^ y tl *°^. '"* *„? ^\ *6V 4 o * • • * * > v V • f • °* ^> A* v \. *bv^ v-0* •by' A COMPLETE PRACTICAL GRAMMAR OF THE UNGARIAN LANGUAGE, CERCISES, SELECTIONS FROM THE BEST AUTHORS, AND VOCABULARIES. TO WHICH IS ADDED A ftoncal Mttcl) of Hungarian £ftrrature* BY J. tsiNK, 1/ RMER&Y ELECTED AS ORDINARY PROFESSOR OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES AT THE PROTESTANT SCHOOL OF KESMARK. LONDON: WILLIAMS AND NO EGA T E, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1853. ^ K\ Y Tutus et intra Spem veniae cautus, vitavi denique culpam, Non laudem merui. — Horat. Epist. ad Pis. When I resolved to start from the shores of quotidian life to cross a small bay of the vast literary ocean, a fair wind of public opinion promised a prosperous journey; the novelty of the objects which my bark carried guaranteed a cordial welcome From those whose spy -glasses were directed after some not yet observed flag. — I have reached the port, and discharged my bark! Viewing my route from this side of the bay, I now first perceive, that in my passage over its dangerous shallows, I have ventured on perilous voyage, being unassisted by the experience of any previous navigator. I have endeavoured to meet the desires of those who are inter- ested in linguistic studies, either in increasing their knowledge sxtensensively, or in seeking intensive augmentation of the cognition of that medium through which minds communicate with minds , and hearts learn to feel from hearts ; and I have tried to meet the wishes of those who felt interested in the political life Df the Hungarian nation, by tracing in a short sketch the past Df the intellectual and mental development of the nation. As the book is also intended for learners, I may be allowed to make a few explanatory remarks. The Division entitled Compositions" is purely a practical one, in order to give the student some previous knowledge, before he attempts the study of a Grammar; therefore, repeating the more difficult objects, and regarding them from different points of view, will not be thought prolix. The words relating to this part are all collected in a Vocabulary at the end of the first part. The Theoretical Division contains a short but complete Gram- IV mar of the language. The arrangement of the materials , per- haps, may appear a new one, but it is, therefore, not to be rejected. I chose and rejected terms and reassumed them again, when, I found no better ones; yet, I always had the alternative before me — either to force the language into the scholastical forms, or to venture a partly new arrangement of Grammatical materials ; being fully convinced, that, in either a short or a long time, Philosophy will give something better than what we now in- herit from Donatus and others. In regard to Orthography, I preferred following the principles established by the Hungarian Academy , rather than to fluctuate driven by the whims of some authors. I have not given any orthographical rules, for the words being written as they are sounded and articulated, a little atten- tion paid to the spelling of the words when practical exercises are done, and a knowledge of the Grammatical forms, will com- pensate for the absence of a Section on Orthography. The second part contains Selections in prose and poetry from authors whom the Academy and the nation have crowned with reputation. As I was obliged to consider the student, I could not choose any longer or more difficult literary productions. The first Section of this part will not be deemed insufficient by those who desire detailed arrangements of the causes which influence the intellectual and mental development of a nation , and of the events produced by these causes, if it be considered that, in this work, the sketch had to be forced into a very small frame; nor will this Section be thought superfluous by those who seek after Grammatical studies, for the learning of the lan- guage of a nation itself excites the desire after some knowledge of its intellectual life. — London 1852. •9. Csinft* CONTENTS OF THE FIRST PART. INTRODUCTION. Page. §. 1. Orthophony, Orthoepy 1. - 2. Division of the sounds and words ... 9. 3. Assimilation of sounds and articulations . 10. - 4. Prolongation of the vowels 12. - 5. Contractions 13. COMPOSITIONS. I. Verbs. — Active and Neuter . . . . 15. II. Possessive forms of the Substantive . . 27. III. Affixes relative to place and directions . 37. IV. Expression of the Verb „to have" . . 43. V. Attributes of Substantives 48. VI. Transformation of the Verbal root. . . 54. VII. Irregularities in Verbal formations . . . 64. VIII. Participles * 82. IX. The Verb hell, to want, to be obliged, must 84. X. Future 89. IX. Pronouns 91. XII. Conjunctions 100. XIII. Adverbs 101. VI THEORY OF THE LANGUAGE. Ta^o. A. Grammatical Forms 107 — $25. I. Verbs. 1. Verbal roots 107. 2. Conjugation 118. 3. Derivation and Composition of Verbs . 162. II. Nominal Forms 171. 1. Characteristic of the Objective Case . 172. 2. Characteristic of the Plural 180. 3. Possessives Affixes 182. 4. Paradigma of the different forms of a Substantive ...'..'" 188. 5. Derivation and Composition of Sub- stantives 199. III. Attributes 204. 1. Adjectives 205. 2. Adverbs 213. IV. Pronouns 216. 1. Personal Pronouns 216. 2. Relative and Interrogative Pronouns . 218. 3. Demonstrative Pronouns 219. 4. Definite Pronouns 220. 5. Indefinite Pronouns 220. V. Prepositions 220. VI. Conjunctions 223. VII. Interjections 224. B. Syntax 225—279. I. Of the combination of the different Parts of Speech without the intermediation of Grammatical forms 226. A. Of the Article ax, a' and its Congruent 226. B. Of Adjectives and Numerals with Sub- stantives 229. C. Of the Subject and Predicate .... 230. D. Of other Congruences 235. VII Page. II. Of the combination of Parts of Speech by means of Grammatical forms 234. A. Of the Objective Case 234. B. Of the Possessive Affixes 235. C. Of the Prepositional Affixes .... 237. D. Of the Adjective terminations: i. nyL s 9 u and it 263. III. Of the use of the different forms of the Verb, and the different Parts of Speech for connecting sentences ..... 265. A. Of the Forms of the Verb. 1. The Definite and Indefinite Forms of the Active Voice 265. 267. 269. 271. 272. 283. 275. 2. Moods and Tenses of the Verb 3. Participles 4. The Infinitve with Affixes . B. Of terms of periodical construction 1. Of the relative Pronouns . 2. Of the Conjunctions .... IV. Of the Consequence of Parts of Speech, or the arrangement of words in a sentence . 277 READING EXERCISES. 287—320 VOCABULARY TO THE COMPOSITIONS. 287—320 CONTENTS OF THE SECOND PART. SKETCHES OF THE HISTORY OF HUNGARIAN LITERATURE. Page. L Literary development and the fate of the language 3 — 28. 1. §. General remarks. — Period of the first settlement of the nation in Pannonia 3. 2. §. The XI th and XII th Centuries ... 5. 3. §. The XIII th Century 8. 4. §. The XIV tf ' Century 9. 5. §. The XV th Century 10. 6. §. The XVI. and XVII. Centuries . . 14. 7. §. The XVIII th Century, until 1790 . . 17. 8. §. Preparatory steps towards the rise of the nation. 1790—1830 .... 19. 9. §. The rapid progress in literature owing to the Academy. 1 831 — 1848 . . 23. //. Literary productions and authors . 28 — 44. 1. Qualifications of literary productions . . 28. 2. Athors and their works. 30 — 44. SELECTIONS FROM HUNGARIAN CLASSICS. L Prose writing 45 — 85. a. Fables and an Allegory, from An- drew Fay . 45. Page. b. An Allegory, from Charles Kisfaludy 53. e. Fables, from Joseph Karman ... 54. d. Fables, from Francis Kazinczy . . 55. e. Oratorial, from Francis Kolcsey . . 56. f. Historical, from Joseph Peczely . . 68. 11. Poetry 85—116. 1. Remeny, Emlekezet (Hope, Remem- brance), from Fr. Kolcsey . . . . 85. 2. Szep Ilonka (Fair Helen), from M. Vorosmarty 86. 3. Julius Caesar, from M. Vorosmarty . 91. 4. Az elhagyott anya (The forsaken mother), from M. Vorosmarty . . . 95. 5. A' hontalan (The homeless), by Voros- marty 98. 6. Szozat (Appeal), by Vorosmarty . . 100. 7. A' felkelt nemesseghez (To the in- surgent nobility), from Berzsenyi . 103. 8. A' Magyarokhoz (To the Hungarians), from Berzsenyi 9. Jamborsag es kozepszer (Moderation and Medium [mediocritas]) , from Berzsenyi 107. 10. A' temeto (The church-yard), from Berzsenyi 108. 11. Fohaszkodas (Sigh [prayer]), from Berszenyi 110. 1 2. Vanitatum Vanitas, from Kolcsey . . 111. 1 3. Sziilofoldem szep hatara (My beautiful country), a song by Charles Kisfaludy 1 14. Epigramms, from Vorosmarty, Berzsenyi and Wattay 1 15. Vocabulary to the selections 117. FIRST PART. DIVISION I PRAXIS OF THE LANGUAGE. INTRODUCTION. 1. §. Orthophony and Orthoepy. Articulations, Sounds and Characters. lhe Hungarian language has 7 different sounds, which, being either long or short ones*), produce 14 different forms of characters, called vowels; and 24 different articulations, marked by as many consonants. The vowels are a, e, i, o, o, u, ii. If these be the marks of protracted sounds in speaking, they are distinguished by an acute accent, as: a, e, i, 6, o, ii, ii; instead of the forms o, u y the shorter forms 6, u, have been introduced recently. *) As regards the use of the words long and short: by long is meant the protraction or prolongation, by short the con- traction , or quick pronunciation of the same sound ; thus o and 6, the former short, the latter long, differ merely, the first being sounded in half the time of the latter. When an Englishman, mentions a long i and a short i, we understand two distinct sounds ; hence , in mile, the i will be long , the syllable m i may be protracted or not. On the contrary, in the Hungarian language, the duration or the abbreviation of the sound will make the sound long or short. Csink hung. Gram. j[ The 24 consonants, b, cs, cz, d, f, g, gy, h, j> k, I, ly, m, n, ny, p, r, s, sz, t, ty, v, z, zs, or 5, Cs, Cz, D, F, G, Gy, H, I, K, L (Ly), M, N, Ny, P, R, S, Sz, T, Ty, V, Z, Zs, are divided into 16 simple ones : b, d, f\ g, h, j, k, I, m, n, p, r, s> t, v, z, which have the same arti- culation as the English ones , except j equal to the English y as a consonant (in young), s equal to sh, g always hard like g in guide , and r having always a strong trill; and into 8 compound ones: cs, cz, gy, ly, ny, sz, ty , zs. For these there are only three articulations in the English language exactly indentical with the Hungarian ones, such as ch (in chapter) identical with cs , the sharp s (in seven, six) identical with sz, and the articulation of z be- fore a long u (in seizure) identical with zs. For the other consonants there are no articulations in the English language, and therefore the correct pronunciation must be acquired by hearing speakers who are well acquainted with the language. The consonant cz is articulated like ts in the English language, equal to the German z. Approximate articulations for the consonant gy are produced in the English language by the con- sonant d followed by a long u, as in due, duce etc.; thus, in the Hungarian gyiilni, to catch fire, gyul, is so much like the English dule, that foreigners may easily take them to be identical. — The concurrence of the consonant d and j have the articulation of the English consonants d and y intimately combined. The consonant ly is identical with the French il, i 11 e etc. preceded by another vowel, as in tra- vail, feuille etc. This identification goes even so far, that, as in the French language the 1 mou- ille, which has the same articulation as the English consonant y, has gained ground recently, the Hun- garian ly by many excellent speakers has been assimilated to the French 1 mouille ; even by some writers Ij, which is nearly related to ly, has been replaced by jj (= yy) ; as, vajjon, instead of valljon. The Articulation of ny is like the French gne in campagne, champagne etc., and the English n with a long u^ or the n in new. Ty is the sharp articulation of gy, and very nearly the articulation of the consonants t and u, as in the word tube; only the Hungarian is an internal combination of the two consonants, while the English remains a mere concurrence. Thus the most difficult articulations are those of gy and ty; the latter being a sharp articulation of the former, they are in the same relation to each other as the English syllables du and tu, in the words due and tube. To these may be added the combination of dzs in dzsida, which is equal to the English g in general. The fourteen different marks for the sounds may be arranged in the following scheme, d, identical with the English a in Father. 1* 4 a> identical with the French a in fatalite*). e is like the English a in fate , if the assonance of e be avoided. e is identical with the English a in fat. In mono- syllables, as te, meg, etc., if e is not followed by m or a sharp consonant, the sound of e is softened, and the pronunciation of e like the English short e, is preferable; the same in the words tenni, enni, mennt, venni, and similar ones. i is equal to the English long e in dear, deed etc. i is the short sound of the preceding one, as is often the case with the syllable re in compound English words; its sound takes the medium between the English long e and short i, and is identical with the French i in fine. 6 9 identical with the English long o in coal , loan etc. o , the short sound of the preceding (like the French short o). o is like the French eu in jeudi. A veri deep and unclear sound of a short e. 6 or o is the protracted sound of the preceding, equal to the German o in ode, ho he etc. u y identical with the English u in bull. u y identical with the long double o in the word food. #, identical with the French u in une, (je) fus etc. *) Although some teachers of the Hungarian language have recommended the short a to be sounded like the English a in watch, was etc., nevertheless good speakers make no other distinction than that which is the natural consequence of the ab- breviation of the same sound. i 5 u, u, the protracted sound of the preceding, equal to the German ii in ii b el. The Hungarian language requires each articu- lation and sound to be given distinctly and plainly; there is no mute vowel or unarticulated consonant in any word whatever; even the concurrence of two consonants is noticed by a distinct articulation of each of them.*) FOR PRACTICE. Alma apple, asztal (ahstahl) table, arcz face, ablak window, bercz (barets) mountain, bajnok**) champion, csarnok hall, csuda (choodah) wonder, csillag (chillagh) star, ddrda (dardah) spear, daru (dahroo) crane, dolog (dohlohg) thing, desz-ka board, elet (ale -at) life, eber (a-berr) sober, edes (a -dash) sweet, ember (amm-berr) man, fej head, f& head, capital principal, fujni (fooyny) to blow, fdtyol (the first syllable exactly the same as in English father) *) As an Orthographical remark may be added , that instead of the double consonants: gygy , lyly , nyny , tyty , cscs, czcz, etc. the forms ggy, lly , nny , tty , ccs, ccz . . . are used. — ••) If the consonant /, after vowels , be followed by other consonants , it is nearly assimilated to the Latin i, used by poets instead of j. It seems to be like the Latin assimilation of j to i in iambus, instead of jambus ; the only distinction is, that in the Hungarian language j is precedet, in Latin followed by a vowel. the veil, faggyii (fah-diie) tallow, fal wall, gazddg (gahz - dahg) rich, gazda (gahz-dah) husbandman, gor-be crooked, gyilles meeting, (assembly), gyertya candle, gyongy pearl, gydva coward, gyo-gyi-ta-ni to cure, gya-log on foot, kd-bo-ru war, had battle, ka-da-koz-ni to combat, hd-la thanks, ho-dol-ni to do homage, koz-ni, to bring, haj hair, hdj lard, ku-gom my younger sister, i-ga yoke, i-gaz true, i-ga-zi real, i-gen yes, jdr-ni to walk, yrf (yo) good, jdm-bor pious, /egr (yaig) ice, / strap; hid, bridge; irni, to write. — 3. §. Assimilation of sounds and articulations. It is a general rule, that all affixes joining words because of Grammatical forms assimilate > their vowels to those of the root of the word itself; thus, words which belong to the class of hard ones have in their affixes, whatever they may be, the hard vowel a, o > ov u; on the contrary, words be- longing to the second class have in their affixes a soft vowel, e, o', or 2. The corresponding vowels are a and e, o and 0, u and tl; thus, if the affix for one class of words be known, the affix for the other class will be known by itself. For instance: In the word varunk we wait, the Verbal root is vdr, the affix with its cementing vowel is unk, 11 if any Verbal root with a sof vowel, as ill, to sit, be given, in order to form the first Person Plural, the affix unk must be added, and ulunk (we sit) is the form required; hdzam my house, has m affixed with the vowel ft, the soft word szek chair , will thus have szekem (my chair) for the same Grammatical form as hdzam. As the vowels of Grammatical affixes are assimi- lated to those of the root, so some consonants of affixes and roots are assimilated to each other. Especially : The consonant j in the Conjugation of the Verb is assimilated: a) to the consonant sz, if the verbal root termi- nates with such a consonant; as, mdsz-szon he may creep, instead of mdsz-jon; vesz-szen he may be lost, instead of vesz-jen. b) to the consonant z, if the verbal root termi- nates with this consonant; as, hoz-zon he may bring, instead of hoz-jon. c) to the consonant s. 1) if the verbal root terminates with the same consonant; as as -son he may dig, instead of ds-jon. • 2) if the verbal root terminates with the con- sonant t, preceded by a long vowel or by another consonant; as, tanit-son he may teach, instead of tanit-jon. 3) if the verbal root terminates with the con- sonant t, preceded by a short vowel; in this 12 case the radical / itself is changed into s; as, fits -son he may run, instead of fut-son, and this instead of futjoii; vessen he may sow, instead of vet-jen, etc. When the Demonstrative Pronoun az that, ez this, joins the affixes, which are used instead of Prepo- sitions, its consonant z is assimilated to the initial consonant of the affix: as, ar-rol of that, instead of az-rol; eb-bol out of this, instead of ez-bol, ek-kepen instead of ez-kepen. The affixes val, vel, which express the Prepo- sition with, and vd, ve, which means into, assimi- late their initial consonant, v, to the final consonant of the word to which they are joined; thus, kez- zel with the hand, instead of kez-vel; az-zd into that, instead of az-vd; fegyver-rel with arms, instead of fegyver-vel. O b s. avval and azzal, with that, evvel and ezzel, with this, are both in use, but the latter forms are preferable. 4. §. Prolongation of the vowels. The short final vowels a and e are prolonged as often as the word assumes any affix. This pro- longation of the short final a and e is common to all words in all Grammatical forms. ruha a dress, ruhd-m my dress, ruhd-t a dress (objective case), ruhd-zni to dress, rahd-val with a dress; eke plough, eke -nek to a plough, 13 eke-vel with a plough, etc. This prolongation ex- tends even so far, that, if affixes, which termi- nate with a short e or a, receive any other affixes whatsoever, the short e or a of the former is ac- centuated, as: ruha dress, rukd-ja his dress, ruhd- jd-vdl with his dress. No prolongation takes place before the affixes t, sag, ko?% kep 9 kent; as, atyai fatherly , gydva-sdg cowardice. Before the affixes e, ig , ert, ul, the short a and e may be prolonged, or their primitive sound retained; thus, hazd-ert and haza-ert, for the fatherland; atyd-ul and atya-ul, like a father. The protraction of the primitive roots of many words, as szoni to weave , from szovnt; I6ni to shoot, from lovni, belongs to Etymology strictly taken. 5. §. Contraction. Contractions are often the consequence of Gram- matical forms. A word taking any affixes whatever, is contracted by means of abbreviating the final- syllable; such contractions are performed: a) by shortening the long vowel of the final- syl- lable, b) by neglecting the short consonant of the final- syllable. Detailed remarks on this subject will be found in the Theoretical part ; here it may be remarked only, that such contractions do not take place if the final syllable terminates with a double consonant, if 14 the last syllable and the penultima have the same final consonant or consonants the articulations of which are not related in some way. The conso- nants which easily combine are the liquid I, m, n, r, and the lingual cs, cz, sz , z, either among themselves or with other consonants, especially palatals and dentals. For instance: dolog-ot the thing, contracted dolgot; jdrom- at the yoke, jdrmat\ tukor-ot the mirror, tiikrot; hajol-om, 1 stoop, hajlom. COMPOSITIONS. I. 'Verbs* — Aetive and Heuter* — The Hungarian language, as mentioned above, expresses the different Grammatical forms (Declen- sion, Conjugation, Comparison) by means of affixes, which are joined to the roots of the words. The root of a Verb is Galled that part of it which re- mains after the termination of the Infinitive, ni, is taken away; thus, from vdrni the root is vdr. The Active Voice of Hungarian Transitive Verbs has two different forms, which have been styled by Grammarians the Indefinite and the Definite forms. The former relates to objects not strictly determined by the speaker, and may be called the Universal form; the latter relates to objects determined by the speaker either expressively or understood, to objec- tive cases representing any determined object, and has been called the Definite form. A. Indefinite form of the Aetive Voice and the Neuter. Indicative Mood. 1. PRESENT TENSE. Vdr- ok I wait, I am waiting, I do wait, vdr-sz thou waitest, thou art waiting, thou dost wait, vdr he waits, he is waiting, he does wait; vdr-unk 16 we wait, we are waiting, we do wait, vdr-tok you wait, you are waiting, you do wait, vdr- nak they wait, they are waiting, they do wait. — El-ek I live, I am alive, el-sz thou livest, thou art alive, el he lives, he is alive; el-unk we live, we are alive, el- tek you live, you are alive, el- nek they live, they are alive. A y fiu vdr; emberek vdrnak. A' fiiik imak. Irok. Irunk. Az atya ir; fiiik jdrnak. Jdrunk. Az emberek setdlnak. Az dllat el, dllatok elnek. A' katona viv. Katondk vivnak. Vivunk. Vivtok. — The father writes. The mother is waiting. The boys are waiting. I live. We live. They live. I am walking. Boys are walking. The mother takes a walk. We gather. Men gather. The boy gathers. I am sitting. Animals are alive. The animal is alive. The father is sitting. We are sitting. (A) soldier is figthing. Soldiers do fight. The boys are fighting. *) 2. FIRST PERFECT TENSE (Imperfect). Vdr-ek I waited, vdr-dl thou waitedst, vdr- a he waited; vdr-dnk we waited, vdr-dtok you waited, vdr-dnak they waited. VI- ek I sat, ill -el thou satest, iil-e he sat; ul-enk we sat, ill-etek you sat, ul-enek they sat. On the use of this Tense, see the Theoretical part. 3. SECOND PERFECT TENSE (preteritum). Vdr-tam I have waited, I was wait- ing, did wait, vdr-tdl thou hast waited, *) See the Vocabulary. 17 wast waiting, didst wait, vdr-t he was waiting, did wait; vdr-tunk we were waiting, did wait, vdr- tatok you were waiting, did wait, vdr-tanak and vdr-tak they were waiting, did wait. — Ul-tem I was sitting, did sit, iil-tel thou wast sitting, didst sit, ill-t he was sitting, did sit; ul-tunk we were sitting, did sit > iil-tetek you were sitting, did sit, iil-tek and ul-tenek they were sitting, did sit. — A' fiuk szedtek. Fiu Hit. Ldny vart. Lednyok vartak. Az anya vdrt. Emberek szedtek. Setdl- tunk. Az dllatok eltek. A 9 fill jdrt. Fiuk jdrtak. Tanultunk; a fiuk tanultak. Az atya irt. Az Em- berek tanultak. Tanultatok. A 9 Katona viv-ott (instead of viv-t). Katondk vivtak. — The English compound Perfect: I have waited, we have sat, etc. is expressed by the same form of the second Perfect; thus, I have waited means var- tam; they have lived, eltek. Men were fighting. People did fight. The man did fight. I have fought. I have sat. You have walked. The boy has written. The father did write. Mother was writing. The daughter did sew. The son did write. We were walking. You were wai- ting*). (A) soldier was fighting and (a) boy was *) The Personal Pronouns, I, thou, he, we, you, they, are by no means forms of Conjugation in the Hungarian language. The whole of the Conjugation consists in different affixes. These Pronouns are used before the Personal forms of the Verb as often as Emphasis requires them, or as often as they supply the Subject of the Verb. In this respect the Hungarian language agrees with the Latin entirely, as, amamus and nos amamus etc. Csink. hung. gram. 2 18 walking. We were sitting. Thou wast writing. I learn; father writes. The mother was sitting; the girl did sew. Animals were alive. Men did live. The boys have gathered. I gather. We did gather. You were gathering. — 4. COMPOUND FUTURE. vdrni- fogok I shall wait, vdrni fogsz thou wilt wait, vdrni fog he will wait ; vdrni fogunk we shall wait, vdrni fogtok you will wait, vdrni fognak they will wait. — A y fiuk tanulni fognak. A' katondk vivni fog- nak. Szedni fogunk. J ami fogtok. A' leant/ varni fog. Az atya irt. Az ember Hit. Az dllat elt. Mi elni fogunk. Te irni fogsz es 6 tanulni fog. A' 16 fut. Az elefdnt jar. Soldiers were fighting. We also did fight. I shall fight. The soldier will fight. People will run. The boys will play, we also shall play. I shall take a walk. The mother will sit, and the daughter will walk. We did take a walk. We shall write. You will write. They will sit. The boy is sitting and writing. The girls do walk and knit. Girls will walk, boys will run. We shall look. You will see. Thou seest. We did see. You have seen. They were looking. B. Definite Form of the Active Voice. The Definite Form always relates to objects spoken of which are, in any way whatever, deter- mined, thus if the Objective Case governed by the 19 Active Voice be left out, it is understood to be represented by the Pronoun him, her or it, which in foreign languages are always added to the Verb. Thus, in vdgom is understood, I cut it> — irom, I write it (the letter, or sentence mentioned). Indicative Mood. 1. PRESENT TENSE. Vdg-om I cut, I am cutting, vdg-od thou cutest, vdg-ja he cuts; vdg-juk we cut, we are cutting, vdg-jdtok you cut, vdg-jdk they cut. — Kot-om I bind, I am binding, kot-od thou bindest, kfft-i he binds; kot-juk we bind, kot-itek you bind, kot-ik they bind. — Keres-em I look for, keres-ed thou lookest for, keres-i he looks for; keres-suk*) we look for, keres-itek you look for, keres-ik they look for. — Fiut keresek, a 9 fiut keresem. Ember -t Idtok, az embert Idtom. Katond-t**) vernek, a katondt verik. A' ledny ruhdt var, lednyok varjdk a 9 ruhdt. A' ledny varja a 9 ruhdt. Buz at kotnek (they sheaf corn), a 9 buzdt kotik (they sheaf the corn). A' lednyok bokretdt kotnek, lednyok kotik a' bokretdt. A* fiuk tanuljdk a' leczket. En leczket tanulok. The characteristic of the Objective Case is t, preceded by a vowel if the final consonant of the Substantive were not easily combinable with it. The Plural of Substantives is marked by the Character k, preceded by the same vowel that *) See on assimilation above § 3. **) See on Prolongation § 4. 20 precedes the t of the Objective Case. — In regard to the vowels to be used, see § 2, 3, and the Theoretical part. The Objective Case of the Plural Number has the same characteristic as the Objective Case of the Singular Number. This t is joined to the plural form by means of the vowels a for hard words, and e for soft ones. Thus, ember , Plural ember- ek, Objective Plural ember- ek-et. The same, ledny , PI. ledny ok, Obj. PI. lednyokat. The labourer will work, the soldier will fight. The boys will learn, the girl will sew. We shall take a walk; the child will walk. Children play, the father writes. The mother did read and we also did read. I have spoken. We have read (a) book. You have written the book. We did look (at) the horses. You have seen the soldiers. I did see the soldiers. We have written the letter. Thou wast writing (a) letter. I have read the letters. Do you see the soldiers? Do you gather fruit? We bind (make a) nosegay, and you bind (sheaf the) corn. 2. PERFECT TENSE AND FUTURE. Olvas-tam. I have read, did read, was reading (it), olvas-tad thou hast read etc. (it), olvas-ta he has read; olvas-tuk we have read etc., olvas-tdtok you have read, olvas-tdk they have read. — Olvasni fogom I shall read (it), olvasni fogod thou wilt read, olvasni fogja he vill read, olvasni fogjuk we shall read, olvasni fogjdtok you will read, olvasni fogjdk they will read. 21 A' fiu tanulta a' leczket. A' katondk meg- vertek az ellenseget. A' Tanito dicseri a 9 fiut. Tanito k dicserik a 9 tanulokat. Tanulok tanuljdk a 9 leczket. En tanulok angolul. Ti tanultdtok az angol nyelvet. Mi azt tanulni fogjuk. azt ta- nulta. A 9 leant/ azt tudja. Tudom azt. A' fiu tud/a azt. I know the gentleman. You know the soldier. The enemy gained the battle. The soldiers have left the field of battle. The enemy was flying, he did leave the camp. The father has written the letter. I have read (a) letter. I shall praise the soldiers. You will blame the boys. I have learned English. I know German, I am learning the Hun- garian language. The Hungarians (a 9 Magyarok) learn the English language. The Hungarians have beaten the Austrian (osztrdk) army (hadsereget). I praise the champions. We honour the heroes. Sol- diers love their leader (vezeruket). C« Subjunctive and Imperative I?Iood» InfiPT iOT*m ?) o '/* — 1 ft k I n r r r . I that 1 may wait, and, shall I wait? Del. lorm. var-jam ) J vdv -jdl ) , . , \ that thou mayst wait var-jad ) J vdr-jon \ . _ . r . I that he may wait: var.-ja ) J , . 7 [ that we may wait, shall we wait var-juk ) J vdr-jatok \ . , .' , \ that you may wait var-jatok ) J J 22 f ~\ > that they may wait. *) var-jak ) The forms of the Imperative Mood are entirely expressed by those of the Subjunctive mood. The second Person of the Singular Number admits vdrjdl and vdrj (wait) , the others suffer no alteration what- ever. Thus, he shall wait, let him wait, are ex- pressed by: vdrjon; so, let us wait! and shall we wait? are both vdrjunk; etc. In regard to assi- milations of the characteristic j see § 3. Olvassunk. Nezziink. bjunk. Kossel (instead of Kotjel). Hozzdl. Vivjdl Eljen. A' ledny varjon. Jdrj ! Vdrjunk? A' fiu vdrjon. The boy shall write, the soldier shall fight and overcome the enemy. Let us read. Learn the les- son. Read the letter. Shall we learn? Write! Wait! The boy shall play. Let us look for the book. Let us bind (make a) nosegay. He shall bind (make) it. Let us speak Hungarian. Let him speak English. Speak German. — D. Conditional. 1. PRESENT. Indef. form, olvas-nek ) I would, should read, and Def. form, olvas-ndm > that I might read > thou wouldst read olvas-ndd *) Words that belong to the class of soft ones receive c, instead of a> in their termination; thus: ver-jem I may beat ill-jek I may sit. 23 olvas - na he would read; olvas -na ) olvas -ndnk ) we would, should read, and olvas -nok ) that we might read olvas -ndtok ) u i , r 7 \ you would read etc. olvas -natok J J olvas-ndnak) . ,, , , , , 7 \ they would read etc. olvas -nak ) J PERFECT. Expressing an action done or neglected because of a condition preceding. This Tense is a com- pound one and in Grammars it is given as the Plu- perfect of the Subjunctive Mood, as the former Tense is given as the Imperfect Tense of the same Mood. The formation of this Tense is easy, it being merely a repetion of the Perfect Tense of the In- dicative Mood with the addition of volna (which means, it would be) to each Personal form. Indef. vdr-tam \ j ( I should have waited, Def. vdr-tam ) I (if) I had waited * * j\ volna. thou wouldst have waited etc. var-tad) vat* — t \ r _. i volna. he would have waited etc. var-ta J vdr-tunk ) . , A 7 > volna. we would have waited var-tuk \ vdr-tatok ) ,, , ., t , _ \ volna. you would have waited var-tatok} , J! a { volna, they would have waited. var-tak i 24 Words that belong to the class of soft ones, have e instead of a and o; u instead of #, and 6 instead of o, in their terminative syllable. Thus el- tern volna, I should have lived; U-t&l volna; el-t volna; el-tiink volna, el-tetek volna, eltek or el-tenek volna. Az any dm (anyd-m, my mother^ irna; az atydm (my father) irt volna. En irnek. Ti irnd- tok. A' fitik tanulndnak. A' lednyok (plural) vdr- tak volna. A' gyermek jama. Mi sctdltunk volna. A y katondk gydztek volna. Mi tisztelnok a 9 host. A* Katondk tisztelnek a 9 vezereket (objective case plural see B. 1.). Szeretnek setdlni. Szeretnenk illni. Szeretnel jdrni. Szerettem volna latni. A y fiuk szerelnenek jdtszani. A' tanulok szeretnenek irni. Az anydm szeretne tanitani, hi szeretnek tanulni. A 9 fiu szeretne olvasni. A* katona szeret vivni. A' hadvezer szeret gyozni. Szeretnel latni? Szeretnetek iilnil Mi szeretnenk setdlni. I should read, you would write. My father would have written. If the soldiers gain the battle. The enemy will take to flight. We should overcome the enemy. You would see. The enemy would have left the field of battle. If the army had fought (a) battle. I should like to learn. I should like to learn English (put: English to learn). I should like to speak Hungarian. Would you like to read? I should like, if I knew (I should if I could). My mother likes the flowers. My father would write. We should have written. I should like to write. I should have liked to read. 25 E* Tlie Verb ..to be". Va^yok*. I am. 1. PRESENT. Vagyok I am, vagy thou art, van and vagyon he is, she is, it is; vagyunk we are, vagytok you are, vannak or vagynak they are. The third Person of this Tense is missed in the sentence as often as it is a mere copula between the Substanlive and its Adjective or any other Sub- stantive used as Predicate. Thus, the sentence „the flower is beautiful" will be translated in „the flower beautiful," and there will be: „a' virdg szep", instead of „«' virdg van szep." The roses are beautiful flowers, will be: A* rozsdk szep vird- gok, instead of saying: a' rozsdk vannak szep virdgok. The Verb „to be", in all its forms, follows the Adjective or Substantive used as Predicate of the sentence; thus, instead of saying: „I am a man, thou art diligent, we say: „I (a) man am, thou diligent art. Subject, Predicate and Copula agree in Number. 2. PAST TENSE. Voltam I was, I have been, Voltdl thou wast, and hast been , volt he was etc. ; voltunk we were, voltatok you were, voltak or voltanak they were etc. A' fiu szorgalmatos. A 9 fiuk szorgalmatosak (nominative plural) voltak. Mi szorgalmatosak vol- tunk. A' katondk hosok (heroes). A* csata veres volt. A' csatamezS terjedelmes. A' tabor nagy. 26 A' harcz hosszu. A' gyozedelem bizonytalan. A 1 munka veghetlen. A' fdradsdg mertekentiili. (The) Flowers are plants. The elephant is (an) animal. The tiger is cruel. The fox is cunning, Tyrants and tigers are equal. Foxes and politicians are artful. (The) Lyons are generous. Men are selfish. Nelson is renowned. England is free. Hungarians are slaves. Hungary was (a) kingdom. The Hungarians were brave. We were rich. You are poor, they were idle. — Valek I was, valdl thou wast, vala he was; valdnk we were, valdtok you were, valdnak they were*). 3. CONDITIONAL. Volnek I should be, If I were; volndl thou wouldst be, If thou were, volna he would be; vol- ndnk we should be, volndtok you would be, vol- ndnak they would be. There are no more Tenses of the Verb vagyok; all the others, as those of the Subjunctive and In- finitive Moods, the Participles, are supplied by the Verb lenni, to become. The Present Tense of the Verb lenni, is used as a Future of vagyok. Leszek I shall be and I become, leszesz and leszel thou wilt be, lesz , leszen he will be; leszunk we shall be, lesztek you will be, lesznek they will be. — Ha gazdagok volndnk. Ha szabad volnek. Az ido szep lesz. A 9 nydr meleg volna. Az 6sz hives *) On the use of this tense see the Theoretical part. 27 lesz. A' tel hideg. A" tavasz szep volt. Az any dm egeszeges lesz. Az atydm beteg volna. En jo leszek. Te szorgalmatos volndl. Mi tanulok lesziink. We should be rich. You will be diligent. They would be naughty. Thou art naughty. The boy would be good. The girls are good. We shall be ready. The soldier is brave. The soldiers will be brave. Nelson was (a) soldier. England is small. Britania is great. America is (a) republic. Repu- blics are rare. (A) friend is faithful. II. Possessive forms of the Substantive. A. Tlie object possessed is but one. Ruhd-m my dress, ruhd-d thy dress, ruhd-ja his and her dress. — Ruhd-nk our dress, ruhd-tok your dress, ruhd-jok their dress. In regard to the prolongation of the «, see Introd. , § 4. Mezd-m my field, mezo-d thy field, meze-je*) his and her field; mezd-nk our field, mezo-tok your field, meze-jok their field. Bardt-om my friend, bardt-od thy friend, bardt- ja his and her friend; bardt-unk our friend, bardt- otok your friend, bardt-jok their friend. — *) The same alteration of 6 is to be observed in all the monosyllables and dissyllables, thus no wife, nam my wife, ne-je his wife; erde-je his wood. Words of more than two syllables do not admit this alteration; thus, levegoje from levegfi air. 28 Felelet-em my answer, felelet-ed thy answer, felelet-e his and her answer; felelet-iink our ans- wer; felelet-etok your answer, felelet-ok their answer. Considering the affix ja, je, which mean his, her and its, and the affix jok, jok, which mean their, the / is missed if the Substantive termi- nates with one of the consonants cs , cz , s, sz, z y v 9 ny , ly , ty , gy, or if the final syllable meets with an abbreviation. In consideration of the vowel, which is to be used with these affixes of posses- sion, it may be remarked, that the same vowel which forms the Plural of the Substantives is used in these affixes as well; thus, asztal, PL asztal- ok tables, asztal- om my table; maddr, PL madar-ak birds, madar-am my bird. A' Konyvem jo (my book is good. See above sub E). Az atydd vdr. Az Anydnk ir. Anydnk ir. Bardtotok hutelen. A' Bdtydm katona (is a soldier). A' hadseregunk vitez. Vezeriink ugges. Tdborunk nagy. Ellensegiink kiengesztelhetlen. A' Tdboimagyotok hires. A' kirdlyunk szereli az or- szdgot. A' kirdlyotok gyuloli a' nepet. The Objective Case „my friend," my book" etc, is given in the Hungarian language by bardtom-at, konyvem- et etc., and the Objective of any Substan- tive, that may have the possessive affixes, will be given by an affixed t, preceded by the vowel a or e. The affix of the third Person, terminating in a or e, does not admit the vowel a or e before the t. 29 The terminations of the third Person, jok and jok often are changed into juk and j'iik; thus, eletiik (eletjilk) their liefe, instead of eletok. This alteration especially takes place when the j of these affixes is missed, in which case it may be done for the sake of perspicuity, when otherwise the Nominative Plural would be alike with these Affixes : as, Asztaluk, instead of asztalok, their table. Az any dm -at Idtom. Az atydmat keresem. A* bardtodat Idtlam. Az atydmat vdrom. a' bdtydmat szereti. Az emberek gyiilolik egymdst. A' tanulok szeretik a! tanitojukat Az orszdgunk nagy. Az orszdgunkat meghoditd az ellenseg. Szeretitek kirdlyotokat (your king). — I have seen your friend. My mother has read your letter (leveleteket). Our field is large. Your forest is small. Thy lesson is difficult. His book is fine (a fine one). Our daughter is modest. Your child is naughty. My father likes thy brother. I do love my mother. Do you love your father? Do you wait (for) your elder sister? I am waiting for my friend. Thou didst look for thy friend (thy friend thou wast looking for). Our mother has ex- pected your elder sister. Our army has vanquished our enemy. Our general is leading your army. Our Queen assists your king. Our realm (kingdom) is large and rich. Your realm was great and cele- brated. Observ. In order to find out the root, to which the affix m, d, nk, tok etc. is to be affixed, 30 beginners may always form the Nominative of the Plural Number of that Noun, to which they wish to join the required possessive affix; if the Plural be formed, then take away the Plural k, and join the required affix to it. For instance, I wish to say „my neighbour; 44 — szomszed has in the Plural szomszedok , taking off k and joining ?n, I have „szomszedom" , which is the word required. The affix of the third person ja and je joins the Nomi- native of the Singular number immediately, thus „his neighbour" is, szomszedja. B. The objects possessed are more tli an one* Ruhd-im my dresses, ruhd-id thy dresses, ruhd-i his dresses, ruhd-ink our dresses, ruhd- itok your dresses , ruhd - ik their dresses. The characteristic of the Plural is i, which precedes the affixal consonants m, d, nk, k and the syllable tok. When the Substantive to which the affixes are to be joined terminates with a consonant, as: bardt, asztal, the third Person of the Singular Number of #, is taken as the radical, and the Plural affixes are added to this radical, thus bardtja his friend being the third Person of the Singular, bardtja -im will be my friends, bardtja -id thy friends, bardtja -i his friends etc. Levele-im my letters, levele-id thy letters, levele-i his letters, levele-ink our letters, levele-itek your letters, levele-ik their letters. 31 As the affixes: im, id, i may easily be joined to the Substantives themselves, without the acces- sion of any other vowel, we shall get a second Plural form, which will be: bardt-im my friends, bardt-id thy friends, bardt-i his friends, bardt-ink our friends etc. — The first form is preferable in familiar conversation. Substantives terminating with 6 abbreviate this vowel in the third person of the Singular number (see under A) , such Substantives, as above mentioned, therefore have a double plural form, the first of them is given in considering as their radical the long 6, the second, in considering as their radical the short e of the tird Person; thus the Substantive mezd forms mezo-im and meze-im my fields etc., both forms are correct, but the latter has received the sanction of the people. — Szeressed a feleba? % dtodat. Szeressetek ellen- segeiteket is. Az atydm es a bdtydm is elutazott (instead of elutazt, Perf. Tense). Bardtim voltak. Nem minden bardtink hivek (missed vannak, are). Ellensegeink gyulolnek. A 9 Katondink megvertek az ellenseget. Az Angolok (are) bardtjaink. Orszdgok (instead orszdgjok) nagy , kereskedesok terjedelmes, hatalmuk (instead hatalom-jok) eros. A y Tdbornok szereti a 9 katondit. A 9 sziilo szereti gyermekeit. Konyveim elvesztek. Konyveidet Idttam, leveleidet olvastam. A' bdtydm olvasta a leveledet. A J fiii tanulja a 9 leszkejet; a lednyom a 9 ruhdjdt varta. En a nenyedet vdrtam. 32 Our soldiers honour their leader. Your king pays his soldiers. They do pay their debts. Our soul is immortal, but our body is mortal. Your children (are) idle, but his daughter (is) diligent. My friends (are) industrious. Your enemies (are) powerful. My dress is dear. His time is valuable (dear). We found your book. Charles found his pen. Albeit read (the) his lesson. The teacher has seen our translation. (The) Our father has prai- sed your brother, he has learned his lesson. €• The Possessive Case* Genitive* 1. The Hungarian language expresses the Posses- sive Case by means of the possessive affixes. The Possessive Case always supposes two diffe- rent notions, the one that of the Subject possessing, the other that of the object possessed; this latter receives the possessive affixes of the third Person either Singular or Plural. With the Substantive relating to the posses- sor there is used the affix nak or nek, which is not expressed , but indicated by an apostrophe, unless the perspicuity or Euphony would require its plain expression. Thus, the father's house, we say: az atya? hdza ; the scholar's books , a tanulo\ kony- vei; the courage of the soldiers, a? katondk 9 bdtor- sdguk; the pens of the scholars, a' tanuloK tollaik; 33 or a 9 tanulok-nak tollaik, a katondk-nak bdlor- sdguk etc. This possessive form, resulting from the represen- tation of the Possessive Case, is to be considered as a new Nominal root the Objective and Possessive cases of which will be formed regularly. Thus, the roof of our neighbour's house, will be: a szomszc- dunK (szomszedunk-nak) hdzdnak a fedele; I have seen thy brother's book a^ bdtydd' konyvet Idttam. Az embereknek eletilk (is) rovid. Az emberek' szerenesejuk (is) vdltozo. A' szomszedunknak hdza szep. A 9 szuleink 9 (sziiloink) veghetetlen szerel- miik (szerel-em). BardtjainU hiisege vigasztalo. A 9 leleknek tehetsegei feliilmuljdk a 9 testnek erejet (instead of erojet). Az ember 9 cselekedetenek fo?Tasa a 9 sziv. A 9 vildgnak St reszei. Columbus felfedezte a vildgnak egy (one) reszet. Amerikdnak terme- kenysege. Azsidnak termenyei. A 9 nepeknek ter- mesztmenyei. England exports (kiviszi) its products. (The) Englishmen sell their productions. (The) My father received my mother's letter. You have written (the) your letter. I shall write my letters. The instinct of the animals. The reason of men. The destiny of humankind. The fate of people (ne- peknek Plur.). The wisdom and goodness of (the) God. The power of (the) kings. The desires of (the) nations. The commerce (kSzlekedes) of na- tions enriches the mind of the people and increases their wealth. The commerce (kereskedes) of Ame- Csink hung. Gram. 3 34 rica is extensive. The invention (feltaldlds) of (the) Typography. The inventions (taldlmdny) of Watt. The History of France. The wars of the middle ages. 2. Whose is..? It is that of. Is that — of? etc. The interrogative sentence relating to possession, which in other languages is expressed by the Pos- sessive Case, is given by the affix e in the Hun- garian language; thus „ whose is...?" means Kie? — It is that of the merchant, means a kalmdre, and „is this house that of our neighbour?" means a f szomszedunke ez a hdz. In consideration of this latter expression, the interrogative e is often annexed to it, and instead of „a' szomszedunke ez a hdz," we may say a szom- szedunke -e ez a hdz. — The expressions atydm my father, nenyed thy elder sister, etc. being con- sidered as so many new Nominative Cases, the affix e will be added to them as it is added to radicals of Substantives; thus, az atydme that of my father. The Definite Article az ov a is never missed before Substantives of this form; the Demonstrative ez this, az that, precedes the Substantives representing the Objects possessed. Az atydm hdza. Ez a 9 hdz az atydme. Kie ez a 1 konyv? A 9 bardtome. Ez a 9 toll a 9 tanitoe. Kie ez a 9 kert? A' nagybdtydme. Ez a 9 joszdg a ' nagynenyeme. Ez a* nagynenyerri joszdg a. Kie ez az irds? Az ocseme (that of my younger 35 brother) Ldttuk az atydd* hdzdt de ?iem a nagy- bdtyddet. Kie ez a kocsi? az anydme. Kie ez a ruha? Az enyem. Ldttad az ordmat? En Idttam a' bdtyddet. Ezek a keztyuk (pair of gloves) az anydmh. Ezek a tollak a 9 bdtydmei. Kiei azok (those) a' lovak. A' Herczegei, a' grofeit nem osmerem. If we consider the preceding senten/es, we shall J C* find, that the expression „Kie" is really a Nomi- native Case of the Singular, the Objective Case of which is Kiet, the Plural Kiei, the Objective Case for the Plural Number is Kieit. The same of az atydme, the Objective Case will be az atydmet The Plural Nominative az atydmei, the Plur. Obj. az atydmeit. — The copulative Verbs „is" and „are" are missed. Whose is that garden, and whose are, those houses. This garden is my father's (that of my father) and those houses are my uncle's. Whose hat is this. It is that of my brother. My fathers is (a new one) new. Do you like your father's horses? I like those of my aunt. (I that of my aunt like.) Whose gloves are these (whose are these gloves). They are those of my teacher. Do you know (tudja-e) our teacher's residence? I do (I know it). Whose is that book ? My friend's. Is this book thy friend's or not (Thy friend's this the book, or not)? — Similar sentences as: Is this house our father's? are to be resolved in: Is this the house of our father? etc. 3* 36 3. Mine, Thine etc., of mine, of ours etc., it belongs to me etc. As often as the possession is indicated by forms similar to the premised ones, which is the case when the Personal Pronouns are used instead of the Substantive representing the possession (as in the sentence whose is that book? mine — instead of it is my book), the Hungarian language makes use of affixes, which are identical with those given under II. A. B. (p.26, 29) These affixes are joined to the Personal Pronouns: En I, te thou, 6 he, mi we, ti you, 6k they. Their complete forms are: 1. The object possessed is but one — enyem mine, tied thine, ove his, her, its; mienk ours, tietek yours, ovek theirs. 2. The objects possessed are more than one — enyeim and enyim mine, tieid thine, ovei his, hers, its; mieink ours, tieitek yours, oveik theirs. Ez a^ konyv az enyem, az a toll a tied, de kie ez az irds? A mienk. Kie ez a! Id? A' tied Kie ez a tollkes (to whom belongs this penknife)? az ove (it belongs to him). Kie ez a papi?*os? a" mienk. A' tietek ez a) hdz$ a J tietek -e ez a > hdz (does this house belong to you)? nem, (no) «' szomszedunke (it belongs to our neighbour). Ez a' konyv az enyern, az a' keztyu a' tied. Ez a' seta -hot a tied volt. Kiei azok a 7 retek? A* mieink, de az erdd a' tietek. — 37 The copulatives is and are, are missed. The Objective Cases of both Numbers are for- med like those of Substantives of similar forms, thus: I have sold mine — az enyem-et eladtam. Is that book yours (yours that the book)? It is my brother's (a bdtydme). This pen is ours, but those writings are yours. Whose garden is that (that garden whose is it)? It is ours. These houses are yours and those (azok) are your uncle's. Have you seen our gardens. We have seen theirs, but not yours. Your book is not ours, and our pens are not theirs. Whose inkstand is this (whose is this inkstand)? Mine. Whose copy-book is that? Yours. Whose is this walking - cane ? His. Whose gloves are those? Hers. To whom belongs this meadow? It belongs to us (ours). To whom belong these houses and those gardens? They belong to them. That belongs to me and this to you. That is thine and this is his. The house is ours, the garden is yours and the meadow is his. The fields are thine and the horse is mine. III. Affixes relative to place, directions, and expressions of the Dative Case. 1. The affixes mentioned here are in foreign lan- guages expressed by means of Prepositions, this is the reason, why most of the Hungarian Grammari- ans mention them as Conjunctive Preposition, whilst 38 a few classified them as Postpositions (utdljdrok). In examining them closer we find, that they are merely affixes used like all other affixes to express the different relations of place, directions and com- binations of objects. Such are: ba into, relating to movement, motion, ban in, relating to quietude, vol from, relative to directions downwards, tol from of, relative to removal, bol out of, hoz to, expressing: by the side of, or next to, towards, nak to, which in the German and Latin is ex- pressed by the Dative Case, ndl by, at, val with, ert for, w, with or without a vowel o, o or e. — on, upon^ at; at the question where? ra on, upon (at); at the question where to? ert for, ig till, untill, kep in the form of ... , in the shape of ... , kent like, as, id as, vd to, into, expressing a transformation. The words of the Hungarian language being either hard or soft, all the affixes assimilate their vowels to those of the word to which they are added ; thus , we shall have as many affixes of the 39 same kind, having the vowels 6 instead of 6 , and e instead of a; thus, be instead of ba, rol instead of rol etc. The affix hoz gives hoz and hez for soft words. A 9 templombol. A 9 szobdbol. A 9 falhoz, as tysztalon. A' konyvben. En az asztalra tettem (I have put it on the table). A' templomban voltunk. Az oskoldba megyiink (we go). A 1 konyvbe irtam. Az aiydmndl voltam. En es a bdtydm mi a nagy- bdtydnk 9 kertjeben voltunk (we have been in our uncle's garden). A' bardtomhoz megyek (I go). En az atydmnak adtam. A 9 nenyemnek adorn. Az anydmtol kaptam. A 9 hugom (my younger sister) a' bardtnejdnak konyvet adott (has given) ajdndekba (for a present). En ezt a konyvet ajdn- dekba kaptam az anydmtol. A' kertbdl joviink. A szobdba megyiink. A' hdzban vagyunk. Az asztal- ra tettem. A' konyv az asztalon van. The Verb follows its Substantive. We come (joviink) from (out of) church. You go (mentek) to (ba) school. We go into the garden. I have been at my friend's. I learn with pleasure. You write with (a) pen. He learns out of (a) book. I have received (a) book for a present from my father. My mother gave (adott) (a) book to her elder sister. I have carried a letter to my uncle. AVe have received flowers from our gardener. Our gar- dener's son has given flowers to my younger sister. .10 He has put it (tette) on the table. The book is*) on the table. The letter is at my fathers. My bro- ther went (ment) for (some) tlowers. I bought (vettem) (a) horse (lovat) for two hundred (ket szdz) guineas. 2. All the other terms, representing the Preposi- tions of foreign languages, are placed immediately after the Substantive to which they belong, but they are not joined with the Substantives; thus, „over the table" means az asztal felett As (under II C, 3) the Possessive Pronouns mine, thine, his etc. were expressed by means of possessive affixes m, d, ja, etc., the Prepositional affixes likewise are joined with the possessive personal affixes. Instead of joining ben to the Pronoun en, as enben, in me, the possessive affix m with the proper vowel is ad- ded to the Prepositional affix ben; thus, enben becomes bennem, teben (in thee) becomes benned, and so on. There being some irregularities in form- ing these expressions, therefore they are subjoined in the following scheme: bennem in me, benned in thee, benne , | gives, in him, in her, in it, benniink in us, bennetek in you, bennok in them, (to the question where to?) belem in me, , [ in beled in thee, bele or beleje in him, her, it, belenk in us, beletek in you, belejok in them. *) In similar constructions the „is" va?i, must be expressed. 41 ra ) , . 0x ream (ram) on me , redd (rdd) on (where to?) / ' , . ,. , , r nagyban. The daughter of our neighbour is more beautiful than this girl. We have much money, but our uncle has (still) more. We have seen a fine horse, but we have (a) finer (one). The little dog of my sister has a black colour. Your dog is (a) little (one), but that of my sister is (a smaller one) less. Have you much money? I had more than I have now. You had many houses. We shall have more gardens. You will receive more letters. Our lesson is easier (The) Wood is lighter than (the) metal, and the air is still lighter. Numerals. Egy 1 tizenegy 11 harmincs 30 ketto 2 tizenkettd 12 harminczegy 31 hdrom 3 tizenhdrom 13 negyven 40 negy 4 tizennegy 14 negyvenegy 41 St 5 etc. otven 50 hat 6 hiisz 20 hatvan 60 hit 7 huszonegy 21 hetven 70 nyolcs 8 huszonkettd 22 nyolczvan 80 kilencz 9 fiuszonhdrom 23 kilenczven 90 tiz 10 etc. szdz 100 ezer 1000, milliom million. 