cartilaginous backbone. &te, arm, Ssk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, ndrth, not; bddn» book; hue, hut; think, ^^n. 845 ve& vertebrate ('te-brat), adj. belonging to the Vertebrata : n. one of the Ver- tebrata. vertex ('teks), n. [pi. vertices ('ti- sez)], the top, summit, or crown; apex ; zenith ; point in any figure, opposite to, and most distant from, the base. vertical ('ti-kal), adj. pertaining to, or situated at, the vertex ; directly overhead ; perpendicular to the plane of the horizon. vertically (-i), adv. perpendicularly. verticil ('ti-sil), n. a whorl. Also verticel. vertigo ('ti-go), n. giddiness. vertu ('too), n. artistic skill: hence works of art, curios, &c. (Italian). vervain ('van), n. a plant of the genus Verbena : formerly supposed to possess magical properties and used in medicine. verve (verv), n. the enthusiasm which animates a poet or artist ; spirit ; energy. very (ver'i), adj. [comp. verier, su- perl. veriest] , real ; actual ; true : adv. extremely. vesication (ves-i-ka'shun), n. the process of raising blisters on the skin. vesicatory ('i-ka-to-ri), adj. raising blisters. vesicle ('i-kl), n. a bladder-iike ves- sel or cavity ; cyst ; sac. vesicular (-ik'u-ler), adj. consisting of vesicles ; full of interstices. Vesper ('per), n. the evening star; Venus when appearing after sunset ; evening. vespers (ves'perz), n.pl. the 6th hour of the Roman Breviary; evening songs. vessel ('el), n. a utensil for holding something, especially liquids ; hollow structure made to float on water ; ship ; tube or canal in which the flu- ids of a body are contained; instru- ment ; recipient. vest (vest), n. waistcoat; body gar- ment, usually with short sleeves : v.t. to clothe with, or as with, a gar- ment ; invest closely ; give fixed right of possession. vesta (ves'ta), n. a wax match. vestal Ctai), adj. pertaining to, or sacred to, the Roman goddess Vesta ; chaste ; pure : n. a virgin ; nun. vestal virgins (ver'jinz), n.pl. the 6 virgin priestesses who tended the sa- cred fire on the altar of the temple of Vesta, at Rome. vested (ves'ted), adj. clothed; fixed. vestibule ('ti-bul), n. porch or en- trance into a house ; small bony cav- ity of the ear. vestige ( 'tij ) , n. a mark left in pass- ing ; track ; remains of something pre-existent. vestment (vest'ment), n. a garment, especially a priestly garment ; dress. vestry (ves'tri), n. [pi. vestries ( 'triz) ] , a room in a church where ecclesiastical vestments, &c., are kept and parochial meetings held ; meet- ing of parishioners for parish busi- ness. vestryman (-man), n. [pi. vestry- men (-men)], a member of a vestry elected by the parishioners. vesture ('tur), n. clothing; covering. vetch, (vech), n. a common name for leguminous plants used for green fodder, as tares. veteran (vet'er-an), adj. long exer- cised or experienced, especially in military life : n. one thus experienced. veteranize (-iz), v.i. to re-enlist. veterinarian (vet-er-i-na'ri-an), n. one who practices the art of healing diseases and injuries of domestic ani- mals. veterinary ('er-i-na-ri), adj. pertain- ing to the art of healing the diseases of domestic animals, as horses, &c. veto (ve'to), n. [pi. vetoes ('toz)], the right of stopping or preventing the enactment of a law ; authorita- tive prohibition : v.t. to reject by veto ; refuse assent to ; prohibit. vex (veks), v.t. to irritate by small annoyances or provocations ; harass ; tease; agitate. vexation (-a'shun), n. the act of vex- ing ; state of being vexed ; annoy- ance ; worry. vexatious ('shus), adj. causing vex- ation; annoying; troublesome; har- assing. vexed (vekst), adj. much debated oi contested, but not settled. ftte, arm, &sk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, but; think, then* rex 846 Tie Texing ('ing), p.adj. annoying; pro- voking. Tla (vi'a), adv. 6y way of [Latin], viaduct ('a-dukt), w. an arched struc- ture for conveying a railway, road, &c., over low ground. vial ('al), n. a small glass bottle or vessel : v.t. to put in a vial. Also phial. viands ('andz), n.pl. dressed meat; ^food. viaticum (-at'i-kum), n. the Euchar- ist administered in the Roman Cath- olic Church to a person in danger of death. vibrant ('brant), adj. vibrating; res- onant. vibrate ('brat), v.i. to move back- wards and forwards ; oscillate ; shake ; quiver ; swing ; waver : v.t. ^to cause to quiver. vibration (-bra'shun), n. the act of vibrating ; oscillation ; resonance. vibratory ( 'bra-to-ri ) , adj. consist- ^ing in, or causing, vibrations.^ vicar (vik'er), n. a deputy; incum- bent of an appropriated benefice, who receives the small tithes. vicarage (-aj), n. the benefice, or residence, of a vicar. vicar-apostolic (ap-o-stol'ik), n. in the Roman Catholic Church a missionary bishop with powers di- rect from the Pope. vicar-general (-jen'er-al), n. the as- sistant of a bishop, who assists him in ecclesiastical suits and visitations. vicarious (vl-ka'ri-us), adj. substi- tuted, or performed, in the place of another. vice (vis), n. a fault, defect, or blem- ish ; immoral practice or habit ; de- pravity ; immorality ; a vise. vice, prefix meaning in place of, sec- ond in rank. vicegerent (-je'rent), n. one deputed by superior authority to exercise the functions of another. viceregal (-re'gal), adj. pertaining ^to a viceroy. viceroy ('roi), n. a governor of a country ruling in the name and by the authority of the sovereign. Viceroyalty ('al-ti), w. the office, dig- nity, or jurisdiction of a viceroy. Vichy xrater (ve'shi waw'ter), n. a mineral effervescent water. vicinage (vis'i-naj), n. a neighbor- hood. vicinity (-vis-in'i-ti), n. nearness in place; proximity. vicious (vish'us), adj. characterized by vice or blemish ; faulty ; corrupt in moral principles or conduct; un- truly ; spiteful. vicissitude (vi-sis'i-tud), n. change. victim, (vik'tim), n. a living being, usually some animal, sacrificed to a deity ; some person or thing de- stroyed or injured in the pursuit of some object, or by some accident ; ^dupe.^ victimize (-iz), v.t. to make a victim of ; swindle. victor ( 'ter ) , n. conqueror ; one who wins or gains an advantage : Fem- inine victoress. victoria (-to'ri-a), n. a kind of car- riage for two persons. victorine (-to-ren'), n. a small fur ^tippet. victorium (-to'ri-um), n. a recently discovered element. victorious (-to-ri-us), adj. having conquered in battle or contest; em- ^blematic of victory ; triumphant. victory ('to-ri), n. [pi, victories (-riz)], the defeat of an enemy in battle, or an antagonist in a contest. victual (vit'l), v.t. \_p.t. & p.p. vict- ualed, p.pr. victualing], to supply or store with provisions for food: n.pl. food ; meat. victualer ('1-er) , n. one who provides food ; the keeper of a house of enter- tainment. vicuna (vi-koon'ya), n. an animal of Mexico and Chili, allied to the llama, furnishing a fine, long, reddish wool. vide (vi'de), v.t. see [Latin]. videlicet (vi-del'i-set), adv. to wit; namely [Latin]. vidette, same as vedette. vie (vi), v.i. to strive for superiority; rival ; endeavor. Viennese (ve-en-ez'), adj. pertaining to Vienna or to its inhabitants. view (vu), v.t. to look upon; see; re- gard attentively; survey mentally; examine intellectually ; consider : n, the act of seeing ; prospect ; survey ; ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, f^en. vlg 847 Tio purpose; mental or intellectual per- ception; sketch or picture; judg- ment; opinion. Tigil (vij'il), n. a watching; devotion in the usual hours of sleeping; eve preceding a feast of the Church. vig^ilance ('i-lans), n. watchfulness; caution. vigilant ('i-lant), adj. attentive to discover and avoid danger ; alert ; cautious. vignette (vin-yef), n. a small en- graving not enclosed by a definite border ; a portrait of the head and bust only. vigor ('er), n. physical or mental strength and energy ; force. vigorous ('er-us), adj. full of physi- cal or mental strength and energy ; robust; forcible. vihara (vi-ha'ra), n. a Buddhist tem- ple or monastery. viking (vi'king), n. one of the old Scandinavian pirates, who (8th to 10th centuries) ravaged the coasts of Europe. vile (vil), adj. worthless; despicable; morally base or impure; wicked. vilely ('li), adv. in a vile manner. vileness ('nes), n. baseness. vilifier (vil'i-fi-er), n. a defamer. vilify ('i-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. vilified, p.pr. vilifying], to defame; debase by slander. villa ( 'a ) , n. a country seat ; subur- ban residence. village ('aj), n. a small assemblage of houses, less than a town but larg- er than a hamlet. villager (-er), n. an inhabitant of a village. villain ('in or 'an), n. originally a serf or feudal tenant of the lowest class ; scoundrel. villainous (-us), adj. characterized ^by extreme depravity ; vile ; mean. villainy (-i), n. extreme depravity; ^atrocious wickedness. villanage (-aj), n. the state or con- dition of a serf. Also villeinage. villein, same as villain. villi ('i), n.pl. long, straight, soft hairs on plants ; velvet-like hairs set closely together. villous ('us), adj. covered with long, thin, soft hairs ; downy ; shaggy. vinaceous (vi-na'shus), adj. pertain^ ing to, or like, grapes or wine ; wine- colored. vinaigrette (vin-a-gref), n. a small perforated box of gold, &c., for hold- ing aromatic vinegar or smelling- salts. vincible (vin'si-bl), adj. capable of ^ being conquered or overcome. vinculum (ving'kti-lum), n. a bond of union; tie; horizontal bar placed over several algebraical quantities to indicate they are to be treated as one. vindicate (vin'di-kat), v.t. to prove to be valid ; defend successfully ; as- sert a right to ; justify. vindication (-ka'shun), n. justifica- tion against denial, censure, or op- ^pression ; defense ; support by proof. vindicator ('di-ka-ter), n. one who vindicates. vindicatory (-to-ri), adj. serving to ^vindicate, justify, or punish. vindictive (-dik'tiv), adj. given to, or prompted by, revenge. vindictively (-li), adv. in a vindic- tive manner. vine (vln), n. any woody, climbing plant of the genus Vitis, especially the common grape. vinegar (vin'e-ger), n. an acid ob- tained by fermentation from wine, beer, &c. : hence anything sour, actu- ally or metaphorically. vinery (vin'er-i), n. a place where grapes are cultivated artificially. vineyard (vin'yard), n. a plantation of vines producing grapes. vinic (vl'nik), adj. pertaining to wine. vin- ordinaire (vang-or-de-nar'), n. a kind of claret: the common wine of France. vinous (vi'nus), adj. pertaining to, having the qualities of, or like, wine, vintaj?e (vin'taj), n. the yearly crop or produce of the grape; wine pro- duced in one season. vintner (vint'ner), n. wine merchant. viol (vi'ol), n. a four-stringed musical instrument played with a bow. viola (ve-o'la), n. the tenor violin. violable (vi'o-la-bl), adj. capable of being violated or broken. violate ('o-lat), v.t. to transgress; break forcibly; injure; ravish; out- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, *7ien. Ho 848 ▼is rage; desecrate; treat with irrever- ence; disturb. ▼iolation. (-la'shun), n. the act of violating, infringing, or injuring ; rape ; outrage ; act of irreverence or profanation. violator ('o-la-ter), n. one who vio- lates. violence ('o-lens), n. physical or . moral force ; vehemence ; unjust strength or power applied to any purpose ; assault ; outrage ; crime ; rape ; eagerness ; infringement. violent ('o-lent), od;. urged or driven by force ; vehement ; impetuous ; forcible ; furious ; severe. violet ('o-let), n. a plant of the genus Viola ; a color like that of the violet. violin (-o-lin') , n. a four-stringed mu- sical instrument, played with a bow. violinist ('ist), n. a performer on the violin. violoncellist (ve-o-lon-chel'ist) , n. a performer on the violoncello. violoncello (-chel'o), *t. a large four- stringed instrument of the viol class. violone (ve-o-lo'na), n. a double-bass viol [Music]. viper (vi'per), n. a venomous serpent of various species ; a crafty, malig- nant person. viperous (-us), adj. viper-like; ma- lignant. virago (vi-ra'go), n. a bold, turbulent woman. virgin (ver'jin), n. a woman who has preserved her chastity ; maiden : the Virgin Mary (with the) : adj. per- taining to, or becoming, a virgin ; chaste; modest; pure; new; un- mixed. virginal (-al), adj. maidenly ; chaste : w. a 16th century musical instru- ment. virginity ('i-ti), n. the state of a virgin ; maidenhood ; virgin purity. virile (vir'il), adj. pertaining to, or characteristic of, mature manhood ; masculine; manly; procreative. virility (-il'i-ti), n. manhood; power of procreation. virtu, same as vertu. virtual ( ver'tti-al ) , adj. in essence or effect, though not in fact ; having the eflScacy without the material or sen- sible part. virtually (-li), adv. practically. virtue ('tu), n. rectitude; strength; efficacy ; valor ; chastity ; legal force. virtuoso (-tu.-6'so), n. [pi. virtuosi ('se)], one skilled in the fine arts, antiquities, &c. ; a skilled performer on a musical instrument. virtuous Ctii-us), adj. possessing, or exhibiting, virtue ; moral ; chaste. virulence (vir'ti-lens), n. the state or quality of being virulent ; extreme bitterness. virulent ('ti-lent), adj. very poison- ous or venomous ; actively injurious to life or health ; bitter in enmity ; malignant. virus (vi'rus), n. organic, contagious, or poisonous matter, by which dis- ease or poison is introduced into the system ; something that acts as a moral poison. vis (vis), n. power; force. vis inertia (in-er'shi-e), n. the re- sistance in a body either to change its state of rest or state of motion, visage (viz'aj), n. the countenance. vis-a-vis (ve-za-ve'), n. one who is face to face with another : adv. face to face. viscera (vis'er-a.) , n.pl. the intestines. visceral ('er-al), adj. pertaining to the viscera. viscid ('id), adj. sticky; glutinous. viscidity ('i-ti), n. stickiness; glu- tinousness. Also viscosity. viscount (vi'kount), n. a nobleman next in rank below an earl. Fenf inine viscountess. viscous (vis'kus), adj. adhesive or glutinous. viscus ('kus), n. an entrail. vise (vis), n. a two-jawed instrument for holding work. visibility (viz-i-bil'i-ti), n. percepti- bility. Also visibleness. visible ('i-bl), adj. perceptible by the eye, in view ; obvious ; apparent. Visigotbic (-i-goth'ik), adj. pertain- ing to the Visigoths, a branch of the Goths that settled in Southern France and Spain. vision (vizh'un), n. the act or sense of seeing ; sight ; object of sight ; di- vine revelation ; apparition ; creation of the imagination. ate, arm, ask, at, awl me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue,, hut ; think, then. Ms » Tisienal (-al), otf;. pertaining to vision. visionary (-H-ri), adj. existing only in the imagination ; unreal : n. an unpractical schemer. Tisit (viz'it), n. the act of calling to see another : brief stay of friendship, courtesy, or business ; oflScial inspec- tion: v.t. to call upon; inspect oflS- cially ; overtake or chastise : v.i. to be in the habit of making calls; maintain social intercourse. visitant ('i-tant), w. a visitor. visitation (-i-ta'shun), n. the act of visiting ; official visit ; infliction of good or evil ; retributive aflSiction. visite (ve-zef), n. a light lace or silk cape for summer wear. visitor (vis'i-ter), n. one who visits; official inspector. visor, see vizor. vista (vis'ta), n. [pi. vistas ('taz)'], n. a view, especially through an avenue; the trees forming such an avenue. visual (vizh'u-al), adj. pertaining to, or used in, sight. visualize (-iz), v.t. to make visible; see in fancy. vital (vi'tal), adj. pertaining to, sup- porting, or necessary to, life; mor- tal ; essential. vitalism (-izm), n. the theory which refers vital phenomena to a vital, as distant from a merely physical, force. vitality ('i-ti), n. vital force. vitalize ('tal-iz), v.t. to endow with life; animate. vitally (-i), adv. essentially. vitals Ctalz), n.pl. the organs of the body essential to life, as the heart, lungs, &c. vitascope (vi'ta-skop), n. an appa- ratus for projecting kinetographic pictures in life size upon a canvas. vitellin (-tel'in), n. the albumenoidal substance in the yolk of eggs. vitellus ('us), n. the yolk of an egg. vitiate (vish'i-at), v.t. to render faulty or defective ; taint ; deprave ; annul. viticulture (vit'i-kul-tur), n. vine -^ culture. vitree, a^ prefix meaning pertaining tOt or like glass^ as ui^reo-electric. a viv exhibiting positive or vitreous elec- tricity. vitreous (vit're-us), adj. consisting of, like, or obtained from, glass. vitrescence (vi-tres'ens),». the qual- ity of being vitrescent. vitrescent Cent), adj. capable of be- ing turned into or becoming like glass. vitric (vit'rik), adj. glass-like. vitrif action (-ri-fak'shun), n. the art or process of vitrifying. vitrified ('ri-fid), adj. converted into glass. vitrif orm (-f6rm), n. having the form or appearance of glass. vitrify ('ri-fi), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. vitri- fied, p.pr. vitrifying], to convert by heat and fusion into glass : v.i. to be converted into glass. vitriol ('ri-ol), n. the popular name for sulphuric acid. vituperate (vi-tu'per-at), v.t, to cen- sure abusively. vituperation (-a'shun), n. abusive censure. vituperation ('per-a-tiv), adj. char- acterized by, or containing, abuse. viva (ve'va), inter j. hurrah! [Ital- ian]. vivacious (vi-va'shus), adj. lively; gay. vivacity (-vas'i-ti), n. liveliness; ani- mation. vivarium (vi-va'ri-um), n. a place for the artificial keeping of animals in their natural state. viva voce ('va vo'se), orally [Latin], vive (vev), inter j. long life <^r suc- cess to [French]. vivid (viv'id), adj. life-like; realis- tic; forming brilliant images. vivify (viv'i-fi), v.t. {p.t. & p.p, vivi- fied, p.pr. vivifying], to endure with life; quicken. viviparous (vi-vip'a-rus), adj. pro- ducing young alive. vivisect (viv-i-sekt'), v.t, to dissect the living body of. vivisection (-sek'shun), n. the dis- section of a living animal for scien- tific study. vivisectionist (-sek'shun-ist) , w. one who practices or upholds vivisection. Also vivisector. ate, arm, ask, dt, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, ndrth, not ; b5on, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. TlZ 850 vol vixen (viks'n), n. a female fox; quarrelsome, ill-tempered woman. viz. (viz), adv. namely. vizier (vi-zer'), n. a high officer or councilor of state in Mohammedan countries. vizor (vi'zer), n. the upper movable part of a helmet ; the fore-piece of a cap. vocable (vo'ka-bl), n. a word; term. vocabulary (-kab'u-la-ri), n. [pi. vo- cabularies (-riz)], a collection of words of a language, science, &c., arranged alphabetically and ex- plained ; words used. vocal (vo'kal), adj. pertaining to, full of, or endowed with, voice or speech ; oral ; having a vowel character ; pro- duced in the larynx. vocalist (-ist), n. a singer. vocalize (-iz) , v.t. to form into voice ; utter distinctly. vocally ('kal-i), adv. with the voice. vocation (-ka'shun), n. calling; oc- cupation. vocative (vok'a-tiv), adj. noting the case of a noun, adjective, or pro- noun in which a person or thing is addressed : n. the vocative case. vociferate (vo-sif'er-at), vA. to clamor ; bawl : v.t. to utter with a loud voice. vociferation (-a'shun), n. violent outcry. vociferous ('er-us), adj. clamorous; noisy. vodka (vod'ka), n. a Russian intoxi- cant distilled from rye. voe (vo),_w. a fiord; creek. vogue (vog), n. fashion. voice (vols), n. sound uttered by the mouth, especially by a human being ; utterance or mode of utterance : fac- ulty of speech ; language ; expressed opinions ; vote or suffrage : v.t. to give utterance or expression to. void (void), adj. empty; Avanting: v.t. to nullify ; declare vacant ; quit ; to emit or send out : n. a vacuum. volant (vo'lant), adj. flying; nimble. Volapuk (-la-puk'), n. sl system of universal language for commercial intercourse. volatile ('a-til), adj. easily passing into the aeriform state; diffusing freely ; lively ; sprightly ; fickle. volatilize ('a-til-iz), v.t, to render volatile; evaporate. volatility ('i-ti), n. the state or quality of being volatile. volcanic (-kan'ik), adj. pertaining to, proceeding from, or produced by, a volcano. volcanize ('kan-iz), v.t. to subject to volcanic action. volcano (-ka'no), n. [pi. volcanoes ('noz)], a conical hill or mountain from which the products of volcanic action are ejected with great heat in the form of lava, &c. volition (vo-lish'un), n. the act or power of willing or exerting choice. volitive (vol'i-tiv), adj. pertaining to, or having the power of, will. volley ('i), n. [pi. volleys ('iz)], the simultaneous discharge of a number of small-arms ; explosive burst ; re- turn of a ball at tennis before it reaches the ground; bowling a ball full to the top of the wicket : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. volleyed, p.pr. volleying], to discharge with, or as with, a vol- ley : v.i, to be thrown out at once. volplane (vol'plan), v.i. to descend in an aeroplane from a great height without motor power or with the motor shut off. volt (volt), n. the circular tread of a horse ; sudden leap to avoid a thrust in fencing ; standard unit of electro- motive force. voltaic (vol-ta'ik), adj. pertaining to electricity generated by chemical ac- tion or galvanism. voltameter (-tam'e-ter), n. an in- strument for measuring the work of a voltaic current. volubility (-u-bil'i-ti), n. excessive fluency of speech. voluble ('u-bl), adj. fluent in speech, i volume ('tim), n. a single book;' space occupied, measured in cubic units ; mass or bulk ; quantity or fullness of voice or tone. volumetric ( -u-met'rik ) , adj. meas- ured by volume. voluminous ('mi-nus), adj. exten- sive ; copious ; consisting of, or hav- ing produced, many books. voluntarily ('un-ta-ri-li), adv, spon- taneously. ate, arm, ask, ac, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit ; note, nSrth, not; boon, book ; hiie, hut ; think, then. ▼•1 851 T«l Tolnntariness (-ri-nes), «. spon- taneousness. Toluntary ('un-ta-ri), adj. acting from choice or free will ; spontane- ous; designed; gratuitous: n. an organ solo played before, during, or after, a church service. Tolnnteer (-un-ter'), n. one who en- ters into ^ny service of his own free will, especially military service; a foreigner who gives his services in exchange for board and residence : v.i, to offer one's services volunta- rily, especially for military service : v.t, to offer or bestow without con- straint or compulsion. voluptuary (v6'lup-tu-a-ri), n. one given to sensual enjoyments or lux- ury : adj. devoted to luxury or pleasure. voluptuous ('tu-us), adj. given to the enjoyment of sensual pleasures or luxury ; sensual ; exciting sensual desires. volute (vo-ltit'), n. a spiral scroll forming the chief feature of the Ionic capital. voluted ('ed), adj. having a spiral scroll. vomer (vo'mer), n. the thin, slender bone forming the partition between the nostrils. vosnica (vom'i-ka), n. an abscess in the lungs. vomit ('it), v.i. to eject the contents of the stomach by the mouth : v.t. to throw up from the stomach ; dis- charge with violence: n. matter ejected by the stomach ; an emetic. vomiting (-ing), n. the act of eject- ing matter from the stomach. vomito (vo-me'to), n. yellow fever in its most acuteform [Spanish]. voodoo (voo-doo'), n. a system of magic and superstitious rites, said to be accompanied with cannibal- ism and human sacrifies, prevalent among certain negro races. ^ voracious ( vo-rS.'shus ) , adj. greedy in eating ; ravenous ; rapacious. voracity (-ras'i-ti), n. the quality of being voracious. voraut (vo'rant), adj. devouring or swallowing. vortex (vSr'teks), n. [pi. vortices Cti-sez)], the hollow and circular form assumed by a liquid when set in rotation; whirlpool. votary (vo'ta-ri), n. [pi. votaries (-riz)], one addicted to some par- ticular pursuit or condition of life; one consecrated by a vow. vote (vot), n. an expression of choice or preference for some particular candidate for an office, &c., by ballot or other method of suffrage ; decision by the majority: v.t. to choose by suffrage; characterize: v.i. to give a vote, voter ('er), n. an elector. voting ('ing), n. expression of opin- ion or preference by suffrage. votive ('iv), adj. given, consecrated, or promised by vow. vouch (vouch), v.t. to attest; guar- antee. voucher ('er), n. one who gives at- testation or witness ; a document guaranteeing the accuracy of ac- counts. vouchsafe (-saf), v.t. to condescend to grant; concede. voussoir (voo-swar'), n. one of the wedge-like stones forming the arch of a bridge. vow (vou), n. a solemn promise or pledge to fulfil some engagement hereafter, especially one made to God ; pledge of fidelity or affection : v.t. to promise solemnly ; consecrate to God : v.i. to make a solemn prom- ise. vowel ('el), n. a simple vocal sound; a letter representing such a sound : adj. vocal. voyage (voi'aj), n. a journey by water from one country or place to another : v.i. to make a voyage : v.t. to travel or pass over. voyager (-er), n. a traveler by water. voyageur (vwa-ya-zher'), n. a Cana- dian boatman. vraisemblance (vra-sang-blangs'), n. an appearance of truth. vulcanite (vul'kan-it), n. vulcanized india-rubber. vulcanize (-iz), v.t. to change the properties of (india-rubber) by com- bination with sulphur, white lead, and other substances, rendering it hard and non-elastic. vulgar Cger), adj. pertaining to. ate, arm, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. vol 852 vyi characteristic of, or used by, the multitude or common people ; com- mon ; general ; vernacular ; plebeian ; unrefined ; coarse ; mean : n. the un- educated or unrefined class. TTilgar fractions (frak'sbunz), n.pl. common fractions : expressed by placing the numerator above the de- nominator, with a horizontal or ob- lique line between. vulgarian (-ga'ri-an), n. a rich per- son with vulgar ideas. vulgarism ('ger-izm), n, a vulgar phrase or expression. vulgarity (-gar'i-ti), n. coarseness of manners or language. Vulgate ('gat), n. an ancient Latin version of the Scriptures in use in the Roman Catholic Church, made originally by St. Jerome : adj. per- taining to, or contained in, the Vul- gate. vulnerability (vul-ner-a-bil'i-ti), n. the quality of being vulnerable. Also vulnerableness. vulnerable ('ner-a-bl), adj. capable of being wounded; susceptible of wounds or injury. vulpine ('pin), adj. pertaining to, like, or characteristic of, a fox ; cun- ning. vulpinite ('pin-it), n. a variety of gypsum susceptible of a fine polish. vulture ( 'tur ) , w. a large, carnivo- rous, voracious bird of prey. vulturine (-in), adj. vulture-like. vulvif orm ( 'vi-f orm ) , adj. like a cleft with projecting edges. vying (vi'ing), p.adj. competing; em- luating. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hiie, hut ; think, /7ien. xtralbhle, same as wobble. wacke (wak'e), n. a German miner's name for a soft earthy variety of trap-rock. wad (wod), n. a mass of soft or flex- ible material used for stuffing gar- ments ; small mass of tow, &c., used for keeping the powder, &c., in place in a gun ; a kind of plumbago : v.t. [p.t. & p.p. wadded, p,pr. wadding], to form intO: or stuff with, a wad. waddie ('i ),'»*. a thick club used by the Australian aborigines. Also waddy. wadding ('ing), n. a soft stuff of loose texture used for stuffing gar- ments, etc. waddle ('1 ) , v.i. to move from side to side in walking: n. a clumsy, rock- ing gait. waddler ('ler), n. one who waddles. wade (wad), v.i. to walk through any substance that yields to the feet, as water, snow,, etc. : v.t. to ford. ■wady ('i), n. the channel of a water- course which is dry except in the rainy season. Also wadi. wafer (wa'fer), n. a small colored paste disk for securing letters, etc. ; small disk of unleavened bread used in the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church. waffle (wof'l), n. a soft indented cake, baked in an iron utensil over a flame or coals. waft (waft), v.t. to bear along on a buoyant medium '. v.i, to float. (wag), v.i. [p.t, & p.p, wagged, p.pr. wagging], to move backwards and forwards : v.t. to cause to oscil- late : n. the act of wagging ; a droll, humorous fellow. wage (waj), v.t. to engage in, oB carry on, especially war ; venture : n. payment for service rendered ; hire (usually pi.). wagen-boom (va'gen-boom), n. a South African tree yielding a tough wood, used for wagon wheels. Also wagon-tree. wager (waj'er), n. a subject on whicK bets are laid ; something staked on an issue : v.t. to hazard to stake : v.i. to bet. waggery (wag'er-i), n. mischievous merriment; tricks of a wag; good- humored sarcasm. waggish ('ish),ao won wittiest], smartly or cleverly face- tious ; characterized by, or possessed of, wit ; satirical. wive (wiv), v.t. to provide with a wife : v.i. to marry. ■wizard (wiz'erd), n. one supposed to possess supernatural powers, usually from the Evil One ; enchanter ; sor- cerer ; conjurer. wizen ('en), adj. dried up; shriveled: v.i. & v.t. to dry up or shrivel. woad (wod), n. a plant yielding a blue dye. woe (wo), n. sorrow; grief; misery. woful ('fool), adj. full of, or express- ing, woe ; sad ; mean. Also woeful. wofully (-i),adv. in a woful manner. wold (wold), n. a forest or wood; plain or open country: pi. a hilly district. wolf (woolf),^. [pi. wolves (woolvz) ], a fierce carnivorous animal of the dog kind : hence a person noted for rapacity or cruelty. wolSsh ('ish), adj. like a wolf; rav- enously hungry. wolf's-bane (woolfs'ban), w. aconite. wolf's-foot ('foot), n. club-moss. wolverene (wool-ver-en'), n. a car- nivorous quadruped; the glutton. Wolverine. woman (woom'an), n. [pi. women (wim'en)], an adult person of the female sex ; female attendant ; wife. womanhood (-hood), n. the state, character, or collective qualities of a woman. womanish (-ish), adj. suitable to, characteristic of, or having the qual- ities of, a woman ; effeminate. womankind (-kind), n. women col- lectively ; women of one's household. womb (woom), n. the uterus of a fe- male; place where anything is pro- duced; large or deep cavity: v.t. to breed in secret. wombat (wom'bat), n. a nocturnal, burrowing, Australian marsupial. won, p.t. & p.p. of win. wonder (wun'der), n. the state of mind produced by anything new, strange, unexpected, or surprising; astonishment ; cause of wonder ; mar- vel ; miracle ; prodigy : v.i. to feel wonder ; be astonished at. ate, arm, ksk, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit : note, nSrth, not ; b66n, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. xron 866 wonderful (-fool) , adj. exciting won- der; strange. Also wondrous. •wonderfully (-i), adv, in a wonder- ful manner. wonga (wong'ga), w. a large Austral- ian pigeon. wont (wunt), adj. used or accus- tomed : n. habit or custom. ivonted ( 'ed ) , adj. habitual ; usual. woo (woo), v.t. to solicit in love; in- vite with importunity : v.i. to court. wood (wood), n. a large and thick collection of growing trees ; solid part of trees; trunk of trees sawn for use. Woodburytype (-ber-i-tip), n. a photo-mechanical process for print- ing pictures from blocks. woodcock ('kok), n. a wild fowl al- lied to the snipe. wooden ('n), adj. made, or consist- ing of, wood ; produced as from wood; stiff; awkward; expression- less. woodiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being woody. woodman ('man), n. a forest officer; forester ; one who fells timber ; a hunter. woodpecker ('pek-er), n. a bird that taps the trunks of trees to discover insects. woodruff ('ruf), n. an herb. woody Ci), adj. abounding in woods ; consisting of, or composed of, or like, wood. wooer (woo'er)^ n. one who woos. woof (woof), n. the weft or cross- threads in weaving; texture. wooing (woo'ing), adj. courting: n. the act of soliciting in love. wool (wool), n. the soft fine hair which covers sheep, goats, &c. ; fine fiber resembling wool ; soft, thick hair. wool-gatkering (-ga.th'ev-mg) , adj. indulgence of idle fancies. woolen ('en), adj. made of wooi : n. cloth made of wool : pi. woolen goods. wooUiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being woolly. woolly ( 'i ) , adj. consisting of, like, or clothed with, wool. woolpack Cpak), n. a bale of wool, 240 lbs. woolsack ('sak), n. a sack of wool; the Lord Chancellor's seat in the British House of Lords. wool-staple ('sta-pl), n. the city or town where wool used to be brought to the king's staple to be sold. wool-stapler ('sta-pler), n. a dealer in wool. wootz (wootz), n. a very fine kind of steel imported from India, used for edged tools. word (werd), n. an articulate sound, or combination of sounds expressing an idea ; constituent part of a sen- tence ; tidings ; message or commu- nication ; declaration ; promise : pi. language ; speech ; conversation ; dis- pute : v.t, to express in words ; phrase. Word, n, the Son of God ; Holy Scrip- ture. word-book ('book), n. a vocabulary. word-building ('bil-ding), n. the formation or composition of words. worded ('ed), adj. expressed in words. wordiness ('i-nes), n. verbosity. wording ('ing), n. the manner in which anything is expressed in words. word-painting ( 'pant-ing) ,^ n. ^ the description of an event, &c., in vivid, realistic language. wordy ('i), adj. pertaining to, con- sisting of, or containing many, words ; verbose. wore, p.t. of wear. work (werk), n. physical or intellec- tual effort directed to some end ; re- sult of work ; labor ; employment ; duty ; a production of an art or sci- ence ; causing of motion against a resisting body : pi. moving parts of a mechanism ; industrial manufactur- ing establishment ; structures in civil or military engineering; moral du- ties as external to faithi : v.i. to be occupied in business or labor; per- form ; act ; be in a state of severe exertion ; ferment : v.t. to make by labor ; influence or effect ; excite ; manage or carry out; sew or em- broider. workhouse ('hous), n. a poorhouse; a house where convicts are confined to labor. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; boon, book; hue, hut; think, then. Photo, by Underwood & Underwood. WOOLWORTH BUILDING, NEW YORK. Highest building- in the world. Height, 5o stories, or 750 feet. 867 world (werld), n. the earth and its inhabitants ; whole system of created things ; universe ; present state of existence; people generally; public life or society; secular life; sphere or domain ; very much. vorldliness ('li-nes), n. the state of being addicted to gain and temporal pleasures. worldling ('ling), n. one who is de- voted to the pleasures and advan- tages of the present. worldly ('li), adj. pertaining to, or devoted to, this life and its enjoy- ments and advantages. w^orxu (werm), )n. any small creep- ing animal entirely destitute of feet, or having very short ones ; anything that gnaws or torments the mind ; thread of a screw ; spiral pipe in a still or condenser ; a groveling, de- based creature: v.i. to work slowly, secretly, and gradually : v.t. to un- dermine by slow and secret means. worm-xrlieel ('hwel), n. a wheel working into the spiral of a screw. wormwood ('wood), n. the bitter pl^it Absinthium, used as a power- ful tonic ; source of bitterness. worn, p.p. of wear. worried (wur'id), adj. harassed; tired. worrier ('i-er), n. one who worries. worriment ('i-ment), n. anxiety; trouble. worrisome ('i-sum), adj. causing worry. worry ('i), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. worried, p.pr. worrying], to tear or mangle with the teeth ; harass with anxiety or care ; vex or annoy ; tease : v.i. to feel or express undue anxiety ; be fretful ; fight, as dogs : n. harassing trouble ; anxiety ; perplexity. worse (wers), adj. [comp. of bad] : n. loss ; defeat ; inferior state or con- dition : adv. bad in a greater degree. worship (wer'ship), n. in England, a title of honor used in addressing cer- tain magistrates, especially mayors ; act of paying divine honor to God : v.t. to pay divine honors, or religious service, to; reverence with great re- spect : v.i. to perform acts of hom- age or adoration, especially religious service. worshipful (-fool), adj. claiming or worthy of respect or honor : a term of respect. worshiper (-er), n, one who wor- ships. worst (werst), adj. superl. of bad; bad or evil in the highest degree; most severe or dangerous : adv, worse than all others: n. the most evil or calamitous state: v.t. to get the advantage of in a contest ; over- throw; defeat. worsted (woos'ted), n. twisted thread spun out of woolen yarn : adj. made of worsted. wort (wert),^. the saccharine infu- sion of malt which ferments and makes beer; an herb. worth (werth) , n. value ; price ; moral excellence: adj. equal in value to; having estate or wealth to the value of ; deserving of. worthily (wer'^Ai-li), adv. in a wor- thy manner ; justly. worthiness (-nes), n. the state or quality of being worthy ; excellence. worthless (werth'les), adj. having no value, virtue, or excellence ; mor- ally bad ; contemptible. worthy {'thi), adj. [comp. worthier, superl. worthiest], having worth or excellence; estimable: n. a man of eminent worth. would, p.t. of will. urould-be (wood'be), adj. pretending, or desirous of being thought to be: n. a vain pretender. wound ( woond or wound) , n. a breach of the skin and flesh given to an ani- mal body by violence ; hurt ; injury : v.t. to make a wound in ; lacerate ; injure ; hurt the feeling of : p.t. & p.p. of wind (wound). wove, p.t. of weave. woven, p.p. of weave. wow- wow (wou'wou), n. a Javanese ape. wrack (rak), n. seaweed cast ashore; ruin ; destruction ; a thin, flying cloud. wraith (rath), n. the supposed ghost of a person in his exact likeness seen immediately before, or at the time of his death [Scotch]. wrangle (rang'gl), v.i. to dispute an- ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, nOrth, not ; booOy book; hue, hut; think, then. vrra, 8 grily or noisily : n. an angry or noisy dispute. ■wrangler ('gler), n. one who wran- gles ; an angry or noisy disputant. wrap (rap), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. wrapped (wrapt), p.pr. wrapping], to roll or wind together ; cover with something rolled around ; involve ; conceal by enveloping ; n. a wrapper, shawl, or rug. wrapper ('er), n. one who, or that which, wraps ; that in which any- thing is inclosed or wrapped; loose over or upper garment. wrasse (ras), n. a bony, brightly col- ored fish of the genus Labrus. wrath (rath), n. violent anger; in- dignation. wrathful ('fool), adj. violently an- gry. wrathfully (-i), adv. in a wrathful manner. wreak (rek), v.t. to execute in venge- ance or passion ; inflict. wreath (reth), n. anything curled or twisted; garland or chaplet. wreathe {reth), v.t. to twist into a wreath ; intertwine : v.i. to be inter- woven. wreck (rek), n. the destruction of a ship by being driven ashore, or on a rock, &c. ; ruins of a ship so de- stroyed ; remains of anything ru- ined ; destruction : v.t. to destroy or cast away, as a ship, by violence ; ruin or destroy. wreckage ('aj), n. remains of a wrecked vessel ; act of wrecking ; state of being wrecked. wrecker ('er), n. one who plunders, or causes, wrecks ; one who removes the cargo from a wrecked vessel. wren (ren), n. a small insessorial bird. wrench (rench), v.t. to wring or pull with a twist ; strain : n. a violent twist ; sprain ; instrument for exert- ing a twisting strain. wrest (rest), v.t. to twist, wrench, or force from by violence ; distort ; turn from its natural meaning ; pervert : n. violent pulling or twisting; per- version. wrester ('er), n. one who wrests. wrestle (res'l), v.i. to contend, by 8 wrl grappling with, or striving to trip or throw down, another ; strive earnest- ly : v.t. to contend against in wrest- ling : n. the act of one who wrestles ; struggle. Also wrestling. wrestler ('ler), n. one who wrestles. wretch (rech), n. sl despicable or worthless person; one sunk in the deepest woe. wretched ('ed), adj. miserable; un- happy ; sunk in deep misery or woe ; worthless; of miserable quality or character. wriggle (rig'I), v.i. to twist to and fro : v.t. to move by, or as by, wrig- gling : n. a wriggling motion. wriggler ('ler), n. one who wriggles. Wright (rit), n. one occupied in some mechanical operation ; artificer ; car- penter [Scotch]. wring (ring), v.t. [p.t. & p.p. wrung, p.pr. wringing], to twist; turn and strain ; force or compress ; extort . n. a forcible twist. wringer ('er), n. one who, or that which, wrings. wrinkle (ring'kl), n. a small ridge or furrow on a smooth surface ; crease ; useful hint or idea : v.t. to form or cause wrinkles ; crease : v.i. to be- come wrinkled. wrist (rist), n. the joint uniting the hand to the arm. writ (rit), n. anything written; a written document to enforce obedi- ence to an order of a court of justice. write (rit), v.t. [p.t. wrote, p.p. writ- ten, p.pr. writing], to form with a pen or similar instrument on paper, &c. ; express in writing ; engrave ; produce, as an author : v.i. to form letters with the pen ; send letters ; compose books. writer ('er), n. one who, or that which, writes ; clerk or amanuensis ; author ; journalist. writhe (vitJi), v.t. to twist with vio- lence ; pervert : v.i. to contort the body. writing (rit'ing), n. the act of form- ing letters with a pen, &c. ; composi- tion, manuscript, or book ; legal in- strument. written (writ'n), adj. reduced to writing. Bte, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nSrth, not; boon, book; hue, but; think, then. nrri wy« vrritten la-w (law), n. statute law. ygrrons (rong), adj. not morally right ; false ; unjust ; mistaken ; not fit or suitable ; incorrect : adv. unjustly ; erroneously. Also wrongly. TPTongful ( 'fool ) , ^ adj.^ contrary to moral law or justice ; injurious. •wrongfully (-i), adv. in a wrongful manner. ■wrote, p.t. of write. wroth (rawth), adj. much exasper- ated. -wrought (rawt), p.t. & p.p. of work. ■wrought-iroix ('i-ern), n. malleable iron; iron capable of being welded. wrung, p.t. & p.p. of wring. wry (ri), adj. distorted; twisted; turned to one side ; perverted ; false ; showing distaste, disgust, impa- tience, &c. wryly ( 'li ) , adv. in a wry manner. wryneck ( 'nek ), n. a. migratory bird, allied to the woodpecker : a distorted neck. wryness ('nes), n. the state or qual- ity of being wry or distorted. ^ wych. (wich), n. a brine pit. ' wycli-elni ('elm) , n. a species of elm. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, ^^en. santbein (zan'the-in), n. the yellow coloring matter of certain plants and flowers ; a whitish powder, allied to uric acid, obtained from urine or guano. Also xanthin. santhic ('thik), adj. tending to a yellow color. santMc acid (as'id), n. a heavy, colorless, oily liquid consisting of bi- sulphuret of carbon, water, and an oxide of ethyl. Xanthippe (zan-tip'e), n. a scolding woman : from the termagant wife of Socrates. santho, a prefiiff, meaning yellow, as wanthocarpoxis : adj. having yellow fruit. santhophyll ('tho-fil), n. the yellow coloring matter of withering leaves. xanthous ('thus), adj. yellow; not- ing races having brown, flaxen, or red hair and blue eyes. xebec (ze'bek), n. a small three- masted vessel with lateen and square sails. senium (ze'ni-um), n. in ancient Greece, a present given to a guest or foreign ambassador. seno, a prefiae, meaning a stranger, as ipewogenesis, heterogenesis. xenon (ze'non), n. a newly discov- ered gas, associated with argon. xerasia (ze-ra'si-a), n. a disease of the scalp, characterized by dryness. xeres (zer'es), n, sherry. xeroderma (ze-ro-der'ma), n. a dis- ease of the skin characterized by dryness. xerophthalmia (-rof-thal'mi-a), n, abnormal dryness of the eyeball, ac- companied by redness and irritation. xiphoid (zl'foid), adj. sword-shaped. X-rays (eks'raz), the Roentgen rays. xylene (zi'len), n. a colorless oily liquid found in coal and wood tar. Also xylol. xylite ('lit), n. a kind of asbestos. xylo, a prefix, meaning wood. xylobalsamum (zi-lo-bal'sa-mum), n. a balsam obtained from the dried wood of the balsam-tree. xylogen ('lo-jen), n. lignin. xylograph ('lo-grif), n. an engrav- ing on wood; an impression from such an engraving. xylographic (-graf'ik), adj. pertain- ing to xylography or wood engrav- ing. xylography (-log'ra-fi), n. the art of process of making prints from the natural grain of wood ; a kind of decorative painting on wood. xyloid (zi'loid), adj. like wood. xyloidiu (-loid'in), n. an explosive compound produced by the action of nitric acid on starch. xylol, same as xylene. xylonite ('lo-nit), n. a kind of com- pressed gun-cotton, resembling ivory, used for making various articles, as combs, &c. xylophone ('lo-fon), n. a musical in- strument consisting of a graduated series of wooden bars, and sounded t by means of small wooden hammers. Xyris (zi'ris), n. a genus of tropical sedge-like plants. xyster (zis'ter), n. a surgical instru- ment for scraping bones. xystos ('tos), n. a long covered por- tico for athletic exercises. Also xystus. ate, arm, dsk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 870 yacare (yak'a-ra), n. a South Amer- ican crocodile. yacca-'wood ('a-wood), n, the wood of a tree of Jamaica, used for cabi- net-work. yaclit (yot), n. a light, and quick- sailing vessel used for pleasure or racing : v.i. to sail or cruise about •in a yacht. yachting ('ing), adj. pertaining to a yacht : n. the practice of sailing a yacht. yachtsman (yots'man), n. [pi. yachtsmen ('men)], the owner or sailer of a yacht. yager, same as jager. yahoo (ya-hoo'), n. a savage: from the race of brutes in Gulliver s Travels. yak (yak), n. a kind of ox. yak-lace ('las), n. a coarse lace. yaksha ('sha), n. a Hindu gnome. yam (yam), n. a large edible tuber of various climbing plants of the genus Dioscorea. yank (yangk), v.t. to jerk or twist: v.i. to work cleverly and pushingly : n. a jerk or twist. ITankee ('e), n. the popular name of New England Americans : used gen- erally for_ citizens of the United States : adj. pertaining to, or charac- teristic of, citizens of the United States. Yankee-Boodle (-doo'dl), n. a pop- ular melody of the United States. ITankeeism (-izm), n. a Yankee id- iom, practice, or custom. yanking ('ing), adj. active; pushing. yanolite (yan'o-lit), n. a kind of gar- net. yaourt (yourt), n. a fermented liquor prepared from milk, similar to kou- miss. yap (yap), v.i. [p.t. & p.p. yapped, p.pr. yapping], to yelp or bark, as a dog : n. a yelp or bark. yapock (yap'uk), n. a South Ameri- can aquatic opossum. yapon (yaw'pun), n. a kind of holly, the leaves of which are used as tea. South Sea tea. yard (yard), n. a standard measure of length = 3 f t. ; a long piece of timber on a mast for spreading square sails ; an enclosure adjoining or attached to a house, or where some manufacture is carried on. yarn (yarn), n. spun thread; one of the threads of a rope ; a sailor's story, especially one of doubtful ve- racity : v.i. to tell a story. yataghan (yat'a-gan), n. a dagger- like, double-curved saber. yaup (yawp), n. the blue titmouse. yaw (yaw), v.i. to steer wildly; devi- ate from the right course : said of a ship ; rise in blisters or white froth. yawl (yawl), n. a light, decked, two- masted boat ; jolly-boat : v.i. to howl. yawn (yawn), n. an involuntary open- ing of the jaws through drowsiness, &c, : v.i. to gape involuntarily. yawning ('ing), adj. gaping; drowsy. yawp (yawp), same as yelp. yclad (e-klad), adj. clothed. yeleped ('klept), adj. called. Also yclept. ye (ye), pron. ; nom. pi. of thou. yea (ya), adv. yes; truly. yean (yen), v.t. & v.i. to lamb. yeanling ('ling), n. a lamb. year (yer), n. the period during whicb the earth makes one complete revolu- ate, firm, ftsk, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nCrth, not; boon* book; hue, hut; think, *i^en. 871 yea 872 you tion round the sun (365% days) : pi. age; old age. yearn (yern> v.i. to feel an earnest desire; be filled with eager longing or desire. yeast (yest), n. the barm or ferment of beer or other liquor in fermenta- tion ; froth ; any preparation for raising dough. yeastiness ('i-nes), n. the state or quality of being yeasty. yeasty ('i), adj. pertaining to, like, or containing, yeast. yelk, same as yolk. yell (yel), n. a sharp, discordant cry, as of agony : v.t. to scream : v.i. to utter a sharp, discordant cry. yellow ('o), adj. of a bright, pure color resembling gold ; jaundiced. yellowish ('ish), adj. somewhat yel- low. yelp (yelp), v.i. to utter a sharp bark : n. a sharp bark. yeoman (yo'man), n. [pi. yeomen ('men)], in England, a man pos- sessed of a small landed estate ; farmer ; freeholder ; an officer of the Royal household ; in the United States navy, a petty officer in charge of stores. yeomanry (-ri), n. yeomen collective- ly ; volunteer cavalry. yerba (yer'ba), n. Paraguay tea. yerk (yerk), v.t. to jerk; thrust sud- denly; lash [Scotch]: v.i. to kick: n. a sudden, smart thrust. yes (yes), adv. yea: opposed to no. yesterday ('ter-da), n. the day last past ; recent time : adv. on the day last past. yet (yet), udv.^ in addition; still; moreover : conj. nevertheless ; how- ever. yew (yoo), n. a large evergreen tree of the genus Taxus : adj. pertaining to yew trees. yewen ('en), adj. made of yew. Yiddish (yid'ish), n. a kind of com- posite language spoken by foreign ^Jews in England. yield ije\d),v.t. to submit; produce; concede : v.i. to assent ; comply ; give way ; cease opposition ; give a return ^or produce: n. product; return. yielder ('er), n. one who yields. yielding ('ing), adj. inclined to give way or comply ; accommodating : n, the act of producing ; submission ; compliance. yl, a suffix, meaning hasis : used as a characteristic termination of chemi- cal radicals. Y-level (wi'lev-el), n. an instrument for measuring heights and distances, yodel, same as jodel. yojan Cjan), n. in the East Indies, a measure of length = 5 miles. yoke (yok), n. a piece of hollowed timber for connecting two draught oxen together ; a frame of wood fitted to a person's shoulders for carrying a pail, &c., suspended to each end; bond, tie, or link ; pair or couple ; service; mark of slavery; bar at- tached to the rudder-head to which the steering lines are fastened : v.t, to join together ; couple ; place a yoke upon ; enslave ; confine. yokel (yo'kl), n. a rustic. yolk (yok), n. yellow part of an egg; vitellus, the oily secretion from the skin of a sheep which renders the wool soft and pliable. yonder (yon'der), adj. at a distance, but in view : adj. being at a distance, but in view. Also yon. yore (yor), adv. in old time; long ago. you (u) , pron. nom. & oJ)j. pi. of thou : now used for thou and thee. young (yung), adj. being in the early part of life or growth; inexperi- enced ; not matured ; raw ; vigorous ; fresh ; pertaining to youth ; of youth- ful appearance: n. offspring collec- tively. youngish ('ish) , adj. somewhat young, youngster ('ster), n. a young per- son ; lad. younker ('ker), n. a young fellow; stripling. your (yoor), pron. poss. pi. of thou or you. Also yours. yourself (-self), pron. [pi. your- selves (-selvz')], you in your own person. yourts (yoorts), n. the underground dwellings of the Eskimo. youth (yooth), n. [pi. youths (yooths)], early life; a young per- son ; young persons collectively ; condition of being young. ate, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit; note, nOrth, not; boon, book; hue, hut; think, *^en. yon 873 yvl youtlif-iil ('fool), adj. pertaining to youth or the early part of life; fresh ; vigorous. youthfully (-i), adv. in a youthful manner. yowl (youl), n. a howl: v.i. to howl or yell. yttria (it'ri-a), n. the oxide of yttri- um. yttrium ('ri-um), n. the metallic base of yttria. yttrocerite (-ro-se'rit), n, a mineral of violet-blue color. yucca (yuk'a) , n. a sub-tropical Amer- ican plant characterized by its stiff lanceolate leaves ; Adam's needle. yufts (yufts), n, a kind of Russian leather. yulau. (yoo'lan), n. a species of mag- nolia with snow-white flowers. Yule (yool), n. Christmas. Yule-log ('log), n. a large block of wood formerly put upon the heartk on Christmas eve to form the basie of the Christmas fire. Yule-tide ('tid), n. Christmastide. %te, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, ndrth, Dot ; boon^ bool^,; hue, but; think, th&n. laffre (zaf'er), n. impure oxide of co- balt, of an intensely blue color, used in enameling, pottery, &c. Also zaf- fer. caiiu (za'im), n» a Turkish military chief. zazuang (za-mang'), n. a huge legu- minous tree, the sweet pulpy pods of which are used for feeding cattle. zamouse (za-moos'), n. a West Afri- can buffalo, with hair-fringed ears and without a dewlap. zany (za'ni), n. a buffoon; merry- andrew. zaptiah (zap'ti-a), ^^<, a Turkish po- liceman. zealot (zerot), n. an enthusiast; fa- natic. Zealot, n. one of a fanatical sect of Jews which carried on a desperate struggle with the Romans until the fall of Jerusalem (70 A. D. ) . zealous ('us), adj. ardent in the pur- suit of an object ; enthusiastic. zebec, same as xebec. zebra (ze'bra), n. a wild animal of Africa of the genus Equus, with black and white stripes ; a wood much used in cabinet-making. zebu Cbu), n. the Indian ox or cow, with long pendulous ears, and large prominent hump on the shoulders. zecbsteiu (zek'stln), n. magnesium limestone. zenana (ze-na-na), n. in India, that part of a house reserved exclusively for women. Also zanana. Zend (zend), n. the Iranian language of ancient Persia. Zend-Avesta (-a-ves'ta), n. the sa- cred writings of the Zoroastrians, ascribed to Zoroaster. zendik ('dik), n. in the East, a name for an unbeliever. zenith, (ze'nith), n. the point in the heavens directly over the head of the spectator; greatest height. zeolite (ze'o-lit), n. an extensive group of minerals, consisting of hy- drated silicates : so called from their frothing when under the blowpipe. zephyr (zef'er), n. the west wind; soft, gentle breeze. zero (ze'ro), n. a cipher; nothing; neutral point (°) between any as- cending or descending scale or series. zest (zest), n. ralish; keen enjoyment. zeugma (ztig'ma), n. a figure in grammar by which a verb, adjective, or other part of speech, relating to one noun is referred to another. Zi£ (zif), n. the second month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year (part of May- June) and eighth of the civil year. zigzag (zig'zag), adj. having short, sharp turns : n. something with short, sharp turns. zimb (zimb), n. a dipterous insect re- sembling the tsetse. zinc (zingk), n. a bluish-white metal. zincic (zin'sik), adj. pertaining to, or containing, zinc. Also zincky, zinky, zinckic. zincode (zingk'od), n. the negative pole of a voltaic battery. zincograph ('6-graf), n. an impres- sion from a zinc plate. zincography (-og'ra-fi), n. the art of drawing upon, or printing from, zinc plates. zincoid ('oid), adj. zinc-like. zingel (zing'el), n. a perch found in the Danube. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, ifTien. 