J The PFactieal Badget. Information for Everybody. Compiled and Edited by CHflS. GILLIVIAN, DENVER, COLO. Copyrighted Novembep 27, 1888. , r)i;N\Ki<. ini.o. f^ R..I. GKANr. PKINTKR. \^ 0^ K^ A-^' ^^^^ Select yovir to-cleiy's meirlvet- ir\gr from t]r|is list. BERRIES. FLOURS. FISH. Blackberries. Buckwheat Flour. Anchovies. Blueberries. Corn Flour. Cod. Cranberries. Graham. Clams. Currants. Oat Meal. Herring. Grapes. Wheat Flour. Hallibut. Gooseberries. Wheat Cracked. Lobster. Raspberries. Wortleberries. FRUITS, GREEN. Mackerel. Oyster. CERE.\LS. Apples. .\prii-ots. Pike. Pearch. Barley Pearl. Bananas. Pickeral. Ceraline. Crab Apples. Red Snapper. Salmon. Farina. Cherries. Hominy. Lemons. Shrimps. Rice. Oranges. Sardines. Sago. Plums. Shad. Samp. Pino Apples. Tongue and Sounds. Tapioca. Pears. CRACKERS. Peaches. Quinces. HERBS. Butter. Marjoram. Sage. Savory. Thyme. Cream. FRUITS, DRIED. CrackueL. Ginger Snaps. Apples. Apricots. Graham Wafers. Cherries. MEATS. Jumbles. Citron. Beef. Oyster. Dates. Bacon. Oatmeal. Pretzels. Soda. Figs. Corned Beef. Plums. Prunes. Chipped Beef. Ham. Sugar. Prunels. Liver. DRINKS. Pears. Lamb. Coffee. Peaches. Mutton. Chocolate. Raisins. Pork. Cocoa. Tea. FRUITS, CANNED. Sausage. Tongue. Apples. Tripe. EXTRACTS. Apricots. Venison. Almond. Berries. Veal. Ginger. Lemon. Cherries. Egg Plums. MILKS. Orange. Green Gages. Sweet. Peach. ( I rapes. Sour. Pineapple. Peaches. Butter. Rose. Pineapple. Condensed. Vanilla. Pears. Cream. NUTS. Almonds. Brazils. Chestnuts. Cocoanuts. Filberts. Hickory. Peanuts. Pecans. Walnuts. OILS. Coal. Castor. Machine. Sweet. Salid. POULTRY. Chickens. Ducks. Geese. Snipes. Quails. PICKLES. Chow Chow. Cauliflower. Gherkin. Mixed. Onion. Sweet Spiced. SUGARS. Brown. Cut Loaf. Granulated. Powdered. Maple. SYRUPS. Drip Syrup. Honey. Molasses. Maple. SOAPS. Castile. Laundry. Scouring. Toilet. SPICES. Allspice. Cinnamon. Cloves. Ginger. Mace. Mustard. Nutmeg. Pepper, Klack. Pepper, Red. SAUCES. Chilli. Mustard. Halford. Horseradish. Pepper. Tomato. Worcester. VEGETABLES. (Green.) Asparagus. Beets. Beans. Cabbage. Carrots. Corn. Cucumbers. Celery. Canlitlower. ('anielope. E;,'? Plant. ilor.seradish. Lettuce. Muskmelon. Nutniegmelon. Oyster Plant. Onion. Pumi)kin. Pepper. Parsnips. Peas. Potatoes, Irish. Potatoes, sweet. Radishes. Spinach. Squash. Turnips. Tomatoes. Watermelon. VEGETABLES. (Canned.) .\sparagus. Beans, string. Beans, lima. Corn, sweet. Pumpkin. Peas, sugar. Peas, French. Potatoes, sweet. Tomatoes. Succotash. Squash. MISCELLAXEOUS. Brooms. Baking Powder. Bird Seed. Bath Brick. Canelles. Cream Tartar. Clothes Line. Clothes Pins. Carpet Tacks. Cheese. Coal. Coke. Cider. Cocoanut. Eggs. Envelopes. Fruit Jars. Glycerine. Geletine. Indigo. Ink. Kindling. Lamp ChimneyB. Letter Paper. Mince Meat. Matches. Needles. Postage Stamps. Pails. Pins. Soda Baking. Stove Polish. Shoe Polish. Salt. Steel Pens. Sauer Kraut. Toilet Paper. Tooth Picks. Tubs. Canned Articles Ready and Handy for Tea, Lunches, etc. Brook Trout. Baked Beans. Clam Chowder. Coil Fish Balls. Corned Beet. Chipped Beef. Canned Sardines. Canned Salmon. Lamb Tongue. Lobster. Pickled Oysters. Potted Ham. Potted Turkey. Potted Chicken. Potted Pork Sausage. BILL OF FARE. First Day. Breal^fast. COFFEE, OATMEAL, BROILED BEEFSTEAK, BAKED I'OTATOES, BUCKWHEAT CAKES, POACHED EGGS, BAKED APPLES. TOMATO SOUP, BEEF ROLL, CRUSTED POTATOES, liAKED TOMATOES, DICED TURNIPS. STEWED CORN, PUMPKIX PIE, CAKE. yea or 'v.iv)Q.\}(iov). BREAKFAST TEA, LIGHT BREAD, GERMAN RELISH. APPLE SAUCE, PERFECTION CAKE. Br(?aKfa5t. OATMEAL. Take one uup steanieil oatmeal, add one pint colil or hot water, pinch salt; boil in double boiler ten minutes; eat with cream and sugar. BROILED BEEFSTEAK. Lay a thick tender steak upon any good broiler, well greased with butter, over hot coals. When done on one sitle have ready the warmed platter with a little butter on it. Lay the steak without pressing it on the platter with the cooked side down so that the gathered juice may run out on the platter; quickly place on the gridiron and cook the other side. BUCKWHEAT CAKES. Warm one pint sweet milk and one pint water; put half this mi.xtare in a stone crock; add live teacups buckwheat Hour: beat well until smooth; add the rest of the milk and water and at least a teacup of yeast; let stand until morning. POACHED EGGS. Break and dmp in salted boiling water and simmer gently until done; serve in saucer or on toasted bread. Dipper. TOMATO SOUP. Skim and strain one gallon stock made from fre.sh beef; take three quarts tomatoes, re ' move skin and cut out hard center, put through a sieve and add to the stock; make a paste of butter and flour and when stock begins to boil stir in half a teacup; stir well to prevent lumping, boil twenty minutes, season with salt and pepper. BEEF ROLL. Take a round of ste.VtC, pound, pepper and silt it; take dry bread crumbs and make a dressing of them and spread over the top of the steak; roll it up and tie it up with a string, put it in a pan and roast it. CRUSTED POTATOES. Pare the potatoes and put in the pan with the meat; allo%v about thirty-live or forty minutes for moderate sized potatoes. BAKED TOMATOES. Butter a pudding dish and fill with la.