PUBLICATIONS OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIBTT. I. THE Oration eY REV. WASHINGTON CHOATE, AND THE Poem BY REV. EDGAR F. DAVIS. On the 200th Anniversary of the Resistance to the Andros Tax. AT IPSWICH. JULY 4, 1887. SALEM : SALEM OBSERVER BOOK & JOB PRINT. 1894. I. TH:: L'RAiiON REV. WASHINGTON* CHOATE. THE Poem sr REV. EDCaR F. DAVTS. On the -ooch Annivenjviry of the Resistance to the -\ndros Tlix. SALMI CSSKKV5K 5v.VK & J^NI FirSTt* Gift Tlie Society Order of Exercises AT THE TOWN HALL. Invocation, Rev. T. Frank Waters. Introductory Address, Hon. Chas. A. Sayward. Poem, Rev. Edgar F. Davis, of Hamilton. Reading of the Declaration of Independence, By Arthur W. Hale. Music, Hall Columbia, Ipswich Cornet Band. Oration, Rev. Washington Choate, Irvington, N. Y. Singing of America accompanied by the Band. INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS BY HON. CHAS. A. SAYWARD. Ladies and Gentlemen : Five years ago we met to honor the memory of one of our early settlers who had rendered valiant service to the town and the colony, Maj. Gen. Daniel Dennison. Two years later we gathered on the Meeting House Green and paid tribute to those sturdy men who broke the wilderness and commenced the plantation which soon after was organized as a town. And to-day, on the anniversary of our National In- dependence, we meet again to celebrate the bold stand taken by Ipswich, two hundred years ago when the inhabitants in legal meeting assembled, enunciated the doctrine that there was no right of taxation without representation, and to com- memorate the lofty courage and watchful patriotism of the leaders in that historical transaction. This is an appropriate day on which to refresh ourselves with those events, for they were the shadows and premonitions of our Independence. They were the handwritings on the King's wall which to us seem to have been prophetic of the coming Nation. They were the beginning of the end, for from the day when John Wise stood in the meeting house on yonder hill and in strong terms denounced the arbitrary measures of the agents of the crown, until the last vestige of royalty left our shores, the struggle then begun was continued. And al- though defeated for the time, the influence of that town meeting, held on that August day two hundred years ago, un- b iNTii()i)U(rr()i;v adduess. der the lead ol" John Wise, John Appleton, William Goodhue, Robert Kinsman, John Andrews and Thomas French, was felt tlirougli all the sul)sequent struggles with the crown, un- til our Independence was acknowledged and the principles then put in issue were fully established. Later events, like the wars of the Revolution and the Rel)ellion, may seem to obscure such early transactions, and make them appear to be of minor importance, 3^et it is well for us to pause and study those days and the men who made their history, and see how much we are indebted to them for our present prosperity and greatness. The old town has grown much since those days, and has seen two of her daughters, Essex and Plamilton, set up town keeping for themselves, both of whom we have invited to join us in reviving the days of Sir Edmund Andros and the men who dared to defy him. The descendants (jf the early settlers of Ipswich are scat- tered far and wide throughout the land and they are all proud to trace their way back to their Ipswich ancestry and we are proud to tind them filling positions of trust and honor. One of the noted men of the early days of our history was Reginald Foster who dwelt near the Choate Bridge. His de- scendants are many and are scattered throughout the United States. Many of them have become eminent in the business or professional world, others have fought on the battle-field or were engaged in naval battles of Colonial and Revolutionary days. One of tlie descendants of this early settler adorns the pulpit of the Congregational Church of Hamilton and I am sure you will be pleased to listen to him. It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you Rev. Edgar F. Davis as the poet of this occasion. THE PATRIOT PASTOR OF CHEBACCO. Poem read at the JOHN WISE Celebration at Ipswich, Mass., July ^th, 1887, by Rev. Edgar Foster Davis, of Hamilton {''the Hanilef). I will not sing of War's alarms,— The onset fierce, the clash of arms. The victor's cheer, the vanquished foe, The reddened field, the wail of woe ; Thou dost thy wonted aid refuse, To sing of bloody strife, O Muse ! Not mine the task this day to tell Of how our fathers fought and fell On Bunker's height, or Monmouth plain, Redemption for this land to gain ; Oft has the tale been told or sung. Oft have these walls with paeans rung And still shall ring for those who dared To face their haughty foes, and bared Their bosoms to the storm, and shared The fame of those in every age Whose names illume the historic page ! Immortal praise and honor be To Warren, Hancock, Putnam, Lee, And all their sturdy, brave compeers. Who in those dark and stormy years Imperilled life, and home, and all. From Tyranny to disenthrall The land that gave them birth, Nor sheathed the sword their valor drew Till, piercing the angry darkness through, The morning star of Freedom gleamed, Whose cheering rays aye brighter beamed- Enlightening the earth ! Still let their name and deeds be sung In every land, by every tongue ; Still let the trumpet's voice proclaim To all mankind their noble fame, And to his son the sire rehearse, In simple phrase or sounding verse, The story of that yeoman strife Whence issued forth a nation's life ! THE POEM. But here to-day I'll tune my l^Te, And sing a loftier lay : My muse shall tell whence rose the fire That flamed in patriotic ire. And in a later day In lurid ^\Tath swept from our land The Tyrant's hateful, hireling band And made it free for aye ! I'll sing the long forgotten brave. I'll lav mv offering on the grave Of ONE who dared what mortal man E'er dared to do beneath the ban Of tjTant lord since time began ! " Before great Agamemnon's time,'' Whilom 'twas said in prose or rh}-me. " That men were good, and wise, and great As that great king within the state." So here, upon this virgin sod Were kingly men as ever trod The earth, ere yet the T^Tant's hand Was hea\y laid upon this land : Ere vet the gage of strife was laid. And' Freedom's costly ransom paid. A kinglv race at nrst'did brave The threat'ning storm, the wintrj- wave To found an empire where should meet Religion, peace, and concord sweet : And others sailed the western sea ; This air they breathed— and they were free, And henceforth scorned oppression's rod, And leaned on Justice and their God. And there was One— Oh. would that now Some power puissant would endow With matchless skill my pencil rude, To faithfully portray The life unseltish. brave, and good Of him. with godlike strength endued. Who first oppression's power withstood In that far distant day ! Roll backward now. ye centuries twain, Roll back, and to these scenes again The stalwart form, the kingly mien — (No kinglier soul has lived. I ween : ) Bring_ to our grateful, longing eyes The Sage, and Patriot Pastor— WISE. Behold, he comes ! His saintly face Beams with a bright, celestial grace : And on his brow of thoughtful mould Is that proclaims the leader bold. With stride majestic see him near THE POEM. The haunts that to his heart are dear ! The placid river winding down Below the hill-engirdled town, Whose scattered roofs, white-shingled, gleam And stand reflected in the stream. Sweet Agawam, who now shall trace The pristine beauty of thy face, When bosomed in primeval green. The sturdy yeoman's cot was seen-— The home of thrift and mild content, Stern labor's meed and monument, And, poured round all, the silent flood Moved Oceanward through towering wood. The busy hand of time hath wrought Upon thy maiden face, and brought The wealth of many years, but not A wrinkle on thy brow hath made. For thou art lovely still ; each glade And hill and stream and grove and glen Are summer-mantled now as then. Thou'rt lovely still, though not the same Fair Agawam, as when He came On that auspicious summer's day, And trod alone thy rugged way. Thy hills are mansion-crowned, and now Proud tow-ers adorn thy rocky brow, And stately spires in grandeur rise To pierce the sunlit summer skies. No scenes like these that glad our eyes Rejoice the heart of Pastor Wise. From far Chebacco's rugged shore Resounding with the hollow roar Of Ocean's ceaseless, pulsing beat. He comes with eager, hurrying feet — There was his pulpit-throne, and there Dwelt with the flock beneath his care This man of God, and shepherd rare. And with persuasive voice and mien Had led them forth in pastures green, Till all from him had learned ere long Neither to do nor suffer wrong. Across the narrow bridge he hies. Along the road that nearest lies Below the ledge, to lead him on To where the sturdy Appleton The pastor's coming doth await Impatient at his farmhouse gate, With Goodhue, Kinsman, Andrews, French Glose-seated on the rustic bench Hard by the settlers open door — And standing near them scarce a score Of stalwart yeomen hear intent Their earnest w-ords without dissent. 1Q THE POElSr. Now low descends the summer sun, Robing the home of Appleton In evening's soft and mellow light, , , . , ^ While far and near each wood-crowned height With blushes greets the approaching night. The scene is changed. I look again : Behold, a motley group of men With faces seamed, hands grirned with toil. Sons of the foodful sea and soil. Within a spacious room thev stand, Or thoughtful sit on either hand, While in their midst, with earnest eyes, I see the reverend pastor rise. And scanning close each serious face That turns to his of beaming grace. He utters that impassioned plea, For civil rights— for liberty, Assailing the unjust decree Of tyrant Andros bitterly. Such eloquence as his was heard In ancient Greece, I ween. When like the sea was Athens stirred To valor by her leader's word. And wakening from her dream Of peace, strove long to overthrow Her haughty Macedonian foe. " It is my voice," the pastor said, "This unjust tax must ne're be paid ! What neighbor towns may vote to do I cannot help, no more can you ; But let, I say, this goodly town Ne'er cringe beneath a tyrant's frown. We'll pay his tribute only when We're governed here as free-born men ; Our God is just— our king is good ! So live or die, come fire or flood. Come peace or war, come weal or woe. No God-given right will we forego ! " He said. That saying— who shall tell The influence of its magic spell ? It roused those Saxon breasts to flame, And bade them swear, in Justice' name, Resistance to oppression's power From henceforth to their latest hour. Thus kindled, did that sacred fire Within those dauntless breasts expire ? What though they felt the Tyrant's hate. And met the prisoners' dismal fate ! As well might scorn and prison bars THE POEM. 11 Seek to control the burning stars ! Fetter the eagle as you will, Released, he is an eagle still I The word was said, the deed was done, And Freedom's conflict was begun : The torch was lit that through all time. In all this land, in every- clime. Should lead men from the Eg}-ptian night Of bondage, into peace and light Kindled at God's own altar here. Behold it shining forth to cheer The soul oppressed with chilling fear ! Like beacon star it gleamed afar And Henry saw its steady ray, And with a prophet's voice proclaimed The dawning of a better day. From Massachusetts' rock-bound shore To Carolina's sunlit strand, That heavenly radiance as of yore Led on each brave, devoted bind ; Like lurid light'ning from the cloud It flashed on Bunker's height; From out each battle's murky shroud Broke forth its meteor light. Where'er was joined the freeman s strife, Where'er the freeman's blood Was freely shed for truth and life. That fier}' pillar stood. At Gettysburg and Malvern Hill, Where met the Blue and Grey, The fire of Old Chebacco still To victory' led the way. And still that flame burns on, and when A thousand years have flown. And countless tribes of toiling men, Like these, have come and gone, That heavenly light shall beam as bright, And lead the world alone. There's a legend old that still is told Along the German Rhine, That a Warrior-king in the days of spring. Walks by that stream divine. And over the land with a bounteous hand He scatters his favors free, Till the mighty name of Charlemagne Is sung from Alp to sea. 12 THE POEM. The Patriot Spirit lingers here ; And over each vale and hill Where our fathers strayed, and toiled and prayed, Rests their benediction still. By each s^rass-grown grave where sleep the brave Of our own or the elder day, In the silent night as in noon-day light, Doth their spirit walk alvvay. And through all this land, from the white sea-strand To the inland river's How, As the guard and guide of the nation wide Shall their angel footsteps go ; Till the earth shall reel and the stars ^all fall, And the waves shall roll no more, As they roll to-day and throw their spray On the bold Chebacco shore ; Till the silyery gleam of thy winding stream, Fair Agawam, at last, Shall only seem but a vanished dream, When thy glory all is past ; Till the moon is dead, and from out his bed The sun no more shall rise. And with lingering ray no longer play On the grave of the Patriot WISE. Ladies and G-entlemen : In the early history of the Colony the ministers were the leaders in all matters political as well as religious. The people turned to them in every emergency. The magis- trates and officei-s of the government frequently called upon them for advice in public affairs. Indeed the General Court called them together to confer with them about all important matters. As a body they were always defenders of the rights of the Colonists under the Charter and had done much to inspire them with the courage to maintain their con- struction of it. Of the ministers of Ipswich, Nathaniel Ward drafted the first laws of the Colony, called the Body of Liberties, and ad- REMARKS. 13 vised the Governor and Council during the La Tour difficulty John Norton was sent to England as a Colonial agent. Thomas Cobbett was appointed on a Committee to con- sider the " patent laws and privileges and duty towards His Majesty," and was one of the twenty-four Elders who were asked to advise the Assistant about the complaint of Gorges and Mason to the King. In the conjflict with Andi-os, another of our ministers stood up and boldly counselled the people to disobey the royal agent. It therefore seems very appropriate that the orator for this occasion should come from the ranks of the clergy, — and such an one, who springs from sturdy Ipswich stock, I now intro- duce to you, the Rev. Washington Choate. ORATION BY KEV. WASHINGTON CHOATE. To commemorate the deeds of a true and heroic ancestry, the sons of old Ipswich are gathered here to-day. From amidst the waving crops upon tM hillsides and in the valleys of New England ; from the counting rooms and manufactories of her cities ; from the waters which wash her shore on the east and from the mountains which tower along her northern border, back to the birth place of the generations have the childi-en come, obedient to the call that bids them remember the valor of those whose very lives are woven into the structure of our honored and cherished institutions of to-day. The events which have found commemoration in these later years have too frequently been those of the recent civil conflict, even to the neglect of those which belonged to the period of our national birth. Most eminently fitting is that still farther backward glance out over another century in a history whose century- periods are so few, to the very fountain springs of the stream, which in 1776 had gathered the force sufticent to proclaim and to win, though at the cost and through the agonies of a long and exhausting war, national independence with its sublimest fruits, — ^liberty, civil and religious. It was by divine requirement that the people of the old Hebrew nation were kept familiar with the historical origin of their national institutions. Parents were required to instruct their childi-en in this regard. With each return of the great annual festival which commemorated the emancipation of the ORATION. 15 race from foreign despotism, the HebreAv father took back the child to that great struggle through which the nation was born ; and the power of its inspiration Avas never suffered to die out of those hearts. The historic facts, out of which that festival of old sprang, lived from age to age in all their fresh- ness and proved an ever active moulding force in that national life. In this practice there was deep wisdom. It gave the great central institution a hold upon the affections of each succes- sive generation which could not easily be unloosed. It held each age in living connection with the fountain springs of their life. So you do well, citizens of this old Commonwealth of Massachusetts, — dwellers on this historic spot, made sacred by the footsteps and voice of John Winthrop and by the presence of those associated men and women, — among the noblest of earth's noble ones, to call back to the old home the scattered sons and daughters of that heroic ancestry to join in this filial remembrance of their heroism, their j^atriot- ism, their quick and clear insight into every approach of royal tyranny, and their spontaneous and united resistance to every effort to lay the hand of despotism upon the freeman of the new world. " It is well," spoke the voice which, three and fifty years ago, on the bi-centennial celebration of the settlement of your town, so eloquently pictured the colonial age of New Eng- land : — " It is well thus filially, thus j)iously, to wipe away the dust, if you may, which 200 years have gathered upon the the tomljs of the fathers. " It is well that you have gathered yourselves together on this spot; that as you stand here and look abroad upon as various and as inspiring a view as the sun shines upon ; as you see fields of grain bending before the light summer winds, flocks upon the tops and descents of the many rising hills ; the slow river winding between still meadows, ministering in 16 ORATION. its wa}^ to the processes of nature and of art, — losing itself at last in the sea, as life busy or quiet glides into immortality; as you hear peace and plenty proclaiming with a thousand voices the reign of freedom, law, order, morality, religion ; it is well that standhig here jou sliould look hachivard as well as around you and forward, — that you should call to mind to whom under God 3'ou owe all these things ; whose weakness has grown into strength ; Avhose sorrows have brought this exceeding great joy, whose tears and blood, as they scattered the seed of that cold, late, ungeiiial and uncertain spring, have fertilized this natural and moral harvest, which is rolled out at your feet as one unbounded flood. But the sweep of our vision is not so broad to-day, as when, half a century ago, our fathers — perchance some of this gath- ering, turned back over the Colonial Period of New England History. It is not all that past — not any extended portion of it that we can remember to-day. Out from the century and a lialf which lies between the settlement of Agawam, under the leadership of John Win- tln-op, the son of Massachusetts' first governor, and that dividing line of colonial and national life, the war of the Revolution,— there rises before us one decade, nay, one brief half decade, in which transpired the event that calls for the loyal and filial remembrance of each successive generation ; that inhales the air which they breathed who wrought those noble deeds and lived those truly heroic lives. It is an event, single, specific, sharply outlined in time and feature, in character and significance which summons us to this commemorative service. We come not to look over that long jnocession of deeds and persons which pass before our vision as we review those years of arduous conflict with primeval nature, with aboriginal life, with an ever present repressive power that stretched its hand across the seas. It is not colonization, it is not the conquest ORATIOX. 17 of a new world, it is not a spreading civilization which rises before our minds to-day. We have a specific and single duty to perform. To one page of history we turn. It is not Netv England'' 8 past, so brilliant in its leadership thiough that century and a half, but old Ipswich, in one event of its early annals, — in one hour of its infant life. To set that hour and that event before our luiuds is my first duty at this time. There was ikj darker hour i)i the whole period of New Eng- land Colonial history. To briefly trace the oncoming of that night, let us turn back a quarter of a century and recall the light and hope which then brightened this Commonwealth. In 1661, when news reached these shores that the English Commonwealth established by Cromwell had fallen, and that the Stuart Charles II, was on the throne, the General Court of Massacliusetts alarmed by the repeated rumors borne on every crossing ship, of threatened changes in the government of the colonies, set forth a distinct declaration of what they deemed their rights under their Charter. This declaration claimed for the freemen power to choose their own governor, deputy governor, magistrates and representa- tives ; to prescribe terms for the admission of additional free- men ; to set up all sorts of officers, superior and inferior, with such powers and duties as they might appoint ; to exercise by their annually elected magistrates and deputies, all authority, legislative, executive, judicial ; to defend themselves by force of arms against every aggression ; and to reject any and every imposition which they might judge prejudicial to the Colony. Here is practical independence of crown or parliament. We behold an essentially free colony of free men, in the ex- ercise of freemen's rights of self government, self defence and self development. And this declaration was in accord with the practice of the Colony. It was the utterance of rights which they had ever asserted and had fornearlj^ half a century exercised. New England was a democracy within the limits which the religious convictions of the age pi-escribed. 18 ORATION. It concerns us not, to discuss at this time, those religious ideius wliich uuderLiy that newly planted life, nor the limita- tions whieli those ideas cast around civil and political rights and privileges. The Colony of JMassachusetts Bay in 1661 claimed, exercised and rejoiced in essential self government and freedom. While not a thought of severance from the government across the watei-s had dawned u[)on them ; while they owned themselves a Colony of the mother-land ; while the occupant of the English throne was their Sovereign, and Westminster the source of their political power ; they yet had freedom^ sufficient to teach them its tvorth and to inspire and elevate their souls, wearied, but not despondent, from the contentions and trials with the parent country. " They were just so far short of perfect freedom that in- stead of reposing for a moment in the mere fruition of what they had, they were kept emulous and eager for more, looking all the while up and aspiring to rise to a loftier height, to breathe a purer air, to bask in a brighter beam." Let now, the essential freedom of this Mass. Bay Colony in 1661 be our point of comparsion as we transplant ourselves into the midst of the darkness which had gathered over them in 1687, a darkness broken, not by a sweeping away of the clouds from their skies, but by a kindled fire of heroic patriot- ism in the heart of the Colony, the first flash of which blazed forth from the signal tower of this Ipswich hill-top, to be answered by the beacon light of well nigh every town in the old County of Essex. So broad an interpretation of the Charter rights of the colonists as the declaration of the General Court of 1661 had asserted, it was scarcely to be expected that the newly crowned Charles II, would acknowledge. And the return of the two Commissioners, Bradstreet and Norton, whom the Colony had despatched to the English Court, revealed the fact that the royal power was gathering its energies to reassert itself and even to augment its authority over its distant members. ORATION. 19 That quarter century which lies between 1661 and 1686, forms a distinct chapter in the long story of the struggle be- tween Crown and Parliament on one hand, and on the other, the insuppressible spirit of liberty and self government of the colonists, who, seeking religious freedom, here awoke to the fact that civil freedom was also their birtlniglit. That Chapter of the " irrepressible conflict " cannot be told to-day. Its ever darkening pages througli the governorships of Bellingham, Leverett and Bradstreet tell the story of deepen- ing gloom in the sky until at last the blackness of darkness swept down upon tliem in the wresting of their Charter from them in 1684. "Massachusetts as a body politic was no more. That elaborate fabric which had been four and fifty years in building was levelled with the dust." She was no longer a part of the British Empire ; she belonged to the King of England by virtue of the discovery of the Cabots. Her people might not claim any birtliriglit of Englislmien as such, but the crown of England might rule and govern them in such a manner as it should think iit. She liad no law making power, no executive power of lier own. This was the Court doctrine. This was the import of that decree which issued from Westminster Hall, Oct. 23, 1684. To hearts less res- olute than those of our fathers, it must have seemed at that hour as if liberty had fled the earth ; — " had returned to the heavens from whence she had descended." The foot of the tyrant was on the neck of the Colony, with a tread that was not relaxed but strengthened, when the Second Charles gave over the throne to the Second James, and Andros, by ro>/al ajypointment, — sat in tlie seat of Win- throp and Endicott. Let us here stay for a moment's backward look and com- parison with 1661. Then a governor of their own choice ; a legislature, the General Court, of their own citizens ; magistrates to enforce the laws of their own making ; taxes of their own impositioii and collected by their own appointed officers. 20 ORATION. Now^ the humiliated Colony stripped of all power of self government, robbed of all the rights and privileges won by her valor and sufferings ; 7\oiv she finds in place of a governor chosen by freemen, in the exercise of a freeman's right, " His majesty's lieutenant and governor general of the Dominion of New England," the appointee of the Crown and worthy to serve such a Master ; noiv, in })lace of the colonial assembly and Governor's Council, the ripest minds, the noblest spirits, the truest hearts of the Colony, there is gathered about His majesty's lieutenant a council, of which a few members, less than the majority in syiupathy with and sub- servient to the royalist governor, grasped and wielded the whole civil power. " And they exercised it in the very spirit of the worst of the Stuarts. The old, known body of Colonial laws and customs was silently and totally abolished. New laws were made ; taxes assessed ; an administration, all new and gallingly vexatious, was introduced, not by the people in General Court, but by the puppit of James, and a faction of the Council, in whose election they had no vote ; over whose proceedings they had no control ; to whom their rights and interests and lives, were all as nothing, compared with tlie lightest wish of the Tyrant and Papist whom they served." That was the darkness of night which had shut down on those noble lives, after the brightness of '61. Here ends a chapter of New England History. Ends ? Nay, its brightest page is yet to he written ; its grandest event is yet to be told. Clear among the closing paragraphs of that chapter stands that event which should never be forgotten by a life that goes forth fiom this historic s})ot. Here should rise an enduring monument to tell to all generations to come the story of ancestral lieroism, of fidelity to principle, of fearless obedience to conscience and devotion to country. ORATION. 21 The occasion of that event which hri^^htens this dark chap_ ter in the history of tlie Coh^nial period, was the cuhnina- tion of the despotic course of Andros. In three directions the power of his arbitrary government liad smitten heavily and keenly upon the past privileges and rights of the Colony. 1. He had demanded, and enfoi-ced his demand, that the puritan meeting houses of our fathers should be opened for the service of the established churcli of England, out from which they had fled. 2. He had proclaimed that the proprietorship of all lands, even those which had been acquired under the charter of Charles I. vested in the English Crown. If such a claim be en- forced, then not one acre of land was there between the Pe- nobscot and the Hudson, which had not reverted to the King, and which could not be sold or given by him to others than those who had toiled to reclaim it from a stony wilderness, and had fought to defend the homes they had planted on it from the ever present foe of the forest. 3. He had come to this New England Colony, clad with the authority and filled with the spirit to exercise the power of levying upon these people sucli taxes as he deemed needful for the maintenance of his personal govern- ment. It was the exercise of this last assumed prerogative of despotism which awoke throughout the Colony, the spirit of resistance, and in which old Ipswich was the first to fling in the face of tyranny the refusal to obey. In August of 1687, in a little more than one half year from the day of his entering Boston Harlxjr, warrants went forth from the Council chamber of the already detested governor, levying upon the towns of Massachusetts Bay a tax^ not in itself excessive, and commanding tliem to appoint each a commissioner who, with the selectmen, should assess the quota of the town upon its inhabitants. Here was the spark which was to light the flames of resistance, and that fire burst forth from every town, save three, in Essex County. 22 ORATION. A meeting of tlie inhabitants of Ipswich was summoned for the ^-Srd of August, for the choice of a commissioner, to unite with the selectmen in apportioning the quota of this town up- on itvS people and property. On the evening previous to that meetinof, in the house of one of the foremost citizens of Aga- warn, Mr. John Appleton, on a spot near where now stands your railroad station, there assembled a band of men, clear, sighted, true-hearted, loyal to this land of their adoption, or birth, tenacious of the rights of freemen, the Rev. John "Wise, pastor of the recently organized Chebacco parish, with two of his parishioners, John Andrews and William Goodhue; together with Robert Kinsman, Tliomas French, and the host of the company, Jolni Appleton himself, all honor to their names, to consult upon the answer which this town should render to the imperious demand of an alien governor. Would that some hand could unveil that scene, germ of what was at length to grow into the Revolution of 1776, and into the freedom of 1887, would that the pen of history had recorded the words of those noble men I But the judgment of that hour, that it was not the town's duty any way to assist that ill metliod of raising money "with- out a "general assend)ly," was by the unariimoiis vote of the freemen of Ipswich, ratified on the following day, in their ac- tion, the record of which breathes forth in every word, patriot- ism, valor, and devotion to the liberties which had cost them and their fatliers such sacrifices, that considering the said act, (that of the governor and council imposing the tax), " doth infringe their liberties as free born English subjects of His majesty, and by interf(!ring with the statute laws of the land, by wliich it was enacted that no taxes should be levied on the subjects without consent of an assembly chosen by the freemen hjr assessing the same, they do, therefore, vote that they are not willing to choose a commissioner for such an end without such a privilege ; and they moreover, consent not that the selectmen do proceed to levy any such rate until it be ap- \ • ORATIf»N. 23 pointed by a general assembly, eoneiinijig with the governor and council." Truly had tliat little band of men on the evening previous, voiced the spirit of old Ipswich. They were leaders ; but side by side witli them stood every freeman of the town, shoul- der to shoulder in the line of resistance to arbitrary power, in the assertion of the birthright of freemen to lay upon them- selves through their 7'epresentailve assemhli/ such burdens of taxation as were deemed needful. And that vote went fortli from this spot to the council chamber of the despotic Andros, as the answer of the Yeomanry of Agawam to his high handed measure which would violate the hereditary rights of free born Englishmen. Fellow citizens, children of that generation, we cannot read that firm, unflinching, manly declaration of the great principle of all civil liberty, the principle which was destined within a century to become the rallying cry of the united colonies on these shores, — no taxation without representation, — we cannot read those words of our fathers without a thrill of pride that then, when the hearts of brave men, the colony over, had sunk within them, their charter torn from them, one of the worst of Sovereigns on the English throne, and a pliant, willing tool as his agent here, that then and there our fathers, knowing full well the power and spirit of his majesty's lieutenant at Boston, dared to assert the gi'eat prin- ciple of English libert}^ and of the American Revolution. And shall it be the leaders alone of that deed of patriotism, who are remembered to-day ? Or the rank and file of Ipswich's brave hearted Yeomanry, who in public vote, and with united voice placed themaelves beside the little band, whose eloquence so easily rallied them to their support in their defiance of tlie British Crown? With all honor to those who guided and counselled the deliberations of that assembled body of freemen on the 23rd of Aug., 1687 ; with profound ad- miration for their clear insight into the policy of Andros, and ^4 ORATION. their daring- in counselling resistance, the pride of this town well may be the Kuanlinou.^ vote of her citizens which " adopted that declaration of right and refused to collect or pay tlie tax which would have made them slaves." But upon Wise and Appleton and Andrews and Kinsman and Goodhue and French, was visited the penalty of leader- ship; arrested, carried without the bounds of the county, im- prisoned, denied the writ of habeas corpus, they were tried by a packed jury, and declared guilty of contempt and mit*de- meanor. Fines, and bonds to keep the peace were imposed upon them ; Mr. Wise was suspended froii^the ministry ; and the others were disqualified for holding office. And here again the town nobly sustained them, refunding their fines ; and within two years, sending John Wise back to Boston as one of the Ipswich meml)ers of the convention to reestablish the old government, with Andros deposed and transported to the land whence he had come. But while we, the children of that generation, with those honored names current among us to-day, while we exult in the fact that as a town Ipswich stood unitedly/ against the royal tyranny, not one vacancy in her ranks, not one dis- senting vote in her refusal to surrender her chartered liberties, not one recreant to the spirit of those who had, across the water, contended with the tyranny of the First and Second Charles,and weie so soon to rise for the overthrow of the Second James, while we to-day honor the freemen of Aug. 23rd, 1687 as a united band of patriots, we may not fail also to render the meed of grateful homage, due that cluster of names, which will ever, in the annals of the town stand as the leaders in the event which brightens the pages of a dark chapter in the col- onial records. Of that group of men, who gathered in the house of John Appleton on the evening of Aug. 22nd, some, probably most, were of those who had made the sacrifice of self exile from the land of their birth, for the sake of the liberty denied them ORATION. 25 there, but, as they believed, to be n'07i, if not found here. Doabtless Appleton and Andrews and Kinsman and Freneh, all excepting alone, Wni. Goodhue Jr., and him whose name heads every record of the event, the Rev. John Wise, were English born, and had disclosed the metal of their spirits and the fibre of their natures, in their surrender of the com- forts of an old England home for the toil and sufferings and hardships of a New England freedom. That love of liberty, which had led them to break the ties that generations had woven around them, had, in some at least, been for half a century deepening and strengthening on these shores ; and it needed but the touch of the despotic hand of Andros to cause it to break fortli in resolute, fearless resis- tance. But the foremost of that band of leaders, he who was first among the first, — primus inter pares, — the Rev. John Wise, was a son of New England, born within the sound of those waters, which, breaking on this stern and rock bound coast, separated every life that awoke to consciousness here by three thousand miles of stormy, trackless billows from crown and throne, and parliaments, and the divine right of Kings, and ushered every such life into an atmosphere whose one controlling element is the divine right of the people to self government, self defence, self development. Of what influences moulded the early youth of the Rox- bury born lad, history is silent, save that the hand of the Apostle to the Indians, John Eliot, was laid upon his brow in the rite of baptismal consecration. From that noble, de- vout Indian missionary, who himself wrote so vigorously against " Kingly Governments " that an apology was de- manded of him, by the General Court of Massachusetts, the lad may have diunk in much of his love of liberty. But that love^ with a hu7-ning patriotism was firmly 'planted there and early manhood finds him going forth with the col- onial forces in the war with King Philip. Between that period of military service, when he "• marched with the troops 26 ORATION. into the Naragansett country " and tliis day, when he appears as leader and statesman, lie hall" a ."tcore of years. Those years had ripened his powers, strengthened his convictions, enlarged his vision, intensified his hatred of royal despotism. And now, from the heart of the young man of five and thii'ty, whose voice had for seven years been heard in the pulpit of the Chebacco parish, come the words eloquent in their earnestness, powciful in their truth, persuasive to action, which called willing hearts about him and arrayed the free- men of Ipswich in an unbroken line, against the tyranny which, originating in the heart of James on the throne in old England, found a ready instrument for its execution and en- forcement in the man who was his majesty's lieutenant over the dominion of JVew Engfland. And in this leadership of the Cheljacco minister, in a move- ment so entirely of a civil and political character, there is in- dicated the position which the colonial ministry occupied in civil and social as well as ecclesiastical and religious matters. In the history of that time one fact stands out above all others, the intellectual leadership of the clergy, and that too among a laity neither ignorant nor weak. The church and the school were the points around which colonial life centered. The meeting house and the college were the radiating centers of even the earliest age of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. " Among the earliest official records," sa3-s a late historian of American literature, "• there is a memorandum of articles needed there, to be procured from England, the list includes beans, peas, vine planters, potatoes, hop roots, brass ladles, spoons, and ministers." We do but justice to the ministers to say that in the original document the article last mentioned here, stands first. During the first sixty years. New England was a Theocracy and the ministers were in reality the chief officers of the State. It was not a departure from their sphere for them to deal with politics, for every thing pertaining to the State was ORATION. 27 included in the sphere of the church. While the newly- planted nation was from the beginning, and ever to be, a church without a bishop and a State without a King, yet the highest political functionaries recognized the ministers as in some sense their superior officers. " And the clergy, aware of the deference paid them, and the power of their influence, seldom abused it ; never forgot it. And if ever men, of real worth and greatness deserved such preeminence, they did- They had wisdom, great learning, force of will, devout con- secration, philantliropy, purity of life." They were states- men, as well as theologians. And so that Chebacco preacher of the gospel of peace and righteousness was true to his office as well as to his principles when he led the assembled freemen of Ipswich to cast the first vote of all the towns of Massachusetts Bay Colony, in defiance of the edict of the hated, — Sir Edmund Andros. But as we recall the point to which Massachusetts had been humbled by the sovereign power of England; as we have pictured the contrast between the New England of 1661 and that of 1686 ; and as through all that uninterrupted contro- versy with the crown, the colonists had ever planted them- selves upon their charter rights, — on what principle now, with charter wrested from them, with the sacred and solemn compact, as they had ever esteemed it, between them and their King, revoked, annulled, repudiated, — on what principle now shall these freemen stand and resist the hand that is fastening the chains of the slave upon them ? If no longer " charter rights " afford them weapons of de- fence, whither shall they turn for the blade to cut the bonds with which his majesty's lieutenant is binding tliem? For this weapon, the sons of men who on England's soil had al- ready fought the same battle, were at no loss in seeking. It lay in the principle on which John Hampden, sixty years before, had resisted the arl)itrary taxation of Charles I, tlie principle wliich in 1215 at Runnymede, had been wrung from 28 ORATION. the reluctant King John, and there woven in the constitutional life of the nation, and written in their magna charta, the principle upon which three quarters of a century later, Samuel Adams and Hancock and Warren stood, in their resistance of the stamp act, — that if any poiver hut the peojyle^ can tax the 2yeople, there is an end of liberty. But we may not pursue farther this review of that event which called forth every noblest trait in those noble characters, courage, patriotism, self sacrifice. Not yet has that scene in which the fathers of Ipswich were the actors, been deservingly painted on the page of American history. It is worthy of the pen of a Prescott or a Motley. A two-fold significance at- taches to it. It was, first, the spontaneous and united action of the free- men, of the second town in influence and importance in the colony of Massachusetts Ba}^ Ranking below Boston alone, of all the towns which three score years of inflowing life had planted, from the Penobscot to the Hudson, Ipswich, the town which in this year of 1687, had twenty-four graduates of Harvard College, which in 1673 had given the Deputy Governor to the Colony, Samuel Symonds, which for ten yenva gave /Samuel Appleton to the Govern! n-'s Council, '•'■ him who had the high honor to be arrested in 1689 by Andros and his faction in the Council," as being a disentient member of the board and disaffected to the government and put under bonds of a thousand pounds for good political behaviour ; Ipsivich, which gave a president to Harvard, which gave a Governor to the Rhode Island Colony (Nicholas Eaton), Ipswich, of Ward, and Parker, and Saltonstall, and Wise, of Norton and Rogers, and Ap- pleton and Winthrop, held that position of influence and power, which could not fail to startle the haughty governor, though supported Ijy the English throne, and arouse him to seek the suj)pression of sucli a band of freemen. OEATIOX. 29 But the abiding and universal significance of that event is, that it was the first note of the bugle call to Independence, to a national self existence, whicli, once awakened, never died out of the air, breaking forth once and again in the half cen- tury following, to be at length caught up and poured forth, from the plane of national interests and national liberty, in the eloquent words of Adams, Jefferson, Henry, Otis. The principle upon which stood the pleaders for liberty, who called the nation to set itself against the tyranny of the stamp act in 1767, was that which had been promulgated by our fathers from this spot three quarters of a century before. You do well to remember it to-day. It was the seed, it was the germ, from whicli grew the courage and resolve and finally national unity of 1776. Russell Lowell, writing of New Eng- land two centuries ago, says : — " Looked at on the outside, New England history is dry and unpicturesque, there is no rustle of silks, no waving of plumes, no clink of golden spurs." Our sympathies are not awakened by the changeful des- tinies, the rise and fall of great families, whose doom was in their blood. Instead of this we have the noise of axe and hammer and saw, an apotheosis of dogged work, where, revers- mg the fairy tale, notliing is left to luck, and if there be any poetry, it is something that cannot be helped, the waste of the water over the dam. ^xtrinsically, it is prosaic and plebeian ; intrinsically it is poetic and noble ; for it is perhaps the most perfect iyicarnation of an idea the world has ever seen. That " idea " was the founding here on these shores a new England, and a better one, where, rid of the political super- stitions and abuses of the old manhood.