O > ^ ^^' ^^-v. .'\ ■^' V v-^^ •C" ■' A ^- 'o-.i* .f.-^-" ^to --1*^^^ .v'* ^^ "-if;^? .f^' a A ^"^ -f** ^■^^' '^•^ ^-^^^^i^^ ,/'%• ^^^,* . ^"^ ^ ^°r^ ^^o' ^-^^^ ^*^-^.. ^Ho^ ^"-^t. . ^0 S^ ;* ^0 < o ^;^^:^ >^ ^^;.v . . . -v *...' .-l^v- '^...^•'* ^'M^:- V„.' -•^--- - --^^ '^0' 'bV ^^-n^. ,^o\,-c/. "> A « />, ^ -^ >♦ <^r ^. ^"-. .0' V .0^ .A.^ ,^^ y^ r\-' , • /'^.•^^-,,»"S^ °c N E W-YORK: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY. M DCCC LIX. ADVERTISEMENT. The prefent volume contains the Catalogue of Printed Books in the Library of the New-York His- torical Society. Another fimilar volume will contain the- Catalogues of the other portions of the entire coUedion of the Society, embracing the Manufcripts, Maps and Charts, Coins and Medals, Gallery of Art, etc. The Appendix, occafionally referred to in this, will accompany the fecond volume, and will include the feparate Catalogue of Newfpapers. Library, New-York, Janua/ry, ^859. 4^ LIBRARY REGULATIONS [extract from the by-laws.] XXI. The following fhall be the regulations for the ufe of the Library : 1. No book or manufcript ihall at any time be lent to any perfon to be removed from the Library. No manufcript in the Library, nor any paper read before the Society and depofited in its archives, Ihall be publiflied, except by the direction of the Society, or with the confent of the Executive Committee. The hours during which the Library fliall be open, fhall be de- termmed, trom time to time, by the Executive Committee. During fuch hours, any member of the Society may have free accefs to confult any book or manufcript, except fuch as may be defignated by the Executive Committee, and to make extradts from the fame under the authority of the Librarian. Any perfon not a Library Regulations. member, may obtain the like privilege of confultation from the Prefi- dent or Librarian, if known to them, or upon the recommendation of fome other member, to whom the applicant is known. But no perfbn not a member, fhall be permitted to take extrafts from the manufcripts of the Society, excepting the donors or depofitors of the fame, without fpecial authority from the Executive Committee. It Ihall be the duty of the Librarian, or his Affiftant, to report to the Executive Committee any injury done to any book or manufcript by any perfon confulting the fame ; and the iaid Committee may, at their difcretion, lay fuch reports before the Society. For any fuch injury, the perfon doing it fhaU make fuch pecuniary compenfation as the faid Committee Ihall judge proper ; and if he be not a member, the Committee fhall have power to prohibit him from further accefs to the Library. LIBRARY HOURS. From May to Oftober, 9 a. m. till 6 p. M. From Oftober to May, 9 a. m. till 9 p. M. OFFICERS OF THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Elected January, 1859. iPwslticnt. LUTHER BRADISH. JFirst Vict ^tcittitnt THOMAS DE WITT, D.D. Seconli ITfre ^rcsfBtnt. FREDERIC DE PEYSTER. JTowfgn Corrcaponljinfl Sectctarg. EDWARD ROBINSON, D.D. ffiamcstic CorreBponTjCng Secrctara. SAMUEL OSGOOD, D.D. BfcortJns Sfcretarj, ANDREW WARNER. Extaeuxer, WILLIAM CHAUNCEY. Hfbrarian, GEORGE HENRY MOORE» viii Officers, etc. ^tittxiidst ^ommiUtt. AUGUSTUS SCHELL, Chairman, GEORGE FOLSOM, BENJAMIN H. FIELD, FRANCIS L. HAWKS, D. D., JOHN ROMEYN BRODHEAD, ERASTUS C. BENEDICT, BENJ. ROBERT WINTHROP. GEORGE H. MOORE, Secretary. [The officers of the Society are members, ex officio, of the Executive Committee.] Commhte on t}^t ^mt ^rls. ABRAHAM M. COZZENS, Chairman, SAMUEL OSGOOD, D. D., JONATHAN STURGES, ' ANDREW WARNER, BENJ. ROBERT WINTHROP, WILLIAM J. HOPPIN. ANDREW WARNER, Secretary. [The Prefident, Librarian, and Chairman of the Executive Com- mittee are members, ex officio, of the Committee on the Fine Arts.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF The New-York Historical Society. PRINTED BOOKS. ^ htCLL, Jacob. Snorre Sturlefon's Norfke Kongers Sagaer. 3 vols, folio. Chriftiania, 1838-39. Abbeville, Claude de. Hilloire de la Miflion des Peres Capucins en rifle de Maragnan et Terres circonvoifines, etc. 8vo. Paris, 16 14. Abbot, Abiel. Artillery Election Sermon, Bofton, June 7th, 181 2. 8vo. Boston, 1812. Hiftory of Andover, from its fettlement to 1829. i2mo. Andover, 1829. ^ Abbott, Henry. Catalogue of a collection of Egyptian Antiquities. 8vo., pp. 68. N. Y., 1853. Abeel, David G. Inaugural Difl*ertation on Dyfentery, fubmitted to the examination of the faculty of the Phyficians, under the author- ity of the Truftees of Columbia College, 6th May, 1 794. Dedi- cated to Ifaac Roofevelt, John Charlton, et al. 8vo. N. Y., 1 794. Abeel, John N. Difcourfe before the Nevv^ York Miffionary Society, April 6th, 181 1. With Report of Direftors. 8vo., pp. 67. N. Y., 1811. See Gunn, Alexander. Abenaqui Springs, near Bellows Falls, Vermont [Statement concern- ing]. i6mo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1858. Abercrombie, James. Fall-Day Sermon, Philadelphia, May 9th, 1798. 8vo., pp. 38. Phil. Sermon on the Death of Alexander Hamilton. 8vo., pp. 53. Phil., 1804. ■^ Charges to the Senior Clafs of the Philadelphia Academy, etc., July 31, 1815, and July 31, 1815. 8vo. Phil., 1815-8. -^ Same, July 31, 1816. 8vo. Phih, 1816. - Sermon on the Liturgy of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church, before the Convention in Philadelphia, June 15, 1818. 8vo., pp. 52. Phil., 1818. / 2 New-York Historical Society. Abercrombie, James. Lectures on the Catechifm, etc. Second edition, 8vo. Phil., i8ii. Abercrombie, John. The Harmony of Chriftian Faith and Chriftian Charafter ; and the Culture and Difcipline of the Mind. 1 2mo. N.Y., 1839. Abernethy, John. Chriftian and Heavenly Treatife, containing Phy- licke for the Soule ; very neceflary for all that would enjoy true foundnefle of Minde and Peace of Confcience. Third edition, 8vo. Lond., 1630. Abert, J. W. Report of Examination of New Mexico. [Senate Document, No. 23, 30th Congrefs, ist Seffion.] Abingdon, Earl of. Thoughts on Burke's Letter to the Sheriffs of Briftol, on the affairs of America. 8vo., pp. 64. Oxford. Two Letters, viz., A Letter from Liberalis to on the Archbilhop of York's Sermon, and Anfwer to Liberalis — Vera Icon, etc. By Myftagogus Candidus. Svo., pp. 43. Lond. Ablancourt (Sieur d'). Envoy for the French King in Portugal. Me- moirs. Tranflated frpm the French. Svo. Lond., 1703 Abolition Societies. Minutes of Firft Convention, 1 794. 8vo., pp 30. Phil., 1794 Minutes of Second Convention, 1795. 8vo., pp. 32. Phil., 1795 Minutes of Fourth Convention, 1797. 8vo., pp. 59. Phil., 1797 Minutes of Fifth Convention, 1798. 8vo., pp. 20. Phil., 1798 Minutes of Seventh Convention, 1 80 1. 8vo.,pp. 55. Phil., 1801 Minutes of Eighth Convention. 8vo. Phil., 1803 Minutes of Ninth Convention. 8vo. Phil., 1804 Minutes of Eleventh Convention, 1 806. Svo. Phil., 1 806 Minutes of Fifteenth Convention, 1 818. Svo. Phil., 181 8 Minutes of Seventeenth Convention, 1821. Phil., 1821 Minutes of Twentieth Convention, 1828. Svo. Phil., 1828 Conftitution of the New Jerfey, etc. Svo., pp. 14. Burlington, 1793 of Pennfylvania. Conftitution, with Acts of Pennfylvania, for the gradual Abolition of Slavery. Svo., pp. 29. Phil., 1788 of Maryland, Conftitution, etc. Svo., pp. 8. Baltimore, 1789 Abolition of the Slave Trade. Abftract of Evidence delivered before a Committee of the Houfe of Commons, in 1790 and 1791, etc. Second edition. Bury. Remarks upon a Plan for the Total Abolition of Slavery in the United States. By a Citizen of New York. N. Y. Immediate, not Gradual ; or, an Inquiry into the fhorteft, safeft, and moft effectual means of getting rid of Weft Indian Slavery. Lond., 1824; N. Y., 1825. Abolitionism Expofed, Corrected. By a Phyfician, formerly refident of the South. With a Plan for Abolifhing the American Anti- Slavery Society, and its Auxiliaries. By a TennefTean. Phil. 1838. Ca.talogue of Printed Books. Abraham, The Cafe of, commanded to offer up his son Ifaac in sacri- fice, fairly reafoned. 8vo., pp. 70. Lond., 1735. Abrahams, N. C. L. (Prof.) Defcription des Manufcrits Francais du Moyen age de la Bibliotheque Royale de Copenhague, etc. 410., planches. Copenhagen, 1844. AcADEMiE Francoife. Dictionnaire de I'Academic Francoife, etc. Fifth Edition. 2 vols., 4to. Paris, 1798-9. AcADEMiA Real das Sciencias de Lifboa. Memorias. Tomos i-xii. Fol. Lifboa, 1 797-1 837. Academic Recreations, by the Columbian Peithologian Society of Columbia College. Vol. i. [February-July.] i2mo. N. Y., 1815. Academy of Arts (N. Y.), Account of Statues, Bulls, etc. in the Col- lection of the. izmo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1803. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Journal, Vol. i., Nos. i, 2, 3> 4» 5' 7> 9- 8vo. Phil., 1817-18. Acarete. See Acugna. Academy Keeper, The ; or, variety of useful Directions concerning the Management of an Academy, etc. 8vo., pp. 28. Lond., 1770. Account of the Societies for Reformation of Manners in London and Westminfter, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1699. of a Journey to Niagara, Montreal and Quebec, in 1 765 ; or, " 'Tis Eighty Years Since ! " 8vo. N. Y., 1 846. AccuM, Frederick. A practical Eflay on the Analyfis of Minerals, etc. i2mo. Phil., 1809. AcosTA, Joseph de. Hiftoria Natural y Moral de las Indias, en que fe tratan las cofas notables del cielo .... etc. 4to. Sevilla, 1590. De Natura Novi Orbis Libri Duo, et de Promulgatione Evan- gelii apud Barbaros, five de Procurande Indorum falute, Libri fex, 8vo. Coloniae, 1596. The Naturall and Morall Hiftorie of the Eaft and Weft Indies, etc. 4to. Lond., 1604. Hiftoria Natural y Moral de las Indias, etc. Tomos 2. 8vo. Madrid, 1792. AcRELius, Israel. Befkrifning om de Swenflca Forfamlingars Forna och Narwarande tilftand uti det fa kallade Nya Swerige, sedan Nya Nederland, etc. 4to. Stockholm, 1759. Acta Germanica ; or, the Literary Memoirs of Germany, etc. 4to. Lond., 1742. Act for Incorporating the Society forrhed for the Relief of poor, aged and infirm Mafters of Ships, their Widows and Children. 8vo., pp. 35. _ Phil., 1792. Acton, S. Sermon at an Annual Aflembly of an Aflbciation at Little Sardin, in the County of Stafford, June 3, 171 8. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1 719. AcTES or Unchafte Examples of the Englifh Votaryes, gathered out of theyr own Legendes and Chronycles. [Dedicated to King Edward VL] 1 2mo. New -York Historical Society. AcuGNA, Christopher. M. Acarete and MM., Grillet and Bechamel, Voyages and Difcoveries in South America. 8vo. Lend., 1698. Adair, James. The Hiftory of the American Indians, particularly thofc Nations adjoining the Mifliffippi, Eaft and Weft Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, -and Virginia, etc. 4to., map. Lond., 1775. Adams, Mrs. [Abigail]. Letters of, with Introduftory Memoir, by her Grandfon, Charles Francis Adams. Fourth edition, 8vo. Bofton, 1848. Adams, Miss [Abigail]. Journal and Correfpondence. Edited by her Daughter [C. A. de Windt.] 2 vols. l2mo. N. Y., 1841-42. Adams, Amos. Sermon al Roxbury, October 25, 1759, on the General Thankfgiving for the Reduction of Quebec. 4to., pp. 29. Bofton, 1759. Sermon on the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. John Wyeth, Glou- cefter, February 5, 1766. 8vo. Bofton, 1766. Sermon at Reading, Oftober 25, 1769, at the Ordination of the Rev. Caleb Prentice. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1769. Adams, Cornelius. Sermon on the Sabbath following his Ordination, Windham, December 8, 1805. 8vo., pp. 26. Windham, 1806. Adams, C. B. See Vermont Geological Survey. Adams, Charles Francis. Texas and the MalTachufetts Refolutions. 8vo., pp. 54. Bofton, 1844. Addrefs before the Members of the Schools and the Citizens of Quincy, July 4, 1856. 8vo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1856. Adams, Daniel. Oration, facred to the Memory of General George Waftiington, delivered at Leominfter, February 22, 1800. 8vo., pp. 25. Leominfter, 1800. The Medical and Agricultural Regifter for the years 1 806 and 1807. 8vo. Bofton. Adams, Hannah. Truth and Excellence of the Chriftian Religion, as exhibited, etc. i2mo. Bofton, 1804. A Diftionary of all Religions and Religious Denominations, etc. Fourth edition, 8vo. N. Y. and Bofton, 1817. A Summary Hiftory of New England, from the firft settlement at Plymouth to the acceptance of the Federal Conftitution, etc. 8vo. Dedham [1799]. Adams, John. Hiftory of the Dilpute with America, from its origin in 1754. Written in the year 1774. ^^°* Gefchiedenis van het Gefchil tuflchen Groote-Britannie en Amerika, zedert defzelfs vorsprong, in den jaare 1754, tot op den tegenwoordigen tijd .... 8vo., portrait. Amsterdam, 1782. Eflay on Canon and Feudal Law ; with the Political Charafter of the faid John Adams. By an American. 8vo. Phil., 1783. Letters to Dr. Calkoen on American Affairs in 1780. 8vo., pp. 74. (Printed for private circulation.) Lond., 1786. A Defence of the Conftitutions of Government of the United States of America. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1787-88. Catalogue of Printed Books. Adams, JoH^f. Twenty-fix Letters upon interefting subjefts refpecting the Revolution of America, written in Holland in the year 1780. izmo. N. Y., 1789. Anfwer to Paine's Rights of Man. i2mo. Lond., repub. 1793. [Firft publifhed in the Columbian Centinel, Bofton.] and Samuel Adams, Four Letters between, on the subject of Government. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1802. Difcourfes on Davila, a feries of Papers on Political Hiftory, written in the year 1 790, and then pubUftied in the Gazette of the United States. By an American Citizen. 8vo. Bofton, 1805. and Thomas JefFerfon. A feleftion of Eulogies pronounced in the feveral States in honor of. 8vo. Hartford, 1826. See Novanglus, D'lvernois, Wood, John. Correfpondence of the late Prefident Adams, originally publifhed in the Bofton Patriot, in a feries of Letters. 8vo., pp. 572. Bofton, 1809-10. Correfpondence between the Hon. John Adams, etc. and the late William Cunningham, Efq., beginning in 1 803 and ending in 181 2. 8vo. Bofton, 1823. [See JefFerfon's Memoirs, vol. iv. p. 389.] The Works of John Adams, fecond Prefident of the United States, with a Life of the Author, Notes and lUuftrations. By his Grandfon, Charles Francis Adams. 10 vols. 8vo. Bofton, 1850-56. Brief Confiderations of the important fervices and diftinguifhed virtues and talents which recommend Mr. Adams for the Prefi- dency of the United States. 1 2mo. Bofton, 1 796. An Anfwer to Alexander Hamilton's Letter concerning the pubhc Conduct and Character of By a Citizen of New York. 8vo. N. Y.. i8oc. Adams, John. See Ulloa. Adams, John Quincy. Addrefs to the Members of the MafTachufetts Charitable Fire Society, May 28, 1802. 8vo., pp. 25. Bofton, 1802. Oration at Plymouth, December 22, 1802, at the Commemo- ration of the firft Landing of our Anceftors at that place. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1802. Letter to the Hon. Harrifon Gray Otis . . . with Remarks upon Mr. Pickering's Letter to the Governor of the Commonwealth. 8vo. Bofton, 1808. Same. 8vo. N. Y., 1 808. A Letter to the Hon., occafioned by his Letter to Mr. Otis. By Alfred. 8vo. 1 808. Remarks and Criticifms on the Hon,, his Letter to the Hon. H.G.Otis. 8vo. Bofton, 1808. Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory, delivered to the ClafTes of Senior and Junior Sophifters in Harvard Univerfity. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 18 10. New-York Historical Society. Adams, John Quincv. The Duplicate Letters, the Fiftieries and the Mifliffippi. Documents relating to Tranfactions at the Negotiation of Ghent. 8vo. Wafhington, 1822. Report of the Secretary of State upon Weights and Meafures, etc. [2d Sess., 1 6th Cong.; Sen. Doc. 119, Houfe Doc. 109.] 8vo. Wafhington, 1821. Oration addrefled to the Citizens of the Town of Quincy, on the 4th of July, 1831. 8vo. Boflon. Eulogy on the Life and Charafter of James Monroe. Bofton, Auguft 25, 1831. 8vo. Bofton. Dermot MacMorrogh ; or. The Conqueft of L-eland. An His- torical Tale of the Twelfth Century, in Four Cantos. 8vo. Bofton, 1832. Oration on the Death of Gilbert Motier de la Fayette, deUvered at Waftiington, December 31, 1834. 8vo. See Lovejoy. Addrefs before the New- York Hiftorical Society, on the Jubilee of the Conftitution, April 30, 1839. 8vo. New York, 1839. Argument before the Supreme Court of the United States in the Amiftad Cafe, delivered on 24th February and ist March, 1841. 8vo. N. Y., 1 841. The Social Compact Exemplified in the Conftitution of the Commonwealth of Maflachufetts ... a Ledlure before the Frank- lin Lyceum at Providence, R. I., November 25th, 1842. 8vo., pp. 32. Providence, 1842. An Oration delivered before the Cincinnati Astronomical So- ciety, on the occafion of laying the Corner-ftone of the Obferv- atory. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1843. Lives of Celebrated Statefmen ; with a Sketch of the Author, by the Rev. Charles W. Upham. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Letters on the Mafonic Inftitution. 8vo. Bofton, 1 847. Poems of Religion and Society . . . with Notices of his Life and Character, by John Davis and T. H. Benton. 1 8mo. N. Y., 1850. Addrefs in the Congrefs of the United States, and Funeral Solemnities on the Death of, etc. 8vo. Wafhington, 1 848. Adams, Joseph. Letter to Thomas Barnard ; with Barnard's Answer. 8vo., pp. 16. 1743. Adams, Joseph. Sermon on the Death of John Fabyan, Efq. 8vo., pp. 16. Portfmouth, 1757. NecefTity and Importance of Rulers, &c. Sermon at Newington, March 13, 1769. 8vo., pp. 24. Portfmouth, 1769. Adams, Josiah. Centennial Addrefs delivered at Afton, July 21, 1835. With an Appendix. 8vo. Bofton, 1835. The Genealogy of the Defcendants of Richard Haven, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1843. Adams, Jasper. Inaugural Difcourfe, delivered in Trinity Church, Geneva, N. Y., Auguft i, 1827. 8vo. Geneva, 1827. Catalogue of Printed Books. Adams, Jasper. The Relation of Chriftianity to Civil Government in the United States. A Sermon before the Convention of the Pro- teftant Epifcopal Church of the Diocefe of South Carolina, Charlefton, February 13, 1833, Second edition. 8vo., pp. 64. Charlefton, 1833. Laws of Succefs and Failure in Life. An Addrefs delivered Odtober 30, 1833, in the Chapel of the College of Charlefton, before the Euphradian Society. 8vo. Charlefton, 1833. The Moral Caufes of the Welfare of Nations. An Oration delivered ist November, 1834, before the Society of Graduates of the College of Charlefton. 8vo. Charlefton, 1834. Eulogium pronounced 23rd January, 1835, on the Life and Character of the late Elias Horry. 8vo. Charlefton, 1835. Sermon in St. Paul's Church, on the Morning of Advent Sun- day, 30th November, 1834; being the day of the late Eclipfe of the Sun. 8vo. Charlefton, 1835. Adams, Nathaniel. Annals of Portfmouth, comprifmg a period of two hundred years from the firft fettlement of the town ; with Biographical Sketches, etc. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1825. Adams, Nehemiah. Sermon .... at the Eflex-ftreet Church, Octo- ber 31, 1852, the Sabbath after the Interment of Hon. Daniel Webrter. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1852. Adams, Robert. Narrative of an American Sailor who was Wrecked on the Weftern Coaft of Africa, in the year 1 8 1 o, etc. Map, 8vo. Bofton, 1 81 7. Adams, Samuel. Sermon from Ifaiah xxxii. i 3 to i 8. 4to. [Imperfedl.J Adams, Samuel. See John Adams, Thomas Thacher, James Sullivan. Adams, William. Maflachufetts Election Sermon, May 1685. 4to. Adams, William. EfTay in Anfwer to Mr. Hume's Eflay on Miracles. Second edition, i2mo., pp. 103. Lond., 1754. Adams, William. Chriftianity the End and Unity of all Sciences and Purfuits. An Addrefs delivered before the Alumni of Yale Col- lege, New Haven, September 18, 1847. 8vo,, pp. 47. N. Y., 1847. Chriftianity and Civil Government. A Difcourfe delivered on Sabbath evening, November 10, 1850. 8vo., pp. 48. N. Y., 185 1. An Addrefs delivered before the New England Society, in the city of New York, December 22, 1852. 8vo., pp. 56. N. Y., 1853. Adams, Zabdiel. MafTachufetts Election Sermon, May 29, 1782. 8vo. Bofton. Sermon at the Inftallation of the Rev. Mr. John Fofter, Taun- ton, May 16, 1792. Charge by Sim. Howard, of Bofton. Right- hand of fellowftiip by John Lathrop of Bofton. 8vo. Bofton. Adamson, M. Friendly Epiftle to Neighbour John Taylor, of the city of Norwich, etc. 8vo., pp. 23. Boston, reprinted 1758. New- Yo rk Historical Society. Adamus, Melior, Silesius. Decades duae Continentes vitas Theo- logorum Exterorum Principum qui Ecclefiam Chrifti fuperiori fcculo propagarunt et propugnarunt. 8vo. Francofurti, i6l8. Adanson, M. a Voyage to Senegal, the Ifle of Goree, and the River Gambia. From the French. 8vo. Lend., 1759. Addingtoiv, Stephen. Summary of the Chriftian Minifter's Reafons for Baptizing Infants, etc. i2mo. Lond,, 1776. Addison, Alexander. Trial on an Impeachment by the Houfe of Reprefentatives before the Senate of the Commonwealth of Penn- fylvania; taken in fhort-hand by Thomas Lloyd. Second edition. 8vo. Lancaller, 1803. Address from the Independent Freeholders of the Province of M — nf — r to Sir R C , Bart. With a CoUeftion of Toafts. 8vo., pp. 23. Lond., reprint [1754]. from the Clergy of New York to the Epifcopalians in Virginia, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 177 1. to Proteftant Diffenters of all denominations, on the approaching Elcftion of Members of Parliament, with refpeft to the ftate of Public Liberty in general, and of American Affairs in particular. 8vo., pp. 16. Reprint, Bofton, 1774. of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America. 8vo. Lond., 1775. from the Delegates, etc. An Englifhman's Anfwer to the, in a Letter from the feveral Colonies reprefented in the late Congrefs. 8vo. N. Y., 1775. and Recommendation to the States by the United States in Con- grefs aflembled. Phil., 1783. An, to his Fellow-citizens. By a Citizen of New York. of a Miniller to the Church under his paftoral care, etc. 8vo., pp. 44- Bolbn, 1784. to the Minifters and Congregations of the Prefbyterian and In- dependent persuafions in the United States of America. By Member of the Epifcopal Church. i2mo., pp. 57. I790' - An, to Farmers, etc. To which is added an Appendix. Salem, 1796. - from the Proprietors of the Miffionary Society. London, 1 797. - on the Part, Present, and Eventual Relations of the United States to France. 8vo. N. Y., 1803. - of the "United Whig Club" to their Fellow Republicans of the State of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. - of the Grand Jury to the Court of Oyer and Terminer for Bal- timore County ; and the Reply of the Court to that Addrefs. Baltimore, 181 3. - An, to the Republicans and People of New York, Pennfylvania and Virginia, upon the ftate of Prefidential Parties. By a Citizen of New York. To which are added, Queftions and Anfwers on the Prefidential Ele6lions. N. Y., Phil., 1824. Catalogue of Printed Books. Address, An, to Chriftians of every denomination in the United States, on the subjeft of the ensuing Prefidential Eledlion. 1 800. — — of the Roman Catholics to their Fellow-Citizens of the City and State of New York. N. Y., 1840. to the Non-Slaveholders of the South on the Social and Political Evils of Slavery. N. Y., 1843. An, to the Mechanics and Working Men of New York. By a Committee of Mechanics. of a Convention of Delegates from the Abolition Society to the Citizens of the United States. to the Churches and Congregations, from the Congregational Miffionary Society, Virginia, in the Counties of Berkfhire and Columbia. 8vo., pp. 8. of the Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of National Induftry to the Citizens of the United States. New feries. No, 2. Adet, Notes, adreflees par le Citoyen, etc. au Secretaire d'etat des , Etats-Unis. [French and Enghih.] 8vo. Phil., 1796. Notes from Citizen, Minifter Plenipotentiary of the French Re- public near the United States of America, to the Secretary of State of the United States. [French and Enghfli.] 8vo. Phil., 1796. Authentic Tranflation of a Note from the Minifter of the French RepubUc to the Secretary of State of the United States. 8vo., pp. 38. N. Y., 1796. Adelphi School. A Sketch of the Origin and Progrefs of, Phila- delphia. 1 810. Adler, George J. A Didlionary of the German and Englilh Lan- guages, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1849. Iphigenia in Tauris ; a Drama in Five Afts. By Goethe. 8vo. N. Y. and Phil., 1850. Letters of a Lunatic ; or, a Brief Expofition of my Univerfity Life during the years 1853-54. 8vo., pp. 31. [N. Y.] 1854. Administration, The Condudl of the late. Examined. With an Ap- pendix, containing original and authentic documents. 8vo., pp. 160. Lond., 1767. Review of the, of the Government of the United States of Amer- ica fince the year '93 ; or, the Correfpondence between the Sec- retary of State and the French Minifter on that fubject. 8vo. Bofton, 1797. Adriani, Giovambatista. Iftoria de' Suoi Tempi [dall' anno 1536 all' anno 1574]- 8 vols. 8vo. Prato, 1822-23. ^Elianus Claudius. Varias Hiftorias Libri XIIL Ex Heraclide de Rebus Publicis Commcntarium, etc. Romae, 1545. Variae Hiftorise Libri XIIL Rerumpublicarum dcscriptiones ex Heraclide Gr. et Lat. 24mo. Genevas, 1630. ^sopus. Fabulae Graeco-Latinas. Cum Notis. l2mo. Etonae, 1807. Aerostation. [No title.] i2mo. N. Y., 1796. Africa. Gleanings in j exhibiting a view of the Manners and Cuftoms 10 New-York Historical Society. of the Inhabitants of the Cape of Good Hope, etc. Engravings. 8vo. Lond., 1806. Africa. The importance of effectually fupporting the Royal African Company of England impartially confidered, etc., in a Letter to a Member of the Houfe of Commons. 410., map. Lond., 1 744. African Association. Proceedings of the Aflbciation for promoting the Difcoveries of the Interior Parts of Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1 791. Repofitory and Colonial Journal. Vol. IX. 8vo. Wafliington, 1834. Inftitution. Fifteenth Report of the Direftors of, read at the Annual General Meeting, held on the 28th March, 1821. To which are added, an Appendix and a Lift of Subfcribers. Lond., 1821. School. An Addrefs to the Pubhc on the fubject of, lately eftablifhed under the care of the Synod of New York and New Jerfey. 8vo. N. Y., 1816. Inftitution. Extracts from Eighteenth and Nineteenth Reports of the Direftors of, read at their Annual General Meetings, held in London on the nth day of May, 1824, and on the 13th of May, 1825. Phil., 1826. Free School. An Addrefs to the Parents and Guardians of Children belonging to the. 8vo. • N. Y., 181 8. Aglio, Augustin. See Kingfborough. Agricola. a Letter to the Inhabitants of the City and State of New York, on the fubjedl of the Commerce of the Weftern Waters. 8vo. N. Y., 1807. Age of Inquiry ; or, Reafon and Revelation in Harmony with each other, etc. : intended as a clue to the prefent Political Controverfy in the United States. 8vo. Hartford, 1 804. Agriculture. A Summary View of the Courfes of Crops in the Hufbandry of England and Maryland ; with a comparifon of their products, and a fyftem of Improved Courfes propofed for Farms in America. 4to. Phil., 1784. Agricultural College. Confiderations on the neceffity of eftablifhing, etc. 8vo. Albany, 18 19. Agriculture. Report of the Committee of Agriculture in the Houfe of Reprefentatives, March 19, 1824. Agriculture. The Refined Praftice of, etc. Commerce, and Manufactures. Bofton, November 11, 1826. Aigremont, I. DE Laon, Sieur de. Relation du Voyage des Francois fait au Cap de Nord en Amerique, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1654. AiKiN, Arthur. The Annual Review and Hiftory of Literature, for 1802-7. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1803-8. AiKiN, John. Thoughts on Hofpitals. Lond., 177 1. A Specimen of the Medical Biography of Great Britain ; with an Addrefs to the Public. 410. Lond., 1775. View of the Charadler and Public Services of John Howard. i2mo. Lond., 1792. Catalogue of Printed Books. ii AiKiN, John. A Defcription of the Country from Thirty to Forty Miles round MancheHer. Plates, 410. Lond,, 1795. Letters from a Father to his Son, on various topics relative to Literature and the Conduct of Life. 1 2mo. Phil., 1 796. General Biography, etc. Vols. L— VI. 4to. Lond., 1799-1807. Geographical Delineations; or, a Compendium of the Natura and Political ftate of all parts of the Globe. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 806I. Lives of John Selden and Archbilhop Ufher ; with Notices of the principal Englifli Men of Letters with whom they were con- nected. 8vo. Lond., 1812. AiKiN, S. C. Sermon on Theatrical Exhibitions, deHvercd in Utica, December 11, 1825. 8vo., pp. 23. Utica, 1825. Airman, William. Difcourfe dehvered in . . . Newark, N. J., on Thanklgiving Day, November 27, 1851. 8vo., pp. 23. Newark, 1851. Air Stove Grates. A Defcription of the Improved, for warm or cold frefli air. Ninth edition. AiTKiNS, Dudley. Reports of Hofpital Phyficians, and other Docu- ments, in relation to the Epidemic Cholera of 1832. 8vo. New York, 1832. AiTZEMA, LiEUWE VAN. Sakcn van Staet en Oorlogh, in ende omtrent de vereenigde Nederlanden, Beginnende met hct Jaer, 1621, ende eyndigende met het Jaer, 1669. 7 vols, folio. Graven-Haghe, 1669-71. Akerman, John Yonge. Numifmatic Manual. 8vo. Lond., 1840. Akenside, Mark. Works in Verfe and Profe ; with his Life, and an ElTay on the Firft Poem by Mrs. Barbauld. 2 vols, in i . 1 2mo. New Brunfwick, N. J., 1 808. Albany. Statiftical Report of the County of Albany for the year 1820. 8vo. Albany, 1823. Albany Institute. Tranfadlions. Vols. I., II., III., IV. (Part i.), 8vo. [See Society for the Promotion, ttc] Albany, 1830, 1852. Albany Female Academy. Exercifes of the Alumnas, Fifth Anni- verfary, 1 6th July, 1 846. 8vo. Albany, 1 846. Minutes of the particular Synod of Albany convened at Fonda, N. Y., May 5, 1847. 8vo. Albany, 1847. Firft Preftjyterian Church. Proceedings, March 22, 1847, re- fpedling Change of Place of Worfliip. Report of the Veftry of St. Peter's Church of the Lay Delegates to Diocefan Convention, P. E. Church, 23d-3cth Sept., 1845. 8vo. Albany, 1845. Some Account of A£ls in relation to the Conftruction of the Albany Bafin ; with the Opinion of a Member of the Albany Bar as to the Rights of Parties Intercfted. 8vo. Albany, 1848. • Return of the Commiffioners under the Afts to Improve the Navigation of the Albany Bafin, and to Extend the Opening of the 12 New-York Historical Society. Albany Pier; made to the City Council, October 1842. 8vo. Albany, 1842. Albany. Constitutionality of a Bridge at Albany, as fhewn in the Re- marks of D. Buel, Jr. and Benjamin F. Butler, and the Opinion of Chief Juftice Savage in the Troy Bridge Cafe, decided in the Superior Court of New York in 1836. With an Abftract of the Teftimony. 8vo. Albany, 1845. Albany and Saratoga Plank Road. Articles of Aflbciation. Albaniad (The). An Epic Poem, in Three Cantos. By Pilgarlic. i2mo. ^79^' Albers, J. A. Americanifche annalen der Arzneykunde Naturge- fchichte Chemie und Phylick . . . Zweytes Heft. 1 2mo. Bremen, 1803. Alberti, Leonis Baptiftae. Opera. [De commodis Literarum atque incommodis — de Jure — Trivia — Canis — Apologi.] 4to. [1485-89.] Alcedo, Antonio de. Diccionario Geografico-Historico de las Indias Occidentales o' America, etc. 5 vols, fmall 4to. Madrid, 1786-89. Alciphron ; or, the Minute Philofopher. A Letter to Dion, occa- fioned by his book called . . . 8vo., pp. 70. Lond., 1732. Alden, Abishai. Sermons at Montville, at the Funerals of John G. Hillhoufe, and his Daughter, Mifs Betfy Hillhoufe. 8vo., pp. 32. Norwich, 1808. Alden, Ebenezer. The Early History of the Medical Profeffion in the County of Norfolk, Mafs. An Addrefs dehvered before the Norfolk District Medical Society . . . May 10, 1853. 8vo., pp. 48. Boston, 1853. I Alden, John. Poem occafioned by the Death of Jno. Alden. Written / by J. [ohn] C. [otton] Portfmouth, rep. l8c6. Alden, Timothy. Poem on the Death of Captain Jolhua Gray, of Yarmouth. From the Boston Gazette. Various Poems, reprinted for Timothy Alden, Jr. 5 sheets. Newark, N. J., 1810-11. Sermon at Yarmouth, January 1, 1795, on Opening a New Church. 8vo., pp. 22. Boston, 1795. Alden, Timothy, Jr. Sermon at Portfmouth, 5th January, 1800, occafioned by the Death of George Wafhington. 8vo. Rep. Portfmouth, 1800. Century Sermon, 4th January, 1801 ; with Historical Notes and Appendix, containing account of Newfpapers printed in New Hampfhire. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1801. Difcourfe delivered before Portfmouth Female Afylum, 17th September, 1 804 ; with List of Members and Occafional Hymns, by J. M. Sewall and G. Richards. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1804. Account of the feveral Religious Societies in Portfmouth, N. H., from their first establifhment, and of the Ministers of each, to the 1st of January, 1805. 8vo. Boston, 1808. Catalogue of Printed Books. 13 Alden, Timothy, Jr. Valediftory Difcourfe, delivered at the South Church, in Portfmouth, N. H., in August, 1805. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1805. Catalogue of his Pupils at Portfmouth, from 1 800 to 1 808, etc. i2mo. Portfmouth, 1808. Memoirs of Edward Tyng ai^d William Tyng. 8vo. Boston, 1808. Testimonials in favor of, by Ministers and others in Boston and vicinity; publilhed by Trustees of Newark Academy. i2mo. Newark, 1808. Quarterly Catalogues of the Names of the Young Ladies who belong to the Academy kept by Rev. Timothy Alden, Jr. With Explanatory Notes, izmo. Boston, 1808. Key to Quarterly Catalogue ; with an Historical Account of the Newark Academy. i2mo. Newark, 18 10. CoUeftion of American Epitaphs and Infcriptions ; with Occa- fional Notes. Pentade I. 5 vols. i2mo. N. Y., 1814. See Alleghany Magazine. Aldini, Jean. Precis des Experiences Galvaniques, etc. 8vo., pp. 48. Paris, 1803. Alexander, Archibald. Sermon at the Inauguration of, as Profeflbr in the Theological Seminary of the Prelbyterian Church ; with his Inaugural Addrefs, etc. 8vo., pp. 122. N. Y., 181 2. Difcourfe occafioned by the Burning of the Richmond Theatre, December 26, 1 8 II. 8vo. Phil., 181 2. A Sermon, preached in the Chapel of Naflau Hall, August 13, 1826. 8vo., pp. 41. Princeton, 1826. Suggestions in Vindication of Sunday Schools ; but more efpe- cially for the Improvement of Sunday School Books . . . 8vo., pp. 32. [Phil.] 1829. The Pastoral Office. A Sermon ... at Philadelphia, before the Aflbciation of the Alumni of the Theological Seminary at Princeton, May 21, 1834. 8vo., pp. 30. Phil., 1834. Alexander, Caleb. Funeral Sermon on the Death of George Wafh- ington. 8vo. Boston, 1800. Alexander, James. The Complaint of James Alexander and William Smith [who were filenced by the Supreme Court for an alleged contempt] to the Committee of the General Aflembly of the Colo- ny of New York, &c. Folio, pp. 19. [N. Y., 1735] Alexander, James Edward. An Expedition of Difcovery into the Interior of Africa, etc. 2 vols. i2mo. Phil,, 1838. Alexander, Sir William, Kt. Copies and Tranflations of the Royal Charters, etc., by which Nova Scotia and Canada were granted in 1621, 1625, and 1628. Folio. Lond., 1831. Alexandri Tralliani, Medici. Libri Duodecim. 8vo. Lond., 1576. Alexander, William. History of Women, from the earliest antiquity to the prefent time, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1779. 14 New -York Historical Society. Alfieri, Vittorio. Vita di Vittorio Alfieri da Asti fcritta da eflb. 2 vols. 8vo. Londra, 1807. Tragcdie. 6 vols, 8vo. [large paper . . portrait, and engrav- ings.] Firenze, 1824. Alfred. To the Bifhop of London. 8vo., pp. 52. Lond., 1789. A Letter to the Hon. Johij O. Adams, occafioned by his Letter to Mr. Otis. 8vo. 1808. Algemeen Magazyn van Wetenfchap, Konst en Smaak. Ilde Deel. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1787. Algiers. A fhort Account of, and of its feveral Wars, etc. ; with a Concife View of the Origin of the Rupture between Algiers and the United States. Appendix. Second edition. 8vo., map. Phil., 1794. Ali Bey. Travels ... in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey, between the years 1803 and 1807. Maps, and plates in 410. 2 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1816. Alien and Sedition Laws. Addrefs of the Minority in the Virginia . Legiflature to the People of that State, etc. 8vo. Allard, Carel. Niewe Hollandfe Scheeps-Bouw vertoonende een volmaakt fchip . . . Tweede deel. 4to. Amsterdam, 1705. Alleghany Magazine, The ; or, Repofitory of Ufefiil Knowledge. By Rev. Timothy Alden. Vol. L, Nos. 1,2, 3, 6, 7, 8. 8vo. Meadville, 1 8 16. Alleine, Joseph. Chriftian Letters. i2mo., pp. 88. Lond, 1767. An Alarm to Unconverted Sinners, etc. i8mo. [Am. Tra£t Soc] N. Y. Allen, Ethan. Narrative of his Captivity, etc. i2mo., pp. 6^. Phil., 1779. Narrative of his Captivity, containing his Voyages and Travels, with Political Obfervations, etc. i2mo. Walpole, N. H., 1807. Allen, Ira. The Natural and Political Hiftory of the State of Ver- mont . . . Appendix, etc. Map, 8vo. Lond., 1798. Allen, James. Maflachufetts Election Sermon, May 30, 1774. 8vo. Bofton. Allen, John. Sermon at Hanover Street, Long Acre, March 11, ^749~5o> 01^ occafion of the Two late Earthquakes. Third edition. l2mo., pp. 16. Lond., 1750. Allen, Jonathan. Funeral Sermon (Eliphalet Kimball). 8vo. Newbury Port, 1786. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Ebenezer Allen, Wolf- borough, Odlober 25, 1792. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1793. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. David T. Kimball, Ipfwich, Oftober 8, 1806. 8vo., pp. 40. Newbury Port, 1806. Allen, Nathan. An Eflay on the Opium Trade . . . 8vo., pp. 68. Boston, 1850. Allen, Paul. A History of the American Revolution, comprehending all the principal Events, both in the Field and in the Cabinet. 8vo. 2 vols. Baltimore, 1822. Catalogue of Printed Books. 15 Allen, Paul. See Gibbon, Lewis and Clark. Allen, Samuel C. Eulogy on the Hon. John Wheelock, LL.D., late Prefident of Dartmouth College, dehvered Auguft 27, 1817. 8vo. Hanover, 181 7. Allen, Stephen, Mayor of the City of New York. Letter to Jofeph Bayley, Health Officer of the Port, in relation to the Cafes of Yellow Fever, at the Quarantine Ground, 1821 ; and Dr. Bay ley's Report thereon. 8vo. N. Y., 1822. Obfervations in oppofition to the project of Prohibiting, or Greatly Augmenting, the Duties on Foreign Manufactured Articles, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1827. Allen, S. T. Addrefs at the Centennial Celebration of Merrimack, April 3, 1846. 8vo. Bofton, 1846. Allen, Lewis F. Addrefs before the New York State Agricultural Society, 1 8th January, 1 849. 8vo. Albany, 1 849. Allen, L. L. Pencillings of Scenes upon the Rio Grande. Originally publifhed in the St. Louis American. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 848. Allen, Thomas. Funeral Sermon on the Death of Mr. Mofes Allen. 8vo., pp. 23. Pittsfield, 1801. Difcourfe occafioned by the Death of Thomas Allen, Jr., Pitts- field. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 22. Bofton, May, 1806. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 25, 1808. 8vo. Bofton. Allen, Thomas. Report on the Commerce and Navigation of the Miffiffippi ... for Chicago Convention of July 5, 1 847. 8vo., pp. 32. St. Louis, Mo. [1847]. Japan, and the Expedition thereto of the United States : a Dis- courfc dehvered before the Miflburi Hiftorical Society, December 22, 1852. 8vo., pp. 34. St. Louis, 1853. [ ] Annual Review. Hiftory of St. Louis, Commercial Statiftics . . . From the Miflburi RepubUcan of January 10, 1854. 8vo., pp. 52. St. Louis, 1854. Allen, Thaddeus. An Inquiry into the Views, Principles, Services and Influences of the Leading Men in the Origination of our Union, etc. 8vo. ' Bofton, 1847. The fame. Vol. II., No. i. pp. 555-662. 8vo. Bofton, 1848. Allen, William. MaflTachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 26, 181 3. 8vo. Bofton. New Hamplhire EleAion Sermon, June 4, 181 8. Lift of Preachers. 8vo. Concord. American Biographical and Hiftorical Diftionary, etc. Second edition. 8vo. Bofton, 1832. Allen, William H. Eulogy on the Charafter and Services of the late Daniel Webfter, pronounced at the requeft of the Seleft and Com- mon Councils of the City of Philadelphia, January 18, 1853. 8vo., pp. 51. Phil., 1853 Allison, Thomas. An Account of a Voyage from Archangel in Rus- sia, in the year 1697. l2mo. Lond., 1699 l6 New-York Historical Society. All the Talents ; a Satirical Poem, etc. By Polypus. 8vo. Lond., 1808. Alletz, Edouard. Tableaux de I'Hiftoire Generale de TEurope depuis 1814, jusq'en 1830. 3 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Effai fur THomme on accord de la Philofophie et de la Religion. 2 torn. 8vo. Paris. 1839. Efquiflcs de la foufFrance Morale. 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1839. Efquifles Poetiques de la vie. izmo. Paris, 1 841. Genie du Dix Neuvieme Siecle, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1842-43. Maximes Politiques a I'ufage de la Democratic Nouvelle. 1 2mo. Paris, 1840. Allston, R. F. W. Addrefs delivered at Columbia, S. C, before the State Agricultural Society, 25th November, 1847. 8vo. Charleston, 1847. Allyn, John. Maffachufetts Eledion Sermon, May 29, 1805. 8vo. Boflon. Almanacs. See Appendix. Almanzor. Life of the moft Illuftrious Monarch, etc. ; with the Hillory of the Conqueft of Spain by the Moors. 8vo. Lond., 1693. [Almon, J.J A New and Impartial Colledlion of entertaining Letters from the Public Papers, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1 767. Alsop, Richard. A Poem ; facred to the Memory of George Wafti- ington. 8vo., pp. 23. Hartford, 1800. The Charms of Fancy: a Poem, in Four Cantos, with Notes. Edited from the original MSS. ; with a Biographical Sketch of the Author, by Theodore Dwight. izmo. N. Y., 1856. See Echo, Molina. Alvord, J. W. Hiftorical Addrefs delivered in the Firft Congregational Church in Stamford, Connefticut, at the Celebration of the Second Centennial Anniverfary of the Firft Settlement of that Town, December 22, 1841. N. Y., 1842. Amboyna. Dutch Cruelty correftly Exemplified ; or, a True Relation of the Barbarous Proceedings against the Englifh, etc. i zmo. London, 1762. Ambrose, Isaac. Christ in the Clouds, coming to Judgment ; or, the Diffolution of all Things. 8vo., pp. 1 5. Boston. Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, fubmitted for confideration by Mr. Hillhoufe, April 1 2, 1 808. America. A New Difcovery of a Large, Rich, and Plentiful Country in the North America, extending above 4,000 leagues, etc. 8vo. Lond. or an Exaft Defcription of the Weft Indies, more efpecially of thofe Provinces which are under the Dominion of the King of Spain. Faithfully reprefented by N. N., Gent. 8vo. Lond., 1655. The Britifh Empire in ; containing the Hiftory, Difcovery, Set- tlement, Progrefs and State of the Britifh Colonies on the Continent and Iflands of America. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1 74 1. Catalogue of Printed Books. 17 America, North. The Prefent State of. Lond., 1755. An Account of the Spaniih Settlements in America. In 4 parts. Map, 8vo. • Edin., 1762. Two Papers on the fubjedl of Taxing the Britifh Colonies in, etc. 8vo., pp. 22. Lond., 1767. An Account of a late Conference on the Occurrences inj in a Letter to a Friend. 8vo., pp. 40. Lond., 1766. The True Sentiments of; contained in a Colledlion of Letters sent from the _Houfe of Reprefentatives of Maffachufetts to fcveral Perfons of High Rank in this Kingdom. With Papers relative to Libel on the Government, and a Diflertation on the Canon and Feudal Laws. 8vo., pp. 158. Lond., 1768. An Appeal to the Juftice and Interefts of the People of Great ' Britain in the prefent Difputes with. By an Old Member of Par- liament. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 68. Lond., 1775. A Second Appeal to the Juftice and Interefts of the People, on the Meafures rcfpecting. By the Author of the Firft. 8vo., pp. 90. Lond., 1775. A Profpedl of the Confequences of the prefent conduct of Great Britain towards. 8vo., pp. 98. Lord., 1776. Conftitutions of the feveral Independent States, the Declara- tion of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and Treaties, etc. Publifhed by order of Congrefs. Reprint, 8vo., pp. 168. Lond., 1782. Newfpaper Cuttings relating to America, 1 668-1 840. Col- leded by William Upcott, Efq., of London, purchafed from his Colledion by John Romeyn Brodhead, Efq., and by him prefented to the New- York Hiftorical Society. Arranged under the direftion of the Librarian, 1 846. [6 vols, large 4to.] Geographia General para 1' uso de la Juventud de Venezuela.. 4to., 4 vols. Caraccas, 1833-37.,. Imminent Dangers to the Free Inftitutions of the United States-. through Foreign Emigration, and the Prefent State of the Natural- ization Laws. 8vo. N. Y., 1835.- American, An. A Plea of Authors, and the Rights of Literary Prop-- erty. N. Y., 1838.. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memoirs. Vols. L, II., III. (Part. I.), IV. New Series, Vols. I., IV. (Part i.), V. Bofton, Cambridge, 1 785-1 855., Proceedings. Vol. L, May, 1846, to May, 1848. Vol. II. (pp. 1-160). Vol. III. (pp. 105-184). 8vo. Bofton, 1846-49.. Academy of Language and Belles-Lettres. Conftitution of. N. Y., 1820.. • Academy of the Arts, inftituted February 12, 1802. Charter and Bye-Laws, with an Account of the Statues, Bufts and Painting^ . belonging to the Academy. 4to. N. Y., 181C; of the Fine Arts. Catalogue of the Third Exhibition, September I, 1817. 4to. N. Y. i8 New-York Historical Society. American Academy of the Fine Arts. Fourth Exhibition, May 20, 1818. 4to. N. Y. Fifth Exhibition, May, 18 19. 4to. N. Y. American Agricultural Affbciation. Transactions. Part I. 4to. pp. 60. N. Y., 1 846. Charter and By-Laws. Adopted Oct. 1846. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Agricultural Convention. New York, Oct. 11, 1844. Almanac (The), and Repofitory of Ufeful Knowledge, for the years 1830-57. 28 vols. i2mo. Bofton, 1830-57. and Britifh Chronicle of War and Politics (The) . . . etc., from May 10, 1773, to July 16, 1783. 8vo., pp. 130. Lond. [1783]. Annual Regifter (The), for the years 1825-33. 8 vols. 8vo. N. Y., Bofton, and Brattleboro, 1827-35. American Antiquarian Society. Archaeologia Americana. Tranfactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society. Vol. I. (Worcefter, 1820); II. (Worcefter, 1836); III., Part i. (Cam- bridge, 1850). 8vo. 1820-50. A Catalogue of Books in the Library of the American Anti- quarian Society, in Worcefter, MaflTachufetts. 8vo. Worcefter, 1837. ram 1. aniets, puoiunea oy tne /imencan i^nuquanan Dociet Addrefs of William Jenks, Oftober 23, 1813. 2. Account of the Society. 1813. 3- Addrefs by Abiel Holmes, Oftober 24. 1814. 4- Communication from the Prefident, Oftober 24. 1814. 5- Addrefs by William Paine, Oftober 23. 1815. 6. Addrefs to the Members, etc., March. 1819. 7- Addrefs of William Lincoln, etc., October 23, 1835. 8. Fifty-third Semi-Annual Report, May 29, 1839. 9- Catalogue of Officers and Members, May 29, 1839. 10. Proceedings, etc. Vol. L, No. i. May 31, 1843. 11. t( " No. 2. Oftober 23, 1843. 12. t( Oftober 23, 1819. 13- t€ " May 29 and Oftober 23, 1850. 14. *€ " April 30, 1851 ; Oftober 23, 1851; April 28, 1852. 15- tt " Oftober 23, 1852. 16. ft " April 27, 1853; Oftober 24, 1853. 17. t€ " April 26, 1854. 18. tt " Oftober 23, 1854. 19. tt " April 25, 1855. 20. tt " Oftober 22, 1855. 21. tt " April 30, 1856; Oftober 21, 1856. American Anti-Slavery Society. See Anti-Slavery. Apol lo (The). Vol. I, 8vo. [Imperfea.] Bofton, 1792. Catalogue of Printed Books. 19 American Art-Union. Publications of. Aflbciation for the Advancement of Science. Proceedings. Firft-Ninth Meeting. 9 vols. 8vo. v. p. 1 849-1 856. American Bible Society. Annual Reports, 1817-56. 8vo. [Original Editions,] ' N. Y., 1819-56. Bible Society. Annual Reports. Vol. I., 1816-38. "With an Account of its organization, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Church. Reproof ... By the Bp. of Oxford. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Colonization Society. See Colonization. Eagle (The). Vol. I., Nos. 2, 3, Mar. 1847. N. Y. Ecleftic (The); or, Seleftions from the Periodical Literature of all Foreign Countries. Vols. I., II., III., IV. 8vo. N. Y., 1841-42. • Education Society. Annual Reports, 9, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24. Bofton, 1834-40. Epifcopate. Addrefs from the Clergy of N. Y. and N. J. to the Epifcopalians in Virginia, occafioned by fome late Tranfactions in that Colony. 8vo. N. J., 1771. Ethnological Society. Tranfadlions. Vols. I., II., III. (Part i). 8vo. N. Y., 1845-53. Gazetteer (The) ; containing a diftinct account of ail the parts of the New World. Maps. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond., 1762. Geographical and Statiftical Society. Bulletin. Vol. I., Part i, for the year 1852; Part 2, for the year 1853; Part 3, for the year 1854. 8vo. • N. Y., 1852-54. Hiftorical Magazine (The). Vol. I., No. 1, January, 1850. 8vo. N. Y. Hiftorical Society. See Force, Peter. Home Miffionary Society. Reports. 3 vols. 8vo. [Vol. I., 1-8; Vol. II., 9-15; Vol. III., 16-20.] 1827-46. Hufbandry; containing an Account of the Soil, Climate, Pro- duftion and Agriculture of the Britifh Colonies in North America and the Weft Indies, etc. By an American. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1775. in Algiers, or the Patriots of '76 in Captivity. i2mo. Independence, the Intereft and Glory of Great Britain, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1776. American Inftitute. Journal. Vols. I., II., Nos. 6, 8, 9, 10. 8vo. N. Y., 1835-37. Tranfaftions. See Annual Reports to the Legiflature of New York, from 1842, among Legiflative Documents. Alphabetical and Analytical Catalogue of the American Inftitute Library . . . 8vo. N. Y., 1852. Institute of Inftruction. Conftitution, adopted Aug. 2, 1830. 8vo., pp. 8. Journal of Agriculture and Science. Vols. I.-VIL, 1845-48. 8vo. Albany, 1845-48. 20 New-York Historical Society. American Journal of Homoeopathy. Edited by S. R. Kirby, M. D., and R. A. Snow, M. D. Vol. I., 8vo. N. Y., 1847. Journal of Improvements in the Ufeful Arts, and Mirror of the Patent Office in the U. S. Vol. L, No. l ; vol. II., (New Series, vol. I., No. i). 8vo. Wafhington, 1828-31. — — Journal of Insanity. Edited by the Officers of the New York State Lunatic Asylum, Utica. Published quarterly. 8vo., vols. I., II., V. (No. 4), VIII. (No. I), IX. (No. i). 1844-52. • Lancet. Report of the Trial for Libel in the " American Lan- cet," New York, January 28, 183 1. Letter from an, now resident in London, to a Member of Parhament on the reftraining Proclamation, and containing ftric- tures on Lord Sheffield's Obfervations. 8vo., pp. 52. Lond., 1784. Literary Magazine. By T. Dwight Sprague. Vol. I., 8vo. Albany, 1847. American Loyalists. Collections of Laws relative to American Loyal- ifts in Maflachufetts, and their property. 8vo. Lond., 1785. The Case and Claim of the American Loyalifts. 8vo. 1783. ' The Claim of the American Loyalifts reviewed and maintained. 8vo. 1788. Lyceum in Paris. Paris, 1 840. —— Magazine (The), and Historical Chronicle : Oct., Nov., Dec, 1743; Feb., March, April, 1744; Vol. II. (Jan.-Dec, 1745); Vol. III. (Jan.-Dec, 1746). 8vo. Bofton, 1743-46. Magazine and Monthly Chronicle for the British Colonies. Vol. I., containing from Oct. 1757 to Oct. 1758, inclusive. By a So- ciety of Gentlemen. 8vo. William Bradford, Phil. Magazine (The New). Nos. 1-12, (1758); 13-24, (1759); 25-27,(1760). [Contains in Supplements, "The Traveller," etc., pp. 1-96, and "The History of North America," etc., pp. 1-164, and wants No. 26, Feb. 1760]. 8vo. James Parker. Woodbridge, N. J. Magazine (The), containing a miscellaneous collection of original and other valuable Eflays, etc. Printed by Samuel Loudon. Dec 1787 to Nov. 1788. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. Medical and Philofophical Regifter; or. Annals of Medidne, Natural Hiftory, Agriculture and the Arts. Condufted by David Hofack, M. D., F. L. S., and John W. Francis, M. D. Second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1814. Mineralogical Journal. The . . . Conducted by Archibald Bruce, M. D. Vol. L, No. 4. 8vo. N. Y., 1814. Monthly Magazine (The) and Critical Review. Vol. I., 8vo. N. Y., 1817. Monthly Magazine, Firft feries, vols. I.-VL; Second feries, vols. VII.-XIL 8vo. N. Y., 1832-38. Monthly Review (The) ; or Literary Journal, from January to April, inclufive, 1 795, with an appendix. Vol. I., 8vo. Phil., 1795 Catalogue of Printed Books. 21 American Museum (The) ; or Repofitory of ancient and modern fugitive pieces, etc., profe and poetical. 13 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1787-99 Oratory, or Selections from the Speeches of Eminent Americans Compiled by a Member of the Philadelphia Bar. 8vo. Phil., 1836 Oriental Society. Journal. Vol. I., 8vo. Bofton, 1849 American Philosophical Society. Tranfactions. Vols. I.-VI. 4to. Phil., 1 786-1 809 Same. New feries. Vols. I.-X. 4to. Phil., 1 8 1 8-5 3 Tranfactions of the Historical and Literary Committee. Vols I., II. and Vol. III., Part i. 8vo. Phil., 1819-38 Catalogue of the Library . . . 8vo. Phil., 1824 Proceedings. Vols. L, II., III., IV., V., VI. (Not yet com- plete). 8vo. Philadelphia, 1838-56. (Wanting, Nos. 12, 13, h)- Pioneer (The) ; a monthly periodical, devoted to the objects of the Logan Historical Society . . . Edited by John S. Williams. Vols. I., (fecond edition), II. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1842-43. Poems. Selected and original. Vol. I., 8vo. Litchfield, 1793. Popular Leflbns, chiefly felefted from the writings of Mrs. Bar- baul(i, Mifs Edgeworth, and other improved authors. 1 8mo. N. Y., 1820. v.- Preacher (The) ; or, a Collection of Sermons from some of the most Eminent Preachers now living in the U. S., of different de- nominations, in the Christian Church. 3 vols., 8vo. Eliz. Town, N. J., 1 79 1. Print Works vs. Cornelius W. Lawrence. Supreme Court of N.J. Effex Circuit. Proceedings at the Trial . . . Oct., 1852. Compiled from Notes of Reporter at the Trial, and revifed by the Counsel for the Defendant. 8vo. N. Y., 1852. Proteftant AfTociation. Address of the Board of Managers of the American Protestant Affociation ; with the Constitution and organization of the Affociation. Phil., 1843. Quarterly Register, (The) and Journal of the American Educa- tion Society. 15 vols., 8vo. Andover and Bofton, 1829-43. Register, or general repofitory of History, Politics and Science. Vols. I.-VL 8vo. Phil., 1807-10. Register, or summary review of History, Politics and Literature. Vol. L, 8vo. Phil., 1 817. Report on the commercial intercourfe of the U. S. and Great Britain. Jan., 1844. N. Y., 1844. Republic. Reflections on the Conservatory Elements of By a Lady. ChiUicothe, 1842. Review and Literary Journal, for the years 1801, 1802. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y. Review of History and Politics, (The) and General Repofitory of Literature and State Papers. 4 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1811-12. Revolution, The Hiflory of the; including an Impartial Exami- 22 New-York Historical Society. nation of the Causes which produced that important event ; and Monthly Regifter of the United States. 8vo. Charlefton, S. C, 1808. American Seamen's Friend Society. Sailors' Magazine and Naval Journal. Vols. I.-XVI. 8vo. N. Y., 1 829-44. American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Color. First Annual Report. Jan. 1st, 1818. 8vo. pp. 49. Walhington, 1 81 8. Second Annual Report. With an Appendix. 8vo,, pp. 152. Second edition. Walhington, 18 19. Addrefs of the Board of Managers to the Auxiliary Societies, and the people of the U. S. 8vo. pp. 32. Walhington, 1820. Fourth Annual Report. With an Appendix. 8vo. pp. 72. Walhington, 1821. Eighth Annual Report. With an Appendix, 8vo., pp. 68. Walhington, 1825. Society for Meliorating the Condition of the Jews. Third Report, May 13, 1825, with an appendix. 8vo., pp. 40. N. Y., 1825. Society for the Diffufion of Ufeful Knowledge ; eftablilhed Ofto- ber 17, 1836. Profpedus. N. Y., 1837. Society for the Promotion of Temperance. Second Annual Report of the Ejcecutive Committee, January 28, 1829. 8vo., pp. 64. Andover, 1829. State Papers. See United States. Statiftical Aflbciation. Colleftions. Vol. I., Part i. 8vo. Bofton, 1843. Tra6i Society. Annual Reports, 1-15, 1826-40. 8vo. Uti. hjv.s" — tA^y^^Ms-' , /7'? o N. Y., 1826-40. ^ ' American War. Detail and Conduft . . . under Generals Gage, Howe, Burgoyne, and Vice-Admiral Lord Howe ; with a State of the Evidence before a Committee of the Houfe of Commons, etc. Third edition. 8vo., pp. 190. Lond., 1780. View of the Evidence relative to the Conduft of, etc. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 154. Lond., 1779. Weekly Meflenger (The) ; or, Regifter of State Papers, Hif- tory, and Politics. Vol. I., 1813-14; Vol. II., 1814-15. ' 8vo. Phil. Whig. A Collection of Trafts from the late Newfpapers, etc., containing particularly the American Whig, a Whip for the American Whig. With fome other Pieces on the fubjeft of the Refidence of Proteftant Bilhops in the American Colonies, and in Anfwer to the Writers who oppofed it, etc. 8vo. Vol. I., 1768; Vol. II., 1769. N. Y., 1768-69. N,. Americans againft Liberty. 8vo. Imperfeft. Americans Roused (The), in a Cure for the Spleen. Or Amufement for a Winter's Evening, etc., taken in Ihort hand by Roger De Coverly. 8vo. N. Y., [1775.] Catalogue of Printed Books. 23 Amerigo Vespucci. See Vefpucci, Lefter. Ames, Fisher. Speech on the Britifh Treaty, April 28, 1796. 8vo. pp. 59- PM-, 1796. Same. 8vo., pp. 52. Bofton. Oration on the Sublime Virtues of General George Wafhington, before the Legiflature of MafTachufetts, February 8, 1 800. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton. Works, compiled by a number of his Friends ; to which are pre- fixed. Notices of his Life and Charafter. 8vo. Bofton, 1 809. Amigos del Pais. Extraftos de las Juntas Generales celebrades por la Real fociedad Bafcongada de los amigos del Pais. 1776, 1777, 1779, 1783, 1786, 1787. 6 vols. 4to. Amner, Richard. An Account of the occafion and defign of the Pofitive Inftitutions of Chriftianit)'. 8vo., pp. 119. Lond. Amoretti, Carlo. See Pigafetta. ^ Amorv, Thomas. A Dialogue on Devotion, after the Charafter of Xenophon. 8vo., pp. 94. Lond., 1746. Anabaptists, A Caveat againft the New Sect of, lately fprung up at Exon, etc. [Validity of Diflenters' Baptifm.] i2mo., pp. 40. Bofton, 1724. Analectic Magazine ; containing Seleftions from Foreign Reviews and Magazines of fuch Articles as are moft valuable, etc. Vols. I.— XIV. 8vo. Phil., 1 81 3-19. Same. New feries. Vol. IL 8vo. [Continuation of Seleft Reviews, etc.] Phil., 1820. Analysis Carminum, seu Tabula fcanilonis. i zmo. of the Correfpondence between our Adminiftration and Great Britain, and France ; with an attempt to ftiow what are the real Caufes of the Failure of the Negotiation. 8vo., pp. 56. N. Y., 1 809. [Anburey, Thomas.] Travels through the Interior Parts of America ; in a Series of Letters. By an Officer. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1789. [ ] Voyages dans les parties Interieures de I'Amerique, pendant le Cours de la Derniere Guerre. Par un ofiicier de I'Armee Royale. Traduit de I'Anglois par M. Lebas. Tomes 2. 8vo. Paris, 1790-92. [ ] Journal d'un voyage fait dans I'Interieur de I'Amerique fepten- trionale. Ouvrage dans lequel on donne des details precieux fur rinfurreftion des Anglo-Americains, et fur la chute defaftreufe de leur papier monnoie. Traduit de I'Anglois et enrichi de notes par M. Noel, ancien Profefleur de belles-lettres au College de Louis le Grand. Avec carte et figures. Tomes 2. 8vo. Paris, 1793. Ancient Britons' Benefit Societv-. Conftitution. i2mo. N. Y., 1805. Anderson, A. A Tour in Zealand in the year 1802; with an Hif- torical Sketch of the Battle of Copenhagen. By a Native of Denmark. Second edition. l6mo. Lond., 1805. Anderson, A. General Hiftorj- of Quadrupeds ; the Figures Engraved on Wood . . . chiefly copied from the original of T. Bewick; 24 New-York Historical Society. with an Appendix, containing feme American Animals not hitherto dcfcribed. 8vo. N.Y., 1804. Anderson, .(Eneas. Narrative of the Britilh Embafly to China, in the years 1792, 1793, and 1794, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1796. Anderson, Alexander. Inaugural Diflertation on Chronic Mania ; fubmitted to the Examination of the Faculty of Phyficians, under the authority of the Truftees of Columbia College, 3d May, 1796. Dedicated to Jofeph Young. 8vo. N. Y. Anderson, Andrew. Inaugural Diflertation on the Eupatorium Per- f^iliatum of Linnaeus ; fubmitted to the Examination of the Trus- tees of the College of Phyficians and Surgeons in the State of New York, 4th May, 181 3. Dedicated to James Anderfon, David Hofack, John Wakefield Francis. 8vo. N. Y. Anderson, Eliza. Military Refledlions on Four Modes of Defence for the United States ; with a f'lan of Defence adapted to their cir- cumftances, etc. 8vo. Baltimore, 1807. Anderson, James, The Interefl of Great Britain with regard to her American Colonies confidercd ; with an Appendix, containing the Outlines of a Plan for a General Pacification. 8vo. Lond., 1782. Anderson, James. See Wafhington. Anderson, Peter S. Inaugural Difl*ertation on the Diarrhoea Infantum ; fubmitted to the Examination of the Faculty of Phyficians under the authority of the Truftees of Columbia College, 5th May, 1795. Dedicated to William Sam. Johnfon and Nich.Romayne. 8vo. N. Y. Anderson, Rufus. The Work of Miffions to be Progreflive. A Ser- mon on the prefent Crifis in the Miffionary Operations of the American Board of Commiflioners for Foreign Miffions. 8vo. Bofton, 1840. Andover. Conftitution and Afl*ociate Statutes of Theological Seminary in, etc. 8vo., pp. 68. Bofton^ 1808. Review of the Conftitution, etc. of the Theological Seminary, from the Monthly Anthology of November, 1808. 8vo., pp. 35. Bofton, 1808. Laws and Regulations of the Social Library in Andover. 1 2mo. Bofton. ; An Outline of the Courfe of Study in the Department of Chris- tian Theology . . . 8vo., pp. 53. Andover, 1822. Andre, John. Proceedings of a Board of General Officers, held by order of General Waftiington, etc., September 29, 1780. 8vo. Phil., 1780. Proceedings of a Board of General Officers, held by order of His Excellency General Wafhington, refpecting Major Andre, September 29, 1780. 410. Reprint, N. Y. Authentic Documents . . . confifting of Letters to Mifs Seward, the Cow Chace, Proceedings of the Court Martial, etc. See William Dunlap's " Andre : a Tragedy." Andrews, Elisha. A brief Reply to BickerftafF's ftiort Epiftle to the Baptifts. i2mo., pp. 16. Sutton, 1 810. Catalogue of Printed Books. 25 Andrews, Ethan A. Remarks on the Prefent State of Agricultural Science ; read before the Hartford County Agricultural Society, February, 18 19. Hartford, 18 19. Andrews, Israel D. Report on the Trade and Commerce of the Britifh North American Colonies, and . . . the Great Lakes and Rivers . . . 8vo. Maps. [3 2d Cong., 1st Sefs. Senate Ex. Doc. No. 112.] • Andrews, James P. and Henry J. Pye. The Inquifitor : a Tragedy. Altered from the German. 8vo., pp. 76. Lond., 1798. Andrews, John. Hiftory of the War with America, France, Spain, and Holland, commencing in 1775 and ending in 1783. Por- traits, maps, and charts. 4 vols. Lond., 1785-6. Andrews, John. Two Sermons on Public Occafions. 8vo., pp. 56. Phil., 1788. Andrews, John. Thankfgiving Sermon, delivered February 19, 1795. 8vo. Ncwburyport. Eulogy on General George Walhington, Newburyport, Feb- ruary 22, 1800. 8vo., pp. 21. Newburyport, 1800. Sermon delivered November 26, 1 808, at the Interment of the Kev. Thomas Carey, Newburyport. 8vo., pp. 31. Newburyport, 1808. Andrews, Launcelot, Bifhop of Winchefter. Sermon at Whitehall, November 23, 1600. i2mo., pp. 30. Lond., 1765. Andrews, William. See Prayer. Andros, Thomas. The Old Jerfcy Captive; or, a Narrative of the Captivity of, on Board the Old Jerfey Prifon Ship at New York, 1 78 1, etc. i2mo. Bofton, 1833. Anecdotes Americaines ; ou, Hiftoire abregee des pjincipeaux evene- ments arrives dans le nouveau monde, depuis fa decouverte jufqu'a I'epoche prefente. i2mo. A Paris, 1776. for the Family and Social Circle. l8mo. [American Tradl Society.] N. Y. Angeville, Le Cte. d'. La Verite fur la Queftion d'Orient et fur M. Thiers, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1841. Anghiera. See Peter Martyr. Anglerius. See Peter Martyr. Anglesea Militia. Memoirs . . . including the Principles of the Militia Laws, etc. 410. Lond., [1783.] Animal Magnetifm. Report of Dr. Franklin . . . with an Hiftorical Outline of the Science . . . and Remarks on Colonel Stone's Pamphlet. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 58. Phil., 1837. Anne, Queen. Memoirs of the Four Laft Years of the Reign . . . from 1 7 1 o to her Death, in which the Charafters of the moil Eminent Per- fons who afted under her are impartially drawn. 8vo. Lond., 1742. Hiftory of her Life and Reign. Maps and plates. Fol. Lond., 1740. Annual Biography and Obituary for the years 1 817-18. Vols. I., II. Lond., 1817-18. 26 New-York Historical Society. Annual Regiftcr ; or, a View of the Hiftory, Politics and Literature of the years 1758-83, 26 vols. 8vo. Lond. A General Index to the ; or, a fummary View of the Hiftory of Europe, etc., from 1758 to 1780 inclufive. 8vo. Lond., 1783. Annual Regiftcr (The New) ; or. General Repofitory of Hiftory, Politics and Literature for the years 1780-1 811. 32 vols. 8vo. • Lond. The Political State of Europe ; being a complete Annual Regifter. Vols. IIL-X. inclufive, for the years 1793 (3 vols.), "794 (3 vols.), 1795 (2 vols.) 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. The County, for the years 1809-10; containing the Public and Private Annals of the Englifh Provinces, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1810. Annual Retrofpeft of Public Affairs for 1 83 1. Vol. L i2mo. Bofton, 1831. Anquetil, M. a Summary of Univerfal Hiftory. 9 vols. 8vo. Tranflated from the French. Phil., 1805-09. L'Efprit de la Ligue ou Hiftoire Politique des Troubles de France pendant les XVL et XVIL Siecles. 3 vols. 1 2mo. Paris, 1808. Anson, George. Voyage Round the World in the years 1740-44. Compiled by Richard Walter. 8vo. Tenth edition. Lond., 1762. Answer to a Letter to the Freemen, etc. of the City of New York; wherein is fully shewn the True Caufes of the Defection of the Six Nations, etc. 8vo., pp. 18. N. Y., 1752. to the Reply to the fuppofed Treafury Pamphlet. 8vo., pp. 88. Lond., 1785. to an Ananymous Letter on Predeftination, Free Will, with a Poftfcript on Eternal Punifhments. 8vo., pp. 53. Lond., 1801. to the Vindicatory Addrefs and Appeal of Lieut. Weaver to the Public, from the Opinion of Chancellor Sandford in the Cafe of Weaver againft Whitney, Tibbits and Hoyt. 8vo. N. Y., 1824. Answers to the Critical Reviewers on an Eflay on the Medical Con- ftitution of Great Britain, etc. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1763. Antepara, J. M. South American Emancipation. Documents, Hif- torical and Explanatory, shewing the Defigns, etc. and the Exertions made by General Miranda for the South American Emancipation, during the laft twenty-five years. 8vo. Lond., 1810. Anthon, George C. Narrative and Documents connected with the Difplacement of the Profeflbr of the Greek Language and Lite- rature in the Univerfity of the City of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1851. Anthon, Henry. The True Churcliman warned againft the Errors of the Time; with Notes. 8vo. N. Y., 1843. A Statement of Facts in relation to the recent Ordination in St. Stephen's Church, New York. By Drs. Smith and Anthon. 8vo. N. Y., 1843. Sermon in St. Peter's Church, New York, September 19, 1830, Catalogue of Printed Books. 27 being the Sunday after the Deceafe of the Rt. Rev. Bifhop Hobart. 8vo. N. Y., 1830. Anthon, John. An Analytical Abridgement of the Commentaries of Sir William Blackftone on the Laws of England, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. [ ] A General Courfe of Preparatory Study for the Duties of the Bar. By a Counfellor-at Law. i2mo. N. Y., 1810. Oration before the Walhington Benevolent Society, and the Hamilton Society in the City of New York, July 4, 1812. 8vo. N. Y., 1812. Anticipation ; containing the fubftance of His Majefty's moft gracious Speech to both H s of P 1 1, on the Opening of the approaching Seffion ; with the Debates, etc. 8vo., pp. 74. Lond., 1778. Antidote (An) to the Miferies of Human Life, in the Hiftory of the Widow Placid and her daughter Rachel. 1 2mo. N, Y., 1 808. Anti-Gallican (The) ; or, the Lover of his own Country, etc. ; wherein French Influence and Falfe Patriotifin are fully and fairly \/^ difplayed. By a Citizen of N. E. 8vo. Phil., 1 797. Anti-Gallican Privateer. Letters relating to, and her lawful Prize the Penthievre, 8vo. Lond,, 1758. Anti-Jacobin. Poetry of the . . . [Title-page gone.] Anti-Masonic Republican Convention of Maflachufetts (Third), at Worcefter, September 5 and 6, 1832, etc. Proceedings, Refolu- tions, and Addrefs to the People. 8vo. Bofton, 1832. Antiquarian Repertory. A Mifcellany intended to Preferve and Illuftrate feveral valuable Remains of Old Times. Vols. I., IL 4to. Lond., 1775-9. Antiquaries. Regifter of the Council and Fellows of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 23d April, 1847. 4to., pp. 22. Antiquitates Americanae. Sive Scriptores Septentrionales Rerum Ante-Columbianarum in America. Royal 4to. Hafnias, 1837. Anti-Slavery Examiner. Vol. I., Nos. 2, 9. t 8vo. N. Y. Magazine. Quarterly Vols. I., IL 8vo. N. Y. Record, for years 1835-6-7. 3 vols. i2mo. N. Y., 1835-7. Society (American). Conftitution of, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1838. Society (Bofton Female). Report of, with a Concife Statement of Events, previous and fubfequent to the Annual Meeting of 1835. i2mo. Bofton, 1836. Society (Americaft). Firft Annual Report of the. N. Y., 1834. [Antoine, Paul Gabriel.] Inftruftions fpirituelles en Forme de Dialogues fur les Divers Etats D'Oraifon fuivant la Doftrine de M. Boffuet evefque de Meaux. 8vo. Perpignan, 1741. Antwerp. The Emperor's Claims; being a Defcription of the City of and the River Schelde; with a Concife Hiftory of the Auftnan Netherlands, etc. Map. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 49. Lond., 1785 Anville, J. B. B. D'. Compendium of Ancient Geography. From the French. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18 10. 28 New-York Historical Society. Apes, William. Eulogy on King Philip, as pronounced at the Odeon, in Federal Street, Boflon. i2mo. Bofton, 1836. Apollo Aflbciation. See American Art-Union. Apology (An) for the United States of America. Liverpool, 1829. Apothegmas. Libro de. ^SS^- Appeal to the Juftice and Interefts of the People of Great Britain, in the prefent Difputes with America. By an Old Member of Par-' liament. 8vo. Lond., 1774. (A Second) to the Juftice and Interefts of the People, on the Meafures reJpecting America. By the Author of the Firft. 8vo. Lond., 1775. to the Impartial Public, by the Society of Chriftian Independents congregating in Glocefter. 8vo., pp. 39.- Bofton, 1785. to the People of England, occafioned by the late Declaration of the French Direftdry. 8vo., pp. 74. Lond., 1798^ to the Head and Heart of every Man and Woman in Great Britain, refpecting the threatened French Invafion. 8vo., pp. 61. Third edition. Lond., 1798. to the Good Senfe of the Democrats, and the PubHc Spirit of the Federalifts. By a Citizen of Maflachufetts. 8vo. Bofton, 18 14. (^") from the Condemnatory Sentence of Many to the Tefti- mony of Jefus Chrift and his Apoftles. 8vo. Hartford, 1 81 5. Appendix, in Anfwer to a late Letter, entitled, " Divine Glory brought to View in the Final Salvation of all Men." 8vo., pp. 8. Appian of Alexandria. Hiftory of. Made Englilh by J. D. Second edition. Folio. London, 1690. Appleton, Jesse. Sermon at the Dedication of the New Houfe of Worfliip, Hampton, November 14, 1797. 8vo. Newburyport, 1797. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Reuben Nafon, Freeport, February 7, 18 10. 8vo., pp. 19. Portland, March, 18 10. Sermon at Augufta, Oftober 16, 181 1, at the Ordination of the Rev. Benjami* Tappan. 8vo., pp. 23. Augufta, 181 1. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 25, 1 814. 8vo. Bofton. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. J. Armftrong Neal, Greenland. — May 22, 1805. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1805. Appleton, Natp^an. Remarks on Currency and Banking. Bofton, 1 841. Remarks upon Mr. Appleton's Remarks on Currency and Bank- ing. By a Difinterefted Witnefs. 8vo., *pp. 64. Bofton, 1841. Memoir of the Hon. Abbott Lawrence. Prepared for the Maflachufetts Hiftorical Society. 8vo., pp. 21. Bofton, 1856. Appleton, Nathaniel. Sermon, March 27, 1737, on the Death of Benjamin Wadfworth, Prefident of Harvard College. 8vo. Bofton, 1737. Mafllichufetts Election Sermon, May 26, 1742. 8vo. Bofton. Thankfgiving Sermon, on the Total Repeal of the Stamp Act, Cambridge, May 20, 1766. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1766. Catalogue of Printed Books. 29 Appleton, Nathaniel. Two Funeral Difcourfes, delivered June 11, 1769 (Edward Holyoke). 8vo. Bofton, 1769. Two Faft Difcourfes, delivered at Cambridge, April 5, 1770. 8vo. Bofton, 1770. Funeral Sermon, delivered in Bofton, April 14, 1757 (Spencer Phips). 8vo. Bofton, 1757. Funeral Difcourfe, delivered February 24, 1760 (Henry Flint). 8vo. Bofton, 1760. Funeral Difcourfe (Edward Wigglefworth). 8vo. Bofton, 1765. Appleton, Samuel. The Will of Samuel Appleton; with Remarks, by One of the Executors. 8vo. Bofton, 1853. Appleton Memorial. See Jewett. Apthorp, East. Confiderations on the Inftitution and Conduft of the Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts. 8vo. Bofton, 1763. [Arbuckle, James.] Colltftion of Letters and Eflays on feveral fub- jefts, lately publifhed in the Dublin Journal. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1729. Arbuthnot and Ambrister. Report of the Committee on Military Affairs, January 12, 18 19, on the Seminole War, and the Trial and Execution of Arbuthnot and Ambrifter. [15 th Cong., 2d Seflion. Report No. 82.] Views of the Minority, etc. [15th Cong., 2d Seffion. Report No. 86.] Arcana Aulica ; or, Walfmgham's Manual of Prudential Maxims for the Statefman and Courtier : with Fragmenta Regalia, or Obfer- vations on Queen Elizabeth, her Times, and Favourites. By Sir Robert Naunton. 1 2mo. Lond., 1 694. Arcana Imperii Detecta ; or. Divers Seleft Cafes in Government, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1 70 1. Arch^ologia Americana. See American Antiquarian Society. Archdale, John. A New Defcription of that Fertile and Healthy Province of Carolina ; with a Brief Account of its Difcovery and Settling, etc. 8vo. (Reprinted from the edition of 1707.) Charlefton, 1822. Archenholtz, W. de. a Pifture of England ; containing a defcription of the Laws, Cuftoms, and Manners of England, etc. 1 2mo. Lond., 1797. Archimedis, Opera quae extant. Novis Demonftrationibus commentariis- que illuftrata, per Davidem Rivaltum a Flurantia, etc. Folio. Parifiis, 161 5. Arfwedson, Charles David. De Colonia Nova Svecia in Americam Borealem dedufta hiftoriola. Map. 4to. Upfaliae, 1825. Archer, William S. Speech on the Queftion of the Removal of the Depofites, delivered in the Houfe of Reprefentatives, January 29, 1834. 8vo. Wafhington, 1834. Argensola, Barth. Leonardo de. The Difcovery and Conqueft of 30 New-York Historical Society. the Molucco and Philippine Iflands. 4to. [See Stevens' Col- leftion of Voyages.] Lend., 1708-9. Arguments, proving the Inconfiftency and Impolicy of Granting to Foreigners the Right of Voting. Abftracted from a Pamphlet pub- lifliedin 1810; revifed by the Author. Phil., 1844. Ariosto, Ludovico. L'Orlando Furiofo . . . Rime e Satire, con Annotazioni. 5 vols. 8vo. Firenze, 1821-22. Aristides. See William P. Van Nefs. Aristocracy. An Epic Poem. 8vo., pp. 16. Phil., 1795. Aristotle. Art of Poetry, tranflated from the original Greek, with Dacier's Notes. Tranflated from the French. 8vo. Lond., 1705. DifTertation upon Rhetoric. Tranflated from the Greek by Daniel M. Crimmin. 8vo. Lond., 181 1. The Poetic of, tranflated from the Greek, with Notes, by Henry James Pye. i2mo. Lond., 1788. Ariftotelis operum, Stagiritae, philoTophorum omnium longe principis nova editio, Grsce et Latine. 2 vols. 8vo. ^S97' Arithmetic. The Young Student's Examiner ; being a concife Intro- duftion to, etc. By a Teacher. i2mo., pp. 27. N. Y., 1804. Arkansas. A Correfpondence relating to the Hypothecation of Five Hundred Bonds of the State of Arkanfas. 8vo. N. Y., 1842. Democratic Whig State Convention. Proceedings of, March, 1 840. 8vo. Armstrong, Edward. Addrefs delivered at Chefter, before the His- torical Society of Pennfylvania, on the 8th of December, 1851, in celebration of the 1 69th Anniverfaiy of Penn's Landing. 8vo. Phil., 1852. Armstrong, Jacob D. (Capt.) Life and Adventures. 8vo. N. Y., 1852. Armstrong, John. Notices of the War of 181 2. 2 vols. i2mo. N. Y., 1836-40. Armstrong, John. The Hiftory of the Ifland of Minorca. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1756. Armstrong, Kosciusko. Review of T. L. McKenney's Narrative of the Caufes which in 18 14 led to General Armftrong's Refignation of the War Office. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1 846. Examination of Thomas L. McKenney's Reply to the Review of his Narrative, etc. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1 847. Armstrong, R. A. A Gaelic Diftionary. In 2 parts. 410. Lond., 1825. Armstrong, Robert G. Memoirs of Hannah Hobbie, etc. 1 2mo. [American Trad Society.] N. Y. Armstrong, Sir Thomas. The Proceedings againft . . . upon an Outlawry for High Treafon ... as alfo, an Account of what pafled at his Execution at Tyburn, the 20th of June, 1684. Folio. Lond., 1684. Army. The laft News from the Kinges Majefl:ies, now at Maidenhead. 4to. Lond., 1642. Catalogue of Printed Books. 31 Army. Three Speeches againft continuing the, in the Houfe of Com- mons, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1718. Humble Addrefs to the Members of the Houfe of Commons, in behalf of the Subaltern Officers. 8vo., pp. 25. Lond., 1795. of the United States. Rules and Articles for the better Govern- ment of the Troops, etc. 8vo. N. Y., rep. 1775. Rules and Articles for the better Government of the Troops, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1776. Regulations. Rules and Articles for the better Government of His Majeity's Horfe and Foot Guards, etc., 24th March, 1777. 8vo. N. Y., rep. 1777. The Manual Exercife, as ordered by His Majefty, in 1764; together with Plans and Explanations of the method generally praftifed at Reviews and Field Days, etc. 4to., pp. 35. N. Y., 1780. Regulations, etc. i2mo. [Title gone. Autograph of General Lincoln.] A Lift of the Officers of the Army ferving in North America, under the Command of His Excellency General Sir Guy Carleton, K. B. ; with the Dates of their Commiffions, as they rank in each Corps and in the Army. For the year 1783. [Correfted to 4th June, per Appendix.] 8vo. N. Y., James Rivington, 1783. [This copy of Rivington's Royal Army Lift has MS. additions, giving the Uniforms of the different Corps, in the handwriting of John Remmey. See Gaine.] See United States. Arnaud, George. A Diflertation on Hernias, or Ruptures. In 2 parts. 8vo. Lond., 1748. Arnault, A. V. Germanicus : a Tragedy. Tranflated from the French, by George Bernel. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1817. Arnell, David R. Addrefs deUvered before the Medical Society of Orange County, 7th July, 1812. 8vo. N. Y. Arnold, Samuel Greene. Anniverfary Addrefs before the American Inftitute . . . Oftober 11, 1850. 8vo., pp. 21. N. Y., 1850. Difcourfc before the Rhode Ifland Hiftorical Society, delivered January 17, 1853, on the Spirit of Rhode Ifland Hiftory. 8vo. Providence, 1853. Arnot, Hugh. The Hiftory of Edinburgh. 4to. Lond., 1779. Arphaxad: a Chaldean Tale [Ruffian]. 3 vols. 8vo. Mofcow, 1793. Arretes de la Chambre des Comptes, et de la Cour des Aides des 1 7 & 18 Aout, 1787. Arrowsmith, John. Faft Sermon, before the Houfe of Commons, January 27, 1646—7. 4to. Lond., 1647. Artagnan. Memoires de Monfieur d*, etc., fous le Regne de Louis le Grand. l2mo. Cologne, 1701. Art (L') de verifier des Dates des Faits Hiftoriques, des Infcriptions, des Chroniques, et autres anciens Monuments, avant I'ere Chre- tienne. 35 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1818-29. 32 New- York Historical Society. Arteaga, Don Felix de. Obras Poftumas, Divinas y Humanas. 8vo. Alcala, 1650. Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union between the States of New Hampfhire, Maflachufctts, Rhode Ifland, Conncfticut, New York, New Jerfey, Pennfylvania ; the Counties of New Caftle, Kent, and Suflex, on the Delaware; Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. AsBRiDGE, George. Oration before the New York Typographical Society, July 4, 181 1. 8vo. N. Y., 18 11. Ash (St. George), Bilhop of Clogher. Sermon before the Incor- porated Society for Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts . . . etc., February 18, 17 14. 4to. [Abftract wanting, pp. 29-76.] Lond., 171 5. AsHBURNHAM (Sir William), Bilhop of Chichefter. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 15, 1760. 4to., pp. 88. Lond., 1760. Ashe, Thomas. Travels in America, performed in 1 806, for the pur- pofes of Exploring the Rivers Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio, and Miffiffippi, etc. 1 2mo. Rep. Newburyport, 1 808. A Commercial View and Geographical Sketch of the Brafils in South America, and of the Ifland of Madeira, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1812. Asher, G. M. Bibliographical and Hiftorical Eflay on the Dutch Books and Pamphlets relating to New-Netherland, and to the Dutch Weft India Company; as alfo on the Maps, Charts, etc. of New Netherland, accompanied by an Hiftorical Map of the Country. Compiled from the Dutch Public and Private Libraries, and chiefly from the CoUeftion of Mr. Frederick Muller, in Am- fterdam. Part I., pp. 1-40; Part II., pp. 41-80; Part III., pp. 81-120; and Additions and Corre6Uons . . . By Fred. Muller. pp. 4. Parts IV. and V., containing : 1 . A Lift of Maps and Charts of New Netherland, pp. 22, with a View of New-Am- fterdam; 2. Lift of Names occurring on 34 Maps of New- Netherland, pp. 24, with another View of New-Amfterdam ; 3. Map of New-Netherland — an accurate Fac-fimile of Nic. Vifl"cher's Map, large folio flieet, with a third View of New-Amfterdam. 4to., large paper. Amfterdam, 1854-55. [The Author announces that the Sixth Part will contain a Map ■ of New Netherland, compiled from 30 old Dutch Maps.] Ashland Text Book. Being a Compendium of Mr. Clay's Speeches on various Public Meafures, etc. Second edition. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1844. Ashley, Maurice. See Xenophon. AsHMUN, J. Memoir of the Life and Charafter of the Rev. Samuel Bacon, A. M., etc. 8vo. Wafliington, 1822. Ashton's Memorial. An Hiftory of the Strange Adventures and Sig- nal Deliverances of Mr. Philip Afliton, Jr., of Marblehead ; with a Short Account of Mr. Nicholas Merritt's Efcape from the Catalogue of Printed Books. 33 Pirates, etc., and God's ability to fave his People out of all their Dangers. A Sermon from Daniel iii. 17. [Imperfed;.] Asia. Diflertations and Mifcellaneous Pieces relating to the Hiftory and Antiquities, etc. of. By Sir W. Jones, and others. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1792. Asiatics Society. Refearches or Tranfaftions of the Society, inlHtuted in Bengal, for enquiring into the Hiftory and Antiquities, etc. of Afia. Vol. XIII. 4to. Calcutta, 1820. AspERNE, William Dent. Sermon on the Benefits of Choofmg a Heavenly Kingdom, in preference to an Earthly one. i6mo. Lond., 1 816. Aspinwall, Thomas. Catalogue of Books relating to America, in the Colleftion of Colonel Afpinwall, Conful of the United States of America at London. 8vo., pp. 66. [Paris, 1831.] AspLAND, John. The Annual Regifter of the Baptift Denomination in North America, to the ist of November, 1790, etc., 4to. AspLAND, Robert. Sermon at the Gravel Pit Meeting, Hackney, on the Death of Rev. Theophilus Lindfay, November 20, 1808. With a Memoir. 8vo., pp. 49. Lond., 1808. A Vindication of Religious Liberty. Sermon at Bridport, June 17, 1812, before the Weftern Unitarian Society. i2mo., pp. 57. Hackney, 181 2. AssALiNi, P. Obfervations on the Difeafe called the Plague, on the Dyfentery, the Opthalmy of Egypt, and on Means of Prevention ; with fome Remarks on the Yellow Fever of Cadiz, and the De- fcription and Plan of an Hofpital for the reception of Patients affected with Epidemic and Contagious Difeafes. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1806. Association (The) of the Delegates of the Colonies at the Grand Con- grefs, held at Philadelphia, September i, 1774; verfified and adapted to Mufic, calculated for grave and gay difpolitions. With a Ihort Introdudion. By Bob Jingle, Poet-Laureate to the Colo- nies. 8vo., pp. 22. Printed in the year m.dcc.lxxiv. of the Delegates of the Colonies of North America in Congrefs. 4to., pp. 25. Assurance Office. The Charters of the Corporation of the Amicable ■ Society, for a perpetual. 8vo. Lond., 1786. Asthma. Praftical Advice to Invalids fubject to Afthma and Winter Cough. By a Senior Phyfician. Lond., 1823. . AsTLEY. See Voyages, etc. AsTOR, John Jacob. Statement and Expofition of the Title of, to the Lands purchafed by him from the furviving Children of Roger Morris and Mary his Wife. 8vo. N. Y. 1827. . AsTOR Library. Report on Incorporation, etc. [New York Affembly Doc, No. 10, 1 849.] Annual Reports of the Truftees to the Legis- lature of New York, from 1850; among Legiflative Documents. Alphabetical Index ... or Catalogue with Short Titles, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1851.. 3+ New-York Historical Society. AsTOR Library. Catalogue of Books . . . Oriental Linguiftics. 8vo. Aftor Library Autographic Prefs, N. Y., 1854. Atcheson, Nathaniel. American Encroachments on Britifh Rights ; or, Obfervations on the Importance of the Britifli North American Colonies, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1808. Atheneum (The); or. Spirit of the Enghfh Magazines. Vols. I., IIL 8vo. Bofton, 1 81 7-1 8. [Alfo, Nos. 6 and 8 of Vol. IV., December 15, 181 8, and January 15, 18 19.] A Magazine of Literary and Mifcellaneous Information. Con- dufted by J. Aikin, M. D. Vol. IV. 8vo. Lond., 1 808. [Alfo, Vol. v., excepting No. for June, 1 809.] Athenian Society. The Young Student's Library ; containing Ex- trafts and Abridgements of the moft valuable Books printed in England and in the Foreign Journals, from the year '65 to this time. Folio. Lond., 1692. The Hiftoryof the Athenian Society, etc. Folio, pp. 36. Lond. Athens and Rome. A Difcourfe of the Contefts and Diflentions between the Nobles and Commons in ; with the Confequences they had upon both thofe States. i2mo., pp. 59. 1728. Atherton, Charles H. An Addrefs delivered at Concord, before the New Hampihire Hiftorical Society, at their Annual Meeting, June 8,1831. 8vo. Concord, 183 1. Atkins, John. A Voyage to Guinea, Brafil, and the Weft Indies, in His Majefty's Ships the Swallow and Weymouth. 8vo. Lond., 1735. Atkinson, Christopher. A Refutation of the Cafe of Chriftopher Atkinfon. 4to. Lond., 1785. Atkinson, William. The Church. An Explanation of the Meaning contained in the Bible ... 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1854. Attleborough (Mafs.) Conftitution of the Society for the Encourage- ment of Agriculture, Arts, and Social Intercourfe. 8vo., pp 15. See Wilder, John. Providence, [1805]. Atwater, Caleb, The Writings of [on Weftern Antiquities]. 8vo. Columbus (Ohio), 1833. Atwood, Thomas. The Hiftory of the Ifland of Dominica, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1 79 1.. AuBERTEuiL, HiLLiARD d'. Eflais Hiftoriqucs et Politiques fur les Anglo-Americains (et fur la Revolution de I'Amerique Septen- trionale). 8vo. 2 vols, in 4 parts. Maps and Plates. Bruxelles, 178 1-2. AucHMUTY, Samuel. Sermon before the Corporation for the Relief of Widows and Children of Clergymen, in the Communion of the Church of England in America, Oft. 2, 1770. With an account, etc. 8vo. pp. 40. N.Y., 1 77 1. Auctions. Facts, important to be known by the Manufafturers, Me- chanics, and all other Classes of the Community. 8vo. N. Y., 1831. Catalogue of Printed Books. 35 Auctions inconsistent with regular Trade, and injurious to the City. Addrefled to the People of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 181 7. Auction Sales. To the Hon. Henry Baldwin, Chairman of the Committee from whom a Bill has been reported to the Houfe of Reprefentatives, imposing a Duty on. 8vo. AuFRERE, Anthony. Travels through various Provinces of the King- dom of Naples in 1789. Translated from the German. 8vo. Lond., 1795. AuLD, J. B. A Poetical Effay on the Firft Good, and the Firft Fair, with Salutatory AddrefTes. (Columbia College.) 8vo. N. Y., 1835. Aurora. See Duane. Austin, James T. Life of Elbridge Gerry, with contemporary Letters ... 2 vols. 8vo. Bofton, 1828-29. Austin, Samuel. Sermon before the Maffachufetts Miffionary Society, May 24th, 1803. 8vo. pp. 32. Salem, 1803. Austin, Samuel. Difcourfes at the Dedication of the New Meet- ing Houfe, erected for the ufe of the Calvinift Church, Worcel^er. Maffachufetts,' Oct. 13, 1823. 8vo. Worcefter. Austin, William. Oration before the Charleftown Artillery Company, 17th June, 1 80 1. — Anniverfary of the Battle of Bunker Hill, 8vo. pp. 29. Charleftown, 1801. Letters from London. Written during the years 1802 and 1803. 8vo. Bofton, 1804. Austin Settlements. Tranflation of the Laws, Orders, and Contrafts, on Colonization, from January^ 1801, up to this time, in virtue of which Col. Stephen F. Austin has introduced, &c., foreign Emi- grants in Texas, with an Explanatory Introduction. 8vo. San Felipe de Austin, Texas, 1829. Australia, (Western). The Journal of the Agricultural and Horti- cultural Society, for 1842, vol. I. 8vo. Perth, 1843. Australian Aborigines. A Report on the Condition, Capabihties, and Profpefts of the, &c. 8vo. Melbourne, 1 846. Austrian Netherlands, A Journey through the, etc. By the author of the Journey through England and Scotland. 8vo. Lond., 1725. Author's (The) Printing and Publifhing Affiftant, including details re- specting the Mechanifm of Books. 8vo. N. Y., 1839. Avery, Ephraim K., Strictures on the Caie of, originally publifhed in the Republican Herald, Providence, R. I., with Correftions, Revi- fions, and Additions, by Aristides. 8vo. pp. 100. Providence, 1833. A Vindication of the Result of the Trial of Rev. Ephraim K. Avery, to which is prefixed his Statement With a Map. l2mo. pp. 74. Bofton, 1834. AvES. Cafe of the Slave Child Med, Arguments of Counsel, and Opinions of the Court in the cafe of Commonwealth vs. Aves. Bofton, 1836. 36 New-York Historical Society. Aydelott, B. p. Our Country's Evils, and Their Remedy. Cincinnati, 1843. Ayliffe, John. The Ancient and Prefent State of the Univerfuy of Oxford. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 17 14. Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani, or a Commentary by vi^ay of Supplement to the Canons and Conftitutions of the Church of England. Folio. Lond., 1726. Ayloffe, William. Gulielmus Pacificus : sive Oratio de pace felicis- simis Gulielmi III. Auspiciis Regnis Britannicis, etc. 4to. Cantab., 1697. AvRAULT, Charles. Habits of Mind, or Character. A Lefture de- livered before the Young Men's Aflbciation of Geneva, March 21, 1839. 8vo. pp. 36. Geneva, 1839. An Oration delivered at Geneva, July 4th, 1839. 8vo. Geneva, 1839. AzARA, Felix De. Voyages dans I'Amerique Meridionale, etc. avec une Notice par C. A. Walckenaer et Notes par G. Cuvier. 4 vols. 8vo. [Atlas in folio.] Paris, 1809. Azevedo. See Cunha. AzuNi, M. D. A. The Maritime Law of Europe. Tranflated from the French. By William Johnfon. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1 806. Babcock and Stanton. Cafes and Trials that have fubfifted between Mr. Adam Babcock, at New Haven, in Connecticut, and Phineas Stanton, Jr., of Stonington. 8vo. Norwich, 1776. Babbitt, James. On Widow Lucy Green, relidl of the late Captain Green, at Mountholly ; delivered in Leicefter, Vermont, on Feb- ruary 17, 1822. 8vo. Babie, F. et L. Beaumont. Galerie Militaire, ou Notices Hiftoriques fur les Generaux en Chef, etc., qui ont Commande les Armees Francais depuis le commencement de la Revolution, jufqu'a I'an XIU. Portraits. An XIII. Bache, Alexander D. Report of the Controllers of the Public Schools, on the Reorganization of the Central High School of Philadelpliia, 1839-40. 8vo. Bache, Richard. The Cafe of Alien Enemies confidered and decided, upon a Writ of Habeas Corpus allowed on the Petition of Charles Lochington, an alien enemy. By Honble. William Tilghman. 2 2d November, 1 81 3. 8vo. Phil., 181 3. Bachiller y Morales, A. Antiguedades Americanos. Noticias que tuvieron los Europas de la America antes del defcubrimiento de Chriftoval Colon, etc. 4to. Habana, 1845. Back (Captain). Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition to the North of the Great Filh River, and along the Shores of the Arctic Ocean, in the years 1833, '34, and '35. Map and plates. 8vo. Lond., 1836. Same. Rep. Phil., 1836. Catalogue of Printed Books. 37 Backus, Azel, Sermon at the Funeral of His Excellency Oliver Wolcott, Governor of Connecticut. 8vo. Litchfield [1797]. Connecticut Eleftion Sermon, delivered at Hartford, May 10, 1798. 8vo. Hartford, 1798. Connecticut Eleftion Sermon, May 10, 1798. 8vo. Rep. N. Y., 1798. Inaugural Difcourse, as Prefident of Hamilton College, December 3, 1 81 2. 8vo. Utica, 1812. Backus, Charles. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Vinfon Gould, Southampton, Auguft 26, 1801. 8vo. Northampton, 1801. Backus, Isaac Difcourfe fhowing the Nature and Neceffity of an Internal Call to preach the Everlafting Gofpel, etc.; with an Account of the Experiences, etc. of Nat. Sheppard. 8vo., pp. 115. Boflon, 1754. A Hiftory of New England ; with particular reference to the denomination of Chrillians called Baptifts. 2 vols. 8vo. Bofton, 1777-84. Backus, Simon. A Diflertation on the Right and Obligation of the Civil Magiftrate to take care of the Intereft of Religion, etc. 8vo. Middletown, 1804. Bacon, David. Trial of Henry B. Hagerman, Efq., on an Indiftment for an Affault and Battery, with Intent to Murder, committed on William Coleman, Efq., editor of New York Evening Port. 8vo., pp. 68. N. Y., 1 81 8. Bacon, E. Abftraft of a Journal of E. Bacon, Affiftant Agent of the United States to Africa. With an Appendix, containing intereft- ing accounts, etc. Second edition. Phil., 1822. Bacon, Ezekiel. Oration at Williamftown, 4th July, 1799. i2mo. Bennington. . Speech on the Judiciary, February 1 7, 1 807. 8vo. Bacon, Francis (Lord). The Hiftorie of the Raigne of King Henry the Seventh. Folio. Lond., 1622. Same. Folio. Lond., 1629. Sylva Sylvarum ; or, a Naturall Hiftorie. In Ten Centuries. Fifth edition. 4to. Lond., 1639. Refufcitatio ; or, bringing into Publick Light feveral Pieces of the Works, Civil, Hiftorical, Philofophical, and Theological, etc. Third edition. Folio. Lond., 1671. — Eflays, Moral, Economical, and Political. 1 6mo. Lond., 1 801 . Bacon,. John. Sermon, September 29, 1771, after his Inftallation and the Ordination of Rev. John Hunt. 8vo., pp. 35. Bofton, 1772. Bacon, Leonard. Thirteen Hiftorical Difcourfes, on the completion of Two Hundred Years from the beginning of the Firft Church in New Haven. With an Appendix. 8vo. New Haven, 1839. Difcourfe on the Early Conftitutional Hiftory of Conncfticut, delivered before the Connefticut Hiftorical Society, May 17, 1843. 8vo. Hartford, 1843. 38 New-York Historical Society. Bacon, Nathaniel. An Hirtorical Difcourfe of the Uniformity of the Government of England. 410. Lend., 1647. Baglivi, Georgii. Opera Omnia medico-practica et anatomica. Editio feptima. 4to. . Lugdini, 17 10. The Practice of Phyfique reduced to the ancient way of obfer- vations ; containing a juft Parallel between the Wifdom and Ex- perience of the Ancients, and the Hypothefes of Modern Phy- ficians. Second edition. i2mo. . Lond., 1723. Baoot, Lewis (Bifhop of Norwich). Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, Feb- ruary 19, 1790. 4to. Lond., 1790. Bailey, J. T. An Hiflorical Sketch of the City of Brooklyn, and the furrounding neighborhood, etc. 1 2mo. Brooklyn, 1 840. Bailey, Nathan. Univerfal Etymological Englifh Didlionary. 8vo. _ Lond., 1773. Bailey, Rufus William. Thanklgiving Sermon in Pittsfield, Mafla- chufetts, December 3, 1824. 8vo., pp. 20. Pittsfield, 1825. Sermon at Pittsfield, March 5, 1826, at the Funeral of Jofiah and George Guy Mofeley. 8vo., pp. 19. Pittsfield, 1826. Bailey, Winthrop. Sermon before the Third Congregation in Green- field. 8vo., pp. 8. Greenfield, 1825. Sermon in. Greenfield, Maflachufetts, Oftober 16, 1825; being the Sabbath following the Inftallation of the Author, etc. 8vo. Greenfield, 1825. Baillie, John. Two Sermons on the Divinity of Christ and the Rellorationofthe Jews. Third edition. 8vo., pp. 73. Lond., 1792. Baird, Robert. The Nobleft Freedom ; or, the Influence of Chris- tianity upon Civil Liberty. A Difcourfe, addrefled to the Alumni of Jefferfon College, Pennfylvania. 8vo, N. Y., 1848. 'Baker, Sir James. Admonition, Merry and Wife, to the famous Mr. Tr p, on his late Encomiums on the Bifhop of Bangor. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1 71 7. Baker, Sir Richard. Chronicles of the Kings of England, from the time of the Roman Government to the Death of King George I. [Title gone.] [Baker, Thomas.] Reflections upon Learning ; wherein is shewn the infufSciency thereof, in its feveral particulars. Third edition, 8vo. Lond., 1700. Baker, William. Peregrinations of the Mind, through the moft general and interefling fubjefts ufually agitated in life. Third edition. 8vo. Lond., 1813. Bakewell. On the Hufbandry of Three Celebrated Britifh Farmers, MefTrs, Bakewell, Arbuthnot, and Ducket. Lond., 18.11. Balance (The), and Columbian Repofitory. Vols. I.-IV., inclufive, 1802-5. 4to. Hudfon, N. Y. Balch, Thomas. Artillery Eleftion Sermon, Bofton, June 6, 1763. 8vo. Bofton, 1763. Catalogue of Printed Books. 39 Balch, William. Sermon, Oftober 4, 1732, at the Gathering of a Church in Rowley. 8vo., pp. 19. Bofton, 1735. Balch, William. A Vindication of fome Points of Doftrine, etc. ; being an Anfwer to the Remarks of the Rev. Mefficurs Wigglefworth and Chipman. In an Addrefs to thofe Gentlemen. 4to., pp. 92. Baldwin, Amos G. Difcourfe dehvered before the Oneida Bible Society, New Hartford, January 18, 181 5. i2mo., pp. 12. Utica, 1815. Baldwin, Charles N. The Literary Mifcellany ; or. Monthly Review, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 181 1. The Trial of, for Libel, for Publiftiing certain Charges of Fraud concerning Lotteries. N. Y., 181 8. Baldwin, Ebenezer. Thanklgmng Sermon, November 16, 1775, Danbury, Connedlicut. 8vo., pp. 42. N. Y., 1776. Baldwin, Elihu W. Confiderations for the American Patriot. A Sermon delivered on occafion of the Annual Thankfgiving, De- cember 12, 1827. 8vo. N. Y., 1828. Baldwin, George. Pohtical Recolleftions relative to Egypt, etc. ; with a Narrative of the ever-memorable Britifh Campaign, in the Spring of 1 80 1. 8vo. Lond., 1801. Baldwin, George R. Report, fhewing the Coft and Income of a Railroad, as furveyed from Toledo, Ohio, to Chicago, Illinois ; incorporated as the Buffalo and Miffiffippi Railroad. 8vo, Toledo, 1847. Baldwin, L. Thoughts on the Study of Political Economy, as con- nected with the Population, Induftry, and Paper Currency of the United States. 8vo. Cambridge, 1809. Baldwin, Thomas. Maflachufetts Eledlion Sermon, May 26, 1802. Third edition. 8vo., pp. 32. N. Y., 1802. Sermon before the General Court of Maflachufetts, on the day of the Interment of Lieut. Governor Samuel Phillips, ^va, pp. 21. Bofton, 1802. Sermon at the Inftallation of the Rev. Ehlha Williams, delivered at Beverly, June 15, 1803. 8vo. Bofton, 1803. Baldwin, Thomas. Sermon at Charleftown, September 26, 181 3, on the Death of Mrs. Abigail Collier. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1 81 3. Balfour, Walter. Everlafting Deftruction : a Difcourfe. To which is added, a Letter from Rev. Hofea Ballou to Rev. Dr. Beecher. 8vo. N. Y., 1829. Ballou, Hosea. Oration before the Grand Lodge of the State of New Hamplhire, 18 10. 4to., pp. 16. Portfmouth, 18 10. Sermon at the Dedication of the Firft Univerfalift Meeting Houfc in Roxbury, January 4, 1821. 8vo. Bofton, 1821. Ballston Springs. i2mo. N. Y., 1806. Ballads. A Pill to Purge Melancholy; or, a Colleftion of excellent New Ballads. iSmo. ' Lond., 171 5. BaLLantyne, James. Refutation of the Mif-ftatements and Calumnies 4© New-York Historical Society. contained in Mr. Lockhart's Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart., refpect- ing the Meflrs. Ballantyne. By the Truftees and Son of the late Mr. James Ballantyne. 8vo. Boftonj 1838. Baltimore. Ordinances of the Corporation of the City of; with the Act of Incorporation, etc. 8vo. Baltimore, 1801. Ordinances of the Corporation, pafled February Seffion, 1803. 8vo., pp. 147. Baltimore, 1803. Ordinances of the Corporation, pafled February Seffion, 1804. 8vo., pp. 189. 3. Baltimore, 1804. Ordinances of the Corporation, pafl'ed February Seffion, 1805. pp. 269. 3. Baltimore, 1805. Ordinances of the Corporation, pafl'ed February Seffion, 1 806. 8vo., pp. 307. 5. ' Baltimore, 1806. An A61 for founding a Medical College, in 1807. An Extradl and Authentic Narrative of the Events which took place in Baltimore, on the 27th and 28th of July laft [181 2] ; with Narrative of Mr. John Thompfon, etc. 1 2mo. 1 8 1 2. Interefting Papers, relative to the recent Riots at. 8vo. Phil., 1 81 2. - Repertory (The) of Papers on Literary and other Topics, etc. 8vo. Baltimore, 181 1. James McHenry's Direftory and Citizen's Regifler, for 1 807. i8mo. Baltimore, 1807. Mobs. Report of the Committee of Grievances and Courts of Juftice of the Houfe of Delegates of Maryland, etc. 8vo. Annapolis, 1813. Balzac [John Lewis Guez de]. Remaines; or, his Laft Letters, writ- ten to feverall Grand and Eminent Perfons in France, etc. Never before in Englifh. 8vo. Lond., 1653. Bancroft, Aaron. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 27, x8oi. 8vo. Bofton, 1 80 1. Importance of Education, illuftrated in an Oration delivered at the Opening of a New Building for the ufe of Leicefter Academy, 4th July, 1 806. 8vo. Worcefter, 1 806. Life of George Wafhington. 8vo. Worcefter, 1 807. Difcourfe at the Ordination of the Rev. Nathan Parker, Portfmouth, September 14, 1808. 8vo., pp. 31. Portfmouth, 1808. Bancroft, Edward. Remarks on the Review of the Controverfy between Great Britain and her Colonies, etc. 8vo. Rep. New London, 1771. Bancroft, George. Oration delivered on the 4th July, 1826, at Northampton, Maflachufetts. 8vo. Northampton, 1826. An Oration delivered before the Democracy of Springfield, and neighboring Towns, July 4, 1836. 8vo. Springfield, 1836. Same. Second edition, with Prefatory Remarks. 8vo. Springfield, 1836. Catalogue of Printed Books. 41 Bancroft, George. Oration delivered at the Commemoration, in Wafhington, of the Death of Andrew Jackfon, June 27, 1 84;. 8vo. Hiftory of the United States, from the Difcovery of the Amer- ican Continent. Vols. I., 1834; II., 1837; III., 1840; IV., 1852; v., 1854; VI., 1854. 8vo. Bofton, 1834-54. Hiilory of the American Revolution. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1852-54. The Neceffity, the Reality, and the Promife of the Progrefs of the Human Race : Oration delivered before the New-York His- torical Society, November 20, 1854. 8vo. N. Y., 1854. Literary and Hiftorical Mifcellanies. 8vo. N. Y., 1855. Bank. A Letter from a Country Gentleman at Bofton, to his Friends in the Country. 8vo., pp. 12. June 10, 1740. Bank of England. A Concife and Authentic Hiftory of the ; witlj Differtations upon Metals and Coins, Bank Notes, and Bills of Exchange. l2mo., pp. 64. Lond., 1797. Bank of North America. An Addrefs to the Aflembly of Penn- fylvania, on the AboHtion of the . . . i2mo., pp. 25. Phil., 1785. Confiderations on the . . . i2mo., pp. 35. Phil., 1785. Bank for Savings. Charter and Bye-Laws of the, in the City of New York. i2mo., pp. 12. N. Y., 1819. Report of the Truftees for the year 1826. 8vo., pp. 7. in the City of New York. Eleventh Report, for the year 1830, etc. 8vo., pp. 10. N. Y., 1 83 1. Fourteenth Report, for the year 1832. 8vo., pp. 8. Bank of the United States. An Exhibit of the Lofles fuftained at the Office of Difcount and Depofit, Baltimore, under the adminis- tration of James A. Buchanan, Prefident, and James W. McCulloh, Cafliier, etc. With a Report of the Confpiracy Cafes. 8vo. Baltimore, 1823. Bankers. The Cafe of the, and their Creditors, ftated and examined, etc. 4to. 1674. Banking. The Iniquity of; or Bank Notes proved to be an Injury to the Public, etc. 8vo., pp. 47. Second edition. Lond., 1797. A Hit at Banking. By Banquo. Richmond, 184 1. Bankruptcy. A Bill to eftablifli an uniform fyftem throughout the United States. Doc. H. R., 14 December, 1798. 8vo., pp. 32. A61 to eftablifh an uniform fyftem throughout the United States; enadled April 4, 1800. 8vo., pp. 33. Phil., 1800. Rules and Regulations in, adopted by the Circuit and Diftrict Courts of the United States for the Southern Diftrift of New York. N. Y., 1842. Bankrupt Act. An Alphabetical Lift of Applicants for the benefit of the, pafTed Auguft 19, 1 841, within the Southern Diftrict of New York. N. Y., 1843. Banks in the City of New York. An Appeal to the Public on the Conduft of the. By a Citizen. 8vo. N. Y., 181 5. 42 New-York Historical Society. Banks. What Banks are Conftitutional ? 8vo., pp. 1 8. [By R. H. Wilde ?] An Appeal to the Honorable the Members of the Senate and Houfc of AfTembly of the State of New York. By Civis. 8vo. N. Y., 1816. Banks, John. The only Correfl Account of the Life, Trial, and Confeffion of; executed July 11, for the Murder of his Wife. 8vo., pp. 21. N. Y., 1806. Banks, Sir Thomas C. Analytical Statement of Alexander, Earl of Stirling and Dovan, etc. Map. 8vo. Lond., 1832. Bannatyne, Richard. Journal of the Tranfactions in Scotland, during the Contell: between the Adherents of Queen Mary and thofe of her Son, 1570-71-72-73. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1806. Banneker, Benjamin. Copy of a Letter from, to the Secretary of State (Thomas JefFerfon) ; with his Anfwer. 410., pp. 15. Phil., 1792. Banvard, John. Defcription of Banvard's Panorama of the Miffiffippi River . . . 8vo. Bofton, 1847. Banvard, Joseph. Plymouth and the Pilgrims j or. Incidents of Ad- venture in the Hiflory of the Firfl: Settlers. i2mo. Bofton, 1 85 1. Baptism. Diflenters' and other Unauthorized Baptiirns null and void, etc. 8vo., pp. 68. • Lond., 171 3. Reafons for Renouncing Infant Baptifm.. In a Letter to a Friend. Georgetown, S. C, 1810. Baptists at Norwich. Relation of the Oppofition which fome met . . . in 1 761. 8vo., pp. 24. Vindication of a Printed Letter addrefled to the Calviniftic, of the Weftern Aflbciation, etc. 8vo., pp. 16. Trowbridge, 1789. Barbados. A Short Hiftory of Barbados, from its firft difcovery and fettlement, to the end of the year 1767. i6mo. Lond., 1768. Afls of Affembly pafled in the Ifland of Barbadoes, from 1648 to 1718. Folio. Part II., from 1717-18 to 1738. Folio. Lond., 1732-39. Barber, John W. Hiftory and Antiquities of New Haven (Conn.), from its earlieft fettlement to the prefent time; collefted and compiled from the moft authentic fources. Engravings. 1 2mo. New Haven, 1831. Connefticut Hiftorical Colledlions ; containing a general Col- leftion, etc., relating to the Hiftory and Antiquities of every Town in Connefticut. With geographical defcriptions. Illuftrated. 8vo. New Haven, [1838]. Hiftory of the Amiftad Captives; being a circumftantial Account of the Capture of the Spanifli Schooner Amiftad, by the Africans on board; their Voyage and Capture near Long Ifland, New York; with Biographical Sketches of each of the furviving Africans. Alfo, an Account of their Trials before the Diftrict and Circuit Courts of Connedicut. 8vo. New Haven, 1 840. Catalogue of Printed Books. 43 Barber, John W. The Hiftory and Antiquities of New England, New York, and New Jerfey, etc. Illurtratcd. 8vo. Worcefter, 1841. and Henry Howe. Hillorical Colleftions of the State of New York; containing a general Colleftion of the mofl interefting Fads, etc., relating to its Hiftory and Antiquities, etc. Engravings. 8vo. N. Y., 1 841. Barber, Joseph. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Thomas Reader, etc. With an Appendix, by Samuel Rooker, of Taunton. 8vo., pp. 42. Lond., 1794. Barber, Samuel. Remarks on a Pamphlet, entitled " The Prefent State of the Church of Ireland." By Richard, Lord Bifhop of Cloyne. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 45. Dublin, 1787. Barbour, P. P. Speech in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, February 10, 1820, on the Miflburi Queftion. i2mo. Barcia, D. Andres Gonzalez. Hiftoriadores Primitivos de las Indias occidentales que junto traduxo en Parte, y faco a luz, illuftrados con eruditas Notas, y copiofos Indices. 3 vols, folio. Madrid, 1749. Barclay, Henry. See Prayer. Barclay, James J. An Addrefs, delivered at the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Houfe of Refuge for Colored Juvenile Delinquents, July I, 1848. 8vo. Phih, 1848. Barclay, John. Argenis ; or, the Loves of Polyarchus and Argenis. Faithfully tranflated out of Latin into Englifh, by Kingfmill Long, Efq., etc. Engravings. 4to. Lond., 1636. Argenis. Editio noviffima, etc. 24mo. Lugd. Bat., 1630. Barclay, Robert. Addrefs to the Society of Friends in the United States. Baretti, Joseph. An Account of the Manners and Cuftoms of Italy; with Obfervations on the Miftakes of fome Travellers with regard to that Country. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1768. Bard, John. A Letter from, to the Author of Thoughts on the Dis- penfary, etc. N. Y., 179 1. Bard, Samuel. A Difcourfe on the Duties of a Phylician. N. Y., 1769. Bard, Samuel. An Enquiry into the Nature, Cause, and Cure of the Angina SufFocativa, or Sore Throat Diftemper, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1771. Bard, Samuel. A Guide for Young Shepherds; or. Facts and Ob- fervations on the Chara6ler and Value of Merino Sheep. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1811. A Difcourfe on Medical Education. 1819. Bard, William. Statements in relation to the New York Life Infur- ance and Truft Company. N. Y., 1 844. Barere. Convention Nationale. Rapport fur la Marine de la Rcpub- lique, dans la Mediterranee ; 14th Nivofe, An 2. 8vo. Paris. Baring, Alexander. An Inquiry into the Caufes and Confcquences of the Orders in Council; and an Examination of the CondudT: 44 New-York Historical Society. of Great Britain towards the Neutral Commerce of America. 8vo. N. Y., 1808. Baring, Francis. The Principle of the Commutation Aft eftablifhed by Fafts. 8vo., pp. 62. Third edition. Lond., 1786. Barker, Edward John. Canadian Magazine. Vol. I., Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8vo. Kingfton, 1846. Barker, Jacob. The Speeches of Mr. Jacob Barker and his Couniel, on the Trials for Confpiracy, etc. _ N. Y., 1827. Letters developing the Confpiracy formed in 1826, for his ruin. 8vo. Barlaeus, Casparus. Rerum per oftennium in Brafilia et alibi nuper geftarum . . . Hiftoria. Folio. Amfterdam, 1647. [Barlow, Joel,] A Poem fpoken at the Public Commencement of Yale College, in New Haven, September 12, 178 1. 8vo., pp. 1 6. Hartford. Doftor Watts' Imitation of the Pfalms of David, correfted and enlarged. With a Colleftion of Hymns, etc. 8vo. Glafgow, 1786. Vifion of Columbus : a Poem, in 9 books. 8vo. Hartford, 1787. Oration before the Connefticut Society of the Cincinnati, July 4, 1787. 4to., pp. 20. Hartford. [ ] An Elegy on the late Hon. Titus Hofmer. 8vo. Hartford. A Letter to the National Convention of France, on the Defefts in the Conftitution of 1 79 1 . With The Confpiracy of Kings : a Poem. 8vo. N. Y. Advice to the Privileged Orders in the feveral States of Europe, refulting from the neceffity and propriety of a General Revolution in the Principle of Government. Part I. 8vo. Rep. N. Y., 1792. Advice to the Privileged Orders, etc.. Part. II. 8vo. Paris, 1793. " The Hafty Pudding ; " a Poem, in three cantos, written at Chambery, in Savoy, Jan. 1793. 8vo. pp. 1 5. Political writings. i2mo. N. Y., 1796. A Second Letter to his Fellow-Citizens of the United States, on certain Political Meafures propofed to their confideration. 8vo. N. Y., 1801. [ ] Profpectus of a National Inftitution, to be eftablifhed in the United States. 8vo. [MS. Notes by Dr. Samuel L. Mitchell.] Walhington, 1806. The Columbiad, a Poem. 2 vols. l2mo. Phila., 1809. Letter to Henry Gregoire, Bp., etc., in reply to his Letter on the Columbiad. 8vo. Walhington, 1809. Notice fur la vie et les Ecrits de. 1813. Barnard, Daniel D. Introductory addrefs before the Young Men's Aflbciation, Albany, Jan. 7, 1834. 8vo. Albany, 1834. Lefture on the Charafter and Services of James Madifon. 8vo. Albany, 1837. Catalogue of Printed Books. 45 Barnard, Daniel D. An Addrefs delivered at Amherft, before the LiterarySocietyofAmherfl: College, Aug. 27th, 1839. Albany, 1839. A Difcourfe on the Life, Services, and Charadler of Stephen \'an Renflelaer, delivered before the Albany Inftitute, April 15th, 1839. With an Hiftorical Sketch of the Colony and Manor of Renflelaer- wyck, in an appendix. 8vo. Albany, 1839. Difcourfe on the Life, Charadler, and Public Services of Ambrofe Spencer, late Chief- Juflice of the Supreme Court of New York, delivered by requeft, before the Bar of the City of Albany, Janu- ary 5, 1849. 8vo. Albany, 1849. Barnard, Edward. Faft Sermon, delivered in Haverhill and Bradford, April 12, 1764. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1764. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Gyles Merrill, Plaftow, March 6, 1765. 8vo., pp. 26. Bofton, 1765. Maffachufetts Eledlion Sermon, May 28, 1766. 8vo. Bofton, 1766. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Thomas Carey, New- buryport. May 11, 1768, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1768. Convention Sermon, Bofton, May 27, 1773. 8vo. Bofton, 1773. Barnard, Henry. A Difcourfe in Commemoration of the Rev. Thomas H. Gallaudet, LL. D. With Appendix. 8vo. Hartford, 1852. Barnard, John. Sermons on feveral fubjefts. 8vo., large paper. Lond., 1727. Maffachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 29, 1734. 8vo. Bofton. Janua Coeleftis ; or, the Myftery of the Gofpel in the Salvation of a Sinner. 8vo. Bofton, 1750. Dudleian Lefture, Harvard College, 23d June, 1756. With a Dedication to Lucy Dudley, relidl of Paul Dudley, founder of the Ledlure, and an Appendix, containing an Extraft from his Will. 8vo., pp. 57. New Verfton of the Pfalms of David. 8vo. Bofton, 1752. The True Divinity of Jefus Chrift : in a Difcourfe at the Public Lefture in Bofton, July 16, 1761. 8vo., pp. 38. Bofton, 1761. Barnard, John. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Timothy Walker, at Pennicook, Concord, N. H., November 18, 1730. 8vo., pp. 42. Bofton, 1 73 1. Maffachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 28, 1746. 8vo. Bofton, 1746. Barnard, J. G. (Major). The Ifthmus of Tehuantepec, etc. With maps accompanying. Barnard, Thomas. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Jofiah Bayley, Hampton Falls, Oftober 19, 1757. 8vo., pp. 35. Portfmouth, 1757. Artillery Eleftion Sermon, Bofton, June 5, 1758. 8vo. Bofton, 1758. • Sermon before the Society for Encouraging Induftry and Employ- ing the Poor, September 2c, 1758. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1758. 46 New-York Historical Society. Barnard, Thomas. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 25, 1763. 8vo. Bofton. Dudleian Lefture, Harvard College, May 1 1, 1768. 8vo., pp. 28. Bofton, 1768. Barnard, Thomas. Convention Sermon, Bofton, May 30, 1793. 8vo. Bofton, 1793 Difcourfe before the Humane Society of MafTachufetts, June 10, 1794. 4to., pp. 25. Bofton, 1794. Difcourfe on Natural Religion. — Dudleian Leflure, September 3, 1795. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1795. Thankfgiving Sermon, February 19, 1795. 8vo., pp. 25. Salem, 1795. Sermon, July 6, 1803, before the Salem Female Charitable Society. 8vo., pp. 22. Salem, 1803. Difcourfe before the Society for Propagating the Gofpel among the Indians, etc., November 6, 1806. 8vo., pp. 39. Charleftown, 1806. Barnes, David. Difcourfe on the Ordination of the Rev. Jotham Waterman, Barnftable, September 30, 1801. 8vo. Bofton, 1802. Barnes, Isaac O. An Addrefs delivered at Bedford, N. H., on the One Hundredth Anniverfary of the Incorporation of the Town, May 19, 1850. 8vo., pp. 45. Bofton, 1850. Barney, Mary. A Biographical Memoir of the late Commodore Jofliua Barney; from Autographical Notes and Journals, in pos- feflion of his Family, and other authentic fources. 8vo. Bofton, 1832. Barnstable Co. (Ms.) The Declaration of Minifters in, relating to the late praftice of Itinerant Preaching. 8vo., pp. 8. Bofton, 1745. Barnum, H. L. " The Spy Unmaflced ;" or. Memoirs of Enoch Croftjy, alias Harvey Birch, the Hero of Mr. Cooper's Tale of " The Neutral Ground," etc. With engravings, 8vo. N. Y., 1828. [Baron, — ] Hiftory of the Colonization of the Free States of Anti- quity ; apphed to the prefent Conteft between Great Britain and her American Colonies, etc. 4to. Lond., 1777. Barrett, William. Difcourfe at the Old Meeting Houfe, Kidder- minftcr, September, 1796. 8vo., pp. 37. Kidderminfter. Barrett, Solomon. The Principles of Grammar; being a complete Treatife on the Languages, Englifh, Latin, and Greek, etc. 8vo. Albany, 1848. Barrington, Daines. Mifcellanies, with Maps and Tables. 4to. Lond., 1 78 1. The Pofllbility of Approaching the North Pole aflerted. With an Appendix, etc. By Colonel Beaufoy. 8vo. Map. N. Y., 1 81 8. Barrington, George. The Hiftory of New South Wales, including Botany Bay, Port Jackfon, Paramatta, Sydney, and all its depend- Catalogue of Printed Books. 47 encics, from the original difcovery of the Ifland ; with the Cuftoms and Manners of the Natives, and an Account of the EngUfii Colony, from its foundation to the prefent time. 8vo. London, 1802. Harrington, George. A Voyage to New South Wales ; comprifing an interefting Narrative of the Tranfaftions and Behaviour of the fl Convifts, etc.. Life and Trial of 8vo. N. Y. Barron, William. Leftures on Belles Lettres and Logic. 2 vols. 8vo, Lond., 1806. Barron, Isaac. Euclide's Elements. The whole fifteen books, com- pendioufly demonftrated, etc. Lond., 17 14. Barrow, Sir John, Bart. The Life of Richard, Earl Howe, K. G., Admiral of the Fleet and General of Marines. 8vo. , ■ j'^^s . J;^*, Lond., 1838. [Barry, Henry,] Anfwer to Striftures on the Friendly Addrefs -.f //yj(>^ Cef*J*^ 8vo. ' Bofton, 1774.^ Barry, John A. Review of, and Stridlures on the Opinion of his Honor the Chancellor of the State of New York, delivered 26th Auguft, 1839, in the Cafe of the People, ex relatione John A. , Barry, vs. Thomas R. Mercein. 8vo. N. Y., 1839. Barstow, George. The Hillory of New Hampfhire, from its difcovery in 16 1 4, to the paflage of the Toleration Aft, in 18 19. 8vo. Concord, 1842. Barthelemy, p. Letter to the Right Rev. Benjamin T. Onderdonk, D. D., in Reply to his Congratulations to the Rev. Antoine Verren, tried and acquitted for the crime of Perjury. N. Y., 1842. Barthelemy, P. Paulin de St. Voyage aux Indes Orientales. Tra- duit de I'ltalien, par M . • . avec les obfervations de MM. Anquetil du Perron, J. R. Forfter et Silveftre de Lacy, etc. 3 vols. 8vo. Atlas 4to. Paris, 1808. A Voyage to the Eaft Indies, etc. With Notes and Illuftrations, by John Reinhold Forfter, LL. D., etc. 8vo. Lond., 1 800. Bartholemew, Andrew. Sermon before the Aflbciation of Litchfield County, Gofhen, Oftober 2, 1766. 8vo., pp. 32. Hartford, 1767. Bartlett, John. Difcourfe on the fubjeft of Animation, delivered before the Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Maflachufetts, June II, 1792. 4to., pp. 40. Bofton. God not the Author of Sin. — Difcourfe at Marblehead, June 20, 1 819. 8vo., pp. 26. Salem, 1819. Bartlett, John Russell. The Progrefs of Ethnology : an Account of the recQnt Archaeological, Philological, and Geographical Refearches, etc. 8vo., pp. 151. N. Y., 1847. ^ Diftionary of Americanifms. A Gloflary of Words and Phrafes ufually regarded as peculiar to the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1848. Bartlett, Josiah. Oration occafioned by the Death of John Warren, M. D., etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1 815. 48 New-York Historical Society. Bartlett, JosiAH. A DilTertation on the Progrefs of Medical Science. 8vo. Bollon, 1 810. Bartlett, Richard. Remarks and Documents relating to the Pre- fervation and Keeping of the Public Archives. 8vo. Concord, N. H., 1837. 'Barton, Benj. Smith. Memoir concerning the Fafcinating Faculty which has been afcribed to the Rattlefnake, and other American Serpents. 8vo. Phil., 1796. New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America. 8vo. Phil., 1797. Fragments of the Natural Hiftory of Pennfylvania. Part I. 4to. Phil., 1799. The Philadelphia Medical and Phyfical Journal, edited by. 3 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1804. Some Account of the Siren Lacertina, and other fpecies of the fame genus of Amphibious Animals. In a Letter from Profeflbr Barton, of Philadelphia, to Mr. JohnGottlob Schneider, of Saxony. 8vo. Phil., 1 82 1. Barton, Cyrus. Defence of, againft the Attacks of Honorable Ifaac Hill, upon the eftablifhment of the N. H. Patriot and State Gazette, September 7, 1840. 8vo. Barton, James L. Addrefs on the Early Reminifcences of Weflern New York, and the Lake Region of Country, dehvered before the Young Men's Aflbciation of Buffalo, 1 6th February, 1 848. 8vo. Buffalo, 1848. Barton, Titus Theo. Sermon at the Funeral of Thomas Thurflon, Jr., of Fitchburg. 8vo. Leominfter, 1 806. Fall Sermon, preached at Fitchburg, July 23, 181 2. 8vo., pp. 24. Leominfter, Mafs., 181 2. Barton, William. Campagna Miraviglia ; or, an Exa6l Journal of the Imperial Army's advance into and Incampments in Italy, under the command of Prince Eugene of Savoy, etc. [Tranflated from the Italian.] 4to. Lond., 1702. Barton, William. A Diffcrtation on the Freedom of Navigation and Maritime Commerce, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1 802. Memoirs of the Life of David Rittenhoufe ; with various Notices of many Diftinguifhed Men, etc. 8vo.* Phil., 181 3. Bartram, John. An Account of Florida Eaft ; with a Journal kept by, of Philadelphia, Botanifl: to his Majefty for the Floridas, upon a Journey from St. Auguftine up the River St. John's. 8vo. Lond., 1766. Bartram, John. A Catalogue of Trees, Shrubs, and Herbaceous Plants indigenous to the United States of America, cultivated and difpofed of by John Bartram & Son, at their Botanical Garden, Kingfefs, near Philadelphia. To which is added, a Catalogue of Foreign Plants, collefted from various parts of the Globe. Phil., 1 807. Bartram, William. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, Eaft and Weft Florida, etc. Plates. 8vo. Phil,, 1791. Catalogue of Printed Books. 49 Bascom, Jonathan. Oration on the Death of General Wafliington, Orleans, Z2d February, 1800. 8vo., pp. 15. Bofton, 1800. Basnage, J. DE Franquener. Annales dcs Provinces-Unies. 2 vols, folio. A La Haye, 1719-26. Bass, Edward. Sermon before the Merrimac Humane Society, Sep- tember 6, 1803. 8vo., pp. 23. Newburyport, 1803. Bassett, Francis. Oration delivered at Bofton, July 5, 1824. 8vo. Bofton. Bassompierre, Francois de. Memoires de Marefchal contenant L'His- toire de fa Vie, etc., 1 598-1 631. Tom. 3, i2mo. Cologne, 1665. Bates, Barnabas. Proceedings of the Friends of Liberal Chriftianity in the City of New York, July 4, 1829; with an Addrefs delivered on the occafion, by. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1829. Bates, Isaac C. Speech on the Tariff Bill, in the Houfe of Reprefen- tatives of the United States, March 26, 1828. 8vo. Waftiington, 1828. An Oration pronounced before the Waftiington Benevolent Society of the County of Hampftiire, on their Firft Annivcrfary, 1 81 2. Northampton, 181 2. Bates, James. Two Sermons, at St. Paul's, Deptford, Kent, on June 24, 1745, ^^'^ June 30, 1746, before a felcft number of gentlemen, who ftilc themfelves the Order of Ubiquarians. 4to. Lond., 1746. Bates, Joshua. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. James Thomp- fon, delivered in Barre, January 11, 1807. 8vo. Worcefter, 1807. Sermon delivered before the Society for Propagating the Gofpel among the Indians and others in North America, November 4, 181 3. Svo. pp. 44. Bofton, 1 81 3. Batey, John. Thoughts on the Immortality and Future Condition of Man ; defigned for all who deny a future ftate, but more efpecially as a Reply to Rev. George Storrs' enquiry — "Are the Souls of the Wicked Immortal?" 8vo. Albany, 1843. Bathurst, Henry (Biftiop of Norwich). Sermon before the Incor- porated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 16, 1810. 8vo., pp. 76. Lond., 1810. Battle of the Thames (The), Oftober 5, 1813 ; from an unpublifhed Poem, entitled Tecumfeh. By a Young American. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1840. Baxter, Joseph. MafTachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 31, 1727. 8vo. Bofton. Baxter, Richard. The Saints' Everlafting Reft, abridged by Benjamin Fawcett, A. M. i8mo. Dying Thoughts of, abridged by Benjamin Fawcett, A. M. l8mo. Life of, compiled from his own Writings. i8mo. Alfo, an Introdudlion to. [Amer. Trad Society.] N. Y. 5© New-York Historical Society. Baxter, Richard. A Call to the Unconverted to Turn and Live. 1 8mo. [Amer. Tradt Society.] N. Y. Baxter, Richard, The Reformed Paftor : a Difcourfe on the Palloral Office, etc. Abridged, and reduced to a new method, by Samuel Palmer. i2mo. Cincinnati, 1811. Bay, Christian Frederick. Fuldftoendigt Danfk og Engelfk Haand- Lexicon. 2 vols. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1820-24. Bayard, Ferdinand M. Voyage dans I'Interieur des Etats-Unis a Bath, Winchefter, dan la vallee de Shenandoah, etc., pendant I'Ete de 1791. Second edition. 8vo. Paris, An. Vie. (1798). Bayard, James A. Speech on the Judiciary Bill, February 19, 20, 1802. 8vo. Hartford, 1802. Speech on the Foreign Intercourfe Bill, March 3, 1798. Bayard, Lewis P. An Addrefs delivered before the Newark Female Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, at the adoption of their Conftitution, May 23, 1816. 8vo., pp. 24. Newark, 1816. Sermon in Trinity Church, Newark, January 26, 1817, at the Inftitution of a Church Miffionary Society. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1817. Bayard, Samuel. Funeral Oration, occalioned by the Death of Gen. Walhington, New Rochelle, January i, 1800. 8vo., pp. 24. N. Brunfwick, 1800. Addrefs to the well-difpofed, reflecEling, and unprejudiced Free- holders of Weft Chefter County, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1801. Addrefs before the Wafhington Benevolent Societies of Princeton and Cranbury, 22d February, 181 3. 8vo., pp. 22. New Brunfwick, 181 3. Bayard, Samuel. A Catechifm for Youth; containing a brief but comprehenfive fummary of the Dodlrines and Duties of Chriftianity. i2mo. N. Y., 181 2. Bayle, Pierre. Oeuvres diverfes de ; contenant tout ce que cet auteur a public fur des materies de Theologic, de Philofophie, de Critique, de Hiftoire, et de Litterature ; excepte fon Diftionnaire hiftorique et critique. 5 vols, folio. 1727. The Diftionary, Hiftorical and Critical . . . Second edition. To which is prefixed, the Life of the x-luthor, revifed, corredled, and enlarged, by Mr. Des Maizeaux. 5 vols. foHo. Lond., 1734-38. Diftionnaire Hiftorique et Critique. Cinquieme edition, revue, corrigee, et augmentee, avec la vie de I'auteur, par Mr. Des Maizeaux. 4 vols. Amfterdam, 1 740. Bayley, Abner. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. John Page, Hawke in Kingfton, N. H., December 21, 1763. 4to. Portfmouth, 1764. Bayley, Richard. Cafes of the Angina Trachealis, with the mode of Cure: in a Letter to William Hunter, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1781. — A Letter to Dr. John Bard, in Anfwer to a part of his Letter, Catalogue of Printed Books. s» addrefled to the Author of Thoughts on the Difpenfary. N. Y., 1 79 1. Bayley, Richard. An Account of the Epidemic Fever which prevailed in the City of New York, during part of the Summer and Fall of 1795. 8vo. N. Y., 1796, Letters from the Health Office, fubmitted to the Common . Council of the City of New York. 8vo., pp. 100. * N. Y., 1798. Baylies, Francis. An Hiftorical Memoir of the Colony of New Ply- mouth. 2 vols. 8vo. Borton, 1830. Bayly, Benjamin. Two Sermons ... at the Affizes held at Glou- cefter. 8vo. Lond., 171 3. Beach, John. God's Sovereignty, and his Univerfal Love to the Souls of Men Reconciled — Reply to Jonathan Dickinfon's " Remarks," etc. 8vo., pp. 71. Bofton, 1747. — A Second Vindication of God's Sovereign Free Grace indeed, etc. With Preface, by Dr. Johnfon. i2mo., pp. 82. Bofton, 1748. A Calm and Difpaffionate Vindication of the Profeflbrs of the Church of England, againft Addrefs of Noah Hobart, etc. Preface by Dr. Johnfon. Appendix, containing Mr. Wetmore's and Mr. Caner's Vindication. 410. Bofton, 1749. Continuation of the Calm and Difpaffionate Vindication of the • Profeflbrs of the Church of England, againft Noah Hobart, in his Second Addrefs to the People of New England. 8vo., pp. 94. Bofton, 175 1. Funeral Sermon upon the Deceafe of the Rev. Dr. Samuel Johnfon, etc., who died January 6, 1772. 4to. Ncwhaven. Beadon, Richard, Biftiop of Gloucefter. Sermon before the Incorpo- rated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 19, 1796. 8vo., pp. 88. Lond., 1796. Bealey, Joseph. Funeral Difcourfe upon the Death of Thomas Barnes, D. D., July 22, 1 8 10. With an Addrefs. delivered at the Interment. 8vo., pp. 42. Manchefter. Bearcroft, Philip. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 15, 1744. 8vo., pp. 72. Lond., 1744. Beasley, Frederick. Sermon delivered at the requeft of the Ladies' Society, inftituted for the Relief of Diftrefled Women and Children, Albany, January 10, 1808. 8vo., pp. 31. Albany, 1808. Sermon before the Convention of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the State of New York, Oftober 4, 1808. 8vo., pp. 32. • N. Y., 1808. Beatson, Robert. A Political Index to the Hiftories of Great Britain and Ireland ; or, a complete Regifter of the Hereditary Honors, Public Offices, and Perfons in Office, from the earlieft periods to the prefent time. ,. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1786. Same. Secona edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1788. 52 New-York Historical Society. Beattie, James. Works ; with the Mifcellanies and Life of James Hay Beattie. Portrait. lo vols. i6mo. Phil., 1809. Beauchamp, M. Alphonse de. Hirtoire du Brefil depuis fa decouverte en 1500 jufqu' en 1 8 10, contenant I'origine de la Monarchic Portugaifj, etc. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 18 15. Beauclerk, Topham. Bibliotheca Beauclerkiana : a Catalogue of the large and valuable Library of the late Honorable Topham Beau- clerk, F. R. S., etc. To be fold April 9th, ct feq. 1781. Prices. Beaujour, Felix de. Sketch of the United States of North America, at the commencement of the Nineteenth Century, from 1800 to 1 8 10. Tranllated, with Notes, etc., by WiHiam Walton. 8vo. Lond., 1 8 14. Beaumont, Albanis. Travels through the Rhastian Alps, in the year 1786, from Italy to Germany, through Tyrol. With 10 large aqua- tinta engravings. Folio. Lond., 1792. Travels through the Maritime Alps, from Italy to Lyons, acrofs the Col de Tende, by the way of Nice, Provence, Languedoc, etc. ; with Topographical and Hiilorical Defcriptions. To which are added, fome Philofophical Obfcrvations on the various appear- ances in Mineralogy found in thofe Countries. Folio. [With colored plates.] Lond., 1795. Travels through the Lepontine Alps, from Lyons to Turin, by the way of Pays de Vaud, the Vallais, and acrofs the Monts Great St. Bernard, Simplon, and St. Gothard ; with Topographical and Hiftorical Defcriptions of the principal places which lie con- tiguous to the route ; including fome Philofophical Obfervations on the Natural Hiftory and Elevation of that part of the Alps. To which are added. Remarks on the Courfe of the Rhone, from its fource to the Mediterranean Sea. Folio. [Colored plates.] Lond., 1800. Beaumont, M., et M. de Tocqueville. Du Syfteme Penitentiaire aux Etats Unis, et de fon application en France, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1833. Beaupoil, M. le Marquis. Lettre de, a M. de Bergafle, fur I'Hiftoire de M. de Latude, et fur les Ordres Arbitraires. 8vo. pp. 54. Potfdam, 1787. Beauties of England and Wales ; or, DeHneations, Topographical, Hiftorical and Defcriptive, of each County. Engravings. 18 vols, in 25 parts, 8vo. Lond., 1 801-15. Beccaria, C. B. S. An Eflay on Crimes and Punifhments. Trans- lated from the Italian, with a Commentary (from the French), attributed to M. de Voltaire. i2mo. N. Y., 1809. Beck, John B. Introdudlory Difcourfe, dehvered before the Medico- Chirurgical Society of the Univerfity of the State of New York, 1 8 16. 8vo. An Hiftorical Sketch of the State of Medicine before the Revo- lution. 8vo. Albany, 1842. The EfFeds of Opium on the Infant Subje'dt. Catalogue of Printed Books. , -53 Begk, John B. Obfervations on Ergot, read before the Medical Society of the State of New York, February 3, 1841. 8vo. Albany, 1841. Beck, Lewis C. A Gazetteer of the States of Illinois and Miflburi, etc. Map and engravings. 8vo. Albany, 1823. Account of the Salt Springs at Salina, in Onondaga County. 8vo. N. Y., 1826. Beck, T. R. Annual Addrefs before the Society for the Promotion of Ufeful Arts, Albany, February 3, 181 3. 8vo. Albany, 1 81 3. Beckford, William. A Defcriptive Account of the Ifland of Jamaica, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1790. Beckley, Hosea. The Hiftory of Vermont ; with Defcriptions, Phys- ical and Topographical. 1 2mo. Brattleborough, 1 846. Beckmann, John. A Hiftory of Inventions and Difcoveries, tranllated from the German of, by William Johnfton. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1814. Beda (Venerabilis.) Ecclefiafticje Hiftoris Gentis Anglorum. Libri V. i2mo. Coloniae Agrippinae, 1601. Bedell, Gregory T. The Caufe of the Greeks. A Difcourfe delivered in Philadelphia, February 26, 1827, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1827. Bedell, Richard, and others, Refpondents, and Samuel Denton, and others. Appellants. In the Court for the Trial of Impeachments and the Correftion of Errors. Refpondent's Cafe. 8vo. [Ends imperfeftly with page 584.] N. Y., 181 8. Bedford, (N. Y.) Circular Letter from the Committee of the Society' for the Suppreffion of Vice in the Town of, etc. 8vo., pp. 8. Bedford, Gunning S. Introduftory Lefture before the Albany Medical College, delivered ift Oftober, 1839. 8vo. Albany, 1839. Bedford, [N. H.] Hiftory of, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1851. Bedinger, Daniel. A Letter from Daniel Bedinger, late Navy Agent at Norfolk, to Robert Smith, Efq., Secretary of the Navy. With an Appendix. Norfolk, 1 808. Beebe, vs. Bank N. Y. Cafe of Samuel Beebe and others, vs. the Pres- ident, Diredlors, and Co. of Bank of N. Y. In the Court for the Trial of Impeachments and Correftion of Errors, New York. Beecher, Lyman. Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Sereno Edwards Dwight, as Paftor of the Park Street Church, Bofton, September 3, 1817. 8vo. Andover, 181 8. Sermon containing a General Hiftory of the Town of Eaft Hampton, L. I., delivered January i, 1806. 4to., pp. 40. [MS. Notes by John L. Gardiner, Efq.] Sag Harbor, 1 806. The Government of God defirable : a Sermon at Newark, during the Seflion of the Synod of New York and New Jerfey, Oaober, 1808. 8vo., pp. 26. N. Y., 1809. The Remedy for Duelling : a Sermon delivered before the Pres- bytery of Long Ifland, at Aquebogue, April 16, 1806. 8vo., pp. 48. N. Y., 1809. [Beeckman, Daniel.] Propofals to Parliament to raife Funds to make good the Adulterated and Defaced Coin of this Kingdom, etc. 4to., pp. 1 6. 54 New-York Historical Society. Beede, Thomas. Mafonic Difcourfe, Portfmouth, June 24, 1806, before the Grand Lodge of the State of New Hampfhire. 4to., pp. 13. Portfmouth, 1806. Beeke, H. Obfervations on the Produce of the Income Tax, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1799. Beers, William P. Oration on the Death of General Wafhington, Albany, January 9, 1800. 4to., pp. 17. Albany. Belcher, Joseph. Ordination Sermon, at Briftol, N. E., Auguft 30, 1721, of Mr. Nathaniel Cotton. 8vo., pp. 38. Bofton, 1722. Copy of a Letter found in his Study, fince his Deceafe. 1 8mo., pp. 4. Bofton. Belden, E. Porter. New Vork, Paft, Prefent, and Future, etc. Second edition. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 849. Same. Second edition. i2mo. 1851. Belgium. A Travel through, the Frontiers of France, Liege, Luxem- burg, and along the Rhine, in 1 8 14. 8vo. Amfterdam, 181 5. Railroads in the Kingdom of, compared with thofe in the United States. Belknap, Jeremy. The Hiftory of New Hamplhire. 3 vols. 8vo. Phil., Bofton, 1784-92. New Hamplhire Eleftion Sermon, Portfmouth, June 2, 1785. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1785. Difcourfe intended to Commemorate the Difcovery of Amer- ica by Chriftopher Columbus, delivered before the Maflachufetts Hiftorical Society. With four diflertations, etc. 8vo., pp. 132. Bofton, 1792. American Biography, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Bofton, 1 794-8. Sermon delivered before the Convention of the Clergy of Mafla- chufetts, Bofton, May 26, 1796. 8vo., pp. 29. Bofton, 1796. -] A Plain and Earneft Addrefs, from a Minifter to a Parifliioner, \/ on the Negleft of the Public Worftiip, and Preaching of the Gofpel. i2mo. ' Salem. The Hiftory of New Hampftiire. By John Farmer. Vol. I. 8vo. Dover, 1831. Life of, the Hiftorian of New Hampftiire ; with Seleftions from his Correfpondence, and other Writings. CoUeAed and arranged by his Grand-daughter. i6mo. N. Y., 1847. Bell, Andrew. The Madras School ; or. Elements of Tuition, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1808. Bell, Benjamin. An Impartial Hiftory of the Trial of, for the pre- tended crime of Extortion, etc. i2mo., pp. 155. * Windfor, 1797. Bell, Luther V. An Addrefs before the Young Men's Entire Abfti- nence Aflbciation, Derry, N. H., July 4, 1832. Concord, N. H., 1832. Bell, William. Praftical Enquiry into the Authority, Nature, and Defign of the Lord's Supper. i2mo., pp. 35. Lond., 1790. Catalogue of Printed Books. 55 Bellamy, Joseph. The Half-way Covenant : a Dialogue. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1769. Belungham, John. Trial and Execution of, for the Murder of Mr. Perceval, Prime Minifter of Great Britain, 1 81 2. That there is but One Covenant, etc., by Rev. Mofes Mather, fhewn to be an Unfcriptural Doftrine. 8vo. [Imperfeft.] New Haven, 1769. The Inconfiftence of Renouncing the Half-way Covenant, and yet Retaining the Half-way Praftice : a Dialogue. 4to. New Haven. Vindication of the Plan on which the Churches in New England were originally formed, etc. 8vo,, pp. 1 86. New Haven. Eflay on the Nature and Glory of the Gofpel of Jefus Chrift, etc. i2mo. Worcefter (Mafs,), 1797. Works. 3 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1811-12. Bellows, Henry W. Difcourfe occafioned by the Death of William Ellery Channing, D. D., pronounced before the Unitarian Societies of New York and Brooklyn, Odober 13, 1842. N. Y., 1842. The Chriftian Merchant : a Difcourfe delivered in the Church of the Divine Unity, on the occafion of the Death of Jonathan Goodhue. 8vo. N. Y., 1 848. Beloe, William. See Herodotus. Belsham, Thomas. Difcourfe at Eflex Street Chapel, July 25, 181 3. — Firft Sunday after the " Aft to reheve perfons who impugn the doctrine of the Trinity" had received the Royal Aflent. 8vo., pp. 49. Lond., 1 81 3. Belsham, W. Hiftory of Great Britain, from the Revolution to the Acceffion of the Houfe of Hanover. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1798. Memoirs of the Kings of Great Britain, of the Houfe of Bruns- wick Lunenburg. 2 vols. 8vo. Second edition. Lond., 1796. Memoirs of the Reign of George IIL, to the Seffion of Parhament ending A. D. 1793. Third edition. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1796. Two Hiftorical Diflertations : I. On the Caufes of the Minifterial Seceffion, a. d. 1717; IL On the Treaty of Hanover, a. d. 1725. 8vo. Lond., 1798. Beman, Nath. S. S. Public Reformation : a Sermon, delivered May, 1817, at the Anniverfaries of the Traft Societies of Mount Zion and Wafhington. 8vo., pp. 24. The Gofpel adapted to the Wants of the World : Sermon preached in Providence, R. I., September 9, 1840. Bofton, 1840. Benedict, Erastus C. Difcourfe before the Literary Societies of the Univerfity of the City of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1851. American Admiralty : its Jurifdiftion and Practice. With Prac- tical Forms and Diredlions. 8vo. N. Y., 1850. Addrcfs at the Firft Anniverfary of the Free Academy . . . July 24, 1850. 8vo. N. Y., 1850. Religion in Public Schools : a Paper read before the American 56 New-York Historical Society. Aflbciation for the Advancement of Education ... at Pittfburgh, Pa., Auguft, 1853. 8vo. Newark, N. J., 1854. [Benedict, Erastus C.] New York and the City Travel : Omnibus and Railroad. What fhall be done ? 8vo. [N. Y., June, 185 1.] Benedict, Joel. Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. Levi Hart, D. D. 8vo., pp. 28. Norwich, 1809. Benevolent Chriftian Society, in the City of New York. An Account of the. 8vo., pp. 8. N. Y., 18 15. Benevolent Society in the City of New York. Conftitution of the. i2mo. N. Y., 1804. Benezet, Anthony. Hiftorical Account of Guinea, its Situation, Pro- duce ; with an Inquiry into the Rife and Progrefs of the Slave Trade, etc. i6mo. Lond., 1772. The Plainnefs and Innocent Simplicity of the Chriftian Religion, etc. i2mo., pp. 48. Phil., 1782. A Short Account of the People called Quakers ; their Rife, Reli- gious Principles, and Settlement in America. Second edition. 1 2 mo. Phil. Obfervations fur I'origine, les principes, et I'ctabUfement en Amer- ique, de la Societe de Quakers ou Trembleurs, etc. 8vo., pp. 36. Phil., 1780. Benger, E. See Montgomery. Beltran, F. Pedro. Arte de el idioma Maya reducido a fuccinftas reglas y femilexicon Yucateco. 410. Mexico, 1746. Bennett, Dr. His Conceffions to the Non-Jurors proved to be Deftrudlive of the Caufe he endeavors to Defend, etc. 8vo,, pp. 40. Lond., 1 717. Bennett, S. A New Explanation of the Ebbing and Flowing of the Sea, upon the principles of Gravitation. 8vo. N. Y., 18 16. [Benson, Egbert.] Cafes and Queries fubmittcd to every Citizen of the United States, etc. 8vo., pp. 24. N. Y., 1 809. Memoir read before the Hiftorical Society of the State of New York, 31ft December, 1816. 8vo. N. Y., 181 7. [This copy of the Firft Edition contains many original MS. Notes by the Author, which were printed in an Appendix to the Edition of 1825.] Memoir read before the Hiftorical Society of the State of New York, December 31, 18 16. Second edition, with Notes. l2mo. [Reprinted in N. Y. H. S. Coll. II.] Jamaica, 1825. Opinion of Mr. Juftice Benfon, on the Queftion, Whether a Foreign Condemnation is not conclufive againft the Aflured ? Albany, 1802. Benson, George. Sermon at Little St. Helen's, Auguft 2, 1742. 8vo., pp. 34. Lond., 1742. Benson, Joseph. Defence of the Methodifts, in Five Letters, addrefled to the Rev. Dr. Tatham, etc. i2mo,, pp. 59. Lond., 1793. A Scriptural Effay towards the Proof of an Immortal Spirit in Man, etc. 1 2mo., pp. iv., 68. Hull. Catalogue of Printed Books. 57 Bentham, Edward. De Vita et Moribus Johannis Burtoni. 8vo., pp. 34. Oxon., 1 77 1. Bentham, Jeremy. Papers relative to Codification and Public Inftruc- tion ; including Correfpondence with the Ruffian Emperor, and Authorities in the American United States. 8vo. Lond., 1817. Circular on Codification ; alfo, on Public Inftrudlion. Lond., 1 817. Bentley, Richard. See Wotton. Bentley, William. Sermon occafioned by the Death of Jonathan Gardner, Efq., Salem. 8vo., pp. 32. Salem, 1 79 1. Funeral Difcourfe, after the Death of Major General John Fifke, Salem. 8vo., pp. 37. Salem, 1797. A Charge before the Morning Star Lodge, in Worcefter, June 25, A. D. 1798. 8vo. Worcefter, A. D. 1798. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 27, 1807. 8vo. Bofton. Benyowsky, Mauritius Augustus, Count de. Memoirs and Travels of, etc., written by himfelf. Tranflated from the original MS. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1790. Berchtold, Count Leopold. An Eflay to direft and extend the Inquiries of Patriotic Travellers, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1789. Berean (The); or. Scripture Searcher. No. 11. l2mo., pp. 84. Boilon, 1802. Bergman, Sir Forbern. Eflay on the Ufefulnefs of Chemiftry, and its Application to the various occafions of life. Tranflated into EngHfli. 8vo., pp. 163. Lond., 1784. Berington, Joseph. An Examination of Events, termed Miraculous, as reported in Letters from Italy. 8vo., pp. 31. Oxford, 1796. Berkeley, George, Bifliop of Cloyne. Sermon before the Incor- porated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 18, 1731. 8vo. Lond., 1731. [ ] Mifcellany, containing feveral Tradls on various fubjefts. l2mo. Dublin, 1752. Berkeley, George Cranfield. Refutation of the Calumnies againft. By a Foe to Calumny. 8vo. N. Y., 1807. Berkenhout, John. A Volume of Letters from, to his Son at the Univerfity. 8vo. Cambridge (Eng.), 1790. Berkshire Co. Remonftrance and Petition to the Honble. the General Court of the Commonwealth of MaflTachufetts. 4to. Hudfon, 1787. The Jubilee, celebrated at Pittsfield, Mafl*achufetts, Auguft 22 and 23, 1844. 8vo. Albany, 1845. Bermudas. A Plaine Defcription of the Barmudas, now called Sommer Iflands, etc. 4to. Lond., 161 3. Afts of Afl'embly, made and enafted in the Bermuda, or Summer Iflands, from 1690 to 171 3-14. Folio. Lond., 17 19. Same, continued to 1736. Folio. Lond., 1737. Bernan, Hobart. a Brief Sketch of the Working Men's Party in the City of New York. 58 New-York Historical Society. Bernard, David. Light on Mafonry : a Colledlion of all the moft important Documents on Speculative Free Mafonry, etc. 1 2mo. Utica (N. Y.), 1829. Bernard, Gov. [Francis], General Thomas Gage and Com. Hood. Letters to the Miniftry from ; and alfo Memorials to the Lords of the Treafury, etc. 8vo., pp. 146. Rep. Lond., 1769. Letters from, etc., to the Earl of HilKborough. 4to., pp. 1 6. Seleft Letters on the Trade and Government of America ; and the Principles of Law and Polity applied to the American Colo- nies. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1774. Bernard, Richard. Terence, in Englifli. 410. Imp. [Lond., 1641.] Bernard, Richard, of Batcombe. Ifle of Man; or, the Legal Pro- ceedings in Manfhire, etc. 1 8mo. [Title-page wanting.] Berrian, James. Trial of, for Criminal Converfation with Catherine Blakney, wife of Jacob Blakney, July, 1 807. 8vo. [N. Y.] Berrian, William. An Hillorical Sketch of Trinity Church, New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1847. Berry, John. Sermon at Camberwell, Surry, December 7, 1800. 8vo., pp. 30. Lond., 1801. Berry, William. The Hiftory of the Ifland of Guernfey, part of the ancient Duchy of Normandy, etc. 4to. Lond., 1815. Berry, Philip. A Review of the Mexican War on Chriftian Princi- ples ; and an Eflay on Preventing War. 8vo. Col., 1 849. [Berthout, J. P. Van Berchem.] Itineraire de la Vallee de Cha- monix d'une Partie du Bas-Vallais et des Montagnes Avoifinantes. i2mo. Laufanne, 1790. Bertolotti, Davide. Tancredi Conte di Lecce. Tragedia. 8vo. Firenze, 1826. Besson, M. Manuel pour les Savans et les Curieux qui voyagent en Suifle. Tomes 2, 8vo. Berne, 1786. Bethune, George W. The Eloquence of the Pulpit; with Illuftrations from St. Paul : an Oration before the Porter Rhetorical Society of the Theological Seminary at Andover, Maffachufetts, 1 842. Andover, 1842. Beuzeville, Samuel. Sermon in the Parifli Church of St. Matthew, Bethnal Green, November 22, 1778. 8vo., pp. 31. Lond. Beveridge, William, Biftiop of St. Afaph. Sermon before the Incor- porated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 21, 1706-7. 4to., pp. 24. Lond., 1707. [Beverley, R.] The Hiftory of Virginia ; in Four Parts. By a Native and Inhabitant of the Place. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1722. BiBLiosoPHiA ; or. Book Wifdom : containing an Account of the Pride, Pleafure, and Privileges of Book Colledling. With the Twelve Labors of an Editor. i2mo. Lond., 1810. BiBLiOTHECA Americana ; or, a Chronological Catalogue of the moft curious and intercfting Books, Pamphlets, State Papers, etc., upon the fubjeft of North and South America, etc. 4to. Lond., 1789. Sec Alpinwall, Faribault, Kennett, Rich, Ternaux, Warden. Catalogue of Printed Books. 59 BiCHENO, J. The Signs of the Times, etc. 1 2mo., pp. 70. Albany. BiDAULT, M. See Moniteur. BiDDLE, James C. A Statement by; and by Wm. M. Meredith, of the Philadelphia Bar, — Philadelphia, June, 1822. BiDDLE, Nicholas. Addrefs before the Pennfylvania Agricultural Society, 15th January, 1822. Phih, 1822. Eulogium on Thomas JefFerfon, delivered before the American Philofophical Society, on the nth of April, 1827. 8vo. Phil., 1827. BiDDLE, Richard. A Memoir of Sebaftian Cabot ; with a Review of the Hiftory of Maritime Difcovery . . . 8vo. Phil., 1 831. BiDLAKE, John. Sermon, Auguft 26, 1798, before the Eaft Stonehoufe Foot Aflbciation. 8vo., pp. 38. Plymouth. BiET, Antoine. Voyage de la France Equinoxiale en I'Ifle de Cayenne entrepris par les Francais en I'annee m.dc.lii. 410. Paris, 1664. BiGELow, Jacob. Poem, on Profeffional Life, before the Phi Beta Kappa, Auguft 29, 1811. pp. 15. Bofton, 1811. BiGELOw, Lewis. Addrefs delivered before the Worcefter Agricultural Society, Oftober 12, 1820. Worcefter, 1821. BiGELow, Jonathan. Sermon, March I, 1825, at the Ordination of the Rev. Plumber Chafe and Rev. Solomon Adams, at Weft Falls, Machias. 8vo. Machias, 1825. BiGELow, John. Jamaica in 1850, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1851. BiGELow, Timothy. Oration before the Phi Beta Kappa, Cambridge, July 21, 1796. 8vo., pp. 15. Bofton, 1797. BiGLow, William. Hiftory of the Town of Natick, Maflachufetts, from the days of the Apoftolic Eliot, 1640, to the prefent time, 1830. 8vo. Bofton, 1830. Bible (The), tranflated according to the Hebrew and Greek, etc. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, etc. 4to. 1 606. [A very fine copy of the edition of the Genevan tranflation, known as the " Breeches Bible."] Bible. The Holy Bible; containing the Old and New Teftaments, tranflated out of the Original Tongues, and with the former tranflations diligently compared and revifed. 8vo. [Am. Bible Society.] N. Y., 1838. Bible, index to the. 1 8mo. Phil., 1 804. Bible. See Eliot. BiBLiA. l8mo. Amfterdam, 1664. BiBLiA Hebraica, etc. 2 vols. i2mo. Lipfiae, 1793. Bibliotheca Sacra ; or, Trafts and Eflays, on Topics connefted with Biblical Literature and Theology. Editor, Edward Robinfon, D. D. 8vo. N. Y., 1843. Bidwell, Marshall S. A Compilation of the Laws relating to Com- mon Schools, applicable to the City and County of New York. 8vo., pp. 56. N. Y., 1842. BiGGS, Lieut. William. The Military Hiftory of Europe, etc., from the Commencement of the War with Spain in 1739, to the Treaty 6o New- York Historical Society. of Aix-la-Chapclle, in 1 748, etc. Second edition. 8vo. Lend., 1756. BiGLAND, John. Letters on the Study and Ufe of Ancient and Modern Hillory. 8vo. Lond., 1806. Billings, John. Oration, 4th July, 1808, on board the Sloop " Wil- liam," off Portfmouth Harbor. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1808. BiLLiNGSLEV, Samuel. Scmion at St. Thomas, January i, 1759, for the Benefit of the Charity School in Gravel Lane, Southwark. 8vo., pp. 35. Lond., 1759. [Bingham, William.] Letter from an American Refidcnt in London to a Member of Parliament, on the Reltraining Proclamation, and Strictures on Sheffield's Pamphlet on the Commerce of the Amer- ican States ; with Mentor's Reply to Phqcion's Letter. 8vo., pp. 24. Phil., 1784. BiNNEY, Horace. See Girard Will Cafe. An Eulogy on the Life and Charafter of John Marfhall, Chief Jullice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Philadelphia, September 24, 1845. 8vo. Phil., 1835. Biographical Collcftions; or. Lives and Characters from the Works of Baxter and Bates, etc. 2 vols, in I, i2mo. Lond., 1766. Biography (Britifli) ; or, an Account of the Lives and Writings of Eminent Perfons in Great Britain and Ireland, from WicklifF to the prcfent time. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1773-8. Biographia Americana ; or, a Hiftorical and Critical Account of the Lives, Aftions and Writings of the moil Diilinguifhed Perfons in North America. By a Gentleman of Philadelphia. 8vo. N. Y., 1825 BiOGRAPHiE Univerfelle, Ancienne et Moderne, Partie Mythologiques et Supplement. Tomes L-LXXXIIL 8vo. Paris. 18 11-53 Birds. Difcourfe on the Emigration of Britifh Birds, etc. By a Natu- ralill. 8vo. Lond., 1795 Birch, Thomas. The Heads of Illurtrious Perfons of Great Britain, engraven by Mr. Houbraken; with their Lives and Characters Folio. Lond., 1752 Birch, John. An EfTay on the Medical Application of Eledricity. 1802 Birkbeck, Morris. Letters from Illinois ; illuftrated by a Map of the United States, by John Melifh. «i2mo. Phil., 181 8 Bishop, Abraham. Georgia Speculation Unveiled. In 2 numbers 8vo. Hartford, 1797 Connecticut Republicanifm : an Oration on the Extent and Power of Political Delufion, Newhaven, September, 1800. 8vo. Oration on the Extent and Power of Political Delufion, etc Second edition. 8vo. Newark, i8oo< Oration delivered in Wallingford, on the nth of March, 1801 before the Republicans of the State of Connecticut, at their Gene- ral Thanklgiving for the EleCtion of Thomas JefFerfon, etc. Svo New Haven, 1801 Catalogue of Printed Books. 6i Bishop, Abraham. Proofs of a Confpiracy againft Chriflianity and the Government of the United States, exhibited in fcveral Views of the Union of Church and State in New England. 8vo. Hartford, 1802. Oration in honor of the Eleftion of Prefident JefFcrfon, and the Peaceable Acquifition of Louifiana, delivered at the National Feflival in Hartford, May 11, 1804. 8vo. BissE, Philip, Bifhop of Hereford. Sermon before the Societj^ for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, 21 ft February, 1 71 7. 4to., pp. 43. Lond., 1718. B1SSELIU5, Joannes. Argonauticon Americanorum, five Hilloriae Peri- culorum Petri de Victoria ac Sociorum ejus. Libri XV. 1 2mo. Monachii, 1647. [BissETT, John.] Sermon on Regeneration and Grace. 8vo., pp. 30. Baltimore, 1788. Sermon delivered in St. Paul's Church, Baltimore, 19th June (Trinity Sunday), 1 791. With an Appendix. 8vo., pp. 22, 17. Phil., 1 79 1. BiZARDiERE, M. DE LA. An Hiftorical Account of the Divifions in Poland, from the Death of K. John Sobiefki to the Settlement of the prcfcnt King on the Throne. 8vo. Lond., 1700. BjORCK, Tobias Er. Diflcrtatio Gradualis, de Plantatione Ecclesiae Svecanac in America ... 14 Jun. An. mdccxxxi. 4to. Map. pp. 34. Upfaliac, [173 1.] Blackburn Academy. Eleventh Report of the Blackburn Independent Academy, for the Education of Young Men for the Chriftian Minillry. Blackb.urn, 1828. Black People. Narrative of the Proceedings of the, during the late Awful Calamity in Philadelphia, in 1793 [Yellow Fever], etc. - i2mo., pp. 28. Phil., 1794. Blacker, Valentine. Memoir of the Operations of the Britifli Army in India, during the Mahratta War of 1 817-19. With maps and plans. 2 vols. 410. Lond., 1821. Blackmore, Richard. Prince Arthur: an Heroic Poem, in 10 boob. Third edition. Folio. Lond., 1696. A Difcourfc upon the Plague ; with a Preparatory Account of Malignant Fevers. 8vo. Lond., 1721. A True and Impartial Hirtory of the Confpiracy againft the Perfon' and Government of King William III., of Glorious Mem- ory, in the year 1695. 8vo. Lond., 1723. Difcourfes on the Gout, or Rheumatifm and the King's Evil; containing an Explication of the Nature, Caufes, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1726. Blackstone, William. A Reply to Dr. Prieftley's Remarks on the Fourth "\'^olumc of the Commentaries on the Laws of England. 8vo. [See Prieftley.] Dublin, 1770. Commentaries on the Laws of England. In 4 books. Vols. I, 3. 8vo. [Firft American edition.] Phih, 1771-2. 62 New-York Historical Society. Blackstone, William. An Interefting Appendix to the Commentaries, etc., containing Prieftley's Remarks, Furneaux' Letters, etc. 8vo. Phila., 1773. [Some copies of this volume were iflued with a different title, viz., " The Palladium of Confcience ; or, the Foundation of Reli- gious Liberty difplayed, aflerted, and eftablifhed, etc."] Blackwall, Anthony. Introduftion to the Claflics; containing a Short Difcourfe on their Excellencies. Second edition. 1 2mo. Lond., 1 7 19. Blainville (M. de). Travels through Holland, Germany, Switzerland, but efpecially Italy. 3 vols. 4to. Lond, 1757. Blair, David. Sermon before the Adminiftration of the Lord's Supper, in Brechin. 8vo. Second edition. Glafgow, 1 804. Blair, Hugh. Leftures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres. Fourth Amer- ican, from ninth London edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1807. Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo. Baltimore, 18 14. Blair, John. Animadverfions on a Pamphlet, entitled. Thoughts on the Examination and Trials of Candidates for the Sacred Miniflry : in a Letter to the Unknown Author. 8vo., pp. 34. Phil., 1766. Blair, Robert. The Grave : a Poem. Tenth edition. 8vo., pp. 39. Lond., 1784. Blaire, M. de. La France pendant Quatorze Siecles ou preuves de la Conftitution de la Monarchic Francoise, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1796. Blake, Sir Francis, Bart. PoHtical Trafts, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1795. Blake, Francis. An Examination of the Conftitutionality of the Em- bargo. Laws, comprifmg a view of the Arguments, etc., before the Hon. John Davis, in the Cafe, United States vs. Brigantine William, Salem, September, 1808. With the Opinion of the Court. 8vo. Worcefter, 1808. Blake, George. Oration at Bofton, July 4, 1795. 8vo., pp. 28. Bofton, 1795. Mafonic Eulogy on George Wafhington, 4th February, 1800. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1800. Blake, John Lauris. Difcourfe delivered the Second Sunday after Trinity, 181 5, at Pawtucket, in North Providence, R. I. 8vo., pp. 24. Dedham, 181 5. Biographical Diftionary ; containing an Account of the moft Diftinguifhed Perfons of all Ages, Nations, and Profeffions, etc. Fourth edition. 8vo. Phil., 1840. Blake, James. Annals of the Town of Dorchefter, 1750. [Colleftions of the Dorchefter Antiquarian and Hiftorical Society, No. 2.] i2mo. Bofton, 1846. Blake, W. J. A Hiftory of Putnam County, New York, etc. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1849. Blakeslee, Enos. A Syftem of Aftronomy, wherein the Copernican Syftem is Refuted, etc. limo. Litchfield. Blanc, Viscount le. Voyages Fameux, aux Quatre Parties du Monde; Catalogue of Printed Books. 63 redigez fur fes Memoires, par Pierre Bergeron, et revue par le Sr. Coulon. 410. Paris, 1658, Blasphemers Juftly Reproved. With a Sermon, etc. 8vo. Rep. Bofton. Blatchford, Thomas W. Obfervations on Equivocal Generation : prepared as Evidence in a Suit for Slander. 8vo. Albany, 1 844. Two Addreflcs before the Medical Society of the State of New York, February i and 2, 1848. 8vo. Albany, 1848. An Inaugural Differtation on Feigned Difeafes. N. Y., 181 7. Bleecker, Ann Eliza. Pofthumous Works of, in Profe and Verfe; with a Colleftion of Eflays, Profe and Poetical, by Margaretta V. Faugeres. i2mo. N. Y., 1793. Blanchet, Francois. Recherches fur la Medicine ou I'application de la Chimie a la Medicine. 8vo. N. Y., 1800. Bland Papers. See Campbell, Charles. Blandemor, Thomas. See Keppel. Bliss, Daniel. Two Sermons preached at Concord. 8vo., pp. 44. Bofton, 1755. Bliss, Leonard, Jr. The Hiftory of Rehoboth, Briftol County, Mafla- chufetts ; comprifing a Hiftory of the prefent Towns of Rehoboth, Seekonk, and Pawtucket, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1836. Bliss, George. An Addrefs to the Members of the Bar of the Coun- ties of Hamplhire, Franklin, and Hampden, at their Annual Meeting at Northampton, September, 1826. Springfield, 1827. [Blodget, Samuel.] Economica : a Statiftical Manual for the United -^ States of America. 8vo. Wafhington, 1 806. Blois, John T. Gazetteer of the Stal*c of Michigan, in 3 parts ; con- taining a General View of the State, etc. i2mo. Detroit, 1840. Bloomberg, William Nicholas. Account of the Life and Writings of Edmund Dickinfon, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1739. [Blome, Richard.] The Prelent State of His Majefties Ifles and Ter- ritories in America, etc. ; with new Maps of every place. Portrait of James II. 8vo. Lond., 1687. Bloomfield (N. J.) Benevolent Society. Conftitution; inftituted 1 810. 8vo., pp. 16. Newark, 181 1. Blount, William. Report of the Committee of the Houfe of Repre- fentatives of the United States, appointed to Prepare and Report Articles of Impeachment againft, etc. 8vo. ["yp?*] Proceedings on the Impeachment of. Senator U. S. from Tennes- fee, for High Crimes and Mifdemeanors. 8vo., pp. 102. Phih, 1799. Blue Laws. The Code of 1650; being a Compilation of the Earheft Laws and Orders of the General Court of ConnedUcut, etc. 1 2mo. Hartford, 1836. (The) of New Haven Colony, ufually called Blue Laws of Con- necSlicut ; Quaker Laws of Plymouth and Maflachufetts ; Blue Laws of New York, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carohna, etc. Compiled by an Antiquarian. i2mo. Hartford, 1838. 64 New-York Historical Society. \ Blue Book. See United States — Regifter of all Officers and Agents, etc. 1816-55. Blunt, Edmund M. The American Coaft Pilot, etc. 8vo. Thir- teenth edition, improved by E. and G. Blunt. N. Y., 1837. [Blunt, Joseph.] Examination of the Expediency and Conftitutionality of Proxiibiting Slavery in the State of Miflburi. By Marcus. 8vo. N. Y., 1819. A Hirtorical Sketch of the Formation of the Confederacy, par- ticularly with reference to the Provincial limits, and the jurifdiftion of the General Government over Indian Tribes and the Public Territory. 8vo. N. Y., 1825. Anniverfiry Difcourfe, delivered before the New York Hillorical Society, December 13, 1827. 8vo. N. Y., 1828. Speeches, Reviews, Reports, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1843. See American Annual Regifter — National Advocate, 1820 — Conllitution. Blunt, Gregory. Six more Letters to Granville Sharp, Efq., on his Remarks on the Ufes of the Article in the Greek Testament. 8vo. Lond., 1803. Blythe, James. Difcourfe on the Prefent State and Duty of the Church, delivered at the Opening of the Synod of Kentucky, Oftober, 1824. 8vo., pp. 32. Lexington, 1824. Boaden, James. Cambro Britons : an Hiftorical Play, 8vo., pp. 83. Lond., 1798. Board of Commiffioners. A Brief Statement of Opinions given in the, under the Sixth Article of the Treaty of Amity, etc, with Great Britain. With an Appendix, etc., by one of the Commiffioners. 8vo. Phil., 1800. Board of Publication (The Prefbyterian). A Guide to Devotion, for the ufe of the Blind. Printed at the Perkins Inftitution and Mafla- chufetts Afylum. Bofton, 1 846. Boardman, Andrew. An Eflay on the means of Improving Medical Education, and Elevating the Medical Charafler. Phil,, 1840. Boardman, Henry A. A Difcourfe on the Life and Charadter of Daniel Webfter. 8vo., pp. 64. Phi!., 1852. The New Dodlrine of Intervention tried by the Teachings of Wafhington : an Addrefs . . . 23d and 24th February, 1852. 8vo., pp. Phil., 1852. BoccALiNi, Trajan, Advertifements from Parnaflus, newly done into Englifh, and adapted to the Prefent Times, To which is added. The Politick Touchftone, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1704. [Blunt.] Gloflbgraphia Anglicana Nova ; or, a Diftionary inter- preting fuch Hard Words, of whatever Language, as are at prefent ufed in the Englilh tongue, etc. 8vo, Lond., 1707. BocKiNG, Daniel. A ferious Addrefs to the Churches of Chrift in general, etc. 8vo., pp, 16. Second edition, Sudbury, 181 1, BoGATSKY, C. H, V, God's Thoughts of Peace in War, From the German, i2mo. Lond,, 1759. Catalogue of Printed. Books. 65 BoGART, David Schuyler. Difcourfe before a Religious Society, upon the Admiffion of a Member, izmo. N. Y. [1788.] The Voice of Gratitude : a Difcourfe delivered on zzd Novem- ber, 1804; being the Anniverfary Thankfgiving in the Prcfbyterian Church at South Hampton, L. I. 8vo., pp. 24. Sag Harbor, 1805. BoGUE, David. Sermon at Salters' Hall, before the Correfpondent Board in London, of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Chrillian Knowledge, March 30, 1792. 8vo., pp. 35, xix. Lond., 1793. Effay on the Divine Authority of the New Teftament. 1 8mo. BoHUN, Edmund. A Geographical Dictionary, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1688. A Geographical Didlionary, etc. Fourth edition, continued, and with Additions, by John Auguftine Bernard. Folio. Lond., 1695. BoiSGELiN, Louis DE. Travels through Denniark and Sweden ; with a Journal of a Voyage down the Elbe, from Drefden to Hamburgh, and Hiftorical Account of the Hanfeatic League. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1 8 10. Boissiere, C. C. Tanguy de la. Obfervations on the Difpatch written the 1 6th January, 1797, by Mr. Pickering, Secretary of State of the United States of America, to Mr. Pinkney. Tranflated by Samuel Chandler. 8vo. Phil., 1797. Boerhaave, Hermannus. Elementa chemiae quae anniverfario labore docuit in publicis privatifque fcholis. 2 vols. 410. Parifis, 1733. Confultationes Medicae ; five fylloge epistolarum cum refponfis. i2mo. Londini, 1744. BoissY, d'Anglas. Speech, in the Sitting of the 6th Fruftidor, on the Pohtical Situation of Europe, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1795. Bolles, Lucius. Difcourfe before the Salem Female Charitable Society, September 27, 1810. 8vo., pp. 16. Salem. BoLLiNGBROKE, LoRD. Articles againft the late, fent from London, March 16, 1 7 16, etc., relating to the Affairs of Scotland during the Earl of Mar's RebeUion. 8vo., pp. 38. Lond., 1735. BoLiNGBROKE, Henry St. John (Lord). Letters on the Spirit of Patriotifm ; on the Idea of a Patriot King ; and on the State of Parties at the Acceffion of King George the Firfl. 8vo. Lond., 1749. Bollmann, Erick. A Letter to Thomas Brand, Efq., M. P., etc., on the Pradticability and Propriety of a Refumption of Specie Pay- ments. 8vo. Rep. Phil., 1819. [Bolton, Robert, Jr.] A Guide to New Rochelle and its vicinity. . i8mo. " N. Y., 1842. Hiilory of the County of Weft Chefter, from its Firft Settlement to the prcfent time. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1 848. 5 V 66 New-York Historical Society. Bolton, Robert, Jr. Hiftory of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the County of Weftchefter, from its Foundation, a. d. 1693, to A.D. 1853. 8vo. N. Y., 1855. Bolton, William. Narrative of the Lafl: Cruife of the U. S. Steam Frigate Miflburi ; with the circumftances of her Burning at Gib- raltar. Boflon, 1843. Bonaparte. Copies of Original Letters from the Army of General Bonaparte in Egypt, intercepted by the Fleet under the command of Lord Nelfon. 8vo. Lond., 1799. The Battle of Lodi ; or, an Accurate Sketch of General Bona- parte's Campaigns in Italy ; chiefly intended as a Companion to the Great Hillorical Pifture, painted by Robert Ker Porter. 8vo. N. Y., 1804. and the French People, under his Confulate. Tranflated from the German. Firft American edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1 804. Bonaparte, Joseph Napoleon, Count de Survilliers. Biographical Sketch of. Third edition. 8vo. Lond., 1834. Bond, Henry. The Boatfwain's Art; or, the Complete Boatfwain, etc., etc. Small 4to. Lond., 1 7 16. Bond, Henry. Family Memorials. Genealogies of the Families and Defendants of the Early Settlers of Watertown, MalTachufetts, including Waltham and Wefton ; to which is appended the Early Hiftory of the Town ... 2 vols, in i. 8vo. Bofton, 1855. Bond, Thomas E., Jr. Addrefs delivered before the Delta Phi and Athenjeum Literary Societies of Newark College, September 23, 1840. Bait., 1840. BoNNEFOux, L. Vindication of the Free Banking Syftem. 8vo. N. Y., 1848. Bonnycastle, John. An Introduftion to Algebra, with Notes and Obfervations, defigned for the ufe of Schools and places of Public Education. i2mo. Seventh edition. Lond., 1805. -Booksellers. Addrefs to the Bookfellers of the United States, from the Bookfellers' Company of Philadelphia. Phil., 1813. jBory de St. Vincent, J. B. G. M. Voyage to and Travels through the Four principal Iflands of the African Seas, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1805. IBosMAN, William. A New and Accurate Defcription of the Coaft of Guinea, divided into the Gold, the Slave, and the Ivory Coaft. Map. 8vo. Lond., 1705. Same. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 172 1. )Boreas. Slave Reprefentation. By Boreas. 8vo. 181 2. Borrow, George. The Bible in Spain, etc. ; in an Attempt to Cir- culate the Bible in the Peninfula. 8vo. N. Y., 1 847. BossANGE, Hector. Catalogue General. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Bossi, LuiGi. Hiftoire de Chriftophe Colomb fuivie de fa Correfpond- ance, d'eclairciflemens et de pieces curieufes et inedites, etc. Traduite de I'ltalien. 8vo. Paris, 1824. Bossu, M. Travels through that part of North America formerly Catalogue of Printed Books. 67 called Louifiana. Tranflated from the French, with Notes, by J. Reinhold Forfter. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1771. BossuET. Seledt Sermons, from the French of. With an Eflay on the Eloquence of the Pulpit in England. i2mo., pp. xliv., 85, Lond., 1800. Boston. Objeflions to the Bank of Credit late projefted at Bofton, etc. i2mo. Bofton, 17 14. Vindication of the Remarks of One in the Country upon the DiftrefTed State of, from fome exceptions in a Letter to Mr. Col- man. i2mo. Bofton, 1720. A Vindication of the Minifters of, from the Abufes and Scandals lately caft upon them in divers Printed Papers. By fome of their People. i2mo., pp. 14. Bofton, 1722. The By-Laws and Orders of the Town of, revifed in the year 1758. 4to. Bofton, 1758. Appeal to the World ; or, a Vindication of the Town of, from many Falfc and Malicious Afperfions, contained in Letters, etc. of Gov. Bernard, General Gage, etc, i2mo., pp. 37. Bofton, 1769. Maffacre. Short Narrative of the horrid Maflacre, perpetrated in the evening of the 3d of March, 1770, by Soldiers of the XXIX. Regiment, which, with the XIV. Regiment, were then quartered there. With fome Obfervations on the State of Things prior to that Cataftrophe. 8vo., pp. 48.. App. 83. Bofton, 1770. 5th March, 1770. Trial of Wemms Hartegan, et al., foldiers in His Majefty's XXIX. Regiment of Foot, for the Murder of At- tucks. Gray, Maverick, Caldwell, and Carr, etc. Taken in ftiort- hand by John Hodgfon. 8vo. Imperfedt. Bofton, 1770. Votes and Proceedings of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of, in Town Meeting aflembled, according to law, etc. 8vo. Bofton, [1772.] Port Bill. The Watchman's Alarm to Lord N h ; or, the Britifh Parliamentary Bofton Port Bill unwrapped : being an Ora- tion on the Meridian of Liberty, etc. By the Britifli Boftonian. 8vo., pp. 32. Salem, 1774. A Letter to a Friend, giving a concife, etc. Reprefentation of the Hardfhips and Sufferings of the Town of Bofton, in confequence' of the " Bofton Port Bill," etc. By T. W., a Boftonian. 8vo. Bofton, 1774. A Voyage to Bofton : a Poem. By the Author of " American Liberty," etc. 8vo. Phil., 1775. The Bye-Laws and Orders of the Town of Bofton, made and pafled at feveral Meetings in 1785 and 1786. 8vo. Bofton, 1786. Tontine Aflbciation. Conftitution of the. 8vo., pp. 19. 1791. Epis. Charitable Society. Laws and Regulations of, inftituted 1724. 8vo., pp. 10. Bofton, 1805. Memorial of the Merchants of the Town of, in the State of Maffachufetts. 8vo. Walhington, 1806. 68 New -York Historical Society. Boston. Medical Police. Svc, pp. ii. Bofton, 1808. Papers on the Defence of, and other places. 8vo. 1813. — ■ — An Expofition of the Principles and Views of the Middling Intereft in the City of. 8vo. Bofton, 1822. Female Monitorial School. Fourth Report of the Inftruftor, Auguft 2,1831. 8vo., pp. 15. Bofton, 1 83 1. Athensum. Catalogue of Books ; to which are added, the Bye- Laws of the Inftitution, and a Lift of its Proprietors and Subfcribers. 8vo. Bofton, 1827. Catalogue of Books added to the Bofton Athenseum in 1830-33. 8vo. Bofton, January, 1834. Academy of Mufic. Tenth Annual Report of, read at the Aniiiverfary Meeting, in the Odeon, July, 1842. Bofton, 1842. Proceedings of a Great Whig Meeting of Citizens of Bofton, etc., held at Amory Hall, Oaober 10, 1838. Bofton, 1838. Cenfus Report, 1850. With Letter from J. Chickering in refer- ence to the fame. 8vo. Bofton, 1850. Boston, Michael. Difcourfes on Important Subjects of the Gofpel. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1787. Boston, Thomas. The Nature and Neceflity of Regeneration, etc. i2mo., pp. 71. Bofton, 1743. BoswELL, James. An Account of Corfica, the Journal of a Tour to that Ifland, and Memoirs of Pafcal Paoli. Third edition. 8vo. Lond., 1769. BoswoRTH, Newton. The Accidents of Human Life ; with Hints for their Prevention, and the Removal of their Confequences. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1814. Hochelaga Depifta : the Early Hiftory and Prefent State of the City and Ifland of Montreal. Engravings. i2mo. Montreal, 1839. BoTANici Termini ; in ufum juventutis Academicae Edinenfis, Accedunt Index, etc. 8vo. Edinburgi, 1768. Botanical Leftures, by a Lady ; altered from " Botanical Dialogues for the Ufe of Schools," and adapted to the ufe of perfons of all ages. 8vo. Lond., 1804. Botta, Carlo. Storia della Guerra dell' Independenza degli Stati Uniti d'America. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1 809. Storia della Guerra Americana ... 7 vols, in 4. 8vo. Livorno, 1825—6. II Camillo o vejo conquiftata di. i2mo. Paris, 181 5. — Hiftory of the War of the Independence of the United States of America. Tranflated from the Italian by George Alexander Otis. 3 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1820-21. Boucher, Jonathan. View of the Caufes and Confequences of the American Revolution. In Thirteen Difcourfes, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1797. BouDiNOT, Elias. Oration at Elizabeth Town, before the Society of Cincinnati in New Jerfey, July 4, 1793. 4to., pp. 32. Elizabeth Town, 1793. Catalogue of Printed Books. 69 BouDiNOT, Elias. The Second Advent, or Coming of the " Meffiah" in Glory, fliewn to be a Scripture Doftrine, etc. 8vo. Trenton, N. J., 181 5. A Star in the Weft ; or, a Humble Attempt to Difcover the Long Loft Ten Tribes of Ifrael. 8vo. Trenton, N. J., 18 16. Bounty. Account of the Seizure of the Bounty, etc. Lond., 1792. Bouquet, Henry. See Smith, William. BouQuiER. Report on the Organization of National Schools to com- plete a Republican Education. 8vo. Phil., 1794. Bourdaloue, Pere. Sermon, principally taken from the French of. By a Clergyman of the Eftabhlhed Church. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 28. Lond., 1 8 10. BouGEANT, Pere. Hiftoire des guerres et des negotiations qui precede- rent le traite de Weftphalia, fous le regne di Louis XIH. et Ic Miniftere de Cardineaux RicheUeu et Mazarin. 3 vols. 410. Paris, 1767. Boulter, Hugh, Bifhop of Briftol. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, i6th February, 1721. 8vo., pp. 61. Lond., 1722. Bourbourg, Don E. Carlos Brasseur de. Cartas para fervir de introduccion a la Hiftoria Primitiva de las Naciones Civihzadas de la America fetentrional. 4to. Mexico, 1851. Bourgoing, Le Bon Paul de. Tableau de L'Etat Actuel et des Progres Probables des Chemins de Fer de L'AUemagne et du Continent Europeen. 8vo. Paris, 1842. BouRKE, Thomas. A Concife Hiftory of the Moors in Spain, from their Invafion of that Kingdom to their final Expulfion from it. 4to. Lond., 181 1. Bourn, Samuel. A Letter to the Rev. Samuel Chandler, D. D., con- cerning the Chriftian Doftrine of Future Punifhment. 8vo., pp. 22. Lond., 1759. Sermon to a Congregation of Proteftant Diflenters, at Dudley, in Worcefterlhire, May 23, 1738. i2mo., pp. 44. Lond., 1771. Bourne, George. Life of John Wefley, etc. ; with a Hiftory of American Methodifm. 8vo. Baltimore, 1807. [ ] Pifture of Slavery in the United States. l2mo. Bofton, 1838. BouRRiT, M. T. A Relation of a Journey to*the Glaciers in the Duchy of Savoy. Tranflated from the French by Charles and Frederick Davy. Second edition. l6mo. Norwich, 1776. BouTON, Nathaniel. Two Sermons, preached 21ft November, 1830, in Commemoration of the Organizing of the Firft Church in Con- cord . . . i8th November, 1730. 8vo. Concord, N. H., 183 1. The Hiftory of Education in New Hampfhire : a Difcourfe before the N. H. Hiftorical Society, June 12, 1833. 8vo. Concord, 1833. Temporal Profperity : an Addrefs delivered before the Concord Temperance Society, March 30, 1837. Concord, N. H., 1837. The Fathers of the New Hamplhire Miniftry : an Hiftorical 70 New-York Historical Society. Difcourfe before the General Aflbciation of New Hampfhire, Auguft 22, 1848. 8vo. Concord, 1848. BouTON, Nathaniel. The Good Land in which we Live : Thanks- giving Difcourfe at Concord, November 28, 1850. 8vo. Concord, 1850. An Hiftorical Difcourfe in Commemoration of the Two-Hun- dredth Anniverfary of the Settlement of Norwalk, Ct., in 1 651, delivered . . . July 9, 1851. 8vo. N. Y., 1851. BouvET, J. The Prefent Condition of the Mufcovite Empire, till the year 1 699, etc. ; with the Life of Caughy, the Emperor of China. 8vo. Lond., 17 19. BowDEN, James. Sermon on the Death of Elizabeth Bowden, at Lower Tooting, in Surrey, 24th November, 1793. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 40. Lond. Sermon occalioned by the Death of Thomas Bowden, Lower Tooting, in Surrey, March 22, 1795. 8vo., pp. 47. Strand. Charge at the Ordination of Rev. William Harris, Kingston-upon- Thames, April 8, 1801. 8vo., pp. 44. Lond., 180 1. Bowden, John. Letter from, to Rev, Ezra Stiles, D. D., LL. D., on Church Government. 8vo., pp. 52. New Haven, 1788. A Second Letter from, to the Rev. Dr. Stiles, Pres. Yale College, etc. 8vo., pp. 108. New Haven, 1789. Apoftolic Origin of Epifcopacy aflerted, in a feries of Letters addreflcd to Rev. Dr. Miller. 2 vols. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 808. A Full-length Portrait of Calvinifm. By an Old-falhioned Churchman. Second edition. i2mo., pp. 55. N. Y., 1809. A Series of Letters, addrefled to the Rev. Dr. Miller, in Anfwer to his continuation of Letters concerning the Conftitution and Order of the Chriftian Miniftry. i2mo. N. Y., 1811. The Eflentials of Ordination ftated, in a Letter to a Friend, on Bifhop Hobart's Confecration. 8vo. N. Y., 1812. BowDiTCH, Nathaniel I. Memoir of Nathaniel Bowditch. 4to. Bofton, 1839. The Ether Controverfy. Vindication of the Hofpital Report of 1848. 8vo. Bofton, 1848. A Hiftory of the Maflachufetts General Hofpital. 8vo. Bofton, 1 85 1. Sufiblk Surnames. Not publifhed. 8vo. Bofton, 1857. BowDoiN, James. Philofophical Difcourfe, addrefled to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, etc., Bofton, November 8, 1780. 8vo., pp. 35. Bofton, 1780. BowEN, A. The Naval Monument; containing Official and other Accounts of all the Battles fought between the Navies of the United States and Great Britain during the late War, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1830. BowEN, Emanuel. Complete Syftem of Geography. 2 vols, folio. Lond., 1747. Bowen, Nathaniel. Sermon before the Bible and Common Prayer Catalogue of Printed Books. 71 Book Society of New York, in Trinity Church, March i, 181 2. 8vo., pp. 31. N. Y., 1 81 2. BowEN, Penuel. Sermon on the Death of the Rev. Mr. Samuel Checkley. 8vo. Bofton, 1770. Bower, Alexander. An Effay on the Infpiration of the Holy Scrip- tures, and a Ihort Diflertation on Family Worlhip. With Notes by. i2mo., pp. 102. Aberdeen, 1805. Bower, Archibald. The Hiftory of the Popes, from the Foundation of the See of Rome to the prefent time. 7 vols. 4to. Lond., 1750. Bowers, Benjamin F. Reafons why Homoeopathy fhould receive an impartial Inveftigation from the Medical Profeflion and the Public. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Bowles, John. The Real Grounds of the Prelent War with France. 8vo., pp. 74. Lond., 1793. The Real Grounds of the Prefent War with France. With a Poftfcript. 8vo., pp. 89. Lond., 1794. Refleftions fubmitted to the Confideration of the Combined Powers. 8vo., pp. 35. Lond., 1794. Farther Refleftions, fubmitted to the Confideration of the Com- bined Powers. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 72. Lond., 1794. Objedlions to the Continuance of the Wat Examined and Refuted. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 76. Lond., 1794. [ ] Proteft againft Thomas Paine's " Rights of Man," addrefled to the Members of a Book Society, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1795. • Dangers of Premature Peace. With Stridlures on the Declaration of the King of Pruffia. Infcribed to Mr. Wilberforce, M. P. 8vo., pp. 6"/. Lond., 1795. Thoughts on the Origin and Formation of Political Conftitutions, etc. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1796. French Aggreffion Proved, from Mr. Erfkine's " View of the Caufes of War." Third edition. 8vo., pp. 179. Lond., 1797. BowYER, R. G. A Comparative View of the Two New Syftems of Education for the Infant Poor. Lond., 181 1. Boyd, G. " The Old Paths ; " or, the Apoftolic Church. Phil., 1 836. Boyd, Hugh. The Indian Obferver. With a Life of the Author, and fome Mifcellaneous Poems, by Lawrence Dundas Campbell. 8vo. Lond., 1793. Boyd, William. God's Way the Beft Way : Sermon at a Ledure in Bofton, March 19, 171 8-19. l2mo. Bofton, 1719. Boyd, William. Oration on the Death of Mr. John Ruflell, Senior Sophifter at Harvard Univerfity, delivered November 25, in the College Chapel. 8vo. Bofton, 1795. Woman : a Poem, delivered at a Public Exhibition, April 1 9, at Harvard Univerfity, in the College Chapel. 4to., pp. 15. Bofton, 1796. Boydell, John (and Josiah). Catalogue of Prints, etc. 8vo., pp. 88. Lond. 72 New-York Historical Society. BoYER, Abel, The Royal Diftionary, French and Englifh and Englifli and French, etc. Portrait. 4to. Lond., 1729. Diftionnaire Royal Francois-Anglois et Anglois-Francois, etc. 2 vols. 4to. Lyons, 1 768. The Complete French Scholar's Guide and Praftical Grammar. Sixth edition. 8vo, ^ Lond., 1796. Didlionnaire Anglois-Francois et Francois-Anglois, etc. Nouvelle edition, par L. F. Fain. 4to. Paris, 181 7. BoYER, Le Baron. Traite des Maladies Chirurgicales, etc., publiee par le Baron Phillippe Boycr. Tomes 7. 8vo, Paris, 1844-53. Boyle, John, Earl of Orrery. Remarks on the Life and Writings of Jonathan Swift. Fifth edition. i2mo. Lond., 1752. Boylston, Zabdiel. An Hillorical Account of the Small Pox Inoculated in New England, etc. Second edition. 8vo. Bofton, Rep. 1730. Boyne, David. Eflay on the Divine Authority. i2mo. [Amer. Tradl Society.] Boyse, Samuel. An Hiftorical Review of the Tranfaftions of Europe, from the Commencement of the War with Spain in 1739, to the Infurredlion in Scotland in 1745. Vol.1. 8vo. Dublin, 1748. Bozman, John Leeds. A Sketch of the Hiftory of Maryland, during the firfl; Three Years after its Settlement. To which is prefixed, a copious Introduction. 8vo. Baltimore, 1 811. The Hiftory of Maryland, from its Firft Settlement in 1633, to the Reftoration in 1 660. With a copious Introduftion, and Notes and lUuftrations. 2 vols. 8vo. Baltimore, 1837. Brace, J. Half-Century Difcourse. Hiftory of the Church in New- ington . . . i6th January, 1855. 8vo., pp. 75. Hartford, 1855. Bracken, John. Sermon at the Funeral of the Right Rev. James Madifon, D. D., Bifhop of Virginia, March 9, 181 2. 8vo., pp. 16. [MS. Epitaph.] Richmond, 181 2. Brackenridge, H. M. Views of Louifiana ; together with a Journal of a Voyage up the Miflburi River, in 181 1. 8vo. Pittftjurgh, 1 814. Journal of a Voyage up the River Miffbiiri, performed in 1 8 1 1 . Second edition. 1 2mo. Baltimore, 1 8 1 6. Hiftory of the late War between the United States and Great Britain. Plates. i2mo. Third edition. Baltimore, 1817. Brackett, J. Warren. The Ghoft of Law ; or. Anarchy and Defpot- ifm : a Poem, delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa, Dart. College, Auguft 23, 1803. 4to., pp. 24. Hanover, 1803. Oration, July 4, 1 8 1 o, before the Waftiington Benevolent Society and the Hamilton Society of the City of New York. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1810. Bradbury, John. Travels in the Interior of America, in the Years 1809, 1 8 10, and 181 1, etc. 8vo. Liverpool, 1817. Bradbury, Thomas. The Afs, or the Serpent : a Comparifon between the Tribes of Iflachar and Dan, in their regard for Civil Liberty. November 5, 171 2. 8vo., pp. 29. Rep. Newburyport, 1774. Catalogue of Printed Books. 73 Bradford, Alden. Eulogy in Commemoration of the Sublime Virtues of General George Wafhington, Wifcaflet, February 22, 1800. 8vo., pp. 16. Wifcaflet, 1800. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Nathan Tilton, Scar- borough, December ID, 1800. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1801. Evangelical Hiftory. i2mo. Bofton, 181 3. Speeches of the Governors of Mafl*achufetts, from 1765 to 1775 . . . and other Public Papers relating to the Difpute between this Country and Great Britain, etc. [Colledled and Edited by Alden Bradford.] 8vo. Bofton, 181 8. Hiftory of Maflachufetts. Vols. I., 1764-75; II., 1775-89; III., 1 790-1 820. 3 vols. 8vo. Bofton, 1822-25-29. Hiftory of Maflachufetts for Two Hundred Years, from the year 1620 to 1820. 8vo. Bofton, 1835. Memoir of . . . Jonathan Mayhew. 8vo. Bofton, 1838. Bradford, Alexander W. American Antiquities, and Refearches into the Hiftory and Origin of the Red Race. 8vo. N. Y., 1841. Difcourfe before the New-York Hiftorical Society . . . 20th November, 1845. 8vo., pp. 31. N. Y., 1846. Bradford, Ephraim P. On Rev. Mofes Bradford, delivered at Frances- town, New Hamplhire, July, 1838. Bradish, Luther, Remarks in Aflembly, on the Preamble and Refo- lutions offered by him relative to a Diftribution of the Proceeds of the Public Lands, May 25, 1836. 8vo., pp. 25. N. Y., 1836. Report on the Syftem of Popular Education in the City of New York . . . May 28, 1851. 8vo. N. Y., 1851. Bradley, C. W. Patronomatology : from an Eflay on the Philofophy of Surnames, read before the Connedlicut State Lyceum, November 13, 1839. 8vo. Hartford, 1842. Bradley, Richard. The Plague at Marfeilles confidered, etc. Alfo, fome Obfervations taken from an Original Manufcript of a Grad- uate Phyftcian, who refided in London during the whole of the late Plague, Anno 1665. 8vo. Lond., 1721. Bradstreet. An Impartial Account of Lieut.-Colonel Bradftreet's Expedition to Fort Frontenac, etc. By a Volunteer in the Ex- pedition. 8vo., pp. 60. Lond., 1759. Bradstreet, Nathan. New Hampfliire Eledlion Sermon, June 4, 1 807, 8vo. Amherlt. Brady, Robert. A Complete Hiftory of England, from the Firft En- trance of the Romans under Julius Casfar, to the End of the Reign of King Henry the Third. Folio. Lond., 1685. Brailsford and others — The Cafe of, vs. James Spalding ; alfo, Doug- las vs. the Executors of Stirk. — Decided in the Circuit Court for the Diftridt of Georgia, 2d May, 1792. 8vo., pp. 36. Savannah, 1792. Brainard, David. An Abridgment of his Journal among the Indians ; or, the Rife and Progrefs of a Remarkable Work of Grace among a number of the Indians in the Provinces of New Jerfey and Penn- 74 New-York Historical Society. fylvania. With a Dedication by P. Doddridge, D. D. i zmo. Lond., 1748. Brainard, John. A Genuine Letter from, to his Friend in England, giving an Account of his Miffion, etc. in America. 8vo,, pp. 16. Lond., 1753. Braithwaite, John. The Hiftory of the Revolutions in the Em- pire of Morocco, upon the Death of the late Emperor Muley Ifhmael, etc. Map. Large paper. Lond., 1729. [Branagan, Thomas.] A Concife View of the Principal Religious Denominations in the United States of America. I zmo. Phil., 1 8 II. Brand, John. Obfervations on Popular Antiquities, including the whole of Mr. Bourne's Antiquitates Vulgares, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1 8 10. Brannan, John. Official Letters of the Military and Naval Officers of the United States, during the War with Great Britain in the years 181 2-1 5. 8vo. Walhington, 1823. Brantly, William T. Sermon at the Dedication of the Baptist Church at Augufta, Georgia, May 6, 1821. 8vo. Augufta, 182 1. Brantome, Seigneur de. Oeuvres Completes, accompagnees de Re- marqucs Hiftoriques et Critiques. Tomes 8. 8vo. Paris, 1822-3. Brattle Street Aflbciation for Aiding Religious Charities. 8vo., pp. 8. Bray, Thomas. Apoftolick Charity, its Nature and Excellence con- fidcr'd. In a Difcourfe ... at St. Paul's . . . [December 19, 1697.] 4to., pp. 33. Lond., 1700. An Account of the Defigns of the Aflbciates of the late Doftor Bray; with an Abftraft of their Proceedings. 8vo. pp. 38. Lond., 1804. Bray, Thomas Wells. Sermon occafioned by the Death of Abel Chittenden, Student of Yale College, September 2, 1770. 4to. New Haven. Brazer, John, D. D. A Difcourfe on the Life and Charafter of the late Hon. Leverett Saltonllall, dehverefi in the North Church, Salem, Maflachufetts, Sunday, May 18, 1845. 8vo. Salem, 1845. Bread. A Treatife on the Virtues and Efficacy of a Cruft of Bread, eat early in a morning falling. By an Eminent Phyfician. Fifth edition. Lond., 1769. Breck, Robert. Century Sermon in Springfield, i6th Odlober, 1775. 4to. Hartford, 1784. Breckenridge, Robert J., etc. Difcuffion on American Slavery, be- tween George Thompfon and Rev. Robert J. Breckenridge, holden in the Rev. Dr. Wardlaw's Chapel, Glafgow, Scotland, on the evenings of the 13th, 14th, 15th, i6th and 17th of June, 1836. With an Appendix. 8vo. Bofton, 1836. Breeden-Raedt aende Vereenichde Nederlandfche Provintien. Gelre- land. Holland. Zeeland. Wtrecht. Vriefland. Over-Yflel. Groenin- Catalogue of Printed Books. 75 gen. Gemaeckt ende geftelt uyt diverfe ware en waerachtige memorien Door I. A. G. W, C. Tot Antwerpen, Ghedruft by Francoys van Duynen. Boeckverkooper by de Beurs in Erafmus 1649. 410. , [Tranflated by Henry C. Murphy, for N. Y. H. S. Coll., Second Series, III.] Brent, John Carroll. Biographical Sketch of the Moll Rev. John Carroll, etc. izmo. Baltimore, 1843. Letters on the National Inftitute, etc. 8vo. Wafhington, 1 844. BrerewOod, Edward. Enquiries touching the Diverfity of Languages and Religions through the Chief Parts of the World. 4to. Lond., 1635. Bresmal, J. F. La Circulatione des aux on I'hydrographie des Mine- rales d'aix et de Ipa, divifee en trois parties. i2mo. [Paris], 1728. Bressany', F. J. Relation Abregee de ^uelques Millions des Peres de Compagnie de Jefus, dans la Nouvelle France. Traduit de I'ltalien par le R. P. F. Martin. 8vo. Montreal, 1852. Bresson, Jacques. Des Fonds Publiques Francais et Etrangers et des operations de la Bourfe de Paris, etc. i2mo. Paris, 1842. Brest Expedition. A Journal of the, by the Lord Marquis of Car- maerthen. 4to. Lond., 1694. Bretagne, Couftumos de. Reueues et Corrigees fur I'original iigne des Commiflaries reformateurs, etc. 4to. Rennes, 1570. Edidls et Ordonnances Royaux Publices et Receues au Pais de Bretagne, etc. 4to. Rennes, 1570, Proces Verbal de la Redaction, Reformation, et Pubhcation des Couftumes du Pais et Duche de Bretagne. [The three foregoing bound in i vol.] 4to. Breval, John. Remarks on Several Parts of Europe, relating chiefly to the Hiftory, Antiquities and Geography of thofe Countries through which the Author has travelled, as France, the Low Countries, etc. Maps, etc. Folio. 2 vols., large paper. Lond., 1 726. Brevint, Daniel. Miflale Romanum ; or, the Depth and Myftery of the Roman Mafs laid open and explained, etc. Third edition. l2mo, Oxford, 1673. Saul and Samuel at Endor ; or, the New Wales of Salvation and Service, etc. 8vo. Oxford, 1674. Brewer, Samuel. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Edward Hitchin ; with the Addrefs at the Interment, by Thomas Fowle. 8vo,, pp. 50. Lond., 1774. Brewster, Abel. The Univerfal Vitriolic Teft, for producing an uniform, fafe, and intelligible kind of Bank Bills ; with an explana- tion of its importance and utility. 8vo. Hartford, 1 807. Brewster, John. On the Prevention of Crimes, and on the Advantage of SoHtary Imprifonment. 8vo., pp. 34, Lond., 1729. Briant, Lemuel. The Abfurdity and Blafphemy of Depreciating Moral Virtue . . . Sermon at Bofton, June 18, 1749. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1749. 76 New-York Historical Society. Briant, Lemuel. Some more Friendly Remarks on Mr. Porter and Company, etc. 8vo., pp. 35. Boilon, 1751. Bridal of Vaumond (The). A Metrical Romance. i2mo. N. Y., 1817. Bridge, Ebenezler. Artillery Eleftion Sermon, Bofton, June i, 1752. 8vo. Bofton, 1752. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 27, 1767. 8vo. Bofton. Bridge, Josiah. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 27, 1789. 8vo. Bofton. Bridge, Mathew. Sermon, May, 1761, at the Ordination of Rev. Eliab Stone, Reading. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1761. Bridgeman, Dr. A-mc-li-ke ho chung kwo che leo. A Brief Ac- count of the United States of America. Parti. Engraved in the twenty-fourth year of Taou Kwang (a. d. 1844). The blocks are kept at Kwei Keang. Bridges, William. Map of the City of New York and Ifland of Manhattan ; with Explanatory Remarks and References. 8vo. N. Y., 1811. Bridgewater^s Monitor. Two Sermons, by J. Keith and S« Dan- forth. 8vo. Bofton, 1717. Brief and Candid Vindication of the Doftrine and Prefent Appropria- tion of Tithes, etc. 8vo., pp. 68. . Dublin, 1787. Brieslak, Scipion. Inftitutions Geologiques, traduites du Manufcrit ItaHen en Francaife, par P. J. L. Campmas. Trois volumes avec un Atlas de 56 Planches. 3 vols. 8vo. and i vol. 4to. Milan, 181 8. [Briggs, C. F.] The Trippings of Tom Pepper; or, the Refults of Romancing. By Harry. Franco. 2 vols. i2mo. N. Y., 1847-50. Bright, Richard. Travels from Vienna, through Lower Hungary: with fome Remarks on the State of Vienna during the Congrefs, in the year 18 14. 4to. Edinburgh, 181 8. Brightland, John. A Grammar of the Englifh Tongue, etc. 1 2mo. Lond., 1759. Brisbane, W. H. An.Eulogium on the Life and Charader of the late Honorable Thomas Morris. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1845. Brissot de Warville, J. P., and Etienne Claviere. Confiderations on the Relative Situation of France and the United States of America, etc. Tranflated from the French. 8vo. Lond., 1788. Difcours fur la Queftion de Savoir fi le Roi peut etre juge, etc. 10 Juillet, 1791. 8vo., pp. 27. Paris. Difcourfe upon the Queftion, Whether the King fhall be Tried ? delivered before the Society of the Friends of the Conftitution, Paris, July 10, 1791. Tranflated by P. J. G. de Nancrede. 8vo., pp. 34. Bofton, 1791. Nouveau Voyage dans les Etats-Unis de I'Amerique Septentrionale fait en 1788. Tomes 3. 8vo. Paris, 179 1. New Travels in the United States of America. 8vo. N. Y., 1792. Catalogue of Printed Books. 11 Brissot Dfi Warville, J. p., and Etienne Claviere. New Travels in the United States of America, etc. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1797. Bristed, John. The Society of Friends, or People commonly called Quakers, Examined. 8vo. Lond., 1805. Hints on the National Bankruptcy of Britain, and on her Re- fources to maintain the prefent Conteft with France. 8vo. N. y., 1809. The Refources of the Britifh Empire, together with a View of the probable Refult of the prefent Conteft between Britain and France. 8vo. N. Y., 181 1. An Addrefs to the Auxiliary New York Bible Society, on the 15th of November, 181 3. 8vo., pp. 22. N. Y., 181 3. Oration on the Utility of Literary Eftablifhments, etc., delivered at the Opening of the Literary Rooms in New York, February 1 1 , 1814. 8vo. N. Y., 1814. The Refources of the United States of America ; or, a View of the American People. 8vo. N. Y., 181I Bristed, Charles Astor. A Letter to the Hon. Horace Mann. 8vo. N. Y., 1850. Bristol, R. I. An Account of the Settlement of the Town of, and of the Congregational Church therein; with the Succeffion of Paftors, etc. 8vo. Providence, 1785. Bristol, William. An Addrefs intended to have been delivered (in fubftance) at the late Town Meeting in New Haven, etc. 8vo. New Haven, 1 809. Britannia in Mourning ; or, a Review of the Politicks and Conduft of the Court of Great Britain, etc. 8vo., pp. 71. Lond., 1742. Britannia. A Letter of Congratulation from, to the King, etc., on the Change of Miniftry. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1782. British Army. An Aft [Geo. IL, 26J for Puniftiing Mutiny and Defertion, and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters. i2mo. Lond., 1753. Rules and Articles for the better Government of His Majefty's Horfe and Foot Guards, and all his other Forces in Great Britain and Ireland, etc., from the 24th March, 1753. l2mo. Lond., 1753. Rules and Articles for the better Government of His Majefty's Horfe and Foot Guards, and all other his Forces, etc., 24th March, 1777- . , Rep. N. Y., 1777. Rules and Regulations for the Formations, Field Exercife, and Movements of His Majefty's Forces. 1 2mo. Lond., 1 792. British Colonies. Reafons why the Britifti Colonies in America fhould not be charged with Internal Taxes by Authority of Parliament ; humbly offered for conftderation in behalf of the Colony of Con- nefticut. 8vo. New Haven, 1764. in North America. Confiderations on the Meafures carrying on with refpeft to the. 8vo., pp. 64. Rep. Bofton, 1774. 78 New- York Historical Society. British Colonies in America. Confiderations on the Meafures carrying on with refpcft to them. Second edition, with Additions and Appendix. 8vo., pp. 176, 45. Lond. A few Political Refleftions ; fubmitted to the Confiderations of the. By a Citizen of Philadelphia. l2mo., pp. 86. Phil., 1774. Further Examination of our prefent American Meafures, and of the Reafons and Principles on which they are founded. 8vo., pp. 256. Bath, 1776. British Critic. Vols. XVI., XVII. 8vo. Lond., 1 800-1. British Empire. The Prefent State of the, in Europe, America, Africa, and Afia. 8vo, Lond., 1768. British Impreflinent. Copies and Extradls of Documents on the fubjedl of Britifh Impreflments of American Seamen. N. Y., 1813. British Influence on the Affairs of the United States Proved and Ex- plained. 8vo., pp. 23. [Marcus, Gov. Wolcott?] Bofton, 1804. British Pofleffions in North America, and the United States of Amer- ica, under the Treaty of 1783. Correfpondence relating to the Boundary . . . Prefented to Parliament in 1 840. Parts I. and II. British Treaty. Brief Statement of Opinions in the Board of Com- miffioners, under the Sixth Article . . . With Appendix, etc. By one of the Commiffioners. 8vo., pp. 71. Phil., 1800. See Debates, United States. British Tyranny. The Fall of; or, American Liberty Triumphant, etc.: a Tragi-Comedy. 8vo. Phil., 1776. British Almanack and Companion ; or. Year Book of General Informa- tion for 1829 and 1830. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. British and Foreign. Bible Society. Reports I.-IX., 1805-13. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. Brittan, S. B. a Difcourfe on War ; or, the Duties and Obligations of the Individual, as conncfted with the Rights of the Civil Government, delivered April 3, 1847. 8vo. Albany, 1847. Brizi, Oreste. Le Bande Garibaldiane a San Marino del Capitano . . . 8vo., pp. 36. Arezzo, 1850. Broad, Amos. The Trial of, and his Wife, etc., for Beating and Affkulting Betty, a Slave, and her little Female Child, Sarah, aged three years. February 28, 1809. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. Broad, Amos. Difcourfe, 13th September, 18 14, to a Detachment of the United States Army at Brooklyn. 1 2mo., pp. 1 8. N. Y., 1814. Brocklesby, Richard. CEconomical and Medical Obfervations, in two parts, from the year 1758 to the year 1763, inclufive. 8vo. Lond., 1764. Brodhead, Jacob. Difcourfe on Education, delivered in New York, 30th January, 1831. N. Y., 1831. Sermon preached in the Central Reformed Dutch Church, Brook- lyn, 27th July, 185 1. 8vo. Catalogue of Printed Books. 79 Brodhead, Jacob. A Memorial of the Rev. Jacob Brodhead, D. D., June, 1855. 8vo. N. Y., 1855. Brodhead, John Romeyn. An Addrefs delivered before the New- York Hiftorical Society, at its Fortieth Anniverfary, 20th Novem- ber, 1844. With an Account of the fubfequent Proceedings at the Dinner . . . 8vo., pp. 107. N. Y., 1844. Final Report of, as Agent of the State of New York, to procure and tranfcribe Documents in Europe, relative to the Colonial Hiftory of faid State; made to the Governor, 12th February, 1845. 8vo. [Senate Doc. No. 47, 1845.] Albany, 1845. Hiftory of the State of New York. Firft period, 1609-1664. 8vo. N. Y., 185.3. Addrefles of John Romeyn Brodhead, Efq., and His Excellency Gov. Horatio Seymour, delivered before the Clinton Hall Aflbcia- tion and Mercantile Library Aflbciation, at their Celebration . . . 8th June, 1854. 8vo., pp. 40. N. Y., 1854. Documents relative to the Colonial Hiftory of New York, pro- cured in Europe by . . . 10 vols. 4to. Bromley, George. CoUeftion of Original Royal Letters, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1787. Bronson, E. An Inquiry into the Origin, Nature, and Objcft of the Brilifti Order in Council of May 16, 1806. 8vo. Phil., 181 1. Bronson, Tillotson. Sermon before the Convention of the Epifcopal Church in the State of Connefticut, Stratford, June 2, 1813, occa- fioned by the Death of the Right Rev. Abraham Jarvis, D. D., Bifhop of Connedlicut. 8vo., pp. 19. New Haven, 1813. Brook, Henry. Guftavus Vafa, the Deliverer of his Country. In- fcribed to His Excellency General Waftiington, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1778. Brookes, R. Brookes' General Gazetteer Improved; or, a New and Compendious Geographical Diftionary. Maps. 8vo. Phil., 1806. See Didlionary of the World. New Univerfal Gazetteer, remodelled and brought down to the prefent period, by John Marlhall. With 200 engravings. 8vo. Phih, 1839. Brooks, John. Oration before the Society of the Cincinnati in Mafla- chufetts, July 4, 1787. 4to. Imperfeft. Bofton, 1787. Difcourfe before the Humane Society of the Commonwealth of ■ Maflachufetts, 9th June, 1795. 4to., pp. 32. Bofton, 1795. Eulogy on General Wafliington, dehvered before the Inhabitants of the Town of Medford, January 1 3, 1 800. 8vo. Bofton, 1800. Brooklyn, in the County of Kings. Aft of Incorporation of the Vil- lage of. 1 8 16. Broom, James M. An Addrefs delivered before the Philadelphia Society for Propagating Agriculture, at its Anniverfary Meeting, January 16th, 1821. 8vo. Phil., 1821. 8o New-York Historical Society. Brother BuU-Us. Beauties of. By his loving Sifter, Bull- A. i8mo. N. Y., 1812. Brothers, Richard. Look before you Leap ! etc. : a Warning in the Cafe of. 8vo., pp. 18. See Halhed. Lond. — — Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies and Times, etc. 8vo., pp. loi. Lond., 1794. Same : containing, with other great and remarkable things, not revealed to any other perfon on earth, the Reftoration of the Jews to Jerufalcm, by the year 1798, under their revealed Prince and Prophet. Wrote by himfclf. Book the Firft. Phil., 1795. Brougham, Henry. Speech before the Houfe of Commons againft the Orders in Council, April i, 1808. 8vo., pp. 65. Phil., 1808. Brower, J. V. Digitahs Purpurea : an Inaugural Diflertation. 1 802. Brown, Andrew. Sermon on the Dangers and Duties of the Sea- faring Life. 8vo., pp. 43. Bofton, 1793. [Brown, Charles Brockden.] Addrefs to the Congrefs of the United States, on the Utility and Juftice of Reftriftions upon Foreign Commerce. With Refleftions on Foreign Trade, etc. 8vo., pp. 97. Phil,, 1809. See Volney, American Regifter, American Review, Literary Magazine, Monthly Magazine. Brown, Clark. Sermon on Private Education, at Wareham, Mafla- chufetts, March 31, 1795. 8vo. Imperfeft. New Bedford, 1795. Sermon at Northfield, Maflachufetts, before Harmony Lodge, etc., June 24, 1799. 8vo. Greenfield, 1799. Sermon, June 24, 1 808, at the Celebration of the Feftival of St. John the Baptift, in Danville, Vermont. 8vo. Danville, 1 808. Sermon on the Annual Thankfgivings in thofe States, 1808. 8vo., pp. 27. Keene, 1809. Brown, James. The Claim of Mr. to a certain Trad or Gore of Land, etc., ftated and vindicated. 8vo., pp. 32. New Haven, 1765. Brown, James. The Reftitution of All Things : an Effay on the Im- portant Purpofe of the Univerfal Redeemer's Deftination. 8vo., pp. 63. Lond., 1785. Brown, John. Difcourfe from Jeremiah xvii. 9. 8vo., pp. 22. Bofton, 1754. Funeral Difcourfe, delivered in Bofton, Aug. 24, 1766 (Jonathan May hew). 8vo. Bofton, 1766. Brown, John. Brief Concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Teftaments. Second edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1 799. r Brown, Samuel R. Views of the Campaigns of the North- Weftern Army, etc. i2mo., pp. 156. Trey, 18 14. The Weftern Gazetteer; or, the Emigrant's Diredlory. 8vo. Auburn, 181 7. Brown, Thomas. A New and Eafy Method to undcrftand Roman Hiftory ; with an exaft Chronology of the Reign of the Roman Emperors, etc. Ninth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1748. Catalogue of Printed Books. Brown, Thomas. An Account of the People called Shakers : their Faith, Doftrincs, and Pradice, etc. izmo. Troy, 1 812. Brown, Thomas. Certain Mifccllany Trafts. izmo. Lond., 1684. Brown University. Catalogue of the Library. 8vo. Providence, 1843. [Brown, W.] A Compendium of the feveral Branches of Praftice in the Court of Exchequer at Weftminfter. izmo. Lond., 1688. Brown, William. Letter to the Clergy of the Church of Scotland, on Domeftic Inoculation. 8vo., pp. 34. Edinburgh, 1794. Brown, William. Oration (July 4, 1799), at Hartford. 8vo., pp. 23. ' Hartford, 1799. Brown, William Lawrence. Sermon in the Englilh Church at Utrecht, Thankfgiving Day, February 13, 1793. 8vo., pp. 51. Lond., 1793. Sermon at Aberdeen, April 17, 1796, on the Death of Dr. George Campbell. 8vo., pp. 31. Aberdeen, 1796. An Eflay on the Folly of Scepticifm, the Abfurdity of Dogmatiz- ing on Religious Subjefts, etc. i2mo., pp. 21, 192. Lond., 1796. Eflay on the Natural Equality of Men, on the Rights that refult from it, etc. Second American edition. 1 2mo. Newark (N. J.), i8oz. Browne, Alexander E. Addrefs delivered before the American Whig and Cliofophic Societies of the College of New Jerfey, 23d June, 1846. 8vo. Princeton, 1846. Browne, Arthur. Religious Education of Children Recommended : Sermon, December 27, 1739, on occafion of the Execution of Penelope Kenny. 8vo., pp. 21. Bofton, I739. Sermon on the Folly and Perjury of the Rebellion in Scotland, at Portfmouth, February 23, 1745-6. 8vo., pp. 18. Bofton, 1746. Sermon on the Doftrine of Eleftion. 8vo., pp. 23. Portfmouth, 1757.- Faft Sermon, May 6, 1757. 8vo., pp. 21. Portlrnouth, 1757.. [ ] Remarks on Mayhew's Incidental Reflections relative to the Church of England, in his Obfervations on the Charter and Con- duct of the Society, etc. By a Son of the Church. 8vo., pp. 31. Portfmouth, 1763. Browne, D. J. The Trees of America, Native and Foreign, Pic-- torially and Botanically illuftrated. 8vo. N. Y., 1 846. Browne, Edward. A Brief Account of fome Travels in Divers Parts of Europe. Second edition. Folio. Lond., 1685.. Browne, Henry. The Hiftory of Illinois, from its Firft Difcovery and Settlement, to j:he prefent time. 8vo. N. Y., 1 844... [Browne, J,] Letter to the Rev. Dr. Lowth, occafloned by his late Letter to the Right Rev. Author of the Divine Legiflation of Mofes. 8vo., pp. 44. Newcaftle-upon-Tyne, 1766. Browne, John. A New and Complete Abftraft of the Hiftory of England, from William the Conqueror down to George the Third.. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1780. 6 82 New-York Historical Society. Browne, John. An EfTay on Univcrfal Redemption, etc. 8vo., pp. 42. Lend., 1798. Browne, John W. Dying Experience of Mr. William Browne, of Brillol, England, Odiober 1 6, 1 79 1 . 1 2mo., pp. il . Haverhill, Ms., 1812. Browne, Joseph. Treatife on the Yellow Fever ; fhewing its Origin, Cure, and Prevention. 8vo. N. Y. Proceedings of the Corporation of New York for fupplying the City with pure and wholefome Water. With a Memoir of, on the fame fubjed. 8vo., pp. 29. N. Y., 1799. Browne, J. Ross. Etchings of a Whaling Cruife; with Notes of a Sojourn on the Ifland of Zanzibar. With a brief Hiftory of the Whale Filhery, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1 846. See California. Browne, Robert. Serious Refleftions, for the Ufe of Perfons under Afflidlion. Second edition. i2mo., pp. 27. Lond., 1763. Browne, Simon. A Sermon at Portfmouth, November 5, 1715: Jewilh and Popifh Zeal Compared. 8vo., pp. 49. Lond., 171 5. Browne, Thomas. The Union Diftionary, etc. of the Englilh Lan- guage. 8vo. Lond., 1800. Browne, Sir Thomas. Pfeudodoxia Epidemica; or. Enquiries into very many received Tenets and commonly prefumed Truths. Folio. Lond., 1646. Browne, Thomas. The Claffical Gallery ; containing a Seledlion of the moft Diftinguifhed Characters in Ancient and Modern Times, etc. i2mo. Lond., 18 16, Brownson, Abraham. Sermon at Arlington, at the Funeral of Mifs Polly Miner. 8vo., pp. 24 . . . Bennington, 1808. Brownson, Orestes A. The Laboring Claffes. 8vo. N. Y., 1 840. Defence of the Article on the Laboring Claffes. From the Bofton Quarterly Review. 8vo. Bofton, 1 846. Bruce, John. Elements of the Science of Ethics, on the Principles of Natural Philofophy. 8vo. Lond., 1786. Bruce, James. An Interefting Narrative of the Travels of, into Abyffinia, to Difcover the Source of the Nile. i2mo. Bofton, 1798. Bruce, James C. An Addrefs delivered before the Alumni and Grad- uating Clafs of the Univerfity of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill, June 3, 1 841. 8vo. Raleigh, 1841. Bruce, Archibaldus. Diflertatio Medica inauguralis de Vaccina . . . 8vo. Edinburgi, 180 1. See American Mineralogical Journal. Brunet, J. C, Fils. Manuel du Libraire et de 1' Amateur de Livres, etc. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 18 10. Bruen, Matthias. Memoirs of his Life and Charafter. 8vo. N. Y., 1831. Brunnmark, Gustavus. a Short Introduftion to Swedifh Grammar, adapted for the ufe of Englifhmen. Stockholm, 1826. Catalogue of Printed Books. 83 Brunswick Proprietors. Remarks on the Plan and Extrafts of Deeds lately publilhed by the Proprietors of the Townfhip of Brunfwick [as they term thcmfelves], agreeable to their Vote of January 4, 1753. 4to. Defence of the Remarks of the Plymouth Company, on the Plan and Extrafts of Deeds publilhed by the Proprietors of the Town- fhip of Brunfwick. 4to. Bofton, N. E., 1753. Bryan, John A. Letter on the Union of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, at or near the Ifthmus of Panama. 8vo. 1845. Bryant, Jacob. Obfervations upon the Plagues inflidled upon the Egyptians, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1810. Bryant, William Cullen. The Embargo ; or. Sketches of the Times : a Satire. Second edition, izmo. Bofton, 1809. Poems. 2 vols. i2mo, N. Y., 1855. Brydges, Sir [Samuel] Egerton. The Ruminator ; containing a feries of Moral, Critical, and Sentimental Eflays. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1 81 3. BucHAN, William. Letter concerning the Medical Properties of the Fleecy Hofiery. 8vo., pp. 36. Fourth edition. Lond., 1791. Buchanan, Claudius. The Star in the Eail: : a Sermon delivered in Briftol, 26th February, 1809. -With an Appendix. 8vo., pp. 52. Bofton, 1809. The Healing Waters of Bethefda : a Sermon at Buxton Wells, June 2, 1811. 8vo., pp. 40. N. Y., 181 2. Works of; comprifmg his Chriftian Refearches in Afia, etc. With Dr. Kerr's Report concerning the State of the Chriftians in Cochin and Travancore, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 181 2. Buchanan, George. Opera Omnia, etc., curante Thoma Ruddimano, A.M. Folio. 2 vols, in i. Edinburgh, 1715. .Hiftory of Scotland. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1733. Appendix to the Hiftory of Scotland. 8vo. Lond., 1721. Buchanan, George. Oration upon the Moral and Political Evil of Slavery, etc., July 4, 1 791, at Baltimore. 8vo. Baltimore, 1793. Buchanan, John Lane. Travels in the Weftern Hebrides, from 1782 to 1790. 8vo. Lond., 1793. Buchanan, Walter. Sermon before the Society in Scotland for Pro- pagating Chriftian Knowledge in the Highlands, etc., June 14, 1804. 8vo., pp. 72. Edinburgh, 1804. Buchon, J. A. C. Ouelques Souvenirs de Courfes en Suifle, et dans le Pays de Baden, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Buckingham. A Letter to the Lord Marquis of, chiefly on the fubjeft of the numerous Emigrant French Priefts, etc. By a Layman. 8vo., pp. 46. Lond., 1796. Buckingham, James S. Public Addrefs d^ivered by, in Defence of his Leftures on Paleftine, etc., at the Lyceum of New York, January, 1 840. N. Y. Buckingham, John. The Private Journals ... of the Expedition againft Canada in the years 17 10 and 171 1. From the original 84 New-York Historical Society. MSS. 1 2mo. [Publilhed with the Journal of Madam Knight.] N. Y., 1825. Buckingham, John Sheffield, Duke of. Works, etc. 2 vols. l2mo. Lond., 1726. Buckingham, Joseph T. Trial : Commonwealth vs. J. T. Buckingham, on an Indiftment for a Libel, before the Municipal Court of the City of Bofton, December Term, 1822. 8vo. Bofton, 1823. Specimens of Newfpaper Literature, with perfonal Memoirs, Anecdotes and Reminifcences. 2 vols. i2mo. 1850. See Polyanthos, New England Magazine. BucKMiNSTER, JosEPH. BHcf Diflcrtations on Eph. ii. 8, 9, 10. 8vo., pp. 59. 8vo. Bofton, 1767. BucKMiNSTER, JosEPH. Thanklgiving Difcourfe delivered at Ports- mouth, December 11, 1783. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1784. A Difcourfe delivered at Portfmouth, November i, 1789, on occalion of the Prefident of the United States [George Walhington] honoring that capital with a vifit. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1789. Difcourfe at York, September 3, 1792, the day on which Jofeph Abbott, Jr. received a Pardon, etc. 8vo. Imp. Funeral Sermon, delivered February 27, 1794 (Mrs. Porter). 8vo. Portfmouth, 1794. The Subftance of Two Difcourfes, delivered in Portfmouth, Feb- ruary 28, 1796. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1796, Funeral Sermon, deUvered at Exeter, Odlober 15, 1798 (Mrs. Sarah Rowland). 8vo. Portfmouth, 1798. Thankfgiving Difcourfe, delivered in Portfmouth, November 1 5, 1798. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1798. Sermon before the Eccleliaftical Convention of New Hampfhire, Concord, June 5, 1799. ^^°* Concord, 1799. Sermon preached in Portfmouth, 22d February, 1800, to the Memory of General Wafhington. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1 800. Domeftic Happinefs : a Sermon delivered in Portfmouth, Feb- ruary 23, 1800. 8vo. Portfmouth. Difcourfe delivered in Portfmouth, December 14, 1800, the Anniverfary of the Death of George Wafhington, etc. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1800. Difcourfe occafioned by the late Defolating Fire, delivered in Portfmouth. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1803. Difcourfe before the Members of the Female Charity School, Portfmouth, Oftober 14, 1803. 8vo., pp. 12. Portfmouth, 1803. Difcourfe on Bapdfm. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1803. A Difcourfe dehvcred in the North Church of Chrift, in Ports- mouth. 8vo. [Portfmouth, 1803.] Difcourfe on the Ordination of the Rev. Jofeph S. Buckminfter, Bofton, 8vo. Bofton, 1805. Ordination Sermon, January 30, 1805. 8vo. Bofton, 1805. Difcourfe at the Interment of Samuel Haven, D. D., who died Catalogue of Printed Books. 85 March 3, 1806, and of his Wife Margaret Haven, who died about thirty-fix hours after her hufband. With a Monody, by James Armftrong Neal, of Greenland. 8vo., pp. 40. Portfmouth. BucKMiNSTER, JosEPH. Funeral Sermon delivered in Bofton, December 18, 1808 (James Sullivan). 8vo. Bofton, 1809. Sermon at the Interment of the Rev. Mofes Hemmenway, D. D. 8vo., pp. 24. Kennebunk, 181 1. The Subftance of Three Difcourfes dehvered in Bofton, Auguft II, 181 1. 8vo. Bofton, 181 1. BucKMiNSTER, JosEPH S. On the Dangers and Duties of Men of Letters : addrefs before the P. B. K., Cambridge, Auguft 31,1 809. [From the Monthly Anthology, September, 1 809.] 8vo. Bofton. Sermon at the Interment of the Rev. Wm. Emerfon, Paftor of the Firft Church in Bofton. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1811. Sermons, with a Memoir of his Life and Charafter. 8vo." Second edition. Bofton, 181 5. BucKTAiL Bards. Dr. Buftjy's Edition of the, containing . . . The State Triumvirate, a Political Tale ; and the Epiftles of Brevet- Major Pindar Puff. i2mo. N. Y., 1819. BucKNAM, Nathan. Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Ebenezer Morfe, at Shrewft)ury, Oftober 26, 1743. 8vo. Bofton, 1743. BucKNER, John, Bifhop of Chichefter. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts . . . February 19, 1802. 4to. Lond., 1802. BuDA. A True and Exaft Relation of the Imperial Expedition in Hungaria, in the year 1684, etc. 410. Lond., 1685. An Hiftorical Defcription of the Glorious Conqueft of the City of, the Capital City of the Kingdom of Hungary, etc., by Leopold I. 4to. Lond., 1686. BuDGELL, Eustace. The Moral Charafters of Theophraftus. Trans- lated from the Greek. Plate. i2mo., pp. 80. Lond., 17 14. Letter to the Craftsman, on occafion of Complaint againft Sir Robert Walpole. Seventh edition. 8vo., pp. 42. Lond., 1730. Memoirs of the Lives and Characters of the Family of the Boyles, particularly Charles, Earl of Orrery, etc. Third edition, izmo. Lond., 1737. Budget (The), infcribed to the Man who thinb himfelf Minifter. Fourth edition. 4to., pp. 23. Lond., 1764. An Anfwer to the, infcribed to the Coterie. 4to., pp. 15. Lond., 1764. Budget of the People. Collefted by Old Hubert. 8vo. Lond. Buenos Ayres. An Authentic Narrative of the Proceedings of the Expedition under the command of Brigadier-General Craufurd, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1808. Meflage of the Government to the Tyventy-fecond Legiflature. 8vo., pp. 31. Buenos Ayres, 1844. Meflage of the Government to the 23d Legiflature. 8vo,, pp. 39* . Buenos Ayres, 1845. 86 New-York Historical Society. Buffalo Young Men's Aflbciation. Tenth Annual Report of Exec- utive Committee of. 8vo. BufFalo, 1 846. Twelfth Report of the. 8vo. BufFalo, 1 848. Buffet, Platt. Letter in which two of the Rev. Mr. Fletcher's Principles are Compared, etc. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 794. Building. An Apology for the Builder ; or, a Difcourfe fhewing the Caufe and EfFefts of the Increafe of Building. 4to., pp. 37. Lond., 1685. BuissoN, Du. Hiftory of the Life and Adlions of Vifcount de Turenne. Tranflated from the French. 8vo. Lond., 1686. Buist, George. Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. Bulkley, Charles. Vindication of My Lord Shaftefbury on the fubjefts of Morality and Religion, etc. 8vo., pp. 100. Lond., 1752. Sermon at the Evening Lefture in the Old Jewry, occafioned by the Death of Rev. James Fofter, D. D. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1753. Bulkeley, Gershom. The People's Right to Eleftion ; or. Alteration of Government in Connefticut argued in a Letter, etc. 4to. Phil., 1689. Bullard, Henry A. Difcourfe before the Hiftorical Society of Louifiana. 8vo., pp. 30. New Orleans, 1836. Bullock, Thomas. Sermon at the Cathedral Church of Norwich, June 28, 1724, etc. 8vo., pp. 46. Lond., 1724. Bullock, William. A Companion to the London Mufeum and Pan- therion, etc, 8vo, Lond., 1814. Bullock, William. Six Months' Refidence and Travels in Mexico ; containing Remarks on the Prefent State of New Spain, etc. With plates and Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1824. Sketch of a Journey through the Weftern States of North Amer- ica, from New Orleans, by the MifTiffippi, Ohio, City of Cin- cinnati and Falls of Niagara, to New York, in 1827. With a Defcription of Cincinnati, by B. Drake and E. D. Mansfield, etc. i2mo. Lond., 1827. Bunker's Hill. The Battle of: a Dramatic Piece of Five Afts, in Heroic Meafure. By a Gentleman of Maryland. 8vo. Phil., 1776. A Particular Account of the Battle of Bunker or Breed's Hill, on the 17th of June, 1775. By a Citizen of Bofton. 8vo. Bo/lon, 1825. Bunner, R. Difcourfe delivered Oftober 8, 1834, before the Alumni of Columbia College, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1834. Bun VAN, John. The Pilgrim's Progrefs, from this World to that which is to come : delivered under the fimilitude of a Dream. 1 8mo. Same. i2mo. N. Y. [A. T. S.] Buonaparte. Some Account of his Early Years. By C. H., one of his Schoolfellows. 8vo. Lond., 1797. BuRBANK, Caleb. Defence of Major-General, etc., before the General Court Martial, 8th September, 181 8, at Worcefter. 18 19. Catalogue of Printed Books. 87 BuRCHETT, JosiAH. Memoirs of Tranfadions at Sea during the War with France, beginning with 1688 and ending with 1697. 8vo. Lend., 1703. A Complete Hiftory of the moft remarkable Tranfaftions at Sea, from the Earlieft Accounts of Time to the Conclufion of the laft War with France. Folio. Lond., 1720. BuRDER, George. Village Sermons, etc. Vol. IV. 1 2mo. Lond., 1 800. BuRDETT, Sir Francis. Addrefs to his Conftituents, in Letter of March 23, denying the power of the Houfe of Commons to Im- prifon the People of England. 8vo., pp. 38. Lond. BuRDicK, William. Oration on the Nature and EfFefts of the Art of Printing, before the Boilon Franklin Aflbciation, July 5, 1802. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1802. BuRE, G. F. DE. Bibliographic Inllruftive, etc. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1763-68. BuRGES, Bartholomew. Short Account of the Solar Syftem and of Comets in General ; with a Particular Account of the Comet to appear in 1789. i2mo., pp. 18. Bofton, 1789. A Series of Indoftan Letters, etc.; with other Polemical Eaft India Tradls. i2mo. N. Y., 1790. Burges, George. Faft Sermon at Whittlefea St. Mary's, in the Ifle of Ely, April 19, 1793. 8vo., pp. 20. Lond., 1793. Difcourie on the Neceffity and Duty of Enlightening the Human Race, in the Church of St. Mary Whittlefea, March 8, 1 797 : Faft Day. 8vo., pp. 21. Peterborough, 1797. Burges, Tristam. The Spirit of Independence : an Oration delivered before the Providence Aflbciation of Mechanics and Manufacturers, at their Annual Eleftion, April 14, 1800. 8vo. Providence, 1800. Oration, July 4, 1 8 10, at Providence. 8vo. Providence, 1810. Burgoyne, John. A State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the Houfe of Commons, etc. ; with a Colledlion of Authen- tic Documents. 4to. Lond., 1780. Same. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1780. A Supplement to the State of the Expedition from Canada, containing General Burgoyne's Orders, etc. 4to. Lond., 1780. Burgoyne. A Letter to Lieut.-General. 8vo., pp. 50. BuRK, John. The Hiftory of Virginia, from its Firft Settlement to the prcfcnt day [continued by Skelton Jones and Louis Hue Girardin]. 4 vols.. 8vo. Peterftjurg, 1804-16. [Burke, Aedanus.] Confiderations on the Society, or Order of Cin- cinnati, etc. By Caflius. 8vo. Phil., 1783. Addrefs to the Freemen of the State of South Carolina, etc. By Caffius. 8vo. Phil., 1783. [Burke, Edmund.] An Account of the European Settlements in Amer- ica. 2 vols. 8vo. Fourth Edition. Lond., 1765. -■ Speech on American Taxation, April 19, 1774. Fourth edition. 8vo., pp. g6. Lond., 1775. 88 New-York Historical Society. [Burke, Edmund.] Speech on Moving his Refolutions for Reconcilia- tion with the Colonies, March 22, 1775. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 107. _ _ Lond., 1775. A Letter to John Farr and John Harris, Sheriffs of Briftol, on the Affairs of America. 8vo. Lond., 1777. A Letter from, to a Member of the National Affembly, in Anfwer to fome Objeftions to his Book on French Affairs. Fourth edition. 8vo. Rep. N. Y., 1791. Refledlions on the Revolution in France. 8vo., pp. 256. Phil., 1792. Letter to a Noble Lord, etc. 8vo., pp. 40. Rep. N. Y., 1796. Same. Fifth edition. Lond., 1796. Two Letters addreffed to a Member of the prefent Parliament, on the Propofals for Peace with the Regicide Direftory of France. 8vo. Lond., 1796. Burke. Simkin Redivivus to Simon : a Satirical and Poetical Epiftle, defcribing Edmund Burke's Letter to a Noble Lord in Defence of his Penfion. 8vo. Lond., 1796. Burke, Edmund. A Letter to his Grace the Duke of Portland, on the Conduft of the Minority in Parliament ; containing Fifty-four Articles of Impeachment againft the Right Hon. C. J. Fox. 8vo. Lond., 1797. Two Letters addreffed to a Member of the prefent Parliament, ^ on Propofals for a Peace with the Regicide Direftory of France. 8vo., pp. 86. Phil., 1797. Speech (nth February, 1780) on prefenting to the Houfe of Commons a Plan for the better fecurity of the Independence of Parliament, and the Economical Reformation of the Civil and other Eflablifhments. Fourth edition. 8vo., pp. 95. Lond., 1780. Speech (ifl December, 1783) on Mr. Fox's Ealt India Bill. 8vo., pp. 105. Lond., 1784. Letter to a Noble Lord, on the Attacks made upon him and his Penfion. Firfl American edition, with Preface by Peter Porcupine. 8vo., pp. 58. Phil. Burke, William. The Mineral Springs of Weftern Virginia; with Remarks on their Ufe, and the Difeafes to which they are jippli- cable. i2mo. N. Y., 1842. BuRKiTT, William. An Argumentative and Praftical Difcourfe of Infant Baptifm, etc. Fifth edition. i6mo., pp. 68. Lond., 1722. Burmannus, Joannes. Plantarum Americanarum Fafcic. X. Continens Plantas, quas olim Carolus Plumierius Botanicorum Princeps Detexit Eruitque atque in Infulis Antillis ipfe depinxit, etc. 262 plates. Folio. Amfterdam, 1755. Burn, Edward. Reply to the Rev. Dr. Prieflley's Appeal to the Public, etc. 8vo. Birmingham, 1792. Burnaby, Andrew. Travels through the Middle Settlements in North Catalogue of Printed Books. 89 America, in the years 1759 ^"^ 1760; with Obfervations upon the State of the Colonies. 4to. Lond., 1775. BuRNABY, Andrew. Same. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1775. Voyages dans les Colonies du Milieu de I'Amerique Septentrionale faits en 1759 et 1760, etc. Traduit par M. Willd. 8vo. A la Haye, 1778. BuRNAP, George W. Memoir of Henry Auguftus Ingalls. 8vo. N. Y., 1845. BuRNELL, George Pratt. A Letter to the Hon. Henry Clay, of Kentucky, containing a brief Reply to fome Statements of Jofeph John Gurney, in relation to Jamaica. 8vo. N. Y., 1 840. Burnet, G. Letters containing an Account of what feemed moft Remarkable in Travelling through Switzerland, Italy, fome parts of Germany, etc. 8vo. Rotterdam, 1687. Burnet, Gilbert, Bifhop of Sarum. Hiftory of the Rights of Princes in the Difpofing of Ecclefiaftical Benefices and Church Lands, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1682. EfTay on the Memory of the late Queen, Confort to William III. 8vo. Lond., 1695. Hiftory of His Own Time. Vol. I. — From the Reftoration to the Revolution. To which is prefixed, a Summary Recapitulation of Affairs in Church and State, from King James I. to the Reftora- tion. Vol. II. — From the Revolution to the conclufion of the Treaty of Peace at Utrecht, in the Reign of Queen Anne. To which is added, the Author's Life, by the Editor [Thomas Bur- net]. Folio. Lond., 1724-34. [Burnet, J,] Notes on the Early Settlement of the North Weftern Territory. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1847. The Annual Addrefs delivered before the Cincinnati Aftronomical Society, June 3, 1844, etc. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1844. Burnet, Thomas, The Theory of the Earth ; containing an Account of the Original of the Earth, etc. Folio. Lond., 1684. Telluris Theoria facra orbis nostri originem et mutationes generales quas aut jam fubiit, aut olim fubitum eft compleftens. Second edition. 8vo. Londini, 1689. Telluris Theoria Sacra Orbis Noftri Originem et Mutationes generales, etc. 2 vols, in I. Editio fecunda. 8vo. Lond., 1789. Burnet, Thomas. The Argument fet forth in a late Book, entitled, Chriftianity as Old as the Creation, reviewed and confuted, in feveral Conferences. 8vo., pp. 72. Lond., 1730. Burnett, George. View of the Prefent State of Poland. 8vo. Lond., 1807. BuRNSiDE, McGregore. Oration, December 27, 1806, before the Merrimack Lodge, Haverhill, Maflachufetts. 8vo., pp. 16. Haverhill, 1807. Burns, John. Obfervations on Abortion ; containing fome account of the manner in which it takes place, the caufcs which produce it. 90 New-York Historical Society. and the method of preventing or treating it. i2mo. Troy, 1808. Burns, W. Scott. Connexion between Literature and Commerce : in two effays. Read before the Literary and Hirtorical Society of Toronto. Svo., pp, 16. Toronto, 1845. Burr, Aaron. Sermon before the Synod of New York, convened at Newark, N. J., September 30, 1756. Third edition. 8vo. Bofton, 1757. A Funeral Sermon, preached Augufl: 31, 1757. 8vo. Bofton, 1758. Burr, Aaron. View of the Political Conduft of, Vice-Prefident of the United States. By the Author of the " Narrative." Svo. N. Y., 1802. Examination of the Charges exhibited againft, and Development of the Characters and Views of his Political Opponents. By Aris- tides. Svo. , pp. 116. 1S04. Reply to Ariftides. See Cheetham. Letter to, V. P. U. S. of A., on the Barbarous Origin, the Crimi- nal Nature and the Baneful Eft'efts of Duels ; occafioned by his late Fatal Interview with General Hamilton. By Philanthropos. Svo, N. Y., 1804. Burr's (Aaron) Conspiracy. Meffage from the Prefident, tranfmitting Information, etc., January 22, 1S07. Svo. Meffage from the Prefident of the United States, tranfmitting a Copy of the Proceedings, and of the Evidence exhibited, on the Arraignment of Aaron Burr and others before the Circuit Court of the United States, held in Virginia, in 1S07. Svo. [Pub. Doc] Wafhington, 1807. The Trial of Colonel, on an Indiftment for Treafon, before the Circuit Court of the United States, May, 1 807 ; including the Arguments and Decifions, etc. Taken in Short-hand by T. Car- penter. 3 vols. Svo. Wafhington, 1807-8. Burr, C. C. Subftance of an Extemporaneous Oration on Irifh Repeal, delivered in Troy, Oftober 23, 1S44. Svo. Albany, 1844. BuRRiLL, George R. Oration before the Providence Aflbciation of Mechanics and Manufacturers, at their Annual Eledtion, April 11, 1796. Svo. Providence, 1796. BuRRisH, Onslow. Batavia Illuftrata ; or, a View of the Policy and Commerce of the United Provinces, etc. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 172S. Burroughs, Stephen. His Memoirs. Svo. Hanover, N. H., 1798. BuRROWEs, Robert. Letter to the Rev. Samuel Barber, etc. [State of the Irilh Church.] Svo., pp. 67. Dublin, 1787. BuRTHOGGE, RiCHARD. An Eflav upou Reafon, and the Nature of Spirits. i6mo., pp. .280. Lond., 1694. Burton, Robert. Anatomy of Melancholy. Folio. 1632. Burton, Robert. The Wars in England, Scotland and Ireland, etc., during the Reign of King Charles I. Cuts. Ninth edition. 1 2mo. Lond., 1728. Catalogue of Printed Books. 91 Burton, Robert. A True Expofition of the Tranfaftions which led to the Failure of the late Franklin Bank, etc. N. Y., 1831. Bury, Elizabeth. Account of the Life and Death of; collefted from her Diary. With her Elegy, by Ifaac Watts, etc. Fourth edition. i2mo. Bofton, 1743. Busby, Charles A. An Effay on the Propulfion of Navigable Bodies. 8vo. . N. Y., 1 81 8. Busby, James. Journal of a Recent Vilit to the principal Vineyards of Spain and France. i2mo. N. Y., 1835. [Bush, J.] Hibernia Curiofa : a Letter from a Gentleman in Dublin to his Friend at Dover in Kent, on the Manners, Cuftoms, etc. of Ireland. 8vo., pp. 143. Lond. [1764.] Butler, Benjamin Franklin. Anniverfary Difcourfe delivered before the Albany Inftitute, April 23, 1 830. 8vo., pp. 88. Albany, 1 830. Pkn for the Organization of Law Faculty, and for a Syftem of Inftrudlion in Legal Science in the Univerfity of the City of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1835. The Military Profeffion in the United States . . . Addrefs at Weft Point, June 19, 1839. 8vo., pp. 46. N. Y., 1839. JefFerfonian Democracy Defined and Vindicated, in oppofition to its definition by Daniel Webfter : in a Speech at Tammany Hall, N. Y., 24th September, 1 840. Popular Leflures, as a Means of Diffufing Knowledge. Monthly Ledurer, No. I, Vol. L 8vo. N. Y., 1841. Reprefentative Democracy in the United States : an Addrefs . . . Union College, 26th July, 1841. 8vo., pp. 43. Albany, 1841. Butler, David. Sermon at the Induftion of the Rev. Frederick Van Horn into St. John's Church at Balltown, and the Church at Charlton, Auguft 8, 1805. 8vo., pp. 24. Troy, 1805. Butler, James. Juftification of the Tenets of the Roman Catholic Religion, etc. 8vo., pp. 88. Dublin, 1787. Short Refutation of the Arguments in his Letter to Lord Kenmare. By a ClergjFman. 8vo., pp. 17. Dublin, 1787. Butler, John. The Political Fugitive ; being a Brief Difquifition into the Modern Syftem of Britifti Politics, etc. ; written during a Voyage from London to New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1 794. Butler, Joseph, Biftiop of Briftol. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, Feb- ruary 16, 1738-9. 8vo. Lond., 1739. Butler, Joseph, Biftiop of Durham. The Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, to the Conftitution and Courfe of Nature, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1809. Butler, Mann. A Hiftory of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. 8vo. Louifville, 1834. Butler, Weeden. Sermon addrefled to the Armed Aflbciation of the Parifh of St. Luke, Chelfea, etc., July 8, 1798. 8vo., pp. 19. 1798. 92 New-York Historical Society. Butler, James D. An Addrefs delivered before the Vermont His- torical and Antiquarian Society, Montpelier, 1 6th Oftober, 1846. Appendix, etc. 8vo., pp. 36. Montpelier, 1846. Deficiencies in our Hiftory : an Addrefs delivered before the Vermont Hillorical and Antiquarian Society, at Montpelier, Oftober 16, 1846, etc. Montpelier, 1846. Sermon at Norwich, Vermont, February 22, 1848, during "the Obfequies of Truman Ranfom, Colonel of the Ninth Regiment. 8vo. Hanover, 1848. Addrefs on the Battle of Bennington, delivered before the Legis- lature of Vermont, Montpelier, Oftober 20, 1 848. 8vo. Burhngton, 1849. Byles, Mather. F-uneral Sermon at Boflon, January 19, 1752 (Cathe- rine Dummer). 8vo. Bollon, 1752. Funeral Sermon on the Hon. William Dunbar. 8vo. • Bofton, 1 76 1. Sermon on the Nature and Neceffity of Converfion. 8vo. Bofton, 1769. Artillery Eleftion Sermon, June 2, 1 740. 8vo. Bofton, 1 769. The Flourifh of the Annual Spring Improved, in a Sermon, May 3, 1739. Second edition. 8vo. Bofton, 1769. Poem on the Death of George I. and Acceffion of George II. 8vo., pp. 5. Difcourfe on the Prefent Vilenefs of the Body and its Future Glorious Change by Chrift. 8vo., pp. 23. Rep. Bofton, 1771. Byng. An Account of the Expedition of the Britilh Fleet to Sicily, in the years 171 8, 17 19, and 1720, under the command of Sir George Byng, Bart., etc. CoUedled from the Admiral's MSS., etc. 8vo. Lond., 1739. Byrne, Alexander S. Remarks on Captain Chappell's Reports on the Archimedian Screw. 8vo. N. Y., 1 841. Obfervations on the Ufes and Advantages of ComprelTed Peat. N. Y., 1 841. Obfervations on the beft means of Propelling Ships. Second edition. N. Y., 1 841. Byron, John. The Narrative of the Honorable, containing an Account of the Great Diftrefles fuffered by Himfelf and his Companions on the Coaft of Patagonia, from the year 1740 till their arrival in England, 1746. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1768. Cabeca de Vaca, Alvar Nunez. Narrative. Tranflated by Bucking- ham Smith. 4to. Walhington, '851. Cabinet Cyclopedia. Geography. The Cities and Principal Towns of the World. Vol.1. i6mo. Lond., 1830. Le, du Roy de France dans lequel il y'a trois Perles Precieufes d'ineftimable valeur, etc. Ded. au Roy de France et dc Pologne, Henri m. 8vo. 1582. Catalogue of Printed Books. 93 Cabinet of Freedom (The), under the fupervifion of the Hon. William Jay, Rev. Profeflbr Bufh, of the Univerfity of New York, and Gerrit Smith, Efq. 3 vols. i2mo. N. Y., 1836. The ; or, a Colle£lion of Choice Things, comprifing the Beauties of American Mifcellanies for the laft Thirty Years. [The Firft Article is a Defcription of the Federal Proceffion, on the 23d day of July, 1788, in honor of the Adoption of the Conftitution by the States.] 8vo. N. Y., 1815. Cabot, Marston. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Aaron Brown, Kellingley, January 9, 1754. 8vo. New London, 1754. Cabot, Sebastian. Memoir of; with a Review of the Hiftory of Maritime Difcovery, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1831. Cabrera, Paul Felix. Defcription of the Ruins of an x'\ncient City, difcovered near Palenque, in the Kingdom of Guatemala, in Spanifh America. Tranflated from the original MS. Report of Captain Don Antonio del Rio ; followed by Teatro Critico Americano, s^ etc. 4to. Lond., 1822. Cadogan, William. A Diflertation on the Gout, etc. Phil., 1771. Cadogan, Wm. Bromley. Addrefs from a Clergyman to his Parifh- ioners. 8vo., pp. 38. Lond., 1785. Sermon on the Death of the Rev. W. Romaine, Auguft 9, 1795. 8vo., pp. 39. Lond., 1795. The Life of the Rev. William Romaine, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1 796. Caines, George. New York Term Reports of Cafes argued and determined in the Supreme Court of that State. Vol. L, part 2, N. Y., 1804; and Vol. IIL, part i, N. Y., 1805. Calamy, Edmund. An Account of the Minifters, Lefturers, Mafters, and Fellows of Colleges, and Schoolmafters, who were Ejefted or Silenced after the Reftoration in 1660. Second edition. Vol. IL 8vo. Lond., 171 3. Continuation of the Account, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1727. Truth and Love: a Difcourfe from Ephefians iv. 15, at Salters' Hall, November 29, 1720. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1720. Calcutta Monthly Journal. 1 2mo. 1 802. Caldwell, Charles, An Elegiac Poem on the Death of General Wafhington. 8vo., pp. 12. Phil., 1800. An Eulogium to the Memory of Mr. George Lee, delivered to the Philadelphia Medical Society, February 24, 1802. 8vo. Phil., 1802. An Anniverfary Oration on the fubjedl of Quarantines, delivered to the Philadelphia Medical Society, January 21, 1807. 8vo. Phil., 1807. Oration commemorative of the Charafter and Adminiflration of Wafhington, delivered before the American Republican Society of Philadelphia, 2 2d February, 1810. 8vo., pp. 37. Phil., 1810. Oration, 4th July, 18 10, before the American Republican Society of Philadelphia. 8vo., pp. 34. Phil., 1810. Medical Thefes felefted from among the Inaugural Diflertations 94 New-York Historical Society. publifhed and defended by the Graduates in Medicine of the Univerfirv of Pennfylvania, and of other Medical Schools in the United States. 3 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1 806. Caldwell, Charles. Memoirs of the Life and Campaigns of Nathaniel Greene, 8vo. Phil., 18 19. Difcourfe on the Genius and Character of Horace Holley ; with Biographical Notes. Engravings. 8vo, Bofton, 1828. Thoughts on Quarantine, and other Sanitary Syftems. Boylfton Prize Eflay. 8vo. Bofton, 1834. Caldwell, John. Sermon at the French Meeting Houfe, Bofton, • May 26, 1742. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1742. Caldwell, Joseph. A Difcourfe delivered at the Univerfity of North Carolina, at the commencement in July, 1 802 ; concluding with an Addrefs to the Senior Clafs. i2mo. Raleigh, 1802. Caldwell, Joseph B. Oration at Barre, Maflachufetts, July 4, 1808. 8vo. Caldwell Monument. Inauguration Ceremonies : Addrefs by Samuel Miller, November 24, 1845. 8vo., pp. 24. Elizabeth-Town, 1846. Calef, Robert. More Wonders of the Invifible World; or, the Wonders of the Invifible World Difplayed, in Five Parts. To which is added, a Poftfcript relating to a Book entitled, " The Life of Sir WiUiam Phips," Rep., i2mo. Salem, Ms., 1796. Calhoun, George A. An Hiftorical Addrefs before the Church of Chrift, in North Coventry, Connedlicut, at their Firft Centennial Celebration, Odlober 9, 1845. 8vo. Hartford, 1846. Calhoun, J. C, and T. P. Grosvenor. Speeches in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, upon Mr. Webfter's Refolu- tions. 8vo. 1 81 3. Speech on his Amendment to Separate the Government from the Banks, delivered in the Senate of the United States, October 3, 1837. Waftiington, 1837. Letter in Anfwer to an Invitation from a Committee appointed by a Convention of Democratic RepubHcan Eleftors of the City of New York, to deliver an Oration on Sixty-fourth Anniverfary of the Independence of the United States. N. Y., 1 840. Life of; prefenting a condenfed Hiftory of Political Events from 1 811 to 1843. 8vo. N. Y., 1843. Works. Edited by Richard K. Cralle. 6 vols. 8vo. N.Y., 1854-55. California. Report of the Debates in the Convention of Cahfornia, on the Formation of the State Conftitution, in September and Oftober, 1849. ^7 J- Ro^s Browne. 8vo. Waftiington, 1850. [Callander, John.] Terra Auftralis Cognita ; or. Voyages to the Terra Auftrahs, or Southern Hemifphere, during the Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1766. Callender, John. Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Jeremiah Condy Catalogue of Printed Books. 95 to the Paftoral care of the Baptift Church in Bofton, Februarj' 14th, 1738-9. 8vo. Bollon, 1739. [Callender, James Thompson.] The Pohtical Progrefs of Britain ; or, an Impartial Hiftory of Abufes in the Government of the Britifli Empire in Europe, Afia and America. Part I., third edition. 8vo. Phil., 1795. The Political Regifter ; or. Proceedings in the Seffion of Congrels commencing November 3, 1794, and ending March 3, 1795. Vol. I. 8vo. Phil., 1795. [ ] The American Annual Regifter ; or, Hiftorical Memoirs of the United States for the year 1796. 8vo. Phil., January 19, 1797. [ ] Hiftory of the United States for 1 796 ; including a variety of interefting particulars relative to the Federal Government previous to that period. 8vo. Phil., 1 797. Sketches of the Hiftory of America. 8vo. Phil., 1798. [ ] The Profpea before Us. Vol. I.,— II., Part i. 8vo. Richmond, Va., 1800. Calonne, M. de. Difcours du Roi, fuivi de celui de, Prononces dan I'Aflemblee des Notables, 22 Fevricr, 1787. 8vo., pp. 37. Paris, 1787. Eclairciflemens et Pieces Juftificatives. 8vo., pp. 98. [1787.] Requete au Roi. 8vo., pp. 212. 1787. Calvert, George [Lord Baltimore]. Review of the Hon. John P. Kennedy's Difcourfe on his Life and Charafter. 8vo., pp. 32. Baltimore, 1846. Calvet, Peter du. The Cafe of; containing an Accoimt of the long and fevere Impriformient he fuffered, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1784. Calvinism. Poem on Univerfal Salvation; or, a Gentle Stroke at Calvinifm. i2mo. N. Y., 1802. A Full-length Portrait of. By an Old-faftiioned Churchman. 8vo. New Haven, 1 809. Cambria Depicta : a Tour through North Wales, illuftrated with Picturefque Views. 4to. Lond., 1 8 1 6. Cambridge, Richard Owen. An Account of the War in India, be- tween the Enghfh and the French, on the Coaft of Coromandel, from the year 1750 to the year 1761. Maps. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1762. Camden, William. Britannia, five Florentiffimorum Regnorum, An- glias, Scotia, Hibernias, etc. 410. Lond,, 1600. His Britannia, newly tranflated into Englifh ; with large additions and improvements. PubUfhed by Edmund Gibfon, etc. FoUo. Lond., 1695. Britannia ; or, a Chorographical Defcription of Great Britain and Ireland, together with the adjacent Iflands. Revifed, etc. by Edmund Gibfon. Second edition. 2 vols. foho. Lond. Campbell, Charles. The Bland Papers : a Seleftion from the Manu- fcripts of Col. Theodorick Bland, of Prince Geo. County, Va., etc. 8vo. 2 vols, in l. Peterft)urg, Va., 1840. 96 New-York Historical Society. Campbell, J. Lives of the Britilh Admirals, from the Earlieft Periods ; with a Contiiiuation down to the year 1779. Written under the infpe(!ftion of Dr. Berkenhout. Maps and engravings. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1785. Campbell, James. Oration, July 4, 1787. 8vo. Phil., 1787. Campbell, J. W. A Hiilory of Virginia, from its Difcovery till the year 1781 ; with Biographical Sketches, etc. izmo. Phil., 1813. Campbell, J. W. Biographical Sketches of, compiled by his Widow. With a portrait. 8vo. Columbus, Ohio, 1838. Campbell, John. Political Survey of Britain, etc. ; being a Series of Refledlions on the Situation, Lands, Inhabitants, Revenues, Colo- nies and Commerce of this Ifland, etc. Second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1775. Campbell, Laurence Dundas. See Boyd. Campbell, Maria. Revolutionary Services and Civil Life of General William Hull, prepared from his MSS. by his Daughter ; together with the Hiftory of the Campaign of 1812 and Surrender of the Port of Detroit, by his Grandfon, James Freeman Clarke. 8vo. N. Y., 1848. Campbell, Richard. A Concife Hiftory of Spanilh America, etc. ; with an Appendix, in which is comprehended an Exact Defcription of Paraguay. 8vo. Lond., 174 1. Same. Second edition. [Title altered, " A Complete Hiftory," etc.] Lond., 1742. Same. Another edition. The Spanilh Empire in America, etc. By an Englifh Merchant. 8vo. Lond., 1747. Campbell, William. A Vindication of the Principles and Charadlers of the Prefby terians of Ireland. Third edition, pp. 74. Lond., 1787. Campbell, William H. A Funeral Difcourfe, occafioned by the Death of Rev. Andrew Yates, D. D,, delivered before the Claffis of Schenectady, in the R. P. Dutch Church, November 17, 1844. 8vo. Albany, 1844. Campbell, William W. Annals of Try on County; or, the Border Warfare of New York during the Revolution. 8vo. N. Y., 1831. Same. [Second edition.] 8vo. N. Y., 1849. Ledlure on the Life and Military Services of General James Clinton, read before the New-York Hiftorical Society, February, 1839. 8vo., pp. 23. N. Y., 1839. Addrefs at Centennial Celebration at Cherry Valley, New York, 4th July, 1 840. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 840. Memoir of Judith S. Grant, late Miffionary to Perfia. i2mo. N. Y., 1 844. Life and Writings of De Witt Clinton. 8vo. N. Y., 1 849. An Hiftorical Sketch of Robin Hood and Captain Kidd. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1853. Campe, J. H. Over de Staats — Omwenteling in Bankryk, in Brieven uit het Hoogduitfch. Met Plaaten. 8vo. Amfterdam, 1 790. Catalogue of Printed Books. 97- Camp Meetings. An Apology for, illuftrative of their Good Effects, and anfwering the principal Objedions urged againft them. By A. J. izmo., pp. 48. N. Y., 1810. Canada (All) in the Hands of the Englifh ; or, an Authentick Journal of the Proceedings of the Army under General Amherfl, etc., from loth Auguft to 8ch September, 1760, etc. 8\'o. Bofton. Extrafts from the Minutes of the Council, containing His Majefty's late Regulations relative to the Wafte Lands of the Crown, etc. 8vo. Quebec, 1798. Gazetteer of the Province of Upper Canada; with an Ap- pendix, defcribing the Principal Towns, Fortifications and Rivers in Lower Canada. 8vo. Map and plan. N. Y., 1813. Map and Gazetteer of 8vo. N. Y., 181 3. Memoirs of the Adminiftration of the Government of Lower Canada by the Right Honorable the Earl of Dalhoufie, G. C. B. ; comprehending a period of Eight Years, viz., from June, 1820, till September, 1828. 8vo. Quebec, 1829. Memoires fur la Canada, depuis 1749 jufqu'a 1760. En Trois Parties avec Cartes et Plans lithographies. Publics tons la Direction de la Societe Litteraire et Hillorique de Quebec. 8vo. Quebec, 1838. Remarks on a Legiflative Union of the Provinces of British North America, 8vo. 1839. Meflage from His Excellency the Governor General ; with Reports on a Geological Survey of the Province of Canada ; Janu- ary 27, 1845. 8vo. Montreal, 1845. Canada Thistle. Obfervations on the. 8vo. 18 10. Canadian Freeholder (The). In Dialogues between an Englilhman and a Frenchman fettled in Canada. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1777-9. Canal. Remarks on the Propofed Canal from Lake Erie to the Hudfon River. By Atticus. 8vo. N. Y., 1816. Remarks on the Propofed Canal from Rome, on the Mohawk . River, to Onondaga Lake. 8vo. N. Y., 1816. Navigation. Report of the CommifTioners appointed by Joint Refolutions of the Hon. the Senate and Aflembly of the State of New York, March 13-15, 18 10, to Explore the Route of an; Inland Navigation from Hudson's River to Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. 8vo. N. Y., 1811. Report of the Commiffioners under the Aft of April 8, 1 8 1 1 . . 8vo. Albany, 181 2.. Report of the CommiiTioners in Aflembly, March 8, 1 8 1 4. 8vo. . Candid Remarks on Dr. Witherfpoon's Addrefs to the Inhabitants of Jamaica, and the other Well India Iflands, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1772. . Candid Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies, etc. N. Y., 1775. Candid Retrofpctt (The) ; or, the American War Examined by Whig . Principles. 8vo. N. Y., Rep. 1780. . 7 98 New-York Historical Society. Candidus. Plain Truth, containing Remarks on a late Pamphlet enti- tled " Common Senfe." Phil., 1776. Caner, Henry. Funeral Sermon, delivered January l, 1761 (George the Second). 8vo. Bofton. Thankfgiving Sermon, on occafion of the General Peace, delivered in Bofton, Augufl ir, 1763. 8vo. Bofton, 1763. Cantemir, Demetrius. The Hiftory of the Growth and Decay of the Ottoman Empire. Tranflated from the Latin, by N. Tindal. Folio. Lond., 1734. Canty, W. Natura, Philofophia et Ars in Concordia [An Eflay on Building, etc.] with drawings, etc. 8vo., pp. 1 10. Lond., 1772. Cape Breton. The Importance and Advantage of. Truly Stated and Impartially Confidered ; with proper maps. 8vo. Lond., 1 746. National Prejudice oppofed to the National Intereft, etc. : in a Letter to Sir John Barnard, Knight. 8vo. Lond., 1 748. Genuine Letters and Memoirs relating to the Natural, Civil and Commercial Hiftory of the Iflands of Cape Breton and St. John, from the Firft Settlement there to the taking of Louifburg by the Englifti in 1758, etc. By an Impartial Frenchman. 8vo. Lond., 1760. See Prince, Shirley. Capital Punishment. Report of the Joint Seleft Committee on that part of the Governor's Meflage relating to the Capital Puniftiment, etc. May Seflion, 1 842 ; Doc. No. 7. New Haven, 1 842. Capodieci, Guiseppe Maria. Antichi Monumenti di Siracufa. Second edition. 2 vols. 4to. Siracufa, 1816. Cappe, Newcome. Faft Sermon, February 4, 1780, York. 8vo. Imp, York, 1780. Capper, Benjamin Pitts. A Statiftical Account of the Population and Cultivation, Produce and Confumption of England and Wales, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1801. Capper, Henry. Information for Laboring Emigrants refpefting South Auftralia. i2mo. Lond., 1839. Capron, E. S. Hiftory of California, from its Difcovery to the Pre- fent Time . . . with a Journal of the Voyage from New York, via Nicaragua, to San Francifco ; and back, via Panama. Map. i2mo. Bofton, 1854. Caramalli, Hamet. Documents refpe6ling the Application of . . . Ex-Baftiaw of Tripoli. 1 806. Cardenas Z. Cano, Gabriel de. Enfayo Cronologico, para la Hiftoria General de la Florida, etc. Defde el ano de 1512 que defcubrio la Florida Juan Ponce de Leon hafta el de 1722. Folio. Madrid, 1 723. ' Cardinals of the Roman Church. II Cardinalifimo di Santa Chiefa ; or the Hiftory of the, from the Time of their Firft Creation to the Elcftion of their prefent Pope, Clement the Ninth ; with a full Account of his Conclave. From the Italian. Folio. Lond., 1670. Catalogue of Printed Books. 99 Carey, H. C. Principles of Political Economy. Part II. 8vo. Phil., 1838. The Credit Syftem in France, Great Britain and the United States. 8vo. Phil., 1838. Anfwers to the Queftions : What conftitutes Currency? What are the Caufes of Unfteadinefs of the Currency? and. What is the Remedy? 8vo. Phil., 1840. Carey, J. Latin Profody made Eafy. New edition. 8vo. Lond., 1808. Carey, Mathew. A Short Account of the Malignant Fever lately prevalent in Philadelphia ; with a Statement of the Proceedings that took place on the fubjeft in different parts of the United States. Second edition. 8vo. Phil., 1793. A Plumb Pudding for the Humane, Chafte, Valiant, Enlightened Peter Porcupine. 8vo. Phil., 1799. Defultory Refleftions excited by the recent Calamitous Fate of John Fullerton (Theatrical Criticifm). Fourth edition. 8vo., pp. 18. N. Y., 1802. The Olive Branch ; or, Faults on Both Sides, Federal and Demo- cratic, etc. Second edition. i2mo. Phil., January 9, 181 5. The Same. Fourth edition, enlarged. 2 vols. 1 2mo. Phil., 1 81 5. An Anfwer to certain parts of a Work publilhed by, entitled " The Ohve Branch," etc. By a Federalift. 1 2mo. [N. Y., 1 816.] Three Letters on the prefent Calamitous State of Affairs, addrefTed to F. M. Garnett, Efq. 8vo. Phil., 1820. The New OUve Branch, etc. Second edition. 8vo. Phil., 1820. A Solemn Warning on the Banks of the Rubicon. No. 5. To the Citizens of South Carolina. Phil., Augufl, 1820. AddrefTes to the Farmers of the United States, on the Ruinous Confequences, etc. of the exifling Policy of this Country. Phil., 1 821. StriAures on Mr. Cambreleng's Work, entitled " An Examina- tion of the New Tariff," Nos. i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Phil., September 17, 1821. Fads and Obfervations, illuftrative of the Paft and Prefent Situa- tion and Future Profpefts of the United States, etc. By a Penn- fylvanian. Third edition. 8vo. Phil., 1822. EfTays on Political Economy ; or, the Moft Certain Means of Promoting the Wealth, Power, Refources and Happinefs of Nations, etc. Phil., 1822. An Appeal to Common Senfe and Common Juftice; or. Irre- fragable Fads oppofed to Plaufible Theories : intended to prove the extreme Injuftice, etc. of the exifling Tariff. Third edition. Phil., April 2, 1822. The Crifis : a Solemn Appeal to the Prefident, etc. 8vo. Second edition. Phil., 1823. 1 00 New -York Historical Society. Carey, Mathew. Addrcfs delivered before the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture, on 20th July, 1824. Second edition. Phil., 1824. EfTays tending to prove the Ruinous Effefts of the Policy of the United States on the three clafles. Farmers, Planters and Merchants. Addrefled to Edw. Livingfton. 8vo. Phil., 1826. Extrafts from " Letters on the Colonization Societ\%" etc. 8vo., pp. 8. Common Senfe Addrefles to the Citizens of the Southern States, etc. By a Citizen of Philadelphia. 8vo. Phil., 1829. Thirteen Eflays on the Policy of Manufacturing in this Country. 8vo. Phil., 1830. Eflays on the Pubhc Charities of Philadelphia. Fifth edition. 8vo. Phil., 1830. Brief View of the Syftem of Internal Improvement of the State of Pennfylvania, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1831. Letters on the Colonization Society; with a Review of its Pro- bable Refults, etc. Second edition. Phil., 1832. Profpects on the Rubicon. Part II. By the Author of " The Olive Branch." Phil., 1832. Profpedls beyond the Rubicon. Second feries. Nos. I and 6. 1833. Appeal to the Wealthy of the Land ... on the Charafter, etc. of thofe whofe Dependence for Subfiftence is on the Labor of their Hands. Third edition. Phih, Auguft 15, 1833. Various Tradls. 8vo. Phil., 1833-5. Vindiciae Hibernica; ; or, Ireland Vindicated, etc. Third edi- tion. 8vo. Phil., 1837. See American Mufeum. Caribbean A. Containing Letters and Difl^ertations, together with Poet- ical Eflays on various fubjefts and occaiions. Chiefly wrote by feveral Hands in the Weft Indies. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1741. Caritat, H. Specimen of a Volume of Modern Poetry, etc. ; con- taining M. G. Lewis's "Love of Gain," and H. Mackenzie's " Purfuit of Happinefs." 8vo. N. Y., 1801. Carleton, Mary. The Counterfeit Lady Unveiled ; being a full Account of the Birth, Life, Adlions and Untimely Death of, known by the name of the German Princefs. 8vo. Lond., 1673. Carli (M. le Comte) J. R. Lettres Americains, etc. pour fervir de fuite aux Memoires de D, Ulloa. [Traduites par M. le Fevre de Villebrune.] 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1792. Carlisle, Anthony. An Efl"ay on the Diforders of Old Age, and on the Means for Prolonging Human Life. 8vo. PJiil., 1819. Carlisle, Earl of. Letter to the, occafioned by his Lordfliip's Reply to the Earl of Fitzwilliam. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1795. Letter to M. Richard Carlifle. Carlos II. Copia del Teftamento Cerrado, que en dos de Oft. de 1700, y del Codicilo que en Cinco del mifmo mes, y ano hizo la Majeftad del Senor Rey Don . . . 8vo. Madrid, 1700. Catalogue of Printed Books. ioi Carlyle, Alexander. The Juftice and Neceffity of the War with our American Colonies Examined : a Sermon at Inverncfs, Decem- ber 12, 1776. — Fail: Day for the American Rebelhon. 8vo.^ pp. 50. Edinburgh, 1777. National Depravity the Caufe of National Calamities : a Sermon from Jeremiah vi. 8, Inverefk, Faft Day, February 25, 1794. 8vo., pp. 34. Edinburgh, 1794. Carlyle, Thomas. The French Revolution : a Hiftory. In 3 vols. • i2mo. 3 vols, in 2. Bofton, 1838. Carnot, L, N. M. Reponfe de, Citoyen Francais, I'un des Fondateurs, de la Republique, etc. Au Rapport fait fur la Conjuration du 1 8 Fruftidor, au Confeil de Cinq Cents. Par J. Ch. Bailleul. 1 2mo. An Vl. de la Republique. Reply to Bailleul's Report on the Confpiracy of the i8th Frudli- dor. Third Year. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 199. Lond., 1799. Carpenter, B. A Letter to the Rev. R. Foley, relative to the Diflent- ers, etc. 8vo., pp. 42. Stourbridge. Carpenter, Lant. Difcourfe, London, June 13, 1810, before the Supporters of the Unitarian Fund, etc. 1 2mo., pp. 39. Lond., 1 810. Propofed Addrefs to the Queen. 1837. Carpenter, Thomas. See U. S. Debates, Burr. Carr, John. A Northern Summer; or. Travels round the Baltic, through Denmark, Sweden, Ruffia, Pruffia, and Part of Germany, in the year 1 804. 4to. Lond., 1805. A Tour through Holland, along the Right and Left Banks of the Rhine, to the South of Germany, in the Summer and Autumn of 1806. 8vo. Phil., 1807. Carroll, B. R. Hiftorical Colledlions of South Carolina, embracing many Rare and Valuable Pamphlets and other Documents, relating to the Hilliory of that State, from its Firft Difcovery to its Inde- pendence, in the year 1776. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1836. Carroll, John. Biographical Sketch of; with Seleft Portions of his Writings. Edited by John Carroll Brent. 1 2mo. Baltimore, 1843. Carson, James. Oration, 12th May, 1802, before the Tammany Society, New York. 8vo. Carter, Benjamin. Aflize Sermon, Chelmsford, March 9, 1726, before the Hon. Mr. Juftice Probyn. 4to. Lond., 1727. Carter, James C. Letters to the Hon. William Prefcott, LL. D., on the Free Schools of New England, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1824. Carter, Nathaniel H. Letter from Europe ; comprifing the Journal of a Tour through Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Italy and Switzerland, in the years 1825, '26 and '27. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1827. Carter's Outline of an Inftitution for the Education of Teachers. Remarks upon. Bofton, 1827. 102 New-York Historical Society. Carthagena. Account of the Expedition to; with Explanatory Notes and Obfervations. 8vo., pp. 58. Lond., 1743. Carthagene. Relation d' L'Expedition de, Faite par les Francais en 1697. i8mo. Amfterdam, 1697. Cartier, Jacques. Sec Quebec Literary and Hiftorical Society, etc. [Cartwright, John.] TThe Trident; or, the National Policy of Naval Celebration, etc. Plates. 4to. Lond., 1802. Letter to the Eledlors of Nottingham. 8vo. Lond., 1803. Carver, J. Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767 and 1768. Map and plates. 8vo. Dublin, 1779. The New Univerfal Traveller; containing a Full and Diftinct Account of all the Empires, Kingdoms and States in the known World. Folio. Lond., 1779. Cary, John. A Difcourfe concerning the Trade of Ireland and Scot- land, as they ftand in Competition with the Trade of England, etc. 4to., pp. 13. Rep. Lond., 1696. Cary, Samuel. Addrefs to the Members of the Merrimack Humane Society, September 2, 1806. 8vo., pp. 46. Newburyport, 1806. Sermon at King's Chapel, Bofton, January i , 1 809 ; being the Sabbath of the Author's Ordination as one of the Minifters of that Society. With the Charge, Right Hand of Fellowfhip, and Addrefs to the Church. 8vo., pp. 25. 15. Bofton, 1809. Review of a Book, entitled, " The Grounds of Chriftianity Examined, by Comparing the New Teftament with the Old." izmo. Bofton, 1 81 3. A Sermon at King's Chapel, Bofton, January 9, 181 3, the Day of the National Faft. 8vo., pp. 20. Bofton, 181 3. Cary, Thomas. Sermon at the Interment of Rev. Samuel Webfter, D. D., Saliftjury. 8vo., pp. 32. Casanga, Bartholemaeo. Summa Concilioriim. A. S. Petro ufque ad Julium III. Pontificum Maximum, omnibus in facris literis ver- fantibus apprime utilliflima. i2mo. 1679. Case, Eliphalet, Jr. A Sermon on the New Birth, delivered before the Firft Univerfalift Society, Marietta, Ohio, 1827. 8vo., pp. 15. Hartford, 1828. Cases and Queries, fubmitted to every Citizen of the United States, and efpecially the Members of the Adminiftration, and of both Houfes of Congrefs, etc. 8vo. ' N. Y., 1809. Caslon, William. Specimen of Printing Types. 8vo. Lond., 1798. Casper, J. L. De Behandeling der Aziatifche Cholera, door het Aanwenden van Kond water, op Phyfiologifche gronden Aange- prezen. 8vo. Rotterdam, 1832. Cass, Lewis. Difcourfe before the American Hiftorical Society, Jan- uary 30, 1836 . . . 8vo., pp. 58. Waftiington, 1836. [ ] France ; its King, Court, and Government. By an American. 8vo. N. Y., 1840. and Wm. O. Butler. Sketches of. 8vo. N. Y., 1848. Catalogue of Printed Books. 103 Cass, Lewis. Outlines of the Life and Charafter of General Lewis Cass. 8vo. Albany, 1848. Cassandra. The Fam'd Romance ; the whole Work, in five parts, written originally in French, and now elegantly rendered into Englifh, By a Perfon of Quality. Folio. Lond., 1652. Cassini, Mons. de. See D'Auteroche. Castanis, Christophoris Plato. Eflay on the Ancient and Modern Greek Languages. Andover, 1 844. Caste and Slavery in the American Church. By a Churchman. N, Y. and Lond., 1843. Castellani, Giacomo. Iftoria o' breuiffima relation Delia Deftructione dell' Indie Occidentali Di Monfig. Reverendifs. 4to. Venice, 1630. Castera, J. Hiftoire de Catherine IL, Imperatrice de Ruffie. Por- traits . . . 8vo., torn. 3. Castlereagh, Viscount. Report from the Committee of Secrecy of the Houfe of Commons in Ireland, Auguft 21, 1798. 8vo., pp. 267. Lond., 1798. Catalogue of Maps, Prints, Drawings, etc. forming the Geographical and Topographical Colleftion attached to the Library of His Late Majefty King George III., and prefented by His Majcfty King George IV. to the Britifli Mufeum. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1829. Catalogue of the Pidures forming the Colleftion of the Works of the Old Mafters ; with a Lift of the Engravings. Second edition. Small 8vo. Catalogue of the Mercantile Library of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1 844. General de Heftor BolTange. Premier fupplement. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Catalogues of the Leverian and Portland Mufeums in London. Two 4to. pamphlets. With MS. Additions, by Hon. Gabriel Furman. Catalogus Collegii Neo-Caefarienfis. 8vo., pp. 21. Trenton, 1808. Catechism. A Proteftant; fhewing the Principal Errors of the Church of Rome. 8vo., pp. 12. Dubhn, 1742. • The Shorter ; agreed upon by the Reverend Aflembly of Divines at Weftminfter. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1759. • Some Dedudlions from the Syftem promulgated in the Page of Divine Revelation, etc. 8vo., pp. 32. Portfmouth, 1782. The Principles of the Chriftian Religion, as Taught in the Reformed Proteftant Dutch Churches, colledled from the Holy Scriptures by R. Alberthoma. Tranflated from the Dutch by E. Wefterlo. 8vo., pp. 84. Albany, 1789. The Miflionary's Short Catechifm for Children. By xA.lexander Miller. i2mo., pp. 19. Albany. A Short ; with Proofs, etc, [By Shippie Townfend.] 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1791. In Four Parts ; compiled for the Affiftance of Parents, etc. [By I. Burr.] i6mo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1793. The Mother's. 8vo., pp. 35. Trenton, 1795. I04 New-York Historical Society. Catechism. Proteftant Epifcopal Church, etc. i6mo., pp. 32. Johnftown, 1797. The Heidelbergh ; or. Method of Inftruftion in the . Chriftian ReUgion, as Taught in Holland, etc. 8vo., pp. 60. Sixth edi- tion. Albany, 1799. A Short Abridgment of Chriftian Doftrine, newly revifed [Roman Catholic]. 8vo. Albany, 1801. Children's. A Short Introduftion to the Primitive Faith, as once delivered to the Saints, izmo. Bridgeport, 180 1. New ; Compiled and Recommended by the Worcefter Aflbciation of Minifters, etc. i6mo., pp. 24. Worcefter, 1804. For the Ufe and Edification of Children. [By Rev. Jacob Flint.] 8vo., pp. 19. Bofton, 1806. Compiled for the Ufe of the Children and Youth in Peter- borough, N. H. i2mo. Keene, 181 5. An Hiftorical Catechifm of the Old Teftament. Catechismus Minor, per Conventum Theologorum authoritate Par- liament! Anglicani indictum, compofitus, etc. i2mo., pp. 30. Lond., 1659. Catesby, Mark. Natural Hiftory of Carolina, Florida, and the Ba- hama Iflands, etc. French and Englifti. Colored plates. 2 vols, folio. Lond., 1754. Hortus Britanno-Americanus ; or, a Curious Colleftion of Trees and Shrubs, the Produce of the Britifli Colonies in North America, adapted to the Soil and Climate of England, etc. 4to. Lond., 1763. Catherine IL, Emprefs of Ruffia. Life of. An enlarged tranflation from the French. Map and portraits. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1798. Catherwood, Frederick. Views of Ancient Monuments in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. Catholic Liturgy; or. Forms of Prayer. 8vo., pp. 45. Bofton, 1797. Catholic Claims. Review of the Proceedings of the Catholics on their Application for a Divifion of the School Fund. By a Citizen. 8vo. N. Y., 1840. Catholic Magazine. The U. S., and Monthly Review, etc. Vols. IV., v., for 1845-6. 8vo. Baltimore. Catholics. The State and Behaviour of the Englifh Catholics, from the Reformation to the year 1781. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1 78 1. Addrefs of the Roman Catholics to their Fellow-Citizens of the City and State of New York. 1840. Cato. Colleftion of his Political Letters in the London Journal, to December 17, 1720. [See Trenchard, Gordon.] Examination of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation between the United States and Great Britain. 1795' Cauche, Francis. A Voyage to Madagafcar, the adjacent Iflands, and Coaft of Africa. 4to. [See Stevens's Colleftion of Voyages.] Lond., 1709. Catalogue of Printed Books. 105 Caucuses. The Mifchiefs of Legiflative Expofcd, in an Addrefs to the People of Connefticut. By Trumbull. 8vo. Hartford, 1819. Caulfield, James. The High Court of Juftice ; comprifing Memoirs of the Principal Perfons who fat in Judgment on King Charles I., etc. Illuftrated. 4to. Lond., 1820. Caulkins, Miss F. M. Hiftory of Norwich, Conn., from its Firft Settlement, in 1660, to January, 1845. 8vo. Norwich, 1845. Hiftory of New London, Connefticut, from the Firft Survey of the Coaft, in 161 2, to 1852. 8vo. New London, 1852. Cave, William. Scriptorum Ecclefiafticorum Hiftoria Literaria, a Chrifto nato, ufque ad Saeculum XIV., etc. Foho. Geneva, 1705. Cavendish, Sir Henry. Government of Canada : Debates of the Houfc of Commons, in the year 1774 (on the Quebec Bill). Drawn up from his Notes. Map. 8vo. Lond., 1839. Cayley, Arthur. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1805. Cecil, Richard. Sermon on the Death of the Rev. John Newton, London, January 3, 1808. i2mo., pp. 43. Lond., 1808. The Life of the Rev. John Newton, Reftor of St. Mary, Wool- worth, London. i8mo. Same, etc. 1 2mo. [American Traft Society.] N. Y. Census. See United States Cenfus. Cevallos, Don Pedro. Expofition of the Praflices and Machinations which led to the Ufurpation of the Crown of Spain, and the Means adopted by Bonaparte to carry it into Execution. From the Spanifti. 8vo., pp. 47. N. Y., 1808. Chadwick, Edwin. Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Laboring Population of Great Britain. A Supplementary Report on the Refults of a Special Inquiry into the Practice of Interment in Towns, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1843. Chalkley, Thomas. Journal of; with a Colleftion of his Works. 8vo. N. Y., 1808. Journal, etc. 8vo. [Imp.] Lond. Chalmers, Alexander. The Projector ; a Periodical Paper, originally publilhed in monthly numbers, from January, 1802, to November, 1809. -Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1815. Chalmers, George. Political Annals of the Prefent United Colonies, from their Settlement to the Peace of 1763, etc. Book I. 4to. Lond., 1780. An Hiftorical View of the Domeftic Economy of Great Britain and Ireland, from the Earlieft to the Prefent Times. 8vo. Edinburgh,' 181 2. Chalmers, Thomas. Thankfgiving Sermon (for Peace), January 18, 1 816. 8vo., pp. 42. Glafgow, 1 816. Sermon in the Tron Church, Glalgow, November 19, 1817. (Funeral of Princefs Charlotte.) 8vo., pp. 25. N. Y., 1818. Sermon before the Society for Propagating Chriftian Knowledge, io6 New- York Historical Society. at their Anniverfary Meeting, Edinburgh, June 2, 18 14. 8vo. [N. Y., 1818.] Chamber of Commerce. Bye-Laws, Refolutions and Orders adopted by the New York, September 18, 1787. 8vo,, pp. 14. N. Y., 1787. Charter and By-Laws of; inilituted 5th April, 1768; incor- porated 13th March, 1770. 8vo., pp. 28. N. Y., 181 8. Charter, By-Laws, and Organization • . . Inftituted, April 5, 1768; Incorporated March 13, 1770; Re-incorporated April 13,1784. 8vo., pp. 35. _ _ N. Y., 1844. The Charter and By-Laws, with a Hiftory of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York . . . 8vo., pp. 104. N. Y., 1849. Chamberlayne, Edward. The Prefent State of England ; together with divers Refleftions upon the Antient State thereof. Ninth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1679. Chamberlayne, John. Magnae Britannias Notitia ; or, the Prefent State of Great Britain. With divers Remarks upon the Antient State thereof. 8vo. Lond., 1727 Champagneux, L. a. See Roland. Champion, The; containing a Series of Papers, Humorous, Moral, Political, and Critical. With a proper Index to the Times. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond., 1 741-3. Champion, Judah. A Brief View of the DiftrefTes, Hardlhips and Dangers our Anceftors encountered in Settling New England, etc. In Two Sermons delivered at Litchfield, on the General Fall, April 18, 1770. Hartford, 1770. Champion, Richard. Confiderations on the Prefent Situation of Great Britain and the United States of America, with a view to their Future Commercial Connexions, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1784. Champlain, Samuel. Les Voyages dv Sievr de Champlain Xainton- geois, etc. Ou lovrnal tres-fidele des Obfcrvations faites es des- couvertes de la Nouvelle France. [Avec Cartes et Figures.] 4to. Paris, 161 3. Champollion, Aime, Fils. Notice fur les Manufcripts autographs de Pierre de Leftoille, et fur ceux du Cardinal de Retz. 1 2mo. Paris, 1837. Champollion, Figeac. Brochures concernant les Antiquities Egypt- ienncs, etc., etc. Documents Incdits relatifs a Jean, Sire de Joinville, etc. Ecriture Demotique Egyptienne, Lettre de , a Mr. Ch. Lenormant (7 Fevrier, 1843). Lithograph. Nouvelles Rccherches fur la Ville Gauloife d'Uxellodunum, etc. Par. 4to. Paris, 1820. Champollion, Le Jeune. Brochures concernant les Antiquities Egypt- iennes, etc., etc. Champollion, M. Aime Figeac Notice Hiftoriques et Litteraire fur Charles, Due d'Orleans, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1 842. Catalogue of Printed Books. 107 Champollion, M. Aime Figeac. Notice fur les Manufcrits Auto- graphes de Champollion le Jeune. 8vo. Paris, 1842. Chartes et Manufcrits fur Papyrus de la Bibliotheque Royalc, etc. Folio. Paris, 1840. Chancery. Ordines Cancellariae ; being Orders of the High Court of Chancery, from the Firft Year of King Charles I. to this pres- ent Hilary Term, 1697, etc. i2mo. Lond., 1698. Chandler, Adoniram. Oration before the New York Typograph- ical Society, on their Seventeenth Anniverfary, July 4, 1816. 8vo. N. Y., 1 8 16. Chandler, Elizabeth M. See Lundy. Chandler, James. Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Thomas Lan- caller, Scarborough, November 8, 1776. 8vo., pp. 23. Portfmouth, 1776. Chandler, Joseph R. The Pilgrims of the Rock : an Oration de- livered in the Firft Congregational Church, before the Society of the Sons of New England, of Philadelphia, at their Second Anni- verfary, 22d of December, 1845. 8vo. Phil., 1846. Chandler, Peleg W. American Criminal Trials. 2 vols. i2mo. Bofton, 1844. Chandler, Samuel. A Second Letter to William Berriman, D. D., etc. 8vo., pp. 52. Lond., 1733. Anfwer to the Brief Remarks of Samuel Berriman, D. D., on his Introdudtion to the Hiftory of the Inquifition. 8vo., pp. 56. Lond., 1733. Chandler, Samuel. Letter to the Rev., from the Writer of the Hiftory of the Man after God's own heart. l2mo. Lond., 1762. Chandler, Thomas Bradbury. An Appeal to the Public, in behalf of the Church of England in America. 8vo. N. Y., 1767. Same. Second edition. 8vo. Rep. Lond., 1769. The Appeal Farther Defended, in Anfwer to the Farther Mis- reprefentations of Dr. Chauncy. 8vo., pp. 240. N. Y., 1771. Anniverfary Sermon at Perth Amboy, Odober 2, 1 77 1. 8vo. Burlington. Life of Samuel Johnfon, Firft Prefident of King's College, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1805. Channing, Walter. An Addrefs on the Prevention of Pauperifm. l2mo., pp. 84. Bofton, 1843. Thoughts on Peace and War : an Addrefs delivered before the American Peace Society, at its Annual Meeting, May 2, 1844. 8vo. Bofton, 1844. My Own Times ; or, 'Tis Fifty Years Since. 8vo. Bofton, 1845. Channing, William Ellery. Sermon, December 7, 1808, at the Ordination of Rev. John Codman, Dorchefter. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1809. Faft Day Sermon, Bofton, April 5, 1810. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1 8 10. io8 New -York Historical Society. Channing, William Ellery. Sermons in Bofton, July 23, 181 2, and Auguft 20, 1 8 1 2 : Faft Days, in confequence of the Declaration of War againft Great Britain. 8vo., pp. 20, 15. Bofton, 1 812. Two Sermons on Infidelity, delivered Odlober 24, 1 81 3. 8vo,, pp. 36. Bofton, 1 81 3. Letter to Samuel C. Thacher . . . Second edition. 8vo., pp. 35. Bofton, 1 81 5. Remarb on Dr. Worcefter's Letter . . . 8vo., pp. 39. Bofton, 1815. A Sermon on War, delivered before the Convention of Con- gregational Minifters of Maffachufetts, May 30, 1816. 8vo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1 8 16. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Jared Sparks, Baltimore, May 5, 1819. i2mo., pp. 53. Bofton, 1819. Religion a Social Principle : Sermon in the Federal Street Church, Bofton, December 10, 1820. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 19. Bofton, 1820. Difcourfe on the Evidences of Revealed Religion : Dudleian Lec- ture, Cambridge, March 14, 1821. 8vo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1821. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Ezra Stiles Gannett, Bofton, June 3.0, 1824. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1824. Difcourfe at the Dedication of the Second Congregational Uni- tarian Church, New York, December 7, 1826. 8vo., pp. 59. N. Y., 1826. Remarks on the Charadler and Writings of John Milton . . . Second edition. 8vo., pp. 48. Bofton, 1826. Remarks on the Charafter of Napoleon Bonaparte . . , 8vo., pp. 51. Bofton, 1827. Continuation of the Remarks on the Charafter of Napoleon Bonaparte . . . 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1828. Difcourfe at the Ordination of the Rev. Mellilh Irving Motte, Bofton, May 21, 1 828. 8vo., pp. 43. Bofton, 1828. Difcourfe at the Ordination of the Rev. Frederick A. Farley, Providence, R. I., September 10, 1828. 8vo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1828. Maffachufetts Eleflion Sermon, May 26, 1830. 8vo., pp. 46. Bofton, 1830. The Future Life: a Sermon on Eafter Simday, 1834, in the Federal Street Church, Bofton. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1835. Sermon on War, January 25, 1835. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1835. The Miniftry for the Poor: a Difcourfe , . . April 9, 1835. 8vo., pp. 39. Bofton, 1835. Difcourfe at the Dedication of the Unitarian Congregational Church, in Newport, Rhode Ifland, July 27, 1836. 8vo., pp. 44. Bofton, 1836. Slaver)'. i2mo. Glafgow (Scotland), 1836. Tribute to the Memory of Rev. Noah Worcefter, D. D. : a Dis- Catalogue of Printed Books. 1 09 courfe . . . Bofton, November 12, 1837. 8vo., pp. 28. Bofton, 1837. Channing, William Ellerv. Letter to Hon. Henry Clay, on the Annexation of Texas to the United States. i2mo. Bofton, 1837. Letters to, by Sidney, occafioned by his Letter to Hon. Henry Clay, on the Annexation of Texas. Charlefton, S. C, 1837. Review of his Letter to Henry Clay. By a Citizen of Maflachu- fetts. Bofton, 1837. Letter to James G. Birney. Bofton, 1837, Self-Culture : an Addrefs introduftory to the Franklin Ledtures, delivered at Bofton, September, 1838. 8vo., pp. 81. Bofton, 1838. Le£lure on War. 8vo., pp. Bofton, 1839. Difcourfe occafioned by the Death of the Rev. Dr. FoUen. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 29. Bofton, 1840. Addrefs delivered before the Mercantile Library Company of Philadelphia, May li, 1841. 8vo., pp. 45. Phil., 1841. The Church: a Difcourfe . . . Philadelphia, May 30, 1841. 8vo., pp. 57. Phil., 1841. The Duty of the Free States ; or, the Remarks fuggefted by the Cafe of the Creole. i2mo., pp. 54. Bofton, 1842. The Dut\- of the Free States. Second Part. i2mo., pp. 93. Boll^n, 1842. Addrefs delivered at Lenox, on the Firft of Auguft, I S42 ; the Anniverfary of Emancipation in the Britifh Weft Indies. 8vo., pp. 38. Lenox, Mafs., 1842. [ ] On the Charafter and Writings of Fenelon. From the Chriftian Examiner. New feries. No. i. 8vo., pp. 35. Bofton. Channing, William. The Reformation of Medical Science demanded by Induftive Philofophy : a Difcourfe delivered before the New York Phyficians' Society, on their Anniverfar}', November 21, 1838. Second edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1839. Chapin, a. B. Hiftory of Chrift's Church, Weft Haven j or, the Early Churchmen of Connedlicut. 8vo. New Haven, 1839. On the Study of the Celtic Languages. N. Y., 1 840. Chapin, Calvin. Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. Timothv Dwight, D. D., LL. D., Prefident of Yale College . . . 8vo., pp. 34. New Haven, 1817. Chapin, E. H. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, January- 3, i S44. 8vo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1844. Chapin, Horace B. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Charles Moulfon Browne as Paftor-Colleague with the Rev. Elias Fiftier, to the Congregational Church and Society in Lempfter, New Hampftiire, September 18, 1828. 8vo., pp. 29. Conccrd, N. H., 1828. Chaplin, Daniel. Convention Sermon, Bofton, May 26, 1808. 8vo. Bofton, 1808. no New-York Historical Society. Chaplin, Ebenezer. Treatife on the Nature and Importance of the Sacraments, etc. i2mo. Worcefter, Mafs., 1802. Chaplin, William. Sermon, January 3, 1802, at Bifhop Stortford, Herts., on the Death of the Rev. John Angus. 8vo., pp. 39. Lond., 1802. Chapman, Eunice. No. 2. Being an Additional Account of the Con- • duft of the Shakers in the Cafe of, and her Children. With their Religious Creed, etc. i2mo., pp. 82. Albany, 181 8. Chapman, George. Trafts on the Eaft India Affairs, etc. Second edition. i2mo., pp. 20. Edinburgh, 1805. Chapman, N. Selcd: Speeches, Forenfic and Parliamentary. With Prefatory Remarks. 5 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1 807-8. Chapman, W. Sermon for the Benefit of the Margate Sea-Bathing Infirmary. 8vo., pp. 13, vi. Margate, 1798. Chappe d'Auteroche, M. L'Abbe. a Journey into Siberia, made by Order of the King of France. From the French. 4to. Lond., 1770. Voyage en Californie pour I'obfervation du pafTage de Venus fur le Difque de Soleil, le 3 Juin, 1769. Redige et Pubhe par M. de Caflini, Fils. 4to. Paris, 1772. A Voyage to California, to obferve the Tranfit of Venus, etc. Alfo, a Voyage to Newfoundland and Sallee, to make Experiments on Mr. Le Roy's Time Keepers, by Mons. de Caffini. 8vo. Lond., 1778. Character of an Honeft Diflenter, in Twelve Marks ; together with • an Illuftration of each. 8vo., pp. 39. Oxford, 1715. [Chardon, M.] Tableau Hiftorique et Politique de Marfeille Ancienne et Moderne, etc. i2mo. Marfeille, 18 17. Charitable Society for the Education of Indigent Pious Young Men for the Miniftry of the Gofpel. Addrefs. i2mo., pp. 28. Charlemagne. Annals de L'Empire depuis. Par I'Auteur du Siecle de Louis XIV. 2 vols. Nouvelle edition. i8mo. Bafle, 1754. Charles I. An Exaft and moft Impartial Accompt of the Indiftment, Arraignment, Trial, and Judgment (according to Law) of Twenty- nine Regicides, etc. Small 4to. Lond, 1660. A Juft Defence of the Royal Martyr from the many Falfe and Malicious Afperfions in Ludlow's Memoirs, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1699. Eikon Bafilike. The Portraiture of his Sacred Majefty, in his Sohtudes and Sufferings. To which is added, the Royal Martyr, etc. By R. Perenchief, D. D. 8vo. Lond., 1727. The Cafe of the Royal Martyr Confidered with Candour; or, an Anfwer to fome Libels lately publifhed in Prejudice to the Memory of that Unfortunate Prince, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. • Lond., 1758. Bafilika. The Workes of King Charles the Martyr; with a Colleftion of Declarations, Treaties, and other Papers, concerning Catalogue of Printed Books. ill the DifFerences betwixt his faid Majefty and his Two Houfes of Parliament. Folio. Lend., 1762. Charleston. Proceedings of the Citizens of, on the Incendiary Machi- nations now in Progrcfs againft the Peace and Welfare of the Southern States. 8vo. Charleflon, 1835. (The) Book : a Mifcellany in Profe and Verfe. 1 2mo. Charlefton, 1845. Charleton, Walter. Phyfiologia Epicuro-Gaflcndo-Charlctoniana ; or, a Fabrick of Science Natural upon the Hypothefis of Atoms. Folio. Lend., 1654. Charlevoix, P. Fr. Xavier de. Hiftoire et Defcription Generale de la Nouvelle France, avec le Journal Hiftorique d'un Voyage fait par Ordre du Roi dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. 4to. 3 vols. Paris, 1744. Hiftoire du Paraguay, izmo. 6 vols. Paris, 1757. The fame ; containing a full and authentic Account of the Eftablifhments formed there by the Jefuits, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1769. Letters to the Duchefs of Lefdiguieres, giving an Account of a Voyage to Canada, and Travels through that vaft Country and Louifiana, to the Gulf of Mexico. 8vo. Lond., 1763. Charmilly, Venault de. Anfwer, by way of Letter, to Bryan Edwards, Efq., etc., containing a Refutation of his Hiftorical Survey on the French Colony of St. Domingo, etc. 4to. Lond., 1797. Charnock, John. Biographia Navalis ; or. Memoirs of the Lives and Charafters of Officers of the Navy of Great Britain, from the year 1660. Engravings. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1794. Biographical Memoirs of Lord Vifcount Nelfon. i vol. 8vo. Rep. N. Y., 1806. Charnock, John, Jr. Letter on Finance and on National Defence, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1798. Charpentier [Francis]. Defenfe de la Langue Francois pour L'lnfcrip- tion de L'Arc de Triomphe, etc. 8vo. A Paris, 1676. Charron, Peter. Of Wifdome. Three Bookes. Tranflated from the French. 8vo. Lond., 1670. Charters (The) of the following Provinces of North America, viz. : Virginia, Maryland, Connefticut, Rhode Ifland, Pennfylvania, Maflachufetts Bay, and Georgia. To which is prefixed, a Nar- rative of the Proceedings of the North American Colonies, in con- fequence of the late Stamp Aft. 4to. Lond., 1 766. of the Britifh Colonies in America. 8vo. Lond. deftruftive to Libertyand Property. 8vo., pp. 96. Lend., 1776. Chartes Latines, Francaifes et en Langue Romane Meridionale. Pub- liees pour I'Ecole Royale des Chartes, etc. 4e et 56 Fafcicule. Folio. - Paris, 1841. Chase, Lucien B. Hiftory of the Polk Adminiftration. 8vo. N. Y., 1850. 112 New-York Historical Society. Chase, Philander, Bifhop. Addrcfs to the Convention of the P. E. Church, Illinois, in Jubilee Chapel, June 7, 1841. Chase, Samuel. Report of the Committee to whom was referred, on the 6th inftant, the Report of a Seleft Committee, appointed " to Prepare and Report Articles of Impeachment againft," etc. 8vo. 1804. Anfwer and Pleas to the Articles of Impeachment exhibited againil him in the Senate of, by the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States. 8vo., pp. 72. Newburyport, 1805. Exhibits accompanying the Anfwer and Plea of. 8vo., pp. 54. Report of the Trial of the Hon. , . . before the High Court of Impeachment, etc. ; with Documents and Official Papers. Taken in Short-hand by Charles Evans. 8vo. Baltimore,. 1805. Anfwer and Pleas, etc. i2mo. Phil., 1805. Trial of, an Aflbciate Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States, Impeached by the Houfe of Reprefentatives for High Crimes and Mifdemeanors, before the Senate of the United States. Taken in Short by Samuel H. Smith and Thomas Lloyd, 2 vols. 8vo. Wafhington, 1805. Columbian Eloquence ; being the Speeches of the moll celebrated American Orators, as delivered in the late interefting Trial of the Hon. Samuel Chafe, before the Senate of the United States. 3 vols. i2mo. Baltimore, 1806. Chase, Stephen. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Welman, Sutton, Odlober 7, 1747. 8vo. Bofton, 1748. Chase, William H. Brief Memoir, explanatory of a New Trace of a Point of Fortification in place of the prefent Baftioned Fort. 8vo. New Orleans, 1846. Chastellux, M. Le Marquis de. Voyages dans I'Amerique Septen- trionale dans les annees 1780, 1781 et 1782. Tomes 2. 8vo. Paris, 1786. Travels in North America, in the years 1780, 1 78 1 and 1782. Tranflated from the French by an Englifli Gentleman, etc. With Notes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1787. Chateaubriand, F. A. de. Itineraire de Paris a Jerufalem et de Jeru- falem a Paris. Tomes 3. 8vo. Paris, 181 1. The Martyrs ; or, the Triumph of the Chriftian Religion. Trans- lated from the French. 3 vols. i2mo. N. Y., 1812. Chaufepie, J. George de. Nouveau Diftionnaire hiftorique et critique pour fervir de fupplement ou de continuation au Diftionnaire his- torique et critique de M. Pierre Bayle. 4 vols, folio. Amflerdam, 1750-56. Chaumont J. Le Ray de. An Addrefs delivered at the Meeting of the Agricultural Society of Jefferfon County, Penn., December 29, 1817. 8vo. N. Y., 1818. Chauncy, Charles. Sermon at the Thurfday Lefture in Bofton, December 17, 1741. 8vo., pp. 40. Bofton, 1742. Catalogue of Printed Books. II3 Chauncy, Charles. Seafonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England, etc. 8vo, Bofton, 1743. Thankfgiving Sermon for the Reduftion of Cape Breton, preached July 18, 1745. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1745. Maflachufetts Eleflion Sermon, May 27, 1747. 8vo. Bofton. - — — Sermon occafioned by the Execution of William Wieer . . . Thurfday Lefture, November 19, 1754. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1754. [ ] A Letter to a Friend, giving a Concife but Juft Account . . . of the Ohio Defeat, etc. 4to., pp. 15. Bofton, 1755. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Jofeph Bowman to the Work of Gofpelizing the Indians, Auguft 31, 1762. 8vo., pp. 50. Bofton, 1762. Dudleian Lefture, Harvard College, May 12, 1762. With an Appendix, giving an Hiftorical Account of the Epiftles afcribed to Ignatius. 8vo., pp. 118. Bofton, 1762. Twelve Sermons on the following feafonable and important Sub- jeds. 8vo. Bofton, 1765. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Penuel Bowen, April 30, 1766. 8vo., pp. 39. Bofton, 1766. Sermon, May 6, 1767, at the Ordination of the Rev. Simeon Howard, Bofton. Svo., pp. 55. Bofton, 1767. Letter to a Friend, containing Remarks on the Bifhop of Llandaff's Sermon before the Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel, etc., February 20, 1767. 8vo., pp. 56. Bofton, 1767. The Appeal to the Public Anfwered in behalf of the Non- Epifcopal Churches in America, etc. 8vo., pp. 205. Bofton, 1768. Difcourfe on the Death of the Rev. Thomas Foxcroft, Bofton. 8vo., pp. 38. Bofton, 1769. Sermon on the Removal of the Maflachufetts General Court to Cambridge, etc.. May 30, 1770. 8vo., pp. 38. Bofton, 1770. A Compleat View of Epifcopacy, as exhibited from the Fathers of the Chriftian Church, until the Clofe of the Second Century, etc. Svo. Bofton, 1771. Sermon at the Thursday Ledlure in Bofton, September 3, 1778.. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1778. Sermon at the Firft Church in Bofton, March 13, 1785. 8vo., , pp. 23. Bofton, 1785.. Chauvet, D. Letter of a Genevan refiding at London to one of his Friends in Switzerland. 8vo., pp. 15. Phil., 1798. Chazotte, Peter S. An Introdudlory Lefture on the Metaphyfics and Philofophy of Languages. 