,0 0, o ■Pl. .V ,<> ''^ ..^^^ .A *' .•■ P ■-. ,1'i- '^,/' f^ S ^ 't. '^.p .<<> %.^' 'fli. V^ ymji'^' v"' . .^^^' > r-. o xN^" '^^ .^^ ' <3r' -^^^ v^^ \. ^-f ', .sX'^ =>"« •'■'- -0 C. Ai>- s^ ^^ .*'• ,- 3'' "^.. -J^i V*' nO°<. "t^ i^ ~,P "% :.^- . V . i. -> 'oo' .0 5, First Eedmeut Ehocle Island Detaclied Militia* On the 12th da}' of April, 1861, rebellion against the government of the United States assumed a positive form, by the bombardment of Fort Sumter, then occupied by a single company, under the command of Major Robert Anderson, wlio bravely maintained his position upwards of thirty hours, when, overpowered by raging fiamcs within the fort, and an overwhelming assaulting foi'ce, he was compelled to surrender. On the 15tli of the same month, the President of the United States made a call upon the States for seventy-five thousand men, to serve three months in suppressing this outbreak of treason ; and on the day following, in response to this call, an order was issued by Governor Spragiie for an immediate organization of the First Regiment. Great activity prevailed in the Adjutant General's and Quartermaster Gen- eral's Departments, and among our citizens generally, and in a few days the organization was completed. The Regiment proceeded to Washington in two detachments; the first, under Colonel Ambrose E. Burnside, leaving Provi- dence April 20th, and the second, under Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph S. Pitman, on the 24th. On the 19th, the day before the embarkation of the first detacluiient, a beautiful national flag was presented to the Regiment by the ladies of Providence, which waved over its marchinc; column during the campaign, and at the battle of Bull Run was perforated by eleven rebel bullets. A set of regimental colors for the Regiment was procured and forwarded by natives a;.d citizens of Rhode Island, resident in California. They were sent to the care of Mayor Cranston, of Newjiort, and by him presented to Colonel Burnside, with appropriate ceremonies, at a public meeting in that city, October 29th, 1861, who in turn presented them to the members of Company F, the color company of the Regiment, for preservation as a part of its history. Both detachments left their encampment in Providence with the warm benedictions of the inmicnse throngs that lined the streets and crowded the wharves and shipping to witness their depai-ture. On arriving in Washington, quarters were provided for a short time at the Patent OfHce, and subsequently * In preparing these sketches of the several regiments and batteries, besides the official records, use has been made of •' Kliode Island in the Rebellion," an authentic work of great value. FIRST llEGIMENT KIIODE ISLAND DETACHED MIIJTIA. the Regiment was csta'blislied at Camp Spragne, a beautiful grove witli ample parade ground, in the vicinity of the city, where the time was devoted to improvement in discipHno and drill. The encampment was planned by Lieut. Henry A. DeAVitt, of the Engineers. The huts were built under the super- intendence of Colonel William Goddard and Lieutenant A\'illiam R. AValker. Those accommodations added greatly to the comfort and health of the men, a point that Colonel Burn.side kept constantly in view. On the !Jth of June, a company of Carbineers, to act as skirmishers, consisting of seventy-three privates was organized, of which Francis W. (ioddard was commissioned Cap- tain. The other officers were Walter B. iNLinton, Lieutenant, and Sergeants John 15. Campbell, George O. Gorton, Robert IL Deniing, Louis T. Hall, and Peleg E. Jiryant. They were armed with Burnside rifles, and drilled by Lieutenant Henry T. Sisson, Paymaster of the Regiment. Previous to their organization as a separate corps, they were drilled by Lieutenant Charles E. Patterson, of the 4th U. S. Lifantry. James Allen, of the Light Battery, and William H. Helme, of Company C, were authorized to act as aeronauts in connexion with the movements of the Regiment. An accident to their two balloons frustrated their plans for atrial reconnoisances. The interest in the Regiment, by friends at home, did not expend itself in impassioned farewells at its departure, but followed it through its entire absence, and almost daily packages and boxes were received in camp, as tokens of kindly remembrance. A cargo of ice, the gift of forty-four citizens and firms in Providence, was sent in May to the Regiment by the schooner Sea Gull, Captain Howland, Messrs. Earl Carpenter & Sons and the Provi- dence Ice Company being among the principal contiibntors. The vessel arrived at Washington May 27th, and the welcome contributir,) Francis L. Wlieaton, Providence, R. I R. I R.I, R. I, E.I, Asfti. Sun/con. Henry W. Rivers, 2fl Asst. Surf/eon. Georsre W. Carr, ijd Ai^sf, Surgeon. James Harris, Providence, R. I Providence, Providence, Ailjniaiit. (\st Lieut.) I Charles H. Merrinian, Providence, Qurirlermiislrr, (l.st fj.) Cyrus G. Dyer, iProvidcnce, l,s/ CoNtinis^^an/, (\st L.) William Llovd Bowers, Providence, R. I R. I R.I R.I R. I 2(1 Commissary, (\st L.) Abrara Cole, Pai/masler, (Xnt Lj.) Henry T. Sisson, Portsmouth Grove, Providence, R. I. May 2, 1801. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861 Brigadier General, August 0, 1801 Major General, March 18, 1862 commanding Department N. Caro lina ; commanding Ninth Army Corps; commanding Army of the Potomac ; commanding iJepartment of the Ohio ; resigned April 1.5, 180.5. May 2, 1861. j Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1801. May 2, 1801. jResigned May 8, 1801 ; Colonel 2d R. I. Volunteers June 1, 1801. May 2, 1801. Promoted 1st Major June 27, 1861; mustered out of service Aug. 2, '61. June 27, 1801. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. May 2, 1801. i Surgeon 2d Reg't E. I. Vols. June 6, 1861. May 2, 1801. Promoted to Surgeon June 7, 1801; I mustered out of service Aug. 2, '61. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. I May 2, 1801. Prisoner Battle of Bull Run, July 2], 1801. i May 2, 1801. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. Resigned June 5, 1861. Promoted to Capt. 2d Reg't June 1, 1801. May 2, 1801. Promoted to Quartermaster, to rank as Capt., June 5, 1861 ; prisoner at battle Bull Run, July 24, 1801 ; ex- changed and mustered out of ser- vice January 20, 1862 ; Ensign U. I S. Navy. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. iMustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. 10 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. NAME AND BANK. RESIDENCE. Vhapliiiii, (Cajil.) Augustus Wooodbury, l-'rovidi-nce, R. I Assl. Cha/jlain Thomas Quinn, Kntfiiiffr (2(i L.) Henry A. DeWitt, Sergeant Majors. John P. Shaw, John S. Engs, Qiitirtcrmaster Sergeant. Klias M. Jcnks, Commissary Sergeant. William L. Hunter, Onhianct' Sergeant. James W. Lyon, llitsjiital Steward. James II. Taylor, Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Woonsooket, R. I. Newport, R. I. Providence, R. I. Newport, R. I. DATE OF MDSTER. May 2, 1801. 'Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. 'May 2, 18fil. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. May ol, 1801. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1801. May 2, 1801. Appointed I-ieut. in 2d Reg't R. I. Vols., and tran.ventrv, K. I. I'ietou, N. S. Westtitlil, Conn. Newport, K. I. iProviilence, R. I. Fall River, Mass. iSaeo, Maine, 'Providence, R. I. May 31, 18G1. May 2, 1861. Mason, Samuel P. Newport, R. L Mason, Kdward K. Seikojik, R. I. Maneliester, Thomas A. Providence, R. i\IaiK-liesl(T. James A. Warren, R. I. MeCall, William Provi.knee, R. Meliuin', Edwin iNewjiort, 1{. 1. Maitin, Sylvanus |.Seekonk, R. I. Morris, John F. Murray, Charles E. Padeltord, Frederic N. I'earee, Christoplicr Pell, Duncan A. Philli|is. Henry W. Potter, Harrison W. Rhodes, Georfre C. Randoljjh, John Itiehards, Samuel E. G. Ripley, Joseph 15. Robinson, Josiah W. Jr., Smith, Nathan A. Smith, James A. Snow, John E. Snow, Charles W. Spink, Samuel Sweet, James F. Sweetland. Edward D. Tallman, Uandall 11. Talhnan. Ikrijamin Tate, .lohn W. Taylor, Alexander T. Taylor, George O. Thayer, William A. J. Thornton, Josiah Thornton, Solomon Tillin^hast, Henrv L. Tillinnliast, Albert Tomjikins, Franklin P. Tnber, William E., Jr. Vaughn, Pardon Weaver. Albert White, Andrew J. Wilson, William Winslow, Nathan Lake, Jnnica Kent, Winslow B. Cushing.Georgp W.,Jr. Warwick, R. I. Proviilence, R. I. New York, Providence, R. I. Scituate, R. I. Providence, R. I. Woonsocket, R. I. Providence, R. I. Dover, N. H. Scituate, R. I. Newport, H. I. Providence, R. I. New London, Conn. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. .Middlelown, Conn. Smithfield, R. I. Pawtueket, R. 1. (•'ranslon. K. 1. Providence, H. I. Cranston, R. I. Providence, R. I. Fall River. Mass. New Hedlbrd. Mass. Providence, R. 1. .Middletown. R. I. .Millbury, Mass. New IJedford, Mass. Providence, R. I. ' " •' RECRUITS. June 3. 18G1. June 20, 18U1. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Dishonorablv dischar^red in May, 1801. Killed in battle of Bull Hun, July 21, 1801. Mustered out of service, Aug. 2, 1861. Discharged on surgeon's certificate, I May 31, 1861. Mustered out of service, Aug. 2, 1861. Killed in battle of IJull Run, July 21, 1861. Mustered out of service, Aug. 2, 1801. Discliarged on surscon's certificate, July !i, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. WouniUdanil missiuL'at battle of Bull Run,. Inly 21, 1861; died at Rich- nionil. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1801. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. FIRST KEGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. 13 COMPANY B. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Captain. Nicholas Van Slyck, Provklcnce, R. I. \si Lieutenant. Nelson Viall, '2(/ Lieutenant, James E. Bailey, Jiiisit/u. James E. Iliilden, Seiyeants. James R. Holden, Silas A. Winchester, Jason E. Blaekniar, Augustus S. Randall, Corporals. Benjamin K. Gurney, Thomas Connor, James A. Seaver, George S. Baniford, Mu.iician!^. James E. (VBrien, James Marshall, Privates. Abbott, Albert H. Abbott, George H. Abbott, Ilenrv F. Abbott. Willis A. Adams, William E. Aldrich, Alanson Aldrich, Thomas JI. Allen, George H. Arnold, Henry A. Atwood, Ambrose L. Baker, Ed«in H. Barnes, Daniel W. Providence, R. I. Lewiston, Maine, Smithfield, R. I. iProvidence, R. I. Scituate, R. I. Providence, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Providence, R. I. Dublin. N. H. Warwick, R. I. Chester, Vt. Providence. R. I. Johnston. R. I. Blaisdell, William H. ' Providence, R. I. Bolton, Thomas Brown, Jolm Bryant, Peleg E. Burbanks, Samuel W. Burnhaiii, Georsre H. Burt, William 11. Caler. Jasper Clark, .Tames II. Clark, John A. Glocester, England. Lancashire, " Kingston, Mass. Providence, R. I. iPclham, N. H. Freetown, Mass. New Fane, Vt. Newport, ]{. I. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Resigned .Tune 4, 1861 ; transferred to 2d Reg. R. I. Vols, as Captain. Promoted to 1st Lieuten.ant June 4, 1861 ; mustered out of service, Aug. 2, 1861. Resigned June 9, 1861, and honorably discharged. Promoted to 2d Lieutenant June 4, 1861 ; mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Promoted to 2d Sergeant June 30, 1861 ; mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Honorably discharged, sick, July 8, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Promoted to 3d Sergt. June 30. 1861 ; mustered outof service Aug. 2, 1861. Honorably discharged May 31, 1861, sick. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Dishonorably discharged May 8, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Corporal, June 4, 1861 ; mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Prisoner of war at Richmond July 24, 1861 ; released at Salisbury, N. C. May 22, 1862.' Honorably discharged on Surgeon's certificate Mav 31, 1861. Died at Camp Sprague July 18, 1861. Dishonorably discharged June 14,1861. Sergeant of Carbineers June 27, 1861 ; mustered out of service, Aug. 2,1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Missing since battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861. 14 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. MAHB AKD BANK. BESIDENCE. Clark, Hinrv C. C'liartlo. Wiilar.l Coli'iiiaii, I'atrick Coltim. 'riiDinas Cook, Georfii' H. SmitlititM, H. I. Sc'fkunk. Mass. I'liilacU'lphia, I'a. Tippi'rary, Ireland. b"i)skT. K. I. DATE OF UDSTER. May 2, 1861. REMARKS. Cowdoii, William II. li. Siiiitlifii-ld. K. I. Crandall, Saiiuul B. T. I'roviiknci', U. I. Pavis, (ii'orf,a' W. raliiRT, Mass. Davis, William I. Somerset, Mass. Dawley, George Providence, U. I. Dextor, Charles A. Dow Cicero, M. Dudley, Josepli Eddy, Alpheus Elilrid"e, Jolm D, Elliott, Robert Evans, Albert G. Evelyth, Francis Newbiirii, N. Y. Bath, N. II. Danville, Vt. Ilyannis, Mass. I'rovideneo, K. I. Cootelnll, Ireland, [Providence, R. I. Swanzey, N. H. Providence, R. I. Taunton, Mass. Potsdain, N. ,1. Providence, R I. Leicestershire, Eng. it <( Caslleton, N. J. (( u Central 1-alls, R. I. (( t( May !l, ISni. Providence, R. I May •>, IWil. Fields, George W. Ganlner, Charles W. Gladden, .Jeremiah E. Gregg, .James Gonsolve, Franklin " " Harilman, William, Jr. Manchester, Eng. Jlarrah, Oliver Ayrshire, Scotland, Hawkes, Benjandn Proviileiice, R. I. Haskins, Amos M. Seekonk, Mass. Ilerhert, John C. llowarth. Abraham II. llyndman. Samuel Ileilman. Horace \i. Irving, Robert M. Jacques, James M. Johnson, William II. Kellogg, Edward D. Kimball, Martin F. lyampliier, Thomas Lord, Charles F. Eulher, Alfred Lynch, .James Mann, Edward II. Merriman, .lames F. Martin, Edward C. McCarty, James McEuta, Jiimes BIcEarland, Charles Miller, Benjamin F. Mullen, Robert J, Maw, Edward Noon, Michael I'eekham. Klisha Perry, Alpheus I'iiicknev, Isaac U. Newport, R. I. New York, N. V. Ami Arbor, .Mich, .Johnston, R. I. Pipperary, Ireland. Berwick, .Maine, Warren, R. I. New York, N. Y. Olneyville, R. I. Wareham, Mass. liaden, (iermanv, Lowell, Mass. Cavan, Ireland, Rutland, Scotland, Bristol, R. I. New York, N. Y. Ireland, Kingston, R. I. Pawtuckel, R. I. Providence, R. I. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1801. Wounded in battle of Bull Run July 21, 18til ; mustered out of seivice Aug. 2, 1801. Mustered out of service Aug, 2, 1801. Corporal, May 31,1801; 1st Sergeant, June 4, l.- II II < Warren, James, Jr. Portsmouth, N. II. ( it tt ti . t Waterman, Ricliaril Providence, U. I. t u It tt t Weaver, Henry S. " *' tt tt ' Webb. Theodore W. Windham, Conn. It tt t Wells. Job H. E.\eter, K. I. I II It tt t Whittier, Eilward N. Portland, Maine, t II it tt ' Whiltier. Horatio G.,Jr. Nashua, N. 11. 1 II II 11 < Wiiihtman, Charles C. Barrington, K. I. 1 11 II 11 ' Wiley, Edward P. Medway, Mass. 1 II II tt t AVilliams. N. Bangs Providence, K. I. 1 II it tt t Winslow, Luther F. tt ti 1 II it tt t Wood, William C. • " tt tt t Young, George F. It M ( l( tt tt t FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. 19 COMPANY D. NAME AND RANK. Cttptain. Natlianit'l W. Brown, 1st Lifuteiiaitt. Sylvester U. Knight, %i Lieutenant. Henry A. I'resoott, En»i{jn. Charles R. Dennis, Serqeants. J. Harry Welch, A. Kichmond Kawson, Julin M. Barker, James L. RieharJson, Corporals. William E. Cutting, George U. Wescott, Samuel Foster, 2(1, Franklin E. Chace, Miisieian. Leopold Gries, T*rh'ates. A born, Edward Alniy, Charles T. Ambrose, William H. Andrews, Theodore Arnold, John Hice Austin, John E. Bailey, Charles E. Batcliellor, Frederick S. Bennett, James L. ]5laisdell, Joel B. Bliss, Charles H. Bogman, Charles H. Boutwell. Loammi Bradford, William P. Brockett, George W. Brown, Levi B. Bullock, Albert W. Burroughs, John E. Butts, William II. H. Carpenter, George Caulkms, John F. Chace, William Chapman, Latayette Church, George A. Churchill, David B. Colwell, Samuel G. Conistock, Jesse Craig, Thomas Darling, He race H. RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Providence, R. I. jMay 2, 1861 Providence, R. I. May 2, 18G1 May 2, 186L Mustered out of service Aug, 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. Prisoner of war at Richmond, Va., July 21, 1861 ; exchanged and mustered out of service Jan. 20, 1862. May 2, 1861. Killed atbattlcBuURun, July 21, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Providence, R. I. May 2, 1861. Providence, R. L Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. Providence, R. I. ^May 30, 1861. iMay 2, 1861. Newport, R. I. j " " Providence, R. I. " " Wrentham, Mass. | " " Providence, R. I. May 30, 1861. iMay 2, 1861. Atlleboro, Mass. Providence, K. I. Wilmington, Conn. May 2, 1861. Providence, R. I. Danbury, Conn. Swanzey, Mass. iMay 2, 1861. Newport, R. I. Providence, R. I. Seekonk, Mass. Providence, R. I. Swanzey, Mass. Ipswich, " Clarkson, N. Y. Providence, R. I. Hebronvillc, Mass. Providence, R. I. New York, N. Y. Sturbridge, Mass. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Honorably discharged June 22, 1861, sick. Missing after battle Bull Run July 21, 1861; supposed to bedead. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Died at Providence, R. I., July 30, '61. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. I Wounded battle Bull Run July 21,61; I mustered out of service Aug. 2, 61. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Honorably discharged .June 4, '61, sick. Wounded battle Bull Run, July 21, '61 ; mustered out of service Aug. 2, '61. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. Wounded and missing at Battle of Bull 1 Rum, July 21, 1861 ; since died. iMustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. 20 J^IRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MIUTIA. NAME AND RANK. HES1DENCE. DATE OF MUSTEK. ItEJIAIilvS. Darling, Moses 0. DeBois, WillmmU. DclaiKili, Charles 1$. Duininj,'. KicliiirJ H. Dennis, William B. De\V()lf, William H. D'Willard, J. Antoine Do l};c, Clirist'cr J. Jr. Fla;:^, (Jeorfje W. Fisher, Charles H. (ilaililint.'. iMonroe H. Uliiies, Charles E. Goodhue, William H. Cioulilini;, (ieorge E. Ilawkes, riiilo 1'. Hawkins, Kicliard B. Henry, Charles C. ^ Hortoii, Thomas W. D Houghton, William H. Hudson, Albert E. Hudson, James S. Jaekson, Charles O. Jencks, Leiand D. |Millville, Mass. Newport, H. I. Uochester, N. Y. I'rovidence, U. I. Boston, Mass. Bristol, K. I. Cape Vineent, N. Y, Providence, K. I. Warwick, R. I. jl'rovideiiee, H. I. 'Boston, Mass. New York, N. Y. W. Boston, Mass. Hebron, Conn. Uloeester, K. I. Providence, K. I. N. Providence, R, I. Boston, Mass. Providence, K. I. Attleboro, Mass. Cumberland, K. I. May 2, 1861. JMustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. May 2, 1801. May 30, 18G1. May 2, 18G1. May oO May 2, , 1861. 1861. Providence, R. I. May 2, 1861. Providence, R. I. May 30, 1801. New York, N. Y. Providence, 11. I. Warwick, 1{. I. Pembroke, Mass. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, Rutland, V Providence R.I. , R. I. Jewitt, Henry A. Jolionnot, Albert P. Johnson, Henry C. Kingsley, Santbrd A. Kinney, George W. Knowles, Frank H. Knight, William A. Laphani, Charles Leavins, Edwin R. Lowe, Edwin Manton, Vi'alter B. JIason, Henry W. McCormick, Gilbert D. Metcalf, (ieorge Metcalt, Henry H. Nevins, Robert Osborn, Edwin A. I'addoek, George H. Parker, Edward S. Pearce, William B. Pennell, Charles D. Penno, Albert B. Percival, Ebenezcr W. Providence, R. I, Pratt, Joseph W. j Presby, Charles H. Taunton, Mass. I'routy, William W. iProvidence, R. I Rathbone, William \V. Rhodes, George H. Ruggles, licuben C. Russell, Stephen Jr. Sackett, Frederick M. Saunders, Isaac H. Shurtlifl; Albert T. Sergeant in Carbineers, June, 27, '01 ; mustered out of service Aug. 2, '61. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Honorably discharged, at Providence, R. 1 , July 31, 18tn. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1801. Killed at Battle of liull Run July 21, '01. Clustered out of service Aug. 2, 1801. May 2, 1801. Mav 30, 1801. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1801. May 2, 1801. May 30, 1801. Mav 2, 1801. Nantucket, Providence, Mass. R.I. May 2, 1861. May 30, 1861. May 2, 1801. Scitnate, R. I. iMay 30, 1861. S. Providence, R. I. May 2, 1861. Wounded and prisoner, battle Bull Run, July 21, 1801 ; released from Salisbury, N. C, May 23, 1802; mus- tered out of service, June 1, 1802. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1801. Corporal, Juiie 'S2, 1801 ; mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1801 Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1801. Discharged on surgeon's certificate, of disability, June 4, 1801. Lieut, of Carbineers Juno 27, 1801 ; mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1801, Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Missing after battle Bull Run, July 21, 1801 ; died at Richmond, Va., Sep- tember, 1801. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Killed in battle of Bull Run, July I 21, 1801. FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. 21 NAME AND RANK. Spink, George A. Starbuck, Levi Steinbring, Lorenz Sweeten, Moses Smith, Noyce J. KESIDENCE. Cranston, R. I. Nantucket, Mass. Hann, Germany. Providence, R. I. Young, Nicholas B. Young, Thomas iSmithfield, R. I. DATE OP MUSTER. Tallman, Peleg G. Cranston, R. I. Tliayer, Cliarles H. Franklin, Mass. Tlioinas, Benjamin F. :VVickford, R. I. Thompson, Eilward K. Providence, R. I. Thompson, Andrew C. Thornton, Henry H. Trescott, Levi H. Tuttle, Henry W. Middletown, Conn. Waterhouse, Eben W. Providence, R. I. Whipple, Charles S. | " AVhitman, Henry W. [New York, N. Y. May 2, 186L May 2, 18GL May 2, 1801. May 2, 186L May 80, 1861. REMARKS. Mustered out of service, Aug. 2, 1861. Discharged on surgeon's certificate, of disability, June 4, 1861. Mustered out of service, Aug. 2, 1861. Wounded at battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861 ; mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug, 2, 1861. Honorably discharged on stirgeon's certificate of disability, June 22, '61. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. 22 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. COMPANY E. DATE' NAHE AND BANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Captain. Stephen U. Bucklin, I'aw tucket, R. I. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 18G1. '[at Liviifi'itant. AVilliani ]{. Walker, tc (t Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1801. "i/ /.aillrlKDlt. Lucicii IJ. Stone, it it Resigned June 5, 1801, in consequence Juisi(/n. of sickness. Levi Tower, Pawtucket, R. I. ft tt Promoted to Captain 2d Rcg't R. I, Seri/caitts. Vols. June 1, 1801. Robert MeCloy, Pawtuckct, R. I. " Promoted to 2d Lieut. June 5, 1861 ; mustered out of service Aug. 2, '01. Albert W. Tompkins, Pawtucket, R. I. tt (( Promoted to 1st Sergeant June 17, '01 ; mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1801. Henry C. Brown, Attleboro', Mass. II II Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Augustus W. Colwell, Pawtucket, R. I. II It II 11 II Corporals. Oliver H. I'erry, Coventry, R. I. It tt Sergeant June 5, 1801 ; mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1801. AVilliam Lang, Hanover, Germany. tt It Discharged on Surgeon's certificate of disability May 31, 1801. Edward Taft, N. Providence. R. I. " '• Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. William Eason, Cumberland, K. I. It tt II 11 ^ 11 Musia'aiifi. George L. Keach, Smithfield, R. L it tt Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1801. Frederiek Schneider, Munchberg, Bav'ia. tt tt 11 11 Privates. Aigan, John Pawtucket, R. I. tt tt Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Anderson, John R. Woonsocket, R. I. tt tt .1 .1 II Arnold, IJenjaniin 0. Smithfield. R. I. tt tt II Uaeon, Cyrus V. Charlcstown, Mass. " " tt tt it Ballou, Stephen Cumberland, R. I. l< 11 tt tt tt . Ballou, Eraneisco M, tt tt tt tt tt Ballou, Nelson Smithfield, R I. tt tt tt tt tt Beattey, William Grafton, Mass. tt tt tt tt tt Bliss, Charles Tiverton, R. I, " " 11 II 11 Busworth, Julius J. Newton LI. Ealls. II 11 11 II u Brown. James A. Taunton, Mass. 11 11 BurehanI, Henry A. Bellingliam, Mass. .1 II 11 11 11 Carter, Henry L. Pawtncket, 1!. I. 11 11 11 II II Cash, Samuel Smithfield, H. I. 11 11 II tt tt Chace, William H. Fall River, Mass. 11 11 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate of ilisaliilily July 2, 1801. Clark, William Pawtuckct, R. I. II 11 Mustered out of service Aug. 2. 1861. Coupe, William Manchester, Eng. II II Wounded in battle of Bull Kun, July 21, 1801 ; mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1801. Cowden, John E. Smithfield, R. I. 11 11 Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Crocker, Charles C. Boston, Mass. 11 11 II 11 ,1 Dexler, Frederic Seekonk, Mass. 11 11 II 11 11 Earle, (ieorge A. Smilhiield, R. I. 11 11 II 11 11 Earle, Thomas A. « II 11 11 1*1 11 11 Earnsworth, Joseph P. Wrenthani, Mass. 11 11 11 11 11 Fairhrotlier, (icorge J. Lynn, 11 II II II II Eessenden, Robert N. Providence, R. I. 11 II II 11 ii Gardner, James A. Smithfield, II 11 II II ii Gardner, Clarence T. ' Seekonk, Mass. 11 II (1 tt tt FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. 23 NAME AND KANK. Ilathawav, Cyrus B. Heino, \Villiam Ingiills, Nathaniel M. Jackson, William A. Jcnks, Jabez E. Jolinson, Panicl L. Johnson, Charles H. Kinney, tJereniiah, Jr. Keeoli, Gcorsc L. Leo, Royal II. Little, Augustus Luther, Samuel II. Lyon, George F. Mason, Pardon Macomber, George Mason, Gtorge A. McKelvey, John Merry, Frank Miller, Ira E. Morrey, Augustus Morris, George D. Murray, Kobert Newell, George W. Nickerson, Isaac Jr. Nickerson, Dean Jr. Nickerson, Thomas 0. Northup, Lebbcus Olney, William C. Paine, Edwin R. Padelford, Walter F. Pearce, James T. Perrin, David Phillips, William Pollard, John M. Pollard, Henry Ranking, Thomas Ramsbottom, John Radloff, Andrew J. Rhodes, Benjamin C. Rhodes, Joseph A. Rice, Randall H. Salisbury, Arnold Salisbury, George H. Salisbury, George M. Schneider, George Sherman. David Slaiger, Joseph Slaiger, Francis Slocum, Lyman F. Smith, Charles Smith, Munroe Stephens, Peter Ste.irns, John E. Taft, Charles Tilton, Kimball RESIDENCE. N. Providence, R. I Wetzlar, Russia. Rehoboth, Mass. Oldham, England. N. Providence, R. I, N. Providence, R. I. Mattapoisett, Mass. I Buffalo, N. y. Springfield, Mass. N. Providence, R. I. ■1 It N. Providence, R, I. Smithficld, R. L Swanzey, Mass. Belfast, Ireland. N. Providence, R. I. Attlcboro, Mass. Union, Maine. Woonsockct, R. I. Glasgow, Scotland, N. Providence, R. I. Yarmouth port, Ms. Ilolden, Mass. Cumberland, R. I. Coventry, R. I. Harrison, Maine. Fall River, Mass. New Bedford, Mass. Bristol, R. 1. Mansfield, Mass. I Promfret, Conn. N.Providence, R. I. I « ■< Dedham, Mass. Manchester, Eng. Seekonk, Mass. Warwick, R. I. Pawtuxet, R. I. Coventry, R. I. Scituate, K. I. Riclnnondville.Ct. Cranston, R. I. Munchberg, Bav'ia, Coventry, R. I. Gmend, Wirtemb'g. (( (( Paw tucket, R. I. Attleboro, Mass. Grafton, " Byonne, Germany. Mendon, Mass. N. Providence. R. I. Sanbornton, N. H. Tisdale, Ferdinand N. Providence, R. I. May 2, 1861 DATE OF MUSTER. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1801. May 2, 1861 . May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. May 2, 18G1. BEMABKS. Mustered out of service Aug. 'I, 1861. Wounded in battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Mustered out of service, Aug. 2, 1861. Corporal, June 5, 1861 ; mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Corporal, June 5, 1861 ; mustered out of service, August 2, 1861. Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Honorably discharged on Surgeon's certificate of disability, JuneO, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Honorably discharged on Surgeon's certificate of disability June 26, '61. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Wounded battle Bull Run , July 21 , '61 ; mustered out of service, Aug. 2, '61. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Honorably discharged on Surgeon's certificate of disability, July 23, '61. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Wounded battle Bull Run, July 21 , '61 ; mustered out of service, Aug. 2, '61. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. 24 VIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. KA.ME AND BANK, Tracy, Samuel E. Turner, .John Taylor, Joseph Watson, .James Webb, Thomas C. Wheeler, Walter Jr. Whipple, Arlon W. Wickson, Henry C, Woodward, James N. RESIDEKCE. Norwich, Conn. Sutton, Mass. Alden, Knjjland. Strabane, Ireland. Warwick, R. I. Stockport, N. Y. Cumberland, R. I. Attleboro, Mass. Taunton, " DATE OP MCSTER. May 2, 1861. it tl .June 6, 1861. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. 25 COMPANY F. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. KEMARKS. Captain. George W. Tew, Newport, R. I. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. \st Lieutenant. William A. Stetlman, Newport, R. I. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. 2(1 Lieutenant. Benjamin L. Slocura, Newport, R. I. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Ensign . James H. Cliappell, Newport, R. L May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Serrieants. Augustus P. Sherman, Newport, R. I. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Thomas S. Burtlick, " " " " a tt a John S. Coggeshall, Providence, R. L it it a ti t( Edward S. Hammond, Newport, R. L it a tt tt ft Corporals. John D. Washburn, Newport, R. I. May 2, 18G1. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Benedict F. Smith, " " u n tt it a Ray B. Tayer, " it ti tt tt it Henry L. Nicolai, it ti it a tt tt tt Musicians. Charles A. Barlow, Newport, R. I. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Albert N. Burdick, Westerly, R. I. Wounded in battle of Bull Run, Juiy 21, 1861 ; mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Privates. Abbott, John A. Hirara, Maine, May 2, 1861. Honorably discharged May 31, 1861, on Surgeon's certificate. Almy, George C. Newport, R. I. li it Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Batehellor, John H. " " it ti (( tt tt Barker, Christopher E. " " ti (t tt tt it Barker, Charles Jr. Middletown, R. I. it it tt tt it Bashford, Andrew P. Yonkers, N. Y. tt tt Missing since battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; prisoner at Richmond. Booth, William Cheshire Co., Eng. ti ft Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Boss, Daniel A. Newport, R. I. a ti tt a a Brown, Jeremiah it ti a ti ti U It Bryant, Adelbert P. Cutler, Maine, tt a it t( tt Brownell, Thomas S. Newport. R. I. it tt tt it ft Bull, Henry Jr. " " a tt ti tt ft Caswell, Allen Taunton, Mass. Wounded in battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Carlisle, Benjamin D. Newport, R. I. a a Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Carlisle, Robert Jr. " " it tt (( a it Cl.ark, Edward F. (( K a it (I te it Clark, Frederick A. tl ti a it ti tt a Clark, Gustavus A. Jamestown, R. I. It tt it tt ti Clark, Joshua P. Portsmouth, R. I. tt It it It ft Clark, Charles H. Newport, R. I. May 29, 1861. It tt ft Coggeshall, Law ton " " tt tt i( it tt Coggshall, David M. Jr. tc IC May 2, 1861. ti t( it Coggeshall, Robert D. (( IC I( (( tt tt tt Crane, Robert M. Burlington, Vt. tt ti tt ])awley. Perry B. Pawtucket, R. I. ti tc it Davis, Benjamin F. Newport, R. I. tt tt It tt tt Dcnman, William P. " " tt tt it tt tt De Jough, Lance << ti tt tt it ti tt 26 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. DATE NAME AND SANK. RESIDENCE. OF aiDSTEB. BEHARKS. I)e Blois, Silas D. Newport, R. I. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. De Blois, Stephen " '• " " " " " Durlec, William H. Jr. " " " Honorably discharged July 12, 1861, on Surgeon's eertilicate. Easton, John F. Newport, R. I. " " Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Easton, lienjaniin Jr. " " ■' tt " •' " Easton, Henry T. l( n Wotmdcd in battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1801 ; mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Elilriilftc, William J. Newport, R. I. " tt Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. En{;s, John S. " " Sergeant Major, June 8, 1861 ; muster- ed out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Eales, Edmund W. Newport, R. I. " " Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Ehidiler, .Jolin " " *( tt " " " French, Augustus .Milton, Mass. ft tt tt tt It Gould, Joseph J. Middletown, R. I. it " tt it tt Harrington, Thomas Jr. Kerry Co., Ireland. May 2, 1861. Killed in battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Hazard, Rowland R. Newport, R. I. May 2 1861. Hamilton, William Ayrshire, Scotland, " « " " " Hilton, S.imuel Cheshire, England. tt tt Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; mustered out of service, Aug. 1, 1861. Hubhard, Benjamin C. Newport, R. I. May 2, 18G1. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Hudson, George A. .1 « *' « . « Markham, James Nottinghnnishire, E. "' " (( it tt McCann, Daniel A. Newport, H. I. " '< It tt tt Minkler, William " " " " tt tt tt Nason, Walden H. Newport, R. I. "' " tt tt tt Nolan, Michael A. .. ,, •t *( tt tt tt Palmer, George H. Baltimore, Mil. •t tt a 11 Peabodj-, Frederick J. Stoughton, Mass. " (( Honorably discharged. May 31, 1861, on Surgeon's certificate. Peabody, Edwin H. Newport, R. I. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. IVekham, John P. " " " Killed at battle Bull Run, July 21, '61. Kaiidolph, Paytoi) H. Providence, R. I. (( tt Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1801. Rogers, John Middletown, " (( Wounded at baltleof Bull Run July 21, 1801. Rogers, Benjamin H. Middletown, R. I. May 2, 1801. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1801. Robinson, John H. Newport, " *' " i( tt tt Scott, Thomas t< ti t( i< . 1861, on Burdick. Amos L. Westerly, R. J. " *' Mustered out of service Aug 1, 1801. Burdick, Albert II. Genesee, N. Y. *• " Severely wounded and missin g at bat- tie of Bull Unn.July 21, 1IS61. Card, Alvin L. Olneyville, R. I. " ** Mustered out of service Aug 1, 1861. Casey, Patrick Cork, Ireland. ** ** " " Cliapiiian, Thomas N. Westerly, R. I. " *' a a Clark. Joshua .1 ** *' a it Clark, Joseph 11. Spencer, Mass. (( " it it Cottrcll, Edwin U. Westerly. R. I. '* '* a it Cornell, Daniel B. E. Greenwich. R. I. IC " a it Cross, Klisha W. Westerly, R.I. if i< a it Crandall, Nathan J. Hopkinton, R. I. it " a tt Crandall, John C. Westerly, R. I. *f " Honorably discharged May ol, 18tll, on Surgeon's certificate. Danforth, Samuel C. Saco, JIaine, K " Killed battle Hull Unu, July Jl. 18tll. Dennison, Albert E. Madison, N. Y. " '• Mustered out of service Aug 1, 1^61. Dinijaren, William London, England, " '* it it *' Dunham, Joseph T. Plainfield, N. J. '* " it tt it Ecelcston, Charles C. Voluntown, Conn. *' *' it tt ** p-ccleston, John Stonington, Conn. " " a tt ti FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. 35 KAME AND SANE. BESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTEK. Eccleston, Samuel R. Edwards, James A. EUard, Walter H. Pisk, Lewis P. Floyd, Theodore D. Gardner, George C. Graves, Charles A. Green, Martin S. Gibson, Nelson Havens, Harris Hawkins, AVilliani F. Holmes, Charles D. Hunt, Frederick A. Hull, George H. Irish, Edgar W. Jennings, Henry R. Keeblcs, Andrew J. Kecbles, Orin M. Kelley, Thomas H. Lewis, Nathan W. Lewis, Walter B. Lucas, William Morgan, Andrew M. Morgan, Henry E. Newgcnt, George P. Nichols, Charles H. Owens, Andrew Perkins. Austin A. Perrigo, James H. Phillips, Arnold Phillips, George M. Phillips, Job Place, George A. Potter, Israel A. Remington, Henry H. Richmond, Joseph Richmond, Lorenzo D, Richardson, James C. Rocke, James D. Rogers, Orson C. Saunders, Gilbert C. Saunders, Nathan H. Sheffield, Thomas D. Sheffield, Charles W. Sherp, William Sisson, Dudley Sisson, Peleg D. Sloan, Francis D. W. Smith, John H. Sprague, John H. D. Stapiins, Henry Sunderland, David Sullivan, Jeremiah Teft, Avery Thurston, Benjamin R Trask, .John F. Walker, Harley Weaver, John II. AVebster, John W. Whipple, Roderick Williams, Charles P. Wright, Thomas S. S. Kingstown, R. I. Voluntown, Conn. Maine, .Johnston, R. I. LcRoy, Penn. Pawti'icket, R. I. Windham, Conn. Coventry, R. I. Burlington, Vt. Coventry, R. I. Greenwich, R. I. Ledyard, Conn. E. Greenwich, R. I. Onondaga Co., N. Y. Genesee, N. Y. Stonington, Conn. VVillimantic, Conn. New Boston, " Providence, R. I. Westerly, R. I. Charlestown, R. I. Trubwish, Eng. Griswold, Conn. Stonington, Conn. Bridgeport, " Sterling, Conn. Groton, " Westerly, R. I. Foster, " Kent Co., R. I. Coventry, R. I. Oswego, N. Y. Cranston, R. I. E. Greenwich, E. I. Exeter, R. I. , Exeter, R. I. Portsmouth, R. I. New York, N. Y. Waterford, Conn. Madison Co., N. Y. Alleghany, N. Y. Stonington, Conn. Clarkmallen, Scot. Westerly, R. I. I Wilton, Vt. Wiltshire, England, Providence, R. I. Salem, Conn. Yorkshire, England Dublin, Ireland, Westerly, R. I. . Newport, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Scituate, R. I. jwarwick, R. I. Newport, R. I. Smithtield, R.I. Scituate, R. I. Fall River, Mass. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Dishonorably discharged June 9, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Honor.ably discharged June 1), 1861, on Surgeon's certifieate. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Honorably disch.arged July 3, 1861, on Surgeon's certificate. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Honorably discharged .lune 15, 1861, on Surgeon's certificate. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Honorably discharged July 3, 1861, on Surgeon's certificate. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Honorably discharged May 31, 1861, on Surgeon's certificate. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Honorably discharged June 15, on Surgeon's certificate. 1861, Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. 36 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. COMPANY K. 1 DATE NAME AXI) KANK. n.SIDENCE. ^^ ,,^^^^„ REMARKS. Captain. Peter Simpson, Jr. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. 1st [Jfuttiiiint. Thomas iSti'crc, -May 2, 1801. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. %l LifiiliiijiU. i John A. Allen, May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Knsii/n. George H. Grant, May 2, 1861. ' Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Serjeants. Albert E. Greene, Scituate, R. I. May 2, 1801. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 18G1. John B. Batchellor, Northbridsre, Mass. " " tt tt tt lUnry C, Mowry, Smithfield, K. I. tt tt tt George W. Greene, Scituate, K. I. tt tt tt Corporals. E. S. Bartholomew, Denmark, N. Y. May 2, 1801. Mustered out of service Auc. 1, 18G1. Walilii F. Sliieiim, Cumberland, I{. I. \ ." It tt Edwin \V. Whielock, Mendon, Mas=. " " " '* " Erancello G. Jillson, Cumberland, K. I. ' " " (( (( (( Musicians. Daniel H. GofT, Coventry, K. I. 1 " Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. John J. Boyle, Lowell, Mass. ! " (( ti (( PririiliK. 1 Ackley, W.Uiam H. White Creek, N. Y. May 2, 1801. Diud in liospital Jiiiy 24, 1801. Boy den, Amos Blaekstone, IM. | " Mustered out of scivice Aug. 1, 1861. BoycUn, William C. Jr. " " " " li ti «( Ballon, Almon Bellintfhani, Mass. " " tt tt tt Biitfiini. (ieorj;e R. Douglas, Mass. " " tt tt It Blooniinj^iiaU', James Greenhush, N. Y. tt tt <( Bradley, Oscar L. Uighgatt , Vermont, " " ti tt tt Black, "George A. Cambridge, " " " ti tt tt Clark, Dixlir Cumberland, R. I. " " £( tC (( Cook, Foster M. nanville, Vermont, " " U .* outliwick, Lyman P. Cumberland, K. I. ti li (( tt i( Sheridan, Patrick ti It Dislionorably discharged May 10,1861. Schultz, Christopher Weston, Mass. it tt Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Steerc, John 11. Smilhiield, R. I. it It K (( (i Sanborn, John S. .. «. it ii ti tt t( Smith. William H. H. Seekonk, Mass. a ii H tl t( Spooiier, Nelson New Bedford, Mass. tt tt n tt (t Sullivan. Daniel New Hartford, Ct. (( ti it tt tt Turner, Daniel Di.xfield. Maine, (( ii tt It tt Tatt, Hiram E. Sniithfield, K. I. » ii ti it tt Thompson, Kobert Preston. England, it ti Dishonorably discharged July 0, 1861. Vibbert. Nathan P. Manchester. Conn. it ii Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Welch, .Martin Bangor. Maine, tt tt a u tl Wild, Alfred Droylsden, Eng. tt tt it tt it White, Leander Blaekstone, Mass. it tt ti a tt Watson, Ferdinand L. Smithfield, R. I. It tt Dishonorably discharged May 31, 1861. Williams, Kobert I. Seekonk, Mass. it tt Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1861. Wheelock, Peter Mendon, Mass. ii ii it <( It Watson. Charles S. Charlestown, Mass. a it a t( It Whitakcr. Henry J. Cumberland. R. I. it li tt it ti White. John E. Manchester, Eng. it 11 tt tt tt Young, John Ballinneally, Irel'd. ti 11 ft tl tl Second Eeaiment Ehode Island Yohinteers. Under the first call of tlio President of the United States for additional troops to serve three years or dnring the war, the Second Regiment of Rhode Island Volunteers was organized. The work of enlistment was spiritedly prosecuted under an order from Governor Sprague, and Camp Burnside was established on the Dexter Training Ground, in Providence. The command of the Regiment was given to Colonel Slocum, promoted from Major of the First Rhode Island, an officer of great personal bravery, who had gained reputation in the iMexican War. Colonel William Goddard, of the Governor's Staff, was detailed temporarily to act as Lieutenant-Colonel, who on being relieved was temporarily succeeded by General Charles T. Robbins. At the request of Colonel Slocum, Colonel Christopher Blanding assisted in drilling the Regiment. To add to the comfort of the men, a thousand rubber blankets were presented to them by the firm of A. & W. Sprague. Many other tokens of interest and regard were also received by officers and men, and the citizens of Lonsdale made a liberal donation to the hospital department. An elegant stand of colors was presented to the Regiment by the ladies of Providence, through Colonel Jabez C. Knight. The ceremonies of the occasion were ai)pro])riate and impressive. The colors were assigned to Company D, Captain Nelson Viall, who had served with honor in Mexico. All things being in readiness, the Regiment struck their tents at 2 o'clock, p. M., June IDth, 1861, marched to Exchange Place, where, in the presence of a large crowd of spectators, a short and spirited address was delivered by Bishop Thomas M. Clark, who also invoked the Divine blessing. Resuming their march to Fox Point, they embarked on board the steamer State of Maine, and tin- Battery accompanying the Regiment, under Captain William H. Reynolds, on board the steamer Kill von Kull. On the morning of June 22d, the Regiment, accompanied by Governor S]irague, Hon. John R. Bartlett, Secretary of State, and Bishop Clark, arrived in Washington, warmly welcomed, and encamped in Gales' woods near Camp Sprague. On the 25th, the First and Second regiments with their respective 40 SECOND BEGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. batteries, paid their respects to President Lincoln, by wliom tlicy were reviewed. While in camp, the Regiment was brigaded with the First Rhode Island, 71st New York, 2d New ILunpsliire, and tiio two Riiode Island batteries. In this brigade, commanded by Colonel Unrnside, they niarclied to the battle of Bnll Run, leading tiie column. On that sanguinary and disas- trous field, it was tiie first, with Captain Reynolds' battery, to engage, and fought the enemy forty-five minutes without support, losing 28 men killed, 5G wounded, and 30 missing ; among the foinner. Colonel Slocum, Major Sullivan Ballon, and Captains Levi A. Tower and Samuel J. Smith. The men stood up bravely under a heavy fire from the rebel batteries, but to no purpose. The color company was a conspicuous mark, and the regimental colors were com])letely riddled by balls. Dr. James Harris, Surgeon of the Regiment, was unceasing in the performance of his professional duties through the day, often exposed to danger on the field, and always having words of cheer for the wounded and dying. After the retreat commenced, he remained at his post, and gave himself up a prisoner, rather than he separated from those who so much needed his attention. Tlie death of the brave Colonel Slocum, left the Regiment in the command of Captain Frank Wheaton, of the United States Army, then acting Lieutenant-Colonel, to the Colonelcy of which he was subsequently promoted. Captain Viall, on the fall of Major Ballon, assumed the duty of a field officer, and was afterward promoted to Major of the Regiment. Captain William H. P. Steere received the commission of Lieutenant-Colonel in the same. In retiring from the field, the Regiment preserved its order, and on returning to AYashington established temporary quarters at Camp Clark. It subsequently occupied Camp Sprague, and removed thence to Camp Brightwood, where it remained till March, 18G2, occupied in drilling, picket service, clearing away forests, and building fort Slocum — a worthy monument to the memory of its revered commander. On the 2Gth of March, the Regiment moved with the Army of the Potomac, to enter upon the campaign of the Peninsula. During the seige of Yorktown, it was constantly employed in picket and other