DA '45- 67 1 Book THE INVASION OF BRITAIN BY JULIUS CAESAR. LOHDOX psnrTSD bt spottiswoodk and co. N"EW-STRBBT SQl r ARE /r> H-036 M 5?: THE INVASION OF BKITAIN BY JULIUS CLESAR THOMAS LEWIN, ESQ. OF TXHN". COLL. OXON. M.A. AUTHOR OF "THE LIFE OF ST. PAUL." LONDON LONGMAN, GREEN, LONGMAN, AND ROBERTS 1859 bl PREFACE. The following pages were commenced with a view to delivering a Lecture before a Literary Society in Sussex, where the subject would have possessed a local interest ; but the discussion was soon found to involve a minute- ness of detail which was little suited to a general audi- ence. The author, therefore, rather than confess that his time had been thrown away (an opinion which will still be entertained by many of his readers), determined on submitting the result of his labour, (or rather of his amusement,) to the judgment of the public. It is almost investing a trifle with too great import- ance to thank several friends for their assistance, but the author cannot refrain from acknowledging the kindness of the Eev. C. Merivale, for the tract noticed in the Appendix; Mr. S. Waley, for the loan of Mariette's Memoir on the Portus Itius, from which vi PREFACE. much valuable information has been derived ; Mr. Bar- ton, of Dover, for inquiries about the Tides ; and the author's relative, Mrs. S. Lewin, for much time and pains bestowed on the preparation of the Illustra- tions. Lincoln's Inn : July 13, 1859. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATES. Head of Caesar Frontispiece. Chart of the Channel page 1 Old Map of the Gallic Coast 20 Old Map of the eastern end of Romney Marsh ... 44 Old French Map illustrative of Portus Itius . . .130 WOODCUTS. Barrington's Sketch of Coway Ford 105 Crawter's Sketch of ditto 106 The Coway Stake deposited in the British Museum . . 131 CORRIGENDA. Page 3, note, for "J. Csesarem " read " C. Csesarem." „ 9, line 1, dele " of Csesar." „ 25, last line, for " Cneius " read " Cnseus." „ 25, for " we have already had occasion to mention " read " we are informed." „ 30, line 17, for " had been " read "were." „ 39, line 6, correct thus : " if the wind was in his favour in coming from Boulogne to Dover, it must have blown from some j>oint of the south, and then if it still continued in that quarter, and Caesar sailed before it, he must, have steered up Channel to the east." „ 43, line 5, for " coast " read " west. " IS 2 T A 2 ] Canterbury THE CAMPAIGNS OF JULIUS CJ1SAR IN BRITAIN. FIEST INVASION. I pkopose to sketch the first page of British history, the invasion of the island by Caius Julius Cassar, after- wards Eornan emperor. We here look across a gulf of nearly two thousand years ; but, if I mistake not, the picture to be presented of that period will be graphic and distinct. We have an account from the pen of Caesar himself, the principal actor in the drama ; and his Commentaries, though intended for notes only, are so masterly and so full of lifelike impressions that by bestowing a little care we can follow him from place to place, and from day to day, with the most extraordinary minuteness. The Eoman calendar was at that time in such confusion that any references to it would only have tended to mislead, and Cassar, writing for posterity, has measured his campaigns by winter and summer, by equinoxes and moons. In tracing his progress we shall find some very remarkable instances of the precision with which his steps can be traced by means of casual observations upon the phenomena of nature, and it is this singular characteristic of his B Z (LESAR IN GAUL. narrative which has tempted our eminent astronomers, Halley and Airy, to devote some portion of their time and labour to the investigation of the subject. Historians and antiquarians are all agreed that the first footstep of Caesar upon these shores was planted either in Sussex or in Kent. In which of the two has been warmly contested, and I shall not here by anticipation determine the controversy. I shall lay before you the facts which have left no doubt on my own mind, and will, if the result answer to expectation, bring conviction to yourselves. The palm contended for is no mean one, for the Eoman legions were so warmly received, that, even under Caesar's auspices, they effected their landing with the utmost difficulty. It was in B.C. 58 that Caesar took possession, as praetor or governor, of the province of Gaul, then comprising the North of Italy, called Gallia Cisalpina, with part of Ulyricum, and the South of France, called Gallia Transalpina, or Provincia Eomanorum. In the course of four successive years, Caesar, by feats of arms and diplomatic address, extended the limits of his pro- vince as far as the Ehine eastward, and the barrier of the ocean to the north and west. Towards the close of B. c. 55, he looked around in vain for an enemy in Gaul, and cast his eyes in the direction of Britain. He already anticipated the coming conflict between himself and Pompey ; and it was necessary to find some plausible pretext for adding to the number of his legions, and promoting their efficiency by constant employment. Be- sides, what booty was to be expected from a country whither Eoman spoliation had never yet penetrated, and which was said to produce gold and silver and pearls ! * 1 " Fert Britannia aurum et argentum et alia metalla pretinm victoria?. Gignit et oceanus margaritas." — Tac. Vit. Agric. " Multi CAESAR IN GAUL. 3 what glory was to be reaped from the annexation to the Eoman Eepublic of the largest known island, and that so remote as to be deemed, in popular belief, be- yond the limits of the world! * A favourable opportunity also now presented itself, for hostilities had lately broken out between Cassive- laun, king of the Catyeuchlani (Middlesex and Hertford- shire), and Imanuent, king of the Trinobantes (the people of Essex), and Imanuent, finding himself worsted in the conflict, had appealed to Caesar for assistance against his too powerful neighbour. 2 The excuse ostensibly alleged by Caesar for the aggression was the same as that more recently put forward by the Great Napoleon, in justification of a like fruitless attempt, viz. that Britain had subsidised hostile powers in the Continental wars. 3 The invasion of Britain being resolved upon, the first tiling to be done was to gain information touching the ports of the island, and the resistance to be offered. 4 The Gauls in general were wholly ignorant upon these matters, and he could learn nothing. He then sum- prodiderunt (J. Caesarem) Britanniam petisse spe margaritarum." — Suet. Cces. 46, 47. 1 " Et penitus toto divisos orbe Britannos." Virg. Eclog. i. 67. 2 In the following year Mandubert, the son of Imanuent, on escaping to Gaul, is said " fidem Caesaris secutus" (B. G. v. 20) ; and he had, therefore, pledged himself to Caesar the year before. 3 " Quod omnibus fere Gallicis bellis hostibus nostris subministrata auxilia intelligebat." — Cces. B. G. iv. 20. " Auxilia ex Britannia, quaa contra eas regiones posita est, (Veneti) accersunt." — B. G. iii. 9. 4 The difficulties of Cassar, from his total ignorance when he embarked on the first expedition, were a favourite topic with the orators for practice in speaking. " Haec et in suasoriis aliquando tractari solent ; ut, si Caesar deliberet, An Britanniam impugnet ? Quae sit Oceani natura ? An Britannia insula ? Quanta in ea terra ? Quo numero militum aggredienda ? " — QuinctiL de Orator, vji. 4. b 2 4 OESAR IN GAUL. moned into his presence the merchants who traded with Britain, and must, therefore, be acquainted with the products of the country and the manners of the inhabitants. But to his surprise, the merchants were equally dull ; so that he could not even satisfy himself whether there existed along the coast a single harbour for the reception of a fleet. 1 One cannot help sur- mising that these merchants could have told a great deal more than was suffered to escape from their lips. The ignorance of the Gauls was probably not affected, for Caesar makes the remark, as true of the past day as of the present, that no one thought of visiting Britain unless he had some substantial reason for it. 2 Caesar, however, was not to be thus foiled ; and, as he could extract nothing from the Gauls, he deter- mined on despatching one of his own officers to survey the island. Caius Volusenus was selected for the pur- pose. He started on his errand in a long ship 3 , i. e. one built for the utmost speed, and impelled by oars; in short, a Eoman trireme, or war-galley. Meanwhile, Caesar, to prepare for the expedition, marched into the country of the Morini. We shall hear something more of these Morini, and we may, there- fore, pause at once to ascertain where their country was 1 The Veneti of Gaul (the people of Vannes) were those who chiefly traded with Britain, and they did every thing to thwart the expedition : " erotf.iot yap i\aav (01 Oviveroi) KtoXvetr tov elg rrjy UpETTdviKYiv tt\ovv yjpiofXEvoi raj £jU7rop/w." — Strab. iv. p. 271. The Morini also, who occupied the coast opposite Britain, were equally friendly to the islanders : " rdv Nwplvwy B. G. iv. 36. 2 Strabo says that Caesar made the Seine his dockyard, " ivravda de /cat to vavrrrj-yiov avveffrriffaro Kdiffap 6 deoe, 7r\iti)v etc Trjv Bper- ravto/v" (lib. iv. 5), but Itium his sailing port, which he places amongst the Morini, "Mopivu>i> irap olg kan /cat to "Ytlov w expy'ivaro vavaradjjiu Kalaap 6 deog dialpwv elg rrjaov" (lib. iv. 5). PORT OF EMBARCATION. 19 confirmations of this. For instance, we have seen that Cassar, in order to prepare for the expedition by col- lecting transports, marched into the country of the Morini, and Boulogne was not only a port, but was the port of the Morini 1 ; and, when Florus tells us that Cassar sailed from the 'port of the Morini, he can only mean Boulogne, which was universally stamped with that character. 2 Calais, no doubt, was also on the coast of the Morini, but was comparatively unknown and insig- nificant, as is evident from the Eoman military roads all converging, not to Calais, but to Gesoriacum or Boulogne. 3 It was at the latter port that Claudius embarked for the invasion of Britain 4 , and here also it is generally understood that Caligula had intended to embark for a similar object, and did actually construct a pharos for the benefit of voyagers to and fro between Boulogne and Britain. 5 Hence Lupicinus sailed by 1 " Ultimos Gallicarum gentium Morinos, nee portu quern Gesoriacum vocant quicquam notius habet." — Pomp. Mela, iii. 2; " Mopivtiv Triaopiaicov ETrlveiov.' n — Ptolem. ii. 9. 3. " Haec [Britain] abest a Gessoriaco Morinorum gentis litore proximo trajectu quin- quaginta m." — Plin. N. H. iv. 30. 2 " Quum tertia vigilia Morino solvisset e Portu minus quam medio die insulam ingressus est. " — Flor. iii. 10. 3 The line of road is given in Antonin. Itin., viz. from Bagacum (Bavay) to Castellum (Cassel), and thence to Taruenna (Terou- enne), and thence to Gesoriacum or Bononia (now Boulogne). It is stated by Mariette, that, from coins found upon the road, it appears to have been made by Agrippa in B.C. 27; and, if so, Boulogne must have been the usual port of that coast at least very soon after Cassar's time. See Mariette, p. 47. 4 " A Massilia Gesoriacum usque pedestri itinere confecto inde transmisit." — Suet. Claud. 17. That Claudius also took large supplies with him, see Dion, ix. 21. 5 Suet. Calig. 46. It is certain that until about 100 years ago c 2 20 PORT OF EMBARCATION. command of the Emperor Julian 1 , and Theodosius by command of Valentinian 2 ; hence also Constantius Chlo- rus 3 ; and hence, in A. D. 893, the Danes crossed to the mouth of the Lymen. 4 But further, I have already called attention to the distinguishing mark of the Portus Itius, that it was thirty Eoman miles, or twenty-seven and a half English miles, from the shores of Britain, and that is just the distance of Boulogne from Folkestone. Certainly the advertise- ments of the South-Eastern Eailway Company state Boulogne to be only twenty-six miles from Folkstone, but measurement is one thing and railway advertise- ment another. I asked one of the Company's own officials at Folkestone whether twenty-six miles was the actual distance, and he candidly confessed that it was considerably more. But there is another remarkable feature which identifies Boulogne as the Portus Itius. When Csesar sailed on his first expedition eighteen transports were detained by contrary winds at a haven eight miles 5 higher up, or more to the north. 6 When I turned my attention to this subject I was soon satisfied, on numerous independent grounds, that Boulogne must be the port from which Cassar sailed, but I was not then aware how far it would answer to the requisite there stood at Boulogne a Roman pharos which would exactly answer to that of Caligula. See a description of it in Dr. Ber- trand's History of Boulogne. It will be seen depicted in the old map inserted in this work. 1 Ammian. Marc, cited Mon. Hist. Brit. p. lxxiii. 2 Ibid. 3 Eumenius in Paneg. in Constant. Cses. c. 14. * Anglo-Saxon Chron. a.d. 893. 5 " xviii onerariae naves, quae ex eo loco millibus passuum viii vento tenebantur, quo minus in eundem portum pervenire possent." — B. G. iv. 22. 6 " Ulteriorem portum." — iv. 22. Copy of an ancient Map in the Cottoniarv Collection, at theBrMshMuseiun, without a date hut supposed to be of the 76 ^Century. E l/Oer Lithog. TORT OF EMBARCATIOff. 21 of having another port eight miles to the north. I was walking one morning, on my return from the Continent, along the long wooden pier of Calais, when I fell into conversation with two French cures, and I broached the subject of Csesar's invasion. I found them the most unprejudiced witnesses, for they had no acquaint- ance with the classics, and took no interest in the matter ! I asked them if there were any haven some eight miles from Calais, and they told me that Gravelines was the nearest, which I understood to be about fifteen miles. I then repeated the same inquiry with refer- ence to Boulogne, when they told me that Ambleteuse, though now only used for small craft, had formerly been a port of much greater consequence, as was attested by the remains of ancient works there. On returning to the hotel I questioned the landlord about the distance of Ambleteuse from Boulogne, and he said two leagues and a half, which would make eight Eoman miles. 1 From subsequent investigation I find that Louis XIV. had proposed to make Ambleteuse a port of first-rate excellence, and that Napoleon after- wards entertained a similar project, but that both undertakings were eventually abandoned. 2 It is almost 1 " Ambleteuse est a 8000 pas [8 miles] environ de Boulogne, et la rade d' Ambleteuse est encore a 8000 pas." — Mariette, p. 63. The same writer thus speaks of the port : " La Canche a Quantavicus, la Liane a Gesoriacum, la Slacq a Ambleteuse, formaient deja des ports plus grands " {lb. 33) ; and a writer in the Gent. Mag. speaks of it as follows : " The embouchure of a little channel for draining the valley forms at present the little harbour of Ambleteuse." — H. L. L.: Gent. Mag. vol. xxvi. (1846) p. 252. 2 In the sixth century, Ambleteuse was noted for its trade and fortifications. In 1209 (when it was rebuilt after its destruction by the northern barbarians) excavations were made to form a port. In 1544, Henry the Eighth used it as a general depot for c 3 22 PORT OF EMBARCATION. unnecessary to mention that James II., on abdicating the English throne, landed at Ambleteuse. It may be thought a slight circumstance, but is not to be passed unnoticed, that Csesar more than once speaks of Ports in the plural number 1 , and this is exactly the case if we assume Caesar's rendezvous to have been at Boulogne ; for then, not only was there the little port of Ambleteuse eight miles off, but also a still smaller one at Wimereux 2 , lying between Ambleteuse and Boulogne. Thus while the body of the fleet was assembled at Boulogne, some supernumeraries, particu- larly the smaller craft, would be lying at the two subordinate havens. Another argument in favour of Boulogne, which has considerable weight, arises from the name itself of Portus Itius. It is true that the identical word nowhere else occurs in history ; but Ptolemy, the famous geographer, in describing this part of the coast, calls Cape Grisnez, Cape Icius. 3 Even if the true warlike stores, when it became one of the safest and finest ports in the channel. A few years after it was taken by the French, and the fortifications rased. In 1680 Louis XIV. determined on restoring the port, and intrusted the work to the celebrated Vauban, when the sluice of the Slacq was made, and a basin dug and a pier added, but the full plan was never completed. In 1803 the right wing of Napoleon's grand army was stationed here, and the port and basin were cleared out. At present the village has a ruinous aspect, wearing only the tattered remnant of pristine splendour." — BertrancPs Hist, of Boulogne. 1 B. G. iv. 36. v. 8. 2 " At a short distance from Boulogne, on the coast, is the Port of Wimereux, formed by the mouth of the river bearing the same name. Half a league up the river is the village of Wimille." — BertranoVs History of Boulogne. The relative positions of Boulogne, Amble- teuse, and Wimereux will be seen upon the old map. 3 " Merd rag tov *Lr\Koava Trora/jLov [Seine] EK^oXdg pov$iog -Kora- jiov £»c€o\cu "Ituov ciitpoy" — ii. 9 3 1. PORT OF EMBARCATION. 23 reading of the port in Caesar be Itius, the two names are very near to each other, and I believe all writers are agreed that they must be taken to be the same word. If this be so, how strong is the presumption that Boulogne must be the Portus Icius, for, with the exception of the comparatively small havens of Ambleteuse and Wimereux, it is the nearest port to Cape Icius. Assuming Cape Grisnez to be Cape Icius, it can hardly be supposed that the estuary of the Somme, as Airy suggests, can be the Portus Icius, when Boulogne, which is, and always has been, a port of much greater celebrity, intervenes between the Somme and the Cape. The very name also of Itius, Icius, or Iccius, may still be traced in the vicinity of Boulogne. A little above the town is the village of Isques, at Pont de Briques. 1 This bridge is of great antiquity, and till recently was the only one connecting the two banks of the Liane, and stood 2 in ancient times 1 " Un petit village, assis agreablement sur la rive gauche de la Liane, a quelques pas de Boulogne et de l'enibouchure de cette ri- viere, annonce meme des pretensions a porter encore le nom de l'lcius de Cesar : c'est le village d'Isques, nom moderne qui parait etre un derive assez naturel du substantif latin. Interrogez les habitans de ce village, et ils vous diront que la tradition du passage de Cesar est encore vivante parmi eux, que la mer montait autrefois jusque a Isques, comme elle y monterait encore inaintenant sous les moulins a eau du Pont de Briques et le Pont de l'Ecluse de Boulogne, et que le lit de la Liane, bien plus large et plus profond qu'aujourd'hui formait un port d'un abord facile, et d'autant plus sur qu'il etait protege duvent par des coteaux voisins." — Mariette, p. 24. This writer, who as a Boulognese seems a little jealous of Isques, yet admits that the name may have been derived from Portus Icius. The town was at all events known in the 9th century; for he adds in a note, " Isques, sous le nom dTska, existait avant les invasions des Normands au ix e siecle." — Harbaville, Memorial Hist, et Ar- chceol.t. ii. p. 80. 