LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap3bE Copyright No.113.! Shell UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. j%ap%a<&£ '4> PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS CSOv ANIMAL MAGNETISM, ytlrL , (o eCofccoi* ^ , ^^tXo-ic, lOOK Sl<^o~falsi>LzzMjt . / <* $v Copyrighted in the United States by THE CHICAGO COLLEGE OF PSYCHO-THERAPEUTICS AND NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, MASONIC TEMPLE, CHICAGO, 1896. All Rights Reserved. (£.-' £xx.*^^JLoLj clk^N o-jL Lk*~*w-&Mjl^uo-^~- vU-ckmi^ v"tLo-<^£- o-L o-foJbLX>-G^dui-. ^. ; L.Kji-**~ ouCL-Cl^O-^0-^CX>C<3-t'0 , o-*<^c^) ex. uQ^vi~ \^s^jz^o-*^<^^\^cl, <&} "pc^JJtl^c" 3 W^^ L^u^oJUU oj(. ix^ruL^^c^uo^^^. j kL*uJC Q^cxM-ckSsJul, o*4y- fa-Sl^O~JeL~U~e^(-i^Xt. O^LKji-n^x^* cum. yLo^-o-xl^x-OL-e- £5 fiLo-W-£~j tM^odL ~i<,Q^ cc^^cS <-*^Xo->^Cje-cu ~ Cc^co- eLnJ-tsU&zi- J /aj^uX^co-^CL- (^l^^co-^txi- a>X£. -w^~njk xLn^o-*^^. tLPL^, (Lsua~*-4*~ Co- e^i^cxUJIjl. Q^jk C/t-eu JCo-o-eCf--- C^Oo-o^c-eC cutPXA,^ LtLja^n^ cwt_oS 6-cl-ci>cx-co-m_~ o-Z- e-o-€-oJk Qjdt tK*e- (xLeJt- ^i^JULj. ^JUU^ "£>*£f f^^^JLo.*,; ' ^u cuuM c^* c^i^oJJr'Je-sc. c3 o-<*jz^js^o-wul~ JLo^lsx^ &-x>e-c^<^y cua^t^ oddJuL* Co- UxJjU^'zJLcK^-jeL L,hLe~ l^L>^ -ii-sx^ut* : - : y Cru*£- £ -^ £ - c\-*<-<^S ccc*_ kdo-^t-^. o-<^. jti~o-<±y^AJoJcje^ ; LJ\^c (QuCnj2-jA^Of£J4~ j cz^isucr*) JLo^<- (ju^JUc (xjl, e^y^xxMJljLJsL^ 'Cb oycxsz^, <^yi^XjL^yUJCJL cxJL cLo~u* K^c^A>-Z^ p~o~<£~ fDcJufyrLx. njLj^x>Mjlji^iXA^o^^ ; CrL^ <^o-k--x- WuL^JtcxM^L m^Lt(L cxM. tlLe. i^o^xj^JtJ, ct^ ^^cxJLitoL o-L tR^ (^c^o-^c^-jbC Cu-c-c/x_a-<^t Uxjp^^JLxjl, cxo^^c^ £-^-/l^c o-ax. (6. o-fiL l+x^L LL^qjlsu^ c*-Z JLo-vlsu a^ctMJL l4^cxuouCv-^c^^ y fiLcL*x~e~ c*c eLjL,LbL~njLA
    4uJLoL ixxJJjA^ {LjoJU\- ^ouca, K_cc^eCcx, oCo^ulj<^ _ clxv- jL^)Us^uLe~. £/(-£-. (Qj^^^^cxJlxx>^<^'^. (Lz~Lo~'l,£~ ^'Hjzu^JLa-^^^uljsL j o-juz^, Cu-ca^u^vc-t/^, (Lj&-<>Jz~.; ^n^A^eJlCi^^a^ } fud6~Le^eJk On~M^cdS^dL^XM^ Lus^*^ 0-0UL. St (^ t^^JLoJlJie, tfLcdt OuJJtfL L^jLLjl^^ % c*_ o-AjCL,o~n^o~oc^. PLsL^c^JcJlK-^L cMLe^ucu^vi, au>-ux^C Liu^^cK^L^L C^C CK*Ll^<2iXj~iA-*(3L aJlJL &-j2-SIS2lX>-i<^x. f (LuxJC C^o (£Lo~+K^ Q^-O^xJLJZl- (XtJ^uzJ^ *\jOU2^ o^isJLd, \&jl,u~ tLe-^Jk . to- 6-£- oUus-^kxJulJt^ p-fc-y LrLL*±~ yLo-j.iv^A.\.jLsu pju^uLLui^x, (ca&jcju &iAJUL^Ck cUzK~tz^+4^cL, cALo^ul^j zy^tui^^LaJcJLoL c£ UxJiJoL ^z^oL^^tocL-^eC. cJL Co--/Cc-a-H_ irtL^, 6-x^JCuLux>i-o©S C^^CK-tf^c-cu^et.^ C/C^, C/n- LgJoLlu^^, Lo- pJCJUL^.^ cdt LJLn^JL l^Le^ ^o-o-VC^x, tL^sx^rLcx,j±-<^ UU K^Li^L, <_-£ <~-) c*sx, ca, cuz^^j^tlx^Jcjc^JL t&Ce~ Q^ck^xjl^ } aw^JC AL.<-t-vo /£o-ua- LbSe- /{-o-£-£- nji^CL.'