-^3x3 5 3 ^AG^■L6 teir's^s^^ /M^ THE lilTTLE GHRIST/AAS ROVER 'OCT 141887^ ' (^opyric||-|t \1IJ l^lew YOF^K. ^L. Q'^OW "threat ool^s from little acorns grow, — <©o, tbe proverb preocl^es, "tjreat aches from little acbmqs — €)o. another teaches. But 'Qal-^s and Qcbes/' alil^e will If these two stay upon the snow. grow. Ii1lle maiden fo-' nnn <\x/pp.i, Some one s Gbristmas treasure Has found ber way to tb'is retreat; Her beart o'er-brim wiib pleasure, Ond eyes witb bappiness acjiow. ^0 see tbe acorns on tbe snow. Wbere tbe Sb^'istmas-tide to greet. Home IS bn^bt cind merry ; 2)ome one soon will miss ibeir sweet 111 tile winsome foirv, OncI seelVing. wbere to find ben l^now Dy little foot-pnnts in tbe snow. Will bring irje Iau9bin^ rover borne, Witb \)er pretty playtbtnas laden, Ulncl tell \)P.\\ ''np.\/p.v more to ronm — U wayward liitle maiden, — Ulone into tbe forest so, (4)0 play Witb acorns in tbe snow. A.NMF. C. McQlEKN LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 988 391 7 •