2 It is so placed in the old map ; and in Bertrand's Hist. c 4 24 PORT OF EMBARCATION. at the head of the estuary. Thus Isques would naturally give its name to the port below. Napoleon, when at Boulogne superintending the preparations for the inva- sion of England, is said to have fixed his head-quarters at Pont de Briques 1 , and as great commanders would be acted upon by similar influences, what more probable than that Caesar also should have pitched the praetorian tent at Isques, and then have spoken of the port below as Portus Icius 1 I cannot help adding that the very circumstance of Napoleon's selection of Boulogne for his port of em- barcation is a strong argument for referring Caesar's expedition to the same spot. Both generals had the same object in view, and were at the head of pow- erful armies, and had collected a numerous flotilla. If Caesar had 800 vessels 2 , Napoleon had 1300 at Boulogne alone. 3 If Caesar made use of a port ' eight miles to the north of Portus Itius, and another yet nearer 4 , Napoleon quartered one division of his army, with a squadron of vessels, at Ambleteuse, and another at Wimereux. 5 If Caesar's ships were all flat-bottomed, in order that they might float in shallow water, and be more expeditiously freighted 6 , Napoleon adopted the very same principle for the very same reason, so that his vast fleet, even exceeding that of Caesar, was accommodated in the harbour and river of Boulogne, and yet was so conveniently stowed, that, of Boulogne, it is said anciently to have stood at the head of the estuary. 1 Bertrand's Hist, of Boulogne. 2 B. G. v. 8. 3 Bertrand's Hist, of Boulogne. 4 B. G. iv. 22. 5 See Bertrand's Hist, of Boulogne. 6 " Ad celeritatem onerandi subductionesque." — B. G. v. 1. PORT OF EMBARCATION. 25 on a rehearsal of the embarcation, by way of experi- ment, the whole army was put on board in the course of one hour and a half. l Had we the details of Caesar's armament, as of Napoleon's, the resemblance might, no doubt, be traced further, but this will suffice for our purpose. The Astronomer Eoyal observes, as an objection to Boulogne, that 5000 men could not have been shipped from it at a single tide ; but, if the whole of Napoleon's army could be put on board in an hour and a half, it was surely not beyond the reach of Caesar's genius to clear one half of that number from the port during the interval between one low water and another. I do not know that there would have been any difficulty about it 2 ; however, it is unnecessary to pursue the subject further, as Caesar nowhere says that he did ship off his whole fleet in a single tide. No doubt they all started at once from their anchorage at the mouth of the port, but they might have quitted the port itself before anchoring outside, in as many tides as their number required. Time and place are said to be the two eyes of history ; and, now that we have fixed the place of em- barcation, we proceed to determine the time ; and, if I am not mistaken, you will be surprised to find with what accuracy this point can be settled. The expedition was in the consulship of Cneius 1 See Bertrand's Hist, of Boulogne. 2 In the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, a.d. 893, is the following pas- sage : — "In this year the great army about which we formerly spoke came again from the Eastern kingdom westward to Boulogne, and there was shipped ; so that they came over in one passage (a?nne ptS), horses and all, and they came to land at Limene mouth with 250 ships." 26 TIME OF SAILING. Ponrpey and M. Crassus 1 , and was, therefore, certainly in B.C. 55. The season of the year is expressly men- tioned to have been when little of summer remained 2 , and we are, therefore, at once prepared to place it somewhere about August. But we can advance a step further; for repeated allusions, on Csesar's arrival in Britain, are made to the harvest as still continuing 3 , but drawing towards its conclusion 4 ; and we all know that in Kent and Sussex the harvest month is August. But again, Caesar returned from Britain a little before the equinox 5 , which the ancients reckoned to be 24th September, and his stay in Britain was, as we shall see hereafter, little more than three weeks, and this con- firms the deduction from other data, that the voyage was in August. But we can tell the very day of his embarcation, for Caesar informs us that on the fourth day of his arrival in Britain (the day of arrival included) occurred the full moon 6 ; and, as the harvest was nearly over, it must have been the full moon (if there was one) late in August. We turn to De Morgan's Booh of Almanacks, which gives us the full moons from 2000 years B.C. to 2000 a.d., and we find that in B.C. 55, the year in question, the full moon was on the night of 1 B. G. iv. 1. 2 " Exigua parte aestatis reliqua." — B. G. iv. 20. 3 " Frunientum ex aquis in castra quotidie (Caesar) conferebat." — 5. G. iv. 31. 4 " Omni ex reliquis partibus demesso fruniento, una pars erat reliqua." — B. G. iv. 32. 5 " Propinqua die aequinoctii." — B. G. iv. 36. 6 "Post diem quartam quani est in Britanniam ventum, naves xvin . . . leni vento solverunt Eadem nocte accidit, ut esset luna plena." — B. G. iv. 28, 29. "Post diem quartam" means the fourth day current, including the day of the arrival as the first. Thus, " Neque te illo die, neque postero vidi, . . . post diem tertiam veni," &c. — Cic. Philip, ii. 35. TIME OF SAILING. 27 Wednesday the 30th August, or, to speak strictly, at 3 a.m. in the morning of Thursday the 31st August. This may be received as a fact capable of mathematical demonstration, and has, therefore, been assumed by all commentators as a fixed point. The fourth day before the full moon was, therefore, Sunday .the 27th August, on which day, consequently, Caesar reached Britain ; and, as he had set sail the night before, he of course started on Saturday the 26 th August. I need scarcely mention that Boulogne is a tidal harbour, in other words, that it can only be entered or quitted at high water, or at least not at low water. Now, to ascertain the state of the tide, we have only to determine the moon's age. At Boulogne it is high water at full moon at 11.20, and, as the tide is 48 minutes earlier every preceding day, it follows that on 26th August, B.C. 55, being the fifth day before the full moon (the day of full moon included), it was high water about 8 p.m. At this time then, or an hour or two previously, the ships would be rapidly dropping down from the harbour and anchoring outside, ready to sail at the word of command. 1 Many hours would be consumed in emptying the port of its crowd of transports, and the fleet would scarcely be under weigh before midnight. But we are not left to conjecture on this head, as Caesar tells us that he started about the third watch, i.e. about twelve o'clock at night 2 ; and the 1 It seems to be a general notion that Caesar sailed at high water or at the ebbing of the flood, and this would be true if it be meant that his ships then dropped down from the harbour : but it would not be true in the sense of actually weighing anchor on his voyage across the channel ; for, as he did not set sail until midnight, high water would by that time have been long past. "'ETripcuTe £e Kara tov Kaipov rfjg au7rwr£wc" — Appian, cited Monum. Hist. Brit. p. 50. "Tate afX7rojT£(TL rov 7re\dyovg ffv/iOejOoaei'oi." — lb. 2 " Tertia fere vigilia." — B. G. iv. 23. 28 CESAR'S ARMY. moon, which had been long up, was nearly at the full, and would thus facilitate both the embarcation and passage. While Caesar is crossing the channel let us form an estimate of the invader's force. He tells us that he took with him two legions, the 7th and the celebrated 10th, in eighty transports. 1 A legion, in theory, consisted of ten cohorts, and each cohort of three maniples, and each maniple of two centuries, so that, if a century contained, as it was supposed to do, 100 men, the total number in a legion would be 6000. But, in fact, a legion had seldom if ever its full strength, and usually con- sisted of about 4,200 men, so that Cassar's two legions on this occasion would probably not exceed 8,400. We may arrive at much the same result by another process. Of his eighty transports, Csesar lost twelve in Britain, which would reduce them to sixty-eight. Two of them, on their return to Gaul, were drifted beyond the port for which they were bound, and the troops on board were obliged to land some way off to the south, and it is incidentally mentioned that these two transports carried together 300 men, or 150 each. 2 Now, if every one of the sixty-eight vessels was freighted with the same number, the total amount would be 10,200 ; but the two unlucky transports may have been thrown out of their course from being the most heavily laden, and if so it may well be supposed that the whole army was not much above 8,400. Professor Airy assumes 8000, and this calculation cannot be very wide of the truth. 3 1 " Navibus circiter lxxx onerariis coactis, contractisque, quod satis esse ad duas legiones transportandas existimabat." — B. G. iv. 22. 2 B. G. iv. 37. 3 A writer of the fourth century observes : " C. Caesar cum decern CESAR'S ARMY. 29 As to the cavalry we are much more at a loss for data. Caesar had altogether in Gaul eight legions and 4000 horse 1 , which would give 500 horse for each legion. This calculation would yield for the two legions which passed into Britain a complement of 1000 cavalry. This inference, however, would be unjust, as in any expedition the relative ratios of infantry and cavalry were extremely variable, and depended alto- gether on circumstances. Thus in the following year Caesar left three legions only in Gaul and 2000 horse, and took with him to Britain five legions and yet only 2000 horse. 2 If indeed we might judge of the number of cavalry in the first invasion from that employed in the second, then as five legions were accompanied with 2000 horse, two legions would require 800 horse. All that we can say with certainty is that the cavalry did not exceed the number, whatever it was, which could be conveyed in eighteen vessels ; for we have already had occasion to mention that eighteen trans- ports were wind-bound at Ambleteuse, and so unable to reach Boulogne, and that Caesar ordered the cavalry, as the more movable body, to ride over to Amble- teuse, and, embarking there, to follow him with all speed. 3 If these eighteen transports were of equal burden with the rest, then as we know that two ships carried 300 men, or 150 each, and a vessel which could be freighted with 150 men would take from forty to fifty horses, say forty-five 4 , we may infer that the eighteen ships conveyed about 800 cavalry, so legionibus quas quaterna millia Italorum habuerant, per annos octo ab alpibus ad Rhenum usque Gallias subegit, ... in Britanniam transivit." — Rufus Sextus, cited Mon. Hist. Brit. p. lxxi. 1 B. G. v. 5. 2 B. G. v. 8. 3 B. G. iv. 23. 4 Horsley's Britain. dO PLACE OF LANDING^ tliat tlie force which accompanied the expedition may be reckoned at about that amount. It may appear a step of singular boldness that Caesar should have attempted the conquest of the island with such inadequate means ; but it must be re- membered that Caesar, with all his exertions, had been unable to obtain any reliable information, and that he could not tell whether the approaching struggle was to be with a nation of heroes or a hive of drones. We left Caesar and his fleet under sail from Boulogne. The transports for the soldiers were eighty in number ; but besides these there were a few fast-sailing war- galleys, or triremes, Caesar himself embarking in one of them, and distributing the rest amongst the officers of his army, the Quaestor, the Legates, and the Prefects. 1 The wind must have been favourable, for as the ships at Ambleteuse had been prevented by it from sailing to Boulogne it was blowing from the S. W., and was, therefore, just what was desirable for a passage from Boulogne to Britain. The object of Caesar's starting at twelve o'clock at night was, apparently, that he might land by morning, and so have the whole day before him for military operations. Accordingly, at 10 A. M. (or the fourth hour, as the Bomans always reckoned from 6 A. m.) on 27th August, Caesar was off the coast of Britain. What part of the coast was it 1 Caesar had embarked from the country of the Morini because they were nearest to Britain 2 , and he tells us in another place that Kent, the eastern corner of the island, was the place for which ships from Gaul were commonly bound. 3 1 " QuEestori legatis praefectisque distribuit." — B. G. iv. 22. 2 B. G. v. 2. 3 " Hujus lateris [the south] alter angulus qui est ad Cantium, PLACE OF LANDING. 31 We should suppose, therefore, that Csesar followed the usual track, and made for one of the ports which then as now were the most frequented, viz. Dover or Folke- stone. Indeed we are told as much by Dion, who says that Cassar sailed from the usual port to the usual port, but that he could not land at the latter because it had been preoccupied by the enemy. 1 And it may be added, that, unless he pursued the usual track, how could the Britons have known where to encounter the debarcation'? But let us hear Caesar himself, who has drawn a sketch of the coast such as it presented itself on his first approach. "The nature of the place," he says, " was on this wise : the sea was so hem- med in by confined mountains that a javelin could be thrown from the higher ground upon the shore." 2 Quintus Cicero, the brother of Mark Tully, and one of the generals in Caesar's army on the second expe- dition, describes, in his letters home, the outposts of Britain as defended by stupendous masses of natural bulwarks. 3 To what part of Albion can this descrip- tion answer, but to the high chalk cliffs frowning between Sandgate and the South Foreland, which do indeed so hem in the sea that the idea of a hostile quo fere ex Gallia naves appelluntur, ad orientem solem spectat." — B. G. v. 13. 1 " Kai tov jjlev SiEKirXovv »ca0' 6 juaXiora ixpfjv jietcl riov tte£uv £7rotr)aaTO' oh fievTOL Kal r) e$ei rcpoaiayEV, oi yap BpErravot, tov ettittXovv avrov TrpoTrvdo/jiEvoi, Tag KarapaEig cnraaag rag wpb rrjg tiTTEipov ovffag 7rpo(,arf\a€ov." — Dion, xxxix. 51. How accurately the words describe Dover and Folkestone ! 2 " Cujus loci haec erat natura : adeo montibus angustis mare continebatur, ut ex locis superioribus in littus telum adjici posset." — B. G. iv. 23. 3 " Constat enim aditus insulse esse munitos mirificis molibus." — Cic. Ep. Att. iv. 16. OZ PLACE OF LANDING. descent there, in the face of an enemy, would be mili- tary madness. Airy would have us believe that these " mountains " and " stupendous masses " are to be found near Hastings ; but as the Astronomer Eoyal bases his supposition on the assumption that Csesar sailed from the Somme, which we have shown to be untenable, we need not here discuss the matter with him further. If Csesar was disappointed at seeing the natural fea- tures of the country, he was probably much more so at another sight which riveted his gaze ; the landing- places at the ports were bristling with hostile spears 1 , and the heights above, also, were covered with troops, not rude savages, but in good martial array. 2 The merchants had studiously kept back from the Eo- mans all information of British affairs ; but every movement of the invaders had been instantly trans- mitted from Gaul to Britain, and the consequence was, that, rapidly as the Eoman legions had been col- lected and transports provided, the islanders, or at least the inhabitants of Kent, with no doubt their compatriots of Sussex, had assembled en masse to oppose the descent. Csesar, with his officers, had preceded the rest of the fleet for the very purpose of preparing for the debarcation, of examining the coast, and taking measures accordingly while the transports were coming up. To effect a landing then and there would, of course, be giving an immense and unnecessary advantage to the enemy, and he would not run the risk. He, therefore, lay at anchor until all the transports had arrived, and spent the interval in sum- 1 Dion, xxxix. 51. 2 " Atque ibi in omnibus collibus expositas hostium copias firmatas conspexit." — B. G. iv. 23. TLACE OF DEBAKCATIOX. 33 moning his officers together, and explaining his views. It would seem that Caesar, like Wellington and all great commanders, kept his counsels to liimself until the mo- ment of action ; it was only now, for the first time, that he produced the survey made by Volusenus, pointed out the mode of attack, and assigned to every one his allotted post. 1 By 3 o'clock in the afternoon (called by the Eomans the ninth hour) the whole fleet was assembled ; and we may here observe, by the way, that, as from Boulogne to Dover is in round numbers twenty-eight miles, and Caesar liimself, in a war-galley, had been ten hours on the way, viz. from twelve at night to ten in the morning, the average speed would be nearly three miles an hour. The transports, on the other hand, had consumed fifteen hours on the passage, viz. from twelve at night to three in the afternoon, which yields an average of only about two miles an hour. 2 It was at 3 o'clock, then, in the afternoon, on Sun- day, the 27th August, a.d. 55, that Caesar weighed anchor from before Dover, preparatory to disembarking; and now comes the important and much-agitated ques- tion : Which way did he sail ; to the left or right, to the west or east ? Let us first consider, a priori, what a prudent commander might be expected to do under similar circumstances. The usual ports in front of Mm were preoccupied and impracticable. To the right he would see the precipitous chalk cliffs stretching away to the east till they terminated at the South Foreland, when he would lose sight of land altogether, and on ] y 1 B. G. iv. 23. 2 According to Appian, the voyage from Gaul to Britain was half a day, or twelve hours : u "Eort £' avrolg 6 SicnrXovg ij/Jiiav yfiepag^ — Appian, cited Monum. Hist. Brit. 50. D 34 PLACE OF DEBARCATIOX. the broad expanse of ocean would meet his eye. The lowlands about Warmer or Deal would not be visible ; and it is at least doubtful whether Yolusenus had included them in his survey. On his left was a very different prospect ; for, tracing the line of cliffs west- ward, he could not fail to observe that they terminated at Sandgate, and that a broad level plain there suc- ceeded. I need not produce arguments to show how peculiarly favourable to a hostile descent is the great marsh lying between Sandgate and Eye. The bones that are piled in the crypt of Hythe church (a mass twenty-eight feet long, six broad, and eight high) bear witness of the fierce encounters which have there taken place between the Britons and their invaders on the British Armageddon ; and the martello towers that still line the shore, and the defensive military canal carried along the edge of the marsh, attest the well-founded apprehension in our own day, that here, if ever, the Con- tinental hosts will attempt a burglarious entry into the islanders' home. It was also late in the day with Cassar, and, as the sun would set at seven, he had only four hours to choose his ground and effect a landing. But there is another consideration arising out of the plan of operations which he had just unfolded to his officers. The enemy were in such numbers that to force a descent with only 8,000 men in their presence was, if not a desperate, yet a dangerous, undertaking. His object, therefore, was, by the rapidity of his move- ments, to outstrip his foes, and disembark a sufficient number of troops before they could come up. 1 It was 1 u Ad nutum et ad tempus omnes res ab iis administrarentur." — B. G. iv. 23. " "E00/7 tt}q yfjg KparrjcraQ Trplv ty^v TrXeiio (TVfi€oi']deiav eXdeiy." — Dion, xxxix. 51. TLACE OF DEBARCATIOX. 