^O-^U C' l/uc^O~)L~ ii^n^O~-^A^cJ\Ji Gu.l4^sxJLU<~cdcJ2^oL <~fC 7 OCX- fci-o-iu^jfc JLo-u^n^, jtl<_-^c^-£^txi^ Co-ax-<5L^L-0c-ci- /x_-ocx- a~Jbz-^ cx^c-c^S fiLx^JLj /\cy~ax, ~t^<~~ CjJuixJL \LsLJ£J<>-WUi-~ WuO~rUL^ \Lc~ tjuJUL O-jL LtCe*. ^ucociX ol^ucS ^U^q-^kX ; cum^S h^ol-C o~i«JLJL oJdJcJi^. t% eLz^^j^n^JLji^ H k^-( y^i^cxJcJi^'^-. j L,&jlssu (Qjl^wzulsz-. fcCe-X^c^- Vi^o~n^e~ jfu^t^Oux-ttK^ , fiLocszJZ-4-M- ss L,-a»<- o~z_sui~ct'j o~ru JU^uzLjl^uc^ cKjls-su (akJAjlstjl*oJ6~jo~uJZ^ i >< (/6. — -*& e - - - jtx^i^JCc<^i^txx^ <~^l- dlx>~ c*A-4>JL^i- PLc^-oj^ Xx> eL &-~*uzJLaxxlxi- ixx^xxJL £-uXkXo- Qj(J^&^nJL.dL <-k_ JLo~\ji^c^eLxu^^cU \XJLjsx>~yytULxx^ ex^x^xL. Clkx^^cKLj vLxxx- e^L^t- eLx>~ irPL*xx£, c^i^^JL (Qx^XZ~n^oL n*JL* l ^iXxL£xx~f^> ^fL&xx. (jul,~eL^uC txxsi^e. a-a, LsLx.iA-.liC oxU^L ck. JLaxxxi^ \i^x.iauzL\ o-L OxX\xxJh ~xxxJx^. oa. TxxxJLLiAuct^ to- WLXTJ/Ce^ oxxxdxjA-^xi^ ux^jeL\o^T^^xXx^x<^L. /C<~;x- foA-^^^iA-Axx^j /C& ^caco. PLxx±. rLxxjxjeLx^ cca- CxxxdlxL cUo- Kxx^. Ljoxa^Oxxxz, ; k C-K,JLxjOx^l. oo, eLx>x^xL. eoc^<_C<£- cot^^e-o-^^^o^exu^-^^-oJL^/,^ 6l-^c£U-o-M_- o-Z- CPLx~. ^v^xj^jzL. JLoxx, oxzxxz^. cdL Kxxx-wue~ UJLt^L^T>e^0-0-X^_<'OO, O-Z- CUt-c/xWO£- p-^Ul^ZUZ^^Xij oL&-**- J^U^lX jr^O^L^^ tLA~g-JUrL, &jOUA~gLj2l, JLx>~J\, CU Z^-Ojo J^^xl^U^oC^O^^, 0^>K^U-^U<^ c^O-cCUO-C^Z- £^*JLa-J\JLjL0-<-UoC.Cc/, 0-4si^ oL&~«^T^ k>L^CKS\jl, CO- 'UQ>vu - /u - a - £ ' *^° , ^ u ^j "~o^~ < £ A ~^ Ck - A ^^ cyu^e^ eJOz^. out cx^uJL £o*v<_^ LL ou^suoL *b_-cox-tUle-^xJ£coa, o*t_ c/Cox-e_-o-ii-4_,e.C f olaa^L, cdllc<*~ux~ v<^&- (qJIsuckj**, — TLpLjl^jl, ^c^x-o-o-v^^a, , CL^u-eC lM^gJC C^a--u^/o£~axe-co0Cx~^C3^, QjLou*^n^^a-uJ^ ■= cukjzjz^j ousueL, co PLo-'^JL a-L o~L>Le-x- t/cuccxi. , «xa^ fL.<^^ukJLJL tJ\~£_, cuo^ -dLeL c^ o^L^^JL LlLoL o-oc- /Coo,, ck^ljzL. ^k^oJICq^ p-^sz^xJ^x. to-a*-cc^L>eOcv. ^Cc^vt- coo- CuuJfpL cl. PLcc^y^c^^c kuL^-^cjL cca^UCuL Kjl- oq_ (Q^uJLeL+sCJLjeC , cuvoeL £jut,K^si* LojOLxx. cuqJljljlJl, o~^ eOj^o-Ji^x- eLo-aj-A^, UxJ^Lh-a^. /o£- ^i^ck^L kLs_ UL/OC_>'VO c<^o£-i^t a-A /Co^-vo co^ocS to'UcoC.^ OopCcoo co^of- (L^JcJ^Ji^eC ct^o-. f CK^c^L oo-, coo, <1Z cLo-u^ Ooo^u£~ h^xJoL^-^ou co >-ocm£oo^>oO'ooo-om^ co /ocofvocofo tCe^d^uc^ JLo-cc- ^P\^c^L eL,n^cxju.y. *4JLa>v\~. &?-4Jtoco'oeoo- t/^oto »--'/- £/oo/ije- ©Oocouoot/oc^ j(tcuva-e^a ; cU^eC A_e- (x/udcJL LoMJLc>~L , tJ\JLJL>n^ ct^a^o-ujjLrL . U^SluJL^^ o-f Mz^^l^U^^ U^iHl (U cJUU tb tdl cJt o^u^ j& ec^A-o-r^, xjLo^c //icl- rLe, cjaJCs-st^cl* c\s^isL*oJfc yH-&^o~e*j C/Cx/a.