874 Bin 875 ainkenite (zingk'en-it), w. a steel- grey mineral, a sulphide of antimony and lead. Zion (zl'un), n. a hill in Jerusalem, the royal residence of King David and his successors : hence the Church of God. Zionism (-izm), w. a project for the reestablishment of the Jews as a na- tion in Palestine. zircon (zer'kon), n, a heavy, hard, sparkling mineral. zirconia (-ko'ni-a), n, the oxide of zirconium. zirconium ('ni-um), n, a rare metal- lic element. zither (zith'er), n. a stringed musical instrument, consisting of a sounding box and 28 to 31 strings. zoanthropy (z6-an'thr6-pi), w. a kind of mania, in which the patient be- lieves himself to be transformed into an animal. zobo ('bo), n. an ox-like animal of In- dia. Also zobu. zodiac ('di-ak) , n. an imaginary broad belt in the heavens, containing the 12 constellations or signs of the zo- diac which the sun traverses annu- ally. zodiacal (-di'a-kal), adj. pertaining to, or situated within, the zodiac. zodiacal light (lit), n. a luminous tract of the sky of triangular shape, its base being on the horizon : seen in the evening at twilight, and be- fore dawn. zoetrope ('e-trop), n. an optical in- strument by means of which figures, &c., on a circular card appear to be in active motion when viewed through slots in the upper side. zofra ('fra), n. a Moorish carpet. Zolaism ('la-izm), n. excessive real- ism in the literary treatment of the worse side of human life or nature : from Emile Zola, the French realis- tic novelist. zoUverein (tsol'fer-in), n. the Ger- man customs union, formed 1827 and further extended in 1867 to establish uniform rates ; a customs union. zonal (zo'nal), adj. pertaining to, or formed of, a zone oi- zones. zone (zon), n. one of the 5 great belts into which the surface of the earth is divided with respect to latitude and temperature; that belt or dis- trict within which certain animal or plant forms of life are confined; a girdle or belt : v.t. to encircle with, or as with, a zone. zoned (zond), n. wearing a belt or girdle ; having zones ; striped. zoo, a prefix meaning animal, as sod' chemistry, animal chemistry. zoo (zoo), n. a park or other large in- closure in which live animals are kept for public exhibition; zoolog- ical garden. zoogeography (z6-o-je-og'ra-fi), «-. the study of the geographical dis- tribution of animals. zoogeographical (-o-graf'i-kal), adj, pertaining to zoogeography. zoogloea (-o-gle'a), n. a mass of bac- teria inclosed in a viscous, gelatinoua substance. zoographic (-gTkt'ik),adj. pertaining to zoography. ZOography (-og'ra-fi), n. the descrip- tion of animals, their forms and habits. zooid ('old), n. an animal in one of its inferior stages of development ; an individual of a compound or co- lonial animal organization. zoolatry (-ol'a-tri), n. animal-wor« ship. zoological (-o-loj'i-kal), adj. pertain^ ing to zoology. zoologically (-i), adv. according to the principles of zoology. zoologist (-ol'o-jist), n. one skilled in zoology. zoology (-oro-ji), n. that part of bi- ology that treats of animals, their structure, classification, habits, and distribution. zoomorphism (-m6r'fizm) , n. the rep- resentation of a deity in the form, or with the attributes, of an animal. zoon ('on), n. an animal which is the sole product of a single ovum. zoophilist (-of'i-list), n. a lover of animals. zebphysiology (-o-fiz-i-ol'o-gi), n. physiology of the lower animals. zoophyte ('6-fit) , n. an animal of low organization, bearing some external resemblance to a plant. ate, arm, ask, at, awl ; me, merge, met ; mite, mit ; note, north, not ; boon, book ; hue, hut ; think, then. 876 zyt zosperm ('o-sperm), n, the male seed-cell. zoospore ('6-spor), n. the active spores of certain algse endowed with motion by means of ciliated processes. zootomist (-ot'o-mist), n. a compara- tive anatomist. xootomy ('6-mi), n. the dissection or anatomy of animals. zorilla (zo-ril'a), n. a kind of skunk. Zoroastrian. (-ro-as'tri-an), adj. per- taining to Zoroaster, the reputed founder of the Parsi religion, or to his doctrines. Zoroastrianism (-izm), n. the reli- gious system, contained in the Zend- Avesta, said to have been founded by Zoroaster, the legislator and prophet of ancient Persia. xouave (zoo-av'), n. a soldier of a light infantry corps of the French army, wearing an Arab dress. zuclietto ( tsoo-kat'o ) , n. a skull-cap covering the tonsure and worn under the biretta^_ Also zuchetta. Zulu (zoo'loo), n. one of a warlike tribe of Kaffirs, north of Natal. zumbooruk (zum'boo-ruk) , n. a small swivel cannon fired from the back of a camel. Zuni (zoo'nye), n. one of a tribe of Pueblo Indians of New Mexico. eygoma (zi-go'ma), w. the cheek-bone. cyme (zim), n. the germ supposed to be the poisonous cause of zymotic zymic (zim'ik), adj, produced by fer- mentation. zymogen (zi'mo-jen), n. any sub- stance that by internal changes gives rise to a ferment. Also zymogene. zymologist (-mol'o-jist), n. one skilled in zymology. zymology ('o-ji), n. the doctrine of fermentation. Also zumology. zymometer (-mom'e-ter), n. an in- strument for ascertaining the degree of fermentation in different liquids. Zymosimeter. zymophyte (z^'mo-fit),7^. a bacteroid ferment. zymosis (zi-mo'sis), n, B. fermenta- tion. zymotic (-mot'ik), adj. producing fer- mentation, or a disease in which a virus works through the body like a ferment, as cholera. zymotic diseases (dis'ez-ez), n. a class of contagious or epidemic dis- eases, supposed to be produced by a virus or organism which acts like a ferment. zymoticcally (-al-i), adv. in a zymotic manner. zym.urgy (zi'mer-ji), n. that branch of industrial chemistry which deals with the processes of fermentation in brewing, wine-making, &c. zytbum. ('thum), n. an ancient bev- erage made from malt and wheat. Ste, arm, ask, at, awl; me, merge, met; mite, mit: note, nSrth, not; bo5n, book; hue, hut; think, then^ Treasury of Facts SUPPLEMENTARY TO DICTIONARY Containing much valuable information often in demand, but not usually found in a single collection FOR TABLE OF CONTENTS SEE NEXT PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS Pagb Christian Names of Men, ....... 906 Christian Names of Women, . . . • • • 911 Constitution of the United States of America, . • . .931 Decisive Battles ....,,»'. 948 Declaration of Independence, . , ^ • 4 . 928 Dictionary of Commercial and Legal Terms, • • • . 949 Electoral Vote in 1908, ..«•..•• 943 Facts About the Earth, ....••• 927 Familiar Allusions, .,.,..• 966 Famous Characters in Poetry and Prose , , • . . 988 Foreign Words, Phrases, Proverbs, Quotations, etc., . . • 915 Language of the Flowers, . . . » , • • 946 Metric System of Weights and Measures, , =, , • .941 Presidents of the United States, . , = • • -945 States, Names of, their Origin and Meaning, . « • • Q47 Synonyms and Antonyms, ..,•••- 879 Time Difference, . ...,.•- 943 Treasury of Facts, ... . , • • U. S. Census, 1910, ........ looi Value of Foreign Coins in U. S. Money, . . . . . 942 Weather Forecasts, ........ 944 878 SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS OvEB Eleven Thousand Words of Similab AND Contrary Meaning A COLLECTION of Synonyms and Antonyms is one of the most de- sirable aids in epistolary and literary composition, to facilitate the expres- sion of ideas. In its vocabulary are found along with a word expressing a definite idea, Synonyms, or words of similar meaning, by which that idea may be repeated and aptly expressed, without tautology, and also Anto- nyms, or words of opposite meaning, which as antithesis or contrast, afford one of the strongest figures of speech. To embody in exact and appropriate expression the various trains of ideas that pass through the mind, or to de- pict in true colors and proportions, the diversified and nicer shades of feeling which accompany them, a Synonym or Antonym often saves the cost of a clumsy paraphase, spares the labor of a tortuous circumlocution, and while adding a graceful facility of diction to the composition, frequently opens up a whole vista of collateral ideas. The following collection of Syno- nyms and Antonyms, while not ex- haustive, is comprehensive, and by cross-reference will answer most re- quirements. abandon, leave, forsake, desert, re- nounce, relinquish, quit, forego, let go, waive. (Keep, cherish.) abandoned, deserted, forsaken, wick- ed, reprobate, dissolute, profligate, flagitious, corrupt, depraved, vicious, (Cared for, virtuous.) abandonment, leaving, desertion, dereliction, renunciation, 'defection. abasement, degradation, fall, degen- eracy, humiliation, abjection, debase- ment, servility. (Honor.) 879 abash., bewilder, disconcert, discom- pose, confound, confuse, shame. (Embolden.) abbreviate, shorten abridge, curtail, contract, condense, reduce. (Extend.) abdicate, give up, resign, renounce, abandon, forsake, relinquish, quit, forego. abet, help, encourage, instigate, in- cite, stimulate, aid, assist. (Resist.) abettor, assistant, accessory, accom- plice, promoter, instigator, particeps criminis, coadjutor, associate, com- panion, co-operator. (Opponent.) abhor, dislike intensely, view with horror, hate, detest, abominate, loathe, nauseate. (Love.) ability, capability, talent, faculty, capacity, qualification, aptitude, apt- ness, expertness, skill, efficiency, ac- complishment, attainment. ( Incom- petency.) abject, groveling, low, mean, base, ig- noble, worthless, despicable, servile, vile, contemptible. (Noble.) abjure, recant, forswear, disclaim, recall, revoke, retract, renounce. (Maintain.) able, strong, powerful, muscular, stal- wart, vigorous, athletic, robust, brawny, skillful, adroit, competent, efiicient, capable, clever, self-quali- fied, telling, fitted. (Weak.) abode, residence, habitation, dwelling, domicile, home, quarters, lodging. abolish, quash, destroy, revoke, abro- gate, annul, cancel, annihilate, ex- tinguish, vitiate, invalidate, nullify. (Establish, enforce.) abominable, hateful, detestable, odi- ous, vile, execrable. (Lovable.) abortive, fruitless, ineffectual, idle, inoperative, vain, futile. (Effect- ual.) about, concerning, regarding, relative to, with regard to, as to, respecting, Synonyms and Antonyms with respect to, referring to, around, nearly, approximately. abscond, run off, steal away, decamp, bolt. absent, a., inattentive, abstracted, not attending to, listless, dreamy. (Pres- ent.) absolute, entire, complete, uncondi- tional, unqualified, unrestricted, des- potic, arbitrary, tyrannous, impera- tive, authoritative, imperious. (Lim- ited. ) absorb, engross, swallow up, engulf, imbibe, consume, merge. (Eject.) absurd, silly, foolish, preposterous, ridiculous irrational, unreasonable, nonsensical, inconsistent. (Wise, solemn. ) abuse, v., asperse, revile, vilify, re- proach, calumniate, defame, slander, scandalize, malign, traduce, dispar- age, depreciate, ill-use. ( Praise, pro- tect.) abuse, n., scurrility, ribaldry, con- tumely, obloquy, opprobrium, foul invective, vituperation, ill-usage. (Praise, protection.) accede, assent to, consent, acquiesce, comply with, agree, coincide, concur, approve. (Protest.) accelerate, hasten, hurry, expedite, forward, quicken, despatch. (Re- tard. ) accept, receive, take, admit. (Re- fuse.) acceptable, agreeable, pleasing, grat- ifying, pleasurable, welcome. (Dis- pleasing.) accident, casualty, incident, contin- gency, adventure, chance. accommodate, serve, oblige, adapt, adjust, fit, suit. (Disoblige, impede.) accomplice, confederate, accessory, abettor, coadjutor, assistant, ally, associate, particeps criminis. (Ad- versary.) accomplisb, do, effect, finish, exe- cute, achieve, complete, perfect, con- summate. (Fail.) accomplisbment, attainment, qual- ification, acquirement. (Defect.) accord, grant, allow, admit, concede. (Deny.) accost, salute, address, speak to, stop, greet. account, narrative, description, nar- ration, relation, detail, recital, mon- eys, reckoning, bill, charge. accountable, punishable, answerable, amenable, responsible, liable. accumulate, bring together, amass, collect, gather. (Scatter, dissipate.) accumulation, collection, store^ mass, congeries, concentration. accurate, correct, exact, precise, nice, truthful. (Erroneous, care- less.) achieve, do, accomplish, effect, fulfill, execute, gain, win. achievement, feat, exploit, accom^ plishment, attainment, performance, acquirement, gain. (Failure.) acknowledge, admit, confess, own, avow, grant, recognize, allow, con- cede. ( Deny. ) acquaint, inform, enlighten, apprise, make aware, make known, notify, communicate. ( Deceive. ) acquaintance, familiarity, intimacy, cognizance, fellowship, companion- ship, knowledge. (Unfamiliarity.) acquiesce, agree, accede, assent, com- ply, consent, give way, coincide with. (Protest.) acquit, pardon, forgive, discharge, set free, clear, absolve. (Condemn, con- vict. ) act, do, operate, make, perform, play, enact. action, deed, achievement, feat, ex- ploit, accomplishment, battle, en- gagement, agency, instrumentality. active, lively, sprightly, alert, agile, nimble, brisk, quick, supple, prompt, vigilant, laborious, industrious. (Lazy, passive.) actual, real, positive, genuine, cer- tain. (Fictitious.) acute, shrewd, intelligent, penetrat- ing, piercing, keen. (Dull.) adapt, accommodate, suit, fit, con- form. addicted, devoted, wedded, attached, given up to, dedicated. addition, increase, accession, aug- mentation, reinforcement. (Subtrac- tion, separation.) address, speech, discourse, appeal, oration, tact, skill, ability, dexter- ity, deportment, demeanor. adhesion, adherence, attachment, fi- delity, devotion. (Aloofness.) adjacent, near to, adjoining, contig- uous, conterminous, bordering, neigh- boring. ( Distant. ) adjourn, defer, prorogue, postpone. adjunct, appendage, appurtenance, appendency, dependency. adjust, set right, fit, accommodate. Synonyms and Antonyms adapt, arrange, settle, regulate, or- ganize. (Confuse.) admirable, striking, surprising, won- derful, astonishing. (Detestable.) admit, allow, permit, suffer, tolerate. (Deny.) advantageous, beneficial. (Hurt- ful.) ail'ection, love. (Aversion.) aifectionate, fond, kind. (Harsh.) agreeable, pleasant, pleasing, charm- ing. (Disagreeable.) alternating, intermittent. (Contin- ual.) ambassador, envoy, plenipotentiary, minister. amend, improve, correct, better, mend. (Impair.) anger, ire, wrath, indignation, resent- ment. (Good nature.) appropriate, assume, ascribe, arro- gate, usurp. argue, debate, dispute, reason upon. arise, flow, emanate, spring, proceed, rise, issue. artful, disingenuous, sly, tricky, in- sincere. (Candid.) artifice, trick, stratagem, finesse. association, combination, company, partnership, society. attack, assail, assault, encounter. (Defond.) audacity, boldness, effrontery, hardi- hood. ( Meekness. ) uustere, rigid, rigorous, severe, stern. (Dissolute.) avaricious, niggardly, miserly, parsi- monious. ( Generous. ) aversion, antipathy, dislike, hatred, repugnance. ( Affection. ) aive, dread, fear, reverence. (Famil- iarity.) awkward, clumsy. (Graceful.) axiom, adage, aphorism, apothegm, byword, maxim, proverb, saying, babble, chatter, prattle, prate. bad, wicked, evil. (Good.) baffle, confound, defeat, disconcert. (Aid, abet.) base, vile, mean. (Noble.) battle, action, combat, engagement. bear, carry, convey, transport. bear, endure, suffer, support. beastly, brutal, sensual, bestial. beat, defeat, overpower, overthrow, rout. beautiful, fine, handsome, pretty, (Homely, ugly.) becoming, decent, fit, seemly, suit- able. (Unbecoming.) beg, beseech, crave, entreat, implore, solicit, supplicate. (Give.) behavior, carriage, conduct, deport- ment, demeanor. belief, credit, faith, trust. (Doubt.) beneficent, bountiful, generous, libe- ral, munificent. (Covetous, miserly.) benefit, favor, advantage, kindness, civility. ( Injury. ) benevolence, beneficence, benignity, humanity, kindness, tenderness. (Malevolence.) blame, censure, condemn, reprove, reproach, upbraid. (Praise.) blemish, flaw, speck, spot, stain. (Or- nament. ) blind, sightless, heedless. (Far-sight- ed.) blot, cancel, efface, expunge, erase, obliterate. bold, brave, daring, fearless, intrepid, undaunted. (Timid.) border, brim, brink, edge, margin, rim, verge, boundary, confine, fron- tier. boTiind, circumscribe, confine, limit, restrict. brave, dare, defy. bravery, courage, valor. (Coward- ice.) break, bruise, crush, pound, squeeze. breeze, blast, gale, gust, hurricane, storm, tempest. bright, clear, radiant, shining. (Dull.) brittle, fragile, breakable. (Solid.) burial, interment, sepulture. (Res- urrection. ) business, avocation, employment, en- gagement, occupation, art, profes- sion, trade. bustle, stir, tumult, fuss. (Quiet.) calamity, disaster, misfortune, mis- chance, mishap. (Good fortune.) calm, collected, composed, placid, se- rene. (Stormy, unsettled.) capable, able, competent. (Incom- petent.) captious, fretful, cross, peevish, pet- ulant. (Good-natured.) care, anxiety, concern, solicitude heed, attention. (Heedlessness, neg- ligence.) caress, kiss, embrace. (Spurn, buf- fet.) Synonyms and AntonjmiS carnage, butchery, massacre, slaugh- ter. canse, motive, reason. (Effect, con- sequence.) cease, discontinue, leave off, end. (Continue.) censure, animadvert, criticise. ( Praise. ) certain, secure, sure. (Doubtful.) cessation, intermission, rest, stop. ( Continuance. ) chance, fate, fortune. (Design.) change, barter, exchange, substitute. changeable, fickle, inconstant, muta- ble, variable. (Unchangeable.) character, reputation, repute, stand- ing. charm, captivate, enchant, enrapture, fascinate. chastity, purity, continence, virtue. (Lewdness.) cheap, inexpensive, inferior, common. (Dear.) cheerful, gay, merry, sprightly. (Mournful.) chief, chieftain, head, leader. (Sub- ordinate.) circumstance, fact, incident. class, degree, order, rank. clear, bright, lucid, vivid. (Opaque.) clever, adroit, dexterous, expert, skill- ful. (Stupid.) clothed, clad, dressed. (Naked.) coarse, rude, rough, unpolished. (Fine.) coax, cajole, fawn, wheedle. cold, cool, frigid, wintry, unfeeling, stoical. (Warm.) color, dye, stain, tinge. colorable, ostensible, plausible, spe- cious. combination, cabal, conspiracy, plot. command, injunction, order, precept. comm.odity, goods, merchaDdise,ware. common, mean, ordinary, vulgar. (Uncommon, extraordinary.) compassion, sympathy, pity, clem- encv. (Cruelty, severity.) compel, force, oblige, necessitate. (Coax, lead.) compensation, amends, recompense, remuneration, requital, reward. compendium, compend, abridgment. (Enlargement.) complain, lament, murmur, regret, repine. (Rejoice.) comply, accede, conform, submit, yield. (Refuse.) compound, complex. (Simple.) comprehend, comprise, include, em- brace, grasp, understand, perceive. (Exclude, mistake.) comprise, comprehend, • contain, em- brace, include. conceal, hide, secrete. (Uncover.) conceive, comprehend, understand. conclusion, inference, deduction. condemn, censure, blame, disapprove. (Justify, exonerate.) conduct, direct, guide, lead, govern, regulate, manage. confirm, corroborate, approve, attest. ( Contradict. ) conflict, combat, contest, contention, struggle. (Peace, quiet.) confute, disprove, refute, oppugn. (Approve.) conquer, overcome, subdue, surmount, vanquish. (Defeat.) conseauence, effect, event, issue, re- -^ic. c cause.) consider, reflect, ponder, weigh. consistent, , constant, compatible. (Inconsistent.) console, comfort, solace. (Harrow, worry, ) constancy, firmness, stability, stead- iness. (Fickleness.) contaminate, corrupt, defile, pollute, taint. contemn, despise, disdain, scorn. (Es- teem.) contemplate, meditate, ,muse. contemptible, despicable, paltry, pitiful, vile, mean. (Noble.) contend, contest, dispute, strive, struggle, combat. continual, constant, continuous, per- petual, incessant. (Intermittent.) continuance, continuation, duration. (Cessation.) continue, persist, persevere, pursue, prosecute, (Cease.) contradict, deny, gainsay, oppose. (Confirm.) cool, cold, frigid, (Hot.) correct, rectify, reform. cost, charge, expense, price. covetousness, avarice, cupidity. (Be- neficence.) cowardice, fear, timidity, pusillan- imity. ( Courage. ) crime, sin, vice, misdemeanor. (Vir- hie.) criminal, convict, culprit, felon, n^nlef actor, err -.ked, bent, curved, oblique. (.Straight.) 882 Synonyms and Antonyms cruel, barbarous, brutal, inhuman, savage. (Kind.) cultivation, culture, refinement. cursory, desultory, hasty, slight. (Thorough.) custom, fashion, manner, practice. danger, hazard, peril. (Safety.) dark, dismal, opaque, obscure, dim. (Light.) deadly, fatal, destructive, mortal. dear, beloved, precious, costly, expens- 1 ive. (Despised, cheap.) i death, departure, decease, demise, i (Life.)- i decay, decline, consumption. (Growth) j deceive, delude, impose upon, over- j reach, gull, dupe, cheat. deceit, cheat, imposition, trick, delu- • sion, guile, beguilement, treachery, sham. (Truthfulness.) decide, determine, settle, adjudicate, ! terminate, resolve. decipher, read, spell, interpret, solve. decision, determination, conclusion, resolution, firmness. (Vacillation.) declamation, oratory, elocution, ha- rangue, effusion, debate. declaration, avowal, manifestation, statement, profession. decrease, diminish, lessen, wane, de- cline, retrench, curtail, reduce. (Growth.) dedicate, devote, consecrate, offer, set, apportion. deed, act, action, commission, achieve- ment, instrument, document. deem, judge, estimate, consider, think, suppose, conceive. deep, profound, subterranean, sub- merged, designing, abstruse, learned. (Shallow.) deface, mar, spoil, injure, disfigure. (Beautify.) default, lapse, forfeit, omission, ab- sence, want, failure. defect, imperfection, flaw, fault, blem- ish. (Beauty, improvement.) defend, guard, protect, justify. defense, excuso, plea, vindication, bulwark, rampart. . defer, delay, postpone, put off, pro- rogue, adjourn. (Force, expedite.) deficient, short, wanting, inadequate, scanty, incomplete. (Complete.) defile, v., pollute, corrupt, sully. (Beautify.) define, fix, settle, determine, limit. defray, meet, liquidate, pay, disk charge. degree, grade, extent, measure. deliberate, v., consider, meditate, consult, ponder, debate. deliberate, a., purposed, intentional, designed, determined. (Hasty.) delicacy, nicety, dainty, refinement, tact, softness, modesty. (Boorish- ness, indelicacy.) delicate, tender, fragile, dainty, re- fined. (Coarse.) delicious, sweet, palatable. (Nau- seous.) delight, enjoyment, pleasure, happi- ness, transport, ecstasy, gladness, rapture, bliss. (Annoyance.) deliver, liberate, free, rescue, pro- nounce, give, hand over. (Retain.) demonstrate, prove, show, exhibit, illustrate. depart, leave, quit, decamp, retire, withdraw, vanish. (Remain.) deprive, strip, bereave, despoil, rob, divest. depute, appoint, commission, charge, intrust, delegate, authorize, accredit. derision, scorn, contempt, contumely, disrespect. derivation, origin, source, beginning, cause, etymology, root. describe, delineate, portray, explain, illustrate, define, picture. desecrate, profane, secularize, mis- use, abuse,, pollute. (Keep holy.) deserve, merit, earn, justify, win. design, n., delineation, sketch, draw- ing, cunning, artfulness, contrivance. desirable, expedient, advisable, valu- able, acceptable, proper, judicious, beneficial, profitable, good. desire, n., longing, affection, craving. desist, cease, stop, discontinue, drop, abstain, forbear. (Continue, per- severe. ) desolate, bereaved, forlorn, forsaken, deserted, wild, waste, bare, bleak, lonely. (Pleasant, happy.) desperate, wild, daring, audacious, determined, reckless. despised, degraded, worthless. (Ad- mired.) destiny, fate, decree, doom, end. destructive, detrimental, hurtful, noxious, injurious, deleterious, bale- ful, baneful, subversive. (Creative.) desuetude, disuse, discontinuance. (Maintenance.) Synonyms and Antonyms desultory, rambling, discursive, loose, unmethodical, superficial, unsettled, erratic, fitful. (Thorough.) detail, n., particular, specification, minutiae. detail, v., particularize, enumerate, specify. ( Generalize. ) deter, warn, stop, dissuade, terrify, scare. ( Encourage. ) detriment, loss, harm, injury, deter- ioration. (Benefit.) develop, unfold, amplify, expand, en- large. device, artifice, expedient, contriv- ance, devoid, void, wanting, destitute, un- endowed, unprovided. (Full, com- plete.) devoted, attached, fond, absorbed, dedicated. dictate, prompt, suggest, enjoin, or- der, command. dictatorial, imperative, imperious, domineering, arbitrary, tyrannical, overbearing. (Submissive.) die, expire, depart, perish, decline, ^languish, wane, sink, fade, decay. diet, food, victuals, nourishment, nu- triment, sustenance, fare. difference, separation, disagreement, discord, dissent, estrangement, vari- ^ety. different, various, manifold, diverse, unlike, separate, distinct. (Similar.) difficult, hard, intricate, involved, perplexing, obscure, unmanageable. .(Easy.) diffuse, discursive, prolix, diluted, co- pious. dignify, aggrandize, elevate, invest, exalt, advance, promote, honor. (De- grade.) dilate, stretch, widen, expand, swell, ^distend, enlarge, descant, expatiate. dilatory, tardy, procrastinating, be- hindhand, lagging, dawdling. (Prompt.) diligence, care, assiduity, attention, heed, industry. (Negligence.) diminisli, lessen, reduce, contract, ^curtail, retrench. (Increase.) disability, unfitness, incapacity. discern, descry, observe, recognize, .see_. discriminate, separate, perceive. discipline, order, strictness, train- ing, coercion, punishment, organiza- tion. (Confusion, demoralization.) discover, make known, find, invent, contrive, expose, reveal. 884 discreditable, shameful, disgraceful, scandalous, disreputable. (Credit- able.) discreet, cautious, prudent, wary, ju- dicious. (Indiscreet.) discrepancy, disagreement, differ- ence, variance. (Agreement.) discrimination, acuteness, discern- ment, judgment, caution. disease, complaint, malady, disorder, ailment, sickness. disgrace, n., disrepute, reproach, dis- ^honor, shame, odium. (Honor.) disgrace, v., debase, degrade, defame, discredit. ( Exalt. ) disgust, dislike, distaste, loathing, abomination, abhorrence. (Admira- tion.) dishonest, unjust, fraudulent, unfair, deceitful, cheating, deceptive, wrong- ful. (Honest.) dismay, v., terrify, frighten, scare, daunt, appal, dishearten. (Encour- age.) dismay, n., terror, dread, fear, fright. (Assurance.) dismiss, send off, discharge, discard, banish. (Retain.) dispel, scatter, drive away, disperse, dissipate. (Collect.) display, show, spread out, exhibit, expose. ( Hide. ) dispose, arrange, place, order, give, bestow. dispute, v., argue, contest, contend, question, impugn. (Assent.) dispute, n., argument, debate, con- troversy, quarrel, disagreement. (Harmony.) dissent, disagree, differ, vary. (As- sent. ) distinct, clear, plain, obvious, dif- ferent, separate. (Obscure, indis- tinct.) distinguisb, perceive, discern, mark out, divide, discriminate. distinguished, famous, glorious, far- famed, noted, illustrious, eminent, celebrated. (Obscure, unknown, or- dinary. ) distract, perplex, bewilder. (Calm, concentrate. ) distribute, allot, share, dispense, ap- portion, deal. (Collect.) disturb, derange, discompose, agitate, rouse, interrupt, confuse, trouble, annoy, vex, worry. (Pacify, quiet.) disuse, discontinuance, abolition, de- suetude. (Use.) Synonyms and Antonyms divide, part, separate, distribute, deal out, sever, sunder. divine, godlike, holy, heavenly, sac- red, a parson, clergyman, minister. do, effect, make, perform, accomplish, finished, transact. docile, tractable, teachable, com- pliant, tame. (Stubborn.) doctrine, tenet, article of belief, creed, dogma, teaching. doleful, dolorous, woebegone, rueful, dismal, piteous. (Joyous.) doom, n., sentence, verdict, judgment, fate, lot, destiny. doubt, n., uncertainty, suspense, hes- itation, scruple, ambiguity. (Cer- tainty. ) draw, pull, haul, drag, attract, inhale, sketch, describe. dread, n., fear, horror, terror, alarm, dismay, awe. (Boldness, assurance.) dreadful, fearful, frightful, shocking, awful, horrible, horrid, terrific. dress, n., clothing, attire, apparel, garments, costume, garb, livery. drift, purpose, meaning, scope, aim, tendency, direction. droll, funny, laughable, comic, whim- sical, queer, amusing. (Solemn.) drown, inundate, swamp, submerge, overwhelm, engulf. dry, a., arid, parched, lifeless, dull, te- dious, uninteresting, meagre. (Moist, interesting, succulent. ) due, owing to, attributable to, just, fair, proper, debt, right. dull, stupid, gloomy, sad, dismal, com- monplace. (Bright.) dunce, simpleton, fool, ninny, idiot. (Sage.) durable, lasting, permanent, abiding, continuing. ( Ephemeral, perishable. ) dwell, stay, stop, abide, sojourn, lin- ger, tarry. dwindle, pine, waste, diminish, de- crease, fall off. (Grow.) eager, hot, ardent, impassioned, for- ward, impatient. (Diffident.) earn, acquire, obtain, win, gain, achieve. earnest, a., ardent, serious, grave, sol- emn, warm. (Trifling,) earnest, n., pledge, pawn. ease, n., comfort, rest. (Worry.) ease, v., calm, alleviate,- allay, miti- gate, appease, assuage, pacify, dis- burden, rid. (Annoy, worry.) easy, light, comfortable, unconstrain- ed. (Difficult, hard.) eccentric, irregular, anomalous, sing- ular, odd, abnormal, wayward, partic- ular, strange. (Regular, ordinary.) economical, sparing, saving, provi- dent, thrifty, frugal, careful, nig- gardly. (Wasteful.) edge, border, brink, rim, brim, mar- gin, verge. efface, blot out, expunge, obliterate, wipe out, cancel, erase. >♦ effect, n., consequence, result, issue, event, execution, operation. effect, v., accomplish, fulfill, realize, achieve, execute, operate, complete. effective, efficient, operative, service- able. (Vain, ineffectual.) efficacy, efficiency, energy, agency, instrumentality. efficient, effectual, effective, compe- tent, capable, able, fitted. eliminate, drive out, expel, thrust out, eject, cast out, oust, dislodge, banish, proscribe. eloquence, oratory, rhetoric, declama- tion. elucidate, make plain, explain, clear up, illustrate. elude, evade, escape, avoid, shun. embarrass, perplex, entangle, dis- tress, trouble. (Assist.) embellish., adorn, decorate, bedeck, beautify, deck. (Disfigure.) embolden, inspirit, animate, encour- age, cheer, urge, impel, stimulate. ( Discourage. ) eminent, distinguished, signal, con- spicuous, noted, prominent, elevated, renowned, famous, glorious, illustri- ous. (Obscure, unknown.) emit, give out, throw out, exhale, dis- charge, vent. emotion, perturbation, agitation, trepidation, tremor, mental conflict. employ, occupy, busy, take up with, engross. employment, business, avocation, en- gagement, office, function, trade, pro- fession, occupation, calling, voca- tion. encompass, v., encircle, surround, gird, beset. encounter, attack, conflict, combat, assault, onset, engagement, battle, action. encourage, countenance, sanction, support, foster, cherish, inspirit, em« Synonyms and Antonyms bolden, animate, cheer, incite, urge, impel, stimulate. (Deter.) end, n., aim, object, purpose, result, conclusion, upshot, close, expiration, termination extremity, sequel. endeavor, attempt, try, essay, strive, aim. endurance, continuation, duration, fortitude, patience, resignation. endure, v., last, continue, support, bear, sustain, suffer, brook, submit to, undergo. (Perish.) enemy, foe, antagonist, adversary, opponent. (Friend.) energetic, industrious, effectual, efl&- cacious, powerful, binding, stringent, forcible, nervous. (Lazy.) engage, employ, busy, occupy, at- tract, invite, allure, entertain, en- gross, take up, enlist. engross, absorb, take up, busy, oc- cupy, engage, monopolize. engulf, swallow up, absorb, imbibe, drown, submerge, bury, entomb, over- whelm. enjoin, order, ordain, appoint, pre- scribe. enjoyment, pleasure, gratification. (Grief, sorrow, sadness.) enlarge, increase, extend, augment, broaden, swell. (Diminish.) enlighten, illumine, illuminate, in- struct, inform. (Befog, becloud.) enliven, cheer, vivify, stir up, ani- mate, inspire, exhilarate. (Sadden, quiet.) enmity, animosity, hostility, ill-will, maliciousness. (Friendship.) enormous, gigantic, colossal, huge, vast, immense, prodigious. (Insig- nificant. ) enough, sufficient, plenty, abundance. (Want.) enraged, infuriated, raging, wrath- ful. (Pacified.) enrapture, enchant, fascinate, charm, captivate, bewitch. (Repel.) enroll, enlist, list, register, record. enterprise, undertaking, endeavor, venture, energy. enthusiasm, earnest, devotion, zeal, ardor,^ (Ennui, lukewarmness.) enthusiast, fanatic, visionary. equal, equable, even, like, alike, uni- form. (Unequal.) eradicate, root out, extirpate, exter- minate. erroneous, incorrect, inaccurate, in- exact. (Exact.) error, blunder, mistake. (Truth.) especially, chiefly, particularly, prin- cipally. (Generally.) essay, dissertation, tract, treatise. establish, build up, confirm. (Over- throw.) esteem, regard, respect, (Contempt.) estimate, appraise, appreciate, es- teem, compute, rate. estrangement, abstraction, aliena- tion. eternal, endless, everlasting. (Fi- nite.) evade, equivocate, prevaricate. even, level, plain, smooth. (Uneven.) event, accident, adventure, incident, occurrence. evil, ill, harm, mischief, misfortune. (Good.) exact, nice, particular, punctual. (In- exact.) exalt, ennoble, dignify, raise. (Hum- ble.) examination, investigation, inquiry, research, search, scrutiny. exceed, excel, outdo, surpass, tran- scend. (Fall short.) exceptional, uncommon, rare, extra- ordinary. (Common.) excite, awaken, provoke, rouse, stir up. (Lull.) excursion, jaunt, ramble, tour, trip. execute, fulfill, perform. exempt, free, cleared. (Subject.) exercise, practice. exhaustive, thorough, complete. (Cursory.) exigency, emergency. experiment, proof, trial, test. explain, expound, interpret, illus- trate, elucidate. express, declare, signify, utter, tell. extend, reach, stretch. (Abridge.) extravagant, lavish, profuse, prodi- gal. (Parsimonious.) fable, apologue, novel, romance, tale. face, visage, countenance. facetious, pleasant, jocular, jocose. (Serious.) factor, agent. fail, to fall short, be deficient. (Ac- complish.) faint, feeble, languid. (Forcible.) fair, clear. ( Stormy. ) fair, equitable, honest, reasonable. (Unfair.) Synonyms and Antonyms faith., creed. (Unbelief, infidelity.) faithful, true, loyal, constant. (Faithless.) faithless, perfidious, treacherous. (Faithful.) fall, drop, droop, sink, tumble. (Rise.) fame, renown, reputation. famous, celebrated, renowned, illus- trious. (Obscure.) fanciful, capricious, fantastical, whimsical. fancy, imagination. .fast, rapid, quick, fleet, expeditious. (Slow.) fatigue, weariness, lassitude. (Vig- or.) fear, timidity, timorousness- (Brav- feeling, sensation, sense. feeling, sensibility, susceptibility. (Insensibility.) ferocious, fierce, savage, wild, bar- barous. (Mild.) fertile, fruitful, prolific, plenteous, productive. (Sterile.) fiction, falsehood, fabrication. (Fact.) figure, allegory, emblem, metaphor, symbol, picture, type. find, descry, discover, espy. (Lose, overlook.) fine, a., delicate, nice. (Coarse.) fine, n., forfeit, forfeiture, mulct, pen- alty. fire, glow, heat, warmth. firm, constant, solid, steadfast, fixed, stable. (Weak.) first, foremost, chief, earliest. (Last.) fit, accommodate, adapt, adjust, suit. fiac, determine, establish, settle, limit. flame, blaze, flare, flash, glare. flat, level, even. flexible, pliant, pliable, ductile, sup- ple. (Inflexible.) flourish, prosper, thrive. (Decay.) fluctuating, wavering hesitating, os- cillating, vacillating change. (Firm, steadfast, decided.) fluent, flowing, glib, voluble, unem- barrassed, ready. (Hesitating.) folks, persons, people, individuals. foUo-w, succeed, ensue, imitate, copy, pursue. follower, partisan disciple, adherent, retainer, pursuer, successor. folly, silliness, foolishness, imbecil- ity, weakness. (Wisdom.) fond, enamored, attached, affection- ate. (Distant.) fondness, affection, attachment, kind* ness, love. (Aversion.) foolhardy, venturesome, incautious hasty, adventurous, rash. (Cau- tious.) foolish, simple, silly, irrational, brainless, imbecile, crazy, absurd* preposterous, ridiculous, nonsensi- cal. (Wise, discreet.) fop, dandy, dude, beau, coxcomb, pup- py, jackanapes. ( Grentleman. ) forbear, abstain, refrain, withhold^ force, n., strength, vigor, dint, might, energy, power, violence, army, host, force, v., compel, (Persuade.) forecast, forethought, foresight, pre- meditation, prognostication. forego, quit, relinquish, let go, waive. foregoing, antecedent, anterior, pre- ceding, previous, prior, former. forerunner, herald, harbinger, pre- cursor, omen. foresight, forethought, forecast, pre- meditation. forge, coin, invent, frame, feign, fab- ricate, counterfeit. forgive, pardon, remit, absolve, ac- quit, excuse, except. forlorn, forsaken, abandoned, desert- ed, desolate, lone, lonesome. form, n., ceremony, solemnity, observ- ance, rite, figure, shape, conforma- tion, fashion, appearance, represen- tation, semblance. form, v., make, create, produce, con- stitute, arrange, fashion, mould, formal, ceremonious, precise, exact, stiff, methodical, affected. (Inform- al, natural.) former, antecedent, anterior, pre- vious, prior, preceding, foregoing. forsaken, abandoned, forlorn, desert- ed, desolate, lone, lonesome. forthwith, immediately, directly, in- stantly, instantaneously. (Anon.) fortitude, endurance, resolution, fearlessness, dauntlessness. ( Weak- ness.) fortunate, lucky, happy, auspicious, prosperous, successful. ( Unfortu- nate. ) fortune, chance, fate, luck, doom, destiny, property, possession, riches. foster, cherish, nurse, tend, harbor, nurture. (Neglect.) foul, impure, nasty, filthy, dirty, un- clean, defilerl. (Pure, clean.) fractious, cross, captious, petulant, touchy, testy, peevish, fretful, splen- etic. (Tractable.) Synonyms and Antonyms fragile, brittle, frail, delicate, feeble. ( Strong. ) fragments, pieces, scraps, chips, leavings, remains, remnants. frailty, weakness, failing, foible, im- perfection, fault, blemish. ( Strength. ) frame, v., construct, invent, coin, fabricate, forge, mold, feign, make, compose. franchise, right, exemption, immu- nity, privilege, freedom, suffrage. frank, artless, candid, sincere, free, easy, familiar, open, ingenuous, plain. (Tricky, insincere.) frantic, distracted, mad, furious, rav- ing, frenzied. (Quiet, subdued.) fraud, deceit, deception, duplicity, guile, cheat, imposition. (Honesty.) freak, fancy, humor, vagary, whim, caprice, chotchet. (Purpose, resolu- tion.) free, a., liberal, generous, bountiful, bounteous, munificent, frank, art- less, candid, familiar, open, inde- pendent, unconfined, unreserved, un- restricted, exempt, clear, loose, easy, careless. (Slavish, stingy, artful, costly.) free, v., release, set free, deliver, rescue, liberate, enfranchise, af- franchise, emancipate, exempt. (Enslave, bind.) freedom, liberty, independence, unre- straint, familiarity, license, fran- chise, exemption, privilege. (Slav- ery. ) frequent, often, common, usual, gen- eral. (Rare.) fret, gall, chafe, agitate, irritate, vex. friendly, amicable, social, sociable. (Distant, reserved, cool.) frightful, fearful, dreadful, dire, direful, terrific, awful, horrible, hor- rid. frivolous, trifling, trivial, petty. (Serious, earnest.) frugal, provident, economical, saving. (Wasteful, extravagant.) fruitful, fertile, prolific, productive, abundant, plentiful, plenteous. (Barren, sterile.) fruitless, vain, useless, idle, abortive, bootless, unavailing, without avail. frustrate, defeat, foil, balk, disap- point. fulfill, accomplish, effect, complete. fully, completely, abundantly, per- fectly. fulsome, coarse, gross, sickening, of« fensive, rank. (Moderate.) furious, violent, boisterous, vehe- ment, dashing, sw^eeping, rolling, im- petuous, frantic, distracted, stormy, angry, raging, fierce. (Calm.) futile, trifling, trivial, frivolous, use- less. (Effective.) gain, n., profit, emolument, advan- tage, benefit, winnings, earnings. (Loss.) gain, v., get, acquire, obtain, attain, procure, earn, win, achieve, reap, realize, reach. (Lose.) gallant, brave, bold, courageous, gay, fine, showy, intrepid, heroic, fear- less. galling, chafing, irritating, vexing. (Soothing.) game, play, pastime, diversion, sport, amusement. gang, band, horde, company, troop, crew. gap, breach, chasm, hollow, cavity, cleft, crevice, rift, chink. garnish, embellish, adron, beautify, deck, decorate. gather, pick, cull, assemble, muster, infer, collect. (Scatter.) gaudy, showy, flashy, tawdry, gay, glittering, bespangled. (Sombre.) gaunt, emaciated, scraggy, skinny, meagre, lank, attenuated, spare, lean, thin. (Well-fed.) gay, cheerful, merry, lively, jolly, sprightly, blithe. (Solemn.) generate, form, make, beget, produce. generation, formation, race, breed, stock, kind, age, era. generous, beneficent, noble, honor- able, bountiful, liberal, free. (Nig- gardly.) genial, cordial, hearty, festive, joy- ous. (Distant, cold.) genius, intellect, invention, talent, taste, nature, character, adept. genteel, refined, polished, fashion- able, polite, well-bred. (Boorish.) gentle, placid, mild, bland, meek, tame, docile. (Rough, uncouth.) genuine, real, true, unaffected, sin- cere. (False.) gesture, attitude, action, posture. get, obtain, earn, gain, attain, pro* cure, achieve. Synonyms and Antonyms ghastly, pallid, wan, hideous, grim, shocking. ghost, spectre, sprite, apparition, shade, phantom. gibe, scoff, sneer, flout, jeer, mock, taunt, deride. giddy, unsteady, flighty, thoughtless, (Steady.) gift, donation, benefaction, grant, alms, gratuity, boon, present, facul- ty, talent. (Purchase.) gigantic, colossal, huge, enormous, vast, prodigious, immense. (Dimin- utive. ) give, grant, bestow, confer, yield, im- part. glad, pleased, cheerful, joyful, glad- some, gratified, cheering. (Sad.) gleam, glimmer, glance, glitter, shine, flash. glee, gayety, merriment, mirth, jovial- ity, joy, hilarity. (Sorrow.) glide, slip, slide, run, roll on. glimmer, v., gleam, flicker, glitter. glimpse, glance, look, glint. glitter, gleam, shine, glisten, glister, radiate. gloom, cloud, darkness, dimness, blackness, dullness, sadness. (Light, brightness, joy.) gloomy, lowering, lurid, dim, dusky, sad, glum. (Bright, clear.) glorify, magnify, celebrate, adore, ex- alt. glorious, famous, renowned, distin- guished, noble, exalted. ( Infamous. ) glory, honor, fame, renown, splendor, grandeur. ( Infamy. ) glut, gorge, stuff, cram, cloy, satiate, block up. go, depart, proceed, move, budge, stir. God, Creator, Lord, Almighty, Jeho- vah, Omnipotence, Providence. godly, righteous, devout, holy, pious, religious. good, benefit, weal, adyantage, profit, boon. (Evil.) good, a., virtuous, righteous, upright, just, true. (Wicked, bad.) gorge, glut, fill, cram, stuff, satiate. gorgeous, superb, grand, magnificent, splendid. (Plain, simple.) govern, rule, direct, manage, com- mand. government, rule, state, control, sway. graceful, becoming, comely, elegant, beautiful. (Awkward.) gracious, merciful, kindly, benefi- cent. gradual, slow, progressive. (Sudden.) grand, majestic, stately, dignified, lofty, elevated, exalted, splendid, gorgeous, superb, magnificent, sub- lime, pompous. (Shabby.) grant, bestow, irnpart, give, yield, cede, allow, confer, invest. grant, gift, boon, donation. graphic, forcible, telling, picturesque, vivid, pictorial. grasp, catch, seize, gripe, clasp, grap- ple. grateful, agreeable, pleasing, wel- come, thankful. (Harsh.) gratification, enjoyment, pleasure, delight, reward. ( Disappointment. ) grave, a., serious, sedate, solemn, sober, pressing, heavy. (Giddy.) grave, n., tomb, sepulchre, vault. great, big, huge, large, majestic, vast, grand, noble, august. (Small.) greediness, avidity, eagerness, vorac« ity. (Generosity.) grief, affliction, sorrow, trial, woe, tribulation. (Joy.) grieve, mourn, lament, sorrow, pain, hurt, wound, bewail. (Rejoice.) grievous, painful, afflicting, heavy, baleful, unhappy. grind, crush, oppress, grate, harass, afflict. grisly, terrible, hideous, grim, ghast- ly, dreadful. (Pleasing.) gross, coarse, outrageous, unseemly, shameful, indelicate. (Delicate.) group, assembly, cluster, collection, clump, order, class. grovel, crawl, cringe, fawn, sneak. grow, increase, vegetate, expand, ad- vance. ( Decay, diminution. ) groivl, grumble, snarl, murmur, com- plain. grudge, malice, rancor, spite, pique, hatred, aversion. gruff, rough, rugged, blunt, rude, harsh, surly, bearish. (Pleasant.) guile, deceit, fraud. (Candor.) guiltless, harmless, innocent. guilty, culpable, sinful, criminal. H habit, custom, practice. hail, accost, address, greet, salute;, welcome. happiness, beatitude, blessedness^ bliss, felicity. (Unhappiness.) Synonyms and Antonyms harbor, haven, port. hard, firm, solid. (Soft.) hard, arduous, diflBcult, (Easy.) harm, injury, hurt, wrong, infliction. (Benefit.) harmless, safe, innocuous, innocent, (Hurtful.) harsh, rough, rigorous, severe, gruff, morose. ( Gentle. ) hasten, accelerate, dispatch, expedite, speed. (Delay.) hasty, hurried, ill-advised. (Delib- erate.) hateful, odious, detestable. (Lov- able.) hatred, enmity, ill-will, rancor. ( Friendship. ) haughtiness, arrogance, pride. (Mod- esty. ) haughty, arrogant, disdainful, super- cilious, proud. hazard, risk, venture. healthy, salubrious, salutary, whole- some. (Unhealthy.) heap, accumulate, amass, pile. hearty, a., cordial, sincere, warm. (Insincere.) heavy, burdensome, ponderous, weighty. ( Light. ) heed, care, attention. heighten, enhance, exalt, elevate, raise. heinous, atrocious, flagitious, flagrant. (Venial.) help, aid, assist, relieve, succor. (Hinder.) heretic, sectary, sectarian, schismat- ic, dissenter, non-conformist. hesitate, falter, stammer, stutter. hideous, grim, ghastly, grisly. (Beau- tiful.) high, lofty, tall elevated. (Deep.) hinder, impede, obstruct, prevent. (Help.) hint, allude, refer, suggest, intimate, insinuate. hold, detain, keep, retain. holiness, sanctity, piety, sacredness. holy, devout, pious, religious. homely, plain, ugly, coarse. (Beauti- ful.) honesty, integrity, probity, upright- ness. (Dishonesty.) honor, v., respect, reverence, esteem. (Dishonor.) hope, confidence, expectation, trust. hopeless, desperate. hot, ardent, burning, fiery. (Cold.) however, nevertheless, notwithstand- ing, yet. humble, modest, submissive, plain, unostentatious, simple. (Haughty.) humble, degrade, humiliate, mortify, abase. (Exalt.) humor, mood, temper. hunt, seek, chase. hurtful, noxious, pernicious. (Ben- eficial.) husbandry, cultivation, tillage. hypocrite, dissembler, imposter, can- ter. hypothesis, theory, supposition. idea, thought, imagination. ideal, imaginary, fancied. (Actual.) idle, indolent, l^zy. (Industrious.) ignominious, shameful, scandalous, infamous. ( Honorable. ) ignominy, shame, disgrace, obloquy, infamy, reproach. ignorant, unlearned, illiterate, unin- formed, uneducated. (Knowing.) ill, n., evil, wickedness, misfortune, mischief, harm. (Good.) ill, a., sick, indisposed, unwell, dis- eased. (Well.) ill-tempered, crabbed, sour, surly, acrimonious. (Good-natured.) ill-will, enmity, hatred, antipathy. (Good-will.) illegal, unlawful, illicit, contraband, illegitimate. ( Legal. ) illimitable, boundless, immeasur- able, unlimited, infinite. illiterate, unlettered, unlearned, un- taught, uninstructed. (Learned, ed- ucated. ) illusion, fallacy, deception, phan- tasm. illusory, imaginary, chimerical, vis- ionary. (Real.) illustrate, explain, elucidate, clear. illustrious, celebrated, noble, emi- nent, famous, renowned. (Obscure.) image, likeness, picture, representa- tion, effigy. imaginary, ideal, fanciful, illusory. (Real.) imagine, conceive, fancy, apprehend, think, presume. imbecility, silliness, senility, dotage. imitate, copy, ape, mimic, mock, counterfeit. immaculate, unspotted, spotless, un- sullied, stainless. (Soiled.) Synonyms and Antonyms immediate, pressing, instant, next, proximate. immediately, instantly, forthwith, directly, presently. immense, vast, enormous, huge, pro- digious, monstrous. ! immunity, privilege, prerogative, ex- emption. impair, injure, diminish, decrease. impart, reveal, divulge, disclose, dis- cover, bestow, afford. impartial, just, equitable, unbiased. (Partial.) impassioned, glowing, burning, fiery, vehement, intense. impeach, accuse, charge, arraign, censure. impede, hinder, retard, obstruct, pre- vent. (Help.) impediment, obstruction, hindrance, obstacle, barrier. (Aid.) impel, animate, induce, incite, insti- gate, embolden. (Retard.) impending, imminent, threatening. imperative, commanding, despotic, authoritative. imperfection, fault, blemish, defect, vice. imperil, endanger, hazard, jeopardize. imperious, commanding, dictatorial, authoritative, imperative, lordly, domineering, overbearing. impertinent, intrusive, meddling, of- ficious, rude, saucy, impudent, inso- lent. impetuous, violent, boisterous, furi- ous vehement. (Calm.) impious, profane, irreligious, godless. ( Reverent. ) implicate, involve, entangle, embar- rass, compromise. imply, involve, comprise, infold, im- port, denote, signify. importance, signification, signifi- cance, avail, consequence, weight, gravity, moment. imposing, impressive, striking, ma- jestic, august, noble, grand. (In- significant.) impotence, weakness, incapacity, in- firmity, frailty, feelDleness. (Pow- er.) impotent, weak, feeble, helpless, en- feebled, nerveless, infirm. ( Strong. ) impressive, stirring, forcible, excit- ing, affecting, moving. imprison, incarcerate, shut up, im- mure, confine. (Liberate.) imprisonment, captivity, durance. improve, amend, better, mend, re- form, rectify, ameliorate, apply, use, employ. (Deteriorate.) improvident, careless, incautious, imprudent, prodigal, wasteful, reck- less, rash. (Thrifty.) impudence, assurance, impertinence, confidence, insolence, rudeness. impudent, saucy, brazen, bold, im- pertinent, forward, rude, insolent, immodest, shameless. impulse, incentive, incitement, mo- tive, instigation. impulsive, rash, hasty, forcible, vio- lent. ( Deliberate. ) imputation, blame, censure, re- proach, charge, accusation. inadvertency, error, oversight, blun- der, inattention, carelessness, negli- gence. incentive, motive, inducement, im- pulse. incite, instigate, excite, provoke, stim- ulate, encourage, urge, impel. inclination, leaning, slope, disposi- tion, tendency, bent, bias, affection, attachment, wish, liking, desire. (Aversion.) incline, v., slope, lean, slant, tend, bend, turn, bias, dispose. inclose, surround, shut in, fence in, cover, wrap. include, comprehend, comprise, con- tain, embrace, take in. incommode, annoy, plague, molest, disturb, inconvenience, trouble. (Accommodate.) incompetent, incapable, unable, in- adequate, insuflicient. (Competent.) increase, v., extend, enlarge, aug- ment, dilate, expand, amplify, raise, enhance, aggravate, magnify, grow. (Diminish.) increase, n., augmentation, accession, addition, enlargement, extension. ( Decrease. ) incumbent, obligatory. indefinite, vague, uncertain, unset- tled, loose, lax. (Definite.) indicate, point out, show, mark. indifference, apathy, carelessness, listlessness, insensibility. (Applica- tion, assiduity.) indigence, want, neediness, penury, poverty, destitution, privation. (Af- fluence.) indignation, anger, wrath, ire, re- sentment. Synonyms and Antonyms indignity, insult, affront, outrage, obloquy, opprobrium, reproach, ig- nominy. ( Honor. ) indiscriminate, promiscuous, indis- tinct, chance, confused. (Select, chosen. ) indispensable, essential, necessary, requisite, expedient. ( Unnecessary, supernumerary. ) indisputable, undeniable, undoubt- ed, incontestable, indubitable, un- questionable, sure, infallible. indorse, ratify, confirm, superscribe. indulge, foster, cherish, fondle. (Deny.) ineffectual, vain, useless, unavailing, fruitless, abortive, inoperative. (Ef- fective. ) inequality, disparity, disproportion, dissimilarity, unevenness. (Equal- ity.) inevitable, unavoidable, not to be avoided, certain. infamous, scandalous, shameful, ig- nominious, opprobrious, disgraceful. (Honorable.) inference, deduction, corollary, con- clusion, consequence. internal, diabohcai, fiendish, devil- isu, hellish. infest, annoy, plague, harass, disturb. infirm, weak, feeble, enfeebled. (Ro- bust.) inflame, anger, irritate, enrage, chafe, incense, nettle, aggravate, embitter, exasperate. (Allay, soothe.) influence, v., bias, sway, prejudice, prepossess. influence, n., credit, favor, reputa- tion, character, weight, authority, sway, ascendency. infringe, invade, intrude, contravene, break, transgress, violate. ingenuous, artless, candid, generous, open, frank, plain, sincere. ( Crafty. ) inhuman, cruel, brutal, savage, bar- barous, ruthless, merciless, ferocious. (Humane.) iniquity, injustice, wrong, grievance. injure, damage, hurt, deteriorate, wrong, aggrieve, harm, spoil, mar, sully. (Benefit.) in.iurious, hurtful, baneful, pernici- ous, deleterious, noxious, prejudi- cial, wrongful, damaging. (Benefi- cial.) injustice, wrong, iniquity, grievance. (Right.) innocent, guiltless, sinless, harmless, inoffensive, innoxious. (Guilty.) innocuous, harmless, safe, innocent. (Hurtful.) inordinate, intemperate, irregular, disorderly, excessive, immoderate. (Moderate.) inquiry, investigation, examination, research, scrutiny, disquisition, question, query, interrogation. inquisitive, prying, peeping, curious, peering. insane, mad, deranged, delirious, de- mented. ( Sane. ) insanity, madness, mental, aberra- tion, lunacy, delirium. (Sanity.) insinuate, hint, intimate, suggest, in- fuse, introduce, ingratiate. insipid, dull, flat, mawkish, tasteless, vapid, inanimate, lifeless. (Bright, sparkling.) insolent, rude, saucy, pert, inperti- nent, abusive, scurrilous, opprobri- ous, insulting, offensive. inspire, animate, exhilarate, enliven, cheer, breathe, inhale. instability, mutability, fickleness, mutableness, wavering. ( Stability, firmness. ) instigate, stir up, persuade, animate, incite, urge, stimulate, encourage. instil, implant, inculcate, infuse, in- sinuate. instruct, inform, teach, educate, en- lighten, initiate. instrumental, conducive, assistant, helping, ministerial. insu£Qciency, inadequacy, incompe- tency, incapability, deficiency, lack. insult, affront, outrage, indignity, blasphemy. (Honor.) insulting, insolent, rude, saucy, im- pertinent, abusive. integrity, uprightness, honesty, pro- bity, entirety, entireness, complete- ness, rectitude, purity. (Dishon- esty.) intellect, understanding, sense, brains, mind, intelligence, ability, talent, genius. (Bo(%.) intellectual, mental, ideal, meta- physical. (Brutal.) intelligible, clear, obvious, plain, distinct. (Abstruse.) intemperate, immoderate, excessive, drunken, nimious, inordinate. (Tem- perate.) intense, ardent, earnest, glowing, fer- vid, burning, vehement 892 Synonyms and Antonyms intent, design, purpose, intention, drift, view, aim, purport, meaning. intercourse, commerce, connection, intimacy, acquaintance, interdict, forbid, prohibit, inhibit, proscribe, debar, restrain from. (Allow.) interfere, meddle, intermeddle, inter- pose. interminable, endless, interminate, infinite, unlimited, illimitable, boundless, limitless. (Brief, con- cise.) interpose, intercede, arbitrate, medi- tate, interfere, meddle. interpret, explain, expound, eluci- date, unfold, decipher. intimate, hint, suggest, insinuate, ex- press, signify, impart, tell. intimidate, dishearten, alarm, fright- en, scare, appal, daunt, cow, brow- beat. (Encourage.) intolerable, insufferable, unbearable, insupportable, unendurable. intrepid, bold, brave, daring, fear- less, dauntless, undaunted, coura- geous, valorous, valiant, heroic, gal- lant, chivalrous, doughty. (Cow- ardly, faint-hearted. ) intrigue, plot, cabal, conspiracy, combination, artifice, ruse, amour. intrinsic, real, true, genuine, ster- ling, native, natural. (Extrinsic.) invalidate, quash, cancel, overthrow, vacate, nullify, annul. invasion, incursion, irruption, in- road, aggression, raid, fray. invective, abuse, reproach, railing, censure, sarcasm, satire. invent, devise, contrive, frame, find out, discover, design. investigation, examination, search, inquiry, research, scrutiny. inveterate, confirmed, chronic, malig- nant. ( Inchoate. ) invidious, envious, hateful, odious, malignant. invigorate, brace, harden, nerve, strengthen, fortify. (Enervate.) invincible, unconquerable, impregna- ble, insurmountable. invisible, unseen, imperceptible, im- palpable, unperceivable. invite, ask, call, bid, request, allure, attract, solicit. invoke, invocate, call upon, appeal, refer, implore, beseech. involve, implicate, entangle, compro- mise, envelop. irksome, wearisome, tiresome, tedi- ous, annoying. (Pleasant.) irony, sarcasm, satire, ridicule, rail- lery. irrational, foolish, silly, imbecile, brutish, absurd, ridiculous. (Ra- tional.) irregular, eccentric, anomalous, in- ordinate, intemperate. (Regular.) irreligious^ profane, godless, impi- ous, sacrilegious, desecrating. irreproachable, blameless, spotless, irreprovable. irresistible, resistless, irrepressible. irresolute, wavering, undetermined, undecided, vacillating. (Determined.) irritable, excitable, irascible, sus- ceptible, sensitive. (Calm.) irritate, aggravate, worry, embitter, madden, exasperate. issue, v., emerge, rise, proceed, flow, spring, emanate. issue, n., end, upshot, effect, result, offspring, progeny. jade, harass, weary, tire, worry. jangle, wrangle, conflict, disagree. jarring, conflicting, discordant, in- consonant, inconsistent. jaunt, ramble, excursion, trip. jealousy, suspicion, envy. ^ jeopard, hazard, peril, endanger. jest, joke, sport, divert, make game of. journey, travel, tour, passage. joy, gladness, mirth, delight. (Grief.) joyful, glad, rejoicing, exultant. (Mournful.) judge, justice, referee, arbitrator. judgment, discernment, discrimina- tion, understanding. justice, equity right. Justice is right as established by law ; equity accord- ing to the circumstances of each particular case. (Injustice.) justness, accuracy, correctness. keep, preserve, save. (Abandon.) kill, assassinate, murder, slay. kindred, aflSnity, consanguinity, re- lationship. knovirledge, erudition, learning, sci- ence. (Ignorance.) labor, toil, work, effort, drudgery. (Idleness.) Synonyms and Antonyms lack, need, deficiency, scarcity, insuf- ficiency. (Plenty.) lament, mourn, grieve, weep. (Re- joice.) language, dialect, idiom, speech, tongue. lascivious, loose, unchaste, lustful, lewd, lecherous. (Chaste.) last, final, latest, ultimate. (First.) laudable, commendable, praisewor- thy. (Blamable.) laughable, comical, droll, ludicrous. (Serious.) lawful, legal, legitimate, licit. (Il- legal. ) lead, conduct, guide. (Follow.) lean, meager. (Fat.) learned, erudite, scholarly. (Igno- rant.) leave, v., quit, relinquish. leave, n., liberty, permission, license. (Prohibition.) life, existence, animation, spirit, vi- ^ vacity. (Death.) lifeless, dead, inanimate. lift, erect, elevate, exalt, raise. ( Lower. ) light, clear, bright. (Dark.) lightness, flightiness, giddiness, lev- ^ ity, volatility. ( Seriousness. ) likeness, resemblance, similarity. (Unlikeness.) linger, lag, loiter, tarry, saunter. (Hasten.) little, diminutive, small. (Great.) livelihood, living, maintenance, sub- sistence, support. lively, jocund, merry, sportive, sprightly, vivacious. (Slow, lan- guid, sluggish.) long, extended, extensive. (Short.) look, appear, seem. lose, miss, forfeit. (Gain.) loss, detriment, damage, deprivation. (Gain.) loud, clamorous, high-sounding, noisy. (Low, quiet.) love, affection. (Hatred.) low, abject, mean. (Noble.) lunacy, derangement, insanity, mania, madness. ( Sanity. ) luster, brightness, brilliancy, splen- dor. Insuriant, exuberant. (Sparse.) machination, plot, intrigue, cabal, conspiracy. (Artlessness.) mad, crazy, delirious, insane, rabid, violent, frantic. (Sane, rational, quiet.) madness, insanity, fury, rage, fren- zy. magisterial, august, dignified, ma- jestic, pompous, stately. make, form, create, produce. (De- stroy. ) malediction, anathepia, curse, im- precation, execration. malevolent, malicious, virulent, ma- lignant. (Benevolent.) malice, spite, rancor, ill-feeling, grudge, animosity, ill-will. (Be- nignity. ) malicious. See malevolent. manacle, v., shackle, fetter, chain. (Free.) manage, contrive, concert, direct. management, direction, superinten- dence, care, economy. mangle, tear, lacerate, mutilate, crip- ple, maim. mania, madness, insanity, lunacy. manifest, a., clear, plain, evident, exhibit, display, show. manifest, a., clear plain, evident, open, apparent, visible. (Hidden, oc- cult.) manifold, several, sundry, various, divers, numerous. manly, masculine, vigorous, coura- geous, brave, heroic. (Effeminate.) manner, habit, custom, way, air, look, appearance. manners, morals, habits, behavior, carriage. mar, spoil, ruin, disfigure. ( Improve. ) march, tramp, tread, walk, step, space. margin, edge, rim, border, brink, verge. mark, n., sign, note, symptom, token, indication, trace, vestige, track, badge, brand. mark, v., impress, print, stamp, en- grave, note, designate. marriage, wedding, nuptials, matri- mony, wedlock. martial, military, warlike, soldier- like. marvel, wonderful, miracle, prodigy. marvelous, wondrous, wonderful, amazing, miraculous. massive, bulky, heavy, weighty, pon- derous, solid, substantial. (Flimsy.) mastery, dominion, rule, sway, a» cendancy, supremacy. 