llniik J] 6v? 6- I'UKSKNTKI) in- 130_? The DOBYNS - COOPER and ALLIED FAMILIES of Ballon, Bramble, Coulter, Credit, Duval, Henry, Kemp, Larew, Lyon, Norwood, Perry, Pierce and Taylor. BY MRS. AURELIA ANNA PIERCE BALLOU, Hdnnibal, Mo. AND W. F. COOPER, Geological Survey, Lansing, Michigan. LANSfNG MICH. - . APRIL. 190S STATK PRINTERS. ip. ^ THE DOIiYNS-COOrKK AND ALLIED FA.MJLIi:s OF UAL Lor. r.KA.Mi'.LE. ('()rLTi:i{. (m;i:dit, DrvAL*^HENKV. Ki:.Mr, LAKEW. lA'oX, XomVOOD. PERKY, TIEKCE AND TAVLOK. Ill Ociohcr. 1!M»(>. the junior inithor oT tin's woi-k had a painplilct ])i-iiiti'(l oil aiiotlHM- hiancli of this raiiiiix. 'IMic ohjecl in jicttinii, out tliis |»aiiii;hi('I. which is similar in scojic, is to <»l»\ IIS, lioni •) line lT). 1774: died April 7. 17^1'. .". IMward hdliviis. sec paia^rapli i:i7. -^^^ v - • i. i;ii/,ai)('lli l>(»l»\ns. s«M' |»aia«;ia|)li K'.S. 7. ('ailKM-iiic Doliyiis. Ixiin .Mav .".1. 177'.l; died Maicli ITi. I7s.~(. 5. ("Iiarlcs l>. Iliiticli h()l»\iis, see i»aiauiaitli ir)S. 1(1. Maiy l>(»l»\iis, see ])ai-a_ura|tli l.~)!». 11. Iteii jaiiiiii I ►ohyiis. see parajivaiili I'in. IL'. l!(Mr\ I >(iliyiis. sec paraiirajdi Kil. i:'.. Baldwin l»(il.\iis. lioni daii. s. 17li;'.: diiMJ .Iniic Ti. I7li::. 11. .lames Ihiliyns. see jiarajii-apli 1. line '■'>. was Ixnii .Manh •_'. 177lI. ill < "iil|»e;iei- <"«i.. \'a.. and died -Inly I'l. 1SM4. at Fleiiiiii as Reuben r>iiscoc"s <: riiiiai (a:M:i;.\rio.\. l.~i. .\|iolIos Coo|i<'r I ».. born Scjit. ■_'(», 17!*."). Hi. I'raiic<'s l>oi»yns, see jiaraiiiaph "JS. 17. (leorjic W'ashinutoii I ».. .see ]iara,uraph IWK IN. lalward |tob\ns. see paraLZiapli IL'. I'.l. Kli/.abeih hdbyns. see paraiiiaph \'-\. i L'O. .Mary Reed hob\ns. see paiauiaph ('•!'. L'l. Thornloii l-'arron I >.. born Sept. L*. isus: died, uiimarricd. ( »cl ,-.. ISL'S. I'll, .\senalli hobyns. see parai:ra|>h (i7. 1'."!. ("harlolii' Reed i»(d>\ns. see paramaph 7l>. 24. A\'iii. hdbyns. honi. Jniic !». ISlC. '2~*. .Iniiics Reed Holiyiis. s(X' ]iili;iiii;i|tli M)'^. I'd. J.cw is rraiji I >()l»_vns,' sec |);ir;ii;ia|tli 117. 27. Julia Ann Lcticia Dolnns. see ijaragi-apli i:J4. 2S. Frances Dolivns, s(M' itaiau;ra|ili 14. line lt», was Ixn-n Marcli 11. 17*.I7. the second cliihl of .lames Dobyns, and niaiiied Sanmel I >. ilcnrx. Tliev liad lln-ee children. rorirnr ckxhratiox. A\iii. Henry, see ]»ariiiira]»li '-.K (Te(M<>e Henry, see parajirajdi 80. Mary Dorcas Tfeni'v. see ]>ara;iira])li ol. 211. W III. Henry moved to California Avhen quite a lad. lie and family are all d<'ai]. ;!(l. (icoriic Henry died in Cincinnati. Ohio, leavinti' a wife and three eliildren. »>lie afterwards married again and moved into Texas. 81. Mary Dorcas Henry was born May 10, 1S'2~), and died May 28. ISC". She married James Samuel Kainey, Jan. 17, 1840, at Sharitsbuiji. Ky. He was born at ^^'inchest(M•, Ky.. Aug. 4, LSI!), and died Nov. 28, 1884, at Covington, Ky. His occupation was sad- dler, i)olitics Republican, religion Presbyterian. His father. Win. Samuel Kainey, was born in North Carolina and married Kulianna Lindsley of Jventucky. He was a ]irofessor of languages al Mt. Sterling, Ky. Their children were: Edward Kainey. Edward liaiiicy. Susan K. Kainey. married -T. T. Leonard. Ann Kainey. Chillicoihe. Mo. James S. Kainey. married Mary D. Henry, see ]»aragrapli :'>!. Tieliecca M. Kainey, married Hiram I'ark. -Maria C. Kainey. married W. (). (loodloe. H. day Kainey. married Lou AN'allace, Chillicothe, .Mo. The gi-andfalher of .lames Samuel Kainev was Judj*!* James Kainey. He was born .\uu. 1, 17."S. in Xoiili Carolina, and died Sept. ir,. 1841. < liililicn of James S. Kainey and ^Liry Dorcas Henry are: FIFTH li\<'i-. ^^^il;llI and Ivaiin-v. ( 'iiiciiinal i. Ohio. M"^. Siisaii I-3lizalu'tli Kaiiicy. sec line '.\Tt. was Itmii .Inly S, 1S.")4. ai Sliar|»slinrj:. i'.aili Co.. Ky. Slic was iiianicil \h'r. 1. ISS,"). at < "(>viii;:l<>ii. \\\ .. In .luhii Tv id- Mctccr. wlm was also Imni ;il Sliarps- Itur;;. Jan. I's. Isll. 'I'lic maiili ii iininc i>\ liis nmilici- was ICIi/.alK'tli Hill. Ills ii((ii|iat ion is lainuM-, icli^ion I'ii'sIin icijan. |ii»liii(s Ke- liul»li. No. I. 'I'iicii- cliihli-cn art- : sixiii (a:.\i:K.\rniN. LtMinaid Kaint-y .Mcicci-. lioiii .liil\ 11. 1 '^^7. <;ny i:ilswoiili Mciccr. Iiorn Oci. I's. IS'.H. Ill iKii »a'M:u.\'riox. .*>li. ( icor^^i' \\ asliiniiinii |)(»liyns. set' ])araL:ra[iii 14. lint' 17. was Itorn F<*l>. 111. 171t!». nr in 17".»7. and nianicd Kfiicrta (Oulifr. They had jonr riiildrcii : i-oiK I II (a:Ni:i!A'iiox. .Mar;iai('l holiyiis. died unnianird. Saiah .lane hohyns, s<^c jtai-a<;i-a|ih 40. lit'iiix llasr(nn. sec i)ara<:ra|»li 41. I]\arni»' I >ol)\ ns. died iiniiiariicd. Ifl. Saiah .lane hohyns iiiaiiicti .VH'icd Norwood, inloi-nial ion ol' one child. I oiil\ havo Kii-iii (a:xi;i;Aiio\. Ilciii\ W. Norwood. Mi. (■.iinifl. K\ I'orurii oli\ ns. son ol (Iro. \\ . l>oli\ns. sec para- j;ra|ih :i'.t. was hoin .\|iiil :'.n. is.'