^ simple manhood should have a chance to play liis stake against fortune with honest dice, unclogged by those three hoaiy sharpers : Prerogative, Patricianism and Priest-craft. The first skirmish in that long battle, was on this spot. It is a thing of inestimable worth, for a race, a nation, a com- 30 ORATION. munity to be able to look back on the heroic characters who laid its foundations, and on the principles which inspired them. Such, children of old Ipswich is your privilege. Forget not the spirit which inspired them, the sufferings which they en- dured, the gigantic labors, through which they wrought out their purpose. It was theirs to build ; remember it is youi-s, it is ours to keep, to perpetuate, to perfect. 1 M TBI.ICATIONS OK THE IF^SWICH HISTORICAL SOCIKTY. II. THE PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS AND OTHER PROCEEDINGS AT THE DEDicATioiN Of Their New Roon. priday, peb. 3, 1896. d IPSWICH: d INUKFEXDKNT BOOK AND JOB PRINT. 1 1896. Gilt »j;t^ Society Tlie Ip5wicK Hi5toric£^I Sociely. PRESIDENT WATERS' ADDRESS AND OTHER PROCEEDINGS AT THE DEDICATION OF THEIR NEW ROOMS. [Reprint from tlic Ipswich Indepexdext.] The firs-t meeting of the society in its old Probate office serves good use. new room in the Odd Fellows' building Some interesting documents have al- took place on Friday evening, January ready been secured. By far the most -3d, and a goodly number were present valuable, is an a: cient petition at the house->\ arming. Very thorough addressed to the Quarter Sessions Court repairs have beeti made, and tiie old by a number of the most substantial post office would hardly be recognized, citizens of the ancient Ipswich praying A new hard wood tloor has been laid, that his license be withheld from an the walls cased neatly and painted in innkeeper on old High street. This pleasing colors, the ceiling has been was drawn about the year 1056, appar- papered and the windows provided eutly by the famous schoolmaster. Eze- with inside blinds. The furnishings kiel Cheever, and it bears the signatures are in excellent keeping with the bright of Cheever, the Appletons, Robert and inviting interior. A large cabinet, Payne, and many others. Other docu- 10 feet in length and 7 in height with ments contain the autographs of Deni- adjustable shelves and plate glass front son, Francis Wainwright with his seal, will afford admirable accommodation and other well-known citizens. A list for the safe exhibition of the relics and of signatures of Revolutionary soldiers, valuables that may come into the cus- Col. Nathaniel Wade's orderly book, a tody of the society. A flat cate, with proclamation of Thanksgiving of 17TU. glass top, has been provided for the are also to' be noted, and among the display of documents, autographs, etc. books are ancient volumes by Etv. A large and valuable table, presented John Norton, and Rev. Juhu Wise, the by Mr. D. F. Appleton and Mr. Frank famous ministers of the ancient times. R. Appleton occupies a place of honor. The society has thus made a very and another table, formerly used in the encouraging beginning in its work of collecting, and is prepared to receive contributions of an historical nature from all who will loan or give. The election of officers was first in order and resulted in the choice of the following for tne year 18P6: president, Rev. T. Frank Waters; vice presidents. Charles A. Sajward and Frederic Will- comb; recording secretary, John H. Cogswell ; corresponding secretary, Eev. M. H. Gates; treasurer, J. I. Hor- ton; librarian, Miss Lucy S. Lord. The president then read his opening address, which was followed by M. V. B. Perley with a poera, "Lost Arts,'' and interesting reminiscences of Dr. Thomas Manning by Eev. Edward Con- stant and others. We append the historical address of the president: MR. WATEKS'S ADDRESS. The Ipswich Historical Society may well congratulate itself tonight that after five years of feeble and migratory existence, and some periods of sus- pended animation, it has at last attained a home of its own, finely loca- ted, convenient, and admirably equipped for its work, and has already entered, as we feel, upon a new and vigorous life. The scheme of organizing such a society was first seriously discussed at a gathering of gentlemen, known to be interested in antiquarian research, at the parsonage of the South church on the evening of April 14, 1S90. If my memory serves me, Eev. Augustine Caldwell, Mr. Charles A. Sayward, Mr. Joseph I. Horton, Mr. John H. Cogs- well, and Mr. John W. Nourse formed the group. Mr. Arthur W. Dow was unavoidably absent. It was the unani- mous sentiment of this meeting that a town so rich in historic remains, and so famous in the early annals of the Com- monwealth should have a local Histori- cal society, to foster systematic and accurate antiquarian studies and pro- mote a popular acquaintance with its brilliant history. The time seemed to them ripe for its organization, and then and there, they formed themselves into a society, to be known as the Ipswich Historical Socie- ty, and organized by the choice of Eev. T. Frank Waters, president. Mr. John H. Cogswell, secretary, and Mr. C. A. Sayward, Mr. J. I. Horton, and Mr. J. H. Cogswell, executive committee. During the spring and early summer several public meetings were held in the studio of Mr. Arthur W. Dow, at which papers on the early history of the town were read, and much pleasant reminiscence was in order. In the winter of that and several following years, the vestry of the South church was the place of meeting. The presi- dent read a series of papers on the original locations of the early settlers, and some studies on the old houses. Mr. Sayward contributed an interesting paper on the probable visits by voyagers to the spot, now occupied by the town, before Winthrop's coming. Hon. W. D. Northend, of Salem, read, on several occasions, some chapters from his un- l)ublished work on early colonial his- tory, and Mr. Winfield S. Xevins gave a lecture on "The Homes and Haunts of Hawthorne in old Salem." These meetings were well attended, and it was evident that the community was interested in the new organization. But it was evident that tl e society would not attain the prominence it sought until some permanent place of meeting should be secured, which should serve also as a place of deposit fur an historical collection. Mr. Daniel S. Burnham very generously offered to give the half of* the ancient house in East street owned by him, provided that the society should acquire the remainder of tlie estate. The ohl man- sion would liave been admirably adapted to our use in many ways, but its location was unfavorable, and later investigations have robbed it of its reputed antiquity and its associations with Rev. Mr. Norton and Rev. Mr. Cob- bett. No active steps were ever taken toward securing this property. The removal of the post office from the Odd Fellows' building afforded the society its opportunity. It was seen at once that this building realized our ideal. It is a brick structure, in the very center of our town, itself historic, from long use by the Registry of Pro- bate, At a meeting in the early autumn of 189.J, the project of renting the vacant portion was enthusiastically adopted, and the generous subscrip- tion made at that time assured a good pecuniary foundation for tlie new move. A committee appointed at that meet- ing has solicited funds with encourag- ing success, and provided the cabinet and table case from the funds of the s ciety. The other furnishings includ- ing the costly table, presented by Mr. D. F. Appleton and Mr. Frank R. Appleton, have cost us nothing. And now that we are comfortably settled in our Historical home, more extended reminiscences may justly be in order, as a prelude to the historical work which will be accomplished here we hope in the years to come. The land on which this building stands was purchased by the county in 1816. A lot measuring 28 feet square was bought of Mr. Moses Treadwell, on the north corner of his homestead, and an adjoin- ing piece, 23 feet by 28, was sold by Susanna Kendall, widow of the late Ephraim Kendall. The pedigree of this lot may not be uninteresting and may be briefly sketched. Moses Treadwell inherited his estate from his father, Nathaniel Treadwell, who bought a house and eight acres of laud of Daniel Eveleth, of Boston, in 1761. Eveleth had received it by inher- itance from his father, Edward Eveleth. The senior Eveleth had married Eliza- beth, daughter of Major Bymonds Epes, in 1715, and in that same year he pur- chased his bride's old home and made his residence there. Major Eppes was a man of goodly quality. He was well- born. His mother was Elizabeth, daughter of the illustrious and excel- lent Deputy Governor Simonds, whose estate was contiguous to this. He was a militia officer, a Justice of the Court of Sessions, and a member of the Gov- ernor's council for 1724 to 1734. The Major had purchased the property in 1691 of Hannah Bigg, of Boston, a daughter of Mr. Simm Lynde, of Boston, and Lynde had bought it of Margaret, the widow of Thomas Bishop and her son Samuel. Samuel was college bred but ill-tempered and never well-bred. He persisted in setting his fence on the public domain and the officers of the law were instructed to cut it down. He spread fish of evil odor for the express purpose of annoying his townsmen. He was a man often in the toils of the law tor his misdoings. The old house then on the estate had been in use as an ordinary many years and John Sparks, a famous inn-keeper, occupied it at the time of Bishop's death, but vacated there and removed to the other side of the road at that time. Earlier owners seem to have inclut-ied one William Fellows, who bought of John Woodam in 1666. Woodam obtained it by exchange with John and Samuel Appleton in 165,3 Tlie Appletons bonslit it of Thomas Manning in 1647, wlio had it from Ralph Dix, and he from William White who was the original grantee. The adjoining lot, from which a por- tion of the site of this building was purchased, seems to have been granted to John Jackson. Then it was in the possession ot William White, Thomas Manning, John Woodam, 1049, John and Samuel Appleton in l(i")'2. John Appleton was captain of a troop, clerk of courts, county treasurer, representa- tive to General Court, and, if the iden- tification is correct, a sharer in the Andros resistance in 1687. Samuel was the renowned soldier, whose eminent service in King Philip's war shed great lustre on our town. At a later period it was owned by John alone, then by his sou John, who bequeathed it to his son Daniel. In 1761 it seems to have been occupied and owned by Capt. John Smith. Capt. Ephraim Kendall was the owner in 1803, and his widow Susanna sold the plot 2:3 by 28 in 1816. Thus the Historical society finds it- self located on an historic site, associa- ted with some of the finest names of the early times. This mellow flavor of antiquity well befits its present use. The building erected by the county ,vas 28 feet wide, 40 feet long and a sin- gle story high, and cost !?o700. It was finished and occupied December 15, 1817. For a century, excejit a few years after 1798 when a room was fitted up in the new Court House for an office and place of deposit, the valuable Probate TIecords had been kept in the house of the Register, and their final deposit, in a strong vault, was an event of public in terest. One room in the new brick building, in the part r.ovv occupied by Mr. John A. Blake's apothecary store. was cased with iron and was deemed fiie proof. Here the Records were stored. The remainder of the floor, including part of Mr. Blake's i)resent store, and the greater portion of this loom, was occu- pied by the office of the Registei-. The wliole Probate business of the county was transacted here until 1852, when the Records and the Registry were removed to Salem, l)ut the Probate Court Continued to sic semi-araiually until Sei>tembfr lo, 1874, holding its sessions in the Town Ilail. During the War of the Rebellion, the vacant build- ing was occupied as the barracks of a military company recruited here by Cap*-. John A. llobbs. It was sold to the Lodge of Odd Fellows December 20, 1807 aad enlarged by the building of an ad- dition .on the westerly end and adding a second story. The jjost office was estab- lished here about l8o'). Our Historical room has an excellent and honorable jiedigree, therefore, as well as its location. It is at once a singular coincidence and a Iwpjiy aagury that from 1817 to the present date, it has never been used for jnivate emolument, but has always served tlm community in very important public capacities. This old Probate office is inseparably associated in the mimls of the older people among us witli tlie name of Nathaniel Lord od, — -'Squire Lord" as he was familiarly known, who was the ninth Register and filled that office from May 29, 1815 to June 12, 1851. His residence was the mansion lately re- modelled by Mr. John B. Brown, of Chicago, and there the Probate Records were stored prior to the erection of this building. He had bcn'U chief clerk under Mr. Daniel Noyes, the i)receding incumbent, and was the sixth in lineal descent from Roliert Lord, first clerk of the Colonial (Quarter Sessions Couit. He was graduated from Harvard in 1798, and brouglit to the di.'-charge of liis duties such urdeiliness and neat- T. Goodhue, but resided afterwards on ness and originality of method, tliat tlie corner now occupied by the South the Registry was made a model office. Meeting House. When LaFayette passed through the Another name of interest in the an- town in 1824, .Squire Lord addressed nals of the old Court is John Choate, him in a speech of welcome. Mr. the fifth judge who filled that office Lord's three sons all entered the legal from September 14, 1756 to February 5, profession; Otis P. became an eminent 1766. He lived in the ancient house, Justice of the Supreme Court, Nathaniel still remembered by the oldest citizens J. attained high rank, and George R. directly opposite the residence of the occupied the office of Registry from late Mr. John Heard. He was Repre- 1853 to 1855. sentative to General Court fifteen years Tracing the history of the Probate between 17:^0 and 1761, and a member Court with which our society has be- of the Executive Council from 1761 to come associated, w\3 come next to 1765. He was also Justice of the Court Daniel Xoyes, the eighth Register, who of Sessions and of the Court of Com- filled the office from September 29, mon Pleas, serving as Chief Justice of 1776 to May 29, 1815. He v.-as a gradu- the latter for the last ten years of his ate of Harvard in the class of 1758, and life. He was also colonel of a regi- master of the Grammar school from ment. "Choate Bridge" received its 1762-1774. In 1774-5 he was a delegate name in his honor. Col. Choate was to the Congress of "the United Colonies, very illiterate, but a man of great in 1770 Postmaster, succeeding Deacon strength of character. James Foster, the first Postmaster -f The fourth judge, Thomas Berry, was the town, and always a prominent citi- one of the most norable of Ijiswich zen. He owned and occupied the men. A graduate of Harvard in 1712 house, which, in a modernized form, is he first studied medicine and attained the residence of Mr. George D. Wildes, very lucrative practise and wide Mr. Noyes's predecessor was Dr. renown. Turning to the law, he be- Samuel Rogers, the sixth Register in came Justice and Chief Justice of the chronological order, whose term of Court of Common Pleas and Probate office was from August 26, 1762 to Sep- Judge. In political life he was a tember 29, 1773. His ancestry was Representative, and for many years one singularly fine. He was the son of of the Executive Council. As a mili- Rev. John Rogers and grandson of tary man he rose to the rank of Colonel. President John Rogers of Harvard. He He lived on the site now occupied by was in the direct line of descent from the residence of Mr. Joseph Ross and Katherine Calvin, sister of the great maintained an elaborate establishment- divine, John Calvin, and wife of William His chariot and servants in livery still Wh'ittingham, a Puiitan refugee and find place in tradition. His term of one cf the compilers of the Geneva office was from October 5, 1739 to Sep- Bible at Geneva. He was a Harvard tember 14, 1750. graduate of 1725, a physician, town The Register of Probate during a clerk, colonel of a regiment. Justice large portion of Col. Berry's judgeship of the Court of Sessions, and was his brother-in-law, Daniel Apple- Representative to the General Court, ton, fifth in chronological succession, a Dr. Rogers owned and probably built colonel, a representative, a Justice of the house now occupied by Mr. Frank the Court of Sessions and Register from 6 January 9, 1723 to August 26, 1762. He Wise and the otlier patriots for liis op- jwued and occupied the George D. position to the Andros tyranny. He iVildes house. Twice, this old liouse was a lieutenant colonel, a deputy and has sheltered the Records, we may be- a councillor, and judge of Probate for lieve, and I surmise that the curious tliirty-seven years, discharging his room or closet, without a window, in duties with great skill and fidelity, lie this old house, discovered when it was was also Chief .Justice of the Court of rebuilt, which the fertile imagination Common Pleas for many years. He of some dreamer conceived to be a hid- built tlie house, now ©wned by Mi-, ing place of some regicide, may have George D. Wildi-s, a mansion of pecu- been the archive room for the Probate liar interest in our reminiscences of the Ri cords. old Probate Court, as a judge built it His predecessor, the fourth Register, and two Registers owned it in later was Appletou's uncle, Daniel Rogers, years. In Judge Appleton's day it was from October 23, 1702 to January 9, renowned for its elegance and hospital- 1723, He was the second son of Presi- ity. Many a distinguished traveler dent John Rogers, of Harvard, a Har- tarried here on his journey. Gov. vard graduate of 1686, and an eminently Shute, on his way to New Hampshire, successful teacher of the Grammar was his guest in 1716. The clergy of school, sending fifteen young men to the colony always found cordial wel- Harvard during his term of office. He come at his door. added to his duties of Register the Among the earliest names of interest varied functions of Town Clerk, and in this connection is that of Robert Justice of Court of Sessions. Return- Lord, the first clerk of the old Quarter ing from Salisbury on December 1, 1722 Sessions Court from 1648 to 1683, and he lost his way in a violent snow storm Thomas Wade, the second clerk of writs and perished on the marshes. He lies from 1684 to 1696. Wade was captain of buried in the old High street yard, and the Ipswich troop of Horse in 1689, and his stone bears an inscription in Latin afterwards colonel of the Essex Middle verse, which recites his end. His Regiment. Mention must be made as mother was the daughter of Gen. Deni- well of the illustrious judges of that son, and he bought the Denison house ancient Court, baltonstall and Symonds of her. It was located on Green stree t and Denison, whose fame needs no probably near the present home of Mr. words of praise of mine before an Ips- John Perkins. wich audience. The third judge, and the last of the 1 have dwelt thus at length upon Ipswich men, connected with this old these ancient worthies because we, as Probate Court was John Appleton, the «» Historical Society, seem to have eldest son of John, who was the eldest fallen heir to their renown by this acci- sou of Samuel Appleton, the original dent of location. I could wish that our settler. He was the Town Clerk of that walls might be adorned in the years to historic town meeting of August 23, come with portraits of these excellent 1687, when the vote to refuse assent to men, in the flowing wig and spotless the Andros edict was passed, and was ermine of the judge or the emblazoned arrested for his complicitJ^ There unilorni of the soldier, or the embroi- seems reason to believe that he was the dered elegance of the colonial citizen's John Appleton, who suffered with John attire. True, they are connected only by the tie of official station with tliis building;', but this old Piobate office is the last of a series of three buildings, and by right, not of apostolic, but judi- cial succession it inherits the associa- tions that cluster about tlie whole group. Nearly two centuries ago, in 1704, December 28. a committee was ap- pointed to build a Town House, with a school house under it. They were instructed to erect a building about 32 feet in lengh, about 28 feet in breadth, about 8 or 10 feet stud, with a flat roof raised about five feet. This building was erected as is well known in front of the present Methodist meeting house, reaching well back to the great rock, which has since been blasted away. Here the Courts held their sessions, civil and criminal and probate. Many a great lawyer of the olden time pleaded his case here before the august tribunal. Many a trembling culprit heard here his sentence to the whiijpiug post or stocks or prison. The first Court House was replaced, on its exact site, in 1793 by a second Court House and Town House, built at the joint expense of town and county, and the Courts continued to hold their term here until June, 18o4, when the Court of Common Pleas sat for the last time. The glory of the latter house was greater than that of the former. A. race of giants in forensic gifts and attainments had arisen. From the bare slope of Hog Island, part and par- cel of the ancient Ipswich, the brilliant Rufus Choate won his way to national renown. More than once, in the days of his splendid power, he swayed the judgment of all who heard his fiery wloGuenp'? within those walls. No doubt that other great jurist, Nathan Dane, whose birthplace still stands, the old "Patch" house, so called, on Mr. D. F. Appleton's farm, was seen here, and the famous judges of the time. Here, too, Webster came in 1817, to de- fend Levi and Laban Kenniston, accused of waylaying and robbing one Major Goodridge, He undertook the case at the solicitation of his old neighbors in New Hampshire who believed their townsmen innocent, though the circum- stantial evidence seemed conclusive against them. He arrived at midnight, entered the Court room the next morn- ing almost without preparation and secured the triumphant acquittal of his clients. Edwin P. Whipple says, "his management of the case is still considered one of his masteri^ieces of legal acumen and eloquence." I claim these glorious remembrances as our inheritance, for this building alone re- mains to remind the town of its large importance in judicial annals in other days. And now the Historical Society, housed so comfortably, dignified with its weight of honorable associations, conscious of its capacity to become a pride and honor to the town, makes appeal to all lovers of old Ipswich, whether dwelling still beneath her elms or far away, to rise up to her support. We plead for funds wherewith to pub- lish the results of our investigations, purchase gradually a library of anti- quarian lore, and meet our current expense. We ask for donations or loans of articles of historic interest, Indian remains, colonial h' irlooms, relicts of the Civil War, ancient docu- ments, portraits, pictures and aught else that illustrates the history of our town in every age. We can keep them more safely than their owners, and the community can enjoy them here. We invite independent research, and promise ready hearing to any investi- gator into any branch of our local his- tory We hope to foster the historic 8 spirit and awaken local pride to such tions with Ezekiel Cheever and liis degree, that ere long our commons will famous school, Rogers and Ward and be adorned with monuments. On the Saltonstall. who made their homes site of the old Town House, maj' a close by. May their names be per- Avorthy memorial be reared to the men petuated in enduring stone'. The of 16S7, who saw^ with keen vision the spots, made memorable by the homes greatness of the issue and made such of Eobert Payne, and Ann Bradstreet, strenuous and splendid protest against Denison and Symonds should bear some taxation without representation. On simple memorial to tell the stranger the Green about the historic First how rich we are in proud remem- church may some slab be raised to brances of great past, commemorate the successive houses of These great tasks await us. May we worship and the illustrious names' of as a Society, rejoici in our mission and the early ministers. The site of the pledge tonight that generous and en- ancient fort, and prison, and whipping thusiastic cooperation in effort which post should be recalled. shall be the sure pledge of eventual The South Green is rich in its associa- and large success. Publications of the Ipswich Historical Society. ill and IV. UNVEILING OF THE MEMORIAL TABLETS AT THE SOUTH COMMON, July 29, 1896, AND THE REPORT OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Ipswich Historical Society MONDAY EVENING. DEC. 7, 1896. IPSWICH, MASS.: Press of the Independent, 1897. Publications of the Ipswich Historical Society ill. EXERCISES AT THE UNVEILING OF THE MEMORIAL TABLETS AT THE SOUTH COMMON, IPSWICH, July 29, 1896. IPSWICH, MASS.: Press of the Independent, 1897. Giit Tlie Society Uf '05 Order of Exercises. Lewis R. Hovey in the Independent. Wednpsday, July 29, was a momo- rable day for the Ipswich Historical Society and the citizens of this historic old town. Not only that, but it was of deep interest to histo- rians and genealogists in all parts of the state and county, for it saw the unveiling and formal presentation of the memorial shaft, whicli had been erected earlier in the week on the little green in front of the Soutli Meeting House, on a spot made sacred by the memory of five great and good men and the deeds they wrought. Tlie day was perfect, with a cloud- less sky, cooling breezes, and all nature In smiles. Preparations for the exercises of the day had been made by constructing in front of the wide church steps a raised and cov- ered platform, decorated with bunt- ing. The guests from out of town arrived during the forenoon, and were driven first to the public library, then to the rooms of the Historical Society in the Odd Fellows' building, and tlien to Appleton Farms where lunch was served. The list of prom- inent people wlio were favored with Appleton hospitality were: Rev. D. O. Hears. D. D., of Albany, iSr. Y.; Col. Natlian Appleton and W. Sumner Appleton, of Boston; George A. Gordon. Esq., Sec. of the N. E. Historic-Genealogical Society ; David H. B'-own, Esq., of the Medford His- torical Society; Mr. and Mrs. .Jesse Fewkes, of Newton, Mass; Edward E. Hines. and Fran 'is H. Appleton and daughter, of Pealiody; Hon. Robert S. Rantoul. President of tlie Essex Institute, Mr. and Mrs. James Averill, William S. Nevins, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Peabody, all of S;ilem ; Rev. John Prince, formerly of Essex, and others. Ipswich was represented by the board of selectmen, Messrs. Luther Wait, John A. lirown and A. IL Spiller; Revs. E. Constant, T. Frank Waters. E. E. Harris, M. H. Gates and Fr. Donovan; John W. Nourse, Hon. Fred. Willcomb, John H. Cogs- well and others. At three o'clock there was gathered about the South churcli, besides the invited guests from in town and out, a large assemblage of townspeople, and shortly after the appointed time President Waters, in a few well chosen words, presented Hon. C. A. Say ward, who delivered the address of in behalf of the Society who laid out tho first Ipswich and and town. Haverhill." said he. licv. Edward Constant, of the First Hon. Robert S. RantonI, ex-mayor Coi <>i'e<>ational cluiich, invoked the ol* Salem, and President of the Di\ine blessini;-, after wiiich Presi- famous old Essex Institute, "tlie dent AVaters announced tiie unveil- '" '-her of us all," as Chairman ino- of the tal)Iet by Miss MuriP Kssex Institute and its fine col- shaft tiiere was loud and long con- lections, with many things of direct ;inued applause. interest to Ipswich. Among these Rev. T. Frank Waters, President l'"^.^'' """e =.'-e more valuable tluu. of the Ipswich Historical Society, ^' P'^ture of Governor W.nthrop. then delivered the dedicatory ad- " I'l'ere is not a plaarnard of Marhlehead was a scholar of b. is old age in Bos- ton. "I remember once," he said, "iu making a piece of Latin my master found fault with the syntax of one word, whicli was not so used by me heedlessly but designedly, and there- fore I told hina there was a plain grammar rule for it. He angrily re- plied there was no such rule. I took the grammar and showed the rule to him. Theu he smilingly said, "Thou art a brave boy, I had forgot it," and no wonder for he was then above eighty years old. Tlie "grammai" of which Barnard speaks was "Tiie Accidence" of Cheever's own composition, publish- ed while he was in New Haven. Pres. Quincy of Harvard College speaks of it as "a work which was used for more than a lientnry in the schools of New F'ngland, as the first elementary book for learners of the liatin language, which held its place iu some of the most eminent of those • schools, nearly, if not quite, to the end of the last century ; which has passed through at least twenty edi- tions In this country; which was the subject of the successive labor and improvement of a man who spent seventy years in the business of instruction, and whose fame is second to no school-master New England has ever produced, requires no additional testimony to its worth or its merits." Yondercorner is forever hallowed by the memory of the prayers and toils of.that one great leacher. Were those eleven years in which lie wrought the end of that fine effort for ad- vanced education in our midst, it would bo a luminous epoch, in our annals. But that school continued when he was called to Charlestown. The town granted for its support a great farm in Chobacco. "William Paine made gift of Little Neck, and the revenue fiom these properties made helpful C(nitribution to its sup- port as It does still to our High School. The fine public spirit which ani- mated Kobert Payne when he bought these two acres with the dwelling thereon, aiid built the school-liouse, and William Hubbard and William Paine and the whole bowly of fieo- holdcrs, reveals the high value which our fathers attached to the highest education. A nuiltitudo of men, who liave made grand work of life, had never done so well if that school had not brought them their opportunity . of in'eparatiou for tlie Coll»ege. Tiie Ipswich of after years, with its noble ADDRESS 13 lii-story, is larj^ely tho cretitiou of that old Grammar School and we do well, most surely, hi rearing here, ou or near the School House Green, as it was anciently called, this en- during memorial of its beginning. William Hubbard was the son of William Hubbard, an eminent resi- dent of our town. He was a member of the first class tiiat graduated at Harvard College in 1642. While Mr, Choever was in the midst of his labors, Mr. Hubbard became the col- league of Rev. Mr. Cobbett, the pastor of the Church, and for nearly a half century, he upheld the ex- aulted reputation of the ministry of tho ancient church. In the pulpit he was the peer of the ablest, but his name is remembered chiefly for the valuable contributions which iie made to the history of his times, His ''History of the Indian Wars" was published in his own time. Plis '•History of JNew England was left in manuscript but has been published within the present century." Ho married in early life, Margaret, the daughter of Kev. Nathaniel Rogers, and v/hen the young wife went from her father's home, it was but a little waj'^ to the sightly spot on tiie river bank where her new home was; and wlien. in his old age^ he married again, he chose the widow Pearce, his neighbor, despite the complaint that she was not a fit person for such high distinction. Thus Hubbard is of peculiar inter- est to us--, as the first of the men of tiie latter days whose learning was not that of Cambridge on the Cam but Cambridge on the Charles. From his childhoo:! ho was identi- fied witii this towti. His large his- torical work was accomplished in our midst. His very helplessness in conducting liis financial affairs, which involved him in constant dif- ficulties with his creditors, rouses our symiiathy. I like to think of him as a childish-minded man of the world, who lived in the realm of letters in sublime disregard of com- mon things, the easy victim of any designing knave. In the March court, 1673, a group of abusers of his kindness was brought to grief. Peter Leycrcss, Jonas Gregory and Lyman Woods for stealing and using five gallons of wine from Mr, Hubbard's were judged to pay him 5£. The same Peter Leycross was pun- islied for other thefts of a gallon, and one of three quarts. Peter and .Jonas were also convicted of stealing a sheep from him, and Jonas was proved guilty of stealing a "fatt weather;" while Nathaniel Emer- son for being present at the unhal- lowed orgies, when the minister's wine was drunk, "was admonished.'' These are the men whose names are written on these enduring tablets Three ministers, a magistrate and law-maker, and a school-master; each illustrious in his calling, all conspicuous in public affairs; a not- able group of wise, strong, high- minded, devout-souled men. We may well add to these illustrious names that of Giles Firmin, Ward's son-in-law and neighbor, the phy- sician of the community, who grew tired of the slender returns from the practice of pliysic, went back to England and won renown in the ministry; and Rogers's son John, 14 ADDRESS. more famous thau himself, who ia- herited his father's homestead autl combined the functions of the min- ister and the physician. He became the President of Harvard College, but died on the day of his first com- mencement, July 20, 1GS4 His widow, Elizabeth, daughter of the soldier, Gen. Daniel Denison, continued her residence here many years. Nor can we forget Ellen Lothrop,— sister of Capt. Thomas Lothrop, who fell at Bloody Brook,— whom Ezekiel Chee- ver married in due season. Thus there are military associations and reminders of sad scenes and direful events, that interweave themselves with the quiet annals of this rare spot. Our winding, elm-shadod street itself is a landmark of the earliest days. How many generations of travellers have passed along its quiet path. Whether it was over this highway that Gov. Wiuthrop came to town, on foot on an April day in 1634, to visit the nevs' settlement and tarried over Sabbath to preach to the people, we may not allirm. A pop- ular tradition has it that the original way to Ipswich was by way of the present Topsfield road, but traditions are of uncertain value. John Dane tells us in his Diary, that he came from Iloxbury to Ipswich, "when there was no patli but what the In- dians had made. Sometimes I was in it and sometimes out of it," he naively writes. It was probably over this highway that the good gov- ernor came, under escort of the Ips- wich soldiers, in June 1G;J7, when the Pequot war was making men's hearts to fail tliom for fear; and the little army of seventeen brave young men of Ij^swich had marched this way, we may presume, toward the seat of war in April of that year. But the day of meandering and uncertain Indian trails was soon to end. November 5, J639, each town was obliged to join with its neigh- bors in laying out the highways, and the Ipswich and Rowley surveyors report that the highway had been laid out in due form, "along by Mr. Saltoustall's house, over the Falls at Mile River, and by marked trees over Mr. Appleton's meadow, called Parly e Meadow, and from thence by Mr, Plubbard's farm house — "and so on through Wenliam to Salem. The bridge over the River, on tlie site of the present Choate bridge was completed in IG-11, and from that time a stream of travel has flowed continously by this spot» on this goodly highway, eigb.t rods wide. Governors and magistrates with courtly retinues come this way; blutl' Thomas Dudley seeking a home h«re, with liis son-in-law, Simon Bradstreet, and his famous wife, Ann; Cotton and V/ilson and Roger Williams; the famous minisers of the olden time, stopping at eventitle to refresh themselves under Ward's hum'ole roof or at Rogers'ss more pre- tentious mansion; or with Hubhard or with the worshipful "Mister Saltonstall," in the intervals of his residence here, then took up their journey, and passed ou to the town beyond. Sabbath after Sabbath saw the yeomanry riding in, their horses keeping a decent Sabbath gait, their wives or daughters ou pillions, re- ADDRESS 15 gardless of suiuuier's heat or winter's cold, to worship (Jod in His House. Anou, there is the swift hoof-beat of the messenger in Sept. 1642, riding at top of speed with orders for the soldiery to march at once toward Haverhill and disarm Passecon- away; and more than once, I ween, at sound of the alarm gun, there was a rush of resolute men and pallid faced women hither and thither, for defence or for refuge. Tlien came the mid years of the century, when the terrors of Indian alarms were stilled awhile, but maay a sad scene of religious intolerance took place. The full virulence of Puritan hate was vented upon the hapless Quaker and from the court house or their prison on Meet- ing House Hill to the jail in iSalem or Jioston where they were to lan- gnisli, Josiah Soutliwick and Cassan- dra, and rtamuel Shattuck, (immor- talized in Whittier's verse,) were escorted past this spot, under guard and loaded with tlieir chains; or perchance even dragged at a cart's tail ignominiously and beaten on their bare backs until their life -blood crimsoned the duty road. Again the horrors of war were abroad when King Philip smote the tlie settlements with tire and steel, and Capt. Samuel Apple ton marched out with his company in September to win line renown for valiant courage ands!:illful leadership. He return- ed in November but early in Decem- ber he was again afield with his loyal company, for the peril and hardship of that winter campaign and the dreadful "Swamp Fight." Again and again there was a call for men, and squad after squad of Ips- wich citizens marched along our highway, now so peaceful, with heavy hearts, but high resolve to meet the wily foe; escorted perhaps, on either hand and close behind, by neighbors and friends cheering them on their way. And while the war was still wag- ing, the redoubtable Mogg, chief of the Indians to the Eastward, passed by in November 187fi on his way to Boston to arrange terms t'or a treaty of peace. With what mingled looks of bitter hate and trembling fright, was the savage gazed at from every window and all along our roadside. Happily he received good treat- ment. The son of Mr. Cobbett, the minister, was then a captive in Maine. The Indian went to Mr- Cobbett's house and promised his good offices in securing the son's release, which he eventually accom- plished. Again there is a lull in the sound of marching soldiery and jingling horse-troopers, but our old King's highway does not lack for travellers of highest interest. Sir Edmund Andros, the royal governor and Ar- bitrary despot, rode this way with gaily caparisoned escort — but re- turned, with pride humbled by the daring ill-treatment he had met. And a larger figure than Andros we will ever think, was the brave min- ister of Chebacco, John Wise, who rode by this spot as the afternoon wore on, on August 22, 1687, to meet a few choice spirits at John Apple- ton's and plan for their famous re- sistance to the tax on the following day. 16 ADDRESS Fair young Margaret Smith and her knightly company passed along, her face still pale, T imagine, from her fright at Mile River, where the sagamore caused her such alarm by his appearance. And Judge Samuel Sewall came and went on liis judi- cial rounds; and as the century drew to its close, there was frequent sight along this road, of innocent men and women, charged witli the heinous crime of witchcraft, who were hur- ried to Salem for trial and back to our jail for custody. Most notable of all, stern, defiant, old Giles Corey was seen amid the prisoners and having made his Avill in Ipswich jail, he was carried to Salem to en- dure his av/ful sentence of being pressed to death. One touch of the grotesque lights up the sombre annals of our beauti- ful old road, just as the new century came in. Wlieeled vehiclos were coming into vogue for travel and Cant. John Stevens, a sailor, perhaps freshly home from has voyage and eager for a sensation, wi*h Jane San- diinan as a conapanioii, presumed to ride through our tov.'u in a calash, on liis w.ay from Beverly to New- bury, on a fine Sabbath in May. For this '-prophanation of ye Sab- batli" he was summon-^d before the Ipswich Assize on May 19, 1702. In May 1707, there was a flasli of pol- i-hcd steel and brass, and the splen- dor of bright uniforms asths Ipswich, contingents marched by to join tlie expidition against Port Royal. Some of the first citizens rode at the head. Francis Wainwright was colonel, and Samuel Ai)i)letou, the younger, Vv'as Lieutenant Colonel of "the red regiment." Appleton was the only officer who won any honor in tiiat ill-starred campaign. The years slips by and now it is 17i0, and on Monday, September 29. there is great expectancy of a distin- guished traveller, George Whitefield the great preacher. He came from Salem, escorted by two or three gen- tlemen wlio had gone to meet him, and stopped one night at. the Parson- age of Mr. Rogers. He preached at ten o'clock next day to a vast con- gregation, and our old street was crowded, I am sure with eager wor- shiopers, afoot and horseback, in calashes and tumbrils; families in clumsy farm wagons drawn by oxen ; the well-to-do in ruifs and ribbons, embroideries and laces, silks and velvets, powdered v/igs and all fem- inine elegancies; — the poor in home- spun and cheap finery. He returned on Saturday, preached again to a similar throng and in the afternoon rode tills way and on to Salem. That snhstanciai merchant of Kit- tery, William Pepporell, — somewhat awkward and constrained perhaps in his new role of coniniandcrr of the Colonial forces at Louisburg — came along the highway in 1715. Some of our ancient wise acres prophesied failure, no douljf, fcjr tise expedition- under such a strange leader, and grave forebodings of ill followed the gallant voluuteers who v.'ent to Jjt)s- ton to take passage. But wlien Sir William returned from his extraord- inary triumph, he was received v.'ith abounding honor. Civic and military escorts attended him all the way from J>ostoii to Kittery. ]5an- qiu^ts and fetes awaited- him every- ADDRESS 17 where. Our whole town caiiio over to School House Greeu, of course, to see the conqueror and his imposing retinue. His famous coach, with its gaily liveried driver and out- riders, wah a brilliant spectacle. Whenever Sir William had occasion to journey to and from Boston, and our townfolks came to know it well. In 1747 there was the sound of broad -axe and hammer, and a fam- ous gatherino- of the good folks who had Anally withdrawn from the old Parish, to raise the frame of the new meeting-house on the very spot where our granite slab stands Col. Thomas Berry, Physician and Mag- istrate, Col. John Choate, Thomas Norton the scholmaster, and many another prominent citizen, were here that very day, and the doors of Col. Choate's hospitable m-msion, in yon- der neighboring corner, were wide open in generous welcome. Some twelve years later a very sorry group came this way and passed on to their humble lodgings; an Acadian i)riest and hi^: company of exiles, part of that great number, who had been torn by violence from their happy homes in Nova Scotia; and who now had come in poverty and wretchedness, to eke out a live- lihood as best they might in this community. No sadder spectacle had been witnessed, I seem to feel, since the days of the witchcraft horror. And now we come to the alarms and fears and farewells of the days of '76. Tidings of the British march to Lexington were brought quickly, and the minute men, who had been in expectation of just such a call, quickly fell into line and marched away, Capt. Thomas Buru- ham at their head, to have their pait in the attiay. Two days later this neighborhood, and all the town were thrown into panic, by the rumor that the British regulars had lauded ou the Beach and were al- ready marching up towards the Town. The able-bodied men had gone to Lexington, and there was no hope or thought of resistance. All who were able fled for safety, or rushed up and down the rcnid, not knowuing what to do. Dr. Dana, looking out of his front door yonder, must have seen stirring sights; and many a trembling women in these old houses waited with terror the first drumbeat of the foe. Happily the report was false, but the tale spread onward, and the towns for leagues northward, and as far as Bev- erly on the south, were panic-struck with the report of ruthless slaughter in this town by the hated red coats. Many of the men of Ipswich j)ut on the Continental uniform in those dark days, and the sight of soldiers marching to the front, or coming home for furlough, or on discharge, or walking wearily worn with sick- ness or maimed by wounds, was sad- ly frequent. We point with pride still, to the goodly mansion of Na- thaniel Wade hard by. He vent at once to the front and did valiant service everywhere, and was hon- ored by Washington with especial confidence when Arnold went over to the British. Little did the Ipswich people think that Col. Benedict Arnold could be guilty of such baseness, for he was 18 ADDRESS held in especial honor in this vicin- ity, we may believe. In Sept, 1775, a detachment, con- sisting- of 1100 men, two battalions of musket-men and three companies of Riflemen, was placed under Arnold's command and despatched from Cambridge to Newburyport, there to take shipping for the JNIaine coast, to make an assault on Quebec. On Friday, Sept, 15, one detachment marched down this road and on to Newburyport. The battalion com- manded by Maj. R. J. Meigs followed a little behind and encamped at Rowley. The last companies arrived later and encamped in our town. That was an exciting day. Arnold, we may presume, led one of these battalions and was the hero of the hour. Daniel Morgan and his com- pany of Virginia Ritlemen excited the admiring gaze of all. A private soldier, marching in the ranks with gun and knapsack would haye been gazed at with pitiful curiosity, if Iiis future could have been known. He v/as Aaron Burr, and liis splendid valor before Quebec, and his illus- trieus services, in civic life, were to be overwhelmed in disastrous eclipse by his fatal duel with Alexander Hamilton, and his wretched old age. Again this thoroughfare is throng- ed with an eager company and Washington was received with boundless enthusiasm; and many a old soldier was here to greet him, as he passed into the neighboring hos- telry for his ent ertainment. Pesi- dentMunroe was welcomed in 1817, July 12, and in 1824 Gen. La Fayette made his triumphant entry in a pouring rain. JUit no rain could quench tlie enthusiasm of that day and the soldier received a royal greeting. One of the troopers who escorted him that day, JNlr. Aarou Kinsman, still survives, and the l^istol and sabre he carried are among the most treasured relics of our collection. The post rider of early days can- tered by witii his mail-bag thrown across his pommel. In later years came the stage coaches. On Wind- mill Hill the guard sounded Iiis horn and rigjit bravely tlie hurses dashed down the long slope and by tlie meeting house. Only one passenger by that con- veyance, out of all the multitude or travellers, rouses our especial inter- est; Daniel Webster, hurrying hither late at night, in April 1817, to make his masterful plea for ids old neigh- bor at Ipswich Court. The first whistle of the locomotive sounder the knell of the stage coach and all the romance attaching to that pict- uresque but tedious mode of travel, lives only in memory. So it is witli the training days on tlie Green, when booths for refreshment and fakir shows lined the street and with the ordinations and installations, which were occasions of similar note. But the Past still lingers in mem- ory and the glory of the earliest days is not eclipsed by the happenings of the present. These bright names inscribed upon our tablets are not dimmed by the lustre of any later fame. They need no memorial of stone or bronze to perpetutate their remembrance. We rear this tablet to show that we are grateful for the ADDRESS 19 rich legacy they have left us, of fiue manhood aud illustrioua deeds; that our children may learn the story of their lives and emulate their virtues ; aud that this spot, the place of their residence, may be honored and or- namented by this reminder of tJieir fair renown. Publications of the Ipswich Historical Society. IV ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Ipswich Historical Society AT THEIR ROO;\\S. Monday Evening', Dec. 7, 1896 IPSWICH: INDEPENDENT BOOK AND JOB PRINT, 1896. ipsuyi^|i |^i5TOi^i<5fiL SOCIE^sy. Annual Meeting, Dec. 7, 18%. President's Address. Treasurer's Report. The Ipswich Historical Society Tiie re|)ort of Tieasurer ,1. I. Ilor- hekl its aiimiai meeting- at tlie His- ton was as follows: torieal room Monday evenino-, Deo, Ipswich, Mass., Deo. 7, 1890. 