^DEW ri3(n)®GS IPIMIKKBIFnELIl STATUE OF DEACON SAMUEL CHAPIN .INCH! Fit lfr,HE City of Springfield was founded in 1636 by William Pynchon. The settlement was originally called Agawam but after five years the name was changed to Springfield, the home of the founder having been Spring- field, England. Main Street, now a busy thoroughfare, was originally ai^ Indian trail along which the settlers erected their log cabins. The settlement suffered all the hardships of Indian warfare and in 1675, during King Philip's War, was almost wholly destroyed. The early growth was slow but the establishment of a plant for the re- pairing of muskets during the Revolution later resulted in the permanent location of the United States Armory, which gave the town a splendid impetus, and this great institution, which annually turns out thousands of rifles for the United States Armies, is now but one of the many busy manufacturing plants. Springfield is fortunate in that she is not dependent upon any one class of industries. All of her large manufacturing establishments employ skilled labor at good wages making it possible for the workman to own their homes, thus the pseudonym "City of Homes." Springfield takes great pride in the equipment and maintenance of her public institutions, and with her clean streets, extensive park system, and a population that stands for all that is best in citizenship, is easily Queen City of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. T^ae population, according to the City Clerk's estimate in 1909, was 85,000. ;•..*•' PUBLISHED BY JOHNSON'S BOOKSTORE. BOOKSTORE BUILDING. -^91 MAIN STREET. - - - SPRINGFIELD, MASS. COP 1910. BY L. H NELSON CO.. PORTLAND. ME. (gci.A-^o:i«iv L.,_. POST OFFICE AND CUSTOMS HOUSE mmmmmmm mm ig s a v, pi Hi nan rOT h|i -I Ml JfTJli ■irmfM mm Big BH SbH. [AMPDEN COUNTY COURT HOUSE AND HALL OF RECORDS M t ff 5 E HOME OF MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Springfield's strongest financial institution. Assets $51,120,863. Surplus $3,878,200. o S K u o « =^ S X M O c £ s o < b» « .5 2 -3 o _ ^' I Ml ^3 O "S < ^ Q OQ — MASSACHUSETTS STATE ARMORY JJeariquarters of the Second Regiment M. V. M. and one company of the Massachusetts Naval Brigade. §1 tl > ^ L__ o "^ w ^ < .2 K -g O 3 < £ s t: O 2 *-' ^ ' ■ '" '*"'■"*" ■ ' i ..i.* .l....uJ . . . . ,'|. < s o B & s- H -a H « Q oa o S 2 w ^■r o! o g M S 02 §5 o -c 1 |B^ «iil-ll 1^ .^ MASONIC BUILDING i-i -a inriiiiiiiini'ii iij^ O § < s o ™ S 8 ^ ? IAN 7 1910 H W W ^ H i O t!