.ii, ;il Sliar|islMii!n. r.alli Co.. Ky.. and di«'d No\. 7. r^77. He was nianird .Ma\ 17. 1>"7I. lo Nannie \'ir,i;inia (ioodman. Sh • was lioin S('|ii. 111. \s\:\, ■\\ .Ml. (lilcad. .Mason i'o.. Ky.. and is now liviiii; al I'h-niiniisliiiiu. K> . llcr lalluM-. Firldinj; Lewis (Jundnian. was horn in .\ llu'iiiiai 1 < o.. \'a. Her niothcr was llli/.ahcl h .Moss \\allini:l<'id. iit-niy !'.. hohyns was a lawvcr. ("irrnil ricrk aial served iwo icrnis in I he Keiilinkv le^is lalnic. Ill- icsidt'd al I'leminiishnri:. K\. ('hildren ol Henry It. lM)li\ns and Nannie \'. iloodniaii: K I FT 11 (;i:.\i:kati()X. (looi-iic T.oiiis |)()U\iis. sec i»;ii-;i(t. 17. ISTi*, ai I'lciniii^s- l)iii-g. Ky.. and was married April 7. P.MM. near Helena. Mason Co., K\\. to Lillie liell (Irillin. She was horn Feh. IS. 1S77. at Val- paraiso. I'orter Co.. Indiana. Her lather was dosejdi , 1!HM;. THIRD GEXERATIOX. 42. Edward Dobyns, see ])ara(tli\iis was a daiijihter (d Lieutenant Apollos ("ooper. who fell at tin* head of his cotnjian.v in tlie battle (d' I'.randx wine. After his tleath she was taken, raised and «m1ii- eated Itv her ^raiidfa I her. < "ol. William iieed. who ai an early day emiiiialed i«> KriMniU\. His father, -lames holiyns. and Sarah <'(M(per. were marrii'd in W'ashinuton. .Mason eoniity, Ky.. in the year IT'.II. and raise(l seven sons and six daiiL;lii<'rs. (d' whom thrtn? sons and two danuhlers are now li\ ini:. The sniijeii oT this sKflrh was married in .Miss Anna \\'ise in .May. ISL'L'. (d' .Mason eonnt_\. K<'ntncky, a lady of most excellent jnd;:nieiii and ("hristian character. She ^really aided her luishaml in his earlier sirnuules in advancing his forinnes and act|nirin;i the wealth lie succeeded in olitaiiiiim. Mrs. hohyns was a consistent meinlter of ilie I'lapiisi clinrdi. now called ilie ••Second IJaptist church." ol Si. j.nnis. and dnriii;^ llie y<'ars she was connected with it she was ever ready lo eiiiia^e in whatever temled lo advance ils iM'.st interests. A m;i(;irr i:x.\.mim.i;. She was a dev. In avnid iliese. pusli.d llie Mississippi riv<'r sniiie hiindretl l^i'i from ils nld shore, so as to form a wharf larue enouiih in ac- cominodale ihe yiow in^ commerce of the place. It was a work of ^leat maunilnde. and of doulilfiil jiraci icahilil v , vel il was success- fully accoiiipl islied. lie was cliainiiaii nl llie coiiimill* I waler- works. and aided in llie conslruction of ihal ureal work, thoiiuh then Iml a minialnre ol ihe mauiiilnde of ilie piM'seni urand system y tlie state convention as a Demo- cratic elector on the \'an J>nren licket. in the memorable "loii cabin and hard cider cami)aii»n" of 1S4(). and was elected by a la r^e majority over the Harrison and Tyler electoi-s. In lS4.~i he was ai;])ointed, without a])plicatiou. by President Polk, i-eceiver of jaib- lic moneys of that land ottice for the district of Missouri, and was made a disbnrsini*' otticer by the secretary of the treasui-y, and while holdinji this position hundreds of tlionsands of dollars were received and disbursefL In this connection an imicb'ut may be menticmed. At the close of the four years, for which he was a])pointe(L his accounts for recei])ts and dislnirsements of the lar<»e amounts which ]»assed throuiih his hands were made out in due form and forwarded to the secretary of the treasury and he went otit of oHice. and turned over to his successor, liichard 1>. Dallam, the olti<-e and all books and jiapers. Scune twd months afterwards he received an official communication from the secretary of the treasury. iuforinin*>- him that his accounts as late receiver of ))ublic moneys, had '"been re- ceived and referred to the ]iroi)ei* accounting ollicei-. who tinds from a thorouiih examination of all moneys received and disbursed for the four years that yon are ituh'bted to the uovernment in the sum of (i:> cents, which amount you are hereby directed to dei)osit with the assistant treasurer in St. Louis, taking therefor tri])licate re- cei}»ts. seiulinii' one to his office, one to the commissiiuier of the .uen- eral land office, and retain the other." This was ](i<)m]»tly comidied with, and some time after am>ther communication was received, informing him that his accounts lia-. She is a hidy <»l' snjierioi- mind and educa- tion, a de\oied <"hiisiian ever ready to en<;aii<* in W(uUs ol henevo- hMice. Their only chihl. .loseph S. h(tliyns. was horn dune 24, 1S."(4. and receixed ;i lull colletie course ol education ami uraduat^ dmnces of success or de feat, and to do all that h<' could htuiorahly and fairly, to aid in achieving a \icinry foi- if. Such men may he cdusidered ••old- fashioned'" li.\ many. Imt still it ma\ he douhted hy some whether tli<' rc|iiescnlal i\e poliiician of ilie present day is wiser than the lounders of the j:ov«'rnmeiil , anhyns has ofU'u conirihuled articles on historical suhjects to ihe papers. He was called upon li> tlie historian. I'rof. I'lihu 11. Sheppard. .'