important duties. On the evacuation of that place by the rebels, it formed a i)art of Stoneman's advance in pursuit, and participated in the capture of fort ]\Iagruder, at Williamsburg, saving a regiment that had been badly cut up by unwisely drawing upon it the fire of the fort at eight hundred yards distance. It contin- ued with the advance of Stoneman during its operations on the Pamuuky and Chickahominy rivers, was the first to take possession of White House, took part in the battles of Mechanicsville and Seven Pines, and at Turkey Bend was detached with the Tth Massachusetts, to guard Turkey Bend bridge, and remained there till Porter's corps crossed. After the battle of Malvern Hill, when the army fell back to Harrison's Landing, the Regiment was assigned to the rear as a cover. On the .')tli July, it was in position on the west side of James river, opposite City Point, occupied in throwing up breastworks. SECOND REGIMENT KHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 41 When the Army of the Potomac witlidrew from the Peninsula, the Regiment proceeded to the vicinity of Yorktown, where it I'emained a week destroj'ing eartluvorks, and August 2Uth it embarked for Alexandria, where it landed Sept. 1st. It shared the fortunes of Pope's Bull Run campaign, was in position at Elk Mountain on the 17th September, during the battle of Antietam, and subsequently, after performing a variety of fatiguing duties, marclied with Franklin's corps, to a position in front of Fredericksburg. In tlie assault upon that city, December l-lth, it acted with spirit and efficiency. In the ])reliminary movements of Franklin's corps, this Regiment was the first to cross the river, in face of a heavy body of rebel infantry and artillery, and deploying as skirmishers, drove in their pickets,^ a movement executed with the coolness and precision of a regimental drill. Here, Colonel Wheaton was ordered to the command of a brigade that had been under the command of General Howe, and the command of the Regiment devolved on the sallant Colonel Nelson Viall, who received his commission on the field. This he subsequently resigned, and the temporary command of the Regiment fell to Lieutenant-Colonel GofF, an able and highly esteemed officer. He was succeeded by Colonel Horatio Rogers, .Jr., transferred from the 11th R. I. Volunteers. After the battle of the 14th, Colonel (now General) Wheaton received from the Regiment the gift of a superb sword, belt and silver spurs, as a testimony of their legard for Iiitn as an officer. In the " mud expedition," that followed this attack on Fredericksburg, the Second Rhode Island participated. It subsequently went into winter quarters, and was employed in picket duty and the usual camp routine. On the 2d and 3d of May, 1863, the battle of Ciiancellorsville was fougl-.t. On the morning of the 3d, the Regiment supported General Gibbon's division in carrving Salem Heights, near Fredericksburg, having two men slightly wound- ed. In the storming of Marye's Heights, on the afternoon of the same day, the most terrible ]iortion of the conflict, and in some sense a separate, indepen- dent battle, the Regiment led by Colonel Rogers, performed deeds of conspic- uous valor. At a critical moment, it largely contributed towards checking the enemy when our forces were being driven on the right, and saved a New Jersey regiment, hotly pressed, from annihilation and probable capture. The battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1st, 2d, and 3d, next followed. In reaching this field of Union triumph, so dearly purchased, the Regiment made good time, and toward night of the second day, having marched about thirty miles, it took ])osition on the field of battle on the extreme left, as a portion of Sedgwick's reserve. During the whole of the 3d, though not directly engaged, it was constantly moving luider a storm of shells, to different parts of the field, in support of ])oints hardly pressed, losing one man killed and three wounded, and on the following day was on picket on the further edge of the battle field. In pursuit of the retreating rebels, the Regiment had a picket skirmish at Williamsport, July 12th, in which three men were wounded. 6 42 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. Continuing its marcli back- into Virginia, tlie Regiment made camp near Warrenton, July 25tl), having marclied, going and returning, nearly three hundred miles. On the 9th of October, following the battle of Gettysburg, tlic rebel General Lee put his army again in motion, to turn tlie riglit flank of the forces under ^leade, and make a iiush for Washington ; but tlie falling back of the Federals upon CentrcviJle and Ciiautiily completely checkmated iiis purjiose. At this point, the 6th corps, including the Second Rhode Island, occupied the extreme right of the line. In the advance of the Union forces upon Rappa- hannock Station, November 7th, which resulted in the rout of the enemy and the capture of IfiOO prisoners, the Regiment was held in reserve ; and in another successful advance across the Rapidan, November 2fith, it ])articipated. A quiet winter at Brandy Station intervened, when on the 4th of May, 1864, the Army of tlie Potomac begun the grand movement that ultimated in tiie capture of Richmond, and the overthrow of tlie rebel confederacy. The marching and fighting of the succeeding four or five weeks, to reach the Chickahominy, coini)rises a part of the history of the Regiment. In the "Wilderness, at Spottsylvania Court House, and all along the succession of flank movements, it bore an honorable and conspicuous part, and in the sanguinary battle of Cold Harbor, a few days before its term of service expired, added another to the laurels won on other fields. On the llth of June, the three- years' men, imder the command of Colonel S. B. IM. Read, returned to Provi- dence, and on the 17th were mustered out of service. By order of Governor Smith, tliev were received by the Division of Militia under the command of Major General Olney Arnold, and escorted to Howard Hall, where a bountiful collation had been provided, and a formal State reception took ])lace. Colonel Read was wounded in the head and leg, May I2tli, on the third day of the battle of Spottsylvania Court House, and was promoted from Lieutenant- Colonel on the 1st June following, for gallant conduct in the battles of the campaign in which he had particijtated uj) to that date. At the date of the mustering out of the first three years' men, companies A, B, and C, comprising recruits enlisted from time to time, conscripts, and reenlisted veterans, remained in the field before Petersburg. Wishing to preserve to the close of the war the identity of a Regiment that had served so faithfully and bravely. Governor Smith authorized a reorganization, dating from the muster out of the original Regiment. Companies D, E, F, G, and H, were recruited and sent forward, and regimental relations were once more established, luider tlie command of Lieutenant-Colonel Elisha T. Rhodes, breveted Colonel Ajnil 2(1, ISii,'), for gallant services before Petersburg. On the Gtli July, 1864, General Early, with a portion of the rebel advance, crossed the Potomac near Antietam, into Maryland, and made a raid on AVashincton. The Sixth Army Corps, including the Second Rhode Island, and Batteries C, D, and G, were hurried to the defence of the Capital, and reached there just in season to save the city, and to aid in driving the enemy SECOND REGIMENT KHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 43 wlio had approached within shelling distance, back into the valley of the Shenandoaii. In the engagement at Briglitwood, Md., on the night of Jnly 12tii, near its old camp gronnd, Sergeant Joseph M. Wood, acting Lieutenant of Company B, and private AValter Harrup, were wounded. The pursuit of the rebels was continued, first under General AVright, and then under General Sheridan, who had been appointed to the command of the Depart- ment. In the battle of Winchester, September 19th, the Regiment behaved with great gallantry, and had nine men wounded, one niortallj'. After this battle the Regiment was detailed as part of the garrison of Winchester, to jirotect it against guerrillas, as well as to escort trains to the front. It was there when the battle of Cedar Creek, Oct. 10th, was fought, and remained until December 1st, when it rejoined the Army of the Potomac, and passed the winter of 186-1 and 1865 in doinji- siege duty in the trenches in front of Petersburg, Ya. The Regiment was engaged in all the skirmishes that took ])lace during this period, the most important of which were Hatcher's Run, December 10th, 1861 ; Hatcher's Run, February 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th, 1865 ; Fort Fisher, Va., March 25th, and Fort Stedman, same day. In the attack on Petersburg, April 2d, 1865, the Regiment took a prominent and important part. The night before, the Sixth Corps w-as massed in front of Fort Fisher, ready for the assault. Just at day-break, Sunday morning, the lines advanced under a heavy fire, and carried the enemy's main lines by storm. The Second Rhode Island started in the second line, but were the first to reach the works, and planted its colors on the ])arapet. The enemy tied ill great confusion, after their lines were pierced. Lieutenant Frank S. Ilalliday, acting Adjutant of the Regiment, with a small party, carried a rebel fort mounting two guns, and turned them upon the enemy. The whole affair was a glorious success, and caused the evacuation of the city on Monday morning, April od. In the battle of Sailors' Creek, Thursday following the above, April 6th, the Regiment displayed great prowess. About 5 o'clock p. m., the division to which it was attaclied, advanced on the enemy's lines, and the Second Rhode Island attacked a part of the Naval brigade, commanded by officers of the late rebel fleet. The Regiment charged to within a few feet of their hues, when it met a severe flank fire, which forced it to retire. The action was so close that men were bayoneted, and knocked down with the butts of muskets. In the confusion, the colors of the Regiment were captured, but were quickly re-taken. The place where it charged was swampy, with water at least three feet deep, but the men pushed gallantly forward, and regained all the ground lost, causing the enemy to flee in great confusion, who left a part of their wagons in Federal hands. The loss was severe in officers and men, but there was a proud satisfiction in knowing that the efforts of the Regiment hastened the surrender of Lee and his army. Captain Charles W. Gleason and Lieutenant William H. Perry, both gallant officers, were killed. They were loved and respected by the Regiment. They entered the service as enlisted men at the 44 ' SECOND REGIMENT KIIODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. befiiiniiK' of tlie war, and by merit rose to tlicir positions as officers. In this battle the conduct of officers and men was in the liisihest decree conunenduble. The new men, wiio went into action for tlie first time, fouiiiit hi. C, May 24tli, was mustered out of the United States service at Hall's Hill, Va., July 13th, and left for Providence on tlie 15th. It reached its destination by the train from New York, at 12 o'clock midnight, July 17th, accompanied by the 11th and ;58th ]Massachusetts regiments, bound to Readville. The Regiment ■was received with the cheers of waiting friends, the salute of the Marine Artillery, and the presented arms of Company A, Pawtucket Light Guard, Captain iM'Cloy. After the reception, they formed and were escorted to Wasliington Hall, -where they ])artook of an amjile collation, prepared by L. H. Humphreys, under the direction of Captain Henrie Crandall. The Regi- ment had often been severely depleted by sickness, and by losses ui)on the battle field. After the battle of jMalvern Hill in 18(J2, it could number only 250 effective men. It numbered on its return, 345 officers and men. Under general orders from the War Department, General JNIeade directed, jNIarch 7, 1865, the names of the following battles in which the Regiment had borne a meritorious part, to be inscribed upon its colors, viz. : First Bull Run, Marye's Heights, Spottsylvania, Yorktown, Salem Heights, Coal Harbor, Williamsburg, Gettysburg, Petersburg, Malvern Hill, Rappahannock Station, Fort Stevens, Antietam, Wilderness, Opequan. Fredericksburg, The author of " Rhode Idand in the Rchellion " says : " It is a reniarkalile fact in the history of this Regiment, that from the first battle of Bull Run to that of Chancellorsville, it has met the same rebel regiments on picket, and been opposed to the same on the field. So frequently hail they met that many of the men, on both sides, formed a familiar ac(piaintance. ( )n the first picket service after a luird Ijattle, the secesh would incpiire, with apparent interest, after Federals not present. The scrupulous regartl jiaid liytlie Second Rhode Island to the order against ])ickel firing, secured the respect and entire confi- dence of these opjjonents, and when the former took their posts, the latter would leave their rifle j)its to which they had resorted for coxcr, stack arms, and enter into friendly conversation. From the beirinninji', the Reffiment has supported an lionoral)le rejuitation for respecting [)riyate i)roperty in proximity to its encampments. The amount of hard labor it has performed has not been sur])asscd by any other regiment in the army of the Potomac ;'but whether intrenching, clearing away forests, marchin<£ or (iy;hting, it has maintained a uniform character for bravery and efficiency."* » Page 294. Second Eeffiment Ehocle Island Volunteers. FIELD AND STAFF. NAME AND RANK. John S. Slocum, Frank Wheaton, Nelson Viall, Horatio Rogers, Jr. S. IJ. M. Read, Lictilcnant Colonels. Frank Wheaton, William H. P. Steere, Nelson Viall, Nathan Goff, Jr., KESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Providence, R. I. S. B. M. Read, Cleveland, Ohio, Providence, R. I. (( K tt it Warren, R. I. June 5, 1861. July, 1861. Feb. 6, 1863. June 5, 1861. July, 1801. Cleveland, Ohio, lApril 9, 1863, Thorndike C. Jameson. Boston, Mass. Sullivan Ballou, Nelson Viall, Nathan Goff; Jr. Henry C. Jenckes, Ai/jufanls. Samuel J. .■^mith, William J. Bradford, Flisha H. Rhodes, Woonsouket, R. I. Providence, R. I. Warren, R. I, Providence, R. I. Bristol, R. I. Providence, R. I. REMARKS. Thorndike J. Smith, Chepachet, R. I. Qiiiiytentiastcrs. i James Aborn, Providence, R. I. James 11. Tate, Robert W. Small, Woonsocket, R. I. Sept. 23, 1864. .June 5, 1861. July, 1861. March 2, 1808. July, 1861. March 20, '63. April 16, 1863. Dec. 29, 1864. June 6, 1861. March 16, '63. Killed battle Bull Run, July 21, 1861. Brig. Gen. Vols., Nov. 2',), 1862; Bvt. Miij. Gen. Vols.. Aug. 1, 1864, for gallant and meritorious services in battles of Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Middletown, Va. Resigned Jan. 2.5, 1863. Resigned Jivn, 14, 1864. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Colonel July 22,1861. Colonel 4th B. I. Vols., June 12, 1862. Colonel Dec. 13, 1802. Lieut. Col. 22d U. S. C. I., Dec. 22, 1863; wounded June 15, 1864, in front of Petersburg, Va. ; Col. 37th U. S. C. I., Oct. 22,1864; Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols., Oct. 16, 1865, to rank as such from Mar. 13, 1805, for long and faithful service, and gallant conduct in the field. Woun led battle Wilderness, May 12, 1804; Col. June 1. 1804, for gallant conduct battles of Wilderness, and Spottsylvania Court House. Resigned .Tan. 8, 1808. Killed battle Bull Run, June 21, 1861. Lieut. Col. June 32,1862. Lieut. Col. Dec. 13, 1862. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Resigned Jan. 6, 1863. Transferred to Co. E, Nov. 6, 1868. Transferred to new organization ; Capt. Co. E, June 21, 1864. Transferred to new organization. Resigned JIarch 13, 1863. Resigned and honorably discharged March 11, 1864. Transferred to new organization. 46 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. MAUE AND RANK. BBSIDENCE. BATE OF MDSTER. Providence, R. I. Francis L. Wlic^aton, George W. Carr, Assisttiiit Siiiyeons. Geiirgc W. Carr, Morris K. Jones, James Harris, Ira Perry, Lucius S. Kollcs. ■\Villiain F. .Smltli, (yifi/ilaiiiii. Tliorndikt' C. Jameson, Boston, Mass. John U. Ueugless, I'hila.lLlpliia, Pa. Woonsockct, R. I. Serqeant Majors. Eilwan'l A. Hiissell, Ailin B. (.'apron. " " Oi'orge Cli'ndennin, Jr. New York. N. Y. Klislia 11. lilioilts. I'roviilence, K. I. William J. nratllbrd, Bristol. R. I. TiiDrrulike J. Smitli, C'lu-pacliet, R. I. Geo. F. Easterbrooks, Bristol, R. I. David Small, Pawtucket, R. I. Qiutrftrmanter Sergeants. Henry C. Jcnckes, Providence, R. I. Thomas T. Burke, Robert W. Small, Comm issd rif .Srrt/ea uts. James H. Tate, John M. Turner, George H. Clienery, I/usin't(il St(ward$. Edwin A. Calder, Levi F. Carr, AVilliam L. Wlieaton, Jarvis R. Losser, Drian Major. Jeremiah S. Potter, /•V/i," Major. John S. Tennant, Woonsockct, R. I. Providence, R. I. June 5, 18G1. [Dismissed the service Sept. 12. 1802. Sept. 12, 1802. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Aug. 27. 1801. 'surgeon Sept. 12. 1802. Nov. 8, 1802. j Dismissed the service. June 2:i, 1801. [Taken prisoner at Bull liuii, July 21, IWil; released on parole. " " Not on roll Aug. :J1. 1(<02. .March 20, '03. lU'signed Sept. 10. 1803. March 24, '04. j Transferred to new organization. June Sept. o, 1801. 24, 1803. •June 5, 18C1. Sept. June 6. 1861. 5, 1801. June 6, 1861. June 5, 1801. Aug. June June June Dec. 1, 1801. 5, 1861. 5, 1801. 0, 1801. 31, 1801, June 5, 1861. 'June 0. 1801. Aug. 20, 1802 June 6, 1861. Maj'jr Dec. 13. 1862. Wounded in right arm battle Wilder- I ness. May o, 1804 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1804. 2d Lieut. Co. G. July 22d, 1801. !2d Lieut. Co. I), Oct. 11. 1801. 2d Lieut. Co. E.Jan. 31, 1802. 2d Lieut. Co. 1). Julv 24, 1802. 1st Lieut, and Adjutant, Feb. 22, 1803. 2d Lieut. Co. F, Sept. 7, 1803. Re-enlisted Dec. 20, 1803; 2d Lieut. July 10. '01. not assigned ; 1st Lieut. Co. B. new organization. Sept. 'J. '64. 2d Lieut. Co. li. new organization, Oct. 31, 1804. for gallant conduct, etc. Missing battle Bull Uuri.July 21.1801; prisoner at Riclnndnd July 24. 1861 ; made liis escape; 2d Lieut. Co. I. Discharged J idy 28, 1802, on Surgeon's certificate. Re-eidisted Dec. 20. 1803 ; transferred to new organization ; 1st Lieut, and Quartermaster. Sept. I'.i, 1804. 2d Lieut. Co. B.July 21. 1802. 2d Lieut. Co. I, Sept. 14, 1863. Transfe'd N. C. S., new organization. Discharged by order War Department. .Mustered out of service June 17. 1864. 2d Lieut. Co. F, Sept. 28, 1861. Transferred from (^o. I, June 17, 1864; transferred to Co. C, new organiza- tion June 17, 1804. Mustered out of service June 17, 1804. Warwick, R. I. June 5, 1861. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 47 BAND DATE NAME AND liAXK. RESIDENCE. REMARKS. OF MDSTER. Leader. Peter Kalkman, June 12, 1861. Discharged. Drum Majors. H. E. Tttlow,' June 12, 1861. Jeromiali S. Potter, June 6, 1861. Transferred to N. C. S. John H. Teniiant, " 5, " Transferred from Company A. Fife Major. John H. Tcniiant, June 5, 18G1. Transferred to N. 0. S. Mtisicians. Peter Gahen, June 6, 1861. Joseph Kuralt, tt it John Larkin. ti it James Waclilini;ton, (t (t Deserted July 29, 1861. Frederic Schaatt" Aug. 16, 1861. George Webber, June 12. 1861. Discharged March 8, 1862, on Sur- geon's certificate. rharles L. Kramer, June 12, 1861. Frank E. Gilbert, " " Warren C. Keyes, a K Discharged March 5, 1862, on Sur- geon's certificate. Joseph Canno. Aug. 8, 1861. Albert Woodworth, June 12. 1861. Theodore Elmendorff, B. S. Pahiier, « 11 Albert W. Fcsscnden, " " Absent without leave. Charles W. Randall, ft tt W. B. Ryan, Taken Prisoner at battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861 ; released from Salis- bury, N. C, June 3, 1862. Chandler L. Parker, June 12, 1861. Charles A. Kuralt, " " William Perkins, ii It Louis Steinnian, (t it Julius Sehunke, Aug. 12, 1861. Bernard M. Hall, " 1, " William S. Dilloway, Sept. 5, 1861. Discharged Dec. 20, '61, on Surgeon's certificate. George Kenyon, June 5, 1861. Transferred to Co. I, Aug. 11, 1862. 48 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. COMPANY A. NAHE AND KANE. Caplalns. Cyrus G. IJyer, Edward A Kusscll, Is^ I/u^utinnnts. Stcplien T. Arnold, Thomas Foy, Sanuicl J. English, Charles A. Waldron, Edmund F. Frentiss, 2(/. Lieutenants. Henry Williams, Moses W. Collins, George Clendennin, Patrick Lyons, Sergeants. Asa Wilson, Clark E. Bates, William D.nvley, Kalpli Warren, Andrew McMahon, Corporals. John Wells, Alexander M. Warner, William B. Douglass, Zina W. .Ii)hiison, Albert L. Carter, Joseph Lewis, William P. Bentley, Stillman Matteson, Musieians. AVilliam II. Tourjee, John II. Tennant, }Vagoner. George W. Bates, Pri rates. Anderson, Henry Alexander, Herman Aldrieh, Andrew J. DATE OF MUSTER. Providence, R. I. June 5, 1861. Major l'2th U. L Vols., Oct. 10, 1862. I Woonsocket, R. L Oct. 10, 1862. Mustered out of service June 17, 'G4. Providence, R. I. F. Greenwich, R. Warwick, R. I. Bristol, R. I. Providence, R. I. Warwick, R. I. New York, N. Y. June 6, 1861. L June 6, 1861. Uprill, 1P63. Nov. 15, 1863. |june 6, 18G1. June 6, 1861. S. Kingstown, R. I. May 28, 1863 Providence, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Scituate, R. I. Scituate, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Coventry, R. I. Cranston, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Scituate, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Warwick, R. I. England. (Jermaiiv, Warren,' R. I. ;July iJ, 1861. July 6, 1861. Junes, 1861. ;June 5, 1861. June 5, 1861. June 5, 1861. Junes, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. lluneS, 1861. June 5, 1861. June 5, 1861. July 8. 1863. Wounded at hattleot'Bull Run July 21, I 1861 ; resigned, Oct. 11. 1861. Captain Company C. July 24. 1862. ICaplain Company II, Feb. 22,1863. Wounded in head and thigh at battle of Wilderness, May 18. 1864 ; trans- ferred to Company A, new organ- ization. June 17, 1864. Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; resigned July 2',l, 1861. First Lient. Co. B, .j"uly 24, 1862. Ass't Adj't Gen, on Gen. Whealnn's staff; mustered out of service March 11,186.3. Wounded in foot at battle of Wilder- ness May 5, 1864 ; mustered out ot service .June 17, 1864. Discharged July 13, 1861, on Sur- geon's certificate. Second Lieut. Co. I, Feb 22, 1863. Discharged March 20, 1863, on Sur- geon's certificate. Discharged Mar. 30, 1864, to accept a cominission in U. S. C T. Wounded in head at battle of Salem Heights, M.ay 3, 1863; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Discli'd Aug. 26, '61, on Surg, eertifi'e " " HI, " " '■ " 26, ! " '• 26. Mustered out of service June, 17, '64. {Discharged Mar. 8, 1863, on Surgeon's I certificate. Killed June 2.'), 1862, at battle Seven I Pines. Died June 'J, 1862. at N. Y. in Hospital. t Discharged Aug. 26, 1862, on Sur- geon's certificate. Wounded July 21, 1861, at battle Bull Kun ; transferred to Band as Drum Major. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; transfeired to Co. A. new organization. Transferred to Co. A. new organiza'n. Oct. 18, 1861. Corporal; re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; wounded in ankle at battle of Wil- I I derness May o. 1S6-J ; transferred to ' I Co. A, new organization, SECOND REGIMENT KHODE ISLAND YOLUNTEEKS. 49 NAME AND BANK. Anear, William Arnold, Cliristian Armstrong, James Abbott, A. H. ArnoUl, Nathan liurkc, Thomas T. Bovnton, George Bellows. Josiali \V. Bruno, Kiehanl BuUlleman, William Brown, Lawrence Boyling, Peter Bruno, Nicliola Burns, Samuel Black, Samuel Bolton, Henry Brown, Cliarles Boss, Ashael Cory, John A. Clayton, John Catly, Joel E. Jr. Crocker, Charles E. Caiiy, William S. Calligan. James Carroll, James Church. Benjamin J. Collins, James Coville, Davia H. Coyle, James H. Cambell, Patrick Crosby, Samuel Crosby, John J. Donnelley, Peter llunbar, William H. Everett, Samuel II. Fay, Michael Fenner, John F'innegan, ')wen Flynn, Thomas Funt, Thomas Gardner, John N. Gorton, Benjamin Gleason, Charles W. Grimes, Thomas Greene, Peter Iladley, Charles E. 7 EESIDENCE. Germany, Providence, R. I. Providence. R I. Prussia, Warwick, R. I. Greece. Providence, R. I. New Brunswick, Warwick. R. I. Gclb, Gibraltar, Ireland, Warwick, R, I. England. Germany, Providence. R. I. Warwick, R. I. Conn. Warwick, R. I. Providence, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Coventry, R I, Warwick, R. I. Coventry, R. I. Warwick. R. I. Mass. Boston, Mass. iProvidence, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Scituate, R I. Warwick, R. I. Olneyville, R. I. Scituate, R. I. DATE OF MCSTEK. BEMARKS. July 4, 1863. Aug. 12, 1863, Oct. 21, 1861. Aug. 1. 18G1. July 8, 18G3. Oct. 2-5, 1801. July 8, 1863. Sept. 2, 1862. July 1, 1863. June 5, 1801. Julv 9, 1863. Aug. 10, 1863 June 5, 1861. Aug. 10, 1863 Sept. 8, 1862. June 5, 1861. July 8. 1863. Sept. 4, 1862. Sept. 29, 1862. June 5, 1861. Oct. 15, 1861. June 5, 1861. June 28, 1861. July 6. 1861. Dec. 5, 1861". Juno 5, 1861. March 17, '62, June 5. 1861. Deserted Aug. 21, 1863. " 26, " Died from wounds received at battle before Richmond, July 25, 1862. Transferred to Co. A. new organiza'n. Quartermaster Sergeant, Aug. 31, '61. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. *. 4, a Deserted Oct. 27, 1863. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Deserted Dec. 4, 1862. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Transferred to Navy. April 15, 1864. Deserted Oct. 23. 1863. Transfe'd Vet. Res. Corps, M\r. 7, '64. Wounded battle Salem Heights, May 3, 1863 ; mustered out of service July 1, 1865. Discharged June 19, 1861. Deserted June 19, 1861. Discharged Oct. 17, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Deserted Oct. 18, 1862. Mustered out of service Feb. 16, 1865. Discharged Oct. 18, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Discharged Aug. 18,1862,on Surgeon's certificate. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; -wounded at battle near Winchester, Sept. 19, '04 ; transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Discharged Aug. 26, 1861,on Surgeon's certificate. Re-enlisted Dec 26 to Co. A, new organization Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Discharged Sept. 26, 1861,on Surgeon's certificate. Discharged Aug. 26, 1861, on Surgeon's certificate. Died Sept. 27, 1862, at Downersville, Md., of fever. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Deserted April 18. 1863. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded battle BullRun, July 21, '61; discharged Oct. 11, '01, on Surgeon's certificate. Wounded battle Salem Heights, May 8, 1863; transferred to V. R. C, May 15. 1864. Discharged Dec. 81, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Re-enlisted Dee. 26. 1863; 2d Lieut. Co. B, July 16, 1804. Discharged April 26, 1862,on Surgeon's certificate. Transferred to V. R. C. Sept. 21,1803. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. 1863 ■ transferred 50 SECOXD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. KAME AND BAXK. DATE OF MDSTEB. Hopkins, Albert E. Providence, R. I. March 15, '62. Ilenrv, Asa B. Hull," William U. Hill, John D. Warwick, R. I. I'rovitk'iKO, H. I. (Warwick, I{. I. Henry, Thomas Cranston, R. 1. Haskell, Joseph E. Conn Johnson. Welcome O. Coventry, I!. I. Jordan. .James 15. Warwick, R. I. Law ton, Warren C. Lawton, Henry C. Scituate, R. I. L.iwton, Ambrose W. Warwick, I!. I. Livsey, .Joseph E. Greenwich, R. Lewis, William A. Ualtic, Conn. Lawton, John F. Scituate, R. I. Lewis, Job Warwick, R. I. Lcvalley, John ] " " McClarance, George E. Greenwich, R. RIakec, Alfred O. Warwick, R. I. Moon, Sanford E. Malioney, John " " Manchester, George R. Warren, H. I. Mattcson, Oliver S. Coventry, R. I. June 5, 18G1. Feb. 20, 1802. I Oct. 28, 1802. June 5, 1801. Martin, Owen 2d, Marsden, George Morrison, Michael McK.ay, James McCanna, John Miner, Christopher McDonough, .lames Mattison, Harrison G. Nichols, Richard I'rovidence, R. I. Coventry, R. 1. Fall River, Mass. Warwick, R. I. I. March G. 1802. June 0, 1801. lAug. 11, 1862. |june f>, 1861. I. Feb. 24, 1802. June 5, 1801. Oct. 14, 1801. June 1.5, 1861. Oct, 12, 1801. !june 5, 1801. 'oct. 29, 1801. June 5, 1801. Providence. R. I. Oct. 20, 1801. Warwick. R. I. Clncyville, R. I. Scituate. R. I. Warwick. R. I. Northup, William H. Warwick. R. I. O'Brien. James Pierce, Stephen W. Pierce, Anthony B. Powell, Francis Randall, Henry Read, .John Rice, Joel 'Scituate, R. I. Johnston, R. I. Coventrv, R. I. Warwick. R. I. .Tune 0, 1801. Dec. 10, 1801 Aug. 1, 1801. June 0, 1801. Oct. 30, 1802. Aug. 1, 1801. Apr. 7, 1862. June i;, 1801. Wounded slightly at battle before Rich- mond. June 2."). 180"J; transferred to Battery C. 1st Lt. Art., Dec. 11. 'OS. Mustered out of service .lune 17, 1804. Discharged Se])!. 10. '02. from Hospital. Wounded battle Bull liun.July 21. '01; transfe'd to (^o. A, new organization. Transfe'Vounded arm battle Wilderness, May 6, '64; trans. Co. A. new organiz'n. June 6, 1861. Disch'd May, '62, on Surg, certificate. Oct. 15, 1862. Slightly wounded inarm battle Wilder- ness, May .5, '64 ; transferred to Co. A, new organizatiim. June 6, 1861. Disch'd May, '62, on Surg, certificate. Nov. 29, 1862. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. |June 6, 1861. 'In Hospital June 17, 1864. " " .Mustered out of service June 6, 1864. Julv 0, 1863. iDeserted Aug. 31, 1863. July 8, 1863. Deserted Nov. 13, 1863. .June 6, 1861. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. July 8, 1863. In Hospital August, 1861. July 10, 1863. Deserted Nov. 27, 1863. June 6, 1861. Serg. Nov. 1, 1862; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. . Dec. 3, 1863. Woun'd at battle Salem Heights, M.ay 3, 1863; trans, to Co. A, new org'n. Dec. 20, 1S61. Woun'd at battle Salem Heights, May 3, 1863; re-enlisted JIarch 20, 1.S64; transferred to Co. A, new organi'n. June 6, 1861. Disch'd Oct. 5, '61 on Surg, certifi'e. Woun'd at b.attle Salem Heights, Miiy 3, 1863 ; discharged Jan. 14, 1864, on Surg, certificate. July 10, 1863. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. U Q 4( Nov. 4, 1862. Died in hospital April 5, 1863 July 8, 1863. !Trans. to Co. A, new organization. Dec. 20, 1861. Disch. Aug 28, '62, on Surg, certificate. Dec. 2, 1862. Wound, at battle Salem Heights, M.iy 3, 1863 ; trans, to Co. A, new org. " Ijuly 8, 1863. Wounded in hand at battle Wilderness, I Mav 6, '64 ; trans, to Co. A, new or. !Jan. 20, 1863. Deserted Sept. 23, 1863. June 6, 1861. IDischarged June 10,1.861, (worthless.) Dec. 20, 1861. Died in hospital May 26th, 1864, of wounds received at battle of Wild- erness, May 12, 1864. Nov. 4, 1862. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Dec. 20, 1861. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. June 6, " " " " " " Trans, to Co. A, new organization. " Trans, to Battery C, 1st Lt. Artillery, Dec. 10, 1863. Nov. 9, 1861. Absent, sick in Hospital. June 6, " Disch'd Dec. 6, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Sept. 22, 1862. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Aug. 3, " Corp. Nov. 1, '62; reported killed at battle Salem Heights M.ay 3. 1863. Oct. 16, " Wounde 1 slightly in thigh, at Freder- icksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; trans. to Co. A, new organization. June 6, 1861. iDiscli'd Dec. 6, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. " 28, " Deserted July 28, '61 ; since enlisted in i U. S. N. Oct. 8, •' 'Wounded at battle Salem Heights May I 8, 1863; re-enllsted Dec. 26, 1863; I trans, to Co. A, new organization. 54 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME AND KANK. Hawes, Eiiward Hij!yins, Uiclianl Uowartli, .loiiatlian B. Hoyle, Daniel Hunter, Albert B. Iloas, Georpe AV. Hauler, William Hall, William F. Joslin, Marcus M. Kellcy, Luke Kieley, James Kelley, Lawrence Litllefield, William D. Lewis, Benjamin Logan, Edward Lowd, Matthew J. RlcGuire, Peter McElroy, James Medbury, William H. McManus, T"elix McCoole, Patrick Miller, Daniel F. Morse, Frank D. Jlead, Henry McGinn, Charles McLaren, Thomas Monaghan, Michael Mott, Christian McCall, Michael Muir, David Mullen, James McCaughey, Francis McKanna, Francis Mcfirath. George IMiiwry, Christopher O'Neal, Edward O'Honrke, Patrick Pratt, Augustus Keynolds, Thomas P. BE8IDENCE DATE OF MUSTEK. KEMARKS. * Providence R I. June 0, 1801. Jan. 27, 1802. Disch'd Dec. 20, '03, on Surg, certifi'e. Transferred to Co. I, Mar. 1, 1802. Olneyville, R, I. Oct. 0, 1801. Serg't Nov. 1, 1802; transferred to V. R. C, Jan. 1.'), 1864. Germany, " 25, 1862. Deserted July 1, 1803. Providence R I. " 0, 1801. Nov. 14, 1802. Died Aug. 11, 1802, at Harrison's Landing, Va., of typhoid fever. Providence R . I. Oct. 0, 1801. June 0, " Disch'd Aug. 28, '02, on Surg, certifi'e. iMustered Dut of service June 17, '04. " ( 11 if Re-eidisted Dec. 20, '03; in Hospital Sept. 1804. Olneyville, R. I. tt It Serg't ; wounded in arm at battle of Wilderness May 5, '04 ; arm ampu- tated. Ireland, July 8, 1863. Deserted Oct. Ul, 1803. Providence R. I. June 0, 1801. Serg't ; mustered out of service June 17, 1804. Scituate, I! I. Dec. 2, 1801. Killed at battle Salem Heights May 3, 1803. Disch'd Mar. 8, '02, on Surg, ccrtificat Providence R I. June 0, 1801. Wounded at battle Salem Heights May 3, '03 ; slightly wounded in hand near Williamsport, July 12, 1803; mustered out of service June 17, '04. Providence R I. June 0, 1801. Ke-enlisted Dee. 20, '03 ; trans, to Co. A, new organization. " ( tt tt It ti Disch'd Apr. 1, '02, on Surg, certifi'e. Mustered out of service June 17, '04. Foster, R.I tt if Missing at battle Malvern Hiil, Va., July 1, '02; died in Kichmond, Va. Providence R I. Dec. 20, " June 0, " Sept. 1, 1802. June 0, 1801. Mustered out of service June 17, '04. Missing at battle Salem Heights, May 3, 1803. Mustered out of service June 17, '04. Deserted Dec. 14. 1801. Providence 1 R I. Wounded in leg at battle of Wilder- ness, .May 12, 1804 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1804. Olneyville. H. I. JuneO, 1801. tt t( Sept. 28. " Serg't ; disch'd Sept. 10, '02, on Surg, certitieate. Wounded at battle Bidl Run July 21, '61; disch'd July 20, '02, on Surg, certificate. Woundeil slightly at battle before Uichnioiid, June 25, '02 ; wounded in head at battle Salem Heights May 3, 'O:! : trans, to Co. A. new organ'n. Providence, R. I. June 0, 1801. Wounded at battle Bull Run July 21, '61 ; disch'd June 13, '02, on Surg. certificate. Providence R I. June 0,1801. Mustered out of service June 17, '04. Wounded at battle Bull Run Ju'y 21, '01; disch'd June 13, '02 on Surg. certificate. Providence, It R. I. June G, 18G1. tt tt Corp. Nov. 1, 1802; mustered out of service June 17, 1804. Disch'd Dec. 31, '02, on Surg, certifi'e. " (t Oct. 28, 1802. Deserted Dec 11, 1802. Warwick, " .Tan. 21, " Discharged. Central Fal s', R. I. June 0, 1801. Wounded at battle before Richmond, June 2.5. 1802; discharged Dec. 20, 1802, on Surgeon's certificate. Providence, R. I. " " Mustered out of service June 17, 1862. Seekunk, M ass tt tt tt tt tt Scituate, n. I. June 0, 1801. Transferred to V. R. C.Dee. 10, 1803. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 55 NAME AND RANK. Riley, Peter Eodgers, Edwin M. Sprague, Albert A. Siiippee, David G. Stewart, Cliarles Smith, Franklin Stewart, Martin Suinmcrvillo, James Sweney, Jolin J. Sclirocndt, Basil Sullivan, Michael 0. Shoope, George Tanner, Job liESIDENCE. Arkwriglit, E. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, E. I. 'Boston, Mass. Scituate, E. I. Providence, R. I. Sarlc, Zephaniah A. Scituate, R. I. Vickery, Willard W. Providence, R. I. Wieslincr, Ilenrv Webb, .Jolin Wade, Barton J. Wade, George D. Teaw, Isaac H, Scituate, E. I. Providence, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Dec. 18, 1861. June 0, 18G1. Aug. 6, 1861. June 6, 1861. Oct. 8, 1801. June 0, 1861. Jan. 1, 1862. June 6, 1861. Dec. 9, 1862. June 6, 1861. Nov. 14, 1862. Aug, 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. Aug, 14, 1862, Aug. 1, 1861. Nov. 14, 1862. June 6, 1861. REMARKS. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; wounded in foot at battle of Wilderness, May 6, 1864; in hospital April 1, 1865. Scrgt. Oct. 12, 1861 ; discharged Dec. 20, 1861, on Surgeon's certificate. Transf. to V. R. C. Sept. 1, 1863. Wounded at battle Bull Enn, July 21, 1801 ; discharged Oct. 27, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Ee-enlisted Dec. 21, 1863; wounded in shoulder at battle Wilderness, May 18, 1864; trans, to Co. A, new org. Disch. Oct. .5, '61, on Surg, certificate. Wounded at battle of Salem Heights May 3, 1863 ; transferred to Co. A, new organization. Disch. March 8, 1863, on Surg, certif. April 1, 1862, " July 5, 1862, Died July 16, 1864, from wounds in both thighs, at battle of Wilderness, May, 6, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1864. Corporal ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Sick in hospital May 2, 1864. Wounded in side at Battle Wilderness, May 6, 1864 ; mustered out of ser- vice Aug. 1, 1864. Trans, to Battery C, 1st L. Artillery, Dec. 10, 1803. Deserted Dec. 11, 1862. 56 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. COMPANY C. NAME AXD RANK. RESIDKSCE. Cnplains. Nelson Viall, Otis 1'. G. Clarke, Tliomas Foy, l.il Lieuti'nnnts. Erlwanl Stanley, Edward A. Kussell, James Lawless, Amos M. Bowcn, '2(1 TAcntifimnta. Edwin K. Shearman, John M. niifiy, James Lawless, J. Ilenrv Tate, Charles J. Tinkhair, George L. Nason, Serfjeatits. Nicholas Underwood, Harrison Hyer, Charles Morgan, Caleb B. Kent, James Lawless, Corpoi'ah. Ichabod B. Burt, Edmund F. Prentiss, Geo. W. Seamans, Jr. Jo.seph B. Curtis, Hicliard M. Grant, William W. Anness, Richmond J. Stone, DATE OP MDSTER. June 5, 1861. Providence, R. I. Xcwiiort, U. I. E. Greenwich, K. L July 24, 1862. i!i;.MAHKS. I Newport, R. I. jWoonsocket, R. I. Proviilcnce, R. I. Major. July 22, 1801. Honorably discharged July 21 , 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Mustered out of service June 17, 18G4. June 0, 1861. Captain Co. E, Oct. 25, 1801. Captain Co. A, Oct. 10, 1862. Disch'd Jan. 17, '08, on Surg, certifi'e. Feb. 10, 1803. iMustered out of service June 17, 1804. June 0, 18G1. .March, 2!), '03. June 28, 1803. E. Greenwich, K. I Providence, R. I. June 5, 1801 Fall River, Mass. jProvidence. R. I. Cranston, R. I. Thos. O. H. Carpenter, S. Providence, I{. I Mn^lrians. Ransolier Hurd, AVilliam Holman, Harmony, Maine, Abington, jlass. Warioner. George Hubbard, Attleboro, Mass. a a Privates. Angell, Henry Adams, Daniel E. Providence, R. I. Attleboro, Mass. it it Angell, George W. Aliirich, Charles Aldrich. Uohcrt Algcr, Matthew Providence, R. I. Olncyville, R. I. u a All-. 1 ii ii 1801. Bean, Charles, June 5, 1861. Booth, Oliver W. Providence, R. I. it U 1st Lieut. Co. E, Julv 2'2, 1861, 1st Lieut. Co B, NoV. 13, 1861. 1st Lieut. Co. (', Oct. 10, 1802. 1st Lieut, and Quarterni'r Feb. 22, '03. Transferred to Co. 1). Mustered outof service June 17,1804. '2d Lieut. Co. H, Nov. 1, 1801. 1st Sergeant, Nov. 1,1801; mustered out of service .Tune 17, 1804. Disch'd Aug. 8, '02, on Surg, certifi'e. Died July 2."), '03, of wounds received July 12, before Williani.spoit, Md. 2a Lieut. Co. C, Dec. 18, 1801. Wounded battle Hull Run, July 21, '01 ; prisoner at Richmond : mustered out of service June 17, 1804. 2d Lieut. Co. K, June 3, 1803. Disch'd .Ian. 17, '02, on Surg, certifi'e. Disch'd June 7, '03, on Surg, certifi'e. Killed May ">, '04, at battle Wilderness. Color Sergeant, July 24. '02; mustered out of service .June 17, 1804. Sergeant, Jan. 1, 1802; mustered out of service June 17, 1801. Died of wounds received at battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1801. Disch'd Aug. 20, '02, on Surg, eertifi.e. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Disch'd Feb. '28, '02, on Surg, certifi'e. Deserted June 0, 1801. Wound'd battle Salem Heights, May 3, '03 ; musler'd out service Ju'e 17, '04. Deserted Jan. 25. 1802. Mustered out of service June 17, 1804. Transfe'd to V. R. C„ March 15.1804. Died May 14, '03, of wounds reeeiveii battle ot Salem Ili'Ighls, May 3, '03. Wounded battle Bull Kun, July 21, '01 ; prisonerat Richmond ; released from Salisbury, N. C, May '22, '02; disc'd Sept. 23] 1802, on Surg, certificate. Re-enlisted Dec. 20, 1803 ; transferred to Co. A, new organizaticn. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 57 NAME AND RANK. Blair, John Brcnnan, John J. Bojden, Lewis Brown, Cliarles H. Boyle, John Urej in.in, William H. Barry. Stephen Booth. Thomas Brown, Peter Broailhnrst, Andrew Cole, Alfred C. Capron, Frederic L. Collins, Michael Collins, Miclmcl, 2d. Crossley, William J. Crossley, Thomas ])oran, Thomas Donelley, John Damon, John F. Ponnely, Hugli C. Eajian, Michael Fuller, Clifford A. Fuller, Chauncey Farrell, John Fuller, Hiram Gordon, Eben Greene, Robert H. Greene, Joshua H, Goff, Alfred H. Greenhaleli, Andrew Hinds, William H. Hciiieau, Frederick Horton, Horace D. Heine, Aufrust Heatley, Andrew Hiilnian, George Hazlehurst, Kdward Holland. James Hans, Peter Henry, Frank Horton, Harris H. Harris AInion D. Ivanoff, .Tames Judge, James BESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Seekonk, Mass. Providence, R. I. DATE OF MCSTER. S. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. S. Kingstown, R. I, N. Reading, Mass. Providence, R. I. Glocester, R. I. Providence, R. I. Voluntown, Conn. Providence, R. I. Germany, Germany, Providence, R. I. Maine, Providence, R. I. June 5, 186L June 6, 1801. Aug. 1, 1861. June 0, 1861. Aug. 28, 1862. June 6, 1801. June .5, 1861. Sept. 22, 1802 Aug. 22, 1862 Dec. 17, 1861 .Tune 6, 1861. Dec. 7, 1861. .Tune 6, 1861. Aug. 2i, 1862. Oct. 2, " June 5, 1861. Nov. 15, 1861. .Tune .5, 1861. ii l( July 8, 1863. Nov. 17, 1862, July 9, 186.3. Dec. 9, 1861. .Ally 9, 1803. June 5, 1801. iProvidence, R. I. |.Tan. 14, 1862. New York, N. Y. Centreville, R. I. Prussia, Providence, R. I. .Tan. 3, 1862. ■Oct. .30, " '.Tan. 4, " 'July 9, 1863. [June 5, 1861. Killed May 4, '64, battle of Wilderness. Missing battle Salem Hi'hts, May 3, '03. Disch'd Dec. 20, '62, on Surg, certifi'e • Disch'd Jan. 19, '03, on Surg, certifi'e. Mustered out of service .Tuly 17, 1864. Disch'd Oct. 13, '61, on Surg, certifi'e. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Deserted Sept. 1. 1802. Deserted Sept. 29, 1802. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1804. Died June 5, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va., of gunshot wounds. Wounded shoulder battle Wilderness, May 12, '04; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Corporal ; wound'd battle Salem Hei'ts, May 3, '63 ; wounded in thigh battle Wilderness, May 5, 1804 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1804. Disch'd Dec. 29, '63, on Surg, certifi'e. Wounded, and prisoner at Richmond Hospital, released from Salisbury, N. C, May 23, 1862; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Disch'd July 1. '62. on Surg, certificate. Deserted jidy 1, 1803. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Rt-enlisted Dec. 26, '63; trans, to Co. A, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, '61 ; disch'd July 28, '02, on Surg. certificate. Disch'd Apr. 4, '02, on Surg, certifi'e. Died June .5, 1864, from wounds. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Disch'd Sept. 28, '03, on Surg. cert. Mustered out of service June 17, '04. First 'Sergt. ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded at battle Salem Heights May 3, 1803 ; trans, to V. R. C, March 7, 1804. Disch'd July 28, '61, on Surg, certifi'e Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Transferred to battery C, 1st Lt. Art., Nov. 15, 1863. Wounded May 3, 1863, iit battle Sa- lem Heights, Va. Wounded in knee at battle of Wilder- ness, May 5, '64 ; leg since ampu- tated ; trans, to Co. A, new organ'n. Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, '61 ; wounded in ankle at battle of Wilderness, May 5, '04 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1804. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Disch'd July 1, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Absent, sick. Discharged. Deserted Dec. 11, 1863. Wounded at battle Bull Run, .July 21, 1861 ; sentto Hospital at H.arrison'8 Landing, Va., Aug. 15, 1862. 58 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME AND BANK. Jordan, Charles H. Kelly, James Kronke, John Kellogg, Edwin D. King, Lemuel B. Knott, James Kelley, William Kelly, Mark Love, James Landy, Thomas Lamb, flenrv Littlefieid, Arsunius Lines, Nelson Lavin, Martin Logan, Burnett LowiIkt, George Lewis, John Murphy, I'atrick J. Miller, Percy Morgan, James McKern, S. McLane, Andrew McCrune, Charles Mahan, John McKaekney, James W, McQuade, Richard McQueen, Patrick Meagher, Michael Myer, ('liarles McLauglilin, Andrew McCabe, James Murray, Pelcg F. Mace, Joseph Neenan, John Noon, Michael Nuttin^, OIney E. Potter, Benjamin G. Peters, .John Pheny, Dennis Powers, Charles Powers, IJichard BESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Providence, R. I. Germany, Providence, R. I. Allendale, R. I. Olneyville, K. I. Providence, R. L Scituate, Providence, Warwick, Providence, Scituate, Providence, Scituate, " Providence, " Hebron, Mass. Cork, Ireland, Providence, R. I. Cork, Ireland, Providence, R. I. (( • . 