^ers of sliced fresh or canned tomatoes, with dry bread crumbs, sprinkle pepper and salt on the tomatoes and put bits of butter on each layer of crumbs; bake about twenty minutes. STEWED CORN. If canned corn, hear, adding pepper, salt and oiu' cup of milk and a piece of butter the size of a walnut. DICED TURNIPS. Pare and cut in dice an inch square; boil until nearly done in as- little water as possible; to one quart turnips add one tableopoon ■■■lugar; salt to make palatable; \vh(;ii boiled as dry as possible add two or three spoons of cream and a beaten egg. PUMPKIN PIE. Stew pumpkin until soft, mash very Hue. let the water dry away, wiitchiug closely to pre vent burning or .'scorching. F<3r each pie take one well beaten egg, half cup sugar, two table- spoons pumpkm. half jjint rich milk, a little salt; stir well together, season with cinnamon or nutmeg; bake with under crust in hot oven. Supper, BREAKFAST TEA. jVIIow one teaspixjnful of tea to each person; sci-ld the teapot thoroughly before p\itting in the tea; pour (jii boiling water and let it stand ten minutes without boiling. GERMAN RELISH Boil two good sized potatoes and rub through a collendcr; add four tablespoons of cream or milk aii 1 a piece of butter as large as an egg beaten to cream; one teaspoon of salt; half a teaspoon of mustard and a little pepjier; add four eggs beaten light; pour in a buttered dish, sprinkle the top with grated cheese and bake half an hour. PERFECTION CAKE. Three cups sugar, one cup butter, one cup milk, three of Hour, one of corn starch, whites of twelve ei'4s bsatea to a froth, two teaspoouo cream tartar in the flour and one of soda in h ilf the milk, dissolve the corn starch in the rest of the milk and add it to the sugar and butter well beaten together, then the milk and soda and the flour and the whites of eggs. BILL OF I^ARH. Second Day. Breal^fast. COFFEE, CRACKED WHEAT, BREADED CHOPS, FRIED MUSH, FRIED I'OTATOES, HOT ROLLS. Di9r}(?r. WHI'I'E SOUP, BAKED CHICKEN WITH OYSTERS. GLAZED POTATOES, CREAM SLAW, TOMATOES. PEAS STEWED IN CREAM. LEMON PIE, PLUM JELLY. Jea or Cu[>el?(?09. RUSSIAN TEA, LIGHT BISCl IT. SLICED COLD HAM. APRICOTS, SPONGE CAKE. BreaHfast. BKEADKI) CHOPS. Roll mutton chops in beaten ejjg anil then in sifted bread crumbs: jiut in a buttered pan and bake half an hour. FRIED MUSH. Slice cold mush thin, dip in beaten egg salted to taste then in bread crumbs and drop in hot lard like doughnuts. FRIED POTATOES. Peel and cut in strips in cold water, drain in coUender, and drop in a skillet of hot lard; keep closely covered ten minutes then stir with a knife from the bottom, cook until lightly brown. HOT ROLLS. Place baker's rolls in a paper sack in a hot oven for a few miuutts. Di99(?r. WHITE SOUP. Boil two turnips and when they begin to soften add three large raw potatoes and half an onion; boil until tender; drain off the water, mash and add three pints of inilk, one teaspoon of salt, quarter of a teaspoon of pepper, a little celery, salt and one lablesjjoon of butter. B.VKED CHICKEX. Dress the chickens, cut them in two, soak for half an hjur in cold water, wipe perfectly dry and put in dripping pan bone side down without any water; have a hot oven and if the chickens are young half an hour's cooking is suffi(jient; take out and season witn butter, salt an I pepper; pack one above another as closely as possible and place in a pan over boiling water; cover them closely: this keeps them moist until served: boil the giblets in a little water and after the chickens are taken from the dripping pan put into it the water in which giblets were boiled; thicken it and add the chopped giblets. GLAZED POTATOES. Boil and mash, adding milk, salt and butter to taste: glaze over with the yolk of egg and brown in the oven. STEWED PEAS. Put two or three pints of green peas in a sauce pan of boiling water; when nearly done and tender drain in a collender quite dry; melt two ounces of butter in a clean stew pan thicken evenly with a little flour; shake it over the tire but do not let it brown; mix with a gill of cream; add half a teaspoon of white sugar; briug to a boil; pour in the peas, keep stir- ring until well heated; serve hot. CREAM SLAW, One gallon cabbage cut tine, pint vinegar, pint sour cream, half cup sugar, teaspoon flour, two eggs and a piece of butter the size of a w.ilnut; put vinegar, sugar and butter in a sauce pan and let boil; stir eggs, cream and Hour, previously well mixed, into the vinegar boil and throw over the cabbage, sprinkled with one tablespoon of salt, one of black popper and one of mustard. LEMON PIE. Four eggs, one and a half cups sugar, two-thirds cup water, two tablespoons tlour, one lemon; beat the yolks of eggs smooth, add the grated peel of lemon and the sugar beat well; stir in the Hour and add the lemon juice and lastly the water; stir well and pour in pie tins lined with paste; when b.iked take from the oven and spread over them the whites of the eggs beaten dry and smooth, with four tablespoons pulverized sugar; return to oven and brown slightly; this makes two pies. Supper. RUSSIAN TEA. Same as breakfast tea, but substitute a slice of fresh lemon instead of cream when serving. SOU A BISCUIT. One quart Hour, one teaspoon soda, two teaspoons cream tartar, one of salt, one table- spoon sugar; mix all through the Hour with the sieve, rub in one tablfBp)on lard or butter, wet with half pint sweet milk, roll on board one inch thick, cut with bi.scuit cutter and bake in quick oven; if you have not milk use more butter and wet with water. SPONGE C.\KE. Three eggs, one and one-half cups powdered sugar, two cups sifted flour, two lessf ccns: cream tartar, half cup cold water, tcispccn soda, grated rind and half juice of one lemon bake in dripping pan. BILL OF FARE. Third Day. Breal^fast. COFFEE, OATMEAL, FRIED HAM, POTATOES, A LA PARIS, CRUMB GRIDDLE CAKES, OMELE r PUFFS, PEACHES. CHICKEN SOUP. MASHED POTATOES, VEAL LOAF, LIMA HEANS, BOILED ONIONS, CELERY. COCOANUT PUDDING, GINGER BREAD. Jea or C:ji}gI?(^09. BREAKFAST TEA, COLD CHICKEN, HOT .MUFFINS, GRAPE JELLY. COFFEE, CAKE. BreaHfast. FRIED HAM. I'liici; slices of liam in boiling:; wattT ami i.