■(•ci-elary of the .Missouri Historical Society, for a statement of the lads s of the Democratic i)arty ol' Missonri and a his- torical sketch of the i)arty. and the distiniiiiished men who tiiiiired as its leaders dnrinii' a jieriod of nearly tilty years. .Vn ailicle in the Sontherii Review of .January, 1ST.'». entitled "The Cause of the Dissolution of (leu. Jackson's Cabinet." was received by him. and the many errors contained in that ;irticle were ex])Osed. lie- sides traciiii;' the true cause of the dissolution of that cabinet back to the cabinet of .Monroe, where it had its orijiin. it also defendees made against him of the violation of international law. in his couduct during the Seminole war. and ex- ];osed some stati'iiients of Mons. de Toegnevilk', respecting American denuH-racy. A caustic re\iew of a paiier read by Kev. Dr. McCosh, president of I'rinceton college. New Jersey, was next ])iddished by liiiii. in which tlu^ many errors contaiiUMl in the statistical state- ment of Dr. .McCosh were exiK)sed and the South defended against the attacks of Northern writers. A BEAT'TIFIL TlUnUTE. U]ton the announcement of the death of a daughter of Col. I'en- ton. .Mis. Susan \'irginia Benton P.oileau. wife of I'aron I'oileau. minister plenipotentiary of France to Peru. Maj. Dobyns wrote and ])ublislied an api)ropriate and bejiutifnl tribute to her memory, and tliat of her distinguished father. To the ^lason county Ken- tmky Historical society he ]iresritish Hag. captured by Commodore Terry on Lake I']rie which was borne to Washington city by a young lieuleiiaiii of the navy, and in the east kmmii of the mansioii. surrcumded by cabinet officers and foreign ministers, was presented by him to the wife of Fresident Madison mid by her waved to the large as- semblages as only a Mrs. .Madison could. His article exjiosing tlu' historical blumh^rs of CampbelTs Ga- zette of ^lissouri." and his defence of Mrs. Gen. Jackson, were b<»th 12 iin|»n»\«'nu*nis in ilie eaily |iaii <»! ilic century, and an liisiuiical skeltli ol tiie men and jiolitirs (d that day. AnotlitM- aiiiric liuni iiis pt-n. eniiilcd ••|'.enia\is was w ronu ami Mr. I»en- loii was riiilii. in slatinu lliai liic Sonili wnc the siqiporlers of tlie ••.Missonii comitromise." and llial Senahn- Thomas ol Illinois, instead of lion. Ilrnry ('lay. was the i-eal author of the ".Missoiiri <'!ni|iromis:'."" as shown in tin* record l ion. he was (Ncr irm- aiil de\(i|ed in his liiemis: a ctmsisteni memlier of the c|iui-cli. and look a iivcdy iniciesi in all ihai concerned ils lirosperily. and also ol the edncaiional insiiiniions connecied with il. His advice was idlen souiihl by the leadinji men. and his jii- llueiice was strong, when he (hose to exeii il, in fa\or of or in op|tosition to any measure. In duly. isTii. in llu- hemociaiic stale convcniion called lo noini nale landidalcs foi- ;:overnoi- and other slate »)nicers. a motion was mad<' ami carri(*d. invitin;j: him lo a seal as an honorary member of ihe con\enti(»n. This was a liiuh honor, conb-rred upon a veteran heniocral who had Ion;: and laillifnll.\ borne the lu>al and burden of political campai;;ns: and the incident proved thai (he youn.^er hemoii-acy are slow li» foriici those* who have .urown old in llu* service of llieir (ounlry and party, and thai the friends and co laborers of smh eminent men as iJenion. I'.lair. rellus. .\shlcy and Linn are still respech'd and honored. .Maj. hobyns beiii;.; called li]t(tii, \\;is I'ondncTt^d l"t llic speaker's stand amid loud a-pjdanse and (lelivt'ird a brief. Iml apinttiiiinte address to llie coiiveiit ion. At the nieetinii er. which is evidence that he had a remarkably tine constitution, and that he had led a ]>rud(Mit and temperate life. He was rejiiilar in his habits, of a livel.\ and cheerful disposition, and took deej) interest in all matters of imjiortance, wlietlier relating to ])olitical. relienins of the uoverniiKMit Ih' iiiheriied I torn the revolntionary fathers, anIio lorced the iMijilish <>(tveriinient to recognize in the tr(Nity of ]ieace of ITs:!. which (losed the revolutionary war. the indepeiKh'iice and so^•ereignty of the revolted states and colonies, and for the advocacy of these ])rin- ci])les held so sacred he was. in ilie madness of re\(»lui ion. banished from his home, an exile on account of his jtolitical opinions, leaving- a home of refinement and of liappiness, where nothing was wanting that could c(»ntribute to the comfort (u- hajipiness of its owner, and dwelling for many years among strangers. An ample fortune, the fruits of many years of toil and careful, honest thrift, vanished from its possessor because he would not for- sake the cause which he believed to be right. One may well c(»n elude that the man. who. advanced in years, stood thus tirnily and endured these inflictions had scmie regard for his c(»nscientious convictions and jiossesseJ no ordinary degree of fortitude. The first two children of the ncM geneiatiou were the son and (biughter of Edward Dobyns and Anna \\'ise. .losejih S. Dobyns was the only child oi ICIizabeth Sumrall Dobyns. second wife of Edward Dobxns. 