52 Els6 first, tixenegyedik eleventh, mdsodik second, etc. harmadik third, huszadik twentieth, negyedik fourth, huszonegyedik twenty -first, otodik fifth, harminczajtik thirtieth, hatodik sixth, etc. hetedik seventh szdzadik hundredth, nyolczadik eighth, etc. kilenezedik ninth, ezredik thousandth, tizedik tenth, etc. Hdny az or a (what o' clock is it)? Hdrom negyed negyre (a quarter to four). Hdny ember van a szobdbanl Tizennegy. Mennyit adtdl az orddert? Hdrom font sterlinget. Hdny shilling van egy font sterlingben? Husz. Mennyit kivdn a 9 kalmdr? Hat fontot meg (and) ket shillinget Hanyadik van ma (what is the date)? A y huszon- harmadik. Elsd , vagy szent Istvdn volt az elsd magyar kirdly, harmadik Andrds pedig az utolso. Magyar orszdgnak volt ol magyar fejedelme, es husz magyar kirdlya* Elsd Ldszlo volt a' leg- hiresebb magyar kirdly. Elsd Lajos kirdly alatt Magyarorszdg legterjedelmesebb volt. — What o' clock is it? It is half past five (two quarters on six). How much money have you? We have six shillings and a few pence. How many pence are (is) in a shilling? In a shilling there are twelve pence. A week has seven days, and a year has 365 days. Sunday is the first day of the 53 week, Monday the second, Tuesday the third, Wednesday the fourth, Thursday the fifth, Friday the sixth, Saturday the last. What is the day of the month? It is the fourth of January. George the First died on the eleventh of June in the year 1727 (ezer hetszdz huszonhetedik evben). In the year 1848 Europe struggled for its liberty. Christ- mas is on the 25th of December, Easter is in March or April, and Whitsuntide in May or June. — 5. Verbal Adjective (Participle). From any Verbal root may be derived two Adjectives, one by means of an additional 6 or d, and the second by the addition of t 9 ott, ott, or ett, according to the demand of the Verbal root. These two Adjectives cannot be translated in other languages but by means of the Participles, although the Hungarian language has other expressions for the Participles of the modern languages (see below). From the Verb vdrni to wait, is formed, vdro, expecting and waiting (a man waiting for), and vdrt, expected or waited for. — Constructions by means of these Adjectives very often can be translated only by using the Relative Pronouns who, what, which; and, on the contrary, constructions of foreign languages with these Pro- nouns, are better given by means of the Verbal Ad- jective in the Hungarian language. 84 A' dolgozdnak gyakran nines jutalma — he who works has often no reward. A sokat vdro gyakran keveset nyer — those who expect much, get often very little. A' megvert Ellenseggel nagylelkiien bdnni di- csdseges , it is glorious to treat the vanquished enemy generously. megnyerte az elveszettnek gondolt csatdt, he won the battle, which he thought was lost. These Adjectives, especially that of 6, are very often used as Substantives: Szabo tailor, from szabni to cut; beszelS, szolo speaker, from beszelni, szolni to speak; vetd sower, from vetni to sow (seminate); meselo the story teller, from meselni to narrate; iro the writer, author, from irni to write; a megtebolyo.dott the madman ; etc. 1HL Transformation of the Verbal root* A. Passive Voice. 1. By the addition of the syllable at, et, to the radical of the Active Voice, there is formed a new Verbal root, the root of the Passive Voice. Var, the root of varni, has a Passive root in vdrat, Infin. vdratni to be waited for, to be expected, verni to beat, veretni to be beaten. Verbs which have a final t in their root, preceded by a long vowel or a consonant, and 55 Verbs having two or more syllables in their Active root , receive the syllable tat or tet as the termination of the Radical of the Passive voice. Pres. Vdratom I am expected, vdratol thou art expected, varatik he is expected; vdratunk we are expected, vdrattok you are expected, vdratnak they are expected. — Veretem I am beaten , veret-el thou art beaten, veretik he is beaten; veretilnk we are beaten, verettek you are beaten, veretnek they are beaten. A' fiu veretik, mi is veretunk. A' tanulo ta- nittatik. A\ virdgok gyujttetnek. Az en konyveim bekotetnek. A y hdzatok ma eladatik. A' bdtydm az drdjdt eladja. Az atydm hdzat eldd (he sells). Az ellenseg megveretik. Sok orszdgokbol kiuzetnek a' szabadsdg bardtjai. A 1 szerencsetlenek mindeg taldl- nak menedekhelyet , hoi szivesen felvetetnek. Ki szivesen felvesz, az szivesen felvetetik. Hungarian characters are written like the Eng- lish , but many Hungarian characters are not pronoun- ced like the English. My brother is liked by all his friends. Children are loved by their parents. Men are educated by the circumstances in which they live. Savages are guided by nature. Sailors are taught to hazard. Huntsmen are led to (ra) perseverance. In times of war much blood is shed, towns are set on fire, castles are demolished, countries are depo- pulated, and the inhabitants of them are ruined. When peace is restored, trade is carried on. 56 2. IMPERFECT. Vdrat-dm I was expected, vdrat-dl, thou wast expected, vdrat-ek he was expected; vdrat-dnk we were expected, vdrat-dtok you were expected, vdrat-dnak they were expected. PERFECT. Vdrat-tam I have been expected, I was ex- pected, vdrat-tdl, vdrat-ott; vdrat-tunk we have been and we were expected , vdrat-tatok, vdrat-tak. FUTURE. Vdratni fogok I shall be expected, vdratni fogsz thou wilt be expected , vdratni fog he will be expected; vdratni fogunk we shall be expected, vdratni fogtok , vdratni fognak. A 9 fiu veretni fog , mertnem vigydzott (Perfect). A^ mi hdzunk el fog adatni*) inert mi idegen foldre utazunk. Mi vdrattunk ebedre a" nagybdtydnktol. Az edes any dm' kertjeben ma szedetik a* gyilmolcs. A^ virdgok bokretdba kotettek a' hugomtoL Ezek (these) a* kepek a' leghiresebb festdtdl festettek. A' ti hdzatok a' legiigyesebb epitesztdl epittetett. You will be expected at supper by your aunt. Charles has been taught to read and write, yet he does**) not write well. The boy was beaten, be- *) el fog adatni instead of eladatni fog ; such diremptions of compound Verbs are made because of the Emphasis ; in such cases the accent is always on the first part of the composition. **) The Verb „to do" as an Auxiliary , is never used in the Hungarian language, but the principal Verb receives the Con- jugation of the Auxiliary ; thus , „writes" ... — 57 cause he offended his teacher. (The) Boys who (kik) are inattentive are punished. We have never been punished, because we always did our duty. All men (minden ember) were born with equal rights, and privileges have been introduced through the injustice of tyrants. Men are punished by their own vices. A large empire has been founded by Alexan- der the Great (the great Alexander), but it was dismembered soon after the life of its founder was extinguished. 3. SUBJUNCTIVE. Vdrassam (instead of vdratjam, see Intr. § 3) I may be expected, I shall be expected, vdrassdl thou mayst and shalt be expected, vdrassek\ vdras- sunk, vdrassatok , vdrassanak. CONDITIONAL. Vdratndm I might and I should be expected vdratndl, vdratnek; vdratndnk, varatndtok; vdrat- ndnak. Vdrattam volna I should and might have been expected , and if I had been expected , vdrattdl volna, vdratott volna; vdrattunk volna; vdrattatok volna, vdrattak volna, Az okos ember ugy intezi el dolgait (makes such arrangement) hogy ne vdrassek. Iparkodom nehogy vdrassam. A' fiu megveretnek ha nem enge- delmeskednek. Ha mi nem tanittatndnk , nem is tudndnk semmitsem. Ne keressel (be not asked, do not let you ask) arra> hogy mdssal jot tegyel. 58 En mondtam hogy a konyvem kerestessek. As atydnk megparancsolta , hogy a tollak megszdmit- tassanak. tlgy beszelj hogy megertessel. Idegenek meg nem ertetnek ha sajdt nyelviikon beszelnek. If the letters had been written, you would not have been blamed by the teacher. The tyrant commanded, that the citizen should be flogged. The enemies were beaten by our army, but the fact has been denied by them. An extensive trade is carried on between England and its colonies. The trade would be more extended, if such intentions were not prevented by envy. My father has disposed, that our house at Paris might be sold. Our rich neighbour has ordered, that his tenants be driven out of his house. The French were driven from (out of) East India. H. Factitive Verbal roots. The meaning of all Active Verbs may be repre- sented in such a condition as to express by them the subject made active by a cause which lies without the sphere of the subject. Such representations in the modern languages are expressed by means of the Verbs to let, to make, to cause, to have, etc. The Hungarian language forms a new Verbal root for these representations , by the addition of the syllable tat or tet to the root of the Active voice. Varni to wait, forms vdr-tat-ni to let wait for, and to cause any one to wait. 59 Obs. 1. The Passive root is very often used in the meaning of Factitive Verbs, and the root of Factitives must often be translated by the Passive voice of our modern languages; thus, kormdnyozni to govern, forms kormdnyoztatni to be governed, korondzni to crown , korondztatni to be crowned , etc. Obs. 2. The Factitives have both, the definite and indefinite, forms of Conjugation; Factitive roots, used as Passive ones, have only the forms of the Passive voice. A' Bdtydm sokdig vdrtat (My brother lets me wait a long time). Az atydm szep konyvet fog kottetni. Mi csindltatunk (we have — made) uj kabdtot. KoszSrultesd*) a > tollkesedet ha azt akarod hogy vdgjon. Az Atydm szdmoltatja a 9 konyveit a* bdtydmmal (My father makes my brother count his books). A' tanito velem iratja a leveleket (the teacher, lets me write the letters). Az edes any dm a' hugommal olvastatja ezt a 9 konyvet. Ha nekem penzem volna ruhdt csindltatnek. Minden bardtim velem. fizettetik adossdgaikat. Szdmittasd fel a T phizt hogy tudjuk mennyi van. Mi hdzat epittetunk, ti pedig kdstelyt. We have our dresses made at our tailor's, but our friend has his made at your tailor's. Let your brother read his lesson. We had a fine house built. *) The termination of the second Person of the Subjunctive jad and jed, is often contracted into d; thus, „sad" and „$ed" becomes d as well ; and instead of vdrjad wait , we have vdrd> instead of koszwriiltessed . we have kbszbriiltesd . 60 Our father causes us to read every night (minden estve). I shall let you write a letter for my friend. We shall have our saloon lighted up by forty -five lamps. Do make your brother finish his writings (do make finish: vegeztesd). If you have a new coat made, give it to our tailor. We have our boots made at Mr. B\s. I do not like to go out with Charles, because he keeps me waiting for him a very long time. Our teacher lets us count every day. After we have finished our school -work, our mother lets us play on the piano. Our music master lets us sing as well. €. Potential roots. The possibility of any action represented in the Verb, as well as the notion of „being able" to perform the action, is expressed by the syllables hat, het, which are added to the root of the Verb, Active, Passive, or Factitive; thus is originated a new root, to which the Conjugational terminations are joined as to a Primitive Verbal root. Vdrni to wait for, vdratni to be waited for, vdrtatni to let (make any one) wait, have as many roots of possibility in vdrhat, vdrathat and vdrtatkat, and vdrhatok, means : I may, I can, I am able to wait ; vdrathatom, I can be waited for, it is possible that I am waited for ; vdrtathatok I am able to make one wait, or I can let any one wait. 61 The Conjugational forms are the game as given for the Active and Passive voice. Obs. The final n of the primitive root of Verbs is missed before the potential termination het. Thus: men-ni forms me- het > ven-ni forms ve-ket, vin-ni forms vi-het, etc. En vdrhatok, ti nem vdrhattok. Az anydnk nem vdrhat. En olvashatok. Ok olvashattak volna. A tanulo nem irhatja c? levelet. Ki nem tanul mikor tanulhat, az nem fogja tudni azt a mit tudhatna. Az ellenseg megverethetett volna, de a? vezer ugyetlen volt. Szerencses az> ki (he who) mds kdrdn*) tanulhat. Nem mindenki mehet (can go) mennyorszdgba. Ha mi tudhatnok, hogy mi fog tortenniy sok bajnak elejet vehetnenk. Mindnydjan hibdzhalunk, mert tokeletlen teremtesek vagyunk. Ki jot tehet (can do) es nem teszi (does), az (he is) bunds. I am able to read. My friend is not able to write. I can say my lesson. You cannot pronounce this word. My brother can speak French, and his friend can speak Hungarian. We are not able to learn our lesson. (The) Soldiers may fight against the enemy whilst the tradesmen attend to (utdri) their business. The power of tyrants cannot last, for it is self - consuming. If governments were able to carry out all the wishes of their sovereigns, they would become superfluous themselves. As soon as *) Kdr, loss, kdra, his loss, kdrdn, on his loss. 62 the people is able to govern itself, it will throw off the guardianship of monarchs. A' konyveim be nem kotethetnek (cannot be bound) e' heten (this week). Ezek a 1 levelek nem irathatnak ma. Rest tanulok nem dicsertethetnek. Idegen foldon nehezen taldltathatik azon szivesseg melly (which) minket (us) tulajdon tiizhelyeinknel dpolgat. Messze foldon kerestethetik a } hu bar at, ha bennunk huseg nincsen. Nem mindnydjan tanit- tathaiunk egy mestersegre. Ambdr vdrtathatndm (I was able to let wait) a' fiut, meg is inkdbb siette- tem. En elbeszeltethetnem vele az egesz ugyet, de unalmas azt hallgatni. — I cannot be expected at my uncle's. You could be received better (you possibly might be received better) if you made him a present. It is uncertain whether (ha) the battle could have been won. The enemies might have been vanquished, if the soldiers had had capable leaders. Gutta-percha can be used for (ra) fancy works; of it can be made baskets, plates, spoons, inkstands, picture and looking-glass frames. I could not let you wait any longer. If I were able to have my coat made at your tailor's, I should gain in (n) its price and in the beauty of its shape. D« Medium* Many Verbs which really have an active or reflexive meaning are used as Neuter, and as such they receive Personal terminations of Conjugation 63 like those of the Passive Voice. Lakni to inhabit, means in its medial form to live, to dwell. INDICATIVE. Pres. lakom I live, I dwell, lakol thou livest, lakik he lives; lakunk, laktok, laknak. Past, laktam I have lived, I have dwelt, lakidl thou hast lived, lakott he has lived ; laktunk, laktatok, laktak, Fut. lakni fogok I shall live, lakni fogsz thou wilt live, lakni fog he will live; lakni fogunk we shall live, lakni fogtok you will live, lakni fognak, they will live. SUBJUNCTIVE. Lakjam that I may live, lakjdl, lakjek; lak- junk, lakjatok, lakjanak. CONDITIONAL. Lakndm I would live, lakndl y laknek; lakndnk, lakndtok, lakndnak. Londonban tobb mint ket milliom ember lakik*). En igen szep tdjon lakom, hanem te nem lakol oily szep videken. Sok bajjal kiizdik az ember mig e* vildgot lakja (inhabits). Mi tetszik neked jobban, a' veres vagy a \ ziild szin. Nekem ugy latszik hogy nines igazad. Mindeg igazat szoljunk bar ne is tessiink**) mdsoknak. A nap forogni latszik a' fold koruL Ha jot tesziink (we do) ne Idtszassek***) hogy onzesbSl tettuk (we did). *) Singular after the Numerals. **) Tessiink instead of tetszjunk we may please. ***) Idtszassek , instead of latszatjek, it shall appear. 64 Angolorszdg a' vildgnak minden reszeivel keres- kedik. A' nagykereskedd nem kereskedik kicsinyben (in retail). Kereskedjel hogy nyerjel valamit, mert nyeresbdl elsz. We live in Oxford street, and you live in Hol- born, but he lives in Kentish Town. If he would live at my uncle's, he daily could take a walk in the park. If England traded to Russia, it would gain a great deal. He trades (with) in drapery. My brother works at (in) the carpenters trade, and I work at the printing trade. Men who do not work are a burden (terhere) to society. Men sin against the law of the nature , when they oppress their fellow creatures. Tyrants sin against society by ruling (when they rule) others against their will. The King domineers over his people instead of governing it (instead that he might govern it). VII. Irregularities in Verbal for- mations. A. Verbal roots in „d".*) Verbs the root of which is not a monosyllabical one, and terminating with d, preceded by a vowel, are liable to contraction in the Present Tense of the *) Verbs of this kind are Mediums , but in regard to aludni, the people and Grammarians do not yet agree; the former, though erroneously, using it as a Neuter and Medium. The orms in which it commonly occurs are subjoined, its Medial form has the same terminations as lakni. See p. 155. 65 Indicative Mood; the whole syllable od> ud 9 b'd, tidy ed is missed, and the consonant ss is put in- stead. Thus, fekudni, to lie, has fekszem I lie; aludni, to sleep, has alszom I sleep. Observ. If the penultima of the Verbal root has more than one consonant , such contractions are not made, but d is changed into sz: as, alkudni to bid, alkuszom I bid. 1. INDICATIVE. Pres. alszom I sleep, alszol thou sleepest, alszik he sleeps, alszunk we sleep, alszotok you sleep, alszanak they sleep. — Fekszem I lie, fekszel thou liest, fekszik he lies; feksziink we lie, fekszetek you lie, fekszenek they lie. Past tense, aludtam I did sleep, I was sleeping, I have slept, aludtdl, aludott and aludt ; a/wrf- £ra#, aludtatok, aludtak and aludtanak. Fut. aludni fogok I shall sleep, etc., regular. Hazudni, to tell a lie, and Verbs in which the syllable of contraction is preceded by z or s» 9 are not abbreviated, but the primitive root is used; thus, hazudom instead of hazszom. . Az ocsem mindeg haragszik ha valaki a J tolldt elveszi (tak esaway). A' tanito megharagudott azon, hogy a' fiu nem tudta a' leczkejet. En nem harag- szom rdd (redd: with you), mert te nem tehetsz rola (you cannot help it). A' bdtydm sokdig alszik. Ti meg 10 orakor az dgyban fekszetek , te is addig Csink hung. Gram. 5 66 (till then = as long) fekszel Mi lefeksziink tiz 6ra- kor, es alszunk het oraig reggel. En mindeg alku- szom ha valamit veszek (buy). A 9 bdtydm soha sem alkuszik, es azert drdgdn fizet. En alkudtam. Ti nem alkudtatok. A 9 ki hazudik hitelt nem erdemel. We do not go to bed before 11 o' clock. Mj brother is always in bed at 10 o' clock. Do you sleep long (long you sleep)? We sleep for seven hours (till seven hours), but our friend sleeps only for five hours. I do not go to bed early. My bro- ther is offended, because I did not lend him my book. You are always angry when you go to school. (The) Men that have once told a lie have no credit. He often tells a lie to defend his wickedness. Our teacher was offended yesterday, because one of his pupils (his one pupil) told a lie. I am never angry with you. 2. SUBJUNCTIVE. Pres. aludjam (commonly aludjak) shall I sleep, that I may sleep, aludjdl, aludjek; aludjunk that we may sleep, shall we sleep, alud- jatok, aludjanak. CONDITIONAL. Pres. aludndm (commonly aludnek) I would sleep, if I slept, aludndl, aludnek (commonly alud- na) ; aludndnk, aludndtok, aludndnak. Past, aludtam volna I would have slept, if I had slept, aludtdl volna, aludt volna; aludtunk volna y aludtatok volna, aludtak volna. 67 The Imperative is the same as the Subjunctive Mood ; in the second person of the Imperative Mood the termination dl, el, is often missed. Ne aludjdl sokdig , mert hosszu dlom art az egeszsegnek. Aludf. Aludjunk (let us sleep). Ne haragudjatok azokra, kik (who) akaratlanul megbdn- tanak. Ha megharagudndtok mi nem mennenk N- hez. A"* bdtydm tovdbbig aludnek ha nem kellene (were not obliged) oskoldba menni. Rest emberek mindeg alhatnak. En nappal nem alhatom de Kdroly mindeg alhatik. Lefekudhetunk (can we go to sleep)? Ne fekildjetek meg le , mert meg nines 9 ora. Ha mi rajta (about it, instead of azon) meg- haragudtunk volna, nem jottunk volna ide. Kerem meg ne haragudjanak hogy vissza nem hoztam a' konyviiket. Bar haragudjek is en neki nem adorn. Go to bed. Let us go to bed (fekildjilnk le). Do not tell lies, for you sin against yourself and against others. If he should tell a lie, he would be punished by his teacher. I should have told you a lie, if I had said it was not true. Never be angry with your neighbours. Be not offended at trifles. You would have been offended, if I had gone away without taking leave. Would you be offended, if I told you the truth? We are reposing; you have been reposing. Nature is in repose , and the airs of the birds do not sound (the birds their airs not sound). The sun has set. The sun sets. As soon as the sun sets the nocturnal birds leave their lurking places. 5* 68 II. Verbal roots in »n." 3. Venni to buy, to take. Indicat. Pre s. veszek I buy, vessel, *) veszen and vesz ; veszUnk we buy, vesz- tek, vesziiek. Imp. vevek I bought, vevel, veve; ve- venk we bought, vevetek, vevenek. Perf. vettem I have bought, I bought, I was buying, vettel, vett; vettunk, vettetek, vettenck. F u t. venni fogok I shall buy, venni fogs %, venni fog, etc. Subjunct. vcgyek that I may buy, shall I buy, vegyel, vegyen; vegyiinh , vcgyetek vegyenek. Condit. 1. vennek I would buy, if I bought, vennel, venne; vennenk, vennetek, vennenek. 2. vettem volna I would or should have bought, vettel volna, vett volna; vettunk volna, vettetek volna, vettek volna, Enni to eat**), inni to drink, lenni to become, hinni to believe, vinni to carry, to take, tenni to do, *) although veszesz is the proper form, yet veszel is commonly used. **) Enni and inni (which takes the personal affixes with hard vowels) are used in the Medial form; thus, eszem I eat, eszel thou eatest , eszik he eats, etc., and iszom, iszol, iszik, etc. 69 and their compounds have the same conjugational forms. A 9 nagybdtydnk hdzat vetl, mi pedig kertet veszunk. Veszel-e (wilt thou buy) konyvet? Nem, en konyvet venni nem fogok hanem foldabroszokat. Ne vegyel ott ruhdt mert nem drulnak ott jo kelmet. Ha almdt vesztek ne egyetek (enni) meg > mert meg nem erett. Vegyetek meg ezt a 9 papirost mert olcso. Soha se higyetek azoknak kik egyszer hazudtak, konnyen megcsalhatnak. Az atydm elvette tolem a 9 konyvet. Ne vegyetek el (do not take away) bardli- toktol azt mit (what) egyszer ajdndekba adtatok. Konnyen balvelemenyu lesz az , ki mindent hiszik. ugyan azt dllitja de en el nem hiszem. Do not take away the book from the learner. 1 believe that many men are mistaken in their judgement through want of knowledge. He who (a ki) does good to (vat) others, does services to himself. You must do with others as you wish that people should do with you. Did you eat the pears and apples? Eat these grapes and prunes. If I would have (had) eaten some bread and butter , I never had (could have) eaten any chesnuts. Do you believe that your brother will depart to-morrow? I believe he will (fog). You did not belie # ve me (to me) , when I told you. I shall believe you another time. My brother went for a soldier, and I shall go for a sailor. Did he go for a soldier in the horse -guards? 70 No; he went for a foot - soldier. The more we recede from the state of nature, the more difficult it becomes to be happy. Menni to go. Indie. Pres. megyek I go, megysz thou goest, megy , men he goes; megyunk we go, mentek, mennek. Imp. menekl went, menel, mene; menenk we went, menetek, menenek. Perf. mentem I was going, I went, I have gone, mentel, merit; mentilnk we have gone, we were going, we went, mentetek, mentek or mentenek. F u t. menni fogok I shall go , menni fogsz, thou wilt go, menni fog he will go; menni fogunk, etc. Subj. menjek, shall I go, that I may go, menjel, menjen; menjiink, menjetek, menjenek. Gond. 1. mennek I would go, mennel, menne, etc. 2. mentem volna I would have gone, if I would have gone , mentel volna , ment volna; mentilnk volna, etc. Ha az ido szep lesz y setdlni megyunk. Az any am azt mondta, hogy ki ne menjek. Ha ki- 71 mennek az atydm haragudnek ram. Ki mondta hogy N. urhoz menjetek. Menjunk (let us go) haza mert kesd. Ha elmennel, zdrd (instead of zdrjad) be a' szoba ajtot. En Parisba megyek az ocsem pedig Brilsselbe megy. Kerem ne vegye rosz neven (do not take it ill) ha nem mennek onnel (with you). Mi elmegyunk, nem mentek ti is? Mi nem mehetiink mert az anydnk nem engedi. I should go to Paris, if my mother took (would take) me with her. Will you go for a walk (to walk) this afternoon (ma delutdii) ? No ; we shall not go for a walk. Can you carry this book? I shall take (carry) this book to the bookbinder. Do not take that boot to the shoemaker. The boy took his books and his writings to the school. Have you done your work? We did our work yesterday, and you will do yours to-morrow. He never does his work. Believe what I told you. I believe it, because your friend told me of it before he went to Paris. I should believe it, if he never had told a lie. Kinek kinek (to every body) ott hazdja, ahol jol megy dolga (he does well). Nem megy az mindeg ugy ahogy az ember magdban felteszi. Teszem fel (suppose) hogy elmennek, mit fog 6 azutdn csindlni. Ki vitte el az en konyvemet? A' bdtydd azt magdval vitte. Azt soha sem hittem volna hogy o elmenjen. Ne hidd (hidjed) neki mert 72 pdpista. *) En hiszem y mert mag am szemevel (my own eye) lattam. Hiszed-e azt hogy telet mennydorog? Hiszem, mert mag am is hallottan. Boldogok kik nem Idtnak es meg is hisznek. Take this newspaper . up stairs. My brother took his coat to your tailor, for he had bought it of him. Never buy things without seeing them. I should like (szeretnek) to buy a horse, if I had money. The brother of your uncle suddenly became ill. I become ill if I eat fruit. Did you eat all the fruit which my mother has bought for you? We took some of it to your friend Charles, and some (jiemit) we ate in company with our friend Francis. Take these pears to your father; my brother has bought them for him; I believe they are good (ones). Do you (think) believe (that) we shall have some rain? Take this book back to the bookseller, and tell him (that) I shall not buy it. C. Verbal roots in „\"* 5. Indie. Pres. Iovok I come, /to thou comest, j6 (jo?i) he comes, jovilnk we come, jotoky jonek (jonnek). Imp. jovek I came, jovel, Jove; jdvenky jovetek, jovenek. *) Proverb, meaning to be cautious. 73 Perf. jdtem I came, I did come, I was coming, I have come, jdtel, jdt, jdtunk, jdtetek, jotek. Fut. jdni fand jonni) fogok I shall come, will come, jdni (jonni) fogsz, jdni fog; jdni fogunk, jdni fogtok, jdni fognak. Subj. jdjek (land jojjek) shall I come, that I may come, jdjel (jojjel and jer) jojjon; jdjiink that we may come, shall we come, jdjetek (jojjetek) jdjenek (jojjenek). Gond. 1. jdnek (and jonnek) I would come, if I came, jdnel, jdne; jdnenk, jdnetek, jdnenek. 2. jdtem volna I would have come, jdtel volna, jott volna; jdtiink volna, jdtetek volna, jotek volna. Alike to the Verb jdni to come, are formed: loni to shoot, szdni to weave, hini to call, szini to draw, to smoke (tobacco), and similar ones, and their compounds. Obs. 1. Verbs of this kind are contracted from their primitive roots jov, lov , szov , hiv , sziv; this root is restored in all formations in which the affix begins with a vowel; on the contrary, if the affix begins with a consonant, the radical v is thrown off 74 and the radical vowel protracted : thus 16-tem instead of lov-tem, hi-tam instead of hiv-tam, etc. 2. The Verb jdni, forms its Tenses regularly as well as by means of assimilation of the consonant v, with the initial consonant of the personal affixes ; thus, we form jdni and jonni, jojek and jojjek. This has mislead some Grammarians to adopt this assimilation in the Conjugation of all other Verbs, but they forgot that jonni retains its short vowel when the v is assimilated, and prolongs it when the v is thrown off. This is not the case with the other Verbs, for their vowel always remains a long one, when the affix begins with a consonant. This is the reason why some authors write hittam, lottem, hini, hinek, etc. Ha ti holnap eljottok hozzdnk (to us) mulatozni fogunk. En eljottem volna kanem sok munkdm.miatt ki nem mehettem. JSjetek el ma, mert holnap nem leszunk (shall be) otthon. Mi el fogunk jdni. Bar atom ne jojj (Imperative) hozzdm, mert nem adhatom azt a 9 mit kertel. Jojjetek veltlnk setdlni. Mi nem jovunk setdlni minthogy dolgunk van. Haza jott-e mar a 7 nagybdtydd? Meg nem jott hazas (es) nem is vdrjuk csak hdrom nap mulva. Hozzdtok jonnek de felek hogy dolgotok lesz. Ne jojj ma hanem holnap , akkor jdtszhatunk. Ha tegnap jotetek volna meg lathattdtok volna a' kepet mit az atydm Brusselbe kuldott A* ki nem jon annak menni nem kell 75 My brother came from the play (theatre) last night (yesterday evening) at 11 o' clock. We came from the country (falu) into (ba) the town. Did you come from London? No; we came from Bathe Did you not go to London when you came from Paris? Yes. My friend came from France to see all the curiosities of London. We shall come to you to-night, when we have done (elvegeztiiU) our work. Do not come to day, for we shall be out (we not shall be at home). If you would come to-morrow morning we should go in the country. Shall I come this afternoon (ma delutdri)! No, you had better (inkdbb) come after to-morrow (holnap utdri). Shall we come to see (Idtogatni) you next (jovo) week? En tegnap vaddszni voltam de nem lotem semmit. A' vaddszok gyakran nem lonek. Szeretnek Idni. Ki hivott (hit). gondolom hogy az ocsed hit teged (thee). Hijdtok el azt az embert. Kdroly kihi mert valamit akar mondani. Nem akarsz egy pipa dohdnyt szini (to smoke) ? En nem szoktam szini (I am not used to smoking). Az atydnk mindeg szivart szi. A' takdes szovi (definite form of szoni) a* vdsznaty az abroszokat es az asztal- kendoket. A 9 Posztos szoveti (lets weave) a 9 poszto-kelmet. Angolorszdgban geppel szovetik a 9 posztot es a* vdsznat, Magyarorszdgban tobbnyire kezzel When we were hunting we shot many hares and partridges. Can you shoot (do you know to 76 shoot)? No, I cannot shoot; but my brother shoots very well (very well shoots). I shot two deers yesterday. We have shot some wild ducks. Do not shoot when people are passing before you (jeldttetek). If you should shoot you would kill them. Did you call your brother? Call your younger brother as well. Your friend has called you, he wants to speak to you. Shall I call this gentleman. Call him. You never should call me when I am at work. What do you smoke, cigars or a pipe (tobacco)? I prefer smoking a pipe (tobacco). Did you ever smoke Havana segars? I did smoke them formerly, but now I prefer smoking Virginian tobacco. 1>. Verbal roots of „z, gz". 6. Verbal roots terminating in sz, z, preceded by a vowel, commonly receive ol, el, 61 in the second Person Singular Number instead of sz; the consonant /, is assimilated to the radical sz , z. In the third Person Sing, of the Perfect Tense the t is redoubled and pre- ceded by a short vowel , which according to the Verbal root is either o or o and e: thus, hozott he brought, instead of hozt, fozott he cooked, etc. Obs. 1) If the verbal root ending in z be of two or more syllables the ultima is contracted according to § 5. In trod. Thus, from szerezni to pur- chase, we form: szerzek, szerzel, szerez, szerziink, szereztek y szereznek. Verbs the roots of which are 77 contracted that way , retain the vowel before the it, of the Perfect tense in all personal terminations, thus: szerzettem, verzettem, etc. Te konyvet hozol en pedig papirost kertem. Hozzdl (hozjdl) kenyeret meg vajat. Ne hozzdtok ide azl az asztalt. Mit hozol? Hozol- e almdtvagy kortvet? The soha sem ekezel a hoi kell. Mit csindlsz haldszol-e vagy madardszol? Te ma vaddszol, mi pedig tegnap vaddsztunk. Te verzel *) bardtom hoi sebesultel A' mit te magadnak szerzel abban mdssal osztozoL A' bdtydm almdt hozott. A' konyvem elveszett. A* ledny erzette a' pirongatdst. En verzettem. Thou bringest bread instead of meat. Dost thou bring pens or ink? Thou dost always bring things which are not wanted (what is not wanted — mi nem kell). Thou dost not fish. Art thou a hunting (huntest thou) or catching birds? Thou dividest into two parts, when thou ought to divide (V mikor osztani kellene) into four (parts). Dost thou feel? Thou bleedest. Thou dost pull. Dost thou plague poor animals? Thou dost not torment poor children. When thou analyzest plants, thou makest use of a microscope. He has analyzed mine- rals. We have felt the misfortune. He has tormented a poor worm. He distributed money amongst the poor. *) instead of verezel and szerezeL 78 7. Verbs having a vowel before the termina- tion of the Infinitive ni, and such as have a final t in their root preceded bj a short vowel (as vet, fut, etc.), receive a short vowel (o , o, e,) before the Characteristic of the Perfect Tense, which in this case is reduplicated. For instance: hallani to hear, forms kall-o-ttam I have heard; kiejteni to pronounce, kiejt-e-ttem I have pronounced; kuzdeni to struggle, ktizd-o-ttem I have struggled, etc. Nagyon sokat hallottunk beszelni a regieti vitezsegiikrol; hallottad hogy mit mondott. A' Tolvaj nem vallott meg semmit. O elrejtette azt a mit mdsok loptak. Hovd futottdl a? mikor hitalak (called thee). Te engemet irni tanitottdl a' bdtydm pedig teged rajzolni tanitott. Ti addig halasztottdtok mig keso volt. En nem halasztottam volna hanem az ocsem kert hogy ne siessek. Mit vetettetek abba (in that) a* kertbe. Mi virdgot meg zoldseget vetettunk. Ki iitott meg? A' fiu megiltotte a' lapddvaL O megszoritotta a' kezemet es eltiint. Nagyon szoritottak minket a' nagyszombati csata utdn. A* Magyarok meghoditottdk Pannonidt 894 evben. En megszolitottam az utczdn hanem 6 nem hallgatott ram. Kdroly kiejtette jol ezeket a* szavakat. Hallottad- e hogy an mondta ki 6? Ha jol kiejtetted volna azt a* szot, a' tanito nem igazitott volna. Miert (why) nem igazitottad ha 79 lattad hogy hibdzott Mikor penzt hozott in oda nyujtottam a kezemet hogy tdle dtvegyem. He has hidden himself, for he feared the punishment. He stretched out his hand, when he heard (persons) speaking of fruit. Did you listen to (that) what he has said? I have not listened. My teacher has corrected me always, when I have made a mistake (hibdt ejteni, to make a mistake). I have forgotten to learn my lesson. Charles has forgotten to take his books with him. William the Conqueror has conquered this island. The English nation delayed its assistance to foreign nations till it was too late. The clock struck one. We have sown seeds of flowers in our garden; our uncle has sown seeds of vegetables in his garden. The thief has run away. My brother has spoiled my blue ink. I have painted a fine picture. 8. Dissyllabical Verbs with a final t in their root, and Verbs the roots of which terminate with d, g, k, receive the short vowel (o , o, e,) before the t of the Perfect in the third person Sing. Szeret-ni to love, szeretett he loved, adni to give, adott he has given. Obs. 1. Dissyllables in d have, in the third person Perfect, either a single t or tt preceded by a short vowel; thus, szakad-ni to tear, will be szak- adt and szakadott it tore, reped-ni to crack, repedt and repedett it cracked. 80 2. Ldtni, to see, forms lattam I have seen, lattdl thou hast seen, Idtott he has seen. Az oesem haza sietett; 6 nem szeretett volna lovdbb vdrni. Sokat fizetett az atydm a hdzaert. Istvdn minap farkast kergetett. Ha 6 megakadott volna en segitettem volna rajta (on him ; him). Ki segitett midon ezt csindltad. A' bdtydm segitett, mert en diet segitettem mikor 6 dolgozott. A' fiu szaladott, en is elszaladtam. Megszakadt a* szive a' hazafinak hazdjdnak leigdzdsdn. Az oraldncz elszakodott V azert az ora nem megy. Az atydm Londonban lakott, de en mindeg falun laktam. Az any dm nekem almdt adott, es en ezt a' bardtomnak adtam. I have paid you all that I owed to you, but my debtor did not pay me. My brother paid 50 /. for his piano. I should have paid him, if he would have given me a receipt for it. My friend hastened away. Did he run? He cut his finger when he was cutting meat. The teacher expelled that boy from his school, because he was disobedient. Did you ever see a lion? No, but our friend has seen a lion. He ran away because he was afraid of punishment. I loved you when you were obedient and behaved yourself well. I did not like (szeretni) the boy because of his insolence. 9. The Hungarian language has the peculiarity of expressing the Objective case of the Personal Pronoun 81 of the second person, governed by any Active Verb, by means of an affix added to the Verbal root. This peculiar form is used only when the speaker himself is represented as Active. The affix used is lak and lek. Thus, I wait for thee or I expect thee, will be expressed by vdr-lak, instead of vdrom tegedet; I beat you, will be ver-lek instead of verem titeket; lat-lak (latni to see) I see you and I see thee. Whether the form Idtlak means „l see you" or „I see thee" will be understood by the sentence in which such a form is used. The same affix may be added to the root of the Perfect and Future, in all the Tenses of the Conditional, and the Tenses of the Potential and Factitive Verbal forms, and thus be formed: vdrtalak I waited for thee, vdrni foglak I shall wait for thee, vdrjalak that I may wait for thee, vdrndlak I should wait for thee, vdrhatlak I can wait for thee, vdi % tathatlak I can let thee wait. Ha mindjdrt eljosz meg megvdrlak. En meg- Idtogattalak volna tegnap de nagyon esett az esd, azert csak a > jovo heten foglak Idtogatni. Taldn nagyon sokdig vdrtatlak (I let you wait). Mult hetfdn hozzdm hivattalak. En vedtelek (I have defended thee) a tolvajok ellen, kik tegnap meg- tdmadtak. En nem szeretlek, mert nem akarsz engedelmeskedni; szerettelek mig szorgalmatos voltdl. En majd haza vezetlek (take you home) mert nem esmeritek az utatokat (your way). Vigydzz Csink. hung. gram. g 82 hogy meg ne usselek. Vdrjalak? En tdbbe nem vdrhatlak, mert fel ora mulva oskoldba kell menni. Megverlek ha nem hagysz beket (keep the peace). Add (adjad) ide a kezedet hogy a vizbSl ki huzzalak. Hogy van az hogy a' szinhdzban nem latkatlak. Te kulonben mindeg oda szoktdl jdrni. En nem hallhatlak ha oily halkkal beszeltek. I cannot reach you, for you stand very far from me. I shall beat you if you spoil my book. I should love you if you were diligent. If I should have seen you, I would have waited for you. I cannot beat you, although you deserved it. I could offend thee , but I shall show to thee , that I esteem thee higher (tobbre) than my private interest. Could I not see you? I would visit you, if you were at home to-morrow. Did I hurt thee? I did not see you. If I could have recognised you , I should have spoken to you (addressed you). I have sent for you last night. Did I call you? No, I called you not. If he would have left you in the field, you would have lost your way* I do not know you, for I never have seen you before. Did I not draw you out of the pond. I appeased you when you were in great emotion about (miatt) the loss of your fortune. Till. Participles. The Verb of the Hungarian language forms its Participles by means of terminations added to the Verbal root, Active, Passive, Factitive, Potential, Medium etc.. 83 Such terminations are: va, vd?i; thus, vd?*va waited (waiting, having expected, being expected), vdr- vdn waiting; vdratva having been waited for, vdratvdn being waited for; vdrhatva, vdrhatvdn being able to wait for ; vdrtatva, vdrtatvdn leaving one waiting ; vdr- tathatva, vdi^tathatvdn being able to let one wait. The Participle of va is often used instead of an Adverb with any other personal form of the same Verb; for instance: vdrva vdrtunk we waited waitingly. Such forms of construction are only used to give the personal Verb a stronger expression. Egynehdny szot az ajtora wvdn kiszaladt. Kdroly nem merit iskoldba azt mondvdn hogy a s leczkejet nem ludja. En eladtam a hdzamat nem tudvdn honnan penzt szerezni. Nem szerezhetven (not being able to procure) penzt, en kentelen voltam a hdzamat eladni. kenszeritve jar osko- laba. Szeretve szeretett sziileinket el kellett hagy- nunk (we were obliged to leave). Hanibal elen- segeitdl iildozve, Azsidba szokott. Gusztdv Adolph viteziesen harczolva elesett. A' ki kenszeritve tanul nem nagy elomentelt tesz. Jdtszva tanul a' gyermek. Allva irni, illve enni. Stetve jdrt mikor 6t Idttam. Nem mehetven keresztul, vissza- tertiink. Hirtelen meghalt, nem csindlhatvdn vegren- deletet. You were expected at your aunt's. We were forced to seek refuge in foreign countries, expelled from our own. Not being able to pay what he 6* 84 owed , his property was sold. Louis Philippe, lulled in security, was surprised by the French people. He left the room, not saying whether he would return soon. As we are not able (not being able) to speak correctly, we do not like to speak a word. Hannibal, leaving Italy, deserted the path of fortune. Being left to myself (magamra) , I was not able to finish the work. He wrote the letter standing. By keeping silence he acknowledged his fault. Having returned, he left this message for you. Having arrived at my home, I wrote to you a letter directly. IX. The Verb hell, to want, to lie obliged 9 must. 1. The (impersonal) Verb kell is used in connection with Personal Pronouns in their forms: nekem to me , neked to thee , neki to him , to her , to it , nekunk to us, nektek to you, nekik to them, throughout all the Tenses, of which the Verb kell has only the third person. Thus: Ind. Pres. nekem kell I want, I must, neked kell thou wantest, neki kell he wants, etc. Past, nekem kellett I wanted, I was obliged, and I must, neked kellet, etc. Fut. nekem kelleni fog I shall want etc. Subj. Pres. nekem kelljen that I may want, that I may be obliged, etc. 85 Cond. 1. nekem kellene I should want, I should be obliged, that I might want, etc. 2. nekem kellett volna I should have wanted, I should have been obliged, Observ. If more persons than one are expres- sed in the same sentence, the Verb kell is not repeated ; as, nekem ruha kell neked pedig kenyer, I want clothes and thou wantest bread. If instead of the third person of the Pronoun any Substantive be used, it will be constructed by the affix „nak", to; as: my friend wants a book a 9 bardtomnak konyv kell If the objects wanted are more than one, the third person plural of the Verb kell is used : kellenek are wanted, kellettek were wanted , kelleni fognak shall be wanted, etc. As anydmnak kell ssolgdlo as atydmnak pe- dtg inas. Kell-e neked alma? Nem, nekem kortve kell. Nekem nem kell kenyer hanem hits, Beldnak pedig vajas kenyer. Hat*) Kdrolynak nem kell kenyer ? De (used as a particle in affirmative senten- ces) kell. Kinek kell ssdllo? nekem es Gyuldnak. Nekem kellett volna ruha ha a 9 bdlba akartam volna menni, neked pedig pens kellett volna. Ssin- hdzba nem jdrvdn nekem se pens se szep ruha nem kell As ellensegnek puskapor es dgyu kellett. *) The particle hat is somewhat like the English why and well, when used without any meaning. Eat mit csindltok, well, what are you a doing? hat olvasunk, why we are reading. 86 Ha nektek fegijver kell, majd ad a 9 kormany. A 9 nepnek hu vezer kell, hogy a zsarnokok cselszove- nyein gyozedelmeskedjen. No objective case is used with the Verb kell. I do want pens and ink, for I have bought paper only. Do you want fine pointed or common pens? I do not want the fine pointed (ones). Did you want (any) money? Yes, I did want (some), but now I do not want (any). Shall you want this book? Not to-day, but I shall want it to-morrow. If you should want it , I would send it home to you. We wanted a friend, who (ki) could (would be able) lend us (some) money. Such friends are often wanted. I wanted a book, thou dost want ink, and he wants paper. You always want something. I do want him. Do you want your mother? No, we want our aunt. Well, do you want no tea (don't you want . . .) ? Yes , we do want (some). Does Charles want (any) bread and butter? No, but he wants some prunes and grapes. You do not want (any) apples, do you (want you)? Yes, and (some) pears as well. 2. The Passive voice of kell is formed regularly; thus, I am wanted kelletem, that I may be wanted kelessem, I should be wanted kellelnem, etc. If the Objective, in Hungarian Nominative, case, governed by the Verb „to want", should be replaced by any Infinitive whatever , in the Hungarian 87 language the Infinitive is used with the Possessive affixes. Thus, I want to read is: olvasnom (instead of olvasni-om) kell, and nekem kell olvasn-om; thou wantest to write, neked irnod (imi-od) kell; he wants to go neki mennie kell; we want to wait, nekilnk vdr- nunk kell (vdrni-unk) / they want to speak, nekik be- szelniok kell. In the same way all other Tenses of the Verb „want, with any Infinitive whatever, may be formed. As the Verb „to want," when meaning neces- sity, is replaced by „to be obliged" and „must," all such forms, as: I am obliged or I must go, are expressed by nekem mennem kell, etc. The personal distinction represented in nekem, neked, neki etc. being expressed plainly enough by the affixes added to the Infinitive, the Pronouns nekem, neked etc. become superfluous and are merely used emphatically. The Verb „must" (but not the Verb to be obli- ged) is often expressed simply by the Infinitive added to the Verb kell. Thus, nekem kell olvasni, I must read, but olvasnom kell, I am obliged to read. A bdtydmnak francziaul kell olvasni, ?iekem pedig nemet&l. Ma el fog kelleni mennetek (you will be obliged to go to-day). Ha visszaternilnk kell csak karddal a' kezben teriink vissza. Nektek nem kellett volna elmennetok. Szomoru kinek (who) hazdjdt el kell hagynia. Az ujsdgot olvasnom kell mert ku- 88 lonben nem tudndm mi van benne. Hat kellett-e elmenni, vagy akartdl elmenni. A' bdtydmra kell vdrnom, akdr akarok akdr nem. Kinek fog kelleni mennie? Nekem nem kell, nekem sem (neither I). Ha nem kell most elutaznotok (ntazni) ne menjetek utnak (go on a journey) most , mert rosz az idd. lrnom kell az atydmnak. Irni kell az atydmnak. Nektek kellet olvasnotok az oskoldban, nekik pedig ott kellett maradniok mert nem tudtdk a' lecz- kejoket. Tanulnunk kell, kiilonben megbilntet a 9 tanitonk. You are obliged to work, while your brother takes a walk. We are obliged to walk, while you are playing. I must read, you must write. I am obliged to read, thou art obliged to work. If I were obliged to go home, I should go by (on) the steam -boat. You would be very sorry {Igen saj- ndlndtok) if you were obliged to return this pre- sent. They are obliged to leave England, because they can get no employment. My brother was obli- ged to go to France, because his friend wanted him. Were you obliged to leave your country? Were your friends obliged to leave you? I was not obliged to do that, but I did it from my own will. People (men) are obliged to give way, when they experience constant urgency. My father was obliged to sell his horse, for it was very wild. He must sell his estates if he wishes to pay his debts. Soldiers are obliged to learn the different movements 89 of the army. The enemies must give way , if they are pressed hard. You never ought (must) to deny those that (azoktol, kik) beg of you. Parents often are obliged to deny (megtagadni) the petitions of their children. Children ought (should be obliged) to honour their parents. X. Future. 1. Besides the Future Tense mentioned above, there is a Verbal affix, in the Hungarian language, which expresses the future action of the Verb. This affix is „and, end/ 6 which joined to any verbal root (Active, Passive, Neuter, Factitive, Potential, Medial etc.) will give a new Verbal root expressing fu- ture time. Thus, vdr, vdrat, vdrtat, vdrhat, vdrathat, vdrtathat, etc. will give as many roots for the future in: vdrand will wait, vdratand will be waited for, vdrtatand will let wait, vdrhatand will be able to wait, vdrathatand can be waited for, vdrtathatand will be able to make (one) wait, etc. These Radicals of the Future form a new Verb, which may receive all the different terminations of the Moods and Tenses of the primitive Verb (Active, Passive, Medium, Potential, Factitive etc.); even, Active Verbs have a Definite and Indefinite form of this Future. 90 The Tenses of vdrand, from vdrni, are: Ind. Pres. vdrandok I shall or will wait, vdrandsz, vdrand; vdrandunk we will wait, vdrandtok, vdrandnak. Past, vdrandottam I shall or will have waited, vdrandottdl, vdrandott; vdrandottunk we will have waited, vdrandottatok , vdrandattak. Fut. vdrandni (vdrandani) fogok I shall be waiting (for the future), etc. Subj. Pres. vdrandjak shall I be waiting (for the future), and that I may be waiting (for the future), vdrandjdl, vdrandjon; vdrandjunk, vdrandjatok, vdrandjanak. C o n d. 1. vdrandnek I should be waiting (for the future), vdrandndl, vdrandna; vdrand- ndnk, vdrandndtok , vdrandndnak. 2. vdrandottam volna I should have been waiting (for the future), vdran- dottdl volna, vdrandott volna; vdrandottunk volna, vdrandottatok volna, vdrandottak volna, etc. The preceding scheme shews, how difficult it is to express these Verbal forms of the Hungarian language; even, the modern languages have no ex- pressions whatever to represent the true meaning of many of these forms; and as the Hungarian language has been cultivated by men, who received their edu- 91 cation in foreign countries and foreign languages, such forms are less in use in writing, and entirely lost in familiar conversation. Verbal Adjectives formed by 6 and ott, in vdrando and vdrandott, correspond with the Latin future Participle of the Passive voice in dus, and vdrando expresses a future necessity; thus, ez a somma holnap kifizetendo means: this sum must be paid to-morrow. A* nagybdtydnk holnaputdn eljovend, hogy rninket Idtogasson. Azt mondta , hogy nekem ajdnde- kozandja azt a' kepet. Nem hiszem, hogy penzt adand. Remenylendd hogy jobbra fordul sorsunk. Az ember ma nem tudja mit lesz teendd holnap. Minden ember halando. A** bardtod elmenend mielott teged Idtogasson. Ki mit kolcsonoz azt visszateritendje. A' fold mivelendo , hogy hasznot hajtson. Addig hdmozando a' hdrsfa mig hdmlik (prov. hammer the iron while it is hot). Bar sok a' te- lyesitendo kotelessegunk , megis mindenik kielegitendd. XI. Pronouns. A« Personal. I. En I, te thou, 6 he, she, it; mi and mink we, ti and tik you, 6k they. Engem and engemet me, teged and tegedet thee, otet him, her, it; minket us, titeket you, oket them; instead of rninket, titeket are often used: bennunket and benneteket 92 The Personal Pronouns are never used before the Verb , except when emphasis or the construction of the sentence requires it (when they are Subjects of the sentence). The Personal Pronouns often precede a Noun with its possessive affixes emphatically: as, az en bdtydm my brother, in opposition to a te bdtydd thy brother, etc. The you of addressing Persons is in the Hun- garian language either te thou, among familiars and intimate friends, or on (his person, he), commonly maga (he himself), among strangers; thus, either the Second or Third Person of the Singular Number; kend is used by the peasantry. Besides these forms there has been introduced kegyed, the shortened form of kegyelmed, which latter is used by the peasantry in addressing their superiors. — Te nem Idttdl minket hanem mi Idttunk tegedet Ki (who) hozta ezt a konyvet? Te, vagy a* bdtydd. Bar atom en holnap elutazom, 's azert jdtem hozzdd hogy tdled elbucsuzzam. Elmegyunk oskoldba , j'8t- tok ti is? A* tanito szidott beneteket mert nem tudtdtok a** leczketeket. V all] on (used in question- ing if we eagerly wish to know something, like the English: I should like to know) ki volt tegnap en ndlam? Te ndlad is volt valaki. Titeket meg- buntetett a? mesteretek mert nem csindltdtok jol a munkdtokat is eljott es a y bdtya is, hanem 6k 93 nem sokdra el fognak menni. Kerlek bardtom ne menj el oily hirtelen. Benteket nezem, hogy mit csi- ndltok. Minketnezel? A' szinhdzban volt-e tegnap edes atydd? En 6tet nem Idttam. rendesen minden csotortokon megy oda. I have seen you at the play-house, but you could not see me. My uncle has paid us a visit (visited us) before he left London. Will you see him to-night (ma estve)! No I shall not see him, for I am not going to him but to my aunt. Not my mother, but thy sister has bought this bird. Thou hast not been at Paris. Hast thou been at Pest? No, I have not been, but a friend of mine (egyik bardtom) has been there. Our teacher teaches us French and Hungarian. Did you hear him speak- ing (to speak)? Hast thou seen those fine pictures? Yes, and bought them as well. Canst (knowest) thou speak Hungarian? They never will learn it (definite form). Wilt thou go to the play (the play- house)? Let me go to-night and thou stay at home. On (kegyed, maga) you, instead of which now and then: az ur, mister, gentleman, is used. Nem akarna on hozzdnk jonni? Inkdbb jojjon on hozzdnk. En irtam onnek egy levelet, hanem on nekem nem felelt. Ki ismeri ont? En az urat meg nem Idttam. Kerem B. ur lesz oily szives ezt nekem elkiildeni? Ugyan hogy gondolhatta azt on? 94 En azt ontSl nem vdrtam volna soha. Hova akar on utazni Nemetorszdgba-e vagy Magyarorszdgba. En az on tervet nem helyeselem; mas tandcsot adnek onnek. Mit gondol (you, is missed) lesz-e esdnk, vagy sent. Kihez (to whom) fordultl Your, is expressed by means of the Possessive affix of the third person. Your book a % konyve; Yours means onne. You never tell me when it is time to go to school. Did you see your brother to-night? Whose is that book ? Yours. Is it yours or mine ? I think it is yours. I know it is not his. You have not been in* Germany, nor in Switzerland. With whom shall I send this to you? I have sent for you, but you did not come. Have you ever read the beautiful poems of Vorosmarty? Yes, but do you not prefer Berzseny? Did you ever see the capital of France? Do you think it is as large as London? You cannot imagine what an impression London makes on the minds of foreigners. How can you expect him doing that (that he will do that)? B. Relative pronouns. Their Declension is like that of the Substantives. 1. Ki who, melly which, mi what. These are preceded by the Definite article a\ when they begin 95 the period, or when they refer to a certain deter- mined Substantive. A' ki mdsnak vermet (verem) as, maga esik bele. A 1 ki nem akar dolgozni, az ne is egyen. Az az ember, a 1 ki tegnap itt volt, ma elutazott. Ember ek, kik mindenuket etveszitettek , nem oily (so) szerencsetlenek mind azok, kiknek semmi sem sikerul. Azt a s kepet, a' mellyet ma mutattam, egy hires festotdl kaptam. Azon novenyek, mellyek arnyek- ban nonek, mindeg halavdnyak. A"* melly orszdg* ?iepe nem mivelt, annak nines szabadsdga. Csak azon ember ek kik, erkolcsileg miveltek, valoban szabad emberek. Kinek lelke testi tunyasdg alatt vesz, az elevenen holt. Men who are virtuous are satisfied with their own lot. Those who always find fault with others are generally faulty themselves. The horses which you have seen belong to my uncle. The garden which we have bought is 148 feet long, and 34 feet wide. That house, in which you live, is larger than that in which we do live. Did you know that before what I have told you now? This is the man whom you did look for. People, who lose their moral power, lost their external liberty. You do not know what I think of. What you think of I do not know , but I know that , what you have told me. 96 2. Milly , millyen what, what sort, how, illy en, illy such, so; oily such — , a y mind as; mind what sort, what — , oily an, oily such; mi what, az that. Milly, mil/yen, mind are used in the antecedent, illy, illy en, oily , oily an in the consequent. The article az and a' precedes them if they refer to any determined Subject. A* millyen — oily an, and millyen — oily an often may be trans- lated by like — like; as, a 1 millyen a* mester oily an a^ szerszdm like masters like tools. Illyenek az emberek (such are men). Az illyen emberek valodi terhek (such men are real burdens). Milly nagy hegyeket lat az ember ha a* Svajczban utazik. A' mind a* munka, oily an a^ fizetes. Illyen ritkasdgot csak Londonban Idthatni. A 1 millyen a'' gazda *), oily an a' szolga. Oily szep zenet, mindt meg soha sem hallottam. Ollyan az embernek a^ sikere a^ mind az iigyessege. Nem szeretnek oily munkdt vegezni a? mindt sok kezi- munkdsnak vegeznie kell. He promised to pay such a large sum, as will be difficult to get up (as to make up difficult will be). Such men , as live in Borneo , could not subsist *) gazda husbandman (master) used instead of mester master, because the principal occupation of the Hungarians is agriculture. 