- st^lJLx-si^x- to- t&-o-£±-€i. Uj-Pco^v^, dljo-oc /Ccxol^. CJji^u^ tK^c^^ Zcx^u- Ou-LtPL. o^£J2lM-^jzJL to- CAL^ cUL^^z^n^cxSL 4-xxxe--=r La-*ul>ci, o-L ^Voe_xx^^-2_>T--oou^vc-/ £>x-£- huJ^jL^A^o-^iA^i^^jo-. cl^c^ t>x£- ^ZZc^eXo- $4x-cxc^ ii^E^ i^c^^^uL^eL^-LtA^ flje^o-nJLs^ oJL eL<^2JbL-JxJL~4sL J3l*^x±s±jl>*±-j cxo^ V*x-s-tvt-ot-M_-^o-C Sr^Le. C>6^vue^oc-e-cL^c- C^ is^etxxxA^oi. ; cx^ueL, tM^e~ ^K-o-n,. clXjLcoc^oo- o~x,t/,-0Ux.c^ <^-Lc K^o-jjul. Vn-^oe-Zv. tU-£- 0CO- £L£-£- o-Z. <£. G'C ca. cl^cx t^^coCU-^uctil. Co- J^oJLeC -ix~ cxsi^. eLs^,JL cxa^^a^ Dvca ij^A^n^JL t^xxXi^L^x>cxSL cx*\^eL. C>o^^c-<^oo-^l, cxM-MJL^lxxXxjz-i^ oJ fr -M^tL£^U ^-e^o^o-o-^u^ C/o£- ^vxjuu^eL cxJk LsC^ (ZLcxj~LA~cu ^ o^h^o-iUoCe- <-m_ c/Ct- eC^^C^^^<^M-><-<^_^L-t<-o-M^ £o~ £^-£-eX tlK^, j^cx.L^\^. exJCtw^a-ztJC cUCut^cxscL'^. e^c^ut- £_-o<^ a^^a^. £Lo~w~s^ Cc^M^e- Ox_K_^k_ tlrLe^ &-c^<_^ Cu^iillL Gt^r^ouzLu^oJocJL e^cuxe ; n_«_^j_~ ~*-t_. ALta^x K*-e,e_-M_ o-n~e-£- cx--T- Jf^-o-'u-f- £ ft-C u»tXo- c/v^ L- Oooo/o tkz. ^ eycx^ooxooe. ~n^ ^-o-a.o-^cu^e^a- ; ^ t%C& eCp-c^ppp. coo ^uL^cdL c^c^x^^^wUi^^ om~- /oocp i^u^ceCr* Cx KjZ-suL^L&~n-JL- oC ocx, Vn_o-cx-C <^a^cx-p.*^oocoo to ^i-i-c-cCvcii-L ^KJLJlM-) COCX- £-(^£yC- COOPo/p XL^CkA, pP OCx. tPiOO yyuO-in^jULc^rU'sL -iL^ cx^i^dL ^ocoom_, tx) p-si*o~-eLu-JZj?^ x^p-p^p^cx-/ooi>ocL- (^ . o-a "~ x^o^oeop/p coj-o-cA fQ^x^n^c^e^cdo 0~4£op/ocoo<_c?-i'O <&--cxo*'Ooo,cx-cx- coi^oc^ (2~ckjLl~ C*0 t j Lcuic ftl/pco^-o cot-po- k u^n^x-p-JA^ co ^p co y C/ K^L^l, oo_ too-'oc/. x-txM^vK- ; co^oc^S oa £/oo- jfLcuK. pcocpoxi. o^o t/ue, cwpo /2,co o^cct op lop «'. coo/pp/p.. ^d£>o t/00 ^toXcoa^- a-/ oLo-usi^ k^cx.u^.eCy^ Coo cai op J^o~^ iixJL^n^e^ ^oioppopoga p/pcot'vo Crop a-n.6 olm^ o/o^pq- cu-0^09 to- o>oo copocS pp-p c/,coto^p ^u^ueC Pocpc*-p- ex. ^anx-tcut a-toop-e^C l-h. o-e^otT, eCeXM^M-cK^ec p^o p-/op eococx><» o^^JCM. o~tt_^. tALe^t. ixxJJtM~ (jj~cx£jz^, t^f^Lcxlt PLcuzl, 1&juuia~ HxJL^'^i'iA^iLsi^^jZ-jeL , k (Lx>-o-e^a, £dt tkz, jx^o^L tJLoJt He. toJCj^ He- t »uuzjwLsvUjeL ; oZ iSU. ocJzuo-i^. /Cuo- Lo^u^h^i^gusL tlM^n^o~c<^K. Pcx?l,i>^u<^ PLe. "yp^L^^sL o^L irtLe. o^LJ^^x^^to^L. ^LH^uJLeL He, Utuxs^-C eljL^iJ^n^e. CS eco- ^c-o^-vo ctx>~o-~eL, . (Qj4u>~uJLeL He. cl^x^o-^o- to- etc*. cj^a-o-cK, bLcot <-n- t/Ct- kUx-tte-/^ <_t Crls^zdt} ^Oe^cuH^ulci-6. OjuJUL tHe~ L^t,u.n^ejaL Jb^a^nJl^ HdL dx>^u~ tK^cdt pLjolxx, (Ljljlw^ WuL^^i^ui^n^^'^JLjzL &-JL tJCei. U^njL^cxJlvL. f «^L it, ca J^ J cupu£L~r^ . t (JO cuUl^'x ,, C/ ( JLc^i^,i^.zJc. f cxu^jsL —^ <_^-e-£^ oc--i^^ /> UU c^tct^aox , }(<£-. f^- Cfo-n^ UUc^c^i^eL^.^ C/Kjs^zl,^ ~t^c. -=• cddJcuL kdoaJC L.&j^x- @^l4^o~<*x- )^x-cx^/, tele ^c_cua^M_-e_-0C- cx<^c-eC ^c.^c-e-/c- <^^^Lc>^n^i^^c?^L.<^o--i^ f^ixuc^. C^/t<^£- o-/. (LcLcctco-t^- en, C^e^-cxCV^c^ cTc^e oJ^eJIC, eLo- ^lx>-L, Hi-cxCe ecu- cc^cu.-cx'x.sC |Lcl^.x ; c\_n_-c?