()(il< until icmUr, jiul in fiAin^; pan anil brown, dish on a platter. POTATOES, A LA I'ARIS. Slice cold boiled potatoes, place in skillot with Iniller, salt and pejiper, brown on one side, tm^n like pancakes. CKUMI5 GRIDDLE CAKES. Soak bread crumbs in soin- milk the night before using; to one quart two well beaten eggs, two teaspoons soda dissolved in a little warm water, one tablespoon melted butter and enough corn meal to make proper consistancy; bake on hot griddle. O.MELET PUFFS. Stir the yolks of six eggs and the whites of three beaten very light, one tablespoon of flour mi.xed into a teacup of cream or milk with salt and pepper to taste, melt a tablespoon of butter in a pan, pour in the mixture and set the pan in a hot oven: when it thickens pour over it the remaining whites of eggs well beaten, return it to the oven: bake a delicate brown: eat as soon as done. CHICKEN SOUP. ■fake o:ie well dressed chicken, cut in small pieces, put in a stew pan nearh' full of water, add one large tomato, one large onion, one halt pod red pepper cut fine, half cup rice, piece butter if chicken is not fat; salt to taste. VEAL LOAF. Chop three pounds veal and half pound salt pork line and add to it three eggs, si.x crackers crushed, two tablespoons milk, one tablespoon salt, one tablespoon pepper, small lump butter, mix all together: make all into long rolls with bits of butter over them; bake two iiours: basting often with the gravy of water and butter; slice cold. COCOANUT PUDDING. (jrate one cocoanut, save the milk if sweet, boil a quart of cow's milk, add live eggs beaten with one cup sugar and one tablespoon butter, a little salt, two spoons vanilla extract, and the milk from the nut: bake like jiie with undercrust onlv. (ilNGER BREAD. One cup sour milk, one of Orleans molasses, half cup butter, two eggs, one teaspoon soda, one tablesjioon ginger. Hour tt) make as thick as poimd cake: put butter, molasses and ginger together, make them cjuite warm, add the milk, lloiir. eggs and soda and bake as soon as possible. Supper. Ml-FFINS. One egg, one half cup lard and butter mixed, melted and poiued into one pint sweet milk, three teaspoons baking powdei" sifted with enough Hour to make a stiff batter; beat hard and bake in gem pans. COFFEE CAKE. One cup sour milk, one teaspoon soda dissolved in tablespoon water, one tablespoon melted lard or butler, three cups sifted Hour, niix, put on mould- ing board, cover with a basin and let stand about fifteen minutes; roll out, cut in strips, twist and frv in hot lard. BILL OF FARIi. Fourth l)a\. Breal^fast. STEEPED COFFEE, CRACKED WHEAT. VEAL CUTLET, BAKED POTATOES, CORN CAKES, BLACKCAPS. Di99?r. CELERY CREAM SOUP. MEAT PIE. 150ILED PO PATOES, ASPARAGUS, HEIDLEBERG CABBAGE, SWEET POTATOES, ORANGE SHORTCAKE, JELLY. Jea or CiJ9el?(?09. RUSSIAN TEA. BAKERS ROLLS, CHIPPED BEEF, TOASTED .MIFFINS. JAM, TEA CAKES. Breal^fast. STEEPED COFFEE. Allow one tablespoon of ground coffee to each person antl one in adilition: i)our on half the quantity of water required and let stand half an hour or more where it will be hot but not boil, then add the remainder of water and serve; siraijle but good. VEAL CUTLET. Cut the veal in small pieces, dip them in well beaten egg. grate stale bread fine and sea- son with pepper and salt, roll the veal in the bread crumbs and fry in hot lard until brown on both sides. CORN CAKES. One pint sour milk, one egg, one teaspoon soda, one of salt, one pint corn meal, bake on griddle. BLACK CAPS. Pare and core whole tart apples, till the center with sugar, stick cloves in the top of each; bake in a deep pie dish with a little water. CELERY CREAM SOUP. Boil a ."small cup of rice in three pints of milk until the rice will pass through a sieve: grate the white part of three heads of celery on a broad grater: add this to the rice milk after it has been strained; put in a quart of strong soup stock, let it boil until the celery is per- fectly tender, season with salt and pepper. MEAT PIE. Chop fine any scraps of cold meat; add a pint water and simmer in a skillet for an hour or more: add salt, pepper and a tablespoon Hour mixed in cold water, let cool, put in a pud- ding dish a layer of the stewed meat then a layer of hard boiled eggs and a few slices of cold boiled potatoes, then the balance of the stewed meat, then cover with pie crust or baking powder crust; make an opening in the center; bake forty minutes. ASPARAGUS. Cut tender asparagus into pieces half an inch long and boil twenty minutes, then drain until dry and put into a sauce pan (Containing a cup of rich drawn butter, heat togotlier to a boil, season with salt and pepper and pour into a buttered dish: break half a dozen eggs over tne surface: put a bit of butter upon each: sprinkle w'itli salt and popper and put in the oven until the eggs are set. HEIDELBERG CABBAGE. Select two small solid heads of red cabbage, divide them in halves from crown to stem, lay the split sides down and cut them in thin slices: put into a sauce pan a tablespoon of clean drippings or butter: when the fat is hot put in cabbage, a teaspoon salt, three table- spoons vinegar, one onion in which three or four cloves have been stuck; boil two hours and a half; if it becomes too dry add a very little water. SWEET POTATOES. Boil until nearly done then peel, slice and fry brown in a buttered skillet. ORANGE SHORTCAKE. One quart flour, two tablespoons butter, two teaspoons baking powder thoroughly mixed with the flour, mix with cold water, work as little as possible, bake, split open and lay sliced oranges between, cut in squares and serve with pudding sauce: other fruit can be used in- stead of oranges. Tea or Ca[}el?(?o(}. TOASTED MUFFINS. One half pint sweet milk, two tablespoons sugar, a little salt and a well beaten egg, split cold muffins, dip in the egg and milk and fry on a buttered griddle until it is a light brown on both sides. TEA CAKES. One quart flour, one cup sour milk, one teaspoon soda, one half pound lard, one half pound choppe-! raisins or currants, roll two inches thick and bake in a quick oven: split open butter and eat hot. BILL OF FARE. Fifth Day. Breakfast. COFFEE, OATMEAL, VITELLA, FRIED BACON, BAKED EGGS, BUTTERED TOAST BREAKFAST POTATOES, APPLE SAUCE. GREEN CORN SOUP. BAKED FISH. .MASHED POTATOES, SLICED TOMATOES, BOILED TURNIPS AND CAULIFLOWER, ORANGE AND WHIPPED CREAM CAKE. Tea or ^ii^Q.