404 Synonyms and Antonyms n&atchless, unrivaled, unequaled, un- paralleled, peerless, incomparable, inimitable, surpassing. (Common, ordinary. ) material, a., corporeal, bodily, physi- cal, temporal, momentous, impor- tant. (Spiritual, immaterial.) maxim, adage, apothegm, proverb, saying, by-word, saw^. meager, poor, lank, emaciated, bar- ren, dry, uninteresting. (Rich.) mean, a., stingy, niggardly, low, ab- ject, vile, ignoble, degraded, con- temptible, vulgar, despicable. (Gen- erous.) mean, v., design, purpose, intent, con- template, signify, denote, indicate. meaning, signification, import, ac- ceptation, sense, purport. medium, organ, channel, instrument, means. medley, mixture, variety, diversity, miscellany. meek, unassuming, mild, gentle. (Proud.) melancholy, low-spirited, dispirited, dreamy, sad. (Jolly, buoyant.) mellow, ripe, mature, soft. (Imma- ture.) melodious, tuneful, musical, silver, dulcet, sweet. (Discordant.) memorable, signal, distinguished, marked. memorial, monument, memento, com- memoration. memory, remembrance, recollection. menace, n., threat. mend, repair, amend, correct, better, ameliorate, improve, rectify. mention, tell, name, communicate, impart, divulge, reveal, disclose, in- form, acquaint. merciful, compassionate, lenient, clement, tender, gracious, kind. (Cruel.) merciless, hard-hearted, cruel, un- merciful, pitiless, remorseless, unre- lenting. (Kind.) merriment, mirth, joviality, jollity, hilarity. ( Sorrow. ) merry, cheerful, mirthful, joyous, gay, lively, sprightly, hilarious, jo- vial, blithe, blithesome, sportive jol- l.y. (Sad.) metaphorical, figurative, allegorical, symbolical. xnethod, way, manner, mode, process, order, rule, regularity, system, mien, air, look, manner, aspect, ap- pearance. migratory, roving, strolling, wander- ing, vagrant. (Settled, sedate, per- manent.) mimic, imitate, ape, mock. mindful, observant, attentive, heed- ful, thoughtful. (Heedless.) miscellaneous, promiscuous, indis- criminate, mixed. mischief, injury, harm, damage, evil, hurt, ill. (Benefit.) miscreant, caitiff, villain, ruffian. miserable, unhappy, wretched, dis- tressed, afflicted. ( Happy. ) miserly, stingy, niggardly, avari- cious, gripping. misery, wretchedness, woe, destitu- tion, penury, privation, beggary. (Happiness.) misfortune, calamity, disaster, mis- hap, catastrophe. (Good luck.) miss, omit, lose, fail, miscarry. mitigate, alleviate, relieve, diminish, abate. ( Aggravate. ) moderate, temperate, abstemious, sober, abstinent. (Immoderate.) modest, chaste, virtuous, bashful, re- served. ( Immodest. ) moist, wet, damp, dank, humid. (Dry.) monotonous, unvaried, dull, undiver- sified, tiresome. (Varied.) monstrous, shocking, dreadful, hor- rible, huge, immense. monument, memorial, record, remem- brancer, cenotaph. mood, humor, disposition, vein, tem- per. morbid, sick, ailing, sickly, diseased, corrupted. (Normal, sound.) morose, gloomy, sullen, surly, fretful, crabbed, crusty. (Joyous.) mortal, deadly, fatal, human. motion, proposition, proposal, move- ment. motionless, still, stationary, torpid, stagnant. (Active, moving.) mount, arise, rise, ascend, soar, tow- er, dimb, scale. mournful, sad, sorrowful, lugubrious, grievous, doleful, heavy. (Happy.) move, actuate, impel, induce, prompt, instigate, persuade, stir, agitate, pro- pel, push. multitude, crowd, throng, host, mol^ swarm. murder, v., kill, assassinate, Blay, massacre, dispatch. 895 Synonyms and Antonyms muse, v., meditate, contemplate, re- flect, think, cogitate, ponder. music, harmony, melody, symphony. musical, tuneful, melodious, harmo- nious, dulcet, sweet. musty, stale, sour, fetid, (Fresh, sweet. ) mute, dumb, silent, speechless. mutilate, maim, cripple, disable, dis- figure. mutinous, insurgent, seditious, tu- multuous, turbulent, riotous. (Obe- dient, orderly.) mutual, reciprocal, interchanged, cor- relative. (Sole, solitary.) mysterious, dark, obscure, hidden, secret, dim, mystic, enigmatical, un- accountable. (Open, clear.) mystify, confuse, perplex, puzzle. (Clear, explain.) N naked, nude, bare, uncovered, rude, unclothed, rough, simple. (Cover- ed, clad.) name, v., denominate, entitle, style, designate, term, call, christen. name, n., appellation, designation, denomination, title, cognomen, repu- tation, character, fame, credit, re- pute. narrate, tell, relate, detail, recount, describe, enumerat-e, rehearse, re- cite. nasty, filthy, foul, dirty, unclean, in- decent, impure, gross, vile. nation, people, community, realm, state. native, indigenous, inborn, vernacu- lar. natural, original, regular, normal, bastard. (Unnatural, forced.) near, nigh, neighboring, close, adja- cent, contiguous, intimate. (Dis- tant.) necessary, needful, expedient, essen- tial, requisite, indispensable. (Use- less.) necessitate, compel, force, oblige. necessity, need, occasion, exigency, emergency, urgency, requisite. need, n., necessity, distress, poverty, indigence, want, penury. need, v., require, want, lack. neglect, v., disregard, slight, omit, overlook. neglect, n., omission, failure, default, negligence, remissness, carelessness, slight. neighborliood, environs, vicinity, ad- jacency, nearness, proximity. nervous, timid, timorous, shaky. new, fresh, recent, novel. (Old.) news, tidings, intelligence, informa- tion. nice, exact, accurate, good, particular, , precise, fine, delicate. (Careless, coarse, unpleasant.) nimble, active, brisk, lively, alert, quick, agile, prompt, (Awkward.) nobility, aristocracy, greatness, gran- deur, peerage. noble, exalted, elevated, illustrious, great, grand, lofty. (Low.) noise, cry, outcry, clamor, row, din, uproar, tumult. (Silence.) nonsensical, irrational, absurd, silly, foolish. (Sensible.) notable, plain, evident, remarkable, signal, striking, rare. (Obscure.) note, n., token, symbol, mark, sign, in- dication, remark, comment. noted, distinguished, remarkable, re- nowned, eminent. (Obscure.) notice, n., advice, notification, intelli- gence, information. notice, v., mark, note, observe, at- tend to, regard, heed. notify, v., publish, acquaint, apprise, inform, declare. notion, conception, idea, belief, opin- ion, sentiment. notorious, conspicuous, open, obvious, ill-famed. (Unknown.) nourisb, nurture, cherish, foster, sup- ply. (Starve, famish.) nourisbment, food, diet, sustenance, nutrition. novel, modern, new, fresh, recent, un- used, strange, rare. (Old.) noxious, hurtful, deadly, poisonous, deleterious, baneful. (Beneficial.) nullify, annul, vacate, invalidate, re- peal, quash, cancel. (Afllrm.) nutrition, food, diet, nutriment, nourishment. obdurate, hard, callous, hardened, unfeeling, insensible. (Yielding, tractable.) obedient, compliant, submissive, du- tiful, respectful. (Obstinate.) obese, corpulent, fat, adipose, fleshy. ( Attenuated. ) obey, v., conform, comply, submit, (Rebel, disobey.) Synonyms and Antonyms object, n., aim, end, purpose, design, mark, butt. object, v., oppose, except to, contra- vene, impeach, deprecate. (Assent.) obnoxious, offensive. (Agreeable.) obscure, undistinguished, unknown. (Distinguished.) obstinate, contumacious, headstrong, stubborn, obdurate. (Yielding.) occasion, opportunity. oifense, affront^ misdeed, misdemean- or, transgression, trespass. offensive, insolent, abusive, obnox- ious. (Inoffensive.) office, charge, function, place. offspring, issue, progeny. old, aged, superannuated, ancient, an- tique, antiquated, obsolete, old-fash- ioned. (Young, new.) omen, presage, prognostic. opaque, dark. (Bright, transparent.) open, candid, unreserved, clear, fair. (Hidden, dark.) opinion, notion, view, judgment, be- lief, sentiment. opinionated, conceited, egotistical. (Modest.) oppose, resist, withstand, thwart. (Give way.) option, choice. order, method, rule, system, regular- ity. (Disorder.) origin, cause, occasion, source begin- ning. (End.) outlive, survive. outward, external, outside, exterior. ( Inner. ) over, above. (Under.) overbalance, outweigh, preponder- ate. overbear, bear down, overwhelm, overpower, subdue. overbearing, haughty, proud, arro- gant. (Gentle.) overflo^Dir, inundation, deluge. overrule, supersede, suppress. overspread, overrun, ravage. overturn, invert, overthrow, reverse, subvert. (Establish, fortify.) overwhelm, crush, defeat, vanquish pain, suffering, qualm, pang, agony, anguish. ( Pleasure. ) pallid, pale, wan. (Florid.) part, division, portion, share, frac- tion. (Whole.) particular, exact, distinct, singular, odd, strange. (General.) patient, passive, submissive, meek, (Obdurate.) peace, calm, quiet, tranquillity. (War, riot, trouble, turbulence.) peaceable, pacific, peaceful, quiet. (Troublesome, riotous.) penetrate, bore, pierce, perforate. penetration, acuteness, sagacity. (Dullness.) people, nation, persons, folks. perceive, note, observe, discern, dis- tinguish. perception, conception, notion, idea. peril, danger, pitfall, snare. (Safe- ty.) permit, allow, tolerate. (Forbid.) persuade, allure, entice, prevail upon, physical, corporeal, bodily, material. (Mental.) picture, engraving, print, representa- tion, illustration, image. piteous, doleful, woful, rueful. (Joy- ful.) pitiless, see merciless. pity, compassion, sympathy. (Cruel= ty.) place, n., spot, site, position, post, situation, station. place, v., order, dispose. plain, open, manifest, evident. (Se- cret. ) play, game, sport, amusement. (W^ork.) please, gratify, pacify. (Displease.) pleasure, charm, delight, joy. (Pain.) plentiful, abundant, ample, copious, plenteous. ( Scarce. ) poise, balance. positive, absolute, peremptory, de- cided, certain. (Negative.) possessor, owner, proprietor. possible, practical, practicable. (Im- possible.) poverty, penury, indigence, need, want. ( Wealth. ) power, authority, force, strength, do- minion. powerful, mighty, potent. (Weak.) praise, commend, extol, Jaud. (Blame.) prayer, entreaty, petition, requesl^ suit. pretense, n., pretext, subterfuge. prevailing, predominant, prevalent, general. (Isolated, sporadic.) prevent, obviate, preclude. previous, antecedent, introductory, preparatory, preliminary. (Subse- quent.) 897 Synonyms and Antonyms pride, vanity, conceit. (Humility.) principally, chiefly, mainly, essen- tially. principle, ground, reason, motive, impulse, maxim, rule, rectitude, in- tegrity. privilege, immunity, advantage, fav- or, prerogative, exemption, right, claim. probity, rectitude, uprightness, hon- esty, integrity, sincerity, soundness. (Dishonesty.) problematical, uncertain, doubtful, dubious, questionable, disputable, suspicious. (Certain.) prodigious, huge, enormous, vast, amazing, astonishing, remarkable, astounding, surprising, wonderful. ( Insignificant. ) profession, business, trade, occupa- tion, vocation, office, employment, engagement, avowal. proffer, volunteer, offer, propose, ten- der. profligate, abandoned, dissolute, de- praved, vicious, degenerate, corrupt, demoralized. (Virtuous.) profound, deep, fathomless, penetra- ting, solemn, abstruse, recondite. (Shallow.) profuse, extravagant, prodigal, lav- ish, improvident, excessive, copious, plentiful. ( Succinct. ) prolific, productive, generative, fer- tile, fruitful, teeming. (Barren.) prolix, diffuse, long, prolonged, tedi- ous, tiresome, wordy, verbose, pro- saic. (Concise, brief.) prominent, eminent, marked, impor- tant, conspicuous, leading. (Ob- scure.) promiscuous, mixed, unarranged, in- discriminate, mingled. (Select.) prompt. See punctual. prop, v., maintain sustain, support, stay. propagate, spread, circulate, diffuse, disseminate, extend, breed, increase. (Suppress.) proper, legitimate, right, just, fair, equitable, honest, suitable, fit, decent, meet, becoming, benefitting, adapted, pertinent, appropriate. (Wrong.) prosper, flourish, succeed, grow rich, thrive, advance. (Fail.) prosperity, well-being, weal, welfare, happiness, good luck. (Poverty.) proxy, agent, representative, substi- tute, delegate, deputy. prudence, carefulness, judgment, dis- cretion, wisdom. (Indiscretion.) prurient, itching, craving, hamkering, longing. puerile, youthful, juvenile, boyish, childish, infantile, trifling, weak, silly. ( Mature. ) punctilious, nice, particular, formal, precise. ( Negligent. ) punctual, exact, precise, nice, partic- ular, prompt, timely. (Dilatory.) putrefy, rot, decompose, corrupt, de- cay. puzzle, v., perplex, confound, embar- rass, bewilder, confuse, pose, mys- tify. (Enlighten.) quack, impostor, pretender, charla- tan, empiric, mountebank. (Savant.) quaint, artful, curious, far-fetched, fanciful, odd, singular. qualified, competent, fitted, adapted. (Incompetent.) quality, attribute, rank, distinction, querulous, doubting, complaining, re- pining, fretting. (Patient.) question, query, inquiry, interroga- tory. quibble, cavil, evade, equivocate, pre- varicate, shuffle. quick, lively, brisk, expeditious, im- petuous, adroit, fleet, rapid, swift, «iweeping, dashing, clever, sharp, ready, prompt, alert, nimble, agile, active. (Slow.) quote, note, repeat, cite, adduce. rabid, mad, furious, raging, frantia ( Rational. ) race, course, match, pursuit, career, family, clan, house, ancestry, lin- eage, pedigree. rack, agonize, wring, torture, excru- ciate, distress, harass. (Soothe.) racy, spicy, pungent, smart, spirited, lively, vivacious. (Dull, insipid.) radiance, splendor, brightness, bril- liance, brilliancy, lustre, glare. (Dullness.) radical, organic, innate, fundamental, original, constitutional, inherent, complete, entire. ( Superficial. ^ In a political sense, uncompromising; antonym, moderate.) rancid, fetid, rank, stinking, soup tainted, reasty. (Fresh, sweet.) I Synonyms and Antonyms rancor, malignity, hatred, hostility, antipathy, animosity, enmity, ill- will, spite. (Forgiveness.) rank, order, degree, dignity, nobility, consideration. ransack, rummage, pillage, overhaul, explore, plunder. ransom, emancipate, free, unfetter. rant, bombast, fustian, cant. rapacious, ravenous, greedy, vora- cious, grasping. (Generous.) rapt, ecstatic, transported, ravished, entranced, charmed. (Distracted.)' rapture, ecstacy, transport, delight, bliss. (Dejection.) rare, scarce, singular, uncommon. rascal, scoundrel, rogue, knave, vaga- bond, scamp. rask, hasty, precipitate, foolhardy, adventurous, heedless, reckless, care- less. (Deliberate.) rate, value, compute, appraise, esti- mate, chide, abuse. ratify, confirm, establish, substan- tiate, sanction. (Protest, oppose.) rational, reasonable, sagacious, ju- dicious, wise, sensible, sound. (Un- reasonable. ) ravage, overrun, overspread, desolate, despoil, destroy. Tavisk, enrapture, enchant, charm, delight, abuse. raze, demolish, destroy, overthrow, ruin, dismantle. (Build up.) reack, touch, stretch, attain, gain, arrive at. ready, prepared, ripe, apt, prompt, adroit, handy. (Slow, dilatory.) real, actual, literal, practical, posi- tive, certain, genuine, true. (Un- real.) realize, accomplish, achieve, effect, gain, get, acquire, comprehend. reap, gain, get, acquire, obtain. reason, n., motive, design, end, proof, cause, ground, purpose. reason, v., deduce, draw from, trace, infer, conclude. reasonable, rational, wise, honest, fair, ^ right, just. (Unreasonable.) rebellion, insurrection, revolt. recant, recall, abjure, retract, revoke. recede, retire, retreat, withdraw, ebb. receive, accept, take, admit, enter- tain. reception, receiving, levee, receipt, admission. recess, retreat, depth, niche, vacation, intermission. recreation, sport, pastime, amuse- ment, play, game, fun. redeem, ransom, recover, rescue, de- liver, save, free. redress, remedy, repair, remission, abatement, relief. reduce, abate, lessen, decrease, lower, shorten, conquer. refined, polite, courtly, polished, cul- tured, genteel, purified. (Boorish.) reflect, consider, cogitate, think, pon- der, muse, censure. reform, amend, correct, better, re- store, improve. (Corrupt.) reformation, improvement, reform, amendment. (Corruption.) refuge, asylum, protection, harbor, shelter, retreat. refuse, v., deny, reject, repudiate, de- cline, withhold. (Accept.) refuse, n., dregs, dross, scum, rub- bish, leavings, remains. refute, disprove, falsify, negative. (Affirm.) regard, v., mind, heed, notice, behold, view, consider, respect. regret, n., grief, sorrow, lamentation, repentance, remorse. regular, orderly, uniform, customary, ordinary, stated. (Irregular.) regulate, methodize, arrange, adjust, organize, govern, rule. (Disorder.) reimburse, refund, repay, satisfy, in- demnify. relevant, fit, proper, suitable, appro- priate, pertinent, apt. (Irrelevant.) reliance, trust, hope, dependence, confidence. (Suspicion.) relief, succor, aid, help, redress, alle- viation. relinquisk, give up, forsake, resign, surrender, quit, leave, forego. (Re- tain.) remedy,, help, relief, redress, cure, specific, reparation. remorseless, pitiless, relentless, mer- ciless, cruel, ruthless, barbarous. (Merciful, humane.) remote, distant, far, secluded, indi- rect. (Near.) reproduce, propagate, imitate, repre- sent, copy. repudiate, disown, discard, disavow, renounce, disclaim. (Acknowledge.) repugnant, antagonistic, distasteful, (Agreeable.) repulsive, forbidding, odious, ugly, disagreeable, revolting. (Attractive.) respite, reprieve, interval, stop. Synonyms and Antonyms revenge, vengeance, retaliation, re- quital, retribution. (Forgiveness.) revenue, produce, income, proceeds, fruits, wealth. reverence, n., honor, respect, awe, veneration, deference, homage, wor- ship. (Execration.) revise, review, reconsider. revive, refresh, renew, renovate, ani- mate, resuscitate, vivify, cheer, com- fort. rich, wealthy, affluent, opulent, copi- ous, ample, abundant, exuberant, plentiful, fertile, fruitful, superb, gorgeous. ( Poor. ) rival, n., antagonist, opponent, com- petitor. road, way, highway, route, course, path, pathway, anchorage. roam, ramble, rove, stray, wander, stroll. robust, strong, lusty, vigorous, sin- ewy, stout, sturdy, stalwart, able- bodied. (Puny.) rout, v., discomfit, beat, defeat, over- throw, scatter. route, road, course, march, way, path, journey, direction. rude, rugged, rough, uncouth, unpol- ished, harsh, gruff, impertinent, im- pudent, saucy, flippant, insolent, churlish. (Polished, polite.) rule, sway, method, system, law, max- im, precept, guide, formula, regula- tion, government, standard, test. rumor, hearsay, talk, fame, report, bruit. rutliless, cruel, savage, barbarous, inhuman, merciless, remorseless, re- lentless, unrelenting. (Considerate.) S sacred, holy, hallowed, divine, conse- crated, dedicated, devoted. (Pro- fane. ) safe, secure, harmless, trustworthy, reliable. (Perilous, dangerous.) sanction, confirm, countenance, en- courage, support, ratify, authorize. (Disapprove.) sane, sober, lucid, sound, rational. (Crazy.) saucy, impertinent, rude, impudent, insolent, flippant, forward. (Mod- est.) scandalize, shock, disgust, offend, ca- luminate, vilify, revile, malign, tra- duce, defame, slander. scanty, bare, pinched, insuflScient, slender, meager. (Ample.) scatter, strew, spread, disseminate, disperse, dissipate, dispel. (Col- lect.) secret, clandestine, concealed, hidden, sly, underhand, latent, private. (Open.) seduce, allure, attract, decoy, entice, abduct, inveigle, deprave. sense, discernment, appreciation, per- ception, view, opinion, feeling, sen- sibility, susceptibility, thought, sig- nification, judgment, import, signifi- cance, meaning, purport, wisdom. sensible, wise, intelligent, reasonable sober, sound, conscious, aware. (Foolish.) settle, arrange, adjust, regulate, con- clude, determine. several, sundry, divers, many, vari- ous, severe, harsh, stern, stringent, un- mitigated, rough, unyielding. (Le- nient. ) shake, tremble, shudder, shiver, quiv- er, quake. shallow, superficial, flimsy, slight, ( Deep, thorough. ) shame, disgrace, dishonor. (Honor.) shameful, degrading, scandalous, dis- graceful, outrageous. (Honorable.) shameless, immodest, impudent, in- decent, indelicate, brazen. shape, form, fashion, mold, model. share, portion, lot, division, quantity, quota, contingent. sharp, acute, keen. (Dull.) shine, glare, glitter, radiate, sparkle. short, brief, concise, succinct, sum- mary. (Long.) show, v., indicate, mark, point out, exhibit, display. show, v., indicate, mark, point out, sight, spectacle. sick, diseased, sickly, unhealthy, mor- bid. (Healthy.) sickness, illness, indisposition, dis- ease, disorder. (Health.) significant, a., expressive, material, important. ( Insignificant. ) signification, import, sense, mean- ing. silence, speechlessness, dumbness. (Noise.) silent, dumb, mute, speechless. (Talk- ative.) simile, comparison, similitude. 900 Synonyms and Antonyms simple, single, uncompounded, plain, artless. (Complex, compound.) simulate, dissimulate, dissemble, pre- tend. sincere, candid, hearty, honest, pure, genuine, real. (Insincere.) situation, condition, plight, predica- ment, state, position. size, bulk, greatness, magnitude, di- mension. slavery, servitude, enthrallment, thralldom. (Freedom.) sleep, doze, drowse, nap, slumber. sleepy, somnolent. (Wakeful.) sloiv, dilatory, tardy. (Fast.) smell, fragrance, odor, scent, per- fume. smooth, even, level, mild, (Rough.) soak, drench, imbrue, steep. social, sociable, friendly, communica- tive. (Unsocial.) soft, gentle, meek, mild. (Hard.) solicit, importune, urge. solitary, sole, only, single. sorry, grieved, poor, paltry, insignifi- cant. ( Glad, respectable. ) soul, mind, spirit. (Soul is opposed to body, mind to matter.) sound, a., healthy, sane, (tjnsound.) sound, n., tone, noise, silence. space, room. sparse, scanty, thin. (Luxuriant.) speak, converse, talk, say, tell, con- fer. special, particular, specific. (Gene- ral.) spend, expend, exhaust, consume, dis- sipate, waste, squander. (Save.) sporadic, isolated, rare. (General, prevalent.) spread, disperse, diffuse, expand, dis- seminate, scatter, spring, fountain, source. staff, prop, support, stay. stagger, reel, totter. stain, soil, discolor, spot, sully, tar- nish. state, commonwealth, realm. sterile, barren, unfruitful. (Fertile.) stifle, choke, suffocate, smother. stormy, rough, boisterous, tempest- uous. (Calm.) straight, direct, right. (Crooked.) strait, a., narrow, confined. stranger, alien, foreigner. (Friend.) strengthen, fortify, invigorate, (Weaken.) strong, robust, sturdy, powerful. (Weak.) 901 stupid, dull, foolish, obtuse, witless. (Clever.) subject, exposed to, liable, obnoxious. (Exempt.) subject, inferior, subordinate. (Su- perior to, above.) subsequent, succeeding, following. (Previous.) substantial, solid, durable. (Un- substantial.) suit, accord, agree. (Disagree.) superficial, flimsy, shallow, untrust- worthy. (Thorough.) superfluous, unnecessary, excessive. (Necessary.) surround, encircle, encompass, envi- ron. sustain, maintain, support. symmetry, proportion. sympathy, commiseration, compas- sion, condolence. system, method, plan, order. systematic, orderly, regular, method- ical. (Chaotic.) take, accept, receive. (Give.) talkative, garrulous, communicative, loquacious. (Silent.) taste, flavor, relish, savor. (Taste- lessness.) tax, custom, duty, impost, excise, toll. tax, assessment, rate. tease, taunt, tantalize, torment, vex. temporary, a., fleeting, transient, transitory. ( Permanent. ) tenacious, pertinacious, retentive. tendency, aim, drift, scope. tenet, position, view, conviction, be- lief. term, boundary, limit, period, time. territory, dominion. thankful, grateful, obliged. (Thank- less.) thankless, ungracious, profitless, un- grateful, unthankful. thaw, melt, dissolve, liquefy. ( Freeze. ) theatrical, dramatic, showy, cere- monious, meretricious. theft, robbery, depredation, spolia- tion. theme, subject, topic, text, essay. theory, speculation, scheme, plea, hy- pothesis, conjecture. therefore, accordingly, consequently, bonce. thick, dense, close compact, solid, co- agulated, muddy, turbid, misty, fog- gy, vaporous. (Thin.) Synonyms and Antonyms thin, slim, slender, slight, flimsy, at- tenuated, lean, scraggy. think, cogitate, consider, reflect, pon- der, contemplate, meditate, muse, conceive, fancy, imagine, apprehend, hold, esteem, reckon, consider, re- gard, deem, believe, opine. thorough, accurate, correct, trust- worthy, reliable, complete. (Super- ficial.) thought, idea, conception, imagina- tion, fancy, conceit, notion, supposi- tion care, provision, consideration, opinion, view, sentiment, reflection, deliberation. thoughtful, considerate, careful, re- flective, cautious, heedful, contem- plative, provident, pensive, dreamy. ( Thoughtless, ) thoughtless, inconsiderate, rash, im- provident, precipitate, heedless. tie, v., bind, restrain, restrict, oblige, secure, unite, join. (Loose.) tie, n., band, ligament, ligature. time, duration, season, period, era, age, date, span, spell. tolerate, allow, admit, receive, suffer, permit, let, endure, abide. (Op- pose.) top, summit, apex, head, crown, sur- face. (Bottom, base.) torrid, burning, hot, parching, scorch- ing, sultry. tortuous, twisted, winding, crooked, indirect. torture, torment, anguish, agony. touching, tender, affecting, moving, pathetic. tractable, docile, manageable, amen- able. trade, traflSc, commerce, dealing, oc- cupation, employment, office. traditional, oral, uncertain, trans- mitted. traffic, trade, exchange, commerce, in- tercourse. trammel, n., fetter, shatter, clog, bond, chain, impediment, hindrance. tranquil, still, unruffled, peaceful, quiet, hushed. (Noisy, boisterous.) transaction, negotiation, occurrence, proceeding, affair. trash, nonsense, twaddle, trifles. travel, trip, ramble, peregrination, ex- cursion, journey, tour, voyage. treacherous^ traitorous, treasonable, disloyal, faithless, false-hearted, per- fidious, sly, false. (Trustworthy, faithful.) 902 trite, stale, old, ordinary, common- place, hackneyed. (Novel.) triumph, achievement, ovation, vic- tory, conquest, jubilation. (Fail- ure, defeat.) trivial, trifling, petty, small, frivo- lous, unimportant, insignificant. (Important.) true, genuine, actual, sincere, true- hearted, unaffected, honest, upright, veritable, real, veracious, authentic, exact, accurate, correct. tumultuous, turbulent, riotous, dis- orderly, disturbed, confused, unruly. (Orderly.) tune, tone, air, melody, strain. turbid, foul, thick, muddy, impure, unsettled. type, emblem, symbol, figure, sign, let- ter, sort, kind. tyro, novice, beginner, learner. ugly, unsightly, plain, homely, ill-fa- vored, hideous. (Beautiful.) umbrage, offense, dissatisfaction, dis- pleasure, resentment. umpire, referee, arbitrator, judge, ar- biter. unanimity, accord, agreement, unity, concord. ( Discord. ) unanimous, agreeing, like-minded, unbridled, wanton, licentious, disso- lute, loose, lax. uncertain, doubtful, dubious, ques- tionable, fitful, equivocal, ambigu- ous, indistinct, variable, fluctuating. uncivil, discourteous, disrespectful, disobliging, rude. (Civil.) unclean, dirty, foul, filthy, sullied. (Clean.) uncommon, rare, strange, scarce, singular, choice. (Common, ordi- nary. ) unconcerned, careless, indifferent, apathetic. (Anxious.) uncouth, strange, odd, clumsy, un- gainly. (Graceful.) uncover, reveal, strip, expose, lay bare, divest. (Hide.) under, below, underneath, beneath, subordinate, lower, inferior. (Above.) understanding, knowledge, intellect, intelligence, faculty, comprehension, mind, reason, brains. undertake, engage in, embark in, agree, promise. undo, annul, frustrate, untie, unfast- en, destroy. Synonyms and Antonyms nneasy, restless, disturbed, unquiet, stiff, awkward. (Quiet.) unequal, uneven, not alike, irregular, insufficient. (Even.) unequaled, matchless, unique, novel, new, unheard of. unfair, wrongful, dishonest, unjust. (Fair.) unfit, a., improper, unsuitable, incon- sistent, untimely, incompetent. (Fit.) unfit, v., disable, disqualify, incapaci- tate. (Fit.) unfortunate, calamitous, ill-fated, unlucky, wretched, unhappy, miser- able. (Fortunate.) ungainly, clumsy, awkward, lumber- ing, uncouth. (Pretty.) unhappy, miserable, wretched, dis- tressed, afflicted, painful, disastrous, drear, dismal. (Happy.) uniform, regular, symmetrical, even, equal, alike, unvaried. (Irregular.) uninterrupted, continuous, perpet- ual, unceasing, incessant, endless. (Intermittent.) union, junction, combination, alli- ance, confederacy, league, coalition, agreement, concert. (Disunion sep- aration. ) unique, unequal, uncommon, rare, choice, matchless. (Common, ordi- nary.) unite, join, conjoin, combine, concert, add, attach, incorporate, embody, clench, merge. (Separate, disrupt, sunder. ) universal, general, all, entire, total, catholic. (Sectional.) unlimited, absolute, boundless, un- defined, infinite. (Limited.) unreasonable, foolish, silly, absurd. unrivaled, unequaled, unique, unex- ampled, incomparable, matchless. (Mediocre.) unroll, unfold, open, discover. unruly, ungovernable, unmanageable, refractory. (Tractable, docile.) unusual, rare, unwonted, singular, uncommon, remarkable, strange, ex- traordinary. (Common.) uphold, maintain, defend, sustain, support, vindicate. (Desert, aban- don.) upright, vertical, perpendicular, just, erect, equitable, fair, pure, honora- ble. (Prone, horizontal.) uprightness, honesty, integrity, fair- ness, goodness, probity, honor, vir- tue. (Dishonesty.) 908 urge, incite, impel, push, drive, insti- gate, stimulate, press, solicit, in- duce. urgent, pressing, important, impera- tive, immediate, serious, wanted. ( Unimportant. ) usage, custom, fashion, practice, pre- scription. use, n., usage, practice, habit, custom, avail, advantage, utility, benefit, ap- plication. (Disuse, desuetude.) use, v., employ, exercise, occupy, ac- custom, practice, inure. (Abuse.) useful, advantageous, serviceable, available, helpful, beneficial, good. (Useless.) useless, unserviceable, fruitless, idle, profitless. (Useful.) usual, ordinary, common, accustomed, habitual, wonted, customary, gene- ral. (Unusual.) usurp, arrogate, seize, appropriate, assume. utmost, farthest, remotest, uttermost, greatest. utter, a., extreme, excessive, sheer, mere, pure. utter, v., speak, articulate, express, pronounce, issue. utterly, totally, completely, wholly, quite, altogether, entirely. vacant, empty, unfilled, unoccupied, thoughtless, unthinking. (Occupi- ed.) vagrant, n., wanderer, beggar, tramp, vagabond, rogue. vague, unsettled, undetermined, un- certain, pointless, indefinite. (Def- inite.) vain, useless,^ fruitless, empty, worth- less, inflated, proud, conceited, un- real, unavailing. (Effectual, hum- ble, real.) valiant, brave, bold, valorous, cour- ageous, gallant. (Cowardly.) valid, weighty, strong, powerful, ef- ficient, sound, binding. (Invalid.) valor, courage, gallantry, boldness, bravery, heroism. (Cowardice.) value, v., appraise, assess, reckon, ap- preciate, estimate, prize, treasure, esteem. (Despise, condemn.) vanish, disappear, fade, melt, dis- solve. vanity, emptiness, conceit, self-con- ceit, affectedness. vapid, dull, flat, insipid, stale, tame. ( Sparkling. ) Synonyms and Antonyms vapor, fume, smoke, mist, fog, steam, variable, changeable, unsteady, shift- ing, inconstant, wavering, fickle, fit- ful, restless. (Constant.) variety, difference, diversity, change, diversification, mixture, medley, mis- cellany. (Sameness, monotony.) vast, spacious, boundless, mighty, im- mense, enormous, colossal, gigantic, huge, prodigious. (Confined.) vaunt, boast, brag, puff, hawk, adver- tise, flourish, parade. venerable, grave, sage, wise, old, rev- erend. venial, pardonable, excusable, justifi- able. (Grave, serious.) venom, poison, virus, spite, malice, malignity. venture, n., speculation, chance, per- il, stake. venture, v., dare, adventure, risk, hazard, jeopardize. veracity, truth, truthfulness, credi- bility, accuracy. (Falsehood.) verbal, oral, spoken, literal, parole, unwritten. verdict, judgment, finding, decision, answer. vexation, chagrin, mortification. ^ (Pleasure.) vibrate, oscillate, swing, sway, wave, undulate, thrill. vice, vileness, corruption, depravity, pollution, immorality, wickedness, guilt, iniquity, crime. (Virtue.) vicious, corrupt, depraved, debased, bad, contrary, unruly, demoralized, profligate, faulty. (Virtuous, gen- tle.) victim, sacrifice, food, prey, sufferer, dupe, gull. victuals, viands, bread, meat, repast, provisions, fare, food. view, prospect, survey. violent, boisterous, furious, impetu- ous, vehement. (Gentle.) virtuous, upright, honest, moral. (Profligate.) vision, apparition, ghost, phantom, snecter. voluptuary, epicure, sensualist. vote, suffrage, voice. vouch, affirm, asseverate, aver, as- sure. *W wait, await, expect, look for, wait for. wakeftd, vigilant, watchful. (Sleepy.) 904 wander, range, ramble, roam, rove, stroll. want, lack, need. (Abundance.) wary, circumspect, cautious. (Fool- hardy.) wash, clean, rinse, wet, moisten, tint, stain. waste, v., squander, dissipate, lavish, destroy, decay, dwindle, wither. wasteful, extravagant, profligate, (Economical.) way, method, plan, system, means, manner, mode, form, fashion, course, process, road, route, track, path, habit, practice. wave, breaker, billow, surge. weak, feeble, infirm. (Strong.) weaken, debilitate, enfeeble, enervate, invalidate. (Strengthen.) wearisome, tedious, tiresome. (In- teresting, entertaining. ) weary, harass, jade, tire, fatigue. ( Refresh. ) weight, gravity, heaviness, burden, load. (Lightness.) well-being, happiness, prosperity, welfare. whole, entire, complete, total, integ- ral. (Part.) \i7-icked, iniquitous, nefarious. (Vir- tuous.) will, wish, desire. willingly, spontaneously, voluntarily. (Unwillingly.) win, get, obtain, gain, procure, effect, realize, accomplish, achieve. (Lose.) winning, attractive, charming, fasci- nating, bewitching, enchanting, daz- zling, brilliant. (Repulsive.) wisdom, prudence, foresight, sagacity, far-sightedness. (Foolishness.) wit, humor, satire, fun, raillery. xironder, v., admire, amaze, astonish, surprise. wonder, n., marvel, miracle, prodigy. word, n., expression, term. work, labor, task, toil. (Play.) worthless, valueless. (Valuable.) writer, author, penman. wrong, injustice, injury. (Right.) yawn, gape, open wide. yearn, hanker after, long for, desire, crave. yell, bellow, cry out, scream. yellow, golden, saffron-like. Synonyms and Antonyms yelp, bark, sharp cry, howl. yet, besides, nevertheless, however, ul- timately, notwithstanding, still, at last, so far, thus far. yield, bear, give, afford, impart, com- municate, confer, bestow, abdicate, resign, cede, surrender, relinquish, relax, quit, forego, give up, let go, waive, comply, accede, assent, ac- quiesce, succumb, submit. yielding, supple, pliant, bending, un- resisting, compliant, submissive. (Obstinate.) yoke, v., couple, link, connect. yore, long ago, long since. young, juvenile, inexperienced, igno- rant, youthful. youth., boy, lad, minority, adolescence, juvenility. youthful, young, juvenile, boyish, girlish, puerile. (Old.) zeal, energy, fervor, ardor, earnest- ness, enthusiasm, eagerness. (In- difference. ) zealous, warm, ardent, fervent, en- thusiastic, anxious. (Careless, in- different. ) zest, relish, gusto, flavor. (Disgust.) Common English Christian Names, WITH THEIR DERIVATION, SIGNIFICATION, AND DIMINU- TIVES, OR NICK-NA3VIES. I. NAMES OF MEN* Aaron. [Heb.] Lofty ; inspired. Abel. [Heb.] Breath; transitori- ness ; vanity. Abiel. [Heb.] Father of strength. Abijah. [Heb.] To whom Jehovah is a father. Abner. [Heb.] Father of light. Abrabam. [Heb.] Father of a mul- titude. — Dim. Abe. Abram. [Heb.] Father of elevation. — Dim. Abe. Adam. [Heb.] Man; earth-man; red earth. — Dim. Ade. Adolpbus, [O. H. Ger.] Noble wolf, i. e., noble hero. Adoniram. [Heb.] Lord of height. Alan. Variously explained as a hound [Slav.], harmony [Celt.], and a corruption of Hilary, or of ^lia- nus. Alaric. [O. H. Ger.] All-rich; or, noble ruler. Albert. [O. H. Ger.] Nobly bright ; illustrious. Albion. [Celt.] Mountainous land ; the ancient name of England. Alexander. [Gr.] A defender of men. — Dim. Aleck, Ellick, Sander, Sandv, Sawnie. Alfred. [O. H. Ger.] Elf in coun- cil ; i. e., good counselor. — Dim. Alf. Algernon. [Fr.] With whiskers. Alonzo. [O. Ger.] The same as Alphonso, q. V. Alpbeus. [Heb.] Exchange. Alpbonso. [O. H. Ger.] All-ready; willing. AWan! ! fHeb.] Iniquity. Alvin, I [O. H. Ger.] Beloved by Alwin, J all. Amariab. [Heb.] Whom Jehovah promised. Amasa. [Heb.] A burden. Ambrose. [Gr.] Immortal ; divine. Ammi. [Heb.] My people. Amos. [Heb.] Strong; courageous; otherwise, burden. Andrew. [Gr.] Strong; manly. — Dim. Andy. Anselm. [O. H. Ger.] Protection of God. [Lat.] Priceless ; praise- worthy. — Dim. Tony. [Ger.] Extremely bold; holy prince. — Dim. Ar- Gift of Artemis, [Lat.] Belonging Augustus. to Anthony, ) Antony. ) Archibald. otherwise, chy. Artemis. [Gr.] or Diana. Arthur. [Celt.] High; noble. Asa. [Heb.] Healer; physician. Asahel. [Heb.] Made of God. Asaph. [Heb.] A collector. Asher^ [Heb.] Happy; fortunate. Ashnr. [Heb.] Black ; blackness. Augnstin, Augustine Austin. Augustus. [Lat.] Exalted; impe- rial. — Dim. Gus. Aurelius. [Lat.] Golden. Azariah. [Heb.] Helped of the Lord. Baldwin. [O. H. Ger.] Bold, coura- geous friend. Baptist. [Gr.] A baptizer ; purifier. Ba^abyf' ! ^on of consolation. Bartholomew. [Heb.] A warlike son. — Dim. Bat. Barzillai. [Heb.] Iron of the Lord ; firm ; true. ■•I 906 Christian Names of Men Basil. [Gr.] Kingly; royal. Benedict. [Lat.] Blessed. — Dim. Bennet. Benjamin. [Heb,] Son of the right hand. — Dim. Ben, Benny. Beriah. [Heb.] In calamity. [O. H. Ger.] Bold as a bear. [O, H. Ger.] Bright Bernard, Barnard. Bertram. raven. Bezaleel. [Heb.] In the shadow (protection) of God. Boniface. [Lat.] A benefactor. Brian. [Celt.] Strong. Brnno'. [O. H. Ger.] Brown. [Brit.] Battle- CadTirallader. arranger. Caesar. [Lat.] Hairy: or blue-eyed; or, born under the Caesarian opera- tion. Caleb. [Heb.] A dog. Calvin. [Lat.] Bald. Cecil. [Lat.] Dim-sighted. Cepnas. [Aramaic] A stone. Charles. [O. H. Ger.] Strong; manly ; noble-spirited. — Dim. Char- lie, or Charley. Christian. [L^.] Belonging to Christ; a believer im Christ.— Dim. Christie. Christopher. [Gr.] Bearing Christ. — Dim. K^ster, Kit, Chris. Clarence. [Lat.] Illustrious. Claudius Claude. Clement. [Lat.] JMild-tempered ; mer- ciful. Conrad. [O. H. Ger.] Bold in coun- cil ; resolute. Constant. [Lat.] Firm; faithful. Constantine. [Lat.] Resolute ; firm. Cornelius Crispin, [Lat.] Lame. Crispus Crispian. Cuthbert Cyprian [Lat.] (Uncertain). [Lat.] Having curly hair. [A.-S.] Noted splendor. [Gr.] Of Cyprus. Cyril. [Gr.] Lordly, Cyrus. [Per.] The sun. A divine judge. — Daniel. [Heb.] Dim. Dan. Darius. [Per.] David. [Heb.] Davy. Dave. Demetrius. [Gr.] Belonging to Ceres. Preserver. Beloved. — Dim. Denis, ( [Gr.] Same as Dionysitjs. Dennis, j [Fr. form.] Derrick. [O. H. Ger.] A corruption of Theodoeic. Dionysius. [Gr.] Belonging to Di- onysos or Bacchus, the god of wine, Donald. [Celt.] Proud chief. Duncan. [Celt.] Brown chief. £ Eben. [Heb.] A stone. Bbenezer. [Heb.] The stone of help. Edgar. [A.-S.] A javelin (or pro- tector) of property. Edmund. [A.-S.] Defender of prop* erty. — Dim. Ed, Ned (a contraction of "mine Ed"). Edivard. [A.-S.] Guardian of prop- erty, — Dim. Ed, Eddy, Ned, Neddy, Teddy. Edwin. [A.-S.] Gainer of property. — Dim. Ed, Eddv. Egbert. [O. H. Ger.] The sword's brightness ; famous with the sword. Elbert. [O. H. Ger.] The same as Eldred. * [A.-S.] Terrible. Eleazer. [Heb.] To whom God is a help. Eli. [Heb.] A foster son. Eliab. [Heb.] God is his father. Elias. [Heb.] The same as Elijah. Elihu. [Heb.] God the Lord. Elijah. [Heb.] Jehovah is my God. Eliphalet. [Heb.] God of salvation. Elisha. [Heb.] God my salvation. Elizur. [Heb.] God is my rock. Ellis. [Heb.] A variation of Eli- sha. Elmer. [A.-S.] Noble ; excellent. [A contraction of Ethelmeb,] Elnathan. [Heb.] God gave. Emmanuel. [Heb.] God with us. Emery, ) Emmery, > [A.-S.] Powerful ; rich. Emory. ) Enoch. [Heb.] Consecrated; dedi- cated. Enos. [Heb.] Man. Ephraim. [Heb.] Very fruitful. Erasmus. [Gr.] Lovely; worthy to be loved. Erastus. [Ger.] Lovely; amiable. Eric. [A.-S.] Rich ; brave ; powerful. iSrstus.|tGer.] Earnest. Ethan. [Heb,] Firmness; strength. Eugene. [Ger.] Wellborn; noble. Eustace. [Gr.] Healthy; strong; standing firm. Q07 christian Names of Men Evan. [Brit.] The same as John. £zekiel. [Heb.] Strength of God. — Dim. Zeke. Ezra. [Heb.] Help» [O. H. Ger.] Brave; H, Ger.] Same as Ferdinand. valiant. Fernando. [O, Ferdinand. Francis. [Fr.] Free. — Dim. Frank. Frank. [Fr.] A contraction of Fran- cis. Frederic, \[0, H. Ger.] Abound- Frederick. I ing in peace; or peaceful ruler. — Dim. Fred, Freddy. G Gains. [Lat.] Rejoiced. Gamaliel. [Heb.] Recompense of God. Garret. [O. H. Ger.] Another form of Gerald, or Gerard. Geoffrey. [Oe H. Ger.] The same as Godfrey. George. [Ger.] A landholder; hus- bandman. — Dim. Georgie, Geordie. Gerald, | [O. H. Ger.] Strong with Gerard. ) the spear. Gerskom. [Heb.] An exile. Gideon. [Heb.] A destroyer. Gilbert. [O. H. Ger.] Yellow-bright; famous. Giles. [Gr.] A kid. Given. [Eng.] Gift of God. Goddard. [O. Ger.] Pious; virtuous. Godfrey. [O. H. Ger.] At peace with God. Gregory. [Ger.] Watchful ; vigilant. Griffitk. [Brit.] Having great faith. Gustavus. [Sw.] A warrior; hero. Gny. [Fr.] A leader. Hannibal. [Punic] Grace of Baal. Harold. [A.-S.] A champion ; gen- eral of an army. Heman. [Heb.] Faithful. Henry. [O. H. Ger.] The head or rhief of a house. — Dim. Hal, Harry (by assimilation of consonant sound), Hen. Herbert. [A.-S.] Glory of the army. Herman. [O. H. Ger.] A warrior. Hezek^ak. [Heb.] Strength of the Lord. Hilary. [Lat.] Cheerful; merry. Hiram. [Heb.] Most noble. Horace. [Gr.] Same as Horatio. [Fx- form.] Horatio. [Gr.] (Uncertain). Hosea. [Heb.] Salvation. Howell. [Brit.] Sound; whole. Hubert. [O. H. Ger.] Bright in spirit ; soul-bright. hS|o.' ! '^^•^ ^^^^' ®P^^^*' ^®^^- Humpkrey. [A.-S.] Protector of the home. Ickabod. [Heb.] The glory has de- parted. Ignatius. [Gr.] Ardent; fiery. Immanuel. [Heb.] The same as Emmanuel. Increase. [Eng.] Increase of faith. Ingram. [Teut.] Raven. Inigo. [Gr.] The same as Igna- tius. [Sp. form.] Ira. [Heb.] Watchful. Isaac. [Heb.] Laughter. — Dim. Ik. Ike. Isaiak. [Heb.] Salvation of the Lord. Israel. [Heb.] A soldier of God. Ivan. [Brit.] The same as John. Jabez. [Heb.] He will cause pain, Jacob. [Heb.] A supplanter. — Dim, Jake. Jairus. [Heb.] He will enlighten. James. [Heb.] The same as Jacob, — Dim. Jeames, Jem, Jim, Jemmy, .Jimmy. Japketk. [Heb.] Enlargement. Jared. [Heb.] Descent. «'>'ason. [Gr.] A healer. Jasper. [Per.] (Uncertain). Jedediak. [Heb.] Beloved of the Lord. Jeffrey. [O. H. Ger.] The same as jlrlSJa^;UH«b.] Exalted of the Jeremy. ! ^ord. Jerome. Holy name. Jesse. [Heb.] Wealth. Joab. [Heb.] Jehovah is his father. Job. [Heb.] Afflicted; persecuted. Joel. [Heb.] The Lord is God. Jokn. [Heb.] The gracious gift Hannah. — Dim. Annie, Anne. ) Nanny, Nancy, Nan, Nina. Annette. [Heb.] A variation of Anne. [Fr. form.] Antoinette. [Gr.] Diminutive of Antonia. [Fr. form.] — Dim. Net- ty. Antonia. [Lat.] Inestimable. Arabella. [Lat.] A fair altar; oth- erwise, an Arabian woman. — Dimo Bella, Bel. Ariana. [ Gr.] A corruption of Akiadne. Augusta. [Lat.] Feminine of Au- gustus. Aurelia. [Lat.] Feminine of AxT= EELIUS. Aurora. [Lat.] Morning redness; fresh; brilliant. Barbara. [Gr.] Foreign; strangOe — Dim. Bab. Beatrice, I [Lat.] Making hap- Beatrix. ) py. Belinda. (Uncertain.) Bertha. [O. H. Ger.] Bright; beautiful. — Dim. Berty. Betsey. [Heb.] A corruption of Elizabeth. BU CliTistiaii Names of 'Women Blanch, Blanclie. [Teut.] White. Bridget. [Celt.] Biddy. Strength. — Dim. Camilla. [Lat.] Attendant at a sacrifice. Caroline. [O. H. Ger.] Feminine of Caeolus, the Latin of Charles. [Fr. form.] — Dim. Carrie, Caddie. Cassandra. [Gr.] She who inflames with love. Catharina, ) [Gr.] Pure. — Dim. Catharine, > Casy, Kate, Kat- Catherine. ) rine, Kit, Kitty. Cecilia, / [Lat.] Feminine of Ce- Cecily. ) CIL. — Dim. Sisley, Sis, Cis. Celestine. [Lat.] Heavenly. Celia. [Lat.] Feminine of CcE- Lius. [It. form.] Charlotte. [O. H. Ger.] Feminine of Chaeles. Chloe. [Gr.] A green herb ; blooming. Christiana, ) [Gr.] Feminine of Christina. ) Cheistianus, Lat. for Christian. — Dim. Chrissie, Xina. Cicely. [Lat.] A corruption of Ce- cilia. Clara. [Lat.] Bright; illustrious. — Dim. Clare. Clarice, ( [Lat.] A variation of Clarissa. ) Claea. — Dim. Clare. Claudia. [Lat.] Feminine of Clau- dius. g}|SISt1ne":! fLat.] Mild; gentle. Constance. [Lat.] Firm ; constant. Cora. [Gr.] Maiden; — another form of COEINNA. Cordelia. [Lat.] Warm-hearted. Corinna. [Gr.] Maiden. Cornelia. [Lat.] Feminine of CoE- KELIUS. Cynthia. [Gr.] Belonging to Mt. Cynthus. B Deborah. [Heb.] A bee. — Dim. Debby, Deb. Delia. [Gr.] Of Delos. Diana. [Lat.] Goddess. — Dim. Di, Die. Dinah. [Heb.] Judged. Dora. [Gr.] A contraction of DoE- OTHEA. Dorcas. [Gr.] A gazelle. Dorinda. [Gr.] Same as DoEO- THEA. Dorothea, ) [Gr.] The gift of God. Dorothy, j — Dim. Dol, Dolly (1 and r being etymologically converti- ble.) Drusilla. (Uncertain.) £ Edith. [O. H. Ger.] Happiness; otherwise, rich gift. Edna. [Heb.] Pleasure. Eleanor, | [Gr.] Light; — the same Elinor. ) as Helen.— Dim. Ella, Nell, Nora. Elisabeth, | [Heb.] Worshiper of Elizabeth, > God ; consecrated to Eliza. ) God. — Dim. Bess, Bessey, Betsey, Betty, Lizzy, Libby, Lisa. Ella. [Gr.] A contraction of Ele- AKOE. Ellen. [Gr.] Diminutive of Eleanoe. Elvira. [Lat.] White. Emeline, j [O. H. Ger.] Ener- Emmeline. j getic ; industrious. Emily. [O. H. Ger.] Same as Em- eline. Emma. [O. H. Ger.] Same as Eme- line. — ■'Dim. Emm, Emmie. Ernestine. [Ger.] Feminine and dim. of Eenest. Esther. [Per.] Star; good fortune. Ethel. [O. H. Ger.] Noble; of noble birth ; — same as Adela. iSliiSakJlTeut.] Noble snake. Eudora. [Gr.] Good gift. Eugenia. [Gr.] Feminine of Eu- gene. Eugenie. [Gr.] Same as Euge- nia. [Fr. form.] Eulalia. [Gr.] Fair speech. Eunice. [Gr.] Happy victory. Euphemia. [Gr.] Of good report. — Dim. Effie. Eva. [Heb.] Life. Evangeline. [Gr.] Bringing glad news. Eve. [Heb.] The same as Eva. Evelina, | [Heb.] Diminutive of Eveline. ) Eva. [It. form.] Fanny. [Ger.] A diminutive of Feances. Faustina. [Lat.] Lucky. Felicia. [Lat.] Happiness. Fidelia. [Lat.] Faithful. Flora. [Lat.] Flowers. Florence. [Lat.] Blooming; flour- ishing. 912 Cliristian Names of 'Women Frances. [Ger.] Feminine of Fkan- cis. — Dim. Fanny, Frank. Frederica. [O. H. Ger.] Feminine of Feedebick. — Dim. Freddie. Georgiana, ) [Gr.] Feminine of Georgina. j George. Geraldine. Feminine of Geeald. Gertrude. [O. H. Ger.] Spear- maiden. — Dim. Gertie, Trudy. gIIuL \ [Lat.] Grace, favor. Griselda. [Teut.] Stone-heroine. — Dim. Grissel. H Hannah. [Heb.] The same as Anna. Harriet, { [O. H. Ger.] Feminine di- Harriot. \ minutive of Henky [Eng. form.] — Dim. Hatty. Helen, ) [Gr.] Light.— Dim. Nell, Helena, j Nelly. Henrietta. [O. H. Ger.] Feminine and diminutive of Henry. [Fr, form.] — Dim. Etta, Hetty. Hephzibali. [Heb.] My delight is in her. Hesther. Mp^^-I Same as Esther. Hilaria. [Lat.] Feminine of Hilary. HoSSri^.! [Lat.] Honorable. Hortensia. [Lat.] A lady gardener. Huldali. [Heb.] A weasel. Ida» [O. H. Ger.] Godlike. Inez. [Gr.] The same as Agnes. [Pg. form.] Irene. [Gr.] Peaceful. Isabel, I [Heb.] The same as Eliz- Isabella. j . abeth. — Dim. Bel, Bella. Jamesinao [Heb.] Feminine of James. .Tane. [Heb.] Feminine of John; — Same as Joanna. Janet. [Heb.] Dim. of Jane. Jaqueline. [Heb.] Feminine of James. [Fr. form.] Jean, \ [Heb.] The same as Jeanne, / Jane or Joan. Jeannette. ) [Fr. forms.] Jemima. [Heb.] A dove. Jerusba. [Heb.] Possessed ; mar- ried. Joanna, 1 tHeb.] Feminine of John. Josepba, ) [Heb.] Feminine of Josephine. | Joseph. — Dim. Jozy, Pheny. Joyce. [Lat.] Sportive. Judith. [Heb.] Praised. — Dim. Judy Julia. [Lat.] Feminine of Julius! Juliana. [Lat.] Feminine of Ju- lian. Juliet. [Lat.] Diminutive of Ju- lia. [Fr. form.] Justina. [Lat.] Feminine of Jus- tin. K Katharine, ) [Gr.] Same as Cath- Katherine. ) arine. Keturah. [Heb.] Incense. Keziah. [Heb.] Cassia. Laura. [Lat.] A laurel. Lavinia. [Lat.] Of Latium. Leonora. [Gr.] Same as Eleanor. Letitia. [Lat.] Happiness. Lettice. A corruption of Letitia. £■»-.