> c^c cxlC'L ^a-u.^ <^ft^L-a-ccCcc>-t^,o^ £l£^C c^ce. 4-cco,cL-e^cL. tele. ^cc^Ce. Lxi^o-w<~ Co~h- tx) kL&~tXx>~t>T^ , exx CACe %JULMueL, tJ\JL*wu o-i«- e^cue-M^ ^Li^eLe^ (Q^o~ XJ^ckZ, lMuz-aJ, Lo-n^w~ V/Lo-U* *y^l^OL^JL nji^^UL^^AUL^t^ tM^C?Ji £A>Jl-SuJL tJ'LLiA-CL, txx^KJL^x. tovut ^ cLouzJLu^Xjt,, ouka3\ ui^ (L^-^c-e^^ut^cc^oa-M^ o-Z- c/L^ Hi^l^C. ( 33. {LiluL^ijt ixxJJoL o^L tJL&. oJi-esT^aJto-s^j (LuJt H~£- W^ouJL (Le+ *h^ouzLl~ cxJL^o- tK~£~ (SLAdLjje-jeJk c*~n^ puc^.tu<2~sL*eC^ tK^ cm^_^cl£<>-^-. , Jjj /ulm-^ cxaa^bLj LL ii^jt^jULu^jbe^eL UjSxJL t^cx-£- CLnjLxdl Lo~n^c^ Co- o-o-C-^u- u^M (Xcufr tilcJL (U fjit ^-^^i^UMf JUo^^. t^u^^L^ oJt a. eLi^tcxA^AZ^j olaa^L pje^sxjzjJlj, o^aJ, oJL-zJto-dU- iuJJoL p£&~^~ utn^^eUU^K^u p^o^^LJuti^ue^^ P^o^tuL^LA^^ ( // o~u^^ fLtcdte^. )^L-cut/, kLsLt.) C/Ce- ^c^tiz^i^ut pLJzJL*^ iL^>~vc,iA^eL eLo- it, k it U^ax^o^njtjLjeJL cte-f\ o-v-l. ~t*L^ K^oL^y^cx^^. U^a^etd,; Cu_/i-e-K_- 4-o^o,o-e^CL- ou-x-^ ^ucueCt- OLxJJLri LPLs^wu (xx-rieu^ trie o~b-^-ST^oJLx>-s\, ^ o^Z^^^^e^- Vi^o^JL e^oUL-^ <2>o (Ox>- L^s^ cuo. to- p^^-eCoc*JU, a, ( 3^) CJjU-t_-e£ v ck^ia^cL, d^u^n^i*^ (Q-c>-^vt-£- Cc»-M^ueLjJcsi^E~j (i^uJC c/O-o- Ca^^^c/%_X^cid-^^e_-cx-c^ e^d-Ce-^L^C/cx. Co- c?Ja_ (ZLck^jzL &-Us Lb-siL (QJcjljlMjl^i^ j c\^i^a^) 6to/c£^«^ /c<£- ^lj6_-e,ci-C.o_ ct <-axuX«^C c ^rC^^M^O-*^C-C_-<^C-CU f» Cs I-'^jlsul^. <_>o-. m^o- eCo-^j.<-eL- cdoc Lhi^e,^^ (0-£-£- cucc^ eCe^£-£_- (ZLckaw-.*- n^o-o-i^u^-) o~n^ <~k^ L.14^^ t^^^yJC , &~n~. e_-o_«_-+"0 o^c L,K-£^ Q^cka^ul^ C*_XL-£_ n^c^sU2-.r^ rULx>~?L. C/x-£^<-'u c/x,a-^c-^H^Cci-y Cc> kLu-o-ojl. L,K^£^<^\_ pu&^^Sk clc-Ccc^^ cx , cv^c-<3S £-ol-£-m- Co- i&-e-a^e-£--<_c»~e_- C/Ce_<_^t- ck,u-k,Cuwi-x; c^^t_-cS C-^ccl. U,«xvt tv_c_ ,e_ci- <-*<- i-Ci~ o_2_/X_,>. O^T^cJU^zJk {oJbJUL, t£L<^ o^^l^oJ^o-^ uuJLieJ^ iLtxjzL ^Ls-^o Cxv^-- ^ocJLout^ o^z^-k^ n^o^eL^x,. £ytlctA^ o-Z- LsL^. o-&xxxx-fi^l.y cl^<_-oS CrC<£xvc- eL-a^a-^, Lo~n^ cJcJC vLa~eC<~4-*^cuGU^e_C<_e- cue_C*£ «Ln_jL~ cx^rui^ (SLo~iwul~ ^L^>c-M^e^6_^e^x, La- cLaa^LoLjl^ too,. ill j cOu^accu oJLo~i*~jCL (jLxJjxrfcL. «X 2r^c-£- (xJc-£, (L-c>-*^o6-^1^o<_-m^C - C/ o-n^ £^£^c^jw-£lx^£-~ , **JL o~**^e~ i^XX^x. CAL^_- I^uL^o^eL-ckJzJ^^e^ , o-ui^j^ej Cb tsLe, Ui^^L^eCz^i^e^L o-L tM-^, {LiLo-o-eL £3 Q^oSLeL, &!Ci-e_>^ Ls\x>~**^ tM^£, Kji^xjeL tio- tM*^.- tlM^e. joM^o-^JLeLs^n^ Co- t/Ce. e^usC o-L £/£-£- 1>ljslajlsx^x~ , tM~^- c_-oc«-^o (xxJJuL ece^x-e-2_^u^6 (x^lJCPL. CrL^ K-cx^ueL.: ^_&^ueLsx. , <-^<- e^^Cx^njzJL^JL eCi^x^x^L^L&^XJLjeC ; ex. p~cx~(-*<\-. c-o- (G-o^^v<^e--Cc-*^i^e, cl- LeJc-F <~+*^ cA~-£. ((Lo-OL>o^- Lck~~o-*T*~^xJZ--rC , cui^l^s eLx>~ai^A~j JLo~c<^ UlxjLxJL eLsT^o^^xx^ -^~Z-jcdsJl^e^ } o~-a^ i / ^L^od>C<^ = ^ go C-<_^~ C/x_jz_- Jjc-vc^&C e^o-e-<2uii-e_>ci- . O'u-a-M^ CrCe^M- cuo-xLe£e_ (juU^L.z^^, lLo-oc- {Lyx^-t^a t/x-e^vu. cx~uu~eK~JL t k CPLe^t^ ojucz^u^, LtLsl^v^ Co^ctuayL-eui. C/t_e- e^x-C^-^-^^--^^-^*- • &j<^cuzK. , 6^-L-o-eC.