7tli. with a fair attendance of those Josejih 1. Ilorum, Treasurer, interested in the work. The reading In ac(;t. with the Ii>swich Historical of reports and the election of officers Society, for 18i)7 was the first business, and Di:. the ballot for the latter resulted as 'i\) anuimit of (lonations. iiu'inhcishi|) follows: (hies, etc.. *.')2().1« Pies., Kev. T. P^rank Waters. iu. Vice I'res., Hon. C. A. Sayward and IJy casii paid for tablet. ?< Hon. Fred Willcoml). " " " furnishing room l:i(».;^4 Treas.. Joseph I. Ilorton. " '' " rent of room 7").0(i Rec. Sec, J. II. Cot^swell. " •' " incidentals, fuel Cor. Sec.,' Rev. Milo H. Gates. (deaning furniture, etc. 22.:'>7 Librarian, M. V. B. Perley. By cash on hand 4..S7 T!ie society was shown to be in excellent sliape to cominence the * new year. 1896 has been prolific in Kespectfnlly submitted, good work, the opening of rooms, Joskph I. IIorto.n, Treas. setting of tablets, and the largely President Waters interesting,' and increased collections of antiquities, instructive address is given in full curios and historical documents. below: After the business of the evening On Friday evening, Feb. :5d, LSlXi, had been disposed of sevei'al of the tliis room was occupied bv the Society members present spoke entertain- for the first time. The exhibition ingly on old school days and old cases were then in place, but not quite masters. ready for use. Apart from the vahiable collection of manuscripts, which had heviner, as well as the indisputable been presented by Mr. 1). F. Appleton, remnants of an adult skeleton. If this the books from the same donor, and be so, we have a glimpse of an atro- the records of the Ipswich Female cious cannibalism, which had not been Seminarj, of the Ipswich Pamphlet suspected. Society organized in 1809, and the Ips- We hope that other contributions to wich Reading Room Ass^^ciation formed the archaeological department will soon in 1824, tlie society possessed nothing be made. The field of research is so for exhibition or safe keeping. extraordinaiily rich, that many indi- But it soon began to be evident that viduals have gradually accumulated the faith in its own future, which the an excellent collection. While in pri- Society had shown, had not been rni> vate hands these are likely to be scat- placed. One of the first donations was tered or lost, and they are of no from Mr. Benjamin Newman, a col- piactical value. In the possession of lection of Indian implements of un- the t-'ociety these collections may be usual delicacy of workmanship, which classified, kept securely, and exhibited, was speedily supplemented by a valu- and the total collection will come to able donation from Mrs. Dickinson, have unique value as the product of This department of the collection Avas this locality alone. put at once on a substantial foundation, In the department of Antiquities, by and the subsequent loan of imi)lements gift or loan, the Society has acquired a and beads from Mr. Richardson, of creditable exhibit. Here we find the Rowley, and the contributions of sinole spinning wheels and yarn reels, the objects by individuals have given it a great winnowing fan, the old cradle, size and (piality, that augurs well for the cheese press and tongs, Ur. Mjrfi- the future. Tlie collection of bones, ning's huge old mortar, the foot-stove, shells, etc., from the great shell heap candlemould and candlesticks, the lace on Treadvvell's island has been ]>illow, and the samples of lace wrought examined very carefully by Mr. Walter in the old lace factory on High street, Faxon of the Peabody Museum in Cam- the fragments from old houses, the bits bridge. lie is very desirous that the of nice needlework. These are the ob- bones and teeth be examined by an jects of popular intesest, which are expert and he thinks that the acc.i- gazed at eagerly by boys and girls, and rate identification of the ; nimaks and educate them in very practical fashion, birds, to which they belonged would This department of our collection ad- throw valuable light on the varieties of niits of indefinite expansion, and con- cach, common to this locality in the tiibutions aie solicited from the l>rehistoric period. He inclined to treasures that are hidden away in tliihk that there were fragments of a closets, and garrets, and out of the way anions. By the furniture or bric-a-brac because it kindness of Mr. Robert C. Winthroj), of seems worthless. But many an article, Boston, our society has received an rescued from its hiding place, cleaned, autograph letter of John Winthrop repaired if need be, becomes useful and Jun,, the founder of our town, dated even valuable; in witness whereof, ob- Agawam, July 20,1634; and an inventory serve this admirable chest of drawers made by William Clerk of all the house- or bureau, but lately the occupant of hold goods in Mr. Winthrop's Ipswich an attic, now a thing of beauty and of residence. These are of the fust value service. Specimens of old family and give a high character to our manu- china, samplers and specimens of script collection. needlework, old lamps, cooking uten- No department of our exhibit sils of ancient pattern, tools of the possesses more quaint interest, and early times, are desired; and particn- none can be expanded with greater larly pewter porringers and platters to facility. Many old deeds, wills, ac- complete the collection, in which the count books and the like are in private late Mr. John Perkins was particularly hands. Mr. Everett Jewett, of the Vil- interested and to which he contributed lage, iias a very large collection, the so generously. life accumulation of Capt. Moses Jew- Our show case contains a miscella- ett, who lived from 1722 to 1796, and neons exhil)it, and illustrates the some of earlier date. Mr. Benjamin breadth of oui desires and the variety Fewkes has signified his intention of of interesting objects. The few auto- depositing a valuable collection of old graphs suggest to us the value of a Wade papers. Mr. John IJ. large collection of autographs of the Brown has recently given a eminent men of this town anc! of the valuable account book, with one country, and a companion collection of series beginning in 1678, and a second photographs or even silhouettes. A series by a later hand in the middle of few are already in our hands, but we the following century. Mrs. Philip hope for more. E. Clarke has deposited a Our collection of Pvcvolutionary and series of ancient Kinsman deeds. Some Confederate money is interesting, and of these old papers are so worn that the exhibit of fractional currency of they are already falling apart and they the Civil war period, thanks to the are likely to be ruined by the loss of loan of Mr. Richardson, and the gift of some of the pieces. Those in our pos- several parties, is of value. The Pvcvo- session have been mended and lutionary documents, especially the strengthened by strips on the backside, 6 and fastened with a flexible liinjje in a Journal, the Ipswich Register, the larse scrap book, so that they can be Ipswich Clarion and the Ipswich Bulle- exaniiiied withont possibility of injury, tin. Are there not other cojiies or par- Mr. Frank Lord lias deposited with tial files that may be added to these? us the complete records of the Deuison Graduation protjrammes, orders of Light Infantry. exercises of every kind, even of recent The nucleus of our library is the old date, anything of local interest, are Ipswich Religious Library, instituted solicited. Only lately I saw a remark- in ITl'l, ISome two hundred able collection of old printed broad- volumes, bearing tlie name of this sides, containing the dying confession organization, are on our shelves, and of Pomp, hanged for murder in 179.5, the secretary's and librarian's record, and similar gruesome relicts. How Some of these books date back to the many similar papers might be found? year 1647; some bear the autographs of They are all ustful and valuable in their owners. Rev John Rogers, 1700, their way. and his son, Rhv. Natlianiel Rogers, Pictures, too, are very acceptable, botli pastors of the First church. They This ancient panel tells its own story, are of the most substantial quality, of the busy davs of another century, sermons, tiieological and controversial The fine reprint of Trumouirs Bunker works, and meditations. Hardly a Hill was the gift of Mr. Elward Smith, volume would be read today, but the of Salem. The water coloi of the an- taste of the people of a century ago cient house by the depot cnnif^ from was so robust and serious, that these Mrs. Henry Saltonstall, of Boston, old books show much honest wear, and The portrait of Whitefield hangs' by the libraiian's record shows bow many right so near the si)ot where the great used them. Apart from tliese, and the preacher proclaimed the gospel a cen- volumes previously mentioned, our lit- tury and a half ago. Two ancient erary treasures are scant. But i)am- paintings brought from Italy by Mr. plilets of vaiious kinds are coming Leverett Treadwell many years ago more rapidly. Already we have quite have been deposited by Mrs. Ignatius a bundle of printed sermons of Ipswich Dodge. ministers, and of miscellaneous ser- On the day of the dedication of our mons yet more. There are many of tablets this room was formally opened quaint interest on a variety of themes, to the public. The permanent dejiosits, Let us have more and more of these which had been secured at that time, old musty pamphlets, and the more were supplemented by a considerable modern ones as well. We have a be- loan collection, and many of our towns- ginirlng of a file of School Reports and folks and many visitors from abroad of Town Reports. Let these be made visited the room during tlie day. Since complete. We have a few old news- then the room has been opened to the ])apers, stray copies of the Ipswich public every Saturday afternoon. The visitors' book shows an average num- to elect tax commissioners at the com- ber of about twenty-five or thirty visi- mand of Sir Edmuml Andros, and won tors. Interest in the exhibit is growing by its bold act, and by the penalty it paid apace, and we may confidently hope for its boldness, a proud name among that when summer comes again, our Massachusetts towns, and made a room will become an object of general spendid contribution to the series of interest and popular pride. protests against taxation Without The one event of tlie year, which lias representation, which began at Water- given our society standing and character town in the infancy of the colony, and amid the numerous local societies that culminated in the universal determina- are springing up all around us, was the tion to resist the Stamp Act and in the erection of the substantial memorial War of the Revolution, tablets on the South Green. Xo more Here sat the Courts for many years, conspicuous and plea.^ing location until the Court House was built. Here could be found. It rarely happens that were the stocks, and whiuping post, so many memories of the past, reach- watch house and prison. Here honest ing over so long a period in the annals Quakei's and good men and women, of a community yet familiar to but few, charged with witchcraft, were impri- cluster about a spot, alreadj' so atcrac- soned among the criminals suffering tive by its great natural beauty. We righteous punishment, may well congratulate ourselves that It remains for our society, or some we have rescued from (iblivion a group generous and patriotic friend of 'the of historic facts of the highest interest, society to make a move toward erect- and given them permanent prominence, ing on this historic spot a fitting May we not venture to hope and memorial. The year 1897 is the 210th plan for the erection of another memo- anniversary of the Andros fiesistance. rial at no distant day? The rugged The town miglit cooperate with us. summit of Town Hill, where the First Have we faith enough in the success of church stands today, is the one spot of the enterprise to begin to plan to that transcendent interest in the brilliant end? If this project seems too ambi- history of our ancient town. Here the tious, lesser memorials to commemo- first humble meeting house was reared, rate the residence among us of Dud- guarded by its fort, and watched by ley, and Ann Bradstreet, and Winthrop sentries, and saccessive meeting houses and Denison, may perhaps be under- have hallowed the spot through all the taken. years of the past. Here in the old Apart from these schemes of a pub- church the people assembled in town lie nature, our Society needs funds for meetings to make their own laws, and the legitimate work that awaits it. rule themselves in orderly fashion ; and The running expenses of the coming here, was held that memorable town year call for an hundred and fifty dol- meeting of 1687, when the town refused lars at least. Money is needed for tlie 8 purcliase of books, not found in our the maintenance of the Society and thp pnl)lic library, which shed light on the furtherance of its worlc. We desire to history of our town. It is desirable ^^^^j ^ ^^.^^^.^^^ enthusiasm among our that some publication be made of its ,. ^ ., . . members and throughout the commu- ovvn proceedings or of tlie manuscripts ^ and records in its possessions. We in- ^'ty. We can succeed only by the vite all our citizens to share with us in constant cooperation of many friends. SECRETARY'S REPORT. The following is the report of the which was largely attended. The Corresponding Secretary, J. H. Cogs- president stated the needs of the Socie- well, read at the annual meeting of the ^^ ^^^. ^ ^ Appleton, who was pies- Ipswich Historical Society Dec. 7: i.r> 4-1 „ • rn i^..i r A 1 ent, was very enthusiastic in the mat- '•On the evening of the 14th of April, ' "^ 1890, a little company met at the home ter, and strongly advised securing a of jMr. Waters and organized what is room for the use of the Society. At now the Ipswich Historical Society, his suggestion Messrs. Waters, Say- During the first four years of the ward, Gates and Constant were made a organization meetings were occasional- committee to secure a room suitable ly held at the studio of Arthur W. for the purpose. It was also voted that Dow in the Caldwell block, and at the an annual assessment of two dollars be vestiy of the South church. These required of each member of the meetings were addressed mainly by Society, and $101 was pledged on the our own citizens, Messrs. Waters, Say- spot. ward and Dow, frequently speaking At the next meeting, held Monday upon matters of local interest, On evening, Oct 21st, it was reported that several occasions, however, we listened a room in the Odd Fellows' building to parties from abroad, among whom could be secured, and the committee were Hon. W. D. Northend and W. S. were given full power to hire and fit it Xevins, of Salem, the former on the up for the accommodation of the "Bay State Colony," ana the latter on Society. At this meeting the president "Nathaniel Hawthorne." read an exceedingly interesting paper It was not. however, until Sept. 30. upon military affairs in the earliest 1S!)5, that the Society entered upon its times, showing that Ipswich took a work in real earnest. On that date a very prominent part in the military meeting was held at the Parish House, achievements of the first half century. furnishing the two grent learlers, Doni- between England and France for the son and Appleton. possession of Nova Sootia and the At the next meeting of the Society, events which led to the forcible re- Nov. 19, a code of by-laws were moval of the Acadians from their adopted, and Jesse Fewkes, of Xewton, homes in that country, lie also gave (a native r,f our town), read an inter- an account of the arrival of a number esting paper u^on the "Evidence of of them in this town, and of their kind the occupation of our shores by the treatment while here. Norsemen in the eleventh century. "" The next and in many respects the At this meeting the corresponding most important meeting of tlie year secretary read a letter from Kev. Mr. was held at the Parish House, ^larch Bodge, of Leominster, stating that he 18, when Dr. A. V. Putnam, of Dauvers, would be pleased to deliver his lecture gave his lecture upon "Pecollections on Samuel Appleton before the Histor- of distinguished persons at home and ical Society sometime during the win- abroad." Dr. Putnam is a beautiful ter. As this lecture was not given last speakei- and his personal reminiscences winter, it is hoped we may be fav( red of Lincoln, Webster. Sumner, . Fuller Appleton Francis H. Appleton Randolpli S. Appleton Dr. C. E. Ame3 John A. Blake John E. Blakemore, Boston James W. Bond Warren Boynton John B. Brown Chas. S. Brown Mrs. William G. Browa Daniel S. Burnham Rev, Augustine Caldwell, Eliot, Chas. A. Campbell Philip E. Clarke Miss L. C. Coburn John H. Cogswell Theodore F. Cogswell Eev. Edward Constant Chas. S. Cummings George K. Dodge Miss Bertha Dobson Rev. George F. Durgin Rev. Milo H. Gates John W. Goodhue Mrs. George H. Green Miss Lucy Hamliu Mrs. John Heard Joseph I. Horton Me Lewis R. Hovey John A. Johnson Charles N. Kelly Rev. John C. Kimball Miss Carrie E. Lakeman Curtis E. Lakeman ^liss Lucy S. Lord Thomas Lord Dr. George E. Macarthy James F. Mann Jolin P. Marston Everard H. Martin lAIrs. E. H. Martin John W. I^ourse Martin V. B. Perley Augustine IL Pioutf Jas. E. Richardson, Rowley Joseph Ross Joseph F. Ross Fred G. Ross. William S. Russell Angus L. Savory Chas. A. Say ward George A. Schofield Edward A. Smith, Salem John E. Tenney Mrs. J. E. Tenney Miss Ellen Trask Bayard Tuckerman y Luther Wait Mrs. Chas. IT. Wildmerding, Chicago Henry C. AVarner HONORARY MEMBERS. Rev. T. Frank Waters q^,^ (.,,.^s ^y Darlin-, Utica, X Y Fred A. Willcoinb W. Sumner Appleton, Boston Wallace P. Willett, East Orange, N J Jesse Fewkes, Newton #> *, BY-LAWS. I. is eligible for lionorary membership. This Society shall be called the Every person elected an honorary Ipswich Historical Society. member shall become such by -,, signifying acceptance to the Hecord- mi !-• i. * i.1 ' o • i. 4. ing Secretary, in Avriting. The objects of the Society are to =■ •^' * investigate, record and perpetuate ^^• the history of the town of Ipswich, Any donor to tiie funds of the and to collect, hold and preserve Si>ciety to tlie amount of twenty-five documents, books, relics and all dollars may be elected a life mem- other matter illustrating its history, ber, and shall be exempt from tlie or that of individuals or families payment of the annuil fee. identified with it. ' VII. Ill' Every resident member shall pay The Society shall be composed of an annual fee of two dollars, wliich rfsid en t, honorary and life members; sh \\\ he due on t lie first of December, and all the members sliall have the an I failure to pay tiiis fee for two right to attend all meetings, and to ye irsshall forfeitmembership unless enjoy full use of the historical col- the Directors sliall direct otherwise, lections of tlie society, subject to the VIII. ordinary regulations, but the man- ^^ ^^^^^^^ meetin^for the election agement and disposal of the Society's ^f^^^^,.gg,,^,„^^^,;^l J ^^^ j,,^ ^^.^^ affairsand property, and the right to j^^^,,^,^,^ ^^. j,ecemb.r and regular vote shall belong only to resident ^^^^i.^^^ „„ t,,e first Monday of and life members. ^ Februarv, May and October. Special I^'^' meetings may be held on tiie call of All members shall be nominated the directors. Due notice of all by the Directors and shall be elected meetings shall be given by the by ballot at any regular meeting by Recording Secretary. a majority of the votes cast. ^^ V. The officers ef the Society shall be Any member of kindred societies, a President, two Vice-Presidents, a and any person, who lias especial in- Treasurer, a Recording Secretary, a terest in the objects of the Society, or Corresponding Secretary and a who has rendered it valuable service Librarian, and they shall form col- lectively a T3oarcl of Directors. These to promote the especfal objects of ofKcers shall be elected by ballot at tlie Society In such w;iys as may the annual meeting, and their term seem most appropriate, shall appoint of office shall be for one year from such committees as may seem ex- the date of that meeting-, and until pedient, and shall have the charge their successors are elected. Vacan- and custody of all the property and cies in t!)e lioartl of Diiectors shall collections of the Society, be filled for the remainder of the XI. year by the remaining- Directors. ^,^^gg bv-laws mav be amended at ThedMtiesofall theseofficersshall .^..^ ,.^^.^,,^„. i^eeting or the annual be those usually belonging to offices ^.^eeting, on recommendation of the they hold. Directois, by a vote of two thirds of ^' the members present, provided that The Directors shall determine the due notice has been given of the use lo be nnule uf the income and proposed change at a previous funds of the Society, sliall endeavor meeting. 4^ PUBLICATIONS OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY V. THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS AND SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. WITH THE PROCEEDINGS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING Dec. 6, 1897. A List of Contributors to the Cabinet. Salem prese. The Salem Press Co., Salem, Mass. 1898. PUBLICATIONS OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY V. THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS AND SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. WITH THE PROCEEDINGS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING Dec. 6, 1897. A List of Contributors to the Cabinet. Salem ipresa. The Salem Press Co., Salem, Mass. I8g8. Fit THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. [A paper read, March 6, 1897, before the Local History Class of the Essex Institute.] BY THOMAS FRANKLIN WATERS. THE HOUSES. Peculiar pathos attaches to the landing of the Pil- grims at Plymouth, when winter was already abroad, their hasty building of their huml>le homes, and the prolonged suffering from cold, scant food, and sickness until summer came. But the settlement of the towns of the Massachu- setts Bay Colony, Salem, Ipswich, and the rest, presents no such pitiful picture. To these points came an orderly migration of gentle folk and artisans, direct from their comfortable English homes, with much of their belong- ings, no doubt. The arrival of the ships that bore them was timed so well that they came upon our coast when the air was sweet with flowers and the fi'agrance of the wild strawberries. The long days of summer afforded them opportunity for building comfortable homes, and settling themselves into their new life, before the ordeal of winter came. In our thoughtlessness we banish hard- ship and suffering from the annals of this fortunate colony. We are encouraged in this rosy dream of the first days by the reputed antiquity of many houses still remaining, wearing an air of comfort still, with their low, broad roofs, their huge chimney-stacks, suggestive of generous (3) 4 THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. fire-places within, tlioir small windows, planned to admit a snfficiency of light and a modicum of cold, and their ample size. These ancient mansions, we are told, date from the very earliest years of the settlement, perchance even from the year of the founding of the town, and accepting the date with confiding credulity, straightway we buikl many similar edifices in our imagination, and house the daring pioneers very luxuriously. The "striking incongruity of such mansions as these, and the rough pioneer life in the unbroken wilderness, shonld be enough to make us ske[)tical. Any careful study of the historic data will effectually disprove the truth of this claim of age. No loss than five ancient dwellings in old Ipswich have been declared l)y many to date from KJoS or 1634. I have made ddigent research in our Town Records and at the Registry of Deeds and Wills, and have come to the conclusion that two of them were built about 1700, the third about 1670-1(580, and in the case of the two others the disproval of the reputed ownership re- moves the presumption' of an antiquity which is not sug- gested by their architecture. We shall make much nearer approach to the truth in our ideal, we may presume, if we remember always that our forefathers were invading a wilderness, and that of necessity their first houses were small, rude, and quickly built, so that they might give their first summer chiefly to clearing the land of forest, and raising some crop to fur- nish their food for the long, cold winter. Edward Johnson, in his "Wonder Working Provi- dence," portrays the experiences that he had known personally, incident to these settlements. " After they have found out a place of aboad," he writes, "they burrow themselves in the earth for their first shelter, under some hill side, casting the earth aloft upon timber ; they make a smoaky fire against the earth at the highest side, and THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. 5 thus these poor servants of Christ provide shelter for themselves, their wives and little ones, keeping off the short siiowcrs from tlioir lodgings, but the long rains pen- etrate through to their grate disturbance in the night sea- son, yet in these poor wigwams they sing Psalms, pray, and praise their God, till they can provide them homes, which ordinarily was not wont to be with many till the Karth, l)y the Lord's blessing, brought forth bread to feed them, their wives and little ones." Such a tale of woe may seem incredible to us. The skilled woodsman can build a summer camp impervious to rain, and full of comfort, in a few hours, with no other tool than his axe. I have a pleasant acquaintance with a Kangeley guide of long experience, who always amazes me with stories of the facility with which a warm and com- fortable camp can bo fashioned in the deep snow in the thick forests, when the cold is intense, and of the palatial comfort of the log-camp, chinked with moss, covered deeply with snow and warmed with a roaring fire. But these .-mcient Puritans were not woodsmen. They were gentlemen in part, and weavers, tailors, blacksmiths, coopers, brickmakers, carpenters and farmers. What knew they of the cunning art of woodcraft? So, I trow, that not only their dug-out in the hill-side, but often their humble cabin, was not sufficient for comfortable warmth. Such was the experience of the Deputy Gov- ernor Thomas Dudley, who wrote from Cambridge in 1G30. " 1 thought fit to conunit to memory our present condition, and what hath befallen us since our arrival here, which I will do shortly, after my usual manner, and must do rudely, having yet no table, nor other room to write in than by the fireside, upon my knee, in this sharp winter, to which my family must have leave to re- sort though they break good maimers, and make me many times t\)rg('t what I would say, and say what I would not." 6 THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. If there was such scant comfort in the homes of their gentry, what was the lot of the poorest? Rough, simple houses, they must have been. There were no mills to saw their lumber. Every board was sawed by the tedious toil of two sawyers, one working in a saw pit. Every joist was hewed four square with the axe, every nail, bolt, hinge and latch, was hammered out by the blacksmith on his anvil. Brick chimneys and shingled roofs were rare. Our surmise as to the style of their dwelling is con- firmed by indubitable record. Matthew Whipple lived on the corner of the present County and Summer streets, in Ipswich, near Miss Sarah Caldwell's present residence. In the inventory of his estate made in 1645, his dwelling house, barn and four acres of land, were appraised at £36, and six bullocks were valued at the same figure. His executors sold the dwelling with an acre of ground on the corner, in 1648, to Robert Whitman for £5. Whitman sold this property, and another house and lot, to William Duglass, cooper, for £22, in 1652. John Anni- ball, or Annable, bought the dwelling, barn, and two acres of land, on the eastern corner of Market and Sinn- mer streets, then called Annable's Lane, for £39, in 1647. Joseph Morse was a man of wealth and social standing. His inventory in 1646 mentions a house, land, etc., valued at £9, and another old house with barn and eight acres of land valued at £8, 10s. and one cow and a heifer, esti- mated at £6, 10s. Thomas Firman was a leading citizen. His house was appraised in the inventory at £15, and the house he had bought of John Proctor, with three acres of land, was estimated to be worth £18, 10s. Proctor's house was near the lower falls on County street, and his land in- cluded the estate now owned by Mr. Warren Boynton, Mr. Samuel N. Baker and others. Few deeds of sale or inventories mention houses of any considerable value in these earlier years. THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. 7 Richard Scolieltl sold a liouse and two acres of laud to Robert Roberts, in 1643, for £11, 17s. In 1649 John West sold John Woodman, for £13, a house and an acre of land, and another half acre near the Meeting House. Robert Whitman sold John Woodman a house near the Meeting House, for £7. In 1652, Richard Scotield, leather dresser, sold Moses Pengry, yeoman, a house and land, for £17, and Solomon Martin sold Thomas Lovell, currier, a house and lot near the present " Dodge's Corner," for £16. Barely in these opening years, the appraised value of an estate mounted to £100. In 1646, this was the valuation of John Shatswell's. It included a "house, homestead, barn, cow house, orchard, yard, etc." Six oxen were appraised at £36, and five cows at £25, Os. The average price received from the actual sale of houses was less than £25. Mr. John Whittinghara had a house on High street containing kitchen and parlor, and cham- bers over the kitchen and parlor, sumptuously furnished, as the inventory records in 1648, and valued with the barn, cow house and forty-four acres of land, at £100. The established value of a bullock seems to have been £6, and cows were appraised at about £5. A day's work of a team in drawing timber for the watch house, in 1645, was reckoned at 8 shillings, and in 1646, the inventory of the estate of Joseph Morse reveals the market prices of various commodities. 20 bushels of Indian corn were rated at £2, 10s. ^ bushel of hemp seede, - - - 2 6 small cheeses, 2 20 lbs. butter, ----- . 10 These prices fix the purchasing power of money at that period and make it certain that houses, that were quoted at £25 and less, were very simple and primitive. Often, we may presume, they were log-houses. 8 THE EARLY HOMES Or THE PURITANS. Govevnov Winth.op .ecovds that M.. OUUum had a s^aU house near the wear at Watertown, made all ot clap b :* «l""-y - midst, had the roof taken off in two parts ( the top of the chimney) and carried six or seven rods off Thatch was the common roof covering, and he chm nevs were built of wood, well covered or daubed as Z phrase was, with clay. Governor Winthropment.on that Mr. Sharp's house in Boston took fire, in 1630 (he splinters being not clayed at the top) and tatang the thatch burnt it down." Governor Dudley's account of the fir'e speaks of this and Colborn's house "as good and well furnished as most in the plantation." Better houses began to be built at an "-^^JJ^f Winthrop records a violent S. S. E. storm on Ma ch 16 1638 "It overthrew some new strong houses, hut the Lord miraculously preserved old weak cottages." Thomas Lechford, in his Note Book, preserves an mte, esting contract, made by John D^^'' J"-"'''-;'; '^^f^/^ ,>ous: for William Ri.x, in 1640., it was '» !> , «^^°_;^ long and 14 feet wide, Wth a chamber ttoare fi"-,l> . snm mer and joysts, a cellar floare with joysts t, the Toofe and walls clapboarded on the out syde, the chnnney filled without daubing, to be done with hewan timber. The price was to be £21. Houses of this dimension were common as late as 1665 In that year such inroads had been made upon the i:,:s'and other'valuable trees, that the T-- of Ipsw.h ordered the Selectmen to issue a permit before a tiee could be cut. The certificates issued possess a curious interest. THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. U Edmund Bridges Avas allowed timber "to make up liis cellar," in 1667. In 1670, Joseph Goodhue received permit for a house 18 feet square, and Ephraim Fellows for a house 16 feet square. In 1671, Thomas Burnam's new house was 20 feet square, that of Obadiah Bridges 18 feet square, and Deacon Goodhue built one 16 feet square. In 1657, Alexander Knight, a helpless pauper, was provided with a house at the Town's expense, and the vote provided that it should be 16 feet long, 12 feet wide, 7 or 8 feet stud, with thatched roof, for which £6 was appropriated. People of quality erected comfortable houses, no doubt, at a very early period. In 1638, Deputy Governor Symonds purchased the Argilla farm now owned by the heirs of the late Thomas Brown, and straightway planned the house, which was erected at once on the site still to be traced, not far from the present farm house. Such interest attaches to the explicit directions he gave Mr. Winthrop in a letter which remains to us, that I cannot forbear transcribing his exact words. "I am indifferent wlietlier it be 30 foote or 35 foote longe; 16 or 18 foote broade. I would have wood chimnyes at each end, the frames of the chimnyes to be stronger than ordinary, to beare good heavy load of clay for security against fire. You may let the chim- nyes be all the breadth of the liowse if you thinke good ; the 2 lower dores to be in the middle of the howse, one opposite to the other. Be sure that all the dore waies in every place be soe high that any man may goe vpright vnder. The staiers I think had best be placed close by the dore. It makes noe great matter though there be noe particion upon the first flore; if there be, make one biger then the other. For windowes let them not be over large in any rooms and as few as conveniently may be ; let all have current shutting draw win- dows, haveing respect both to present & future vse. I think to make it a girt house will make it more chargeable tlien neede ; how- ever, the side bearers for the second story being to be loaden with corne etc. must not be pinned on, but rather eyther lett in to the studds or borne vp with false studds and soetenented in at the ends. I leave it to you and the carpenters. In this story over the first, I \0 THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. would have a particion, whether in the uiiddest or over the particiou under, I leave it. ^ , ^^^ In the san-ett noe particion, but let there be one or two Income [Lutheran?] windows, if two, both on .me side. I desire to have the sparrs reach downe pretty deep at the eves to preserve the walls the better from the wether. I would have it sellered all over and soe the frame of the howse accordeingly from the bottom. 1 would have the howse stron^e in timber, though plaine & well ^^^ased. I wonld have it covered with very good oake-hart inch board for the present, to be tacked on onely for the present, as you ton d me Let the frame begin from the bottom of the cellar & soe in the ordinary way vpright: for I can hereafter (to save the timber within grounde) run up a thin brick worke without. I think it best to have the walls without to be all clap boarded besides the clay walls. This stoutly built two-storied house, with its enormous fireplaces, iis wiilo as the rooms, and its projecting eaves, nmst have been both picturesque and comfortable, though the interior arrangement was very simple. We can hardly believe that houses of this size and style were comnion at this period, though Rev. Natlmiuel Rogers's nia.ise, facing the South Green, had two full stories, and so h:ul Mr. Whittingham'8 on High street. For the most part, these old Ipswich houses were small and rough in outward appearance, and the best and stateliest, innocent of paint, with small windows and diamond-shaped panes of class, daubed with clay instead of plaster, were iar rentoved from the most ancient style, with which we are familiar. Here is a contract for the building of a pretty comfort- able parsonage-house, in Beverly, "for the use of the ministrie on Cap An Side," as the record says, and the date of it is the 23 : of March, 1G5G-1G57. The psents witnesseth a bargain maid betweene John norman of manchester the one partie : & Tho Lothrop & James patch the other ptves for & in consideration of an house: that is to say. John uormanis to build an house for them: which is to be thirtieeyght foote lono-e : 17 : f oote wide & a leueu foote studd, with three chimnies TiiK ea!;ly homes of the puritans. 11 towe below & one in the chamber he is also to flnde boards & clap- boards for the finishing the same with a single couering with a porch of eight foote square & Jotted oner one foote ech way to lap the floores booth below & a bone & one garret chamber : & to make doores and windows : foure below and foure aboue & one in the stodie the said John is to make the stoaires & to drawe the clapboards & shoot their edges: & also to smooth the boards of one of the chamber flowres & he is to bring up the frame to the barre or the ferry att his owne charge. & the said John norman is to haue for his worke f ourtie flue pounds : to be paid in come & cattell the one halfe att or before the house be raised & the other halve the next wheate haruist. in witncssc heare of we haue sett down our hands, wituesse John norman Tho : Lothropp. A STUDY OF INTERIORS. Within, these homes were for the most part very plain and simple. Governor Dudley's house in Cambridge was reputed to be over-elegant, so that Governor Win- throp wrote him : " He did not well to bestow such cost about wainscotting and adorning his house, in the bogin- ing of a plantation, both in regard to the expense and the example. " But^Dwlley was able to reply, that "it was for the warmth of his house, and the charge was but little, being but clap-boards, nailed to the wall in the form of wainscot. " The common finish of the rooms of houses of the l)ctter sort was a coating of clay, over the frame tinVbers and the l)ricks which filled the spaces be- tween the studs. The ceilings were frequently, if not universally, left unfinished, and the rough, uiipainted beams and floor joists, and the flooring of the room above, blackened with the smoke and grimy Avith dust, were a sombre contrast to the white ceilings of the modern home. The living room of the ancient house of the Whipples, probably the oldest in our town, was not 12 THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. lathed and plastered overhead until the boyhood of the present owner, yet the finely panelled wood-work of the side walls attests the excellence of the interior in its day. Paint and paper were unknown. Even whitewash was an invention of far later times. Nevertheless, I incline to believe that if we could turn back the wheels of time and enter an early Ipswich home, we should find that it was not only habitable, but comfortable, and the furnishings much ])eyond our antic- ipation. For these yeomen and carpenters and weavers very likely had transported some of their furniture across .the sea, and they reproduced here in the wilderness the living rooms of their old English homes. Happily our curiosity may be gratified in very large degree l)y the numerous inventories that remain, and we may in imagin-ation undertake a tour of calls in the old town, and see for ourselves what those houses contained. There were but two rooms on the main iloor, the "hall" and the parlor, and entrance to them was made from the entry in the middle of the house. The "hall" of the old Puritan house, was the "kitchen" of a little later times. Indeed, these two words are used of the same apartment from the earliest record. It was the living room, the room where they cooked and ate and wrought and sat ; in one home at least, that of Joseph Morse, a well-to-do settler, the room Avhere his bed was set up, wherein he died in 1646. The chief object in this family room was ever the fire- place, with its broad and generous hearth and chimney, ample enough to allow boys bent on mischief to drop a live calf from the roof, as they did one night, into poor old Mark Quilter's kitchen. As brick chimneys were not the rule at first, safety could be secured only by building their wooden chimneys, daubed with clay, abnormally THE EAKLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS, 13 large. No wonder the worthy folk who wrote those inven- tories invariably began with the fireplace and its appur- tenances. Piled high with logs, roaring and snapping, it sent forth most comfortable heat, and cast a warm glow over the plainest interior, and beautified the hum- blest home. " Here is good living for those that love good fires," Pastor Higginson wrote. Bare walls, rough, unfinished ceilings, floors without carpets or rugs, all took on an humble grace ; privation and loneliness and home- sickness could be forgotten, in the rich glow of the even- ing firelight. Several pairs of andirons or cobirons were frequently used to support logs of different lengths. In one hall, at least, two pair of cobirons, and a third pair ornamented with brasses are mentioned. Within easy reach, were the bellows and tongs, the fire-pan for carrying hot coals, the "fire-fork" and ''fire-iron, " for use about the hearth, we presume. Over the fire hung the trammel or coltrell, as it is called in one inventory, pot hooks, from the wooden or iron bar within the chimney that was supplanted by the crane in later times, and pots and kettles of copper, brass or iron, and of sizes, various. Some of these kettles must have been of prodigious size. Matthew Whipple had three brass pots that weighed sixty-eight pounds, and a copper that weighed forty pounds. The rich John Whit- tingham's kitchen, in his High street home, boasted a copper that was worth £3 10s, and Mr. Nelson of Eowley had "a great copper " that was inventoried at £10 sterling. The family washing, soap-making, candle-dipping and daily cookery, no doubt, required them all. A copper baking-pan, a great brass pan, spits for roasts, iron dripping pans to catch the juices, gridirons and fry- ing-pans, an iron peele or shovel for the brick oven, a 14 THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. trivet (a three-legged support for hot pans or pots, or irons), and the indispensable warming-pan, were common appendages of this central orb. Lesser articles — skimmers, skillets and ladles, chafing dishes and posnets, smoothing irons and ])ox irons that were heated from within, and sieves covered with hair- cloth or tiffany, were found as well. Upon the open shelves stood the rows of pewter plates or platters, and latten or brass ware, all bright and shining in the fire light, and upon nails, " The porringers that iu a row Hung high and made a glittering show." Trenchers and trays and platters of wood were still com- mon ; "juggs"and leather bottles found place. Pewter salts, pots, bottles, spoons, cups and flagons, candlesticks of pewter or iron, spoons of silver or ^' alchimie," an alloy of brass, were common. The dresser or cupboard or shelf l)ore the l)ooks that were found in almost every family : " the great Bible" and smaller Bibles, the Psalm book, some sad volumes of Doctor Preston's or Mr. Dike's or Doctor Bifield's theo- logical writings, the "physike book" in one instance, and the silver l)Owl, or other cherished remnant of former luxury . For furniture, there were tables and frames on which boards were laid and removed, forms or long settees, stools and cushions, but only a chair or two, for chairs were luxuries then. Other clumsy things, that ought to have found place in barn or "leanto," are mentioned so regularly in the list of hall or kitchen chattels, that we are compelled to think they were really there — the " chirne," and powdering tub, as they called the great tub used for salting meats, barrels and keelers, cowles for water-cai rying and pails, bucking THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. 