\)<)o^ . TEA, BUNS, COLD MEATS, MUSH AND MILK. TAPIOCA PUDDING, CAKE. Breal^fast. VITELLA. Put ii pioce of biittpr as larRO as an egp in a sauce pan antl when it melts put in one tea- spoon of flour, mix thoroughly, tlo not let it brown, add salt, pepper and a pinch of mace, pour in a half pint b:)ilinic water and stir a few minutes, then put in thin bits of cold veal and heat slowly, stir in the yolk of an egg and one teaspoon lemon juice, garnish witli slices of lemon. BAKED EGGS. Breiik eight eggs into a well buttered diph. put in pepjier, salt and bits of butter and three tablespoons cream, set in oven and bake twenty minutes; serve hot. BREAKFAST POTATOES. Peel, cut in very thin slices into a very little water so that when the potatoes are cooked the water will be evaporated, then add salt, some cream, a very little milk and a bit of butter stir occasionally while cooking. GREEN CORN SOUP. One large fowl or four pounds veal, add one gallon cold water, cover tightly and simmer slowly until meat slii).'i from the bone, strain the soup from the meat, grate one dozen ears corn,"scraping the cob to get the heart of the corn, add corn to soup with salt. pei)per and a little parsley and simmer slowly half an hour: when ready to serve add a tablespoon of tlour beaten with a tablespoon butter: serve hot. BAKED FISH. Clean, rinse and wipe dry any kind of tish; rub the inside and out with salt and jiepppr: till with a stutling made like "that" for poultry, but dryer: sew it up and put in a hot pan with a lump of l)utter: dredge with Hour and lay over the tish a few thin slices of salt pork or bits of butter and bake an hour and a half. ORANGES WITH CREAM. Slice and seed four good sized oranges: place in a dish and cover with sugar: take one cup sugar, volk of three eggs well beaten, put in a tin pail, set in a pot of boiling water, stir for a few minutes, take from the tire, add the whites of the eggs well beaten and pour over the oranges. Jea or CtJ^el^Qoi}. TAPIOCA CREAM. Soak two tablespoons tapioca in half teacup milk, bring one quart milk to boiling point, beat together the volks of three eggs, half teacup sugar and one teaspoon vanilla: add the tapioca and stir into the boiling milk: let boil once: turn into the dish and sjiread over it the whites of the eggs: serve when cold. AVAA OF FARE Sixth Day. BreaHfast. j^-OFPI^E, CRACKED WHEAT WITH CREAM. 15EEF STEAK TOAST, NKW POTATOES. SCRAI\n3LED EGGS, HATTER CAKES. IMIEK SOUP. KOU.EI) MUTTON, SCAEEOPED I>OTAT(JES, 'J'URNIPS, STRING BEANS, (EEERY. CORN ROLES. APPEE CUSTAKl) I'li:. JELEV. Jea or Cor^el^i^or}. liRE.AKFAST Ti;.\. Ti:.\ puffi:ts. e-OEI) SL!CI-:i) .MUTTON, CEEERV SAEAE CODDEEI) APPLIES, DROP CAKES. Dii^^er. COKN KOLiLS. One pint corn meal, two tablespoons sugar, one teaspoon salt, one pint boiling milk; stir together and let stand until cool; add three eggs well beaten and bake in gem yans. APPLiK I'USTARD PIE. Six eggs, one cup white sugar, three cups stewed apples, one quart milk, make apples quite sweet, beat up the yolks of the eggs with the apples and season willi nutmeg or all- spice, stir in the milk gradually, beating it well, lastly add the whites, bake with only one crust; this for three pies. Tea or CtJi^Gl'^eo^. TEA PUFKIOTS. Three eggs, one pint sweet milk, two-thirds cup butter, three pints flour, three teaspoons baking powder, bake in niullin rings and serve hot. CELKUV SALiAD. Cut the root end of three heads of coiery into inch pieces, cut each jflcce in strips, put them into a salad bowl, add a plain mayonaise and serve. MAYONAISE FOR SALAD. Beat the yolks of two raw eggs smooth, add two saltspoons salt, one of white pepper and a tablespoon of oil; beat up thoroughly auti by degrees atld half a pint of oil; when it begins to thicken add a few drops vinegar; tiie total amount of vinegar to be used is two tablespoons and the proper time to stop adding oil and to add drops of vinegar is when the dressing has a glossy look instead of a velvety. CODDLED APPLES. Make a white syrup of sugar and wator, throw in some stick cinnamon, have some sour apples pared and quartered and when the syrup boils put in the apples and boil till tender DROP CAKE, Pour eggs beaten separately; one cuj) sugar one half cup butter,one cup corn starch, two teaspoons bivking powder, bake in small tins. SPICED VINEGAR FOR PICKLES. One gal. vinegar, 1 pound sugar, 2 tablespoons allspice, 2 tablespoons mustard seed. 2 tablespoons celery seed, 2 tablespoons salt, 1 tablespoon lumieric powder, 1 tablespoon black pepper, 1 tablespoon mace, 2 grated nutmegs, 3 onions, 1 handful grated horseradish. TO CLARIFY PICKLES. The scum that often rises on the top of pickles can be remedied by putting in a slice or two of fresli horseradish in the jar, which soon sinks to the bottom, taking all the scum with it, leaving the vinegar clear. SAUCES FOR PUDDINGS. DK.\W.V BUTTEK SAUOK. One-half cuj) butter, one pint hot water, one-halt cup sugar, ont?-half teaspocn Hour or corn starch; made to a smooth paste, turn into the rest and boil live minutes; add grated nutmeg. VINEGAR SAUCE. One cup brown sugar, one cup water, one tablesjioon butter, one tablespoon vinegar, one pinch salt, one tablespoon flour; beat all together, pour boiling water on them and let tome to a boil. ttARD SAUCE. Stir together one cup butter nnd three cups sugar: when light beat in juice of a lemon BEEFSTEAK TOAST. Chop cold steak or tongue fine, cook in a little water, put in cream or milk, thicken, sea- son with salt. ])epper and butter and pour it over slices of toast. NEW POTATOES. Wash and rub new potatoes with a coarse cloth, do not scrape, drop into boiling water, boil briskly until done, have ready in a sauce pan some cream and hot butter, pepper and" salt, pour off the' water from the potatoes and add the cream and butter. SCRAMBLED EGC}«. Warm two tablespoons of sweet milk to each egg in an earthen pie plate; add small jiiece butter, salt and pepper, when near the boiling point drop in the eggs broken one at a time in a saucer, scrape the mixture up from the bottom of the plate as it