D POEMS' WORDSWORTJ JOSEPH B.SEABURY ®i)e g>iltoer &ttit$ of Classics Webster's "First Oration on Bunker Hill Monument.' 1 Cloth, 25 cents; paper, 15 cents. Macaulay's '"Essay on Milton." Cloth, '25 cents ; paper, 15 cents. De Quincey ' s ' • Revolt of the Tartars." Cloth, 25 cents ; paper, 15 cents. Pope's " Iliad of Homer." Books I., VI., XXII., XXIV. Cloth, 30 cents; paper, 20 cents. Dryden's "Palamon and Arcite." Cloth, 25 cents ; paper, 10 cents. Southey's "Life of Nelson." Cloth, 40 cents ; paper, 30 cents. Coleridge's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner." "Cloth, 25 cents ; paper, 15 cents. Addison's "Sir Roger de Coverley Papers." Cloth, 25 cents ; paper, 15 cents. Macaulay's "Essay on Addison." Cloth, 30 cents ; paper. 20 cents. Milton's "Paradise Lost." Books I. and II. Cloth, 25 cents ; paper. 15 cents. Ballads of American Bravery. Cloth, 50 cents. Pope's "Essay on Man" and "Es- say on Criticism." Cloth, 30 cents ; paper, 20 cents. Burke's "Speech on Conciliation with the American Colonies." Cloth, 30 cents ; paper, 20 cents. Carlyle's "Essay on Burns." Cloth, 35 cents ; paper, 25 cents. Shakespeare's "Macbeth." Cloth, 40 cents ; paper, 25 cents. Tennyson's "The Princess." Cloth, 35 cents ; paper, 25 cents. Tennyson's " Lancelot and Elaine," and "The Passing of Arthur." Cloth, 30 cents ; paper, 20 cents. Arnold's " Sohrab and Rustum, and Other Poems." Cloth, 30 cents; paper, 20 cents. Ruskin's "Sesame and Lilies." Cloth, 35 cents ; paper, 25 cents. Goldsmith's "The Traveller" and "The Deserted Village." Cloth, 30 cents ; paper, 20 cents. Pope's "The Rape of the Lock." Cloth, 25 cents ; paper, 15 cents. Cooper's "The Last of the Mohi- cans." Cloth, 50 cents. Macaulay's "Lays of Ancient Rome." Cloth, 35 cents ; paper, 25 cents. Scott's "Ivanhoe." Cloth, 60 cents. Burns: "Selected Poems." Cloth, 25 cents. Lamb: "Selected Essays." Cloth, 30 cents. Tennyson's "The Holy Grail." Cloth, 35 cents. Eliot's "Silas Marner." CI., 35cts. Shelley's " Adonais and Alastor." Wordsworth: " Selected Poems." Old English Ballads. Chesterfield's Letters. SILVER, BURDETT & COMPANY, Publishers NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO WILLIAM WORDSWORTH. The Silver Series of Classics SELECTED POEMS WILLIAM WORDSWORTH EDITED, WITH INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY JOSEPH B. SEABURY SILVER, BURDETT AND COMPANY NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO THE "BRARY GF CONGRESS, Two Cuwas Receive* MAR, 13 1902 CoPvmoHT ENTRY ojAr.