35 absolutely necessary, therefore, that he should take advantage of the tide, or, at all events, that he should not mar his designs by stemming a strong current. But we need not theorise upon the subject, as Cassar gives us incidentally a piece of information which is conclusive. " Having got," he says, " the wind and the tide at the same time in his favour, he gave the signal and hoisted anchor, and, advancing about eight miles from that place, he brought his ships to at an open and level shore." 1 Thus he certainly sailed with the tide, and, if we can only discover the direction of the tide, we shall know which way Csesar turned the head of his vessel. Now it may seem at first sight a somewhat difficult problem to calculate the current of the Channel at 3 o'clock on a particular day nearly 2,000 years ago; but the phenomena of nature are unchangeable, and I shall satisfy you that the question can be solved with little trouble and with the greatest exactness. The tides, it is well known, occur twice in the twenty-four hours, and each time about twenty-four minutes later, so that the corresponding tide on each successive day is forty-eight minutes later 2 : thus, if it be high water at Dover to-day at 12 o'clock at noon, it will be high water there to-morrow at twelve minutes before 1 p. m. After a cycle of fourteen days, these tides recur in the same order of succession. The reason is that the new moon and full moon both act upon the ocean in a similar manner ; and, during the interval between the 1 " Et ventum et aestum uno tempore nactus secundum, dato signo et sublatis anchoris, circiter millia passuum viii ab eo loco pro < gressus, aperto ac piano littore naves constituit." — B. G. iv. 2£. 2 The Tidal Tables say fifty minutes per day. " The mean interval of time between two consecutive high waters is about 12h. 25m." — Tidal Tables for 1859, p. 99. d 2 36 PLACE OF DEBARCATION. new moon and full moon, and, of course, equally be- tween the full moon and new moon, the tide runs the whole round of ebb and flow until it returns back to the same hour. The period of one lunation, or one revolution of the moon round the earth, is twenty-nine days and a half, so that from new moon to full, and again from full moon to new, is, in strictness, not four- teen days, but fourteen days and three quarters. It is evident from this that, in order to find the time of high water for any particular day, we need only determine the time of it at new or full moon, and the intervening periods of ebb and flow can then be ascertained by allowing forty-eight minutes per diem from the last new or full moon. Accordingly, the tables of the tides are usually calculated for the new and full moons only. However, there are slight disturbing influences which in some degree vary the general rule, and, to enable the mariner to follow them without difficulty, there are published annually, under the direction of the Admi- ralty, "The Tidal Tables for the English and Irish Ports," 1 which show at a glance when it is high water at the principal places round the coasts of England and Ireland for every day in the year. In speaking of the tides we must distinguish between the landsman's tide and the seaman's tide. The lands- man standing on the shore, beholds the water rise and fall, and thinks of the tide with reference to its height and depression only, whereas the seaman cares little for the rise or fall, which he does not see, but is very atten- tive to the current caused by the tide, which aids or impedes the progress of his vessel. The direction of 1 Published by J. 0. Potter, 31, Poultry, Loudon ; and 11, King Street, Tower Hill, London. PLACE OF DEBARCATIOX. 37 the current is as regular as the rise and fall of the tide, but both are subject to occasional disturbances from the action of the wind or the state of the atmosphere. These variations, however, it is believed, seldom if ever exceed an hour either in the time of high or low water, or of the turn of the current. As the British Channel is so constantly covered by the mercantile navy of England, great pains have been taken to ascer- tain the turn of the tide in this part. We are here concerned only with that in the Straits of Dover, and I shall, therefore, content myself with stating the rule laid down for the guidance of mariners in the annual referred to. The Admiralty direction then is, that the stream off Dover sets westward at four hours after high water, and runs west for the next seven hours, and then turns eastward and runs so for the next five hours. 1 Thus, to ascertain the current or direction of the tide at Dover, we find first the time of high water there, and four hours after that the stream begins to run west, and will so continue for seven hours, when it will again turn east, and run so for the next five hours. We have now to apply this principle to the year B. c. 55. The full moon was on the 31st of August at 3 A. M. I turn to the Tide Tables published by au- thority for the month of August of the present year, 1 " About one mile S.S.E. of the South Foreland Lighthouse, the stream begins to set to the eastward about lh. 30m. before high- water on the shore at Dover, and runs from N.E. by E. to E. N.E. about five and a half hours, or till four hours after high water. It then turns and sets W.S.W. quarter W. about seven hours. At Dover the flowing stream very seldom continues more than five hours, and sometimes scarcely so much. It is nearly the same at Eamsgate. To the northward of the South Foreland the streams change their direction to N.E. half N., and S.W. half S. " — Potter's Tide Tables, 1859, p. 110. d 3 38 PLACE OF DEBARCATIOK 1859, and I find that the moon will be at the full on the 13th of August. As regards the moon, therefore, the 31st of August, B.C. 55, and 13th of August, 1859, are corresponding days. To find, then, the time of high water at Dover on the 27th of August, B.C. 55, when Cassar arrived (being the fourth day before the 31st of August, when was the full), we have only to look for the time of high water at Dover on the 9th of August, 1859, being the fourth day before the 13th of August, when will be the full. High water at Dover on the 9th of August, 1859, will, according to the Tables, be at 7.31 a.m. It was, therefore, high water at 7.31 a.m. at Dover on the 27th of August, B.C. 55. But at four hours after high water the tide runs west, and so continues for seven hours; therefore, at 11.31 A.M., on the 27th of August, B.C. 55, the stream began to run west, and held on in the same direction until 6.31 p.m. 1 At 3 o'clock, therefore, on the 27th of August, B.C. 55, the current was flowing westward at its maximum velocity, and consequently, as Caesar sailed at 3 o'clock on the 27th of August, B.C. 55, in the same direction as the tide, he must have steered west- ward toward Eomney Marsh, and could not possibly have made for Deal. 2 1 Lieutenant Burstal does not differ much, for he computes " that during the interval between 12.40 and 6.50 p.m. of Aug. 27th (b. c. 55), the stream was setting to the westward, and therefore if Caesar weighed anchor at 3.30 p.m. the stream was setting to the W.S.W."— DunhirCs Hist, of Kent, vol. ii. 73. 2 As the place of debarcation depends altogether on the direction of the tide at 3 o'clock p.m. on 27th of August, b. c. 55, — that is, the fourth day before the full moon, which was on August 31st at o a.m., — it may be as well to see the range of the tide for every day before full moon throughout the current year 1859. From the PLACE OF DEBARCATION. 39 But Caesar tells us in the passage I have quoted, that he had not only the tide, but also the wind in his favour, and this may possibly suggest an apparent objection — viz., that if the wind was in his favour in coming from Boulogne to Dover, it must have been in the south or west ; and then, if it still continued in that quarter, and Caesar sailed before it, he must have steered to the east. But, in the first place, supposing the wind to have blown from the south, it would have been favourable to a movement, from a point opposite Dover, either to the east or west. However, I would rather offer an explanation, which will convert the objec- tion into an argument the other way ; viz. that the wind had, in fact, veered round since the passage from Bou- logne. Thus, Csesar says that he started from his an- chorage off Dover, having got the wind in his favour, and the Latin word nactus implies that the wind had under- Tide Tables it will be seen that on January 14th, being the fourth day before the full moon, high water at Dover is at 5.31 A. m. February 13 6.13 March 14 6. 8 April 13 7.13 May 12 6.55 June 11 7.20 July 11 7.55 August 9 7.31 September 8 8.27 October 7 7.47 November 6 . . . .7.44 December 6 7.31 Thus the earliest high water at Dover is at 5.31 a. m., and the latest at 8.27 a.m., and as the stream turns west at four hours after high water and continues for seven hours, it turns at the earliest at 9.31 a. m. and runs till 4.31 p.m. and turns at the latest at 12.27 p.m. and runs till 7.27 p.m. In no case, therefore, would the tide be running east at 3 p. m. d 4 40 PLACE OF DEBARCATION. gone a change. And this conclusion is strongly evi- denced by another circumstance, which, except on this supposition, is inexplicable. When he embarked at Boulogne he despatched the cavalry to Ambleteuse, eight miles off, with orders to follow him with all haste 1 ; but, much to Csesar's disappointment, they did not leave that haven for Britain until the fourth day after 2 , and no plausible reason can be given for this except that, for the whole of this interval, the wind was contrary ; that is, the wind had shifted. At 3 o'clock p.m., on Sunday 27th August, B.C. 55, Caesar quitted his moorings before Dover, and sailed to the west. For six or seven miles he had on his right the beetling bulwarks of the island, the pre- cipitous "cliffs. The cavalry and charioteers of the Britons, followed by the infantry, might be seen at the same time moving along the heights and keeping pace with the fleet, and ready to encounter the enemy in any attempt at debarcation. On nearing Sandgate, and between that place and Hythe, Caesar would see the cliffs retiring inland, and leaving a narrow triangu- lar strip of level ground between themselves and the sea. Here it may be thought, perhaps, that Caesar landed, but a little reflection will lead to a different conclusion. As you stand on the high cliffs and look down upon this triangular plain, the extent of it appears sufficient to accommodate a small army, but not so as you sail along the coast. On reaching it, as I rowed from Dover to Hythe, I immediately concluded in my own 1 " Equitesque in ulteriorem portum progredi, et naves conscen- dere, ac se sequi jussit : ab quibus cum paullo tardius esset admini- stratum," &c. — B. G. iv. 23. 2 " Post diem quartum quam est in Britanniam ventum." — B. G. iv. 28. PLACE OF DEBARCATIOX. 41 mind that the Eoman eagles could never have alighted here from want of space. The cliffs, too, in the back- ground are so near as to give an enemy an immense advantage, and the seashore could scarcely be called apertum littus. The only temptation to place the landing on this spot is, that at the eastern corner rises the brow of ShornclhTe, a high platform (which has ever been, and is still, a favourite military station) ; and, at the south-western corner of Shorncliffe, and therefore over- looking the triangular plain, is an ancient Eoman camp, which, of course, passes for Caesar's camp. I cannot think, however, that it has in reality any connection with Caesar. His camp on this occasion was apparently on the sea-beach, so as to give protection to the war- galleys drawn up on land. We know also that the Britons had a full view of it, as they despised its narrow dimensions ; but, if perched on the edge of Shorncliffe, it could scarcely have been made the subject of minute examination. The shore also just beneath Shornchffe is any tiring but rnolle or soft 1 , as the rocks here rise abruptly out of the waves. Caesar then sailed by this triangular strip, and rounding the precipitous cliffs which had so long defied him 2 , came to the creek of Limne. But here, to make myself intelligible, I must notice the extraordinary changes which have occurred in this part of the coast. I am not at all disposed to be- lieve in general the large and loose statements fre- quently broached as to the alterations of the earth's surface within the memory of man. I was, therefore, at first very incredulous as to the assertions respecting 1 B. G. v. 9. 2 " " Aicpav TLva Trepnr\eu(ja.Q." — Dion, xxxix. 51. 42 PLACE OF DEBAKCATIOtf. the growth of terra Jirma in this quarter, but I am satisfied from personal observation that the sea here has to a great extent retired, and that what is related upon the subject may not improbably be the truth. Possibly the whole of Eomney Marsh may in antedi- luvian times have been covered by the sea, and have been gradually formed by the accumulation of shingle through countless ages; at least, wherever I visited the military canal which laves the foot of the ele- vated border round the marsh, the soil, which has been excavated, is decidedly the same shingle as is still cast up by the tide. It is said that Dungeness Point advances from this accretion about seven feet annu- ally. But to pass from the period of the Ichthyosauri to that of the first century before Christ, of which we are speaking, the marsh, though its general confi- guration must have been the same then as at present, yet presented in some respects very different features. Instead of one regular curvilinear line from Sandgate to Dungeness, there were two inlets which have since been silted up. The first was at Eomney, where originally was the mouth of the river Eother, and by which the Danes on one occasion ascended as far as Appledore. The port was first at Old Eomney, and then, as the sea retreated, at New Eomney, and then, when the Eother (from the effect, it is said, of inunda- tions during a fearful storm) was diverted from its channel, and entered the sea at Eye, the port of Eomney ceased altogether; and, at the present day, no one who did not examine the ground very curiously, would dream that such a haven had ever existed. The other inlet, with which we are more immediately concerned, was that between Dymchurch and Hythe, and extended inland as far Lympne or Limne. Indeed, the name PLACE OF DEBARCATION. 43 of Linme signifies in the old British a haven 1 , and corre- sponds to the Greek word Ai^'v, a port ; and Ptolemy's xaivog Xipji/, is commonly thought to mean Limne. 2 The strong south-easterly winds (for Dungeness Point is a shelter from the coast) gradually choked up the port of Limne, and the haven then shifted more to the east, where West Hythe now stands. But the same causes still operated, and West Hythe in its turn be- came deserted by the sea, and then the haven was transferred to Hythe. This was in the time of the Saxons, for Hythe in Saxon is the same as Limne in British and Greek, and signifies a harbour. The histo- rical testimony that Limne and West Hythe and Hythe have been successively havens at the end of the bay or inlet is unexceptionable, and indeed skeletons of vessels have been dug up at Limne where now is a rich pasture. But Non vedo non credo, " Seeing is be- lieving ; " and if any one doubt of this metamorphosis from sea to terra fir ma, let him walk from Hythe, as I have done, to the heights overlooking the marsh, and he will observe the plain below him lying in ridges or waves, as if the ocean had only just quitted its embrace. Even in the eighth century Leland speaks of Hythe in the following terms : — " The haven is a pretty road and lyeth meetly straight out of Boulogne. It crooketh so by the shore along, and is so backed from the main sea by shingle, that small ships may come up a large mile as in a sure gut." 3 On looking at the old maps 4 of 1 Lambarde's Perambul. 184. 2 Ptolemy, ii. 3, 4. The state of this part of the marsh about a. d. 1600 will be seen from the annexed map, copied from one in the Cottonian Collection at the British Museum. 3 See Hasted' s Kent. 4 A copy of an old map in the Cottonian Collection at the British 44 THE LANDING. this part of the coast, I find what I have not seen noticed elsewhere, viz. that the bay of Linine contahied within it two islands. An anecdote related of one of Csesar's soldiers refers to an island in connection with the camp, and I had always supposed, until I met with these ancient charts, that the story was an idle inven- tion ; but the circumstance, so apocryphal before, be- comes thus no inconsiderable argument for placing the descent in this locality. Csesar had reached the creek of Limne, and on the western side of it was the shore where the debarcation was to be made. It was planum or flat as he describes it, for there was not a single elevation throughout the whole marsh, and it was also apertum or open, for the heights to the north were at least a mile distant. The sea-beach was also molle, or soft, not with mud or ooze, which would be a very inconvenient landing-ground, and ill adapted for a conflict, but soft in a sailor's sense, i. e. it consisted of shingle, than which nothing can be more favourable to the security of vessels. The pebbles being rounded do not cut the ships' timbers, and being also loose offer no resistance. Sand, on the contrary, which a landsman might consider soft, is, in naval phraseology, of the hardest kind, as it has no " give," and a ship beating against it would soon be shattered to pieces. I am glad to find, even in the Astrono- mer Eoyal's dissertation, the admission that " this beach Museum is inserted in this work. Harris's History of Kent gives an old map from Dugdale, which represents two islands before Hythe, and a long gut (that alluded to by Leland) running eastward. So also does the map in Speed's History. The map of Eichard of Cirencester points out nothing remarkable as to Eomney Marsh, but the scale is too small to furnish an argument either way. The oldest maps of England will be found in Gough's British Topo- graphy. ntannicus THE LANDING. 45 is very favourable for landing." The spot also offered other advantages. The interposition of the creek obliged the enemy to make a circuit, and if expedition were used, Caesar might land before the British foot could come up. As for the cavalry and charioteers, they were already there and lined the shore. It may also have entered into his calculations that the harbour of Limne, though not capable of containing his fleet, and now probably occupied by the enemy, and commanded by the heights on the north, would, so soon as he was in possession of the country, be a useful medium of communication with Boulogne, the corresponding port on the opposite coast. On his left, too, was the bay of Dungeness, where, except the wind blew from one particular quarter, the east, any number of vessels might ride at anchor in safety. It was now between five and six o'clock in the afternoon, and the tide still rising 1 ; a very favourable circumstance for the debarcation, and which had no doubt been counted upon. The wind was from the east, and the waves were tumbling in, but not with sufficient violence to offer any serious obstacle to the descent. Caesar, therefore, gave the word of command, and the ships, so far as the shelving shore permitted, were run upon th e beach. The horsemen and charioteers of the Britons which clouded the strand now poured such a shower of javelins upon the Eoman galleys that even Caesar's hardy veterans dared not face the storm and spring from their ships. 2 Besides the weight of their own arms they had also to buffet the waves, and in ignorance themselves of the localities were engaged 1 High water at Hythe on that day (27th Aug.) at 8 r. m. 2 " Nostros navibus egredi prohibebant." — B. G. iv. 24. 