Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type I Ph 8.5, Buffered r F 22 .P39 Copy 1 BY-LAWS AND CHARTER OF THE Pemaquid Monument Association. Incorporated January 19, 1872. — ^ — WISCASSET: rj '^"1 Emerson, Steam Printer, 1888. OFFICERS. HON. HENRY 1NGALL8, President. HOWARD K. HALL, ) WILLIAM H. HILTON, I Vice Presidents. TRUE P. PIERCE, ) RUFUS K. SEWALL. Wiscasset, Secretary. HON. DAVID CHAMBERLAIN. Bristol, Treasurer. Board of Directors D. G. MeRITCHIE. U. 8. N., ] „.. CHAS. H. DENISOX. ESQ \ ^^ iscasset. HON. ORRIN McFADDEN. Dresden. JAMES W. PARTRIDGE, ^ OEORGE W. ELLIS, ( Bnstol DENNIS R. HANLY. j I P^ 3t o rO PEMAQUID Moniiment Association. Its Foundations, The facts following are the basis of this organ- ization in the history of Maine in relation to the English settlements of New England. In the sketchings of the beginning of New Eng- land from Massachusetts stand-points, mists and shadows hang over its earliest dawnings in Maine. Recognized indeed they are, but in brief and dim outlines of undefined remoteness as "the Eastern parts," m which appear "scattered be- ginning?(l) at Monhegan and other TMemorial. places," on the Plymouth horizon of 1622. Charles Francis Adams has noted the same facts, described .by him — "as specs of struggling (2) civilization"— "em- ^^^^uth.' ^^'^' bryo sovereignties" — "dotting the skirts of the green primeval forests." KECORD EVIDENCE. State papers of Great Britain show, that be- tween the 10th of April, 1606, (3) and March, 1619, ''more than one ^So.^^^'^^' /»?flfc*','" was seized and settled by the adventurers of the Popham colony of 1607, which first landed on the main atPemaquid; I'avis Jour- tliat the subsequent abandonment of Lambeth l>];K'e paper. Sagadahoc, did not in law and fact, vacate the holdings of said colony or extinguish its existence; for in 1612 — 13, ''it was W (4:) yet there remaining," in a fit and ■^mietmi^ convenient place, by it discovered and Despatches settled: and in 1614, in shore on the to Spanish Goveriuiient. main opposite Monhegan (remaquul Point), the Popham ships had a mart (•>) for trade, grown into a "port," (5) JohnS.mith. , . , , . ,^ , ' ^ ^ and in the exclusive Popham use, many years before 1614. Hence the history of that day records, — "that to the iKjjthward (1) in the height 44°, (1) Starchy, lyeth the country of Pemaquid; — the Kingdom, whore our Western Colony upon the Sagadahoc, was sometime planted." Here then, at Pema(|nid. we find i^ of the "scattered beginnings" of Xew England's "embryo sovereignties," now. groun into the Slate of Maine. To perpetuate this fact in solid granite an in- heritance sole of Maine history, in relation to the original English settlement of New England, the PenuKjuid Monun)ent Association, has started into life, under Charter organi/.ation, hereinafter ex- pressed. CHARTEE, ACT OF INCORPORATION- An A<'t to IncorporaU^ the ri-imujnitl MotuiiKi „t AsSOCUtfinH. Section L William Hackolton, Davul Chamber- lain, Owen St. Clare O'Brien, J. H. Hackelton, Sam- nel W. Johnson, E. Wilder Farley. Georue W. Ell- is, James Erskine. llenrv Hnston, C. C. Hobbins Dennis R. Hanlv. Arnold Ulanev, J. W. Parciidffe. Alfred Cushurai?. J. K. Fosset, .1. H. Gondy and Enfns K. Sewall, their associates and successors are hereby created a body <;orporate and politic, by the uiinic of the Pemaquid Monument Association, for th«' purpose of erecting- and maintaining in the town of Bristol, upon, or near the site of the ruins of Fort William Henry, at Pemaquid Harbor, an ap- l)ropriate monunR'nt, commemorative of the early European settlement or settlements, in that localit}'; ,ind may sue and be sued, plead and ))e impleaded, liave a common seal, which it may alter at pleas- ure, and shall have ail the privileo-es and powers and be suVnect to ail the liabilities of the laws of this State relatin"; to similar corporations. Section II. Said Association may choose sucli •oftlcers as it may think proper. And may make and ■ordain by-laws, for its government, not repugnant to the laws of the St^t^, and may hold and possess real ami pi-rsonal estate, iiocessai'v l'(»i' (lie t'leclioii and inaiDtenaiiOf of such a monumeiil. with riulit to purchase and liold a public right of way to the sa:iie. Any person may l>ccome a member of such Asso- ("iatiou, (-)!) the payment of not less than one dollar to the treasnrt-r thereof, and shall have the right in person, or by proxy, to one vote, in any meeting of said Association. 