15 tubs for washing and buckets, beere vessels and sundry articles of unknown use, "earthen salts," "cheese-breads," "beekor balke," and "haylcs." Either those halls must have had extraordinary capacity for storage, or the occupants must have had scant room in many a house. Queer, confused rooms they must have been at best, in their furnishings and the multitude of employments continually going on, as suggested by the implements, the spinning and weaving, the sewing and knitting, the washing and ironing, cooking and brewing, butter and cheese-making. Their garnishings, too, were quaint. Strings of dried apples and corn, fat hams swinging in the smoke of the chimney aifid, grim and stern, the ever present fire-arms, ready for use at a moment's warning. The briefest inventory includes these. Matthew Whipple's "hall," on the corner of Summer and County streets, must have been a veritable arsenal. Upon its walls hung three muskets, three pair bandoleers, three swords, and two rests, or crotched sticks, in which the long heavy musket barrel was rested while aim was taken, a fowling piece, a "costlett," or armor for the breast, a pike and sword, a rapier, a halberd and bill. In John Knowl- ton's "hall," we should have found a musket, bandoleers, rest, knapsack, moulds and scourer. John Lee, the owner of the land still known as Lee's, or Leigh's meadow, on the Argilla road, had a sword and belt, pistols and holster, and Luke Heard owned a "pistolett." Head pieces and corselets were not uncommon. John Winthrop's kitchen may have been a depot of supply, for it contained four- teen muskets, rests and bandoleers. The frequent mention of candlesticks suggests that candles were in common use in these first Ipswich homes, yet a more primitive method was common in the poorer families at least. 16 THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. Higginson tells us how the Salem houses were lighted, at the beginning of the settlement. " Although New England have no tallow to make candles of, yet by the abundance of the fish thereof, it can aft'ord oil for lamps. Yea, our pine trees that are the most plentiful of all wood, doth allow ns plenty of candles, which are very useful in a house. And they are such candles as the In- dians commonly use, having no other, and they are noth- ing else but the wood of the pine tree, cloven in two little slices, something thin, which are so full of the moysturc of turpentine and j)itch, that they burn as cleere as a torch." "Candlewood," is the name of a fine farm district of our town to-day. It assures us that the Ips- Avich planters knew the value of the fat pine strips. " Old lamps," are sometimes mentioned, perhaps the open iron or tin cup with a wick lying over one side fed with fish oil, or lamps brought with their household goods. The frugality- of the early living is frequently remarked on. Felt says, "For more than a century and a half, the most of them had })e;i and bean porridge, or broth, made of the liquor of boiled salt meat and pork, and mixed with meal, and sometimes hasty pudding and milk, both morning and evening." But those great spits (Matthew Whi}iple had four that weighed together twenty pounds), brass baking pans and dripping pans, kettles and pot?;, gridirons, frying pans and skillets, tell of more appetiz- ing fare. The cattle in the stalls and the abounding game in forest and sea, furnished the material for substantial and gener- ous living for the great majority, we will believe. Yet the best-spread table would have looked strange to us. Wooden })lates, sometimes a square Int of wood, slightly hollowed or perfectl}^ plain, and platters for the central dish, at best dishes and plates of bright pewter; no forks, THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. 17 for forks did not attain common use till the latter years of the century ; no coffee or tea, but plenty of home- brewed beer and cider and stronger spirits for drinks, — these things seem rude in style and deficient in comfort. In the parlor, or "the fine-room," surprises await us as well. Like the hall, it had its fireplace, and its goodly array of hearth furniture, but its furnishings were rarely elegant. The most conspicuous article, even in the homes of rich men, like Matthew Whipple and John Whitting- ham, was the best bed, of imposing size and stately ele- gance, with its curtains and valance, or half curtain, that hung from the cross pieces to the floor, and is still in use with ancient bedsteads, — fitted most luxuriously with a mat upon the cords, and with beds that awake our envy. Matthew Whipple's best feather bed, bolster and nine pillows weighed one hundred and six pounds, and were valued at £5-6-0. Mr. Whittingham's parlor bed and furnishings were worth £12-0-0, Thomas Barker's of Rowley, £13-0-0. What an amount of "solid comfort" is represented by an hundred weight of feathers with a warming pan, in those bleak Puritan winters ! The furnishings were ample. Mine host Lumpkin, one of the earliest inn-keepers, had 2 flock beds and 2 bolsters, in addition to the feather bed ; also five blankets, one rug and one coverlet. Strangely enough, a rug or carpet was a bed furnishing and not a floor covering and mention remains of a rug for the baby's cradle. In John Jackson's house, close I)y the present Metho- dist meeting-house, was "a half-headed bedstead," that rejoiced in " an old dornix coverlet, " and it had " a side bed for a child. " Lionel Chute, the schoolmaster, in his East street home, had an " old damakell coverlet. " Thomas Firman had " damicle curtaynes and vallens. " A trundle bed was common. Beside the bed were a table, 18 THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. a " joyned table, " as it is called, made with turned legs, and "joyned stools, " few chairs, but plent}^ of cushions, and a " ciishen stoole " occasionally. Whittingham's parlor had eleven curtains, and its two windows were adorned with curtains and curtain rods, one of the few instances mentioned of which I am at present aware. In the parlor, too, were the chests, the common strong boxes in which they brought their goods and the more elaborate ones for storage of bedding and table linen. One chest in Whipple's parlor was furnished with a glass and there were three simpler ones. These chests were highly prized by their owners, and they were important pieces of furniture when the closet and modern bureaus and chiffoniers had not yet found place. Lionel Chute mentions in his will, "all things in my chest, and white deep box with the locke and key." We read of great chests and small chests, long boarded chests, great boarded chests and John Knowlton's "chest with a drawer :" also of trunks and boxes. Kobert Mussey bequeathed his daughter Mary in 1(U2 his home, adjoin- in": that of John Dane the elder, "in the West street in the town, " also " my best Bible, " " a great brass pan to be reserved for her until she comes of years, " and "the broad box with all her mother's wearing linen. " The " cubbered " as it was spelled, was common, and it bore a "cubberd clothe " " laced " or " fringed. " In some of the finest houses there was a clock, valued at £1 in Matthew Whipple's, £2 in Thomas Nelson's of Rowley. In Whipple's parlor, too, there was "a staniell bearing cloth ; " and a " baize bearing cloth. " This was used, it has been affirmed, for wrapping babies, when carried to baptism, and Puritan l)abies invariably went to church on the first Sunday after birth. On January 22, 1694, Judge Sewall records— "A very extraordinary THE EAELY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. 19 storm by reason of the falling and driving of the snow. Few women could get to meeting. A child named Alex- ander was baptized in the afternoon. " I fancy that many wee new-born children were taken to the Elder's hos- pitable fireside, before and after the baptism in the icy cold meeting house, and those bearing cloths may have been a kind of public property, and often seen in the first house of worship, for Whipple died the year the old house was sold, 1646. The family still for extracting the fragrant oil from rose leaves and the medicinal virtues from roots and herbs found place in the stately Whittingham parlor ; and in Giles Badger's of Newbury there were a " a glass howl, beaker and jugg, " the only suggestion of toilet conven- ience which I remember. A case of glass bottles now and then is mentioned. But of pictures for the wall and carpets for the floor, and the ornaments now deemed essential for parlor adorniugs, there were few. The finest Puritan parlor of these early days was only a primitive best bed-room. In- deed, it was not always a spare room. Joseph Morse, whose will was probated in 1646, bequeathed his son John "the bed and all y^' bedding he lyeth on, standing in the parlor. " Above stairs the sleeping apartments of the family were found. For the most part, they were cold and cheerless, mere lofts, as the houses were of one story. In one house at least, in Rowley, the floor boards were laid so loosely that a person above could look down through the cracks and see whatever was occurring below, as a witness testified before the court. If such wide spacing was common the heat from the hall fire would have made the " chamber over the kitchen " the coveted room. 20 THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. But Mr. Whittingham's house had a set of fire irons in the chamber over the parlor, and this excess of dignity betokens not only more of comfort than fell to the com- mon lot, but a larger house, with two full stories, as the fittings of the room indicate as well, — an interesting item architecturally, since Mr. Whittingham died in 1648. The contents of that chamber are so interesting that they deserve a full record as showing how much of luxury even was found in the better class of Ipswich houses of this early period. " A bedstead, two fether beds, curtains, rugg, etc." £13- 0-0 " One fether bed, one boulster, two quilts, two pair blankets, one coverlet, and trundlebed," 6- 0-0 "Four trunks, one chest, one box, two chairs, four stools, two small trunks," 3- 5-0 "9 pieces of plate, 11 spoons 25- 0-0 "10 pr. sheets, £8 ten others £4 12- 0-0 "3 pr. pillow beers 8' 1- 4-0 "3 " " " 5» 15-0 "Four table cloths 2-10-0 "1 doz. diaper, 2 doz. flaxen napkins 1-10-0 "2 doz. of napkins 12-0 "the hangings in the chamber," 1-10-0 "3 hoUand cupboard cloths" 2- 4-0 2 half sheetes 1-10-0 1 diaper and damask cupboard cloth 1- 0-0 one screene 10-0 2 pair cob-irons, 1 pr. tongs 15-0 one carpett 3-10-0 "one pair curtaius and vallance 5- 0-0 "one blew coverlet," 1- 0-0 This was a regal room for the times, with its carpet and screen, its hangings upon the walls, its rich store of family silver, and its sumptuous beds and bed linen. Think of twenty pairs of sheets, all spun and woven by hand, and a single bedstead with its belongings, worth 13 pounds sterling, more than twice the whole value of some THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. 21 of the dwellings of that day ! But Shakespeare's will specified the " second best bed " for his wife's portion — and extraordinary value commonly attached to these high posted, canopied, curtained structures. Yet this room had no looking glass nor toilet articles, nor bureau nor case of drawers. In the other chamber we find a variety of miscella- neous articles besides the beds and bedding, a saddle, rolls of canvas of different value, 10 yds. of French serge, G yds. of carpeting, remnants of holland and a valuable assortment of wearing apparel, worth £22, unfortunately for our information, with no mention of garments in detail. In Matthew Whipple's chamber, there were 7 children's blankets, and a pillion cloth and foot stool. At Joseph Morse's, the chamber was a store room, where were de- posited, as we have mentioned : 20 bushels Indian corn £2- 10-0 mault half bushel hemp seede 2-0 6 small cheeses 2-0 20 pounds butter 10-0 "hemp drest and undrest." 10-0 One other fine interior must be noted — that of Nathaniel Eogers — pastor of the church from June, 1636, to 1655, whose residence stood very near the old Baker house, so called, fronting on the South Green, and whose house lot reached down to the River, and was bounded by Mr. Saltonstall's property on the S. W. and Isaac Com- ing's on the N. E. Mr. Rogers died in 1655 leaving an estate, real and personal, valued at £1497, a princely fortune in those days. His hall contained a small cistern, with other im- plements, valued at 17s. (this was an urn, probably of 22 THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. pewter, for holding water and wine, and the " other im- plements" were wine-glasses perhaps), two Spanish platters, of earthen or china ware, very rare at that time, a chest and hanging cupboard, a round table with live joined stools, six chairs and five cushions. Evidently this was a dining room, for the kitchen was a separate room, with an elaborate set of pewter dishes, flagons and the like that weighed a hundred and hfty pounds, and the usual paraphernalia of cooking utensils including a " jacke " for turning the spit. The parlor contained some rare articles, a great chair, two pictures, a livery cupboard, a clock and other imple- ments worth three pounds, window curtains and rods, and the one solitary musical instrument in all the town, so far as early inventories show, "a treble violl," by which is meant, it may be supposed, a violin. Yet this elegant room had a canopy bed and down pillows. The chamber furnishings were exceptionally fine. Its bed and bedding were valued at £14-10-0. A single " perpetuanny coverlet " was appraised at £1-05-0. There was a gilt looking glass, a "childing wicker basket'' for the babies' toilet, perhaps, a table basket, and a sumptu- ous store of linen. A single suit of diaper table linen was reckoned at £4, two pair of hoi land sheets at £3- 10s., five fine pillow-beeres or cases, £l-15s., and goods brought from Old England worth over twenty pounds. In the chamber over the hall were a yellow rug, a couch, silver plate worth £35-18s., and the only watch I have ever found mentioned, valued at £4, in addition to the common furniture. The study gloried in a library worth £100-0-0, an ex- traordinary collection of books, revealing scholarly tastes as well as a plethoric purse, a cabinet, a desk and two chairs, and a pair of creepers or little fire irons. THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. 23 In contrast with the comfort and luxury of these tine homes, "the short and simple annals of the poor " would be of deep interest. Unfortunately for us, as well as for the humble folk themselves, who dwelt in houses sixteen and eighteen feet square, their belongings were so few and cheap that an inventory seemed superfluous, and we are left largely to our own surmising as to how they lived. One glimpse into the humbler sort of home is permitted us in the inventory of William Averill. His will was entered in 1652. He gives to each of his seven children the sum of live shillings, " for my outward estate being but small. " lu his inventory his house and lot were appraised at £10, and the furnishings enumerated are : 1 iron pott, 1 brass pott, 1 frying pan, 4 pewter platters 1 flagon, 1 iron kettle, 1 brass kettle, 1 copper, 1 brass pan, and some other small things, £2-17-0 2 chests, 1 fether bed, 1 other bed, 2 pair of sheets, 2 bolsters, 3 pillows, 2 blankets, 1 coverlid, 1 bedstead, and other small linen, 5-10-0 2 coats and wearing apparel 3- 0-0 a warming pan 3-0 a tub, 2 pails, a few books 10-0 a corslett 1- 0-0 The total of house, land, cattle and goods being £50. He was not desperately poor then, but his circum- stances were somewhat narrow. His family numbered nine souls, yet they had but one bedstead, and beds and bedding only adequate for this, and four pewter platters for the daily meals. How these nine Averills ate and slept would be an entertaining story, and a reproof to much discontent. In Coffin's History of Newbury I find the following, under the date 1657 : " Steven Dow did acknowledge to him it was a good while before he could eate his masters food viz. meate and milk, or drinke beer, saying he did 24 THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. not know it was good, })ecause he was not used to eat such victuall, but to eate bread and water porridge, and to drink water. " No doubt many a family of the poorer sort lived as frugally as he. The house of John Winthrop, jun., who led the lit- tle band of settlers to our town in 1633, is the most interesting of the earliest homes. "An Inventorie of Mr. Winthropps goods of Ipswitch, " made by William Clerk, about the year 1636, while Mr. Winthrop was in England, has recently come into the possession of the Historical Society. Thanks to the carefulness of the ancient recorder, we know the contents of every room, and we tind far less of luxury than Mr. Rogers enjoyed. Indeed, the humblest of his fellow-citizens might have felt at home in the unpretentious domicile of the excellent young leader. The inventory was made at so early a date, moreover, that it gives us certain knowledge of the rooms and their furnishings of one of the original houses, it is safe to presume. Imp"; In the Cham'^ ov' the Parlor 1 feath"^ bed 1 banckett 1 covlett 1 blew rugg 1 boster & 2 pillowes. trunck marked wih R. W. F. wherein is 1 mantle of silk wth gld lace 1 hoUand tablecloth some 3 yards loung Ipr. SSS hoU [twilled hollaud?] sheets 1 pillo bear half f iill of childs liuuing, etc. 5 childs blanketts whereof one is bare million 1 cushion for a child of chamlett 1 cours table cloth 3 yards long 6 cros cloths and 2 guives? 9 childs bedds 2 duble clouts 1 ?•■ hoU sleeves 4 apons whereof 1 is laced 2 smocks 2 pr sheets 1 napkin 1 whit square chest wherein is 1 doz. dyp. [diaper?] napkins I damsk napkin 1 doz. hoU napkins 2 doz. & 2 napkins THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. 25 2 cubord cloths 11 pillow beares 11 SSS napkins 2 table cloths 4 towills 1 SSS holl shirt 2 dyp towills 3 dyp table cloths 1 p"- SSS holl sheets 1 long great chest where in is 1 black gowne tam'y 1 gowne sea grecne 1 child s baskett 2 old petticotts 1 red 1 sand coll"" serg 1 pr leath'' stockins 1 mufl' 1 window cushion 5 qnishion cases 1 small pillowe 1 peece stript linsy woolsy 1 pr boddyes 1 tapstry covlett 1 peece lininge stnff for curtins 1 red bayes cloake for a woman 1 pr of sheets In the Cham'' ov^" the kyohin 1 feath»' bed 1 boster 1 pillowe 2 blanketts 2ruggs bl. & w' 2 floq bedds 5 ruggs 2 bolsters 1 pillowe 1 broken warming pan In the Garrett Charn^' ov'' the Storehouse many small things glasses, potts etc. In the Parlor 1 bedsted 1 trundle bedsted v/^^ curtains & vallences 1 table & G stooles 1 muskett, 1 small fowleiug peece w"> rest and bandeleer ^ 1 trunk of pewter # 1 cabbinett, wherin the servants say is rungs [rings?] iewills 13 sil"" spoones this I cannot open :f^ 1 cabbinett of Surgerie In the kyttchin 1 brass baking pan 5 milk pans 26 THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. 1 small pestle & morter 1 Steele mill 14 muskets, rests & bandeleers 2 iron kettles 2 copp"" 1 brasse kettle 1 iron pott 2 bl jacks 2 skillitts whereof one is brasse 4 porringors 1 spitt 1 graf 1 p' racks 1 p"' andirnes 1 old iron rack 1 iron pole 1 grediron 1 p'' tongs * 2 brass ladles 1 pr bellowes 2 stills ■w"^ bottums In M^ Wards hands 1 silv"" cupp 6 spoones 1 salt of silver In the ware howse 2 great chests naled upp 1 chest 1 trunk w'^'^ I had ord"' not to open 1 chest of tooles ^ 6 cowes 6 steeres 2 heiffers # dyv" peeces of iron and Steele Mr. Winthrop's wife and infant daughter had died not long before, and a pathetic interest attaches to the con- tents of the chests. The trundle bed in the parlor would indicate that this had been the family sleeping room. Evidently there were but four rooms and the house we can easily imagine was small and unassuming. HOW THEY DRESSED. A demure Puritan simplicity, we may think, character- ized the dress of our forefiithers. Life in the wilderness may seem to harmonize only with coarse and cheap attire, for an age of homespun logically admitted of no finery. Such preconceptions are wide of the truth. Puritan principle required a protest against current fashion as against religious and social usages ; but the elegance and THE EABLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. 27 expensiveiiess of both male and female dress in Old Eng- land had been so great that a goodly degree of reaction and repression could find place and yet leave no small remnant of goodly and gay attire. Not a few of those men and women of old Ipswich came from homes of luxury, — Dudley and Bradstreet from the castle home of the Earl of Lincoln ; Saltonstall from contact with the nobility in his knightly father's house ; Winthrop and Whittingham from fine family connections. Many fair English costumes found place in their chests and strong boxes that came over the seas, and the plain houses and plainer meeting-house were radiant, on Sabbath days and high days, with bright colors and fine fabrics. The common dress of men was far more showy than the fashion of to-day. A loose fitting coat, called a doub- let, reached a little below the hips. Beneath this, a long, full waistcoat Avas worn. Baggy trousers were met just below the knee by long stockings, which were held in place by garters, tied with a bow-knot at the side. About the neck, a " falling band " found place, a broad, white coHar, that appears in all pictures of the time ; and a hat with conical crown and broad brim completed the best attire. A great cloak or heavy long coat secured warmth in winter. Their garments were of various material and color. Unfortunatel}^ wearing apparel is usually mentioned in the bulk in inventories ; but occa- sional specifications afibrd us an idea of the best raiment. Mention is made of " a large blew cote " and " a large white coat ;" of a fine "purple cloth sute, doublett and hose " belonging to John GoflTe or Goss of Newbury, who also had a short coat, a pair of lead-colored breeches, a green doublett, a cloth doublett, a leather doublett, also leather and woolen stockings, two hats and a cloth caj). The men generally had their rough suits of leather and 28 THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. homespun for the farm work, and the delicate clothing for special occasions. So we find musk-colored broadcloth and damson-colored cloth, cloth grass-green, blue waist- coats and green waistcoats, cloth hose, and hose of leather and woolen stuff', boots and shoes, black hats, home-made caps, gloves, silver buttons, of which John Cross owned three dozen and one, and sometimes a gown. Of the ladies' wardrobe, I am loth to speak. Certain popular pictures of Priscilla at her spinning, and sweet Puritan maidens watching the departure of the Mayflower, have pleased our fancy, and forthwith we clothe the women of the days of old in quaker-like caps and dresses, graceful in their simplicity, — nun-like garbs, over which Dame Fashion had no tyranny. But the truth must be told. Widow Jane Kenning, who lived near the corner of Loney's Lane, had for her best array, "a cloth gowne, " worth £2 5s., "a serge gown" valued at £2, "a red petti- coat with two laces, " appraised at a pound sterling, and lesser ones of serge and paragon, a cloth waistcoat and a linsey woolsey apron. That " cloth waistcoat " was no mean affair, I judge. The lawyer, Thomas Lcchford of Boston, who indulged in a silver-laced coat and a gold- wrought cap for himself, records : " Received of Mr. Geo. Story, four yards and half a quarter of tuft holland to make my wife a wastcoate at 2s. 8d. a yard." Widow Kenning's was worth 8s. Lecliford also enters under date 1640, Feb. 1 : " I pay'd John Hurd [a tailor in Boston], delivered to his wife by Sara our mayd, for making my wife's gown, 8s." "Tailor made" dresses are not a modern invention, then, and if Boston dames were patrons of tailors, the ladies of aristocratic Ipswich were not a whit behind. For common wear, blue linen, lockram or coarse linen. THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PUKTTANS. 29 linsey-woolsey, mohair, a mixture of linen and wool, and holland were the common materials. Dame Eliz. Lowle of Newbury had her riding suit and muff, silver bodkins and gold rings. Some interesting let- ters to Madame Rebekah Symonds, widow of the Deputy Governor, from her son by a former marriage in London, in the Antiquarian papers, reveal these wardrobe secrets. He wrote in 1664= of sending his mother a "flower satin mantle lined with sarsnet, £1 10s., a silver clasp for it 28. 6d., cinnamon tatfity 15s., two Cambrick whisks with two pare of cufts £1 " also, in the same ship, " a light blew blanket, 200 pins, 1 1 yards chamlet, also Dod on the Com- mandments (bound in green plush), also a pair of wed- ding gloves, and my grandmother's funeral ring." In 1673, he sent " one ell i of fine bag Holland, 2 yds. | of lute-string, a Lawn whiske, wool cards one paire, a Heath Brush, 2 Ivorie Combe, ye bord box rest. " In her sixtieth year Madam Symonds, keenly alive to the demands of fashion, had written her son for a fashionable Lawn whiske ; but he, anxious to gratify her, yet desirous as well that his mother should be dressed in strict accord with London fashion, replied that the " fashionable Lawn whiske is not now worn, either by Gentil or simple, young or old. Instead whereof I have bought a shape and ruffles, which is now the ware of the gravest as well as the young ones. Such as goe not with naked necks ware a black wifle over it. Therefore I have not only Bought a plaine one yt you sent for, but also a Lustre one, such as are most in Fashion." She had sent for damson-colored Spanish leather for women's shoes. This, lie informed her was wholly out of style and use, and ''as to the feathered fan, I should also have found in my heart, to have let it alone, because none but very grave persons (and of them very few) use it. 30 THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. That now 'tis grown almost as obsolete as Russets, and more rare to be seen than a yellow hood." Nevertheless, to please the exacting leader of the Ipswich ton, he sent, with ten yards of silk, and two yards of Lustre " a feather fan and silver handle, two tortois fans, 200 needles, 5 yds. sky calico, silver gimp, black sarindin cloak, damson leather skin, two women's Ivorie knives, etc." Madame Symonds was no more addicted to the utter- most extreme of fashion than were the women of the first years of the settlement and the men themselves, we must confess. It is one of the anomalies of history that the most religious of all people, as we have come to think them, the Sabbath-keeping, church-going Puritans, should have l)een so far in thraldom to the world, the flesh and the devil, that they were guih}'^ of frholous excess in aping the fashions of the mother-land. But so it was. In 1634, the love of fine clothes was so notorious, that the General Court felt constrained to lament " the greate sup fluous, and unnecessary expences occaconed by reason of some newe and imodest fashions, as also the ordinary wearing of silver, golde and silk laces, girdles, hat-bands, etc." and ordered forthwith that no person, either man or woman, "shall hereafter make or buy an aj)pell either woolen, silke or lynnen, with any lace in it, silver, golde, silke or threade," under i)enalty of forfei- ture of such clothes — "also noe (pson, either manor woman, shall make or buy any slashed cloathes, other than one slash in each sleeve and another in the liackes ; also all cut-works, imbroidered or needle worke, cappes, bands and rayles, are forliidden hereafter to be made or worn, under the aforesaid penalty." Apparel already in use might be worn out, but the immoderate great sleeves, slashed apparel, immoderate great " rayles," long THE EARLY HOiMF.8 OF THE PURITANS. 31 wings, etc., were to be curtailed and remodelled more modestly at once. In 1039, when our town had been gathering strength five 3'ears, the tiat again went forth against " women's sleeves more than half an ell wide in the widest place, im- moderate great breches, knots of ryban, broad shoulder bands, and rayles, silk roses, double ruffes and cuflTes, etc. " Sleeves were a target for Shakespeare's wit. "What, this a sleeve? There's snip, and nip, and cut and slish and slash, Like to a censor in a barber's shop." No doubt the women of Ipswich needed admonition in these particulars, and some of the men most likely walked abroad with their doublet sleeves slashed to dis- play the fine linen shirt sleeves beneath, with too large trousers and knots of ribbon in their shoes, or wearing boots with flaring tops, nearly as large as the brim of a hat, very conspicuous, if made of "white russet" leather, as Edward Skinner's in 1641. Perchance they dared to wear their hair below the ears, and falling upon the neck. The English Roundhead with short, cropped hair, in obedience to Paul's injunction, was the ideal of the sterner Puritans of our Colony, but there was from the beginning a persistent determination by some of the more frivolous sort, to wear long hair. Higginson jocosely discovered the origin of the fashion in the long lock worn by Indian braves. The General Court set its face as a flint against this in 1634. It was a burning theme of pulpit address, and the clergy prescribed that the hair should by no means lie over the band or doublet collar, but might grow a little below the ear in winter for warmth. Nath. Ward, in his Simple Cobbler, dispensed wisdom : "If it be thought no wisdome in men to distinguish them- selves in the field by the Scissers, let it be thought no 32 THE EA!a.Y HOINFES OF THE PURITANS. injustice in God not to distinguish them by the sword," and " I am sure men use not to wear such manes." It was derisively suggested that long nails like Nebuchadnezzar's would be next in Fashion. Rev. Ezekiel Rogers of Rowley was so bitter in his detestation of the habit that he cut off his nephew from his inheritance because of his persistence ; and in his Election sermon before the General Court, he assailed long hair with fiery zeal. So enormous was the offence that on May 10, 1649, Governor Eudicott, Deputy Governor Dudley and seven of the Assistants thus declared themselves : " Forasmuch as the wearing of long hair after the manner of ruffians and barbarous Indians has begun to invade New England, contrary to the rule of God's word, which says it is a shame for a man to wear long hair, etc.. We, the magis- trates, who have subscribed this paper, (for the shewing of our own innocency in this behalf) do declare and man- ifest our dislike and detestation against the wearing of such long hair, as against a thing uncivil and unmanly, whereby men doe deforrae themselves, and offend sober and modest men, and doe corrupt good manners. We doe, therefore, earnestly entreat all the elders of this jurisdiction (as often as they shall see cause to manifest their zeal against it in their public administration) to take care that the members of their respective churches be not defiled therewith ; that so such as shall prove obstinate and will not reforme themselves, may have God and man to witness against them. " Some gay-plumed ladies of his Ipswich church may have been in his mind, when grim Mr. Ward discharged himself of his ill-humor against the sex, affirming " When I heare a nugiperous Gentle-dame inquire what dress the Queen is in this week, what the nudius tertian of THE EARLY HOMES OF THE TUIllTANS. 33 the Court, I look at her as the very gizzard of a trifle, the product of a quarter of a cypher, the Epitome of nothing, fitter to be kickt, if she were of a kickable sub- stance, than either honored or humored." "To speak moderately, I truly confess it is beyond the ken of my understanding to conceive, how those women should have any true grace or valuable vertue, that have so little wit as to disfigure themselves with such exotick garbs, as not only dismantles their native lovely lustre, but transclouts them into gant bar-geese, ill-shapen, shotten shell-fish, Egyptian hieroglyphics, or at the best into French flurts of the pastry, Avhich a proper English woman should scorn with her heels. It is no marvel they wear drailes on the hinder part of their heads, having nothing as it seems in the fore-part but a few Squirrel brains to help them frisk from one ill-favor'd fortune to another." His indignation against tailors for lending their art to clothe women in French fashions was intense: "It is a more commtm than convenient saying that nine Taylors make a man ; it were well if nineteene could make a woman to her minde ; if Taylors were men indeed, well furnished but with meer morall principles, they would disdain to be led about like apes, by such mimick Mar- mosets. It is a most unworthy thing for men that have bones in them to spend their lives in making fidle-cascs for f utilous women's phansies ; which are the very petti- toes of infermity, the gyblets of perquisquilian toyes." Ridicule, precept and statute law were alike powerless to check this over-elegance. Again in 1651, the General Court repeated its "greife . . . that intollerable excesse and bravery hath crept in upon us, and especially amongst people of meane condition, to the dishonor of God, the scandall of its professors, the consumption of estates, and 34 THE EAULY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. altogether unsuteable to our povertie." Hence it pro- ceeded to declare its " utter detestation and dislike that men or women of mean condition, educations and callings should take upon them the garl) of gentlemen by the wearing of gold and silver lace, or buttons, or poynts at their knees, to walke in greate bootes, or women of the same ranke to wear silke or tiflany hoodes or scarfes, which though allowable to persons of greater estate or more liberal education, yet we cannot but judge iutoller- able in person of such like condition." So, at last, it was ordered that no person whose visible estate did not exceed £200 should wear such buttons or gold or silver lace, or any bone lace above 2s. per yard or silk hoods or scarfs, upon penalty of 10s. for each oifence. Magistrates and their families, military officers, soldiers in time of service, or any whose education or em- ployments were above the ordinary were excepted from the operation of this law. The judicial powers were in grim earnest, and at the March term of the Quarter Sessions Court, in Ipswich, some of her gentle folk felt the power of the law. Ruth Haffield, daughter of the widow whose farm was near the bridge, still called " Hatfield's," was " presented '' as the legal phrase is, for excess in apparel, but upon the affidavit of Richard Coy, that her mother was worth £200 she was discharged. George Palmer was fined 10s. and fees fov wearing silver lace. Samuel Brocklebank, taxed Avith the same ofience, was discharged. The wife of John Hutchings was called to account shortly after for wearing a silk hood, but she proved that she had been brought up above the ordinary rank and was discharged. John Whipple made it evident that he was worth the requisite £200 and his good wife escaped. Anthony Potter, Richard Brabrook, Thomas Harris, Thomas Maybe THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. 35 and Edward Brown were all called upon to justify their wives' finery. In 1659 the daughter of Humphrey Griffin presumed to indulge in a silk scarf, and her father was fined 10s. and court fees. John Kimball was able to prove his pecu- niary ability and his wife wore her silk scarf henceforth unquestioned. As late as 1675, Arthur Abbott, who is mentioned as the bearer of fine dress goods from Madame Symonds' son in Loudon, and who very naturally may have brought his good wife some finery from the London stores, was obliged to pay his 10s. for his wife's public wearing of a silk hood. Benedict Pulcipher for his wife, Haniell Bosworth for his two daughters, John Kindrick, Thomas Knowlton and Obadiah Bridges for their wives' over dress, were called to account before judge and jury. The middle of the century found one of the most whimsical and extraordinary fashions in vogue in Eno-- land, and New England was infected as well, we presume. Ladies decorated their faces with court- plaster, cut in fantastic shapes. Bulwer, in his "Artificial Changelino-," published in 1650, in England, speaking of these patches says " some fill their visage full of them, " and he de- scribes the shapes one fine lady delighted to wear : " a coach with a coachman and two horses with postilions on her forehead, a crescent under each eye, a star on one side of her mouth, a plain circular patch on her chin." In " Wit Restored," a poem printed in 1658 : "Her patches are of every cut For pimples and for scars ; Here's all the wandering planets' signs And some of the lixed stars, Already gummed to make them stick. They need no other sky." As the century waned, the ofience of wearing long hair paled into insignificance beside the unspeakable sin of 36 THE EARLY HOMES OF THE PURITANS. wearing wigs. Happily, or unhiippily, as the point of view varies, the ministers could not agree in this. The portrait of Rev. John Wilson, of Boston, who died in 1667, presents him wearing a full Avig, and many of the clergy were addicted to the same head-gear ; but public sentiment was strong against the fashion, and the General Court in 1675, condemned "the practise of men's wearing their own or other's hair made into periwigs." Judge Sewall alludes to the hated custom with spiteful brevity in his Diary. "1685— Sept. 15. Three admitted to the church. Two wore peri- wigs." 1697— Mr. Noyes of Salem wrote a treatise on periwigs. 1708— Aug. 20. Mr. Cheever died. The welfare of the province was much upon his heart. He abominated periwigs." The Judge felt such extreme virulence toward these "Horrid Bushes of Vanity," that he would not sit under the ministrations of his own pastor, who had cut off his hair and donned a wig, but worshipped elsewhere. In our neighbor town of Newbury, the clerical wig was so much an affront that, in 1752, Eichard Bartlett was taken to task for refusing to commune with the church because the pastor wore a wig, and because the church justified him in it, and also for that " he sticks not from time to time to assert with the greatest assurance that all who wear wigs, unless they repent of that particular sin before they die, w^ill certainly be dammed, which we judge to be a piece of uncharital^le and sinful rashness." But the battle was already lost. In 1722, here in Ipswich, just about on the site of the Seminary building, Patrick Farrin, chirurgeon, boldly hung out his sign, " periwig-maker " and the gentlemen of Ipswich could have their wigs and keep them curled, powdered and frizzled as fashion required. Women, too, were given to marvellous coiffures. THE EARLY HOMER OF THE PURTTAN8. 37 Cotton Mather apostrophized the erring sex in 1G83 — " Will not the haughty daughters of Zion refrain their pride in apparel ? Will they lay out their hair, and wear their false locks, their borders and towers like comets about their heads?" They were called "apes of Fancy, friziling andcurlying of their hayr." They had fallen far away from the Puritan " liangs " to which Higginson al- ludes in his comment on the Indians. " Their hair is gen- erally black and cut before like our gentlewomen." Then, their hair was built aloft and extended out "like butterfly wings over the ears." "False locks were set on wyers to make them stand at a distance from the head." A bill is mentioned by Felt, as contracted in this town in 1697 " for wire and catgut in making up attire for the head." But le^al restriction of dress was at an end. The whim of the wearer, and the state of the purse, henceforth determined the fashion of head dress and raiment. SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. BY THOMAS FRANKLIN WATERS. It is a partial recompense for the sleepy, unprogressive life that has prevailed in old Ipswich for a century or more that a large number of substantial mansions of the colonial type have been preserved in their pristine sim- plicity. They have escaped the smart remodelling inci- dent to vigorous prosperity, which often despoils such of their old chimneys, and improves them, as the phrase is, with porticoes, piazzas, bay-windows and modern cover- ings for the roof, until only a memory of the original house remains. Nearly every one of our ancient mansions retains its severe Puritan plainness of architecture, the great chimney stack, jutting-over stories, small windows and modest front door. The only change they have suf- fered is the ancient one which was in vogue more than two centuries ago, when new rooms were built on the back side, and new rafters were run towards the ridge-pole, giving the familiar " lean-to " roof. Many of these houses are of venerable age, beyond a doubt, but not so old by many years, I am convinced, as popular belief assigns them. It pleases our local pride to call them relics of the earliest times. It gratifies their owners or occupants to see them gazed at with wide-eyed wonder by the stranger to whom the story of their great age is told. The visiting artist or lover of antiquarian (39) 40 SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. lore is enraptured with their appearance and the traditions that cluster about them, and straightway publishes abroad the quaint charm of these old landmarks. When our 250th anniversary was celebrated, certain old dwellings were placarded to the effect that they were built in 1635, or thereabouts. Statements of this nature are still being made at frequent intervals. In the interest of historic truth alone, I am compelled to call attention to the facility with which error can be made in this field, the importance of recognizing certain cardinal principles of accurate historical research, and the pressing need of an unbiassed application of these princi- ples to the antiquities of our town, before the errors al- ready made are hopelessly crystallized. A strong presumption against the veracity of any reputed date, before the middle of the seventeenth century at the least, is found in the known facts relating to the architecture of our earliest times. The builders of this town found it a wilderness, hardly broken by the few squatter settlers who had dwelt here prior to their coming. They built as any pioneer builds to-day, I imagine — as the Plymouth Pilgrims did — sim- ple homes of logs, or hand-hewed timber, with thatch- roof and wooden chimney, well covered with clay to save it from burning. They had no time for elaborate house- building, for land had to be cleared, crops sown and tended, and provision made for their support through the coming winter. They had no material for nice carpentry. Permission to build the first saw-mill, of which any record remains, was not granted until 1649. Every joist and board was sawed by hand in saw pits, or smoothed with the broad-axe. Every nail, hinge and lock was hammered out by the blacksmith. Adequate evidence of reputed age must of necessity be documentary. SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. 41 Tradition is whimsical and fantastic. It chains poor Harry Main on Ipswich bar, and locates a ghost in his bouse, recently demolished, which was vanquished by the united efforts of the three ministers then resident here, and effectually cast out. It frightens old Nick out of the meeting house when Whitefield preaches and shows his footprint in the ledge. Tradition is ludicrously unhistoric. It links the ro- mance of the regicides with a house, that was not built until long years after the last of the famous three had been buried in his secret grave. Tradition is no more reliable than the common gossip of the town. It has a grain of truth to-day. To-morrow it will be wholly false. A month hence, its falsehood will be curious and wondrous. A sober and reliable man recently affirmed that, in his boyhood, the farm house recently purchased by Mr. Camp- bell of Mr. Asa Wade was moved from a neighboring corner to its present location ; but Mrs. Julia Willett, who was married in the old house that stood about where the present one is, and went to live at Willett's mill near by, states that the present house was built, where it stands, about 1833, and -Mr. Francis H. Wade is confident that the house which was moved is the one now owned and occupied by Mrs. William Kimball. How easily the his- tory of these houses is confused and misstated only sixty 5''ears away from the fact ! An ancient type of architecture is an insufficient proof of extreme age. One of our most venerable houses was torn down when Mr. George E. Farley's house was built, and its site is occupied by his residence. The old relic had all the marks of great age : huge chimney, projecting over-stories, low, sloping " lean-to " roof, great summers or central beams in the low studded lower rooms, and very small windows. 