LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDD57T73723 ^A.IDJXJT^^fl'T &E:>rEIi^lL.'S I>EI>^RT]NXE?^T. ITINERARY ARMY OF THE P0T031AC AND CO-OPERATIXG FORCES GETTYSBURG CAMPAIGN, JUNE AND JULY, 1863; ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG RETURN OF CASUALTIES UNION AND CONFEDERATE FORCES. COMPILED IXDER THE DIRECTION OF BRIGADIER GENERAL RICHARD C. DRU:M, Adjutant General U. S. Army, BY JOSEPH W. K I R K L E Y, OF THE ADJUTANT QEN"ERAL"S OFFICE. [second edition.] WASHINGTON 1886. ^DJUTA-ISTT GE^^ER^^L'S DEP^RTMiElSTT. itTnerary ARMY OF THE POTOMAC AND COOPERATING FORCES IN THE ^ J^ GETTYSBURG CAMPAIGN, JUNE AND JULY, 1863; ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG; RETURN OF CASUALTIES UNION AND CONFEDERATE FORCES. COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OP BRiaADIER GENERAL RICHARD C. DRUM, Adjutant General U. S. Army, BY JOSEPH W. KIRKLEY, OF THE ADJUTANT GEXKKAL'S OFFICE. [second EDITION.] WASHINGTON 1886. .SI • "Li, S'o 61508 4 ITINERARY OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC AND CO-OPERATING FORCES IN ci THE GETTYSBURG CAMPAIGN, JUNE AND JULY, 1863. ^^ ^^ JUNE 5. The Army of the Potomac, commanded by Major General Joseph Hooker, with head- quarters near Falmouth, was posted on the north bank of the Rappahannock River, confronting the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, under General Robert E. Lee, mainly concentrated about the town of Fredericksburg, on the south bank of the river. The several commands of the Army of the Potomac were distributed as follows: 1st Corps (Reynolds') in the vicinity of White Oak Church ; 2d Corps (Conch's) near Fal- mouth ; 3d Corps (Birney's) at Boscobel, near Falmouth; 5th Corps (Meade's) in the vicinity of Banks', United States, and adjacent fords on the Rappahannock; 6th Corps (Sedgwick's) near White Oak Church, with the 2d Division (Howe's) thrown forward to Franklin's Crossing of the Rappahannock, a little below Fredericksburg, near the mouth of Deep Run; 11th Corps (Howard's) near Brooke's Station, on the Aquia Creek Railroad ; and the 12th Corps (Slocum's) near Stafford Court House and Aquia Landing. The Cavalry Corps (Pleasonton's, with headquarters at Manassas Junction) had two divisions (Duffie's and Gregg's) and the Cavalry Reserve Brigade, all under Buford, in the vicinity of Warrenton Junction, and one division (Davis') in the neigh- borhood of Brooke's Station. The Artillery Reserve (R. O. Tyler's) was near Fal- mouth. JUNE 6. Howe's (2d) division, 6th Army Corps, crossed the Rappahannock at Franklin's Crossing, and after a skirmish occupied the enemy's rifle-pits. Wright's (1st) and Newton's (3d) divisions of the same corps moved to the same point from White Oak Church, taking position on the north bank of the river. JUNE 7. Wright's (1st) division, 6th Corps, was sent across the Rappahannock at Franklin's Crossing, relieving Howe's (2d) division, which returned to the north side. JUNE 8. The Cavalry Corps (Pleasonton's), consisting of Buford's (1st), D. McM. Gregg's (3d), and Duffie's (2d) divisions, and the Regular Reserve Brigade, supported by de- tachments of infantry under Generals Adelbert Ames and David A. Russell, moved fo Kelly's and Beverly Fords preparatory to crossing the Rappahannock on a reconnais- sance toward Culpeper. JUNE 9. Newton's (3d) division, 6th Corps, relieved Wright's (1st) division on the south bank of the Rappahannock at Franklin's Crossing. The Cavalry Corps, supported by Gen- erals Ames' and Russell's infantry, crossed the Rappahannock at Kelly's and Beverly Fords, fought the enemy at or near Beverly Ford, Brandy Station, and Stevensburg, and recrossed the river at Rappahannock Station and Beverly Ford. JUNE 10. The Cavalry Corps took position in the neighborhood of Warrenton Junction. Its infantry supports in the reconnaissance of the day previous rejoined their respective commands. Howe's (2d) division, 6th Corps, moved from Franklin's Crossing to Aquia ^'''^- JUNE 11. The 3d Corps marched from Boscobel, near Falmouth, to Hartwood Church. JUNE 12. The 1st Corps marched from Fitzhugh's plantation and White Oak Church to Deep Run • the 3d Corps from Hartwood Church to Bealeton, with Humphreys' (3d) division advanced to the Rappahannock ; the 11th Corps from the vicinity of Brooke's Station to Hartwood Church ; and Headquarters Cavalry Corps from Manassas Junction to Warrenton Junction. The advance of the Confederate Army skirmished with the Union troops at Newtown, Cedarville, and Middletown, in the Shenandoah Valley. JUNE 13. The 1st Corps marched from Deep Run to Bealeton ; the 5th Corps from the vicinity of Banks' Ford via Grove Church toward Morrisville ; Wright's (1st) and Newton's (3d) divisions, 6th Corps, from Franklin's Crossing to Potomac Creek ; the 11th Corps from Hartwood Church to Catlett's Station ; the 12th Corps from near Stafford Court House and Aquia Creek Landing en route to Dumfries; and the Artillery Reserve from near Falmouth to Stafford Court House. McReynolds' (3d) brigade of Milroy s division, 8th Army Corps, marched from BerryviUe to Winchester. Combats: Skirmishes at White Po8t, BerryviUe, Opequon Creek, and at Bunker Hill_, and engagement (first day) at Winchester, Virginia. TTT-\rF 14 Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from near Falmouth to Dumfries -.the 1st and 3d Corps marched from Bealeton to Manassas Junction ; the oth Corps arrived at Morrisville and marched thence via Bristersburg to Catlett's Station ; Wright's (1st) and Newton's (3d) divisions, 6th Corps, moved from Potomac Creek to Stafford Court House- the 11th Corps from Catlett's Station to Manassas Junction, and thence toward' Centreville; the 12th Corps reached Dumfries; and the Artillery Reserve moved from Stafford Court House to Wolf Run Shoals. Daniel Tyler's command, of the 8th Army Corps, fell back from Martinsburg to Maryland Heights. Combats : Skirmishes at Martinsburg and BerryviUe, and engagement (second day) at Winchester, Virginia. JUNE 15. Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Dumfries to Fairfax Station ; the 2d Corps (Hancock's*) moved from Falmouth to near Aquia ; the 5th Corps from Cat- lett's Station via Bristoe Station to Manassas Junction; the 6th Corps from Aquia Greek and Stafford Court House to Dumfries ; the 12lh Corps from Dumfries to Fair- fax Court House; the Cavalry Corps f from Warrenton Junction to Union Mills and Bristoe Station ; the Artillery Reserve from Wolf Run Shoals to Fairfax Court House ; and the 11th Corps arrived at Centreville. Milroy's (2d) division, of the 8th Army Corps, evacuated Winchester and fell back to Maryland Heights and Hancock, Maryland. Combats: Skirmish near Williamsport, Maryland, and engagement (third day) at Win chester, Virginia. ♦ General Hancock assumed command of the 2d Corps June 9,1863, succeeding General Couch, who was as- signed to the command of the Department of the Susquehanna. T,H,r«Hipr + By orders of June 13, 1863, this corps was reduced from three to two divisions, commanded by angaaier Generals John Buford and D. McM. Gregg. JUNE 16. The 2d Corps marched from near Aquia via Dumfries to Wolf Run Shoals, on the Occoquan ; the 6th Corps from Dumfries to Fairfax Station ; and the Cavalry Corps from Union Mills and Bristoe Station to Manassas Junction and Bull Run. JUNE 17. The 1st Corps marched from Manassas Junction to Herndon Station ; the 2d Corps from Wolf Run Shoals to Sangster's Station ; the 3d Corps from Manassas Junction to Centreville ; the oth Corps from Manassas Junction to Gum Springs : the 11th Corps from Centreville to Cow-Horn Ford, or Trappe Rock, on Goose Creek; and the 12th Corps from Fairfax Court House to near DranesviUe. The Cavalry Corps moved from Manassas Junction and Bull Run to Aldie. ComhaU: Action at Aldie, Virginia, and skirmishes at Catootin Creels and Point of Rocks, Maryland, and at Thoroughfare Gap and Jliddleburg, Virginia. JUNE 18. Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Fairfax Station to Fairfax Court House; the 6th Corps from Fairfax Station to Germantown ; and the 12th Corps from near DranesviUe to Leesburg. J. I. Gregg's cavalry brigade advanced from Aldie to Middleburg, and returned to a point midway between the two places. Combats : Skirmishes at Middleburg and Aldie, Virginia. JUNE 19. The 1st Corps marched from Herndon Station to Guilford Station ; the 3d Corps from Centreville to Gum Springs; and the 5th Corps from Gum Springs to Aldie. Gregg's cavalry division, except Mcintosh's brigade, advanced- to Middleburg. Mcintosh's brigade moved from Aldie to Haymarket. Comhats : Action at Middleburg, Virginia. JUNE 20. The 2d Corps moved from Sangster's Station to Centreville, and thence toward Thoroughfare Gap ; the 2d Division (Howe's), 6th Corps, from Germantown to Bristoe Station. Combats : Skirmish at Middletown, Maryland. JUNE 21. The 2d Corps arrived at Gainesville and Thoroughfare Gap. The Cavalry Corps (except Mcintosh's brigade, of Gregg's division), supported by Barnes' (1st) division, 5th Corps, marched from Aldie and Middleburg to Upperville. Mcintosh's cavalry bri- gade marched from Haymarket to Aldie, and thence to Upperville. Stahel's division of cavalry, from the Defenses of Washington, moved from Fairfax Court House via Centreville and Gainesville to Buckland Mills. Combats: Skirmishes at Gainesville, Thoroughfare Gap, and Haymarket, Virginia; Frederick, Maryland; and engagement at Upperville, Virginia. JUNE 22. The Cavalry Corps and Barnes' (1st) division, of the 5th Corps, returned from Up- perville to Aldie. Stahel's cavalry division moved from Buckland Mills via New Bal- timore to Warrenton. CombaU : Skirmishes near Dover and Aldie, Virginia, and at Greencastle, Pennsylvania. JUNE 23. Stahel's cavalry division moved from Warrenton via Gainesville to Fairfax Court House. JUNE 24. T.'Z:Z':Z^:l lt;:'l:Z: ca,.^, di,i.on .o,ed r.. Fai..fa. Co„„ House to near Dranesville. Combats: Skirmish at Sharpsburg, Maryland. JUNE 25. The 1st Corps marched from Guilford Station, Virginia, to BarnesviUe, Maryland ; theSdC rps frorGum Springs, Virginia, to the north side of the Potomac at Ed- wards Fery and the mouth of the Monocacy ; the 11th Corps from Edwards Ferry, ^^tia to'jefferson, Maryland ; and the Artillery Reserve from Fa.rfax Court House, V irSn ia to near PoolesviUe, Maryland. These commands crossed the Potoma at Ed- Ilrd F; ry The 2d Corps marched from Thoroughfare Gap and Gatnesvdle to Gum Lrts Howe's (2d) division, 6th Corps, moved from Bristoe Stat>on to Centrev.lle ; Crrwfo;d's division (wo brigades) of Pennsylvania Reserves, from the Defenses of Wastnln marched from /airfax Station and Upton's Hill to V.enna Stannard s Ve'tonl Brgade, from the Defenses of Washington, left the mouth of the Occoquan IroTto joL the Army of the Potomac. Stahel's cavalry dtv,sion moved from near Dranesville, Virginia, via Young's Island Ford, on the Potomac, en route to '''^:.!rli"lhes at Tho.oug.fare Gap and HaymarUet, Vi-ginia. and nea. McConnei.burg, Pennsyl- vania. JUNE 26. Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Fairfax Court House, Virgmta, ..•a Dranesville and Edwards Ferry, to PoolesviUe, Maryland ; the 1st Corps from BarnesviUe to Jefferson, Maryland ; the 2d Corps frou. Gum S^nnngs, V,rg:n,a to he north side of the Potomac at Edwards Ferry; the 3d Corps from the mouth of the Molacy to Point of Rocks, Maryland ; the 5th Corps from Aid. V.g,n,a, ..a Car^ ter's Mills, Leesburg, and Edwards Ferry, to within four m.les of the niouth of he Mo oly, Maryland' the 6th Corps from Germantown and Centrevdle to Dranesv.He Virginia the 11th Corps from Jefferson to Middletown, Maryland; the 12th Corps IZ Lee'sbug, Virginia'ma Edwards Ferry, to the mouth of the Monocacy, Maryland ; and the Cavalry Corps (Buford's and Gregg's divisions) from Ald.e to Leesburg, V.r- lia Stahel's cavalry division was en route between the Potomac and Frederick City, Maryland Crawford's Pennsylvania Reserves moved from Vienna to Goose Creek, Virginia. CombaU: Skirmish near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. JUNE 27. Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from PoolesviUe to Frederick, Mary- land; the 1st Corps from Jefferson to Middletown, Maryland; the 2d Corps from. near Edwards Ferry via PoolesviUe to BarnesviUe, Maryland ; the 3d Corps from Point of Rocks via Jefferson to Middletown, Maryland ; the 5th Corps from a P°-* ^^^J^ ^ Edwards Ferry and the mouth of the Monocacy to Ballinger's Creek "^-^ ^^eder ck Citv Maryland; the 6th Corps from Dranesville, Virginia, ma Edwards Feny to near PooiesviUrMaryland ; the 12th Corps from near the mouth of the Monocacy v^a Point of Rocks to Knoxville, Maryland ; Buford's cavalry division from Leesburg, Virginia, via Edwards Ferry, to near Jefferson, Maryland ; Gregg's cavalry division from Lees- burg, Virginia, via Edwards Ferry, toward Frederick City, Maryland ; and the Artillery Reserve from Poolesville to Frederick, Maryland. Stahel's cavalry division reached Frederick City, Maryland. Crawford's Pennsylvania Reserves moved from Goose Creek, Virginia, via Edwards Ferry, to the mouth of the Monocacy, Maryland. Combats: Skirmish near Fairfax Court House, Virginia. JUNE 28. The 1st Corps marched from Middletown to Frederick City ; the 2d Corps from Barnesville to Monocacy Junction; the 3d Corps* from Middletown to near Woods- boro' ; the 6th Corps from near Poolesville to Hyattstown ; the 11th Corps from Mid- dletown to near Frederick ; and the 12th Corps from Knoxville to Frederick City. Buford's cavalry division moved from near Jefferson to Middletown; Gregg's cavalry division reached Frederick City and marched thence to New Market and Ridgeville. Crawford's Pennsylvania Reserves marched from the mouth of the Monocacy and joined the 5th Corps! at Ballinger's Creek. Stahel's cavalry division was assigned to the Cavalry Corps, as the 3d Division, under Brigadier General Judson Kilpatrick, with Brigadier General Elon J. Farnsworth commanding the 1st Brigade and Brigadier Gen- eral George A. Custer commanding the 2d Brigade. Combats : Skirmishes between Offutt's Cross Roads and Seneca, and near Rockville, Maryland, and at Fountain Dale, Wrightsville, and near Oyster Point, Pennsylvania. JUNE 29. Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Frederick to Taneytown ; the 1st and 11th Corps from Frederick City to Emmittsburg; the 2d Corps from Monocacy Junction via Liberty and Johnsville to Uniontown ; the 3d Corps from near Woods- boro' to Taneytown; the 5th Corps from Ballinger's Creek «m Frederick City and Mount Pleasant to Liberty ; the 6th Corps from Hyattstown via New Market and Ridge- ville to New Windsor: the 12th Corps from Frederick City to Taneytown and Bruce- ville : Gamble's (1st) and Devin's (2d) brigades, of Buford's (1st) cavalry division, from Middletown via Boonsboro', Cavetown, and Monterey Springs to near Fairfield; Mer- ritt's reserve cavalry brigade, of the same division, from Middletown to Mechanicstown ; Gregg's (2d) cavalry division from New Market and Ridgeville to Westminster ; Kil- patrick's (3d) cavalry division from Frederick City to Littlestown ; and the Artillery Reserve from Frederick City to Bruceville. Combats: Skirmishes at Muddy Branch and Westminster, Maryland, and at McConnellsburg and near Oys- ter Point, Pennsylvania. JUNE 30. The 1st Corps marched from Emmittsburg to Marsh Run; the 3d Corps from Taney- town to Bridgeport ; the 5th Corps from Liberty via Johnsville, Union Bridge, and Union to Union Mills; the 6th Corps from New Windsor to Manchester; the 12th Corps from Taneytown and Bruceville to Littlestown ; Gamble's and Devin's brigades, of Buford's cavalry division, from near Fairfield via Emmittsburg to Gettysburg; Gregg's cavalry division from Westminster to Manchester ; Kilpatrick's cavalry division ♦Major General D. E. Sickles resumed command of the 3d Corps, relieving Major General D. B. Bimey, who had been temporarily in command. t Major General George G. Meade relinquished command of the 5th Corps to Major General George Sykes and assumed command of the Army of the Potomac, relieving M^'or General Joseph Hooker. 8 from Littlestown to Hanover ; and the Artillery Reserve from Bruceville to Taney- town. Kenly's and Morris' brigades, of French's division, left Maryland Heights for Frederick City, and Elliott's and Smith's brigades, of the same division, moved from the heights, by way of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, for Washington City. Combats : Action at Hanover, Pennsylvania, and skirmishes at Westminster, Maryland, and at Fairfield and Sporting Hill, near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. JULY 1. The 1st Corps moved from Marsh Run and the 11th Corps from Emmittsburg to Gettysburg; the 2d Corps from Uniontown via Taneytown to near Gettysburg; the 3d Corps from Bridgeport via Emmittsburg to the field of Gettysburg ; the 5th Corps from Union Mills via Hanover and McSherrystown to Bonaughtown ; the 6th Corps from Manchester en route to Gettysburg; and the 12th Corps from Littlestown via Two Taverns to the field of Gettysburg. Gregg's cavalry division marched from Manchester to Hanover Junction, whence Mcintosh's and J. L Gregg's brigades proceeded to Hanover, while Huey's brigade returned to Manchester. Kilpatrick's cavalry division moved from Hanover via Abbottsville to Berlin; and the Artillery Reserve (Ransom's and Fitzhugh's brigades) from Taneytown to near Gettysburg. Stannard's Vermont Brigade, from the Defenses of Washington, joined the 1st Corps on the field of Gettys- burg. W. F. Smith's (1st) division, of the Department of the Susquehanna, marched from the vicinity of Harrisburg to Carlisle. Kenly's and Morris' brigades, of French's division, reached Frederick City. Combats : Battle of Gettysburg (first day) and skirmish at Carlisle, Pennsylvania. JULY 2. The 2d, 5th, and 6th Corps, Lockwood's brigade, from the Middle Department Mcintosh's and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of D. McM. Gregg's cavalry division, Kilpat rick's cavalry division, and the Artillery Reserve reached the field of Gettysburg, Gamble's and Devin's brigades, of Buford's cavalry division, marched from Gettys burg to Taneytown, and Merriti's reserve brigade from Mechanicstown to Emmittsburg Combats: Battle of Gettysburg (second day) and skirmishes at Hunterstown and near Chambersburg, Penn- sylvania. JULY 3. Gamble's and Devin's brigades, of Buford's cavalry division, moved from Taneytown to Westminster ; Merritt's reserve brigade from Emmittsburg to the field of Gettysburg ; and Huey's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, from Manchester to Westminster. Combats : Battle of Gettysburg (third day) and action at Fairfield, Pennsylvania. JULY 4. Gamble's and Devin's brigades, of Buford's cavalry division, marched from West- minster, and Merritt's reserve brigade from Gettysburg, en route to Frederick City ; Huey's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, from Westminster via Emmittsburg to Monterey; J. I. Gregg's cavalry brigade from Gettysburg to Hunterstown; and Kil- patrick's cavalry division from Gettysburg via Emmittsburg to Monterey. Smith's division, of Couch's command, moved from Carlisle via Mount Holly to Pine Grove, and the remainder of Conch's troops from the vicinity of Harl-isburg toward Shippens- burg and Chambersburg. Elliott's and Smith's brigades, of French's division, arrived at Washington from Maryland Heights and moved to Tennallytown. Morris' brigade, of French's division, marched from Frederick City to Turner's Gap, in South Moun- tain. Combats : Action at Monterey Gap, Pennsylvania, and skirmishes at Fairfield Gap, Pennsylvania, and near Emmittsburg, Maryland. JULY 5. Leaving Gettysburg, the 2d Corps marched to Two Taverns ; the 5th Corps to Marsh Run; the 6th Corps to Fairfield; the 11th Corps to Rock Creek; the 12th Corps to Littlestown ; Mcintosh's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, to Emmittsburg; and the Artillery Reserve to Littlestown. Buford's cavalry division reached Frederick City. J. I. Gregg's cavalry brigade moved from Hunterstown to Greenwood. Kil- patrick's cavalry division and Huey's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, marched from Monterey via Smithsburg to Boonsboro". Combats : Skirmishes at or near Smithsburg, Maryland, and Green Oak, Mercersburg, Fairfield, Greencastle, Cunningham's Cross Roads, and Stevens' Furnace (or Caledonia Iron Works), Pennsylvania. JULY 6. The 1st Corps marched from Gettysburg to Emmittsburg ; the 5th Corps from Marsh Run to Moritz Cross Roads ; the 6th Corps from Fairfield to Emmittsburg, except Neill's (3d) brigade, of Howe's (2d) division, which, in conjunction with Mcintosh's brigade of cavalry, was left at Fairfield to pursue the enemy ; the 11th Corps from Rock Creek to Emmittsburg; Buford's cavalry division from Frederick City to Williamsport and thence back to Jones' Cross Roads; Kilpatrick's cavalry division and Huey's brigade of Gregg's cavalry division from Boonsboro' via Hagerstown* and Williams- port to Jones' Cross Roads; Mcintosh's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, from Emmittsburg to Fairfield ; and J. I. Gregg's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, from Greenwood to Marion. Smith's division, of Couch's command, moved from Pine Grove to Newman's Pass. Kenly's brigade, of French's division, marched from Frederick City en route to Maryland Heights. Elliott's and Smith's brigades, of French's division, left Tennallytown via Washington and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad en route to Frederick City. Comhatg: Actions at Hagerstown and Williamsport, Maryland. JULY 7. Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Gettysburg to Frederick City; the 1st Corps from Emmittsburg to Hamburg; the 2d Corps from Two Taverns to Taney- town ; the 3d Corps from Gettysburg via Emmittsburg to Mechanicstowu ; the 5th Corps from Moritz Cross Roads via Emmittsburg to Utica ; the 6th Corps from Emmittsburg to Mountain Pass, near Hamburg ; the 11th Corps from Emmittsburg to Middletown ; the 12th Corps from Littlestown to Walkersville ; and the Artillery Reserve from Littles- town to Woodsboro'. Buford's and Kilpatrick's cavalry divisions and Huey's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, moved from Jones' Cross Roads to Boonsboro'. J. I. Gregg's cavalry brigade was moving en route from Chambersburg to Middletown. Mc- intosh's brigade of cavalry and Neill's brigade, of the 6th Corps, moved from Fairfield to Waynesboro'. Smith's division, of Couch's command, marched from Newman's Pass to Altodale. Kenly's brigade, of French's division, with other troops forwarded by Schenck from Baltimore, reoccupied Maryland Heights. Elliott's and Smith's brigades, of French's division, reached Frederick City from Washington. Combats: Skirmishes at Downsville and Funkstown, Maryland, and at Harper's Ferry, West Virginia. JULY 8. Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Frederick City to Middletown ; the 1st Corps from Hamburg to Turner's Gap, in South Mountain ; the 2d Corps from Taneytown to Frederick City ; the 8d Corps from Mechanicstowu to a point three miles * Richmond's brigade, of Kilpatrick's division, remained at Hagerstown, whence it retired toward Boons- boro'. 10 southwest of Frederick City; the 5th Corps from Utica to Middletown ; the 6th Corps from near Hamburg to Middletown ; the 11th Corps from Middletown to Turner's Gap, in South Mountain, Schurz's (3d) division being advanced to Boonsboro' ; the 12th Corps from Walkersville to Jefferson ; and the Artillery Reserve from Woodsboro' to Frederick City. J. I. Gregg's cavalry brigade was moving en route from Chambers- burg to Middletown. Smith's division, of Couch's command, moved from Altodale to Waynesboro'. Campbell's and Mulligan's brigades, of Kelley's command, Department of West Virginia, were concentrated- at Hancock, whence they moved to Fairview, on North Mountain. Combats: Action at Boonsboro' and skirmish near Williamsport, Maryland. JULY 9. Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Middletown to Turner's Gap; the 2d Corps from Frederick City to Rohrersville ; the 3d Corps from near Frederick City to Fox's G.ap, in South Mountain ; the 5th Corps from Middletown via Fox"s Gap to near Boonsboro' ; the 6th Corps from Middletown to Boonsboro' ; the 12th Corps from Jefferson to Rohrersville ; and the Artillery Reserve from Frederick City to Boonsboro'. J. I. Gregg's cavalry brigade reached Middletown from Chambersburg. Elliott's and Smith's brigades, of French's division, marched from Frederick City to Middletown. Combats: Skirmish at Benevola (or Beaver Creek), Maryland. JULY 10. Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Turner's Gap to Beaver Creek, beyond Boonsboro' ; the 1st Corps from Turner's Gap to Beaver Creek, where it was joined by Kenly's brigade, of French's division, from Maryland Heights; the 2d Corps from Rohrersville to near Tilghmanton ; the 3d Corps from Fox's Gap through Boons- boro' to Antietam Creek, in the vicinity of Jones' Cross Roads, where it was joined by Elliott's and Smith's brigades, of French's division, which marched from Middletown, and Morris' brigade, of the same division, which marched from Turner's Gap ; the 5th Corps from near Boonsboro' to Delaware Mills, on Antietam Creek; the 6th Corps from Boonsboro' to Beaver Creek ; the 11th Corps from Turner's Gap to Beaver Creek ; and the 12th Corps from Rohrersville to Bakersville. Buford's and Kilpatrick's cavalry divisions moved from Boonsboro' to Funkstown, and Huey's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, from Boonsboro' to Jones' Cross Roads. Combats : Skirmishes at or near Old Antietam Forge (near Leitersburg), Clear Spring, Hagerstown, Jones' Cross Roads (near Williamsport), and Funkstown, Maryland. JULY 11. The 2d Corps moved from near Tilghmanton to the neighborhood of Jones' Cross Roads ; the 12th Corps from Bakersville to Fairplay and Jones' Cross Roads ; Gamble's and Devin's brigades, of Buford's cavalry division, from Funkstown to Bakersville; J. I. Gregg's cavalry brigade from Middletown to Boonsboro'; Kilpatrick's cavalry division from Funkstown to near Hagerstown ; the Artillery Reserve from Boonsboro' to Benevola; Neill's brigade, of the 6th Corps, and Smith's division, of Couch's com- mand, from Waynesboro' to Leitersburg. Combats: Skirmishes at or near Hagerstown, Jones' Cross Boads (near Williamsport), and Funkstown, Maryland. JULY 12. The 1st, 6th, and 11th Corps moved from Beaver Creek to Funkstown ; Mcintosh's cavalry brigade from Waynesboro' via Leitersburg to Boonsboro'; Kilpatrick's cavalry division and Ames' (1st) division, 11th Corps, occupied Hagerstown ; Neill's brigade, 11 of the 6th Corps, moved from Leitersburg to Funkstown, where it rejoined its corps; Smith's division (except one brigade, left at Waynesboro') from Leitersburg to Cave- town ; Dana's (2d) division, of Couch's command, from Chambersburg to Greencastle; and Averell's cavalry brigade, Department of West Virginia, from Cumberland en route to Fairview. Combats: Skirmishes at or near Hagerstown, Jones' Cross Roads (near Williamsport), and Funkstown, Maryland, and Ashby's Gap, Virginia. JULY 13. The 6th Corps moved from Funkstown to the vicinity of Hagerstown ; the Artillery Reserve from Benevola to Jones' Cross Roads, two brigades remaining at the latter place and the others returning to Benevola; Smith's division, of Couch's command, from Waynesboro' and Cavetown to Hagerstown and Beaver Creek. Averell's cavalry brigade joined Kelley's infantry at Fairview. Combats: Skirmishes at Hagerstown, Jones' Cross Roads, and Funkstown, Maryland. JULY 14. The 1st Corps marched from Funkstown to Williamsport; the 2d Corps from near Jones' Cross Roads to near Falling Waters ; the 3d Corps from Antietam Creek, near Jones' Cross Roads, across Marsh Creek ; the 5th Corps from the vicinity of Roxbury Mills, on Antietam Creek, to near Williamsport ; the 6th Corps from the neighborhood of Hagerstown to Williamsport; the 11th Corps from Funkstown via Hagerstown to Williamsport; and Williams' (1st) division, of the 12th Corps, from Jones' Cross Roads to near Falling Waters, and thence to near Williamsport. Buford's cavalry division moved from Bakersville to Falling Waters ; Mcintosh's and J. L Gregg's brigades, of D. McM. Gregg's cavalry division, from Boonsboro' to Harper's Ferry ; Huey's brigade, of same division, from Jones' Cross Roads via Williamsport to Falling Waters; and Kilpatrick's cavalry division from Hagerstown via Williamsport to Falling Waters, Kelley's (;ommand, Department of West Virginia, marched from Fairview to Williams* port. Combats : Action at Falling Waters, Maryland, and skirmishes near Williamsport, Maryland, and Harper's Ferry, West Virginia. JULY 15. Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Beaver Creek to Berlin ; the 1st Corps from Williamsport to Rohrersville ; the 2d Corps from near Falling Waters to near Sandy Hook ; the 3d Corps from Marsh Creek to near Burnside's bridge, on the Antietam ; the 5th Corps from near Williamsport to Burkittsville ; the 6th Corps from Williamsport to Boonsboro' ; the 11th Corps from Williamsport via Hagerstown to Middletown ; and the 12th Corps from Fairplay and near Williamsport to Sandy Hook. Two brigades of the Artillery Reserve moved from Jones' Cross Roads, and, joining the remainder of the reserve at Benevola, the whole command marched thence via Middletown to Berlin. Buford's cavalry division moved from Falling Waters to Berlin ; Mcintosh's and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of D. McM. Gregg's cavalry division, from Har- per's Ferry to Shepherdstown ; Huey's brigade, of same division, from Falling Waters to Boonsboro' ; and Kilpatrick's cavalry division from Falling Waters via Williams- port and Hagerstown to Boonsboro' . Kelley's command, Department of West Virginia, marched from Williamsport to Indian Spring. Combats: Skirmishes at Halltown and Shepherdstown, West Virginia. 12 JULY 16. The 1st Corps marched from Rohrersville to near Berlin; the 3d Corps from Burn- side's bridge to Pleasant Valley, near Sandy Hook : the 5th Corps from Burkittsville via Petersville to near Berlin ; the 6th Corps from Boonsboro' to near Berlin ; the lllh Corps from Middletown via Jefferson to Berlin; and the 12th Corps from Sandy Hook to Pleasant Valley. Buford's cavalry division moved from Berlin to Petersville ; Hney's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, from Boonsboro' via Harper's Ferry to Shepherds- town ; and Kilpatrick's division from Boonsboro' to Berlin, whence De Forest's (1st) brigade proceeded to Harper's Ferry. Combats: Action at Shepherdstown and skirmish at Shanghai, West Virginia. JULY 17. The 3d Corps moved from near Sandy Hook, crossed the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, and proceeded to a point three miles south of the ferry ; the 5th Corps moved from near Berlin to Lovettsville, crossing the Potomac at Berlin. Gregg's cavalry division marched from Shepherdstown to Harper's Ferry; Kilpatrick's cavalry division from Berlin and Harper's Ferry to Purcellville, Custer's brigade crossing the Potomac at Berlin, and De Forest's brigade the Shenandoah at Harper's Ferry. Kelley's com- mand, Department of West Virginia, moved from Indian Spring, .Maryland, to Hedges- ville, West Virginia, crossing the Potomac at Cherry Run. Combats : Skirmishes near North Mountain Station, West Virginia, and at Snicker's Gap, Virginia. JULY 18. Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Berlin, Maryland, to Lovettsville, Virginia ; the 1st Corps from near Berlin to W-aterford, crossing the Potomac at Berlin ; the 2d Corps from near Sandy Hook to Hillsboro', crossing the Potomac and Shenan- doah Rivers at Harper's Ferry; the 3d Corps from near Harper's Ferry to Hillsboro' ; the 5th Corps from Lovettsville to near Purcellville ; the Artillery Reserve from Berlin to Wheatland; and Buford's cavalry division from Petersville to Purcellville, crossing the Potomac at Berlin. Combats: Skirmishes at and near Hedgesville and Martinsburg, West Virginia. • JULY 19. Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Lovettsville to Wheatland ; the 1st Corps from Waterford to Hamilton ; the 2d and 3d Corps from Hillsboro' to Wood- grove ; the 5th Corps from near Purcellville to a point on the road to Philomont; the 6th Corps from near Berlin to Wheatland, and the 11th Corps from Berlin to near Hamilton, both corps crossing the Potomac at Berlin ; the Artillery Reserve from Wheatland to Purcellville ; and the 12th Corps from Pleasant Valley to near Hillsboro', crossing the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers at Harper's Ferry. Buford's cavalry division moved from Purcellville via Philomont to near Rector's Cross Roads. Mcin- tosh's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, moved from Harper's Ferry toward Hills- boro', and Huey's and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of the same division, from Harper's Ferry to Lovettsville. Kilpatrick's division of cavalry marched from Purcellville to Upper- ville. Kelley's command, Department of West Virginia, fell back from Hedgesville to the Maryland side of the Potomac at Cherry Run. Ccymbats: Skirmishes at and near Hedgesville and Martinsburg, West Virginia. JULY 20. Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Wheatland to Union ; the 1st Corps from Hamilton to Middleburg ; the 2d and 3d Corps from Woodgrove, the former going to Bloomfield and the latter to Upperville ; the 5th Corps from a point on the Purcell- 13 ville and Philomont road via Union to Panther Skin Creek : the 6th Corps from Wheat- land to near Beaver Dam: the 11th Corps from near Hamilton via Mount Gilead to Mountville ; the 12th Corps from near Hillsboro' via Woodgrove to Snickersville ; and the Artillery Reserve from Purcellville to Union. Buford's cavalry division moved from near Rector's Cross Roads to Rectortown, Gamble's brigade going thence to Chester Gap, Devin's brigade to Salem, and Merritt's brigade to Manassas Gap. Mc- intosh's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, reached Hillsboro' and marched thence toward Purcellville. Huey's and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of same division, moved from Lovettsville to Goose Creek. Combats : Skirmishes near Berry's Ferry and at Ashby's Gap, Virginia. JULY 21. Huey's and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of D. McM. Gregg's cavalry division, moved from Goose Creek to Bull Run; Mcintosh's brigade returned to Hillsboro; Kelley's command, Department of West Virginia, recrossed the Potomac from Maryland into Virginia at Cherry Run. Combats : Sltirmishes at Manassas and Chester Gaps, Virginia. JULY 22. Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Union to Upperville; the 1st Corps from Middleburg to White Plains ; the 2d Corps from Bloomfield to Paris ; the 3d Corps from Upperville via Piedmont to Linden ; the 5th Corps from Panther Skin Creek to Rectortown ; and the 6th Corps from near Beaver Dam to Rectortown. Devin's brigade, of Buford's cavalry division, moved from Salem to Barbee's Cross Roads ; Huey's and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of D. McM. Gregg's cavalry division, from Bull Run to Broad Run; and Kilpatrick's cavalry division from Upperville to Piedmont. Combats: Skirmishes at Manassas and Chester Gaps, Virginia. JULY 23. Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Upperville to Linden ; the 1st Corps from White Plains to Warrenton ; the 2d Corps from Paris to Linden ; the 3d Corps from Linden to Manassas Gap ; the 5th Corps from Rectortown via Markham Station, Farrowsville, and Linden to Manassas Gap ; the 6th Corps from Rectortown to White Plains and Barbee's Cross Roads; the 11th Corps from Mountville to New Baltimore ; the 12th Corps from Snickersville to Ashby's Gap and thence to Markham Station ; and the Artillery Reserve from Union to near Rock Creek. Buford's cavalry division concentrated at Barbee's Cross Roads; Mcintosh's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry divis- ion, moved from Hillsboro' to Snickersville ; and Kilpatrick's cavalry division from Piedmont to Amissville. Combats: Action at Wapping Heights, Manassas Gap, and skirmishes near Gaines' Cross Roads, Snicker's Gap, and Chester Gap, Virginia. JULY 24. Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Linden to Salem ; the 2d Corps from Linden to Markham Station ; the 1st Division (Wright's), 6th Corps, from White Plains to New Baltimore; the 2d Division (Howe's), 6th Corps, from Barbee's Cross Roads to Markham Station and thence to Orleans; the 3d Division (Bartlett's), 6th Corps, from Barbee's Cross Roads to Thumb Run ; and the 12th Corps from Markham Station to Linden, countermarching via Markham Station to Piedmont. Huey's and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of D. McM. Gregg's cavalry division, moved from Broad Run to Warrenton Junction. Kelley's command, Department of West Virginia, advanced from Cherry Run to Hedgesville. Combats : Skirmish at Battle Mountain, near Newby's Cross Eoads, Virginia. 14 JULY 25. Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Salem to Warrenton ; the 1st Corps from Warrenton to Warrenton Junction, the 2d Division (Robinson's) going on to Bealeton ; the 2d Corps from Markham Station to White Plains ; the 3d Corps from Manassas Gap to near Salem ; the 5th Corps from Manassas Gap via Farrowsville and Barbee's Cross Roads to Thumb Run : the 6th Corps concentrated at Warrenton, Wright's (1st) division moving from New Baltimore, Howe's (2d) division from Or- leans, and Bartlett's (3d) division from Thumb Run ; the 11th Corps moved from New Baltimore to Warrenton Junction ; and the 12th Corps from Piedmont via Rectortown and White Plains to Thoroughfare Gap. The Artillery Reserve reached Warrenton. Kelley's command, Department of West Virginia, occupied Martinsburg. Combats : Skirmish at Barbee's Cross Koads, Virginia. JULY 26. The 2d Corps marched from White Plains to near Germantown ; the 3d Corps from near Salem to vicinity of Warrenton ; the 5th Corps from Thumb Run to vicinity of Warrenton, Crawford's (3d) division taking position at Fayetteville ; and the 12th Corps from Thoroughfare Gap via Greenwich and Catlett's Station to Warrenton Junc- tion. Buford's cavalry division took position at Warrenton and Fayetteville. Mcin- tosh's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, marched from Snickersville en route to Warrenton. Kelley's command. Department of West Virginia, occupied Winchester. JULY 27. The 5th Corps encamped between Warrenton and Fayetteville. Mcintosh's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, reached Warrenton from Snickersville via Upperville and Middleburg. JULY 28. Mcintosh's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, moved from Warrenton to Warren- ton Junction. . JULY 29. Mcintosh's and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of D. McM. Gregg's cavalry division, moved from Warrenton Junction to Warrenton. JULY 30. Kenly's (8d) division, 1st Corps, moved from Warrenton Junction to Rappahannock Station; the 2d Corps from near Germantown to Elk Run; Mcintosh's and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of D. McM. Gregg's cavalry division, from Warrenton to Amiss- ville ; and Kilpatrick's cavalry division from Amissville to Warrenton. JULY 31. The 2d Corps marched from Elk Run to Morrisville ; Howe's (2d) division, 6th Corps, from Warrenton to near Waterloo ; the 12th Corps from Warrenton Junction to Kelly's Ford ; and Kilpatrick's cavalry division from Amissville to Warrenton Junction. Combats : Skirmish at Kelly's Ford, Virginia, ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, COMMANDED BY MAJOR GENERAL GEORGE G. MEADE, AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, PENN- SYLVANIA, JULY 1-3, 1863. GENERAL HEADQUARTERS. COMMAND OF THE PKOVOST MARSHAL GENERAL. Brig. Gen. Marsena R. Patrick. 