( [Lat] Lily. Lois. [Gr.] Good ; desirable. Louisa, I [O. H. Ger.] Feminine of Louise. I Louis. — Dim. Louie. Lucia. [Lat.] Same as Lucy. [It. form.] Lucinda. [Lat.] The same as Lucy. Lucre tia. [Lat.] Gain ; otherwise, light. Lucy. [Lat.] Feminine of Lucius. Lydia. [Gr.] A native of Lydia, in Asia Minor. M Mabel. [Lat.] A contraction of Amabel. Madeline. [Heb.] Same as Mag- dalene. [Fr. form.] Magdalene. [Heb.] Belonging to Magdala. — Dim. Maud, Maudlin. Marcella. [Lat.] Feminine of Mar- CELLUS. Marcia. Feminine of Marcius. Margaret. [Gr.] A pearl. — Dim. Gritty, Mag, Madge, Maggy, Margie, Margery, Meg, Meggy, Meta, Peg, Peggy (m and p being cognate let- ters). Maria. [Heb.] The same as Mary. [Lat. form.] Marianne. [Heb.] A compound of Mary and Anne. Marion. [Heb.] A French form of Mary. 913 Christian Names of "Woinen Martha. [Heb.] The ruler of the house ; otherwise sorrowful. — Dim. Mat, Matty, Pat, Patty. Mary. [Heb.] Bitter; otherwise, their rebellion, or star of the sea. — Dim. Moll, Molly, Pol, Polly, May. Mathilda, [O. H. Ger.] Mighty bat- Matilda. ) tie-maid; heroine. — Dim. Mat, Matty, Maud, Patty (m and p being convertible). Maud. A contraction of Mathilda, or Magdalene. May. A Diminutive of Maby. Mehetahel, ( [Heb.] Benefited of Mehitable. ( God. Melicent. [Lat.] Sweet singer, Melissa. [Gr.] A bee. Mildred. [Ger.] Mild threatener. Miranda. [Lat.] Admirable. Miriam. [Heb.] The same as Mary. Myra. [Gr.] She who weeps or la- ments. N Nancy. A familiar form of Anke. — Dim. Nan, Nance, Nina. Nora. A contraction of HoNORA, Octavia. [Lat.] Feminine of OCTA- vius. — Dim. Tavy, Tave. OUvia. I fl^^t-] ^^ olive. Ophelia. [Gr.] Serpent. Olympia. [Gr.] Heavenly, P Paula. [Lat.] Feminine of Paul. Paulina, ) [Lat.] Feminine of Pau- Pauline. \ LINUS. Penelope. [Gr.] A weaver. Persis. [Gr.] A Persian woman. Philippa. [Gr.] Feminine of Philip. Phoehe. [Gr.] Pure; radiant. — Dim. Phpbe. Phehe. [Gr.] The same as Phcebe. Phyllis. [Gr.] A green bough. Polly. [Eng.] Variation of Molly. Priscilla. [Lat.] Somewhat old. R Rachel. [Heb.] A ewe. Rebecca, | [Heb.] Of enchanting Rebekah. J beauty.— Dim. Becky. Rhoda. [Ger.] A rose. Rosa. [Lat.] A rose. Rosabel, I tt ^ -, * « . Rosabella. } ll^at.] A fair rose. Rosalia, j [Lat.] Little and bloom- Rosalie. J ing rose. [Fr. and It. forms.] Rosalind. [Lat.] Beautiful as a rose. Rosamond. [Teut.] Horse-protee- tion, i. e. famous protection. Roxana. [Per.] Dawn of day. Ruth. [Heb.] Beauty. S Sabina. [Lat] A Sabine woman. Salome. [Heb.] Peaceful. Sara, ) [Heb.] A princess. — Dim. Sarah. } Sal, Sally. Selina [Gr.] Parsley. Serena. [Lat.] Feminine of Se- RENUS or Sereno. Sibylla. I [^^-1 A prophetess. Sophia. [Gr.] Wisdom.— Dim. Sophy. Sophronia. [Gr.] Of a sound mind. Stella. [Lat.] A star. Stephana. [Gr.] Feminine of Stephen. l«S««o hHeb.] A lily.— Dim. sSsaSSah.) Sue,Suke,Suky,Suzy. Tabitha. [Syr.] A gazelle. Theodora. [Gr.] Feminine of Theodore. — Dim. Dora. Theodosia. [Gr.] The gift of God. Theresa. [Gr.] Carrying ears of corn. — Dim. Terry, Tracy. Tryphena. [Gr.] Delicate; luxuri- ous. Tryphosa. [Gr.] Luxurious ; dainty. tJ Ulrica. [O. H. Ger.] Rich. Urania. [ Gr. ] Heavenly ; — the name of one of the Muses. Ursula. [Lat.] She-bear. V Valeria. [Lat.] Feminine of Va- lerius. Victoria. [Lat.] Victory. Fem- inine of Victor. Vida. [Erse.] Feminine of David. Viola. [Lat.] A violet. Virginia. [Lat] Virgin; pure. Vivian. [Lat.] Lively. W Wilhelmina. [O. H. Ger.] Fem- inine of Wilhelm, German of William. — ^Dim. Wilmett, .Wilmot, Mina, Minella. "Winifred. [Teut.] Lover of peace. M4 Zenobia. Jupiter. [Gr.] Having life from FOREIGN WORDS, PHRASES, PROVERBS, QUOTATION^ AND COLLOQUIAL EXPRESSIONS, FREQUENTLY OCCURRING IN LITERATURE AND CONVERSATION^ WITH THEIR ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS. KOTB.— X. Latin; Fr. French; Ger, German; It. Italian; Sp. Spanish; Gr. Graek. a bas. [Fr.] Down; at the foot; upon the ground. a la Francaise. [Fr.] After the French mode. a la mode. [Fr.] In fashion. a I'Anglaise. [Fr.] After the Eng- lish fashion. a I'outrance. [Fr.] To the utmost. a plomb. [Fr.] Perpendicularly. a propos. [Fr.] To the point. a propos de bottes. [Fr.] Apro- pos to boots ; without reason. a fortiori. [L.] With stronger rea- son. a mensa et thoro. [L.] From bed and board. a posteriori. [L.] From the effect to the ^ cause. & priori. [L.] From the cause to the effect. a vinculo matrimonii. [L.] From the tie of marriage. ab extra. [L.] From without. ab initio. [L.] From the begin- ning. ab intra. [L.] From within. ab ovo usque ad mala. [L,] From the egg to the apples; from begin- ning to end. ab nno disce omnes. [L.] From one learn all ; from a single instance infer the whole. absente reo. [L.] The defendant being absent, abusus non tollit nsum. [L.] Abuse is not an argument against proper use. ad astra. [L.] To the stars, or to an exalted state. ad Calendas Graecas. [L.] At the Greek Calends; i. e., never, as the Greeks had no Calends. ad captandum vulgus. [L.] To catch the rabble. ad eundem (sc. gradum). [L.] To the same degree. ad finem. [L.] To the end. ad hominem. [L.] To the man; that is, to his interests and passions. ad infinitum. [L.] To infinity. ad interim. [L.] In the mean while, ad libitum. [L.] At pleasure. ad nauseam. [L.] To disgust. ad utrumque paratus. [L.J Pre* pared for either event. ad valorem. [L.] According to the value. adscriptus glebas. [L.] Belonging or attached to the soil. sequam servare mentem. [L.] To preserve an equable mind. aequo animo. [L.] With an equa- ble mind ; with equanimity. setatis suae. [L.] Of his (or her) age. affaire d'amour. [Fr.] A love af- fair. 015 Words, Flirases, Frovertts a£Paire du coeur. [Fr.] An affair of the heart. agenda. [L.] Things to be done. alere flannuam. [L.] To feed the flame. alls volat propriis. [L.] She flies with her own wings ; — the motto of Oregon. allons. [Fr.] Let us go ; come. alma mater. [L.] A fostering mother. alter ego. [L.] Another self. alter idem. [L.] Another precisely similar amende honorable. [Fr.] Satis- factory apology ; reparation. [L.] A friend of Self-love : [Fr.] [Fr.] Ancient order According to the In the year amicus curiae. the court. amour propre vanity. ancien regime. of things. anglice. [L.] English manner. anno setatis suse. [L.] of his (or her) age. anno Christi. [L.] In the year of Christ. anno Domini. [L.] In the year of our Lord. anno mundi. [L.] In the year of the world. anno urbis conditse. [L.] In the year the city (Rome) was built. antebellum. [L.] Before the war. ante meridiem. [L.] Before noon. appui. [Fr.] Point of support. aqua vitse. [L.] Brandy ; spirit ; alcohol. arbiter elegantiarum. [L.] An umpire in matters of taste. argumentum ad bominem. [L.] An argument deriving its force from the situation of the person to whom it is addressed. argumentum ad ignorantiam. [L.] An argument founded on an adversary's ignorance of facts. argumentum ad verecundiam. [L.] An argument to modesty. arriere pensee. [Fr.] A mental reservation. au contraire. [Fr.] On the con- trary. au fait. [Fr.] Well instructed.. au Teste. [Fr.] As for the rest. au re voir. [Fr.] Adieu until we meet again. audi alteram partem. [L.] Hear the other side. bluestocking. The fashionable Gay spirits ; auri sacra fames. [L.] The ac- cursed thirst for gold. aut vincere aut mori. [L.] Either to conquer or to die. aux armes. [Fr.] To arms. B bas-bleu. [Fr.] A beau monde. [Fr.] world. beaux esprits. [Fr.] men of wit. beaux yeux. [Fr.] Handsome eyes ; that is, attractive looks. bel esprit. [Fr.] A brilliant mind. ben trovato. [It.] Well found; a happy invention. bete noir. [Fr.] A black beast; a bugbear. bienseance. [Fr.] Civility ; decorum. billet d'amour, { nj,„ ^ a i« ^ i^^-^.^^ billet doux. }t^^-3 A love-letter. bizarre. [Fr.] Odd; fantastic. blase. [Fr.] Pallid ; surf eited ; ren* dered incapable of continued en- joyment. bona fide. [L.] In good faith. bon gre mal gre, [Fr.] Willing or unwilling. bon jour. [L.] Good day; good morning bon soir. bonbomie. plicity. boulevard. [Fr.] A public walk or street occupying the site of de- molished fortifications. bouleversement. [Fr.] Overturn- ing ; subversion. bourgeois. [Fr.] A man of middle rank in society. bourgeoisie. [Fr.] Middle classes of society ; traders. brevet d'invention. [Fr.] A patent. brochure. [Fr.] A pamphlet. brusque. [Fr.] Rude; blunt. brutum fulmen. thunderbolt. [L.] Good evening. [Fr.] Good-natured sim- [L.] A harmless 916 cacoetbes. [L.] An evil habit, cacoetbes loqueudi. [L.] A rage for speaking. cacoetbes scribendi. [L.] An itch for scribbling. caetera desunt. [L.] The remain- der is wanting. cseteris paribus. [L.] Other things being equal. cafe. [Fr.] A coffee-house. Words, Pbrases, ProverTis caleclie. [Fr.] A half-coach or calash. calembour. [Fr.] A pun. canaille. [Fr.] The rabble. cantatrice. [It.] A female profes- sional singer. capias ad respondenduiu. [L.] You may take to answer ; — a writ for taking and keeping the defend- ant to answer the plaintiff in the action. capias ad satisfacieudniu. [L.] You may take to satisfy ; — a writ for taking and keeping the party named until he gives satisfaction to the party by whom it is issued. captatio benevolentise. [L.] A cur- rying- favor. caput mortuum. [L.] The worth- less remains. carpe diem. [L.] Enjoy the present day. casus belli. [L.] That which in- volves or justifies war. catalogue raisouue. [Fr.] A cat- alogue of books arranged according to their subjects. caveat emptor. [L.] Let the buyer beware. c'est a dire. [Fr.] That is to say. cbamps Elysees. [Fr.] Elysian Fields. cbanson. [Fr.] A song. cbapeau bas. [Fr.] Hats off. cbapeau bras. [Fr.] A military cocked hat. cbarge d'a£Paires. [Fr.] An in- ferior diplomatic representative at a foreign court. cbarivari. [Fr.] A mock serenade of discordant music. cbateaux en Espagne. [Fr.] Cas- tled in Spain, the land of romance ; castles in the air. chef-d'aeuvre. [Fr.] A masterpiece. cbere amie. [Fr.] A dear friend ; a mistress. cbevalier d'industrie. [Fr.] A knight of industry ; one who lives by persevering fraud. cbronique scandaleuse. [Fr.] A chronicle of vices and crimes. ci-devant. [Fr.] Formerly ; former. circa, or circiter. [L.] About. cito maturum, cito putridum. [L.] Soon ripe, soon rotten. citoyen. [Fr.] A citizen; a bur- . sher. civilitas snccessit barbarum. [L.] Civilization succeeds barbar- ism ; — the motto of Minnesota when a territory. coiffeur. [Fr.] A hair-dresser. comme il f aut. [Fr.] As it should be. compos mentis. [L.] Of a sound mind. compte rendu. [Fr.] Account ren- dered; report. con amore. [It.] With love ; ear- nestly. concio ad clerum. [L.] A discourse to the clergy. confrere. [Fr.] A brother; an associate. conge d'elire. [Fr.] A leave to elect. contretemps. [Fr.] An awkward mishap or accident. conversazione. [It.] A meeting of company for conversation. coram nobis. [L.] Before us. coram non judice. [L.] Before one who is not the proper judge. cordon sanitaire. [Fr.] A line of troops to prevent the spreading of pestilence. corps de garde. [Fr.] A body of men who watch in a guard-room; the guard-room itself. corps de garde diplomatique. [Fr.] A diplomatic body. corpus delicti. [L.] The substance or foundation of the offense. corrigenda. [L.] Typographical er- rors to be corrected. couleur de rose. [Fr.] Rose color; an aspect of attractiveness. coup d'etat. [Fr.] A stroke of policy in public affairs. coup de grace. [Fr.] A finishing stroke. coup de main. [Fr.] A sudden enterprise or effort. coup de soleil. [Fr.] A stroke of the sun. coute qu'il coute. [Fr.] Let it cost what it may. crede quod babes, et babes. [L.] Believe that you have it, and you have it. . . . n- t crescite, et multiplicamini. [L.J Grow, or increase, and multiply; — the motto of Maryland. crevasse. [Fr.] A deep crevice; a breach. crimen falsi. [L.] Falsehood ; per- jury. crimen Isesae ma jestatis, [L.] High treason. 917 Words, Phrases, Proverbs crux criticornm. [L.] The puzzle of critics. cui bono? [L.] For whose benefit? Colloquially, but erroneously, of what use? onisine. [Fr.] A kitchen ; cookery. cvLzn «:rano salis. [L.] With a grain of salt ; with some allowance. cum privalegio. [L.] With priv- ilege. Guriosa felicitas. [L.] A felicitous tact. currente calamo. [L.I Witb a run- ning or rapid pen. custos rotulorum. [L.] iieepei' of the rolls. dal segno. [It.] Repeat from the sign. de bonis non. [L.] Of the goods not yet administered on. de facto. [L.] From the fact; really. de gustibus non est disputandum. [L.] There is no disputing about tastes. de jure. [L.] From the law ; by right. de mortuis nil nisi bonum. [L.] Say nothing but good of the dead. de nihilo nihil fit. [L.] Of noth- ing nothing is made. de novo. [L.] Anew. de profundis. [L.] Out of the depths. de trop. [Fr.] Too much, or too many ; not wanted. dehors. [Fr.] Without; out of; foreign ; irrelevant. Dei gratia. [L.] By the grace of God. demi-monde. [Fr.] Disreputable female society ; abandoned women. Deo gratias. [L.] Thanks to God. Deo juvante. [L.] With God's help. Deo volente. [L.] God willing. dernier ressort. [Fr.] A last resource. desipere in loco. [L.] To jest at the proper time. desunt csetera. [L.] The remain- der is wanting. detur digniori. [L.] Let it be given to the more worthy. deus ex machina. [L.] A god from the machine ; i. e., from a theatrical contrivance for making gods appear in the air ; hence, an unexpected and fortunate occurrence. 918 dies faustus. [L.] A lucky day. dies infaustus. [L.] An unlucky day. dies irae. [L.] Day of wrath. dies non. [L.] A day on which judges do not sit. Dieu defend le droit. [Fr.] God defends the right. Dieu et mon droit. [Fr.3 God an^ my right. dignus vindice nocj.H»'. [L.] A knot worthy to be lOOsened by such hands. dirigo. [L.] I direct or guide; — the motto of Maine. disjecta membra. [L.] Scattered limbs or remains. distingue. [Fr.] Distinguished; eminent. distrait. [Fr.] Absent in thought. divide et impera. [L.] Divide and rule. dolce. [It.] Soft, — used in music. dolce f ar niente. [It.] Sweet doing- nothing ; sweet idleness. Dominus vobiscum. [L.] The Lord be with you. double entente. [Fr.] Double mean- ing ; a play on words. douceur. [Fr.] Sweetness ; a bribe. dramatis personse. [L.] Charac- ters represented in a drama. dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. [L.] It is sweet and honor- able to die for one's country. dum vivimus, vivamus. [L.] While we live, let us live.^ durante beneplacito. [L.] Dur- ing good pleasure. durante vita. [L.] During life. eau de vie. [Fr.] Water of* life; brandy. ecce homo. [L.] Behold the man ; — > applied specifically to any picture representing the Savior given up to the people by Pilate, and wearing the crown of thorns. ecce signum. [L.] Behold the sign. e pluribus unum. [L.] One out of many ; one composed of many ; — ■ the motto of the United States. editio princeps. [L.] The first edition. egalite. [Fr.] Equality. eleve. [Fr.] A pupil ; a foster child. elite. [Fr.] A choice or select body of persons. eloge. [Fr.] A funeral oration. Words, Phrases, Proverbs [Fr.] Estrangement. [Fr.] Plumpness ; eloignement embonpoint. fleshiness. emeute. [Fr.] A riot; a mob. employe. [Fr.] One who is em- ployed by another; a person in ser- vice. en arriere. [Fr.] In the rear. en avaut! [Fr,] Forward! en deshabille. [Fr.] In undress. en famille. [Fr.] In a domestic en fin.' [Fr.] At last ; finally. en passant. [Fr.] In passing; by the way. en plein jour. [Fr.] In broad day. en rapport. [Fr.] In a condition or relation of sympathy. en regie. [Fr.] In order; accord- On the way. In company. Pregnant. [Fr.] Lost children ing to rules en route. [Fr.] en suite. [Fr,] enciente. [Fr.] enfans perdus. a forlorn hope. enfant gate. [Fr.] A spoiled child. ennui. [Fr.] A feeling of weari- ness and disgust ; tedium. ensemble. [Fr.] The whole. ense petit placidam sub liber- tate quietem. [L.] With the sword she seeks quiet peace under liberty ; — the motto of Massachu- setts. entente cordiale. [Fr.] Evidences of good will and justice toward each other, exchanged by the chief per- sons of two states. entourage. [Fr.] Surroundings ; ad- juncts. entree. [Fr.] Entry ; first course at table. entre nous. [Fr.] Between our- selves. entrepot. [Fr.] A bonded ware- house ; a free port. ergo. [L.] Therefore. espieglerie. [Fr.] Sportive tricks. esprit de corps. [Fr.] The anima- ting spirit of a collective body. esprit des lois. [Fr.] Spirit of the laws. esto perpetua. [L.] Let it be per- petual. est modus in rebus. [L.] There is a medium in all things. et cum spiritu tuo. [L.] And with thy spirit. et id genus omne. [L.] And every thing of the sort, et sic de similibus, [L,] And so of the like. et tu Brute! [L.J And thou also, Brutus ! eureka. [Gr.] I have found it; — the motto of California. ex animo. [L,] Heartily. ex cathedra. [L.] From the bench ; with high authority. ex officio. [L.] By virtue of his ofiace. ex parte. [L,] On one side only. ex pede Herculem. [L.] We rec- ognize a Hercules from the size of the foot ; that is, we judge of the whole from the specimen. ex post facto. [L.] After the deed is done. ex tempore. [L.] Without pre- meditation. ex uno disce omnes. [L.] From one learn all. ex vi termini. [L.] By the mean- ing or force of the expression. excelsior. [L.] Higher; more ele- vated ; — the motto of New York. excerpta. [L,] Extracts. exempli gratia. [L.] By way of example. exeunt. [L.] They go out. exeunt omnes. [L.] All go out. experimentum crucis. [L.] The experiment of the cross; a decisive experiment. experto crede. [L.] Trust one who has tried, or had experience. expose. [Fr.] An exposition. facile princeps. [L.] Evidently preeminent ; the admitted chief. fait accompli. [Fr.] A thing ready done. faubourg. [Fr.] fauteuil. [Fr.] faux pas. [Fr.] felo de se. [Fr.] femme couverte. woman. femme de chambre. chambermaid. ferae naturae. [L.] nature. festina lente. [L.] Hasten slowly. fete champetre. [Fr.] A rural festival. feu de joie. [Fr.] A firing of guns in token of joy ; a bonfire. 019 al- A suburb. An easy chair. A false step. A suicide. [Fr.] A married . [Fr.] A Of a wild Words, Phrases, ProverTjs feuilleton. [Fr.] Bottom part of a French newspaper, separated by a line from the rest, and devoted to light literature, criticism, etc. fiacre. [Fr.] A hack. fiat justitia, ruat cselum. [L.] Let justice be done though the heav- ens fall. Let there be light. [L.] Defender of fiat lux. [L.] fidei defensor the faith. fides Punica. treachery. fidus Achates. [L.] Punic faith [L.] Faithful Acha- tes ; i. e., a true friend. filius nuUius. [L.] A son of no- body. filus terrse, [L.] One of low birth. fille de chambre. [Fr.] A cham- bermaid. fille de joie. [Fr.] A prostitute. flagrante bello. [L.] During hos- tilities. flagrante delicto. [L.] In the commission of the crime. fortiter in re. [L.] With firmness in acting. franco. [It.] Post free. friseur. [Fr.] A hair-dresser. fuit Ilium. [L.] Troy has been. fusillade. [Fr.] A simultaneous discharge of fire-arms. G gallice. [L.] In French. garcon. [Fr.] A boy, or a waiter. garde du corps. [Fr.] A body guard. genius loci. [L.] The genius of the place. gens d'armes. [Fr.] Armed police. genus irritabile vatum. [L.] The irritable race of poets. germanice. [L.] In German. glebse ascriptus. [L.] A servant belonging to the soil. Crloria in Excelsis. [L.] Glory to God in the highest. Gloria Patri. [L.] Glory be to the Father. gnotbi seauton. [Gr.] Know thy- self. hand passibus acquis. with equal steps. haute nouveaute. [Fr.] novelty. haut gout. [Fr.] High fine or elegant taste- [L.] Not A great flavor ; helluo librorum. [L.] A devourer of books ; a book-worm. hiatus valde deflendus. [L.] A deficiency much to be regretted. hie et ubique. [L.] Here and everywhere. hie jacet. [L.] Here lies. hie labor, hoc opus est. [L.] This is labor, this is work. hoc age. [L.] Do this. hoc tempore. [L.] At this time. honi soit qui mal y pense. [Fr.] Shame on him who evil thinks. hora e sempre. [It.] It is always time. hors de combat. [Fr.] Out of con- dition to fight. humanum est errare. [L.] To err is human. ich dien. [Ger.] I serve. id est. [L.] That is. id genus omne. [L,] All of that sort. ignotum per ignotius. [L.] That which is unknown by something still more unknown. imperium in imperio. [L.] A government within a government. imprimatur. [L.] Let it be printed ; — a license to print a book, etc. improvvisatore. [It.] An im- promptu poet. improvvisatrice. [It.] An im- promptu poetess. in seternum. [L.] Forever. in articulo mortis. [L.] At the point of death ; in the last struggle. in commendam. [L.] In trust. in curia. [L.] In the court. in equilibrio. [L.] In equilib- rium. in esse. [L.] In being. in extremis. [L.] At the point of death. in flagrante delicto. in the fact. in forma pauperis. poor man. in foro conscientise. the tribunal of conscience. in futuro. [L.] In future forth. in hoc siguo vinces. [L.] [L.] [L.] [L.] Taken As a Before ; hence- In this sign, or under this standard, thou shalt conquer. in limine. [L.] At the threshold. in loco parentis. [L.] In the place of a parent. 920 "Words, Phrases, Proverbs in xnedias res. [L.] Into the midst of things, or affairs. in medio tutissixnus ibis. [L.] You will go most safely in the middle. in xuemoriam. [L.] In memory. in nubibus. [L.] In the clouds. in perpetiium. [L.] Forever. in posse. [L.] In possible existence. in propria persona. [L.] In per- son. in puris naturalibus. [L.] Quite naked. in re. [L,] In the matter of. in rem. [L.] Against the thing. in ssecula ssecniorum. [L.] For ages on ages. in situ. [L.l In its original situa- tion. in statu quo. [L.] In the former state. in terror em. [L.] As a warning. in toto. [L.] In the whole ; entirely. in totidem verbis. [L.] In so many words. in transitu. [L,] On the passage, in usum Delphini. [L.] For the use of the Dauphin. in utrumque paratus. [L.] Pre- pared for either event. in vacuo. [L.] In empty space. in verba magistri jurare. [L,] To swear to, or by, the words of another; to adopt opinions on the authority of another. in vino Veritas. [L.] There is truth in wine. infanta. [Sp.] A princess of the blood royal in Spain and Portugal. infante. [Sp.] Any son of the king, except the eldest, or heir ap- parent. insouciance. [Fr.] Indifference ; carelessness. instar omnium. [L.] Like all. inter alia. [L.] Among other things. inter nos. [L.] Between ourselves. invita Minerva. [L.] Without genius. ipse dixit. [L.] He himself said it. ipsissima verba. [L.] The very words. ipso facto. [L.] In the fact itself. ipso jure. [L.] By the law itself. jacta est alea. [L.] The die is cast. je ne sais quoi. [Fr.] I know not what. 921 jeu de mots. [Fr.] A play on words ; a pun. jeu d'esprit. [Fr.] A witticism. Jupiter tonans. [L.] Jupiter the thunderer. jure divino. [L.] By divine law, jus civile. [L.] Civil law. jus divinum. [L,] Divine law. jus et norma loquendi. [L.] The law and rule of speech. jus gentium. [L.] Law of nations. juste milieu. [Fr.] The golden mean. labor ipse voluptas. [L.] Labor itself is pleasure. labor omnia vincit. [L.] Labor conquers everything. laissez faire. [Fr.] Let alone. lapsus linguse. [L.] A slip of the tongue. latet anguis in berba. [L.] A snake lies hid in the grass. laudator tem.poris acti. [L.] A praiser of time past. laus Deo. [L.] Praise to God. le beau monde. [Fr.] The fash- ionable world. le diable boiteux. [Fr.] The lame devil. le roi et I'etat. [Fr.] King and state. le roi le veut. [Fr.] The king wills it. le roi s'avisera. [Fr.] The king will consider or deliberate. lese majeste. [Fr.] High treason. I'etoile du nord. [Fr.] The star of the north ; — the motto of Minn- esota. lettre de cacbet. [Fr.] A sealed letter ; a royal warrant. lettre de marque. [Fr.] A letter of marque or of reprisal. lex loci. [L.J The law of the place. lex non scripta. [L.] The com- mon law. lex scripta. [L.] Statute law. lex talionis. [L.] The law of re- taliation. rhomme propose, et Dieu dispose. [Fr.] Man proposes, and God dis- poses. liaison. [Fr.] An alliance ; an illicit connection. lite pendente. [L,] During trial. litera scripta manet. [L.] The written letter remains. loco citato. [L.] In the place cited. Words, Phrases, Proverbs locum tenens. [L.] A deputy or substitute ; a proxy. locus in quo. [L.] The place in which. locus sigilli. [L.] Place of seal. longo intervallo. [L.] By or with long interval. lucidus or do. [L.] A clear ar- rangement. lucus a non lucendo. [L.] A jeu d'esprit in etymology, which, assum- ing that lucus, a dark wood or grove, / is derived from the verb lucere, to shine, supposes it must be a non lucendo, from its not being light. lusus naturae. [L.] A sport or freak of nature. M macte virtute. [L.] Proceed in virtue. ma fois. [Fr.] Upon my faith. magna est Veritas, et prevalebit. [L.] Truth is mighty, and it will prevail. magnum opus. [L.] A great work. magnus Apollo. [L.] Great Apollo ; one of high authority. maison de ville. [Fr.] The town- house. maitre d'botel. [Fr.] A house- steward. mal a propos. [Fr.] Ill-timed. malgre nous. [Fr.] In spite of us. malum in se. [L.] Bad in itself. mare clausum. [L.] A closed sea; a bay. materiel. [Fr.] Materials or in- struments employed (opposed to personnel). mauvais gout. [Fr.] Bad taste. mauvais lionte. [Fr.] False mod- esty. mega biblion, mega kakon. [Gr.] A great book is a great evil. me judice. [L.] I being judge. melange. [Fr.] A medley. melee. [Fr.] A hand-to-hand fight ; a riot. memento mori. [L.] Remember death. memorabilia. [L.] Things to be remembered. mens sana in corpore sano. [L.] A sound mind in a sound body. mens sibi conscia recti. [L.] A mind conscious of rectitude. messalliance. [Fr.] Improper as- sociation; marriage with one of lower station. meum et tuum. [L.] Mine and thine, mirabile dictu. [L.] Wonderful to be told. mise en scene. [Fr.] The putting in preparation for the stage. mittimus. [L.] We send ; — a writ to commit an offender to prison. modus operandi. [L.] Manner of operation. montani semper liberi. [L.] ' Mountaineers are always freemen ; — the motto of West Virginia. monumentum sere perennius. [L.] A monument more durable than brass. multum in parvo. [L.] Much in little. mutatis mutandis. [L.] The nec- essary changes being made. mutato nomine. [L.] The name being changed. N naive. [Fr.] Having native or un- affected simplicity. naivete. [Fr.] Native simplicity. ne plus ultra. [L.] Nothing fur« ther. ne quid nimis. [L.] Not any thing too much or too far. ne sutor ultra crepidam. [L.] Let not the shoemaker go beyond his last. nee. [Fr.] Born ; as, Madame de Stael, nee (that is, whose maiden name was) Necker. negligee. [Fr.] An easy, uncere- monious attire ; undress. nemine contradicente. [L.] No one speaking in opposition. nemine dissentiente. [L.] No one dissenting. nemo me impune lacessit. [L.] No one wounds me with impunity ; — the motto of Scotland. nil admirari. [L.] To wonder at nothing. nil conscire sibi. [L.] To be con- scious of no fault. nil desperandum. [L.] Never despair. n'importe. [Fr.] It matters not. noblesse oblige. [Fr.] Rank im- poses obligation ; much is rightly expected of one of high birth or station. nolens volens. [L.] Whether he will or not. noli me tangere. [L.] Don't touch me. 922 Words, Phrases, Proverbs To be un- A pen name ; A war a pseu- [L.] Not in It does not [L.] He has nolle prosequi. [L.] willing to proceed. nom de plume. [Fr.] an assumed title. nom. de guerre. [Fr.] name ; a traveling title ; donym. non compos mentis sound mind. non constat. [L.] appear. non est inventus. not been found. non liquet. [L.] It is not clear. non obstante. [L.] Notwithstand- ing. non omnia possumus omnes. [L.] We can not, all of us, do all things. non omnis moriar. [L.] I shall not wholly die. non sequitur. [L.] It does not follow ; an unwarranted conclusion. non mi ricordo. [It.] I don't re- member. nosce teipsum. [L.] Know thyself, nota bene. [L.] Mark well. n'oubliez pas. [Fr.] Don't forget. nous verrons. [Fr.] We shall see. novus homo. [L.] A new man. nuance. [Fr.] Shade; gradation; tint. nudum pactum. [L.] A contract made without any consideration, and therefore void. nunc aut nunquam. [L.] Now or never. obiit. [L.] He or she, died. obiter dictum. [L.] A thing said by the way, or in passing. obsta principiis. [L.] Resist the first beginnings. odium theologicum, hatred of theologians. ceil de boeuf. [Fr.] ohe! jam satis. [L.] is enough. omnia vincit amor. conquers all things. omnia vincit labor. overcomes all things. on dit. [Fr.] They vnmor. onus probandi. [L.] of proving. ora e sempre. [It.] ways. ora pro nobis. [L.] Pray for us. orator fit, poeta nascitur. [L.] [L.] The A bull's eye. O, now there [L.] [L.] Love Labor say ; flying The burden Now and al- but the poet is With round, The orator In made, born. ore rotundo. [L.] full voice. oretenus. [L.] As far as the mouth. O! si sic omnia. [L.] O that he had always done or spoken thus. O temporal O mores! [L.] O the times ! O the manners ! otium cum dignitate. [L.] Ease with dignity; dignified leisure. oubliette. [Fr.] Dungeon of a castle. oui dire. [Fr.] Hearsay. outre. [Fr.] Out of the common course ; extravagant. ouvrier. [Fr.] A workman; an artisan. palmam qui meruit ferat. [L.] Let him who has won it bear the palm. papier machee. [Fr.] Chewed or mashed paper ; a hard substance made of a pulp from rags or paper. par exemple. [Fr.] For example. par excellence. [Fr.] By way of eminence. pari passu. [L.] With equal pace. par nobile fratrum. [L.] A noble pair of brothers; two just alike. parole d'honneur. [Fr.] Word of honor. particeps criminis. [L.] An ac- complice. parva componere magnis. |L.] To compare small things with great. parvenu. [Fr.] An upstart; one newly risen into notice. pas a pas. [Fr.] Step by step. passe. [Fr.] Past; out of use; faded ; worn out. passe-partout. [Fr.] pate de foie gras. liver pie. paterfamilias. [L.] a family. pater noster. [L.] the Lord's prayer. pater patriae. [L.] country. patois. [Fr.] Dialect of the lower classes. patres conscripti. [L.] Conscript fathers; the Roman senators. peccavi. [L.] I have sinned. peine forte et dure. [Fr.] Strong and severe punishment. penchant. [Fr.] Inclination; lik- ing. A master-key. [Fr.] Goose- The father of Our Father; Father of his 923 Words, Phrases, Proverbs pendente lite, [L.] Pending the suit. pensee. [Fr.] Thought. per annum. [L.] By the year. per capita. [L.] By the head. per centnmi. [L.] By the hundred. per contra. [L.] Contrariwise. per diem. [L.] By the day. per se. [L.] By itself considered. perdu. [Fr.] Lost. personnel. [Fr.] Body of persons employed in some public service. petit maitre. [Fr.] A dandy; a coxcomb. petitio principii. [L.] A beg- ging of the question. peu-a-peu. [Fr.] Little by little. pen de chose. [Fr.] A trifle. piece de resistanee. [Fr.] A solid joint. pirouette. [Fr.] A whirl on the toes, as in dancing. pis aller. [Fr.] The last shift. piu. [It.] More. pleno jure. [L.] With full authority. plexus. [L.] A net- work ; web. poco a poco. [It] Little by little. poeta nascitur, non fit. [L.] The poet is born, not made. point d'appui. [Fr.] Point of sup- port ; prop. pons asinorum. [L.] Bridge of asses. post mortem. [L.] After death. post obitum. [L.] After death. pot-pourri. [Fr.] A hotch-potch ; a medley. preux cbevalier. [Fr.] A brave knight. prima facie. [L.] On the first view. primus inter pares. [L.] Chief among equals. principia, non bomines. [L.] Principles, not men. principiis obsta. [L.] Resist the first beginnings. pro aris et focis. [L.] For our altars and firesides. pro bono publico. [L.] For the public good. pro et con. [L.] For and against. pro forma. [L.] For the sake of form. pro hac vice. [L.] For this turn or occasion. pro rata. [L.] In proportion. pro re nata. [L.] For a special emergency. pro tanto. [L.] For so much. pro tempore. [L.] For the time. proces verbal. [Fr.] A written statement. profanum vulgus. [L.] The pro- fane vulgar. proh pudor. [L.] O, for shame. propria quae maribus. [L.] Those things which are appropriate or pe- culiar to males or men, or to hus- bands. punica fides. [L.] Punic faith ; treachery. qua. [L.] So far as ; in so far as. quantum libet. [L.] As much as you please. quantum meruit. [L.] As much as he deserved. quantum mutatus ab illo! [L.] How changed from what he was ! quantum sufficit. [L.] A suffi- cient quantity. quantum vis. [L.] As much as you will. quasi. [L.] As if ; in a manner. quelque cbose. [Fr.] A trifle ; something ; anything. quid pro quo. [L.] One thing for another ; an equivalent. quid rides? [L.] Why do you laugh ? qui facit per alium, facit per se. [L.] He who does a thing by the agency of another, does it himself. quis custodiet ipsos custodes? [L.] Who shall guard the guards themselves ? qui trans tulit, sustinet. [L.] He who transplanted, still sustains ; — the motto of Connecticut. qui vlve? [Fr.] Who goes there? — hence, on the qui vive, on the alert. quoad boc. [L.] quo auimo? [L.] or intention? quo jure? [L.] By what right? quod erat demonstrandum. [L.] Which was to be demonstrated. quod vide. [L.] Which see. quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat. [L.] Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad. To this extent. With what mind 924 R rara avis. [L.] A rare bird. recueil. [Fr.] Collection. Words, Phrases, Proverbs reductio ad absurdum. [L.] A reducing a position to an absurdity. regnant populi. [L.] The people rule ; — the motto of Arkansas. [Properly, regnat populus.] re infecta. [L.] The business being unfinished. religio loci. [L.] The religious spirit of the place. renommee. [Fr.] Renown; fame. requiescat in pace. [L.] May he rest in peace. res angusta domi. [L.] Narrow circumstances at home ; poverty. respice finem. [L.] Look to the end. resume. [Fr.] A summing up ; re- capitulation. resurgam. [L.] I shall rise again. revenons a nos moutons. [Fr.] Let us return to our sheep ; let us return to our subject. rifacimento. [It.] Renewal ; re- establishment. robe de cbambre. [Fr.] A dress- ing-gown or morning-gown. rouleau. [Fr.] A little roll. rudis indigestaque moles. [L.] A rude and undigested mass. ruse de guerre. [Fr.] A stratagem of war. rus in urbe. [L.] The country in town. salle. [Fr.] A hall. salon. [Fr.] An apartment for com- pany ; a fashionable party ; or fash- ionable society. salus populi suprema est lex. [L.] The welfare of the people is the supreme law ; — the motto of Missouri. sanctum sanctorum. [L.] Holy of holies. sans ceremonie. [Fr.] Without cer- emony. sans peur et sans reproche. [Fr.] Without fear and without reproach. sartor resartus. [L.] The cobbler mended. sauve qui pent. [Fr.] Save him- self who can. savoir faire. [Fr.] Ability. savoir vivre. [Fr.] Good breeding. scandalum magnatum. [L.] De- famatory speech or writing to the injury of persons of dignity. scire facias. [L.] Cause it to be known. seance. [Fr.] A sitting or session. secundum artem. [L.] According to rule. secundum naturam. [L.] Accord- ing to the course of nature. secundum ordinem. [L.] In order. semper felix. [L.] Always fortu- nate. semper fidelis. [L.] Always faithful. semper idem. [L.] Always the same. semper paratus. [L.] Always ready. senatus consultum. [L.] A decree of the senate. se non e vero, e ben trovato. [It.] If not true, it is well feigned. sesquipedalia verba. [L.] Words a foot and a half long. sic itur ad astra. [L.] Such is the way to immortality. sic passim. [L.] So everywhere. sic semper tyrannis. [L.] Ever so to tyrants ; — the motto of Vir- ginia. sic transit gloria mundi. [L.] So passes away earthly glory. sic vos non vobis. [L.] Thus you do not labor for yourselves. sicut ante. [L.] As before. sicut patribus, sit Deus nobis. [L.] As God was with our fathers, so may he be with us. similia similibus curantur. [L.] Like things are cured by like. si monumentum quseris, circum- spice. [L.] If you seek his mon- ument, look around. simplex munditiis. [L.] Of sim- ple elegance. sinc^ cura. [L.] Without charge or care. sine die. [L.] Without a day ap- nointed. sine qua non. [L.] An indispen- sable condition. si quoeris peninsulam amaenam, circumspice. [L.] If thou seek- est a beautiful penmsula, . behold it here ; — the motto of Michigan. sit tibi terra levis. [L.] May the earth lie lightly upon thee. soubrette. [Fr.] An intriguing woman. stans pede in uno. [L.] Standing on one foot. stat magni nominis umbra. [L.] He stands the shadow of a mighty name. 925 Words, Phrases, Prorerbs statu quo ante bellum. [L.] In the state which was before the war. status quo. [L.] The state in which. stet. [L.] Let it stand. ^ suaviter in modo, f ortiter in. re. [L.] Gentle in manners, but reso- lute in deed. sub judice. [L.] Under considera- tion. sub rosa. [L.] Under the rose ; privately. • , sui generis. [L.] Of its own kind. sui juris. [L.] In one's own right. summuiu bouum. [L.] The chief good. suo Marte. [L.] By his own strength. suum cuique. [L.] Let each have his own. tabula rasa. [L.] A smooth or blank tablet. tant pis. [Fr.] So much the worse. tan turn vidit Virgilium. [L.] He merely saw Virgil (that is, the great man.) tapis. [Fr.] A carpet; also, the cover of a council-table ; hence, to be on the tapis is to be under consid- eration. tempora mutantur, et nos muta- mur in illis. [L.] The times are changed, and we are changed with them. tempus edax rerum. [L.] Time the devourer of all things. tempus fugit. [L.] Time flies. terrse filius. [L.] A son of the earth ; that is, human being. terra firma. [L.] Solid earth; a safe footing. terra incognita. [L.] An un- known country. tertium quid. [L.] A third some- thing ; a nondescript. tiers-etat. [Fr.] The third estate ; commons or commonalty. to kalon. [Gr.] The beautiful; the chief good. to prepon. [Gr.] The proper or becoming. totident verbis. [L.] In just so many words. toties quoties. [L.] As often as. toto ogbIo. [L.] By the whole heav- ens ; diametrically opposite. tout-a-£ait. [Fr.] Entirely. tout au contraire. [Fr.] On the contrary. 926 tout ensemble. [Fr.] The whole taken together. U uberrima fides. [L.] Supera- bounding faith. ubi supra. [L.] Where above mentioned. ultima ratio regum. [L.] The last argument of kings ; war. ultima thule. [L.] Utmost limit. una voce. [L.] With one voice. uno animo. [L.] With one mind ; unanimously. usque ad aras. [L.] To the very altars. usque ad nauseam. [L.] To dis- gust. utile dulci. [L.] The useful with the pleasant. ut infra. [L.] As below. ut supra. [L.] As above stated. uti possidetis. [L.] As you pos- sess ; state of present possession. V vade mecum. [L.] Go with me; a constant companion. vse victis. [L.] Woe to the van- quished. vale. [L.] Farewell. valet de cbambre. [Fr.] An at- tendant ; a footman. variorum notae. [L.] The notes of various authors. veni, vidi, vici. [L.] I came, I saw, I conquered. verbatim et literatim. [L.] Word for word and letter for letter. verbum sat sapienti. [L.] A word is enough for a wise man. vetturo. [It.] A hack. vetturino. [It.] A hackman. vexata qusestio. [L.] A disputed question. via. [L.] By the way of. via media. [L.] A middle course. vice. [L.] In the place of. vice versa. [L.] The terms being exchanged. vide ut supra. [L.] See what is stated above. vi et armis. [L.] By force and arms ; by main force. vincit amor patriae. [L.] Love of country prevails. vincit omnia Veritas. [L.] Truth conquers all things. vinculum matrimonii. [L.] The bond of marriage. Words, Phrases, Proverbs vires acquirit eundo. [L.] She acquires strength in her progress. vis a vis. [Fr.] Opposite ; facing. vis a tergo. [L.] A propelling force from behind. vis inertise. [L.] The power of inertia ; resistance. vis vitse. [L.] The vigor of life. vitam impendere vero, [L.] To stake one's life for the truth. vivat regina. [L.] Long live the queen. vivat rex. [L.] Long live the king. viva voce. [L.] By the living voice ; by oral testimony. vive la republique. [Fr.] Long live the republic. vive la bagatelle! [Fr.] Success to trifling. vive le roi. [Fr.] Long live the king. voila. [Fr.] Behold; there is. vox, et praeterea nihil. [L.] A voice, and nothing more. vox populi, vox Dei. [L.] The voice of the people is the voice of God. vraisemblance. [Fr.] Appearance of truth. zonam. solvere. [L.] To loose the virsin zone. zollverein. [Ger.] A union among the German states for the collection of custom-house duties. Facts About the Earth According to Clark, the equatorial semi-diameter is 20,926,202 £661=3963.296 miles, and the polar semi-diameter is 20,854,895 £061=3950.738 miles. One degree of latitude at the pole=69.4o7 miles. One degree o£ latitude at^the equator=68.7o4 miles. POPULATION OF THE EARTH BY CONTINENTS (From Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society.) Conti- Area in Square Miles. Inhabitants. | Conti- nental Divisions. Area in Square Miles. 3,288,000 51,238,800 Inhabitants. nental Divisions. Number. Per Sq. Mile. Number. Per Sq. Mile. Africa Ameria, N.. America, S. 11,514,000 6,446,000 6,837,000 14,710,000 127,000,000 89,250,000 36,420,000 11.00 13.80 5.30 Australasia Europe Polar Reg.. Total 4,730,000 380,200,000 300,000 1,487,900,000 1.40 106.90 0.07 Asia 850,000,000 1 57.70 29.00 The above estimate was made by Ernest George Ravenstein, F. R. G. S., the geographer and statistician, and is for 1890. The population o£ North America, 1900, had increased to over 100,000,000. An estimate of population of the earth, made by Drs. Wagner and Supan, editors of "Bevolkening der Erde" (Perthes, Gotha, 1891), is as follows : Europe, 357,379,000; Asia, 825,954,000; Africa, 163,953,000; America, 121,713,000; Australia, 3,230,000; Oceanic Islands, 7,420,000 ; polar regions, 80,400. Total, 1,479,729,400. The estimate of area of the continents and islands by the same authorities is 52,821, 684._ Ravenstein's estimate of the earth's fertile region, in square miles, is 28,269,200; steppe, 13,901,000; desert, 4,180,000; polar regions, 4,888,800. The population of the earth at the death of the Emperor Augustus, estimated by Bodio, was 54.000,000. The population of Europe hardly exceeded 50,000,000 before the fifteenth century. — Mulhall. The area and cubic contents of the earth, according to the data of Clark, given above, are: Surface, 196,971,984 square miles; cubic contents, 259,944,035,515 cubic miles. Murray-Challenger expedition states the greatest depth of the Atlantic Ocean, at 27,366 feet ; Pacific Ocean, 30,000 feet ; Indian Ocean, 18,582 feet ; Southern Ocean, 25,200 feet ; Arctic Ocean, 9,000 feet. The Atlantic Ocean has an area, in square miles, of 24,536,000; Pacific Ocean, 50,309,000; Indian Ocean, 17,084,000; Arctic Ocean £781,000; Southern Ocean, 30,592,000. The highest mountain is believed to be 'eodhunga, one of the Himalayas, 29,002 feet. 927 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE IN CONGRESS— THURSDAY, JULY 4, J776 Agreeably to the order of the day, *tie CongTess resolved itself into a com- mittee of the whole, to take into their further, consideration the Declaration ; and after some time the President re- sumed the chair, and Mr. Harrison reported that the committee had agreed to a declaration, which they desired him to report. (The committee con- sisted of Jefferson, Franklin, John Adams, Sherman and R. R. Livings- ton.) The Declaration being read, was agreed to, as follows : A DECLARATION. By the Kepresentatives of the United States of America, in Congress Assembled, Wheis', in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with an- other, and to assume, among the pow- ers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of man- kind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evi- dent, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Crea- tor with certain inalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to se- cure these rights, governments are in- stituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed : that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to insti- tute a _ new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and or- 928 ganizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to ef- fect their safety and happiness. Pru- dence, indeed, will dictate that govern- ments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes ; and, accordingly, all experience hath shown, that mankind are more dispos- ed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accus- tomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing in- variably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having, in direct ob- ject, the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world : He has refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. He has forbidden his Governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be ob- tained ; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused' to pass other laws for the accommodation of large dis- m tricts of people, unless those people ■ would relinquish the right of repre- sentatiom in the legislature ; a right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfort- Declaration of Independence able, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into com- pliance with his measures. He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing, with manly firmness, his invasions on the rights of the people. He has refused, for a long time after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected ; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise ; the state remaining, in the mean time, exposed to all the dan- ger of invasion from without, and convulsions within. He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states, for that purpose, obstructing the laws for nat- uralization of foreigners ; refusing to pass others to encourage their migra- tion hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands. He has obstructed the administra- tion of justice by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers. He has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their oflfices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of offi- cers to harass out people, and eat out their substance. He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies, without the consent of our legislature. He has affected to render the mili- tary indpendent of and superior to the civil power. He has combined, with others, to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws ; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation : For quartering large bodies of arm- ed troops among us ; For protecting them, by a mock trial, from punishment, for any mur- ders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states ; For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world ; For imposing taxes on us without our consent ; For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury ; For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offences ; For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring prov- ince, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its bound- aries, so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for intro- ducing the same absolute rule into these colonies ; For taking away our charters, abol- ishing our most valuable laws, and altering, fundamentally, the powers of our governments ; For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all eases whatsoever. He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection, and waging war against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and de- stroyed the lives of our people. He is, at this time, transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desola- tion, and tryanny, already begun, with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most bar- barous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation. He has constrained our fellow-citi- zens, taken captive on the high seas, to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall them- selves by their hands. He has excited domestic insurrec- tions amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an un- distinguished destruction, of all ages, sexes, and conditions. In every stage of these oppressions, we have petitioned for redress, in the most humble terms ; our repeated peti- tions have been answered only by re- peated injury. A prince, whose char- acter is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. _ Nor have we been wanting in atten- tion to our British brethren. We have warned them, from time to time, of attempts made by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdic- tion over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration 929 Declaration of Independence and settlement here. We have appeal- ed to their native justice and magna- nimity, and we have conjured them, by the ties of our common kindred, to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our con- nections and correspondence. They, too, have been deaf to the voice of jus- tice and consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, enemies in war — in peace, friends. We, therefore the representatives of the UNITED STATES OF AMER- ICA, in GENERAL CONGRESS as- sembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare. That these United Colonies, are, and of right ought to be, Fkee AND I]srDEPE]siDENT STATES ; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is, and ought to be, totally dissolved ; and that, as FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all Other acts and things which INDE- PENDENT STATES may of right to do. ^ And, for the support of this Decla- ration, with a firm reliance on the pro- tection of DIVINE PROVIDENCE, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred konor. The foregoing Declaration was, by order of Congress, engrossed, and sign- ed by the following members : JOHN HANCOCK. New Hampshire — Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew Thornton. Connecticut — Roger Sherman, Sam- uel Huntington, William Williams, Oliver Wolcott. Rhode Island — Stephen Hopkins, William Ellery. New York — William Floyd, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris. New Jersey — Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkin- son, John Hart, Abraham Clark. Pennsylvania — Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Franklin, John Morton, George Clymer, James Smith, George Taylor, James Wilson, George Ross. Massachusetts Bay — Samuel Ad- ams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry. Delaware — Caesar Rodney, George Read, Thomas M'Kean. Maryland — Samuel Chase, William Paca, Thomas Stone, James Carroll, of Carrollton. Virginia — George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benja- min Harrison, Thomas Nelson, Jun., Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Brax- ton. North Carolina — William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, John Penn. South Carolina — Edward Rut- ledge, Thomas Heyward, Jun., Arthur Middleton. Georgia — Button Swinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton. 930 _ THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA* [PKEAMBIiE.] We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure do- mestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the gen- eral Welfare, and secure the Bless- ings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ARTICLE I. [Tlie liCgislative Department.] Section 1. All legislative Povrers herein granted shall be vested in a €ongress of the United States, v^hich shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Sec. 2. The House of Represen- tatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the Peo- ple of the several States, and the Elec- tors in each State shall have the Qual- ifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature. No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of tv^enty-five Tears, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and v^^ho shall not, v^hen elect- ed, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the sev- eral States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be de- termined by adding to the whole Num- » This is an exact copy of the original in punctua- lion. spelling, capitals, etc.,- In all respects except the words and figures which are enclosed in brackets, and the reference marks. ber of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three- fifths of all other persons.* The act- ual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Rep- resentatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representa- tive ; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Mas- sachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecti- cut five. New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five. South Carolina five, and Georgia three. When vacancies happen in the Rep- resentation from any State, the Exe- cutive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacan- cies. The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other oflB- cerst and shall have the sole power of Impeachment. Sec. 3., The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Sena- tors from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years ; and each Senator shall have one Vote. Immediately after they shall be as- sembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expira- * "Other persons" refers to slaves. See Amend- ments, Art. XIY., Sections 1 and 2. t The principal of these are the clerk, sergeant- at-arms, doorkeeper, and postmaster. 931 Constitution of the IT. S. of America tion of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one-third may be chosen every second year ; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make tem- porary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies. No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabit- ant of that State for which he shall be chosen. The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Sen- ate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided. The Senate shall chuse their other Officers, and also a President, pro tempor, in the Absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the Office of President of the United States. The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside : And no person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present. Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to re- moval from Office, and Disqualifica- tion to hold and enjoy any Office of Honor, Trust or Profit under the IJni- ted States : but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and sulbject to Indictment. Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law. Sec. 4. The Times, Places and Man- ner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescrib- ed in each State by the Legislature thereof ; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regu- lations, except as to the places of chus- ing Senators. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in Decem- ber, unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day. 032 Sec. 5. Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall consti- tute a Quorum to do Business ; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to com- pel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Pen- alties as each House may provide. Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two- thirds, expel a Member. Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy ; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one- fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal. Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. Sec. 6. The Senators and Represen- tatives shall receive a Compensation* for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same ; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place. No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Of- fice under the Authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time ; and no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall' be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office. Sec. 7. All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Rep- resentatives ; but the Senate may pro- * The present compensation is $5,000 a year, and an allowance of 20 cents for every mile of travel to and from the national capital* Constitution of tlie U. S. of America pose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills. Every bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it becomes a Law, be presented to the President of the United States ; If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to the House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to recon- sider it. If after such Reconsidera- tion two-thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections to the other House, by which it shall like- wise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of that House it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of Both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respec- tively. If any Bill shall not be re- turned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law. Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Sen- ate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States; and before the same shall take Effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him. shall be repassed by two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in the Case of a Bill. Sec. 8. The Congress shall have Power : To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States ; To borrow Money on credit of the United States ; To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes; To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization,* and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies through- out the United States ; To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Meas- ures ; To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and cur- rent Coin of the United States; To establish Post Offices and post Roads ; To promote the progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for lim- ited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Rightf to their respec- tive Writings and Discoveries ; To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court ; To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Na- tions ; To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water ; To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years; To provide and maintain a Navy ; To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces ; To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and re- pel Invasions ; To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respec- tively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Mili- tia according to the Discipline pre- scribed by Congress; To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such Dis- * The Naturalization laws require a foreigner to be in the country five years before he is entitled to citizenship. t An Author obtains a copyright by application to the Librarian of Congress, and it is secured for twenty-eight years. An Inventor secures a patent from the Patent OflSce, at Washington, for a certain number of years, prescribed by the Commissioner of Tatents. Constitution of the U. S. of America trict (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Con- gress, become the Seat of the Govern- ment of the United States, and to ex- ercise like Authority over all places purchased by the Consent of the Leg- islature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, Dock- Yards, and other needful Buildings ; —And To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- stitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. Sec. 9. The Migration or Importa- tion of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or Duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person. The Privilege of the Writ of Ha- beas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public safety may require it. No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. No Capitulation, or other direct Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein be- fore directed to be taken. No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State. No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another ; nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Ap- propriations made by Law ; and a reg- ular Statement and Account of the Re- ceipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time. No Title of Nobility shall be grant- ed by the United States : And no Per- son holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title. of any kind whatever, from any King? Prince, or foreign State. Sec. 10. No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confedera- tion ; grant Letters of Marque and Re- prisal ; coin Money ; emit Bills of Credit ; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin . a Tender in Payment of Debts ; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the II Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. No State shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection Laws ; and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts laid by any State on Imports or Ex- ports, shall be for the Use of the Treas- ury of the United States ; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Controul of the Congress. No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or m such imminent Danger as will not admit of Delay. ARTICLE II. [The Executive Department.] Section. 1. The executive Power shall be vested in a .President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected as follows : Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress : but no Senator or Representative, or Per- son holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. * The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same * This clause has been superseded hy tiae 12131 Amendment. 934 Constitution of the XT. S. of America State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each ; vs^hich List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and Plouse of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the \^ole Number of Electors appointed ; and if there be more than one who have such Majority and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of them for President ; and if no Per- son have a Majority, then from five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner chuse the Presi- dent. But in chusing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State hav- ing one Vote ; a Quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two-thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Num- ber of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall chuse from them by Ballot the Vice President. The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes ; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States. No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution shall be eligible to the Ofiice of President ; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been four- teen Years a Resident within the Uni- ted States. In Case of the Removal of the Pres- ident from Oflice, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Re- moval, Death, Resignation, or Inabil- ity, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disabil. ity be removed, or a President shali be elected. The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensa- tion, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them. Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation : " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) " that I will faithfully execute the " Office of President of the United " States, and will to the best of my " Ability, preserve, protect and defend " the Constitution of the United " States." Sec. 2. The President shall be Com- mander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States ; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive De- partments, upon any subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offi- ces, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment. He shall have Power, by and with the Adivce and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other pub- lic Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Offi- cers of the United States, whose Ap- pointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be estab- lished by Law; but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Depart- office, the same shall devolve on the ' ments 035 Constitution of tb.e U. S. of America The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall ex- pire at the End of their next Session. Sec. 3. He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedi- ent ; he may, on extraordinary Occa- sions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers ; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the officers of the United States. Sec. 4. The President, Vice Presi- dent and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. ARTICLE III. Crhe Judicial Department.] Section 1. The Judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such infe- rior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and in- ferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their Serv- ices, a Compensation which shall not be diminished during their continuance in Office. Sec. 2. The judicial Power shall ex- tend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treat- ies made, or which shall be made, under their Authority ; — to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls; — to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdic- tion ; — to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party; — to Controversies between two or more States; — between a State and Citi- zens of another State; — between Cit- izens of different States, — between Cit- izens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States. and between a State, or the Citizens thereof and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects. In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdic- tion, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Reg- ulations as the Congress shall make. The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury ; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed ; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed. Sec. 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convict- ed of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeit- ure except during the Life of the Per- son attainted. ARTICLE IV, pSHscellaneous.] Section. 1. Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records and judicial Pro- ceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof. Sec. 2. The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States. A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Juris- diction of the Crime. 936 Constitution of the U. S. of America No Person held to Service or La- bour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regu- lation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be deliv- ered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due. Sec. 3. New States may be admit- ted by the Congress into this Union ; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State ; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Con- sent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Terri- tory or other Property belonging to the United States ; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the Uni- ted States, or of any particular State. Sec. 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion, and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be con- vened) against domestic Violence. ARTICLE V. The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislature of two-thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all In- tents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Leg- islatures of three-fourths of the sev- eral States, or by Conventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress ; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article ; and that no State, with- out its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate, ARTICLE VI. All Debts contracted and Engage- ments entered into, before the Adop- tion of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Con- federation. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof ; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States shall be the Supreme Law of the Land ; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States, and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Af- firmation, to support this Constitu- tion ; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a qualification to any Office or public Trust under the Uni- ted States. ARTICLE VII. The Ratification of the Conventions of Nine States, shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the same. DowE in Convention by the Unani- mous Consent of the States pres- ent the Seventeenth Day of Sep- tember in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty-seven and of the Indepen- dence of the United States of America the Twelfth. In Wit- ness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names, G° Washington — PresidH and deputy from Virginia, New Hampshire — John Langdon, Nicholas Oilman. New York — Alexander Hamilton. New Jersey — Wil. Livingston, Wm. Paterson, David Brearley, Jona Day- ton. Pennsylvania — B. Franklin, Robt, Morris, Tho. Fitzsimons, James Wil- son, Thomas Mifflin, Geo. Clymer, Jared Ingersoll. Massachusetts — Nathaniel Gor- ham, Rufus King. Gouv. Morris. 937 Constitution of tlie IT. S. of America Delaware — Geor. Read, John Dick- inson Jaco Broom, Gunning Bedford, Jun., Richard Bassett. Mabyland — James M'Henry, Danl. Carrol, Dan of St. Thos. Jenifer. YiEGiNiA — John Blair, Connecticut — Wm. Saml. John- son, Roger Sherman, James Madison, Jr. NoETH Caeolijsta — Wm. Blount, Hu. Williamson, Richard Dobbs Spaight. South Caeolina — J. Rutledge, Charles Pickney, Charles Cotesworth Pickney, Pierce Butler. Geoegia — William Few, Abr. Bald- win. Attest: William Jackson, Secretary. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Proposed "by Congress^ and ratified hy the Legislatures of the Several StateSf pursuant to the fifth article of the original Constitution. AMENDMENT I. Congress shall make no law re- specting an establishment of religion, ©r prohibiting the free exercise there- of ; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. AMENDMENT II. A well regulated Militia, being nec- essary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. AMENDMENT III. No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be pre^- scribed by law. AMENDMENT IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported oy oath or affirmation, and particularly describ- ing the place to be searched, and the person or things to be seized. AMENDMENT V, No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or in- dictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in ac- tual service in time of War or public danger ; nor shall any person be sub- ject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall be compelled in any Criminal Case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or prop- erty, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation, AMENDMENT YL In all criminal prosecutions, the ac- cused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been pre- viously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witnesses against him ; to have Compulsory process for obtaining Wit- nesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence. AMENDMENT TII, In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re- examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. Constitution of the U. S. of America AMENDMENT VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. AMENDMENT IX. The enumeration of the Constitu- tion of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. AMENDMENT X.« The powers not delegated to the "United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are re- served to the States respectively, or to the people. AMENDMENT XI.t The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to ex- tend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Sub- jects of any Foreign State. AMENDMENT XII4 The Electors shall meet in their re- spective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice President, one of whom at least, shall not be an inhabi- tant of the same state with them- selves ; they shall name in their bal- lots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transfer sealed to the seat of the gov- ernment of the United States directed to the President of the Senate ; — The President of the Senate shall, in pres- ence of the Senate and House of Rep- •The first ten amendments were proposed at the first session of the first Congress (1789), and declared adopted in 1791. t The eleventh amendment was proposed at the first session of the third Congress (1794), and de- clared adopted in 1798. t This amendment is substituted for Clause S, Sec. 1,, Art. II., page 934, and annuls It. It was declared adopted in 1804. resentatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted ; — The person having the greatest num- ber of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a major- ity of the whole number of Electors appointed ; and if no person have such majority , then from the persons hav- ing the highest numbers no exceed- ing three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Repre- sentatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. Buc in choosing- the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice Presi- dent shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitu- tional disability of the President. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice President, shall be the Vice President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Elect- ors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice President ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two- thirds of the whole number of Sena- tors, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineli- gible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice President of the United States. AMENDMENT XIII.* Section 1. Neither slavery nor in- voluntary servitude, except as punish- ment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. * The thirteenth amendment was proposed at the second session of the thirty-eighth Congress (i86B)t and declared adopted in 1866. Constitution of tlie U. S. of America AMENDMENT XlV.f Sectiojn^ 1, All persons born or nat- uralized in the United States, and sub- ject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States ; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or prop- erty, without due process of law, nor deny any person within its jurisdic- tion the equal protection of the laws. Sec. 2. Representatives shall be ap- portioned among the several states ac- cording to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of Elect- ors for President and Vice President of the United States, representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for par- ticipation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citi- zens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state. Sec. 3. No person shall be a Sena- tor or Representative in Congress, or Elector of President and Vice Presi- dent, or hold any office, civil or mili- t The f onrteenth amendment was first proposed at the first session of the thirty-nintti Congress, 1866, and declared adopted in 1868. tary, under the United States, or un* der any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Con- gress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state Legislature, or as an executive or ju- dicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each house, remove such disability. Sec. 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrec- tion or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave ; but all such debts obligations, and claims shall be held illegal and void. Sec. 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legis- lation, the provisions of this article. AMENDMENT XV.* Sectioint 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any state, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Sec. 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by ap- propriate legislation. * The fifteenth amendment was proposed at the second session of the fortieth Congress. In 186a, and declared adopted in iBTOw 040 THE METRIC SYSTEM OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES MEASURES OF I.ENGTH. METRIC DENOMINATIONS AND VALUES. EQUIVALENTS IN DENOMINATIONS IN USE. Myriameter 10,000 meters, Kilometer 1,000 meters, . . 6.2137 miles. . 0.62137 mile, or 3280 feet and 10 inches. 328 feet and i inch. 393.7 inches. 39.37 inches. 3.937 inches. • 0-3937 inch. . 0.0394 inch. Decimeter 1^ of a meter, Centimeter .0 i^c of a meter, Millimeter . , txsVtj of a meter. MEASURES OE SURFACE. METRIC DENOMINATIONS AND VALUES. Hectare 10,000 square meters, Are 100 square meters, Centare i square meter. EQUIVALENTS IN DENOMINATIONS IN USE. . 2.471 acres. 119.6 square yards. 1,550 square inches. MEASURES OF CAPACITY. METRIC DENOMINATIONS AND VALUES. Kiloliter, or Stere Hectoliter Dekaliter Liter . . Deciliter . CentiUter MilHliter. No. of liters. Cubic Measure. 1,000 100 10 I r\ TSXS 1000 cubic meter . . . ^ of a cubic meter . 10 cubic decimeters . I cubic decimeter xV of a cubic decimeter 10 cubic centimeters . I cubic centimeter . EQUIVALENTS IN DENOMINATIONS IN USE. Dry Measure. 1.308 cubic yards . . . 2 bushels and 3.35 pecks 9.08 quarts 0.908 quart 6.1022 cubic inches , , 0.6102 cubic inch . . 0.061 cubic inch . . . Liquid or Wine Measure. 264.17 gallons. 26.417 gallons. 2.6417 gallons. 1.0567 quarts. 0.845 gill. 0.338 fluid oz. 0.27 fluid dram. WEIGHTS. METRIC DENOMINATIONS AND VALUES. Millier or Tonneau Quintal . . Myriagram Kilogram or Kilo Hectogram . Dekagram . . Gram. . . . Decigram . . Centigram . . Milligram . . Number of Rrams. 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 I TOT 1000 Weight of what quantity of water at maximum density. I cubic meter .... I hectoliter 10 liters o . I liter • I deciliter . . . . • 10 cubic centimeters . • I cubic centimeter . . ^ of a cubic centimeter 10 cubic millimeters . . I cubic millimeter . . (HI EQUIVALENTS IN DENOM- INATIONS IN USE. Avoirdupois Weight. 2,204.6 pounds. 220.46 pounds. 22.046 pounds. 2.2046 pounds. 3.5274 ounces. 0.3527 ounce. 15.432 grains. 1.5432 grains. 0.1543 grain. 0.0154 grain. Value of Foreigii Coks ifi Dnited States Money. (Proclaimed by xh^ Secretary of the Treasury, October i, 1903*). (Revised by Messrs. Thomas Cook & Son, October i, 1904). Monetary Unit. Value in U. S. Gold DoUar. Argent. R. Austria-H. Belgium ... Bolivia .... BrazU...... Canada Cent. Am.. Chile China Colombia.. Costa Rica Cuba Denmark .. Ecuador... Egypt France .... Germany . . Gt. Britain. Greece Hayti India Italy Japan Mexico .... Neth'lands. N'foundl'd. Norway . . . Peru Portugal .. Russia .... Spain Sweden.... Switz'land. Turkey .... Uruguay... Venezuela.. Gold. Gold. Peso... Crown . Gold... Silver.. Gold... Gold... Silver. . Gold... Silver.. Silver.. Gold... Gold... Gold... Silver,. Gold... Gold... Gold... Gold... Gold... Gold... Gold... Gold... Gold... Silver. . Gold... Gold... Gold... Gold... Gold... Gold... Gold... Gold... Gold... Gold... Gold... Gold... Franc Dollar Pesot Peso ( Shanghai Tael$ I Tientsin . ( Canton.. Peso Colon Peso Crown .......... .... Sucre. ........ .. Pound (100 piasters) . Mark Pound sterling Gourde ............ Pound sterling^. ... Lira ................. Yen Dollar Florin Dollar Sol Milreis Ruble Peseta : Crown . . Peso Bolivai $0.96.5 .20.3 .19-^ .40.8 .54.6 i.oo .40.8 .40 .60.2 .63.9 .65.7 .40.8 .46.5 .92.6 .26.8 .48.7 4-94.3 .23.8 4.86.61^ .19-3 .96.5 4.86.6^ .19-3 .49.8 •45 .40.2 1.01.4 .26.8 .40 1.08 .51.5 ■ 19.3 .26.8 •19-3 .04.4 1.03.4 .19-3 Gold: argentine ($4.82.4) and K argentine. Silver: peso and divisions. Gold: former system— 4 florins ($1,92.9), 8 florins ($3.85.8), ducat ($2.28.7), and 4 ducats ($9.14.9). Silver: i and 2 florins. . Gold: present system — 20 crowns ($4.05.2) ', and ID crowns ($2.02.6). Gold: 10 and 20 francs. Silver: 5 francs. Silver: boliviano and divisions. Gold: 5, 10, and 20 milreis. Silver; }4, i, and 2 milreis. Silver: peso and divisions. Gold: escudo ($1.82.5) , doubloon ($3.65) ,and condor ($7.30) . Silver: peso and divisions. Gold: condor ($9.64.7) and double-condor. Silver: peso. Gold: 2, 5, 10, and 20 colons ($9.30.7). Sil- ver: 5, 10, 25, and 50 centimos. Gold: doubloon ($5.01.7) ; Alphonse ($4.82,3). Silver: peso. Gold: 10 and 20 crowns. Gold: 10 sucres ($4.86.65). Silver: Sucre and divisions. Gold: pound (100 piasters), 5, 10, 20 and 50 piasters. Silver: i, 2, 5, 10, and20 piasters. Gold: 6, 10, 20, 50, and 100 frs. Silver: 5 frs. Gold: 6. 10, and 20 marks. Gold: sovereign (pound st'ling)andMso'gB. Gold: 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 drachmas. Sil- ver: 5 drachmas. Gold: 1, 2, 5, and 10 gourdes. Silver: gourde and divisions. Gold: sov. ($4.86.65) Sil.: rupee and div'ns. Gold: 6, 10, and 20 lire. Silver: 5 lire. Gold: I, 2, 5, 10, and 20 yen. Silver: 10, 20, and 50 sen. Gold: dollar ($0.08.3) , 2K, 5, 10, and 20 dol- lars. Silver: dollar (or peso) and divisions. Gold: 10 florins. Silver: %, i, and 2H florins. Gold: 2 dollars ($2.02.7). Gold: 10 and 20 crowns. Gold: libra ($4.86.65) . Sil.: sol and div'ns. Gold: I, 2, 5, and 10 milreis. Gold: imperial ($7.71.8) and K imperial, 7M rubles ($3.86). Silver: X, Yi, and i ruble. Gold: 25 pesetas. Silver: 5 pesetas. Gold: 10 and 20 croAvns. Gold: 6, 10, and 20 frs. Silver: 5 frs Gold: 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 piasters. Gold: peso. Silver: peso and divisions. Gold: 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 boli\'ars. Sil- ver: 5 bolivars. The coins of silver-standard countries are valued by their pure silver contents, at the average market price of silver for the three nionths preceding the date of this circular, f Not including Costa Rica, has the same value as the Mexican at Hong Kong and the Straits Settlement. eoin of India, bHt the rupee ($0.32.4) is the money of account, current at 15 942 X The British dollar The sovereign is the standard to the sovereign. Value of Foreign Coins — Continued TABLE SHOWING THE VALUE OF FOREIGN COINS AND PA PER NOTES IN AMERICAN MONEY BASED UPON THE VALUES EAJrRSSSED IN THE ABOVE TABLE. British £ German French Chinese Tael Dutch Indian ussian Austriac Sterling. Mark. Italian Lira. (Shanghaij. Florin, Eupee. Gcid, Euble. Crown, I ^4.86.6^ $0.23.8 %u $0.60.2 $0.^0.2 O.S0-A 1.20.0 • o!64'.8 $0.51.5 $0.20.3 0.40.6 9.60.9 2 9.73-3,^ 0.47.6 120,4 T.8C.6 1.03 3 i4-59.9>^ 19.46.6 0.71.4 067-9 0.97.2 l:'^' 4 0.95.2 0.77.2 ^.40.8 i.60.8 1.29.6 o.8i.a i 24-33-2^ I.19 5.96.^ 3.01 2,01 1.62 2.57.5 i.oi.s 1. 21.8 29.19.9 _ x.42.8 1.66=6 1.15.S 3.61.2 2.41.2 2.81 .A 3.21.6 im 3-09 I 3^.06. r,M I.3S.I 4.21.4 4.81.6 3.60.5 1.M4 'o.u^.r. 1.Q0.4 1.54.4 2.59.2 4.12 9 97.33 2.14.2 2.3| 4.76 1.73.7 5.41.8 6.02.2 12.04 18.06 3.61.8 2.91.6 4.63-5 1.82.7 10 20 3:S S.OA 12.06 1% 5.15 10.30 g.09 30 \& 7.14 5.79 9.72 20.00 40 9.52 7.72 24.08 16.08 12.96 8.12 SO M' 11.90 23.80 9.65 30.10 20.10 16.20 25.75 10.1$ 100 19.30 60.20 40.20 32.40 51.50 20.30 TIME DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE CITY OF NEW YORK and the PRINCIPAL FOREIGN CITIES. LATER THAN NEW YORK. H. M. Antwerp 5 13.5 Berlin 5 49. 5 Bremen 5 31.0 Brussels 5 13.4 Buenos Ayres . . i 2. 4 Calcutta 10 49. 2 Constantinople. 6 51.9 H. M. Dublin 4 30. 5 Edinburgh 4 43. 2 Geneva 5 20. 5 Hamburg 5 35.8 Liverpool 4 43-6 London, 4 55.9 Madrid 4 41. i H, M. Paris 5 5.2 Rio de Janeiro .2 3. 2 Rome " 4518 St. Petersburg.. 6 57.1 Valparaiso o 9.3 Vienna 6 1.2 Halifax 41.5 EARLIER THAN NEW YORK. H. M. Havana 33.5 Hong Kong ....II 27,4 Melbourne, 924.2 Mexico, City of. i 40, 5 Panama o 22. 2 Yokohama...... 945.5 ELECTORAL VOTE IN 1912, State Alabama. . Arizona . . Arkansas . California . Colorado . Connecticut Delaware . Florida . . Georgia . . Idaho . . . Illinois . . Indiana . . Iowa .... Kansas . . Kentucky . Louisiana , Wil- son Dem. Roose- velt Prog. Taft Rep. Maine . . Maryland Mass'tts , Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri . Montana . Nebraska Nevada . New Hamp. New Jersey New Mexico New York N. Carolina N. Dakota Wil- son Dem. 18 Roose- velt Prog. Taft Rep. Ohio . . . . Oklahoma . Oregon . . . Pennsylv'ia. Rhode Isl. . S. Carolina. S. Dakota , Tennessee . Texas . . . Utah . . . . Vermont . . Virginia . . Washington W. Virginia Wisconsin . Wyoming . Wil- son Dem. Roose- velt Prog. Taft Rep. Total for Wilson (Dem.) 435. Total for Roosevelt (Prog.) 88 Wilson's Popular Plurality Over Roosevelt Total for Taft (Rep.) i 2,160,194 943 Weather Forecasts ALMANAC predictions can be noth- . ing but conjecture, the earth's subjection to many unknowable and undeterminable forces rendering such calculations impossible. It is practi- cable, however, by the following rules, drawn from actual results during very many years and applied with due re- gard to the subjects of solar and lunar attraction with reference to this plan- et, to foresee the kind of weather most likely to follow the moon's change of phase : Prog-nostications. If New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon or Last Quarter happens Between midnight and 2 a.m. 8 " 10 " " 12 « " 2 P.M. " A « " I " <( 3 u " 10 " " midnight In Summer. Fair (i and 2) Cold and showers . . . Rain Wind and rain Changeable Frequent showers (3) Very rainy (4) Changeable Fair Fair if wind N. W.. Rainy if S., or S. W. Fair In Winter. Frost, unless wind is S. W. (j) Snow and stormy. Rain. Stormy. Cold rain if wind W., snow if E. Cold and high wind. Snow or rain. Fair and mild. Fair. Fair and frosty if wind N. or N.E. Rain or snow if S. or S. W. Fair and frosty. Obseevations. — 1. The nearer the moon's change, first quarter, full and last quarter to midnight, the fairer will be the weather during the next seven days. 2. The space for this calculation oc- cupies from ten at night till two next morning. 3. The nearer to midday or noon the phase of the moon happens, the more foul or wet weather may be expected during the next seven days. 4. The space for this calculation oc- cupies from ten in the forenoon to two in the afternoon. These observa- tions refer principally to summer, though they affect spring and autumn in the same ratio. 5. The moon's change, first quarter, full and last quarter happening dur- ing six of the afternoon hours, i e., from four to ten, may be followed by fair weather, but this is mostly depen- dent on the wind, as is noted in the table. 6. Though the weather, from a vari- ety of irregular causes, is more uncer- tain in the latter part of autumn, the 944 whole of winter and the beginning of spring, yet, in the main, the above observations will apply to these pe- riods also. 7. To prognosticate correctly, espe- cially in those cases where the wind is concerned, the observer should be within sight of a vane where the four cardinal points of the compass are cor- rectly placed. Certain phenomena in the air and peculiarities of birds have long been known to indicate a change in the weather. Many years ago the learned Dr. Jenner embodied these in verse, in reply to an invitation from a friend with whom he had planned an excur- sion the following day. It covers about all that is known to-day upon that branch of the subject : "The hollow winds begin to blow, The clouds look black, the glass is low ; The soot falls down, the spaniels sleep, And spiders from their cobwebs peep. Last night the sun went pale to bed. The moon in halos hid her head ; The boding shepherd heaves a sigh. Weather Forecasts Far, see, a rainbow spans the sky ; The walls are damp, the ditches smell. Closed is the pink-eyed pimpernel. Hark ! how the chairs and tables crack. Old Betty's joints are on the rack ; Loud quack the ducks, the peacocks cry. The distant hills are looking nigh. How restless are the snorting swine, The busy flies disturb the kine ; Low o'er the grass the swallow wings, The cricket, too, how sharp he sings ; Puss, on the hearth, with velvet paws. Sits, wiping o'er her whiskered jaws. Through the clear stream the fishes rise, And nimbly catch th' incautious flies ; The glow-worms, numerous and bright. Illum'd the dewy dell last night; At dusk the squalid toad was seen Hopping and crawling o'er the green; The whirling wind the dust obeys, And in the rapid eddy plays ; The frog has changed his yellow vest, And in a russet coat is dressed. Though June, the air is cold and still ; The blackbird's mellow voice is shrill ; My dog, so alter'd is his taste, Quits mutton bones, on grass to feast ; And see yon rooks, how odd their flight ; They imitate the gliding kite, And seem precipitate to fall — - As if they felt the piercing ball. 'Twill surely rain, I see with sorrow; Our jaunt must be put off to-morrow." PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES Birthplace. Paternal Ancestry. Place of Death. George 'Washington 2] John Adams homas Jeiferson. James Madison .... James Monroe John Qulncy Adams ilndrew Jackson.. Martin Van Buren William H.Harrison John Tyler James K. Polk.... Zachary Taylor . . . Millard Fillmore.. Franklin Pierce... James Buchanan.. Abraham Lincoln. Andrew Johnson.. Ulysses S. Grant.. Eutherford B. Hayes James A. Garfield. Chester A. Arthur. Grover Cleveland . Benjamin Harrison Grover Cleveland . William McKiiilev . Westmoreland Co.,Va. Quincy, Mass Shadwell, Va Port Conway, Va Westmoreland Co.,Va. Quincy, Mass Union Co., N. C.*.... Kinderhook, N. Y. ... Berkeley, Va Greenway, Va Mecklenburg Co., N.C. Orange Co. , Va Summerhill, N. Y. ... Hillsboro, N. H Cove Gap, Pa Larue Co., Ky Baleish, N. C Point Pleasant, O Delaware, Cuyahoga Co., O Fairfield, Vt Caldwell, N. J North Bend,0 Caldwell, N. J Niles, O rheodore BooseveltlNpw York Citv. William H. Taft . . .ICincinnatf, O. . . ,28|Woodrow Wilson . . .|Staunton, Va. . . English ... English ... Welsh English ... Scotch .... Scotch- Irish, Dutch English .... English Scotch-Irish. English .... English ... English ... Scotch- Irish English ... English ... Scotch Scotch English ... Scotch-Irish. English .... Engli.'ih .... English Scotch-Irish, Dutch Va.... Mass. Va... Va... Va... Mass. Tenn. N. Y. 0.... Va... Tenn. La... N. Y. N. H. Pa... 111. . . Tenn, D.C.. O. ... 0.... N. Y. N. Y. Ind. . N. Y. 0. ... N. Y. 18561 Scotch 1 lOhio.. . -Irish. .|n.j... . 1789 1797 1801 1809 1817 1825 1829 1837 1841 1841 1845 1849 1850 1853 1857 1861 1865 1869 1877 1881 1881 1885 Fed.... Fed. .. ■ t.. Rep. .. Eep. .. Rep.t. Dem. . . Dcm. . . Whig. . Dem. . . Dem. . . Whig. . Whig. . Dem... Dem. . . Rep.... Rep.... Rep.... Eep... Rep... Dem.. Rep... Dem.. Rep... Rep... Rep. . Dem. . Mt. Vernon, Va..... Quincy, Mass Mouticello, Va Moutpelier, Va New York City Washington, D. C... Hermitage, Tenn... Linden wold, N. Y.. Wa;hington, D. C... Richmond, Va Nashville, Tenn. ... Washington, D. C Buffr.lo, N. Y Concord, N. H WTieatland, Pa Washington, D. C Carter's Depot, Tenn Mt. McGregor, N. Y. Fremont, O Long Branch, N. J. . New York City Marion, Mass. ....... Indianapolis. Ind Marion, Mass Bufialo, N. Y. • Jackson called himself a South Carolinian, and his biographer, Kendall, recorded his birthplace in Lancaster .>unty, S. C; but Parton has published documentary evidence to show that Jackson was born in Union County, N. C, less than a quarter mile from the South Carolina line. t The Democratic party of to-day claims lineal descent from the first Republican party, and President Jefferson as its founder. t Political parties were disorganized at the time of the election of John Quincy Adams. He claimed to be a Republican, but his doctrines were decidedly Federalistic The opposition to bis Adminlfltrattoo kx* tbe nam« «f Democrats, and elected Jackson President. Language of the Flowers A CLUSTER of flowers can be made to express any sentiment if care is taken in the selection. If a flower is offered reversed, its original signification is contradicted, and the opposite implied. A rosebud divested of thorns, but re- taining leaves, conveys the sentiment, "I fear no longer ; I hope." Strip- ped of leaves and thorns, it signifies, "There is nothing to hope or fear." A full-blown rose, placed over tw© buds, signifies " Secrecy." " Yes " is implied by touching the flower given to the lips ; " No," by pinching off a petal and casting it away. " I am " is expressed by a laurel leaf twined around the bouquet ; " I have," by an ivy leaf folded together ; " I offer you," by a leaf of Virginia creeper. SINGLE FLOWERS Arbor Vitse — Unchanging friendship. Camelia, White — Loveliness. Candy-Tuft — Indifference. Carnation, White — Disdain. China Aster — Variety. Clover, Four-Leaf — Be mine. Clover, White — Think of me. Clover, Red — Industry. Columbine — Folly. Daisy — Innocence. Daisy, Colored — Beauty. Dead Leaves — Sadness. Deadly Nightshade — Falsehood. Fern — Fascination. Forget-me-not. Fuchsia, Scarlet — Taste. Geranium, Horseshoe — Stupidity. Geranium, Scarlet — Consolation. Geranium, Rose — Preference. Golden-rod — Be cautious. Helitrope — Devotion. Hyacinth, White — Loveliness. Hyacinth, Purple — Sorrow. Ivy — Friendship, Lily, Day — Coquetry. Lily, White — Sweetness. Lily, Yellow — Gayety. Lily, Water — Purity of heart. Lily of the Valley — Unconscious sweet- ness. Mignonette — Your qualities surpass your charms. Monkshead — Danger is near. Myrtle — Love. Oak — Hospitality. Orange Blossoms — Chastity. Pansy — Thoughts. Passion Flower — Faith. Primrose — Inconstancy- Rose — Love, Rose, Damask — Beauty ever new. Rose, Yellow — Jealousy. Rose, White — I am worthy of you. Rosebud, Moss — Confession of Love. Smilax — Constancy. * Straw — Agreement. Straw, Broken — Broken Agreement. Sweet Pea — Depart. Tuberose — Dangerous Pleasures. Thistle — Sternness. Verbena — Pray for me. White Jasmine — Amiability. Witch Hazel — A spell. IN COMBINATIONS 946 Moss Rosebud, Myrtle. Mignonette, Colored Daisy. Lily of the Valley, Ferns. Yellow Rose, Broken Straw, Ivy. Scarlet Geranium, Passion Flower, Purple Hyacinth, Arbor Vitse. Columbine, Day Lily, Broken Straw, Witch Hazel, Colored Daisy. White Pink, Canary Grass, Laurel. Golden-rod, Monkshead, Sweet Pea, Forget-me-not. ( A confession \ of love. {Your qualities sur- pass your charms of beauty. {Your unconscious sweetness has fascinated me. {Your jealousy has broken our friendship. f I trust you will find consolation, through faith, in your sorrow ; be assured of my unchanging . friendship. Your folly and coquetry have broken the spell of your . beauty. {Your talent and perseverance will win you glory. Be cautious ; danger is near ; I deoart soon ; forget-me-not. THE NAMES OF THE STATES THEIR ORIGIN AND MEANING Alabama — Indian ; meaning "Here we rest." Arkansas — " Kansas,'* the Indian name for "smoky water," with the French prefix "arc," bow or bend in the principal river. California — Caliente Fornalla, Span- ish for "hot furnace," in allusion to the climate. Colorado — Spanish ; meaning "col- ored," from the red color of the Colorado river. Connecticut — Indian; meaning "long river." Delaware — Named in honor of Lord Delaware. Florida — Named by Ponce de Leon, who discovered it in 1512, on Easter Day, the Spanish Pascua de Flores, or "Feast of Flowers." Georgia — In honor of George II. of England. Illinois — From the Indian "illini," men, and the French suffix "ois," together signifying "tribe of men." Indiana — Indian land. Iowa — Indian; meaning "beautiful land." Hans as — Indian; meaning "smoky water." Kentucky — Indian ; for "at the head of the river;" or "the dark and bloody ground."' Xiouisiana — In honor of Louis XIV. of France. Maine — From the province of Maine, in France. Maryland — In honor of Henrietta Maria, queen of Charles I. of Eng- land. Massachusetts — Place of great hills (blue hills southwest of Boston). Mickigan — The Indian name for a fish weir. The lake was so called from the fancied resemblance of thfc lake to a fish trap. Minnesota — Indian ; meaning "sky- tinted water." Mississippi — Indian; meaning "great father of waters." Missouri — Indian ; meaning "mud- dy." Nebraska — Indian ; meaning "water valley." Nevada — Spanish ; meaning "snow- covered," alluding to the mountains. New Hampskire — From Hampshire county, England. New Jersey — In honor of Sir George Carteret, one of the original gran- tees, who had previously been gov- ernor of Jersey Island. New York — In honor of the Duke of York. Nortk and Soutk Carolina — Orig- inally called Carolina, in honor of Charles IX. of France. Okio — Indian ; meaning "beautiful river." Oregon — From the Spanish "ore- gano," wild marjoram, which grows abundantly on the coast. Pennsylvania — Latin; meaning Penn's woody land. Rkode Island — From a fancied re- semblance to the island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean. Tennessee — Indian; meaning "river with the great bend." Texas — Origin of this name is un- known. Vermont — French; meaning green mountain. Virginia — In honor of Elizabeth, the "Virgin Queen." Wisconsin — Indian; meaning "gath- ering of the waters," or "wild rush- ing channel." M7 DECISIVE BATTLES Marathon, B.C. 490. The Athe- nians, under Miltiades, defeated the Persians under Datis. Free govern- ment preserved. Syracuse, B.C. 414. The Athe- nians defeated by the Syracusans and their allies, the Spartans, under Gy- lippus. Arbela, B.C. 331. The Persians defeated by the Macedonians and Greeks under Alexander the Great. End of the Persian Empire. Metaurus, B.C. 207. The Car- thaginians, under Hasdrubul, v^ere de- feated by the Romans, under Caius and Marcus Livius. FMlippi, B.C. 42. Brutus and Cassius defeated by Octavius and An- tony. The fate of the Republic de- cided. Actium, B.C. 31. The combined fleets of Antony and Cleopatra de- feated by Octavius, and imperialism established in the person of Octavius. "Wimfeld-Lippe, A.D. 9. Teu- tonic independence established by the defeat of the Roman legions under Varus at the hands of the Germans under Arminius (Hermann). Ghalons, A.D. 451. The Huns, under Attila, called the "Scourge of God," defeated by the confederate armies of Romans and Visigoths. Tours, A.D. 732. The Saracens defeated by Charles Martel and Chris- tendom rescued from Islam. Hastings, A.D. 1066. Harold, commanding the English army, de- feated by William the Conqueror, and a new regime established in England by the Normans. Siege of Orleans, A.D. 1429. The English defeated by the French under Joan of Arc. Defeat of the Spanish Arma- i da, A.D. 1588. England saved Jrom ^ Spanish invasion. Lutzen, A.D. 1632. Decide^] the religious liberties of Germany, Gus- tavus Adolphus killed. Blenheim, A.D. 1704. The French and Bavarians, under Marshal Tallard, defeated by the English and their allies, under Marlborough. Pultowa, A.D. 1709. Charles XII., of Sweden, defeated by the Rus- sians under Peter the Great. Saratoga, A.D. 1777. Critical bat- tle of the American War of Indepen- dence. The English defeated by the Americans under Gen. Gates. Valmy, A.D. 1792. An invadinj: army of Prussians, Austrians, and Hessians, under the Duke of Bruns- wick, defeated by the French under Kellermann. The first success of the Republic against foreigners. Trafalgar. On the 21st of Octo- ber A. D. 1805, the great naval battle of Trafalgar was fought. The Eng- lish defeated the French and destroyed Napoleon's hopes to successfully in- vade England. Waterloo, A.D. 1815. The French under Napoleon, defeated by the allied armies of, Russia, Austria, Prussia and England, under Wellington. Siege of Sehastopol, A.D. 1854-5. The Russians succumbed to the be- leaguering armies of England, France and Turkey, and the result was delay in expansion of the Russian Empire. Gettysburg, July, A.D. 1863. The deciding battle of the war for the Union. Confederates under Gen. Lee defeated by Union forces under Meade. Sedan, A.D. 1870. The decisive battle of the Franco-German War. 948 A Dictionary of Commerqal and Legal Terms. A* Capital A endorsed on the face of an account or document may mean Audited, Accepted, or Approved. Small a, written @, means at, as, 10 yds. @ 14 cts. A. 1. Of first quality. Used tech- nically in shipping, but applied to other matters. The mark originated with the English Lloyds, who rate vessels Al, A2, and so down. In the American system the registry descends from A by fractions, Al, AI14, AlVa, A13^, A2. Abandonment. In marine insur- ance, the abandonment of property insured to the insurers. Abatement. Amount deducted from a bill for any cause ; a discount ; removal of a nuisance. Abator. One who removes a nui- sance. Abeyance. Held in suspense, as an unsettled estate. Abstract. Abridgment or epitome of a deed or other document. Acceptance. Agreement by the drawee of negotiable paper to pay the same. Agreement to terms of- fered. Acceptance supra Protest. Agree- ment to pay a note or bill after it has been protested, for the honor of tlie maker or an indorser. Acceptor. He who by his signature makes acceptance. Accession. Acquiring property at- tached as an incident. Accessory. One who instigates, en- courages or aids in the offense of another. Accommodation Paper. Notes or bills not representing an actual sale or trade transaction, but merely drawn to be discounted for the ben- efit of drawer, acceptor or indorsers, or all combined. Accord and Satisfaction. Offer and acceptance of one thing in place of another due. Account. A statement of sums and amounts due from one person to an- other and their offsets, arising from mutual transactions. Summary of debits and credits. Accountant. An expert in examin- ing books. Account Current. A running ac- count for a certain period, showing what is due at the present time. Account Sales. The account of a broker or commission agent, showing amount and rate of sales, expenses of freight, commission, etc., and net amount due the principal. Accretion. Gradual increase of land through natural causes. Accroach. To attempt to use power without authority. Accrue. To increase, to be due as profits. Acknowledgment. A receipt. In law, admission of facts. Acquittance. A written receipt in full, or discharge from all claims. Act. A formal writing expressing what has been done, as, an act of Congress, an act of bankruptcy. Actionaire. [Fr.] The holder of shares in a stock company. Actuary. Officer of a life insurance company ; expert in vital statistics and annuities. Act of God. A cause of injury not to be prevented by human means. Adjustment. Settlement of claims in marine or fire insurance. Deter- mining amount of loss and liability. In accounts, the settling of a dis- puted account. Admiralty Court. A court having jurisdiction in maritime matters. Ad Valorem. [Lat.] According tc the value. Commercial and I^egal Terms Ad Valorem Duties. Duties levied on goods according to value ; not by quantity, weight or measure. Op- posed to Specific Duties. Administer. To settle an estate as administrator or executor. Administrator. One who has charge of the estate of a man dying with- out a will, or appointed in place of an executor. Advance. Increase in value. Advances. Money paid before goods are delivered to buyer, or sold by broker. Adventure. Shipment of goods on shipper's own account. Merchants keep a debit and credit account with each enterprise, as, Adventure to Rio Janeiro. Adventure, Bill of. Writing signed by master of ship which carries goods at the owner's risk. Adventure in Co. Shipment of goods at joint risk of shipper and consignee. Adverse Possession. Possession of real property avowedly contrary to the claim of another person. Advice. Mercantile information sent by letter, called Letter of Advice. Affiant. One who makes an affidavit. Affidavit. Declaration under oath. Affiliation. Establishment of pater- nity. Affinity. Connection resulting from marriage. Aifreightment. The act of hiring a ship for transjDortation of goods. Agent. One wlio acts for another. Aggravation. In law, something enhancing crime or increasing dam- ages. Agio. [Ital.] Difference in value be- tween bank notes and gold, or be- tween one kind of paper money and another. Agiotage. Speculation on fluctua- tion of public securities. Agrarian. Relating to land. Agreement. A contract. Literally, the meeting of minds. Alias. [Lat.] A second or assumed name. Alien. One of foreign birth and alle- giance. Alimony. In divorce law, provision for support of a wife. Allegation. Rule for obtaining the nroDortion of ingredients in making mixtures, and the value of such mix- tures. Alliquot Part. A number contained within a larger number an exact number of times. Allonge. [Fr.] A paper pasted on a note or bill of exchange to allow more indorsements than the bill has room for. Allegiance. Obedience and support due to the government. Allotment Ticket. Order for pay- ment of wages to seaman's family at stated intervals during the voyage. Allow. To yield to another's profit ; to concede ; to discount. Allo"wance. Deduction from gross weight or amount. Sailor's rations. Alloy. [Fr., a la loi.] Baser metal introduced in coinage ; the union of different metals. Neither of the precious metals is used in absolute purity in coinage. Gold is alloyed with silver or copper ; silver, with nickel, brass, or copper. The pro- portion of alloy differs in different countries. Alluvion. Gradual increase of the shore of a stream. Amotion. A turning away or re- moval. Amount Gross. The total sum or aggregate. Amount Net. Total sum less proper deduction for expenses, discount, or charges. Ancestor. In law, embraces collat- erals as well as lineals. Anchorage. A spot near shore where ships are in safety. Holding ground. Ancient Writings. Deeds thirty years old may be admitted to evi- dence without proof. Anker. A foreign measure of about ten gallons. Annex. To take permanently, as to annex territory ; fixtures are an- nexed to the freehold. Annuity. A sum paid yearly or at stated intervals Answer. To be responsible for ; to reply. , Antedate. To date beforehand. Application. In insurance, the first step in obtaining a policy. Appellate Jurisdiction. Courts having power to review decisions of lower courts. Apply. To dispose of in a particular yso Coxumercial and Xiegal Terms manner, as, to apply funds in pay- ment of a note. Appraisement. Ascertaining the value of goods or property. Appraiser. He who appraises. In particular, an officer of government vv^ho ascertains the value of dutiable goods. Appreciate. To rise in value. Apprentice. A minor bound out to learn a trade. Apprize. Another form of appraise. Appropriation. Setting apart for a specific purpose. Government grant of money. Appurtenance. Something inciden- tal to another. Arbitration. Settlement of disputed claims or accounts by arbitrators. Arbitrators. Disinterested parties called in to settle disputes. Arbitration of Exchanges. Com- parison of currency of intermediate places, to discover whether it is more profitable to forward money directly or indirectly. Archives. State papers, records, charters, and other important docu- ments. Article. A single piece of goods ; a division of a document or contract. Arson. The malicious burning of an- other's house. Articles of Partnership. The con- tract between the parties. Articles of War. ^ Rules for the government of army and navy. Assay. To test the purity of precious metals. Assess. To levy a tax or share of expenses. Assets. Funds of an individual, firm, or corporation ; resources ; opposed to liabilities. Assignats. Paper money of France after the revolution, never redeemed. Assignee. A person to whom an as- signment is made ; trustee for the creditors of a bankrupt estate. Assignment. Conditional transfer of property for safe keeping, or ad- justment. Assignor. One who transfers his property to assignees for the benefit of creditors or for other reasons. Assizes. [Eng.] A criminal court for jury trials held from place to place. Association. A body of men ; a stock comnany ; a society. Assortment. A quantity of goods varying in form, color, style, size, or price. Assumpsit. An action to recover damages for breach of contract. Assurance. Nearly synonymous with insuT'ance ; an agreement to pay on a contingency sure to occur. Attachment. A seizure of property or person by order of the court, to be held until the cause is decided. Attest. To witness by signature a document or judicial* act. Attorney. An agent ; an officer of the court ; a counselor. Attorney, Power of. Written au- thority for one person to act for another. Attorney General. The chief law officer of the government. Attorn. To agree to become tenant to one to whom reversion has been granted. Auction. Public sale to highest bid- der. Auctioneer. A person licensed tc sell by auction. Audit. To scrutinize accounts and' vouchers. Auditor. One authorized to examine accounts ; an officer of the United States Treasury. Aver. To assert formally. Average, The mean value ; medium, quality i sl fair sample. Average, Generalo In marine in- surance, a proportionate contribu- tion levied on ship and goods to cover necessary sacrifice of a part. Average, Particular. Partial dam- age of ship alone, or of cargo alone, arising from ordinary wear and tear or mishaps. Average, Petty. Small charges, such as pilotage, port charges, and the like, borne in part by ship and part by cargo. Average of Payments. Method of finding the time when payment may be made of several sums due at dif- ferent dates without loss to either party. Avoid. In law, to nullify. Avulsion. Lands torn by the cur- rent from one estate and added tx? another. ?ihl Doxnmercial and Legal Terms Bail. A surety for appearance ; the amount pledged. Bailments. In law of contracts, de- livery of goods for some purpose. Balance. Difference necessary to make dehit and credit sides of an ac- count equal ; weighing scales. Balance Account. An account made up of balances of different accounts ; a brief summary of the state of a business. Balance Sheet. A paper giving a summary and -balance of accounts. Balance of Trade. Difference in value between total exports and im- ports of a country. Ballast. Weight used to steady a ship ; in balance, loaded with ballast instead of cargo. Bale. A package of goods or produce. Banco. Difference between bank value and current value of money. Bank. An institution for deposit, discount, and circulation. Bankable. Capable of passing at par at a bank. Bankbook. Passbook of a bank, showing state of depositor's account. Bank Hours. Usually from 9 or 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. Banker. A dealer in money ; one entrusted with funds by others. Bankrupt. One unable to meet his business liabilities ; the word liter- ally means troken up. Bank Stock. Shares in a banking company ; paid up capital of a bank divided into shares. Bar. A final defense; profession of law. Bargain. An agreement of sale; an advantageous commercial transac- tion. Barque or Bark. A three-masted vessel, rigged square as to fore and main masts, and "fore and aft" as to mizzen mast. Barratry. In shipping, any wilful breach of duty or trust by master or crew, as against owners or insur- ers ; in common law, malicious stir- ring up of litigation. Barrel. A measure of capacity, con- taining 311/4 gallons, wine measure ; 36 gallons, beer measure ; 32 gallons, ale measure. Barrel Bulk. In freight meas,ure- ment, 5 cubic feet. Barrister. English name for a law yer who practices in the courts. Barter. To exchange one kind of goods for another. Base Court. An inferior court, not one of record. Bazaar. [Turk.] Place of trade; specially applied to shops for sale of fancy articles. Beacon. General word for light' house or light-ship. Bear. In Stock Exchange slang, one who strives to depress the price of stocks. Bearer. He who holds and presents for payment a note, bill, check, or draft. Bearer, Payable to. Negotiable paper so drawn need not be indorsed. Benck Warrant. One issued by a superior court judge. Bill. A statement of accounts due ; general term for all negotiable paper. Bill Book. In bookkeeping, the ac- count kept of all notes, drafts and bills of exchange. Billhead. A printed form of bills, with business address at the top. Bill of Discovery. Application to equity court to compel disclosure of facts. Bill of Entry. A bill of goods en- tered at the custom-house. Bill of Exceptions. A written list of exceptions to a court's decisions. Bill of Exchange. A written order from one person to another, ordering or requesting him to pay a certain sum of money to a third person at a given date. Bill, Domestic or Inland. A bill of exchange payable in the country where drawn. Bill, Foreign. A bill of exchange payable in a foreign country ; usu- ally drawn in duplicate or triplicate. Bill of Lading. A receipt given by a ship's master for goods received for carriage, promising to deliver the same at a certain time and place, dangers of the sea excepted : four copies are usually made, one for master, one for shipper, one to be sent in ship to consignee, the fourth sent by some other ship. Bill of Parcels. Sometimes used for invoice. Bill of Particularso Specification 952 Commercial autd Legal Terms of demands for which an action is brought. Bill of Sale. A contract under seal for the sale of goods. Bill o£ Siglit. A form of Custom- House entry, allowing consignee to see goods before paying duty. Bills Payable. Notes and bills is- sued in favor of other parties by a merchant. Bills Receivalile. Notes and bills made by others and payable to our- selves. Blank Credit. Permission to draw money on account, no sum being specified. Bona Fide. [Lat.] In good faith. Blackmail. Extortion of money by threats. Blockading. Obstructing an ene- my's ports. Board of Trade. About equivalent to CJiamher of Commerce or Mer- chants' Exchange ; an association of business men to regulate matters of trade and further their interests, and for the settlement of differences be- tween its members. Bond. A legal document by which a person binds himself to pay money or do something under penalty of paying a sum fixed. Bond Creditor. A creditor whose debt is secured by a bond. Bond Debt. A debt contracted un- der obligation of a bond. Bonded Goods. Goods on which bonds instead of cash have been given for import duties. Bonded Warehouse. Buildings owned by persons approved of by the Secretary of the Treasury, and who have given bonds or guarantee for the strict observance of the rev- enue laws ; used for storing imported merchandise until the duties are paid or the goods re-shipped without entry. Bondsman. One who gives security for the payment of money, perform- ance of an act, or integrity of an- other. Bonns< Additional money paid be- yond interest ; extra profits. Book Debts. Accounts charged on the books. Bookkeeper. One who keeps mer- cantile accounts. Bookkeeping, Single Entry. That system of bookeeping which requires only one entry for a single transac- tion. Bookkeeping, Double Entry. The system of bookkeeping which re- quires for every transaction two en- tries, one on the debit and one on the credit side. Borougk. An incorporated town or village. Bottomry Bond. The mortgage of a vessel for sums advanced for the use of the ship. Bougkt and Sold Notes. Notes given by a broker to the seller and buyer respectively. Bounty. A bonus or premium given to encourage trade. Brand. Literally a mark of desig- nation made by a hot iron ; any trade-mark, device, or name : the particular quality of a class of goods. Breach of Trust. Violation of his duty by a trustee. Breadstuffs. Any kind of grain, corn, or meal. Breakage. Allowance made by a shipper for loss by the destruction of fragile wares. Breaking in. Such violence as is necessary to constitute burglary. Breaking Bulk. Opening packages of goods in transit. Brief. A concise summary or state- ment of a case. Broker. An agent or factor ; a mid- dleman paid by commission ; the most common are Bill, Exchange, Insurance, Produce, Ship, and Stock Brokers. Bull. Stock Exchange slang for a broker or dealer who believes that the value of stocks will rise and speculates for a rise, "goes long" on a stock. Bullion. Uncoined gold or silver. Burden of Proof. Obligation of a party asserting a fact to prove it. Burglary. At common law, break- ing into a house in the night time with felonious intent. Bushel. A cylindrical measure, 18% inches in diameter and 8 inches deep inside ; its capacity is 2,150 42-100 cubic inches. By-Lavir. Local or restricted munic ipal regulations. 