cooks until all is thickened the mixture should be in large Hakes of mingled white and yellow and as delicate as baked custard if cooked with care. BILL OF I^ARE. Seventh Day. BreaHfast. COFFEE, OATMEAL, WAFFLES, BROILED LAMB CHOPS, BOILED EGGS, POTATO CAKES, MOCKED STRAWBERRIES. OYSTER SOUP. ROAST TURKEY, MASHED POTATOES, FRIED CABBAGE, EGG PLANT, BAKED OiNIONS, CRANBERRY SAUCE. ICE CREAM, CAKE. Tea or Cdj^cl^i^oi;. TEA, ROLLED BISCUIT, SARDINES, APRICOTS, CREA.MED EGGS, QUICK CAKE. Breakfast. WAFFLES. Two ejjgs, one-half ciip butter, four cupff Hour, two teaspoons bakin;; powder, milk .sulli cient to make a thin batter; bake in wallle iron. POTATO CAKES. Take cold mashed potatoes that have been seasoned, mould them into little cakes, fry in hot butter until brown. MOCKED STRAWBERRIES. Cut ripe iieaches and choice, well tiavoretl a|iples in proportion of three peaches to one :il)ple into quarters about the size of a large strawberry, place in alternate layers, sprinkle top thickly with sn^rar and add pounded ice, let .stand about two hours, mix peaches and apples thorouifhly, pour over them orange juice and just before serving sprinkle with poiind<>4) ice. ■' DiQi^er. OYSTER SOUP. Pour one quart water over one (juart oysters, if .solid; drain through coUencier into soup kettle and when it boils skim, add pepper, salt and butter, then add the oystefS with one quart new milk brought to a boiling point, put in a tin pail and set in a pot of boiling water. ROAST TURKEY. Clean turkey and lay in dripping i)an, prepare a dressing of stale bread, of one quart of bread crumbs, one cup butter and water enouj,'h to moisten, add to this two dozen oysters, salt and pepper to suit the taste, stull' tlie lurlct'v, put butter over the outside, put water in the dripping pan, set in the oven and b.iko unti^ done, baste often. FRIED CABBAGE. Cut eabbage fery fine, salt and pepper, stir well and let stand live minutes, have an iron kettle smoRing hot, drop one tablespoon lard into it, then the cabbage, stirring briskly until quite tender, add one-hall' cup sweet cream and three tablesijioons strong vinegar, the vinegar added after the (;ream hais been well stirred into the cabbjige and taken from the stt)ve. EGG PLANT. Peel egg plant, boil until tender, pour oft" the water, mash fine, add pepi)er. salt and but- ter, put in a shallow pudding dish and over the top place a thick layer of crushed crackers, bake half an hour Ifi a molerate oven. BAKED OXIOXS. Wfjsh onions, put in a sauce pan with salted water, boil half an hour, tur« off water, lay onions upon a cloth to absorb the moisture, roll each in buttered tissue paper and bake in a slow oven until tender, baste with butter, season with salt euid pepper. CRANBERRY SAUCE. Wash and pick over the cranberries, put on with euuugh cold \vater to cover them, add a pinch of soda; this will bring a good deal of stuff to the surface which can be skimmed off; let them cook until they bur.st, theil mash with a wooden spoon, then add sugar, two pounds to three pounds of fruit, boil slowly an hour and a half, always cook in a porcelain pr an earthen dish, never in tin of any kind. ICE CREAM. Make into a boilwd cu.stard one and one-half pints new milk, one cup «ugar, two or three eggs well beaten, on*-half teaspoon flavoring e.xtract or lemon ice cream, squeeze a dozen lemons, make juice quite thick with sugar, stir into it slowly three quarts cream, freeze. 7ea or Cij^elpeop. ROLLED BISCUIT. Sift one quart Hour mi.\od with two teaspoons baking powder, rul) flour in one tablespoon butter, wet with two small oups sweet milk, place on board and roll out half an iijch thick, Si])read over evenly with butter about two tablespoonsful, begin at the end towards you anil roll up, cut off slices iin inch tlucU and lay in a buttered tin, bake ten to fifteen minutes in hot oven. CREA.MED ECGS. Cut hard boiled eggs in slices, pour over them a sauce made by boiling one cup of cream thickened with corn starch and brought to a boil; salt and pepper. QUICK eAKE. Rub one cup butter to a cream, add two cups sugar, beat; add one cUp sweet milk, four eggs, fo\ir cups flour niix«d with three teaspoons baking powder, season with mace and lemon, bake slowly. Breeicln of Xeible Etiquette. Never eat soup out of the end of the spoon, but always from the side. Never tilt the plate when eating soup, nor send for second suppl}-. Never hold a wineglass bv the bowl but b}- the stem. Never drink a glassful of wine at a time nor drain the last drop. Never propose a toast nor drink an- other's health. This is out of fashion. Never drink from a glass without first wiping the mouth. Also after drinking. Never have more than two kinds of vegetables with a course and offer both at once on the same waiter. Never cut or break bread into soup or grav)'. It should be eaten by mor- sels broken with the fingers, not bitten off. Never mix the food on the plate; such an act indicates a coarse appetite. Never eat game and chicken with the bone in the fingers. Never cut pastry with a knife, but always break and eat with a fork. Never put salt upon the table cloth, but upon the side of the plate. Never convey food to the moutli with a knife. Never help yourself to butter or any other food from a common dish with your own knife or fork. It is ill-bred to do so. Never pick the teeth at tlie table or in the presence of ladies after a meal. Never overload a plate. Never Hood food with gravies which are disliked bv many. Never iila\- with the food or crumble the bread. Never ask for a second dish but when passed a second time one may 1 take of it if he likes. Never lean the elbows or lay the hands or arms on the table. Never take notice of accidents. Never pare fruit for a lady unless ■she requests it, and then hold it on her ! fork not yours. Never dip bread in gravy or pre- ! serves. Never apologize to a waiter for ask- ing him for anything. It is his duty to 1 serve. Never use the napkin to wipe the ' nose or face. It is for the lips onlv. Never talk with the mouth full of . food. HOUSEKEEPERS' Table of Weights and Measures. 