1802; discharged Dec. 23, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Deserted Dec. 20, 1802. June 5, 1861. Missing after battle Bull Kun ; prisoner in Kieluiicind; died; date of death unknown. Aug. 1, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1864. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 61 NAME AND RANK. Bronson, James M. Briscoe, Thomas Butts, Lucius J. Braloy, Benjamin T. Besse, Benjamin W. Besse, Lotlirop A. Bartlett, Reuben Brailey, Timothy J. Baljcock. William M. Brown, Francis J. Babcock, .T. H. Bales, Stephen A. Blackman, Benjamin, Cliace, Louis W. Conncrs, Thomas Carter. Hiram A. Craigin, C. C. Crawford, IJobert C. Deane, John E. Dugan, James Durfee, Samuel B. Eddy, Samuel T. Friery, John Fitzpatrick, James Fisher, Francis Geavlin, Lawrence A. Gordon, George Gardiner, Ezekiel C. Griffin, John Gunn, George G. Gardner, Robert E. Gardiner, Nicliol-.s E. BESIDENCE. DATE OF JinSTEE. BEMABKS. N. Providence, K. I. June 6, 1861. England, July 8, 1863 Providence, R. L June 6, 1861. N. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. N. Providence, R. I. " " Providence, R. L July 9, 1863. June 6, 1861. jNov. 30, 1861. " " jjune 6, 1861. Bellinghara, Mass. Aug. 1, 1861. Providence, R. L Olneyville, " Pawtucket, R. L Providence, R. I. Dec. I'J, 1861, June 6, 1861. Oct. 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. Oct. 8, 1863. June 6, 1861. Oct. 8, 1863. Providence, R. I. June 6, 1861. Meath Co., Ireland, Sept. 14, 1863. Latrim, Ireland, Oct. 13, 1862. ; England, Providence, R. I. Scotland, Providence, R. I. New Brunswick, Providence, R. I. Giles, Charles O. Griffin, Charles I!. Hayden, Louis F. Howard, .John Henley, Charles W. Hubbard, Lewis E. i Henshaw, Edwin B. i Hubbard, Benjamin T. Hall, Royal F. Hammett, C. D., Jr. Hull, Samuel F. Ingrahani, John B. Johnson, Cyrus \V. Aug. 12, 1863. June 6, 1861. Aug. 11, 1863. June 6. 1861. Aug. 11, 1863, Sept. 1, 1862. ;june 6, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. Canada, July 10, 1863. Providence, R. I. June 6, 1861. Oct. 29, 1861. :june 6, 1861. Aug. 6, 1862. Nov. 19, 1863, June 6, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. Disc'd Aug. 6, '62, on Surg, certific'e. Deserted Sept. 26, 1863. Discharged Aug. 5, 1861, (worthless.) Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Transferred to U. S. Navy, Feb. 14, '62. Wounded battle Bull Run ; prisoner at Richmond ; released from Salisbury, N. C,,May 22,1862; mustered'out of service June 17, 1864. Killed July 21, 1861, battle Bull Run. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Disc'd July 2(1. '61, on Surg. cerliBc'e. Wounded battle Salem Heights, May 3, '63,- transfd Co. B, new organiza'n. Disc'd Aug. 5, '61, on Surg, certific'e. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1864. Transfe'd to Co. B, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Disc'd Feb. 11, '63, on Surg, certific'e. Corp. : niust'd out service Ju'e 17, '64. Disc'd Bee. 8, '63, to accept commis'n as Captain 14th R. I. H. A., (col'd.) Transferred to V. R. C, July 1, 1863. Missing in action battle of Wilderness, since May 12. 1864. Kill'd May 12, '64, at battle Wilderness. Sergeant; wounded slightly, before Richmond, June 25, 1862; mustered ! out of service June 17, 1864. Discharged Oct. 8, 1861, on Surgeon's i certificate. Transferred to Co. B, new organiza'n. Wounded at battle of Salem Heights, May 3, 1863; trans, to Co. B, new organization. Trans, to U. S. Navy April 18, 1864. Discharged Sept. 25, 1862, on Sur- geon's certificate. Prisoner of war ; e-xclianged. Trans, to V. K. C, Sept. 1, 1863. Deserted Sept. 26, 1863. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Corporal ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded slightly at battle before Richmond, June 2-5, 1862 ; disch. May 29, 1863, on surg. certificate. Disch. Sept. 25, 1861, on surg. certif. iJisch. Jul}' 13. 1861, on surg. certif. Trans, to Battery A, July 2, 1861. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. (( (( tt Trans, to Battery G, 1st R. I. L. A., Dec. 9, 1863. Prisoner at Richmond ; released and returned to Regiment Aug. 7, 1862; trans, to V. R."C., Dec. 15, 1863. Wounded at battle of Salem Heights, Mav 3, 1863 ; missing at battle near Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864; trans, to Co. B, new organization. Disch. April 11, 1864, to accent com- mission 2d Lieut, in 3d R. I. Cav. Trans, to V. R. C, Nov. 15, 1863. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1864. Discharged March 26, 1862, on Sur gcon's certificate. 62 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME AND RANK. Joyce, William Kerner, Emil C. Kibby, Henry H. Karani, Ltwis Knight, Aluiizo II. Kcnyuii, Joel B. Ladil, Henry B. Larke, Kdward Lewis, Charles L. Martin, Hollis II. Mercer, Edward BESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. jliermany Providence, IS. I. England, Hopkinton, H. I. Pawtiicket, U. I. Italy, Martin, .Tosiah H. Providence. R. I. McNaniara, Joseph New York, N. V., Markhani, T. W. D. Providence, R. I. Meely, Michael Mason, Henry T. Ireland, Providence, R. I. Mosely, Albert Philadelphia, Pa. Mosely, James Providence, R. I. Mosher, Charles D. E. I " " Nichols, Charles S. | Hopkinton, R. I. Northup, George H. Providence, R. I. Patt, Jenckes jSmilliiiekl, R. I. Parker, Thomas i Providence, R. I. Preston, Edward Peek, Noiih A. Potter, George E. Penno, Thomas H. Peahody, Nathan E. Pliillips, George F. Canada, Harrington, R. I. Smithfield.R. I. Providence, R. I. Valley Falls, R. I. Burrii!ville, R. I. PuUen, John II. Providence, R. I. Pierce, William C. Ohuyvillc, R. I. Richardson, William A. Providence, R. I. Rienhardt, Rodiilph Uenmark, Reynolds, William E. Providence, R. I. Rounds, Ezra Glocester, Sanford, William H. Providence, " Shaw, Leander R. " " Skuce, Charles Attleboro, Mass. DATE OF MUSTER. BEHABKS. Discharged Aug. 16, 1862, on Sur- geon's certificate. June G, 18G1. Wounded at battle of Eull Run, July 21, IStil ; wounded slightly in the shoulder at battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1802; sick in hospital. |Mustered out of service June 17, 18(14. July 9, 1863. 'Deserted Aug. 27, lt4. Trans, to Co. 15, new organization. Woundeil in head at battle WiUlerness, May 6, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, new organization. Deserted Oct. 21, 1863. Trans, to Battery A, 1st Lt. Artillery, June 20, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. Oct. 14, 1861. Megravel, Henry France, Mc Williams, William Providence, I{. I. Murphy, Patrick J. McLod, Murdock Ma.xfield George H. Manchester, James D. iJohnston, K. I. Bristol, R. I. July 8. 1863. Oct. 15, 1861. July 12, 1801. Nov. 15, 1861, Nov. 18, 1861 Maxfield, George W. " " Sept. 5, 1862. Murphy, Henry Kings Co., Ireland, Aug. 21, 1862 Newbert, .Ambrose A. Northup, William H. Northup, John Negraville, Henri Nichols, William H. Nichols, Peter C. O'Neil, .bdin Oatley, James T. Pilkington. Joseph Pacliye, Theodore Quinlan, Jeremiah Rourke, John Rogers, Joseph Rathbun, Jeremiah K. Rodman, Isaac C. Rodman, George Res.'^ler, Charles II. Ryan, Thomas A. Redely, Thomas Bobbins, Hichard Records, William 11. Raynor, J.inies .1. Russell, Thomas Rathbun. Jason P, Smith, W'lrren Sherman, James A. Smith, .John A., .Jr. Slocum, .John H. Belfast, Maine, Oct. 23, 1862. S. Kingstown, R. I. June 6, 1861. Richmond, R. 1. " " France, July 8, 1863. S. Kingstown, R. I.June 6, 1861. Ireland, .July 8, 1863. S. Kingstown, R. I. .June 6, 1861. 'Germ.any, July 8, 1863. S. Kingstown, R. I.. June 6, 1861. Coventrv, R. I. Aug. 1, 1801. Cuba, " .luly 10. tsc,:;. S. Kingstown, R. I.June 6, 1801. Westerly, R. 1. Providence, R. I. Brewster, Mass. Mar. 23 1864. Sept. 2: . 1802 Providence. R. I. • liine It. I.SOI. Cranston, R. 1. Oct. 28 1862. E.\eter, R. I. June 0, 1861. S. Kingstown, R. I. ii ii Richmond, R. 1. « (( S. Kingstown, R. I. . t< (( Kichmond, R. I. « (( Wounded in hand at battle near Get- tysburg, July 3, i860 ; transferred to Co. B, new organization. Deserted Nov. 17, 1861. Transle'd to V. R. C,.Nov. 15,1863. Re-eTdisteil Dec. 20,1863; killed May 5, 1864, at battle of Wilderness. Re-enlisted Dee. 20, 1803 ; transferred to Co. B, new organization. Transferred to U. S. N. Mar. 13, 1804. Wounded in arm at battle Wilderness, Jlay 5, 1804; transferred to Co. B, new organization. Deserted July 1, 1863. Mustered nut of service Jinie 17, 1864. Deserted July 2. 1801. Transfe'd to Co. B, new organization. Killed July 21, '01, at battle Ball Run .Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Deserted Sept. 6. 1863. Mustered out of service June 17, 1804. Deserted Nov. 17, 1801. I'rans. to Co. B, new organization. Missing in action May 8, 1804, at Spoltsylvania. Va. Transfe'd to Co. I!, new organization. Deserted vSept. 18. 1863. SVounded in shoulder at battle of Wilderness, May 12, '04 ; mustered ont of service June 17, 1861. Wounded battle IJull Hun. July 21, '01; pi'isonerat Uiclimond ; siru-e dieil. Corporal, Aug 2. 1862 : wounded in neek. at batlle Wilderu'-ss, May 5, I 1804 ; in lu)spital, July 1, 1864. iMustered out of service .June 17, 1804. [Deserted Nov. 10, 18lil. Deserted July '2. 1861. Trans, to Co. 15. new organization. Dieil .March -28, 1803. Corporal : dischargi'd. Transfe'd to Co. B, new organization. .Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1864. Deserlid Dec. 4. 1802. Transfe'd to Co. 15, new organization. .Mustered out of service June 17. 1)^64. [Re-enlisted Dee. '26, 18(53; killed May I 12, 1864, at battle of Wilderness. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 67 NAME AND RANK. BESIDENCE. 0. r„?xE„. ' -— Stanley, James Sept. 15, 1862. Sergeant; died May 22, '63, of wounds received at battle of Salem Heights May 3, 1863. Slocum, Samuel Shippee, Rufus S. Kingstown, R. I. Bristol, R. I. June 6, 1861. |Oct. 14, 1861. S. Kingstown, E. I.June 6, 1861. Stone, Albert, Jr. Stednian, Oliver L. Skelley, Daniel Ayrshire, Scotland Simms, Thomas N. S. Kingstown, R. I Thomas, George W. Jr. N. " " j Providence, R. I. (( (( S. Kingstown, R. I. iE. Providence, R. I. [S. Kingstown, R. I. Tillson, James S. Tommany, Peter Taylor, Amos W. Viall, Horace T. Wright, Charles Warner, James A. Wilson, Napoleon B. Whitford, James M. Whitford, Elisha J. Whaley, John P. Whitford, John R. Warren, Wallace F. Bristol, R. T. Williams, Charles 'Mystic, Conn. Woodniansie, Perry W. Richmond, R. I. Wright, James 15." ' " " Wyatt, Charles A. Newport, R. I. AVard, John A. jProvidonce, R. I. AVilson, Francis 'Canada. Sept. 25, 1862, Juno 6, 1861. Sept. 22, 1862 June 6, 1861, Nov. 21, 1861 June 6, 1861. JIarch 7, 1864, Dec. 29, 1S62. June 6, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. July 9, 1863. Corporal ; mustered out of service June 17. 1864. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; trans, to Co. B, new organization. Diseh. .Tune 11, 1861, (worthless.) Disch. June 13, '63, on surg. certifi'e. Transt'e'd to Co. B, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Corporal ; wounded at battle of Salem Heights, May 3, 1863; trans, to V. '< R. C, Dec. 1, 1863. Transt'e'd to Co. B, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Disch. June 15, 1801, (worthless.) Sergeant , re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; trans, to Co. B, new organization. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; wounded in leg at battle of Wilderness, Jlay 10, 1864 ; trans, to Go. B, new org. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. 'Wagoner, Aug. 1, 1861 ; mustered out of service .June 17, 1864. Missing at battle of Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Dec. 26. 1863 ; transferred to Co. B, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Disch. JLarch. 26, 1862, on surgeon's I certificate. Killed May .5, '64, at battle Wilderness. Deserted March 15, 1863. Drummed out .June 19, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1864.J Disch. Aug. 31, '61, on surg. certifi'e. Deserted Nov. 13, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, new organiza'n. 68 SKCOND REOIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. COMPANY F. DATE NAME AND BANK. RESIDENCE. OP MUSTER. REMARKS. Captains. Levi TowiT, Pawtuekct, R. I. June 0, 1861. Killed .lulv 21, 1801, at battle Bull Run. Georjre W. Weedcn, July, 1861. Resigned Oct. 1, 1861. William B. Sears, Providence, R. I. jMuslered out of service June 17, 1864. \st Lieuteuants. William 1$. .Sears, ti *i June 6, 1861. Captain Co. F, Oct. 28, 18G1. William 1. Ellis, tt tc Nov. 1, 1861. Resigned Oct. 14, 18G2. Benjamin Manchester, 41 it Transferred to Co. I, Nov. 1, 1862; re- signed .Ian. 11, 1863. William G. Turner, Newport, R. I. Captain Co. G, Feb. 22, 1863. ObLcl 11. Ciflrord, i Disc'd Aug. 13, '61, on Surg, certifi'e. Olney A. Clark, Cumberland, K. I. Nov. 18, 1861. Sept. 1, 1862, ]Vagoner. William Davis, Pawtuekct, K. I. June 6, 1861. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Privates. Anderson, J. Transferred to U. S. Navy, Mar. 18, '64. Aldrich, Leander In Veteran Reserve Corps. Avery. Giles C. Smithfield. R. I. " " Deserted July 27, 1863. SECOND KEGIMENT KHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 69 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. Arnold, William A. Arnold, William Barnes, Lewis N. Baxter, George A. Brown, James Brown, John Biomby, Henry Barnes, Joseph C. Baker, Lewis TV. Beckwiih, D. H. Boyce, James E. Barstow, Samuel Boyle, Francis E. Bethel, Frederic W. Bacon, Charles R. Bennett, James H. Bucklin, Hiram Brennon. Tlnmas Brown, John Carpenter, Henry C. Clark, Leonard A. Carpenter, Daniel G. Cunningham, John E. Crowell, George W. Cunningham, Thomas Callihan, Timothy Clarke. Aaron W. Costello, K Crandall, J. P. Cromlev. James Chace, "W. H. Cranshaw, Robert Corey, Cliristoplier A. Callahan, James Clendenin, George Cash, David Crompton, Robert Cooper, Thomas Ilevereau,\, James E. Daily, Thomas Dowd, William Davidson, Jonathan Dean, Simeon Donelly, Michael Drake. .John Duff, William Frazier. William H. Foster, William F. Franz, Lewis Jamestown, R. I. Smithfield, R. L Scituate, K. L DATE OF MDSTER. Providence, R. I. New York, N . Y. Rhode Island, Smithfield, R. I. REMARKS. July 20, 1863. Transfer'd to Co. B, new organization. June 6, 1861. Transferred to BattervA, 1st R. I. L. A., July 16, 1861. Oct. 18,. 1861. Wounded slightly in head battle Frede- ricksburg. Dec. 13, 1862 ; transferred to V. R. C, Sept. 1, 1863. Warwick, R. I. Rochester, Mass. Smithfield, R. I. Aug. 1, 18G1. Dec. 13, 1862. Aug. 9. 1863. June 6, 1861. July 9, 1863. June 6, 1861. July 9, 1863. Pawtucket, R. I. June 6, 1861. Philadelphia, Penn. Pawtucket, R. I. Oct. 80, 1862. June 6, 1861. Smithfield, R. I. Nov. 24, 1861. Bristol, R. I. Pawtucket, R. I. Smithfield, " Pawtucket, " Cork. Ireland, Cumberland, K. I. Smithfield, R. I. Hopkinton, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Pawtucket, " New York, N. Y. Smithfield, R. I. Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, R, I. Hhode Island, Pawtucket, K. I. Smithfield. R. I. Ireland, Oswego, N. Y. Pawtucket, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Pawtucket, R. I. .Tune 6. 1861. Sept. 30, 1862 June 6, 1861. Oct. 28, 1862. June 6, 1861. Oct. 27, 1862. Oct. 10, 1863 June 6, 1861. July 10, 1863. June 6, 1861. Julv 9, 1863. June 6, 1861. a (I Sept. 5,1861. June 6, 1861. Sept. 22, 1862. June 6, 1861. ,Julv 10, 1863. June 6, 1861. Julv 9, 1863. July 10, 1863. Dec. 12, 1862 Aug 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. Deserted July 3, 1863. .Transferred to U. S. N., Mar. 18, 1864. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Wounded battle Bull Run, July 21, '61; prisoner at Richmond; discharged I July 26, 1862, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to Co. B, new organization. Disc'd Sept. 26, '61, on Surg, certifi'e. j Wounded in neck at battle Wilderness, May 5, 186-t; transferred to Co. B, [ new organization. Deserted Dec 12, 1862. Disc'd May 7, 'Ii2, on Surg, certificate. Transfer'd to Co. B, new organization. Corporal, Sept. 21, 1861; discharged Sept. 26, lfS62, on Surg, certificate. Wounded battle before Richmond,June i 2.5, 1862; arm amputated ; ilischarg- ; ed July 29, 1863, on Surg, certificate. Deserted Aug. 22, 1862. Wounded at battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861; discharged Aug. 1, 1861, on Surgeon's certificate. Disch. May 21. 1862, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service J une 17, 1864. Wounded in left hand at battle Wilder- ness, May 5, 1861 ; re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; trans to Co. B. new org. Deserted Nov. , 1862. Transferred to Co. B, new organiza'n. 2d Lieut. Co. E, Feb. 22, 1863. Disch. Sept. 12, 1863, on Surg, certif. I'rans. to Co. B, new organization. Deserted Dec. 12, 1862. Transferred to Battery G, 1st R. I. L. A., Dec. 9, 1863. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Disch. March 4, 1863, on .Surg, certif. Dee. 30, 1862, Sergeant M.ijor Oct. 11, 1861. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Trims, to Co. B, new organization. Died Oct. 1-7, lf<62, in hospital. jTrans. to Battery A, 1st L. Artillery, July 16, 1861. Transfe'd to Co. B, new organization. Disch. Sept. 16, 1862, on Surg, certif. Transfe'd to Co. B, new organ, zation. Mustered out of service Aug. 1. 1864. " " June 17, " Corporal ; wounded at battle of Salem Heights Mav 3, 1863 ; transferred to V. R. C. bee. 31, 1863. iDeserted Sept. 12, 1863. 70 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOI.rXTEERS. NAME AND BANE. RESIDENCE. Fishpr, Francis B. Cumberland, B. I. Franklin, Augustus B. Swanzcy, Mass. Farrell, Joliu DATE OF MCSTEn. KEMARKS. I'awtueket, R. I. Smithfit'ld, " (I .1 Latrim, lalanii, Pawtutktt, R.I. Providenct, R I. Gcrni.iny, Rlioilc Island, SmitliHfld, R. I. Grecnwicli, R. I. Charkstown, R. I. Fuller, Albert Fuller, George W. Farrell, William Flynn, .lames Guild, Frederic C. Galligan, .lames Garbate, John Greene, Esbon A. Godfrey, Charles A. Glower, Andrew Greene, George AY. Gibson, John Greene, George W. Hall, John C. Handy, Daniel A. Hughes, Benjamin C. " " Hart, .Tolm F. Providence, R. I. Hurlburt, Charles Vermont. Hang, Charles Pawtucket, R. I. Horton, Nathaniel G. Smithfield, R. I. Hay, .James H. Pawtucket, R. I. Hopkins, Thomas " " Ing.ills, Nathaniel M. Johnson, Robert L. Smithfield, R. I. I Joslyn, Edgar A. Joslin, Charles E. Kcirnan, Mich.icl Kelly .John Knight, S. B, Littlewood, Albert Lyons. John W. Martin, Joseph Manning, John W. July 10, 1863. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. June 0, 1861. Diseli. Dec. 2. 1862. on Surg, certif. Aug. ly, 1863 Wounded at battle Wilderness, May, '61 ; leg amputated ; died June 6, '61. .June 6, 1861. Wounded at batlle Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; disch. Sept. 26, 1861, on sur- geon's eertiticate " " Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Aug. 1, 1861. " " Aug. 1, 186i. Oct. 80, 1862. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Juno 6, 1861. Disch. Aug. 7. '61, on Surg, certificate. Oct. 30, 1862. \V()unded at battle of Salem Heights, May 3, 1S63; trans, to Co. B,"new organization. Aug. 15, 1863. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. July 8, 1863. { " June 6, 1861. IRe-cnlistcd Dec. 26, 1863; trans, to Co. B, new organization. -A-ug. 9, 1863. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. July 10, 1863. Prisoner at Richmond, July 24, 1864; trans, to Co. B. new organization. Oct. 28, 1862. Deserted Nov. 27. 1862. iGlocester, R. I. Aug. 1, 1861. Uc-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; trans, to Co. 1, new organization. Smithfield, R. I. June 6, 1861. Wounded at battle of Hull Run, July 21, 1861 ; died .March 16, KS63. P.iwtuckct, R.I. " " Corporal; re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; wounded in right foot at battle of Wilderness, May o, 1864 ; trans, to Co. B, new organization. " " Diseli. Sept. 26, 1861, on surg. certif. Oct. 29, 1861. Deserted June 29, 1863. July 9, 1863. Wounded in letl hand at battle of Wilderness, May 5,1864; trans, to Co. 15, new organization. June 6, 1861. Deserted July 14. 1861. Deserted March 17, 1862. Aug. 1, 1861. " " Wounded slightly at battle of Freder- icksburg, Dec. 13, 1862 : mustered out of service, Aug. 1, 1S64. March 3.1862. Disch. .Inly 9, 1862, on surg. certif June 6, 1861. Re-enlisted Jan. 26. 1864; wounded I I in left hand at battle of Wilderness, ■ I ' May 5, 1S64; trans, to Co. B. new organization. Cumberland, R. I. " " Disciiarged Dec. 4, 1861. Oct. 31, 1861. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; wounded I in left foot at battle of Wilderness, , May. 5, 1864; trans, to Co. B, new organ!/. it]on. Ireland, July 9, 1863. Wounded in left arm at battle of Wil- derness May, 5, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, new organization. Smithfield, R. I. June 6, 1861. Sergeant; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. " " July 9, 1863. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Pawtucket, " June 6, 1861. Dishonorably discharged Jan. 18 '65, sentenced to the I'enitentitiry for three years. Providence, R. I. Oct. 12, 1862. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Pawtucket, " [Aug. 1, 1861. Prisoner at Richmond June 13, 1864 ; trans, to Co. B, new organization. June 6, 1861. Wounded at battle Salem Heights, May 3, 1863 ; wounded slightly in forehead at battle of Wdderness, May 5, 1864 ; mustered out of ser- vice June 17, 1864. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 71 NAME AND BANK. McManus, James McKay, Tliomas 2(1 Montgomery, William Mayer, Henry McAlpin, Thomas McCann, James Mclvinley, William Maynanl, II. A. MeKav, Tliomas 1st JlcCaffery, John Newell, John RESIDRNCE. Newell. James Northup, Perry A. Newman, Samuel O'Neill, Thomas Osftootl, Francis A. O'Neill. John F. Oatley, Thomas W. Phillips, John H, Potter, Thomas R. Possnett, John Pcarce, George A. Patt, Thomas J. Patt, Daniel B. Quinn, Patrick Riley, Michael Reynolds, William G. Cumberland, R. I. Ireland, Pawtucket, R. I. Prussia, Smithfield, 15. I. Ireland, Pawtucket, R. I. Providence, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Smithfield, R- 1. Greenwich. R. I. Pawtucket, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Lvnn, Mass. Smithtield, R. I. [Providence, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Pawtucket, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. DATE OF MDSTER. Pawtucket, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Richardson, George H. Fairhaven, Conn. Rounds, Elias C. iPawtucket, R. I. Robertson, Robert Jr. Smithfield, R. I. Smith, Albert F. Sheay, John Smitii, Charles 0. Sorsienfin, Henry Small, Uavid Silva, Andrew Salisbury, Robert L. Stangernu. .Joseph Stainburn, George Schmidt, Gustave Salisbury, Smitli Shackley, William T. Canada, Norton, Mass. Austria. Pawtucket, R. I. France, Pawtucket, R. I. Mexico. Yorkshire, Eng. Germany, Pawtucket, R. I. June 6, 1861. July 10, 186.3. June 6, 1861. Aug. S, 1863. Oct. V2, 1861. Aug. 11, 1863. June 6, 1861. Oct. 12, 1861. June 6, 1861. :Oct. 12, 1861. June 6, 1861. Dec. 27, Aug. 1, .June 6, Aug. 1, .June 6, July 9, 186.3. June 6, 1861. July 9, 1863. Oct. 16, 1861. July 10, 1863. June 6, 1861. July 10, 1863. June 6, 1861. !july 10, 1863. iSept. 