953 Commercial and Legal TeTm.s Cabinet. Advisory council of a sov- ereign or president. Calculate. To determine by reckon- ing ; to adjust by comparison. Call. Demand for payment of instal- ments due on stock. Call. In Stock Exchange slang, a privilege given to another to "call" for delivery of stock at a time and price fixed. Cancel. To annul or erase; often done by stamp or punch. Canon. A precept of ecclesiastical law. Capias. Writ commanding sheriff to take defendant or a witness into custody. Capital. Money invested in busi- ness ; amount of assets. Capitalist. One having money to invest ; a wealthy man. Capital 0£^ense. One punishable by death. Capital Stock. The aggregate amount invested in a stock com- pany ; total value of stock at par. Capitation. Tax levied by polls. Carat. A measure of weight for gold and precious stones. Cargo. Merchandise laden on a ship for transportation. Carrier. One who carries goods for another. Cartage. The amount due for cart- ing goods. Carte Blanclie. [Fr.] Literally white paper ; free or full powers. Case. A box for holding goods or merchandise ; at law, an action or suit. Case, Action on tlie. A common law form of action. Cash. Ready money; gold, silver, bank-notes ; checks and drafts are usually included. Casli-Book. A book of entry for money paid in and out. Cashier. One who has charge of money ; a bank officer. Cassation. [Fr.] Act of annulling; reversal. Cash Sales. Sales for cash. Caveat. _ Formal notice not to inter- fere with one's rights. iCertificate. A written voucher, as, a certificate of deposit, a stock- certificate. Certified Check. One accepted by the bank on which it is drawn as good. . Chamher of Commerce. An asso- ciation of merchants for the encour- agement of trade. Charter. A grant by a State em- powering a corporated association to do business. Charter-Party. A written contract for the hire of a vessel for a given voyage. Check. An order on a bank for pay- ment of money on demand to bearer or the order of some person. Check-Book. A printed book of blank checks. Check-Clerk. One who examines accounts of other clerks ; a bank clerk who enters up checks. Choses in Action. Personal prop- erty for which the right of action exists but which has not been re- duced to possession. Circular. A printed letter of adver- tisement. Circular Note. A note or bill issued by bankers for the accommodation of travelers, calling upon correspon- dents at different places to pay money on demand. Clearance. A Custom House certifi- cate that a ship is free to leave. Clearing. 1. Entering a ship at the Custom House and obtaining clear- ance. 2. In banking, exchange of checks and settling balances at the Clearing House. Clearing House. A banking ex- change for daily settlements. C. O. D. Collect on delivery ; method of payment for goods sent by ex- press. Collateral. In law of descent, that which is not lineal ; a grandson is of lineal, a nephew of collateral de- scent. Collateral Security. A secondary security to be available if the chief security fail. Collector. One authorizel to receive money for another ; chief officer of a Custom House. Conxmerce. Extended trade or traffic. Commission. An agent's percentage for transacting business. Commission Broker, One who buys or sells on commission. Commissioner of Deeds* An at- 954 Commercial and Hegal Terms torney or notary authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds in a for- eign State. C/ommon Carrier, A public con- veyer of .goods or passengers. Common Law. Unwritten law, as distinguished from written or stat- ute law. Company. An association in busi- ness ; a joint stock concern. Compound Interest. Interest on both principal and interest. Composition. A payment by a debtor of a percentage of his debts as settlement in full. Consideration. Value received ; a bonus. Consignee. One to whom goods are sent. Consignment. Goods sent to an agent to be sold. Consols. Government securities of England, paying three per cent. Consul. A representative of one country in a port of another to pro- tect trade interests and the rights of seamen and other citizens. Consulage. Duty paid by merchants for protection of commerce abroad. Contraband. Prohibited goods or merchandise ; smuggled goods. Contraband of War. Goods which neutral ships are forbidden to carry to belligerents; as munitions or arms. Contract. An agreement ; a bargain. Contractor. One who engages to do certain work or furnish goods at fiy»d rates ; a public supply agent. Conveyance. A written instrument by which property is transferred ; a deed. Cooperage. Charge for putting hoops on casks or barrels. Copying-Press. An instrument for taking impressions from damp paper. Corner. In stock and grain broker's slang, the buying up of a large quantity of stock or grain to raise the price. Corporation. A body of business men authorized by law to transact certain business. Counter-Entry. An entry in a con- trary sense. Counting Room. A merchant's business office. Coupon. [Fr.] A certificate of in- terest attached to bonds or stock, to be cut off when due. Court of Equity. One having a chancery or equity jurisdiction ; not limited by the common law. Cr. Abbreviation for Credit; the Cr, side of an account is on the right hand. Credit. In bookkeeping, value re- ceived or transferred from the party ; opposite of dehit; financial standing ; power to obtain loans. Creditor, One to whom money or value is due. Credit Mobilier, An association intending to buy up and conduct railroads or other companies on lim- ited liability principles ; in this coun- try the most noted was the Credit Mobilier Company of the Pacific Railroad. Curbstone Broker, A broker not a member of the regular Stock Ex- change. Currency, The circulating medium of a country. Current, Passing freely; now run- ning, as, current accounts. Customs. Taxes on goods exported or imported. Custom House, A place appointed to receive customs. Custom House Entry, A statement made and fees paid in clearing a ship. Customary Xia-w, Practices which have become law through the long usage of the mercantile world,. Damages. Compensation for injury received. Date, Day of the month and year. Day-Book, A book for recording daily transactions. Days of Grace. Three days allowed for payment of notes or bills after the time specified has elapsed. In some other countries more than three are allowed. Debase. To lessen in value; as, a debased coinage. Debenture. A Custom House cer- tificate entitling an exporter to a drawback on duties paid. Debit. To make debtor ; opposite of credit ; a charge entered. Debtor. One who owes; opposite of creditor. 955 Coxumercial and Legal Terms Decimal. A tenth part ; by tenths. Declined. Decreased in value. Deed. A sealed legal instrument, transferring property, usually land. Default. Failure to pay. Defendant, in law, the one against whom a claim or charge is made. Deficit. A lack of funds to balance accounts. Del Credere. [Ital.] Extra com- mission given an agent in consider- ation of his warranting the solvency of the purchaser. Demand. Claim for payment. Demnrrage, Forfeit money for de- tention of vessels beyond the time allowed by a charter-party. Deposit. Money left with a bank subject to order ; payment on ac- count. Depot. A place of storage or ware- house ; improperly used of a ^rail- way station. Derelict. Ship or cargo abandoned at sea. Deterioration. Lessening in value. Deviation. The departure of a ship from her regular course to stop at other ports. Directors. The managers of a stock company. Discliarge. To pay a debt ; to un- load a ship. Discount. A sum thrown off the amount of a note or bill ; a deduc- tion ; to discount is to lend money on bills after deducting the interest. Discount Broker. One who lends money on notes or bills. Dissolution. Breaking up of a partnership. Dividend. Payment of the profits of a joint stock concern, pro rata, pro- portional payment to creditors out of a bankrupt estate. Dockage ©r Dock Dues. Charges for the use of a dock. Docket. A ticket or mark on goods showing measurement or destina- tion ; a list of cases before a court. Donee. One to whom something is given. Draft. An order to pay money; a rough copy of a writing ; a deduc- tion from gross weight of goods ; number of feet which a ship sinks in the water. Draw. To make a draft; to call for funds. Drawback. An allowance or return of duties paid at the Custom House. Drawer. The maker of a draft or bill of exchange. Drawee. The one on whom a draft or bill is drawn. Drayage. Charges on goods hauled by a dray ; cartage. Drummer. One who solicits custom for a merchant by showing samples. Dry Goods. Commercial name for textile fabrics. Due. Owing ; that which is owed. Due Bill. A written acknowledg- ment of debt, not negotiable. Dun. To demand payment. Dunnage. Loose articles of a cargo ; loose material laid on the fcottom of the ship's hold to raise goods and prevent injury by water. Duplicate. A copy ; a second article of the same kind. Duress. Confinement ; restraint ; com- pulsion. Duties. Taxes levied by a govern- ment on exports or imports. Eagle. A gold coin of the United States, value ten dollars. E, E. Abbreviation for errors ex- cepted. Effects. Property ; goods on hand ; the possessions of a firm. Ejectment. Dispossession of houses or land ; forcing out. Ell. A measure of length, 1 yard, 9 inches. Embargo. Order of a government forbidding ships to leave its ports. Embark. To enter a ship for a voy- age ; to engage in any enterprise. Emporium. A commercial city; a place of trade. . Endorse. To transfer notes, bills, or checks by writing one's name on the back ; to guarantee payment. Endorsee. He in whose favor en- dorsement is made. Endorser. One who endorses. Engrosser. One who takes the whole of a line of goods ; a fore- staller ; one who "corners the mar- ket" on commodities ; an ornamental penman. Engrossing Clerk. A copyist; a copying clerk. Entrepot. A place where goods are deposited without paying duty, to 9.56 Commercial and Ijegal Terms await transportation ^elsewhere; a free port. Entry. In bookkeeping, any record made ; depositing a ship's papers with the "Custom House. Equity. A branch of jurisprudence distinct from the common law. Equity of Redemption. Privilege allowed to a mortgagor to redeem property within a given time. Estoppel. Preclusion of a person from asserting a fact or doing an act inconsistent with previous acts or declarations. Examiner. A Custom House officer who compares goods with invoices. Exchange. Place where merchants meet to transact business ; percent- age on sale of bills ; difference of value between different currencies. Exchange Broker. One who nego- tiates foreign bills of exchange. Exchequer. A treasury ; summary of finances. Excise. Internal revenue tax. Executed. Finished ; accomplished in legal form. Executor. One appointed to carry out the provisions of a will. Executory. To be performed in the future. Executrix. Feminine form of exec- iitor. Exhibit. Voucher or document pre- sented in court ; transcript of ledger balances. Export. To send goods to a foreign country. Export Duty. Tax imposed on ex- ports. Exporter. One who exports. Exports. The goods or merchandise exported. Express. To transmit with celerity. Express Company. A corporation engaged in the business of trans- porting goods and money from one place to another more quickly than can be done by sending as ordinary freight. Extension. Allowance of time for payment to a debtor ; carrying out items of a bill or account. E. & O. E. "Errors and Omissions Excepted." Face. The amount for which a note is drawn. Fac Simile. [Lat.] An exact copy; a counterpart. Factor. An agent appointed to sell goods on commission ; a consignee. Factorage. Commissions allowed to factors. Facture. An invoice or bill of goods. Failure. Becoming bankrupt ; sus- pension of payment. Fair. Of average quality ; above mid- dling. Fall. Decrease in price or value. False Pretenses. Misstatements made with intent to defraud. Fancy Goods. Light fabrics, rib- bons, laces, etc. Fare. Charge for passage. Farthing. An English copper coin worth half a cent ; an insignificant value. Fee. Payment ; charge of a pro- fessional man ; a gratuity. Fee- Simple. In real estate, an abso- lute title ; one with no conditions attached. Finance. Funds; public money; revenue. Financier. One skilled in money matters. Fire Insurance. Indemnity against loss by fire. Fire Policy. The writing by which insurers agree to pay fire insurance. Firm. Name, style or title of a busi ness concern ; the partners taken collectively. Five-Forties. United States Bonds, issued during the war, redeemable any time after five years, payable at not more than forty years after date, bearing 6 per cent, interest. Five-Twenties. United States Bonds, redeemable any time after five years, payable twenty years from date, bearing 6 per cent, in- terest. Fixtures. Anything of an accessory nature annexed to real estate ; that which forms a part of realty. Flat. Inactive ; depressed ; dull ; flat value of stock and bonds is the value without interest. Flotsam. Goods thrown into the sea which swim. F. O. B. "Free on board;" trans- portation and shipping expenses in- cluded. Footing. Amount of a column .o! figures. 957 Coxnmercial and Legal Terms Forced Sale, Sale of commodity- under compulsion or foreclosure. JForeclose. To seize property under the conditions of a mortgage. Foreign Bill. A bill of exchange drawn in one country upon a citizen of another. Forestall. To buy up goods before the regular time of sale; to bring about an increase in the price of provisions. Forwarder. A merchant or agent who transmits or forwards goods. Fractional Currency. United States paper money for sums less than a dollar. Franc. French unit of coinage ; 100 centimes; value, 18 3-5 cents. Franking. Privilege of sending let- ters free of charge. Fraud. In law, any wrongful arti- fice, device or concealment by which pecuniary damage is done to an- other. Free Goods. Goods admitted with- out an import tax. Free Port. A port where ships may load and unload free from duties. Free Trade. Trade not restricted by tariff duties for "protection," Freight. Sums paid for transporta- tion of merchandise or hire of a ship ; less properly, the goods car- ried. Funded. Made into a permanent loan on which interest is paid. Funds. Ready money ; shares in a national debt ; public securities. , Garbles. Dust, filth or soil removed from spices, drugs, etc. ; to garble is to separate this refuse. Garnislinient. Legal notice attach- ing goods or money of one person in the hands of another. G-^rnishee. The person on whom is served a writ of garnishment or "trustee process," ordering him to appear in court and give informa- tion in regard to the goods of an- other, the original debtor, in his hands. Gauge. To measure the contents of a, cask ; measure or standard. General Order Store. A bonded warehouse to which merchandise not claimed within a certain time is sent under a "General Order." Goods. Merchandise; movable prop- erty. Good Will, The interest of an es- tablished business in the way of trade and custom. Grain. Collective name for all cereals. Great Gross. Twelve gross ; i. e., 1,728 articles. Gross. Twelve dozen ; total amount ; opposed to net. Gross Ton. Twenty-two hundred and forty pounds. Guarantee. The one to whom se- curity is given or guaranty made. Guarantor, One making a guar- anty. Guaranty. Security; an undertak- ing that one person will pay money to another or fulfil a contract. Gunny-Bags. Sacks of coarse ma- terial used for coffee. Hand. Measure of animals' height ; about four inches. Hand-Money. Money paid to bind a bargain. Harbor, A place of security for ves- sels. Harbor-Dues. Charges made for use of a harbor. Harbor-Master. An officer having charge of a harboro Hogsbead, A measure of capacity; 2 barrels, or 63 gallons ; a large cask. Holder, He in whose possession a note or bill may be. Hollo-w-Ware. Trade name for cast or wrought iron vessels, ket- tles, etc. Honor. To accept and pay a note, draft or bill. Husbandage, Compensation paid to a "ship's husband" {which see). Hypothecate, To pledge as secur- ity; to mortgage chattels. Immovables, Land, houses, and fix tures ; real estate. Importer, A merchant who imports goods. Imports, Goods brought from a foreign country. Impost, Government tax on im ported goods. Income. Total amount of receipts from all sources ; yearly gains. 95? Commercial and Legal Terms IxLcome Tax. A government tax of a percentage on the income of indi- viduals or corporations. Indemnification. Making good a loss ; securing one against damages. Indemnity. Guarantee against loss ; freedom ; compensation for damages suffered. Index. Names of titles or accounts arranged alphabetically. Indorse. See Endorse, etc. Indulgence. Extension of time for payment. Inland Bill. A bill of exchange or draft drawn upon a person in the same State or Country. Insolvent. Unable to pay outstand- ing liabilities ; bankrupt. Instalment. A part payment or part delivery of goods. Instant. Of the present month, as, the 12th inst. Insurable Interest. Such an in- terest as will entitle a person to obtain insurance on the life or prop- erty of another. Insurance. A contract in which one party, the insurer, agrees in con- sideration of the premium, to pay a certain sum on the death of the insured or to indemnify him for loss to property by fire or marine risks. Insurance Broker. One who ne- gotiates insurance contracts. Interest. Money paid for use of ■ money ; share in a business or venture. Interest Account. In bookkeeping, a separate account of sums paid and received as interest. Internal R-evenup. Government revenue derived from domestic sources. Intestate. Not disposed of by a valid will ; one who dies without a will. In Transitu. [Lat.] On the road; not brought to an end. Inventory. A list of goods and merchandise on hand ; any enumera- tion of articles ; a schedule. Investment. Placing of money in business or securities. Invoice. Account of merchandise shipped, with prices and charges annexed. Invoice Book. A book for entering copies of invoices. Involved. Confused ; embarrassed by liabilities. Jettison. Throwing goods over- board or cutting away masts and sails to save a vessel. Jetsam. Goods thrown into the sea which have sunk. Jobber. One who buys from im- porters or manufacturers and sells to retailers ; a middleman. Job Lot. Goods Jeft over ; an odd assortment. Joint Stock. That held in com- pany ; stock formed by the union of several companies. Joint Stock Company. A business association, the capital of which is represented by shares of stock. Joint Tenants. Those who have not only unity of possession, but also of title and interest, and the survivor takes the whole. Journal. An account book interme- diate between Day-Book and Ledger. Judgment. A judicial decree ; de- cision of a court. Judgment Note. One containing a power of attorney from maker to payee to confess judgment for the maker to the extent of face and interest. Jurisdiction. Extent of a court's authority as to place, sum, or sub- ject matter. Lame Duck. Stock-brokers' slang for one unable to meet his liabilities. Land. To discharge cargo ; to dis- embark. Law, Merchant. Body of law re- lating to mercantile customs. Law Days. Days allowed in a char- ter-party for unloacMng a ship. Lay Down. Cost of merchandise, including charges and freight to place of shipment. Lazzaretto. [Ital.] A place in Quarantine where goods are fumi- gated. Leakage. An allowance made for waste by leaking of casks. Lease. An agreement for letting lands or tenements for life, a term of years or months, or at will. Legal Tender. Currency or coin which a government has declared 959 Commercial and Legal Terms shall be received in payment of debts ; a formal proffer , of money to pay a debt ; if refused, the credi- tor cannot recover. Lessee. One to whom a lease is given. Lessor. One who makes a lease. Letter Book. That in which copies of letters sent and received are made. Letter of Advice. One giving no- tice of a shipment made, bill drawn, or other business ^ transaction. Letter of Credit. One authorizing credit to a certain amount to be given to the bearer. Letter ©f License. One by which creditors of an insolvent debtor post- pone their claims and allow him to continue trade. Letter of Marqne. Commission from a government to a private ship to seize and destroy ships and prop- erty of a hostile country. Letters of Administration. Au- thority given to administer an in- testate estate, or one in regard to which the executor has refused to act. Letters Patent. A writing executed and sealed, granting power and authority to do some act, or enjoy some right. Letters Testamentary. Authority to an Executor to act as such, after probate of will has been made. Liability. That for which one is responsible ; debts ; .obligations. Lien. A hold or claim on property to secure a debt. License. Permission to trade or act, as liquor license, peddler's license. Lighterage. Payment for unloading ships by lighters or boats. Liquidation. Settlement or adjust- ment of liabilities. Lloyds\ An old association of Eng- lish marine underv/riters (in- surers) which formally met at Lloyd's coffee house, London. The company possesses complete records of everything pertain'ng to marine matters and has a vast correspond- ence. To rate on Lloyd's books as Al is accepted as conclusive evidence of excellence. Lloyds' Register. A yearly regis- ter of tonnage, age, build, charac- ter, and condition of ships, issued by the Lloyds. Loan. Money or property furnished for temporary use ; a public debt. Loan Oifice. An office where loans are negotiated. Log-Book. A book in which is re- corded the daily progress of a ves- sel, weather notes, and all incidents. Long Price. Price after duties are paid. Longstoremen. Laborers who load and unload vessels. M Manifest. A list or invoice of a ship's cargo and passengers to be exhibited at Custom Houses. Manifold W^riter. A contrivance by which several copies may be ob- tained at once ; it consists of several sheets covered with a preparation of plumbago. Manufactures. Articles which have undergone some process; not crude or raw. Marine Insurance. Insurance on vessels and cargo. Mark. A letter, figure, or device, by which goods and prices are distin* guished ; private marks are usually made by selecting a word of ten letters and letting each letter stand for a digit. Market. A public place of sale for provisions or other wares. Mart. A market ; a place of traffic Maturity. Time fixed for payment; becoming due. Maximum. The highest price or sum. Measurement Goods. Goods on which freight is charged by meas- urement. Mercantile Agency. A concern which procures and furnishes infor- mation as to the financial standing and credit of business firms. Mercantile Paper. Notes or bills issued by merchants for goods bought or consigned. Merchantable. Fit for market ; in sornd condition. Merchant. One who buys and sells foods, generally applied to whole- salers or large dealers. Merchant Service. Trading ships taken collectively ; the management of merchant vessels. 960 ComxcLercial and Xiegal Terms Merger. Absorption of a lesser by a greater debt or obligation. Metallic Currency. Silver, gold, and copper coinage. Metric System. A decimal system of weights and measures, first estab- lished in France ; now in general use in Europe and growing into use in English-speaking countries. Minimum. Lowest price; least quantity possible. Mint. A place for coining money. Misfeasance. The doing of a law- ful act in an unlawful manner. Mitigation. Reduction of a penalty or fine ; that which in part excuses. Mixed Fabrics. Those composed of more than one kind of fibre, as wool and cotton. Money. The measure of value and medium of exchange ; strictly speak- ing, money must have intrinsic value to the amount it represents, as gold or silver; but bank notes and sometimes checks are included. Money-Broker. One who deals in money. Money Market. The general sys- tem of cash loans ; the exchange of different kinds of currency. Money Order. An order requesting one person to pay money to an- other ; not negotiable ; most com- monly used of post-office orders. ^ Monopoly. Sole power of dealing in certain class of goods. Mortgage. A conditional convey- ance of property, to become void upon fulfillment of the condition, as, the payment of a note. Mortgage Deed. A deed of the na- ture of a mortgage. Mortgagee. The person to whom property is mortgaged. Mortgagor. One who gives a mort- gage. Movables. Personal property ; prop- erty not fixed. Muster. A collection of samples. N National Banks. Banks organized under the conditions of an Act of Congress ; they can issue bank notes only to the amount of United States Bonds they have deposited in the U. S. Treasury. Negotiable Paper. Notes, bills, and drafts which may be transferred with all their rights by indorsement or assignment. Negotiation. Agreeing upon a mw- cantile transaction ; making a bar- gain ; fixing a price. Net. The clear amount ; what re- mains after deducting charges and expenses. Net Profits. Clear profit, after de ducting losses. Net Weiglit. Weight of merchan« dise without bag, box, or covering. Nominal. In name only ; very small, as, a nominal price. Non-feasance. The not doing of what ought to be done. Notary Public. A public officer who attests or certifies to acknowl- edgment of deeds and other papers, protests notes and #ills, etc. Notarial Seal. Seal of a notary public. Note of Hand. A written under- taking to pay money at a certain time. Note iBook. A book in which noteg of hand are recorded. Obligation. A duty ; a Ijinding en^ gagement; bond with condition an* nexed. On Sale. Goods left with another person to sell on account. Open Account. A running or un* settled account. Opening. The display of a new stock of ^ goods for sale. Open Policy. In marine insurance, a policy which covers undefined risks. Option. Permission to choose ; in stock-broking, privilege of taking or delivering stock at a given day and price. I Order. A commission to purchase; directions to pay money or deliver goods. Order Book. That in which orders received are entered. Ordinary. A ship in harbor is said to be in ordinary ; of medium qual- ity. Outstanding Accounts. B o o ^ debts not yet collected. Overdra-w. To call for more monej than is on deposit. Overdue. Applied to a note or draf^ 961 CommeTcial and Legal Terms the specified time for payment of which has passed. Overt. Apparent ; manifest ; open. Package. A bundle ; a parcel ; a bale. Panic. A monetary pressure ; finan- cial crisis. Paper. Negotiable evidence of in- debtedness. Paper Money. Bills of banks or the government passing current as money. :Parole. [Fr.j Not written, as, parole evidence. Par Value. The face or nominal value. Par of Escliange. The value of a unit of one country's coinage ex- nressed in that of another's. Partner. An associate in business; member of a partnership. Partnership. Contract of two or more persons to join money, stock, or skill in trade for mutual benefit. Fart O-wner. One of several owners of a ship ; the relation differs ma- terially from partnership. Pass Book. A book kept by a cus- tomer in which entries of purchases are made ; a bank book. Passport, A permission from a gov- ernment to travel, with identifica- tion and certificate of nationality. Pawnbroker. One who lends money at interest on security of goods de- posited. Payable. Justly due ; capable of payment. Payee. The person to whose order a note, bill, or draft is to be paid. Per Cent. [Lat.] By the hundred ; rates of interest, discount, etc. Per Centage. [Lat.] An allow- ance reckoned by hundredth parts ; commission. Per Contra. [Lat.] To the oppo- site side of an account. Permit. Written authority to re- move dutiable goods. Petty Cash Book. Account of small receipts and expenses. Policy. The instrument by which the contract of insurance is made. Port. A harbor for vessels ; a com- mercial city. Port of Entry. A port where a Custom House is established for the entry of imports. ^ Post-Date. To date after the real time. Posting. To transfer from day-book or journal to the ledger. Post Obit. A promise to pay loans after the death of some person. Power of Attorney. Written au- thority from one person to another to act for him. Preferred Creditor. One whose claims a bankrupt debtor elects to settle first. Premium. A sum beyond par value : the amount paid annually in insur- ance contracts. Price Current. A statement show- ing prevailing price of merchandise, stock, or securities. Price List. A list of articles with prices attached. Prime. Of high quality ; superior. Principal. The sum on which in- terest is paid. Proceeds. The sum realized by a sale. Procuration. A general letter or power of attorney. Produce. Farm products of aU. kinds. Profit and Loss. An account ia which gains and losses are balanced. Promissory Note. (See Note.) Pro Ratac [Lat.] A proportional distribution. Protective Tariff. Duty imposed on imports to encourage manu- factures. Protest. Notice to the sureties of a note that it was not paid at ma- turity or to the drawer of a draft that acceptance was refused. Purveyor, One who supplies pro- Quarantine. Restraint of inter- course to which a ship is subjected on suspicion of infection ; the place of such restraint. Quitrent. Rent paid by tenant of a freehold, discharging him from other rent. Quotation. Current Prices of stocks or ;^ommodities. 962 Commercial and Legal Terms Mev'kl Estate. Land, houses and fix- tares ; all immovable property. Re'kate. Deduction ; abatement ; discount ; giving back part of sum already paid. Receipt. A written acknowledgment of payment. Receipt Book. .,A book in which receipts are filed. Receiver. An officer appointed by a court to hold in trust property in litigation, or to wind up the affairs of a bankrupt concern. Recoup. To counterbalance losses by gains.^ Reetiiicatioii. Second distillation of alcoholic liquors. Register. A ship's paper, issued by the Custom House, stating descrip- tion, name, tonnage, nationality, and ownership. Re-insurance. Transfer of part of the contract of insurance from one insurer to another. Remittance. Transfer of funds from one party to another. Reneival. Giving a new note for an old one ; extension of time. Rent. Compensation for the use of real estate. Rente. A French term equivalent to government annuity. Repository. A warehouse or store- house. Reprisal. The seizure of ships or property to indemnify for unlawful seizure or detention. Respondentia- Bond. A bond for a loan secured by the cargo of a ship. Retail. To sell in small quantities. Returns. Profit on an investment. Revenue. Income of a State; taxes received. Revenue Cutter. A small govern- ment vessel used in collecting taxes and preventing smuggling. Reverslan. Right to possess prop- erty after the happening of some event, as the death of a person. Sale. Transfer of property for a con- sideration. Salvage. Compensation given those who rescue ship or cargo from loss. Salvor. One who voluntarily en- gages in saving a ship or cargo from peril. Sample. A small portion of mer- chandise taken as a specimen of quality. Sans Recours. [Fr.] Without re- course ; sometimes added to an in- dorsement of a note or bill to protect indorser from liability. Scrip. Certificate of stock given be- fore registration. Sea-worthy. Fit for a voyage and properly equipped. Securities. Documents securing a right to property. Sell. To make a sale ; to transfer for consideration. Set-Oi£. A counter claim or cross debt arising from a different mat- ter from the one in question. Sliare. Interest owned by one of a number ; unit of the division of stock. Ship. Technically, a three-masted square-rigged vessel ; commonly used for any large vessel. Shipment. Quantity of goods dis- patched. Shipper. One who dispatches goods by vessel or other conveyance. Shipping. Collective term for a number of vessels. Shipping Articles. Articles of agreement between captain and sea- men. Shipping Clerk. One who oversees the forwarding of merchandise. Ship's Hushand. One who attends to the requisite repairs of a ship while in port, and does all the other necessary acts preparatory to a voy- age. Ship's Papers. Papers which a ves- sel must carry ; register, sea-letter, logbook, bill of health, shipping articles, etc. Ship's Stores. Provisions, fuel, cables, extra spars, etc. Short. To "sell short" is to sell for future delivery what one has not got in hopes that prices will fall. Short Exchange. Bills of exchange payable at sight or in a few days. Shrinkage. Reduction in bulk or measurement. Sight. The time when a bill is pre= sented to the drawee. Sight Draft. One payable at sight i. e., when presented. Signature. The name of a person written by himself. 963 Comniercial and. Legal Terms Silent Partner. One who furnishes capital but takes no active part in a business. Simple Interest. Interest on prin- cipal alone ; not compound. Sinking Fund. A fund set apart from revenue to pay a public or corporation debt. Smuggling. Introducing goods into a country without paying duties. Solvent. Abie to meet all liabilities. Specialty, A written, sealed, and delivered contract. Specie. Any kind of coined money. Specification. A written descrip- tion and enumeration of particulars. Speculation. A business investment out of the ordinary run of trade. Stamp Duty. Law requiring stamps to be affixed to checks and proprie- tary articles. Staple. Principal commodity of a country or district. Statute Law. Body of laws estab- lished by legislative enactment; written as opposed to unwritten or common law. Sterling. Lawful or standard money of Great Britain. Stock. Shares in the capital of cor- porations ; goods on hand. Stcck Broker. One who buys and sells stock on commission. Stock Exckange. Place where shares of stock are bought and sold. Stock-Holder. One who holds shares of stock. Stock Jobber. One who speculates in stocks. Stoppage in Transitu. [Lat.] Right of seller to stop goods "on their passage" if purchaser has be- come insolvent. Storage. Sums paid for storing goods. Storekeeper. OflBcer in charge of a bonded warehouse. Stowage. Careful arrangement of cargo in a ship. Subpoena. A writ commanding a witness to appear in court. Subpoena duces tecum. A sub- poena requiring witness to bring papers with him. Subrogation. Putting one thing in place of another ; substituting one creditor for another. Sundries. Unclassified articles. Supercargo. An agent who accom- panies cargo to care for and sell it„ Surety. One who binds himself to pay money in case another person fails to pay, to fill a contract, or to serve with integrity. Surveyor. Agent of an insurance company to examine and report on applications for marine or fire in- surance. Suspend. To fail ; to stop payment. Suspense Account. An account made of doubtful balances to ascer- tain probable profit or loss. Sutler. One authorized to sell goods to an army. Suttle Weight. Weight after tare is deducted. Tale Quale. [Lat.] "Such as ;'» used to denote that cargo is pre- sumed to correspond with sample^ and that buyer takes the risk of deterioration. Tally. Keeping account by checking ofe. Tally Man. One who receives pay- ment for goods in weekly instal- ments. Tare. Allowance in weight or quan- tity on account of cask, bag, or covering. Actual tare: when each cask, etc. is weighed. Average tare: when one is weighed as a sample. Estimated tare: when a fixed per- centage is allowed. Tariff. Rate or list of duties; price list. Teller. Officer of a bank who re- ceives or pays out money. Tenants. Those who lease or rent real estate. Tenants in Common. Persons holding the same property in com- mon, i. e., by distinct titles and not as joint tenants. Tender. Offer to supply money or articles. {See Legal Tender.) Ten Forties. United States Gov- ernment Bonds, which could be re- deemed by the government in ten years or allowed to run for forty. Tenor. Intent, nature, character; sometimes an exact copy. Textile Fabrics. All woven or piece goods. Testator. One who has made a will : feminine form, testatrix. U9A Commercial and Legal Terms Time Bargain. A contract for the future sale of stock. Tonnage. The weight a ship will carry in tons ; capacity of a vessel. Tort. A private or civil injury for which damages will lie. Trade. Buying and selling ; com- merce ; traffic. Trade Discount. An allowance made to dealers in the same line. Trade Mark. Letters, figures, or devices used on goods and labels which a manufacturer has the sole right to use. Trade Price. That allowed by wholesalers to retailers. Trade Sail. An auction by and for the trade; especially of booksellers. Trades Union. A combination of workingmen to protect their own interests. Traffic. Business done ; especially that of a railroad. Transhipment. Removing goods from one ship or conveyance to an- other. Transportation. Conveying goods from one place to another. Transit Duty. Tax imposed on goods for passing through a country. Traveler. A commercial agent; a drummer. Treasury Notes. Those issued by government and passing current as money. Treaty. An agreement or compact between two or more nations. Tret. Allowance for waste of 4 lbs. in 104 lbs., after tare has been de- ducted. Triplicate. To make three copies of a paper ; the third copy. Trustee Process. Same as Garnish- ment ^ which see. TT Ullage. What a cask lacks of being full. Unclaimed Goods. Goods in gov- ernment storehouses unclaimed after three years from importation, or on which duties have not been paid, may be sold at auction. Undersell. To sell below the trade price. Under-writer. A marine insurer ; an individual, not a company. Unseaworthy. Unfit for a voyage in condition or equipment. Unsound. In bad condition ; of doubtful solvency. Usance. The time allowed by usage for the payment of a bill of ex- change ; it differs greatly in differ- ent countries ; any business custom. Usury. Interest beyond the lawful rate. Valid. Of force; binding; good in law. Value. To estimate; worth. Value Received. Phrase used in notes and bills to express a consid- eration indefinitely. Veadee. One to whom something is sold. Vendor. A seller. Vendue. An auction sale. Venture. A mercantile speculation or investment. Void. That which is of no legal ef- fect. Voidable. That which may become of no legal effect if proper steps are taken. Voucher. A book, receipt, entry, or other document which establishes the truth of accounts. -w AVareliouseman. One who stores goods for pay. Waiver. Relinquishment of a legal right or privilege. Warranty. An undertaking that goods or title are as represented. Wastage. Loss in handling ; shrink- age. Waste. Refuse material. Way Bill. List of goods given to a carrier. Wharfage. Fees paid for use of a wharf. Wreckage. Merchandise saved from a wreck. 965 Familiar Allusions. HAMES OF PERSONS, PLACES. PICTURES, BUILDINGS, STREETI AND MONUMENTS; ALSO WORDS, PHRASES, ETC, FREQUENTLY USED IN UTERATURE AND CONVERSATION. Abderitc. A scoffer; from Abdera, where Democritus lived. Abraham's Bosom. The rest of the blessed dead. Luke xiv. 22. Abyla. One, of the "Pillars of Her- cules ;" Calpe, being the other. Academics. The disciples of Plato, so called from the academy. Academy (Academia). A gymna- sium in the suburbs of Athens, where Plato founded his school, 368 B. c. The Academy (as a philo- sophic school) was divided into the OLD (by Plato and his disciples) ; the MIDDLE (by Arcesilaos), and the NEW (by Carneades). Academy, The French. (Academie Frangaise.) One of the five acad- emies constituting the French In- stitute ; founded by Richelieu ; deals with the French language, and con- sists of 40 members. Acadia. The former name of Nova Scotia. Adams and Liberty. Patriotic American song, by R. T. Paine, Jr. Adam's Apple. Caused by a piece of forbidden fruit sticking there. Admirable Crichton, The. James Crichton ; Scotch prodigy of the 16th century. Hence a person of great accomplishments. Admiral. English admirals were of three kinds according to the color of their flag. Admiral of the Blue, kept the rear in a fight ; Ad- miral OF THE Red, the center; Ad° miral op the White, the van. SIneid. Virgil's epic poem, of which -^neas is the hero. Ages. According to Hesiod there were five ages of the world. The Golden, the Silver, the Brazen, the Heroic, and the Iron. Agnus Dei. The Lamb of God. A cake stamped with the figure of a lamb, given out by the Pope on the Sunday after Easter. Alabama. A Confederate privateer built in England, and commanded by Capt. Semmes. After great depredations on American commerce, she was sunk by the '''Kearsarge" June 19, 1864. Aladdin's Window (To finish). To try to finish something left un- finished by a great man. One win- dow in Aladdin's palace was left for the Sultan to finish, but his treas- ure gave out. Albany Regency. Nickname of a set of able Democratic politicians, 60 years ago, at Albany, N. Y. Albino. Person with unusually white skin and hair, and red eyes. Albion. England. Said to mean the chalk cliffs. {Alljus, white.) Aldine Press. Pounded by Aldus Manutine, at Venice, 1496. Hence came the famous Aldine editions. Alexandrian Library. Founded by Ptolemy Soter, at Alexandria, Egypt. Contained 100,000 volumes. Burned 47 e, c. Alexandrine Age. 323-640, when Alexandria was the seat of the high- est culture. Alhambra. Palace and fortress of the Moors at Granada, Spain. All Souls' Day. Nov. 2. Day of prayer for souls in Purgatory. Allah. ("The Adorable.") Arabic name of God. Almack*s. Once a famous London assembly-room where balls were given of the most exclusive, aristo- cratic character. Almighty Dollar. A phrase frwr Irving's Creole Village, 966 Familiar Allusions Alsatia. The Whitefriars (Lon- don) refuge for criminals. Alto-Relievo. (High relief.) Fig- ures in marble, etc., cut so as to project one-half or more from the tablet. Ambrosia. The food of the gods. Amuck, To run amuck. Run foul of. Malays, drunk with opium, run about, armed with daggers, shouting "Amuck" (kill). Anacreontics. Verses in praise of love or wine, after Anacreon. Ancient Regime. The French Government before the Revolution. Andersonville Prison, In Georgia. Union soldiers were confined there during the Civil War of the United States. Angelic Doctor, Tke. Thomas Aquinas. Angelus, The. A prayer to the Vir- gin, recited thrice a day. Angling, The Father of. Izaak Walton. Annunciation, Day of. Festival, celebrated March 25th, the day the angel announced to the Virgin that she would bear Our Lord. Annus Mirabilis. ( Wonderful Year.) 1666. Plague, fire of Lon- don, and English victory over the Dutch. Anthony, Saint. St. Anthotsty's FiEE. Erysipelas. Antoninus, The Wall of. Turf entrenchment across Scotland from the Clyde to the Frith of Forth, built by the Romans 140. Apollo Belvedere. A marble statue of Apollo in the 'Belvedere Gallery of the Vatican at Rome. Appian Way. Oldest of the Roman roads, from Rome to "Capua. Apples of Sodom. Lovely fruit, but within full of ashes. Arabesque. Moorish (Arabic) pat- terns in decoration. Arcadian. A shepherd; belonging to shepherds. So called from the, Greek country Arcadia, a pastoral region. Arch of Triumph. At the west end of the Champs Elysees, Paris, 116 ft. high, 145 wide. Begun by Napoleon. Arctic, The. A Collins steamer, sunk, with great loss of life, in 1854. Argo. The ship in which Jason went after the golden fleece. Argonauts. The heroes who sailed in the Argo. Argus-eyed. Extremely watchful. Juno, jealous of To, had her watched by the hundred-eyed Argus. Arians. Disciples of Arius ; main- tained that the Father and Son are distinct beings. Armada, The Spanish. Fleet col- lectea by Philip of Spain, in 1588, to conquer England. Artesian Weil. From Artois in France, where they were first dug. Aryans. The parents of the Indo- European peoples. Astor Library, In New York city, founded by J. J. Astor. Athens, The Modern, 1. Edinburgh. 2. Boston. Augustan Age, The palmiest period of a literature ; the best days of Roman literature being under Au- gustus. Auld Reekie (Old Smoky). Edin- burgh, Scotland. Avalon. Burial place of King Ar- thur ; said to be Glastonbury. Ayreshire Poet, The. Burns, who was born near Ayr, Scotland. Barnburners. A name once given to radical Democrats. Babylonish Captivity. The 70 years' captivity of the Jews at Babylon, 608-538 B. c. Baconian Philosophy, The induc- tive philosophy of Lord Bacon. Balmoral Castle. A Scotch castle owned by Queen Victoria. Bank of England. In Threadneedle Street, London. Founded 1694. Sometimes called "The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street." Bard of Avon. Shakespeare, from Stratford-on-Avon. Barleycorn, John. Malt liquor. Barmecide's Feast, An illusion. Barmecide asked a starving beggar to dinner, and set empty dishes be- fore him. (AraUan Nights.) Basilisk. A serpent supposed to "look people dead." Basso-Relievo. Figures cut on mar« ble, etc., projecting a litte. Bastile. French prison and fortress, destroyed by the mob, 1789. Battle of the Books. A satire by 967 Familial* Allusions Swift on the comparative merits of ancient and modern literature. Battery, The. A park in New York city adjoining the river. Beacon Street. The aristocratic res- idence street of Boston. Beauty and the Beast. A fairy tale. Beauty lives with the Beast to save her father's life. Beast, dis- enchanted by love, is made a hand- some prince. Bedlam (Bethlehem). A lunatic asylum. Bee, the Attic. Plato, from his sweet style. Beelzebub. God of flies ; a Philis- tine deity. Begging the question. Assuming as true what you are to prove. Belle France, La (Fair France). A general name of France. Belgra-via. Fashionable quarter of London. Bell the Cat. A wise mouse pro- posed that a bell should be hung upon the cat's neck to apprise the mice of her coming ; a young mouse inquired, "Who will put the bell on?" Sell, The Passing. Rung formerly when persons w^ere dying. Beloved Disciple. St. John. Benicia Boy. John C. Heenan, the American pugilist, born at Benicia, Cal. Bess, Good Queen. Queen Eliza- beth. Bibliotheque Rationale. (Na- tional Library.) At Paris, contains over 1,000,000 books, 150,000 manu- scripts, etc. Billingsgate. Coarse language, such as is used by the fishwomen of Bil- lingsgate, the London fish market. Black Death. A contagious, putrid typhus, which desolated Europe, Asia and Africa in the 14th century. Black Friday. Sept. 26, 1869; financial panic in Wall street. New York. Black Hole. Dark cell in Calcutta prison where Surajah Dowlah shut up 146 British soldiers ; 23 lived till morning. Black Prince. Edward, Prince of Wales, son of Edward III. Black Bepublicans. The Republi- can party in the United States, from their opposition to the extension of slavery. Blarney Stone. In Blarney Castle, near Cork, Ireland. Supposed to impart a flowing tongue to whoever kisses it. Bluebeard. A wife-killing tyrant; a sort of Henry VIII. Blue Laws. A nickname of early severe New England statutes. Blue Stocking. A female pedant ; so called from a literary society at Venice in 1400, whose members wore blue stockings. Bohemian. An artist or literary man living loosely by his wits. Bois de Bologne. A Paris prom- enade. Border, The. The frontiers of Eng- land and Scotland. Border Minstrel, The. Sir Walter Scott. Border States. Maryland, Dela- ware, Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri. Bourgeoisie. French tradesmen and manufacturers as a class. Boulevard. In Paris, a wide street or promenade. Bourse. The Parisian Stock Ex' change. Bloody Mary. Queen Mary of Eng- land ; so called on account of her bloodthirsty persecution of English Protestants. Bow Bells. A set of bells in St. Mary-le-Bow Church, London. A person "born within sound of Bow Bells" is a Cockney. Bowery, The. A New York thor- oughfare of the lower classes. Boycott. To refuse to have anything to do with. Boycott, an Irish land- lord, was so treated in 1881. Brandy Nose. A nickname of Queen Anne of England. Breeches Bible. An edition in which aprons, in Genesis iii. 7, is rendered "breeches." Bride of the Sea. Venice. Bridge of Sighs. In Venice, Italy. Connects Doge's palace and state prisons. The condemned passed over it to be executed. British Museum. A famous library and museum of London. Broadway. The principal business street of New York city. Brook Farm. A socialistic commu- nity founded at West Roxbury, 968 Familiar Allusions Mass., 1841, to carry out the idea of Fourierism. Brother Jonatlian. America, an Ameriocn. Said to be derived from Jonathan Trumbull, Governor of Connecticut, of whom Washington would say, "We must consult Broth- er Jonathan." buncombe or Bunkum. Clap-trap eloquence. Said to come from Bun- combe, in North Carolina. A North Carolina member said a fiery speech was not delivered to the house, but to Buncombe. 