1 i,[l. siflf d llour, w ell heaped, weighs lib ;{ coffee cups sifled Hour, level, weighs 1 lb 4 tea cups sifled llour. level, weighs 1 Hi 1 qt. unsifted tlour weighs 1 lb. 1 oz 1 qt. sifted corn Hour weighs 1 lb. 4 oz 1 pt. soft butter, well packed, weighs 1 lb 'J tea cups soft butter, well packed, weighs lib 1 Yz pts. powdered sugar weighs 1 lb 2 coffee cups powdered sugar, level, weighs 1 lb 'ly^ tea cups powdered sugar, level, weighs 1 lb 1 pt. granulated sugar, heaped, weighs 14 oz 1 Y2 coffee cups gratiulated sugar, level, weighs 1 lb '1 1 ea cups granulated sugar, level, weighs lib I coffee cup "A"' coffee sugar, level, weighs l:i oz 1 ->4 coffee cups "A" coffee sugar. le\el, weighs 1 lb 2 tea cups "A" coffee sugar, heaped, weighs 1 lb 1 pt. best brown sugar weighs 13 oz I y^ coffee cups brown sugar, level, weighs 1 lb 'ly tea cups brown sugar, level, weighs 1 lb 25^ coffee cups corn meal, level, equals 1 qt ;J^-2 tea cups corn meal, level, equals 1 qt 1 tablespoon gran, coffee "A"' or best brown sugar, well heaped, weighs. . 1 oz 2 tables pec ns powdered tugar cr f!cur weighs loz 1 tablespoon soft butler weighs Icz Soft butter size of egg weighs 2oz 7 tablespoons granulated sugar, lieaped, equals 1 tea cup ■5 tablespoons sifted flour or meal, heaped, equals 1 tea cup ;{ tablespoons sweet chocolate, grated, equals 1 oz 2 tablespoons flour, sugar or meal, heaping, equals 1 teaspoon Weigflnts. 1 pt. contains Hi lluid oz. ( 1 gills i. 1 oz. contains 8 fluid draclims ( ',^ gill)- 1 tablespoon contains about J/4 fluid oz. 1 teaspoon contains about I fluid drachm. I teaspoons equal 1 tablespoon or y, fluid oz. I'l tablespoons equal y, pint. 1 wine glass full, common size, equal + tablespoons, 2 fluid oz. 1 tea cup full equals ^ fluid oz. or 2 gills. 2 tea cups full equals 1 pint. A common sized tumbler eijuals about 'i pint. S large tables)ioons equal I gill. 25 drops equal 1 teaspoon. Common Names of Different Chemicals. Antidotes for Poisor|s. Between time of taking and arrival oi physician give as follows: For Bed bug poisons .... Saltpetre Su^tiir of Lead Siilpliiite of Zinc. . . Ri'il Precipitate ViM-iiiillion Blue Vitrol Corosive Sublimate. Lead Water For Fowler's Solution.. Arsenic White Precipitate . Give milk or wliito of egtrs in lar>;e iiuantities. (live prompt emetic, or mustard and salt, tablespoon of each; follow with sweet oil. l)utter or milk. For Antimonial Wine I Drink warm water to vomiting,'. If vomiting does Tartar Emetic I not stop give a grain of opium. For Oil Vitrol Muriatic Acid. Oxalic Acid Ahone Tailoring Water Sundries Current Monthly Expense Account. Date TO WHOM PAID. Fob Amount Baker [ 1 i..._ Boots and Shoes. . Coal Coke Cow Feed Car Fare 1 Drugs Doctor Bill Electric Liisrht Furniture Furniture Repairs Groceries Gas House Furnishing. Horse Keeping. . . . House Bent '. . Hardware Laundry Milk Postage Servants 1 1 Water » Lgiiar|ciry List. Launa Mark Name Prom 'ryman Street. No Month sed vllz \ ""»''«•'• No. Fleui Second Week. Ho. Pieces Third Week. Ho. Fleeei rontth Week. Aprons Bibbs Bibbs Bibbs . Bibbs Bed Spreads . . . Bed Spreads. .. Collars Coats Coats Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Napkins Night Shirts. . . Night Shirts.. . Night Shirts Nightshirts... Pillow Slips .... Pillow Slips Pillow Slips Pillow Shams. . Pillow Shams. . Pants Pants Pants Shirts Shirts Shirts. Shirts Sheets Sheets Skirts Skirts Skirts. . Socks . . . Stockings Stockings Stavs Stays Stays Tablecloths.... Tablecloths.... Tablecloths . Towels . Towels Tidies Tidies . Tidies Tidies. Teacloths Teacloths... . Vests Vests ' Vests . Wool Shirts . . . Wool Shirts... Wool Shirts Wool Shirts Wnr.l Dravvora Lei\ir|ciry List. Laundryman Mark Name Promised No Street. Month Aprons Bibbs Bibbs Bibbs Bibbs Bed Spreads. . . Collars Collars Collars Coats Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Napkins Nightshirts... Xight Shirts. . . Nightshirts... Pillow Slips.... Pillow Slips.... Pillow Slips Pillow Slips Pillow ShaiDs. . Pants Pants . . Pants . Shirts Shirts. Shirts . . Sheets Skirts Skirts Skirts Skirts Socks Socks Stoukinfjs Stockings Stockings Sleeves Sleeves Stays Stays stays Tablecloths Tablecloths . Tidies Tidies . . Tidies. . Teacloths Teacloths,. ; Teacloths Vests Vesta Wool Shirts . . . Wool Shirts . . . WnnI KhJrtfi Wool Shirts Wool Drawers.. ....v.. Waists Waists i Waists 1 ■■ L>giiar|ciry List. Launo Mark Name 'ryman No Street. Month Promised Pleeei | First Wwk. pj^J;, Seeond Week. No. Pieces TUid Week. Ho. Fleets Fotutb Week. i Aprons Bibbs Bibbs Bibbs .... Bibbs Bed Spread.s . . Collars Coals Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Frocks Frocks Handkerchiefs . Handkerchiefs.. Handkerchiefs.. Napkins NiRht Shirts... Night Shirts. . . Nifiht Shirts Nightshirts... Pillow Slips .... Pillow Slips.... Pillow Slips Pillow Slips. . Pants . . Shirts Shirts Shirts . . . • Sheets Skirts Skirts Skirts Skirts Socks Socks Stockings Stockings Stockings Stays Stays Tablecloths Tablecloths Tablecloths... Towels Towels Towels Towels Tidies Tidies Tidies ... Tidies. Teacloths Vests Vests Vests ' Vests . . . Wool Shirts ... Wnnl Shirts Wool Shirts Wool Drawers.. Waists Wool Drawers.. Waists Waists 1 1 \ 1 1 1 La.ur|rbwerH. . Lgiu.r|d.ry List. Laundryman No Mark Month Name _ Promised : Street. Aprons Bibbs Bibbs Bibbs Bibbs Bed Spreads. . . Bed Spreads . . . Bed Spreads. . . Collars Collars Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Handkerchiefs. Handkerchiefs.. Handkerchiefs.. Napkins Nightshirts... Night Shirts... Night Shirts. . . Nightshirts.. Pillow Slips Pillow Slips.... Pillow Slips Pillow Slips Pillow Shams. . Pillow Shams. . Pants Pants Pants Pants Shirts. Shirts . Sheets Sheets Skirts Skirts Skirts. . Skirts.. . Socks Socks Socks Stockings Stays Tablecloths Tablecloths Tablecloths .... Towels Towels Towels . . . Tidies Tidies . Tidies. Teacloths Vests Wool Shirts ... Ve.sts Vests ' Vests . . Wool Shirts Wool Shirts Wool Drawers.. Waists Waists ^ Lgiu.r]d.ry LiBt. Laundryman Mark Name Promised No Month Street. Aprons Bibbs Bed Spreads . . Collars Coats Cuffs Corset Covers . Chair Covers . . iCurtaius Drawers Dresses Frocks Handkerchiefs Laces Napkins Neckties ...... Night Shirts. . Pillow Slips... Pillow Shams. Petticoats Pants jShirts Sheets ' 'Sheets Skirts ISkirts. Socks 1 jSocks . Stockings Sleeves Stays jTablecloths — iTowels Tidies . Teacloths . Undershirts . . .