97 for a long time in Iceland. He has shown me such products as belong only to America. I saw such a number of books, as would be difficult to count (as to count would be difficult). Such plants as grow in tropical regions are cultivated in Europe artificially. C. Interrogative Pronouns. Ki? Kicsoda? Who? mi? micsoda? what*)? mel- lyikl which? millyen? what sort? mind? what a? (micsoda and kicsoda are only used in the Nomi- nat. Sing.) Ki volt tegnap ndlatok? Nem tudod kinel van a' konyvem? Mind szine van a' ruhddnak? Millyen dllat a s kigyo mind szine van? Millyenek a' szemei? A' buzdnak dra Magyarorszdgon nem oily mag as mint Angolorszdgban. Micsoda? Nem oily magas? Ki mondja azt? Egy Magyarorszdgban utazo Angol. Kicsoda? Egy Angol. Millyen a? Magyar alkotmdny? Mellyik esztenddben jottek a' Magyar ok a' mostani Magyarorszdgba? Ki volt a 1 vezetdjok? Micsoda fegy- verok es mind hadakozdsimodjuk volt? Kitdl hallodtad hogy hdboru lesz? Mit gondolsz a" jb'vd harcz feldl (about)? Kinek van igaza (who is in the right)? •) If what is followed by a Substantive, it is always expressed by micsoda, as micsoda ruhdi? What dresses? Csink. bung. gram. *y 98 Minek (for what purpose, why, what for) adtad nehi ezt a 1 konyvet? Kiket lattdl a y szinhdzban? Whom do you expect? What do you say? What sort of birds have you shot? What colour are their feathers? What book have you lost? What dress have you bought? To whom did you give your money? From whom did you receive the picture? What do you call (minek hijdk) in Hungarian: window, table, door, room, house, street, town and capital? Which is the capital of England? Which town is the larger, London or Paris? In which room shall I find him? What sort of furniture have you in your rooms? Which is the best hotel in London? Who gave you the book? My brother. Who? My brother. With whom have you been in England? What did you do it with (with what)? II. Demonstrative and definitive Pronouns* (variable like nouns.) Az that, ez this, amaz that, emez this here; magam myself, magad thyself, maga himself, herself , itself ; magunk ourselves , magatok yourselves. magok themselves; kiki every body, each (used of persons) , azon (invariable) that , often in the meaning of: a; as, azoy dolog melly — a thing which. Az a > konyv az enyem, ez a' tied. Azok a? konyvek a 1 mieink, ezek pedig a nagybdtydnk-ei. Amazokat eladni fogjuk , emezeket pedig ma vettiik. 99 Annak *) az dllatnak nincsen laba , ennek pedig szdrnyai vannak? Millyen tulajdonsdga van annak «' fdnak. Azt az embert tegnap Idttam. Mag am nem mehetek, mast pedig nem Mldhetek. En magam sem (neither) tennem. Te magad mondtad, hogy levelet kaptdl. Hisz 6 maga sem tudja hogyan kelljen ezt csindlni. Valljon maga el fog-e menni vagy csak a* szolgdjdt kuldendi (will send). Mi magunk megtudjuk ezt csindlni, nem kell a' ti segitsegtek. Mindeg jobb lesz ha maga- tok szoltok vele. Kinek kinek ott van hazdja ahol jol van dolga (where he is doing well). Kiki tudja millyen nehez erenyt gyakarolni. Azon esetben, ha el nem jonne, neki irni fog ok. Azon ember, ki so ha eleteben jot nem tett y so ha oromet nem erzett. That house, which you have seen yesterday, belongs to our uncle. Did you buy this book, or have you received it for a present? This is the man that inquired after you yesterday. Have you seen him yourselves? We will go to buy the book our- selves, for if you went they might deceive you. Have you spoken to himself? Thou shalt love (szeressed) thy neighbour as thyself. Men generally love themselves more than their neighbours (fellow men). We ourselves admonished him always to be cautious. If I had been there myself, that •) see Introduction — instead of az-nak. 7* too never would have happened. Every body (kiki) knows best his own wants. Each (of them) has received his share himself. XII« Con j unctions* Correlative ones are : miert why, — mert because, for; dmbdr, bar although, — megis nevertheless, yet; mikor when, — akkor then; mint as, — ugy as , so ; valamint like , as , — szintugy (szinten- ugy) so, the same; mennyire, amennyire so far, — annyira, as; sem, before consonants se neither, — sem, se nor ; is as well, — is as, (and — and) ; — the Adverb reszint partly, when used as a Conjunction in the antecedent, is repeated in the consequent. Miert hagyta el a 9 bdtydd Londont? Mert levelet kapot hogy szulei szukseglik (want him). Ambdr neki nagyon nehezen esett a 9 szep vdrost elhagyni, megis a szulei erdnti szeretett rdbirta St. Mikor a sziileink benniinket elhagytak, akkor az ocsem sirva fakadt. Ki (any one) mint dgydt veti (makes his bed), ugy aludni fog („do well and have it well"). Sem en, sem az atydm nem fog a 9 vdrosba menni. Se lovat, se penzt nem hozott. Az dllatok se nem beszelnek, se nem gondolkoznak ugy mint az emberek. Mikor Hannibal Azsidba erkezett akkor Carthago nyakat hajtott (submitted) a 9 romai iga aid. Carthago is, Roma is elesett. 101 Neither you nor your friend can go over (dltal) to Paris. Why are they exiled from their own country? Because they struggled against injustice and perjury. Although the sacred rights of the people be suppressed for a time (egy iddre) , yet the day of their victory will arrive. As the flowers have the most splendid colours in the spring (tavaszszal) , so (the) people are the most celebrated for their heroic deeds, in the time (idejen) of their youth (on their youth's time). Has your brother done his lesson? Neither I have done mine (I neither etc.). You neither read nor write. I shall buy books as well as paper. He has lost bis money as well as his purse. XIII. Adverbs. Numerals: egyszer once, ketszer, twice, hdromszor three times, otszor five times, hatszor, tizszer, etc. eldszor, firstly, mdsodszor secondly, negyedszer fourthly, otodszor, tizedszer, etc. Of time: naponkent daily , hetenkent weekly, drdnkent hourly, etc. Of quality: roszul badly, jol well, roszab- ban worse, jobban better, vitezul gallantly, viteziesen like a hero, vildgosan plainly, vildgossabban more plainly, etc. Itt van-e az edes atydd is? Nines itt, 6 otthon van, Ki van itthon? Honnan jon az arany? Azt 102 tudom , hogy mds honnan Jon mint Angolorszdgbol. Ha holnap jotok en nektek oda adhatom a' konyvet. Most menj mindjdrt. En ma nem mehetek az oskoldba. Csak egy pillanatig vdrjdl, 6 azonnal itt less. Taldn inkdbb szeretne haza menni. Igen gyakran esik az esd Angolorszdgban. Olaszorszdgban mindeg szep idd van. Igazdn mondva (in truth) 6 se nem koltS, se nem szonok. Hiszen (enclitical , has no meaning in Eng- lish) en neki vildgosan mondtam, hogy ma jojjon el. A* bardtom bizonyosan meg ma el fog joni. Mennel nagyobb a 9 hegy , anndl nehezebb arra fel menni. Mennel tobbet olvas az ember, anndl tobbel tanuL Mennyivel tovdbb alszunk, annyival rovidebb ideig elunk, mert eletiink minden ordja vesztesseg, a 9 mellyikben alszunk. (The) Kings act unjustly, when they make war against their own people. If you tell it once to me (If once etc.), I shall know it another time. The more you speak, the less they will understand. He knows it perhaps himself (what) how he ought to act (how he must act). My brother left London yesterday and arrived at Paris to-day. (The boys went to school already (The boys already to school went). Thy friend has left France long ago. Formerly people were under the government of Patriarchs. The steam-engine has been invented recently, America has been discovered more than 350 years ago f350 esztendovel ezelStt). Formerly men knew only three parts of the earth. The more men 103 know, the more wants they have. The sooner you finish your lessons, the sooner you shall play. How do you know, whether [my brother has arrived, or not. We often have been in the king's gardens, but as often as we go we find new pleasure. Whence do you come? I come from Brussels at this moment (e 9 pillanatban). n. DIVISION. THEORY OF THB t.lVtil AGE A. GRAMMATICAL FORMS. ETYMOLOGY. lhe Etymological formations, as well as the Syntax, of the Hungarian language are conformable to the character of Oriental languages. The language has scarcely any Declension for objective terms (Substantives and Adjectives), no pri- mitive possessive Pronouns, is poor in Prepositions strictly taken, but seems to be inexhaustible in Ver- bal formations. These latter may be extended to such an immense number of various Verbal roots, that all other European languages are but poor and incomplete representatives of Verbal forms in comparison with it. As these are the principal ones in the language, they may be premised, although many Grammarians prefer to begin with the Nouns. I. Verbs* 1. Verbal roots* A. Primitive roots. In other European languages we are in the habit of expressing the Verbs in the Infinitive, as their simple form, in the Hungarian language we must inquire after the root of the Verb. The Infinitive 108 of any Verb ends with the syllable ni, preced- ed by a vowel or a consonant. The root of Verbs always has a final consonant; thus, if the ter- mination of the Infinitive be taken off, and the remainder of the verb has a final vowel, this vowel must be omitted as well, and then the remainder will be the root of the Verb. The Verb iilni, to sit, has its root in fi/; vallani, to confess, has it in vail. — Such Verbal roots are called primitive Verbal roots, and are for the greatest part monosyllabical ones, at least in all primitively Hungarian Verbs. They are either regular ones , when the Verbal roots remain entirely unchanged whatever termination may be joined to them, or irregular ones, when they are liable to different transformations as often as some terminations are added to them, in order to form the different Tenses of the Verb. Irregularities are produced: by a contraction of the Verbal root; by inserting a consonant between the vowel of the root and that of the personal termination of the Verb, which is then assimilated to that of the personal termination as often as this begins with a consonant; or by exchange of consonants, especially of the con- sonants d, sz 9 v. — a) Contractions. Contractions are produced by the o m i s s i o n of a vowel or of a consonant in the last syllable of the verbal root. 109 Vowels can be omitted only in Verbs the root of which is of more than one syllable. Consonants are omitted in a few, — only monosyllabical Verbal roots. Omission of vowels. The vowel of the last syllable of a poly- syllabic Verbal root is omitted if the concur- rence of consonants does not harden the pronunciation of the Verb, or if the last vowel is not a long one, because long vowels never do admit elision. — As Euphony is always to be taken into consideration, such abbreviations cannot be admitted if the penul- tima has a final consonant. For instance: bon-czol, does not admit: bon-czl. 1. If the last syllable of the Verbal root is formed by a combination of the liquids I, n, r with the consonant especially when preceded by the 112 palatels g, k, or the liquids r, I, suffer a double alteration of their primitive root. Firstly the vowel e, o, o, «, or 8 is omitted; secondly the dental d is changed into sz for the Present, into v for the Imperfect Tense, of the Indicative Mood. In the other Tenses the primitive root is restored. — Alud-ni to sleep, changes its root „alud" into „alsz; u and I sleep means alszom (instead of aludom) ; dicseked-ni to glory, to have a pride (in), forms dicsekszem, I glory; meneked-ni to take refuge, to save one's self, forms fnenekszem ; gazdagod- ni to grow rich, forms gazdagszom. In the Imperfect Tense they form: alvdm, I slept (instead of aluddm); dicsefcvem, instead of dicsekedem, etc. — Observ. 1. Verbs in which g precedes the final syllable of the root are preferably used as regulars in the Imperfect Tense; thus, megeleged-em is preferable to megelegv-em, I was satisfied; meg- betegedem I became ill, is better than megbetegvem. Observ. 2. If the penultima of the root be preceded by a double consonant no contraction will take place , but the change of d into sz and v , is effected. — Alkud-ni to bid (in the price) , alkuszom I bid, and alkuvdm I bade, etc. All the primitive Verbal roots are divided into three classes: Active, Neuter and Medial Verbal roots. Active Verbal roots are of a Transitive, the Neuter ones of an Intransitive meaning; Medial roots are of an Intransitive and Reflexive meaning, which in most of the European languages are con- 113 structed with the objective case of the Personal Pronouns; in the Hungarian language, the Passive Verbal affixes are used instead. B. Derivative roots. Under this Section I comprehend such Verbal roots as are derived from primitive Verbs, in order to form a Verb of a different Gender from that of the primitive Verb; thus, the Verbs derived from Nouns, Adjectives, etc., or from other Verbs, as long as their Generic meaning does not change , are hereby excluded. Such derivate Verbal roots are the roots: a) Of the Passive Voice. The Passive Voice is formed by means of the syllables at, et, added to the root of the Active Voice. Verni 9 to beat, forms veret, veretem I am beaten, etc., imi] to write, irat-ni to be written. Obs. 1. Verbs the Active root of which termi- nates with a t, preceded by a long vowel or the consonant j, and polysyllabical Verbs commonly form their Passive root by addition of the syllable tal, tet. Tanit-ani to teach, taniltat-ni, to be taught; enged-ni to allow, engedtet-ni, to be allowed bonczol-ni to dissect, to anatomize, bonczoltat-ni, to be dissected ; kormdnyozni to govern , kormanyoz- tat-ni to be governed. Obs. 2. Fuj-ni to blow, Id-ni to shoot, ro-ni to mark on a tally, tenni to put, form: fuvat-ni, lovet-ni, rovat-ni, tetct-ni. Csink hung. Gram. 8 114 @) Of Factitive and Permissive Expressions. Such Expressions, in the English language, arc formed by means of the Verbs: to make, to cause, to have, to let, as, I cause him to write, I let him read, 1 have my coat made, etc. The Hunga- rian language admits the formation of Factitive and Permissive roots from any Active Verb or such Neu- ters as are used with the Objective case, by the addition of the syllable tat, tet to the primitive Verbal root. Vdrni to wait, vartat-ni to let any one wait; kes-ni to tarry, kestet-ni to cause delay. Obs. 1. Enni, /mini, inni, venni form: etet- ni to feed, hitet-ni to cause to believe, vetct-ni to cause to buy. Obs. 2. In some instances the Factitive root is used instead of the Passive one, as in polysyllabical Verbs, and the Passive root instead of a Factitive and Permissive one, as in monosyllabical Verbs. Iral- ni, to be written, to let write, and to cause to be written; olvastat-ni to be read, and to make one read. y) Of Frequentativums. These are used when a repeatedly performed action is to be represented. Verbs of this kind are formed by means of the syllables gat, get, and kdl, kel; as, tanit-ani to teach, tanitgat-rd to be often teaching; irkdl-in to write repeatedly. Observ. 1. In most Verbs this Frequentative syllable is preceded by the vowel or e, especially 115 when Euphony requires it. Ver-ni to beat, vereget- ni to be beating repeatedly; nez-ni to look, neze- get-ni to be often looking. Observ. 2. If the primitive Verbal root ter- minates with the liquid / or r , a Verbal root may be formed for diminutive - frequentative actions by means of the additional syllable dogdl, clegel; for instance, irdogdl, he is writing a little at a time. 8) Of the Potential Mood. If the possibility of the action, expressed by any Verb whatever, is represented, or the capability of the Active subjects is to be expressed, a new root is formed by the additional syllable hat, het. This syllable may be added to primitive Verbal roots as well as to derivative ones. Ir-ni to write, irat-ni to be written; ver-ni to beat, veret-niio be beaten, vertet-ni to have any one beaten, vereget-ni to beat repeatedly, verdegel-ni to beat repeatedly but a little at a time, have their Potential roots in: ir-hat he is able to write, irat-hat may be written, can be written; verhet he can beat, verethet may be beaten or being possible to beat him, ver- tethet he is able to beat or able to empower others to beat any one, vereget-het, he may beat re- peatedly, verdegel-het, etc. s) Of the Future. This is formed by the addition of and, end, to any of the preceding or other Verbal roots. 8* 116 The root of the Future, formed that way, involves the notion of conditionally when used in any of the Tenses, and that of necessity and duty in the form of the Verbal Adjective (the Present Participle accord- ing to some Grammars). The preceding roots ir, irat, irkat, irathat, ver 9 veret, vereget, verdegel, verhet, veretket, veregethet, verdegelhet , will give as many new roots for the Future: irand, (he) will write; iratand, will be written or )he) will let write; irhatand, (he) will be able to write; irathatand, (he) will be able to have written; verend, (he) will beat; veretend, will be beaten ; veregetend, (he) will beat frequently ; verdegelend, (he) will beat frequently softly; ver- hetend, (he) will be able to beat; verethetend, will be able to let him beat, and might be beaten; vergetketend , (he) will be able to beat re- peatedly etc. As it is not the intention of this work to give an extensive Etymology of the language, the pre- ceding formations of derivative Verbal roots may suffice to indicate the fertility of the Hungarian Verbs. To give a short view of the formations of the different roots, the following are subjoined: Active Ver-ni, to beat. Passive Veret -ni, to be beaten. Frequentative Vereget-ni, to beat frequently. Diminutive-Freq. Verdegel -ni, to beat frequently (but not so hard). Frequentative Verdes-m, to beat frequently. 117 Diminutive Verint-eni, to beat a little. Reciprocal Vereked-ni, to beat each other, to fight. Verod-ni, to knock one's self against; When the active subject at the same time is the passive object as well. Vergod-ni> to get through (to fight with unfavourable circumstances). From each of these may be formed Potential roots: Verhet-ni , being able to beat. Verethet-ni, being exposed to being beaten. Veregethet-ni, being able to beat frequently. Verdegelhet-ni. Verdeshet-ni. Verinthet-ni. Verekedhet-ni, being able or having opportunity to fight, Verodhet-ni. Vergddhet-ni. Neuter Mozog-ni, to be in motion. Active Mozgat-ni, to move. Mozdul-7ii, to move (one's self), to move on. Mozdit-ani, to put in motion. Mozgadoz-ni, to be in a repeated motion. Mozzan-ni, to stir. Etc. 118 As we often use Metaphorical expressions, when the language affords no proper term for the representations of our thoughts, many of these Verbal roots are used metaphorically; this Rhe- torical licence is one of the sources of Verbal abundance. From the root vesz, to perish, may be formed: veszt-eni, to lose (Factitive: to cause to perish). veszit-eni, to lose (to permit perishing). veszteget-ni, to squander (to let become lost frequently). vesztegel-ni> to be idle (to lose time continually or frequently). veszeked-niy to quarrel (to lose words and friendship foe one another). Those who wish to see the whole extent of the derivation of roots may consult „Comarinus Csipkes Hungaria illustrata 1655" or the „ System of the Hungarian language by the Hungarian Academy." 2. Conjugation. A. Tenses, Persons, Moods. The different representations of action, expressed by any Verb, relative to Time, when it took place; to Persons, who are active, and to Modality of action or activity itself, gave origin to what is called the Conjugation of the Verb." 119 This Conjugation of a Hungarian Verb is performed by means of different affixes joined to the Verbal roots. In consideration of the Verbal roots themselves there are two different classes of Conjugational affixes; one for the Active and Neuter, the other for the Passive and Medium (Neutro- Passive). Time is represented as: past, present, and future, comprehending an infinite series of successive changes. The Grammatical forms for these represen- tations (Tenses) will be as many as there may be made distinctions of time. The European languages distinguish Present, Past, and Future. The more Nations become culti- vated in Rhetoric, the more combinations of the diffe- rent stations of time will occur and the more Tenses will be required in the Grammar of their language. The Hungarian language, having been attached to the familiar home of the agriculturists, is not so rich in Grammatical forms of Tenses , and in familiar conversation we may do with two; the one for the present and future , Present Tense *) , and the other for the past, Perfect Tense. The intermediate Tense, Imperfect, and the compound one, the Pluperfect, are Tenses more of the solemn style and not familiar in the home of the true Hungarians. The compound Future is a foreign element. *) For the future the Hungarian Verb may form a new root see above. 120 Persons. The notion (idea) of this expression being a logical consequence of the distinction made between: speaker, spoken to, and spoken of, — the Hungarian Verb has as many distinctions re- lative to Persons as all other European languages; but, with regard to the distinction of Gender, the Hungarians have retained the Oriental charac- ter, making no distinction of Gender whatever. The distinction of Gender made in Grammar is incomprehensible to Hungarians; just as the want of that distinction would puzzle foreigners. Grammar indeed and language may dispense with the distinc- tion of he, she, it, if they be replaced by any other word that would comprehend them all. Modality is the Logic of the Verb. The Verb is either: in apodictical relation to the subject, in the Indicative and Imperative Moods; in an assertorial one, in the Subjunctive Mood; in a hypothetical or problematical one , in the Con- ditional; or, lastly, in an Infinitive or Indefinite relation, in the Infinitive Mood. The Hungarian language has proper Verbal forms for each of the different Moods. B. Characteristics of the different Tenses and Moods. Affixes used to express the different personal rela- tions, are added to the Characteristic of the Verb. Characteristic is the final consonant of the Verbal root, remaining after the personal affixes are taken off. 121 In the Hungarian language there are distinguished Characteristics : 1. That of the Present, Imperfect and Future, which is the root of the Verb itself. There are as many such Characteristics as there are radi- cal terminations. Var , (to) wait; kinoz , (to) plague; ad, to give; szab , (to) cut out; szdll, (to) fly; etc. 2. That of the Perfect, which is only one, and always t. The Characteristic of the Perfect is added to the Verbal root (primitive or derivative), either immediately, or by means of a vowel; in the latter case the t is doubled. a) The Characteristic t is added by means of one of the vowels o, o, e, (o for hard, if, e for soft Verbs): To polysyllabic Verbal roots when they end with the consonants d or t, preceded by a long vowel or another consonant. Tanit — (to) teach, tanitott — taught; mond — (to) say, mondott — said; hajt — (to) drive, hajtott — driven. To Verbal roots terminating with a double con- sonant; all contracted roots are such. Erdemel — (to) deserve, contracted erdeml — , erdemlett — deserved ; gyakorl — (from gyakorol) (to) practise, gyakorlott — practised. To Monosyllabical roots terminating with t. Fnt- (to) run, futotl — run; hot — (to) bind, kotott- bound, etc. 122 Observ. Idt — (to) see, has latt — seen, for the first and second, Idtott, for the third per- son. Some of the monosyllabical roots terminating with t, have a regular and augmented form as well, hatt and hatott , from the primitive hat — (to) have impression; jutt and jutott, from jut — (to) reach, (to) get to, (to) become. P) The Verbal root receives the Characteristic without the accession of a vowel , whenever it does not belong to the preceding rule. Olvas — (to) read, olvast — read; vdr — , vdrt — ; var — (to) sew, vart — sewed; taldl — (to) find, taldlt — found; vdrtat — (to) leave waiting, vdrtatt — left waiting; tol — (to) push, tolt — pushed. Obs. Verbs the roots of which terminate with the consonants b, d> f, g, gy , k, m, p, s, sz, v, z, and polysyllables with a final t, receive the cementing vowel e, o, o only in the third Person of the Singular Number, ad, adott; fagy — (to) freeze, fagyotthe froze; dof — (to) butt, dofott; lak — (to) dwell, (to) inhabit, lakotthe dwelt. 3. The Characteristic of the Subjunctive and Imperative Mood is j, which is added immediately to the Verbal root. Vdr — , vdrj — ; Up (to) step, lepj — ; lak — , lakj — ; etc. Obs. 1. Verbal roots with a final t, z, sz > z change this Characteristic j into s, sz , z. — See Introduction § 3. Obs. 2. The 3 d Person and the whole Plural of the Pres. Tense Ind. Mood of the Definite Form 123 receive j as their characteristic as well, which is assimilated to the final consonants s, sz , z> but re- mains unchanged after t final. — 4) The Characteristic of the Conditional is n added to the Verbal root either immediately as in: ad — , adn — ; vdr — , vdrn — ; lot — , latn — ; ker — (to) petition, kern — ; es — (to) fall, esn — ; or by means of the vowels a, e, to such roots as receive the Characteristic of the Perfect with a cementing vowel (see 2. a)) Tanit — , tanitan — ; mond — , mondan — ; segit — (to) assist, se- giten — ; etc. G. Forms and Personal terminations. The Active Voice has two distinct Forms of Conjugation: a Definite and an Indefinite one. The Neuter is only used in the Indefinite form of the Active Voice. The Passive Voice has personal terminations different from those of the Active, though related to them. These terminations are used with Verbs the meaning of which is a neutral one, and which are known (in Hungarian Grammars) as Verbs of ik, because their third Person of the Sing. Number ends with iky or as Neutro - Passives , because they have the external form of the Passive voice and the internal meaning of a Neuter Verb. I preferred to call them ^Mediums" similar to the Greek, and in fact most of them are of the same meaning as the Greek Medium, their Passive form not being regarded- 124 1. THE PERSONAL TERMINATIONS OF THE INDEFINITE FORM OF THE ACTIVE VOICE AND NEUTER. Indicative Mood. Hard ones. Soft ones. Present Tense. Sing, ok, sz, root ; ek (ok), sz, root ; Plur. unk, tok, nak.*) fink, tek(tok), nek. Imperfect. Sing, ek, dl, a; I ek, el, e; Plur. dnk, dtok, anak. \ enk, etek, enek. Perfect. Sing, am, dl, Charact.;| em, el, Charact; Plur. unk, atok, anak. \ unk, etek, enek. Pluperfect has the same terminations as the Perfect, but to each Person is added the word „vala". Future is a compound Tense of the Present of fog-ni to seize, to catch, and the Infinitive of that Verb the Future of which is required. The whole is a fo- reign product. On the Tenses of the Future radical and or end, see below. *) All the Verbs, that receive a cementing vowel before the Characteristic of the Perfect, receive such a vowel before all the Personal terminations which begin with a consonant, except the j of the Subjunctive. Thus instead of tok, they have otok, and anak instead of nak etc.. The soft ones receive the corresponding soft vowel, as otok, enek, etc. 125 Subjunctive. Hard. Soft. Present. Sing, ak, dl*), on; Plur. unk, atok, anak. ek , el, en ; link, etek enek. Past. As the Perfect of the Indicative Mood with the ad- dition of legyen, to each Person. Conditional. Hard. Soft. Present. Sing, ek, dl, a; Plur. dnk, dtok, dnak. ef£ , ei , e $ enk, etek, enek. Past. The Past Tense of the Conditional is the same as the Perfect in its Personal forms, each receives the additional word volna. Imperative. The Imperative Mood has no proper forms, the Present Tense of the Subjunctive Mood being used instead. Thus: Sing. Charact. , — Charact. , Plur. atok, — etek. Infinitive. ni, for hard and soft V erbs. *) Instead of the terminations dl, el, the form of the Im- perative which has no termination, j being the Characteristic of the Subj. and Imper. Moods, may be used. 126 2. PERSONAL TERMINATIONS OF THE DEFINITE FORM OF THE ACTIVE VOICE. Indicative. Hard. Soft. Present Tense. Sing, om, od, a;*) I em (dm), ed (od), i; Plur. Vky dtok, dk. ilk, ilek, ik. Imperfect. Sing. dm, dd, d,' em ed, h Plur. ok, dtok, dk. ok, etek, ek. Perfect. Sing. am, ad, a; em, ed, e; Plur. uk, dtok, dk. uk, etek, ek. Pluperfect. The personal terminations of the Perfect, each Person receiving the additional „vala". Future. The Infinitive and the Present Tense of fbgni, in its Definite form. Subjunctive. Hard. Soft. Present Tense. Sing. am, ad, a; em, ed, e; Plur. uk, dtok, dk. | uk, etek, ek. Perfect. Like the Perfect of the Indicative Mood, to which is added legyen. *) Preceded by j, the same as the Plural. See B., Cha- racteristics. 3. 127 Conditional. Hard. Soft. Present. Sing. dm, ad, d; em, ed, e; Plur. ok, dtok, dk. \ ok, etek, ek. Past. In the Past is used the Perfect of the Indi- cative Mood, to each Person of which is added volna. The Imperative Mood is supplied by the Sub- junctive. Instead of the longer form of the second Person ad, commonly the shorter one with a simple d, is used; in such cases the Characteristic j is suppressed as well. 3. PERSONAL TERMINATIONS OF THE PASSIVE VOICE AND MEDIUM. Indicative. Hard. Soft. Present. Sing, om, ol, ik ; I em (om), el (ol),**) ik ; Plur. unk, tok, nak.*) \unk, tek(tok), nek, Imperfect. Sing, dm, dl, ek; \em,- el, ek; Plur. dnk, dtok, dnak. \ enk, etek, enek. *) Medial Verbs that receive a vowel before the t of the Perfect Tense have the vowel o before tok, and a before nak. (See Characteristic of the Perfect.) **) dm, 61, tok are only used with Medial Verbs the root of which has o for its vowel. 128 Hard. Soft. Perfect. em, el, Charact.; link, etek, enek (ek). Sing, am, dl, Charact.; Plur. unk, atok, anak (ak) Pluperfect is formed like that of the Active voice. Future , like that of the Active voice. Subjunctive.*) Present. Sing, am, dl, ek; em, el, ek; Plur. unk, atok, anak. \ link, etek, enek. Perfect is formed like the Perfect of the Active Voice. Conditional. Present. Sing, dm, dl, ek; em, el, ek; Plur. dnk, dtok, dnak. enk, etek, enek. Perfect is formed like the Perfect of the Active Voice. In forming the Imperative Mood the rules given for the Active Voice are to be observed here as well. Infinitiv e. ni. No vowel precedes this termination in the Passive Voice; as regards the Medium see the Active Voice. *) On assimilation of the characteristic see Introduction § 3. 129 D. Paradigma of the Conjugation of the Verb. 1. ACTIVE, a) Verbs with hard vowels. a. INDEFINITE FORM. Indicative Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Taldlok, 1 find Taldlsz, thou findest Taldl, he finds; Plur. Taldlitnk, we find Taldltok, you find Taldlnak, they find. Imperfect Tense. Sing. Taldlek, 1 found Taldldl, thou foundst Taldla, he found; Plur. Taldldnk , we found Taldldtok, you found Taldldnak, they found. Perfect Tense. Sing. Taldltam, I have found Taldltdl, thou hast found Taldlt, he has found; Plur. Taldltunk, we have found Taldltatok, you have found Taldltanak \ and \ , they have found. Taldltak ) Csink hung. Gram. 9 130 Pluperfect Tense. Sing. Taldltam vala or volt, I had Taldltdl vala, thou hadst Taldlt vala, he had Plur. Taldltunk vala, we had ) found - Taldltatok vala, you] had Taldltak vala \ Taldltanak vala S ' ^ Compound Future. Sing. Taldlni fogok, I shall or will Taldlni fogsz, thou wilt Taldlni fog, he will \ fi , Plur. Taldlni fogunk, we shall or will Taldlni fogtok, you will Taldlni fognak, they will Subjunctive Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Taldljak, that I may Taldljdl, that thou mayst Taldljon, that he may Plur. Taldljunk, that we may Taldljatok, that you may Taldljanak, that they may Past Tense. Sing. Taldltam legyen, that I might Taldltdl legyen, that thou mightest I p Taldlt legyen, that he might ( ° Plur. Taldltunk legyen, that we might Taldltatok legyen, that you might Taldltak legyen, that they might cr © o- find. 131 Conditional. Present Tense. Sing. Taldlnek, I should or would Taldlndl, thou wouldst Taldlna, he would Plur. Taldlndnk, we should or would Taldlndtok , you would Taldlndnak, they would Past Tense. Sing. Taldltam volna, I should or would \ Taldltdl volna, thou wouldst Taldlt volna, he would ! lj ave Plur. Taldltunk volna, we should or would / found. Taldltatok volna, you would Taldllak volna, they would Imperative. Sing. Taldlj , find (thou); Plur. Taldljatok, find (you). Infinitiv e. Taldlni, to find. Obs. 1. The Pres. Tense of the Subjunctive Mood is used to express forms like those: „Let us go, let them go, let him go," menjiink, menjenek, menjen. Obs. 2. All the Neuter Verbs are conjugated according to the Indefinite Form of the Active Voice. 9* 132 b. DEFINITE FORM. Indicative Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Taldlom, I find (it) Taldlod, thou findest (it) Taldlja, he finds (it); Plur. Taldljuk, we find (it) Taldljdtok, you find (it) Taldljdk, they find (it). Imperfect. Sing. Taldldm, I found (it) Taldldd, thou foundst Taldld, he found; Plur. Taldlok, we found Taldldtok, you found Taldldk, they found. Perfect. Sing. Taldltam, I have found (it), I did find (it) Taldltady thou hast found Taldlta, he has found; Plur. Taldltuk, we have found Taldltdtok , you have found Taldltdk, they have found. Pluperfect. Sing. Taldltam vala or volt, I had v Taldltad vala , thou hadst Taldlta vala, he had Plur. Taldlluk vala, we had Taldltdtok vala, you had Taldltdk vala, they had found (it). 133 Compound Future. Sing. Taldlni fogom, I shall Taldlni fogod, thou wilt Taldlni fogja, he will Taldlni fogjuk, we shall Taldlni fogjdtok, you will Taldlni fogjdk, they will find (it). / S u b j u n c t i v e. Present Tense. Sing. Taldljam, that I may Taldljad, that thou mayst Taldlja, that he may Plur. Taldljuk, that we may / find ( ie ^ Taldljdtok, that you may Taldljdk, that they may Past Tense. Sing. Taldltam legyen, that I might Taldltad legyen, that thou mightest Taldlta legyen, that he might Plur. Taldltuk legyen, that we might Taldltdtok legyen, that you might Taldltdk legyen, that they might Conditional, Present Tense. Sing. Taldlndm, If 1 found, if I would Taldlndd, If thou foundst, if thou wouldst / g - Taldlnd, If he found, if he would c 134 Plur. Taldlnok, If we found, if we would Taldlndtok , If you found, if you would Taldlndk, If they found, if they would Past Tense. Sing. Taldltam volna, I would \ if I have Taldltad volna, thouwouldsti jjTif thou have . Taldlta volna, he would ( Q if he have f § Plur. Taldltuk volna, we would f g if we havej Taldltdtok volna, you would \ o-if you have' Taldlta k volna, they would/ if they have/ Imperative. Sing. Taldld, find (thou) (it). Plur. Taldljdtok, find (you) (it). P) Verbs with soft vowels. a. INDEFINITE FORM. Indicative Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Tor ok*) I break Torsz, thou breakest Tor, he breaks; Plur. Toriink, we break Tortok, *) you break Tornek, they break. Imperfect Tense. Sing. Torek, I broke Tor el, thou brokest Tore, he broke; *) Verbs with e, as their radical vowel, have a short e instead of o. 135 Plur. Torenk, we broke Toretek, you broke Torenek, they broke. Perfect Tense. Sing. Tortem, I have broken, I did break Tortel, thou hast broken Tort, he has broken; Plur. Tortilnk, we have broken Tortetek, you have broken Tortenek\ and \ , they have broken. Tdrtek ' Pluperfect Tense. Sing. Tortem vala or volt, I had Tortel vala, thou hadst Tort vala, he had Plur. Tortilnk vala, we had Tortetek vala, you had Tortek vala, they had broken. Compound Future. Sing. Torni fogok, I shall or will Torni fogsz, thou wilt Torni fog, he will ^ , , Plur. Torni fogunk, we shall or will Torni fogtok, you will Torni fognak, they will break. 136 Subjunctive Mood Present Tense. Sing. Torjek, that I may Tor j el, that thou mayst Torjon, that he may Plur. Tor junk, that we may Torjetek, that you may Torjenek, that they may Past Tense. Sing. Tortem legyen, hat I might Tortel legyen, that thou mightest Tort legyen, that he might ( have Plur. Tortunk legyen, that we might /broken. Tortetek legyen, that you might Tortek legyen, that they might Conditional. Present Tense. Sing. Tornek, I should Tornel, thou wouldst Tome, he would Plur. Tornenk, we should Tornetek, you would Tornenek, they would Past Tense. Sing. Tortem volna, I should have broken. Tortel volna, thou wouldst have broken Tort volna, he would have broken 137 Plur. Tortunk volna, we should have broken Tortetek volna, you would have broken Tortek volna, they would have broken. Imperative. Sing. Tory, break (thou); Plur. Torjetek, break (you). Infinitiv e. Torni, to break. b. DEFINITE FORM. Indicative Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Torom, I break (it), I do break (it), I am breaking (it) Torod, thou breakest etc. Tori, he breaks etc. Plur. Torjilk, we break etc. Toritek, you break etc. Torik, they break etc. Imperfect Tense. Ping. Tor em, I broke (it) Tored, thou brokest Tore, he broke; Plur. Tor 6k, we broke Toretek, you broke Torek, they broke Perfect Tense. Sing. Tortem, I have broken (it), I did break, Torled, thou hast broken etc. Torte, he has broken etc. 138 Plur. Tortuk, we have broken etc. Tortetek, you have broken etc. Tortek, they have broken etc. Pluperfect. Sing. Tortein vala, I had Torted vala, thou hast Torte vala, he had Plur. Tdrtiik vala, we had / Tortetek vala, you had Tortek vala*), they had Sing. Torni To?mi Torni Plur. Torni Torni Torni Compound Future. fogom, I shall or will fogod, thou wilt fogja, he will fogjuk, we shall fogjdtok, you will fogjdk, they will \ break (it). Subjunctive Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Torjem, that I may Torjed, that thou mayst Torje, that he may Plur. Torjuk, that we may Torfetek, that you may Torjek, that they may break (it). *) Instead of vala, may be used volt. 139 Past Tense. Sing. Tortem legyen, that I might Tor ted legyen, that thou mightestj Torte legyen, that he might ! have Plur. Tortuk legyen, that we might broken, Tortetek legyen, that you might Tortek legyen, that they might Conditional. Present Tense. Sing. Tornem, 1 should, or would Torned, thou wouldst Tome, he would Plur. Tornok, we should, or would Tornetek, you would Tornek, they would Past Tense. Sing. Tortem volna, I should, or would \ tr Torted volna, thou wouldst f © Torte volna, he would Plur. Tortuk volna, we should, or would Tortetek volna, you would Tortek volna, they would Imperative. Sing. Tord, break (it). Torjetek, break (it). Ob§. Neuter Verbs have no Definite form. o s 140 2. PASSIVE VOICE. a) Verbs with hard vowels Indicative Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Taldltatom, 1 am Taldltatol, thou art Taldltatik, he is Plur. Taldltatunk, we are Taldltattok, you are Taldltatnak , they are Imperfect Tense. Sing. Taldltaldm, I was Taldltatdl, thou wast Taldltatek, he was nl _- _,_ , . > ioiinci. Plur. lalaltatank, we were Taldltatdtok, you were Taldltatdnak, they were Perfect. Sing. Taldltattam, I have \ Taldltattdl , thou hast Taldltatott, he has Plur. Taldltattunk , we have } been found. Taldltattatok > you have Taldltattak \ and >, they have Talaldltatanak / Pluperfect. Sing. Taldltattam vala, or iwft I had] Taldltattdl vala, thou hadst } been found. Taldltatott vala, he had > be found. 141 Plur. Taldltattunk vala, we had Taldltattatok vala, you had I been found Taldltattak vala, they had Coumpound Future. Sing. Taldltatni fogok, I shall or will Taldltatni fogsz, thou wilt Taldltatni fog , he will Plur. Taldltatni fogunk, we shall or will Taldltatni fogtok, you will Taldltatni fognak, they will Subjunctive Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Taldltassam, that I may Taldltassdl , that thou mayst Taldltassek, that he may \ , P , ^i ™ ,,, #i > be found Plur. Talaltassunk , that we may Taldltassatok , that you may Taldtassanak , that they may Past Tense. Sing. Taldltattam legyen, that I might \ §f Tdldltattdl legyen, that thou mightest i ° Taldltatott legyen, that he might I § Plur. Taldltattunk legyen, that we might Taldltattatok legyen, that you might Taldltattak legyen, that they might CL s P ff 5 Conditional. Present Tense, ing. Taldltatndm, I should be found Taldltatndl, thou wouldst be found be found. 142 Taldltatnek, he would Plur. Taldltatndnk , we should Taldltatndtok , you would Taldltatndnak , they would Past Tense. Sing. Taldltattam volna, I should Taldltattdl volna, thou wouldst J ° Taldltatott volna, he would Plur. Taldltatunk volna, we should Taldltattatok volna, you would Taldltattak volna, they would 3 c Imperative. The Present Tense of the Subjunctive Mood. Infinitiv e. Taldltatni, to be found. (5) Verbs with soft vowels. Indicative Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Kotetem, I am bound Kotetel, thou art bound Kotetik, he is bound; Plur. Kotetunk, we are bound Kotettek, you are bound Kotetnek* they are bound. 143 bound. been bound. Imperfect. Sing. Kotetem, I was Kotetel, thou wast Kotetek, he was Plur. Koteienk, we were Kotetetek, you were Kotetenek, they were Perfect. Sing. Kotettem, I have Kotettel, thou hast Kotetett, he has Plur. Kotettiink, we have Kotettetek , you have Kotettek, they have Pluperfect. Sing. Kotettem vala (volt) I had Kotettel vala, thou hadst Kotetett vala, he had Plur. Kotettiink vala, we had Kotettetek vala, you had Kotettek vala, they had Compound Future. Sing. Kotetni fogok , I shall or will Kotetni fogsz, thou wilt Kotetni fog, he will Plur. Kotetni fogunk, we shall or willj Kotetni fogtok, you will Kotetni fognak , they will been bound. 144 Subjunctive Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Kotessem, that I may Kotessel, that thou mayst Kotessek, that he may Plur. Kotessilnk, that we may Kotessetek, that you may Kotessenek, that they may Past Tense. Sing. Kotettem legyen, that I might have V Kotettel legyen, that thou mightest j Kotetett legyen, that he might y been Plur. Kotettilnk legyen, that we might have /bound. Kotettetek legyen, that you might Kotettek legyen, that they might Conditional. Present Tense. Sing. Kotetnem, I should or would Kotetnel, thou wouldst Kotetnek, he would Plur. Kotetnenk, we should or would ; Kotetnetek, you would Kotetnenek, they would Past Tense. Sing- Kotettem volna, I should or would Kotettel volna, thou wouldst I o> Kotetett volna, he would \ of 7 \ CD Plur. Kotettunk volna, we should or would Kotettetek volna, you would \ g Kotettek volna, they would I pL a* 145 Imperative Mood. The Present Tense of the Subjunctive is used as the Imperative Mood. Infinitiv e. Kotetni, to be bound. 3. MEDIUM. — VERBS OF IK.*) Indicative Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Csalodom, I delude myself Csalodol, thou deludest thyself Csalodik, he deludes himself; Plur. Csalodunk, we delude ourselves Csalodtok, you delude yourselves Csalodnak, they delude themselves. Imperfect. Csaloddm, I deluded myself, I was deluding myself, etc.; exactly like the Imperfect of the Passive Voice. Perfect. Csalodtam, I have deluded myself, I was deluding my- self; like the Perfect of the Passive V. Pluperfect. Csalodtam vala or volt, I had deluded myself, I have been deluding myself; like the Plup. of the Pass. V. *) ikes lge, Verbs of ik, called so because the third Person of the Present Tense Sing, receives ik. Csink. hung. gram. JQ 146 Compound Future. Csalddni fogok> I shall or will delude myself; like the Future of the Passive. Subjunctive Mood. Present Tense. Csalodjam, that I may delude myself; like the Sub- junctive of the Passive. Past Tense. Csalodtam legyen, I might have deluded myself; etc. Conditional. Present Tense. Csalodndm, I should or would delude myself, etc. Past Tense. Csalodtam volna, I might have deluded myself, etc. Imperative. Sing. Csalodj , delude thyself; Plur. Csalodjatok, delude yourselves. Obs. The Present Tense of the Subjunctive Mood is used as the Imperative Mood as well, the compound forms of the Imperative: let him de- lude himself, let us delude ourselves, etc. are also expressed by the Present Tense of the Sub- junctive Mood. Infinitiv e. Csalddni, to delude one's self. Derivative Verbal roots have the same forms of conjugation; but it is to be remarked, that all deri- 147 vative Verbal roots which have a transitive mean- ing receive the forms of the Active Voice; such as have a reflexive meaning receive the forms of the Medium. Csal-ni to deceive, csalhat-ni to be able to deceive (can deceive), forms: csalkatok, csalhatsz etc.; — csalatkoz-ni (to deceive one's self) to be mistaken, forms: csalatkozom, csalatkozol, csalatkozik , etc. — 4. FUTURE ROOT OF — „AND". All Verbal roots, Derivative as well as Primi- tive ones, can be conjugated with the Future radical „«mrf". The Active root vdr (vdrni, to wait or to expect) and the Medium lakik (lakni to dwell, to live) may serve as a pattern of this kind. — a. Active. Indicative Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Vdrandok, I shall or will Vdrandsz , thou wilt Varand, he will Plur. Vdrandunk, we shall or will Vdrandatok , you will Vdrandanak , they will Imperfect Tense. Sing. Vdrandek, I would \ Vdranddl, thou wouldst / be waiting Vdranddy he would ) 10* be waiting. 148 Plur. Vdranddnk, we would Vdranddtok, you would \ j^ wa iting. Vdranddnak*), they would Perfect Tense. Sing. Vdrandottam, I will Vdrandottdl, thou wilt Vdrandott, he will _, __„_ . .„ > have waited. Plur. Varandottunk , we will Vdrandottatok , you will Vdrandottak , they will Pluperfect is formed from the Perfect by the addition of vala or volt, to each Personal form. Subjunctive Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Vdrandjaky I shall wait**) Vdrandjdl, thou shalt wait Vdrandjon > he shall wait Plur. Vdrandjunky we shall wait Vdrandjatok, you shall wait Vdrandjanak , they shall wait. Past Tense. Vardndottam legyen , etc. , like the Past Tense of the Active V. *) The Medial form is: Fdranddm, Fdranddl, Vdran- dek etc. **) The Subjunctive may often be translated by „will be ob- liged to wait". 149 Conditional. Present. Sing. Vdrandnek, I should Vdrandndl , thou wouldst Vdrandna , he would Plur. Vdrandndnk, we should / %' Vdrandndtok > you would Vdrandndnak , they would Past. Vdrandottam volna, I would have been waiting, etc., like the Active. I n f i n i t i v e. Vdrandni, will be waiting, to be waiting. b. Medium. Indicative Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Lakandom, I will be Lakandol, thou wilt be Lakandik, he will be I living or dwel- Plur. Lakandunk , we will be / ling. Lakandatok 9 you will be Lakandanak y they will be Imperfect. Sing. Lakanddm, I would be \ Lakanddl, thou wouldst be( living or dwelling. Lakandek, he would be / 150 Plur. Lakanddnk , we would be \ Lakanddtok, you would be > living or dwelling. Lakanddnak, they would be / Perfect. Sing. Lakandottam y I will Lakandottdl , thou wilt Lakandott, he will \ have lived or dwelt. Plur. Lakandottunk , we will Lakandottatok, you will Lakandottak 9 they will Pluperfect. Lakandottam vala or volt, etc., like the Passive. Subjunctive. Present Tense. Sing. Lakandjam, I shall be Lakandjdl, thou shalt be Lakandiek , he shall be \ r . j n * ^ * } living or dwelling. Plur. Lakandjunk , we shall be Lakandjatok, you shall be Lakandjanak, they shall be Past Tense. Lakandottam legyen, etc. Conditional. Present. Sing. Lakandndm , I should be \ Lakandndl, thou wouldst be Hiving or dwelling. Lakandnek, he would be / 151 Plur. Lakandndnk , we should be \ Lakandndtok, you would be > living or dwelling* Lakandndnak, they would be/ Past. Lakandottam volna , etc. , like that of the Passive. Infinitiv e. Lakandni, (to) will be living. CONTRACTED VERBAL ROOTS. a. Active Voice. INDEFINITE FORM. Indicative Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Sodrok, I twist, and I spin Sodrasz and sodorsz, thou twistest Sodor, he twisteth; Plur. Sodrunk, we twist Sodortok, you twist Sodornak ) Sodranak y <* Imperfect Tense. Sing. Sodrek, I twisted, I spun. Sodrdl, thou twistedst Sodra, he twisted; Plur. Sodrdnk, we twisted Sodrdtok, you twisted Sodranak, they twisted. 152 Perfect. Sing. Sodrottam ) . . . ° ^ 7 LI have twisted, I was twisting Sodortam ) Sodrottdl ) . . ' ^, 7 ,, >, thou hast twisted Sodortal ) Sodrott, he has twisted; Plur. Sodrottunk ) . . . 7 , , we have twisted bodortunk ) Sodrottatok) _ . . 7 . >, you have twisted Sodortatok V J Sodrottak, they have twisted. Pluperfect. Sing. Sodrottam vala \ T . , _ _ , , I had twisted Sodortam vala ) Sodrottdl vala) . , j A . , i _ _ ,_ _- J, thou hadst twisted Sodortal vala ) Sodrott vala, he had twisted; Plur. Sodrottunk vala Sodortunk vala Sodrottatok vala } , , ' . , , _, , , }, you had twisted Sodortatok vala > Sodrottak vala, they had twisted. Compound Future. Sing. Sodorni fogok, I shall or will twist Sodorni fogsz , thou wilt twist Sodorni fog, he will twist; Plur. Sodorni fogunk, we shall or will twist Sodorni fogtok, you will twist Sodorni fognak, they will twist* we had twisted 1S3 Subjunctive Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Sodorjak, that I may twist Sodorjdl, that thou mayst twist Sodorjon, that he may twist; Plur. Sodorjunk, that we may twist Sodorjatok , that you may twist Sodorjanak , that they may twist. Past Tense. Sing. Sodrottam leaven \ . _ * j x ,, i, that I might \ bodortam legyen ) Sodroltdl leaven ) , , . • , ' r. 7 r, „ o *" at t" 011 mightst . bodortal legyen ) I §T Sodrott legyen, that he might 1 Q Plur. Sodrottunk leaven \ . • i . / ^ C ^ * / 7' ' that Wemi g ht bodortunk legyen ) Sodrottatok legyen: Sodortatok legyen \ Sodrottak legyen, that they might Conditional. Present. Sing. Sodranek and Sodornek, I should twist or spin Sodrandl and Sodorndl, thou wouldst twist Sodrana and Sodorna, he would twist Plur. Sodrandnk and Sodorndnk , we should twist; Sodrandtok and Sodorndtok, you would twist Sodrandnak and Sodorndnak, they would twist. Past Tense. Sing. Sodrottam volna ) < _ . . _ , , >, I should have twisted bodortam volna ) that you might we should have twisted 154 Sodrottdl volna) , , . 4 . . . , „ , ,, , J, thou wouldst have twisted Sodortal volna ) Sodrott volna, he would have twisted; Plur. Sodrottunk volna Sodortunk volna Sodrottatok volna ) . . _ _ ~ , y .J, you would have twisted Sodortatok volna ) J Sodrottak volna, they would have twisted. Imperative. Sing. Sodorj , twist (thou) Plur. Sodorjatok , twist (you). Infinitiv e. Sodojmi, to twist, to spin. The Definite form, the Personal terminations of which see above, is liable to the same contractions as the Indefinite form given in this paradigm. According to this Paradigm are formed: Bujdo- kol*) , to wander about; csatol, to fasten with a buckle, metaphorically to enclose; csepel, to thrash; ebedel, to dine; enekel, to sing; esdekel, to implore; gdtol, to hinder; gydszol, to mourn; gyotor, to plague; hajol, to stoop; hegyez, to point; jegyez, to mark; koboz, to confiscate; kovdcsol, to forge; nddol, to steel, to harden (iron); padol, to co- ver with boards, to wainscot; pecsetel, to seal; per el, to plead (and to quarrel); potol, to make *) The termination of the Infinitive »ni* being a secondary form, is missed and the Verbs are given in their roots. 155 amends; rabol, to rob; sajog , to smart; tandcsol, to give advice, tip or , to tread; tolmdcsol, to inter- pret; tudakol, to inquire; unepel, to celebrate; aa- cfo/, to accuse, to charge (with). Obs. 1. Bujdokol, esdekel, hajol, are used as Mediums as well. Obs. 2. Verbal roots with soft vowels receive the same vowels in their Personal terminations. b. Medium. Indicative Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Alszom, I sleep and I am sleeping Alszol, thou sleepest etc. Alszik, he sleeps; Plur. Alszunk, we sleep Alszatok, you sleep Alszanak and alusznak, they sleep. Imperfect. Sing. Aluvdm and Alvdm, I slept Aluvdl and Alvdl, thou sleptest Aluvek and Alvek, he slept; Plur. Aluvdnk and Alvdnk, we slept Aluvdtok and Alvdtok, you slept Aluvdnak and Alvdnak, they slept. Perfect. Sing. Aludtam, I have slept, I was sleeping, I did Aludtdl, thou hast slept, etc. [sleep Aludt and Aludott, he has slept; 156 Plur. Aludlunk, we have slept Aludtatok, you have slept Aludtak and Aludtanak, they have slept. Pluperfect has the same Personal formations, with the addition of vala or volt to each Person. Compound Future. Sing. Aludni fogok, I shall sleep Aludni fogsz , thou wilt sleep Aludni fog , he will sleep ; Plur. Aludni fogunk , we shall sleep Aludni fogtok , you will sleep Aludni fognak, they will sleep. Subjunctive Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Aludjam, that I may sleep and if I sleep Aludjdl, that thou mayst sleep Aludjek, that he may sleep; Plur. Aludjunk, that we may sleep Aludjatok, that you may sleep Aludjanak, that they may sleep. Past Tense. Aludtam legyen, that I may have slept, etc. Conditional. Present Tense. Sing. Aludndm*), I should sleep Aludndl, thou wouldst sleep Aludnek, he would sleep; *) Commonly the forms of the Neuter aludnek, aludndl, aludna are used. 1S7 Plur. Aludndnk, we should sleep Aludndtok, you would sleep Aludndnak, they would sleep. Past Tense. Aludtam volna, I would have slept, etc. Imperative. Sing. Aludj, sleep (thou); Plur. Aludjatok, sleep (you). Infinitiv e. Aludni, to sleep. The Verb Fekiid, to He; and all those mentio- ned pag. Ill sub y. have the same Conjugation. The Verbal roots: Alapod, to be founded; bete- ged, to become ill ; csillapod, to cease, to abate ; ele~ ged, to be satisfied; feneked, to grudge, to menace; gazdagod, to become rich; gyanakod, to suspect; gyarapod; to increase ; haragud, to be angry ; hide- ged, to become cold; hovered, to fatten; meleged, to get warm; noveked, to increase, to grow larger; oreged, to grow old; reszeged, to be intoxicated, to get drunk; tanakod, to consult; teleped, to settle in a place; uleped, to precipitate (in Chemistry), have both forms of Conjugation , the regular and the contracted; thus, alapodom and alapszom, ala- podik and alapszik, etc. Observ. The Verbal roots bilnhod, to be punished; diihod, to rage; sovdnyod, to grow lean; change their characteristic „d" without a contraction 158 of the root; thus, biinhoszom, not b&nhszem; dii- hoszik, not duhszik; sovdnyoszik , not sovdnyszik. b s. 2. Such Verbal roots as have not a d as their radical, are liable merely to contraction, not to the alteration of their radical consonant into sz, as: haboz to wave, to foam, fuldokol to be chok- ing, form habzom, etc. and fuldoklom etc. In regard to the other irregular Verbs the roots of which terminate with n, as ven-ni, len- ni, hin-ni, vin-ni, in-ni, en-ni, men-ni, the stu- dent is referred to „Compositions VII. Verbal roots in n"; only it may be added, that the Verbs enni and inni are used as Mediums, and have the Medial form. The irregular Verbs the roots of which end with a vowel, as jo, hi, IS, ri, szi, sz6 , etc. have been mentioned as well in „Compositions VII. Ver- bal roots of v", their characteristic being v. E. Objective Conjugation. Before concluding the Section of Conjugation, the propriety of the Hungarian language of having a peculiar termination for the first Person of Tran- sitive Verbs, when a Person is spoken to, must be mentioned. This form is always used when the active Verb governs the Objective Case of the Personal Pronoun of the second Person, this Objective Case being then expressed by an objective termination. These objective Terminations are: 159 Verbs with hard vowels I Verbs with soft vowels Indicative. Present lak lek Perfect alak Subjunctive. elek. Pres. and P erf. alak Conditional. elek. Present alak elek Past alak elek These Terminations are added to the Charac- teristic of the Verbs. Obs. Such Tenses as have any auxiliary word to complete their form, retain the auxiliary in the Objective Conjugation as well. (Verbs with soft vowels receive the corresponding terminations.) 1. ACTIVE. Ind. Pres. Varlak, I wait for thee, and I wait for ye. Perf. Vdrtalak, I have waited for thee or ye. Subj. Pres. Vdrjalak, that I may wait for thee or ye. Perf. Vdrtalak legyen, that I might have waited for thee or ye. C o n d. Pres. Vdrnalak, I should wait for thee or ye. Past. Vdrtalak volna y I should have waited for thee or ye. 160 2. FACTITIVE. Ind. Pres. Vdi^tatlak, I leave thee or ye waiting; Perf. Vartattalak , I have left thee or ye waiting; Sub. Pres. Vdrtassalak, that I may let thee or ye wait; Past. Vartattalak legyen, that I might have left thee or ye waiting. Cond. Pres. Vdrtatndlak , I should leave thee or ye waiting ; Past. Vartattalak volna, I should have left thee or ye waiting. 