23, 1862. .July 10, 1863. Ijune 6, 1861. Diseh'd May 5, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Discharged Feb. 12, 1864. Trans, to U. S. N., March 18, 1864. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Trans, to U. S. N., March 18, 1864. Disch. Feb. 28, '63, on Surg, certificate. Trans, to U. S. N., March 18, 1864. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. «( (( (( Wounded battle Bull Run, July 21, '61 ; prisoner at Richmond; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Deserted Aug. 8, 1862. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; transferred to Co. B, new organization. Discharged Sept. 1, 1861, on Surgeon's certificate. Corp. ; discharged Nov. 24, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. DischM Oct. 16, '62. Deserted June 23, 1862. Re-enlisted Dec 26, 1863 ; transferred to Co. B, new organization. Sergt. ; wounded at battle of Salem Heights May 3, '63 ; in Hospital. Discharged Mar. 12, 1863,on Surgeon's certificate. Corp. ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Corp. : re-enlisted Dec. 26, '63; hon- orably discharged Apr. 28, 1864, to accept a commission in U. S. C. T. Corp. ; discharged Oct. 27, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Discharged Dec. 29, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Mustered out of service June 17,1864. Sergeant Jan. 12, 1862 ; deserted Sept. 6, 1862. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Wounded at battle Bull Run July 21, 1861 ; discharged July 18, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Sergt.; re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; trans, to Co. B, new organization. Prisoner at Richmond ; discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Deserted Aug. 23, 1863. Ke-enlisted Dec. 26, '63; Sergt. Maj. Deserted Aug. 29, 1863. Sergt. ; wounded in right side at battle of Wilderness M.iy 5, 1864; mus- tered out of service June 17, 1864. Deserted Aug. 29, 1863. Wounded at battle Salem Heights May 3, 1863 ; prisoner ; transferred to Co. B, new organization. Discharged Feb. 7, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Corp.; wounded through leg at battle Salem Heights Jlay 3, 1863; dis- charged June 6, '64. 72 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAUB AND KANK. RESIDENCE. Salisbury, Ferdinand Simons, Israel D. Tapper, Albert R. Worger, William Waterman, Jotham Williams, John Wilcox, George N. Whitmore, William Young, George Pawtuckct, R. I. Providence, R. I. Pawtucket. R. I. Ireland, Pawtucket, R. I. Ohio, Lancashire, Kng. DATE OF UDSTER. June 6, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. Aug. 10, 1863. Aug. 1, 18G1. July 10, 18fi3. Sept. 23, 1862. jDischargcd Aug. 7,1861, on Surgeon's certificate. Re-cniislcd Dec. 26, 1863; transferred to Co. 1$, new organization. Corp. ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Discharged Feb. 4, 1803, on Surgeon's ccrtific;ite. Corp.; re-enlisted Dec. 26, '03; trans. to Co. 15, new organization. Trans, to battery G, 1st U. I. Lt. Art. Dec. 1863. Discli'd Sept. 26, '61, on Surg, certifi'e. Deserted Oct 30, 1863. Wounded in hand and arm at battle near Gettysburg, Jul)' 3, '(i3 ; trans. to Co. B, new organization. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 73 COMPANY G DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Cttjttuins. Nathan Goff, Jr. Providence, R. L June 5, 1861. Major July 22, 1862. William Ames, t( a Major 3d R. I. H. A. Jan. 28, 1803. William G. Turner, April 4, 1863. Wounded at battle of Salem Heights, May 3, 1803; discharged July 21, 1803, on account of disability. John G. Bevcridge, Aug. 24, 18G3. Wounded slightly in head at battle of Wilderness, May 6, 1864; mustered l.s'^ Lieutenants, out of service June 17, 1864. George W. Weeden, June 5, 1861. Captain Co. F, July 22, 1861. Lewis H. Bowcn, June 5, 1801. Resigned July 21, 1862. William G. Turner, Newport, R. [. Trans, from Co. E, July 24, 1802; trans, to Co. F, Nov. 29, 1802. John G. Bevcrirlsre, Captain Co. G, Aug. 18, 1863. Obcil H. Girtbrd,'^ May 29, 1863. Trans, from Co. F, Aug. 20, 1863; 2d Lietitin.iiits. mustered out of service June 17, '64. Lewis n. Bowen, June 6, 1861. 1st Lieut. Co. G, July 22, 1861. Edwird A. Uussell, Woonsocket, R. L " C, Oct. 28, 1801. Joseph S. Mnnehester, Providence, " Resigned Dec. 11, 1861. Samuel J. English, t( 4( 1st Lieut. Co. A, July 24, 1862. John G. Btveridge, Cincinnati, Ohio, Trans, f'm Co. H ; 1st Lt. July 21, '62. Obed H. Gifford, Newport, K. 1. Trans, from Co. K, Nov. 1, 1862; 1st Lieut. Co. F, May 21, 1863. Henry C. Dixon, S. Kingstown, R. I. Trans, to Co. H, Sept. 12, 1803. Thomas F. Usher, Bristol, R. I. Sept. 22, 1863. Mustered out of service June 17,1804. Serr/rants. Joseph S. Manchester, Providence, R. I. June 0, 1801. 2d Lieut. Co. G, July 22, 1861. Thomas V. I'sher. Bristol, " " " " " 30,1803. Charles A. Waldron, 1. u (( a " E, " 24, lSi-,-2. Henry F. Simmons, a (( tt (( Wounded at battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1801 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Charles W. Knight, E. Greenwich, R. I. (( it Wounded slightly at battle before Richmond; discharged Jan. 9, 1803, Corporals, on Surg, certificate. Simeon A. Newman; Providence, R. I. " 1st Sergeant ; died March 18, 1862, in hospital. John S. Newman, Bristol, (( It 1st Sergeant ; Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Amos B. Chase, i< « li ii Disch. Julv 1, 1862, on Snrg. certif. William L. Bradford, " " il li Sergt. Major July 24, 1802. Frank G. Bourn. Portsmouth, R. I. a il Mustered out of service June 17, 1804. Kobcrt Soutliergill, New York, N. Y. a if Deserted Dec. 7, 1803. Kobert N Turner, Warren. R. L it li Disch. June 1, 1802, on Surg, certif. Henry J. Cole, Bristol, R. I. (( (( Sergeant March 18, 1802; killeil June ,1 J ininitnv 25, 1802, battle before Riclimond. John Greene, Pawtucket, R. I. U it Deserted March 25, 1802. Michael McAvoy, Providence, R. I. Nov. 16, 1861. Beenlisted Dec. 26, 1803; transferred to Co. C, new organization. Handall H. Davol, Scituate, R. I. June 6, 1861. Disch. March 24, 1802, on Surg, certf. Wafinnrrs. Benjamin B. Morris, Bristol, R. I. iC C( " Dec. 12, " " William M. Coit, " " " *' " April 15, Prioates. Asselcn, Herman Germany, Aug. 12, 1863. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Bosworth, Lyman B. Bristol, R. I. June 6, 1861. Corporal Nov. 24, 1801 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Bowcn, Amasa W. Boston, Mass. ii a Mustered out of service June 17, 1864, SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME AND BANK. BESIDENCB. Bush, Henry F. Busli, George A. Uuul, Juliii Burns, Willi.im B. Bristol, K. I. Irclaiul, Bristol, K. I. DATE OP MC8TER. BEUABKS. Blackmar, AVIicaton O. Warwick, R. I. Bowers. .John (). Cdiuuclicut, Bcifli, Henry H. New York, N. Y., Bullock, Charles H. Bristol, K. I. Breniiaii, Thomas Kngland, Brayton, Gardner J. Cole. Ithainar O. Cobb, Isaac N. Cole, George G. Chaffee, Samuel Dunbar, William F. Dunbar, George S. Duffy, James, Jr. Dudley, Edwin H. Easterbrooks, Geo. T. Ehlert, Ludwig Easterbrooks, Philip Easterbrooks, Moses S Fiskc, Thomas W. D. Fahey. John Farrell, Martin Frederic, Peter Green, Giles E. Green, Giles E. Jr. Hatch, Solomon D. Halliday, Frank S. Hill, Lcandcr M. Hicks, John Harper, T. Haile, Charles A. Hinds. Albert Hanger. George H. Handy, William Iv. Ingraliam, George S. JoUs, John W. Jordan, C. H. Kenny, Pardon Keating. Robert Keating, Frank Kenny, Alonzo Lewis, James E. Portsmouth, R. I. Foster, R. I. Bristol, R. I. Bristol, R. I. England, Massachusetts. Bristol, R. I. Germany, Bristol, R.I. Scituate, R. I. (Canada, Bangor. Maine, Holland, Warwick, R. I. Valley Falls, K.I. Bristol, R. I. Fall River, Mass. Warren, R. I. June G, 1861. July 9, 18G3. June G, 1861. Aug. 1, 1803, June li, 18(il. N. Kingstown, R. I, Warren, R. I. Bristol, R. I. Warren, R. I. iProvidcnce, U. I. 'Bristol, R. I. April 1, 18G2. June G, 18G1. June 5, 1861. Oct. 24, 1861. June G, 18G1. June G, 1861. July 10, 1S03. Oct. 2;!, 18G1. June C, 1801. Jan. 12, 18G3. Jan. 20, 1^63. Aug. 8,1803. Ijune 0, 1801. Aug. 20, 1862. July, 29, 1861. March 29, '02. Junes, 1801. March 5, 1802 June f), 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. June 0. 1801. 'July 7. 1803. JuneO, 1861. Aug. 1, 1801. June 6, " June 5,1861. Wounded in leg at battle of Wilder- ' ness. May 5. 1804: mustered out of service June 17, 1804. Mustered out of service June 17, 1804. Deserteii Nov. 20. lSO:i. ,0n Western gun-lioal flotilla Feb. 18, I 1802; (died at Philadelphia.) Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Disch. Sept. 4, 1801, on Surg, certif. " Feb. 25 18 3, " Jan. 8, 1802, Corporal; re-enlisted Dec. 20. 1803; Wounded in arm at battle Wilder- .ncss. M:iy 12, 1804; transferred to Co. C, new organization. Died Aug. Ill, 1801, of typhoid fever. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Wounded and missing at battle Bull Run. July 21, 1801 ; since dieil. Corporal; wounded slightly in leg at battle of Wildernessl^ May 5, 1804; must, out of service June 17, 1804. Trans, to Co. C. new organization. Corporal ; mustered out of service June 17, 1804. DIsch'd Oct. 24, '02, on Surg, certifi'e. 1 " June 18, '62, " " Mustered out of service .Tune 17, 1804. Sergeant Major, Sept. 12, 1803. Killed May 5, 18i;4. battle Wild.-rness. Diseh'd June 18. '02. on Surg, certifi'e. Wounded battle Sa!em Heights, May 3, '03; mustereil outservice Ju'e 17, '04. iDeserted July 1, 1803. I " Sept. 17, 1803. ITransferred to Co. B. Transferr'd to Co. C, new organization. Diseh'd Feb. I'.l, '02. on Surg, certifi'e. Re-enlisted Dec. 20. 1803; transferred to Co. C, new organization. Transfer'd to Co. C, new organization. Sergeant; rc-enlisteil Dec. 20, 1803; wounded slightly in neck at battle Wihlerness, ^ray o, 1S04; transfer'd to Co. C, new organization. Diseh'd Sept. 27. '02. on Surg, certifi'e. Deserted Sejit. 10. 1803. Transferred to liattery G, 1st R. I. L. A ., Dec. y. 1803. Wounded slightly in shoulderat battle of Wilderness, May .1. 1864 : died of wounds same day. Killed May 12. 1804, battle Wilderness. Diseh'd Jan. 10, '03, on Surg, certifi'e. Wounded slightly in hand at battle of j Wilderness, May 10, 1.S04 ; mustered out of service .lime 17. 1M04. |Muslered out of service ,Iune 17. 1804. 'Corp ; transf'd to Co. C, new organi'n. Disch.-.rged June 14, 1801 ; (worthless.) ;Transfer'd to Co. ('.new organization. jWounded at battle ot Salem Heights, May 3, 1803; niissiTu: since battle of Wiiderness, May 0. IKOl. Mustered out of service .luru' 17,1864. Killed May 0, '04, at battle Wilderness. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 75 NAME AND BANK. Lowther, Edward Laroclie, Jolin Larc'hariche, Jean Lawrenuo, John Ludilo, Thomas Luthur. Jurry, Jr. Lake, Daniel G. Lambert, Thomas Locke. Charles N. LuthiT, William A. Mc(;recMley, Peter Mebriny, Thomas Munroe, Sylvester McArthur, Thomas MeMahon.J. B. McAdams, Joseph Munroe, Allen M. McGee, James Mutton, Georsc T. McKay, Samuel Marthi, William JI. Marland, Henry ISlartin, Frank A. Muiiroe, William H. Munnie, William F. McOuinness, John McAvoy, Martin McGresfor, John Morris, lienjamin B. O'Connor, John G. Ossler, Herman Peck, Georfie H. Patten, John Perkins. John V. Pierce. Cornelius C. I'eaboilv. Alfred Pierce, 'Henry C. Peaboily, Frederick. Pierce, George S. Pierce, William H. Quinn, George S. Eice, Jolin BESIDENCE. Ireland, Fr.-ince, Bristol, R. 1. Spain, Bristol, R. I. Attleboro, Mass. Providence, R. I. Warren, R. I. IProvidence, K. I. Sweden. Bristol. R. I. (England, 'Boston, Mass. Bristol, 11. I. Ireland, Bristol, R. I. Ireland, Providence, R. I. England, Warren, R. I. Bristol, R. L Canton, R. I. Oartmouth, Mass. Glasgow, Scotland, Bristol. R. I. Ireland, German V Bristol, R. I. Providence, R. I. Nantucket. Mass. Bristol, R. I. DATE OP MUSTER. June 6, 1861. Aug. 20, 18G3. June 6, 1861. Aug. 1.% 1863. June 5, 1861. June 6, 1861. Dec. 15, 1861. Aug. n 1863. June o, 1861. Aug. 11, 1863. Dec. 16, 1861, June 5, 1861. KEHARES. June 6, 1861. Jan. 24. 1862. June 6, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. June 5, 1861. u (( Aug. 12, 1863, June 5, 1861. March 1-5, '62. June .5, 1861. Oct. 21, " June .5, " Oct. 22, •' June 5, 1861. Warren, R. I. Taunton, Mass 'New London, Conn. Dec. 26, 1862. June 5, 1861. Jan. 25, 1862, Corporal ; wound'd battle Salem Hei'ts, May 3, 1863 ; wounded in hand battle Wilderness, May y, 1861 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Deserted Sept. 16, 1863. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Sergeant; re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; wounded at battle near Winchester, Va., Sept. ly, 1864; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Trans, to Co. C, new org.inization. Kill'd April 18, '62, nr. Yorktown, Va. Prisoner at Richmond ; discharged Nov. 23, 1862, on surg. certificate. Wounded at battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; disch. March 24, 1862, on surgeon's certificate. Mustered out of service June 17,1864. It it a Disch. Jan 15, '62, by request of Gov'r. Trans, to U. S. Navy, March 13, 1864. Deserted Sept. 18, 1862. Tr.ins. to Co. C, new organization. Deserted Sept. 16, 1863. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; wounded slightly in hand at battle of Wil- derness, .May 12, 1864; trans to Co. C, new organization. Wounde 1 at battle of Salem Heights, May 3, 1863 ; wounded in leg at battle of Wilderness, M.ay 5. 1864 ; leg since amputated ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded at battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; discharged May 12, 1862, on surgeon's certificate. Wounded at battle of Salem Heights, May 3, 1863; mustered out of ser- vice June 17, 1864. (Disch. Nov. 3, 1862, on surg. certif. [Killed May 5, '64, at bat. Wilderness. Deserted. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Deserted July 21, 1803. Disch. Aug. 7, 1864. on surg. certif. Corporal March 18, 1862. Discharged Oct. 13, 1862. Disch. Dec. 12, 1862, on surg. certif. Disch. Jan. 8, 1862, on surg. certif. In hospital, April 30, 1864. IDisch.Mar. 24, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Wounded at battle of Salem Heights, May 3, I8li3 ; mustered out of ser- vice June 17, 1864. Disch'd Jan. 16, '63, on Surg, certifi'e. Disch. May 12, '64, on Surg, certific'e. Dischargeil. Discharged Aug. 27, 1862. Discharged. Transferred to battery A, 1st Lt. Art., June 20, 1861. Disch'd Dec. 22, '61, on Surg, certifi'e. Wounded slightly at battle before Richmond, June 25, 1862; trans, to V. R. C, March 2, 1864. Killed May 12, '64, battle Wilderness. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME AND RANK. Reynolds, Luther Simmons, Edward A. Sidlinger, Simon M. Simons, Thomas E. Sparks, Joseph B. Tove, Cornelius Tlmrbcr, D. W. Toyo, Robert Thompson, John A. Thomas, George Tunnant, Cliaales R. Traynor, James Volncr, Constantine Wilson, John G. Ward, Nicholas AVilkinson, James F. Webber, Friink West, Leonard P. Whcaton, William L. Wilson, Lewis Wilkins, Charles Wagner, William DATE OF MUSTER. Sheffield, Mass Bristol, R. I. Foster, R. I. Bristol. R. L Bristol, R. I. Providence, R. I. Coventry, R. I. Warwick, R. L Enf;land, German)', Bristol, R. I. Spain, England, Canada, Providence, R. I. Germany, June 5, 180L Deserted Nov. 10, 180L Aug. 10, 1802. Wounded at battle of Salem Heights, j May 'i, 18tj:! ; mis.sing. June 5, 18G1. [Trans, to batt'y A, 1st Lt. Art. July ■ I 10, 18C1. Aug. 1, 1801. Wounded at battle Salem Heights May I 3, 1803; trans, to V. R. C, March 1804. June 5, 1801. Wounded slightly in leg at battle of Wilderness May 0, 1804; mustered out of service June 17, 1804. Deserted Nov. 1803. Killed May 3, 18G3, at battle Salem Heights. Mustered out of service .June 17, 1804. Feb. 11,1802. " 20, " June 5, 1801. July 10, 1803. Jan. 24, 1802. July 8, 1803. June 5, 1801. July 10, 1863. June 5, 1801. June 0, 1861. July, 10, 1863 " 14, " " 10, " Mustered out of service Feb. 27, '6.5. Mustered out of service June 0, '04. Deserted Aug. 27, 1803. Trans, to V. R. C, July 1803; re-en- listed in V. R. C, May 4, 1864, for three years. Transferred to U. S. Navy, Mar. 13, '64 . Prisoner at Richmond ; \vo\mded slightly in arm at battle of Wilder- ness May 5, 1804 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Re-enlisted Dec. 20, 1803 ; wounded j slightly in leg at battle of Wilder- ness May 10, '04-; sick in Hospital. 2d Lieut. Co. F. iDeserted Aug. 25, 1863. April 10, 1864. I " Aug. 21, 1803, SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 77 COMPANY H, NAME AND BANK. Captains. Charles W. Greene, Beriah S. lirown, Samuel J. English, ls( Lieutenants. Beriah S. Brown, Isaac JI. Church, Thomas II. Carr, David A. Holmes, Charles T. Brown, 2d Lieutenants. Thomas Fov, Nicholas Uiulerwood, John G. Bcveriilge, Charles T. Brown, Henry C. Di.xon, Sergeants. Russell 0. Gardiner, John G. Bcveridge, George H. Groves, John F. Eddy, George L. Nason, Jaiucs F. Weaver, Corporals. Charles E. Bagley, Thomas W. May, Francis C. Greene, Luther B.aker, Thomas Byrnes, KESIDENCE. DATE OF MOSTEB. E. Greenwich, E. I. June 5, 1861. Providence, R. I. lApril 4, 1863. E. Greenwich, R. I. 'June 5, 18G1. Captain Co. H, June '2S, 1861 S. Kingstown, R. I. Providence, R. I. Resigned June 27. 1861. Jan. 1, 1863. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. March 18, '63. Sept. 2, 1863. Prisoner at Richmond, battle of Bull Run, Julv 21. 1861 ; Captain 4tli R. I. v., Aug. 27, 1862. Died Jan. 1. 1863. Promoted from Corporal 3d R. I. H. A ., Mar. 3, '63 ; resigned Aug. 18, 1863. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. E. Greenwich, R. I. June 5, 1861. 1st Lieutenant Co. A, Oct. 11, 1861. Providence, R. I. .Nov. 1, 1861. ; Resigned Aug. 9, 1862. Cincinnati, Ohio, iTransfer'd from Co. K, July 24, 1862; transferred to Co. G, Nov. 1, 1862. S. Kingstown, R. I. 'ist Lieutenant Co. H, Aug. 18, 1868. " " June 28, 1863.iMustered out of service June 17, 1864. E. Greenwich, R. I. June 5, 1861. •Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 21, 1861 |E. Greenwich, R. L June 6, 186], Warwick, R. I. S. Kingstown, R. 1. E. Greenwich, R. L Warwick, R. I. E. Greenwich, R> I. James E. Wilcox, jCoventry, R. I. John Greene, William W. Brown, Alonzo Bradford, Musicians. William I. Jenckes, Elisha Greene, ^yadward Germain, Paul Gariliner. John G. Graelt, Jost RESIDENCE. DATE OF UUSTER. Aug. 25, 1802. Providence, IS. I. Sept. 2, 18112. Warwick, R. I. June 0, 1801. E. Greenwich, R. I.: " " Boston, Mass. June 5, 1861. Germany, Warwick, K. I, I July 9, 1863. June 5, 1861. 'Baltic, Conn. I " Providence, R. I. .Sept. 10, 1862. Warwick, R. I. ijune 5, 1861. Died Mar. SI, '63, P. G. Hospi'l, R. I. Wounded slightly in thigh at battle of Fre(U'ricksburg, Dec. 13, 1862; died JIareh 31, at I'orts. (irove Hospital. DischM Sept. 30, '61, on Surg, certiti'e. Mustered out of service June 17, 1SI14. Woundeil in knee and face battle near Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Transferred to Batterv G, 1st R. I. L. A., Dec. '.I, 1863. Deserted June I'.t, 1861. Corporal, .Vpril 1, '62; re-enlisted Jan. 26, 1864; wounded in leg at battle of Wilderness, May 6, 1864 ; transferred to Co. C, r.ew organization. Disch'd Sept. 1, '61, on Surg, certific'e. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Transfer'd to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. E. Greenwich, R. I. " [Warwick, R. I. I " jWoonsocket, R. I. Aug 21, 1861 'Coventry, R. I. iWarwick, R. I. June lU, 1861 Junes, 1861. Derby, Vt. Aug. 20, 1862. Providence, R. I. (June 5, 1861. Aug. 22, 1862. E. Greenwich, R. I.June "i, 1861. Providence, R. T. lAug. 20, 1862. Providence, R. I. Dec. 4. 1861. Aug. 22, 1862. Warwick, R. I. Wickford, R. I. England. (Coventry, R. I. E. Greenwicn, R. I. June 5, 1861 Aug. 21, 1861 June ,0 1861. it (I Got. 16, 1862. Aug. 21, 1861, Mexico, July 10, 186; Providence, R. I. Dec. 16, 1861. K. Greenwich, R. I.June .5, 1861. Coventry, R. I. t " " I Warwick, R. I. " " E. (ireemvich. R. I. •' " Warwick, R. I. jAug. 21, 1861. I'rov idence, R. I. I " " Central Village, Ct. IJune V.t, 1861. Providence, R. I. JAug. 21, 1861. Cranston, R. I. ISept. 1:;, 1862. E. Greenwich, R. I. June -J, 1861. Woonsocket, R. I. Aug. 21 1801. France, Julv 10. 1863. E. Greenwich, R. I. Juiie 6, l.siii. Germany, Ijuly 'J. 18r]3. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; transferred to Co. I, new organization. Killed July 21, 1861, at battle Bull Run. Musician; re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1803; ' transfe'd to Co. C, new organization. : Transfer'd to Co. C, new organization. B, •• Deserted Dec. 5, 1862. Disch'd June 26, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Deserted May 23, 1863. Wounded at battle Salem Heights, May 3, 1863; discharged Aug. 18, 1863, on surgeon's certificate. Disch'd June 26, 1862 on .Surg, certif. jDisch'd Se)>t. 30, '61, on Surg, certif. jDishonoral)ly discli. June 111, 1862. 'frans. to Co. C, new organization. Disch'd Nov. ;J0, '6I.on .Surg, certif. Wounded at battle Hull Run, July 21, 1861; mustered out of service, June 17. 1864. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Discli. Aug. 24, '61, on Surg, cerlif. Sergt. ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Mustered out of service June 17,1864. Deserted Dec. 1, 1862. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Disch'd Jan. 