8vo. Phil., 18 19.. Checkley, Samuel. Sermon upon the Death of George I. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, [1727].'. Funeral Sermon, delivered September 17, 1727 (William Wal- dron). 8vo. Bofton, 1727. , 8 •114 New-York Historical Society. Checkley, Samuel. Sermon to a Company of Soldiers going out againft Crown Point, September 2 1 . 8vo. Bollon, 1755. Maflachufetts Eledlion Sermon, May 28, 1755. 8vo. Bofton. Cheeseman, J. C. An Inaugural Diflertation on the Medical Properties of Gold. 8vo. N. Y., 1812. Cheetham, James. A Diflertation concerning Political Equality and the Corporation of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1800. [ ] A Narrative of the Suppreffion by Colonel Burr of the Hiftory of the Adminiftration of John Adams . . . written by John Wood ... By a Citizen of New York. 8vo,, pp. 72. N. Y., 1802. [ ] An Antidote to John Wood's Poifon. By Warren. 8vo., pp. 63. N. Y., 1802. View of the Political Conduft of Aaron Burr, Vice Prefident of the United States. By the Author of the Narrative. 8vo. N. Y., 1802. Nine Letters on the fubjeft of Aaron Burr's Political Defeftion. With an Appendix. 8vo,, pp. 139. N. Y., 1803. A Reply to Ariftides. 8vo. N. Y., 1 804. Trial of Maturin Livingfton againft . . . for a Libel. Taken in Short-hand by William Sampfon. 8vo. N. Y., 1 807. Life of Thomas Paine . . , with a Dedication to George Clinton. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. Chemin, Jr. Morality of the Sans Culottes of every Age, Sex, Country and Condition ; or, the Republican Gofpel. Tranflated by a Citizen of Philadelphia. 8vo. Phil., 1794. Cherokee Claims. A Vindication of the, addrelTed to the Town Meeting in Philadelphia, on the nth of January, 1830. Cherokees. Examination of the Relations between the, and the Gov- ernment of the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1829. Cherry Valley. Centennial Celebration at, July 4, 1840; with Addrefles of W. W. Campbell and W. H. Seward. 8vo. N. Y., 1840. Chesapeake. Peace without Difhonor — War without Hope ; being a Calm and Difpaflionate Enquiry into the Queftion of the, and the Neceflity and Expediency of War. By a Yankee Farmer. 8vo. Bofton, 1807. An Eflay on the Rights and Duties of Nations relative to Fugi- tives from Juftice, confidered with reference to the Affair of the Chefapeake. By an American. 8vo. Bofton, 1 807. Report of the Committee to whom was referred the Corre- fpondence between Mr. Monroe and Mr. Canning, and between Mr. Madifon and Mr. Rose, relative to the Attack on, April 16, 1808. Wafhington, 1808. Meflage of the Prefident, trans. Letters, etc. relating to the Attack on the. 8vo. Waftiington, 1 808. Chester, John. Sermon before the Berkftiire and Columbian Miffion- ary Society, Canaan, September 21, 1813. 8vo., pp. 39. Hudfon, 1 81 3. Catalogue of Printed Books. "S Chester, John, and Mark Tucker. Official Documents of the Pres- bytery of Albany, exhibiting the Trials of; together with the whole Cafe of the Rev. Hooper Cumming. 8vo. Schenedady, 1818. Chester, Nicholas. A Letter to, in Anfwer to his Dogmatical one to Rev. George Strebeck. izmo., pp. 32. N. Y., 1803. Chetwood, W. R. Five New Novels, etc. 8vo., pp. 104. Lond., 1 741. Chevalier, (M.) Defcription of the Plain of Troy; with a Map of that Region, delineated from an adlual Survey. Tranflated from the French, with Notes, etc. By Andrew Dalzel. 4to. Edinburgh, 1791. Chevalier, Michel. Society, Manners and Politics in the United States ; being a Series of Letters on North America. Tranflated from the French. 8vo. Bofton, 1839. Hiftoire et Defcription des Voies de Communication aux Etats- Unis et des Travaux d'Art qui en Dependent. 2 vols. 410. Atlas in folio. Paris, 1840-41. Chevreau, (M.) The Hiftory of the World, Ecclefiaftical and Civil, from the Creation to this Prefent Time ; with Chronological Re- marks. Tranflated into Englifli. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1703. Chicago Convention. Proceedings of the Harbor and River Con- vention, held at Chicago, July 5, 1847. i2mo. Chicago, 1847. Chickering, Jesse. A Statiftical View of the Population of MafTachu- fetts, from 1765 to 1840. 8vo. Bofton, 1846. Chickering, Joseph. Difcourfe at the Dedication of the Meeting Houfe of the Congregational Society in Woburn, June 28, 1809. 8vo., pp. 28. Charleftown, 1809. Chihuahua. El Noticiofo de — Periodico oficial. [A File of the Offi- cial Paper of the Department of Chihuahua ; various dates, between 1835-8.] Child, Sir Josiah. New Difcourfe of Trade, wherein is recommended feveral weighty points relating to Companies of Merchants, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1698. Child, [L. Maria.] Appeal in favor of that Clafs of Americans called Africans. i2mo. N. Y., 1836. Chimneys. A Treatife on Chimneys ; containing full Direftions for Preventing or Removing Smoke in Houfes. Illuftrated with cop- per plates. i2mo., pp. 172. Edinburgh, 1776. China. Hiftoire Generale de la Chine ; ou Annales de cet Empire ; Traduites du Tong-Kien-Kang-Mou, par le feu Pere Jofeph-Anne- de Moyriac de Mailla ... 13 vols. 4to. Atlas in folio. Paris, 1777-85. Art Militaire des Chinois. 4to. Paris, 1772. Memoires concernant L'Hiftoire, les Sciences, les Arts, les Moeurs, Ics Ufages, etc. des Chinois. Par les Miffionnaires de Pekin. In 15 vols. 4to. Paris, 1776-91. Il6 New-York Historical Society. Chinese Repository (The). Vols. I. (wanting Nos. 2, 8, 9), II., III., IV. 8vo. Canton, 183.2-6. Chipman, Nathaniel. Principles of Government : a Treatife on Free Inftitutions ; including the Conftitution of the United States. 8vo. Burhngton, Vt., 1833. Chirol, J. L. Enquiry into the Befl Syftem of Female Education ; or. Boarding School and Home Education attentively confidered. 8vo. Lond., 1809. Chisholm Case. See Supreme Court U. S. Chittenden, Nathaniel W. The Influence of Woman upon the Deftinies of a People ; being an Oration, with falutatory AddrelTes, delivered at the Annual Commencement of Columbia College, Oftober 3, 1837. * _ N. Y., 1837. Choate, Rufus. Speech before the Joint Legiflative Committee on Towns, Boflon, April 4, 1851 . . . 8vo., pp. 42. Bofton, 1851. Difcourfe delivered before the Faculty, Students, and Alumni of Dartmouth College . . . July 27, 1853, Commemorative of Daniel Webfler. 8vo. Bofton, 1853. Cholera. Rapport fur I'irruption dire Cholera peftilential, en Rufle, 1830. Report of the Spafmodic ; prepared by a Committee under the Direftion of the Counfellors of the Maflachufetts Medical Society. 8vo. Bofton, 1832. Report of the Commiffioners employed to Inveftigate the Origin, etc. of the Epidemic Cholera of Canada, July 8, 1832. N. Y., 1832. Chorister's Companion (The). Second edition. Oblong 4to. New Haven. Choules, John Overton. Sermon upon the Death of the Hon. Daniel Webfter . . . Newport, November 21, 1852. 8vo., pp. 24. N. Y., 1852. Choune, Edward. A Whip for the Le£lurers of Lewis, and for all thofe Preftjyterians, etc. who maintain Abfolute Reprobation, etc. 4to., pp. 25. Lond., 1657. [Christian, Charles.] A Brief Treatife on the Police of the City of New York. By a Citizen. 8vo., pp. 32. N. Y., 1812. Christian Church. Some Plain Inftruftions concerning the Nature and Conftitution of the, etc. 8vo., pp. 37. Edinburgh, 1784. Christian (The Consistent), etc. The Subftance of Five Sermons. 8vo., pp. 100. Second edition. Lond., [1795]. Christian Herald. Vols. I., II., III. 8vo. [Vol. III. wanting Nos. 4 and 6.] N. Y., 1816. Christian History (The). [Imperfeft.] 8vo. Bofton, 1743-44. Christian Journal and Literary Regifter. 14 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1817-30. Christian Register (The), and Moral and Theological Review. Edited by the Rev. Thomas Y. How, D. D. Vols. I., II., No. I. 8vo. N. Y., 1817. Catalogue of Printed Books, 117 Christian's Magazine (The), defigned to Promote the Knowledge and Influence of Evangelical Truth and Order. Vols. I.-IV. 8vo. N. Y., 1 806-11. Christian Observer, condufted by Members of the Eftabliflied Church. Vols. I.-X. 8vo. Rep. Bofton, 1802-12. Christianity. A Scheme for the Revival of. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1753. A Legacy to the World; or, an Effay to Promote Praftical Chriftianity. By a Civil Magiftrate. 8vo., pp. 71. Lond., 1762. Christmas Day (Old). A Sermon preached to a large Congregation in the Country, on Friday, January 5, 1753. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1753. Christ's Supremacy, and his Church's Privileges Defended againft Human Ufurpation. By a Chriftian. 8vo., pp. 34. Lond., 1808. Chronicles and History. The Book of the ; with Figures and Por- traits, from the Beginning of the World to the Prcfent Day. Folio. [Printed in Dutch Black Letter.] 1 494. IIL, Chap. I. (A Political Satire.) 1847. Chubb, Stephen. A Journal containing an Account of the Wrongs, Sufferings and Negleft experienced by Americans in France. Bofton, 1809. Church, A. Difcourfe before the Georgia Hiftorical Society, on the occaflon of its Sixth Anniverfary, February 12, 1845. 8vo. Savannah, 1845. Church and State. A Political Union, formed by the Enemies of both, etc. 8vo., pp. 60. 1802. Church. Duty of a Suffering : Faft Sermon, preached to a Congrega- tion of the Epifcopal Church of Scotland, February 9, 1779. 8vo., pp. 37. Aberdeen, 1779. Church, John Hubbard. Difcourfe at the Funeral of Mrs. Mehitabel Atwood, Pelham, N. H. 8vo., pp. 15. Amherft, 1805. Faft Day Sermon, on the Firft Settlement of New England, Andover, April 5, 18 10. i2mo., pp. 24. Sutton, 1810. ■ Difcourfe at the Funeral of the Rev. Ehhu Thayer, D. D. 8vo., pp. 28. Exeter, 1812. Church of England Man's Private Devotions ; being a Colleftion of Prayers for Special Occafions. i2mo. Lond., 1724. Confiderations on the Expediency of Reviling the Liturgy and Articles of the, etc. By a Confirtent Proteftant. 8vo., pp 112. Lond., 1790. A Letter to the Church of England, pointing out fome Popular Errors of bad confequence. 8vo., pp. 35. Lond., 1798. Church of Scotland. A Letter from a Blackfmith to the Minifters and Elders of the, etc. Seventh edition. i2mo., pp. 72. Rep. Ncwburyport. Church, Thomas. Remarks on the Rev. Mr. John Wefley's Lall Journal, etc. 8vo., pp. id. Lond., 1745. Ii8 New-York Historical Society. Church, Thomas. The Entertaining Hiftory of King Philip's War, which began in the month of June, 1675, as alfo of the Expedi- tions more lately made, etc. ; with fome Account of the Divine Providence toward Colonel Benjamin Church. Second edition. Portraits of Colonel Church and K. Philip. 8vo. Newport, R. I., 1772. The Hiftory of Philip's War, commonly called the Great Indian War of 1675 and 6; with Appendix by S. G. Drake. Second edition, with plates. 8vo. Exeter, 1 840. Churchill, A. and J. Colleftion of Voyages and Travels, fome now firft printed from original MSS. 4 vols. Folio. Lond., 1 704. Churchill, Silas. Sermon on the Death of General Wafhington, Lebanon, 2 2d February, 1800. i6mo. Albany, 1800. Churchman's Monthly Magazine (The) ; or, Treafury of Divine and Ufeful Knowledge. By a Committee appointed by the Convoca- tion of the Epifcopal Church of Connefticut. Vols. I.- VIII. N. S., Vols. I.-II. 8vo. New Haven, N. Y., Elizabethtown, N. J. Cicero. The Hiftory of his Banifhment. Tranflated from the French of M. Morabin. 8vo. ' . Lond., 1725. Cato ; or, an Eflay on Old Age. With Remarks. 8vo. Lond., 1773. Orations. Tranflated into Enghfti, with Notes, by WiUiam Guthrie. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1758-66. Cato Major; or, his Difcourfe of Old Age. With Explanatory Notes. [Tranflated by Logan — printed by B. Franklin.] 8vo. Phil., 1774. Seleft Orations. Tranflated into Englifli, with the original Latin, and Notes, etc., by William Duncan. 8vo. Lond., 1799. Republic of. Tranflated from the Latin, with a Critical and Hiftorical Introduftion, by G. W. Featherftonhaugh. i2mo. N. Y., 1829. CiECA DE Leon, Pedro de. La Chronica del Peru, nuevamente efcrita. Small 8vo. Anvers, 1554. The Seventeen Years' Travels of, thro' the Mighty Kingdom of Peru, and the large Provinces of Cartagena and Popayan, in South America. 4to. [See Stevens's Colle£lion of Voyages.] Lond., 1709. Cilley, Hon. Jonathan. Funeral Oration delivered over his Body; with a Full Account of the Duel. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Cincinnati. Confiderations on the Society or Order of, etc. By Caflius [iEdanus Burke, of South Carolina]. 8vo., pp. 1 6. Phil., 1783. Obfervations on the above, etc. By an Obfcure Individual. 8vo., pp. 28. » Phil., 1783. Extraft from the Proceedings of the New York State Society, convened on the 4th of July, 1786, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1786. Proceedings of the General Society of the, with the original Inftitution of the Order. To which are annexed, the Aft of In- corporation by the State of Pennfylvania, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1 80 1. Catalogue of Printed Books. 119 Cincinnati. The Inllitution of the Society of the,, formed by the Officers of the Army of the United States, etc. With an engrav- ing. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1802. The Inftitution and Proceedings of the Society of the, formed May 10, 1783. With the Proceedings of the Maflachufetts State Society, from its Organization, June 9, 1783, to July 4, 181 1. 8vo. Boibn, 1 81 2. The Inftitution of the Society of the, formed by Officers of the American Army of Revolution ; together with fome of the Pro- ceedings of the General Society and New York State Society ; with Lill of Officers and Members of 8vo. N. Y., 1851. Cincinnati. Hiftorical Society. Annals of the. No. i. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1845. Annual Reports of the Young Men's Mercantile Library Aflbcia- tion. 8vo. Governor Bebb's Anniverfary Addrefs before the Young Men's Mercantile Library Aflbciation, 1 848. Cist, Charles. Cincinnati in 1841 : its early Annals and Future Profpeds. i2mo. Cincinnati, 1841. Citizen. The Other Side of the Queflion ; or, a Defence of the Liber- ties of North America, in Anfwer to a later " Friendly Addrefs,'*' etc. By a Citizen. 8vo. N. Y., 1774. Claesse, Lawrence. Ne Orhoengene neoni Yogarafkhagh Yondere- anayendaghkwa . . . [The Morning and Evening Prayer, the Litany, Church Catechifm, Family Prayers, and feveral Chapters of the Old and New Teftaments. Tranflated into the Mohawk Indian Language by Lawrence Claefle, Interpreter to William Andrews, Miffionary to y® Indians from y® Honble. and Rev. y® Society for y® Propagation of y*^ Gofpel in Foreign Parts. Printed for William Bradford in New York, 171 5. 4to. The parts of Scripture tranflated are the following: Genefis i. 3; Pfalms i. 15- 32 ; Matthew i. 5 ; and a great number of detached verfes.] Claggett, Thomas John. Palloral Letter to the Clergy and Con- gregations of the Protellant Epifcopal Church in Maryland. 8vo. Rep. N. Y., 1806. Clandestine Marriages. Letter to the Author of fome Conflderations on the Aft to Prevent. By a Country Gentleman. 8vo., pp. 98. Lond., 1755. Clap, Roger. Memoirs of, etc. With a Short Account of the Author and his Family. 8vo., pp. 48. Bofton, 1774. Memoirs of . . . 1630. No. i of the Colleftions of the Dor- chefter Antiquarian and Hiftorical Society. 1 2mo. Bofton, 1 844. Clap, Thomas. Brief Hiftory and Vindication of the Doftiines Re- ceived and EftabHfhed in the Churches of New England. 8vo., pp. 40, New Haven, 1757. Some Remarks on his Vindication, etc. of the New England Churches, etc. 8vo. The Annals or Hiftory of Yale College, in New Haven, in the I20 New-York Historical Society. Colony of Conncfticut, from the firft Founding thereof, in the year 1700, to the year 1766. Appendix, etc. 8vo. New Haven, 1766. Clapham, Samuel. Thanlcfgiving Sermon at Great Oufebourne, 19th December, 1797. izmo., pp. 28. Leeds, 1798. Clare, John, Earl of. Chancellor of Ireland. Speech in Irilh Houfe of Lords, February 19, 1798. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 87. Lond., 1798. Report from the Committee of Secrecy of the Houfe of Lords of Ireland. 8vo., pp. 19. Appendix, pp. 53. Second edition. Lond., 1798. Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of. Brief View and Survey of the Dangerous and Pernicious Errors to Church and State in Mr. Hobbes' Book entitled " Leviathan." 4to. Oxford, 1676. Hiftory of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. 3d vol., folio. Oxford, 1704. The Hiftory of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in Engla'nd, begun in the year 1641, etc. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 171 7. Clark, Aaron. Manual, compiled and prepared for the Ufe of the Aflembly, etc. i2mo. Albany, 1816. Clark, Benjamin C. A Plea for Hayti ; with a Glance at her Rela- tions with France, England, and the United States, for the laft Sixty Years. 8vo., pp. 50. [MS. Notes and Additions, by Caleb Swan.] Bofton, 1853. Clark, Daniel. Proofs of the Corruption of General James Wilkinfon, and of his Connexion with Aaron Burr, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1 809. Clark, Ebenezer L. Fafl Sermon, at Winchendon, Mafs., April 3, 1823. 8vo., pp. 15. Worcefter. Clark, John. Self-Annihilation : a Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Joanna Turner, etc. 8vo., pp. 31. Bath, 1785. Clark, Jonas. Artillery Eleftion Sermon, Bofton, June 6, 1768. 8vo. Bofton, 1768. Sermon delivered at an occafional Lefture, appointed to encourage Vocal Mufic. 8vo., pp. 38. Bofton, 1770. Maflachufetts Election Sermon, May 30, 1781. 8vo., pp. 74. Bofton, 1 78 1. Clark, Joseph. Oration (4th July, 1794) at Rochefter, N. H. 8vo., PP- 12. Dover, 1794. Clark, Joseph. Sermon on the Death of the Hon. Wilham Paterfon, LL. D., New Brunfwick, September 21, 1806. 8vo., pp. 24. New Brunfwick, 1 806. Clark, Joseph. The Sorrows and Advantages of Affliftion : a Sermon dehvered in Oliver Street Church, September 22, 1833. 8vo. N. Y., 1833. Clark, Joshua V. H. Onondaga; or, Reminifcences of Earlier and Later Times, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Syracufe, 1849. Lights and Lines of Indian Charafter, and Scenes of Pioneer Life. l2mo. Syracufe, 1854. Catalogue of Printed Books. 121 Clark, Peter. The Witnefs of the Spirit in the Hearts of Believers. 8vo., pp. 46. Bofton, 1744. A Summer Morning's Converfation between a Miniiler and a Neighbor, etc., on Original Sin. 8vo., pp. 132. App. 24. • Bofton, 1758. Dudleian Lefture, Harvard College, May 11, 1763. 8vo., pp. 47. Bofton, 1763. Clark, Samuel. Marrow of Ecclefiaflical Hiftory, etc. 8vo. [Title- page miffing.] ' 1650. Clarke, Stephen Merrill. Report of the Evidence, Arguments of Counfcl, Charge and Sentence, at the Trial of, for Arfon, Feb- ruary 15, 16, 17, 1821. 8vo., pp. 63. Salem, 1821. Clark, Thomas. Obfervations on the Nature and Cure of Fevers, etc. 8vo. Edinburgh, 180 1. Clark, Thomas. Sketches of the Naval Hiftory of the United States, from the Commencement of the Revolutionary War to the Prefent Time. With an Appendix. i2mo. Phil., 1 813. Clarke, Adam. A Letter to a Methodift Preacher, on his Entrance into the Work of the Miniflry, etc. 8vo., pp. 36. Second edi- tion. Lond., 1800. Holy Bible; with a 'Commentary, and Critical Notes, etc. Parts i^io. 4to. N. Y., 1811-14. Clarke, Edward Daniel. Voyages en Ruffe, en Tartaric, et en Turquie. Traduits de I'Anglais, avec Plans et Cartes Geograph- iques. Tomes 2. 8vo. Paris, 1 81 2. Clarke, Hewson. The Saunterer ; a periodical paper. 1 2mo. New Caftle, 1805. Clarke, John. Sermon at the Interment of Rev. Dr. Samuel Cooper, Bofton. 8vo., pp. 35. Bofton, 1784. Difcourfe before the Humane Society of Maflhchufetts, June 11,'" 1793. 4to., pp. 36. Bofton, 1793. Anfwer to the gueftion — Why are you a Chriftian ? 8vo., pp. 43. Bofton, 1795. Occafional Difcourfes, on the Death of Dr. Cooper, Dr. Chauncy, etc. i2mo. Bofton, 1804. Clarke, Mathew St. Clair (and D. A. Hall). Legiflative and Docu- mentary Hiftory of the Bank of the United States, including the Original Bank of North America. 8vo. Waftiington, 1832. Clarke, Richard. Prophetic Numbers of Daniel and John, etc. (relative to the Millennium). 8vo., pp. 24. Rep. Bofton, 1759. [Clarke, William.] Obfervations on the Late and Prefent Conduft of the French, with regard to their Encroachments upon the Britifh Colonies in North America, etc. 4to,, pp. 47, 15. Bofton, 1755. Clarkson, Thomas.' Eflay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species, etc. Tranflatcd from a Latin Diflertation which obtained the Firft Prize in the Univerfity of Cambridge, for 1785, etc. 8vo., pp. 155. Rep. Phil, 1786. 122 New-York Historical Society. Clarkson, Thomas. A Letter to the Clergy of various Denomina- tions in the Slave States of America. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 48. Eflav on the Impolicy of the African Slave Trade, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1788. Memoirs of the Private and Public Life of William Penn. 2 vols. i2mo. PM., 1 81 3. Thoughts on the Neceffity of Improving the Condition of the Slaves in the Britifh Colonies, with a view to their ultimate Eman- cipation . . . 8vo., pp. 64. N. Y., 1823. Hiftory of the Rife, etc. of the Abolition of the African Slave Trade by the Britifh Parliament. 3 vols. l2mo. N. Y., 1836. The Prcfent State of the Anti-Slavery Queftion in Tunis and Algiers, in a Letter addrefTed to . . . Lond., 1845. Claviere, Etienne, and J. P. Briflbt de Warville. Confiderations on the Relative Situation of France and the United States of America ; fhewing the Importance of the American Revolution to the Wel- fare of France. 8vo. Lond., 1788. Clavigero, D. Francesco Saverio. The Hiftory of Mexico; col- lefted from Spanifh and Mexican Hiftorians, etc. Tranflated from the original Italian, by Charles Cullen, Efq. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1787. Storia della California : Opera Poftuma. 2 vols. 8vo. Venezia, 1 789. Claxton, C. The Logs of the Firft Voyage made by the Great Weftern, of Briftol, Lieutenant James Hoflcen, R. N., Commander. Alfo, an Appendix. 8vo. Briftol. Clay, Cassius M. Speech againft the Annexation of Texas to the United States, in Reply to Colonel R. M. Johnfon, and others, in a Mafs Meeting at White Sulphur Springs, Scott County, Kentucky, December 30, 1843. 8vo. N. Y., 1844. Addrefs to the People of Kentucky. 8vo. Lexington, 1845. Clay, Henry. Speech in fupport of an American Syftem for the Pro- teftion of American Induftry, delivered in the Houfe of Reprefent- ativesof the United States, 30th and 31ft March, 1824. 8vo. Waftiington, 1824. ■ Some Reafons why the Votes of the State of New York ought to be given to Henry Clay for Prefident of the United States, Odlober 7. 1824. Proceedings of the City of Philadelphia refpefting the Nomination of, as a Candidate for the Prefidency of the United States, Phila- delphia, September, 1824. Speech of, before the American Colonization Society, in the Hall of the Houfe of Reprefcntatives, January 20, 1827. Waftiington, 1827. Speech in the Senate, February 19, 1838, in Reply to Mr, Cal- houn's Speech, fupporting the Government Treafury Bank. 8vo. Waftiington, 1838. Life and Speeches, compiled and edited by Daniel Mallory. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1 844. Catalogue of Printed Books. 123 Clay, Henry. Same. 2 vols. Sixth edition. N. Y., 1844. Life and Public Services of, to the year 1844. With a wood-cut portrait. 8vo. N. Y., 1844. Clay, Jehu Curtis. Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware. To which is added, the Charter of the United Swedifh Churches. i2mo. Phil., 1835. Clayton, George, Jr. Remarks and Refleftions concerning Holy Angels; interlperfe'd with Traditions, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1851. Clayton, Robert. Vindication of the Hiftories of the Old and New Teftament, in Anfwer to Lord Bolingbroke's Objections, etc. 8vo., pp. 140. Rep. Lond. A Journey from Aleppo to Jerufalem, at Barter, a. d. 1697, by Henry Maundrell; alfo, a Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai, and back again, tranflated from a MS. written by the Prefetto of Egypt. 8vo. Lond., 1810. Cleaveland, John. Short and Plain Narrative of the late Work of God's Spirit at Chebacco in Ipfwich, in the years 1763 and 1764, etc. 8vo,, pp. 89. Bofton, 1767. Cleaveland, Nehemiah. An Addrefs delivered before the New England Society of Brooklyn, N. Y., December 21,1 849. 8vo., pp. 37. _ _ N. Y., 1850. An Addrefs delivered at Topsfield, in Mafs., Auguft 28, 1850: the Two Hundredth Anniverfary of the Incorporation of the Town. 8vo., pp. 74. N. Y., 1 85 1. Cleland, Archibald. A Short Vindication of the Proceedings of the Governors of the General Hofpital at Bath, in relation to, etc. 8vo., pp. 34. Bath, 1744. Letter to, occafioned by his Full Vindication of his Appeal to the Public againft the Proceedings of the Bath Holpital. 8vo., pp. 15. Lond. Cleland, Henry. Memoirs of the Life of William Pitt ; with Notices of his Contemporaries, etc. Portraits. i2mo. Lond., 1807. Clement, Jonathan. An Addrefs delivered before the Social Fra- ternity, Phillips Academy, Andover. 8vo. 1828. Clement XL, Pope. Prefent State of the Court of Rome ; or. Lives of the prefent Pope and College of Cardinals. 8vo. Lond., 1706. Clergy. Serious Addrefles to the. By a Minifter of the Church of England. 8vo., pp. 14. Rep. Bofton, 1756. Clericus. a Letter to the Synod of Albany, on the Subjeft of Dan- cing ; wherein is DifcufTed the Queftion, Ought the Synod to take aftion on this fubjeft, which Ihall bind the confcience of the Church? 8vo. Albany, 1847. Cleveland, Aaron. The Life of Man Inviolable by the Laws of Chrift, fliewn in Two Sermons at Colchefter, Conn., March 19, 1815. 8vo., pp. 40. Colchefter, 1 81 5. Clinton, De Witt. An Addrefs delivered before the Holland Lodge, December 24, 1793. 8vo. N. Y., 1794. '(J. 1 24 New-York Historical Society. CuiirroN, De Witt. Oration on Benevolence, delivered before the Societ)' of Black Friars, in New York, 10th November, 1794. 8vo. N. Y., 1795. Sermon addrefled to him, as Mayor of the City of New York. By Amphiaraus. 8vo., pp. 13. N. Y., June, 1804. Speech in the Senate of the State of New York, Tuefday, January 31, 1809. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. Letters of Marcus and Philo-Cato, addrefled to. New edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1 810. An Addrefs to the Benefaftors and Friends of the Free School Society of New York, delivered on the. Opening of that Inftitution . . . nth December, 1809. 8vo., pp. 18. N. Y., 18 10. Anniverfary Difcourfe, dehvered before the New York Hiftorical Society, December 6, 181 1. 8vo. N. Y., 181 2. Speeches in the Senate of the United States, in 1803, againft a War with Spain. 8vo. N. Y., 181 2. An Introdudory Difcourfe, delivered before the Literary and Philofophical Society of New York, on the 4th May, 1 8 1 4. 8vo. N. Y., 1815. Difcourfe delivered before the American Academy of the Arts, 23d Oaober, 18 16. 8vo., pp. 30. N. Y., 1816. Speech of Governor, to the Legiflature of the State of New York, on the 6th day of Januar)', 1819. 8vo. Albany, 18 19. Speech of His Excellency the Governor, delivered to the Legifla- ture of the State of New York, January 4, 1820. 8vo. Albany, 1820. Mefl*age ... to the Houfe of Afl*embly, January 18, 1821. i2mo., pp. 52. Speeches . . . before the Legiflature of New York, between the years 1817 and 1823. 8vo., pp. 78. N. Y., 1823. Difcourfe delivered at Scheneftady, July 22, a. d. 1823, before the New York Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa. 8vo., pp. 47. Albany, 1823. Clinton Monument (The). Report of the Committee on the Cha- rafter and Location of the Monument to the Memory of De Witt Clinton. 8vo. 1 848. Clinton, George, Jr. Oration, New York, 4th July, 1 798. 8vo. N.Y. Clinton, George W. Oration delivered at the Celebration of the Sixth Anniverfary of Firemen's Lodge No. 19, I. O. O. F. (Odd Fellows' Celebration, Albany, March 21, 1843). Clinton, Sir Henry. A Narrative of Sir Henry Clinton's Operations , with Sir Peter Parker, on the Attack of SuUivan's Ifland, in South Carolina, in the year 1776; and with Vice- Admiral Arbuthnot, in an Intended Attempt againft the French Armament at Rhode Ifland, in 1780. 8vo., pp. 39. [MS. Notes in margin.] The Narrative of Lieut.-General, relative to his Conduft during part of his Command in North America, etc. With an Appendix. Fifth edition. 8vo., pp. 112. Lond., 1783. i Catalogue of Printed Books. 12$ Clinton, Sir Henry. Obfervations on Earl Cornwallis' Anfwer to Sir Henry Clinton's Narrative. With an Appendix. 8vo., pp. 113. Lond., 1783. Correfpondence between, and Lieut. -General Earl Cornwallis. 8\^o., pp. 76. [MS. Notes in margin, etc.] Close, John. Difcourfe at Waterford, before the Orange Lodge No. 43, on the Anniverfary Feftival of St. John the Baptift, 1800. 4to. Lanfmgburgh, 1800. Difcourfe on Relative and Federal Holinefs, etc. i2mo., pp. 32. Lanfingburgh, 1808. Clough, Simon. A Candid Appeal to the Citizens of the United States, proving that the Dodlrines advanced, etc. by the Abolition- ifts, relative to the fubjed of Emancipation, are Inconfiftent with the Teachings, etc. of the Bible. N. Y., 1834. Clowes, John. Sermons on various fubjefts. l2mo. N. Y., 1 81 5. Clowes, Timothy. Profpeftus of the Hempftead Academy, April, 1818. 1819. Cloyne, Bishop of. Review of his Book, on the Prefent State of the Church of Ireland, etc. 8vo., pp. 18. Dublin, 1787. Clubb, Stephen. A Journal, containing an Account of the Wrongs, Sufferings and Negled; experienced by Americans in France. 8vo. Bofton, 1809. [Cluny, Alexander.] The American Traveller; containing Obfer- vations on the Prefent State, Culture, and Commerce of the Britifh Colonies in America, etc. i2mo., pp. 89. 1770- Coal and Mining Co. Memorial of the North American, to the Legiflature of New York, etc. 8vo., pp. 16. Coalition of Patriots Delineated. 8vo., pp. 47. Lond., 1735. Coast of France. Journal of the Campaign on the/ 1758. 8vo., pp. 102. Lond., 1758. Coast Harbors, etc. of Oregon. Report of Lieut. Howifon, U. S. Navy, on the ; the Refult of an Examination in 1 846. Coast Survey. See United Statgs. Cobb, Lyman. Difcuffion on the Merits of Noah Webfter's Orthog- raphy, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1845. Cobbett, William. A Bone to Gnaw for the Democrats ; or, Obfer- vations on a Pamphlet, entitled " The Political Progrefs of Britain." Second edition, revifed. 8vo. Phil., 1795. Same. Part 11. 8vo. Phil., 1795. A Little Plain EngUfh, addrefled to the People of the United States, on the Treaty, etc. 8vo., pp. iii. Phil., 1795. A Kick for a Bite ; or. Review upon Review. With a Critical Eflay upon the Works of Mrs. S. Rowfon, etc. 8vo., pp. 31. Phil., 1795. A Rub from Snub ; or, a Curfory Analytical Epillle, addreffed to Peter Porcupine, etc., containing Glad Tidings for the Demo- crats, and a Word of Comfort to Mrs. S. Rowfon. 8vo., pp. 78. Phil., 1795. 126 New-York Historical Society. CoBBETT, William. A Roafter ; or, a Check to the Progrcfs of Poli- tical Blafphemy : intended as a Brief Reply to Peter Porcupine, alias Billy Cobler. By Sim Sanfculotte. 8vo. Phil., 1796. A New Year's Gift to the Democrats ; or, Obfervations on a Pamphlet, entitled " A Vindication of Mr. Randolph's Refigna- tion." 8vo. Phil., 1796. A Pill for Porcupine, etc. ; containing a Vindication of the American, French and Irifh Charafters againft his Scurrilities. By a Friend to Political Equality. 8vo. Phil., 1796. Chriftianity Contrafted with Deifm ; or, the Prefent Religion of France, izmo. Phil., 1796. Congratulatory Epiftle to the Redoubtable Peter Porcupine, on his " Complete Triumph," etc., a Poem, by Peter Grievous, Jr., etc. 8vo., pp. 44. Phil., 1796. Profpeft from the Congrefs Gallery, during the Seffion begun December 5, 1795. 8vo., pp. 68, Phil., 1796. Obfervations on the Emigration of Dr. Jofeph Prieftley, and on the feveral Addrefles delivered to him on his xAirrival at New York. 8vo., pp. 64. Phil., 1796. The Impofter Detected; or, a Review of fome of the Writings of Peter Porcupine. By T. Tickletoby. With a Refrefhment, etc., by«Samuel F. Bradford. 8vo. Phil., 1 796. The Life and Adventures of Peter Porcupine ; with a Full and Fair Account of all his Authoring Tranfaftions, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1796. The Scare-Crow; being an Infamous Letter fent to Mr. John Oldden, etc. 8vo., pp. 23. Phil., 1796. The Political Cenfor ; or. Monthly Review of the moft Interefting PoUtical Occurrences relative to the United States of America. 8vo., pp. 70. Phil., 1796. Same, for the Month of April, 1 796 ; containing Debates in the Houfe of Reprefentatives, etc. 8vo., pp. 169. Phil., 1796. Same, for the Month of May, i yg6. 8vo. Phil., 1 yg6. Same, for the Month of September, 1796; containing the Life of Thomas Paine, etc. 8vo., pp. 169. Phil., 1796. Same, for the Month of November, 1 796 ; containing Obferva- tions on the Infolent and Seditious Notes communicated to the People of the United States by the late French Minifter, Adet, etc. 8vo., pp. 78. Phil., 1796. Same, for the Month of December, 1 796 ; containing Remarks on the Debates in Congrefs, also, a Letter to " the Infamous Tom Paine," etc. 8vo., pp. 65. Phil., 1796. Same, for the Month of January, 1797. 8vo., pp. 51. Phil., 1797. Same, for March, 1797; containmg a Letter from a Gentleman in England to his Friend in America, etc. 8vo., pp. 117. Phil., 1797. Obfervations on the Debates of the American Congrefs, on the Catalogue of Printed Books, 127 AddrefTes prefented to General Wafhington on his Refignation, etc. 8vo. Rep. Lond., 1797. CoBBETT, William. The Laft Confeffion and Dying Speech of Peter Porcupine ; with an Account of his Difledlion. 8vo. N. Y., 1797. French Arrogance ; or, " The Cat let out of the Bag :" a Poetical Dialogue between the Envoys of America, and X. Y. Z. and the Lady. 8vo. Phil., 1798. The Republican Judge ; or, the American Liberty of the Prefs, as Exhibited, Explained and Expgfed, in the Cafe and partial Profecution of William Cobbett, for Libel, etc., before the Supreme Court of Pennfylvania. With an Addrefs to the People of Eng- land. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1798. The Rufh Light of Peter Porcupine, Nos. i, 2, of Vol. I., 15th February, 1800. 8vo., pp. 112. N. Y., 1800. Porcupine's Works ; containing various Writings and Seleftions, exhibiting a Faithful Pifture of the United States of America, etc., etc., from the End of the War in 1783, to the Eleftion of the Prefident, in March, 1801. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond., May, 1801. Colleftion of Fads and Obfervations relative to the Peace with Bonaparte, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1 802. The Ninth Letter to Lord Hawkefbury, relative to the Peace with Bonaparte. 8vo, Phil., 1 802. Paper againft Gold, and Glory againft Pofterityj or, an Account of the Rife, Progress, Extent, and Prefent State of the Funds, and of the Paper Money of Great Britain, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1 81 5. See Erflcine, Moreau de Saint-Mery. Cobby, John. Poetic EfTays on the Glory of Chrift, and on the Divinity and Work of the Holy Spirit. 8vo. N. Y., 1797. CocKBURN, John. A Journey over Land, from the Gulf of Honduras to the Great South Sea ; performed by John Cockburn and Five other Englifhmen, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1735. CocKMAN, Thomas. Tully's Three Books of Offices, in Englilh. With Notes, etc. Seventh edition. i2mo. Lond., 1753. Code Civil. Projet du, Redige par la Commiffion nommee par le Magnifique Confeil des Deux Cents. 8vo., pp. 172. A Geneve, 1783. Code Rural ; ou Maximes et Reglemens concernant les Biens de Cam- pagne, etc. Tome Premier. 8vo. A Paris, 1749. Codes de Empire Francais. i2mo. A Paris, 1812. CoDMAN, John. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, January i, 1840. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1840. Coe, Jonas. Sermon occafioned by the Death of General Waftiington, Troy, January 12, 1800. 8vo., pp. 16. Troy, 1800. CoETLOGON, Charles E. de. Sermon upon Judges iii. 20, as an Anti- dote to Infidelity, Arianifm and Immorality. 1 2mo., pp. 80. Lond., 1773. 128 New- York Historical Society. CoETLOGON, Charles E. de. The Patriot King and Patriot People: Faft Sermon, publifhed for the Benefit of the French Emigrant Clergy. 8vo., pp. 38. Lond. A Token of Refpe£l to the Memory of the Right Hon. Sir Sidney Stafford Smythe, late Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1778. Coffin, Charles. Addrefs before the Rockingham Sacred Mulic Society, Exeter, May 10, 1 81 5. 8vo., pp. 11. Exeter, 181 5. Coffin, Charles. Hiftory of the Battle of Breed's Hill, by feveral Generals. Compiled by,, etc. 8vo. Portland, 1835. The Life and Services of Major-General John Thomas. Com- piled by. 8vo,, pp. 33. N. Y., 1844. The Lives and Services of Major-General John Thomas, Colonel Thomas Knowlton, Colonel Alexander Scammell, Major-General Henry Dearborn. l2mo. N. Y., 1845. Coffin, Paul. Difcourie at the Ordination of Rev. Ebcn Coffin, Brunfwick, January 23, 1794. 8vo., pp. 28. Newburyport, 1794. MafTachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 29, 1799. 8vo. Bolton. Cogan, Henry. The Voyages and Adventures of Ferd. M. Pinto, a Portugal . . . Folio. Lond., 1663. Coghlan, Mrs. [Margaret], Daughter of the late Major MoncriefFe. Memoirs of, written by Herfelf ; containing Anecdotes of the late American and prefent French War. 1 2mo., pp. 1 84. N. Y., 1795. Cogswell, James. Connedlicut Eleftion Sermon, May 9, 1771. 8vo. New London. Cogswell, William. Faft Sermon, April 3, 1828. 8vo., pp. 22. Bofton, 1828. Chriftian Philanthropift ; or. Harbinger of the Millenium. With an Introduftory EfTay, by James Mathefon. Second edition. i2mo. ' Bofton, 1839. Coinage. Notes on the Eftablifhment of a Money Mint, and of a Coinage for the United States. i2mo. [1784.] Coins. Report of Gold and Silver Coins, by a Seleft Committee of the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, February 19, 1834. [Houfe Document 278, 23d Congrefs, ift Selfion.] Wafhington, 1834. CoiT, Thomas W. Puritanifrn ; or, a Churchman's Defence againft its Afperfions, by an Appeal to its own Hiftory. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1845. Coke, Thomas, and Henry Moore. Life of John Wefley, including an Account of the Great Revival of Religion in Europe and America. 8vo. Lond., 1792. Colbert, Jean Baptist. Political Teftament of, etc. Tranflated from the French. i6mo. Lend., 1695. CoLBURN, Zerah. Memoir of; written by Himfelf 1 2mo. Springfield, Mafs., 1833. Catalogue of Printed Books. 129 Colchester. A True Relation of the Siege of, in 1648, etc. i2mo., pp. 88. _ Colchefter. Cold Water Man. The; or, a Pocket Companion for the Tem- perate. i2mo. Albany, 1832. CoLDEN, Cadvvallader. Diflcrtation on the Firft Principles in Phyfics, and on ^ther and Gravitation ; with an Addrefs to James x-^lex- andcr, of New York. 8vo. [Wants title, and ends imperfedlly at p. 42.] N. Y., 1745. An Explication of the Flrft Caufes of A6lion in Matter ; and of the Caufe of Gravitation. 8vo. [Ends imperfedlly at p. 72.] Rep. Lond., 1746. The Hiftory of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, which are dependent on the Province of New York, in America . . . 8vo. Lond., 1747. Same. Third edition. 2 vols. l2mo. Lond., 1755. The Conduct of, late Lieut.-Governor of New York, relating to the Judges, Commiffions, Appeals to the King, and the Stamp Duty. 8vo., pp. 66. Printed in the year 1767. CoLDEN, Cadwallader D. The Life of Robert Fulton . . . With an Appendix. 8vo. N. Y., 181 7. Memoir prepared at the requeft of a Committee of the Common Council of the City of New York, and prefented to the Mayor of the City of New York, at the Celebration of the Completion of the New York Canals. 4to. Plates. N. Y., 1825. An Examination of Cadwallader D. Colden's Book, entitled, A Life of Robert Fulton. By a Friend to John Fitch, deceafed. 8vo., pp. 38. 1818. Coleman, William. Cafes of Practice adjudged in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, together with the Rules and- Orders of the Court, from Oftober Term, 1 791, to Oftober Term, 1800. 8vo. N. Y., 1 801.. [ ] A Colleftion of the Fafts and Documents relative to the Death of Major-General Alexander Hamilton. By the Editor of the Evening Port. 8vo. Part L N. Y., 1804.- [ ^] An x'\ppeal to the People ; being a Review of the late Corre- fpondence and Documents relating to the Rejeftion of the Britifh Minifter, including an Examination of the "Arrangement" of April lafl. By the Editor of the New York Evening Port. 8vo. N. Y., 1 810. CoLLE, M. La Partie de Chafle de Henri IV. Comedie, etc. pp.. 124. Paris, 1773. Collection of Memorials concerning divers Deceafed Miniflcrs, and others, of the People called Quakers, in Pennfylvania, New York,, and other parts adjacent, from nearly the Firll Settlement to 1787. 8vo. Phil., 1787.. Collection of Papers that have been pubhflied at different times, relating to the Proceedings of His Majefty's Commiffioners, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1778. 9 '3<^ New-York Historical Society. Collection of Papers containing Declaration of Independence ; Treaty of Alliance between France and the United States, 1778; Treaty between France and the United States of America, i6th July, 1782; Treaty between the States General of the United Nether- lands and the United States of America, 8th Oftober, 1782; Decree of the Queen of Portugal for a Commercial Intercourfe, 13th February, 1783, etc. With General Wafhington's Circular Letter, June 11, 1783. 8vo., pp. 96. N. Y. [1784.] Collections, Historical. 3 vols, folio. 1679-81. College of Physicians and Surgeons. Supplementary Charter, with other Ordinances relative to that Inftitution. By the Regents of the Univerfity. 8vo. N. Y., 1811. Colles, Christopher. Propofals for the Speedy Settlement of the Wafte and Unappropriated Lands on the Weftern Frontier of the State of New York, etc. 8vo., pp. 14. N. Y., 1785. Propofal of a Defign for the Promotion of the Interefts of the United States of America, etc., by means of Inland Navigable Communications, etc. 8vo., pp. 22. N. Y., 1808. Defcription of the Numerical Telegraph, etc. l2mo., pp. 19. Brooklyn, 181 3. Collier, Jeremy. The Great Hiftorical, Geographical, Genealogical, and Poetical Diftionary; being a Curious Mifcellany of Sacred and Profane Hiftory. Chiefly tranflated from the French of Lewis Morery, D. D. 2 vols, folio. Second edition, revifed, etc. to the year 1688. Lond., 1701. Supplement to the Diftionary; with a Continuation from the year 1688, etc., by Another Hand. Folio. Lond., 1705. Appendix to the Diftionary, etc. Folio. Lond,, 1 72 1. Sermon preached at Whitehall, April 19, 1687. 8vo., pp. 23. Lond., 1723. The Emperor Marcus Antoninus his Converfation with Him- felf ; together with the Preliminary Difcourfe of the learned Gata- ker, etc. From the Originals. Third edition. 8vo. Lond., 1726. Short View of the Profanenefs and Immorality of the Englifh Stage, etc. ; with the feveral Defences of the fame, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1730. Collier, William R. An Effay on the Currency, in which is pro- pofed the Enaftment by Congrefs of a General Bank Law. 8vo. Bofton, 1834. Collingwood, G. L. Newnham. Seleftion from the Correfpondence of Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood; with Memoirs of his Life. 8vo. N. Y., 1829. Collins, Alexander. Oration before St. John's Lodge, No. 2d, Mid- dletown. 8vo., pp. 21. Middletown, 1800. Collins, Arthur. The Peerage of England. Vols. I., II., Parts i, 2,111. 8vo. Lond., 1735. A Supplement to the Four Volumes of the Peerage of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1750. Catalogue of Printed Books. iji Collins, David (Lieut.-Col.) An Account of the Englifli Colony in New South Wales, from its Firft Settlement in January, 1788, to Auguft, 1 801, etc. 4to. Lend., 1804. CoLUNSON, J. Life of Thuanus ; with fome Account of his Writings, and a Tranflation of the Preface to his Hiftory. Svo. Lond., 1807. CoLLOT, Victor (General). A Journey into North America, etc. Illuftrated by thirty-fix maps, plans, views, and divers cuts. 4to. Atlas of plates, folio. Paris, 1826. CoLLYER, Joseph. See Diftionary of the World. CoLMAN, Benjamin. Pradtical Difcourfes upon the Parable of the Ten Virgins, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1707. A Humble Difcourfe of the Incomprehenfiblenefs of God, in Four Sermons, etc. With a Preface, by Eben Pemberton. Svo Bofton, 1 715 Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 28, 171 8. Svo. Bofton A Sermon preached before the Great and General Court or Affembly, in Bofton, November 19, 17 19. Svo. Bofton, 1719 Sermon occafioned by the Death of the Hon. Jofeph Dudley late Governor, etc. Svo., pp. iv. 48. Bofton, 1720. Some Obfervations on the New Method of receiving the Small Pox by Ingrafting or Inoculation. Svo. Bofton, 172 1 Sermon occafioned by the Death of Mr. David Stoddard, Bofton Svo., pp. ii. 34. Bofton, 1723 Four Sermons, occafioned by the Earthquake of Oftober, 1727 (With an Addrefs to the Reader.) Svo., pp. 86. Bofton, 1727 Sermon to the Hon. and Ancient Artillery Company, Bofton, June 5, 1738; being the day of the finifliing their Firft Century Svo. Bofton, 1738 Sermon occafioned by the Death of Rev. Peter Thacher. 8vo. pp. 26. Bofton, 1739 CoLMAN, George, the Younger. Blue Beard; or. Female Curiofity a Dramatic Romance. Svo., pp. 54. Lond., 1798 CoLMAN, Henry. Difcourfe before the Humane Society, Bofton, 9th June, 1 81 2. Svo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1812 European Agriculture and Rural Economy, from Perfonal Ob- fervation. Vol. I., Parts i, 2. Svo. Lond., 1844 Colon, Francois. Hiftoire de I'introduftion et des progres de la vac- cine en France. Svo. Paris, 1801 CoLONiE, De la. Memoires de M., contenant les evenemens de la guerre, depuis I'e fiege de Namur en 1692 jufqua la Bataille de Bellegrade en 1717. Tomes 2. i2mo. Bruxelles, 1737. Colonies. The Intcreft of Great Britain confidered with regard to her Colonies, and the Acquifition of Canada and Guadaloupe, etc. Svo., pp. 58. Lond., 1760. The Regulations lately made concerning the, and the Taxes impofed upon them, confidered. Svo., pp. 114. Lond.,* 1765. 132 New-York Historical Society. Colonies. Confiderations relative to the North American. 8vo., pp. 48. Lend., 1765. -► The late Regulations refpefling the Britifh, on the Continent of America, confidered, in a Letter from a Gentleman in Philadel- phia to his Friend in London. 8vo. Phil., 1765. * American. Colleflion of the mofl; Interefting Tradls on the fubjeds of Taxing and Regulating their Trade. 2 vols. 8vo. [See Index to the Vols.] Lend., 1766. The Examiner Examined : a Letter from a Gentleman in Con- netticut to his Friend in London, etc. 4to., pp. 24. New London, 1766. ' A Letter from a Merchant in London to his Nephew in North America, relative to the Prefent Pofture of Affairs in the, etc. 8vo., pp. 55. Lond., 1766 ■ ■' < The Juftice and Neceffity of Taxing the American, demonftrated ; together with a Vindication of the Authority of Parliament. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1766. » The Conduft of the late Adminiftration Examined. With an Appendix, containing Original and Authentic Documents. 8vo. Rep. Bofton, 1767. • The American Querift ; or, fome Queftions propofed relative to the prefent Difputes between Great Britain and her American . . . By a North American. 8vo. Bofton, 1774. !»■ Confiderations on the Meafures carrying on with refpeft to the Britifh, in America. 8vo. Rep. N. Y., 1 774. * A Candid Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies; with a Plan of Accommodation, on Conilitutional Principles. 8vo. N. Y., 1775. ^ The Middle Line; or, an Attempt to furnifti fome Hints for ending the Differences fubfifting between Great Britain and the Colonies, izmo. Phil., 1775. f Obfervations on the Reconciliation of Great Britain and the; in which are exhibited Arguments for and againft that Meafure. By a Friend of American Liberty. 8vo. Phil, 1776. i Britanniques. Expofe des Droits des, pour juftifier le projet de leur Independence. Letters I., II. 8vo., pp. 36, 43. Amfterdam, 1776. ■* The Plea of the, on the Charges brought againft them by Lord Mansfield and others. In a Letter to his Lordfhip, by a Native of Pennfylvania. 8vo. Curious frontifpiece. Rep. Phil., 1777. — r^ Appercu Hazarde fur I'Exportation dans les Colonies dedie a feu M. Franklin. 8vo. Franklin medal in title. Paris, 1 790. Colonization and Abolition Contrafted. Publifhed by Herman Hooker. Colonization (American) Society. Addrefs of the Board of Mana- gers of the, to the Public. The Second Annual Report of the, for Colonizing the Free People Catalogue of Printed Books, 133 of Color of the United States. With an Appendix. 8vo. Wafhington, 1819. Colonization (American) Society and the Colony at Liberia. Pub- lifhed by the Maffachufetts Colonization Society. 8vo. Bollon, 1 832. Addrefs of the Managers of the, to the People of the United States, adopted at their Meeting, June 19, 1832. 8vo. Wafhington, 1832. Conftitution of the Hartford Auxiliary, etc. With an Addrefs to the Pubhc. 8vo., pp. 16. Hartford, 18 19. Colonization. A View of Exertions lately made for the purpofe of Colonizing the Free People of Color in the United States of America and elfewhere, 8vo. Wafhington, 181 7, Correfpondence relative to the Emigration to Hayti of the Free People of Color in the United States ; together with the Inflruc- tions to the Agent fent out by Prefident Boyer. 8vo. N. Y,, 1 824. CoLQUHOUN, P. A Treatife on the Commerce and Police of the River Thames ; containing an Hiftorical View of the Trade of the Port of London, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1800. Treatife on the Police of the Metropolis; contai-ning a detail of the various Crimes, etc., and fuggefting Remedies for their Pre- vention. Sixth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1 800. CoLTON, Calvin. The Life and Times of Henry Clay. 2 vols. 8vo. Second edition. N. Y., 1 846. Rights of Labor. Third edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1 847. Public Economy for the United States. Third edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1853. The Genius and MifTion of the Proteflant Epifcopal Church in the United States. i2mo. N. Y., 1853. CoLUMBANus ; or, the Doves flying to the Windows of their Saviour : a Sermon to a Religious Society of Young People, June 4, 1722. i2mo. Boilon, 1722. Columbia College. The Charter of the College of New York, in America. Folio, pp. 13. N. Y., 1754. The Querift ; or, A Letter to a Member of the General AfTembly of the Colony of New York, containing a variety of important Quellions, occafioned by the Charter lately granted for the eflablifh- ment of-a College. Folio, pp. 14. [N. Y.], 1754. A Brief Vindication of the Proceedings of the Truilees relating to the College. Containing a fufficient Anfwer to the late Famous Proteft, with its twenty unanswerable Reafons. By an Impartial Hand. Folio, pp. 12. N. Y., 1754. ■ The Additional Charter granted to the Governors of the College of New York, in America. Folio, pp. 4. N. Y., 1755. The Statutes of Columbia College, in New York. 8vo., pp. 15, and Plan of Education — broadfide. N. Y., 1788. Charter of King's College, with the Aft creating an Univerfity within the State of New York, and making fnndry xAlterations in the faid Charter. 8vo., pp. 47. N. Y., 1 796. 134 New-York Historical Society. Columbia College. Report of the Committee charged with an Inquiry into the State of Columbia College . . . Rufus King, Chairman, February 6, 1809. 4to., pp. 14. Report relative to the Courfe of Inftruftion and Difcipline in Columbia College, prefented to Board of Truftees, February 28, 1 810 [Rufus King, Chairman]. 8vo., pp. 24. N. Y., 18 10. The Charter of Columbia College, in the City of New York, as Amended . . . 23d March, 1810. 8vo., pp. 8. N. Y., 1810. A Draught of Statutes for Columbia College, prefented . . . September 3, 18 10. 8vo., pp. 17. N. Y., 1810. Statutes ... as adopted by the Board of Truftees, November 6, 1810. 8vo., pp. 32. N. Y., 1811. Statutes ... as adopted by the Board of Truftees, June 13, 181 1. 8vo., pp. 32. N. Y., 1811. The Conftitution and By-Laws of the Philolexian Society of Columbia College. Founded 1 802 . . . Lift of Members. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1834. Statutes . . . revifed and pafled by the Board of Truftees, May, 1836. To which is prefixed, an Hiftorical Sketch of the College. 8vo., pp. 40. N. Y., 1836. An Account of the Celebration of the Firft Semi-Centennial Anniverfary of the Incorporation of Columbia College, by the Legiflature of New York ; with the Oration [by Manton Eaft- burn, D. D.] and Poem [by William Betts, A. M.] delivered on the occafion. 8vo., pp. 62. N. Y., 1837, The Conftitution of the Columbian Peithologian Society ; with a Lift of Members. i2mo., pp. 12, N. Y., 1838. A Letter to the Truftees of Columbia College. From a Citizen. 8vo., pp. 16. ■ N. Y., 1856. Columbia. Confiderations on the Government of the Territory of, as they recently appeared in the National Intelligencer, under the fignature of Epaminondas. 410. Wafhington, 1801 Columbian Insurance Company. Aft to Incorporate, etc. 8vo., pp 15. N. Y., 1801 Columbian Magazine; or. Monthly Mifcellany. Vols. I., II., Ill 8vo. Phil., 1786-89 Columbian Phcenix (The) and Bofton Review. 8vo., [Edited by J. Hawkins.] Bofton, 1800. Columbus, Memorials of; or, a Colleftion of Authentic Documents of that Celebrated Navigator, now firft pubUftied from the original MSB., by Order of the Decurions of Genoa ; preceded by a Memoir of his Life and Difcoveries. Tranflated from the Spanifli and Italian. 8vo. Lond., 1823. Combe, T. The Peafant of Auburn; or, the Emigrant, etc. 8vo., pp. 48. Phil. Comines, Philip de. The Hiftorie of. Folio. Lond., 1614. Commerce and Currency : A Letter to the Secretary of the Treafury, on the, of the United States. By Ariftides. 8vo. N. Y., 1819. Catalogue of Printed Books. 135 Commercial Conduct of the United States of America confidered, and the True Intereft thereof attempted to be fhewn. By a Citizen of New York. 8vo,, pp. 21. N. Y., 1786. Commercial Directory ; containing a Topographical Defcription, etc. of the United States. 4to. Phil., 1823. Common Prayer. Petition to the King, relating to the Review of the, etc. Proceedings of the Commiffioners appointed for the Review, etc. 4to. Lond., 1 66 1. Common Sense. Additions to, addrefled to the Inhabitants of America. 8vo., pp. 47. Rep. Lond., 1776. The True Merits of a late Treatife, printed in America, intitled Common Senfe, clearly pointed out. Addrefled to the Inhabitants of America. 8vo. Lond., 1776. The True Intereft of America Impartially Stated, in certain Striftures on a Pamphlet entitled Common Senfe. By an American. 8vo. Phil., 1776. •'' Communications on the Next Eledlion for Prefident of the United States, and on the late Meafures of the Federal Adminiftration, etc. By a Citizen of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1 808. CoMPENDio General, de las Contribuciones y Gaftos que ocafionan todos los Efedlos, etc. que fe trafican entre los reynos de Caltilla, y America, etc. 4to. Cadiz, 1762. CoMSTOCK, Andrew. Treatife on Phonology ; comprifing a perfedl Alphabet of the Englilh Language, a Syftem of Vocal Gymnaftics, Exercifes in Orthography, Reading and Declamation, and Pitman's Phonetic Short-hand. No. i. i2mo. Phil., 1846. CoMSTOcK, J. L. An Examination of EfTays on Fevers, and their Medical Subjeds. By Minor L. Tully. ' Hartford, 1824. Conant, Abel. Sermon at Leominfter, on leaving the Old Meeting Houfe, Oftober 12, 1823. 8vo. Worcefter. Sermon at Leominfter, Oftober 15, 1823, at the Dedication of the New Meeting Houfe. 8vo. Worcefter. Concert. Grand Mifcellaneous, for the Benefit of the Orphan Afylum, to be performed at Waihington Hall, 6th January, 1844. N. Y. CoNCivis. Letters to the People of the United States, publilhed Semi- Monthly, in Six Series, from 15th Auguft to ift November, 1840. 8vo. N. Y., 1840. Condamine, M. de la. Relation abregee d'un Voyage fait dans I'lnte- rieur de I'Amerique Meridionale, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1745. Journal du Voyage fait par Ordre du Roi, a I'Equateur, fervant d'Introdudlion Hiftorique a la Mefure des Trois Premiers Degres du Meridien. 4to. Paris, 1751 Supplement au Journal, etc. pour fervir de Reponfe aux Objec- tions de M. B. He Partie. 410. Paris, 1754. An Extradt from the Obfervations made in a Tour to Italy, by. Tranflated by a F. R. S. With an Alphabetical Index. 1 2mo., pp. 192. Lond., 1768. 136 New-York Historical Society. CoNDiCT, Ira. Funeral Sermon on the Death of General Wafhington, New Brunfwick, 31ft December, 1799. 8vo., pp. 23. New Brunfwick, 1800. CoNDiE, Thomas and Richard Folwell. Hiftory of the Peftilence, commonly called Yellow Fever, which almoft defolated Philadel- phia, in the months of Auguft, September, and Odlober, 1798. 8vo. Phil. CoNDiLLAC [Stephen Bonnot, Abbe de.] CEuvres Philofophiques. ler, 2nde, 3me, 6me torn, en 2. i2mo. A Paris, 1795. CoNDORCET (M.) Letter to a Magiftrate in Switzerland, refpefting the Maflacre of the Swifs Guards, etc. 8vo., pp. 29. N. Y., 1793. Outlines of an Hiftorical View of the Progrefs of the Human Mind. Tranflated from the French. i2mo. Baltimore, 1802. Conduct of the Late and Prefent Miniftry Compared, etc. 8vo., pp. 52. Lond., 1742. Conductor Generalis ; or, the Office, Duty and Authority of Juftices of the Peace, etc. Second edition. 8vo. Phil., 1749. Conference entre an Miniftre d'Etat et un Confeiller au Parlement. 8vo., pp. 47. Conference with the Eaftern Indians, at the Ratification of the Peace held at Falmouth, in Cafco Bay, in July and Auguft, 1726. 4to. Bofton. A Friendly Conference of a Miffionary, an Anabaptift, and a Candid Inquirer after Truth. Congregational Churches. Remarks on the Ancient and Prefent State of the Congregational Churches of Norfolk and Suffolk, etc. By a Suffolk Minifter. 8vo., pp. 64. Lond., 1777. Congress. Lettre addreflee aux Habitans de la Province de Quebec, ci-devant le Canada, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1774. Extrafts from the Votes and Proceedings of the American Con- tinental, held at Philadelphia, on the 5 th of September, 1774, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1774. Same. 8vo., pp. 36. Rivington, N. Y., 1774. Same. i2mo. N. Y., 1774. Extrafts from the Votes and Proceedings of the American Con- tinental Congrefs . . . Affociation, etc. 8vo., pp. 8. Journal of the Proceedings of the, held at Philadelphia, 5 th Sep- tember, 1774. 8vo., pp. 66. Rep. Lond. The Whole Proceedings of the American Continental Congrefs, held at Philadelphia, on the 5th of September, 1774. ^^'°- Rep. N. Y., 1775. A Declaration, etc., fetting forth the Caufes and Neceffity of their taking up Arms. 8vo. Phil., 1775. Addrefs of the Twelve United Colonies of North America, by their Reprefentatives in Congrefs, to the People of Ireland. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1775. An Addrefs to the People of Ireland. 8vo. Phil., 1775. ^ Few Remarks upon fome of the Votes and Refolutions of the I l^t Ci-wy^i,«>^ (U<.T rf^ ><^ it ^* Catalogue of Printed Books. 137 Continental Congrefs held at Philadelphia in 1775, and the Pro- vincial Congrefs at Cambridge, 1775. By a Friend to Peace and Good Order. 8vo. 1775- Congress. What Think ye of the Congrefs Now? or, an Enquiry, How far the Americans are bound to Abide by and Execute the Decifions of the late . . . [By Thomas Bradbury Chandler.] 8vo., pp. 48. N. Y., 1775. An Enghfhman's Anfwer to the Addrefs from the Delegates to the People of Great Britain, in a Letter to the feveral Colonies reprefented in the late Continental . . . 8vo., pp. 26. N. Y., 1775. A Speech intended to have been delivered in the Houfe of Com- mons, in fupport of the Petition from the General ... at Phila- delphia. 8vo., pp. 6-]. Lond., 1775. Journal of the Proceedings of the, held at Philadelphia, May 10, 1775. 8vo., pp. 200. Rep. Lond., 1776. Petition of the Continental, to His Majefly; with the Addrefs of the Lord Mayor and Livery of London to the Eleftors of Great Britain, etc. With Pref. Addrefs from the New York Committee of Safety. 8vo. N. Y., 1776. An Anfwer to the Declaration of the American Congrefs. Second edition. 8vo. Lend., 1776. Same. Third edition. 8vo. Lond., 1776. The Rights of Great Britain Aflerted againfl: the Claims of Amer- ica ; being an Anfwer to the Declaration of the General Congrefs. Ninth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1776. Journal of the Proceedings of, held at Philadelphia, from Sep- tember 5, 1775, to April 30, 1776. 8vo. Rep. Lond., 1778. A Circular Letter from the Congrefs of the United States of America to their Conftituents. 8vo. Phil., 1779. Addrefs and Recommendations to the States. 8vo. Phil., 1783. Refolutions and Extracts from the Journals of the Hon. the Con- grefs, relative to the Continental Loan Offices in the feveral States, etc. i2mo., pp. 31. Albany, 1786. The Houfe of Wifdom in a Buftle : a Poem, defcriptive of the noted Battle lately Fought in Congrefs. By Geoffry Touchftone. 8vo. Phil., 1798. See United States. Congressional Globe. Containing Sketches of the Debates and Pro- ceedings, from the ift Seffion of the 23d Congrefs (1833-34), to the ift Seffion of the 34th (1855-56), inclufive. Bound in 39 vols. By Blair and Rives. 4to. Walhington, 1834—56. Reporter ; containing the Public Documents and the Debates of the I2th Congrefs. 2 vols. 8vo. Concord, N. H., 1811-13. Temperance Society. Fifth Anniverfary, in the Hall of the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, 27th February, 1838. 8vo., pp. 32. Wafhington, 1838. CoNiNGESBY, George. Scrmon [on the Trinity] preached before the 138 New-York Historical Society. Univerfity of Oxford, at St. Mary's, December 30, 1722. 8vo., pp. 37. Oxford, 1723. Connecticut. A6ls and Laws of His Majefty's Colony of Connefticut in New England. [Charter prefixed and Seffion Laws added to 1737.] Folio. New London, 1715-37- Afts and Laws of'' His Majefty's Englifh Colony of, in New England in America. Charter* prefixed, and the Seffion Laws added to 1772. Folio. New London, 1750-72. A6ts and Laws of the State of Conneflicut, in America. [Seffion Laws added to 1793.] Folio. New London, 1784. A Congratulatory Letter from a Gentleman in the Weft to his Friend in the Eaft, upon the Succefs of his Letter, entituled. The Prefent State of the Colony of, conlidered. 4to., pp. 15. New Haven, 1755. The Anfwer of the Friend in the Weft, etc. 4to., pp. 18. New Haven, 1755. Reply to a Pamphlet, entitled. The Anfwer of the Friend in the Weft, etc. With a Prefatory Addrefs to the Freemen of His Majefty's Englifti Colony of 4to., pp. 63. 1755- Governor and Company of Connefticut, and Moheagan Indians, by their Guardians. Certified Copy of Book of Proceedings before Commiffioners of Review, 1743. 4to., pp. 283. Lond., 1769. The State of the Lands faid to be once within the Bounds of the Charter of the Colony of. Weft of the Province of New York, confidered. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1770. The Right of the Governor and Company of the Colony of, to Claim and Hold the Lands within the Limits of their Charter, lying Weft of the Province of New York, ftated, etc. 8vo,, pp. 47. Hartford, 1773. Heads of Enquiry relative to the Prefent State and Condition of His Majefty's Colony of Connefticut, fignified by His Majefty's Secretary of State, 5th July, 1773; with the Anfwers thereto. 4to., pp. 16. Rep. Norwich, 1775. Farmer. Remarks on a Pamphlet entitled, a Difl*ertation on the Political Union, etc. 1784. The Security of the Rights of Citizens in the State of, confidered. 8vo. Hartford, 1792. Courant. The Political Green-houfe, for the year 1798. Ad- drefled to the Readers of the, January i, 1799. izmo. Hartford. Addrefs to the Freemen of 8vo. Hartford, 1803. Fafts are Stubborn Things ; or. Nine Plain Queftions to the Peo- ple of; with a Brief Reply to each. By Simon Holdfaft. 8vo. Hartford, 1803. Count the Coft. An Addrefs to the People of, on fundry Poli- tical Subjefts, and particularly on the Propofition for a New Con- ftitution. By Jonathan Steadfaft. 8vo. Hartford, 1 804. Steady Habits Vindicated; or, a Serious Remonftrance to the Catalogue of Printed Books. 139 People againfl: Changing their Government. By a Friend to the Public Welfare. 8vo. Hartford, 1805. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memoirs of the. Vol. I., Parts I, 2, 3, 4. 8vo. New Haven, 18 10-16. A Statiftical Account of the Towns and Pariflies in the State . . . [See Dwight, Morris, Field.] Meffage of his Excellency Governer Grifwold, to the General Aflembly, at their Special Seffion, Augufl: 25, 181 2. 8vo. New Haven, 1812. Report of the Committee of the General Aflembly, at their Special Seffion, Auguft 25, 181 2, on that part of the Governor's Speech which relates to his Correfpondence with the Secretary of War, etc. 8vo. New Haven, 1812. As You Were ! a Word of Advice to Straight-haired Folks : addrefled to the Freemen of. By One of their Number. 8vo. 1816. An Addrefs to the Emigrants from, and from New England generally, in the New Settlements in the United States. 8vo., pp. 19. Hartford, 1817. The Mifchiefs of Legiflative Caucufes Expofed, in an Addrefs to the People of Connefticut. By Trumbull. 8vo. Hartford, 18 19. The Crifis. To the People of Connefticut. 8vo. Hartford, 18 19. River. Two Reports, made by Committees appointed by the Direftors of the Aflbciation for Improving the Navigation of, above Hartford, etc. 8vo. Hartford, 1825. River Company. Report and Documents. 8vo. Hartford, 1826. An Appeal to the Candid, upon the Prefent State of Religion and Pohtics in. i2mo., pp. 23. An Enquiry concerning the Grant of the Legiflature of, to Andrew Ward and Jeremiah Halfey; and the Rights and Obliga- tions of the Parties under the fame. 8vo. Hartford, 1829. Hiftorical Society. The Charter of Incorporation and By-Laws of the ; together with a Lift of the Officers, and an Addrefs to the Public. Hartford, 1839. - Proteftant Epifcopal Church. Journal of, etc. . . . 1836-40. - Report of the Engineer upon the feveral definite Locations for the Hartford and Springfield Railroad ; with the Afts of Incor- poration in Connefticut and Mafl*achufetts. Hartford, 1841. - General Aflembly of. Public and Private Afts of the, pafled at the May Seffion, 1 848. 2 vols. 8vo. New Haven, 1 848. - Annual Regifter, from 1789 to 1848. 60 vols. l8mo. - The Public Records of the Colony . . . prior to the Union with New Haven Colony, May, 1665 ... by J. Hammond Trumbull. 8vo. Hartford, 1850. - Same. From 1665 to 1678; with the Journal of the Council of War . . . by J. Hammond Trumbull. 8vo. Hartford, 1852. 140 New-York Historical Society. Connecticut. The Statutes of the State of . . . [Compilation of 1854.] 8vo. New Haven, 1854. State Agricultural Society. Tranfaftions of the ... for the years 1854-55 ... 2 vols. 8vo. Hartford, 1855-56. Legiflative Journals and Documents [Mifcellaneous]. Geological Survey. See Shepard, Percival. Connoisseur (The). By Mr. Town, Critic and Cenfor General. 4 vols. izmo. Phil., 1803. Conolly, Joseph. Treatife on Telegraphic Communication, by Day and Night, for Naval, Military, and Commercial Purpofes, etc. Engravings. 8vo. Lond., 1808. Conrad, Robert T. Addrefs delivered before the Hiftorical Society of Pennfylvania, at the Celebration of the 170th Anniverfary of the Landing of Penn, on the Firft Conftitution and Government of the State of Pennfylvania. [With an Account of the Proceed- ings at the Dinner, November 8, 1852.] 8vo. Phil., 1853. Conservateur Impartial (Le). Nos. 1-92. With a Supplement. 4to. ..[18 1 3.] Considerations on the Management of the late Secret Expeditions, and the Condudl of the Court of France. 8vo., pp. 28. Lond., 1740. on the Addrefles lately prefented to His Majefty, on occalion of the Lofs of Minorca. In a Letter to a Member of Parliament. 8vo., pp. 63. Lond., 1756. upon the Aft of Parliament whereby a Duty is laid, etc., on Molafles and Sugar of Foreign Growth, imported into the Britifh Colonies, etc. 8vo., pp. 29. Bofton, 1764. on the Expediency of admitting Reprefentatives from the Amer- ican Colonies into the Britifli Houfe of Commons. Lond., 1770. on the Meafures carrying on with refpeft to the Britifh Colonies in North America. 8vo. Phil., 1774. on the State of Subfcription to the Articles and Liturgy of the Church of England, towards the clofe of the year 1773. By a Confiftent Proteftant. 8vo. Lond., 1774. on the Nurferies for Britifh Seamen; the Prefent State of the Levant, and Carriage Trade in the Mediterranean ; and the Com- parative Military, Naval, and Commercial Powers of the Barbary States. 4to., pp. 56. [1766.] on the Mode and Terms of a Treaty of Peace with America. 8vo. Rep. Hartford, 1779. on the Provifional Treaty with America, and the Preliminary Articles of Peace with France and Spain. 8vo., pp. 164. Lond., 1783. on the Prefent State of the Intercourfe between His Majefty's Sugar Colonies and the United States of America. 8vo., pp. 54. Lond., 1784. fur les Interets du Tiers Etat. AddrefTees au Peuples des Pro- vinces. 8vo., pp. 103. 1788. on the French War; in which the Circumftances leading to it. Catalogue of Printed Books. 141 its Objedt, and the Refources of Britain for carrying it on, are Examined, in a Letter to the Right Hon. William Pitt. By a Britifli Merchant. 8vo. Lond., 1794. CoNSipERATiONS on the State of Public Affairs at the Beginning of the year 1796. 8vo., pp. 97. Lond., 1796. upon the State of Public Affairs at the Beginning of the year 1798. Part L France. Third edition. 8vo. Lond., 1798. Part IL Upon the Inftruftions of His Majeily's Plenipotentiary at Lille, etc, 8vo. Third edition. Lond., 1 798. Part in. The Domeftic State and General Policy of Great Bri- tain. 8vo. Lond., 1798. upon Frauds on the Revenue. 8vo. Lond., 1 799. on the Choice of PubUc Rulers ; on the Extent of their Powers, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1805. for and againfl a South American Expedition. 8vo. Lond., 1805. Conspiracy, The. A Poem. Part i. 8vo., pp. 60. Lond., 1744. An Obhque View of the Grand Confpiracy againfl Social Order. 8vo. Lond., 1798. Cafes. An Exhibit of the LofTes fuflained at the Office of Dis- count and Depofit, Baltimore, under the Adminiftration of James A. Buchanan, Prefident, and James W. McCulloh, Cafhier, etc. To which is appended, a Report of the Confpiracy Cafes, etc. [Compiled under the direftion of Robert Goodloe Harp:r,] 8vo. Baltimore, 1823. Conspirators, The ; or, the Cafe of Catiline, etc. Sixth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1721. Constitution. The Genuine Principles of the Ancient Saxon, or Englifh Conflitution, etc. By Demophilus. 8vo. Phil., 1776. An Examination into the Leading Principles of the Federal, pro- pofed by the late Convention at Philadelphia; with Anfwers to the principal Objeftions, etc. By a Citizen of America. 8vo. Phil., 1787. View of the Propofed, of the United States, as agreed to by the Convention, etc. With Notes and Obfervations. 8vo. Phil., 1787. Obfervations on the New Conftitution, and on the Federal and State Conventions. By a Columbian Patriot. 8vo. Rep. N. y., 1788. of the United States. Journal, A£ts and Proceedings of the Con- vention which formed the . . . May 14 to September 17, 1787. 8vo. • Bofton, 1 8 19. Enemies of, Difcovered ; or, an Inquiry into the Origin and Tendency of Popular Violence, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1835. Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Convention, etc, 8vo. Wafhington, 1836. See Elliot, MafTachufetts, Virginia, Pennfylvania, North Caro- lina, United States, 142 New- York Historical Society. Constitutions. The American's Guide; comprifing the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Conftitution of the United States, etc. Phil., 1828. Consular Establishment. Outline of, for the United States, in Eaft- ern Afia. N. Y., 1838. Contemplation. A Poem. 4to., pp. 23. Lond., 1753. Contest (The) in America, between Great Britain and France, with its Confequences and Importance, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1757. CoNTOSTAVLos, ALEXANDER. Narrative of the Material Fafts in relation to the Building of the Two Greek Frigates. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 96. N. Y., 1826. Controversy. A View of the, between Great Britain and her Colo- nies ; including a Mode of Determining their prefent Difputes finally and efFeftually, and Preventing all future Contentions : in a Letter to the Author of a Full Vindication of the Meafures of the Congrefs from the Calumnies of their Enemies. By A. W. Farmer. 8vo. N. Y., 1774. Convention of the State of Maflachufetts. Refult of Convention of Delegates holden at Ipfwich, deputed to confider the Conftitution propofed by the. 8vo., pp. 68. Newburyport, 1778. Addrefs of the Convention for framing a New Conftitution for the State of Maflachufetts Bay, to their Conftituents. 8vo., pp. 18. [With Conftitution, etc., pp. 53.] Bofton, 1780. of the State of New York, at Poughkeepfie, June 17, 1788. The Debates and Proceedings of the. 8vo., pp. 144. N. Y., 1788. Some Remarks on the Proceedings of the late Convention, etc. 8vo., pp. 31. New Haven, 1791. between His Britannic Majefty and His Majefty the King of Pruffia. 4to. Lond., 181 3. Conybeare, John. Sermon (on Miracles) preached before the Uni- verfity of Oxford, December 24, 1 721. Second edition, 8vo., pp. 32. Oxford, 1723. The Penal Sanftions of Laws confidered : an Aflize Sermon, at St. Mary's, in Oxford, July 20, 1727. i2mo., pp. 30. Oxford, 1727. Vifitation Sermon, at St. Mary's, in Oxford, July 20, 1725. i2mo., pp. 31. Third edition. Lond., 1732. Sermon in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, Exon, Auguft 31, 1732. 8vo., pp, 36. Oxford, 1733. Cooke, Edward. A Voyage to the South Sea, and Round the World, performed in the years 1708, 1709, 1710 and 1711, by the Ships Duke and Dutchefs of Briftol. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 171 2. Cooke, Elisha. Juft and Seafonable Vindication, ' refpefting fome Affairs tranfafted in the late General AfTembly at Bofton, 1720. The fecond impreflion, correfted. i2mo., pp. 19, 3. [Bofton, 1720.] Cooke, John. Five Letters to a Friend, occaftoned by the Death of the Rev. William Bromley Cadogan, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1797. Catalogue of Printed Books. H3 Cooke, Phinehas. Oration delivered before the Wafhington Benevolent Society, July 5, 181 3, Keene, N. H. 8vo. Keene. Cooke, R. L. A Defcription of Wyer's Cave. Second edition. 8vo. Staunton, Va., 1836. CooKE, Samuel. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Cotton Brown, BrookUn, Oftober 26, 1748. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1748. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. William Symmes, Andover, November i, 1758. 8vo. Bofton, 1759. MafTachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 30, 1770. 8vo. Bofton. Cooley, James Ewing. The American in Egypt ; with Rambles thro' Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land, during the years 1839 and 184c. 8vo. N. Y., 1842. — Speech before the Democracy of Syracufe . . . November I, 1853. 8vo., pp. 40. N. Y., 1853. Review of the Adminiftration of General Pierce . . . Speech ... at Patchogue, November 4, 1854. 8vo., pp. 2Z. N. Y., 1854. Cooley, Timothy Mather. Sketches of the Life and Charadler of the Rev. Lemuel Haynes. i2mo. N. Y., 1837. Cooley, W, D. The Hiftory of Maritime and Inland Difcovery. 3 vols. i6mo. [Cab. Cyc] Lond., 1830-34. CooLiDGE, Richard H. Statiftical Report on the Sicknefs and Mor- tality in the Army of the United States, compiled from the Records of the Surgeon General's Office ; embracing a period of Sixteen Years, from January, 1839, to January, 1855. Senate Ex. Doc, No. 96 ; 34th Congrefs, ift Seilion. 4to. Waftiington, 1856. CooMBE, Thomas. Two Sermons: Chriftmas Day, 1773, etc., Chrift Church and St. Peter's, Philadelphia. i2mo., pp. 59. Phil., 1774. Continental Faft Sermon, Philadelphia, July 20, 1775. 8vo., pp. 29. Phil., 1775. Coombs, Leslie. A Reply to General Jackfbn's Letter, of the 31ft of Oftober, 1828. CooNEY, Robert. A Compendious Hiftory of the Northern Part of the Province of New Brunfwick, and of the Diftridl of Gafpe in Lower Canada. 8vo. Halifax, 1832. Cooper, James Fenimore. The Spy; a Tale of the Neutral Ground. 2 vols. i2mo. Third edition. N. Y., 1822. The Hiftory of the Navy of the United States of America. 2 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1839. The Battle of Lake Erie ; or, Anfwers to Meflrs. Burges, Duer, and Mackenzie. i2mo. Cooperftown, 1843. A Reply to the Letter of J. Fenimore Cooper. By One of his Countrymen [Caleb Cufhing]. 8vo., pp. '](>. Bofton, 1834, Cooper, John Gilbert. The Tomb of Shakfpear : a Vifion. Second edition. 4to., pp. 11. Lond., 1755. [Cooper, Myles.] A Friendly Addrefs to all Reafonable Americans, on the Subjeft of our PoHtical Confufions : in which the neceflary 144 New-York Historical Society. confequences of violently oppofing the King's Troops, and of a general Non-Importation are fairly ftatcd. 8vo., pp. 56. N. Y., 1774. Cooper, Myles. Letter to the Rev. Dr. [Mylcs] Cooper, on the Origin of Civil Government, etc. 8vo., pp. 53. Lond., 1777. Cooper, Samuel. Maflachufetts Ele£lion Sermon, May 26, 1756. 8vo. Bolton. Sermon occafioned by the Reduftion of Quebec, before the General Court, etc., Oftober 16, 1759. 4to., pp. 53. Bofton. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Jofeph Jackfon, Brooklin, April 9, 1760. 8vo., pp. 46. Bofton, 1760. Funeral Sermon, delivered January i, 1761 (George the Second). 8vo. Bofton, 1 76 1. Dudleian Lefture, Harvard College, September i, 1773. 8vo., pp. 68. Bofton, 1774. Sermon delivered before the Legiflature, 25th Oflober, 1780; the day of the Commencement of the New Conftitution and Inau- guration of the New Government. 8vo., pp. 55. Bofton. Cooper, Thomas. Trafts, Ethical, Theological, and Political. Vol. I. 8vo. Lond., 1789. Reply to Mr, Burke's Inveflive againft Mr. Cooper and Mr. Watt, in the Houfe of Commons, 30th April, 1792. 8vo. Lond., 1792. Some Information refpedling America. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1795. Political Arithmetic. 8vo., pp. 40. Political Effays, originally inferted in the Northumberland Gazette; with Additions. Northumberland, 1799. An Account of the Trial of Thomas Cooper, of Northumberland, on a Charge of Libel againft the Prefident of the United States. 8vo. Phil., 1800. A Traft on the Propofed Alteration of the Tariff, fubmitted to the Confideration of the Members from South Carolina, in the enfuing Congrefs of 1823-4. ^^o* N. Y., 1824. Same. 8vo. Rep. Phil., 1824. Ledures on the Elements of Political Economy, 8vo, Columbia, 1826, Cooper, William. Sermon at Springfield, January 26, 1736, at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Robert Breck. 8vo, Bofton, 1736. Funeral Sermon for the Rev. Peter Thacher, March i, 1738-9. 8vo. Imp, Bofton, 1739. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 28, 1740. 8vo, Bofton. Sermon to the Old South Church, Bofton, March 22, 1 740-1. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1 741. Cooper, William. Sermon to the Jews, at Sion Chapel, Whitechapel, to God's Ancient Ifrael, the Jews, Auguft 28, 1796. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond,, 1796. Cooper, Rev. Mr. The Hiftory of North America, etc. Curious Catalogue of Printed Books. HS frontifpiece. Second American edition. i2mo. Lanfingburgh, 1795. CoPWAY, George. Life, Hiftory and Travels of Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh, a Young Indian Chief of the Ojibwa Nation. Written by Him- felf i2mo. Phil., 1847. Same. 8vo. Albany, 1847. The Ojibwa Conteft : a Talc of the North Weft. 8vo. N. Y., 1850. CoRDA, A. C. Contribution to the Knowledge of the different kinds of Brand in the Cereals, and Blight in Grain. Tranflated from the German, by E. G. Smith. 4to. Albany, 1847. CoREAL, Francois. Voyages de, aux Indes Occidentales, traduits de I'Efpagnol ; avec une Relation de la Guiane de Walter Raleigh & le Voyage de Narborough a la Mer du Sud par le Detroit de Magellan, traduits de I'Anglois. 3 vols. l2mo. Amfterdam, 1722. Cornelison, John. Sermon at Hackinfack, December 15, 1799, at the Inftalment of James V. C. Romeyn in the Cong, of Hackin- fack and Schralenburgh. 8vo. N. Y., 1 800. . Cornelius Nepos. [In Dutch — imperfeft.] Plates, 1 2mo. Cornell, Alvin. Analyfis of the Teftimony on the Trial of, for Murder, and of the fubfequent Proof which led to the Commuta- tion of his Punifhment. 8vo. Albany, 1844. CoRNEWALL, FoLLioTT, Bifhop of Briftol. Sermon before the Incor- porated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 20, 1801. 8vo., pp. 75. Lond., 1801. Cornish, Joseph. Thankfgiving Sermon, at Colyton, in the County of Devon, July 29, 1784. 8vo., pp. 28. Taunton. Brief Treatife on the Divine Manifeftations to Mankind in Gene- ral, and fome in particular. i2mo., pp. 31. Taunton, 1787. A Vindication of the Doftrine of the Pre-Exiftence of Chrift. i2mo., pp. 49. Taunton, 1789. Evangelical Motives to Holinefs ; or, an Attempt to Show that thofe who cannot rely on Good Works, feel moft Powerful En- gagements to Abound in Them. i2mo., pp. 24. Taunton, 1790. CoRNWALLis, Earl. An Anfwer to that part of the Narrative of Lieut. General Sir Henry Clinton, K. B., which relates to the Condudl of Lieut. General Earl Cornwallis, during the Campaign in North America, in the year 1781. 8vo. Lond., 1783. Corporation for the Relief of Widows and Children of Clergymen of the Protcftant Epifcopal Church in the State of New York. Charter and Fundamental Laws. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1807. Corraro, Angelo. Rome Exaftly Defcribed ; or, a Relation of the State of the Court of Rome, made at the Council of Pregadi, etc. Tranflated from the Italian. 8vo. Lond., 1668. Corrector. A Reply to a Letter to the Right Rev. Bifhop Hobart, occafioned by the Strifturcs on Bible Societies, contained in his late Addrcfs to the Convention of New York. By a Chairman of 10 146 New -York Historical Society. the Diocefe of New York, in a Letter to that Gentleman. 8vo. N. Y., 1823. Correspondence RepubHcain entre deux Hollandais, propre a Fixer les Idees fur les Pretentions de TEmpereur, etc. 8vo., pp. 32. Amfterdam, 1785. between the Hon. John Adams, late Prefident of the United States, and the late William Cunningham, Efq., beginning in 1 803 and ending in 181 2. 8vo. Bofton, 1823. CoRRESPONDENCiA, quc la mediado entre la Legacion Extraordinaria de Mexico y cl Departamento de Eftado de los Eftados-Unidos fobre el pafo del fabina por las tropas que mandaba el General Gaines. Mexico, 1837. CoRRY, John. The Life of Jofeph Prieftley, LL. D., F. R. S., etc. l2mo., pp. 60. Birmingham, 1804. Cortes. La Preclara Narratione di Ferdinando Cortefe della Nuova Hifpagna del Mare Occano . . . nell ano mdxx. . . . trafmefla . . . 4to. Venetia, Bernardino de Viano de Lcxona, 1524. Hiftoria de Mejico, efcrita por fu Efclarecido Conquiftador, aumentada con otros Documentos y Notas, por D. Francifco Antonio Lorenzana, etc. 4to. Mexico, 1770. The fame. 8vo. N. Y., 1828. Correfpondence de, avec I'Empereur Charles-Quint, fur la Con- quete du Mexique. Traduite par M. le Vicomte de Flavigny, etc. i2mo. Paris, 1778. Aventures et Conquetcs de, au Mexique, par Henri Lebrun. Quatrieme edition. Small 8 vo. Tours, 1843. The Difpatchcs of, the Conqueror of Mexico, addrefled to the Emperor Charles V., written during the Conqueft, and containing a Narrative of its Events. Tranflated, with an Introduftion and Notes, by George Folfom. 8vo., large paper. N. Y., 1843. Carta Sexta de Hernando Cortes, efcrita al Emperador Carlos V. Publicada ahora por Primera Vez. [Edited by George Folfom.] 8vo. N. Y., 1848. CossiGNY, L F. C. Supplement aux Recherches Phyfiques et Chi- miques fur la Fabrication de la Poudre a Canon. 8vo. Paris, 1808. Coster, John G., and his Wife, vs. Jacob Lorillard and others. Cafe of, in Court for the Corredlion of Errors. Albany, 1836. Coston's Sylvic Gas Light. Account of. Bofton, 1 847. Cothren, William. Hiftory of Ancient Woodbury, Connefticut, from the Firft Indian Deed in 1659, to 1854, including the prefent Towns of Wafhington, Southbury, Bethlem, Roxbury, and a pari of Oxford and Middlebury. 8vo. Waterbury, Conn., 1854. Cotton, John. The Way of the Churches of Chrift in New England . . . meafurcd and examined by the Golden Reed of the Sanctuary. 4to. Lond., 1645. Singing of Pfalmes a Gofpel Ordinance : a Treatife . . . 4to. Lond., 1647. Catalogue of Printed Books. 14.7 Cotton, John. The Bloody Tenent Wafhed, and made White in the bloud of the Lambe . . . whcrcunto is added, a Reply to Mr. Williams' Anfwcr to Mr. Cotton's Letter. 4to. Lend., 1647. The Way of Congregational Churches Cleared : in Two Trcatifes . . . 4to. ' Lond., 1648. Cotton, John. Narrative of the Tranfaftions at Middleborough, in the County of Plymouth, in fettling a Minifter in the room of the Rev. Mr. Peter Thacher, etc. 4to., pp. 38. Bofton, 1746. Two Fall Sermons, delivered at Plymouth, June 30, 1757, occa- fioned by the Drought and War. 8vo. Bofton, 1757. The General Praftice of the Churches in New England, relating to Baptifm, further Vindicated ; containing an Anfwer to the Rev. Chandler Robbins's Reply, etc. In three parts. 8vo., pp. 154. Bofton, 1773. Cotton, John. Funeral Sermon, delivered at Briftol, July, 1729 (Nathaniel Cotton). Small 8vo. Bofton, 1729. Maffachufetts Eledion Sermon, May 30, 1753. 8vo. Bofton, 1753. Cotton, Sir Robert. Cottoni Pofthuma : Divers Choice Pieces of that Renowned Antiquary, preferved from the Injury of Time, and Expos'd to Public Light, for the Benefit of Pofteri ty. By J[ames] H[owell]. 8vo. Lond., 1651. Difcourfe of Foreign War ; with an Account of all the Taxations upon this Kingdom, from the Conqueft to the End of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1 690. Cotton, Ward. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. John Browne, Hingham. 8vo., pp. 30. Bofton, 1747. Council. Refult of a ... of Ten Churches, convened at Exeter, January 31, 1743. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1744. Courage Rewarded ; or, the Englilh Volunteer : a Political Drama. By Mr. A. L. G. 8vo,, pp. 48. Lond., 1798. Court of Session. The Decifions of the, from its Inftitution till the year 1764; with feveral Decifions fince that period, arranged under proper Titles, in the form of a Diftionary. 5 vols. 1 2mo. Lond., 1774. Cousin, Victor. Introduflion to the Hiftory of Philofophy. Trans- lated from French by HenningGotfriedLinberg. 8vo. Bofton, 1832. Two Articles from the Princeton Review, concerning the Trans- cendental Philofophy of the Germans, and of Coulin, and its influ- ence on Opinion in this Country. Cambridge, 1840. Cow Pox Act, The. With the Order of the Legiflature, and a Com- munication on the fubjeft from the Seleftmen of the Town of Milton. 8vo., pp. 15. Bofton, 18 10. Coward, J. Deifm traced to one of its Principal Sources ; or, the Corruption of Chriftianity the Grand Caufe of Infidelity, etc. 8vo., pp. 51. Lond., 1796. Cowdrey, Samuel. Oration, 12th May, 1803, before the Tammany Society in New York. 8vo. 148 New-York Historical Society. Cowley, Abraham. Works, etc., now publifhed out of the Author's Original Copies. Fourth edition. Folio. Lond., 1674. Works. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond., 1721. Cox, F. A., and J. Hoby. The Baptifts in America : a Narrative of the Deputation from the Baptill: Union in England, to the United States and Canada. l2mo. N. Y., 1836. [Cox, James.] Metallic Money : its Value and its Fundlions. 8vo., pp. 14. Phil., 1 841. CoxE, Daniel. A Defcription of the Englifh Province of Carolana, by the Spaniards called Florida, and by the French La Louifiana, etc. 8vo. [Second edition.] Lond., 1727. Same, ^yith a map. 8vo. [Third edition.] Lond., 1741. CoxE, John Redman. See Emporium. CoxE, Richard S. Addrcfs dehvered before the Peitheflbphian and Philoclean Societies of Rutgers College, July 23, 1844. 8vo, N. Y., 1844. CoxE, Tench. A View of the United States of America, in a feries of Papers, written at various times between the Years 1787 and 1794, etc. 8vo. Rep. Lond., 1795. A Statement of the Arts and Manufaftures of the United States of America, for the year 1810. 4to. Phil., 18 14. A Memoir of February, 181 7, upon the fubjeft of the Cotton, Wool Cultivation, the Cotton Trade, etc. Phil., 1817. Coxe, William. Travels into Poland, Ruffia, Sweden, and Denmark. 3 vols. 4to. Maps, etc. Lond., 1784-90. Travels in Switzerland, in a Series of Letters to William Mebnoth, Efq. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1789. Letter on the Secret Tribunals of Weftphalia, addrefled to Eliza- beth, Countefs of Pembroke. 8vo. Salifbury, 1796. Coxe, William. A View of the Cultivation of Fruit Trees, and the Management of Orchards and Cider, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1817. [CoziNE, John.] Dick Twifs : a Poem. 8vo., pp. 8. Cozzens, Issachar, Jr. A Geographical Hiflory of Manhattan or New York Ifland ; together with a Map of the Ifland, and a Suite of Sections, Tables and Columns, for the Study of Geology, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1843. Cozzens, Frederick S. Cozzens' Wine Prefs : a Vinous, Vivacious Monthly. Series L, n. 8vo. N. Y., 1855-56. Crabb, George. Englilh Synonymes; with copious Illuftrations and Explanations, drawn from the Bell Writers. 8vo. N. Y., 1837. Crabbe, George. The Borough : a Poem, in Twenty-four Letters, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1810. Cradock, Z. The Great End and Defign of ChrifUanity. 4to. Lond., 1706. Two Sermons; the Firft before King Charles IL, February 10, 1678, etc. i2mo., pp. 54. Lond., 1742. Crafts of the Craftsman; or, a Deteftion of the Defigns of the Coalition. 8vo., pp. 43. Lond., 1736. Catalogue of Printed Books. 149 Craftsman Extraordinary ; or, a Full Anfwer to the Remarks upon the Craftfman Vindication. Being an Unanfwerable Vindication of Lord BoHngbroke. 8vo., pp. 37. Lond. ■ Remarks upon his Vindication of his Two Honorable Patrons, in his Paper of May 22, 1731. 8vo., pp. 62. Lond., 1731. Craftsman's Business, The; being an Explanation and Defcription of fcveral forts of Dogs, etc. 8vo., pp. 19. Lend., [1729]. Cragg, Saunders. George Clinton next Prefident ; and our Repub- lican Inftitutions Refcued from Dellruftion ; addrefled to the Citi- zens of the United States ; or James Madifon Unmafked. 8vo. N. Y., 1808. Craig, Neville B. Lefture upon the Controverfy between Pennfylvania and Virginia, about the Boundary Line, delivered at Pittfburgh, December 5, 1843. 8vo., pp. 30. Pittfburgh, 1843. Craig, Thomas. Three Sermons on Romans viii. i. 8vo., pp. 63. Newcaftle-upon-Tyne, 1787. Three Sermons on Important Subjefts. 8vo., pp. 72. Whitby, 1 79 1. Craig, William, and others, vs. The United Infurance Company in the City of New York : Cafe in the Court for the CorredHon of Errors. N. Y., 1 8 II. Crandall, Reuben. The Trial of, charged with publifhing Seditious Libels, by circulating the PubUcations of the American Anti-Slavery Society. 8vo. N. Y., 1836. Crane, John. Difcourfe at the Ordination of the Rev. Calvin Park, Franklin, May 17, 181 5. 8vo. Providence, 181 5. Cranston, Robert B. Proceeding of a General Court Martial, holden at Newport, Auguft l, 1817, for the Trial of. Providence, 1817. Crantz, David. The Hiftory of Greenland ; containing a Defcription of the Country and its Iijhabitants ; and particularly, a Relation of the Miffion by the Unitas Fratrum, at New Herrnhuth and Lichtenfels, in that Country. Tranflated from the High Dutch. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1767. Craufurd, Thomas. Hiftory of the Univerlity of Edinburgh, from 1580 to 1646. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1808. Craven, Elizabeth. A Journey through the Crimea to Conftantinople : in a Series of Letters to the Margrave of Brandebourg, etc. 8vo. Dublin, 1787. Crayon (The) : a Journal devoted to the Graphic Arts, and the Lite- rature related to them. Vols. I., n., in. 4to. N. Y., 1855-6. Credit, Public. Refledlions fur I'Etat Adluel du, de I'Angleterre, et de la France. 8vo., pp. 60. November, 178 1. Creech, Thomas. See Lucretius. Creech, William. Letters addrefled to Sir John Sinclair, Bart., refpefting the Mode of Living, Arts, Commerce, Literature, Manners, etc. of Edinburgh, in 1763, and fince that period. 8vo., pp. 52. Edinburgh, 1793. 150 New-York Historical Society. Creole Case, The, and Mr. Webfter's Defpatch ; with the Comments of the New York American. 8vo. N. Y., 1 842. Cresey, Noah. Thankfgiving Sermon, to the Chapel Society, North Yarmouth, December 2, 1824. 8vo., pp. 17. Portland, 1826. Crespel, (M.) Travels in North America ; with a Narrative of his Shipwreck, etc., on the Ifland of Anticofti. i2mo. Lond., 1797. Cressener, Drue. A Demonftration of the Firil Principles of the Proteltant Apphcations of the Apocalypfe. 4to. Lond., 1690. Creuxius, Franciscus. Hiftoriae Canadenlis feu Novae Franciae Libri Dccem, ad annum ufque Chrifti, mdclvi. 410. Paris, 1664. Crevecoeur. See St. John. Criminal Law. Edifl of the Grand Duke of Tufcany, for the Reform of Criminal Law in his Dominions. Tranflated from the Italian ; together with the Original. 8vo. Warrington, 1789. ' Crimmin, Daniel M. See Ariftotle. Crisis, The. Scire volunt, Secreta Domus atque inde Timeri. 8vo., pp. 16. [By Dr. Samuel Cooper.] [Bofton], 1754. Nos. IL to VL, inclufive. 8vo. [Lond.] The New. By an Old Whig. 8vo. N. Y., 18 10. The. On the Origin and Confequences of our Political Diffen- fions, etc. By a Citizen of Vermont. 8vo. Albany, 1815. No. I ; or. Thoughts on Slavery : occafioned by the Miflburi Queflion. 8vo. New Haven, 1820. Sec Mountmorris. Critic, The Modest ; or. Remarks upon the moft Eminent Hiftorians, Ancient and Modern, etc. i2mo. Lond., 1691. Critical Essays. i2mo. Lond., 1770. Crito. Letters to Eminent Men. 8vo. Gloucefter, 1 806. A Letter to His Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales, concerning his Moral and Political Conduft. 8vo. N. Y., 1 807. Crockett, David. An Account of hjs Tour to the North and Down Eaft, in the Year of our Lord 1834. i2mo. Phil., 1835. Crockett, G. F. H. An Addrefs to the Legiflature of Kentucky, on the Abolition of Capital Punifhment in the United States, and the fubftitution of Exile for Life. 8vo. Georgetown, Ky., 1823. Croes, John. Charge to the Clergy of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the State of New Jerfey, at the Annual Convention, Swedes- borough, Auguft 18, 1 819. 8vo., pp. 16. New Brunfwick, 1819. Croft, George. Plans of Parliamentary Reform proved to be Vifion- ary : in a Letter to the Rev. C. Wyvill. 8vo., pp. 28. Birmingham, 1793. Croke, Alexander. Remarks on Mr. Schlegel's Works upon the Vis- itation of Neutral VelTels under Convoy. 8vo. Lond., 1801. Croker, Richard. Travels through feveral Provinces of Spain and Portugal, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1799. Crookshank, William. Sermon occafioned by the Rebellion in Scot- land, September 22, 1745. With an Appendix, concerning the Catalogue of Printed Books. 151 SufFerings of the Protellants in Ireland during the Reign of King James II. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1745. Cross, Jeremy L. The True Mafonic Chart ; or. Hieroglyphic Moni- tor, etc. i2mo. New Haven, 18 19. Crosse, John. A Congratulatory xAddrefs to, on the Profpeft of his Recovery to a State of Spiritual Health and Salvation, etc. 8vo., pp. 197. Lond., 1 79 1. Croswell [Andrew]. Anfwcr to Rev. Mr. Turell's Direftion to his People. i2mo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1742. Reply to " A Difplay of God's Special Grace, etc." 8vo. imp. Boflon, 1742. Defence of the Dialogue entitled " A Difplay of God's Special Grace," against the Exceptions of. By Theophilus. i2mo., pp. 46. Boflon, 1743. Obfervations on feveral PafTagcs in a Sermon preached by William Warburton, Lord Bifhop of Glouceller, before the Society for Propagating the Gofpel, etc., February 21, 1766. 8vo. Boflon, 1768. Croswell, Harry. The Speeches at full length of Mr. Van Nefs, Mr. Caines, the Attorney-General, Mr. Harrifon, and General Hamilton, in the Great Caufe of the People vs. H. Crofwell, on an Indiftment for a Libel on Thomas JefFerfon, Prefident of the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1 804. Croswell, William. Letter to the Bifhop of MafTachufetts, occafioned by his late Letter to the Clergy. i2mo. Boflon, 1845. Crouch, Henry. A Complete View of the Britilh Cufloms. Third edition. 8vo. Lond., 1738. Croucher, Richard D. Report of his Trial, on an Indiftment for Rape on Margaret Miller, on Tuefday, the 8th of July, 1800. 8vo. N. Y. Crousaz [John Peter de]. New Treatife of the Art of Thinking; or, a Compleat Syllem of Refleftions concerning the Conduft and Improvement of the Mind, etc. Done into Englifh. Vol. I. 8vo. Lond., 1724. Crowninshield, George. Trial of . . . J. J. Knapp, Jr., and John Francis Knapp, for the Murder of Captain Jofeph White, of Salem, on the Night of the 6th April, 1 830. 8vo., pp. 1 04. Bofton, 1 830. [Cruger, Lewis]. Journal of the Firfl Congrefs of the American Colo- nies . . . New York, Odlober 7, 1765. 8vo., pp. 59. N. Y., 1845. Cruikshank, George. The Political Alphabet; with Notes and Illus- trations. Embellifhed with 32 engravings. Second edition. Lond. Cruikshanks, William. Experiments on the Infenfible Perfpiration, etc., of the Human Body. Lond., 1795. Crull, J. The Antient and Prefent State of Mufcovy ; containing a Geographical, Hiflorical, and Political Account of all thofe Na- tions and Territories under the Jurifdidlion of the prefent Czar. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1698. 152 New-York Historical Society, Crusius, Lewis. Lives of the Roman Poets, etc. 2 vols. 410. Lond., 1732, Cruttwell, Clement. The New Univerfal Gazetteer ; or. Geogra- phical Didlionary, etc. 3 vols. 8vo. Atlas. Lend., 1798. Cuba y Su Gobierno. Con un Apendice de Documentos Hiftoricos. 8vo. Londres, 1853. Cudworth, Ralph. A Difcourfe concerning the Evidences of our Knowing Chrift. With a Preface, etc., by Charles Inglis, A. M. 8vo. N. Y., 1770. Cudworth, William. Defence of Mr. Hervey's Dialogues againft Mr. Bellamy's Theron, Paulinus, and Afpafio. 8vo., pp. 36, Bofton, 1762. CuLLEN, Charles. Chemical Analyfis of Wolfram, and Examination of a New Metal which enters into its Compofition. From the Spanifh of Jofeph and Luyart; 8vo., pp. 67. Lond., 1785. CuLLOM, George W. Regifters of the Officers and Graduates of the Weft Point Mihtary Academy, from March 16, 1802, to January I, 1850. 8vo. N. Y., 1850. Cumberland, Richard. Falfe Impreffions : a Comedy. 8vo., pp. 74. Lond., 1797. Cumberland, William Augustus, Duke of. Hiftorical Memoirs of. 8vo. Lond., 1767. CuMiNGs, Henry. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 28, 1783. 8vo. Bofton, 1783. Sermon (Billerica, December 1 1, 1783). Thankfgiving for Peace. 8vo., pp. 39. Bofton, 1784. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. P. Wright, Bolton, 0£lo- ber 26, 1785. 8vo., pp. 43. Bofton. Friendly Letter to, containing feveral Queries upon certain Obfervations in his Sermon on Natural Religion. 8vo., pp. 19. Newburyport, 1796. Sermon at Billerica, Thankfgiving, November 29, 1798. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1798. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Caleb Bradley, Falmouth, 9th Odlober, 1799. 8vo., pp. 36. Portland. Eulogy on the late Patriot, Walhington, addrefled to the People of Billerica, January 10, 1800. 8vo., pp. 16. Amherft, 1800. Faft Sermon, delivered at Billerica, April 9, 1801. 8vo. Amherft, 180 1. Difcourfe before the Roxbury Charitable Society, September 21, 1802. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1802. CuMMiNG, Asa. a Memoir of the Rev. Edward Payfon, D. D., late of Portland, Maine, i8mo. Same. 1 2mo. [American Tra£l Society.] N. Y. CuMMiNG, A. Sermon at his Inftalment in the Paftoral Charge of the South Church, in Bofton, etc. 8vo., pp. 58. Bofton, 176 1. Animadverftons on the Rev, Mr. Crofwell's late Letter, etc. [The Hopkinfian Queftion]. i2mo., pp. 40. Bofton, 1763. Catalogue of Printed Books. »S3 Gumming, Hooper. Official Documents of the Prefbytery of Albany, exhibiting the Trials of the Rev. John Chefter and Mr. Mark Tucker ; together with the whole Cafe . . . 8vo. Scheneftady, i8i8. A Plea for the American Bible Society : Sermon, Marth 29, 1 81 8, in the Third Prefbyterian Church, Albany. 8vo., pp. 23. Albany, 181 8. Gumming, John. Difcourfe to a Society of Young Men in Lon- don, preached in the year 17 19. 8vo., pp. 40. Boiton, January, 1805. Gunha de Azeredo Coutinho, J. J. DA. A Political Eflay on the Commerce of Portugal and her Colonies, particularly of Brafil in South America. Tranflated from the Portuguefe. 8vo. Lond., 1 80 1. An Eflay on the Commerce and Produfts of the Portuguese Colo- nies in South America, efpecially the Brazils. Tranflated from the Portuguefe. 8vo. Lond., 1807. Cunningham, Abner. An Addrefs fubmitted to the Confideration of R. D. Owen, Kneeland, Houfl:oun, and others, of the Infidel Party of the City of New York. N. Y., 1833. Cunningham Correspondence. See John Adams. Cunningham, Peter. Hand-book of London, Pafl: and Prefcnt. 8vo. Lond., 1850. CuNY, (M.) Tableau Hifl:orique des Decouvertes et Etablifl'emens des Europeans dans le Nord et dans I'Oueft: de I'Afrique jufqu' au commencement du XIX. Siecle, etc. Tomes 2, 8vo. Paris, An XIL [1804]. Cure for the Spleen. The Americans Roufed, in a ; or, Amufement for a Winter's Evening, etc. 8vo. Rep. N. Y. Curran, John Philpot. Forenfic Eloquence : Sketches of Trials in Ireland for High Treafon, etc. 8vo. Baltimore, 1 804. Speeches ; with a Brief Sketch of the Hiftory of Ireland, and a Biographical Account of Mr. Curran. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 181 1. Currency. Letter addrefled to the Legiflators of the feveral States comprifing the Federal Union, recommending an uniform Con- tinental Currency ... By the Author of the Stranger's Afliftant and the Intercourfe of Nations. l2mo. N. Y., 1797. A Syftem of Credit for a Republic ; and the Plan of a Bank for the State of New York. 8vo. Albany, 1838. Report on, by the Committee appointed by the Convention of the Friends of Domefliic Induft:ry, aflembled at New York, in Oaober. Matters. A Letter on, to the People of the United States. By One of the People. 8vo. N. Y., 1841. Currie,William. Account of the Fever in Philadelphia. 8vo. [Title wanting.] Curtis, Jonathan. A Topographical and Hifliorical Sketch of Epfom, New Hampfliire. 8vo. Concord, 1823. 154 New-York Historical Society. Curtis, Newton N. The Bride of the Northern Wilds : a Tale. 8vo. N. Y., 1843. CuRWEN, Samuel. Journal and Letters of, from 1775 to 1784; with Biographical Notices, etc. By George Atkinfon Ward. Portrait. 8vo. N. Y., 1842. Same. Second edition. N. Y., 1844. CuRZON, H. The Univerfal or Compleat Summary of Science. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1712. Gushing, Caleb. Eulogy on John Adams and Thomas JefFerfon, New- buryport, July 15, 1826. 8vo. Cambridge, 1826. The Hiftory and Prefent State of the Town of Newburyport. i2mo. Newburyport, 1826. [ ] A Reply to the Letter of J. Fenimore Cooper. By One of his Countrymen. 8vo., pp. 76. Bofton, 1834. Letter of, concerning the Refolution for Prefenting a Medal and the Thanks of Congrefs to General William Henry Harrifon, March, 1840. 8, Outlines of the Life and Public Services, Civil and Military, of William Henry Harrifon. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1840. Gushing, Jacob. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Samuel Williams, Bradford, November 20, 1765. 8vo. Bofton, 1766. CusHMAN, Elisha. Conncfticut Eleftion Sermon, May 3, 1820. 8vo. New Haven, 1820. GusHMAN, Robert. The Sin and Danger of Self Love Defcribed, in a Sermon preached at Plymouth, in New England, 1621. 8vo., pp. 30. [The Appendix contains a Sketch of the Author, by John Davis, Esq. Belknap's Am. Biog. IL, 267.] Rep. Plymouth, 1788. A Sermon preached at Plymouth (New England), a. d. 1621. By One of the Pilgrims who landed in Plymouth in 1620; being the Firft Sermon ever preached in New England, and probably the firft ever preached in America. Eng. Pr, 1622. Rep. 8vo., Bofton, 181 5. Same ; with a Memoir of the Author. 8vo. Bofton, 1 846. GusTis, George Washington Parke. Oration, etc. in honor of Gene- ral James M. Lingan. With Notes. 8vo. Wafhington, 1812. CuTBusH, James. The Philofophy of Experimental Chcmiftry. 2 vols. i2mo. Phil., 1813. Cutler, Manasseh. Faft Sermon delivered at Hamilton, April 25, 1799. 8vo. Salem, 1799. Cutting, John Browne. Fads and Obfervations, juftifying his Claims againft the United States : in a Letter to the Secretary of State. Cutting, Nathaniel. General Obfervations rcfpcdting a new Me- chanical Procefs for Manufafturing Cordage, etc. 8vo. [Bofton, May, i8o(;.] CuviER, (M.) Rapport Hiftorique fur les Progres des Sciences Naturelles depuis 1789, et fur leur Etat Aftuel, etc. 410. Paris, 1810. Catalogue of Printed Books. 155 Dacier, Andre. Works of Plato, abridged ; with an Account of his Life, Philofophy, Morals, and Politicks, etc. Tranflated from the French. Third edition. 2 vols. izmo. Lond., 1772. Dacier, Bon-Joseph. Rapport Hiftorique fur les Progrcs de I'Hiftoire et de la Litterature Ancienne depuis 1789, etc. 410. Paris, 18 10. Daggett, David. Oration (4th July, 1 799) at New Haven. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 28. New Haven, 1799. Argument before the General AfTembly of the State of ConnedU- cut, 06lober, 1804, in the Cafe of Certain Jurtices of the Peace, etc. 8vo. New Haven, 1804. Daggett, Naphtali. Sermon at the Inftallation of Rev. Nathaniel Sherman, New Haven, May 18, 1768. 8vo., pp. 44. New Haven. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Jofeph Howe, Bofton, May I9> ^773- 8vo., pp. 52. Bofton, 1773. Dalcho, Frederick. An Hiftorical Account of the Proteftant Church in South Carolina, from the Firft Settlement of the Province to the War of the Revolution, etc. 8vo. Charlefton, 1820. Dallas, Alexander James. The Opinion of Judge Cooper on the Effect of a Sentence of a Foreign Court of Admiralty. 8vo. Phil., 1 810. [ ] An Expofition of the Caufes and Character of the Late War with Great Britain. 8vo., pp. 82. Phil., April, 1815. Dallas, George M. Letter on the Mexican Treaty . . . from the Public Ledger of June 15, 1849. i2mo., pp. 29. Phil., 1849. Dallowe, Timothy. Elements of Chemiftry, being the Annual Lec- tures of Hermann Boerhaave, M. D. 4to. Lond., 1735. Dalmas, (M.) Recherches Hiftoriques et Medicales fur la Fievre Jaune. 8vo. Paris, 1805. Dalrymple, David. Annals of Scotland, from the Acceffion of Mal- colm IIL, furnamed "Canmore," to the Acceffion of Robert L 4to. Edinburgh, 1776. [Dalrymple, Sir John.] The Addrefs of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America. 8vo., pp. 60. Lond., 1775. [ ] The Rights of Great Britain xAflerted Againft the Claims of America ; being an Anfwer to the Declaration of the General \/ Congrefs. With a Refutation of Dr. Price's State of the National Debt. Ninth edition. 8vo., pp. 131. Lond., 1776. Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, from the Battle off La Hogue till the Capture of the French and Spanish Fleets at Vigo. Vol.11. 4to. Edinburgh, 1788. Dalrymple, William. Travels Thro* Spain and Portugal in 1774, with a Short Account of the Spanish Expedition againft Algiers in 1775. 4to. Lond. y 156 New-York Historical Society. Dalton, J. Sermon occafioned by the Death of the Rev. P. Simfon, Coventry, July 18, 1773. 8vo., pp. 32. Coventry, 1773- Dalton, John. Meteorological Obfervations and EfTays. 8vo. Lond., 1793. Daly, Charles P. Hiftorical Sketch of the Judicial .Tribunals of New- York, from 1623 to 1846. 8vo., pp. 68. N. Y., 1855. Dalzel, Archibald. The Hiftory of Dahomy, an Inland Kingdom of Africa ; compiled from Authentic Memoirs ; with an Introduc- tion and Notes. 4to. Lond., 1793. Damon, David. Sermon at Charlton, Maffachufetts, September 14, 1826, at the Annual Meeting of the Auxiliary Bible Society in the County of Worcefter. 8vo. pp. 27. Worcefter. Dampier, Thomas, Bifhop of Rochefter. Sermon before the Incor- porated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 21, 1806. 8vo., pp. 72. Lend., 1806. Dana, Daniel. Difcourfe on Mufic, Addrefled to the Eflex Mufical Aflbciation, September 12, 1803. 8vo.,pp. 19. Newburyport, 1803. • Importance of Virtue and Piety as Qualifications of Rulers. Dif- courfe delivered March 31, 1805. 8vo., pp. 27. Newburyport, 1805. A Sermon preached in Bofton before the Maflachufetts Society for Promoting ChriiHan Knowledge, May 28, 181 7. 8vo., pp. 59. Andover, 18 17. A Sermon on the Deity of Chrift, delivered July 31, 18 10, be- fore the Haverhill Aflbciation. Second edition, with Appendix. 8vo., pp. 32. Newburyport, 1819. Dana, James. A Sermon preached before the General Afl'embly of the State of Connefticut, at Hartford, on the Day of the Anni- verfary Eleftion, May 13, 1779. 8vo., pp. 46. Hartford, 1779. Sermon, April 29, 1789, at his Inftallation, New Haven. 8vo., pp. 43. New Haven, 1789. Sermon at New Haven, at the Interment of Rev. Dr. Ezra Stiles, Prefident of Yale College. 8vo., pp. 38. New Haven, [1795]. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Daniel Huntington to the Paftoral Care of the Firft Church and Society in Litchfield, Connefticut, October 17, 1798. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Andrew Yates, dehvered at Eaft Hartford, December 13, 1801. 8vo. Hartford, 1802. • The Wifdom of Obferving the Footfteps of Providence. A Ser- mon preached at Weathersfield on the Annual Thankfgiving, No- vember 28, 1805. Sermons to Young People, preached a. d. i 803-4. 8vo. New Haven, 1806. Dana, Joseph. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Daniel Dana, Newburyport, December 19, 1794. 8vo., pp. 37. Newburyport, 1795. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. David Smith, Ameftury, Janu- ary 28, 1795. 8vo., pp. 35. Newburyport. Catalogue of Printed Books. 157 Dana, Joseph. Faft Difcourfe, delivered April 25, 1799. 8vo. Bofton, 1799. Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Samuel Dana, delivered Ofto- bcr 7, 1 80 1. • 8vo. Salem, 1801. Sermon before the Merrimac Humane Society, September 4, 1804, 8vo., pp. 30. . Newburyport, 1804. Integrity Explained and Recommended. Sermon at an Affbcia- tion Ledlure, September 8, 1807. 8vo., pp. 24. Salem, 1808. Sermon in Bofton, before the Maffachufetts Society for Promoting Chriftian Knowledge, 21st Oftober, 1812. 8vo., pp. 28. Cambridge, 181 2. Dana, Richard H. Poem delivered before the Porter Rhetorical So- ciety, in the Theological Seminary, Andover, September 22, 1829. 8vo. Bofton, 1829. Dana, Richard H., Jr. Fafts, Arguments and Documents, relative to the Ether Difcovery. 8vo. Bofton, 1848. Dana, Samuel W. Speech in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States on a Refolution concerning Francis J. Jackfon, Min- ifter Plenipotentiary from Great Britain to the United States, De- cember 19, 1809. 8vo. Washington, 1810. Dane, John. A Declaration of Remarkable Providences in the Courfe of my Life. . . . 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1854. Danforth, John. Sermon occafioned by the late Great Earthquake, etc., Dorchefter, November 7, 1727. 8vo. BoT-on, 1728. Danforth, Samuel. Piety Encouraged ; a Difcourfe to the People of Taunton, etc. i2mo., pp. 25. Bofton, 1705. See Bridgewater's Monitor. Danforth, Thomas. Oration at Bofton (4th July, 1804). 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1804. Difcourfe before the Humane Society of MafTachufetts, June 14, 1808. 8vo., pp. 39. Bofton, 1808. Danican, Augustus. Banditti Unmafked ; or, Hiftorical Memoirs of the Present Times. Tranflated from the French, by John Gifford. 8vo., pp. 263. Lond., 1797. Daniel, Gabriel. The Hiftory of France, from the Time the French Monarchy was Eftabliftied in Gaul to the Death of Louis XIV. Tranflated into Englifli. 5 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1726. Daniel, Samuel. The Colleftion of the Hiftory of England. P'ifth edition, with a Continuation unto the Reign of Henry VII. By John Trussel. Folio. Lond., 1685. Danois. Le Politique, ou rAmbition des Anglais Demafquee par leurs Pirateries. i8mo. Copenhague, 1756. D'Anvers, Caleb. The Craftsman Extraordinary j or. Remarks on a Pamphlet . . . 8vo,, pp. 28. Lond., 1729. Dapper, O. See Montanus. « Daponte, Lorenzo. Life of Himfelf. i2mo. N. Y., 1807. Danvers, John Thierry. A Pifture of a Republican Magiftrate of the New School; being a Full-length Likenefs of his Excellency 158 New-York Historical Society. Thomas JefFcrfon, Prefident of the United States. With a Short Criticifm on the Charaflers and Pretenfions of Mr. Madifon, Mr. Clinton, and Mr. Pinckney. 8vo. N. Y., 1 808. Darby, William. A Geographical Defcription" of the State of Louifiana, the Southern Part of the State of Miffiffippi, and Terri- tory of Alabama, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1807. • The Emigrant's Guide to the Weflem and South Weftern States and Territories, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1818. A Tour from the City of New York to Detroit, in the Michigan Territory, made between the 2d of May and the 2 2d of Septem- ber, 1818. 8vo. N. Y. 1 8 19. and Theodore Dwight, Jr. A New Gazetteer of the United States of America, etc. 8vo. Hartford, 1833. Univerfal Gazetteer. A Didlionary Geographical, Hiftorical and Scatiftical, etc. 8vo. Phil., 184?. Darcie, Abraham. The True and Royal Hiftory of the Famous Em- preffe Elizabeth, Que;.en of England, France and Ireland. 4to. Lond., 1625. Darg, John P. Expofition of the Proceedings of, and others, in rela- tion to the Robbery of, etc. N. Y., 1 840. Darien. a Juft and Modeft Vindication of the Scot's Defign for the having Eftablilhed a Colony at Darien, etc. 8vo. 1699. Darkness at Noon; or, the Great Solar Eclipfe, i6th June, 1806, defcribed, etc. i2mo., pp. 34. Bofton, 1806. Daru, M. le Comte. Rapport fait a la Commiflion fur le Trace du Chemin de Fer de Paris a Chalons-fur-Saone. 4to. Paris, 1843. Darwin, Erastus. Works. 5 vols. 8vo. [Firft American edition.] N. Y., 1798. Dathe, M. a. An Eflay on the Hiftory of Hamburgh, from the Foundation of that City to the Convention between the Senate and Burghers, in the year 171 2. 8vo. Lond., 1766. Daubenton, Le Citoyen. Extrait de I'Inftruftion pour les Bergers et les Proprietaires de Troupeaux. i8mo. Argentan, 1792. Daudet, Charles Alexis. Le Petit Cenfeur. Semaine critique et Litteraire, Francaife et Anglais. Nos. i— 12. 8vo. Phil., 1805. Davalos, Josephus Emanuel de. De Morbis nonnullis Limae graffan- tibus ipforumque therapeia. i2mo. Monfpelii, 1787. Daveiss, J. H. a View of the Prefident's Conduft concerning the Confpiracy of 1806. 8vo. Frankfort, Ky., 1807. [D'Avenant, Charles.] Difcourfes on the Public Revenues, and on y the Trade of England. With a Difcourfe upon Improving the Revenue of the State of Athens; written originally in Greek, by Xenophon, now made Englifli by W. M. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1698. Eflay upon the Methods of Making a People Gainers in the Bal- ance of Trade. 8vo. Lond., 1699. •= Political and Commercial Works, correfted and revifed by Sir Charles Whitworth, etc. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1771. Catalogue of Printed Books. 159 Davenport, A. Benedict, Genealogy of the Davenport Family, in England and America. i2mo. N. Y., 1851. Davenport, Bishop. A Hiftory and New Gazetteer ; or. Geographical Diftionary of North America and the Weft Indies, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1842. Davenport, Ebenezer. Oration on the Death of General Wafhington, Stamford, Connefticut, 22d February, 1800. 8vo., pp. 15. N. Y., 1800. Davenport, John. The Power of Congregational Churches aflcrted and vindicated, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1672. David, F. A. Abrege de la Vie des plus Illuftres Philofophes dc I'An- tiquite, etc. Orne de portraits. 8vo. Paris, 1822. David's Pfalmen. l8mo. ^7 S3' David's Pfalms. i6mo. N. Y., 1767. Same. Twenty-fixth edition. Bofton, N. E., 1774. Same. Sternhold and Hopkins. Lond., 1 806. Davidson, Lucretia Maria. Amir Khan ; and other Poems, etc. With a Biographical Sketch, by Samuel F. B. Morfe. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1829. Davidson, Robert. An Excurfion to the Mammoth Cave and the Barrens of Kentucky ; with fome Notices of the Early Settlement of the State. i2mo. Phil., 1840. Hillory of the Prefbyterian 'Church of the State of Kentucky; with a PreHminary Sketch of the Churches in the Valley of Vir- ginia. 8vo. N. Y., 1847. Davidson, Richard O. A Defcription of the Aerostat; or, a Praftical Mode of Aeroftation. N. Y., 1841. Davidson, Thomas. The Real Chriftian, diftinguifhed from the Hypocrite: a Difcourfe from Revelations iii. i. 8vo., pp. 24. Charleftown, 1802. Davie, John Constanse. Letters from Paraguay: defcribing the Settle- ments of Monte Video and Buenos Ayres, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1805. Davies, Benjamin. Sermon at Haberdafhers' Hall, London, on the Death of Rev. Thomas Gibbons, D. D. 8vo.,pp. 30. Lond., 1785. Sermon at the Opening of the New Chapel, in Bridge Street, Briftol, Auguft 24, 1786. With an Introdudlory Addrefs, by James Manning. 8vo., pp. 28. Lond. Davies, Samuel. The State of Religion among the Proteftant Diflent- ers in Virginia : in a Letter to the Rev. Mr. Jos. Bellamy, etc. 8vo., pp. 44. Bofton, 1 75 1. Sermon from Ifaiah Ixii. i. 8vo., pp. 38. [Preface by S. Finley — title-page wanting.] [1752.] The Curfe of Cowardice ! a Sermon preached to the Militia of Hanover County, in Virginia, May 8, 1758. i2mo., pp. 36. Lond., 1758. Sermons on Important Subjeds . . . Memoirs of the Author, etc. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Bofton, 181 1. i6o New-York Historical Society. Davila, H. C. Hiftoria delle Guerre civili di Francia. Folio. In Roano, 1646. The Hiftorie of the Civil Warres of France. Tranflated from the Italian. Folio. Lond., 1647. The Continuation and Conclufion of the Civili Warres of France. Tranflated from the originall. Folio. Lond., 1648. Davis, A. Lcfture on the Difcovery of America by the Northmen, Five-hundred years before Columbus, etc. Third edition. 8vo., pp.23. N. Y.,_i839. Hillory of New Amilerdam ; or. New York As it Was, in the Days of the Dutch Governors . . . i6mo. N. Y., 1854. Davis, George Lynn-Lachlan. The Day Star of American Freedom; or, the Birth and Early Growth of Toleration in the Province of Maryland . . . etc. i2mo, N. Y., 1855. Davis, Henry. Vermont Eleftion Sermon, Odober 12, 181 5. 8vo. Montpeher. A Narrative of the EmbarralTments and Decline of Hamilton College. 8vo., pp. 151. A Farewell Addrefs to the Students of Hamilton College. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1833. Davis, John. An Eulogy on General Wafliington, pronounced at Bofton, before the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 4to., pp. 24. Bofton, 1800. Addrefs before the Maffachufetts Charitable Fire Society, at their Annual Meeting, May 31, 1799. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1799. An Oration pronounced at Worcefter, MafTachufetts, on the Fortieth Anniverfary of American Independence. 8vo., pp. 23. Worcefter, 1816. Davis, John. Travels of Four Years and a Half in the United States of America, during 1798, 1799, 1800, 1801, and 1802. Dedi- cated to Thomas JefFerfon. 8vo. Lond., 1 803. , Travels in Louifiana and the Floridas, in the year 1802; giving a Corrcft Pifture of thofe Countries. Tranflated from the French [of Berquin du Vallon], with Notes. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 806. Davis, Matthew L. Report of the Cafe between the Rev. Cave Jones and the Redlor and Inhabitants of the City of New York, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1 81 3. Memoirs of Aaron Burr ; with Seleflions from his Correfpond- ence. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Private Journal of Aaron Burr, during Four Years' Refidence in Europe ; with Seledlions from his Correfpondence. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Davis, N. S. Hiftory of Medical Education and Inftitutions in the United States, from the Firft Settlement of the Britifli Colonies to the year 1850, etc. 8vo. Chicago, 1841. Davis, Paris M. An Authentick Hiftory of the late War between the United States and Great Britain, etc. l2mo. Ithaca, 1829. Catalogue of Printed Books. i6l Davis, Paris M. An Official and Full Detail of the Great Battle of New Orleans, which Clofed the late War with Great Britain and her Dependencies. l2mo. N. Y,, 1836. Davis, William J. The Old Bridewell. See Dawfon. Dawes, Thomas, Jr. Oration, July 4, 1787, at Bofton. 8vo., pp. 22. Bofton, 1787. Dawson, Henry B. Reminifcences of the Park and its Vicinity. [Con- tains (pp. 58-64), The Old Bridewell, by William J. Davis.] i2mo., pp. 64. N. Y., 1855. Day, Sherman. Hiftorical Colledlions of the State of Penniylvania. 8vo. Phil. [1843.] Day, Thomas. Refleftions upon the Prefent State of England and the Independence of America. Fifth edition. 8vo. Lend., 1783. The Letter of Marius ; or, Refledions upon the Peace, the Eaft India Bill, and the Prefent Crifis. Third edition. 8vo. Lond., 1784. Dialogue between a Jultice of the Peace and a Farmer. Third edition. 8vo. Lond., 1786. • Fragment of an Original Letter on the Slavery of the Negroes, written in the year 1776. 8vo. Lond., 1784. ' and John Bicknell. The Dying Negro : a Poem. With a Fragment of a Letter on the Slavery of Negroes, by Thomas Day. 8vo. Lond., 1793. Day, Thomas. A Concife Hiftorical Account of the Judiciary of Con- nefticut. 8vo. Hartford, 1817. Hiftorical Difcourfe before the Connefticut Hiftorical Society, Twenty-fixth December, 1843. 8vo. Hartford, 1844. Daye, James. Sermon at the Provincial Meeting of the Lancafhire Minifters, at Manchefter, May 8, 1744. 8vo., pp. 40. Manchcfter, 1744. Dayton, Aaron O. Addrefs delivered before the American Whig and CHofophic Societies of the College of New Jerfey, September 24, 1839. 8vo. Princeton, 1839. Dayton, Jonathan. Public Speculation Unfolded : in Sixteen Letters, addrelTed to F. Childs and J. H. Lawrence. 8vo. N. Y., 1800. Deaf and Dumb. Reports of the New York Inftitution for the Inftruc- tion of the Deaf and Dumb. 8vo. [Various years.] Dean, Amos. An Attempt to prefent the Claims of Long Lake to the Confideration of all thofe who are in Search of Good Land at a Low Price. 8vo. Albany, 1 846 Dean, James. An Alphabetical Atlas or Gazetteer of Vermont, etc 8vo. Montpelier, 1808 Deane, E. Oration (Poetical) pronounced at Tivertown, July 4, 1804. 8vo. Dedham, 1804 Deane, Samuel. Oration, 4th July, 1793, Portland. 4to. Portland, 1793 A Sermon preached before His Honor Samuel Adams, Efq. Lieut.-Governor, the Hon. the Council, Senate, and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the Commonwealth of Maffachufetts, May 28 II i62 New-York Historical Society. 1 794 ; being the Day of General Eleftion. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1794. Deane, Samuel. Funeral Difcourfe, delivered at Portland, May 31, 1795 (Thomas Smith). 8vo. Portland, 1795. The New England Farmer; or, Georgical Diflionary, etc. 8vo. Second edition. Worcefler, Mafs., 1797. Deane, Samuel. Hiftory of Scituate, Maflachufetts, from its Firft Settlement to 1 83 1. 8vo. Bofton, 1831. Deane, Silas. An Addrefs to the Free and Independent Citizens of the United States of North America. 8vo. Hartford, 1784. Papers in relation to the Cafe of. 8vo. Phil., 1855. Deane, William Reed. Brief Memoirs of John and Walter Deane, two of the Firft Settlers of Taunton, Maflachufetts . . . 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1849. Dearborn, Benjamin. A Lenient Syftem for Adjufting Demands and Collecting Debts, without Imprifonment, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1827. Dearborn, Henry A. S. An Addrefs delivered before the Maflachu- fetts Horticultural Society, on the Celebration of their Firft Anni- vcrfary, September 19, 1829. 8vo. Bofton, 1829. Sketchof the Life of the Apoftle Eliot, etc. 8vo. Roxbury, 1850. [Deas, Anne Izard.] Correfpondence of Ralph Izard, of South Caro- lina, from the year 1774 to 1804; with a Short Memoir. Por- trait. Vol. I. izmo. N. Y., 1844. Debates in the Afiatic Afl"embly. 8vo. Lond., 1767. Complete and Accurate Account of the, in the Houfe of Com- mons, on Tuefday, July 9, 1782, on Fox's Refignation and Amer- ican Independence. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 61. Lond., 1781. in Parliament on the Articles of Peace, on Monday and Friday, 17th and 2ift of February, 1783. A Full and Faithful Report. 8vo. Lond. Full and Faithful Report of the Debates in both Houfes of Par- liament, on the Articles of Peace, etc., February 17, 21, 1783. 8vo., pp. 72, 116. Lond. De Bow, J. D. B. Statiftical View of the United States . . . Being a Compendium of the Seventh Cenfus. 8vo. Wafhington, 1854. Mortality Statiftics of the Seventh Cenfus of the United States, 1850 . . . Houfe of Reps. Ex. Doc. No. 98; 33d Congrefs, 2d Seffion. 8vo. Waftiington, 1855. De Bry's America. [Edition publiflied at Frankfort-on-the-Main, in 161 7; containing the American Voyages. With 137 plates. Folio. Printed in German.] Debt. An Article on the Debt of the States, from the New York American Review for January, 1 844. 8vo. N. Y., 1 844. Debtor and Creditor's (The) Vade Mecum : a Commentary on the Infolvent Laws of New York. i8mo. N. Y., 1810. De Calonne, C. a. Letter to the Author of Confiderations upon the State of Public Affairs at the Commencement of 1798. From the French. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1798. Catalogue of Printed Books. 163 Decatur, Stephen, and James Barron. Correfpondence between the late Commodore . . . which led to the unfortunate Meeting of the 2 2d of March. 8vo. Wafliington, 1820. De Courcy, Henry. The Catholic Church in the United States : a Sketch of its Ecclcfiaflical Hiftory. Tranflated and arranged by John Gilmary Shea . . . i2mo. N. Y., 1856. Decree (The) in the Cafe of Palmers and others. Complainants againll Jacobus Van Cortland and Adolph Philipfe, Defendants in Can- cellaria Nova Eborac, Appendix to the Decree, etc. Obferva- tions on the Anfwer in general. Obfervations on the Clamours. Folio, pp. 58. [This Pamphlet has no title-page, but feems to be the publication of the Complainants in the above fuit. It has at the end two Letters, " To the Honble. Adolph Philipfe, Efq."] Dedication to a Great Man, concerning Dedications, etc. Seventh edition; with a Preface. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 17 19. Defence of the Enquiry into the Reafons of the Condudl of Great Bri- tain, etc. 8vo., pp. 40. Lond., 1729. of the People ; or. Full Confutation of the Pretended Fafts ad- vanced in a late Huge, Angry Pamphlet, called Faftion Detedled, etc. 8vo., pp. 150. Lond., 1744. Defensor. The Enemies of the ConlHtution difcovered ; or, an Inquiry into the Origin and Tendency of Popular Violence. Containing a complete and circumftantial Account of the Unlawful Proceedings at the City of Utica, Oftober 21, 1835, etc. 8vo. Utica, 1835. Deffand, Madame du. Unpublilhed Correfpondence . . . Trans- lated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1810. Letters to Horace Walpole, from 1766 to 1780. With Letters of Madame du Deffand to Voltaire, from 1759 to 1775. 4 vols. i2mo. Lond., 1810. De Grasse, Comte. Complete Notice Biographique fur I'Amiral Comte de Graffe. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Degray, Michael. A Short Inquiry illucidating the Principal Caufe that Dillurbs the Tranquillity of a Republican Government. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1807. Dehon, Theodore. Difcourfe on the Death of General Wafhington, Newport. 8vo., pp. 19. Newport, 1800. Difcourfe delivered in Trinity Church, in Newport, 27th Novem- ber, 1 805 : Thanksgiving Day. 4to. Newport, 1 806. Dekar, Henry. New Defcription of the Univerfe. 4to., pp. 35. Delacoste. Catalogue of the Natural Produftions and Curiofities which compofe the Colledions of the Cabinet of Natural Hiftory opened for Public Exhibition at No. 38 William Street, New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1804. De la Croix, (M.) A Review of the Conftitutions of the principal States of Europe, and of the United States of America. Tranflated from the French [by EHza Ryves]. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1792. Delafield, Edward. An Inaugural Diflertation on Pulmonary Con- fumption. 8vo. N. Y., 1816. 1 64 New -York Historical Society. DEtAFiELD, John, Jr. An Inquiry into the Origin of the Antiquities of America. With Appendix, containing Notes, and a " View of the Caufes of the Superiority of the Men of the Northern over thofe of the Southern Hemifphere," by James Lakey, M. D. 410. N. Y., 1839. Delambre, (M.) Rapport Hiftorique fur les Progres des Sciences Mathe- matiques depuis 1789, etc. 4to. Paris, 1810. De la Motta, Jacob, Difcourfe delivered at the Confecration of the Synagogue of the Hebrew Congregation, Mikva Ifrael, in the City of Savannah, Ga., 21ft July, 1820. i2mo. Savannah, 1820. Delanne, William. Sermon before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, London, February 22, 171 2-1 3. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1725. Delany, Patrick. Five Sermons (on various fubjefts) ; being a Sup- plement to Fifteen Sermons on Social Duties. 8vo., pp. 1 14. Lond., 1747. De La Pillonniere, Francis. An Anfwer to the Rev. Dr. Snape's Accufation, Containing an Account of his Behaviour among the Jefuits. With Preface, by the Lord Bifliop of Bangor. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., [17 17]. Delaplaine, Joseph. Repofitory of the Lives and Portraits of Diftin- guifhed American Charafters. Vols. I. IL (Part L) 4to. Phil., 181 5-18. Delaware, Laws of the State of. Adams's Edition, 1700-97. 2 vols., 8vo. New Caftle, 1797. —Same. 1 798-1 826. 4 vols., 8vo. Wilmington and Dover. Della- Torre, Jean-Marie. Hiftoire et Phenomenes du Vefuve. Tra- dudlion de I'ltalien, par M. I'Abbe Peton. 1 2mo. Paris, 1 760. De Lolme, J. L. The Conftitution of England ; or, an Account of the Englifh Government, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1807. Del Rio, D. Guillermo. Monumentos Literarios del Peru. 4to. Lima, 1 812. Democracy : an Epic Poem. By Aquiline Nimblechops, Democrat. Canto Firll. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y. — The Crimes of. 8vo. Lond., 1798. Democratiad, The. A Poem : in Retaliation for the " Philadelphia Jockey Club." 8vo. Phil., 1795. De Mosquera, T. C. Memoir on the Phyfical and Political Geo- graphy of New Granada, . . . etc. Tranflated from the Spanilh by Theodore Dwight. 8vo., pp. 105. N, Y., 1853. Demosthenes, Orations of; Pronounced to Excite the Athenians againft Philip, King of Macedon. Tranflated by Thomas Leland. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1802. Dencke, C. F. The Three Epiftles of the Apoftle John . . . i8mo. N.Y., 1818. Dbndy, Walter Cooper. The Philofophy of Myftery. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1845. Denham, Joseph. Exhortation at the Ordination of Rev. Mr. Pope Catalogue of Printed Books. 165 and Mr. John Whittel, at Leather Lane, Hatton Garden. 8vo., pp. 44. Lend., 1746. Denholm, James. Hiflorical Account and Topographical Defcription of the City of Glafgow. Engravings. i2mo. Glafgow, 1797. Denmark. An Account of ... as it was in the Year 1692. 8vo. Lond., 1694. Same. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1738. Colleftion of Danifh Laws. 5 vols., 8vo. [Copenhagen, 1792]. Denne, John. Sermon preached before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 19, 1730. 8vo. Lond., 1731. Denon, Dominique Vivant. Travels Through Sicily and Malta, etc. i2mo. Perth, 1790. Travels in Lower and Upper Egypt during the Campaigns of General Bonaparte. Vol. L 4to. Lond., 1 804. Voyages dans la Baffe et La Haute Egypte, pendant les Cam- pagnes de Bonaparte in 1798 et 1799. 4to. Lond., 181 7. Denton, Daniel. A Brief Defcription of New York, etc. London, 1670. Rep. by the Hiflorical Society of Pennfylvania. Edited by John Pennington, M. H. S. P. 8vo. Phil., 1845. Gowan's Bibliotheca Americana L A Brief Defcription of New York, etc. Introduftion and Notes, by Gabriel Furrnan. Extra folio. N. Y., 1845. D'Epagny et Dupin, M. M. Dominique, ou La Poflede, Comedie en Trois Aftes et en Profe, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1831. De Peyster, J. Watts. Reports on the Organizations of the National Guards and Municipal Mihtary Syftems of Europe — the Artillery and Arms beft adapted to the State Service — the Englifh and Swifs Militia Syftems — the French, Swifs, Ruffian, and other Foreign Organizations, for aid againft Fire, and Military Information gene- rally neceflary to- the Re-organization of the Military Forces. Written, tranflated and compiled ... in 185 1-2-3. Bound in I vol. 8vo. The Eclaireur : a Military Journal, devoted to the Interefts of the Military Forces of the State of New York, and the Official Military Circular of the Ninth Brigade N. Y. S. M. F. Vols. II., III. 8vo. Poughkeepfie, 1854-7. The Hiftory of the Life of Leonard Torftenfon . . . etc. 8vo. Poughkeepfie, 1855. The Dutch at the North Pole and the Dutch in Maine : a Paper read before the New York Hiflorical Society, 3d March, 1857. 8vo., pp; 80. N. Y., 1857. Depons, F. Travels in South America in 1 801—4, containing a Defcrip- tion of Caraccas, etc. From the French. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1807 A Voyage to the Eaflern Part of Terra Firma, or the Spanifh Main in South America, during the Years 1 801-4. Tranflated by an American Gendeman. 3 vols., 8vo. N. Y., i8c6. T:r 1 66 New -York Historical Society. De Quincy. Letters of. . . . The Englifli Opium-Eater, to a Young Man whose Education has been Negleftcd. i6mo. Phil., 1843. Der Heyligen Romifchen Reichs Ordenungen, etc. Folio. Worms, 1536. Dermott, Lau. The True Ahiman Rezon; or, a Help to all that are, or would be. Free and Accepted Mafons. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 805. De Ronde, Lambertus. De Ware Gedagt'nis Gelovige Navolging . . . in ene Lykrede uit Hebr. 13. vs. 7. 13 Oftober, 175 i. 4to., pp. 32. v' _N. Y., 1752. A Syftem containing the Principles of the Chriftian Religion fuitable to the Heidelberg Catechifm. i2mo. N. Y., 1763. The True Spiritual Religion ; or. Delightful Service of the Lord ... as diftinguifhed from Idolatrous Heathenifm, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1767. De Roos, Frederick Fitzgerald. Perfonal Narrative of Travels in the United States and Canada in 1826. Illuftrated by Plates, with Remarks on the Prefent State of the American Navy. 8vo. Lond., 1827. Derrick, Charles. Memoirs of the Rife and Progrefs of the Royal Navy. 4to. Lond., 1806. De Saussure, H. B. Relation Abregee d'un Voyage a la Cime du Mont Blanc, en Aout 1787. 8vo., pp. 31. A Geneve. Description of the Orphan Houfe and Univerfity at Halle in Saxony, and of the other Inftitutions of Francke connefted with the Uni- verfity. Alfo a Hiftory of the Firft Century. 8vo. Halle, 1 799. Desodoards, Antoine Fantin. Hiftoire Philofophique de la Revolu- tion de France, Depuis la Convocation des Notables, par Louis XVL jufqu' a la Separation de la Convention Nationale. Tomes 2, 8vo. Paris, 1796. La Meme. Nouvelle edition. Revue par I'Auteur. Tomes 4, 8vo. Paris, 1797. Despard, Colonel. The Trial of, and his Affbciates for High Trea- fon and a Confpiracy, etc. With an Account of their Execution. 8vo. N. Y., 1803. De Stael-Holstein, Mad. An Appeal to the Nations of Europe Againft the Continental Syftem. Publifhed at Stockholm by order of Bernadotte, in March, 1 81 3. 8vo. Rep. Bofton, 181 3. Desultory Refleftions on the New Political Afpefts of Public Affairs in the United States of America, since the Commencement of the Year 1799. ^ Parts. 8vo,, pp. 62, 38. N. Y., 1800. Detroit. The City Direftory, and i\dvertifing Gazetteer of Michigan for 1855-56. Compiled by James Dale J ohnfton. 8vo. Detroit. Devil. The Hiftory of the. Ancient and Modern. 1 2mo. Berwick, 1794. Devotion, John. A Sermon on the Duty and Intereft of a People to Sanftify the Lord of Hofts. Preached before the General Affem- bly of the State of Connefticut at Hartford, May 8, 1777. 8vo., pp. 39. Hartford, 1777. I Catalogue of Printed Books. 167 Devotion, John. Sermon, April 8, 1778, at the Interment of Madame Urfula Grifwold, Confort of his Excellency Matthew Grifwold. 8vo., pp. 27. New Haven, [1778]. A Sermon, God the Dwelling Place of the Righteous in all Gene- rations. Preached at the Funeral of Rev. William Hart, July 13, 1784. 8vo., pp. 26. Hartford, 1785. Dew, Thomas R. Leftures on the Reftriftivc Syftem, delivered to the Senior PoHtical Clafs of WilHam and Mary College. 8vo. Richmond, Va., 1829. Effay on the Intereft of Money, and the Policy of Laws againll Ufury. Shelbank, Va., 1834. Letter to a Reprefentative in Congrefs from Virginia, on the fubjeft of the Financial Policy of the Adminifti-ation, and the Laws of Credit and State. Wafhington, 1 840. Dewey, Chester, and others. A Hiftory of the County of Bcrklhire, Maflachufetts. In Two Parts. The First Part being a General View of the County. The Second an Account of the Several Towns. By Gentlemen in the County, Clergymen and Laymen. l2mo. Pittsfield, 1829. Dewey, Orville. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 31, 1826. 8vo. Bofton. A Sermon on the Moral Ufes of the Peftilence Denominated Afiatic Cholera, delivered Auguft 9, 1832. 8vo., pp. 20. New Bedford, 1832. A Review on the Calviniftic Views of Moral Philofophy, 8vo., pp. 40- . N. Y., 1835. On the Unitarian Belief. 8vo. pp. 20. N. Y., 1835. A Sermon on occafion of the Late Fire in the City of New York. 8vo., pp. 17. N. Y., 1836. A Sermon preached in the Second Unitarian Church, in Mercer Street, on the Moral Importance of Cities, and the Moral Means of their Reformation, particularly on a Miniftry for the Poor in Cities. 8vo. N. Y., 1836. A Difcourfe delivered at the Dedication of the Church of the Mefiiah, in Broadway, New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1839. On Reading. A Lefturc delivered before the Mechanics' Li- brary Aflbciation in New York. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1839. Two Difcourfes on the Nature and Province of Natural, Revealed, and Experimental Religion. 8vo., pp. 32*. N. Y., 1841. Difcourfe on the Charafter and Writings of Rev. William Ellery Channing, D. D. 8vo., pp. 40. N. Y., 1843. A Difcourfe on Slavery and the Annexation of Texas. 8vo., pp. 18. N. Y., 1844. The Appeal of Religion to Men in Power. A Sermon on occa- fion of the late Calamity at Wafhington. 8vo. N. Y., 1 844. The Charafter and Claims of Seafaring Men. A Sermon. 8vo. N. Y., 1845. A Lefture on the Laws of Human Progrefs and Modern Reforms, i68 New-York Historical Society. delivered before the Mercantile Library Aflbciation of the City of New York. 8vo., pp. 35. N. Y., 1852. Dewey, Orville. An Addrefs delivered under the Old Elm Tree in Sheffield . . . 8vo., pp. 26. N. Y., 1856. De Witt, Benjamin. A Memoir of the Onondaga Salt Springs and Salt Manufadtures in the Weftern part of the State of New York ; defcribing the Situation and Appearance of the Springs, the Nature and Contents of the Waters, and the Procefs by which the Salt is procured, etc. ,410., pp. 28, Albany, 1798. De Witt, Thomas. A Difcourfe delivered in the North Reformed Dutch Church (Collegiate), in the City of New York, on the laft Sabbath in Auguft, 1856. 8vo. N. Y., 1857. De Witte, Petrum. Catechizatie over den Heidelberghfchen Cate- chifmus. i8mo. Amfterdam, 1697. Dexter, Samuel. Century Sermon at Dedham, on Thankfgiving, November 23, 1738. [With Hiftorical Notes, and an Appendix.] 8vo., pp. 51. Bofton, 1738. Dexter, Samuel. Progrefs of Science : a Poem, delivered at Harvard College, 1780. 8vo. N. Y., 1790. D'Huisseau, I. Saumur. La Difcipline des Eglifes Reformees de France. 4to. Geneva, 1666. Dialogue between A and B, relative to Seizing Goods. 8vo. N. Y., 1784. between an Epifcopalian and a Prefbyterian, on the fubjeft of the late Meeting of fome Epifcopalians at Mechanics' Hall, in the City of New York, 181 3. between a Southern Delegate and his Spoufe, on his Return from the Grand Continental Congrefs : a Fragment, infcribed to the Married Ladies of x'\merica, by their moft Sincere and AfFe6lionate Friend and Servant, Mary V. V. 8vo. 1774- Dialogues Pittoresques. Le Deftin de I'Amerique ou, etc. 8vo., pp. 1 24. Lond. DiARio della Terza Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani Convocati in Firenze, Settembre, 1 841. 4to. Firenze, 1841. Diaz del Castillo, Bernal. 'Hiftoria Verdadera de la Conquifta de la Nueva Efpana. Folio. Madrid, 1632. The True Hiftory of the Conqueft of Mexico, etc. Tranflated from the original Spanifh, by Maurice Keatinge, Efq. 4to. Lond., 1800. Dibble, Sheldon. Thoughts on Miffions. i8mo. Same. i2mo. [American Traft Society.] N. Y. Dibdin, Charles. The Deferter : a Comic Opera, in Two Afts, etc. 8vo., pp. 31. N. Y., 1788. Colleftion of Songs, etc. Dickey, Robert, and the American Infurance Company of New York, in the Court for the Corredlion of Errors. Joint Cafe between . . . 8vo., pp. 71. N. Y., 1826. DiCKiNs, AsBURY. An Eulogium on George Wafhington, pronounced Catalogue of Printed Books. 169 on the 22d of February, 1800, before the Hermathenian Society of Philadelphia. 8vo. Phil. Dickinson, Austin. The Infinite Gain. Fourth edition. N. Y., 1839. Dickinson, John. A Reply to a Piece called " The Speech of Jofeph Galloway, Efq." 8vo. Phil., 1 764. Speech in the Houfe of AfTcmbly of the Province of Pennfylvania, on a Petition for Change of Government. With a Preface. 8vo., pp. xii. 30. Phil., 1764. [ ] Letters from a Farmer in Pennfylvania to the Inhabitants of the Britifh Colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1 768. Same. Rep. N. Y., 1768. Same. French Tranflation. Small 8vo. [Bound with " Etat," etc.] Amrterdam, 1769. -] Same. Third edition. 8vo. Phil., 1769. Eflay on the Conftitutional Power of Great Britain over the I Colonies in America, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1774. [ ] A New Eflay [by the Pennfylvania Farmer] on the Conftitu- tional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America ; with the Pennfylvania Refolves and Inftruftions. 8vo., pp. 1 26. Rep. Lond., 1774. The Political Writings of, late Prefident of the State of Dela- ware, and of the Commonwealth of Pennfylvania. 2 vols. 8vo. Wilmington, 180 1. [ ] An Addrefs on the Pall, Prefent, and Eventual Relations of the United States to France. 8vo. N. Y., 1803. Dickinson, Jonathan. Familiar Letters to a Gentleman, upon a variety of Seafonable and Important Subjefts in Religion. 8vo. Bofton, 1745. Vindication of God's Sovereign Free Grace : in Remarks upon Sermons of John Beach and Henry Caner, etc. 8vo., pp. 80. Bofton, 1746. A Brief Illuftration and Confirmation of the Divine Right of Infant Baptifm, etc. i2mo., pp. 42, v. Providence, 1763. Dickinson, Richard W. The Sincere Preacher : an Introdu6lory Ser- mon, preached in the Bowery Prefbyterian Church, November 13, 1836. 8vo., pp. 32. N. Y., 1836. A Sermon preached in the Canal Street Prefbyterian Church, New York, December 14, 1843 . . . 8vo., pp. 30. N. Y., 1843. Dickinson, Rodolphus. Elements of Geography; or, an Extenfive Abridgment thereof, etc. Maps. 8vo. Bofton, 181 3. A Geographical and Statiftical View of MalTachufetts Proper. 8vo. Greenfield, 1813. A Defcription of Deerfield, in Franklin County; intended as an Exhibition of the Plan of a contemplated Gazetteer of MafTachu- fetts Proper. 8vo. Deerfield, Mafs., 18 17. Dickson, William Steel. Narrative of his Confinement and Exile, etc. Second edition. 8vo. Dublin, 181 2. 170 New-York Historical Society. Dickson, William. Letters on Slavery, etc. 8vo. Lend., 1789. DiCTioNARiuM Hiftoricum, Geographicum, Poeticum. Folio. 1596. Dictionary of the World ; or, a Geographical Defcription of the Earth; with an Hiftorical and Biographical Account of its princi- pal Inhabitants, from its Earlieft Ages to the Prefent Time, etc. The Geographical part by R. Brooks, M. D., and the Hillorical and Biographical part by Jofeph Collyer. 2 vols, folio. Lond., 1772. Dictionary of Merchandife, and Nomenclature in all Languages; for the Ufe of Counting Houfes, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1805. Dictionnaire de L'Academie Francoife, revu, corrige et augmente par L'Academie Elle Mcme. Cinquieme Edition. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1799. Dictionnaire Bibliographique, Hiftorique et Critique des Livres Rares, etc. 3 vols. 8vo. ' [Supplement, 1802]; Paris, 1790. DiEMERBROECK, IsBRAND DE. The Anatomy of Human Bodies, etc. Tranflated by William Salmon. Folio. Lond., 1694. DiGGEs, Leonard, and Thomas Digges. An Arithmeticall Militare Trcatife, named Stratioticos. Compendiously teaching the Science of Numbers, etc. Small 4to. Lond., 1579. Dillingham, William H. An Oration delivered before the Society of the Sons of New England. 