14 roiUTii (;i:.\"i;icATi»».\. .I;iiiu*s Miltuii l»iili\iis. wild (licil in l^."ii. Sec liin^rajiliiial sktMcli (»r .MaJMi- I'd ward I)oli\iis. (»r wliicli tlu* rollowiii^ aciduui is laken liiiin ihf St. Lniiis (ilnlic. Sept.. PJIHI: The death i>\' .Miss Maiv K. iMilivns a (cw davs a_u<>, in ( ialvi'sion. T«'.\.. s«M-\t's as a sad rtMnindcr \n iddci- ciliztMis dl' Si. Lmiis ol' the si iii-iiiu liuu's of ili(* civil war. dnrin^ wliicli she was ilic center of a sensational episode wliicli iiad iastiiiii inlliicncc on liei- tlirouuli- onl lier life. The remains ol Miss i>olivns were liron^hl to St. Lonis. and in the |iresence ol iiianx old and disi inmiished friends laid to i-est in the family Im in Uellefonlaiiie cemetery. Anionji those I'l-eseiil oil this occasion was ive\-. ^\'illialll holiyns of St. .lose|ili. .Mo., a relative of the family. Miss .Mary \]. holiyns was the danuhter of .Maj. lalward Doliyns. who came to St. I.oitis from Le.\iniilt»n. Ky.. when it was a small I'reiich town. lie liecaiiie proiiiineiil and wealthy iH-re. and his mansion at 'rwcllth and r>rooUI\n Streets. l(»i:ether with the sjiaci- ons ^fonnds snrroiiiidinii it. forme(l a striUinu feature ol' early St. Louis. .Many facts concerninji .Miss Dohyns are rtdated hy .Mr.s. W. n. Tiilisoti. who was a consin. her ni(»tlu'r l»ein|L; a sister ol" Maj. hohyns. .\hont the lici^inniii^ of the civil war. .Miss Uohyns. known Iiy her fiieiids as .Molly, was the recoiiiii/.ed helle of St. Lonis. her l»eaut\ and accomplishments jnaking hii nniversally popnlar. i;.\.\ tsiif.i' iiaiM sf. i.oi IS. ( >ne nl the tiaucilies ol the war was the killiiiii' of ("ol. .lolm .M. W iiiier, formerly iiia\or ol Si. Lonis. wlm had uoiie into the con- federal!' aiiiix. Mis remains were lnniiiiht to St. Louis and taken to the home in .North St. Lonis. .\n immciise concourse ctf peojde asseiiihled lor I he funeral, and as the feeling in the cily ran hiuh at thai time it was consi*ler(>d advisahle liy the provdst marshal in chaiLie ol ilic ledeial disirici lo dis|»erse the la'owds and eiifoice a (piiet intcriiieiii nl the ImkIv. ("ttl. Wimer was an uncle of .Miss hoii\iis, and she. Iieiiii; |n-esciil on the occasion, and an ardent soiithciii s\ mpa I hi/.er. cxiucssed hei^ell so loicilily that she was arrested. Sniiseipieni ly she was oi deicd aua\ and e\<'ntnally sent to Toronto. <'anada. where she spent several vears. The feelinji eii|nendered liv these events was siicli that the hohyns family wei'e never content in St. Lonis ai^ain. .Maj. hohv ns went to Kentucky, allerwards to .Mexico. .Mo., where he died. Me was liiiiied in Itellelontaiiie, where his daughter also now rests. .Miss .Mary, al- thoiitih periodicallv visit inn St. Lonis. has spent her life away from here. She lived loiir years in roiiland. Ore., uoinu Ifoiii there to <'alilornia, iheme to (iilvesion, where she died. .losejih Siiiiirall hoKv lis. see lHoi;ia ph ical sketch of -Majcn* I '.dw aid I >o|iv lis. I lUKii (;i:m;i;aii()X. 4:J. IOIi/,;il'('lli hoWyiis, tillli child (tf .lames and Sarah I )()h\ ns, 8ei' parajiiapli 14, line !!•, was Ikm-u .hiiie 17, 1S(I:{. She married lleiu'v Taylor in 1S2!), at Fleiiiiiij;shui-j'. Ky.. and died An.u. (!, ISTl*, at S]ti-in.ufi(dil, Mo. Henry Taylor was horn in ISdj in Niruinia, and dit'd in ISdi; at Si. Louis. Mo. His reliiiion was i;a[dist. Their children w<'re: FOURTH (;f,xi:i{atiox. 44. Sarah Ann Taylor, born ISIU, unmarried. 4."). Kli/a Taylor. i)orn 1S:>:>, nnirried, no children. 4(i. James W. Taylor, horn IS:^."), nnniarried. 47. Animie M. Taylor, horn is;{7, see parali 47, was born in Jefferson county. Ky.. and is living' at Harrods Creek in that slate. She nnirried AHred K. Shirley in 1S,~)!>. He was born in ISMS in Jeffer- son county. Ky.. and died lher<' in ISS."). His father, Walter Shir- ley, was born in Jetlerson county. Ky., and died there in 1S48. Tn ISMt; he was man-ied to T"]li/-al)eth Harrington. She was Itorn at or near Shelhyville, Ky.. and died in liiOi* at Chicago. 111. Walter Shirley was a Presbyterian in Ixdief. occupation farmer, as was also his son. Alfred E. Shirley. Their children are: ril ril (JEXERATIOX. .-)•_». Janu's 1>. Shirley, born IStid. unmarried, in Arkansas. ."i;!. Alfred ^^^ Shirley, bctin ISIW. in Jelferson Co., Ky.. un- nnirried. .■)4. Lillie !•>. Shirley, born 1S(;7 in Jetfei-son Co.. Ky.. unmari-ied. .".". Henry \]. Shirley, see ])aragraph ."")!•. .")<•. Florence L. Shirley, see jiaiagra[)h (iO. 57. Alfred I*. Shiidey, i)orn in \S~~). oS. Lottie Annie Shiiley. see paragraph (IL .")!). Henry K. Shirlex-. see paiagraph .")."», was Immu in LS7(i. and married Mary Fenley. They have one daughter 1.". years old. ()(l. Floi-eiH-e L<'(' Shirley, see ]iaragraith .