[Vests ,|Wool Shirts .. , Wool Drawers. Aprons Aprons. Bibbs JBibbs . Bed Spreads. . . Collars Coats Cuffs Corset Covers. . Chair Covers.. . Curtains Drawers Dresses Frocks Handkerchiefs. Laces Napkins Neckties Night Shirts. . , Pillow Slips..., Pillow Shams. Petticoats Pants Shirts Stockings Sleeves Stays Tablecloths... Towels Tidies Teacloths Undershirts . . Vests Wool Shirts . . . Wool Drawers. Waists ' Waists Bed Spreads . . Collars Coats Cuffs Corset Covers. Chair Covers. . Curtains Drawers Frocks Handkerchiefs. Laces Napkins Neckties Nightshirts.. Pillow Slips . . . Pillow Shams. Petticoats Pants Shirts Sheets Skirts Socks Stockings Sleeves Stays Tablecloths . . . Towels Tidies Teacloths Undershirts . . Vests Wool Shirts... Wool Drawers. Waists Aprons JBibbs ■ Bed Spreads. . . Collars Coats Cuffs Corset Covers . . Chair Covers.. . .Curtains Drawers Dresses . Frocks . Handkerchiefs.. .Laces . Napkins .Neckties .{Nightshirts... .Pillow Slips. . . . . jPillow Shams. . Petticoats . Pants . Shirts . Sheets . Skirts . Socks . Stockings . Sleeves . Stays . Tablecloths . . . . Towels . Tidies . Teacloths . Undershirts . . . . Vests . Wool Shirts . . Wool Drawers.. . Waists Leiurjclr^^ I^i^^t Laundryman Mark Name Promised No Street. Month Aprons Bibbs Bed Spreads . . . Collars Coats Cuffs Corset Covers. . Chair Covers . . . Curtains Drawers 'Dresses Frocks Handkerchiefs Laces Napkins jNeckties. . . ,. . 'Nightshirts.. Ipillow Slips... Pillow Shams. Petticoats Pants Shirts Slieets Skirts Socks Stockings Sleeves Stays Tablecloths . . . Towels Tidies Teacloths Undershirts . . Vests Wool Shirts . . Aprons Bibbs Bed Spreads. . . Collars Coats Cuffs Corset Covers. . Chair Covers. . . Curtains Drawers Dresses Frocks Handkerchiefs. Laces Napkins Neckties , Night Shirts. . . Pillow Slips. .. . Pillow Shams. Petticoats Pants Shirts Sheets Skirts Socks Stockings Sleeves Stays Tablecloths... Towels Tidies Teacloths Undershirts . . Vesta Wool Shirts. . . Wool Drawers.. Wool Drawers. Waists ' 'Waists Aprons Bibbs Bed Spreads . . Collars Coats Cuffs Corset Covers . Chair Covers. . Curtains Drawers Frocks Handkerchiefs. Laces Napkins Neckties Night Shirts.. Pillow Slips... Pillow Shams. Petticoats Pants Shirts Sheets Skirts Socks Stockings Sleeves Stays Tablecloths... Towels Tidies Teacloths Undershirts . . Vests Wool Shirts... Wool Drawers. Waists ; Aprons jBibbs [Bed Spreads. . . 'Collars Coats ;Cuffs Corset Covers. . Chair Covers.. . 'Curtains . Drawers . Dresses . Frocks . |HandkerchiefB.. . iLaces . 'Napkins . Neckties . Nightshirts... . Pillow Slips.... . Pillow Shams. . Petticoats . Pants . Shirts . Sheets . Skirts . Socks . Stockings . Sleeves . Stays . Tablecloths . Towels . Tidies . Teacloths . Undershirts . . . . Vests . Wool Shirts . . . . Wool Drawers. . . Waists Lgiij.r|ciry Lie^t, Laundryman Mark Name Promised No Month Street. Ho. Piccei Flnt Week. Ho. FlecM Second Week. Ho. Fleoei TMi4 Week. Ho. Piecei routl Week. ! Aprons Bibba Bibbs . . Bibbs . '. Bibbs Bed Spreads . . . Bed Spreads . . Collars Collars Collars Coats Coats Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs ... . Corset Covers . . Chair Covers . . . Curtains Curtains. . . . Drawers Krocks Handkerchiefs . Nifht Shirts. .. Nightshirts... Nightshirts... Pillow Slips . . Pillow Slips Pants Pants Pants Pants Shirts Sliirha Shirts. . Shirts 'sil.nota Skirts. . Skirts Skirts Socks Stockings SciL'ks Socks Socks Stockings. . . Stays Tablocloths . . . . ■ Towels 1 Stays Tablecloths . . 'Xowels Towels Tidies Tidies ... Tidies.. . . Teacloths. TonclolliH. . 1 Vests Wool Shirt-s . . Vests Vests Wool Shirts... Wool Shirts. Wool Shirts . Waists 1 J Lgiu.r|clry List. Launclryman No Street. Mark Name Promt Month sed »0. Flecei FlftWeei. 1 pgJi, Secoii Wselc. Ho. Flecea Thlrt Weel. pgj;, rourthWeel. j Bibbs Bibbs Bibbs Bibbs Bed Spreads . . . Bed Spreads . . . Collars Collars Coats Coats Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs . . Corset Covers . . ■ Chair Covers . . . Curtains Curtains Drawers Dresses Frocks Handkerchiefs . Handkerchiefs.. Handkerchiefs.. Neckties Night Shirts Neckties Ni<'ht Shirts Night Shirts Night Shirts.. Pillow SliMM. Pillow Slips Pillow Shniiis Pants Pants Pants Shirts Shirts Sheets Skirts Socks Stockings Skirts. . . Skirts Socks Socks Stockings Sleeves Stays Stays Tablecloths Tablecloths Tablecloths .... Towels Towels Towels 1 Tidies Tidies 1 Teacloths Undershirts . . Vests Ve.sts Vests Wool Shirts Wool Shirts... Wool Shirts Wool Shirts . . . Wool Drawers.. Wool Drawers.. Waists Waists 1 1 :;;;;t;:;".v.'';;;;;: ....:. Lgiur|clry List. Laundryman Mark Name Promised No Street. Month I Aprons JBibbs Bed Spreads . . . Collars Coats [Cuffs Corset Covers . Chair Covers. . Curtains Drawers Dresses Frocks Handkerchiefs Laces Napkins Neckties Nightshirts.. Pillow Slips... Pillow Shams. Petticoats Pants Shirts Sheets Skirts Socks Stockings Sleeves Stays jTablecloths . . . Towels Tidies Teacloths Undershirts . . Vests Wool Shirts . . Wool Drawers. Waists Aprons I Aproni Bibbs Bed Spreads. . Collars Coals CufTs Corset Covers. Chair Covers.. Curtains Drawers Frocks Handkerchiefs. Laces N'apkins Neckties Night Shirts. . Pillow Slips. . . Pillow Shams. Petticoats . Pants Shirts Sheets Skirts Socks Stockings Sleeves Stays Tablecloths... Towels Tidies Teacloths Undershirts . . Vests Wool Shirts... Wool Drawers. Waists Bibbs Bed Spreads . . . Collars Coats Cuffs Corset Covers . Chair Covers . . Curtains Drawers Dresses Frocks Handkerchiefs. Laces Napkins Neckties Night Shirts. . Pillow Slips. . . Pillow Shams. Petticoats Pants Shirts Sheets Skirts Socks Stockings Sleeves Stays Tablecloths . . . Towels Tidies Teacloths Undershirts . . Vests Wool Shirts... Wool Drawers. Waists .Aprons .iBibbs . iBed Spreads. . . .Collars • Coats .'Cuffs .! Corset Covers. . . Chair Covers.. . . Curtains . Drawers . Dresses . Frocks . Handkerchiefs.. .