'J, 1863, on Surg, certif. Discharged April, 1862. pisch. Oct. 28, 1862, on Surg, certif. Disch. Dec. 31, '62, on Surg, cerlif. Corp, ; trans, to V. R. C, Sept. 1, '63. Trans, to U. S. Navy, April 13, 1864. Rt-enlisted Dec. 26,' '63 ; tr,a-is. to Co. I, new organization. Deserted Sept. 17, 1863. Corp.; trans, to V. U. C, Sept. 1, '63. iTrans. to Co. C, new organization. SECOND REGIMENT RHOnE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 79 Gardiner, Jeffrey H. Glenwrifilit. Jolin Gorton, Mnrtin V. B, Gtrraril, Julin Greene, Ezra Graliani, John H, Gardiner, George A. Greene, William W. Greene, D.iniel Groves, Peleg D. Greene, Nathaniel C. Grey, Jolin Hadley, Ambrose Hennessey, Thomas Hatliauay, James B. Hcavey, Patrick Holmes, Albert C. Holden, John Huling, Aldrieh J. Hawes, James Jerard, John Johnson, Russell B. Jennison, George A. Johnson, James G. Kingman, Cassander Warwick, R.I. E. Greenwich, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Albany, N, Y. E. Greenwicli, R. I Exeter. R. I. Warwick, R. I. jCranston, R. I. Warwick, K. I. Providence, R. I. I E. Greenwich, R. I. June 0, 1801 Cranston, R. I. Providence, R. I. Warwick, R. I. E. Greenwich. R. I.' Providence, R. I. Warwick. R. I, Coventry, IJ I. Providence, R. I. Coventry, R. I- Bristol, R. I. June 6, 1861. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. " " Disch. April 4, 1863, on surg. certif. June 5, 1861. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. " " Disch. Jan. 29, '63, on Surg, certif. Dec. 13, 1862. Disch. Aug. 1862, on Surg, certif. Feb. 19, 1862. Disch. Aug. 9, '62, on Surg, certif. July 9, 1863. Tran.sfe'd to Co. C, new organization. June 6, 1861. iMustered outof service June 17,1804; (died at Camp Sumter, Aug. 1864.) Sept. 11, 1862.J2d Lt. 6th Reg. R. I. V., March 2, '63. June 19, 1861.: Disch. Feb. 23, 1863, on Surg, certif. A\ig. 27, 1862. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Re-enlisted, Dec. 26, ISlio; wounded in leg at battle of Wilderness, May 5, 1864 ; trans, to Co. C, new organ. Died Feb. 5, 1862. Cornoral ; mustered out of service I June 17, 1864. iDec. 6, 1861. 'Died Oct. 23, 1862. June 6, 1861. Deserted Oct. 12, 1802. 1 " " I Deserted Feb. 3 1862. , Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Knaff. S. Louis Kalane, James Knight, Christopher N. Kcnyon, Lowell H. King, -Jauies A. Knight, William H. Lapham, Alphonso Lewis, Thomas \ug. 21, 1861. June 0,1861. Aug. 22, 1802. June .5, 1801. Nov. 16, 1861. E. Greenwich, R. I. June 6, 1861. Cranston. R. I. lAug. 16, 1862. Warwick, R. I. June 6, 1801. Cumberland, R. I. July 9,180c Landy, John Mathcwson. George H McNifl", James Mizer, John Moraii, James Murphy; John Smithficld, R. I. iProvidence, R. I. iDec. 27, 1801. Warwick, R. X. June i>, 1861. Woonsocket, R. I. July 16, 1802. Providence, R. I. Dec. 27, 1801. Ireland, Moffitt, Leonard P. MeCann, John McDoniiald, John McAvoy, .Michael .McArlev, Bartholomew McCabc,- Michiu-1 McGetrick. Patrick Nicholas, Cyril H. Nagle, Charles July 9, 1863 E. Greenwich, R. I. June 5, 1861. Dcrrv, Ireland, iAug. 29, 1863. Cape" Clear, Ireland July 10, 1803. Providence, R. I. Nov. 16, 1801, Sept. 4, 1862. K. Greenwicli, R. I. June 5, 1861. Coventry, " |Transfe'd to Co. C, new organization. Dropped from Rolls, Aug. 1862. Wounded in groin at battle of Wil- derness, May .5, 1804; trans, to Co. C, new organization. 2d Lt. 3d R. I. Cavalry, Nov. 14, 1863. Deserted Jan. 5, 1863. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Trans, to V. R. C, Feb. 15, 1864. Corporal ; wounded at battle of Salem Heights, May 3, 1863; re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; trjns. to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Wounded in foot at battle of Wil- derness, May 0, 1864; trans, to Co. Co. C, new organization. Trans, to Co. C, new organization ; i wounded at battle near Winchester, ! Va., Sept. 19, 1804 ; since died. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; wounded at battle near Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1804; since died. Deserted Jan. .5, 1863. Deserted Dec. 5, 1802. Deserted July 2,1803. Re-enlisted Jan. 26, 1864; transferred i to Co. C, new organization. Wounded in breast May 5, 1864, at battle of Wilderness ; transferred to Co. C, new organization. Disch. Jan. 11, '62, on Surg, certificate. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Trans, lo Co. G, Nov. 1, 1863. Disch. Aug. 17, 1864. on Surg, certif. j " March 14, 1802, Honorably discharged June 19, 1861. 1st Sergt. ; mustered out of service I June 17, 1864. Trans, to U. S. Navy April 11, 1804. 80 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. KAMB AND BANK. KESIDENCE. Nicliolns, Lyman Nafl" Stanisliiiis Nicholas, Daniel AV. rickford, John X. Phillips. John I'otter. William H. Ryan, John Warwick, R. I. Aayan, Swiiz'il, Warwick, K. I. Warwick, R. I. Ireland, Warwick, R. I. Providence, R. I. DATE OF MCSTEB. Remark, William Germany, Ray, Thomas , Warwick, R. I. Robertson, George Ireland, Rojjers, Christopher T. Coventry. R. T. Rose, James T. E. Greenwich, R. I. Sherman, Benjamin W. Coventry, R. I. Smith, William Scotland, Simmons, .John B. Warwick, R. I. Sherman, George H. Coventry, " Skinner, Joseph G. Providence, R. I. Salisbury. Otis H. Stanley, Peter J. Stephenson, David R. Sweet, Samuel P. Jr. Sweet, Benonl Providence, R. I, E. Greenwich, " Coventry, R. I. Warwick, R. I. June 5, 1861. iJuly, 7, 1863. June G, 1861. July 10, 1863. iJune 6, 1861. Jan. 1, 1862. IJuly 10, 1803. June 6, 1861. Aug. 8, 1863. June 6, 1861. " 5, " .Jan. 5, 1861. Aug. 10, 1863. June 5, 1861. Feb. 8, 1862. June 6, 1861. Aug. 25, 1862. June ly, 1861. " 6, •' " 19, " " 6, " Thompson, Edmund 11. E. Greenwich, R. I. Thompson, William , Oct. 21, 1862. Th ompson, Edward A.I " " June 6, 1861. ThouL-is, William |SmithueId, R. I. Sept. 2, 1862. Tourgec, Jeremiah Veatch, Charles E. Greenwich, R. I. June .0, 1861, Granville, Ind. Von Berger, Henry Prussia, Williams, Leonard Warberton, Thomas iProvidence, B. I. Sept. 2, 1862. July 10, 1863. Oct. 21, 1862. Sept. 13, 1862. Woodmansie, Thos. T. W. Greenwich, R. I. June 5, 1861 Cranston, R. I. <( it Portland, Maine, Wilson, John A. Wilson, William Wright, James J Sept. 8, 1862. " 15, " Aug. 30, " Disch'd June 19, '61, on Surg, certifi'e. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Corp ; mustered out of service June 17, 1861. Discli'd Dec. 3, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Transfe'd to Co. C, new organization. Deserted Dec. 9, 1862. Wound, in leg at battle of Wilderness, Jl.iy 5,1864; transferred to Co. C, new organization. Trans, to Co, C, new organization. Deserted Dec. 5, 1862. Transferred to Co. C, new organiza'n. Deserted Jan. 5, 1863. Disch. Nov. 5, '62. on Surg, certific'e. Corporal ; wound'd battle Salem Ilei'ts, May 3, '63; killed M.ay 6, 1864, at battle of Wilderness. Trans, to V. S. N., March 25, 1864. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Corp. ; severely wounded at battle near Williamsport, July 12. 1863; trans, to V. R. C, Jan. 25 1864. Disch. Dec. 12, '62, on surg. certificate. Corporal : mustered out of service June 17; 1864. Died Sept. 16, 1861. Sergt. ; re-enlisted Dec. 26, '63 ; trans. to Co. C. new organization. Trans, to V. R. C, 1864. Wounded July 3, 1863, (Gettysburg.) Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Woundeil at Gettysburg, July 3, '63; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 : transterred to Co. C, new organization. Wounded at battle Salem Heights, May 3, 186:. ; transterred to Co. C, new organiz.ition. Deserted Aug. 21 1863. I)i,sch'd Mar. 14. '63, on Surg, certifi'e. Wounded in wrist at battle Wilderness May 5, 1864 ; transferred to Co. C, new organization. Serst. ; mustered out of service Juno 17, 1864. Killed June 2, 1864, (gunshot wound.) Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Wouniled May 6, LSU, in leg at battle 1 of Wilderness. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 81 COMPANY I. NAME AND RANK. Captains. S. J.Tmcs Smith, S. B. M. Keail, John K. Watcrhouse, \st Lifiutennnts. Stephen H. Brown, Henrv C. .lenukes, B. B." Manchester, John R. ^Vaterhouse, Stephen West, Jr. Samuel B. Kussell, 2c? /jicuteiiants. Henry C. Cook, KESIDRNCE. Providence, R I. Cleveland, Oliio, Woonsocket, K. I. Providence, " Smithfield, Fall River, Mass. Providence, E. I. Henrj' C. .Tenckes, John R. AVaterhouse, Clarke K. Bates, Warwick, John M. Turner, Providence, .?» rqcants. John R. Waterhouse, jProvidence, Albert W. Cliajipell, j Woonsocket, Napoleon A. Vaslett, Edward A. Kussell, Adiu B. Capron, Corfiora/s. Henry A. Green, Horatio B. Snow, Thomas J. Kelley, John Ford. " Bradford Chamberlain, Greenville, Charles H. Hawkins, " George B. Hutchinson, Slatersville, William H. Jillson, iWoonsocket, ]l[iisicians. I George F. Kenyon, Providence, ]Vaf/oner. ■William H. Aldrich, Woonsocket, Privates. Aldrich, Willi-im W. Scituatc, Arnold. Leander A. Adams, Iliram Arnold, Elislia Woonsocket, Smillifield, DATE OF JIUSTER. KEMARKS. Austin, David C. Scituate, Angel, Lewis E. Greenville, 11 June 6, 1861. Killed July 21, '61. at battle Bull Rnn. Lieut. Col. March 23, 1863. June 28, 1863.iMustered out of service June 17, '64. I June fi, 1861. Captain Co. D, Sept. 28, 1861. Nov. 1, 1861. Trans, to Co. D. Trans, from Co. F, Nov. 1, 1862; re- I I signed Jan. 11, 1863. 'May 19, 1863. Captain Co. I, June 3, 1863. June 28, 1863. Trans, to Co. F, March 1, 1864. I Mar. 20, 1864. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. June 6, 1861. Wounded at Bull Run July 21, 1861 ; 1st Lieut. U. S. A.; Capt. 16th U. S. Infantry. Aug. 7, 1861. 1st Lieut. Co. I, Nov. 1, 1861. ; " "Feb. 22, 1863. Mar. 28, 1863. Died July 18. 1863, of wounds rece'd 1 I in action Salem Heights May 3, '63. Sept. 28, 1863. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. June 6, 1861. '2d Lieut. Co. I, October 23, 1861. " " IDisch'd July2.5, '62, onSurg. certific'e. Mar. 25, '62, " " ."^ergeant Major. I " " Sergeant Major, July 22, 1861. " " Sergeant, Oct. 31, 1861; 1st Sergeant, July 2-j, 1862 ; killed May 3, 1863, at battle Salem Heights. " " Transferred to Battery A, 1st R. I. L. A., July 14, 1861, as bugler. " " Killed July 21, '61, at battle Bull Run. " " i '' " " Sergeant; re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; killed May 12, '64, battle Wilderness. " " Sergeant, May 2b, 1862; discharged I March 6, 1863, on Surg, certificate. " " Disch'd Oct. 13, '61, on Surg, certifi'e. " " " April 7, '62, " " " " iMusteredout of service June, 17, 1864. " " iDisch. Sept. 15, '62, on Surg, certific'e. July 9, 1863. Wounded in abdomen at battle Wilder- ness, May 6,1864 ; transferred to Co. C, new organization. June 6, 1861. Killed May 3, '63, battle Salem Heights. " " Corporal, Nov. 1, '61 ; discharged Jan. 29, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate. Corporal; re-enlisted Dec. 26, '63; trans- ferred to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Aug. 1, 1862. Transfcr'd to Co. C, new organization. 82 aECOND REGIMENT KHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAMB AND RANK. Bailey, Frederic A. Hiirker, Thomas H. Ball, Albert Braipshavr, .folin Bropliey, James H. Ball, Nalium Ballou, Silas G. Ballon, Iloratlo N. Colvin, Charles E. Donclly, Thomas Donnovan, John Davis, Albert F. Purfee, Nathan L. Engley, Eton E. Fainum, Charles W. Jr. Fennel, Daniel Farris, Siiniuel Green, William II. Greene, George W. Gannon, Patriek Gorton, Edward Gravlin, Peter Gorton, Nathan 1). Green, Albert Ilotroyd, George S. RESIDENCE. Burrillville, K. I. Providence, " Woonsocket, " DATE OP MUSTER Lonsdale, Gcorgiaville, jWooiisoeket, Central Falls, Woonsocket, Boyleston, James E. Brown, (Uarke li. Colvin, Albert H. Colvin, Darius. Carpenter, IJudolph 0. Colvin, Matthew L. Clifford, Edward Clenery, George H. Cory, Charles W. Carroll, Patrick Cook, Lowell C. Providence, " ; Franklin, Mass. I i Providence, R. I. Woonsocket, " Scituate, " Woonsocket, " Providence, " N. Blackstonc.Mass. Greenville, 1{. I. June 6, 1861. Pec. 28, 1861 iJune 6, 1861. Feb. 17, 1862. June 0, 18G1. Aug. 21, 1861. June 6, 1801. Dec. 31, 1861. June 6, 1861. Aug. 21, 1862 Juno 6, 1861. N. Scituate, Woonsocket, " Providence, R. I. Glocester, R. 1. U.xbridge, Mass. Glocester, R. 1. Dec. 16, 1861 Aug. 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. Woonsocket, R. I. Mass. Woonsocket, R. I. Glocester, R. I. Providence, R. I. Woonsocket, R. I. Cumberland, R. I. Pawtuxet, R. I. U.\bridge, Mass. I Aug. 1, 1862. IDee. 16, 1861. Aug. 21, 1861. June C, " .Feb. 18, 1864. !Junc 6, 1861. Prisoner Hull Kun, July 21, '61 ; releas- eilfroni Salisbury, N. C.,May 22, '62; niustiTeil out of service June 5, 1864. . ( 'niporal. .Mar. 2i"), 'i;2; died Julv 24, '62. Wouiuled at Bull Hun, July 21, 1861; I mustered out service June 17. 1864. Corporal, C)i-t. ;U, '61 ; woundeil battle before Richmond, Ju'e 25, '62; dis- charged Sept. 25, '62, Surg, certifi'e. iWouniled slightly in groin at battle of Wilderness, May 6, 18114; trans- [ ferred to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wagoner, Dec. 1, 1861 ; mustered out [ of service June 17, 1864. TranslVrred from Co. II ; re-cniisted ; Dec. 26, IWli; transferred to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out ot service June 17, 1864. Taken prisoner Sept. 16, '63 ; exchang- ed ; niuster'd out service, Dec. 13, '64. Woundfd battle Salem Heights, May 3, '63; niuster'd out service June 17, '64. Disch'd Di-e. 24, '62, Surg, certificate. .Muslureil out ot service June 17, 1864. Wounded battle Salem Ileigbis, May 3, '63 : transfd to Co. C, mw organi'n. Corporal, May 15, '62 ; discharged Feb. 25, 186:!, on Surgeon's certificate. Corporal; Coni'y Sergea't. SepI 26, '63. Corporal; wounded alighllv shoulder. May 6, l.Slil, at battle of Wilderness. Transfe'd to Co. C, new organization. Corporal ; wounded slightly in shoulder battle Wilderness, May 5. '64; mus- tered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded slightly in ankle at battle of Wilderness. May 8, 1864; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Discli. Aug. 5, '61, on Surg, certificate. Killed May 3, 1863, at battle Salem Heights. Corp. ; died Aug. 30, 1862, at Chester I'a., of fever. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Deserted Dec. 11, 1,SI1-J. Wouiideil at battle Hull Run, July 21, '61; prisoner at Richmond; dis- charged Julv 16, '62, on Surg. cert. Deserted Dee.' 11, 1,S62. Discliargi'd June 1;!, 1861, (worthless.) Corp. ; discharged Aug. 31, 1861, on Surg, certificate. Trans, from Co, F, ; re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; killed May 18, 1864, at battle of Wililerness. Wounded slightly at battle of Freder- icksburg, Dec. 13, 1862; transferred to Co. (.', new organization. Trans, from Co. H,; re-enlisted Dec. 2f>, '63 ; trans, to Co. C, neworga'n. : Discharged July 22, 1862, on Sur- I geon's certificate. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Discharged Jidy '20, 1862. 1 Woundeil it battle Salem Heights May 3. ISli:!; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 83 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. Haswell, Joscpli L. 'Slatersville, R. I. Higgins, Kicliard Providonce, K. I. DATE OF MnSTER. June 6, 1861. Jan. 27, 1862. REMARKS. Hopkins, fieorge L. Glocester, U. I. June 0, 1861. Haley, Hugh Horton, Thomas W. Knight, AUon S. Leary, John Lee, James Provideneo, H. I. Glocester, R. I. Woonsocket, R. I. Lewis, Tlionias W. D. Jamestown, R. I. Leacli, .James I). j Providence, R. I. Lesage, Lewis " " Lawrence, BonjaniinF. Looniis, John F. Central Falls, R. I, Losser, Jiirvis R. Moffltt, James Mason, Bradford C. Mowry, Orin S. Mansfield, Thoni.as Marsh, Eugene H. Muller, Theodore Martin, James Munson, William Mowry, Alhert A. Malone, John J. McKenna, .Tames Mowry, William W. WcGahen, Bernard Needam, J. W. Potter, Ashael S. Potter, James W. Perkins, Charles E. Percy, William A. Parker, Edward A. Prue, David Parkhurst, Albert B. Phillips, Joseph A. Perseche Gustave A. Praya, Nelson E. Woonsocket, R. I. Providence, " England, Franklin, Mass. Germanv, Albion, R. I. Canada, Slatersville, R. L .Woonsocket, " Providence, R I. Smithfield, R. L Slatersville, R. I. Providence, R. I. June 6, 1861. Aug. 6, 1862. June 6, 1861. Dec. 25, 1861, June 6, 1861. Oct. 15, 1861. June 6, 1861. Oct. 11, 1861. Aug. 20, 1862. Aug. 1, 1861. 'June 6, 1861. Nov. 18, 1861, July 10, 1863. June 6, 1861. July 10, 1863. June 6, 1861. July 9, 1863. June 6, 1861. Oct. 10, 1861. June C, 1861. July 8, 1863. N. Scituate, R. I. June 6, 1861. Scituate, R. L Smithfield, R.L Pawtuckct, R. I. Scituate, R. I. Woonsocket, R. I. Blackstone, Mass. Georgiaville, R. I. Providence, R. I. Woonsocket, R. I. iJuly 9, 1863. June 6, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Trans, from Co. B, Mar. 1, '62; re-en- listed Feb. 24, 1864 ; transferred to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Wouniled at battle Bull Hun, July 21, 1861 ; prisoner at Uichmond ; re- leased from Salisbury, 'S.C, May 22, 1862; trans, to. V. R.C.Jan. 15, '64. Corporal March 25, 1862; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Ocserted Dec. 11, 1862. Wounded at battle Salem Heights May 3, 18()3 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 4, 1864 ; wounded slightly in neck at battle of Wilder- ness, May 5, 1864 ; transferred to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Dischargeil Aug. 5, '61, on Surg. cert. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Transferred to Co. C, new organiza- tion, June 17, 1864. I Transferred to Co. C, new organiza- tion. .June 17, 1864. Wounded at battle Salem Heights May 3, 1863 ; discharged Jan. 5, 1864, on Surgeon's certificate. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Wounded slightly in head at battle of Wilderness May 12, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Wounded dangerously in thigh at bat- tle of Wilderness May 12, 1864; died May 15, 1864, in Hospital. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Wouniled at battle Salem Heights May 3, 1863; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Transfe'd to Co. C, new organization. Deserted Sept. 10, 1862. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded at battle near Winchester Va., Sept. 19, 1864; transferred to Co. C, new organization. Corp. July 29, 1862 ; Sergt. ; muster- ed out of service June 17, 1864. Trans, to Co, C, new organization. Corp. ; Sergt. ; re-enlisted Dec. 26, '63 ; wounded slightly in head at battle of Wilderness May 6, 1864; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Corp.; Serg. ; re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Disch.Oct. 20, '62, on Surg, certificate. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; transferred to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Killed May 18, '64, battle Wilderness. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Disch. June 13, 1861, (worthless.) 84 SECOND KEGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAUE AND BANK. IVrrv, Gcoryie Uwil, Willi.nn H. UolKTtsim, William liiluy, .Jaims O. liaid, Goorfre IJaiulall, John 15. Woonsot'kct, R. I. SlaUrsvilk', K. I. Scollaiid, France, Wuoiisockc't, IJ. I. Uili-y, KilwanlO. Sirniiions, (u'orge N. Slri'i'tfr, .Josi'iili W. Siiiilli, William F. Sullivan, Daniel Scliaa, John Small, KolxTt W. Schmiilt, Charles Slone. Alhert H. Saunilers, II. A. Sheldon, Charles M. Sault, Peter Smith, John K. Stcere, Jesse Smith, William L. Steerc, .James F. Tubhs, Alhert Taylor, (ieort;e G. Turner, John M. Tliurston, Benjamin R Traverse, Au{;ustus Tucker, Leander S. Teller, Victor Thornton, .Jesse B. Touir, Christian Thorpe. Klias H. Tayer, Henry C. Vose, C. F. Wood, Joseph M. Wood, Tluinias C. AVhipple, M. K. Willis, William Wilco.\, George W. Providence, R. I. Woonsocket, R. I. Providence, R. I. Germany, W'oonsocket, R. I. (Jermany, Suituate, R. I. I jlrclnnd, Cranston, R. I. Woon.socket, R. I. Glocestcr, R. I. Providence, R. I. Georjjiaville, R. I. Uxbridge, Mass. Providence, R. I. Canada, Mendon, Mass. Prussia, Providence, R. I. Germany. Gloeester, K. I. Mendon, Mass. DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. '.t, 1801. June II, 1801. .lulv '.», 1801. Aug. 10, 1802. July 9, 1803. June 0, 1801. Oct. 1.3, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. Mar. 17, 1804. Aug. 21, 1802. Aug. 12, 1863. June 0, 1801. .luly 10, 1863. Nov. VJ, 1861. Aug. 27, 1863. June 14, 1861. June 0, 1801. Aug. 1, 1801. Oct.l, 1801. Aug. 1, 1801. June 0, 1861. Aug. 20, 1862. Aug. 8, 1863. June 0, 1801. Aug. 11, 1863. Die. 24, 1^61. July 10, 1863. Juiie 0, 1861. Aug. 20,1862. June 6, 1801. IiK.M.\I!KS. Cumberland, R. I. N. Kingstown, R. 1 Mendon, Mass. Xov. l'.\, 1801 Inly '.), 1803. July 11), 1803. June 6, 1861. Transferred to Co. C, new organiza'n. Disch. Feb. 1, '03, on Surg, certificate. Trans, to Co C, new orii.'iiiizalion. Wounded at b.-itlle S:\U-ui llriyhts May 3, 1803; trans, to V. 1{. C., Oct. 12, '03 ; mustered out of service July 13, 180.->. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Wounded at battle Bull Hun. Inly 21, 1801 ; discharged .Ian. 1, 1862, on •Surgeon's certilicate. Transferred to Co. C, Nov. 1, 1862. " " new organlza'n. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Trans, to V. R. C, April 18, 1864; mustered out ot service, .luly 8, '65. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Quartermaster Sergeant. July 28, '62. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Died July l-'), 1802, at Portsmouth Grove hospital, of typhoid fever. Trans, to Battery (i, 1st R. I. L. A. Dec. y, 1803. Disch. Aug. .'), 1801, on surg. ccrtit. Corporal ; mustered out of service, June 17, 1804. Sergeant ; mustered out of service, June 17, 1804. Ueenlisteil D. c. 20, 1S63 ; transfe'd to Co. C, new organization. Discharged .June 17, 1802. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Deserted Aug. 8, 1801. Disch. (Jet. I'.l, 1802, on surg. certif. Commissary Sergt., July 24, 1S02. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Trans, to Battery G, Isl R. 1. L. A., Dec. '.I, 1801. Undergoing sentence of (i<'n. Court Martial, at Fort Jefferson, Fla. Deserted Sept. 10, 18(i:!. Trans, to U. S. Navy, April 1"), 1801. Deserted Dec. .5, 18li3. Disch. Dec 5, 18ii3. on surg. certif. Died Dec. 12, '03, at Br'ndy Station, Va. Sergeant; wounded at battle Salem Heights, May 3, 1803; re-enlisted Fet). 20, 1801; wouniled sevi'nly in Icd't shoulder at Brighlwood, Md., .luly 12, 1804; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Walling, Benjamin G. N. Providence, R. I.' July 9, 1803. V>'alcs, Henry T. Wight, Samuel Bellinghain, Mass. N. Scituate, R. I. Killed March 12, 1802, (accidental ex- plosion of a she 11.) Wounded slightly at battle of Wil- derness, May 0. ISiJl; trans, to Co. C, new organization. June 0, 1801. Mustered out of service June 17, 1804. " iCorporal, Oct. 31, 1801; sergeant; I died I\lay lo, 1803, of wonmls rec'd 1 at bat. of Salem Ueiglits May 3, '63. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 85 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Jan. 29, 1862. June 6, 1861. July 10, 1863. REMARKS. Winsor, Pitts S. Weeks, Charles W. Worril, John F. Werner, George Wood, Charles C. Scituate, K. I. Slatersville, R. I. Woonsoeket, R. I. Germany, Wonnded at battle of Salem Heights, May 3, 1863 ; died May 20, 1863, of wounds. Re-enlisted, Dec. 26, 1803 ; trans, to . Co. C, new organization. Discliarfjed June 13, 1861, (worthless.) Deserted Aug. 27, 1808. Trans, to V. R. C, Marcli 15, 1864. 