42 SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. This corner was purchased by William Donnton of Thomas Lovell in 1695, an unpretending hundred-rod lot with no building of any sort mentioned as standing upon it. These old deeds are very explicit and that so large an item as a house could have been omitted in the descrip- tion of the estate is incredible. At Donnton's decease his daughter Elizabeth, wife of Robert Perkins, sold her right and title in " the mansion or dwelling house and barn, with part of the homestead on which they stand to our loving brother-in-law, Joseph Holland," in 1721. In 1765, at Widow Holland's death, it was purchased by Francis Holmes, a physician. This old mansion was built, there- fore, subsequently to 1695. This type of architecture, it is believed, established itself about 1660, but it continued well into the following century. Contemporaneous documentary evidence, then, deeds of sale, wills, town records, etc., must be the decisive test, and when the credible written document conflicts with the unwritten tradition or the recorded tradition even, the tradition must go to the wall. Even this evidence must be carefully weighed, for there is possibility of error lurking here. The question of the identity of a house now in existence with a house mentioned in an early deed or record is al- ways pertinent. As in our own time, a man may buy an estate, remove the old house, build anew, and sell again, and no evidence of this appear in the deeds, except from an enhanced price ; so a succession of houses may have occupied the same lot in the past, without a word of allu- sion in the deeds to any change. It is an historic fact that houses had been built very near the beginning of our town on many lots, which may be readily recognized, and on some of which old houses still remain ; but it is far from certain that these are the identical early dwellings. SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. 43 The use ot material from an old house in construction of a new one may also prove a false scent. An old brick with a date stamped upon it may be found ; but this may have been used as a souvenir of some earlier building. Unsupported by more substantial evidence it cannot carry much weight. An interesting illustration of the blending of the old and the new has just been afforded by the building of an addition to the house owned by the late William Kinsman on the South side. On stripping off the modern clap- boards it was seen that the boarding was very old. One board of clear white pine, extra thick, was twenty-three inches wide. Many hand-wrought nails were found. As cut nails were not made until 1790, it might have been surmised that this was the identical old house that deeds of sale mention far back into the preceding century. But it is known that this old building was either destroyed, or changed so completely that a new house resulted about thebeginningof this century, and careful inspection shows old nail holes that indicate an earlier use of these old boards. The question of age then, it will be seen, is one that admits of no certain solution in many instances. Identity may not be disproved, but it is not established for lack of proof to the contrary. The principles we have already outlined, as underlying all historic judgment, compel us to admit the existence of doubt as to the validity of the supposed date, where great antiquity is assumed. It will be recognized readily now, that the accurate determination or even approximation ol age of any build- ing involves much careful research. Step by step, advance must be made toward the goal. No guesswork, no hasty assumption, no romantic fancies can be tolerated. The toil involved is great, but it is as fascinating as the pry- 44 SOME OLD IPSWICH HOISES. iiiir open (if any secret in nature or in history. In my o\vn researches I have arrived at certain conckisions which I proceed to state, as an ilkistration of the method which 8eems to nie necessary, in every case, before probable ac- curacv can be assumed. JOHN WHIPPLE S HOUSE. The old house now owned by Mr. James W. Bond, near the depot, shall be the first considered. In the original division of lauds, according to the town records, Daniel Denison received two acres near the mill, Mr. Fawn's house-lot being southwest, and ]Mr. Fawn's lot was bound- ed by Mr. Samuel Appleton's on the southwest. The Denison land included the area bounded by Market, Win- ter and Union streets at present. The Appleton owner- ship of land beyond the old house is unquestioned. Mr. Fawn's house-lot included the site of the old mansion. As early as 1638. allusion is made in the town rec- ords to the house-lot "formerh' John Fawn's." Felt says that he removed to Haverhill in 1641. He may have gone earlier. In the year 1642, John Whipple was iu occu- pation of this property, for in that year the town ordered that John Whipple "should cause the fence to be made between the house late Captain Denison's and the sayd John AVhipple, namely on the side next Capt. Denison's." Denison had sold his house and land here to Humphrey Griffin on Jan. 19, 1641, the record informs us, so that the allusion to a change of ownership occasions no diffi- culty. Mr. John Fawn executed a quitclaim deed in October, 1650. which confirmed the sale of a house and 2^ acres of land to Mr. John Whipple, formerly sold unto said John Whipple by John JoUey, Samuel Appleton, John Cogswell, SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSE*. 45 Robert Muzzey and Humphrey Bradstreet. The nature of this earlier transactioD is a mystery, but Fawn's title was not wholly extinguished until this deed was executed. The will of John Whipple, senior, signed and sealed May 19, 1669, gave his house, etc.. to his son .John. Capt. John Whipples will dated Aug. 2, 168-3, lett his property to his sons, John, Matthew and Joseph, and his dausrhter. Joseph, not yet of age, was to have the house where he lived, if the other sons agreed. In the actual divisiou " the mansion house, his father died in, with the bam, out-houses, kiln, orchard, etc., with 2 J acres of land more or less," was given to John. The Whipple malt kiln is frequently mentioned from very early times. The building mentioned in this will is probably the same that stood where the mill store-house is now, which was removed about sixty-five years ago to the lot adjoining the South parsonage, built up a story, and still serves the better purpose of shop and woodshed, its boards and timbers blackened by years of malting. !Major John Whipple in his will, 1722, gave his daugh- ter, Marv Crocker and her heirs, his homestead and many of the fumishinors ; and a remembrance to his son-in-law. Benjamin Crocker. ^Ir. Crocker was a teacher of the srammar school and preached frequently. Major Joseph Hodgkins married a daughter of Benjamin Crocker, and bought out the others, I am inionued. At his decease, Mr. Nathaniel Wade, a son-in-law, was administrator and sold the house and an acre of land to one Moore or More, who in his turn sold to Mr. Abraham Bond. Another acre was sold to !Mr. Estes. The pedigree ot this property seems beyond a doubt. Mr. Saltonstall never owned a foot of laud here. His ownership of the mill in the near vicinity is beyond ques- tion. He also owned the "^lill Garden." as it is called 4t) SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. in the old records, but the location of this latter property is settled beyond question by the deed of sale, by Richard and Nathaniel Saltonstall to John Waite and Samuel Dutch (April 2, 1729), of one-third of the " Mill Garden," comprising one and one-half acres, bounded on the south- east by the Town River, on the north-east and north-west by the County Road, and on the south-west by the road leading to the mills, with house, dye-house, stable, mills, etc., lately the property of Col. Nathaniel Saltonstall of Haverhill . Dutch disposed of his interest in the two grist mills and the piece of land called the Mill Garden near the mills, to John Waite, Jr.. on Feb. 19, 1730. This " Garden " included, therefore, all the land bordering on the River from the Choate Bridge, down Market street, to the corner of Union, and then up Union street to the Mill. The house mentioned in the former deed was not Mr. Saltonstall's residence. His town dwelling and a goodly fourteen acre home-lot were on the South side, and his deed of sale to Samuel Bishop (Sept., 1680), with other deeds, which will be mentioned in the study of "a group of old houses near the South Green," shows that his mansion was near the southern end of the Green. Pleasing as it is to the popular mind to associate the name of the high-born Saltonstall with this old mansion, if we value truth, as I interpret it, we must drop the old fable. As to the present house, it cannot reasonably be identified with the house of 1640 or thereabout, on the general grounds we have mentioned. The first John Whipple left an humble estate, the second John was very wealthy. His estate inventoried £3314. His household effects were elaborate and multitudinous. The probabilities are that he built the present mansion some time subsequent to 1669 aud prior to 1683. SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. 47 THE APPLETON HOUSE. The comfortable residence of Mr. George D. Wildee, on the corner of Market and Central streets, is much more ancient than its appearance indicates, and is one of the most interesting of our old mansions. Happily, it has been owned by a succession of well- to-do people, who have kept it in excellent repair. The original shape of the house has been lost, however, as it was formerly three stories high, and several modern addi- tions have been made. Mr. Hammatt surmised that it was built about 1681. This cannot be true. Col. John Appleton bought the lot, containing about an acre and a half, of Jacob Davis, for £33, February 25, 1707. There was no house on the land at that time. An old map of this locality shows that it was there in 1717. Between these two dates, probably about 1707, the house was built. Colonel Appleton was Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas for many years, and Judge of Probate for thirty-seven j'^ears. He was also a Deputy and Councillor. In his day, the old mansion was one of the finest in our town, and was renowned for its elegance and open hos- pitality. Governor Shute on his way to New Hampshire tarried here in 1716, and many a distinguished traveller enjoyed its good cheer. Col. John's son, Daniel, succeeded to the ownership on his father's death. He was also a Colonel, a Representa- tive, a Justice of the Court of Sessions, and Register of Probate from January 9, 1723, to Aug. 26, 1762. Another Register of the old Probate Court, Daniel Noyes, who filled the office from Sept. 29, 1776, to May 29, 1815, owned and occupied this house, already so closely associated with the judicial annals of our town. He was 11 citizen of the finest quality. He was graduated from 48 SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. Harvard in 1758, taught the Grammar school from 1762 to 1774; was delegate to the Congress of the United Colonies in 1774-5, and became Postmaster in 1775. Mr. Abraham Hammatt, the eminent antiquarian, pur- chased and remodelled the house, and from him it has come by inheritance to its present owner. Before it was remodelled, it contained a dark chamber or closet, which came to have no small celebrity as the reputed hiding place ol one of the Regicides. No record or tradition remains of any sojourn of a Regicide in this vicinity, and the house was not built for years after the last of the eminent fugitives had been laid to rest in his secret grave. Nevertheless, the romantic tale found ready credence, and still survives. The late Mrs. Wilhelmina Wildes used to declare that it was the invention of some airy seminary girl, who roomed in the old house. Be that as it may, the dark room in question was very likely the re- pository of the probate records. It is well known that " Squire " Lord, who succeeded Mr. Noyes as Register, kept the books in his house until the brick probate office was built, and it is more than probable that Mr. Noyes and his predecessor, Colonel Appleton, provided a place of deposit under their own roof. "YE SPARKS ORDINARY. Close by the Wildes mansion the Baker house, so called, now occupied by Mr. George K. Dodge, affords an inter- esting: studv. Is it identical with the famous old hos- telry kept by John Sjjarks, at which Judge Sew^all used to lodge, and many another famous man ? This location was originally granted to William Fuller, SOMS; OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. 49 the gunsmith of the Pequod expedition. To the half acre the town granted liim, he added half an acre more, which he purchased of William Simmons, and another small lot which was bought of Christopher Osgood, who then ad- joined him on the lower side, making about an acre and a quarter in all. He sold this with the " small dwelling " he had built to John Knowlton, shoemaker, in 1639. ^Vm. White succeeded in the ownership, and sold "the dwelling house, barn, orchard, garden and Parrocke or inclosure of earable land adjoining, " two acres in all, to "John Sparks, Biskett Baker," in lt571. In that year he received his first license "to sell beere at a pennj'a quart, provided he entertain no Town inhabitants in the night, nor suffer any to bring wine or liquors to be drunk in his house.'" He built a bake house for the furtherance of his business. For twenty years he kept his ordinary, and then sold an acre and a half of his property with the l)ake house and barn to Col. John Wainwright, but con- tinued to live on the remainder. In 1705, John Roper sold the Colonel the house, " formerly in possession of Mr. John Sparks, now in possession of Mary, widow of John, with a small parcel of land." When Colonel \\'^ainwright sold the whole estate to Deacon ^'ath. Knowlton in 1707, it included two distinct tenements, as they were styled : the one higher up the Hill, occupied by Thomas Smith, inuholder ( which was probabh^ the old tavern) ; the other, at the southeast corner, occupied still by the widow Sparks, who had a life interest in it. Deacon Knowlton divided the estate into three parts and sold them in 1710. Ebenezcr Smith l)()ught the lot on the southeast corner of the estate, with six rods frontage, and a small dwelling house. It is specified that it adjoined the Appleton property, now the Wildes estate. This then is easily identified as the 50 SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. location now occupied by Mr. Charles W. Brown, the apothecary. The middle lot, containing an acre of land with house, barn, etc., was sold to John Smith, shoemaker. The upper lot, measuring three rods on the street, without a house, was bought by Ephraim Smith, brother of John. John Smith sold a part of his lot to Edward Eveleth in 1732, and all the rest of his estate, with the house, to Jacob Boardman in 1734. Boardman sold to Patrick Farren, a periwig-maker, and to James McCreelis of the same craft in 1735. McCreelis bought the other half and sold the whole to Nath. Treadwell, innkeeper, in 1737. Jacob Treadwell, son of Nathaniel, received "the tavern house " and land as his portion of the paternal estate in 1777. The Treadwell tavern was frequented by John Adams and the Bench and Bar of pre-revolutionary days, and figures in the diaries of the time. Moses Treadwell, jr., came into possession in 1815 and in 1834 his execu- tors sold to Joseph Baker, Esq., of Boston, whose name still attaches to the house. Evidently the house that the widow Sparks occupied stood about where Mr. C. W. Brown's house is to-day, as we have mentioned above. Was this the inn, or w^as the building, called the "bake-house, " really the ordinary? The house is called a small house. Thomas Smith, the purchaser of the bake-house, etc., was an inn-keeper. 1 surmise that the latter alternative is the more probahlo. Is the present Baker house identical with that old " bake- house ? " Its whole appearance indicates later architecture and more noble use. The probabilities all seem to me against such identification. But I know of no data which can establish its exact age. It was built evidently fortwf) families. The two large chimneys seem to have been built in their present location, and not to replace an SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. 51 original central chimney stack. The arrangement of stair- ways, etc, indicates this double use. The house that Jacob Boardman sold to Patrick Farren and James Mc- Creelis in 1735 was a double house and probably this. Boardman bought the place in 1734 and it is wholly im- probable that he would have built a new house and sold it at once. So it belonged to John Smith, we may presume, and John Smith may have bought it in 1710 and it may be the very house that Thomas Smith, innholder, used for an ordinary in 1707. But of this we cannot be sure. The only thing we can seem to affirm with any certainty is that it was probably erected prior to 1734. The old house that now occupies the corner of Winter and Market Sts. was moved there some fifty years ago from its original location between the Baker house and Mr. Brown's. Christian Wainwright, the widow of John, bought this lot in 1741. There is no mention of a house in this deed, but in her deed of sale to Daniel Staniford, in 1748, the house is specified. It was built between these two dates. JOHN proctor's house AND ITS NEIGHBORS. Three neighbors of the olden time were John Proctor, Thomas Wells and Samuel Younglove, and it has been affirmed so often, that it has become an axiom, that Mr. Samuel N. Baker's residence is the old Proctor house, that the ancient dwelling that stood where the Town House is was Wells's, and that Younglove occupied an ancient house, which disappeared long ago, farther along the street. If we search carefully we may arrive at a different con- clusion. Johu Proctor's lot, on which his house stood, occupied the square now bounded by South Main, Elm and County 52 SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. streets and the River. Of this there can be no doubt. Proctor sold to Thomas Firman in lf)47, and in the fol- lowing year, in the inventory of Firman's estate, Mr. Proctor's property was appraised at £18 10s., a low valua- tion indicating a small and cheap house with this amount of land. George Palmer owned it in 1651, as he sold then to Ralph Dix, and in 1661 Dix sold this 2^ acres and house toEzekiel Woodward. Incidentally we learn where the house stood. Liberty was granted Cornet Whipple, in 1673, "to sett up a fulling mill at the smaller falls, near Ezekiel Woodward's house. " Woodward's house then was on the County-street side of the lot, and where else should we naturally suppose it? County street, from the corner by the church to the river, was one of the most ancient thoroughfares. The present South Main street, on which the Baker house fronts, was not opened until 1646, when the cart britlije was built. Years after the bridire was built, in 1672, Ezekiel Woodward sold Shoreborne Wilson a half-acre tract, which had a frontage on the street, now called South Main, of seven rods, and was liounded by his lot on the south and east, and on the north, by " the Common and the River, " which would indicate that the two rods " fisherman's way " was contin- uous alone the river bank at that time. Seven rods, measured from the river bank, includes the site of the Baker mansion, and at this dato, 1672, there is no evi- dence that any building of any sort had been erected on this lot. Woodward sold the remainder of his land and hous<' to John Hubbard in 1079. Hubbard sold to Nathaniel Rust, senior, 1685, one acre of this pro[)erty, the eastern por- tion, with the house, reserving a right of way, where Elm street now is, and on the same day, he sold Shorei)<»rne Wilson the remainder, the western p:nt on South Main SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. 53 street, reserving one rod wide against Knowlton's fence for a right of way, as in the previous deed, no edifice be- ing noentioned. Wilson sold his house and an acre and half of land to John Lane in 1694. As he bought the vacant lot in 1672, the house was erected between these two dates, 1672 and 1694. John Lane sold the property to Edward Bromrield and Francis Burroughs of Boston, in 1697, and from them it passed to Samuel Appletoii in 1702. After his death, Jasper Waters and Jasper Waters, junior, of London, linen drapers, creditors, pos.sibly, of the deceased mer- chant, purchased the widow's right of dower, and sold the estate to Isaac Fitts, hatter, consisting now of a mansion or dwelling house, barn, etc., in the year 1734. Fitts sold the northern corner of this property "near the southerly abutment of Town Bridge " to Thomas Bur- nam, junior, April 5, 1736 ; and now, for the first time, it is mentioned that a house and barn are located here. The conclusion of the matter is, therefore, that the Baker mansion is the old Shoreborne Wilson residence, built be- tween 1672 and 1694, and that the old Ross tavern, as it came to be, now owned by Mr. Warren Boynton, was built between 1734 and 1736. Thomas Wells's house and land came into the hands of Stephen Jordan, and were sold by him to Samuel Young- love, jr., and by him to George Hart. Various deeds make it plain that the house was on or near County street. Samuel Younglove, senior, owned a lot, which fronted on South Main street, and his house is located pretty defi- nitely by his deed of sale of house, barn and an acre of land to Dea. William Goodhue in 1669, and in Joseph Goodhue's deed to Isaac Fellows, junior, 1694. It stood not far from the old gambrel-roofed house on the estate of the late Johu Heard. 54 SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. One word in this connection as to the site of the orig nal Foot Bridge, alhided to in our earliest records. The record mentions that Thomas Wells's houselot was " on the further side the River, near the foot-bridge." Locat- ing Wells on the corner of Elm and County streets, we may locate the Foot Bridge at the only natural and easy place for such a bridge in this vicinity. Originally the land on which the saw mill now stands was a rocky island, separated by a narrow stream only from the mainland on the sonth. A single tree trunk would have reached from the old highway to the island, another long log would have spanned the rocky river bed at its narrowest. A foot- bridge here would have afforded easy access to the meet- ing house and the centre of the little community. Here, I believe, the foot-bridge of ancient Ipswich really was. But the record remains, I am aware, that, in 1655, the Town "agreed with John Andrews Junior, to bring so many sufficient rayles to the Bridge-foot as will cover the Bridge over the River, neare the mill for the sum of £3, " and it has been assumed that thus the foot-bridge was near the mill. But foot-bridge and bridge-foot differ as trul}' as a horse chestnut differs from a chestnut horse. The bridge- foot evidently means the end of the bridge, or the ap- proach to the bridge, for the bridge in question is th*^ cart-bridffe as the record itself makes evident. Thus the same Mr. Andrews was ginuted six acres of salt marsh for gravelling "the one half the Bridge the rayles are laid," and John West is awarded as much more for the other half. No conceivable foot-bridge would have in- volved such large expense. Confirmation of this sense of the word is found in the assignment of Isaiah Wood as surveyor of highways, " from the loot of the Town-bridge to the turning of the highway on this side WindmilUHill, " in 1678. SOME OLD IPSWICH HOD8ES. 55 ON THE RIVER BANK. The river bauk from the mill-dam to the Bridge waa wholly unoccupied and ungranted as late as 1693, except one small lot by the dam, which was occupied by Samuel Ordway's blacksmith shop. lu March of that year, the Selectmen laid out this stretch of land in twenty-three lots, ranging from thirty-six feet to eighteen feet in width, and granted them to as many individuals. It was stipulated by the Town that these lots were given " provided that they make up the banck strong front to ye low water mark and no further into the River, and that they build or front up their several parts within twelve months after this time, and that they build no further into the Street than the Committee shall see tit, and that they cumber not the high- way nor stop the water in the street, but make provision for the water to run free into the river under such build- ings, and also that each man's part be sett out, and that each person provide and make a good way by paving a way four foot wide all along before ye said buildings for the conveniency of foot travellers, and to have posts sett up upon the outside to keep off Teams from spoyling the same, and that it be done with stone, or if they are timber, must be purchased of others, if they have not of their own timber. " These rigorous conditions discouraged the improvement of the lots. They reverted to the Town, apparently, for the most part. Robert Lord built a shop, and Mrs. Dean owned a house on this territory, prior to 1722, Rev. Augustine Caldwell identides the Dean house with a. dwelling that formerly occupied the site of the old lace factory now used as a tenemrnt house." Joseph Abbey received a grant, made a wall and built a house near Mrs. Dean's. In 1723, he petitioned the .58 SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. town for help, as his place had cost him more than he an- ticipated, and received ten pounds. His house was built about 1722, probabI>^ and Mr. Caldwell states that this is the old house formerly occupied by Mr. Wesley K. Bell. Nathaniel Fuller bought the lot assigned his brother Jos- eph, twenty-eight feet wide, in 1693. Thomas Knowlton bought Cornelius Kent's lot, eighteen feet wide, and sold to Fuller, whose lot was then forty-six feet in width. He built the wall, filled in the lot suitably for building, and erected a dwelling. Allusion to " Nathaniel Fuller, de- ceased " in 1726, shows that his house antedates that year. In 1739, Nathaniel Knowlton of Haverhill gave a quitclaim deed of the house, etc., of the late Nathaniel Fuller to Nathaniel Fuller, junior, tailor, and it is described as "joining the Town Bridge." This is the house owned by the late Mrs. Susan Trow. It had originally a central chimney stack. Isaac Fitts, hatter, petitioned for forty feet on the river bank, adjoining Fuller's land in 1726, that he might set a dwelling thereon. This was granted provided he built within two years. He built at once, for Joseph Abbe asked the Town in 1727 to add twenty feet more of the river bank to his former grant '' the front to extend from the Easterly corner in a straight line toward Isaac Fitts's dwelling, which is the easterly corner of said Abbe's shop." Fitts sold to Arthur Abbott, innholder, for £240, in 1733, his house, shop, half the well, and eight rods of land, " being partly a grant made to Capt. Daniel Rmge, the other to me by the Town." The lot had sixty feet frontatre, and abutted on the south on the land dwelt on by Jonathan Lord. Abbott sold to Cornelius Brown, of Boxford, for £370 bills of credit, bounded by Jonathan Lord and Nathaniel Fuller, in 1738. Daniel Brown, of Cambridge, sold to Daniel Badger, painter, in 1760 ; Mary Badger to Timothy Souther; one-fourth interest in 1794, SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. 57 bounded by Nathaniel Rust and John Kimball. This is the old '' Souther " house, next south of Mr. Baker's store. William Jones desired "the remaining part of the River's bank next Joseph Abbe's grant down the River to the place reserved for a highway which is about 60 feet, " in 1727, This was granted him, and the Committee recommended that a way twenty feet wide to the river be reserved. This public way to the river remains, adjoining the property lately owned by Wesley K. Bell, Esq. The house, on the south side of this way, is the one erected by Mr. Jones at this time, now owned and occupied by Mr. Edward Ready. The lot adjoining the twenty feet way in 1726 was granted Joseph Manning, who was desirous of settling in his native town, but had no dwelling place. It was eighty or ninety feet long. Dr. Manning built his house forth- with, and occupied it to the time of his death, 1786. By the provision made in his will, it then became the property of his daughter Anstice, wife of Francis Cogswell, who sold the house, warehouse, and one hundred and six feet frontage, to Joseph Cogswell, in 1808. Here Joseph Green Cogswell, the eminent teacher of the Round Hill school and librarian of the Astor Library, was born. It is owned now by Mr. Josiah Stackpole. The house between this and the Souther house is al- luded to as occupied by Jonathan Lord as early as 1733. and was probably built about the time its neighbors were. It is quite a remarkable circumstance that six very com- fortable houses stand here side by side, every one of which was built in the near vicinity of 1725. A GROUP OF OLD HOUSES NEAR THE SOUTH GREEN. Richard Saltonstall owned fourteen acres, about eight acres of which lay to the south of the brook, then called 58 ^OME OT.n irswTcn houses. Saltonstall's Brook, and frequently alluded to under that name, and the remainder north of it, extending from the highway to the river. This is the brook that crosses the road by Mr. Josiah Stackpole's soap factory. Mr. Salton- stall's hoiise was somewhere north of the brook. This whole property, including his mansion, he sold to Samuel Bishop rei)re8enting the estate of Thomas Bishop, September, 1680. Job Bishop sold to Capt. Stephen Cross in 1684. Cross divided the property. In 1689, Nathaniel Rust was in possession of the part on the south of the brook. The half acre, north of the brook, front- ing on the street was sold to Elisha Treadwell and by him to John Treadwell in 1689, and by him to Thomas Man- ning in 1691. Manning also acquired a rod more frontage in 1692 and a quarter of an acre in the rear in 1696. This tract did not include Saltonstall's house. Capt. Stephen Cross left the remainder of his estate to his two minor sons, Stephen and John, in 1691 ; and in 1706, Stephen sold to Benjamin Dutch, sadler, his right and title to the dwelling house Dutch occupied, and the land for £65. Dutch sold Thomas Norton, tanner, for £140 in 1730, a house and six rods square of land, bounded by Manning and Dutch's other land and the highway. This is the house that now stands in dismal decay just opposite the Parsonage, and it seems to have been built between 1706 and 1730. Even if Dutch acquired only a half interest in the Cross house and five acres of land for £65 in 1706, the increase in value between that and £140 for a house and only thirty-six rods of land, indicates that a new house must have been erected on this site. At Mr. Nor- ton's decease, it became the property of his widow. Sub- sequently Margaret Norton executed a deed of half of it to her brother, George Norton. Then it belonged to Thomas Appleton, to John Wade, etc. SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. 59 Returning now to the south of the brook, Nathaniel Rust sold an acre, bounded by the brook and the street, including buildings, tan-yard, etc., to Thomas Norton in March, 1700, and in November of that year Norton mar- ried Mercy Rust, daughter of Mr. Nathaniel Rust. Mr. Rust, it will be remembered, was ordered to furnish the gloves for Mr. Cobbett's funeral in 1685. In 1701, Rust sold his son-in-law the seven acres ad- joining the tan-yard lot, and in 1710, he sold Norton and Daniel Ringe, who had married his two daughters, his house aud laud where the South Church now stands. Nor- ton and Ringe sold out to Ammi Ruhamah Wise in 1723, and I suspect that, at this time. Deacon Norton, as he was then called, built the substantial house that stands to-day in excellent repair, under the great elm tree, aud evincing in its interior finish a wealthy builder. Thomas, the son of the Deacon, a Harvard graduate, and once teacher of the Grammar school, married Mrs. Marj' Perkins in 1728, and his father took to wife the widow Mary Ray men t of Beverly, 1729. This double marrying seems to have resulted in the pur- chase of the Dutch house by the senior Thomas, in the following June, as Thomas Norton, junior, was witness to the signature. Deacon Norton died in 1744, and Thomas, junior, in- herited the estate. Thomas Norton, junior, died in 1750. At his death, his widow was apportioned the "Dutch house" and its thirty-six rods of land. His son Thomas received the homestead, barn, bark-house, old house, Beam house, tan-yard and pits, half the little house, etc. The homestead was appraised at £226, 13, 4. In 1771, Nor- ton sold the whole property to Dummer Jewett for £240, and in 1791, his widow sold it to the County of Essex " to be improved and used as a House of Correction." The 60 SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. prison was built near the site of the residence of the late Rhoda B. Potter, and the grounds inclosed with a high red fence. The old mansion was the keeper's residence. Many old people remember it while it served this use. Despite its fresh appearance, the comfortable house lately owned and occupied by Mrs. Potter, is of vener- able age. It was built on the corner now occupied by the Meeting: House of the South Parish, and when that edi- fice was erected in 1837, it was removed to its present location. The well belonging to it remained visible until recently, in the old corridor in the cellar, near the door. I presume from its interior architecture that the present house is identical with the one owned and occupied by Dr. Samuel Rogers, a prominent citizen, for many years, on the original site. Rogers purchased the property of Daniel Wise, in June, 1750. Wise received it from his father. Major Ammi Ruhamah Wise, son of the celebrated Rev. John Wise of the Chebacco Parish. Major Wise purchased from Daniel Ringe and Thomas Norton, in 1723, who bought the estate of Nathaniel Rust, their father-in-law, in 1710. Rust acquired the property, with a house and barn, on June 2, 1665, by purchase, from Dea- con William Goodhue, but I am unable to find the deed of Goodhue's purchase. I presume it was a part of the original Younglove grant. It seems improbable that the house mentioned in the deed of 1665 should have been good enough in 1837 to be removed and repaired. The joint ownership ot Ringe and Norton may indicate a double house at that period. It would not be hard to believe that Major Wise built it in the days of his pros- perity, but this must be wholly a matter of surmise. The old Wade mansion was built in 1728 and has al- ways remained in the family. It was inherited by Nathan- iel Wade, who served with conspicuous honor in the SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. 61 Revolutionary War. When Benedict Arnold went over to the British, Washington at once sent an order to Colonel Wade to take command of West Point and hold it, say- ing " We can trust him." The original military order, bearing Washington's signature is a priceless relic, now in the possession of Mr. Francis H. Wade. An attic room in this house has always been called "Pomp's" room. Pomp was a slave of the olden time, but a very jolly fel- low with a gift for doggerel rhyme which was exercised on many occasions. One day, the tradition runs, he came back from town with the astounding news : " Here is more of old Choate's folly He's torn down the old bridge And turned out Walley." The old town bridge was replaced by the stone bridge in 1764, and in the same year Rev. John Walley resigned his pastorate at the South Church. Colonel Choate was so conspicuous a citizen and official that his name is still borne by the bridge. He was very prominent in church affairs as well. The worthy Thomas Norton, junior, owned a slave •Phillis, valued in the inventor}'^ at £26, 13s. 4d. These old mansions are filled with weird memories. Pomp and Phillis are mementoes of slave life in our county. The residence of Mr. F. T. Goodhue is venerable and interesting. Rev. John Rogers, in 1734, deeded his son Samuel, a physician, about half an acre here, described as " all yt part of my homestead or old orchard, lying before the land that was Mr. Francis Crompton's, from the South corner, opposite said Crompton's land by a strait line to ye street or highway, with all building, trees, etc." It hardly seems likely that the house would not have been mentioned specifically if it were then built. 62 SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. Dr. Rogers sold his dwelling house, land, etc., to John Wulley, first pastor of the South Church, and Mr. Walley sold it to his successor, Joseph Dana, in 1766, "excepting the hangings being painted canvass in the Front Room, nearest to the meeting house, as also the hanofinofs in the chamber over said room which, it is mu- tually agreed, said Joseph Dana shall take down with all convenient speed and deliver to said John Walley at his order." I should judge from the deeds that Samuel Rogers built the house in 1734 or subsequently. Old people remember an ancient house, that stood near the corner of the Heard land, facing the east. This was the home of Col. John Choate, Esq., in early days, and was purchased by him of the heirs of Francis Crompton. Crompton bought the land, three acres, without any sure mention of a house in the deed, in 1693. Averill,the ear- lier owner, was a poor man, if I associate the correct in- ventory with his name. Crompton probably built the house. It fell into decay and was removed more than fifty years ago. Before leaving this locality, it may be of interest if we trace the outline of the original Saltonstall property, since it establishes incidentally several interesting facts. We have mentioned that the Thomas Manning property and the Thomas Norton property included an acre or more of the Saltonstall estate. Benjamin Dutch sold a lot con- taining thirty square rods, six rods frontage and five rods depth, adjoining Mr. Norton to Joseph Appleton in 1730 for £72. It is styled a "certain piece of upland" and no house was included in the purchase. But Joseph Ap- pleton had a house here some years later, and it is likely that he built it about the time of his purchase. A well near the street in Mr. Theodore Cogswell's vacant corner SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. 63 lot here may have been Appleton's well. It is interesting to note the fiict that, although the deeds mention this house repeatedly, it disappeared so long ago that no remem- brance or tradition of its existence has survived. The remainder of the Saltonstall property, four acres less or more, was sold by Benjamin to Nathaniel Dutch, for £150 in 1737. It was bounded on the northeast partly by Rev. Mr. Rogers' land and partly by common land, that is, the old training field ; but it embraced quite a portion of the present Common, for the Joseph Appleton lot was bounded by it on the north. Nathaniel Dutch sold 95 rods in 1733 to William Story, Esq., Isaac Dodge and Samuel Lord, jr., a committee of the First Parish, and Joseph Appleton, Esq., John Baker, Esq., and Isaac Smith, gentleman, a committee of the South Parish, "for the purposes of a burying yard for- ever." " Beginning at the east corner thereof at a stake in Dutch's line, twelve feet southeast of the southeast corner of said John Baker's homestall," it was bounded thirteen and one-half rods on Baker's land, then seven rods on the west side on Dutch. It was a rectangular lot, 13^ rods by 7. The remainder of his four acres was mortgaged by Dutch to William McKean (the deeds men- tion "about five acres ") in 1785. McKean acquired pos- session and sold to Dr. John Manning in 1793. Manning sold John Wade, a strip of "twenty-one feet deep and as wide as the land he had bought lately of Thomas Appleton " in 1794. In July of that year he sold the town, for £13, 10s., " twenty-two square rods of land lyino- on the road opposite the house of Col. Nathaniel Wade, beginning four feet from the easterly corner of the house lately owned by Joseph Appleton, Esq., deceased, in front toward the road and extending northerly as the wall now stands to a stake and stones in the training field, 64 SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. and from thence southeast to the old road, thence on the old bounds on the road to the first bounds mentioned, for the purpose of widening the road for the convenience of the public." It would appear from this that the road was much narrower then than now. In May, 1795, Dr. Manning sold the two Parishes a piece of land adjoining the burying ground, "beginning one rod and a half from the southeast corner of the old burying place in a right line toward the road, then south four rods, then west 20 rods, then north seven rods, and along the burying ground to the first bound." This gave the burying ground a width of fourteen rods, a depth of thirteen and one-half rods on the Baker line and of twenty rods on the southerly side. A second enlargement was made, not many years ago, when Rev. John Cotton Smith purchased the land of William Kinsman, which has been divided into lots on the south side of the j^ard. In June, 1795, Manning sold Thomas Baker an acre of land between the burying ground and the river, and in May of that year, he had sold the town for 5s, " from desire of accommodating the Town with a more convenient training field; beginning at the southeast corner of the homestead of the heirs of John Baker, Esq., deceased, thence south- east to land I lately sold the inhabitants of the Town, thence southwest until it comes within four rods and (> feet of the house formerly owned by Joseph Appleton, Esq., thence west northerly til it strikes the burying ground 23 feet to the north of the southerly corner thereof, thence northeast to the bounds first mentioned, containing al)out half an acre." The curious antiquarian can locate these lines with ap- proximate accuracy, and it appears probable, that if the stone wall now separating the burying ground from the Heard estate were prolonged in the direction it runs until SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. 65 it reached well into the present highway, we should have the northern bound roughly traced of the original Salton- stall grant. The training field and Green were much smaller therefore than to-day. While this boundary of the Saltonstall estate is fresh in mind, attention may well be given to a claim made by the widow of President John Rogers, who then occupied the estate of Rev. Nathaniel Rogers, to land now included in the Common or the public thoroughfare, by virtue of a grant of six acres made by John Winthrop in 1634. In the town record, under date of April 8, 1686, the entry is made : " Whereas, Mrs. Rogers claimeth part of the land with- out the line from the gate and stable end, upon a line to the land of Mr. Saltonstall's, and some land in the end of the now orchard before the land of William Avory's, all this upon the satisfaction of a grant of land to Mr. Win- throp of six acres of land in 1634. " Voted and granted that, provided that Mrs. Rogers give in to the Selectmen in the Town's behalf, that she and her heirs shall secure the Town from any further de- mand for satisfaction of said grant from Mr. Winthrop and his heirs and her and her heirs, that then the Town will pay to said Mrs. Rogers within one year the sum of ten pounds in Common pay, and she secure the Town from any claims of herself or her heirs, from the land on the outside of a straight line, from the said gate to Mr. Sal- tonstall's fence, formerly as the stable end stands, and from all the land on this end of the now orchard cov- ering the length of four rayles as the fence stands upon a square from the paile fence to William Avory's fence, then the said sum shall be paid by the Town." The original deed with seals and signatures is in the Town Record, and it provides "that the said land laid 66 SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. downe shall lie common and be not impropriated by any particular future grant to any person or persons." Further specification is made in the deed of " a straight line from the fence of Stephen Cross formerly Richard Saltonstall's, Esq., ranging to her gate post, and so stretching the length of four rails beyond the causeway end, and then on a square to the fence of William Averill's." The meaning must be guessed out for neither Resolu- tion nor Deed is luminous. I have always interpreted this transaction as securing the Town's title to the land bordering on Mr. F. T. Goodhue's property, and some portion of the old training field. One fact is beyond question. Mr. Winthrop's "six acres near the River," granted in 1634, included the whole or part of the fine open meadow belonging to the Heard estate. This be- longed to the Rogerses, and Rogers must have purchased from John Winthrop. THE "winthrop HOUSE," SO CALLED. The name of Winthrop has been associated with the old Burnhiim house on the ArgillaRoad, now occupied by Mr. Perley Lakeman, but without reason. In 1636-7, the town granted George Giddings about 16 acres of land, meadow and upland, having the high- way to Chebacco on the northeast. In 1667, Giddings sold Thomas Bnrnham "my dwelling house, wherein said Thomas now dwelleth " and twelve acres of land, bounded north by Mr. .Jonathan Wade's land, west and south by land of Rev. Nathaniel Rogers, and east }>y the highway leading to Chebacco. Giddings owned no other land on this road, and the bounds given locate it beyond a doubt. Generations of SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. 