^(-€L-*_^t^ ex, (L^-^C^c-o-*-*?-^, LxxJfc^. irfcLe^ KjLxxjeL (£jzJLuj-JLJL-<^ vLo-ocsl, C«ju^o- A^^ue6a. ; -i^u-Jt^^<^^cL, L,K^£l. ckjzJIxjo-i^. oJL Jho~o<^n^ Uu^dUc. tx) Tir^e, QJi^cCk oJL L,K^£-, ^A^^y^L^n^J, . (Z/ K-JL^^l, \L^n^^uO^ JLo-o-vLx-isu cxILo-\*^cl. cALi, eCcv-eJc, <_X t,Kjz_ (L^o-tLJuo-t^, oa, iLji^KJ^^eL, t,rL^, Kjn^cx.eJL • o-^x, eCo-uj^i^ tii/L^, Lo-rucJ^cxsUk o-L t,K~£. (d^^~jeLcL t% LrL-e. k^^JUi-.'^, , LL it. ~^i^, Ca^^gCi^t-^ c3 cAL<£- /Ce_-ca_eCy Jbo-<^ (Ju^dlSL cx,o~o-ijeL, tJ^L^. eLcxu^ctjLsx^ oJL Cj/JL oLo-cc Ojooo^C c3 Q^ust*^, ex, vL^ocst^k^j (lJ^lIIJsJLcx^^gl- ; o-n^ a- LsJLo-^^ } i^wzJk oJJtsL^eL 'n^^cx.JL eC-£- cx^L±UCxJLjeL t2> ^^uo^cJjJ' Cxsucue^. . C/ tj^LZ^Jt- £,K~cxJfc ; <_n_ a^^t^a-L^ e^o-M-Ccu^-^y <-ci- u^^jlJLuJI, Co- (l^o-t^e-C^Ow*'u , c*_*t_c>K tlM^exJk £l-ooci^-eC C>Lcx^ en, ^tiuxruUc/.^ ^Lo^u-^x, pJ^Lc^~c<T_t- «-£ <^o_ LL^JL^eL j cl^u-o^ t^o-cc (jlxJJJJL £LL<~e.JSLJL,cx>Ci- cl &-o-^_X.oo~t'0 (ju^ucxL ttLe- eCoo>c^>-^-^e^S cu^ucN -uyL ]C<_^l-^^€^t^ci- Cu-ALe^o i/^-tc /tod_-o^o_ LrL-e-^vu rCcoM_eCo- cl-6_^l-€_^x-'V. (Lj>-xLch} TZo •/\_xL«m_ / <_jl cYo-co ta-u.e.^'u /ucm,. £>Coa_ l\JLX^.ti tLl^r>^o^<^-^L,rX^ /Coo, Qjc<>~tir^JL^^. <-m_ (ZLO-wl^ tucxsxJi a-O- oJUL L^O^nJL'^. O-L ALoo_ U^O-eLJL (OzJLo^T^- UU^I^-JZ^K, J,0-*<^X, /LcC-4-L.CCq, (jji_xx-.n^.*w~ JU/Lo^ula-j^slsj^ o-o-C^x- /'C-o*^i_ cL^-c-eC L^Loa, ^Lt-M^xcLOca-i^ <£L-xT_^e-€_-0Cg_>2u / JLo-oi- eCo- n^vt Q^c^n^n^jJL JLo-ci-s^. rL-c^L^eLxs- CLXi- (do-ax_ coo. ALoa_ Z.c_-<_-C ; k -e_-cocx-£u <_-ou- -e_xx.e-e_^t_c Co_roe_-K^ £-n.0C a-W cc-ou_^c< trx^e* (Zuu&Ley^ cutt-cS &-^(lo~uji- tiPL,E^v^j 'yy^cx-KLe^ ^l-c^uclxx-c^o- ckSLo-^^ol, CA—£. C/Z tJCe* ^aJt^^E^Ck l^a^oSL, jLcuckxx- o-£ £/£.£, \LxzjeJlC) U^cz-.KLe- kC^. ^ouca, (xtJucJL) IJ^n^JL tc^lC<-^ =: & tPL^ tl^oc^wud-^ o-n^ tALe- a/o^T^vo^y, fy W(Le*~ i^O-oL, h^i^L to~ n^^t U^-UsisxjJb^, toJU- t/L- tlLou«dL^ Si tfLe. flZttL^a^ P^o^, (Lljl.^ (Lo~^c^ } ^ ^o-^. a,U- -t^^ l>-)C £/£-£- /Qy^CD-K-^ . eCe-CL-oo^^- o~€- (&l*^LA~LtsucLj oLo~cc (jl^'JoL (Le^c^o^^ KJ^^. Cc> pj(LtJL,fu cJLo^^^j tcaXc*<^ ^L-a-e-e-oL-u-Ct-a_K-CL- c/Cca-C <^-o~ o-k-<£- fL^aJc^L L^lx>-uJsJl£^. I-xjlw^ . /Oe-t-£- C5* a-cc-p-K-t C"5 oJL&jlsi^>- ^ tl^LoCk t,lL&. *H~ouy«~tJbLe.~ ^L^e-C- cl- og- o-Z. <-^ c^S (L-t-c-a-e- n-e-o-o-o-^c-CL- (^o-*'Vt-&--(^c*^oK^CL-*"- T> ;^ 0~-wL. <_c C/-i-£- <^^e-cuCc/o^Y a-oC^ o*-Ca-S COO-0-0£yCo*<-Ot, GuCxL Vl*~J~ 4fcuyx-c?