46 THE LANDING. with a foe to whom the shallows were familiar. Csesar confesses that his men shrank from the conflict. The eye of the commander looked anxiously round, and in order to check the fierce onset of the natives, and give space for the debarcation, he ordered the triremes, armed with slings, and arrows, and cross-bows, to dis- charge a volley on the enemies' front. This produced the desired effect ; for, galled by the sudden flight of missiles from an unexpected quarter against their half- naked bodies, the Britons retreated a few paces, when the standard-bearer of the renowned tenth legion seized the opportune moment, and shouting to his men, " Sol- diers, follow me ! For Caesar and the Kepublic ! " threw himself into the sea, and struggled to land. His comrades followed by military instinct the example of their leader ; and, dashing after the ensign, rushed to close quarters. Now came the tug of war. The Eomans were not in rank, and their heavy armour impeded their movements. The Britons, on the other hand, with their small bucklers, short spears, and light swords, were here, there, and everywhere 1 , and before the Eomans could form, many a knot of them was cut in pieces. Victory trembled in the balance, when again the great captain displayed his military coolness. Wherever along the lines the enemy pressed hardest upon the legionaries, Caesar despatched the long-boats with succours to their relief. The Eomans recovered more and more from their disorder, and soon the tide 1 " Ta £f o?rXa avrwv aa-rrlg kcli S6pv*ppaxv, fjifjXov xciXkovv kir CLKOOV TOV (TTVpCLKOQ «X 0, '> & ff T£ ixayrjv li\ioy acpiffiv oitwj'." — Dion, xxxix. 51. 3 " Eo duae omnino civitates ex Britannia obsides miserunt ; reliquae neglexerunt." — B. G. iv. 38. CAESAR'S RETURN. G7 the aspect of a fortunate escape from anticipated disas- ter. A few days after this was a favorable wind from the north-east 1 , when Cagsar set sail from Britain, a little after midnight, on his return to Gaul. 2 He might have chosen this otherwise unpropitious hour for two reasons. In the first place, he would be less likely to meet with any molestation from an active foe, in whose good faith he placed no great confidence ; and, secondly, as Boulogne was a tidal harbour, it would be necessary to arrive there at or a little before high water. If the state of the tide was thus taken into calculation, we may form some conjecture as to the day of depar- ture. The passage from Boulogne to Britain had occupied the ordinary transports about fifteen hours ; and as Caesar had lost twelve ships, which would render the others more crowded, the same time, if not more, would be required for the return. Weighing anchor, therefore, at twelve at night, he would reach Boulogne at 3 P. M. next day. If it was high tide at 4 p. m. the fleet at 3 p. m. would not only be able to enter the port, but also have the stream in their favour. Now, high water at Boulogne at 4 p. M. would be about 19th September, for new moon was on 14th Septem- ber, when high tide at Boulogne is at 11.25 ; and this agrees very well with the statement of the Commen- taries, that the conclusion of the armistice, which led to his departure, was a little before the equinox, computed at that time to fall on 24th September. 3 The fleet crossed the Channel in safety, but two transports, missing the mouth of the port for which Ipse idoneam tempestatem nactus." — B. G. iv. 36. ipse luuueam lempesiciieiii nauius. — x>. vr. iv. ov. " Paullo post mediam noctem naves solvit." — B. G. iv. " Propinqua die eequinoctii." — B. G. iv. 36. f 2 G8 THE RETUHX. they were bound 1 , were carried to a point a little to the south-west. 2 The soldiers (in number 600) disembarked, and commenced their march to the camp, when they were beset by the Morini for the sake of plunder. They sent off immediately for succour, and meanwhile bravely defended themselves for the space of four hours and upwards, when they were rescued by the cavalry dispatched from the camp to their assistance. 3 The next day Caesar ordered the seventh and tenth legions, under the command of Labienus, to inflict punishment on the aggressors; and as the marshes, their usual asylum, were dried up from the excessive heat, ample vengeance was taken. 4 These incidents are unimpor- tant in "themselves, but not so the inferences to be deduced. In the first place, how was it that the two vessels missed the port of Boulogne at all? The explana- tion is a singular instance of the correspondence of the most minute circumstances when a theory is cor- rect. The fleet were, of course, ajiproaching Bou- logne when the tide was rising, for at low water they 1 " Eosdem portus quos reliquae capere non potuerunt." — B. G. iv. 36. It will be observed that here, as elsewhere (v. 8), portus is in the plural, from which it may be inferred that Caesar made use, not only of Boulogne, but also of Ambleteuse and Wimereux, in the same neighbourhood. Caesar himself, however, must have sailed to Boulogne ; for which port also the two vessels in question, as Caesar himself sent relief to their crews, must have been bound. 2 " Paullo infra delatae sunt." — B. G. iv. 36. There cannot be a doubt that infra means south-west. Thus : " ad inferior em partem insulae quae est proprius solis occasumP — B. G. iv. 28. So Amble- teuse, with reference to Boulogne, is called " portus superior T (lb.) 3 " Interim nostri milites impetum hostium sustinuerunt, atque amplius horis quatuor fortissime pugnaverunt." — B. G. iv. 37. 4 " Propter siccitates pallidum." — B. G. iv. 38. THE RETURN. 69 could not enter it. Now what says the Admiralty- Directory \ " On approaching Boulogne at the begin- ning of a rising tide, great attention should be paid to the direction in the tables, as the streams (from the Channel to the North Sea) hereabout meet, and are turned down upon the French coast, so that a ship, which, at the English side, would at this time have a stream setting straight up the Channel, here encounters one upon her beam, sweeping her down towards the Somme, and hence, probably, the cause of the many disastrous losses which have occurred in this part of the Channel." 1 Here then, at once, is the solution of the difficulty which would otherwise have presented itself, viz. that, if it was high water at 4 p.m., the stream at 2.30 p.m. would begin to run east, so that a vessel at that time would be drifted, not lower down towards the Somme, but higher up to- wards Calais. But we here learn upon authority, that, at the very same time that on the English side the current is running east, it sets in just the oppo- site direction in the neighbourhood of Boulogne. The captains of the two ships in question were evidently not aware of this peculiarity, and hence their inability to reach the general rendezvous. Again, as the legionaries fought their way through the Morini, it follows, as observed in a former page, that the Morini were settled to the south-west of the port of Itius, and, consequently, that Portus Itius could not be the estuary of the Somme, as the Morini did not reach so far probably as the Somme, but certainly did not extend to the west beyond it. Further, it is not expressly said, but may fairly 1 Potter's Tide Tables, p. 132. f 3 70 THE RETUKK be inferred from the narrative, that there was also a port into which the two vessels ran to the south-west of Portus Itius; and, as the legionaries, while on their road to the camp, fought for more than four hours before assistance arrived, this port must have been at some considerable distance. Accordingly, at thirteen miles to the south-west of Boulogne, we find the port of Etaples at the mouth of La Canche, a situ- ation which answers to the circumstances. But should it be thought more probable that the two ships made land at some nearer point, there are also the fishing refuges of Hardelot and Canriers. 1 Again, reference is made in the narrative to exten- sive marshes, in which the Morini the year before had eluded pursuit, but which were now accessible from the excessive drought. I have not visited this part, and cannot speak of the nature of the country from personal observation; but I find it stated, on cre- dible authority, that these marshes formerly extended the whole way from JSTeufchatel near Boulogne to Etaples. 2 In concluding the account of the first invasion, I shall add but one or two general remarks, and these so ob- vious that they must already have occurred to your- 1 " Un pen plus bas de Boulogne se trouvent Hardelot, Camiers, Etaples ; il j a du choix, surtout si ce port un peu plus bas etait tout simplement la place sur laquelle les vaisseaux furent portes et echouerent." — Mariette, p. 65. 2 " Des marais, situes paulo infra comnie le port de debarque- ment, s'etendaient autrefois depuis Neufcliatel jusqu'a Etaples et Montreuil. Ces marais etaient situes a quatre ou cinq lieues de Gesoriacum, et les soldats debarques pouvaient combattre quatre heures avant qu'un des leurs se fut detache pour aller porter la nouvelle a Cesar, et que la cavalerie ait eu le temps d'arriver." — Mariette.) p. 66. CAESAR'S SUCCESS. 71 selves. It is impossible to suppose that, when Caesar sailed from Boulogne with 8,000 legionaries, he had the intention of merely landing in Britain and cooping up his troops within the intrenchments of his camp on the seashore. He had, no doubt, imagined that, with a well-trained army of that amount, he could subdue Britain with ease, and, in fact, had only to take posses- sion of it. Instead of that, he found the usual ports occupied by infantry and cavalry in martial array, and was obliged to seek a place of debarcation eight miles off, and was then so resolutely opposed as to effect a landing at a great sacrifice of life. Not only did he want the courage to march into the interior, but the Britons, taking the initiative, nearly cut off the seventh legion on one occasion, and compelled Caesar on another to give battle with all his forces, without the chance of gaining anything more by his victory than a peaceful retreat across the Channel. Caesar, of course, tells his own story in his own favour; and we have not the British account to put in the opposite scale. But even Caesar's excuses and apologies lead to a disclosure of the truth. " He had passed into Britain," he says, " for the purpose of collecting information as to the people, the country, the ports, and the approaches." x But how was even this object accomplished ; for, as he never quitted his camp except for a mile or so, for the rescue of his army or to check the insolence of the enemy, he could scarcely have obtained more intelligence on the one side of the water than on the other \ It must be admitted that he gained some experience as to the mettle of the inhabitants ; and found, to his cost, that 1 " Tamen magno sibi usui fore arbitrabatur, si modo insulam adisset; genus hominum perspexisset ; loca, portus, aditus cogno- visset." — &. G. iv. 20. 72 (LESAR'S SUCCESS. they were not lightly to be provoked. Unquestionably, he would not have been so much at the enemy's mercy had his cavalry not disappointed hirn ; but a squadron of 800 horse could not have turned the scale so much in his favour as to give him possession of the country. Caesar informs us that thirty days' thanksgiving was decreed at Eome for his exploits in Britain ; but this was from the representation contained in his own de- spatches 1 , and we are expressly told by Dion that Caesar made the most of it. 2 Besides, Britain was so little known at Eome, that to have carried the Eoman army thither beyond the civilised world was, in itself, re- garded as no contemptible feat, not to mention that, from the state of parties at Eome, any honour in favour of Caesar immediately became a political question. The other Eoman historians are candid enough as to the failure of Caesar's first expedition. Livy writes that Caesar, in his first campaign, was unfortunate 3 ; Dion remarks that he got nothing by the campaign but the barren honour of having landed in the island 4 ; and it is certain that Caesar acquired none of the usual fruits of victory, — no territory, no tribute, no booty. One fact speaks very loudly, viz. that when he returned to Gaul he left no garrison, not even a single soldier, behind him. He had been so roughly handled, that, as we should surmise, he had even no intention at this time of renewing the attempt. It was only from the 1 B. G. iv. 38. 2 " Tovra) yap Kai avrog la^vputg eaEfivvvsTO." — Dion, xxxix. 53. 3 " Jn Britanniam priino parum prospere tempestatibus adversis trajecit." — Liv. Epit. lib. 105. 4 " Mrjdep ek rrjg TSpeTTaviag fiifre Eavrio fifjTE rfj ttoXei irpoaKrii- oajJievoQ, 7t\t)v tov karpaTEVKEvai W avrovg Sofai" — Dion, xxxix. bo. " diaK£vi]Q tots avE-xwpnaE." — Dion, xl. 1. CESAR'S SUCCESS. 73 taunts by which he was assailed in Gaul that he was afterwards induced to undertake a second invasion, with thrice the number of forces. It is clear that, for the rest of the year, though three months remained, he gave no orders for any preparations for the renewal of hostilities. 74 SECOKD INVASION. In the following year, B. c. 54, being the consulship of L. Domitius and Ap. Claudius, Csesar resolved on a second invasion of Britain. The excuse was that the Britons, with the exception of two states, had not sent the hostages which had been promised the year before. 1 The real motive was to retrieve the discredit of the pre- vious failure, and to give incessant employment to his army. He was also stimulated to the enterprise by the earnest solicitations of an exiled British prince. During the first expedition a fierce war had been raging between Cassivelaun, king of the Catyeuchlani 2 and B. G. iv. 38. Dion, xl. 1. 2 It is generally believed that the capital of Cassivelaun was Verulamium, and, if so, his subjects were the Catyeuchlani : " dra KaTvevxXavoi, oi ical KcnreXavoi [qu. KamXavoi^ iv TtoXeig 2aA.7j/at [qu. Sulloniacse of Anton. Itin.] OvpoXaviov" — Ptol. ii. 3, 21. Indeed Cassivelaun and Catyeuchlan are the same name, and he was so called as being the chief of the clan, as we say the Macgregor, the Chis- holm, &c. This will account for there being no coins of Cassivelaun, though there are so many of Cunobelin. Most of the Belgian tribes in Britain were called after those in Gaul (B. G. v. 12), and the KarvevxXavoi as Ptolemy calls them(ii. 3, 21), or the KaroveXXavoL as Dion calls them (lx. 20), were probably derived from the Cata- launi, or Catelauni (Eutrop. ix. 13., and the Notitia), now known as the people of Chalons-sur-Marne, a corruption of the original name. The true designation of the clan appears to be that given by Dion, for an ancient inscription has been found in Britain CIVITATE CATWELLANORUM T OIS DIO. (Monum. Hist. Brit, cxix.) They occupied Hertfordshire and Middlesex, for Caesar says ex- pressly that " Cassivelauni fines" were bounded on the south by the Thames (B. G. v. 11) ; and it is more natural to suppose that Caesar means the borders of the Catyeuchlani Proper, than of the Trino- PREPARATIONS. 75 Imanuent, king of the Trinobantes 1 ; and Csesar, kept at bay on the seashore by the men of Kent and Sus- sex, had attempted in vain to carry assistance to Ima- nuent, his ally. The consequence was that the latter, unable by his own strength to withstand the furi- ous onset of his powerful antagonist, had been de- feated and slain; and his son Mandubert, seeking safety in flight, had taken refuge with Csesar, and bantes whom Cassivelaun had conquered. In the reign of Claudius, Caractacus and Togodumnus are called KaroveXXaroi, and their domi- nions comprised the Trinobantes eastward, and part of the Bodouni or Dobuni (Gloucestershire) westward. " Mepog rwv Bodovviov wv k-nrjpxpv [Caractacus and Togodumnus] KaroveXXavol ovreg." — Dion, lx. 20. The best map of Britannia Eomana will be found in Monum. Hist. Brit. 1 The Trinobantes were the people of Essex, and Camulodunum, or Colchester, was their capital : "Tpivoavreg kv oig iroXig Ka/xov^oXai'oi'." — Ptol. ii. 3, 22. They appear not to have reached westward beyond the river Lea, for Ptolemy places London (ascribed, as regards Southwark, to the Cantii) in longitude 20, and the North Foreland in longitude 22 ; and between these two points Colchester, the ca- pital of the Trinobantes, in longitude 21, and Venta (Norwich), the capital of the Simeni or Iceni, as well as the opening of the estuary of the Thames, in longitude 20J ; and he then speaks of the Trino- bantes as to the east of the Simeni, and along the estuary of the Thames, having the Isles of Sheppey and Thanet opposite. Aovlivov . . . . . . .20 'lajjcriaa eiax v(TL ^ [Thames estuary] . . . 20£ Sifievot nap* dig noXig Ovevra [Norwich] . . • 20i Kcu avaToXtuwrepoi itapa tt]V 'Iaju^tra eia^yatv, Tpi- voavreg kv oig ttuXiq KafiovhoXavov [Colchester] . .21 Kavnov uKpov [North Foreland] . . . .22 Kara £e tovq Tpivoavrag vr\aoi t\a\v aids ToXiamg [Sheppey] . . . . .23 Kwovvvog vfjaog [Thanet] . . . .24: It will be observed that Ptolemy, by mistake, places the islands of Sheppey and Thanet a little to the east, instead of the west, of the North Foreland. 1 PREPARATIONS. now implored his intervention to restore him to the throne. The astute Eoman at once discerned the use to be made of Mandubert's presence, and retained him in his camp with large promises of redress. The British refugee would accompany the expedition, and knowing the country would be an invaluable guide. Besides, to succour the unfortunate would be a plausible pretext for interference in British politics ; and it might rea- sonably be expected that, when the victorious gene- ral appeared in the neighbourhood, the Trinobantes, smarting under the yoke of Cassivelaun, would break out into open rebellion in favour of their deliverer. In the spring of the year therefore, Csesar, the better to insure success against a most determined foe, gave directions for extensive preparations, particularly for the construction of a fleet upon a new principle. The ships were all to be flat-bottomed, and to be propelled by oars as well as sails. 1 The advantage anticipated from these deviations from the ordinary model were, that the vessels could he in shallow water and ap- proach closer to shore, and be easily hauled up, and the rowage would make them independent of wind and tide, which had before so much baffled liim. The equipment of this armament would occupy a consider- able time, especially as some of the materials were to be fetched from Spain 2 , and the interval was to be employed in the discharge of a prefect's duty in making the circuit of the different countries within his jurisdiction, for the purpose of composing nascent 1 "Panllo humiliores . . paullo latiores . . actuariae" — B. G.v.l. <{ 'Ev /ue'ffw tuv te ff(p£TEp(ov ruiv Ta^EiuJy,KalTU)y clvtoOev twv (popradioy, 3TT10Q WQ fiaXl(TTa KCli KOVfl^iOffl, KCti TTpOQ TO KVfJia CIVTE^CJCTIV, ETTl TE fypov IffTajjiEvai jutt) XvfxaivwvTai." — Dion, xl. 1. 2 "Ea qua? sunt usui ad arniandas naves ex Hispania apportari jubet." — B. G.v.l. CESAR IN ITALY. 77 disorders, and for the adininistration of justice. He first visited Cisalpine Gaul, and held the assizes there in the principal towns. 1 These may have been con- cluded about the end. of February. He then proceeded to Ulyricurn, where he compelled the submission of the Procrusta3 (who, taking advantage of his absence, had invaded the province), and then held the assizes for Uly- ricurn. 2 The latter may have lasted till the end of April. Caesar usually returned from Ulyricurn to Gaul at the beginning of summer or about May 3 , and we know that he did so this year, as he tells us that on his way back he passed through Cisalpine Gaul 4 ; and we learn from one of Ca3sar's letters that Quintus Cicero, the brother of the orator, was with Caesar at Laude (twenty-four miles from Placentia and sixteen from Milan) on 7th May. 5 It was of great importance to Caesar at this time to keep Mark Tully his friend, and with this view he offered Quintus Cicero the command of one of his legions. 