67 Burnhams possessed it, until the sale to the present owner a few years since. There is not a scrap of documentary evidence, known to me, that suggests Winthrop's ownership. As for the house itself, Dr. Lyon, of Hartford, an expert in olden architecture, pronounces it to have been built in the latter part of the seventeenth century or the early years of the followin": one. THE HOWARD HOUSE. Fronting the new stone bridge, on Turkey Shore, is the well preserved " Howard house " as it is sometimes called. Mr. Caldwell in his Notes to the Hammatt papers states that it was owned by Aaron Wallis, half a century ago. Before him Capt. Ebenezer Caldwell, who died in 1821, was its possessor. His first wife was Lucy, daugh- ter of Samuel Ringe. Ringe bought the property of Stephen Howard, who inherited it in 1766 on the death of his father, Samuel Howard. Samuel bought the shares owned by his brothers William and John at hia father's, William Howard's, death. To this it may be added, Howard bought six acres of land with the dwelling in 1679 of Uzal Wardell. Susanna Ringe, the wife of Warden, junior, sold her father-in-law, Uzal Wardell, her third of her father's, Daniel Ringe's estate in 1669. Ringe bought of Thomas Emerson in 1648, a dwelling house and six acres of land by original grant. Is this house the same that Daniel Ringe bought in 1648? I cannot believe it, though the deeds are contin- uous. The question of identity, which was stated in the beginning of this series of papers, is well illustrated in this case. The probability of such extreme antiquity is very slight. Judging from its architecture. Dr. Lyon be- 68 SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. lieves this house was built near the beginning of the last century. THE HO VET HOUSE. The ancient Hovey house, last used as a barn by Mr. Foss, but, unfortunately, now a thing of the past, is gen- erally assumed to have been built in 1668, because Daniel Hovey was granted permission to fell trees " for a house " that year. More pertinent evidence is the grant of the previous year, 1667, to Daniel Hovey, "to fell timber for a and repayring his house." A bouse that needed repairing in 1667 is not likely to have defied the tooth of Time for two hundred and twenty-seven years longer, and then, still stout and strong,, have suffered de- struction only by fire. THE REGINALD FOSTER ESTATE. The same question of identity confronts us in the fine old mansion, now owned by Mr. Daniel S. Burnham, on Water street. The pedigree of this property is beyond question. Charlotte Burnham, wife of Abraham, pur- chased half of it in 1862, from Enoch P. Fuller, He bought it of Nathaniel Fuller in 1840. Fuller purchased from Thomas Dodge in 1796, Dodge from John Holland in 1792, Holland from John Harris in 1778. Richard Sut- ton and Elizabeth, his wife, sold Abner Harris, ship- wright, the southwest end of the dwelling house, " late our honored grandfather's, Jacob Foster deceased," in 1758. Jacob Foster, father of this Jacob, I presume, re- ceived it from Reginald Foster. Reginald Foster bought of Roger Preston in 1655, a house and land reaching from the present Green street to Summer street. SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. 69 Again, I cannot believe this house identical with the house of 1655, but make no assertion as to its probable age. THE NORTON - COBBETT HOUSE. This fine old mansion, venerable in its architecture, hallowed with its association with the great and good men of the early days, has long been counted the most historic house of Ipswich, and possibly the oldest. An honest desire to establish its antiquity, and confirm its legendary renown, impelled me to very careful study of every doc- ument that I could discover. To my own chagrin, the conclusion, to which candor has impelled me, divests the old landmark of all its poetry, and much of its age. A review of the grounds leading to this may not be unin- teresting to those that have the love of antiquarian lore. In the year 1638, Thomas Firman sold Rev, John Norton a house and lot "which said lot was granted first unto Mr. John Fawne in the year 1634, " and by him sold to Firman. The boundaries given locate the prop- erty unmistakably. In this house, or a better one of his own building, Mr. Norton dwelt until he resigned his pastorate and removed to Boston as the successor of Rev. John Cotton. His successor. Rev. Mr. Cobbett, occupied his house and eventually purchased it. At his decease, the estate be- came the property of his widow. In 1696, his son John sold the house and three acres of land for £70 to Major Francis Wainwright, who owned the Robert Payne estate adjoining. After a few months ownership. Major Wainwright sold to John Annable " Taylor " for £24 — " A house that was formerly in the tenure of John Cobbett, late of Ipswich, 70 SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. with the land on which said house standeth, and also all the land before the said house to the street, together with four foot breadth from the said house at the western end thereof, and four foot breadth northerly from said house, and four foot easterly from said house, these three points all bounded by said Wainwnght's land and southerly by the Highway or Street, the westerly line that comes to said street to take in but half the well, and the easterly line to run straight from four foot of from the said house to the said street." March 9, 1696-7. Evidently Major Wainwright retained the land that originally belonged with the house, and a few years later he sold to Matthew Perkins, land and the orchard upon it, 'lioiinded by John Baker's land on the East, the Highway on the South, the land of John Annible and said Wain- wright on the West, as the old wall formerly stood, the land of AVainwright on the North, as the wall stands, al»o the common right bought of John Cobbett." October 11, 1701. The Perkins property thus lay between the old Cobbett house and Baker's. The Cobbett house with its four feet of land on three sides was sold by Annable to William Stone for £35 with Wainwright on three sides and half of the well, etc. March 16, 1701. Stone sold his house with one-quarter of an acre to Robert Holmes, tailor, for £40, bounded easterly by Capt. Mat- thew Perkins, west and north by Wainwright. January 20, 1710-11. Stone had boujjht of Wainwri^jht " 3 foot in front next ye street joining on the westerly side of the land he bought of John Annable and to run until it comes to nothing at the north corner of said line," for £3, 12s. This he as- signed to Holmes on the same date, so that the western SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. 71 line was now seven feet from the house on the front, and included the whole well. Robert Holmes sold his son Robert Holmes , junior, taylor, "a certain parcel of land on the South East side of my homestead, beginning at ye easterly corner next Capt. Matthew Perkins his homestead and from there to extend North West 15 feet into my homestead, from thence to run on a straight line keeping equal distance from Per- kins's land to ye country' road, and up said road Southerly to ye corner of said Perkins's homestead, and by said Per- kins's homestead to ye bound first mentioned, as also all my right, title and interest in ye new end of ye dwelling house standing on said bounded premises." February 20, 1732-3. In accordance with the terms of his father's will Robert Holmes, junior, succeeded to the whole estate at his mother's death. He enlarged the estate by purchasing of Thomas Staniford, innholder, for £3, a small piece of land adjoining the northeast side of the homestead of Robert Holmes, late of Ipswich, deceased, abr)ut three rods, bounded south by homestead, southwest and north- west by Staniford, northeast by land of widow Esther Perkins. April 10, 1742. Administration was granted on the estate of Robert Holmes to Samuel and Abigail Heard, September, 1776. " Samuel Heard, cordwainer, and Abigail, his wife, being the only child and heir of Robert Holmes, late of Ipswich, Taylor," for £33, 6, 8, sell "Nathaniel March, Taylor, a dwelling house, with small parcel of land under and adjoining, part of the real estate of our honored father, beginning at Southeast corner by land of Abraham Cald- well, thence by said Caldwell's land easterly, 6 rods and 10 feet, thence northerly by land of Capt. Thomas Stani- ford, one rod, eleven feet and a half, thence westerly on 72 SOME OLD IP8\TICH HOUSES. land of the said Abigail Heard 6 rods 10 feet, and thence southerly one rod, 9 J feet by Highway, also the privilege of using the well on the other part of deceased real es- tate." March 1, 1777. Nathaniel March sold to Nathaniel March, junior, for $900, the house and fifteen rods of land, bounded south- easterly by Daniel Russell six rods ten feet, northerly by Staniford one rod eleven and one-half feet, westerly by Abigail Heard six rods ten feet, southerly by highway one rod nine and one-half feet, with privilege of using the well on said Abigail's land ; Nathaniel and Elizabeth, his wife, to have the privilege of the use of the northwest room of said house, during their natural life. November 21, 1796. The portion of the Holmes property, which Samuel and Abigail Heard reserved when they sold the house to March, was sold by them to Samuel Heard, junior, and Ebenezer, besinnins: at the north corner on land of heirs of Staniford on the street, southerly by street one rod nine and one-half feet, to land of Nathaniel March, easterly on March's land six rods ten feet, northerly by Staniford's land one rod seven and one-half feet, westerly on Staniford's land six rods ten feet. May 19, 1803. Samuel, junior, and Ebenezer Heard sold this plot, "part of garden spot for- merly owned by Nathaniel March," for $30 to Elizabeth March. April 8, 1808. Nathaniel and Hannah March sold to Daniel Russell for $80 " a certain dwelling house with land under and adjoin- ing containing 15 rods, beginning at the south corner by highway and land of Daniel Russell, thence north west by said highway 1 rod 9 feet and ^ to land of Elizabeth March, thence northeasterly by Elizabeth's laud 6 rods and 10 feet to land of heirs of Thomas Staniford, thence south easterly 1 rod 11^ feet to land of Russell, south- westerly by land of Russell 6 rods 10 feet to Highway, SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. 73 being the same I purchased of my late father, Nathaniel March by deed November 21, 1796," and on the same day Elizabeth March sold the garden spot adjoining to Russell for $40. Daniel Russell sold his son, Foster Russell, for $76 "a certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Ipswich aforesaid, formerly owned by Nathaniel March, deceased, containing 14 rods more or less, beg-inninsf at the soutiierly corner thereof by the highway and my own land, thence running north westerly 38 feet to land owned by the Methodist Society, thence by laud of said Society to land of Dr. Thomas Manning, thence south easterly by Manning 36 feet to my own land, thence south westerly by my own land to highway." August 30, 1833. Thus there is not a link lacking in the chain. From Firman and Norton, we trace the ownership of the house, through Cobbett, Wainwright, Amiable, Stone, the Holmeses, and the Marches to Daniel Russell. Russell bought the house and land in 1818. In 1833, he sold the land to Foster Russell, but there is no mention of any house. Evidently it had disappeared. But what of the old house still standino-? It is well remembered that Richard Sutton owned the southeast half of this dwelling, and Daniel Russell the northwest half. Russell bought his half of Abraham Caldwell of Beverly in 1796, bounded northwesterly partly on land of Nathaniel March, southeasterly on land of Richard Sutton. Caldwell purchased of Samuel Sawyer in 1772, Robert Holmes abutting on the northwest. Ephraim Kindall bought this half of Jonathan Newmarsh in 1768, who bought of Benjamin Brown in 1762. Brown acquired it in 1754, by purchase, of William Dodge, of Lunenburg, and Esther, his wife, and Samuel Williams, junior. 74 SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. Dodsre's deed recites that the line of division beginning at a stake by land of Robert Holmes, extends to a stake standing in the middle of the homestead of Capt. Matthew Perkins, late of Ipswich, thence southwesterly to a stake, thence northvvesterl}- twenty-two feet through the middle of the curb of the well to a stake standing near, thence southwesterly through the dwelling house and middle of the chimney to the street, with one-half the dwelling, with all privileges, etc., settled by a Commission ap- pointed and impowered by the Court of Probate to divide the estate of said Matthew Perkins to and among his two daughters, Esther Harbin and Mary Smith, according to his will. Williams sold the interest he bought of William Harbin. Among the tiled papers relating to the estate of Capt. Matthew Perkins, we find the divisions of the real estate between Esther Harbin and Mary Smith in 1749. Esther received the northwest half, the division line being de- fined word by word as in the deed of Dodge to Brown. Mary received the southeast half. Esther left her estate to her four children to whom it was apportioned in 1752. Her heirs sold to Brown . Capt. Matthew Perkins, we observed at the beginning, bought the Norton-Cobbett orchard in 1701. Between that date and 1709, he built the house, for in the latter year he gave his son Matthew his former homestead, low- er down the street. The present old house is, therefore, Capt. Matthew Per- kins' mansion, and the Norton-Cobbett house stood very near on the northwest side, but has long since disap- peared. Every item of evidence corroborates this identification. The successive deeds of the old Cobbett property men- tion Captain Matthew, the widow Esther Perkins, Abra- SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. 75 ham Caldwell and Daniel Russell as eastern abutters. The deeds of the present house mention Holmes and March as western neighbors. The well of the present house is precisely where the deeds locate it ; the Cobbett well was on the west side of the house. This house stands near the road ; the other must have stood back somewhat, as the land covered by the house with only four feet on each of three sides and the frontage measured about a quarter of an acre. The present Foster Russell house, by the measurements of the deeds, occupies a part of the site of the old one. Finally, Mrs. Susan Lakeman, the daughter of the late Daniel Russell, was born in the Perkins' mansion in 1815. She remembers distiuctly that it was always said that her father tore down an old house close by in 1818, called "the March house." lu that year he bought the proper- ty of Nathaniel March. As to the old Cobl)ett well, it is beyond question iden- tical with the well that still remains in the cellar of the Foster Russell house, which served as a public waterini^ place for many years, I ara informed, before the house was built, and still supplies Mr. Augustine Spiller by a pipe that pierces the cellar wall. THE JOHN POTTER HOUSE. The well-preserved old mansion beneath the spreading elms on the corner of East street and "Hog Lane," as the ancient nickname was,—'' Brooke Street " as it is recorded in the old deeds, — is of much interest. This lot was owned in 1648 by Francis eTordan, the town-whipper, whose gruesome business it was to wield the lash and lay it smartly upon the backs of evil-doers, 76 SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. at the public whipping-post. In 1655, there was a house here, occupied by Jeffrey Skelling or SntHing, a man of questionable character, who tasted the lash more than once. I can hardly believe that a man of his prtjclivities was likely to occupy so fine a house. Richard Belcher of Charlcstown sold, to John Potter, for £88, in 1708, the two acres in this corner, with all the buildings, including the "old house, new out-houses, etc." The mention of an " old house " at this date renders it very improbable that the present building was then in existence. A few years ago, the slope of the hill on the east side of the present house was dug away, and an old cellar was disclosed. Two old spoons of a style in vogue prior to 1700 were found. Very likely this was the site of the old Francis Jordan property, and John Potter probably built the present mansicm sul)sequent to 1708. SOME OLD HIGH-STREET DWELLINGS. A few more old mansions, on High street, must not be overlooked. Here again that question of identity dis- turbs us in the case of the old Caldwell house. Richard Betts sold to Cornelius Waldo, for £30, his dwelling house, land, etc., in 1652. Waldo sold the same property to John Caldwell, in 1654 for £26. Jiihn Caldwell's estate, about the year 1692, was inventoried, the house, land at home and three acres of other land at £109. This three-acre lot is probably identical with the "four acres, be it more or less, within the Ctmimon fields, neare unto Muddy River," which he bought of William Buckley, and which Buckley had bought for £7 of Thomas Manning in 1657. The homestead was valued, then, at SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. 77 about a hundred pounds sterling. Caldwell bought it for £26, occupied it some forty years, and left it worth £100. It has been said that record remains of enlargement, etc. , but repairs and enlargement sufficient to enhance the value nearly four times must have been very destructive of the original Waldo house, I fear. It is more likely that Caldwell built the present house, and its architecture points to the latter years of the seventeenth century as the time of its erection. The tine mansion, lately purchased and improved by Mr. John E. Brown, is the colonial home Rev. Nathaniel Rogers built for himself in 1727-8. The very old house, the home of Mr. Caleb Lord, until his death, and its larger neighbor, the old Jacob Manning house, atJbrd a very fascinating study. Mr. Lord in- formed me that this house was owned by his father, "Capt. Nat.," and his predecessor was "Deacon Caleb." Caleb Lord, Hatter, and Daniel Low, bought it with eighteen rods of laud in 1751, of Job Harris. Hams bought the dwelling, barn, and two and three-fourths acres of land of Rev. Jabez Fitch, when he left the pas- torate of the Ipswich First Church in 1727 and went to Portsmouth. There was at this time but one dwelling on this goodly lot of nearly three acres. Harris sold Caleb Lord the house, etc., "at the north corner of the home- stead," but he resided still in another house on the same lot and, in 1770, bequeathed his son John the southerly half of his dwelling. The other heirs sold out to John in 1772. John Harris sold to the town, in 1795, about two acres with the buildings. This purchase was made to secure a Poor-house, and consideral)le changes were made then and later to fit it for its new use. Mr. Caleb Lord remembers that the door was on the end toward the street. When the town purchased the present Poor Farm, this property was sold to Jacob Manning, jr., in May, 1818. 78 SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. The deed describes it, as the work-house and land, "be- ginning at tiie corner of Nathaniel Lord's hmd, 12 feet 1 inch from his shop, on said Higii street East to land of heirs of Jan)es Harris deceased, Westerly 5 rods 12^ links to land this day conveyed to Lord, i. e. wood house and turf or peat house, and the pump with the rigging and gear thereto belonging, also reserving to John Lord 4th, liberty to remove the building called the pest house and chimney and underpinning stones." This is the large house on the south corner of Manning street. I think that Job Harris built it for his new resi- dence and then sold the older Fitch house to Caleb Lord. This surmise is confirmed by the purchase that Mr. Fitch made of about four rods of land on the back side of his house from Francis Young in 1708. It was a piece one rod wide from the land or house of Mr. Fitch, and ex- tended in a straight line one rod broad to the northerly end of his barn or woodhouse. This shows that the Fitch house occupied the extreme corner of the lot. This land may have been needed for the enlargement that has been made on this side. Mr. Fitch bono;ht the house with an acre and a half of land of William Payne and his wife Mary, the onl}^ daughter of William Stewart, deceased, in the year 1704, for £150. In 17 19, he enlarged the lot by purchasing an acre of Thomas and Alexander Lovell fronting on the street and joining his land on the south. Stewart bought of Roger Derby, who had removed to Salem in 1692. Derby or Darby bought a house and two acres of Philip Fowler in 1672, and in 1652 John Hassell owned a house here. Hassell was the original grantee. Again the query arises, who was the builder of the present decrepit dwelling? Certainly it was owned by Job Harris and there is no reason for doubting Fitch's ownership, or even Stewart's. Beyond Stewart, or possibly Derby, I SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. ' 79 do not venture, hut there is no absolute limit, save that it is incredil)le that it was Hassell's original house. I wonder if Stewart occupied this house before he bought it? If he did, peculiar interest attaches to the narrative of John Dunton, a book pedler, who visited Ipswich, in the course of his saddle-bag peregrinations, in 1685 or 1686. In any event, the gossipy description of the Stewarts will not be unwelcome. Dunton wrote to his wife, minutely enough to satisfy her womanly curiosity, after this fashion : "My Landlady, Mrs. Wilkins, having a sister at Ips- wich which she had not seen for a great while, Mrs. Com- fort, her daughter (a young gentlewoman equally happy in the perfections both of her body and mind), had a great desire to see her aunt, having never been at her house, nor in that part of the country ; which Philaret having a desire to see, and being never backward to accomodate the Fair Sex, profers his service to wait upon her thilher, which was readily accepted by the young lady, who felt herself safe undei his protection. Nor were her parents less willing to trust her with him. All things being ready for our ramble, I took my fair one up behind me and rid on our way, I and my Fair Fellow Traveller to Mr. SteAvard's whose wife was Mrs. Comfort's own Aunt : whose J(iy to see her Niece at Ipswicli was suiEciently Expressed by the Noble Reception we met with and the Treatment we found there ; which far outdid whate'er we cou'd have thought. And tho myself was but a stranger to them, yet the extraordinary civility and respect they shewed me, gave me reason enough to think I was very welcome. It was late when we came thither, and we were both very weary, which yet would not excnse us from the troul)le of a very splendid su[)per, before I was permitted to go to bed ; which was got ready 80 SOME OLD IPSWIGH HOUSES. in 80 short a time as would have made us think, had we not known the contrary, that it had been ready provided against we came. Though our supper was extraordinary yet I had so great a desire to go to bed, as made it to me a troublesome piece of kindness. But this being happily over, I took my leave of my Fellow Traveller, and was conducted to my apartment by Mrs. Stewart herself, whose character I shant attempt to-night, being so weary, but reserve till to-morrow morning. Only I must let you know that my apartment was so noble and the furniture so sjiital)le to it, that I doubt not but even the King him- self has oftentimes been contented with a worser lodging. "Having reposed my self all night upon a bed of Down, I slept so very soundly that the Sun, who lay not on so soft a bed as I, had got the start of me, and risen before me ; but was so kind however as to make me one of his first visits, and to give me the bon jour ; on which I .straight got up and dressed myself, having a mind to look about me and see where I was : and having took a view of Ipswich, I found it to be situated by a river, whose first rise from a Lake or Pond was twenty miles up, breaking of its course through a hideous swamp for many miles, a a harbor for bears ; it issueth forth into a large bay, where they fish for whales, due East over against the Island of Sholes, a great place for fishing. The mouth of that river is barred. It is a good haven town. Their Meeting House or church is built very beautifully. There is a store of orchards and gardens about it, and good land for Cattel and husbandry. " But I remember I promised to give you Mrs. Stewards Character, & if I hadn't yet gratitude and justice would exact it of me. Her stature is of a middle size, fit for a woman. Her face is still the magazine of beauty, whence she may fetch artillery enough to Wound a thousand lov- SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. 81 ers ; and when she was about 18, perhaps there never was a face more sweet and charming — nor could it well ])e otherwise, since now at 33, all you call sweet and ravish- ing is in her Face ; which it is as great a Pleasure to be- hold as a perpetual sunshine without any clouds at all ; and 3'et all this sweetness is joined with such attractive vertue as draws all to a certain distance and there detains them with reverence and admiration, none ever daring to approach her nigher, or having power to go farther off. She's so obliging, courteous and civil as if those qualities were only born with her, and rested in her bosom as their centre. Her speech and her Behaviour is so gentle, sweet and affable, that whatsoever men may talk of magick there in none charms but she. So good a wife she is, she frames her nature to her husband's : the hyacinth follows not the Sun more willingly, than she her husband's i»leasure. Her household is her charge. Her care to that makes her but seldom a non-resident. Her pride is to be neat and cleanly, and her thirst not to be Prodigal. And to conclude is both wise and religious, which makes her all I have said before. " In the next place I suppose yourself will think it rea- sonable that unto Mrs. Stewards I should add her husband's Character : whose worth and goodness do well merit. As to his stature tis inclining to tall : and as to his aspect, if all the lineaments of a sincere and honest hearted man were lost out of the world, they might be all retrieved by looking on his face. He's one whose bounty is limited by reason, not by ostentation; and to make it last he deals discreetly ; as we sowe our land not by the sack but by the handful. He is so sincere and upright that his \vord and his meaning never shake hands and part, but always go together. His mind is always so serene that that thunder but rocks him asleep which breaks other men's 82 SOME OLD IPSWICH HOUSES. slumbers. His thoughts have an aim as high as heaven, tho their residence be in the Valley of an humble heart. He is not much given to talk, tho he knows how to do it as well as any man. He loves his friend, and will do anything for him except it be to wink at his faults, of which he will be always a severe reprover. He is so good a husband that he is worthy of the wife he enjoys, and would even make a bad wife good by his example. "Ipswich is a country town not very large, and when a stranger arrives, tis quickly known to every one. It is no wonder then that the next day after our arrival the news of it was carried to Mr. Hubbard, the Minister of the town, who hearing that I was the person that had brought over a great Venture of Learning, did me the honor of making me a visit at Mr. Steward's, where I laj^ and afterwards kindly invited me and my fellow traveller to his own house, where he was pleased to give us very handsome entertainment. His writing of the History of Indian Warrs shews him to be a person of good parts and understanding. He is a sober, grave and well accom- plished man — a good preacher (as all the town affirm, for I didn't hear him) and one that lives according to his preaching. "The next day 1 was for another Ramble in which Mr. Steward was pleas'd to accompany me. And the place we went to was a town call'd Rowley, lying six miles North- East from Ipswich, where most of the Inhabitants had been Clothiers. There was that Day a great Game of Foot Ball to be playd, which was the occasion of our going thither : There was another Town that playd against them, as is sometimes Common in England : but they played with their bare feet which I thought was very odd : but was upon abroad Sandy Shoar free from Stones, which made it more easie. Neither were they so apt to trip up SOME OLD IP8WICH HOUSES. 83 one anothers heels, and quarrel as I have seen em in Eng- land." With this bit of romance, I conclude my present study of the old houses of Ipswich. Many more remain to be investigated, and unsuspected rewards may await the diligent student. In due time I ho))e every old dwelling will have its history carefully written. My aim has been not so much to exhaust the field, for this is impossible, nor to pronounce final judgments, as to illustrate the only sure way of approximating the truth. The work nmst be done cautiously and candidly, with a mind open to the truth, however sharp the conflict with cherished traditions or deei)ly seated prejudices. Kesort must always be made to original documents. Regard must be had to inherent probabilities. Results obtained by the application of this method may fairl}' be considered a con- tribution to the permanent history of our town. The conclusion to which we must come is that many houses are not as old as they have been thought ; that many substantial houses have passed away ; that the his- tory of one house is very easily transferred to another ; that tradition is very unhistoric ; that definite decision is impossible in many cases ; but that, after all allowance is made, a remarkable number of ancient dwellings, still in use, were built in the earlier half of the last century, and a few remain from the closing decades of the seventeenth century, which were built l^efore all the pioneers who knew Winthrop, and cleared the wilderness and built the town, had passed away. INDEX OF HOUSES, WITH NAME OF PRESENT OWNER, OR THAT BY WHICH IT IS COMMONLY KNOWN. PAGE Abbey, Joseph, house. . . . . . . 55, 56 (Mr. Wesley K. Bell's old house) Appleton. Col. John 47 (Mr. Geo. D. Wildes's residence) Appleton, Joseph, 62 Baker, Joseph, 50 Baker, iSamuel N., . . . . . . . 63 Boyuton, Warren, ...... 53 (Ross Tavern) Brown, John B., 77 Burnham, Daniel S., . . . . . . 68 Caldwell, John, 76 Campbell, Chas. A., 39 Choate, Col. John, 62 Dana, Rev. Joseph, ....... 61 (Mr. Frank T. Goodhue's residence) Dean, 55 Dounton, Wm., . 42 Duuton's, John, narrative, 79-83 Fitts, Isaac, ........ 83 (Souther house) (84) INDEX. 85 PAGE Foot-Briclge. 54 Foster, Reginald, 68 (Mr. Dan. S. Burnham's residence) Fuller, Nath., 56 (Mrs. Susan Trow's late residence) Goodhue, Frank T., 61 Howard, Wm.,. ....... 67 Hovey, Daniel, 68 Jones, Wm., ........ 57 (Mr. Edward Ready's residence) Kinsman, Wm,, ....... 43 Lord, Dea. Caleb, 77 Lord, Jonathan, ....... 57 Manning, Dr. Joseph, ...... 57 (Mr. Josiah Stackpole's residence) Mill, Garden, 45 Nortou-Cobbett, so called, 69-75 Norton. Dea. Thos., 58. 59 Poor, house. High St., ..... . 77 (Jacob Manning house) Potter, John, ....... 75 Potter, Mrs. Rhoda B., 60 Proctor, John, ....... 51 Ready, Edward, ....... 57 Rogers, Rev. Xath 77 (Mr. John B. Brown's residence) Ross Tavern, ........ 53 86 INDKX. Saltonstall, Richard, South Burying Ground, South Common, .... Souther, Timothy, .... Sparks's Ordinary, Stackpole, Josiah, .... Training-field, .... Tread well Tavern, .... (Joseph Baker house) Trow, Mrs Susan, Wade, Col. Nath., .... Wainwright, Christian, . Wells, Thos., Whipple, John, .... (called the Saltonstall house) Wildes, Geo. D Wiuthrop, John (so-called), PAGE 44, 45, 58 63, 64 • 65, 66 56 48 57 64 50 56 60 51 53 44 47 66 Younglove, Samuel, Senior, 52 MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEP:TING AND KEPORTS OF OFFICERS. The annual meeting of the Ipswich Historical Society was held in the Parish House, Monday evening, Dec. 6, and although not so largely attended as it might have been it was nevertheless a very enthusiastic gathering. A great deal in the advancement of the Society's interest was ac- complished and several new and important lines of work started. President Waters called the meeting to order and the reports of Treasurer J. I. Horton, Secretary John H. Cogswell and President Waters, were read and accepted. The reports are given in full below. Mr. Waters' paper was a valuable historical addition to the society's reports and he was warmly commended for the same. The purchase of a permanent location in the " Whipple House," at railroad square, was talked of, and a com- mittee of three, George A. Lord, Fred A. Willcomb and J. I. Horton, were chosen to inquire into the feasibility of the plan. The President was instructed to appoint a committee of five on membership, to consist in part of ladies. Mr. Gates moved that a committee of ladies be chosen in the same way to take charge of the rooms on certain after- noons in the w eek. He suggested that in summer particu- larly quite an income could be secured by keeping the rooms open and charging a small admission fee. (87) 88 MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING AND Proceed i no; to the election of officers tlie old board was reelected as follows : President, Rev. T. Frank Waters. Vice Presidents, Hon. C. A. Say ward and Hon. Fred A. Willcomb. Secretary, John H. Cogswell. Corresponding Secretary, Rev. M. H. Gates. Treasnrer, J. I. Horton. Librarian, M. V. B. Perley. The question of securing lecturers for the season of 1897-8 was discussed, and the chair was instructed to select a committee of four to look after this matter, the president to be a member ex oficio. Mr. Waters ap- pointed Rev. Mr. Gates, Rev. Mr. Constant and Messrs. Kavanagh and Hovey. It was voted that the reports of the meeting be printed after the usual manner of the Society's publications. These reports follow : REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. Our Society has assumed for itself a three-fold function : that of gathering material for our Historical Exhi])ition, of contributing through its publications to the general fund of historical knowledge, and of erecting memorials of striking events and distinguished citizens of the olden time. A beginning at least has been made in each department, and gratifying growth is seen in the size and variety of our exhibit in the room in Odd Fellows' Block. Already the floor is well occupied, and the cabinets are comfort- ably filled. Some of the articles given or loaned during the past year are of striking interest, and we may count ourselves most fortunate in possessing them. Most ven- REPORTS OF OFFICERS. 89 erable of all is the pair of great andirons, with well- worn knobs, on which the date 115 9|6 is still visible, though the wear of so many generations has nearly obliterated the uppor figures. The smaller figures, which now occupy the place of the upper two, were stamped some fifty years ago, to preserve the date, but the original 1 and 5 are not wholly effaced. Accom- panying the andirons are the huge spit some four feet long, and the skewers used in fastening the great roasts securely to the spit. These have belonged to successive genera- tions of the Shatswell family, and are still owned by descendants of that line, Mr. Robert Stone and Colonel Shatswell. How much romance attaches to these ancient fireirons ! They were hammered out by some blacksmith of Old England, while Queen Elizabeth was hunting and dancing and coquetting as in her youth, but England had grown serious and Puritanical under the pressure of the great Puritan awakening. Spenser's Faerie Queen had delighted the English-speaking world only six years be- fore, and three years only had elapsed since the first gleam of the great light that Shakespeare shed, presaged his coming glory. John Milton was not born until these andirons had done twelve years of humble service in some English kitchen, and they were blackened with the soot of thirty-two years when John Bunyan saw the light. Oliver Cromwell began his grand career as humbly as any babe in 1599. The excellent John Winthrop, to whom our Commonwealth owes so much, was a boy of eight when these irons were used for the first time, and they had been used ten years when John Winthrop, jr., our patron, was born. The Plymouth settlement was far 90 MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING AND in the future. No i)rophet had dreamed of this great Western empire. How the history of nations and of peoples has been wrought and fashioned since the English smith shaped these ancient irons ! And with the andirons came an old "box-iron," another heirloom of the Shatswells, which may be of equal age. Of later date and yet venerable with years, the Sliatswell spinning wheel claims our regard. This was the maiden property of Hannah Bradstreet, of Rowley, the bride of Richard Shatswell in 1751. It is a tradition in the family that the north end of the present Shatswell mansion was built for the home of the young couple, and that when the frame was raised, the bride-to-be drove the first pin, and had a conspicuous place in the festivities incident to the "raising." When the Revolutionary war was impending, Richard Shatswell was under suspicion of being a Tory, as the story runs. ' Flis spirited wife rebelled in her turn against the i)atriotic prohibition of tea. She loved her cup, and as she had laid in a plentiful supply while the forbidden commodity was still in the market, she continued to use it, while every other tea-table contented itself with some innocent substitute. The town officials waited upon her to remonstrate against her unpatriotic indulgence. She received them graciously and satisfied them that no trea- son lurked in her love of the obnoxious herl). A few months later her daughter appeared in meeting on a Sab- bath day in a new bonnet of exceptional elegance, which provoked another visit from the fathers of the town, but tiie mother convinced them again that nothing savoring of toryism dwelt in the gay finery of the damsel. "Two years passed away," the family chronicler writes, " and the daughter Hannah had found a lover. It was the begin- ning of winter. The army had just gone into winter REPORTS OF OFFICERS. 91 quarters and the young suitor was daily expected home. Wishing to appear well in his eyes, the maiden had spun and woven with her own hands a new linen dress from flax raised upon the homestead ; and some ribbons long hild aside had been washed and ironed to trim it. The damsel appeared in it at church after her lover's arrival. Here was fresh cause of alaru) and forthwith on Monday morning came the officious committee to protest against the extravagance. The old lady's spirit was now aroused. "Do you come here," was her well remembered repW, " do you come here to take me to task because my daugh- ter wore a gown she spun and wove with her own hands? Three times have you interfered with my family affairs, three times have you come to tell me that my husband would be turned out of his office. Now, mark me ! There is the door. As you came in you may go out. But if you ever cross my threshold again you shall find that calling Hannah Bradstreet a tory will not make her a coward." On this wheel, the tradition is, the maiden of '76 did her spinning and it continued to be indispensable to the housekeeping of later good dames until all spinning wheels rested from their labors and found their heaven of rest in the attics of the houses, wherein they had filled an honored place in earlier years. The quaint old sign of Corporal Foster, that hung many years before his hostelry on the old Boston Turnpike in Linebrook, is now our piop(>rty by the kind gift of Mr. Fred H. Plouff. In after years it became a gate at the entrance to Mr. Edward Plouff's, son-in-law of the Cor- poral. While serving this base purpose it was painted to match the dwelling, but swung in the wind and rain until the ancient lettering again appeared. Old and decrepit, bruised and battered, it came at last to our kindly haven, but now restored with loving fidelity to its original col- »S5 MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING AND oring, it has " renewed its youth like the eagle," and clearly as in the day when the Corporal's masterpiece was first displayed it declares the two-fold business of the smithy and hostelry in its quaint rhyme : " I shoe the horse, I shoe the ox, I carry the tools Within my box. I make the nails, I make the shoe And entertain Some strangers too." The restored punch bowl again suggests the good cheer of the tap-room, and the date, 1806, is warrant of its venerable age. Mr. Thomas Edward Roberts has presented us with two especially valuable relics. While working in his early manhood with his father, the late Thomas Roberts, a mas- ter builder, in erecting a business block in Boston on High street, near Summer, the house near by, occupied by Daniel Webster for years, was cleared of its contents preliminary to Mr. Webster's removal to Marshfield. The major-domo requested Mr. Roberts to help him handle sundry large and heavy boxes and bundles, and to requite this service he pulled down an engraving of Webster from its place on the library wall and gave him, and handed him also an old portable desk with the remark, "You will do well, young man, if you travel as far as this desk has. Mr. Webster always took this with him in his chaise." Desk and engraving now adorn our room, and a third Webster relic was already in our hands, a fine linen towel, which was spun and woven by his mother in the New Hampshire home. A fine old chest with frame of English oak has been contributed by Mr. John Sherburne. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. 93 The old Denisoii Light Infantry flag has pleasant com- pany now in the flintlock musket and bayonet, cartridge box and belts, and cap with wa^dng plume, worn by the late Asa Kinsman a half century ago, the gift of Gustavus Kinsman. The Treadwell's island shell heap has yielded other hu- man remains for our prehistoric relics, including a skull, found in many fragments, which the skill of Dr. Stock- well has restored so far that we can see its general shape, and discover the mark of the two deadly blows which brought the relief of death, perhaps, to some long-tortured sufiierer. Mr. Richard M. Saltonstall has contributed a sumptuous volume of Saltonstall Genealogy, and Mr. Robert C. Winthrop has given repeated evidences of his regard in the gift of many valuable volumes. Miss Joanna Cald- well has deposited a very valuable collection of family documents. Many other articles have been deposited in our care, and in recognition of the kindness of the do- nors, I submit a list of names of all who have contributed to our success in this manner. The room has been open to the public every Saturday afternoon with two or three exceptions during the year. Many strangers found their way thither in the vacation months, and many of our townspeople, especially the children, have come to show their interest. A Visitors* Book has been kept, and six hundred and eighty names have been recorded. Many have registered more than once, but others have made no entry, and this large num- ber is a fairly correct indication of the number of visitors since Dec. 13, 1896. The publications of the Society have been increased by a single pamphlet containing the addresses at the dedication of the Memorial Tablets and the annual reports. Another 94 MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING AND of larger size will soon be placed in the hands of our mem)>ers. It is a matter of regret that the limited funds of our Society prevent it from undertaking the work of publishing old records and valuable documents, as well as original contributions to our local history. The marking of historic spots is an inviting work, and one that should be accomplished as speedily as possible. A generous meml^er of the Society has already signified his desire of erecting suitable markers on the site of the residence of John Winthrop and that of Ann Bradstreet, as soon as the localities shall be determined with reasonable probability. Denison's place of residence is easily iden- tified. Elder Paine deserves recognition for his munifi- cent gift of the first school house of which we know. Deputy Governor Symonds' Argil la f:irm house was a notable place in its day. Its site is accurately known and should be marked. A memorial, worthy of Rev. John Wise and the brave co-patriots of 1687, should find place anions: us. Their resistance to Governor Andros has ffiven rise to the legend on our town seal. The town owes them a larger debt of gratitude than can be discharged in this simple fashion. In line with this work, the preservation of old land- marks may be included. Many of the most interesting old houses have disappeared, and the death-knell of (others may be sounded ere we are aware of any danger. Our town owes no small portion of its great and growing at- tractiveness to strangers to its venerable mansions. A cultivated young lady, from Detroit, Mich., came here during the sunmier in the course of an historical pilgrim- age to towns of historical renown, particularly to those with which hei* own ancestral history was interwoven. After seeing our places of interest, and the many old houses with lean-to roofs and great chimney-stacks, she REPORTS OF OFFICERS. 