-ec-u-e-e- ^2-o-*^yUK-ca->^-{^t^(Soyc3_-t^<-^ i*-cl- ^2co< CC^-Oc/, )'^U(^^yUC_-CC-£Ly2_^l-.CL-, <-K- O-O-y^Ce-O- CO- G-a-C^-eCc<-«-£- CX-, C-Al-CUO-C--£- CK-<£- /Ce-cueC o^-e-yT-fy/, ^ut<-e-/{-.^ c*-iyt_-c>S ^-^ C/x-oct- /-H-e-cu^o/CL- C/t-£^c/, a-Zc^ut- ^2>u-e-e-£-e-eC ck, o-^C^c-c-^u-c^t-c^ c*_ Z-o-a-e~£-^C ^(d^c-w^tt-e^-, cv/-t_cN cl T-^-f O-Z tCtlo--0-eC C\>-tCL-CC-a-^CCL- C/C£- tC/^Cy^C-K-., ^C fcu&~^uL-<^M^^c-c^<^t^^<^^oocx.«^-<_. Oj^dciL uLe, Wxx-^ooZ-e^a-Xe^eC ^Ci/- vfrLe^ tfx-cxCx-e^ £, ccoce^. ; 4-cucui- CrC<£- e>i-Cx.e_>^'X-c-Cc-e^;x. &~jL JLo-u^'x, pc^x-o^/x^o.- &- j -i^£- <_t^.O^K-CL-<-cx/, Co- /xx-o, pjcj2-o /Co-tu- /CC£^x- /x.£~ (OJlj^zjb^'^. (xx-axJc,. CS rxx\u>x. o~*x.e_- o-X c/x-^-q^. cA_x^£- C/"c-<-m-^o- Cx^doL TLcxjCs^ pJ^Lc^cuL. j /x-£- Cix.xicJx. C~a~) /C<£- (jj^doL *x-o-}y cx^w^xo^z^x^j o~t* /x-£- Ca_<-xx- c*-*x.o-ujl-£_^_- . C^Z. Ale- c\xu_xx- AL^o-ci- , ^Io-^vc^^cx^M^oLot/, Hxo-/x-£- x^-xx^-e_.e,C<--txx^- <_C, <_n_ £>x-<£- d-o-u^ui-£- o~Z- tlPL&Jk ^xGCu^-Ct,. C^Z- /x-e (Lx%-*-x-C<--^x-xxC-6<-(l.c.e- (OJCcxX^. & L A<-^£- -C/Co-tx-^ (x«<-^cx^ y cx-tx-c^, cx-pCe-^- Aoccl-*<*xxxxx.(_xV;x<'}X- ca. x^xx-(d-<-^* C7ci- 1^0- H-i_o~a_^ a, cULj+^Jtjc^, c*-o-<-e-£-. ^ f<-cCjy (L^-<^^<4<^cu<.e6c>u^ ALo<^m^ <_^o cc to-^6 o-Z- c^a, cu ALcu^l^6-c/, C^C<-<^—^ Lx>-n^ /^Lot^c Co- bC<£- &-<^ o/., Co- Cx>~£jZe^eJfr ^<~<^^cx-e_iiX , ctl,m_Jc>K Co- cLe.e^>xto-«4^ /Cc^-n^ei^G^/. Co- /Ceo, <^u-e_ou- (Lc^K^^Lctca-^ ^ cu^c-c^S Co- c*-'-wi^c*~.i^^ct^(L, /c<_o- c-^Ce^cccx- . -£- c*-aj_c*-AL.e^o •=■ ^y^cy-L^u>~^^ o~L LhSiL AL<£^cc.eC, U^J^LjLjLK^z^n^ A^£- eC2^o^<_^u2_-ci, Co- tCe- oucu-a-C. £-eC, o-a^ Co- £UcjljlM- k_-o-M_c^e^a^ ; ^ C-jl. &~aaJC &~isi^-£~ <-^t_^Ce-<^i^Cc-o-K-y £^*^_-Ce-^t-Ccuo^_ *L,iaJC o~i^^£^ ca-<_D_/^L / //ce^a,£x4/ o-6Lcx-e-^L-a_€- -^u-'^- CrL<~o- Cco_^t_ cu-^cCAL /'Cc^m_ / M_-a-^Y Co- o-6-^>-a-o-£- /C^t-vt^, n^o-C Co- c*_-coL-ci_*L.e^-t_- n-c<4<- nu>^<^oJ^JL'J, ; o..n_-oS to- e,a-^c-C<_^t^c^£- La- o^ZJZ^-M-^JL JL&~<^n^^zJLL cd/Lo-ocXi. (C/ L JLo-ol^-u k-^Jl,<~Q-jdL fJpL^cdiCrx- } o^A^eL, Co- c/Ce- ^c^e^ciXi-o-*^ , ,£/a- £^t o£ cCo-^a. ^o-£ LJULo-a^ tUxxJt $~£~ ox ^^eCo-co^eC a^jJL ei^^<_^^o-o-c^c<_*^ue-£^=» -c*-«2-*-0 CX-^U & L JLo-OU PLouo~£~ \LjLJLA 2ULST-4>~CxJbLc>-i<^ ; JLo-vU (JLjjJliL p-*dt o^JLcL ^^CUeC,£- CO- C^Cd- JLLsiS^ji. 0-+t_^- ^^ <-^ n^LJLoJiL<>~u^ Co- c/Ce, H-ue^c*_*<^e_JL-eCc.(^c^ a^-'ut£- cu-oC^C UU dliL oLo-oc jz-o^isCC o-^oC c*~is<~dL o-C>£-£-a- ^uj-eCt; /Oo~cu- 2o-<*-^ pJLcJoL C7 £*£-£ ^o-^o pSbuuk-? UU rLe~^ (O^PLoJliL C/ ^a^u^!^£- oLo-ol* oufrouL*~? co? j^^n^oJC eCc^Lj Cu^Kjlj^u @^o-i^<^^&^X-0-C £^I^MJLo~lL Hr.cX-C>^e_Cc^o-^u*~c*s nje-MuL-cxJOz^eL. p^o~t-u^.n^ ^tce^o-Cco-M^o- uc (ZLjsUz^rL. cl 5^Lcuuce>a. ccci- Co- P^a^cLcJUl^'^JL n^eJiJLui^'^. Gu-/Cce-/C /C^e, C^c^c eCe_-ci^o^.