6 Both Caesar and Quintus wrote to Cicero from Laude, and it is amus- ing to see how the ambitious and politic general humours the innocent vanity of the simple-minded orator. Caesar even went so far as to commend Cice- ro's verses, and complimentary language could not be carried further. 7 Both Caesar and Quintus were at this 1 " Conventibus Gallia? citerioris peractus." — B. G. v. 1. 2 " Conventibus peractis." — B. G. v. 2. 3 " Quas legationes Caesar, quod in Italiam Illyricumque properabat, inita proximo, cestate ad se reverti jubet." — B. G. iii. 35. 4 " In citeriorem Galliam revertitur." — B. G. v. 2. 5 " A. d. iv. non. Jun., quo die Romam veni, accepi tuas litteras datas Placentiag ; deinde alteras postridie, datas Laude nonis, cum Caesaris litteris. . . . Litterse vero ejus una datas cum tuis." — Cic. Ep. ad Q. Fr. ii. 15. 6 Caas. B. G. v. 24. 7 "Scribis poema ab eo nostrum probari." — Cic. ad Q. Fr. ii. 15. 78 CESAR'S RETURN TO GAUL. time full of the intended expedition against Britain ; and Quintus, at the instance of Caesar, suggests that Tully should employ his pen in describing the approach- ing triumphs. " Give me only Britain," says Tully, in an ecstasy, " and I will paint it in your colours, but with my brush. But what am I saying 1 What leisure can I have, especially if, as Caesar wishes, I remain at Eome ! — but we shall see." 1 As we hear nothing of any panegyric by Cicero upon Caesar's British campaign, we may conclude that the result did not exactly answer to the nattering picture which hope had foreshadowed. Caesar reached the northern coast of Gaul in the latter part of May, and on arriving found, to his infinite satisfaction, that his orders for preparations had been punctually obeyed. About 600 transports and 28 war galleys had been constructed in the different ports along the coast, and all of them either ready or capable of being launched within a few days. 2 Caesar directed the vessels to rendezvous at Portus Itius, i. e. the port of Boulogne 3 , and in the meantime proceeded himself with the light troops and 800 cavalry against the Treviri, or people of Treves (the town on the Moselle at the junction of the Saar), who had lately shown some signs of disaffection. Caesar was not long in quelling the disturbances in that quarter, and about midsummer, or 24th June 4 , returned to Boulogne, where he found his 1 "Modo mini date Britanniara ; quani pingam coloribus tuis, pe- nicillo meo. Sed quid ago ? quod mihi tempus, Romae prsesertim, ut ipse me rogat, manenti, vacuum ostenditur ? sed videro." — Cic. Ep. ad Q. Fr. ii. 15. 2 " Neque multum abesse ab eo, quin paucis diebus deduci possent." — B. G. v. 2. 3 B. G. v. 2. 4 "Ne sestatem in Treviris consumere cogeretur." — B. G. v. 4. (LESAR AT BOULOGNE. 70 army and fleet assembled, viz. 8 legions of foot, 4000 horse, 560 transports, and 28 war galleys ; 40 ships, which had been built on the Seine, had, from the pre- valence of the north-western gales, been prevented from reaching the port. 1 The continuance of the adverse wind from the north-west detained Caesar at Boulogne for the next twenty-five days, or until 18th July. 2 At length on that day, when was the full moon, the wind shifted to the south-west 3 , the quarter most favourable for a passage to Britain 4 ; and Cassar gave the word for embarcation. 5 At full moon it is high tide at Boulogne at 11.20, and we may suppose that the ships then, or a little before, began to drop down the harbour, and anchor outside, to be ready for sailing. An unexpected 1 The motley group now collected on the banks of the Liane has been graphically described by an anonymous contributor to a popular periodical : " The legions of Caesar, and all their various auxiliaries and attendants ; the Gaulish and German cavalry, the Numidian light horsemen, the Spanish infantry, the Cretan archers, and the slingers from the Balearic Isles ; besides the crowds of sutlers and followers, the calones and mercatores, and all the various costumes and callings connected with the naval portion of the expedition." — II. L. L. : Gent. Mag. vol. xxvi. (1846) p. 251. See Cses. B. G. ii. 7. 2 " Itaque dies circiter xxv, in eo loco commoratus, quod Corus ventus navigationem impediebat, qui magnam partem omnis tem- poris in his locis flare consuevit." — B. G. v. 7. That corus or the north-west, prevents all egress from Boulogne, we have the testi- mony of Mariette. " Le vent Corus (N.O.) empecherait, et a toujours empeche, de sortir du port de Gesoriacum [Boulogne]." — Mariette, p. 68. 3 " Leni Africo provectus." — B. G. v. 8. 4 " Le vent Africus encore aujourd'hui est le plus favorable a la traversee de Boulogne a Douvres." — Mariette, p. 34. 5 Orosius says that Caesar sailed, " primo vere " (Orosius, cited Mo- num. Hist. Brit. p. lxxix.); and Dion, " eiteiS)) 7rXw7/ia iyeVero" (Dion, xl. 1) : but the precise time as stated in the text cannot be ques- tioned. 80 DEATH OF DUMNORIX. occurrence occasioned a little delay. Dumnorix, the disaffected prince of the iEdui, brother of Divitiacus, the friend of Cicero 1 , and whom Caesar had insisted on taking with him to Britain, in order to prevent his mischievous meddling at home, availed himself of the confusion of embarcation to ride fairly off with his iEduan troopers. No sooner was Caesar apprised of it than he stopped the embarcation of his own cavalry, and despatched them in pursuit, with directions to bring back Dumnorix dead or alive. Dumnorix was overtaken, and on his resistance was slain. The ca- valry of Caesar returned to the camp, and at sunset, which would be at 8.6 p. m., Caesar set sail for Britain, with a moderate breeze from the south-west. 2 The expedition consisted of five legions (which, allow- ing 4,200 men to each, would give a total of 21,000 foot), and a body of 2000 cavalry; and a fleet of 28 triremes and 560 transports, besides numerous tenders, which, added to the rest, made the formidable figure of 800 sail. The transports, however, were small ; for if 560 vessels carried only 21,000 troops, each of them must have been freighted with about 37 only. One of the reasons which Caesar assigns for this substitution of small row-boats for the heavier class of vessels, which had before carried 150 each, appears not to be so well founded as most of Caesar's conclusions. He had learnt, he says, by experience, that, from the frequent changes of the tide in the channel, there was not the same vio- lence of the waves. 3 It will be seen in the sequel that 1 B. G. i. 19. Cic. de Divin. i. 41. 2 " Solis occasu naves solvit, leni Africo provectus." — B. G. v. 8. 3 " Quod propter crebras commutationes Eestuum minus magnos ibi nuctus fieri cognoverat." — B. G. v. 1 PASSAGE TO BRITAIN. 81 the Straits of Dover were, at all events, an overmatch for the small craft thus studiously prepared. The light breeze from the south-west, which had wafted the fleet from Boulogne, died away as they stretched out to sea, and by midnight there was a dead calm. When the morning broke, which, as the sun rose at 4 A. M., would be about half-past three, the high cliffs between Folke- stone and Dover were visible on their left. 1 The tide had been running eastward for the last six hours, and had carried them so far out of their course as to drift them beyond, or at least up to, the South Foreland. Caesar had intended to effect his debarcation, as before, on Eomney marsh, off Limne, and he was therefore quite out of the line. The tide, however, now again turned westward, and by dint of rowing, with the current in their favour, the whole fleet, transports as well as triremes, gained by 12 o'clock at noon, the familiar level shore just opposite Limne. 2 So much controversy has been raised as to the place of debarcation, that I must call attention, in passing, to some material points- in this account, which, if I mistake not, will prove incontestably that Caesar must have sailed from Boulogne to Limne, and could not have 1 " Leni Africo provectus, media circiter nocte vento intermisso, cursum non tenuit, et longius delatus asstu, ortu, luce, sub sinistra Britanniam relictam conspexit." — B. G. v. 8. 2 " Turn rursus asstus commutationem secutus remis contendit ut earn partem insula? caperet qua optimum esse egressum superiore sestate cognoverat. Accessum est ad Britanniam omnibus navibus meridiano fere tempore." — J3. G: v. 8. It has been suggested by an ingenious savant, that Caesar did not seek the identical place where he had landed before, but another point which he had ascertained by inquiry the previous year to be more convenient. This, however, is not the natural meaning, and Dion did not so understand it. " Kurjjpe re ovv evQa Kai Trportpoi'." — Dion, xl. 1. G 82 PASSAGE TO BRITAIN. landed at Deal ; still less could have made the passage from the estuary of the Somme to Pevensey. I think no one can doubt that, when Csesar discovered Britain on liis left hand, he must have drifted through the Straits of Dover, or at least have been off the South Foreland, with the head of his vessel toward Deal. Now, this exactly agrees with the hypothesis that Csesar set out from Boulogne, and made for the coast off Limne, but is not to be reconciled with any other theory. The captain of one of the steamers plying between Folkestone and Boulogne informed me, when I inquired some years ago what was the rate at which a vessel drifted in the channel, that the maximum drift for a single tide, i. e. for the six hours that the stream runs in the same direction, is eighteen miles, and the minimum nine miles. 1 The fleet of Csesar was heavily freighted, and therefore, sinking deep into the water, would receive the full shock of the tide. Csesar, too, was steering across the Strait, so that the broadside of 1 Mr. Barton, of Dover, than whom I could not have a more intel- ligent correspondent, consulted for me an experienced pilot and also the captain of a vessel, and communicated to me the following results : — " The maximum velocity of the tide (that is, a spring tide) is about 3^ miles an hour ; the minimum (that is when it is a neap tide) is about lj miles an hour. A loaded vessel would drift about 12 or 14 miles in the six hours, when the tide is at its greatest velocity, but when at the minimum not more than 6 or 7. This would also be in- fluenced by the wind and the depth the vessel was in the water — the greater the draught, the greater the velocity." The harbour master of Folkestone, in a letter for which I have to thank him, dated December 16th, 1858, tells me "that an average vessel, broadside on, would drift two miles per hour, or perhaps more ; but that of course presumes a perfect calm, as the action of the wind would materially affect the drift." The greatest velocity of the tide between Dover and Dungeness is stated in the Tidal Tables for 1859, p. 135, to be 3.3 knots per hour. PASSAGE TO BRITAIX. 83 the vessel would be presented to the current. It is also to be remarked that the expedition was on the very day of the full moon, when, of course, it was a spring tide. The drift therefore, under these circum- stances, would be the maximum, or near it. Now, if we draw a straight line from Boulogne to Limne, and then a line of sixteen miles, or thereabouts, at right angles to it up the Channel, it will take us to a point off the South Foreland 1 ; so that, with the head of the vessel to the north, the cliffs between Folkestone and Dover would be on the left hand. But how could this have happened had Caesar sailed from the Somme to Pevensey — for, allowing even the maximum drift to the fleet through the night, it is quite impossible that Caesar could have swerved so much from a line between the Somme and Pevensey as to have passed the Strait of Dover, or even to have entered it? How, again, could he have been sailing to Deal, when, so soon as the deviation from the right course was dis- covered, Caesar took the turn of the tide back, and fol- lowed the current 2 , in order to gain his former landing- place % If he was making for Limne, this is just what he would do, i. e. having been forced by the tide to the east during the night, to a point off the South Foreland, he would in the morning, when the tide turned west, have it in his favour for a passage to Limne. But if he were sailing for Deal, so far from retracing his course, he ought still to have advanced in the same direction, and, at all events, could not be said to follow the tide when he was steering athwart it. Besides, as it must necessarily have been almost low water when 1 A sea line from Limne to the South Foreland is by the Ordnance maps 16 miles. 2 " Rursus sestus commutationem secutus" — B. G. v. 8. 84 TIME OF THE INVASION. the tide turned, had he held on for Deal he would infallibly have struck on the Goodwin Sands. I have mentioned that Csesar sailed at the full moon on 18th July, but I have not stated upon what grounds this conclusion rests, and as it is not directly asserted in the Commentaries, you may fairly ask for the data on which it is based. In the first place, we are informed that when Csesar, on his return from Illyricum, was amongst the Treviri, he was anxious not to consume the summer there 1 , from which it results that it was about midsummer, or 24th June, and as he waited twenty-five days at Boulogne before he set sail, this would bring us to the latter half of July. But we have more direct testimony to the same effect from the letters of Cicero. I have already remarked that Q. Cicero, the orator's brother, was with Caesar in this expedition, and as, during the whole time, a continual correspond- ence was maintained between Quintus and Mark, the latter would be well apprised of every movement of the expedition. Accordingly, M. Cicero, in a letter to Atticus, dated 28th July, writes thus: — "From the letters of my brother Quintus, I conjecture that he is, by this time, in Britain." 2 We are, therefore, prepared to find that the fleet, according to Cicero's expectation, sailed in the latter half of July. M. Cicero, in another letter to Quintus, acknowledges the receipt of actual intelligence of his brother's arrival in Britain 3 ; and, as the transmission of a letter from Britain to Eome occu- pied about a month, the debarcation must have been 1 " Ne aestatem in Treviris consumere cogeretur." — B. G. v. 4. 2 "Ex Quinti fratris Uteris suspicor jam eum esse in Britannia." — Ep. Att. iv. 15, 8. 3 " O jucnndas mihi tuas de Britannia literas ! Timebam oceanum, timebam littus insula?," &c. — Cic. Ep. ad Q. Fr. ii. 16. TIME OF THE INVASION. 85 about a month before the despatch of Cicero's letter to Quintus. I should fatigue you too much by going into the minutiae by which the date of the letter can be ascertained ; but, suffice it to say that there are certain allusions in it to the trials of Drusus and Scaurus, which prove it to have been written in the latter half of August. The landing in Britain, therefore, must have occurred in the latter half of July. So far we ascertain the month only, but we can make a nearer approach from another circumstance incidentally mentioned. We have seen that on the morning after the embarca- tion at Boulogne, and soon after daylight (which in the month of July would be about 3.30 A.M.), Caesar took the turn of the tide westward. Now the tide begins to run westward in the Channel at 3.30 A. M. on the day after the full moon, and at the same hour on the day after the new moon : the day of embarcation, therefore, was one of two days — viz. either the 3d July, when it was new moon ; or 18th July, when it was full moon. The latter was certainly the day in question, for on the very night after the debarcation in Britain, Caesar marched his army twelve miles into the interior 1 , and he could not have done this when there was no moon, that is, in total darkness, but by the aid of the full moon no difficulty would be experienced. We may therefore infer, with the highest probability, that Caesar sailed from Boulogne either on the very 18th July, b. c. 54, or, at all events, within a day or two either before or after it. On reaching the shore off Limne, Caesar expected, as in the previous year, to see the beach lined with the enemy in hostile attitude. Instead of that, not a living 1 B. G. v. 9. G 3 86 DEBARCATION. soul was to be seen. It was marvellous, but so it was. It appears that the Britons had intended to dispute the landing, and had swarmed along the coast for the pur- pose ; but that, on descrying in the horizon 800 ships, they had despaired of success, and retired up the country. If, the year before, they had been unable to encounter eighty ships, how could they now withstand 800 % The debarcation would be so extended that the Britons could not possibly cope with it at every point. 1 Cotta, indeed, who served under Csesar in this campaign, affirms that the fleet consisted of even 1000 ships. 2 Besides it is certain that all the army of the Britons had not yet been collected, and the forces now in the field were chiefly, if not exclusively, the men of Kent and Sussex. The debarcation was thus effected without obstruc- tion, and the vessels, after having discharged their freights, were anchored in Dungeness Bay. The next thing was to fortify a camp. On the last occasion, it had been pitched on the shore, that the communication with the sea might not be cut off, and in order to afford protection to the triremes which had been hauled on the beach ; but now Cassar was at the- head of an army which defied opposition, and, accordingly, he tells us that he selected for his camp an appropriate place. 3 I should imagine, therefore, that the ground chosen was not, as before, on the marsh, but on the high platform overlooking it at Limne, perhaps on the site of Limne castle. Some may be of opinion that it was the camp at Shorncliffe, but this was at some distance from the place of landing, and was separated from it by an arm 1 u 'Yit6 tov 7ro\\a^6(7e ajuo avrovc Karacr^elv." — Dion, xl. 1. 2 Athen. vi. 105. 3 "Loco castris idoneo capto." — B. G. v. 9. MARCH TO THE STOUR. 87 of the sea. The actual camp, too, was afterwards con- nected with the ships, which were drawn up within its defences ; but, at Shorncliffe, there are no traces of any ramparts from the camp to the sea, and, indeed, the shore below the camp is not soft and open, as Caesar describes, but is rocky and precipitous, so as to preclude the possibility of there drawing up the vessels. Caesar now elicited from some captives who fell into his hands by what road the enemy had retired. Can- terbury was then, as at present, the capital of Kent, and the British troops had retreated in that direction. Caesar, with his wonted activity, determined on follow- ing them at once, before their army was swelled by any accession of numbers. He, therefore, gave his troops a few hours' respite, and then, leaving Quintus Atrius, with ten cohorts and 300 horse, in command of the camp, commenced, at twelve o'clock at night, his march into the interior in quest of the enemy. It was full moon 1 , and between Limne the port, and Canterbury the capital, there was a good road; and Caesar had Mandubert, the exiled prince of the Trinobantes, for his guide ; and a night march, there- fore, was easily effected. When they had accomplished twelve miles, and, therefore (as the sun rose about four), at break of day on the 20th July, the Britons were in sight. If we measure twelve miles from Limne along the road to Canterbury, it will bring us to Wye, on the southern bank of the river Stour. The Britons were posted in Challock Wood, an eminence about a mile off on the other, or north, side of the river. As many of you may not be acquainted with the locality, I will The moon rose between 7 and 8 p. m. and would set between a 4 4 and 5 in the morning. 