8i:cTi()N 111. When such a monument has l)een completed, with a >uitabh' road-way leatliiig to it, and all expenses incurred in its erection, inclusive of its site and such road-way, have been paid, it shall, with its appurtenances, be exempt from taxa- tion, attachment and execution, and no subsequent conveyance of tl»e same shall l)e valid, so long as said monument shall be maintained. The right of the public at all times to visit said moiuuiient, shall be free and unrestricted: and who- soever shall willfully destroy, or injure the same, or any fence, or railing, or other thing, belonging to. or appertaining to said monument, or the road-way leading to it, shall be punished l)y imprisonment, not more than one year, or by tine, not exceeding one thousand dollars. Section IV. Any three of the persons named in this Act, may call the first meeting of this Associa- tion, at some place in the town of Bristol, at such time and for such purposes as they may deeuj necessary, by posting up notices thereof, in three or more public places in said town, seven day.s at least, prior to said meeting. Section V. This Act shall take place when ap- proved. Approved. Jan. l!)th- 1S72. BY-LAWS OF THE AirriCLK I. Tlie objects of this Association arc; as stated in its charter, for tlie purpose of erect in j;- and maintaininji- in the town of Bristol, upon, or near the site of the ruins of. Fort William Henry, at Pemaquid Harl)or, an appropriate monument, commemorative of the early European settlements in that locality. Article 2. Any person may become a member of this Association, on the payment of not less than one dollar to its treasurer, or to any agent duly authorized by its directors. And shall have the right in person or by proxy, to one vote, in any meeting thereof. The title of Honorary member- ship may be conferred by the Association, at any icijal meeting thereof. AuTiCLF, ?>. There shall be an annual meeting of the Association nt Wiscasset on the tirst Tuesday of May annually, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, for the choici' of olfieers and the transaction of other business unless a ditterent time and place shall be designated by the Directors. Special nu-etings shall be called by the Secretary, or in case of a va- cancy in said office or in his absence, bv such other person as may be designated by the Directors, on their written refinest. at such time ajid place i; M^ t li<'\ in;i\ .-ipiioiiii. Nine mciii'irrs >ii:ill ('(»ii^>o(!a(ioii shall consisr of a PrcsidtMit : a Secretary who shall l)e T'lerk of the IJoaid of Directoi-s: three \'iee I'resi- dents; a 'rreasnrei' : a lioard of sevei; Direetois; of which the ['resident shall be ex-oMicio one. and three of its number shall l)e residents of the town of liristol. All of said otiicers shall be elected at an anntial nieetinii- of the Association, or at a spec- ial meetiiiii' to be htdd thereafter as soon as practi- cable, l\v 'allot ; provided. ho\\ever that persons may be electefl to till vacancies at any meetinj^ of the Vssociation to hold their otlict^s till tlie next annual meetinji' and until the next election of officers. The term of office except those elected at this meet- ing shall be for one year and until others shall be chosen and qualified in their place. The officers elected at this n)eetin any funds ac- cumulate in [lis hamls before they shall be wanted for the objects of the Associatior, lie shall with the advice of the Diiectors safely invest the same. Upon the Directors, shall devolve the duties of the genei'al management arid superintendence of all tin- aft'airs of the .Vssociation, a majoi'ity of whonv shall constitute a (piorum. They shall hold meetings whenever necessary, cause their doings to be re- corded by their Clerk and make a report of the same at the annual meetings of the Association. No salary or compensation shall be paid to any ofHcer, except by a vote of the Association upon th*^ written recommendation of the Directors, as to the amount earned, based upon the services p(!rformed. Article an interest in purpetiiat- ini; tlif history of Maine, shonld contribute to tliiss work aixl is solicited to sul)scril)e to the nieniber- shi|> of this oriianization. KuFtt? K. Sevvall, ] Committee Howard E. Hai-l. - of J. H. Vaunky, ) Publication. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 983 518 9 Conservation Resour Lig-Free® Type I Ph 8.5, Buffered LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 983 518 9