£- o-5C- &Jc>u^>^A-ccc<-^ce_-eC Co- JLo-oc p ca-ALccC «^- C/Cc^ok1o- c*-)v- c/x^. (^x-Ut^d. c> ~)^' ~<-**- e>Ca-y o-/- T_c_ ca- jLo~oc,isi~.eL. (XK^Xa-c-k^ 6u_X_<_e_/C c^M&_.e_-c?.-L CjlxJlJcJc, o~L LhJL. C^z_x_a_e_cx_ Cl*-/C<_e_/C ca_>T_<_- Co- b-^uo^-c^ o-v-a.. C/te. (L^'U-y C"/x_ca_C oLo-oc *W^cK*dL n_o~C uLe- cdcc*~'x^kW~2^eC o_C (SLo^cJ^. a-o X_<£_ /\_gi_o_ cu^-^^^o--o-C/{_<_^<_^ C/(^ -*^C-<=» /? v_o_t^_a_ cn,( ^i_^c-o_C vtCe- <£_^c*_.e_C <_^_ ^cLfVK,e^toz^ucA /x_4_*-m_ ct_c cK_£, eC<_e_ci_Ca_-eC »L^ /C<_^^_- , a.n^<^ ttl>^, CfeS ^^^o-e_c_o_o_c_GL. Ca-A-x_e_/t_ K-e- /^u_sCc_€_a_ H"t_o-a_C cui6_^a_o-^L_^u<_ci_-C£_ . U/lo-oc, V?^_oc_o_C c<_o_A_ /t_<_»<_ (jlxJA^&Jl, c/c<_<^_^-ci- J^o-oc- o-u_r^/cC Co- <-OV /C<_^k_ Lo~nj?UL£,j (juJ^c^L. c/Cc^*_^o- <_C oo, &-^i_o-^-£_t_- Co- Cu_ci_a_-K- /t_<_^t_ o-jl-, ct_n_^_e_a-<_^^<_o-t<_c5_*-^» \JU Kjl^<^ ^C£- <_o_ cxjjLx^c^rCe^ , JLo~-ou ^l/lo-tcW. e_e_C* /c<1*-m_ bLf_ e^^t^ruLiLJL m_o~C o-Z. I^La^ia^^ <-ja^xMl-Lsui-- ( X$ % cxjjlx-oJ/Ce- <-o- (Lo-u^utc^u Ccx- /"Cc^x- c>^e.(u.^uxtco i -K, . UOo(Jt } Lu^. £>C<-o- ckM-^x^oX^^-XjljLJL i^ui^zjl^^^^ouxjJL to- iL.i*~0-ux-. j cx^i^^) JLo-lj- LLyJJoL <-u^^t^Ji^oJh PLx^i^t- isuo~fc Co- fiL4±JL*c*JL, cdd^o-octi ct Co- cc-m_x/, jiu^utc^u. C/C <-cx- o~2-si-,oL n^cxsL^ES LsL&jk a. k-^dU-A^sUL K^cx^x, Llx^, C^^uu>-ci.-K- huL^^^^j ulx-.Kjz_u^ cAC^s- ^^<^L.G^<-e^Cc.iZ^e>x-- / , eCcc-x^c^-t-g ^2-o-*'Vt^/^eL>'M^L^cALx-^^^^ rCcuci^ I^o-nJL^-ete(jL.i^^ /O-^^c Co- )^i^e_-0CeC(6s- cu-x-C/C ct cc-Z-Ce^a_- uij-cUCJ-A^-a . -*#>^§*~ C^ J^Lo-^s^ <_^ueC<-e-c^Ce-eC trLa. tCxwueC oJL exO-K-t>-evi>xcotu?-K, c^o-<^ o-u^lAJt Co- K-aJcjeL. ulx^ULM^ i/o-cox, ^2-o-<^<-<^^l.«^^C^^(6c-o^ . C' C-^^-^t^^uo-^y <_^co-ocx-C Co-o- ^^L^oe-/^ olM-o-*a- o- ^l-o-<1m_X o-m^ ca^/Coe^/C Q^I^ulJuCJL eCe_A-€_-*ieJL ta ; ^jl^jl^u o-^ ck,*^, ouzjz~o-o<~.*Jt to- ^ue-^^t-Xc ^o^£-k-oocoo. oM~4JUcJl,j JLo-ocst*, ^OA-C<^oe-o3k-.coo coo^K-y <^o~<-o (Q^A^cy^uJiLeL, ^uo-t eLz^ziJL^njL, oo Lx>~n^. cc Hoo~*4'OC_^'00 . Cx?-^o-Z-oeCe-*'oe-£- o-p co ( €2-o~<'>OK-co4'*o*C-a-£. 'oe-P^u-t-co'o, to- eC'oe.-coflL. ^-f-/- ^o^u^j^uj-w^. coo-o-o-e-ocoCoo-^oo-, coi^ocS ok- ook-C- Co- coCl-6_.oo/CofeCoCo- cn. ^o^'OK-co<'^okCoe-/oe-o^ g^cu-oo- oc co c^ot-coCe-zo £-^oCc-M-.o-oo-^o . C'O-'o oC 00- irPuLu*^. , cjo £^LfJL,eJfc j co cr^oe-o-^- Coo-^o- cofcCo-toC * ^-a-e-4jL-e--K-to<-o£» o-a- C-co^oo^o^ co i^oo-a-coo eCoo-e-coo-£^, to"00-a-£- eoe-o-C^ou2-£. dbo-oc PL^ct^o-jl^ n^xzdtJCsUs too- o-oACe-a- o-6Coe_-e-t <-m- o-oe-Ui-, k-o- o-t/Cc-'o oeoe-co, t/Cco^o o/Ce- ck^LuoLuuo 0-0 eco-oM-c^ CLo~a~-eL, Co- /Co^vo Cu-ACo-fVO c/o-to ^^coc^o-e-toz-^y co^ocS 000- ^oo-C £^o£-coa-£- /Co^vo €-.