95 exclaimed, "I have just visited Plymouth and Concord and Lexington and other places, but I have nowhere found so many residences of venerable age, and the beauty of the town charms me." Hezekiah Butterworth, the author of many books of travel, and romances founded on historic facts, spent a few hours in surveying our old landmarks, and as we sat on the top of our beautiful Town Hill, after looking at the ancient gravestones in the quiet yard, he gazed at the splendid landscape and said with much earnestness, "I have been amid the mountains of our own land, and among the Alps and the Andes, I have lived years in Europe, I have seen more sublime views, but I know of no more varied and beautiful quiet rural scenery than this." One of our old houses, the very oldest in all probabil- ity, is fast falling into complete decay, the old Whipple house, as I must call it, now owned by Mr. James W. Bond. In its day it was a grand mansion, and some of its rooms are inspiring to-day even in their ruin. Is it not worth our while as a Society to purchase it if it be possi- ble, and repair and restore it to some semblance of its old self? It possesses rare interest as a specimen of the architecture of the later 17th century. Dr. Lyon, of Hartford, Conn., an expert admirer of olden architec- ture, has visited it again and again. The most careless sight-seer is impressed with its antiquity. It should })e rescued from utter ruin for its own intrinsic value. But apart from this, our room will soon he too small for exhibition purposes. If space were available, it would be well used with exhibits of tools and machiner}^ of an- tiquated pattern, with cumbrous articles of domestic fur- niture, and with many departments of our historical collection, in which a beginning should be made. This old house, with its hallowed memories, so broad and capa- 96 MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING AND cious, would be an admirable home for our Society. It is a wooden edifice to be sure, but a larffe vault might be constructed for the most precious heirlooms. If some generous and broad-minded friend of the Society and of the town were minded to erect for us a fire-proof building of brick or stone, that would bo our ideal. But such a structure exists as yet only in our dreams. This old man- sion is not beyond our reach, and it has the fine attributes of age and yize. Once housed within its venerable walls, with our collection of andiron.s, and all the appurtenances of the fire-place in their proper places, with kitchen and parlor and chamber supplied with proper furniture, with room for many collections, our Society would spring at once into conspicuous honor and usefulness. Respectfully submitted, T. Frank Waters. REPORT OF THE SECRKTARY, DEC. 6, 1897. On the evening of December 7, 1896, the annual meeting of the Historical Society was held at the Society's room in the Odd Fellows Building. The President gave an interesting review of the work of the Society during the year, enumerating the many gifts which had been made, and closing with an euloof}' on Mr. John Perkins who had died durino; the year. His remarks on Mr. Perkins were supplemented by Mr. Nourse, who moved that a committee be appointed to draft reso- lutions expressing our appreciation of Mr. Perkins as a man and a citizen. The committee appointed were J. W. Nourse, T. F. Waters and Joseph I. Horton, who reported the following resolution which was unanimouslj^ adopted by the Society: "The recent departure of our brother John Perkins has reminded the Ipswich Historical Society of the first loss in its membership, through death. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. 97 "As the name which he bore was the first name of a person written in our town records and has been associa- ted with the town in each generation from its beginning, so those virtues that are first in the malting of good citizens, and that give efficiency to all forms of social organization, are found continually illustrated in his life. Brother Perkins possessed, in a marked degree, self- control, loyalty, brotherly kindness and patriotism. " Therefore be it Resolved : That we will cherish the quality of citizenship of which he gave us so fine an ex- ample ; and, while we lament his departure, we will enter this minute upon our records in grateful memory of his too brief association with us." After listening to the reports of the Treasurer and Secretary (which were adopted), the Society proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year as follows : — President T. F. Waters, Vice Presidents Hon. Chas. A. Sayward and Hon. Frederick Willcomb, Treasurer Joseph I. Horton, Corresponding Secretary Milo H. Gates, Recording Secretary John H. Cogswell, Librarian Martin V. B. Perley. The Society has had during the past year five lectures : the first, by Hon. Robert S. Rantoul of Salem, was given in the Parish House January 22, on the " First Cotton Mill in America" which he claimed was situated in North Beverly near the Old Baker Tavern, and the famous well from which Washington drank while on his triumphal tour through New England. It has been claimed that the First Cotton Mill in America was established by Samuel Slater in 1791, at Pawtucket, R. I.; but Mr. Rantoul proved by clear and conclusive testimony that a year before Mr. Slater set foot in America, cloth and corduroy were manufactured at the Mill in North Beverly. Cotton at that time could not be obtained in this country but was 98 MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING AND imported from Barbadoes, Surinam and Pernambuco. Mr. Rimtotil gave a minute description of the Mill and ex- hibited a picture of the Mill and its surroundings. The building was destroyed by fire in October 1828. At the close of the address Mr. Rantoul was given a hearty vote of thanks, and the President supplemented the lecture by stating that Israel Thorndike, one of the owners of this primitive mill, married the daughter of Dr. Joseph Dana, for many years pastor of the South Church in this town. February 8th we again assembled in the Parish House to listen to an address from Geo. G. Russell of Salem, on Andersonville Prison. Mr. Russell enlisted at the age of sixteen and saw many years of fighting and hardship. He was taken prisoner May 6, 1864, and confined in Ander- sonville, and other rebel prisons. His description of the horrors of these " earthly hells " was most thrilling and he richly deserved the hearty vote of thanks which he re- ceived at the close of his lecture. A mcetino; was called to meet at the Historical rooms on April 12th to listen to a paper from Mr. M. V. B. Perley on the Linebrook Parish. An important meeting at the Town Hall, on that evening, kept many away from the meeting and so few were in attendance that it was thought best to postpone its delivery until some future time. Mr. Perley is a native of that portion of our town, and is thoroughly acquainted with his subject. And it is earnestly hoped that we may be permitted to listen to the paper during the present winter. June 8th, we met at the Parish House to listen to an address from Mrs. Mary Newbery Adams of Michigan, (m "The place of Ipswich, in the development of our coun- try." Mrs. Adams is a descendant of one of our early settlers and is very much interested in our local history. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. 99 The last, and one of the best lectures the Society has yet enjoyed, was given by Rev. Temple Cutler of Glou- cester, November 22d, on " Rufus Choate." Mr. Cuiler resided many years in Essex, which enabled him to gather from the lips of those well acquainted with Mr. Choate very many things which have never been given to the public concerning him, and which made the lecture intensely interesting to an Ipsw^ich audience. He spoke of his love of nature, his attachment to his native town, and especially to the lonely island where he was born. The lecture was both entertaining and instructive, and we only regret that it could not have been heard by many more of our people. REPORT OF THE TREASURER. Ipswich, Mass., Dec. 6, 1897. Joseph I. Horton in account with Ipswich Historical Society. DR. December 6, 1897. To balance from 1896 $ 4 87 To amount received for membership dues, donations, etc., 152 20 Total 157 07 OR. December 6, 1896. By amount paid for rent §100 00 By amount paid for printing 38 50 By amount paid janitor 150 By amount paid A. Tenney 100 By amount paid J. W. Goodhue 100 By amount paid F. H. Wade 7 00 By amount paid for incidentals 7 20 By balance in National Bank ------ 87 Total $157 07 EespectfuUy submitted, Joseph I. Horton, Treasurer. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE MUSEUM OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY TO NOVEMBER, 1897. Mrs. Jambs Alfrey, slippers of Lady Mumsey. Chas. Appleton, Hamilton, two broadsides. D. F. Appleion, ancient Peti- tion, 1658, books and manu- scripts, hour glass, sun dial, flax wheel, photograph, win- nowing fan. Frank R. Appleton, map of Ipswich, pictures of IpsAvich, England. W. SuMNEK Appleton, "Ancestry of Priscilla Baker." Willis L. Augur, Harrison badge, 1840. Ja>ie6 Averill, Salem, specta- cles, book, coin. John Baker, ancient spoon. Samuel N. Baker, arm rest and baluster rail from old meeting house of 1st Parish, shoe buckles, papers. Mrs. Calvin Bachelder, Major Woodbury's cobbling pincers. Mrs. Eliz. H. Baker, loan, round trunk, ancient plates. John E. Blakemore, business card of Paul Revere. James W. Bond, newspapers. Mks. J. W. Bond, military cap, worn by Abraham Lord. Warren Boynton, spinning wheel, reels, lamp, candle- sticks. (100) John A. Blake, Dr. Manning's tooth puller. Mr.s. K. K. Brown, chair, swift, broadside. Mks. Chas. W. Brown, piece of old elm. John B. Brown, loan, tea caddy, old account book. Allen W. Brown, flint lock musket; canteen. Frank Burn ham, loan, cup from Benedict .Arnold house. George Caldwell, panel pic- ture. Great Neck. Joanna Caldwkll, embroidered pocket, busk, knitting sheath, sickle, china, lamp, gridiron, Caldwell deeds. Mary T. Caldwell, Roslindale, flre bucket, S. E. Strong, No. 2. Sarah Caldwell, pew door, spectacles, book. Mary L. Chapman, Salem, ser- mons, book. Philip E. Clarke, almanacs, an- cient deeds, flax, linen thread. Thomas Condon, notices of memorial services, fractional currency. Edwaud Constant, Victoria ju- bilee medal. Caroline L. Conant, two plates. Shekman Cook, watcii chain. Fred G. Cross, family mortar and pestle. CONTRIBUTIONS TO MUSEUM. 101 Edwin H. Damon, lock from Har- ry Main bouse. Mks. Edwin H. Damon, embroi- dery. Lyman H. Daniels, picture of ship Boston. Frank R. Daniels, loan, Indian implements. Mks. Susan B.Dickinson, Indian implements, pewter platter, canister; loan, antique chair. Mrs. Eliza Dodge, hymn book, confederate money, candle sticks, old Italian paintings. Mrs. Harry K. Dodge, attach- ment, 1721. Arthur W. Dow, loan, file of Ipswich register and other pa- pers. Gko. F. Durgin, souvenir album, 75th anniversary of Methodist Church. H. L. Ellsworth, loan, 60-cent fractional currency, copper cents. Hamden Faul, loan, MSS. ser- mons of Rev. Samuel Cobbett. Nath. R. Farley, spontoon, Denison Light Infantry. Ben.). Fkwkes, old papers, docu- ments. Angkline a. Foster, wooden plate, books. Al-mira p. Foster, cradle, flax- comb, tin baker, tin kitchen. A. S. Oakland, watchman's hook, powder horn, fractional cur- rency, newspaper. Mrs. Eliz. K. Gray, loan, diplo- ma Ipswich female seminary, Abby C. Giddings, colored map, comb. Mrs. John Gilbert, book. Saaiuel J. Goodhue, fowling piece, 1777, Ipswich Custom House seal, spoon, spectacles, documents. John J. Gould, loan, showshoes, Mrs. Geo. H. Green, fire irons, china, chest of drawers, sam- pler, chair, shovel, trunk. Mrs. S.vmukl Green, town and school reports. John S. Glovkr, piece of old spoon, brick for hearth. Joshua B. Grant, newspapers. James Griffing, continental money, F. S. Hammond, Oneida, N. Y., almanac, sermons, " Sentences of wise men for them that first enter to the Latin tongue." George Harris, chair, book, 1637-88. Mrs. Fred Hart, plate, owned by Mrs. Eben Lord, 1783-1870, old deeds. Gkorge Haskell, Esq., two copies Autobiography. Geokgk Haskijll, jr., old bit and stock, pamphlets. Mrs. Susan Hobbes, coffee mill, skillet of last century. Sarah Holme.s, piece of an an- cient quilt; loan, epaulet and sash of Captain Holmes, can- dle-mould, brass candlesticks. Wm. a. Howe, loan, works of Wrn. Robertson, 8 vols., Lon- don, 1791. Chas. Jewett, chairs, cheese crumbier. Chas. S. Jewett, jug of old pat- tern. Clarence A. Jkwept, knife and fork ; hand made book, loan. 102 CONTRIBUTIONS TO MUSEUM. M18SK8 Jewett, plate, Dr. Man- ning's pestle and mortar, wall paper, reports, etc. Aauon Kinsman, sabre and pistol, part of equipment worn by him as a member of the Ipswich troop in escorting Gen. Lafay- ette into Ipswich, 1824 ; porrin- ger. Bethiah Kinsman, loan, flax wheel, foot-stove, documents. GusTAVUs Kinsman, flint lock musket and bayonet, cartridge box, belts, cap and plume worn by Asa Kinsman as a member of Denison Light Infantry, pewter plate and mug, tinderbox, lamp, printed documents. William F. Kinsman, loan, "John Manning his book, 1762." RoBT. S. Kimball, campaign medal. Susan Kimball, loan, lace pillow, sampler, diploma, piece of cur- tain from old South Church. Perley B. Lakeman, loan, pow- der horn, knapsack. Mrs. Perlky B. Lakeman, book of pressed flowers. George A. Lord, loan, ancient family bible. Frank H. Loud, loan, records of Denison Light Infantry, old documents. Lucy S. Lord, picture, Abraham Hammett. James F. Mann, two chairs, lampstand. Manning School, cannon ball, lock of Ipswich jail, Indian implements, etc. John W. Manseield, oil portrait of John Winthrop, jr., New Testament from Castle Thun- der, Richmond, Va. Joseph Marshall, flint lock gun and sword. Mrs. Jos. Marshall, loan, Brit- annia tea-pot. Jas. Api'leton Morgan, New York, autograph copy of "I love to think of old Ipswich town." Wm. J. Murray, Essex, book, "200th Anniversary of Essex Church." Methuen Hist. Soc, publica- tions. Benjamin Newman, Indian imple- ments. Continental money. Mrs. Harriet E. Noyks, lace made in Ipswich lace factory, baby-shirt of Jonathan Rich- ards 1799 ; loan, pitcher, minute- glass. Henry L. Ordway, shot mould. Mrs. Hannah Parsons, Revolu- tionary canteen. Mrs. Mary S. C. Peabody, pho- tograph. Rev. D. T. Kimball. I. E. B. Perkins, post-office boxes of Stephen Coburn. John Perkins, pewter plates and platters, fire bucket, continen- tal money, Indian implements, list Capt. Dodge's company. M. V. B. Perley, almanacs and di- rectories. Augustine H. Plouff, warming pan. Mrs. Edward Plouff, picture, Geo. Whitefleld, drinking jug. CONTRIBUTIONS TO JIUSEUM. 103 Fred. H. Plouff, lamp, with bull's eye, tavern sign of Cor- poral Foster I8OI1. Chas. B. Rice, D. D., autograph of Whittier. Jas. E. Richardson, loan, Indian implements, price-list, 1777, fractional currency, picture. Rowley Common 1839. John Roberts, blue glasses. Thos. Edward Roberts, writing desk used by Daniel "Webster, and engraving of Webster from his library. Timothy Ross, copies of Ipswich Clarion. Jacob C. Safford, Indian imple- ments. Mrs. HENRy Saltoxstall, Bos- ton, water color, old Whipple house, often called the Salton- stall house. Rich. M. Saltonstall. Boston, " Sir Richard Saltonstall of New England, Ancestry and De- scendants." Angus L. Savory, jar, ploughed up In N. R. Underhiil's land, wood from Avitch-house, so called. In Salem. Charles A. Sayward, Esq., pistol holster used in Ipswich Troop, lock of old post-offlce. George A. Schofield, newspa- pers, pamphlets. John T. Sherburn, old family chest, state bank biU. CoL. Nath. Shatswell, his com- mission as colonel in Civil War, old documents, ancient spit. Edward A. Smith, Salem, fac- simile Trumbull's Battle of Bunker Hill, Eunice K. Smith, hand screen, cheese tongs. Dr. Dana's china and certificate of membership in Bunker Hill Mon. Assoc, mourning badge, pamphlet. Miss Lucy Smith, confederate bill. John G. Sperling, picture, Rus- sian scene. Robert Stone, loan, Shatswell andirons, date „ g, spinning wheel, 1751, box iron. Edward Sullivan, button. John E. Tknney, loan, Spring- field rifle, and canteen carried by him in the Civil War, brush and primer. Mrs. John E. Tennky, loan, towel, spun and woven by the mother of Daniel Webster. Mrs. Susan L. Thomas, piece of ancient embroidery. Hon. Robt. B. Tewksbury, Methnen, pamphlet " The Mer- rimack Valley. Fr^vncis H. Wade, wool-cards, Col. Nath. Wade's Revolution- ary orderly books. Col. Wade's fire bucket, ancient pocket- books. Misses Wait, flag of Denisoa Light Infantry. Mrs. Caruie L. Warner, loan, proclamation 1779, Commercial Advertiser. T. Frank Waters, loan, Wash- ington pitcher, exhibit from shell-heap in Treadwell's Island, roofing tile, glass from old Burnham house. Chas. H. Wells, school readers. Mrs. Chas. H. Wells, Indian relics. 104 CONTRIBUTIONS TO MUSEUM. Mrs. Lucrktia "Whipple, loan, glass-mug of Dr. Manning. Harry H. Wildes, loan, Ham- mett trunk. Fred. A. Willcomb, canteen, Denison Light Infantry, stand- ing stool, owned bj"^ Wm. Oakes, calendars, autographs of Jas. G. Blaine and Senator Foraker. Mrs. W. p. Willett, Orange, N. J., plate owned by Mrs. Julia P. Willett, Memoir of Mrs. Abigail Waters, picture, fres- coes in Sistine Chapel. Joseph R. Wilson, cheese press chair, Dutch oven. Robert C.Winthrop Jr., Boston, autograph letter, John Win- throp Jr., July 20, 1634, in- ventory of Winthrop's house- hold goods, "Evidences of Win- throp of Groton," "Life and letters of John Winthrop,'' " Speeches and Addresses, R. C. Winthrop," "Memoir of R. C. Winthrop," "Washington, Bow- doin and Franklin." BY-LAWS. This Society shall be called the Ipswich Historical Society. II. The objects of the Society are to investigate, record and perpetuate the history of the town of Ipswich, and to col- lect, hold and preserve documents, books, relics and all other matter illustrating its history, or that of individuals or families identified with it. III. The Society shall be composed of resident, honorary and life members ; and all the members shall have the right to attend all meetings, and to enjoy full use of the historical collections of the Society, subject to the ordinary regulations, but the management and disposal of the So- ciety's affairs and property, and the right to vote shall belong only to resident and life members. IV. All members shall be nominated by the Directors and shall be elected by ballot at any regular meeting by a majority of the votes cast. V. Any member of kindred societies, and any person, who has especial interest in the objects of the Society, or who has rendered it valuable service, is eligible for honorary membership. Every person elected an honorary member shall become such by signifying acceptance to the Recording Secretary, in writing. VI. Any donor to the funds of the Society to the amount of twenty-five dollars may be elected a life member, and shall be exempt from the payment of the annual fee. (105) 106 BY-LAWS. VII. Every resident member shall pay an annual fee of two dollars, which shall be due on the iirst of December, and faihire to pay this fee for two years shall forfeit member- ship unless the Directors shall direct otherwise. VIII. An annual meeting for the election of officers shall be held on the first Monday of December and regular meet- ing on the first Monday of February, May and October. Special meetings may be held on the call of the Directors. Due notice of all meetings shall be given by the Record- ing Secretary. IX. The officers of the Society shall be a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, a Recording Secretary, a corresponding Secretary iuid a Librarian, and they shall form collectively a Board of Directors. These officers shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting, and their term of office shall be for one year from the date of that meeting, and until their successors are elected.^ Vacan- cies in the Board of Directors shall be filled for the re- mainder of the year by the remaining Directors. The duties of all these officers sbill be those usually belonging to offices they hold. The Directors shall determine the use to be made of the income and funds of the Society, shall endeavor to promote the especial objects of the Society in such ways as may seem most appropriate, shall appoint such com- mittees as may seem expedient, and shall have the charge and custody of all the property and collections of the Society. XI. These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting or the annual meeting, on recommendation of the Direc- tors, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, provided that due notice has been given of the proposed change at a previous meeting. PUBLICATIONS OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY, VI. ORDER OF EXERCISES Dedication of the Ancient House NOW occur :ed by the society Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, Dec, 5, 1898 INCLUDING A HISTORY OF THE HOUSE BY THE PRESIDENT. ■ffpswicb : The Independent Press. 1899. Home of the Ipswich Historical Society. Ancient Kitchen, Historical House. PUBLICATIONS OF THE IPSWICH HIS TOPIC A L S O CIE T Y, VI. ORDER OF EXERCISES Dedication of the Ancient House NOW OCCUPIED BY THB SOCIETY Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, Dec, 5, 1898 INCLUDING A HISTORY OF THE HOUSE BY THE PRESIDENT. Ilpswicb : The Independent Press. Fit GiJt Tlie :c'08 ANNUAL MEETING. At the annual meeting of the Ipswich Historical Society on December 6th, 1897, the President's Report called the attention of the Society to the ancient house near the depot, commonly known as the Saltonstall house, as an interesting local relict of the remote past, an admirable type of an early style of architecture, too valuable to be allowed to fall into utter ruin, and an ideal home for the Society^ A committee of inspection was appointed, and a thorough examination of the house was made. It was found that notwithstanding the decayed condition of the ex- terior, the interior was well preserved, and of such phenomenal attractiveness that the work of repair and restoration, while extensive and costly, was well worth undertaking. The owner, Mr, James W. Bond, was willing to sell, and the com- mittee reported favorably to the project. In May, 1898, after some preliminary canvas for funds had been made, the Society voted to purchase the property, and a committee of five was appointed to repair and restore the house, as it seemed best to them. The work was begun as soon as the transfer of the title to the designated trustees was accomplished, and was pushed as rapidly as possible through the summer. Before it was completed, it seemed best to secure the incorporation of the Historical Society. The Charter, and By-Laws of the corporation, a list of mem- bers, the proceedings at the dedication, and at the annual meeting, the President's report, which discussed at length the history of the old mansion, and the other reports then presented are published in full in the following pages. THE CHARTER OF THE SOCIETY. Gommonwcaltb of flDaesacbuectts. Bs it kooWn, That whereas T. Frank Waters, Joseph I. Horton, Charles A. Sayward, Everard H. Martin, John H. Cogswell, John W. Goodhue, Charles W. Kelley, Theodore F. Cogswell, William S. Russell, John Heard and John J. Sullivan have associated themselves with the intention of forming a corporation under the name of Tl^e IpsWich h|iStorical Society, for the purpose of gathering and recording of knowledge of the history of Ipswich, and of individuals and families connected with Ipswich, collecting and preserving printed and written manuscripts, pamphlets and other matters of historic interest, and collecting articles of historical and antiquarian interest, and preserving and furnishing in colonial style, one of the ancient dwelling-houses ot said Ipswich, and have complied with the provisions of the statutes of the Commonwealth in such case made and provided, as appears from the certificate of the President, Treasurer and Directors of said corporation, duly approved by the Commissioner of Corporations and recorded in this office. Now, th)erefore, Ij William M. Olin, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that said T. Frank Waters, Joseph I. Horton, Charles A. Sayward, Everard H. Martin, John H. Cogswell, John W. Goodhue, Charles M. Kelley, Theodore F. Cogswell, William S. Russell, John Heard and John J. Sullivan, their associates and successors, are legally organized and established as and are hereby made an existing corporation under the name of The Ipswich liiStorical Society, with powers, rights and privileges, and subject to the limitations, duties and restrictions which by law appertain thereto. ^fgr§:-gr§^§^ ^j^j^ggg j^y official signature hereunto subscribed, and the seal of if^ SEAL ^ the Commonwealth of Massachusetts hereunto affixed this ^^•^':§:-§i§;-§:^ twenty-sixth day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight. WM. M. OLIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. BY-LAWS. I. The objects of the Society are the gathering and recording of knowledge of the history of Ipswich and of individuals and families connected with said Ipswich; the collection and preservation of printed and written manuscripts, pamphlets, and other matters of historic interest, and the collection of articles of historical and antiquarian interest, and the preservation of and flirnishing in colonial stvle of one of the ancient dwelling houses of said Ipswich. 11. The annual meeting for the election of officers shall be held on the first Mon- day in December of each year, and meetings for literary and social purposes shall be held on the first Monday of February, May and October. All meetings shall be called by the directors by a warrant under their hands, addressed to the clerk of the corporation, directing him to give notice of such meeting by sending a notice to each member of the corporation bv mail four days at least before the time of holding such meeting ; which notice shall contain the substance of the matter named in said warrant to be acted upon at such meeting. Said warrant shall state all the business to be acted upon at such meeting, and no other business shall be transacted at such meeting. Special meetings mav be called bv the directors in the same manner as other meetings. III. Any member of the corporation may present the name of anv person jfor membership to the clerk, who shall announce at the next meeting of the corpora- tion thereafter the name of said person so proposed for membership ; and said cor- poration may vote to admit said person to membership of the corporation at the next meeting of said corporation held after the clerk has announced the name for membership. IV. Every member shall pay an annual fee of two dollars which shall be due on the first day of December, and failure to pay this fee for two years shall forfeit membership unless said corporation otherwise direct. V. The officers of the corporation shall be a president, two vice presidents, treas- urer, clerk, corresponding secretary, librarian and three directors. These officers shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting and their term of office shall be for one year from the date of that meeting and until their suc- cessors are chosen. Vacancies in any of these offices shall be filled by the direc- tors for the unexpired term. VI. The directors shall determine the use to be made of the income and funds ot the Society ; shall endeavor to promote the special objects of the Society in such ways as may seem most appropriate, shall appoint such committees as may seem expedient and shall have charge and custody of all property and collections of the Society. VII. These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting or the annual meeting on recommendation of the directors by vote of two-thirds of the members present provided that due notice has been given of the proposed change at a previous meeting. DEDICATORY EXERCISES. On Wednesday, October 19th, the work of repair and restoration being well completed, the Ipswich Historical Society dedicated its new home. The old land- mark, known to many as the Saltonstall house, had undergone a wonderflil transformation without and within. Fresh clapboards and shingles, new wood dex- terously inserted in the decayed spots of the ancient beams, diamond paned win- dows of the original low and broad shape, and a final coat of dark stain had made a very attractive exterior and brought into bold relief the quaint and striking archi- tecture. Within, the partitions that divided the great rooms into two and even three apartments had been removed ; the great fire-places had been restored ; the modern ceilings had been torn away disclosing the original oak floor joists, and the original plastering ; the great beams had been scraped and oiled, and the stately rooms had been brought back, so far as possible, to their original dignity. In the west room on the lower floor the library of the Society and its cabinet of china and heirlooms have been permanently established. A fine oak chest loaned by Mr. D. F. Appleton, an ancient piano loaned by Mrs. Charles S. Tuckerman, andque chairs, pictures, and two great bronze candelabra contributed to make a very pleasing appearance. The east room has been furnished as a kitchen. Its capacious fire-place was equipped with ancient cooking utensils and made bright and cheery with a roaring fire. Pewter platters and ancient fire-arms adorned the walls. The spinning wheels and cheese press and churn were in place, and the fine old hundred -legged table occupied the center. The west chamber was becomingly arranged as a bed room, with a canopy bed made up with ancient bed furnishings, old family chests, cradle and lightstand. A collection of water color pictures of the old houses of the town loaned by the artist, Mr. Walter Paris, of Washington, attracted much attention here. The great east chamber was reserved for the dedicatory exercises, and despite the pouring rain, a notable gathering assembled there. The Essex Institute, of Salem, sent a goodly delegation including the President, Hon. R. S. Rantoul, the b DEDICATION EXERCISES. Secretary and Prof. E. S. Morse. The Danvers, Beverly, Methuen, Essex and Gloucester Historical Societies were represented. Conspicuous among the townsfolk were Mrs. Elizabeth K. Grav, who wore her grandmother's wedding dress in honor of the occasion, and Mr. Aaron Kinsman, hale and hearty and ninety-four, who trained in the Ipswich troop when it escorted La Fayette to Ips- wich August 31, 1824. The President called to order and spoke as follows : Members of the Ipswich Historical Society, representatives of other Historical Societies: Ladies and Gentlemen: We are met here today to dedicate to the use of our Historical Society this ancient house. As President Lincoln said at Gettysburg, we may well feel that we can bring no honor to it by anything that we can say or do here. The old home that has sheltered seven generations of men has won for itself peculiar sanctity. Within these walls the great evxnts in the drama of life have been enacted. There have been births and deaths, weddings and funerals, the sorrows of parting, the joys of home coming, the ;nanifold toil of multitudes. The hopes and fears and disappointments of the dwxllers within these rooms have filled them with tender memories. The whirr ot Polly Crafts' loom seems to sound again in this very room, where she gained a slender livelihood by weaving towels and coarse fabrics, symbolic ot the wearing and patient industry which was the most conspicuous feature of the home life of the past. It is a link that binds us to the remote Past and to a solemn and earnest man- ner of living, quite in contrast with much in our modern life. How long it is since those who planned to build this mansion went up and down the forests to select the grand old oaks and stately pines which should be felled to make these beams! How much of loving toil was spent before they were shaped and carved and fitted! How long the smith forged at his anvil before the nails and hinges were finished! The open panel yonder shows how thoroughly they built, filling every space between the studs with bricks and clay. Whether it was because they feared Indian assault, — for fear of Indian assault was never wholly absent for many years after these stout walls were reared, — and built thus securely, or because they sought to keep out the biting cold of winter, I cannot affirm, but we must admire the solidity of their work. I am often asked how old the house is. I cannot reply definitely. We are sure John Whipple was living on this spot in 1642 and probably in 1638, but whether any portion of this building could have been erected within nine years DEDICATORY EXERCISES, from the wilderness period is open to serious doubt. It seems probalile that the oldest portion was built not far from the middle of the seventeenth centurv. How many men of fine quality have come here! John Norton, the great light of the Ipswich church who went from here in 16^5, to become the famous pastor ot the Old South church in Boston, may have come often. We may feel almost sure that William Hubbard, Pastor, and Historian of the Indian wars, Thos. Cobbett, and the famous Rogerses, and every other of the old time ministers found pleasant greeting, for the Whipples and Crockers were a godly race, and remem- brance still survives of prayer meetings in good Deacon Crocker's time. Gen. Denison in his young manhood dwelt on the adjoining lot; and in his maturer years no doubt came to see the old neighbors and friends; and Major Sam- uel Appleton, the hero of King Philip's War played here in his bovhood, for his father's lands touched these on the west. Symonds and Saltonstall, John Apple- ton and his famous co-patriots of 1687, and many another warmed themselves before the great fires, and made themselves comfortable. In later davs the revolutionarv soldier Col. Hodgkins lived here and died in the parlor below, in a press bed, as his granddaughter remembers. We have done our best to restore the house to its ancient stvle. We have adhered slavishly to the original. These doors and hinges and wooden latches, these great fire-places are all of the olden kind. Later hands had rebuilt the fire- places, and constructed ovens, within their original bounds; but because they were built subsequently, we have removed them and gone back to the primitive shape. These new windows we are sure are of the same size and in the very place occupied by the original ; and two old people, who came often to the house in their childhood, remember windows, which had the diamond panes. Of relicts we have as you see, not a few. Chief among them we reckon, on this 19th day of October, the anniversary of the surrender of Cornwallis at York- town, which is being observed as La Fayette Day up and down our land, the horse- pistol and sabre worn by a member of the Ipswich troop in escorting La Fayette to town on the 31st of August, 1824, and the tumbler from which the Marquis drank at the banquet ; and better than that, we have with us in good health and strength, the old soldier himself, who wore these accoutrements on that day, now in his ninety-fourth year, Mr. Aaron Kinsman. I want to ask Mr. Kinsman to rise that all may see him, and will all arise to receive him with due honor. I will not weary you, however, for I wish to call upon the Pastor of the Old First Church, the successor of Norton and Hubbard and all the rest. Rev. Mr. Constant, to offer prayer, in this room where prayer has been wont to be made su many times in the past. (O DEDICATORY E.YERCTsrS. Prayer was then offered by Rev. Mr. Constant. The following lines bv Mr. Samuel R. Bond of Washington, who lived in the old house in his boyhood, were read bv Mr. John H. Cogswell: "This ancient house to dedicate we meet. As our new home, in this unique retreat; Firm has it stood, two hundred years and more, So staunchly built those ancestors of yore. What visions rise, what thouglits our minds invade, Of stalwart men, who its foundations laid! Laid the foundations of our nation, too, — Brave men, who "builded better than they knew." Our purpose is in keeping with this thought; To learn, preserve and treasure what they wrought. To keep alive the spirit of their deeds, And hold in lasting memory their meeds. If built by Whipple or by Saltonstall, Can make but little difference after all: The type for which it stands is still the same. And character survives without a name. The dedicatory address was then delivered bv Rev. John C. Kimball, of Hartford, Conn., who was introduced as "another boy of the neighborhood." He spoke as follows: — What constitutes the value of an old house like this that we have met here to- day to dedicate to a continued existence, and why should the people ot Ipswich and elsewhere be asked to contribute their money and their sympathy to its restoration and preservation? Why not let it go on to completed ruin, and use our money to put up a new, modern, stylish building which would be architecturally an orna- ment to the town and have spacious and convenient rooms for the uses of our His- torical Society? Is not a return of dust to dust the law of nature with regard to all old things, — old plants, old animals, old men, old institutions, and even old relig- ions? And is not what we are doing to this old building something which is counter alike to nature and to plain business common sense? In one of Scott's novels is an antiquarian, a clergyman, if I remember correctly, who spends a good deal of time and research in the recovery ot an old drinking song not over moral in its tone, which belonged to a past age, and is greatly delighted with his success. Whereupon a friend of his in the plainer walks of life, seeing his delight in such things, offers to procure for him at a very slight cost half a dozen fresh drinking songs that rollicking young blades of his own time were then singing at the village ale-house, and is greatly surprised at his apparent inconsistency when with a good deal of disgust and horror he declines the offer. So if the parishioners and friends of our brother Waters or of any one else among us, should offer to build here a DEDICATORY EXERCISES. I 1 brand new house to live in of exactly the same pattern as this old one, low studded, big beamed, narrow stairwayed, open fire-placed, huge chimneyed, lacking in up- rightness of walls, and, judged by the modern standard, in various ways architec- turallv immoral, I doubt not he would shrink from the offer with equal dismav. And such being the case, where is the consistenc}- of our delight with this one that is not new? What the merit of oldness in a building, when what we want in our- selves and in so many other things is \outh, — young ministers, young chickens, young wives and the like? These are questions, as I understand the matter, that the people of Ipswich wish answered as the condition of their giving their sympa- thy and support to the work in which our Historical Society has here been en- gaged. What is the answer? The answer is first of all that such old things help to that which is the great end of all buildings, all food, all clothing, all toil, all monev-spending, — help us the more largely to live. To live at all, at least in this world, we have got to live in time, and to live largely have got to have something more to live on that what we eat and drink. Time, however, is threefold, not the present alone, but the future and the past, and needs for living in all of it three different sets of faculties and kinds of nutriment. We live in the present with our senses and our immediate per- ceptions and affections; and the whole existing world as it is around us today sup- plies its objects. We live in the future with our hopes, aspirations, plans; and that promising of something better than that which we have now, which all nature is full of, yea, is in the very meaning of the word nature, our own imaginations "bodying forth the form of things unknown," and beyond all these, our religion reaching out into the vast eternal years, they afford its food. But even these are not all of life. To have its utmost fulness we must like- wise live in the past. And to live this part of life we have memory, the memory of ourselves and the memory of our race. In some respects it is one of the most important faculties of the human soul, the one on which psychologically a whole group of other faculties depend, the one without which it is doubtful whether we could be rational, moral, self-conscious human beings. But even apart from the deeper mental uses of memory, how much it adds to the richness and amount of our actual living. It reaches back into our youth, and in spite of wrinkles and years keeps a part of us forever young. It reaches back among our friends, and in spite of death and the grave keeps something about them forever alive. It reaches back with our race through the ages, and in spite of distance and decay gives us the fellowship of its heroes and saints and sages and the accumulating treasures of its wisdom and knowledge. Campbell has sung for us, "The Pleasures of Hope;" Rogers with equal grace "The Pleasures ot Memory." The pleasures of memory I 2 DEDICATORV EXERCISES. are not so brilliant and free from pain as those of hope. But they have this ad- vantage, they are more solid and real, and are of a kind in which their inner mental source can be assisted and strengthened bv actual outward things, bv books, pic- tures, monuments and relics ot the past. It is this fact that suggests the value of this old house and of all that our His- torical Society is doing. It vivifies and strengthens memory, enables us to live more richly in past time, stretches our existence from seventy and eighty to over two hundred years, brings us into touch again with our ancestors and the fathers of the town, and without asking us to desert with our bodilv senses our nice mod- ern dwellings, opens to us a door through which to live with our minds among the furniture, within the walls and under the customs ot our country's far off youth. My sister, whose dwelling is the next house East of this, tells me that a ser- vant of hers, a queer old lady endowed apparently with the faculty of seeing per- sons and things invisible to common eyes, though uneducated and entirely ignorant of the controversy about the building's original ownership, would say sometimes as she looked over here, that she saw sitting at the window a stately dame "very dif- ferent in quality from common folks," arrayed in a cap and style of dress, which, as she described them, correspond very nearly with those of our Puritan age. If her second-sight can be relied upon, it is not without its bearing on the Saltonstall ownership, and it may be well for those who have taken that side and want an evidence which will offset wills and deeds to interview the old lady. But whether her vision was real or not, our historic memory looking in through the windows of the place with eyes equally wonderful and helped by its actual walls, can see it filled with the stately men and women of other days, can ive with them their lives, think with them their thoughts, feel with them their as- pirations. And there is nothing in such visions to make our hair rise and our flesh creep, nothing which is not as sweet and pleasant as it is to meet the good elderly people yet in their flesh who are here today. Oh marvellous power ot association! Oh strange gift of material things, dead, speechless, mindless themselves, to call out of its grave the Lazarus of the past, to unbar the gates of the years and the ages for us to walk again their re-illuminated aisles, to press afresh to our inner lips the wine of joys that time has dried up, and out ot spirit worlds to bring for communion with us once more our loved and lost, their touch, their words, their looks, their love. Do not accuse me of indulging in mere fancy to give this house an unreal value or such as only sentimentalists can teel. There is not one of you here, not the most prosaic fact worshipper, who does not have some relic of the past which unlocks for him treasures that banks cannot hold or figures express; not a childless mother who has not a ribbon or trinket or DEDICATORY EXERCISES '3 little shoe, which a form seen of no outward eye comes back again and again to wear; not a widowed lover who has not a ring or coin or lock of hair, which, Sun- day eves or week-day holy hours, does not rekindle all the old affection; not a scholar in whose library there are not books on whose pages are pictures no pencil ever drew, and between whose lines records no type ever made. What would Rome be without its ruins? What Greece, without its tombs? What Palestine, without its Nazareth? What America, without its Bunker Hill and Gettysburg? Who shall say it is mere fancy which gives them their value? It is their power o making for us the past alive and making us live in the past. In every soul is a Witch of Endor; in every land places from which its Samuels obey her summons. And it is out of what is so precious in our individual experience, and out of what everywhere gives the world so large a part of its wealth, that comes to Ipswich the value of this ancient house. As regards the objection against its preservation that it is the law of nature that all things shall decay and that to keep it from doing so is going counter there- to, it is to be answered that such is only a part of nature's law. Even outward nature with all its destructiveness is likewise very largelv a preserver. What is our whole earth beneath its surface but a grand old house? What are its coal mines, its minerals, its rocks, its fossil animals and plants but the relics stored in it by a historical society ages older than any human one? And without such stores what would our manufactures, our agriculture, our travel, our science be? More wonderful still, our own living bodies and souls, those not only of de- crepit men, but of every new-born babe, are now known under the revelations of heredity to be old houses filled with relics of the immeasurable past — physical or- gans and traits of mind and soul which have come down from ages older than his- tory, and, according to Darwin, from ages older than man. As Holmes has ex- pressed it, "Live folks are only dead folks warmed over" — only ancestral homes with the ancient mould and plaster scraped off, and the original oak beams re- touched with today's fresh varnish. So that after all in preserving this old build- ing we are only following Nature's own example — that Nature which through Emerson has sung, — "■No ray is dimmed, no atom worn, My oldest force is good as new. And the fresh rose on yonder thorn Gives back the bended heavens in dew. Ipswich is fortunate in having so many relics of the past, especially so many old houses. Rightly viewed they are the most precious of all its outward posses- sions. Any town which has monev can build new houses, in new styles, and with all the modern conveniences. The country is full of them. But no money I 4 DEDICATORY EXERCISES. no skill, no enthusiasm can build antiquity, — put up new edifices that are two hun- dred years old. They are the dowry to us of time. And as such what worse than spendthrifts should we be to hand them over to decav — worse than the old medieval monks who erased the precious poetry of classic Greece and Rome to write on parchments beneath it their own trivial subtleties? There is no inconsistency between regard for ancient things, and prosperity in the treasures of our modern life. Rather, the two things naturally go together. Savages have no interest in the past. It is only civilized human beings who write history and preserve ancient memorials. Society is like a tree. It cannot flourish with its trunk resting only on the present's surface. It must, to bear fruic, have roots which go down into the soil of the past, and limbs which lift themselves into the airs ot the far off future. Out in Oregon I knew of a man who tried to clear up his farm by burning up all its dead trees and accumulated mould. When he had done so, he found he had only a gravel bed left. I knew of another man there who in clearing up his farm preserved its mould and decayed trees; and of new products he had not only thirty and sixty, but a hundred and two hundred fold. Which farmer, even in the pursuit of material prosperity, had Ipswich bet- ter follow? Along with its old buildings there is one other thing in which our town is es- pecially fortunate, and that is in having among its citizens a man endowed, as Mr. Waters is, with the knowledge, the enthusiasm, the good taste and the immeasura- ble patience which qualify him to be a leader in their preservation, a man who is not a mere Dr. Dryasdust picking up alike pebbles and pearls that are old, but one with the insight which has been quick to discern the original values to which the years have added their interest. I know a little in my own experience how difficult it is to enlist the sympa- thy even of one's friends in such an enterprise as the restoration of this building has been. I have an oldish ancestral house of my own in town that I have a tender- ness for and which I like to keep clothed in such a garb as is needed to give age respectability. But there is a most excellent lady in my family who finds it hard to share in such a tenderness. She thinks it is my most expensive vice, says laughingly that so far as ribbons and new bonnets are concerned she would be bet- ter off with a husband who had half a dozen ordinary marital iniquities such as ci- gar smoking in her room, muddy boots on the parlor floor, praising his mother's bread above hers, admiring other women and even staying out late at night, than one whose sinfulness takes the form of a wayward passion for old houses. I do not know whether the better half of Brother Waters has the same opinion of her husband's antiquity morals, or the same suffering as its result in the line of DEDICATORY EXERCISES. 