■")(;. was born in is7r>, and married .Minor r.rodks NN'ehster. They liaxc no children. (11. Lottie Annie Shii-lcy. see paragrajih .~S. was born April I'll, 1880, near J.ouisville. K,\.. ami was married July 14, 1S!)(», t(» Adon Eugene Woodell. He was l»orn in bsc»!) al IJaleigh. North Carolina. His occui>ati(ni is railioad man. religi(»n I^])isc(»palian. They have no children. Kesidence Harrods Creek, Ky. ; present address, Ha- vana, ( 'uba. IG TIllKI) (iKXERATlOX. • ill. .M;ir\ Ii. ('hailcs Kiduway r.r;iinl»h'. iii(». and niai-ficd ;ii Si. I.imis. .Mci.. in Win. ( Mniiston (lihsnn. !lo was Im(|-ii at IMinlnii-iih. Scot hind, and died Oct. -D. r.in."!. at St. Lonis. Mo. 'I'hc rollowiiii: sketch ol' his lile lias lieeii jireiiai-ed liy .Mrs. l5alloii: .Mr. Win. ( >. (lihson was one of roiif liiotliei-s win* eiiis(»n ilolel. at liiai lime the only hotel in ill:- iilac'. Ills iiikIc. Tcier (lilison. was one ol' ilie most siiccesslnl mcch;iniani(ds. .\da < libscni, dei cised. iOlla (Jil»son. Ill iin> oi:m:i;.\ iioN. • IT. .\senaili hobyns. si-e paranra|ili 11. line L'L'. was born .Ian. Hi. IMl. She was married lo .Mr. rredii and died at Falls City, N«'br;iska. 'Thcv Ii:id a laiiiily of cIliIiI cliildrcii. icrinii ;inia. and lived to be IdS years old. His son, .Mordacai IM'erce, was lirst lieu- tenant in Col. Owen's coni]tany, and was at Ihe battle of Ti|»])e- canoe and Hi\'er Raisin, and led ihe charjie with (len. Taylor at Fort Tecuniseh. war of ISli*. Jonathan Pierce, son of Col. M. Pierce, took charjie of his father's estate in Kentncky, near ^lays- ville. His Itoyhood was s|ien1 in tliat state. -jHc married in 1S:U. moved to (Ireencast le, hid., and from there to Missouri, stop- ping- at St. Lonis long enonjih to chanjie boats, and came to Hanni- bal in is:;7 on the steamer IJosalie, Cajil. Xeal Cameron (of Saver- ton) made the trip by walei-, 1akin_u thi-ce weeks to jiet to St. Lonis. Landed on ^lay 4. She broke her nnlder on the trip and the cajttain hired a New Orleans ]»acket to take her back to St. ].,ouis for lejiairs at a cost (»! .*$.")()(). Then again started n]) Ihe river and landed after a week's voyage in ILinnibal, when it was a small landing. His brother, the laie Jmlge Washington Pierce, of ^^'aco, Texas, and his brothei-in-law, L. < '. hobyns. were with liim. and they bnilt a house on an island near the month of Pear Creek, which has since disa]t])eared. At that time Hannibal was a small landing, the booming, coming town. He was called out to jjrotect the border of the stale from Indians, and also to settle the dispute of the Ixnindary line between Iowa and Missomi: also the M(»rmon war. Wis bnsiness life was connected with the his- lory (tf Hannibal for a half cent my, being almost a tixture on Main sti-eei; had charge of the shiiijdng department ol' the whole- sale lionse (»r the late T. K. Seliiis lor twenty years. In later y<'ars, in the grocery bnsiness with his son. K. H. I'ierce. since the late Civil \\'ai-; closed onl in 1S!):5 and r(Mired from bnsiness. In 1S:?7. he with his wife nnited with the .Methodist church of this city under the pastorate ol' Pew .lainison. and was ilie oldest mendu'r of the clinrch living. He helited to organize the chnrolt\iis. see ]»ai-aj:ia]ih T(». J)e\i-_v. niaiiied Nickels. Strather. Green ltni\u. Newton. Jasper. l{osi'eat <;randratliei- A\as -lohn .Murray Pierce. I-^arl of .Mans- field. The children of Charlotte nnhxiis and Jonathan Pierce are uiven in the follnw inu list : FOURTH (a:Ni:ic.\i'n»\. 77. dames .Madison i'ierc(. Imrn is:'.(i; deceased. 7s. Peander !{ylaml Pierce. Itorn IS.ts. deceased. 7!i. lldward Holmes Pierce, horn is:',!l. siniile. He held the (illire of ai-a.iirn|th HM. So. Charles Wesh'y Pierci', see paraiiraph lliL'. SCi. .\urelia .\niia Tierce, see jiarauraph so. was horn in JsKi, at Hannibal. .M(».. and was married .March •_'7. ISC.ri. to Cieorjje \\'asliin^l()U P.alldU. He was hmii al .\slie\ille. N. C.. and died in IS7I>. at St. Louis. .Mo. Ilis lather was .\nihiHi\ P.allou and the maiden name oT his nioiher l!li/,alielli ('(toper. .Mr. r.allon was in the medical deiiarluieui nl ihe P. S, .\. and resided al Si. Louis. His i-erminn was Pajitisi. His wile, .Mrs. .\urelia Tierce P.allou. 