93d New York Infantry* Col. John S. Crocker. 2d Pennsylvania Cavalry Col. R. Butler Price. 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry Company E, Capt. Emlen N. Carpenter. Company I, Capt. James Starr. 8th United States Infantry* Capt. Edwin W. H. Read. Detachment Regular Cavalry. ENGINEER BRIGADE. Brig. Gen. Henry W. Benham. 15th New York (battalion)*... Maj. Walter L. Cassin. 50th New York* Col. William H. Pettes. Battalion United States* Capt. George H. Mendell. GUARDS AND ORDERLIES. Oneida (New York) Cavalry Capt. Daniel P. Mann. FIRST ARMY CORPS. Maj. Gen. John F. Reynolds. f Maj. Gen. Abner Doubi.edat. Maj. Gen. John Newton. GENERAL HEADQUARTERS. 1st Maine Cavalry, Company L, Capt. Constantine Taylor. FIRST DIVISION. Brig. Gen. James S. Wadsworth. First Brigade. (1) Brig. Gen. Solomon Meredith. J (2) Col. William W. Robinson. 19th Indiana Col. Samuel J. Williams. 24th Michigan Col. Henry A. Morrow. Capt. Albert M. Edwards. 2d Wisconsin Col. Lucius Fairchild. Maj. John Mansfield. Capt. George H. Otis. 6th Wisconsin Lieut. Col. Rufus R. Dawes. 7th Wisconsin Col. William W. Robinson. Maj. Mark Finnicum. *Not engaged. With the exception of the Regular Battalion, the Engineer Brigade, while at Beaver Dam Creek, six miles north of Liberty, Maryland, on July Ist, was ordered to Washington, District of Columbia, where it arrived July 3d. tGen. Reynolds was killed July 1st, while in command of the left wing of the army; Maj. Gen. Abner Doubleday commanded the corps July 1st, and Maj. Gen. John Newton on the 2d and 3d. I Wounded. 16 Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. Lysander Cutler. 7th Indiana Col. Ira G. Grover. 76th New York Maj. Andrew J. Grover. Capt. John E. Cook. 84th New York (14th Militia) Col. Edward B. Fowler. 95th New York Col. George H. Biddle. Maj. Edward Pye. 147th New York Lieut. Col. Francis C. Miller. Maj. George Harney. 56th Pennsylvania (9 companies) Col. J. William Hofmann. SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. John C. Robinson. First Brigade. (1) Brig. Gen. Gabriel R. Paul.* (2) Col. Samuel H. Leonard.* (3) Col. Adrian R. Root.* (4) Col. Richard Coulter.* (5) Col. Peter Lyle. (6) Col. Richard Coulter. 16th Maine Col. Charles W. Tilden. Maj. Archibald D. Leavitt. 13th Massachusetts Col. Samuel H. Leonard. Lieut. Col. N. Walter Batchelder. 94th New York Col. Adrian R. Root. Maj. Samuel A. Moffett. 104th New York Col. Gilbert G. Prey. 107th Pennsylvania Lieut. Col. James Mac Thomson. Capt. Emanuel D. Roath. Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. Henry Baxter. 12th Massachusetts Col. James L. Bates. Lieut. Col. David Allen, jr. 83d New York (9th Militia) Lieut. Col. Joseph A. Moesch. 97th New York Col. Charles Wheelock. Maj. Charles Northrup. 11th Pennsylvania! Col. Richard Coulter. Capt. Benjamin F. Haines. Capt. John B. Overmyer. 88th Pennsylvania Maj. Benezet F. Foust. Capt. Henry Whiteside. 90th Pennsylvania Col. Peter Lyle. Maj. Alfred J. Sellers. Col. Peter Lyle. * Wounded. t Transferred on afternoon of July Ist to Ist Brigade. 17 THIKD DIVISION. Maj. Gen. Abner Doubleday.* First Brigade. Brig. Gen. Thomas A. Rowley. 80th New York (20th Militia) Col. Theodore B. Gates. r21st Pennsylvania Maj. Alexander Biddle. Col. Chapman Biddle. 142d Pennsylvania Col. Robert P. Cummins. Lieut. Col. Alfred B. McCalmont. 151st Pennsylvania Lieut. Col. George F. McFarland. Capt. Walter L. Owens. Col. Harrison Allen. Second Brigade. (1) Col. Roy Stone.f (2) Col. Langhorne Wister.f (3) Col. Edmund L. Dana. 143d Pennsylvania Col. Edmund L. Dana. Lieut. Col. John D. Musser. 149th Pennsylvania Lieut. Col. Walton Dwight. Capt. James Glenn. 150th Pennsylvania Col. Langhorne Wister. Lieut. Col. Henry S. Huidekoper. Capt. Cornelius C. Widdis. Third Brigade. (1) Brig. Gen. George J. Stannard.f (2) Col. Francis V. Randall. 12th VermontI Col. Asa P. Blunt. 13th Vermont Col. Francis V. Randall. Maj. Joseph J. Boynton. Lieut. Col. William D. Munson. 14th Vermont Col. William T. Nichols. 16th VermontJ Col. Redfield Proctor. 16th Vermont Col. Wheelock G. Veazey. ARTILLERY BRIGADE. Col. Charles S. Wainwright. Maine Light, 2d Battery Capt. James A. Hall. Maine Light, 5th Battery Capt. Greenleaf T. Stevens. Lieut. Edward N. Whittier. 1st New York Light, Battery L§ Capt. Gilbert H. Reynolds. Lieut. George Breck. 1st Pennsylvania Light, Battery B Capt. James H. Cooper. 4th United States, Battery B Lieut. James Stewart. * Gen. Doubleday commanded the corps on July Ist, Gen. Thomas A. Rowley being in command of the division and Ool. Chapman Biddle of the 1st Brigade. On July 3, Rowley was wounded and Biddle assumed command of the brigade. t Wounded. J Not engaged ; guarding trains. ? Company E, 1st New York Heavy Artillery, attached. 18 SECOND ARMY CORPS. Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock.* GENERAL HEADQUAETERS. 6th New York Cavalry, Companies D and K, Capt. Riley Johnson. FIRST DIVISION. Brig. Gen. John C. Caldwell. First Brigade. (1) Col. Edward E. Cross.f (2) Col. H. Boyd McKeen. 5th New Hampshire Lieut. Col. Charles E. Hapgood. 61st New York Lieut. Col. K. Oscar Broady. 81st Pennsylvania Col. H. Boyd McKeen. Lieut. Col. Amos Stroh. 148th Pennsylvania Lieut. Col. Robert McFarlane. Second Brigade. Col. Patrick Kelly. 28th Massachusetts Col. Richard Byrnes. 63d New York (2 companies) Lieut. Col. Richard C. Bentley. Capt. Thomas Touhy. 69th New York (2 companies) Capt. Richard Moroney. Lieut. James J. Smith. 88th New York (2 companies) Capt. Denis F. Burke. 116th Pennsylvania (4 companies) Maj. St. Clair A. Mulholland. Third Brigade. (1) Brig. Gen. Samuel K. Zook.f (2) Lieut. Col. John Fraser. 52d New York Lieut. Col. Charles G. Freudenberg. Capt. William Scherrer. 57th New York Lieut. Col. Alfred B. Chapman. 66th New York Col. Orlando H. Morris. Lieut. Col. John S. Hammell. Maj. Peter Nelson. ]40th Pennsylvania Col. Richard P. Roberts. Lieut. Col. John Fraser. * After the death of Gen. Reynolds, Gen. Hancock was assigned to the command of all the troops on the field of battle, relieving Gen. Howard, who had succeeded Gen. Reynolds. Gen. Gibbon, of the 2d Division, assumed command of the corps. These assignments terminated on the evening of Jjily 1st. Similar changes in commanders occnrred during the battle of the 2d, when Gen. Hancock was put in command of the 3d Corps, in addition to that of his own. He was wounded on the 3d, and Brig. Gen. William Hays was assigned to the command of the corps. t Killed. ^ 19 • Fourth Brigade. Col. John R. Brooke. 27th Connecticut (2 companies) Lieut. Col. Henry C. Merwin. Maj. James H. Coburn. 2d Delaware Col. William P. Baily. 64th New York Col. Daniel G. Bingham. Maj. Leman W. Bradley. 53d Pennsylvania Lieut. Col. Richards McMichaeL 145th Pennsylvania (7 companies) Col. Hiram L. Brown. Capt. John W. Reynolds. Capt. Moses W. Oliver. SECOND DIVISION. (1) Brig. Gen. John Gibbon.* (2) Brig. Gen. William Harrow. First Brigade. (1) Brig. Gen. William Harrow. (2) Col. Francis E. Heath. 19th Maine Col. Francis E. Heath. Lieut. Col. Henry W. Cunningham. 15th Massachusetts Col. George H. Ward. Lieut. Col. George C. Joslin. 1st Minnesota Col. William Colvill, jr. Capt. Nathan S. Messick. Capt. Henry C. Coates. 82d New York (2d Militia) Lieut. Col. James Huston. Capt. John D arrow. Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. Alexander S. Webb. 69th Pennsylvania Col. Dennis O'Kane. Capt. William Davis. 71st Pennsylvania Col. Richard Penn Smith. 72d Pennsylvania Col. De Witt C. Baxter. Lieut. Col. Theodore Hesser. 106th Pennsylvania Lieut. Col. William L. Curry. Third Brigade. Col. Norman J. Hall. 19th Massachusetts Col. Arthur F. Devereux. 20th Massachusetts Col. Paul J. Revere. Lieut. Col. George N. Macy. Capt. Henry L. Abbott. 7th Michigan Lieut. Col. Amos E. Steele, jr. Maj. Sylvanus W. Curtis. 42d New York....: Col. James E. Mallon. 59th New York (4 companies) Lieut. Col. Max A. Thoman. Capt. William McFadden. * Wounded. 20 Unattached. 1st Company (Mass.) Sharpshooters Capt. William Plumer. Lieut. Emerson L. Bicknell. THIRD DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Alexander Hays. First Brigade. Col. Samuel S. Carroll. 14th Indiana Col. John Coons. 4th Ohio Lieut. Col. Leonard W. Carpenter. 8th Ohio Lieut. Col. Franklin Sawyer. 7th West Virginia Lieut. Col. Jonathan H. Lockwood. Second Brigade. (1) Col. Thomas A. Smyth.* (2) Lieut. Col. Francis E. Pierce. 14th Connecticut Maj. Theodore G. Ellis. 1st Delaware Lieut. Col. Edward P. Harris. Capt. Thomas B. Hizar. Lieut. William Smith. Lieut. John T. Dent. 12th New Jersey Maj. John T. Hill. 10th New York (battalion) Maj. George F. Hopper. 108th New York Lieut. Col. Francis E. Pierce. Third Brigade. (1) Col. George L. Willard.f (2) Col. Eliakim Sherrill.f (3) Lieut. Col. James M. Bull. 39th New York (4 companies) Maj. Hugo Hildebrandt. 111th New York Col. Clinton D. MacDougall. Lieut. Col. Isaac M. Lusk. Capt. Aaron P. Seeley. 125th New York Lieut. Col. Levin Crandell. 126th New York Col. Eliakim Sherrill. Lieut. Col. James M. Bull. ARTILLERY BRIGADE. Capt. John G. Hazard. 1st New York Light, Battery B Lieut. Albert S. Sheldon. Capt. James McK. Rorty. Lieut. Robert E. Rogers. 1st Rhode Island Light, Battery A Capt. William A. Arnold. 1st Rhode Island Light, Battery B Lieut. T. Fred Brown. Lieut. Walter S. Perrin. Ist United States, Battery I Lieut. George A. Woodruflf. Lieut. TuUy McCrea. 4th United States, Battery A. Lieut. Alonzo H. Gushing. ' Sergt. Frederick Fuger. * Wounded. t Killed. 21 THIRD ARMY CORPS. (1) Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Sickles.* (2) Maj. Gen. David B. Birney. FIRST DIVISION. (1) Maj. Gen. David B. Birney. (2) Brig. Gen. J. H. Hobart Ward. First Brigade. (1) Brig. Gen. Charles K. Graham.* (2) Col. Andrew H. Tippin. 57th Pennsylvania (8 companies) Col. Peter Sides. Capt. Alanson H. Nelson. 63d Pennsylvania Maj. John A. Danks. 68th Pennsylvania Col. Andrew H. Tippin. Capt. Milton S. Davis. [?] 105th Pennsylvania Col. Calvin A. Craig. 114th Pennsylvania Lieut. Col. Frederick F. Cavada. Capt. Edward R. Bowen. 141st Pennsylvania Col. Henry J. Madill. Second Brigade. (1) Brig. Gen. J. H. Hobart Ward. (2) Col. Hiram Berdan. 20th Indiana Col. John Wheeler. Lieut. Col. William C. L. Taylor. 3d Maine Col. Moses B. Lakeman. 4t.h Maine Col. Elijah Walker. Capt. Edwin Libby. 86th New York Lieut. Col. Benjamin L. Higgins. 124th New York Col. A. Van Home Ellis. Lieut. Col. Francis M. Cummins. 99th Pennsylvania Maj. John W. Moore. 1st United States Sharpshooters Col. Hiram Berdan. Lieut. Col. Casper Trepp. 2d United States Sharpshooters (8 cos.) Maj. Homer R. Stoughton. Third Brigade. Col. P. R. de Trobriand. 17th Maine Lieut. Col. Charles B. Merrill. 3d Michigan Col. Byron R. Pierce. Lieut. Col. Edwin S. Pierce. 5th Michigan Lieut. Col. John Pulford. 40th New York Col. Thomas W. Egan. 110th Pennsylvania (6 companies) Lieut. Col. David M. Jones. Maj. Isaac RogeFS. * Wounded. 22 SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Andrew A. Humphreys. First Brigade. Brig. Gen. Joseph B. Carr. 1st Massachusetts Lieut. Col. Clark B. Baldwin. 11th Massachusetts Lieut. Col. Porter D. Tripp. 16th Massachusetts Lieut. Col. Waldo Merriam. Capt. Matthew Donovan. 12th New Hampshire Capt. John F. Langley. 11th New Jersey Col. Robert McAllister. Lieut. John Schoonover. Capt. William H. Lloyd. Capt. Samuel T. Sleeper. Lieut. John Schoonover. 26th Pennsylvania Maj. Robert L. Bodine. 84th Pennsylvania* Lieut. Col. Milton 0pp. Second Brigade. Col. William R. Brewster. 70th New York Col. J. Egbert Farnum, 71st New York Col. Henry L. Potter. 72d New York Col. John S. Austin. Lieut. Col. John Leonard. 73d New York Maj. Michael W, Burns. 74th New York Lieut. Col. Thomas Holt. 120th New York Lieut. Col. Cornelius D. Westbrook. Maj. John R. Tappen. Third Brigade. Col. George C. Burling. 2d New Hampshire Col. Edward L. Bailey. 5th New Jersey Col. William J. Sewell. Capt. Thomas C. Godfrey. Capt. Henry H. Woolsey. 6th New Jersey Lieut. Col. Stephen R. Gilkyson. 7th New Jersey Col. Louis R. Francine. Maj. Frederick Cooper. 8th New Jersey Col. John Ramsey. Capt. John G. Langston. 115th Pennsylvania Maj. John P. Dunne. * Not engaged ; guarding trains. 23 ARTILLERY BRIGADE. (1) Capt. George E. Randolph.* (2) Capt. A. Judson Clark. New Jersey Light, 2d Battery Capt. A. Judson Clark. Lieut. Robert Sims. 1st New York Light, Battery D Capt. George B. Winslow. New York Light, 4th Battery Capt. James E. Smith. 1st Rhode Island Light, Battery E Lieut. John K. Bucklyn. Lieut. Benjamin Freeborn. 4th United States, Battery K Lieut. Francis W. Seeley. Lieut. Robert James. FIFTH ARMY CORPS. Maj. Gen. George Stkes. PROVOST GUARD. 12th New York, Companies D and E, Capt. Henry W. Rider. FIRST DIVISION. Brig. Gen. James Barnes. First Brigade. Col. William S. Tilton. 