3. POTENTIAL. Ind. Pres. Vdi'hatlak, I may (or I am able to) wait for thee or ye; Perf. Vdrhattalak , I might have waited or I was able to wait for thee or ye. Subj. Pres. Vdrhassalak, that I may (may be able to) wait for thee or ye. Past. Vdrhattalak legyen, I might have waited for thee or ye. Cond. Pres. Vdrhatndlak , I should be able to wait for thee or ye. Past. Vdrhattalak volna, I should have been able to wait for thee or ye. F. Participles. There .are two different kinds of Verbal forms generally mentioned as Participles of the Verb ; their Terminations are: 161 for Verbs with hard vowels ; for Verbs with soft vowels Present 6 6 Imperfect va, van ve, ven Perfect t, ott t, ett, ott*) Future undo endo. In reality only the forms of van and va are Par- ticiples, the former of which supplies the Present, the latter the Past, Participle of other European languages. The other forms are derivative forms used as Substantives and Adjectives, especially the form of 6, to which belongs the form of „ando," it being the Verbal Adjective of the Future radical and. Thus, taldlo means a finder, vdro a waiting subject; so also is the form of t, ott, t, ett, ott used Adjectively. In order to avoid mistakes, these forms commonly called Participles, will be considered as Adjectives derived from Verbs (Adjectiva Verbalia). The Participles, the Terminations of which are the same for all the Verbal roots, then are: 1. OF REGULAR ROOTS. Ac five. Taldlvdn, finding; Torven, breaking; Taldlva, found, having Torve, broken, having found. broken. *) The third Person of the Perfect Tense of the Indicative Mood is the same as this Perfect Participle. Csink hung. Gram. 1 1 162 Passive. Taldltatvdn, being found; Toretven , being broken; Taldltatva, having been Toretve, having been found. broken. Medium. Csalodvdn, deluding one's self; Csalodva, deluded. Neuter. Elven, living; Elve, having lived, lived. 2. CONTRACTED ROOTS. Active. Sodorvdn, twisting, spinning; Sodorva, twisted, spun. M e d i u m. Alvdn and Aluvdn, sleeping; Alva, slept, having slept, (being asleep). 3. FUTURE ROOT (and, end). Active. Vdrandvdn , Vdrandva. Passive Vdratandvdn, Vdratandva. — 3. Derivation and Composition of new Verbs. The derivative Verbal roots mentioned above are such as may be formed from any Active, or Active, Passive, Medium and Neuter Verb, and are 163 expressed by a periphrastical Conjugation in other European languages; the Verbal roots to be con- sidered in this Section are such as may be considered as Primitive roots in regard to those mentioned above, of which may be formed Factitive, Potential, Passive etc. radicals. A concise and brief enumeration of Etymological forms strictly taken is subjoined; New Verbs may be formed by means of Derivation and Composition. A. Derivative Verbs. Verbs are derived from Substantives, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositional terms (Postpositions) and other Verbs. From Substantives (derivative and primitive ones) are derived Verbal roots 1) by means of the consonant /. a) / added without any auxiliary vowel to such Sub- stantives as terminate with a vowel, forming Active Verbs: Kapa the hoe, kapdl-ni to dig; mese tale, mesel-ni to tell; borona the harrow, borondl-ni to harrow. b) /, with the vowels e , o , 0, as often as the Sub- stantive has a final consonant; por powder, porol- ni to powder; per process, law- suit, perel-ni (to make process) to quarrel, to carry on a law -suit; terh load, terhel-ni to burden, to load. Obs. Some of these Verbs belong to the class of the Mediums, and are mostly Neuter in foreign 11* 164 languages. Sikam (from sik plan), sikamoliU contracted sikamliU (to) slide; villdm lightning, villdmolik, contracted villdmlik, it lightens. c) /, with the vowel u, ii, forms Neuter Verbs : teriil- ni to extend, from ter space; lapul-ni to become flat, from lap plate; alapul-ni to be founded, from alap foundation; kerul-ni to avoid (to go round), from k#r circle. 2. By means of ^he consonant g. a)g, preceded by the vowels 0, 0, e, forms In- transitive Verbal roots: csepeg-ni to drip, from csep drop; ragyog-ni to be bright; zajog-ni to make a noise; hnelyeg-ni to be loathsome, to disgust; mosolyogni to smile. b)gr, preceded by the syllable in, on, en, on: zajong-ni to brawl, kering-eni, or kereng-eni to move in a circle; from kor circle, zaj noise. 3) By means of the consonants szt, with an auxi- liary vowel, are formed Factitive Verbs from other Verbal roots and Substantives: Epeszt-eni to (make) gall, to make angry, from epe gall; veszt- e?ii to loose, from vesz danger. 4) By means of the consonant z, with or without auxiliary vowels, according as the Substantives terminate with a vowel or a consonant, are formed Neuter Verbs. Hangoz-ni to sound, from hang sound; okoz-ni to cause, from ok cause; felez- ni to divide in two parts, from fel half; etc. 16S 5) By means of additional syllables. Especially a) it, forming Active Verbs. Tanit-ani to teach, from tan science; terit-eni to spread out, from ter space; sipit-ani to scream, from sip whistle, fife (organ - pipe) ; lapit-ani to make flat, from lap plate. b) doz, dez, forming Neuter and Medial Verbs. Epedez-ni to grieve, from epe gall; sarjadoz-ni, to spring off, from sarj sprout; fiadoz-ni, contrac- ted fiadzani, to bring forth young (said of animals). Obs. If the Verb be a Medium, the last Syllable is generally contracted when the Personal terminations of the Conjugation are added; thus, sarjadz-om, sarjadz-ol, sarjadz-ik, instead of sarjadoz-om, etc. c) kaszt, heszt, forming Active Verbs of a diminu- tive meaning: porkaszt-ani to moulder (the ground), to break into minute parts. d) kod, ked, forming Mediums from Substantives, expressing any occupation, if the Substantives end with os; as, asztaloskod-ni to do a carpenter's work, asztalos carpenter. e) lei, lal, Ml, forming Netuter Verbs ; the syllables el, ol, form Actives of the same Substantive. Szdm- Idl-ni to count, from szdm number, (szamol-ni to reckon); kemlel-ni to spy, from hem the spy, cseplel-ni to thrash, from csep flail. f) tal, tel form Active Verbs. Vigasztal-ni to con- sole, from vigasz comfort, consolation. 166 6. Derivative Substantives of dsz are also used as Verbal roots. Haldsz-ni to fish , vaddsz-ni to hunt , etc. , from haldsz fisher, vaddsz huntsman. From Adjectives are derived Active, Neuter, and Medial Verbs. 1. Active Verbs of a frequentative meaning are formed: by the syllables gat, get: as, edesget-ni to sweeten; by it: vildgosit-ni to make light, kekit- e?ii to make blue, zoldit-eni to make green; by the syllable tal, tel: magasztal-ni to extol, from magas high, hiresztel-ni to announce, to make known, from hires renowned, known. 2. Neuter Verbs: by means of the syllables ul, ul, ad, od; as, nagyobbul-ni to grow larger, derul-ni to clear up, jozanid-ni to become sober; kekul-ni to grow blue, zoldiil - ni to grow green; higgad-ni to become liquid, from hig liquid; vigad-ni to be merry, from vig merry. 3. Medial Verbs : by the syllables od, ed, od; as, nagyobbod-ni to become larger, verified- ni to grow old, sovdnyod-ni to fall away, from sovdny meagre, vildgosod-ni to become light; — kod, ked; as, okoskod-ni to argue, from okos prudent; fosveny- ked-ni to covet, from fosveny avaricious. The impersonals zoldellik it is greenish, kekel- lik it is blueish, feherlik it is whitish, etc. are derivative diminutive Verbs. — From Adverbs are derived: 1. Active and Neuter Verbs, by the syllables it, get, el, and the consonant z, preceded by an auxiliary 167 vowel. Kozelit-ni to bring near; rogtonoz-ni to ex- temporize; felebbez-ni to appeal; felel-ni, to answer; from kozel near , rogton suddenly , felebb higher up, fel up, on. 2. Medial Verbs, by means of the syllables ked, kod: hirtelen suddenly, hastily, hirtelenked-ni to over- hurry, esztelen unreasonable, esztelenked-nt to commit follies, etc. From Prepositions are formed Active Verbs; as, tulzit-ani and tiiloz-ni to exaggerate, mellekel-ni to enclose, melloz-ni to avoid, alaz-ni to humble, to lower; from till beyond, melle beside, next, aid under. From other Verbs are derived Active, Neuter, Frequentative, Medial Verbs, etc. The most frequently occurring syllables of Derivation are the following: ad, al, an, am, amod, amol contracted ami, amosz contracted amsz, aszt, at; as: fogad-ni to receive, gyulad-ni to inflame, fuval-ni to blow, fogan-ni to become pregnant, mozzan-ni to stir, fogam-ni to become pregnant, futamol-ni to take to flight, iramol-ni to run, folyamod-ni to petition, futamod-ni to fly, fogamsz-ani to become pregnant, fogy aszt- ani to lessen, szalaszt- ani to rout, forgat-ni to turn, dongat-ni to beat, etc.; from their respective roots fog, gyicl, fit, moz, fut, ir\ foly, fogy, szalad (szal and szdll), forog contracted forg, dong. Verbs with the derivative syllables am, amod, ami, amsz, are Mediums. 168 bol, bol; as, zorombol-ni to make a rattling noise, dorombol-ni to make a thunder -like noise; from zoren-ni to rattle, doren-ni to thunder. csdl, csel, csol; as, faragcsdl-ni to cut figures, ron- csol-ni to spoil; from farag , ront. dal, degel, del, des, dez , do gal, dos, doz , dogel, dok'dl, dul, dul^ as, vagdal-ni to cut in pieces, verdegel-ni to beat a little repeatedly, tordel-ni to break in small pieces, csipdes-ni to pinch re- peatedly, irdogdl-ni to write frequently, mardos- ni to bite, kapdos-ni to snatch, iildogel-ni to sit down repeatedly, odlokol-ni to slaughter, fordid- ni to turn about (Neuter); from their respective roots vdg , #er, rt>, cszp, £r, mar, kap , #7, £7, /br. egfe£, ewerf, ezra, e/; as, vereget-ni to beat frequently, vetemed-ni to think of, to give one's self to, kerenget-ni and keringet-ni to give a circular motion; from ver, vet, kereng. gal, gel: hajgdl-ni to throw, rongdl-ni to destroy, dorgdl-ni to censure; keresgel-ni to look for (steadily). hit: verint-eni to touch, csavarint-ani to turn round once; from ver, csavar. Ked, kod give Medial Verbs: emelked-ni to rise, elmelked-ni to muse, to meditate, dlmelkod-ni to be astonished; from emel, elmel, dlmel. lat, let; as, oszlat-ni to disperse, foszlat-ni to undo, to pick (draw out the threads of silk or woollen stuff). 169 odoz, Sdoz contracted odz, odz, oz, ez, form Medial Verbs: Lopodz-ani to steal (as, to steal away), kerodz-eni to ruminate, fdradoz-ni to take pains. szt, sztel; in these syllables of Derivation the primitive dental d is changed into sz; by means of them Active Verbs are derived from Neuter ones. Repeszt-eni to split, engesztel-ni to expiate, from reped, enged. B. Compound Verbs. In the Hungarian language Compound Verbs are formed, by Adverbs, Prepositions (Postpositions) and Prepositional affixes, a few Substantives and Verbal particles, prefixed to Verbs. 1. Adverbs relative to direction (where from and where to) and place form compound Active, Neuter and Medial Verbs, according to with what Verbal root they combine. For instance: ki out, kimen-ni to go out, fewer -ni to expel, kizdr-ni to exclude, kinyilatkoz-ni to declare; fel up, up- wards, felkel-ni to get up, felul-ni to sit up, fel- fuval-kod-ni to be haughty; le down, leten-ni to put down, leul-ni to sit down; hdtra behind, backwards, hdtramarad-ni to remain, hdtrahagy-ni to leave behind. 2. Prepositions may be compounded with Verbs, like Adverbs; aid under, alul from under, under- neath: aliilir-ni to sign, aldir-ni to sign, aldvet-ni to subjugate; ellen against (contra, re), ellendll-ani 170 and ellentdll-ani to resist, ellenmond-ani to contra- dict; dltal, contracted at through, across, over (trans), dltalldt-m, contracted dtldt-ni, to see through, to penetrate. 3. Prepositional affixes are not used in their primitive form, but with the Possessive affixes of the third Person Singular, as, bele> hozzd, rd instead of red: as, belevdg-ni to hew in, metaphorically to interrupt a speaker, hozxdjdrul-ni to accede, rddll- ani to consent. 4. Substantives. It is against the genius of the Hungarian language to form new Verbs by means of Composition of Verbs with Substantives, the language being so rich in syllables of derivation. The only more frequently occurring Verb of that kind is hdtirni to indorse, in other instances the Periphrastical expression is preferable. 5. Verbal Particles. These are only used in composition with Verbs. Such are el and meg; el means away, — meg has no proper meaning in English, although it often may be translated by off; it is used when the speaker wishes to express an action really finished or to be finished. Ir-ni to write, megirni (to make it written) to achieve writing; ful-ni to choke; megful-ui to become choked; ven- ni to take, elven-ni to take away, megven-ni to buy. Meg often gives the Verb a metaphorical meaning: vet-ni to throw, elvet-ni to throw away, megvet-ni to despise. — The Present Tense of Verbs com- pounded with meg often expresses the Future of the 171 simple Verb. Elek I live, megelek I shall live, I shall get my living. Compound Verbs retain the same forms of con- jugation, as the simple ones. II. Nominal Forms. Substantives and words used instead of Substantives. The forms under which the Substantive appears in the Hungarian language, are quite different from those of other European languages. There is no distinction of Gender nor any De- clension as we find in other European languages. Before the different forms of the Substantives are detailed, that part of speech which the Hungarian Academy, in its „ System of the Hungarian language," ingeniously styled the Prenoun, and which com- monly is called the Article, may be mentioned. It is indeed somewhat different from the article of other European languages, for it is used neither to distinguish the Gender, as in German and French, nor for the sake of determining nearer the Substan- tive, yet it is an indispensable precursor of the Substantive: this Prenoun is az 9 it remains invari- able, and is incombinable with any affixes of the Substantive. The Euphonistical and Orthographical remark only may be noted, that, instead of az, a' is used as often as the Substantive begins with 172 a consonant; thus, we say: az any a the mother, az olio the scissors, a'* hdz the house, a 1 szoba the room, etc. 1. Characteristic of tlte Objective Case. The Characteristic of the Objective Case, both for the Singular and Plural, is t, which is al- ways added by means of a vowel when the concur- rence of consonants would harden the pronunciation. Euphony and the alteration of the primitive roots of Substantives have produced some Irregulari- ties. In order to facilitate the learning of such de- viations, from the general rule: „the vowels, by means of which affixes are joined to the roots, must correspond with those of the root, hard or soft ones", leading rules are given in the following Subdivisions. A. The root of the Substantives remains unchanged. a) The characteristic t is added without any vowel: 1) To all Substantives that have a final vowel: az Erdd the wood, az erdot the wood; a' rozsa the rose, a 9 rozsdt*) ; a' kefe the brush, a 9 kefet; az olio the scissors, az ollot; az dru wares, az drut. 2. To Substantives with a final /, I, if they are not monosyllables, ny y r and s, the dissyllables of a final sz, z, and the monosyllables of r. A 9 zorej the noise, zorejt; az asztal the table, az *) On prolongation of a, see Introd. § 4. 173 asztalt; a y ledny the girl, lednyt; a 9 buzogdny a club, for fighting, a buzogdny t; a kdr the damage, a kdrt; a Ms the meat, a hust; az asztalos the joiner, az asztalost; a szakasz the section, a sza- kaszt; a vaddsz the huntsman, a* vaddszt; a' ka- lauz the guide, a kalauzt. To this rule belong the Substantives: kin pain, kint; sir grave, sirt; zsir fat, zsirt. Excepted from this rule are the monosyllables with a final s, if preceded by a short vowel, and the Adjectives of os, vdr the castle, and those that shorten the last syllable (see below); all of them have at instead of a simple t; as, vas iron, vasat; az okos the prudent (man), az akosat; a 9 maddr the bird, a madarat; a' kut the well, kutat; a' bogdr the insect, bogarat, etc. b) t is preceded by a vowel. 1. By a (for hard words). In monosyllabical Substantives with a long or short a, such as do not belong to the preceding rules. A J vdz the skeleton, vdzat; a' szdj the mouth, szdj'at; vaj butter, vajat. In monosyllabical Substantives that have i in their root, except those mentioned in Introduction, § 5. Such are dij the salary, dijat; hid the bridge, hidat; in the muscle, inat; a 9 szij the strap , szijat; and the Adjectives hig fluid, higat; vig merry, vigat, when used by themselves or as Substantives. 174 In the Comparative and Superlative degrees of Adjectives, when they are used without a Substan- tive, or when they follow their Substantive: gazda- gabb richer, gazdagabbat a richer one; jobb better, jobbat a better one; a' legjobbat the best one; etc. When the Substantive is used with the Posses- sive affixes ending with a Consonant: as, asztalomat my table. 2. By o (for hard words). In all Substantives that are not compre- hended under the preceding rules. A' fuldnk the sting, fuldnkot; a parancs the commandment, pa- rancsot; a kaland the adventure, kalandot; and in the Substantives csik the stripe; ir butter -milk. 3. By e (for soft words). In all Substantives the roots of which have i, e or e> for their radical vowels. Reteg stratum, rete- get; a 9 vitezseg the bravery, the valour, vitezseget; a veritek the sweat, veriteket. In all those that shorten the primitively long vowel of their last syllable. A' szeker the coach, a szekeret; a 9 gyoker, the root, a? gyokeret, etc. In monosyllables with a final I or with another final consonant preceded by / or r. A 9 fill the ear, fillet; a' fold the earth, foldet; a 9 volgy the valley, volgyet. 4. By o (for soft words). In Substantives having for their vowels 6 , o, u or u y and not belonging to the preceding rules. Az 17S ezust the silver, ezustot; fust the smoke, fiistot; hod the fog, ho dot; az elnoh the president, el- nokot; etc. B. The root of the Substantive changes when the t of the objective case is added. Alterations in the form of the Nominative are produced by a Contraction of the last syllable, by changing the root of the Substantive into a different one from that used as the Nominative. a) Contraction. The Contraction may be effected 1) By abbreviating the long vowel of the last syl- lable. Such abbreviations take place in the following Substantives and words used as Substantives: agar, grey -hound, bogdr insect, cserep shard, earthen ware, del noon, der frost, derek the trunk, (as Ad- jective, excellent and brave), eg the sky, eger mouse, egyeb other , eleg (used as a Substantive) enough , er the vein, esz reason, fazek pot, fedel cover, fel half, fenek bottom, fondl file, thread, foveny sand, fuz willow , gereb rail , obstacle , gundr gander , gyij- ker root, het the week, hev heat, jeg ice, kandl and kaldn spoon, kenyer bread, kerek wheel, keves little, kez hand, kosdr basket, hotel rope, hozep the middle, hut the well, legy the fly, lev the juice, level a letter , lud goose , maddr the bird , mesz lime, mocsdr morass, marsh, nydr summer, nehez heavy, negy four, nev the name, pohdr the glass, cup, rez copper, riid a pole, sdr mud, suddr summit, 176 top of trees, sugar the ray, szamdr the ass, szel the wind, szeker the coach, car, szen coal, tehen cow, tel winter, tenyer and tereny the palm (of the hand), tiz ten, tiiz fire, ur Mister, a gentleman, ut the way, vereb a sparrow, t&g the water. Ob- jective Case: Agarat, bogarat, cserepet, etc. 2) By neglecting the short vowel of the last syllable. In Substantives, or words used as Substantives, ending with the syllable alom or elem , as : fdj- dalom pain, fejedelem duke, alom the sleep; having: fdjdalmaty fejedelmet, dlmat. Except elem the element, which forms elemet. As often as the Consonants I, ly , r meet with the consonant m in the last syllable. Selyem silk, olom lead, kbrom finger-nail and the claws, — selymet, olmot,- kormot. Except orom the joy; Objective Case oromet. When I, ly, r combine with k to form the final syllable. Arok the ditch, the trench, okor the ox, gyilok the stabber, akol the sheep-cot, having drkot, okrot, etc.. Except alak the shape, gyerek the child, kerek the wheel, or ok eternal. When the final g in its syllable is preceded by I, ly y r. Dolog the thing, the work, kereg the bark, the crust; — dolgot, kerget — Except balog left-handed, belyeg a stamp, gombolyag a clew (of thread), ball, gyalog on foot, gorog Greek, hdlyog cataract, holyag bladder, meleg 177 warm, or eg old, tdlyog an ulcer, todlyog an un- burnt brick, zdlog the pawn, the forfeit. When the final consonant k is preceded by t, ly, sz, cz in the last syllable, Atok the im- precation, vetek the sin, trucsok the cricket (an insect); Obj. Case dtkot, vetket, trucskot. When the consonant b or p forms the last syllable with a final Z, ly, or r. Kobol a coop, in Hungary a measure for corn, containing 4 bush- els, obol the bay, the sine in Trigonometry ^ cse- ber a large tub, csupor a small pot. In the following words: bdtor bold, bodor frill, feszek the nest, fodor the curl, frill, godor the pit, gyomor the stomach, haszon the profit, irem moisture, irom the couch, kapocs the iron- cramp, hook, koboz lyre 5 lator the highway-man, majom the ape, meder the bed of the river, sza- tyor market-basket, szeder the bramble, black- berry, tegez the quiver, torony the tower, steeple, ilszok the fire-brand, vdszon linen, veder the pail. The following words form the Objective case promiscuously 5 contracted and regularly: Ajak the lips, dszok the pole, kazal the stock, rick of hay, and a shock of corn, ezer thousand, fdtyol gauze, a veil, sdtor the tent, vekony thin. b. Transformation of the root. There are a few Substantives which, when used in the Objective case, have a different root Csink, hung. Gram. | 2 178 from what they have when used in the Nomi- native case. Such are: 1) The monosyllables of a long e 3 6, 6 and u. The following are the different roots of the Nominative and Objective case. Nominative Case. Root of the Objective case. F6 the head Fej Fit the grass Filv Ho the snow Hav Ko the stone Kov Lo the horse Lov Le the soup and the juice Lev Mil the work, composi- Muv tion, performance No the wife Nej Nyu the maggot JSyav So the salt Sav Szo the word Szav To the lake Tav To the trunk Tov Vo the son-in-law Vej, Observ, 1. The words no woman, so com- mon salt, to needle, are used regularly; szo may be used regularly in the Objective case of the Singular Number* Observ. 2, To hard words the t is added with the vowel a, to soft words with the vowel e. 2) Dissyllables with a final u, u or u are liable to abbreviation, their final u and u being neglect- 179 ed when the t of the Objective case is added, which therefore is preceded by the vowel a. These are: Root of the Objective Case. Borj Nominative Borju the calf Daru the crane Enyil the glue Faggyu tallow Fain the village Fattyu the bastard Fenyii the pine (tree) Fiu the son Gyapju the fleece, the wool FLamu ashes Hosszu long Darv Enyv Faggy Falv Fatty Fenyv Fi Gyapj Hamv Hossz jfj Konny Ijju the youth Konny ii easy Sarju aftermath, young grass Sarj Varju the crow Varj Obs. 1. Borjii, daru, falu, faggyii, fenyii hamu, sarju, varju are also used regularly, but it is a transgression against the precepts of purity of the language, Observ* 2. Fiu, the boy, has regular forms, put, fiuk. 3) The following Substantives: terh the load, burden, pelyfi the down, kelyh the calice, vemh the foal (young horse) are obsolete as Nomina- tives, but are used as roots for all Grammatical 12* 180 forms* In the Nominative Case teher, pekely, ke- hely, vehem are used for the sake of Euphony. Lelek the soul, is contracted into lelket; mag the seed, forms magot and magvat. The formation of the Objective Case being the foundation of all the following Etymological formations, it was necessary to dwell on this subject a little longer, in order to exhaust it ? and to prepare the way for the subsequent forms under which Substantives make their appear- ance in the Hungarian language. All other Af- fixes that may be joined to Substantives retain the same Radical which has been used for the Objective case; the student being acquainted with the different forms of the Objective case, it needs of only the knowledge of the different affixes that can be added to Substantives, to enable the stu- dent to give all the different Etymological forms. 4. The characteristic: of the Plural. The word plural means the comprehension of many Objects of the same sort in one term. Some of the Substantives represent in their Nominative case such a plurality; and are there- fore called Collective Substantives; collective Substantives do not assume the external charac- ter of the Plural. When Collective Substantives are used as a generic expression of many Ob- jects taken collectively, they can have no Plural, 181 for^ as they really do not represent many single species, their plural must be defective. In the Hungarian language all Collective Sub- stantives must be considered as generic repre- sentations, that is to say, they express the kind of objects to which they have reference; and therefore the Collective Nouns of the Hunga- rian language admit no form of Plurality, Such Nouns are the names of all kinds of fruit, as: alma apple and apples ^ kortve pear and pears; the names of all sorts of corn, biiza wheat, borso peas and a pea, paszuly beans and a bean; the names of vegetables, as: repa turnips and a turnip; Nouns when used as indicating the whole kind, not collecting any objects indivi- dually, as: fa meaning wood, not fa the tree, penz money^ not penz the coin; or in the expres- sions: halat fogtunk we have caught fishes, etc.; Nouns used in English with the partitive „some" as: some bread keuyer, some wine boi\ etc. All other Nouns are comprehended under the Section of Distributive Nouns, and have a different form when they represent Plurality. The form of the Plural, in the Hungarian language, is expressed by an additional k. Eu- phony and an easy articulation require that this k be preceded by a vowel, in regard to which the vowels used for the Objective case of the Singular Number are to be used with the Plural k as well. 182 Tims, in order to form the Plural, we have merely to exchange t with k, the former express- ing the Objective of the Singular, the latter the Nominative of the Plural. A' rozsa the rose. Ob- ject, case a'rozsdt the rose, Nom. Plur. a'rozsdk the roses; jal the wall, Obj. Sing, falat the wall, Nom. Plur. fdlak the walls, etc. Substantives with a final /, ny, r, s, sz, z 3 which have no vowel before the t, have o before the Plural k when their radical vowels are hard ones, and e when their radical vowels are soft ones, Asztal, asztalt* Plur Nom. asztalok; kin, kbit, Nom. Plur. kinok; kes the knife, kest, ke- sek, etc. The Objective Case of the Plural Number has the same characteristic as the Singular, viz, t 3 which is added to the Plural form, with the vowel a for hard words and with the vowel e for soft words. Asztalok, Objective Plural asz- talokat; kesek, keseket; TSrdkSk the Turks, tor 6- kokety etc. 3. Possessive Affixes. A. Possessors are represented by the Personal Pronouns. Whilst other European languages have Pro- nominal Adjectives, to indicate the possession of objects and to distinguish the persons possess- ing, the Hungarian language, according to Eastern custom, has certain Characteristics, which, added 183 to Substantives representing the Objects pos- sessed, will express the different Personal rela- tions of the possessors themselves. These characteristics are called the Pos- sessive Affixes, and they are derived from the Personal Pronouns en, te, o, mink, tik, ok. They are the following. 4. Object possessed is but one. The Possessor is one, 1st Person — m my; 2d „ — d thy; 3d „ — ja ; for soft words — je, his, her, its. The Possessors are more than one, For hard words: For soft words: 1st Pers. — nky our; — nk, our; 2d „ — tok, your; — tek, tok, your; 3d „ — jok, their; — jo k, their. The Possessive Affixes, all of them having an initial consonant, are added by means of a vowel, in regard to which I refer to the rules given for the Characteristic of the Plural; for the same form of the Substantive and the same vowel that precede the k, precede these affixes as well; but the affixes of the third person and that of the first in the Plural have some excep- tions* The latter assume the vowel u for hard and ii for soft words, when the Substantive ter- minates with a consonant; thus, instead of he- 184 senk our knife, there is kesiink our knife. The consonant j easily combines with other conso- nants; therefore, the affixes of the third Person are added without any auxiliary vowel. This j is missed entirely; a) when the Substantive is contracted and when it changes the root of its Nominative ac- cording to the rules given for the objective case; b) when the Substantive has a final b, g, h, p, v ; c) when it terminates with the syllables sag, seg, ok, ek, ok. ok, ek, et. In all the preceding cases only the vowel a or e, and ok or ok, are added to the root of the Plural of the Substantive. From these general rules deviate: a) Dissyllabical Substantives with a final 6, changing this vowel into e before the Affixes je and j ok. Erdo the wood, erdeje his wood; szo- leje his vineyard, etc. b) The Substantives: anya mother, atya fa- ther, batya brother (elder brother), nenye elder sister, lose their final vowel before the Affix of the third Person Singular and Plural; thus, anyja his mother, anyjok their mother, etc. Huga the younger sister, ocse the younger brother, remain unchanged in the third Pers. Sing., and have ocsok, hug ok in the third Pers. Plur. c) The following Substantives : ajio the door, 185 diszno the swine, biro the judge, and sas the eagle, form ajtaja his (her and its) door, ajtajok their door; diszna; birdja and birdjok; sassa and sassok. Szdj the mouth , forms : szdm my mouth, szdd thy mouth, szdja his mouth, szdnk our mouth, szdtok your mouth, szdjok their mouth. Obs. The termination of the third person Plural jok and jok is now and then changed into juk and jiik, especially when the Nominative Plu- ral and the third Person with the Plural posses- sive affixes would be alike; thus, instead of tii- krok, there is tukrilk their mirror. 2. The Objects possessed are more than one. The plurality of Objects possessed is ex- pressed by the vowel i; the affixes have in that case the following form: One possessor: Two or ore possessors: f. Person — im. my; 1. Pers. — mk 3 our; 2. „ — i& 3 thy; 2. „ — itok,itek,your; 3. ,5 — i, his, 3. ,5 — iky their. hers 5 its ; These affixes are used indiscriminately for soft and hard words, and were formerly added to the Radical of the Substantives without any auxiliary vowel; at present they are only used after a final vowel, and the third Person Sing, of a, e is considered as the Radical for these Plural Affixes when Substantives terminate in a con- 186 sonant. Bar at the friend, bardtja his friend, ba- rdtjaim my friends. — Substantives which form the third Person Singular irregularly preserve such irregularities in the addition of the Plural affixes. Especially: a) The Dissyllabical Substantives of 6 change that into e before the Plural Affixes, as mezo the field, mezeim my fields, b) Afto 3 biro form qjtaim my doors, birdim my judges, etc. In compound Substantives of the form: kazafi patriot, countryman, atyafi relative, nev-itap name-day, the first part of the compound word is used with the Possessive affixes, like a simple Substantive, and the second part with the affix of the third Person Singular. Atydm-fia my rela- tive, atydm-fiai my relatives; hazdm-fiai my coun- trymen; nevem-napja my name-day. B) Possessors are expressed by a Substantive. When the Possessor is represented by any Substantive whatever, this is used in the Possessive Case, which in most of the European languages is a peculiar form of Declension. The Hungarian language has, again, different affixes to express this Possessive Case. There is to be distinguished the use of the possessive case independently from the Substantive indicating the 187 object or objects possessed, from the possessive case constructed with this Substantive, As often as the Possessive Case is used by itself, the Substantive receives the affix e. The Plural of this affix is — ei, formed according to the principle of the Possessive Affixes. — A szomszed the neighbour, a^zomszede the neigh- bour's, ctszomszedei the neighbour's; a'szomszedoke the neighbours 5 . When the Possessive Case is constructed with another Substantive, the Prepositional Af- fix — nak is used: In that case the Hungarian language has a propriety of construction, which see below, under „Syntax — Constructions with Prepositional Affixes." — All these different Forms of Possessive ex- pressions are to be considered as new roots of the Substantive, to which may be added the charac- teristic of the Objective Case and the Prepositional Affixes (ba in, bbl out, nak to, etc*)* For instance konyv book, konyvem-et my book, konyveim-et my books, konyve-t that of the book, konyveit those of the book, konyvemben in my book, etc. 188 4t. Paradigm of the different forms of a Sub- stantive. A) Regular forms. — The root of the Substantive remains unchanged. Words with hard vowels. Words with soft vowels. 1. Sing. Nom. Az ora the watch A kefe the brush Object. Case. Az drat the watch; A' kefet the brush; Plur. Nom. Az ordk the watches A' kefek the brushes Object. Case. Az ordkat the watches; A kefeket the brushes. Poss. Affixes Sing. Az dram my watch A kef em my brush Az drdd thy watch A kefed thy brush Az drdja his (her, its) A kefeje his (her, its) watch ; brush ; Az drank our watch A kefenk our brush Az drdtok your watch A kefetek your brush Az ordjok their watch* A kefejok their brush Objects possessed are several. Az ordim my watches A kefeim my brushes Az or did thy watches A kefeid thy brushes Az ordi his (her, its) A kefei his (her ? its) watches ; brushes ; Az ordink our watches A kefeink our brushes Az orditok your watches A kefeitek your brushes Az ordik their watches. A kefeik their brushes. 189 Poss. Case Sing. Az brae that of the watch A kefee that of the brush Az ordei those of the A kefeei those of the watch; brush; Az drake that of the A kefeke that of the watches brushes Az ordkei those of the A kefekei those of the watches. brushes. 2. Sing. Norn. A lab the foot A konyv the book Object. Case. A labat the foot; A konyvet the book; Plur. Nom. A labak the feet A konyvek the books A labakat the feet. A konyveket the books. Poss. Affixes Sing. A labam my foot A konyvem my book A Idbad thy foot A konyved thy book A Idba his (her, its) foot; A konyve his (her 5 its) book; A Idbunk our foot A konyvilnk our book A Idbatok your foot A konyvetek your book A lab ok their foot. A konyvok their book. Objects possessed are several. A labaim my feet A konyveim my books A Idbaid thy feet A konyveid thy books A Idbai his (her, its) A konyvei his (her, its) feet; books; 190 A labaink our feet A konyveink our books A labaitok your feet A koiiyveitek your books A hibaik their feet. A konyveik their books Poss. Case Sing. A hibe that of the foot A' k dnyve that of the book A label those of the A konyvei those of the foot; book; Plur. A Idbake that of the feet A' konyveke that of the books A labakei those of the A konyvekei those of the feet. books. B) Irregular forms. -- The root of the Substantive is altered. 1. Sing. Nom. A maddr the bird A kez the hand Obj. Case. A' madarat the bird; A kezet the hand; Plur. Nom. A madarak the birds A kezek the hands Obj. Case. A madarakat the birds. A kezeket the hands. Poss. Aif. Sing. A madaram my bird A kezem my hand A madarad thy bird A kezed thy hand A madara his (her, its) A keze his (her, its) hand; bird ; 491 A 9 madarunk our bird A kezunk our hand A madaratok your bird A kezetok your hand A madarok their bird. A kezok their hand. Objects possessed are more. A madaraim my birds A kezeim my hands A madaraid thy birds A kezeid thy hands A madarai his (her, its) A kezei his (her, its) birds; hands; A madaraink our birds A kezeink our hands A madaraitok your A kezeitek your hands birds A 9 madaraik their birds. A kezeik their hands. Poss. Case. Sing. --4' maddre that of the ^' keze that of the hand bird A madurei those of the A kezei those of the hand; bird; Plur. A madarake that of the A kezeke that of the birds hands A madarakei those of A kezekei those of the the birds. hands. 2. Sing. Nom. A 9 mojom the ape A vetek the vice Obj. Case. A majmot the ape; A vetkek the vice; 192 Plur. Nom. A 9 majmok the apes A 9 vetkek the vices Obj. Case. A 9 majmokat the apes. A 9 vetkeket the vices. Poss. Aff. Sing. A 9 majmom my ape A 9 vetkem my vice A 9 majmod thy ape A 9 vetked thy vice A 9 majma his (her, its) A 9 vetke his (her, its) vice; ape; A 9 mafmunk our ape A 9 vetkiink our vice A 9 mqjmotok your ape A 9 vetketek your vice A 9 majmuk*) their ape. A 9 vetkok their vice. Objects possessed are more. A 9 majmaim my apes A 9 vetkeim my vices A 9 majmaid thy apes A 9 vetkeid thy vices A 9 majmai his (her, its) A 9 vetkei his (her, its) apes; vices; A 9 majmaink our apes A 9 vetkeink our vices A 9 majmaitok your ^' vetkeitek your vices. apes ^P majmaik their apes. ^4' vetkeik their vices Poss. Case. Sing. A 9 majome that of the ape A 9 majomei those of the ape Plnr. A 9 majmoke that of the apes A 9 majmokei those of the apes. *) In order to distinguish it from the Plural Nom. majmok. 193 3. Sing. Nom. A szo the word A fo the head Obj. Case. A szavat the word; A fejet the head; Plur. Nom. A szavak the words A fejek the heads Obj. Case. A szavakat the words. A fejeket the heads. Poss. Aff. Sing. A szavam my word A fejem my head A szavad thy word A fejed thy head A szava his (her, its) A feje his (her, its) head; word; etc. Objects possessed are more. A szavaim my words etc. 4. Sing. Nom. A fiu the son At enyii the glue Obj. Case. A fiat the son; Az enyvet the glue; Plur. Nom. A fiak the sons Az enyvek the glues Obj. Case. A fiakat the sons. Az enyveket the glues. Poss. Aff. Sing. A fiam my son Az enyvem my glue A fiad thy son Az enyved thy glue A fia his (her, its) son ; Az enyve his (her, its) glue ; etc. Csink, hung. Gram. 13 494 5. Derivation and Composition of Substan- tives. a) Derivation of Substantives. The Hungarian language is as productive in the Derivation of Substantives as of Verbs. Sub- stantives may be derived from Verbs , Adverbs, Substantives and Prepositions. The Affixes of Derivation being used pro- miscuously for Verbs and Substantives, it will be of some use to mention the most frequently used affixes of Derivation, in order to form Sub- stantives, in their alphabetical order: a, exchanged with o, is used to form Sub- stantives from Verbal roots. Bugyoga a bubbling spring, a jar with a very narrow neck, from bugyog-ni to bubble; huza-vona toil, from hiiz-ni> von-ni to draw* «6, — Hasdb a log (of wood), cleft wood, from hasit-ni to cleave. acs, added to Substantives and Verbal roots. Uracs a person pretending to belong to the gen- try, szivacs the sponge, from szi-ni (sziv-ni) to suck; dugacs the bung, from dug-ni to stuff, to cork a bottle. The syllable acs is contracted if the Verbal root has a final r, preceded by a voweL VakarcSy instead of vakaracs, the scraper, and the loaf made of the scrapings of the dough, 495 from vakar-ni to scrape; habarcs, instead of ha- baracs. anything spouted out, from habar-ni to spout out. adalom. with Verbal roots and Substantives; as, for-ni to boil, for adalom revolution; ur gent- leman, lord, uradalom dominion, ag* added to Verbal roots. Forgatag a whirl, whirlwind j water- spout; from forgat-ni to turn round. al, al and dly, used to form Substantives from Verbal roots. Fonal the file (filum), yarn, from fon-ni to spin; viadal the fight, from viv-ni (vi- ad) to combat; hivatal the office, from hivat-ni to be called for; haldl death, from hal-ni to die; dagdly swelling, tumour; akaddly the impediment, from akad-ni to stick, to be fixed. alek, added to Verbal roots; osztalek the pro- rata, mdrtalek the sauce, tartalek a reserve. alom^ gives Derivative Substantives, firstly from Verbal roots: hatalom might, from hat-ni to influence; far adalom the fatigue, from farad-ni to be tired, to take trouble; — secondly^ from Ad- jectives, vigalom merriment, from vig merry. am and dm, used with Verbal roots. Folyam the stream, foly-ni to flow; nyilam calibre, nyil- ni to be opened; villdm the lightning, whose root is vitts of which only the participle villo, a body 43* 496 that gives light, phosphor, is used; csilldm the glimmer, from the obsolete csill to shine. any, a derivative syllable which recovered its right recently, and is especially used for the formation of scientific terms. Villany electricity, higany mercury, from lug fluid; folany fluor. dr ^ by means of which Substantives are formed from others, meaning a person employed in any office, or a tradesman. Kulcsdr housekeeper, caterer j from kales key; tandr professor, from tan science; timdr tanner, titkdr (contr. of titok- dr) secretary, from titqk secret; kdddr cooper. ds, when added to Verbal roots, forms con- crete Substantives, which in English are express- ed by the Participle. Ahivds contracted alvds sleeping, varus sewing, szaladds running; from alud-ni, var-ni, szalad-ni. dsz is used to form Substantives from other Substantives; it is in principle identical with the syllable dr. Haldsz fisher, vddasz huntsman. Al- terations or contractions of the primitive form of the Substantive ^ made in the Plural, must be observed when this syllable of Derivation is used. Madardsz fowler, lovdsz a groom, horsebreaker. at 3 atyily antyii, used with verbal roots, and the Derivative Substantives of dsz. Haldszat fish- ings szobrdszat statuary; vdltozat change, vitorld- zat sails; szivatyu the pump, from szi-ni to suck; szavatyu organ of speech; sarkantyu the spur. 197 cs, added to Substantives, in order to form diminutives. This consonant of Derivation is added to the Plural form of the Substantive, k being exchanged with cs. Ko stone, Kovecs gravel. cso, cso, by means of which Substantives are formed from Verbal roots. Lepcso, hagcso, steps, bolcso the cradle. cska, cske, used for diminutive Substantives, is always added to the Plural form instead of the Plural k. Szemek the eyes, szemecske the little eye ; tzikor the mirror, PI. tukrbk the mirrors, tu- krocske the small mirror; asztal, table, PI. aszta- lok, asztalocska a small table; fiii the son, PI. fiak, fiacska little son. cz, cza, cze, used as a derivative affix with Substantives, Adjectives and Verbal roots. Kii- loncz a strange fellow, ifjoncz a lad, from Milan separate, ifju young; utcza street, from ut way. d, used with Adverbs and Verbal roots. Elod predecessor, from eld before; seged assistant. da (oda, ede), added to Verbal roots, forms derivative Substantives, meaning the place in which the action represented by the Verb is per- formed: as, nyomda printing office, nyomni to press; lovagda riding school, lovagolni to ride on horse- back 5 — to Substantives, in order to form con- crete Substantives relative to place — tanoda 198 school, from tan science; csonakda crowing- school, from csonak the boat. dek, and its identical dok, form Substantives when added to Verbal roots. Szdndek and szdn- dok resolution, ajdndek and ajdndok the present; from szdn-ni to resolve, ajdnl-ani to present. e, a derivative affix for Verbal roots used instead of 6. Sziile parent, zsenge, the first fruit (firstling), surge hurry, instead of sziilo, zsengo, surgo. edelem, added to Substantives and Verbal roots. Fej head, fejedelem prince, sovereign; vesz-ni to perish, veszedelem danger; torni to break, toredelem penance. eg, the radical of egesz, whole, is used with Substantives and Verbal roots. Ret a meadow, lay, reteg stratum; rengeteg an extensive forest. ej, with Verbal roots. Zorej, a rattling noise. ek and ek; used to form Derivative Substan- tives of Verbs and Substantives. Boritek the co- ver, fenyitek discipline, vetek sin, etek food; from borit-ani to cover, fenyit-eni to punish, vet-eni to sin, enni to eat; tdjek country, region, kSrnyek environs, from tdj environs, horny surrounding. el, el, ely. Hitel credit, jovetel arrival, hotel the rope^ veszely danger; from hin-ni to believe, joni to come, h'ot-ni to bind, vesz-ni to become lost. elek, with roots of Verbs. Kotelek the bonds, 199 fdzelek vegetables, from kot-ni to bind, foz-ni to cook. elem. Szerelem the love 5 engedelem obedience, turelem patience, from szerei-ni to love, enged-ni to yield, turni to endure. em. Jelem character, terem saloon, from jel a sign, ter space. emeny. Vetemeny crop, nyeremeny profit, from vet-ni to sow, nyer-ni to gain. eny and eny, the latter used especially for technical expressions* Lepeny a cake, ter eny the palm (of the hand), melleny waistcoat, koteny the apron, vizeny hydrogen, szeneny carbonic gas, eleny oxygen; from lap a plate, ter space, mell the chest, kot-ni to bind, viz water, szen the char- coal, el-ni to live. ep. Ulep sediment, szerep the part of a play-actor. er> er, identical with dr. Pinczer the butler, czimer the firm; from pincze cellar, czim title; tolcser the funnel, from tolteni to fill, is somewhat irregular. es, for soft words instead of as. Veres beat- ing, fekves position (lying), vetes (the) sowing, sertes offence. esz, identical with the derivative syllable dsz. Kertesz gardener, festesz (portrait) painter. etj etyu, entyu, for soft words instead of at. 200 atyiu Nevezet nomination, vezerlet guidance, di- rection, csengetyii a small bell, roppentyu the rocket, from nevez-ni to name, vezerl-eni to guide, csenget-ni to ring (the bell), rap the flight. i, forming Substantives derived from Nouns proper, which in the English language in most instances are expressed by means of the Gene- tive case and the Noun common "inhabitant". Budai an inhabitant of the city of Buda, gyori an inhabitant of the city of Gyor, szabolcsi an in- habitant of the county of Szabolcs, This syllable of Derivation is often replaced by beli; if that be the case, the respective common Noun must be used with the Proper Noun; szabolcs-megyebeli inhabitant of the county of Scabolcs. ju* Gyapju wool, from gyap wadding; this is more a Composition than a Derivation. ka, ke, for diminutive Substantives, used when the Substantive is of more than one syllable with a final consonant easily combining with k; such consonants are cs, cz, I, n, ny* r , preceded by a vowel. Scivacska a small sponge, lapoczka a shovel, asztalka a small table, lednyka a little girl, kenyerke little bread, a small loaf. many. Szakmdny socage, zsdkmdny prey. »y preceded by a corresponding vowel, used with Numerals in order to express a comprehen- sion of individuals collectively. Hatan six of them, kilenczen nine of them. 201 ne, no, meaning female* Kerteszne female gardener and the gardener's wife; szomszedne female neighbour. nok, nok, may be added to Adverbial and Verbal roots, and Substantives. Elnok president, iilnok assessor, bajnok champion; tdrnok in Com- pounds, as, penz-tdmok treasurer, from eld be- fore (the Latin pre) ill-ni to sit, baj trouble, tar store. o, o, mentioned in Grammars as the present Participle of the Verb. Ado giver and contributions, figuratively taxes, varo sewer, kerelmezo petitioner. odalom. Irodalom literature, bonyodalom per- plexity. omdny, forming concrete Substantives* Tar- tomdny country, hagyomdny the legacy. omdsy forming abstract Substantives derivative of Verbs* Vallomds confession, tudomds notice. ot Gyapot cotton, from gyap wadding. s. Substantives, which are derived by means of the consonant s, have the same meaning as those derived by means of the consonants dr, er, fdsz, esz; the primitive Substantive is liable to alterations like those when the plural k is added, and the vowel that precedes the plural k is used also before the consonant of Derivation, s. Asztalos cabinet-maker, kerekes coach -maker, fazekas, the potter, nyerges, the saddler, ilstos the brazier; from asztal the table, kerek the wheel, 202 fazek the pot, nyereg. the saddle, ilst the copper (copper-kettle). sag, seg. Derivative affixes, used with Ad- jectives. Adverbs and Prepositions,, in order to form abstract Substantives; sag for Adjectives with hard, seg for those with soft vowels. Josdg the goodness, magassdg the height, vastagsdg the thickness, felseg majesty, eUenseg the enemy, tulsdg excess, exaggeration; from jo good, magas high, vastag thick, fel above, up, ellen against, till beyond. szdg (szeg). formerly very likely a Substan- tive which at the present time is used as a syl- lable of derivation. The English and German languages have a somewhat similar form in the syllables "dom" — "thum". Orszdg the realm (kingdom), from or-szdg country to be defended, joszdg possessions, funded property. tyii. Kez the hand, keztyii gloves. Uy ii; Bo7*it clouds, gyanu suspicion, gyiirii ring, betii letter (character in the alphabet), type. In many of the derivative Substantives of this kind, u is used instead of 6: as, vesu chisel, instead of veso, from ves-ni to chisel, to engrave. b) Compound Substantives. Compound Substantives may be formed: 1) By means of the simple connexion of two Substantives* 203 a) Nouns common with each other. Orszdg- gyiiles diet, parliament (Land- congregation), nep- iskola community - school (people - school) , tor- venyhatosdg jurisdiction, gozhojo steamer, vasut railway (iron-road); berkocsi hackney-coach. b) Nouns proper with their respective Nouns common. Pestmegye, county of Pest; Magyaroszdg, Hungary (realm of Hungary); Angolorszdg, England^ Biharmegye, county of Bihar; Jdszkeriilet, district the Jazygians. 2. Substantives and Adjectives being connected together. a) The Adjective precedes. Kozakarat gene- ral consent, ujvdros new- town, hidegleges fever, forroldz inflammatory fever. b) The Substantive precedes. There are but few compound Substantives of this kind. Var- nagy castellan, hadnagy lieutenant, tdhornagy general, koromfekete the top of the finger-nail, erdekfel partaker. 3. By a combination of Prepositions and Substantives or Adjectives. Ellendr controller (ellen against, or guard), ellenfel the adverse part, (ellen contre, fel half), tulsuly pre- ponderance, tulkoltseg supererogate, utdnontet counterfeit, dtmero (dltalmero) diameter. 4. By Adverbs and Sub stantives. Fel- fold upper-country, high-land kulfold foreign coun- try, elojel prognostic sign, utosereg rear-guard* 204 R. By means of Verbal Adjectives joined to Substantives, Kdmtllott a man having suffered damage; kaza-druld a traitor of the country, agyafurtsdg shrewdness. b. By means of the Verbal Adjective vdlo (belonging to), governing the Prepo- sitional affix ra. re. ba, be. Nyakravald (be- longing to the neck) neck-tie, zsebbevalo (belong- ing into the pocket) handkerchief, ukasztofara- valo (being fit for the gallows) gallows- clapper, semmirevalo (fit for nothing) good-for-nothing. Obs. An Orthographical remark may be made; that, when three Substantives are connected together in order to form a compound one, the last is joined by means of a hyphen. Gyapjuszo- vet-gydr manufactory of woollen cloth; also, when two Substantives do not form a Com- pound Substantive, strictly taken: as, vas-drot iron-wire, csont-faggyu bone-fat, etc.; or if the former part of the Composition is expressed in the form of an Adjective: gdzhajozdsi-tdrsulat. steam boat- company; vasuti-reszveny, railway-share. III. Attributes. The Verb and the Substantive must be con- sidered as the principal Parts of Speech. The notions expressed by each of them may be ac- companied by some secondary notion, explaining the quality, quantity, any relation to time and 205 place, or intensity and strength, represented in the principal term. Words expressing such secondary notions (ideas) are called Attributive Terms, and are ge- nerally comprehended under the Grammatical sec- tion of Adjectives and Adverbs, the former as Attributes of Substantives, the latter as Attri- butes of Verbs. Attributive Terms may be represented so as to express a higher degree of intensity than they primitively did; such representations give origin to forms called Comparison* There are two de- grees of Comparison, that of the Comparative, when the qualities of two objects are compared; that of the Superlative, when, among three Ob- jects, the quality of the third exceeds that of the comparnd one* The Hungarian language has the property of using the Adjective, and in many instances the Adverb, as a Substantive, for which expressions the English language has recourse to circum- scriptions, or the Numeral, one; as, give me the book, which? the large one. Add nekem a 9 kony- vety mellyiket? a 9 nagyot 1. Adjectives. When the Adjective is used as a Substan- tive, all affixes, except the Possessive ones, even the article az or a', may be used with it. In that 206 case, the rules on the use of affixes, given for Substantives, are applied to the Adjective as well. When the Adjective is an attribute of Sub- stantives ^ it precedes them immediately and in- variably, the affixes being added to the Substan- tive itself. a) Form of Comparison. Comparison is the only modification pro- per to Adjectives; for the Hungarian language does not admit the use of the Adverbs more and most, like other European languages,, in order to express the degree of strength and intensity. The affix of the Comparative and Super- lative is bb. which is preceded by a for Adjec- tives with hard vowels, and by e for Adjectives with soft vowels, when they have a final conso- nant. In order to distinguish the Superlative de- gree from the Comparative . the syllable leg is prefixed to the Superlative degree. Drdga dear, drdgdbb dearer, legdragab dear- est. Meresz bold, mereszebb bolder, legmereszebb boldest Vastag thick, vastagabb thicker, legvastagabb thickest. b) Irregularities of Comparison. Some Deviations from this general rule take place regarding: 207 a. The Comparative and Superlative. The following Adjectives are irregular. Hosszu long, hosszabb longer, leghosszabb longest; Ifjii young, ifjabb younger, legifjabb youngest; Jo good, jobb better, legjobb best; Konnyu easy, light, kdnnyebb easier, legkonnyebb easiest; Nagy large, nagyobb larger, legnagyobb largest. Szep beautiful, szebb more beautiful, legszebb most beautiful. Besides the regular forms of the Comparative and Superlative Degrees, there are others used when the Adjective is used without any Substan- tive, the affix ik, ika or ike being added to the forms of the Comparative and Superlative. Erosb stronger, erosbik and erosbike the stronger (one); legerosb strongest , legerdsbik , legerosbike the strongest; nagyobb larger, nagyobbik and na- gyobbikathe larger (one); legnagyobb largest, leg- nagyobbik and legnagyob-bika the largest. Obs. If the Adjectives be of more than two syllables, the affixes ik or ika, and ike are not used. p. The termination bb. 1) Adjectives with a final u, u, or i, have a double form of the Comparative and Superla- tive, viz, the 66, being added either regularly or preceded by the vowel a or e; as, regi ancient, 208 regibb and regiebb more ancient, legregibb and legregiebb most ancient; lassu slow, lassubb and lassuabb slower^ leglassiibb or leglassuabb slowest; siirii thick, dense, siiriiebb and siirubb thicker, legsurubb and legsuruebb thickest; except the compound Adjectives of szerii, which have re- gular forms. 2. Adjectives with a final s are often used in an abbreviated form, a single b being added, without any vowel. Ma gas high; magasb and magasabb higher, legmagasb and legmagasabb high- est. Eros strong, erosb and erdsebb stronger, legerosb and legerosebb strongest. y. The Superlative degree. The Superlative degree is often found in- sufficient to express excellence; for this reason, the Adverbs very or by far, etc., are used in the English language before the Superlative; as, "the very best": in Hungarian the prefix "leg" is repeated and connected by the particle is or es: as, legislegfinomabb the very finest, legeslegero- sebb by far the strongest. 