88 POSITION OF THE BRITONS. attempt a brief sketch of it. As you pass by the rail- way from Eeigate to Dover, a line of chalk hills rims parallel on the left hand. At Ashford they are inter- sected by the valley of the Stour. The termination of the chalk range on the north of the Stour is the highest point in that part, and is, and no doubt always was, covered by a dense wood. I walked up to it from Wye, and never beheld such a sylvan rampart. No position could be more suitable to the tactics of the Britons. By felling trees and laying them lengthwise they had formed a stockade, and, as the wood was tra- versed in all directions by alleys or lanes, the cavalry and charioteers could issue from their covert at any moment. Besides, the eminence presented a most ex- tensive view of tile adjacent country, on the north as far as the Thames, and on the south as far as Limne, so that the Britons could watch the Eoman line of march all the way from their camp. On the southern side of the Stour, the chalk hills again rise up to their former height, and the intervening valley, a little Thermopylae, was the only practicable road for the tram of an army towards Canterbury. The Britons, by thus seizing on Challock Wood, obliged the enemy either to attack them at a disadvantage, or, by passing through the gorge, to endanger the communication with their camp supplies. Caesar tells us that the fastness of the Britons was strong by nature and stronger by art, and suggests that the defences had been prepared long before against some domestic foe. 1 If so, we must imagine (and we can scarcely do so without a smile) that war 1 " Locum nacti egregie et natura et opere miinitmn, quem do- mestici belli, ut videbatur, causa jam ante prseparaverant." — B. G. v. 9. T0S1TI0N OF THE BRITONS. 89 had been declared by the four kings of Kent, of whom we shall speak presently, against as many kings of the Eegni, or people of Sussex. Challock Wood, then, was the great military post of the Britons ; but, should you look there for the remains of walls and ditches, you will probably search in vain, for the Commentaries speak not of fortifications composed of bricks and stone, but only of a continuous sylvan barricade. 1 Dion Cassius goes more into detail, and clearly implies that there was no wall, or vallum, in the Eoman fashion, but that trees had been cut and piled one upon another, so as in a certain sense only to claim the character of a rampart. 2 As Cassar with his legions approached the Stour, the Britons, who from the heights had been observing his advance, sent down their cavalry and charioteers to dispute the passage of the river, not that they could hope to prevent his crossing, but with the view of in- flicting as much loss as possible. Now a river as a military defence has a double aspect. Either it is full, when the depth of water is a serious obstacle to the free movement of the troops, more particularly when encumbered with arms ; or the stream is low, when the channel of the river forms a fosse, or ditch, which gives the enemy on the opposite bank the advantage of higher ground. In the month of July the beds of rivers have usually but little water, but this might not have been so here ; for, when I was at Wye even later in the year, viz. in August, the Stour for some distance had the appearance of a considerable river, and was full to the brim, which was owing simply to the circum- 1 " Crebris arboribus succisis omnes introitus erant praBclusi." — B. G. v. 9. 2 " Ta te yap iripii, £v\a ekq^clv, kcu erepa iir avrolg bv ettl- ffvi'Evrjcrav, wore iv ^apa/ccu'/jan Tpoirov riva ttj/cu." — Dion, xl. 2. 90 DEFEAT OF THE BRITONS. stance that at Wye is a mill-dam by which the water is penned back. I should rather imagine, however, that, at the time of which we are speaking, the Stour was such as I saw it below the mill-dam, viz. a broad and nearly empty channel ; for it is stated in the Com- mentaries that, when the legions attempted the passage, the Britons encountered them from the higher ground, which I take to mean from the elevation of the bank. 1 At length the river was forced, though not with impu- nity 2 , and the Britons withdrew into their defences. Cassar now advanced upon the wood ; and desultory assaults on the one side, and sallies on the other, were frequent along the line. Eventually, Cassar's seventh legion, covering themselves with the testudo formed by holding the shield over the head, so as to present an im- penetrable roof, threw up a mound against the barri- cade, and so scaled it 3 , and thus retrieved the disgrace which the Britons had inflicted upon them the preceding year in the corn field at Limne. Ca3sar, however, did not follow up his victory, partly from fear of an am- bush, and partly from the lateness of the hour. The next day, 21st July, the army was ordered to advance in pursuit, in three divisions. However, they had not proceeded far, and the rear-guard was still in sight, when suddenly they were recalled, from disastrous in- telligence brought in hot haste from the camp. It seems that a violent hurricane from the east had swept the sea the preceding night, and the eight hundred 1 "Illi equitatu atque essedisad flumen progressi, ex loco superi- or e nostros prohibere et prselium committere coeperunt." — B. G. v. 9. So, " ut ex locis superioribus in littus telum adjici posset." — B. G. v. 9. 2 si 1tvy\'ovQ avTaniKTEtr av '." — Dion, xl. 2. 3 " Testudine facta et aggere ad munitiones adjecto." — B. G. v. 9. THE STORM. 91 vessels lying at anchor in Dungeness Bay had broken away from their moorings, and been dashed against each other, and most of them had been thrown upon the shore. In short, very serious damage had been sustained, and mounted messengers had been immediately sent off with the intelligence. Caesar returned at once, and found the sad reality nothing short of the description. Forty ships were utterly lost ; the rest were miserably shat- tered, but capable of repair. The pioneers and car- penters of the army were now set to work, and other artisans were sent for from the Continent ; and Labienus, who had been left in Gaul, was ordered to employ the legions which were with him in laying down and com- pleting as many new vessels as possible. To prevent the recurrence of such another disaster, Caesar determined, though it was an undertaking of Herculean labour, to haul up the whole of his fleet on dry land, and secure them against any assault from the enemy, by placing them within the defences of the camp. The legionaries, 21,000 in number, were en- gaged upon this arduous task for ten days and ten nights, i. e. until the 31st July, without intermission. 1 If Caesar's camp was pitched, as is likely, on the table-land overlooking the marsh near Limne, in short, on the site where Limne castle now stands, we should look for the naval defences immediately contiguous; and if we walk down the slope from the castle to the marsh, we come upon a very remarkable ruin called Stuttfall, a name said to be composed of the two Saxon words stoute wall, or strong fort. Others derive it from 1 " Ipse, etsi res erat multas opera* ac laboris, tarn en commodissi- mum esse statuit omnes naves subduci, et cum castris una niunitione conjungi. In his rebus circiter dies x consumit, ne nocturnis qui- dem temporibus ad laborem militum intermissis." — B. G. v. 11. 92 STUTTFALL. two Saxon words signifying a " fallen place ;" and others from stced-weall, sea shore. That Stuttfall was erected by Csesar I will not take upon myself to affirm, but in many respects it answers most singularly to the charac- ter of the naval castrum now constructed. Stuttfall is certainly a Eoman work, as is evident from the layers of Eoman tiles. The walls are of amazing thickness, and enclose, it is said, no less a space than ten or twelve 1 acres of ground. Caesar might, therefore, well describe it as castra egregie munita, & camp wonderfully strong. 2 I have examined it very closely, and the first observa- tion that occurs to one is, How could a military fortress have been pitched on the side of the hill, and not on the smnmit] There must certainly have been some other than a mere military object in view. The castle above shows that the builders knew where a fortress should be placed. The wonder is increased when we remark the broken ramparts on the north, and east, and west sides of the square, and look in vain on the south, at the foot of the descent, for any trace of a for- tification. Indeed, in this direction, the area is per- fectly open. The explanation of this is as follows : — In ancient times the sea, as is proved incontestably by the fragments of ships and anchors which have been dug up, flowed up to the very base of the lull, and formed there the port of Limne. Stuttfall, therefore, was built for the protection of the shipping ; so that, naturally enough, the site was not like the castle on the summit, but on the slope toward the foot. The fourth or southern side of the square, being washed by the waves, needed no artificial defence. Caesar then might 1 10 acres {Lambcuxles Peramb. 18-4) ; 12 acres (Stukeleys Itin. 123). 2 B. G. v. 11. STUTTFALL. 93 have brought his vessels up the creek of Limne, and have drawn them on shore beneath his camp, and then have surrounded them by this strong massive rampart. It is also observable that the wall is built in many places as if in a hurry, from materials supplied by other more ancient buildings. It will be objected, perhaps, that a wall of such pro- digious strength, round a space of ten or twelve acres, could not possibly have been completed in ten days ; but we must remember that 21,000 legionaries and 2000 cavalry were employed upon it day and night, and not only so, but workmen also were brought over from Gaul. Besides, it is not said that it was completed in ten days, but only that it was in such a state of for- wardness by that time that Caesar could with safety leave ten cohorts and 300 horse there, and return him- self in search of the enemy. The work may have been brought to perfection in a much longer period by the troops which remained in garrison. If it be thought a difficulty that a numerous fleet should have been dragged up an ascent like that at Stuttfall, let it be remembered that the year before, their fleet, when resting on the sea beach, had been swamped by the spring tide; and Cassar, anxious to prevent any similar accident, had since constructed his ships of so little bulk (carrying each a freight of 37 men only), that they could all be drawn on land with the greatest ease. Stuttfall, from its gentle elevation above the sea level, would therefore be exactly the place where we might expect that the fleet would be secured. If it be said that even ten or twelve acres of ground, though a large space, would not suffice for 560 ships, to say nothing of the 240 tenders, we reply that the rest 94 STUTTFALL. might have been drawn up on the marsh immediately below, for mounds of earth like remains of fortifications are still to be seen there ; and, as on the marsh advantage would be taken of wet ditches, the same strength of walls would not be required as on the slope, where the ramparts themselves were the only protection. It must be confessed that the coins found at Stuttfall are those only of the Eoman emperors from Antoninus Pius to Valens 1 ; but this does not prove that Stuttfall was not a Eoman station in the time of Csesar, for his sojourn in Britain was very brief, about two months only, and for a hundred years after him the Eomans never set foot upon the island. Even if the identical walls which remain were not reared by Caesar, it is still open to conjecture that his naval camp was on this spot, and that the Eomans of an after-age adopted his plan, and built the present gigantic rampart in the place of a more hasty circumvallation thrown up by the great captain. It was while Caesar and his army were detained by the seaside that Q. Cicero took the opportunity of announcing his arrival in Britain to M. Tully. The feelings which the letter excited in the breast of the accomplished orator are as full of nature as they are replete with vanity. " Now," he says, in his answer to Quintus, " I come last to that which should, perhaps, have stood first ! that dehghtful letter of yours from Britain ! I had been so fearful of the ocean, so fearful of the coasts of the island ! I do not speak slightingly of all the rest, but the rest carries more of hope than of fear, and I am rather upon the tiptoe of expectation than under serious alarm. But I see that you have a 1 Roach Smith's Antiq. of Kichbor and Limne. KETURN TO THE STOUR. 95 brave subject for composition. What sites ! what descriptions of places and tilings ! what manners ! what nations ! what battles ! and, above all, what a com- mander-in-chief ! ! I will gladly assist you, as you asked me, in what you wish. I will forward ycu the verses you desire, y7^otix el$ 'A6r t vag. But, I say, you seem to have forgotten me ! For, tell me, my brother, what thought Caesar of my verses ? for he wrote me word before, that he had read the first book, and that, taking the com- mencement as a sample, he had never read anything finer, not even of the Greeks. The rest he had reserved till he was more at leisure (paSufxarspa) : for I use his very word. But tell me candidly whether either the subject or the style fails to please. No need to fear, for I shall not think a whit the worse of myself. Out with it, and write like a true brother as you are." l Caesar now (about August) put himself again at the head of Iris legions, to recover the position which such unwelcome tidings from the fleet had constrained him to abandon. During the interval which had elapsed the British cause had prospered, and now assumed a very different aspect. We have seen that Cassivelaun, king of the Catyeuchlani (Hertfordsliire and Middlesex), had triumphed in the war against Imanuent, king of the Trinobantes (Essex), had slain Imanuent, driven out his son Mandubert, and possessed himself of the 1 Cic. Ep. ad Q. Fr. ii. 16. 2 B. G. v. 20. The name of Mandubert appears to be derived from " Man " in its modern sense, for it is translated by the word Andro-gorius (Oros. cited Mon. Hist. Brit. p. lxxix.), or Andro- gius (Bede, cited ib. 110), evidently derived from avi)p, a man. The same word also entered into the name of his father I-man-uent. One is almost tempted to interpret Imanuentius, the man of Venta or Norwich ; and Mandubratius, the man of Dover (i. e. Dover Court) or Harwich. 96 CASSIVELAUN. kingdom of the vanquished. Cassivelami's territory was now bounded by the Thames to the sonth, and by the ocean to the east^ According to Caesar, it was di- vided from the maritime states by the Thames, at the distance of abont eighty miles from the sea. 1 This is interpreted by some to mean that Cassive- lami's borders began at the distance of eighty miles from the mouth of the Thames, but surely the more natural signification is simply that the Thames, which was the boundary line to the south, was eighty miles from the Kentish coast; and, if we measure from Limne, where Caesar landed, to the point where he is said to have forded the river, the distance would be about eighty Eoman miles. This aggrandisement of Cassivelaun was, of course, regarded by the states to the south of the Thames with no little jealousy; and it was only on hearing of the enormous preparations which the Romans were making in Gaul, that, feeling themselves utterly incapable of meeting the storm alone, they had dropped under the pressure of the moment all minor considerations, and required the aid of Cassivelaun, and constituted him the generalissimo of their united forces. The rapidity of Caesar's movements had taken the troops of the south- erns by surprise, and Caesar, but for the necessity of returning to the fleet, might, by following up the blow struck at Challock Wood, have prevented the junction of the reinforcements from the north. But, during the ten days which were spent at the seaside, Cassivelaun with his auxiliaries had arrived at the British camp, 1 " Cujus fines a maritiniis ciritatibus fhunen dividit, quod appel- latur Tamesis, a mari circiter millia passuum lxxx." — B. G. x. 11. Eighty miles Roman would be seventy-three miles and a fraction English. CESAR'S ADVANCE. 97 and the assembled troops were now at least double the former number. The charioteers alone amounted to upwards of ^OOO. 1 As Csesar advanced from Limne, the British cavalry and charioteers were sent forward to harass the enemy during their march. 2 From the naval camp to Wye was one continual skirmish between the mounted troops of the two armies. Many fell on both sides, without any material advantage. The Eomans could always retire upon their legions ; and the Britons could always take refuge in their woods. The flight of the latter, however, was not uncommonly a feint to draw away the Eoman cavalry to a distance from the legionaries, when the Britons would suddenly wheel about, and seldom failed to give proofs of their superiority. Notwithstanding these desperate encounters, Caesar's legions continued steadily to press forward in the direc- tion of Wye. At the close of the day they halted, and proceeded to mark out the camp for the night. Two cohorts kept guard while the camp was being intrenched, when the Britons all at once issued from their woods, and drove the two cohorts before them. Csesar immediately ordered up two other cohorts to their support, but such was the impetuosity of the British charge that the two auxiliary cohorts were broken, and the Britons cut their way through, and then brought themselves off in safety, in defiance of every obstacle. Q. Laberius Durus, a military tribune, was one of their victims. 3 The matter was now growing serious, and Caesar, to prevent further loss, was obliged to bring up the best part of his army, when the Britons were repulsed. On the southern 1 B. G. v. 19. 2 " 'Ee avrb to vEdjptov (T(j)u>v wp/.tr/0-a^." — Dion, xl. 2. 3 B. G. v. 15. II 98 SEVERE CONFLICT. bank of the Stour, a little to the east of Wye, and op- posite Chilham, is a tumulus called " Julliber's Grave," and tradition says that it takes its name from Julius's tribune Laberius, who fell on this day, and was here buried. The locality agrees well, and, had the name of the tribune been Julius Laberius, the similarity of sound in Julliber, as an abbreviation of Julius Laberius, would have been at least a curious coincidence. Un- fortunately the prsenomen was Quintus, so that the antiquary is obliged to borrow the name of Julius from Caesar himself. Of course I attach no importance to the popular belief, though there is nothing unreasonable or absurd on the face of it. The next day (which would be about 2nd Au- gust) the Britons showed themselves at intervals on the hills, but neither Britons nor Eomans seemed dis- posed to renew the conflict. At length, about noon 1 , Cassar was under the necessity of dispatching a foraging expedition ; and he showed his respect for the foe by the force which he employed. He had brought from Gaul five legions and 2,000 horse. One legion and 300 horse had been left in charge of the naval camp 2 , and he had with him four legions and 1,700 horse. He now retained a single legion within the intrench- ments, and ordered C. Trebonius, one of his ablest officers, with three legions, more than 12,000 men, and the whole of the cavalry, to search the country for plunder. While the foragers were engaged upon their nefarious occupation, the Britons suddenly started from their hiding places and commenced a desperate attack, even grasping at the standards. C. Trebonius answered well to the high trust reposed in him, for his troops were 1 " Meridie." — B. G. v. 17. 2 B. G. v. 9, 11. CASSIVELAUN CHANGES HIS TACTICS. 