18th Massachusetts Col. Joseph Hayes. 22d Massachusetts Lieut. Col. Thomas Sherwin, jr. 1st Michigan Col. Ira C. Abbott. Lieut. Col. William A. Throop. 118th Pennsj'lvania Lieut. Col. James Gwyn. Second Brigade. Col. Jacob B. Sweitzer. 9th Massachusetts : Col. Patrick R. Guiney. 32d Massachusetts Col. George L. Prescott. 4th Michigan Col. Harrison H. Jeffords. Lieut. Col. George W. Lumbard. 62d Pennsylvania Lieut. Col. James C. Hull. Third Brigade. (1) Col. Strong Vincent.f (2) Col. James C. Rice. 20th Maine Col. Joshua L. Chamberlain. 16th Michigan Lieut. Col. Norval E. Welch. 44th New York Col. James C. Rice. Lieut. Col. Freeman Conner. 83d Pennsylvania Capt. Orpheus S. Woodward. * Wounded. t Mortally wounded. 24 SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Romeyn B. Ayres. First Brigade. Col. Hannibal Day. 3d United States (6 companies) Capt. Henry W. Freedley. Capt. Richard G. Lay. 4th United States (4 companies) Capt. Julius W. Adams. 6th United States (5 companies) Capt. Levi C. Bootes. 12th United States (8 companies) Capt. Thomas S. Dunn. 14th United States (8 companies) Maj. Grotius R. Giddings. Second Brigade. Col. Sidney Burbank. 2d United States (6 companies) Maj. Arthur T. Lee. Capt. Samuel A. McKee. 7th United States (4 companies) Capt. David P. Hancock. 10th United States (3 companies) Capt. William Clinton. 11th United States (6 companies) Maj. De Lancey Floyd-Jones. 17th United States (7 companies) Lieut. Col. J. Durell Greene. Third Brigade. (1) Brig. Gen. Stephen H. Weed.* (2) Col. Kenner Garrard. 140th New York Col. Patrick H. O'Rorke. Lieut. Col. Louis Ernst. 146th New York Col. Kenner Garrard. Lieut. Col. David T. Jenkins. 91st Pennsylvania Lieut. Col. Joseph H. Sinex. 155th Pennsylvania Lieut. Col. John H. Cain. THIKD DIVISION.! Brig. Gen. Samuel W. Crawford. First Brigade. Col. William McCandless. 1st Pennsylvania Reserves (9 companies). ..Col. William C. Talley. 2d Pennsylvania Reserves Lieut. Col. George A. Woodward. 6th Pennsylvania Reserves Lieut. Col. Wellington H. Ent. 13th Pennsylvania Reserves Col. Charles F. Taylor. Maj. William R. Hartshorne. Third Brigade. Col. Joseph W. Fisher. 5th Pennsylvania Reserves Lieut. Col. George Dare. 9th Pennsylvania Reserves Lieut. Col. James McK. Snodgrass. 10th Pennsylvania Reserves Col. Adoniram J. Warner. 11th Pennsylvania Reserves Col. Samuel M. Jackson. 12th Pennsylvania Reserves (9 companies). .Col. Martin D. Hardin. * Killed. t Joined corps June 28. The 2d Brigade was left in the Department of Washington. 25 ARTILLERY BRIGADE. Capt. Augustus P. Martin. Massachusetts Light, 3d Battery (C) Lieut. Aaron F. Walcott. 1st New York Light, Battery C Capt. Almont Barnes. 1st Ohio Light, Battery L Capt. Frank C. Gibbs. 5th United States, Battery D Lieut. Charles E. Hazlett. Lieut. Benjamin F. Rittenhouse. 5th United States, Battery I Lieut. Malbone F. Watson. Lieut. Charles C. MacConnell. SIXTH ARMY CORPS. Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick. GENERAL HEADQUARTERS. 1st New Jersey Cavalry, Company L I Capt. William S. Craft. 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company H J FIRST DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Horatio G. Wright. Frovost Guard. 4th New Jersey (3 companies), Capt. William R. Maxwell. First Brigade. Brig. Gen. Alfred T. A. Torbert. 1st New Jersey Lieut. Col. William Henry, jr. 2d New Jersey Lieut. Col. Charles Wiebecke. 3d New Jersey Lieut. Col. Edward L. Campbell. 15th New Jersey Col. William H. Penrose. Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. Joseph J. Bartlett. 5th Maine Col. Clark S. Edwards. 121stNewYork Col. Emory Upton. 95th Pennsylvania Lieut? Col. Edward Carroll. 96th Pennsylvania Maj. William H. Lessig. Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. David A. Russell. 6th Maine Col. Hiram Burnham. 49th Pennsylvania (4 companies) Lieut. Col. Thomas M. Hulings. 119th Pennsylvania Col. Peter C. EUmaker. 5th Wisconsin Col. Thomas S. Allen. 26 SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Albion P. Howe. Second Brigade. Col. Lewis A. Grant. 2d Vermont Col. James H. Walbridge. 3d Vermont Col. Thomas 0. Seaver. 4th Vermont Col. Charles B. Stoughton. 5th Vermont Lieut. Col. John R. Lewis. 6th Vermont Col. Elisha L. Barney. Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. Thomas H. Neill. 7th Maine (6 companies) Lieut. Col. Selden Connor, 33d New York (detachment) Capt. Henry J. Gifford. 43d New York Lieut. Col. John Wilson. 49th New York Col. Daniel D. Bidwell. 77th New York Lieut. Col. Winsor B. French. 61st Pennsylvania Lieut. Col. George F. Smith. THIRD DIVISION. (1) Maj. Gen. John Newton.* (2) Brig. Gen. Frank Wheaton. First Brigade. Brig. Gen. Alexander Shaler. 65th New York Col. Joseph E. Hamblin. 67th New York Col. Nelson Cross. 122d New York Col. Silas Titus. 23d Pennsylvania Lieut. Col. John F. Glenn. 82d Pennsylvania Col. Isaac C. Bassett. Second Brigade. Col. Henry L. Eustis. 7th Massachusetts Lieut. Col. Franklin P. Harlow. 10th Massachusetts Lieut. Col. Joseph B. Parsons. 37th Massachusetts Col. Oliver Edwards. 2d Rhode Island Col. Horatio Rogers, jr. Third Brigade. (1) Brig Gen. Frank Wheaton, (2) Col. David J. Nevin. 62d New York Lieut. Col. Theodore B. Hamilton. 93d Pennsylvania Maj. John I. Nevin. 98th Pennsylvania Maj. John B. Kohler. 102d Pennsylvania t Col. John W. Patterson. 139th Pennsylvania Col. Frederick H. Collier. Lieut. Col. William H. Moody. * Assumed command of l&t Army Corps July 2. -f Not engaged. 27 ARTILLERY BRIGADE. Col. Charles H. Tompkins. Massachusetts Light, 1st Battery (A) Capt. William H. McCartney. New York Light, 1st Battery Capt. Andrew Cowan. New York Light, 3d Battery Capt. William A. Ham. 1st Rhode Island Light, Battery C Capt. Richard Waterman. 1st Rhode Island Light, Battery G Capt. George W. Adams. 2d United States, Battery D Lieut. Edward B. Williston. 2d United States, Battery G Lieut. John H. Butler. 5th United States, Battery F Lieut. Leonard Martin. ELEYENTH ARMY CORPS. Maj. Gen. Oliver 0. Howard.* GENERAL HEADQUARTERS. 1st Indiana Cavalry, Companies I and K, Capt. Abram Sharra. 8th New York Infantry (1 company), Lieut. Hermann Foerster. FIRST DIVISION. (1) Brig. Gen. Francis C. Barlow.f (2) Brig. Gen. Adelbert Ames. First Brigade. Col. Leopold von Gilsa. 41st New York (9 companies) Lieut. Col. Detleo von Einsiedel. 54th New York Maj. Stephen Kovacs. . [?] 68th New York Col. Gotthilf Bourry. 153d Pennsylvania Maj. John F. Frueauff. Second Brigade. (1) Brig. Gen. Adelbert Ames. (2) Col. Andrew L. Harris. 17th Connecticut Lieut. Col. Douglas Fowler. Maj. Allen G. Brady. 25th Ohio Lieut. Col. Jeremiah Williams. Lieut. William Maloney. Lieut. Israel White. 75th Ohio Col. Andrew L. Harris. . [?] 107th Ohio Col. Seraphim Meyer. [?] * During the interval between the death of Gen. Reynolds and the arrival of Gen. Hancock on the after- noon of July 1st all the troops on the field of battle were commanded by Gen. Howard, Gen. Schurz taking command of the 11th Corps and Gen. Schimmelfennig of the 3d Division. t Wounded. 28 SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Adolph von Steinwehr. First Brigade. Col. Charles R. Coster. 134th New York Lieut. Col. Allan H. Jackson. 154th New York Lieut. Col. Daniel B. Allen. 27th Pennsylvania Lieut. Col. Lorenz Cantador. 73d Pennsylvania Capt. Daniel F. Kelley. Second Brigade. Col. Orland Smith. 33d Massachusetts Col. Adin B. Underwood. 136th New York Col. James Wood, jr. 55th Ohio Col. Charles B. Gambee. 73d Ohio Lieut. Col. Richard Long. THIRD DIVISION. Maj. Gen. Carl Schurz. First Brigade. (1) Brig. Gen. A. Schimmelfennig.* (2) Col. George von Amsberg. 82d Illinois Lieut. Col. Edward S. Salomon. 45th New York Col. George von Amsberg. Lieut. Col. Adolphus Dobke. 157th New York Col. Philip P. Brown, jr. 61st Ohio Col. Stephen J. McGroarty. 74th Pennsylvania Col. Adolph von Hartung. Lieut Col. Alexander von Mitzel. Capt. Gustav Schleiter. Capt. Henry Krauseneck. Second Brigade. Col. W. Krzyzanowski. 58th New York Lieut. Col. August Otto. Capt. Emil Koenig. 119th New York Col. John T. Lockman. Lieut. Col. Edward F. Lloyd. 82d Ohio Col. James S. Robinson. Lieut. Col. David Thomson. 75th Pennsylvania Col. Francis Mahler. Maj. August Ledig. 26th Wisconsin Lieut. Col. Hans Boebel. Capt. John W. Fuchs. * Captured. 29 ARTILLERY BRIGADE. Major Thomas W. Osborn. Ist New York Light, Battery I Capt. Michael Wiedrich. New York Light, 13th Battery Lieut. William Wheeler. 1st Ohio Light, Battery I Capt. Hubert Dilger. 1st Ohio Light, Battery K Capt. Lewis Heckman. 4th United States, Battery G Lieut. Bayard Wilkeson. Lieut. Eugene A. Bancroit. TWELFTH ARMY CORPS. Brig. Gen. Alpheus S. Williams.* GENERAL HEADQUARTERS. 10th Maine (battalion), Capt. John D. Beardsley. FIRST DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Thomas H. Ruger. First Brigade. Col. Archibald L. McDougall. 5th Connecticut Col. Warren W. Packer^ 20th Connecticut Lieut. Col. William B. Wooster. 3d Maryland Col. Joseph M. Sudsburg. 123d New York Lieut. Col. James C. Rogers. Capt. Adolphus H. Tanner, 145th New York Col. E. Livingston Price. 46th Pennsylvania Col. James L. Selfridge. Second Brigade, f Brig. Gen. Henry H. Lockwood. l8t Maryland, Potomac Home Brigade Col. William P. Maulsby. 1st Maryland, Eastern Shore Col. James Wallace. 150th New York Col. John H. Ketcham. Third Brigade. Col. Silas Colgrove. 27th Indiana Lieut. Col. John R. Fesler. 2d Massachusetts Lieut. Col. Charles R. Mudge. Maj. Charles F. Morse. 13th New Jersey Col. Ezra A. Carman. 107th New York Col. Nirom M. Crane. 3d Wisconsin Col. William Hawley. * During the battle Maj. Gen. Henry W. Slocum, the proper commander of this corps, held temporary com- mand of the right wing of the army, t Unassigned during progress of battle ; afterward attached to 1st Division as 2d Brigade. 30 SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. John W. Geary. First Brigade. Col. Charles Candy. 5th Ohio Col. John H. Patrick. 7th Ohio Col. William R. Creighton. 29th Ohio Capt. Wilbur F. Stevens. Capt. Edward Hayes. 66th Ohio Lieut. Col. Eugene Powell. 28th Pennsylvania Capt. John Flynn. 147th Pennsylvania (8 companies) Lieut. Col. Ario Pardee, jr. Second Brigade. (1) Col. George A. Cobham, jr. (2) Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Kane. (3) Col. George A. Cobham, jr. 29th Pennsylvania Col. William' Rickards, jr. 109th Pennsylvania Capt. Frederick L. Gimber. 111th Pennsylvania Lieut. Col. Thomas M. Walker. Col. George A. Cobham, jr. Lieut. Col. Thomas M. Walker. Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. George S. Greene. 60th New York Col. Abel Godard. 78th New York Lieut. Col. Herbert Hammerstein. 102d New York Col. James C. Lane. Capt. Lewis R. Stegman. 137th New York Col. David Ireland. 149th New York Col. Henry A. Barnum. Lieut. Col. Charles B. Randall. ARTILLERY BRIGADE. Lieut. Edward D. Muhlenberg. 1st New York Light, Battery M Lieut. Charles E. Winegar. Pennsylvania Light, Battery E Lieut. Charles A. Atwell. 4th United States, Battery F Lieut. Sylvanus T. Rugg. 5th United States. Battery K Lieut. David H. Kinzie. CAVALRY CORPS. Maj. Gen. Alfred Pleasonton. FIRST DIVISION. Brig. Gen. John Buford. First Brigade. Col. William Gamble. 8th Illinois Maj. John L. Beveridge. 12th Illinois (4 companies) ■> rr ,-, oA 1 A- la • \ yCol. George H. Chapman. 3d Indiana (6 companies) j * ^ 8th New York Lieut. Col. William L. Markell. 31 Second Brigade. Col. Thomas C. Devin. 6th New York Maj. William E. Beardsley. 9th New York Col. William Sackett. 17th Pennsylvania Col. Josiah H. Kellogg. 3d West Virginia (2 companies) Capt. Seymour B. Conger. Reserve Brigade. Brig. Gen, Wesley Merritt. 6th Pennsylvania Maj. James H. Haseltine. 1st United States Capt. Roberts. C. Lord. 2d United States Capt. T. F. Rodenbough. 5th United States Capt. Julius W. Mason. 6th United States Maj. Samuel H. Starr. Lieut. Louis H. Carpenter. Lieut. Nicholas Nolan. Capt. Ira W. Claflin. SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. David McM. Gregg. Headquarters Guard. 1st Ohio, Company A, Capt. Noah Jones. First Brigade. Col. John B. Mcintosh. 1st Maryland (11 companies) Lieut. Col. James M. Deems. Purnell Legion Maryland, Company A Capt. Robert E. Duvall. 1st Massachusetts* Lieut. Col. Greely S. Curtis. 1st New Jersey Maj. Myron H. Beaumont. 1st Pennsylvania Col. John P. Taylor. 3d Pennsylvania Lieut. Col. Edward S, Jones. 3d Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, Section Battery Hf Capt. William D. Rank. Second Brigade.X Col. Pennock Huey. 2d New York Lieut. Col. Otto Harhaus. 4th New York Lieut. Col. Augustus Pruyn, 6th Ohio (10 companies) Maj. William Stedman. 8th Pennsylvania... Capt. William A. Corrie. Third Brigade. Col. J. Irvin Gregg. 1st Maine Lieut. Col. Charles H. Smith. 10th New York Maj. M. Henry Avery. 4th Pennsylvania Lieut. Col. William E. Doster. 16th Pennsylvania Lieut. Col, John K. Robison. * Detached from brigade. t Serving as light artillery. % Not engaged. 32 THIRD DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Judson Kilpatrick. Headquarters Guard. 1st Ohio, Company C Capt. Samuel N. Stanford. First Brigade. (1) Brig. Gen. Elon J. Farnsworth.* (2) Col. Nathaniel P. Richmond. 5th New York Maj. John Hammond. 