10 the joini nullior nl lliis liisiorv. is cnjiiijiod in liicnii-y woi-k ;unl was on tlic st;ilV oT (1k' <'(>la|KM-s. She is conti-ihtitor lo INicuis ol' Anicrii-i. n\' wliicli one iseleeliun is inscrti'd, "'Vhv Ariiiv Kcccssioiia I.'" THE AltMV KKCESSIOXAI.. Tliio I he land today, willi martial steps, and slow The Iti-avo ai-ni.v soldiers, in i-ecessional jio. IJearinu ahdl. to Ihe IniH'zes on liiuli. The lla.ii «»l <>iii- Coiinlrv, a nation's piide. And llie l«lne arched dome, with their music ring, As one vast chorus, in Orchestra uiand. |)own thro altars, that are co\ere(l with bloom. ^^'here oi'uans peal forth in eace, and hriiiht Immortelles IJear lo\in_i> tributes for the Mem(»rial. Their ranks are thinninji', in this march thro life. These veteran soldiers with battles rife. I Soon the drum is heard. wi(h its mutlled tones, As on tliro the streets and lanes they come. In their forward march, to cities so still. To kec]) the last bivouaek on the distant hill. To cover the iiraxcs. with the flowers of May. Under the Koses the Ulue. with the Tallies the (Ircy. Soon, many will ])ass from their ranks away. TIk'sc i)iliiiim soldiers, of the Blue and (Irey. W'imliuii alouii. like a river at sea. T'ntil last in the ocean of eternity. Soon the boatman will call to ferry them, o'er For the (Jrand Kecessional. on the Everjireen shor<'. And their names in sKuie. like an untold ]u-ayer. Of a (h*ar bouiiht jieace. thro the fortunes (»f war. ^Fr. and .Mrs. llalloii have one child, unmarried. fii-rii (a:.\i:i:.vTio.\'. Georjie Anthony Ballon, born Nov. I'l'. IMti. lie is connected with a New York publishinji luuise and is unmarried. Fot'irni (a:Ni;a.\'iioN. 87. Frances Asenath I'ierce. see ])ara^raph SI. was born in 1848. at Hannibal. Mo., ami was marrie. 1SS2. Daisy Natalie^ Kiinincll, Itorii IsT'i. died .hiii;- L'7. 1>7l*. Glcndolcnc* .Mxitic Kiiimicll, Imi-n issii. I'oiuTii (;i:xi;UA riux. 88. -hilia .M;idoiii;i rierce. see ]»ai"iiii"i|ili M'. was liorn Auji'. 28, 1S45. al llaimilial. .Mo., and was iiiaiiicd A|iril 11. ls(i4. to John (lilliouseu. lie was Itoiii ()ii. !i. \s:',U. al Sjii-anklc Mills, .lettVi-soii Co.. I'a. His lalluM-. lienjainin (lilliousen. was horn .Maitli ;i. ISll. at Harrishiiri:. I*a.. and died \)or. .">. IS!),", at Kalioka, Mo. He niarrii'd Maiia Sj)rankl(' al (l(MH. i:rnest I). Oilhouseii. hoiii .March :\\. 1S74. sin.ulo. The Dalles. Oregon. 04. :Mah]e F. (Jilliouscn. l.oni Oct. 10. 1870. died Au.u. J0, ISSl. 0(1. Nellie M. (iilhouseu. born Dec. 1 i. 1SS4. sinjile. I*. ( >. The Dalles. Oreuon. 07. \\'illiaiii !•;. ii-d. Mr. Gilhoiisen is a larmer, in })olitics J'rohibitionist. and a Methodist. His ihildren are: SIXTH (iKXKKATlOX. Emmalene Oilhouseii. born at The Dalles. Ore., in 1S!>:5. Leila (Jilhoiisen, also bom at The Dalles, in ISOO. FIFTH GEXEU.VTIOX. 98. Mr. ('has. ^^^ (lilhoiisen, see itarajirajih !>ii. was born nt Kahoka. Mo.. March 10. 1S()7, and was married in May. ISOl'. near Kahoka. to Miss l-]tta rhillii»s. She was born in Aiiunst. 1S74. at W'ayland, Mo. '^ler mother's maiden name was Miss Mott. .Mr. Gilhoiisen resides at (,'anton. .Mo., where he is a ]»hotoI in 1888. Their children are : sixiii . use and laier worked ['i,v ihe firm of r.ac(»n ^: Sons. After llu' death of the elder l>ac(Mi. .Mr. hakin accepted a position as travcdiuii salesman for a St. Louis lionsc. which he hebl foi- scNcial years. In ISTs the deceased formed a parlnership wilii S. 1'. (ii\an and opcMU'd a iiroc<'ry store. In issi' he formed the Holmes 1 >aki)i Ci<;ar c(iiii|iany with l'. .M. Holmes and was adixidy connected with the c- to his son, Davis P. Dobyns. Maysville, Ky., is j^iven as the place of his birth. He wa>< nuuried to Jane Stewart and Mary Craft. The latter died in July. 1S40. He was a car- penter and contiactor for years; failed dnrinu' the war. He after- wards was a United States railway nuiil ajiont. Afterward he eante to Oregon. Mo., and lived with his sou, David P. Dobyns. He died tliere Jan. 20, ISST. The children u\' James R. Dobyns and Mary Craft are: FOrUTII (a:XERATI0X. ]l)l. laiima Dobyns. born in IS."):;, died in infancy. W~). Alonzo L. i)obyns, see jtaraiiraiili ltl8. 1(H;. r.yron Dobyns. born in Si. Louis in 184:], died in 18(5(1. 107. Da\id I'. Dobyns. see para.uraph lb!>. 108. Alonzo L. Dobyns. s<'(' para-iraph Id.", was born in St. Louis, Feb. 22. 18:{7. and was married to Josephine llarion. She was born Jniu' 0. 184L in Alsace Lorraine. Her lather was An- toine Harion. and her mother's maiden name was Kosine Conrath. Mr. Dobyns resides at ir.i:} Franklin Ave., St. Louis. Mo., where his occupation is carpenter. His piditics is Republican. lOU. David Pollock l)obyns. .see jiaragraph 1(>7. was born Jan. 24 1'5, 184."). ai St. Ldiiis. .Md. Ih' was inaii'uMl lo ICiimia riicci-: Ikm- iather was |)r. W. A. (Jreer; liei- inollici-. .Mar.\ .Mason. 1 Kniuji, llie Civil War. Mr. iMthyiis (Miteiinl Tlu* I'liidii Army, aud was W(niu(lfMl in action in battle in lS(il. He recovcit'd and i-t'inlistcd in 1S(;4. lakinu' pait in the haltU's of Franklin and Xashvilk' in 1S<)4. Learned printer's trade and has been editor of the H(dt ('(ninty Senlinel. |tnl)lished ai ()rei:on. .Mo., for the jiast 'Ai) years. Nov. rid. 1!KI7. he was elected president of the Northwest Missouri Press Association. His children are: FIFTH UENER.VTIOX. 110. Lulu hohyns. seo paraj^iaph 113. 111. I'dwin P>. Dobyns. see jtarajii-aph 114. 111'. Leiuli r>. I>obyns. see para^iajdi llTi. 113. Lulu Dobyns was liorn I >ec. 11. isTl. and is married to ^Mias. 1). .Mark<'r. They reside at Denver, Colo. 114. JCdwin Heaice Dobyns. see jtara,ui-a])li 111. was born duly 4, 1874, at ^lacon, .Mo., and was iiiarri(Ml .July .">. 