8vo. Phil., 1 847. Dillon, Robert. Trial of, for Mutiny, etc. N. Y., 1 809. Dingley, Amasa. An Oration on the Improvement of Medicine, etc., January, 16, 1794. Second edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1795. Diogenes, Laertius. Lives, Opinions, and Remarkable Sayings of the Moft Famous Ancient Philofophers. Made Englifh by Several Hands. Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1688. DiONis, Monsieur. A Courfe of Chirurgical Operations Demonftrated in the Royal Gardens at Paris. Tranflated from the Paris edi- tion. Second edition. i2mo. Lond., 1733. Dioscorides, Pedacius Anazarbaeus. Opera quae Extant Omnia. [Gr. ct Lat. a J. A. Saraceno.] Folio. ^S9^' DiOTREPHES Reproved ; or, Remarks on a Pamphlet entitled the Per- nicious EfFefts of Religious Contention and Bigotry, etc. 410. pp. ^8. Lond., 1776. Discourse on II. Corinthians xv. 16, delivered fome years fince at an Aflociation Meeting, by one of the Reverend Members, etc. 8vo., pp. 12. Boflon, 1762. on Gencfis iv. 9, delivered many years fince on a Special Occa- fion, etc. 8vo., pp. 36. Bolton, 1762. delivered in the Proteftant Epifcopal Church on Sunday, No- vember 23, 1806, Martinfburg, Virginia. i8mo., pp. 14. Martinfburg, [1806]. delivered at the School Houfe, on the Eftate Great Princels, St. Croix, May 16, 1841. Discourses (Two) in the Prifon of Philadelphia, on Matthew xv. 25, and Jofiah xlv. 15. 8vo., pp. 17. Phil., [1770]. Catalogue of Printed Books. 171 Discoveries of the French, in 1768 and 1769, to the South-eaft of New Guinea, with the Subfequent Vifits to the Same Lands by Englifh Navigators, who gave them New Names. To which is prefixed an Hiftorical Abridgement of the Voyages and Difcoveries of the Spaniards in the fame Seas. By M****, formerly a Cap- tain in the French Navy. Tranflated from the French, Folio. Lond., 1 79 1. Disney, John. Sermon in the Parifh Church of St. Auftin, in London, February 18, 172 1. 8vo., pp. 27. Lond., 1722. Disney, John. The Sentiments of a Member of the Church of Eng- land refpefting the Doftrine of the Trinity ; or, an Addrefs to, etc. By W. H., a Layman. 4to, Lend., 1783. Sermon in the Unitarian Chapel in Eflex Street, London, Sunday, April 15, 1804, on account of the Death of Rev. Jos. Prieftley, LL. D., etc. 8vo. Lond., 1804. D'IsRAELi, Isaac. Curiofities of Literature, and the Literary Character Illuftrated. With Curiofities of American Literature, by Rufus W. Grifwold. 8vo. N. Y., 1847. Dissenter, A Letter to, upon occafion of his Majefty's late Gracious. Declaration of Indulgence. 4to., pp. 7. Dissenters. Letter to the Queen. 8vo., pp. 39. Right of Proteftant, to a Complete Toleration Aflerted ; con- taining an Hiftorical Account of the Teft Laws, etc. 8vo., pp. 99. Lond., 1789. Explanation and Defence of the Terms of Communion, adopted by the Community of Diflenters, etc. 8vo., pp. 72. Falkirk, 1 801. The Guilt of Democratic Scheming Fully Proved Againft the Diflenters. 8vo. Bradford, 1802. Dissenting Gentleman's (The) Answer, to the Rev. Mr. White's Three Letters ; in which a Separation from the Eftablifhment is Fully Juftified ; the Charge of Schifm is Refuted and Retorted ; 'and the Church of England and the Church of Jefus Chrift are Impartially Compared, and Found to be Conftitutions of quite a Different Nature. Fourth edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1748. Dissertation on the Political Union and Conftitution of the Thirteen United States of North America, etc. By a Citizen of Philadel- phia. 8vo., pp. 47. Phil, 1783. Distilled Spirits. An A£i Repealing, after the laft day of June, 1 79 1, the Duties heretofore laid upon Diftilled Spirits, etc. Explanations and Inftruftions concerning the Aft entitled (as above). District of Columbia. See United States Congrefs. [DiSTURNELL, J.] The Northcm Traveller ; containing the Hudfon River Guide and Tour to the Springs, Lake George, and Canada, paffing through Lake Champlain. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 844. The Pifturefque Tourift. i6mo. N. Y., 1844. [ ] Gazetteer of New York, with Statiftical Tables, Map, etc. i2mo. Albany, 1842. 172 New- York Historical Society. Dissuasive againft Joining with the Conventicles of Non-Jurors, etc. 8vo., pp. 31. Lond., 17 16. D'lvERNOis, Francis. Refleftions on the War, in Anfwer to Reflec- tions on Peace, addrefled to Mr. Pitt and the French Nation. Tranflated from the French. 8vo. Lond., June, 1 795. Account of the late Revolution in Geneva and of the Conduft of France towards that Republic. 8vo., pp. 76. Phil., 1798. Reflexions sur la Guerre en Reponse a Reflexions sur la Paix. Avec Remarque, Citation, etc., par J. Adams, Prefident des Etats Unis. 8vo., pp. 157. Phil., 1798. EfFets du Blocus Continental sur le Commerce, les Finances, le Credit et la Profperite des Ifles Britanniques. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 140. Lond., 1809. Divine Glory Brought to View in the Condemnation of the Ungodly, etc. By a Friend to Truth. 8vo., pp. 51. Boflon, 1782. Divine Right of a Chriftian to Freedom of Enquiry and Freedom of Pradice in Religious Matters, evinced from the Chriftian Records. i2mo., pp. 108. Hull. Divinity. Diredlions for Young Students in, etc. Second edition. i2mo., pp., 48. Lond., 1773. Doftor of. The Dialogue in Englifli between a Doftor of Di- vinity and a Student in the Laws of England, etc. Dix, D. L. Memorial Soliciting a State Hofpital for the Infane to the Le- giflature of Pennfylvania, February 3, 1 845. 8vo. Harrifliurg, 1 845. Memorial, etc., to the Legiflature of New Jerfey, January 23, 1845. Second edition. 8vo. Trenton, 1845. Memorial Soliciting an Appropriation for the State Hofpital for the Infane at Lexington. 8vo. Frankfort, Ky., 1 846. Memorial Soliciting Enlarged and Improved Accommodations for the Infane of the State of Tenneflee, by the Eftablifliment of a New Hofpital. Nafliville, 1847. Remarks on Prifons and Prifon Difcipline in the United States. 8vo. Bofton, 1845. Review of the Prefent Condition of the State Penitentiary of Kentucky. 8vo. Frankfort, 1845. [Dix, John A.] Sketch of the Refources of the City of New York ; with a View of its Municipal Government, Population, etc., from the Foundation of the City to the Lateft Statiftical Accounts. 8vo. N. Y., 1827. Communication from, to the Seleft Committee of the Senate on the Report of Trinity Church. 8vo., pp. 19. N. Y,, 1857. Dixon, B. Homer. Surnames. [Printed for private diftribution.] 8vo. Bofton, 1855. Same. 8vo. Bofton, 1857. Dixon, George. A Voyage Round the World ; but more particularly to the North Weft Coaft of America, performed in 1785-88, in the King George and Queen Charlotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon. 4to. Lend., 1789. Catalogue of Printed Books. 173 DoANE, George W. Songs by the Way; chiefly Devotional. With Tranflations and Imitations, izmo. N. Y., 1824. The Goodly Heritage of Jerfeymen : Firfl: Annual Addrefs before the New Jerfey Hiftorical Society, Trenton, January 15, 1846. 8vo. Burlington, 1846. DoBBS, Arthur. An Account of the Countries adjoining to Hudfon's Bay, in the North Weft part of America, etc. 410. Lond., 1774. DoBsoN, John. Chronological Annals of the War, from its Beginning to the Prefent Time. In 2 parts. 8vo. Oxford, 1763. DoBSON, Mrs. S. Literary Hiftory of the Troubadours ; containing their Lives, Extracts from their Works, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1807. Documents. Further and ftill more Important, fupprefled. 8vo., pp. 24. Flatbufti, N. Y., 1 809. DoDD, William. Mutual Knowledge in a Future State, etc. : a Sermon. 8vo., pp. 21. Lond., 1766. Doddridge, P. A Sermon, urging the Care of the Soul as the One Thing Needful. 8vo., pp. 28. Rep. Providence. A Second Letter to the Author of Chriftianity not Founded on Argument, etc. 8vo., pp. 60. Lond., 1743. A Third Letter to the fame, etc. 8vo., pp. 62. Lond., 1743. Sermons on the Religious Education of Children, preached at Northampton. 8vo., pp. 95. Bofton, 1794. Rife and Progrefs of Religion in the Soul. 1 8mo. Same. i2mo. [American Tract Society.] N. Y. DoDERiGE, I. A Compleat Parfon ; or, a Defcription of Advowfons, or Church Living, etc. 4to. Lond., 1630. DoDGE, Nehemiah. Sermon in the State Prifon in New York, on the laft Lord's Day in January, 1825. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1825. Dodge, Robert. Diary, Sketches, and Reviews, during an European Tour, in 1847. 8vo. N. Y., 1850. Memorials of Columbus : read to the Maryland Hiftorical Society, 3d April, 1 85 1. 8vo. Baltimore, 1 85 1. Auftria and its Polity : a Lefture delivered at Aftoria^ New York, January 21, 1853. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1853. Doggett, John, Jr. See New York City Direftorj'. Doggett, Simeon, Jr. Sermon from Philipp. ii. 12, 13: dedicated to the Students of Rhode Ifland College. 8vo., pp. 24. Providence, 1796. Difcourfe on Education, at Dedication and Opening of Briftol Academy, July 18, 1796. 8vo., pp. 28. New Bedford, 1797. D[ole], A[nna] G[reenleaf]. Writings of Mrs. ; with a Sketch of her Charafter. i2mo., pp. 83. Second edition. Exeter, 1811. Dolomieu, D. Sur la Philofophie Mineralogique et fur I'Efpece Mine- ralogique. 8vo. Paris, 1801. Domestic Happiness. A Sermon at the South Church, in Portfmouth, February 23, 1800. 8vo., pp. 24. Portfmouth. Donnant, D. F. Statiftical Account of the United States of America. 1 74 New-York Historical Society. Tranflated from the French, by William Playfair, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1805. DoNNEGAN, James. A New Greek and Englifli Lexicon, etc. Firft American edition, by R. B. Patton. 8vo. Bofton, 1839. Dorchester. Sundry Votes pafled by the Church of Chrift in . . . 1773. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1774. Antiquarian and Hiftorical Society. Colleftions . . . No. i. Memoirs of Roger Clap, 1630. l2mo. Bofton, 1844. Same. No. 2. Annals of the Town ... By James Blake, 1750. i2mo. Bofton, 1846. Same. No. 3. Journal of Richard Mather. 1635. His Life and Death, 1670. i2mo. Bofton, i8'50. DoREMUs, John C. Report of the Cafe of the People of the State of Illinois upon the Relation of John Charles Strickney, vs. John Marfhall, Prefident, and Others of the Bank of Illinois, at Shawnie- town, at the December Term, 1841, in the Supreme Court of Illinois. Springfield, 1842. Dorr, Benjamin. Sermon preached in Trinity Church, New York, at the Opening of the Convention of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church, Oftober 7, 1830. 8vo. N. Y., 1830. Dorr, Edward. Difcourfe occalioned by the Death of the Hon. Daniel Edwards, of Hartford, who died at New Haven, September 6, 1765. 4to. Hartford. Dorr, Thomas Wilson. Report of the Trial of, for Treafon . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 115. Providence, 1844. Dorrance vs. Fenner. Report of the Cafe, tried at the December Term of the Court of Common Pleas, in the County, 180 1. To which are added. Proceedings in the Cafe, Arthur Fenner vs. John Dorrance. 8vo. Providence, 1812. Dorvo-Soulastre. Voyage par Terre de San Domingo, etc., au Cap Francaife, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1809. Douglas Case. See Hamilton, Duke of Douglas, Sylvester. Speech in the Houfe of Commons, April 23, 1799, on the Union. 8vo. Dublin, 1799. Douglass, James. Myographiae comparatae fpecimen ; or, a Com- parative Defcription of all the Mufcles in a Man and in a Quad- ruped. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1750. [Douglass, William.] A Summary, Hiftorical and Political, etc., of the Britifh Settlements in North America, etc. No. i. 8vo. Bofton, 1747. A Summary, Hiftorical and Political, of the Firft Planting, Pro- greffive Improvements, and Prefent State of the Britifti Settlements in North America. 2 vols. 8vo. Rep. Lond., 1755. Dow, Lorenzo. Analcftic Hiftory touching Nullification, Northern and Southern. The Laft Warning. 8vo. Walhington, 1834. Dow, Moses. Faft Sermon, Beverly and Salem, Auguft 20 and April 8, 1 812 and 181 3, on account of the War with Great Britain. 8vo., pp. 16. Salem, 1813. Catalogue of Printed Books. 175 DowLER, Bennett. Refearchcs upon the Vital Dynamics of Civil Government. 8vo., pp. 29. New Orleans, 1 849. Downing, Clement. Hiftory of the Indian Wars ; with an Account of the Rife, etc., of Angria the Pyrate, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1737. Downing, Major Jack. Life of Andrew Jackfon j illuftratcd with numerous cuts. i2mo. Phil., 1834. Downs, Barnabas. Narrative of. [Imperfeft.] Downs, John. Occultations vifible in the United States during the year 1 849 ; computed under the direftion, and at the cxpenfe of, the Smithfonian Inftitution. 4to. Wafhington, 1848. Doyle, Thomas. Five Years in a Lottery Office ; or, an Expofition of the Lottery Syftem in the United States. i2mo. Bofton, 1841. '' [Drage, ] An Account of a Voyage for the Difcovcry of a '**^*' ^^^^ North Weft Paffage by Hudfon's Streights, to the Wellern and J^ '- Southern Ocean of America, performed in the years 1 746 and '47,0 A'***** in the Ship California, Captain Francis Smith, Commander. By ^ /^ G. the Clerk of the California. Maps, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. — ' "" Lond., 1748. Drake, Benjamin. Life of Tecumfeh, and of his Brother the Prophet; with a Hiftorical Sketch of the Shawanee Indians. 1 2mo. Cincinnati, 1841. Drake, Daniel. Natural and Statiftical View or Pifture of Cincinnati and the Miami Country. Illuftrated by maps. 1 2mo. Cincinnati, 1815. Drake, Edward Cavendish. A New Univerfal Colleftion of Authentic and Entertaining Voyages and Travels, from the Earlieft Accounts to the Prefent Time. Folio. Lond., 1770. Drake, James. Hiftoria Anglo-Scotia ; or, an Impartial Hiftory of all that happen'd between the Kings and Kingdoms of England and Scotland, from the beginning of the Reign of William the Con- queror to the Reign of gueen Ehzabeth . . . 8vo. Lond., 1703. Drake, Samuel G. The Old Indian Chronicle ; being a Colledtion of Rare Trafts, written and publiftied in the Time of King Philip's War, etc. i8mo. Bofton, 1836. Biography and Hiftory of the Indians of North America, from its Firft Difcovery to the Prefent Time, etc. The Book of the Indians. Seventh edition. 8vo. Bofton, 1837. Indian Captivities ; being a Colleftion of the moft Remarkable Narratives of Perfons taken Captive by the North American Indians, etc. With Notes, Hiftorical, Biographical, etc. 1 2mo. Bofton, 1839. Edition of Church'^ Indian Wars. With numerous Notes, and an Appendix. i2mo. Exeter, 1840. Genealogical and Biographical Account of the Family of, in America ; with fome Notices of the Antiquities connefted with the Early Times of Perfons of the Name in New England. 1 2mo. Bofton, 1845. Same. Privately printed. Svo. 1845 4[- 1 76 New -York Historical Society. Drake, Samuel G. Some Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Rev. Thomas Prince ; together with a Pedigree of his Family. 4to. Bofton, 1 85 1. Recovery of fome Materials for the Early Hiftory of Dorchefter, general and particular. 8vo. Bofton, 1 85 1. Memoir of the Rev. Cotton Mather, D. D. ; with a Genealogy of the Mather Family. 4to. Bofton, 185 1. -] A Review of Winthrop's Journal, as Edited and Publilhed by the Hon. James Savage, under the Title of " The Hiftory of New England, from 1630 to 1649," etc. . . . 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1854. [ ] Notice of William Thaddeus Harris, Efq. ; prepared for and publifhed in the January No. of the New England Hiftorical and Genealogical Rcgifter for 1855. 4to., pp. 14. Bofton, 1855. The Hiftory and Antiquities of Bofton . . . from its Settlement in 1630, to the year 1770. Alfo, an Introdudlory Hiftory of the Difcovery and Settlement of New England. With Notes, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1856. Dramatist, The. 8vo., pp. 50. Draper, John W. Univerfity of New York, Medical Department : a Valedidory Ledlure, Scflion 1841-42. 8vo. N. Y., 1842. Introdudlory Lefture to the Courfe of Chemiftry, New York Univerfity : On the Relations of Atmofpheric Air to Animals and Plants. 8vo. N. Y., 1844-5. Drayton, John. Memoirs of the American Revolution, from its Com- mencement to the year 1776 incluftve, as relating to the State of South Carolina, and occafionally referring to the State of North Carolina and Georgia. 2 vols. 8vo. Charlefton, 1821. Drennan, William. Letter to the Right Hon. William Pitt. 8vo. Lond., 1799. Dreuillette, Gabriel. Narre du Voyage faict pour la Miflion des Abnaquiois et des Connaiffances tirez de la Nouvelle Angleterre . . . 1650 et 1 65 1. [Privately printed from a Copy of the Ori- ginal at Quebec, by James Lenox, Efq., of New York.] 1 2mo. [Albany, 1855.] Drew, Charles. The Suffolk Parricide ; being the Trial, Life, Trans- aftions, and Laft Dying Words of Charles Drew, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1740. Drouin de Bercy, (M.) L'Europe et I'Amerique comparees. Planches Colories. Tomes 2, 8vo, Paris, 181 8. Drowne, T. Stafford. The End of Pride : a Difcourfe delivered in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Brooklyn Heights, July 24, 1853. 8vo., pp. 24. N. Y., 1853. Drummond, Alexander. Travels through different Cities in Germany, Italy, Greece, and feveral parts of Afia, as far as the Banks of the Euphrates. In a feries of Letters. Folio. Lond., 1754. Drummond, William (of Hawthornden). Works, conftfting of thoie which were formerly printed and thole which were defigned for Catalogue of Printed Books. 177 the Prcfs. Now publifhcd from the Author's Original Copies. Folio. Edinburgh, 1 7 1 1 . Drummond, William Hamilton. The Battle of Trafalgar : an He- roic Poem. 1 2mo. Charlelton, S. C, 1 807. Drunkenness, A Traft on. izmo., pp. 11. N. Y., 181 1. Dryden, John. Fables Ancient and Modern. Tranflated into Verfe from Homer, Ovid, Boccace, and Chaucer ; with Original Poems. Folio. Lond., 1 70c. Duane. Decree, on the Admiralty Side of the Diftridl Court of New York, etc., in the Cafe of the Catherine, 28th January, 1794. 8vo., pp. 35- . N.Y., 1794. Duane, William. Report of a Debate in the Senate of the United States on the Miffifllppi QuelHon, on 23d, 24th and 25th Febru- ary, 1803 . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 198. Phil., 1803. Same ... on a Refolution for Recommending to the Legiflatures of the Several States an Amendment to . . . the Conflitution of the United States, relative to the Mode of Eledling a Prefident and Vice-Prefident . . . 8vo., pp. 157. [Phil.] 1804. A Vifit to Colombia, in the Years 1822 and 1823, by Laguayra and Caracas over the Cordillera to Bogota, and thence by the Magdalcna to Cartagena. 8vo. Phil., 1826. Duane, William, Jr. Paflages from the Remembrancer of Chriftopher Marlhall, etc. i2mo. Phil., 1839. Canada, and the Continental Congrefs, dehvered before the Hiftorical Society of Pennfylvania, 31ft January, 1850. 8vo. Phil., 1850. Duane, William J. The Laws of Nations Inveftigated in a Popular Manner. 8vo. Phil., 1809. Letters AddrelTed to the People of Pennfylvania refpefting the Internal Improvement of the Commonwealth, by means of Roads and Canals. 8vo., pp. 125. Phil., 181 1. Du Bois, William E. See Eckfelt. DuBouRDiEU, John-Armand. An Appeal to the Englifh Nation, in behalf of the French Protellants, etc. 8vo. Lond., 171 8. Dubroca. L'ltineraire des Francais dans la Louiliane, etc. i8mo. Paris, 1 802. [DuBucQ, M., and M. Dubuisson.] Lettres Critiques et Politiques, fur les Colonies et le Commerce des Villes Maritime de la France, etc. 8vo. Geneve, 1785. Dubuisson, (M.) Official Report made by the Commanding Officer ... to the Governor-General of Canada, of the War which took place at Detroit, in 1 7 1 2, between the French and their Allies, and the Ottaganne and Mafcoutins Indians, 8vo. Detroit, 1845. Ducachet, Henry W. An Inaugural Eflay on the Aftion of Poifons. 8vo. N. Y., 1 817. Tribute to the Memory of Jacob Dyckman, M. D., etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1823. 178 New -York Historical Society. .DucHE, Jacob, The American Vine. A Continental Faft Sermon, before Congrcfs, July 20, 1775. 8vo., pp. vii. 34. Phil., 1775. The Duty of Standing Fall in our Spiritual and Temporal Liber- ties. A Sermon in Chrift Church, July 7, 1775. 8vo., pp. 25. Phil., 1775. Faft Sermon, delivered in Philadelphia, July 20, 1775. 8vo. Phil., 1775. Cafpipina's Letters, etc. To which is added the Life and Cha- racter of William Penn, [and a copy of his Letter, firft publilhed in 1683]. 2 vols, i6mo. . Bath, 1777. Obfervations on a Variety of Subjefts, Literary, Moral, and Re- ligious. In a Series of Original Letters, written by a Gentleman of Foreign Extraftion, who refided fome time in Philadelphia. Third edition, 8vo. Lond., 1791. Copy of a Letter from, to General Walhington, Odlober, 8, 1777. Broadlide. [One of the Spurious letters,] DuCLos, (M.) Hiftory of Lewis XL, King of France, with a General View of the Affairs of Europe, etc. Tranflated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1746. Dudley, ]. G. A Paper on the Growth, Trade, and Manufafture of Cotton. 8vo, N, y,, 1853. Dudley Observatory. Inauguration of the ... at Albany, Auguft 28, 1856. 8vo., pp. 139. Albany, 1856. Duelling. An EiTay on*. N. Y., 1830. DuER, John. An Introdudlory Lefture on the Evils, Social, Moral, and Political, that flow from our Party Divifions, and the Preva- lence of Party Spirit. Delivered before the Mercantile Library Affbciation, February 3, 1841. 8vo,, pp, 27. N. Y., 1 841. A Speech delivered in the Convention of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church of the Diocefe of New York, in Support of the Refolu- tions offered by Judge Oakley. 8vo. N. Y., 1843. A Difcourfe on the Life, Charafter, and Public Services of James Kent, late Chancellor of the State of New York. Delivered, by requeft, before the Judiciary and Bar of the City and State of New York, April 12, 1848. 8vo. N. Y,, 1848. DuER, William Alexander. A Letter addrefTed to Cadwallader D. Colden, Efq., in Anfwer to the Striftures in his " Life of Robert Fulton," upon the Report of the Committee of Legiflature of New York, 1 8 14, relating to Steam Navigation, etc. With an Appen- dix, etc. 8vo. Albany, 1 81 7. Review of the "Letter," etc. With an Appendix, containing the Adls of the Legiflature. 8vo. N. Y., 1818. The Life of William Alexander, Earl of Stirling . . . with Seledions from his Correfpondence. 8vo. [Coll. N. J. Hift. Soc, Vol, II.] N. Y., 1847. New York as it was during the Latter Part of the Laft Century : an Anniverfary Addrefs before the St. Nicholas Society . . . New York, December i, 1848. 8vo., pp. 48. N. Y., 1849. Catalogue of Printed Books. 179 DuFFiE, Cornelius R. Difcourfe delivered before the New York Pro- teftant Epifcopal Miffionary Society, January 15, 1826. 8vo. ^ N. Y., 1826. i/^ DuFFiELD, George. Sermon (Philadelphia, December 11, 1783,) Thankfgiving for Peace. 8vo., pp. 26. Rep., Bollon, 1784. Same. Phil., 1784. DuFFiN, P. W., and Thomas Lloyd. Trial for a Suppofed Libel. To which is annexed a Letter to Thomas Pinckney, the American Minifter, etc. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1793. DuFiEF, N. G. Nature Difplayed in her Mode of Teaching Language to Man, etc. Adapted to the French. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1 8 10. A New Univerfal and Pronouncing Didlionary of the French and Englifh Languages, etc. 3 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1810. DuGDALE. A Short View of the late Troubles in England, etc. Folio. Oxford, 1681. Du Halde, p. The General Hiftory of China, etc. Plates. Third edition. 4 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1741. DuiGENAN, Patrick. Anfwer to Grattan's Addrefs to his Fellow- Citizens of Dublin. 8vo., pp, 303. Dublin, 1798. [DuLANY, Daniel.] Confiderations on the propriety of Impofmg Taxes in the Britilh Colonies for the purpofe of Raifing a Rev- enue by Aft of Parliament. 8vo., pp. 55. Rep., N. Y., 1765. Dumas, Mathieu. Memoirs of his Own Time, including the Revolu- tion, the Empire, and the Reftoration. 2 vols. 8vo. ^ Lond., 1839. Dummer, Jeremiah. A Defence of the New England Charters. 4to., pp. 43. Rep., Bofton, 1745. Same. 8vo., pp. 88. ' Lond. DuMONT, J. Corps Univerfel Diplomatique du Droit deS Gens ; Con- teriant un Recueil des Traitez . . . depuis le Regne de I'Empereur Charlemagne jufques a prefent ... 8 vols, folio. Amfterdam, m.dccxxvi. DuMONT, (M.) Memoirs Hiftoriques fur la Louifiane, etc. Maps and plates. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1753. DuMONT, (SiEUR.) A New Voyage to the Levant. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1705. DuMouRiEz. Speculative Sketch of Europe. From the French. 8vo., pp. 126. Lond., 1798. Dunbar, Edward E. Statement of the Controverfy between Lewis Tappan and E. E. Dunbar. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Dunbar, Elijah, Jr. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. William Rickey, Canton, July i, 1807. 8vo., pp. 29. Dedham, 1809. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. James Porter, Pomfret, Connefticut, September 8, 18 14. 8vo. Windham, 1814. Dunbar, Samuel. .Sermon delivered at Stoughton, upon the Melan- choly occafion of the Premature Deaths of feveral Young Per- fons there, February 5, 1748-9. 8vo. Bofton, 1749. i8o New-York Historical Society. Dunbar, Samuel. Sermon at the Thurfday Lefture in Bofton, May 9, 1 75 1. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1 75 1. Sermon at Braintree, December 13, 1753. 8vo., p. 23. Bofton, 1754. Mafiachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 28, 1760. 8vo. Bofton. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Ebenezer Grofvenor, Scituate, April 20, 1763. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1763. Duncan, Alexander. Sermon before the Society in Scotland for Propagating Chriftian Knowledge, June 5, 1783. 8vo., pp. 80, 32. Edinburgh, 1783. Duncan, Archibald. The Mariner's Chronicle : being a Colleftion of the moft Interefting Narratives of Shipwrecks, Fires, Famines, etc. 4 vols., izmo. Phil., 1806. Duncan, John. Sermon at the Vifitation at Bafingftoke, September 14, 1769. 8vo., pp. 29. Reading. Addrefles to the Rational Advocates for the Church of England, etc. 8vo., pp. 80. Lond., 1769. Duncan, John. The Lawfulnefs of the Stage Inquired Into. 8vo., pp. 77. Lond., 1787. Duncan, William. See Cicero. Duncombe, John. See Horace. DuNDAS, Henry. Speech in the Houfe of Commons, February 7, 1799, on the Union. 8vo. Lond., 1799. DuKDONALD, Earl OF. The Prefent State of the Manufafture of Salt Explained, etc. Second edition., pp. 84, Appendix 27. Lond., 1785. A Treatife : Showing the Intimate Connexion that fubfifts be- tween Agriculture and Chemiftry, etc. 4to., pp. 11. DuNGLisoN, RoBLEY. A PubHc Difcourfc, in Commemoration of Peter S. Du Ponceau, LL. D. 8vo. Phil., 1 844. Dunham, Josiah. Oration at Hanover, before the Franklin Lodge, June 24, 1796. 8vo. Hanover, 1796, Funeral Oration on General Wafliington, Oxford, Maflachufetts, 15th January, 1800. 8vo., pp. 20. Bofton. Oration before the Wafhington Benevolent Society, February 24, 1 81 2. 8vo. Windfor, 1812. Oration at Windfor, February 22, 18 14, before the Wafhing- ington Benevolent Society. 8vo. Windfor, 1814. Dunham, S. A. Hiftory of Spain and Portugal. 5 vols. i6mo. [Cab. Cyc] Lond., 1832-3. Hiftory of the Germanic Empire. 3 vols. i6mo. [Cab. Cyc] Lond., 1834-5. and others. Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Great Britain and Ireland. 3 vols. l6mo. [Cab. Cyc] Lond., 1836-8. Dunlap, Andrew. A Speech delivered before the Municipal Court, in Bofton, in Defence of Abner Kneeland, Indidled for Blafphemy, January Term, 1834. 8vo. Bofton, 1834. A^ 1 Catalogue of Printed Books. *^[DuNLAP, William.] The Archers ; or. Mountaineers of Switzerland : an Opera, in Three Afts. With a Brief Account of Switzerland. 8vo., pp. 94. N. Y., 1796. Andre : a Tragedy, in Five Ads ... to which are added, xA-uthentic Documents refpedling Major Andre, confifting of Letters to Mifs Seward, the Cow Chafe, Proceedings of the Court Mar- tial, etc. 8vo., pp. 109. N. Y., 1798. Memoirs of the Life of George Frederick Cooke. 2 vols. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 81 3. Life of Charles Brockden Brown; with Seleftions from his Printed Works, Original Letters, and Manufcripts, before unpub- lilhed. 2 vols. 8 vo. Phih, 1815. Addrefs to the Students of the National Academy of Defign, at the DeHvery of the Premiums, April 18, 1831. 8vo. N. Y., 1831. *A Hiilory of the American Theatre. 8vo. N. Y., 1832. — Same. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1833. A Hiftory of the Rife and Progrefs of the Arts of Defign in the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1834. A Hiftory of New York, for Schools. 2 vols. i2mo. N. Y., 1837. Hiftory of the New Netherlands, Province of New York, and State of New York, to the adoption of the Federal Conftitution. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1839-40. Dunn, Henry. Guatemala ; or, the United Provinces of Central America, in 1827-8; being Sketches and Memorandums made during a Twelve Months' Refidence in that Republic. 8vo. N. Y., 1828. Dunn, Thomas. A Sermon preached in the Prifon of Philadelphia, December 12, 1793. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1793. Difcourfe before the New York Emigrant Society, Odtober 21, 1794. 8vo., pp. 28. N. Y., 1794. Difcourfe in the New Dutch Church, Naffau Street, 2 1 ft Odlober, 1 794, before the New York Society for the Information, etc., of Immigrants. 8vo., pp. 28. N. Y., 1794. Dunn, William. Sermon at the Opening of the Synod of Glafgow and Ayr, at Glafgow, 9th Oftober, 1792. 8vo., pp. 32. Glafgow, 1792. Dunshee, Henry Webb. Hiftory of the School of the Reformed Proteftant Dutch Church in the City of New York, from 1633 to the Prefent Time . . . i2mo. N. Y., 1853. The Knickerbocker's Addrefs to the Stuyvefant Pear Tree. Refpedfully dedicated to the Knickerbockers of Manhattan Ifland. 8vo., pp. 10. Du Pan, M. Mallet. The Dangers which Threaten Europe, etc. ; with the Aeras of Events fubfequent to the Revolution, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1795. Letter to a Minifter of State, on the Conneftion between the New-York Historical Society. Political Syftem of. the French Republic and the Syftem of its Revolution. Tranflated from the French. 8vo., pp. 56. Lond., 1798. Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen. Review of the Caufe of the New Orleans Batture, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1 809. Englifh Chronology ; or, an Eflay towards an Analyfis and De- fcription of the Component Sounds of the Englifh Language. Phil., 1 81 7. A Difcourfe on the Early Hiftory of Pennfylvania ; being an Annual Oration, delivered before the American Phil. Society, 6th June, 1 82 1. 8vo. Phil., 1821. A Brief View of the Conftitution of the United States, addrefled to the Law Academy of Philadelphia. i2mo. Phil., 1834. A Differtation on the Nature and Charafter of the Chinefe Syftem of Writing: in a Letter to John Vaughan, Efq., etc. 8vo. [See Am. Phil. Soc] Phil., •1838. Review of Du Ponceau on the Jurifdiftion of the Courts of the United States, etc. By a Retired Barrifter. 8vo. DuRAND, F. J. Statiftiquc Elementaire, ou Eflai fur I'Etat Geogra- phique, Phyfique et Politique de la Suifle. 4 vols. 8vo. Laufanne, 1795-6. DuRAND, J. B. Leonard. Voyage au Senegal, fait dans les annees 1785 et 1786, etc. Tomes 2, 8vo. Paris, 1807. Dureau-de-Lamalle, a. (Fils). Geographic Phyfique de la Mer Noire, de I'Interieur de I'Afrique et de la Mediterranee. 8vo. Paris, 1807. Durfee, Calvin. A Centennial Difcourfe, delivered before the South Church Society in Dedham, Maflachufetts, June 26, 1836. 8vo. Bofton, 1836. Durfee, Job. " What Cheer ! " or, Roger Williams in Banifhment. With a Preface, by John Euftace Giles. 1 2mo. Providence, R. I., 1840. Oration on the Influence of Scientific Difcovery and Invention on Social and Political Progrefs, delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Brown Univerfity, Providence, on 6th September, 1843. 8vo., pp. 52. Providence, 1843. Dusenbery, B. M. Monument to the Memory of Andrew Jackfon. With portrait. 8vo. Phil., 1846. Dutch and Latin Diftionary. [Title gone, and otherwife imperfeft.] Dutch Church. The Conftitution of the, in the United States of America. i8mo. N. Y., 1793. Minutes of the Afts and Proceedings of the Reformed Synod, etc. [Various years.] 8vo. Dutch East India Company. A Colleftion of Voyages undertaken by the . . . for the Improvement of Trade and Navigation. 8vo. Lond., 1703. Dutchess County Society for the Promotion of Agriculture. Trans- adlions. Vol. I. 8vo. Poughkeepfie, 1801. Catalogue of Printed Books. 183 DuTENS, L. The Tocfin ; or, an Appeal to Good Senfe. Tranflated from the French, by Rev. Thomas Falconer. 8vo., pp. 59. Lond., 1798. Duties payable on Goods, Wares and Merchandize imported into the United States of America, from and after the 30th September, 1797, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1799. Dutton, Benjamin. The Superaboundings of the Exceeding Riches of God's Free Grace, etc. 8vo., pp. 158. Lond., 1743. Button, Warren. The Prefent State of Literature : a Poem, delivered in New Haven, at the Public Commencement, Yale College, Sep- tember 10, 1800. 8vo., pp. 16. Hartford, 1800. An Addrefs delivered to the Members of the Bar of Suffolk, at their Annual Meeting, in September, 18 19. Bofton, 18 19. DuYCKiNCK, Evert A. and George L. Cyclopedia of American Literature ; embracing Perfonal and Critical Notices of Authors ... 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1855. Wit and Wifdom of the Rev. Sidney Smith; being Seleftions from his Writings, and Paflages of his Letters and Table-Talk. With a Biographical Memoir, and Notes, izmo. N. Y., 1856. DwiGHT, Jasper. A Letter to George Wafhington, Prefident of the United States; containing Striftures on his Addrefs of the 17th of September, 1796, notifying his Relinquifhment of Prefidential Office. 8vo., pp. 48. Phil., 1796. DwiGHT, Theodore. Oration before the Connefticut Society for the Promotion of Freedom, etc., Hartford, May 8, 1794. 8vo. Hartford, 1794. Oration delivered at New Haven, July 7, 1801, before the Con- nefticut Society of Cincinnati. 8vo. Hartford, 1801. Hiftory of the Hartford Convention; with a Review of the Policy of the United States Government which led to the War of 1812. 8vo. N. Y., 1833. Charafter of Thomas JefFerfon, as Exhibited in his Writings. i2mo. Bofton, 1839. DwiGHT, Theodore, Jr. The Hiftory of Connecticut, from the Firft Settlement to the Prefent Time. izmo. N. Y., 1841. DwiGHT, Timothy. Greenfield Hill : a Poem. 8vo. [Greenfield, Mafs., 1794.] Greenfield Hill : a Poem, in Seven Parts. 8vo. N. Y., 1 794. [ ] Difcourfe on the Genuinenefs and Authenticity of the New Teftament, delivered at New Haven, September 10, 1793. 8vo., pp. 78. ... ^- ^-^ ^794- Sermon on the Means of Public Happinefs, delivered on the 7th of July, 1795. 8vo. New Haven. Difcourfe at the Funeral of the Rev. Elizur Goodrich, D. D. 8vo. New Haven, 1797. Two Difcourfes, addreflcd to the Candidates for the Baccalaureate in Yale College, delivered September 9, 1797. 8vo. New Haven, 1798. 184 New-York Historical Society. DwiGHT, Timothy. Difcourfe at New Haven, February 22, 1800, on the Charafter of George Wafhington. 8vo. New Haven, 1800. A Difcourfe on fome Events of the Laft Century, delivered in the Brick Church in New Haven^ January 7, 1801. 8vo., pp. 55- New Haven, 1801. A Sermon on Duelling, preached at Yale College, September 9, 1804; New York, January 21, 1805. 8vo., pp. 38. N. Y., 1805. Sermon at the Opening of the Theological Inftitution in Andover, and at the Ordination of the Rev. Eliphalet Pearfon, LL. D., Sep- tember 28, 1808. 8vo., pp. 38. Bofton, 1808. Difcourfe occafioncd by the Death of His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull, Governor of Connedicut. 8vo. New Haven, 1 809. Charity Sermon, New Haven, Auguft 8, 18 10. 8vo., pp. 30. New Haven, 18 10. A Statiftical Account of the City of New Haven, publiflied by the Conneilicut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 8vo. New Haven, 1 8 11 . A Difcourfe, in Two Parts, delivered July 23, 1812, on the Public Faft, in the Chapel of Yale College. 8vo., pp. 54. New Haven, 181 2. Difcourfe at the Ordination of the Rev. Nathaniel W. Taylor, New Haven, April 8, 181 2. 8vo. N. Y., 1812. Sermon in Bofton, September 16, 181 3, before the American Board of Commiffioners for Foreign Miffions. 8vo., pp. 34. Bofton, 1 81 3. An Addrefs to the Emigrants from Connefticut, and from New England generally, in the New Settlements of the United States. 8vo., pp. 19. Hartford, 181 7. Travels in New England and New York. 4 vols. 8vo. New Haven, 1821-22. DwiGHT, William T. An Oration before the Wafhington Benevolent Society of Pennfylvania, delivered in the Hall of the Mufical Fund Society, oh 22d February, 1827. 8vo., pp. 34. Phil., 1827. DwiNELLE, William H. The Calket and the Ribbon ; or, the Honors of Ether. 8vo., pp. 26. Baltimore, 1849. Dyche, Thomas, and William Pardon. A New Enghlh Didionary, peculiarly calculated for the Ufe and Improvement of fuch as are Unacquainted with the Learned Languages. 8vo. Lond., 1771. Dyer, David. Difcourfe on the Charafteriftics of the Puritans, de- livered in Dorchefter, December 21, 1845. 8vo. Bofton, 1846. Dyer, George. Diflertation on the Theory and Pradlice of Benevo- lence. 8vo. Lond., 1795. Dyer, Joseph. A Compendious Narrative, elucidating the Charafter, Difpofition and Conduft of Mary Dyer, from the time of her Marriage in 1799, ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ Society called Shakers, in 181 5 . . . etc. l2mo., pp. 88. Concord, 18 19. Catalogue of Printed Books. 185 Dying Words of Martin McLoughlin ; with a True Account of the Battles of Caftlebar, etc. 8vo. [Imperfedl.] Lond., 1798. Dymond, Jonathan. Effkys on the Principles of Morality, and on the Private and Political Rights and Obligations of Mankind, i zmo. N. Y., 1844. Eachard, John. Works . . . etc. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1773-4. Eacker, George I. Obfervations on the National Charadler of the Americans : an Oration before the Tammany Society, 1 2th May, 1798. 8vo. N. Y., 1798. Oration, 4th July, 1801, before the Mihtary, etc. of New York. 8vo., pp. 23. N. Y., 1 801. Eager, Samuel W. An Outline Hiftory of Orange County . . . together with Local Traditions, and fhort Biographical Sketches of Early Settlers, etc, 8vo. Newburgh, 1 847. Eames, Jonathan. Sermon at Newbury, on the Death of the Rev. Dr. John Tucker. 8vo., pp. 48. Newburyport, 1792. Eames, Theodore. Introduftory Ledure, dehvered before the Brook- lyn Lyceum, November 7, 1833. 8vo. Brooklyn, L. L, 1833. Earbery, Matthias. Hiftorical Eflay upon the Power of the Prince, as to Councils, Synods, and Convocations. 8vo., pp. 78. Lond., 1 71 7. Earle, Pliny. Hiftory, Defcription and Statiftics of the Bloomingdale Afylum for the Infane. 8vo. N. Y., 1848. Earthquake. Some Account of the, that fhook New England, in the Night between 29th and 30th of Odtober, 1727, etc. 8vo., pp. 42. Bofton, 1727. in Peru. A True and Particular Relation of the Dreadful Earthquake which happened at Lima, etc., on the 28th of Odlober, 1746. Maps, etc. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1748. Earthquakes. Eflay on the Agitations of the Sea, and fome other Remarkables attending the, of the year 1755. 8vo., pp. 40. Bofton, 1 76 1. Eastburn, James Wallis, and R. C. Sands. Yamoyden : a Tale of the Wars of King Philip ; in Six Cantos. i2mo. N. Y., 1820. Eastburn, Manton. Sermon, after the Great Fire of 1835, ^^ ^^^ Church of the Afcenfion, New York, December 20, 1835. 8vo., pp. 20. _ N. Y., 1835. Eastburn, Robert. Narrative of the many Dangers and Sufferings, as well as Wonderful Deliverances of, etc. With a Recommend- atory Preface, by Gilbert Tennent. 8vo. Phil., 1758. East India Company. An Enquiry into their Rights of Making War and Peace, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1772. East India Trade. A Treatife wherein is Demonftrated that the Eaft India Trade is the moft National of all Foreign Trades, etc. 4to., pp. 43. Lond., 1 68 1. Supplement to "A Treatife," etc. 4to., pp. 14. Lond., 1689. 1 86 New-York Historical Society. East India Trade. A Treatife concerning the, being a moft Profitable Trade to the Kingdom, and beft fecured, etc., by a Company and a Joint Stoclf. Wrote at the inftance of Thomas Papillon, Efq., etc. 4to., pp. 27. Rep. Lond., 1696. Eastman, F. S. Hiftory of the State of New York, from the Firft Difcovery of the Country to the Prefent Time. i2mo. N. Y., 1828. Eaton, Amos. Index to the Geology of the Northern States. 8vo., pp. 52. Leicefter, 181 8. A Geological and Agricultural Survey of Renflelaer County, etc. 8vo. Albany, 1822. Eaton, Daniel Isaac. Proceedings on his Trial, for felhng Paine's " Rights of Man." 8vo. Lond., 1793. Eaton, F. B. Hiilory of Candia, once known as Charmingfare ; with Notices of fome of the Early Settlers. 8v^o. Manchefter, 1852. Eaton, John Henry. Letter addrefled to, December 16, 181 8. Knoxville, Tenneflee, 18x9. Life of Andrew Jackfon, etc. 8vo. See Reid. Phil., 1824. Eaton, Peter. Sermon at Boxford, Thankfgiving, November 28, 1799. pp. 24. Haverhill, 1799. Two Sermons, delivered at Haverhill Firft Parifh, Oftober 19, 1806. 8vo., pp. 32. Haverhill, 1806. Maflachufetts Eledlion Sermon, May 26, 18 19. 8vo. Bofton. ' Addrefs before the Eflex Agricultural Society, Oflober 2, 1822. 8vo. Salem, 1823. Eaton, T. M. Popular Remarks on the Nervous, Hypochondriac, and Hyfterical Difeafes. • Lond. Eaton, William (General). Life of. 8vo. Brookfield, 1813. Ebeling, Christoph Daniel. Erdbefchreibung und Gefchichte von Amerika. Vol. L, Parts I, 2, VII. 8vo. Hamburg, 1800-16. Note on his Books. See Duponceau's Difcourfe, 1821. Ebenezer's Dream ... the Trial of Mrs. Louifa Williams, for an Aflault and Battery upon Mr. Ebenezer Albin. 8vo. N. Y., 1808. Ecclesiastical Council at Bolton. Refult of, Auguft 3, 1773. 8vo., pp. 1 1. Bofton, 1773. at Dorchefter. Refult of an, November 16, 1773, etc. 8vo., PP- 39- Bofton, 1774. Refult of an, publickly declared to the Church of Chrift, in Hop- kinton, etc. 8vo., pp. 8. EcHARD, Laurence. The Roman Hiftory, from the Building of the City to the Perfeft Settlement of the Empire, by Auguftus Csefar. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1696. The Hiftory of England, from the Firft Entrance of Julius Csfar and thtr Romans, to the End of the Reign of King James the Firft ; containing the fpace of 1678 years. Folio. Lond., 1707. The Hiftory of the Revolution, and the Eftabliftiment of England in the year 1688. 8vo. Lond., 1725. Catalogue of Printed Books. 187 EcHARD, Laurence. The Gazetteer's, or Newfinan's Interpreter; being a Geographical Index of all the confiderable Provinces, etc., in Europe. Fifteenth edition, correfted, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1741. Hiftoire Romaine, depuis la Fondation de Rome jufqu' a la Trans- lation de I'Empire par Conftantin. Traduite de I'Anglois. Tomes 12. i2mo. Paris, 1728-36. Didlionnaire Geographique, Portatif ou Defcription des Royaumes, Provinces, Villes, etc. Traduit de I'Anglois, par Monlieur Vos- gien. 8vo. Paris, 1775. Echo, The ; with other Poems. Printed at the Porcupine Prefs, by Pafquin Petronius. 8vo. 1 807. Eckfelt, Jacob R., and William E. Du Bois. Manual of Gold and Silver Coins of All Nations, ftruck within the Part Century, etc. Engravings. 4to. Phil., 1842. EcKLEY, Joseph. Sermon at the Inftallation of Rev. Ifrael Evans, Con- cord, N. H., ift July, 1789. 8vo., pp. 32. Concord, 1789. Thanldgiving Difcourfe, November 29, 1798. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1798. Difcourfe before the Members of the Bofton Female Afylum, September 24, 1802. 8vo., pp. 22. Bofton. Difcourfe before the Society for Propagating the Gofpel among the Indians and others in North America, delivered November 7, 1805. 8vo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1806. Sermon at the Inftallation of Rev. Horace Holley, Bofton, March 8, 1809. 8vo., pp. 53. Bofton, 1809. Obituary Notice of Thomas Dawes, 8vo. Eclectic Review. Vols. I.-X., and New Series, Vols. I.-V. 8vo. Lond., 1805-16. Eclipse. Darknefs at Noon ; or, the Great Solar Eclipfe of the 1 6th of June, 1806, defcribed, etc. i2mo. Rep. N. Y., 1806. Economical School. Regulations of the. 8vo., pp. 8. N. Y., 1810. Eddis, William. Letters from America, Hiftorical and Defcriptive ; comprifing Occurrences from 1769 to 1777 inclufive. 8vo. Lond., 1792. Eddy, R. H. Report on the Introduftion of Soft Water into the City of Bofton. 8vo., pp. 40. Bofton, 1836. Eddy, Thomas. Account of the New York State Prifon. 8vo. N. Y., 1 801. Hints for Introducing an Improved Mode of Treating the Infane in the Afylum. 8vo. N. Y., 1815. Memoir of the late John Murray, Jr., read before the Governors of the New York Hofpital, Ninth Month, 14th, 1819. 8vo. N. Y., 1819. [ ] Obfervations on Canal Navigation. 8vo. Eden, William. Four Letters to the Earl of Carhfle. Third edition; to which is added, a Fifth Letter, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1780. Edgeworth, Maria, and Richard Lovell Edgeworth. Pradlical Education. Firft American edition. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1801. i88 New- York Historical Society. Edinburgh. Minutes and Proceedings of the Chamber of Commerce and Manufadlurcs . . . 4to., pp. 72. 1785-86 Review; or. Critical Journal. Vols. I.-XXX. 8vo. Rep. N. Y., 18x3-18. General Index to the, from its Commencement, in Oftober, 1 802, to the End of the Twentieth Volume. Publifhed in Novem- ber, 181 2. 8vo. Rep. N. Y., 1 8 16. Edinburgh Reviewers. Reply to the. By the Author of the Refources of Ruffia. 8vo. Bofton, 181 3. Edmonds, John W. Report upon the Difturbance at the Potawatamie Payment, September, 1836. 8vo. N. Y., 1837. Edmonston, Arthur. View of the Ancient and Prefent State of the Zetland Iflands, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1809. Education. Report on the fubjeft of, read in the Senate of Pennfyl- vania, March i, 1822; Mr. Warts, Chairman. Suggeftions on ; relating particularly to the Method of Inftru6lion commonly adopted in Geography, Hiiloiy, etc. 8vo. New Haven, 1823. Some Account of the Jacotot Syftem of Univerfal Education, read before the Albany Inltitute, in April, 1 831, by a Member of the Third Department. 8vo. N. Y., 1831. Edwards, Bryan. The Hiftory, Civil and Commercial, of the Britilh Colonies in the Weft Indies. 2 vols. 410. Lond., 1793. Same, etc., abridged. 8vo. Lond., 1798. Edwards, B. B. Memoirs of the Rev. Ehas Cornelius. Second edition. i2mo. Bofton, 1834. Edwards, Charles. Incentives to Study the Law : a Lefture, delivered before the Law Aflbciation of the City of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Edwards, Isaac. Temperance Oration, delivered at Guilderland Cen- tre, July 4, 1 844. 8vo. Albany, 1 844. Edwards, John. The Divine Perfeftions Vindicated, etc. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1710. Edwards, J. A Vindication of the Sentiments contained in a late Addrefs to the Congregation of Baptifts, etc. 8vo., pp. 94. Liverpool, 179 1. Edwards, John. Rules and Regulations of the Chriftian Society called the Church of Chrift. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1809. Edwards, Jonathan. A Faithful Narrative of the furprifmg Work of God, in the Converfion of many hundred Souls in Northampton, etc. 8yo. Third edition. Bofton, 1738. Funeral Sermon, delivered at Hatfield, September 2, 1741 (Wil- liam WilHams). 8vo. Bofton, 1 741. Funeral Sermon, delivered at Northampton, June 26, 1748 (John Stoddard). 8vo. Bofton, 1748. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Job Strong, Portfmouth, June 28, 1749. 8vo., pp. 28. Bofton, 1750. True Grace diftinguilhed from the Experience of Devils : in a Catalogue of Printed Books. Sermon before the Synod of New York, New-Ark, N. J., Sep- tember 28, 1752. 8vo., pp. 42. N. Y., 1753. Edwards, Jonathan. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. Ser- mon at Enfield, July 8, 1741. 8vo. (Paged containing the fore- going to 62). N. Y., 1753. Examination of his Enquiry on Freedom of Will. In Three Parts, with Appendix. 8vo., pp. 140. Bofton, 1770. Sermon at Enfield, July 8, 1741. Fourth edition. 8vo., pp 20. Charleftown, 1802. His Life and Charadler, with Extrads from his Writings and Diary, etc. i2mo. . Northampton, MafT., 1804; The Life of the Rev, David Brainerd, chiefly extradled from his Diary. 1 8mo. A Treatife on the Religious AfFeftions. i8mo. Same. Containing a Portrait of. i2mo. [American Traft Society.] A Hiftory of the Work of Redemption, comprifing an Outline of Church Hiftory. [American Tra6l Society.] i2mo. The Life of the Rev. David Brainerd, embracing his (Brainerd's) Public Journal of his Miflionary Labors. [American Traft So- ciety.] N. Y. Edwards, Jonathan. Obfervations on the Language of the Muh- hekaneew Indians, etc. Communicated to the Conncfticut Society of Arts and Sciences. 8vo., pp. 17. New Haven, 1788. The Injuftice and Impolicy of the Slave Trade, and of the Slavery of the Africans. Sermon before the Connedticut Society, etc. 8vo., pp. 37. I79i« Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Daniel Bradley, Hamden, January II, 1792. 8vo. , New Haven, 1792. Connefticut Eled;ion Sermon, May 8, 1794. 8vo., pp. 47. Hartford, 1794. Edwards, Justin. The Sabbath Manual. Nos. I. II. III. IV. i8mo. Same. 1 2mo. [American Tradl Society.] N. Y. The Temperance Manual. 1 8mo. Same. i2mo. [American Trad Society.] N. Y. Edwards, Peter. Candid Reafons for Renouncing the Principles of Antipsedobaptifm, with an Appendix. Third American edition. i2mo., pp. 151. Bofton, 1803. [Edwards, Thomas.] An Account of the Trial of, the Letter Y alias Y. 8vo., pp. 23. Lond., 1753. Edwards, Tryon. Thankfgiving Difcourfe in the Firft Prefbyterian Church in Rochefter, New York, December 15, 1836. 'Svo., pp. 39. Rochefter, 1837. Edwardson, John. A Serious and Refpeftful Addrefs to the Clergy, on the fubjeft of Approbating and Ordaining Candidates for the Miniftry. 4to., pp. 16. Bofton, 1801. Eells, Edward. Sermon before the General AfTembly of Connedlicut, Hartford, May 14, 1767. 8vo., pp. 30. Hartford. 190 New -York Historical Society. Eells, Nathaniel. Letter to his Church and Congregation. 8vo., pp. 14. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Edward Eells, Mid- dletown, Conn., September 6, 1738. 8vo. New London, 1739. MafTachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 25, 1743. 8vo. Boflon. Eells, Samuel. Oration delivered before the Biennial Convention of the Alpha Delta Phi Society at New Haven, Conn., Auguil: 15, 1 839, on the Law and Means of Social Improvement. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1839. Effusions OF Fancy, izmo. Lond., 1798. Egede, Hans. A Defcription of Greenland^ With an Hiftorical In- troduftion and a Life of the Author. Map and Engravings. 8vo. Lond., 181 8. Elections. Act to Prevent Frauds and Perjuries at, and to Prevent Slaves from Voting, April 9, 1811. 8vo., pp. 4. Statutes relating to, etc. 8vo., pp. 80. N. Y., 1839. Electors of Prefident and Vice-Prefident. A Letter to. By a Citi- zen of New York. With an Extradl of the Secret Debates of the Federal Convention. 8vo. N. Y., 1808. Elegy, An. Written on St. Mark's Eve. 4to., pp. 12. Lond., 1754. Elegy on the Times. Firft printed at Bofton, September 20, 1774. 8vo. New Haven, 1775. Elements of Jurisprudence, treated of in the Preliminary part of a courfe of Leflures on the Laws of England. 4to. Lond., 1783. Elgin's (Earl of), Colleftion of Marbles. A Seleftion of Thirty Etched Outlines from the, from the Parthenon in the Britifh Mufeum. (Drawn and engraved by William Sharpe.) 4to. Lond., 1 817. Eliot, Andrew. Sermon at his Ordination to the Paftoral Charge of the New North Church in Bofton, April 14, 1742. Funeral Sermon, delivered in Bofton, April, 1750, (John Webb.) 8vo, Bofton. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Jofeph Roberts, Lei- cefter, Odlober 23, 1754. 8vo. Bofton. Faft Day Sermon, delivered 19th April, 1753. 8vo. Bofton, 1753. Sermon, Thankfgiving, Oftober 25, 1759, occafioned by the Reduftion of Quebec. 8vo., pp. 43. Bofton, 1759. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 29, 1765. 8vo. Bofton, 1765. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Ebenezer Thayer, Hampton, September 17, 1766. 8vo., pp. 35. Bofton, 1766. Dudleian Ledure, Harvard College, May 8, 1771. [With lift of Preachers at the Dudleian Lefture.] 8vo., pp. 47. Bofton, 1771. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Jofeph Willard, Beverly, No- vember 25, 1772. 8vo. Bofton, 1773. Sermon at the Ordination of his Son, Fairfield, June 22, 1774. 8vo., pp. 46. Bofton, 1774. Catalogue of Printed Books. 191 Eliot, Andrew. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. John Ehot, Bollon, November 3, 1779. 8vo., pp. 35. Bofton, 1780. Eliot, Jared. Continuation of the Effay upon Field Hufbandry, as it is, or may be ordered in New England. Fourth part, i zmo. N. Y., 1753. Same. Fifth part. izmo. N. Y., 1754. The Sixth Eflay on Field Hufbandry, as it is, or may be ordered in New England. lamo., pp. 34. New Haven, 1759. ■ Eflay on the Invention or Art of Making very good, if not the beft. Iron, from Black Sea Sand. l2mo., pp. 34. N. Y., 1762. Eliot, John. Mamufle Wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God: Nan- eefwe Nukkone Teftament Kah Wonk Wufku Teftament. Ne quofhkinnumuk nafhpe Wuttineumoh Chrift, noh afoowefit John Eliot . . . 4to. Cambridge, N. E., 1680-85. Eliot, John. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Jofeph McKean, Milton, November i, 1797. 8vo., pp. 52. Bofton, 1797. Sermon before the New North Religious Society, Bofton, May 2, 1804, upon the Completion of their Houfe of Worlhip. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1804. Sermon on the Propriety of Attending Public Worlhip, and an Attentive, Serious Condudl in the Houfe of God. 8vo., pp. 36. Boft.on, 1800. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Henry Edes, Providence, July 17, 1805. 8vo. Providence. Biographical Diftionary of New England. 8vo. Salem, 1809. Eliot, Samuel A. Addrefs before the Bofton Academy of Mufic, on the Opening of the Odeon, Auguft 5, 1835. 8vo. Bofton, 1835. Elizabethtown Bill in Chancery. See New Jerfey. Elliot, Stephen, Jr. " A High Civihzation the Moral Duty of Geor- gians." A Difcourfe before the Georgia Hiftorical Society, at their Fifth Anniverfary, 1 844. 8vo. Savannah, 1 844. Ellery, Christopher. A Defence againft Calumny ; or, Haman in the Shape of, hung upon his own Gallows. 8vo. 1803. Ellesmere (Earl of). Guide to Northern Archaeology, by the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries of Copenhagen. 8vo., pp. 128. Lond., 1848. Ellicott, Andrew. Journal of, late Commiflioner on behalf of the United States, during part of the year 1796, the years 1797-98- 99, and part of the year 1 800, for determining the Boundary be- tween the United States and the Pofleffions of his Cathohc Ma- jefty in America, etc. Maps. ^to. Philadelphia, 1803. Elliot, Jonathan. The Debates, Refolutions, and other Proceedings in Convention, on the adoption of the Federal Conftitution, etc. 4 vols. 8vo. Wafhington, 1827-30. Same. Second edition. 4 vols. 8 vo. Waftiington, 1836. Same. [Third] edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Wafhington, 1836. Same. Supplementary Volume V. ; containing Madifon Papers, 192 New-York Historical Society. Debates of the Confederation, and on the Conftitution. 8vo. Wafhington, 1845. Elliot, Jonathan. The Funding Syftcm of the United States and of Great Britain, etc. [28th Cong., lil Sefs., Doc. No. 15, H. R.] 8vo. Wafhington, 1845. The Virginia and Kentucky Refolutions of 1798 and 1799. With JcfFcrfon's Original Draught thereof; alfo, Madifon's Re- port, Calhoun's Addrefs, Refolutions of the feveral States in rela- tion to State Rights. With other Documents in Support of the JefFerfonian Doftrines of '98. 8vo. Wafhington, 1832. See Virginia. Elliot, William. The Wafhington Guide, etc. i2mo. Wafhington, 1837. Elliot, C. W. St. Domingo : its Revolutions and its Hero, ToufTaint L'Ouverture. An Hiilorical Difcourfe condenfed for the New York Library AfTociation, Februarj' 26, 1855. i2mo., pp. 83. N. Y., 1855. Elliott, David. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. M. L. Fullerton, Hagerflown, Maryland, September 28, 1825. 8vo. Hagerftown, 1825. Elliott, John. An Account of the Nature and Medicinal Virtues of the Principal Mineral Waters of Great Britain and Ireland, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1 781. Elliott, John. Connefticut Eleftion Sermon, May 10, 18 10. 8vo. Hartford. ■ • and Samuel Stevens. The Lateft CoUeftion of Original and Seleft Hymns and Spiritual Songs. i2mo. N. Y., 1813. Elliott, Samuel. A Humble Tribute to my Country ; or, Praftical EfTays, PoHtical, Legal, Moral, etc. 8vo. Boilon, 1842. Ellis, Ferdinand. Fall Day Difcourfe, adapted to the Prefent Situation of our National Concerns, Marblehead, MafTachufetts, July 23, 1 81 2. 8vo., pp. 20. Salem, 1812. A Sermon delivered at Concord, before the Governor, Council, and both Branches of the Lcgiflature of the State of New Hamp- fhire, June 8, 1826. 8vo., pp. 26. Concord, 1826. Ellis, Henry. A Voyage to Hudfon's Bay, by the Dobbs' Galley and CaUfornia, in the year 1 746 and '47, for Difcovering a North Weft PafTage, etc. 8vo. Maps. Lond., 1748. Ellis, Jonathan. An Eulogical Poem on General George Wafhington, Topfliam, February 22, 1800. 8vo., pp. 24. Portland. Ellsworth, Henry L. Sketches of an Addrefs delivered before the Hartford Agricultural Society, on the 24th March, 1818. 8vo. Hartford, 181 8. Elmer, Jonathan. Funeral Eulogium, facred to the Memory of Rev. William Ramfay. 8vo. [Imperfeft.] Phil., 1772. Elwall, E. An Appeal to the Serious and Candid ProfefTors of Chriftianity, on feveral Important Subjedls ; with an Account of his Trial for Herefy, etc. i2mo., pp. 52. Birmingham. Catalogue of Printed Books. 193 Elwood, Thomas. Hiflory of the Life of. 8vo, [No title-page.] Elwyn, Thomas. Letter to a Federalift, in Reply to fome of the Popular Objeftions to the Motives and Tendency of the Meafure? of the Prcfent Adminiflration, February, 1805. 8vo., pp. 31. Portfmouth. Ely, Ezra Stiles. A Sermon for the Rich to Buy, that they may Benefit Thcmfclves and the Poor. 8vo., pp. 27. N. Y., 18 10. Journal of the Stated Preacher to the Hofpital and Aimfhoufe in the City of New York, 181 1. i2mo. Phil., 181 5. Second Journal, etc., 1813. i2mo. N. Y., 181 2. Memoirs of the Rev. Zebulon Ely, of Lebanon, Conncdticut; compiled from his own Writings. 8vo., pp. 56. Phil., 1825. The Duty of Chrillian Freemen to Eleft Chriftian Rulers : a Difcourfc delivered on 4th July, 1827, in the Seventh Prefbyterian Church in Philadelphia. With an Appendix. 8vo., pp. 32. Phil., 1828. Ely, Isaac M. Oration delivered February 22, 181 3, before the Wafhington Benevolent Society of the City of New York. 8vo. N. Y. Ely, Sumner. Annual Addrefs, delivered before the Medical Society of the State of New York, February 3, 1841. 8vo. Albany, 1841. Ely, Zebulon. A Sermon preached at the Funeral Solemnity of Jona- than Trumbull, late Governor of the State of Connedicut, Augufl: 19, 1785. 8vo., pp. 26. Hartford, 1786, Difcourfe in Lebanon, at the Funeral of His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull. 8vo., pp. 16, 11. Hartford, 1809. Difcourfe in Lebanon, Oftobcr 14, 1 810, on the Death of Solo- mon Williams, of New York. 8vo., pp. 15. Hartford, 1811. Embargo Acts, i 808. With Supplement and Circulars, and an Ap- pendix, etc. 8vo., pp. 23. N. Y., 1808. Embargo Law. Remarks on the. 8vo. [Imperfedl.] Embargo Laws. Reply of the Majority of the Reprefentatives from the State of Maflachufctts, in Congrefs, to the Refolutions and Inftrudtions of the Legiflature. 8vo. Wafhington, 1 808. Confiderations on. 8vo., pp. 16. Emerson, Brown. Importance of Right Views of Chrift : a Sermon at Beverly, December 22, 1822. 8vo., pp. 20. Salem, 1823. Emerson, G. An Addrefs delivered at Laurel Hill Cemeter}', on the completion pf a Monument erefted to the Memory of Thomas Godfrey, June i, 1843. 8vo. Phil., 1843. Emerson, Joseph. Early Piety Encouraged, etc. i2mo., pp. 30. Borton, 1738. Emerson, Joseph. Recitation Leftures, upon the Acquifition and Com- munication of Thought, propofed for the Enfuing Seafon. 8vo. Weathersfield, 1826. Profpeftus of the Female Seminary at Weathersfield, Connefticut. With Notes. 8vo. Weathersfield, 1826. 13 194 New -York Historical Society. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. An Oration delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, at Cambridge, Auguft 31, 1837. Borton, 1837. An Addrefs delivered in the Court Houfe, in Concord, Mafla- chufetts, on i ft Auguft, 1 844, on the Anniverfary of the Emanci- pation of the Negroes in the Britifh Weft Indies. 8vo., pp. 34. Bofton, 1844. Emerson, Samuel. Oration before Saco Lodge, at the Celebration of the Anniverfary of St. John Baptift. 8vo., pp. 14. Saco, Me., 1806. Oration on Mufic, at Portland, May 28, 1800. 8vo., pp. 20. Portland, 1800. Emerson, William. Artillery Eleftion Sermon, Bofton, June 3, 1799. 8vo. Bofton, 1799. An Oration, pronounced July 5, 1802, in Commemoration of the Anniverfary of American Independence. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton. A Difcourfe delivered in the Firft Church, Bofton, on the Anni- verfary of the Maflachufetts Humane Society, June 9, 1 807. 8vo., pp. 39. Bofton, 1807. Difcourfe delivered before the Roxbury Charitable Society, Sep- tember 15, 1800. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1800. Oration, July 5, 1802, at Bofton. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton. Sermon on the Death of Madame Elizabeth Bowdoin, Relidl of Hon. James Bowdoin. 8vo., pp. 20. Bofton, 1803. Difcourfe, December 31, 1802, on the Deceafe of Rev. Peter Thacher, D. D. 8vo., pp. 40. Bofton, 1803, Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Thomas Beede, delivered March 2, 1803. 8vo. Amherft, 1803. Funeral Oration, pronounced at Brown Univerfity, March 27, 1805 (Lewis Hoppin). 8vo. Providence. Sermon on the Death of Mr. Charles Auftin, in Auguft, 1806. 8vo., pp. 21. Bofton. Difcourfe before the Humane Society of Maflachufetts, June 9, 1807. 8vo., pp. 39. Bofton, 1807. An Hiftorical Sketch of the Firft Church in Bofton, from its Formation to the Prefent Period. To which are added. Two Sermons, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 181 2. Emigration. Extraft of a Letter from a Gentleman in America to a Friend in England, on the fubjedl of Emigration. 8vo. Emmons, E. Defcription of fome of the Bones of the Zeuglodon Ceto- ides of Profeflbr Owen, 8vo. Albany. Emmons, Nathanael. Sermon at the Inftallation of Rev. David Avery, Wrentham, May 25, 1786. 8vo. Providence. Maflachufetts Eledlion Sermon, May 30, 1798. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1798. Sermon before the MaflTachufetts Miflionary Society, May 27, 1800. 8vo., pp. 44. Charleftown, 1800. A Difcourfe delivered on the Annual Faft in Maflachufetts, April 9th, 1 80 1. 8vo. Hartford, 1 801. Catalogue of Printed Books, 195 Emmons, Nathanael. Fall Sermon, April 9, 1801. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 37. N. Y., 1801, Same. 8vo. Salem, 1802. Difcourfe at the Ordination of the Rev. Stephen Chapin, Hills- borough, June 19, 1805. 8vo., pp. 30. Amherft, 1805. Difcourfe, July 19, 1808, at the Funeral of Mifs Efther Wilder. 8vo., pp. 23. Providence, 1808. ♦ Difcourfe, January 22, 181 1, in Attleborough, at the Funeral of Mrs. Efther Wilder. 8vo., pp. 24. Providence, 1811. Emonnet, Henry. The Way to Fortune ; or, the Mode of Sumptu- oufly Providing for a Large and Expenfive Family, etc. 8vo. [Monteiro pamphlet.] N. Y., 1809. Emory, W. H. Notes of a Military Reconnaiflance from Fort Lea- venworth, in Miflburi, to San Diego, in Cahfornia ; including parts of the Arkanfas, Del Norte, and Gila Rivers. With a map, and numerous engravings. 8vo. Walhington, 1848., Emott, James. Speech in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, in relation to the Non-Intercourfe. February 6," 1 8 1 1 . 8vo. Speech on the Army Bill, in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, 12th January, 1813. 8vo., pp. 35. Bofton, 1813. Same. 8vo. N. Y., 1813. Emporium, The, of Arts and Sciences. Vols. L, IL Condufted by John Redman Coxe. 8vo. Phil., 181 2. Same. New Series. Vol. IL 8vo. Phil., 1813. Encyclopedia. The Minor; or. Cabinet of General Knowledge. Being a Didlionary of Arts, Sciences, and Polite Literature. In 4 vols. By the Rev. Thaddeus M. Harris. i2mo. Bofton, 1803. Endicott, Charles M. Account of Lcflie's Retreat at the North Bridge, on Sunday, February 26, 1775. 8vo., pp. 47. Salem, 1856. [Engel, Samuel.] Memoires et Obfcrvations Geographiques et Cri- tiques fur la Situation des Pays Septentrionaux de I'Afte et de I'Amerique, etc. 4to. Laufanne, 1765. Eflai fur cette queftion, quand et comment I'Amerique a-t-elle etc peuplee d'hommes et d'animaux. Tomes 5, i2mo. Amfterdam, 1767. Engestrom, Gustave. Guide du Voyageur aux Carrieres et Mines de Svede, a I'ufage des Etrangers Curieux, des Mineurs, et Minera- logues. i2mo. Stockholm, 1796. England. Rolls of Parliament, from 1278 to 1503. 6 vols, folio. Common Reports. 5 vols, folio. Journals of the Houfe of Lords, from 1 5 1 3 to i ']S']. With Index. 33 vols. foHo. Journals of the Houfe of Commons, from 1547 to 1802. With Index. 63 vols, folio. The Laft Newes from the Kings Majefties Army, now at Maiden- head; containing many Remarkable Paflages, with Prince Robe it, his Intentions, etc. 4to. Lond., November 11, 1642. 196 New-York Historical Society. England. Trads relating to the Civil War — Charles and the Parlia- ment. 4to. 1 64 1 -2-3. The Intereft of ... in the Matter of Religion, etc. By J. C. 8vo. Lond., 1660. The Prefent State of. i2mo. 1679. State Trafts ; being a Farther Colledlion of feveral choice Trea- tifes relating to the Government, from the year 1660 to 1689. Now publifhed in a Body, to fhew the Neceffity and clear the Legality of the late Revolution, and our prefent happy Settlement, under the Aufpicious Reign of their Majefties King William and Queen Mary. Folio. _ Lond., 1692. ^ Report of the Lords' Committees, appointed by the Houfe of Lords to View and Confider the Public Records. i2mo. Lond., 1 7 19. True State of. [A Regifter of Public Officers in Great Britain.] Svo., pp. 204. Lond., 1729. The Hiftory of, during the Reigns of the Royal Houfe of Stuart, wherein the Errors of the late Hiftories are Difcovered and Cor- refted, etc. By the Author of the Critical Hiftory of England. Folio. Lond., 1730. Mufeum Britannicum : being an Exhibition of a great Variety of Antiquities and Natural Curiofities belonging to, etc., the Britifh Mufeum, etc. Folio. Lond., 1778. The Chronicle of the Kings of, etc. By Nathan Ben Saddi. 8vo., pp. 79. Rep., Bofton. Delineated. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1804. Abftraft of the Anfwers and Returns made purfuant to an A6t, pafled in the Forty-third year of his Majefty King George III., intituled " an Ad: for procuring Returns relative to the Expenfe and Maintenance of the Poor in." Fol. 1 804. England's Gazetteer. Vol. III. Being a new Index Villaris ; or. Alphabetical Regifter of the lefs noted Villages, etc. 1 2mo. Lond., 1 75 1. England's Gazetteer ; or, an Accurate Defcription of all the Cities, Towns, and Villages in England and Wales. Second edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond., 1778. [English, George Bethune]. A Letter to the Rev. Mr. Carey, con- taining Remarks upon his Review of the Grounds of Chriftianity Examined, by Comparing the New Teftament with the Old. i2mo., pp. 133. Bofton, 181 3. [ ] A Letter refpeftfully addrefsed to the Rev. Mr. Channing rela- tive to his Sermons on Infidelity. i2mo., pp.,41. Bofton, 1813. English Grammar. A Comprehenfive View of Englifti Grammar for the Ufe of Schools. i2mo. Lond., 1794. A Short Introduftion to, with Critical Notes. l2mo. Lond., 1795. English Liberties ; or, the Free Born Subje6ls Inheritance, containing Magna Charta, etc. l6mo. Lond. Catalogue of Printed Books. 197 Englishman Deceived, The. A Political Piece : wherein fome very important Secrets of State are briefly recited and offered to the Conflderation of the Public. i2mo. Rep., N. Y., 1768. The . . . direfted in the Choice of his Religion. With a Pre- fatory Addrefs to the Gentlemen of America. 8vo. Bofton, 1748. A Letter to Lieutenant-General Burgoyne on his Letter to his Conftituents. By an . . . 8vo. Lond., 1779. English Practice. A Statement fhowing fome of the Evils and Ab- furdities of the Praftice of the Englifli Common Law, as adopted in feveral of the United States, and particularly in the State of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1822. English, Thomas. The Crifis ; or. Impartial Judgment upon Publick Affairs. Small 4to. Lond., 173 1. Enquiry into the State of the Union of Great Britain, and the Pall and Prefent State of the Trade and Publick Revenues thereof 8vo. Lond., 1 7 17. into the Conduft of a late Right Honorable Commoner. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1766. into the Principles on which a Commercial Syftem for the United States of America Ihould be Founded. To which are added, fome Political Obfervations . . . 8vo. Phil., 1778. into the Principles and Tendency of certain Public Meafures. 8vo. Phil., 1794. Enumeration of the Contributions, etc., of the French Nation, with an Account of the Countries Revolutionized fincc the Commence- ment of the prefent War. From the German. 8vo., pp. 36, [Contains alfo the Letter of Junius Ruflicus on the Civil Policy of the Ancients.] Lond., 1798. Entertainer, The. Containing Remarks upon Men, Manners, Re- ligion, and Policy, etc. i2mo. Lond. Enthusiasmus Triumphatus ; or, a Difcourfe of the Nature, Caufes, Kinds, and Cure of Enthufiafme, etc. i6mo. Lond., 1656. Entick, John. The General Hiftory of the late War ; containing its Rife, Progrefs, and Event in Europe, Afia, Africa and America, etc. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1772-9. Epaminondas. The Addrefs of, to the Citizens of the State of New York. 8vo., pp. 27. Albany, 1820. See Woodward. Epictetus. His Morals, with Simplicius, his Comment. Tranflated by George Stanhope, with Life, by Boileau. Fifth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1 741. Episcopal Church in Conne6Ucut. Addrefs of the Clergy to Bifhop Seabury, with the Bifhop's Anfwer, and a Sermon before the Convention at Middleton, Auguft 3, 1 785, etc., by Jeremiah Leam- ing. 8vo. New Haven. in the State of New York. Proceedings of the Convention of the, held in the City of New York, on 22d of June, 1785. N. Y., 1787. 1 98 New -York Historical Society. Episcopal Church. Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining and Confecrating Bifhops, Priefts and Deacons in the United States. 4to. N. Y., 1793. Government. Arguments in Favor of. i2mo., pp. 10. Lanfinburgh, 1795. Articles of Religion, etc., Eftabliftied in Convention, 12th Sep- tember, 1 80 1. Journal of the Annual Convention of the Proteftant. 8vo. N. Y., 1804. Charter and Fundamental Laws of the Corporation for the Re- lief of Widows and Children of Clergymen of the. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1807. Office of Inftitution of Minifters into Parifhes, etc. 8vo., pp. 19. N. Y., 1808. A Pafloral Letter to the Members of the, from the Houfe of Bilhops of said Church, affembled in General Convention at Balti- more, May, 1808. N. Y., 1808. Journals of, etc., at a Convention in Baltimore, 1808. in the United States of America, Canons for the Government of the Proteftant, adopted in 1789-92-95-99, 1 801-4-8, etc. 8vo., pp. 7,6. N. Y., 1808. Journal of the Proceedings of the Proteftant, at the Annual Con- vention, Odober, 1809. 8vo., pp. 19. N. Y., 1809. Same. Oftober, 181 1. 8vo., pp. 19. N. Y., 18 11. Journal of the Proceedings of the Annual Convention, Trenton, New Jerfey, 1810. 8vo., pp. 27. New Brunfwick, 1810. Same, in New York, 1820-38. Paftoral Letter to the Clergy and Laity of the, from the Houfe of Biftiops, May, 18 11. 8vo., pp. 13. N. Y., 1811. Same. Oftober 6, 1841. * N. Y., 1841. • Journal of the General Convention of New Haven, 1 8 1 1 . 8vo., pp. 36. N. Y., 181 1. Conftitutions and Canons of the. N. Y., 1812. Proceedings of the Domeftic and Foreign Miflionary Society for the years 1832, '33 and '34. Canons for the Government of the United States of America, for 180S-27 and'38. Proceedings of the Board of Miffions of, for the years 1836, '38 and '39. Report of the Scottifti Society, for the year 1839. Edinburgh, 1839. in the City of New York. Nine Annual Reports of the Board of Managers of the Proteftant Miffionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York from 1845. i2mo. N. Y., 1845. Memorial, with accompanying Documents of the Inhabitants of New York, in Communion of the, praying the Repeal, or Amend- ment of an Aft, entitled, " An Aft to Alter the Name of the Catalogue of Printed Books. 199 Corporation of Trinity Church in New York, and for other pur- pofes," paflcd January 25, 1814. N. Y., 1846. Episcopal Church. Journals of Convention, Church Documents, etc. 8vo. • Paftoral Letter to the Clergy and Laity of the Diocefe of New Jerfey, on the Rights and Duties of Churchwardens and Veftry- men of the. Episcopal Library Society of New York. Extracts from the Minutes of the Protcftant, February 7, 1816. 8vo. Episcopalians in Virginia. An Addrefs from the Clergy of New York and New Jerfey to the Epifcopalians in Virginia, occafioned by feme late tranfaftions in that Colony relative to an American Epifcopate. 8vo. N. Y., 1771. Epistle to Junius Silanus from Cornelius Scipio. Second edition. 8vo,, pp. 22. Lond., 1769. Erdemus Desiderius, Roterdamus. Colloquies, or Familiar Difcourfes of, rendered into Englifh by H. M. 8vo. Lond., 1671. Erie Canal. The Report of a Committee appointed to Explore the Weftern Waters in the State of New York, for the purpofe of profecuting the Inland Lock Navigation. [September, 1792.] i2mo., pp. 24. Albany, 1792. Report of the Direftors of the Weftern Inland Lock Navigation Company to the Legiflature, i6th February, 1798. i2mo., pp. 32. _ _ Albany, [1798]. Report of the Commiffioners appointed 13th and 15 th March, 1 8 10, to Explore the Route of an Inland Navigation, from Hud- fon's River to Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. 8vo. pp. 35. Albany, 181 1. Remarks on the Importance of the Contemplated Grand Canal between Lake Erie and the Hudfon River. 8vo., pp. 31. [Atti- cus, etc. map.] 181 2. Report of the Commiffioners . • . for the Confideration of all Matters relating to the faid Inland Navigation [March, 18 12]. 8vo., pp. 40. Albany, 1812. The Advantages of the Propofed Canal . . . fully illuftrated, in a Correfpondence between the Hon. Gouverneur Morris and Robert Fulton, Efq. 8vo., pp. 13. [N. Y., 18 14.] A Serious Appeal to the Wifdom and Patriotifm of the Legifla- ture of the State of New York, on the fubjeft of a Canal Com- munication between the Great Weftern Lakes and Tide Waters of the Hudfon. By a Friend to his Country. 8vo., pp. 37. 1816. Memorial of the Citizens of New York, in favor of a Canal Navigation . , . 8vo., pp. 18. N. Y., 18 16. Confiderations on the Great Weftern Canal, from the Hudfon to Lake Erie . . . Rcpubliflied by the New York Correfponding Aflbciation for the Promotion of Internal Improvements. 8vo., pp. 58. Brooklyn, 1818. Same. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 81. Brooklyn, 181 8. 200 New-York Historical Society. Erie Canal. Letter of W. G., dated Saratoga Springs, 20th June, 1822, on the Great Weftern Cana]. 8vo., pp. 8. Fafts and Obfcrvations in Relation to the Origin and Completion of the Erie Canal. 8vo., pp. 36. N. Y., 1825. Ernesti, Jo. Augustus. Grascum Lexicon Manuale, etc. Fourth edition. Leipsic, 1796. Ernst, John Frederick. Oration, with a fuitable Prayer, delivered before the Grand Royal Arch Chapter for the State of New York, >» y"fl^^ C February 3, 1801. 4to., pp. 13. 1801. /j^/' 7 ;, , [Erondelle, Pierre.] Nova Francia ; or, the Defcription of that part I4^^^*^[yf' ■ of New France, which is one Continent with Virginia. 4to. Map. ~0> /> Lond., 1609. — ' — Erskine, Thomas. Speech in Support of the Liberty of the Prefs, de- hvered at Guildhall, December 18, 1792. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1793. Speeches in Court of King's Bench, on the Trial of the King vs. Thomas Williams, for publifhing the Age of Reafon. 8vo., pp. 23. Phil., 1797. A View of the Caufes and Confequences of the Prefent War with France. The firft American, from the twenty-fourth London edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1797. View of the Caufes and Confequences of the Prefent War with France, in Anfwer to Mr. Burke's Regicide Peace. With a Dedi- cation to the Author, by Peter Porcupine ; and an Appendix, containing the Correfpondence of Miles and Le Brun. 8vo. Phil., 1797. Espagne CoNQuisE. [Title gonc.] Small 8vo. [i596»] Espinalt y Garcia Bernardo. Guia General de Poftas y Travefias de Efpana, para efte prefcnte ano dc 1794. i2mo. Madrid. Esprit des Journaux, L'. Francois et Etrangers par une Societe de Gens de Lettres, Mars 1791. Tome 3, etc. i2mo. Paris. Essai sur les Colonies Francoises ; ou Difcours Politiques fur la Na- ture du Gouvernement, de la Population et du Commerce de la Colonic de S. D. i2mo. 1754' Essai sur Cette Question : quand et Comment I'Amerique a-t-elle ete peuplee d'hommes et d'animaux? Par E. B. d'E. Tomes 5. i8mo. Amfterdam, 1767. Essai General dc Tactique, precede d'un Difcours fur I'etat actuel de la Politique, et de la Science Militairc en Europe, etc. Tomes 2 en I. 4to. Lond., 1772. Essay on the Nature of the Human Body, etc., and on the Growing Evil of Profaning and Defiling Kirks and Kirkyards, and other Burying Grounds. 8vo., pp. 56. Edinburgh, 1767. Essay on Political Society. 8vo. Phil., 1800. Essay on the Transfiguration of Chrift. 8vo., pp. 31. Lond., 1788. Essay on the Fall of Angels and Men. With Remarks on Dr. Ed- wards' Notion of the Freedom of the Will. Alfo, a Blow at the Root of Univerfalifm. 8vo. Boilon, 1796. Essays and Letters on Various Subjedls. 8vo., pp. 299. Lond., 1739. Catalogue of Printed Books. 201 Essays from the London Times : a Colleftion of Pcrfonal and Hiftorical Sketches. i2mo. N. Y., 1842. upon the Making of Salt Petrc and Gun-powder. Publifhed by order of the Committee of Safety of the Colony of New York. - 8vo. N. Y., 1776. upon Art. Republications of, and recent Notices of the Works of the Old Mailers, etc. Two numbers. Small 8vo. N. Y., 1849. Essex. Refolutions. i8o8. Essex Co. (Maff!) Declaration of By its Delegates aflembled in Con- vention at Ipfwich, July 21, 181 2. 8vo. Salem, 1 812. EsTAiNG, M. LE CoMTE d'. Extrait du Journal d'un Officier de la Marine de I'Efcadre de. 8vo. 1782. EsTANCELiN, L. Rcchcrchcs fur les Voyages et Decouvertes des Navi- gatcurs Normands en Afrique dans les Indes Orientales et en Amerique, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1832. EsTATS (Les), Empires, Royaumes et Principautez du Monde, etc., illuftre de I'lnftitution de Toutes les Religions, etc., avec le noble et celebre origine des Tous les ordres Militaires, etc. Foho. Geneva, 1665. EsTiENNE, Henri. Apologie pour Herodote ou Traite de la Con- formite des Merveilles Anciennes avec les Moderns, etc., Engs. Tomes 3. 8vo. Haye, 1735. EsTwiCK, Samuel. Confiderations on the Negroe Caufe, commonly fo called. AddrefTed to the Right Hon. Lord Mansfield. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1773. Letter to the Rev. Jofiah Tucker, D. D,, etc., in Anfwer to his Humble Addrefs and Earneft Appeal. With a Poftfcript, etc. 8vo., pp. 125. Lond., 1776. Etats Unis et I'Angleterre ; ou Souvenirs et Reflexions d'un Citoyen Americain. Eflais traduits fur le Manusfcript de I'auteur. 8vo. Bordeaux, 18 14. EsTiMANVitLE, D*, Chevalier R. Curfory View of the Local, Social, Moral, and Political State of the Colony of Lower Canada. 8vo. Quebec, 1829. Euclid's Elements of Geometry. In XV. Books -, with a Supplement of Divers Propofitions and Corollaries; to which is added a Treatife of Regular SoHds by Campane and Fluflus. Likewife Euclid's Data and Marinus his Preface thereunto annexed. Alfb a Treatife of the Divifions of Superficies, afcribed to Machomet Bagdedine, but publifhed by Commandine, etc. Publifhed by John Leeke and George Serle, Students in the Mathcmaticks. Folio. London, 1661. Euremont [Charles] St. Mifcellaneous EfTays. Tranflated out of French and continued by Mr. Dryden. i6mo. Lond., 1692. Europe Speculum ; or, a View or Survey of the State of Religion in the Weflern Parts of the World, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1637. Europe Modemas Speculum ; or, a View of the Empires, Kingdoms, etc., of Europe in their Prefent State, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1 665 . 202 New-York Historical Society. Europe. Several Years' Travels Through, etc., performed by a Gen- tleman. 8vo. Lond., 1702. ■ The Prefent State of; or, the Hiftorical and Political Mercury. 8 vols. 4to. Lond., 1 690-1 705. A Compleat Hiftory of; or, a View of the Affairs thereof. Civil and Military, for the year 1708. Maps. 8vo. ^T^9' The Prefent State of, explaining the Interefts, Connexions, Politi- cal and Commercial Views of its feveral Powers, etc. Fourth edi- tion. 8vo. Lond., 1753. Same. Fifth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1757. European and North American Railway Company. Documents in re- lation to . . . With Maps. Small 8vo. Portland, 185 1. European Magazine, The, and London Review . . . Vols. I.-XXXIL [wanting Vol. XIX.] 8vo. Lond., 1784-97. Eustace, John Chetwood. A Claflical Tour through Italy . . . 1802. • 2 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1 816. Eustace, John Skey. Letters on the Emancipation and Prefervation of the United Provinces, etc. 8vo. Rotterdam, 1797. Eustaphieve, Alexis. Refledlions, etc., illuftrating the Charafter of Peter the Great. With a Tragedy, entitled " Alexis the Czare- witz." i2mo. Boflon. Ev.'VNGELiCAL GuARDiAN AND Review, The. By an Affociation of Clergymen in New York. Vol. I. 8vo. N. Y., 1817. Evangelical Preaching. Review of Hints on. By a Barrifter. 8vo., pp. 8. Lond., 1808. Evans, Caleb. Sermon at Broad Mead, Briftol, November 5, 1778. Third edition. 8vo., pp. 40. Briftol. Evans, John. An Addrefs, humbly defigned to Promote a Religious Revival amongft the General Baptills. i2mo., pp. 24. Lond. and James Read. Three Sermons on the Opening of a New Meeting-Place in New Broad Street, Petty-France, December 14 and 21. 8vo., pp. 52. Lond., 1730. Sermon before the Moil: Hon. and Loyal Society of Ancient Britons, at St. Andrew's, Holborn, March i, 1750. 8vo., pp. 26. Lond., 1750. An Attempt to Account for the Infidehty of the late Edward Gibbon, Efq., etc. 8vo., pp. jS. Lond., [1797]. Sermon on the Deceafe of Charles Bulkley, preached at Worfhip Street, Shoreditch, April 30, 1797. 8vo., pp. 6j. Lond. Moral Refleftions ; fuggelled by a View of London, from off the Monument. 8vo. Lond., 1798. Sermon on the Death of Rev. D. Turner, of Abingdon, Berks. 8vo., pp. 27. Oxford, 1798. Addrefs at the Interment of Thomas Mullett, Bunhill Fields, Wednefday, November 23, 1 8 14. 8vo., pp. 28. [Anecdote of Wafhington, p. 15.] Lond., 181 5. Evans, Jonathan. A Journal of the Life, Travels, and Religious Labors of William Savery, late of Philadelphia, a Miniiler of C A.T ALOGUE OF PrINTED BoOKS. 203 the Gofjpel of Chrift in the Society of Friends. i2mo. Lond., 1844. Evans, Nathaniel. Poems, on Several Occafions; with fome other Compofitions. i2mo. Phil., 1772. Evans, Oliver. To his Counfel, who are engaged in Defence of his Patent Rights, etc. pp. 55. Evans, Richard. An Oration, at St. John's Church, in Portfmouth, 4th July, 1805. 4to., pp. 20. Portfmouth, 1805. Evanson, Edward. Letter on the New Teftament Prophecies — the* Great Apoftacy, etc. 8vo., pp. 133. Lond., 1777. Evelyn, John. Silva ; or, a Difcourfe of Foreft Trees, and the Pro- pagation of Timber in His Majcfty's Dominions, etc. Fifth edi- tion. Folio. Lond., 1729. Sculptura ; or, the Hiftory and Art of Chalcography. With a Life of the Author. 8vo. [Imperfeft.] [i755-] Everest, C. W. Babylon: a Poem. 8vo. Hartford, 1838. [Everett, Alexander H.] The Conduft of the Adminiftration. 8vo., pp. 86. Rep. Bofton, 1832. An Addrefs at Salem, on 8th January, 1836, at the Requeft of the Democratic Young Men of that place, in Commemoration of the Viftory at New Orleans. 8vo. Bofton, 1836. An Addrefs to the Literary Societies of Dartmouth College, on the Charafter and Influence of German Literature, delivered at Hanover, N. H., July 24, 1839. pp. 60. Bofton, 1839. Everett, David. " Daranzell ;" or, the Perfian Patriot : an Original Drama, in Five Afts. 8vo., pp. 66. • Bofton, 1800. [ ] An Eflay on the Rights and Duties of Nations, relative to Fugitives from Juftice, confidered with Reference to the Affair of the Chefapeake. 8vo. Bofton, 1807. [ ] Appendix to a late " Eflay," etc. By our Writers, with the " Embargo " (on Common Senfe) " taken off." By U. S. 8vo. Bofton, 1808. Everett, Edward. Addrefs at the Funeral of the Rev. John Lovejoy Abbot, Paftor of the Firft Church of Chrift in Bofton, Oftober 21, 1 814. 8vo. Bofton, 1814. Sermon at the Dedication of the Firft Congregational Church in New York, January 20, i82i.' 8vo., pp. 22. N. Y., 1821. Oration before the Society of the Phi Beta Kappa, Auguft 27, 1824. 8vo., pp. 67. Bofton, 1824. Oration dehvered at Plymouth, December 22, 1824. 8vo., pp. 73. Bofton, 1825. Speech on the Propofition to Amend the Conftitution of the United States, delivered in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, March 9, 1826. 8vo. -Waftiington, 1826. Oration delivered at Cambridge, July 4, 1826. 8vo. Bofton, 1826. • Report on American Hiftory, February 24, 1827. [19th Cong., 2d Sefs., Ho. of Reps., Rep. No. 91.] 204 New- Yo rk Historical Society. Everett, Edward. Oration delivered at Charleftown, July 4, 1828. 8vo., pp. 43. Charlellown, 1828. A Lefture on the Working Men's Party, iirft delivered Oflober 6, before the Charleftown Lyceum. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1830. Addrefs before the American Inftitute of the City of New York, at their Fourth Annual Fair, Oftober 14th, 1831. N. Y., 1831. Addrefs delivered at the Introduftion to the Franklin Lcdlures in Bofton, November 14, 1831. 8vo. Bofton, 1832. ' Eulogy on Lafayette, delivered in Faneuil Hall, Septembe« 6, 1834. 8vo. Bofton, 1834. Orations and Speeches, on various occafions. 8vo. . . Bofton, 1836. Addrefs before the Mercantile Library Aflbciation, Bofton, 13 th September, 1838. 8vo. • Bofton, 1838. Addrefles at the Inauguration (3f . . . as Prelident of the Uni- verfity of Cambridge, April 30, 1846. pp. 66. Bofton, 1846. A Eulogy on the Life and Charafter of John Quincy Adams, delivered at the Requeft of the Legiflature of Maflachufetts, in Faneuil Hall, April 15, 1848. 8vo. Bofton, 1848. Speech in fupport of the Memorial of Harvard, Williams, and Amherft Colleges, delivered before the Joint Committee on Educa- tion, in the Hall of the Houfe of Reprefentatives, Bofton, on 7th February, 1849. 8vo., pp. 28. Cambridge, 1849. An Oration delivered at Charleftown, on the Seventy-fifth Anni- verfary of the Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1850. 8vo., pp. ']']. Bofton, 1850. The Difcovery and Colonization of America, and Immigration to the United States : a LeAure, delivered before the New York Hiftorical Society, in Metropolitan Hall, on ift June, 1853. 8vo., pp. 32. • Bofton, 1853. Dorchefter in 1630, 1776, and 1855: an Oration, dehvered on the 4th of July, 1855. Alfo, an Account of the Proceedings in 'Dorchefter at the Celebration of the Day. 8vo., pp. 158. Bofton, 1855. The Ufes of Aftronomy: a Difcourfe delivered at Albany on the 28th Auguft, 1856, on Qccafion of the Inauguration of the Dudley Obfervatory. 8vo., pp. 50. Bofton, 1856. Everett, George. Encouragement for Seamen and Mariners. In 2 parts. 4to., pp. 24. Lond., 1695. Everett, L. S. An Expofure of the Principles of the " Free Inquirers." 8vo. Bofton, 1 83 1. Everett, Moses. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Oliver Everett, Bofton, January 2, 1782, 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1782. Evidence of Character ; or, the Innocent Impofture. Being a Portrait of a Traitor, by his Friends and by Himfelf [O'Connor]. 8vo., pp. 20. Lond., 1798. Evidences of Christianity. Infidelity: comprifmg Jenyns' Internal Evidence j Leflie's Method ; Lyttleton's Converfion of Paul ; Catalogue of Printed Books. 205 Watfon's Reply to Gibbon and Paine ; a Notice of Hume on Miracles, and an Extradl from Weft on the Refurreftion. i8mo. EwBANK, Thomas. The World a Workfhop ; or, the Phyfical Rela- tionfhip of Man to the Earth. i2mo. N. Y., 1855. EwELL, Thomas Washington. Plain Difcourfe on the Laws or Pro- perties of Matter; containing Elements or Principles of Modern Chemiftry, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1806. EwiNG, M. C. Defcription of the Water Power at the Great Falls of the Potomac. With a map. 8vo. 1845.- Examination. A Candid, of the Legality of the Warrant ifflied by the Secretaries of State, for Apprehending the Printers, Publifhers, etc. of a late Interefting Paper. 4to., pp. 11. Lend., 1764. of the Prefident's Meftage of December 7, 1 80 1 . Revifed and correfted by the Author. 8vo., pp. 127. N. Y., 1802. Exchequer. A Compendium of the feveral Branches of Praftice in the Court of, at Weftminfter, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1688. Excise (The) Rectify'd ; or, a Plain Demonftration that the Revenue, etc., may be Improved. 4to., pp. 16. Lond., 1695-6. Excise Bill. A Short Letter to a Merchant in Bofton, in Anfwer to one received refpefting the, etc. By a True Friend to Liberty. 8vo. Bofton, 1754. Excise Laws. A Short Hiftory of the Nature and Confequences of, including fome Account of the Recent Interruption to the Manu- fadlorics of SnufF and Refined Sugar. Svo. Ph'l., 1795. Excise Scheme. Review of the, etc. ; with fome Proper Hints to the Eledtors of Great Britain. 8vo., pp. 71. Lond., 1733. Excursion through the United States and Canada, during the years 1822-23. By an Englifti Gentleman. 8vo. Lond., 1824. Exeter. Refult of a Council of Ten Churches, convened at, January 31, 1743. i2mo. Bofton, 1744. A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocefe ... at the Primary Vifitation of John, Lord Bifhop of. 410., pp. 25. Exeter, 1805. Expatriation. A Treatife on. Svo. Wafhington, 1814. Review of a Treatife, etc., by George Hay, Efq. By a Mafla- chufctts Lawyer. 8vo. Bofton, 1 814. Expedition to the Coaft of France. A Genuine Account of the late Grand, etc. 8vo., pp. 43. Lond., 1757. An Impartial Narrative of By an Eye Witnefs. 8vo., pp. 21. Lond., 1758. An Authentic Account of our Laft Attempt upon the Coaft of France. 8vo., pp. 46. Lond., 1758. Experience the Teft of Government : in Eighteen Effays. Written during the years 1 805 and 1 806, to aid the Inveftigation of Prin- ciples and Operation of the exifting Conftitution and Laws of Pennfylvania. 8vo., pp. 60. Phil., 1807. ExPL.^NATioN (An) of the Nature of Equation of Time, and ufe of the Equation Table for Adjufting Watches and Clocks to the Motion 2o6 New-York Historical Society. of the Sun ; alfo, the Defcription of a Time Keeper for Aftronom- ical and other ufes. 4to., pp. 22. Lond., 1731. Explanatory Defence of the Ellimate of the Manners and Principles of the Times. 8vo. Lond., 1758. Extempore Preaching. The Pradlice of what is called,_ recommended, etc. By a Clergyman of the Church of England. 8vo., pp. x., 126. Warrington, 1794. Extracts. Interefting and Amuling. Nos. i and 2. i2mo., pp. 48. ExTRAiT du Journal d'un Officier de la Marine de I'Efcadre de M. Le Comte D'Eftaing. 8vo., pp. 126. [No. 132 of Warden's Coll. S. L. Portrait gone.] (Paris?) 1782. Eyre, John, Union and Friendly Intercourfe Recommended among fuch of the various Denominations of Calvinifls, and the Members of the late Mr. Wefley's Societies, as Agree in the Eflential Truths oftheGofpel. 8vo., pp. 34. Lond., 1798. Faber, George Stanley. A DifTertation on the Prophecies, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Bofton, 1808. A General and Connefled View of the Prophecies relative to the Converfion, etc. of the Houfes of Judah and Ifrael. 8vo. Bofton, 1809. Faction Detefted by the Evidence of Fads ; containing an Impartial View of Parties at Home and Affairs Abroad. Third edition. 8vo., pp. 175. Lond., 1743. Facts are Stubborn Things ; or. Nine Plain Queftions to the People of Connefticut; with a Brief Reply to each. By Simon Hold-Faft. 8vo., pp.. 23. Hartford, 1803. Facts and Documents relating to the ftate of the Controverfy between America and Great Britain, and the Difpofitions of the Two Cabinets to make Peace. By a Friend of Truth and of Honorable Peace. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1 81 3. for the Laboring Man. By a Laboring Man. 8vo., pp. 102. Newport, R. L, 1840. Factum pour Mrs. E. De Vry Temminck, J. Rendorp Bourguemaitres et al., contre Louis, Due de Brunfwyck. 8vo., pp. 38. HoUande, 178 1. Fagel, Myn Heer. a Letter writ by, giving an Account of the Prince of Orange's Thoughts concerning the Repeal of the Teft and the Penal Laws. 4to., pp. 8. Reflexions on Letter of 4to., pp. 4. Fairbairn, Henry. A Defence of William Penn from the Charges contained in the Hiftory of England, by the Right Hon. Thomas Babington Macaulay. 8vo., pp. 38. Phil., 1849. Fairbank, Drury. Apoftolic Conformity lUuftrated : in a Sermon delivered at Plymouth, N. H., September 24, 1806. 8vo., pp. 27. Concord, 1807. Catalogue of Printed Books. 207 Fairburn's Complete Abftraft of the New Stamp Aft of July 28, 1804, etc. 8vo., pp. 44. Lend. Fairfax, Ferdinando. Oration delivered in Charleftown, in Virginia, on the 4th July, 1 805'. 8vo. Waftiington, 1808. Fairfield, Sumner L. Lays of Melpomene. l2mo. Portland, 1824. The Paflage of the Sea : a Poem ; with other Pieces. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1826. Fair Lucretia, etc., and Edwin and Angelina. A Sentimental Tale. l2mo., pp. 12. Danbury. Faith. An Inquiry Concerning. 8vo., pp. 107. Lond., 1744. Falconbridge, Alexander. An Account of the Slave Trade on tha Coaft of Africa, etc. Second edition. i2mo., pp. 72. Lond., 1788. Falconer, Thomas. On the Difcovery of the MifTiffippi, and on the South-Weftern Oregon, and North-Weilern Boundary of the United States. With a Tranflation from the original MS. of Me- moirs relative to the Difcovery of the Miffiflippi, by La Salle and De Tonty. Map. i2mo. Lond., 1844. The Oregon Oueftion, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1845. Same. Second edition. With the Poftfcript and Second Poft- fcript, etc., in Reply to Mr. Greenhow. 8vo. Lond., 1845. Falconet and Diderot. Sculpture in General, 4to. Lond., 1777. Fall of Underwald, The. By an Eye-Witnefs. From the German. 8vo., pp. 20. Lond., 1798. Falle, Philip. Sermon preached at Whitehall, December 30, 1694, 4to. Lond., 1695. Familiar Inquiry concerning the Fixed Rule of God's Worfhip, and Men's Departing from it. i2mo., pp. xi. 59. Lond., 1784. Family Tale, The ; or, the Story of Pitt, Fox and O'Connor. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1798. Fancy Ball, The. A Letter Loft from the Portfolio ofa Young Lady of Albany. 8vo. Albany, 1 846. Fanning, Nathaniel. Memoirs . . . etc. l2mo. N. Y., 1809. Fantin-Desodoards, Antoine. Revolutions de I'Independent Ic dix- huitieme fiecle, ou Memoires de Typob-Zaeb, Sultan du Maiflbur, etc. Tome 2e. 8vo. Paris, 1796. Fargeau, Girault de Saint. Apercu Statiftique de la France. Deux- ieme edit. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Farley, Frederick A. " What is Truth ?" A Difcourfc, preached in the Lefture Room of the Brooklyn Lyceum, April 9, 1843. 8vo. N. Y., 1843. Dangers of a Bufmefs Life. A Sermon preached at the Church of the Saviour, Brooklyn, 19th Sept., 1847. 8vo. N. Y., 1847. Farley, Stephen. Sermon on the Death of the Hon. Caleb EUis, de- hvered at Claremount, N. H., May 13, 18 16. Farmer, Daniel Davis. Trial of, for the Murder of the Widow Anna Ayer, at GofFftown, on the 4th of April, 1821. Concord, 1821. 2o8 New -York Historical Society. Farmer, John. An Hiftorical Sketch of Amherft, in the County of Hillfborough, in New Hampfhire, from its Firft Settlement to the Prcfent Period, 8vo. Amherft, 1820. and Jacob B. Moore. A Gazetteer of the State of New Hamp- fhire. Map and engravings, by Abel Bowen. 1 2mo. Concord, 1823. and Jacob B. Moore. Colleftions, Hiftorical and Mifcellaneous ; and Monthly Literary Journal ... 3 vols. 8vo. Concord, 1822-24. Genealogical Regifter of the Firft Settlers of New England. 8vo. Lancafter, Maff., 1829. Memorials of the Graduates at Harvard Univerfity, in Cambridge, Maffachufetts, commencing with the Firft Clafs, 1642. 8vo. Concord, N. H., 1833. Farmers' and Planters' Friend. Nos. I.-VII. 1821. Farmers' Museum, and Lay Preachers' Gazette, Spirit of the. i2mo. Walpole, N. H., 1 80 1. Farnham, Luther. A Glance at Private Libraries. 410. Bofton, 1855. Fast. Seafonable Refleftions adapted to the Approaching, etc. 1 2mo., pp. 24. Lond., 1794. ■ The Bible and the Sword ; or, the Appointment of the General Faft Vindicated, in an Addrefs to the Citizens of America, etc. 8vo. Baltimore, 1812. Fast Sermon before the Houfe of Commons, June 30, 1647. [Im- perfect.] February 25th, 1795. By an Orthodox Britilh Proteftant. 8vo., pp. 36. ^ Lond., 1795. Father's (A) Inftru6Uons to his Son. 410., pp. 27. Lond., 1748. Fauche-Borel, Louis. Memoirs on Gen's. Pichegru and Moreau. 8vo. Lond., 1808. Fauchet [Claude], Abbe. Eloge Civique de Benjamin Franklin, pro- nonce le 2 1 Juillet, 1 790, dans la Rotonde, au nom de la Commune de Paris. 1 2mo. Paris, 1 790. Fauchet, Joseph. A Sketch of the Prefent State of our Political Re- lations with the United States of North America. Tranflated by the Editor of the "Aurora." 8vo., pp. 31. Phil., 1797. Faustus. a Fragment of a Parody, humbly recommended to this En- lightened Diforganizing Age. By an Antiquarian. 8vo., pp. 58. Lond., 1793. Fawcett, Benjamin. The Saints' Everlafting Reft, by the Rev. Rich- ard Baxter. 1 2mo. [American Trad Society.] N. Y. The Dying Thoughts of the Rev. Richard Baxter ; abridged by. [American Traft Society.] N. Y. The Sacred Almoner : in Two Difcourfes. Lond., 1757. Fay, H. a. Colleftion of the Official Accounts, in detail, of all the Battles Fought by Sea and Land during the War of 1 812-15. 8vo. N.Y., 1817. Catalogue of Printed Books. 209 Fav, Richard S. An Oration delivered before the Citizens of Bofton, on the 58th Anniverfary of American Independence. 8vo., pp. 31. Borton, 1834. Fay, Warren. A Sermon delivered at the Funeral of the Rev. Ben- jamin B. Wifncr, . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 31. Bollon, 1835. Fayette in Prison ; or. Misfortunes of the Great. A Modern Trage- dy. By a Gentleman of Maflachufetts. 8vo. Worceftcr, 1802. Fearon, Henry Bradshaw. Sketches of America. A Narrative of a Journey of Five Thoufand Miles through the Eaftern and Weftern States of America, etc. Third edition. 8vo. Lond., 18 19. Featherstonhaugh, G. W. See Cicero. Geological Report of an Examination made in 1834, of the Ele- vated Country between the Miflburi and Red Rivers. 8vo. [23d Congrefs, 2d Seffion, Ex. Doc. 151.] Wafhington, 1835. Febure, Guillaume le (Baron dc St. Ildephont). Itineraire Hiftorique, Politique, Geographique, etc., des VII. Provinces-Unies dcs Pays- Bas, etc. Tomes 2. i2mo. A la Haye, 178 1-2. Federal Catechism Metamorphosed (The) ; or, the Natural Spirit of Federalifm Expofed ; from the Works of their Federal Holinefs, etc. 8vo. N. H., 1804. Federal Convention. Secret Proceedings and Debates of the, etc. (of 1787), from the Notes taken by Chief Juftice Yates. With the " Genuine Information." By Luther Martin, etc. 8vo. Albany, 1821. Federal Government. An Addrefs from a Minifter in Virginia, to his People, in a Special Meeting on Week Day, March, 1798, occa- fioned by their Oppofition to the Meafures adopted by the, etc. 8vo. Hanover, N. H., 1 799. Federalism Triumphant in the Steady Habits of Connedicut alone; or, the Turnpike Road to a Fortune. A Comic Opera, or Politi- cal Farce, in fix afts. 8vo., pp. 40. 1 802. Federalist. An Anfwer to the Queftions, Why are You a Federalift ? and Why fhall You Vote for Governor Strong ? 8vo. 1 805. Federalist, Le, ou Colleftion de quelques Ecrits en faveur de la Con- ftitution propofee aux Etats-Unis de I'Amcrique, par la Convention Convoquee en 1787. Publics par MM. Hamilton, Madifon, et Jay, etc. Tome II. 8vo. A Paris, 1792. Federalists. A Word to, and to thofe who Love the Memory of Wafhington. 8vo., pp. 14. Feldborg, a. Andersen. The Hiftory of Norway from the Earlieft Times, by G. L. Baden, LL.D., and from the Union of Calmar, by Baron Holberg. Tranflated from the Danifh and continued to the Prcfent Time. 8vo. Lond., 18 17. Felix Trembling. Third Sermon. [Imperfeft.] Fellowes, Robert. Anti-Calvinift ; or. Two Plain Difcourfes on Redemption and Faith. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 28. Lond., 1 801. Fkllowes, William Dorset. Narrative of the Lofs of the Lady 14 2IO New-York Historical Society. Hobart (Packet) on an Ifland of Ice, 28th Jnne, 1803. Fifth edition. 8vo., pp. 46. Lend., 1803. [Fellows, John.] The Charafter and Doftrines of Jefus Chrift. From the Author's MS. With Reafons for Sccpticifm in Revealed Re- ligion. By John Hollis. Alfo, the Hiftory of the Man after God's own Heart, izmo., pp. 113. N. Y., 1796. [ ] The Porthumous Works of Junius. To which is prefixed, an Inquiry refpedling the Author; alfo, a Sketch of the Life of John HorncTooke. 8vo. N. Y., 1829. Expofition of the Myfteries ; or. Religious Dogmas and Cuftoms of the Ancient Egyptians, Pythagoreans and Druids. With an Enquiry into the Origin, etc., of Frecmafonry. 8vo. N. Y., 1835. The Veil Removed ; or, Reflcftions on David Humphrey's Eflays on the Life of Ifracl Putnam, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1843. Felt, Joseph B. Hiftory of Ipfwich, Eflex, and Hamilton. 8vo. Cambridge, 1834. An Hiftorical Account of the Maflachufetts Currency. 8vo. Bofton, 1839. Annals of Salem. Second edition. 2 vols. 1 2mo. Bofton, 1845-49. Did the Firft Church of Salem originally have a Confeflion of Faith diftinft from their Covenant? 8vo., pp. 28. Bofton, 1856. Felton, Henry. Sermon before the Univerfity of Oxford, at St. Mary's, on Eaftcr Monday, 1725. 8vo., pp. 26. Oxford. Same. Third edition. 8vo. Lond., 1733. Difcourfe, etc. Sequel to the above. 8vx). Lond., 1733. Sermon before the Univerfity at Oxford, at St. Mary's, Novem- ber 24, 1734. 8vo. Oxford, [1734.] Feltus, Henry. Addrefs upon the Ceremony of Dedicating the New Mafonic Hall in the City of New York, the 30th of Oftober, 1827, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1827. Female Jockey Club, The. A Sketch of the Manners of the Age. i2mo. Rep., N. Y., 1794. Fennell, James. Apology for the Life of . . . written by himfelf. 8vo. ' Phil., 1 8 14. Fenner, John Ludd. Sermon at Bury, in Lancafhire, November 2, 1777, on occafion of the Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Grundy. 8vo., pp. 31. Warrington, 1777. Fenner vs. Lewis. Report of the Caufe of, in the Court for the trial of Impeachments and the Correftion of Errors. N. Y., 1812. Fenton, [Elijah.] See Waller. Fenton, Geffray. The Hiftorie of Guicciardin, containing the Warres of Italic and other Partes, etc. Reduced into Englifh. Folio. Lond., 1599. Fenton, Richard. A Hiftorical Tour through Pembrokeftiire. 4to. Plates. Lond., l8ii. Fenwick, Benedict J. Sermon in the Roman Catholic Church, New Catalogue of Printed Books. 2H York, February 25, 18 10, for the Benefit of the City Difpcnfary. 8vo., pp. 22. N. Y., 1 810. Fenwick, George. Sermon in the Parifh Church of Hallaton, OcElober 31, 1736, on account of the Small Pox breaking out there. 8vo., pp. 18. Lond., 1736, Ferber, John James. Travels through Italy in the years 1771 and 1772, etc. From the German. With Notes, etc., by R. E. Rafpe. 8vo. Lond., 1776. Fergus, H. The United States. 2 vols. i6mo. [Cab. Cyc] Lond., 1837-8. Fergus, John Freeland. Hiftory and Treatment of the Malignant Cholera, as it prevailed at Vienna, from the 12th Auguft, 1831, to the 15th February, 1832. 8vo., pp. 23. N. Y., 1832. Ferguson, Adam. The Hiftory of the Progrefs and Termination of the Roman Republic, ift American edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1805. Fergusson, James. Trial for Adultery with the Countefs of Elgin. 8vo,, pp. 14. Lond., [1807.] Ferriar, John. Illuftrations of Sterne, with other EfTays and Verfes. 8vo. Lond., 1798. Ferris, Benjamin. A Hiftory of the Original Settlements on the Dela- ware, from its Difcovery by Hudfon to its Settlement by Penn, etc. 8vo. Wilmington, 1846. Ferris, Charles G. Charge to the Grand Jury, delivered March 4, 1834. 8vo. [City Doc. No. 102.J Fessenden, Thomas. A Theoretic Explanation of the Science of Sanftity, etc. 8vo. Brattleboro, Vt., 1804. [Fessenden, Thomas Green.] Terrible Traftoration ! ! a Poetical Petition againft Galvanizing Trumpery, etc. i2mo. Lend., 1803. [- Same. Second American edition. 8vo. Phil., 1 806. Democracy Unveiled ; or. Tyranny Stripped of the Garb of P'atriotifm. By Chriftopher Cauftic, etc. Second edition. i2mo. Bofton, 1805. [ ] Same. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1 806. Original Poems. l2mo. .Phil., 1806. The Weekly Infpeftor. Vols. L H. 8vo. N. Y., 1 806-7. Thoughts on the Prefent Difpute between Great Britain and America. 8vo. Phil., 1807. An Eflay on the Law of Patents for New Inventions, with an Appendix containing the French Patent Law, Forms, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1 8 10. The Regifter of Arts ; or, a Compendious View of fome of the moft ufeful and modern Difcoveries and Inventions. 8vo. Phil, 1808. Feste Celebrate in Parma per le Nozze del reale Infante Duca Fer- dinando de Borbone con S. A. R. I'Arciduchefla d'Auftria Maria Amalia, I'Anno 1769. Folio. Parma, [1769.] Fetes Publiques donnecs par Ic Ville de Paris, a Toccafion du Ma- y 212 New-York Historical Society. riage de Monfelgneur le Dauphin, les 23 et 26 Fevrier, 1745. Folio. [Paris, 1745.] Feuillee, Louis. Journal des Obfervations Phyfiques, Mathematiques et Botaniques, faites par ordre du Roi fur les Cotes Orientales d' I'Amerique Meridionale, et aux Indes Occidentales, etc. 410. Paris, 1725. FiDLER, Isaac. Obfervations on Profeffions, Literature, Manners and Emigration in the United States and Canada, made during a Refi- dence there in 1832. i2mo. N. Y., 1833. Field, David D. A Statiftical Account of the County of Middlefex, Connedlicut. Publifhed by the Connefticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. 8vo. Middletown, 1 819. Centennial Addrefs. With Hiftorical Sketches of Cromwell, Portland, Chatham, Middleham, Middletown, and its Parifhes. i2mo. Middletown, Conn., 1853. Field, David Dudley. How Shall the Lawyers be Paid ? or. Some Remarks upon Two Fads recently Paflcd on the fubjeft of the Cofts of Legal Proceedings, in a Letter to John Anthon, Efq. 8vo., pp. 31. N. Y., 1840. — — A Letter to Gulian C. Verplanck, on the Reform of the Judicial Syftem of this State. 8vo., pp. 43. N. Y., 1 840. What fhall be done with the Praftice of the Courts ? Shall it be wholly Reformed ? Queftions addrefled to Lawyers. 8vo., pp. 38. N. Y., 1847. Field, Joseph. Sermon at Chefter, February i, 1815, at the Or- dination of Rev. Samuel M. Emerfon. 8vo. Northampton, 181 5. Field, William. A Second Letter, addrefsed to the Inhabitants of Warwick, etc. 8vo., pp. 52. Birmingham, 179 1. Fielding, Henry. Pafquin : a Dramatic Satire on the Times, etc. 8vo., pp. 64. Lond., 1736. Filangieri, Gaetano. La Scienza della Legiflazione. 5 vols. i2mo. Filadelfia, 1819. Filmer, Sir Robert. Difcourfe : Whether it may be Lawful to take Ufe for Money, etc. i6mo. Lond., 1678. The Freeholders' Grand Inqueft, touching our Sovereign Lord the King and his Parhament. i2mo. Lond., 1679. Filson, John. Hiftorie de Kentucke, Nouvelle Colonic a I'oueft de la Virginie, etc. Traduit de I'Anglois, par M. Parraud. Map. 8vo. Paris, 1785. — — The Difcovery, Settlement, and Prefent State of Kentucky. 8vo. Lend., 1793. FiNDLEY, William. Hiflory of the Infurredlion in the Four Weftern Counties of Pennfylvania in the year m.dcc.xciv. With a Recital of the circumftances fpecially connefted therewith^ and an His- torical Review of the Previous Situation of the Country. 8vo. Phil., 1796. FiNLEY, James. A Brief Attempt to fet the Prohibitions in the xviii. Catalogue of Printed Books. 213 and XX. Chapters of the Book of Leviticus in a Proper Light. l2mo., pp. 20. Wilmington, 1783. Finn, M. D. A Defcription of the Steam Engine, etc. N. Y., 1832. Fischer, Frederick Augustus. Travels in Spain in 1797 and 1798. With an Appendix, on the Method of Travelling in that Country. Tranflated from the German. 8vo. Lond., 1802. Fish, Joseph. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. William Vinal, Newport, R. I., Oftober 29, 1746. 4to. Newport, 1747. Sermon before the General Aflembly of Connefticut, Hartford, May 8, 1760. [Imperfeft.] New London, 1760. Fish, T. G. St. Ann's Church [Brooklyn, N. Y.], from 1784 to 1845, etc. With Appendix. i2mo. Brooklyn, 1845. Fisher, John, Bifhop of Salifbury. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, Feb- ruary 17, 1809. 8vo., pp. 70. Lond., 1809. Fisher, Nathaniel. Sermon delivered at Salem, January 14, 1796, occafioned by the Execution of Henry Blackburn . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 21, Bofton, 1796. Fisher, Samuel W. The Supremacy of Mind : a Leflure before the Young Men's Aflbciation of the City of Troy. 8vo. Albany, 1845. The Purpofe of God, in the Early Death of the Chriftian, Illus- trated : a Sermon, occafioned by the Death of Mifs Mary S, Dwight, a Teacher in the Albany Female Academy, March 2, 1845. 8vo. Albany, 1845. Fisher, William. New Travels among the Indians of North America, compiled from Lewis and Clarke's Travels, etc. 1 2mo. Phil., 1 81 2. FisK, Isaac. Eulogy on Mr. Samuel Smith Adams, Member of the Senior Clafs of Brown Univerfity, April 18, 181 2. 8vo., pp. 16. Providence, 181 2. FisK, Oliver. Addrefs before the Worcefter Agricultural Society, Oftober 8, 1833. FiSK, Theophilus. The Rich Man in Hell : a Difcourfe delivered at the Lombard Street Church, in Philadelphia, March 16, 1828. Philadelphia, 1828. A Hell for all the Wicked clearly proved ! Difcourfe at Wafh- ington, D. C, December 16, 1827, and at Troy, Auguft, 1828. 8vo., pp. 20. ' Phil; The Nation's Bulwark : an Oration on the Freedom of the Prefs, delivered at Danbury, Connefticut, December 5, 1832, on the Liberation of P. T. Barnum, Efq., for Imprifonment for an Alleged Libel, etc. New Haven. Lcfture Sermon, No. i : delivered at the Lombard Street Church, Philadelphia, December 2, 1827. FisK, Wilbur. Eleftion Sermon, May 27, 1829. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1829. 214 New-York Historical Society. FisKE, Abel. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Abiel Abbott, Coventry, Oftobcr 28, 1795. 8vo. Amherft, 1796. FisKE, Abel. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Jacob Abbott, Hampton Falls, Auguft 15, 1798. 8vo., pp. 28. Newburyport, 1798. Difcourfe in Lyndeborough, February 26, 1801, at a Singing Leflure. 8vo., pp. 20. Amherft, N. H., 1801. FisKE, Nathan. Sermon at Brookfield, March 6, 1778, at the Inter- ment of Mr. Jofhua Spooner (murdered), etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1778. Sermon at Brookfield, Oflober 19, 1779, at the Funeral of Hon. Jedediah Fofter. 8vo., pp. 30. 8. Providence. Dudleian Lefture, Harvard College, September 7, 1796. 8vo., pp. 19. Bofton, 1796. FisKE, Thaddeus. Thankfgiving Difcourfe, Cambridge, February 19, 1795. 8vo., pp. 19. Bofton, 1795. Fitch, Asa. Winter Infefts of Eaftern New York. 8vo. Albany. The Heffian Fly; its Hiftory, Charafter, Transformation, and Habits. 8vo. Albany, 1846. Fitch, Ebenezer. Difcourfe addrefTed to the Candidates for the Bacca- laureate, in WilHams' College, September i, 1799. 8vo., pp. 34. Pittsfield. Fitch, Jabez. Difcourfe occafioned by the Earthquake of 29th Ofto- ber, 1727. 8vo., pp. 17. Bofton, 1728. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. John Tucke, at Gofport-on- v^ thc-Shoals, July 26, 1732. 8vo., pp. 19. Bofton, 1732. Two Sermons, on occafion of the Fatal Diftemper, etc. [Sore Throat]. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1736. Fitch, John. The Original Steam-Boat Supported ; or, a Reply to Mr. James Rumfey's Pamphlet, ftiewing the True Priority of John Fitch and the Falfe Datings, etc. of James Rumfey. 8vo. [Imper- feft.] Phil., 1788. Fitzgerald, W. P. A Scriptural View of Slavery and Abolition. Second edition. New Haven, 1839. Flanders. The Hiftory of the Campaign in, in the year 1708. With a Map of Lille and the adjacent Countries. ' 4to. Lond., 1709. Flavel, John. The Touchftone of Sincerity, etc. i2mo. [Am. Tradl Society.] N. Y. ■ Treatife on Keeping the Heart, etc. 1 2mo. [Am. Traft Society.] ■: The Fountain of Life, etc. 8vo, [Am. Trad Society.] N. Y. The Method of Grace, etc. 8vo. [Am. Traft Society.] N. Y. Flavigny, M. le Vicomte de. See Cortes. Fleet, John, Jr. Difcourfe delivered before the Humane Society of Maffachufetts, June 13, 1797. 4to., pp. 25. Bofton, 1797. Fleming, Caleb. Sermon at Pinner's Hall, on the Death of Rev. James Fofter, D. D. With Memoirs. 8vo., pp. 28. Lond., 1753. Defence, etc., occafioned by Mr. Peter Peckard's Obfervations on Mr. Fleming's Survey, etc. 8vo. Imperfeft. Lond., 1759. Catalogue of Printed Books. 215 Fleming, Caleb. Difcourfe at Pinner's Hall, November 5, 1760. 8vo., pp. 28. Lend., 1760. The Open Addrefs of New Teftament Evidence ; or. Three Plain Monuments, etc. 8vo., pp. 72. Lond., 1771. Fleming, Peter. Report to the Prefident and Directors of the Mohawk and Hudfon Railway Company. 8vo., pp. 15. N. Y., 1829. Fleming, R. A Difcourfe of Earthquakes, etc. l6mo., pp. 128. Lond., 1693. Fleming, Robert. Difcourfe on the Rife and Fall of Papacy ; wherein the Revolution in France, and the Abjeft State of the French King, is diftinftly pointed out. 8vo., pp. 70. Rep. Bofton, 1 794, Flemyng, Malcolm. Diflertation on Dr. James' Fever Powder. 8vo., pp. 41. Lond., 1760. [Fleurieu, C. p. Claret de.] Dilcoveries of the French in 1768 and y 1769, to the South Eaft of New Guinea, etc. From the French. 4to. Lond., 1 79 1. Voyage Round the World, performed during the years 1790, '91, and '92, by Etienne Marchand ; preceded by an Hiftorical Introdudion, and illuilrated by Charts. 3 vols. 410. Lond., 1 801. Fleury, Cardinal. Memoirs of his Life and Adminiftration, etc. By an Impartial Hand. Second edition. 8vo. . Lond., 1743. Fleury, [Claude, Abbe.] Hillory, Choice, and Method of Studies. 8vo. Lond., 1695. Flinders, Matthew. A Voyage to Terra Auftralis, undertaken for the purpofe of Completing the Difcovery of that vaft Country, and profecuted in the years 1 801—3, ^^^' "^ y^^' 4to. Atlas. Lond., 1 8 14. Flinn, Andrew. Sermon, 3d April, 1811, at the Dedication of the Second Prefbyterian Church, Charlefton, S. C. 8vo. Charleflon, 1 81 1. Flint, Abel. A Charity Sermon, delivered in the North Prefbyterian Meeting Houfe, in Hartford, Oftober 7, 18 10. 8vo., pp. 12. Hartford, 18 10. Flint, James. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 31, 181 5. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1 81 5. A Difcourfe delivered November, 1 8 19, at the Ordination of the Rev. Seth Alden . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 40. Worcefter, 1820. A Difcourfe delivered in the North Church, January 6, 1833, and repeated there, January 7, 1844. 8vo., pp. 18. Salem, 1844. A Difcourfe delivered March 14, 1846, in the North Dutch Church, in Salem . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 22. Salem, 1846. Sermon delivered in the Eaft Church, in Salem, July 21, 1850, on occafion of the Death of Prefident Taylor, July 10, 1850, and of the Death of the Hon. Nathaniel Silftjee, July 14, 1850. 8vo., pp. 16. Salem, 1850. Flint, Timothy. Indian Wars of the Weft; containing Biographical 2i6 New-York Historical Society. Sketches of thofc Pioneers who headed the Weftern Settlers in Repelling the Attacks of the Savages, etc. 1 2mo. Cincinnati, 1833. Flint, Timothy. The Hiflory and Geography of the MifTiffippi Valley. To which is appended, a Condenfed Phyfical Geography of the Atlantic, United States, and the whole American Continent. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1833. Fllovd, Thomas. Bibliothcca Biographica : a Synopfis of Univerfal Biography, Ancient and Modern. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1760. Flora Lapponica Caroli Linnaji, exhibens Plantas per Lapponiam crefcentes, etc. 8vo. Londini, 1792. Florida. A Relation of the Invafion and Conqueft of, by the Span- iards, under the Command of Fernando de Soto. Written in Portuguefe, by a Gentleman of the Town of Elvas. Small 8vo. Lond., 1686. An Account of the Firfl: Difcovery, and Natural Hiftory of. 4to., pp. 32. _ A Defcription of Eafl: and Weft Florida and the Bahama Iflands, etc., etc. With a Map of the Southern Scftion of the United States, including the Floridas and Bahama Iflands, ftiow- ing the Seat of War in that Department. 181 3. Articles of Agreement and Aflbciation of the Florida Peninsula Land Company. N. Y. Rules of the Superior Court for the Southern Judicial Diftrift of ... in Admiralty. N. Y., 1840. (Weft.) Ordinances adopted by the Convention. 8vo. Natchez, 1810. Flournoy, J. J. Fa£ls Important to Know, refpefting the Conftitu- tion of the Federal Government, in a Religious View. 8vo. Athens, 1837. Floyd, Loammi. Sermon in the Circular Churqh, Charleilown, De- cember 17, 1 819, at the Ordination of the Rev. Jonas King and the Rev. Alfred Wright. 8vo. Charleftown. Flynt, Henry. Sermon for the Thurfday Ledure in Bofton, April 3, 1729. 8vo., pp. 19. Bofton, 1729. Twenty Sermons on various Subjefts, Preached and Publifhed. 8vo. Bofton, 1739. FoBES, Peres. Sermon on the Death of the Rev. James Manning, D. D., July 31, 1 79 1. 8vo., pp. 40. Providence. MalTachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 27, 1795. 8vo. Bofton, 1795. FoLSOM, George. Hiftory of Saco and Biddeford, with Notices of other Early Settlements, and of the Proprietary Governments in Maine, including the Provinces of New Somerfetfliire and Lygonia. i2mo. Saco, 1830. Mexico in 1842. With a Sketch of its Hiftory. i2mo. N. Y., 1 842. Difcourfe delivered before the Maine Hiftorical Society, at its Catalogue of Printed Books. 217 Annual Meeting, September 6, 1846 . . . 8vo., pp. 80. Portland, 1847. [FoLSOM, George.] The Difcoveries of the Zeni. From the North American Review, for July, 1838. 8vo. See Cortes. FoLWELL, Richard. See Condie. Fontaines, M. L'Abbe Des. The Hiftory of the Revolutions of Po- land, from the Foundation of that Monarchy to the Death of Auguilus II. From the French. 8vo. Lond., 1736. Fontaneda, Hernando de Escalante. Memoir . . . refpcfting Flori- da. Written in Spain about the year 1575. [Tranflated by Buckingham Smith, and privately printed by George W. Riggs, Jr., Efq., of Walhington.] 4to. Wafhington, 1854. Foot, Ebenezer, and Ambrose Spencer. Correfpondcnce between. Pubhfhed originally in the Albany Centinel and Regifter. 1 2mo., pp. 48. Albany, 1802. Foot, Joseph J. A Sermon on the Prominent Trait in Teachers of Falfe Religion. 8vo., pp. 16. Brookfield, 1828. Foot, Samuel A. An Argument in Favor of the General Banking Law of this State, delivered before the Supreme Court, at the July Term, 1839. Geneva, 1839. Forbes, Eli. Artillery Eleftion Sermon, June 3, 177 i. 8vo. Bofton. Funeral Sermon, delivered November 6, 1796. (John Low.) 8vo. Newburyport, 1797. Forbes, James Grant. Sketches, Hiftorical and Topographical of the Floridas ; more particularly of Eaft Florida. 8vo. N. Y., 1821. Forbes, William. Account of the Life and Writings of James Beattie. 8vo. N. Y., 1806. Force, Peter. National Calendar and Annals of the United States, 1820-24, 1828-36. 14 vols. i2mo. Wafhington. Trafls and other Papers, relating principally to^the Origin, Set- tlement and Progrefs of the Colonies of North America, from the Difcovery of the Country to the year 1776. Vols. I.-IV. 8vo. Walhington, 1836-46. American Archives . . . Fourth feries. Vols. I.-VI. ; fifth feries. Vols. I.-IIL Folio. Wafhington, 1837-53. Grinnell Land. Remarks on the Englifh Maps of Arftic Dis- coveries in 1 850-1, made at the ordinary meeting of the National Inftitute, Wafhington, in May, 1852. 8vo., pp. 23. Map. [Wafhington, 1852.] Supplement to Grinnell Land, read at the ordinary meeting of the National Inftitute, July, 1853. 8vo., pp. 52. Map. [Wafhington, 1853.] Force's Pifture of Wafhington and Vicinity, for 1845, etc. 4to. 1845. Ford, Henry. Oration delivered in the Prefbyterian Church at Mor- riftown, July 4, 1806. 8vo. Morriftown, 1806. Ford, John. A Serious Addrcfs to Men in Bufinefs, etc. Second edi- tion. 8vo. Lond., 1753. 21 8 New -York Historical Society. Ford, Simon. Two Sermons, at the performance of Publick Penance by certain Criminals, Mid-Lent Sunday, 1696. 4to. Lond., 1697. FoRDUN, Joannes de. Scotichronicon, cum Supplementis et Continua- tione Walteri Boweri, etc. 2 vols, folio. Edinburgh, 1759. FoRDYCE, James. The Delufive and Perfecuting Spirit of Popery. Fail Sermon, in Monkwell Street, loth February. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1779. FoRDYCE, William. Memoirs concerning Hcrculaneum, the Subter- ranean City, lately difcovered at the foot of Mount Vefuvius, etc. 8vo., pp. 68. Lond., 1750. Foreign Relations. An Inquiry into the Prefent State of the, of the Union, as afFefted by the late Meafures of Adminiftration. 8vo. Phil., 1806. Foreigners Scribble for Amusement ; or, Conftitutional Notions of the Powers of the National and State Governments, etc. By Sir George JeofFrey Truftaff, Gent. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1793. Forrest, Edwin. Oration delivered at the Democratic Republican Celebration ... in the City of New York, 4th of July, 1838. 8vo., pp. 24. N. Y„ 1838. Forrest, William S. Hiftorical and Defcriptive Sketches of Norfolk and Vicinity . . .' during a period of Two Hundred Years . . . 8vo. Phil., 1853. Forrest, Thomas. A Voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas, from Balambangan, etc. 8vo. Dublin, 1779. Forry, Samuel. Statiftical Refearches relative to the Etiology of Pul- monary and Rheumatic Difeafes. 8vo. Phil., 1840. The CUmate of the United States and its Endemic Influences. 8vo. N. Y., 1842. Meteorology. Compriling a Defcription of the Atmofphere and its Phenomena, etc. [Extra New World.] N. Y., 1843. FoRSEY, Thoma's, Plaintiff, and Waddel Cunningham, Defendant. Re- port of an Aftion of AlTault, Battery and Wounding, tried in the Superior Court of Judicature for the Province of New York, in the Term of Oftober, 1764. 4to., pp. 68. N. Y., 1764. FoRSTER, Isaac. An Inaugural Diflertation on Dyfentery . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 23. N. Y., 1803. FoRSTER, John, and others. Lives of Eminent Britifh Statefmen. 6 vols. i6mo. [Cab. Cyc] Lond., 183 1-8. FoRSTER, John Reinhold, and G. Forster. Charafteres Generum Plantarum, etc. 4to. Lond., 1776. Obfervations made during a Voyage Round the World, on Phyfi- cal Geography, Natural Hiftory, and Ethic Philofophy, etc. 4to. Lond., 1778. Hiftory of the Voyages and Difcoveries made in the North. Tranflated from the German, and elucidated by feveral New and Original Maps. 4to. Lond., 1786. Fort Frontenac. An Impartial Account of Lieutenant-Colonel Brad- Catalogue of Printed Books. 219 flreet's Expedition ... By a Volunteer on the Expedition. 8vo. Lend., 1759. Fortune, T. An Epitome of the Stocks and Public Funds. Lond., 1800. Forum Orator (The) ; or, the American Public Speaker, etc. 1 2mo. Bofton, 1804. FosBROKE, Thomas Dudley. Encyclopaedia of Antiquities and Ele- ments of Archaeology, Claffical and Mediaeval. 2 vols. 4to. Lend., 1825. Foreign Topography ; or, an Encyclopaedic Account, Alphabet- ically arranged, of the Ancient Remains in Africa, Afra and Eu- rope, forming a Sequel to the Encyclopaedia of Antiquities. 4to. Lond., 1828. Foster, Andrew. See Lefter. Foster, Daniel. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 26, 1790. 8vo. Bofton. Foster, Ephraim H. A Communication to the General Aflembly of Tenneflee, touching Several Inftruftions. 8vo. Athens, 1839. Foster, Jacob. Two Short Difcourfes on Chriftian Peace, delivered at Rye, February 18, 1781. 8vo., pp, 24. Ports., 1782. Foster, James. An Account of the Behaviour of the Earl of Kilmar- nock after his Sentence, and on the Day of his Execution. With an Appendix. 8vo., pp. 51. Lond., 1746. Review of his Account of the Behaviour of the late Earl of Kil- marnock, etc. By a Weftminfter Scholar. 8vo. Lond., 1746. Foster, John. Speech in the Houfe of Commons of Ireland, April 1 1, 1799, on the Union. 8vo. Lond., 1799. Obfervations on above, by a Gentleman at the Bar. 8vo. Lond., 1799. Foster, John. Funeral Difcourfe, delivered December 29, 1799, (George Wafhington.) 8vo. Bofton, 1800. — — Sermon delivered September 7, 1803, at the Inftallation of the Rev. Joel Fofter to the Paftoral Office in Sudbury. 8vo. Cambridge, 1803. Univerfal Salvation, argued in Four Difcourfes, delivered in the City of New York, a. d. 1807. 8vo., pp. 48. N. Y., 1807. Artillery Eledlion Sermon, June 5, 1809. 8vo. Bofton, 1809. Foster, J. H. Addrefs delivered before the Society of the Alumni of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, at their Firft Annual Meeting. 8vo., pp. 40. Baltimore, 1849. Foster, J. W., and J. D. Whitney. Report of Geology and To- pography of the Portion of Lake Superior Land Diftrift in the State of Michigan. Two parts, 8vo. [Part L Houfe Doc. No. 69, 31ft Congrefs, ift Seflion; Part IL Senate Doc. No. 4, Special Seflion, 1851.] Wafhington. Foster, Nathaniel. The Young Freemafon's Guide. An Addrefs before St. Alban's Lodge, Brooklyn, 27th December, 1797. 8vo. N.Y.,1797. New-York Historical Society. FoTHERGiLL, George. Sermon at St. Mary's in Oxford, at the Affizes, March 6, 1734-5. Second edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1735. FoTHERGiLL, JoHN. A Complete Colleftion of the Philofophical Works of, with an Account of his Life. By John Eliot, M. D. 8vo. Lond., 1781. FoTHERGiLL, Thomas. Sermon Thankfgiving for Peace, April 25th, 1749, before the Univerfity of Oxford, at St. Mary's. 8vo., pp. 32. Oxford, 1749. Faft Sermon before the Mayor and Corporation at St. Martin's in Oxford, February 11, 1757. 8vo., pp. 26. Oxford, 1757. FouGASSES, Thomas de. The Generall Hiftorie of the Magnificent State of Venice, from the Firil: Foundation thereof untill this Prefent Time. Englifhed by W. Shute. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 161 2. Fowler, Andrew. Sketch of the Life and Death of Mifs Hannah Dyckman, King's Ferrj'. 8vo. Danbury, 1795. Form of Morning and Evening Prayer, compiled for the Ufe of an Academy. i2mo. N. Y., 1802. Fowler, Joh.v. Journal of a Tour in the State of New York in 1830. With Remarks on Agriculture in thofe parts moft Eligible for Set- tlers, etc. l2mo. Lond., 1831. Fowler, Orin. Sermon delivered March 9, 1825, at the Ordination of the Rev. Ifrael G. Rofe, in Weftminfter Society, Canterbury. 8vo. Hartford, 1825. An Hiftorical Sketch of Fall River, from 1 620-1 841, etc. 8vo. Fall River, 1841. Fowler, William C. A Sermon preached at the Dedication of the South Congregational Church in Durham, Connedicut, December 29, 1847. 8vo. Amherft, 1847. FowNEs, Joseph. Sermon preached at Shrewfbury, July 27, 1783, on the Death of Rev. Job Orton. 8vo., pp. 43. Shrewfbury, 1783. Fox, Charles James. Letter to the Eleftors of Weftminfter. Fifth edition. 8vo., pp. 43 Lond., 1793. ■ Speech on Mr. Grey's Motion in the Houfe of Commons, May 26, 1797. Seventh edition. 8vo. Lond., 1797. Speech on the Anniverfary of his Eleftion, etc. 8vo., pp. 8. Lond., 1 801, A Hiftory of the Early Part of the Reign of James IL, with an Introduftory Chapter. With an Appendix. 4to. Phil., 1 808. A Tranflation of the French Letters in the 'Appendix to his Hiftory, etc. 4to. Lond., 1808. Fox, North and Burke. The Beauties of, feleded from their Speeches, from the Palling of the Quebec Aft, in the year 1774. Second edition. Lond., 1784. Fox, George. Journal of his Life, Travels, Sufferings, etc. Fifth edi- tion. 2 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1808. Fox, W. Difcourfe on National Fafts, particularly in reference to that of April 19th, 1793, on occafion of the War againft France. Third edition. 8vo. Lond., 1793. Catalogue of Printed Books. 221 FoxcROFT, Thomas. Sermon occafioned by the Earthquake of 1727. With Notes. 8vo., pp. 52. Bofton, 1727. Funeral Sermon (William Waldron), with a Prefatory Epiftle, etc. By W. Cooper, 8vo. Bofton, 1727. Funeral Sermon delivered in Bofton, June 19, 1729. (John Williams and Thomas Blowers.) 8vo. Bofton, 1729. — r-^ Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Zechariah Thayer, as Deacon, Bofton, May 23, 17/1. 8vo. Bofton, 1731. Sermon on the Death of Mr. Benjamin Wadfworth, Preacher at Bofton, May 27, 1737. Sermon at the Tuefday Evening Lefture, January 30, 1749-50. 8vo,, pp. 64. Bofton, 1750. Sermon on the Saints' United Confeffion in Difparagement of their own Righteoufnefs. Sermon in Bofton, January 30, 1 749-50. 8vo., pp. 64. Bofton, 1750. Frame, James. Sermon before the Society in Scotland for Propagating ChriftianKnowledge, JuneS, 1781. 8vo., pp.75. Edinburgh, 178 1. France. Topographia Galliae, dat is een Algemeene en Naeukenrige Lant en Plaets, befchrrijvinghe van het Machtige Koninckrijck Vranckryck. Vols. I. II. IV. Folio. Amfterdam, 1660-63. The Hiftory of, from the Origin of that Nation to the year 1702, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1702. — — Franco-Galha ; or, an Account of the Ancient Free State of France, and moft other Parts of Europe, before the Lof of their Liberties, originally written in Latin by the Famous Civilian, Fran- cis Hotoman, in the year 1574, and tranflated into Englilh by the Author of the Account of Denmark. Second edition, etc. 8vo. \ Lond., 1721. Memorials prefented by the Deputies of the Council of Trade in, to the Royal Council, in 1701, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1736. Memorial concerning the Prefent State of the Proteftant Religion in, etc. 8vo., pp. 29. Lond., 1745. Five Weeks' Tour to Paris, Verfailles . . . Third edition. 8vo. Lond., 1754. L'Etat de la . . . 5 vols. i8mo. Vols. L H. IV. V. VI. Paris, 1749. Recherches et Confiderations fur les Finances de, depuis I'annee 1795, jufqu' a r annee 1 721. In 2 vols. 4to. Bafle, 1763. Hiftoire de Francois Premier, Roi de la France, dit le Grand Roi et le pere des Lettres. Par M. Gaillard. Second edition. Vols. L in. IV. V. Vm. iSmo. Paris, 1769. Le Point du Jour, ou Refultat de ce qui s'eft Pafle aux Etats Gcneraux, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1789-90. Hiftoire de la Revolution de 1789,61 de I'Etabliflement d'une Conftitution en, par deux amis de la Liberte. Tome I. 8vo. Paris, 1790. Conftitution of the Republic of, completed on the 26th June, 1793. 8vo. N. Y., 1793. New-York Historical Society. France and Great Britain. Meflage of the Prefident of the United States to Congrefs relative to, delivered December 5, 1793. 8vo. Phil., 1793. Colle£lion of the Heroic and Civic Aftions of the French Re- publicans. Laid before the National Convention, by Leonard Bourdon. Tranflated by H. P. Nugent. 8vo. Phil., 1794. Proceedings in the National Convention of Paris, and other au- thentic Documents refpefting Religion in. ^vo., pp. 35. Lond., 1794. The Revolution in, confidered in refpeft to its Progrefs and EfFefts. By an American. 8vo., pp. 72. N. Y., 1794. A Colleftion of State Papers, relative to the War againft France now carrying on, by Great Britain and the feveral other European Powers. 8vo. Lond., 1794. Conftitution of the French Republic, offered to the French Peo- ple by the National Convention, etc. Tranflated from a corredl French original. 8vo. Phil., 1795. — — Condudl of the Government of, towards the Republic of Geneva. Tranflated from the French, by a Citizen of Trenton. 8vo., pp. 16. Trenton, N. J., 1798. The Imperial Family and Great Ofiicers of State, Civil and Military, in, etc. Rife, Progrefs and Confequences of the New Opinions and Prin- ciples lately introduced into, etc. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1799. An Addrefs on the Paft, Prefent and Eventual Relations of the United States . . . 8vo. N. Y., 1803. Short View of the Caufes which led to, and Juftified the War with France. 8vo. Lond., 1803. Poftes Imperiales. Etat General des Poftes et Relais de I'Empire Francaife, drefle par Ordre du Confeil d'Adminiftration, etc. Pour I'an 1807. 8vo. Paris, 1807. - Sketch of the Military Syflem of, with Obfervations on the Character and Defigns of the French Government, etc. 8vo., pp. 102. Baltimore, 1812. - A Series of Articles reprinted from the Encyclopaedia Americana, 8vo. Phil., 1 83 1. - Projet de Conftitution pour la Republique Francaife, prefente par la Commiflion des Ouze, etc. 8vo., pp. 82. - Statiftique de la France publiee par le Miniftre des Travaux Public de I'Agriculture et du Commerce. 410. Paris, 1837. -Same. 4 vols. 410. Paris, 1840-1. - Compte General de I'Adminiftration des Finances rendu pour I'annee 1837, par le Miniftre Secretaire d'Eclat de Finances. 4to. Paris, 1838. - Tableau Decennal de la, avec les Colonies, et les PuilTances Strangeres, publiee par I'Adminiftration des Donanes, 1827 a 1836. 4to. Paris, 1838. - Statiftique de la, publiee par le Miniftre des Travaux de I'Agri- culture et du Commerce. 410. Paris, 1838. Catalogue of Printed Books. 223 France and Mexico. Examination of the Difficulties between thofe Powers., By a Citizen of the United States. 8vo. 1839. Hiftoire Financiere de la, depuis I'Origine de la Monarchic juf- qua' a la annee 1828, etc. 8vo. 2 Tom. Paris, 1840. Rapport au Roi fur I'lnftruftion Secondaire. 410. Paris, 1843. Compte General d I'Adminiftration de la Juftice Civile et Com- merciale en France, pendant I'annee 1841, prefente au Roi par le garde des Sceaux, Miniftre Secretaire d'Etat au Department de la Juftice et des Cettes. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1843. Univerfite Royale de Concours General des Colleges de Paris et de Verfailles, 16 Aout. ' 1843. Statiftique de la, Publiee par le Miniftre de I'Agriculture et du Commerce. Paris, 1843. Documents Statiftiques fur la, publiees par le Miniftre du Com- merce. 4to. Paris, 1845. Journees de Juin 1 848, Recit Complete des Evenements feances de I'Aflemblee Nationale. i2mo. N. Y., 1848. Francfort, E. Report of the Mines of the Chatham Cobalt Mining Company. 8vo., pp. 22. Middletown, 1853. Francis, Benjamin. The Conflagration : a Poem on the Laft Day. In Four Parts. 8vo. Phil., 1787. Francis, Convers. Independence Addrefs, delivered at Watertown, 4th July, 1828. 8vo., pp. 23. Cambridge, 1828. An Hiftorical Sketch of Watertown, in Maflachufetts, from the Firft Settlement of the Town to the Clofe of its Second Century. 8vo., pp. 151. • Cambridge, 1830. Francis, John Wakefield. Inaugural Diflertation on Mercury . . . 14th May, 181 1. 8vo., pp. 56. N. Y., 181 1. Cafe of Eteritis, accompanied with a Preternatural Formation of the Ileum. 8vo., pp. N. Y., 18 10. [ ] Hiftorical Sketch of the Origin, Progrefs, and Prefent State , / of the College of Phylicians and Surgeons . . . 8vo., pp. 52. N. Y., 1813. Addrefs delivered on the Anniverfary of the Philolexian Society of Columbia College, May 15, 1 83 1. [On the Life and Charafter of Chancellor Livingfton.] 8vo., pp. 43. N. Y., 1831. Difcourfe delivered upon the Opening of the New Hall of the New York Lyceum of Natural Hiftory. [28th December, 1836.] 8vo., pp. 93. N. Y., 1 841. Anniverfary Difcourfe before the New York Academy of Medi- cine . . . November 10, 1847. 8vo., pp. 112. N. Y., 1847. Inaugural Addrefs, delivered before the New York Academy of Medicine, February 2, 1848. 8vo., pp. 23. N. Y., 1848. Reminifcences of Printers, Authors and Bookfellers in New York : an Addrefs at the Printers' Banquet in New York, on the i6th January, 1852. [International Magazine, Vol. V., pp. 253-266.] 8vo. ^ N. Y., 1852. See American Medical and Philofophical Regifter. 224 New -York Historical Society. Francis, Philip. Proceedings in the Houfe of Commons, on the Slave Trade, and the State of the Negroes in the Well: India Iflands. With an Appendix. 8vo. Lond., 1796. Franckel, David Hirchel. A Thanklgiving Sermon for the Victory obtained on the 5th December, 1757, by the King of Pruflia, over the Auftrians, in Silelia. Tranflated from the original German. Tenth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1758. Same. Tenth edition. 8vo., pp. 16. Rep. Bofton, 1758. pRANKLin Bank. In Chancery: James Kent, Receiver, etc. of the, againll: Samuel Legeett. Copy Bill of Complaint, filed September 24, 1 83 1. 8vo., pp. 42. N. v., 1832. [Franklin, Benjamin.] An Hiftorical Review of the Conftitution and Government of Pennlylvania, from its Origin, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1759. [ ] The Intereft of Great Britain Confidcred, with regard to her Colonies, and the Acquifitions of Canada and Guadaloupe, etc. 8vo. Rep. Bofton, 1760. An Anfvver to his Remarks on a late Protefl. 8vo. Phil., 1764. The Examination of . . . relative to the Repeal of the Amer- ican Stamp Aft, in 1766. 8vo., pp. 50. Lond., 1767. Experiments and Obfervations on Eleftricity, made at Philadel- phia, in America. 4to. Lond., 1769. • Experiments and Obfervations on Eleftricity, made at Philadel- phia, in America. To which are added. Letters and Papers on Philofophical Subjefts. Illuftrated with copper-plates. 8vo. Lond., 1769. Political, Mifcellaneous, and Philofophical Pieces, etc. With Explanatory Plates, Notes, and Index. 8vo. Lond., 1779. Private Life . . . written by Himfelf. Tranflated from the French edition; with Anecdotes, and the Eulogium of M. Fauchet. 8vo. Lond., 1793. Works. Confifting of his Life, written by Himfelf; with Eflays, etc. 2 vols. l2mo. Lend., 1793. Memoirs of his Life and Writings ; together with the whols of his Political, Philofophical, and Mifcellaneous Works. 6 vols, 8vo. Phil., 1808-18. Memoirs of his Life and Writings. By Himfelf to a Late Period; and continued to the time of his Death, by his Grandfon, WilHam Temple Franklin. 4to. Lond., 1 81 8. Colleftion of his Familiar Letters and Mifcellaneous Papers. [By Jared Sparks.] i2mo. Bofton, 1833. Mejnoirs of the late ; with a Review df his Pamphlet, entitled, ** Information to thofe who would wifli to Remove to America." 8vo. Lond., 1790. Works . . . with Notes, and a Life of the Author. By Jared Sparks. 10 vols. 8vo. Bofton, 1840. - Poor Richard's Almanac for 1850, 1 85 1, and 1852, as written by . . . for the years 1733-41 . . . etc. To which is added, Catalogue of Printed Books. 225 the Life of the Great Philofopher, written by Himfelf In Three Parts. i2mo., pp. 60, 60, 48. [Publifhed by John Doggett, Jr.] N. Y., 1849-51. Franklin. Letters of ... on the Conduft of the Executive, and the Treaty negotiated by the Chief Juftice of the United States with the Court of Great Britain. 8vo. Phil., 1795. Franklin Institute. Journal, etc. Edited by Thomas P. Jones. New feries. Voh I.-V. 8vo. Phil., 1828-30. Letter from the Correfponding Secretary of the Franklin Inftitute of the State of Pennfylvania, for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts. ■ Report of the Second Annual Exhibition of the Franklin Inftitute of the State of Pennfylvania, etc. Phil., 1825. Addrefs of the Committee on Premiums and Exhibitions of the, of Pennfylvania. 8vo. Phil., 1830. Franklin, John. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819-20-21 and 22. Map. 8vo. Phil,, 1824. Franks, David. See New York Directory. Franks, William. The Man in Iron ; or, the Subftance of a Dis- courfc, introduced by an Allegory from David's Laft Words. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1797. Franzius, Wolfgangus. Hiftoria Animalium Sacra, etc. Ed. Quarta. 8vo. Wittebergae, 1633. Eraser, Donald. Columbian Monitor; being a Pleafant and Ealy Guide to Ufeful Knowledge, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1794. A Compendium of the Hiftory of all Nations, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1807. . Interefting Companion for a Leifure Hour; or, a Compendium, containing a Hiftory of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Holland. i2mo. N. Y., 1 814. Fraser, James. Hiftory of Nadir Shah, Emperor of Perfia. With a Hiftory of the Moghol Emperors, etc. Second edition. 9vo. Lond., 1742. Eraser, Lord Simon, of Lovat. Genuine Memoirs of his Life. 410. Lond., 1746. Fraunces, Andrew G. An Appeal to the Legiflature of the United ' States, and to the Citizens, etc., againft the Conduft of the Sec- retary of the Treafury. i2mo. N. Y., 1793. Frederick III., King of Pruffia. Memoirs of; containing all his Memo- rable Battles and Tranfaftions, etc. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1757. . Freeholder, The ; or, Pohtical Effays. l2mo. Lond., 1716. An Appeal to the People of the United States. Bofton, 183 i.. Freeman. The Manual of a ; or, Reafonable Expofition of the Fun- damental Points of Univerfal Pohtical Right, etc. From the French, by a Citizen of Virginia. With Notes by the Tranflator. i2mo., pp. 108 Richmond, 1799.. »5 226 New-York Historical Society. [Freeman, James.] Remarks on the American Univerfal Geography. 8vo. Bollon, 1793. The Charafter of the Rev. John Ehot, D. D., who died February 14, 181 3. 8vo. Bofton, 1 81 3. Freeman, Mylo. A Word in Seafon to all True Lovers of their Liberty and their Country, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1748. Freeman, Nathaniel. A Charge to the Grand Jury, at the Court of General Seffions of the Peace, holden at Barnftable, March Term, 1802. Bofton, 1802. Freeman, Peyton Randolph. Oration at Portfmouth, N. H., July 4, 1 8 10. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1810. A Refutation of fundry Afperfions in the " Vindication " of the prefcnt Truftees of Dartmouth College, on the Memory of their Predcceflbrs. 8vo., pp. 32. Portfmouth, 1816. Freeman, Samuel. The Maflachufetts Juftice ; being a Colleftion of the Laws of the Commonwealth of Maflachufetts, relative to the Power and Duty of Juftices of the Peace, etc. Second edition. 8vo. Bofton, 1802. Extrafts from the Journals kept by the Rev. Thomas Smith, late Paftor of the Firft Church of Chrift in Falmouth, etc., from 1720 101788. With an Appendix, etc. l2mo. Portland, 182 1. Freeman's Addrefs to the North Americans ; proving that their prefent Embarraflinents are owing to their Federal Union, their Sovereign States, their Conftitution, and their Statefmen; and containing fome Propofitions for Relief. 8vo. Freemasonry : its Pretenfions Expofed, in Extrafts of its Standard Au- thors, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1828. A Colleftion of Letters on, in Chronological Order. 8vo. Bofton, 1849. Freemasons' Conftitution of the General Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the Northern States of America. 8vo., pp. 19. Albany, 1799. Freemasons' Magazine (The), and General Mifcellany. Vol. I. 8vo. Phil., 181 1. Free Parliaments ; or, a Vindication of the Parliamentary Conftitution of England, etc. 8vo., pp. 78. Lond., 1783. Free School Society of New York. Account of. 8vo., pp. 70. N. Y., 1814. Nineteenth Annual Report of the Truftees of the. With an Appendix. 8vo., pp. 68. N. Y., 1824. Report of a Committee of the Truftees of the, on the Diftribution of the Common School Fund. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1825. Report of the Committee on the State of the. 8vo., pp. 8. Free Soil Convention at Buffalo, 1 848. Dyer's Phonographic Report of Proceedings at. 8vo. Buffalo, 1 848. Free Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Congrefs held at Philadelphia, September 5, 1774. By a Farmer. 8vo. N. Y., 1774. Free Trade and Finance. A Second Eflay on, humbly offered to the Catalogue of Printed Books. 227 Confideration of the Public. By a Citizen of Philadelphia. 8vo., pp. 20. Phil., 1779. Free Trade and Finance. A Seventh Eflay on. By a Citizen of Phi- ladelphia. 8vo. Phil., 1785. A Seventh EfTay on Free Trade and Finance. By a Citizen of Philadelphia. 1795- Freke, JoH^f. Prices of the feveral Stocks, etc. ; with the Courfe of Exchange, from March 26, 1 7 14, to March 25, 171 5. 8vo. [Lond.] Frelinghuysen, Frederick. Oration on the Death of General Wafh- ington. New Brunfwick, 22d February, 1800. 8vo., pp. 23. New Brunfwick, 1 800. Frelinghuysen, Theodore. An Addrefs delivered before the Newark Bible Society, June, 181 8, being its Fourth Anniverfary Meeting, etc. 8vo., pp. 16. Newark, 181 8. An Addrefs delivered before the Philoclean and Peitheflbphian Societies, of Rutgers College. 8vo., pp. 24. New Brunfwick, N. J., 1 831. Fremont, John Charles. Report on an Exploration of the Country lying between the Milliffippi River and the Rocky Mountains, on the Kanfas and Great Platte Rivers. 8vo. Wafhington, 1843. Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the year 1842, and to Oregon and North California in the years 1843-44. 