18th Pennsylvania Lieut. Col. William P. Brinton. 1st Vermont Lieut. Col. Addison W. Preston. 1st West Virginia (10 companies) Col. Nathaniel P. Richmond. Maj. Charles E. Capehart. Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. George A. Custer. 1st Michigan Col. Charles H. Town. 5th Michigan Col. Russell A. Alger. 6th Michigan Col. George Gray. 7th Michigan (10 companies) Col. William D. Mann. HORSE ARTILLERY. First Brigade. Capt. James M. Robertson. 9th Michigan Capt. Jabez J. Daniels. 6th New York • Capt. Joseph W. Martin. 2d United States, Batteries B and L Lieut. Edward Heaton. 2d United States, Battery M Lieut. A. C. M. Pennington. 4th United States, Battery E Lieut. Samuel S. Elder. Second Brigade. Capt. John C. Tidball. 1st United States, Batteries E and G Capt. Alanson M. Randol. 1st United States, Battery K Capt. William M. Graham. 2d United States, Battery A Lieut. John H. Calef. 3d United States, Battery C Lieut. William D. Fuller. ARTILLERY.! Brig. Gen. Henry J. Hunt. ARTILLERY RESERVE. (1) Brig. Gen. Robert 0. Tyler.J (2) Capt. James M. Robertson. * Killed. t All organizations of artillery except the Reserve will be found in the rosters of the commands with which they served. J Disabled. 88 First Regular Brigade. Capt. Dunbar R. Ransom. 1st United States, Battery H Lieut. Chandler P. Eakin, Lieut. Philip D. Mason. 3d United States, Batteries F and K Lieut. John G. Turnbull. 4th United States, Battery C Lieut. Evan Thomas. 5th United States, Battery C Lieut. Gulian V. Weir. First Volunteer Brigade. Lieut. Col. Freeman McGilvery. Massachusetts Light, 5th Battery (E)* Capt. Charles A. Phillips. Massachusetts Light, 9th Battery Capt. John Bigelow. Lieut. Richard S. Milton. New York Light, 15th Battery Capt. Patrick Hart. Pennsylvania Light, Batteries C and F Capt. James Thompson. Second Volunteer Brigade. Capt. Elijah D. Taft. 1st Connecticut Heavy, Battery Bf Capt. Albert F. Brooker. 1st Connecticut Heavy, Battery Mf Capt. Franklin A. Pratt. Connecticut Light, 2d Battery Capt. John W. Sterling. New York Light, 5th Battery Capt. Elijah D. Taft. Third Volunteer Brigade. Capt. James F. Huntington. New Hampshire Light, 1st Battery Capt. Frederick M. Edgell. 1st Ohio Light, Battery H Lieut. George W. Norton. 1st Pennsylvania Light, Batteries F and G... Capt. R. Bruce Ricketts. West Virginia Light, Battery C Capt. Wallace Hill. Fourth Volunteer Brigade. Capt. Robert H. Fitzhugh. Maine Light, 6th Battery Lieut. Edwin B. Dow. Maryland Light, Battery A Capt. James H. Rigby. New Jersey Light, 1st Battery Lieut. Augustin N. Parsons. 1st New York Light, Battery G Capt. Nelson Ames. 1st New York Light, Battery KJ Capt. Robert H. Fitzhugh. Train Guard. 4th New Jersey Infantry (7 companies) Maj. Charles Ewing. Headquarters Guard. 32d Massachusetts, Company C Capt. Josiah C. Fuller. * loth New York Battery attached. f Not engaged. % 11th New York Battery attached. RETURN OF CASUALTIES IN THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, COMMANDED BY MAJOR GENERAL GEORGE G. MEADE, U. S. ARMY, AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, JULY 1-3, 1863.* Killed. Wounded. Captured or missing. Command. a 03 'a 2 0) <1 SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. John C. Robinson. Staff . 1 1 5 4 6 10 2 8 1 First Brigade. Brig. Gen. Gabriel R. Paul. Col. Samuel H. Leonard. Col. Adrian R. Root. Col. Richard Coulter. Col. Peter Lyle. Col. Richard Coulter. Staff 1 54 73 52 81 12 48 2 11 3 8 10 1 153 98 167 82 5 16th Maine 2 7 7 12 11 1 11 232 13th Massachusetts 185 94th New York 245 104th New York 194 11th Pennsylvania* 15 107th Pennsylvania 6 92 165 Total 1st Brigade 2 49 36 321 40 1 3 "3 "4' 1 593 1,041 Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. Henry Baxter. 1 12th Massach u setts 2 2 2 3 4 10 5 3 7 7 •6 9 6 3 3 45 15 27 44 51 42 59 58 75 62 45 39 119 83d New York (9th Militia) 82 97th New York 126 11th Pennsylvania * 117 88th Pennsylvania 106 90th Pennsylvania 1 93 Total 2d Brigade 7 32 31 224 12 338 644 Total 2d Division 9 81 68 1 545 52 931 1,686 THIRD DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Thomas A. Rowley. Maj. Gen. Abner Doubleday. Staff 1 * Transferred on afternoon of July Ist from the 2d to the let Brigade, with the latter brigade. Its losses after July Ist are reported 36 Return of casualties in the Army of the Potomac^ &c. — Continued. Command. First Brigade. Col. Chapman Biddle. Brig. Gen. Thomas A. Rowley. Col. Chapman Biddle. Staff. 80th New York (20th Militia). 121st Pennsylvania 142d Pennsylvania 151st Pennsylvania Total 1st Brigade Second Brigade. Col. Roy Stone. Col. Langhorne Wister. Col. Edmund L. Dana. 143d Pennsylvania.. 149th Pennsylvania. 150th Pennsylvania. Total 2d Brigade Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. George J. Stannard. Col. Francis V. Randall. Staff. 13th Vermont 14th Vermont 1 6th Vermont Total 3d Brigade.. Total 3d Division. ARTILLERY BRIGADE. (yol. Charles S. Wainwright. Maine Light, 2d Battery Maine Light, 5th Battery 1st New York Light, Battery L* 1st Pennsylvania Light, Battery B.. 4th LTnited States, Battery B Total Artillery Brigade. Total 1st Army Corps... Killed. 42 H 32 12 10 29 83 20 33 27 80 Wounded. 89 32 44 207 551 12 84 257 H 96 101 117 195 509 130 159 141 430 262 1,201 Captured or missing. 14 80 2,952 82 W 23 60 100 251 91 127 80 298 32 581 11 2,140 * Company E, 1st New York Heavy Artillery, attached. 37 Return of casualties in the Army of the Potomac^ Sc. — Continued. Killed. Wounded. Captured or missing. Command. m m o c Ol u 0) O c S CO o O B a (0 00 q3 "el U) a> (-> bO bO < SECOND ARMY CORPS. Maj. Gen. WinfieldS. Hancock.* GENERAL HEADQUARTERS. Stafif. 3 3 6th New York Cavalry, Companies D and K. FIRST DIVISION. 1 3 4 Brig. Gen. John C. Caldwell. First Brigade. Col. Edward E. Cross. Col. H. Boyd McKeen. Staff. 1 4 6 5 6 1 5th New Hampshire 1 26 6 5 18 49 50 44 95 80 61st New York 62 81st Pennsylvania 8 5 62 148th Pennsylvania 1 125 Total Ist Brigade 9 55 99 238 13 330 Second Brigade. Col. Patrick Kelly. 28th Massachusetts 8 5 5 6 2 1 1 1 1 56 9 13 16 11 1 35 7 6 4 8 100 63d New York 23 69th New York 25 88th New York 1 28 116th Pennsylvania 22 Total 2d Brigade 1 26 4 105 9. 60 198 Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. Samuel K. Zook. Lieut. Col. John Eraser. Staff 1 1 1 52d New York 1 4 3 34 3 2 5 8 23 26 24 136 ' 1 3 10 2 9 57 38 57th New York 34 66th New York 2 3 44 140th Pennsylvania 241 Total 3d Brigade 7 42 18 209 4 78 358 * See foot-note, p. 18, 38 Return of casualties in the Army of the Potomac^ &c. — Continued. Killed. Wou nded. Captured or missing. Command. o5 o m o c CD S 0) m o o c a •73 t o a S "oQ 'a 1 Unattached. 2 6 8 Total 2d Division 25 319 105 1,092 6 87 1,634 THIRD DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Alexander Hays. First Brigade. Col. Samuel S. Carroll. 6 7 17 5 3 1 10 1 22 16 78 40 31 4th Ohio 2 1 5 1 1 31 8th Ohio 102 7th West Virginia 47 Total 1st Brigade 3 35 15 151 7 211 Second Brigade. Col. Thomas A. Smvth. Lieut. Col. Francis E. Pierce. 10 9 21 10 10 4 42 44 79 ""{' 4 12 9 66 1st Delaware 1 2 77 12th New Jersey 115 10th New York (battalion) 2 13 10 4 76 6 108th New York 3 102 Total 'id Brigade 6 55 34 245 1 25 366 Third Brigade. Col. George L. Willard. Col. Eliakim Sherrill. Lieut. Col. James M. Bull. 39th New York 1 14 3 77 95 111th New York 3 2 5 55 24 35 8 6 9 169 98 172 14 9 10 249 125th New York 139 126th New York 231 Total 3d Brigade 11 20 128 26 616 33 714 Total 3d Division 218 75 912 1 65 1,291 40 Return of casualties in the Army of the Potomac, &c. — Continued. Command. ARTILLERY BRIGADE. Capt. John G. Hazard. 1st New York Light, Battery B*.... 1st Rhode Island Light, Battery A. 1st Rhode Island Light, Battery B. 1st United States, Battery I 4th United States, Battery A Total Artillery Brigade. Total 2d Army Corps.... Staff, THIRD ARMY CORPS. Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Sickles. Maj. Gen. David B. Birney. FIRST DIVISION. Maj. Gen. David B. Birney. Brig. Gen. J. H. Hobart Ward. First Brigade. Brig. Gen. Charles K. Graham. Col. Andrew H. Tippin. Staff. 57th Pennsylvania .. 63d Pennsylvania.... 68th Pennsylvania.. 105th Pennsylvania . 114th Pennsylvania. 141st Pennsylvania.. Total 1st Brigade. Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. J. H. Hobart Ward. Col. Hiram Berdan. Staff. 20th Indiana 3d Maine 4th Maine 86th New York 124th New York 99th Pennsylvania 1st United States Sharpshooters 2d United States Sharpshooters Killed. 67 H 24 729 9 1 4 7 8 25 54 30 17 9 10 24 17 Total 2d Brigade 12 117 * 14th New Tork Battery attached. Wounded. 269 45 83 W 15 27 18 23 31 114 2, 917 37 26 117 101 85 97 463 105 57 56 48 54 77 33 19 449 Captured or mis.sing. 13 W 355 55 4 19 9 57 21 165 10 45 70 3 5 11 6 14 164 41 Return of casualties in the Array of the Potomac^ &c. — Continued. Killed. Wo jnded. Captured or missing. Command. 09 o O ' s a ID O c a o m o H s ID 'a bO Third Brigade. Col. P. Regis de Trobriand. 17th Maine 1 17 7 17 22 8 7 3 8 4 6 105 28 78 116 39 3 7 4 7 133 3d Michigan 45 5th M ich igan •2 1 109 40th New York 150 110th Pennsylvania 53 Total 3d Brigade 4 71 28 366 21 490 Total 1st Divison ; 22 242 2 106 2 2 8 7 4 5 9 10 1,278 7 12 350 2,010 SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Andrew A. Humphreys. Staff. 11 First Brigade. Brig. Gen. Joseph B. Carr. Staff 2 1st Massachusetts.. 1 1 8 1 3 1 15 22 12 13 14 29 75 89 49 62 115 166 ...„. 21 8 13 11 12 7 120 11th Massachusetts 129 16th Massachusetts 81 l'2th New Hampshire 92 11th New Jersey 153 26th Pennsylvania 213 Total 1st Brigade 10 105 45 2 8 6 7 11 6 10 556 2 72 790 Second Brigade. Col. William R. Brewster. Staff 2 70th New York 20 9 7 47 12 23 85 62 72 92 68 144 4 13 28 8 3 19 117 71st New York 1 91 72d New York 114 73d New York 4 162 74th New York 89 120th New York 7 203 Total 2d Brigade 12 118 50 523 75 778 42 Return of casualties in the Army of the Potomac^ &c. — Continued. Killed. Wounded. Captured or missing. Command. u a> t> o c a to 03 U O m o a S m o m o c s 01 'a u < Third Brigade. Col. George C. Burling. 2d New Hampshire 3 2 17 11 1 14 7 3 18 5 3 10 7 119 60 29 76 31 18 36 16 8 13 2 3 193 94 41 7th New Jersey 1 114 8th New Jersey 47 115th Pennsylvania 24 Total 3d Brigade fi 53 43 333 78 513 Total 2d Division 28 278 1 140 1,419 16 10 10 24 18 2 225 3 8 1 1 4 2, 092 ARTILLERY BRIGADE. Capt. George E. Randolph. Capt. A. Judson Clark. New .Jersey Light, 2d Batterv 20 1st New York Light. Battery D 18 New York Light, 4th Battery 2 3 1 13 1st Rhode Island Light, Battery E 30 4th United States, Battery K 25 Total Artillery Brigade ' 8 3 78 17 106 1 otal 3d Army Corps 50 528 251 2,775 14 592 4,210 FIFTH ARMY CORPS. Maj. Gen. George Stkes. FIRST DIVISION. Brig. Gen. James Barnes. First Brigade. Col. William S. Tilton. 1 8th Massachusetts 1 \ 2 ...„. 6 3 23 24 27 16 3 1 4 3 27 22d Massachusetts 31 1st Michigan 1 1 42 118th Pennsylvania 25 Total 1st Brigade 2 10 1 12 24 24 12 ...„. 9 10 90 6 55 55 97 11 125 Second Brigade. Col. Jacob B. Sweitzer. 9th Massachusetts 7 32d Massachusetts 1 1 4 1 5 75 40 80 4th Michigan 165 62d Pennsylvania 175 Total 2d Brigade 6 61 26 213 1 120 427 43 Return'of casualties in the Army of the Potomac, &c. — Continued. Killed. Wounded. Captured or missing. Command. u o SE O c S a; rn o c S to o O d S 6 u <1 Third Brigade. Col. Strong Vincent. Col. James C. Rice. Staff 1 6 2 5 3 1 20tli Maine 29 20 24 ■ 9 85 32 77 42 5 3 3 125 16th Michigan 3 2 1 60 44th New York 111 83d Pennsylvania 55 Total 8d Brigade 6 14 82 17 236 11 352 Total 1st Division 153 55 539 1 62 28 39 67 108 1 142 904 SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Romeyn B. Ayres. First Brigade. Col. Hannibal Day. Staff. 1 3d United States 6 10 4 7 18 4 2 1 4 2 1 73 4th United States 40 6th United States 44 12th United States 1 13 4 92 14th United States 132 Total 1st Brigade 1 1 1 1 3 1 45 5 11 15 16 24 13 4 3 5 7 13 305 51 42 27 85 105 18 6 2 3 9 7 382 Second Brigade. Col. Sidney Burbank. 67 7th United States 59 51 11th United States 120 150 Total 2d Brigade 7 1 1 71 32 310 27 447 Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. Stephen H. Weed. Col. Kenner Garrard. Staff. 1 140th New York 25 4 3 6 5 2 2 2 84 22 14 11 18 133 146th New York 28 91st Pennsylvania 19 155th Pennsylvania 19 Total 3d Brigade 2 38 11 131 18 200 Total 2d Division 10 154 56 746 63 1,029 44 Return of casualties in the Army of the Potomac, &c. — Continued. Command. THIRD DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Samuel W. Crawford. First Brigade. Col. William McCandless. 1st Pennsylvania Reserves 2d Pennsylvania Reserves 6th Pennsylvania Reserves 13th Pennsylvania Reserves (1st Rifles). Total 1st Brigade.. Third Brigade. Col. Joseph W. Fisher. 5th Pennsylvania Reserves... 9th Pennsylvania Reserves... 10th Pennsylvania Reserves. 11th Pennsylvania Reserves. 12th Pennsylvania Reserves. Total 3d Brigade.. Total 3d Division. ARTILLERY BRIGADE. Capt. Augustus p. Martin. Massachusetts Light, 3d Battery (C). 1st Ohio Light, Battery L 5th United States, Battery D 5th United States, Battery I Total Artillery Brigade. Ambulance Corps Total 5th Army Corps. Killed. 28 H Wounded. W 18 14 23 387 Captured or missing. 