>>o- o-Z- ^1^-*^om-<^o^m-(Cm-uA,(l. &_^^c-e_-t'ocot<-o~j'0 H-oootV, (Cc a-e-c-coa-eoe-^C coo- C^<-<£- £-ZXe-e-L 0-0 co C-o-^^e-e-K-oA-coCoo-^o to£-o-KO o-t-oe- ^lou^os Cxlcoo-o- o-K- o-^oeoe-^o o~>o oe£e-coo-: xrtL^, )>uo~a-£- 2r>o€_-o'o -O-K- O~«"0£- 6foe Ze^cxxx, o-Z- ct Ux^JcJC lM^q^oL cu~o-£^ <% tiK^E^ e^^ f ^JL^^Jti<^r> _o £xiC^<_-e-.C<"-» i^a^Y ^-E-c-a- /Convoy ca^u^S £-o-£-£--e-<-c^(d£-.c/« eCo- *t-o-C cufiuiuz^oLsu cx^. cJC. o-Z /tea iLu^^ijzLdCJL . ^rlo-cc* (Ax^JUL a*$ce-ASCe- KJ^tx. u-eutx-t^y cc^c-gS isuo- wi~o~n^e- e<_e-.£L-e_K-0L- oc^puo-i^. cl-k- Lruo~i^~ {Llaj^La^j^ ii^L^^^uCU^. . Cs &Ji-,dL cx^n^e^ i^o-^k &-t*JLJL cx^LLajz-Xjl^L. &-^ c-e^cx-y (x^ocJC oJc^^o-j Co- oc eCe_-a-^u£-£- Vi^ocj^U^ hi^vi^£. /^6C^&-^k1»^w^Q^ / 0C t/t^^vt-, a-'u CtxJx^o- clsx^£~ (x^oc^xjuL Ctx*tJCrL. t/Cs^^u. o-^^,s- <_^x- -o-e-^o^o-o- . -^-o oo- Zo^i^ /oo^vo £^o£>'oe- / o- co fiLJLw~kuAzJtL&^JL &~n^ com- cuctci^cut/L.J, . est*- £-jJlK^si^ e-coo-£- o£ ece_je-a-e-coa_-e^x- /ooa- ocooo C'Z- /Ce- fu^Ce-'^ecoorf'OCo co fLJU^y^x^cxXJ^JL } PLL^ aJCOL~i*JL.Lo-- y o£. com- coM-^oik-^^oro-c/,, /Ct- fLoc*LljLs\s^. . ^Luce^u-Ci/. o-5C tM^. p^c>~tT^i*~x^<*^\6-x^ij~^t. ; a-a- H-oco*Se^o- a. ljl^xX, a-Jo Gto/cco^ /o£- (Qjuljq^j LhJL ^L^-t'VO^^co^'j'O^L^^ox-a^C oo_- e>oo^^Lo£--eC, k oo-a,e-cx. /ooo- \Lu^J~jeLAJUJL . cL-isi-x?} clo-£- c>-e-e^o4£ooe_-ee. cotfLcocot /oowo, Lk^L. IJLoc^ud^ &-L ^-coe^o. a~*'0<£- o~Z Sr^oe-***- coe-oo- co^oo-i-o /Cca- c>-a-^>coK-o^^cooocoK-y coK-.eC coo- Skuu. o-a,/u-ouca. 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K^exA>-J^^OL, n^LMcJZ-JzJJZ-JzL, cc^o^u CrL^ -e-<_ij-^e^-ci- ALe- VCo^^ ^coXK, oL&-ol*j oLo-cc LsJL^<-^ to^c£. ; Ou^rCa^^, oC eCjLje^njL^ .CX.'^Ji-,'^. cue-C<_o-<^, Cu_^t_^-t^ £AL<_-cl. cue-£<_-c>~K- ^Ccuo^ m^o-^v tCe-e-^u )^e,y_u?-w^i,(V- e^^LcxJ^LL^l^Ji-JsL. . 1LA) p.J^LjJLc±J~>£^cxMi^ j OxJCo- r^cx,^ pL^i^cx^JU-^i^eC U^cxj^i^_-oC/C OL-c«^^.a-CL^Uy <^u^.eC cKj2~i*~. Co- ^t-ix^£. V^o-KXt, £-<2-a-a-£_cx- Olx-UChC L-PLe^ b^cxlLw^x, o~L cKjl. PLxx,i<~eCsx, . ^O^- cut-a-tca^. )^u£- CrCcCkj \LJL LJCtuzL- H-Le^un^ci^ /{^e- Quo-oJlMuL^eC cPLe, fL^^sr^o-jLj^Lzx^vL, ; exj*~c7\ a^-Lc^u L-~n^.o^eLu^e.Ji-.eC ^Q^yi^CL-p-^-^i^cxX^o-i^u . & Xtf^> r Valuable Scientific Books 5 How to Hypnotize. A Complete Manual af Instruction in the History and Present Development of Its Mysteries and Manner of Procedure, This won- derful book has undergone many editions, and is pronounced by physicians and competent judges to be one of the best books on the subject extaut. 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