8vo. [28th Congrefs, 2d SefTion, Ex. Doc. 166.] Wafhington, 1845. Proceedings of the Court Martial in the trial of. 8vo. "Wafhington, 1848. Geographical Memoir upon Upper California, in Illuftration of his Map of Oregon and Upper Cahfornia. [Senate Doc. 30th Congrefs, ifl Seffion, No. 148.] French, B. B. " The Changes of Earth." A Poem, delivered before the Capitol Hill Inflitute in the City of Wafhington. 8vo. French, Benjamin F. See Louifiana Hiflorical Colledlions. French, George. Anfwer to a Scurrilous Libel ; occafioned by his Hiftory of Colonel Parke's Adminiftration as Governor of the Leeward Iflands, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1719. French, Jonathan. Difcourfe againft Extortion, from Ezekiel xxii. 12, Andover, January i, 1777. 8vo., pp. 38. Bofton, 1777. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Abiel Abbot, Haverhill, June 3, 1795. 8vo., pp. 36. Haverhill, 1795. MafTachufetts Eledtion Sermon, May 25, 1796, 8vo. Bofton, 1796. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Jonathan French, Jr., North Hampton, November 18, 1801. 8vo., pp. 32. Portsmouth, 1802, Difcourfe at an Evening Lefture, 3ifl July, 1805, after the SefTion of an Ecclcfiaftical Council convened refpefting the Separa- tion of Timothy Alden, Jr., from his Pafloral Relation to the 228 New -York Historical Society. South Church in Portsmouth. With Notes. 8vo., pp. 15. Portsmouth, 1805. French, Jonathan. Thankfgiving Difcourfe, delivered at Andover. December i, 1803. 8vo. Newburyport, 1807. Fail Sermon, delivered on the 20th of Auguft, 1812, Northamp- ton, New Hampfhire. 8vo., pp. 28. Exeter. New Hampfhire Eleftion Sermon, June 6, 1822. 8vo. Concord. Sermon at the Inftallation of the Rev. Ifaac Briggs, Boxford, Sep- tember 28, 1808. 8vo., pp. 20. Haverhill, 1809. Sermon on the Rev. Federal Burt, Pallor of Congregatioiwl Church in Durham, New Hampfliire, who died February 9, 1828. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1828. French Affairs. Various Communications from the Prelident to Con- grefs relating to. 8vo. 1794' French Army in Egypt. Copies of Original Letters from. Part Third. i2mo., pp. 75. Rep. Boflon. French Claims. View of the Claims of American Citizens, which were (referved againft the French Republic by the Convention of 30th September, 1800, and which were afterwards) aflumed by the United States in the Louifiana Convention of 30th of April, 1803. By a Citizen of Baltimore. 8vo. Baltimore, 1829. French Constitution. The Principles of the, etc. With a Dialogue on the Principles of Government. By Sir William Jones. 8vo. Lond., 1792. French. Correlpondence and accompanying Papers between the Secre- tary of State and the Minifter Plenipotentiary of the, etc. 8vo. }79f French Influence. Hillory of, in the United States ; to which is added an Expofition of a Congreffional Caucus. 8vo. Phil., 1 8 1 2. French Republic. Conftitution of the, offered to the French People by the National Convention, and ratified by the People, in Pri- mary Aflemblies met. Tranflated from the French. 1 2mo. Phil, 1795. A Plan of Conftitution for the French Republic. French and Englifli. i2mo. Bofton, 1795. Conftitution of the, etc. i2mo. Phil., 1795. — — Authentic Tranflation of a Note from a Minifter of the, to the Secretary of State of the United States, etc. 8vo., pp. 38. N. Y., 1796. — — An Examination of the Conduft of the Executive of the United States towards the ; likewife an Analyfis of the Explanatory Arti- cle of the Britifti Treaty, in a feries of Letters. By a Citizen of Pennfylvania. 8vo. Phil,, 1797. « Inftruftions to the Envoys Extraordinary and Minifters Plenipo- tentiary from the United States of America to the, their Letters of Credence, and Full Powers, and the Difpatches received from them relative to their Miffion. 8vo. Phil., 1798. Meflage from the Prefident of the United States accompanying Catalogue of Printed Books. 229 fundry Papers relating to the Affairs of tlie United States with the. [Doc. Houfe Rep., 1 8th January, 1799.] 8vo. French Republic. Meflage from the Prefident of the United States accompanying a Report of the Secretary of State, containing Ob- fervations on fome of the Documents, communicated on the 1 8th January. [Doc. Houfe of Rep.] 8vo. French Revolution. New Era of the; or, Obfervations upon the Conllitution propofed in the Convention on the 23d June, 1795. 8vo., pp. 28. Lond., 1795. An Impartial Review of the Caufes and Principles of the French Revolution. By an American. 8vo. Bofton, 1798. French Settlements in North America. Account of the, etc. By a Gentleman. With an Appendix, giving an Account of Quebec, by P. Charlevoix. 8vo. Bofton, 1746. French War. Memoirs of the Principal Tranfaftions of the Laft War between the Englifh and French in North America, from 1 744 to the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. Containing in particular an Ac- count of the Importance of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, etc. 8vo., pp. 102. Lond., 1757. A Memorial containing a Summary View of Fafts with their au- thorities. In Anfwer to the Obfervations fent by the EngHfh Miniftry to the Courts of Europe. Tranflated from the French. 8vo. N. Y., 1757. Conliderations on the, etc. By a Britilh Merchant. 8vo. Lond., 1794. Freneau, Philip. Poems; written between the years 1768 and 1794. 8vo. Monmouth, N. J., 1795. Freville, M. de. Hiftoire des Nouvelles Decouvertes faites dans le Mer du Sud en 1767, '68, '69, et '70. Tomes 2. 8vo. Paris, 1774. Les Droits de la Grande-Bretagne etablis contre les pretentions des Americains. Pour Servir de Reponfe a la Declaration du Congres General. Ouvrage traduit de I'Anglois, fur la Seconde Edition. 8vo. [See Dalrymple, Sir John.] A la Haye, 1776. Freycinet, Louis. Voyage de Decouvertes aux terres Auftrales, etc.. Navigation et Geographic. 4to. Paris, 1 81 5. Voyage de Decouvertes, etc., Hiftorique. Tome II. Redige en Partie, par feu F. Peron. 4to. Paris, 1 816. Freylinghausen, D. Gotlieb Anastasius, und D. Johann Ludewig Schulze. Neuere Gefchichte der Evangelifchen Miffions-Anftalten zu Belehrung der Heiden in Oftindien, etc. 4to. [Six numbers (28, 37, 38, 44, 47, 54) of Periodical Miffionary Accounts, pubUfhed at Halle, in Saxony ; containing Letters of the Miffion- aries in the Eaft Indies and elfewhere, relative to their Voyages, Travels, Labors, etc. Some contain Accounts from the United States, relating chiefly to the Hiftory of Germans. The Letters are written by Clergymen of Pennfylvania, New York, etc., pre- fenting a View of the State of Religion, Literature, and Society in New-York Historical Society. General, Biographical Memoirs of Eminent Lutheran Divines in the United States, etc.] Halle, 1784-99. Freylinghausen, John Anastasius. An Abftraft of the Whole Doc- trine . . . With Obfervations . . . 4to. Lond., 1 804. Frezier, (M.) Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux cotes du Chily et du Perou fait pendant les annees 1712, '13, et '14, etc. 4to. Paris, 17 16. A Voyage to the South Sea, and along the Coafts of Chili and Peru, etc. 4to. Lond., 1717. Friend, J. Emmenologia. i6mo. Lond., 1729. The Hillory of Phyfick, from the time of Galen to the beginning of the 1 6th Century, chiefly with regard to Pradlice. 1 2mo. Lond., 1744. Friendly Address to all Reafonable Americans ; on the Subjeft of our Political Confufions, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1774. The Other Side of the Ouellion ; or, a Defence of the Liberties of North America, in AnAver to a Late ... By a Citizen. 8vo. N.Y., 1774. Stridlures on a Pamphlet, entitled . . . addrefled to the People of America. 8vo. Phil., 1 774. Same. Another edition. 1775' The General Attacked by a Subaltern ; or, the Stridtures on . . . Examined, and a Refutation of its Principles Attempted. 8vo. [Sec Cooper, Lee, Barry.] Rep. N. Y., [1774]. Friends. A Summary of the Hiftory, Doftrine and Difcipline of. Written at the Defire of the Meeting for Sufferings, in London. i2mo., pp. 28. N. Y., 1805. A Serious Expollulation with the Society of, in Pennfylvania afld parts adjacent, etc. By Pacificus. 8vo., pp. 16. Phil., 1808. An Epiftle and Teftimony from the Yearly Meeting of, held in New York, by adjournment, from the 26th of the Fifth month to the 2d of the Sixth month, inclufive. N. Y., 1828. Declaration of the Yearly Meeting of, held in Philadelphia, etc. 8vo., pp. 32. N. Y., 1828. Epiille and Teftimony from the Yearly Meeting of, in New York, etc. 8vo., pp. 24. N. Y., 1828. Pamphlets relating to the Controverfy among. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Frieze, Jacob. A Concife Hiftory of the Efforts to obtain Extenfion of Suffrage in Rhode Ifland, from the year 181 1 to 1842. Second edition. i2mo. Providence, 1842. Frilinghuisen, Theodorus Jacobus. Klagte van eenige leeden der Nederduytfe Hervormde Kerk woonende op Raretans, etc., in de Provincie van Nieu Jerfcy, etc. 4to. Nieu York, 1725. Frink, Samuel. Thankfgiving Sermon, Shrewftjury, Odober 7, 1762, occafioned by the Reduftion of the Havannah. 8vo., pp. 40. Bolton, 1763. Frink, Thomas. Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. John Willard, Staf- ford, March 23, 1757. 8vo. Bofton, 1757. Catalogue of Printed Books. 231 Frink, Thomas. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 31, 1758. With Notes. 8vo., pp. 93. Bofton. Frisbie, Levi. Eulogy on the Illuftrious Charafter of the late General Walhington, Ipfwich, January 7, 1800. 8vo., pp. 61. Newburyport, 1800. Difcourfe before the Society for Propagating the Gofpcl among the Indians, etc., delivered November i, 1804. 8vo., pp. 38. Charleftown, 1804. Inaugural Addrcfs, delivered in the Chapel of the Univerfity at Cambridge, November 5, 1817. 8vo. Cambridge, 1818. Froissart, Sir John. His Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining Countries, etc. Tranflated by Thomas Johnes. Third edition. 1 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1 808. Frothingham, N. L. Artillery Eleftion Sermon, June 6, 1825. 8vo. Bofton. A Sermon on the Death of General Lafayette, preached to the Firft Church in Bofton, on Sunday, the 29th of June, 1834. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1834. A Sermon, preached to the Firft Church, January 7, 1849, the Sunday after the Death of Hon. P. C. Brooks. 8vo., pp. 15. Bofton, 1849. Memoir of Rev. Thaddeus Mafon Harris. 8vo., pp. 28. Cambridge, 1855. Frothingham, Richard, Jr. The Hiftory of Charleftown, Maflachu- fetts. Six Nos. 8vo. Charleftown and Bofton, 1 845-47. The Command in the Battle of Bunker Hill. (With a Reply to " Remarks on Frothingham's Hiftory of the Battle, by S. Swett.") Small 8vo. * Bofton, 1850. Hiftory of the Siege of Bofton, and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill. AKo, an Account of the Bunker Hill Monument. Second edition. 8vo. Bofton, 1851. Fruits of the Tree of Gallic Liberty. From the French. 8vo., pp. 38. Lond., 1798. Fry, Richard. Sermon at an Afl'ociation of Minifters at Coggefhall, Eflcx, September 9, 1794. 8vo., pp. 40. Sudbury. Fryer's Second Edition on Finance, with Additions, addrefled to Lord Sidmouth. With an Appeal, etc. 8vo., pp. 26. Lond., 1805. Fryke, Christopher, and Christopher Schewitzer. A Relation of Two Several Voyages, made in the Eaft Indies . . . 8vo. Lond., 1700. Fuller, A. Memoir of Rev. J. Pierce, who was united with Carey and others in eftabliftiing Miffions in India. N. Y., 1793. Fuller, Andrew. The Nature and Importance of Walking by Faith. Fourth edition. 8vo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1802. ' Memoirs of Samuel Pearcc, of Birmingham, etc. 1 2mo. Rep. Newark, 1809. Sermon in the Jews* Chapel, Church Street, Spitalfields, Novem- ber 19, 1809. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1810. 232 New-York Historical Society. Fuller, Andrew. The Gofpel of Chrift worthy of all Acceptation, etc. izmo., pp. xvi. 196. Northampton, Eng. Fuller, Sally. Account of . . . and Poem on her Death. By a Female Friend. 8vo, Stockbridge, 1813. Fuller, Stephen. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Sylvefter Dana, Oxford, May 20, 1801. 8vo. Hanover. Fuller, Thomas. The Hiftory of the Holy Warre. Map and Plates. Folio. Cambridge, 1639. Fuller, Thomas. Exanthematologia ; or, an Attempt to give a Ra- tional Account of Eruptive Fevers, elpecially of the Meafles and Small Pox. In Two Parts. 4to. Lond., 1 730. Fuller, Timothy. Oration at Watertown, July 4, 1 809. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1809. Addrefs delivered at the Eleventh Anniverfary of the Maflachu- fetts Peace Society, Dec. 25, 1826. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1827. See Golden, Erie Canal, Duer. FuMEE, Mart. The Hiftorie of the Troubles of Hungarie, etc., and the Warres between the Chriftians and the Turkes. Folio. Lond., 1600. Funding and Bank Syftems. Letters addrefled to the Yeomanry of the United States . . . Obfervations on. 8vo. Phil., 1793. Fulton, Robert. Torpedo War and Submarine Explofions. Oblong 4to. Plates. ' N. Y., 1 8 10. FuNEs, D. Gregorio. Enfayo de la Hiftoria Civil del Paraguay, Buenos-Ayres y Tucuman. Tom. 2. 8vo. Buenos- Ayres, 1816. FuNNELL, William. A Voyage Round the World; containing an Account of Captain Dampier's Expedition into the South Seas, in the Ship St. George, in 1703 and '4. 8vo. Lond., 1707. FuRMAN, Gabriel. Notes, Geographical and Hiftorical, relating to the Town of Brooklyn, in King's County, on Long Ifland. i2mo. Brooklyn, 1824. Furneaux, Philip. An Effay on Toleration, etc. 8vo., pp. 75. Lond., 1773. Sermon at Salters* Hall, April 7, 1775, before the Correfpondent Board, in London, of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Chriftian Knowledge, etc. 8vo., pp. 33. Lond., 1775. Gadesby, William. An Account of the Life and Tranfadions of, from the Age of Seventeen to Twenty-eight, when he received the Sentence of Death, 21ft December, 1790. Written by Himfelf, in Prifon. i2mo. Dublin, 179 1. Gage, Nathaniel. A Sermon delivered at the Inftallation of Rev. A. Dumont Jones, over the Congregational Church in Wilton, Janu- ary I, 1834. 8vo., pp. 32. Nafhua, N. H., 1834. Gage, Thomas. A New Survey of the Weft Indies ; or, the Englilh American, his Travels by Sea and Land . . . 8vo. Third edi- tion. Lond., 1677. Catalogue of Printed Books. 233 Gage, Thomas, Nouvelle Relation, Contenant les Voyages de, dans la Nouvelle Efpagne, fes diverfes aventures, et fon retour dans la Province de Nicaragua jufqu'a la Havane. Avec la Defcription de la Ville de Mexique. 4 vols, in 2. izmo. Amfterdam, 1721. Gage's (General) Inllruftions of 2 2d February, 1775, to Captain Brown and Enfign de Berniere, who were ordered to take a Sketch of the Roads, Pafles, Heights, etc., from Boflon to Worcefter. With a curious Narrative of Occurrences during their Miffion, wrote by the Enfign ; alfo, an Account of Further Orders to pro- ceed to Concord, to find out the State of the Provincial Magazines, and an Account of the Tranfadlions of the Britifh Troops on the 18th and 19th of April, 1775. Left in Boflon by a Britilh Officer, previoufly to the Evacuation of it by the Enemy. 8vo., pp. 20. Boflon, 1779. Gailhard, J. Prefent State of the Republick of Venice, etc. 1 6mo. Lond., 1669. Gailhard, John. Treatife concerning the Education of" Youth. Part Firfl, pp. 102. About their Breeding at Home. Part Second, pp. 196. About their Breeding Abroad. i6mo. Lond., 1678. Gaillard, M. Hifloire de Francois Premier Roi de France dit le Grand Roi et le Pere des Lettres. i2mo. Vols. I., III., IV., V., VIII. Paris, 1769. Gaine, Hugh. New York Pocket Almanac, for the years 1791, 1794— 1 807. (Alexander Ming, fuccefTor to Hugh Gaine.) 24mo. N. Y. Univerfal Regifler ; or, American and Britifh Kalendar, for the years 1775, 1778 (with Map of the City of New York), 1780, 1782. [Valuable MS. Notes. The Regifler for 1782 has, among the MS. additions, the Uniforms of the different Corps, in con- nexion with the Army Lifl.] 1 2mo.^ N. Y. Gale, Benjamin. A Brief Effay; or, an Attempt to Prove, from the Prophetic Writings of the Old and New Tetlaments, what Period of Prophecy the Church of God is now under, etc. 8vo., pp. 63. New Haven. Remarks on his Letter to J. W., Efq. i2mo., pp. 27. I76g. Gale, S. EfTay on the Nature and Principles of Public Credit. 8vo., pp. vi. 234. . Lond., 1784. EfTay III. On the fame. 8vo., pp. xviii. 60. Lond., 1786. EfTay IV. On fame. 8vo., pp. vii. 142. Lond., 1787. Gale, T. Eleftricity; or. Ethereal Fire Confidered. i2mo. Troy, 1802. Gales and Seaton. See United States Congrefs. Gallagher, William D. Fads and Conditions of Progrefs in the North- Wefl ; being the Annual Difcourfe for 1850, before the Hiflorical and Philofophical Society of Ohio, delivered April 8, the Sixty-third Anniverfary of the Firft Settlement of the State. With an Appendix. 8vo., pp. 88. Cincinnati, 1850. 234 New-York Historical Society. Gallatin, Albert. Speech in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the General Aflembly of Pennfylvania (on the Weftern Eleftions). With Notes, and an Appendix, relative to the Weftern Infurredlion. 8vo. Phil., 1795. A Sketch of the Finances of the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1796. Speech in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, March i, 1798, upon the Foreign Intercourfe BiU. 8vo., pp. 28. Same. Second edition. Appendix. 8vo. Phil., 1798. The Subftance of Two Speeches on the Bill for Augmenting the Navy Eftablifhment of the United States, February 7 and 11, 1799. 8vo. Phil., 1799. View of the Public Debt, Receipts and Expenditures of the United States. 8vo,, pp. 61. N. Y., 1800. Report of the Secretary of the Treafury, on the fubjeft of Public Roads and Canals, etc. Sen. Doc, April 12, 1808. 8vo. Wafliington, 1808. Report of the Secretary of the Treafury, on American Manu- faftures, prepared in obedience to a Refolution of the Houfe of Reprefentatives, April 17, 1 8 10. 8vo., pp. 48. Brooklyn. Confiderations on the Currency and Banking Syftem of the United States. 8vo. Phil., 1831. A Synopfis of the Indian Tribes of North America. [American Antiquarian Society : Trans., Vol. II.] The Right of the United States of America to the North-Eaftern Boundary claimed by them ; principally Extrafted from the State- ments laid before the King of the Netherlands. With an Appen- dix and Eight Maps. 8vo. N. Y., 1840. Inaugural Addrefs ... on taking the Chair as Prefident of the New York Hiftorical Society, February 7, 1843. 8vo., pp. 21. N. Y., 1843. A Memoir on the North Eaftern Boundary, in connexion with Mr. Jay's Map . . . with a Speech on the fame fubjeft, by the Hon. Daniel Webfter . . . April 15, 1843. Map. 8vo., pp. 74- , _. , . N. Y., 1843. Notes on the Semi-Civilized Nations of Mexico, Yucatan, and Central America. [American Ethnological Society : Trans., Vol. I.] The Oregon Queftiqn. 8vo., pp. 75. N. Y., 1846. Peace with Mexico. 8vo., pp. 34. N. Y., 1 847. War Expenfes. 8vo., pp. 22. N. Y., 1848. Hale's Indians of North- Weft America, and Vocabularies of North America ; with an Introduftion. [American Ethnological Society; Trans., Vol. II.] A Letter to, on the Doftrine of Gold and Silver, and the Evils of the prefent Banking Syftem, in EfFeft and Tendency. By Pub- licola. 8vo. N. Y., 1815. Gallaudet, Thomas H. A Sermon delivered at the Opening of the Connedlicut Afylum for the Education and Inftruftion of Deaf i Catalogue of Printed Books. 235 and Dumb Perfons, at Hartford, April 20, 1 8 1 7. 8vo. Hartford, 1817. Gallaudet, Thomas H. An Addrefs delivered at a Meeting for Prayer, with reference to the Sandwich Miffion, in the Brick Church, in Hartford, Oftober 11, 1819. 8vo., pp. 15. Hartford, 1819. An Addrefs on Female Education, delivered November 21, 1 827, at the Opening of the Edifice erefted for the accommodation of the Hartford Female Seminary. 8vo., pp. 34. Hartford, 1828. Gallison, John. Addrefs delivered at the Fourth Anniverfary of the Maflachufetts Peace Society, December 25, 1819. 8vo., pp. 16. Cambridge, 1820. Gallois, Etienne. Le Theatre des Grecs — a I'ufage des Colleges, etc. l2mo. Paris, 1840. Galloway, Joseph. Speech in Anfwer to the Speech of John Dickin- fon, on Petition for Change of Government in Pennfylvania, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1764. Trafls. Collefted in 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., v. y. Vol. I. I. A Candid Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies ; with a Plan of Accommodation, on Conftitutional Principles. 8vo. Lond., 1780. 2. Letters to a Nobleman, on the Conduft of the War in the Middle Colonies. Fourth edition. Map. 8vo. Lond., 1780. 3. A Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Howe, on his Naval Conduft in the American War. 8vo. Lond., 1779. 4. The Examination of Jofeph Galloway, Efq., before the Houfe of Commons, etc. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1780. 5. Cool Thoughts on the Confequences to Great Britain of Amer- ican Independence, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1780. Vol. n. I. Hiftorical and Political Refleftions on the Rife and Progrefs of the American Rebellion, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1780. 2. Plain Truth ; or, a Letter ' to the Author of " Difpaffionate Thoughts on the American War, etc." 8vo. Lond., 1780. 3. A Reply to the Obfervations of Lieut.-General Sir William Howe, on a Pamphlet entitled " Letters to a Nobleman," etc. [Additions to the Firft Edition of the Reply, etc., pp. 8.] 8vo. Lond., 1780. 4. Letters from Cicero to Catiline the Second ; with Correftions and Explanatory Notes. 8vo. Lond., 1781. Vol. III. I. Political Refledlions on the late Colonial Govern- ments, etc. By an American. 8vo. Lond., 1783. 2. A Letter from Cicero to the Right Hon. Lord Vifcount H — e ; occalioned by his late Speech in the Houfe of Commons. 8vo. Lond., 1781. 3. Fabricius j or. Letters to the People of Great Britain, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1782. 4. Obfervations on the Fifth Article of the Treaty with America, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1783. 236 New -York Historical Society. Galloway, Joseph. The Examination of, before the Houfe of Com- mons, in a Committee on the American Papers. With Explanatory Notes. 8vo. Lond., 1779. Letters to a Nobleman, on the Conduft of the War in the Middle Colonies. i2mo. Lond,, 1779. Gallup, Joseph A. Sketches of Epidemic Difeafes in the State of Ver- mont, from its Firft Settlement to the year 181 5. To which is added, a Treatife on Pulmonary Confumption. 8vo. Boflon, 1815. Galt, John. Life and Studies of Benjamin Weft, prior to his Arrival in England. 8vo. Phil., 18 16. Gamble, J. An Eflay on the Different Modes of Communication by Signals, etc. 4to. Lond., 1797. Game Laws. Letter to Richard Whitworth, Efq., M. P. for Stafford, etc. 8vo., pp. 29. Lond., 1772. Gammell, William. Addrefs deHvered before the R. L Hiftorical Society . . . November 20, 1 844. 8vo. Providence, 1 844. Ganilh, Charles. An Inquiry into the various Syftems of Political Economy, their Advantages and Difadvantages, etc. Tranflated from the French, by D. Boileau. 8vo. N. Y., 181 2. Gannett, Ezra S. Eleftion Sermon, deUvered January 5, 1842. 8vo., pp. 46. Bofton, 1842. A Difcourfe delivered at the Funeral of Rev. William B. O. Peabody, in Springfield, June i, 1847. 8vo., pp. 34. Springfield, 1847. A Good Old Age : a Sermon occafioned by the Death of Hon. John Davis, LL. D., and preached in Federal Street Meeting Houfe, in Bofton, January 24, 1 847. 8vo., pp. 42. Bofton, 1847. Our Help is in God : a Difcourfe delivered in the Federal Street Meeting Houfe, in Bofton, on February 24, 1850. 8vo., pp. 19. Bofton, 1850. Thankfgiving for the Union. A Difcourfe held in the Federal Street Meeting Houfe in Bofton, on Thankfgiving Day, Novem- ber 28, 1850. 8vo., pp. 22. Bofton, 1850. The Faithful Man. A Sermon preached in the Federal Street Meeting Houfe, May 2d, 1852, after the Death of Thomas Tar- bell. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1852. Sermon preached at the Funeral Obfequies of Hon. Charles Paine . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 60. Northfield, 1853. Garcia, Fr. Gregorio. Origen de los Indios de el Nuevo Mundo, e Indias Occidentales, etc. Folio. Madrid, 1729. Garcilasso de la Vega (El Ynca). La Florida del Inca, Hiftoria del Adelantado Hernando de Soto, Governador, y Capitan-General del Reino de la Florida ; y de otros heroicos Caballeros, Efpanoles e Indios. Folio. Madrid, 1723. The Royal Commentaries of Peru. In two Parts. Tranflated by Sir Paul Rycaut, Kt. FoHo. Lond., 1688. Catalogue of Printed Books. 237 Garcilasso de la Vega (el Ynca). Hiftoria General del Peru, trata el defcubrlmiento de el y como lo ganaron los Efpanoles . . . etc. Segunda Imprefion. Folio. Madrid, 1722. • Primera Parte de los Comentarios Reales que tratan del origen de los Incas, etc. Segunda Imprefion. Folio. Madrid, 1723. Garden, Alexander. Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America. With Sketches of Charafter of Perfons, the Moft Diftinguiftied, in the Southern States for Civil and Military Services. 8vo. Charlefton, 1822. Same. Second Series, izmo. Charlefton, 1828. Eulogy on General Charles Cotefworth Pinckney, delivered No- vember I, 1825. 8vo. Charlefton, 1825. Gardenier, Barent (Editor). The Examiner : containing Political ElTays on the Moft Important Events of the Time, Public Laws and Official Documents. Vols. I. II. [Alfo, Nos. i, 2, of Vol. III.] 8vo. N.y., 1813-14. The New York Reporter for July and Auguft, 1820. 8vo. N.y., 1820. Speech in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States on Foreign Relations, while under confideration of Mr. Campbell's Refolutions, December, 1808. 8vo. Gardiner, John. Speech on the Theatre ; with a plate of the Ancient Greek Theatre, and an Explanation of the fame. Alfo, an Addrefs to the Public. 8vo., pp. 159. Bollon, 1792. Gardiner, John S. J. Addrefs before the Maflachufetts Charitable Fire Society, May 28, 1803. 8vo., pp. 21. Bofton, 1803. Sermon before the Humane Society of Maflachufetts, June 14, 1803. 8vo., pp. 43. Bofton, 1803. Sermon on the Death of the Right Rev. Samuel Parker, D. D., Biftiop of MafTachufetts, Trinity Church, Bofton, December 9, 1804. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1804. Faft Day Sermon, at Trinity Church, Bofton, April 7, 1 808. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1808. Thankfgiving Sermon, at Trinity Church, Bofton, December i, 1808. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1808. Sermon before the Members of the Bofton Female Afylum, Sep- 22, 1809. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1809. Sermon preached at Trinity Church, April 6, 1 8 1 o, being the day of Pub'ic Faft. 8vo. Bofton, 1810. Sermon before the Prayer Book and Religious Traft Affbciation, Bofton, January i, 1816. l2mo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1816. Gardiner, Richard. Account of the Expedition to the Weft Indies againft Martinico, Guadelupe, and other the Leeward Iflands, etc. 8vo., pp. 75. Second edition. Lond,, 1760. Gardiner, Walter Clarke. Letter to the Corporation of Trinity Church, accompanied with Documents relative to the Epifcopal Church, at Hudfon. 8vo., pp. 33. 1802. Gardner, Augustus Kinsley. The French Metropolis : Paris, as 238 New- York Historical Society. Seen during the Spare Hours of a Medical Student. Second edi- tion. Revifed, and Illuftrated by 20 fine Steel engravings. 8vo. N.Y., 1850. Gardner, Augustus Kinsley. A Hiflory of the Art of Midwifery. A Lefture delivered at the College of Phyficians and Surgeons, November 11, 1 851, introduftory to a Courfe of Private Inftruc- tion on Operative Midwifery . . . 8vo., pp. 32. N. Y., 1852. -^— Treatife on Uterine Haemorrhage in all its Forms . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 30. N. Y., 1855. Gardner, Charles K. A Diftionary of all Officers who have been Commiffioned, or have been Appointed and Served, in the Army of the United States, fmce the Inauguration of their Firft Pre- fident, in 1789,10 the ift of January, 1853. i2mo. N. Y.,1853. Gardner, Daniel. A Treatife on Political Economy as applied to Peace and War, and their Effedb upon National Profperity. 8vo., pp. 13. _ ^ _ Troy, 1833. Gardner, Thomas. Hiftorical Memoirs of the Life of. 1 2mo., pp. 84. [Title gone.] N. Y., 1 805. Garland, Hugh A. An Oration in Celebration of the zd Declaration of Independence ; or, the Independent Treafury Bill, pronounced in Caftle Garden, July 27, 1840. 8vo. The Life of John Randolph, of Roanoke. 2 vols. 8vo. N.Y., 1850. Garnett, James W. An Addrefs on the fubjedt of Literary Aflbcia- tions to Promote Education. 8vo. Richmond, Va., 1835. Garrettson, Freeborn. His Experience and Travels. 1 6mo. Phil., 1 79 1. Garrison, William Lloyd. Leftures of George Thompfon, etc.. With a Hiftory of his Connexion with the Anti-Slavery Caufe in England. l2mo. Bofton, 1836. Gass, Patrick. A Journal of the Voyages and Travels of a Corps of Difcovery, etc., under Captains Lewis and Clarke, in 1 804-06. i2mo. Pittfburgh, 1807. Gassendus, Petrus. Tychonis Brahci Equitis Dani, Aftronorum Cory- phaei Vita, etc. 4to. Hagae-Comitum, 1654. Gaston, William. Speech in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, February, 18 14, on the Loan Bill. 8vo. Georgetown, 1814. ——~ Addrefs delivered before the Philanthropic and Dialedlic Socie- ties at Chapel Hill, June 20, 1832. 8vo., pp. 16. Raleigh, 1832. Gatchel, Samuel. Signs of the Times ; or. Some Expofitions and Remarks . . . [Dark Day, 19th May, 1780.] 8vo., pp. 16. Danvers, 178 1. Gault, William. Bofton Gas Light Company, verfus, containing the Arguments of Counfel and the Charge of the Judge. 1 2mo. Bofton, 1848. Catalogue of Printed Books. 239 Gay, Ebenezer. Sermon at the Ordination of Jonathan Mayhew, at Bofton, June 1 7, 1 747. 8vo. Bofton, 1 747. Sermon at the Inftalment of the Rev. Grindal Rawfon, Yarmouth, December I c, 1755. Second edition, with Notes. 8vo. Dover, 1793. ■ Dudleian Lefture, Harvard College, May 9, 1759. 8vo., pp. 34. [With the Character of Paul Dudley, from the Bofton News- letter, February 7, 1751, pp. 4.] Bofton, 1759. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Bunker Gay, Hinfdale, Auguft 17, 1763. 8vo. Bofton, 1763. Two Funeral Sermons, delivered in Bofton, July 27, 1766. (Jonathan Mayhew.) 8vo. Bofton, 1766. Gay, Ebenezer. Oration on the Death of General Wafhington, Suf- field, 2 2d February, 1800. 8vo., pp. 16. Sufheld, 1800. Gayarre, Charles. Influence of the Mechanic Arts on the Human Race. Two Leftures. i2mo. N. Y., 1854. Hiftory of Louifiana. The French Domination. Vols. I. II. 8vo. N. Y., 1854. Same. The Spanifti Domination. 8vo. N. Y., 1854. Gazette de Leyde. 3 vols. 4to. 1788-97. Gedde, Dr. Addrefs to the Public on the Publication of the Firft New Volume of his New Tranflation of the Bible. 410., pp. 25. Lond., 1792. Geddes, Michael. The Council of Trent no Free Aflembly, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1697. Mifcellaneous Trafts, etc. [relating to Spain, Portugal and the Pope.] 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1702-15. Gee, Joshua. Funeral Sermon, 13th February, 1728 (Cotton Mather). 8vo. Bofton, 1728. Letter to the Rev. Mr. Nathaniel Eels, Moderator of the late Convention, etc. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 17. Bofton, 1743. Gee, Joshua. The Trade and Navigation of Great Britain Confidered, etc. Third edition. 8vo. Lond., 173 1. Same, etc. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1738. Gellert, C. E. Metallurgic Chymiftry, being a Syftem of Mineralogy in General, and of all the Arts arifing from this Science. 8vo. Lond., 1776. Gelli, Giovanni Battista. The Circe of . . . confifting of Ten Dialogues. Done out of Italian by Thomas Brown. 8vo. Lond., 1702. G[elone], M. F. D. Manuel-Guide des Voyageurs aux Etats-Unis de I'Amerique du Nord, etc. 1 2mo. Paris, 1818. Gelston v. Codwise. Cafe of. In the Court for the Trial of Im- peachments and Correftions of Errors. 8vo. N. Y., 181 1. Genera Crustaceorum et Infedlorum fecundum ordinem naturalem in familias difpofita, iconibus exemplifque plurimis explicata. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1806. 240 New-York Historical Society. Genera Plantarum eorumque Charafteres Naturales . . . Caroli Linnaei, Equitis, etc. 8vo. Holmias, 1754. General Armstrong, of New York. A Colleftion of Sundry Publica- tions and Documents, in relation to the Attack of Britifh Ships upon the Private Armed Brig ... at the Ifland of Fayal, in Sep- tember, 1814. 8vo. N. Y., 1853. General History of Sieges and Battles. By Sea and Land. i2mo. Lond. General Repository and Review, The. Vols. I.-IV. 8vo. Cambridge, Mafl"., 1812-13. General Theological Seminary Documents. 8vo. Genesee Country, in the State of New York. Defcription of the Settlement of, in a feries of Letters from a Gentleman to his Friend. [Maps of the Middle States of North America, of On- tario and Steuben Counties, and a View of Port Ofwego], 8vo., pp.63. N. Y., 1799. Genesis. A Diflertation on the Three Firft Chapters of . . . 8vo. [Impcrfeft.] Genet, Citizen. The Correfpondence between, and the Officers of the Federal Government ; to which are prefixed the Inftruftions from the Conftituted Authorities of France to faid Minifter. 4to., pp. 9. _ Phil., 1793. Inftrudions to, from the Executive Council and the Minifter of , Marine. 410., pp. 9. Genin, Sylvester. Seledlions from the Works of, in Poetry, Profe, and Hiftorical Defign. With a Biographical Sketch. 8vo. N. Y., 1855. Genoude, M. Eugene. Les Petits Prophetes, traduftion nouvelle. 8vo. Paris, 1820. Gentil, (M. Le). Voyage dans les Mers de I'lnde, fait par ordre du Roi, a I'occafion du Paflage du Venus fur le Difque du Soleil, le 6 Juin, 1 761, et le 3 du meme mois, 1769. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1779-81. Gentleman, Robert. A Mafter's Advice to his Scholar on his Firft Admiflion into his Family. 8vo. Shrewsbury, 1 776. -: A Difcourfe upon the Nature and Defign of the Lord's Supper, with the Advantages which may reafonably be expefted from a Regular and Serious Attendance upon it. 8vo. Shrewfbury, 1786. Gentoos. Code of Gentoo Laws ; or. Ordinations of the Pundits, from a Perfian Tranflation, made from the Original, written in the Shanfcrit Language. Plates. 4to. [Tranflated by Nathaniel BrafTey Halhed.] Lond., 1776. Geografia General, para el ufo de la Juventud de Venezuela. 4 vols. 8vo. Caraccas, 1833. Geographical (A), Hiftorical, and Political Defcription of the Empire of Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Pruffia, Italy, Sicily, Corftca and Sardinia ; with a Gazetteer of Reference to the Principal Places in thofe Countries. Compiled and Tranflated Catalogue of Printed Books. 241 from the German. With Plates, Maps and Statiftical Tables. 4to. Lond., 1800. Geography. A Complete Syftem of. Being a Defcription of all the Countries, Idands, Cities, etc., of the Known World, etc. Illuf- tratcd with 70 Maps. Folio. Lond., 1 744. Georges, Pichegru et Autres. Proces inftruit par la cour de Jultice Criminelle et Speciale du Department de la Seine, feante la Paris contre, prevenus de Confpiration contre la Perfonne du Premier Conful. Tomes 8. 8vo. Paris, 1804. Georgia. Reafons for Eftablifliing the Colony of, with regard to the Trade of Great Britain, etc. 4to. Lond., 1732. Extradl of t^e Journals of Mr. Commiffioner Von Reck and of the Rev. Mr. Bolzius, giving an Account of their Voyage and Settlement. i2mo. Lond., 1734. — — a\ Brief Account of the Caufes that have Retarded the Progrefs of the Colony of, in America, etc. 8vo., pp. 24, Appendix loi. Lond., 1743. Examination of the Controverfy between, and the Creeks. New York Review, Auguft, 1825. 8vo. Fifth Annual Report of the Aflbciation for the Religious In- ftruftion of the Negroes in Liberty County, Georgia, January, 1840. Charleflon, 1840. Hiftorical Society. Colledions. Vols. L II. IIL, Parti. 8vo. Savannah, 1840-48. Gerard, Alexander. Sermon before the Society in Scotland for Propagating Chriftian Knowledge, June 2, 179 1. With an Appen- dix. 8vo., pp. 109. Edinburgh, 1792. Gerard, Gilbert. Sermon before the Synod of Aberdeen, April 11, 1797. 8vo., pp. 35. Aberdeen, 1797. Gerichtljcher Process, etc. Folio. Franckfort-on-Maine, 1536. German Society. Rules and Orders. 8vo. N. Y., 1799. Charter and By-Laws, with a Lift of Members. 8vo. N. Y., 1799. German War. Conliderations on the Prefent. Third edition. 8vo., pp. 144. Lond., 1760. A Full and Candid Anfwer to " Conliderations," etc. 8vo., pp. 86. Lond., 1760. The Conduft of the Miniftry Impartially Examined, and the " Confiderations," etc.. Refuted. 8vo., pp. 54. Lond., 1760. Germanicus. Letters to the Citizens of the United States. 8vo., PP- 77- Germany. The Ancient and Prefent State of the Empire . . . con- taining the Refpedive Hiftories of the Eledlorates, etc. Map. . 8vo. Lond., 1702. . The Groans of; or, the Inquiry of a Proteftant German into the Original Caufe of the Prefent Diftradions of the Empire, etc. , Third edition. 8vo., pp. 30. Lond., 1 741. Gerrald, Joseph. A Convention the Only Means of Saving us from 16 242 New-York Historical Society. Ruin, in a Letter addrefled to the People of England. 8vo. Lond., 1793. Gerrald, Joseph. Authentic Biographical Anecdotes of, written by a Friend who knew him in the year 1765. 8vo. Lond., 1795. Gerry, Elbridge. Speech of the Governor to the Legiflature of Maf- fachufctts. 8vo. 1 8 1 1 . Gesner, Abraham. New Brunfwick, with Notes for Emigrants, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1847. The Induftrial Refources of Nova Scotia, etc. 8vo. Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1849. Gevallen. Van een' Keefhond. 8vo. In Nederland, 1790. Ghillany, F. W. Gefchichte des Seefahrers Ritter Martin Behaim . . . eingeleitet durch eine abhandlung " Ueber die Alteften Garten des neuen continents und den namen Amerika," von Alexander von Humboldt. 4to. Maps, etc. Nurnberg, 1853. Ghost of Alfred. Letters of the, addrefled to Erflcine and Fox, on the State Trials of, 1794-5. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 126. Lond., 1798. Gibbon, Edward. Memoirs of the Public Charafter and Life of Alex- ander the Firft, Emperor of Ruffia. With an Appendix, by Paul Allen. i2mo. Baltimore, 1818. Gibbon, Lardner. Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, made under the direftion of the Naval Department, Part 2, with Maps. [Houfe of Rep. Ex. No. 53, 3 2d Cong, ill SefTion.] 8vo. Wafhington, 1854. Gibbons, Thomas. Sermon on the Death of Mr. Thomas Wilton. With the Addrefs at the Interment, by Abraham Booth. 8vo., pp. (>■]. Lond., 1776. Gibbons, William. An Expofition of Modern Scepticifm, in a Letter addrefl'ed to the Editors of the Free Inquirer. 8vo., pp. 52. Wilmington. [GiBBS, George.] The Judicial Chronicle; being a Lift of the Judges of the Courts of Common Law and Chancery in England and America, and of the Contemporary Reports, etc. 8vo. Cambridge, 1834. Memoirs of the Adminiftrations of Wafhington and John Adams. Edited from the Papers of Oliver Wolcott, Secretary of the Trea- fury. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. GiBBS, Oliver Wolcott. An Inaugural Difl'ertation on a Natural Syftem of Chemical Claflification. 8vo., pp. 59. Princeton, 1845. GiBBES, Robert W. Memoir of James de Veaux, of Charlefton, S. C. 8vo. Columbia, 1 846. Memoir of the FofTil Genus Bafilofaurus ; with a Notice of Spe- cimens from the Eocene Green Sand of South Carolina. 4to., pp. 13. Plates. Phil., 1847. Documentary Hiftory of the American Revolution ; confifting of Letters and Papers relating to the Conteft for Liberty, chiefly in South Carolina, in 1781-2 . . . 8vo. Columbia, S. C, 1853. Catalogue of Printed Books. 2J(.i GiBBES, Robert W. Same . . . from 1764-76. 8vo. N. Y., 1855. Gibson, Edmund, Serious Advice to Perfons who have been Sick, etc. i2mo., pp. 24, Eighth edition. Lend., 1743. GiFFORD, John. Letter to Hon. Thomas Erfkine ; containing Striftures on his Views of the Caufes and Confequcnces of the prefent War with France. Eleventh edition. 8vo., pp. 180. Lond., 1797. Second Letter to the fame ; containing further Strifturcs, etc. Third edition. 8vo., pp. 80. Lond., 1797. Short Addrefs to the Members of the Loyal Aflbciations, on the Prefent State of Public Affairs. [With MS. Notes, apparently by the Author.] 8vo., pp. 47. Tenth edition. Lond., 1798. Letter to the Earl of Lauderdale ; containing Striftures on his Lordfhip's Letters to the Peers of Scotland. 8vo., pp. 144. Lond., 1800. GiFFORD, Richard. Remarks upon Mr. Kennicott's Difiertation upon the Tree of Life in Paradife. 8vo., pp. 116. Lond., 1748. Gilbart, J. W. Leftures on the Hiftory and Principles of Ancient Commerce. 8vo. Lond., 1847. A Pradlical Treatife on Banking. Fifth edition. Vols. L, IL 8vo. Lond., 1849. A Lefture on the Philofophy of Language . . . delivered on the 8th of November, 1832. i2mo., pp. 25. Lond., 1850. [GiLDON, Charles.] Review of Her Royal Highnefs the Princefs Sophia's Letter to the Lord Archbiftiop of Canterbury, and that of Sir Rowland Gwynne to the Right Hon. the Earl of Stamford ; or, a Jacobite Plot againft the Proteftant Succeffion Difcovered. 8vo. Lond., [1703.] Giles, Joel. Pradlical Liberty : an Oration delivered before the City Authorities of Bofton, in the Tremont Temple, July 5, 1848. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1848. Giles, William B. Speech on the Judiciary, February 18, 1802. 8vo. Speech, 24th November, 1808, on the Refolution of Mr. Hill- J >^'^^' . houfe to Repeal the New Embargo Law. 8vo., pp. 23. ^ //^vC/^^-^^i^^*- Political Mifcellanies. 8vo. Richmond, 1827-28. t^ 't'V ". /^/ GiLLESPY, Edward. The Columbian Naval Songfter, etc. i2mo., pp. / 96. N. Y., 1 81 3. GiLLET, Eliphalet. Faft Sermon, delivered at Hallowell, April 25, 1799. 8vo., pp. 22. Hallowell, 1799. Oration delivered January 8, 1800, at Hallowell, on the Death of General Wafhington. 8vo., pp. 19. Hallowell, 1800. Gillies, John. Memoirs of the Life and Charafter of George White- field. Third edition, revifed and correfted, with additions, etc., by Aaron C. Seymour. i2mo. Phil., 1812. Gilliland, Thomas. The Dramatic Mirror; containing the Hiftory of the Stage, Account of all the Dramatic Writers from 1 660, etc. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond., 1808. Gilliss, J. M. Magnetical and Meteorological Obfervations made at 244 New -York Historical Society. Wafhington . . . [Sen. Doc. 172; 28th Cong., 2d Sefs.] 8vo. Wafhington, 1845. GiLLiss, J. M. Aftronomical Obfervations made at the Naval Ob- fervatory, Wafhington . . . 8vo. Wafhington, 1846. On the Longitude of Wafhington . . . 410. Phil., 1 849. ■ Circular ... in relation to the Aftronomical Expedition to Chile. Aftronomical Tables. 4to. Wafhington, 1849. The United States Naval Aflronomical Expedition to the South- ern Hemifphere, during the years 1849, '50, '51, '52. Vols. I., II., VI. 4to. Wafhington, 1855-56. GiLMAN, S. Monody on the Viflims and Sufferers by the late Con- flagration in the City of Richmond, in Virginia. 8vo. Bofton, 181 2. Gilpin, John. The Facetious Story of, etc. With a Second and Third Part. i2mo. Phil., 1794, GiNGUENE, Pierre Louis. Rapport fur Ics travaux de la clafTe d'His- toire et de Litterature Ancienne. 4to., pp. 50. Paris, 1808. Hiftoire Litteraire d'ltalie. Tomes 6. 8vo. Paris, 1811-13. GiovAMBATTisTA, M. Libro di. 8vo. ^SS°' GiRARD Will Case. Arguments of the Defendant's Counfel, and Judg- ment of the Supreme Court of the United States, in the Cafe of Vidal et al. vs. The Mayor, etc. of Philadelphia, January Term, 1 844. To which is added, the Will of Stephen Girard. 8vo. Phil., 1844. GiRAUD, P. F. F. J. The Campaigns of Paris in 1814 and 1815; with a Sketch of the Campaign of 1 81 3, etc. Tranflated from the French, by Edmund Boyce. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1 8 16. Girle, S, Sermon, North Shields, November 22, 1789, for the Bene- fit of Widows and Orphans of Seamen who Perifhed in the Storm of Oftobcr 30 and 31. 8vo., pp. 19. North Shields, 1789. Glanvill, Jos. A Blow at Modern Sadducifm, in fome Philofophical Confiderations about Witchcraft, etc. i6mo., pp. 183. Lond., 1668. Glasgow. Statiftical Account of the Univerfity of. 8vo., pp. 49. Glasse, George Henry. Sermon before the Members of the Voluntary Armed AfTociation. 8vo., pp. 47. Brentford, 1798. Gleanings of a Wanderer, in various parts of England, Scotland, and North Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1805. Gleason, Benjamin. Independence Oration, delivered July 5, 181 3. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1 81 2. Gleason, Luther. An Impartial Narrative of the Trial of, before the Congregational Convention of Long Illand, at Brookhaven, April 13, 1808. To which is added, a Brief Account of the faid Luther Gleafbn, from the time of his coming into this part of the Church. 1 2mo. Sag Harbor, 1 808. Gleig, G. R. Eminent Britifh Military Commanders. 3 vols. i6mo. [Cab. Cyc] Lond., 1831-32. Catalogue of Printed Books, 24«r Glenn, James. The Real Nature of the Eleftric Fluid ... to which is annexed, a Theory of the Tides and Currents of the Ocean. 8vo., pp. 32. N. Y., 1844. Glenn, S. F. The New Conftitution of Louifiana, adopted in 1 845 ; with a Comparative View of the Old and New Conftitutions of the State. 8vo. New Orleans, 1845. Glentworth, James B. A Statement of the Frauds on the Eleftive Franchife in the City of New York, in the Fall of 1838 and the Spring of 1839. 8vo. N. Y., 1841. Glezen, Levi. Oration (4th July, 1802), at Lenox, Mafs. 8vo.,pp. 24. Pittsfield. Gliddon, George R. Ancient Egypt . . . Her Monuments, Hiero- glyphics, Hiftory and Archaeology, and other fubjeds connefted with Hieroglyphical Literature. 4to. [Extra New World]. N. Y., 1845. Glissonius Franciscus. De Rachitide five morbo puerili tradlatus. l2mo. Editio tertia. . Lugduni Batavorum, 1671. Globe Insurance Company. Aft to Incorporate the. 8vo., pp. 7. Glocester, Lord Bilhop of A Sermon preached before the Incorpo- rated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, on 24th February, 1758. 410., pp. 19. Lond., 1758. Gloria Britannorum ; or, the Britilh Worthies : a Poem, etc. By a Lover of the Prefent Happy Conftitution. i2mo. Bofton, 1723. Glossographia Anglicana Nova ; or, a Diftionary interpreting fuch Hard Words, of whatever language, as are at prefent ufed in the Englifh Tongue ; with their Etymologies, Definitions, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1707. Glover, Mr. Subftance of the Evidence on the Petition prefented by the Weft India Planters and Merchants, to the Hon. Houfe of Commons, as it was Introduced at the Bar and Summed up, by . . . March 16, 1775. 8vo. Lond., 1775. Goat's Beard (The) : a Fable. i2mo., pp. 46. Dublin, 1777. Goddard, William G. An Addrefs to the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Rhode Ifland, September 7, 1836. 8vo., pp. 30. Bofton, 1837. An Addrefs to the People of Rhode Ifland, delivered in Newport, 3d May, 1843, in prefence of the General Aflembly, on the occa- fion of the Change in the Civil Government of Rhode Ifland . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 80. Providence, 1843. Godfrey, Thomas. Juvenile Poems, on various fubjedls, etc. With an Account of the Author and his Writings. 4to. Phil., 1765. GoDMAN, John D. An Introduftory Lefture to the Courfe of Ana- tomy and Phyfiology in Rutgers Medical College, delivered November 11, 1826. 8vo. N. Y., 1827. Godwin, William. Enquiry concerning Political Juftice, and its In- fluence on Morals and Happinefs. 2 vols. i2mo. Phil., 1796. Efl*ay on Sepulchres, etc. 1 8mo. N. Y., 1 809. Godwyn, Morgan. Annales of England ; containing the Reignes of 246 New-York Historical Society. Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixt, Queen Mary. Folio. Lond., 1630. GoDWYN, Morgan. The Negro's and Indian's Advocate, fuing for • their Admiflion into the Church, etc. With a Brief Account of Religion in Virginia, 8vo. [Imperfeft.] Lond., 1680. [GoDWYN, Thomas.] Romanae Hiftoriae Anthologia Recognita et Aucta. 4to. Oxford, 1633. Same, newly revifed and enlarged. 410. Lond., 1671. Mofes and Aaron : Civil and Ecclefiaftical Rites ufed by the An- cient Hebrews, etc. Twelfth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1672. GoERTZ, Le Comte de. Picccs authentiques relatives a la negotiation confiee a Mons. . . . et a Mons. de Rayneval. 4to., pp. 34. Nymegen, 1787. Gold, Thomas R. To the People of the County of Oneida, Whites- town, December 13, 1800. 8vo. Addrefs before the Berkfhire Agricultural Society, Odlober 3, 1 8 1 6 ; together with Report of the Committee on Agriculture, and the Addrefs of Elkanah Watfon, Pittsfield, Addrefs of, delivered before the Berkfhire Aflbciation for the Promotion of Agriculture and Manufaftures, at Pittsfield, Oftober 2, 1 817. 8vo. Pittsfield, 1817. Addrefs delivered before the Agricultural Society for the County of Oneida, at Whiteftown, Oftober 18, 1820. Utica, 1820. GoLDNEY, Edward. Friendly Epiftle to the Deifts, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1760. GoLDSBOROuGH, Charles W. The United States Naval Chronicle. Vol. L 8vo. Wafhington, 1824. Goldsmith, Lewis. An Expofition of the Conduft of France towards America ; illuftrated by Cafes decided in the Council of Prizes, in Paris. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 18 10. Same, Second edition. N. Y., 1810. Goldsmith, Oliver. The Traveller; or, a Profpeft of Society: a Poem. 4to., pp. 22. Lond,, 1765. Roman Hiftory. Abridged by Himfelf, for the Ufe of Schools. i2mo. Glafgow, 1794. A Hiftory of the Earth and Animated Nature, 4 vols. 8vo. York, 1808. Same. With Notes, etc. ; the Elements of Botany, etc. ; the whole forming a complete Panorama of Nature. By G. F. Shaw. 4to. Lond., 1 81 7. Goldsmith, Z. Three Leftures delivered at Southold, L, L, February, 1826, 8vo., pp. 40. N. Y., 1826. Gooch, Benjamin. Cafes and Praftical Remarks in Surgery ; with Sketches of Machines, etc. 8vo. Lond,, 1758. Good, John Mason, [Solomon's] Song of Songs ; or. Sacred Idyls. Tranflated from the Original Hebrew, with Notes Critical and Explanatory. 8vo, Lond., 1803. The Nature of Things. Tranflated from the Latin of Titus Catalogue of Printed Books. 247 Lucretius Carus ; with the original Text, etc. Engravings. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1805. GooDALE, Ebenezer. Rccord of the Proceedings of a General Court Martial, at Salem, September 28, 1812, for the Trial of Major- General . . . 8vo,, pp. 75. Cambridge, 18 12. GooDE, William. Thankfgiving Sermon, December 19, 1797, in the PariHi Church of St. Andrew, Wardrobe, etc. 8vo., pp. 21. Lond., 1797. GooDELL, William. The Rights and the Wrongs of Rhode Ifland. 8vo., pp. 120. Oneida, 1842. Goodrich, S. G. Sketches from a Student's Window. i2mo. Bofton, 1 841. Goodwin, H. C. Ithaca as it was, and Ithaca as it is, with Thoughts fuggeftive of the Future. 8vo., pp. 64. Ithaca, 1853. Goodwin, Isaac. Addrefs before the Agricultural Society, Worcefter, Oftober 13, 1824. 8vo. Goodwin, Nathaniel. The Foote Family; or, the Defcendants of Nathaniel Foote . . . 8vo. Hartford, 1849. Defcendants of Thomas Olcott, one of the Firft Settlers of Hart- ford, Connefticut. 8vo. Hartford, 1845. — — Genealogical Notes ; or. Contributions to the Family Hiftory of fome of the Firft Settlers of Connedicut and Maflachufetts. 8vo. Hartford, 1856. GooKiN, Daniel. Hiftorical Collediions of the Indians in New Eng- land, etc., before the Englifh Planted there. 8vo., pp. 89. Bofton, 1792. Gordon, Sir Adam. Sermon to a Country Congregation, December 19, 1797, Thankfgiving Day. 8vo., pp. 27. Lond., 1798. Thankfgiving Sermon for Viftory over the Combined Fleets of France and Spain. 8vo. Lond., 1806. Gordon, Cosmo. Trial for Negleft of Duty before the Enemy, 23d June, 1780, near Springfield in the Jerfeys, etc. 8vo., pp. 145. Lond., 1783. Gordon, Lord George. The Proceedings at Large on the Trial of, for High Treafon, in the Court of King's Bench, Weftminfter, February, 1781. 8vo. Rep. Edinburgh, 1781. Gordon, John. Memoirs. Wherein the Abfurdities and Delufions of Popery are Laid Open, etc. i2mo. Lond., 1733. Thankfgiving Sermon on the Defeat of the Rebels. [Imperfeft. See MS. Note.] Gordon, Patrick. Geography Anatomized ; or, the Geographical Grammar : being a Short and Exaft Analyfis of the Whole Body of Modern Geography. Twelfth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1730. Same. Eighteenth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1 744. Gordon, Thomas. See Trenchard. Gordon, Thomas F. The Hiftory of Pennfylvania, from its Dif- covery by Europeans to the Declaration of Independence in 1776. 8vo. Phil., 1829. 248 New-York Historical Society. Gordon, Thomas F. A Digeft of the Treaties and Statutes of the United States, relating to Commerce, Navigation and Revenue, compiled at the inftance of the Secretary of the Treafury. 8vo. Phil., 1830. A Gazetteer of the State of Pennlylvania. 8vo. Phil,, 1832, The Hiftory of New Jerfey, from its Difcovery by Europeans to the Adoption of the Federal Conftitution. 8vo. Trenton, 1834. Gazetteer of the State of New York, etc., with a Map of the State, and a Map of each County, and Plans of the Cities and Principal Villages. 8vo. Phil., 1836. Gordon, William. A Sermon preached before the Hon. Houfe of Reprefentatives, on the Day intended for the Choice of Coun- fellors agreeable to the Advice of the Continental Congrefs [July ^9» '775]' 8vo., pp. 29. Watertown, 1775. Sermon, 4th July, 1777, before the General Court, Maflachu- fetts. 8vo., pp. 37. Roxbury, 1777. The Hiftory of the Rife, Progrefs and Eftablifhment of the Inde- pendence of the United States of America : including an Account of the late War and of the Thirteen Colonies, from their Origin to that Period. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1788. Gospel of St. John in the Mohawk Language. l8mo. N. Y., 181 8. Gospel Harvest. The Want of Laborers in the . . Village Preach- ing. 8vo. Lond., 1802. Gospel Herald (The) and Univerfalift Review. New Series, Vol. I. n. m. 8vo. N.Y., 1829-31. Gospel History. An Abftraft of the Gofpel Hiftory in Scripture Language. i2mo., pp. 60. Leeds, 1786. GoTT, Dorothy. The Midnight Cry, "Behold the Bridegroom Comes!" etc. 8vo., pp. 103. Lond., 1788. Chrift, the Standard of Truth, fet up. 8vo., pp. 1 1 8. Lond. Goudar, M. Ange. General Hiftory of the late Revolution of Genoa, from the Death of Charles VL till the Raifing of the Siege by the Germans. 8vo., pp. 186. Lond., 1752. Gouge, William M. A Short Hiftory of Paper Money and Banking in the United States. Second edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1835. Gould, Benjamin A. Review of Herfchel's Outlines of Aftronomy. (From the Chriftian Examiner for September, 1849.) 8vo., pp. 29. Cambridge, 1849. Gould, Edward S. American Criticifm on American Literature. A Lefturc delivered before the Mercantile Library Affbciation, Clin- ton Hall, December 29, 1835. 8vo., pp. 26. N. Y., 1836. — — Abridgment of Alifon's Hiftory of Europe, from the Commence- ment of the French Revolution in 1789 to the Reftoration of the Bourbons, in 181 5. 8vo. N. Y., 1845. Gould, M. T. C. Trial of Medad McKay for the Murder of his Wife, before Chief Juftice Spencer, 1820, and before his Honor W. W. Van Nefs, 1821. 8vo., pp. 112. Albany, 1821. Catalogue of Printed Books. 249 Gould, M. T. C. Trial of Twenty-four Journeymen Tailors charged with a Confpiracy, before the Mayor's Court of the City of Phi- ladelphia, September, 1827. 8vo. Phil., 1827. — — Stenographic Reporter, etc. Vol. IT., containing the Trial of Alexander McLeod for the Murder of Amos Durfee, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1841.^ GouMAY, B. C. Journal Militaire contenant tout ce qui eft relatif a la* Compofition et a I'Adminiftration de la Force publique ; et enfin tout ce qui concerne le miUfaires. With a Supplement. 26 vols. 8vo. Paris. GouR, A. J. Du. Colledlion des Meilleures ouvrages qui ont ete Publics pour la Defenfe de Louis XVI., Roi des Francais, etc. Tomes 2, 8vo. A Paris, 1793. GouRAUD, Francis Fauvel. Phreno-Mnemotechnic Diftionary ; being a Philofophical Claffification of all the Homophonic Words of the Englifh Language . . . etc. Part ift. 8vo. N. Y., 1844. Gourlie, John H. The Benefits and Influences of Commerce. A Le6lure delivered before the Mercantile Library Aflbciation, Chnton Hall, January 5, 1836. 8vo., pp. 23. N. Y., 1836. Addrefs delivered before the Mercantile Library Aflbciation, of the City of New York, at its 1 8th Annual Meeting, January 8, 1839 (embodying a Hiftory of the Aflbciation). 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1839. Gout. A Candid and Impartial State of the Evidence of the very Great Improbability that there is difcovered by Mens. Le Fevre from Liege, in Germany, a Specific for the Gout, etc. Lond., 1770. Gouverneur and Kemble, Plaintiffs in Error, and Louis Le Guen, De- fendant in Error. Report of the Cafe in the Court of Errors. 8vo., pp. 135. Albany^ 1798. Government of the United States of North America. An Expo- fition of the Weaknefs and Inefficiency of. l2mo. 1845. GowDiE, Joannes D. Diflertatio medica Inaugurahs de teftibus et de femine in variis Animalibus . . . l2mo. Edinburgh, 1755. Graah, W. a. Narrative of an Expedition to the Eaft Coaft of Greenland, fent by order of the King of Denmark, in Search of the Loft Colonies. Tranflated from the Danifli, by G. Gordon Macdougall. 8vo. Lond., 1837. Graberg de Hemso, Jacques. Precis de la Litterature Hiftorique du Mogh'rib-el-Akfa. 8vo., pp. 39. Lyons, 1820. Graham, Catherine Macaulay. Letters on Education, with Obfer- vations on Religious and Metaphylical Subjefts. 8vo. Lond., r 790. Graham, Isabella. The Power of Faith Exemphfied in her Life and Writings. 8vo. N. Y., 1816. Graham, James D. A Report upon the Military and Hydrographical Chart of the Extremity of Cape Cod, etc. Folio. Mefl*age from the Governor of Pennfylvania tranfmitting the Reports of the Joint Commiffioners, and of, in relation to the 250 New-York Historical Society. Boundary Lines between the States of Pennfylvania, Delaware and Maryland. [Correfled copy.] 8vo., pp. 36. Harrifburg, 1850. Graham, John A. A Defcriptive Sketch of the Prefent State of Ver- mont. 8vo. Lend., 1797. An Addrefs to the Pubhc, etc., with Letter to Hon. Stephen R. Bradley, Senator United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1805. The Correfpondence of, with his Grace of Canterbury . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 26. N. Y., 1835. [Graham, William A.] Meflage from the Governor in relation to the Hiitory of North Carolina. 8vo. Raleigh, 1 846. Grahame, James. The Hiftory of the United States of North America, from the Plantation of the Britifh Colonies till their Revolt and Declaration of Independence. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1836. Same. Second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1845. See Quincy. Grainger, James. The Sugar Cane : a Poem. In Four Books, with Notes, 4to,, pp. 162. Lond., 1764. Granger, Gideon. Addrefs delivered before the Ontario Agricultural Society, at its Second Annual Meeting, Oftober 3, 1820. 8vo., pp. 32. Canandaigua. Grant, Charles. A Poem on the Refloration of Learning in the Eaft. Which obtained Mr. Buchanan's prize. 8vo. Salem, 1 807. Grant, Mrs. (of Laggan). Memoirs of an American Lady. With Sketches of Manners and Scenery in America, as they exifted pre- vious to the Revolution. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 809. Same. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Grant, William. The Occafional Writer : being an Anfwer to the Second Manifefto of the Pretender's Eldeft Son, etc. Second edi- tion. 8vo., pp. 52. Lond., 1746. Grattan. Second Letter to, by the Author of " A Short His- tory of Oppofition." Second edition. 8vo., pp. 28. Dublin, 1797. Gpattan, Thomas CoLLEY. The Hiftory of the Netherlands. i6mo. Lond., 1830. Gratton, John. Journal of his Life, with a CoUeftion of his Books and MSS. [Imperfed.] 8vo. Lond., 1720. Graunt, John. Natural and Political Obfervations mentioned in a following Index, and made up on the Bills of Mortality. Fifth edition. i2mo. Lond., 1676. Gray, Ellis. The Defign of the Inftitution of the Gofpel Miniftry, etc.. Sermon, Bofton, September 27, 1741. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1741. Gray, Francis C. Letter to Governor Lincoln, in relation to Harvard Univerfity. 8vo. Bofton, 183 1. Oration dehvered before the Legiflature of Maflachufetts, at their requcft, on the looth Anniverfary of the Birth of Wafhington. 8vo. Bofton, 1832. Catalogue of Printed Books. 251 Gray, James. Diflertation on the Book of Revelations. Dedicated to the Author's Friends in America. i2mo. Newburgh, 181 8. Concio ad Clerum : a Sketch of the Condition and Profpefts of the Chriftian Church, delivered Baltimore, April 20, 1821. 8vo., pp. 108. Baltimore, 1821. Gray, Robert. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Daniel Stone, Hallowell,Maine, Oftober 21, 1795. 8vo.,pp.36. Hallowell, 1 796. New Hamplhire Eledlion Sermon, Hopkinton, June, 1798. 8vo. Dover, 1798. Gray, Thomas. Difcourfe before the Humane Society of MalTachu- fetts, June 11, 1805. 8vo., pp. 46. Bofton, 1805. Sermon on the Religious Opinions of the Prefent Day, delivered on September 23, 1821, Jamaica Plain, Roxbury. i2mo., pp. 48. Bofton, 1822. Gray, William Farley, Letter to his Excellency William H. Seward, Governor of the State of New York, touching a Controverfy with the Governor of Virginia refpedling the Surrender of certain Fugi- tives from Juftice from that State, charged with the Stealing of Slaves. 8vo., pp. 100. N. Y., 1 841. [Graydon, Alexander.] Memoirs of a Life chiefly pafled in Pennfyl- vania within the laft Sixty Years. With Occaiional Remarks upon the General Occurrences, Charafter and Spirit of that Eventful Period. i2mo. Harrifburgh, 1811. [ ] Same. Edited by John Gait. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822. Memoirs of his own Time, with Reminifcences of Men and Events of the Revolution. Edited by John S. Littell. 8vo. Phil., 1846. Great Britain. The Prefent State of, and Ireland. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1 711. Same. Eighth edition. Lond., 1738. The Political State of. Vol. VIIL 8vo. Lond., 17 14. The Military Glory of . . .an Entertainment at Commencement in Naffau Hall, New Jerfey, September 29, 1762. 4to., pp. 15. Phil., 1762. An Application of fome General Political Rules to the Prefent State of . . . Ireland and America, in a Letter to the Right Hon. Earl Temple. 8vo., pp. 86. Lond., 1766. The Late Occurrences in North America, and Policy of Great Britain, confidered. 8vo., pp. 42. Lond., 1766. The Prefent State of . . . and North America, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1767. The Rights of, Aflerted againft the Claims of America, being an Anfwer to the Declaration of the General Congrefs. Fourth edi- tion. i2mo., pp. 98. Lond., 1776. An Impartial Hiftory of . . . Civil and Political, during the Laft Two Years, from the Commencement of the Year 1779 ^o '^he Taking of St. Euftatia from the Dutch in 1781. 8vo., pp. 122. Lond., 1781. 252 New-York Historical Society. Great Britain. A Short Review of the Political State of, at the Com- mencement of the Year 1787. Fourth edition. 8vo., pp. 70. Lond., 1787. A Brief Examination into the Increafe of the Revenue, Commerce and Navigation of . . . fince the Conclufion of the Peace in 1783. Third edition. 4to., pp. 19. Lond., 1792. The Political Progrefs of, etc. Part I. Second edition. 8vo. Phil., 1794. and France. Analyfis of the late Correfpondence between our Adminiftration and Great Britain and France, with an Attempt to ftiew what are the Real Caufes of the Failure of the Negotiation. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. Origin and Progrefs of the Prefent Difficulties between the United States and . . . confidered, etc. By a Citizen of Otfego County. l2mo. Utica, 1809. Greek Frigates. Report of the Evidence and Reafons of the Award between Johannis Orlandos and Andreas Luriottis of the one part, and Le Roy, Bayard and Co. and G. G. and S. Rowland of the other part. By the Arbitrators. 8vo., pp. 72. N. Y., 1826. Greeley, Horace. A Hiftory of the Struggle for Slavery Extenfion or Rellridion in the United States, from the Declaration of Inde- pendence to the Prefent Day . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 164. N. Y., 1856. Green, Ashbel. Advice and Exhortation, addrefled to the People of the Second Prefbyterian Congregation in Philadelphia, on Relign- ing the Paftoral Charge. 8vo., pp. 32. Phil., 1812. Addrefs at the Interment of Robert Ralfton, Efq., Auguft 13, 1836. 8vo., pp. 23. Phil., 1836. Green, Enoch. Sermon occafioned by the Death of Rev. William Ramfay, Fairfield, December 9, 1771. 8vo,, pp. 32. Phil., 1772. [Green, J.] A Journey from Aleppo to Damafcus, with a Defcription of thofe two Capital Cities and the Neighboring Parts of Syria. Map. 8vo. Lond., 1736. Green, Jacob. Enquiry into the Conftitution and Difcipline of the Jewifh Church, etc. With an Appendix. 8vo., pp. 74. N. Y., 1768. Green, Jacob. An Addrefs on the Botany of the United States, delivered before the Society for the Promotion of Ufeful Arts . . . To which is added a Catalogue of Plants Indigenous to the State of New York. 8vo., pp. 76. Albany, 18 14. Green, Samuel. Sermon preached at the Dedication of the Trinitarian Church, in Concord, Mafs., December 6, 1826. 8vo., pp. 34. 'Concord, 1827. Green, Thomas J. Journal of the Texian Expedition againft Mier; fubfequent Imprifonment of the Author; his Sufferings, and final Efcape from the Caftle of Perote. With Refledlions upon the prefent Political and probable future Relations of Texas, Mexico, and the United States, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1845. Catalogue of Printed Books. 253 Green, Valentine. A Review of the Polite Arts in France, at the time of their Eftablifhment under Louis XIV., compared with their Prefent State in England, etc. 4to., pp. 78. Lend., 1782. Greene, Benjamin. Eulogy on George Walhington, pronounced at Berwick, January 4, 1800. 8vo., pp. 16. Portfmouth, 1800. Greene, Edward Burnaby. Political Trails, from November, 1779, to April, 1780. Infcribed to the Right Hon. Lord North. 8vo. Lond., 1780. Greene, George Washington. Difcourfe delivered before the Rhode Ifland Hillorical Society, February 4, 1849. 8vo., pp. 22. Providence, 1 849. Hiftorical Studies. i2mo. N. Y., 1850. Greene, John P. Fadls relative to the Expulfion of the Mormons, or Latter-Day Saints, from the State of Miflburi, under the " Ex- terminating Order." 8vo., pp. 43. Cincinnati, 1839. Greenhow, Robert. The Tricolor; devoted to the Politics, Litera- ture, etc. of Continental Europe. Nos. I.-IV., inclufive. 8vo. N. Y., 1830. The Hiftory and Prefent Condition of Tripoli ; with fdme Ac- counts of the other Barbary States. 8vo. Richmond, 1835. — — Memoir, Hiftorical and Political, on the North-Weft Coaft of North America, and the adjacent Territories. Illuftrated by a Map, and a Geographical View of thofe Countries. 8vo. [Senate Document 174; ift Sefs., 26th Congrefs.] Hiftory of Oregon and California, and the other Territories on the North- Weft Coaft of North America. Accompanied by a Geographical Map, etc. Bofton, 1 844. The fame. Second edition, reviled and enlarged. 8vo. Bofton, 1845. ■ Anfwer to the Striflures of Mr. Thomas Falconer, on the Hiftory of Oregon and California. 8vo. Walhington, 1 845. — — — Mr. Falconer's Reply to Mr. Greenhow's Anfwer; with Mr. Greenhow's Rejoinder. (The Oregon Queftion.) 8vo. 1845. The Geography of Oregon and California, etc. With a Map. 8vo., pp. 42. N. Y., 1845. Greenleaf, Jonathan. Sketches of the Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of the State of Maine, from the Earlieft Settlement to the Prefent Time. i2mo. Portfmouth [N. H.], 1821. Greenleaf, Moses. A Statiftical View of the Diftrift of Maine, more efpecially with reference to the Value and Importance of its Interior, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1816. Greenleaf, Simon. Difcourfe pronounced at the Inauguration of the Author, as Royall Profeflbr of Law in Harvard Univerfity, Auguft 26, 1834. 8vo. Cambridge, 1834. Greenwich. Concife Defcription of the Royal Holpital at Greenwich, for Seamen. i2mo. ^793" Greenwood Cemetery. Expofition of the Plan. 8vo. N. Y., 1839 '• Rules, Regulations, etc. Svo., pp. 23. N. Y., 1843. 254 New-York Historical Society. Greenwood Cemetery. Rules, Regulations, etc. With an Appendix. 8vo., pp. 40. N. Y., 1844. Same, etc. Containing a Catalogue of Proprietors. 8vo., pp. 6-]. N. Y., 1845. Greenwood, F. W. P. A Sermon delivered at the Ordination of Rev. William Parfons Lunt, June 19, 1828. 8vo., pp. 47. N. Y., 1828. A Hiftory of King's Chapel, in Bofton, the Firft Epifcopal Church in New England ; comprifing Notices of the Introduflion of Epifcopacy into the Northern Colonies. i2mo. Bofton, 1833. Gregg, Josiah. Commerce of the Prairies ; or, the Journal of a Santa Fe Trader, during Eight Expeditions acrofs the Great Weftern Prairies, and a Refidence of nearly Nine Years in Northern Mex- ico. Maps and engravings. 2 vols, l2mo. N. Y., 1844. Gregoire, M. l'Abbe Henri. Hiftoire des Seftes Religieufes, etc. Tomes 2. 8vo. Paris, 1810. La Meme. Nouvelle edition, corrigee et confiderablement aug- mentee. Tomes 5. 8vo. Paris, 1828-29. Enquiry concerning the Intelleftual and Moral Faculties, and Literature of Negroes, etc. Tranflated by D. B. Warden. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1810. De la Domefticite chez les Peuples Anciens et Modernes. 8vo. Paris, 1 8 14. Manuel de Piete, a I'ufage des Hommes de Couleur et des Noirs avec une gravure, etc. i2mo. . Paris, 1 81 8. Same. Avec fix gravures, etc. i2mo. Paris, 1822. Gregory, Charles William. PubHc Opinion and Record of Edu- cated, Titled, and Talented Perpetrators of Crime and Injuftice, etc. . . . 8vo. Lond., 1856. Gregory, G. A Diftionary of Arts and Sciences. 3 vols. 4to. Firft American edition. Phil., 181 5-16. Gregory, Olinthus. Letters to a Friend, on the Evidences, Doftrines, and Duties of the Chriftian Religion. 1 2mo. Grenville, Lord. Speech in the Houfe of Peers, on the Duke of Bedford's Motion for the Difmiffal of the Minifters, March 22, 1798. 8vo., pp. 31. Lond., 1798. Grew, Nehemiah. Mufaeum Regalis Societatis ; or, a Catalogue and Defcription of the Rarities preferved at Grelham College ; with the Comparative Anatomy of Stomacks and Guts. Folio. Lond., 1 68 1. Cofmologia Sacra ; or, a Difcourfe of the Univerfe, as it is the Creature and Kingdom of God, etc. Folio. Lond., 1 701. Gridley, John. Hiftory of Montpelier : a Difcourfe delivered Thanks- giving Day, December 8, 1 842, at Vermont. 8vo. Montpelier, 1843. Grievous, Peter, Jr. A Congratulatory Epiftle to the redoubtable " Peter Porcupine," on his " complete Triumph over the once towering, but fallen and defpicable Fadlion in the United States :" Catalogue of Printed Books, 255 a Poem. To which is annexed. The Vifion : a Dialogue between Marat and Peter Porcupine, in the Infernal Regions. 8vo. Phil., 1796. Griffin, Edward Dorr. The Kingdom of Chrift : a Miffionary Ser- mon, Philadelphia, May 23, 1805. 8vo., pp. 30. Phil., 1805. Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. Alexander McWhorter, D. D., July 22, 1807. Portrait. 8vo., pp. 52. N. Y., 1807. Farewell Sermon, preached May 28, 1809, at Newark, N. J. 8vo., pp. 20. Rep. Pittsfield, 1809. Sermon, Auguft 11, 18 11, for the Benefit of the Portfmouth Female Afylum, and alfo for the Roxbury Charitable Society, September 18, 181 1. Second edition. 8vo.j pp. 24. Bofton, 1 81 2. A Series of Leflures delivered in Park Street Church, Bofton, on Sabbath evening. Second edition. 8vo. Bofton, 1 813. Sermon, Oftober 20, 1 813, at Sandwich, Mafs., at the Dedica- tion of the New Meeting Houfe of the Calviniftic Congregational Society. 8vo. Bofton, 1 81 3. Living to God : a Sermon, June 16, 1 8 1 6, at the Brick Pres- byterian Church in New York. 8vo., pp. 22. N. Y., 18 16. A Plea for Africa: a Sermon, Oftober 26, 1817, before the Synod of New York and New Jerfey. 8vo., pp. 76. N. Y., 1817. Sermon, May 9, 18 19, at the Anniverfary of the United Foreign Miffionary Society. 8vo., pp. 27. N. Y., 18*19. A Sermon preached September 2, 1828, at the Dedication of the New Chapel connefted with Williams College, Mafs. 8vo., pp. 37. Williamftown, 1828. Convention Sermon, preached May 29, 1828. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1828. Remarks on Dr. Griffin's Requifition for Seventy Thoufand Minifters. 8vo. New Haven, 1824. [Griffin, John Q. A.] Some frelh Suggeftions on the Projcft of Annexing Charleftown to Bofton. By a Bunker Hill Boy. 8vo., pp. 18. Charleftown, 1855. Griffith, John. Some Brief Remarks upon Sundry Important Sub- jefts, etc. ; principally addrefled to the People called Quakers. 8vo., pp. 100. Lond., 1765. Griffith, Thomas W. Sketches of the Early Hiftory of Maryland. l2mo. Baltimore, 1821. Annals of Baltimore. i2mo. Baltimore, 1824. Griffith, William. A Treatife on the Jurifdiftion and Proceedings of Juftices of the Peace in Civil Suits, etc. 1 2mo. Newark, 1 797. [ ] Eumenes ; being a Colleftion of Papers written for the purpofe oi Exhibiting fome of the more prominent Errors and Omiffions of the Conftitution of New Jerfey, etc. 8vo. Trenton, 1 799. Oration at Burlington, N. J., in commemoration of General George Wafhington, 22d February, 1800. 8vo. Trenton, 1800. 256 New-York Historical Society. Griffith, William. Annual Law Regifter of the United States. Vols. III., IV. 8vo. Burlington, 1822. Grigg, J. Sermon at St. Albans and at Box-Lane, chiefly with a view to the apprehended Invafion. 8vo., pp. 48. Lond., 1756. Grimke, a. E. Letters to Catherine E. Beecher, in Reply to an Eflay on Slavery and Abolitionifm, etc. i2mo. Bollon, 1838. Grimke, Frederick. Confiderations upon the Nature and Tendency of Free Inftitutions. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1 848. Grimke, Thomas S. Addrefs at the Celebration of the Sunday School Jubilee . . . delivered at Charlefton, S. C, 14th February, 183 1. 8vo., pp. 20. Charlefton, 1 83 1. Addrefs on the Patriot Character of the Temperance Reforma- tion, delivered before the Charleftown Temperance Society, etc., 26th February, 1833. Charleftown, 1833. To the People of South Carolina, Charleftown, ift December, 1832. 8vo. Oration on the Comparative Elements and Duties of Grecian and American Eloquence, Oxford, Ohio, September 23, 1834. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1834. Griscom, John. A Year in Europe ; comprifing a Journal of Obferva- tions in England, Scotland, |Ireland, etc., in 181 8 and 1819. 2 vols. 8vo. ^ N. Y., 1823. — — Monitorial Inftru£lion : an Addrefs pronounced at the Opening of the New York High School. With Notes and Illuftrations. ■ i2mo. N. Y., 1825. Griscom, John H. Spinal Irritation; its Hiftory, Diagnofis, Patho- logy and Treatment, illuftrated by Cafes : an Eftay read before the New York Medical and Surgical Society, November, 1839. 8vo., pp. 52. N. Y., 1840. Griswold, Alexander V. Sermon at the Firft Meeting of the Con- vention of the Eaftern Diocefe, 19th September, 18 10. 8vo., pp. 19. Bofton, 181 1. Sermon at the Opening of the General Convention of the Pro- teftant Epifcopal Church in the United States of America, New York, May 21, 1817. 8vo., pp. 30. N. Y., 1 81 7. Griswold, Roger. Meflage to the General AfTembly, at their Special Seffion, Auguft 25, 181 2. With Documents accompanying. New Haven, 1812. Griswold, Rufus Wilmot. The Biographical Annual ; containing Memoirs of Eminent Perfons recently Deceafed. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1841. The Poets and Poetry of England in the Nineteenth Century. Third edition. 8vo. Phil., 1 846. The Profe Writers of America ; with a Survey of the Hiftory, Condition, and Profpefts of American Literature. Illuftrated with Portraits, from original piftures. 8vo. Phil., 1 847. Curiofities of American Literature. 8vo. [See D'lfraeh.j N. Y., 1847. Catalogue of Printed Books. 257 Griswold, Rufus Wilmot. Wafhington and the Generals of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 1 2mo. Phil., 1 847. Napoleon and the Marfhals of the Empire. 2 vols. i2mo. 1848. The Female Poets of America. Svo. Phil., 1849. The International Monthly Magazine of Literature, Science and Art. 5 vols. Svo. N.Y., 1850-52. The Republican Court; or, American Society in the Days of Wafhington. 8vo. N. Y., 1853. The Poets and Poetry of America. Seventeenth edition, revifed, etc. Portraits. 8vo. Phil., 1856. [ ] The Cyclopedia of American Literature. By Evart A. Duyck- inck and George L. Duyckinck, A Review. [From the New York Herald of February 13, 1856.] 8vo., pp. 32, N. Y., 1856. Griswold, Stanley. A Difcourfe delivered at New Milford, Oftober 12, 1800. 8vo,, pp. 31. Bridgeport, 1800. Sermon at WaUingford, Conn., before a numerous Colledlion of the Friends of the Conftitution, of Thomas Jefferfon, Prefident, and of Aaron Burr, Vice-Prefident of the United States. 8vo., pp. 36, Hartford, 1801. Sermon, 7th July, 1802, at SufEeld, Conn. 8vo., pp. 29. Suffield, 1802. and Dan Huntington, Ephraim Kirby, and Jofeph Lyman. Church and State : a Political Union, formed by the Enemies of both. Illuftrated in Correfpondence between. Svo. 1802. Gros, Johan Daniel. Natural Principles of Re£Utude, for the Con- duft of Man in all States and Situations of Life, etc. Svo. N.Y., 1795.. Grose, Francis. A Provincial Gloffary ; with a Colleftion of Locall Proverbs and Popular Superftitions. 4to. Lond., 1811.. Grosvenor, Thomas P. Oration at Hudfon, July 4th, 1808. With. Explanatory Notes. Svo. Grotius, Hugo. Diflertatio de Origine Gentium Americanarum. 8vo.„ pp. 13. ... . *^42. Differ tatio altera de Origine Gentium Americanarum, adverfus . obtreftatorem, opaca quem bonum facit barba. Svo., pp. 30. 1643..' His Three Books, treating of the Rights of War and Peace, etc.- Tranflated into Englifh by William Evats, B. D. Foho. Lond., 1682. . Het Leven van Hugo de Groot. Svo. Amfterdam, 177 1. Gryn^us, Simon. Novus Orbis Regionum ac Infularum Veteribus • Incognitarum una cum Tabula Cofmographica, etc. Folio. BafileDe, 1555.. Gualdo, Priorato. The Hiftory of France. Tranflated from the Italian, by Henry Earl of Monmouth, and William Brent. Folio. . Lond., 1676. 17 258 New-York Historical Society. Guardian, Diftrefles and Miraculous Prefervation of his Majefty's Ship the . . . 8vo. Lend., 1790. Guenon's Treatife on Milch Cows. With Remarks and Obfervations on the Cow and Dairy, by John S. Skinner. 8vo. N. Y., 1 846. GuERRA, Jose. Hiftoria de la Revolucion de Nueva Efpana, antigua- mente Anahuac, etc. Tomes 2. 8vo. Lond., 181 3. Guest, Henry, Obfervations on the Sheathing of Veflels, Seafoning of Timber, etc., in a feries of Letters. 8vo. New Brunfwick, 1801. Guiana. An Eflay on the Natural Hiftory of. [Title-page gone.] GuicciARDiNi, LuDovico. Dcfcription de touts les Pays-Bas, autrement appellez la Germanic Inferieure ou Baffe Allemagne . . , Traduit d'ltalien en langue Francoise, par F. de Belle Foreft. Folio, Amfterdam, 1609. Omnium Belgii, five Inferioris Germania;, Regionum Defcriptio, etc. Folio. Amfterdam, 1613, Guide. A Praftical, during a Journey from London to Paris, Map, etc. Second edition. i2mo. Lond., 1803. Guide to Devotion, for the Ufe of the Blind, by the Prelbyterian Board of Publication. Folio. 1 846, GuiLLERMiN, Gilbert. Journal Hiftorique de la Revolution de la Partie de I'Eft de Saint Domingue commencee le 10 Aout, 1808. Avec Notes, etc. 8vo. Phil., 18 10. GuizoT, M. General Hiftory of Civilization in Europe, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. 1 2mo. N.Y., 1838. Gulls. The Wars of the . . . An Hiftorical Romance, in Three Chapters. i2mo. N. Y., 1812. GuNN, Alexander. Sermon occafioned by the Death of Rev. Dr. John N. Abeel. 8vo., pp. 24. N. Y., 181 2. Sermon on the Prevailing Vice of Intemperate Drinking, Bloom- ingdale, January i, 1813. 8vo., pp. 24. N. Y., 181 3. Memoirs of John H. Livingfton. 8vo. N. Y., 1829. Gunpowder Plot. A True and Perfedl Relation of the Proceedings at the Severall Arraignments of the late Moft Barbarous Traitors. 8vo. Lond., 1606. GuNTER, Edmund. The Works of. Fifth edition. By William Ley- bourn, Philomath. 410. Lond., 1673. GuRLEY, Ralph Randolph. Life of Jehudi Afhmun, etc. 8vo. Walhington, 1835. Same. With an Appendix, etc. Second edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1839. Addrefs at the Annual Meeting of the Pennfylvania Colonization Society, November 11, 1839. 8vo., pp. 40. Phil., 1839. ■ Million to England on behalf of the American Colonization So- ciety. i2mo. Walhington, 1841. Life and Eloquence of the Rev. Sylvefter Lamed, in which is contained his Portrait. Svo. N. Y., 1 844. Catalogue of Printed Books. 259 GuRNEY, David. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Edward Rich- mond, Stoughton, December 5, 1792. 8vo. Bofton. GuRNEY, Joseph. The Trial of Thomas Hardy for High Treafon, at the Seffions Houfc in the Old Bailey, Oftober, November, 1794. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1794. The Whole Proceedings on the Trial of Indidment againft Tho- mas Walker, of Manchefter, Merchant, Samuel. Jackfon, James Cheetham, Oliver Pearfal, Benjamin Booth, and Jofeph Collier, for Confpiracy, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1794. The Trial of John Home Tooke for High Treafon, at the Sef- fions Houfe in the Old Bailey, November, 1 794. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1795. The Trial of William Stone for High Treafon, at the Bar of the Court of King's Bench, January, 1796. 8vo. Lond., 1796. GuRNEY, Joseph John. A Letter to a Friend, on the Authority, Pur- pofe, and EfFefts of Chriflianity, etc. Eighteenth edition. 1 2mo., pp. 34. Lond., 1825. Familiar Letters to Henry Clay, of Kentucky, defcribing a Win- ter in the Weft Indies. 8vo. N. Y., 1 840. Obfervations on the Diftinguilhing Views and Pradlices of the Society of Friends. [Firil American from the Seventh London edition.] 8vo. N. Y., 1 840. Guthrie, William. A Syftem of Modern Geography ; or, a Geo- graphical, Hiftorical and Commercial Grammar, etc. 410. Lond., 1 8 II. Guthrie, William. See Ouinftillanus Cicero. GwiNETT, Ambrose. Adventures of . . . Tried, Condemned and Exe- cuted for a Murder he never Committed, etc. With an Account of John Mathiefon, and Narrative of the Adventures of Four Ruffian Sailors, etc. 8vo., pp. 32. Phil., 1784. Habeas Corpus. Fads, Records, Authorities and Arguments, con- cerning the Claims of Liberty and the Obligations of Military Service, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1758. Hacke, William. A Colleftion of Original Voyages, Maps, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1699. Hadduck, Charles B. An Oration pronounced before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, of Dartmouth College, Auguft 25, 1825. 8vo., pp. 35. Concord, 1825. A Difcourfe delivered before the New England Society of the City of New York, December 22, 1841. 8vo., pp. 24. N. Y., 1842. The Reliance of Chriftianity on its Minifters : a Difcourfe deliv- ered before the Rhetorical Society, in the Theological Seminary, at Bangor, Me., Auguft 30, 1843. 8vo., pp. 33. Bofton, 1843. Hadley, W. Hobart. The American Citizen's Manual of Reference ; being a Comprehenfive, Hiftorical, Statiftical, etc. View of the 26o New-York Historical Society. United States of North America, and of the feveral States and Territories. 8vo. N. Y., 1840. Haerlem. Conftitution of the Friendly Society of the Town of. pp. 13. N. Y., 1807. Haerramek ja Vaesftamek Jefus Kriftus adda Teftament. [New Tefta- ment in Swedilh.] izmo, Kriftianiaft, 1840. Haggerton, George. Free and Candid Remarks upon a Sermon by Rev. William Graham. 8vo., pp. 77. Lond., 1773. Hague, William. An Hiftorical Difcourfe delivered at the Celebra- tion of the Second Centennial Anniverfary of the Firft Baptift Church in Providence, November 7, 1839. izmo. Providence, 1839. Haight, Benjamin J. An Addrefs delivered before the Philolexian Society of Columbia College, May 1 7, 1 840. N. Y., 1 840. [Haight, Mrs. R. K.] Letters from the Old World. By a Lady of New York. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1840. [Haines, Charles G.] Confiderations on the Great Weftern Canal, from the Hudfon to Lake Erie ; with a View of its Expenfe, Ad- vantages and Progrefs. Publifhed by Order of the New York Correfponding Affbciation for the Promotion of Internal Improve- ments. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1818. [ ] Report on the Penitentiary Syftem in the United States ; pre- pared under a Refolution of the Society for the Prevention of Pau- perifm in the City of New York. 8vo., pp. 101. Appendix, 107. N. Y., 1822. [ ] Arguments againft the Juftice and Policy of Taxing the Capital Stock of Banks and Infurance Companies, in the State of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1824. Memoir of Thomas Addis Emmet . . . With a Biographical Notice of Mr. Haines. i2mo. N. Y., 1829. Haklxjyt, Richard. The Principal! Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Difcoveries of the Enghfh Nation, etc. 3 vols, folio. Lond., 1 598-1 600. A Seledlion of Curious, Rare, and Early Voyages, and Hiftories of Interefling Difcoveries, chiefly pubhfhed by Hakluyt, or at his fuggeftion, etc. [Evans' Supplementary Volume.] 4to. Lond., 1 81 2. Haldeman, S. S. a Defcription of feveral New and Interefting Ani- mals. 8vo. Albany, 1847. Hale, Benjamin. A Sermon occafioned by the Death of David Bates Douglafs, LL. D. . . . and preached in the College Chapel, on the laft Sunday of the Term, December 16, 1849. 8vo., pp. 19. Geneva, 1850. Hale, Edward E. Letters on Irifh Emigration. Firft publifhed in the Bofton Daily Advertifer. 8vo., pp. 64. Bofton, 1852. A Sermon delivered before the Bofton Society for the Prevention of Pauperifm, at the Old South Church, in Bofton, May 9, 1852. 8vo,, pp. 24. Bofton, 1852. Catalogue of Printed Books. 261 Hale, M. Spring Water verfus River Water, for Supplying the City of New York . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 50 N. Y., 1835. [Hale, N.] Remarks on the Practicability and Expediency of Eftab- lilhing a Rail Road in one or more Routes from Bofton to the Connedlicut River. By the Editor of the Boflon Daily Advertjfer. 8vo., pp. 71. Bofton, 1827. Hale, Sir Matthew. The Primitive Origination of Mankind Con- fidered and Examined, according to the Light of Nature. Folio. Lond., 1677. Pleas of the Crown ; or, a Methodical Summary of the Principal Matters relating to that Subjefl. With his Treatife on Sheriff's Accompts, and a Tryal of Witches. 8vo. Lond., 1707. The Hiftory of the Common Law. Fourth edition, etc. By Charles Runnington. 8vo, Dublin, 1792. Hale, Salma. Annals of the Town of Keene, from its Firft Settlement in 1734, to the year 1790. 8vo., pp. 69. Concord, 1826. Hiftory of the United States, from their Firft Settlement as Colo- nies, to the Clofe of the Adminiftration of Mr. Madifon, in 181 7. [Fam. Lib.] 2 vols. i2mo. N. Y., 1841. Hales, John, of Etx)n. Golden Remains of the Ever Memorable. 4to. Lond., 1659. Hales, John G. A Survey of Bofton and its Vicinity, etc. i2mo. Bofton, 1 82 1. Hales, Stephen. Vegetable Staticks ; or, an Account of fome Statical Experiments on the Sap in Vegetables. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1727-33. Account of fome Experiments and Obfervations on Mr. Stephens' Medicines for Diftblving the Stone, etc. 8vo., pp. 66. Lond. Half-Pay. A Colleflion of Papers relative to, and Commutation thereof, granted by Congrefs to the Officers of the Army. With a Circular Letter from General Wafhington to the feveral Legiflatures of the United States. 4to. Bofton, 1783. Halhed, Nathaniel Brassey. Anfwer to Dr. Home's Second Pam- phlet, etc. 8vo., pp. 34. Lond., 1795. Teftimony of the Authenticity of the Prophecies of Richard Brothers, etc. 8vo., pp. 40. Lond., 1795. See Gentoos. Haliburton, Thomas C. An Hiftorical and Statiftical Account of Nova Scotia. Map and engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. Halifax, 1829 Halkett, John. Hiftorical Notes refpefting the Indians of North America. 8vo. Lond., 1825. Hall, Benjamin H. Hiftory of Eaftern Vermont, from its Earlieft Settlement to the Clofe of the Eighteenth Century. Vi'^ich a Bio- graphical Chapter and Appendixes. 8vo. N. Y., 1857. [Hall, Captain.] The Hiftory of the Civil War in America. Vol. L, comprehending the Campaigns of 1775, '7^» ^""^ ^77' ^7 ^" Officer of the Army. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1780. Hall, David. Thankfgiving Sermon for the Entire Reduftion of Canada, etc., dehvered Oftober 9, 1760. 8vo. Bofton, 176 1. 262 New-York Historical Society. Hall, Edwin. The Puritans and their Principles. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. The Ancient Hiftorical Records of Norwalk, Conn. With a Plan of the Ancient Settlement, and of the Town in 1 847. 1 2mo. Norwalk, 1847. Hall, Frederick. Eulogy on the late Solomon Metcalf Allen . . . March 17, 1808. 8vo., pp. 16. Middlebury, 1818. Statiftical Account of the Town of Middlebury, in the State of Vermont, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1821. Catalogue of Minerals found in the State of Vermont, etc. 8vo. Hartford, 1824. Hall, James. The Weft : its Soil, Surface, and Produftions. 1 2mo. Cincinnati, 1848. Hall, J. Prescott. Difcourle delivered before the New England Society of New York, December 22, 1847. N. Y., 1848. Hall, John. An Oration delivered at Tolland, Conn., before the Wafhington Benevolent Society, February 22d, 1814. 8vo. Hartford, 1 814. Hall, Joseph. Oration at Bofton, 4th July, 1800. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton. Hall, Robert. A Friendly Addrefs to the Methodifts. 1 2mo., pp 24. Nottingham, 1796. Modern Infidelity Confidered, with refpeft to its Influence on Society: a Sermon from Ephefians ii. 12. With a Preface. 8vo., pp. 55. Rep. Charleftown, 1801. Hall, Samuel. Sermon, in which is fhewed. What are Not, and What Are, the Evidences of Any One's being in the Favor of God: New Chelhire, January, 1746-7. 8vo., pp. 26. New London, 1 747. Hallam, Henry. The Conftitutional Hiftory of England, from the Acceffion of Henry VII. to the Death of George II. 3 vols. 8vo. Bofton, 1829. View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. 8vo. N. Y., 1837. Hallet, Joseph, Jr. An EfTay on the Nature and Ufe of Miracles, etc. 8vo., pp. 74. Lond., 1730. Halley, Ebenezer. Chriftianity : its Paft Struggles ; its Prefent Pofi- tion ; its Future Profpefts : an Addrefs delivered before the Theo- logical Society at Union College, July 25, 1847. 8vo. Albany, 1847. The Pantheifm of Germany : a Sermon delivered before the Synod of Albany, at Saratoga Springs, Oftober 9, 1850. 8vo., pp. 64. Albany, 1850. Hallock, William A. Memoir of Harlan Page ; or, the Power of Prayer and Perfonal Effort for the Souls of Individuals. 1 8mo. Halsey, William. Oration, 22d February, 1800, Newark, N. J. 8vo., pp. 23. Newark, 1800. Halsted, Oliver S. Addrefs upon the Charafter of the late Hon. Catalogue of Printed Books. 263 Ifaac H. Williamfon, delivered before the Bar of New Jerfey, September 3, 1844. 8vo. Newark, 1844. Hamburg. The Pifture of; or, the Englifliman's Guide to that Free, Imperial City, etc. i2mo. Hamburg. [Hamilton, Alexander.] A Full Vindication of the Meafures of the Congrefs from the Calumnies of their Enemies, in Anfwer to a Letter under the fignature of A. W. Farmer, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1774. [ ] The Farmer Refuted ; or, a More Impartial and Comprehenfive View, of the Difpute between Great Britain and the Colonies ; in- tended as a Further Vindication of the Congrefs, in Anfwer to a Letter from A. W. Farmer, entitled, "A View of the Contro- verfy," etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1775. [" N. B. An Anfwer to the preceding Piece by A, W. Farmer, was advertifed to be in the Prefs with the following title : " The Republican Difledled ; or, the Anatomy of an American Whig ;" but, by a fudden and unexpefted Revolution, the Liberty of the Prefs was totally deftroyed, and nothing could be printed on the fide of Government." — MS. Note. The above Note, by Dr. T. B. Chandler of Elizabeth-Town, refers to the feizure and deftruftion of Rivington's prefs and types, by Captain Ifaac Sears, with a Party from Connefticut.] [ ] Letter from Phocion to the Confiderate Citizens of New York, on the Politics of the Day. 8vo., pp. 23. N. Y., 1784. [ ] Second Letter from Phocion . . . containing Remarks on Men- tor's Reply. 8vo. N. Y., 1784. The Federalift : a Colleftion of EfTays, written in favor of the New Conftitution, as agreed upon by the Federal Convention, September 17, 1787. 2 vols. i2mo. N. Y., 1788. Le Federaliftc, etc. 8vo. Tome II. Paris, 1792. An Examination of the late Proceedings in Congrefs, refpedling the Official Condudl of the Secretary of the Treafury. 8vo., pp. 28. [i7?3-] [ ] Defence of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between the United States of America and Great Britain, etc., under the fignature of Camillus. 8vo., pp. 139. N. Y., 1795. Reports of Secretary of the Treafury, read in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States. 4to., pp. 96. Lond., 1795. Obfervations on certain Documents contained in Nos. V. and VI. of " The Hiftory of the United States for the year 1 796," in which the Charge of Speculation againft Alexander Hamilton, late Secretary of the Treafury, is fully Refuted. 8vo., pp. 37, Iviii. Phil., 1797. Letter concerning the Public Conduft and Charafter of John Adams, Efq., Prefident of the United States. 8vo., pp. 54. N. Y., 1800. Anfwer to his Letter, concerning the Public Conduft, etc., of John Adams. 8vo. N. Y., 1800. 264 New-York Historical Society. Hamilton, Alexander. A Letter to Major-General, containing Obfer- vations on his Letter, concerning the Public Conduft and Charafter of John Adams. By a Citizen of thefe States. 8vo. N. Y., 1800. Reply to his Letter concerning the Public Conduft, etc., of John Adams. By a Federal Republican. 8vo. N. Y., 1800. Letter to, occafioned by his Letter to Prefident Adams. By a Federalill [Ariftides]. 8vo., pp. 8. [ ] An Addrefs to the Eledlors of the State of New York. 8vo., pp. 23. Rep. N. Y., April, 1801. The Federalift on the New Conflitution. By Publius. Written in 1788. To which is added, Pacificus on the Proclamation of Neutrality. Written in 1793, etc. Revifed and correfted. [Edited by John Wells.] 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1802. Propolitions of, in Convention for Eftablifhing a Conflitution for the United States, with a Summary of the PoHtical Opinions of John Adams, and a Difcuffion between John Adams and Samuel Adams. 8vo., pp. 32. Pittsfield, 1802. Coleman's Colleftion of Fafts and Documents relative to the Death of, together with the various Sermons, Orations and Eulogies upon. 8vo. N. Y., 1804. The Speeches of . . . and others, in the great Caufe of The People againft Harry Crofwell, for a Libel on Thomas JefFerfon. 8vo. N. Y., 1804. Works. 3 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1810. The Official and other Papers of the late Major-General, com- piled chiefly from the originals in the pofleffion of Mrs. Hamilton. [By Francis L. Hawks.] Vol. L 8vo. N. Y., 1 842. The Works of, comprifmg his Correfpondence, and his Political and Official Writings, etc. Edited by John C. Hamilton. [Pub- lifhed by order of Congrefs.] 7 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1851. Hamilton. To the FederaHfts of the United States, on the Choice of a Prefident. 8vo. N. Y., 1812. Hamilton to the Editors of the National Intelligencer, Nos. 4, 5, New Series, Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 8vo. 1822. Hamilton, Frank H. Eulogy on the Life and Charafler of Theo- doric Romeyn Beck, M. D., delivered before the Medical Society of the State of New York. 8vo., pp. 90. Albany, 1856. Hamilton, James. An Eflay on the Ufual Mode of Teaching the Languages, and the Poffibility of Teaching French or Englilh in 46 Leflbns. Second edition. N. Y., 1816. Hamilton, John C. Life of Alexander Hamilton. Vols. L IL 8vo. N. Y., 1840. Hamilton, John S. The Army, Navy, and Militia Volunteer Guide to Health, Valor and Vidtory . . . etc. 24mo., pp. 73. 1851. Hamilton, Duke of, et al.. Plaintiffs, and Archibald Douglas, De- fendant. Summary of the Speeches, Arguments and Determinations of the Lords of Council and Seffion in Scotland on that Important Caufe, etc. 8vo., pp. 102. 1767. I J^ Catalogue of Printed Books. 265 Hamilton, Sir William, Bart. A Letter from, to Auguftus de Morgan, Efq., on his Claim to the Independent Re-difcovery of a New Principle in the Theory of Syllogifm. 8vo., pp. 44. Edinburgh, 1847. Hammett, John. Anfwer to Nat. Stone's (of Harwich) Cautions to Erring Chriftians, relating to the Minillry. 8vo., pp. 32. 1739. Hammond, Abijah. An Addrcfs delivered before the Agricultural Society of the County of Weft Chefter, New York, Odober 26, 1820. 8vo., pp. 23. Mount-Plcafant, 1821. Hammond, J. H. Two Letters on Slavery in the United States, ad- drefled to Thomas Clarkfon, the Englilh Abolitionift. 8vo., pp. 5 1. Columbia, 1845. An Addrefs delivered before the South Carolina Inftitute, at its Firft Annual Fair, 20th November, 1849. 8vo., pp. 54. Charlefton, S. C., 1 849. Hammond, Wells S. Oration at Cherry Valley, July 4, 1839. 8vo. Albany, 1839. Hamond, Walter. Madagafcar : the Richeft and moft Fruitfull Ifland in the World, etc. 4to. Lond., 1643. Hampden. A Letter to the Prefident of the United States touching the Profecutions under his Patronage before the Circuit Court in the Diftrift of Connefticut. 8vo. New Haven, 1 808. Hampshire County (Mafs.) An Addrefs to the People of, by a Com- mittee appointed for that Purpofe. 8vo. Northampton, 1 809. The Addrefs, etc., of the Charitable Society, inftituted by the Central Aflbciation of Minifters in the County. 8vo., pp. 12. Northampton, 1 81 5. Hampshire Missionary Society. Report of the Truftees, Auguft, 1 802. 8vo., pp. 12. Northampton, 1802. Hampton, George. Candid Remarks upon Mr. Taylor's Difcourfe on the Atonement, etc. 8vo., pp. 96. Lond. Hancock, John. Maflachufetts Eledlion Sermon, May 30, 1722. 8vo. pp. 30. Bofton, 1722. Sermon at the Ordination of his Son, Brantree, November 2, 1726. 8vo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1726. Hancock, John. Expoftulatory and Pacifick Letter. By way of Reply to Mr. Gee's Letter, etc. 8vo., pp. 15. Bofton, 1743. Hancock, John. Difcours de fon Excellence Monfieur Jean Hancock, Prefident du Congres de Philadelphia. 8vo., pp. 32. Phil., 1776. Hand-Bills. A Seleftion of, circulated this Spring before the General Eledlion for State Officers took place, izmo., pp. 35. N. Y., 1810. Hanger, George. Military Refleftions on the Attack and Defence of the City of London. 8vo. Lond., 1795. Life, Adventures and Opinions of 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1801. To all Sportsmen, and particularly to Farmers and Gamekeepers, etc. 8vo. Lond., 18 14. 266 New-York Historical Society. Hannah. The Mother of Samuel the Prophet and Judge of Ifrael. A Sacred Drama, izmo. Bofton, 1839. Hanson, Alexander Contee. Trial upon a Charge conceived to be Mutinous and Highly Reproachful to the Prefident, etc. 8vo. Baltimore, 1809. Speech in the Houfc of Reprefentatives of the United States, February 14, 18 14, on the Loan Bill. 8vo. Georgetown, 1814. .^ [Hanson, John.] Remarks on the Propofed Plan of an Emiffion of Paper and on the Means of EfFefting it, addrefled to the Citizens of Maryland, by Ariftides. 8vo. [Imperfeft.] Annapolis. Hanson, Thomas. Pruflian Evolutions in Aftual Engagements, etc. 30 Plates. 4to. Phil. Hanway, John. Nova Editio Pfalmorum Davidis Quinquaginta Priorum, etc. 8vo., pp. 82. Lond., 1726. Hanway, Jonas. An Hiftorical Account of the Trade in the Cafpian Sea, with a Journal of Travels, etc. 4 vols. 4to. Lond., 1753. [ ] A Journal of Eight Days' Journey, etc. Effay on Tea, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1757. Harbors. Further Report of the Committee on that part of the Prefi- dent's Meflage which relates to the Defence of our Sea-Port Towns and . . . December 3, 1807. 8vo. Walhington, 1807. Hardie, James. Short Account of the City of Philadelphia, etc., with a Corredl Plan of the City. 8vo., pp. 40. Phil,, 1794. • An Account of the Malignant Fever lately Prevalent in the City of New York, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1799. An Account of the Malignant Fever which prevailed in the City of New York during the Autumn of 1805. 8vo., pp. 196. N. Y., 1805. New Biographical Didlionary and American Remembrancer of Departed Merit, etc. Engravings. 4 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1805. An Account of the Yellow Fever in New York, 1822 . . . etc. i2mo., pp. 120. N. Y., 1822. The Hiilory of the Tread Mill, etc. With a General View of the Penitentiary Syftem, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1824. Defcription of the City of New York, etc. l2mo. N. Y., 1827. Hardy, Thomas. See Gurney. Hardy, William. Sketch of the Proceedings and Trial of, on an In- didment for the Murder of an Infant, 27th November, 1806, be- fore the Supreme Judicial Court at Bofton. 8vo., pp. 47. Bofton, 1807. Hare, [Dr.] The Difficulties and Difcouragements which attend the Study of the Scriptures in the Way of Private Judgment, etc. Seventh Edition. With a Letter of John Hales of Eaton to Arch- bilhop Laud, etc. 8vo., pp. 47. Lond., 17 16. Hare, Francis. Sermon to the Societies for Reformation of Manners, at St. Mary-le-Bow, January 5, 1730. 8vo. Lond., 1731. Hare, Robert, A New Theory of Galvanifm, etc. Phil., 1819. \ Catalogue of Printed Books. 267 Hare, Robert. Suggeftions refpefting the Reformation of the Banking Syftem. Phil, 1837. Notice from, refpedling the Fufion of Platina. Alfo refpefting a New Ether and a Series of Gafeous Compounds, etc. Phil., 1838. An Effort to Refute the Opinion that no Addition is made to the Capital of a Community by Banking. A Brief Expofition of the Injury done to the Community, and efpecially to the Poor, by the Prohibition of Bills under Five Dollars, while fuch Bills are permitted to Circulate in other States. In a Letter to William B. Reed, Efq. Alfo a fubfequent Letter on the Failure of the late Effort to Refume Specie Payment. To which is annexed a Scheme for a National Currency. Phil., 1841. Ledlure ; Introdudory to a Courfe on Chemiftry, in the Univer- fity of Pennfylvania, delivered November 7, 1843. Phil., 1843. A Letter to William Whewell, in Reply to certain Allegations and Arguments advanced in a Pamphlet, entitled a " Demonftra- tion that all Matter is Heavy." Notices of Tornadoes, etc. 8vo. Objedions to Mr. Redfield's Theory of Storms, with fome Stric- tures upon his Reafoning. 8vo. Additional Objections to Redfield's Theory of Storms. 'A Letter to Profeffor Faraday on certain Theoretical Opinions. Second Letter to Profeffor Faraday. Hargrave, Francis. Argument in the Cafe of James Somerfet, a Negro, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1772. Hargrove, John. The Subflance of a Sermon on the Leading Doc- trines of the New Jerufalem Church, before the Prefident and Congrefs of the United States, Wafhington, 26th December, 1 802. 8vo., pp. 24. 1803. Harlan, Richard. Fauna Americana : being a Defcription of the Mammiferous Animals inhabiting North America. 8vo. Phil., 1825. Harleian Miscellany ; or, a CoUedlion of Scarce, Curious and En- tertaining Pamphlets and Trafts, etc. With Notes. 1 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1 808-1 1. Harley, Robert. Effay upon Public Credit, etc. Firfl printed 1710. 8vo., pp. 35. Lond., 1797. Harmar, Josiah. The Proceedings of a Court of Enquiry, held at the Special Requeft of Brigadier-General ... to Inveftigate his Con- du6l as Commanding Officer of the Expedition againll: the Miami Indians, 1790. Fol., pp. 31. Phil., 179 1. Harmon, Joel, Jr. The Columbian Sacred Minftrel. Oblong 4to. Northampton, Mafs., 1 809. Harper, Robert Goodloe. Addrefs to his Conflituents, containing his Reafons for Approving of the Treaty, etc. With a Letter from Governor Jay to the Author on the French Revolution. 8vo. N. Y., 1796. Obfervations on the Difpute between the United States and 268 New-York Historical Society. France, addrefled to his Conftituents. With his Speech on Foreign Intercourfe, etc, 8vo., pp. 151. Bofton, 1798. Harper, Robert Goodloe. Speech on the Foreign Intercourfe Bill, in Reply to Mr. Nicholas and Mr. Gallatin, March 2, 1798. Speech in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States on the Reduftion of the Army. 1 2mo., pp. 44.. Phil., 1 800. Letter to his Conftituents, March 5, 1801. 8vo., pp. 16. Portfmouth, 180 1. Speech at the Celebration of the Recent Triumphs of the Caufe of Mankind in Germany, at Annapolis, January 20, 1814. 8vo., pp. 68. Alexandria. Seleft Works, confifting of Speeches on Political and Forenfic Subjedls, etc. Vol. I. 8vo. Baltimore, 1814. See Conlpiracy Cafes. Harriott, John. Struggles Through Life, exemplified in the various Travels and Adventures in Europe, Afia, Africa and America, etc. 2 vols. i2mo. Rep. Phil., 1809. Harrington, James. The Common- Wealth of Oceana. Dedicated to His Highnefle the Lord Proteftor of the Common- Wealth of England, Scotland and Ireland. Folio. [Lond., 1656.] Harris, George. The Life of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke. With Seleftions from his Correfpondence, Diaries, Speeches and Judg- ments . . . etc. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1847. Harris, J. Morrison. Difcourfe on the Life and Charafter of Sir Walter Ralegh, delivered before the Maryland Hiftorical Society^ May 19, 1846. . . . 8vo., pp. 71. Baltimore, 1846. A Paper upon California. Read before the Maryland Hiftorical Society, March, 1849, 8vo., pp. 32. Baltimore, 1849. Harris, James. Three Treatifes, concerning Art, Mufic, Painting, Poetry and Happiness. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1783. Hermes ; or, a Philofophical Inquiry concerning Univerfal Grammar. Fifth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1794. Harris, John. Lexicon Technicum ; or, an Univerfal Englifti Diftion- ary of Arts and Sciences, explaining not only the Terms of Art but the Arts themfelves. Second Edition. Vol. II. Folio. Lond., 1723. Complete Colleftion of Voyages and Travels. 2 vols, folio. Lond., 1744-8. Harris, Thaddeus Mason. The Natural Hiftory of the Bible ; or, a Defcription of all the Beafts, Birds, etc., mentioned in the Sacred Scriptures. l2mo. Bofton, 1793. Mafonic Sermon, delivered in Charleftown, June 27, 1796. 8vo. Bofton, 1796. Difcourfe at Bridgewater, November 3, 1797, before the Fellow- fhip Lodge. 8vo., pp. 20. Bofton, 1797. Difcourfe addrefled to the Religious Society of Young Men in Dorchefter, on the Termination of 100 Years from its Eftablifh- ment. 8vo., pp. 24. Charleftown, 1 799. Catalogue of Printed Books. 269 Harris, Thaddeus Mason. Tribute to his Mother : a Difcourfe at Dorchefter, February 8, 1801. 8vo., pp. 20. Charleftown, 1801. Sermon at the Inllallation of Rev. Abiel Abbott, Beverly, De- cember 14, 1803. 8vo., pp. 36. Salem, 1804. Addrcfs, December 28, 1803, at the Interment of Three Perfons Drowned, etc. 8vo., pp. 12. Bollon, 1804. The Journal of a Tour into the Territory Northweft of the Al- leghany Mountains, made in the Spring of the year 1803, with a Geographical and Hiftorical Account of the State of Ohio. Maps, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1805. Difcourfe before the Humane Society of Maflachufetts, June i o, 1806. 4to., pp. 40. Bofton, 1806. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Caleb H. Shearman, Dover, May 6, 1807. 8vo., pp. 16. Dover, 1807. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Samuel Olgood, Springfield, January 25, 1809. 8vo., pp. 36. Springfield, 1809. [ ] Neceflary Caution on the Ufe of Catechifms, etc. i2mo., pp. 12. Bofton, 1 812. Difcourfe before the Bofton Female Afylum, September 24, 181 3. [Lift of Sermons.] 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1813. Difcourfe at Dorchefter, March 5, 1 813, at the Funeral of Ebe- nezer Wales. 8vo., pp. 20. Bofton, 1 813. Sermon at the Ordination of Ephraim Randall, New Bedford, Odober 26, 1814. 8vo. New Bedford, 18 14. —^— Biographical Memoirs of James Oglethorpe. 8vo. Bofton, 1 841. Harris, Walter. Sermon on the Death of Deacon Samuel Burnham, at Dunbarton, New Hampftiire, April 7, 1811. 8vo. A Difcourfe delivered at Londonderry Eaft Parifli, at a Meeting of Magiftrates, Minifters and Citizens, convened for the purpofe of devifing Meafures to Prevent the Profanation of the Sabbath, November 16, 1 814 . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 28. Concord, 18 14. Harris, William. Hiftorical and Critical Account of the Life of Oliver Cromwell. Drawn from Original Writers and State Papers. 8vo. Lond., 1762. Hiftorical and Critical Account of the Life of Charles IL Drawn from Original Writers and State Papers. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., i ']66. Hiftorical and Critical Account of the Life and Writings of Charles I. Drawn from Original Writers and State Papers. 8vo. Lond., 1772. Hiftorical and Critical Account of the Life and Writings of James I. Drawn from Original Writers and State Papers. 8vo. Lond., 1 772. Harris, William. Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Martha Roads, September 26, 1792. 8vo., pp. 19. Bofton, 1795. Convention Sermon, Proteftant Epifcopal Church in Maflachu- fetts, Bofton, May 28, 1799. 4to. Bofton, 1799. Sermon before the Convention of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the State of New York, Odober 2, 18 10. 8vo., pp. 24. N. y., 1810. 270 New-York Historical Society. Harrisburg Convention. Proceedings of the Democratic Whig National Convention, which aflembled at Harrifburg, Penn., on 4th December, 1839, ^°^ ^^^ purpofe of Nominating Candidates, Prefident and Vice-Prefident of the United States. 8vo. Harrifburg, 1839. Harrison, Conyers. Hiftory of the Life and Reign of Queen Anne, etc. Plates. 8vo. Cambridge [Eng.], 1744. Harrison, David. The Melancholy Narrative of the Diftrefsful Voyage and Miraculous Deliverance of Captain ... of the Sloop Peggy, etc. 8vo., pp. 6"]. Lond., 1766. Harrison, J, B. A Difcourfe on the Profpefts of Letters and Tafte in Virginia, pronounced before the Literary and Philofophical Society of Hampden-Sydney College, in September, 1 827. 8vo., pp. 42. Cambridge, 1828. A Difcourfe on the Aborigines of the Valley of the Ohio . . . 8vo,, pp. 51. Cincinnati, 1838. Harrison, William Henry. A Brief Sketch of the Life and Public Services of. 8vo. N, Y., 1835. Incidents in the Life of. 8vo. Albany, 1839. lUuftrated Incidents in the Life of. 8vo. N. Y., 1 840. ■ Arrangements for the Funeral Obfequies of, etc. With an Oration, by the Hon. Theodore Freyhnghuyfen. 8vo. N. Y., 1 841. Hart, Abram. Two for One ; or, a Shilhng's Worth of Good Senfe and a ShiUing's Worth of Common Senfe, for Twelve-and-a-Half Cents. 8vo. N. Y., 181 3. Hart, Joseph C. The Romance of Yachting: Voyage the Firft. i2mo. N. Y., 1848. Hart, Levi. Difcourfe at the Ordination of Rev. John Wilder, Attle- borough, January 27, 1790. 8vo., pp. 27. Providence. Hart, Moses. Modern Religion, izmo., pp. 58. N. Y., 181 8.' Hart, Oliver. Dancing Exploded : a Sermon in Charlefton, S. C, March 22, 1778. 8vo., pp. 32. Charlefton, 1 778. Hart, William. Brief Remarks on a Number of Falfe Proportions and Dangerous Errors, which are fpreading in the Country. 8vo., pp. 71. New London, 1769. Hart v. Ten Eyck. Opinion and Decree of His Honor the Chan- cellor, delivered June 16, 1 8 1 6, in the Caufe of. Albany. Hartford. Correfpondence between the Countess of, and the Countefs of Pomfret, between the years 1738 and 1741. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1806. Hartford Convention. The Proceedings of a Convention of Dele- gates from the States of Maflachufetts, Connefticut and Rhode Ifland, the Counties of Chefhire and Grafton, in New Hampfhire, and the County of Windham, in Vermont, convened at Hartford, Connefticut, December 15, 1 814. 8vo. Hartford, 181 5. Same. Third edition, correfted and improved. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1815. Catalogue of Printed Books. 271 Hartford Convention. A Short Account of the, taken from Official Documents, etc. With an Attefted Copy of the Secret Journal of that Body. 8vo. Bofton, 1823. Hartley, David. Letters on the American War, etc. Eighth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1779. Two Letters addrefled to the Committee of the County of York. 8vo., pp. 21. Lond., 1780. Addrefs to the Committee of Affbciation of the County of York, on the State of Public Affairs. 8vo., pp. 46. York, 178 1. Addrefs to the Authorities of the Town of Kingfton-upon-HuIl. 8vo., pp. 15. 1784. Hartley, Thomas. God's Controverfy with the Nations ; addrefled to the Rulers and People of Chriftendom. 8vo., pp. 91. Lond., 1775. Hartshorn, C. H. The Ancient Charters and Municipal Archives of Northampton. 1 2mo. Lond. Harvard College. [Various Pamphlets concerning, embracing Cata- logues, Reports, etc. Not complete,] Harwood, Edwin. The Relation of the Incarnation to the Progrefs of Human Thought : an Oration before the Connefticut Beta of the Phi Beta Kappa, at Trinity College, Hartford, July 27, 1853. 8vo., pp. 24. Hartford, 1853. Harwood, John Edmund. Poems. i2mo. N. Y., 1809. Haskins, R. W. An Expolition of a Book publiflied by D. Appleton and Co., called Hazlitt's Tranflation of Guizot's Hiftory of Civil- ization. 8vo., pp. 55. Buffalo, 1846. Haslam, John. Obfervations on Infanity, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1798. Hassler, Ferd. Rod. Comparifon of Weights and Meafures, of Length and Capacity, etc. [22d Cong., Sefs. I ft; Sen. Doc. 168, Ex. Doc. 299.] 8vo. Wafhington, 1832. Hastings, Warren. The Hiftory of the Trial of, from February 7, 1786, until his Acquittal, April 23, 1795. 8vo. Lond., 1796. Hatfield, Edwin F. Univerfalifm as it is ; or. Text Book of Modern Univerfalifm in America. i2mo. N. Y., 1841. Patient Continuance in Well Doing; a Memoir of Elihu W. Baldwin. With an Introdudlion, by S. H. Cox. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1843. Hatton, Ann Julia. The Songs of Tammany ; or, the Indian Chief: a Serious Opera. i2mo. N. Y. Hauranne, M. Duvergier de. De Principes du Gouvernement Reprefentatif et de leur Application. 8vo. Paris, 1838. De la Politique Exterieure et Interieure de la France. 8vo. Paris, 1 841. Articles Extraits de la Revue Francaife. Hauy, Rene-Just. Traite de Mineralogie . . . etc. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1 80 1. Haven, Jason. Artillery Eledtion Sermon, Bofton, June i, 176 i. 8vo. Bofton, 1 76 1. 272 New-York Historical Society. Haven, Jason. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Edward Brooks, North Yarmouth, July 4, 1764. 8vo. Bofton, 1764. Maflachufetts Elcftion Sermon, May 31, 1769. 8vo. Bofton, 1769. Haven, Samuel. Convention Sermon, delivered in Portfmouth, 30th September, 1760. 8vo., pp. 40. Portfmouth, 1760. Sermon occafioned by the Death of George II., delivered at Portfmouth, January 25, 1 76 1. 8vo., pp. 25. Portfmouth, 176 1. Sermon occafioned by the Peace of 1763, etc. 8vo., pp. 39. Portfmouth, 1763. Sermon occafioned by the Death of Henry Sherburne. With Notes. 8vo., pp. 34. Portfmouth, 1767. Sermon at the Ordination of Jeremy Belknap, at Dover, i8th February, 1767. 8vo., pp. 36. Portfmouth, 1767. Sermon after the Death of Nathaniel Ward, preached at Cam- bridge, 15th Odlober, 1768. 8vo., pp. 35. Bofton, 1768. Sermon occafioned by the Death of Benj. Stevens of Kittery Point. With Notes. 8vo., pp. 32. Portfmouth, 179 1. Difcourfe on Hosea xiv. 9, delivered 24th Auguft, 1 794. 8vo., pp. 23. Newburyport, 1794. Dudleian Lefture at Harvard College, September 5, 1798. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1798. Poetic Mifcellany, on Subjefts Moral and Religious. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1798. . Sermon delivered foon after the Ordination of Timothy Alden, as his Colleague, etc. 8vo., pp. 28. Portfmouth, 1800. Difcourfe on the Death of. See Buckminfter. Haven, Samuel F. An Hiftorical Addrefs, delivered before the Citi- zens of the town of Dedham, 21ft September, 1836, etc. 8vo. Dedham, 1837. Harvey, R. J. Life of John Tyler . . . including fome of his moft Important Speeches, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1 843. Havers, G. and J. Davies. Another Colleflion of Philofophical Con- ferences of the French Virtuofi upon Queftions of all Sorts. 4to. Lond., 1665. Haversham, Lord. Speech in the Houfe of Peers on Saturday, Febru- ary 15, 1706-7. 4to. Lond., 1707. Hawaiian Islands. Minifterial Reports, read before his Majefty to the Hawaiian Legiflature, ift Auguft, 1846. 8vo. Honolulu, 1846. Report of the Cafe of Peter Allen Brinfmade, of the Firm of Ladd and Co., vs. James Jackfon Jarves, Editor of the Polynefian, for alleged Libellous Publications decided upon Grounds of Law, by Hon. Lorin Andrews, Judge in Foreign Cafes. 8vo. Honolulu, 1846. Hawes, Joel. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Lyman Cole- man, Belchertown, Mafl*achufetts, Odober 19, 1825. 8vo. Hartford, 1825. Catalogue of Printed Books. 273 Hawes, Joel. Sermon at the Dedication of the North Congrega- tional Church in Hartford, December i, 1824. 8vo. Hartford, 1825. ■ An Addrefs, delivered at the requefl: of the Citizens of Hartford, on the 9th of November, 1835, the Clofe of the Second Century from the Firft Settlement of the City. 8vo. Hartford, 1835. • Hirtorical Sketches of the Firfl Church in Hartford. A Cen- tennial Difcourfe, delivered in the Firft Church, June 26, 1 836. 8vo., pp. 35. Hartford, 1836. H[a\vke], M[ichael]. The Grounds of the Lawes of England, Ex- traded from the Fountaines of all other Learning, etc. 1 6mo. Lond., 1657. Hawker, Robert. A Third Letter to a Barrifter, in Anfwer to his Hints, etc., (on Unitarianifm). 8vo., pp. 112. Lond., 1809. Hawkesbury, Lord. A Difcourfe on the Conduft of the Government of Great Britain in refped: of Neutral Nations. 8vo. Lond., 1794. Additional Papers, prefented to the Houfe of Commons, refpeft- ing the Difcuffions with France. 8vo. Lond., 1803. Hawkesworth, John. A New Voyage Round the World in the years 1768, '6g, 'jo and '71. By Captain James Cook, etc. Drawn up from his own Journal, and from the Papers of Jofeph Banks, Efq. Map and Cuts. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1774. Hawkins, Alfred. Pidure of Quebec, with Hiftorical Recolledions. i2mo. Quebec, 1834. Hawkins, Edward. The Miniftry of Men in the Economy of Grace, and the Danger of Over-valuing it. A Sermon, preached before the Univerfity of Oxford, Odober 25, 1840. 8vo. N. Y., 1844. Hawkins, Ernest. Hiftorical Notices of the Miflions of the Church of England . . . 8vo. Lond., 1 84,5. Hawkins, John. Life of Samuel Johnfon. 8vo. Dublin, 1 787. Hawkins, Sir Christopher. Obfervations on the Tin Trade of the Ancients in Cornwall, and on the " Idis " of Diodorus Siculus. 8vo., pp. 80. Lond., 181 1. Hawkins, Walter. Obfervations on the Ufe of the Sling as a Warlike Weapon among the Ancients. 4to. Lond., 1847. Hawks, Francis L. Contributions to the Eccleliaftical Hiftory of the United States of America. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1836-9. The Monuments of Egypt ; or, Egypt a Witnefs for the Bible. 8vo. N. Y., 1850. Peruvian Antiquities. Tranflated from the Originals of M. E. Rivcro and J. J. Tfchudi. 8vo. N. Y., 1853. Revolutionary Hiftory of North Carolina. In Three Ledures, by . . . D. L. Swain and W. A. Graham. i2mo. Raleigh, 1853. Hiftory of North Carolina. Vol. L 8vo. Raleigh, 1857. See Hamilton. 18 274 New- York Historical Society. Hawley, Captain. Trial of, July ift and 8th, 1813. Hawley, Jesse. An Eflay on the Enlargement of the Erie Canal . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 16. Lockport, N. Y., 1 840. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Life of Franklin Pierce. i2mo. Bofton, 1852. Hay, Edward. Hiftory of the Infurreftion of the County of Wex- ford, a. d. 1798, including an Account of Tranfaftions preceding that Event, with an Appendix. Embellifhed with a Map of the County of Wexford. 8vo. Dublin, 1803. [Hay, George.] An Eflay on the Liberty of the Prefs, refpeftfully Infcribed to the Republican Printers throughout the United States. By Hortenfius. 8vo. Rep. Richmond, 1803. An Eflay on the Liberty of the Prefs, fhewing that the Requifi- tion of Security for Good Behaviour from Libellers, is perfectly Compatible with the Conftitution and Laws of Virginia. [" Writ- ten after his endurance of repeated libels from Callender, printed in the Recorder."] 8vo. Richmond, 1 803. Hay, William. The Immortality of the Soul : a Poem in Two Books. Tranflated from the Latin of Ifaac Hawkins Browne. 4to., pp. 23. ^ Lond., 1753. Hayley, William. Life and Pofthumous Writings of William Cow- per. 2 vols, in I. N. Y., 1803. Hayne, Robert Y. Speech in the Senate of the United States on Mr. Foot's Rcfolution, January 21, 1830. [Reply to Mr. Webfter.] Haynes, Lemuel. Univerfal Salvation a very Ancient Doftrine, etc. Sermon at Rutland, 1805. Sixth edition. l2mo. Boflon, 1807. Two Valedidlory Difcourfes, at Rutland Weft Parifh, May 24, 1818. 8vo., pp. 27. Bennington, 1820. Hays, Mary. Female Biography; or. Memoirs of Illuftrious and Celebrated Women of all Ages and Countries. 3 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1807. Hays, John L. The Probable Influence of Icebergs upon Drift. Read before the Aflbciation of American Geologifts and Natural- ifts. May 4, 1843. Hayti. The Conftitution of the Republic of, etc. N. Y., 1818. Correfpondence relative to the Emigration to, of the Free Peo- ple of Color in the United States, with the Inftrudions to the Agent fent out by Prefident Boyer. 8vo., pp, 32. N. Y., 1824. Hayward, James, Report on the Propofed Railroad between Bofton and Ogdenftjurgh. 8vo. Bofton, 183 1. 'Hayward, John. The New England Gazetteer, etc. Third edition. l2mo. Concord, 1839. Same. Fourteenth Edition. l2mo. Bofton, 1841. The Gazetteer of the United States, comprifing a Series of Gazetteers of the Several States and Territories. 8vo. Portland, 1843. Hazard, Ebenezer. Hiftorical Colleftions ; confifting of State Papers and other Authentic Documents, intended as Materials for an i Catalogue of Printed Books. 275 Hiftory of the United States of America. 2 vols. 410. Phil., 1792-94. Hazard, Rowland G. Eflay on the Philofophical Charadler of Chan- ning. 8vo. Bofton, 1845. Hazard, Samuel. The Regifter of Pennfylvania, devoted to the Prefervation of Fafts and Documents, etc., refpefting the State of Pennfylvania. Vols. I.-XVI., 1828-1836. 8vo. Phil. Hazard's United States Commercial and Statiftical Regifter. Vols. I.-VI., 1 839-1 842. 8vo. Phil. — — Annals of Pennfylvania, from the Difcovery of the Delaware. 1 609- 1 682. 8vo. Phil., 1850. Hazlitt, William. The Eloquence of the Britifh Senate, etc., with Notes Biographical, Critical and Explanatory. 2 vols. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1810. Head, J. A Confutation of the Obfervations on Free Mafonry, by an Anonymous Author of a Pamphlet, entitled Mafonry the Way to Hell, etc. 8vo. Exeter, [Eng.] i •](>(). Headley, J. T. Italy and the Italians, in a feries of Letters. 8vo., pp. 64. N. Y., 1 844. The One Progreffive Principle. An Addrefs delivered before the Literary Societies of the Univerfity of Vermont, Auguft, 1846. 8vo., pp. 32. N. Y., 1846. Letters from Italy. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 847. Napoleon and his Marflials. 2 vols. l2mo. N. Y., 1847. The Sacred Mountains. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 847. Wafhington and his Generals. 2 vols. l2mo. N. Y., 1847. Health Laws. Documents relating to the Board of Health. 8vo. N. Y., 1806. ' Aft to Provide againft Infeftious and Peftilential Difeafes, 8th April, 181 1. 8vo., pp. 27, ix. Same. March 26, 1813. 8vo., pp. 26., vi. Health Office. Aft for Eftablilhing an, and to Secure the City and Port of Philadelphia from the Introduftion of Peftilential and Contagious Difeafes, April i, 1803. izmo., pp. 29. Phil., 1803. Hearne, Samuel. A Journey frorn Prince of Wales' Fort, in Hudfon's Bay, to the Northern Ocean, etc., in the years 1769, '70, '71 and '72. 8vo. Dublin, 1796. Hearne, Thomas. Works ; containing Robert of Gloucefter's Chron- icle and Peter Langtoft's Chronicle. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18 10. Heart-in-Hand Fire Company. Rules. Inftituted, New York, Jan- uary, 1781. pp. 18. N. Y., 1805. Heath, William. Memoirs of . . . containing Anecdotes, Details of Skirmifties, Battles, etc., during the American War. Written by Himfelf. 8vo. Bofton, 1798. Hebbe, G. C. An Univerfal Hiftory, in a feries of Letters. Being a Complete and Impartial Narrative of the moft Remarkable Events of all Nations . . . Vol. L 8vo. N. Y.. 1848. 276 New-York Historical Society. Hebden, Samuel. A Treatife on Forms of Prayer of Human Compo- fition, etc. 8vo., pp. 82. Lond., 1 747. Heckewelder, John. A Narrative of the Miffion of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians. From its Commencement in the year 1740 to the clofe of the year 1808, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1820. See Trans. Hid. and Lit. Com. Am. Phil. Soc. Vol. I. Heeren, A. H, L. Hiftorical Refearches into the Politics, Intercourfe and Trade of the Principal Nations of Antiquity. Afiatic Na- tions. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1833. Heidelberg Catechism ; or. Method of Inftruftion in the Chriftian Religion. [New York Journal, May 11, 1786.] i2mo. Heineccius, John Gottleb. Elements of Logic; or. Art of Reafoning, deduced from Clear Principles. Tranflated by a Phyfician. 1 6mo. Liverpool, 1788. Hellenbroek, Abraham. Sermon by, from Canticles ii. 15. Pub- lifhed at Rotterdam, 1717. From the Dutch. i6mo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1742. Specimen of Divine Truths, for the Inftruftion of Youth who Prepare Themfelves for a Confeffion of their Faith. From the Dutch. i2mo. New Brunfwick, 1787. Helms, Anthony Zachariah. Travels from Buenos Ayres, by Potofi, to Lima. Second edition. 1 2mo. Lond., 1 807. Helton, John. Reafons for Quitting the Methodift Society. Being a Defence of Barclay's Apology. 8vo., pp. 66. Lon., 1778. Helvetius, Claude Adrien. De I'Efprit ; or, EfTays on the Mind and its Several Faculties, etc. Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1810. A Treatife on Man : his Intelleftual Faculties and his Education. Tranflated from the French, by W. Hooper, M. D. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1810. Hemmenway, Moses. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 26, 1784. 8vo. Bofton, 1784. Difcourfe concerning the Church . . . The Gofpel Covenant Delineated, etc. 8vo., pp. 123. Bofton, 1792. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. John Kelly, Hempftead, December 5, 1792. 8vo. Dover, 1793. A Difcourfe on the Divine Inftitution of Water Baptilrn, as a Standing Ordinance of the Gofpel. 8vo. Portfmouth, [1801.] Sermon at the Interment of the Rev. Ifaac Lyman. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1810. Hemphill, Joseph. Speech in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States on the Miflburi Queftion. 8vo., pp. 27. Speech on the Bill to Conftrudl a National Road from Buffalo to New Orleans, in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, March 23, 1830. Hempstead Case, State of New York. In the Court for the Trial of Impeachments and the Correftion of Errors. Between Richard Bedell and others, Refpondents, and Samuel Denton, Benjamin Catalogue of Printed Books. 277 Tredwell and others. Appellants. On Appeal from the Court of Chancery. Cafe on behalf of the Refpondents. [Ends impcrfed- lyat p. 504.] 8vo. N. Y., 181 8. Hempstead Case. In Error. The Town of North Hempftead, etc.. Appellants, and the Town of Hempftead, etc., Refpondents. Appellants' Cafe. 8vo. N. Y., 1825, Henchman, Nathaniel. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. James Varney, Wilmington, Oftober 24, 1733. 8vo., pp. 29. Bofton, 1733. Letter to Stephen Chafe, ftating why he will not admit G. Whitefield into his Pulpit. 8vo., pp. 12. Bofton, 1744. Henderson, John J. Annual Statement of the Trade and Commerce of Buffalo for the year 1854 . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 56. Buffalo, 1855. Henfrey, Benjamin. Plan with Propofals for Forming a Company to Work Mines in the United States. 8vo., pp. 34. Phil., 1797. Hening, William Waller. See Virginia. Statutes at Large. Henlev, David. The Proceedings of a General Court Martial, held at Cambridge, on Tuefday, the 20th of January, and continued by feveral adjournments to Wednesday, the 25th of February, 1778, upon the Trial of 8vo. Bofton, 1778. Hennepin, Louis. A New Difcovery of a Vaft Country in America, extending above Four Thoufand Miles, between New France and New Mexico, etc. Maps and Figures. 8vo. Lond., 1698. Henri IV. Projet d'un Monument a la Gloire d'. 8vo., pp. 15. Henry, Alexander. Travels and Adventures in Canada and the In- dian Territories, between 1760 and 1776. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. Henry, C. S. Principles and Profpedls of the Friends of Peace. A Difcourfe before the Hartford County Peace Society, December 25, 1833. 8vo., pp. 31. Hartford, 1834. The Importance of Exalting the Intelledual Spirit of the Nation, and Need of a Learned Clafs. A Difcourfe pronounced before the Phi Sigma Nu Society of the Univerfity of Vermont, Auguft 3, 1836. Burlington, 1836. The Pofition and Duties of the Educated Men of the Country. A Difcourfe pronounced before the Eugloffian and Alpha Phi Delta Societies of Geneva College, Auguft 5, 1 840. 8vo., pp. 46. N. Y., 1840. Henry, James, Jr. Addrefs upon Education and Common Schools. 8vo. N. Y., 1847. Henry, John Joseph. An Accurate and Interefting Account of the Hardftiips and Sufferings of that Band of Heroes who traverfed the wildernefs in the Campaign againft Quebec in 1775. l2mo. Lancafter, Pa., 181 2. Henry, Mathew. A Difcourfe on Meeknefs and Quietnefs of Spirit. [Abridged.] 1 8mo. Memoir of, etc, [Am. Traft Society.] 1 2mo. N. Y. Henry, Samuel. Thank^iving Sermon for the General Peace, preached 278 New-York Historical Society. in the Church of Kilcollum, 25 th April, 1749. 4to., pp. 16. Waterford, 1749. Henry, Samuel. A New and Complete American Medical Family Herbal. 8vo. N. Y., 1814. Henry, Symmes C. The Gofpcl a Joyful Sound ! A Sermon, at Morris-Town, New Jerfey, March 23, 1823. 8vo., pp. 37. Trenton, 1823. Oration before the Cincinnati Society of New Jerfey, Trenton, July 5, 1824. 8vo. Trenton, 1824. Henry, Thomas. Memoir of Albert De Haller, etc. i6mo. Warrington, Eng., 1783. Henry, T. Charlton. Farewell Difcourfe, Columbia, South Caro- lina, January 4, 1824. l2mo., pp. 30. Charlefton, 1824. Henry, W. S. Campaign Sketches of the War with Mexico. Em- bellifhed with Engravings. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 847. Henshaw, J. P. K. An Oration delivered before the Aflbciated Alumni of Middlebury College, at the Public Commencement, on the 15th Auguft, 1827. 8vo., pp. 48. Middlebury, 1827. Herald, The ; or. Patriot Proclaimer : being a Colleftion of Period- ical Eflays. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1758. of Literature ; or. Review of Publications to be made during the enfuing Winter, with Extrafts. 8vo., pp. 13. Lond., 1784. Herbert, Ed., Lord of Cherbury. Life and Raigne of King Henry the Eighth. Folio. Lond., 1649. Herbert, Thomas. Some Yeares' Travels into Africa and Afia the Great, efpecially defcribing the Famous Empires of Perfia and Induftan, etc. With a Revivall of the Firft Difcoverer of Amer- ica. Fol. Lond., 1638. Same. Fourth edition. With Additions by the Author. Fol. Lond., 1677. Heriot, George. Travels Through the Canadas : containing a De- fcription of the Pifturefque Scenery on fome of the Rivers and Lakes, etc. Engravings. 4to. Lond., 1807. [Heriot, J.] An Hiftorical Sketch of Gibraltar, with an Account of the Siege which that Hood againft the Combined Forces of France and Spain, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1792. Heritier, L'. Carolus-Ludovicus. Stirpes novas, aut minus cognitae quas defcriptionibus et iconibus illuftravit. Fol. Parifiis, 1784. Hernandez, James. Philofophical and Pradlical Effay on the Gold and Silver Mines of Mexico and Peru, etc. From the Spanifh. 8vo., pp. 86. Lond., 1755. Herodotus. Hiftory. Tranflated from the Greek, with Notes, by Rev. William Beloe. 4 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1814. Heron, Robert. Letters of Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1785. See Junius. Herrenschwand, M. Difcours fur la Commerce Exterieur des Na- tions de I'Europe. 8vo., pp. 138. Lond., 1787. Herrera, Antonio de. The General Hiftory of the Vaft Continent Catalogue of Printed Books. 279 and Iflands of America, commonly called the Weft Indies, etc. Tranflated by Captain Stevens. 6 vols. 8vo. Maps, etc. Lond., 1725-6. Herrera, Antonio de. Hiftoria General de los hechos de los Caftel- lanos en las Iflas i tierre firme del Mar Oceano. 5 vols, folio. Madrid, 1726-30. Herring, Elbert. Oration on the Anniverfary of the Battle of Lex- ington, delivered at the requeft of the " United Whig Club." 8vo. N. Y., 1809. Herring, James, and James B. Longacre. National Portrait Gallery of Diftinguifhed Americans. 4 vols. 8 vo. N. Y., 1834-39. Herschel, Sir John F. W., Baronet. Refults of Aftronomical Ob- fcrvations made during the years 1834, '35, '36, '37, '38, at the Cape of Good Hope, being the Completion of a Teleicope Sur- vey of the Whole Surface of the Vifible Heavens, commenced in 1825, etc. 4to. Lond., 1847. Herttell, Thomas. Expofe of the Caufes of Intemperate Drinking, and the Means by which it may be Obviated. 8vo., pp. 56. N. Y., 1819. Remarks on the Law of Imprifonment for Debt, fhewing its Un- conftitutionality and its Demoralizing Influence on the Community 8vo. Bofton, 1825. The Demurrer ; or Proofs of Error in the Deciflon of the Su- preme Court of the State of New York, requiring Faith in Par- ticular Religious Doftrines as a Legal Qualification of Witnefles. 8vo., pp. 158. ' N. Y., 1828. Remarks, comprifing in fubftance Judge Herttell's Argument in the Houfe of Aflembly of the State of New York, in the feflion of 1837, in fupport of the bill to reftore to Married Women " The Rights of Property," as guaranteed by the Conftitution of the State of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1839. Hervey, James. Remarks on Lord Bolingbroke's Letters on the Study and Ufe of Hiftory, etc. 8vo., pp. 78. Lond., 1752. The Time of Danger and the Means of Safety, etc. 8vo. Rep. Bofton, 1758. He's Much to Blame ! A Comedy. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 94. Lond., 1798. Heslop, Luke. Two Sermons, and a Charge. 8vo. New Caftle, 1 807. Hessians. Avis aux HeiTois et Autres Peuples de I'Allemagne vendus par leur Princes a I'Angleterre. 8vo., pp. 16. [See Mirabeau.J A Cleves, Chez Bertot, 1777. Lettre du Landgrave de Hefle, au Commandant de fes Troupes en Amerique. Svo.i pp. 8. Heston, Jacob Franklin. Moral and Political Truth ; or. Reflexions fuggefted by reading Hiftory and Biography. i2mo. Phil., 181 1. Heurteloup, N. Rapport de la Commillion Medico-Chirurgicale. 8vo. Paris, 1802. zSo New-York Historical Society. Heustis, Jabez W. Phyfical Obfervations and Medical Trafts and Refearches on the Topography and Difeafes of Louifiana. 8vo. N. Y., 1817. Hewatt, Alexander. An Hiflorical Account of the Rife and Progrefs of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1779. Hewett, D. a. Gazetteer of the New England States, Concife and Comprehenfive. 8vo. N. Y., 1829. Hewitt, Abraham S. On the Statiftics and Geography of the Pro- duftion of Iron. A Paper read before the American Geographical and Statiftical Society, 21ft February, 1856. 8vo., pp. 37. N. Y., 1856. Hewlett, John. Thankfgiving Sermon, at the Foundling Hofpital, Decembe- 19, 1797. 8vo., pp. 22. Lond., 1798. Hexham, Henry. A Copious Englifh and Nether-Dutch Diftionary, etc. A new edition, by Daniel Manly. 4to. Rotterdam, 1675. Hey, Richard. Obfervations on the Nature of Civil Liberty and the Principles of Government. 8vo. Lond,, 1776. Heylin, Peter. Cofmographie, etc. [Title gone.] Folio. Lond., 1652. Examen Hiftoricum ; or, a Difcovery and Examination of the Miftakes, Falfities and Defefts in fome Modern Hiftories. 8vo. Lond., 1659. Cofmographie, in Four Books. Containing the Chorographie and Hiftorie of the World and all the Principal Kingdoms, Pro- vinces, Seas and Ifles thereof. Fol. Lond., 1669. Hibernian Provident Society of New York. Conftitution of the. 8vo. N. Y., 1802. The; or, the Spanifli Inquilition under Nine Direftors. To the People of the State of New York. 8vo. [1809.] Incorporation, By-Laws, etc., of the, for the Relief of Emigrants from Ireland. l2mo., pp. 16. Phil., 1813. Hibernicus' Letters. See Arbuckle. HicKERiNGiLL, Edmund. Works. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1709. Hickey, W. The Conftitution of the United States of America . . . etc. Seventh edition. 8vo. Phil., 1854. Hicks, Elias. The Subftance of Two Difcourfes, delivered in New York, December 17, 1824. 8vo., pp. 21. N. Y., 1825. Sermons delivered in New York, May, 1825. Taken in fhort hand by L. W. Clarke and M. T. C. Gould. 8vo. N. Y., 1825. [ ] A Defence of the Chriftian Doftrines of the Society of Friends, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1825. Notes of a Difcourfe at the Rofe Street Meeting-Houfe, April 5, 1829. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1829. Journal of his Life and Religious Labors. Written by Himfelf. 8vo. N. Y., 1832. Hierocles upon the Golden Verfes of the Pythagoreans. From the Greek. i6mo. Lond., 1682. Catalogue of Printed Books. 281 HiGGiNSON, John. Maffachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 27, 1663. ^to. Cambridge, 1663. HiLDRETH, Richard. My Connexion with the Atlas Newfpaperj including a Sketch of the Amory Hall Party of 1838, etc. Bofton, 1839. ' The Hiftory of the United States of America, from the Difcovery of the Continent to the end of the Sixteenth Congrefs. 6 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1849-52. HiLDRETH, S. P., (and CoL. R. J. Meigs). Biographical and Hiftori- cal Memoirs of the Early Settlers of Ohio, with Narratives of In- cidents and Occurrences in 1775. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1852. Hill, Aaron. A Full and Juft Account of the Prefent State of the Ottoman Empire in all its Branches, etc. FoL Lond., 1709. Hill, Alonzo. Sermon on the Death of the Rev. Nathaniel Thayer, D. D., delivered at Lancafter, Mafs., June 29, 1840. 8vo. Hill, Ebenezer. Sermon at Brookline, N. H., November 27, 1817, at the Interment of the Rev. Lemuel Wadfworth. 8vo., pp. 16. Amherft, 1 8 1 8. Hill, J. Cautions againft the Immoderate Ufe of SnufF, etc. 8vo., pp. 57. Lond., 1 761. The Old Man's Guide to Health and Longer Life, etc. Fifth edition. 8vo. [Imperfed.] Lond., 1764. The Virtues of Sage in Lengthening Human Life. Second edi- tion. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond. Hill, John. A General Hiftory j or. New and Accurate Defcriptions of the Animals, Vegetables and Minerals of the DifFerent Parts of the World, etc. Folio. Lond., 1748. The Ufeful Family Herbal, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1755. The Vegetable Syftem. 5 vols. 8vo. 1 76 1-2. Hill, John. Vocabulary, intended as an Introduftion to the Study of the Synonymes of the Latin Language. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 809. Hill, Noah. Sermon at Salter's Hall, April 25, 1793, before the Correfpondent Board in London of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Chriftian Knowledge. 8vo., pp. 35. Lend., 1794. Sermon, Faft Day, February 25, 1795. 8vo., pp. 52. Lond. 1795. Hill, Rowland. The Funeral of Bigotry, addrefled to the Members of the Miffionary Society, with an Epitaph, by. 8vo., pp. 28. Lond., 1797. Fafts and Documents relative to a Mifunderftanding between, . . . and J. Williams. 8vo., pp. 16. • A Second Warning to Chriftian Profeflbrs, etc. In Five Letters to the Rev. ... i zmo., pp. 66. Harlow. Admonitory Epiftle to . . . 8vo., pp. 30. Lond., 1807. HiLLARD, George S. The Relation of the Poet to his Age. A Dis- courfe delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard Univerfity, Auguft 24, 1843. 8vo., pp. 53. Bofton, 1843. HiLLHOusE, Qames]. Propofition for Amending the Conftitution of 282 New-York Historical Society. the United States, fubmitted by, to the Senate, 12th April, 1808. With his Explanatory Remarks. l2mo., pp. 52. [Wafhington, 1 808.] HiLLHousE James A. Hadad; a Dramatic Poem. 8vo. N, Y. 1825. [HiLLiARD d'Auberteuil.] Hiftoire de I'Adminiftration de Lord North, et de la Guerre de I'Amerique Septentrionale, jufqu' a la Paix. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1784. HiLLiARD, Joseph. Two Difcourfes to the Second Church and Society in Berwick, Oftober 15, 1797. 8vo. [Imperfeft.] Dover, 1798. HiLLiARD, Timothy. Dudleian Lefture, Harvard College, September 3, 1788. 8vo., pp. 30. Boflon, 1788. Sermon, December 10, 1788, at the Ordination of Rev. John Andrews, Newburyport. 8vo., pp. 52. Newburyport, 1789. Eulogy delivered at the Funeral of the Hon. William Gorham, on the 25th July, 1804. l2mo. Portland. Hind, Richard, A Sermon preached before the Univerfity of Ox- ford, at Chrift Church, on February 2, 1755. 4to., pp. 26. Oxford, 1755. HiNMAN, R. R. Letters from the Englifh Kings and Queens, Charles IL, James II., William and Mary, Anne, George II., etc., to the Governors of the Colony of Connefticut, together with the An- fwers thereto. From 1635 to 1749. l2mo. Hartford, 1836. A Catalogue of the Firll Puritan Settlers of the Colony of Con- nefticut. Nos. l, 2, 3, 4. 8vo. Hartford, 1846. Hinsdale, Charles J. A Difcourfe on Chriftian Education, delivered in the Third Congregational Church in New Haven, April, 1833. 8vo., pp. 32. New Haven, 1833. HiNTON, John Howard. The Hiftory and Topography of the United States, Edited by, affifted by feveral Literary Gentlemen in Amer- ica and England. Illuftrated with a Series of Views, etc. Second edition. 2 vols. 410. Lond., 1834. Hints towards Promoting the Health and Cleanliness of the City of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1 802. To Both Parties ; or, Obfervations on the Proceedings in Parlia- ment upon the Petition againfl: Orders in Council, etc. N. Y., 1 808. Histoires des Revolutions Celebres qui ont Change la Face des Em- pires. Tome 2d. i2mo. Lyons, 1796. Historical Chronicle, from Odlober, 1793 to the Month of July, 1794. 8vo., pp. 57 to 80. Historical Register, The . . . With a Chronological Diary, etc. [Wanting 17 19, 1723, 1725, 1734.] 8vo. Lond., 1714-37. of the United States. Edited by T. H. Palmer. 4 vols. 8vo. Wafhington, 1 814-16. Historical Sketches of Politics and Public Men, for the Years 1 8 1 2 and 1 813. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1 813-14. History, Universal. From the Earliefl: Account of Time, compiled from Original Authors, and Illuftrated, etc. 21 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1747-54- Catalogue of Printed Books. 283 » History of my Friend. Shewing how he was Deprived of his Mili- tary Commiffion, etc., merely becaufe a Great Man thought my Friend called him a Nincompoop ! ! 8vo. N. Y., 1816. History of the New York Kappa Lambda Conlpiracy. 8vo. N. Y., 1839. Hitchcock, David. The Knight and Quack ; or, a Looking-Glafs for Impoftors in Phyfic, Philofophy, or Government. An Allegorical Poem. 4to., pp. 27. Hudfon, 1805. Shade of Plato ; or, a Defence of Religion, Morality and Gov- ernment : a Poem, etc. i2mo. Hudfon, 1805. Poetical Didionary ; or. Popular Terms Illuftrated in Rhyme, etc. izmo. Lenox, 1808. ■ Addrefs before the Great Barrington Branch of the Walhington Benevolent Society, April 21, 1812. 8vo., pp. 15. Stockbridge, 181 2. Hitchcock, Edward. Final Report on the Geology of Maflachufetts. Plates. 2 vols. 4to. Northampton, 184 1. The Religious Bearings of Man's Creation. A Difcourfe deliv- ered in the Second Prelbyterian Church, Albany, Auguft 24, 1856. 8vo., pp. 52. Albany, 1856. Hitchcock, Ends. Difcourfe at the Ordination of the Rev. Jonathan Gould, Standifli, September 18, 1793. 4to. Portland. Sermon delivered at Wrentham, at the Ordination of the Rev. Elifha Filk, June 12, 1799. 8vo. Providence, 1799. Funeral Sermon, occalioned by the Death of Mrs. Bowen. 8vo., pp. 24. Providence, 1800. Difcourfe on the Death of General Wafhington, Providence, February 22, 1800. pp. 35. Providence, 1800. Hitchcock, Gad. Sermon, Beverly, May I, 1771, at the Ordination of Rev. Enos Hitchcock. 8vo., pp. 31. Salem, 1771. • Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 25, May 25, 1774. ^^o* » Bofton, 1774. Dudleian Le£lure, Harvard College, September i, 1779. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1779. Hive, The ; or, a Colleftion of Thoughts on Civil, Moral, Senti- mental and Religious Subjects. i2mo. Worcefter, Mafs., 1796. HoBART, John Henry. Companion for the Feftivals and Falls of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church, etc. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 804. Apology for Apoftolic Order and its Advocates, occalioned by the Strictures and Denunciations of the Chriftian Magazine, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1807. Sermon at the Confecration of Trinity Church, in Newark, New Jerfey, 2 ill May, 18 10. With Notes. 