99 instantly under arms and in order, and not only sus- tained the onset, but drove the enemy back ; and the cavalry so well followed up the blow that the Britons could not recover themselves, and a decisive victory was gained. This fatal encounter may have taken place at Chilham, which lies a little to the east of Wye, but on the opposite side of the river, and is said to be a corruption of Julham, or Julius's (i. e. Caesar's) Town. 1 I should add that Cossar's veracity as to his success has been questioned by the Eomans them- selves ; for Dion states explicitly that the battle was a drawn one. 2 Cassivelaun was convinced that his troops, most of them probably raw recruits, however obstinate their valour, could not resist the serried legions of Eome in a pitched battle. From this time, therefore, his tactics were changed. The army was broken up into different bodies, so as to distract the attention of the enemy and cut off stragglers and harass his movements, but never to offer a general engagement. 3 It was about this period that Q. Cicero again wrote to his brother, and it would seem that the tone of it was not very encouraging, for M. Tully, in answer, writes merely, " Concerning affairs in Britain, I collect 1 Many places have been similarly derived, as Julium, Julii Forum, and the Julian Alps; but Chilham from Julham seems somewhat apocryphal. If Chilham be derived from Julius, pro- bably Challock Wood is also, for Chilham and Challock evidently contain the same element. 2 " Kara x w V av afi^orejooi ejiEtvay.^ — Dion, xl. 3. As to Cesar's veracity generally, see Suet. Jul. 56. 3 " Ex hac fuga protinus, quse undique convenerant auxilia dis- cesserunt ; neque post id tempus imquam summis nobiscum copiis hostes contenderunt." — B. G. v. 17. H 2 100 RETREAT OF THE BRITONS. from your letter that there is no ground for fear and none for congratulation." 1 Cassivelaun, in execution of his well-concerted plan, now withdrew, at the head of his own proper army, in the direction of his hereditary dominions on the north of the Thames. The active Eoman commander would not be far behind him, and we may imagine that on each day the post which Cassivelaun quitted in the morning was occupied by his pursuer in the evening. If, as is likely, there was at that time no bridge over the Thames in the neighbourhood of London, it would be necessary to seek the first ford higher up the stream. 2 All is conjecture, but it may be suggested that Cassive- laun retired, followed by his antagonist, from the banks of the Stour along the southern side of the chalk hills running from Wye to Dorking, and then down the left bank of the Mole to the nearest point of the Thames, which would be at Walton. 3 The common opinion is that the armies crossed the Thames at Coway Stakes, a little above Walton and below Weybridge, at Shepper- ton, where is the village of Halliford, so named from the ford. Cassivelaun had no sooner placed the river be- 1 " De Britannicis rebus cognovi ex tuis litteris nihil esse, nee quod metuamus, nee quod gaudeamus." — Ep. ad Q. Fr. iii. 1. 2 About a hundred years afterwards there was a bridge, apparently not far from London. Dion, lx. 20. 3 Others think that he marched by the most frequented road in the direction of London. It appears from Anton. Itin. that there were afterwards two roads from Limne to London, one direct, thus : — Londinio Durobrivis (Rochester) .... xxvn Duroverno (Canterbury) .... xxv Ad Portum Lemanis (Limne) . . . xvi 68: CO WAY STAKES. 101 tween himself and his pursuer than he fenced the northern bank with chevaux-de-frise of sharp stakes, some of them in the bed of the river 1 , for the pur- pose of checking, if not of preventing, the advance of the enemy. At the distance of a mile and a half to the south of Coway Stakes is an eminence overlook- ing the ford, called St. George's Hill, and here Ceesar may have pitched his camp, for there are still the re- mains of a Eoman castrum on the crown, double- trenched, and containing more than thirteen acres 2 , and called traditionally Caesar's camp. The very name, also, of Walton is said to be derived from the vallum, or wall, here constructed. The two hostile armies had not long confronted one another on the opposite banks when Csesar gave orders, notwithstanding the obstacles, to force the ford. The horse took the lead, closely fol- lowed by the foot, and both horse and foot dashed into the stream and advanced upon the enemy with such im- petuosity, though the legions were up to their necks in water 3 , that the Britons, who were rightly armed, could not sustain the weight of the charge, and fled in confu- the other circuitous — Londinio Noviomago (Croydon) .... X Vagniacis (Maidstone) XVIII Durobrivis (Rochester) IX Durolevo (Milton or Faversham) . XIII Duroverno (Canterbury) XII Ad Portum Lemanis (Limne) XVI 78. 1 " Ripa autem erat acutis sudibus prasfixis munita; ejusdemque generis sub aqua defixse fliimine tegebantur." — B. G. v. 18. 2 " 13 a. 3r." — Manning's Surrey, vol. ii. 3 " Cum capite solo ex aqua extarent." — B. G. v. 18. n 3 102 THE PASSAGE OF THE THAMES. sion. Such, at least, is the narrative of Caesar, though it does not very well accord with the resolute front shown by the Britons on other occasions. Polyamus would attribute Caesar's success to the presence of an elephant, an animal wholly unknown to the natives, and presenting, from its stupendous size, a supernatural appearance. 1 It is scarcely credible, however, that Caesar should have possessed an elephant in Gaul, and still less so, if he did, that he should not have men- tioned it. The passage of the Thames, so little disputed at the time between the two hosts, has since been most warmly contested amongst historians and antiquarians. Some will have it that Caesar crossed the river at West- minster, where, in a dry summer, the river is fordable 2 ; others, as Maitland, at Chelsea 3 ; others, as Lemon, at 1 " Kaicrap kv Bperraviq. iroTa^xov fiiyav kire^eipEL TTEpcuoixrQai. BaaiXevQ ~Bp£Travu>v KaaoXavvog avelpye fiErd 7roXX rovg iroXEfxlovg $o€//o-avr££." — Poly am. Stratag. vi. It is said that Claudius also, in a. d. 43, took elephants with him to Britain. Dion, lx. 21. 2 " Even now, in similar seasons (two dry summers consecutively), the river is fordable at Westminster, as it was on the 19th of this very month, July, 1846." — H.L. L.: Gent. Mag. vol. xxvi. (1846) p. 256. 3 " Sounding the river at several neap tides, from Wandsworth to London Bridge, I discovered a ford (on Sept. 18, 1732) about 90 feet west of the S.W. angle of Chelsea College garden, whose channel, in a right line from N.E. to S.W., was no more than 4 feet 7 inches deep, where the day before (it blowing hard from the west) my waterman informed me that the water there was above a foot THE PASSAGE OF THE THAMES. 103 the Earl of Dysart's grounds at Petersham, opposite Twickenham * ; others, as Horsley, at Kingston 2 ; others, as Bishop Kennett, at Wallingforcl 3 ; and others, as Daines Barrington 4 , are certain that Caesar never passed the Thames at all, but only the Medway, called by Caesar the Thames by mistake. It may not, perhaps, be uninteresting if I trace this learned controversy from the commencement. The tradition that Caesar forded the Thames at Coway Stakes is as old as Bede, for he says, " The footsteps thereof are seen to this day, and it appears upon the view that each of them (i. e. the stakes) is as thick as a man's thigh, and that, being wrapped in lead, they are fastened in the bed of the river immovably." 5 No place is here mentioned by name, but, as it has never been suggested that stakes were to be found elsewhere in the Thames, no doubt Coway Stakes is the spot alluded to. The learned Camden is very positive upon the sub- ject, not to say a little egotistical : " It is impossible (he writes in 1607) I should be mistaken in the places, be- cause here the river is scarce six feet deep, and the place at this day from those stakes is called Coway Stakes. To which we may add that Caesar makes the bounds of Cassivelaun, where he fixes his passage, to lower ; and it is probable that at such tides, before the course of the river was obstructed either by banks or bridge, it must have been considerably shallower." — MaitlancTs London, p. 8. 1 Manning's Surrey, vol. ii. p. 760. 2 Horsley's Britain. 3 Archseolog. ii. 145. 4 lb. ii. 5 " Quarum vestigia sudium ibidem usque hodie visuntur, et videtur inspectantibus quod singula? earum, ad modum humani femoris grossae et circumfusge plumbo, immobiliter erant in pro- fundum fluminis infixce." — Bed. Ecc. Hist. i. 2. B 4 104 THE PASSAGE OF THE THAMES. be about eighty miles distant from the sea which washes the east part of Kent, where he landed. Now this ford we speak of is at the same distance from the sea, and I am the first that I know of who has men- tioned and settled it in its proper place." 1 Samuel Gale, in 1734, read a paper before the Society of Antiquaries 2 , in which he subscribed to Camden's opinion, and gives us some description of the stakes at that time — that the stakes, from their antiquity, resembled ebony, and would admit a polish, and were not the least rotted ; that they were young oak trees 3 , and no mark of any tool, and the thickness of a man's thigh ; " but whether," he says, " they were covered "with lead at the ends fixed in the bottom of the river is a particular I could not learn." And he adds in a note, " Since writing of this, one of these stakes entire was actually weighed up between two loaded barges at the time of a great flood by the late Eev. — Clark, jun., of Long Ditton." However, in 1769, the Hon. Daines Barrington ap- peared in opposition before the same Society 4 , and asserted that the Coway Stakes were nothing more than the remains of a fishing-weir, for that a fisherman of Shepperton, who had been employed by some gen- tlemen to take up the stakes, had conducted him (Daines Barrington), at his desire, to the place, when he found, from the explanation of the said fisherman, 1 Camd. Brit. vol. i. p. 183. 2 Archaeolog. i. p. 184. 3 " I have been informed that the stakes at Coway were very thick pieces of yew tree." — W. StuTceley : Gent. Mag. vol. Ixvii. (1797) p. 198. " The piles," according to another account, " were of chestnut wood." — Gent. Mag. vol. lix. (1787) p. 222. 4 Archeeolog. ii. p. 141. THE PASSAGE OF THE THAMES. 105 that the stakes were not along the northern bank of the river, but athwart the stream, thus : — MIDDLESEX THE STAKES SURREY Whereas, to prevent the passage of an army, the stakes should have been planted longitudinally, from c to D. He also draws an argument from Camden's own statement, that the river there was scarce six feet deep, for, says he, " to permit infantry to cross by fording with their heads above water, the depth should not be more than four and a half feet." On the other hand, a writer under the name of Clio, in the " Gentleman's Magazine " (vol. lix. a.d. 1787, p. 222), would cut the matter short by positive testimony that the passage was at Coway Stakes, for, " upon the rebuilding of Walton Bridge," he says, " two years ago, they found several very valuable articles, among the rest a perfect spear with the name of Julius Caesar in- dented legibly in Eoman characters ! " The maker's name is not mentioned, but Birmingham is a very ancient town, and the Birmingham trade-mark might, no doubt, upon minute inspection, have been dis- covered ! ! In the second volume of Manning's " Surrey," published 106 THE PASSAGE OF THE THAMES. in 1809 1 , and edited by Mr. Bray, the canse of Co way Stakes finds another zealous defender. As to the posi- tion of Barrington that the stakes were a fishing- weir, it is there asked by the writer (and, I must say, not without reason), why a weir of such strength should be found only hi this part of the river, and nothing similar elsewhere % Then, as to the objection urged by Barrington, that the stakes stretched across the river, and so would not prevent a passage, a Mr. Crawter, who knew well the neighbourhood of Walton and the river, is called as a witness, and deposes that the ford was in a curve, and that the stakes cut the curve in two places, so that no one, as the stakes were fixed, could use the ford, as may be seen by the following sketch : — It is added, in confirmation of this being the ford in question, that spurs and fragments of spears, &c., had been dug up at different times in a field called Warclose 2 , in the parish of Shepperton ; but, before we 1 Page 759. 2 D. Barrington would probably suggest that corruption of " weir-close." war-close" is a THE PASSAGE OP THE THAMES. 107 admit the argument from the spurs, it must be proved, which may be a matter of difficulty, that the Romans ware spurs ! We have in this history the best account of the stakes themselves ; and the nature of them may lead us farther on the road to truth. It is said that " one Simmons, a fisherman, who had lived there, and known the river all his life, told the editor (Mr. Bray) in 1807, that at the place called Coway Stakes he had weighed up several stakes of the size of his thigh, about six feet long, shod with iron, the wood very black, and so hard as to turn an axe. Their boats sometimes ran against them. The late Earl of Sandwich used to come to Shepperton to fish, and gave him half a guinea a-piece for some of them. There were none in any other part of the river that he ever heard of. One now remained in the river, which they were not able to weigh. It was visible when the water was clear. His net had been caught and torn by it. His tradition was that they formed part of a bridge built by Julius Cossar, and he described them to have stood in two rows, as if going across the river, about nine feet asunder as the water runs, and about four feet asunder as crossing the river.'" I believe that this poor fisherman of Shepperton has shown more good sense than all the antiquaries, and that he has hit upon the right solution of the stakes, viz. that they were the piles of an ancient bridge. How could stakes in two rows nine feet asunder one way, viz. in the course of the stream, and four feet another, viz. across the stream, be intended as a barricade against an enemy, when a foot soldier, not to say a trooper, could pass through them in every direction'? How, again, is it credible that the stakes, which must have 108 THE PASSAGE OF THE THAMES. been prepared in a hurry, should have been shod with iron in a systematic way, as in times of peace, for the foundations of a bridge 1 It does not follow, however, that, because there had been a bridge, Caesar did not here ford the river ; on the contrary, the circumstance rather favours the supposition that he did. Assuming a bridge to have existed there in the time of Caesar, Cassivelaun would naturally retreat over it with his army, and then break it down and saw off the tops of the piles. The stakes which were driven by Cassive- laun himself must have been along the side of the north- ern bank. Caesar nowhere hints that they were across the river. Who can say that Caesar did not him- self construct the bridge 1 for he was proud of his mechanical skill, as is evident from his detailed account of the bridge thrown by him over the Khine the prece- ding year. 1 This, also, would account for the strong camp on St. George's Hill, viz. to protect the bridge, for the purpose of covering his retreat, should he find the enemy too strong for his daily-dhnmishing force. As for Daines Barrington's argument that because the water here was nearly six feet, it was, therefore, too deep to allow the Eoman infantry to ford, the an- swer is that the depth of the stream depends upon the season ; and we know from the Commentaries that, hi fact, the year B. C. 54 was an extraordinarily dry one 2 , so that the river in the month of August, when Caesar was there, may easily be conceived to have been a foot and a half lower than it usually is at the same period under ordinary circumstances. 3 1 B. G. iv. 17. 2 " Propter siccitates." — B. G. v. 24. 3 Stow mentions a curious fact : " The river," he says, " has several times been blown almost dry, so that one on shore could not see any water in it from London Bridge to Westminster, particularly PASSAGE OF THE THAMES. 109 It is not to be forgotten that Coway Stakes agrees with Ca3sar's description in several curious particulars. In the first place, as the Thames is a tidal river up to Teddington (Tide-end-town), and as Caesar, who is a most accurate observer of natural phenomena, makes no allusion to high or low water 1 when he was almost necessarily led to it in speaking of the depth of the stream and the stakes driven into its bed, we may reasonably infer that the passage of the river was at least above the point to which the ebb and flow of the tide extends. Again, at the point of passage the river was fordable, uno omnino loco, in only one place ; and, further, it was at the distance of eighty Eoman miles from Limne, the place of debar- cation, — both which circumstances concur at Coway Stakes. We may also add that, while the river has in many places shifted its channel, we may be sure that there has been a shallow here for more than eleven centuries at least, as the stakes are referred to by the Venerable Bede. We may close the discussion with an extract from Brayley's "History of Surrey," who gives the latest account of the ford. "Between Walton Bridge," he says, " and Halliford, in Shepperton parish, the river flows in a semicircular course of great extent, and in- cludes a large tract of low meadows within the bend. It was here that Coway Ford crossed the stream in a on Sept. 5, 1592, and again on Sept. 14, 1716 ; of the last I was an eyewitness. Thousands of people passed over it on foot." — Stow's London, p. 16. 1 The phenomenon of a tidal river would be particularly striking to an Italian, and accordingly Pomponius Mela remarks: " Flumina alternis motibus modo in pelagus modo retro fluentia." — Mela, iii. 6. 110 THE COUNTRY WASTED. circuitous direction downward, and, within memory, it has been traced by persons wading through the current when the waters were low. Witliin the last thirty or forty years, however, the bed, or channel, of the river has been much deepened in this part, under the super- intendence of the City authorities, in order to improve the navigation, in consequence of which all remains of the ford have been destroyed, and every trace of Coway Stakes obliterated." 1 Should any one happen to be at Walton or Wey- bridge, and desire to see the exact spot where these famous stakes formerly stood, he will find it at the dis- tance of a furlong to the west of the northern end of Walton Bridge. 2 Caesar was now on the northern bank of the Thames, and, as the British army had been dispersed, with the exception of 4000 charioteers, Caesar, with Mandubert, the exiled king of the Trinobantes, who was still in his camp, marched in the direction of the Trinobantes. It was hoped that, on the Eoman approach, they would at once throw off their forced allegiance to Cassivelaun, and welcome back Mandubert as their king, and Caesar as his ally. Cassivelaun meanwhile, at the head of his 4000 charioteers, watched from day to day the Eoman line of march, and, when he was least expected, sallied forth from the woods and fell upon their rear or intercepted their stragglers. Cassivelaun also showed his generalship by the adoption of the course which was to have been practised had Napoleon the Great ever thrown himself upon the British shore. By whatever route Caesar moved the country was depopu- 1 Brayley's Hist, of Suit. vol. ii. p. 344. 2 Lyson's Environs of London, article " Shepperton." NO ADVANTAGE GAINED. Ill lated; stores were carried off, and the cattle driven into the woods. 