^Laces . 'Napkins .iNeckties .iNight Shirts... .Pillow Slips. . . . .Pillow Shams. . . Petticoats . Pants . ShirU . Sheets . Skirts . Socks . Stockings . Sleeves . Stays . Tablecloths . . . . I'owels . Tidies . Teacloths . Undershirts . . . . Vests . Wool Shirts . . . . Wool Drawers. . . Waists Lgiur|ciry List. Laundryman Mark Name Promised No Month Street. Aprons Bibbs Bed Spreads . . . CJoUars Coats Cuffs Corset Covers . jChair Covers. . Curtains Drawers Dresses Frocks Handkerchiefs Laces Napkins Neckties Nightshirts.. Pillow Slips... Pillow Shams. Petticoats Pants Shirts Sheets Skirts Socks Stockings Sleeves Stays Tablecloths ... Towels Tidies Teacloths Undershirts . . Vests Wool Shirts . . Wool Drawers. Waists Aprons Bibbs Bed Spreads. . . Collars Coats Cuffs Corset Covers. , Chair Covers. . . Curtains Drawers Dresses Frocks Handkerchiefs. Laces ^fapkins Neckties Night Shirts. . Pillow Slips.... Pillow Shams. Petticoats Pants Shirts Sheets Skirts Socks Stockings Sleeves Stays Tablecloths... Towels Tidies Teacloths Undershirts . . Vests Wool Shirts Wool Drawers. Waists Apron.s Bibbs Bed Spreads . . . Collars Coats Cuffs Corset Covers. . Chair Covers. . . Curtains Drawers Dresses Frocks Handkerchiefs. Laces Xapkins Neckties Nightshirts.. Pillow Slips. . . . Pillow Shams. Petticoats Pants Shirts Sheets Skirts Socks Stockings Sleeves Stays Tablecloths Towels Tidies Teacloths Undershirts . . . Vests Wool Shirts.... Wool Drawers.. Waists Aprons jBibbs Bed Spreads . . . Collars Coats Cuffs Corset Covers. . Chair Covers.. . ^Curtains Drawers Dresses , Frocks , Handkerchiefs.. , Laces Napkins Neckties Nightshirts... , Pillow Slips.... , Pillow Shams. . , Petticoats . Pants , Shirts , Sheets Skirts Socks Stockings Sleeves Stays Tablecloths... Towels Tidies Teacloths Undershirts . . . Vests Wool Shirts . . . Wool Drawers. . Waists Leiur|clry Li^t. Laundryman No Street: Mark Name Promt Month sed Ho. 1 m»tWi>AV ^^■ Pieces 1 nrnweel. ^^ Second Week. Ho. Flecei TIM Week. Ho. FlecH Fonrth Week. 1 1 1 1 Aprons Bibbs Bibbs Bibbs Bibbs Bed Spreads . . . Bed Spreads... Collars Collars Collars Collars Coats Coats Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Chair Covers. . . Curtains Curtains. . Frocks Handkerchiefs.. Handkerchiefs.. Napkins Night Shirts. .. Xight Shirts. . . Night Shirts... Night Shirts. . Pillow Slips Pillow Slips Pillow Slips .... Pants Pants Shirts Shirts. Shirts. Shirts Sheets Sheets Skirts Sheets Skirts Skirts Skirts Socks Stockings Sleeves Stays Tablecloths .... Tablecloths Tablecloths Towels Towels Towels Towels Tidies Tidies Tidies Tidies Teacloths Teacloths Vests .... Vests Wool Shirts . . Wool Shirts Wool Drawers.. Waists Waists .... i 1 Lei\ir|d.ry List. Launclryman No Street. Mark Name Prom Month ised Second Week. Ho. Pieces Third Week. Pieces Foarth Week. Aprons Bibbs Aprons Bibbs Bibbs Bibbs Bed Spreads... Collars Collars Coats Coats . Coats Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Cuffs Corset Covers. . D resses Frocks Frocks Handkerchiefs . Laces Napkins Napkins Neckties Nightshirts... Night Shirts. . Night Shirts Nightshirts... Pillow Slips .... Pillow Shams Pillow Slips.... Pillow Slips Pillow Slips Pillow Shams. . Pillow Shams. . Petticoats Pants Pants Pants Pants Shirts Shirts. Shirts Sheets Sheets Skirts Skirts Skirts. Skirts. Socks Stockings Stockings Sleeves Stays Stays Tablecloths Tablecloths .... Tablecloths.... Towels Towels Tidies Tidies . . Tidies Tidies Teacloths Undershirts . . . Vests Vests Vests ' Wool Shirts . . . Wool Shirts Wool Shirts Wool Shirts Wool Drawers.. Wnnl nrniv^rs ' Waists „^ .' 1 Choice Cgir|dies. Things Worth Knowing. Official Fire A I aim Card. 4. Wazee and 15th. ■ 54 5. Lawrence and 15th. 5() t). Curtis and. 15th. 57 7. California and 15th. 01 12. Tremont and 15th. 62 13. S. 15th and 12th Ave. m 14. S. 14th and 14th Ave. (54 15. Tremont and 13th. 71 It;. California and I3th. 72 17. Champa and 13th. 73 18. Blake and Kith. 74 21. Larimer and lOth. 75 23. Arapahoe and l()th. SI 24. Champa and IHth. s-j 25. Wazee and 17th. S3 2(J. Holladay and I7th. ill 27. Lawrence and 17th. !t2. 28. Welton and 17th. 124. 31. Blake and isth. 125. 32. Larimer and ISth. 120. 34. Champa and isth. 132. 35. Gienarm and 23d. 134. 31'.. Glenarm and 2(lth Ave. 135. 37. Broadway and 1 7th. 13(). 38. ISth Av. and Grant Ave. 137. 41. W\nkoop and I'-'th. 142. 42. Holladay and HHh. 143. 43. Arapahoe and J'.lth. 145. 45. California and lUth. 140. 4f5. Larimer and 21fit. 147. 47. Champa and 21.st. 412. 51. Arapahoe and 22d. 413. 52. California and 22d. 414. 53. Larimer and 24th. Champa and 24th. Arapahoe and 25th. California and 25th. 10th Ave. and 11th St. Colfax Ave. and 11th. Santa Fe Av. & 8th Av. W. 5th Av. & Clark St, Larimer and lltli. Holladay and 13th. Curtis and 10th. Larimer and 7th. Hollada\- and !Hh. Larimer and 27th. Champa and 27th. Welton and 27th. Arapahoe and 28th. Larimer and 30th. 7th and Water. 15th and Platte. Fairview Av. & Witter. McNassar A. & Stanton. Holladay and 3!)th. ^L^rket and 35th. Downing and Champa. Downing Av. & Welton. Hotchkiss and Park A v. Downing & 23d Aves. Broadway and Oth Av. 11th & Washington Av. 8th St. & 13th Ave. Burnham Store Room. Burnham Boiler Room. Burnham Planing Mill. 1 IBRftRV OF CONGRESS „ iiliiiliMlllW 012 572 210 6 I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS li nlliliii Hill iiiiiiiiiiii Inn 012 572 210 6 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5