18117. at .\htcon. to \'iola .Mercer, who was also born at .Macon. Feb. i*. 1S7C>. Her lather was 10. H. Mercer. .Mr. Dobyns is a train disjiatcher livins; at IKlL'-.'ird St. Ft. .Madison. Iowa. Tn jiolitics he is neutral, re- ligion Protestant. Their children are: SIXTH (a:Ni:iJATn).\. (iladys Dobyns. born at .Macon. .Mti. David Kayinond Dobyns. born at I-'t. Madison, la. ini^'iM! (a;xi:KATiox. 11."). Lei was born Oct. I'l. 1S7:'.. in • lewel county. Kans. Ibr lather was Ceo. W. ('lark, liie maiden name o\' her mother Martha \l. Chenoweth. Mr. Dobyns is a tele- grajh opcratoi- residinu at ('heveniu', ^^'yominu. a Mason and in jiolilics Kei»nblicaii. Tlicy have two children. SIXTH (a:xi:i{A riox. Dorothy ('hrisline Dob_\ iis. born Sept. L'7. I!>6."'>. Leigh Clark i>obyns. l)orn Sei»i. lb. llMi.".. 'I'll iia» (a:xi:KA riox. 117. Lewis ("raig Dobyns. see jiaragraph 'Jii. was born Nov. 111*. 1S17, at IMemingsbuig. \\\ .. and was liist maiaied to Charlotte Partridge, .May Id. 1SI7. She was born -Inly :!1. is:!."., in l\;nglaml. and died December L!. is.-jl. at Keokuk, Iowa. .Mr. Dobyns was auaiii mairiel ai K( okiik to .Mar\ Kobinson \\'eaklv 2.") Mnv i. isr»tl. She \\;is li(ii-ii No\ . H*. ISi'l. ;il Iiiinii. I toddridji'O ('(t.. W. \'a. SIic (lied .M;iy S, 1S7.~», at K('(>kid<. lici- lallici- was • loliii \\'«'akl(\\ . The Inlldw iiiii sUctcli of Ia'wIs ("raiii l><)l)yiis lias bi'oii riiniislicd l»y his (hiii.uhicr. .Mis. Sai-ali A. K('iii|i: Died of iiiaiiil ion. al his hninc in ihe >\'i_iilitiiiaii Iniihliiiii. at '2.i~t ]). 111.. .Monday, .Innc 17. I'.Hil. Lewis Craiii hoI»yiis. a^cd s:; years, (i nioiil lis and IT days. I!e had !i\ed i\'2 years in Iowa and liad been <-oiirni('d to liis hed ahunl eh'ven weel; Dobyns was born in l'h'niinu]iils some of the most ]»romi- nent men in the state of Iowa, amonii others ex-(Jovernor Drake. who obtained all liis cdncation under Mr. Dobyns' tuition. He entered the service of the Towa State Insurance Co., of Keokuk. Li., in 1S(>(>, beiny' its first general aucnt. His territory was the 4(1 southern countfes of the state, and he often walked from one county seat to the other, when as yet no roads were made. Owing to his advanced age and infirmities he sevei-ed his connec- tion with the company in ISS!) to the regret of all connected with Ihe institution. Since liis ictirement he has. with the assistance of his dangliHT, .Maiy l]. I >obyns, done a small local liusiness. The deceased was one of the best known men in the city. He was very active in the jmrsuit of his business, and this same activity and zeal characterized his life in all his walks. He look a keen interest in public affaiis. and through close and constant reading he acijuired a large ac(|uaintance with state and national atfairs. and his jxMsonal ac(piaintan<-e with ]inblic men almost equalled his knowledge of excnts. He was a life-long IJepiiblican. voting' lii-st I'oi- I'l-esident Hai-riscm. of 'ripjKM aiioe lame, and he continued active in jiolitics nji to the lime ol his last illness. H(? was a M<'tliodist from his <'aily youth; a dexoni wdi-shijiper. He was a good man. beloxcd by iiis fauiily and his legitiu of friends and resjiected and liones .Moines, la.: IMward ^L Dobvns. of this citv: and 20 ^larv E. Ddbyiis. of ilu* Hi^li ScIkkiI icinliini; foi-co of ihis city. The funei-ul services will Im' held at the ("eiitial ^I. K. Chiiich at eijiht o'clock ^^'e(lnes(lay iiioviiiii^. from thence the remains \y\\\ he taken to Keokuk on th<' !»:l'(l train, \ ia I he Rock Ishnul. to he ]ilac(^l beside his second wife. I lie motlier of the children present I who was laid at i-est 2(5 years a1. Lewis .Idslm.i K('in|). sih' pni-aiii-ipli 1L'<;. horn nciU' Fair- haven. Minn.. Ani;. -'2. ISCiT. lit' nunricd rinia 15. I.cud ;i( Cor- vallis. Ore., fluiu' 1). 1SS7. He attended the Oreuon Slate Ajii-i- cnllnral CoMeiie at Corvallis I'oi- a time, then entered the mill hnsi- ness and is now part owner and nianaiicr of the Tahte Ko»k l.nnd>er Co., of Cascadi's. Wash. He was ajtpoiiited jiost niasiei- (tl' Leuts. Ore., but was (•()nipeII«Ml 1o resign liis position on acrouiit of (lose <'onfinem(Mit. Tliev have one cliild. SIX Til (a:.\"i:i;A'i'ioN. Bessie lone Kemp, born at ('(trvallis. Ore., Feb. 1»'». 1S81). Married in ItMIT. FIFTH OEXKItATIOX. 132. William Andrew Kem]». see ])ara^raj>h 127, was born June 27, ISfil), near A'ermont, 111. He was mariied at Portland, Ore., Ai>ril 14, IIMM;, to Mrs. Florenee Hand v. FOIRTII (JEXERATIOX. 13.3. Charles Newton Dobyns. see paragraph 121, was born at Keokuk, la.. A])ril 3. 1858. He was married Ajtril 1. 