8vo., pp. 41. N. Y., 1810. Letter to the Veftry of Trinity Church, in Anfwer to a Pam- phlet entitled " A Solemn Appeal to the Church," by the Rev. Cave Jones. With Appendix, by Rev. J. Y. How. 8vo. N. Y., iSii. 284 New-York Historical Society. HoBART, John Henry. Statement addrefled to the Epifcopalians in the State of New York, relative to fome Recent Events in the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the State. 8vo., pp. 99. N. Y., 1812. The Origin, the General Charader, and the Prefent Situation of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the United States of Amer- ica. A Sermon at the Opening of the General Convention, etc., 1 8th May, 1814. 8vo., pp. 38. Phil., 1814. Charge to the Clergy of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the State of New York, at the Convention, Oftober 3, 181 5, 8vo., pp. 52. N. Y., 1815. An Addrefs delivered before the Auxiliary New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, March 18, 181 6. 8vo., pp. 36. N. Y., 1816. Addrefs to Epifcopalians, on the fubjedl of the American Bible Society. l2mo., pp. 12. N. Y., 1816. Addrefs before the New York Proteftant Epifcopal MifTionary Society, March 5, 1 817. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1817. Charge to the Clergy of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the State of New York, at the Opening of the Convention, Oftober, 1 8 1 7, and to the Clergy of the faid Church in Connedicut, June, 1818. 8vo., pp. 31. N. Y., 1818. Sunday-School Addrefs, December 31, 1817. 8vo., pp. 31. N. Y., 1818. Introduftory Addrefs, on occafion of the Opening of the General Theological Seminary of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the United States of America, New York, nth March, 1822. 8vo. N. Y., 1822. A Reply to a Letter to, occafioned by the Striftures on Bible So- cieties, etc. By Correftor. N. Y., 1823. The United States of America compared with fome European Countries, particularly England; in a Difcourfc delivered in Trinity Church, Oftober, 1825. 8vo., pp. 48. N. Y., 1825. A Paftoral Letter, addrefled to the Clergy and Laity of the Pro- teftant Epifcopal Church in the State of New York, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 182^. A Colleftion of Sermons on the Death of . . . With a Memoir. 8vo. N. Y., 1831. HoBART, Noah. A Second Addrefs to the Members of the Epifcopal Separation in New England, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1751. HoBBEs, Thomas. See Thucydides. Hobby, William. Advice to his People from the Grave. 8vo., pp. 8. Artillery Eleftion Sermon, Bofton, June 1, 1747. 8vo. Bofton, 1747. Hobson, John. Profpeftus of a Plan of Inftruftion for the Young of both Sexes. 8vo. Phil., 1799. Hodge, John. A Sermon preached in St. Thomas', January i, 1751, Catalogue of Printed Books. 285 for the Benefit of the Charity School in Gravel Lane, Southwark. 8vo., pp. 35. Lond., 1751. Hodges, John. Report of the Trial of, on a Charge of High Trea- fon. May, 181 5. 8vo., pp. 35. Hodges, Nathaniel. Loimologia ; or, an Hiflorical Account of the Plague in London, in 1665. With Precautionary Direftions againft the like Contagion ; to which is added an Eflay on the Different Caufes of Peftilential Difeafes, by John Quincy, M. D. 8vo. Lond., 1720. Hodgkinson, John. Narrative of his Connexion with the Old Amer- ican Company. From 5 th September, 1792, to 31ft March, 1797. 8vo., pp. 28. N. Y., 1797. Hodgson, x'\dam. Remarks during a Journey through North America in the Years 18 19, '20 and '21, in a Series of Letters, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1823. Hodgson, William B. Notes on Northern Africa, the Sahara and Soudan. 8vo., pp. 107. N. Y., 1844. Memoir on the Megatherium and other Extindl Gigantic Quad- rupeds of the Coaft of Georgia, vi'ith Obferv'ations on its Geological Features. 8vo., pp. 47. N. Y., 1846. Hodson, J. Jefus Chrift, the True God, and Only Objeft of Su- preme Adoration. i2mo. Lend., 1787. Hoffman, Christian. Longevity : being an Account of Various Per- fons who have Lived to an Extraordinary Age, etc. 8vo., pp. ■ 108. N. Y., 1798. Hoffman, C. F. The Pioneers of New York. An Anniverfary Dis- courfe delivered before the St. Nicholas Society of Manhattan, December 6, 1847. 8vo., pp. 55. N. Y., 1848. Hoffman, David. Syllabus of a Courfe of Leflures on Law. 8vo. Baltimore, 1 82 1. Third Syllabus of a Series of Leftures, introdudory to a Courfe, now delivering in the Univerlity of Maryland. Baltimore, 1826. Hoffman, Josiah Ogden. Oration delivered before the Society of Black Friars, in the City of New York, November 10, 1788. 8vo. N.Y., 1788. Hoffman's Obfervations on the External and Internal Ufe of Hemlock. Tranflated from the German, by Dr. J. O. Juftamond. 8vo., pp. 42. Lond., 1763. [HoGAN, Edmund.] Pennfylvania State Trials, containing the Im- peachment, Trial and Acquittal of Francis Hopkinfon and John Nicholfon, etc. Vol. I. 8vo. Phil., 1794. HoGAN, William. A Synopfis of Popery as it was, and as it is. 1 2mo. Bofton, 1845. Holcombe, Henry. Nos. III. IV. V. of the Georgia Analytical Re- pofitory. 8vo. Savannah, 1802. Holcroft, Thomas. Knave, or Not? A Comedy. 8vo., pp. 88. Lond., 1798. 286 New-York Historical Society. HoLGATE, J. B. American Genealogy, etc. Illuftrated by Genealogical Tables. Vol. I. 4to. Albany, 1848. Holiday Exercises ; or, the Chriftian A, B, C, confifting of Seven Alphabets, with a Text of Scripture affixed to every Letter. i2mo., pp. 32. Phil., 1785. Holland, John. Memoirs of the Life and Miniftry of John Summer- field. With Introdudory Letter, by James Montgomery. 8vo. N. Y., 1829. Holland, William M. Life and Political Opinions of Martin Van Buren. Second edition, izmo, Hartford, 1836. HoLLANDTSE Mercurius. XIL XIIL XIV. XV. XVL, Deelen, 1661, '62, '63, '64, '65. Small 410. [Contains feveral Maps and Plates, with an engraved title for each year.] Tot Haerlem, 1662-66. HoLLEY, Orville L. The New York State Regifter for 1843, 1844, 1845,1846. 4 vols. i2mo. Albany and N. Y. [ ] The Pifturefque Tourift : being a Guide through the Northern and Eaftern States and Canada, etc. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 844. Holly, Israel. Sermon at Suffield, December 27, 1773, on the Deftruftion of the Tea at Bofton, etc. 4to. [Imperfeft.] Hartford. Hollinshead, John. Company Exercife on the True Principles of Military MancEuvring : being an Improvement in the Modern Syftem of Taftics, founded on the Principles of Common Senfe and Natural Analyfis. 4to., pp. 48. Trenton, 1812. HoLLis, John. Sober and Serious Reafons for Scepticifm, as it con- cerns Revealed Religion. 8vo., pp. 37. ' Lond., 1796. HoLMAN, Nathan. Sermon, February 17, 1811, occafioned by the death of Deacon Amos Walton. 8vo., pp. 20. Taunton, 18 16. Holmes, Abiel. Life of Ezra Stiles, D. D., etc. With Portrait. 8vo. Bofton, 1798. Sermon at the ordination of the Rev. Jonathan Whittaker, Sharon, Maflachufetts, February 27, 1799. 8vo. Dedham, 1799. The Counfel of Wafhington, recommended in a difcourfe, de- livered at Cambridge, February 22, 1800. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1800. Sermon at Cambridge, December 29, 1799, occafioned by the death of General Wafliington. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1800. Sermon preached at Cambridge, January 4, 1801. 8vo. Cambridge, 1801. Sermon before the Maflachufetts Miffionary Society, May 29, 1804. 8vo., pp. 28. Cambridge, 1804. Difcourfe delivered at Plymouth, 22d December, 1806, at the Anniverfary Commemoration of the Firft Landing of the Fathers, A. D. 1620. 8vo. Cambridge, 1806. Difcourfe before the Society for Propagating the Gofpel among the Indians, etc., November 3, 1808. 8vo. pp. 68. Bofton, 1808. Catalogue of Printed Books. 287 Holmes, Abiel. A Difcourfe on the Validity of Prefbyterian Ordination, delivered in the Chapel of the Univerlity in Cambridge, May 9, 1 8 10. 8vo., pp. 44. Cambridge, 18 10, Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. John Bartlett, Marble- head, 2 2d May, 181 1. 8vo. Cambridge, 1 8 1 1 . Difcourfe at the Old South Church, in Bofton, before the Socie- ty for Foreign Miffions of Bofton and the Vicinity, January i, 1 8 1 3. 8vo., pp. 36. Cambridge, 1 81 3. Addrefs before the Wafhington Benevolent Society, at Cam- bridge, 5th July, 1 81 3. 8vo., pp. 28. Cambridge, 181 3. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Thomas Brattle Gannett, Cambridgeport, January 19, 1814. 8vo. Cambridge, 1814. An Addrefs^ delivered before the American Antiquarian Society, in King's Chapel, Bofton, on their Second Anniverfary, Oftober 24, 1 8 14. Bofton, 1 8 14. The Annals of America, from the Difcovery by Columbus in the Year 1492 to the Year 1826. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1829. Holmes, John. Speech in the Senate of the United States, February 18, 1830, in the debate on Mr. Foot's Refolution. 8vo. Wafhington, 1830. Holstein, H. L. Villaume Ducoudray. Memoirs of Gilbert Mo- tier La Fayette, i2mo. N. Y., 1824. HoLTROP, John. Nederduitfch en Engelfch Woordenboek. [Englilh and Dutch Dictionary, etc.] Door A. Stevenfon. 2 vols. 8vo. Dordrecht, 1823-4. HoLWELL, J. Z. An Account of the Manner of Inoculating for the Small Pox in the Eaft Indies, with fome Obfervations on the Mode of Treatment. 8vo. Lond., 1767. HoLYOKE, Edward. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 26, 1736. 8vo. Bofton. Convention Sermon, Bofton, May 28, 1 741. 8vo. Bofton, 1741. HoLYOKE, Samuel. Harmonia Americana, containing an Introduction to the Grounds of Muftc, etc. Oblong 410. Bofton, 1 791. Columbian Repofitory of Sacred Harmony, etc. 410. Exeter, N. H. Holy Scriptures. Epifcopal Teftimonies in Favor of the General Circulation and Perufal of the . . . without Note or Comment. 4to., pp. 3. _ [18 1 7.] Home Evangelization. A View of the Wants and Profpefts of our Country. By a Secretary of the American Traft Society. 1 2mo. N. Y. Home, Henry, Lord Kaims. Sketches of the Hiftory of Man. 4 vols. i2mo. Glafgow, 1802. Elements of Criticifm. Fourth American edition. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1823. Home League. Addrefs of, to the People of the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1 841. 288 New-York Historical Society. Home Missionary, The, and American Pallor's Journal. Vols. I.-XVIIL, 1828-1846. 8vo. N. Y., 1 829-1 846. Homer, Henry. An Enquiry into the Means of Preferving and Im- proving the Public Roads of this Kingdom ; with Obfervations on the Probable Confequences of the Prefent Plan. 8vo. Oxford, 1767. Homer. Les 24 Livres de I'lliade d'Homere . . . traduids du Grec en vers Francois. Les 1 1 premiers par Hugues Salel, et les 1 3 derniers par Amadis Jamyn, etc. i2mo. Paris, 1580. L'lliade, Poeme, avec un Difcours fur . . . par Monfieur De la Motte. Seconde edition. i2mo. Paris, 1720. Homeri Iliados de Rebus ad Troiam geftis Libri 24, nuper Latino carmine elegantifs redditi Helio Eobano Heflb interprete. 8vo. Bafileas, 1549. Homes, William. Propofals of Some Things to be Done in Church Government, etc. 8vo., pp. 43. Newburyport, 1774. Homilies. Certain Sermons or . . . Appointed to be Read in Churches, in the Time of Queen Elizabeth of Famous Memory, etc. Folio. Lond., 1673. Homo. Signs of the Times : A Warning Voice ; or. Clerical and Political Corruption Expofed. 8vo. Athens, Tenn., 1840. Hone, William. Ancient Myfteries defcribed, efpecially the Englifh Miracle Plays, founded on Apocryphal New Teftament Story, etc. With engravings. 8vo. Lond., 1823. Honeywood, St. John. Poem on reading Prefident Wafhington's Addrefs, declining a Re-eledlion to the Prelidency. 8vo., pp. 8. Albany. Poems, with fome Pieces in Profe. i2mo. N. Y., 1801. Honour. A Poem, Infcribed to Lord Vifcount Lonfdale. 410., pp. 23. Lond., 1743. HoNTAN, Baron de la. New Voyages to North America. Done into Englifh. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1703. Voyages dans I'Amerique Septentrionale, etc. Second edition. 2 vols. i2mo. A la Haye, 1705. Hood, Robert. Sermon on the Nature of Chrift's Kingdom, Penrith, Augufl: 16, 1780. 8vo., pp. 27. Newcaftle-upon-Tyne, 1781. HooKE, Nathaniel. See Solis. HooKE, Richard. The Nonconformift's Champion, his Challenge Accepted ; or, an Anfwer to Mr. Baxter's Petition for Peace, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1682. Hooker, Asahel. Conneflicut Eledion Sermon, May 9, 1805. 8vo., pp. 41. Hartford, 1805. Hooker, John. Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. John Hunt, Northamp- ton. 8vo., pp. 30. Bofton, 1776. Hooker, Richard. The Weekly Mifcellany : Giving an Account of the Religion, Morality, and Learning of the Prefent Times. Vols. L IL 8vo. Lond., 1736-38. HooTON, Charles. St. Louis Ifle ; or, Texiana, with additional Ob- Catalogue of Printed Books. 289 fcrvations made in the United States and in Canada. 8vo. Lend., 1 847. Hopkins, John H. Scripture and Tradition. A Sermon preached at the Ordination of Ten Candidates for the Dcaconate, in St. Paul's Chapel, New York, on the Third Sunday after Trinity. 8vo. N. Y., 1841. Hopkins, Mark. An Inaugural Difcourfe, delivered at Williams Col- lege, September 15, 1836. 8vo., pp. 31. Troy, 1836. A Sermon, delivered at Plymouth, on the zid December, 1846. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1847. Faith, Philofophy, and Reafbn. A Baccalaureate Sermon, de- livered at Williamrtown, Maflachufetts, Auguft 18, 1850. 8vo., pp. 28. Boiion, 1850. — — Strength and Beauty. A Baccalaureate Sermon, delivered at Williamflown, Maflachufetts, Auguft 17, 1 85 1. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1 85 1. An Addrefs, delivered in Bofton, May 26, 1852, before the So- ciety for the Promotion of Collegiate and Theological Education at the Weft. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1852. Receiving and Giving. A Baccalaureate Sermon, delivered at Williamftown, MaiTachufetts, Auguft 15, 1852. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1852. A Difcourfe, commemorative of Amos Lawrence, delivered by requeft of the Students, in the Chapel of Williams College, Febru- ary 21, 1853. 8vo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1853. Science and Religion. A Difcourfe delivered in the Second Preft)yterian Church, Albany, Auguft 24, 1856. 8vo., pp. 35. Albany, 1856. Hopkins, Samuel. Hiftorical Memoirs, relating to the Houfatunnuk Indians ; or, an Account, etc., of the Propagation of the Gofpel among that Heathenifh Tribe, etc., under Rev. John Sergeant. 4to. Bofton, 1753. An Addrefs to the People of New England, on the importance of Attaching the Indians to their Intereft. . . . 8vo. Phil., 1757. Sermon at the South Church in Bofton. 8vo., pp. 35. Bofton, 1768. An Enquiry concerning the Future State of thofe who die in their Sins ; wherein the Didates of Scripture and Reafon upon this important fubjedl are carefully conftdered ; and whether End- lefs Punifliment be confiftent with Divine Juftice, Wifdom and Goodnefsj in which, alfo, Objeftions are Stated and Anfwered I2mo. Newport, 1783 The Syftem of Dodlrines, contained in Divine Revelation, Ex' plained and Defended, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Bofton, 1793 [Hopkins, Samuel Miles.] Letters concerning the General Health with Notes and confiderable Additions to the Numbers, as they lately appeared in the New York Gazette. By a Houfc Holder. 8vo. N. Y., 1805 19 290 New-York Historical Society. Hopkins, Samuel Miles. Oration delivered before the Wafliington Benevolent Society, in the City of New York, 2 2d February, 1809. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. HoPKiNSON, Francis. Science: a Poem. 410., pp. 19. Phil., 1762. - Mifcellaneous Effays and Occafional Writings. 3 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1792. See Hogan. HoPKiNSON, Joseph. Song, adapted to the Prefident's March, fung at the theatre by Mr. Fox at his benefit. [Hail Columbia !] 8vo. Phil. Annual Difcourfe delivered before the Pennfylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 13th November, 18 10. 8vo. Phil., 18 10. An x'lddrcfs delivered before the Law Academy of Philadelphia, at the Opening of the Seffion of 1826. 8vo. Phil., 1826. HoPKiNSON, Samuel. Vifitation Sermon, Grantham, May 14, 1798. 8vo., pp. 16. Stamford, 1798. HoPKiNTON Association. Extrafts of fome Letters, occafioned by Proceedings of the Hopkinton Aflbciation, and of the New Hamp- fhire General Aflbciation. i2mo., pp. 24. Concord, 181 2. Horace. Part of the Seventh EpilHe of the Firft Book of . . . Imitated and Addrefled to a Noble Peer. 4to. Lond., 1713. Odes, Epodes, and Carmen Seculare of . . . Tranflated into Englifh Profe, with the Latin Text. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1746-8. . Works of, in Englifh Verfe. By Several Hands. Colledled and pubHfhed by Mr. Duncombe ; with Notes. 2 vols. 8vo. 1757-9. Horbery, Matthew. Vifitation Sermon at Lichfield, Auguft 29, 1744. 8vo., pp. 28. Oxford, 1745. Horne, George. State of the Cafe between Sir Ifaac Newton and Mr. Hutchinfon. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1799. Horne, William Wales. Jefus Chriil the only True Shiloh, in Refu- tation of the Pretenfions of Joanna Southcott. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., [18 14]. Horneck, Andrew. An Account of Mr. Edward Sclater's Return to the Communion of the Church of England, etc. 410. Lond., 1689. HoRNius, Georgius. De Originibus Americanis Libri Ouatuor. Small 8vo. Hagas Comitis, 1652. Horrebow, N. The Natural Hiftory of Iceland. . . . With an Ac- count of the Ifland. By Mr. Anderfon, etc. Tranflated from the Danifli. Map. Folio. Lond., 1758. Horsley, Samuel. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 20, 1795. 8vo., pp. 81. Lond., 1795. [Horsmanden, Daniel.] A Journal of the Proceedings in the Detec- tion of the Confpiracy formed by fome White People in conjunc- tion with Negro and other Slaves for Burning the City of New York, in America, and Murdering the Inhabitants. By the Re- corder of the City of New York. 4to. N. Y., 1 744. Catalogue of Printed Books. 291 [HoRSMANDEN, Daniel.] Thc Ncw York Confpiracy j or, a Hiftory of the Negro Plot, with the Journal of the Proceedings againft the Confpirators at New York, in the years 1 741-2, etc. [Second edition, with Preface, by John Pintard.] 8vo. N. Y., 1810. Same, etc. Originally prepared and publifhed by . . . Edited by William B. Wedgwood. 8vo., pp. 96. N. Y., 1851. HoRTON, H. P. A Digeft of the Militia Law of the State of New York, with copious forms, adapted to every Cafe. 8vo. Albany, 1848. Hosack, Alexander, Jr. An Inaugural Eflay on the Yellow Fever, as it appeared in the City of New York in 1795, etc. 8vo. N.Y., ,797. Hosack, David. Enquiry into the Caufes of Sufpended Animation, from Drowning, with the Means of Reftoring Life. 8vo., pp. 3 7. N. Y., 1792. Introdudory Lefture on Medical Education . . . etc. 8vo., pp.48. _ _ N. Y., 1801. Catalogue of the Plants in the Botanic Garden at Elgin, in the vicinity of New York, cftabliflied in 1 801. i8mo. N. Y., 1806. Obfervations on Croup or Hives, etc. In a Letter to A. R. Delile, M.D. 8vo. N. Y., 1811. Obfervations on the Eflablilhment of the College of Phyficians and Surgeons in the City of New York, etc. In a Letter to James S. Stringham, M.D. 8vo., pp. 13. N. Y., 1811. Hortus Elginenfis j or, a Catalogue of Plants, Indigenous and Exotic, cultivated in the Elgin Botanic Garden, etc. Second edi- tion. 8vo., pp. 65. N. Y., 181 1. Statement of Fads relative to the Eflablilhment and Progrcfs of the Elgin Botanic Garden, etc. 8vo., pp. 56. N. Y., 181 1. A Funeral Addrefs, delivered the 26th of May, 181 8, at the in- terment of Dr. James Tillary. 8vo., pp. 14. N. Y., 181 8. Tribute to the Memory of the late Cafpar Wiflar, M. D., de- livered January 26, 1 81 8. 8vo. N. Y., 1 81 8. A Syftem of Praftical Nofology ; to which is prefixed a Syropfis of the Syftems of Sauvages, Linnaeus, Vogel, Sagar, Macbride, Cullen, Darwin, Crichton, Pinel, Parr, Swediaur and Young ; with references to the bell: authors on each Difeafe. 8vo. N. Y., 1818. Same. Second edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1821. Circular, dated New York, 21ft November, 1818, in relation to a Pharmacopeia. Obfervations on Febrile Contagion, and on the Means of Im- proving the Medical Police of the City of New York. 8vo., pp. 79. N. Y., 1820. A Biographical Memoir of Hugh Williamfon, M. D., delivered November i, 18 19, at the requeft of the New York Hiftorical Society. 8vo. N. Y., 1820. Inaugural Addrefs, delivered before the New York Hiftorical 292 New-York Historical Society. Society, on the id Tuefday of February, 1820. 8vo. N. Y., 1820. HosACK, David. Eflays on Various Subjefts of Medical Science, 3 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1824. An Inaugural Difcourfe, delivered before the New York Horti- cultural Society, at their Anniverfary Meeting, 31ft Auguft, 1824. 8vo., pp. 45. N. Y., 1824. An Inaugural Addrefs, delivered before the Medical Societies of the County of New York, 1824. 8vo. Introduftory Lefture, delivered in the College of Phyficians and Surgeons. 8vo. N. Y., 1825. ■ Obfervations on the Medical Charadler, addreffed to the Grad- uates of the College of Phyficians and Surgeons of New York, 1826. 8vo. An Inaugural Difcourfe, delivered at the Opening of Rutgers College, in the City of New York, on Monday, the 6th of No- vember, 1826. 8vo. N. Y., 1826. Addrefs delivered at the Firft Anniverfary of the New York City Temperance Society, May 11, 1830. N. Y., 1830. Memoir of Dc Witt Clinton ; with Illuftrative Documents. 4to. N.Y., 1829. HosMER, Stephen. Difcourfe at the Ordination of the Rev. Timothy Symmes, Millington, December 2, 1736. 8vo. New London, 1738. HosMER, Titus. An Elegy on the late Hon., etc. 8vo. Hartford. HoTCHKiss, Frederick William. Half-Century Sermon, preached September 22, 1833. 8vo., pp. 23. Hartford, 1838. Valediftory Addrefs before the Firft Church and Congregation in Saybrook, 1838. 8vo. Hartford, 1838. HoTOMAN, Francis. Franco-Gallia ; or, an Account of the Ancient Free State of France, and moft other parts of Europe, before the lofs of their Liberties. Tranflated from the Latin. Second edi- tion. 8vo. Lond., 1 721. HouDiN, Michael Gabriel. Funeral Oration on the Death of George Walhington, Albany, 22d February, 1800. 8vo., pp. 11. Albany. Hough, Franklin B. A Hiftory of St. Lawrence and Franklin Coun- ties, New York, from the Earlieft Period to the Prefent Time. 8vo. Albany, 1853. A Hiftory of Jefferfon County, in the State of New York, from the Earlieft Period to the Prefent Time. 8vo. Albany, 1854. Plan for Seizing and Carrying to New York Coll. William Goffe w the Regicide, as fet forth in the Affidavit of John London, April 20, 1678 . . . etc. i2mo., pp. 17. Albany, 1855. Hough, John. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Beriah Green, Paftor of the Congregational Church, Brandon, Vermont, April 16, 1823. 8vo. Houghton, George F. Addrefs before the Legiflature of Vermont, on Catalogue of Printed Books. 293 the Controverfy of the New Hampfliire Grants, Odober 20, 1848 8vo. Burlington, 1849. Houghton, George F. Addrefs on the Life of Colonel Seth Warner, before the Legiflature of Vermont, Odlober 20, 1849. 8vo. Houghton, G. H. An Addrefs delivered at the Opening of the Church of the Transfiguration, in the City of New York, March 10, 1850. i2mo., pp. 28. N. Y., 1851. Houghton, J. Two Sermons, at the Oftagon Chapel in Norwich, April 8, 1798. 8vo., pp. 58. Lond., 1798. Houghton, Roland S. Bulwer and Forbes on the Water Treatment ; with additional matter. 8vo. N. Y., 1849. HousATONic Canal Company. Propofals, Reports, and Documents. 8vo. House of Refuge. Rules and Regulations, etc., June 3, 1825. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1825. Housekeepers. An Earneft Exhortation to, to fet up the Worfliip of God in their Families. Third edition. i6mo., pp. 18. Lond., 1707. Housewife's Law. Ebenezer's Dream, as it appeared at the Trial of Mrs. Louifa WilHams on an Indidlment for an Aflault and Bat- tery committed upon Mr. Ebenezer Albin, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1808. Houston, James A. Proceedings and Debates of the United States Senate, ift Seffion, 30th Congrefs. 4to. Wafhington, 1848. Houston, James. His Works : containing Memoirs of his Life and Travels in Afia, Africa, America, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1753. How, Thomas Y. Letters, addreflcd to the Rev. Samuel Miller, D. D., in Reply to his Letters concerning the Conftitution and Order of the Chriftian Miniftry. 8vo. Utica, 1808. ^[ ^1 Letter to the Veftry of Trinity Church, New York, in Anfwer to Charges, etc., of Rev. Mr. Jones. 8vo. N. Y., 181 1. An Addrefs delivered before the Auxiliary New York Bible and Common Prayer Society, in St. Paul's Church, in the City of New York, 28th January, 1817. 8vo., pp. 52. N. Y., 181 7. • Vindication of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church ; in a feries of Letters, addreflcd to Rev. Samuel Miller, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1816. An Addrefs delivered before the Auxiliary New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, January 28, 1817. 8vo., pp. 52. N. Y., 1817. Howard, Charles. Memorial of, of Greyllock, and of Mifs Frances Howard, of the Family of Norfolk in England. Tranflated from the French. 4to., pp. 28. Howard. Difquifition on Imprifonment for Debt, as the pradlice exifts in the State of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 18 18. Howard, John C. Difcourfe delivered before the Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Mafl"achufetts, at the Semi-Annual Meet- ing, June 1 2, 1 804. 8vo. Bofton, 1 804. 294 New-York Historical Society. Howard, Simeon. Artillery Eleftion Sermon, Bofton, June 7, 1773. 8vo. Bofton, 1773. Sermon from i John iii. 18, delivered before the Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, 28th December, 1778. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1778. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 31, 1780. 8vo. Bofton, 1780. Sermon, Bofton, November 18, 1791, at the Ordination of Rev. Thomas Adams. 8vo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1791. Howe, Henry. Memoirs of the moft Eminent American Mechanics ; alfo. Lives of Diftinguiflied European Mechanics. Together with a Colleftion of Anecdotes, Defcriptions, etc., relating to the Me- chanic Arts. With Fifty Engravings. l2mo. N. Y., 1847. Howe, Lord. A Candid and Impartial Narrative of the Tranfadlions of the Fleet, under the Command of, etc. By an Officer then ferving in the Fleet. 8vo., pp. 44. Lond., 1779. Howe, Sir William. The Narrative of Lieut.-General ... in a Committee of the Houfe of Commons, on the 29th of April, 1779, relative to his Conduft during his late Command of the King's Troops in North America. To which are added fome Obferva- tions on a Pamphlet, entitled. Letters to a Nobleman. 4to. Lond., 1780. Howe, Mr. Delighting in God ; extrafted from a Difcourfe of. i2mo., pp. 62. Lond., 1794. [Howell, James.] AENAPOAOriA : Dodonas' Grove ; or, the Vocall Forreft. Folio. Lond., 1640. Same. Third edition, with the addition of two other Trafts. i2mo. Cambridge [Eng.], 1645. Luftra Ludovici ; or, the Life of the late Viftorious King of France, Lewis XIIL (and of His Cardinall de Richelieu). Folio. Lond., 1646. Of the Princes and Dukes of Venice. [Imperfeft.] Folio. See Cotton. Howell, Lawrence. A View of the Pontificate, from its Suppofed beginning to the End of the Council of Trent, a. d. 1563. 8vo. Lond., 1712. Howell, William. An Inftitution of General Hiftory ; or, the His- tory of the World. 4 Parts in 3 vols. Folio. Lond., 1680-85. Same. Parts 3, 4. Fofio. Lond., 1685. Medulla Hiftorias Anghcanae. The Ancient and Prefent State of England, continued hy an Impartial Hand. Twelfth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1766. HoYT, Epaphras. Praflical Inftruftions for Mifitary Officers, etc. Plates. 8vo. Greenfield, Mafs., 181 1. Antiquarian Refearches : comprifing a Hiftory of the Indian Wars in the Country bordering the Conne6licut River and parts adjacent, etc. 8vo. Greenfield, Mafs., 1 824. HoYT, Ralph. A Chaunt of Life, and other Poems, with Sketches and Eflays. In Six Parts. Part I. pp. 32. N. Y., 1844. Catalogue of Printed Books. 295 HuARTE, John. Examen de Ingenios. The Examination of Men's Wits, etc. 4to. Lond., 1696. HtJBBARD, Ebenezer. Scrmon occafioned by the Death of Hon. Azor Orne, Marblehead. 8vo., pp. 31. Salem, 1796. Hubbard, John. Letter from the Aflbciation of the County of New Haven, to the Rev. Elders who affifted at the Ordination of, June 22, 1769. 8vo., pp. 24. New Haven. Hubbard, William. The Prefent State of New England : being a Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England, from 1607 to 1677. With a Difcourfe about the War with the Pe- quods in the year 1637. 4to. Lond., 1677. Same. i2mo. Rep. Bofton, 1775. Hubley, Bernard. The Hiftory of the American Revolution, includ- ing the moft Important Events and Refolutions of the Continental Congrcfs during that Period : and alfo, the moft Interefting Letters and Orders of General Wafhington. 8vo, Vol. I. Northumberland, 1805. Hudson City. Direftory of, for the years 1852—3 . . . etc. By William B. Stoddard. 24mo. Hudfon, 1852. Hudson River. Letters about the, and Vicinity. 8vo. N. Y., 1837. Hudson's Bay Company. A Short State of the Countries and Trade of North America, claimed by the . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 44. Lond., 1749. Hue and Cry for Innocent Blood ; or, a Differtation, plainly Proving that God does not Vifit the Sins of the Parents upon the Children, etc. 8vo., pp. 64. Lond., 1732. Hue, Francois. Derniers Annees du Regne et de la vie de Louis XVL 8vo. Paris, 1 8 14. HuET, (M.) The Hiftory of the Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients. From the French. 8vo. Lond., 171 7. Hughes, John. Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone, made during the year 1819. Second edition. 4to. Lond., 1829. Hughes, Joseph. Sermon at the Scot's Church, London Wall, May 30, 1802, before the Correfpondcnt Board in London, of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Chriftian Knowledge. 8vo., pp. 42. Lond., 1802. Hughes, Nimrod. Solemn Warning to all the Dwellers upon Earth, given forth in obedience to the Exprefs Command of the Lord God, etc. [Reprefenting that the Deftruftion of One-Third of Mankind muft take place 4th June, 1 81 2]. 8vo., pp. 34. Rep. Trenton, 1 8 1 1 . Hughes, Thomas Smart. Travels in Sicily, Greece and Albania. Plates. Vol. n. Lond., 1820. Hull, Laurens. Annual Addrefs delivered before the Medical Socie- ty of the State of New York, February, 1840. 8vo. Albany, 1840. Hull, Stephen. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Enos George, in Barnftead, September 26, 1804. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1805. 296 New-York Historical Society. Hull, William. Oration before the Society of the Cincinnati, in Maflachufctts, 4th July, 1788. 4to., pp. 22. Bofton, 1788. Report of the Trial of Brigadier-General, Commanding the Noi th-Wcflern Army of the United States. By a Court Martial held at Albany, on Monday, 3d January, 1814, etc. Taken by Lieut.-Colonel Forbes, of the 42d Regiment United States Infantry. 8vo. N. Y., 1814. Memoirs of the Campaign of the North-Weftern Army of the United States, 181 2. In a feries of Letters, addreflcd to the Citizens of the United States. With an Appendix, containing a Brief Sketch of the Revolutionary Services of the Author. 8vo., pp. 229, X. Bofton, 1824. • Revolutionary Services and Civil Life, by his Daughter, Mrs. Maria Campbell. Together with the Hiflory of the Campaign of 1 81 2 and Surrender of the Port of Detroit, by his Grandfon, James F. Clark. 8vo. N. Y., 1848. HuLSHOFF, Maria A. Peace Republican's Manual ; or, the French Conllitution of 1793, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 181 7. Human Race. Queries refpefting the, to be addrefled to Travellers and others. Drawn up by a Committee of the Britifh Aflociation for the Advancement of Science, appointed in 1839. Human Reason. A New Praftical Syftem of, printed in the Fifth Year of Intelledual Life, etc. 1 2mo. A Plea for, Ihewing the Sufficiency of it in Matters of Religion ; in a Letter to the Right Rev. the Lord Bifhop of London. i6mo., pp. 57. Lond., 1730. Remarks upon ** A Plea," etc. i6mo. Humane Society. Inftitution of the, ^ the Commonwealth of Maffa- chufetts ; with the Rules, etc. 8vo., pp. 27. Boilon, 1788. Continuation of their Proceedings from June, 1 788, to June, 1789. 4to., pp. 8. of MafTachufetts. Appendix intended for Dr. Kirkland's Ser- mon before . . . June, 18 10. 4to., pp. 44. [Bollon], 1810. Report of a Committee appointed to Inquire into the Number of Tavern Licenfes, etc. 8vo., pp. 15. N. Y., 18 10. Sketch of the Origin and Progrefs of the, of the City of New York, etc. 8vo., pp. 19. N. Y., 18 14. Humble Address to the Members of the Houfe of Commons, in behalf of the Subaltern Officers of the Army. 8vo., pp. 25. Lond., 1795. Humboldt, Alexandre de. Recueil d'Obfervations Aftronomiques d'Operations Trigonometriques et de Mefures Barometriques faites pendant le cours d'un Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales du nou- veau Continent depuis 1 799, jufqu'en, 1803. ... 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1 810. EfTai Politique fur le Royaume de la Nouvelle Efpagne. Avec un Atlas Phyfique et Geographique, fonde fur des Obfervations Aftronomiques, des Mefures Trigonometriques et des Nivellemens Barometriques. 2 vols. 4to. (and Atlas.) Paris, 1 811. Catalogue of Printed Books. 297 Humboldt, Alexandre de. Political Effay on the Kingdom of New Spain. Tranflated from the French, by John Black. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y. 1811. . et A. BoNPLAND. Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales du Nou- veau Continent, fait en 1 799-1 804. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1 8 16. . Examen Critique de I'Hilloire dc la Geographic du Nouveau Continent et des Progres dc I'Aftronomie Nautique aux quinzieme et feizieme fiecles. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836-39. See Ghillany. Hume, David. The Hiftory of England, from the Invafion of Julius Cxfar to the Revolution of 1688. 8 vols, 8vo. Lond., 1767. Hume, James. A Letter to, upon the late Debate on Portugal in the Britilh Houfe of Commons. By an Anglo-Lufitanian. 8vo. Lond., 1847. Hume, John. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propa- gation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 19, 1762. 8vo., pp. 91. Lond., 1762, Hume, Joseph. Debate on Sugar Duties. Speech of Mr. Jofeph Hume, M. P., in the Houfe of Commons, on the 13th of May, 1 84 1, on the Motion of Lord John Ruflell. 8vo. Humphrey, Heman. Sermon before the General Affbciation of Con- nefticut, at New Haven, June 18, i8i6. 8vo., pp. 24. New Haven, 1816. Humphreys, Charles. A Sketch of the Condition of the Service of Law in the United States. Read before the Kentucky Inftitute. Humphreys, Daniel. Letter to Mr. Elias Smith, on his late Perform- ance (on Communion). i2mo., pp. 23. Portfmouth, 1804. Humphreys, David. An Hiftorical Account of the Incorporated So- ciety for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, contain- ing their Foundation, etc., to the year 1728. 8vo. Lond., 1730. Same. i2mo. N. Y., 1853. Humphreys, David. A Poem on the Happinefs of America, addrefled to the Citizens of the United States. 410., pp. 53. Mifcellaneous Works. 8vo. N. Y., 1804. Life of Major-General Ifracl Putnam. With an Appendix, con- taining an Hiftorical and Topographical Sketch of the Battle of Bunker Hill, by S. Swett. i2mo. Bofton, 181 8. Humphreys, John. The Neighbouring Searcher Searched, and the Principles, etc., of the Calviniftic Minifters Defended. 8vo., pp. 29. Wolverhampton, 1783. HuNGARiA. A True and Exaft Relation of the Imperial Expedition in ... in the year 1684, etc. 4to. Lond., 1685. [HuNN, John S.] Obfervations on the Improvements of the City of New York fouth of Grand Street. 8vo. N. Y., 1806. Hunt, Freeman. Letters about the Hudfbn River and its Vicinity. Written in 1835, '37. Third edition. i8mo. N. Y., 1837. The Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review. Vols. I.-XXXVIL 8vo. N.Y., 1839-57. 298 New-York Historical Society. Hunt, Freeman. A Comprehenfive Index to the Merchants' Maga- zine . . . embracing the firft ten volumes, etc. 8vo., pp. 37. N. Y., 1846. The Library of Commerce : Praftical, Theoretical, and Hiftori- cal. Vol.1. i2mo. N. Y., 1845. Hunt, Isaac The Political Family ; or, a Difcourfe pointing out the Reciprocal Advantages which flow from an Uninterrupted Union between Great Britain and her American Colonies. No. I. 8vo. Phil., 1775. Hunt, William. American Biographical Sketch Book. Vol. I. 8vo. N. Y., 1848. American Biographical Panorama. 8vo. Albany, 1 849. Albany and Commercial Direftory for 1 848-9. 1 2mo. Albany, 1848. Hunter, John D. Manners and Cuftoms of feveral Indian Tribes lo- cated weft of the Miffiffippi, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1823. Hunter, Joseph. Colledions concerning the Early Hiftory of the Founders of New Plymouth, the Firft Colonifts of New England. i2mo. Lond., 1849. Hunting the Romantic ; or. The Adventures of a Novel Reader. From " La Chafle au Roman " of Jules Sandeau. i2mo. N. Y., 1852. Huntington, Charles B. Trial of . . . for Forgery. Principal De- fence : Infanity. 8vo. N. Y., 1857. Huntington, D. MalTachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 29, 1822. 8vo., pp. 20. Bofton, 1822. Huntington, Enoch. Sermon at Haddam, June 14, 1797, on the Execution of Thomas Starr. 8vo., pp. 24. Middletown. Oration on the Death of General Waftiington, Middletown, 22d February, 1800. 8vo., pp. 9. Middletown, 1800. Sermon at Middletown, occafioned by the Death of Mr. Heze- kiah Hulbert. 8vo., pp. 19. Middletown, 1800. Huntington, Ezra A. Sermon, at the Dedication of the New Houfe of Worfhip erefted by the Third Prelbyterian Church, Albany, December 3, 1845. 8vo. Albany, 1845. A Funeral Difcourfe on David Perkins Page, A. M., late Princi- pal of the State Normal School, Albany, January 9, 1 848. 8vo. Albany, 1848. ' Sermon, at the Opening of the Synod of Albany, Odober 12, 1852. 8vo., pp. 36. Albany, 1852. Huntington, J. Difcourfe on the Death of George Wafliington, New London, January 20, 1800. 8vo. HuNTT, Henry. A Vifit to the Red Sulphur Spring of Virginia during the Summer of 1837. With Obfervations on the Waters. 8vo,, pp. 40. Bofton, 1839. HuRD, Isaac Difcourfe delivered before the Humane Society of Maflachufetts, June 11, 1799. 4'^°'» PP- ^3- Bofton, 1799. HuRD, John C. Topics of Jurifprudcnce connefted with the Conditions of Freedom and Bondage. 8vo., pp. 113. N. Y., 1856. Catalogue of Printed Books. 299 HuRD, John R. A National Bank, or No Bank : an Appeal to the Common Senfe of the People of the United States, efpecially of the Laboring ClafTes. 8vo. N. Y., 1842. HuRD, Richard. An Introdudlion to the Study of the Prophecies, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1809. [ ] Dialogues on the Ufes of Foreign Travel, etc. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1764. HuRDis, James. Equality : a Sermon. With a Sermon on Faft Day, 28th February, 1794. 8vo., pp. 63. Lond., 1794. HuRLBURT, M. L. Prefumptive Argument in Favor of Unitarianifm. 8vo. Bofton, 1828. HuRN, William. The Fundamental Principles of the Eftablilhed Church proved to be the Doftrine of the Scriptures. 8vo., pp. 39. Bury, 1790. Hurt, John. The Love of our Country. A Sermon, preached be- fore the Virginia Troops in New Jerfey. [Chatham, April 20, 1777.] 8vo. Phil., 1777. Husbandry, American. Containing an Account of the Soil, Climate, Produdlion and Agriculture of the Britifti Colonies in North America and the Weft Indies, etc. By an American. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1775. HuTCHESON, Francis, Syftem of Moral Philofophy, etc. From the Original MS., with an Account of his Life and Writings, by William Leechman. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1755. HuTCHEsoN, Mr. Copies of fome Letters, to the late Earl of Sunder- land. With an Introduftion. 8vo., pp. 30. Lond., 1722. HuTCHiNS, Thomas. A Topographical Defcription of Virginia, Pcnn- fylvania, Maryland and North Carolina, etc. Appendix, contain- ing Kennedy's Journal of the Ilhnois River, Lift of Indian Tribes, etc. Plans. 8vo. Lend., 1778. Defcription Topographique de la Virginie, de la Pennfylvanie, du Maryland, et de la Caroline Septentrionale, etc. 8vo., pp. 72. Paris, 1 78 1. Hutchinson, Thomas. The Hiftory of the Colony of Maffachufetts Bay, from the Firft Settlement thereof in 1628 until its Incorpora- tion with the Colony of Plimouth, etc., in 1 69 1. Second edi- tion. 8vo. Lond., 1765. • Same, until the year 1750. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Salem, 1795. Same. Vol. III. From 1750 until June, 1774. 8vo. Lond., 1828. - A Colleftion of Original Papers relative to the Hiftory of the Colony of Maflachufetts Bay. 8vo. Bofton, 1769. ■ Andrew Oliver, et al. Copy of Letters fent to Great Britain by ... " Concerning the Fatal Source of the Confufion and Bloodftied in which Bofton efpecially has been Involved." 8vo. Bofton, 1773. Same, etc. 8vo., pp. 30. Rep. Bofton, 1773. 300 New-York Historical Society. Hutchinson, Thomas. The Letters of, etc. Printed at Boflon, and Remarks thereon ; with the Aflembly's Addrefs ; and the Proceed- ings of the Lords Committee of Council ; together with the fub- ftance of Mr. Wedderburn's Speech relating to thofe Letters ; and the Report of the Lords Committee to His Majefty in Council. Second edition. Lond., 1774. [ ] Experience Preferable to Theory : an Anfwer to Dr. Price's Obfervations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, and the Jullice and Policy of the War with America. 8vo., pp. 102. Lond., 1776. HuTTON, James. A Diflertation upon the Philofophy of Light, Heat and Fire, in Seven Parts. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1794. HuTTON, George. An Appeal to the Nation, on the fubjetl of Mr. Gilbert Wakefield's Letter to William Wilberforce. To which are fubjoined Four Sermons, etc. 8vo., pp. 162. Nottingham, 1798. Hyde, Alvan. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Azariah Clark, New Canaan, New York, March 18, 1807. 8vo.,.pp. 32. Hudfon, 1807. Sermon at Lee, Maflachufetts, December 20, 1 807, after the In- terment of Mr. Jonathan Thacher and of Mrs. Mary Ingerfoll. 8vo., pp. 23. Pittsfield, 1808. Sermon at Lee, MafTachufetts, September 30, 18 10. 8vo., pp. 20. Hudfon, 1 811. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Abigail Baffett, Lee, Maflachu- fetts. 8vo., pp. 20. Stockbridge, 181 3. Hygeianus Medicine. Report of a Trial in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, wherein James Morrifon and others were Plaintiffs, and More, Jacques and others were Defendants, for Counterfeiting, etc., the Genuine Hygeianus Vegetable, etc.. Medicine. 8vo. Lond., 1834. Hymn Book (Pocket). Defigned as a Conftant Companion for the Pious, etc. 24mo. N. Y. 1801. Hymns. A Colledlion of, for the ufe of the People called Methodifts. Fourth edition. Lond., 1784. Hypocrisy Unmasked ; or, a Short Inquiry into the Rehgious Com- plaints of our American Colonies, etc. Third edition. 1 2mo. Lond., 1776. Ibanez, Caspar. Noticia y juicio de los mas Principales Hiftoriadores de Efpana, etc. i2mo. Madrid, 1784. Iceland. Letters on . . . etc. 8vo. Dublin, 1780. Ide, Jacob. Difcourfe in Medway, Weft Parifh, at the Inftallation of the Mount Lebanon Chapter, June 24, 1825. 8vo. Bofton, 1825. Sermon occafioned by the Death of the late Mr. Edmund P. San- ford, Medway. 8vo., pp. 29. Bofton, 1826. Idea de una Nueva Hiftoria General de la America Septentrional. 8vo. [Lorenzo Boturini Benaduci.] Madrid, 1746. Catalogue of Printed Books. 301 Idylles on Effais de Poefie Creole. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 804. Illinois College. Hillorical Sketch of. 8vo. N. Y., 1832. Illustrations of Mr. Hume's EfTay concerning Liberty and Neceffity, in Anfwer to Dr. Gregory of Edinburgh. By a Neceffitarian. 8vo. Lond., 1795. Imison, John. Treatife of the Mechanical Powers. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 37. Lond., 1794. Imlay, George. A Topographical Defcription of the Weftern Terri- tory of North America, etc., with the Difcovery, Settlement and Prefcnt State of Kentucky, by John Filfon, etc. Map. Second edition. Lond., 1793. Imlay, James H. Addrefs at the Federal Republican Meeting, at Free- hold, Auguft 22, 1808. Trenton, 1808. Impartial Strictures on the Poem called "The Purfuits of Literature," and particularly a Vindication of the Romance of " The Monk." 8vo. Lond., 1798. Imperial and County Annual Regifter for the years 1809-10, contain- ing a Hiftory of Great Britain, with an ample Collection of State Papers ; the Public and Private Annals of the Britilh Provinces. 8vo. Lond., 1 8 10- II. Impressed Seamen. Copies and Extrafts of Documents on the fubjedl of Britifh ImpreflTments of American Seamen. 8vo. N. Y., 1813. Report of the Committee of the Houfe of Reprefentatives of Maffachufetts on the fubjeft of, with the Evidence and Documents accompanying it. 8vo. Bofton, 181 3. Imprisonment. The Rife and Praftice of, in Perfonal Adlions Examined, etc. By a Barriller-at-Law. 8vo., pp. 104. Lond., 1772. for Debt. A Few Plain Truths, worthy the attention of Con- fined Debtors, Money Lenders, etc. 8vo., pp. 20. Lond. Incest. The Dodlrine of Inceft ftated, with an Examination of the Queftion, Whether a Man may Marry his Deceafed Wife's Siller. In a Letter to a Clergyman of the Prefbyterian Church. By Do- mefticus. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 48. N. Y., 1827. Income Tax. Obfervations upon the Adl for Taxing Income, etc. With the Aft at Large. (9th January, 1799.) 8vo. Lond., 1799. Independence Hall. Catalogue of the National Portraits in . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 24. " Phil., 1855. Independent Citizen, The ; or. The Majefty of the People aflerted againll the Ufurpations of the Legiflature of North CaroHna, in feveral Afts of AfTembly, pafled in the years 1783, '85, '86 and '87. 4to., pp. 21. Independent Reflector, The ; or. Weekly Eflays on Sundry Im- portant Subjefts ; more particularly adapted to the Province of New York. Printed (until tyrannically fupprefled) in 1753. [See Sedgwick's Life of W. Livingflon, 74.] Folio. N. Y. Letter to the Independent Refleftor. By David Marin Ben Jefle. 8vo., pp. 31. N. Y., 1753. 302 New-York Historical Society. Independent Whig; or, A Defence of Primitive Chriftianity, etc. Fifth edition. 4 vols. i2mo. Lend., 1732-47. Indes. Hiftoire Philofophique et Politique des EtablifTemens et du Com- merce de Europeens dans les Deux Indies. Nouvelle edition. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1778. India. Tranfaftions in, from the commencement of the French War in 1756, to the conclufion of the late Peace, in 1783. 8vo. Lond., 1786. Narrative of the Baptift Miffion in. Second edition, enlarged. i2mo., pp. 99. Lond., 1 810. India Courier Extraordinary. Proceedings of Parliament relating to Warren Haftings, Efq., containing Mr. Burke's Charges, and Mr. Haftings' Defence. 4 vols. 4to. 1786. Indian Battles, Murders, Sieges and Forays in the South- Weft . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 100. Nafhville, (Tenn.) Indian Affairs. Report of the Committee on, relative to Excitements, on the part of Britifh Subjeds, of the Indians, to Commit Hoftili- ty againft the United States, etc., June 13, 1812. 8vo. Waihington, 181 2. Annual Report of the Afting Superintendent of, for Michigan, made to the Bureau of, at Wafhington, at the clofe of the fifcal year, 30th September, 1840. 8vo. Detroit, 1840. Indian Bill. Speeches on the paflage of the Bill for the Removal of the Indians, delivered in the Congrefs of the United States, April and May, 1830. i2mo. Bofton, 1830. Indian Nations of America. Plain Fafts ; being an Examination into the Rights of the, to their refpeftive Countries ; and a Vindi- cation of the Grant from the Six United Nations of Indians to the Proprietors of Indiana, againft the Decifion of the Legisflature of Virginia ; together with Authentic Documents proving that the Territory Weftward of the Alleghany Mountains never belonged to Virginia. 8vo. Phil., 178 1. Indian Relations. Statement of the, with a Reply to the Article in the 66th No. of the North American Review on the Removal of the Indians. 8vo. N. Y., 1830. Indian Treaties and Laws relating to Indian Affairs ; to which is added an Appendix, containing the Proceedings of the Old Con- grefs and other important State Papers in relation to Indian Af- fairs. 8vo. Waftiington, 1826. Indian Tribes in the United States. The Firft Annual Report of the American Society for Promoting the Civilization and General Im- provement of the, Feb. 6, 1824. 8vo., pp. 74. New Haven, 1 824. Indiana. Laws of the State of, for 1845, '46 and '47. Documents for 1845. Documentary Journals for 1844-47, and Owen's Geo- logical Report for 1839. 8 vols. 8vo. Indians. An Epiftle to the Chriftian, giving them a ftiort account of what the Englifli defire them to Know and to Do, etc. i2mo., pp. 14. Bofton, 1700. Catalogue of Printed Books, 303 Indians. Conference held at St. George's, in the County of York, Sep- tember 20, 1753, between Sir William Pepperrell, et al., Com- miffioners, to treat with the Eaftern Indians and the Penobfcotts, etc. 4to. Bofton, 1753. Minutes of a Treaty . . . held at Eafton, in Pennfylvania, Oftober, 1758. Folio. Woodbridge. Dialogue between Andrew Trueman and Thomas Zealot, about the Killing the ... at Canneftogoe and Lancafter. 8vo., pp. 8. [1764.] Moheagan. Governor and Council of Connefticut, and by theii Guardians. Certified Copy of Book of Proceedings before Com- miflioners of Review, 1743. 4to., pp. 283. Lond., 1764. Narrative of the Prefent Controverfy between the Wappinger Tribe of Indians and the Claimants, etc., of a Traft in Philip's Upper Patent, etc. 8vo., pp. 56. Hartford, 1778. Proceedings of the Committee, appointed in the year 1795, by the Yearly Meeting of Friends of Pennfylvania, New Jerfcy, etc., for Promoting the Improvement, etc., of the Indian Natives. Second edition. 8vo. 1805. Some Communications of Chrillianity, put into a Tongue ufed among the Iroquois, in America, etc. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton. Refearches on America : being an Attempt to Settle fome Points relative to the Aborigines of America, etc. By an Officer of the United States Army. 8vo. Baltimore, 1 816. A New Society for the Benefit of, organized at the City of Wafh- ington, February, 1822. 8vo., pp. 8. : Remarks on the Indians of North America, in a Letter to an Edinburgh Reviewer. 8vo. Lond., 1822. Laws of the Colonial and State Governments, relating to Indians and Indian Affairs, from 1633 to 1831, inclufive. With an Ap- pendix, containing the Proceedings of the Congrefs of the Con- federation, and the Laws of Congrefs, from 1800 to 1830, on the fame fubjeft. 8vo. Walhington, 1832. Narrative of the recent Proceedings of the Committee appointed by the Yearly Meeting of Friends of New York in relation to the Indians in that State. 8vo., pp. 24. N. Y., 1839. The Cafe of the Seneca ... in the State of New York, il- luftrated by Fafts, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1 840. A Further Illuftration of the Cafe of the Seneca, in the State of New York, in a Review of a Pamphlet, by Nathaniel T. Strong. 8vo. Phil., 1 841. Graphic Sketches from old and authentic Works, illuftrating the Coftume, Habits and Charafter of the Aborigines of America, etc. 8vo. Plates. N. Y.,1841. Proceedings of the Joint Committee, appointed by the Society of Friends conftituting the Yearly Meetings of Geneflee, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, for Promoting the Civilization, etc., of the Seneca Nation of. 8vo., pp. 192. Baltimore, 1847. 304 New- York Historical Society. Infant Asylum, for the Prefcrving of the Lives of Children of Hired Wet Nurfes and others, l2mo., pp. 55. Lend., 1799. Infantry Discipline. Syftem of, according to the Regulation eftab- lifhed for the United States Army, etc. 8vo. 18 14. Infantry. Inllruftions for the, relative to Mufters, for the making out of the Rolls, and for the Appearance of the Corps. 4to., pp. 5. Rules and Regulations for the Field Exercife and Manoeuvres of, etc. Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1815. Infidelity. Comprifing Jenyn's Internal Evidence, Leflie's Method, Littleton's Converfion of Paul, Watfon's Reply to Gibbon and Paine, etc. i zmo. [Am. Trad Society.] N. Y. Ingalls, Henry Augustus. Memoirs . . . with Seleftions from his Writings. i2mo. N. Y., 1845. Ingalls, William. An Effay on the Ganglionary Syftem of Nerves in the Cavity of the Cranium, and its'Ufe. 8vo., pp. 15. Boilon, 1832. Ingelo, Nathanael. Bentivolio and Urania. Fourth edition. Folio. Lond., 1682. Ingersoll, Charles Jared. A View of the Rights and Wrongs, Power and Policy, of the United States of America. 8vo. Phil., 1808. [ ] Inchiquin, the Jefuit's Letters, during a late Refidcnce in the United States of America, etc. By fome Unknown Foreigner. Svo. N. Y., 1810. Communication on the Improvement of Government, read be- fore the American Philofophical Society, at a Meeting attended by General La Fayette, Oftober i, 1824. 8vb. Phil., 1824. Ingersoll, George S. An Addrefs delivered before the Literary Socie- ties of the Univerfity of Vermont, Auguft 2, 1837. 8vo. Burlington, 1837. Ingersoll, Joseph R. An Addrefs delivered in the Church at Prince- ton, September- 23, 1828. 8vo., pp. 26. Princeton, 1828. An Addrefs delivered before the Literary Societies of Lafayette College, at Eafton, Pa., July 4, 1833. 8vo., pp. 38. Phil., 1833. Eulogy on General Zachary Taylor, late Prefident. 8vo. PhiL, 1850. Inglis, Charles. Sermon on II. Corinthians v. 6, occafioned by the Death of John Ogilvie, D. D. 8vo., pp. 30. N, Y., 1774. Sermon occafioned by the Death of Rev. Dr. Auchmuty, March 9, 1777. i2mo. N. Y. [ ] Letters of Papinian : in which the Conduft, Prefent State and Prolpefts of the American Congrefs, are Examined, i zmo. N. Y., 1779. A Farewell Sermon, preached at St. George's and St. Paul's Chapels, in the City of New York, Odober 26, 1783. Svo. Lond., 1784. The Cafe of the Right Rev. ... at the Commiffioner's Office, Philadelphia, July 31, 1799. 4to. Catalogue of Printed Books. 305 Inglis, Charles. Charge at the Triennial Vifitation, 1803. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 56. Halifax, 1804. See Cudworth. Inland Lock Navigation. Report of the Diredors of the Weftern and Northern Companies, in the State of New York, to the Legiflature, etc. 4to. N. Y., 1 796. Inland Navigations. The Hiftory of, particularly thofe of the Duke of Bridgcwater, in Lancalhire and Chefhire, etc. Plans. 8vo. Lond., 1766. Fafts and Arguments, refpecting the great utility of. By a Friend to National Induflry. [With a Map of Pennfylvania, Delaware, New Jerfey and Maryland, with the parts adjacent.] 8vo., pp. 61. Phil., 1805. Inoculation. The Cow Pox Aft, with the Order of the Legislature, and a Communication from the Town of Milton, Maffachufetts. 8vo., pp. 48. Bofton, 1 8 10. Inquiry into the EfFefts of our Foreign Carrying Trade upon the Agri- culture, Population and Morals of the Country. By Columella. 8vo., pp. 61. N. Y., 1806. Institutes of Hydrostatics, illuftrated with Plates ; to which is added a Philofophical Eflay on Air-Balloons ; and an Appendix, con- taining Abftrafts of the moft interefting Accounts publifhed of Air-Balloon Excurfions in different countries, withRemaiks. 8vo. Lond., I'/ 86. Institution, The, or Order of the Garter. A Dramatick Poem. 4to., pp. 64. Lond., 1742. Insurrection in Pennsylvania. Report of the Commillioners ap- pointed by the Prefident of the United States of America to con- fer with the Infurgents in the Weftern Counties of Pennfylvania. 8vo., pp. 39. _ Phil., 1794. Intercepted Letters. Copies of the Original Letters and Defpatches of the Generals, etc., to the Emperor Napoleon at Drefden, inter- cepted by the Allies. 8vo. Lond., 1814. International Literary Exchanges. Proceedings of a Meeting of the Citizens of the United States in Paris, at the Athenec Royale, March 27, 1843, etc., embracing an Addrefs, etc., by Alexander Vattemare. 8vo. Paris, 1843. International Monthly Magazine, The, of Literature, Science and Art. Vols. I.-V. 8vo. N.Y., 1850-2. Introduction a la Revolution fervant de prehminaire aux Revolutions de Paris dedies a la nation et au diilrifl des petits Auguftins. 8vo. Paris, 1 790. . Inventors. Remarks on the Rights of, and the Influence of their Studies in promoting the Enjoyments of Life and Public Profperity. . 8vo. Bofton, 1807. Ipswich. Reply to the Vindication of the Refult of the late Council at. By Marcus. 8vo., pp. 48. Newburyport, 1 806. . 20 3o6 New-York Historical Society. Ireland. Report of the Committee of Secrecy of the Houfe of Com- mons, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1799. The Union. Sketches of Irifh Political Charadlers. 8vo, Lond., 1799. Settlement of Emigrants from. 8vo., pp. 8. 181 8. Ireland, John. Record of Proceedings of a Board of Clergy, for try- ing the Truth of certain Charges againft. 8vo., pp. 23. N. Y., 1810. Ireland, W. M. Remarks on the Medical Properties of the Stramo- nium, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 181 7. Irish Affairs. Defence of Oppbfition with refpeft to their condudl on, with Explanatory Notes. Dedicated to the Right Hon. C. J. Fox. By an Irifh Gentleman, etc. 8vo., pp. 39, 52. Lond., 1785. Irish Characters. Sketches of Political Charafters, etc. Lond., 1799. Irish Emigrant. Letter from an Irifh Emigrant to his Friends in the United States, giving an Account of the Rife and Progrefs of the Commotions in Ireland. 8vo. N. Y., 1798. Same. 8vo. Phil., 1799. Irish Emigrant Association. Obfervations tending to illuftrate the Views of the. 8vo., pp. 12. 181 7. Irish Society of London. Report of the Seventh Anniverfary, etc. 8vo., pp. 48. Lond,, 1829. Iris, The ; or. Literary Meflenger. Vol. I. 8vo. N. Y., 1 840-1. Irving, Edward. The Oracles of God. Four Orations, etc., in 9 parts. 8vo. N. Y., 1823. Irving, John T. Oration, 12th May, 1810, before the Tammany Society, or Columbian Order, in the City of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1810. Difcourfe on the Advantages of Claffical Learning, with a Sketch of the Charafter of the late William Samuel Johnfon, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1830. \ Irving, Peter. An Inaugural Differtation on the Influenza, etc. 8vo., pp.37. _ N.Y.,_i794. [Irving, Washington.] A Hiftory of New York, from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynafty. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. 2 vols. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 809. Hiftory of the Life and Voyages of Chriftopher Columbus. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1 83 1. Voyages and Difcoveries of the Companions of Columbus. 8vo. Phil., 1 83 1. Aftoria ; or. Anecdotes of an Enterprife beyond the Rocky Mountains. 2 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1836. The Rocky Mountains ; or. Scenes, Incidents and Adventures in the Far Weft, digefted from the Journal of Captain B. L. E. Bonneville, etc. 2 vols. i2mo. Phil., 1837. The Works of . . . New edition revifed. 1 5 vols. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1850-51. Catalogue of Printed Books. 307 Irving, Washington. Life of George Wafhington. Vols. I.-IV. 8vo. N.Y., 1855-57. [rwin, Eyles. a Series of Adventures in the courfe of a Voyage up the Red Sea, etc., in the year 1777. 4to. Lond., 1780. Isaiah. Paraphrafe on Nine Chapters of the Prophet, etc. 8vo., pp. 16. Northampton, Mafs., 1803. Israel Vindicated ; being a Refutation of the Calumnies propagated refpcfting the Jewifh Nation ; in which the Objefts and Views of the American Society for Ameliorating the Condition of the Jews are Inveftigated. By an Ifraelite. 8vo., pp. no, N. Y., 1820. Italian Campaign of 170 1. See Barton, William. Italy. Abftraft of the Diary of the Fourth Convention of the Scien- tific Men of, held at Padua, publifhed in the Journal of Commerce at Florence. 4to. Ithaca. View of, and its Environs. 8vo. Ithaca, 1 835. Itineraire d'Italie contenant la Defcription des Routes les Plus Fre- quentes, etc. izmo. Florence, 1804. IvES, Edward. Voyage from England to India, in the year 1754 ; and an Hiftorical Narrative of the Operations of the Squadron and Army in India, in 1755-7. Ives, L. S. An Addrefs to the Students of Geneva Theological Seminary, etc., delivered at the 17th Annual Commencement. N. Y., 1840. IviMEY, Joseph. Addrefs, London, Odober 25, 1809, containing a Brief Hiitory of Diflenters, etc. 8vo., pp. 58. . Lond. John Milton : his Life and Times, Religious and Political Opin- ions, etc. Portrait. i2mo. N. Y., 1833. Izard, Ralph. Correfpondence of, of South Carolina, from the year 1774 to 1804. With a Ihort Memoir. Vol.1. i2mo. N.Y., 1844. Jackson, Andrew. Plain Reafons of a Plain Man, for preferring General Jackfon to Mr. Adams, as Prefident of the United States. 8vo. Baltimore, 1825. A Brief Inquiry into fome of the Objeftions urged againfl the Eleftion of, to the office of Prefident of the United States. and the Rev. Ezra Stiles Ely. 8vo., pp. 8. Official Record from the War Department, of the Proceedings of the Court Martial which tried, and the Orders of, for Shooting the Six Militiamen, . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 52. Concord, 1828. Correfpondence between, and John C. Calhoun, Prefident and Vice-Prefident of the United States, on the fubjedl of the courfe of the latter, in the Cabinet of Monroe on the Occurrences in the Seminole War. 8vo. Wafhington, 183 1. Jackson, Charles T. Lifts of Mines and Minerals belonging to the Maine Mining Company, which have been Explored and Reported on. 8vo. Lond., 1837, 308 New-York Historical Society. Iackson, Charles T. Report on the Geological and Agricultural Survey of the State of Rhode Ifland, made under a refolve of the Legiflaturc in 1839. 8vo. Providence, 184c. Jackson, Francis J. Important State Papers. Documents accom- panying the Prefident's Meflage to Congrefs, November 29, 1 809. 8vo., pp. 52. Bofton, 1809. Ten Hints addrefled to Wife Men, concerning the Difpute which ended 8th November, 1809, in the Difmiffion of . . . the Britifli Minifter to the United States of America. 8vo., pp. 115. Bofton. Refleftions upon the late Correfpondence between Mr. Secretary Smith and . . . originally publilhed in the Federal Repubhcan of Baltimore. 8vo. Baltimore, 1810. \ Qackson, Hall.] Obfervations and Remarks on the Putrid Malig- nant Sore Throat, etc. [of 1 784-1 786.] 8vo., pp. 28. [MS. Notes by the Author.] Portfmouth, 1786. Jackson, James. Eulogy on the Charafter of John Warren, M. D., etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1 81 5. - An Addrefs, delivered at the Funeral of John Gorham, M. D., on the 31ft of March, 1829. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1829. [ackson, John. Refleftions on the Commerce of the Mediterranean, deduced from Aftual Experience during a Refidence on both Shores of the Mediterranean Sea, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1 806. Jackson, Richard, Jr., and Elisha R. Potter. Addrefs from Repre- fentatives in Congrefs from the State of Rhode Ifland, to their Conftituents, March 16, 1812. 8vo. Jackson, Samuel C. Mafl"achufetts Ele£tion Sermon, January 7, 1843. Bofton, 1843. A Treatife on Sympathy, in 2 Parts. 8vo. Lond., 1781. Eulogium on the Charafter of General Waftiing- ton, before the Pennfylvania Society of the Cincinnati, 2 2d Febru- ary, 1 800. 8vo., pp. 44. Phil., 1 800. Jackson, William. A Lefture on Railroads, delivered January 1 2, 1829, before the MalTachufetts Charitable Mechanic Aflbciation. i2mo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1829. - Memorial on behalf of the Surviving Officers of the Revolutionary Army of the United States to the Congrefs of the United States. Jackson, W. F. Sermons on Praftical and Important Subjefts. [Mr. Jackfon was tried and convifted for high treafon, Dublin, April 23> 1 795-] 8vo. Lond., 1795. Jackson, Dr. Oratorio. Seleftion the Firft, under the Direftion of, at the French Church de St. Efprit, etc. N. Y., 1805. jACOBiNiAD. Remarks on the, Revifed and Correfted by the Author, and embelliftied with Caricatures. Part ift. i2mo., pp. 54. Bofton, 1795. |AC0Bs, Bela. Report of his Tour in the Weftern States in 1833, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1833. 8vo., pp. 55. ackson, S. Henry. ackson, William. Catalogue of Printed Books. 309 ACOBUS, Melancthon W. a Difcourfe delivered on occafion of the late National Faft. 8vo., pp. 24. Brooklyn, 1841. ACOMB, Robert. A Letter Vindicating Diflenters from the Charge of Difloyalty, etc. 8vo., pp. 12. Briftol, 1793. AGGER, William. To the People of Suffolk, of all Parties. N. Y., 1838. AL, A. Virgilius Nauticus. Examen des Paffages de I'Eneide qui ont traite de la Marine. 8vo. Paris, 1843. AMAiCA. The Laws of, paffed by the Affembly, and confirmed by his Majefty in Council, April 17, 1684. Folio. Map. Lond., 1684. Afts of Affembly, paffed in the Ifland of, from 1681 to 1737, inclufive, with Abridgment, etc. Folio. Lond., 1740. A New Hiftory of, from the Earlieft Accounts to the Taking of Porto Bello by Vice-xAdmiral Vernon. In Thirteen Letters from a Gent, to his Friend. Maps. Second edition. Lond., 1740. The Merchants, Faflors and Agents of Kingfton, Complainants, againft Refpondents. The Refpondents' Cafe. 4to. Lond., 1755. Privileges of the Ifland of. Vindicated, etc. With an Appen- dix, containing an Hiftorical Account of the Colony, etc. 8vo. Rep. Lond., 1766. Candid Remarks on Dr. Witherfpoon's Addrefs to the Inhabit- - ants of, etc. 8vo., pp. 62. Phil., 1772. Petition and Memorial of the Affembly to the King. 8vo. 1774- An Account of the Ifland of, with Refledlions on the Treatment, Occupation and Provifions of the Slaves, etc. By a Gentleman lately refident on a Plantation. 8vo. New Caftle, 1788. Catalogue of Plants, Exotic and Indigenous in the Botanical Gar- den of. 4to. St. Jago de la Vega, 1792. (The) Magazine; or, Repofitory of Entertainment and Know- ledge. Vol. I. 8vo. St. Jago de la Vega, 1804. Memorial and Petition of the Council and Affembly of, to the King. 4to., pp. 8. The Reprefentation of Stephen Fuller, Agent for . . . to his Majefty 's Minifters. 4to., pp. 4. James I. The Workes of the Moft High and Mighty, etc. Publiflied by James, Bifhop of Winton, etc. Folio. Lond., 161 6. James, Charles T. Letters on the Culture and Manufacture of Cot- ton. . . . Publiflied in Hunt's Merchants' Magazine for Febru- ary and March, 1850, in reply to the Communications of A. A. Lawrence, Efq., originally publiflied in the Merchants' Magazine for December, 1849, and January, 1850. 8vo., pp. 35. N. Y., 1850. James, Duke of York and Albany. Some Hiftorical Memoires of the Life and Aftions of. i2mo,, pp. 136. [Imperfeft.] James, Edwin. Chippewa New Teftament, Tranflated by . . . i2mo. Albany, 1833. New-York Historical Society. AMES, G. P. R., and E. E. Crowe. Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain and Portugal. 3 vols. i6mo. [Cab. CycJ Lond., 1835-7. AMES, Henry. The Nature of Evil. . . . i2mo. N. Y., 1855. AMES, John. A Narrative of the Apprehending, Commitment, Ar- raignment, Condemnation and Execution of, November 26, 1661. Small 4to., pp. 47. Lond., 1662. AMES, John Angell. The Young Man from Home. 1 8mo. The Anxious Inquirer after Salvation. 1 8mo. AMES, Mrs. Defence of the Church of England, in a Short Anfwer to the Canting Addrefs, etc. 4to., pp. 8. AMES, Thomas. The Hiftory of the Herculean Straits, now called the Straits of Gibraltar, etc. 2 vols. 4to. Maps and Plates. Lond., 1 77 1. AMES, William. An Inquiry into the Merit of the Principal Aftions between Great Britain and the United States, comprifmg an Ac- count of all Britilh and American Ships of War, reciprocally Cap- tured and Dcftroj^ed, fmce the 18th of June, 181 2. 8vo. Hahfax, 3816. A Full and Correal Account of the Military Occurrences of the late War between Great Britain and the United States of America. With an Appendix and Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 181 8. Warden Refuted ; being a Defence of the Britilh Navy, etc. 8vo. Lond., 18 19. Jameson, Robert. A Syftem of Mineralogy. Second edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1816. [aneway, James. Invifible Realities, demonftrated in the Holy Life and Triumphant Death of Mr. John Janeway. Tenth edition. 8vo., pp. 100. Lond., [1672.] A Token for Children, etc. With new Additions. 8vo. Bofton, 1771. Jaquerie in France. Hiftory of the, in the year 1358, with an Ac- count of their Horrid Cruelties, etc., taken from Barnes' Hiftory of Edward III. 8vo., pp. 14. Lond., 1798. Jaques, Moses, and Levi D. Slamm. Cafe of Contempt ; or. Proceed- ings of the Houfe of AiTembly of the State of New York, againft, charged with Contempt of the Authority of that Body. Together with the Proteft and Defence of the Accufed. 8vo., pp. 18. N.Y., 1837. Jarvis, Edward. On the Caufes of Infanity, delivered before the Norfolk, Maflachufetts, Diftridl Medical Society, May 14, 185 1. 8vo., pp. 17. Lefture on the NecefGty of the Study of Phyfiology, delivered before the American Inftitute of Inftrudlion at Hartford, Auguft 22, 1845. i2mo., pp. 55. Bofton, 1845. Qarvis, Russell.] Fa£ls and Arguments againft the eledlion of Gene- ral Cafs. By an Anti-Abolitionift. 8vo. N. Y., 1 848. Jarvis, Leonard. Speech on the Navy Appropriation Bill, in the Catalogue of Printed Books. 311 Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, April 4, 1836. 8vo. Wafhington, 1836. Jarvis, Samuel F. Sermon at Saybrook, Connefticut, April 9, 1815, at the Funeral of Mrs. Jannette Hart. 8vo., pp. 25, N. Y., 1815. — — Thanksgiving Sermon, Bloomingdale, April, 1815. For Peace. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1 81 5. A Difcourfe on the Religion of the Indian Tribes of North America, delivered before the New York Hillorical Society, De- cember 20, 1819. 8vo., pp. III. N. Y., 1820. Jauffret, L. F. Hiftoire Impartiale du Proces de Louis XVI., Ci- devant Roi dcs Francais, etc. Tomes 8, 8vo. Paris, 1792-3. Jay, Sir. James. A Letter to the Governors of the College of New York, refpefting the Colleftion that was made in this Kingdom in 1762-3, for the Colleges of Philadelphia and New York, . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 42. Lond., 1771. A Letter to the Univerfities of Oxford and Cambridge, etc., in refpeft to the Colleftion made for the Colleges of New York and Philadelphia, etc. 8vo., pp. 20. Lond., 1774. — — Memorial to the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives in Con- grefs. 8vo. N. Y., 1813. Jay, John. The Charge delivered by the Hon. John Jay, Chief JulHce of the State of New York, to the Grand Jury at the Su- preme Court held at Kingfton, in Ulfter County, September 9, 1777. 8vo. John Holt, Kingfton. Letters ; being the Whole of the Correfpondence between the Hon. and Mr. Lewis Littlepage, a young man whom Mr. Jay, when in Spain, patronized and took into his family. With an Appendix. 4to., pp. 102. N. Y., 1786. Same. New and correded edition. 4to., pp. 54. N. Y., 1786. Features of his Treaty, with a View of the Commerce of the United States, as it ftands at prefent and is fixed by. 8vo.,pp. 51. Phil., 1795. The Treaty : its Merits and Demerits fairly Difcufled and Dif- played. [Containing Jay's Treaty ; the Eflays of the Federalift, publifhed in the Bofton Centincl ; Eflays of the Conftitutionalift, publifhed in the Independent Chronicle ; Letter from Wafhington to the Seledl Men of Bofton ; Proceedings of the Bofton Cham- ber of Commerce; Speech of Filher Ames, 28th of April, 1796.] Remarks on the Hon. Judge Jay's Letter to the Rev. Cave Jones, in a Letter to a Friend, February, 181 2. Jay, John. Fafts connefted with the Prcfentment of Bifliop Onder- donk. A Reply to Parts of the Bifhop's Statement. 8vo., pp. 23. .^ N. Y., 1845. Thoughts on the Duty of the Epifcopal Church, in relation to Slavery ; being a Speech delivered in the New York Anti-Slavery Conventions, February 12, 1839. 8vo. N. Y., 1839. 312 New-York Historical Society. Jay, John. The Progrcfs and Refults of Emancipation in the Enghfh Weft Indies. A Lefture dehvered before the Philomathian Society of the City of New York. 8vo., pp. 39. N. Y., 1842. [ ] Cafte and Slavery in the American Church. By a Churchman. 8vo., pp. 51. N. Y., 1843. [ ] A Review of a Pamphlet by the Hon. John C. Spencer, entitled Report to the Veftry of St. Peter's Church, Albany, . . . etc. By a Lay Delegate. 8vo., pp. 38. N. Y., 1845. A Letter to the Truftees of the Building Fund of the New York Hiftorical Society. 8vo., pp. 21. N. Y., 1851. Jay, John C. A Catalogue of the Shells, arranged according to the Lamarckian Syftem ; together with Defcriptions of New or Rare Species, contained in the Colleftion of. Illuftrated by feveral Plates. 4to. N. Y., 1839. Jay, Peter Augustus. Oration delivered before the Wafhington Benevolent Society in the City of New York, 2 2d February, 1810. 8vo., pp. 23. N. Y., 1810. A Report of a Committee of the Humane Society, appointed to inquire into the number of Tavern Licenfes, . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 15. N. Y., 1810. Jay, William. Life of John Jay, with Seleftions from his Correfpond- ence, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1833. Inquiry into the Charafter and Tendency of the American Col- onization, and American Anti-Slavery Societies. Sixth edition. i2mo. N. Y., 1838. View of the Aftion of the Federal Government in behalf of Slavery. i2mo. N. Y., 1839. [ ] The Creole Cafe, and Mr. Webfter's Defpatch; with the Comments of the New York American. 8vo., pp. 39. N. Y., 1842. War and Peace : the Evils of the Firft, and a Plan of Preferving the Laft. i2mo. N. Y., 1842. [ ] A Reproof of the American Church, by the Bifhop of Oxford. Extrafted from a " Hiftory of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in America." By Samuel Wilberforce, A. M. With an Intro- duftion, by an American Churchman. 8vo., pp. 59. N. Y., 1846. A Review of the Caufes and Confequences of the Mexican War. 8vo. Bofton, 1849. A Reply to Webfter, in a Letter from Hon. ... to Hon. Wil- liam Nelson, M. C. 8vo., pp. 12. Bofton, 1850. Jayne, p. Subftance of a Thankfgiving Sermon, at Lynn, December I, 1803. 8vo., pp. 13. Salem, 1804. Jefferson County. Proceedings of the Second Cattle Show and Fair of the Agricultural Society of . . . September, 181 7. 8vo. Watertown, 1 8 19. [Jefferson, Thomas.] A Summary View of the Rights of Britifh America. Set forth in fome Refolutions intended for the In- Jrr^ti' Catalogue of Printed Books. 315 fpeftion of the present Delegates of the People of Virginia, now in Convention. By a Native and Member of the Houfe of Bur- gefles. 8vo. Williamlburg, 1774. Jefferson, Thomas. Notes on the State of Virginia, illuftrated with a Map, including the States of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Pennfylvania. 8vo. Lond., 1787. Report on the fubjeft of Eftablifhing a Uniformity in the Weights, Meafures, and Coins of the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1790. The Claims of, to the Prefidency, examined at the Bar of Chriftianity. By a Layman. 8vo. Phil., 1 800. An Addrefs to the People of the United States, with an Epitome and Vindication of the Public Life and Charafter of. 8vo. ^ Phil., ^^00, jj^ JU Jbi Voice of Warning to Chriflians on the enfuing Eleftion of a/-'^'*^ ♦^ '"^''^ Prefident of the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1 800. Defence of the Meafures of his Administration. By Curtius. From the National Intelligencer. 8vo. Wafhington, 1804. Notes on Virginia. Obfervations on certain Paflages, which ap- pear to have a Tendency to Subvert Religion and Eftablifh a Falfe Philosophy. 8vo., pp. 32, N. Y., 1804. Memoirs of, containing a Hiftory of the United States with a View of the Rife and Progrefs of French Influence and Principles. 2 vols., 8vo. 1809. The Proceedings of the Government of the United States in maintaining the Public Right to the Beach of the Mifliffippi, ad- jacent to New Orleans, againft the Intruflon of Edward Livingfton. 8vo. Phil., 1 81 2. Againft Madifon's War, etc. With Remarks on the Prefent War, and the Propriety of Choofing Eleftors who will vote for a Peace Prefident. By a True Republican. 8vo. 1812. — - Memoir, Correfpondence, and Mifcellanies, from the Papers of. Edited by Thomas JefFerfon Randolph. Second edition. 4 vols., 8vo. Bofton, 1830. The Writings of . . . From the Original Manufcripts, de- pofited in the Department of State. Edited by H. A. Wafliing- ton. 9 vols. 8vo. Walhington, 1853-54. See Adams, Dwight, Lee, Tucker. Jeffersoniad, The ; or, an Echo to the Groans of an Expiring Faftion. By Democraticus. i2mo. 1801. Jefferys, Thomas. The Natural and Civil Hiftory of the French Dominions in North and South America, illuftrated with maps and plans. Two Parts. Folio. Lond., 1760. A Defcription of the Spanifh Iflands and Settlements on the Coaft of the Weft Indies, etc., illuftrated with maps and plans, etc. 4to. Lond., 1762. Voyages fromAfia to America, for completing the Difcoveries of the North- Weft Coaft of America. 2d edition. 410. Lond., 1 764. 314 New-York Historical Society. . Jenkins, Elisha, vs. Sol. Van Rensselaer, et al. Aflault and Battery. Report of the Trials of the Caufes, at Albany. 8vo., pp. 80. Albany, 1808. Jenkins, I. Scriptural Converfion Vindicated, etc., in anfwer to Rev. Griffith Williams. 8vo., pp. 19. Lond., [1793.] Jenkins, John. The Art of Writing. 8vo. Cambridge, 1 8 1 6. Jenkins, John S. Hiftory of the War between the United States and Mexico, from the Commencement of Hoftilities to the Ratification of the Treaty of Peace. 8vo. Auburn, 1849. Jenkins, Joseph. The Inconfiflency of Infant Sprinkling with Religious Ufefulnefs, and with Salvation by Grace Alone, izmo., pp. 104. Wrexham, 1784. Sermon occafioned by the death of the Rev. Samuel Stennett. With the Addrefs at the Interment, by Abraham Booth. 8vo., pp. 64. Lond. Jenkins, Warren. The Ohio Gazetteer and Traveller's Guide, etc. With an Appendix or General Regifter. i2mo. Columbus, 1837. Jenks, William. An Eulogy pronounced' in Brunfwick, Maine, July 1 8, 1 807, at the funeral of the late Rev. Jofeph McKeen. 8vo., pp. 38. Portland, 1 807. An Eulogy, illuftrative of the Life, and commemorative of the Beneficence of the late Hon. James Bowdoin, with Notices of his Family, pronounced in Brunfwick, Maine, September 2d, 181 2. 4to., pp. 40. Bofton, 1812. - An Addrefs to the Members of the American Antiquarian So- ciety, pronounced in King's Chapel, Bofton, on their firft Anni- verfary, Odober 23, 1813. Maffachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 31, 1820. 8vo., pp. 24. [Mafs,], 1820. Sermon delivered before the Maflachufetts Society for Promoting Chriftian Knowledge, May 25, 1825, etc. 8vo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1825. An Addrefs to the Members of the New England Hiftoric- Gcnealogical Society, delivered March i, 1852. 8vo., pp. 18. Bofton, 1852. Jervis, John B. Report on the Hudfon River Railroad.' With a Map. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Jess, Zachariah. A Compendious Syftem of Praftical Surveying and Dividing of Land. 8vo. Wilmington, 1799. Jesse, William, A Remonftrance addreffed to the Proteftant Aflbcia- tion, etc. 8vo., pp. 64. Lond., 1780. Jesuit Relations. Relations de la Nouvelle France, 1656, 1660, iSyG-y, viz: I. Copie de Deux Lettres envoiees de la Nouvelle France au Pere Procureur des Millions de la Compagnie de Jefus en ces Contrees. Paris, 1656. II. Lettres Efivoiees . . . Par le R. P. Hier. Lallemant, etc. Paris, 1660. III. Relation de ce qui s'eft pafle de plus remarquable aux Miflions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jefus en la Nouvelle France es annees 1676 et Catalogue of Printed Books. 315 1677. i2mo. [Privately printed by James Lenox, Efq., of New York.] [Albany, 1854.] Jesuit Relations. See O'Callaghan. Jesuits in Ethiopia. [See Stevens's Colleftion of Voyages.] Jesuites Policy (The) to Supprefs Monarchy, proving out of their own writings that the Proteftant Religion is a fure Founda- tion and Principle of a True Chriftian. 4to., pp. 27. Lond., 1678. Jewet, Jedediah. Sermon at Portfmouth, New Hampfhire, on the Necelfity of Good Works, December 10, 1741. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1742. Jewett, C. C. Fadls and Confiderations relative to Duties on Books. Addrefled to the Library Committee of Brown Univerfity. 8vo., pp. 24. Providence, 1846. Notices of Public Libraries in the United States . . . Smith- fonian Report. 8vo. Walhington, 1851. On the Conftruftion of Catalogues of Libraries . . . Smithfonian Report. 8vo. Walhington, 1853. Jewett, Isaac Appleton. Memorial of Samuel Appleton, of Ipfwich, Maflachufetts. With Genealogical Notices of fome of his defcend- ants. 8vo. Bofton, 1850. Jewett, Paul. The New England Farrier; or, a Compendium of Farriery, in Four Parts, etc. Newburyport, 1795. Jews. Ellher's Suit to King Ahafuerus in behalf of the. 8vo., pp. 24. Lond., 1753. The Kingdom of Ifrael Reftored by Chrift, and Judaifm Sub- verted, etc. 8vo. [Imperfeft.] Lond., 1753. An Anfwer to " Confiderations on the Bill to Permit Perfons profefling the Jewifh Religion to be Naturalized," etc. 8vo., pp. 96. _ Lond., 1753. Naturalization. Anfwer to a pamphlet, entitled " Confidera- tions on the Bill to Permit Perfons profefling the Jewifh Religion to be Naturalized," etc. Third edition. 8vo., pp. 67. Lond., 1753. — — Five Minutes' Confideration, recommended to Mr. Tobias Goodman, etc. 8vo., pp. 24. Lond., 1810. The Obligations of Chriftians to Attempt the Converfion of the Jews. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond. The Eighteenth Report of the Board of Directors of the Amer- ican Society for Mehorating the Condition of the Jews. Prefented at their Annual Meeting, May 7, 1841. N. ¥.,'1841. Jingle, Bob. The Affociation, etc., of the Delegates of the Colonies at the Grand Congrefs, held at Philadelphia, September i, 1774, verfified and adapted to mufic, etc. 8vo. J774' Johns, Evan. The Lethargy of Impenitence Expofed, in a fermon preached at Long Meadows, on the 13th of April, 1815, the day appointed for a National Thankfgiving. 8vo. Springfield, 18 15. 3i6 New-York Historical Society. Johnson, Alexander. Direftions for an Extenfion of the Praftice of Recovering Perfons apparently Dead. Johnson, Alfred. Sermon at the Ordination of Ehfha Mofeley, at New Gloucefter, February lo, 1802. 8vo. Portland, 1802. Johnson, B. P. Proceedings at the Annual Fair, September 20, 1 847, at Windham Centre, Greene County, New York. With the Ad- drefs . . . 8vo. Albany, 1847. Johnson, C. B. Letters from the Britifh Settlement in Pennfylvania, etc. Maps. i2mo. Phil., 18 19. Johnson, Evan M. Difference between the Church and Diflent. A Difcourfe dehvered in St. John's Church, Brooklyn, New York, December 6, 1846. 8vo., pp. 19. N. Y., 1847. Johnson, James. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 24, 1758. 4to. Lond., 1758. Johnson, John. A Journey from India to England, through Perfia, Georgia, Ruffia, Poland and Pruffia, in the year 1817. 410. Lond., 181 8. Johnson, John B. An Oration on Union, dehvered 12th May, 1794, before the Tammany Society. 8vo., pp. 24. N. Y., 1794. The Deahngs of God with Ifrael and America. A Difcourfe de- livered on the 4th July, 1798. 8vo. Albany, 1798. — — Eulogy on General George Wafhington, February 22, 1800, be- fore the New York Legiflature. 8vo., pp. 22. Albany, 1800. • Farewell Sermon, delivered September 26, 1802, in the North Dutch Church, in Albany. 8vo., pp. 96. Albany, 1802. Johnson, Joseph. Traditions and Reminifcences chiefly of the Revo- lution in the South. . . . 8vo. Charlefton, S. C, 1851. Johnson, Joshua. The Art of Cheefe-making, reduced to Rules, etc. 8vo. Albany, 180 1. Johnson, Richard M. Speech in the Senate of the United States, February 16, 1824, on Imprifonment for Debt. 8vo. [ ] Report on Stopping the United States Mail, and clofing the Poft-offices on Sundays, January 19, 1829. [Sen. Doc. No. 46, 20th Congrefs, 2d Seffion.] 8vo., pp. 4. Review of a Report of the Committee, to whom was referred the feveral petitions on the fubjeft of Mails on the Sabbath, pre- fented to the Senate of the United States, January 19, 1829. 8vo., pp. 27. 1829. QoHNSON, Samuel.] Letter from a Minifter of the Church of England to his Diflenting Parifhioners. i2mo. N. Y., 1733. [ ] Letter from Ariftocles to Authades concerning the Sovereignty and the Promifes of God. l2mo., pp. 29. Bofton, 1745. Sermon concerning the obligations we are under to love and de- light in the public worfhip of God, at the opening of Chrift's Church, in Stratford, July 8, 1 744. 4to. Bofton, 1 746. Letter to Jonathan Dickinfon, in defence of Ariftocles to Au- thades, etc. 8vo., pp. 28. N. Y., 1747. Catalogue of Printed Books. 317 [JoHNSO^f, Samuel.] Elementa Philofophica ; containing chiefly, Noe- tica, or Things relating to the Mind or Underftanding ; and Ethica, or Things relating to the Moral Behaviour. 8vo. Phil., 1752. A Demonftration of the Reafonablenefs, Ufefulnefs, and Great Duty of Prayer. i2mo. N. Y., 1760. The Chriftian Indeed, explained in two Sermons of Humility and Charity, New Haven, June 28th, 1767. 8vo., pp. 24. New Haven, 1768. An Englifh and Hebrew Grammar, with a Synopfis of all the parts of learning. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1771. Johnson, Samuel. A Journey to the Weftern Iflands of Scotland. 2 vols., i2mo. Dublin, 1775. —— Taxation no Tyranny ; an Anfwer to the Refolutions and Ad- drefs of the American Congrefs. 8vo. Lond., 1775. Taxation Tyranny. Addrefled to Samuel Johnfon, LL.D. 8vo. Lond., 1775. . Tyranny Unmafked; an Anfwer to a late pamphlet, entitled " Taxation no Tyranny." 8vo. Lond., 1775. — — The Pamphlet, entitled " Taxation no Tyranny," Candidly Confidered, and its arguments and pernicious dodlrines expofed and refuted. 8vo. [Lond., 1775.] ■ An Anfwer to a Pamphlet, entitled " Taxation no Tyranny ;" addrefled to the Author and the Perfons in Power. 8vo. Lend., 1775. A Letter to, occafioned by his late Political Publications, with an Appendix, containing fome obfervations on a Pamphlet lately publiflied by Dr. Shebbeare. 8vo. Lond., 1775. - Deformities of . . . feledted from his works. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 89. Lond., 1782. Johnson, Stephen. Connefticut Eleftion Sermon, May 10, 1770. 4to. N. London, 1770. Johnson, William. Sketches of the Life and Correfpondence of Nathanael Greene ... 2 vols., 4to. Charlefton, 1822. Johnson, William. See Azuni. [Johnson, .] A Letter to Thomas Jefferfon, Prefident of the United States. By Junius Philaenus. 8vo. N. Y., 1 802. Johnson v. Hart. Cafe of, in the Court for the trial of Impeachment and Corredion of Errors. 8vo. Albany. Johnston, Charles. A Narrative of the Incidents attending the Cap- ture, Detention, and Ranfom of, who was made Prifoner by the Indians, on the River Ohio, in the year 1790, etc. With Sketches of Indian Charafter and Manners, with illuftrative Anecdotes. i2mo. N. Y., 1827. Johnston, Francis. Proceedings in the Cafe of, late Receiver-General of the Land Ofiice, profecuted for delinquencies in the faid office. 8vo., pp. 27. Lancafter, 1799. Johnston, Nathaniel. The Excellency of Monarchical Government, . efpecially of the Englifli Monarchy, etc. Folio. Lond., 1686. 3i8 New-York Historical Society. JoLiET, Le p. Marquette et, Sr. Voyage et decouverte de quelques pays et Nations de I'Amerique feptentrionale. A Paris, 1681. i6mo. Rep., Paris, 1 846. QoLiNE, John K.] An Heroic Addrefs for the 4th July, 181 3, etc. 8vo. JoMARD, M. Obfervations fur le Voyage au Darfour, fuivics d'un Vocabulaire de la langue des Habitants, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Seconde Note fur une Pierre Gravee trouvee dans un Ancien Tumulus Americain, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Extrait d'un Memoire fur I'uniformite a introduire dans les Nota- tions Geographiques. 8vo. Paris, 1847. Jonah. Sacred Oratorio. To be fung with the organ, in Trinity Church, December 9, 1 802. 24mo. N. Y. Jones, Alexander. Hiftorical Sketch of the Eleftric Telegraph. In- cluding its Rife and Progrefs in the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1852. Jones, Cave. The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth, addrefled to the Rev., etc. 8vo. N. Y., 181 2. Remarks on the Hon. John Jay's Letter to the Rev., etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1812. and Corporation of Trinity Church. Documents relative to the Submiffion to Arbitration between. 4to., pp. 59. N. Y., 1813. [Jones, D.] A Compleat Hiftory of the Turks, from their origin in the year 755, to the year 1701. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1701. Jones, David. Faft Sermon (Continental) at Tredyffryn, in Chefter County. 8vo., pp. 27. Phil., 1775. Jones, Henry. Merit : a Poem. Infcribed to the Earl of Chefter- field. 4to., pp. 23. Lond., 1753. Jones, Henry. An Anfwer to the " Bible Reader, No. II., of Henry Jones, New York ;" or, " Northern Lights, Shooting Stars, and other Meteoric Phenomena, proved to be not of Modern Origin." By F. B. New Haven, 1 844. — — Animal Magnetifm Repudiated as Sorcery ; not a Science. With an Appendix of Magnetic Phenomena. By William H. Beecher, D.D. 8vo., pp. 24. N. Y., 1 846. Mefmerifm Examined and Repudiated as " The Sin of Witch- craft," etc., efpecially in its Myfteries of Clairvoyance. With an Appendix of Mefmeric Phenomena witnefled by W. H. Beecher. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 24. N. Y., 1846. Jones, Hugh. The Prefent State of Virginia ... A Short View of Maryland and North Carolina . . . etc. 8vo. Lond., 1724. Jones, Isaac. The Mandate of God for Ifrael's Advancement. A Sermon delivered in Litchfield, etc., 5th November, 1845, being' one hundred years fmce the formation of the Epifcopal Church in Litchfield, Conn. 8vo. Litchfield, 1846. Jones, John. The Reafon of Man. Part Second, containing Stridures on Paine's Rights of Man, etc. 8vo^, pp. 31. Lond., 1793. Catalogue of Printed Books. 319 Jones, John F. New York Mercantile and General Direftory, 1805-6. izmo. N. Y., 1805. Jones, Paul. The Interefting Life, Travels, Voyages and Daring En- gagements of that celebrited and juftly notorious Pirate, etc. Plate. i2mo., pp. 36. N. Y., 1807. Jones, John Paul. Life and Correfpondence of, including his Nar- rative of the Campaign of the Liman. From original Letters and MSS., in pofleflion of Mifs Janette Taylor. 8vo. N. Y., 1830. Memoirs . . . now firft compiled from his Original Journals and Correfpondence, etc. 2 vols. izmo. Lond., 1843. See Sherburne. Jones, J. Seawell. Memorials of North Carolina. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Jones, Pomroy. Annals and RecoUedlions of Oneida County. 8vo. Rome, 1851. Jones, R. Treatife on Skating, etc. Illuftrated. 8vo., pp. 64. Lond., 1772. Jones, Samuel W. Memoir of the Hon. James Duane. 8vo. N. Y., 1852. Jones, Sir William. Works of . . . With a Life of the Author, by Lord Teignmouth. 13 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1807. [ ] Ode in Imitation of Alcsus. 8vo. Jones, T. Sermon at the Vifitation of Rev. Dr. Thackeray, Septem- ber 16, 1755, at Southwark. 8vo., pp. 24. Rep., Boilon, 1756. Jones, Thomas. Dedication Sermon, delivered at the New Brick Meeting Houfe of the Second Society of Univerfalifts in Bofton, Oftober i6, 18 17. 8vo. Bofton, 1817. Jones, Thomas P. Journal of the Franklin Inftitute of the State of Pennfylvania, devoted to the Mechanic Arts, Manufaftures, Gen- eral Science, and the Recording of American and other Patented Inventions. Edited by . . . 5 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1828. Jones, William. The Mufe Recalled : an Ode on the Nuptials of Lord Vifcount Althorp and Mifs Lavinia Bingham, eldeft daughter ofLordLucan. 4to., pp. 11. Paris, 1782. Jones, William. Hiftory of the Chriftian Church, from the Birth of Chrift to the i8th Century, etc. Firft American, from the Fourth London edition. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1824. Jones, William A. Literary Studies. A Colledlion of Mifccllaneous Eflays. Vol.1. i2mo. N. Y., 1847. Memorial of the late David S. Jones. With an Appendix, con- taining Notices of the Jones Family of Queens County. 8vo. N. Y., 1849. Charafters and Criticifms. 2 vols. 8vo. N, Y., 1857. JooR, William. Independence; or. Which do You like Beft — the Peer or the Farmer? A Comedy, etc. 8vo., pp. 70. Charlefton, 1805. Jordan, Camille. A fes Commettans fur la Revolution du 1 8 Frudli- dor. 8vo., pp. 144. Lond., 1798. 320 New-York Historical Society. Jordan, Camille. Addrefs to his Conftituents on the Revolution of September 4th, 1797. From the French, by John GifFord. 8vo., pp. 134. Lond., 1798. JoRDEN, Edward. A Difcourfe of Natural Bathes and Mineral Waters. Appendix, by Thomas Guidot. 8vo. Lond., 1673. JosLiN, Benjamin F. A Paper on Irradiation. 8vo. Phil., 1831. Difcourfe before the New York Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, 23d July, 1833, 8vo. Schenectady, 1833. ■ On the Phyfiology of Rcfpiration, and Chemiftry of the Blood, applied to Epidemic Cholera. 8vo. N. Y., 1835. Obfervations on the Tails of Halley's Comet, as they appeared at Union College, Odober, 1835. 8vo. Meteorological Obfervations and Eflays. 8vo. Albany, 1836. Phyfiological Explanations of the Beauty of Form. 8vo. Albany, 1837. On the Atmofpheric Origin of the Aurora, and its connedtion with the Cryftalhzation of Snow. 8vo. New Haven, 1838. Addrefs before the New York Homoeopathic Phyficians' Society, 3d of December, 1845. 8vo. Difcourfe on Homoeopathy ; read before the Homoeopathic Socie- ty of New York, 9th of March, 1847. 8vo. Report on the Ufe of Chemical and Mechanical Means, and Large Dofes, in connexion with Homoeopathic Praftice. 8vo. N. Y., 1848. On the Limit of Subdivilion, by Trituration and Solution. 8vo. On Ereft Vilion from an Inverted Image. 8vo. Paralyfis of the Face, fuccefsfully treated with Strychnine. 8vo. On the Meteorology of Hemorrhage. 8vo. The Law of Cure ; an Addrefs delivered before the American Inftitute of Homoeopathy, June 13, 1849. 8vo., pp. 18. Bofton, 1849. JossELYN, John. New England's Rarities Difcovered : in Birds, Beafts, Fifties, Serpents and Plants of that Country, etc. Cuts. 1 6mo. Lond., 1672. An Account of Two Voyages to New England, etc., with Chron- ological Obfervations of America, from the Year of the World to the Year of Chrift, 1673. i6mo. Lond., 1674. JouET, Cavalier. A Letter addrefied to the Rev. Dr. Beech, on his, and the Rev. Richard Moor's Illiberal Treatment of the Author. 4to., pp. 12. U. S., 1795. Journal d'un Officier de I'Armee Navale en Amerique, en 1781-82. 8vo., pp. 72. Amfterdam, 1783. Hebdomadaire de la Diete de Varfovie, par Mon. De V., 1789 et 1 79 1. Tom. 2, 4to. A Varfovie, 1789-91. de Guienne. 4to. 1788-90. of a Young Man of Maflachufetts, late a Surgeon on board an American Privateer, who was captured at fea by the Britifti, in May, 1 81 3, and was confined, first at Melville Ifland, Halifax, Catalogue of Printed Books. 321 then at Chatham, in England, and laft at Dartmoor Prifon, etc. Written by himfelf". izmo. Bofton, 1816. Journal of Science and the Arts. Edited at the Royal Inftitution of Great Britain. Vols. I.-IV. 8vo. Rep., N. Y., 181 7-1 8. of the Proceedings of a Convention of Literary and Scientific Gentlemen, held in the Common Council Chamber of the City of New York, Oftober, 1830. 8vo. N. Y., 183 1. dcs Dcbats et des Decrets. 30 vols., 8vo. [Paris], 1789. of the Indian Archipelago and Eaftern Afia. A Monthly Peri- odical publifhed at Singapore. Nos. I., II., July, 1 84.7, to May, 1848. 8vo. JOURNEES DE JuiN, I 848. 8vO. N. Y., 1 848. JouTEL, (M.) A Journal of the Laft Voyage performed by Monfieur de la Sale to the Gulf of Mexico to Find out the Mouth of the Miffiffippi River. Tranflated from the French. Map. 8vo. Lond., 1 7 14. Juan, George, and Antonio de Ulloa. Voyage to South America, etc. Tranflated from the Spanifh, with Additions, by John Adams. Third edition. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1772. JuDAH, S. B. H. Odofriede, the Outcaft ; a Dramatic Poem. 8vo. N.Y., 1822. JuDD, William. Addrefs to the People of the State of Connedticut, on the fubjeft of the Removal of Himfelf and four other Juftices from Office, by the General Afl'embly, etc. 8vo. New Haven, 1804. Judiciary. See United States — Debates. JuDSON, Ephraim. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Jonathan Strong, Braintree, January 28th, 1789. 8vo., pp. 43. Providence. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Ebenezer Fitch, Prefident of WilHams College, Williamftown, June 17, 1795. 8vo. Stockbridge, 1796. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Holland Weeks, Water- bury, November 20, 1799. 8vo. Stockbridge, 1801. JuDSON, RoswELL. Two Epiftlcs of Free Stridure, on the American Diftionary of Mr. Webfter, on the Hebrew Grammar and He- brew Chreftomathy of Mr. Stuart, and on the Manual Hebrew Lexicon of Mr. Gibbs. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 67. New Haven, 1830. JuDSON, S. Carroll. Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, of Wafhington, and P. Henry, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1839. Junius. Letters. With Notes and Illuftrations, etc., by Robert Heron. 2 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1804. Including Letters by the fame writer under other fignatures ; . Correfpondence with Wilkes, and Letters to Woodfall, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1 813. ■ Letters to a Nobleman, proving a late Prime Minifter to have been . . . etc. Appendix, containing Duke of Portland's Cafe. . 8vo. Lond., 1816.. 21 322 New-York Historical Society. Junius. The Identity of with a Diftinguilhed Living Charafter, etc. [By John Taylor.] 8vo. . Lond., 1818. Unmafked ; or. Lord George Sackville proved to be Junius. With an Appendix, fhowing that the author of the Letters of Junius was alfo the author of the " Hiftory of the Reign of George III.," and author of " The North Briton," addrefled to Mr. Wilkes. i2mo. Bofton, 1828. Same. With a Portrait of Sackville. 8vo. Bofton, 1828. Pofthumous Works. With an Inquiry refpefting the Author, and Sketch of John Home Tooke. [Compiled by John Fellows.] 8vo. N. Y., 1829. Junius. A Letter to Daniel Webfter, in Reply to his Legal Opinion to Baring, Brothers & Co., upon the Illegality and Unconftitutionality of State Bonds, and Loans of State Credit. 8vo. N. Y., 1 840. Trafts. Confifting of feveral ElTays. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 844. Juries. The Security of Englifhmen's Lives ; or, the Truft, Power, and Duty of the Grand Juries of England, etc. Fourth edition. i6mo. Rep., N. Y., 1773. JussiEU, Antonii Laurentii de. Genera Plantarum fecundum ordines naturales difpolita. . . . Recudit curavit notifque auxit Paulus Ufteri . . . 8vo. Turici Helvetorum, 1791. JusTAMOND, J. O. See Raynal. Justices of the Peace. See Conduftor Generalis — ^Jamcs Parker. Justinianischer Inftituten, etc. Folio. Augfburg, 1536. Justinianus, Laurentius. Opera et Vita Religiofiflima . . . etc. Folio. 1524. Juvenal. New Tranflation ; with Notes of the Third Satire. With Mifcellaneous Poems. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 806. Juvenile Delinquency. Prize EiTays on. 8vo., pp. 159. Phil., 1855. Juvenilia. A Selection from the Mifcellaneous Produdlions of the L. D. S. of the Public Latin School. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1826. Kane, Elisha Kent. Accefs to an Open Polar Sea, in connexion with the Search after Sir John Franklin and his Companions. 8vo., pp. 24. _ _ N. Y., 1853. Kane, Thomas L. The Mormons : a Difcourfe delivered before the Hiftorical Society of Pennfylvania, March 26, 1850. 8vo. Phil., 1850. Kant, Emanuel. Projeft for a Perpetual Peace. A Philofophical Eflay, from the German. 8vo. Lond., 1796. Kappa Lambda Conspiracy. A Hiftory of the New York . . . 8vo., pp. 32. _ N. Y., 1839. Karigal, Haijm Isaac. Sermon at the Synagogue, in Newport, R. I., on the day of Pentecoft, etc. May 28th, 1773. 8vo. Newport, 1773. . Kautenberg, J. W. Bericht uber die Conntagflchule zu St. Georg . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 39. Hamburg, 1828. Catalogue of Printed Books. 323 Keating, W. H. Confidcrations upon the Art of Mining. To which are added Refleftions on its Adlual State in Europe, and the ad- vantage which would refult from an introdudlion of this Art into the United States. 8vo. Phil, 1821. Keatinge, Maurice. The True Hiftory of the Conqueft of Mexico. By Captain Bernal Diaz del Caftillo . . . Tranflated from the original Spanilh. 4to. Lond., 1 800. Keep, John. Sermon at Northampton, Auguft 24, 181 5, before the Hampfhire Miffionary Society. 8vo., pp. 40. Northampton, 1 815. Keene, Richard Raynal. Letter to Luther Martin, upon the fubjefl of his Modern Gratitude. 8vo., pp. 53. Baltimore, 1802. Keighley, W, Account of the Cafe of Mrs. Delcroix, etc. With the Trial for Murder of John Williamfon, Man-Midwife. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1807. Keith, A. The Evidence of Prophecy; feleded and abridged, with Additional Reflexions. 1 8mo. Keith, George. The Principles of the Proteftant Religion Main- tained ; and Churches of New England, in the profeffion and exercife thereof. Defended againll all the Calumnies of one George Keith, a Quaker. i2mo. Boilon, 1690. A Journal of Travels from New Hamplhire to Caratuck, on the Continent of North America. 4to. Lond., 1706. The Charaftcr of Jefus Chrift. A Sermon. 8vo., pp. 53. Lond., 1785. Keith, George Skene. Particular Examination of the New French Conftitution, etc, 8vo. Aberdeen, 180 1. Keith, Isaac Stockton. Charge at the Ordination of the Rev. James Adams, May 8th, 1799, Dorchefter. 8vo., pp. 38. Sermon, in the Profpeft of War, Charlefton, S. C, July 1 2th, 1807. 8vo., pp. 29. Charlefton, 1807. Keith, James. See Bridgewater. Keith, Sir William. The Hiftory of the Britifti Plantations in Amer- ica, etc. Part I., containing the Hiftory of Virginia, etc. 410. Lond., 1738. CoUedlion of Papers, and other Trafts, on various fubjefts. [Some relating to the Colonies.] i2mo. Lond., 1740. Kello, John. Sermon occafioned by the Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Mead. i2mo. Clipftone, 1801. Reafons for a Refufal to Sign a Report prefented to the K g's H d S y, on December 15, 181 2. 8vo., pp. 24. Lond., 1 81 3. [Kellogg, Edward.] Currency : the Evil and the Remedy. Sixth edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1 846. Labor and other Capital : the Rights of each Secured, and the Wrongs of both Eradicated. 8vo. N. Y. 1 849. Kellogg, Lewis. A Sketch of the Hiftory of Whitehall, Civil and Religious. A Difcourfe delivered 27th June, 1847. 8vo., pp. 16. Whitehall, 1847. 324 New-York Historical Society. Kemp, James. Sermon on the Nature and Objeft of a Gofpel Min- iftry, before the Maryland Convention of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church, 2 June, 1803. 8vo., pp. 30. Baltimore. Kemp, John. Sermon before the Society in Scotland for Propagating Chriftian Knowledge, June 5, 1788. With Fads to Illuftrate the Character of the late Earl of Kinnoul. 8vo., pp. 132. Edinburgh, 1788. Kendal, Samuel. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 30th, 1804. 8vo., pp. 34. Bofton, 1804. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Avery Williams, Lexington, December 30, 1807. 8vo., pp. 42. Bofton, 1808. Difcourfe at Ellfworth, Diflrift of Maine, September 9th, 181 2, at the Ordination of Rev. Peter Nurfe. 8vo. Bofton, 1812. Kendall, Amos. Life of Andrew Jackfon, Private, Military and Civil. With Illuftrations. No. 7, pp. 249-288. 8vo. N. Y., 1844. — — Morfe's Telegraph and the O'Reilly Contraft : the Violations of the Contraft Expofed, and the Conduft of the Patentees Vindi- cated. 8vo., pp. 35. Louifville, 1848. Kendall, Edward Augustus. Travels through the Northern parts of the United States in the years 1807 and 1808. 3 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. Kendall, George W. The War between the United States and Mex- ico. Illuftrated by . . . Carl Nebel. Folio. Paris, 1850. Kendall, George W. A Sketch of the Hiftory of the Ohio Mechan- ics' Inftitute ; and a Statement of its Prelent Condition. 8vo., pp. 32. Cincinnati, 1853. Kendall, James. Funeral Sermon, delivered at Plymouth, September 21, 1800. [Jane Robbins.] 8vo. Bofton, 1800. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Cabel Holmes, at Dennis, January 2, 1805. 8vo. Bofton, 1805. Artillery Ele6lion Sermon, Bofton, June 2, 1806. 8vo. Bofton, 1806. Difcourfe in King's Chapel, Bofton, before the Humane Society, June 8, 1813. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1813. A Difcourfe preached in Plymouth, February 9, 1823, on the Danger and Remedy of Evil Habit. 8vo., pp. 15. Plymouth, 1823. Kennebeck. Letter from the Secretary of War, tranfmitting a Report of the Surveys of the Kennebeck River, and of Contemplated Routes for Canals, connefted with the Waters of faid River, February 22, 1828. 8vo. Concord, 1828. — — Survey of the Kennebeck River, etc., by Lieuts. J. K. Findley, N. B. Bennett, and H. A. Wilfon. Kennedy, John. The Firft and Second Advents of Our Saviour Con- fidered. Being a Sermon preached November 27, 1785. With an Appendix, etc. 4to., pp. 25. Maidftone, [1785.] Kennedy, John P. Defence of the Whigs. By a Member of the 27th Congrefs. i2mo. N. Y., 1844. Catalogue of Printed Books. 325 Kennedy, John P. Difcourfc on the Life and Charafter of George Calvert, the iirft Lord Baltimore . . . before the Maryland His- torical Society, December 9, 1845. 8vo., pp. 50. Baltimore, 1845. Review of his Difcourfe on the Life and Charafter of George Calvert, the firll Lord Baltimore. 8vo., pp. 32. Baltimore, 1846. Remarks of the United States Catholic Magazine on the Difcus- fion between . . . and his Reviewer. 8vo., pp. 8. [Baltimore, 1846.] Addrefs delivered before the Maryland Inftitute for the Promo- tion of the Mechanic Arts, 21ft Oftober, 1851 . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 29. Baltimore, 185 1. Kennedy, Joseph C. G. (The Seventh Cenfus.) Report of, late Superintendent of the Cenfus, for December i, 1852. To which is appended the Report for December i, 185 1. 8vo. Wafliington, 1853. Kennedy, P. Anfwer to Mr. Paine's Letter to General Wafhington; or. Mad Tom Convided of the Blackefl: Ingratitude, etc. 8vo., pp. 55. Lond., 1797. Same. 8vo., pp. 42. Phil., 1798. Kennedy, Robert. Faft Day. Sermon at Greencaftle, July, 181 2. izmc, pp. 34. Hagerftown, [Md.], 1812. Kennett, Basil. Romae Antiquae Notitia ; or, the Antiquities of Rome. In two Parts. To which are prefixed two Eflays, con- cerning the Roman Learning and the Roman Education. Firft American edition. 8vo. Phil., 1822. [Kennet, White], Bifhop of Peterborough. Bibliothecae Americanae Primordia. An Attempt towards Laying the Foundation of an American Library. . . . 410. Lond., 171 3. Kennicott, Benjamin. Thankfgiving Sermon for Peace, April 25th, 1749, at St. Martin's, in Oxford. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1749. Kenniston, Levi and Laban. Report of the Evidence at the Trial of ... on an Indiftment for the Robbery of Major Elijah P. Good- ridge, December 19, 18 16. 8vo., pp. 32. Salem, 181 7. Kent, James. Introduftory Ledlure to a Courfe of Law Ledures, de- livered November 17, 1794. 8vo., pp. 23. N. Y., 1794. Diflertations : being the preliminary part of a Courfe of Law Lcftures. 8vo., pp. 87. N. Y., 1795. The Opinions of . . . and Mr. Juftice RadcIifFe, on the Ques- tion of Blockade, in the Caufe of Andrew Vofs and John Boonen Graves, vs. the United Infurance Company, in the City of New York. 8vo. Albany, 180 1. Commentaries on American Law. 4 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1826-30. Anniverfary Difcourfe, delivered before the New York Hiltorical Society, December 6th, 1828. 8vo. N. Y., 1829. An Addrefs delivered before the Law Aflbciation of the City of New York, Oaobcr 21, 1836. 8vo. N. Y., 1836. 326 New -York Historical Society. Kent, James. A Courfe of Reading . . . etc. izmo., pp. 6g. N. Y., 1840. Proceedings of the Bar of the City of New York, on occafion of the death of . . . December 14, 1847. 8vo. N. Y., 1847. Kent, Samuel. Banner Difplay'd ; or, an Abridgement of Guilhm : being a Compleat Syftem of Heraldry, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1716-28. Kent, William. Inaugural Addrefs ... Univerlity Law School. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Kentish Guards. Trial of Officers before a General Court Martial, holden at the Court Houfe in Providence, for difobedience of orders, etc., April 27, 1808. 8vo. Warren, 1808. Kentucky, Aft of Incorporation and Conflitution, and Bye-Laws of the Kentucky Hiftorical Society, organized March, 1838, at Louifville, Kentucky. 8vo. Louifville, 1838. Hiftorical Society. An Addrefs in Commemoration of the Firfl Settlement of Kentucky, delivered at Boonfboro' the 25th of May, 1840, by James T. Morehead. 8vo., pp. 182. Frankfort, 1840. Annual Report of the Kentucky Inftitution for the Deaf and Dumb, 1846. 8vo. Annual Report of the Diredors and Phyficians of the Kentucky Lunatic Afylum, 1 846. 8vo. Legiflative Journals and Documents. Memorial from the Kentucky Hiftorical Society in relation to a Geological Survey. [January 9, 1847.] 8vo., pp. 13. Account of an Extraordinary Revival of Religion in. 8vo., pp. 7. 1 6th Auguft, 1 80 1. Keppel, Augustus. The Trial of the Hon., Admiral of the Blue Squadron, at a Court Martial, January, 1779, for Mifconduft, etc. 8vo. Portfinouth, 1779. Ker, John. Memoirs of, containing his Secret Tranfadlions and Nego- tiations, etc. By Himfelf. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1726. Kerguelen, Yues Joseph. Relation des Combats et des Evenements de la Guerre Maritime de 1778, entre La France et I'Angleterre, etc. 8vo. 1796. Kerr, Robert. Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Correfpondence of William Smellie. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 18 11. A General Hiftory and Colledion of Voyages and Travels. 1 8 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1824. Kerroux, L. G. F. Abrege de I'Hiftoire de la Hollande et des Prov- inces-Unies, etc. 4 vols. 8vo. Leyden, 1778. Ketchum, Hiram. .Speech of, before a Committee of the Senate of the State of New York, in relation to the Public Schools of the City of New York . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1841. Keteltas, Abraham. Charity Sermon, in the French Proteftant Church, in New York, December 27, 1773. 8vo. N. Y., 1774. Kettell, G. F. a Sermon on the Duty of Citizens with refpeft to the Fugitive Slave Law. 8vo., pp. 20. White Plains, 1851. Catalogue of Printed Books. 327 Keteltas, Caroline M. The Laft of the Plantagenets. A Tragic Drama, in three afts. l2mo. N. Y., 1844. Kewen, E. J. C, and Frank Soule. Oration and Poem, before the Society of California Pioneers . . . September 9, 1854. 8vo., pp. 24. San Francifco, 1854. [Kewley, John.] An Enquiry into the Validity of Methodift Epifco- pacy, with an Appendix. By an Epifcopalian of the State of Maryland. 8vo., pp. 68. Wilmington, 1807. Keyser, Mr. His Method of Adminiftering his Pills in Venereal Complaints. Tranflated from the French. i6mo. N. Y., 1778. Keysler, John George. Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hun- gary, Switzerland, Italy and Lorrain. Tranflated from the Ger- man [by A. Linde]. 4 vols. 410. Lond., 1756-57. KiDD, Captain. Account of fome of the Traditions and Experiments refpefting Captain Kidd's Piratical VefTel. 8vo. N. Y., 1 844. Kidder, Daniel P. Mormonifm and the Mormons. A Hiftorical View of the Rife and Progrefs of the Seft, felf-ftyled Latter-Day- Saints. 8vo. N. Y., 1 842. Sketches of Refidencc and Travels in Brazil. ... 2 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1845. [Kidder, Frederic, and Augustus A. Gould.] The Hiftory of New Ipfwich, from its first Grant in 1 736, to the prefent time . . . etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1852. KiLBouRNE, Payne Kenyon. The Skeptic, and other Poems. 1 2mo. Hartford, 1843. A Hiftory and Genealogy of the Kilbourn Family in the United States and Canada, from the year 1635 to the prefent time. 8vo. Hartford, 1845. A Biographical Hiftory of the County of Litchfield, Conn., com- priling Biographical Sketches, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1851. KiLHAM, Alexander. An AfFeftionate Addrefs to the Members of the Methodift Societies, in which fome notice is taken of the Falfe Accufations of. . . . 8vo., pp. 19. KiLLALLA, Lord Bishop of. A Sermon preached at Chrift Church, Dubhn, i8th December, 1743, etc. 4to., pp. 19. Dublin, 1744. Kilty, John. The Landholders' Affiftant, and Land Ofiice Guide ; being an Expofition of Original Titles, as derived from the Pro- prietary Government, and more recently from the State of Mary- land, etc., containing a brief Hiftorical Account of the Grant and Settlement of the Province of Maryland. 8vo. Baltimore, 1 808. Kimball, Richard B. Cuba and the Cubans : a Hiftory of the Ifland of Cuba. i2mo. N. Y., 1850. Saint Leger ; or, the Threads of Life. Sixth edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1852. King Charles the First. An Hiftorical Tragedy, written in imita- tion of Shakfpeare, etc. 8vo., pp. 63. Lond., 1737. King, Charles. A Memoir of the Conftruftion, Coft and Capacity of the Croton Aqueduft, compiled from official documents. To- 328 New- York Historical Society. gether with an Account of the Civic Celebration of the 14th Oftober, 1842, etc. 4to. N. Y., 1843. King, Charles. Progrefs of the City of New York during the laft Fifty Years, etc. A Lefture delivered before the Mechanics' So- ciety, 29th December, 1851. 8vo. N. Y., 1852. A Letter addrefled to, in Anfwer to his Defence of Bifhop Doane. By a Lay Member of the Diocefan Convention of New Jerfey. 8vo., pp. 15. 1852. King, Edward. Confiderations on the Utility of the National Debt, etc. 8vo., pp. 49. On the Advantages of a Triform Syftem of Colonization in Southern Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1844. King, John W. Federahfm; or, the Queflion of Exclufive Power ; the true iffue in the prefent monetary and political difcuffion in the United States. 8vo. Covington, [Ky.], 1 840. King, Rufus. Speech in the Senate of the United States, on the American Navigation Aft. 8vo. N. Y., 1818. Subftance of two Speeches in the Senate of the United States, on the fubjeft of the Miflburi Bill. 8vo. N. Y., 18 19. [King, Sir Peter.] Enquiry into the Conftitution, etc., of the Primi- tive Church, within 300 years after Chrift, etc. 8vo. 171 2. King, Thomas Starr. Two Difcourfes, delivered in Holies Street Meet- ing Houfe, 2lft September, 1851. 8vo., pp. 54. Bofton, l8ji. A Sermon preached in Hollis Street Meeting Houfe, September 19, 1852, on occafion of the Death of Mr. Daniel Weld. 8vo., pp. 29. Bofton, 1852. King, William R. Obituary Addrefles on the occafion of the Death of the Hon., Vice-Prcfident of the United States, delivered on the 8th and 9th December, 1853. 8vo. Wafhington, 1854. KiNGSBOROUGH, LoRD. Antiquities of Mexico . . . together with the Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix . . . the Drawings on Stone by A. Aglio. 9 vols. Folio. Lond., 1830-48. Kingsbury, William. An Apology for Village Preachers, etc. 8vo., pp. 56. Southampton, 1798. Sermon occafioned by the Deceafe of Rev. Thomas Towle, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1806. Kingsley, James L. An Hiftorical Difcourfe delivered at New Haven, April 25, 1838, the Two Hundredth Anniverfary of the Firft Settlement of the Town and Colony. 8vo., pp. 115. New Haven, 1838. KiNNE, Asa. The Laws of the different States and Territories of the United States on Imprifonment for Debt. 8vo. N. Y., 1 842. KiP, William Ingraham. Our National Sins : a Sermon preached at St. Paul's Church, in the City of Albany, on the evening of the 20th Sunday after Trinity, 1 840. 8vo. Albany, 1 840. Kipling, Thomas, Appendix to the Second Edition of a Treatife, entitled " The Articles of the Church of England proved not to be Calviniftic." 8vo., pp. 19. Cambridge, Eng., 1802. Catalogue of Printed Books. 329 KiPPis, Andrew. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Timothy Laugher, with the Addrefs at the Interment. By John Palmer, etc., 12th November, 1769, at Hackney. 8vo., pp. 52. Lond., 1769. Vindication of the Proteftant Diflenting Minifters, with regard to their late Application to Parliament. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1773. Biographia Britannica ; or, the Lives of the moft Eminent Per- fons who have flourifhed in Great Britain and Ireland, etc. Second edition. 5 vols, folio. Lond., 1778. Charge at the Ordination of Rev. Thomas Howe and Rev. Wil- liam Gellibrand, Bridport and Ringwood, July 10 and 16, 1788. 8vo., pp. 31. Sermon on the Lord's Supper. 8vo., pp. 21. Newburyport, 1801. Kirk, Edward N. An Oration on the occafion of the National Faft, delivered before the Academy of Sacred Mufic, May 14, 1841. 8vo., pp. 27. N. y., 1 841. The Murderer : a Difcourfe occafioned by the Trial and Execu- tion of John W. Webfter. 8vo., pp. 26. Bofton, 1850. Kirk, George. Supplement to New York Legal Obferver, containing Report of the Cafe in the matter of George Kirk, a Fugitive Slave, heard before the Hon. J. W. Edmonds, Circuit Judge. Alfo, the Argument of John Jay, of Counfel for the Slave. N. Y., 1847. Kirk, Thomas. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. John Willard, at Stafford, Conn., March 23, 1757. Kirkland, C. M. (Mrs.) Memoirs of Wafhington. i2mo. N. Y., 1857. Kirkland, John Thornton. Artillery Eleftion Sermon, Bofton, June I, 1795. 8vo. Bofton, 1795. Oration before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Harvard College, July 19, 1798. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1798. Difcourfe occafioned by the Death of General George Wafhing- ton, delivered December 29, 1799. 8vo., pp. 44. Bofton, 1800. Sermon at Taunton, January 15, 1800, at the Ordination of Rev. John Pipon. 8vo. Cambridge, 1800. A Sermon delivered before the MafTachufetts Society for Sup- preffion of Intemperance. To which is annexed the Second An- nual Report of the MafTachufetts Society for Supprefling Intemper- ance. May 27, 1 814. 8vo., pp. 14, xi. Bofton, 1814. MafTachufetts Ele£lion Sermon, May 29, 18 16. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1816. KiRWAN, Richard. Elements of Mineralogy. 8vo. Lond., 1784. Kissam, Benjamin. An Inaugural DifTcrtation on Fiftula in Ano, 1 2th November, 1805. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1805. Kit-Cat Club. Memoirs of its Members, with an Account of the origin of the AfTociation, etc. 4to. Lond., 1821. Klaproth, Martin Henrv. Obfervations on the Mineralogical and 330 New-York Historical Society. | Chemical Hiftory of the Foflils of Cornwalh Tranflatcd from the German, by J. G. Grofchke, M. D. 8vo., pp. 84. Lond., 1787. Knapp, Frederic N. A Difcourfe delivered at the Funeral of Rev. Jno. Pierce . . . etc., Auguft 27, 1849. i6mo,, pp. 63. Bofton, 1849. Knapp, Samuel L. Biographical Sketches of Eminent Lawyers, States- men, and Men of Letters. 8vo. Bofton, 1821. Difcourfe on the Life and Charafter of De Witt Clinton . . . Wafhington, 29th March, 1828. 8vo., pp. 36. Wafhington, 1838. • Life of Timothy Dexter, etc. l2mo. Bofton, 1838. Kneeland, Abner. Three Sermons delivered in the Firft Univerfalift Church, in the City of New York, on March 26, 1826, in which is embodied a Brief Portraiture of Chriftian Theology. 8vo. N. Y., 1826. An Appeal to Univerfalifts, on the fubjedt of Excommunication, or the Withdrawing of Fellowlhip on account of Diverfity of Opinion. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1829. [ ] Supplement to the " Proceedings of the Friends of Liberal Chriftianity in the City of New York." 8vo., pp. 12. Kniekerbocker (The) ; or New York Monthly Magazine. Vols, I.-L. 8vo. N.Y., 1833-57. Knight, Madam (and Rev. Mr. Buckingham.) The Journals of . . . From the original MSS. Written in 1704-10. i2mo. N. Y., 1825. Knighthood. An accurate Hiftorical Account of all the Orders of Knighthood, at prefent exifting in Europe, etc. By an Officer of the Chancery of the Equeftrian, Secular, and Chapteral Order of St. Joachim. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. Knoepfel's Schoharie Cave. An Account of . . . Schoharie County, New York. With the Hiftory of its Difcovery, Subterranean Lake, Minerals, and Natural Curiofities. Illuftrated with Maps. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1853. Knolles, Richard. The Lives of the Othoman Kings and Emperors. Faithfully gathered out of the beft Hiftories, both Ancient and Moderne, and digefted into one Continuat Hi-ftory. Foho. Lond., 1638. Knowles, James D. Memoir of Roger Williams. i2mo. Bofton, 1834. Knowles, James Sheridan. The Charafter of Julius Casfar. A De- bate. 8vo. Bofton, 1826. Knowles, Thomas. Preparatory Difcourfe on Confirmation. Tenth edition. l2mo., pp. 24. Ipfwich, 1784. Advice to a Young Clergyman upon his entering into Prieft's Orders, in Six Paftoral Letters. 8vo., pp. 114. Lond., 1797. Knox, Hugh. A Letter to the Rev. Jacob Green, of New Jerfey, pointing out fome difficulties in the Calviniftic Scheme of Divinity, refpeding Free Will . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 54. N. Y., 1809. • Catalogue of Printed Books. 331 Knox, J. New Colleftion of Voyages, Difcoveries and Travels. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1767. Knox, John. An Hiftorical Journal of the Campaigns in North America for the years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760, etc. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1769. Knox, John. Sermon occafioned by the Death of the Rev. Ge- rardus A. Kuypers, D. D., June 7, 1833. 8vo., pp. 23. N. Y., 1833. — Sermon occafioned by the Death of Lieut.-Colonel Alexander Ramfay Thompfon, February 11, 1838. 8vo., pp. 27. N. Y., 1838. The Church Glorious : a Difcourfe delivered on opening the Dutch Church, corner of Fourth Street and Lafayette Place, May 9, 1839. 8vo. N. Y., 1839. Knox, John P. A Brief Hiftory of the Proteftant Reformed Dutch Church in NalTau, preached January loth, 1841. 8vo. Albany, 1841. [Knox, William.] The Controverfy between Great Britain and her x^ Colonies Reviewed, etc. 8vo., pp. 207. Appendix, Iv. [Pp. 6"] to 86 inclufive the Argument is George Grenville's. See Knox's Extra-official State Papers, Appendix to Part IL, p. 15.] Lond., 1769. Knox, Vicesimus. A Letter to, on the fubjedl of his Animadverfions on the Univerfity of Oxford. By a Refident Member of that Univerfity. 4to., pp. 36. Oxford, 1790. Knoxville. The Half-Century of, containing the Addrefs and Pro- ceedings of the Semi-Centennial Anniverfary of the Town, Febru- ary 10, 1842, etc. With Appendix. 8vo. Knoxville, 1852. Koch, Albert C. Defcription of the Hydrargos Sillimanii, a gigantic Foffil Reptile, or Sea-Serpent, difcovered in the State of Alabama, March, 1845 .. . etc. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1845. Koch, (M.) Abrege de I'hiftoire des Traites de Paix, entre les Puis- sances de I'Europe, depuis la Paix de Weflphalie. 3 vols. 8vo. A Bafle, 1 796-7. — — Hiftoire Abregee des Traites de Paix, entre les Puiflances de I'Europe, depuis la Paix de Weflphalie. Ouvrage entierement rc- fondu, augmente, et continue jufqu' au Congres de Vicnne et aux Traites de Paris de 181 5. Par F. Schocll. Tomes 15. 8vo. Paris, 1 81 7-1 8. Koecker, L. An Effay on the Dcvaftation of the Gums, and the Alveolar Procefles. 8vo., pp. 15. Phil., 1821. On the Treatment of Denuded Nerves of the Teeth. [From the American Medical Recorder, for April, 1821.] 8vo., pp. 12. [Phil., 1 821,] Koeppen, Adolphus Louis. The World in the Middle Ages : an Hiltorical Geography, with Accounts of the Origin and Develop- ment, the Inftitutions and Literature, the Manners and Cuftoms of the Nations in Europe, Weftern Afia, and Northern Africa, 332 New-York Historical Society.* from the clofe of the 4th to the middle of the 1 5th century. Folio. N. Y., 1854. KoLLOCK, Henry. Chrift muft Increafe. Sermon before the Prefby- terian General Aflcmbly, May 23, 1803. 8vo., pp. 35. Phil., 1803. KoLLOCK, Shepard K. Sermon occafioned by the Death of Edmunds Mafon, Auguft 8, 1824, Univerfity of North Carohna. 8vo., pp. 23. Raleigh, 1824. KoHLRAUscH, Frederick. A Hiftory of Germany, from the earlieft period to the prefent time. Tranflated from the laft German edi- tion by James D. Haas, 8vo., New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1845. KoRT Verhael van Nieuw-Nederlants Gelegentheit, Deughden, Na- tuerlijke Voorrechten, en byzondere bequaemheidt ter bevolkingh . . . 4to., pp. 84. [Amfterdam], 1662. Kossuth, Louis, Report of the Special Committee, appointed by the Common Council of the City of New York, to make arrangements for the reception . . . 8vo. N. Y., 1852. Kraitsir, Charles. Gloflblogy : being a Treatife on the Nature of Language and on the Language of Nature. l2mo. N. Y., 1852. Krebs, John M. A Sermon, preached 20th December, i835,onocca- fion of the Deftruftive Fire in the i ft Ward of the City of New York, on the night of December 16-17 previous. 8vo., pp. 24. N. Y., 1836. Merciful Rebukes : a Sermon on the late National Faft. 8vo., pp.48. N. Y., 1841. A Difcourfe on the Death of Zachary Taylor, dehvered in Rut- gers Street Church, 14th July, 1850. 8vo., pp. 27. N. Y., 1850. A Difcourfe on the Nature and Extent of our Religious Subjeftion to the Government under which we Live . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 40. N. Y., 1 85 1. Krummacher, F. W. Elijah, the Tilhbite. Tranflated from the Ger- man. i8mo. Kunze, John C. Sermon at the Dedication of the Englifh Lutheran Church, called Zion, in the City of New York. 8vo., pp. 40. N. Y., 1801. New Method of Calculating Lunar Eclipfes, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1806. Labillardiere, (Le Cen.) Relation du Voyage a la Recherche de La Peroufe, fait par Ordre de rAlTemblee Conftituante pendant les annees 1791, 1792, etc. Tomes 2, 4to. An. viii. [1799.] Laborde, Alexandro de. Defcripcion de un pavimento en Mofayco defcubierto en la antigua Italica, hoy fantiponce, en las cercanias de Sevilla . . . etc. Folio. Paris, 1 806. Defcription des Nouveaux Jardins de la France, et de fes anciens Chateaux. Les Deffins par Ct. Bourgeois. Folio. Paris, 1808. Catalogue of Printed Books. 333 Laborde, Alexandro de. a View of Spain : comprifing a Defcriptive Itinerary of each Province, and a General Statiftical Account of the Country, etc. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1809. Laborde, Leon de. De I'Organization des Bibliotheques dans Paris. Huitieme Lettre. Etude fur les Conftrudlion des Bibliotheques. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Articles Extraits de la Revue Francaife. Voyages en Abyirinies. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Debuts de I'Imprimerie a Strafbourg, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1 840. Recherches fur la Magie Egyptienne. 4to. Paris, 1841. Laborde, (M. J. B. de.) Hifloire Abregee de la Mer du Sud, etc. Tomes 3, 8vo. Paris, 179 1. Ladies' Companion, (The.) Vol. VL, November, 1836, April, 1837. 8vo. N. Y. Lady's Travels into Spain. The Ingenious and Diverting Letters of a, etc. Seventh edition. 8vo. Lond., 1708. Lady's (The) Monthly Mufeum ; or. Polite Repofitory of Amufement and Inftrudlion. By a Society of Ladies. Vols. I.-XII. 8vo. Lond., 1 798-1 804. Laet, Joannes de. Nieuwe Wereldt ofte Befchrijvinghe van Weft- Indien, etc. Folio. Leyden, 1625 Novus Orbis feu Defcriptionis Indtae occidentalis Libri XVIII. Folio. Lugd., Bat., 1633. Notae ad Differ tationem Hugonis Grotii de origine Gentium Americanarum : et obfervationes aliquot ad meliorem indaginem difficillimas illius Quaeftionis. 8vo. Amfterdani, 1643. Refponfio ad Diflertationem Secundam Hugonis Grotii de Origine Gentium Americanarum. 8vo. Amfterdam, 1644. Lafargue, M. De. (Euvres melees de Litterature de, etc. Tome 2d, 8vo. Senlis, 1786. Lafayette Music. Confifting of a Dirge, Requiem and Ode, as per- formed'in Faneuil Hall, Bofton, on the occafion of the delivery of an Eulogy on the Charafter of Lafayette, by Edward Everett, September 6, 1 834. Poetry by Grenville Mellen, and Ifaac McLellan, Jr. Mufic by Lowell Mafon and G. J. Webb. 4to. Lafayette, General. Speech of, etc., upon the Cenforfhip of the Prefs. 8vo. N. Y., 1824. Memoires, Correfpondances et Manufcrits, Publics par fa Fa- mille. Tomes 2. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1837. Same. Edited by William A. Duer. Vol. I. 8vo. N. Y., 1 837. Cuttings from the Public Papers, etc., relative to his Vifit to the United States in 1824. Scrap Book. 4to. Lafitau, J. F. Mceurs des Sauvages Ameriquains comparees aux Moeurs des Premier Temps. Tome Second, 410. Paris, 1724. La Grave, Poncet. Hiftoire Generale des Defcentes faites tant en Angleterre qu'en France, depuis Jules-Cefar jufqua'a nos jours, Avec des notes Hiftoriques, Pohtiques et Critiques. Tomes 2, 8vo. Paris, An. viio., [i 798.] 334 New-York Historical Society. La Harpe, Jean Francois. Lycee au Cours de Litterature Ancienne et Moderne, Tomes i6, izmo. Paris, 1813. Chefs d'CEuvre Dramatiques de, accompagnees de Notes Cri- tiques et d'Obfervations Litteraires. Par M. Mely Janin. i zmo. Paris, 1 814. Laiford, Thomas. Sermon before the Houfe of Commons, Auguft i, 1715. 8vo. Lond., 1715. Laing, Samuel. Journal of a Refidence in Norway during the years 1834, 1835 and 1836, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1836. Lally-Tolendal, Trophime Gerard de. Defenfe des Emigres Fran- cais, addreflee au Peuple Francais. 8vo. Paris, 1797. La Locanda. a Comic Opera. 8vo., pp. 75. Lond., 1792. Lamb, Patrick. Royal Cookery; or. The Compleat Court-Cook, etc. Third edition. 8vo. Lond., 1726. Lambard, William. Eirenarcha : or of the Office of the Juftices of Peace. In Foure Bookes . . . etc. 8vo. Lond., 1594. Lambert, B. Charadleriftic Anecdotes from the Hiftory of Ruffia. With Notes, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1805. Lambert, Edward R. Hiftory of the Colony of New Haven before and after the Union with Connedticut, etc. With a Notice of the Towns which have been fet oiF from " the original fix." Engrav- ings. i2mo. New Haven, 1838. Lambert, M. l'Abbe. Hiftoire Generale, Civile, Naturelle, Politique, et Religieufe de tous les peuples du monde . . . etc. Tomes 1 . Second Partie, 3, 5, 8, 12, 13. i8mo. Paris, 1750. Lambert, William. A CoUeftion of Precedents, confifting of Pro- ceedings and Decilions on Queftions of Order and Appeals in the Houfe of Reprefentatives, etc. 8vo. Wafhington, 1811. Lambrechtsen, N. C. (Van Ritthem). Korte Befchrijving van de Ontdekking en der verdere Lotgevallen van Nieuw-Nederland, weleer eene volkplanting van het gemeenebeft der vereenigde Nederlanden in America. 8vo. Midd&lburg, 1 8 1 8. Lametherie, Jean Claude. Journal de Phyfique, de chimie et d'His- toire Naturalle avec des planches en taille douce. 4to. Paris. Lamport, William. Preaching Chrift Crucified the Bell Method of Preaching. 8vo., pp. 59. Lond., 1786. Lancaster, Daniel. The Hiftory of Gilmanton ; embracing the Pro- prietary, Civil, Literary, Ecclefiaftical, Biographical, and Mifcel- laneous Hiftory, from the first fettlement to the prefent time ; in- cluding what is now Gilford to the time it was difannexed. 8vo. Gilmanton, 1845. Lancaster, Joseph. Improvements in Education, as it refpedls the Induftrious Clafles of the Community, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1807. Letters on National Subjeds, auxiliary to Univerfal Education and Scientific Knowledge. 8vo. Waftiington, 1820. Lancasterian System. Manual of the, as pradlifed in the Schools of the Free-School Society of New York. Svo. N. Y., 1820. Catalogue of Printed Books. 335 Lancelot, Dom Claude. Narrative of a Tour taken in the year 1667 to La Grande Chartreufe and Alet, etc. 8vo. Lend., 1 813. Lancet, The American. Report of the Trial for Libel in, containing the whole Evidence, Speeches of Counfel, etc. Bvo., pp. 48. N. Y., 1831. Landen, Battel of. The Paris Relation of the, July 29, 1693, etc. 4to. Lond., 1693. Lane, Jeremiah. A Memorial and Tear of Lamentation, with the Improvement of the Death of Pious Friends, Hampton Falls, July 17, 1766. 8vo., pp. 16. Ports., 1766. Lane, William. Poems and Detached Pieces. 8vo., pp. 1 1 2. Reading, 1798. Langdon, Samuel. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Sam- uel McClintock, Greenland, November 3d, 1756. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1756. Thankfgiving Sermon, Portfmouth, November 10, 1759. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1760. An Impartial Examination of Mr. Robert Sandeman's Letters on Theron and Afpafio, etc. 4to., pp. 71. Portfmouth, 1765. A Summary of Chriftian Faith and Praftice, etc. In Three Parts. 8vo. Bofton, 1768. A Rational Explication of St. John's Vifion of the Two Beafts, etc. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1774. Maffachufetts Eledlion Sermon, May 31ft, 1775. 8vo. Watertown. Dudleian Ledlure, Harvard College, November i, 1775. 8vo,, pp. 26. Bofton, 1776. Sermon at the Ordination of Edward Sprague, Dublin, 12th No- vember, 1777. 8vo., pp. 38. Bofton, 1778. Sermon on fhe Death of Profeflbr John Winthrop, Cambridge, May 9, 1779. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1779. Eledlion Sermon at Concord, New Hamplhire, June 5th, 1788. 8vo., pp. 48. Exeter, 1788. Obfervations on the Revelations of Jefus Chrift to Saint John, etc. 8vo. Worcefter, Mafs., 1791. Difcourfe on the Unity of the Church as a Monumental Pillar of the Truth . . . etc., delivered 12th Odober, 1791, before the Pifcataqua Aflbciation. From I Tim. iii, 14, 15. 8vo., pp. 30. Exeter, 1792. Correftion of fome Great Miftakes Committed by the Rev. John Cozens Ogden in his Letters publifhed at Bofton. 8vo., pp. 22. Portfmouth, 1792. Remarks on the Leading Sentiments in Hopkins' Syftem of Doftrines. In a Letter to a Friend. 8vo., pp. 56. Exeter, 1794. Langhorne, John. The Fables of Flora ; with Armine and Elvira, by Mr. Cartwright. 8vo., pp. 43. Phil., 1784. 336 New-York Historical Society. Langsdorff, G. H. Von. Voyages and Travels in various Parts of the World, during the years 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806 and 1807. 8vo. Carlifle, (Pa.), 181 7. Langworthy, C. C. An Inquiry into the Influence of Metallic Tradors. 8vo. Briftol, 1798. Lanjuinais, Le Comte. Conftitutions de la Nation Francais, avec une EfTai de Traite Hiftorique et Politique fur la Charte, etc. Vol. I. 8vo. Paris, 1 8 19. Lanman, Charles. EflTays for Summer Hours. Second edition. i2mo. Bofton, 1842. A Summer in the Wildernefs ; embracing a Canoe Voyage up the Mifliffippi and around Lake Superior. i2mo. N. Y., 1847. Lanman, James. Oration at Norwich, Connedlicut, 4th July, 1798. 1 2mo. Norwich. Lanman, James H. Hiftory of Michigan : Civil and Topographical, in a Compendious form ; with a View of the furrounding Lakes. Map. 8vo. N. Y., 1839. Lanto, Francis Dos. Trial of, for the Murder of Archibald Graham, January 9, 1 806. Together with an Account of his Life and Con- feffion. Lapham, J. A. A Geographical and Topographical Defcription of Wifconfm, etc. i6mo. Milwaukie, 1844. Las Casas, Bartolomeo de. Iftoria o'breviffima relatione della diftrut- tione dell Indie occidentale, etc. Trad, en Italiano dall E. 8. Giacomo Caftellani gia fotto nome di Francefco Bcrfabita. 410. Venetia, 1630. II Supplice fchiavo Indiano, etc. Trad, in Italiano per opefa di Marco Ginammi. 410. Venetia, 1636. La Liberta Pretefa dal Supplice fchiavo Indiano, etc. Trad, in Italiano per opera di Marco Ginammi. 4to. Venetia, 1640. CEuvres ; precedes de fa vie, etc. Par J. A. LIo rente. Tomes 2, 8vo. Paris, 1822. Lassells, Richard. The Voyage of Italy ; or, a Compleat Journey through Italy. 2 vols, in I. i2mo. Paris, 1670. Lasteyrie, C. p. de. a Treatife on the Culture, Preparation, Hiftory and Analyfis of Paftel, or Woad : the different methods of extraft- ing the coloring matter, and the manner of ufing it, and Indigo, in dyeing . . . etc. Tranflated from the French, by H. A. S. Dearborn. i2mo. Bofton, 1 816. Lathrop, John. Importance of Early Piety. A Difcourfe preached in Medford, New England, March 20, 1771. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1 77 1. Artillery Eleftion Sermon, Bofton, June 6, 1774. 8vo. Bofton, 1774. Sermon at the Ordination of William Bentley, Salem, September 24, 1783. 8vo., pp. 34. Salem, 1783. ■ Difcourfe before the Humane Society of MafTachufetts, June, 1787. 4to. Bofton, 1787. Catalogue of Printed Books. 337 Lathrop, John. Difcourfe on the Errors of Popery, Dudleian Lefture, September 4, 1793. 8vo., pp. 32. Boilon, 1793. Difcourfe, in two Parts, preached at the Commencement of the Nineteenth Century. 8vo., pp. 40. Bofton, 180 1. Difcourfe before the Society for " Propagating the Gofpel among the Indians, and others, in North America," delivered 19th Janu- ary, 1 804. 8vo., pp. 44. . Bbllon. Difcourfe, at Milton, Oftober 3, 1804, at the Diflblution of the Paftoral Relation between Rev. Jos. McKean and the Church in that town. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1804. Difcourfe, April 13, 1808, at the Interment of Rev. Samuel Weil, D. D. 8vo., pp. 21. Bofton, 1808. Thankfgiving Difcourfe, December I, 1808. 8vo., pp. 20. Boilon, 1808. Difcourfe occafioned by the Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Lathrop (his wife). 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1809. Sermon delivered at the Interment of Rev. Jofeph Ecklcy, D. D. 8vo., pp. 20. Bofton, 181 1. Addrefs before King Solomon's Lodge, Charleftown, June 24th, 181 1. 8vo. Bofton. The Prefcnt War : Unexpeftcd, Unneceflary and Ruinous. Two Difcourfes, delivered at Bofton, ift, 23d July, 2d, 20th Auguft, 18 1 2. 8vo. Bofton, 1 812. Difcourfe, February 21, 1813, occafioned by the Death of Rev. John EHot, D. D. 8vo., pp. 28. Bofton, 1813. A Difcourfe delivered in Bofton, April 13, 1 81 5, the day of Thankfgiving in confequence of Peace. Bofton, 181 5. Lathrop, John. The Speech of Caunonicus; or, an Indian Tradition. A Poem, with Explanatory Notes. 4to., pp. 40. Calcutta, 1 802. Same, with Notes. 8vo. Bofton, 1803. Lathrop, Joseph. Chrift's Warning to the Churches to beware of Falfe Prophets, etc. With an Appendix. Second edition. 8vo. Springfield, 1791. Century Sermon, delivered in Weft Springfield, January i, 1801. . 8vo. Springfield, 180 1. . Sermon to the Hamplhire Miflionary Society, Auguft, 1 802. 8vo., pp. 22. Northampton, 1802.. — — Sermon on Faft Day, May 4, 1797, Weft Springfield. 8vo., , pp. 28. Cambridge, 1803. Same. [Second edition.] 8vo. Cambridge, 1803. , The Conftancy and Uniformity of the Divine Government. Faft Sermon at Springfield, April 7, 1803. 8vo., pp. 21. Springfield, 1803.. Two Sermons on the Chriftian Sabbath. 8vo., pp. 28. Northampton, Mafs., 1803. Sermon in the Firft Parifh in Weft Springfield, 25th Auguft, 1796. With a Half-Century Sermon, Auguft 26, 1806. 8vo., , pp.43. Springfield, 1 806. . 338 New-York Historical Society. Latour, a. Lacarriere. Hiftorical Memoir of the War in Weft Florida and Louifiana in 1814-15, With an Atlas. Tranflated from the French, by H. P. Nugent. 8vo. Phil., 181 6. Latreille, p. a. Genera Cruftaceorum et Infeftorum Secundum or- dinem Naturalem in Familias Dilpofita, etc. 4 vols, and Plates. 8vo. Paris, 1809. Latrobe, John H. B. The Hiftory of Mafon and Dixon's Line, con- tained in an Addrefs delivered before the Hiftorical Society of Pennfylvania, November 8, 1854. 8vo. [Phil.], 1855. Latta, John E. Sermon, on the 8th September, Faft Day. 1 2mo., pp. 24. Wilmington, 1808. Faft Sermon, 9th September, 181 3. i2mo., pp. 24. Wilmington, 1 81 3. Laurens, Mr. True ftate of the Cafe of, by which his Candor to Mr. Edmund Jennings is Manifefted, and the Tricks of Mr. Jen- nings are Deteded. 4to., pp. 77. ^7^3' Lauzun, M. Le Due DE. Memoires. 8vo. Paris, 1832. Lavater, John Casper. Remonftrances addrefled to the Executive Diredlory of the French Republic, againft the Invafion of Switzer- land. 8vo. Lond., 1797. Same. 8vo._; pp. 22. N. Y., 1799. Lavaysse, (Monsieur.) A Statiftical, Commercial and Political De- fcription of Venezuela, Trinidad, Margarita and Tobago, etc. From the French, with an Introdudion and Explanatory Notes, by the Editor [E. B.] 8vo. Lond., 1820. Law. American Jurisprudence. 8vo. Law concerning Libels. A Digeft of the, containing all the Refolu- tions in the Books on the fubjedl, and many MS. cafes, etc. By a Gentleman of the Inner Temple. 4to. Lond., 1765. Law, Students of. See Divinity. Law. Confiderations on the Abolition of the Common, in the United States. 8vo., pp. 71. Phil., 1809. Law, Andrew. Seleft Harmony, etc., printed upon the Author's new Plan, with Lines and Spaces. Oblong 4to. Phil. Law, Edmund. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propa- gation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 18, 1774. 8vo., pp. 23, Ixxi. Lond., 1774. Law, John. Money and Trade Confidered ; with a Propofal for Sup- plying the Nation with Money. 8vo. Lond., 1720. Law, John. Addrefs delivered before the Vincennes Hiftorical and Anti- quarian Society, February 22d, 1 839. 8vo. Louifville, Ky., 1 839. Law, Jonathan. Poem, occafioned by the Death of the Hon. 4to. Law Reform. Addrefs, Refolution, and Proceedings of the County Law Reform and Working Men's Convention, holden in Keene, New Hampfliire, Oftober 8, 1833, and January i, 1834. 8vo. Concord, 1834. JLaw, William. The Grounds and Reafons of Chriftian Regeneration ; or, the New Birth, etc. 8vo., pp. 102. Lond., 1739. Catalogue of Printed Books. 339 Law, William. A Difcourfe delivered before the Georgia Hiftorical Society, Savannah, February 12, 1840. 8vo. Lawrence, Cornelius W. The American Print Works vs. . . . Proceedings at the Trial of the above-entitled Caufe, at Eflex Circuit, Odober, 1852 . . . etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1852. Lawrence, Levin. No. 2 of a Series of Letters, to Nicholas Biddle, Esq. 8vo. Lawrence, William Beach. Addrefs before the American Academy of Fine Arts. 8vo. N. Y., 1825. The Bank of the United States ; an article reprinted from the North American Review, for April, 1831. 8vo. Bofton, 1831. The Origin and Nature of the Reprefentative and Federative [nftitutions of the United States of America ; an Anniverfary Difcourfe, dehvered before the New York Hiftorical Society, April 19, 1832. 8vo. N. Y., 1832. Two Leftures on Political Economy, delivered before the Mer- cantile Library Aflbciation, December 23 and 30, 1831. 8vo. N. Y., 1832. Difcourfes and Reviews, principally on fubjefts of Political Econ- omy. 8vo. N. Y., 1834. An Inquiry into the Caufes of the Public Diftrefs. Reprinted, with correftions, from the American Quarterly Review. 8vo. N.Y., 1834. See Marbois — ^Wheaton. Lawson, John. A New Voyage to Carolina, containing the Exadt Dcfcription and Natural Hiftory of that Country : together with the Prefent State thereof. And a Journal of a Thoufand Miles, Travelled through feveral Nations of Indians. 4to. Lond., 1709. [See Stevens's Colleftion of Voyages.] Lawyer, John D. The Diftinftion ; or. The Word of God againft the Traditions of Men. A Difcourfe delivered at the General Conference of Evangelical Lutheran Minifters, held at German Flats, September 25, 1845. 8vo. Albany, 1846. Lawyers. How fhall Lawyers be paid ? or. Some Remarks upon Two A6b recently pafled on the fubjedl of the Cofts of Legal Proceedings, in a Letter to John Anthon, Esq. 8vo. N. Y., 1840. Lay-Nonconformity Juftified, in a Dialogue between a Gentleman of the Town in Communion with the Church of England and his Diflenting Friend in the Country. 3d vol. 8vo., pp. 52. Lond., 1 716. Lay, G. T. The Chinefe as they arc; their Moral and Social Char- after, Manners, Cuftoms and Language, with Remarks on their Arts and Sciences, their Medical Skill, etc. Containing alfo II- lullrative and Corroborative Notes, by E. G. Squier. 8vo. Albany, 1843. Laying, [Henry.] Several Pieces in Prole and Verfe. 4to. Lond., 1748. 340 New-York Historical Society. Layton, Thomas. Two Difcourfes, propofing a Rational Method of Deciding in the Prefent Difputes on Civil and Religious Subjcfts. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1793. Lazzelere, Jacob. Difcourfe on the Death of General Wafhington, Northampton, Pa., zzd February, 1800. 8vo,, pp. 18. Mount-Holly, 1800. [Leacock, John.] The Fall of Britifh Tyranny ; or, American Liberty Triumphant, etc. : a Tragi-Comedy. 8vo. Phil., 1776. Leake, Isaac Q. Memoir of the Life and Times of General John Lamb. 8vo. Albany, 1850. Leake, J. DifTertation on the Properties and Efficacy of the Lifbon Diet-Drink, etc. 8vo,, pp. 90. Lond., 1762. Leake, John G. Opinion of the Surrogate of the City and County of New York in the matter of the Will of, etc. 8vo., pp. 12. N. Y., 1828. Leaming, Jeremiah. A Defence of the Epifcopal Government of the Church, containing Remarks on Two late Noted Sermons on Prefbyterian Ordination. 