\ INSTEUCTMS FOB PATCHWOKK. A TsTEW BOOK OF PATTERNS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAKING FANCY PATCHWOKK. PBICE, 15 CENTS A Copyrighted 1884 b y J- F - Ingalls. & IsVyS^'p** t^>T~ ' tm Instructions for Patchwork. It is very popular to make Tidies, Mats, Sofa Pillows, Afghans, Bed Spreads, etc., of small pieces of Silk and Satin. Take a piece of some firm goods the size you want the article. Upon this baste the silk and satin pieces in all sorts of irregular shapes, turning in the raw edges. Then work the edges of each piece with different designs of the Point Russe stitches. In working these stitches, use embroidery silk. That called "waste" embroidery silk, that comes (mixed colors) in short lengths, is the best and cheapest to use, INSTRUCTIONS FOR PATCHWORK. The Silk and Satin pieces are much prettier with snow flake stitches, sprays of flowers and outline designs of children's heads, bugs, etc., worked on them. Work the designs before joining to the other pieces. We think the illustrations, in this book, of Crazy Patchwork, Point Russe and Snow Flake stitches will give you a better idea of the work than any explanations we can write. ^ POINT RUSSE STITCH FOR EDGES. instructions for patchwork. POINT RUSSE STITCHES. INSTRUCTIONS FOR BATCHWORK. POINT RUSSE STITCHES. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PATCHWORK. N/' f I K X ^ POINT RUSSE STITCHES. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PATCHWORK. \ ■••- — i ^^^^^P ^~"' mm& ppllfl ilfiJi^PIPlliJ POINT RUSSE STITCHES. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PATCHWORK. W^ ! INSTRUCTIONS FOR PATCHWORK. $ > & &

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