18110, to Clara P». McXabb, who was born at Cialliopolis, ()hio. Sept. 17), 187(1. Mr. Dolnns is editor of the Corning "Mirror," Holt Co., Mo., a Ke})ublican in ]»olitics and a I'resbyterian. He has i-esided in Holt ('o. since 187!). They have six children living to ]»er]»etuate the Dobyns name, and I am indebted to their lather for tluMr names and birthdays, which are here given: FIFTH GEXERATIOX. Lewis Craig Dobyns, born March 2, 1S!)1. Dick Dobyns. born .May 15, 18!12. Mildred Dobyns, born Aug. 27. 18!I3. Sterling .Morton Dobyns. born July 11. 18!)8. (Meineiit Dobyns. boiii dan. 25, P.MHI. Chas. Ned Dobyns. Ixnn Ajail 12. l!Mr_*: di-owned. Louis<' Dobyns, born Aiail 2!>. 1!M)5. Til Il;n OKXKKA riox. 134. Julia Ann Leticia Dob\ ns. see paragra])h 27. was born Aug. 2, 1821. the youngest child of .lames and Sarali Coojier Dobyns. She married Dr. James Lyon. Mrs. Sarah Kemjt writes that she is buried at Hannibal. Mo. Her hnsband died dnring the war. They had two children. Foru'iii ta;xi:uA'riox. i:'.5. Richai-d F. Lyon. Cth Iowa Inf.. Civil W.w. L'ti. Delia Alherton Lyon, niai-ried lIiMun Derr at .Montrose, la., in 18(52. She was on the stage. They had several chil- dren but ap]»arently (»nly one is now li\ing. 28 FIFTH GEXEUATKtN. (Jeorge Den-, address unknown. SECOND GENERATION. l.'IT. IMwai'd Dolivns, see ]tai'ii^i-aiili .'. was Ikhii I'di. 7. 17T(». an<] died dan. H. ls:!l. Hilary l)(il)yns j^jncs ilic nanirs n[' ilie Hd- lowiiiii cliiidi-en : III lUH (JK.XKltATlitX. 15. F. Dolivns. :\Iexi((). .Mo. Thos. d. Ih.hyns. Silas hnhyns. Heury Dolivns. " SECOND GENERATION. loS. Idizaltelli i)])rinjiti(dd. .Mo. His widow ami laniily lived near Kansas r\\\- Mo. THIRD GENKIJATIOX. I'annic .Man in. ^la.u^ie Decker. r.ettie Duval. Mary Du\ai. (liles Dnval. SECoN 1 ) ( ; I : .\ i:k.\ t i uN . V-V.). ('iias. Doli\ ns. killed in ISCl. 14."). .Malinda Dii\al. Foritrii (;km;rati()X. l.~)U. .lane I'oiici- l.arcw. set' paia^iapli 14S, iiian-it'd Jaiut's J. Howe, and had scNcial cliildi-cn as are liere j>iven : FIFTH (iKXKRATTOX. 1.")!. Tlidinas L. Howe, see pai-aurapli \~u. l.~L'. Coiicliit ITowe. l.").",. Mai tie Howe. 154. .lennie i\ Howe. l.~.~. AcU'laide Howe. 1. "■»(;. ^^'illialH Howe. IT)!. Tlios. L Howe, see ]taiaol»yns. sec iiaiaurapli 10, hoiii Scjil. 1^4. ITS."), and died Auji. L'l. ls:;i». She was married to Mr. I*«^iy. They had a dan^hter. '*■ TlllUn GEXERATIOX. .Mary reiry. SECOXD GEXERATIOX. KtO. lienjamiiie Dohyns. see paraurajih 11. was hoin .hinc '24. 17S8, and died Feh. I'S. 1S14. lie niari-icd Nancy I'orici-. dan.uh- ter of dohn ami .lane Toricr. The\ had a son. 30 111 iKii (;i:xi-:UA'ii<»N. Fleiniiiii l>nliviis. who difd m-ai- I'alnivrn. .Mo. FOLRTH (JKNEKAIKIN. .laiiM's I'.. 1 >(iliviis. -Maiv I', hew ill. ( "olninbns. ^lo. Anna K. Ildiiiiir. Lancaster, Kv. lU'rtic Tiiislcy. Warrt'iislmrg. .Mu. SECOND (JHXKKAIKiX. Kil. lI('i-i-\ l>iili\iis, sec iiaraui'.il'li 1-. \\';is Imhii .liiii ':il Kcv. ^^■Ill. Kay Moliyiis of Si. .|()se|i|i. .Mci.. is ul ilic niiiiiion thai he was hoiii in .Masdii ('(».. Ky.. Init is iiid smc. lie was iiiafiied to M;iiy I'oitcf. dauiihrcr ol' .lulm and Jane I'di-tcf. He died I Wm-. 11, 1S37. Theii- children and t:i-andchililien. as uixcn liy William Kay and Ililaiy holiyns. are: 'riiiiM) (a;xERATi(»N. Kil'. dames II. ])(tl)yns. Imhii \h>r. 111. ISl 1, and married Saldna Snin<'i-ell. Lived ai <"(duinlms. ddhnsnn ("n.. Mti. 103. Ueiijamine l-^i-anklin iiniiyns. see |iaiaL;raiili 17(i. 1(;4. .Idhii r. Kohyns. ]((.". I'^rances .M. I )ol»yns. imin .hil> 4. iM'd. and died .May 17. IS'.H). She is lini-ieil in .Masdii ( "d.. Ky. Hitt. Hilary K. I >dliyiis. see iiara1. 1S7S. at .Mai-shall. .Mo. Ilei- lalliei- was Kohei i havis .Maii-ow. j >. 1 >.. and the maiden name ol' Jiei- niolher was l-'li/abelh Ka> . .M f. I>dl(yns was a |iliysician. in pojitics a henidcfal. and a ('amii liellile. lie resided al Maxslick. Ky., and <'dlnmlnis. Md. 'Theii childi-en were: Kdiurii (a:M:K Aiiox. I7L .Mary Kerry Ddiivns. hoin Mai-cii :.. IM'.l: . -lanK's l-'rancis Kiilicsoii l>oli\ns. Iiorn I •<■<•. •;, Is.'iL mar lied .M iss Ldii I »irk M nriay. 171. I'.eiijamiiie (Iiaves I »dh\ ns, JKnii .Inly !>. jsrili. ilied anliimn ol' iSCiS. 31 IT."). \\illi;iiii Kny Dolixiis. Ikhii .M;iy 17. \sr,\, -.w ( '(tliniilms, Md., and was inai-ricd .lime WK ISSIt. ;il St. Louis, lo .Mary 'l'ri|(k'tte JJucklaiKl. SIi<> was Itoni -Inly 11. IStiT. at St. Louis. Ilcr latlici' was Thomas AUfcd IJucUlaud. and her niotlicr's maiden name was Mai'V l^ilcn 'riiiilctlc Mv. ltol>yns is the minisici- oT tlie I'Misl I'resbytcriaii riniidi at St. .loscpli. .Mo., and is in politics a Cleve- land Dcmocral. lie is a mcmlier oT the Sons of the American IvevoluHon oi-i:;iiii/.al ion of St. .losejili. Mo. Tliey liaxc two cliildi-eii. j-ifiii (a:M:KAi'i(».\". Mai'i>ai-el Hutli l>ol»yns, hmii -Ian. L'l. HMK!. and died Dec. 18, 11)03. M-Avy Vx:\\ Dobyns. Ixun Nov. !». lOdC. •iiiiiM) gkxp:katio.\. ITti. llilaiy K. hohyiis, see ])aia^rai)h l(»(i. was Itoiii Dec 1."!, ISl'L', and mairied .Miss Annie ( 'hiistiaii. Tliev liad four childi-eu. FOURTH GENERATION-. James P. Dobyiis. Lizzie K. Dohyns. Frances Doh.xns. IOd<^ar L. Dobyns. <.. i/^'C