1 The Eoman cavalry were therefore obliged in foraging to range to a great distance, but no sooner did they part from the legions than the charioteers, who were superior in number, started from their hiding-places, and seldom failed to cut some of them off. The upshot was, that, if the cavalry went out to forage, they returned in diminished numbers, and if they remained with the legions the army wanted sup- plies. The latter alternative was thought the less evil, and Caesar issued a peremptory order that the cavalry should on no pretence quit the protection of the legions. 2 Caesar is reluctant to confess it, but it is evident from this that his cavalry were beaten by the British charioteers. Indeed, the very name of essedum or war-car now became a bugbear to the Eoman troops ; and Cicero, in writing about this time to Trebatius, a young jurisconsult, who, having failed at the bar, had been recommended by the orator to Caesar's notice (but without much effect), playfully alludes to it by saying : " I hear that in Britain is neither silver nor gold, and if so, let me advise you to cap- ture one of the esseda, and return as fast as you can." 3 And again: "You, whose profession is to cater for others, see that in Britain you be not caught yourself by the essedarii"* These letters assumed that Trebatius was in Britain, whither he had 1 " Pecora atque homines ex agris in sylvas compellebat." — B. G. v. 19. 2 " Kelinquebatur ut neque longius ab agmine legionum discedi Caesar pateretur," &c. — B. G. v. 19. 3 " Id si ita est, essedum aliquod suadco capias, et ad nos qnam primum recurras." — Cic. Ep. Div. vii. 7. 4 " Tu qui ceteris cavere didicisti, in Britannia ne ab Essedariis decipiaris caveto." — Ep. Div. vii. G. 112 THE TMNOBANTES AND OTHER STATES. intended going ; but, in fact, on nearing the ocean, he had lost heart and remained in Gaul ; and Cicero, when he heard of it, again banters him good-humouredly about the essedariL " Had you gone to Britain," he says, " you would have been the best lawyer in all the island ! But (to have my joke, as you invite me) you seem in the camp to be much less forward than in the forum. You, who were so fond of swimming, had you no stomach for swimming on the ocean 1 You who were so cunning of fence, could you not face the essedarii V' 1 Cassar himself also about this time wrote to Cicero, but could not boast of any decisive advantage, observing merely in general terms that matters in Britain went on favourably enough. The letter was dated the 1st of September, b. c. 54. 2 The wise policy of Cassivelaun was now beginning to bear its fruits, and Caasar was already reduced to great straits in his commissariat, when the Trinobantes, now that Cassar with his legions was in the vicinity, broke out, as had been anticipated, in open rebellion against Cas- sivelaun, and sent an embassy to Cassar with an offer of submission, if he would place Mandubert on the throne and guarantee them security against the arms of their op- pressor. Csesar snatched at the opportunity of rescuing his army from their present distress, and stipulated only that hostages should be given to secure good faith, and, what was of primary importance, that they should im- 1 Cic. Ep. Div. vii. 10. So : " Sin sestivorum timor te debilitat aliquod excogita, ut fecisti de Britannia." — vii. 14. "Quod in Britannia non nimis v kTrr]p\ov KaroveWavoi ovrtc-" — Dion, lx. 20. 3 The pedigree of the kings of the Catyeuchlani would therefore stand as follows : — Cassivelaun. Tasciovanus. I Cunobelin. Caractacus. Togodumnus. Adrainius. DEPARTURE OF THE ROMANS. 121 vanus are stamped with the name of Verulamium, the capital of the Catyeuchlani, and the coins of Cunobelin with the names of Verulamium and Camulodunum, the capital of the Trinobantes \ and at the latter Cunobelin seems eventually to have fixed his palace. 2 Crcsar now retraced his steps to the sea, and one is curious to know what was his route ; where he crossed the Thames, and through what towns he passed. But his narrative gives no details, and we may therefore conclude that the march was an ordinary one, and that no misadventure occurred. The Britons no doubt watched with satisfaction the retrograde movement of their powerful adversary, and were well enough content to let him depart in peace. How far northward Caesar had advanced before the conclusion of hostilities it is impossible to say. Strabo, on the one hand, affirms that it was no great way 3 ; Florus, on the other, speaks of his having penetrated even to the Caledonian woods. 4 We collect from the Commen- taries that Caesar, with his army, was amongst the Trino- bantes, and subsequently at Verulam ; but we should imagine, from the short time spent in Britain, that he did not proceed much further — not probably beyond Hertfordshire. Caesar on reaching Limne was under some anxiety how to transport his troops. A large proportion of his vessels had utterly perished in the storm shortly after his arrival ; but he had left orders for the refitting of 1 See the coins in Mon. Hist. Brit. p. 153. 2 "To Kafj.ov\6^ovvoy to tov Kvvoj3e\\ivov /Sac/Xfiov." — Dion, lx. 21. 3 " Ovle irooekdiov £7ri ttoXv ttjq vriaov." — Strcib. lib. iv. c. 5. 4 " Caledonias secutus in sylvas unum quoqtie e regibus Cave- lianis (q. Cantianis, or Cassivelaunianis, see Cces. B. G. v. 22) in vincula dedit." — Floi-us Epit. iii. 10. 122 CAESAR'S LETTER TO CICERO. such as had been damaged only, and had instructed Labienus, who had remained in Gaul, to build others with the greatest dispatch. The repairs of the old fleet had been completed, but no additional ships from La- bienus had arrived. As, therefore, the whole army could not be conveyed at once in the vessels at com- mand, Caesar determined on making two successive shipments. The first part of the army was em- barked at once, and Caesar himself, like a prudent general, remained in Britain in charge of the second division. It was during this interval, while he was waiting for the return of his ships with the addition of those newly built by Labienus, that he wrote another letter to Cicero at Eome. It appears to have communicated no striking intelligence, but was a mere summary. Every word, however, written by Caesar, and from Britain, possesses a high degree of interest, and it needs no apology to give Cicero's notice of it in an epistle to his friend Atticus. " On the 24th October," he says, " I received a letter from my brother Quintus, and another from Caesar, dated from the shores of Britain, the 26th September. Britain was disposed of, and hostages received ; no booty, but a tribute imposed. They were bringing back their troops from Britain." x The date of 26th September must not mislead us. The calendar had not been reformed, and the reckoning of time was extremely erroneous, and we shall see pre- sently that in reality the letter must have been written 1 " Ab Quinto fratre et a Caesare accepi a. d. ix. Kalend. Novemb. litteras ; confecta Britannia, obsidibus aeceptis, nulla praeda, imperata tamen pecunia; datas a littoribus Britannise, proximo a. d.vi. Kalend. Octob. Exercitum Britannia reportabant." — Cic. Ep. Attic, iv. 17. WRECK OF THE TRANSPORTS. 123 at least some days previously, viz. before 24th Sep- tember. In maritime matters Caesar throughout was most un- fortunate. As the return transports and the newly built vessels from Labienus were crossing the channel, they encountered such a storm that few of them only reached Britain, and the rest were driven back to the port which they had quitted. Nothing could be more mortifying. In a short time heavy gales were to be expected, and the navigation of the seas would become dangerous. As one division only of the army was in Britain, the islanders, encouraged by the enemy's weakness, might, as they had done the previous year, again commence hostilities, when who could foresee the result % Several days passed, and either from stress of weather or want of repairs, the expected vessels from Gaul did not arrive. The equinox was just at hand 1 , and Cassar was afraid of any longer delay, and therefore determined on embarking the remaining forces at once in the stinted number of vessels which had reached him. The decks would of course be inconveniently crowded, but depar- ture from Britain was to be effected at any cost. At nine o'clock at night, in calm weather, Csesar hoisted anchor from the shores of Britain, leaving not a soldier behind 2 , and never more to return. Boulogne was reached at break of morn ; and the day may be fixed with some degree of precision as follows : — The equinox was not over but was close at hand, and it must there- fore have been before, and not long before, the 24th September, which was then reckoned the day of the 1 " Quod eqiiinoctium suberat." — B. G. v. 23. 2 " Kcu ovlev iytcaTeXure cparcv/ia iv avrp." — Dion, xl. 4. 3 " Summa tranquillitate consecuta, secunda inita quum solvisset vigilia, prima luce terram attigit." — B. G. v. 23. 124 CESAR'S RETURN TO GAUL. equinox. As the sun rises about that time a little before 6 a.m., he must have gained Boulogne about 5 A.M., when daylight would begin. But as Boulogne was a tidal harbour, it was necessary that he should enter it at, or a little before, high water. On what day, therefore, would it be high water at Boulogne at 5 A. M. just before the 24th September ] The full moon for September, B. c. 54, was on the 15th of the month, when it would be high water at Boulogne at 11*20 A. M. Consequently, if we reckon forward, we shall find that it was high tide at Boulogne at 5 a.m. on the 22nd September. It was thus on the evening of the preced- ing day, or the 21st September, that Cassar quitted Britain for ever. We must here draw an inference from the time occu- pied hi crossing the Channel. As Cassar sailed at nine at night, and gained the coast of Gaul at 5 A. M., he was just eight hours on the passage. Now, if he steered for Boulogne, which is twenty- eight miles, the rate of sailing was three and a half miles an hour, which is what might be expected from row boats in calm weather. 1 But if he embarked, as the Astronomer Eoyal supposes, at Pevensey, and sailed to the estuary of the Somme, a distance of sixty miles, it would yield an average speed of seven and a half miles an hour, which for row boats, and in a calm, is inconceivable. The Professor urges, as an argument in his favour, that Cassar, on arriving in Gaul, held a council at Samaro- briva, or Amiens, which is on the Somme 2 ; but I can- not attach any importance to this, as it is expressly 1 They were all " actuariae " (B. G.v.-l), and it was " snmma tranquillitas" (B. G. v. 23). 2 " Subductis navibus, concilioque Gallorum Samarobriva? peracto." — B. G. v. 24. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 125 mentioned that he had previously laid up his vessels in ordinary at the port of his arrival, and might of course after that have departed for Amiens or any other town of Gaul. The very fact also of laying up the vessels in ordinary implies the presence of naval docks and yards on an extensive scale, which would be found in the great port of the Morini, but not in a mere estuary. 1 I have now sketched the two Invasions of Britain by Cassar, and the little success of them is matter of sur- prise. In the first year, Caesar scarcely ventured a mile from the sea-shore. He had wholly miscalculated the strength of the enemy, and being destitute also of cavalry, he acted throughout, after his first landing, on the defensive. On the second occasion he attempted, at the head of three times the force, and a numerous body of cavalry, to retrieve his credit ; but such was the obstinacy with which the Britons encountered him, that until the rebellion in his favour of the Trinobantes' he was reduced by the tactics of the enemy to the utmost straits. Even after the civil dissension which threw the Trinobantes and the clans which followed them into the arms of Caesar, Cassivelaun, with his charioteers, was master of the country, except in the immediate neighbourhood of the legions. The Britons were no doubt far behind the Eomans in discipline, and Cassivelaun may not have been a match for Caesar in strategy ; yet the islanders displayed, such an indomi- 1 " Un fait me parait tranclier la question : c'est la mise a sec des vaisseaux apres le retour a Icius (B. G. iv. 21). Or ceci ne peut s' entendre que d'un veritable camp naval construit selon toutes les regies, c'est a dire, divise par quartiers, flanque de palissades, entoure d'un large fosse ( Tit. Liv. xxxvi. 45, xxiii. 28), protege enfin, defendu avec toutes les ressources qu'ofFrait a Cesar sa longue pratique de castrametation." — Mariette, o4. 126 CONCLUDING REMARKS. table spirit, and Cassivelaun so much natural military genius, that Caesar was content to retire from the con- test without any sensible advantage. The British gen- eral, instead of being led a captive to Eome, treated for peace on a footing of equality. Even the terms agreed upon in favour of Eome were probably never meant to be, and certainly never were, fulfilled. One thing is clear, that when Caesar quitted the island he left not a soul behind, and that for about 100 years afterwards the Britons were as free as if a Eoman legion had never trod the soil. Caesar of course represents his exploits in the most favourable light, and would have us suppose that he succeeded in extorting hostages and imposing a tribute ; but had the British Annals descended to us by the side of the Eoman Commentaries, we might then have heard of the destruction of Caesar's cavalry by the Essedarii, the weakening of the legions by successful sallies against their rearguard, and the tliinning of their ranks from exposure and privation, until at length the conqueror of Gaul was under the necessity of submitting to an ignominious peace. Even his own countrymen have done the Britons some justice, for Tacitus confesses that Caesar by Iris two campaigns made only the dis- covery of Britain, not the conquest of it * ; that although victorious in more than one fight, he had eventually been worsted and obliged to abandon the enterprise 2 ; that the Britons, in short, retained their freedom, 1 " Primus omnium Romanorum Divus Julius cum exercitu Britanniam ingressus, quanquam prospera pugna terruerit incolas, ac littore potitus sit, potest videri ostendisse posteris, non tradidisse." — Vit. Agric. 13. 2 " Recessuros [Romanos], ut Divus Julius recessisset, modo virtutes majorum suorum [Britanni] aeniularentur, neve proelii unius aut alterius eventu pavescerent." — Tac. Agric. c. 15. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 127 and were never tributaries to Home. 1 Lucan even goes so far as to say that Caesar and his army had fairly shown their backs to the Britons ; and Horace 2 and Tibullus 3 both treat the Britons as still un vanquished in their time. Strabo observes that Caesar made no great progress ; 4 and Dion Cassius tells us that Caesar was repulsed 5 , and that he brought the war in Britain to a conclusion very little to his liking. 6 This we can readily conceive, for the expense of constructing 800 vessels, and freighting them with a numerous army, must have been enormous ; and what was there to show for it 1 — Caesar in Gaul, and Britain without a Roman ! 1 " Vacui a securibns et tributis." — Tac. Ann. xii. 34. 2 " Intactus Britannus ut descenderet Sacra catenatus via." Epoch Lib. vii. 7. 3 " Te manet invictus Romano Marte Britannus." — Lib.iv.v. 149. 4 " OvSev fikya £ia7rpa£a^£voc." — Strabo, iv. 5. 5 " Tov Kaiaapa tov 'IovXlov Zkeivov et,rj\acrafj£v [the Britons]." — Xiphilinus, cited Mon. Hist. Brit. p. lvi. 6 "01% oiov IGovXzto rw Tro\£fiu> ri\og tiriOr]Ktv" — Vit. Jul. Cces. 23. APPENDIX. No. I. Since the preceding pages were written, the Eev. C. Merivale (author of the "Eoman History") has kindly placed in my hands a tract by Christopher Grodmond, Esq., published in 1836, intituled "A Memoir of Therrouane and a Discourse on the Portus Itius of Caesar." It is there contended that the port from which Caesar sailed was Wissant, and the portus superior Sangatte, and that the debarcation was at Deal. The arguments by which these views are sup- ported contain little novelty, and do not shake the author's confidence in the theory submitted to the reader in the fore- going Essay. The only remarkable feature in the publication is, the copy of an old map, of which the following account is given : — " M. Deneufville, in an autograph MS. of the date 1724 and 1725, intituled ' Annales de la Ville de St. Omer,' shows an ancient chart of the country of the Morini and of the Portus Itius, where Malbrancq places it, at Sangatte, including Therrouanne, as the country was in the 8th century. The original chart, however, is not now amongst other MSS. of the 8th century in that library." And Mr. Grodmond continues : " The author of this Memoir has seen the copy of M. Deneuf- K 130 APPENDIX. ville attached to the MS. in the library of St. Omer, but on inquiry for the original amongst the MSS. of the 8th cen- tury, he was informed it had been lost." That the reader may judge for himself as to the genuine- ness of the map, a copy of it is annexed; but the author cannot regard it otherwise than as a fanciful sketch, illustra- tive of the draftsman's idea that the sea once flowed up to St. Omer. For this purpose the geography of Ptolemy has been ingeniously applied. It will be seen on inspecting the map that the "lxiov "Axgov of Ptolemy is placed at Cape Blancnez instead of Cape Grisnez, and the Trjo-ogtuxov knlvsiov of Ptolemy at St. Omer. In aid of the latter view the three last syllables of Gresoriac are identified with the site of an old chapel near St. Omer called Soriack. That changes in this part of the coast may have taken place is not improbable, but it would require strong evidence to prove that the face of the country has undergone so total a transformation as here represented, not to mention that a map of the 8th century, existing in 1724, would be a topographical curiosity. CARTE cUo .Port Jtisios de Cesar dans les JWbrins ei des lieuce ei environs oil Ida voit. 1 . le I'ronwrvtvir&Jtius de Ptolemy 2 lelfcwre cCe Sangatte 3 le 6t>i/e Jttus jrtsquervSitieu. 4. leHfiivrt. GeffcrLac oic de Souruw S leTais lessor iar de FCcne. i t 131 No. n. Should the discussion in the foregoing pages upon the subject of the Coway Stakes have excited any interest in the reader, some fur- ther particulars may not be unacceptable. A so-called Coway Stake has been deposited in the British Museum, and may be seen there amongst the British Roman Antiquities. A sketch of it is annexed. That it may have been brought from Coway ford is not impos- sible, but it can scarcely have been one of those described by Bede, as cased with lead and about the size of a man's thigh, or one of those which were taken by the fisherman Sim- mons to have served for the piles of an ancient bridge. The Museum stake is about four feet long, has no trace of either iron or lead, and is not bigger than a man's arm. The lower half apparently has been buried in the ground, and the upper half only exposed to the action of water. The wood is thought to be oak. If the relic be genuine, it must have been one of the stakes planted near the river's edge. However, Caesar speaks of acutce sudes, while the head of the one in question has been flat- tened by the mallet or driver.* Indeed it has all the appearance of an ordinary stake used for a weir, or for some fishing apparatus. * A friend, who has examined the stake with some minuteness, observes that the fibres of the wood at the head lie all in one direction, and that this is the re- sult, not of mechanical force, but of the constant action of the stream. THE END. LONDOJf PK11TTED BY SrOTTlSWOODE SEW -STREET SQUABE IK r3: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Afj 020 946 802 5 ■tm ■ ■ ■ . I ■ -i