15 ribbons and bonnets. But I do know there are some excellent members of our town's municipal family who, seeing what he has been engaged in, have had their doubts raised about his intellectual uprightness, and who would hardly be more perplexed and more parsimonious in their contributions to it of money, had he been engaged in building a nice dancing hall, or a spacious race course, or even an elegant drinking saloon. Nevertheless in the face of all this indifference and coldness he has gone straight ahead putting into it his time, his money, his faculty, his good nature, his unrivalled taste, and his own personal hand-work. I do not forget the aid he has received from his genial fellow members of the Historical Societv and from a few large minded friends at home and abroad. But all will testify that without his leadership the work would never have been done or even started. The tribute of the lady, a stranger, visiting the place awhile ago, and finding him hard at work, yet ready politely to answer all her questions, "I met there a very intelligent paint- er," was how well deserved. And whatever other names the place may bear as to its original builders and occupants, we are glad to think that it will stand, if not at once, yet in the long coming years, as the memorial also of the man who has so self-sacrificingly and so modestly given himself to its preservation. Recognizing thus the value of this old house and of the work which has been put into it, we dedicate it to the memories of the past, to the uses of our Histori- cal Society and to such mementoes of ancient Ipswich life as shall from time to time be gathered within its rooms. In doing so, we feel that we place it along- side ot the town's venerable hills and river and ocean shore as one of its ornaments; alongside its schools and its public library as one of its educational institutions: alongside its markets and workshops and factories as adding to it a wealth finer than gold; and alongside its churches and homes as co-operating fitly with him who compared the kingdom of Heaven to a man who out of his treasury brought forth new and old and who himself came to mankind that they might have life and have it more abundantly. May the interest and support of the town's citizens be gath- ered into it more and more; and as they, too, shall grow old, may it be to them an emblem ot the beauty, the dignity and of the treasures out of the past that our human old age may have, and a reminder of that other house, older than all time, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, within which we all at last hope to be gathered. Hon. Robert S. Rantoul of Salem, President of the Essex Institute, made a few congratulatory remarks, and was followed by Prof. Edward S. Morse, with a bright address, full of wit and wisdom. Mr. James Appleton Morgan of West- field, N. J., author of the well-known poem, "I love to think of old Ipswich town" i6 DEDICATORY EXERCISES. spoke with much feeling of" his Appleton ancestry, and predicted wide-spreading and enduring fame for the ancient house in its new role as the home of the Historical Society. The company then adjourned to the great kitchen, where tea was served by the ladies and great good cheer prevailed. Beside the liberal delegation from the Essex Institute which had arranged a field meeting in town for the earlier portion of the day. Col. David Low, presi- dent of the Gloucester Historical Society, Chas. Woodberry, vice-president of the Beverly Historical Society, John Prince, president of the Essex Historical Society, and Mr. Rufus Choate of the same Society, Andrew Nichols of the Danvers Historical Society and representative of the Methuen Historical Society were also present. ANNUAL MEETING. The first annual meeting of the corporation was held at the house on Winter street on December first, 1898 at 8 p. m. The following officers were elected by ballot: President, T. Frank Watersj vice presidents, John Heard, Frederic Willcomb; clerk, John W. Goodhue; treas- urer, Joseph I. Horton; directors, Charles A. Say ward, Everard H, Martin, John H. Cogswell; corresponding secretary, John H. Cogswell; librarian, John J. Sulli- van. The following amendment to the Constitution was adopted: "Any person not a resident of Ipswich, who has contributed or mav contri- bute five dollars to the Society may be elected an honorary member of the cor- poration, and shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Society except that of voting at its meetings." The report of the president was read and accepted. The report of the treasurer was read and accepted. \ PRESIDENT'S REPORT. At the last annual meeting of the Ipswich Historical Society, the project of purchasing the ancient Whipple House and fitting it for the use of the Society, was considered, and a committee was chosen "to inquire into the feasibility of the plan." No words of mine are needed to tell in detail the result of their deliberations. To- night we meet under its ancient roof The title deeds are held by our Society as a corporate body. The work of repair and restoration is complete. Our collec- tions are arranged in these great rooms. With becoming enthusiasm our mansion has been formally dedicated to its new and honorable use as an historic landmark, and the home of the Society. Already the fame of this ancient building has gone abroad. Many strangers have come to see it and the unanimous verdict is, that the house is of extraordinary intrinsic value, and that our Society is most fortunate in securing possession. COL. JOSEPH HODGKINS. The house now occupied by the (pswich Historical Society was once the home of Col. Hodgkins. (18) ANNUAL MEETIXC PRESIDENT S REPORT. lU As a specimen of seventeenth century architecture, this house is an obiect of just pride. The size and quality of these superb oak beams, their finely finished moulded edges, the substantial oak floor joists, the great posts with their escutcheons so laboriously wrought, the noble size of these four great rooms, proclaim that this was a home of wealth and refinement, and make it easv- for us to believe that it was the finest mansion of the town. Many ancient houses have disappeared, but the most tenacious memory of the oldest inhabitant cannot recall such strength and elab- orate finish as we find here. So far as I am familiar with the oldest houses now remaining, none can compare with this for a moment. The question of its age is constantly raised, by town-folk and stranger alike. The other question of its ownership is still vigorouslv argued. I think I can do no better service at this time than tell the story as I have been able to discover it, by- long and careful and repeated research. Many remember Mr. Abraham Bond, the father of Mr. Jas. W. Bond, from whom our Society purchased the property. He bought the house and about an acre of land of Caleb K. Moore, October 7, 1841 [Essex Co. Deeds, 327:157.] and made his home here for the remainder of his life. Mr. James W. Bond re- members that in his boyhood, the floor joists were exposed as we see them now, but fashion decreed that a more modern style was to be preferred, and vandal hands chipped and hacked the venerable timbers, nailed laths upon them, and covered them from sight with very commonplace plastering. The old fire- place in the kitchen in the leanto was bricked up within his remembrance, and the latest addition on the northwest corner was built. Mr. Moore had purchased the house with an acre and eleven rods of land from Mr. Nathaniel Wade and others, heirs of the estate of Col. Joseph Hodgkins, in 1833, October 31st [Essex Co. Deeds, 271:164]. This was only half of the" Hodgkins estate, however, and on Aug. 11, 1841, the heirs sold the balance of the property, measuring an acre and eleven rods, to James Estes. As the deed de- scribes it, this piece of land extended down Winter street, to the barn and land of Joseph Farley, now occupied by the buildings of the Ipswich Mill, followed the line of the Farley land to the river, extended along the river bank to the Samuel Wade propc-ry, and followed this line to Moore's boundary line. The Hodgkins property thus extended from the main road to Topsfield to the river, and measured two acres and twenty-two rods. [Essex Co. Deeds, 326:215.] Col. Hodgkins had married for his third wife, Mrs, Lydia Treadvvell, relict of Elisha Treadvvell and daughter ofDea. John Crocker. Her brother, Joseph, at his death owned and occupied the house, and the other heirs sold their interest to her husband. The original deed of sale, bearing date of May i6th, 18 13, is before ANNUAL MEETING PRESIDENT S REPORT. me as I write, conveying to Col. Hodgkins five-sixths of the estate for $750. One chamber was reserved to the unmarried sister, Elizabeth Crocker, who occupied it by the express provision of her father's will drawn in 1804. The deed still re- serves to Elizabeth "the great chamber in the west end of the house, with the priv- ilege of going in and out at the front dojr, and a right to use the entrv way and stairs in common, and a right to bake in the oven in the north-easterly room, to go to and from the well, and a privilege in the cellar to put and keep so much cider, vegetables and other necessaries sufficient for her own use, also liberty to pass and repass to and from the yard at the southwest end ot said house, and to keep therein the wood for her own use, said reservations to continue so long as she shall remain single and unmarried, as expressed in the last will and testament of said John Crocker deceased." Miss Sarah Wade, the granddaughter of Col. Hodgkins, is very sure that he did not take up his residence in the old mansion until 181 8, and she tells me that her father built on the pantry, which now serves as the hallway of the caretaker's tenement, in that vear, to increase the convenience of that portion of the house. Miss Wade, then a smart slip of a nine-year-old girl, was often at the house and has vivid recollection of her honored grandfather and his home. He was then 75 years old, with thin hair which was gathered into a queue, a very tall man with strongly marked Roman nose. How the venerable soldier must have bowed himself under these low doorways! His residence gives much character to our mansion. He had served as lieutenant in the Ipswich Company of Minute Men at Bunker Hill, and had fought at the battles on Long Island, at Harlem Heights, White Plains and Princeton, and was at Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga. To his last days, he would have his pewter plate, which was kept with the platters on a high shelf in the kitchen. The dark passage-way from the kitchen to the bed- room served as a cheese room. The room we have occupied as our kitchen was the parlor, and the only carpet in the house covered the floor. Some roundabout chairs, and a pair of great brass andirons were included in the parlor furnishings, and a quaint colored English print of the Countess of Suffolk's house near Twicken- ham, published in 1749, hung on the wall, and is now owned by Miss Wade. The west room was the family sitting room, and in this room the old Revolution- ary soldier died, lying in an old press bed in the center of the room on Sept. 25, 1829. Upstairs Miss Polly Crafts made her home in the East chamber, and worked at her loom, weaving. Through these rooms, the lively young Sarah roamed, turning over the hour-glasses, peering into the great fireplaces and looking up their black throats to see the stars, and scampering down across the garden to the old malt-house, on the site of the mill storehouse, to pick the wild roses that bloomed ANNUAL MEETING ^PRESIDEXT S REPORT. 21 there in profusion. She slept in the little bedroom that opened from the West Lower Room, the night her grandfather died; and she remembers distinctly that the window in that room was diamond paned and opened like a door. Her brother, Mr. Francis H. Wade remembers a window of the same st\le in the front gable end. Follo\ving this clew, we have made all our windows with diamond-glass. Mrs. Hodgkins, as was said, was the daughter of Dea. [ohn Crocker. That excellent man disposed of his worldlv goods in his will as follows: In the name of God Amen. I John Crocker of Ipswich in the County of Essex as to my worldly goods and estate, [I] give, demise and dispose of the same as follows — viz. Imprimis. I give and devise to my son Joseph his heirs & assigns forever, my malt house and about one acre of land adjoining with the well and drane lead- ing to said malt house, also a desk that his mother brought to me when we were married. Item. I give and bequeath to mv daughter Elizabeth, the great Chamber in the west end of mv dwelling house so long as she shall remain single and unmar- ried. I also give her a case of drawers and a chest with two drawers, which was her mother's. I also give and bequeath to my said daughter, Eliz. one cow and two sheep, such as she shall choose, to be winterd and summerd for her by my son John, and also sixtv dollars in money. Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Mehitabel Appleton, sixty dollars in money. Item. I give to my son-in-law Thomas Appleton a note of hand I have against him dated April 28, 1795. Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Lydia Treadwell, sixty dollars in monev Item. I give to my grandson Thomas Wade and Samuel Wade thirty dol- lars each. Item. I give and bequeath to my grand daughters Mary Waldron and Abigail Waldron, thirty dollars each. Item I give and bequeath to my son-in-law, Edward Waldron, at my decease, my great Bible. Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth, one feather bed and bedding which her mother brought to me, when I married her. Item. 1 give and bequeath to my three daughters and to my grand-children, children of my Daughters, Mary and Hannah, deceased, the whole of my household goods (excepting my silver tankard) to be equally divided between them. I give to my daughters aforenamed and my aforesaid grandchildren, at my decease, all my books to be divided in same manner as I have ordered my house- hold goods to be divided. Item. I give and devise to my son Joseph and to my daughter Elizabeth, and to their heirs and assigns in equal shares, my Pew in the South Meeting House in this town. Item. I give to my sons John and Joseph all my wearing apparel and farming utensils to be equally divided between them. 11 ANNUAf- MEETrNG PRESIDENT S REI'ORT. Item. I give and devise to my son John and to his heirs and assigns forever all my buildings and lands, excepting such part of mv buildings and lands as I have before given to mv son Joseph and my daughter Elizabeth. Item. I give and bequeath to my said son, all my stock of cattle and sheep, all mv notes of hand, mv silver Tankard, and all the rest and residue of my estate. Mav 3, 1 804. [Essex Co. Probate Records 374:9:10.] An inventory and appraisement of the estate of Deacon John Crocker late of Ipswich. [Probate Records 374 : 81.] In the West lower room a clock 516 I looks glass $8 one desk ^5; 29.00 a settee $3 black walnut table 4 foot, $2.50 5- 5° writing desk ^1 small round table ^1, light stand 30 cts stands candlesik 1.25 3.55 one great chair and 6 small ditto viol back $3.50 i round table $1.25 4-75 one small chair turkey worked 33cts hand iron, shovel & tongs $2.50 2.83 one feather bed, bolster and pillows $23, bedstead sacking bottom %z 25.00 curtains $1.50 3 blankets $4.50 calico quilt ^2 8.00 tea salver $1.25 great Bible $4 other books & paphts $6.00 i i.. 25 2 pair small scales & weights 80 cts hearth brush 25c 1.05 Westerly bed room. 1 bed, bolster & pillows $27 under bed & bedstead $2.75 29.75 2 blankets $z 2 do $3 i bed quilt $2 i coverlet $2 13 pr sheets ^22.75 31-75 10 pair pillow cases $3.07 table cloths ^4.75 i 2 napkins $1.75 9-50 East room 3 leathd chairs $1.50 round chair & cushion ^i 2.50 four old. chairs 67 cts, small looking glass %\ 1.67 pair small handirons 5oct small table i 2 ct 62 East bed room, underbed, bedstead & cord $ 1. 25 3 coverlets $3.75 5.00 two blankets %i i pair sheets %z linen wheel & reel %\ 5.00 tinpail 33 cts scales & weights 50 cts wearing apparel $25 25.83 32 ounces silver plate ^32.42 half dozen teaspoons ^2.50 34'92 I pair shoe & knee buckles ^3 set gold buttons $3.50 6.50 West chamber. i case drawers $1.50 one ditto faneerd $7 8.50 six leath'd chairs $2.50 one great ditto ^3, small cane backd %\ 6.50 ANNUAL MEETING — -PRESIDENT'S REPORT. 2 '5 bed, bolster & pillows $22 under bed, bedstead & cord $3 35.00 curtains & valions jgj one pair sheets $2.50 rcQ 289.97 one blanket $1.50 coverlet $1 bed quilt $2.00 4. Co small pair hand irons 50 cts i maple table $i small looking glass .25 1.75 In the East chamber. 1 bed, bolster, & i pillow $25, under bed, bed std & cord $2.50 27. Co 3 blankets $3.25 three bed quilts $^ 7.2q square oak table 50 cts. old chest and fire screen 75 ct 1.21; flaxcomb $1. iron-jack 75c T.yi; In the kitchen i brass kettle $3 one brass pan $2 r.cxj Pewter $9, handirons $2'. 50 shovel & tongs $1 12.50 gridiron 50 cts candlesticks 50 toasting iron 50 i tq I pr brass candlesticks $1 iron and tin ware $6 7.00 bell metal skillet 30 cts brass skillet j; i T.30 tin ware $1.75 warming pan $1.00 pr bellows 25 ct 7.00 earthen ware & glass bottles ^2 case with bottles $1.50 3- 50 crockery ware & glass ditto ^3 3 tables $1.75 4-75 a mortar 2 coffee mills flesh fork, skimer and skewers 2. 00 3 iron bread pans $1 3 chests $1.50 meal chest 50 3,00 kitchen chairs $1.50 old cask & tubs $2. 50 50 lb. salt pork $B 12.00 cheese press §1.25 two spits $1.25 pails $1 J-Co Inventory of estate of foseph Crocker, maltster: House and barn and malt-house, with other buildings & land 900.0c I blue coat $3.00 i blue surtout coat $2.50 i blue grate coat $3.50 9.00 I black waist coat $ i 2 green waist coats $ i 2 pair small cloths woolen and drawers $2 4.00 I pair kersey meer small cloths 50 cts i pair nankin jacket, and breeches $1 1.50 1 pair cotton and linen trowsers $1. 8 shirts $6.50 8 pair of hose $3.50 i i.oo 1 pair leather gloves 12 cts. 2 silk and one linen handkerchief $1.75 1.87 3 pr. old trowsers 75 cts 2 frocks $1. 2 pair of boots $3.75 2 pair of shoes $1 .50 7.00 2 telt hats 60 cts. i gun, bayonet & snap sack and cartridge box ^5 5.60 I gun & cartridge box, and 2 powder horns $2 live hare cleaned 60 cts 2.60 John Crocker disposed of this property to his brother Joseph, though I find no record of the transaction, as Joseph's heirs sold to Col. Hodgkins. But in .s. 24 ANNUAL MEETING PRESIDENT S REPORT. the return of the administrator of Joseph Crocker, in March 1 8 1 4, we find the items "five sixths of dwelling house and land sold to Joseph Hodgkins Esq. 750.00 "to paid John Crocker 621.38 Deacon John received the estate by inheritance from his father, Benjamin Crocker, a man ot excellent qualitv. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1713, was Representative in 1726, 1734, ^Ti^y taught the "Grammar school many years, and often preached. He made his will after the pious fashion of his day and devised his property as follows: WILL OF BENJAMIN CROCKER. In the name of God, Amen. April 9, 1766. I Benjamin Crocker, of Ipswich in County of Essex, in New England, being in Health of Body and Mind & Memory (thro the Favour of Almighty God,) & calling to Mind the Uncertainty of Life and Certainty of Death, Do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament, and Principally and above all I recom- mend my Soul into the Hands of God, Thro Jesus Christ, hoping for his sake and Righteousness to find acceptance with God at the great Day of his Appearing ; and my Body to decent Christian Burial : and touching such worldly Estate as God been pleased to bestow upon me, I give and dispose of the same in Manner follow- ing, viz. — Imprimis. I give to my well beloved wife Elizabeth fourteen pounds, and all that estate which she brought with her to me upon our Marriage; provided and on Condition she shall acquit all her Right or Claim and Interest in & to all the rest of my estate. Item. I give to my daughter, Mary Gunnison, the two best silver spoons, which, with what I gave her at her Marriage, together with what she held of land, which she had of land which she and her Brother sold to Charles Tuttle after her Marriage, which I account of a sufficient Part of my Estate. (The particulars of which I have set down in a Pocket Book in my Desk. ) Item. I give all the rest of my Estate both real and personal of what Nature soever to my son John Crocker, after my Debts and funeral Charges are paid by my said Son. Benjamin Crocker. [Probate Records 343:481] Mary Crocker, the first wife of Benjamin, received the property from her father. Major John Whipple. No record of sale, gift or inheritance from her remains, but the identity of the property is indisputable as will appear from our subsequent study of adjoining estates. ANNUAL MEETING PRESIDENT S REPORT. 25 The will of Major John ^^'hipple, Crocker's father-in-law, is of much interest and I append it in tull : WILL OF MAJOR JOHN WHIPPLE. In the name of God Amen. The thirtieth day of August I722. I John Whipple, of Ipswich, In the County of Essex in New England, being sick & weak of Bodv but of perfect Mind & Memorv, Thanks be Given to God therefore. Calling to Mind y« Mortality of my Body Sc knowing y^ Is Appointed for all Men Once to Dve Doe make and Ordaine This my Last Will & Testament; that Is to sav principally & first of all I Give and recommend mv Soul Into the hands of God that Gave it, and mv Body I Recomend to ve Earth to be buryed in a Decent & Christian Buriall att ye Discretion of my Exec, nothing Doubting but att ye Genii Resurrection I shall receive the same againe by ye Almightv power of God; and as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith It hath pleased God to bless in This Life, I Give, Demise & Dispose ot the same in the following Manner or Forme. Impr. I give to mv Daughter Marv Crocker & To the Heirs of her Body Law'fully begotten mv now Dwelling House & Homestead with all the buildings upon the same. Also I give to mv Daughter Crocker all ye furniture both of the parlour and Parlour chamber also one Bed More such as shee shall Chuse with all ye furniture to ye same belonging, also Three pair of Sheets, Two Large Table Cloths & Two Smaller Ones & Two Dozen of Napkins, also I give unto my Daughter Crocker all the utensills of y'^ Kitchen & Leantoe & also my two Neb oxen & all my Utensills for husbandrv, also One old Common Right & mv Negro Man & Two Cowes. Item. I give to mv son-in-law Benj. Crocker my and fouling piece. Item. I give to my Grandson, W'" Brown, my pistolls and holsters. It. I give to my Granddaughter, Martha Brown, forty pounds. It. I give to Daughter Rogers my Negroe Woman Hannah. It. I give to my Grandson, John Rogers, twenty pounds and after all my Lawful debts and all y"^ above Legacies & my funerall Charges are all payd, the whole of my Estate which shall then remaine Both real and personal. Bills, Bonds, Whatsoever to be honestly apprized & Equally Divided between my Three daugh- ters, Martha, Mary & Susannah. [Probate Records 313:458] INVENTORY. [313:555] Wareing apperell ^30 Book 80s Bills and Bonds ^182-14-6 horse & mare etc;^ii2 328 14 6 64 3 o 6 15 1 7 4 ° 6 6 5 8 9 6 7 I 8 26 ANNUAL MEKTING PRKSIDF.NI 's REPORT. COWS, Steers, hcfFers & calves ^-|-7 9s Household stuff in y^ Hall £16 14s Household goods in v^ bedroom below jQz ^s in v"-' bed room above 90s In the Kitchen Chamber ^J 8s Sheets, Pillow beers, Napkins, Table cloths. To wells 196s 1 2 yds Linnin Cloth 409 l 2 yds Druggt 409 20 yds Cotton & Linnin 40s old Curtain 6s 2 blankets, 2 Coverlids, I Rugg, 60s I Reel i os Linncn c\' Worsted yarn 38s wool 10s Cotton vvooll ^os bottles 203 2 sadles 96s 12 bar'-'"'^ 24s 2 tubbs 69 5 swine iocs Calash &: Tackling 40s Slay i 8s an old saw mill standing on Ipswich River with y<^ apurtenances be- longing to y^ mill without y*^ priviledge of y*-' streem 15 00 An addition of the Parsonall Estate of John Whipple Esq. taken April i 7th, 1723. One silver headed Cain 35s one walnut staff with silver head 13s 280 one old Desk 3s pr Cards is 4d 1 Knife and fork 2s about 50 Gro. buttons old 63 0124 I pr sheers 6d i old press ? 1 8s i pine chest 4s i Table 4s i Do 2S 2 old Chairs is i pr stillards 5s 1146 When the Rev. John Rogers receipted for his son's legacy, as his guardian, it is recorded that it was in accordance with the will of "Major John Whipple." It is important that every clew however slight to the successive generations of Whipples be noted, as we enter now a bewildering maze of John Whipple, Cap- tain John, Major John, Cornet John, Elder John, John Senior, etc., through which it is verv difficult to thread our way. This will of Major Whipple drawn in 1722 contains one item of note in determining the age ot different portions of the house. It mentions the ''kitchen & Leanto." One addition, at least, had been made prior to this date; but whether it was the very small leanto that seems to have been built first on the northeast corner, or the larger and later addition that provided a new kitchen, we can not determine. I incline to the former hypothesis, as there is mention of only four rooms in the will and inventory. Two slaves are included in his estate, a negro man, who was given to Dame Crocker, and Hannah, who became the property ot the minister's wife, Mrs. John Rogers. We are glad that she was a person ot sufficient note to be mentioned bv name. The humble black man, who was sand- ANNUAL MEETING I'RESIDENT S REPORT. 2~J wichcd in between *'an old common right" and "Two Cowes," is mentioned only as a chattel . Major John Whipple was the eldest son of Captain |ohn Whipple Senior, who made his will in 1683. The will is of value, and is inserted in full. The Inven- tory, which follows, is minute and is published in a verv slightly abridged form. THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF CAPT. JOHN WHIPPLE, SEN. OF IPSWICH. I, John Whipple Sen of Ipswich, having not settled my estate before in case of death do thus order the estate which God hath graciously given me. Inprimis my will is yt Elizabeth, my well beloved wife, shall enjoy one halfe of my dwelling house so long as shee shall see cause to live therein, and if mv execuf'^ shall provide her y*^ going of a cow or two, with y*^ use of an horse for her occa- sions during yt time: And my will further is yt my execuf'^ shall pay or cause to be paid unto her fifteen pounds b\' y"= year, besides w^ is already mentioned during y^ time of her naturall Life. Item, my will is yt my daughf Susan Lane shall have y'^ portion w^'' she hath already Receiv^ed (which I judge to be about seaventy pound) made up an hundred and fifty pounds, in like specie as before. I will also that my sd daughter shall have y^ remainder of her portion paid her within three years after my decease, my will likewise is, that my youngest daughter Sarah Whipple shall be brought up with her mother (if shee be willing thereunto) and my executors to allow her w' maintenance is necessary thereunto, & to have like- wise an hundred and fifty pounds for her portion at the time of her marriage, or when she comes to one and twenty years of age. Concerning my three sons, it was my intent y* if my estate were divided into five parts y' my eldest son should enjoy two fifth parts thereof, y^ other three to be left for y*^ other three viz. Matthew, Joseph & Sarah. But apprehending that I am not like to escape this sicknesse, I thus dispose concerning the same, viz. I will that my son John and my son Matthew shall be execuf^ of this my last will & testament for y*^ present & y' my son Joseph shall be joyned as an execuf w"> them two, as soon as ever he comes to be of age. And then my Will is that if my son John enjoys all y^^ Lands, houses, buildings & appurtenances, and Priviledges thereunto belonging where he now lives together with y'^ Land in y'^ hands of Arthur Abbot to be Added there- unto: And that my son Matthew enjoy es y*^ Lands, houses, where he now lives, the appurtenances & priviledges w''^ y<^ saw mill & y" Land in y^ tenure of Fennell Ross, y' then my son Joseph when he comes of Age shall enjoy y"^ houses, build- ings. Malting office, w''' y'^ other Lands, pasture. Arable & meadow where I now 28 ANNUAL MEETING PRESIDENT S REPORT. live as his right of Inheritance & portion, to him and his heires forever, provided y« my son John do help him to order & manage y*^ same till he himselfe comes of Age. And also mv will is that then he pay an hundred pound out of his estate to his sister Sarah, and v^ rest of her and her sister Susan's portion to be paid out of y*^ Debts and other chattels which are found belonging to my estate. But if my two elder sons be not satisfied with this Distribution of my Reall estate, my will is yt my whole estate (with w^hat is in my son John's and Matthew's hands already of houses and lands) both reall and personal be equally divided by indifferent Apprizall into five parts, and if then my eldest son shall have two fifths thereof, my son Matthew another fifth, and if Joseph shall have another fifth and y^ y^ last fifth shall be improved to pay debts and other Legacies and y' w' ever land falls to any of my three sons shall be to them and their Heires f )rever. In witness whereof I have set to my hand & scale this second of x^ugust 1683. John Whipple. my will also is y' if my two sons, John & Matthew choose to enjoy y*^ farmes y' then J"° shall also have y^ ten acres of marsh by Quilters & Matthew as much of my marsh in JOHN WHIPPLE ye Hundreds to them and their Heires forever excepting y'^ marsh in y«= Island w'^'^ may be sold to pay debts. signed, sealed & Delivered in presence of us William Hubbard Samuel Phillips Daniel Epps [Probate Records 304:10] An Inventory of the Estate of Captaine John Whipple of Ipswich, taken by us whose names are underwritten the tenth of Septemb'' 1683 Imprs His wearing Apparell, Woollen & Linnen prized at ^27 i8s 27 18 o It. A feather Bed & Bolste>' ^5 curt"^ vallins, coverl^ all of searge ^ i 2 It. ADiaper tablecloth at ^2 5s a shorter Diaper tablecloth ^ I 2S 6d It. An old cupboard cloeth 2s Lesser cupboard cloeth 5s towells 4s It. Three Pillow Beeres 9s 9 Diaper napkins 13s 6d 8 napkins 7s It. Turkey worke tor chairs & fringe & cloeth to make them £^ 5s It. Linsy woolsey cloeth 12s 3d a Remnant of Broad cloth 6s a yd Kersey 8 s i ' It. Fine cloth to bottom chairs ^-^ 13s cushions 9s a chest of drawers ;^2 15s 61; 17 3 / 6 1 1 I 9 6 3 5 ANNUAL MEETING PRESIDENT S REPORT. It. Two cushion stuoles at 6s a great chaire 5s Brass cob irons ^ i 5s It. A looking glass los two wicker baskets ^s gloves 3s four chairs j£ i 12s It. Two bolsters ;^ I )S coverlid ^i a blanket & sheet ;^i It. A Bedstead & cover i6s 6 fine wrought chairs ^2 8s Jt. Three Leather chairs 9s fring chaire 6s a great chair 6s It. Fine Stool fringe 6s cushions 4s (covered) It. A fine wrought form & stoole 7s brass fire pan tongs & snufi-ers It. Two pair of iron tongs & a warming pan i 2S a case of knives 55 It. PistoUs, holsters & Belt £2 15s one cushen and matt 7s It. Brush & Broomes 2s 3 Pictures 3s a Book of Maps 5s It. Thirteen napkins & towells los a course table cloth los It. Two old table-cloths two towells &: two cheese cloth 6s It. Three sheetes i 8s one sheet 8s one pair of sheets 1 6s It. One pair of fine sheets ^i 5s an old pair 6s old Books 2S It. Two course pillow beers 3s three bolster cases 7s 3 pillow beeres I sheet It. One sheet i 2S 6d old sheet 4s another 4s one sheet 8s It. A sheet & Bolster case 3s 6d a Pillow case & drawers 2s It A yellow silk scarfc 12s an old yellow scarfe los It. A yard ^ fine holand i 5s Remn'^ of hol'«'» 3s yarns, thread tape 7s 150 It. One chest 6s a Rapeyer <& Belt ^i 13s a cutlas 15s a Rapeyer los 340 It. Files and sawes 3s chissells, gouges, gimblets 3s 8d 6 8 It. Three pair of sheares 4s 6d two locks 2s one auger is 76 It. One auger is a span shackle & pin 2S old Iron & stirrup irons 6s 9 o It. Two old Bills IS whissells 3s Basket & Gloves 3s 070 It. A Basket & yarne 3s scales & lead weights i 2s 0150 It. A compas 2s a file is A Razor & hone 3s Box & old iron 2S 6d 086 It. A great Bible 1 6s in Books ^5 8s 9d 5 Bonles of syrrup of clove gilly fl 7^9 It. Three bottles of Rosewater 6s two Bottles of mint water 3s 90 It. A Glass Bottle of Port wine 2s Angelica water sirrup of gilli fill's, strawberry water 3 Bottles 4s 3 pint Bottles a great Glass 4s 100 It. Three greate Gaily Pots w* w« was in them 4s 2 earthen chamber pots, etc lo o 29 I 16 2 10 3 5 3 4 I I 1 3 17 3 2 lo 1 6 2 2 I 13 I 5 i 8 6 5 6 I 2 JO AN'N'UAL meeting PRESIDENT S REPORT. It. A Box Drawers, two peices of twine £i 2s a 'bag with sugar IS 6d It. Spurs and wyer is 6d 2 cavnes 2s croaper and a girdle is 3d It. A Bedstead and cover above and below curtains and vallance ;^ 2 6d It. A cupboard with small things in it £2 3d A deske and drawers i 2s 21 It. A small Box is a brush and a stock to do limmes is 6d o : It. Seaven di&hes of white earthen ware one Bason and a sully bub pot 1 6s It. One glass slick stone earthen porrenger and pot 3* 2 flower pots IS It. eight cushens j£ i los table los great chair 4s 3 small chaires 65 It. To a great chaire 4s window curtain is 6d part of a Buriing cloth 8s It. Forty cheeses j£^ an apple trough 6s two powdering tubs 6s 6d Lether 2s It. Three beer Barrells 8s a great glass is a powdering tub 5s and old tubs 48 It. Two andirons 14s churn 4s firkin w'^ 4 lb of butter £1 5s — It. Two earthen pots 2s 4 pound candles 2s 8d a hand jack is 3d 2 p"" scales gaily pot It. The best pewter 77 lb £j 14s 10 lb more of pewter ^i old pewter 15 lb ^i candlesticks £1 It. a Bed pan 9s two basons 8s four old candlesticks 9s 5 salt sellers 5s one more 2s It. Two Basons & 4 Pottingers one beaker 9s 6 new pottingers 7s 6d a pottinger 43 It. Two pint pots 6s flagon 14s 2 quart pots 6s It. Two old chamb"" pots los 4 lb old pewter & a 3 qt bason 9s cop"" pot 63 tin-ware 6s tin ? It; Plate one bowle ? ^3 three spoons ^1 los silver cup los pair buttons 2s 6d three pair buttons 3s one buckle is a pair of shoe buckles 63 3 dozen of plate buttons £ 1 It. a still with Instrum'* belonging £1 los tin lanthorn is beams for scales & weights It. a Box iron 4s a smoothing iron is a brass copp'='' ;^7 a great Brass pan jCz 14s ANNUAL MEETING PRF.SIDENt's REPORT. It. Two small brass pans ^i 12s 6d old copper kittle 19s a brass kittle ^j 5s It Two small brass skillets 6s 2 small brass Ladles c^- one skimmer 4s 6d It. A brass bason 4s skillet 5s a little brass kettle 7s skillet 4s It. Wool combs vv'l' belongs to them i 6s a brass chafeing dish 3s It. Two bell mettle pots one ^2 5s y"-' other £1 5s an iron kettle 8s & lit' iron pot It. Two dozen of trenchers is 6d one trav 6 old dishes w'l' other dishes 3s 4d two piggins is 6d It. Three checshoopes is earthen Pitcher 3d one paylc, one piggin & strainer 3s ^d h. An iron pot & pot-hooks 9s 6d two tramels w''' irons to hang upon I 2s It. a pair oi bellows, meat forke, augar .^ gridiron 4s a trammel with hooks to it i 2s It. a fowling piece ;i^i los two carbines £2 a jack, weight l*v: a spit £2 10 It. a salt box Sc salt is two old bibles is 4 old chairs & old jovnt stoole 4s It. a mealc trough 6s sives 3s 6d shreding knife is frying pan and marking iron 4s It. a cushion 3s cap & fardingalls is a kettle & skillet 9s It. a bed & bedding 15s old spinning wheel 3s an old chest 3s It. The Homestead at towne, dwelling house, kilne & other houses It. a great saddle bridle cS: breast plate, crouper w^'' a cover at ;^3 los It. I'istols, holsters, breast plate crooper & simiter £2 5s It. a tramel & slice 6s It. two keelers 4s It. I-awrence y'^ Indian at ;^4 3 yds crape at 6s It. The farme Landes, Arthur Abbots housing cSj land It. Fennel Rosses housing & land It. The saw-mill w''' all implements belonging to it It. |ohn's house & barn & kilne at 140 It, Matthew's house & barn The total appraisal was ;^3 3i4. It will be noticed that the homestead was apportioned to Josepli in the will, 31 3 12 6 10 6 I 19 + 4 16 4 5 ! I 6 16 6 6 14 6 •3 1 I y^o 3 10 2 5 6 4 4 6 190 190 40 140 140 jf ANNUAL MEETtNC— PRESIDENT S REPORT. but in the final division as it is recorded under date of Oct. 31, 1684, John re- ceived "the mansion house his father deceased in wrh Barn, outhouses, Kihic, or- chards &: homestead wth commonage & privileges in and upon Two acres & a haU of land be it more or less, called ye Homestead in Ipswich Towne." [Book 305: folio 135]. Captain Whipple's farm lands included the present Gardner estate, I judge, in Hamilton. His wealth was very unusual in his day, and the appraised value of the house with its modest house lot is phenomenal. It was valued at ;^33o. Gen. Denison's property was inventoried the year before, 1682, and his dwelling house was appraised at ^160. [Ipswich Records 4:506]. He was a man of wealth [^2105], and his house had been built but a tew years, as his earlier residence had been burned, yet this fine residence as we may imagine it to have been, was reckoned worth less than half as much as Capt. Whipple's mansion. Dep. Gov. Samuel Symonds died on Oct. 13th, 1678, five years before, leaving an estate of 2534 pounds sterling, but his house and about two acres in town, in the very center, were estimated worth only one hundred and fifty pounds. These valuations confirm me in the belief that Captain Whipple's mansion was the grandest in the town or in the larger neighborhood. He inherited a com- fortable fortune from his father, John Whipple, the elder of the church. His will and inventory made in the year i66g, and indorsed upon the outside "Elder John Whipple" are as follows: WILL OF JOHN WHIPPLE, SENIOR— 1669. [Filed, not recorded.] In the name of God, Amen. I, John Whipple Senior of Ipswich in New England, being in this present time of perfect understanding and memory, though weake in body, committing my soule into the hands ot Almighty God, and my body to decent buryall, in hope of Resurrection unto Eternall life by the Merit and power of Jesus Christ, my most mercyfull Saviour and Redeemer, doe thus dispose of the temporall Estate w'^^ God hath graciousely given mee. Imprimis. I give unto Susanna Worth of Newbery my eldest daughter thirty pounds and a silver beer bowle and a silver wine cup. Item. I give unto my daughter Mary Stone twenty pounds and one silver wine cup, and a silver dramme cup. Item. I give unto my daughter Sarah Goodhue twenty pounds. And all the rest of my houshold goods my will is that they shall be equally divided betwixt _my ANNUAL MEETING I'RESSDENT S REF'ORT. ^3 three daughters afore sayd. But tor their other Legacycs mv will is that they should be pavd them \v"iin two yeares at'ter my decease : and if it should so tall out y^ any of my daughters above sa\d should be taken away bv death before this time of pa\ment be come, m\- will is that the Respective Legacyes be payd to their Heyres when they come of age. Likewise I give unto Antony Potter, my son-in-law sometime, fourtv shillings. Moreover I give unto fennett my beloved Wife ten pounds which my will is y' it should be pavd her besides the fourteen pound, and y*^ annuity of six pounds a veare engaged unto her in the Articles of Agreement before our Marr}-age. Concerning the fourscore pound, which is to be Returned backe to her after my decease, my will is y' it should be payed (both for time and manner of Pay) according to y^ savd Agreement, viz: one third part in wheat, Mault and Indian Corne in equall proportions, the other two thirds in neat Cattle under seaven yea'*^ old. Further my will is y' no debt should be charged upon my said wife as touching any of her daughters, untill it be first proved to arise from the account ot Mercy, Sarah or Mary. I do appynt my loving friends, M'' WilHam Hubbard and Mr. John Rogers of Ipswich, the overseers of this my last will and Testament, and I doe hereby give them power to determine any difference y* may arise betwixt my executor, and any of the Legatees, aforesayd, about y^ payments aforesayd. Lastly I ordayn and Appoynt my son John Whipple the sole executor of this my last will and Testament. To whom I give all the rest of my estate, both houses, lands, cattle. Debts from whomsoever due and to his heyres forever. In confirmation w'hereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this loth day of May, 1669. In the presence of William Hubbard The marke of Robert Day The marke of | | | Edward Lummas John "^ Whipple This will was presented in court held at Ipswich the 28 of September, 1669, by the oath of Mr. Wry Hubbard and Robert Day to be the last will and testa- ment of Elder John Whipple deceased to the best of their kuowleage. As attest. Robert Lord, cleric. An inventory of the estate of Mr. John Whipple deceased the 30 oi June, 1669. Impr. The farme contayning about three hundred and sixty acres i 50 00 It. The houses and lands in ye Tow^ne contayning about one hun- dred acres 250 00 It. In apparell 900 34 I I I I I I I I I I ANNUAL MEETING PRESIDENT S REPORT. In linnen A fFeather bed with appurtenances In Plate In Pewter In Brasse In chavres, cushions, & other small things A still Two flock Beds Two Tables One musquet, one pr of mustard quernes Andirons, firepan & tongs Two mortars, two spitts In Bookes 6 O o 7 O o 6 O o 4 O o 3 lO o I 7 o i6 o I lO o o 1 I o '5 o •4 o lO o 2 8 o 444 • o Ipswich July 15th '69 Richard Hubbard John Appleton (The originals are endorsed -'Elder John Whipple)" The inventory was delivered in court held at Ipswich the 28 of September, 1669, upon the oath of cornett John Whipple to be a full & true inventory of the estate ot his ffather, deceased, to the best of his knowledge and if more appears afterward it should be added. As attest, Robert Lord, Cleric. The Elder's estate included the large 360 acre farm which had been divided into several by the prosperous Cornet and Captain, and other property, entered as *