8vo. N. Y., 1766. Second Defence of the Epifcopal Government of the Church, etc. 8vo., pp. 81. N. Y., 1770. Diflertations upon various fubjefts, etc. 8vo., pp. 68. Portfmouth, 1789. Learned, Erastus. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Cornelius Adams, Windham, December 5, 1805. 8vo., pp. 25. Windham, 1806. Leavitt, Eli. Annual Report of the City Infpedor, of the City of New York, for the year 1 844. 8vo. Report of New Buildings erefted in New York 1 844. 8vo. Leavitt, Freegrace. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Jona- than Leavitt, Walpole, May 27, 1 761. 8vo. New Haven. Leavitt, Joshua. Remarks and Statiilics on the fubjedl of Cheap Poftage, and Poftal Reform in Great Britain and the United States. 8vo. Bofton, 1848. Le Beau, C. (Sr.) Avantures, ou Voyage Curieux et Nouveau, par- mi les Sauvages de I'Amerique Septentrionale, etc. 2 vols. i6mo. Amfterdam, 1738. Le Beau, M. Hiftory of Conftantine the Great. Tranflated from the French. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 1776. Le Brun, Cornelius. Travels into Mofcovy, Perfia and Divers Parts of the Eaft Indies, etc. Tranflated by a Gent, of Oxford. Plates. Folio. Lond., 1759. Le Brun, Henri. Aventures et Conquetes de Fernand Cortez au Mexique, etc. Engravings. l2mo. Tours, 1843. Le Clerc, Mr. Account of the Earl of Clarendon's Hiftory of the Civil Wars. From the French, by J. O. Second edition. 8vo. Lond,, 1 7 10. Rights of the Chriftian Church Adjufted, etc. 8vo. Lond., 171 1. Catalogue of Printed Books, 341 Le Clerc, M. Hiftoire, Phyfique, Morale, Civille et Politique de la Ruflia Ancienne. 6 vols. 4:0. Paris, 1783. Lechevalier, M. Jules. Rapport fur les Queftions Coloniales, adreffc a M. le Due de Broglie, Prefident de la Commiflion Coloniale, a la fuite d'un Voyage fait aux Antilles et aux Guyanes, pendant les Annees 1838 et 1839. Documents et Pieces Juftificatives. Tomes I.-II. Folio. Paris, 1843-44. Le Comte, Louis. Memoirs and Obfcrvations, etc., made in a Jour-, ney through the Empire of China. From the French. Third edi- tion. 8vo. Lond., 1699. Lediard, Thomas. Naval Hiftory of England, in all its branches, from the Norman Conquefl in the year ic66 to the conclufion of 1734. Folio. Lond., 1735. Ledyard, John. A Journal of Captain Cook's laft Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, and in Qucfl of a North- Weft Paflage between Alia and America, performed in the years 1776, ^11, '78 and '79. With a Chart. 8vo. Hartford, 1 783. Lee, Andrew. Sermons on various Important Subjedls ; written part- ly on fundry of the more Difficult Paffages in the Sacred Volume. 8vo. Worcefter, 1803. Lee, Arthur. An Appeal to the Juftice and Interefts of the People of Great Britain, in the Prefent Difpute with America. Fourth edi- tion. 8vo., pp. 32. N. Y., 1775. Lee, Charles. Letter to General Burgoyne upon his arrival in Bofton. 8vo. N. Y., J. Anderfon, 1775. Proceedings of a General Court Martial, held at Brunfwick, in the State of New Jerfey, etc., for the Trial of, July 4, 1778, Major-General Lord Stirling, Prefident. Folio. Phil., 1778. His Life and Memoirs, with his Political and MiUtary Effkys, ^/*rvjc>-(«.*snrf^ etc. 8vo. Lond., 1792. w Same, etc. • i2mo. N. Y., 1813. Lee, Charles A. An Introduftory Difcourfe on Medical Education, delivered to the Students of Geneva Medical College, Odlober i , 1844. 8vo. Geneva, 1844. Catalogue of the Medicinal Plants, indigenous and exotic. Growing in the State of New York, with a brief Account of their Compolition and Medical Properties. 8vo. N. Y., 1848. Lee, Henry. Anti-Scepticifm ; or. Notes upon each Chapter of Mr. Locke's Effay concerning Human Underftanding. Folio. Lond., 1702. Lee, Henry. Funeral Oration in honor of the Memory of General Wafhington, etc., before Congrefs, at Philadelphia, December 26, 1799. Second edition. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1800. — — National Eulogy of the Illuftrious George Wafhington before Congrefs, December 26, 1799. 8vo., pp. 16. Portfmouth, 1800. Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. Phil., 181 2. Same. A New edition, with Corredions left by the Author, 342 New -York Historical Society. and with Notes and Additions by H. Lee, the Author of the Campaign of 1 78 1. 8vo. Wafliington, 1827. Lee, Henry. The Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas; with Remarks, Hiftorical and Critical, on Johnfon's Life of Greene. 8vo. Phil., 1824. Obfervations on the Writings of Thomas JefFerfon, etc. Second edition. With Introduftion and Notes, by Charles Carter Lee. 8vo. Phil., 1839. Lee, Henry. An Expofition of Evidence in Support of the Memorial to Congrefs, etc. (Tariff), prepared in purfuance of Inftruflions from the Permanent Committee, appointed by the Free Trade Convention, etc. Nos. 6 and 7. 8vo. Bofton, 1832. Lee, Jonathan. Connedticut Eledlion Sermon, May 8, 1766. 4to. New London. Lee, Richard Henry. Life and Correfpondence of, and his Cor- refpondence illuftrative of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1825. Life of Arthur Lee, with his Correfpondence. 2 vols. 8vo. Bofton, 1829. Leech MAN, William. The Temper, Charafter, and Duty of a Min- ifler of the Gofpel. Sixth edition. i2mo. Glafgow, 1755. Leeds. The Direftory for, 1809, etc. i8mo. • Leeds, 1809. Leeward Islands. Ads of Aflembly, pafled in the Carribee Leeward Iflands, from 1690 to 1730. Folio. Lond., 1734. Legal Reform. An Aft to Reduce the Expenfe of Foreclofmg Mort- gages in the Court of Chancery ; and an Aft concerning Cofts and Fees in Courts of Law, and for other purpofes, pafled May 1 4th, 1840.. 8vo. N. Y., 1840. Legends (The) of Lampidosa ; or. The Seven Heroines. 8vo. N. Y., 1 844. Legge, Henry Bilson. Some Account of the Charafter of. 4to. Lond., 1764. Leggett, Richard. Evangelical Providences ; or, the Deftruftion of Anti-Chrift, etc. i2mo., pp. 67. Lond., 1794. The Period of God's Patience to the Prayers of the French Martyrs, etc. i2mo., pp. 38. Lond., 1794. Leguat, Francois. Voyage et Avantures de, et de fes Compagnons en deux Ifles Defertes des Indes Orientales, etc. Tom. IL 1 2mo. Lond., 1708. A New Voyage, etc. Tranflated from the French. 8vo. Lond., 1708. Le Guen, Lewis, Isaac Gouverneur, and Peter Kemble. Special Verdift in the Cafe of, in the Supreme Court of the State of New York. 8vo., pp. 61. 1797- Leib, Michael. Rafcality Recorded; or, a Monument of Infamy to Dr. Leib, refpefting the Certificate. 8vo. Leicester, (Mafs.) Hillory of. 8vo., pp. 66. j 826. Leigh, Joseph. Illuflrations of the Fulfilment of the Prediftion of Catalogue of Printed Books. 34.3 Merlin, occafioned by the late Attack of the Leopard on the Chefapeake, etc. Second edition, izmo., pp. 24. Portfmouth, 1807. Leisler, Jacob. Remarks on the Tragedy of. 8vo. N. Y., 1848. Leland, Aaron W. The Fatal Error : a Tragedy, exhibited at Wil- liams College, March 25, 1807. l2mo. Pittsfield, 1807. Difcourfe delivered in the Circular Church, Charlefton, South Carolina, on the 4th of July, 1826. 8vo. Charlefton, 1826. Leland, John. Commentarii de Scriptoribus Brittannicis. ... 2 vols. i2mo. Oxonii, 1709. Leland, John. Oration at the Interment of Mrs. Lydia Northrop. 8vo., pp. 12. Portfmouth, 1794. Oration (5th July, 1802), at Chefliire, containing 17 Sketches and 17 Wifhcs. 8vo., pp. 16. Pittsfield, Mafs. Leland, Thomas. See Demofthencs. Lelewel, Joachim. Numifmatique du Moyen-age confideree fous le rapport du type ; accompagnee d'un Atlas, compofe de tables chronologiques, de cartes gcographiques et de figures de monnaies, graves fur cuivre. 2 vols. 8vo. Atlas. 4to. Paris, 1835. Hiftoire de Pologne. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Lemaire, Cauchois. Lcttres, Politiques, Rcligieufes et Hiftoriques. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828-32. Lempriere, J, Univerfal Biography, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 18 10. Bibliothcca Claffica ; or, a Diftionary of all the Principal Names and Terms relating to the Geography, Topography, Hiftory, Literature and Mythology of Antiquity, and of the Ancients. (Da Ponte and Ogilby's edition.) 8vo. N. Y., 1833. Lendrum, John. A Concife and Impartial Hiftory of the American Revolution, etc. 2 vols. izmo. Bofton, 1795. Le Neve, John. Monumcnta Anglicana : being Infcriptions on the Monuments of feveral eminent Perfons deceafed, in or fmcc the year 1 600 to the end of the year 1 7 1 8 ; deduced into a feries of Time by way of Annals. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 171 7-1 9. Lenoir, Alexandre. Defcription Hiftorique et Chronologique des Monumcns de Sculpture, reunis au Mufee des Monumens Fran- cais, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1800. Le Nozze di Dorina. A new^ Comic Opera, in two afts. 8vo., pp. 55. Lond. Leonard, David A. Oration occafioned by the Death of General George Wafhington, New York, February 22, 1800. 8vo. N. Y., 1 800. Leonidas. a Reply to Lucius Junius Brutus's Examination of the Prcfident's Anfwer to the New Haven Remonftrance. With an Appendix, containing the Number of Collcdlors, Naval Officers, Surveyors, Diftrift Attornies, and Marflials in the United States ; fhowing how many Incumbents are Republicans, and how many arc Fcderalifts. 8vo. N. Y., 1 80 1. [Lescarbot, Marc] Nova Francia ; or, the Defcription of that part 344 New -York Historical Society. of New France, which is one Continent with Virginia, etc. Tranflatcd out of French into Englifh, by P. E. 4to. See Erondelle. Lond., [1609.] [Leslie, Charles.] A Short and Eafie Method with the Deifts ; where- in the Certainty of the Chriftian Religion is Demonftrated by In- fallible Proof from IV. Rules, etc. Third edition. i2mo,, pp. 57. Lond., 1 701. Leslie, Charles, Letter to the Lord Bifhop of Sarum. 4to. 1715. Leslie, John. Tradls : Hiftorical and Philofophical, relative to the Important Difcuffions refpefting the Eleftion of a Profeflbr of Mathematics in the Univerlity of Edinburgh. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1806. Lessons to a Young Prince, by an Old Statesman, on the Pfefent Difpofition in Europe to a General Revolution. 8vo. Rep,, N. Y., 1 791. Lester, C. Edwards, and Andrew Foster. The Life and Voyages of Americus Vefpucius. With Illuftrations concerning the Navigator, and the Difcovery of the New World. 8vo, N. Y., 1 846. L'Estrange, Roger. The Obfervator, in Dialogue. 3 vols. Folio. Lond., 1684-87. Lesur, C. L. Les Francs. Poeme Heroique, en dix Chants. 1 8mo. A Paris, 1797. Le Tans'ur, William. Chriftian Warrior Properly Armed [on the Trinity]. 8vo., pp. 16. Cambridge, Eng., 1776. Letter Addreffed to two Great Men, on the Profpeft of Peace, etc. 8vo. Rep., Bofton, 1760. Addreflcd to Parents and Heads of Families, particularly thofe refiding in the country towns and villages in America. 8vo. Bofton, 1827. From a Clergyman in London, who hath taken the Oaths to his Prefcnt Majefty, to a Clergyman who hath refufed them. 8vo., pp. 63. Lond., 1 7 16. From a By-Stander to a Member of Parliament, on Neceflity of a large Regular Land Force in this Ifland, etc. 8vo., pp. 1 14. Lond,, 1741. From a Gentlewoman in New England to another, her dear Friend, in great darkness, doubt, and concern of a Religious Na- ture. 8vo,, pp. 15. Bofton, 1755. From a Merchant of the City of London to the Right Hon. W P , Efq., upon the Affairs and Commerce of North America, the African Trade, etc. 8vo,, pp. 98, Lond., 1757. From Albemarle Street to the Cocoa-Tree, on fome late Trans- aftions. Second edition. 4to., pp. 40. Lond,, 1764, From an Eminent Minifter of the Church of Scotland, etc. 8vo,, pp. 16. Bofton, 1773. —— From the Secretary of the Navy to Samuel L. Mitchell, Chair- man of the Seledt Committee, appointed by the Houfe of Repre- fcntatives, 31ft December, 180 1, to confider fo much of the Catalogue of Printed Books. 345 Prefident's Meffage as relates to Naval Preparations, etc. 8vo. Wafhington, 1802. Letter, from a Churchman to his Friend in New Haven, containing a few Striftures on a Pamphlet figned "J. R. O." 8vo. New Haven, 1808. To the People of England, occafioned by the Letter to the Diflenters. 8vo., pp. 140. Lond., 17 14. To a Friend, occafioned by a Rhapfody, delivered in the Old Jewry, by a Rev. Bookfcller in London, etc. 8vo., pp. 39. Lond., 1729. To the Craftfmen, upon the Change of Affairs in Europe, by the War againll the Emperour. 8vo., pp. 64. Lond., 1734. To the Merchant in London, to whom is diredted a printed Letter relating to the Manufaftory undertaking, dated N. E. Bos- ton, February 21, 1740. 8vo. 1 741- To a Merchant in London, concerning a late Combination in the Province of the Maffachufetts Bay in N. E., to impofe or force a Private Currency called Land Bank-Money, izmo. I74J> To a Young Gentleman in Prifon. By Eubulus. 8vo., pp. 31. Lond., 1 79 1. To John Bull, Efq., from his Second Coufin, Thomas Bull, etc. 8vo., pp. 49. Lond., 1793. To the Honorable Charles James Fox, fhewing how appearances may deceive, etc. 8vo., pp. 27. Lond., 1798. Of a Genevan, refiding at London, to one of his Friends, an Inhabitant of the Pays de Vaud, in Switzerland. 8vo. Phil., 1798. To a County Member on the means of Securing a Safe and Hon- orable Peace. 8vo., pp. 92. Lond., 1798. To the Right Hon. William Pitt, Dublin. Lond., 1 799. To a Member of the Senate of the Univerfity of Cambridge. By the Author of " Difcourfes to Academic Youth," Cambridge, London, etc. ^799- To the Eledlors of Prefident and Vice-Prefident of the United States. By a Citizen of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1 808. To General Lafayette, from a North American. United States, Auguft 10, 1 83 1. 8vo. To the Prefident of the Town of Catfkill, January 10, 1838. N. Y., 1838. To a Lady in France, on the fuppofed Failure of a National Bank, the fuppofed Delinquency of the National Government, the Debts of the feveral States, and Repudiation. With Anfwers to Enquiries concerning the Book of Captain Marryatt and Mr. Dick- ens. 8vo. Bofton, 1843. To Jofeph Hume, Efq., M. P., upon the late Debate on Portu- gal, in the Britifh Houfe of Commons. By an Anglo-Lufitanian. 8vo. Lend., 1847. Letters and Diflertations on various fubjefls, by the Author of the 34^ New -York Historical Society. Letter Analyfis A. P., on the Difputes between Great Britain and America. Letters from a Young Painter Abroad to his Friends in England. Plates. 8vo. Lond., 1748. From Yorick to Eliza, izmo., pp. 71. Rep., Phil., 1773. From Sylvius to the Freemen Inhabitants of the United States, containing fome Remarks on the Scarcity of Money, Paper Cur- rency, etc. izmo. N. Y., 1787. On Intere filing Subj efts. 8vo. Phil., 1776. On Emigration. By a Gentleman lately returned from America. 8vo., pp. 76. Lend., 1794. Models of; being an epitome of the large 8vo. vol., entitled "Elegant Epiftles," etc. Small 4to. Lond., 1794. To the Hon. Levi Woodbury, Secretary of the Treafury of the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1837. To the People. By a Farmer. l2mo. Salem, 1802. Lettres Edifiantes ct Curieufes, ecrites des Miflions Etrangcres par quelques Millionaires de la Compagnie de Jefus. xx. Recueil. izmo. Paris, 1731. Edifiantes et Curieufes, ecrites des Miffions Etrangeres. Nouvelle edition. 26 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1780-83. Critiques et Politiques, fur les Colonies et le Commerce des Villes Maritimes de France. Par M. * * * . 8vo. Geneve, 1785. D'un Citoyen des Etats-Unis, a un Francais fur les Affaires Pre- fentes, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1788. Levesque, Pierre Charles. Hiftoire de Ruffie, et des Principalcs Na- tions de I'Empire Rufle, etc. Par M. M. Make Brun et Depping. Tomes 8, 8vo. Paris, 1812. Levett, Christopher. A Voyage into New England; begun in 1623 and ended in 1624. 4to. Lond., 1628. Lewis, Alonzo. The Hift;ory of Lynn. 8vo. Boiton, 1829. Lewis, Clark, Sibley and Dunbar. Meflage from the Prefident of the United States, communicating Difcoveries made in Exploring the Miflburi, Red River and Wafhita. With a Statiftical Account of the Countries adjacent. Read in Congrels, February 19, 1806. 8vo. N. Y., 1806. Lewis, George. Charity Sermon at St. Thomas's, for the benefit of the School in Gravel Lane, Southwark, January i, 1789. 8vo., pp. 26. Lond., 1789. Lewis, Isaac. Sermon in New Haven, at the Ordination of the Rev. Jeremiah Day, A.M., Prefident of Yale College, July 23, 1817. 8vo. New Haven, 181 7. Sermon in Weft Greenwich, Connefticut, at the Inftallation of Ifaac Lewis, A.M., December i, 181 8. 8vo. N. Y., 1819. Lewis, John. A Narrative of the Life, together with the Laft Speech, Confeffion, and Solemn Declaration of, etc. 8vo. Rep., New Haven, 1762. Catalogue of Printed Books. 347 Lewis, Meriwether. The Travels of Captains Lewis and Clarke, from St. Louis, by way of the Miffburi and Columbia Rivers, to the Pacific Ocean, performed in the years 1 804, '05 and '06, by order of the Government of the United States, etc. Map. 8vo. Lend., 1809. Travels to the Source of the Miflburi River, and acrofs the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean, etc., by Captains Lewis and Clarke. Maps. 4to. . Lond., 1 8 14. Lewis, M. G. Caftle Spedtre : a Drama. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 99. Lond., 1798. Lewis, Morgan. A Concife Account of the Rife, Progrefs, and Final Diffblution of the late General Committee, friendly to the Re- Eleftion of his Excellency. 8vo. N. Y., 1807. — — Oration before the Common Council and Citizens in New York, on the Firll Centennial Anniverfary of the Birth of George Wafli- ington, the Father of his Country. With the proceedings, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1832. An Impartial Inquiry into certain parts of the Conduft of, and of a portion of the Legiflature, particularly in relation to the Mer- chants' Bank, etc. By Polidcus. 8vo. N. Y., 1 806. Lewis, Tayler. A Difcourfe on the True Idea of the State as a Re- ligious Inftitution ; together with the Family and the Church, or- dained of God, delivered September 5, 1843, before the Porter Rhetorical Society of the Theological Seminary, Andover, Mafs. 8vo. Andover, 1843. Six Days of Creation ; or, the Scriptural Cofmology, with the ancient idea of Time-Worlds in diftindlion from Worlds of Space. i2mo. Scheneftady, 1855. Lewis, Thomas. The Hiflory of the Parthian Empire, from the Foundation of the Monarchy by Arfaces, to its Final Overthrow by Artaxerxes the Perfian. 8vo. Lond., 1728. Lewis, William. An Experimental Hiflory of the Materia Medica ; or, of the Natural and Artificial Subftances made ufe of in Medi- cine. 4to. Lond., 1 76 1. Lewis, Zachariah. Oration (4th July, 1 799), before the Connefticut Society of Cincinnati. 8vo., pp. 27. New Haven, 1799. American Miffionary Regifler. Vol. I. 8vo. N. Y., 1821. LiANCouRT. Sec Rochefoucauld-Liancourt. Liberal, The. Verfe and Profe from the South. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1822-23. Liberian Association. The Second Annual Report of the Ladies of. New York, etc. N. Y., 1836. Liberty. A Paradox againfl:. Written by the Lords during their Imprifonment in the Tower. A Poem. Pp. i r . Lend., 1679. Three Dialogues concerning. 8vo., pp. 116. Lond., 1776. Liberty and the Craftsman. A Projedl for improving the Country Journal. 8vo., pp. 31. Lond., 1730. 34^ New- York Historical Society. Liberty of the Press. Reafons againft the intended Bill for laying fome Rcftraint upon the, etc. 8vo., pp. 58. Lond., 1772. Eflay on the, infcribed to the Republican Printers in the United States. 4to. Rep., Richmond, 1 803. LiDDON, John. Sermon, November 4, 1792, in Hemel-Hempftead, on Diffent. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1793. LiEBER, Francis. The Stranger in America ; or. Letters to a Gentle- man in Germany, comprifing Sketches of the Manners, Society, and National Peculiarities of the United States. 8vo. Phil., 1835. Popular EfTay on Subjefts of Penal Law j and on Uninterrupted Solitary Confinement at Labor, as Contradiftinguifhed to Solitary Confinement at Night and Joint Labor by Day. Phil., 1838. Manual of Political Ethics, defignated chiefly for the ufe of Col- leges and Students at Law. Part I. 8vo. Bofton, 1838. Life Insurance ; its Principles, Operations and Benefits, i zmo. Hartford, 1847. Lights, Shadows, and Refleftions of Whigs and Tories. By a Coun- try Gentleman. i2mo. Phil., 1843. Lille, James l'Abbe De. Le Malheur et la Pitie. Poeme en Quatre Chants. Portraits. 8vo. Londres, 1803. Linage, Joseph de Veitia. The Spanifli Rule of Trade to the Well Indies, etc. Made Englifh by Captain John Stevens. 8vo. Lond., 1702. Lincoln, Daniel Waldo. Oration at Bofton, July 4th, 1810, before the Bunker Hill AlTociation, etc. Second edition. 8vo. Bofton, 1 810. Lincoln, Henry. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Nymphas Hatch, etc., Fifhbury (Martha's Vineyard), Odlober 7th, 1801. 8vo. Bofton, 1802. Funeral Sermon, delivered September 14, 1806. (Mrs. Rachel Smith.) 8vo. Bofton, 1806. Lincoln, Robert W. Lives of the Prefidents of the United States. With Biographical Notices of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, etc. 8vo. Brattleboro, Vt., 1839. Same, etc., with 45 Engravings. 8vo. N. Y., 1 842. Lincoln, Solomon, Jr. Hiftory of the Town of Hingham, Plymouth County, Mafs. i2mo. Hingham, 1827. Lincoln, William. An Addrefs delivered before the American An- tiquarian Society, at their Annual Meeting, Oftober 23, 1835, in the Unitarian Meeting Houfe, Worcefter, in relation to the Char- after and Services of their late Librarian, Chriftopher C. Baldwin, Efq. 8vo. Worcefter, 1835. Hiftory of Worcefter, Mafs., from its Earlieft Settlement to Sep- tember, 1836. With various Notices relating to the Hiftory of Worcefter County. 8vo. Worcefter, 1837. LiND, James. A Defcription of Rifled Ordnance, fitted with Seftors, Telefcopes, etc. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1776. Catalogue of Printed Books. 34.9 [LiNDE, John.] Remarks on the principal Afls of the Thirteenth Par- liament of Great Britain, Vol. I., containing Remarks on the Afts relating to the Colonies, with a Plan of Reconciliation. 8vo. Lond., 1775. LiNDSEY, Theophilus. A Farewell Addrefs to the Parifhioners of Cattcrick. 8vo., pp. 23. Lond., 1774. LiNDSLv, Philip. Sermon delivered in the Chapel of the College of New Jerfey, Auguft 15, 1824. 8vo., pp. 52. Princeton, 1824. Linn, John Blair. , The Death of Wafhington : a Poem, in imitation of the manner of Offian. 8vo., pp. 26. Phil., 1 800. The Powers of Genius: a Poem, etc. i2mo. Phil., 1801. Difcourfe on the Death of Rev. John Ewing, etc. 8vo., pp. 26. Phil., 1802. Letter to Jofeph Prieftley, in Anfwer to his " Socrates and Jefus Compared." 8vo,, pp. 66. Phil., 1803. Letter to Jofeph Prieftley, in Anfwer to his Defence of his "Socrates and Jefus Compared." 8vo., pp. 144. Phil., 1803. Valerian : a Narrative Poem, etc. With a Sketch of the Au- thor's Life, [by C. B. Brown, of Philadelphia.] 4to. Phil., 1805. Linn, William, Sermons : Hiftorical and Charafteriftical. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 791. The Bleflings of America : a Sermon (4th July, 1 79 1 ), at New York, before the Tammany Society. 8vo., pp. 39. N. Y., 179 1. A Difcourfe, defigned to prove that Baptifm is not Rer cneration. 8vo. N. Y., 1793. Remarks on Dr. Moore's Addrels to the Members of the Pro- teftant Epifcopal Church in the City of New York. 8vo., pp. 46. N.Y., 1793. Difcourfes on the Signs of the Times. 8vo. N. Y., 1 794. Difcourfe, November 26, 1795, ^^7 of Thanksgiving, on ac- count of the Removal of an Epidemic Fever, etc. 8vo., pp. 38. N.Y., 1795. A Difcourfe delivered at Hackenfack, June 28, 1796. 8vo. N.Y., 1796. Fall Day Sermon. A Difcourfe on National Sins, New York, May 9th, 1798. 8vo., pp. 37. N. Y., 1798. A Difcourfe before the New York Miffionary Society, April ill, 1800. 8vo. N. Y., 1800. Funeral Eulogy, occafioned by the Death of General Wafhing- ton, delivered February 22, 1800, before the New York State Society of Cincinnati. 8vo., pp. 44. N. Y., 1800. LiNN^us, Carolus. Genera Plantarum, eorumque Charadtcres Natur- ales, etc. 8vo. Holmiae, 1754. Philofophia Botanica, etc. 8vo. Viennje, 1783. Syftema Vegetabilium, etc. 8vo. Gottingas, 1784. LiNNEN Cloth. Propofals for Building in every County a Working Alms-Houfe, or Hofpital, as the bell Expedient to Perfedl the Trade and Manufadtory of. 4to. Lond., 1677.- 35© New-York Historical Society. Litchfield. Articles of Aflbciation, By-Laws, etc., of the Agri- cultural Society, eftabliflied February ii, i8l8. 8vo. Litchfield, 1818. County Centennial Celebration, held at Litchfield, Connedlicut, etc. 8vo. Hartford, 1851. Literary and Critical Remarks on Sundry Eminent Divines and Philofophers of the Lafl: and Prefent Age. 8vo. Lond. Literary and Philosophical Society of New York. Tranfaftions. Vols. L-II (Part L) 4to. N. Y., 1815-25. Literary and Scientific Repository (The) and Critical Review. [Edited by C. K. Gardner.] Vols. L-III. [alfo No. 7]. 8vo. N. Y., 1820-21. Literary Magazine (The) and American Regifter for 1 803-4. Vols. I.- VIII. 8vo. Phil., 1804-8. Literary Miscellany (The). [By the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard College.] Vols. I., II. 8vo. Cambridge, 1 805-6. Literary Property. A Plea for Authors and the Rights of Literary Property. By an American. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Literary World (The). Vols. I.-XIII. 4to. N. Y., 1847-53. Literati. The Prefent State of the. A Satire. 4to., pp. 27. Lond., 1752. Little Christian (The). A Novel. Founded on Fads. Written by Himfelf i2mo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1805. Little (The) Book Open. A Prophecy : PrediAing and Declaring the Coming of the Expefted Redeemer, etc. By J. I. 8vo. Phil., 1763. Little, William. The Trial of, for an Affault and Battery upon his Wife, Mrs. Jane Little, a Black Lady. 8vo. N. Y., 1 808. Littleton, Adam. Lingux Latins Liber Diftionarius Quadripartitus. Latin Diftionary in Four Parts, viz. : I. An Englifh -Latin. II. A Latin-ClafTical. III. A Latin-Proper. IV. A Latin-Barbarous . . . etc. Fifth edition. 4to. Lond., 1723. LiVERMORE, Edward St. Loe. Oration in Commemoration of the Diflblution of the Political Union between the United States of America and France, delivered on the 1 7th July, 1 799, at Portf- mouth. 4to. Portfmouth, 1799. LiVERMORE, Samuel. A Treatife on the Law relative to Principals, Agents, Faftors, Audlioneers and Brokers. 8vo. Bofton, 181 1. Liverpool. The Pifture of; or. Stranger's Guide. To which is prefixed a new and correft Map of the Town. New edition. 8vo. Liverpool, 1834. Lives. Englifh and Forein : from the year 1550 to the year 1690. By feveral Hands. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1704. Livingston, Edward. Addrefs to the People of the United States, on the Meafures purfued by the Executive with refpeft to the Batture at New Orleans ; with Report and Documents. 8vo. New Orleans, 1 808. Examen des Droits des Etats-Unis et des Pretenfions de, fur la Catalogue of Printed Books. 351 batture en face du Faubourg St®. Marie. 410., pp. 48. New Orleans, 1808. Livingston, Edward. An Anfwer to Mr. JefFerfon's Juftification of his Conduft in the cafe of the New Orleans Batture. 8vo. Phil., 1 813. Argument of, againft Capital Punifliment. 8vo. N. Y., 1847. Livingston, E. P. Letter from, to the Public, concerning Steamboats, etc. 8vo. 1819. Livingston, John. Law Regifter for 1853 . . .etc, 8vo. N. Y., 1853. Livingston, Mr. Justice. The Addrefs of, to the Houfe of Aflem- bly, in fupport of his Right to a Seat. 4to., pp. 5. Livingston, John H. Oratio Inauguralis de vcritate Religionis Chris- tianas, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1785. Sermon before the New York Miffionary Society, April 3, 1804. With an Appendix. 8vo., pp. 97. N. Y., 1804. Addrefs at the Commencement of Queen's College, in New Jer- fey, September 25, 18 10. 8vo., pp. 32. New Brunfwick, 1810. Livingston, Robert R. Oration before the Society of the Cincinnati in New York, July 4th, 1787. 4to., pp. 22. N. Y., 1787. Effay on Sheep : their Varieties. Account of the Merinos of Spain, France, etc. l2mo. N. Y., 1 8 10. [Livingston, William.] An Addrefs to his Excellency Sir Charles Hardv, Knt. ... By the Author of a Weekly Paper, entitled "The Watch-Tower." Folio, pp. 13. N. Y., 1755. A Letter to the Right Rev. Father in God John, Lord Bifhop of LlandafF, occafioned by his Lordfhip's Sermon, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1768. Vindication of the Bifhop of LlandafF's Sermon, etc. By a Lover of Truth and Decency. 8vo. N. Y., 1768. [ ] A Soliloquy [of Lieut.-Governor Cadwallader Colden.] Second edition. 4 to., pp. 15. I770» See Poems, Independent Refleftor, New York Laws — Livingfton and Smith. Livius, Titus. (Patavini) Hiftoriarum, ab urbe Condita, Libri Quinque Priores. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1785. — Hiftoire Romaine, traduite en Francoife avec les Supplements de Freinlhemius. 10 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1770-72. Llandaff, Bishop of. A Letter to the Right Rev. the. By a Ple- beian. 8vo., pp. 30. ■ Lond. A Letter addrefled to his Grace the Archbifliop of Canterbury. 4to., pp. 54. Lond., 1783. Lloyd, James. Letter on ImpreiTments, February, i 813. 8vo. Bofton. Speeches on the Embargo Laws ; Mr. Hillhoufe's Refolution to Repeal; November 21, 1808. 8vo., pp. 7. Lloyd, Thomas. The Trial of Alexander Addifon, Efq., on an Im- peachment before the Senate of Pennfylvania. Second edition. 8vo. Lancafter, 1803. The Trial of the Boot and Shoemakers of Philadelphia on an Indidbnent for a Combination and Confpiracy. 8vo. Phil., 1*806. 352 New -York Historical Society. LxoYD, Thomas. The Trials of William S. Smith, and Samuel G. Ogden, for Mifdemeanors, in the Circuit Court of the United States for the New York Diftrift, in July, i8o6. 8vo. N. Y., 1807. See United States, Pennfylvania, Selfridge, Addifon, Chafe, Debates. Lloyd, William. Letters from the Weft Indies. 4to. Lond. Same, during a Vifit in the Autumn of 1836, and the Spring of 1837. l2mo. Lend,, 1837. LoBB, Theophilus. a Pradlical Treatife of Painful Diftempers, with fome Effedlual Methods of Curing them, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1739. LoBO, Jerome. A Voyage to Abyflinia, etc. By Mr. Le Grand. From the French. [Preface by Dr. Johnfon.] 8vo. Lond., 1735. Locke, John. Elements of Natural Philofophy ; with Some Thoughts concerning Reading and Study for a Gentleman. 1 2mo., pp. 72. Whitehaven, 1764.- Locke, William E. A Centennial Difcourfe, containing a Hiftory of the Scotch Plains Baptift Church, New Jerfey, during the Firft Century of its Ecclefiaftical Exiftence, preached Auguft 8, 1 847. 8vo. N. Y., 1847. LocKwooD, James. Sermon before the General Aflembly of Connedli- cut, Hartford, May 9, 1754. 8vo., pp. 50. New London, 1754. On the Hon. Colonel Williams, delivered at Weathersfield, July 27» 1755- Lockyer, Charles. An Account of the Trade in India, etc. 8vo. Lond., 171 1. Log Cabin Song Book. A Colleftion of Popular and Patriotic Songs. N. Y., 1 840. Logan, George. A Letter to the Citizens of Pennfylvania, on the NeceiEty of Promoting Agriculture, Manufaftures, etc. Second edition. Phil., 1800. Logan, George, againft Samuel W. Fisher, on a Breach of Privilege, with the Documents accompanying the fame. 8vo., pp. 56. Lancafter, [1800.] Logan Historical Society. The American Pioneer : devoted to the objefts of the, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1842-3. Logan, Sheldon. Mafonic Funeral Difcourfe, delivered at the Inter- ment of Brother Samuel Works, Weftmoreland, July 20, 1795. i2mo. Walpole, N. H., 1795. Logan. See Cicero. LoGiCK. The Elements of; or. Art of Reafoning, deduced from clear principles. By Jo. Gottl. Heineccius. Tranflated by a Phyfician. izmo. Liverpool, 1788. London and Westminster. A Critical Review of the Publick Build- ings, Statues, and Ornaments in, and about, etc. 8vo., pp. 119. Lond., 1734. Catalogue of Printed Books. 353 London. A Comparative Statement of the Advantages and Difad- vantagcs of the Docb in Wapping, and in the Ifle of Dogs, etc. Second edition. Lond., 1 799. General Poft-Office of. A Narrative of a Tranfa(ftion in the Comptrolling Department of the, etc. Together with fome Letters which have lately appeared in the public prints. 4to., pp. 30. Lond. Letter to the Common Council of, on their late very extraor- dinary Addrefs to his Majefty. 8vo., pp. 43. Lond., 1765. Bifhop of. To the Clergy and Inhabitants of the Cities of Lon- don and Weftminfter. 8vo., pp. 22. London Magazine (The) ; or. Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer, '732-39> 175+-65, 1767-70. 24 vols. 8vo. Lond. London Mercantile Journal. Vol. L, 1833. Folio. London Metropolitan Sanitary Commission. Firll: Report of the Commiflioners appointed to inquire whether any, and what fpecial means may be requifite for the improvement of the Health of the Metropolis. Alfo, Minutes of the Evidence taken before the Commiflioners. Folio. Lond., 1847. Same. (Reprinted from the London edition). 8vo. N. Y., 1852. Long Island. Journal of Philofophy (The) and Cabinet of Variety. 8vo. [Imperfeft.] 1825. Long Island Railroad Company. Report of the Board of Direftors of the, to the Stockholders, in relation to the condition of its affairs and profpefts, when completed to Greenpoint. 8vo. Long, J. Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, defcribing the Manners and Cuftoms of the North American In- dians, etc. 4to. Lond., 1791. Long, Joseph. An Addrefs delivered at the Confecration of Golden Rule Lodge at Weare, New Hampfhire. 8vo. Concord, 1829, Long, R. Cary. The Ancient Architedure of America, etc. A Difcourfe dehvered before the New York Hiftorical Society, April 3, 1849. 8vo. N. Y., 1849. Longley, John. Obfervations on the Trial by Jury, particularly on the Unanimity required in the Verdid. Charlefton, S. C, 1 819. Longman's Catalogue of Old Books, for the year 1848. 8vo. Lond. LoNGwoRTH, David. See New York City Direftories, 1 796-1 8 1 7, 'i 8. Longworth, Thomas. See New York City Direftories, 1817, '18- 1842, .'43. LoOMis, En AS. An Inaugural Addrefs, delivered Auguft 21ft, 1838, (as Profeffor of Mathematics and Natural Philofophy in Weftem Referve College). 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Aftronomical Obfervations, made at Hudfon Obfervatory, etc., O£lober 4th, 1839. Additional Obfervations of the Magnetic Dip, in the United States, Oftober 14th, 1839. On the Storm experienced throughout the United States, about the 20th of December, 1836, March 20th, 1840. 21 354 New -York Historical Society. LooMis, Elias. Obfervalions to determine the Magnetic Intenfity at feveral places in the United States, etc., November 6th, 1 840. Obfervations on the Magnetic Dip in the United States. Fourth Series. [Art XV., VoL VIII. Trans. Am. Philo. Society.] 4to. ■ Same. Tenth Series, May 6th, 1 842. LoosjES, A. (P. Z.) Gedenkzuil ter Gelegeaheid der Vry — Verklaar- ing van Noord-America. 8vo. Amfterdam, 1782. Lord, Benjamin. Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Jabez Wight, Eaft Norwich, Oftober 27, 1726. i2mo. New London, 1752. Lord, Eleazar. On Credit, Currency and Banking. Third edition. l2mo. N. y., 1834. Lord, John C. A Difcourfe on the Death of the Hon. Samuel Wilke- fon, of Buffalo. 8vo. Buffalo, 1 848. Lord's Supper. A Concife Statement of the Evidence for the Obliga- tion of Chriftian Churches to celebrate the, every Lord's Day. 8vo., pp. 38. Shacklewell, 1806. Lorenzana, Francisco Antonio. Hiftoria de Nueva Efpana, efcrita por fu Efclarecido Conquiftador, Hernan Cortes, aumentada con otros documentos y notas, etc. Map and Plates. 4to. Mexico, 1770. LoRiNG, Israel. MafTachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 25th, 1737. 8vo. Boflon. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Gideon Richardfon, Wells, February 27, 1754. 8vo. Bofton, 1754. LoRiNG, James Spear. The Hundred Bofton Orators, appointed by the municipal authorities and other public bodies, from 1770 to 1852 . . . etc. Second edition. 8vo. Bofton, 1853. Same. Fourth edition. 8vo. Bofton, 1855. LoRiNG, Joseph, Jr. An Exhibition of Fafts, fupported by Docu- ments, for the Information of the Militia Officers of the State of MafTachufetts.' 8vo. Bofton, 1806. Loskiel, George Henry. Hiftory of the Miffion of the United Brethren, among the Indians in North America. In Three Parts. Tranflated from the German of Chriftopher Ignatius Latrobe. 8vo. Lond., 1794. LossiNG, Benson J. Biographical Sketches of the Signers of the Decla- ration of Independence. i2mo. N. Y., 1845. Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-Six ; or. The War of Inde- pendence. A Hiftory of the Anglo-Americans, from the period of the Union of the Colonies againft the French to the Inaugura- tion of Wafhington, the Firft Prefident of the United States of America. 8vo. N. Y., 1 847. Biographical Sketches of the Signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence ; with the Declaration Hiftorically Confidered ; and a Sketch of the leading events connedled with the Adoption of the Articles of Confederation, and of the Federal Conftitution. Illus- trated by 50 Portraits and other engravings. i2mo. N. Y., 1848. Catalogue of Printed Books, 355 LossiNG, Benson J. Piftorial Field Book of the Revolution . . . 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1855. Lotteries. Thoughts upon State. By a Young Gentleman. 8vo. Lond., 1799. A Brief Survey of the Great and Evil Tendencies of the Lottery Syftem as exilling in the United States. 8vo. Phil., 1833. Report of a Committee of the Baltimore Young Men's Society on. May 13th, 1834. 8vo., pp. 24. Baltimore, 1834. Louis DE Brunswick. Confiderations fur I'AfFaire du Seigneur Due. 8vo., pp. 40. 1 78 1. Louis XIIL Hiftoire du Roy. Folio. [Imperfedl.] Paris, 1646. Louis XIV. Siecle de. 4 vols. 121110. 1768. Louis XVL Examcn Impartiale de la Vie Privee et Publique de. Engravings. 8vo. Hambourg, 1797. Correfpondence Politique et Confidentielle inedite, etc., avec des Obfervations par Hclene Maria WilHams. Tomes 2, 8vo. Paris (An. xi.), 1803. Louisiana. Addrefs of the Louifiana Native American Aflbciation to the Citizens of Louifiana, and the Inhabitants of the United States. 8vo. New Orleans, 1839. An Analyfis of the Third Article of the Treaty of CelTion. 8vo. [MS. Note.] Bible Society. Second Report of the Board of Managers. 4to. New Orleans, 18 16. Letters, etc., [Refpefting Eaftern Boundary of Louifiana.] 8vo. [1804.] Meflage from the Prefident of the United States, tranfmitting the Conftitution, etc., eflabliflied by the Convention, etc. 8vo. ■Wafhington, 1812. Treaty. Debates in the Houfe of Reprefcntatives on the Bills for carrying into effeft the. 8vo. Phil., 1804. LouvET, Jean Baptiste. Quelques notices pour I'Hiftoire et le Recit de mes Perils, dcpuis le 31 Mai, 1793. Seconde edition. 8vo. Paris, I'An. 3me de la Republique. Lovat, Lord. Memoirs of 8vo. Lond., 1746. Love and War. Songs, Chorufles, etc., in a Comic Opera, in two adls, akercd from the Campaign. 8vo. Lond., 1787. Love, Christopher. Prophecies of the Rev., beheaded on Tower- hill, London, on the 22d Auguft, 165 1 ; and his Laft Words on the fcafFold. i2mo. Bofton, 1805. LovEjOY, Elijah P. Memoir, by Jofeph C. and Owen Lovejoy. With an Introduftion, by John Quincy Adams. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1838. Lovell, James. Oratio Funebris (Henrici Flyntii). 8vo. Bofton, 1760. An Oration, delivered April 2d, 1771, at the requcft of the In- habitants of the Town of Bofton, to Commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of the 5th of March, 1770. 4to., pp. 19. Bofton, 1771. 356 New-York Historical Soctety. LovELL, James. Propagation of Truth; or, "Tyranny Anatomized," in Four Letters, etc. With Notes. 8vo. Bofton, 1 808. Sketches of Man, " As he is," conneAed with Paft and Prefent Modes of Education. 8vo. Bofton, 1808. LovELL, Joseph. Meteorological Regifter for the year 1822, Obferva- tions at the Military Ports of the United States. 8vo. [Loveitt, .] A Tribute to Walhington, for February 22, 1 800. 4to., pp. 15. '^^?y.' ^^°?- Low, James. Solemn Appeal to the Underftanding of Chriftians, in Favor of Revealed Religion. 8vo. Rotterdam, 1 799, Low, John. Alphabetical Table of the Situation and Extent of the diiFerent Streets, Roads, Lanes, Wharves, etc., of the City of New York. i2mo., pp. 52. N. Y., 1807. [Low, Samuel.] The Politician Outwitted : a Comedy, in five afts. Written in the year 1788, by an American. 8vo. N. Y., 1789. Low vs. Joix. In the Court for the Trial of Impeachments and Cor- reftion of Errors. 8vo. Albany, 1801. Lowell, John. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Thomas Barnard, Newbury, January 31, 1738-9. 8vo., pp. 38. Bofton, 1739. Lowell, John. An Eulogy on the late Hon. James Bowdoin, delivered 26th January, 1791. 4to., pp. 24. Bofton, 1791. Oration (4th July, 1799), at Bofton. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1799. [Lowell, John.] Remarks on J. Q. Adams* Review of Fiflier Ames' Works. With Stridlures on the Views of the Author. 8vo., pp. CO. Bofton, 1809. [ ] Perpetual War, the Policy of Mr. Madifon, being a Candid Examination of his late Meflage to Congrefs, etc. Confcript Mihtia — a Local Volunteer Force. By a N. E. Farmer. 8vo. Bofton, 1813. Lowell, John A. Correfpondence between Nathan Appleton, and, in relation to the Early Hiftory of the City of Lowell. 8vo. Bofton, 1848. Lowell, Samuel. Sermon occafioned by the Death of George Grif- fiths, Briftol, Oftober 3, 1802. 8vo., pp. 32. Bath. Lowndes, William. A Report, containing an Effay for the Amend- ment of the Silver Coins. 8vo. Lond., 1695. Lowndes, . Plan of a Currency Agent, intended to obviate all the honeft objeftions of all parties, and to meet the views of mod- erate men of both parties. January, 1843. Lowrie, James W. The One Father ; or. The Univerfal Grandeur of the Paternity of God, Unfolded and Defended, etc. In a feries of Letters. Lowth, Robert. Remarks on his Letter to the Bifliop of Gloucefter, etc. . Second edition. 8vo., pp. 79, xv. Lond., 1766. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 15, 1771. 8vo., pp. 29, Ix. Lend., 1 771. Catalogue of Printed Books. 357 LowTHORP, John. The Philofophical Tranfaftions and Collections to the end of the year 1720. 5 vols. 410. Lond., 1732. Loyalists, American. The Cafe and Claim of the, impartially ftatcd and confidered. 8vo., pp. 38. Lond., 1782. A CoUeftion of A£ls or Laws, pafled in the State of Maffachufetts Bay, relative to the, and their property. 8vo., pp. 35. Lond., 1785. The Claim of the. Reviewed and Maintained upon incontroverti- ble principles of Law and Juftice. 8vo., pp. 138. Lond., 1788. Lucanus, M. Ann^eus. Pharfalia five De Bello CiviH C^faris et Pom- peii, etc. Cum Notis T. Farnabii. i2mo. Lond., 161 8. Lucas, J. A. H. Tableau Methodique des Efpeces Minerales, prefen- tant la Serie complete de leurs Caradleres, et la Nomenclature de leurs Varietes, extrait du tjraite Mineralogie de M. Hauy et aug- mente des nouvelles decouvertes . . . etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1806-13. Lucas, Richard. The Chriftian Race : a Sermon preached before the Queen at Kenfington, on Sunday, 31ft July, 1692. Lond., 1692. Pradlical Chriftianity ; or, an Account of the Holinefs which the Gofpel Enjoins. . . . Fourtji edition. 8vo. Lond., 1693. Lucas, Robert. Sermon in the Cathedral Church at Worceller, at the Mufic Meeting, September 10, 1794. 8vo., pp. 28. Lond. Lucas, Thomas. Sermon at Trowbridge, in the County of Wilts., November 5, 1729. 8vo,, pp. 40. Lond,, 1730. Lucretius, Titus Carus. His Six Books of Epicurean Philofophy. Done into Enghfh Verfe, with Notes (by Thomas Creech). Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1699. Of the Nature of Things. Illuftrated with Notes. Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1743. LuDEwiG, Hermann E. The Literature of American Local Hiftory ; a Bibliographical Eflay. 8vo., pp. 1 80. N.Y., 1 846. Same. Firft Supplement. [Extradled from the Literary World of February 19, 1848.] Only thirty copies printed. 8vo., pp. 20. N. y., 1848. LuDovici, RouppE. De Morbis Navigantium, liber Unus . . . etc. 8vo. Lugduni Bat^vorum, 1765. LuiD, John. Sermon before the Franklin Bible Society, at Chambers- burg, on the 8th of February, 181 5. 8vo., pp. 23. Chamberfburg, 1 8 1 5 . Luiscius, A. G. Het Algemeen Hiftorifch, Geographifch, en Genealo- gifch Woordenboek, etc. Vols. IIL, IV. 8vo. Gravenhage, 1726. LuNDY, Benjamin. The Genius of Univerfal Emancipation, Balti- more, June, 1830. No. 3, Vol. L, Third Series. Poetical Works of Elizabeth Margaret Chandler. With a Me- moir of her Life and Charafter. i2mo. Phil., 1836. LuNT, William P. Two Difcourfes, deHvered September 27th, 1839, on occafion of the 200th Anniverfary of the Gathering of the Firft Congregational Church in Quincy. 8vo. Bofton, 1840. 35^ New-York Historical Society. LuPTON, William. Sermon before the Univerfity of Oxford, at St. Mary's, on Eafter Monday, April 2, 171 1. 8vo., pp. 30. Oxford. LuTHERUs, D. Mart. Het Nieuwe Teftament onfes Heeren Jefu Chrifli . . . etc. i8mo. Amftcrdam, 1729. LuYTS, Joannis. Introduftio ad Geographiam Novam et Veterem, etc. 4to. Trajefti ad Rheum, 1692. Lyceum of Natural History of New York. Annals. Vols. I.-VI (No. 5.) 8vo. N. Y., 1824-55. Lydekker, Gerrit. Theological Thefes ; containing the Chief Heads of the Chriftian Doftrine, etc. From the Latin. With a Difcourfe by . . . izmo., pp. 55. N. Y., 1766. A Difcourfe on the Greatnefs and Praife of the Lord. i2mo., pp. 117. . N. Y., 1766. Lydius, John Henry. Some Refleftions on the Difputes between New York, New ' Hampfhirc, and Col. ... of Albany, etc. 8vo. New Haven, 1764. Lyell, Charles. Travels in North America. Two vols, in one. i2mo. N. Y., 1845. Lyell, Thomas. Sermon in feveral Churches, etc., for the benefit of the New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society. 8vo., pp. 27. N. Y., 1818. Lyford, William G. Weftern Addrefs Direftory, etc., for the year 1837. i2mo. Baltimore, 1837. Lying-in-Hosfital. Adl to Incorporate the Society of the, of the City of New York. pp. 23. Brooklyn. Lyman, J. H. An Addrefs delivered before the New Hampfhire, Franklin, and Hampden Agricultural Societies, at their Annual Meeting in Northampton, Oftober 25th, 1820. Northampton, 1820. Lyman, Joseph. MafTachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 30, 1787. 8vo. Bofton. Sermon at the Opening of the Academy at Deerfield, January i , 1799. 8vo., pp. 19. Greenfield, 1799. Sermon before Convention for forming a Miffionary Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel, Northampton, September, 1801. 8vo., pp. 24. Northampton, 1801. Sermon in Hadley, March 12, 1 8 11, at the Interment of Rev. Dr. Hopkins. 8vo., pp. 1 6. Northampton, 1 8 1 1 . Two Sermons at Hatfield, in March and April, 181 3, occa- fioned by the total rout and overthrow of the French Armies in their late Invafion of the Ruffian Empire. 8vo. Northampton, 181 3. Lynch, W. F. Official Report of the United States Expedition to Ex- plore the Dead Sea and the River Jordan. 4to., Maps, etc. Baltimore, 1852. Lyon, J. S. The Wafhington Monument: Shall it be Built? An Ad- drefs to the Citizens of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Catalogue of Printed Books. 359 Lyttelton, George (Lord). The Hiftory of the Life of King Henry the Second, and of the Age in which he lived. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1769. Poetical Works. 4to. Glafgow, 1787. Lyttleton, Thomas (Lord). Letter from, to William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, on the Quebec Bill. Bofton, 1774. Letters, etc. Firft American edition. 8vo. Troy, N. Y., 1 807. Mably, Abbe de. Remarks concerning the Government and the Laws of the United States of America. In four Letters, addrcfled to Mr. Adams, etc. From the French. With Notes, by the Trans- lator. 8vo. Dublin, 1785. [McAfee, Roeert B.] Hiftory of the late War in the Weftern Country, etc. 8vo. Lexington, Ky., 1816. Macartney, Earl. Embafly to the Emperor of China, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1797. Macauley, Catherine, An Addrefs to the People of England, Scot- land and Ireland, on the Prefent Important Crifis of AiFairs. 8vo. Bath, 1775. Macauley, James. The Natural, Statiftical, and Civil Hiftory of the State of New York. 3 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1829. McCall, Hugh. The Hirtory of Georgia, containing brief Sketches of the most remarkable Events up to the prefent day. Vol. I. 8vo. Savannah, 181 1. McCall, John M. Addrefs delivered before the New York State Medical Society, at Albany, February 2d, 1 847. 8vo. Albany, 1847. Diffcrtation on Mental Manifeftation, delivered before the New York State Medical Society, February 2d, 1847. 8vo. Albany, 1847. McCalla, Daniel. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. James Adams to the Congregational Church of Dorchefter and Beach Hill, May 8, 1799. 8vo., pp. 42. * Charlefton. M'Callum, Pierre F. Travels in Trinidad during the months of February, March and April, 1803, etc. Map. 8vo. Liverpool, 1805. Maccarty, Thaddeus. Two Fall: Sermons, delivered at Worccller, July 14th, 1774. ^^°* Bofton, 1774. McChesney, James. A brief Review of the proceedings of the An- nual Conference of the Methodift Epifcopal Church, her Difci- pline and Adminiftration of Government. 8vo. N. Y., 1839. M'Clary Owners. A Statement of the Caufe of the, and Doane and Doane's Adminiftrators, from its commencement in 1777, to its clofe in Supreme Court United States, February, 1795. i2mo. Portfmouth, I795« Macclintock, Samuel. Sermon at Greenland, February 25th, 1759. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1759. 360 New -York Historical Society. Macclintock, Samuel. Sermon at Greenland, July 22d, 1770. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1770. Sermon on the Death of John the Baptift, dehvered at Ports- mouth, June 14th, 1772. 8vo. Portfmouth. Sermon dehvered June 3d, 1784, on occafion of the Commence- ment of the New Conftitution and Form of Government. 8vo. Portfmouth, 17.84. Epiftolary Correfpondence with the Rev. John C. Ogden, etc. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1791. Difcourfe, occafioned by the prefent Drought, etc., delivered at Greenland, September 9th, 1798. 8vo. Bofton, 1798. An Oration, commemorative of the late Illuftrious General Walhington, pronounced at Greenland, February 22d, 1800. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1800. M*Clung, John A. Sketches of Weftern Adventure, containing an Account of the moft interefting Incidents connefted with the Set- tlement, from 1755 to 1794. l2mo. Dayton, 1844. M'Clure, David. Sermon at Hebron, Connefticut, on the Death of Rev. Dr. Benjamin Pomeroy. 8vo., pp. 24. Hartford, 1792. Sermon at Eaft Windfor, on the Death of Amafa Loomis. 8vo., pp. 18. Hartford, 1794. and Elijah Parish. Memoirs of Eleazar Wheelock. With a Hillory of Dartmouth College and Moor's Charity School. 8vo. Newburyport, 1 8 1 1 . McCoMBiE, Thomas. The Auftralian Wafte Land Bill confidered in a Letter to the Secretary of State for the Colonies. 8vo. Melbourne, 1 846. McCoRD, Louisa S. Caius Gracchus : a Tragedy, in five afts. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1851. M'CoY, Isaac. The Annual Regifter of Indian Affairs, etc., January I, 1835. 8vo. Shawanee Miflion, 1835. McCrie, Thomas. Life of John Knox ; containing Illuflrations of the Hiftory of the Reformation in Scotland, etc. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1831. McCullogh, John W. Sacred Reminifcences. A Sermon delivered Auguft 2 1 ft, 1842, in the Old Swedes' Church, Wilmington, Dela- ware. With Hiftorical Notes. 8vo., pp. 33. Wilmington, 1842. McCulloh, J. H., Jr. Refearches, Philofophical and Antiquarian, concerning the Aboriginal Hiftory of America. 8vo. Baltimore, 1829. M'Donald, Alexander. The Youth's Affiftant; being a Guide to Praftical Arithmetic. Second edition, i2mo. Litchfield, 1789. Gardening ; a Complete Dictionary of Praftical, comprehending all the modern improvements, etc. 2 vols. 410. Lond., 1 807. MacDonald, a. J. Monuments, Graveftones, Burying-Grounds, Cemeteries, Temples, etc. i2mo. Albany, 1848. MacDonald, James M. A Sketch of the Hiftory of the Preft)yterian Church, in Jamaica, L. I. i2mo. N. Y., 1847. Catalogue of Printed Books. 361 M'DoNALD, John. Sermon at the Ordination of Aaron Condift, Still- water, January 15, 1793. 8vo. Albany, 1793. Letters addrefled " to the Friends of Religion," etc., with An- fwers, by Jonas Coe. 8vo., pp. 51. Albany, 1801. M'Donald, John. Biographical Sketches of General Nathaniel Maffie and feveral others. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1838. McDonald, Mary Noel. Poems. 8vo. N. Y., 1844. McDonnough, William. Trial of, for the Murder of his Wife, Eliza- beth, November 17th. Boflon, 1817. McDowel, Benjamin. Sermon in St. Mary's Abbey Meeting Houfe, July 2 1 ft, 1799. 8vo., pp. 40. Dublin, 1799. McDuFFiE, George. Speech on Internal Improvements, with a few Introduftory Remarks in anfwer to a Pamphlet, entitled " Confbli- dation." 8vo. Columbia, 1824. Speech on the Amendment of the Conftitution of the United States, in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, February 15th, i6th, 1826. i2mo. Mace, John. The Proximate Caufe of Dileafe, etc. 8vo., pp. 79. Phil., 1802. McElroy's Philadelphia Direftory for 1852. . . . Fifteenth edition. 8vo. Phil., 1852. Same, for 1854 . . . etc. 17th edition. 8vo. Phil., 1854. Same, for 1855 . . . etc. i8th edition. 8vo. Phil., 1855. M'Farland, Asa. Sermon at Hanover, before the Franklin Lodge of Free and Accepted Mafons, etc. 8vo. Hanover, 1797. Oration before the Society of the Phi Beta Kappa, at their Anni- verfary at Hanover, Auguft 25th, 1802. 4to., pp. 24. Hanover, 1802. Hiftorical View of Herefies, and Vindication of the Primitive Faith. l2mo. Concord, 1806. Sermon at Amherft, N. H., at the Ordination of the Rev. Na- than Lord, May 22, 1 8 16. 8vo. Amherft, 18 16. MacGowan, John. The Arians' and Socinians' Monitor; being a Vifion that a Young Socinian Teacher lately had, etc. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1795. McGregore, David. Profeflbrs Warned of their Danger. A Sermon from Matt. iii. 9, 10, at Stratham, December 28th, 1741. 8vo., pp. 26. Bofton, 1742. Sermon in Bofton, March nth and 12th. 8vo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1747. McGregore, David. Difcourfe in Antrim, N. H., Auguft 30th, 1806. 8vo., pp. 21. Amherft, 1807. Machiavel, Nicholas. The Florentine Hiftory, in VIII. Books. Tranflated from the Italian. 8vo. Lond., 1674. Works. Written originally in Italian, and from thence newly and faithfully tranflated into Englifli. Third edition. Folio. Lond., 1720. McIlvaine, Charles P. The Evidences of Chriftianity in their ex- 362 New- York Historical Society. ternal divifion, exhibited in a courfe of Leflures. 8vo. N. Y., 1832. McIlvaine, Charles P. The Refpcftful Addrefs to all who would Promote the Progrefs of Learning; alfo. Religion in the Wellern States. N. Y., 1833. McIntosh, Duncan. Some account of an Entertainment given in honor of ... in Baltimore, January 9th, 1809. With a Col- leftion of the Pieces delivered on that occafion (French and Eng- lifh.) 8vo. [Baltimore], 1809. McIntosh, Maria J. Woman in America. Her Work and her Re- ward. 8vo. N. Y., 1850. McIntyre, Archibald. A Letter to his Excellency Daniel D. Tomp- kins, late Governor of the State of New York. 8vo. Albany, 1 8 19. Mack, Solomon. A Narrative of the Life of, etc. 8vo. Windfor. [McKean, Joseph.] Sermon, in which the Queftion of War with Great Britain is examined on Chriftian Principles. 8vo., pp. 14. Bofton, 1808. Difcourfe before the Humane Society of Maflachufetts, June, 1809. (MS.) A Plea for Friendlhip and Patriotifm ; in two Difcourfes, Bofton, 27th March and 7th April, 18 14. i2mo. [Not publifhed.] Bofton, 1814. Sermon on the Death of John Warren, M. D., etc. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1815. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Nath. Langdon Frothing- ham, Bofton, March 15th, 1815. 8vo. Bofton, 181 5. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. John Burt Wight, Eaft Sudbury, 25th January, 1815. 8vo, Cambridge, 1815. McKeen, Joseph. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 28, 1800. 8vo. Bofton. ■ Inaugural Addrefs at his entering on the Duties of Prefident of Bowdoin College, With an Eulogy at his Funeral, by Rev. Wil- liam Jenks. 8vo., pp. 38. Portland, 1807. McKenney, Thomas L. Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes . . . alfo, a Vocabulary of the Algic or Chippeway Language. 8vo. Baltimore, 1827. McKenney, Thomas L., and James Hall. Hiftory of the Indian Tribes of North America. 3 vols. Folio. Phil., 1837-44. . Reply to Kofciuflco Armftrong's Afl*ault upon Colonel McKen- ney's Narrative. 8vo. N. Y., 1847. Mackenzie, Alexander. Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Lawrence, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, in the years 1789 and 1793. With an Account of the Fur Trade of that country. Maps. 4to. Lond,, 1801. A General Hiftory of the Fur Trade. [Title mifting.] Mackenzie, George Stuart. A Treatife on the Difeafcs and Manage- ment of Sheep. With Introduftory Remarks on their Anatomical Strufture. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1809. Catalogue of Printed Books. 363 Mackenzie, Sir George Stuart (Bart.) Travels in the Ifland of Ice- land during the Summer of the year 1810. Second edition. 4to. Edinburgh, 1812. Mackenzie, H. Anfwer to Paine's Rights of Man. To which is added a Letter from Peter Porcupine to Citizen John Swanwick. 8vo., pp. 96. Phil., Oftober, 1796. Mackenzie, Roderick. Striftures on Lieut.-Colonel Tarleton's His- tory of the Campaigns of 1780 and 178 1, etc., in a feries of Let- ters to a Friend. To which is added a Detail of the Siege of Ninety-Six, and the Re-Capture of the Ifland of New Providence. 8vo. Lond., 1787. Mackenzie, William L. The Lives and Opinions of Benjamin Frank- lin Butler and JeiTe Hoyt, etc. 8vo. Bollon, 1845. The Life and Times of Martin Van Buren, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1846. McKinnen, Daniel. A Tour through the Britifti Weft Indies, in the years 1 802 and 1 803, giving a Particular Account of the Bahama Iflands. 8vo. Lond., 1804. McKinney, James. A View of the Rights of God and Man, in fome Sermons. 8vo. Phil., 1797. Mac Kinnon, [Daniel.] Origin and Services of the Coldftream Guards. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1833. Mackintosh, Sir James. The Hiftory of England, from the earlieft times to the year 1588. 8vo. Phil., 1834. McKnight, John. God the Author of Promotion : Sermon, (4th July, 1794), before the Democratic Society, etc. 8vo., pp. 24. N.Y., 1794. Thankfgiving Sermon, New York, February 19, 1795. 8vo. N. v., 1795. A View of the Prefent State of the Political and Religious World. Dicourfe, New York, January i, 1802. 8vo., pp. 39. N. Y., 1802. Difcourfe occafioned by the Deceafe of the Rev. Dr. John King. i2mo., pp. 39. Chamberfburg, 1813. M'Knight, John, Jr. An Addrefs delivered before the Philolexian Society, New York, on taking the Prefidential feat. 8vo. N. Y., 1808. Maclaine, Archibald. See Molheim. McLane, Louis. Speech in the Houfc of Reprefentativcs of the United States, February 7th, 1820, on the Miflburi Queftion. i2mo. Maclean, John. Two Ledurcs on Combuftion, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1797. M'Leod, Alexander. Negro Slavery Unjuftifiable. A Difcourfe from Exodus xxi. 16. 8vo., pp. 42. N. Y., 1802. Mefliah, Governor of the Nations of the Earth. A Difcourfe. 8vo., pp. 47. N. Y., 1803. Ledlures upon the Principal Prophecies of the Revelation. 8vo. N.Y., 1 8 14. 364 New-York Historical Society. M'Leod, Alexander. A Scriptural View of the Charadler, Caufes, and Ends of the prefent War. 8vo. N. Y., 1815. The Life and Power of True Godlinefs defcribed in a feries of Difcourfes. 8vo. N. Y., 1816. McLeod, Alexander. The Trial of, for the Murder of Amos Durfee, at the burning and deftruftion of the Steamboat Caroline, by the Canadians, December 29, 1837. Reported by M. T. C. Gould, affifted by H. Fowler. 8vo. [Vol. II. of the Stenographic Re- porter.] N. Y., 1 841. National Rights, and State Rights ; and Review of the Cafe of. By a Member of the Maflachufetts Bar. Bofton, 1841. McLeod, C. Donald. " Plafmion :" a Poem. Delivered before the Philomathean and Eucleian Societies of the Univerfity of the City of New York, July 13, 1841. N. Y., 1841. Maclure, William. Obfervations on the Geology of the United States of America, etc. 8vo. Phil., 181 7. Opinions on Various Subjeds, dedicated to the Induftrious Pro- ducers. VoL I. 8vo. New Harmony, Ind., 1831. Maclurg, James. Experiments upon the Human Bile, and Refleftions on the Bihary Secretion. With an Introduftory Effay. 8vo. Lond., 1772. M*Mahon, Bernard. American Gardener's Calendar, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1806. McMahon, John V. L. An Hiftorical View of the Government of Maryland, from its Colonization to the prefent day. Vol. I. 8vo. Baltimore, 183 1. McMullen, Thomas. Hand-Book of Wines ; Praftical, Theoretical, and Hiftorical. With a Defcription of Foreign Spirits and Liqueurs. 8vo. N. Y., 1852. M'Murtrie, H. Sketches of Louifville and its Environs, including Florula Louifvillenfis, etc. 8vo. Louifville, 1819. MacNeven, William James. A Ramble through Swiflerland in the Summer and Autumn of 1802. 8vo. Dublin, 1803. Pieces of Irifti Hiftory, iUuftrative of the Condition of the Cath- olics of Ireland, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1807. McNevin, John W. Addrefs on Sacred Mufic ; delivered at the An- niverfary of the Handel and Haftings Society, in the Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jerfey, December 5th, 1827. Princeton, N. J., 1827. McNevin, W. J. Expofition of the Atomic Theory of Chemiftry, etc. With an Appendix. N. Y., 1819. McNiece, John. Oration, 4th July, 1802, at Stephentown, New York. 8vo. Danbury, 1802. [Macomb, Robert.] Addrefs of " the United Whig Club " to their Fellow-Republicans of the State of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. [M'Queen, Daniel.] Letters on Mr. Hume's Hiftory of Great Bri- tain. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1756. Catalogue of Printed Books. 365 M'Sherry, James. Difcourfe delivered at the Commemoration of the Landing of the Pilgrims of Maryland, St. Mary's, May 11, 1846. 8vo., pp. 36. Emmitfburg, 1846. McViCKAR, Tames, i^ Conf iderations upon the expediency of Abolilhing Damages on-rrotefted Bills of Exchange, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1829. Striftures on Profeflbr McVickar's Pamphlet, entitled " Con- fiderations upon the expediency of Abolilhing Damages on Pro- teited Bills of Exchange, etc.. New York, 1829. By Publicola. N. Y., 1829 McViCKAR, John. An Addrefs delivered before the Auxiliary New York Bible and Common Prayer-Book Society, January 29, 181 8. 8vo., pp. 23. N. Y., 1 81 8. McViCKAR, John Aug. Homceopathia ; or. Principle, not an Exclu- five Syllem in Medicine. 8vo. N. Y., 1841. Macwhorter, Alexander. Difcourfe, 4th July, 1793, Newark, New Jerfey. 8vo. 1793* Funeral Sermon, on the Death of General Wafhington, Newark, December 27, 1799. 8vo., pp. 44. Newark, 1800. Sermon before the Female Charitable Society, Newark. 8vo., pp. Newark, 1805. Century Sermon, Newark, New Jerfey, January i, 1801 ; con- taining a brie£ Hillory of the Prefbyterian Church in that Town. 8vo., pp. 24. Newark, 1807. Macwhorter, Alexander C. Oration, 4th July, 1 794, Newark, New Jerfey. 1 2mo. 1 794. Madan, M. Anfwer to a Pamphlet, intitled " A Faithful Narrative of Fafts, relative to the late Prefentation of Mr. H s," etc. i2mo. Lond., 1767. Madden, R. R. A Letter to W. E. Channing, D. D., on the fubjeft of the Abufe of the Flag of the United States in the Ifland of Cuba, and the advantage taken of its prote6lion in Promoting the Slave Trade. 8vo. Bofton, 1839. Madden, T. The Genuine Sermon, preached on the Death of Mr. George Dewey, Wine Merchant. 8vo., pp. 24. Lond., [1803.] Maddox, Isaac. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 15th, 1733. 8vo. Lond., 1734. Sermon before the Prefident, etc., of the Hofpital for the Small Pox, and for Inoculation, March 5, 1752. 4to., pp. 15. Rep., Bofton, 1752. Madera, Gregorio Lopez. Excelencias de la Monarchia y reyno de Efpana. Folio. Cordova, 1597. Madhouses in England. Report, together with the Minutes of Evi- dence, and an Appendix of Papers, from the Committee, appointed to confider of provilion being made for their better regulation. 8vo. Lond., 1 81 5. Madison Agonistes ; or. The Agonies of Mother Goofe. Fragment 366 New-York Historical Society. of a Political Burletta, as afting or to be afted on the American Stage, etc. 8vo. Lend., 1 8 14. Madison, James. Speech in the Houfe of Reprefentatives, January 14th, 1794, in fupport of his propofitions for the Promotion of the Commerce of the ' United States, and in reply to William Smith, of South Carolina. 8vo., pp. 69. N. Y., 1794. A Letter addrefled to the Hon. Secretary of State of the United States. 8vo. 1808. [ ] An Examination of the Britifh Doftrine, which fubjefts to Capture a Neutral Trade, not open in time of Peace. 8vo., pp. 204. Difpaffionate Inquiry into the reafons alleged by, for declaring an ofFenfive and ruinous War againft Great Britain, etc. By a New England Farmer. 8vo. Bofton, 1 8 1 2. [ ] Political Obfervations. 8vo., pp. 24. The Republican Crifis ; or, an Expofition of the Political Jefuit- ifm of. By an Obfervant Citizen of the Diftrift of Columbia. 8vo. Alexandria, 181 2. The Diplomatick Policy of. Unveiled. In a feries of Effays, on the Correfpondence between Mr. Smith and Mr. Jackfon. By a Boftonian. 8vo. The Papers of, purchafed by order of Congrefs, etc. Publifhed under the fuperintendence of Henry D. Gilpin. 3 vols. 8vo. Wafhington, 1840. Madison, James. Difcourfe on the Death of General Wafhington, Williamfburg, February 2 2d, 1800. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 42. N. Y., 1800. Magan, Samuel. Sermon at Chrift Church, in Philadelphia, 28th May, 1787, at the firft Ordination held by the Bifhop in Pennfyl- vania. 8vo., pp. 28. Phil., 1787. Magazine (A). Containing a variety of Effays on Scripture. 8vo., pp.96. Newark, 1797. Magdalen College. Vindication of the Proceedings of his Majeftie's Ecclefiaftical Commiffioners Againft the Bifhop of London and the Fellows of 4to. Lond., 1688. Magdalen Society. Remarks, etc. i2mo., pp. 14. N. Y. Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American Revolution. Third edi- tion. i2mo. N. Y., 1849. Living Orators of America. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 849. Weftward Empire ; or. The Great Drama of Human Progrefs. i2mo. N. Y., 1856. Magna Charta. A Correft Copy of King John's Great Charter, taken from an original in the Cottonian Library, London. Mahomet, Le Alcoran de. 2 vols. i2mo. Amfterdam, 1770. Mahon, Lord. Hiftory of England, from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Paris. Edited by H. Reed. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1 849. [Mai, Angelo.] Catalogo de Papiri Egiziani della Bibliotheca Vati- cana . . . 410. Roma, 1825. Catalogue of Printed Books. 367 Maillet, M. Telliamed ; or, Difcourfes between an Indian Philofo- pher and a French Miffionary on the Diminution of the Sea, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1750. Maine. A Dcfcription of the Situation, Climate, Soil, and Produdions of certain Tradls of Land in the Dillridl of. 4to. ['793'] The Debates, Refolutions, and other proceedings of the Conven- tion of Delegates, Portland, Odober nth and 29th, 1819, for the purpofe of forming a Conftitution for the State of. Taken in Convention, by Jeremiah Pcrley. l2mo. Portland, 1820. Historical Society. Colledtions. Vols. I.-V. 8vo. Portland, 1831-57. Report and Refolves of the Legiflature of the State of, refpefting International Literary Exchanges ; together with Documents re- lating thereto. 8vo. 1847. New Theological Seminary. 8vo., pp. 24. Bangor. Mair, John. An Introdudion to Latin Syntax, etc. Firfl: American edition. i2mo. Phil., 1799. Mais, Charles. The furprifing Cafe of Rachel Baker, who prays and preaches in her fleep. 8vo. N. Y., 18 14. Maison, Peter R. Letters to Thomas Paine, in reply to his Exam- ination of the New Teftament, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1 807. Maittaire, Michael. Hiftoria Typographorum aliquot Parifienfium Vitas et Libros compledens. 8vo. London, 17 17. Makemie, Francis. Narrative of a New and Unufual American Im- prifonment of two Prefbyterian Miniflers, and Profccution of one of them for preaching one Sermon in the City of New York. By a Learner of Law and Lover of Liberty. 4to., pp. 52. Rep., N.Y., 1755. Makenzie, H. An Anfwer to Paine's Rights of Man. With a Letter from Peter Porcupine to Citizen John Swanwick. 8vo. [Imper- fed.] Phil., 1796. Malaga. Ordenanzas para el Real Colegio de San Telmo de. Folio. Madrid, 1787. Malcolm, Howard. Travels in South-Eaftem Afia, etc. 2 vols. 1 2mo. Bofton, 1839. Malcolm, James Peller. Anecdotes of the Manners and Cuftoms of London, during the Eighteenth Century. Engravings. 4to. Lond., 1808. Malden, Henry. Account of King's College Chapel, in Cambridge, etc. i2mo. Cambridge, 1779. Maldonado, Laurent Ferrer. Voyage de la Mer Atlantique a rOcean Pacifique par le Nord-Oueft dans le Mer Glaciale, I'An mdlxxxviii. Traduit d'un Manufcrit Efpagnol, etc., par Charles Amoretti. 4to. Plaifance, 181 2. MaLham, J. A Word for the Bible ; being a Serious Reply to Specu- lative Deifts, etc. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 14, iii. Lond., 1796. Malham, John. The Naval Gazetteer; or. Seaman's Complete 368 New-York Historical Society. Guide. Maps. Firft American edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Bofton, 1797. Malin, W. G. See Pennfylvania Hofpital. Mallet, Du Pan. Confiderations on the Nature of the French Revo- lution ; and on the Caufes which Prolong its Duration. From the French. 8vo. Lond., 1793. Mallet, (Mons.) Northern Antiquities; or, a Defcription of the Manners, Cufloms, Religion, and Laws of the Ancient Danes, in- cluding thofe of our own Saxon Anceftors, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1809. Maltby, Isaac Elements of War. Plates. i2mo. Bofton, 181 1. Malte-Brun. Univerfal Geography, etc. 8 vols. 8vo. Bofton, 1824-31. Manesca, John. Stridlures on Phrenological Doftrines upon the Hu- man Intelleft, in a Letter addrefled to Dr. Spurzheim. 8vo., pp. 28. N. Y. 1832. Manhattan Company. Aft of Incorporation of the . . . 8vo., pp. 12. N. Y., 1799. Manhattan Murder. The Trial for the bloody, etc.. Murder of the Unfortunate Young Woman in the famous Manhattan Well. 8vo. Manley, James R. Eulogium on De Witt Clinton, delivered at New York, nth July, 1828. Addrefs delivered before the Aflbciation of the Alumni of Co- lumbia College, at their Anniverfary, May 4, 1831. 8vo. N. Y., 1831. Manlius, with Notes and References, as publilhed in the Columbian Centinel, 1794. 8vo., pp. 54. Manly, J. P. An Addrefs delivered before the Medical Society of the County of New York, July 25th, 1836. 8vo. Mann, Horace. An Oration, delivered before the Authorities of the City of Bofton, July 4th, 1842. 8vo. Bofton, 1842. A Few Thoughts for a Young Man. A Lefture delivered be- fore the Bofton Mercantile Aflbciation, at its 29th Anniverfary. 8vo. Bofton, 1850. Mann, Samuel. A Sermon preached in Wrentham, January i, 1701. 8vo. Dedham. Manners for Grown Boys. By Martinus Scriblerus Tertius. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1783. Manners, Nicholas. A Word to the World in General, and to the North Americans in Particular, etc. 8vo., pp. 1 2. Manning, James. Sermon occafioned by the Death of the Rev. Rice Harris, D.D., at Hanover Street, etc., Odlober 25th, 1795. 8vo., pp. 40. Lond., 1795. See Da vies. Mansfield, Lord. The Genuine Speech of [on Monday, November 28th, 1774, in the Cafe of Campbell againft Hall.] 8vo., PP- 23. Mansfield, Joseph. Hope : a Poem, delivered in the Chapel of •1 Catalogue of Printed Books. 369 Harvard Univerfity, at a Public Exhibition, July 8, 1808. ^to., pp. 15, Cambridge, 1800. Mant, Richard. Sermon at the Confecration of All Saints' Church, Southampton, November 12, 1795. 8vo. [Imperfeft.] Southampton, 1796. Mante, Thomas. Hiflory of the late War in N. America, and the Iflands of the Weft Indies; including the Campaigns of 1763 and 1764, againft his Majefty's Indian Enemies. 4to. Lond., 1772. Manual of Devout Prayers and other Chriftian Devotions fitted for all perfons and occafions. i8mo. Lond., 1721. Manufacturers. Memorial refpefting. ... ^79^- Manuscript tranfmitted from St. Helena, by an Unknown Channel. Tranflated from the French. i2mo. N. Y., 181 7. Manwaring, Edward. Hiftorical and Critical Account of the moft Eminent Clafhc Authors in Poetry and Hiftory. 8vo. Lond., 1737. ~> Manzi, Pietro, II Conquifto di Meflico . . . 8vo. Roma, 181 7. ■^ [Marbois, Barbe.] Complot d'Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton contre /» W les Etats-Unis d'Amerique et contre le General Walhington, Sep- tcmbre, 1780. Portraits and Map. 8vo. Paris, 18 16. The Hiftory of Louifiana, particularly of the Ceffion of that Colony to the United States of America. With an Introdudlory Eflay on the Conftitution and Government of the United States. Tranflated from the French by an American Citizen. [W. Beach Lawrence.] 8vo. Phil., 1830. Marchand, Etienne. a Voyage Round the World, performed during the years 1790, 1791 and 1792. From the French of Claret Fleurieu. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 180 1. Marcus on Slavery. An Examination of the Expediency and Confti- tutionality of the Prohibition of Slavery in the State of Miflburi. 8vo. See Blunt, Jofeph. 1819. Marcy, Randolph B. (aftifted by McClellan, Geo. B.) Exploration of the Red River of Louifiana, in 1852 . . . with Maps. [Senate Ex. Doc. 23d Congrefs, ift SefTion.] 8vo. Walhington, 1854. Marcy, William L. Oration on the Three Hundred and Eighteenth Anniverfary of the Difcovery of j.A.merica, delivered before the ■ Tammany Society or Columbian Order. 8vo. Troy, 1 809. Marets, (M. De.) L'Ariane de nouveau revue et augmcntee de plufieurs Hiftoires par I'Autheur. 4to. Paris, 1643. . Mariana, Juan de. Hiftoria General de Efpana. Tomo Segundo. . Folio. Madrid, 1678. . Marine Society of the City of New York. Charter, with the By- Laws, and a Lift of the Members. 4to. N. Y., 1788. , Marine Society. Plan for Eftabliflring a General, throughout the • United States, and Syftems of Regulations therein. Written at Sea, in the year 1794. 8vo. Phil., 1798.. Mariners' Church, in the City of Philadelphia. Report of the Pro- ceedings of the Seventh year, etc. 8vo., pp. 24. Phil., 1826.. 24. 370 New-York Historical Society. Marlborough, Duchess of. Party-Gibberifh Explained, and the True Sons of the Church Vindicated. By an Honourable Hand. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1742. Account of the Conduft of, from her firfl coming to Court to the year 1710. 8vo. . Lond., 1742. Same. 1 2mo. Dublin, 1742. Marmontel, John Francis. Memoirs, written by himfelf ; contain- ing his Literary and Political Life, and Anecdotes of the Principal Charaflers of the Eighteenth Century. Firft American edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Phil., 1807. Maroncelli, Piero. See Pellico. Marquette, Jacques. Recit des Voyages et des Decouvertes du . . . en I'annee 1673 et aux fuivantes ; la Continuation de fes Voyages, par le R. P. Claude Allouez et Le Journal Autographe du P. Mar- quette en 1674 et 1675. Avec la Carte de Son Voyage tracee de fa main. l2mo. [Privately printed from the original MS., at Montreal, by James Lenox, Efq., of New York.] Albany, 1855. Marriage. A Letter of Advice concerning. By A. B. 410. Lond., 1676. Of a Deceafed Wife's Sifter Vindicated. In a Letter from a Citizen to a Friend. 8vo., pp. 30. N. Y., 1797. Marriot, William. New Law Diftionary ; comprehending a General Abridgment of the Law, etc. Vol. U. 8vo. [Imperfeft.] Lond., 1798. [Marriott, James.] Plan of a Code of Laws for the Province of Que- bec; reported by the Advocate-General. 8vo. Lond., 1774. The Cafe of the Dutch Ships confidered. 8vo. Fourth edition. Lond., 1778. Marryat, F. a Diary in America ; with Remarks on its Inftitutions. i2mo. N. Y., 1839. Marsden, Joshua. Grace Difplayed ; an Interefting Narrative of his Life, Converfion, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1814. Narrative of a Miffion to Nova Scotia, New Brunfwick, and the Somers Iflands, with a Tour to Lake Ontario. 8vo. Plymouth-Dock, 1816. Marsh, Ebenezer Grant. Oration at Wethersiield, February 2 2d, 1800, on the Death of General Wafhington. 8vo., pp. 16. Hartford, 1800. Marsh, George P. A Compendious Grammar of the Old Northern or Icelandic Language, etc. i2mo. Burhngton, 1838. Addrefs before the Philomathean and Eucleian Societies of the Univerfity of the City of New York, December 24th, 1 844. 8vo. N.Y., 1845. Marsh, James. The Remains of, late Prefident and Profeflbr of Moral and Intelledlual Philofophy in the Univerfity of Vermont. With a Memoir of his Life. 8vo. Bofton, 1843. Marsh, John. Difcourfe in Wethersfield, at the Funeral of the Hon. John Chefter. 8vo. Hartford, 1809. Catalogue of Printed Books. 371 Marsh, Luther R. An Oration on the Life, Charafter, and Public Services of General Nathaniel Woodhull. With an Account of the Origin of the Woodhull Monument Aflbciation. 8vo. N. Y., 1848. Marshall, Charles. The Way of Life Revealed, and the Way of Death Difcovered, etc. 8vo,, pp. 59. Lend., 1772. Marshall, H. The Hiftory of Kentucky, exhibiting an Account of the Modern Difcovery, Settlement, etc., and Prefent State of the Country. 2 vols. 8vo. Frankfort, 1824. Marshall, John. Life of George Wafhington, etc. 5 vols. 4to, Lond., 1804. The Opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States in, the Cafe of Gibbons vs. Ogden, March 2d, 1824. With a Preface, containing an Hiftorical Sketch of the Steamboat Controverfy. 8vo., pp. 27. Albany, 1824. Opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States, at January Term, 1832, in the Cafe of Samuel A. Worcefter vs. the State of Georgia. 8vo., pp. 20. Wafhington, 1832. Writings of, upon the Federal Conftitution. 8vo. Bofton, 1839. Marshall, Nathanael. Sermon in the Church of St. Lawrence Jewry, upon Opening the Tuefday Leflure there, Odober i oth, 1727. 8vo., pp. 31. Lond., 1727. Martel, . Literal Tranflation of Virgil. [Imperfedl.] Martene, Edmundus, and Ursinus Durand. Thefaurus Novus Anec- dotorum. 5 vols. Folio. Paris, 171 7. Martin, Benjamin. The Philofophical Grammar; being a View of the Prefent State of Experimented Phyfiology, or Natural Philofo- phy. In four Parts. Fifth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1755. Same. Seventh edition. 8vo. Lond., 1 769. Same. Eighteenth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1778. The General Magazine of Arts and Sciences, etc. 1 1 vols. 8vo. [Irregularly bound up.] Lond., 1755-56. Biographia Philofophica. An Account of the Lives, Writings, and Inventions of the moft Eminent Philofophers and Mathema- ticians. 8vo. Lond., 1764. Horologia Nova ; or. The Art of Dialling in Theory and Prac- tice, etc. 4to., pp. 15. Lond., 1770. The Defcription and Ufe of a Table Clock, upon a New Con- flruftion, etc. 4to., pp. 10. Philofophica Britannica ; or, a New and Comprehenfive Syftem of the Newtonian Philofophy, Aftronomy, etc. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1771. Martin, Francois Xavier. The Hiftory of Louifiana, from the Ear- liefl: Period. 2 vols. 8vo. New Orleans, 1827-29. The Hiftory of North Carolina, from the Earlieft Period. 2 vols. 8vo. New Orleans, 1829. Martin, John. Public and Domeftic Devotion United. In a Letter to the Heads of Chrillian Families. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1779. 37* New-York Historical Society. — j^— — — Martin, John. Sermon at Salters'-Hall, April i8th, 1781, before the Correfpondent Board in London of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Chriftian Knowledge, etc. 8vo., pp. 31. Lond., 1781. " Speech on the Repeal of the Corporation and Tell Adts, etc. 8vo., pp. 30. Lond., 1790. Queries and Remarks on Human Liberty. ■ " Remarks on Future Mifery. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1794. — Remarks on a Letter to the Rev., occafioned by his late publica- tion of a Sermon, in Broad Street, January 14, 1798. 8vo., pp. 23. Lond., 1798. Martin, Joseph. A New and Comprehenfive Gazetteer of Virginia and the Diftrift of Columbia. With a Hiftory of Virginia, from its Firft Settlement to the year 1754, etc. By a Citizen of Vir- ginia. 8vo. Charlottefville, 1835. Martin, Luther. Modern Gratitude. Nos. IL-IIL 8vo. Genuine Information, delivered to the Legiflature of the State of Maryland, relative to the Proceedings of the General Convention, lately held at Philadelphia, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1788. Martineau, Harriet. Society in America. Fourth edition. 2 vols. i2mo. N. Y., 1837. Mifs Martineau on America Reviewed. (From the American Quarterly Review, for September, 1837.) 8vo., pp. 43. Martinelli, Joseph. Nouveau Diftionnaire de Poche Francois Italien, etc. i6mo. Paris, 1801. Martinet, . The Catechifm of Nature, for the Ufe of Chil- dren. Tranflated from the Dutch, by John Hall. Lond., 1803. Catecifmo de la Naturaleza, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 181 5. Martinico and Guadaloupe. a Genuine Account of the Secret Expedition to, etc. 8vo., pp. 23. Lond., 1759. Martyn, John. Philofophical Tranfaftions [from the year 1743 to the year 1750.] Vol. X. 4to. Lond., 1756. See Virgilius. Martyn, William. The Hiftorie and Lives of the Kings of England, from William the Conqueror unto the end of the Raigne of King Henry the Eighth. Folio. Lond., 1628. Martyr, Peter. De Rebus Oceanicis et Novo Orbe, Decades Tres. Item ejufdem, de Babylonica Legatione, Libri III. et item de rebus ^thiopicis, Indicis, Lufitanicis et Hifpanicis opufcula quasdam, etc., Damiana a Goes, Equitis Lufitani. 8vo. Colonias, 1574. — Opus Epiftolarum, etc., Cui acceflerunt Epiftolas Ferdinandi de Pulgar, etc. Folio. Amfterdam, 1670. Marvel, Ik. Frefh Gleanings ; or, A New Sheaf from the Old Fields of Continental Europe. i2mo. N. Y., 1847. Maryland. Afts of Aflembly, pafled in the Province of Maryland, from 1692 to 1715. Folio. ' Lond., 1723. • ■■'■■ Laws of, at large, with proper Indexes. Now firft collefted, etc., by Thomas Bacon. Folio. Annapolis, 1 764. Catalogue of Printed Books. 373 Maryland. Laws made lince 1773, etc. [Continuation from Bacon's edition of 1764.] Folio. Annapolis, 1787. Proceedings of the Conventions of the Province of, held at the City of Annapolis, in 1774, 1775, and 1776. 8vo. Baltimore, 1836. Legiflative Journals, Documents, and Laws. Hiftorical Society. Conftitution, By-Laws, Charter, Circular, etc. 8vo. Baltimore, 1844. See Mayer, Latrobe, Kennedy. Mascardf, Augustin. Hiftorical Relation of the Confpiracy of John Lewis, Count de Fiefchi, againft the City and Republick of Genoua, in the year 1547. Done into Englifh. i2mo. Lond., 1693. Mason, Cyrus. Oration delivered before the American Inftitute. Second edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1 840. Mason, George. A Supplement to Johnfon's Englifli Dictionary, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1803. Mason, James. Medical Papers, communicated to the Maffachufetts Medical Society. 8vo. Bofton, 1809. Mason, John. A Brief Hiftory of the Pequot War ; efpecially of the memorabje Taking of their Fort at Miftick, in Connefticut, in 1637. Introduftion and Notes, by Rev. Mr. Prince. 8vo. Bofton, 1736. Mason, John. Effays on Poetical and Profaic Numbers and Elocution. Second edition. 8vo. Lond., 175 1. A Treatife on Self-Knowledge. 1 8mo. Mason, John Mitchell. Sermon, September 20th, 1793. Faft Day on account of a Malignant and Mortal Fever prevailing in the City of Philadelphia. 8vo., pp. 64. N. Y., 1793. Mercy Remembered in Wrath. Sermon on the 19th of Febru- ary, 1795. General Thankfgiving Day in the United States. 8vo., pp. 33. N. Y., 1795. Sermon before the New York Miffionary Society, November 7, 1797. 8vo., pp. 49. N. Y., 1797. Funeral Oration on General Waftiington, delivered February 2 2d, 1800, New York. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 32. N. Y., 1 800. Pardon of Sin in the Blood of Jefus. A Sermon preached in Philadelphia, May, 1801. 8vo. N. Y., 180 1. Living Faith. Sermon preached before the Society for the Re- lief of the Deftitute Sick in Edinburgh, November i, 1801. 8vo., pp. N. Y., 1802. • A Sermon delivered before the London Miflionary Society, May 13th, 1802. 8vo. N. Y., 1802. ■ On Major-General Alexander Hamilton, pronounced before the New York State Society of the Cincinnati, on 3 1 ft January, 1 804. Review of his Oration on the Death of General Hamilton. 8vo. N. Y., 1805. 374 New- York Historical Society. Mason, John Mitchell. Same. From the Chriftian Obferver, Vol. IV., 1805. 8vo. N. Y., 1807. Speech, relative to the Refignation of his Paftoral Charge in the City of New York. 8vo. Phil., 18 10. A Plea for Sacramental Communion on Catholick Principles. 8vo. , N. Y., 1816. Sermon on Refigning the Charge of his Congregation, in Murray Q ^^.^^ Street Church, December 2d, 1 82 1. With an Appendix. 8vo., /-'.•fc«. erl_ y pp. 39. N. Y., 1822. ^. Mason, R. B. Report of the Survey and Examination of a Route / " for a Railroad from Bridgeport, in the direftion of New York ' City to Sawpitt's Village. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Mason, William. Sermon, January 13, 1799, °" ^^^ Death of a Young Lady. 8vo., pp. 1 7. Caftine, 1 799. Mason, William P. The Cafe of Jeune Eugenie, determined by the Circuit Court of the United States for the Firft Circuit, Bofton, etc., 1 82 1. 8vo. Bofton, 1822. Masonic Benefit Society. Rules, Orders, and Regulations of the, etc. 4to. Lond. Masonic (The) Excitement. Thoughts on, in Reply to a Letter to Hon. E. Everett. 8vo. Worcefter, 1833. Masonic Institution. Catalogue of Books on, in Public Libraries of the 28 States, Anti-Mafonic in Arguments and Conclufions, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1852. Masonic and Social Address, etc., at Laying the Corner-Stone of St. John's Epifcopal Church, in Ample Form, June 24th, 1 807. 4to., pp. 32. Ports., N. H. Masonry. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the General of the North- ern States of America. 8vo. . Albany, 1 799. Regulations of the, of the State of New York. 8vo. Albany, 1799. Extrafts from Proceedings of, at its Annual Meeting, February, 1824. 8vo. Albany, 1824. Same. 8vo. Albany, 1825. Extrafts from the Grand Chapter of the State of New York, at its Annual Meeting, February, 1826. Albany, 1826. Same. February, 1827. Albany, 1827. Masons. By-Laws belonging to the Chapter of Fortitude, held by Warrant from the Grand and Royal Chapter of England, pp. 10. Birmingham, [Eng.] The By-Laws of Warren Lodge. 8vo., pp. 4. The Conftitutions of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of the Free and Accepted, in the State of New York, etc. 8vo., pp. 56. N. Y., 1794. Same, etc. 8vo., pp. 64. N. Y., [1801.} Massachusetts-Bay, Province. Provincial Acts : — ' Afts and Laws paffed by the Great and General Court of Aflem- Catalogue of Printed Books. 375 bly of the Province of Maflachufetts-Bay, from 1692 to 17 19. To which is prefixed the Charter, etc. Folio. Lond., 1724. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. Acts and Laws — Continued : Afts and Laws of his Majefty's Province of. Charters prefixed and Seffion Laws added to 1740. Foho. Bofton, 1726-40. Same, to 1747. Folio. Bofton, 1742-47. Charter. A Speech, intended to have been fpoken on the Bill for altering the Charter of the Colony of. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1774. House of Representatives. A Continuation of the Proceed- ings of the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the Province of Maffachu- fetts-Bay, relating to the Convening, Holding, and Keeping the General Aflembly at Harvard College, in Cambridge. 8vo. Bofton, 1770. Extraft of a Letter from the Houfe of Reprefentatives to their Agent, Dennys de Berdt, Efq., with fome Remarks. 8vo. Lond., 1770. — — Governors. Speeches of the Governors of Maflachufetts-Bay, from 1765 to 1775, and the Anfwers of the Houfe of Reprefenta- tives to the fame. With their Refolutions and Addrefles for that period, etc. CoUedted and Edited by Alden Bradford. 8vo. Bofton, 1 81 8. Massachusetts, State. Acts and Laws : Adls and Laws of the Commonwealth of, pafled by the General Court, A. D. 1783-85. Folio. Bofton, 1783-85. A&. providing for the more eafy Payment of the Specie Taxes, etc. 8vo., pp. 23. 1786. — — Aft Eftablilhing a Court of Common Pleas, within and for the County of Suffolk, Maflachufetts, to be ftyled "The Bofton Court of Common Pleas." 8vo. 1 8 14. Afts and Refolves, paffed by the General Court, in the year 1845 ; together with the Rolls and Mefl*ages. 8vo. Bofton, 1845. Same, in the year 1 846. 8vo. Bofton, 1 846. Perpetual Laws of the Commonwealth of, from the commence- fnent of the Conftitution in Oftober 1780 to the laft Wednefday in May, 1789, etc. Folio. Bofton, 1789. Agriculture. Society for Promoting Agriculture. Rules and Regulations of the, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1793. Same. 8vo. Bofton, 1796. Army. Rules and Regulations for the. 8vo. Salem, 1775. Census. A Statiftical View of the Population of Maffachufetts, from 1765 to 1840. 8vo. Bofton, 1846. Constitution. Conftitution and Form of Government for the State of, agreed upon by the Convention, 1778, etc. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1778. 376 New-York Historical Society. Massachusetts, State. Constitution — Continued : Report of a Conilitution or Form of Government for the Com- monwealth of, as agreed on by the Committee to be laid before the Convention. 8vo., pp. 15. Bofton, 1779. Conftitution or Frame of Government, agreed upon by the Dele- gates of the People of the State of, in Convention, 1779-80. 8vo., pp. 53. Bofton, 1780. Addrels of the Convention for Framing a New Conftitution of Government for the State of, to their Conftituents. 8vo., pp. 18. Bofton, 1780. Amendment of the Conftitution of, propofed by the Convention of Delegates, Bofton, November, 1820. With their Addrefs to the People of this Commonwealth.. 8vo. Bofton, 1821. Elections. Report of the Cafe of the Belchertown Eledtion, with the Documents and Minutes of the Arguments in the Cafe. 8vo. Bofton, 1 8 II. House of Representatives. Reports of Conteftcd Eleftions in the. 8vo. Dedham, 1814. Historical Society. Collcftions. Firft feries, 10 vols., 1792— 1809. Second feries, 10 vols, 1814-23. Third feries, 10 vols., 1825-49. Fourth feries. Vols. I.-IIL, 1852-56. 33 vols. 8vo, Bofton and Cambridge, 1 792-1 856. Aft of Incorporation, By-Laws, Catalogue of Members, and Cir- cular Letter of the, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1813. Legislative Addresses. Addrefs before the Legiflature to the People of the. 8vo. 1809. Addrefs to the People of Maflachuletts (Legiflative) on the Declaration of War. 8vo. 181 2. Legislative Documents. Debates, Refolutions, and other Pro- ceedings . . . 9th January, 1788, to 7th February, 1788 (on the Federal Conftitution). 8vo. Bofton, 1788. Same. To which are added the Amendments which have been made therein. 1 2mo. Bofton, 1 808. Report and Refolutions of the Committee of the Legiflature on Foreign Relations. [1809.] Public Documents of the Legiflature of, relative to the War, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1 81 3. Documents refpefting the Legiflature of, pafled February 15th, 1812. Documents printed by order of the Senate of the Common- wealth of Maflachufetts. 8vo. 1845. Legiflative Documents, Reports, Abftrafts, etc., for 1 845-46. Legiflative Documents. Senate, Nos. 1-143. Houfe ofRepre- fentatives. No. 1-2 19, for the year 1848. Documents relating to the Boundary Line and Difputed Terri- tory between Maflachufetts and Rhode Ifland. 8vo., pp. 64. Fall River, 1847. Catalogue of Printed Books. 377 Massachusetts, State, Legislative Documents — Continued : Documents publilhed by the Secretary of State, 1 848. Legislature. The Patriotick Proceedings of the Legiflature of Maflachufetts, during their Seffion from January 26th, to March 4th, 1809. 8vo. Bofton, 1809. Proceedings of the Legiflature of the Commonwealth of Mafla- chufetts, in Seflion at Bofton, in the year 1 810. 8vo. Library. Catalogue of the Library of the General Court, printed in 1846. Massachusetts Agricultural Repository and Journal (The). Vol. IIL 8vo. Bofton, 181 5. Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society. Conftitution. 8vo.,pp. 15. See Minot, Adams, Gardiner. Massachusetts College of Physicians. A Letter addrefled to a Re- publican Member of the Houfe of Reprefentatives on a Petition for a New " College of Phyficians." 8vo. Bofton, 1 8 1 2. Massachusetts Congregational Charitable Society. The Aft of In- corporation, Regulations, and Members of the. With a brief Sketch of its Origin, Progrefs, and Purpoles. 8vo., pp. 20. Bofton, 1 8 1 5. Massachusetts General Hospital. Report of the Truftecs of the, prefented to the Corporation at their Annual Meeting, January 26th, 1848. Massachusetts Magazine; or. Monthly Mufeum of Knowledge and Rational Entertainment, etc. Vols. I.-II.-IIL, for 1789, '90, '91, and VL-VIL-VIIL, for 1794, '95, '96. 8vo. Bofton. Massachusetts Medical Society. Medical Papers communicated to the, etc. 8vo., pp. 128. Bofton, 1790. Fellows of the, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1850. Massachusetts Peace Society. Mifcellaneous Reports and Docu- ments. Various dates. '• A Circular Letter from the, to the various Aflbciations, etc., in the United States, 8vo., pp, 16, Cambridge, 18 16. Massachusetts Register (The), For 1787, '95, '96, '98, 1802, '03, '05, '06, '09, '15, '20-'24, '26-'34, '36-'38, '40, '42-'47. i8mo, Bofton. Massachusetts Right-Aim-School, The Right-Aim-School Appeal to the Members of the Houfe of Reprefentatives, for 1835-6, Massachusetts Sabbath-School Union, Firft Annual Report, June I, 1826. 8vo,, pp. 40. Bofton, 1826, Massachusetts Western Railroad Corporation, Report of the En- gineers of the, made to the Direftors.in 1836, Springfield, 1838. Boston and Providence Railroad. Report of the Board of Dire£lors to the Stockholders of the Bofton and Providence Rail- road Company, etc. Bofton, 1832. Report of the Grantees of the Bofton and Providence Railroad Company and Lowell Railroad Corporation, with the Report of the Engineer. 378 New-York Historical Society. Massachusettensis ; or, a Scries of Letters, etc. By a Perfon of Honor upon the Spot. 8vo., pp. 118. Rep., Lond., 1776. [By Daniel Leonard. See Life and Works of John Adams, IV. 10.] Massachusettensis. Stridlures and Obfervations upon the Three Ex- ecutive Departments of the Government of the United States. 8vo. 1792. Master's Advice to his Scholar, on his Firft Admiflion into his Fami- ly, by R. Gentleman, izmo., pp. 32. Shrewfbury, 1776. Matchett, R. J. Baltimore Diredor, for 1853-4 . . . etc. 4to. Bofton, 1853. Same, for 1855-6 . . . etc. 8vo. Baltimore. Mathematical Correspondence, Vol. L i2mo. N. Y., 1804. Mather, Cotton. Magnalia Chrifti Americana; or. The Ecclefiafti- cal Hiftory of New England, from its firft planting in the year 1620, unto the year of our Lord 1698. In Seven Books. Folio, large paper. Lond., 1702. Meat out of the Eater; or. Funeral Difcourfes, occafioned by the Death of feveral Relatives. 8vo. Bofton, 1703. Nunc Diniittis, etc. Funeral Sermon for Mr. John Higginfon, Salem. 8vo., pp. 42. Bofton, 1709. A Diflertation concerning the Future Converfion of the Jewifh Nation, etc. 4to. Lond., 1709. [ ] Theopolis Americana. An EfTay on the Golden Street of the Holy City, before the General Aflembly of Maflachufetts, 1 709. i2mo. Bofton, 17 10. Nuncia Bona, e Terra Longinqua. A Brief Account of fome Good and Great Things a Doing for the Kingdom of God in Europe. i2mo. Bofton, 1715. [ ] Pfalterium Americanum. The Book of Pfalms, in a Tranfla- tion exadlly conformed unto the original ; but all in blank verfe, etc. i2mo. Bofton, 17 18. [ ] The Right Way to Shake off a Viper, etc. With a Preface of Dr. Increafe Mather. Second edition. i2mo. Bofton, 1720. [ ] An Eflay upon a Cafe, too commonly calling for Confidera- tion. What ftiall Good Men do, when they are Evil Spoken of? etc. With a Preface of Increafe Mather. i2mo. Bofton, 1720. — — Accompliflied Singer, with an Atteftation from Dr. Increafe M-ather. i2mo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1721. [ ] Sermon in the time of the Storm, Bofton, February 24th, 1722-3. i2mo., pp. 18. Bofton, 1723. Memoirs of Remarkables in the Life and the Death of the ever- memorable Dr. Increafe Mather. i2mo. Bofton, 1724. Nehemiah^ or, the Great Confolation of God: Sermon. 410. Bofton. Family Religion Excited and Affifted. Indian and Englilh. l2mo. Catalogue of Printed Books. 379 Mather, Cotton. Eflays to do Good ; addrefled to all Chriftians, whether in public or private capacities. New edition, improved by George Burder. 1 2nio. Bofton, 1 808. Mather, Increase. Diatriba de Signo Filii Hominis et de Secundo Meffiae Adventu . . . etc. i6mo. Amftelodami, 1682. KOMHTOrPA'i'iA ; or, a Difcourfe concerning Comets, wherein the Nature of Blazing Stars is enquired into, etc. Small 8vo. Bofton, 1683. Funeral Sermon (John Bailey). 8vo. Bofton, 1698. Coeleftinus. A Converfation in Heaven, Quickened and Affifted, with Difcoveries of Things in the Heavenly World, etc. i zmo. Bofton, 1723. Mather, Moses. The Vifible Church, in Covenant with God, etc. / 8vo., pp. 60. N. Y., 1759. Mather, Richard. Journal, Life, and Death of. [Colleftions of the Dorchefter Antiquarian and Hiftorical Society.] i2mo. Bofton, 1850. Mather, Samuel. Effay on the Good Impreffions produced by Earth- quakes, etc. 8vo., pp. 53. Bofton, 1727. Life of the very Rev. and Learned Cotton Mather. 1 2mo. Bofton, 1729. Sermon on occafion of the Death of Prince Frederick Lewis, be- fore Lieut.-Govemor Phips and Council, May 22, 175 1. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1751. A DifTertation concerning the Moft Venerable Name of Jehovah. 8vo,, pp. 10 1. Bofton, 1760. Convention Sermon, Bofton, May 27, 1762. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1762. The Lord's Prayer ; or, a New Attempt to Recover the Right Verfion and Genuine Meaning of that Prayer. 1 2mo., pp. 66. Bofton, 1766. [ ] Attempt to Show that America was Known to the Ancients. With an Appendix concerning the American Colonies, etc. 8vo., pp. 35. Bofton, 1773. [Mathews, Cornelius.] Behemoth : a Legend of the Mound-Builders. i2mo. N. Y., 1839. The True Aims of Life. An Addrefs delivered before the Alumni of the New York Univerfity. i8mo. N. Y., 1839. A Speech on Inter-National Copyright, delivered ... at the City Hotel, New York, February 19th, 1842. Big Abel and the Little Manhattan. i6mo. N. Y., 1845. Matter of Fact for the Multitude. By a True Patriot. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 38. Lond., 1798, Maty, Henry. A New Review : with Literary Curiofities and Lite- rary Intelligence. Vols. I.-VIII. 8vo. Lond., 1782-85. Mauduit, Israel. The Cafe of the Diflenting Minifters. Fourth edi- tion. 8vo. Bofton, 1773. A Short View of the Hiftory of the New England Colonies, 380 New-York Historical Society. with refpeft to their Charters and Conftitution. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lend., 1776. [Mauduit, Israel.] Remarks upon General Howe's Account of his Proceedings on Long Ifland in the Extraordinary Gazette of Oftober 10, 1776, 8vo., pp. 54. Lond., 1778. Mauger, Claude. Les Dialogues Francois et Flamends . . . etc. De Franche en Nederduytfche Sampenfpraken . . . etc. i6mo. [Imperfeft.] Utrecht, 1786. Maule, J. Fail Sermon, in the Chapel of the Royal Hofpital for Seamen, at Greenwich, February 28, 1794. i2mo., pp. 19. Lond., .1 794. Maundrell, Henry. A Journey from Aleppo to Jerufalem, at Eafter, A. D. 1697. Alfo, a Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai, and back again, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1 8 10. Maupertuis, (M. de.) The Figure of the Earth, determined from Obfcrvations made by order of the French King, at the Polar Circle, etc. From the French, 8vo. Lond., 1738. Maurelle, Francisco Antonio. Journal of a Voyage in 1775, to Explore the Coafl: of America, Northward of California, by the Second Pilot of the Fleet, in the King's Schooner called the Sonora, and commanded by Don Juan Francifco de la Bodega. [Tranflated by Hon. Daines Barrington.] 410. [Lond., 1781.] Maurice, Thomas. Indian Antiquities ; or, Diflertations, etc., rela- tive to Hindoftan. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1794. Mauroy, M. Du Commerce des Peuples de I'Afrique Septentrionale dans I'Antiquite, le Moyen age et les Temps Modernes Compare au Commerce des Arabes de nos jours, ouvrage faiffant fuit a la " Queftion d'Alger en 1844." Second edition. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Maury, Jean Sifrein, (l'Abbe). Principes d'Eloquence pour La Chaire et La Barreau. Nouv. Ed. 8vo. Paris, 1 804. Maury, M. F. Aftronomical Obfcrvations, made during the year 1845, at the National Obfervatory, Wafhington, under the direc- tion of. Vol. I. Publifhed under the authority of the Secretary of the Navy. 4to. Wafhington. Paper on the Gulf Stream and Currents of the Sea. Read be- fore the National Inftitute, at its Annual Meeting, April 2d, 1 844. 8vo., pp. 16. Wind and Current Chart of the North Atlantic. Wafhington. Sheets Nos. i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Explanations and Sailing Direftions to accompany the Wind and Current Charts. . . . 6th Edition. 4to. Phil., 1854. Form of Abftraft Log, for the Ufe of American Navigators. Mavor, William. Thankfgiving Sermon, December 19th, 1797. 8vo., pp. 25. Oxford, 1798. Mawe, John. Defcriptive Catalogue of Minerals. 8vo. Lond., 1816. Travels in the Gold and Diamond Diftridls of Brazil; defcrib- ing the Methods of Working the Mines, etc. Plates. 8vo. Lond., 1825. Catalogue of Printed Books. 381 Mawer, John. Difcourfe (on the Lord's Supper), del'vered in the Author's Parifh Church, on Good Friday, 1736. 8vo. York. Maxcy, Jonathan, Funeral Sermon, occafioned by the Death of Rev, James Manning, D. D., July 3ifl:, 1791. 8vo., pp. 43. Providence. Sermon, Auguft 9th, 1795, at Providence. 8vo., pp. 15. Providence, 1795. — ^ Sermon delivered at the Dedication of a Meeting Houfe in Cumberland, 14th September, 1796. 8vo., pp. 22. Providence, 1796. Difcourfe, defigned to Explain the Doftrine of the Atonement. In two Parts. 8vo., pp. 39. Providence, 1796. Sermon at the Annual Convention of the Warren Aflbciation, September 12th, 1797. 8vo., pp. 22. Bofton, 1797. Funeral Sermon, December 17th, 1817, before the Legiflature of the State of South Carolina. 8vo., pp. 50. Columbia, 181 8. Funeral Sermon, occafioned by the Death of Mr. John Sampfon Bobo, of the So. Ca. College, 8vo., pp. 16. Columbia, 18 19. Maxwell, Hiram. Report of a Cafe, decided at the City Hall, New York, 3d February, 1823. 8vo. N. Y., 1833. Maxwell, Samuel. Cafe and Complaint of . . . Pallor of a Church of Chrift in Rehoboth, of the Baptifl Denomination. 8vo., pp. 25. Newport, 1750, Maxwell, A Letter from a Friend in England to Mr, , , . com- plaining of his dilatorinefs in the publication of his fo long- promifed Work, with a Charafter of Dr, Johnfon's Englifh Dic- tionary, and Mr. Maxwell's Juftification of Himfelf, 4to., pp. 26. Dublin, 1755. Maxwell, William. The Virginia Hiftorical and Literary Adver- tifer. Vol. L, for the year 1848; Vol. IL, 1849; Vol. lU., 1850; Vol. IV., 1851. 4 vols, in two. i2mo. Richmond. May, Edward. Remarkable Extrafts, felefted from a Work printed in 1687, by Peter Jurieu, entitled "The Accomplishment of Scripture Prophecies," etc. 8vo., pp. 51. Henley, 1790. May, Hezekiah. Thankfgiving Sermon, delivered at Bath, Novem- ber 25th, 1802. 8vo. Portland, 1802. Sermon at the Inftallation of Rev. Sylvefter Sage, Braintrec, No- vember 4th, 1807. 8vo., pp. 28, Bolton, 1808. May, Samuel J, Letters to the Rev. Joel Hawes, D, D,, in Review of his Tribute to the Memory of the Pilgrims, 8vo. Hartford, 1 83 1. Mayer, Brantz. Commerce, Literature and Art, A Difcourfe de- livered at the Dedication of the Baltimore Athenaeum, Oftober 23d, 1848. 8vo. Baltimore, 1848. Journal of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, during his Vifit to Canada in 1776, as one of the Commiffioners of Congrefs. With a Memoir and Notes. 8vo., pp. 84. Baltimore, 1845. Tah-Gah-Jute ; or, Logan and Captain Michael Crefap ; a Dif- ^82 New-York Historical Society. courfe before the Maryland Hiftorical Society . . . 9th May, 1 85 1. 8vo., pp. 86. Baltimore, 1851. Mayer, Brantz. Calvert and Penn ; or. The Growth of Civil and Religious Liberty in America, as difclofed in the Planting of Maryland and Pennfylvania. A Difcourfe ... in Philadel- phia before the Pennfylvania Hiftorical Society, 8th April, 1852. 8vo. Baltimore, 1852. Mayer, Charles F. Difcourfe delivered before the Maryland His- torical Society, 20th June, 1 844. 8vo., pp. 3 2. Baltimore, 1 844. Mayer, F. See Pondeaux, H. Mayhew, Experience. Sermon, at Bofton, November 23, 171 8. With a brief Account of the State of the Indians on Martha's Vineyard, etc., from 1694 to 1720. l2mo, Bofton, 1720. Grace Defended in a Modeft Plea for an Important Truth, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1744. Letter to a Gentleman on that Queftion, whether Saving Grace be different in fpecies from Common Grace, or in degree only ? i2mo., pp. 28. Bofton, 1747. Mayhew, Jonathan. Eledlion Sermon, MafTachufetts, May 29, 1754. 8vo., pp. 52. Bofton, 1754. Two Sermons (November 23d, 1755), occafioned by the Earth- quakes, etc. 8vo., pp. 76. Bofton, 1755. Two Thankfgiving Sermons, 23d November, 1758. 8vo., pp. 57. Bofton. Difcourfe occafioned by the Death of the Hon. Stephen Sewall, etc. 8vo., pp. 66. Bofton, 1760. Sermon occafioned by the great Fire in Bofton, March 20, 1760. 8vo., pp. 38. Bofton, 1760. Two Difcourfes (Thankfgiving) occafioned by the Reduftion of Canada. 8vo., pp. 69. Bofton, 1760. Remarks on his Incidental Refleftions relative to the Church of England, etc. 4to., pp. 31. Portfmouth, 1763. Obfervations on the Charter and Conduft of the Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1763. Candid Examination of the Obfervations, etc. Bf one of the Members of the Society. 8vo. Bofton, 1763. Defence of the Obfervations, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1763. Anfwer to his Obfervations on the Charter and Conduft of the Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts. 8vo., pp. 68. Lond., 1764. Remarks on " Anfwer to Mayhew's Obfervations," etc., being a Second Defence of the Obfervations. 8vo. Bofton, 1 764. Letter of Reproof to John Cleaveland, occafioned by a Defama- tory Libel publifhed under his name. 8vo. Bofton, 1764. Popifh Idolatry. A Difcourfe delivered in the Chapel of Har- vard College, in Cambridge, New England, May 8th, 1765. (Dudleian Ledlure.) 8vo. Bofton, 1765. I Catalogue of Printed Books. 383 Mayhew, Jonathan. ThankJgiving Difcourfe, occafioned by the Re- peal of the Stamp Aft, Bofton, May 23, 1766. 8vo., pp. 44. Bofton, 1766. Same. Second edition. 8vo. Bofton, 1 766. An Eclogue Sacred to the Memory of. 4to., pp. 16. Bofton. Mayo, Robert. A View of Ancient Geography and Ancient Hiftory. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Phil., 181 3. Political Sketches of Eight Years in Walhington. 8vo. Baltimore, 1839. The Affidavit of Andrew Jackfon, taken by the Defendants in the Suit of Robert Mayo vs. Blair and Rives for a libel, analyfed and refuted. 8vo. Waft^ington, 1840. Mayo, William Starbuck. Kaloolah ; or, Journeyings to the Djebel Kumri . . . etc. Second edition. i2mo. N. Y., 1849. The Berber ; or. The Mountaineer of the Atlas . . . etc. Second edition. i2mo. N. Y., 1850. [Mazzei, Philip.] Recherches Hiftoriques et Politiques fur les Etats- Unis de I'Amerique Septentrionale, etc. Par un Citoyen de Vir- ginie, avec quatre Lettres d'une Bourgeois de New Haven, fur I'unite de la Legiflation. 4 vols. 8vo. Colle (Paris), 1788. Mead, Henry. Sermon, May 28th, 1780, Chrift both God and Man. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1780. The Real Saint Delineated. A Sermon, February 24th, 1782. 8vo., pp. 25. Lond., 1782. Sermon, April 23, 1789, at St. Pancras Church, on God's Goodnefs, etc. 8vo., pp. 29. Lond. Faft Day Sermon, in Bethel Chapel, St. Pancras, March 9th, 1796. 8vo., pp. 39. Lond., 1796. Mead, Richard. A Mechanical Account of Poifons, in feveral Eflays. i2mo. Lond., 1702. A Short Difcourfe, concerning Peftilential Contagion, and the methods to be ufed to prevent it. Fourth edition. 1 2mo. Lond., 1720. Mead, Samuel. A Faithful Hint of the Final Redudtion and Reftora- tion of Sinners. 8vo., pp. 42. Keene, 1796. Meadowcourt, Richard. Sermon at Weftminfter Abbey, Novem- ber 5, 1726. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 29. Lond., 1728. Sermon at the Cathedral Church of Worcefter, Faft Day, April nth, 1744. 8vo,, pp. 18. Lond., 1744. Meadows, F. C. A New French and Englifh Pronouncing Didionary, on the bafis of Nugent's, etc. Fourth American edition. By George Folfom. i2mo. N. Y., 1836. Meares, John. Voyages made in the years 1778 and 1789, from China to the North-Weft Coaft of America. With an Intro- du6lory Narrative of a Voyage in 1786, from Bengal, of the ftiip *' Nootka," etc. Maps and plates. 4to. Lond., 1 790. Mease, James. A Geological Account of the United States, etc. 24mo. Phil., 1807. 384 New -York Historical Society. Mease, James. The Pifture of Philadelphia, izmo. Phil., 181 1. Introduftory Letter to a Courfe of Leftures upon Comparative Anatomy, November 3d, 1813. 8vo. Phil., 18 14. An Addrefs on the Progrefs of Agriculture, etc., delivered before the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture, January 14th, 1817. 8vo. Defcription of fomc of the Medals ftruck in relation to Important Events in North America before and fince the Declaration of In- dependence. 8vo. N. Y., i8zi. Letter, tranfmitting a Treatife of the Rearing of Silk Worms, by Mr. De Hazzi, February 12th, 1828. 8vo. Wafliington,- 1828. Mechanic. Addrefs to Working Men on the Low Prices of Wages. New York, Oftober, 1840. 8vo. An Addrefs to the Mechanics and Laboring Clafles. 8vo. N. Y., 1840. Medical Communications of the Maflachufetts Medical Society. 2 vols. 8vo. Bofton, 1808. Medical Education. Report of a Committee of the Medical Society of the State of New York. 8vo. Albany, 1840. Medical Ethics. A Syftem of, adopted by the Medical Society of the State of New York. 8vo. Albany, 1 846. Medical Repository, condudled by Samuel L. Mitchell, M. D., Ed- ward Miller, M. D., and Elihu Smith. 15 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1804. Medicine. Tranfaftions of the Medical Society of the State of New York for 1808. 8vo. N. Y., 1808. Medicines. A Treatiie on the Powers of, by the late learned Her- man Boerhaave. Tranflated from the moft correft Latin edition by Jno. Martin. 8vo. Lond., 1 740. Medill, W. Annual Report of the Commiffioner of Indian Affairs, tranfmitted with the Meflage of the Prefident, at the opening of the Firft Seffion of the 30th Congrefs, 1847-1848. 8vo. Wafhington, 1848. Medina, Solomon de, et al. The Decree in the Cafe of, in London, and Roderigo Pacheco, Jacob de Lara, and Manual de Cofta, bearers of their orders. Complainants ; againft Rene Het, and the Executors of Andrew Frefneau, deceafed. Defendants, in Cancel- laria Nova Eborac. Folio, pp. 44. N. Y., 1728. Meditationes divorum Catholicorum ; with portraits of the Saints. 1 8mo. [Imperfeft.] Medley, Samuel. Sermon at the Tabernacle, near Mooriields, Lon- don, Oftober 29, 1777. 8vo., pp. 56. Lond., 1778. Meekness. A Difcourfe on, and guietnefs of Spirit. i2mo. [Am. Traft Society.] . N. Y. Meerman, Gerardus. Origines Typographies. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Hagae Comitum, 1765. Meigs, R. J. Poem fpoken in the Chapel of Yale College, at the Catalogue of Printed Books. 385 Quarterly Exhibition, March 9th, 1784. 410., pp. 16. New Haven. [Mein, John.] Sagittarius's Letters and Political Speculations, ex- tra, N. Y., 1794. Travels in Italy, exhibiting a View of Society and Manners in that Country, etc. 8vo. Glafgow, 1 8 1 1 . Moore, John W. Complete Encyclopasdia of Mufic, Elementary, Technical, Hiftorical, Biographical, Vocal and Inftrumental. 8vo. Bofton, 1854. Moore, Mark. Memoirs and Adventures of. Written by Himfelf. 8vo. Lond., 1795. Moore, Nathaniel F. An Hiftorical Sketch of Columbia College, in the City of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Moore, S. S., and T. W. Jones. The Travellers' Directory ; or, a Pocket Companion, Ihewing the Courfe of the Main Road from Philadelphia to New York, and from Philadelphia to Waihington, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1804. Moore, Samuel W. Memoir of the Life and Character of John Watts, M. D. With an Addrefs to the Graduates, at the Com- mencement of the College of Phyficians and Surgeons, April 5 th, 1831. 8vo., pp. 28. N. Y., 1831. Moore, Thomas. The Great Error of American Agriculture Ex- pofed; and Hints for Improvement Suggefted. Baltimore, 1801. Moore, Thomas L. Sermon before the Convention of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church, in the State of New York, November 3, 1789. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1789. Sermon in Trinity Church and St. Paul's, in the City of New York, Oftobcr 14, 1792. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1792. Mooyer, Ernst Friedrich. Die Enfalle der Normannen in die Pyrenaifchc Halbinfel, etc. 1 6mo. Munfter and Minden, 1 844. Moral Philosopher. Rebuke to the, for the Errors and Im- moralities contained in his Third Volume. 8vo., pp. 15. Lond., 1 740. . Moral Societies. Tranfaftions of a Convention of Delegates from feveral Moral Societies in the State of New York, in Albany, 13th . January, 18 19. 8vo. Albany, 1819. . Morales, Antonio Bachiller y. Antigucdades Americanas. 8vo. . Havana, 1845. Morals. An Examination of the Leading Principle of the New Syftem of, as ftated in Godwin's Political Jufticc. 8vo,, pp. 60. Lond., [1798]. . 26 402 New-York Historical Society. More, Hannah. Confiderations on Religion and Public Education. With Remarks on the Speech of M. Dupont, delivered in the Na- tional Convention of France. Third edition. 1 2mo., pp. 24. Dublin, 1793. Praftical Piety ; or. The Influence of the Religion of the Heart, on the Conduft of the Life. More, Henry. A Modefl Inquiry into the Myftery of Iniquity, etc. Folio. Lond., 1664. Moreau, a. de James. Tableau du Climat des Antilles, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1817. Moreau de Saint Mery (M.) Loix et Conftitutions des Colonies Francoifes de I'Amerique fous la Vent, etc. Tomes 6. 410. A Paris. A Topographical and Political Defcription of the Spanifh Part of St. Domingo, etc. Tranflated from the French, by William Cobbett. Vol. I. 8vo. Phil., 1798. Moreau, Victor. Juftification from a Charge of Confpiracy, ex- hibited againft him by the Imperial Republic of France. Trans- lated by George L. Gray. 8vo. Norfolk, 1804. Life and Campaigns of, till his Embarcation for the United States. i2mo. N. Y., 1806. Funeral Oration at St. Peterfljurg in honor of. Tranflated from the French. With Preface. 8vo., pp. 60. N. Y., 1814. Morehead, James T. An Addrefs in Commemoration of the Firft Settlement of Kentucky, delivered at BoonflDorough, 25th May, 1840. 8vo. Frankfort, Ky., 1841. MoRELLET, Andre l'Abbe. Memoires inedits de, fur Le Dix-huitieme Siecle et fur La Revolution, etc. 2me ed. Tom. 2. 8vo. Paris, 1822. MoRERi, Louis. Le Grand Diftionaire hiftorique ou le melange curieux de I'Hiftoire Sacree et Profane. 8 vols. Folio. Amft;erdam, 1740. Morgan, Augustus de. Statement in anfwer to an Aflertion made by Sir William Hamilton, Bart. 8vo. Lond., 1 847. Morgan, Lady. France. 2 vols. i2mo. N. Y., 1817. Morgan, John. A Difcourfe upon the Infl;itution of Medical Schools in America ; delivered at a public Annivei-fary Commencement, held in the College of Philadelphia, May 30 and 31, 1765, with a Preface, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1765. A Vindication of his Public Charafter in the ftation of Direftor- General of the Military Hofpitals, and Phyfician-in-Chief to the American Army, Anno 1776. 8vo., pp. xliii. 158. Bofton, 1777. Morgan, R. P. Report to the Hudfon River Railroad Committee, January, 1842. 8vo. Poughkeepfie, 1842. Morgan, Sir William. An Appeal to the People of Great Britain on the prefent alarming ftate of the Public Finances, and of Public Credit. Third edition. 8vo. Lond., 1797. Catalogue of Printed Books. 403 MoRiER, James, A Journey through Perfia, Armenia and Afia-Minor to Conftantinople, in the years 1808 and 1809. Maps and En- gravings. 4to. Lond., 1 81 2. MoRisoN, John. Counfels to Young Men, on Modern Infidelity, and the Evidences of Chriftianity. 1 8mo. Same, i zmo. [Am. Traft Society.] N. Y. MoRisoN, John H. Life of the Hon. Jeremiah Smith, LL.D. i zmo. Bofton, 1845. MoRisoN, William. New Hampfhire Eleftion Sermon, Dover, June 7th, 1792. 8vo. Exeter, 1792. Morning Star out of the North (The) ; or. The Ruine and Deftruftion of the Pope and Church of Rome, and the Ad- vancement of the Proteitant Religion throughout Europe, pp. 46. Lond., 1680. Morris Canal. Reports and Documents relative to the, in New Jerfey. 8vo. . Morriftown, 1823. Morris, Gouverneur. Oration upon the Death of General Wafhing- ton, delivered before the Corporation of the City of New York, 31ft December, 1799. 8vo., pp. 24. N. Y., 1800. Oration in honor of the Memory of George Clinton, May 9th, 1 81 2. 8vo. N. Y. Oration, July 5th, 181 3, before the Wafliington Benevolent So- ciety of the City of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 181 3. and Robert Fulton. The Advantages of the Propofed Canal from Lake Erie to Hudfon River, fully illuftrated in a Correfpond- ence between. 8vo. 18 14. Morris, Jacob. Addrefs delivered before the Otfego County Agri- cultural Society, at Cooperftown, Oftober 14th, 181 7; to- gether with the Addrefs of Elkanah Watfon. 8vo, Cooperftown, 1 8 1 7 . Morris, James. A Statiftical Account of feveral Towns in the County of Litchfield. Publiflied by the Connefticut Academy of Arts and Science. 8vo. New Haven, 181 5. Morris, James R. An Addrefs . . . delivered before the Philadel- phia Society for Promoting Agriculture, January 14th, 181 7. 8vo. Morris, Margaret. Private Journal kept during a portion of the Revolutionary War, for the Amufement of a Sifter. (Privately printed.) 4to. Phil., 1836. Morris, Richard V. A Defence of the Conduft of Commodore Morris during his Command in the Mediterranean. With Stric- tures on the Report of the Court of Enquiry held at Wafhington. 8vo. N. Y., 1 804. Morris, Robert H. The Opinion of the Attorney-General on the Legality of the Condudl of Robert H. Morris, Recorder of the City of New York. 8vo. Albany, 1 841. Morris, Valentine. Narrative of his Official Condud. Written by Himfelf. 8vo. Lond., 1787. 404 New-York Historical Society. Morse, Jedediah. The American Geography ; or, a View of the Prefent Situation of the United States of America, 8vo. Ehzabethtown, N. J., 1789. Thankfgiving Sermon, delivered at Charleftown, February 1 9th, 1795. 8vo. Bofton, 1795. Sermon on the Death of Hon. Thomas Ruflell, at Charleftown, April 17, 1796. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1796. Sermon at Charleftown, on the National Faft, May 9th, 1798. 8vo., pp. 29. Bofton, 1798. Faft Day Sermon, Bofton and Charleftown, May 9th, 1798. 8vo., pp. 30. Bofton, 1798. Sermon at Charleftown, April 29th, 1798, on the Death and Interment of Hon. James Ruflell. 8vo., pp. 21. Bofton, 1798 Faft Sermon, delivered at Charleftown, April 25th, 1799. 8vo pp.36. • _ N. Y., 1799 Addrefs to the Students at Philips' Academy, in Andover, July 9th, 1799. 8vo., pp. 16. Charleftown, 1799 Sermon at Charleftown, Thankfgiving Day, November 29th 1798. With an Appendix. Third edition. 8vo., pp. 79. Bofton, 1799 Prayer and Sermon, delivered at Charleftown, 3 1 ft December 1799, occafioned by the Death of General Waftiington, with an Additional Sketch of his Life and Notes. Alfo, an Account of the Proceedings of the Town, written by Jofiah Bartlett of C. 8vo., pp. 46, 36, 24. 8vo. Charleftown, 1800. Difcourfe before the Humane Society of Maflachufetts, June 9th, 1801. 8vo., pp. 53. Bofton, 1801. The American Gazetteer, exhibiting a full Account of the Amer- ican Continent, etc. Maps. Second edition. 8vo. Charleftown, 1804. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Hezekiah Way, delivered in Marblehead, June 23d, 1803. 8vo. Charleftown, 1803. and Elijah Parish. A Compendious Hiftory of New England, defigned for Schools and Private Families. Map. 1 2mo. Charleftown, 1804. True Reafons on which the Eledlion of a Hollis ProfefTor of Divinity in Harvard College was oppofed, etc., February 14th, 1805. 8vo., pp. 28. Charleftown, 1805. Sermon at Charleftown, on the Death of Mifs Mary Ruflell. 8vo., pp. 18. 1806. Sermon, Bofton, September 25th, 1 807, before the Managers of • the Bofton Female Afylum. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1 807. A New Gazetteer of the Eaftern Continent, etc., defigned as a fecond volume to the above. Maps. Second edition. 8vo. Bofton, 1808. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Jofhua Huntington, i8th May, 1808, at Bofton. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1808. Catalogue of Printed Books. 405 I Morse, Jedediah. Sermon before the Society for Propagating the Gofpel among the Indians and others in North America, No- vember I, 1 8 10. 8vo., pp. 72. Bofton, 1 810. The American Univerfal Geography, etc. 2d vol. 8vo. Bofton, 1 81 2. Appeal to the Public, on the Controverfy refpefting the Revo- lution in Harvard College, etc. 8vo. Charleftown, Mafs., 18 14. Same. Third edition. With a fhort Abftradl: of the Hiftory of New York and New Jerfey. i2mo. Charleftown, 1820. Sermon before the American Board of Commiffioners for Foreign Miffions, at their Annual Meeting in Springfield, Mafs., Septem- ber 19, 1 82 1. 8vo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1 82 1. Same. Second edition. 8vo,, pp. 31. Wafhington, 1822. A Report to the Secretary of War of the United States on In- dian Affairs, comprifmg a Narrative of a Tour performed in the Summer of 1820, etc. Map and Portrait. 8vo. New Haven, 1822. MoRss, James. Difcourfe delivered in St. John's Church, Portfmouth, May 29th, 1808, on occafion of opening the New Church. 8vo. Newburyport, 1808. Mortality. ^ A Colleftion of the Yearly Bills of, from 1657 to 1758 inclufive. Together with feveral other Bills of an earher date, etc. 4to. Lond., 1759. MoRTiER, Pieter. Mcdalifchc Hiftorie der Republyk van Holland. In Franfch befchreeven door den Heer Bizot, etc. 4to. t'Amfterdam, 1690. Mortimer, George. Obfervations and Remarks made during a Voy- age to the Iflands TenerifFe, etc.. Fox Iflands, on the North- Weft Coaft of America, Tinian, and to Canton, in the Brig "" Mercury." 8vo. Dublin, 1 79 1. Mortimer, Thomas. Treatife on the Law of Bills of Exchange and Promiflbry Notes. 8vo., pp. 102. Dublin, 1794. Morton, Ebenezer. More Laft Words to thofe Churches. In An- fwer to a Pamphlet publifhed by Mr. John Cotton, etc. 4to., pp. 35- Bofton, 1746. Morton, Elizabeth. Daughter's Defence of her Father. [Contro- verfial Religion.] 8vo., pp. 53. Lond., 1788. Morton, Nathaniel. New England's Memoriall ; or, a Brief Rela- tion of the moft Memorable and Remarkable Paflages of the Provi- dence of God manifefted to the Planters of New England, in America; with Special Reference to the Firft Colony thereof, called New-Plimouth, etc. 4to. Cambridge, 1669. Same. Second edition. 8vo. Bofton, 1721. Same. Third edition. 8vo. Newport, 1772. Same. Fourth edition. i2mo. Plymouth, 1826. Same. Fifth edition. Containing Notes and an Appendix, with a Lithographic copy of an ancient Map. By John Davis. 8vo. Bofton, 1826. 4o6 New -York Historical Society. Morton, Samuel George. Crania Americana ; or, a Comparative View of the Skulls of various Aboriginal Nations of North and South America, etc. Folio. Phil., 1839. Crania ^gyptiaca ; or, Obfervations on Egyptian Ethnography ; derived from Anatomy, Hiftory and the Monuments. [From the Tranfaftions of the American Philofophical Society. Vol. IX.] 4to. Phil., 1844. A Memoir of William Maclure, Efq., late Prefident of the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia. Second edition. 8vo. Phil., 1844. An Inquiry into the Diftinftive Charafterillics of the Aboriginal Race of America. Second edition. 8vo. Phil., 1 844. Some Obfervations on the Ethnography and Archaeology of the American Aborigines. From the American Journal of Science, Vol. II. Second Series. 8vo., pp. 19. New Haven, 1846. Catalogue of Skulls of Man and the Inferior Animals, in the Col- Icflion of. Third edition. 8vo. Phil., 1 849. Morton, Thomas. A Cure for the Heart Ache. A Comedy. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 85. Lond., 1797. Secrets Worth Knowing. A Comedy. 8vo., pp. 69. Lond., 1798. MosELEY, Elisha. Scrmon on the Death of Rev. Samuel Foxcroft, New Gloucefter. 8vo., pp. 16. Portland, 1807. Moseley, Jonathan Ogden. Oration at Eaft Haddam, Conn., 2 2d February, 1800. 8vo., pp. 16. Hartford, 1800. Moses, Meyer. Oration delivered at Tammany Hall, on the 1 2th of May, 1831 ; being the 42d Anniverfary of Tammany Society. 8vo. N. Y., 1831. MosHEiM, John Lawrence. Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, Ancient and Modern, . . . etc. Tranflated by Archibald Maclaine, D. D. 6 vols. 8vo. Chiarleftown, Mafs., 1810-11. Moss, Charles (Bifhop of St. David's). Sermon before the Incorpo- rated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 21, 1772. 4to. Lond., 1772. Motraye, Aubry de la. Travels through Europe, Afia, and into Part of Africa, with proper Cutts and Maps. Folio. 3 vols. Large paper. Lond., 1723-32. Mott, James. Obfervations on the Education of Children, and Hints to Young People in the Duties of Civil Life. 8vo. N. Y., 18 16. MoTT, Maria. Short Account of the Laft Sicknefs and Death . . . Mamaroneck. i2mo., pp. 28. N. Y., 18 17. MouLTON, Joseph W. Hiftory of the State of New York, including the Aboriginal and Colonial Annals. Vol. I., Parts I. II. 8vo. N. Y., 1824-26. View of the City of New Orange (now New York), as it was in the year 1673. With Explanatory Notes. 8vo. N. Y., 1825. New York 170 Years Ago; with a View, and Explanatory Notes. 8vo. N. Y., December, 1843. Catalogue of Printed Books. 407 MouLTON, William. A Concife Extraft from the Sea Journal of, written on board the Onico, in a Voyage from New London, in Conn., to Staten Land, in the South Sea. 8vo. Utica, 1 804. Moultrie, William. Memoirs of the American Revolution, fo far as it related to the States of North and South Carolina and Georgia, etc. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1802. MouRNiER, M. Appel au Tribunal dc I'Opinion Publique, etc. 8vo. Geneva, 1 79 1. Mount Auburn. A Catalogue of Proprietors in the Cemetery of Mount Auburn, on the ift day of May, 1846; together with the Terms of Subfcription, Regulations, and a Diredlory of the Avenues and Paths, with a Large Plan of the Grounds, and other Engravings. 8vo. Bofton, 1846. [Mountmorris, Hervey, Viscount.] The Crifis ; a Colledlion of Eflays, upon Toleration, PubHc Credit, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1794. Mount Vernon Lodge. Conftitution, By-Laws, and Rules of, etc. i6mo. N. Y., 1842. Mouette, (Sieur.) Travels in the Kingdoms of Fez and Morocco, during his eleven years' captivity in thofc parts. 4to. [See Stevens's Colleftion of Voyages.] Lond., 1 709. Mouttet, M. Etienne. St. Domingo dcvant Europe, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1843. MouvEL, M. DE L'Amant Bourru. Comedie, etc. 8vo., pp. 96. Paris, 1777. Mowbray, Geoffrey. Remarks on the Conduft of Oppofition during the prefent Parliament. 8vo., pp. 117. Lond., 1798. MoxoN, Joseph. A Tutor to Aftronomy and Geography, or an Eafy and Speedy way to know the ufe of both the Globes, Celeftial and Terrellrial. 4to. Lond., 1686. Muhlenberg, William Augustus. The Rebuke of the Lord; a Sermon preached in the Chapel of the Inftitute at Flufhing, L. L, on the Sunday after the great fire in New York, i6th and 17th December, 1835. 8vo. Jamaica, 1835. Muilman, Teresa Constantia. Letter humbly addrefled to the Right Hon. the Earl of Chefterfield. 8vo. Lond., 1750. MuiR, James. Ten Sermons. i2mo. Alexandria, 1 81 2. MuiR, Thomas. Account of his Trial, etc., 30th and 31ft Auguft, 1793, for Sedition. 2d American Edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1794. MuLFORD, Isaac S. Civil and Political Hiftory of New Jcrfey. 8vo. Camden, 1848. Mulgrave, Earl of. An Eflay on Poetry. Second Edition. Folio, pp. 31. Lond., 1 69 1. MuLLER, S. Voyages from Alia to America, for completing the Dis- coveries of the N. W. Coaft of America, with a Summary of the Voyages made by the Ruffians on the Frozen Sea in Search of a North-eaft Paflage. Maps. By Thomas Jeffreys. Second Edi- tion. 4to. Lond., 1764. MuLso, Thomas. Callillus ; or, the Man of Fafhion : and Sophro- 4o8 New-York Historical Society. nius ; or, the Country Gentleman, in Three Dialogues. 8vo., pp. 213. Lond., 1768. MuN, Thomas. England's Treafure by Forraign Trade, etc. 8vo. ' Lend., 1669. MuNKHOUsE, Richard. A Difcourfe delivered in the Church of St. John Baptift, Wakefield, June 25th, 1798, before the Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1798. MuNSELL, Joel. Outline of the Hiftory of Printing, and Sketches of the Early Printers. 8vo. Albany, 1839. The Every Day Book of Hiftory and Chronology. ... 2 vols. i2mo. Albany, 1843. A Colleftion of Pamphlets. 4 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1 848. The Albany Annual Regifter, for 1849. i2mo. Albany, 1849. Same. Part II. l2mo. Albany, 1850. The Annals of Albany. Vols. l, 2, 3. 8vo. Albany, 1850. The Typographical Mifcellany. 8vo. Albany, 1850. MuNOZ, Juan Baptista. The Hiftory of the New World. Trans- lated from the Spanifh, with Notes by the Tranflator. An En- graved Portrait of Columbus and a Map of Efpanola. Vol. I. 8vo. Lond., 1797. Murphy, Archibald D. Oration delivered in Perfon Hall, Chapel Hill, 27th June, 1827. Second Edition. 8vo. Raleigh, 1843. Murphy, Henry C. Voyages from Holland to America, a. d. 1632 to 1644. By David Peterfon de Vries. Tranflated from the Dutch. 4to. [Privately printed by James Lenox, Efq., of New York.] N.Y., 1853. Vertoogh van Niew Nederland, and Breeden Raedt asnde Ve- reenichde Ncderlandfche Provintien. Two rare Trafts, printed in 1649—50, relating to the Adminiftration of Affairs in New Netherland. Tranflated from the Dutch. 4to. [Privately printed by James Lenox, Efq., of New York.] N. Y., 1854. The Firft Minifter of the Dutch Reformed Church in the United States. Letter from Jonas Michaelius from Manhatas in New Netherland, nth Auguft, 1628. Tranflated and printed for private diftribution by . . . 8vo,, pp. 25. The Hague, 1853. Murphy, Arthur. Works of Cornelius Tacitus, with an Eflay on his Life and Genius, etc. 4 vols. 410. Lond., 1793. Arminius : a Tragedy. 8vo., pp. 91. Lond., 1798. [Murphy, John S.] Interefting Documents, containing an account of sj the Federal Proceflion, etc., July 23, 1788, etc. i2mo., pp. 128. N. Y., 1 8 19. Murphy, Murdock. Funeral Difcourfe delivered in Medway Church, Georgia, at the Interment of the Rev. Thomas Sumner Winn. 8vo. pp. 21. Savannah, 1819. MuRATORi, Ludovico Antonio. Annali d'ltalia dal principio dell* era volgare fino all' anno 1750. Colle prefazione di G. Catalan!. 14 vols. 4to. Lucca, 1 762-1770. Catalogue of Printed Books. 409 Murray, Alexander. Cafe of ... in an Appeal to the people of Great Britain, etc. 8vo, Lend., 1 751. Murray, Hugh. Hiftorical account of Difcoveries and Travels in Africa, from the earlieft ages to the prefent time. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 181 8. Hiftorical account of Difcoveries and Travels in Afia, from the earlieft ages to the prefent time. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820. Hiftorical account of Difcoveries and Travels in North America. Map. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1829. Hiftorical and Defcriptive account of Britifh America, etc. 2 vols. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 840. The Encyclopaedia of Geography, etc., revifed, with additions, by Thomas G. Bradford. 3 vols, in 2. 8vo. Phil., 1843. Murray, James, An Impartial Hiftory of the prefent War in Amer- ica .. . Vols. I. II., 8vo. Newcaftle-upon-Tyne, London. [ ] Sermons to Afles. Third Edition. i2mo. Phil., 1769. [ ] Sermons to Doctors in Divinity ; being the fecond volume of Sermons to Afles. i2mo., pp. 144. Phil., 1773. Murray, John. The Laft Solemn Scene. Sermon at Bofton, May 22d, 1768. 8vo., pp. 47. Salem, 1769. Appeal to the Impartial Public in behalf of the Oppreflcd, etc. 8vo., pp. 39. Salem, 1770. The Charadler of . . . fet in a fair and impartial Light. 8vo., pp. 15- Salem. Murray, John. His Life, written by himfelf, with a brief continua- tion, by a Friend. 8vo. Bofton, 1816. Murray, Joseph. Opinion, relating to the Courts of Juftice in the Colony of New York. 4to., pp. 44. N. Y., 1734. Murray, Jo. Andrea. Apparatus Medicaminum tam fimplicium quam prasparatorum et compofitorum in praxeos adiumentum confidera- tus. 6 vols. 8vo. Gottingaj, 1776-92. Caroli a Linne equitis Syftema Vegetabilium fecundum clafles ordines genera fpecies cum chara6leribus et difFerentiis. Editio decima quarta. 8vo. Gottingaz, 1784. Murray, Lindley. An Englifti Grammar, comprehending the Prin- ciples and Rules of the Language, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1814. Abridgment of his Englifli Grammar, etc. i2mo. Phil., 1819. A Memorial of York Monthly Meeting of Friends, February, 1828. The Power of Religion on the Mind, in Retirement, Affliftion, and at the Approach of Death, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1836. Same. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. MuscuT, James. Sermons on various fubjefls. 8vo., pp. 245. Cambridge, Eng., 1760. MusEi Theupoli Antiqua Numifmata, olim collefta a Joanne Dominico Theupolo aufta et edita a Laurentio Equite et D. Marci Procura- tore et Federico Senatore Fratribus Theupolis. 2 vols. Folio. Venetiis, 1736. 410 New -York Historical Society. Museum (The) ; or, the Literary and Hiftorical Regifter. Vol. I., Nos. I, 2, 17. 8vo. Lend., 1746. [MussEY, John.] Letter from a folicitous Father to his Children. 8vo., pp. 16. Haverhill, 1802. Mutual Assurance Company. The Deed of Settlement of the New York. 4to., pp. 17. N. Y., 1787. Aft to Incorporate the, of the City of New York, etc. 8vo., pp. 24. . N. Y., 1798. Mutual Assistance Bag Company. Rules and Regulations, etc. pp. 16. N. Y., 1803. Mutual Relief Society. Conftitution of the, of the City of New York, izmo., pp. 14. N. Y., 1807. Mycall, John. Funeral Addrefs on the Death of General Walhing- ton, etc.. Harvard, February 22, 1800. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton. Myer, Moses D. Oration delivered at Tammany Hall, on 12th May, 1 83 1. 8vo. N. Y., 1831. Myles, William. A Chronological Hiftory of the People called Methodifts, of the Conneftion of the Rev. John Wefley, from 1729 to 1802. Third Edition. i2mo. Lond., 1803. Nahuijs, (Kolonel.) Brieven over Bencoolen, Padang, het rijk van Menangkabau, Rhiouw, Sincapcera en Pcelopinang. 8vo. Breda, 1827. Verzamcling van officiele Rapporten, betrefFende den oorlog op Java in de Jaren 1825-30. 4 vols. 8vo. Deventer, 1835-6. Nairne, Charles Murray. Atheifm and Pantheifm. A Lefture de- livered before the Young Men's Aflbciation, Albany, March i oth, 1848. 8vo. Albany, 1848. Nalson, John. An Impartial Colleftion of the Great Affairs of State, from the Beginning of the Scotch Rebellion, in the year 1639, to the Murther of King Charles I., etc. Vols. I. II. Folio. Lond., 1682-3. Namur. An Exaft Journal of the Siege of, etc. 4to. Lond., 1695. Nani, Baptista. Hiftorie der Republyke van Venetie uit het Ital- iaanfch vertaald door W. B. 4to. t'Aemfteldam, 1685. The Hiftory of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of the Republick of Venice. Tranflated by Sir Robt. Honywood, Kt. 4to. Lond., 1683. Napea, Oloff. Letters from London. Obfervations of a Ruffian, during a Relidence in England of Ten Months ; of its Laws, Manners, etc. Tranflated from the original MSS. 8vo. Lond., 1 816. Naples. Travels through various Provinces of the Kingdom of Naples, in 1789. By Charles UlyfTes of Salis Marochlens. Tranflated from the German, by Anthony Anfrere, Efq. 8vo. Lond., 1795. Napleton, John. Advice to a Student in the Univerfity concerning Catalogue of Printed Books. 411 the Qualifications and Duties of Minifters of the Gofpcl in the Church of England. 8vo., pp. 147. Oxford, 1795. Napoleon and the Marfhals of the Empire. 2 vols. 1 2mo. Phih, 1848. Narborough, Sir John, et al. Account of feveral late Voyages and Difcoveries, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1 711. Nares, R. Man's Beft Right : a Solemn Appeal in the Name of Religion. 8vo. Lond., 1793. Nash, M. The Columbian Ephemeris, and Aftronomical Diary for the year 1 81 2. 4to. N. Y., 1812. Ladies* and Gentlemen's Diary ; or. United States Almanac, etc.. No. I. For the year 1820. i2mo. N. Y., 1819. Nason, Reuben. Addrefs delivered at Gor|;>am, on opening the Acad- emy in that place, September 8th, 1806. 8vo., pp. 15. Portland, l8o6." Sermon preached at Gorham, on Thankfgiving Day, November 27th, 1806. 8vo., pp. 15. Portland. Nation. The State of the ; with a Preliminary Defence of the Budget. Firft and Second Edition. 4to., pp. 26. Lond., 1765.. Same. Part IL With regard to its Income, Expenditure, and Unfunded Debt. 4to., pp. 27, 39. Lond., 1765. National Academy of Design. Catalogues of the Annual Exhibi- tions. 8vo. National Debt. Confiderations on the late Bill for Payment of the Remainder, etc. 8vo., pp. 60. Lond., 1754. National Institute. Bulletins of the proceedings of the ... for the Promotion of Science. 8vo. Wafhington, 1840—46. National Institution. Circular and Addrels of the, for Promoting Induftry in the United States, to their fellow-citizens, N. Y., 1820. National Preacher (The). New York, March, 1829. Vol. III. No. 10. National Reform. Principal and Objefts of the National Reform Aflbciation, or Agrarian League. By a Member. National Register, The ; a weekly paper, containing . . . public documents and the proceedings of Congrefs . . . biographical (ketches, etc. Vols. I-IX. 8vo. Wafhington, 1816-20. National Route. Great National Thoroughfare, from the Weft and South- Weft into New England by the Northern or Lake Route, from New Orleans to New York. 8vo. Portland, 1 847. Natural History of Animals. Containing the Anatomical Defcrip- tion of feveral Creatures difTefted by the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris. Fol. Lond., 1702. Naunton, Sir Robert. See Arcana Aulica. Nautical Education. Letter from a Friend to a Young Gentleman of Maryland, on his entrance into the U. S. Navy. 8vo. 1841. Navarrete, Martin Fernandez de. Coleccion de los Viages y 412 New-York Historical Society. Defcubrimientos que hicieron por mar los Efpanoles defde fines del Siglo XV., etc. 5 vols., 4:0. Madrid, 1825-37. Navigation and Trade. Colledlion of Reports and Papers on, etc. 8vo. Lend., 1807. Navigator, The ; or, the Trader's Ufeful Guide in Navigating the Monongahela, Allegheny, Ohio, and Miffiffippi Rivers, etc. i zmo. Pittfburg, 1806. Same, etc. Maps. i2mo. Pittfburg, 18 11. Neal, Daniel. The Hiftory of New England, containing an Impar- tial Account of the Civil and Ecclefiaftical Affairs of the Country, to the year of our Lord 1700, etc. Map. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1720. The Hiftory of the. Puritans, or Proteftant Nonconformifts, from the Reformation in 15 17 to the Revolution in 1688, etc. Edited by John O. Choules. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1 844. Neal, John. Otho : a Tragedy, in five ads. i2mo. Bofton, 18 19. Neal, Richard. A fhort Difcourfe concerning Peftilential Contagion, and the methods to be ufed to prevent it. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1720. I*J^eckar, M. De la Revolution Francoife. Tome 2d, i2mo. 1797. Neckar. Seventeen Nos. under the fignature of Neckar, upon the cauies of the prefent diftrefs of the country, with a propofed reme- dy. By a Citizen of New York. N. Y., Auguft, 1837. Neef, Joseph. Sketch of a Plan and Method of Education, founded on an Analyfis of the Human Faculties, etc. 1 2mo. Phil., 1 808. Negroes. Letter to the, lately converted to Chrift in America, etc. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1743. Neilson, Charles. An original, compiled, and corrected Account of Burgoyne's Campaign, and the memorable Battles of Bemis's Heights, September 19th, and Oftober 7th, 1777. From the moft authentic fources of information, including many interefting incidents connefted with the fame ; and a Map of the Battle- ground. i2mo. Albany, 1844. Neilson, William. Greek Exercifes in Syntax, Ellipfis, Dialefts, Profody, and Metaphrafes ; to which is prefixed a concife but comprehenfive Syntax. 8vo. Dundalk, 1 804. Nelson, David. The Caufe and Cure of Infidelity ; including a no- tice of the Author's unbelief, and the means of his refcue. 1 2mo. Neuman and Baretti's Didlionary of the Spanifh and Englifli Lan- guages, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Bofton, 1835. Neutral Rights. The Numbers of Phocion, which were originally publilhed in the Charlefton Courier, in 1 806. 8vo. Charlefton. Neutrals. An Examination of the Conduft of Great Britain, refpedl- ing. 8vo. Phil., 1807. Nevins, William. Thoughts on Popery. 1 8mo. Praftical Thoughts. 1 8mo. Nevis. A6ts of Aflembly, pafled in the Ifland of, from 1664 to 1739, inclufive. Folio. Lond., 1740. Catalogue of Printed Books. 413 Newark. Conftitution of tKe Female Society for the Relief of Poor and Diftrefled Perfons in. 8vo., pp. 8. Newark, N. J., 1803. Newark Fire Association. Article of Aflbciation and Syflems of Organization and Regulations, etc. izmo., pp. 24. Newark, 1797. Same. 8vo., pp. 20. Newark, 1 807. New Bath Guide (The) ; or. Memoirs of the B — r — d Family. In a feries of Poetical Epiflles. Fourth Edition, with the addition of an Epilogue, Criticifms, etc. 8vo. Dublin, 1768. New Bedford, City of. Proceedings on the occafion of Laying the Corner Stone of the Library Edifice, for the Free Public Library of the. Auguft 28, 1856. 8vo. New Bedford, 1856. New Brunswick. A Diredlory of the City of, for 1855. i2mo. New Brunfwick, 1855. Newburgh. Charter of the Bank of. 1 2mo., pp. 11. Newburgh, 1 8 1 1 . New Crisis. By an Old Whig. N. Y., January, 1810. Newell, C. Hiftory of the Revolution in Texas, particularly of the War of 1835 and '36, together with the lateft Geographical, Topographical and Statiflical Accounts of the Country, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1838. New England's First Fruits, in Refpeft, Firft of the Converfion of fome, Convidlion of divers. Preparation of fundry, of the Indians, etc. 4to. Lond., 1643. New England. A Further Accompt of the Progrefle of the Gofpel amongft the Indians in New England, and of the means ufed efFedually to advance the fame, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1659. Judged. With an Appendix, being certain Writings of thole who were there executed ; alfo a Relation of the Trial and Exe- cution of William Leddra. 4to. [Imperfeft.] Lond., 166 1. The Deplorable State of, by reafon of a Covetous and Treach- erous Govemour, and Pufillanimous Counfellors, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1708. A Brief Review of the Rife and Progrefs, Services and Suffer- ings of, elpecially the Province of Maffachufetts-Bay. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1774. -o /; y "T ) and Vermont. A Short Hiftory of late Ecclefiaftical Oppres- ffr^hJ^K^ O^^''. sions in. By a Citizen. 8vo. Richmond, 1779. '' "~~r- A Defenfe of the Legiflature of Maflachufetts, or the Rights of, . . . Vindicated. 8vo. Bofton, 1804. Hiftorical and Genealogical Regifter, publilhed quarterly under the direftion of the New England Hiftorical and Genealogical Society. Vols. I-XIL, 8vo. Bofton, 1847-58. Magazine. 9 vols., 8vo. Bofton, 1831-35. Society. Conftitution of the, in the City and State of New York, concluded in April, 1805. 8vo., pp. 8. N. Y., 1806. Patriot. Being a Candid Comparifon of the Principles and Conduft of the Wafhington and JefFerfon Adminiftration. With Notes. 8vo. Bofton, 1810. 414 New-York Historical Society. New England. Examination of the Pretenfions of New England to Commercial Pre-eminence. With a View of the Caufes of the Sufpenfion of Cafh Payments at the Banks. i2mo. Phil., 1814. An Addrefs to the Clergy of, on their Oppofition to the Rulers of the United States. By a Layman. i2mo,, pp. 28. Concord, 18 14. Southern Traveller's Vifit to : a Poem. 8vo. Bofton, 1830. The Prefent State of, with refpeft to the Indian War, etc., 1675. i^mo. [Rep.] Bofton, 1833. Newhall, James R. The Eflex Memorial for 1836, embracing a Regifter of the County. i2mo. Salem, 1836. New Hampshire Grants. Petition to King George III. relative to the New Hampfhire Grants. 