35 31 21 31 118 17 129 46 164 6 2 6 18 32 1 1,482 W 210 2,187 45 Return of casualties in the Army of the Potomac^ &c. — Continued. Killed. Wou nded. Captured or missing. ? Command. 53 a s" a c a s D3 U O m o m bo SIXTH ARMY CORPS. Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick. FIRST DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Horatio G. Wright. First Brigade. Brig. Gen. Alfred T. A. Torbert, 6 2 3 6 2 3 Total 1st Brigade 11 11 Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. Joseph J. Bartlett. 121stNewYork 2 1 1 2 ] 2 96th Pennsylvania 1 Total 2d Brigade 1 4 5 Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. David A. Russell. 2 2 Total 3d Brigade 2 2 Total 1st Division 1 17 18 SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Albion P. Howe. Second Brigade. 1 1 Total 2d Brigade 1 1 46 Return of casualties in the Ariny of the Potomac^ (be. — Continued. Killed. Wounded. Captured or missing. Command. m o O c 0; B m o Enlisted men. O c B -2 a3 bO be < Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. Thomas H. Neill. 7th Maine 6 2 2 1 6 43d New York 1 1 1 5 49th New York 2 61st Pennsylvania i ') Total 3d Brigade 1 1 11 2 15 Total 2d Division 1 1 4 12 5 2 16 THIRD DIVISION. Maj. Gen. John Newton. Brig. Gen. Frank Wheaton. First Brigade. Brig. Gen. Alexander Shaler. 65th New York ' 9 67th New York 1 2 1 122d Now York 10 2 1 30 12 6 44 23d Pennsylvania 1 14 82d Pennsylvania 6 rotal 1st Brigade 1 14 3 53 6 3 25 5 3 74 Col. Henry L. Eustis. 7th Massachusetts 6 1 1 5 19 1 9 37th Massachusetts 2 1 47 2d Rhode Island 7 Total 2d Brigade 3 1 2 1 1 2 3 39 10 9 9 16 25 69 Third Brigade. Brig Gen. Frank Wheaton. Col. David J. Nevin. 62d New York 12 10 98th Pennsylvania 11 139th Pennsylvania 1 20 Total 3d Brigade 2 7 44 53 Total 3d Division 1 19 12 136 28 196 47 Return of casualties in the Array of the Potomac^ &c. — Continued. Killed. Wounded. Captured or missing. Command. m o c a T3 m £ O m o a a to 01 u m o c to S Id a> to "c 6 bO <5 ARTILLERY BRIGADE. Col. Charles H. Tompkins. New York Light, 1st Battery 4 2 6 12 Total Artillery Brigade 4 2 6 12 Total 6th Army Corps 2 25 14 171 30 242 ELEVENTH ARMY CORPS. Maj. Gen. Oliver 0. Howard. OENERAL HEADQUARTERS. Staff 1 1 1st Indiana Cavalry, Companies I and K... 3 3 FIRST DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Francis C. Barlow. Brig. Gen. Adelbert Ames. Staff 1 1 First Brigade. Col. Leopold von Gilsa. Staff. 1 1 1 41st New York 14 7 7 22 8 2 4 7 50 45 59 135 2 2 44 65 46 75 54th New York 102 68th New York 1 1 138 153d Pennsylvania 211 Total 1st Brigade 4 2 1 2 60 18 8 14 23 21 4 5 7 8 289 77 95 67 103 6 2 3 4 157 94 72 92 77 527 Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. Adelbert Ames. Col. Andrew L. Harris. 17th Connecticut 197 25th Ohio 184 75th Ohio 186 107th Ohio 211 Total 2d Brigade 5 63 24 342 9 335 778 Total 1st Division 9 113 46 631 15 492 1,306 48 Return of casualties in the Army of the Potomac, &c. — Continued. Killed. Wounded. Captured or missing. Command. Si V O s SE O B HI a m a; u ho bO SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Adolph von Steinwehr. Stafif .. 1 4 1 3 1 First Brigade. Col. Charles R. Coster. 134th New York 1 41 1 3 7 147 20 26 27 2 9 1 57 169 76 252 154th New York ". 200 27th Pennsylvania 2 111 34 Total 1st Bri<^ade 3 52 7 17 6 21 8 1 1 3 220 38 88 30 117 12 302 597 Second Brigade. Col. Orland Smith. 45 136th New York 1 1 2 11 4 109 55th Ohio 49 73d Ohio 145 Total 2d Brigade 51 5 273 2 17 348 3 108 4 11 23 4 8 14 1 1 8 6 4 493 18 34 158 30 36 14 4 14 6 2 2 319 85 164 108 10 58 946 THIRD DIVISION. Maj. Gen. Carl Schurz. First Brigade. Brig. Gen. A. Schimmelfennig. Col. George von Amsberg. 82d Illinois 112 45th New York 224 157th New York 4 2 2 307 61st Ohio 54 110 Totallst Brigade 8 50 20 276 28 425 807 49 Return of casualties in the Army of the Potomac, d'c. — Continued. Command. Second Brigade. Col. W. Krzyzanowski. 58th New York 119th New York... 82d Ohio 75th Pennsylvania. 26th Wisconsin Total 2d Brigade.. Total 3d Division. ARTILLERY BRIGADE. Major Thomas W. Osborn. 1st New York Light. Battery I. New York Light, 13th Battery.. 1st Ohio Light, Battery I 1st Ohio Light, Battery K 4th United States, Battery G — Total Artillery Brigade. Total 11th Army Corps. TWELFTH ARMY CORPS. Brig. Gen. Alpheus S. Williams. FIRST DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Thomas H. Ruger. First Brigade. Col. Archibald L. McDougall. 5th Connecticut 20th Connecticut... 3d Maryland 123d New York.... 145th New York... 46th Pennsylvania. Total 1st Brigade.. Killed. 12 20 33 W 1 9 13 16 24 Wounded. 63 113 335 11 36 56 120 H 13 66 71 84 118 352 628 Captured or missing. 33 13 10 11 50 1,802 56 62 K 3 58 77 3 60 201 626 1,449 50 Return of casualties in the Army of the Potomac^ &c. — Continued. Command. Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. Henry H. Lockwood. 1st Maryland, Potomac Home Brigade. 1st Maryland, Eastern Shore 150th New York Total 2d Brigade Third Brigade. Col. Silas Colgrove. 27th Indiana 2d Massachusetts. 13th New Jersey., 107th_New York., 3d Wisconsin Total 3d Brigade... Total 1st Division. SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. John W. Geary. First Brigade. Col. Charles Candy. 5th Ohio 7th Ohio 29th Ohio 66th Ohio 28th Pennsylvania 147th Pennsylvania Total 1st Brigade., Second Brigade. Col. George A. Cobham, jr. Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Kane. Col. George A. Cobham, jr. 29th Pennsylvania... 109th Pennsylvania.. 111th Pennsylvania.. Total 2d Brigade. Killed. H 32 23 21 1 47 90 14 21 Wounded. W 77 18 23 118 78 101 17 2 Captured or missing. 205 379 15 17 31 14 20 15 112 43 6 16 65 W 1 2 15 18 30 51 Return of casualties in the Army of the Potomac^ f&c— Continued. , Killed. Wounded. Captured or missing. Command. s s E c B c3 00 u a> u m o 1 m O O 0) CO to S-: (U O O 13 to bO Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. George S. Greene. 60th New York 11 6 2 36 2 1 1 3 39 20 16 84 52 78th New York 1 2 8 10 30 102d New York 2 4 29 137th New York 137 149th New York 6 3 43 3 55 Total 3d Brigade 6 61 10 202 1 23 308 Total 2d Division 12 96 16 379 1 35 539 ARTILLERY BRIGADE. Lieut. Edward D. Muhlenberg. I'euiisvlvania Light, Batterv E 3 1 5 3 4th United States, Battery F 1 5th United States. Battery K 5 Total Artiller}' Brigade 9 9 Total 12th Army Corps 18 186 43 767 2 65 1,081 CAVALRY CORPS. Maj. Gen. Alfred Pleasonton. Brig. Gen. John Buford. First Brigade. Col. William Gamble. 8th Illinois 1 4 1 3 4 7 1 6 7 12th Illinois (4 companies) 20 3d Indiana (6 companies) 1 5 2 1 1 20 21 5 16 32 8th New York 40 Total 1st Brigade 1 12 fi 52 28 99 Second Brigade. Col. Thomas C. Devin. 6th New York 1 2 8 7 4 4 9 9th New York 2 11 4 4 Total 2d Brigade 2 3 23 28 52 Return of casualties in the Army of the Potomac, &c. — Continued. Killed. Wounded. Captured or missing. Command. o 5E O c a (P to CD O SE O B S CO 0) c a; l-i be Reserve Brigade. Brig. Gen. Wesley Merritt. 6th Pennsylvania 3 1 3 1 7 9 6 4 23 1 "5" 2 6 6 1 203 12 1st United States ..... 15 2d United States 17 5th United States 5 6th United States* 6 5 242 Total Reserve Brigade 13 6 49 6 217 291 Total 1st Division 1 27 12 104 2 7 6 268 1 418 SECOND DIVISION. Brig. Gen. David McM. Gregg. First Brigade. Col. John B. Mcintosh. 3 7 2 6 •; 5 10 21 Total 1st Brio'ade 5 19 4 4 4 9 33 Third Brigade. Col. J. Irvin Gregg. 1 2 2 5 10th New York 1 2 9 6 Total 3d Brigade 5 12 1 2 20 5 5 31 1 11 53 THIRD DIVISION. Brig. Gen. Judson Kilpatrick. First Brigade. Brig. Gen. Elon J. Farnsworth. Col. Nathaniel P. Richmond. Staff 1 1 5th New York 1 2 13 2 '3 3 1 4 22 1 1 4 8 27 8 6 14 ' 65 2 12 Total 1st Brigade 3 18 6 28 1 42 98 * Losses occurred at Fairfield, Pa. 53 Return of casualties in the Army of the Potomac^ &c. — Continued. Killed. Wounded. Captured or missing. Command. CO m o a- a 0) o m o B 0) a 'XI (U CO to t-l CD O m o s a bo bO Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. George A. Custer. 1st Michigan 10 7 1 13 6 1 2 4 37 29 24 44 20 18 1 39 73 5th Michigan 6th Michigan 1 56 28 7th Michigan 100 Total 2d Brigade 1 31 13 134 78 257 Total 3d Division 4 49 1 19 162 4 1 1 120 355 HORSE ARTILLEia'. First Brigade. Capt. James M. Robertson. 9th Michigan 5 6th New York 1 2d United States, Battery M 1 1 4th United States, Battery E 1 1 Total 1st Brigade 2 2 1 5 1 12 8 Second Brigade. Capt. John C. Tidball. ■* 3 2d United States, Battery A .... 12 Total 2d Brigade 2 13 15 5 85 37 315 8 399 849 ARTILLERY RESERVE. Brig. Gen. Robert 0. Tyler. Capt. James M. Robertson. First Regular Brigade. Capt. Dunbar R. Ransom. 1st United States, Battery H 1 8 1 2 1 2 7 14 16 12 1 1 10 3d United States, Batteries F and K 1 24 4th United States Battery C 18 6th United States Battery C 16 Total Ist Regular Brigade 1 12 4 49 2 68 64 Return of casualties in the Army of the Potomac^ &c. — Continued. Killed. Wounded. Captured or missing. Command. QJ O O a a 0) CO u m o c a o O c a cS u bC be First Volunteer Brigade. Lieut. Col. Freeman McGilvery. 4 7 3 1 1 2 2 5 16 16 11 . 18 21 1 2 28 16 Pennsylvania Light, Batteries C and F 4 28 1 15 10 61 3 2 6 2 93 Second Volunteer Brigade. Capt. Elijah D. Taft. 5 New York Lio^ht, 5th Battery 1 3 Total 2d Volunteer Brigade 1 5 3 5 13 2 2 8 Third Volunteer Brigade. Capt. James F. Huntington. New Hampshire Li^ht, 1st Battery 3 1st Ohio Li<^ht, Battery H 2 6 2 1 7 1st Pennsylvania Light, Batteries Fand G... 3 23 4 Total 3d Volunteer Brigade 10 1 23 13 7 7 7 8 37 Fourth Volunteer Brigade. Capt. Robert H, Fitzhugh. Maine Light 6th Battery 13 2 9 1st New York Lio'ht Battery G 7 let Naw YnrW Tiiorht, Rattprv K+ 7 2 34 36 Total Artillery Reserve 2 40 15 172 13 242 * 10th New York Battery attached, whose loss, here included, was tw ■j- 11th New York Battery attached. o men killed and three men wounded. 55 Return of casualties in the Army of the Potomac^ &c. — Continued. RECAPITULATION. Command. General Headquarters. 1st Army Corps. 2d Army Corps , 3d Army Corps 5th Army Corps , 6th Army Corps 11th Army Corps 12th Army Corps Cavalry Corps Artillery Reserve Total Army of the Potomac. Killed. 42 67 50 28 2 33 18 5 2 247 W 551 729 528 337 25 335 186 85 40 2, 816 Wounded. 2 257 269 251 129 14 120 43 37 15 1,137 W 2 2,952 2,917 2,775 1,482 171 1,802 767 315 172 13, 355 Captured or missing. 182 W 2, 140 355 592 210 30 1,449 65 399 13 5,253 4 6,024 4, 350 4,210 2,187 242 3,801 1,081 849 242 22, 990 RETURN OF CASUALTIES IN THE ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA, COM- MANDED BY GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE, C. S. ARMY, AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, JULY 1-8, 1863. Note. — Where the sum of the regimental losses does not tally with the brigade " totals," the discrepancy is due to disagreements between the detailed statement furnished by Surgeon L. Guild, Medical Director of the Army, and the numbers reported by brigade and other superior commanders. Owing to the absence of subordinate reports, such disagreements cannot be explained. In computing the " grand total " the figures supplied by brigade, division, and corps commanders have generally been adopted ; but whether taken in detail or as a whole, the compilation can only be regarded as approximative. Several of the reports indicate that many of the "missing" were killed or wounded; especially is this the case with Pickett's Division of Longstreet's Corps. Command. -73 0) c c o T3 bJO = m 03 < FIRST ARMY CORPS. Lieut. Gen. James Longstreet. McLaws' Division. Maj. Gen. Lafayette McLaws. Kershaw'' s Brigade. Brig. Gen. Joseph B. Kershaw. 2d South Carolina •27 18 18 •21 21 10 115 1-25 68 85 7f) 98 38 483 1 77 68 47 72 2 2 7 154 3d South Carolina 83 110 8th South Carolina 100 1.5th South Carolina 18 3 32 137 3d South Carolina Battalion 46 Total 680 Semmes' Brigade. Brig. Gen. Paul J. Semmes. Col. Goode Bryan. StafiF 1 10th Georgia 9 10 8 15 86 50th Georgia 78 55 53d Georgia 87 Total 55 1 28 40 18 16 284 91 430 BarksdaWs Brigade. Brig. Gen. William Barksdale. Col. Benjamin G. Humphreys. StafiF 1 137 160 82 87 165 200 18th Mississippi 100 2l8t Mississippi 103 Total 105 550 92 747 57 Return of casualties in the Army of Northern Virginia^ &c. — Continued. Command. 1 'O 5 o 52 16 32 20 24 192 6 14 3 6 Si o -a ^ o u be bO < Wofford's Brigade. Brig. Gen. W. T. Wofford. 16th Georgia 9 3 4 2 4 30 1 4 2 1 61 18th Georgia 19 24th Georgia 36 Cobb's Georgia Legion 22 Phillips' Georgia Legion 28 Total 112 384 ArtilJery Battalion. Col. Henry C. CabelL Carlton's Georgia Battery (Troup Artillery) Fraser's Georgia Battery (Pulaski Artillery) McCarthy's Battery (1st Richmond Howitzers)... Manly's North Carolina Battery 7 18 5 7 Total 8 29 37 Total McLaws' Division 313 1 6 10 10 19 22 1, 538 327 2, 178 Maj. Gen. George E. Pickett. Brig. Gen. Richard B. Garnett. Staff 1 8th Virginia 48 77 34 58 40 54 18th Virginia 87 19th Virginia 44 77 56th Virginia 62 Total 78 1 324 539 941 Armistead^s Brigade. Brig. Gen. Lewis A. Armistead. Col. 'W. R. Aylett. Staff 1 9th Virginia 71 91 147 87 95 71 14th Virginia 17 23 17 26 108 38th Virginia 170 S3d Virginia 104 57th Virginia 121 Total 88 460 643 1,191 58 Return of casualties in the Army of Northern Virginia, &c. — Continued. Command. Staff._ 1st Virginia... Sd Virginia... 7th Virginia... 11th Virginia. 