8) Pleonasm of Comparison. It is a propriety of the Hungarian language to give a complete Comparison to such Adjec- tives as logically admit but one or the other de- gree of Comparison, and to use in the Superla- tive degree Adjectives, which do not admit of it in other languages. 209 Such are: Elso the first; legelso (the very first)* Utolso, the last; legutolso (the very last). Szelso, extreme; legszelsobb the outermost Vegso, final; legvegsobb. Also, lower, inferior, alsobb, legalsobb. Felso, upper, superior; felsobb, legfelsobb upper- most. Here may be subjoined another peculiarity of the language, the Comparison of Substantives. Instead of using the derivative Adjective, Hun- garians sometimes prefer the shorter form of using the Substantive as an Adjective, and give it a Comparison. Ember man, ember ebb more human; ordog Satan, ordogebb more Satan-like. g) Comparison of Compound Adjectives. Compound Adjectives are separated, when used in the Comparative or Superlative Degree, and the first part receives the affixes of Com- parison, while the second remains unchanged. Such compound Adjectives are those of an Ad- jective and a Substantive with the termination u or u. Nagylelkii generous, nagyobblelkii more ge- nerous ;j6szivii good-hearted, kind, jobb-szivu more kind, legjobb-szivu kindest. Adjectives compound- ed with szerii may be used regularly and irre- gularly; thus, nagyszeru, grand, nagyobbszeril and nagyszerubb more grand. When the first part of the compound is a Substantive, the regular form Csint, hung. Gram. \ 4 210 must be used: as, torvenyszerii legaL torenysze- riibb more legal. Observ. If any Adjective be liable to an al- teration in its root when forming the Objective Case and Plural, such alterations must be attend- ed to in Comparison as well- For instance: ktg fluid 5 object. Case, higat Comparat. Degi\, higabb more fluid; vekony thin, obj. Case, veknyaL Comp. Degr. vebn/abb thiner, etc. d) Derivation of Adjectives. 4. From Verbs, by means of the affixes: 6 or o, added to the Verbal root. These de- rivative Adjectives were generally known as the Present Participles of Verbs, but they are really Adjectives and as such their construction is that of Adjectives. Vera beating, szereto loving, iro writing. The third Person of the Perfect Tense Ind. Mood is also used as an Adjective. Szeretett beloved, megvert beaten, megirt written. asz, esz; as, meresz bold, from mer to ven- ture; kopasz bald. csi. Kivdncsi eager, from kivdn to wish for. dnk, enlc. Nyuldnk thin, lank; felenk timid. ekony, ekeny. Erzekeny sensitive; porlekony brittle. 2. From Substantives, by means of the affixes: belt, beliy which is derived from the Prepo- sitional affix be, in. Vdrmegyebeli belonging to 211 a county; nemetorszdgbeli of Germany, German; elmebeli intellectual (of the mind), dad, ded, which has the meaning of "being like", "having the shape" of. Tojdsdad oval, from tojds the egg. nyi forms derivatives only from Substantives of measure. Ldbnyi, one foot long, olnyi length of a fathom, arasznyi, a span long, etc. w, u 3 used only in combination with other Ad- jectives; eles-ldtdsu quick- sighted, jo-szivii good- hearted, etc, 3. From Adjectives themselves are derived Diminutive Adjectives, by means of the affix Aa, Ae, acska, ecske. Szegeny poor, szegeny ke little poor, vastag thick, vastagocska a little thick, etc. 4. From Substantives and Adjectives, by means: a) of the letter s, preceded by a vowel, when the Substantive has a final consonant. In regard to the auxiliary vowel it may be remarked, that it is the same as that which is used before the plural k. If the Substantive be liable to abbre- viations, in the Plural, they must be made be- fore this letter of derivation as well. Rozsa the rose 5 rozsds rosy; vildg the light, vild- gos, light; hatalom might, hatalmas mighty; fust smoke, pastas smoky; etc. Derivatives from Ad- jectives have the same meaning as the English 14* 212 derivative Adjectives of ish. Feher white, fehe- 7*es whitish; kek blue, kekes bluish; etc. b) of szerii. Nepszeru. popular , from nep people; nagyszeru grand, from nagy great. 5. From Adverbs, Prepositions, and Substantive s. a) By means of the termination so, so. Felso upper, from fel up; tulso yonder opposite, from till beyond; szelso extreme, from szel the border. b) By means of the additional vowel i. Vdr- megyei of the county; belonging to the county, from varmegye county, rilugi worldly, from vildg world; alatti underneath, from alatt under; mos- tani (the) present, akkori then being; from mostan now, akkor then. 6. From Substantives, Adjectives, and Verbs* By means of the terminations talan, atlan, te- len, etlen, meaning a negation, equal to the English un 3 the Latin in. Szdmtalan innumerable, from szdm number; kegyetlen cruel, from kegy favour; boldogtalait unhappy, from boldog happy; iratlan unwritten, elmondhatlan inexpressible. e) Compound Adjectives. Compound Adjectives may be formed by Sub- stantives and Adjectives, and Adjectives amongst themselves. Erdemdus full of merits, koromkefete as black as soot, aranyszinu of a gold colour, vildgoskek light-blue, setetbarna dark-brown. 213 2. AdVerbs. — Attributes of Verbs. — a) Division of Adverbs. Attributes of Verbs are Terms used to define the circumstances under which the notion of the Verb is represented; hence, they may be arranged under as many Classes as the different circum- stances themselves. Circumstances by which the meaning of Verbs may be defined are those of Time, Place, Quan- tity, Quality, and Modality, the last compre- hending the subdivisions of probability, as- sertion, and apodixis. For this reason there are as many different Adverbs, partly primitive, partly derivative ones. 1. Adverbs of Time, a) Primitive Adverbs : ma, to-day; most, now; reg, long ago; majd, soon; hamar, quickly. P) Derivative and Compound Adverbs of Time: mikor, when; eleinte, at first; hajdan, formerly; regen, long ago; az idem, this year; kordn early; keson, late; gyakran, often; folyvdst, continually; mindjdrt, presently; tustent, immediately; azatdn, afterwards* delkor, at noon; ollykor, at such a time, sometimes; ollykor ollykor, now and then; soha, never; neha, sometimes; valaha, ever (at any time); valamikor, some days; tegnap, yester- day; holnap, to-morrow; minap, lately, recently; taval, last year; egyszer, once; ketszer, twice; 214 otszor, five times; harmadszor, for thfi third time; negyedszer, for the fourth time. 2. Adverbs of Place. a) Primitive ones: hoi, where; itt, here; ott, there; ki outside; be, inside; fel, upwards; le, downwards; messze, far. P) Derivative and compound ones: hova, where to, whither; oda, thither; ide, hither (de- rived from hoi, itt, ott); tova, far; tdvol, far away; kozel, near; mdshova, elsewhere (to); sehol, no- where; valahol, somewhere; mdshol, somewhere else; mindenhol, everywhere; kunn, outside; ki- viil, outside; belol, inside; lent, down; fent, up; hdtul behind; oldalt, aside; honnan, whence; innen, hence; onan, thence; mdsunnan, from some- where else; sehonnan, from nowhere; messzunnen, from a far. y) Adverbs of place, formed by means of Prepositional affixes. Elore, forwards; hdtra, backwards; felre, aside, 3. Adverbs of Quantity are all deriva- tive ones, formed by means of Prepositional af- fixes. Nagyobbdi'a, for the greatest part; egyen- kent, singly (by single ones); hdrmankent, by three; otenkent, by five; darabonkent, by pieces; seregenkent, in crowds; shillingenkent, in shillings. 4. Adverbs of Quality are all derived from Adjectives, by means of I, id, til, n, en, an. J 61, well; roszul, badly; vitezul, heroically; vild- 215 gosan, plainly; magasan, highly; magasabban, more highly; szepen beautifully; szivesen, cordially, willingly, 5. Adverbs of Modality, a) Probability: talan, perhaps; csaknem, near- ly; alig, hardly; Jiiketoleg^ probably; valosziniileg, very likely. b) Assertion: Hogy, how? iigy, igy^ thus, so; amugy, that way (to do); emigy. this way (to do); ollyateriy ollykepen, in such a manner; dltdldn and dltalabaiij generally; rendkivi'd, extraordinarily; kivdlty especially; ingyeity gratis; mint, as; vala- mikeperty somehow; c) Apodixis: a) Affirmative: igen, yes; bizonyy verily; iga- zdrty truly; valobaiiy really; bizonyosarty surely, (3) Negative: neniy no, not; seniy also not; sehogyseniy in no way; semmikepen by no means. b) Comparison of Adverbs. Adverbs, which are not derived from Ad- jectives, may be used in the Comparative and Superlative Degrees, which are formed like those of Adjectives. Tdvol far, distant; tdvolabb more distant; legtdvolabb most distant; tova far, tovdbb farther, legtovdbb farthest. Irregularly, or only in the Comparative, are used: oda there, oddbb and odebb farther; 216 ide here, idebb nearer, closer; messze far, messzebb farther, legmesszebb far- thest; fel up, f el) ebb higher; le down, lejebb lower; be inside, inwards, beljebb more inwards; ki outside, outwards, kijebb farther out; lent down, lentebb lower down; fent up, fentebb higher up. IV. Pronouns. Pronouns ? called so because ancient Gram- marians supposed them to be used instead of Nouns, may be divided in five groups. 1. Personal Pronouns. Personal Pronouns are those which repre- sent the notions (ideas): of a speaker, the first Person; an individual spoken to^ the second Person; and an 1 object spoken of, the third Person. Nature has divided organized bodies into two sexes; for this reason 5 in some of the European languages a precise generic distinction of the names of Objects, according to their natural dis- tinction, is made; in others this rule, instituted by nature j is deviated from, and a generic distinction in a figurative meaning is also made. The Hun- 217 garians consider the names of Objects as pure abstract terms, which really have no distinction of sex when merely considered as terms; there- fore, the generic distinction of the third Personal Pronoun, which represents Objects spoken of, is wanting in their language. The Personal Pronouns are: Nominative. Sing. En I Plur. Mi we Te thou Ti you O he, she, it Ok they. The formation of the Objective case is some- what irregular, its Characteristic, being used with the Possessive affixes in the first and second Persons Singular. Objective Case, Sing. Engemet me Plur. Minket us Tegedet thee Titeket you Ot and Otet him, Oket them, her, it; Instead of engemet, tegedet, the abridged forms engem, teged, instead of minket and titeket the forms beniinket and beneteket, may be used. The Personal Pronoun is never used with the affix expressing the Possessive case, but when such a form is required in any sentence, the Personal Pronouns receive the Possessive affixes as follows: 218 Object possessed is one. Sing. Enyem, mine; Plur. Mienk, ours; Tieid, thine; Tietek, yours; Qve, his, hers, its ; (Jvek, theirs. Objects possessed are more than one. Sing, Enyeim, mine ; Plur. Mieink, ours; Tieidy thine; Tieitek, yours; (JveL his, hers, its; Qveik, theirs. The Prepositional Affixes are not added to the Personal Pronouns, as to Substantives and Adjectives, but they are used with the Possessive Affixes. The different forms, arising from the combination of the Possessive and Prepositional affixes, have been mentioned in the first part. So are the Prepositions strictly taken (or rather Post- positions, for in the Hungarian language the so- called Prepositions are not placed before the Sub- stantive) used with the Possessive affixes; thus, instead of saying en elott, before me, we say elot- tem; instead of 6 alatt under him, we say alatta. 2. Relative and interrogative Pronouns. The Pronouns ki who, melly which, mi what, are used in compound sentences in order to pre- vent the repetition of a Substantive. As the sentences may be either interrogative or assertorial, these Pronouns are either Interro- gative or Relative Pronouns, according to the nature of the sentence with which they are used. 219 The Pronoun ki is only used when Persons, melly and mi when animals and inanimated things, are spoken of* The Pronouns milly, millyen, what, what sort, mind, what; illy, illyen, such; oily, ollyan, ollyas, such, are Correlative ones. All these Pronouns are used with the diffe- rent Affixes, except the Possessive affixes m, d, ja, like Substantives, etc*, but ki and mi retain their short vowel, whatever the Affix added may be, Thus,, kit whom, mil what (their Objective Cases); kik who, mik what (their Plural). The Correlative Pronouns ollyan, illy en are often compounded with the Demonstrative Pro- nouns, in: amollyan, such (as that) emillyen or imillyen such (as this). 3. Demonstrative Pronouns. Demonstrative Pronouns are such as the speaker uses^ in order to point out the objects situated nearer, or farther off. They are : ez this, and its compounds ezen, emez, imez, this here, ugyanez the same; az that, azon, amaz, amazon that there; ugyanaz the same. In regard to their Grammatical forms they are subjected to the same rules as the Relative Pronouns. I need not repeat the remark on the assi- milation of the consonant z (in az, ez), when 220 the Grammatical Affix begins with a consonant; see^Introd. §. 3. 4. Definite Pronouns. Definite Pronouns are used to avoid the repetition of a Substantive ^ determined by an Adjective. Such are: mindenki, kiki everybody; senki, nobody; semmi, nothing; egyik, one (of more); mdsik, the other; mindenik, every one; mind, all; mindnyujan, all (persons); minden, all. 5. Indefinite Pronouns. The indefinite Pronouns are: Valaki, some- body; valamelly, some, anyone; valami, something; akdrkiy whosoever; bdrki, whoever; barmelly, whichever; akdrmelly, whichsoever; akdrmi, what- soever; nemelly, some; nemellyik, some one. The definite and indefinite Pronouns are used as Adjectives as well, with the exception of min- denki, kiki, senki, egyik, mdsik, mindenik, mind, mindnyajan, valaki, akdrki, bdrki, nemellyik. V. Prepositions. Considering the nominal meaning of the word., there are no terms in the Hungarian language to which the name can be applied. The different relations of space, time, cause and effect, the whole and its parts, represented by Prepositions, are expressed by two kinds of terms. 221 1) By affixes, which can only be used with Substantives or their substitutes; for this reason, they may be called Prepositional affixes. Such are: for words with hard for words with soft vowels. vowels, ba, in, into be, in, into ban, in, at ben, in, at bol, out of &o7, out of hoz, to hez and hoz, to ig, till, until hep, in the form, in the shape of kent, like 7i, on, on, upon n, en on, on, upon nak, to, towards nek, to, towards ndl, at nel, at ra, on, upon re, on, upon vol, from, of vol, from, of stkl, together with*) stiil, together with tot, from tol, from id, as ul, as vd, in, into t>e, in, into val, with ^e/j with 2. By words placed after the Substantives or their substitutes* In the Hungarian language the Prepositions are placed after the Substantive to *) This affix is added to the same radical form as the plural k\ feles4gestul together with his wife. ?22 which they refer; thus, Grammarians have pre- fered: to call them Postpositions. Such are: aid, underneath alatt, under alol, and alid, from underneath dltaL through, by at, over belol and beliil, inside of ele, before ellen, against eldl, from before .elott, before fele, towards felett and folotU over, above feliiL and folul, above fogva, from, for, by gyanant, like, as hegyett, over, above kelyett, instead iranU towards, on account of innen, this side keresztiil, across kivul, without, outside of koze, amongst, between kozott, amongst, between kozuly from amongst mege, behind megett, behind megul, from behind 223 melle, beside, next to mellett, at, at the side of mellol, from beside miatt, for, because of nelkul, without szerint, according tul, beyond (on the other side) utdn, after vegett, for. V. Conjunctions. Conjunctions , used to join together simple sentences, may be divided into as many groups as there are kinds of sentences to be connected together, or periods, that may be constructed. Therefore, we distinguish: causal, compa- rative, explanative, concessive, conditio- nal, consecutive, distributive, copula- tive, Conjunctions, etc. Besides this division of Conjunctions, they are arranged under two orders. 1. Correlative Conjunctions, in order to form compound sentences; they are not used separately, but as often as the antecedent begins with a Conjunction the consequent must naturally begin with its corresponding one. Such are: mi- velhogy because, azert therefore ; miert why, mert because; valamint as, like, ugy or szhitugy like- wise; miutdn or minekutdna after, akkor or an- 224 nakutdna then; dmbdr although, and bar' though, megis yet, nevertheless; ha if, akkor then; nem- csak not only, hanern but; mihelyest as soon as, azonnal; mikor when, akkor then; mig while, addig or azalatt, in the mean time; mennyire, an- nyira in as much; mennel the, anndl the; a%- hogy no sooner, widr ?s than; egyreszt partly, mdsrezt partly. The Conjunctions, vagy, mind, reszent, sem, se, majd, akdr, is, have no Correlative ones, for the consequent, and therefore they are repeated in the consequent. Thus: vagy either, vagy or; mind as well, mind as; reszent partly, reszint partly; sem and se neither, sem, se, nor; majd now, majd now; akdr either, akdr or; is and, as well, is and, as. 2. Conjunctions used without correla- tive ones: es, and; meg, and; is also; mint, as, than; nehogy, lest, that not; de, but; azonban, however; Ao#?/, that; csak, only; csupdn, merely that; tehdt, consequently; es igy thus; kovetkezo- \eg, consequently. VI, Interjections. Besides the Interjections which are common to all languages, being merely syllables uttered involuntarily in consequence of any excitement, there are words or rather expressions of joy, pain, or displeasure, proper to the Hungarians: 225 Az Istenert, for God's sake. Dehogy, what you say! (but how). Eljen, Hurrah (vive). Hcila lstennek, thank God. Igazdn, indeed, really! Istenem, my Lord (my God). Isten mentsen, God forbid (God save us from)! lslen orizzen, God forbid (God preserve). Mqjd bizony, what next (soon surely.) Mi az lstennyila and mi a' mennyko, what the d — 1 (what the thunderbolt). Mi a' patvar, the deuce* Mi a 9 tattir, (what the tatars). Ne mond, you do'nt say so (do not say). Patvar vigye, let him go (the deuce may take him), Teremtette, (a mark of indignation). etc. B. SYNTAX. — CONSTRUCTION OF SENTENCES. Syntax is that part of Grammar which con- tains rules for correctly using the different Gram- matical forms of words, and words themselves, in order to form sentences. There would be as many Sections of Syntax as there are distin- guished different parts of Speech, each of them separately comprehending as many Subdivisions as there are different Grammatical forms for Csink, hung. Gram. 15 226 each part, if they were used separately; but its object being to teach the method of forming sen- tences by connecting some or all of the different Parts of Speech, Syntax may be divided into the following divisions. 1. Of the combination of the different parts of Speech, without the intermediation of Gram- matical forms. 2. Of the combination of parts of Speech by means of Grammatical forms. 3. Of the use of the different Forms, Moods, and Tenses of the Verb, and parts of Speech, in order thereby to connect two or more sentences. 4. Of the order in which the different parts of speech follow each other. I. Of the combination of the different parts of Speech without the inter- mediation of Grammatical forms. (Congruency of Parts of Speech). A. Of the article az 9 a' and its Congruent. The Article, in many of the European lan- guages, gives the Substantive a determined mean- ing, in the Hungarian language the Article is used when the Substantive is limited to a cer- tain sphere, by another Part of Speech, by some 227 Grammatical form, or by the sentence itself , in which it is the Subject or Object. The article precedes its Substantive imme- diately, and can only be separated from it by the Adjective; it is used especially: 1. When the demonstrative Pronouns az, ez precede the Substantive: as, az a 9 haz, that house; ez az asztal, this table; ez a 9 pohar, this glass. 2. When the Substantive is used with the Pos- sessive affixes: as, az atyam, my father; az ocsem, my brother; a 9 kesem 3 my knife. 3. When the speaker points to a certain Ob- ject, in order to distinguish it from another, when he refers to an object mentioned before, or other- wise supposed to be already known, or when the Substantive is meant to represent the whole gender or class of objects named: as, az orszdg- gyiiles hozhat torvenyt, the Parliament (and no other Political body) can give laws; Kulombfele rendekre osztatnak fel az dllatok, animals (compre- hending all animals) are divided into different orders. 4. When the predicate of the sentence is a ge- neral one, proper to the whole class represented by the subject: as, a 9 virdg virit, the flower is blowing; az ember ketldbu dllat, man is a two- legged animal. If any other word be used to replace the Substantive, it is subject to the above rules; the 15* 228 Relative Pronouns ki, melhj, mi, milhjen, illy, oily, etc. are used therefore with and without the Article* Thus, we say: a 9 ki nem tud irni, and ki irni nem tud, he who cannot write. The Article is not used: 1. Before the names of Persons (taken in- dividually), lands, towns, months, and days. Jd- noSy John; Angolorszdg, England; Pest, Pest; Ja- nuar 9 horn, the month of January; het/o, Monday. 2. When sentences are constructed with the affixes of Possession instead of a possessive Case, and the Prepositional affix nak is missed: as, az atyawL /tdza. instead of az atydmnak a 9 hdza, my father's house; r/r orsxdg 9 kirdlya, instead of az orszagnak a' kirdlya, the king of the land. 3. When the attribute expressed by the Pre- dicate is not a general one: as, hoi oroszldn vines, where there are no lions (there might be some other animals); emberek is oktalaiiok, some men are unreasonable; kenyeret eszem, I eat some bread. 4. In exclamations: as, sziikseg torvenyt ront, necessity knows no law (breaks laws); and in expressions like the following: hdzamban va- gyok, I am in my own house; sajdt penzemet el- vesztem, I lose my own money. Obs. Isten, God, is used with and without the article ; when used with the article, it may be 229 translated by „Lord." Az Isten kegyelmes, God is gracious (the Lord is gracious). There being no Indefinite Article in the Hun- garian language, Substantives are necessarily used without; instead of saying, as in English, a man, we say ember; a house, hdz; a town, vd?*os. When Substantives represent any indefinite individual, the Numeral egy replaces the English indefinite Article and indefinite Pronouns: some, any, etc.: as, volt egyszer egy ember, there was once a man; egy ur mondta, some gentleman said it. B. Adjectives with Numerals and Substantives. 1. Adjectives qualifying Substantives are placed before the latter in the Nominative case Singular; the Substantives at once may be used with or without any affixes, in the Singular or Plural. Jo alma, a good apple; szep kdzak, fine houses; drdga szuleim, my dear parents. Observ. All words used instead of Adjec- tives are liable to the same rule. Such words are : Numerals, and Relative, Indefinite, and Defi- nite Pronouns. Egy Iidzat, one house; valamelly konyvem, any of my books; semmi munka, no work. 2* Substantives are used in the Singular after 230 Numerals, Adjectives^ and Pronouns of quantity: as, hdrom konyv, three books; Iidrom hdzat vet- tern, I have bought three houses; sok embert Idt- tam, I have seen many men; nehdny tollat vettem, I have bought some pens. Obs, 1. Ketto, before Substantives, changes into ket: as, ket frit, two boys; hnszonket shilling, twenty- two shillings. Obs. 2. If the Numeral does not represent a part of a large number, but means a collec- tion of the whole , the Substantive must be used in the Plural Number: as, a' tizenket apostolok, the twelve apostles; a' hdrom kirdlyok, the three kings; on the contrary, we say tiz apostol, ten apostles. 3. If the Adjective be placed after its Sub- stantive, for the sake of Emphasis, the Affixes used with the Substantive must be added to the Adjective as well. Konyvet keveset olvasott, he has read but a few books. — C. Subject and Predicate. The Subject is the principal member of the sentence , to which all other words belong as accessory ones. Commonly, the terms Subject and Predicate are defined: the former as the word representing the Object spoken of, the latter as the word expressing what is said of the Sub- ject. 231 The Subject of a simple sentence is a Sub- stantive or any word or words used as Substan- tives; the Predicate may be a Substantive, Ad- jective, or Verb. When the Predicate is a Sub- stantive or Adjective, the Verb „to be" is used as a Copula between Subject and Predicate; this Co- pula, when used in the present Tense, is en- tirely neglected in the Hungarian language. 1. A Substantive used as a Predicate agrees with its Subject in number: but when it is a Pre- dicate of two or more Substantives it is used in the Plural number; as, Jdnos cledk, John is a student; Pluto es Apollo istenek voltaic a 1 ito- maiakndl, Pluto and Apollo were Gods of the Romans. There is another mode of constructing Sub- stantives, when they are connected without any Copula; in this case the predicated Substantive is always used in the Singular Number, and the whole sentence becomes transposed, the Proper Noun being placed before its Common Noun: as, Istvdn kirdly y King Stephen; Jdnos es Pal dedk, the students Paul and John. The same inversion is made with the chris- tian and surnames of Persons: for instance, Nagy Sdndo?*, Alexander Nagy; Kossuth Lajos^ Lewis Kossuth. 2. An Adjective, used as a Predicate, agrees with its Subject in Number. A rozsa szep~ the 232 rose is beautiful; a' rozsdk szepek the roses are beautiful. When two or more separate Substantives are used as a Subject, the Adjective must be in the Plural: as, Istrmi es Bela szorgalmatosak; Ste- phen and Albert are diligent; A' Romaiak es a 9 Gorogok szabadak voltak, the Romans and Greeks were free. 3. When the Predicate is a Verb, it agrees with the Subject in Number and Person; but, when there are different Substantives connected together into one Subject, the Verb is used in the Singu- lar. Az Oroszhmy es a' Tigris Azsidban lakik, the lion and the tiger (lives) live in Asia; az ember gondolkozhatik, (the) man is able to think; az iffusdg cs a szepseg elmulik, youth and beauty dis- appear (disappears). Obs. 1. When a collective Noun is used as a Subject, the Predicate is always put in the Singular Number. Az alma edes, apples are sweet; ol borso a mezon termesztetik, peas are grown in the fields; a 5 nep szereti cl kirtilyt, people love their king. Obs, 2. After the Numeral Substantives: ketten two of them, hatan six of them, etc, the Predicate is used in the Plural. Heten irtak, there were seven who wrote (seven of them wrote); tizen iilnek; ten of them are sitting. 233 D. Of other congruences. 1 . Two or more Substantives being connected by means of "mint" as, like, agree in the affix but not necessarily in Number: as, szeressed fele- bardtodat mint onmagadat, love thy neighbour as thyself. 2. Substantives of measures agree with their collective Substantives in Number; as the Collectives have no Plural the Substantives of measure are used in the Singular only. Hdrom itzebor, three (quart) quarts of wine; negy kosai* alma, four baskets of apples. 3. When the Personal Pronouns are used be- fore Substantives or Verbs with Personal Affixes, for the sake of Emphasis, they agree in Number and Person with their Substantive or Verb. Az en hazam, my house; en voltam ott? I have been there. 4. The Demonstrative Pronouns agree with their respective Substantives in Number, Case, and Prepositional affix. Azok az emberek^ those men; azokat a 9 fiukat, those boys; abbol a szobabol, out of that room; etc. Obs. Azon, that, and Ezen this^ are invari- able in regard to Number and Affixes. Azon em- berek, those men; ezen fiiikat 5 these boys. 234 II. Of the combination of Parts of Speech by means of Grammatical forms. Syntax of Government. The Hungarian language possessing no other Grammatical forms of Substantives., besides the objective Case and the Plural, than those pro- duced by the Possessive and Prepositional affixes, the whole Syntax of Government will be reduced to rules on the use of the different affixes. A. Of the Objective Case. All Verbs of a transitive meaning govern the objective Case either of a person or of a thing, as the Object of the action expressed by the Verb. A tanito tanitja a? fiut, the teacher teaches the boy. Many Neuter and Medial Verbs are con- structed with the Objective case of Substantives which are either derived from them or from which the Verbs themselves are derived. Jo eletet el, he lives a good life; szep dlmot almodtam, I dreamt a beautiful dream. 235 B. Of the Possessive Affixes. 1. The Possessive affixes tn, d,ja orje; nk, tok or tek^jok or jok, and their Plurals., are to compen- sate for the Adjective Pronouns: my, thy, his, her, our, your, their; the Substantive, therefore, is in Hungarian to be used with those affixes as often as these Pronouns are used in English: as, atydm my father; az atydmat Idttam, I have seen my father; a' konyveinket eladtuk, we have sold our books, a' bdtydmtol jovok, I come from my brother's. Observ. The characteristic of the Objective case is often missed and marked by an apostrophe, especially in poetry, if the metre or rhyme re- quire it. Minden kodarabon mellyre szemem' ve- tem (Instead of szememet) , on whichever stone I cast my eyes. 2. Instead of using the Verb „to have"^ the Hungarians have a construction peculiar to them- selves. The Subject as Possessor, is used with the Prepositional affix nak or nek, to, and the Object possessed with the Possessive Affixes; they are connected by means of the Verb lenni, to be, as a copula, of which there are used the third Person Singular, when the object posses- sed is but one, the third Person Plural, when the objects possessed are several: as, az dllatnak negy Idba van, the animal has four feet; Kdrolynak 236 lesz konyve, Charles will have a book; az atydm- nak voltak lovai, my father had horses ; nekem van- nak madaraim, I have birds, Observ. In negative sentences the Adverb 11 em, not, sem, also not , and the Present Tense van and vannak, are contracted into: nines and nin- csenek, sines and sincsenek. Az dllatnak nines (nem van) esze, the animal has no reason; az atydmnak sincsenek (sem vannak) lovai, neither has my father any horses (my father has also no horses.) 3. When Sentences are constructed so that the Object possessed is not expressed in the same sentence ? but is either understood, or expressed in the preceding one, the Hungarians have an- other affix to express Possession, the e, which in such cases is added to the Substantive re- presenting a Possessor. If the Objects posses- sed be more than one the characteristic i of the plural affixes, is also added. Such constructions always take place when the question: kie and kiei whose? or whose are — ? is asked: as, kie ez a 9 kei% whose is that garden? a 9 kirdlye, a 9 herczege nagyobb, it is that of the king, the duke's (garden) is larger; Kdroly, te sok konyvet rontasz, a 9 bdtyddet bemocskoltad, Jdno- set szettepted, Erzsiet pedig szetvdgtad. Charles, you destroy many books, you have soiled that of your brother, torn that of John, and cut in two that of Elizabeth. 237 C Of the Prepositional Affixes. It may be remarked, as a general rule, that of two or more Substantives, or words used in- stead of Substantives, all belonging to the Sub- ject of the Sentence, only the latter one receives the Affix: as, Hunyadi Maty as* magyar kirdlynak haldla titan, after the death of Matthew Hunyadi, king of Hungary. a. Of the use of Prepositional affixes in general. ba,be/m (with, by), to the question where to? 1. The Verbs: avatkozik*)tointerfere,keveredik to become entangled, kezd to begin, vdg to hew into, ut y csap, to strike any one, kap to lay hold of, oltoz to dress, ollozkodik to dress one's self, tesz to put, telik to come to, to elapse, — and simi- lar ones, are constructed by means of this affix* Okos ember nem avatkozik mds 9 dolgdba, a prudent man does not interfere with the business of others; nagy fdba vdgta a' fejszet, he hewed with his ax a large log (he undertook a business too difficult for him) a 9 fejebetette, he took (put) it in his head. 2. To these may be added the idiomatic ex- pressions: bele szeretni to fall in love; nyavalydba *) The Verbs mentioned are all given in their radicals (third person Singular Number), in order to distinguish Medial ones from the Active and Neuter. 238 esni, to fall sick; biiba merulni, to grieve one's self. ban, ben, in, of, at, with; used to the question where? when relating to place. \. The Verbs: hiszik to believe, bizik to trust, gyonyorkodik to be delighted, serenykedik to be steady (industrious), kevelykedik to be proud, to glory, and their synonymes, or Verbs of a con- trary meaning, are constructed with their Objec- tive Substantive by means of ban, ben. A 9 Keresz- tyen egy Istenben hiszik, Christians believe in one God ; Hunyadi Jdnos has tetteiben kevelykedett, de nem sziiletese' rangjdbuu, John Hunyadi gloried in heroical deeds, but not in the rank of his birth; nines ketseg benne, there is no doubt of it. 2. The affix ban, ben is used in the expres- sions: tiszteben all, it belongs to his office; kote- lessegeben all or van, it is his duty. 3. The Adjectives: jdrtas experienced, biztos sure, ilgyes clever, tudos learned, bunos guilty, drtatlan innocent, gyanus suspicious, tudatlan, ignorant, jdratlan, tapasztalatlan inexperienced, telhetetlen insatiable, tehetetlen unable, dllhatatos constant, dllliatatlan inconstant, rendetlen disor- derly, lassie slow, govern Substantives with the affix ban, ben: as, Hannibal jdrtas volt a hadjdrds- ban, Hannibal was experienced in the art of war. 4. To the question when? the affix ban, ben is used in phrases similar to: menoben, going. 239 mendben voltam, I was going; jovoben, coming, induloban, to be about to depart, bujdosoban when wandering, pusztuloban perishing, dilapidating, hajdandban formerly, kozeleben near, and elleneben opposite. Sometimes the Verbal Adjectives of t, ott, ett, ott, are used with the possessive affixes and the affix ban, ben: as, messze jdrtamban kifdrad- tam, walking a long way I became tired; a 9 Dana 9 menteben, along the Danube. bol, bo I, of, from, out of, with; the con- trary of ba, be; is used to the question whence? out of what? A 9 templombol jovok, I come from church; a 9 zsebebol vette, he took it out of his pocket. It is used especially: 1. With the Verbs: ered to be derived, to spring, to descend, szeret to love, utdl to detest, gyulol to hate, sajndl to pity. Szent lesz minden hozzdd irt dalom, Nei*t hisz azok a 9 mennybol erednek kek szemedbol angyalom. — Petofi. Sacred all the songs of mine will be, which are addressed to thee. For they are derived from heaven. From thy blue eyes, my love (my angel). 2. When an outward movement, or a tran- sition from one condition into another, is meant: as, a 9 vdrosbol elment, he departed from town; a 9 240 kereskedobol hajos lett, the merchant became a sailor. 3. When the cause of any thing is to be expressed: as, fosvenysegbol nemis eszik, he does not eat because of his covetousness. 4. Instead of szerint according to, with the Substantives rendeles order, parancs command, meghagyds commission, tandcs advice : as, az atydnC megltagydsdboL according- to the commission of my father. R. When a part is taken away from its whole. A 9 kenyerbdl szelt egy karajt 9 he cut a slice of bread; a 9 magyar csak jo borbol iszik, Hungarians drink (of) good wines only. er t, for, for the sake; a causal Preposi- tional affix is used: 4. To the question miertl what for? why? A 9 hazdert meghalni szep, it is fair (noble) to die for one's country; bardtink sokat tesznek ertilnk, our friends do much for our sake. 2. Instead of helyett, instead. Erted eszik, he eats instead of thee; a 1 fiii a 9 sikra szdllott az atydert, the son went to battle instead of his father. 3. Miatt, because of, is sometimes exchanged with ert. Ertem (instead of miattam) ne biisiilj, do not grieve for me. hozy hex or hoz, to, by the side of, to the question hovd? whither? Therefore, it often may be 241 exchanged with melle, by the side of: as, az asz- talkoz dllitja a 9 szeket or az asztal melle allitja a szeket, he places the chair by the side of the table. It is especially used: i. With the Verbs: kozelit to approach, ra- gaszkodik to persist (in),, kapcsol to fasten, kot to bind, figuratively to depend upon, szit to be at- tached, simid to cling, and the synonymes. Ki jot tenni akar, nem koti magdt kbrulmenyekhez , he who wishes to do good does not depend upon circumstances; az ember gyakran ahhoz ragaszko- dik, a 9 mi neki drtalmas, men often persist in things injurious to themselves. 2. With the Verbs: tad to know, ert to un- derstand, fog to begin, mer to apportion, szab to adapt, alkalmaz to accommodate, to suit, Idt to see, to do, to attend, to urge, nyul to touch, to stretch out the hand. Annyit ert a? dologhoz mint a 9 lud a 9 muzsihdhoz, he knows as much about it as a goose about music; a 9 mnnkdhoz mere- tik a 9 jntalom, reward is apportioned to labour. 3. When likelihood, becomingness, or rela- tionship is to be expressed: as, az elefdntot a 9 szunyoghoz nem kell hasonlitani, the elephant is not to be compared to a gnat; ferfiuhoz nemillik a 9 tunyasdg, indolence does not become a man. 4. With the Adjectives: kegyes gracious, kind, nydjas polite, kemeny severe, szigoru severe, Csink, hung. Gram. \ 6 242 igaz true, hamis deceitful, hiv faithful, kivtelen faithless, szives cordial, kind, szivtelen hard-hear- ted, unkind, kegyetlen cruel, rosz bad, jo kind, U16 becoming, illendo proper, hasonlo like, rokon, atyafi related, kindred, kozel near, and the Post- position: kepest in comparison with, in conside- ration of. Hunyadi Jdnos mindeg hiv maradt ki- rdlydhoz, John Hunyadi remained faithful for ever to his king. — ig, till, until, to (relating to place), to the questions: what distance? how far? — to time to the question: how long? nieddig'l as, Pestrol Becsig 38 merfold, from Pest to Vienna there are 38 miles; ket napig tartott a 9 csata, the battle lasted two days; a harminczeves hdboru harmincz esz- tendeig tartott, the thirty-years' war lasted for thirty years. — kep, kep en, kent, as, like; both affixes express likelihood; the former is also used as a Substantive meaning figure, face, or form: as, atyakep viselte magdt, he behaved as a father; saskent lebegett a' legben, it hovered in the air like an eagle. It is often used instead of gyandnt, for, sze- rint, according, modra, in the manner, like, mint, as. Sok europai orszdgokban vadakkepen iildozik egymdst az emberek, in many European countries men persecute each other like savages. — n, on, upon, at, to the question where? — This 243 Prepositional affix is used with the Plural form of Substantives, the k being exchanged with it; thus from, az asztalok, the tables, is formed az asztalon, on the table; a 9 tukor the mirror, a 9 ttikrok the mirrors, a' tiikrdn on the mirror. 1. The Verbs: gondolkozik to consider (to think), okoskodik to philosophize; tandcskozik to consult (have a consultation), filgg to depend, log to dangle, to bob, csiigg to hang, tart to keep (on) are con- structed with this Prepositional affix. Azon gon- dolkozik hogy mikepen szerezhessen penzt, he considers how to earn money; a 9 kormdnyok nem tandcskoznak mindeg az orszdg 9 javdii, govern- ments do not always consult about the best in- terest of the country. 2. The Verbs : busid to be afflicted, toprenkedik to be alarmed, to fret, boszankodik to be angry, sir to cry, to weep, kesereg to be grieved, dlmel- kodik to muse, bdmid to be astonished, nevet to laugh, mosolyog to smile, veszekedik to quarrel, vitdz to dispute, and similar ons govern the Objec- tive Substantive with this Prepositional affix. A 9 nep sirt Maty as kirdly, haldldn, people wept on the death of King Matthew ; az orokosok rendesen oszszevesznek az orokseg elosztdsdn, the heirs com- monly are disunited about the division of the in- heritance. 3. The Postpositions dltal and at over, ke- resztzil across, kiviil without, beliil within, alul un- 16* 244 derneath, feliil above, over, innen this side., till beyond are constructed with their Substantives by means of the affix n. Hondnak cC hatdrdn till bolyong a 9 hazafi. beyond the boundaries of his country the patriot is wandering about; Pest a 9 Dundii innen fekszik. Pest stands on this side of the Danube. 4. The affix n is used in the expressions: azon van to endeavour, rajta kap to take in the very act, rosz neven ven-ni to be displeased with, jo neven-ven ni to be pleased with, feken tart to bridle. — nak, nek, to, (of), towards, against; to the questions to whom? or for whom? This affix is also used to replace the Genitive and the Da- tive cases of other European languages. a. In order to express the construction of the Genitive or Possessive case, the Substantive, when required to be used in the Possessive case, re- ceives the affix nak or nek, and the Substantive expressing the Object possessed is used with the Possessive affix of the third Person; as, a 9 fiunak a 9 konyve, the boy's book; a fiunak a 9 konyvei the boy's books. When the Substantive is required to be used in the Possessive case of the Plural, the nak or nek is added to the Plural of the Substantive, and the Possessive affix of the third Person of the Plural 245 is then used instead of that of the Singular. A 9 fiuknak a 9 konyveik, the books of the boys; az dlla- toknak az eletuk the life of animals; a 9 varosok- nak a 9 lakosaik, the inhabitants of the towns; a 9 birdknak az igazsdguk, the justice of the judges. Observ. 1. The affix nak or nek is gene- rally neglected and marked by an apostrophe; in this case the article az or a 9 is missed before the Substantive used with the Possessive affix : as, Szent Istvdn 9 korondja, the crown of St. Stephen, Observ. 2. When the Genitive case is pla- ced after the Substantive representing the Object possessed, or when several Possessive cases fol- low each other, the affix nak, nek must be expressed in the last one : as, az atydm 9 testvere-nek a 9 hdzdban voltam, I have been in the house of my father's brother (my father's brother's house); habjai a 9 Dundnak a 9 Tiszdnak (Berzsenyi) the waves of the Danube and Tisza; the same takes place when the Possessive Case is separated from its Substantive: aSj a 9 lednynak, a 9 kit Idttam, szep szemeben, (Petofi) in the beautiful eyes of the girl that I have seen. Observ. 3. When names of towns, rivers,, mountains, and places are constructed by the Pos- sessive Case with their respective Nouns com- mon , the Prepositional affix nak, nek is neglec- ted. Bndd vdrosa, the town of Buda^ Szent Gel- lert 9 hegye, the mountain of St. Gerard, Tisza 9 folyoja, the river Tisza. 246 Observ. 4. The Prepositions: allat under, fellett above, mellet by the side of, megett behind, kozepett between, aid under, amongst may be con- structed by means of the affix nak 3 nek, like Sub- stantives. A' viznek alalia vagyou, it is under- neath the water. b. The affix ndk 5 nek is used instead of the Dative case to the questions to whom? for whose benefit or loss? Especially: 1. With the Verbs: ad to give, tulajdonit to attribute, enged to yield, iger to promise, odaszdn to destine (to design for), ajdnl to offer, fizetto pay, jelent to announce, and those of similar meaning. Sokat tulajdonitunk ember i iigyessegnek, mi valoban a 5 szerencse miive, we attribute many things to hu- man skill, which really are the work of For- tune. 2. With the Verbs: vel to think, taldl to find, to be of opinion, to believe, sejt (to divinate) to forebode, gyanit to suspect, to presume, and their synonymes. Tolvajnak gyanitom, I suspect him of being a thief; jonak veltem Pdrisba iilazni, I believed it to be well to go to Paris; ci katona romloltnak taldtvun a 9 pnskdjdt azt eldobta, the soldier finding his musket was spoiled threw it away. 3. With the Verbs: TandcsoL javasol to ad- vise, ellenez to dissuade, to oppose, parancsol to 247 command. Az atya ellenzette a 5 fidnak a' hdzassdgot, he father opposed his son's getting married. 4. With the Verbs: art to hurt, beszdmit to im- pute j bead to present (to hand in), haszndl to be useful, hisz to believe (to give credit), hizelkedik to flatter, izen to send word, kind/kozik to offer, koszon to thank, Idtszik, to seem, megvall to confess, ortil to be pleased, remlik to appear, to seem, tartozik to owe, vildgit to give light, zzKi to taste, keszul to prepare, kell must, zVfe'A: to become, tetszik to please, to seem, fdj to smart, to ache, jol esik to enjoy (a meal,) to be of advantage, and the Verbs meaning denomination or election: as, magdnak haszndL a? ki mdssaljot tesz, he who does good to others is useful to himself ; a 5 hadvezer Drill a 9 gyozedelemnek. the general is pleased with the victory; utnak keszul^ he is preparing for a jour- ney; Hunyadi Maty as magyar kirdlynak vdlasz- tatott, Matthew Hunyadi has been elected king of Hungary; ezt a 9 fiiit Kdrolynak hijdk, this boy is called Charles. 5. With the Adjectives: ados indebted, alkal- mas and alkalmatos convenient, suitable, drtalmas injurious, hasznos useful, Hid fit, jo good, rosz bad, kdros prejudicial, kedves dear, affectionate, kellemes agreeable, kenyelmes commodious, com- fortable, leheto possible, lehetetlen impossible, szilkseges necessary, szabad allowed 5 allowable, unalmas tedious, ildvos salutary, valo fit for, 248 good for, szuletett born (for), termett grown (for) : as, 6 katonanak szuletett, he is born for a soldier; az embernek tehetetlen mindent tudni, it is impos- sible for men to know every thing. c. When a direction, aim or movement towards an object is indicated, the affix nak or nek is used with the Substantive representing the object: as, a 9 vdrnak irdnyozta az dgyut, he directed the gun towards the fortress; neki szegzi a' puskdt he aims at him (with a gun); utnak indult, he went on jour- ney; Hunyadi ol seregerel Torokorzdgnak merit, Hunyadi went against Turkey with his army. b. Lenni, to be, and venni, to take, are con- structed with the affix nak, nek, when, in English, the Predicate or the Object of the sentence might be constructed with as or like* Jonak lenni nehez, to be good is difficult (to be as a good man is,..); a 9 szegenynek bardtja lenni disco, it is glorious, to be a friend to the poor; rosznak vette, he took it evil (as evil meant). — e. Sometimes this affix is used instead of: ill for, gyandnt, as : as, katonanak szdnta magdt, he resolved to be a soldier; lonak neztem, I mistook it for a horse (I considered it as a horse); instead of 16 gyandnt neztem^ and katondul szdnta magdU fele towards: as, fahinak ment, he went to- wards the village, instead of a' fain fele ment. 249 ra, (oil, at): as, ivdsnak adta magdt, he de- livered himself to drunkenness, instead of ivdsra adta magdt. f. The Adverbs: elibe before, felibe above govern the objective Substantive with nak, nek. Az asztalnak elibe dllitja magdt, he places himself before the table. g. In the expressions : neki busul, to despair, neki keseredik, to be exasperated, and neki esik, to fall to. — ndl, nel, at, by; used to the question where? A 9 nagy bdtydmndl van az en dram, my watch is at my uncle's. It is used especially: 1. In constructions with the Verbs: lakik to dwell, to live (lodge), mulatto stay, fog, kap to seize, ragad to lay hold of: as, hajdndl fogta, he seized him by his hair; kezenel ragadta, he laid hold of his hand; en d nagynenemnel lakom, I live at my aunt's* 2. After the comparative degree, instead of mint, than : as, nines szebb virdg a 9 rozsdndl, there is no more beautiful flower than the rose, — in- stead of mint a 9 rozsa; — London nagyobb vdros Becsnel, London is a larger town than Vienna. 3. Instead of mellett near, by the side of, and hozott amongst; as, a 9 Dundndl van egy vdros, instead of a 9 Duna mellett van egy vdros, near the Danube is a town. 4. In the expressions: minel fogva, in con- 250 sequence of what, annul fogva, in consequence of that, ennel fogva, in consequence of this. Observ. When the object compared is ex- pressed by a Personal Pronoun, instead of a Substantive, the affix ndl is used pleonastically: as, a 9 bdtydm ndlam-ndl nagyobb> instead of a 9 bdtydm nagyobb ndlam, my elder brother is taller than I. — ra and re, on, at; to the question whither? as, us asztalra lettem a konyvet. I have put the book on the table. Especially: 1. The Verbs: irigykedik to envy, haragszik to be angry, agyarkodik to be in wrath, hat to influence, parancsol to command govern the Sub- stantive expressing the Person with the affix ra or re; as, a tauito hat a 9 tanitvdnyaira, the tea- cher influences his pupils; a katonatiszt gyakran a 9 kozemberre parancsolja a 9 vitezseget, the officer of the army often commands the private to be brave. 2. Becsiil to value, to esteem, and its syno- nymes are constructed with the Substantive of price., by means of ra, re. Hdrom forinfra becsitli a 9 fel vekdt, he values the bushel at three florins. 3. Itel to sentence, and kdrhoztat to condemn govern the Substantive expressing punishment, 251 with the affix ra or re. Haldlra iteltetett,he was sentenced to death. 4. The Verbs: Mr to ask, to beg, eskuszik to take on oath, fogad to bet, siirget to urge, felszolit to call up, to summons, kenyszerit to force., tanit to teach, oktat to inform, to instruct, to admonish, biztat to animate, vezet to lead, csdbit to entice, figyelmeztet to remind, vigydzik to be attentive, nez to look (at), tekint to glance, tiirekedik to exert one's self, iparkodik to endeavour, igyekezik to contend, szaw (magdt) to resolve, to make up one's mind, a/tm/ to recommend, when transitive, are constructed with the objective Case of the Per- son, the Substantive representing the Object re- ceives the affix ra or re : as, a 9 koriilmenyek mun- kdra kenszeritik az embert, circumstances compel men to work; a 5 Spdrtaiak hazaftsdgra intettek a 9 fiatalsdgot, the Spartans admonished their youths to patriotism. 5. When the change of any condition, the division of a whole into its parts is to be ex- pressed, the Substantive or Adjective denoting the changed condition or the parts divided is used with the affix ra or re: as, az ido melegre vdlto- zotty the weather (is changed into warm) became warm; jobbra fordult a' dolog , things changed into (for the) better; Magyar or szdg negy kertdetre oszlik, Hungary is divided into four districts. 6. Emlekezik to recollect, to remember, bdmul 252 to stare at, gondol to think of, govern the objec- tive Substantive with the affixes ra> re: as, igen jol emlekezem azon tcttre, I remember the deed very well; Arra nem gondoltam volna, I should not have thought of it. 7. The Adjectives alkalmas fit (for), kepes capable, hajlando inclined, kello proper, agreeable. valo to be for, keptelen unable, alkatmatlan unfit govern the Substantive with ra 5 re: as, az ember inkdbb hajlando a vetekre mintsem az erenyre, people are more inclined towards vice than to- wards virtue; tanidt ember nem mindenre alkal- matoSy a learned man is not fit for every thing. 8. The Participles nezve and tekintve, in con- sideration of, regarding, are constructed with ra and re: as, testi alkotdsukra nezve az dllatok negy fo rendre feloszlanak, in consideration of the struc- ture of the body, animals are divided t into four principal orders. Obs. Nezve always follows the Substantive with the Prepositional affix tekintve may precede the Substantive when emphasis requires it. 9. The affix ra or re is used in order to limit time and extension of space. — Estere ha- rangoznak, the bells are rung for the evening; negyszdz merfoldre terjed az orszdg* hatdra, the boundaries of the realm extend 400 miles. 10. Ra, re is also used instead of the Postposi- tions:/!?/^ towards, jobbra to the right (instead of 253 jobbfele), ellen against, szerint according: as, a' Ne- metre ment, he went against the Germans, nyuldkra vaddsz, he hunts hares; paraszt modra ban vele, he behaved to him in the manner of a peasant, instead of paraszt mod szerint... 1 \ . If Verbs be compounded with m, re or fel 3 they are constructed by means of the Pre- positional affix ra or re : as,, felment a 9 hegyre he went on the mountain; rdlott a 9 nyulra hare. rol, rol. from, downwards, has a contrary meaning to ra or re, and is used to the question where from? as, a 9 fdrollehul a' level, the leaves fall from the tree. It is used especially in constructions: 1 . With the Verbs: felejtkezik to forget, aggodik to be anxious, gondoskodik to care for, gondol- kozik to meditate, emlekezik to remember, meg- gyozodik to be convinced, tudosit to inform, tu- dakozodik to enquire: a,s,jotetemenyekrol sohanem kell felejtkezni, benefits must never be forgotten; a 9 tbrtenetiro a 9 regi nemzetek 9 hostetteirol tudosit benunket, the historian informs us of the heroical deeds of ancient nations. 2. With all Verbs compounded with fe, down, and such as express a motion downwards: as, leszdllt a 9 szekerrdl he descended from the coach; leszaladt a 1 dombrol, he ran down the hill. 3. With the Adjectives: hires renowned, neve- zetes famous, ismeretes known, and similar ones: as. 254 deli Amerika drdgakoveirol nevezetes, South Ame- rica is famous for its precious stones* 4. Instead of the Postpositions: felol, from above, and 60/, out of: as, 6 falurol jon, he comes from the village, instead of faluboL — stilly still, together with, means accom- paniment, it is adnexed to the Substantive by means of the vowel which precedes the Plural k. Felesegestiil, gyermekestiil elutazott, he departed, together with his wife and children. Instead of still, still, the affix tol, tol is now and then used and added to the derivative Ad- jective instead of the Substantive: as, mdsodik Lajos kiruly lor as tol elreszett, king Lewis II perished, together with his horse. tol. tol, of, from, is used: 1. When a distance between two objects is to be expressed, or a removal of one object from another. Az alma nem esik. messze cl fdtol, the apple does not fall far from the tree. 2. With Verbs meaning commencement, (relating to place or time), cause, dependency and derivati on, and with vdr to expect, remenyl to hope, kivdn, akar to desire,, her to petition, kove- tel to demand, fel to fear, megijed to be frighten- ed: as, a 9 ki sokat iger attol sokat vdrunk, we expect much from those who promise a great deal; az dllat fel az embertol, animals are afraid of man. 3. With the Medial Verbs : ovakodik to be care- 255 ful, to beware of, idegenkedik to be averse, undo- rodik to have an aversion, tartozkodik to abstain, irtodzik to shudder: as, rosz tdrsassdgtol inkdbb ovakodjdl mint a 9 ragadozo dlldttol, avoid (beware of) bad company more than a rapacious beast. 4. With Verbs meaning prohibition, distinc- tion, difference, parting, degeneration, liberation, purification and privation: as, a 9 levego tisztul a 9 kodtol, air becomes purified from the fog; Maggyar- orszdg osi jogaitol megfosztatott, Hungary has been deprived of its ancient rights. 5, Tud to know, ert to understand, hall to hear, are constructed with Substantives by means of tol, tol. Magdtol ertetodik, it is understood by itself. 