86 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. COMPANY K. NAME AND BANK. Captains. diaries W. Turner, Kilwiri K. Sherman, Jolin P. Shaw, \st Lieutenants. Otis P. G. Clarke, Samuel J. Sniilh, .John I'. Shaw, William L. Wheaton, 2(1 Lieiitetiants. Samuel .J. Smith, William G. Turner, ilolm G. Beveridge, Obed H. Girtijrd, Stephen West, Jr. Edmund F. Prentiss, Serneants. Obed H. GifTord, John Hamilton, William G. Turner, .Tames W. Dennis, .Jr. William T. I.awton, Corporals. John Hodgson, Ebenezer J. Blake, Henry T. Blanchard, Henry Reinwald, Timothy C. Sullivan, John H. Murphy, Samuel Wormwood, Jolm W. Hunt, Musicians. John F. Leach, James Shelley, Hugh Crawley, Waifoner. Joseph W. Wade, Privates. Angell, William H. Allsop, John IJriggs, Charles E. IJierwaiiger, John Brown, William BESIDENCG. Newport, R. I. Providence, R. I. Newport, R. I. Providence, R. I. Newport, I?. I. Cincinnati, Ohio, Newport, K. I. Smitl.fielJ, R. I. Providence, U. I. Newport, R. I. Providence, U. I. Newport, R. I. Providence, R. I. Pawtueket, R. I. Newport, K. I. Maine, Greenwich, R. I. Providence, R. I. Illinois, Lonsdale, R. I. Maine, DATE OP MUSTEB. June 5, 1861. Resigned Nov. 28, 1801. Died July 12, 1802, at Belevue hospi- i tal. New York. [Kill'd May 12, '01,at battle Wilderness. June G, 1861. Captain Co. C, July 22, 1801. July, 1801. Adjutant. Captain Co. K, July 21, 1802. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. June 5, 1861. June 28, 1863. June 5, 1861. 1st Lieut. Co. K, July 22, 1861. " E, Nov. 28, 1801. Transferred to Co. 11, Julv 24. 1802. '• (.',, Nov. 1, 1802. 1st Lieut. Co. I, June 3. 1803. " " A, Oct. 30, 1863. !2d Lieut. Co. K, July 24, 1862. Diseh. Aug. 0, '01. on Surg, certificate. 2d Lieut. Co. K, July 22. 1861. Disch. .Jan. 21. 1803. Wounded at battle of Salem Heights, Mav 3, 1803; trans, to V. K. C, 1 Aug. 2'J, 1863. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. 1st Sergeant, July 22, 1801 ; died Feb. 10, 1805, at Annapolis, Md., of Pneumonia. (Corporal; Sergt. ; killed May 0, '04, at i battle of the Wilderness. Diseli. 1S02. on Surg.eerlifieate. Wounded battle Bull Run, July 21, '01 ; prisoner at Riclimoiid ; discharged, Dec. 18, 1801, on Surg, certitieate. Corporal; Sergeant, Nov. 30, 18lil ; mustered out of service June 17, '04. Prisoner of war, released ; transferred to Co, A, new organization. Died April U, 1803. " " Trans, to battery A, 1st R. L Lt. Art. June 20, 1801. Nov. 4, 1861. |Prisonerat Richmond ; trans, to Co. A, new organization. June 18, 1861. Mustered out of service June 17, 1804. Juno 5, 1861. Smithfield, R. I. 'Aug. 1, 1801. Deserted Feb. 4, 1802, (2d time.) Prisoner at Richmond. July 24, 1804 ; trans, to Co. A, new organization. E. Greenwich, R. I. March 0. 1862. Disc'd Sept. 21, '63, on Surg, ccrlif. Providence, R. I. June u, 1861. Disch. June 18,1801 ; (worthless.) Deserted Jan. 20, 1802. Newport, R. I. " " Wounded at Battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1801 ; discharged .Jan. 20, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 87 NAME AND BANS. Belden, Leonard C. Baker, William J. Braman. George W. Baker, Darius Bolton, Peter Barry, John Bucklin, William N. Brown, diaries Benton, John D. Bartlett, Jencks Cooney, James Corcoran, Dennis Corhett, William Clarke, Augustus M. Callahan. James Courtney, John Chambers, Thomas Callahan, Julin Connor, Lawrence Cobb, William M. Collins, Thoniiis Conly, John J. Crandall, James S. Chase, Zaccheus Dimond, William Dow, .James P. Downey, .John J. Devlin, .John Finn, Martin Flinn, Samuel J. Foster, John Fales, Thomas H. B. Graham, John Gould, Charles H. Graves, Samuel W. Gladding, Harrison Greenman, Edward Howard, Oliver H. P. Harrop, Walter Hollis, .James B. Hall. Bernard M. Hunt, William II. Hanley, Janus Newport, R. I. Providence, R. I. Newport, R. 1. Providence, E. I. S. Kingstown, R. I. Providence, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. I'awtucket, R. I. Newport, R. I. Providence, R. I. (( It Olneyville, R. I. Newport, K. I. DATE OF MUSTER. June 5, 186L Oct. 15, 1862. June 5, 1861. KEHABKS. Aug. 1,1801. (June 5, 1861. ti (( Oct. 23, 1861. June .5, 1861. Jan. 20, 1862. iJune •'>, 1861. Valley Falls, R. I. Newport, R. I. Providence, H, I. New York, N. Y. Newport, R. I. E. Greenwich, R. I. Newport, " Olneyville, Pawiucket, " Providence, " Olneyville, " Providence, " New York, N. Y. Washington, D. C. Newport, R. I. Providence, " Apponaug, " June 6, 1861. June .5, 1861. Jan. 16, 1863. June 0, 1861. Feb. 14, 1862. Aug, 1, 1861. Jan. 16, 1862. June .5, 1861. Oct. 27, 1861. June 5, 1861. Jan. 19, 1863. Oct. 17, 1862. July 15, 1861. June 5, 1861. Providence, " Fall River, Mass. England, Olneyville, R. I. Warwick, '■ Olneyville, " Aug. 1, 1861. June 5. 1861. July 0, 1863. Dec. 16, 1861. June 5, 186). Jan. 10, 1802. Corporal, Nov. 12, 1861 ; deserted Sept. 1, 1862. Deserted Dec. 5. 1862. Mustered out of service .June 17, 1864. Wounded at battle Wddcrncss, May 6, 1804 ; mustered out of service, June 17, 1804. 'Wounded slightly at bat. before Rich- mond, June 25, 1802 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded battle Bull Run, July 21, '61 ; ; prisoner at Richmond ; released from I Salisbury, N. C, May 22, 1802; 1 discli. Sept. 12, '62, on surg. certif. Mustered out of service June 17, 1804. I Wounded slightly at bat. before Rich- I niond, June 25, 1802 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. 1st Sergeant, Sept. 25, 1861 ; disch. Jan. 27, 1862. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. .( It 11 iDeserted Aug. 12, 1861. Disch'd Mar. 4, '63. on Surg, certif. Disch. Mar. 13, '63, on Surg, certificate. Trans, to Battery C, 1st R. I. L. A., Jan. 28, 1864. Wounded battle Bull Run July 21, '61 ; wounded bat. Salem Heights, May 3, I 1803; mustered out of service June 17, 1804. iTransfe'd to V. R. C, March 1.5,1804. .Deserted Aug, 4, 1862. Deserted March 20, 1862. Disch. April 12, 1864, on Surg, ccrtil. Deserted Feb. 26, 1803. Deserted March 20, 1802. Disch. Sept.25, '62, on Surg. certificate. Re-enlisted Dee. 26, 1863 ; transferred to Co. A, new organization. Disc'd Nov. 6, '62, on Surg, certificate. " Aug. o, '01, " " " July 26, '62, Deserted Nov. 18, 1861. Mustered out of serviceJune 17, 1864. Deserted May 8, 1863. Dec. 5, 1862. Corporal ; killed May 3, 1863, at battle of Salem Heights. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Disc'd June 23, '63, on Surg, certificate. Wounded Bull Run, July 21, '61 ; pris. oner Richmond, July 24, '61 ; releas- ed from Salisbury, N.C., May 22, '02 ; killed May 12, '64, battle Wilderness. Disc'd Mar. 4, '63, on Surg, certificate. Deserted Nov. 27, 1861. Corporal ; disch'd on Surg, certificate. Wounded severely in left eye at Bright- wood, Md., July 12, 1864; transferred to Co. A. new organization. Deserted March 21, 1802. Mustered out of service .June 17, 1804. Wounded slightly at battle before Rich- mond, June 25, 1862; transferred to Co. A, new organization. 88 SECOND KEGIMKNT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME AND BANK. RESIDENCE. OF MDSTER. SEHABK8. IIatli;i\viiy. Aii^'ustus.T. rrovidince, " IJatliawav, f liarlus W. Fall Hiwr, Mass. Higgiiis, ./olin Hilton, Jolin .1, Hopkins, William Ilalliawav, .Janus II. llinc'S, lUnry F. Ilurlliort, Anfjustus Islnnil, I'atriuk Janitzky, Tlicodoro Jones, Thomas E. Johnson, Eilwanl Kccnc, .Simon \V. Kilioy, I'atrick Lee. Peter McCabe, John Mowry, Daniel IMcIver, IVter Marklanil, Oeorjie IMorse, F.ilwanl T. Moran, .Fohn Moran, Michael McCann, William Myers, Lewis McGinley, William Muiphy, John H. Moran. John II. Melntire. Matthew Mullen, Patrick J. Merrick, Henry MeC.iffi-y. .John MeKoy, Thomas MeC'ov, James Olneyville. R. I. Worcester, Mass. Central Falls, U. I. Proviileiiee. " Sniithfiel.l, R. 1. Olr.eyville, R. I. Providence, " Newport, 1!. I. Providence, R. I. Newjiort, H. I. Canada. Proviilence, R. I. Dublin, Ireland, Newport, R. I. June -5, 1801. June 0. 1861. Feb. 20, 1802. June 18, 1801 Oct. 18, 1861. Oct. 29, 1861. .June 5, 1801. .Ian. 20, 1803. June .5, 1801. June 18, 1861. Oct, 16, 1861. June •!■), 1801. July 8, 180:!, June 5, 1801. \ug. 1.5, 1803 June 5, 1861. ;Woonsoeket, R. I. June 5, 1801. Providence, K. I. Pawtueket, R. I. Providence, R. I. lioston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Nicholson, .TohnO."«» JNewport, R. I. Newman, David A. " Apr. 1, 1804. .lune 5, 1801. .hiue 18, 1801. Jan. 12, 1803. Apr. 1, 1804. June 5, " Nichols, Charles Kickerson, Elijah Nortbup, Gardiner O'Hearn, Morris Providence, R. I. I'awtiicket, K. I. O'Sullivan, Timothy Providence, R. I. I'erry, Samuel T, jPerryville, R, I. Peckliam. Henry E. Randall, William H. Roenan, John Providence, R. I. Olneyville, R. I. March 1, 1862. Aug. 1, 1861. June 5, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. Nov. 27, 1861. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Cor]ioral ; re-enlisted Dec. 20, '03; trans- ferred to Co. .\, new or{;ainzalion. Attached to Mattery A, IstR. I. L. A., July 7, lt<01. Mustered out of service June 17,1804. Transfer'd to Co. A, new organization. Wounded at Hull Run, July 21, 1801 ; prisoner :it Richmond ; di>eharf;ed Sept. 12, 1.S02, on Surg, certificate. Disc'd .Mar. 2.'). '02, on Surg, certificate. [Died May 2.1, 1802, at Washington, D. I C, of typhoid fever. Discli. May 2, 1802, on surg. certif. Corp. ..July 1, 1803; transferred to Co. A, new organization. Disc'd Sept. 10, '02, on Surg, certifi'e. VVoundeil hattle Hull Run, .July 21, '61 ; disch. Apr. 2, '02, on surg. certif. Deserted .\ug. i'.K 1803. Wounded at battle of IJull Run. July 21, ISO] ; prisoner at Richiniind July 24, 1801 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1804. Died Dec. 18, '(i3, at Washington D.C. .Mustered out of service June 17, 1804. Deserted Se])!. 24, 1803. Killed July 21, 1801, at battle Bull Run. Missing buttle WIMcrnessMay 12,' 04. .Mis-sing batth' Wilderness May 12, '04; trans, to Co. A, new organization. Wotinded at battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1801 ; died July 31, '01, at Rich- mond, Va. Deserleil Nov. 26, 1863, Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization, Wonniled in thigh at liatlle Wililerness, May 0, 1804; mustered out of ser- vice June 17, 1801. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organ zation. Oes, rted Ans. 4, 1802. Killed Julv 21, '01, at hattle Bull Run. Desertc-d Slarcb 20, 1803. Di,-ch. .Mar. 2"), 1802, on Surg, certif. l)i>cliargeil. Wounded battle before Richmond, .lune 25, 1802; .lischarged March 14 1803 on Surgi-on's certificate. Killed Julv 21. IWU, battle Bull Run. Died .Mayll, 1S02, at W ashington, D. C., ol Typhoid fever. Disch. .\ug. 5, 1801, (worthless.) Wounded sliglitly in hand at Freder- icksburg, Dec. 13, 1802; transferred to V. R. C., March 2, 1804; mus- tered out of service .June 17, 1804, Re-enlisted March 4, 1804 ; trans, to Co. A, new organization. Rc-enlisteil Dec. 20. 1803. Corp., reenlisled Dec. 26, '03; killed May 12, 1804, at battle W'ilderncss. Trans, to Co. A. new (Organization. Killed June 25, '02, at bat. Fair Oaks. 'Transferred to U. S. N. April 12, '64. L.fffC SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 89 Randall, Serel Reynolds, Hazard A Randall, Henry C. Rarulall, Isaac C. Redmond, Peter J. Smith, Israel Sni til, HuRie Steel, Alexander Sheldon, Walter M. Sampson, Alonzo ScliaHer, John Smith, John Selmeiiler, Ilenrich Stacy, James C. Straus, John Sullivan, John Shane, Robert Slocum, William P. Sullivan, Patrick Sullivan, Timothy C. Smith, Anson J. Thurston. James F. Tuligg, Heniiel Thompson, Samuel Thompson, Fred. Tierney, Andrew Taylor, James Tliurber, William B. Tanner, Job Vincent, Doufjlass Verdeman, Albert Voi;el, Hermann Vatelaeaici, Joseph Woodworth, James T. Watson. Thomas G. Ware, George E. West, Lorin S. H. AVest, M.arshall M, Wilkins, Daniel WilHams, John R. Young, Thomas E. 12 Olneyville, R. I. l^rovidence, R, I. iOlncyville, R. I. New York, N. Y. Smitlifield, R. I. England, Newport, R. I. I rovidencc, R. I. Ireland, ! Germany, Newport, R. I, Germany, Newport, R. I. Portsmouth, R. I. Nov. 27, 18G1. June 5, 1801. Dec. 2, 1861. I Dec. 10, 1801 1 .Ian. 19, 1863. .Aug. 1, 1861. Aug. 15 1803 June 5,1861. .July, 9, 1863. iJuly 10, 1863. June 5, 1861, July 9, 1863. June 5, 1861. Newport, R. I. lAug. 1, 1801. " " 'june 5, 1861. Aug. 12, 1863. I June 5, 1861. I Oct. 17, 1801. June 5, 1801. Germany, Newport, R. I. Providence, R. I. Newport, R. I. Providence, R. I. Canada, Germany, Italy, Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, R. I. Warwick, R. I. iOlneyville, R. I. (Providence, R. I. Germ uitown. Pa. Newport, R. I. Aug. 1,1801. July 9, 1863. July 10, 1803 July 9, 1803. Julv 8, 1803. Aug. 1, 1801. Julv 9. 1863. Juno 5, 1861. July 8, 1863. June 5, 1861. Prisoner in Richmond, badly wound'd, prohablv dead. Deserted 'March 21, 1862. Sergt. ; wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; mustered out of ser- vice June 17, 1801. Discharged Nov. 5, 1802. Re-enli^ted Dec. 20, 1803; transferred to Co. A, new organization. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, '64. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, '04. Killed July 21, 1861, at battle Bull Run. Disch'd Sept. 29, '61, on Surg, certif. Deserted Dec. 5, 1803. I Deserted Aug. 21, 1863. Corp.; wounded under lip. May 6, '64, I at battle Wilderness ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Deserted Dec. 5, 1863. Wounded in leg, May 0, 1804, at bat. Wilderness ; mustered out of ser- vice June 17, 1864. Killed June 25, 1802, at battle Fair Oaks. Corp. ; discharged March 25, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Disch. June 18, 1861, (worthless.) Corporal; wounded battle Bull Run, July 21, 1801, lost fore arm ; re- enlisted ; trans, to Co. A, new org. iRe-cnlisted Dec. 26, 1803 ; killed June 3, 1804, at battle of Cold Harbor. !Trans. to V. R. C, Aug. 1, '03. Deserted Oct. 19, 1803 DescTted Nov. 1, 1861. Deserted Sept. 18, 1803. Deserted Nov. 15, 1861. Corporal, Nov. 30, 1861 ; sergeant ; kill'd May 12, '04,atbat. Wilderness. Disch'd June 18, '01, (worthless.) Corporal, April 1, '02; transferred to Co. B, :iew organization ; died July 10, 18(i4, of wounds received May 0, 1864, at battle Wilderness. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Deserted Aug. 26, 1803. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Discharged Dec. 20, 1862. Transfer'd to Co. A, new organization. Disch. July 3, '01, on Surg, certifi'e. Transfer'd to Co. A, new organization. Corporal; Sergeant; mustered out of I service June 17, 1804. " 'Diseh'dSept. 29, '01, on Surg, certif. Aug. 1, 1801. {Mustered outof service June 17, 1864. " I Disch. April 23, 1802, on Surg, certif. 90 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. UNASSIGNED RECRUITS. NAME AND BANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MD3TEB. SEUARKS. Privates. Allen, Edmund S. Bristol, R. 1. Sept. 30, 1862. Never reported to the Regiment. Albert, Ch;irles Oct. 13, " " " Antoine, Gilson " 18, i< i( i< Barnard, I'ierrc Gloccster, U. L " 1, " II 11 Blaekwcll, .Joseph T. " 14, « It II Burnett, I'rindel T. Nov. 13, " " II it Baxter, Huf;li Cumberland, R. I. *i *22 " a II •1 Canple, Frederick Feb. iT,' " " II " Cave, Charles " 11 " Capron, Charles " II " Charles, Louisse S. Kingstown, K. I. Sept. 29, " " " •• Corcoran, Hennis Westerly, R. I. Oct. 1, " t< " " Cole, .Lames It it (1 Cusaek, Barnard Ireland, Nov. 12, 1864. Veteran Recruit. Dagnaus, ,Jolin Oct. 1.3, 18iil. Never r •ported to the Regiment. Davis, Charles A. Providence, R. I. Sept. 22, 1862 •' " " Dolson, William Boston, Mass. Oct. 26, it " " Dojie, James " 7, (( " " Diesso, Louis " 16, " ti " " Dean, Charles New York, N. Y. Dec. 12, " K II " Derrossier, Eugene July 12, 1864. Fisher, John Aug. 2'.), 1862. " (1 t( Garibaldi, Carlo " " " Gomly, Heter Providence, R. I. Sept. 11, " " " " Gland, John ti (( " " " •• " Griffin, George U It " 23, " (( " " Golden, John Glocester, R. I. Oct. 1, (( " " Gomly, David L. " 9, " " •' Grady, Thomas " 2, « II " Gennani, .Limes Philadelphia, Pii. Nov. 21, " t( " " Hendria, George " 16, 1861. If " II Hannibal, Kangnis Newport, II. I. Sept. 11), 1862. ii " II ILdI, John Aug. 27, " l( II II Hoit, Edward New York, N. Y. Sept. 22, " (I *i II Holden, William Oct. 7, " (t (• ti Hallows, Hichard " 29, (( II " Harding, Henry " 28, " U fi it Horton, William H. f( II II Hanson, .Limes H. Nov. 26, 1864. II If II .Lickson, Henry Oct. 8, 1862. (1 it II .Jones, Thomas " II ti .Johnson, Edward Providence, R. I. Sept. 11,1862. II [1 ti Johnson, .John C. Middletown, Conn. Oct. 24, " K It " Kelley, Thom.is Jan. 4, " l( " " Keaher. Patrick Feb. 17, " " It •' Kent, John Sept. 23. ■' •' (1 If Kennedy, William Oct. 9, It II 11 Kennedy, John Nov. 13, ■■ « . II " Kelley, Joseph New London, Conn. Dec. " '• ,( " II Lyons, John W. Oct. 12, 1861. " II •' Lisage, Jones '• 15, " " II " Lynch, P.atrick Feb. 17, 1862. " " " Larned, George F. Sept. 23, " it " " Lovett, Charles S. Kingstown, R. 1. Oct. 20, (1 «i " Lawless, David Nov. 3, (( II " Levi, ,John , Salem, Mass. Dec. 1, If II If Lawler, Patrick Newport, R. I. Jan. 9, 1863. " 11 If SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 91 DATE NAME AND KANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Privates. McKoy. Thomas Oct. 12, 1861. Never reported to the Regiment. Martin, Ulvin " " " " " McDonnils, Bernard Nov. 20, 1861. " " " Martin. Calvin Dec. 16, 1861. i( tt (( Murry, William Providence, R. I. Sept. 10, 1862. It ti 11 Malcolm, Hugh Cranston, " " 2, " Died Sept. 30, 1862, en route for Wash- ington, 1). C. Miller, Daniel " 20, " Never reported to the Regiment. Mullen, William S. Kingstown, R. I. Aug. 26, 1862. (< it u Milner, James Newport, " Oct. 29, 1862. ii n it Murpliy, Daniel " 3, " tt ti tt Monroe, Samuel " 2, " a tt u Mussell, Frederick " 9, " a (( Rivy, William Providence, R. I. Sept. 11, 1862. It ■( tt Eiley, Bernard Oct. 3, 1862. t( tt a Eiley, John " 8, " ti tt u Kivers, Andrew Woonsocket, " Feb. 3, 1863. tt tt it Smith, John Sept. 23, 1862. tt tt it Schmit, Charles " 20, " ti tt tt Strong, George Oct. 1, 1862. it tt tt Sullivan, Charles 11 ft a ti it Sullivan, Thomas " " tt ti a Smith, Louis V. " 1, *' tt It a Schmit, John ti it tt it it Spencer, William D. tl IC It It it Samiile, William " " " Stagers, Michael Taunton, Mass. Dec. 13, 1862. It tt .< Stetson, George A. Pawtucket, R. I. June 6, 1861. Transferred from Batterj' A, R. I. L. A. Tobey, William Westerly, " Oct. 1, 1862. Never reported to the Regiment. Thailn, Charles " 9, " ti it it Tiernan, William it it it Taniey, Jeremiah "30, " a it ti Toomy, James Troy, N. Y. ■ Jan. 26, 1863. it tt it Vigelus, Alexander Oct. 11, 1862. a u a Williams, William '■ 15,1861. it tt it Walsh, Patrick Dec. 26, 1861. (( it a Wilson, Edward H. Sept. 22, 1862. it tt ti Walsh, William " 23, " tt a a Warren, Henry C. Providence, R. I. " 26, " " " *< Wilson, James Westerly, Oct. 1, 1862. i( (( ti Wiese, Adams " 8, " it t( 11 Wilbur Charles " 9, " it a (t Whalan, Patrick "27, " it it tt Second Eeffiment Rhode Island Volunteers. (RE-OKGAKIZED.) FIELD AND STAFF. NAME AND RANK. RKSIDENCE. DATK OP MDSTEE. ItEMAnitS. Lieut. -Colonel. Elislia H. Rhodes, Proviilcnco, U. I. Major. Henry 11. Young, Ailjutant. ' Thorndiku J. Smith, Chcpachet, R. I. Feb. r,, ISfi Nov. Doc. Qmirtcrmasler. Robert W. Small, Sim/rntl. William F. Smith, A:isistinit iStti'f/eon. William F. Smith, Seri/. C. to M.ij. Gen. Sheri- dan, as chief of scouts ; breveted I Lieut. Col., March 13, IWio, for gal- lant and meritorious services ; mus- tered out of service Aug. 111. 186.5. 29, 1804. iTrans. from old organization ; brevet'd Capt. to date Aug. 1, 1804; mus- tered out of service July 13 1805. Trans, from old organization ; mus- tered out of service July 13. 1805. Mustered oiit Of service July 13, '0.5. iSept. 23, 1864, IMar. 18, 1865. March 24, '64. Dec. 26, 1863. Trans, from old organization ; Sur- geon, March 10, 1805. 2d Lieut. Co. D, Jan. 31, 180.5. Mustered out of service July 13,1865. Principal Musician. Bernard M. Hall, 'Kingston, R. L rrovidence, R. I. 'Tan. 20, 1863. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. " " Dec. 31, 1803. Trans, from old organization ; mus- tered out of service Jan. 1, 1805. Sept. 10, 1802. .Mustered out of service June 20, '05. •' " April 1, 1805. 2d Lieut. June 1.5, 1805. Aug. 20, 1802. Trans, from Co. C. ; mustered out of service June 20, 1805. Deo. 26, 1863. Mustered out of service, .luly 13, '65. SKCONI) REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 93 COMPANY A; NAME AND RANK. Captains. Henry H. Young, Geo. F. Easterbrooks, lilt Lieutenants. EtlinuiiJ F. Prentiss, Clmrlcs W. Gleason, Jeremiah II. Tourjee, '2(1 [Jcutrnant. William H. Ferry, Serqeants. William H. Bullock, Peter Wheclaii, Charles Stewart, Silas T.Watson, James McKay, Corporals. AViirren C Law ton, Providence, R. I. Bristol, R. L Providence, U. I. DATE OF MUSTEK. REMARKS. E. Greenwich, R. I. March 29 Pawtucket, R. 1. Trans, from Co. B, old organization. Major Oct. 12, 1864. Dec. 10, 180 L Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Nov. 15, 1803. Trans, from 'Co. A, old organization ; Disch. Oct. 31, '134, on Surg, certif. Nov. 5, 1864. Trans, from Co. A, old organization, Nov. 0, 1804; brevetted Capt. to date from Sept. 19, '64; Capt Co. G, Jan. 31, 1865. '65. Resigned and honorably discharged June 14, 1805. Nov. 8, 1864. First Lieut. Co. F, Jan. 31, 18G5. Bristol, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Providence, R. I. Smithfield, R I. Warwick, R. I. Dec. 26, 1863, .Jan. 26, 1864. Dec; 26, 1863. Andrew J. Aldrich, Somerset, Mass. Patrick Campbell, Edwin n. Kellog, Thomas E. Jones, John Burke, Oliver W. Booth, James II. Ccyle, James II. Hathaway, Musician. James Shelly, Wat/oner. George W. Bates, Warwick, R. I. Ann Arbor, Mich. Providence, R. I. Portland, Maine, Oct. 15, 1801. Nov. 1.5, 1861. Jan. 20, 1803. Aug. 12, 1803. Providence, R. I. Hec. 20, 1863 Coventry, R. I. Providence, R. I. Nova Scotia. Warwick, R. I. Feb. 26, 1862. Nov. 4, 1861. Dec. 26, 1863, Trans, from Co. B, old organization ; 2,1 Lieut. Co. C. Dec. 5, 1864. Trans, from Co A, old organization ; in SlatcTlee IIo.. Trans. Ironi Co. C, old organization ; I mustereil o»t oi service .June 2(), '05. Trans, from Co. K, old organization; absent, on furlough. iTrans. from Co. K, old organization; nuistere^ .-i'' ^■p f^ -r ' ', > "■^J. v*^ . \' h. c^' \' . ^i. ,^>^'• .-}- ^ s'^- ■=*•'_ ' ,0 c ,■?■* 'ct- o %. V*'