3unker Hill Monument. A gran- ite obelisk on Bunker (once Breed's) Hill, Charlestown, Mass., marking the site of the battle between the British and Americans, June 17, 1775. Cacliet, Iiettres de. (Sealed let- ters.) Blank warrants with the French King's seal, to free from, or imprison in the Bastile. Caledonia. A poetical name for Scotland. Campagna. (The country.) The plain around the city of Rome. Carbonari. Italian secret political society, organized in 1820. Carmagnole. Song and dance in the French Revolution. Cartesian Pbilosopby. (Des- cartes.) "I think, therefore I exist.'* Castle Garden. The landing-place of emigrants, New York city. Catacombs. The subterranean bur- ial-places in Alexandria, Egypt ; also in Rome, used by the early Chris- tians. Cavalier Servente. The escort of a married woman. Cecilia, Saint. A Roman Christian martyr ; patroness of music. Celestial Empire. China, wtiose first emperors were all divinities. Central Park. The great park of New York city, contains 863 acres. Champs de Mars. A field in Paris for military maneuvers. Champs Elysees. A promenade in Paris, IM: miles long. Charter Oak. A tree in Hartford, Conn., in which the Colonial 'Char- ter was secreted in 1688. Blown down in 1856. Chauvinism. Narrow-minded brag- gart patriotism ; from Chauvin, a character of Scribe's. Cheapside. A great and crowded London thoroughfare. Chestnut Street. The fashionable street of Philadelphia, Pa. Chiltern Hundreds, To accept the. To resign one's seat in Parlia- ment. An English member of Par- liament resigns his seat by taking office. Stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds is a sinecure for this pur- pose. Christ Church. The largest college in the University of Oxford. Cid, The. Don Roderigo Laynez, Count of Bivar ; Spanish hero. Cincinnati, The. Society of Ameri- can Revolutionary officers. Citizen King, The. Louis Philippe of France. Cockaine, Ijand of. An imaginary land of pleasure and laziness. Colossus of Rhodes. A brass statue at Rhodes, 126 feet high. Columbia. Poetical name of the United States, from Columbus. Column of Vendome. (Colonne Vendome.) Stone pillar in Paris, erected by Napoleon ; razed by the Commune in 1871. Confederate States. The 11 States which seceded in 1861, viz., Ala- bama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Caro- lina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia. Congressional Library. At Wash- ington, largest in United States. Consols. English public securities at 3 per cent. Copperheads. Northern sympathiz- er's with the South in the American Civil War. Corncrackers, The. Kentuckians. Corn Law Rhymer, The. Ebenezer Elliott. Corso. (The Course.) The chiei thoroughfare of Rome. Crapaud (a toad) Johnny. A Frenchman. The ancient device of French royalty was three toads (subsequently the fleur de lys). Credit Mobilier. A company au- thorized to do a stock-jobbing busi- ness. The American C. M. in con- nection with the Pacific railroads was famous in 1873. Crocodile Tears. Hypocritical grief 969 Familiar Allusions The crocodile was fabled to weep as it ate its victim. Cumberland. A United States ves- sel sunk by the Confederate ram Merrimac in Hampton Roads, March 8, 1862. Went down with colors flying, firing a broadside as she sunk. Curfew Bell. A bell rung at sunset in the time of William I. and II. in England, to order fires and candles to be put out. D&mocles' Sword, Presentiment of evil. Dionysius the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse, invited his flatterer Dam- ocles to a splendid feast, but hung over his head a sword dangling by a single hair. Darby and Joan. An affectionate married couple. From a ballad. Dartmoor Prison, in Devonshire, England. A prison of war. Darwinian Theory. A theory pro- posed by Charles Darwin in his Ori- gin of Species; the different species came from one or a few original forms, present differences being the result of development and natural selection. De Profundis (Out of the depths). The first two words of the Latin version of the 130th Psalm. Sung at burials. Debatable Ground. Land on the western border of Scotland, disputed between Scotland and England. Defender of the Faitb. Title given by Pope Leo X. to Henry VIII. of England. Dies Irse. (Day of wrath.) First two words of a celebrated mediaeval hymn by Thomas of Celano. Directory, The French. By the constitution of 1795 the executive power was vested in five directors. It lasted four years only. Dixie. The I^and of Dixie. The Southern States. Dizzy. A nickname of Benjamin Dis- raeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. Doctors' Commons. Where the Ec- clesiastical Court sat in London. Doctrinaire. An impracticable poli- tician. First applied to the French Constitutional Monarchists, of whom Guizot was one. Doe, John. Fictitious plaintiff in ejectment; Doe versus Roe. Doomsday Book. A book contain- ing the value of all English estates in the reign of William the Con- queror. Donnybrook Fair, A once celc brated annual fair near Dublin. Douay Bible, The. The English Bible authorized by the Roman Catholic Church. First published at Douay, France. Downing Street, in London. The official residence of the Prime Min- isters is situated there since the time of Sir Robert Walpole. Drachenfels (Dragon Rock). A castle on a mountain of the same name, high above the Rhine, not far from Bonn. Drury Lane Theater. A London playhouse, opened in 1668. Dunciad. A satire on Dunces by Pope. Colley Cibber is the hero. Dying Gladiator. An ancient statue in the Capitol at Rome. Eastern States, The. Maine, Ver- mont, New Hampshire, Massachu- setts, Rhode Island, and Connecti- cut. Ecce Homo. (Behold the man.) A famous painting by Corregio repre- senting the Savior crowned with thorns. Ecole Poly technique. (Polytechnic School.) A Parisian school whose graduates are given places in the public service. El Dorado. (The Golden.) General name for wealthy country. Elephant, Seeing the. Seeing the world ; "life." Elgin Marbles. A collection of Greek sculptures (mainly from the Athenian Parthenon), made by Lord Elgin ; now in British Museum. Escorial, The. Granite palace and mausoleum near Madrid. Eternal City, The. Rome. Eulenspiegel, Tyl. Hero of a Ger- man story ; a vagrant Brunswicker who cuts up all sorts of pranks. Eureka. (I have found it.) A say- ing attributed to the Archimedes when he discovered the way to test the purity of Hiero's crown. Evangelists, Symbols of the, Matthew has a scroll before him and holds a pen. Mabk sits writings 970 Familiar Allusions with a winged lion by his side. Luke has a pen and scroll ; near him is an ox. John is a young man behind whom is an eagle. Exclusion, Bill of. A bill which passed the English Commons in 1679, proposing to exclude the Duke of York (afterwards James II.) from the throne, because he was a Roman •Catholic. Expounder of the Constitution, TIlc Daniel Webster. Fabian Policy. A policy of delay, such as was pursued by Q. Fabius Maximus, called Cunctator, "The Delayer." Fabius, Tbe American. George Washington. Faery Queen. A rhymed romance of Edmund Spenser. Fairmount Park, in Philadelphia, contains nearly 3,000 acres. It was the site of the Centennial Exhibition of 1876. Faineants, Les Hois. (Do-nothing Kings. ) Nicknames of the last kings of the Merovingian dynasty in France. Falernian. A celebrated ancient Italian wine grown at Falernum. Faneuil Hall, in Boston, Mass., first built in 1742. Revolutionary ora- tors frequently addressed public meetings in it. Farmer George. George III. of England ; so called from his bluff manners, thriftiness, and love of agriculture. Fata Morgana. A mirage observed in the Straits of Messina. Father of his Country. George Washington. Fathers of the ILatin Church. Ambrose, of Milan : Augustine, St. Bernard, Hilary, Jerome, Lactan- tius. Faubourg, St. Antoine. The part of Paris in which the workingmen live. Once the scene of many in- surrections and riots. Faubourg St. Germain. The aris- tocratic residence quarter of Paris, where are the houses of the old no- binty. Fenians. A society of Irishmen or- ganized in the United States in 1865 to make Ireland a republic. Field of the Cloth of Gold. Plain in France where Francis I. met Henry VIII. ; so called from the magnificent display made. Fifth Avenue. A celebrated resi' dence street in New York city. Fighting Joe. The American gen- eral Joseph Hooker. First Gentleman in Europe. George IV. of England. Five Points. A locality in New York once famous as the abode of poverty and crime ; now greatly changed. Flagellants. Religious fanatics of the thirteenth century, who went about naked and scourging them- selves. Fleet, The. A famous London prison, taken down in 1845. Flowery Kingdom, The. China, where flowers are abundant. Flying Dutchman. A spectre ship seen, in bad weather, about the Cape of Good Hope ; supposed to presage bad luck. Fort Sumter. In the harbor of Charleston, S. C. Here was done the first fighting in the late Civil War of the United States. Fourierism. A system of commu- nism proposed by Charles Fourier. The world was to be divided into "phalansteries" of 400 families, who were to live and work in common. Freshman. A student in his first year at college. Funk, Peter. A mock auction ; a person employed at auction sales in making bids in collusion with the owner of the property to be sold. Gadshill, near Rochester, in Kent, England ; famous for Falstaff's high- way robbery. Charles Dickens lived there. Genre Painting. One representing domestic rural ordinary scenes. George, St., and the Dragon. St. George, the patron saint of England, is said to have slain in Libya a huge dragon, to which every day a virgin was offered up. Gerrymander. To so apportion, geographically, legislative, congres- sional, or other electoral districts, as to give an unfair preponderance to some one political party. Started mi Familiar Allusions in Massachusetts, and named after Elbridge Gerry, then governor of the State. Ghetto. The quarter in Rome to which the Jews were formerly re- stricted. Also in many other Euro- pean cities. Ghibellisie. In the Middle Ages an adherent of the Holy Roman Empire against the Papacy. Girondists; The Gironde. In the French Revolution the party of moderate "constitutional" Republi- cans. Glencoe. A pass in Argyleshire, Scotland. Here, Feb. 13, 1691, oc- curred the famous massacre of Glen- coe, in which 38 of the McDonalds were murdered by 120 soldiers under Capt. Campbell. Gobelins. A tapestry and carpet manufactory at Paris, founded about 1515 by J. Gobelin, a dyer. Godiva, Lady. Wife of Leofric, Earl of Mercia, who offered to remit certain exactions to his tenants if she would ride naked through the streets of "Coventry. She did so, everybody keeping indoors except one "Peeping Tom," who was struck blind for peeping at her, Golconda. A locality in India con- taining some rich diamond mines. Golden Age. An age of innocence and prosperity. The palmy time of a nation or a literature. Golden Gate. The entrance to the harbor of San Francisco, Cal. Golden Horn. The estuary of the Bosphorus, upon whose banks Con- stantinople is built. Golden House. Palace of gold built by Nero in Rome. Gerdian Knot. A vexed question, an obstacle. Gordius, a Phrygian peasant, when chosen king, conse- crated his wagon to Jupiter, tying the yoke and beam together so that it could not be untied, till Alexan- der, hearing that the untier of the knot should rule over all the East, cut the knot with his sword. Gordon Riots, The. In 1780, at London, under Lord George Gordon, a weak-minded nobleman, to force the repeal of the bill passed by the House of Commons to relieve the Roman Catholics^ 07 Gotham. A name sometimes applied to New York city. Gotham, The "Wise Men of, were noted for their folly. Gotham was an English village. Great Commoner, The. William Pitt. Great Dnhe, The. The Duke of Wellington. Great Eastern. A great steamship, the largest vessel ever launched. She was made to carry 1,000 passen- gers and 5,000 tons of cargo. Since 1864 only used in laying cables. Great Pyramid, The. At Gheezeh, Egypt, was built about 3100 b. c. It is 484 feet high, and contains 577,600 square feet. Greenbacks. United States Treasury notes ; so called from their color. Green Isle, The. Ireland, from the greenness of its vegetation; also called the Emerald Isle. Greenwood. A cemetery in Brook* lyn, N. Y. ; largest in America. Gregorian Year. The year as re- formed by Gregory XIII., in 1582. He took away 10 days. Gretna Green. A Scotch village, once a famous place for runaway matches. A declaration before wit- nesses of an intention to marry was formerly sufficient to make a valid marriage in Scotland. Grub Street. A London street, once noted for literary hacks. Guelphs. In mediaeval Europe the adherents of the Papacy as against the Holy Roman Empire. Guildhall. The London Town Hall ; the hall of the guilds. Gunner's Daughter, Kissing the. To be flogged. Boys in the English navy, before being flogged, are tied to a gun breech. Gunpowder Plot, The. A plot to blow up the English Parliament in its House, Nov. 5, 1605, with gun- powder. Catesby conceived the scheme, which was to have been car- ried out by Guy Fawkes. Gyges* Ring. A ring which made the wearer invisible. Gyges, a Lydian, found in a brazen horse, in a cavern, a man's corpse, from the finger of which he took a brazen ring which made him invisible. With this ring he went into the chamber 2 Familiar Allusions of the King of Lydia, whom he mur- dered and succeeded. Habeas Corpus Act, The. Passed in the time of Charles II., provides that the body of an accused person must be brought (if he insist) be- fore a judge, and the reason of his confinement stated. The judge will then determine whether or not to admit the accused to bail. The guilt of an accused person is to be finally decided by a jury. Halcyon Days. A period of happi- ness. The halcyon (kingfisher) was thought by the ancients to lay its eggs, and brood for 14 days preced- ing the winter solstice, on the sur- face of the ocean, which was always calm during this time. HandiC&p. In horse-racing, assign- ing different weights to horses of different speed, age, etc., so they may run with an equal chance. So called from an ancient game of cards. Hansard. The debates of the British Parliament, which are printed by a firm named Hansard. Hanseatic League. A union of a number of maritime towns in North- ern Germany for purpose of trade and mutual safety. Founded in the thirteenth century. Their triennial legislature was called hansa. Hanse Towns. The North German seaboard cities which once consti- tuted the Hanseatic League. Bare, Mad as a March. The hare is excessively wild in March. Harpies. "Creatures with a woman's head and breasts, and the rest of the body like vultures, hungry and emitting a terrible stench. Hari-Kari (happy dispatch). Jap- anese official suicide. Civil officials ordered by the government to dis- patch .themselves, rip out their bow- els with two cross-gashes. Harvest Moon. The full moon at or nearest to the fall equinox ; rises for a number of days about sunset. Heathen Chinee. A nickname of the Chinese in America. Heidelberg Castle. A ruined pal- ace-fortress near Heidelberg, Ger- many. Heel-tap* "No heel-taps;" i. e., drain the glass to the bottom. A heel-tap is a shoe-peg stuck in the heel, but taken out when the shoe is done. Hegira. The date of Mahomet's flight from Mecca, July 16, 622. The Mahommedan epoch begins with it. High Church. That section of the English clergy which maintains the apostolic descent of the clergy, and absolution by priests. High Seas, The. The sea beyond three miles from the coast. History, The Father of. The Greek historian, Herodotus. Hob-and-Nob. To touch glasses to- gether in drinking ; to talk confiden- tially to. A hob, at the corner of the hearth, was to heat the water or spirit. A nob is a small table. Hobson's Choice. What is offered, or nothing. It is said that Tobias Hobson, an English stable-keeper, whenever a customer came to hire a horse, made him take the horse near- est the stable door. Holborn. A London street by which criminals used to be carried out to execution at Tyburn. Holy Alliance, formed in 1816 by Austria, Prussia, and Russia. Holy Family, The. The name of many mediaeval pictures represent- ing the infant Jesus, Joseph, the Virgin, John the Baptist, Anna, and Elizabeth. Perhaps the most cele- brated are by Michael Angelo, at Florence ; by Rubens, at Florence ; by Raphael, in London ; and by Leonardo da Vinci, in the Louvre. Holy Liand, The. Palestine, as the birthplace of "Christ. Holy League, The. The alliance of Pope Julius IL, France, Germany, Spain, and some of the Italian Re- publics in 1508, against Venice. Honi soit qui mal y pense. ( Shame to him who evil thinks.) Motto of the Order of the Garter. At a ball given by Edward III. of England, the Countess of Salisbury's blue gar- ter came off accidentally. The King picked it up, made the remark quoted above, and fixed it round his own knee. This led to his instituting the Order of the Garter. Honors of War. Allowing a sur* rendered enemy to keep his arms. 973 Familiar Allusions Hotel de Rambouillet. A Paris palace, the resort of wits, literary ladies, etc., in the seventeenth cen- tury. Ridiculed by Moliere. Hotel de Ville. The City Hall of French and Belgian cities. Houris, in the Koran, black-eyed, beautiful virgins of Paradise ; 72 are allotted to each believer. Humble Pie, To eat. To make sub- mission. From umljles, the entrails and other inferior portions of the deer. Hundred Days, The, from March 20, 1815, when Napoleon escaped from Elba, to June 22, 1815, when he abdicated. Iconoclast (Image-breaker). A rad- ical reformer ; so called from the eighth century reformers who ob- jected to and threw down statues, pictures, etc., in churches. Iliad. The story of the siege of Troy by the Greeks, a Greek epic poem, by Homer. Immaculate Conception. The dog- ma of the Catholic Church that the Virgin Mary was conceived without original sin. Independence, Declaration of, is- sued July 4, 1776, asserting the in- dependence of the American Colonies of Great Britain. Independence Hall, in Philadel- phia, Pa. ; the meeting-place of the Continental Congress, where the Declaration of Independence was adopted. Index Expurgatorius. A list of printed works, the reading of which is prohibited by the Church of Rome ; published annually. Inns of Court. The four London law societies which have the sole right of admitting candidates to the bar. They are Gray's Inn, Lin- coln's Inn, the Inner Temple, and the INIiDDLE Temple. Inquisition (An inquiry into.) A tribunal to inquire into transgres- sions against the Roman "Catholic Church. Irish Agitator, The. Daniel O'Con- nell. Iron City, The. Pittsburg, Pa., celebrated for its iron industries. Iron Duke, The. The Duke of Wel- lington. Iron Mask, The Man in the. A mysterious French state nrisoner. Jack Ketch. The hangman; the name of an English hangman. Jack Robinson. Before you can say Jack Robinson, meaning at once. Halliwell notes the deriva- tion "Jack, Robes on" from an old play. According to Grose, one Jack Robinson was noted for the short- ness of his visits ; the servants had hardly time to repeat Jack Robin- son, before he would leave. (Very doubtful. ) Jack the Giant-Killer. A nursery hero, who has an invincible sword, a cap of wisdom, shoes of swiftness, and an invisible coat. Jack, the American, or Union. The blue ground of the American flag with the stars, but without the stripes. Jacobins. A famous political club in the French Revolution. It met at a convent of the Jacobins (Do- minicans). Jacobites. Adherents of James II. of England, and the Stuarts, his descendants; from Jacobus (James). Jardin des Plantes. Botanical and zoological garden in Paris. Jardin Mabille. A once famous garden in Paris; the home of the can-can. Pleasure resort of the demi-monde. Shut up in 1882. Jericho, Gone to. Disappeared, ruined. Henry VIII. had a manor called Jericho. When he went there to visit some of his mistresses it used to be said of him, "He has gone to Jericho." (Very doubtful.) Jerusalm Delivered. An Italian epic poem by Torquato Tasso. Jingo; Jingoism. Expressions which arose during the ministry of Lord Beaconsfield, 1874-1880. Ap- plied to those who wished England to take an aggressive foreign policy. It originated in a music-hall song. Joan, Pope. A pretended female Pope who was said to have suc- ceeded Leo IV. The falsity of the legend has been shown. John Bull. Nickname for an Eng- lishman; England. A choleric, 974 Familiar Allusions plethoric, bull-headed, well-meaning fellow. Jolm Ghinainaii. Nickname for the Chinese in America. Johzmy Reb. Nickname of South- erners in American Civil War. Jubilee, Year of. x\moug the Jews came every 50th 5^ear _; all debts were considered to be paid, and land reverted to its original owners. In the Catholic Church it comes once in every 25 years. Juggernaut. A Hindoo god who has a famous temple in India. Julian Era, The, begins 46 B. C, when Caesar reformed the calendar. Junius, Letters of. A celebrated series of political letters signed "Junius," written in the reign of George III., of doubtful authorship. Kansas, Bleeding. So called on account of the fierce struggles be- tween its anti-slavery and pro- slavery settlers. Kensington Gardens. A great London pleasure ground adjoining Kensington Palace (where Queen Victoria was born). Kilkenny Cats, The, fought in a saw-pit till only their tails remained. King can do no wrong, The. Meaning lie is not responsible, but his ministers are, for mistakes in administration. King of Yvetot. A "good, little king." A pretentious person. The holders of the little seigneurie of Yvetot, had the title of king. King Cole. A legendary British king, who "loved his pipe and bowl." King Cotton. Cotton, the great product of the Southern States, was so called before the Civil War. King's Evil. The scrofula. It was an ancient notion that the touch of a sovereign could heal scrofula. Doctor Johnson was the last Eng- lishman "touched" for scrofula. King Log. An ineffectual, do-noth- ing ruler. Jupiter, in answer to the prayer of the frogs for a kingj^ gave them a log. King-Maker, The. Richard Neville, the great Earl of Warwick, who set up and deposed English kings in the 15th century. King Stork. A tyrant. The frogs, 9 dissatisfied with the let-alone policy of King Log, prayed for a new king, whereupon Jupiter sent them the Stork, who devoured them miscel- laneously. Kit Kat Club, The. A famous Lon- don Club, founded in 1688, at the shop of one Christopher xvatt, pas- try-cook. Among the members were Addison, Congreve, Halifax, the Duke of Marlborough, Steele, and Vanbrugh. Knickerbocker. A member of an "old" New York family ; especially persons descended from the original Dutch settlers. Knights of Malta. Also called Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusa- lem. A once powerful association. The original knights had charge of a church and hospital at Jerusalem consecrated to St. John. Thence they moved to Rhodes, and in 1523 to Malta. Know Nothings. Political party in the United States insisting that no- body but "native Americans should hold ofiice." Sprang up suddenly about 1853, and (after carrying a few State elections) disappeared. Kohinoor (Mountain of Light). A diamond from the mines of Golcon- da, India. When found (1550) it weighed 793 carats ; the present weight is 106 1-16. It came into the possession of Queen Victoria in 1850. Estimated value, $625,000, or £125,000. Koran or Alkoran. (The Read- ing.) The Mahommedan Bible. Kremlin. A quarter in Moscow, Russia, in which are several palaces, cathedrals, towers, etc. Labyrinth, The. A celebrated struc- ture of ancient Egypt. A maze of difficulties, so called from an inex- tricable series of winding passages, constructed by Minos, King of Crete. Laconic. Brief, from Laconia, an- other name for Sparta ; the Spar- tans cultivated curtness of speech. Lacrymse Christi. Italian wine grown about Mount Vesuvius. Lake School, The. The poetry of Coleridge, Wordsworth, and Southef • Familiar Allusions who lived in the Lake district of England. Land of Bondage. Egypt, so called by the Jews. Land of Cakes. Scotland, famous for its oatmeal cakes. Land of Nod. Popular phrase for sleep. Land of Promise, or Promised Land. Among the Jews, Canaan, which God promised to Abraham. Lang Syne, is Scotch for long since. The famous song Auld Lang Syne is generally credited to Robert Burns, who said he took this song down from an old man's singing. Langue d'Oc. (Language of Yes.) Provencal, formerly the language of southern France. Langue d'Oil. (Language of Yes.) French, in distinction from Pro- vencal. Laocobn. A statue in the Belvedere of the Vatican representing the death of Laocoon, strangled to death (with his sons) by serpents. Laodicean. "Luke-warm," in reli- gious matters. See Rev. iii. 14-18. Lares and Penates. The household gods of the Romans. Last Judgment. The subject of many mediaeval paintings. The most famous is the fresco by Michael An- gelo, in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. There is a fresco of it in the Campo Santo, at Pisa, supposed to be the work of Orcagna ; and a pic- ture on this subject by Luca Sig- norelli, in Orvieto Cathedral, is con- sidered his master-piece. Last Supper, The, is the subject of many mediaeval paintings, of which the most famous is Leonardo da Vinci's, at Milan. Next is Andrea del Sarto's in the Salvi convent, near Florence. Lateran Palace, Tlie, at Rome, was the residence of the Popes till late in the 14th century. Laughing Philosopher, The. De- mocritus of Abdera. Leaning Tower, The, at Pisa, Italy ; leans about 13 feet from the perpendicular; 178 ft. high; 50 ft. • in diameter. Learned Blacksmith, The. Elihu Burritt, an American writer and linguist, originally a blacksmith. Leonine Verses. Verses in which end and middle words rhyme. Libhy Prison. A famous Confeder- ate prison of war at Richmond, Va., during the Civil War of the United States. Lilliput. A region inhabited by pig- mies, in Gulliver's Travels. Lingua Franca. A corrupt Italian- French spoken along the Mediter- ranean. Lion and Unicom, on the British royal arms. The lion is English; the unicorn, Scotch. Added in 1603. Lion of the North. Gustavus Adol- phus of Sweden. Lion's Share. All or most. The lion, in -^sop, hunts with some oth- er beasts. In dividing the spoils he claims four quarters. Little Corporal. Napoleon I., from his shortness of stature. Little Giant. Stephen A. Douglas, who was of small stature. Lloyds. Rooms in London, resorted •• to by bankers and brokers. Lombard Street. The great financial street of London. Lone Star State, The. Texas, whose flag bears a single star. Long Parliament, The. Sat from Nov. 3, 1640, till April 20, 1653. Lorelei. A water spirit who enticed sailors till they were dashed to pieces by the rapids around the high rocks called Lorelei, on the Rhine. Lotus Eaters, The. A people in Homer's Odyssey who ate the lotus tree, which made them forget home, and only wish "to live at ease." Louvre. A palace in Paris filled with works or art. Low Church. That section of the English Church which lays little or no stress on ceremonies and is ex- tremely "evangelical." Lusiad. A Portuguese epic by Cam- oens, recounts the adventures of the Lusians (Portuguese) under Vasco de Gama, the first to sail to India. Lynch Law. Hanging by a mob ; its judgments are pronounced by "Judge Lynch." Said to be derived from a Virginian named Lynch, who acted as a judge in the 17th century, by appointment of his neighbors. Ac- cording to others, derived from an Irish .Tames Lynch. Warden of Gal Q7e Familiar AUnsionii way, who sentenced his own son to death for murder. Mab, Queen. "The fairies' mid- wife," i. e., employed by the fawies as midwife of dreams (to deliver man's brain of dreams). Macadamize. To pave a street with broken stones; so called from Sir John Macadam, who invented that system of paving. Macaronic Verse. Ludicrous verses consisting of words from different languages mixed. Machiavellism. Political or diplo- matic trickery ; so called from Nich- olas Macchiavelli, author of a polit- ical treatise called The Prince. Madame Tussaud's ExMbition. An exhibition in London of wax- work figures, many being modelled from life. Mad Poet, Tlie. Nathaniel Lee, the insane English dramatist. Madman of Macedonia, Tlie, Alexander the Great. Madman of tlie North. Charles XII. of Sweden. Madonna. (My Lady.) The Virgin Mary. Of the immense number of pictures on this subject, we mention the Sistine Madonna, by Raphael, and the Madonna di San Georgio, by Correggio, at Dresden ; and the Ma- donna della Seggiola, by Raphael, in the Pitti Palace, Florence. Maecenas. A friend and patron of literary men. Caius •Cilnius Maece- nas, a Roman general and states- man, friend of Augustus, was a lib- eral patron of literary men, espe- cially Horace and Virgil. Magna Cliarta. (Great charter.) The charter securing the liberty (or at least fair trial) of English sub- jects ; granted by King John. Mahomet's CoSn, was said to be hung in mid-air at Medina. Maid of Orleans, The. Joan of Arc (Jeanne Dare). Maid of Saragossa. Augustina Zaragoza, famous for her valor dur- ing the siege of Saragossa, in Spain, by the French (1808-1809). Maiden Qneen, The. Queen Eliza- beth of England. Maine "Law, A prohibitory liquor Inw first adopted in Maine. Malthusian Doctrine, The. So Ctilled from tne English economist MUthus, who claimed that popula- tion increases faster than the means of living ; so that, unless population is checked, either a part of it must starve to death, or the whole of it be insufficiently fed. Mammoth Cave, near Green River, Ky., is the largest in the world. Man in the Moon, The, is the man who picked up sticks on the Sab- bath. JS/umlers,^ xv. 32-36; another legend says he is Cain. Man of Destiny, The. Napoleon Bonaparte. Man of Iron, The. Bismarck. Man of Stra-w. An irresponsible person. Professional false witnesses or givers of "straw bail" in the English courts are said to have worn a straw in their shoes as a professional sign. Mare's Nest, To find a. To find something which seems of impor- tance, but doesn't amount to any- thing. The nightmare was thought to be a vampire which guarded treasures in its secret nest. Marriage a la Mode. ("Fashion- able Marriage.") A series of six satirical pictures by William Ho- garth. Marseillaise. A famous French Revolutionary song, now the French national air. Composed by Rouget de Lisle. Martinet. A rigid disciplinarian, so called from M. de Martinet, a French infantry tactician in the 17th century. Mason and Dison's Line. So called because run by two English surveyors, Charles Mason and Jere- miah Dixon, 1763-1767. It was 39° 43' 26" north latitude, being the northern boundary of the then Slave States, dividing Pennsylvania from Maryland and Virginia. Mansolenm. The marble monument built by Artemisia, queen of Caria, to her husband, Mausolus ; one of the seven wonders of the world. Mayfair. An aristocratic region in London. Mayflower, The. The vessel in which the founders of the Plymouth Colony, in Massachusetts, sailed 977 Familiar Allusions from Southampton, England, in 1620. Medicine, The Father of. Hip- pocrates of Cos. ASerlin. A celebrated enchanter in the Arthurian legends. Mermaid. A sea nymph with a ■ fish's tail. Merry Andrexsr. A buffoon; so called from Andrew Borde, the eccentric physician of Henry VIII. Merry England. A common desig- nation of England ; in the old sense of the word merry^ meaning pleas- ant, agreeaile. Merry Monarcli, The. Charles II. of England. Mesmerism- is named after the Ger- man physician, Mesmer. Mezzo Relievo. (Middle Relief.) Figures cut in stone, etc., which project from the tablet more than figures in Basso-Relievo, and less than figures in Alto-Relievo. Middle Ages, The. The period be- tween the destruction of the Ro- man Empire and the revival of learning in Italy, from 476-1500. Middle States, The. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. Minnesingers. (Love-singers.) The German lyric poets of the 12th and 13th centuries. Miserere. (Pity.) The 51st psalm ; a penitential psalm. Mississippi Buhhle, The. See South Sea Scheme. Missouri Compromise, The, pro- hibited slavery north of SQ° SO' north. Mistress of the Seas. England. Molly Magnires. A secret society in the United States ; many crimes were attributed to it, especially in Pennsylvania, in the coal regions of which State it is still active. Monarque, X.@ Grand. (The Great Monarch.) Louis XIV. of Fra^ce. Monroe Doctrine. The United States is not to meddle in European affairs, nor to allow European gov- ernments to meddle in the affairs of the American continent, European forms of government not to be per- mitted in North America. This doc- trine really belongs, not to Presi- dent Monroe, but to Adams, his Sec retary of State. Mont de Piete ("Mountain of Piety"). A pawnbroker's shop; in particular the famous Paris pawn- broking establishment. Montmartre. A Parisian cemetery. Monumental City, The. Balti- more, Md., so called from the num- ber of its public monuments. Morey Letter, The. A forged let- ter (1880) attributing anti-Chinese sentiments to Gen. Garfield. Morganatic Marriage. The mar- riage of a person of high rank to a woman of inferior rank, who does not take her husband's title. Mother of Presidents. Virginia ; six Virginians have been President of the United States. Mother Carey's Chickens. Stormy petrels. Mother Carey is said to be Mater Cara ("Dear Mother"), i. e.. The Virgin Mary. Mother Goose, nursery rhymer, lived in Boston ; sang her rhymes to her grandson, Thomas Fleet, who printed them in 1719. Mount Vernon. The home of Wash- ington in Virginia. Muscular Christianity. Healthy religion, "a sound mind in a sound body." The phrase originated with Charles Kingsley. Music of the Spheres. According to Plato each planet has a siren who sings a song harmonizing with the motion of her own planet, and also with the other planets. Namby-Pamhy. Wishy-washy, child- ish. A name given by Pope to cer- tain verses written by Ambrose Philips for the children of Lord Carteret ; a babyish way of pro- nouncing Ambry (Ambrose) and Philips. Nantes, Edict of. Issued at Nantes, France, in 1598, by Henry IV., granting toleration to the Protestant religion ; repealed by Louis XIV. in 1685. Nation of Shopkeepers. The Eng- lish ; so called by Napoleon I. Natural Bridge, The. A natural arch 200 feet high spanning Cedar Creek, near James River, Virginia. Newgate. The oldest of the London prisons. New World. The Americas. 978 Familiar Allusions Nibelungen-Lied. A German epic poem of the 13th century. Nightmare of £urope. The. Na- poleon Bonaparte. Nine "Worthies, The. David, Joshua, Judas Maccabseus, Alex- ander, Hector, Julius Caesar, Arthur, Charlemagne, and Godfrey of Bouil- lon. Noctes Amhrosianae. (Ambrosian nights.) The title of a celebrated work by Prof. Wilson ("Christopher North"). Lockhart and Wilson used to frequent Ambrose's, an Edinburgh tavern. Noel. Christmas-day. From nou- velles (news). • Nonconformists. Dissenters from the Church of England. Originally applied to the 2,000 clergymen who left that Church in 1662, because they would not conform with the Act of Uniformity. Northern Giant, The. Russia. Notre Dame. The cathedral of Paris. Odyssey. Homer's narrative poem dealing with the adventures of Odysseus (Ulysses) on his voyage from Troy to Ithaca. Ogres. Giants who devour human flesh. Said to come from the Ogurs, a fierce Asiatic tribe. Oi Folloi. (Hoi Polloi.) The many. The mob. Old Abe. Abraham Lincoln. Old Bailey. A famous London crim- inal court. Old Dominion, The. Virginia. Old Guard, The. Favorite regiment of Napoleon I. The supporters of Gen. Grant for the Presidency at the Chicago "Convention of 1880. Old Hichory. A nickname of Andrew Jackson. Old Frohabilities. A nickname for the United States signal service. Old Public Functionary. Presi- dent James Buchanan. Old South, The. A famous church in Boston, Mass., connected with many events in the Revolution. Orangeman. A Protestant Irish- man ; from the Protestants espous- ing the cause of William of Orange (William III. of England). Orange Peel. Sir Robert Peel, from his anti-Catholic policy. Ordinance of 1787. Passed in 1787 ; fixes the government of the Northwest Territory of the United States. Orlando Furioso. An Italian epic poem by Ariosto. Ossian. Son of Fingal, a Scotch bard. James McPherson published in 1760 Ossian's Poems, which he pretended to have translated from Erse manuscripts. The work, how- ever, is McPherson's own, the pre- tended MSS. never having existed. Ostend Manifesto. Issued during Pierce's administration by Bu- chanan, Mason, and Soule, United States Ministers to England, France, and Spain respectively, declaring that Cuba must belong to the United States. Ostracism, comes from the Greek ostrakon, an oyster shell. The Athenians expelled every dangerous public man against whom a sufficient number of votes (inscribed on oyster slj^lls) could be cast. Palimpsest. A parchment in wtiich the original writing has been rubbed out, and a new writing substituted. Pall Mall. (Pell Mell.) A street in London famous for its clubs. Palladium. An object that insures protection. The Palladium of Troy was a statue of Pallas, believed to have fallen from Heaven. Pantheon. A circular building in Rome built in the time of Augustus ; now a church called the Rotonda. Paradise Lost. Milton's great epic, treating of the fall of man. Paradise Regained, by Milton, treats of the temptation and triumph of Jesus. Paris of America. Cincinnati. Parthenon. A celebrated temple of Athena (Minerva) on the Acropolis, Athens ; the noblest specimen of Doric architecture. Partington, Mrs. Famed for her misuse of words. The invention of the American, B. P. Shillaber. Pasquinade. A sarcastic political squib ; so called from Pasquino, a sarcastic tailor. An antique statue opposite Pasquino's house in Rome 979 Familiar Allusions is called Pasquino, and political squibs are affixed to it. Peeler. A policeman. So called from Sir Robert Peel, the founder of the Irish constabulary. Peninsular War, The war of the English against France in Spain and Portugal, 1808-1812. People's William. A nickname of William E. Gladstone. Pere-la-Chaise. A famous ceme- tery near Paris. Philippic. A severe invective ; so called from the orations of Demos- thenes against Philip of Macedon. Philistine. Narrow-minded person ; in common use in the German Uni- versities to designate tradesmen, etc. Philosopher's Stone, The. A sub- stance for which the alchemists were always searching ; it was to turn the other metals into gold. Pleiad, The French. Seven 16th- century poets, Tiz. : Ronsard, Joachim du Bellay, Remi-Belleau, Jodelle, Baif, Pontus de Thiard, Dorat. Plon Plon. A nickname of Prince Napoleon J. C. Bonaparte. Plumed Knight, The. Nickname of J. G. Blaine, American states- ma*. Plymouth Hock. A rock at Plym- outh, Mass., where the Pilgrims are thought to have landed in 1620. Poet's Corner. A corner in West- minster Abbey where Chaucer, Spen- ser, and other poets are buried. Poetical column of newspapers. Pons Asinorum. .(The bridge of asses.) The 5th proposition of the 1st Book of Euclid's Geometry ; diffi- cult to dunces. Poor Richard. Benjamin Franklin. Forkopolis. The nickname of Cin- cinnati. Prater, The. The fashionable prom- enade of Vienna, Austria. Phoenix. A fabulous bird, said to live 500 years, when it burns itself on a nest of spices, and renews its life 500 years more. Pied Piper of Hamelin, The. He was offered a reward to drive out the rats and mice from Hamelin in Westphalia ; which he did by draw- ing them into the river by the sound of his pipe. The authorities refus- ing to pay him the reward, he piped the children of the town into Kop- pelberg Hill, where 130 of them died* Pigeon English. English, Chinese, and Portuguese mixed ; used in busi- ness affairs in China. Pre-Raphaelites. A name given to the English school of artists, com- prising Hunt, Millais, etc. Protestant Duke, The. The Duke of Monmouth, natural son of Charles ' II. of England. Puke. Nickname of a Missourian. Pyramids. A number of remarkable ancient buildings in Egypt. The most famous are at'Gheezeh. Quaker City, The. Philadelphia, Pa. Quaker Poet, The. John G. Whit- tier. Quartier Liatin. (The Latin Quar* ter.) A region in Paris south of the Seine, whose population consists largely of students. Queen of the Antilles. The island of Cuba. R Railway King, The. George Hud- son, an Englishman, who made an immense fortune out of railway speculations. Red Letter Day. A fortunate day. In old calendars the saints' days were marked by a red letter. Ranz des Vaches. The tunes played by the Swiss mountaineers on their horns while driving their cattle to pasture. Rebellion, The Great. The war between Charles I. of England and Parliament. Rebellion, W^ar of the. The Civil War of the United States between the Southern and Northern States, 1861-1865. Red Tape. Official routine. Law papers are tied with red tape. Reign of Terror. The time in the French Revolution from the over- throw of the Girondists, May 31, 1793, to the overthrow of Robes- pierre, July 27, 1794. Reynard, the Fox. A beast epic of the 14th century. Rialto, The. A bridge over the Grand Canal, Venice. Familiar Allusions Zliglits, Declaration of. An in- strument drawn up after the Eng- lish Revolution of 1689, and ac- cepted by William and Mary. It summarizes the leading points of the English Constitution. Annual Par- liaments, trial by jury, free elec- tions, and the right of petition are secured. The crown is not to keep a standing army or to levy taxes. Roast, To rule the. To be at the head. Roast means council. (Ger- man rath.) Robert tlie Devil (le Diahle). First Duke of Normandy; called the Devil on account of his crimes. Robin Goodf ello-w. A mischievous domestic spirit. Roland, (A) for an Oliver. Tit for tat. Roland and Oliver, two of Charlemagne's peers, fought five days without gaining the slightest advantage over each other. Romantic Scbool. A term applied to a number of German poets and painters in the beginning of the 19th century. They aimed at a truly na- tional German literature, independ- ent of French influence. Romantic Scbool, in France, the poets and dramatists, of whom Vic- tor Hugo was the last survivor. They aimed at the natural in dis- tinction from the classical, i. e., con- ventional. Roscius, Tbe British. David Gar- rick. Rough and Ready. General Zach- ary Taylor. Round Robin. Petition with "signa- tures in a circular form. Round Table, in the Arthurian legends, was made by Merlin ; Arthur's 150 knights of the Round Table had seats at it. Roundheads. The Puritans, who wore short hair. Royal Martyr, The. Charles I. of England. Royal Society, The. A society for the advancement of natural science, founded at London in 1645. Rozinante. The horse of Don Quixote ; hence a miserable nag. ttubicon. To pass the. To take an irretrievable step. The Rubicon separated Italy from Cisalpine Gaul, Csesar's province. When he crossed be became an enemy of the Republic. Rule Britannia. An English song the words of which are by Thomp son, author of The Seasons, and the music is by Dr. Arne. Rump Parliament. What was left of Parliament in 1648, after Crom- well had imprisoned and driven out the others for refusing to condemn Charles I. Rye House Plot. A conspiracy in 1683 to assassinate Charles II. and the Duke of York. The conspirators met at Rye House Farm. Sabbath Day^s Journey. About one mile. See Exodus xvi. 29. Sack. To get the sack; to be dis- charged. When the Sultan wants to get rid of one of his harem, he puts her in a sack, which is thrown into the Bosphorus. Sadducees. Jewish sect disbelieving the resurrection of the dead. Sagas. Scandinavian books contain- ing the Northern mythology. Sailor King, The. William IV.. of England, entered the navy 1779. Saint Bartholomew, Massacre of. Massacre of the French Huguenots, in the reign of Charles IX., on St. Bartholomew's Day, Aug. 24-25, 1572. Saint Cloud. Once a famous French palace near the Seine ; destroyed in the Franco-Prussian war. Saint James, The Court o£. The English Court ; so called from the palace of St. James, formerly a royal residence in London. St. Mark's. The famous cathedral of Venice, Italy. Saint Paul's. The cathedral of London, designed by Wren. Saint Peter's. The metropolitan church of Rome ; the most splendid in the world. Area, 240,000 square feet. Saint Sophia. A mosque in Con- stantinople, Turkey ; the finest of Mohammedan temples. Saint Stephen's. A famous Gothic cathedral at Vienna, Austria. Salt River. Oblivion, ruin. Gone up Salt River; forgotten. Sambo. A general nickname for a colored man ; the colored race. Sanctum. (Holy.) One's private room or office, as an editor's sane- 981 Familiar Allusions turn. The Sanctum Sanctorum (holy of holies) in the Jewish Tem- ple was inaccessible to any one but the high priest. Sandwich. A piece of meat between two pieces of bread. The English Earl of Sandwich used to take that form of refreshment. Sang Bleu. (Blue blood.) High, aristocratic descent. Sanhedrim. The Jewish court of seventy elders. Sans Culottes. (Without trousers.) A nickname given by the Royalists to the French Revolutionists. Sans Souci. Palace of Frederick the Great, at Potsdam, near Berlin. Santa Croce. (Holy Cross.) A church in Florence, Italy; the burial-place of Michael Angelo, Gal- ileo, Machiavelli, etc. Satanic School. A name sometimes applied to some modern writers, sup- posed to entertain irreligious ideas, such as Byron, Shelley, Victor Hugo, Swinburne, Rousseau, George Sand. Saturnalia. A period of disorder and debauch. The Romans kept the Saturnalia, or feast of Saturn, Dec. 17, 18, and 19. Schoolmen. The mediaeval theolo- gians, whose lectures were delivered in the cathedral scJiools. Scotland Yard. The headquarters of the London police. Scourge o£ God, Tho. Atilla, king of the Huns. Scratch, Old. The Devil; from Scrat, a Northern familiar demon. Scylla. Avoiding Scylla, he fell into Charytdis. In trying to avoid one danger he fell into another. Scylla and Charybdis were two opposite rocks in the Straits of Messina, Italy. Sea-girt Isle, The. England, which is surrounded by the ocean. Secessia. Nickname of the seceding Southern States, 1861-1865. Secular Games. The games held by the Romans once in a century. Seltzer Water. Water from the Lower Selters, Germany. Semiramis of the North. Cathe- rine II., Empress of Russia. September Massacres. The mas- sacre of the French Royalist pris- oners in Paris, Sept. 2, 3, and 4, 1792. About 8,000 were killed. Septuagint. A Greek version of the Old Testament ; so called because there were 70 (septuaginta) re- visers. (There were really 72.) Seven-hilled City, The. Rome, which was built on seven h-':s. Seven Wonders of the World. The Pyramids of Egypt ; the Templa of Diana at Ephesus ; the Hanging Gardens of Babylon ; the Colossus, at Rhodes ; the Mausoleum at Hali- carnassus ; the statue of Zeus, by Phidias, at Olympia ; and the Pharos (lighthouse) of Alexandria in Egypt. Seven Years' War. The war of Frederick the Great against Aus- tria, France, and Russia, 1756-1763. Shamrock. The national emblem of Ireland, because St. Patrick proved with it the doctrine of the Trinity. Shibboleth. The password of a secret society ; a countersign. W^hen the Ephraimites, who had been routed by Jephthah, tried to pass the Jordan, they were made to pro- nounce the word Shi'b'boleth; they pronounced it Silljoleth, and were thus detected. Sich Man, The. The Ottoman Em- pire ; so called by the Czar Nicholas of Russia. Sinews of War, The. Money, which hires men to fight. Single-Speech Hamilton. W. G. Hamilton, an English statesman of the 18th century, never made but one speech ; the one he did make was surprisingly eloquent. Six Hundred, Charge of the. A charge on the Russians by the Brit- ish light cavalry, 670 strong, at the battle of Balaclava, Oct. 25, 1854. Result of a mistake as to orders. See Tennyson's poem. Sleeping Beauty, The, was shut by enchantment in a castle ; after a sleep of 100 years, she is rescued by and marries a young prince. Smell of the Lamp. A too labored literary work. Pytheas first applied the phrase to the orations of Demos- thenes, who studied constantly in a cave lighted by a lamp. Song of Roland. An old French epic recounting the deaths of Oliver and Roland at Roncesvalles, 982 Familiar Allusions Sorbonne, The. A Parisian univer- sity founded in the 13th century by Robert de Sorbonne. Once famous for theological discussions. Sortes Biblicae. Telling one's fortune by consulting the Bible. The first passage touched at random by the finger is the decisive passage. Soutli Kensington Museuta. A collection of vrorks of art, manu- factures, etc., in London. Soutli Sea Bubble, Tbe. About 1710 a company was formed in Eng- land to pay the national debt, taking in return the sole privilege of trad- ing in the South Seas. The scheme collapsed (about 1720), ruining thousands of persons. Spanish Main. The northern coast of South America. Sphinx. A monument near Cairo, Egypt ; half vroman, half lion ; an emblem of silence and mystery, Stabat Mater. A famous Latin hymn on the crucifixion. Stalwart. A follower of the Repub- lican party in the United States, who firmly adheres to the principles, methods and rules of his party. In contradistinction to the "Half- Breeds," applied to Republicans un- willing to be dictated to by the so- called "Machine," meaning the po- litical organization controlled by party leaders. Star Chamber. A former English civil and criminal court with juris- diction over offenses whose punish- ment was not provided for by law. **StonewaU" Jackson. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson, a famous tCon- federate general in the late Civil War of the United States. Strassburg Cathedral. At Strass- burg ; one of the noblest works of Gothic architecture ; 468 ft. high ; containing a wonderful clock. Swedish Nightingale. Jenny Lind ( Mme. Goldschmidt ) . Tabooed. Prohibited ; from a Poly- nesian word Meaning consecrated, devoted. Applied to anything out of date or in bad taste. Tammany Hall. A section of the Democratic party in New York city ; Tammany Hall is the building ■where they meet. Tammany Ring (also called the Tweed Ring, and, generally, the Ring). A corrupt set of New York city officials who stole large sum3 from the city. They were exposed in 1871. Tammany, St. The patron saint o the Democratic party in New York. He was an Indian cnief ; how made a saint, does not appear. The prin- cipal ofiicer of the Tammany So' ciety is called Grand Sachem. Tapis, On the. On the carpet ; proposed, in discussion. So called from the tapis or cloth on the coun- cil table, or speaker's table, on which motions, bills, etc., are laid. Temple Bar, in London, w^as a stone house above which the heads of traitors were formerly exposed. It was removed in 1878. Termagant. A shrew; originally the name of a Saracen god. The word was formerly applied to both sexes. Terra Firma. Dry land as distin- guished from water. Tertium Quid. A third person or party that shall be nameless. Theatre Frangais. A theatre in Paris devoted to the production of the classic and the .best modern French drama. Celebrated for the excellence of its company of actors. Theleme, Abbey of. The abbey founded by Gargantua in Rabelais' Gargantua. Its motto was "Do as you please." Thirty Years' W^ar, The, was be- tween the Catholics and Protestants, in Germany, 1618-1648. Thistle. The national emblem of Scotland. According to tradition, the Danes were attempting to sur- prise an encampment of the Scotch one night, and had come very near it without bei^g observed. A Dane trod on a thistle, cried out with pain, and the Scotch were aroused, and defeated their assailants, where- upon the thistle was made the in- signia of Scotland. Thor, in Scandinavian mythology, is the god of war, son of Odin. Threadneedle Street, The Old Lady of. The Bank of England in Threadneedle Street, London. Three Estates o£ the Realm. The nobility, the clergy, and the com- Familiar Allusions monalty, represented in the two Houses of Parliament. Thunderer, The. A nickname given to the London Times. Tick, On. On credit; for on ticket. Ticket was formerly used for a promissory note. Tit for Tat. An equivalent. Said to be the Dutch dit vor dat, this for that. Tom Thumb. The famous American dwarf, Stratton. Tory. The name of the great Eng- lish party whose place is to a cer- tain extent taken by the Conserva- tives. Said to come from toruigh, a robber. Whig and Tory were originally terms of reproach. Tour, The Grand. From England through France, Switzerland, Italy, to Germany and home. All aristo- cratic families used to send their sons on the grand tour. Tower, The. The citadel of London, on the Thames. Transfiguration, The. The most famous of Raphael's pictures, now in the Vatican. Represents the miraculous change of Christ on the mount. Trimmer. A person who takes a moderate course in politics. First applied as a term of reproach to the great Halifax, who was not vio- lently attached to any political party. Trinity Church. A famous Epis- copal church on Broadway, at the head of Wall Steet, New York city. The richest church in America. Triple Alliance, The. The alliance of Great Britain, Holland, and Sweden, in 1668, against Louis XIV. of France. Trouabdours. Provencal poets, from the 11th to the 14th century. Trouveres. Northern French poets, 1100-1400. Trumpet. To sound one's own Trumpet, i. e., to boast. The com- ing of the knights into the list used to be announced by the heralds with a flourish of trumpets. Tuft-hunter. A toady. At Oxford University a nobleman is called a tuft, because of the gold tuft on his college cap. Tuileries. A French royal palace, burned by the Commune in 1871. Tulip Mania. A 17th-century Eu- ropean craze for buying tulip bulbs. Holland was the great seat of it. Tune that the old cow died of. Words instead of alms. In the old song, a man who has nothing on which to feed his cow plays her this tune, "Consider, good cow. con- sider. This isn't the time for grass to grow." Also applied to inhar- monious tunes. Tyburn. Once a London place of execution. The site is now occupied by Grosvenor Square and Portman Square, and called Tyburnia, a wealthy and fashionable quarter. Uffizi. A building in Florence con- taining a celebrated art collection. TJltramontanes. The extreme "high" Roman Catholics. The word, which means "beyond the moun- tains," was first used in France of those Catholics who ascribe every- thing to the Pope "beyond the Alps," in contradistinction to the Galileans who insist upon a self- governing national church. Underground Railroad. A phrase which expressed all the means used to further the escape of runaway slaves in America. Under the Rose. ( Sub rosa. ) Con- fidentially. The rose was consid- ered by the ancients an emblem of secrecy. Unknown, The Great. First ap- plied to Sir Walter Scott ; so called on account of the anonymous pub- lication of the Waverley novels. Unlicked Cub. An awkward, ill- bred boy. The bear cub was said to be out of shape till its dam licked it into shape. Unter den Linden. (Under the Linden.) A famous street in Ber- lin, Prussia; it has four rows of lime trees. Unwashed, The Great. The mob; first used by Edmund Burke. Upas Tree. An object that exerts a hurtful influence. There was a tradition that a noisome river rose in a upas tree in Java, the vapor of which was a deadly poison. Upper Ten Thousand. The aris- tocracy ; fashionable society. A phrase first used by N. P. Willis* 984 Familiar Allusions (Jtilitarians. Those who believe that utility, i. e., the fitness of a thing to promote human happiness, is the proper standard of morality. Utopia. (No Place.) The imagi- nary island which Sir Thomas More makes the scene of his romance of Utopia; an ideal commonwealth. Hence the adjective Utopian, i. e. visionary, impracticable. Valhalla. In Scandinavian mythol- ogy, the palace where dwell the heroes slain in battle. Vampire. An extortioner. The vampire is a dead man who returns to life in the night, and sucks the blood of persons asleep. Vatican. The palace of the Popes, on the bank of the Tiber, Rome. Vatican, Council of tlie. The CEcumenical 'Council which met in 1869, and promulgated the doctrine of Papal Infallibility. Vedas. The four sacred books of the Hindu religion. Veni, Vidi, Vici, (''I came, I saw, I conquered.") The phrase with which Julius Csesar announced his . victory at Zela. Venus de Medici. A celebrated Greek statue at Florence ; attrib- uted to Cleomenes, a sculptor of the 2nd century B. c. Venus of Milo. Considered the most beautiful of Greek statues ; found in the Island of Melos in 1820. It is now in the Louvre. Verbum Sap. A word to the wise ; for verhum sapienti. Veronica. A relic at St. Peter's, Rome, said to be the handkerchief on which Jesus wiped his brow on his way to Calvary. It is said to contain the true likeness (Vera icon) of our Saviour. Versailles. A splendid palace at Versailles, 10 miles from Paris. Vespers, The Sicilian. The mas- sacre of the French in Sicily by the Sicilians, March 30, 1282. The sounding of the vesper bell was the signal for the massacre. Via Dolorosa. (The way of pain.) The way by which the Lord went from the Mount of Olives to Gol- gotha. Vinegar Bible, Tbe, printed at Ox- ford, 1767, has vinegar for vineyard in the headline of Luke xxii. Virgin Queen, The. Queen Eliza- beth of England. Vitus, St. St. Vitus' dance is so called because St. Vitus was thought to have control of hysterical com* plaints. W Wabash Avenue. A street in Chi' cago, noted for fine buildings. Wall of China, The. A wall 1,200 miles long and 20 feet high, built by the Chinese in the 3d century B. c. as a protection against the Tartar invasions. Wall Street. The great financial street of New York. Most of the bankers and brokers are on this street or in its vicinity. Wallack's. A famous ^ew York theatre, conducted by J. Lester Wal- lack. Walton. An Izaak Walton. An angler. Izaak Walton published his Complete Angler in 1655. Wandering Jew, The. A famous personage in mediaeval legend. Our Saviour, wearied with carrying his cross, is said to have stopped before the house of one Ahasuerus, a cob- bler, who pushed him off, saying, "Away with you." Jesus answered, *T go away, but thou shalt tarry till I come." Ahasuerus wandered over the world, seeking death, but condemned to live till the coming of our Lcrd. The Wandering Jew was seen from time to time in Eu- rope. His last recorded appearance was late in the 18th century, in Belgium. According to another legend, the Wandering Jew's name was Kartophilus, the doorkeeper of the Hall of Judgment. He struck our Saviour, telling him to go faster. War of 1812. Between Great Brit- ain and the United States, 1812-15. War of the Roses. The English civil wars, between the houses of York and Lancaster, in the 14th and 15th centuries. The red rose was the symbol of Lancaster, the white rose of York. See Shake^eare's I. Henry VI. II. 4. Ward, Artemus. Pseudonym of the American humorist, C. F. Browne 985 Familiar Allusions Washington Street. The principal business street of Boston, Mass. Wassail. An old Saxon salutation, "What, hail !" The wassail bowl is the bowl of spiced ale used on New Year's Day. Wat. A hare, from his wattles, i. e. long ears. Waters, The Father cf . The Mis- sissippi River (said to be a transla- tion of the Indian name). Watling Street. A road across Southern Britain from Dover to Cardigan ; a corruption of Vitellina Strata, "the street of Vitellin." The Milky Way was called Watling Street by the English peasantry. Ways and Means, Committee of the. A most important Committee of the American House of Repre- sentatives, charged with devising the methods by which money for the current expenses of the Government is to be supplied. Wedding. The first anniversary of a wedding is called a paper wed- ding, the gifts being paper articles ; the fifth, wooDEisr ; the tenth, tin ; the fifteenth, crystal ; twenty-fifth, silver; fiftieth, golden; seventy- fifth, DIAMOND. Well of St. Keyne. A well in Corn- wall whose virtue is such that who- ever of a married couple first tastes its waters will "wear the breeches" in the household. Westminster Abbey. The cele- brated abbey-church of London, where many of the illustrious dead of England are buried. Wetherell, Fliazbeth. Pseudonym of the American novelist. Miss Susan Warner, author of The Wide, Wide World. Whig, Once the name of great polit- ical parties in England and the United States. The term is said to come from Whiggamore, a Scotch (•Celtic) word for a thief, a free- booter. The Marquis of Argyle col- lected a troop of these thieves to oppose some measures of James I., and finally the epithet Whig was ap- plied to all opponents of the Gov- ernment. The Whigs at the Eng- lish Revolution opposed the govern- ment of James II. The Whig party in America favored a protective tariff, and a United States bank. Gen. Scott was their last candidate for President (1852). Whistle. To pay too dearly fob THE WHISTLE. Dr. Franklin tells a story of buying a whistle, when a boy, for four times its value. Hence, something which does not equal our expectations, though costly. White Elephant. Something you don't know what to do with. The king of Siam sends a white elephant to a courtier whose fortune he wishes to destroy. White Feather, To show the. To display cowardice. A white feather in a bird marks a cross breed, and is not found on a game-cock. White House. The residence of the President of the United States at Washington; so called from its color. White Stone. A day to BE marked WITH A WHITE STONE is a day to be pleasantly remembered. The ancient Romans marked a lucky day on the calendar with a white stone; an un- lucky day with charcoal. Whiteboys. A secret organization | who engaged in "agrarian outrages" in Ireland in 1789; so called from wearing white shirts. Whitehall. A region in Westmin- ster, London, where the royal palace formerly stood. Wild Huntsman, The. In German legend a spectral huntsman in the Black Forest. The English name is "Heme the Hunter." Windmills, To fight with. To op- pose imaginary objects ; to fight with crotchets. The phrase comes from Don Quixote's adventure in assailing windmills, which he mis- took for giants. Windsor Castle. Famous royal castle and residence near London. Wise Men of the East, The. The three Magi who were guided by the star of Bethlehem to our Saviour's birthplace. W^itch of Endor, The. A sooth- sayer who, at the request of Saul, invoked the ghost of Samuel, who foretold the death of Saul. Witch-Hazel. A forked hazel twig used for finding witches ; still in use to find a suitable place for digging a well. aKR Familiar Allusions Witches' Sabbath. The nightly meeting of witches and demons. Wooden. Horse, The. After the death of Hector, the Greeks besieg- ing Troy built a gip-antie wooden horse, pretending that it was an offering to the gods to insure a safe return to Greece. The horse was filled with Greek warriors ; the Trojans dragged it into the city, and at night the Greeks came out of the horse, opened the city gates to their companions, and sacked the town. Woolsack, To sit on the. To be Lord Chancellor of England. His seat in the House of Lords is called the woolsack, an armless, backless bag of wool. Wyoming Massacre. A band of British and Indians ravaged the val- ley of Wyoming in 1778. Xanthos. The horse of Achilles in the Trojan war; like Balaam's ass, prophetic. Xantippe. A shrew. She was the wife of Socrates, and an intolerable scold. Tahoo* A rowdy; a brutal, ill-bred man. The Yahoos in Swift's Gulli- ver's Travels are brutes with the shapes of men. Tankee. An American. The word is used in America itself as a nick- name of persons born in the New England States. The usual account of the introduction of the word is this : Jonathan Hastings, a Cam- bridge, Mass., farmer, in the 18th century, used it as an epithet de- noting excellence, as "Yankee cider,'* ». e. good, home-made cider. The word was taken up by the students of Harvard College, and gradually spread through the country. This is doubtful. The word is probably a corrupted Indian form of Eng- lish. Yankee Doodle. An American na- tional air. Yarmouth Bloater. A red herring. Yarmouth, England, is noted for tbem. Yello'w Jack. A cant term for the yellow fever. The Yellow Jack is the flag over vessels in quarantine^ marine hospitals, etc. Yggdrasil. In Scandinavian mythol= ogy, an ash-tree, whose roots run to heaven, to the under-world, and to the Frost Giants. The serpent Nithoggr gnaws its roots. Young Anierica. American boys and girls ; the younger generation, supposed to be very irreverent. Young Chevalier. Charles Edward Stuart, the second or young Pre- tender to the throne of Great Brit- ain (1720-88). Young Germany. The literary school of Heinrich Heine, and his followers. Yosemite Valley, in California, famous for its natural scenery ; also a well-known picture by the Amer- ican artist, Bierstadt. Yule. Christmas. The "turn" of the sun at the winter solstice. Yule-log. An immense log of wood put across the fire on the hearth at Christmas. Zend Avesta. The old Persian scrip tures. It is written in the Zend language. Avesta means "the liv- ing word." Zodiac. An imaginary belt in the heavens, divided into 12 equal parts of 30 degrees each, with a sign for each part. The six signs north of the equator are: Aries, "the ram;" Taurus, "the bull ;" Gemini, "the twins;'' Cancer, "the crab;" Leo, "the lion;" Virgo, "the virgin." The six signs south of the eauator are: Lilra, "the balance ;" Scorpio, "the scorpion ;" Sagittarius, "the archer;" Gapricornus, "the goat;" Aquarius, "the water-carrier;" and Pisces, "the fishes." The first six are summer signs, the next three autumn signs, the last three winter signs. Zollverein. A commercial associa- tion between the German States tc maintain the same tariff rates. 981 Famous Characters in Poetry and Prose. iLbdlel, the angel who opposed Satan, and remained faithful when he re- volted. Abigail, a common name for a wait- ing-maid. See I. Sam. xxv. 3. Ablewbite, Godfrey, a sneak in Wilkie Collins' "The Moonstone." Abon Hassan, a character in the "Arabian Nights," who is duped for a short time into believing himself Caliph. Absalom, in Dryden's "Absalom and Achitophel ;" the Duke of Mon- mouth, natural son of Charles II. Absolute, Captain, a gallant, high- spirited character in Sheridan's "The Rivals." Absolute, Sir Antbony, father of the above, an irascible but generous character in "The Rivals." Acbitopbel, the Earl of Shaftes- bury in Dryden's "Absalom and Achitophel." Acres, Bob, whose "courage oozes out at his fingers' ends," a character in "The Rivals." Acrasia, in Spenser's "Faery Queen," a witch, the personification of In- temperance. Adam Bell, a famous archer, cele- brated in many old ballads. Adams, Parson, a learned, good, eccentric, simple divine in Fielding's "Joseph Andrews." Adriana, the wife of Antipholus, in "Comedy of Errors." Ague-cheek, Sir Andrexr, a foolish knight in Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night." Aladdin, the hero of the "Arabian Nights" tales, possessed of a won- derful ring and lamp. Allwortby, Squire, a benevolent character in Fielding's "Tom Jones." Alp, the hero of Byron's "Siege of Corinth." Ajuadis de Gaul, the bero of a \7ide- spread romance of Portuguese origin. Amelia, the heroine of Fielding's novel of that name. Drawn from Fielding's wife. Amine, a wicked woman in the "Arabian Nights,'* who leads her three sisters as hounds in a leash. Amlet, Bicbard, a gambler in Van- brugh's "Confederacy." Amri, in Dryden's "Absalom and Achitophel," Sir H. Finch. Andrews, Josepb, the hero of Field- ing's novel of that name ; brave and pure. Anerley, Mary, the heroine of Blackmore's novel of that name. Apemantus, a cynic in Shakespeare's "Timon of Athens." Arden, Enocb, the hero of Tenny- son's poem of that name. Argante, a giantess in Spenser's "Faery Queen." Ariel, a spirit in Shakespeare's "Tempest." Artful Dodger, a bright young thief in Dickens' "Oliver Twist." Artbur, King, a legendary British king, famous in romance, celebrated by Tennyson. Asbton, Lucy, the heroine of Scott's "Bride of Lammermoor." Atalanta, one of Diana's maids, skilled as an archer, the heroine of Swinburne's "Atalanta in Calydon." Atbelstane, Tbe Unready, a Saxon thane in Scott's "Ivanhoe." Autolycus, "a snapper up of uncon- sidered trifles," in Shakespeare's "The Winter's Tale." Baba, All, a character in the "Arabian Nights," who, having over- heard "sesame," the password of the Forty Thieves, opens their cave, Baba, Cassim, brother of the above, forgets the password. famous Characters in Poetry and Prose Backbite, Sir Benjamin, a slan- derous character in Sheridan's *'SchooI for Scandal." Bagstock, Joe, a pompons, boastful character in Dickens' "Dombey and Son." He always speaks of himself in the third person, as "Joey B.," "J. B.," "Old Joey," "Josh," etc. Bailey, Young, a precocious youth, servant, etc., in Dickens' "Martin" Chuzzlewit." Balderstone, Caleb, the Master of Ravenswood's butler, in Scott's "Bride of Lammermoor." Balthazar, a merchant in Shakes- peare's "Comedy of Errors." Balthazar, a servant in Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing." Banquo, a chieftain in Shakespeare's "Macbeth," murdered by Macbeth. Bardell, Mrs., a widow who sues Mr. Pickwick for breach of promise in Dickens' "Pickwick Papers." Bardolph, a red-nosed follower of Falstaff in Shakespeare's "Henry IV." Barkis, an eccentric character in Dickens' "David Copperfield;" his form of proposal was, "Barkis is willin'." Bath, Major, a pompous person in Fielding's "Amelia." Bayes, the hero of the Duke of Buck- ingham's play of "The Rehearsal," a satire upon the poet Dryden. Baynes, Charlotte, Philip's sweet- heart in Thackeray's "Philip." Bede, Adam, the hero of George Eliot's novel of that name. Belch, Sir Toby, the bibulous uncle of Olivia in Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night." Belford, the friend of Lovelace in Richardson's "Clarissa Harlowe." Belinda, the heroine of Pope's "Rape of the Lock." Bell, liaura, finally marries Arthur in Thackeray's "Pendennis." Bell, Peter, the hero of Words- worth's poem of that name. Bellaston, Lady, a woman of gal- lantry in Fielding's "Tom Jones." Bellenden, !Lady, a Tory gentle- woman in Scott's "Old Mortality." Belphoebe, in Spenser's "Faery Queen," a portrait of Queen Eliza- beth. Belvidera, the heroine of Otway's "Venice Preserved." Benedict, a humorous gentleman in Shakespeare's "Love's Labor Lost," finally married to Beatrice. Bennet, Mrs., a woman of gallantry in Fielding's "Amelia." Benvolio, in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," the friend of Romeo, and nephew of old Montague. Bertram, the hero of Shakespeare's "All's Well that Ends Well." He marries Helena. Bianca, Cassio's mistress in Shake- speare's "Othello." Birch, Harvey, the hero of Cooper's "Spy." Blifil, a sneak in Fielding's "Tom Jones," nephew of Mr. Allworthy. Blimber, Miss Cornelia, a prim and grim classical teacher in "Dom- bey and Son," subsequently Mrs. Feeder, B.A. Bobadil, Captain, a swaggering poltroon in Ben Jonson's "Every Man In His Humor." Boeuf, Front de, a ferocious fol- lower of King John in Scott's "Ivan- hoe." Boffin, Noddy, a good-natured, igno- rant ex-servant in Dickens' "Oup Mutual Friend." Bois, Guilbert, Brian de, preceptor of the Knights Templars in Scott's "Ivanhoe." Boniface, a landlord in Farquhar's "Beaux' Stratagem," hence, gener- ally for a landlord. Booby, Lady, plays Potiphar's wife to Joseph Andrew's Joseph in Field- ing's "Joseph Andrews." Booth, the hero of Fielding's "Amelia," husband of Amelia, said to be Fielding. Bottom, Nick, the weaver-actor in Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream," beloved of Titania. Bounderby, Josiah, a wealthy man- ufacturer and matter-of-fact man in Dickens' "Hard Times." Boivles, Tom, blacksmith and man- ufacturer in Bulwer's "Kenelm Chillingly." Bowline, Tom, a very nautical per- son in Smollett's "Roderick Ran- dom." Box and Cox, the heroes of Morton's farce of that name. Bradwardine, Baron, in Scott's "Waverley," father of Rose B. Bramble, Matthew, a very dyspep- 989 Famous Characters in Poetry and Prose tic person in Smollett's "Humphry Clinker." Brangtons, vulgarians in Miss Bur- ney's "Evelina." Brass, Sally and Sampson, sister and brother, shysters in Dickens' "Old Curiosity Shop." Brick, Jefferson, an American patriot in Dickens' "Martin Chuz- zlewit." Bridgenortli, Major Ralpli, prom- inent in Scott's "Peveril of the Peak." Bridget, Mrs., a remarkable lady in Sterne's "Tristram Shandy," Brown, Tom, the hero of Thomas Hughes' "Tom Brown at Oxford," etc. Bucket, Inspector, the detective in Dickens' "Bleak House." Bumble, the conceited beadle in Dick- ens' "Oliver Twist." Cains, Doctor, Welsh suitor of Anne Page's in the "Merry Wives of Windsor.'* Caliban, a monstrosity in Shakes- peare's "Tempest." Candor, Mrs., a slanderer in Sheri- dan's "The Rivals." Carker, a plausible scoundrel, man- aging clerk of Mr. Dombey in "Dom- bey and Son." Cassio, Othello's lieutenant in Shake- spear's "Othello." Caudle, Mrs., scold and heroine of Douglas Jerrold's "Curtain Lec- tures." Caustic, Colonel, satirical character in Mackenzie's "Lounger." Celia, cousin of Rosalind and daugh- ter of Frederick in Shakespeare's "As You Like It." Chadband, an oily, hypocritical preacher in Dickens' "Bleak House." Cbamont, leading male character in Otway's "The Orphans." CMllingly, Kenelm, hero of Bul- wer's novel of that name. Christabel. heroine of Coleridge's poem of that name. Christiana, wife of Christian in Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress." Cbuzzle-wit, Jonas, miser and mur- derer in Dickens' "Martin Chuzzle- wit." Ckuzzlexp-it, Martin, the selfish hero of Dickens' "Martin Chuzzlewit." Clare, Ada, ward of Jarndyce, wife of Carstone in Dickens' "Bleak House." • Clifford, Paul, highwayman hero of Bulwer's novel of that name. Clinker, Humphry, hero of Smol- lett's novel of that name. Coelebs, the hero of Hanna More's "Coelebs in Search of a. Wife." Coldstream, Sir Charles, hlase per- son in Mathew's "Used Up." Consuelo, heroine of George Sand's novel of that name. Copper Captain, The, the nickname of Perez, braggart and coward in Beaumont and Fletcher's "Rule a AVife and Have a Wife." Copperfield, David, the hero of Dickens' "David Copperfield." Cordelia, the youngest and faithful daughter of Lear in Shakespeare's "King Lear." Corinne, heroine of Mme. de Stael's romance of that name. Costigan, Captain, a bibulous and disreputable person in Thackeray's "Pendennis." Coverly, Sir Roger De, country gentleman in Addison's "Spectator." Crane, Ichabod, the schoolmaster in Irving's Legend of "Sleepy Hollow." Crawley, Rawdon, the husband of Becky Sharpe in Thackeray's "Van- ity Fair." Cressida, heroine of Shakespeare's "Troilus and Cressida," Crummies, Vincent, theatrical man- ager in Dickens' "Nicholas Nick- leby." Crusoe, Robinson, hero of De Foe's "Robinson Crusoe." Cuttle, Captain, simple nautical person in Dickens' "Dombey and Son." Cymbeline, a British king, whose name is preserved in Shakespeare's "Cymbeline." Dalgarno, Lord, a profligate young Scotch nobleman in Scott's "The Fortunes of Nigel." Davy, Shallow's servant in Shake- speare's "Second Part of Henry IV." Deans, Douce Davie, pious Presby- terian in Scott's "The Heart of Mid- Lothian ;" father of EfBe and Jeanie Famous Characters in Poetry and Prose Deans, E£B.e, a betrayed woman in the same. Deans, Jeanie, the heroine of the same. Dedlock, I . 17,00. PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES— Continued. Caribou, Me ^ 5 Carlisle, Pa 10 Carnegie, Pa 10 Carrick, Pa 6 Carson City, Nev* 2, Carthage, Mo 9, Catasauqua, Pa 5, Catskill,N.Y 5, Cedar Falls, Iowa 5, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 32, Centerville, Iowa 6, Central Falls, R. 1 22, Centralia, 111 9, Centralia, Wash 7 Chambersburg, Pa 11, Champaign, 111 12, Chanute, Kan 9, Charleroi,Pa 9, Charles City, Iowa 5, Charleston, 111 5 Charleston, S. C 58 Charleston, W. Va.* 22 Charlotte, N. C 34, Charlottesville, Va 6, Chattanooga, Term 44, Cheboygan, Mich 6, Chelsea, Mass 32. Chester, Pa 38, Cheyenne, Wyo.* 11, Chicago, 111 2,185, Chicago Heights, 111 14, Chickasha, Okla 10, Chicopee, Mass 25, Chicopee Falls, Mass. . . 8. Chillicothe, Mo 6, Chillicothe, Ohio 14. Chippewa Falls, Wis.... 8, Chisholra. Minn 7, Cicero, 111 14, Cincinnati, Ohio 3 63 , Circleville, Ohio 6, Claremont, N. H .'. 7, Clarksburg, W. Va 9, Clarksville, Tenn 8, Clearfield, Pa 6, Clebmne,Tex 10. Cleveland, Ohio 560 feveland, Tenn 5 Ciuton Forge, Va 5 Jlinton, III 5 Clinton, Ind 6 Chnton, Iowa..., ..ar,.... 25 Clinton, Mass 13 Cloquet, Minn 7 Coaldale, Pa 5 Coalgate, Okla. 6, Coatesville, Pa 11 Coeurd'.A.lene, Idaho... 7, Coffeyville, Kan 12, Cohoes,N.Y 24, Coldwater, Mich 5, CoUinsviUe, 111 7, Colorado Springs, Colo.. 29 Columbia. Mo 9 Columbia, Pa 11 Columbia, S. C* 26 Columbia, Tenn 5 Columbus. Ga 20 Columbus, Ind 8 Columbus. Miss 8 Columbus,Neb 5 37 7 Columbus. Ohio.* 181 303 Concord, N. H.* 21 009 Concord, N. C 8 117JConneaut, Ohio 8 466!Connellsville,Pa 12 483;Connersville, Ind 7 2 5 1 Conshohocken, Pa 7 296 Coraopolis, Pa 5 Cordele, Ga 5 Corinth, Miss 5 Corning, N.Y 13 Corpus Chr isti, Tex 8 Corry, Pa 5 Corsicana, Tex 9 Cortland, N.Y 11 Coshocton, Ohio 9 Council Bluffs, Iowa 29 Covington, Ky 53 Cranston, R.I 21 Crawf ordsville, Ind 9 Creston, Iowa 6 Cripple Creek, Colo 6 Crookston, Minn 7 Crowley, La 5 Cumberland, Md 21 Dallas, Tex 92 Dalton, Ga 5 Danbury, Conn 20 Dansville, N. Y 5 Danv^ers, Mass 7 DanviUe.Ill 27 Danville, Ky 5 Danville, Pa 7 Danville, Va 19 Darby, Pa :.. 6 Davenport, Iowa 43 Dayton, Ky 6 Davton. Ohio 116 De^tur.IU 31 Defiance, Ohio. 7 DeKalb, 111 8 Delaware, Ohio 9 Delphos, Ohio 5 Denison, Tex 13 Denver, Colo.* 213 Derbv, Conn 8 Derry,N.H 5 Des Moines, Towa* 86 Detroit. Mich 465 19,098 9,179 5,046 8,110 5,500 20,387 012 811 936 754 680 311 800 421 272 615 892 884 833 996 014 765 604 859 452 537 320 283 525 320 ,401 ,500 ,265 .508 ,893 ,684 ,557 ,591 ,744 ,529 ,201 ,548 ,851 .364 ,663 ,549 ,743 ,165 ,229 ,577 ,000 ,031 ,154 ,000 .084 291 687 7091 Dowagiac, Mich Devils Lake, N. Dak... Dickinson, N. Dak. 5 5 Dickson , Pa ^. 9 Dixon 111 Donora, Pa. . Dothan, Ala.. Douglas, Ariz Dover, Del.* 3 Dover, N.H 13 Dover, N.J 7 A. ,945 Dublin, Ga 5 ,478! Dubois, Pa 12 ,0781 Dubuque, Iowa 38 ,662! Duluth, Minn 78 454 ,319 ,754 554 813 988 ,014 Dunkirk. N.Y.. Dunmore, Pa Duquesne, Pa Duquoin, 111 Durant, Okla Durham, N.C Duryea, Pa ,511 East Chicago, Ind.... ,497 East Cleveland, Ohio. ,715 East Conemaugh, Pa. ,319 Easthampton, xMass. . ,845 East Hartford, Conn.. .738 East Liverpool, Ohio. ,480' Easton, Pa 28,523 252 East Orange, N. J 34,371 ,883 East Pittsburg, Pa 5,615 ,020 East Providence, R. I. . , 13,500 730 East Saint Louis, 111 58,547 .222 Eau Claire, Wis 18,310 ,991 Edwardsville, 111 5,014 749 Edwardsville, Pa 8,407 ,504 Elberton, Ga 6,483 ,603 Elgin, 111 25,976 ,292 Elizabeth, N. J 73,409 ,270 Elizabeth City, N. C . . 8,412 ,171 Elkhart, Ind 19,282 ,371 Elkins,W. Va 5,260 ,924 Elmira, N. Y 37,176 ,206 El Paso. Tex 39,279 ,559 El Reno, Okla 7,000 ,099 Elwood, Ind 1 1,028 ,839 Elyria, Ohio 14,825 ,104 Emporia, Kan 9,058 ,324 Englewood.N.J 9,924 ,234 Enid, Okla 13,799 ,000 Ennis, Tex 5,669 ,950 Erie, Pa 66,525 ,871 Escanaba, Mich 13,194 ,420 Etna, Pa 5,830 ,517 Eugene. Ore 9,009 ,020 Eureka, Cal 11,845 ,305 Evanston, III 24,978 ,028 Evansvilie, Ind 69,647 ,979 Eveleth, Mo 7,036 ,577 Everett, Mass 33,484 ,140 Everett, Wash 24,814 ,327 Fairbury,Neb 5,294 ,102 Fairmont, W.Va 9,711 ,076 Fall River, Mass 119,295 ,038 Fargo, N. Dak 14,331 ,632 Fairbault, Minn. 9,001 ,381 Fayetteville, N. C 7,045 ,991 Fergus Falls, Minn 6,887 ,123 Findlav,Ohio 14,858 ,368 Fitchburg, Mass 37,826 ,766 Fitzgerald, Ga 5,795 157 Flat River, Mo 5,112 ,000 Flint, Mich 38,550 ,331 Florence, Ala 6,689 ,216 Florence, S.C 7,057 ,174 Fond du Lac, Wis 18,797 ,016 Forest Citv, Pa 5,749 ,000 Forest Park, 111 6,594 ,720 Fort Collins, Colo 8,210 ,247 Fort Dodge, Iowa 15,543 ,468 Fort Madison. Iowa 8 900 ,088 Fort Scott, Kan 10,463 ,795 Fort Smith, Ark 23,975 ,623! Fort Wayne, Ind 63,933 ,494, Fort Worth. Tex 73,312 ,466 Fostoria, Ohio 9.597 17,221 Frankfort, Ind 8,634 17,615 Frankfort, Kv.* 10,465 15,727:Frank!in,N.H 6,132 5,454Frank!ia, Pa 9,767 5,330, Frederick, Md 10,411 18,241 IFredericksburg, Va 5,874 7,487 iFredonia, N, Y ;,28S PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES-Continued. Freeland,Pa 6,197 FreeportJU 17,567 Fremont, Neb 8,7 18 Fremont Ohio 9,939 Fresno ,Cau 24.892 Frost burg, Md 6,028 Fulton, Mo 5,228 Fulton, N.Y 10,48U Gadsden Ala 10,557 Gainesville, Fla 6, 1 83 Gainesville, Ga 5,925 Gamesville, Tex 7,624 Galena, Kan 6,096 Galesburg, 111 22,089 Gallon, Ohio 7,214 Gallipolis, Oho 5,560 Galveston, Tex 36,98 J Gardiner, Me 5,311 Gardner,Mass 13,910 Garfield,N. J 10,213 Gary,Ind 16,802 Gastonia,N.C 5.759 Geneva, N.Y 12,446 Georgetown, S. C 5,530 Gilberton, Pa 5,40 1 Glassport,Pa 5,540 Glen Cove. N.Y 7.600 Glens FaUs.N.Y 15 243 Globe, Ariz 1 2,00C Gloucester, Mass, Gloucester , N. J Gloversville. N. Y Goldsboro, N. C Goshen, Ind Graiton, W. Va Grand Forks, N. Dak.. . Grand Haven, Mich. . . . Grand Island, Neb Grand Junction, Colo. Grand Rapids, Mich. Grand Rapids, Wis.. . Granite City, 111, 24,398 9,462 20,642 6,107 8,514 7,563 12,478 . 5,856 . 10,326 , 7,754 112,571 . 6,521 . 9,903 Great Falls. Mont 13,948 Greelev,Colo 8,179 Greenbav. Wis 25,236 Greenfield, Mass 9.910 Greensboro, N. C 15,895 Greensburg, Ind 5,420 Greensburg, Pa 13,012 Greenville, Miss 9,610 Greenville, Ohio 6,237 Greenville, Pa 5,909 Greenville, S. C 15,741 Greenville, Tex 8,850 Greenwood, Miss 5,836 Greenwood, S. C - 6,614 Griffin,Ga 7,478 Grinnell, Iowa 5,036 Gulfport, Miss 6,386 Guthrie, Okla.* 12,000 Guttenberg, N. J 5,647 Hackensack, N. J 14,050 Hagerstown, Md 16,507 Hamilton, Oh.'o 35.279 Hammond, Ind 20,925 Hammonton, N. J 5, Hampton, \'a 5.505 Hancock, Mich 8.981 Hannibal, Mo 18,341 Hanover,Pa 7,057 Harrisburg, 111 5,309 Harrisbm-g, Pa.* 64,186 Harrison, N.J 14,498 Harrisonburg, Va 4,879 Hartford, Conn.* 98,91 5 Hartford, Ind 6,187 Hartwell, Ohio 2,600 Harvey,Ill 7,227 Hastings, Neb.. 9,338 Hattiesburg, Miss 11,733 Haverhill, Mass 44, 1 1 5 Haverstraw, N. Y 5,669 Hazleton, Pa 25,452 Helena,Ark 8,772 Helena, Mont.* 12,515 Henderson, Ky 11,452 Herkimer, N.Y 7,520 Herrin,Ill 6,861 Hibbing, Minn 8,832 Highpoint, N. C 9,525 Hiilsboro.Tex 6,115 Hillsdale, Mich 5,001 Hoboken,N.J... 70,324 Holland, Mich 10.490 Holvoke,Mass 57,730 Homestead, Pa 18,713 Hoosick Falls, N. Y 5,532 HoDkinsville, Ky 9,419 Hoquiam,Wash 8,171 Hornell,N.Y 13,617 Hot Springs, Ark 14.434 Houghton, Mich 5.113 Houlton,Me 5,845 Houma.La 5,024 Houston, Tex 78,800 Houston Heights, Tex . . 6,984 Hudson, Mass 5,200 Hudson, N.Y 11,417 Hudson Falls, N. Y 5,189 Hugo, Okla 5,000 Huntingdon, Pa 6,861 Huntington, Ind 10,272 Huntington, N Y 5,000 Huntington, W.Va..:.. 31,161 Huntsville, Ala 7,611 Huron, S. Dak 5,791 Hutchinson, Kan 16,364 Hyde Park, Mass 14,507 Ilion,N.Y 6,588 Independence, Kan 10.480 Independence, Mo 9,859 Indiana, Pa 5,749 Indianapolis, Ind.*... 233,650 Indian Orchard, Mass. . 6,200 Iola,Kan 9,032 Ionia, Mich 5,030 Iowa City, Iowa 10,091 Ipswich, Mass 5,000 Iron Mountain, Mich. . . 9,216 Ironton, Ohio 13,147 Tronwood, Mich 12,821 Irvington, N. T 11,877 Ishpeming, Mich 12,448 lthaca,N.Y 14,802 Jackson, Mich 3 1 ,433 Jackson, Miss.* 21,262 Tackson. Ohio 5,468 Jackson, Tenn 15,779 Jacksonville, Fla 57,699 Janesville, Wis 13,894 Jeannette, Pa 8,077 Jefferson City, Mo.*.... 11 850 Jeffersonville, Ind 10,412 Jersey City, N. J... .' . . 267,779 Jersey Shore, Pa 5,381 Johnson City, Tenn 8,502 Johnstown, N.Y 10,447 Johnstown, Pa 55,482 Joliet,lll 34,670' Jonesboro, Aik 7,123 Joplin.Mo 32,073 Junction Cuy, Kan 5,598 Juniata, Pa 5,285 Kalamazoo, Mich 39,437 Kalispell, Mont 5,549 Kane, Pa 6,626 Kankakee, 111 13,986 Kansas City, Kan 82,331 Kansas Citv, Mo 248,381 Kearney, Neb 6,202 Kearny,N.J 18,659 Eeene,N.H 10,068 Kenosha, Wis 21,371 Kenton, Ohio 7,185 Keokuk, Iowa 14,008 Kewanee,Ill 9,307 Key West, fla 19,945 Kingston, N. Y 25,908 Kingston, Pa 6,449 Kinston.N.C 6,995 Kirksville, Mo 6,347 Knoxsville, Pa 5,651 Knoxville, Tenn 36,346 Kokomo,lnd 17,010 Lackawanna, N. Y 14,549 Laconia,N.H 10,183 La Crosse, Wis 30.417 Lafayette, Ind 20,081 Lafayette, La 6,392 Lagrange, Ga 5,587 Lagrange, 111 5.282 Lake Charles, La 1 1 ,449 Lake Citv, Fla 5,032 Lakewood, Ohio 15,181 Lancaster. Ohio 13,093 Lancaster, Pa 47,227 Lansford, Pa 8.321 Lansing, Mich.* 31,229 Laporte.Ind 10,525 Laramie, Wyo 8,237 Laredo, Tex 14,855 Larksville. Pa 9,288 La Salle, 111 11,537 Las Vegas, N. M 8,600 Latrobe,Pa 8,777 Laurel, Miss 8,465 Laurium, Mich 8,537 Lavn-ence, Kan 12,374 Lawrence, Mass 85,892 Lawton.Okla 7,788 Lead, S. Dak 8,392 Leadville, Colo 7,508 Leavenworth, Kan 19,363 Lebanon, Ind 5,474 Lebanon, N.H 5,718 Lebanon, Pa 19,240 Lehighton. Pa. 5,316 Jacksonville, 111 15,326| Leominster, Mass 14,910 Jamestown, N. Y 31,297 Lestershire, N. Y 5,009 Jamestown, N. Dak, , , . 6, 1 00 1 Lewiston, Idaho 6,043 PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES— Continued. Lewiston, Me .26,247 Lewistown, Pa 8,166 Lexington, Ky 35,099 Lexington, Mo. 5,242 Lexington, Va 5,000 Lima, Ohio 30,508 Lincoln, 111 10,892 Lincoln, Neb.* 43,973 Linton, Ind 5,9C6 Litchfield, 111 5,971 Little Falls, Minn 6,078 Little Falls, N. Y 12,273 Little Rock, Ark.* 45,941 Livingston, Mont 5,359 LockHaven.Pa 7,772 Lockport.N.Y 17,970 Logan, Utah 7,522 Logansport, Ind 19,050 Longbeach, Cal 1 7,809 Long Branch, N. J 13,298 Longview,Tex 5,155 Lorain, Ohio 28,883 LosAngeles Cal 319,198 Louisville, Ky 223,928 Lowell, Mass 106,294 Ludington, Mich 9,132 Luzerne, Pa 5,426 Lynchourg, Va 29,494 Lynn, Mass 89,336 McAlester, Okla 12.954 McComb, Miss 6,237 McKeesport, Pa 42,694 McKees Rocks, Pa 14.702 Macomb, III 5,774 Macon, Ga 40,665 MadisonJU ,.!.. 5,046 Madison, Ind 6,934 Madison, Wis.* 25,531 Madisonville, Ohio 5,193 Mahanoy City, Pa 15,936 Maiden, Mass 44,404 Malone, N.Y 6,467 Mamaroneck, N. Y 5,699 Manchester, N. H 70,063 Manchester, Va 12,200 Manhattan, Kan 5,722 Manistee, Mich. 12,381 Manitowoc, Wis 13,027 Mankato, Minn 10,365 Mansfield, Ohio 20,768 Marblehead, Mass 7,010 Marietta, Ga 5,949 Marietta, Ohio 12,923 Marinette, Wis 14,610 Marion, III 7,093 Marion, Ind 19,359 Marion, Ohio 18,232 Marlboro, Mass 14,579 Marquette, Mich 1 1 , 503 Marshall, Tex 11.452 Marshalltown, Iowa 13^374 Marshfield, Wis 5,783 Martinsburg, W. Va 10,698 Martins Ferrv, Ohio 9,133 Marysville, Cal 5,430 Mason City, Iowa 11,230 Massillon, Ohio 13,879 Matteawan, N. Y 6,727 Mattoon 111 11,456 Mayfield, Ky 5.916 Maynard, Mass 5.910 Maysville, Ky 6,141 May wood. Ill 8,033 Meadville,Pa 12,780 Mechanicsville, N. Y... 6,634 Medford, Mass 23,150 Medford, Ore 8,840 Medina, N.Y.. 5.683 Melrose, Mass 15,715 Memphis, Tenn 131,105 Menasha, Wis 6,08 1 Menominee, Mich 10,507 Menomonie, Wis. 5,036 Meriden, Conn 27,265 ' "■■ '■ 23,285 Meridian, Miss, Merrill, Wis Methuen, Mass 9,110 Mexico, Mo 5,939 Miami, Fla 5,471 Michigan City, Ind 19,027 Middleboro, Mass 5,700 Middlesboro, Ky 7,305 Middletown, Conn 11,851 Middletown, N. Y 15,313 Middletown, Ohio 13,152 Middletown, Pa 5,374 Milford, Mass 12,910 Millvale,Pa 7,861 MilIville,N. J 12,451 Milton, Mass 7,210 Milton, Pa 7,460 Milwaukee, Wis 373,857 Minersville, Pa 7 , 2 40 Minneapolis, Minn 301,408 Minot,N.Dak 6,188 Mishawaka, Ind 11,886 Missoula, Mont 12,869 Mitchell, S. Dak 6.515 Moberly, Mo 10^923 Mobile, Ala 51,521 Moline, 111 24,199 Monessen,Pa 11,775 Monmouth. Ill 9,128 Mononga hela, Pa 7,598 Monroe, La 10,209 Monroe, Mich 6,893 Montclair, N. J 21,550 Montgomery, Ala.* 38,136 Montpelier, Vt.* 7,856 Morenci, Ariz 7,000 Morgan City, La 5,477 Morgantown, W. Va 9,150 Morristown, N. J 12,507 Moundsville, W. Va 8,918 Mt. Carmel, 111 6,934 Mt. Carmel.Pa 17,532 Mt. Clemens, Mich 7,707 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 5,812 Mt. Vernon, 111 8,007 Mt. Vernon, Ind 5,563 Mt. Vernon, N.Y 30,919 Mt. Vernon, Ohio 9,087 Muncie, Ind 24,005 Munhall,Pa 5,185 Murphysboro, 111 7,485 Muscatine, Iowa 16,178 Muskegon, Mich 24,062 Muskogee, Okla 25,278 Nanticoke, Pa 18,877 Napa, Cal 15,791 Nashua, N. H 26,005 Nashville. Tenn.* 110,364 Natchez, Miss 1 1,791 Natick, Mass 8,900 Natick, R.I 5,000 Naugatuck, Conn 12,722 Nebraska City, Neb. . 5,488 Neenah.Wis 5,734 Negaunee, Mich 8,460 Nelsonville, Ohio 6,082 Nevada, Mo 7,176 New Albany, Ind 20,629 Newark, N.J 347,469 Newark, N.Y 6,227 Newark, Ohio 25,404 New Bedford, Mass 96,652 Newbern, N. C 9,961 Newberry S.C 5,028 New Brighton, Pa 8,329 New Britain, Conn 43,916 New Brunswick, N. J.. . 23,388 Newburgh, N. Y. 27,805 Newburg, Ohio 5,813 Newburyport, Mass 14,949 Newcastle, Ind..... 9,446 New Castle, Pa 36,280 New Decatur, Ala 6,118 New Haven, Conn 133,605 New Iberia, La 7,499 New Kensington, Pa 7,707 New London, Conn 19 659 Newnan, Ga 5,548 New Orleans, La 339,075 New Philadelphia, Ohio 8,542 Newport, Ky 30,309 Newport, R.I 27,149 Newport News, Va 20,205 New Rochelle, N. Y 28,867 Newton, Kan 7,862 Newton, Mass 39,806 Newton Center, Mass.. . 6,000 Newtonville, Mass 5,700 New Ulm, Minn 5,648 New York, N. Y 4,776,883 Niagara Falls, N. Y 30,445 Niles, Mich 5,156 Niles, Ohio 8,361 Noblesville, Ind 5,073 Norfolk, Neb 6,02 5 Norfolk, Va 67,452 Norristown, Pa 27,875 North Adams, Mass 22,019 Northampton, Mass 19,43 1 Northampton, Pa. 8,729 North Andover , Mass . . . 5,210 North Attleboro, Mass.. 7,9 10 North Braddock, Pa.. . . 11,824 North Plainfield, N. T... 6,117 North Tarrytown, N. Y 5,421 North Tonawanda, N.Y 11,955 North Yakima, Wish... 14,082 Norwalk, Conn 6,954 Norwalk, Ohio 7,858 Norwich, Conn 20,367 Norwich, N.Y 7,422 Norwood, Mass 7,910 Norwood, Ohio 16,185 Nutley.N.J 6,009 Oakland, Cal 150,174 Oak Park, III 19,444 Oconto, Wis 5,629 Oelwein, Iowa 6,028 Ogden, Utah. - 25,580 PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES— Continued. Ogdensburg.N.Y 15,933 Oil City, Pa 15,657 Oklahoma, Okla 64,205 Oidforge,Pa 11,324 Oldtown.Me 6,317 Olean.N.Y 14,743 01ney,Ill 5,011 Olympia, Wash.* 6,996 01yphant,Pa 8,505 Omaha, Neb 124,096 Oneida,N.Y.. 8,317 Oneonta,N.Y 9,491 Orange, N.J 29,630 Orange, Tex 5,527 Orangeburg, S C 5,906 Oshkosh,Wis 33,062 Oskaloosa, Iowa 9,466 Ossining,N.Y 11 Oswego, N. Y 23,368 Ottawa, 111 9,535 Ottawa, Kan 7,650 Ottumwa, Iowa 22,012 Owatonna, Minn 5,658 Owensboro, Ky 16,011 Owosso, Mich. 9,6"" Paducah, Ky 22,760 Painesville, Ohio 5,501 Palestine, Tex 10,482 Palmer, Mass 5,950 Pana,Ill 6,055 Paragould, Ark 5 248 Paris, 111 7o64 Paris, Ky 5,859 Paris, Tex 11,269 Park,Tenn 5,126 Parkersburg, W. Va 1 7,842 Parsons, Kan 12,463 Pasadena, Cal 30,291 Passaic,N.J. 54,773 Paterson,N. J 125,600 Pawtucket, R. 1 51,622 Peabody, Mass 14,910 Peekskill,N.Y 15,245 Pekin,Ill 9,897 PennYan.N.Y 4,597 Pensacola, Fla 22,982 Peoria, 111 66,950 Perth Amboy, N. J 32,121 Peru.IU 7,984 Peru,Ind 10,910 Petaluma.Cal 8,580 Petersburg, Va 24,127 Philadelphia, Pa 1,549,008 Phillipsburg, N. J. .. . 13,903 Phoenix. Ariz.* 11,134 Phoenixville, Pa 10,743 Pierre, S. Dak.* 3,656 Pinebluff, Ark 15,102 Piqua, Ohio 13,388 Pittsburg, Kan 14,755 Pittsburg, Pa 533,905 Pittsfield, Mass 32,121 Pittston, Pa. 16,267 Plainfield, N. J 20,550 Plattsburg, N. Y 11,138 Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth, Pa. . . . PocateUo, Idaho. Pomona, Cal Pontiac, 111 11,200 16,996 9,110 10.207 Poplarbluff , Mo 6,916 Portage, Wis 5,440 Port Arthur, Tex 7,663 Port Chester, N. Y 12,809 Port Huron, Mich 18,863 PortJervis.N.Y 9.564 Portland,Ind 5,130 Portland, Me 58,571 Portland, Ore 207,214 Portsmouth, N. H 11,269 Portsmouth, Ohio 23,481 Portsmouth, Va 33,190 Pottstown, Pa Pottsville, Pa Poughkeepsie, N. Y . . . Prescott, Ariz Presque Isle, Me . .... Princeton, Ind Princeton, N. J Providence, R. I.* . 15,599 . 20,236 . 27.936 5,092 . 5,179 . 6,448 . 5,136 224,326 Provo,Utah, 8,925 Pueblo, Colo 44,395 Punxsutawney, Pa 9,058 Putnam, Conn 6,637 Quincy.Ill 36,587 Quincy, Mass 32,642 Racine, Wis 38,002 Radford, Va 4,202 Rahway,N,J 9,337 Raleigh, N. C* 19,218 Rankin Station, Pa 6,042 Raton. N.M 5,100 Ravenna, Ohio 5,310 Reading, Pa 96,071 Red Bank, N.J 7 398 Redlands, Cal. 10,449 Red Wing, Minn 9,048 Reno, Nev 10,867 Rensselaer, N. Y 10,711 Revere, Mass 18,219 Rhinelander, Wis 5,637 Richmond, Cai 6,802 Richmond, Ind 22,324 Richmond, Ky 5,340 Richmond, Va.* 127,628 Ridgewood, N. J 5,416 Ridgway,Pa 5,408 Riverside, Cal 15,212 Roanoke, Va 34,874 Rochester, Minn 7,844 Rochester, N. H 8,868 Rochester, N. Y 218,149 Rochester, Pa 5,903 Rockford,Ill 45,401 Rockhill,S.C 7,216 Rock Island, 111 24,335 Rockland, Me 8,174 Rock Springs. Wyo 5,778 Rockville, Conn 7,977 Rockymount, N. C 8,051 Rome, Ga 12,099 Rome,N.Y 20,497 Roosevelt, N.J 5,786 Rosedale, Kan 5,960 Roswell,N.M 6,172 Rumford Falls, Me 5,427 Rutherford, N. J 7,045 Rutland, Vt 13,546 Saco, Me 6,583 6.090|Sacramento, Cal.*. Pontiac, Mich „ . . . 14,532lSaginaw, Mich. 44.696 50,510 St. Albans, Vt 6,381 Saint Augustine, Fla 5,494 St. Bernard, Ohio 5,002 St. Charles, Mo 9,437 St. Clair. Pa. (Allegheny Co.) 5,640 St. Clair, Pa. (Schuylkill Co.) 6,455 St. Cloud, Minn 10,600 St. Johnsbury, Vt 7,000 St. Joseph, Mich 5,936 St. Joseph, Mo... 77,403 St. Louis, Mo 687,029 St. Marys, Ohio 5,732 St. Marys, Pa 6,346 St. Paul, Minn.* 214.744 Salamanca, N. Y 5.792 Salem, Mass 43,697 Salem,N.J 6,614 Salem, Ohio... 8,943 Salem, Ore.* 14,094 Salina, Kan 9,688 Salisbury, Md 6,690 Salisbury, N. C 7,153 Salt Lake City, Utah.*. . 92,777 San Angelo, Tex 13,321 San Antonio, Tex 96,614 San Bernardino, Cal.... 12,779 SanDiego, Cal 39,578 Sandusky, Ohio 19,989 Sanford, Me 9,049 San Francisco, Cal 416,912 San Jose, Cal 28,946 SanLuis Obispo, Cal... 5,157 San Rafael, Cal 5,934 Santa Ana, Cal 8,429 Santa Barbara, Cal 11,659 Santa Cruz, Cal 11,146 Santa Fe.N.M.* 5,072 Santa Monica, Ca! 7,847 Santa Rosa. Cal 7,817 Sapulpa, Okla 5,000 Saratoga Springs. N. Y.. 12,693 Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 12,615 Savannah, Ga 65,064 Sayre, Pa 6,426 Schenectady, N. Y 72,826 Scottdale, Pa 5,456 Scranton, Pa 129,867 Seattle, Wash 237,194 Sedaha, Mo 17,822 Selrna.Ala 13,649 Seneca Falls, N. Y 6,588 Seymour, Ind 6,305 Shamokin, Pa 19,588 Sharon, Pa 15,270 Sharpsburg, Pa 8,153 Shawnee, Okla ..12,474 Sheboygan, Wis...:.... 26,398 Shelby ville, Ind 9,500 Shenandoah, Pa 25,774 Sheridan, Wvo 8,408 Sherman, Tex 12.412 Shreveport, La 28,015 Sidney. Ohio 6,607 Sioux City, Iowa 47,828 Sioux Falls, S. Dak 14,094 Skowhegan, Me 5,341 Solvay,N.Y 5,139 Somersworth, N. H 6,704 Somerville, Mass .... 77,2374 2,182,947 340,327 15.58 Prince Edward Island . . . . 93,728 103,259 *— 9,531 — 9.23 Quebec .2,003,238 1,648,898 354,340 21.46 Saskatchewan 492,432 91,279 401,153 439.48 N. W. Terri- tories . 17,19ff 20,129 *— 2,933 —14.57 Yukon 8,512 27,129 *— 18,707 —68.73 Totals ... 7,205,364 5,371,315 1,834,049 34.15 *Decrease. POPULATION BY PROVINCES. DISTRICTS, AND SEX IN 1911. Total Provinces and Population in 1911. Pop. Districts. Male. Female. Total. 1901. ALBEKTA. 223,989 150,674 374,663 73,022 Calgary 36,991 23,511 60,502 8,362 Edmonton 34,567 22,478 57,045 12,823 Macleod 20,516 13,988 34,504 7,856 Medicine Hat 43,724 26,882 70,606 10,804 Bed Deer 37,085 24,287 61,372 10,314 Strathcona . . . 28,536 20,937 49,473 12,345 Victoria . . . ; . 22,570 18,591 41,161 10,518 BRITISH COLUMBIA. 251,619 140,861 392,480 178,657 Comox-Atlin . 30,969 11,294 42,263 21,457 Kootenay 33,974 16,798 50.772 31,962 Nanaimo 20.124 11,698 31,822 22,293 New West- minster . . . 35,906 19,773 55,679 23,976 Vancouver City 74,390 49,512 123,902 28,895 Victoria City. 19,089 •12,571 31,660 20,919 Yale and Cariboo 37,167 19,215 56,382 29,155 MANITOBA. 250,056 20.5,558 455,614 255,211 Brandon 22.127 17.607 39.734 25,047 Provinces and Districts. Population in 1911. Male. Female. Total. Total Pop. 1901. Dauphin 24,384 19,616 44,000 22,631 Lisgar 12,304 11,197 23,501 24,736 Macdonald ... 19,984 15,857 35,841 23,866 Marquette . . . 18,829 14,769 33,598 20.431 Portage la Prairie 15,o65 12,385 27,950 23.483 Provencher . . . 21,732 18,961 40,693 24,434 Selkirk 28,879 24,212 53,091 24,021 Souris 16,142 12,907 29,049 24,222 Winnipeg City 70,110 58,047 128,157 42.340 NEW BRUNSWICK. 179,867 172,022 351,889 331.120 Carleton 11,034 10,412 21,446 21.621 Charlotte 10,774 10,373 21,147 22,415 Gloucester . . . 16,588 16,074 32,662 27.936 Kent 12,435 11,941 24.376 23.958 Kings and Albert 15,470 14,815 30,285 32,580 Northumberland 16,150 15,044 31,194 28,543 Eestigouche . . 8,434 7,253 15,687 10,586 St. John City and County. 26,082 27,490 53,572 51.759 Sunbury and Queens 8,986 8,130 17,116 16.906 Victoria and Madawaska. . 15.086 13,136 28,222 21,136 Westmoreland 22.703 21.918 44,621 42,060 York 16.125 15.436 31.561 31,620 NOVA SCOTIA. 251,019 241,319 492.338 459,574 Annapolis 9,374 9,207 18,581 18,842 Antigonish . . . 5,915 6,047 11,962 13,617 Cape Breton N. and Victoria 15,435 14,453 29,888 24,650 Cape Breton S. 28,853 24,499 53,352 35,087 Colchester . . . 11,746 11,718 23,664 24,900 Cumberland . 20.708 19,8.35 40,543 36,168 Digby 10,206 9,961 20,167 20,322 Guysborough . 8,858 8,190 17,048 18,320 Halifax City and County. 40,061 40,196 80,257 74,662 Hants 10.016 9.687 19,703 20,056 Inverness 13,079 12,492 25,571 24,353 Kings 10,995 10,785 21.780 21,937 Lunenburg ... 17,121 16,139 33,260 32,389 Pictou 18,213 17,645 35,858 33,459 Richmond 6,828 6,445 13,273 13,515 Shelburne and Queens 12,261 11,950 24,211 24,428 Yarmouth . . . 11,350 11,870 23,220 22,869 ONTARIO. 1 299,253 1.223,955 2,523,208 2,182,947 Algoma, East . 28,938 15,690 44,628 25,211 Algoma, West. 17,922 10,782 28,704 17,894 Brant 9,735 9,524 19,259 18,273 Brantford 13,750 12,867 26,617 19,867 Brockvill© 8,990 9,541 18,531 18,721 Bruce, North.. 12,166 11,617 23,783 27,424 Bruce, South.. 13,284 12,965 26,249 31,596 Carleton 14,762 13,644 28,406 24,380 Dufferin 9.229 8.511 17.740 ?1,0.36 Total Total Provinces and Population in 1911. Pop. Provinces and Population in 1911. Pop. Districts. Male. Female. Total. 1901. Districts. Male. Female. Total. 1901. Dundas 9,048 9,117 18,165 19,757 Toronto, North 24,499 31,970 56.469 40,886 Durham 13,617 12,794 26,411 27,570 Toronto. South 24.312 19,644 43.956 38,108 Elgin. East... 9,002 8,595 17,597 17,901 Toronto, West 51.593 53,698 105,291 44,991 Elgin, West... 13,469 13,246 26,715 25,685 Victoria 19,068 17,431 36,499 38.511 Essex. North.. 19,497 18,509 38,006 28,789 Waterloo. N. 16,616 17,003 33,619 27.124 Essex, South. . 15,070 14,471 29,541 29,955 Waterloo. S . 14.475 14,513 28,988 25,470 Frontenac 11,492 10,452 21,944 24,746 Welland .... 22.272 19,891 42,163 31,588 Glengarry .... 10.608 10,651 21,259 22.131 Wellington. N 11,366 10.926 22,292 26,120 Grenville 8,479 9,066 17,545 21,021 Wellington. S 16,265 15,935 32,200 29.526 Grey, East.... 10,145 9,505 19,650 23.663 Wentworth . . 17,724 16.910 34.634 26.818 Grey, North. . . 13,778 13,213 26,991 24,874 York. Centre. 13.827 12,221 26,048 21.505 Grey, South. . . 9,725 9,525 19,250 21,053 York. North . 11.456 10,959 22.415 22.419 Haldimand . . . 11,045 10,517 21,562 21,233 York. South. 34,703 33.315 . 68.018 20,699 Halton 11,535 10,673 22,208 19,545 PRINCE Hamilton. East 20,989 18,804 39,793 24,000 EDWARD Hamilton, West 18,644 18,635 37,279 28,634 ISLAND. 47,069 46,659 93,728 103.259 Hastings, East 13,075 11,903 24,978 27,943 Kings 11,598 11,038 22,636 24.725 Hastings, West 15,437 15,388 30,825 31,348 Prince 16,551 16,228 32,779 35.409 Huron. East. . . 8,090 8,199 16,289 19,227 Queens 18,920 19,393 38.313 43.134 Huron, South . 9,764 9,744 19,508 22,881 QUEBEC. 1,011,247 991,465 2.002.712 1.648.898 Huron, West. . 8,452 8,734 17,186 19.712 Argenteuil . . 8,657 8,109 16,766 16,407 Kent, East..., 12,137 11,561 23,698 25,328 Bagot 9,135 9,071 18.206 18,181 Kent, West . . . 16,414 17,883 32,297 31,866 Beauce 26.035 25,364 51.399 ■ 43,129 Kingston 9,825 10,835 20,660 19,788 Beauliarnois 10,640 10,162 20.802 21.732 Lambton, East 11,267 10,956 22,223 26,919 Bellechasse . 10,632 10,509 21.141 18,706 Lambton, West 14,901 14,208 29,109 29,723 BertMer 9,950 9,922 19,872 19,980 Lanark, North 7,018 7,606 14,624 17,236 Bonaventure . 14,379 13,731 28,110 24.495 Lanark, South 9,904 9,847 19,751 19,996 Brome 6,871 6,345 13.216 13.397 Leeds 9,146 9,058 18,204 19,254 Chambly and Lennox and Vercheres . 14,327 14,388 28,715 24,318 Addington . 10,131 10,255 20.386 23.346 Champlain . . 23,293 19,465 42,758 32.015 Lincoln 17,902 17,527 35,429 30,552 'Charlevoix .. 10,649 9,988 20,637 19,334 London 21,901 24,399 46.300 37,976 Chateauguay 6,647 6,675 13.322 13.583 Middlesex, East 10,666 10,148 20.814 20,228 Chicoutimi and Middlesex, No. 7,011 6,726 13,737 16,419 Saguenay . 32,729 30,612 63,341 48,291 Middlesex.West 8,164 8,050 16,214 -18,079 Compton 15,655 13,975 29,630 26.460 Muskoka 11,204 10,029 21,233 20,971 Deux- Nippissing 43,284 30,846 74,130 28, .309 Montagnes 7,002 6,866 13,868 14,438 Norfolk 13,702 13,408 27,110 29,147 Dorchester . . 12,930 12,166 25,096 21.00T Northumber- Drummond and land, East. . 10,307 9,620 19,927 20.495 Arthabaska.. 21,233 20,357 41,590 38.999 Northumber- Gaspe 18,195 16,806 35,001 30.683 land, West.. 6.356 6,609 12,965 13,055 Hochelaga . . 36,707 38,342 75,049 56,919 Ontario, North 8,797 8,344 17,141 18,390 Huntingdon . 6,707 6,533 13.240 13,979 Ontario, South 12,263 11,602 23,865 22,018 Jacques-Cartier 32,737 32,286 65,023 26,168 Ottawa City. . 34,790 38,403 73,193 57,640 Joliette 11,841 12,070 23,911 22,255 Oxford, North. 12,691 12,386 25,077 25,644 Kamouraska . 10,619 10,269 20,888 19.099 Oxford, South. 11,355 10,939 22,294 22,760 Labelle 21.131 19,220 40.351 32,901 Parry Sound.. 14,460 12,087 26,547 24,936 Lapralrie and Peel 11.644 10,458 22,10^ 21,475 Napierville 9,937 9,398 19,385 19.633 Perth, North. . 15,241 14,994 30,235 29,256 L'Assomption . 7.577 7,587 15,164 13,995 Perth, South.. 9,677 9,270 18,947 20,615 Laval 15,370 14-,607 29,977 19,743 Peterborough, E. 8,028 7,471 15,499 16,291 Levis 14,319 14,594 28,913 26.210 Peterborough. W 12,936 13,215 26,151 20,704 L'Islet 8,538 7,897 16,435 14.439 Prescott 13,669 13,299 26,968 27,0.35 Lotbiniere . . . 11.144 11,014 22,158 20.039 Prince Edward 8,448 8,702 17,150 17,864 Maisonneuve . . 85,577 85,401 170,978 65.178 Renfrew, North 12,091 11,526 23,617 24,556 Masklnonge . . 8.265 8,244 16,509 15.813 Benfrew, South 14,209 13,643 27.852 27,676 Megantic 16,439 14,875 31,314 23,878 Russell 20,188 19,246 39,434 35,166 Misslsquoi 8,893 8,573 17,466 17.339 Simcoe, East. . 18,324 16.970 35,294 29,845 Montmagny . . 8,729 8,627 17,356 14,757 Simcoe. North 12,664 12,035 24,699 26,071 Montmorency . 6.606 6,609 13.215 12.311 Simcoe. South 12,621 12.439 25,060 26.399 Montreal — Stormont 12,273 12,502 24,775 27,042 Ste. Anne. . . 11,402 10,274 21,676 23,368 Thunder Bay & Montreal— Rainy River. 42,293 24,956 67.249 28,987 St. Antoine. 23,709 24,929 48,638 47.653 Toronto Centre 27,550 25,575 53,125 43,861 Montreal— Toronto. East. 33,888 35,024 68,912 40,194 St. Jacques. 22,028 22,029 44,057 42.618 Provinces and Population in 1911. Pop. Districts. Male. Female. Total. 1901. Montcalm 7,066 6,796 13,862 13,001 Montreal— St. Laurent. 27,637 28,223 55,860 48,808 Montreal— Ste. Marie. . 27,282 27,628 54,910 40,631 Nicolet 15,077 14,978 30,055 27,209 Pontiac •. 15,634 13,782 29,416 25.722 Portneuf 15,326 15,193 30,529 27,159 Quebec Centre. 9,267 11,876 21,143 20,366 Quebec, East. . 22,457 24,972 47,429 39,325 Quebec, West.. 4,370 5,248 9,618 9,149 Quebec County 12,858 12,986 25,844 22,101 Richelieu 10,332 10,354 20,686 19,518 Eichmond and Wolfe 20,230 19,261 •39,491 34,137 Eimouski 26,491 24,999 51,490 40,157 Rouville 6,609 6,522 13,131 13,407 St. Hyacinthe 10,633 11,709 22,342 21,543 St. Jean and Iberville ... 11,062 10,820 21,882 20,679 Shefford 12,145 11,831 23,976 23,628 Sherbrooke . . . 11,648 11,563 23,211 18,426 Soulanges 4,640 4,760 9,400 9,928 Stanstead 10,301 10,464 20,765 18,998 Temlscouata . 18,650 17,780 30,430 29,185 Terrebonne . . . 14,592 14,426 29,018 26,816 Trois -Rivieres & St. Maurice 18,203 17,950 36,153 29,311 Vaudreuil 5,585 5,454 11,039 10,445 Wright 24,771 23,561 48,332 42,830 Yamaska 9,805 9,706 19,511 20.564 Quebec, Unor- ganized 1,332 734 2,066 2.405 ■SASKATCHE- WAN. 291,730 200,702 492,432 91,279 Assiniboia ... 24,619 17,937 42,556 9,332 Battleford . . . 28,734 18,341 47,075 6,171 Humboldt 30,405 21,790 52,195 2,166 Mackenzie . . . 22.204 18,354 40,558 13,537 Moose Jaw . . . 55,101 32,624 87,725 5,761 Prince Albert. 20,847 15,472 36,319 12,795 Qu'Appelle . . . 20,053 15,555 35,608 17,178 Regina 44,478 26,078 70,556 7,70:^ Saltcoats 16,019 12,676 28,695 9,479 Saskatoon 29,270 21,875 51.145 7,1.-7 YUKON. 6,508 2,004 8,512 27,219 N. W. TERRI- TORIES. 8,673 8,523 17,196 20,129 Total Increase in nu-al population in 10 years 574.878, or 17.16 per cent.; increase in urban populaion in 10 years 1.258.645. or 62.25 per cent. POPULATION OF PRINCIPAL CITIES AND TOWNS. 1901 AND 1911. POPULATION BY DOMICILE IN 1901-1911. 1911. 1901. Provinces. Rural. Urban. Rural. Urban. Alberta . 232,726 141,937 52,399 20,623 British Col.. . 188,796 203.684 88,478 90,179 Manitoba ... . 255,249 200,365 184,738 70,473 New Bruns . . . 252,342 99,547 253,835 77,285 Nova Scotia . . 306,210 186,128 330,191 129,383 Ontario .1,194,785 1.328,489 1,246,969 935,978 Prince Edward Island 78,758 Quebec 1,032,618 Saskatchewan . 361,067 Yukon 4,647 N.W. Territories 17,196 14,970 970,094 131,365 88,304 992, &67 73,729 18,077 20,129 14,955 356,231 17,550 9,142 Cities and Towns. 1901. Increase. ALBERTA. Calgary Edmonton Lethbridge Medicine Hat Strathcona BRITISH COLUMBIA. Nanaimo New Westminster Prince Rufert Point Grey Vancouver Vancouver, North Vancouver. South Victoria MANITOBA. Brandon Portage la Prairie St. Boniface Winnipeg , NEW BRUNSWICIi. Fredericton Moncton St. John Totals . .3,924,394 3,280,444 3,349,516 2,021,799 NOVA SCOTIA. Amherst Dartmouth Glace Bay Cities and Towns. Halifax North Sydney Sydney Mines Sydney Town Truro Yarmouth ONTARIO. Amprior Barrie BeUeville* Berlin Brantford Brockville Chatham Cobalt Cobourg Collingwood Cornwall Dundas Fort William Gait Goderich Guelph .■ Hamilton Hawkesbury IngersoU Kenora 43,704 24,900 8.050 5,608 5.579 8,306 13,199 4,184 4,320 100,401 8,196 16,021 .31,660 13,839 5,892 7,208 11,345 42,511 5,058 16,562 1911. 46,619 5,418 7,470 17,723 6,107 6,600 4,405 6,420 9,876 15,196 23,132 9,374 10,770 5,638 5,074 7,090 6,598 4,299 16,499 10,299 4,522 15,175 81,969 4,400 4,763 6,158 4,392 39,. -13 2,626 22, 2.072 1,750 c„.._ , 1.550 4,029 6,130 6,499 2,176 6,700 4,184 4,320 73,391 8,l&o 16,021 9,741 5,620 8,:il9 3,901 1,8:1 2,019 5,464 42,320 93,7i.5 7,117 S"- 9,026 2,r : 40.711 1,8 1 4,964 4,806 6,945 1901. 40,832 4,646 3,191 9,909 5,993 4,152 5.949 9.117 9.747 16,619 8,940 4,239 5,755 6,704 3,173 3,633 7,866 4,158 11,496 52,634 4.150 4,573 5.202 4,009 25 9,6i: Increase 5,78: 77 4,27y 7,814 114 170 253 471 759 5,449 6,513 434 1,702 5,638 835 1,335 —106 1,126 12,866 2,433 364 3.679 29,335 250 190 956 Cities and Towns 1011. 1901. Increase. Kin> ston Lln'?aay Lo- on Mic-and Niagara Falls . North' Bay North Toronto. Orillia Oshawa ,m Sound Tbroke ^ c.efboro Port Arthur Port Hope St. Catharines St. Thomas Sarnla Sault Ste. Marie. Smith's Falls Stratford l^udhury Toronto "Waterloo Welland /.Vindsor .... 'S^oodstock 18,874 6,964 46,300 4,663 9,248 7,737 5,362 6,828 7,436 87,062 12,358 5,626 18,360 11,220 5,092 12;484 14,054 9,947 10,984 6,370 12,946 4,150 376,538 4,359 5,318 17,829 PRINCE EDWARD IS. '■(^harlottetown QUEBEC. .Chicoutimi ^^f aservllle Orandimere . . Hull Joliette ■'.JLachine ^.Levis Longueuil -Maisonneuve . ..Montreal -Quebec St. Hyacinth©. , Sherbrooke . . . Sorel , 17,961 7,003 37,976 3,174 5,702 2,530 1,852 4,907 4,394 59,928 8„776 5,156 11,239 3,214 4,188 9,946 11,485 8,176 7,169 5,155 9,959 2,027 208,040 3,537 1,863 12,153 11,198 12,080 913 — 39 8,324 1,489 3,546 5,207 3,510 1,921 3,042 27,134 3,782 470 7,121 8,006 - 904 2,538 2,569 1,771 3,815 1,215 2,987 2,123 168,498 822 3,455 5,676 487 5,880 3,826 2,054 6,898 4,569 2,329 4,752 3,773 9? 9 4,783 2,511 2,272 18,222 13,993 4,229 7,300 4,220 3,080 10,699 5,561 5,138 7,452 7,783 —331 4,300 2,835 1,465 18,684 3,958 14,726 470,480 267,730 202,750 78,-190 68,840 9,350 9,797 9,210 587 16,405 11.765 4.640 8,420 7,057 1,863 Cities and Towns. 1911. 1901. Increase. Thetford Mines 7,261 3,256 4,005 Trois Rivieres " 14,441 9,981 4',460 Valleyfleld 9,440 11,053 —1606 Verdun il,629 1,898 9,731 SASKATCHEWAN. Moose Jaw 13,823 1,558 12,265 Prince Albert 6,254 1,785 4,469 Regina 30,213 2,249 27,964 Saskatoon 12,004 113 11,891 Males. Provinces. Single. Married. Widowed. Divor'd. Alberta 147,587 70,706 3,385 106 Brit. Col 160,218 83,096 4,079 145 Manitoba 160,159 83,987 3,926 50 New Bruns... 113,015 61,131 4,978 51 Nova Scotia.. 156,643 86,277 6,891 38 Ontario 762,312 492,632 33,563 189 P. E. Island.. 30,216 13,266 1,513 7 Quebec 636,931 342,869 26,055 134 Saskatchewan.. 192,352 90,765 4,291 83 Yulcon 4,672 1,623 169 31 N. W. Terr... 5,037 3,194 270 3 Totals 2,369,142 1,331,546 89,120 839 Females. Provinces. Single. Married. Widowed. Divor'd. Alberta 83,026 62,710 4,509 37 Brit. Col 71,585 61,359 6,178 87 Manitoba 118,669 78,751 7,260 38 New Bruns... 101,288 60,069 10,380 37 Nova Scotia... 139,958 84,008 16,440 36 Ontario 672,910 468,170 75,407 227 P. E. Island.. 28,162 13,138 3,279 8 Quebec 608,182 334,506 46,636 169 Saskatchewan.. 112,387 82,189 5,556 34 Yukon 834 1,012 135 18 N. W. Terr... 4,340 3,254 818 Totals 1,941,341 1.251,166 179.598 691 The number of members of each religious creed was as foUowsi in 1911: Roman. @ia.thollcs, 2,833,- 041; Presbyterians, 1,115,324; Anglicans, 1,043,017; Methodists, 1,079,892; Baptists, 382,666; Lutherans, 229,864; Congregationallsts, 34,054; MisceUaneous, 554,490; no creed stated, 32,490— total, 7,204,838. m? 23 1S1S 810 s^ 10^ XV- "^t.- v^^" 'V > ^^.. z X^^r %■ civ i- ^^ O ^ %^ " ^ f y