6, Verbs of the Passive voice are construc- ted by means of the same Prepositional affix: as, a 9 gyermekek szilleiktol szeretetnek , children are loved by their parents; a 9 vildg az Istentol terem- tetett, the world was created by God. Observ. To avoid a repetition of the same affix, the Postposition altal, through, is used in- stead of tol, when the Verb is constructed with the same affix in the Active voice: as, a 9 Torokok elijesztetettek Magyar or szdgtol Hunyadi dltal, in- stead of Hunyaditol, the Turks were frightened away from Hungary by Hunyadi. 7. The Adjectives ures empty, tiszta pure, clear, ment free, fiiggetlen independent, govern 256 the Substantive with the affix tol. tol. Bar mind- nydjan mentek volndnk eloiteletektol, would to God we were all free from prejudices. 8. Tol, tol is' used instead of miatt because of, on account of: as, a kodtolnem Idthatyhe cannot see on account of the fog. — ill, for (as), is used: 1. When reception into an office, rank or so- ciety is indicated. Allodalmi titkdrid felvetetett, he has been installed as (for) secretary of state. 2. Instead of mint, like, as: as, parasztul vi- selte magdt, he behaved like a peasant. Obs. This affix is used especially to the question hogyan beszel? (in) what languages does he speak: as, ting olid beszeL he speaks English; francziaul tvd, he knows French; etc. vd, ve, into, an affix indicating a changed condition (transformation). A' viz borrd*} vdl- tozott, water has been changed into wine; Niobe kove vdliozott, Niobe was turned into a stone. — val, vel, with:*) 1. Verbs meaning association^ conversa- tion or the contrary of them, govern the objec- tive Substantive with this affix: as, velem egyezik, he agrees with me; Magyarorszdg sokat kiizdott *) Instead of b rvd. **) See Introduction, on assimilation. 257 az osztrdk onkenynyeL Hungary has struggled a long time against Austrian despotism. To the above belong the Verbs: kever to mingle , to mix (mechanically), vegyit to mix (chemically), egyesul to unite: as^ tiiz vizzel solia sem egyesul, water and fire never unite together. 2. Segit to assist, bovelkedik to be in abun- dance ^ bir to possess, megajdndekoz to make a present, megjutalmaz to reward are constructed by means of vol, vel. Jl kircily megajdndekozta nepet torpe alkotmdnynyal the king made his people a present with a crippled constitution. 3. Dicsekedik to boast, kevelykedik to be proud, pompdzik to glory, el to live upon, to use, tdpldl to nourish, hizlal to fatten, kindl to offer, gyogyit to cure, szolgdl to serve, keveskedik to trade, gazddlkodik to economize, fukarkodik to be a miser, szaporit to increase, fogyaszt to consume, to lessen govern the objective Substantive with the affix valy vel: as, az ember nem el mindeg az eszevel dmbdr 6 az egyetlen eszes dllat, man does not always use his intellect, although he is the only rational animal; f aval keveskedik , he trades in wood; szdz forinttal szaporitotta d jovedelmet, he increased his income by a hundred florins. The Verb nevel, to bring up, to maintain, to keep, is constructed either with the affix n or with val, vel: as, kenyeren or kenyerrel neveli d ku- tydjdt, he keeps his dog on bread. Csinli, hung. Gram. \ 7 258 4. Cserel to exchange, fengeget to threaten, rentent to terrify, remit to frighten, veszodik to trouble one's self, and its synonymes; gondol, to care for, lelkesit to animate, bdtorit to encourage, kecsegtet to illude, to deceive, firm to treat (to use any body), foglalkozik to be occupied, tartozik to owe, adozik to pay govern the objective Sub- stantive with this affix: as, keveset gondola' kony- vekkely he cares little for books; mindeg olvasds- sal foglalkozik, he is always occupied with read- ing; ki sokkal tartozik. annak sokat kell fizetni, he who owes much, has much to pay. 5. Verbs compounded by 6s$ze, egybe and egyiltt (together), govern the Substantive with the affix val, vel. Az ocscm osszeveszett a y bardtjdval, my brother fell out with his friend; egybe gyiij- tbtte a! kezevel, he collected it with his hand (fingers). 6. The factitive Verbs govern the Substan- tive expressing the Person made active with this affix: as, d fiiival iratom a! konyvet, I let the boy write the book (I have the book written by the boy); a* szaboval ruhdt csindltatunk, we have our dresses made by the tailor. 7. The Adjectives diis, gazdag rich, tele full, rakott laden, tomott stuffed, hatdros bordering, szomszedos neighbouring, rokon kindred, osztdlyos participating in inheritance, ados indebted, owing, koteles being bound, obliged, kentelen forced, kesz 259 ready; are constructed by means of val, vel. as, kdrom szdzfonttal ados neki, he owes him ^300; Magyarorszdg Torokorszdggal hatdros, Hungary is bordering on Turkey. 8. In comparisons 5 the Substantive or Ad- jective expressing the quantity or quality of com- parison is used with the same affix: as, a' mi kertilnk hat ollel hoszzabb c? tieteknel, our garden is 6 fathoms longer than yours; a 9 Duna sokkal nagyobb mint d Themze, the Danube is much larger than the Thames. 9. When the means, the instrument by which any action is performed, or the price at which, and the quantity (measure) by which things are sold, is to be expressed, the affix val, vel is used. A regi Magyar ok buzogdnynyal harczoltak , the ancient Hungarians fought with whirlbats (clubs) ; szdzdval druljdk a 9 diot, they sell nuts by the hundred; ket garasdval adja azitzet, he sells them at two pence (two pence half penny) a quart 10. To the question when? the Substantives of time are used with the affix val, vel. Nappal nem latnak d baglyok^ at day-time owls do not see ; ejjel hold vildg van, at night there is moon- shine; negy hettel ezelott Pdrisban voltam, four weeks ago (before four weeks) I was at Paris. Except: telben, in the winter; nydron, in the summer; delben, at noon-time; hajnalban, at day-break, 17* 260 Obs. The Substantive kor, age, is used also as an affix with Substantives of time, to the question when? as, hdrom orakor erkezett ide, he arrived at three o'clock. 1 1 . The Adverb egyiitt, together, governs the Prepositional affix val, vel. A 1 nagy nenyemmel egyiitt elutaztunk, my aunt and I departed together. p. Of the affixes relating to place. There being different affixes relating to place, answering to the questions where? whither? and whence? it will be useful to arrange them cor- rectively, and to mention the rules according to which they are to be used in regard to names of towns and countries. Correlative affixes to the questions: where whither whence n, at, in ra, to vol, from ban, at, in ba, to 6o/, from ott, ott, at, in ra, to rol, from. . \. n, and consequently ra and rol, are used with names of towns having a final vowel^ or when b, cz, cs, d, f, g, gy, ], k, I, ly, p, r, s, sz, t, ty, z, zs, are final: as, Budcin, at Buda; Pesten, at Pesth; Aradon, at Arad. The Exceptions are : Zdgrdb, Gyor, Eger, Mo- dor, the names of Szombat(Rimaszombat, Nagyszom- bat etc.), and those with i final, which receive ban, ba and bol. ?61 2. The affix ban and its correlatives ba and bol are used: a) with the names of parts of the world, of countries, districts, isles, environs, forests, and parks : as, Europdban negy csdszdrsdg van, there are four empires in Europe; Anglidban sok ipar- iizo vdros van, in England there are many manu- facturing towns. b) with the names of towns of foreign countries: as, Londonban, in London; Pdrisban, at Paris. c) with the names of towns of Hungary termi- nating with m, n or ny. Pozsonyban, at Po- zsony (Presburgh). 3. The affix ott, ott is used with names of towns which have a final r: as, Fejwvdrott, at Fejervdr; Gyorott, at Gydr (Raab). y. Of the Adjectives (Participles) valo and lev 6 with affixes. The Verbal Adjectives valo and levo, the former a derivative from van, to be, the latter from lesz (lenni), to become, are used with affixes instead of "van, is, is for." Especially: \. Valo is used to the questions whither? and whence? it is used: with the affix nak or nek, added to the Subject of the sentence when this is represented as a future possessor: as, ez a 9 penz az atydmnak valo, this money is for my 262 father; with ra> re and rol, rol, or ba, be, and bol, bol, added to the objective Substantive of the sentence; as, ez a 9 gornb a' sipkdmra valo this button is for my cap; ez az alma arrol a' fdrol valo, this apple is from that tree. As ra and vol relate to surface and outside, and ba, bol, to inwardness, the use of either of them will be decided by the meaning of the speaker, whether he mean to express a motion on or from a surface, or in or out of an Object. Thus,, we say: a 9 kereszt a' templomra valo, the cross is for (is to be put on) the roof of the church; and ez\a' kereszt templomba valo, this cross is for (is to be put inside of) the church; ez a' fa az iskoldrol valo, this wood is from (the top of) the school- building; and ez a' fa az iskoldbol valo, this wood is from (out of) the school-building. Instead of using derivative Adjectives (of proper Nouns) of i, we often use the Adjective valo with the affix ra, vol or ba, bol, according as the name of the Place is constructed with ra or ba: as, Pestrdl valo ember ez, instead of ez az ember Pesti, this is an inhabitant of Pesth; Pozsonbol valo vagyok, instead of Pozsonyi vagyok, I am from Pozsony (Presburgh). 2. Leva is used to the question where? with the affixes ban, n, and ndl, the former two with names of Places 5 the latter in constructions similar to "at my father's, and with my 263 father/': as, a 5 Pesten levo foiskola legeloszor Nagy- szombatban dllittatolt fel, the University at Pesth was first established at Nagyszombat ; a 9 bdtydm- ndl voltam, I have been at my brother's ; Kdroly a 9 bardtjdndl ebedelt, Charles has dined with his friend. D- Of the Adjective terminations: *, nyi, $, u and u- The preceding terminations of derivative Ad- jectives are used with Substantives of quantity and quality, where in English the Substantive is used in the Objective case. Quantity may relate to time and space. Distance may be expressed in measures of space as well as in measures of time. 1. To questions relating to extension and distance, the Substantive of measure is used with the affix nyi: as, a 9 Duna sok mertfoldnyi hosszu folyo, the Danube is a river many miles long; a 9 Calais 9 szoridatja 26 angol mertfoldnyi szeles, the straits of Calais are 26 English miles wide; Buda Pestrol egy negyed or any i tdvol, Buda is distant from Pesth a quarter of an hour. Obs. When the Substantive of measure is used with the Adverb tdvol, far, or by itself without any other Adjective expressing quantity, it receives the affix ra or re, besides the Ad- jective termination nyi: as, Esztergom fekszik a 9 Dune? jobb partjdn, Buddtol hat mertfoldnyire, 264 Esztergom is situated on the right bank of the Dunube 6 miles from Buda. Obs. The Substantives nap 9 h&L konap, ev, esztendo. when indicating distance, are used in the Nominative case without the termination nyi. 2. To the question how long? the derivative affix i is added to the Substantive expressing the quantity of time. Hdrom napi jdrds, a three days 5 walk; negy heti munka. a four weeks' work. 3. To the question how much? the Substan- tives following the Numerals are transformed into derivative Adjectives of a final s. Hat holdas szdntofoldet vett, he has bought three acres of ground; ez a 9 zscik ket ktiblos, this is a bag of two kobol (4 bushels). Quality is expressed by means of the de- rivative terminations s 3 u and li. Especially: 1. In order to express the age of things or persons, the Substantives of time are transformed inio Adjectives by means of the terminative con- sonant s*X« the Adjective "old" being neglected. Eza' gyermek hat honapos, this child is six months old; London tobb mint ezer eves, London is more than a thousand years old. 2. In all other expressions of quality to the questions what? what sort of? the Substantives *) On the formation of them see the Derivation of Ad- jectives. 265 indicating the quality are transformed into Ad- jectives of u or it, when preceded by another Ad- jective: as 5 ritka fenyu ferfi, a man of rare qua- lities; a* nagy hiru Hnnyadi, the well-renowned Hunyadi. When a certain period of past time is com- prehended, the Substantives indicating such a period are used with the possessive affix of the third person Singular: as 5 hat hete hogy Londont elhagytam, three weeks have elapsed since I left London. The Expression: ideje hogy menjiink, it is time to go, belongs to the same rule. III. Of the use of the ©liferent Forms of the Verb, and the different Parts of speech for connecting sentences. A. Of the Forms of the Verb. i. THE DEFINITE AND INDEFINITE FORMS OF THE ACTIVE VOICE. The Definite form of the Active voice is used as often as the object governed by the transitive Verb is determined by the speaker. The object is a certain determined one: 266 1. When the demonstrative Pronouns precede the Substantive. Azt a' hdzat veszem, I buy that house; axon fn'it Idiom, de nem azt keresem, I see that boy, but I do not look for that one. 2. When the Substantive is used with the Possessive Affixes. A' bdtydm eladta a 9 kony- veit 3 my brother has sold his books; fejet cso- vdlja, he shakes his head. 3. When the Personal Pronoun of the third person is used as an Object: as, nem hallom 6t, nem Ldtjuk oket. The Definite Pronouns: magam myself, magad, thyself, maga himself, herself, it- self, etc. require the same construction, when the Subject of the sentence is at the same time the Object: as, az ember nem hallja maga magdt, it is impossible to hear one's self; nem Idthatom magamat, I cannot see myself. Obs. The Objective cases of the other Per- sonal Pronouns are not constructed with the De- finite form of the Transitive Verb. Ha ma josz hozzdm csak engemet fogsz talalni, if thou comest to me to-day,, thou wilt only find me. 4. When the Object of the sentence is a Proper name: as, Cicerot olvasom, I read Cicero; Jdnost hallom, I hear John. Obs. When Proper nouns are used instead of common Nouns as generic expressions, the In- definite form of the transitive Verb is to be used 267 with them. Mi idonkben Jeeves Horatiusttaldlunk, in our time we find few Horaces; Anglia Ciceroit nem emeljuk annyira mint cl hajdani Romdet, we do not extol the Ciceros of England so much as that of ancient Rome. 5. It is plain from what has been said on the Article, that the Definite form must be used as often as the Article precedes the Objective case: as, a 9 kdzat Idtom, a 9 szot hallom, a 9 levelet megirom. 2. MOODS AND TENSES OF THE VERB. a. Moods of the Verb. In regard to the Moods of the Verb, their use will depend upon the manner of speaking, the degree of certainty which the speaker manifests in his assertions, and the object or intention of the speaker. When the Object of the sentence is a sim- ple assertion or statement, not liable to any doubt or condition, the Indicative Mood must be used. Kdroly tegnap elutazott^ Charles departed yester- day; kolnap kozzdd fogok jonni, I shall come to you to morrow. When the sentence expresses a desire, wish, or command,, and when a question is put the answer to which is doubtful, the Subjunctive Mood must be used. Aldjon meg az Isten, God 268 bless you; en mondtam neki hogy menjen el, I told him to go; induljatok azonnal, you (shall) start immediately; nem tudom ehnenjen-e vagy nem? I know not whether he (better) go or not. When the truth of a sentence depends upon uncertain conditions, or when the speaker is not convinced of its truth, the Conditional is used in Hungarian. Ila ma jonnel akkor vdrndlak 3 if you come to-day I will wait for you; azt mondja hogy c/mcHite. he says that he would go; halottam hogy ott lett volna 3 I heard that he was there. p. Tenses of the Verb. Regarding the Tenses in general, they are liable to the same rules as the English. Devia- tions from these rules are: 1. The Present Tense of the Indicative may be used instead of the Future; even the compound Future is very rarely used by the people, which seems to prove that the compound Future formed by means of "fogok" is of a European invention, and the Hungarian nation^ according to the oriental character of its language, used only two Tenses, one for the present and future, and the other for the past time. Ha ma este el nem jon , if he will not come to night; j'ovo evre elmegyek Pdrisba,\ shall go to Paris next year; elmegyek and jon are of the Present Tense. 2. The First Perfect, also called the Imperfect U 2G9 Tense, is the Historical Past tense, and the Tense used in solemn speech, so also is the compound Perfect (Pluperfect) of the Indica- tive Mood; they are not used in familiar con- versation, the Perfect Tense having gained the prerogative of both the preceding ones. y. Future Tense of and, end. The different forms of the Future radical of and, end (vdrand, verend) are not used very fre- quently either by the people, or by authors. The Present tense of it plays a great part in solemn speech, when any certainty or necessity of future action is supposed; this necessity then lies beyond the sphere of the active Subject itself; hence the Participle of this root implies the same meaning as the Latin of "dus", viz, duty. In recent times this Tense has been introduced simply instead of the compound future. 3. PARTICIPLES. Participles are forms of the Verb having no determined Personal relation. The Participles formed by means of van, ven, are those of the Present, and express simply the condition of the active Subject; they are not liable to any alteration whatever in regard to affixes. Luther, Romdban Idtvdn a 9 papa' bunds eleteL d Romai Egyhdztoi elszakada, Luther, seeing the 270 vicious life of the Pope at Rome, separated him- self from the Roman church. The Participle terminating in va, ve is that of the Past; it was formerly used with the pos- sessive affixes m, d, nk, tok, k, and very likely gave origin to the Imperfect Tense, the v of the participle being neglected. In ancient Documents of Hungarian writing we find the constructions: „Es mi aluvdnk elorozzdk diet (aluvdnk instead of alva), (we) having fallen asleep,, they stole him secretly; tevelgetek nem tudvdtok irdst (instead of nem tudua), not having known writing, you were ilable to mistakes (erred), — At present it is used as a Participle of the Perfect; as, Elremtilve tekint, temeto, redd A* Winder hatalom, (Berzsenyi) Glittering power looks alarmed at thee, O grave (trembles at thee. .) Observ. 1. The Participle of the Present is often used intsead of that of the Passive: as, Buzdito katonds ruhdt Qltven, lelke nemes Idngja kigerjedes. (Berzsenyi,) Being dressed in encouraging soldier's dress, the noble flames of his soul burst forth. Obs. 2. Instead of the Past Participle, or the Present Tense of the Ind. Mood of the Pass. Voice, the Past Participle of the Active may be used as a predicate of the sentence ; in that case it has a plural form as well when the Subject of the sen- 271 tence requires it: as, a 9 gyermekek szeretvek a 9 szuleiktol, instead of a' gyermekek szuleiktol szere- tetnek, children are beloved by their parents. Obs. 3. The same Participle is often used Adverbially with other Personal Verbs. Vdlaink meg vannak rakva terhekkel, our shoulders are laden with burdens ; meg van irva, roszat ne cse- lekedj, it is written (as a command), thou shalt do no evil. Obs. 4. The Participles and the Verbal Ad- jectives govern the objective Substantive with the same Affix as the primitive Verb: as, a' gybzedelemhez szokott sereg nagyon is erezven e* nap 1 csapdsdt vissza vonuldsra kesziilt, the army, used to victory, sensible of the great loss of the day, prepared for retreat. 4. THE INFINITIVE WITH AFFIXES. The Infinitive of the Verb is used with the Possessive Affixes as often as some personal re- presentation is connected therewith (when it is the appositum of the predicate of the sentence). Such representations take place: When the Infinitive is connected with the Subject of the sentence by means of: szabad allowed, nehez difficult, konnyii easy, lehetetlen impossible, lehet possible, and the impersonal Verb kell, to be obliged, the Subject then receives the affix nak or nek: as, Kdrolynak szabad haza men- 272 nie 3 Charles is allowed to go home; nekem lehe- tetlen irnom, it is impossible for me to write; nekunk menniink kell, we are obliged to go. The Affix het or hat, and the Impersonal Verb lehet are of the same meaning, the latter being a derivative Verbal root of lenni, to become, it might be questioned which expression be pre- ferable, 6i mehetek" or "mennem lehet?" The Construction with lehet is to be used when there is no external obstacle, and that with hat or het. when there is no deficiency in the active Subject itself; thus, ki nem lehet mennem, I cannot go out (when the door is locked); ki nem mehetek, I cannot go out (being ill). B. Of terms of Periodical Constructions. When simple sentences are constructed into periods^ it may arise either that the same Sub- ject relates to more than one Predicate (two simple sentences have the same Subject), then, in order to avoid badly sounding repetitions of the same Subject, we use relative Pronouns, — or that two different Subjects or Objects relate to the same Predicate and two different Predicates relate to the same subject, — or lastly that two sentences with different Subjects and Predicates are to be connected together, then the connections are effected by means of Conjunctions. 273 1. Of the Relative Pronouns. The Hungarians distinguish three kinds of relative Pronouns: ki who, relative to persons, melly which, to irrational beings, mi what, to things inanimate. Melly and mi are often used promiscuously; the only leading principle may be remarked: as often as the objects related to are represented as individuals, or as definite ones, the use of melly is preferable, on the contrary^ mi is used: as,, Hunyadi, ki akkoriban Tor ok- orszdgban volt, nem vedhette magut axon ald-valo rdgalmazdsok ellen, a' mellyekkel a' roszlelku Cilley otet megtdmadta; ambdr tudta, mit mivel a gonosz tandcsnok,.... Hunyadi, who at that time stayed in Turkey, could not defend himself against the calumnies with which the ill-natured Cilley at- tacked him; although he knew of the machi- nations of the malicious counsellor. On the use of the Article with these Pro- nouns, see above. When the relative Pronoun is followed im- mediately by its Substantive, a 9 melly or melly is used; it may then relate to persons or inanimate things, A melly ferfiak dldozatul item estek a 9 zsar- nok 1 pallosdnak, azokat messze foldon uldoze cselszovenyivel, those men who fell not as a sa- cri6ce to the tyrant's sword, he persecuted by his intrigues in distant countries. Csink, hung. Gram. \ 8 274 The relative Pronoun agrees with its Sub- stantive in Number, receiving the affix which is governed by the Verb of which it is the object. Soha ne igerj , mit nem tarthatsz. never promise what you cannot perform; az ember ek, a? kikkel roszul bdntdl, the men whom you have ill- treated. Obs. Although the Substantive is only used in the Singular Number after Numerals, yet the Pronoun relating to it is used in the Plural: as, husz katona, fciket megfogtak, ten soldiers whom they caught. Correlative Pronouns are those which are not used separately, but, the one being used in the antecedent, the other cannot be omitted in the consequent. Such are: relative to quantity: an- nyi. so many, so much, — d mennyL as many, as much ; relative to q u a 1 i t y : min6 3 millyen, viilly, what, what sort of, — oily ollyan such (like- like). These Pronouns form the link between the Con- junctions and the relative Pronouns, and are often expressed by means of Conjunctions, in foreign languages. Annyi biizdt hoztak d vdrba, d mennyit ev' lefolyta alatt nem emeszthetett volna a 9 vdrorseg, they brought so (as) much corn into the fortress, as the garrison could not have con- sumed in the course of a year. 275 3. Of the Conjunctions* Conjunctions are terms used to connect two different Subjects or two different Predicates of simple sentences,, and also to join together two different simple sentences: as. my brother and Charles departed; Charles left Paris and Lyons; the garden is large but uncultivated; Charles went in the garden when William had his dinner. The correlative Conjunctions are mentioned in the formal part. In consideration of the con- junctive and disjunctive ones is to be remarked: regarding es, meg, and; — meg is used in order to comprehend two Objects under one col- lective notion, es is a mere copula of two words or sentences, Hdrom meg ketto 6t, three and two make five; London es Paris nagy vdrosok. is, also, has very often an ironical meaning, and that of boasting; in that case it is mostly translated by as well. Fvancziaovszdgban is utaz- tam, I have been travelling in France as well. When the copulatives "and,, aswell — , as" are to be expressed, the Conjunction is, must be repeated in the consequent: as, kepedet is Idiom, szavadat is hallom, I see thy face, and hear thy voice; magyarid is angolul is beszel, he speaks Hungarian as well as English. pedig is of a disjunctive meaning, but is often 18* 276 used as a copulative; hence it may be translated by and, but, though , yet, according to what the meaning of the sentence is. Kdroly haza megy en pedig u? bdlba megyek, Charles is going home and I am going to the ball; az ocsem el nemjott, pedig irt hogy el fog jonni, my younger brother has not arrived j yet he has written to (inform) me he would come. ha 9 if, when followed or preceded by a ne- gation, is constructed with the Conjunction is, which is placed after the predicate of the sen- tence; constructions of that kind are always of a concessive meaning. Mi setdlni nem megyunk, ha uz id 6 szep is , we shall not take a walk^ though the weather be fine. sent and se are used instead of is nem, is ne, and are accompanied by nem or ne, when neither and nor are to be expressed, in that case the negation is enforced by the use of nem or ne; when sent and se are used separately, the nega- tive nem or ne cannot be used with them. A' fiu sem (i leczkejet nem tanulta, sem az eras tit nem vegezte el, the boy has neither learned his lesson nor finished his writing; Kdroly se fog elmenni, neither will Charles go away. ne is only used with the Subjunctive and Im- perative Moods. Ne menj, do not go; aztmond- tam hogy ne tegyed, I told you not to do it. 277 IV. Of the consequence of Parts of" Speech, or the arrangement of the words in a sentence. In arranging the parts of speech in a sen- tence, Emphasis is the leading principle to be considered; for this reason: 1. The Verb precedes all other parts of speech, if any particular Emphasis is placed on it: as, megholt Maty as kirdly, oda van az igazsdg, Dead is king Matthew (king Matthew is dead), (and) justice is lost. Otherwise the Verb follows immediately that word of the sentence, on which the Emphasis is placed. Kdroly tudja a 1 leczkejet jol, Charles knows his lesson well; jol tudja Kdroly a 9 lecz- kejet, and Kdroly jol tudja a 9 leczkejet, Charles knows his lesson well. 2. When any special Emphasis is placed on the Adjective, it generally follows its Substantive in the same Number and Case: as, penzt sokat nyerty he won much money. In order to render the Emphasis conspicuous, the Adjective is joined with its Substantive by means of the Conjunction pedig: as, az apdm lovat vett, pedig szepet, my father has bought a horse, and that a beautiful one. If two or more Adjectives precede the Sub- stantive, the one specifying the Substantive pre- 278 cedes it immediately: as, egy szep magyar levelet irtam, I have written a fine Hungarian letter; a' katalmas britt birodalom, the mighty realm of Britannia. 4. If any Adjective, preceding a Substantive, be determined by any other word or words what- soever, they precede the Adjective immediately. A 9 velihik elvre nezve rokon emberekkel szivesen tar- salkodunk, we converse with pleasure with those who are of the same principle as we ourselves (with those related to us in regard to principle we willingly converse). 5. In regard to titles, the following arrange- ment is conformable to the genius of the Hun- garian language: the Adjectives of distinction, tekinteles honoured, meltosdgos right-honourable, kegyehnes gracious, etc. precede the whole title and are followed immediately by the predicative name of the family; after these is placed the surname 5 then the Christian name; the naming of the office or rank held by the person followed by the words ur Sir, Mister, asszony Mistress, or asszonysdg ladyship, is placed last Melto- sdgos (Jnfalvi Olmosy Pal grof ur 9 the right- honourable the Earl of Onfalva Paul Olmosy; Nagysdgos Cseveghdti Csevegg TLrzsebet bdrone asszonysdg, the right-honourable the lady Elisa- beth Csevegg, baroness of Gseveghat. 6. In regard to Verbs compounded by the Ad- 279 verbs fel, le, meg, el, vissza, ossze, etc., they are se- parable from their Verbs, and follow them as often as the Emphasis is placed on the preceding Sub- stantive or the Verb itself; but if they are used in opposition to other Adverbs, or the Emphasis is put on them, they precede the Verb, from which they may be separated by the Conjunction of the sentence, or by the Verb fog, used as the Auxiliary of the Future Tense : as, ki adta el (i lovat? who sold the horse? but: eladtad-e a lovat? hast thou sold the horse? Mi el fogjnk adni a' lovunkat, we shall sell our horse. 7. The negative Adverbs nem and ne, pre- cede the Object or word denied* Nem az atydm volt itt, not my father has been here , and az atydm nem volt itt, my father has not been here. Sem and se may be placed after the Substan- tive, but they must precede the Verb; if sem or se be followed by nem or ne 9 sem is placed before the Substantive and nem before the Verb. Sem en^nem megyek falnra, sem cC bdtydm, neither I nor my brother will go into the country; se penzt se ruhdt nem ad, he gives neither clothes nor money, 8. The Conjunctions: noha, bar, dmbdr, although, though, mivel, minthogy, because, de, but, mintha, as if, miutdn, after, mielott, before, ha, if, hogy, that, mint, as, mihelyt, as soon as, are used at the beginning of the sentence. 280 Reading Exercises. Hungarian Anecdotes, relating to the last war. ..Comrade^ (brother) teach me how to keep oft the blows," said a recently levied hussar to a hero, who was well proved in battle. „Of what use would that be?" asked the veteran; v my son do you but strike, and let the Austrians keep off the strokes." „ Why don't you learn the military exercises in Hungarian?" asked an ultra Magyar from a hussar-hero? it is detestable to hear the German command. — .,Sir (my Sir)," said the hussar, „if we were commanded in Hungarian I should un- derstand, but my horse would not." „Surely I must confess, that I am apprehen- sive for my nation, I lose my heart when I think of it," — said Baron S., — who was well known secretly to belong to the antinational party, — after he had enumerated all his patrio- tic deeds before an officer of the hussars. — „It would be better, I think/' said the hussar, ?JJ if you ost your head, you would be then freed from all anxiety (your poor soul then would be in re- pose)." 281 Otvasdsi gyakorlatok. Magyar meselyek az utolso haborubol. „Bdcsii tanitson engem hogyan elcsapni a 9 kard- utest" szolt egy huszdr-ujoncz egy hadedzett hu- szdr-vitezhez. — „Minek az nehed/' felele a 9 ha- dastyfirty y.fiam te csak ilssedy hadd csapja el az litest a 9 Nemet." 1 ) yyHdt miert nem tanuljdtok magyar nyelven a 9 katonai gyakorlatokat? kerdi egy tulbuzgo Magyar az dreg huszdr-viteztoly „utdlatos hallani a 9 nemet parancsszot! " — „Uraniy" mond a hiiszdr, ,yha magyarul commandiroznak*) , en ertenty de a 9 lovam nem erti. ii ' 1 ) yyMegvallom bizony, hogy nagy aggodalmam van hazdmrol es nemzetemroly lelkem csiigged ha rd gondolok," szol S — barb, kirol tudva volt hogy alattomban a' nemzetelleni pdrttal tarty — miutdn egy huszdr-tiszt elott elosorolta volna hazafiui tet- teit. yyBizony jobb volna ha teste csiiggney nyugalma lenne akkor szegeny lelkeneky' c mond a 9 huszdr. 3 ) *) Commandiroz-ni is commonly used by the soldiers instead of par arte snokol-ni. 282 In the sanguinary battle at Petervasara, a hussar had been taken prisoner, caught in the fact of splitting the helmet and head of an Aus- trian curassier. The hussar, as prisoner, was brought before an Austrian officer, to whom the captors narrated the hussar's deed in such a manner as to make the officer's hair stand on end. — jjAre there any more of you, provided with such infernal arms?" asked the officer. „Why^ Sir," said the hussar, „it depends upon what humor the hussar is in, accordingly he cleaves with his sword to the chin or to the stomach of his enemy." After the occupation of Pest, the Austrian commander had quartered his soldiers in the sur- rounding villages; the village magistrate there was bound to confess on his conscience the disposition of the inhabitants. At one of these confessional pro- ceedings with a village -magistrate , as the officer asked him, encouragingly, to tell whether the inha- bitants of the village were well disposed? — the magistrate innocently declared: „Sir, they are all honest Hungarians, except the priest who is a German (Austrian) and who cannot tolerate the Hungarians, because, — the steward of our village says — , he is a black-yellow. 4 ) After the battle of Kapolna the Austrian 283 A 9 peterrdsdrai iltkozetben egy huszdr epen tetten fogatott el, midon egy osztrdk vertesnek a 9 sisakjdt a 9 fejevel egyiitt kette hasitd. A 9 huszdr 9 mint fogoly, egy osztrdk tiszt elibe vezetetik, kinek az elfogok hajborzaddsig festik a 9 huszdr tettet. „ Van-e meg tobb illyen ordogkaru koztetek/' ker- di a tiszt: „Az az, Uram, a 9 mind kedvben van a 9 huszdr, ugy aztdn az ellensegenek vagy az dldig, vagy a 9 gyomrdig ereszti be a 9 kardjdt/ £ mond a 9 huszdr. Pest 9 megszdlldsa titan az osztrdk vezer a 9 ko- rulette fekvo falvakba beszdlldsold katondit, hoi rendesen a 9 biro 9 lelkiismeretere kotetett kivallani a 9 lakosok 9 lelkuleteU Egy falusi bironak illyfele vallatdsa 9 alkalmdval, amint az osztrdk tiszt biz- tatolag megszolitja, hogy mondand, ha valljon jo lelkiiletuek-e a 9 fahC lakosai, amaz drtatlansdgdban kifakad: „Uram mindnydjan becsiiletes magyar em- berek, kiveve a 9 papot,a 9 kinemet, eskiazert nem szivelheti a 9 Magyart, mondja a 9 tiszttarto ur, mert feketesdrga" A 9 kdpolnai csata utdn az osztrdk sereg vissza- 284 army, being^ driven back towards Pest, threatened to punish with stick and bullet all those who dared to divulge, that the gloriously victorious army of the Emperor was retreating, A journeyman, tra- velling from Drebeczen towards Pest, crossed the Austrian camp; (on his way) being asked by some Austrian officers, whether he knew any thing of the Hungarians? — .,Of course I do," said he, and that is, they are retreating; „ where to? where to?" asked the former with delight; „all towards Pest," answered the journeyman. ,,The two weeks last very long," said Lord D., — in April 1849 — , to an Austrian colonel, who was quartered at his house : — „how should they not last long with such a people, who do not mind the strategetic flank-movements ^ but run with fixed bayonets even against the cannons, „Whence shall we get so many arms?" asked the officers of general Bern, when in Tran- silvania he levied soldiers with great urgency. „The Russians have just now brought 30,000 proved muskets into the country, of which we will take possession," answered Bern, — The brave leader has redeemed his promise. 285 szorongatatvdn Pest fele, bottales golyoval fenye- getett mind azoknak, kik hiresztelni mernek, hogy a 9 dicsosegesen gyozedelmes csdszdri sereg visszavo- nuL Egy Debreczenbol Pestre utazo vdndorlegeny az osztrdk tdboron keresztul utazott; utjdban osz- trdk tisztektol kerdeztetve, ha tud-e valamit a 9 Ma- gyarok felol? „ Tudok bizony" mond 6, „meg pedig, hogy visszavonulnak." „Merre? Merre?" kerdezik orommel az elobbiek; „mind Pest fele," mond a 9 vdndor. „Sokdig tart a 9 ket het/' szolt D. nagysdga, — az 1S49 evi Aprilisben, — a 9 ndla beszdlldsolt osztrdk ezredes urhoz: „hogy is ne tartson, felelt az ezredes iir, ollyan neppel ki nem ilgyel a 9 had tudomdny szerinttett oldalmozgdsokra, de szuronyi szegezve neki rohan meg az dgyunak is' ib ) „Honnan veszimk anuyi fegyvert?" kerdezik Bern tdbornagy katona-tisztjei , midon erelyesen ujonczoztatott Erdelyben. Epen most hozott az Orosz harmincz ezer mar probdlt puskdt az orszdgba, a 9 mit majd idle dtveszunk, felelt Bern; 9 s a 9 derek vezer be is vdltotta szavdt. 286 Remarks. \) Bdcsi, little, and dear brother, is commonly used in ad- dressing elder persons who are on friendly terms with us ; espe- cially, children address the friends of the family with Bdcsi. 2) The Hungarian army having being considered as a sup- plementary part of the imperial army, the German language therein was introduced as the language of command, and was retained in the old regiments in 1848 — 9. 3) The quibble is in: lelkem csiigged, and teste csuggne (to drop the soul, and to suspend (hang) the body) to lose the heart, and lose the head. 4) Black-yellow; the colours of the Austrian banners are black and yellow, and people who were of the Austrian party were therefore called black -y ellows. 5) When, in the autumn of I8i8, prince Windischgratz re- ceived the command over the Austian army in order to stifle the Hungarian revolution in its birth, he promised, to the court of Vienna, to extirpate the Hungarian revolutionary party in the course of a fortnight. 287 VOCABULARY TO THE COMPOSITIONS. (Abbreviations' S., Substantive; coll., collective; A,, Adjective; n., nu- meral; v., verbal; Adv., Adyerb; C, Conjunction; V,, Verb; V. n., Verb neuter; V. a,, Verb active; Po., Postposition; Po. a., Postposi- tional afflx; Prep. Preposition; Pr„ Prononn; a., adjective; Part., Participle, L Hungarian-English. ^ Ahogy, C, as. Ahol, Ad., where, there. A 1 and az, Art. (a' before Sub- Ajdndeko'Z-ni, V., to make stantives beginning with a a present. vowel), the. Ajt6 y S., door. Ablak, ("plur. ablakok), S., win- Akdr — , akdr, C, either — , dow. or. Abrosz, S., table-cloth, Akar-ni, V., to wish, to be Acsmesterseg, S., carpenter's willing, to will. trade. Akarat, S., will. Ad-ni*~) V., to give. Akaratlanut, Adv., unwillingly. Ados, S., debtor. Aid, Po. , (to the question Adossdg, S., debt. whither), under. Ayyonlb-ni , V., to kill by Alak, S., shape, form. shooting. Alapit-ani, V., to found. Agyit, S., cannon. Alapito, S., founder. *) The Active and Keuter Verbs have the termination of their Infini- tive annexed; of the Mediums the Infinitive is included in a parenthesis, 288 Alatt, Po., (to the question where); under. Algyu, S., cannon. Alhalik, (alhat-ni), V., to be sleepy. Alkotmdny, S., constitution. Afkuszik, alkud-ni), V., to bid in the price. All-ani, V., to stand. Allando, A., constant. Allat, (plur. dllalok),S., animal. Allit-ani, V., to state, to assert. Alma, S. coll., apple. Alom, S., sleep, a dream. J//tf/, Po., through, by. Ambdr, C, although. Amerika, S., America. Angol, Angol, S. & A., Eng- lishman, English. Angolorszag, S., England. Angolul, Adv., English, in Eng- lish. Anya, S., mother; az, ffjtytf, the mother, Annyival, C. & Adv., as much. Apolgat-ni, V., to cherish. Apr His y S., April. Arany, S., Gold. Arafiyldncz, S., Gold-chain. ^ r ? S., price. Arnyek, S., shadow. Art-ani, V., to injure, to be injurious. Arul-ni, V., to sell. As-ni, V., to dig. Asztal, (pi. asztalok),S., table. Asztalkendo, S., table-napkin. .d'^ia, S., Asia. Atvesz, tdtven-ni), V., to take, to receive, ^fytf, fpl- atydk), S., father; az, afytf, the father. Augnsztns, S., August, (name of the month.) y4z., Pr., that. Azonnal, Adv., immediately. Azutdn, Adv., afterwards. ;4z.Ma, S., Asia. /?#;", S., evil, trouble. Balvelemenyii, A., of a wrong opinion. Bdn-ni, V., to treat, to pro- ceed. /?dr, C, though. Bardt, S., friend; a' ^ara^, the friend. Bardtne, S., female friend. Bator, A., bold, gallant. Bdtorsdg, S., courage. Bdtya, S., elder brother. Becsul-ni 3 V., to esteem, to value. Z?e, C, but. December, S., December. Delutdn, S. & Adv., afternoon. Dicser-ni, V., to praise. Dolgozik (dolgoz ni), V., to work. Do log, S., work. Draga, A., dear, valuable. E. 2£6ed, S., dinner. EdeSj A., sweet, dear. Ege'sz, A., whole.; Egeszseges, A., healthy, well, ifyy, A. n., one. Egyenlo. A., equal. Egyensuly, S., equilibrium. Egyhdz, S., church. Egyhdz-javito, S., reformer of the church. Egymds, Pr., one another. Egynehdny, Pr. a., some. 2£/i, A., nocturnal. Ekez-ni, V., to accentuate. Ekszer, S., jewels. 2?/-m, V., to live. Elad-ni, V., to sell. Elbeszel-ni, V., to narrate, to tell. Elbucsuzik(elbucsuz-ni), V., to take leave. Elebb, Adv., sooner. Elebetesz Qelebeten-ni), V., to prefer. 49 290 Elefdnt, S., elephant. Elejet vehet, V. , can pre- sent. Elejet vesz Qelejet ven-ni), V., to prevent. Elemez-ni, V., to analyze. Elenyez-ni, V., to hide, to mask. Eler-ni, V., to reach. Eles, A., sharp, eleshegyu fine- pointed. Eles-ni, V., to fall. Elet, S., life. Elevenen, Adv., alive. Elfelejt-eni, V., to forget. Elhagy-ni, V., to leave. Elhi-ni, V., to call for. Ehisz, Qelhin-ni), V., to be- lieve. Elkiilonoz-ni, V., to separate. Ellen, Po., against. Elmegy Qelmen-ni), V. }i to go away. E!nyom-ni, V., to oppress, to suppres. Eld It, Po., before. Efrejt-eni, V., to conceal. Elront-ani, V., to spoil. Elsiet-ni, V., to hasten away. Elszakad-ni, V. n., to break (a string). Elteved-ni, V., to lose one's way. Elutazik (elutaz-ni) , V., to depart. Elvesz telven-ni)i V., to take away. Elvesz-ni, V. n., to perish, to become lost. Elvesiett, A. v., lost. Ember, S., man; az ember, the man; az emberek, the men, men. Emberi-nem, S., man-kind. Embertdrs, S., fellow-man. Emlekoszlop, S., monument. £n, Pr., I. Enekel-ni, V., to sing. Enged-ni, V., to yield, to al- low, to give way, to suffer. Engedelmes, A., obedient. Engedetlen, A., disobedient. Epit-enu V., to build. Epitesz, S., builder. Erdnti and irdnti, A., towards. Ercz., S., ore, metal; fig. iron. Erdek, S., the interest. Erdemel-nL V., to deserve. Erdo, S., forest, wood. Ereny, S., virtue. Erenyes, A., virtuous. Erett, A. v., ripe. Erez-ni, V., to feel. Erkezik Qerkez-ni) y V., to ar- rive. Erkolcsileg, Adv., morally. £ro, S., strength, force. £rds, A., strong. Ert-eni, V., to understand. Ertekes, A., valuable. J?5, C, and. i!,\se£, S., case. Esik (es-ni), V., to fall; eso esikj it rains. 294 Estve, S. & Adv., evening, in the evening. Esz, S., reason, intellect ; eszitk, their reason, their intellect. Ev, S., year. Ez, Pr., this. Ezelolt, Adv., formerly. F. Fa, S., wood. Fal, S., wall. Fain, S., village. Fdradsdg, S., trouble, exer- tions. Februdr, S., February. Fejedelem, S., prince, sovereign. Fekete, A., black. Fekszik (fekud-ni), V., to lie. ,Fe/, Adv., up. Fel-ni, V., to fear. Felebardt, S., fellow-creature, (neighbour). Felett, Po., over. Feles leges. A., superfluous. Felez-ni, V., to halve, to di- vide into two parts. Felfedez-ni, V., tu discover. Felgyujt-ani, V., to set on fire. Felhdborodds, S., emotion. Felmegy (felmen-nQ, V., to ascend, to amount. Felmond-ani, V., to say (a lesson), to give notice. Felszdmit-ani , V., to cast up numbers, to make an ac- count. Feltesz Q'elten-ni), V., to sup- pose. Felvesz (felven-nQ, V., to take up, to receive. Ferencz, S., Francis. Fest-eni, V., to paint. Feltaldl-ni, V., to invent. Feltaldlds, S., invention. Fes£d, S., painter. /e/?, A., fine, beautiful, plea- sant. Szepseg, S., beauty. Szerda, S., Wednesday. Szerencse. S., fortune. Szerencsetlen, A., unfortunate. Szerencsetlenseg , S., misfor- tune. Szeret-ni, V., to love, to like. Szerez-ni, S., to purchase. Szerszdm, S., coll., tool. Szetdarabol-ni, V., to dismem- ber. Szid-ni, V., to blame, to scold. Sziget y S., isle. Szilaj, A., wild. Szilva; S., coll., prune. Szin, S., colour. Szinhdz, S., theatre. Szinten, C, as well. &,?'£>, S., heart. Szivar. S., cigar. Szives, A., kind. Szivesen, Adv., willingly. 301 Szivesseg. S., cordiality, kind- Tanit-ani, V., to teach. ness. Tanito, S., teacher. Szo, S., word. Tanul-ni, V., to learn. Szoba, S., room. Tanulo, S., learner, student. Szok-ni, V., to be accustomed. Tapasztal-ni, V., to experience. Szdl-ni, V., to speak. Tdrsassdg. S., society, com- Szolgdlat, S., service. pany. Szolgdlo, S., servant. Tartomdny, S., province, coun- Szombat, S., Saturday. try. Szomoru, A., sad. Tartozik Qtartoz-ni), V., to Szonoky S., orator. owe. Szorgalmas, szorgalmatos, A., Tavasz, S., spring. industrious, diligent. Tavaszelo, S., March. Szorit-ani, V., to press. Tavaszho, S., April. Sz67o", S., coll., grape, grapes. Tavaszuto, S., May. Szvrony, V., bayonet. 7^ p r#> thou. Szukseg, S., necessity, need. Tegnap, Adv., yesterday. Sziiletik (sziilet-nQ, V., to be 7eAer, S., burden. born. Tehetseg, S., faculty of mind, S&w/o, S., parent. ability. 7e7, S., winter. ^ Telel6) S., December. Te/Ao, S., January. 7YS&0r, S., camp. Teljesit-eni, S., fulfil. Tdbornagy, S., fieldmarshal. Teluto, S., February. Tdbornok, S., general. Tengeresz, S., sailor. Tagad-ni, V., to deny. Tengernagy, S., admiral. 7a/., S., environs, country. Tewto, S., ink. 7a;e#, S., region. Tentatarto, S., inkstand. Takdcs, S., weaver. 7en?/, S., fact. Taldl-ni, V., to find. Terem, S., saloon, Taldlmdny, S., invention. Teremtes, S., creature. Taldn, Adv., perhaps. Teremto, S., creator. Tdmad-ni, S., to rise, to be Terjedelmes, A., extensive. produced. Termekenyseg, S., fertility. Tandcs, S., advice. Termeny, S., product. Tdnyer,S., plate (soup-plate,etc). Termeszet, S., nature. 302 Termesztmeny , S., production. Test, S., body. Testi, A., corporal, of the body. Tesz (ten-ni), V., to do; tet- tiik, we did. Tetszik(tetsz-eni), V., to please. 7W/, S., deed. TV, Pr., you (ye). Tigris, S., tiger. Tisztel-ni, V., to venerate, to honour. To, S., pond, lake. Jo//, S., pen. Tollkes, S., pen-knife. Tovdbb, Adv., longer, farther. Tobbnyire, Adv. mostly. Tokeletlen, A., imperfect. 7d7, Pre. a., by, from, of. Tonkre tenni, S., to ruin. Tortenik (tor ten-ni) , V., to happen. Tortenet. S., history. Torveny, S., law. Torsatya, S., Patriarch. Tud-ni, V., to know any- thing. Twdds, S., knowing. Tudom&s, S., knowledge, no- tice. Tulajdon, A., proper. Tutajdonsdg, S., propriety. Tunyasdg, S., laziness. TwzoA, S., bustard (a bird). Tukorrdma, S., looking glass- frame (frame of a mirror.) Tuzhely, S. , hearth, the home. U. Vgy, C. & Adv., so, thus. Uj, A., recent; vjabb idoben, recently. Ujsdg, S., news, newspaper. Unalmas, A., tedious. £/r, S., gentleman, Sir, Mis- ter. Uralkodik, (vralkod-ni), V., to domineer. Uralkodo, S., monarch, ru- ler. it, S., way. Utaz-ni, V., to trave!. VI aid, S., traveller. Utcza, S., streel. Utolso, A., last. ij. £/ ,, 244 „ 246 Page 218 line 3 read: Tied, instead of: Tieid, ,, 7, „ Tieid, „ „ Tieid, „ 5, „ Adjective and its dependencies; instead of: Adjectives; „ 20 „ Mert instead of: ISert ,, 21 ,, ones „ „ ons „ 23 „ kirdly haldldn, „ „ kirdly, haldldn. „ 4 4 „ neven ven-ni „ ,, ne'ven-ven ni „ 4 „ tf/aM M „ allot, „ 2 ,, /efetf above, tnellett instead of: felletl above, mellet ,, 2 „ the father instead of: he father „ 2 „ szilletett, „ „ sziilelett, „ 40 „ tettem „ „ lellem ,, 4 „ an oath, „ „ on oath, „ 9 „ nyiilra, he shot the hare, instead of: nytilra hare. „ K ,, fenyeget instead of: fengeyet ,, 2 „ relent „ ,, r en tent ,, ^ 3 after JSagyszombat: put: to meet the nation again after a pleasant and peace- ful home shall have been insured, or to mourn eternally if the envious Mars should spitefully wound the fatal tendon of their Achilles. SELECTIONS FROM HUNGARIAN CLASSICS. I. PROSE WRITING. a. Fables, and an Allegory from Andrew Fiy. J. A' TebTeeny. A kokeny nehezen vette, hogy gyumolcset nem szedik. — Vdrjatok csak, igy szol, hadd csipje meg termesemet cl derl — Akkor kevesbbe leszesz fa- nyar, mond a? kevtesz, de jo sohal Balesetek megdobbentik ugyan a' rosz szivet, es aggkor megzsibasztja annak drtalmdt, de mind- kettonek vajmi ritkdn sikeriil megjavltni azt. 2. A! r6lca es a 9 nyiil. Futdrnak ajdnltalak, az oroszldnndl szomszed! mond a roka, megdllva a 9 nyiiV alma felett. — O csaktene ajdnlottdl! sohajt ez; az oroszldn azt 46 MendL rokon ravasz indulatu vagyok veled; te pedig, minthogy lekoteleztel> jogositottnak erzended magadat* fiamat fahii fell 3. A* gdfya. A golya Pest es Buda felett vette repiileset, 's egy tornyon meg'dlepedett. — Pompds ket vdros! igy kidlt fel. szettekingetre mindenfele; be sok golyafeszek elterne kemenyeinl Kiki a maga modja szerint! Nemely utazo megterven hazdjdba, peregve tudja eloadni: mely- lyik fogadoban evettjol es olcson? mdsik: hoi szeb- bek es nydjasabbak a' ndk, vagy rakotabbak a' phdrao-asztalok ? 4L A* macsJea es a? sdrmdny. A macska, egy ablakban, legy utdn ugorvdn cl mdsodik emeletbol az utcza kovezetere esett le. A sdrmdny szdnakozva kozelit feleje: szegeny cziba! bizony zuzdmbol sajiidllak, igy szol d jo madar, nem tdrt-e valami tagod? — Emez, az dlnok, fel- ocsudvdn esese szediiltebol, egyet szokik, 's a' szi- ves szdnakozot elkapja. — Egy legyert ugyan kisse nagyolndm tett ugvdsomat, mond a 9 hitetlen, de egy sdrmdny-pecsenye csak megerdemlL — Meg akkor se higyj a 9 roszlelkunek mikor d sors 9 keze megzuzta oil 47 5 a A.x id 6 prof eta* A 9 szamdr elorditotta magdt. — Eso lesz-e szolga, vagy szel? kerdi cC juhdsz idle. Filles unit sem tudvdn profetasdgdrol, buta keppel rd mered gazddjdra. — Mar hogy ido lesz gazddcskdm, any- nyit mondhatok 3 felel vegre boles komolysdggal neki. Ki nem ert valamihez, megis ertni akar, vagy bblcsen hallgat, vagy ketertelmuseggel vdgja ki mdsok elott, ertetlensege gyanujdbol magdt. 6. JL JPergamen. Egy, nemes szdrmazdsdban buszke , de Tires szivi'i, fejii, gogosen setdlgatott folyosojdn fel es aid, 's hetyke kenybol nyugvo ebet megyntgta. — Ne bdntsd gazddm a 9 fcutyabdrt, morog felkolte- ben a 9 hdz-drzo; e takarja minden becsed, er- demed ! 7 m JL szamdr es a? csiJco, A 9 szamdr, helyben leptetve, rovott padozaton hajtott egy vizlmzo gepet. ^A 9 tilzes csiko fillelve tekintett be a' nyilt ajton. — Te szeles, tilzes, illy munkdra nehezen volndl szerl igy szolitja meg 6t gunyolva a 9 filles. — Igaz, hogy szamdrnak valo munkal mond a 9 csiko. De kerlek: mellyitek is a 9 gep, tee bdtya vagy e 9 kerekes alkotmdny. 48 Ldngesznek koporso a 9 szoi*os korldt* es a 9 bureauk 9 gepszeriisegei. — H. IfagyoJc Itereszkedbse. A 9 mac ska minden/ele dicsekvek, hogy 6t az oroszldn, kit betegsegeben megldtogata, elfogadta legyen rokondnak. — 9 S nem volt valami kerese hozzdd'i kerde a 9 ravasz roka. — De igen, felel a 9 kandur. egy patkdny melly barlangjdba vette magdt gyakran hdborgatja a' beteg nyugalmdt; arra kert: olnem el az alkalmatlankodot Mindjdrt gon- doltam, felel ravaszdi; ritkdn gyaniitlan a 9 nagy urak 9 leereszkedese. 9 s Wbbnyire arra mutat, hogy rank szoriiltak. 9. A! medve-tdncx. Egy utczajdro olasznak majma es medveje va- la, miket sip utdn tdnczoltata a 9 pornep elott. Epen vegzi maczko keserves tdnczdt, 9 s aleltan tes- teben es komor kedelyeben, pihene, midon a 9 konyel mil majom folibe szokve: bdtya! igy szolitja meg 6t kaczagva; sajndlndlak, de bizony nem erek red; mert ha tisztes komoly arczodat, meltosdgos tekin- tetedet, ugyetlen nehezkes tdnczoddal egybevetve latom, csak nem haldlra kell haczagnom magamat! — Eleg bolondid es konyelmuleg! morog a 9 medve; en tdnczolokj mert tdnczoltatnak , mordul es kelletleniil, mintkinek testevel egyiltt szellemeis toretik; deterab- letedre konyelmil kedvvel tdnczolsz, mint kinek lelke 49 gydva felfogni sorsdt, vagy nem erdemes jobbra. Ez koztiink a 9 killonbseg. Am illjek a 9 rabtdncz neked, nem irigylem; de nekem nem kell! Magyarom! mellyikkel kivdnsz tartani'i a 9 med- vevel-e, vagy a 9 majommal? lO* Eolcsesseg utja ax elethen. Egy vardzs Imdn, haldoklo dgydhoz inti negy fiait — Jnduljatok holtom utdn. igy szola gyonge hergessel hozzdjok, kelet fele y mindaddig vdndo- rolva, mignem Zita kies volgyeben, egy dombocska 9 lejtos oldaldban, a 9 Bolcsesseg templomdhoz er- tek; itt van szdmotokra leteve a? bolcsek 9 kove. Kielegito boldogsdg fekszik annak birdsdban; te- gyetek azt tulajdonotokkd. Bardtim es rokonim kozt fog elvinni utatok, kik 3 ha betertek, szivesen foga- dandnak; 9 s ket fenyes csillag leend kalauztok, az egymdst metszo osvenyeken. Atyai dlddsom melle fogadjdtok tandcsomat: haladni mohon ne siesse- tek, de nap se muljon ugy el toletek, hogy ne ha- ladjatok. Ezt mondd 9 s kiherge lelket. Mdsnap utnak ered a 9 negy fiu. Az elso hosz- szas kesziileteket tesz, hosszu 's bizonytalan hatdr- ideju az ut, iigymond, bo eleseg, kontos es szerek idbjdrds viszontagsdgai ellen, kellenek hozzd; feles- leg legyek elldtva inkdbb 9 mint szoruljak. Mint nevetem majd szukolo testvereimet, kik most boseg oleben gitnyolnak! Ezt mondvdn, meg tobbet nyoma be, mar is sulyos iszdkjdba. — A mdsodik kaczagd Csink, hung. Gram. 4 50 az igen gondost. — Feleded-e, igy szolt, hogy szi- ves baratok, rokonok kozt utazandunk'i illy utra eleg ol vidor elme, vig kedely! 9 s konyelmuleg ra- gadja lantjdt, egyeduli iiti szerul kezebe. — A harmadik alljas gondoskoddsnak von minden ke- sziiletet par konyvet tett utitdrsul zsebebe; egyebet vinni vagy felejtett, vagy feledni igyekezett, mint hitvdny felesleges lomot, 's akaddlyait tiszta elmel- kedeseinek. — A negyedik fegyvert bvedze otalom- ul derekdra, nem terhelo 9 s csak sziiksegessel toll iszdkot vete hdtdra, 's vidor remenyel fogd vdn- dor-botjdt jobbjdba. Indulnaky mennek; de csak liamar maradozni kezd lenyomo terhe alatt az elso, 's elveszti szeme elol halado tesvereit. De tan elfogja terhebol hdnyni a' feleslegest? Koran sent, d rokonokndl, kiknek fogyhatlan vala szivessegok utasinkhoz, meg tobbel nevele lomjdt, melly megszukules remegese miatt kulonben is keveset fogya. Ennek terhe, gond- ja, es a? sovdrgds, mar fel uton elbetegitek van- dorunkat; napok, hetek, honapok teltek el, mig haladhata. — A mdsodiknak orbk menyekzo vala utazdsa. Tdncz, muzsika,vig robaj, zajgott min- deniltt a'*) merre fordult; szilaj dozsolesek, kicsa- pongo mulatozdsok es lakomdk kozt, fajtalan szire- nek, 's mdmoros bardtok feledtetek vele utja czeljdt Majd szdmdra rendelt vendegsegek, majd *) The article is placed with propriety before the interro- gative Adverbs: hoi? hogy? mikor? merre? etc. when they are used definitely. 51 tikkadtsdg ezektol, kesleltetek induldsait; szivesen marasztatott, szivesen maradt a 9 konyelmii. — A 9 harmadik mar az elso keresztutndl ketkedni kezde a 9 kalauz csillagocskdkban. — Illy ketes feny utdn folytassam-e en, ugymond, utamat? '& szerencse- met bizonytalansdgnak dldozam-e fel? hat ha e 9 csillagok csalfa liderczek. 