24th Virginia. Kemper s Brigade. Brig. Gen. James L. Kemper. Col. Joseph Mayo, jr. Total. Artillery Battalion. Maj. James Dearing. Blount's Virginia Battery Caskie's Virginia Battery (Hampden Artillery).. Macon's Battery (Richmond Fayette Artillery)... Stribling's Virginia Battery (Fauquier Artillery), W TotaP Staff. Total Pickett's Division Hood's Division. Maj. Gen. John B. Hood. Law' s Brigade. Brig. Gen. E. Mclver Law. Col. James L. Sheffield. 4th Alabama... 15th Alabama.. 44th Alabama.. 47th Alabama.. 48th Alabama.. Total. Anderson's Brigade. Brig. Gen. George T. Anderson. Col. W. W. White. Staff 7th Georgia... 8th Georgia... 9th Georgia.., 11th Georgia.. 59th Georgia., 58 232 3 62 51 79 97 111 356 §•5 o 317 17 1,157 17 17 24 10 74 49 66 64 30 67 276 1 15 114 115 162 92 1,499 146 105 512 64 1 15 139 tl43 tl94 fllO 671 Total * Not reported in detail. t According to regimental reports the total loss was: 4th Alabama, 87; 15th Alabama, 161; 44th Alabama, 94; 48th Alabama, 102; 9th Georgia, 189; 11 th Georgia, 204; 59th Georgia, 116. 59 Return of casualties in the Army of Northern Virginia^ &c. — Continued. Command. •T3 c o Captured or missing. 6 1 Robertson'' s Brigade. Brig. Gen. J. B. Robertson. 3d Arkansas 26 24 14 23 116 54 73 86 142 1st Texas *78 4th Texas 87 5th Texas 109 Total 84 25 8 15 21 393 66 64 75 83 120 597 Bennmg''s Brigade. Brig. Gen. Henry L. Benning. 2d Georgia 91 15th Georgia *72 17th Georgia 90 '20th Georgia *104 Total 76 299 122 497 Artillery Battalion. Maj. M. W. Henry. Garden's South Carolina Baty. ( Palmetto Lt. Art.) Reilly's North Carolina Buty. (Rowan Art.) Total t 4 343 23 1,504 27 Total Hood's Divison 442 2,289 Reserve Artillery. Col. J. B. Walton. J Alexander's Battalion. Col. E. Porter Alexander. Jordan's Virginia Battery CBedford Artillery) Moody's Louisiana Battery (Madison Lt. Art.)... Parker's Virginia Battery Rhett's South Carolina Battery (Brooks Art.) Taylor s Virginia Battery Woolfolk's Virginia Battery (Ashland Artillery).. Total t 19 114 6 139 * According to regimental reports the total loss was : 1st Texas, 93 ; 15th Georgia, 171 ; 20th Georgia, 121 . t Not reported in detail. •j: Chief of corps artillery 60 Return of casualties in the Army of Northern Virginia, &c. — Continued. Command. CD T3 a 3 o o . 'S.'S O) bio < Washington [Louisiana) Artillery. Maj. B. F. Eshleman. 1st Company (Squires') 2d Company (Richardson's) 3d Company (Miller's) 4th Company (Norcom's) Total* 3 23 16 42 Total lieserve Artillery 22 137 22 181 Total 1st Army Corps 910 4,336 2, 290 7, 536 SECOND ARMY CORPS. Lieut. Gen. Richard S. Ewell. StaflF 1 1 Early's Division. Maj. Gen. Jubal A. Early. Hays^ Brigade. Brig. Gen. Harry T. Hays. 5th Louisiana 5 5 8 8 10 31 34 43 54 39 13 21 6 13 23 49 6th Louisiana 60 7th Louisiana 57 8th Louisiana 75 9th Louisiana 72 Total 36 201 76 313 Hoke's Brigade. Col. Isaac E. Avery. Col. Archibald C. Godwin. 6th North Carolina 20 9 6 131 65 20 21 37 36 172 21st North Carolina 111 57th North Carolina 62 Total 35 216 94 345 Smith's Brigade. Brig. Gen. William Smith. 31st Virginia 20 78 15 7 10 27 49th Virginia 12 100 52d Virginia 15 Total 12 113 17 142 • Not reported in detail. 61 Return of casualties in the Army of Northern Virginia^ &c. — Continued. Command. u be bo <; Gordon's Brigade. Brig. Gen. John B. Gordon. 13th Georgia 20 83 103 2 9 4 34 5 11 31st Georgia 43 38th Georgia 12 4 24 61 29 69 29 5 92 60th Georgia 38 93 Total 71 270 39 380 Artillery Battalion. Lieut. Col. H. P. Jones. Garber's Virginia Battery (Staunton Artillery)... Green's Battery (Louisiana Guard Artillery) 1 1 2 5 7 Total 2 156 6 806 8 Total Early's Division 226 1,188 Johnson's Division. Maj. Gen. Edward Johnson. Staff . . . 1 1 2 Steuarfs Brigade. Brig. Gen. George H. Steuart. 25 119 144 4 29 4 4 10 48 127 17 14 44 52 3d North Carolina 156 21 18 37th Virginia 54 Total 83 409 190 682 Nicholls^ Brigade. Col. J. M. Williams. 9 10 14 9 2 30 52 77 56 36 39 62 91 65 38 Total 48 309 36 388 62 Return of casualties in the Army of Northern Yirghiia, &c. — Continued. Command. Stonewall Brigade. Brig. Gen. James A. Walker. 2d Virginia.... 4th Virginia.., 5th Virginia.., 27th Virginia . 33d Virginia.. Total. Jones^ Brigade. Brig. Gen. John M. Jones. Lieut. Col. R. H. Dungan. StaflP 21st Virginia. 2.5th Virginia 42d Virginia.. 44tb Virginia 48th Virginia 50th Virginia Total , Artillery Battalion. Maj. J. W. Latimer. Capt. C. L Raine. Staff. Brown's Maryland Battery (Chesapeake Art.). Carpenter's Virginia Battery (Alleghany Art.). Dement's 1st Maryland Battery Raine's Virginia Battery (Lee Battery) Total . Total Johnson's Division. RoDEs' Division. Maj. Gen. Robert E. Rodes. DanieVs Brigade. Brig. Gen. Junius Daniel. 32d North Carolina 43d North Carolina 45th North Carolina 53d North Carolina 2d North Carolina Battalion. M 1 13 8 78 5 46 7 34 1 37 35 10 229 208 6 29 3 37 8 48 3 14 5 43 3 47 (1) C 302 1 12 19 4 4 40 1,269 26 116 21 126 46 173 13 104 29 124 . 87 61 375 Total 165 635 116 916 •According to regimental reports tlie total loss was : 21st Virginia, 50 ; 25th Virginia, 70 ; 44th Virginia, 56; 48th Virginia, 76; 50th Virginia, 99. 63 Return of casualties in the Army of Northern Virginia^ c&c. — Continued. u Command. '6 13 c a o u o TS bib ?" bo bO < Iverson's Brigade. Brig. Gen. Alfred Iverson. 5th North Carolina 31 10 29 41 112 46 93 93 143 12th North Carolina 56 20th North Carolina 122 23d North Carolina 134 Total Doles' Brigade. Brig. Gen. George Doles. 130 9 4 1 10 328 29 35 11 49 308 7 10 5 9 820 45 12th Georgia 49 17 68 Total 24 4 8 5 6 124 27 24 37 34 31 1 24 2 5 179 Ramseur's Brigade. Brig. Gen. S. D. Ramseur. 32 4th North Carolina 56 14th North Carolina 44 30th North Carolina 45 Total 23 12 21 18 13 5 122 79 109 113 65 41 32 177 0'' NeaVs Brigade. Col. Edward A. O'Neal. 91 *130 131 12th Alabama *78 26th Alabama *46 Total 73 430 193 696 Artillery Battalion. Lieut. Col. Thomas H. Carter. Carter's Virginia Battery (King William Artillery) Fry's Virginia Battery (Orange Artillery) Page's Virginia Battery (Morris Artillery) Reese's Alabama Battery (Jeff. Davis Artillery).. Total t 6 35 24 65 Total Rodes' Division 421 1,728 704 2,853 ♦According to regimental reports the total loss was: 5th Alabama, 209: 12th Alabama, 83; 26th Alabama, 130. t Not reported in detail. 64 Return of casualties in the Army of Northern Virginia^ &c. — Continued. Command. Wounded. u o o CO be < Reserve Artillery. Col. J. Thompson Brown.* Browii's Battalion. Capt. Willis J. Dance. Dance's Virginia Battery (Powhatan Artillery)... Hupp's Virginia Battery (Salem Artillery) Graham's Virginia Battery (Rockbridge Artillery) Smith's Battery (3d Richmond Howitzers) Watson's Battery (2d Richmond Howitzers) Total t 3 19 22 Nelsons Battalion. Lieut. Col. William Nelson. Kirkpatrick's Virginia Battery (Amherst Art.)... Massie's Virginia Battery (Fluvanna Artillery).. Milledge's Georgia Battery Total t Total Reserve Artillery 3 19 22 Total 2d Army Corps 809 3,823 1,305 5,937 THIRD ARMY CORPS. Lieut. Gen. Ambrose P. Hill. Anderson's Division. Maj. Gen. Richard H. Anderson. Wilcox's Brigade. Brig. Gen. Cadmus M. Wilcox. 8th Alabama . 22 3 13 6 7 139 55 91 69 41 161 9th Alabama 58 10th Alabama 104 11th Alabama 75 14th Alabama 48 51 469 3 12 7 11 10 257 777 Mahone's Brigade. Brig. Gen. William Mahone. 3 12th Virginia 2 2 1 2 14 16th Virginia 9 41st Virginia 12 61st Virginia 12 Total 8 55 39 102 * Chief of corps artillery. + Not reported in detail. X Loss, if any, not reported. 66 Return of casualties in the Army of Northern Vi rginia, &c. — Continued. Command. -^3 'a a 3 o %4 o . o % bo bD WrigkVs Brigade. Brig. Gen. A. R. Wright. Col. William Gibson. Brig. Gen. A. R. Wright. 3d Georgia 100 75 74 46 100 22d Georgia 21 16 3 96 48th Georgia 90 2d Georgia Battalion 49 Total 40 295 333 668 Perry's Brigade. Col. David Lang. 2d Florida 11 12 10 70 63 84 81 5th Florida 75 8th Florida 94 Total 33 217 205 455 Posey's Brigade. Brig. Gen. Carnot Posey. 12th Mississippi 7 17 23 7 16th Mississippi 2 4 19 19th Mississippi 27 48th Mississippi 6 24 30 Total 12 71 83 Artillery (Sumter Battalion). Maj. John Lane. Company A (Ross') 1 2 7 5 9 8 Company B (Patterson's) 7 9 Total 3 21 6 80 Total Anderson's Division , 147 1,128 840 2,115 Heth's Division. Maj. Gen. Henry Heth. Brig. Gen. J. Johnston Pettigrew. Staff. 1 1 66 Return of casualties in the Army of Northern Virginia, &c. — Continued. Command. c o o 0/ c = ■" ea ° o bO First Brigade. Brig. Gen. J. Johnston Pettigrew. Col. James K. Marshall. 11th North Carolina 50 86 21 33 159 502 140 114 209 26th North Carolina 588 47th North Carolina 161 52d North Carolina 147 Total 190 4 10 8 3 915 38 38 26 21 1, 105 Second Brigade. Col. J. M. Brockenbrough. 40th Virginia 42 47th Virginia 48 55th Virginia 34 22d Virginia Battalion 24 Total Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. James J. Archer. Col. B. D. Fry. 13th Alabama 25 6 123 36 26 40 18 24 148 42 5th Alabama Battalion 26 1st Tennessee (Provisional Army) 2 5 3 42 7th Tennessee 28 14th Tennessee 27 Total 16 49 32 60 39 144 183 170 205 1.59 517 677 Fourth Brigade. Brig. Gen. Joseph R. Davis. 232 11th Mississippi 202 42d Mississippi 265 55th North Carolina 198 Total 180 717 897 Artillery Battalion. Lieut. Col. John J. Garnett. Grandy's Virginia Baty. (Norfolk Lt. Art. Blues).. Maurin's Louisiana Baty. (Donaldsonville Art.).. Moore's Virginia Battery Total* 5 17 22 Total Heth's Division 411 1,905 534 2,850 * Not reported in detail. 67 Return of casualties in the Army of Northern Virginia^ &c. — Continued. Command. Staff. Pender's Division. Maj. Gen. William D. Pender. Brig. Gen. James H. Lane. Maj. Gen. Isaac R. Trimble. Brig. Gen. James H. Lane. First Brigade. Col. Abner Perrin. 1st South Carolifta 1st South Carolina Rifles. 12th South Carolina 13th South Carolina 14th South Carolina Total. Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. James H. Lane. Col. C. M. Avery. Brig. Gen. James H. Lane. Col. C. M. Avery. M 20 75 2 9 20 112 31 99 27 182 100 7th North Carolina... 18th North Carolina. 28th North Carolina. 33d North Carolina.. 37th North Carolina. Total * Brig. 14th Georgia. 35th Georgia. 45th Georgia. 49th Georgia. Third Brigade. Gen. Edward L. Thomas. Total. Fourth Brigade. Brig. Gen. Alfred M. Scales. Lieut. Col. G. T. Gordon. Col. W. Lee J. Lowrance. Staff 13th North Carolina 16th North Carolina 22d North Carolina 34th North Carolina 38th North Carolina Total., 5 84 4 41 12 92 10 53 10 78 41 16 29 16 20 16 21 102 47/ 348 27 42 35 32 136 1 97 50 69 48 58 323 §-3 110 * General Lane reports his entire loss at 660. 68 Return of casualties in the Army of Northern Virginia^ dtc. — Continued. Command. -6 T3 C 3 O o 2 " O 0) SO be < Artillery Battalion. Maj. William T. Poague. Brooks' Virginia Battery Graham's North Carolina Battery Ward's Mississippi Battery (Madison Lt. Art.)... Wyatt's Virginia Batterv (Albemarle Artillery)... Total* 2 24 6 32 Total Pender's Division 262 1,312 116 1, 690 Reserve Artillery. Col. R. Lindsay Walker. f McIntosh^s Battalion. Maj. D. G. .Mcintosh. Hurt's Alabama Battery (Hardaway Artillery)... Ijusk's Virginia Battery Johnsons Virginia Batterv Rice's Virginia Battery (Danville Artillery) Total* 7 25 32 Pegram^s Battalion. Maj. W. J. Pegram. Capt. E. B. Brunson. Brander's Virginia Battery (Letcher Artillery)... Crenshaw's Virginia Battery McGraws Virginia Battery (Purcell Artillery)... Marye's Virginia Battery (Fredericksburg Art.).. Total* 10 37 1 48 Total Reserve Artillery 17 62 1 80 Total Third Army Corps 837 4,407 1,491 6, 735 CAVALRY. Stuart'.s Division. Maj. Gen. J. E. B. Stuart. Hampton'' s lirigade. Brig. Gen. Wade Hampton. Col. Lawrence S. Baker. StaiF 1 17 9 6 6 10 9 1 1st North Carolina 2 1 1 8 4 1 4 4 23 1st South Carolina 14 2d South Carolina 7 Cobb's Georgia Legion 7 1 21 Jeff. Davis Legion 15 Phillips' Georgia Legion 10 Total 17 58 16 91 * Not reported in detail. ■f- Chief of corps artillery. 69 Return of casualties in the Army of Northern Virginia, &c. — Continued. Command. IS c c O 6 a M b£ -< Fitz. Lee's Brigade. Brig. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee. 4 1 8 3 5 10 1 1 17 22 2d Virginia 5 3d Virginia 6 17 Total 5 16 29 50 W. H. F. Lees Brigade. Col. John R. Chambliss, jr 2d North Carolina* 9th Virginia 6 9 11 6 2 5 13 5 1 12 10th Virginia ^ 1 1 12 13th Virginia 17 Total 2 4 8 26 19 21 41 Jones' Brigade. Brig. Gen. William E. Jones. 6th Virginia 28 30 11th Virginia * Total 12 40 6 58 Jenkins' Brigade. Col. M. J. Ferguson. 14th Virginia 16th Virginia 17th Virginia 34th Virginia Battalion 35th Virginia Battalion Total* Stuart Horse AHillery. Breathed's Maryland Battery Griffin's 2d Maryland Battery McGregor's Virginia Battery Total* Total Stuart's Division 36 140 64 240 * Loss, if any, not of record. 70 Return of casualties in the Army of Northern Virginia^ &c. — Continued. RECAPITULATION. r Command. 1st Army Corps 2d Army Corps 3d Army Corps Stuart's Cavalry Division Grand total W 910 809 837 36 2,592 4,336 3, 823 4,407 140 12, 706 rg bio <0 B o 2, 290 1,305 1,491 64 *5, 150 7,536 5,937 6,735 240 20, 448 * The records of prisoners of war on file in the office of the Adjutant General U. S. Army bear the names of 12,227 wounded and unwounded Confederates captured by the Union forces at and about Gettysburg from July Ist to 5th, inclusive. LB My '1 3