9 s ingovdnyba vezetnek? Igy tunodik elobb magdban, majd megosztva bard- tival ketsegeit, ezekkel egyiitt elbolcselkedi a 9 kalauz iker-csillagtol a 9 jamb or szdndekot es a 9 jo akara- tot. — Az irdnytiit fogadja tehdt biztosabb vezeriil 9 s az eg tundoklobb csillagait, 9 s ezeknek kepzemenyes vezerlesok utdn, bujdoklik ide 9 s tova a 9 pusztdk sivatagjain a 9 rengeteg erdok vadonjain! Pos- vdnyok, tavak, ingovdnyok^ szedito melysegu nyild- soky mdszhatlan szirtek, zdrjdk el elotte az 6s- venyeket '$ visszafordulni kesztetik. Ekseg szom- jusdg insegei, szaggato tovisek preda-leso vadak, sulyositjdk , remitik bolyongdsait. Messze, messze marad utjdnak ohajtott czeljdtol! Al negyedik vdndor vidoran halad eldre. Be- ter szivesen koszontve rokonihoz es atya bardtihoz, kedvtelve mulat ndlok, de nem feledi utjdt, 9 s na- ponkent halad ebben. Menteben, jobbra balra haj- long ktndlkozo rozsdkat szaggatni, 's illatjok bal- zsamaindl konnyen feledi a 9 tovisek 9 hitvdny kar- czoldsait: a 9 ketes utakon hiven 9 s ketkedes nelktil koveti vezer ket csillagdt 9 9 s im Zita kies volgye, illatos virdnyival mosolyg eleibe, 9 s dombjdn a 9 52 Bolcsesseg 9 temploma, nyilt kuszobokkel all elotte. Bizton Up be azokon vdndorunk 9 s oltdrdn ta- Idlja leteve szdmdra a 9 bolcsek kovet Kezehez veszi azty 9 s vele jdmbor megelegedest *s szelid boldogsdgot ejt birtokdba. Sok bolyongds, tevelyges utdn, nagy sokdra fdradt unalommal er el a 9 bolcselkedo. A 9 remenylt kincs helyett illy irdstolvas az oltdr felett: lialan- do! ket kalauzod van az eletben: jozan esz es lelkiismeret; ha ezek vezerleset meg- veted, tdvol ejted magadat bolcsessegtol es boldogsdgtol. Meg kesobben erkezek a 9 megrakott utazo. Lihegve vete le sulyos iszdkjdt, J s az ohajtott czel fele siete. De szdmdra ez vala az oltdr felibe irva: kincs es vagyon sulyosan nyomnak, nottok uj kincs-szomjat noveszt; de gyujtsd ha- lando bar milly halmokra azokat, rajtok meg nem vdsdrolhatod azon bolcsesseget es boldogsdgot miktol tdvol ejtenek sulyaik! A 9 feslettseg tikkaddsdval sdppadtan mint ki- sertet, beesett szemekkel mint csontvdz, kinosan vdnczoroga utoljdra eld a 9 dozsbardt. Lankadt resz- keto labakkal Up be a 9 szent kuszobon, de megut- kozten riad vissza olvasvdn az oltdr felett: ha- lando ki elni siet, ritkdn el boldoguly ki elzajogja eletet, ritkdn er oromet! Csak az boles es boldog , ki oily oromeket eldel mi' ket elobb-kesobb megbdnds nem kovet! — 53 b. An Allegory, form Charles Kisfalu y. A.x JElet. Az elet hasonlo egy szekerhez, mellynek minden kereke mas kdtyuba szalad. Haldl huzza , Remeny tartoztatja. Indulat a 3 kocsis es pattogva silrgeti futdsdt Szerelem es Bardtsdg benn olelkezve ulnek, 9 s bdjszinu szappanbuborekokat fuvnak a 9 levegobe. A 9 Kivdnat nagy helyet foglal el 9 s onmagdt ter- helve mindent felvesz a' mit utkozben taldl. Egy brbkke vdltozo alak lebbeg folottok, a! benn ulok szunetlen kapkodnak utdna, de csak drnyeka esik redjok, ez a 9 Szerencse. Bblcsesseg kalauz gyandnt megy eld Idmpdt akar gyujtani de a 9 Velemeny min- deg melette jar 9 s eloltja vildgdt. Teren, teton igy fat a? szeker ; ha elteved sok a 9 tandcslo, keves a 9 segito; ha megsulyed ezer az utmutato de haszta- lan : nem kepes haladni mar, es a 9 kocsis ketsegbe esve tbrtet elore, de mindeg melyebb posvdnyba jut. Erre a 9 Szerelem, es Bardtsdg egymdsutdn leszdl- nak 9 s hitetlen elszoknek, a 9 sok felleg kiserok sem- misegbe oszlanak. Vedoleg jonnek most a 9 Tudo- mdnyok is, de magokkal egyenetlen , tbbbszor oda utik a 9 szeget a 9 hovd nem kell, 9 s a 9 szeker szerte- dol. Felkaczag a 9 haldl 9 s oridssd none szetilzi az egesz tdrsassdgot Csak egy szelid fenyes ifju kiizd meg vele, diadalmasan kiragadvdn kezebol az enyeszet szovet- 54 neket: ez a 9 Hit Vegre eljon egy tisztes dsz 's osz- veszedven az elszort toredekeket azokkal mas ko- csikat igazgat; 9 s a 9 mint lehet a 9 kora siilyeddstdl megovja: ez a 5 Tapasztalds. c. Fables, from Joseph Karman. J. JL' forrd* es a' csatorna. EUankadra a 9 nap hereto! taldlt egy utazo a 9 koszikldk alatt egy hilres forrdsra. Frisesseg 6m- lott tale minden ereiben is hdludban vdlt el attoL Beerkezik a 9 vdrosba; a 9 piaczon a 9 felhdk fele szokellett kevely marrdnybol a 9 vizboltozat. Ldba alatt megszolal a 9 csatorna. — U A 9 viz, mellyet is- szoU amaz forrdsnak a 9 koszikla alatt hives vize, es en hoztam ide." „A 9 forrds, melly a 9 koszikldbol foly, frisito, hives es tiszta volt Ezen a 9 te fenyoized erzik" felele az utazo. A teremto eredeti lelkek vitkdkl idegen erdem tobbnyire a 9 mi erdemunk. — 2. Al fulemile es a 9 szentjdnos-hogdr* lde 's tova szdllongott egy csendes nydri ej- jelen a 9 jdnosbogdr. ISevetseges magdval valo meg- elegedessel nezegette fenylo reszeit^ es kevelyen azt mondja; „bizony, en vagyok a 9 legszebb teremtes az eg alatt, a 9 nap es hold az en vetel- kedo tdrsaim, es a 9 foldnek kirdlyi csak azert 55 becsillik a 9 drdgakoveket, mert az en fillemhez hason- litanak. Kozelvalo agon csevegett egy fiilemile, latta a 9 fenylo preddt, '$ annak vildgdtol vezetetven fele szdllott, es a 9 kevely bogarat elnyelte. Az a 9 lydnka, a 9 kinek orczdjdn liliomok es rozsdk nyilnaky ha okos, elrejti szepseget a 9 vildg ziirzavarjdtol. d. Fables, from Francis Kazinczy. 1. A.' majom es a' roJca. Mondj nekem akdrmelly nemesebb dllatot a 9 kit en mimelni ne tudjak! ugymond a 9 rokdnak a 9 ker- kedekeny majom, De a 9 roka azt felele: de te mondj inkdbb nekem bdrmelly nemtelent a 9 ki meltonak tartdna tegedet mimelni. 3. A" far Teas es a' juhdsa. Egy juhdsznak nydjdt elolte a 9 kegyetlen dog. Megtudta azt a 9 farkas 9 s imhol jo condoledlni*) a 9 juhdsznak. Juhdsz! ugymond, tehdtvalo csakugyan hogy illy nagy csapds dllatid* ere ? azt hallom, egesz nydjad elhullott) szegeny, drtani nem tudo, szep, kover juhok; a 9 lelkem is sir bennem mikor elkepzelem hogy *) Instead of fdjlalni, to condole. 56 elvesztek. Koszonom szives reszvetet jo uram, Fogasi uram! Be szanakozo szive van az umak. De az bizony, kidlta a! Komondor , ha szom- szedja 9 vesztessegeben 6 maga vail kdrt. — e. Oratorial, from Kolcsey, JEntlelc besaed 9 Sanzinczy Ferenca felett. (Speech in commeration of Francis Kazinczy, held by Francis Kolcsey.) Mi szey az emberi elet, midon a? mindennapi- sdg 9 par any i korebol kiemelkedik, 9 s magdt valami nagy es szent, es milUomokat erdeklo czel utdn intezil Mi szep, vildgosito csillagkent tiinni fel ezrek elott, es szabadon, de dltalmelegult lelekkel vdlasztani magdnak pdlydt, *s azt jo es balsze- rencse kozt orokre tiszta 9 s soha nem hidegulo szenvedelemben futni meg! Azonban ez, a' mi illy szep, nem egyszersmind oily boldogito is. Hdnyszor nem taldl a 9 hevvel olelo kar borzalmas hideg ille- tesrel, hdnyszor silly ed el a 9 kiizdo fenynyel es ve- szelylyel teljes pdlydja kozepen, dldds es szdnako- dds dltal nem kiserve! sot hdnyszor kell magdnak a 9 fenragyogo czelnak nyom es remeny nelkiil leszdl- lani, midon az erette vivo lelke 9 elkeseredeseben all ott, 9 s hondnak es kordnak erzeketlenseget dtkozza! A 9 sorsnak kedvenczei nincsenek, csak eszkozei. Kemeny reszvetlenseggel az egyesek irdnt, intezi ez az egesz menetelet. 'S igy a 9 mar elveszettnek lat- 57 szo magbol gyakran hoszu evek utdn virdgoztatja fel a 9 telyes szepsegii pldntdt; nem tartvdn figyel- mere meltonak, hogy az, ki a 9 magot a 9 jelenlef pusztasdgaiban, egyedul a 9 meg akkor ketes remeny- ert, hintette el, tobbe nines; 9 s emlektelen sirja felett diszlik a 9 virdgbokor, midon mar sent Mat sem drnyek nem enyhitheti az ego fdjdalmat, minek gyotrelmei kozt elhamvadott. E 9 gondolatok tdmaddnak lelkemben, a 9 hirve- telkor, hogy Kazinczy Ferencz elni megszunt vala. Kepzeletim elombe dllitottdk a' nagy ferfiut, ugy a 9 mint otet legutolszor e 9 tdrsassdgi korben Idthatdm. Itt ult 6 kozottunky a 9 hetven evet meghaladott osz, a 9 tobb mint felszdzados iro, egy keszulettel es kHz- dessel telyes idoszak 9 legregibb bajnoka; 9 s kebleben hordozta borzasztolag szep pdlydja 9 emlekezetet, 9 s veszek titan egy, a 9 nemzet elott valahdra felcsil- lamlo remenytol biztatva tetteinek onerzeseben ke- resett az elet 9 nyomaszto terhe ellen enyhuletet, — enyhuletet a 9 gondok ellen, mik vegnapjdig kinoz- tdk. Eszkoz volt 6 is a 9 sors 9 kezeben; izzadott 6 is azei% a 9 minek gyulmolcseit aratni mds fogja; felszdzadig kiizdott a 9 pusztdban 9 s egy messze pil- lantds az igeref foldebe Ion minden jutalma. — J 61 erzem en T. Tdrsassdg , midon e 9 tiszte- letre melto kor 9 elhunyt tagjdnak emlekezetet megu- jitom, nem kellene illy elbusito kepeket mutatnom fel. Azok kozt dllok, kiknek szent kotelessegok, minden egyebet felreteven, a 9 hazcC dicsoseget esz- 58 kozleni; 9 s felednem kellett volna taldn Kazinczyt, az emberty a 9 szenvedettet, es egyedul a 9 literatort dllitnom eld, tiszta nyugalomban mint miivesz a 9 mdrvdnyszobrot , hogy red koszorukat aggassunk. De az en lelkein minden idedi osszeolvaddsban vagynak egymdssal, 9 s a 9 sziv 9 hurjain rezegnek ke- resztiiL Rokonom es bar atom, tanitom es tdrsam vala, 9 s most midon szavam az elnyugodott felett fog hangzani: keblembe zdrjam-e fajdalmamat? fel- jek-e, ha kinos erzelmeket rezzentek fel, 9 s a 9 visz- szaemlekezes 9 szelid ohajtdsai helyett konycseppeket fakasztokl Es bar fakaszthatnek szivbbl forro ver- konyeketl bar szozatom villdm erovel hatnd ke- resztxll a 9 hazdt, 9 s e 9 nemzetet! melly sajdtjeleseit szdzadok ota konyezetlen lata sirba szdllani 9 s nem tudd, hogy kebleik sebbel rakva valdnak 6 erette; nem tudd, hogy neki dldozdnak fel minden szeren- cset, maradekaikra nem hagyhatvdn egyebet, a! meg nem ismert, meg nem jutalmazott, sokszor epen el- taposott, erdem 9 keserii dicsosegenel. A 9 vegzet akard ezt igy! es valoban ritka szep es jo kezdodott es tenyeszett valaha elorement dl- dozatok nelkill. Kenyer utdn indul a 9 sokasdg; magdnyos hasznokat vaddsz 9 s azt a 9 mi az egeszet erdekli, a 9 mi lelket tdpldl, nemzeti erot fejt 9 s gyumolcsei csak jovendoben ernek meg, gyiiloli. Atydinkat hoszu zsibbadds lankasztd; volt idd, mikor bunosen feledenek mindent a 9 mi oket a 9 porbolj hovd hulldnak, felemelhete vala. Nehdny 59 kevesnek melleben tdmadt a 9 gondolat: a 9 haza 9 ve- szelyben forgo nyelvet ragadni meg, ezt felvird- goztatni, ezt erore hozni, 9 s erejevel rdzni fel az dlomba sulyedt nepet hogy Idsson es erezzen. De a 9 nep oket nem hallgatd; de oH nepnek erejenem volt redjok fel 9 s jovobe kipillantani; 9 s igy el- hagyatva futdk meg a 9 pdlydt, kulonkodoknek tar- tattak es kinevettetenek ; mert nem akardk kovetni a 9 bolcsesseget, melly egyedul oH jelenlef hasznai- rol gondoskodik. Illy korillmenyek kozt kuzdott a 9 mi Kazinczynk is; nem haszon nelkul a 9 nemzetre, nem nyom nelkul a 9 jovo korra nezve, de fajdal- mul onmagdnak. Mert koszorui nem enyhitek, lia- nem egettek homlokdt; 9 s neve 9 hires voltdt elte 9 nyugalmdval fizete. Pedig 6 vala, ki fiatalsdga 9 ku- szoben, meg csak tizenhat eves gyermek, iroink 9 pa- rdnyi koreben megjelenven, nemes, de tiszteletben, kevesektol tartott czeljat el nem csuggedo eroben, pdratlan dllandosdggal szunetlen haladdsban ko- vette. O vala ki nemzetenek negyven ev elott hirte- len fellobbano 9 s hirtelen elalvo tiizei oltliatatlan hordd kebleben, meg akkor is, mikor lelekfagy- lalo veszek kornyekezek. vala ki a 9 szerencset sem nem igero, sem nem nyujtd literatori pdlydra szd- mosokat tiizelt fel; 9 s mozgdst es eletet ontott a 9 tovises iitra, mit sok mdsok elunatkozva, ketsegtol leverve pusztdn hagytanak. Ki nem emlekezik visz- sza az 6 Gessnerere*) 9 s Bdcsmegyeijerel*^) *) Works of Kazinczy. 60 Mi maradando behatdst ton a 9 szep izlesti fiatal iro, ki alantmdszds is iskolai feszesseg helyett, konyil le- begesu fenseggel es csinnat jelene meg; 9 s a 9 vala- hdra tokeletre jutando magyar Muzeum, 9 s az 6 Or- pheusa sebesen eltiino jelenetek valdnak ugyan; de az dltalok hintett mag, evtizedek utdn sokat igerovi- rdgokat vala termendo. Azonban miert emlitem ezt? meg akkor if- jiisdga 9 erejeben elt; 9 s polgdri fekvese dltal, d liter atorkoddst kisero kedvetlensegektol fodoztetek. Csuda-e ha a 9 langlelku ember fdradatlan mun- kdWi ha a 9 kozonseg 9 reszvetlenseget csilggedetlen tzire? ha magdt feledven, hazdjdnak szentele min- denet, es a 9 sivatag jelenben csak a* virdgzo jo- vendot szemleltel De jott az iddpont, egyike azoknak, miket a 9 sors lesvjto villdmkent rejteget felhoiben, hogy vdratlan rohandssal oldokoljenek es ime 6 tettei 9 9 s hatdsd! munkds korebol lanczok koze nit, es szabadsdgdt 9 s elte 9 minden remenyeit heted- fel hoszit evig siratja. Hdny nem veszte el bdtorsd- gdt, hdny nem mondott le keble 9 legforrob vdgyairol, kit a 9 szerencse nem epen illy kemenyen probata meg! A mi bardtunk buban mint oromben, ketseg mint remeny kozt, sajdt idedjdhoz hii maradt; es a 9 brunni erdssegben, mint a 1 kufsteini hegyormon, *s a 9 mun- kdcsi vdr' falai kozt szerelme a 9 nyelvhez nem ki- sebbedek. Ott a' vigasztaldstol iires magdnyban erlelte meg 6 a 9 nagy gondolatot: ujito vdltozdst hozni a 9 nyelvbe; 's ez dltal izlesunknek, gondol- 61 kozdsunk modjdnak, 9 s tudomdnyi mivelodesunk- nek mas es nagy befolydsu utat mutatni. Jl mi magyar nyelvunkkel veghezvitt ujitdsokat sokan nevettek *s nevetik maiglan; pedig azok a 9 nemzeti ebredezo szellerrC termeszetes kiiltesei vald- nak. Ezen szellem, mint mindig 's mindeniltt: ugy most is es kozottilnk egyes jelenetekben tiintette fel magdt, hogy lassankent kozonseges legyen. Nyelviinket ragadd meg elebb, az leven a 9 legter- meszetesb mod egymdst erteni, egymdsra figyel- mezni, idedkat venni es adni, 's azt a mi a 9 ke- belben titkon es kulon forr, nyilvdnnd es egyete- mive csindlni. Illy szempontbol tekintem en a 9 nyelvvel kezdett 9 s gyors rohandssal elore torekedo vdltozdst Mert semmi sem esik a' vildgon ok es egybefilgges nelkiil: a 9 mi tortenik ma, aniiak mag- vai szdzad elott, 9 s taldn senkitol sem sejtve, hin- tettek el, 's a 9 mi tortenni fog szdzad titan, az a 9 mostani tettekbol, gondolatokbol, vagy taldn csak sejditesekbol ver magdnak gyokeret Homdlyban el es munkdl az iro, 9 s egykorui dltal kicsinysegek- kel bajlodovak tartatik ; mert idejet idegen sza- vak magyarrd tetelevel, regiek keresgelesevel, 9 s tobb illy pardnyisdggal vesztegetL De a vezeto okot legtobbuyire csak a 9 kovetkezes vildgositja fel, 9 s tisztdn csak d maradek fogja lathatni; mikent nyert az egesz nemzet szo dltal idedt, idea dltal tettet, 9 s tett dltal jotevo egyetemi vdltozdsokat; mikent enyesztek el egymds utdn szdz meg szdz le- 62 lekszorongato formdk, 's mind ezek iitdn mikent Un lehetsegesse sok szep es jo, minek forrdsai, hoszu idokig zdrva leven, folydst nem lelhettek. Kazinczy nem vala legelso, nem is egyetlen egy, ki a 9 nyelvvel tbrtent nevezetes forduldst kezde es eszkozle. De ove a 9 dicsoseg, hoyy izlest pdrositott igyekezeteirel. hogy dolgozdsait erzelmi hevevel el- tudta onteni, 9 s hogy a regiseg, tudomdnydt, mit Baroti Szabo keresett, 9 s a 9 mi Revait nagygyd tette, telyesen meltdnyld. Csak igy, 9 s csak nekile- hetett hatalmdban oily szeles terjedtsegii befolydst szerezni, 9 s oily kozonseges erovel hatni a 9 nyelvre es irokra; mint nem meg az ideig senki mas. A 9 kozelebb mult otven 9 s nehdny ev alatt, ki volt iroink koz'dl, kivel e 9 ferfiu kisebb vagy nagyobb erintesbe nem dllott volnal Ki nem kereste isme- retseget a 9 jelesnek, kit Orczy es Raday szerettek, kit Baroczi kedvele, kinek Yirdg es Revai bardti valdnak, ki Dayka 9 es Csokonai 9 kifejlesokre nagy befolydst gyakorolt? Keresztul nezek iroinknak itt e 9 tiszteletre melto gyulekezetben jelen alio koszorujdn es sokat Idtok, ki a 9 legelso szikrdt Ka- zinczy 9 langlelketol kapd, 9 s kit futdsdban ennek pelddja vezerlett 9 s dllhatatossdga drizett meg visszahanyatldstol. Neki nem volt eleg minden lelki erejet es szive 9 minden erzelmeit a 9 nagy czelra szentelni, dolgozdsoktol elboritva sem forditd el d haza 9 serdiilo ifjairol tekintetet; 's minden he- viilo pillantds, minden kilobbano gerjelem, melly 63 bennkuzdo erot, munkdssdgot, bdrmi tdvolrol sejdit- tetett, reszvetelet nagy reszben nyere meg. E resz- vetel dltal adott 6 sok mulolag kipattanni Idtszo szikrdnak maradandosdgot; e 9 reszvetel dltal po- told ki sok kezdonek azt, a 9 mit boldogabb fekvesu nepeknel az olvaso hozonseg elso tapsai visznek veghez. Mert volt ido, keseruen emlekezem vissza, midon a 9 liter atori pdlydra keszulo ifjut szilloi, mint veszni indultat sirattdk, midon a 9 magyar konyvet magyar iron kiviil mdsnem ismerte, 9 s midon fiatal miivesz egykorui kozt sem taldlt keblet, holkiomol- hessen. Hdny nem nemult el akkor, mint a 9 fog- sdgba zdrt fulmile, vegkepen? hdny nem fogott volna meg elnemiilni, hanemha 6, a 9 siriglan bnzgo, nyujtott volna vigasztalo szot? Mert 6 mondhatd, meg nagyobb igazzal, mint az Anchises 9 fia: ifjul renyt es valo munkdt tolem tanulj, szerencset md- soktol! ^ Snem csak azokra hatott 6, kik nevet es miiveit tiszteletben tartottdk, hanem azokra is, kik erdnta el- lenseges indulattalviseltetenek. Valdnak ugyan is nem kevesen, kik vagy erdemeitirigylettek, vagy muvite- lete dltal erdekeltettek, vagy okfejeit, miken dolgozd- sait alapitd,veszelyeseknek lenni hittek. Ezek' korebol ute ki magdt a 9 sokdig titokban forrott nyelvujitdsi por, melly Kazinczy ellen intezet szemelyes csapdst; sok a? liter atori viadalmakkal koz, illetlen scendkdt*) *) Instead of jelends, scenee. 64 tiintetett feh de tdrgya dltal d nemzetben eddig szokatlan figyelmet gerjesztett; 9 s cC red kovetkezd ellenhatdsndl fogva iroinkba elevenseget ontott, ser- diilo ifjusdgunk 9 elebe szebb es terjedetteb pdlydt jelelt, 9 s azt a 9 mitez ideignem birdnk, egy olvaso kozonseget, alkotott, szdmra, es reszvetre nezve kicsinyt ugyan, de remenyt adot, hogy valaha neve- kedni 9 s iroink erdnt melegedni nagyobb mertekben fog. 9 S ez okra nezve az en osz bardtomat soha sent tartottam szdndsra meltonak a 9 nyilak miatt, miket ellensegi kezek redja, mint irora lottek. Nem zavarhattdk volna ezek dreg kora 9 nyugalmdt, ha azt a' sors mds oldalrol kemenyebb csapdsokkal nem rabolja el. Mert peldakent ragyogni 9 s minden fo- gyatkozdsok mellett is, miket az emberi termeszet szuksegesen hoz magdval, 9 s mind?n ellenigyekeze- tek mellett is, mik ezen fogyatkozdsokat vagy nagyon kitiintetni, vagy koltottekkel is szdmositani tore- kednek, tiszteloket es kovetoket taldlni, vigasztalo erzelem. 9 S mint kell e 9 vigasztalo erzelemnek erosodnie, midon az ellenfel dltal hintett mag sajdt oromunkre 9 s hasznunkra virul fell 'S ha Kazin- czy, mint hiszem es tudom, a 9 nemzeti nyelvet es ha- zdt tiszta szerelemmel olelte dltal: milly konnyen kellett neki gunyt es megtdmaddst tilrnie, midon az ellene szdnt csapdsok dltal a 9 nyelv 9 foleledese 9 nagy munkdjdt elosegitni szemlelte! Az onerzes, mit 6 oily meltdn hovdhatott kebleben, irigylest erde- melne;] ha valamit irigylenunk lehetne a 9 ferfiunak, 65 kinek a 9 sors ez erzelmen kivul oily igen keveset nyiijt vala. Sok mindennapi embert hallek mar eleteben es haldldban magasztalo beszeddel hirdetni; de gyulb- letes elottem minden hizelkedes 9 s kivdlt a 9 kopor- son till, hoi a 9 tortenef komoly Muzsdjdnak or- szdga kezdodik. A 9 valo erdem 9 alakja nagyito cso- vek nelkill is tisztdn lathato, 9 s ugy hiszem azok- nak, miket eddig elmondottam, sent bizonyitdsdra, sem mentsegere sziiksegem nem leend. Mert nem dllitdm, hogy Kazinczy brbkemleku miiveket hagyott maga utdn: mint az Bids, nemmonddm; hogynyel- vunket a 9 lehetseg 9 legfelsobb pontjdra hdgtatta, hogy torekedesein tul mar nines haladds, kivul mar nincsen tit. Csak azt monddm: Kazinczy, iz- lest erohoz csatolva, kezdett a! nyelvvel kuzdeni oily korban, midon az egy nagy es kovetkezessel telyes mozdulatra vala hajlando, 9 s izetlenseg 9 s gybngeseg dltal orokre hibds utat vett volna ma- gdnak. Kazinczy, a 9 maga Gesneretol fogvdst a 9 Pannonhalmi utig minden irdsait csinnal, hevvel es ifjui elettel ontotte be 9 s ez dltal az irosereg 9 fi- gyelmet magdra ragadvdn, liter aturdnkban uj ido- szak 9 alapitoja Ion; Kazinczy felldzasztott maga ellen sok irbt, 9 s ezzel sok kilobbandst okozott, melly iroinkra es nemzetunkre elektromi szikra gya- ndnt munkdlt 9 s a 9 literatura 9 pardnyi koret kiszele- sitette. Ezek az 6 nagy es tagadhatatlan erdemei. Mert prosdja minden fogyatkozdsi mellett is orokre Csink, hung. Gram* 5 66 szep lesz; versein mliveszi kez fog ismerszeni, 9 s kivdlt epigrammdji, a 9 koltes 9 koszoriijdban her- vadatlan virdgok maradnak: de a 9 nemzetet nem azok dltal teve hdlaadosdvd. Szellem vala 6, melly a' tespedo egeszet oily sokdig nemcsak egyedul ele- venite, 9 s lepcso, mellyen egykorid magasbra lidg- hassanak, 9 s szerencsesebb maradek tetore juthas- son. A 9 sors taldn nem fog bennunket ismet elsii- lyeszteniy 9 s igy eljo az ido, el kell az idonek jon- nie, midon az 6 9 s egyilttelok 9 dolgozdsai ragyogo miivek dltal fognak homdlyba tetetni, csak a' le- lek, melly et 6 az egesznek kolcsonozott , meg nem szunik folyvdst ragyogni, munkdbii, mig a 9 nem- zetiseg 9 utolso szikrdja el nem hamvad. Ez oldal- rol kell otet meltatnunk\, ez oldalrol mit nem erdemlett 6 mi toliink? Nyelvilnk 9 bajnokdva szentele magdt, 9 s e 9 nyelv a? mi oseink 9 egyetlen egy hagyomdnya, mit a! szdzadok 9 pnsztito veszei koziil keves hu ke- zek ragadhatdnak ki. Es ti hivek hoi vagytok? hoi a 9 hdla, mit a 9 hazdtol erdemletek? hoi a 9 kony melly szentte tenne a 9 sirdombot, mit hamvaitok fe- lett a 9 mindrnnapi szokds sziiken hdnyatott! Epesek lesznek taldn szavaim; de keserti ki- nos emlekezetek tdmadnak lelkemben. Mert gondol- kodom a 9 neprol, melly Zrinyit*) az irot, el tudta feledni; melly Faludyt*), mig elt, nem ismere; melly *) Poets of the XVIHth Century. 67 Revairol*) hallani nem akart;melly Baroti Szabot**) es Virdgot**) meg nem siratta; 9 s mellynek kebeleben az otvenhat evet szakadatlan munka kozt eltoltott Kazinczy nyomorusdggal elt es holt O szep re- menyekre sziiletue, sokat igero ifjusdgot elve, hir- telen a 9 sors dltal leveretett; 9 s midon elotte min- den pdlya, a 9 literatorin kiviil, bezdrodek, ez egyet- lenegy pdlydn kozonsegiink elvond kezet a 9 ma- gdt neki dldozo elol, hogy tevelyegjen elhagyatva, kuzdjon nem segitve, 9 s arcza 9 izzaddsdt 's szeme 1 verkonyeit hagyja jeltil keziratain , 9 s drva gyer- mekein inseget. Ket rendbeli folyoivatai reszvet- lenseg miattmindjdrt kezdetben elakadtanak; nyom- tatott szdmos milvei tizenegy millio nepesseg kozt vevdt nem leltenek; legnagyobb becsii keziratainak nyomtatot nem talult, haldlig tartott fdradozdsai 9 jutalmdt nem arathatta az orszdgban, hoi annyi idegen gazdag tdpldldst nyert magdnak. Voltak ugyan, tagadni nem fogom 3 kik 6 fele is reszvevo keblet nyitottak, 9 s kik eletenek gondjait egyes jo- tetekkel enyhitgetek) de a 9 nemzef nagy irojdnak jotetekre szorulni nem kellene; 9 s pillantatonkent nyujtott vigasztalds hoszu kinokat nem orvosol! Ah lattam en e' kinokat! mert tanuja valek dlmat- lanul toltott ejjeleinek, tanuja valek a 9 fdjdalmas eljajduldsnak, midon bardtjcC viddm asztala mellett *) Professor of Hungarian Literatur at Pest. **) Poets of the XVIIItu and XIX* centuries. 5* 68 gyermekeire visszaemlekezetL Megrezzent akkor minden ideg keblemben, 9 $ verdldozatnak kepzelem a* szent oreget, melly a 9 nep 9 bitneiert utolso hor- gesei kozt vonaglik, — Tdrsaim! nem szenved 6 tobbet! Lenyugvek dsz f'urtjeiben a 9 szephalmi*) lak 9 romjai kozt, ugy huny- vdn el, mint szdzadok elott, a nyugoti tenger' part- jain egymds hazdnak fia — Camoens. Es gyerme- keit idegen kez fogja dpolni; es sirjdt szivszoridva keruli ki a 9 magyar nyehmitvesz, sorsdtol rettegven. 9 S bar emlekezete 9 keserii voltdt szerencsesebb evek hamar feledtetnek ell hogy a 9 maradek elott csak dicsosege ragyogjon, kinai pedig megfoghatatlanok legyenek. — d. Historical, from Peczely. JBuda* visszavetele. Junius 15 ia indult meg komdromi tdbordbol Lothringiai Kdroly. Seregei osszes szdma 63,000 volt, koztok: 14,000 Magyar, 30^000 birodalombeli segito hadak, a 9 tobbiek onkentesek , 9 s a 9 csdszdr orokos tartomdnyaibol valok. A 9 Magyarok a 9 Nd- dor, Eszterhdzi 9 , Pdlfi 9 , Batthydni 9 , Petnehdzi 9 , a' tobbek is mind a 9 legbdtrabb, legeszesb, harczban tapasztalt ferfiak 9 vezerlese alatt, kik kozul nev szerint emlitendok: a 8000 Brandenburgiakat ve- *) Szephalom was the place where Kazinczy lived. 69 zetett Sckoning, a 9 csdszdr 1 veje, 9 s bajor vdlaszto- fejedelem, Maximilian Emanuel, 9 s a 9 badeni Mark- grof Lajos, ifjak mind ketten, amaz aVg 24 — 30 eves, de mind ketten tapasztalt vitezek mar, *s os- meretesek a 9 Bees* kozelebbi megszdlldsdban kitiin- tetett bdtorsdgukrol. Junius 18™ erkezett meg a 9 herczeg Buda aid, mindennel, mi sikert igerliet gaz- dagon elldtva. Rakva volt a 9 Duna hajokkal; ezeken 's a 9 Duna 9 kozel eso szigetein annyi elelem, hogy 100,000 ember 9 honapig konnyen megerhette vele. A 9 becsi fegyvei*tdrbol hozattak, egyeb vivo szer- szerszdmokon kivul, 60 legnagyobb 30 kisebb ren- du, es 40 mosdr dgyuh — A 9 seregek 9 kormdnyzdsd megosztva annyiban, hogy a 9 fiatal tiiz-es erotelyes csdszdri vonek a 9 maga 8000 Bajorjain kivul, meg ugyan annyi csdszdriak, 9 s 5000 Szdszok adattak parancsnoksdga aid: de a 9 fovezerseg valosdggal, a 9 sokat tapasztalt, melyen lato, hidegen fontolo Kdrolyndl, ki mozgato lelke az egesznek. Oi*6m de egyszersmind nemi titkos borzalom futotta el mindenek ', kivdlt a 9 Magyarok* kebleit, midon megerkeztokkel Buddnak dltalok 2 evvel elebb erosen megrongdlt falait, omladekaik- bol kivetkeztetve y a 9 legjobb dllapotban, uj feny- ben magasan egnek emelkedni megpillantdk; mert egyszerre elottok dllott a 9 vdrnak a 9 gydszos mo- hdesi vernap ota kidllott sok visszontagsdga, tobb rendbeli ostroma, a 9 roppant ember vesztesseg, mellybe azok keriiltek, 9 s mellybe ez utolsonak hitt 70 is hogy keriilni fog, elore bizonyosnak tartottdk; hallva kivdlt a 9 vitez AbdV nagy keszuleteit; magd- nak, katondinak a 9 most ujra 6000 rel szaporitott, igy osszesen mar 16,000 emberb6l alio drseregnek veg magok eltokeUset: eletoktol elebb, mint a 9 vdrtol vdlni meg. Igy is Istenbe vetett eros bizoda- lommal 9 s azzal az ostromlottakehoz hasonlo el- szdntsdggal; hogy vagy gyoznek, vagy dicsoen vesz- nek, bdtran szembe szdllnak a mieink az akaddlyok- kal, mellyeket termeszet, mesterseg, 9 s mindenek felett a 9 vdrat oltalmazok 1 renditetleii lelke, egyetertese Idtszanak veszelytelyes merenyokben elejokbe vetni. Hogy az ellenseg 9 erejet annyival inkdbb meg- osszdk, hdrom oldalrol hatdrzdk a 9 vdrat egy- szersmind megtdmadni, fbvezereink. A 9 szereny herczeg az ifju tiizes vdlasztofejedelemnek enged- ven a 9 helyvdlasztdst: ez oH vdr megett a 9 szent Gellert hegyen fogott dlldst, mivel azon reszrol volt a 9 vdr, a 9 legerosebb , legtobb nehezseggel, vesszedelemmel jdro a 9 megtdmadds, Epen az ellen- kezo oldalon, a 9 becsi kapii irdnydban, dllott meg hadai 9 legnagyobb reszevel a 9 herczeg; a 9 vizivd- ros felol Schoning a 9 Brandenbiirgiakkal 's nehdny csdszdri csapatokkal. Mdrgit 9 szigetere tetetett a? korhdz; a 9 lovassdg 9 egy resze Csepel 9 szigeten; a 9 mdsik nagyobb fele, az Eszek felol vdraiott Nagy- vezer 9 feltartoztatdsdra, Pdlfy vezerlese alatt, Sze- kes Fehervdr fele, a 9 Sdrviz mentiben, allitta- tott fel. 71 Az elsobb napokban mindjdrt ket oily torte- net adta magdt elo, mibdl csak jot jovendoltek magoknak cl mieink. Pdlfy egy, Ercsibol Buddra szdndekozo torok csapatot korul fogott^ es ugy le- vdgott, hogy az egeszbol nem menekedhetett tobb hdromndl. Ugyan akkor a 9 CsepeV szigeten ort alio Batthydni elfogott 14 ellenseges hajot, mellyekben szdmos fo torok asszonysdgok , koztok a' basd* 92 vdlogatott nobol alio hdremje, sajdt felesege, kin- cseikkel egyiltt menekedni probdldnak, aH fenyegeto veszely elol. Veltnel nagyobb volt cC nyeresseg, ki- mondhatatlan az orom. A 9 fogolynok, mind ritka szepsegek, szdzndl felesb szdmmal, mint rabszolgd- lok eladattak, a 9 nyert preddn megosztozott a 1 diadalmas huszdrsdg, siiveggel merve aranyat, eziis- tot, mit egyutt tobbre becsiiltek 200^000 aranyndL Miutdn a 9 futo-sdnczokon, az ellenseg 9 haszta- lan kiiitesi kozL harmad napig szakadatlanul dol- goztatott, Junius 21 dn hozzd kezdett a 9 vizivdros dgyiuztatdsdhoz Kdroly herczeg; 24 dn a 9 nyitott resen mar rohandst parancsolt, '$ bar mint vitez- kedett is az orsereg, eszakdra kelve engedni ken- szerite azt 3 9 s a 9 felso vdrosba vonulni. Julius 1 s6 napjdn ezt is elkezdte, meg pedig tiizes golyokkal lovetni, 9 s 12 napi folytonos tiizeles dltal annyira megrongdlta falait, hogy nagy remenysegben volt ostrommal megvetelehez. Julius 13 dn tehdt estveli 6 orakor rohanot fuvat. Az adott jelre ritka lei- kesedessel tornek eld hdrom felol futo-sdnczaikbol 72 vitezeink. Keves oranegyed alatt meghdgva dlta- lok a 9 meredek hegy, dlt-torve az ellenseges sdncz, a 9 vdrbeliek irtoztato kb 9 - puska 9 - es dgyugolyo 9 - zd- pora kozott. Mar az omladekon foly a 9 harcz oily dtalkodottsdggal egyik, mint mdsik reszrol. A 9 csata 9 es oldokles 9 dilheben Abdi basa elgyvjtatja lopor- ral toltott, foldalatti furdsait; egy pillanat alatt szetszaggatva, levegobe vetetnek az elovivok, a 9 megrepesztett fblddel az drokba zuhannak a 9 ha- tulsok; puskaporos zsdkok hajigdltatnak utdnok, 9 s mielott a 9 felig zuzattak, felig perzseltek magok menteserol gondoskodhatdnak , a' kofalakrol seb- ten leugrdlo meresz vdrbeliektbl osszekonczoltat- nak. Elebb, mintsem a 9 foldalatti furdsok elpat- tantak, kihdgtak mar a 9 falakra nehdnyan a* mie- ink koziil; latvdn ezeknek veszedelmet pihent csa- patok sietnek segitsegbkre , legelol az idegen nem- zetbeli onkent vdllalkozott urak es Catalaunusok. Ezek, a 9 fust es Idng kozott, a 9 falakra vergodven, a 9 Jancsdrokat visszaverik; azutdn tdrsaikkal egye- siilve, a 9 sdnczon keresztul a 9 mdsodik falig elo- nyomulnak; de mielott felhdghatndnak , az omladek mellyen kapaszkoddnak terhoket nem birva, leszakadt, sokakat agyon fit, tbbbeket megsebesit; a 9 hatrdlds- rol megsem gondolkozik senki az ostromlok koziil, mignem a 9 fovezer, latva a 9 lehetetlenseget, 1400 bdtor vitezei 9 elhullta utdn, visszaterot fuvat. — Mihelyt nepet rendbe szedte, ujra elkezdte 9 s 14 napig egyere folytatta az dgyuztatdst Kdroly 73 kerczeg, sz. Ferenczi szerzetes Gdbor Peter' es a 9 Niederlandi Gonzalez AntaV igazgatdsa alatt. Leg- irtoztatobb pusztitdst tettek az ezen utolso dltal feldllitott mosarak,mellyekbol mdsdnyi, — es tobb — nehezsegii, tiizet okddo golyok hdnyattak a 9 vdrba. Egy ezek kozill Julius 22 k ^ n a 9 fofegyvertdrra re- pill, keresztultori a 9 bolthajtdst; meggyul a 9 tobb mint ezer md 9 sa port magdban rejto puskaporos torony: egy percz alatt az egesz epiilet a 9 szom- szed hdzakkal, 9 s mintegy 1500 emberrel a 9 leve- gobe vetetik ; az eg elsotetul; a 9 fold koroskorul egy mertfoldnyire megrendul; a 9 sdncz 60 lepes- nyire szelyel nyilik ; a 9 Duna drkdbol kivetodik, ugy kogy az or ok futdssal kenteleneka 9 rohanohabok elol menekedni. Sokan lettek a 9 mi tdborunkban is, kivdlt a 9 kozelebb dllott Bajorok koziil, a 9 lehullott omladek- ko¥ dldozatjai. Innen merve az ellenseg 9 leheto karat, ilyedtseget, Kdroly herczeg, rogton mielott zavaro- ddsdbol magdhoz johetne, folkereti a 9 vdrat Grof Konigsegg dltal, minden zagyonaik — 9 s hozzd tarto- zoikkal egyiitt szabad elmenetelt ajdnlva a 9 vdrbeliek- nek, ha onkent kaput nyitnak; 9 s hogy ha nem: korra, nemre, rangra tekintet nelkiil, vegkiirtdssal fenye- getve mindnydjokat. Abdi basa minden felelet he- lyett szdsz kapitdny Lebel, 9 s szdz mas tdrsai 9 el- metszett fejeiket pozndkra fiizve, magosan, hogy az ostromlok lathassdk, a! Stambuli kapu elibe folfuggeszteti. Erre ujonnan megdordiilnek menny- dorgesoket Becsig hallattato retenetes dgyuink, 9 s 74 oily szornyu romboldst tesznek hogy mas nap, ha killonos eset dltal meg nem gdtoltatnak ostromot valdnak a? mieink ismet probdlandok. Egy szeren- csetlenill elgyult foldalatti furdsunk sajdt embereink kozill igen sokakat eltemeU megol vagy megsebesit; az drtdsra soha nem rest ellenseg e 9 kozben kiro- han, 9 s mielott a 9 nagyobb erdtol visszanyomatnek, a 9 Brandenburgiaknak elebb, ezutdn a 9 Szdszoknak esven, belolok tobb szdzat levdg. Julius 27 ilLtfn csakugyan meglett a 9 szdndekba vett mdsodik dltaldnos rohands, az elsonel is jo- val heresb es verengzobb. Tizenket ezer vdlogatott vitez rohanta meg egyszerre a 9 vdrat, 6000 a 9 becsi, 4000. mind Bajorok, a 9 vdrmegetti oldalt, amazok a 9 Pfalz-Neuburgi herczeg 9 es Souches tdbornok 9 , ezek vdlaszto fejedelmok 9 Badeni, Lajos' es Sabaudiai Eugenius 9 vezerlese alatt, Ket ezer Magyar a 9 Nddorral, a 9 feljebbi napokban fellobant puska- porral ejtett akna feloli resre kiildetett. Hdrom or dig tartott a 9 viadal. Elebb, minthogy az ellen- seg nem csak igen diihosen harczolt, hanem nehdny foldalatti furdsait is igen szerencsesen gyuj- totta fel, visszatolattak a 9 ket fo oldalon a 9 mieink. Kivont karddal dllja utjdt hdtrdlni kezdo oveinek Kdroly herczeg; Badeni Lajos es Eugenius sze- melyesenvezetik ujabb tilzbe a 9 megremult Bajorokat; magok elol harczolnak mindenlitt, sebet is kapnak, de szerencsere egyik sem veszedelmest. A 9 Magya- rokviteziil felvergodtek a 9 toresig, 9 s bar dlttornioka 9 75 sokkal nanyobb szdmu ellensegen lehetetlen, kicsapd- sdt legaldbb, mi killdetesok 9 foczelja volt, feltartoztat- jdk, 9 s akaddlyoztatni azon oldalrol tdrsaiV harczdt nem engedik. Megvetettek halhatlan erolkbdes — > 9 s a 9 sebeseket nem szdmldlva, 260 0^ mdsok szerint 2900, csdszdriak, 400 Brandenburgiak, 800 Bajo- rok, 200 tisztek eleste titan, a 9 kulso erossegek, csdszdri zdszlok lobogtak a 9 bdstydkon, a 9 legelso eyy koz magyar vitez dltal feltiizve, kinek nevet nem, csak szdrmazdsdt tudjuk, hogy gyori fi*)volt; az ellenseg, mellynek meg nagyobb volt a 9 mienknel vesztessege, a 1 belso vdrba szorult, 's most eloszor felel a 9 basa: hogy a 9 vdrat feladnia lehetetlen 9 s bi- zalmdt veti a 9 Profetdban hogy ez azt, mint eddig, ezutdn is megoltalmazza csudatevo hatalmdval. — Kdroly miutdn a 9 belsd erosseg vivdsdhoz a 9 szilkseges elokesziileteket megtette, fair onto dgyuit az dltalellenben levo hegyre nem kis bajjal felvo- nattd, sot a 9 falak' egy reszet is fold alatti furd- saival folvetette: hasonlo feltetelek alatt, mint eldszor, ujra felkereti a 9 vdrat Abdi jol tudta, hogy Constanczindpolyban kozonsegesen konyorgesek es predikdcziok tartattattak minden templomokban Buda* megmaraddsdert; hogy tobbmint 10^000 ember imddkozotta 9 Sultdnnal a' fovdros 9 egyik legnepesebb piaczdn, az ostromnak Buddtol, a 9 pestisnek es hd- borunak a! birodalomtol elforditdsderti de ugyano jol latta helyzete 9 szorultsdgdt is; azert szelideb- *) Instead of 'fern, man. 76 ben mint elebb, de egesz elhatdrozottsdggal vdla- szohi: hogy Buddt. az osman europai birodalom- nak, sot magdt Jerusalemnek is kulcsdt, mag at ugyan neniy de helyette akdrmelly mas magyar vdrat, tob- bet is egynel, kesz dltalengedni a 9 herczegnek, csak hagyon fcl az ostrommal. A 9 herczeg egyenesen csak Bud at kivdnvdn, vegre ezt is megajanld, azon fbltetellel, hogy o' hdborunak azzal vege szakad. Minthogy Kdroly ezt nem igere meg, kozelgetni mon- datvdn killomben is a' reg vdrt nagyvezer , Abdi az alkudozdst abban hagyja. — Augustus elso nap j an valosdggal Buddkoz 4 mertfoldnyire Ercsinel dllott 60.000 emberevel a 9 nagyrezer. Mit megertven a? vdrat ostrommal meg- venni mielott a 9 segitseg elerkeznek, volt a 9 vdlasz- tofejedelem 9 akaratja, '$ ezt oily hevvel siirgete, hogy vegre Kdroly is hosszas ellenzes utdn enge- dett Megrohandk tehdt iijra a 9 ket fooldalon se- regeink a 9 vdrat, de csak hamar nagy vesztesseg- gel visszaverettek; 9 s Idtva, hogy hasztalan min- den erolkodes, szdndekjokkal felhagytak. — Az alatt kozelebb mozdalt, 's Hamsabeg es Bu- daors kozt iitott tdbort Sulejman; Kdroly pedig lovassdgdt's minden erejet osszevonvdn, besdnczolta magdt Buda korul oily moddal, hogy neki Buddt ostromolni a? mikor akarja, mindig hatalmdban lehessen; a 9 nagyvezernek 6 hozzd, vagy a 9 vdrhoz ferni epen ne. A 9 fiatal heves verii Maximilian 9 s vele a 9 fohaditisztek 9 nagy tbbbsege , kikben tobb 77 harczvdgy mint eloreldtds volt, mind igen ellenzek a 9 sdnczok kozze zdrkozdst, 9 s kelyette azt javas- Idk, hogy az ostromot rovid ideig abban hagyvdn menjenek elibe — a 9 kovetkezes inkdbb biztositd- sdra — egesz tdborukkal cC nagyvezernek ; de Kd- roly donthetlen okokkal megmutatd, hogy ezt cse- lekedni annyit tenne, mint az idei tdborozds 9 nagy czeljdt — Buda 9 visszavetelet szdntszdndekkal el- vetni szemok eloL Mert, hogy a 9 nagyvezer fog e 9 egy hamar nyilt csatdba ereszkedni, az meg bizony- talan; semmi bizonyosabb ellenben, mint hogy a 9 bdtor, eszes vdrbasa haszndlni fogja a 9 vdrtol td- vozdsukat minden ostrom keszuleteik, osszerombo- Idsdra; 9 s ki tudja nem taldl-e 1 meg abban is, a 9 nagyvezerrel egyetertve, modot, hogy uj csapato- kat szdllit a 9 vdrba^ Kdroly dllhatatossdga, helyesb nezete csakugyan gyozott; Buda bekeritve, Kdroly seregeivel sdnczaiban maradott, csupdn Heusler Generdlt rendelven nehdny huszdr osztdlyokkal a 9 kozel eso Pdl-volgyehez, merrol vdrta az elso meg- tdmadtatdst Sulejman, miutdn tabor dlldsunkat maga nehdny konnyu lovasok 9 kisereteben, megvisgdlta, kadi ta- ndcsot tartott 's meghatdrzd, keruljon bar mibe, segito seregeket kuldeni a 9 vdrba. Illy szdndekkal kivdlaszt jobb szdrnydrol 8000 jancsdrt es spahit, mind a? legbdtrabbakat, kiknek azon feliil jutalommal sem mulasztd el eleszteni til- zoket, mindennek koziilok, ki tdborunkon keresztul 78 a 9 vdrba jutand 20 aranyat igerven, 9 s elore har- mat mindjdrt fejenkent nekik e J summdbol ki is fizetven. Kettos, termeszet- es penzvdgy ebresztette duhbsseggel rohantak ezek Augustus 14 6n Heus- lerre, 9 s mar zavarba hoztdk csapatjait, midon a? segitsegire sieto Pdlfy 9 s tobb generalok dltal ma- gok sokkal nagyobb zavarban 30 zdszlo 11 dgyu, 10 tdrszeker es 3000 halott 9 hdtrahagydsdval vissza- veretnek. Mas nap bal szdrnydt ereszte ellenunk Sulejman, 9 s ekkor ismet elvesztven 2000 embert, nagy sietseggel Ercsi mege hdrom mertfbldnyire visszavonult; de Augustus 17* n ejjel ujra> nagy vigydzattal visszatert, ket ezer vdlogatott spahi, 9 s ugyanannyiy lora ultetett jancsdr kiseretiben; mielott viradni kezdett volna, sdnczainkat megtd- madta 9 s a 9 vdrbeliek 9 kicsapdsdtol is segittetve, mlntegy 500-a£ vitezeik koziil, tbbbnyire sebekkel rakva beszdllitott a 9 vdrba. Mintha a 9 veszely mar elhdritva, mintha a 9 diadal mar kezeben lett volna minden dgyuit kisuttete drome 9 jeleiil Abdi; mig ket, az ellenseg kezibe keriilt, levele nyilvdn hirdete igen szorult dllapotjdt. A 9 kovetkezett napokon negyszer dllitotta csa- tarendbe, negyszer vonta vissza^ hogy csatdznia ne kelljen, seregeit Sulejman; vegre Aug. 30* n uj probdt tett; de hadai 9 nagy reszevel maga akkor is csak messzerol nezte, mint probdltak nehdny bdtor gyalog es lovas ezredei (3000 jancsdr 1500 tatdr) tobb izben sdnczainkon keresztiil torni, mint 79 verettek mindannyiszor vissza, mig nem Pdlfitol es Schbningtol koriilkeritve , minthogy magukat meg- adni nem akardk, mindnydjan osszevagdaltattak, de reszunkrol is igen veres harcz utdn, mellyben Kdroly herczegnek is veszelyben forgott elete, me- goletett, oldala mellett egy dgyugolyo dltal lovdsz- mestere; elestek tobb jeles tiszteink, kbztiik Mercy, egyike legkitunobb alvezereinknek. Egy ket sebbol verzo tbrok eltbkelve nem boszulatlan veszni, egye- enesen az bltbzete, fegyverei, egesz kiilseje dltal kitetszo Generdlnak (Mercynek) tart, annak egy csapdssal kette hasitja fejet, miutdn tobb tiszteket fbldre terit kbrulte, 9 s akkor a 9 minden feliil red fordult csata 9 9 s vett szdmtalan sebei kbvetkezese- ben, elert czeljd, kitbltbtt boszuja 9 brbm erzeti kbzt bsszeroskad maga. A 9 kisded orseveg ez nap is, mint annyiszor dicsoseggel nem csak visszavere a 9 Bajoroknak egy igen heves rohandsdt, hanem fa- lai kbzill kijbnni, a 9 bajor tdborra utni bdtorko- dott, 9 s abban nem keves kdrt, zavart okozott Any- nyival kbnnyebb lett volna a' nagycezernek, ha bd- torsdgdn nem miilik, Abdival kezet fogva, a 9 szo- rongatott vdr' szabaditdsdra valamit tenni ) annyi- val megfoghatlanabb veszteglese nagy tdbordval. De 6 ugy latszik, egeszen megvdltozott tdborunkkal szemkbzt; elso szerencsetlen probatetele olta felejtve Ion elotte kbtelesseg, becsiilet, fogadds, minden csak urdnak 6t buntetlensegerol elore bizonyossd tevo kegyelme nem. 80 Ezeii kozben megerkeztek , 9 s a 9 nagyvezertol akaddlyozatlan, tdborunkkal egyesultek Scherffen- berg es Carafa, amaz Erdelybol tizenket tzer, ez felso Magyar or szdgb 61 8000 emberreL Maxi- milian 9 s a 9 vele egyilttertok ujra nyilt csatdt surgetenek, hatdrozattan mint elebb is, ostrom 9 s sdnczaikban mar adds mellett nyilatkozek Kdroly; Innen keserii osszeszolalkozdsok. Epen jokor meg- jbn Becsbol udvari focancelldr Grof Strattman; kibekltoje lesz a 9 csak ax eszkozok 9 megvdlasztdsdban kulombozo pdrtnak; Kdroly 9 ertelme ismet gyoz 9 s meghatdroztatik Buddnak, a 9 nagyvezer szemldt- tdra ostrommal megvetele. De mielott ezt tennek, Kdroly, vert kimeloleg, folkereti meg egyszer a 9 vdrat Abdit ha sajdt gondolkozdsa, a 9 becsuletre, eddig szerzett Mr ere sokat tartdsa, a 9 kotelesseg erzete engedtek volna, nem engede egy pillanatig is ketkedni a 9 sultan parancsa, melly csak a 9 vdr falain dicso — vagy a 9 vesztohelyen gyaldzatos haldl kozt engedett neki 9 s oveinek vdlasztdst Elhatdr- zottan felele azert habozds melkiil, hogy maga 9 s vitezei elszdnvdk vagy megvedni a 9 vdrat vayy om- ladeki kozt keresni hos haldlt. E 9 vdlasz 9 vetele utdn mindjdrt mdsnap September 1* n meg akarta Kdroly rohantatni a 9 vdrat, melly, miota a 9 nagyvezer kozeleben volt is, szuntelen 16- vodoztetven, mindenfelol tetemesen meg volt ron- gdlva: de Maximilian, hogy vitezeinek a 9 vdrhoz jutdst konnyitse, egy napot kerven az omladekoknak 84 a 9 maga oldaldn utbol eltakaritdsdra , kovetkezo napra haladt a 9 vegviadal. — Hetfon Sept % diUn estveli 6 orakor add hat dgyu a? jelt az dltaldnos megtdmaddsra. Elore, hogy a 9 vdrba a 9 viz felol se juthasson semmi se- gitseg , a 9 Duna, Buddn feliil egy szigetnel, eros Idnczokkal dtkottetett; 's hogy az ostromlok hd- boritatlan dolgozhassanak , Kdroly seregei 9 egy reszevel hdtra maradt a 9 nagyvezerrel ha kivdn- tatni fog, maga szemelyesen kuzdendo; az adott jelre mindenfelol egyszerre a 9 vdrnak esven a 1 mieink elkezdodik a 9 viadal, egyike a 9 legmegdtal- kodottabbaknak , mellyek valaha vdr felett foly- tak. Kettoztetik erejoket ostromlok, ostromlot- tak, azok, mivel mindent, a 9 legjobbat, ezek, mivel semmit sem remenylenek. Abdi — hoi legjobban osszerombolva a 9 vdr, leghevesebb a 9 megtdma- dds, legszembetunobb a 9 veszedelem — a 9 becsi dldalon toresre all legbdtrabbjaival; haldlt meg- vetve rohannak redja a 9 mieink, legelol az a 9 bard d 9 Asti, ki elso volt kozelebb az ersekujvdri, — elso akar lenni most a 9 Budai vdrfal 9 meghd- gdsdban, — 9 s lesz az elso dldozat; rettenthetet- lenul lepnek helyere tarsal, nagy reszint onkent vdlalkozottak , 9 s kik osztozni akardnak diesosege- ben, osztoznak tobbnyire haldlban. De mig itt egyetlen ferfamak lelke, karja, hatalma, ketesse teszi gyozedelmunket; kiviva mar az, *s a vdr kezunkben a 9 vizivdros felol. Oroszldni ero- 9 s bd- Csink, hung. Gram. 6 82 torsdggal kilzd ott Magyar jaival , 9 s maga legelso kihdg a 9 kofalra Petnehdzi, Tokblinek egykor, most a 9 csdszdrnak szolgdlatjdban ezredes; utdna ret- tenetes vezerbknek, gyuzedelem bizodalmdval , a 9 lelkes katondk; fegyverok alatt elhul viinden mi ellentnlL Ide siet most a' becsi oldalrol Abdi; de itt mar nines ember i era, melly segithessen; amott tdvoztdval sillyed bdtorsdga vitezeinek, hanyatlik szerencsejok; hdtrdl mindeniitt a' torokseg , har- czolva a 9 bdtrak, fatra. menekresrul gondoskodva a' felenkek; nyomokban az ingerult diadalmas el- lenseg; fegyvertelent, vangra, nemre, korra tekin- tes nelkiil sokd feltartoztatott bosszujdnak dldozo; a 9 harczolok 9 vad Idrmdja 9 s gyoztesek 9 oromriaddsi kbzt rlhangzanak az esdekloV jajai, a 9 haldoklok 9 hergesei; hasztalan a 9 terdre fiullva irgalomert konyorges, hasztalan a fehev zdszlok 9 lobogtatdsa; semmit sem hall, sem lat a? bosszit- 's gyozedelem ittas katona, csak egy forog mindig mindeniitt szeme lelke elott, a 9 hosszu ostromban kidllott sok szenvedesei 9 9 s elhullott rokonai 9 kepe, a 9 mas f el szdzados nemzeti csiifos rabiga, a 9 sok ver, melly annak szettoreseert kereszteny erekbol most 9 s va- laha folyt. Leirhatatlan az oldokles 9 dilhe az ijedt- seg 9 es tolongds 9 zavara. Teritvek holtakkal a 9 tiiz es vertol pdrolgo ntezdk; ketsegbe esve fnt- kosnak a 1 buvohelyet, menedeket keresok; zugok, foldalatti boltozatok, pinczek fogadnak be soka- kat, sokan kik illyeket kbzel nem ertek ilyedtok- 83 ben a 9 haldl eloL d halAF karjai kozze^ a' Duna 9 veres habjaiba vetek magokat. Csak egy maroknyi sereg tartja meg magdt, a 9 zsido utczdban, a 9 ket- segbeeses 9 megdtalkottsdgdval harczolva, item a 9 gyozedelemert, hanem hogy minel drdgdbban adja el eletet. Egy osz bapwk kiizd legelol kozottok, ket kard villog ket kezeben; test halom korulte; oszt es kap sebeket; de lankadatlan ereje, mig nem egy loves taldlja messzirol: mire kihidl gyilkos aczelja kezibol, 9 s elet nelkul rogyik a 9 halott ra- kdsra. A 9 vitez vdrbasa Abdi az. Tdrsai dicsoen mint 6 vegzek pdlydjokat; legtobben mellette hid- lottak el; kevesen karddal kezokben a' kivdlyi kastelyba vonultak, ott tobbekkel egyesulve ujabb csatdt kezdtek, 's rovid de diihos onvedelem utdn, mind levdgattak. — A 9 nagyvezer, megfogkatatlan, egy magas domb 9 tetejerol nezte osszedugott karokkal a 9 harcz 9 for- dulataity ovei szorongattatdsdt , mindnydjoknak, a 9 vdrnaky velek az Ozmdn urasdgnak Magyarorszd- gon, egesz nyugoton. sir almas enyesztet Midon Idtta hogy vesztve minden, felelem, szegyen, bdnat miatt magdn kiviil siet tdbordba, rogton indulot fuvat, 9 s nyakra fore — hogy ne uzettethessek, maga utdn a 9 hidakat mindenutt felegetve — Belgrddba szalad. Innen kiildi tudositdsdt udva- rdhoz, hogy Baddt 160^000 vakmero keresztyen- nel szemkozt megtartania lehetetlen volt; de ment- ve tdbora; fenn a 9 jobb jovendo 9 remenye. A 9 84 nagyur es a* divan, mint istentol biineikert rajok mert csapdst tekintek cl nagy vesztesseget , hala- kat adnak a' sereg' megmaraddsaert, 's megtartoja a' nagyvezer, biintetes helyett, jutahnakkal es dicse- retekkel halmoztatik. 85 II. POETRY. M. jRemeny* emleTcezrt. (Hope and remembrance). Eltilnk 9 rogos hatdrain Ket genius vezet, 9 S felleg borulvdn iitain, Nyujt mindegyik kezet; De bar tekint biztatva rdd, Vigasztaldst egyik sent ad: Remeny 9 s emlekezet Emlekezet lebegteti Szdrnydt a 9 mult felett, 'S bus kepzetekben rengeti Borongo kebeled 9 ; Mult kedv utdn titkon epeszt Mult kin kozott ismet senyveszt 9 S lelkedre hoz telet Keklo lepelben messze jar Eloted a 9 remeny; Magdhoz int, de meg nem vdr, Tovdbb, tovdbb lengven. 86 9 S mig lepke szdrnydt kergeted, Lezug hijdban eleted* 9 S cillasz pdlydd 9 szelen. Roszat ne fclj. 9 s ne kivdnj jot Mult es jovd kdzul; Oleld meg a* jelenvalot Melly jdtszik es or ill. \S bar kddbe iivha burkozik De szine gyorsan rultozik. Ajkdn mosolygds uL Kolcsey Ferencz. 2. Szep M tonka (a ballad), I. A 9 vaddsz ill hosszu mela lesben Vdr felajzott nyilra gyors vadat; 9 S mind folebb es mindig fenyesebben A 9 sereny nap delfele mutat. Hasztalan vdr, Vertes 9 belsejeben Nyugszik a 9 vad hits forrds 1 toveben. A vaddsz meg lesben ill sokdig, Alkonyattol vdr szerencsejelt; Vdr fesziilten a 9 nap 9 dldoztdig 9 S im a 9 vdrt szerencse megjelent: 1 87 Ah de nem vad, konnyil kis pillango 9 S szep sugar ldny 3 roptekent csapongo. „Tarka lepke. szep arany pillango Lepj meg engem, szdllj ram kis maddr; Vagy vezess el, merre vagy szdllando, A hoi a 9 nap nyugodoba jar" Szol 9 s irdmlik mint ar oz" futdsa Konnyu 9 s jdtszi a! Idny illandsa. „Istenemre y y szola felszokolve, A vaddsz: „ez mar kirdlyi vad." Es legottan, minden mast feledve Hevvel a 9 Idny nyomdokdn halad. a 9 Idnyert, a 9 Idny a' pillangoert Verseneznek tunder kedvetelesert. „Megvagy! igg szol a 9 ledny orommel. Elfogvdn a' szdllongo lepket; „Megvagy! igy szol a 9 vaddsz gyonyorrel A lednyra nyujtva jobb kezet; 9 S rezzent kezbol kis pillango elszdll; A ledny rab szep szem 9 sugar anal! II. All-e meg az osz Peter di hdza'i El-e meg a 9 regi harcz 9 fia? All a 9 hdz meg, bar fogy gazdasdga 9 S telt pohdrndl ill az osz maga. A sugar Idny kbrben es a 9 vendeg: Ldngszemeben csdbito vardzs eg. 38 9 S Hunyadiert. a 9 kidolt dicsdert, A 9 kupdk mar felillantanak. Osz vezere* \s a 9 /ton 9 nagy neveert A 9 ven bujnok 9 kdnyei hultanak; Most koinjui. rere hajdandban Bdeen omloti JSdndor' ostromdban. ..Hi/nut vezerim' iff* szep sugdra/' Szol az osz most, ..eljen a' kirdly!" A 9 naddsznak rev tolul arczdra 9 S meg kupdja illetetlen all. ..Metetlen mert hagydd knpddal Fogd fel gyermek es koresd apddat." „Mert. a pad en ketszer is lehetnek* Es ha ittam ^/z nines ezenkekert; Talpig ember. f£ kit en emlitek, JSem gyaldz meg. 6 oily hosivert!" 9 S illetddve 's meltosdg szemeben, Kel az ifju. tolt pohdr kezeben. „Eljen hat a hos vezer 9 magzatja, Addig eljen mig a 9 honnak el! De szakadjon elte 9 pillanatja, Mellyben attol elpdrtolni kel; Egy kirdly se inkabb, mint hitetlen: Nyiig a 9 nepen a 9 rosz 9 s tehetetlen." 9 S mind zajosban, mindeg hevesebben Vig beszed kozt a 9 gyors ora ment. A 9 lednyka hiven es hivebben 89 Bdmuld d lelkes idegent. „Vajh ki 6, es merre van hazdja? Gondola, de nem mondotta szdja. „Teged is te erdok 9 szep virdga Udvozolve tisztel e' pohdr; Hozzon isten egykor fel Buddha. Osz apdddal a 9 vaddsz elvdr; Fenn lakozva a' magas Buddban Leltek engem Mdtyds 9 ndvardban.** Szol 's bucsuzik a! vaddsz. rwalva hiti 6t a 9 kilrthang; menni kell. Semmi szora, semmi biztatdsra Nem maradhat vendegloivel. „ Emlekezzel visszaterni hozzdnk Jo vaddsz, ha meg nem laiogatndnk." Mond szerenyen szep Ilonka* dllvdn A kis csarnoV vegso lepcsejen* 9 S homlokdt az if jit megcsokolvdn, Utnak indul a 9 hold' ejjelen. 9 S csendes a' hdz, ah de nines nyugalma. Folvere azt szerelem 9 hatalma. III. Fol Peterdi 9 s bdjos unokdja Ldtogatni mentenek Buddt; Minden lepten no az agg 9 csoddja; Mert sok ujat meglepetve lat 90 A lednyka titkon edes ova 1 Joveten vdr szep taldlkozora. 9 S van tolongds J s uj or dm Buddban; Gyozelembol vdrjdk cl kirdlyt, A ki Becset vivo haragdban f Verboszut a' rosz szomszedon dllt. Vdgyva nez sok hii szem ellenebe: Nem vidid meg szep Ilonka 9 kepe. Hoi van 6 cl nydjas osmeretlen? Milly szerencse fordult eteten? Honn-e vagy tan messze koltozotten Jar az ozek 9 hiivos rejteken." Kerdi titkon aggo gondolattal 9 S arcza majd eg, majd szineben elhal. \S felrobognak hadvesz iilte keppel Ujlaki 's a' megbekiilt Garrdk. 'S a? kirdly jo felseg erzetevel Kornyekezven 6t d hos apdk. Osz, Peterdi osmer vendegere, A kirdly az: „Aldds eletere!^ „Feny never e dldds eletere." Fenn kidltja minden hit ajak; Szdzszorozva visszazeng nevere A hegy es volgy es d zdrt falak. Halovdnyan hofeher szobomdl Szep Ilonka nemdn es meron all. 94 A 9 vaddszhoz Mdtyds 9 udvaraban Szep lednykdm menjiink-e hat? Jobb nekilnk a 9 Vertes 9 vadondban, Kis tanydnk ott nyugodalmat dd. Szol az osz jo sejto fdjdalommal, 9 S a 9 bus par megy gondsnjtotta nyommal. Es ha Idttdl szepen nott virdgot Elhajolni belso baj miatt, Ugy hajolt el 3 felven a 9 vildgot, Szep llonka Htkos bu alatt. Tdrsasdga Idngzo erzemenyek, Kinos emlek, es kihalt remenyek. A 9 rovid de gyotro elet elfolyt, Szep llonka hervadt sir fele; Herraddsa liliom-hvllds volt: Artatlansdg 9 kepe 9 s bdwate. A 9 kirdly jon 9 s all a 9 pnszta hdzban : Ok nyngosznak orokos hazdban Vorosmarty. 3. Julius Caesar, by Shakespeare, translated by Vorosmarty. Act III. Scene 2. Brutus. — Legyetek mind vegig tiirelemmel, Romaiak, ha- zdmfiai, bardtim, hallgassatok meg iigyem miatt es 92 legyetek csendesen, hogy meghallhassatok. Higyetek nekem hecsiiletem ert 5 s legyetek tekintettel becsille- tem irdnt, hogy hihessetek. Birdljatok meg bol- csessegtek szerint. 's ebreszszetek fel erzekeite- ket. hogy jobban itelhessetek. Ha valaki van ezen gyulekezetben , szives bardtja Caesarnak, an- nals mondom. hogy Brutus' szeretete Caesar irdnt nem csekelyebb mint az bve. Ha most ezen jo ba- rd t kerdezi, miert tdrnadott fel Brutvs Caesar ellen? vdlaszom ez: vent mivel Caesart kevesbbe szeretem, hanem inert Bom at jobban szeretem. Azt ohajtand- tok-e inkdbb. hogy Caesar elne, 's mindnydjan ra- bokul halndtok, mint, hogy Caesar haljon meg 's ti mindnydjan e/jetek szabad ember ekiil? Mivel Caesar en gem szerefett. megsiratom; mivel szerencses volt, brvendek; mivel vitez volt, becs'ulom ot, de mivel nagyra vdgyo volt, ledoftem St. Tehdt konyu sze- reteteert, orom szerencsejen, becsulet vitezsegeert; \s haldl nagyravdgydsdert. Hoi van itt ollynyomoru, ki rabszolga kivdnna lennil Ha van, szoljon; mert 6t bdntottam meg; hoi van itt oily durva, ki romai nem kivdnna lenni? Ha van. szoljon mert 6t bdn- tottam meg. Megszunbm hogy vdlaszt adjatok. — Ugy tehdt senkit sem bdntek meg. Nem tettem Caesdrral egyebet, mint mit ti fogndtak tenni Brutussal. A vizsgdlat haldla felett a 5 capitolium- ban jbl van jegyezve; dicsosege nem kisebbitve, a 5 miben jeles volt, sem vetkei nagyitva, mellyekert a* haldlt szenvedte. — — Itt hozatik teste Antonius* gydszkisereteben, ki dmbdr megbleseben reszese nem 93 volt, osztozandik haldla, jotetemenyeiben , helyet foghatvdn a' kbzigazgatdsban mint ki nem koziile- tek? Evvel en tdvozom, kineL valamint legjobb ba- rdtomat megbltem, Roma' javdert, ngyan azon tor van szdmomra, ha honomnak haldlomat tetszendik kivdnni. From the same: Antonius. — Bardtim, Romaiak, fbldieim, Figyeljetek ram. Temetni jottem Caesart, nem dicserni. A rosz, mit ember tesz, tuleli 6t; A' jo gyakorta sirba szdll vele: Ez legyen Caesar^ sorsa is. A'nemes Brutus mondd hogy Caesar nagyravdgyott. Ha ez valo, ugy sulyos biine volt, Es Caesar ertte sulyosan lakolt meg. Most Brutus engedven 's a 9 tobbiek, ('s Brutus derek becsiiletes ferfiu) Jovok beszelni holt Caesar fblott. Bardtom volt 6, hozzdm hit 's igaz. De Brutus mondja, hogy nagyokra tort', C S Brutus derek, becsiiletes ferfiu, 'S a' tbbbi mind derek jo ferfiak) Romdba 6 sok foglyokat hozott; Vdltsdgok a' kozkincstdrt gazdagitd Ez nagyravdgydsdt jelenti-e ? 94 Szegeny ha jajditlt, Caesar sirt vele; A nagyrard gydsnak nem illy szelid Anyagbol kene*) szerkeztetve lennL De Brutus mondja hogy nagyokra tort, S Brutus becses : derek egy ferfml Ldttdtok cC Lupercal iinepen, Hdromszor nyujtam a' korondt neki. 9 S 6 visszalolta. Es ez nagyravdgyds'i De Brutus mondja. hogy nagyokra tort. 'S bizonynyal 6 derek egy ferfiu. Nem szolok en, hogy Brutusnak beszedet Czdfoljam: azt mondom csak wit tudok. Mind kedveletek 6t, es volt wiert; Mi tilthat el most ertte sirnotok? Vad dllatokba szoktel, oh itelet, 'S az ember esz nelkiil waradt! Tilrelmet! Caesdrral szirem ott a gydszpadon van: Pihennem kell, mig hozzdm visszater. Meg tegnap hasztalan daczolt vala Caesarral a' vildg. Ma itt hever 9 S nines oily szegeny, ki bokoljon neki. Oh honfiak, ha diihre, lazaddsra lngerlenem a' lelket bennetek, Megbdntandm Brutust, weg Cassiust, Kik tudva van, derek jo ferfiak. *) Instead of kelene, ought. 95 Nem bdntom oket hat. inkdbb leszek Igaztalan holtunkhoz es magamhoz, Hozzdtak, mint oily tisztelt ferfiakhoz, De itt egy irat, rajt' Caesar' pecsetje! Vegrendelmenye; hdzdban lelem. Csak hallja ezt a' kozseg (mellyet en, Bocsdssatok meg, fel nem olvasok) Csokolni jdrand holt Caesar sebeit; Kendoket dztat stent verebe; sot Emlekul egy haj staler t esdekel 'S majd haldokolva feljegytendi veg*) Inteteteben 9 s dus orok gyandnt Utoira szdllitandja. — 4L. A.z elhagyott any a.**) Ismerek egy edes; ah! drva anydt, Melly bunak eredten emeszti magdt, Elhagyva, keriilve lednyaitol, Bar erttok epedve a' kiv anya szol Oh jertek***) olembe, Szep gyermekeim; *) Vegintezet, last will, the word is divided because of the metre. **) The forsaken mother, a beautiful allegory, in which the poet compares his country to a mother deserted by her children. ***) Instead of jojjetek, come. 96 Alddsra emelten Vdrnak kezeim Oh jertek! oh jertek! az edes anydhoz ltt ill lekotbtten a' szlirnyu magdnyhoz; Oh jertek olembe Gyermekeim ! Mig el nem apadnak Hev konyeim. tm szilltelek. dlltam Bolcsotok elott; Emloim addnak Uj eleterot Mint kis csecsemoket Mar en emelelek Mig bennetek alvek A 9 gyermeki lelek. En Idtnotok*) adtam Oily nap 9 sngardt, A mellyet irigyel Sok foldi csaldd. Szep arczaitoknak En adta me 9 bdjt, Melly annyi szivekben Viszhangra taldlt. En termetet adtam. Oily 6zi sugar *t; *) Ldtnotok, to see, is the Infinitive with affixes. 97 'S sziiz kebleitekre A liliom-art. *) En adtam a 9 szdjnak Az edeni mezet. Melly akkor is edes Ha tdreid erzed; En adtam e' Hinder Ldngu szemeL Melly a 3 szei*elemnek Csillaga lett; Melly egy sugar aval Sziil enyhe tavaszU Egy mas sugar aval Elegeti azt. Szepsegemet ime redtok addm Hogy halljam e' szokat: T .6h edes any dm!" Hogy zengjen e 5 ner is Ajkitokon, 'S elhagyva ne legyek Bus napomon. Oh jertek! oh jertek Az edes anydhoz: ltt ill lekototten A szornyii magdnyhoz. Oh jertek olembe Gyermekeim Mig el nem apadnak *) Liliotn-dr, lily -stream, lily-growth. Csink, hung. Gram. 98 Hev konyelm." Igy szolal esengve Hidba, hidba! Nines a ki omoljon Szilloi kardba Sors uzi fiait. remeg elteikert; Ah! Idnyai egnek at idegen-ert \S & ott At Urtimtelen *s egyedul, f kGntf kiapadva szelid szemeiboL \V mint lelke lorotten A 1 Idthatlan fergek, a' te Boles kezeid 9 remekelt csuddi. Te hoztad e 9 nagy minden 9 **) ezer nemet A 9 semmisegbol, a 9 te szemoldoked tionthat 9 s teremthet szdz vildgot, 9 S a' nagy idok 9 folyamit kimeri Teged dicsoit a 9 Zenith es Nadir A 9 szelveszek 9 bus harcza, az egi lang 9 Villdma* harmatcsepp, virdgszdl, Hirdeti nagy kezed 9 alkotdsdt. *) jojjtfek. **) Minting universe. 1 1 1 Bnzgon leomlok szined elott. dicso! Ma j dan ha leikem zdraibol kikel \S hozzdd kozelh jdrvlhat, akkor A mint an eped ott e/erL Addig letorlom konyeimet \v megyek Bendeltetesem 9 paly a 9 fiUdsain, A* jobb 9 s nemesb lelkeknek utjdv. Merre erom '$ in aim rihetmek. Biz ton tek intern mely sirom ejjelet! Zordon, de 3 oh nem 3 item lehet az govosz Mert a te munkdd; ott is elszort Csontaimat kezeid takarjdk. Berzsr it ijL MB, W r anitatum Vanita*. Itt az irds, forgassdtok Erett eszszel )6zanon 3 9 S benne feltaldlhatjdtok Mit taiiit boles Salomon; Mikep szeles e vildgon Minden, epiil hitrdnysdgon: Nydr es harmat. ieL es ho. Mind csak hi j aba valo! Foldiink egy kishangyafeszek Egy perrz hozta tihtemeny 112 A vUldm es dorgd reszek Csak me /i don gas \s boh/go feny; A tortenef rbpiilese Csak egy sohajtds' lengese; Sam minden pompa 's ek Egy ezred egy bvborek. Sdndor esillogo pdlydja ISyuhaddszat ozfvtds ; Etele' dnlo csorddja Patkdnycsoport, folidardzs : Mdtjfds 9 dicsti csatdzdsL Napoleon boditusL \S Waterloo* diadal, Mind csak kakas-riadaL A virtus 9 *) nagy tilnemenyi GSz 3 mil hagymdz lehele: A kebeV langer zem e ny i Vertolulds 9 kin jele; A veg. mellyet Sokrdt ere, Catonak kihnllo vere T 9 S Zriuyi Miklos* szent porra. Egy bohosdg 9 Idnczsorra. Es ti bolcsek, wit hozzdtok A mi volna szep 's jeles'i *) Instead of ereny. 143 Mdmorbirta koponyatok. Plato 's Aristoteles. Bolcselkedo oktalansdg 3 Rendbe fiizott tudatlansdg, Kdrtyavdr 9 s legdllitvdny Mindenfele tudomdny. Demosthen dorgd nyelvevel Szitkozodo haiku far ; Xenophon mez beszedevel Rokka kozt mesere vdr; Pindar* egi szdrnyaldsa Eorro, hideg dadogdsa; 'S Phidias, a 9 mit farag Berovdtkolt kodarab. Mi az elet 9 tiizfolydsa? Hullo szikra 9 melege. A 9 szenvedelmek 9 zugdsa? Lepke szdrny 9 fergetege. Kezdet es veg egymdst eri Es az elet hu vezeri Hit 9 s remeny a sziik pdlydn Tarka pdrdk 9 s szivarvdny. Holdvildg csak boldogsdgunk ; Fust a 9 balsors melly elszdll; Gyertyaldug egesz vildgunk; Egy fuvalat a 9 haldl. Vdrsz hirt 9 s halhatatlansdgot c i lllat az melly tolt virdgot Csink hung. Gram. m Es a 1 rozsdt ha elhul, Meg egy perczel eli till. Hat ne gondolj e' vildggal, Boles az, mindent ki megvet Sorssal, lirtirssal. nagysdggal Tudomdnyt, hirt *s eletet. Legy mint szikla rendilletlen Tompa, nyugodt, erezetlen 9 S kedv emel, ragy bit temet, Szepnek 's riitnak hunyj szemet. Mert mozogjon, avagy dlljon. E' pardnyi /Old veled, Lengjen fenyben vagy homdlyban Hold es nap fej'unk folett, Bar mind szinben jelentse Jottet a 9 vdndor szereucse, Sem rosz az, sem nem jo. Mind csak hijdba valo!! Kdlcsey. 13. ftzik ofoldetn saep hatdra* (Song of Charles Kisfaludy) Szulofbldem szep hatdra Megldtlak-e valahdra ? A* hoi dllok, a! hoi megyek Mindenkor csak feled nezek. J1S Ha madar jon tole kerdem, Viridsz-e meg sziilofoldem? Azt kerdezem a 9 felhoktul, Azt a 9 suttogo szelektol. De azok nem vigasztalnak, Bus szivemmel drvdn hagyiiak; Arvdn elek bus szivemmel Mint a 9 fit, melly a 9 szikldn kel. Kisded hajlek, hoi szulettem, Hej tdled be tdvol estem; Tdvol rstem mint a 9 level, Mellyet elkap a 9 forgo szel. Epigramms. 1 4L. Anglia EsZy penz dd mindent, de csak egyiitt osztanak dlddst Nep 9 esze a 9 torveny, melly nelkul penze veszelyt hoz; Mig torvenyidnek hodolni fog, Angol! a 9 penzed, Addig hodol a 9 penz neked, 9 s penzednek a 9 tenger. Berzsenyu 8* H6 IS. Magyarorszdg' crimere. iSzep vagy o hon, bercz rolgy vdltoznak gazdag oledben, Teridet orszdgos negy folyam* drja szegi; Am termeszettol mind ez lelketlen ajdndek Nagygyd csuk fiaid 1 szent akarata tehet. Vorosmarty. IS. Kisfaludy. Kisfahidyt ne keresd e keskeny sirban, o honfi! '$ a' rorid elet utdn holtvak orokre ne veld; Itt csak elomlando tetemeit jelele ki bardti: Venn van idot miilo szelleme muveiben. V iirosmarty. 17. Pans. Elete szint 9 s fenyt hord; testvere az egi szivdr- vdny; Mert mint ez napfeny 9 's vesz' kozelebe ragyog. IS. JLondon. Mint Zeuse, feje Albionnak felhokbe merul el, Neki aclozik a' fold: dldozatdbol e' fust. Wattay. VOCABULARY THE SELECTIONS. A. Aczel, S., steel. Addz, A., furious, vindictive. Aether, S., ether, Ag, S., branch, twig. Agg, S., an old man. Aggat-ni, V. a., to suspend, fig. to adorn (with flowers). Aggo, A. v., anxious. Aggkor, S., old age. Agy, S., bed. Agyon ut-nL V. a., to kill. Agyugolyo, S., cannon-ball. Agyuztatds, S., bombarding. Agyvdz, S., phantom. ^4/a#, S., lip, and lips. Ajdnl-ani, V. a., to recom- mend. Akaddly, S., hinderance, impe- diment. Akaddlyoz-ni , V. a., to hin- der, to prevent. Akaddlyozatlariy A. , unpre- vented. Akkor, Adv., then, Akna, S., a mine. Alacson, A., low, base. ^4/a#, S., figure, shape. Alan(mdszds,S., base creeping. Alapit-ani, V. a., to found, talpkovet alapitani, to lay the stone of foundation. Alarcz, S., mask. Aid- ant, V. a., to bless. Aldds, S., blessing. Aldoz-ni, V. a., to sacrifice: o* nap dldozta, the setting of the sun, sunset. Aldozat, S., sacrifice. Aldozo-pap, S., high priest, pontiff. 418 Alelni, V. a., to benum. Aleltan, Adv., fainting, weak. Alkalmatlankodo, A., trouble- some. Alkonyat, S., twilight. Alkot-ni, V. a., to constitute, to form. Alkotds , S., formation, consti- tution, fig. creation. Alkvdozds, S., negotiation. AllanU V- n-> to stand; vtjdt dlfani, to obstruct the way. Allandosdg, S., constancy. i4//d^, S., position; dlldsl fog- ni, to take a position. Allapot, S., condition, state. AHhatossdg, S., perseverance. AHjas, Adv., mean, vile. Ahnatlanid, Adv., sleepless. Almod-ni, V. a., to dream. Almodozds, S., dreaming. Alnok, S. & A., cunning, a cun- ning fellow. Alom, S., litter, nest. Altalellenben, Adv., opposite, (vis a vis). Altalenged-ni, V. a., to deliver, to surrender. Altahnelegult , A. v., warm, warmed through. Altat-ni, V. factit., to deceive, to delude. AUldr-nUy. a.,to breakthrough. Alvezer, S., subordinate com- mander, lieutnant general. ^m / Int., well ! Anyag, S., stuff. i V. n., to get at, to come to. Fereg, S., worm. Ferfikar, S., manly arm. Ferfiu, S., man. Fergeteg, S., shower, tempest, wind-storm. Feszesseg, S., stiffness, pe- dantry. Feszulten, Adv., attentivly. Fiatal, Adv., young. Fiatalsdg, S., youth. Figyelem, S., attention. Figyel-ni, V. a., to attend, to listen. Figyelmez-ni , V. m., to pay attention. Fogad-ni, V. a., to receive. Fogadds, S., vow. Fogado, S., hotel. Fogasi) S., (dentax) said of the wolf, because of his vora- ciousness. 129 Fogoly, S., captive. Fog sag, S., captivity, prison; fogsdgba zdrni, to imprison. Fogy-ni, V. n., decrease, to be diminished. Fogyatkozds, S., defect. Fogyhatlan, A., not decreasing, inexhaustible. Fohdszkodds , S. , the sigh (sigh of devoutedness). Folt, S., stain, blemish. Foltdardzs, S., nest of wasps, a quantity of wasps. Foly-ni, V. n., to flow, to run; a? viadal foly , the combat (fight) is fought. Foly am, S., a stream. Foly as, S., flow, kennel. Folyoirat, S., periodical. Folyoso, S., corridor. Folytat-ni, V. a., to continue. Fofytonos, A., continuous. Fontol-nU V. a., to ponde- rate. Fordulds, fordulat, S., turn, change. Forgat-ni, V. a., to turn about, fig. to read in a book, Forgo, A. v., whirling. Forgoszel, S., whirl-wind. Forma, S., form. Forog-ni, V. n., to turn ; szeme, lelke elott forogni, (to be before the eyes) to bear in mind; veszelyben forogni to be in danger. Forr-ni, V. n., to ferment, to Csink, hung. Gram. bubble, to spring from, fig. to rise. Forrds, S., spring, source. Forro, A. v., hot, ardent. F6, S., head: — , A., principal. Focancelldr, S., High Chan- cellor, Fodoz-ni, V. a., to cover, fig. to protect. Fofegyvertdr, S., head-arsenal. F6-haditizst, S., superior of- ficer. Foldalatti, A., subterranean. Fdldi, A., earthly, fig. human; — , S., countryman. Foleledes, S., revival. Folfiiggeszt-eni, V. a., to sus- pend, to hang up. Folibe (fol or fel, up), over him. Foljegyez-ni, V. a., to write down, to specify. Fofker-ni Qd vdraQ, V. a. to demand. Folver-ni, V. a., to rouse. Folvet-ni, V. a., to throw up, fig. to blow up. Folvirul-ni, V. n., to blossom, to flourish. F6-vezerseg, S., supreme com- mand. Frisesseg. S., freshness. Ful-ni, V- n., to be suffocated. Fur as, S., boring: foldalatti fur as. a mine. Futdr, S., courier. Futds, S.. run, course, flight. 9 130 Fufkos-ni, V. n., to run about. Fntd-sdncZj S., trench. Fuv-ni, V. a., to blow. Fvvalat, S., breeze, breath. Fw/, S., ear. Ftilel-ni, V. n., to prick up the ears. Fiilemile, S., nightingale. F tiles, S., (long-ear) ass. Fureszto, A. v., bathing, Fm/7, S., curl, lock (of hair). Fftef, S., smoke. filz-ni, V. a., to file, to put on a string, fig. to range. «. Gdfol-ni, V. a., to hinder, to prevent. Gazda, S., master, husband- man: gazdacska, little master, dear master. Gazdagit-ani, V. a., to enrich. Gazdasdg, S., household. Genius, S., genius. Ge/?, S., engine. Gt'pszeruseg , S. , mechanical method, like a machine. Gerjedezo.k. v.. excited, moved, ardent. Gerjelem, S., agitation of mind, excitement, passion (in the generic meaning of the word). Gerjeszt-eni, V. a., to excite. Golya, S., the stork. Golyafeszek, S., nest of a stork. Gond, S., care. Gondolat, S., thought, idea. Gondolkod-ni, V. m., to think, to reflect. Gondolkozds. S. , thinking, thought, fig. mind. Gondos, S. & A., careful, an- xious. Gondoskod-ni, V. m., to care, to provide for. Gondoskodis, S., care, provi- dence. Gondsvjtott, A. v., sorrowful. G0H08Zj A., evil, bad, wicked. Gogosen, Adv., haughtily. Gorbed-ni, V. n., to bend, fig. to submit. 66':, S., vapour, steam. Guny i S., scorn, derision, mockery. Gunyol-ni, V. a., to deride, to mock. «y. Gyaldz-ni, V. a., to dishonour, to defame; meggyaldzni, to disgrace. Ggaldzatos, A., shameful, dis- graceful. Gyakorol-ni, V. a., to practise; befohjast gyakorolni to have influence, to influence. Gyalog ezred, S., regiment of infantry; /oyas ezred, re- giment of cavalry. Gyanu, S., suspicion. 13 Gyanutlan,A., unsuspected, un- suspicious. Gydszkiseret, S., funeral pro- cession. Gydszkony, S., mourning tear, (tears shed because of mour- ning.) Gydszos, A., mournful. Gydszpad, S., bier. Gydva, A., coward, timid. Gyertyaldng, S., flame of a candle. Gyilkos, S., murderer; — A., murderous. Gyors, A., swift, fig. fugitive. Gyorsan, Adv., quickly, spee- dily. Gyoker, S., root; qyokeret ver- ni, to strike root. Gyonge, A., weak. Gyongeseg, S., weakness, in- firmity. Gyonyor, S., delight. Gyonyorii, A., delightful; fig. sweet. Gyori, A., of Gyor, belonging, to Gyor (a county in Hungary.) Gyotrelem, S. , anguish, tor- ment. Gyotro, A. v., sorrowful, grie- vous. Gyoztes y S., victor. Gyulekezet , S., meeting, as- sembly. Gyidevesz, S., crowd of people, rabble. GyulolefeSj A., hated, odious. Gyiimolcs, S., fruit. Gyiijf-ani, V. a., to light (a candle etc.). II. Hab, $., a wave. Hdborgat-ni, V. a., to disturb, to trouble. Hdboritaflan, A., undisturbed. Habozds, S., fluctuation, fig. hesitation. Had, S., troop, troops. Hadd, instead of hagyjad, Im- perat. of hagyni, let Hadvesz, S., danger of war; hadvesziilte kep, the dangers of war setting on their brows. Hdg-nU V. n., to leap, to ascend ; hdgtatni, V. fact., to raise. Hagy-ni, to leave; abban hagy- nii to leave any thing as it is, to desist. Hagymdiy S., typhus, hight of a fever. Hagyomdny, S., legacy. Hajigdl-ni, V. a. , to throw, to cast. Hajlek, S., dwelling, cottage, hut. Hajlong-ni, V. n., to stoop. Hajo, S., ship. Hajszdl, S., a hair. Hdld) S., thanks. Hdlaados. A., being beholden. Halad-ni, V. n., to advance, to progress ; halado, progressing. 9* 132 Haladds, S., progress. Hdlddoan, Adv., thankfully. Haldl, S., death; haldlra ka- czagni mag at, to burst with laughing. Haldokol-ni, V. n., to die, to be in agony. Haldoklo, A., dying. Halhatatlansdg, S. , immorta- lity. Haiku far, S., fishmonger. Hallhatatlan, A., unheard. Halmoz-ni, V. a., to heap. Halom, S., heap, amassment. Halott, A. v., dead. Halovdnyan, Adv. pale. Hamar, Adv., soon. Hamu, hamv, S., ashes. //a/?f, S., turf, grassplott, fig. ground, land. Hdny-ni. A., to throw. Hanyatl-ani, V. m., to decline. Hangyabolyi , A., ant-hill-like (like an ant-hill^. Hangyafeszek, S., ant-hill. Hangyasereg, S., multitude of ants. Harag. S., anger. Harcz, S., fight, war, battle, struggle, combat; a' Aarcz. /b/y , the combat is car- ried on. Harczolo, S., combatant, strug- gles Hdrem, S., harem. Harmat, S.,dew; harmatcsepp, dew-drop. Hasit-ani, V. a., to split, to cleave. Hasonl'tt-ani, V. n 4 , to resemble. Hasontilds , S. , comparison, allegory. Hasonlo, A., similar, like. Hasztalan, Adv., in vain, fruit- lessly. //dY, Interj., especially used in interrogations. //«/, S., the back. Hat-ni. V., intr. to act upon- to affect. Hatds, S., effect. Hatdr, S.. boundary, fig. coun- try, field. Hatdrido, S., term (of time), hatdridejii, A., of a term. Hatdroz-ni, V. a., to deter- mine, to resolve. Hdtrahagyds. S., leaving be- hind. Hdtrdf-ni, V. n., to retreat. Hdtrdlds, S., retreat. Hdtvlso, A., hindmost. Hdz-6rzo, S., house-guard. Hegy, S., mountain. #e/y, S., place, room. Helyezet, S., posture, situation. Helyvdlasztds, S., the choice of a place, choice of a po- sition. Herges, S., a rattling noise in the throat. Hero adds, S., withering. Hervadatlan, A., imperishable, not withering. 4 33 Herosz, A., heroic, hero-like. Hetedfel, A., six and a half. Hetyke, A., haughty. Hdv , S., the heat, ardour, zeal. Hev, ho, A., hot. Hever-ni, V. n., to lie. Heverohely. S., place of in- dulgence. Heveresz-niy V. n., to live an idle life. Heves, A., hot, heves venu, ardent. Heviilo, A. v., ardent, fervent. Hidban, hidba and hijdba, Adv., in vain, fruitlessly. Hidba valo. A., fruitless, vain. Hidegen, Adv., coldly, cooly calmly. Hidegiilo, A. v., cooling, abated. Hiendi, Future of hin-ni, to believe. Hint-eni, V. a., to strew, to sow. Hir, S., reputation, renown. Hirdet-ni, V. a., to anounce, to celebrate. Hirvetel, S., intelligence, ac- count. Hit, S., belief, faith. Hitetlen, A., perfidious, faith- less. Hitvdny, A., insipid, fig. trif- ling. Hitvdnysdg, S., trifle. Hiven, Adv., faithfully, confi- dently. Hizelkedes, S., flattery. H6dol-nl, V. n., to do homage. Hoditds, S., conquest. Hofeher, A., as white as snow, /to/fi?, Afl/d, S., moon; hold- vildg, moon-shine; hold* ej- jele, S., moon-night. Homdiy, S., darkness, obscu- rity, gloom; homdlyba tenni, to obscure. Homlok, S., forehead. Honfi, S., patriot. Honn, Adv., at home. Hord-ani, V. a., to carry. Hordoz-ni, V. a., to bear, to carry. Horgas, A., crooked, having a hook: horgas hard, falchion. Hosszas, A., long. Holgy, S., lady, fig. wife. Horges, S., rattling noise. Hos, A., heroic. Hull-am, V., to fall, to fall off. Hullds, S., fall, decay. Huny-ni, szemet huny-ni. V. a., tho shut the eyes. Hur, S., string (for a musical instrument). . Huszdrsdg, S., hussars. Huz-ni, V. a., to draw, to pull; veszedelmet huzni, to bring danger. Hu, A., faithful. Hul-ni, elhulni, V. n., to grow cool. Huves, A., cool. 134 I. Fde, Adv., here to ; ide 's tova, here and there, to and fro. Ideg, S., nerv. Jdojdrds, S., weather. Idopont, S., epoch. Idoprofeia, S., the weather spy. Idoszak, S., period. /#az, A., true. Igazqat-ni, V., to direct. Igazgatds, S., direction. [gazlalan, A., untrue, unjust. Iger-ni, V. a., to promise. Igeret, S., promise, S. ; igeret, (dlde, the land of promise. Igero, A. v., promising. /#?/, C, so, thus. Igyekez-ni, V. m., to endea- vour, to attempt. Igyekezet, S., endeavour, exer- tion. Ijedtseg, S., fright. Il'ands, S, disappearing and reappearing. Ilia?, S., odour, fragrancy. Illatos, A., fragrant, Ill-eni, V. m., to become, to fit. IlleleSy S. , contact; illefesre faldlni, to come in contact. Illetlen, A., untouched : — un- fit, indecent. Illetdd-fii, V. m., to be moved, to be touched. Ilyedt, £used with the posse- sive affixes) S., being frigh- tened, fright. /m, imhol, Int., behold. Imddsdg y S., prayer. In, S., muscle, fig. limb. Indul-ni, V. n., to set out, to march, to decamp. Indulds, S. , decamping, de- parting. Indu/at, S., disposition of mind, passion (passio). Indulatu, A., having a certain disposition of mind. Indtiid, S., march; induldt fv- vatni, to sound the march. Indnlt, veszni indult, to com to ruin, to get lost, to be left to ruin. lngerl-eni, V. a., to excite. Ingovany, S., marsh, morass. Inseg, S., need, misery, distress, Int-eni, V. n., to beckon. Infez-ni, V. n., to direct. Irdmol-ni, V. a., to run. Irdny, S., direction. Irdnytu, S., compass-needle. /rd£, S., writing, scriptures. Irat, S., writ, writing. Irga/om, S., mercy. [rigyel-ni, V. a., to envy. Irigyles, S., envy. /ro, S., writer, author. Irtdztato, A., horrible, dreadful. Ismer-ni, V. a., to know (any- body). Ismeretseg, S„ aquaintance. Ismersz-eni, V. m., to be known, to be distinguishable. Ismet, Adv., again. Iszdk, S., haver-sack, knapsack. 135 Hal, S., drink; egiilaU nectar. Ifel-ni, V. a., to judge. Il6let, S., judgement. Itta% A., intoxicated. Iz, S., times, with numerals or Adjectives — tobb izben, many times, more times. hetlenseg, S., tastelessness. !zles, S., taste. itzlesu, of taste; szep izfesu, of a fine taste. [zzad-ni, to sweat, to perspire fig. to work hard. hzad&s, S., sweating, fig. la- hour. J. Jaj, S., lamentation; jajdul-ni, V. n., to cry, to lament. J&mboi\ A., pious. Jdmborsdg, S., piety, conten- dedness. Jancsdr, S., janizary. Jdrat/an, A., impassable. Jdrom, S., yoke. Jdrul-ni, V. n., to approach, to accede, to have access. Jd szi, A., playful, merry. Javasl-ani, to advise. Jef, S., sign, signal. Jele!-ni, V. a., to point out, to indicate. Jelenet, S., phenomenon, appa- rition. Jetenlet, S., present, present time. Jelent-eni, V. a., to announce, to signify. Jelenvald, S., present. Jeles, A., eminent, distin- guished; — S., an eminent man. Jobb, instead oijobb kez, right hand. Jobbra, Adv., to and on the right. Jogositott, A. v., entitled. J6koi\ Adv., in time, in good time. Jotetemeny S., benefit. Jotef, S., benefit. Jotevd, A. v., beneficial. Jozan, A., sober. Jozanon, Adv., with sobriety. Jotte, S., arrival. Jovendo, S. & A., future. Jovenddl-ni, V. a., to pro- gnosticate. Jovevemj, A. & S., arriving, stranger. Jdvd, A. v., future. Juh, S., sheep, ewe. Juhdsz, S., sheperd. Jut-ni, V. n., to get (in, to). Jutalmaz-ni , megjutalmaz-ni, V. a., to remunerate, to re- ward. Jus, S., right. M. Kaczag-ni, V. a., to laugh, to mock any one. 136 Kakas-viadal, S., cockfight. Kalcmsz, S., guide. Kalyba, S., hut. Kandvr, S., torn (he cat). Kapaszkod-ni, V. m., to clasp, to cling. Kapkod-ni, V. a., to snatch, to grasp. A'tfjM/, S., gate. Kdr, S., damage. Kar, S., arm. Karczolds, S., scretch. Kdrlyavdr, S., castle built of cards. Kastely, S., castle. Kdfyu, S., mire, pool. 7fe6e/, S,, bosom. Kedely, S., mind, humor. Kedvel-ni, V. a., to like, to favour. Kedvencz, S., favourite. Kedvetlenseg, S., vexation. Kedvtetes, S., delight, pleasure. Kedvtelve, Adv., with delight, with pleasure. Kegyelem, S., grace. #6#/d, (kekello), A. v., bluish. Kel-ni, and kel-ni, V. n., to rise, fig. to grow. Kelletlenul \ Adv., forced. Ktmeny, S., chimney-pot. Kendo, S., handkerchief. Kenfelen, kenyfelen, A., ob- liged, compelled. Keny, S„ humor, arbitrariness. iCe/?, S., countenance, picture, image. Kepe.s, A., able. Kepzel-ni, V. a., to think. Kepzelet, S. , imagination, thought. Kepzemenyes, A., imaginary. Kepzet, S., image, fig. represen- tation. Kerd-eni, V. a., to ask. Kerekes , A., having wheels, kerekes alkotmdny , wheeJ- work. Kcres, S., petition. Keresgeles, S., frequent search- ing. Keresztut, S., cross-way. Kerinq-eni, V. n., to move h a circular motion, to course. Kerkedekeny, A. v., boasting. Kerlelhetlenul, Adv., inexorable. Kerul-ni, (with 6a or 6e), V. n., to cost, to require. Kerul-ni) V. a., to avoid; A^6e kerufni, to fall into any one's hands. Keseru, A., bitter. Keseriien, Adv., bitterly, grieved (with grief). KeserVy S., sorrow, grief. Keserves, A., bitter, tiresome. Keskeny, A., narrow. Kesleltet-ni, V. a., to delay. Kesztet-ni, V. fact., to compel. Keszulel, S., preparation. Kesziilo, A. v., preparing. Kelerteimuseg, S., duplicity. Ketes, A., doubtful, uncertain. Ketked-ni, V. m , to doubt. Ketkedes, S., doubt, hesita- tion. 4 37 Kdtseg, S., despair; ketsegbe esni, to despair. Ketse'gbeeses, S., despair. Kettoztet-ni, V. a., to double. Ketlos, A., double. Keve/y, A., proud. Kevelyen, Adv., proudly. Kevesbbe, Adv., least. Kezd-eni, V. a., to begin, to commence. Kezdet, S., beginning. Kezdo, A. v., beginning, — S., beginner. Kezdod-ni, V. m. , to be be- ginning. Kezehez venni, to take posses- sion. Kezirat, S., manuscript. Kidll-ani, V. n., to suffer, to undergo, to endure. Kidlt-ani, V. n., to cry, to hollow. Kibekito, S., reconciler. Kicsapds, S., sally. Kicsapongo, A. v., licentious, dissolute. Kicsinyseg, S., trifle. Kidolt, A. v., fallen, dead. KielegitOy A. v., satisfactory. Kiemelked-ni, V. m., to rise. jftes, A., pleasant, beautiful. Kietlen, A., desolate. \H[ejles,S., development, culture of the mind. Kigerjedez-ni, V. n., to burst forth. Kihdg-ni, V. n., to ascend, to scale. Kihalt, A. v., (died away) ex- tinguished. Kiherg-eni a' lelket, to expire. Kiliull-ani, V. n., to drop (out of or from). KUrt-ani, V. a., to extirpate. Kikel-ni, V. n., to arise (out of) fig. to be delivered. Kikerul-ni, V. a., to avoid. Kilobbano, A. v., blazing. Kimer-ni, V. a., to measure. Kimerithetetlen, A., inexhaus- tible. Kin, S., pain. Kindlkozo, A. v., offering. Kincs, S., treasure. Kinevet-ni, V. a., to laugh at, to deride. Kinjtl, S., sign of pain. KinoSi A., painful; kinosan, Adv., painfully. Kinoz-ni, to afflict, to plague. Kinzo, A. v., painful, giving pain. Kidmol-ni, V. m., to pour out to ease, to find sympathy. Kipattan-ni, V. n., to break forth, break out. Kipi/lanta- /?i, V.n., to look out. Kirdlyi, A., kingly, royal. Kiragad-ni, V. a., to extort, to wrest from, to take away. Kirohan-ni, V. n., to sally out. Kisded, A., small, fig. dimi- nished. Kisebbit-eni, V. a., to lessen. Kiser-ni, V. a., to attend, ac- company. 138 Kiseret, S., attendance. Kisero, S., companion, atten- dance. Kisertely S., spectre, ghost. Kisitttet-Tiii V. act., to fire off. hisielesif-eni, V. a., to enlarge to widen. Kifer-ni, V. n., to desert (a path). Kitetszen-ni, V. m., to be con- spicuous, to excel. Ki/uno, A. v., distinguished. Kiluntet-tlij V., fact to distin- guish (to make being distin- guished. Kiutes, S., sally, eruption, brea- king out. Kiut-ni, V. n., to break out, to sally. Kivdg-ni mag at, to disemb ar- ras one's self. Kivd/t, Adv., especially. Kivetkeztet-ni, V. fact., to un- dress, to divest, fig. to free. Kivelod-rti,V. m., to be thrown out. Kiviv-ni, V. a., (to fight out) to gain (the victory). Kivont, A. v., drawn. Kocsis, S., coach-man. Kolcsag, kocsag, S., a plume of heron's feathers. Komdrcmi, A., of Komorn at Komorn. Kcmoly, A., serious. Komolysdg, S., seriousness. Komondor^ S., .(name of a dog) bull dog (mordax). Ko?nor, A., gloomy, sad. Koponya, S., skull. Koporso, S., coffin, flg. grave. A'or, S., age. Kara, A., early ; kordn, Adv., early; kordn.sem, Adv., not at all. Korcs, S., deformity, monstro- sity. Kdrhdz. S., hospital. Kortdt, S., barriers. Kormdnyzds, S., governing, leading. AVv.vz.on/, S., wreath, garland fig. circle (of eniment men). Kodarab, S., piece of a stone. /Cod, S., fog. Kofal, S., wall. Kokeny. S., sloe-tree. Kdttdtt, A. v., fictitious, forged, invented. KdllMetten, Adv., wandered. Kolydk, S.j young one (young animalj. KontQS, S., raiment, coat, fur- coat. Kony, konyU\ S., tear. Konycsepp, S., tear. Kdhyeltnii, A., fickle. Kony elmu leg, Adv. wantonly. Konyelmiiseg, S., levity. Konyezetlen, A., tearless. Konnyit-eni, V. a., to facili- tate. Kon gorges, S., praying, prayer, fig. craving (for mercy). iCor, S., circle, sphere. 139 Kornyekez-ni, V. a., to sur- round* Kornyez-ni, V. a., to surround. Kdrom, S., claw. Kordskdrut, Adv., roundabout. Korulkerit-enU V. a., to sur- round, to encompass. Korillmeny^ S., circumstance. Koszikla, S., rock. Koszoni-eni, V. a., to greet. Kover, A., fat. Kovet-ni, V. a,, to follow. Kovelkez-ni, V. m., to follow. Kovetkezes , S. , consequence, result. Kovetd)S., follower. Kovezet, S., pavement. /To vul-niy V. , to turn into stone, to be petrified. Koz, A., common. #02,, S., space; ezen kozben, mean-while, in the mean time. Kozelebbi, A., recent, (lately happened). Kozelget-ni, kozelit-eni, V. n., to approach. Koiep, S., middle. Eozepszer, S., middleway (me- diocritas. Kozigazgalds, S., public admi- nistration. Kozkincstdr, $., common trea- sury. Kozonseg, S., public. Kozonseges, A., common pu- blic. Kozonsegesen, Adv., common- ly, publicly. Kozseg, S., commons. Kulcs, S., key. Kupa, S., a can, winecup. Kutya, S., dog. Kvtyabor, S., dogskin. KuldeleS) S., mission. Kiildmbseg, S., difference. Ku/onkodo, A. & S., a strange fellow. Kulanos, A., extraordinary. Kiirthang, S. , sound of the bugle -horn. Kulso, A., exterior. Kiiszob, S., threshold, fig. door. Kuzdes, S., struggle. Ii. Ld6, S., foot, fig. leg. La^:, S., home, dwelling. Lakol-ni, V. n., to atone for, to expiate. Lako, S., inhabitant. Lakoma, S., feast. Lakoz-ni, V. m., to dwell. Ldnczsor, S., a linked (con- nected) series. Lang, S., flame. Ldngerzemeny, S., ardent fee- ling. Ldngesz, S., genius. Ldnglelek, S., (inflamed) ardent mind. Ldngielkil , A. , ardent (of an ardent mind). 140 Ldngszem, S., sparkling eye. Ldngu, A., sparkling, flaming, fig. glancing. Ldngzo, A. v., ardent. Lankadatlan, A., unwearied. Lankadt, A. v., feeble, fainting. Lankaszt-ani,V. a., toweeken. Lant, S., Lyre. Ldrma. S., noise, alarm. Lassankint, Adv., in time, slow- ly, by degrees. Lassii, A., slow. Ldtds, S., sight. Ldthato, A. v., visible. Ldtogat-ni,megldtogah}i, V. n., to pay a visit. Ldzadds, S., sedition. Lebeg-ni, V. n., to hover. Lebegesu, A., wawing, hove- ring, rising. Lebegfet-ni, V., fact, to wave, to clap (the wings). Ledof-ni, V. a., to stab, to kill. Ledont-eni, V. a., to prostrate. Leereszked-ni, V. m. , to humble, to condescend. Leereszkedes, S., condescen- sion. Legdllifvdny, S., void propo- sitions. Legeiol, Adv., foremost. Legottan. Adv., instantly. Le#t/, S., fly. Lehel-ni, V. n., to breathe, to exhale. Lehet, V. n., can be, to be pos- sible. Lehetetlen, A., impossible. Lehetettenseg, S. , impossibi- lity. Lehetseges, A., possible. Leirhafatlan, A., indescribable. Lejtos, A., declivous. Lekotelez-ni, V. a., to oblige. Lekolotfen, Adv., fettered, bound. Lel-ni, V. a., to find. Lelek, S., soul, mind, courage. Lelekszorongalo, A. v., res- training, oppressing the mind. Lelkiesmeret, S., consciencious- ness, conscience. Lelkes, A., animate, coura- geous. Lelkesedes, S., animation, cou- rage. Lelketlen, A., inanimate, Leng-eni, V. n., to move on hovering. Lenges y S., wawing, hovering. Lenyom-ni, to oppress; lenyo- mo, A. v., oppressing. Lenyugod ni, V. m., to go to repose, to die. Leomol-ni, V. n., to sink down. Lep-ni, meglepni, V. a., to sur- prise. Lep-nU V. n., to step. Lepcso, S., step, degree. Lepke, S., butterfly. Le/?£, /e/?e's, S., pace, step. Leptet-ni, V., fact, to cause one to go in pace. Les, S., ambush. U1 Lemjto, A. v., dejecting, cast- ing down. Leszdll-ani, to sink, to set; to descend, to get out (of a car- riage.) Leszakad-ni, V. n., to sink. Let, S., being. Leten-ni, V. a., to deposite. Letep-ni, V. a., to tear off. Letorol-ni (letorlom), V. a., to wipe off. — Letorott, A. v., broken. Leugrdlo, A. v., jumping down, (rushing after). Levdg-ni, V. a., to cut down, to put to sword. Lever-niy V. a., to strike down, to beat down, fig. to discou- rage, to deject. Levero, A. v., crushing. Lezug-ni, v. n. , to pass with a noise, fig. to disappear. Lidercz, S., ignis fatuus, jack with a lantern. Liheg-ni, V. n., to pant. Liliom, S., lily Literator, S., literary man. Lobog-ni, V. n. , (said of the flag) to be displayed. Lobogo, A. v., waving, flourish- ing (flag). Lorn, S., lugage, lumber. Lovas, S., soldier on horse-back. Lovassdg, S., cavalry. Lovdszmester, Striding master. Lo-ni, V. a., to shoot, to dis- charge. Ldpor, S , gunpowder. Loves, S., shot; love's taldlja, he receives a shot lovet-ni, pass., to be shot at; — factit., to let shoot or fire at. Lovcldoz-ni, V. a., to shoot, to bombard. M. Macska, S., cat. Maczko, S., name used for a bear (bruin). ilfa^, S., seed. Magdhoz joni, to recover. Mag any, S., solitude, loneliness. Magasztal-ni, V. a., to extol. Magzat, S., descendant, son. Maiglan, Adv., until this day. Majdan, Adv., once. Majom, S., ape, monkey. Mdmorbirta, A. v., possessed with intoxication, intoxiated. Mdmoros, A., intoxicated. Maradandosdgy S. , duration, continuance. Maradek, S., descendant. Maradoz-niy V. n. , to remain behind. Marasztat-ni, V. fact., to be retained. Markgrof, S., Margrave. Maroknyi, A., handful. Mdrt-ani, V., a to dip. Mdrvdny, S., marble. Mastf , mdzsa S. , a hundered weight. U2 Mdsikj Pr. ind , another. Mdsnap, Adv., next day. Mdszhatlan, A , impassable. Mdtyds, S., Matthew. Medve, S., bear. Medvetdncz, S., dancing of a bear. Megad-ni (magdt) , V. a., to surrender. Megdll-m, V. n., to stop, to stand, to go through (danger). Megdtalkodott, A. v., obdurate, fig. obstinate. Megdtalkottsdg, S., obstinacy. Megbdnt-ani, V., a to offend. Megbdnds, S., repentance. Megbekul-ni, V. n., to be re- conciled. Megbocsdt-ani, V. a., to for- give, to pardon. Megctip-ni, V. a., to pinch; a der megcsip, the frost bites. Megcsokol-ni, V. a., to kiss. Megdobbent-eni) V. n., to be embarrassed. Megdordul-ni, V. n., to begin roaring, thundering. Megelegedes , S., satisfaction, contentedness ; magdvalvalo megelegedes , self-contented- ness. Meger-ni (valamiveV), V. n., to have enough. Megerkeztokkel , megerkezett, having arrived. Megdrlel-ni, V. a., to mature, to bring to maturity. Megfoghatatlan, A., incompre- hensible. Megfoqy-ni, V. a., to be dimi- nished. Megfojt-ani, V. a., to suffocate. Meggyul-ni, V. n., to catch fire. Meglidg-ni, V. a., to ascend, to mount. Meghdgds,S., ascending, scaling. Meghalad-ni, V. a., to amount; hetven evet meghaladotl osz, the old man who had lived 70 years. Meghatdroz-nU V. a., to deter- mine, to resolve. Megiger-ni, V. a., to promise. Megjavit-anij V. a., to correct. Megjelen-ni, V. a., to appear. Megkuzd-eni, V. n., to struggle, to combat. Megmaradds , S. , preservation. Megoltafmaz-ni, V. a., to pro- tect. Megoszt-ani, V. a , to divide, to share, fig. to communicate. Megov-ni, V. a., to protect, to preserve Megd(-ni, V. a., to kill. Megolel-ni, V. a., to embrace, fig. to seize. Megoles, S., murder, death. Megorolni, megorl-eni, V. a., to grind to pieces, fig. to gnaw through, to eat (said of the worms). Megpillant-ani, V. a., to per- ceive, to see. 143 Megragad-ni, V. a., to seize. Megrak-ni, V. a., to load; meg- rakott, burdened. Megremult, A. v., alarmed, struck with terror. Megrendul-ni, V. n., to tremble, to shake, to quake. Megrepesztett, A. v. , burst (bursted). Megrongdl-ni, V. a., to damage. Megsebesil-eni, V. a., to wound. Megsu>yed-ni , V. n. , to sink. Megsiral-ni, V. a , to deplore, to weep. Megsulyed-ni, V. n., to sink. Megszdllds, S., siege. Megszeg-ni, V. a., to cut, fig. to violate (a law) Megszolal-ni, V. n., to begin to speak Megszukules, S., want, scarcity. Megszun-ni, V. n., to cease, to desist. Megtdmad-ni, V. a., to assault. Meg tdm adds, S., assault, attack, aggression. Megtarto, S , preserver, saviour. Megter ni, V. n., to return. Megiijit-ani, V. a., to renew, to refresh. Megun-ni, V. a., to be tired of any thing, to be wearied. Meguleped-ni, V. m., to settle, to rest. Megutkoz-ni, V, m., to be sur- prised; megutkozten , Adv., surprised. Meg vagi/, thou art; — eliptically instead of thou art caught. Megvdlasztds , S. , selection, choise. Megvdltoz-ni, V m., to change, Megvdsdrl-ani, V. a., to pur- chase. Megved-ni, V. a., to defend, fig. to save. Megvet-ni, V. a., to despise. Megvetel, S., taking, conquest. Meqvetet-ni, passive voice of meqvenni, to be taken. Meqvizsgdl-ni, V. a., to exa- mine. Megziiz-ni, V a., to crush. Megzsibbasil-anU V. a., to be- numb. Mehdongds, S., huming of the bees. Mela, A., melancholy, gloomy. Meleged-ni, V. m., to grow warm, fig. to favour, Mell, S., chest, fig. bosom ; heart. Mellyitek, Pr. withpossesive affixes of the 2^ Pers. plur. , which of you. Meltdnyol-ni, V. a., to estimate, to value. Meltat-ni, V. a., to estimate, to deign to vouchsafe. Melto, A., worthy, deserving. Meltosag, S., dignity. Meltdsdgos, A., grave, solemn. U4 Mely , A., deep; melysey S., depth, melysegu, A., of (a) depth. Menedek, S., asylum. Meneked-ni, V. m., to save one's life, to escape. Menekves, S., safety, escape. Menetel, S., course. Ment-eni, V. a., to save. Menteben, on his way, along. Mentes, S., deliverance, rescue. Mentseg, S. , excuse, apology. Menny, S., heaven ; mennydor- ges, thunder; menny ko, thun- derbolt. Menyegzo, S., wedding. Mer-ni, V. a., to measure. Mer-ni, V. a., to venture, to have courage. Meredek, A . steep. Mereg, S., poison. Mereny , S., hazardous enter- prise. Meresz, A., bold. Merre, Adv., where to, to what place, to which side. Meroen, Adv., benumbed. Merrol, Adv., from which side, Mertek, S., measure, degree. Meriil, elmeriil-ni, V. n., to be submersed. Metsz-eni, V. a., to cut; metszo cutting; metszoosveny , — cross way. ilfez, S., honey. Midon, C, when. Mignem, Adv., until. Mikent, Adv., how. Mikoron, Adv., when. Mimel-ni, V. a., to imitate. Mindaddig y Adv., as far, as long. Min den felt, Adv., everywhere. Mindennapi, A., daily, fig. common. Mindennapisdg, S., daily, ordi- nary life. Mindenutt, Adv., everywhere. Mid fa, Ad r., since. Wo, wim, S., work. Mivelodes, S., (culture) educa- tion. i)/o Adv., volontarily. Onkenfes , S, volontier. Ont-eni, V. a., to pour, to shed. Onvedelem, S., self-defence. Or, S., guard, ortdllo , A. v., guarding. Oregr, A., old; — S., oldman. Oriz-ni, meqoriz-ni, V. a., to keep, to preserve. Orlelek, S., tutelar genius. 6r6k, S., eternity; inheritance, patrimony. Or'ok , drokos , A., eternal; or'okre, for ever. Or'okiJs, A., hereditary. Orokemleku, A., eternally (ever) memorable. Ordfli, S., joy. OromriaddS) S., shouting. Oromlelen, A., joyless. Orsereg, S., garisson. Orul-ni, V. n., to rejoice. Orvend-eni, V. n., to rejoice. Os, S. , ancestor; o*t, A., a- vitious. Osmeretes, A., known. 6sm6retlen, S., stranger, — unknown. Osvtny, S., path, way. Osz,, A., grey, — S., old man. Oszedugott , A. v. , crossed (arms). Oszekonczol-ni, V. a., to cut to pieces. Oszeolvadds , S., melting to- gether, closely united, connec- ted. Osszerombol-ni, V. a., to ruin, to demolish. Osszerombolds, S., destruction. Osszve-roskad-ni, V. n., to fall to the ground, to sink down, fig. to expire. Osszes, A., complete, whole. 6sszeszed,-ni, V. a., to gather, to collect. Osszeszolalkozds, S., alterca tion. Osszevagdal-ni, V. a., to cut to pieces. Osszevon-ni, V. a., to con- tract, to gather troops. Ovedz-eni, V. a., to gird. 6z, S., roe, fawn; Ozfutds,S. roe-hunting. P. Padozat) S., floor of a room. Pdlya, S., path, career. 4 0* 148 Pamlag, S., sofa. Pdr, S., pair, couple, A., some, a few. Pdrai S. vapour. Parancs. S., command, Parancsnoksdg , S., the com- mand. Pardnyi, A., unimportant, little ; pardnyi kor, narrow sphere. Par an y is a g , S., trifle. Pdrducz, S., leopard. Pdrolgo, A. v., evaporating, smoking. Pdrosit-ani, V. a., to couple, to join. Ptfr£, S., the shore ; $//•' /?flrr/- 70, the brink of the grave. Part, S , party. Pdr to s, A., faithless, Patkdny, S., rat. Patkdny csoport, S., quantity (herd) of rats. Pattogtat-ni V. a , to crack, to smack. Pecset, S„ seal. Pe<%, C, yet, again, Pelda, S., example. Pe'nzvdgy , S., immoderate de- sire of money. Perez, S., minute (moment.) Per e# ye, Part., a with great noise. Pergamen , S , parchment. Perzset-ni, V. a., to scorch. Pestis, S., pest, pestilence. Pharao-asztal, S., rich table. Piacz, S., place, market-place. Pillango, S., butterfly. Pilldntds , S., glance, look. Pincze, S., cellar. Pldnta, S., plant. Pre da, S., prey. Preda-leso, A. v. , lurking for prey. Probdl ni, megprobdl-ni^ V. a., to try, to test. Probate tet, S., trial. Profetasdg, S., talant of prophe- cying. Vrosa, S., prose writing. Poh&Y, S., cup, drink-glass. Polgdri, A., social, civic. Polyadal-ni, V. a., to sing to sleep, to lull. Pompa, S., pomp. Por, S., dust, powder; /?or- szem , grains of dust. Pordz, S., leash, rein. Pornep, S., common people. Posvdny , S., marsh, morass. P6tol-ni, V. a., to supply. Pozna, S., pole. Po'r, S., process. Pw/itf, A., soft. Puszta, pusztasdg, S., desert, wilderness. Pusztdn hagy-ni, V. a., to de- sert, to quit. Pusztitds, S., devastation, de- struction. Pusztito, A. v., destructive. 11. Rabber, S., pay, wages paid to slaves. 149 Rabiga, S. , the yoke of sla- very, being a slave. Rabszolga, S. , slave, bond man. Rabszolgdlo, S., female slave. Rabtdncz, S., slavish dance. Ragad-ni, V. a., to seize. Ragyog-ni, V. n., to shine. Ragyogo, A. v., splendent. Rak-ni; sebbelrakva, covered with wounds. Rakds, S., heap, pile. Rakott, A. v., filled. Rdmered-ni, V. n., to stare at. Rang, S., rank. Ravaszdi, S., cunning fellow. Rdz-ni, V. a., to shake. Reg, Adv., long, for a long time. Regiseg, S., antiquity. Rejteget-ni, V. a , to hide, to conceal. Rejtek, S., lurking place. Rejto, magdban rejto, con- cealing, containing. Remeg-ni\ V. n., to tremble. Remeges, S., fear. Remekelt, A. v., masterly or perfectly finished. Remenyseg, S., hope; reme'ny, S., hope. Remit- eni, V. a. , to frighten. iterarf, S., order, rendbefiiz'ott, arranged, systematical. Ren db eli, — tbbb rendbeli, se- veral, reiterated. Rendel-ni, V. a. , to arrange; to order. Renditetten, A., unshaken, firm. Rendutetteniit, Adv., unshaken, constantly. Renget and rengefeg, S., a large forest; — A., extensive* i?em/, ere/iy, S., virtue. Repiil-ni, V. n., to fly. Reputes, S., flight, volation. jRes, S., breach. 7tes£, A., idle. R6sz, S., part. Reszket-ni, V. n v to tremble, reszketo , a. v., trembling. Reszvet, S., participation. Reszve'tlenseg, S., indifference. Reszvevd, A., participating, fig. sympathising. Retteg-niy V. n., to be frightened. Rettenetes , A., terrible dread- ful, formidable. Retenthettenui, Adv., undaun- tedly, intrepidly. Rezeg-ni, V. n., to be vibrated, to vibrate. Rezget-ni, V. fact., to shake, to make tremble. Rezzen-ni, V. a., to frighten. Rezzent-eni, fetrezenteni, to excite, to rouse. Riad-ni, V. n., to be frightened ; f m.a riadnij to start back. Ritkdn, Adv., seldom. Rival-ni, V. a., to alarm, to sound (said of the hunting horn.) 150 Robaj, S., noise. Rogy-ni, V. m„ to sink. Rohands, S., run, rushing upon any one, assault. Rohanot fuvatni , to sound allarm (to blow allarm.) Rokon, A., kindered S. — kins- man. Rokka, S., distaff, fig. company of spinning women Rom, S., ruin. Rombolds , S. , destruction. Romlds , S. , depravity, cor- ruption. Ront-ani, V. a., to destroy. Roszlelku, A. & S., malevolent. Roppant, A. , enormous, nu- merous. RogdS) A., cloddy, rough. Rdglon, Adv., suddenly. R'dpt (with the possesive af- fixes) S., the flight, flying. Ropilles , S., flight. Rut, A., ugly, deformed. S. Sajndl-nu V. a., to pity. Sdpadtan, Adv., pale. Sdrmdny, S. , yellow-hammer. (a bird). Sdrmdny pecsenye, S a., meal of a goldhammer. S(zrw. S., after-math, fig. tender grass. Sdntz, S., intrenchment. Seb , S., wound. Sebesen, Adv., quickly, ra- pidly. Seb ten, Adv., hastily. Segito, S., helper, assistant. Segito had, S., auxiliary troops. Segitstig, S., assistance. Sejdit-eni, V. a., to forebode, to foresee. SejdltdS) S, presentiment. Sejt-eni,V. a., to prognosticate, to forebode. Se/7d, A. v., foreboding. Semmiseg, S. , nothingness, nought. Senyveszt-eni, V. a., to languish. SerdiildyA. v., thriving growing. Sereg, S., multitude, army. Sereny, A., active, zealous. S^tdlgdt-ni, V. n., to walk, to and fro. Siker , S., success. Sz/?, S., fife, whistle. St'r, S., grave, sirdomb, tomb. sir6a szdllni, to be interred. Sir-ni, V. n., to weep, to cry. Sir almas y A., deplorable. Sirat-ni, V. a., to deplore, to lament. Siriglan, Adv., to the grave. Sivatag, S., the desert, sandy desert. Sohajt-ani, V. n., to sigh. Sohajtds, S., sigh. Sovdrgds, S., languishing. Sorvadoz-ni, V. n., to lan- guish. 151 Spahi, S., Spahy, a kind of Turkish cavalry. Svgdr, S. , beam, fig. glance (of the eye). Svgdr, A., slender. Svjt-ani, V. a., to strike. Siily , S. , weight, load. Sulyos, A., heavy, weighty; sulyosan. Adv., heavily. Sulyosit-ani , V. a., to render, difficult. Suttogo, A. v., whispering. Su/y ed-ni , elsiilyed-ni, V. n., to sink, to fall; a' bdtorsdg sUlyed, the courage fails. SiilyedeS) S., sinking perishing. Surget-ni, V. a., to urge. Suveg, S., head-cover, fig. hel- met. Sz. Szabadon, Adv., free. Szabaditds, S. , deliverance, relief. Szaggato, A. v., lacerating, tearing; szaggat-ni, V. a., to pluck, to tear. Sza/, S., mouth. Szakad-ni, V. n. , to break, said of string; vege szakad, to be broken off (its end breaks.) Szakadatlariy A., uninterrupted; szakadatlanul , Adv. , un- interruptedly. Szdlfu, S., spire of grass. Szdll-ani, v. n., to fly; si'r6a szdll-ni, to be interred. Szdlfit-ani, V. a, to dispatch, to convey, to throw (garrison in a fortress.) Szdllong-ani, V. n , to flutter (about.) Szdllongo, A., fluttering, Szdm, S., number; szdmomra, for me; szdmodra for thee; szdmdrajor him; szdmankra, for us; szdmo to kr a, for you; szdmokra, for them. Szamdr^ S., ass, donkey. Szdmkivet-ni, V. a., to banish, to exile. Szdmos, A 4 , numerous, many. Szdmo sit-ani, V. a., to aug- ment in number, SzdmuzOtt, S., exile. Szdnds, S., pity, compassion. Szdnakodds, S., commiseration. Szdnakoz-ni, V. m., to pity, to have pity. Szdnakozo, S. v., comiserating, (the commiserating bird). Szdndekozo , A. v., intended. Szdntszdnde'k, S., (intended intention); szdnt-szdndekkal intentionally. Szappanbuborek, S., soap- bubble. iSjsarmflza.s,S.origin., extraction. Szdrngalds , S., fluttering. SjSasz, S., saxonian. Szdzad, S., century. 152 Szdzados , A., of a century, lasting for a century. Szed-ni, V. a., to gather; rend- be szed-ni, to set in order, to dispose. Szedit-eni, V. a., to benumb. Sztfdifo, A. v., giddy. Sztdiil-ni, V. n., to be giddy. Szediifte, S , dizziness, giddiness. Szeg, S, the nail. Szeg-ni) V, a., to cut, fig. to divide. Szcgyen, S.. shame. Szeker , S., cart, wagon. Ssrf/, C sz ele), S., the utmost end, brink. Szel, S., wind S. Szellem, S., mind, intellect, spirit, genius. Szeles, A., wanton, fickle. Szelid, A., meek. Szelidebben. Adv., more mo- derately. Szelyel nyil-ni, V. m., to open, to chink. Szelvesz, S., hurricane, wind- storm. Szem, S., eye ; szembe szdll- ni , V. n. , to make head against; szembe tuno, A. v., apparent, imminent. Szemelyesen, Adv., personally. Szemelyes } A., personal. Szemkozt, Adv., opposite. Szemldtt , (used with the pos- sessive affixes) S., eye-sight. Szemttl-ni, V. a., to contem plate. Szemoldok, S., eye-brow. Szempont, S., point of view. Szentegyhdz, S., church, temple. Szenfel-ni, V. a., to consecrate, to devote (to dedicate). Szentjdnos-bogdr, S. , glow- worm. Szenved-ni, V. n., to suffer, to endure. Szenvedelem , S. , passion, (passio), affection. Szenvedes, S., suffering. Szenvedett,S., sufferer (he who has suffered.) Szepseg, S. , beauty. Szer, S., stuff, material, instru- ment. Szerelem, S., love. Szerencsejel, S., signal of good fortune. Szereny, A., modest. Szerenyen, Adv., modestly. Szerez-ni y V. a., to acquire. Szerint, Po., according. Szerkez-ni, V. a., to organize. Szersz&m, S., instrument. Szertedot-ni, V. n., to fall to pieces. Szerzo, S., acquirer, fig. con- queror. Szerzetes, S., friar; ferenczi szerzetes, Franciscan. Szetszaggat-ni, V. a., to tear to pieces, to separate with violence. 153 Sztttekinget, V. n., freq., to cast looks; sztttekingelve , look- ing round. Szett'ores , S. , breaking (to break.) Szetiiz-ni, V. a., to disperse, to scatter. Szin, S., colour fig. appearance, face. Szi/cla, S., rock. Szikra, S., spark. Sziren, S., siren, metaphorically instead of song. Szirt, S., rock, cliff. Szitkozodo, A. v., blaspheming. Szivdrvdny , S., rain-bow. Szivdobogds, S., beating of the heart, pulsation. Szivhato, A. v., heart affecting, affecting. Szobor, S., statue. Szokds , S., custom, habit. Szokatlan. , A. , unacustomed, unusual, extraordinary. Szomsztfd, S., neighbour. Szomj , S., thirst. Szomjusdg, S., thirst. Szomorit-ani, V. a., to sadden. Szorongatatds, S., distress. Szorongattott, A. v., oppressed, in distress. Szoros, A., narrow. Szorul-ni V , n., to be pressed, to be in want of. Szorultsdg, S.. narrowness, fig. difficulty. Szozat, S., appeal. SzDk-ni S. m., to flee, to run, to jump. Sz'6k6ll-eni, V. m., to fly up, to shoot, V. n. Sz^rnyu, A., enormous, horrible. Szovetnek, S. torch. Sz,w#, A., narrow. Szuken, Adv., scanty, poorly. SzOkseges, A., necessary. Szuksegesen, Adv., necessarily. Sztiko/6, A., wanting, needful. Szul-ni, V. a., to bear a child, to give birth to. Szulet-ni, V. m., to be born. Szuldfotd, S., native land. Szuloi, A., parental. Szun-ni, megszun-ni , V. m., to cease. Szunetlen, A. v. Adv., unceas- ingly, uninterrupted. Szm, S. & A., virgin. Szi/barita, A., Sybaritical. T. Tdborozds, S., campaign. Tag, S , limb, member. Tagad'iatatlan, A., undeniable. Takar-ni, ellakarni, V. a., to cover. Taldlkozo, S., a Person whom we have to meet, appoint- ment, rendez-vous. Talp, S.. sole of the foot; talpig ember, he is a man from top to toe. 154 Talpkdy S., ground-stone, foun- dation-stone. Tdmasz, S., support. Tdn, Tafdn, adv., perhaps. Tandcs, S., counsel. Tandcslo, S., adviser. Tdncz, S., dance. Tdnczo'-ni, V. m., to dance. Tdntorit-aniy.B, ,to discourage, to shake the mind. Taw/, S., witness. Tanya, S. , hamlet. TapasztaldSy S., experience. Tapasztaft, A. v., experienced. Tdpldl-ni, V. a., to nourish. Tdpldlds, S., nourishment. Tapod-ni, V. a., to trample. 7a/?s, S., applause. Tdr-ni, V. a., to expose. Tdrgy, S., object. Tarka, A., spotted, variegated. Trf/'s, S., companion, friend. Tdrsasdg, tdrsassdg, S., com- pany, fig. companions. Tdrszeker , S. , ammunition wagon. Tart-ani, V. a. & n., to hold, to keep ; tartani (valaminek), to think ; to consider. Tartoztat-ni, V. a., to stop, to retain. 7afdr, S., Tartar. Tdvol, Adv., far; fdtfo/ ejteni, to remove far off; magdttdvol ejteni, to deviate. Tdvoz-tii, V. m., to quit, to retire. Tdvozds, S., removal. Tdvozott, contracted tdvozt, (used with the possessive affixes). S., having quitted the place, absence. rdktff, C., then. Tekint-eni, V. m., to look. Tekinlet, S., look, S. figure; fig. regard. Tel-ni, eltel-ni, V. n , to elapse. Teljes, tetyes, S. full. Telyesen. Adv., fully. Te//, A. v., filled. Temet-ni, V. a., to bury. Temefkezes , S. , inhumation, Obsequies, burial. Temel6,S., church yard, burying ground. Templom, S , church, temple. Tenqer, S., sea. Tenydsz-ni, V. m. & n., to grow, to strive. Ter, S. , space, room; Mr en, teton, over stumps and shrubs. Terd, S , knee. Terem-ni, V. n , to grow. Teremto, V. v., creating. erhel-ni , V. a. , to load, to burden; terhelo , A. v., bur- densome. Terlt-eni, V. a., to cover, to spread over, fig. to prostrate. Terjedett, A., extensive, spa- cious. Terjedesii, A., extensive, of ex- tent. Terme's, S., fruit. 155 Term&szetes, A., natural. Termet, S., growth, shape. Tespedo, A., stagnating. Testvdr, S., brother or sister; testver , A., german. Tdtel, S. , act, proposition; magyarrd tetel, translation into Hungarian. Tetem, S., limbs, remains. Tetemesen. Adv., considerably. Teto, S., summit top. Tevelyeg-ni, V. n., to wander about, to lose one's way. Tevelyqes, S., aberration, error. Tikkad&s, see tikkadtsdg. Tikkadlsdg, S., lassitude, weari- ness. Tilt-ani, eltilt-ani, V. a., to pro chibit, to detain. Tipor-ni, V. a., to trample. Tiszta, A., pure, clear. Tisztelet, S., honour, veneration ; tiszteletben tart - ani , to venerate, to honour. Tisztelo, S., admirer, reverer. Tisztes , A . , venerable , ho- nourable. Titkos, S., secret. Tolong-ani, V. n., to press forward, to crowd. TolongdS) S., throng, crowd. Tolul-ni, -V. n., to be urged. Tompa, A., blunt. Torony, S., steeple, tower. Tblt-eni, V. a., to fill, to pass or to spent time. Tu t S., trunk, fig. foot, base (of a mountain), forrds tbvt- ben } near the spring (well). Tbkdlet, S., perfection, accom- plishment; tokeletre jutni; to be accomplished. Tolgy, S., oak. Tor j S., stabber, fig. sting. Tor ', S., snare; tor be ejteni, to catch with a snare. T6r-ni, V., to break; nagyra, t'dr-ni , to aspire to great things. Toredek, S., fragment. Tbrekedes, S., endeavour. Torekedo , A. v., opening the path. Tbreked-ni, V. m., to exert one's self. 7ores , S., rupture, breach. Tbrolten, Adv., broken. Tbrtenet, S., event. Tortet-ni, V. fact., to drive on. Tom, S., thorn, Tovises, A., thorny, prickly. Tudatlansdg , S., ignorance. Tudomdny, S., science, know- ledge. Tvdomdnyi, A., scientific. Tudosiids, S., information, in- telligence. Tti' aj don, S., property. Tusakod-ni, V. m., to straggle, contest. Tunder, A., fairy. Tundoklo , A., bright. Tundbkol-ni, V m., to shine fig. to be adorned. 158 Tun-nii feltun-ni , V. m. , to appear. Tunemeny, S., phenomenon. Tilnod-ni, V. m., to trouble one's self, to muse. Turni, A. a. & n., to suffer. Turdelem , S , patience. Tiizete's, S., firing (bombarding.) Tilzes, A., fiery, red-hot. Tuzfofyds, S., stream of fire, fig. active life. u. Unalom, S., tediousness, disgust. Udvar, S., court. Udvari, A., of the court, be- longing to the court. Vgor-ni) V. m., to jump. Ugrds , S., leap, jump. Ugyano, Pr., the same. Ugymond (contracted of iigy mond), so he says, says he. Ujitds, S., innovation, reform. Ujitdj A. v., reforming. Undok, A., abominable. Unoka, S., grand child. Urasdg , S., dominion.; Utdlt, A. v , disgustful. Utczajdro, A., walking in the streets, wandering. Utitdrs j S. , travelling - com- panion. UtkQzben, Adv., on ones journey. utmutato , S. , guide, leaden Ulo, S., issue. Utoljdra, Adv., at last. 1J, t. Vdvtiztil-ni , V. a., to greet, to wellcome. Vnep , 8., festival. t/res, — empty, void, fig. de- prived ; uresfeju (empty head- ed) ignorant. Vt-ni v a/a hire : V. a., to fall upon; tdbnrl illni, to pitch a camp. Uz-ni, V. a., to pursue. Vad, S., wild beast, game. Vadon, S., wilderness. Vdgy, S., desire. Vajmi, Int., Alas. Vakmero, A., audacious, te- merary. Vdl-ni, megvdl-ni, V. n., to part with. Valaha, Adv., ever. Valami, Fr. ind., any. V&lasz, S., answer, reply. V&laszt-ani) V. a., to choose. Vdlasztds, S., election, alter- native. Vdlaszto fejedelem, S., Elector (Prince of germanyj. Vall-ani, V. a., to confess; k&rlcallanU to suffer damage. Ydlalkozott) A. v., enterprising. Fa/tf, A. v., true, real. Vdlogat-ni, V. a., to select, to to pick out. 157 Valosdg, S. , reality. Vdltoz-ni, V. m., to follow al- ternately. V<oz&S) S., change, ujito vdltozdst hozni, to reform. Vdltozo, A. v., changeable. Vdltsdg, S., ransom. Vdnczorog-ni, V. n., to stagger. Vdndor, S., wanderer; — A., wandering. Vdndorbot, S., travelling staff. Vdndorol-ni, V. n., to wander. Vdr, S.j castle. Vardzs, S., charm, magician, enchanter. Vdrbasa, S. , "bashaw of the castle. Vdrbeli, — A., belonging to a fortress, fig. garrison. Vdrmegetti (oldal), A., (the part) behind the fort. Vdz, S., skeleton. Vedfal, S.., bulwark. Vedoleg , Adv. , defensively protectively. Veg , S., end. Veghezvin-ni, V. a., to per- form, to accomplish. Vegkepen, Adv., entirely. Vegkiirtds, S , entire exter- mination. Vegnap , S., last day. Vegre, Adv., at last. Vegrendelmeny , S., last will. Vegivadal, S., the last combat, fig. decisive combat. Vegzet, S. fate (fatum, as the Romans represented it), destiny. VSl-ni, V. a., to believe, to think. Veleme'ny, S., opinion. Ve'lt, A. v., anticipated, fore- thought. Ve% A., old. Ven-ni, V. a., to take; szdn- dekbavenni, to intend; ne- hezen venni, to be displeased. Vendeglo, S., host. Vendegseg , S., feast, enter- tainment. Ker-m, V. a., strike. Fer, S., blood, fig. bloodshed; — with the possessive affixes — , kinsman (vereim my kins- men). Verdldozat, S., victim. Verboszu, S., sanguinary ven- gance; vcrboszut dllani, to revenge with bloodshed, Verengzo, — A., sanguinary. Veres ,, A., sanguinary. Vergod-ni, V. m., to break through, to get through with great efforts. Verkony, S.. bitter tears. Ve'rnap, S., slaughter, the day of slaughter or defeat. Versenez-ni, V. m., to race, fig. to emulate, to rival. VertoluldSy S., accumulation of blood. Ve'rzivatar, S., sanguinary tu- mult. 458 Vdsz, S., danger, tempest. Vesz-ni, V. n., to perish. veszni Urt, becoming (getting) corrupted, being on the way of depravation. Veszedelem, S., danger. VeszedelmeSy A., dangerous. Veszely, S., danger. Veszelyes, A., dangerous. Vesztflytelyes, A., dangerous, full of dangers. Veszte, S. , (used with the possessive affixes), loss, ruin, fall. Veszteget-ni, V. a., to lose, to waste. Veszlegle's, S., keeping one's self quiet, fig. inactivity. Vesztvhely, S., place of exe- cution, scaffold. Vet-ni, V. a , to throw; ma- gat a barlangjdba vette, got in his cavern. Vetel, S., receiving. Vetelkedo tdrs, S., rival, com- petitor. Vevu, S., buyer. Vezerlds, S. , guidance, di- rection. Vezeto, A. v., leading. Viadal, S., combat. Viadalom, S., dispute, debate. Viaskod-ni, V. m., to fight, to combat. Viddm, A., merry, cheerful. Vidor, A., lively, awoke, brisk. Vidoran, Adv., lively, merrily. Vidul-ni, megvidul-ni, V. n., to brighten, to grow cheerful. Vig> A., merry, cheerful; vigan. Ad v., cheerfully, with pleasure. Vigasztalds, S., comfort, con- sol ation„ Vigydzat, S., care , precau- tion. Vihar, S., hurricane, storm. Vildgit-ani, V. n., to shine. Vildgosito, A. v., shining, lu- minous. Villdm, S., lightening Villoy-ni, V. n., to gleam. Vipera-fajzat>S., generation op vipers. Virad-ni, V. n., to dawn. Virdgbokor , S. , flowerbush, flower. Virdgszdl, S. , stalk, stem of a flower. Virdgzo, A. v., flourishing. Virdny, S., field, meadow. Virul-ni, felvirul-ni, V. n., to blossom, fig. to flourish. Visel-ni, V. a., to wear; visel- tet-ni, to behave. Viszdhj) S. , adversity, ca- lamity. Viszhang, S. , echo. Viszontagsdg, S., vicisitude. Viszaemlekezes, S.,recollection. Vissza fordiil-ni, V. n. , to return. Visszahanyatlds, S., relapse. Visszanyom-nU V. a., to drive back. 459 ViszaUro, returning ; viszaterot fuvatnij to sound the retreat. Viszatol-ni, V. a., to push back, to drive back, fig. to refuse. Viszavetel, S., conquest (re- conquest.) Viszaver-ni, V. a., to repulse. Viszavonds, S. , discord, dis- sension. Vitez, S., hero. Vitezked-ni, V. m., to behave bravely. Vitezul, Adv., bravely* Vivds, S., (assailing) assault, attack. Vivo, S., v., struggler. Vizboltozati S. , jet or shoot of water. Vizhuzo gep, S., water pump. Vizivdros, S. , (water town) the lower quarter of Buda. Vizsgdlat, S., inquest* Volta, S., having been. Vonagol-ni, V.m., to be moved by convulsions fig., to be in agony. Vonul-ni, V. n., to move, to retire. V6, S., son in law. Vblgy, S., valley. Von, instead of vece, Imp erf. of ven-ni, to take. Z. Zajos, A., noisy. Zajog~ni, V. n», to bawl, to rustle. Zdpor, S., shower. Zdr, S., lock, fig. fetters. Zdrkozds, S., shutingup, con- finement. Zdszlo, S., standard, banner. Zavar, S., confusion. Zavar-ni, V. a., to confound, to distract. Zavarodds, S., confusion. Zeng-eni, V. n., to sound; visszazengeni, to re-echo. Zordon, A., rough. Zug, S , corner. Zugds, S., roaring, fig. fury. Zuhan-ni, V. n , to rush down. Zuz-ni, V. a., to bruise. Zuza, S., craw, stomach of birds. Zz. Zsdk, S., bag. Zseb, S., pocket. Zsidbadds, S., slumber, stiff- ness, torpity. Zsido , S., jew. Leipzig, printed by Alexander Wiede. Typographical errors in the selections. Page 48 line 3, put: leereszkedese instead of leereszkedose. Kisfaludy „ „ Kisfalu y. volt „ ,, volt, konnyu „ ,, konyu. reszvetlenseget „ „ reszvetlenseget. fulemile „ „ fulmile. rol „ „ rol. kormdnyzdsa „ „ kormdnyzdsd. kapv' „ ,, kapu. meghatdrzd ,, „ meghatdrzd. csak ,, ,, csdk. 88 1. 3, p. 89, 1. 7, p. 90, 1. 19 put: Osz instead of Osz. 96 line 22, put: adtom e instead of adta me\ 99 „ 6, „ Elvette „ „ £ue/te. 4 01 „ 6, „ csatolt „ „ csato. 414 ,, 20, „ Szidofoldem „ „ SzU ofoldem. 4 46 „ 45, „ Elete „ „ £/ete. 53 „ 1, 58 „ 27, 60 „ 2, 71 „ 12, 63 „ 13, 66 „ 15, 69 „ 14, 70 „ 21, 77 „ 24, 80 ,, 18, H 136 80 i •^ Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: May 2007 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 111 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 1 6066 (724)779-2111 h* ^ i* *VSS^b' *t* a* » l> ^ HI ■ w ^H .V^-A's* 1 1 K'fM ■ «; v-> , ,ft5y$ \/'A«* ran! Hi SH H