8vo. . 1 766. Constitution. Addrefs of the Convention for framing a New Conftitution of Government, for the State of, to the Inhabitants of faid State. 8vo., pp. 63. Portfmouth, 1781. Containing a Bill of Rights and Form of Government agreed upon by the Delegates of the people of the State, etc. 8vo., pp. 47. Portfmouth, 1783. Electors. Addrefs to the. 8vo., pp. 14. [1804.] An Appeal to the Old Whigs of . . . 8vo., pp. 15. 1805. Colledions, Topographical, Hiftorical and Biographical, relating principally to . . . Edited by John Farmer and Jacob Bailey Moore. 3 vols., 8vo. Concord, 1822-24. Report of the Committee, appointed to draft an Anfwer to his Excellency's Communication. 8vo. 18 16. Laws : Laws of the, palTed June, 1843, June. and November, 1844, and June, 1845. 8vo- Concord, 1843-5. The Compiled Statutes of. To which are prefixed the Confti- tutions of the United States and of the State of New Hampfhire. 8vo. Concord, 1853. Legislative Journals : Legiflative Journals and Documents. 1 807-45. The Annual Register, and United States Calendar, for 1 841, '42, '45 — '58. The two firft edited by Afa Fowler, and thofe subfequent by G. Parker Lyon. 24mo. Concord. Association. Minutes of the, held at Buxton, June 13, 14, 1 804. 8vo., pp. II. Portfmouth. Asylum for the Insane. Reports of the Board of Vifitors and Truftees, and the Superintendent of the, June Seffion, 1848. 8vo. Concord. Baptist Church. Letters explanatory of the difficulties exift- ing in the, at Salifbury, N. H. 8vo. Concord, 1827. Cent Institution. Report of the Concerns of the, September, 1817. 8vo., pp. 15. Concord, 18 17. General Association. Proceedings of the, September, 1809 8vo., pp. 8. Charleftown. Catalogue of Printed Books. 415 Ne V Hampshire Historical Society. Colleftions. Vols. I-VI. 8vo. Concord, 1827-50. Medical Society. Laws of the Eaftern Diftrift of the . . . 8vo. Exeter, 1799. ■ Missionary Society. Conftitution, with an Addrefs to all ChrilHan People. 8vo., pp. 10. Concord, 180 1. Statement of the Affairs of faid Society, with an Addrefs to the Public. 8vo., pp. 18. Concord, 1803. The Repository, devoted to Education, Literature and Religion ; conducted by the Faculty of Gilmanton Theological Seminary. Vols. I-II. 8vo. Gilmanton, 1845. [This work, after the publication of fix numbers, was merged into the New England Hiftorical and Genealogical Regifter, pub- liflied at Bofton.] New Haven. Cafes and Obfervations by the Medical Society of, in the State of Connefticut, in the year 1784. New Haven, 1788. Remonstrance. Examination of the Prefident's Reply to the, with an Appendix, containing the Prefident's Inaugural Speech, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1801. Reply to the Examination of the Prefident's Anfwer to the, with an Appendix, fhewing how many Incumbents are Republicans, and how many are Federalifts, by Leonidas. 8vo. N. Y., 1801. -• Remonftrance ; together with an Expofition of the Remon- ftrants. 8vo. 1814. New Holland. The Hiftory of, from its firft difcovery, in 1616, to the prefent time. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1787. New Ireland. Confiderations on the Sovereignty, Independence, Trade and Fiflieries of (formerly known by the name of Nova Scotia), and the adjacent Iflands, etc. l2mo., pp. 24. Conftitution and Frame of Government of, etc. 1 2mo. Phil. New Jersey. The Afts of the General Aflembly of the Province of New Jerfey, from the time of the Surrender of the Government of the faid Province to the Fourth Year of the Reign of King George the Second. Colledled and publilhed by Order of the faid AfTembly. With a Table of the Principal Matters therein contained. Folio. Philadelphia. [Kinfey's Edition.] William and Andrew Bradford. ^732. The Grants, Conceffions, and Original Conftitutions of the Province of New Jerfey, the Afts pafled during the Proprietary Governments, and other material tranfaftions, before the Surren- der thereof to gueen Anne. The Inftrument of Surrender, and Her formal Acceptance thereof. Lord Cornbury's Commiffion and Inftruftions confequent thereon. Colledled by fome Gentle- men employed by the General Aflembly, and afterwards pub- liflied by virtue of an Aft of the Legiflature of the faid Province. With proper Tables alphabetically digefted, containing the Prin- cipal Matters in the Book. By Aaron Leaming and Jacob Spicer. Folio. W. Bradford. Phil. [1758.] 41 6 New- York Historical Society. New Jersey. The Adb of the General Afl*embly of the Province of New Jerfey, from the time of the Surrender of the Government in the Second Year of the Reign of Queen Anne to this prefent time, being the Twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of King George the Second. CoUefted and publiftied by Order of the General Affem- bly of the faid Province. With proper Tables ; and an Alpha- betical Index, containing all the Principal Matters in the body of the book. By Samuel Nevill, Efq., Second Juftice of the Supreme Court of Judicature of the faid Province. Folio. William Brad- ford. 1752. Same, from the year 1753, etc., to the year 1761. With an Appendix, containing the Afts of Parliament relating to His Majefty's Forces and the Articles of War. Volume the Second. Folio. James Parker. Woodbridge in N. J., 1761. Afts of the General Aflembly of the Province of New Jerfey, from the Surrender of the Government to Queen Anne, on the 17th day of April, in the year of our Lord 1702, to the 14th day of January, 1776. To which is annexed, the Ordinance for regulating and eftablifhing the Fees of the Court of Chancery of the faid Province. With three Alphabetical Tables and an Index. Compiled and publifhed under the appointment of the General Aflembly, and compared with the original Afts. By Samuel Allinfon. Folio. Ifaac Collins. Burlington, 1776. Votes and Proceedings of the General Afl*embly of the Province [Colony] of New Jerfey. [From the 3d Seflion of the 2 1 ft Aflem- bly (Sept. 26, 1 770) to the 2d Sitting of the 4th Seflion of the 22d Aflembly inclufive (Dec. 6, 1775). Bound in one volume.] Folio. Burlington, 1770-75. Journals of the Proceedings of the Legiflative Council of the State of New Jerfey, etc. [From the ift Seflion (Aug. 27, 1776) to the 2d Sitting of the 8th Seflion inclufive (Sept. 2, 1784). With Minutes and Proceedings of the Joint Meetings with the Aflembly, etc.] Folio. Trenton, 1777-84. Votes and Proceedings of the General Aflembly of the State of New Jerfey. [From the 5 th Seflion (Oft. 24, 1780) to the i ft Sitting of the 9th, inclufive, Dec. 24, 1 784.] Folio. Trenton, 1 780-84. Ads of the General Afliembly of the State of New Jerfey. [From the ift AflTembly to the nth Afl'embly inclufive.] 2 vols., folio. Trenton, 1777-87. Adls of the Council and General Aflembly of the State of New Jerfey, from the Eftabliftiment of the prefent Government and Declaration of Independence to the End of the ift Sitting of the 8th Seflion on the 24th Day of December, 1783 ; with the Con- ftitution prefixed. To which is annexed an Appendix, contain- ing the Articles of Confederation of the United States, etc. With two Alphabetical Tables and an Index. Compiled under the appointment of the Legiflature. By Peter Wilfon, A. M. Folio. Ifaac Collins. Trenton, 1784. Catalogue of Printed Books. 417 New Jersey. Same. Another Copy. [This copy differs flightly in the title, which reads, " Ads of the General Aflembly," etc., in- ftead of as above.] P.ropofals for Traffick and Commerce, or Foreign Trade in, in anfwer to that upbraiding qucftion. Why fhould not We have Trade, as all other the Plantations. Collefted from the papers of A. and B., D. N., A. P., F. and G. H. W., and others. And humbly prefented to the General Aflembly. By Amicus Patriae. Where Trade Flourifheth, Wealth and Learning Increafeth. 4to., pp. 24. ryiS. A Bill in the Chancery of New Jerfey, at the fuit of John, Earl of Stair, and others. Proprietors of the Eaftern Divifion of, againft Benjamin Bond, and fome 6ther perfons of Elizabeth Town, diftinguifhed by the name of the Clinker Lot Right Men. With three large Maps. To which is added, the Publications of the Council of Proprietors of Eaft New Jerfey, and Mr. Nevill's Speeches to the General Aflembly, concerning the Riots committed in New Jerfey, and the Pretences of the Rioters, and their Seducers. Folio. N. Y., 1747. An Anfwer to a Bill in Chancery, etc. To which is added Nothing either of the publications of the Council of Proprietors of Eaft New Jerfey, or of the Pretences of the Rioters and their Seducers j except lo far as the Perfons meant by Rioters, pretend Title againft the Parties to the above anfwer; but a great deal of the controverfy, though much lefs of the Hiftory and Confti- tution of New Jerfey, than the faid Bill. Folio. N. Y., 1752. The Bill of Complaint in the Chancery of, brought by Thomas Clarke, and others, againft James Alexander, Efq., and others, commonly called the Proprietors of Eaft New Jerfey, etc. Folio. N. Y., 1 760. Colonial Documents. Report of the Special Committee of the Afl*embly, on the fubjeft of our Colonial Documents in Eng- land. 8vo. Trenton, 1846. Provincial Congress. Extradt from the Journal of Proceed- ings of the Provincial Congrefs of the, held at Trenton, in May, . June, and Auguft, 1775. 8vo. Woodbury, 1835.. Addrefs to the Federal Republicans of the State of, recommend- ■ ing the choice of Aaron Ogden, and others, for Reprefentatives . in the Seventh Congrefs, United States. 8vo., pp. 16. Trenton, 1800. Banks. Aft for eftabhfhing fix State Banks in the, pafled at : Trenton, January 28th, 1812. 8vo., pp. 14. Morriftown, February, 181 2. Convention. Proceedings and Addrefs of the Second Conven- tion of Delegates, at Trenton, 4th July, 18 14, to the people of. New Jerfey. 8vo. Journal of the Votes and Proceedings of the Convention of,f. begun at Burlington, lothjune, 1776, and thence continued by/ 27 41 8 New-York Historical Society. adjournment at Trenton and New Brunfwick, to the 21ft of Auguft following, etc. 8vo. [Rep.] Trenton, 1831. New Jersey Courts of Law. An Aft to regulate the pradlice of the. 8vo., pp. 16. Laws. Laws of the State of, Revifed and publilhed under the authority of the Legiflature. By William Patterfon. 4to. Newark, 1800. Eastern Bot/NOARY. Report of the Commiffioners on the Con- troverfy with the State of New York refpeding the Eaftern Boundary of the State of. 8vo., pp. 61 . Trenton, 1807. Prison. Statiftics of the, from 1799 to 1845, inclulive, etc. 8vo. Trenton, 1846. Bible Society. Firft Report of the Managers, etc., at their Annual Meeting, Princeton, Oftober 2d, 18 10. 8vo., pp. 24. Trenton, 18 10. Grand Lodge. General Regulations for the Government of the. pp. 24 1790. Historical Society. Conftitution and By-Laws. With the Circular of the Executive Committee. 8vo. '845. Colleftions. Vols. I-V. 8vo. 1846-58. Proceedings. Vols. I-VIIL 8vo. 1845-58. The Magazine, and Monthly Advertiser (December, 1786, 'anuary, February, 1787.) 8vo., pp. 72-144. New Brunfwick, N. J. Medical Societies. Rules and Regulations of the. New Brunlwick, 1 809. Navigation Company. Aft of Incorporation of the. 8vo. Trenton, 1804. The Soho Company. Incorporated 27th November, 1801, by the Aflembly of 8vo., pp. 15. N. Y., 1802. Newman, William. Sermon to the Members of the Briftol Educa- tion Society, at their Annual Meeting in Broadmead, Auguft 5 th, 181 2. 8vo., pp. 34. Lond., 1 812 New Orleans, Legislative Council. Aftsofthe ift Seffion, 1805. 2d Seffion, 1806. I ft and 2d SefTions, 1806—7. 8vo. New Orleans. Faithful Pifture of the PoHtical Situation of, at the clofe of the laft and beginning of the prefent year, 1 807. 8vo. Bofton, i8c8. Report of the Sanitary Commiffion of, on the Epidemic Yellow Fever of 1853. 8vo. New Orleans, 1854. See Norman, B. M. Newport (Rhode Ifland). Sketches of, and its Vicinity, with Notices refpefting the Hiftory, Settlement and Geography of Rhode Ifland. i2mo. N. Y., 1842, New Review ; or. Monthly Analyfis of General Literature. Vols. I-III. 8vo. Lond., 181 3-14. . New Rochelle. A Guide to, and Vicinity. 8vo. N. Y., 1 842. Catalogue of Printed Books. 419 Newte, Thomas, Profpefts and Obfervations on a Tour in Eng- land and Scotland . . . 4to, Lond., 1 79 1. New Testament. Pfalms. and Catechifm. Dutch Edition. Small 8vo. Amfterdam, 1746. Notes upon Miftranflations, etc. 1 2mo. Bofton, 1 804. In an Improved Verfion, upon the Bafis of Archbifhop New- come's New Tranflation ; with a Correfted Text and Notes Critical and Explanatory. 8vo. [Rep-] Bofton, 1809. Newton, Sir Isaac. Univerfal Arithmetick ; or, a Treatife of Arith- metical Compofition and Rcfolution. Tranflated by Mr. Ralph- fon and Revifed by Mr. Cunn. 2d Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1728. The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amenjled. 410., large paper. Lond., 1728. Same. New Edition ; with a Letter from the Lord Bifliop of Rochefter, etc. 4to. Lond., 1770. Newton, Richard. Univerfity Education ; or, an Explication and Amendment of the Statute, which prohibits the admiffion of Scholars going from one Society to another without leave of their refpedlive Governors, or Chancellor, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1726. Rules and Statutes for the Government of Hertford College in the Univerfity of Oxford, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1747. Newton, Samuel. Sermon at Witham, in Eflex, Odober 25, 1809. 8vo., pp. 23. Witham and Maldon, 1809. Newton, Thomas. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpcl in Foreign Parts, February 17, 1769. 8vo., pp. 29. 62. Lond., 1769. New York Laws, etc. -Jj o^-tj^-j The Laws of Her Majefties Colony of New York, as they were Enadled by the Governour, Council, and General Aflem- bly, for the time being, in divers Seffions, the first of which began April the 9th, a. d. 1691. To which is added. His Ex- cellency's Speeches and Meflages to the General Aflembly, and a Journal of the Votes and Addrefles of the Houfe during the Ad- miniftrations of the Right Honourable the Lord Cornbury, Lord Lovelace, and the Honourable Coll. Richard Ingoldefby, Efq., Governors of faid Colony, to the 12th of November, 1709. Folio. William Bradford. N. Y., 1710. The Laws of His Majefties Colony of, as they were Enadled by the Governour, Council and General Aflembly (for the time being), in divers Sefilons, the firft of which began April 9th, 1691. Folio. William Bradford. N.Y., 1719. Same. Another copy, impcrfeft. [This has prefixed a general title, dated 1713. Gov. Hunter's Ordinance of 17 10, regulating and eftablifhing Fees (20 pp.), and one of 171 5, altering the times of fitting of the Supreme Court, are alfo added. Several of the Afts have the MS. certificate of H. Wileman, D. Sec'y.] Afts of Aflembly, pafl*cd in the Province of New York, from 1691 to 1718. Folio. John Baflcett. Lond., 17 19. 420 New-York Historical Society. New York. Afts of Affembly, pafled in the Province of, from 1691 to 1725.' Examined and compared with the originals in the Secretary's Office. [Various Ordinances arc added.] Folio. Wil- liam Bradford. N. Y., 1726. Same. Another copy, with the addition of the Afts from 1726 to 1735 inclufive. Folio. William Bradford. N. Y., 1726-35. Laws of, from the year 1 69 1 to 1751, inclufive. Publifhed ac- cording to an Aft of the General Aflembly. [Edited by William Livingfton and William Smith, jr.] Folio, fine large paper. James Parker. N. Y., 1752. Same, from the nth November, 1752, to 22d May, 1762. The 2d vol., with a Table common to both vols. Folio. Wil- liam Weyman. N. Y., 1762. Laws of, from the year 169 1 to 1773, inclufive. Publifhed according to an Aft of the General Aflembly. [Edited by Peter Van Schaack.] Folio, 2 vols., fine large paper. Hugh Gaine. N. Y., 1774. Same. 2 vols, in one. * Vol. in. Afts of Afl"embly, 1774-75, being the 29th Afl*em- bly, 6th Seflions, and 30th Aflembly, 7th Seflions. Folio. Hugh Gaine. N. Y., 1774-75. Laws of the State . . . commencing with the firft Seflion of the Senate and Afl*embly, after the Declaration of Independency, and the Organization of the New Government of the State, Anno 1777. Seflions 1-19, inclufive. Folio, 19 vols. Poughkeepfie and N. Y., 1782-96. [The Conftitution of New York, Phil., 1777, and the Ordi- nance eftablifhing the Government, Fifhkill, 1777, are pre- fixed, and the Conftitution of the United States, as reported in Convention, 1787, is appended to one of the volumes.] ' Same. Seflions 20-81, inclufive. 8vo. N. Y. and Albany. Private Laws pafled at the 31ft, 3 2d and 33d Seflions (1808-10). 3 vols., 8vo. Laws of the State of, comprifing the Conftitution, and the Afts of the Legiflature fince the Revolution, from the ift to the 12 th Seflions, inclufive. Publifhed according to Aft of 15 th April, 1786. [Edited by Samuel Jones and Richard Varick.] 2 vols. Folio. N. Y., 1789. Same. Vol. III., containing SefTion Laws, 13th to 18th, in- clufive. Folio. N. Y., 1790-95. [The Laws of the 13 th SefTion were printed with title as volume three, to accompany Jones and Varick.] Bills in the Legiflature of New York, from 1798 to 1801, in- clufive. Folio, 352 pp. [Collefted, with MS. Index, by De Witt Clinton.] Laws of the State . . . Greenleaf's Edition. Vols. I. II. (1792). Vol. III. (1797). 3 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1792-97. — — Same. Second Edition. Vol. I. (1798), by Greenleaf. Vols. Catalogue of Printed Books. 421 II. III. (1800), by Charles R. and George Webfter. 3 vols., 8vo, _ N. Y. and Albany, 1 798-1 800. New York. Laws of the State . . . Publifhed by Authority. Re- vifion of 1 801, by James Kent and Jacob Radcliff". 2 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1802. Same. Second Edition. Vol.1. 8vo. Albany, 1807. Continuation of Kent and Radcliff, by Webftcr and Skinners. Vol.111. (1804), Vol. IV. (1806), Vol. V. (1809), Vol. VI. (1812). 4 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1804-12. Laws of the State of New York, revifed and paffed at the 36th Seflion of the Legiflature. With marginal Notes and References, furnifhed by the Revifers, William P. Van Nefs and John Wood- worth, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Albany, 181 3. Laws of the State of New York. Vols. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. (Con- tinuation of the Edition of 1813, by the Laws of the 36th to the 49th Seffion, inclufive.) 5 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1815-26. The original text of the Revifed Statutes of the State of New York, prepared by John Duer, Benjamin F. Butler, and John C. Spencer. Folio. Albany, 1828. The Original Reports of the Different Chapters comprifing the Revifed Statutes, as prefented to the Legiflature by the Revifers. 6 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1827-28. The Revifed Statutes of the State . . . 1827 and 1828. [By John Duer, Benjamin F. Butler, and John C. Spencer.] 3 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1829. Same. Second Edition. 3 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1836. Same. Third Edition. 3 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1846-48. Same. Fourth Edition. Prepared by Hiram Denio and William Tracy. 2 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1S52. General Index to the Documents and Laws of the State of New York. Prepared and publiflied under a joint refolution . . . 26th March, 1 841, by the Clerks of the two Houfes. 8vo. Albany, 1842. General Index to the Laws of the State, from 1777 to 1850. Prepared to 1842 ... by the Clerks of the two Houfes, and continued to 1850, inclufive, by a Member of the New York Bar. 8vo. N. Y., 1850. Index to the Laws of the State, from 1842 to 1855. Prepared by William H. Bogart. 8vo. Albany, 1856. Mercantile Laws of the State of New York, colledted and arranged for the convenience of merchants and others concerned in trade. 8vo. N. Y., 1788. ■ Statutes regulating the praftice of Phyfic and Surgery in. 1819. Laws of the State of New York, relating particularly to the City of New York. Publiflied by authority of the Corporation of faid City. 8vo. N. Y., 1833. 422 New-York Historical Society. New York. A Compilation of the Laws of the State of New York, relating particularly to the City of New York ... By Henry E. Davies. 8vo. N. Y., 1855. {4,-y7» ch^ ere, Journals, Documents, etc. : Papers relating to an Aft of the Provincial Affembly, for the Encouragement of the Indian Trade, etc., and for Prohibiting the Sale of Indian Goods to the French, viz., of Canada. Map. Folio. N. Y., 1724. Journals of the Votes and Proceedings of the General Aflembly ... from the 15th Oftober, 1733, to 20th November, 1741. [The original Edition, publifhed in numbers by Bradford and Zenger, collefted and bound by Daniel Horfmanden.] Folio. Journal of the Votes and Proceedings of the General Aflembly of the Colony . . . 1691 to 1765. Reprinted under the direc- tion of Abraham Lott, jr. Vol. I., 9th April, 1 69 1, to 27th September, 1743. Vol. II., 8th November, 1743, to 23d De- cember, 1765. Folio. N. Y., 1764-66. Same, from 17th November, 1767, to 3d April, 1775. Folio. N. Y. [This volume was loaned to the State for the purpofe of re- publication in 1820, and was probably deftroyed by the printers ; as it was never returned. Some of the pages were mifling in this copy, which were fupplied afterwards to the reprint, by Peter Force, of Walhington, as below.] Journal of the Votes and Proceedings of the General Afl*embly of the Colony of New York, from 1766 to 1776, inclufive. Re- printed [from the above] in purfuance of a joint refolution of the Legiflature of the State of New York, pafled 30th April, 1820. Folio. Albany, 1820. [The following pages have been added by Peter Force, of Wafhington, viz.: pp. 119-20 in Journal of 8th March, ^773 '■> ?• 105 in Journal of 19th March, 1774; pp. 11-14 in Journal of i8-20th January, 1775 ; and pp. 99*-! 02* in Journal of 24th March, 1775. This volume does not include the Journal of 1 766, as ftated in the title, and we have no Journal for the period between 23d December, 1765, and 17th November, 1767.] Journals of the Provincial Congrefs, Provincial Convention, Committee of Safety, and Council of Safety of the State . . . 1775-76-77. 2 vols. Folio. Albany, 1842. Journals of the Senate and Afl*embly . . . Seflions 1-52, inclu- five, 1777-1829. Foho. Same. Seflions 53-81, inclufive, 1829-58. 8vo. Indexes to the Journals of the Senate . . . Seflions 1-22, 1777-99. Folio, pp. 143. Albany, 1814. Indexes to the Journals of the Houfe of Afl"embly . . . Ses- sions 1-18, 1777-1795. Folio, pp. 17 8. Albany, 1 8 14. Catalogue of Printed Books. 423 New York. Legiflative Documents . . . Senate and Aflembly, Seffions 53-81, inclufive. 8vo. [Before the 53d Seflion — the principal documents are incor- porated in the Journals.] A Letter from a Gentleman of the City of ... to another, concerning the Troubles which happen'd in that Province in the time of the late Happy Revolution, ^jto. [Imperfed.] N. Y., 1698. Loyalty Vindicated ; being an Anfwer to a Late Falfe, Seditious and Scandalous Pamphlet, entituled, " A Letter from a Gent., etc." Publillied, for the fake of Truth and Juftice, by a Hearty Lover of King William and the Proteftant Religion. 4to,, pp. 28. Bofton, 1698. Letter from a Gentleman at Elizabeth Town to his Friend in. . . . 8vo., pp. 8. Phil., 1764. Memorials of the Merchants of the City of ... to Parlia- ment, read in the General Aflembly of faid Colony, April 20th, 1764. ^vo. N. Y., 1765. Copy of the Addrefs left with his Excellency Governor Tryon, the 3d of July, 1775, by Whitehead Hicks, Mayor of the City of, with the Governor's Anfwer, delivered to the Mayor the 7th of the fame month, etc. 8vo. The Conduft of the Province . . . Confldered, and the True Interell of the Colony Attempted to be Shewn. In a Letter to the Society of Arts, Agriculture and Economy. 410., pp. 20. 1767. A Serious Addrefs to the Inhabitants of the Colony . . . con- taining a full Survey of the Bofton Port Aft, etc. 410., pp. 14. N. Y., 1774. Short Advice to the Counties of New York. By a Country Gentleman. 8vo. N. Y., 1774. An Alarm to the Legiflature of the Province . . . occalioned by the prefent Political Difturbances in North America. Addrefl*ed to the General Aflembly. 8vo. N. Y., 1775. Refolutions of the Provincial Congrefs, September i, 1775. 8vo. N. Y., 1775. Refolutions of the Provincial Congrefs of the Colony ... for the Encouragement of Manufaftories of Gunpowder, Mufket Barrels, Muflcet Locks and Salt. 8vo. N. Y., 1776. Addrefs of the Convention of the Reprefentatives of the State of New York to their Conftituents. 8vo. Fiflikill, 1776. Journal of the Proceedings of the Commiflaries of the Colony of New York, at a Congrefs with the Commiflaries of the Maflachufetts-Bay, relating to the eftablifhment of a parcition line of Jurifdiftion between the two Provinces. 4to., pp. 20. N. Y. To the Inhabitants of the Colony of. Addrefs of the Lord Mayor and Livery of London to the Eleftors of Great Britain, 424 New-York Historical Society. and part of Chatham's Speech, January 20th, 1775. Published by the Committee of Safety. 8vo., pp. 8. N. Y., 1776. New York. Letter addrefled to the Republicans of the City and County of. 8vo. 1807. Addrefs of the Republicans of the City and County of, to their Republican Fellow-Citizens of the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1808. Addrefs of Epaminondas to the Citizens of the State of New York. 8vo. Albany, 1 819. Agriculture. Memoirs of the Board of Agriculture, Vols. I. II. 8vo. Albany, 1821-23. State Agricultural Society. Tranfaftions ; together with an Abftraft of the Proceedings of the County Agricultural Societies Vols. I-XV., 1841-55. 8vo. Albany, 1842-56. Addrefs of the General Committee of the State of New York to the County Agricultural Societies for 1820, with accompany- ing Documents. 8vo. Albany, 1820. Conftitution of the Farmer's Aflbciation at Mount Pleasant in the State of New York. i2mo. N. Y., 1803. Society of Duchefs County, for the Promotion of Agricul- ture, etc. 8vo. Poughkeepfie, 1807. Canals. Report of the Commiffioners appointed by Joint Refo- lutions of the Senate and AfTembly of the State of New York, of the 13 th and 15 th March, 1810, to explore the Route of an In- land Navigation from Hudfon River to Lakes Ontario and Erie. 8vo. Albany, 181 1. Report of the Commiffioners appointed by the Aft of the Legiflature of the State of New York, entitled, an Aft to Provide for the Improvement of the Internal Navigation of the, 8th and nth April, 18 12. 8vo. Albany, 181 2. Remarks on the Importance of the contemplated Canal between Lake Erie and the Hudfon River. 8vo. 1812. Memorial of the Citizens of the State of New York in favor of a Canal Navigation between the Great Wellern Lakes and the Tide Waters of the Hudfon. 8vo. N. Y., 1816. Confiderations on the Great Weftern Canal, from the Hudfon to Lake Erie, with a View of its Expenfe, Advantages, and Pro- grefs. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1818. Report of the Engineers engaged in the Survey of the Route of the propofed Canal from the Hudfon to the Head Waters of the Lackawaxen River. 8vo. Phil., 1824. Fafts and Obfervations in relation to the Origin and Completion of the Erie Canal. 8vo. N. Y., 1825. Memorial of the Counties of St. Lawrence, Franklin and Clin- ton, to the Secretary of the State of New York, praying for an Aft, authorizing a Survey of the Route of a Canal to conneft Lakes Ontario, Champlain, etc., prefented the 28th of January. 1827. Catalogue of Printed Books. 425 New York Canals. Remarks refpefting the Sodus Canal, and its probable, immediate, and profpeftive Revenue. N. Y., 1832. Report of the Seleft Committee of the x^flembly for 1 846, upon the Inveftigation of Frauds in the Expenditure of Public Monies upon the Canals of the State of New York. AiTembly Doc., 100. 8vo. Albany, 1847. Various Reports and Documents, concerning the New York Canals. 8vo. Proceedings of the Meetings of the Citizens of Rochefter, Buffalo and Palmyra, with reference to the Improvement of the Erie Canal. Census of the State of New York, for the year 1835. Folio. Albany, 1836. Same, for the year 1845. Folio. Albany, 1846. Same, for the year 1855. Foho. Albany, 1857. New York City — Charters, Laws, and Ordinances, etc. The Charter of the City, 1 1 pp. folio. Laws, Orders, and Ordi- nances, pp. 3 — 24 inc., folio. Wilham Bradford. [Without titles — probably about 1720.] N. Y. Laws, Orders, and Ordinances, eftablifhed by the Mayor, Re- corder, Aldermen, and Affiftants of the City, convened in Com- mon Council. For the Good Rule and Government of the In- habitants of the faid City. Publilhed the Eighteenth Day of November, in the Fifth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King George II., etc., in the Mayoralty of Robert Lurting, Efq. Folio, pp. 11. [MS. Index at the end.] William Brad- ford. N. Y., 1 73 1. The Charter of the City. Printed by order of the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City aforefaid. To which is annexed, the Aft of the General AlTembly con- firming the fame. Folio, pp. 52. John Peter Zenger. N. Y., 1735. Laws, Statutes, Ordinances and Conftitutions, Ordained, Made and Eftabhfhed, etc. Publifhed the 27th day of January, and the I ft day of February, etc., 1748. In the Mayoralty of Ed- ward Holland, Efq. To which is added, an Appendix, contain- ing extracts of fundry A6ls of the General Aflembly of the Colony of New York, immediately relating to the good Govern- ment of the faid City and Corporation. Folio, pp. 80. [MS. Aft of 1766, about Slaughter-Houfes — added.] J. Parker. N. Y., 1749. Laws, Statutes, Ordinances and Conftitution, Ordained, Made and Eftabhfhed, etc. Publifhed the 9th day of November, etc., 1762. In the Mayoralty of John Cruger, Efq. With Appendix, etc. Folio, pp. no. , John Holt. N. Y., 1763. The Charter of the City, etc. Folio, pp. 50. William Wey- man. N. Y., 1765. Laws and Ordinances, etc. Pubhfhed the 29th day of March, 426 New-York Historical Society. 1786. In the Mayoralty of James Duane, Efq. Folio, pp. 29. Samuel and John Loudon. • N. Y., 1786. New York City — Charters, Laws, and Ordinances, etc. The Charter of the City, etc. Folio, pp. 44. Samuel and John Loudon. N. Y., 1786. The Charter of the City of New York. 8vo., pp. 96. [Title gone — probably printed by Hugh Gaine, in 1793-] Laws and Ordinances, etc. Pafled and publifhed the i ft day of May, 1797. In the eighth year of the Mayoralty of Richard Varick, Efq. 8vo., pp. 68. N. Y., 1797. Laws and Ordinances, etc. Pafled and publifhed the 18th day of April, 1 803. In the Mayoralty of Edward Livingfton. 8vo., pp. 120. ii. N. Y., 1803. The Charter of the City, etc. Together with the Afts of the Legiflature in relation thereto, or which have vefted additional powers in the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the faid City. Publifhed purfuant to an Order of Common Council, made February i8th, 1805. 8vo., pp. 240. N. Y., 1805. Laws and Ordinances, etc. PafTed and publifhed the 1 7th day of January, 1805. In the Mayoralty of De Witt Clinton. 8vo., pp. 160. liv. N. Y., 1805. Laws and Ordinances, etc. PafTed and publifhed the i8th day of January, 1 808. In the Mayoralty of Marinus Willett. 8vo., pp. 189. Ixv. N. Y., 1808. Laws and Ordinances, etc. PafTed during the Mayoralty of De Witt Clinton ; to which are added, the Health Laws of the State of New York. 8vo., pp. 282. N. Y., 1812. Laws and Ordinances, etc., during the Mayoralty of Jacob RadclifF, pafTed the 5th day of May, 1 8 17. To which is added, the Laws of the State of New York, relative to the Tranfporta- tion of Gunpowder. 8vo., pp. 172. [MS. additions at pp. 56,57.] N. Y., 1817. Laws and Ordinances, etc. During the Mayoralties of Cadwal- lader D. Colden, and of Stephen Allen, Efquires. 8vo., pp. 167. N. Y., 1821. • Laws and Ordinances, etc. [Stephen Allen, Mayor.] On the 27th day of Odober, 1823. 8vo., pp. 175. N. Y., 1823. Laws and Ordinances, etc., a. n. 1827. [William Paulding, Mayor.] 8vo., pp. 208. N. Y., 1827. [This copy has the certificate of "J. Morton, Clerk, Januaiy 7th, 1833," that "this volume contains the laws of the Corporation now in force."] A Digert of all the Laws and Ordinances, etc., up to ift of January, 1830. By a Student at Law. 8vo., pp. 128. 8. N. Y., 1830. • The Charter of the City of New York. Publifhed purfuant to an order of the Common Council. 8vo., pp. 114. With Aft to Amend, etc., April 7, 1830. Svo., pp. 8. N. Y., 1832. Catalogue of Printed Books. 427 New York City — Charters, Laws, and Ordinances, etc. Laws and Ordinances, etc., a. d. 1833-34. [Gideon Lee, Mayor.] 8vo., pp. 280. N. Y., 1834. —— The Charter of the City, with Notes thereon. Alfo, a Treatife on the Powers and Duties of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Affiftant Aldermen, and the Journal of the City Convention. Prepared at the requeft of the Common Council. By Chancellor Kent, etc. 8vo., pp. 370. N. Y., 1836. —— Same. [Omitting the Journal of the City Convention and add- ing the Amended Charter of 1849.] 8vo., pp. 320. N. Y., 1851. Same. [Adding Amended Charters of 1 851, '52, '53.] 8vo., pp. 336. _ N. Y., 1854. By-Laws and Ordinances of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Com- monalty of the City. Revifed, a. d. 1838-39. Publiflied by the authority of the Common Council. 8vo., pp. 394. N. Y., 1839. By-Laws and Ordinances of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Com- monalty of the City of New York. Revifed, a. d. 1845. [By David Graham, Jr.] Publifhed by authority of the Common Council. 8vo., pp. 668. N. Y., 1845. A Treatife upon the Eftate and Rights of the Corporation of the City ... as Proprietors. By Murray Hoffman, Efq. 8vo. N. Y., 1853. The Revifed Ordinances of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- monalty . . . [By William Kent.] 8vo., pp. xii. 549. N. Y., 1856. Journals, Documents, Etc Proceedings of the Board of Aldermen. Vols. I-LVIIL May 10, 1831, to June 13, 1855. 8vo. N. Y. Proceedings of the Board of AfTi Hants (now Councilmen). Vols. I-LVm. May 10, 1831, to June 13, 1855. 8vo. N. Y. Proceedings of the Boards of Aldermen, and AfTiftant Alder- men, and Approved by the Mayor. Vols. I-XXIL May 16, 1 83 1, to January 3, 1855. 8vo. N. Y. Proceedings of the Joint Meetings of the Boards of Aldermen and Affillant Aldermen. Vols. I-IX. July 13, 1 831, to De- cember 4, 1 844. 8vo. N. Y. Proceedings of the Board of Supervifors of the City and County of New York, for the years 1850-54. 5 vols., 8vo. N. Y. Documents of the Board of Aldermen, and Board of AfTirtants, of the City of New York. Vols. L IL IIL November 28, 1831, to May 12, 1834. 8vo. N. Y. Documents of the Board of Aldermen . . . Vols. I-XXL May 19, 1834, to December, 1854, 8vo. N. Y. Documents of the Board of AfTiftants . . . Vols. L IL IIL May 10, i83i,to May 12, 1834. 8vo. N. Y. Same. Vols. I. IL May 19, 1834, to April 25, 1836. 8vo. N. Y. Same, from May, 1842, to May, 1843. 8vo. N. Y. 428 New -York Historical Society. New York City — Journals, Documents, etc. — Continued. — — Documents of the Board of Councilmen. Vol. I. January to December, 1854. 8vo. - N. Y. Journal of the Convention in relation to the Charter of the City of New York, begun . . . 6th day of July, 1846. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Documents of the City Convention, 1846 . . . Charter, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Alms House. Rules for the Government of the, etc. 8vo., pp. 22. N. Y., 1801. Reports of the Alms Houfe Commiffioner (comprifmg Reports from the feveral Departments embraced in the Inftitation) for 1847-8. Doc. No. 44. N. Y., 1847-8. Reports of the Governors of the, for 1849, 'S°» 'S^> '53 ^^'^ '54. 8vo. N. Y., 1854-5. Army. Statement explanatory of the Refignation of the Offi- cers of the Regiment of Artillery of the City and County of New York. 8vo., pp. 32. N. Y., 1797. Banks. A ftatement of the Correfpondence between the Banks in the. With explanatory Notes. Bank for Savings. Twenty-fecond Report. N. Y., 1841. Difclofure of the real parties to the clofure and fale of the Trades- men's Bank, in 1826. 8vo. Board of Education. Report of the County Superintendent of Common Schools to the. May, 18 16. Report of the Special Committee of the, on the Claims of the PubHc School Society. Feb., 1 846. Remarks of John L. Mafon and Jofeph S. Bofworth, on the Rights and Powers of the Public School Society. March, 1 847. Journal of the, 1854. 8vo. N. Y., 1854. Annual Reports and Documents. 8vo. N. Y. Board of Health. Addrefs of the Committee of Health, 4th November [1795]. With names of perfons who died of the Yellow Fever. 8vo., pp. 24. Health Laws of the. 8vo. N. Y., 1805. Letters concerning the General Health, with Notes and con- fiderable additions to the numbers, as they lately appeared in the New York Gazette. By a Houfeholder. N. Y., 1 807. Addrefs of the Board of Health, to their Fellow-Citizens. 8vo. N. Y., 1818. Corporation. Annals of the, relative to the late Contefted Eleftions, with Stridures upon the Conduft of the Majority. In feven Numbers. By Lyfander. 8vo. N. Y., 1 802. Report of the Committee of the Corporation, on the fubjeft of Fortifying the Harbor of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1807. Report of the Comptroller of the City of New York, on the Water Right belonging to the Corporation. 8vo. N. Y., 1806. Catalogue of Printed Books. 429 New York City Corporation. Report of the Comptroller of the City of New York, of the Receipts and Expenditures of the, for the year 1852. 8vo., pp. 104. N. Y., 1853. Same, for 1845-6. • Same. Including the Tranfadtions of the CommifTioners of the Sinking Fund, for 1 847. Courts. Rules and Orders of the Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of New York. 8vo. 1818. Same. 1840. Aft for the Eftablifhing of Courts of Juftice in the, etc., April 6th, 1807. 8vo., pp. 35. Aft to regulate the Courts of Juftice in the, paffed in 1847. New York City Directories : The New York Directory . . . By David Franks. i2mo., pp. 82. Shepard Kollock, 1786. The New York Directory . . . By David C. Franks. 8vo., pp. 58. Printed for the Editor, 1 787. New York Directory and Register, for the years 1789 and 1790. With a Plan of the City of New York and Part of Long Ifland . . . etc. [Printed for Hodge, Allen and Campbell.] 2 vols., i2mo. N. Y. New York Directory and Register, for the years 1793, 1794 and 1795. With a Plan of the City of New York and Part of Long Ifland . . . etc. By William Duncan. 3 vcls., i2mo. N. Y. New York Directory and Register, for 1796. With a Plan of the City of New York and Part of Long Ifland [and a View of the New Theatre in New York] . . . etc. To which is added the Names of the Inhabitants of Brooklyn. . . . etc. By John Low. l2mo. N. Y. Longworth's American Almanac, New York Regifter, and City Direftory, 1796 to 1817-18. By David Longworth. 22 vols., i2mo. N. Y. Longworth's New York Register and City Directory, 181 8-19 to 1842-3. By Thomas Longworth. 25 vols., i2mo. N. Y. Jones's New York Mercantile and General Directory, 1805-6. ... By John F. Jones. i2mo. N. Y. Elliott and Crissy's New York Directory, for the year 1 8 1 1 . . . i2mo. N. Y. The Citizen's Directory and Stranger's Guide through the City of New York. In 2 Parts . . . etc. [With a View of Stollen- werck's Mechanical Panorama] . . . etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1814. Doggett's New York City Directory, for 1842-3 to 1850-1. ift to the 9th publication. 9 vols., 8vo. John Doggett, Jr. N. Y. New York Street Directory, for 1851 . . . etc. i ft publication. By John Doggett, Jr. 8vo. N. Y. New York City Directory, for 185 1-2. loth publication. By Doggett and Rode. 8vo. N. Y. 43° New-York Historical Society. New York City Directory, 1852-3 to 1854-5, ^'^^ ^° ^^^ '3^ publication. With Maps of the City, etc. By Charles R. Rode. 3 vols., 8vo, N. Y. Trow's New York City Directory, 1852-3 to 1857. With Maps of the City . . . etc. Compiled by Henry Wilfon. 5 vols. 8vo. John F. Trow. N. Y. New York City Hall Recorder. Vols. I-V. 8vo. 18 16-21. New York City Hall Reporter, and Law Magazine. Vol. I., No. I, Oftober, 1833. New York City Guide. An Alphabetical Table of the Situation and Extent of the different Streets, Roads, Lanes, Wharves and Slips, Public Buildings, and Juftices Courts ... By John Low. i2mo., pp. 52. N. Y., 1807. Same. Second Edition, improved. i2mo.,pp. 72. N. Y., 1808. The Pidlure of New York ; or. The Traveller's Guide through the Commercial Metropolis of the United States. 1 2mo. [By Samuel L. MitchiU.] N. Y., 1807. A Glance at, embracing the City Government, Theatres, Hotels, Churches, Mobs, Monopolies, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1837. A Guide to the City of New York, containing a Lift of all the Streets, Places, etc. i8mo. N, Y., 1842. Fires ik the. A Law for Preventing and Extinguifhing Fires, etc. 8vo., pp. 21. N. Y., 1806. Memorial of the Fire of 1835 ; being a CoIle£lion of Sermons preached on the occafion. 8vo. ^835. — — Report of the Joint Committee, on the fubjeft of the Fire in New Street, July 19th, 1845. [Common Council Doc. No. 15.] Mortality in the. Return of the Deaths ... for the years 1804, '5, '6, '7 and '8. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. Comparative Statement of the Number of Deaths in the, from 180410 1809. ^^'°- N- ^'j 1 8 10. Annual Report of the Deaths in the City and County for 1825. N. Y., 1826. Comparative View of Mortality in the Cities of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Bofton, for a feries of years. By Niles and Rufs. N. Y., 1827. — - A Copy of the Poll Lift, of the Eleftion for Reprefentatives in the City and County of New York. Which Eledlion began on Monday, the 23d January, and ended on Friday the 27th. Al- phabetically made. 4to., pp. 43. 1769. ■ Addrefs to the Eleftors of the, on the enfuing Charter Elec- tion. By a Member of the Wafliington Society. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. Addrefs of the General Committee of the Federal Republicans in the, to the People of the State of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1810. ■ Thoughts on the enfuing Eleflion, and the propriety of fending a Merchant to Congrefs, etc. By Alexander. 8vo. N. Y., 1813. Catalogue of Printed Books. 431 New York City. — Continued. . Letter addrefled to the Republicans of the City and County of New York. 8vo. 1807. ■ Addrefs of the Republicans of the City and County of New York, to their Republican Fellow-Citizens of the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1808. Addrefs of the General Committee of Republican Young Men, etc., to their ConlHtuents. 8vo. N. Y. Addrefs by the General Committee of the Federal Republicans in the, to the People of the State of 8vo. N. Y., 1810. Memorial of the Merchants of the City of. 8vo. N. Y., 1806. Olden Time in. By Thofe who Knew. i2mo. N. Y., 1833. New York Academy of Medicine. Tranfadlions, Vol. I. Part I. 8vo., pp. 165. N. Y., 1 85 1. New York African Society for Mutual Relief. Conftitution of the. 8vo., pp. 8. N. Y., 1808. New York and Albany Railroad Company. Fafts and SuggelHons relative to the. With the Aft of Incorporation. 8vo. N. Y., 1832. - Sketch of the Remarks made by the Prefident of the Company at a Meeting of the Citizens, held at the Citj- Hall, November 10, 1840. Together with a Copy of the Refolutions, etc. N. Y. Report of the Joint Special Committee on the Communication from the Mayor, relating to the. Doc. No. 16. N. Y. Memorial of the, to the Legiflature, March 6th, 1841. 8vo. N. Y., 1841. New York and Harlem Railroad Company. A Statement of Fads in relation to the Origin, Progrefs, and Profpefts of the. 8vo. _N.Y., 1833. Statement in relation to certain Rights and Privileges Claimed by the faid Company, and Remonftrating againft Permiflion to the New York and Albany Railroad Company to Crofs Harlem River oppofite the Sixth or Seventh Avenue. N. Y., 1840. Proceedings of the Direftors, etc., June 19, 1840. 8vo. New York Chamber of Commerce. By-Laws, Refolutions, and Orders of the, adopted September 18, 1787. 8vo., pp. 14. N. Y., 1787. Charter and By-Laws of the, with a Hiftory of the . . . 8vo. N. Y., 1849. New York College of Physicians and Surgeons. Expofition of the Tranfaftion relative to the. By the Regents of the Univerfity. 8vo. 1812. Memorial of the, to the Legiflature of New York. 8vo. Syllabus of the feveral Courfes of Medical Leftures delivered in the. 8vo. 1 8 14. Supplementary Charter, and various pamphlets. 8vo. 432 New-York Historical Society. New York College of Physicians and Surgeons. Catalogue of the Faculty and Students in the. 8vo. 1825. Catalogue of the Regents of the Univerfity, and of the Truftees and Graduates of the. 8vo. 1829.. Annual Catalogue of the. 8vo. 1843. Ordinances of the College of Phyficians and Surgeons of the Weftern Diftrift of New York. 8vo. New York Colonization Society. Firft Report, Oflober 29th, 1823. 8vo., pp. 32. N. Y., 1823. Common Schools. Laws of the State of New York, relative to Common Schools, with the Inftruftions of the Department, concerning the Duties of the various County, Town, and Diftrift Officers, and of the Inhabitants of Diftrifts. 8vo. Albany, 1843. Constitution. Convention of the Reprefentatives of the, Ad- drefs to their Conllituents. 8vo. Filhkill, 1776. Conftitution of the State of New York. 8vo., pp. 33. Filhkill, 1777. Same. 8vo., pp. 43. N. Y., 1783. Same. 8vo. N. Y., 1785. An Ordinance of the New York State Convention, for organiz- ing and eftablifhing the Government, agreed to by the faid Con- vention. 8vo. Fifhkill, 1777. An Addrcfs to the People of the State of New York, on the fubjeft of the Conftitution as agreed upon at Philadelphia, Sep- tember 17th, 1787. 4to. N. Y. Debates and Proceedings of the New York State Convention, aflembled at Poughkeepfie, June 17th, 1 788 (to deliberate and decide on the Federal Conftitution). i2mo. N. Y., 1788. Journal of the Convention of the, at Albany, Oftobcr 13th, 1801. 4to., pp. 42. Albany, 180 1. Journal of the New York State Convention, begun and held at Albany, 28th of Auguft, 182 1. 8vo. Albany, 1821. A Conftitutional Guide to the objefts of the New York State Convention, confifting of the Conftitution of the State, etc. . . . 8vo. N. Y., 1821. Addrefs of the People in Convention, together with the Confti- tution of the State, as amended. 8vo. 1821. Addrefs of the State Convention of the Teachers and Friends of Education, held at Utica, New York, January 12, 13 and 14, 1 83 1. With an Abftraft of the proceedings, etc. Utica, 1 83 1. Reports of the Debate and Proceedings of the Convention for the Conftitution of the State of New York, 1 846. [Atlas Edi- tion.] 8vo. Albany, 1846. Same. By S. Crofwell and R. Sutton, Reporters for the Argus. 8vo. Albany, 1846. Journal of the Convention in relation to the. Charter of the City of New York, 1846. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Journals and Documents of the, 1 846. 3 vols., 8vo. Catalogue of Printed Books. 433 New York. Council of Appointment. Remarks on the Organize- " tion and Conllitutional Powers of the. By Juftitius. 4to., pp. 15. Albany, 1799. Appeal of the People of the State of New York, on the expe- diency of Aboliihing the Council of Appointment. N. Y., 18 19. Democratic Convention. Proceedings of the, held at the Capitol, January 26th and 27th, 1 848. New York Dispensary. Rules of the City Difpenfary for the Medi- — - cal Relief of the Poor. 8vo,, pp. 16. N. Y. [1795.] Charter and Ordinance of the New York City Difpenfary. " " 8vo., pp. 31. '~N. Y., 1797. Charter and By-Laws, Inftituted 1790. 8vo., pp. 24. N.Y., 1810. Report of the Truftees of the. 1832-8. Electors. Addrefs to the Eleftors of the State of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1801. Addrefs of the Freeholders of the State of New York. By Brutus. 8vo. N, Y., 1 804. Addrefs of the Republican General Committee of the Repub- lican Electors of the. 8vo. 1807. Addrefs of the Elcdlors of the State of New York. Publifhed by order of the Republican General Committee. 8vo. N. Y., 1808. Addrefs of the Republican Members of the Legiflature to the Eledors of the State of New York. 8vo. 1809. Addrefs to the Republican Citizens of the. 8vo. Albany, 181 3. Episcopal Convention. Journals, Documents, etc. Finance. Statement of the Funds of the State of, and of the Annual Revenue thereof; and alfo of the Receipts and Payments, in the year 1797. Together with the Treafurer's Account. 8vo. Albany, 1798. Gazetteer (A) of the State of New York, etc. Map. 1 2mo. Albany, 1842. Geological and Agricultural Survey of the Diftridl ad- joining the Erie Canal in the State of New York. Taken under the direjftion of the Hon. Van Renffelaer. Part I., con- taining a Defcription of the Rock Formations, etc. 8vo. Albany, 1824. New York Hibernian Provident Society ; or, the Danilh Inquilition under Nine Diredlors. To the People of the State of New York. 1 809. . New York Historical Society. See Appendix. New York Hospital. Brief account of the. 8vo. N. Y., 1804. Account of the. 8vo. N. Y., 181 1. — — Charter of the, and Laws relating thereto ; with the By-laws ; and Regulations of the Inftitution, and those of the Blooming- dale Afylum for the Infane. 8vo. N. Y., 1 856. . 434 New- York Historical Society. New York Householder's Mutual Insurance Companv. Profpcftus of the. Chartered by an Aft of the Legiflature of New York. PafTed May 25th, 1841. N. Y., 1841. New York House of Refuge. Documents relative to the, Inflituted by the Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents, etc., in 1824. 8vo. N. Y., 1832. Horticultural Society. Conftitution and By-laws of the. N. Y., 1842. New York Institution for the Blind. Firft to Tenth Reports of the Managers of the, from 1837 to '46. 8vo. N. Y,, 1837. Eleventh to Twentieth Reports, from 1847 to '56. 8vo. Albany, 1847-56. New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb. Afts and By-Laws, and Reports of the Direftors of the. 8vo. 1831. Same. 1845. New York Insurance Company, A£l to Incorporate the Stock- holders of the, 2d April, 1798. 8vo., pp. 15. N. Y., 1798. New York Irish Emigrant Association. Conftitution of the. Infti- tutcd December 5 th, 1817. 8vo., pp. 12. N. Y., 1817. New York Journal of Medicine, and the Collateral Sciences. Vols. I-X. 8vo. - N. Y., 1843-8. Same. New Series. Vols. I-X VI. 8vo. N. Y., 1848-56. New York Journeymen Shipwrights' Society. Conftitution of the, January 5, 18 14. l2mo., pp. 12. N. Y., 1804. New York Life Insurance and Trust Company. Rates and Pro- pofals, etc. Incorporated March 9, 1830. 8vo., pp. 40. N. Y., 1830. Statement and Report of the Affairs of the, for the year ending December 31ft, 1839. Same, for 1844-5. New York State Library. Annual Reports of the Truftees . . . made to the Legiflature. Catalogue of Hiftorical Papers and Parchments received from the Office of the Secretary of State . . . 8vo. Albany, 1849. Literary and Philosophical Society. Tranfaflions of the. Inftituted 1814. Vols. L H. (Part L) 4to. . N.-Y., 1815-25. Charter, Laws and Regulations. N. Y., 181 8. New York Literary Journal, and Belles Lettres Repofitory. Vols. III-IV. 8vo. N. Y., 1820-1. Magazine ; or. Literary Repofitory. Vols. I- VI. New Series, Vols. I. II. 8 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1790-97. New York Magdalen Society. Various Reports. Manual. For the ufe of the Legiflature of the State of New York, for theyears 1840, '41, '45, '46, '49, '51, '52, '55 '56, '58. Prepared purfuant to a Refolution of the Senate and Aflembly of 1840, by the Secretary of State. 10 vols., i6mo. Albany, 1840-58. New -York Historical Societv. 43 5 New York Prison. Laws of the Legidature for the Government of the. N. Y., 18 19. Report of Gerfhom Powers, Agent and Keeper of the, at Auburn, made to the Legiflature, January 7th, 1828. Albany, 1828. Prifon, or Penitentiary Houfe. An Account of the New York State Prifon, or Penitentiary Houfe in the City of New York. i2mo. N. Y,, i8qi. Prison Association, ift, 2d, and 3d Reports of the, for the year 1844—5—6. 8vo. Prison Association Bill. Report and Speeches on the State of the New York State Prifon Aflbciation Bill in the Houfe of Aflembly, March, 1844. Albany, 1844. Prison Competition. Documents in relation to the New York State Prifon Competition. 8vo. Albany, 1843. New York Protestant Episcopal Sunday School Society. Annual Reports, I-II, 1818-28. Preceded by an Addrefs by John Henry Hobart, D. D., on the Beneficial Effedls of the Sunday Schools, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1818-28. Red Book, 1834-39. 6 vols., i6mo. Albany, 1834-39. Regents of the University. Annual Reports to the Legifla- ture. Register. See Williams — Holley. New York Review. Vols. I-X. 8vo. N. Y., 1837-42. New York Review ; or. Critical Journal, etc., for March, 1809 ; con- taining Stridures on the Fragment of the Journal of a Sentimental Philofopher. 8vo. N. Y. New York Society for the Prevention of Pauperifm. Documents relative to Savings Banks, Intemperance and Lotteries. Publifhed by order of the. 8vo. 18 19. Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, Arts and Manu- fafturcs, (afterwards) for the Promotion of Ufeful Arts. Trans- aftions. Vol. L 4to. 1792-99. Vol. L, Second Edition. 1801. Vols. IL 1807, IIL 1 8 14, IV. 1 816-19. 8vo. N. Y. and Albany. New York Society for Promoting the Manumiffion of Slaves. Aft of Incorporation, Conftitution, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1835. Speeches of the different Governors, to the Legiflature of the, commencing with thofe of George Clinton and continued down to the prefent time. 8vo. Albany, 1825. New York Sunday Union School Society. Firft Report for the year ending February, 1817. 8vo., pp. 44. N. Y., 181 7. New York Tammanial Tontine Association. Plan of the. 1 2mo., ' pp. 12. N. Y., 1792. Temperance Society. Firft, Second and Third Annual Re- ports of, 1830, '31, '32. 8vo. Albany. New York Washington Mutual Assurance Company. Aft to In- corporate the. Inftituted 1801. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1802. 436 Catalogue of Printed Books, New York Manual. A brief Topographical and Statiftical Manual of the State of New York. izmo. N. Y., 1811. New York Mechanics' and Tradesmen's General Society. Charter and By-Laws of the. 1839-47. Medical and Philosophical Journal and Review. Vol. I. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. Medico-Chirurgical Society of the Univerfity of the State of New York, during the winter of 1815-16. New York Missionary Magazine, and Repofitory of Religious Intel- ligence, for 1800 and 1801. Vols. I-II. 8vo. N. Y. New York Missionary Society. Addrefs and Conftitution of the. 8vo., pp. 19. N. Y., 1796. Report of the Direftors, at their Annual Meeting, April i, 1805. 8vo., pp. 9. N. Y., 1805. Municipal Gazette. Vol.1., No. 2. N. Y., March 18, 1841. New York Mutual Assurance Company. Aft of Incorporation, etc. izmo., pp. 24. N. Y., 1798. Natural History of the State ... 19 vols., 410. Geo- logical Map. Albany, 1842-54. State Cabinet of Natural History. Annual Reports of the Regents of the, on the Condition of the State Cabinet of Natural Hiftory, made to the Legiflature. 8vo. Catalogue . . . and of the Hiflorical and Antiquarian Colleftion annexed thereto. 8vo. Albany, 1853. New York Orphan Asylum Society. Conftitution of the, eftablifhed in New York, March, 1 806. pp. 42. N. Y., 1 806. Conftitution and By-Laws, pp. 76. N. Y., 1 808. Same, pp. 71. N. Y., 1810. Annual Report and Account Current for April, 181 1. 8vo., pp. 12. N. Y., 1811. New York Peace Society. Report, Dec. 25, 181 8. pp. 7. N. Y. Report. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. New York Penitentiary. Account of the State Prifon or Peniten- tiary Houfe in the City of New York. By one of the Infpeftors of the Prifon. 8vo., pp. 97. N. Y., 1801. New York Physico-Medical Society. Tranfaftions of the. Vol. I. 8vo. N. Y., 1 817. New York Police. Aft to amend an Aft to Improve the, etc. 8vo., pp. 8. • N. Y., 1812. Political Manual. Containing the Official Returns for 1 840-2. Alfo the Cenfus for 1 840 ; together with other ufeful informa- tion. 8vo. Albany, 1843. Proceedings of the Convention of Mechanics, Farmers, and Workingmen of the State of New York, held at Utica, in the County of Oneida, on the 15th, i6th and 17th September, 1836. New York Prison. Report of the Infpeftors of the, 1799. 8vo., pp. 8. Albany. Catalogue of Printed Books. 437 New York Young Men's State Convention. Proceedings of the, afTembled 4th July, 1838, at Utica. 8vo. New York Young Men's Society. Firft Annual Report, with the Conilitution, By-Laws, and Standing Rules. Inftituted May, 1 83 1. 8vo., pp. 26. N. Y., 1832. Ney, Michel, Marechal de France. Proems, etc., prevenu de haute Trahifon et d'attentat contre la furete de I'etat. 8vo. Paris, 181 5. Nichols, J. H. The Future. A Poem : delivered before the Aflb- ciation of the Alumni of Wafhington College, in Chrift Church, Hartford, Auguft 3d, 1842. 8vo. New Haven, 1842. Nichols, William, Jr. Oration at Weft Cambridge, July 4, 1808, in commemoration of the Anniverfary of American Independence. 8vo. Bofton, 1808. Nicholson, Peter. The Carpenter's New Guide ; being a complete book of lines for Carpentry and Joinery. 410. Lond., 1793. Nigkolls, John. Original Letters and Papers of State addrefled to Oliver Cromwell, concerning the Affairs of Great Britain, from the year 1649 to 1658, found among the political papers of John Milton. Folio. Lond., 1743. Nicolas, Nicholas Harris. Life of William Davifon, Secretary of State, etc., to Oucen Elizabeth. 8vo. Lond., 1823. Nicollet, J. N. Obfervations of the Magnetic Dip, made in the United States in 1841. (Art. XIX. Vol. VIIL, Tranf. Am. Phil. Soc.) 4to. Report intended to illuftrate a Map of the Hydrographical Bafin of the Upper Mifliflippi. 8vo. Wafhington, 1843. NicoLsoN, W. The Englifh Hiflorical Library. In Three Parts, etc. Second Edition. Folio. Lond., 17 14. Niebuhr, Carsten. Defcription de I'Arabie, faite fur des obferva- tions propres et des avis recueillis dans les lieux memes . . . 410. Amfterdam, 1774. Voyage en Arabic, et en d'autres Pays circonvoifins. Traduit de I'Allemand. Tomes 2, 410. Amfterdam, 1776—80. Travels through Arabia and other Countries in the Eaft. Tranf- lated by Robert Heron. 2 vols., i2mo. Perth, 1799. Niebuhr, G. B. The Hiftory of Rome. Tranflated by Julius Charles Hare and Connop Thirlwall. 2 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1835. Nieremberg, Juan Eusebio. De la Diferencia entre lo Temporal y Eterno, etc. 8vo. Madrid, 1640. Nieu-Neder-Land. Vertoogh van Nieu-Neder-Land weghens de Ghelegentheydt, Vruchtbaerheydt, en Soberen Staet dcfT-lfs. 4to., pp. 49. In's Graven Ha^e, 1650. Kort Vcrhael van Nieuw-Ncderlants, Gelegcntheit, Dcughden, Natuerlijke, Voorrechten, en byzondere bequaemheidt tcr bevol- kingh . . . 4to., pp. 84. [Amfterdam], 1662. Nacrder Klagh- Vertoogh aende Ho. Mo. Hecren Statcn Gcnerael, Wegens de Bewinthebberen van de Gencralc G. W. C. . . . der Engelfche in Nieu-Nederlant . . . 4to., pp. 8. 1664. 458 New-York Historical Society, NiKELSBURGER, Jacob. Koul Jacob in Defence of the Jcwifli Religion, etc. [Rep.] 8vo. N. Y., 18 16. NiLES, Hezekiah. The Weekly Rcgiftcr . . . From September, 18 11, to September, 1836. 50 vols., 8vo. Continued by William Ogden Niles, from September, 1836, to Oftober 12, 1839; by Jeremiah Hughes, from Oftober 19, 1839, to July 5, 1848; and by George Beatty, from July 5, 1848, to June 20, 1849. 25 vols., 4to. Baltimore and Phil. General Index to the firft twelve volumes, or Firrt Series, of Niles' Weekly Regifter . . . September, 1811, to September, 1 81 7. 8vo. Baltimore, 1 81 8, Principles and Aftsof the Revolution in America, etc., dedicated to the Young Men of the United States. 8vo, Baltimore, 1822. Niles, John M. Life of Oliver Hazard Perry. With an Appendix, etc. i2mo. Hartford, 1821. Niles, Nathaniel. The Perfedlion of God the Fountain of Good. Two Sermons at Torringford, in Conncfticut, December 21ft, 1777. [Rep.] i2mo., pp. 40. Elizabeth Town, 1791. Letter to a Friend, who received his theological education under the inftruftion of Dr. Emmons, concerning the doftrine which teaches that impenitent finners have natural power to make thcm- felves new hearts. 8vo. Windfor, Vt., 1809. Niles, Nathaniel, Junr., and John D. Russ. Medical Statiftics ; or, a comparative View of the Mortality in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Bofton, for a fcries of years. 8vo. Niles, Samuel. Sermon on the Death of Gen. George Wafhington, Abington, 22d February, 1800. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1800. Sermon before the MafTachufctts Miffionary Society, Bofton, May 26th, 1801. 8vo., pp. 38, 1 4. Cambridge, 1801. Niles, William O. The Text Book ; compiled from Niles' Regifter and other authentic Records. Phil., 1840. Nimes. Hirtoire abregee de la villc de, avec la Defcription de fes An- tiquities. Tom. 2 en I, 8vo. Amfterdam, 1767. NissEN, VoN NicoLAi. Synchroniftichc Tafeln dcr Univerfal Ge- fchichtc einc den uberblick erleichternde bildliche darftellung der Gcfchichtc allcr Lander, Valkar und Staaten, die Wahrend vier Jahrtaulcn den (von aubeginn bis 1828). Hiftorifch merkwurdig gewordcn find XXL Tafclu (zum zufammenfugen ein gerichtet) nebft einem fchema in vcrjungtem maaftabe und erlanterungen. Oblong folio. Gottingen, 1828. Nivernois [L. Jules] Mancini. Tables de, publiees par I'Auteur. Tome 2d, 8vo. Paris, 1796. Noah, Mordecai M. Difcourfe at the Confecration of the Syna- gogue, New York, 7th April, 1818. 8vo. N. Y., 1 81 8. Travels in England, France, Spain and the Barbary States, in the years 1813, '14 and '15. 8vo. N. Y., 1819. Difcourfe on the Evidences of the American Indians being the Defendants of the Loft Tribes of Ifraeh 8vo. N. Y., 1837. Catalogue of Printed Books. 439 Noah, MoRDECAi M. A Letter addrefled to the Southern Delegates of the Convention, on the Claims of the "Barnburners" to be admitted to feats in that Convention. 8vo. NoAiLLEs, Due DE. Campagnc de Monfieur le Marechal, en Alle- magnc, Tan 1743. Contenant les Lettres de ce Marechal, etc. zd Partie, l8mo. Amfterdam, 1761. Noble, Eustarchius Le. L'Hilloire Secrete des plus Fameufes Con- fpirations de la Conjuration des Pazzi centre Les Medicis. 1 zmo. A Paris, 1698. Noble, Mark. An Hiftorical Genealogy of the Royal Houfe of Stuarts, from the Reign of King Robert IL to that of King James VL 4to. Lond., 1795. Noble, Oliver. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Silas Moody, Arundel, January 9th, 1 77 1. 8vo., pp. 32. Salem, 1771. Difcourfc on the Bofton Maflacre of March 5th, 1770, New- buryport, March 8th, 1775. 8vo.,pp. 31. Ncwburyport, 1775. NoiR, Jean Le. The Democrat ; or, Intrigues and Adventures of, etc. 2 vols, in i. i2mo. N. Y., 1795. Nolden, E. Egyptian Travelling Companion for Overland Paflcn- gers between Europe and India via Egypt. i8mo. Alexandria, 1844. Nonconformists. Chrillian Liberty. A Sermon on the Hiftory and Principles of the . . . i2mo., pp. 30. Lond., 1800. Noord-.Amerika. Beknopte en Zakelyke Bcfchryving der Voornaamfte Engclfche Volkplantingen in, ncfFens Aanmerkingcn over den Oorlprong en voortgang der Tegcnwoordige Gefchillcn, en des oorlogs, tuflchcn Groot-Brittannie en defzelfs Kolonillen. 2 vols., 8vo. Amrterdam, 1776. Norfolk. Hiftory and Antiquities of the County of Norfolk. 10 vols., 8vo. Norwich, 1781. Bible Society. Third Report of the Managers of the, March 1 1, 1817. Convention. Addrefs and Refolutions. 8vo. Norman, B. M. Rambles in Yucatan ; or. Notes of Travel through the Pcninfula : including a Vifit to the remarkable Ruins of Chi-Chen, Kaloah, Zayi, and Uxmal. With numerous Illuftra- tions. 8vo. N. Y., 1843. [ ] New Orleans and Environs ; containing a brief Hillorical Sketch . . . Illullrated, l2mo. New Orleans, 1845. Norris, H. H. Pradical Expofition of the Tendency and Proceed- ings of the Britilh and Foreign Bible Society, relative to the Formation of an Auxiliary Society at Hackney, etc. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1814. NoRSKE, Lov. Kong Chriftian den Fcrntes. i2mo. 1768. [North America, French Claims in.] A Memorial, containing a Summary View of Fads, with their authorities, in Anfwer to the Obfcrvations fcnt by the Englifh Miniller to the Courts of Europe. Tranflatcd from the French. 8vo. N. Y., 1757. 440 New-York Historical Society. North America. The Prefent State of . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 64. [Rep] Bofton, 1755. A Review of the Military Operations in . . . 1753-56. 4to., pp. 144. Lond., 1762. A Hiftory of the Britifh Dominions in, from the firft Difcovery of that vaft Continent by Sebaftian Cabot in 1497, to its prefent glorious eftablifhment by the late Treaty of Peace in 1763. In 14 books. 4to. London, 1773. The Hiftory of . . . containing an Exaft Account of their Firft Settlements, etc. Map. i2mo. Lond., 1776. A Defcription of the Britifh Poffeffions in, with a Map of the Seat of War in North America. 8vo. [1813.] North American Review, and Mifcellaneous Journal. [Edited fuc- ceffively by W. Tudor, W. Phillips, J. Sparks, E. T. Channing, E. Everett, 1819-24; J. Sparks, 1825-295 A. H. Everett, 1829-34; J. G. Palfrey, 1835-43; F. Bowen, 1843-53; A. P. Peabody, 1854-58.] Vols. I-LXXXVIL 8vo. Bofton, 1815-58. General Index to the . . . from its commencement, in 181 5, to the end of the 25th volume. Publilhed Oftober, 1827. 8vo., pp. 442. Lond., 1829. North American Land Company. Plan of Aflbciation . . . Eftab- liftied February, 1795. 8vo., pp. 25. Phil., 1795. North Carolina. Colonial Records. Indexes to the Documents relative to, during its Colonial exiftence ; now on file in the offices of the Board of Trade and State Paper Offices in London, trans- mitted in 1827 by Mr. Gallatin, etc. 8vo. Raleigh, 1843. Provincial Congress. Journal of the Proceedings of the, held at Halifax on the nth of April, 1776. Newbern, 1776. 8vo. [Rep.] Raleigh, 183 1. Convention. Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of July, 1788 (on the Federal Conftitution). 8vo. Edenton, 1789. Convention. Proceedings and Debates of the Convention, called to amend the Conftitution of the State, Raleigh, June i ith, 1835, etc. 8vo. Raleigh, 1836. General Assembly. Journals of the Senate and Houfe of Commons of the General Aflembly of the State, at its Seffions, in 1844-5. 8vo. Raleigh, 1845. Historical Society of the Univerfity of . . . Firft Report. 8vo., pp. 8. Hillfborough, 1 844. Laws. Laws of the State of, pafTed by the General Affembly at the Seffions of 1 846-7. 8vo. Raleigh, 1 847. Same. PafTed at the Seffions of 1 850-1. 8vo. Raleigh, 1851. Same. PafTed at the Seffions of 1852. 8vo. Raleigh, 1853. Gold Mine Company. Account of the. 4to., pp. 8. North Eastern Boundary. Documents relating to the. 8vo. Northern Antiquities. lUuftrations of, from the earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian Romances, etc. 4to. Edinburgh, 18x4. Catalogue of Printed Books. 441 Northern Man with Southern Principles (The), and the Southern Man with American Principles, etc. 8vo. Wafhington, 1840. North Hempstead vs, Hempstead. In the Court for the Trial of Impeachments, and the Corredlion of Errors. Cafe on the part of the Appellants. 8vo. N. Y., 1825. NoRTHLEiGH, JoHN. Topographical Defcriptions, with Hiftorico- Political, and Medico-Phyfical Obfervations, made in two feveral Voyages through mofl: parts of Europe. 8vo. Lond., 1 702. NoRTHMORE, Thomas. Wafhington ; or. Liberty Reftored. A Poem, in Ten Books. 1 2mo. Baltimore, 1 809. North-West Passage. Reafons to fhew that there is a great proba- bility of a Navigable Paffage to the Weftern American Ocean, etc. 8vo., pp. 23. Lond., 1749. A fhort Narrative and Juftification of the Proceedings of the Committee, appointed by the Adventurers, to Profecute the Dis- covery, etc. 8vo., pp. 30. Lend., 1749. The Great Probability of a North-Weft Paflage, reduced from Obfervations on the Letter of Admiral de Fonte, etc. With three Maps, by Thomas JefFerys, Geographer, etc. With an Ap- pendix, etc. 4to. Lond., 1768. Norton, Andrews. Inaugural Difcourfe delivered before the Univer- fity in Cambridge, Auguft loth, 1819. 8vo. Cambridge, 18 19. A Difcourfe on the Lateft Form of Infidelity, delivered 19th of July, 1839. With Notes. 8vo. Cambridge, 1839. Remarks on a Pamphlet, entitled, " The Lateft Form of Infi- delity Examined." 8vo. Cambridge, 1839. Norton, Charles B. Norton's Literary Advertifer. Vol. I. [in 8 Numbers, continued under the title of] Norton's Literary Gazette. Vols. II. III. [continued as] Norton's Literary Gazette and Pub- Kftier's Circular. New Series. 4to. N. Y., 1852-55. Norton's Literary Almanack . . . containing important Literary Information, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1852. Norton's Literary Regifter and Book-buyer's Almanack for 1853. i2mo. N. Y., 1853. Norton's Literary and Educational Regifter. i2mo. N. Y., 1854. Norton, Jacob. A Sermon preached in Weymouth, and in feveral other Societies in the vicinity, illuftrating the Duty of Impenitent Sinners. 8vo. Bofton, 1803. The Will of God, refpeding the Salvation of All Men, illus- trated. Sermon delivered December 18, 1808. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1809. Sermon before the Mafl*achufetts Miffionary Society, Bofton, May 29th, 1 8 10. 8vo., pp. 40. Bofton, 18 10. Norton, John. Memoir of John Cotton. With a Preface and Notes, by Enoch Pond. i8mo. Bofton, 1834. Nop.way. The Hiftory of, from the Earlieft Times, by G. L. Borden, LL. D., and from the Union of Calmar, by Baron Holberg. 442 New-York Historical Society. Tranflated from the Danifh, and continued to the prcfent time, by A. Anderfon Feldborg. 8vo. Lend,, 1 817. Norwich. A Charge intended to have been delivered to the Clergy of, at the Primary Vilitation of the Bifhop of that Diocefe, Second Edition. 4to., pp. 38. Lond., 1792. Notation. Account of a Syftem of, reprefcnting the Sounds of the Alphabetical Charafter, by a New Apphcation of the Accentual Marks in prefent ufe, etc., from the Monthly Anthology of Janu- ary*, February and March. [By William Pelham, of Bofton.] i2mo., pp. 26. Bofton, 1809. NoTT, Eliphalet. Difcourfe, July 4th, 1801), in the Preftjyterian Church at Albany. 8vo,, pp. 26. Albany, 1801. Difcourfe on the Death of General Alexander Hamilton, Albany. 8vo., pp. 27. Hanover (N. H.), 1804. Difcourfe before the Ladies' Society for the Relief of Diftrefled Women and Children, Albany, March 1 8th, 1 804. 8vo., pp. 40. Albany. Sermon before the General Aflembly of the Prefbyterian Church of the United States of America, May 19th, 1806. 8vo., pp. 39. Phil., 1806. Addrefs delivered to the Candidates for the Baccalaureate in Union College, at the Anniverfary Commencement, July 29th, 1807. 8vo. Albany, 1807. Mifcellaneous Works. With an Appendix. 8vo. Scheneftady, 18 10. NoTT, JosiAH C. Two Ledlures on the Conneftion between the Biblical and Phyfical Hiftory of Man, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1 849. NoTT, Samuel. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Oliver Ayer, Weft Stockbridge, May 29th, 1793. 8v©. ' Stockbridge, 1793. The Sixtieth Anniverfary Sermon, preached at Franklin, 13th March, 1842. 8vo. Norwich, 1842. Nottingham, Earl of. Anfwer to Mr. Whifton's Letter on the Eternity of the Son of God, and of the Holy Ghoft. Fifth Edi- tion. 8vo., pp. 79. Lond., 1721. NouvEAU DicTiONNAiRE HisTORiQUE, ou Hiftoirc Abrcgc de tous les Hommes, etc. Par une Societe de_ Gens-De-Lettres. Tom. 8. A Caen, 1783. NouvEAU Tarif du Prix de Glaces, 1765. i2mo. Paris. Novanglus and Massachusettensis ; or. Political EfTays, publiflied in the years 1774 and 1775, on the principal points of Contro- verfy between Great Britain and her Colonies. With Letters of Prefident Adams to William Tudor. 8vo. Bofton, 1 8 1 9. Nova Scotia. The Memorials of the Englilh and French Commis- saries concerning the Limits of, or Acadie. 4to. Lond., 1755. Bishop of. Sermon of, before the Governor, Council, and Houfe of Aflembly of the Province of, on the 25th of November, 1787. With an Appendix. 4to., pp. 32. Halifax, 1787. Catalogue of Printed Books. 443 Nova Scotia. A Form of Prayer, to be ufed in all the Churches, etc., in the Province of. 4to., pp. 6. Halifax. NoYER, Madam Du. Letters from a Lady at Paris to a Lady at Avignon, containing an Account of the City, Politicks, Intrigues, etc., of Perfons of the Firft Quality in France. 8vo. Lond., 1 716. NoYES, Thomas. Review of Report of Evidence in the Cafe, John Atkins, appellant, vs. Calvin Sanger, et al.. Executors, relative to the Will of the late Mrs. Badger, of Natick, etc. 8vo., pp. 71. Dedham. Nugent, H. P. Letter to his Excellency William C. C. Claiborne, Governor of the Territory of Orleans. A Letter to James Brown, Efq. A Defence of the Hon. John Rowan and Daniel Clark, etc. 4to., pp. 52. New Orleans, 1808. Nugent, Thomas. A New Pocket Didlionary of the French and Englifh Languages. Fifth American Edition. By J. Oifeau. i2mo. Phil., 1846. Nuix, Juan. Rcflexiones Imparciales fobre la humanidad de los Efpanoles en las Indias contra los pretendidos filofofos y politicos, efcritas in Italiano y trad, por D. Pedro Varela y Ulloa. 4to., large paper. Madrid, 1782. Nunez Cabeca de Vaca, Alvar. The Narrative of . . . tranflated [from the Spanifh] by Buckingham Smith [with a Prefatory No- tice by G. W. R., Jr., i. e., George Wafhington Riggs. 4to. Wafhington, 1851. Nunez de Castro, Alonso. Libro Hiftorico Politico, folo Madrid es Corte, y el Cortefano en Madrid, etc. 4to. Madrid, 1675. Nuttall, Thomas. Journal of Travels into the Arkanfa Territory during the year 18 19, with occalional Obfervations on the Man- ners of the Aborigines. Map, and other Engravings. 8vo. Phil., 1 82 1. Nye, Gideon, Jr. Republications of Effays upon Art . . . etc. ift Edition, May 5th, 1849. 8vo., pp. 40. N. Y., 1849. Same. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1849. Effays upon Art . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 49. vi. N. Y., 1 849. Tea and the Tea Trade. Parts. I-IIL With a Poftfcript. [Third Edition of Parts L and IL, with a Preface and a Mar- ginal Index.] 8vo. N. Y., 1850. Oakes, Urian. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 7th, 1673. 4to. Cambridge, 1673. Oates, Constant. The Charafter of a Good and Bad Subjeft. A Sermon. 4to., pp. 16. Lond. Oaths. The Religion of an Oath, etc. i2mo. Bofton, 17 19. [O'Beirne, .] Sermon at St. Paul's, New York, September 22, 1776, being the firft Sunday after General Howe took poffeflion of the City, etc. [MS. title.] i2mo. N. Y., 1776. JCa.-'C^^J^- l^f^"^- 444 New -York Historical Society. Objections to the War Examined and Refuted. By a Friend to Peace. 8vo. Lend., 1793. Oblique View of the Grand Confgiracy againft Social Order. 8vo., pp. 34. Lend., 1798. Observations arifing from the Declaration of War againft Spain, and the Future Management, ... In a Letter to . 8vo., pp. 56. Lond., 1739. On feveral Afts of Parliament, palled in the 4th, 6th and 7th years of his prefent Majefty's Reign, and alfo on the Condudl of the Officers of the Cuftoms, fince thofe Afts were pafled, and the Board of Commiffioners appointed to refide to America. 4to., pp. 24. Bofton, 1769 On a late State of the Nation. Fourth Edition. 8vo., pp. 155 Lond, 1769 Upon the Congregational plan of Church Government, etc By the Convention of the Minifters of MafTachufetts, 1773 8vo., pp. 21. Bofton, 1773 On the Preliminary and Provifional Articles, . . . 8vo., pp. 33 Lond., 1783 On the Commerce of the American States with Europe and the Weft Indies, etc. Alfo, an Eflay on Canon and Feudal Law. By John Adams, etc. 8vo., pp. 77. Phil., 1783. On the peculiar cafe of the Whig Merchants ii^ebted to Great Britain at the commencement of the late War, with the Addrefs of Congrefs, September, 1779, on National Faith, Juftice and Honor. By a Citizen. 8vo. N. Y., 1785. On a late publication, intituled. Thoughts on Executive Juftice, etc. i2mo., pp. 162. Lond., 1786. Leading to a Fair Examination of the Syftem of Government, propofed by the late Convention ; and to feveral eflential and neceflary alterations in it. In a number of Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Repubhcan. 8vo. '^I'^l- On the New Conftitution, and on the Foederal and State Con- ventions. By a Columbian Patriot. 8vo., pp. 144. [Rep.] N. Y., 1788. On the Agriculture, Manufaftures and Commerce of the United States. In a Letter to a Member of Congrefs. By a Citizen of the United States. 8vo., pp. 102. N. Y., 1789. On the Refleftions of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke on the Revolution in France, in a Letter to the Right Hon. the Earl of Stanhope. 8vo. Bofton, 1791. Etc. [Title gone. This pamphlet relates to the payment of the debts of the Prince of Wales. 8vo. 1795'] Addrefled to the Friends of the Conftitution, occafioned by the late Addrefs of the Whig Club. By a Freeholder of Hang Weft, in the North Riding of Yorkfhire. 8vo.. York, 1 796. — — On a late Addrefs to the Citizens of Dublin, with Thoughts on the Prefent Crifis. Fourth Edition. 8vo., p. 70. Lond., 1 797. Catalogue of Printed Books. 445 Observations on American Independency. By T. True Briton. 8vo. Upon Paper Credit. [Title gone.] ■ Sur la Phyfiquc, fur I'Hiftoire Naturelle et fur les Arts, etc. 4to., 25 vols. Paris, 1784. On the propofed State Road from Hudfon River, etc., to Lake Erie, etc. Map. 8vo. 1800. O'Callaghan, E. B. Hiflory of New Netherland ; or. New York under the Dutch. 2 vols.,8vo. N. Y., 1846-48. — — Jefuit Relations of Difcoveries, and other occurrences in Canada, and the Northern and Weftern States of the Union, 1632-72. [Proceedings, 1847. pp. 140-58.] 8vo. N. Y., 1847. Relations des Jefuites, fur les Decouvertes ... en Canada, etc., traduit de I'Anglais, avec notes, izmo. Montreal, 1850. The Documentary Hiftory of the State of New York, arranged under the direction of Chriftopher Morgan, Secretary of State . . . 4 vols., 4to. Albany, 1850-51. Same. 4 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1849-1 851. Documents relative to the Colonial Hiftory of the State of New York, procured in Holland, England and France, by John Ro- meyn Brodhead . . . Edited [and the documents in Dutch and French tranflated] by E. B. O'Callaghan. Vols. I. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. 4to. Albany, 1853-58. Occasional Papers. Colledlion of the . . . for the year 1716. With a Preface. 8vo. Lond., 1716. Occasional (The) Reverberator. Nos. I-IV., September 7th to Oftober 5, 1753. Folio. N. Y. Ocean Insurance Company. A61 to Incorporate the . . . 8vo., pp. 12. N. Y., 1810. OcKLEV, Simon. The Hiftory of the Saracens. Second Edition. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1718. O'Connor, John, affifted by John Marv. Anecdotes of the Reign of Louis XVL, prefent King of France. i2mo., pp. 202. N. Y. O'Connor, T. An Impartial and Correft Hiftory of the War be- tween the United States of America and Great Britain, etc., from June 18, 1812, to February 17th, 1815. Fourth Edition. i2mo. N. Y., 1817. Odd Fellows. General Hiftory of the Independent Order of . . . 8vo. N. Y., 1 84Z. Firemen's Lodge, No. 19, Albany, Exercifes on the Celebration of the Sixth Anniverfary, March 21ft, 1843. Poem, by Alfred B. Street, Oration, by George W. Clinton. 8vo. Albany, 1843. Literary Magazine. Vol. I., Nos. 1-7. 8vo. Albany, 1 848. Oddy, J. Jepson. European Commerce, fhewing new and fecure Channels of Trade with the Continent of Europe, etc. 4to. London, 1805. Same. 2 vols., ^vo. Phil., 1847. Odiorne, James C. Opinions on Speculative Mafonry, relative to its Origin, Nature and Tendency, etc. 1 2mo. Bofton, 1 830. 446 New-York Historical Society. Odlin, John. Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Ward Clark, at Kingfton, September 29th, 1725. 8vo., pp. 22. Bofton, 1727. Ogden, David B. Oration at Newark, 4th July, 1798. i2mo. Newark, 1798. Ogden, James De Peyster. Remarks on the Currency of the United States, and the Prefent State and Future Profpeds of the Country. By Publius. 8vo. N. Y., 1840. Additional Remarks on the Currency of the United States. By Publius. Together with various remarks on this fubjcdl by the fame author, 1840. 8vo. N. Y., 1841. Ogden, John Cozj^ns. New Hampfhire Eleftion Sermon, Concord, June, 1790. * 8vo. Concord, 1790. An Addrefs at the Opening of the Portfmouth Academy . . . 1791 . . . 8vo. Portfmouth, 1791. Letters, occafioned by the publication of a private epiftolary correfpondence begun by Mr. Samuel MacClintock, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1 79 1. Sermon before the Columbian Lodge, at Nottingham, Septem- ber 7th, 1790. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1791. An Excurfion into Bethlehem and Nazareth, in Pennfylvania, in the year 1 799, with a Hiftory of the Moravians. 1 2mo. Phil., 1800. Ogden, Lewis Morris. Oration, 4th July, 1803, at Newark. 8vo. ■ Newark. Ogden, Uzal. A Sermon on Pradlical Religion, delivered at Newark, Auguft 15th, 1779. No. IL 8vo., pp. 42. Chatham, 1780. Sermon at Morriftown, on Monday, December 27th, 1784, be- fore the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Mafons in New Jerfey. 8vo. N. Y., 1785. Addrefs to thofe perfons at Elizabethtown and Newark, etc., who have lately been imprefled with a defire to obtain falvation. With a Prayer. 8vo., pp. 43. N. Y., 1785. Four Sermons on important fubjefts, delivered in St. George's and St. Paul's Chapels, in the City of New York. 8vo., pp. 78. Elizabethtown, 1788. Antidote to Deifm, The Deift Unmalked, etc., dedicated to George Wafhington. 2 vols., i2mo. Newark [N. J.], 1795. Letter to the Epifcopal Congregations in the State of New Jerfey. 8vo. [i797-] Two Difcourfes on the Death of Gen. Wafliington, Newark and Bellville, New Jerfey, December 29th, 1799, and January 5 th, 1800. Portrait. 8vo., pp. 46. Newark, 1800. Ogilby, John. America : being the lateft and moft accurate Defcrip- tion of the New World, etc. Maps. Folio. Lond., 1671. An Embafly from the Eaft India Company of the United Pro- vinces to the Grand Tartar Cham, Ejnperor of China, etc. Second Edition. Plates. Folio. Lond., 1673. Catalogue of Printed Books. 447 Ogle, Sir Chaloner, Kt. The Tryal of. Rear Admiral of the Blue, before the Chief Juftice of Jamaica, . . . 8vo., pp. 22. Ohio. A Topographical Defcription of the State of . . . Indiana Territory, and Louiflana, etc. With a concife account of the Indian Tribes Weft of the Mifliflippi, and Journal of Mr. Charles CLt^^^Ati^ Le Raye, etc. By a late Officer in the United States Army. l2mo. Bofton, 1 81 2. Canal. Commencement of the . . . at the Licking Summit, July 4, 1825. Addrefs by Thomas Erting, Speeches by Gov- •T-6^' ernor Clinton, etc. 8vo. Lancafter, Ohio. / Historical and Philosophical Society of. Journal, Part I., Vol.1. 8vo., pp. III. Columbus, 1838. Tranfaftions of the. Part 11. Vol.1. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1839. — — Mechanics Inftitute. Report of the Third American Fair of the Ohio Mechanics* Inftitute, held 3d week in June, 1 840, at Cincinnati, 1840. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1840. and Mississippi Rivers. Memorial of the Citizens of Cincin- nati to the Congrefs of the United States, relative to the Naviga- tion of the Ohio and Miffiffippi Rivers. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1843. Olafsen and Povelsen (M. M.) Travels in Iceland. Tranflated from the Danifti. 8vo. • Lond., 1805. Olcott, Charles. Specification of Olcott's newly invented Self- Ballafting Iron Safety Ships, 181 5. 8vo. Wafhington, 1835. Olcott, Thomas W. Addrefs delivered before the Albany Phreno- logical Society, April 2d, 1840. 8vo. Albany, 1840. Oldham, John. Works, etc. With Memoirs of his Life and Writ- ings. Engravings. 2 vols., l2mo. Lond., 1722. Oldmixon, John. The Hiftory of England during the Reigns of King William and Oueen Mary, Queen Anne, King George I. ; being the fequel of the Reigns of the Stuarts. Folio. Lond., 1735. Olds, Gamaliel S. An Inaugural Oration, delivered in the Chapel of Williams College, 0£l. 14th, 1806. 8vo. Stockbridge, 1806. Old Stone Mill. The Controverfy touching the ... in the Town of Newport, Rhode Ifland. 4to. Newport, 1851. Oldys, Francis. The Life of Thomas Pain, the author of the Rights of Man. With a Defence of his writings. 8vo. Dublin. O'Leariad (The). Tranflated into Englifli Verfe, and illuftrated with Notes. 8vo., pp. 23. Dublin, 1787. Olearius, Adam. Voyages tres curieux et tres renommez faits en Mofcovie, Tartary et Perfe, etc. Traduits de I'original et aug- mentez par le Sr. De Wicquefort, etc. Tomes 2. Folio. Amfterdam, 1727. O'Leary, Arthur. Obfervations on Stridlures againft Lord Bifhop of Cloyne, in his "Defence." 8vo., pp. 34. '^I'^l' Reply to the Third Seftion of his " Defence." [No title.] Oliphant, Edward. The Hiftory of North America and its United States, including a Diftinft Hiftory of each individual State, etc. With an account of New Difcoveries. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1 800. 448 New-York Historical Society. Oliver, Andrew. See Hutchinfon. Oliver, Andrew, Jun. An Eflay on Comets, in two Parts. 8vo. Salem, 1772. Oliver, B. L., and Currie, William. Letters on the Kine Pox, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1802. Oliver, Daniel. An Addrefs, delivered in the Chapel of Dartmouth College, upon the Induftion of the Author into the Profeflbrfhip of . . . Philofophy, May 17, 1825. 8vo. Concord, 1825. Olmstead, Denison. Outlines of Leftures on the Atmofphere and its Phenomena. 8vo. N. Y., 1839. Olmstead, Gideon. Sundry Documents (copied from the X)riginal) relative to the Claim of Gideon Olmftead againft the Common- wealth of Pennfylvania, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1 811. Omega. A Poem on the Laft Judgment. 8vo. Lond., 1708. Onderdonk, Benjamin T. A Plea for Religious Charity Schools. A Sermon preached in Trinity Church, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1825. An Addrefs delivered in St. Stephen's Church, New York, at the funeral of the Rev. Henry J. Feltus, D. D., Redor of faid Church, Auguft 25th, 1828. 8vo. N. Y., 1828. A Paftoral Letter to the Clergy and People of his Spiritual Charge. 8vo. N. Y., 1844. Colleftion of Pamphlets relating to the Trial of . . . etc. Onderdonk, Henry. Epifcopacy Telled by Scripture. N. Y. Onderdonk, Henry, Jun. Documents and Letters intended to illus- trate the Revolutionary Incidents of Queen's County . . . 1 2mo, N. Y., 1846. Correfpondence with J. Fenimore Cooper, on the Capture and Death of Major Woodhull. [Newfpaper cuttings.] 8vo. N. Y., 1848. Revolutionary Incidents of Suffolk and King's Counties . . . i2mo. N. Y., 1849. Long Ifland and New York in Olden Times ; being Newfpaper Extradls and Hiftorical Sketches. 8vo. Jamaica, L. I., 1851. Onderdonk, Henry U. Sermon on the Future State of Children. 8vo., pp. 14. Canandaigua, 1816. Sermon on General Education, delivered before the Female Charitable Society of Canandaigua, September 8th, 1 8 1 6. 8vo., pp. 16. Canandaigua, 1 816. Onondaga Lands. Report from the Commiffioners for Settling the Titles to Land in the County of Onondaga, New York. Albany, February, 1800. Opposition more Necessary than Ever ; or. Review of the Prin- ciples, Defigns, and Condud of the Two Parties, etc. 8vo.,. pp. 59. Lond., 1742. Oracle, Athenian. An Entire Colleftion of all the valuable Ques- tions and Anfwers in the old Athenian Mercuries, etc. By a Member of the Athenian Society. 3 vols., 8vo. Lend., 1703-4.. Catalogue of Printed Books. 449 Orange. Conftitution of the Benevolent Society of the County of. 8vo., pp. 8. Oratiuncula habita in domo Convocationis. (With Dedication.) 4to., pp. 22. Londini, 1757. Orbigny, D' M. Charles. Keepfake de Hiftoire Naturelle. Defcrip- tion des IVlammiferes. Introdudion. 8vo. Paris. Ordeal, The. A Critical Journal of Politicks and Literature. 8vo. Bofton, 1809. Ord, George. Sketch of the Life of Alexander Wilfon. 8vo. Phil., 1828. Orders in Council. Minutes of Evidence taken at the Bar of the Houfe of Lords, before a Committee of the whole Houfe, to whom it was referred to conlider the . . . recommended by His Majerty, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1808. Hints to both Parties ; or, Obfervations on the Proceedings in Parliament upon the Petitions. 8vo. N. Y., 1808. Meflage from the Prefident of the United States, tranfmitting Correfpondence between the Britifli Minifter and the Secretary of State. 8vo. Wafhington, 1 81 2. Ordination. A Defence of the Eflentials of Ordination, in anfwer to a Pamphlet, entitled Serious Thoughts on a late Adminiftration of Epifcopal Orders. 8vo. N. Y., 181 2. Ordonnance de la Marine, du mois d'Aout, 1681. Commentee et Conferee fur les Anciennes Ordonnances, le Droit Romain, et Ics nouveaux Reglemens. i2mo. Paris, 1715. [Orem, William.] Defcription of the Chanonry Cathedral, and King's College, of Old Aberdeen, in years 1724-5. i2mo. Aberdeen and Lond., 1832. O'RiELLY, Bernard. Greenland, the adjacent Seas, and the North- Weft Paflage to the Pacific Ocean, illuftrated in a Voyage to Davis' Straits during the Summer of 1 817. Maps, etc. 4to. Lond., 1 81 8. O'Rielly, Henrv. Rocheftter in 1835. Brief Sketches of the prefent Condition of the City of Rochcfter. 8vo., pp. 14. Rochefter, 1835. Settlement in the Weft. Sketches of Rochefter ; with Inci- dental Notices of Weftern New York, etc. i2mo. Rochefter, 1838. [ ] Notices of Sullivan's Campaign ; or, the Revolutionary Warfare in Weftern New York . . . Including the Remarks of Governor Seward at Mount Hope. i2mo. Rochefter, 1842. See Appendix. Original Letters, to an Honeft Sailor. 8vo., pp. 94. Lond. Original Sin. Letter to the Rev. Author of the Winter Evening Converfation on, etc. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1758. Orlandos and others. Report of the Evidence and Reafons of the Award between Johannis Orlandos, and others, and Le Roy, Bayard . and Co., and others. By the Arbitrators. 8vo. N. Y., 1826. 29 45© New-York Historical Society. Orleans, Due de. Inftruftion donnee par S. A. S. Monfigneur Le Due de, a fes Reprelentans aux Bailliages, etc. 8vo., pp. 75. _ 1789. The Memoirs of M. Louis Philip Jofeph (Duke) D'Orleans, ac- cufed of High Treafon, etc. Tranflated from the original pub- lifhed at Paris. 8vo. Dublin, 1 791. Ormonde, James Duke of. His Life, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1 747. Orr, William. His Trial at Carrickfergus AfTizes for being an United Irifliman, etc. 8vo;, pp. 20. Phil., 1798 Ortelius, Abraham. Theatrum orbis Terrarum. Folio. Antwerp, 1575. Orton, Job. Three Difcourfes on Eternity, and the Importance and Advantage of Looking at Eternal Things. Ninth Edition, i zmo., pp. 72. Lond., 1797. Osborn, Selleck. An Oration, delivered at Newburgh in the State of New York, on the 4th of July, 1798. i2mo. Osborne, George. Sermon at Kingfton, July 30, 1730, at the Aflizes, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1730. Sermon at Guilford, March 24th, 1732, at the Aflizes, etc. 8vo. Lond,, 1732. Sermon at Kingftown, March 21, 1734-5, ^^ ^^^ Aflizes, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1735. Osgood, Daniel. A Letter on the Yellow Fever of the Weft Indies. 8vo. N. Y., 1820. Osgood, David. Sermon (Medford, December 11, 1783), Thanks- giving for Peace. 8vo., pp. 35. Bofton, 1784. The Wonderful Works of God are to be Remembered. A Ser- mon delivered on the day of the Annual Thankigiving, Novem- ber 20th, 1 79 1. . Bofton, 1794. Thankigiving Sermon, November 20th, 1 794, at Medford. 8vo., pp. 29. Bofton, 1794. Thankfgiving Sermon, February 19th, I795> Medford. 8vo., pp. 30. Bofton, 1795. Sermon, Thankfgiving, November 20th, 1794, at Medford. Third Edition. 8vo., pp. 29. Bofton, 1795. Faft Day Sermon, Medford, May 9th, 1 798 (on the French Re- publicans). 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1798. Convention Sermon, delivered in Bofton, May 31 ft, 1798. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1798. Difcourfe at Medford, December 29th, 1799, °" ^^^ Death of General Wafhington. 8vo., pp. 19. Bofton, 1800. Dudleian Ledure, Harvard College, May 5th, 1802. 8vo., pp. 36. Cambridge, 1802. Funeral Difcourfe, delivered February 4th, 1803. (Rev. Jofeph Roby.) 8vo. Bofton, 1803. ■ The Validity of Baptifm by Sprinkling, etc., fupported and de- fended, in two Difcourfes, delivered at Maiden, 1 804. 8vo. Bofton, 1804. Catalogue of Printed Books. 45 » Osgood, David. Maflachufctts Elcdlion Sermon, May 311!:, 1 809. Second Edition. 8vo. Boilon. Difcourfe delivered at Cambridge, in the hearing of the Univcr- fity, April 8th, 18 10. 8vo,, pp. 40. Cambridge, 18 10. Solemn Proteft againft the late Declaration of War, in a Dis- courfe, etc. 8vo., pp. 20. Cambridge, 1812. Sermon, at the Ordination of the Rev. Convers Francis to the Pafloral Charge of the Church and Society in Watertovvn, June 23d, 1 8 19. 8vo. Cambridge, 18 19. [Osgood, Samuel.] Remarks on the Book of Daniel, and on the Revelations. 8vo. N. Y., 1794. Addrefs to the " United Whig Club." 8vo. March, 1 809. Three Letters on different fubjefts, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 181 1. OssoLi, Margaret Fuller. Memoirs. 2 vols., i2mo. Bofton, 1852. O'SuLLivAN, J. L. Report in favor of the Abolition of the Punifti- ment of Death by Law, etc. Second Edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1841. Oswald, Eleazer. The Cafe of the Commonwealth againft, for a Contempt of the Supreme Court of Pennfylvania. Reported by a Gentleman of the Law. 8vo. Phil., 1788. Oswald, Thomas. Two Sermons, occafioned by the Death of Rev. Robert Lawfon, at the Scotch Church, London Wall, May 5 th, 1771. 8vo., pp. 45. Lond., 1771. Otis, Harrison Gray. Eulogy on General Alexander Hamilton, pronounced at the requcft of the Citizens of Bofton, July 26th, 1804. 8vo. N. Y., 1804. Letters in Defence of the Hartford Convention, and the People of Maflachufetts. 8vo. Bofton, 1824. An Addrefs to the Board of Aldermen and Members of the Common Council of Bofton, on the Organization of the City Government, January 5th, 1829. 8vo. Bofton, 1829. [Otis, James.] A Vindication of the Britifh Colonies againft the Afperfions of the Halifax Gentleman, in his Letter to a Rhode Ifland Friend. With a Poftfcript. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1765. The Rights of the Britilh Colonics Afterted and Proved. Third Edition. 8vo., pp. 120. [Rep.] Lond., 1766. Otis, Richard. Genealogical Memoir of the Family of. 8vo. Bofton, 1 85 1. Otseg*o Votes. An Impartial Statement of the Controverfy refpcft- ing the Decifion of the late Committee of Canvaflers, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1792. Appendix to the Impartial Statement of the Controverfy refpefl- ing the Decifion of the late Committee of Canvaflers. 8vo., pp. 22. N. Y., 1792. Rcafons in fupport of an Opinion offered to the Public, refped- ing . . . 7th June, 1792. 8vo., pp. 30. N. Y., 1792. OuLTON, Walley C. Botheration ! or, a Ten Years' Blunder. A Farce. 8vo., pp. 46. Lond., 1798. 45* New-York Historical Society. OusELEY, W. The Oriental Colleftions for January, February and March, 1797. 4to. Lend. OusELEY, William Gore. Remarks on the Statiftics and Political Inftitutions of the United States, with fome Obfervations on the Ecclefiaftical Syftem of America, her Sources of Revenue, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1832. Same. American Edition. 8vo. Phil., 1832. OviDius, PuBLius Naso. Lcs Mctamorphofcs. Traduites en Profe Francais, et de nouveau foineufement reveues et corrigees, avec XV. Difcours, contenans I'explication Morale des Fables, etc. Gravures. 8vo. A Paris, 1650. Metamorphofeon Libri X. ; or. Ten Seleft Books of Ovid's Metamorphofes, with an Englifh Tranflation, etc. i2mo. Phil., 1790. Metamorphofeon, Libri XV. Interpretatione et Notis illus- travit Daniel Chrifpinus Helvetius, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1794. Owen, Charles. An Effay towards the Natural Hiftory of Serpents, In two Parts. 4to. Lond., 1742. Owen, David Dale. Report of a Geological Exploration of part of Iowa, Wifconfm and Illinois, etc. [Senate Doc, 407, 28th Con- grefs, I ft Seffion,] 8vo. Owen, Henry. Collatio Codicis Cottoniani Genefeos cum Editione Romana a viro Clarifs. lo, Er. Grabe jam olim fadla, etc. 8vo., pp. 60. Lond,, 1778. Owen, John. Hiftory of the Origin and Firft Ten Years of the Britifh and Foreign Bible Society. 8vo. N. Y., 181 7. Owen's New Book of Roads; or, A Defcription of the Roads of Great Britain. Lond., 1837. Oxford, Bishop of. His Charge Confidered, etc. In an Humble Addrefs to his Lordfhip. By the Author of Lay Baptifm Invalid. 8vo., pp. 78. Lond., 171 2. Anfwer to the Exceptions made againft his Charge, by Mr. L. and Dr, Brett, etc, 8vo., pp. 130, Lond,, 1713. Oxford, Robert Earl of. Further Report from the Committee of Secrecy, appointed to inquire into his Condudl, etc. 8vo., pp. 128. Lond., 1742. Oyster Bay. Narrative of Proceedings of a Meeting of the Inabit- ants of . . . June 2 2d, 1848, refpedling changes in Name of, etc. 8vo. 1848. Pacificus to the Public. 8vo., pp. 8. Phil., July i6th, 1768. Packard, Hezekiah. Two Difcourfes on Prayer, particularly on Family Worlhip. Wifcaflet, February 12th, 1804. 8vo., pp, 28. Wifcaflet. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Thomas Cochran, Cam- den, September 11, 1805. Together with the Charge, etc. 8vo. Buckftown, 1805. Catalogue of Printed Books. 453 Packer, Thomas. Goliath Slain, and the Philiflines Routed ; being a Reply to R. Carter's Pamphlet, addreffed to Rev. W. Huntington. 8vo., pp. 44. Lond., 1794. Difcourfe at the Ordination of the Rev. Andrew Beattie, Salis- bury, June 28th, 1797. 8vo. Newburyport, 1797. [Padman, .] The Diflenters' Appeal againft the Attacks of the Rev. Rowland Hill, etc. izmo., pp. 38. Lond., 1805. Pagitt, Ephraim. Herefiography ; or, a Defcription of the Here- tics and Sedaries of thefe L^ter Times, etc. Third Edition. Small 4to. Lond., 1646. Pages, F. Nouveau Traite de Litterature, Ancienne et Moderne, etc. Tom. 3. 8vo. A Paris, 1802. Paige, Lucius R. An Addrefs at the Centennial Celebration in Hardwick, Maflachufetts, November 15th, 1838. 8vo. Cambridge, 1838 Paine, Charles. Oration at Bofton (4th July, 1801). 8vo., pp. 24 Bofton Paine, Martyn. Medical and Phyfiological Commentaries. 3 vols 8vo. N. Y., 1840-44 The Inftitutes of Medicine. 8vo. N. Y., 1 847 A Difcourfe on the Soul and Inftinft, phyfiologically diflinguifhed from Materialifm. November 2d, 1848. i2mo. N. Y., 1849. Memoir [and Remains] of Robert Troup Paine. By his Parents. 4to. N. Y., 1852. Paine, Thomas [altered^ by the General Court of Maflachufetts, to Robert Treat Paine, Jr.] The Ruling Paffion. An Occafional Poem, written by the appointment of the Society of the ^ B K, and fpo ken July 20th, 1797. With Notes. 410., pp. 28. Bofton, 1797. Letter to the People of France and the French Armies, on the Event of the i8th Frudlidor, September 4, and its Confequcnces. 8vo., pp. 28. [Rep.] N. Y., 1798. Oration (July 17th, 1799), at Bofton, in Commemoration of the Difl"olution of the Treaties, etc., between France and the United States of America. 8vo., pp. 30. Bofton, 1799. Same. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 30. Bofton, 1799. Eulogy on the Life of General George Wafhington, Newbury- port, January 2, 1800. 8vo., pp. 22. Newburyport, 1800. Works in Verfe and Prole, with Notes, to which are prefixed Sketches of his Life, Character and Writings. 8vo. Bofton, 181 2. Difl"ertations on Firft Principles of Government. 8vo. Paris. [Paine, Thomas.] Common Senfe, addrefl"ed to the Inhabitants of America, etc. Written by an Englifhman. 8vo., pp. 77. Phil., 1776. Same. 8vo., pp. 54. [Rep.] Lond., 1776. Plain Truth, addrefled to the Inhabitants of America, containing Remarks on a late Pamphlet, entitled Common Senfe, etc. By Candidus. 8vo. Phil., 1776. 454 New-York Historical Society. Paine, Thomas. Large Additions to Common Senfe, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1776. The True Intereft of America Impartially Stated, in certain ftriftures on a Pamphlet, entitled Common Senfe. By an Ameri- can. 8vo. Phil., 1776. [ ] The American Crifis, No. i . 8vo. [Rep.J N. Y. See Pennfylvania Magazine. — Kennedy. The American Crifis. By the Author of Common Senfe. No. III. 8vo. Phil. [1777]. Same. No. V., addrefTed to General Sir William Howe . . . 8vo. [Rep.] Hartford, 1778. [ ] Public Good ; being an Examination into the Claim of Vir- ginia to the Vacant Weftern Territory, etc. 8vo. [Imperfeft.] Phil., 1780. Letter to the Abbe Raynal on the Affairs of America, in which the Abbe's Miftakes are Corredled and Cleared up. 8vo., pp. 77. Phil., 1782. Rights of Man, being an anfwer to Mr. Burke's Attack on the French Revolution. 8vo. [Rep.] Bennington, Vt., 1791. Confiderations on his " Rights of Man." 8vo., pp. 75. Edinburgh, 1791. The Writings of. Secretary for Foreign Affairs to the Congrefs of the United States of America in the late War. 8vo. Albany [1792]. Letter, addrefTed to the AddrefTers, on the late Proclamation. 8vo. Lond., 1792. .Same. 8vo., pp. 43. Phil., 1793. The Trial of Daniel Ifaac Eaton, etc., for Selling a fuppofed Libel. A Letter addrefTed to the AddrefTers. 8vo. Lond., 1793. The Cafe of the Officers of Excife, with Remarks on the Quali- fications of Officers, etc. 8vo., pp. 39. Lond., 1793. Profpeds on the War, and Paper Currency. Firft American Edition. 8vo. Baltimore, 1794. The Age of Infidelity, in Anfwer to Thomas Paine's Age of Reafon. By a Layman. i2mo., pp. 62. [Rep.] N. Y., 1794. DifTertation on Firfl Principles of Government (with his Speech in the Convention, July 7th, 1795). 8vo. Paris, 1795. Letter to George Wafhington, Prefident of the United States of America, on Affairs Public and Private. 8vo., pp. 76. Phil., 1796. The Decline and Fall of the Englifh Syflem of Finance. 8vo. Paris, 1796. The Recantation ; being an anticipated Valediftory Addrefs of Thomas Paine to the French Direftory. 8vo. N. Y., 1797. Letter to, in Anfwer to his fcurrilous Epiflle, addrefTed to Wafh- ington, etc. By an American Citizen. 8vo. N. Y., 1797. Letter to the Hon. Thomas Erfkine, on the Profecution of Catalogue of Printed Books. 45^ Thomas Williams, for publifliing the Age of Reafon. 8vo., pp. 31. Paris, 1797. Paine, Thomas. Five Minutes' Anfwcr to his Letter to General Walh- ington. 8vo., pp. 44. Lond., 1797. Letters to the Citizens of the United States. 8vo., pp. 32. N. v., 1802. Letter to the late General George Wafhington, when Prefident of the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1802. Examination of the Paffages in the New Teftament, quoted from the Old, and called Prophecies, concerning Jefus Chrift, etc. 8vo. N. y. [1807]. Addrefs, and the proceedings of the Feftival, held in the City of Cincinnati, January 29th, 1840, in Commemoration of the Revolutionary Services of that wonderful Advocate of Civil Liberty, Thomas Paine. By James Underwood. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1 840. Paine, William. Addrefs to . . . the American Antiquarian So- ciety ... on their Third Anniverfary, Bofton, Oft. 23, 1815. 8vo. Worcefler, 181 5. Palairet, J. A Concife Defcription of the Enghfh and French Pos- scHions in North America, etc. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 70. Lond., 1755. Palermo. Atto della Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Nuova Serie. Vol. L, 4to. Palermo, 1845. Paley, William. Sermon, July 15th, 1777, in the Cathedral Church, Carliflc, at the Bifhop's Vifitation. 8vo., pp. il. [Rep.] Bofton, 1809. Caution recommended in the Ufe of Scripture Language. A Vifitation Sermon, Carhfte, July 15th, 1777. 8vo., pp. 11. Cambridge [M. S.], 1 809. Palfrey, John Gorham. A Difcourfe pronounced at Barnftable, on the 3d September, 1839, at the Second Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of Cape Cod. 8vo. Bofton, 1 840. Difcourfe on the Life and Charadler of the Rev. John Thorn- ' ton Kirkland, June 5 th, 1840, in the New South Church, in Bofton. 8vo. Cambridge, 1840. Difcourfe on the Life and Charafter of the Rev. Henry Ware,' Cambridge, September 28th, 1845. 8vo. Cambridge, 1845. Papers on the Slave Power, firft publifhed in the Bofton Whig. 8vo. Bofton [1846J. Speech on the Political Afpcft of the Slave Queftion, deliv- ered in the Houfe of Rcprcfcntatives, January 26th, 1848. 8vo. Waftiington, 1848. Palcrave, Francis. The Rife and Progrefs of the Englifti Common- wealth : Anglo-Saxon Period. 2 vols., 4to. Lond., 1832. Pallas, P. S. Spicilegia Zoologica quibus novae imprimis et obfcurae animalium fpecies, iconibus defcriptionibus atque commentariis illuftrantur cura. 4to. Berolini, 1 769. 456 New-York Historical Society. Palmer, Aaron Haight. Letter to the Hon. Charles J. Ingerfoll, on the Trade, Commerce, etc., of the Indian Archipelago, Japan, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Letter to the Hon. John M. Clayton, Secretary of State, en- clofing a Paper, Geographical, Political and Commercial, on the Independent Oriental Nations, etc. 8vo. Wafhington, 1849. Palmer, Benjamin M. Two Sermons on the Signs of the Times, Charlefton, S, C. 8vo., pp. 20, Charlefton, S. C, 1816. Palmer, Elihu. An Enquiry relative to the Moral and Political Im- provement of the Human Species. 8vo. N. Y., 1797. Profpedl; or. View of the Moral World, for the year 1804. 8vo. N. Y. [1803-4.] Principles of Nature. Third Edixion. i2mo. N. Y., 1806. Palmer, Joseph. Biographical Sketch. 8vo. [New Englander, No. IX. January, 1845,] Palmer, Peter S. Hiftory of Lake Champlain, from its firft Explora- tion by the French, in 1 609, to the clofe of the year 1 8 1 4. 8vo. Plattfburgh, 1853. Palmer, Samuel. Maufoleum Sacrum ; or, the Redeemer's Sepulchre. A Sermon on John xix. 41. 8vo., pp. 28. Lond., 1787. Palmer, S. An Appendix to Dr. Samuel Johnfon's Life of Dr. Watts ; with Notes, containing an authentic account of the Dr.'s MSS. concerning the Trinity, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1791. \^ [Palmer, T. H.] The Hiftorical Regiftcr of the United States. 4 vols., 8vo. Wafhington, 1 814-16. Palmyra. The Antiquities of, containing the Hiftory of the City, and its Emperors, from its foundation to the prefent time. 8vo. Lond., 1696. Panegyris Jacobii Sereniffimo, Potentiffimo, ac Inviftiflimo Magnae Brittanniae, Franciae et Irlandiae, Regi, Fidei Defcnfori, etc., ipfo Inaugurationis die, 23, np. Aprilis, Difta ab O. F. B., S. C. Folio, pp. 18. Lond., 1685. Panoplist (The) and Missionary Magazine. Panoplift and Mis- sionary Herald. For the years 1806— 18 19. 15 vols., 8vo. [Nos. 109, 112, 113, 120 (Vol. X.); 124, 125, 126 (Vol. XL); 154 (Vol. Xm.) ; 164 (Vol. XIV.) ; alfo Vol. XVI. wanting.] Bofton, 1806-19. Pantheon (The). A Vifion. 4to., pp. 32. Lond., 1747. Paraguay. Relation des Miffions du, Traduite de I'ltalien de M. Muratori. i2mo. Paris, 1767. EfTais fur I'Hiftoire Naturelle des Quadrupeds de la Province du, par Don Felix D'Azara, etc. Traduits fur le Manufcrit inedit de I'Auteur. Par M. L. E. Moreau-Saint-Mery. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1 80 1. Parc, M. Poullain du. La Coutume et la Jurifprudence Coutumiere de Bretagne, dans le Ordre Naturel. Third Edition. 8vo. A Rennes, 1778. Paris, A Five Weeks' Tour to, Verfailles, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1754. Catalogue of Printed Books. 457 Paris. Pradlical Guide during a Journey from London to. With a cor- reft defcripdon of all the ohjefts deferving of notice in the French Metropolis. Second Edition, izmo. Lond., 1803. Bulletin de, ou Relation Hiftorique des Evenemens qui font arrives en France en 18 14, en 1815, et particulierement pendant le Siege de Paris, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1815. Voyage Defcriptif et Philofophique de I'Ancien et du Nouveau Paris. 2 Tomes, izmo. Paris, 1815. Lc Cicerone Parifien, ou I'lndicateur, etc. i zmo. Paris, 1 808. Parish, Elijah. Oration (July 4, 1799), *^ Byfield, Maffachufetts. 8vo., pp. 18. Newburyport. Oration at Byfield, February zzd, 1800, on the Death of General Wafhington. 8vo., pp. 32. Newburyport. Sermon delivered at Hanover, New Hampfhire, from Philipp. iii. 8. 8vo., pp. 15. Hanover, 1806. Sermon before the Maflachufetts Miflionary Society, Bofton, May 26th, 1807. 8vo,, pp. 26. Newburyport, 1807. A Compendious Syftem of Univerfal Geography, defigned for Schools. i2mo. Newburyport, [1807.] Maflachufetts Eleflion Sermon, May 30th, 1 8 10, with a pre- fatory note. . . . 8vo. Bofton, 18 10. A New Syftem of Modern Geography. Maps. 1 2mo. Newburyport, 1 810. See M'Clure. Parish, John. A Voyage to the Ifland of Mauritius (or, Ifle of France), the Ifle of Bourbon, the Cape of Good Hope, etc. By a French Officer. Tranflated from the French. 8vo. Lond., 1775. Parivall, J. The Hiftory of this Iron Age, wherein is fet down the True State of Europe, as it was in the year 1500, etc. Rendered into Englifh by B. Harris, Gent. Foho. Lond., 1656. Park, E. A. Duties of a Theologian. An Anniverfary Addrefs, delivered before the Theological Society of Dartmouth College, July 24th, 1839. 8vo. N. Y., 1839. Park, Mungo. Travels in the Interior Diftridls of Africa, performed under the direftion and patronage of the African Aflbciation, in the years i795-'96-'97. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1800. [Parke, John.] The Battle of Bunker's Hill. A dramatic piece, in five afts, in heroic meafure. By a Gentleman of Maryland. 8vo. Phil., 1776. The Death of General Montgomery, at the Siege of Quebec. A Tragedy, with an Ode in honor of the Pennfylvania Militia. . . . To which are added Elegiac Pieces, commemorative of diftinguifhed charadlers. 8vo. Phil., 1777. [ ] Lyric Works of Horace, tranflated into Englifh verfe, with a number of original Poems. By a Native of America. Dedi- cated to George Wafhington, 8vo. Phil., 1786. Parker and Fox's Grammar. Review of. Parti. Bofton, 1839. 458 New-York Historical Society. Parker, Benjamin. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Jona- than Eames, New Town, January 17th, 1759. 8vo. Portfmouth, 1759. Parker, Daniel. Sermon at the Interment of Mrs. Dolly ChafFee. 8vo., pp. 16. Hartford, 1811. Parker, George. Life's Painter of Variegated Charadlers in Public and Private Life. 8vo. Lond., 1791. Parker, George, vs. Alexander McDougall, being an aftion for Crim. Con., etc. Taken in fhort hand by a Gentleman of the Bar. 8vo. N. Y., 1 808. Parker, Isaac. Sketch of the Charafter of the late Chief Juftice Parfons, etc., delivered at the Opening of the Supreme Judicial Court at Bofton, November 23d, 1 81 3. 8vo. Bofton, 1813. Parker, James. Conductor Generalis; or, the Office, Duty, and Author- ity of Juftices of the Peace, etc. 8vo. Woodbridge, N. J., 1764. Parker, Jeroboam. Sernion at Southborough, at the Dedication of a New Meeting Houfe. 8vo., pp. 23. Bofton, 1807. Parker, Nathan. Difcourfe occafioned by the Death of the Rev. Jofeph Buckminfter, D. D., June 19th, 181 2. 410. Portfmouth, 1812. New Hampfhire Eleftion Sermon, June 3d, 1819. 8vo. Concord. Parker, Richard Green. Outlines of General Hiftory in the form of Queftion and Anfwer, defigned as the Foundation, and the Review of a Courfe of Hiftorical Reading. 8vo. N. Y., 1848. Parker, Robert. Memoirs of Military Tranfadions, from 1683 to 1 7 1 8, in Ireland and Flanders, etc. 8vo. Dublin, 1746. Parker, Samuel. MafTachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 29th, 1793. 8vo. Bofton, 1793. Parker, Samuel. Journal of an Exploring Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains, under the diredion of the A. B. C. F. M., performed in the years i835-'36-'37. Map. izmo. Ithica, 1838. Parkes, Samuel. A Letter to the Farmers and Graziers of Great Britain, to explain the Advantages of Ufing Salt in the various branches of Agriculture, etc. 8vo. Phil., 18 19. Parkhurst, Jabez. Oration at Newark, 4th July, 1798. 8vo. Newark. Parkhurst, John. An Hebrew and Englifh Lexicon without Points. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1799. A Greek and Englifh Lexicon to the New Teftament, etc. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Portrait. Lond., 1804. Parkhursts and Van Cortland. In the Court for the Corredion of Errors. Joint Cafe between, etc. 8vo., pp. 16. Parkinson, Richard. Tour in America, in 1798, 1799 and 1800, exhibiting Sketches of Society and Manners, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1805. Treatife on the Breeding and Management of Live Stock, etc. With an Appendix. In 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18 10. Catalogue of Printed Books; 459 Parkinson, Sidney. Voyage autour du monde fur le vaifTeau de fa Majefte Britannique I'Endeavour. Traduit de I'Anglais. Tomes 2. 8vo. Paris, 1797. Parkinson, William. Obfervations on the Trial of, for Aflault and Battery on Mrs. Eliza Wintringham. A Poem. By Epaphroditus. l2mo,, pp. 21. N. y., 1811. Parkman, Ebenezer. Convention Sermon, Bollon, May 28th, 1761. 8vo. Bofton, 1 761. Parkman, Francis. The California and Oregon Trail, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1849. Hiftory of the Confpiracy of Pontiac, and the War of the North American Tribes againft the Englifli Colonies after the Conqueft of Canada. 8vo. Bofton, 1851. Parliament. The Laws and A6ls of . . . James VII. — Anne. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1 685-1 705. Speeches in the laft Seffion of the prefent, dcHvered by feveral of the principal Advocates in the Houfe of Commons, in favor of the Rights of America. 8vo., pp. 72. N. Y., 1775.- Parliamentary Reform. Debate in the Houfe of Commons on Mr. Pitt's Motion, April i8th, 1785, with a corredt lift of the divifion. 8vo., pp. 27, II, Lond., 1785. Addrefs of the London Correfponding Society to the other So- cieties of Great Britain, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1793. Parliamentary Register, containing Lifts of the Twenty-four Parlia- ments, from 1660 to 1 74 1. Second Edition. i2mo. Lond., 1741. Parliamentary Debates. Debates of the Houfe of Commons, from the year 1 667 to the year 1 694. Colleded by the Hon. Anchitell Grey, Efq. ... 10 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1763. A CoUedlion of the Parliamentary Debates in England, from the year m.dc.lxviii. to the prefent time. Vols. I. (1739)— XVII. (1741). 8vo. The Debates and Proceedings of the Britifti Houfe of Com- mons, from 1746 to 1774. Vols. 11. (i746-49)-XI. (1774). 8vo. Lond., 1770-75. The Parliamentary Regifter ; or, a Hiftory of the Proceedings and Debates . . . during . . . the Fourteenth Parliament of Great Britain, begun to be holden at Weftminfter, on the 29th day of November, 1774, and diflblved on the ift day of Novem- ber, 1780. Vols. L (i775)-XVIL (1780). 8vo. Almon, Lond. Same, during the Firft Seflion of the Fifteenth Parliament (Nov. I, 1780— July 17, 1781. Vols. IL (i78i)-IV. (1782). 8vo. Debrett, Lond. An Impartial Report of the Debates that occur in the Two Houfes of Parliament ... By William Woodfall and Affiftants. [Fourth Seffion of the Seventeenth Parliament, Jan. 21 — ^July 11, 1794.] Vols. I-IV. 8vo. Lond., 1794. The Senator ; or. Clarendon's Parliamentary Chronicle, contain- 460 New-York Historical Society. ing . . . Proceedings and Debates of the Houfes of Lords and Commons [1790-99]. Vols. I-XXIV. Lond. Parliamentary Papers ; confiding of a Complete Collcftion . . . from the Reftoration in 1660 to the Diflblution of the laft Parlia- ment, in May, 1796 ... 3 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1797. Parliaments. The Abufe of Standing Parliaments, and the great ad- vantage of Frequent Ele6lions, in a Letter to a Noble Lord. 8vo. London. Parnell, Thomas. Poems upon feveral occafions, etc. With the Life of the Author. i2mo. Lond., 1774. Parry, John H. The Cambrian Plutarch ; comprifing Memoirs of fome of the moft eminent Wellhmen, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1834. Parsons, David. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 28th, 1788. 8vo. Boilon. Parsons, Edward. An Appendix to Three Letters, addrefled to the Rev. W. Atkinfon, etc. 8vo., pp. 30. Leeds. Parsons, James. Remains of Japhet : being Hiftorical Enquiries into the Affinity and Origin of the European Languages. 4to. Lond., 1767. Parsons, Jonathan. The Chriftian urged to Stridl Watchfulnefs. A Difcourfe at Lyme, February 4th, 1 741-2. 8vo., pp. 71. New Lond,, 1742. Funeral Sermon on the Death of the Rev. George Whitefield, September 30th, 1770. 8vo., pp. 44. Portfmouth. Difcourfe, March 5 th, 1774, in Newburyport. 4to., pp. 19. Newburyport. Parsons, J., and D. McGregore. Rejoinder to the Rev. Mr. Aber- crombie's late Remarks on a Fair Narrative of the Proceedings of the Prefbytery of Bofton againft himfelf, etc. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1758. Parsons, Joseph. Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Samuel Webfter, Salifbury, Auguft 12th, 1741. 8vo., pp. 30. Bofton, 1741. ■ Artillery Eledtion Sermon, June 4th, 1744. 8vo. Bofton, 1744. • Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 31ft, 1759. 8vo. Bofton. Parsons, Moses. Mafl*achufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 27th, 1772. 8vo. Bofton. Sermon, November nth, 1772, at the Ordination of Rev. Oba- diah Parfons, Gloucefter. 8vo., pp. 38. Salem, 1773. Parsons, Theophilus. Defence of the Third Article of the Mafla- chufetts Declaration of Rights, as the Opinion of the Supreirie Court, in the Cafe of Barnes vs. Falmouth, etc. 8vo. Worcefter, 1820. Parsons, Usher. Prize Difl*ertations . . . etc. Second Edition. 8vo. Providence, 1849. The Battle of Lake Erie ... a Difcourfe before the R. L His- torical Society, 1852. 8vo. Providence, 1853. ' The Life of Sir William Pepperell, Bart. . . . etc. Second Edition. i2mo. Bofton, 1856. Catalogue of Printed Books. 461 Parthenon, The. A Semi-Monthly Magazine, conduced by the Students of Union College. Vol. I. No. 1—4. 8vo. 1847. Partial (A) View of the Operations of the Combined Powers. 1810. Parton, James. The Life of Horace Greeley, Editor of the New York Tribune. i2mo. N. Y., 1855. The Humorous Poetry of the Englilh Language, from Chaucer to Saxe . . . Sixth Edition, izmo. N. Y., 1857. The Life and Times of Aaron Burr . . . Eleventh Edition. i2mo. N. Y., 1858. Party. The Politicks and Views of a certain, difplayed, 8vo. 1792. Party Spirit Exposed ; or. Remarks on the Times ; to which is added fome Important Hints to the Ladies. By a Gent, of New York. i2mo., pp. 24. N. Y., 1799. Pasquin, Anthony (John Williams). The New Brighton Guide ; involving a complete, authentic and honorable Solution of the recent Myfteries of Carlton Houfe. Sixth Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1796." Passaick and Hackenfack Bridge Company, Their Rights and Privi- leges Examined, etc. 8vo., pp. 31. Newark, i8ii. Pastoral Elegy (A). 4to., pp. 12. Lond., 1759. Pastoret (M. le Compte de). Hiftoire de la Legiflation. Tomes II. 8vo. Paris, 1817-37. Pastoret, Le Comte A. De. Le Due de Guife a Naples, ou Memoirs fur les Revolutions de ce Royaume, en 1647 et 1648. 8vo. Paris, 1825. Patent Law. Expofition or part of the. By a Native-born Citizen of the United States. 8vo. 1816. Patent Office Reports. See United States. Paterculus, C. Velleius. The Roman Hiftory of . . . Tranflated by J. C. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1722. Paterson, William. A Narrative of Four Journeys into the Country of the Hottentots and Caffraria, in the years i777-'8-'9. Second Edition. 4to. Lond., 1790. Patriot Letters. See Adams, John. Patriot (The). Addrefled to the Eleflors of Great Britain. Third Edition. 8vo., pp. 33. Lond., 1775. Addrefl*ed to the People on the Prefent State of Affairs in Britain and France. With Obfervations on Republican Government, and Difcuffions of the Principles of Thomas Paine. 8vo., pp. 76. Edinburgh, 1793. Patriotic Effusions. By Bob Short. 24mo., pp. 48. N. Y., 1819. Patriots (The) of North America. A Sketch, with Explanatory Notes. 8vo. N. Y., 1775. Patten, William. Sermon on i Peter i. 24, 25. 8vo., pp. 28. Hartford, 1 77 1. Difcourfe occafioned by the Death of Prefident Stiles. 8vo., pp. 16. Exeter, 1795. 462 New-York Historical Society Patten, William. Chriftianity, the only True Theology, etc., in Anfwer to the " Age of Reafon," etc. i2mo., pp. 177. Warren, R. I., 1795. Sermon after the Interment of Dr. Ifaac Senter. 8vo., pp. 1 2, iv. Newport, 1800. Difcourfe occafioned by the Death of Gen. Walhington, Decem- ber 29th, 1799. 8vo., pp. 19. Newport, 1800. Patterson, Charles. An Addrefs on Primary Education, delivered before the Columbian Peithologian Society, in the Chapel of Columbia College. 8vo. Patterson, Henry S. Valediftory Addrefs, delivered before the Graduates of the Medical Department of Pennfylvania College. Seflion 1843-4. 8vo. Phil., 1844. Pattie, James O. The Perfbnal Narrative of, during an Expedition from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean, and back through the City of Mexico to Vera Cruz, etc. Edited by Timothy Flint. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1833. Patton, Robert. The Principles of Aflatic Monarchies politically and hiftorically inveftigated, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1801. [Paulding, James K.] Salmagundi ; or, the Whim Whams and Opin- ions of Launcelot LangftafF, etc. 2 vols., 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 808. [ ] The Diverting Hiftory of John Bull and Brother Jonathan. By Hedor Bull-US. l8mo. N. Y., 1812. [ ] The Lay of the Scottifh Fiddle. A Tale of Havre de Grace, fuppofed to be written by Walter Scott, Efq. Firft American, from the Fourth Edinburgh Edition. i8mo. N. Y. Phil., 1813. [ J Letters from the South, written during an Excurlion in the Summer of 1 816. 2 vols., i2mo. N. Y., 1 817. The Backwoodfman. A Poem. i2mo. Phil., 181 8. Paulding, John. Affairs and Men of New Amfterdam, in the time of Governor Peter Stuyvefant. Compiled from Dutch MS. records of the period. i2mo. N. Y., 1843. Paulet, Lord Henry. Minutes of his Trial, by Naval Court Mar- tial. 8vo., pp. 34. Lond., 1798. Paul V. The Hiftory of the Quarrels of, with the State of Venice. In feven books. From the Italian. 4to. Lond., 1626. Paul's Journey to Damafcus. Part of an Expofition of, etc. With an Appendix on Military Cruelties. 8vo. Bolton, 1768. Pauw (M, de). Recherches Philofophiques fur les Americains, ou Memoires interelTants pour fervir a I'Hiftoire d I'Efpecc Humaine. Avec une DifTertation fur I'Amerique et les Americains, par Dom Pernety. Small 8vo., 2 vols. Lond., 1771. Defenfe des Recherches Philofophiques fur les Americains. Small 8vo. [Publifhed as Vol. 3d, to accompany the preceding.] Berlin, 1 77 1. Seleftions from les Refearches Philofophiques fur les Americains of M. Pauw. By Mr. W. * * *. [Daniel Webb. Privately printed.] i6mo., pp. 211. Bath, 1789. Catalogue of Printed Books. 463 Pawson, JoH^f. The Death of Chrift a Perfeft Atonement for Sin. A Sermon on Hebrews v. 9. izmc, pp. 76. Briftol, 1803. Paxton-Bovs (The). A Farce. Tranflated from the original French. By a Native of Donegal. Second Edition. 8vo. Phil,, 1764. Paxton-Men. The Conduft of the, impartially reprefented, with fome Remarks on the Narrative. 8vo., pp. 24. Phil., 1764. An Anfwer to the pamphlet, entitled the Condudl of the, im- partially reprefented, etc. 8vo., pp. 28. Phil., 1764. Paxtoniade, The. A Poem, by Chriftopher Gymnaft, Efq. With the Prolegomena and Exercitations of Scriblerus. Second Edi- tion. 8vo., pp. 8. Phil. Payba, Abraham, al. James Roberts, Plaintiffs, and Ed. Wortley Montagu and Theobald Taafe, Efqrs., Defendants. The fentence of the Lieut. Criminal at Paris, in the extraordinary caufe between. From the French. 8vo., pp. Lond., 1752. Memorial in favor of, presented to the High Court of La Tour- nelle at Paris, etc. 8vo., pp. 76. Lond., 1752. Payson, Phillips. Maflachufetts Election Sermon, May 27th, 1778. 8vo. Bofton. Payson, Seth. New Hampfliire Elediion Sermon, Concord, June 6th, 1779. Svo. Portfmouth, 1799. An Abridgment of two Difcourles, at Rindge, at the Annual Fall, April nth, 1805. 8vo., pp. 24. Keene, 1805. Pays de Vaud. Les Prieres Ecclefiailiques et la maniere de celebrer le fervice Divin, etc., pour I'ufage des Eglifes du . . . 4to. A Berne, 1778. Pazos, Vicente. Letters on the United Provinces of South America, addrefTed to the Hon. Henry Clay, etc. Tranflated from the Spanifli, by Piatt H. Crolby, Efq. Svo. N. Y., 1 8 19. Peabody, Joseph. Memoir of the late, from Hunt's Merchants* Mag- azine for Auguft, 1845. Svo. N. Y., 1845. Peabody, Oliver. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. James Bridg- • ham, Brimfield, June 9th, 1736. Svo. Bofton, 1736. Peabody, Stephen. New Hampfliire Eleftion Sermon, Concord, June, 1797. Svo. Concord, 1797. Peace. Letter to R — 1 H — s the P — s D — w — g — r of W — on the approaching, etc. Svo., pp. 59. Lond., 1762. Peace of 1783. Authentic Copies of the Preliminary Articles of, be- tween Britain, France, Spain and the United States of America, figned at Verfailles, 20th January, 17S3. Svo., pp. 32. Lond., 17S3. — ■ — Report of the Debates in both Houfes of Parliament, on Mon- day, the 1 7th of February, and Friday, the 21ft of February, 17 S3, on the Articles of Peace. Svo. Lond. Letter to the Earl of Shelburne. By Fortius. February 6th, 17S3. [No title.] Free and Impartial Examination of the Preliminary Articles of 464 New-York Historical Society. Pacification, etc. By a Member of Parliament. 8vo., pp. 50. Lend., 1783. Peace without Dishonour — War Without Hope. Being a calm and difpaffionate Enquiry into the Queftion of the Chefapeake, and the Neceffity and Expediency of War. By a Yankee Farmer. 8vo. Bofton, 1807. Peace. Meflage of the Prefident, tranfmitting Copies of the Inftruc- tions to the Minifters to Negotiate with Great Britain, Oftober 14th, 1 8 14. • Thoughts on the Praftical Advantages of thofe who hold the Doftrines of, over thofe who Vindicate War. 8vo. N. Y., 18 16. Republican's Manual; or, the French Conftitution of 1793, and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1 81 7. Peacock, John. Difcourfe delivered in Paul's Church, Taunton, at the Interment of Rev. William Johnfon. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 37. Taunton. Peale, Charles W. Addrefs to the Corporation and Citizens of Philadelphia, July 1 8th, 1 816. 8vo. Phil. Peale, Rembrandt. An Hiftorical Difquifition on the Mammoth ; or. Great American Incognitum, an extinft immenfe Carnivorous Animal, whofe foffil remains have been found in North America. 8vo. Lond., 1803. Pearce, John. Thoughts on part of the Difcourfe, dehvered by Mr. Hey, againft the Univerfal Salvation of Men. 8vo. Phil., 1 806. Pearson, Edward. The Sin of Schifm; a Sermon at the Parilh Church of Rempftone, Nottinghamlhire, July 6, 1 800. 1 2mo., pp. 31. Ipfwich, 1800. Pearson, Eliphalet. A Public Lefture, occafioned by the Death of the Rev. Jofeph Willard. 8vo. Cambridge, 1 804. Sermon before the Maflachufetts Society for Promoting Chris- tian Knowledge, November 27th, 1811. 8vo., pp. 36. Cambridge, 1 8 1 1 . — — Sermon, delivered Nov. 3d, 181 2, at the Funeral of Madam Phebe Phillips. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1 8 1 2. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Ephraim Abbott, Green- land, Odlober 27th, 1813. 8vo. Andover, 1813. Pearson, Hugh. Memoirs of Rev. Claudius Buchanan, etc. i2mo. [American Traft Society.] N. Y. Pearson, Richard. A Short Account of the Properties of Different Kinds of Airs. 8vo. Birmingham, 1795. Pease, Calvin. Importance and Value of the Popular Lefturing of the Day. A Difcourfe before the Literary Societies of the Univer- lity of Vermont, Augufl: 3d, 1842. 8vo. Burlington, Vt., 1 842. Peck, William D. Natural Hiftory of the . . . Worm. Bofton, 1799 Peckard, Peter. Obfervations on Mr. Fleming's Survey, etc. 8vo., pp. 72. Lond., 1759. Catalogue of Printed Books. 465 Peckham, Harry. A Tour through Holland, Dutch Brabant, the Auftrian Netherlands and Part of France, etc. izmo. Lend., 1788. Peet, Harvey Prindle. Courfe of Inftruftion for the Deaf and Dumb. Part II. i2mo. N. Y., 1845. Elementary Leflbns, etc., for the Deaf and Dumb. I ft Part. Second Edition. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 846. Scripture LefTons for the Deaf and Dumb. i2mo. N. Y., 1846. Addrefs, delivered at the New York Inftitution for the Inftruftion of the Deaf and Dumb, December 2d, 1846. By . . . With an Appendix, containing the Proceedings at the Dedication of the Chapel. 8vo. N. Y., 1847. Addrefs, delivered at Raleigh, N. C, on the oocafion of Laying the Corner-ftone of North Carolina Inftitution for the Inftruftion of the Deaf and Dumb. 8vo. N. Y., 1 848. Peirce, . Traftate on Church Mufic ; being an Extradl: from his " Vindication of the Diflenters." 8vo. Lond., 1786. Peirce, Benjamin. Hiftory of Harvard Univerfity, from its Founda- tion in the year 1636, to the period of the American Revolution. 8vo. Cambridge, 1833. Peixotto, Daniel L. M. Anniverfary Difcourfe before the Society for the Education of Orphan Children, and the Relief of In- digent Perfons of the Jewifti Perfuafion. 8vo., pp. 47. N. Y., 1830. Pelham, Anthony. A Short Hiftory of Brighthelmfton, with Re- marks, etc. 8vo. Lond., 176 1. Pelham, George. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 20th, 1 807. 8vo., pp. 66. Lond., 1807. Pell, Ferris. A Review of the Adminiftration and Civil Police of the State of New York, from 1807 to 18 19. 8vo. N. Y., 1 8 19. Pellicer y Saforcada, D. Juan Antonio. Enfayo de una Bibliotheca de Tradudlores Efpanoles, etc. 4to. Madrid, 1778. Pellico Silvio, of Saluzzo. My Prifons. Memoirs of. i6mo. Cambridge, 1836. Additions to " My Prifons," etc., by Piero Maroncelli, i6mo. Cambridge, 1836. Pemberton, Ebenezer. a Sermon, preached in the Audience of the General Aflembly, at the Public Ledture in Bofton, November ift, 1705. 8vo. Bofton, 1706. Funeral Sermon on the Death of Rev. Samuel Willard, who died September 12th, 1707. With a Poem, by Rev. Mr. B. Col- man. 8vo. Bofton, 1707. ■ Sermon on the Death of the Hon. John Walley, etc. 410. Bofton, 1 71 2. — — Difcourfe previous to the Ordination of Rev. Jofeph Sewell, Bofton, September 1 6th, 1 7 13. 8vo. [Imperfed.] Bofton, 1718. 30 466 New-York Historical Society. Pemberton, Ebenezer, Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Walter Wilmot, at Jamaica, L. I., April 12th, 1738. 8vo., pp. 38. Bofton, 1738. Pemberton, Ebenezer. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 25 th, 1757. 8vo. Bofton. Sermon, occafioned by the Death of Rev. George Whitefield, de- livered at the Thurfday Lefture, Bofton, Oftober nth [1770]. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1770. Salvation by Grace through Faith, Illuftrated and Confirmed in Eight Sermons, at Bofton. 8vo., pp. 143. Bofton, 1774. Penal Laws. Free Thoughts of the Penal Laws, Tefts, and fome late printed Papers touching on both. 4to., pp. 8. Peneveyre, H. L'Utilite du Miniftere Evangelique — Sermon d'lnaugu- ration. 8vo., pp. 21. N. Y., 1816. Pepper, C, Jun. Manor of Renflelaerwyck. 8vo. Albany, 1846. Penhallow et al. ag. Doane's Adminiftrators. ' Report of the Opinions of the Judges in the important caufe of, delivered in the Superior Court U. S., Feb. 1795. 8vo., pp. 69. Phil., 1795. Penhallow, Samuel. The Hiftory of Wars of New England with the Eaftern Indians; or, a Narrative of their Continued Perfidy and Cruelty, etc., 1703-26. 8vo. Bofton, 1726. Penington, John. Scraps Ofteologic and Arch^ological, read before the Council of the Hiftorical Society of Pennfylvania. 8vo., pp. 16. [Fifty copies printed.] Phil., 1841. Penn, William. Hiftoire Abregee de I'origine et de la Formation de la Societe dite des Quakers. Traduite de I'Anglois, par Edd. P. Bridel. i2mo. Phil., 1802. Pennant, Thomas. The Journey from Chefter to London. 8vo. Dublin, 1783. Pennell, Richard. An Inaugural EfTay on the Bilious Typhus, which prevailed in New York in 1820. 8vo. N. Y., 182 1. Pennsylvania. A Colleftion of the Laws of the Province of . . . now in force, publifhed by order of the Aflembly. [The Char- ters of the Province and the City of Philadelphia are prefixed, and an Appendix, etc., is added to this edition.] Folio. B. Franklin. Phil., 1742. The Charters and A£ls of AfTembly of the Province of Pennfyl- vania. Compared with the public records. Folio, 2 vols, in i. Phil., 1762. The Afts of Aflembly of the Province of Pennfylvania, care- fully compared with the originals. And an Appendix, containing fuch Ads, and parts of Adls, relating to property, as are expired, altered or repealed, etc. Publifhed by order of Aflembly. Folio. Phil., 1775. The Adls of the General Aflembly of the Commonwealth of Pennfylvania, carefully compared with the originals. With an Appendix, etc. Folio. Phil., 1782. Catalogue of Printed Books. 467 pENiVSYLVANiA. CoUedion of the Penal Laws of the Commonwealth. 8vo., pp. 56. Phil., 1794. Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennfylvania, from the 14th day of Oftober, 1700, to the 2d day of Odober, 1790. Re- publilhed under the authority of the Legiflature, by Alexander James Dallas. Folio. Vol. L, 1797. Vol. II., 1793. Phil. Same, continued to 6th April, 1802. Republilhed by M. Carey and J. Bioren. 6 vols., 8vo. Harrifburg, 1803. Same. Seffion Laws, 1804-'! 6. 8 vols., 8vo. Harrifburg, 1804-16. Votes and Proceedings of the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the Province of Pennfylvania, 1 682-1 776. 6 vols. Folio. Phil., 1752-76. Journals of the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennfylvania. Beginning the 28th day of November, 1776, and ending the 2d day of Oftober, 1781. With the Proceedings of the feveral Committees and Conventions, before and at the commencement of the American Revolution. Volume the Firft. Folio. Phil., 1782. Minutes of the Convention of the Commonwealth of Pennfyl- vania, Philadelphia, 20th November, 1787, for the purpofe of taking into Confideration the Conftitution framed by the late Fcederal Convention for the United States of America. FoHo. Phih, 1787. Minutes of the Convention of the Commonwealth of Pennfyl- vania, which commenced at Philadelphia, on Tuefday, the 24th day of November, 1789, for the purpofe of Reviewing, and, if they fee occafion. Altering and Amending, the Conftitution of this State. FoHo. Phil., 1789. A Brief State of the Province of, etc., in a Letter from a Gen- tleman who has relided many years in Pennfylvania to his friend in London. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 45. Lond,, 1755. A Brief Hiftory of the Charitable Scheme, for Instrufting Poor Germans in the Province. 4to., pp. 18. Phil., 1755. Etat Prefent de la Penfilvanie. Ou Ton trouve le detail de ce qui s'y eft paffe depuis la defaite du General Braddock jufqu'a la prize d'Ofwego avec une Carte particuliere de cette Colonic. Small 8vo. 1756. Brief View of the Conduft of the Province of Pennfylvania for the year 1755. [Imperfeft.] 8vo. A True and Impartial State of the Province of, etc. Being an Anfwer to the Pamphlets entitled a Brief State, and a Brief View, etc., of the Conduft of Pennfylvania. 8vo. Phil., 1759. An Hiftorical Review of the Conftitution and Government of Pennfylvania from its origin, fo far as regards the feveral points of controverfy, which have from time to time arifen between the feveral Governors of that Province and their feveral AfTemblies, founded on authentic documents. 8vo. Lond., 1759. 468 New-York Historical Society. Pennsylvania. A Narrative of the late Maflacres in Lancafter County of a number of Indians, etc. 8vo., pp. 31. [Phil.], 1764. '— A Declaration and Remonftrance of the diftrefled and bleeding Frontier Inhabitants of the Province of, etc. 8vo., pp. 18. [Phil.], 1764. — — - Dialogue concerning fome Refleftions on the late Declaration and Remonftrance of the Back Inhabitants of the Province of, etc. 8vo., pp. 16. Phil., 1764. — — An Hiftorical Account of the late Difturbance between the In- habitants of the Back Settlements of the Province of, and the Philadelphians, etc. 8vo., pp. 8. Phil., [1764]. An Addrefs to the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Province of. In anfwer to a paper called " the Plain Dealer." 1 2mo. Phil., 1764. The Univerfal Peace-Maker ; or. Modern Author's Inftruftor. By Philantropos. 8vo., pp. 15. Phila., 1764. Letters and Papers relating chiefly to the Provincial Hiftory of Pennfylvania. With fome n'otices of the Writers. 1 2mo. Phil., 1855. Examination of the Connefticut Claim to Lands in the Province of Pennfylvania. With an Appendix. 8vo., pp. 94. Appendix, 32. Phil., 1774. Report of the Commiflioners appointed by the General Aflem- bly of this Colony [Conn.] to treat with the Proprietaries of, refpefting the Boundaries of this Colony and that Province. 8vo. Norwich, 1774. Archives. Selefted and arranged ... by Samuel Hazard. 1 2 vols., 8vo. Phih, 1852-56. Colonial Records. Minutes of the Provincial Council, etc. 3 vols., 8vo. Harrifburg, 1838-40. Same. 16 vols., 8vo. Phil., Harrifburg, i852-*53. — — Commonwealth. The Conftitution of the Commonwealth of Pennfylvania, as eftablifhed by the General Convention elefted for that purpofe, and held at Phila., July 15th, 1776. A View of the Debts and Expenfes of the Commonwealth of Pennfylvania, and of the funds and revenues of the fame. 4to., pp. 22. Agriculture. Plan for Encouraging Agriculture, etc. 1 2mo., pp. II. • '- - ■' Assembly. Proceedings and Debates of the General Aflembly, Taken in fliort hand by Thomas Lloyd. Vol. I., 8vo. Phil., 1787. Convention. Debates of the Convention (on the Federal Con- ftitution). Vol. I. Taken in ftiort hand by Thomas Lloyd. 8vo. Phih, 1788. Acts and Laws. An Aft for eftablilhing a Health Office in Philadelphia, etc. 8vo., pp. 29. Phil., 1803. ' Supplement to the above. 8vo., pp. 5. Phil., 1 804. Catalogue of Printed Books. 469 Pennsylvania. Confiderations upon the prefent Teft Law of, ad- drefled to the Legiflature and Freemen of the State. i2mo., pp. 23. Phil., 1784. Experience the Teft of Governments ; in Eighteen Eflays, writ- ten during the years 1805 and 1806, on the Conftitution and Laws of. 8vo. Phil., 1807. The True Policy of the State of, regarding the Land of her Citizens. By one of the People. 8vo. 181 8. Prisons. Eaftern State Penitentiary. Eighteenth Annual Re- port of the Infpedors. 8vo., pp. 80. Phil., 1847. Public Schools. Board of Comptrollers of Public Schools of the Firft School Diftria of. By-laws. i2mo. 1844. Public Works. Report of the Seleft Committee appointed to confer with the Authorities of New York . . . Mr. Penrofe, Chairman. Read in Senate, May 5th, 1839. 8vo. , Harrifljurg, 1839. Hall. Hiftory of . . . etc. Plates. 8vo. Phil., 1838. Historical Society. Memoirs. Vols. L (i826)-U. (1827-30)- III. (i834-36)-IV. (i84o^5o)-V. (i855)-VL (1858). 8vo. The Bulletin . . . Vol. L 1845-47. 8vo. Phil., 1848. Catalogue of the Library . . . Part I. Hiftory, Biography, and MSS. 8vo., pp. 36. Phil., 1849. Colleftions . . . Nos. L (May, 185 1) to VL (Nov. 1853). Vol. L 8vo. Phil., 1853. See Pettit — Penington — Tyfon — Reed — Duane — Kane — Arm- ftrong — Mayer — Conrad — Latrobe. Hospital. Some Account of . . . its origin, objefts and prefent ftate. 8vo. Phil., 1 83 1. Hospital for the Insane. Reports of the, for 1846. By Thomas S. Kirkbride, M.D. 8vo., pp. 36. Phil., 1847. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. Annual Reports for i839-'43-'44-'46 and '47. 8vo. Phil., 1847. Magazine; or, American Monthly Mufeum. Jan. 1 775, to July 1776. 2 vols., 8vo. Robert Aitken. Phil. [Thomas Paine was a principal contributor,] Penitentiary. See Penitentiary Difcipline. Railroad Company. Reports of the Joint Special Committee, appointed by the Seleft and Common Councils of Philadelphia relative to the Pennfylvania Railroad Co. July 2d, 1 846. 8vo. Society for Promotion of Public Economy. Report of the Li- brary Committee of the. 8vo. Phil., 181 7. Society for the Promotion of National Induftry to the Citizens of the United States. No. 10. 8vo. Phil., June 18, 1819. Addrefs of the. Fifth Edition. i2mo. Phil., 1820. [Percival, Thomas.] An Account of a new and cheap method of Preparing Pot Afties, with Obfervations. 4to., pp. 7. Percy Anecdotes (The). Revifed Edition, with a valuaJDle Colleftion of American Anecdotes. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo. 1832. 470 New-York Historical Society. Perfectionists. The Refolutions and Circular Addrefs of the Con- vention of Perfeftionifts, held at New York and New Jerfey, May 1 2th, 1842. 8vo. Putney, (Vermont). Perizonius, Jac. Origines Babylonicae et ^gyptiac^. Tomus I. 8vo. Lugd. Batav., 171 1, Perkins, Benjamin Douglas. The Influence of Metallic Traftors on the Human Body, etc., lately difcovered by Dr. Perkins, of North America, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1798. Perkins, Cyrus. Eulogy on the Hon. William H. Woodward, etc. 8vo. Hanover, 181 8. Perkins, Elisha. Evidences of the Efficacy of Dr. Perkins' Patent Metallic Inftruments. 8vo. New London, 1797. Perkins, Joseph. An Oration upon Genius, pronounced at the Anni- verfary Commencement of Harvard Univerfity, July 19, 1797. izmo. Bofton, 1797. Perkins, Nathan. . Difcourfe delivered Odober loch, 1810, at the Ordination of the Rev. Nathan Perkins, Jr., Amherft, Mafs. 8vo. Northampton, 18 10. Perkins, Samuel. A Hiftory of the Political and Military Events of the late War between the United States and Great Britain. 8vo. New Haven, 1825. Hiftorical Sketches of the United States, from the Peace of 181 5 to 1830. i2mo. N, Y., 1830. Perley, Jeremiah. The Debates and other proceedings of the Con- vention of Delegates, Portland, Odtober nth and 29th, 1819, for the purpofe of Forming a Conftitution for the State of Maine, etc. 8vo. Portland, 1820. Pernety, Antoine J. Diflertation fur I'Amerique et les Americains, centre les Recherches Philofophiques de M. de P***. Small 8vo. Berlin, 1764. Journal Hiftorique d'un voyage fait aux lies Malouines en 1763 et 1764, etc., et de deux Voyages au Detroit de Magellan, avec une Relation fur les Patagons. Tome^ 2. Berlin, 1769. Same, etc. From the French. Second Edition. 410. Lond., 1773. Pernicious Consequences of the Clergy's Intermeddling with Affairs of State, etc. 8vo., pp. 39. Lond. Peron, Francois. Voyage de Decouvertes aux Terres Auftrales, pen- dant les annees i8oo-'o4, etc. Vol. I., 4to. 1807. Perouse, J. F. G. DE LA. See Milet — Mureau — Labillardiere. Perreau, Robert, Daniel Perreau, and Margaret Caroline RuDD. The whole Trials at large, for divers Forgeries, with an Account of the Execution of the two Perreaus, etc. 8vo., pp. 102. ^11^' [Perrinchief, Richard.] The Sicilian Tyrant; or, the Life of Agathocles (in allufion to Cromwell). 8vo. Lond., 1676. Perry, Charles. View of the Levant, particularly of Conftantino- ple, Syria, Egypt, and Greece. Folio. Lond., 1743 Catalogue of Printed Books. 471 Perry, Joseph. Difcourfe occafioned by the Death of the Hon. Roger Wolcott, Efq., Governor of Conn., etc. 8vo. Hartford [1767]. Personel, Francis Burdett. An authentic and particular Account of the Life of Francis Burdett Perfonel. Written by himfelf. (Exe- cuted at New York, September loth, 1773, for the Murder of Robert White.) l2mo. N. Y., 1773. Perth-Amboy. An Aft for Incorporating the Free Port of, pafled at Trenton, December 2 1 ft, 1784. 8vo. Trenton, 1785. Peru. Idea del, etc. (Title gone.) [1793-] Peruano Verdadero. Tome L 410. Lima, 1 81 3. Pestilential Disease in New York, i 798. Report of the Medical Committee. 8vo., pp. 47. N. Y., 1799. Petavius, Dionisius. The Hiftory of the World; or, an Account of Time. Together with a Geographical Defcription of Europe, Afia and America. Folio. Lond., 1659. Peter I., Emperor of Russia. Hiftory of his Life, etc. Folio. Lond., 1739. Peters, Absalom. Sermon at Bennington, Vermont, on the Lord's Day, September 29th, 1822. 8vo., pp. 21. Bennington, 1822. Sermon in Pittsfield, Mafs., at the Inftallation of the Rev. Rufus William Bailey, April 15 th, 1824. 8vo. Pittsfield. The Home Miflionary, and American Paftors' Journal. 18 vols., 8vo. i829-'46. Peters, Hugh. Hiftorical and Critical Account of, after the manner of Mr. Bayle. 4to. Lond., 181 8. Peters, Richard. Notices for a Young Farmer, particularly one on Worn Land. 8vo. A Difcourfe on Agriculture, delivered before the Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of Agriculture. 8vo. Phil., 1816. [Peters, Richard, Jr.] Admiralty Decifions in the Diftrift Court of the United States for the Pennfylvania Diftrift, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Phih, 1807. Peters, Samuel. A Hiftory of the Rev. Hugh Peters, A. M., etc. With an Appendix. 8vo. N. Y., 1 807. [ ] A General Hiftory of Connefticut, from its Firft Settlement under George Fenwick to its lateft period of Amity with Great Britain, etc. By a Gent, of the Province. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1782. [ ] Same, including a Defcription of the Country, etc. Reprint, with a Supplement. Engravings. i2mo. New Haven, 1829. Petit Censeur (Le). Scmaine Critique, and Litteraire Francaife and Anglaife. From 19th Sept. to 5th Dec, 1805. 12 Nos. in 1 vol. 8vo. Petit-Radel, Ph. Pyretologie Medicale, ou Expofe methodique du plus grand nombre des Fievres continues, remittentes et intermit- tentes . . . etc. 8vo. Paris, 181 2. 472 New-York Historical Society. Petite Traite du Tonnere, Efclair, Foudre, Grefle, et tremblement de terre. l2mo. 1592. Petition of the Under-Farmers of the Crown Lands to the King, to Prevent the Smuggling of Souls. 8vo., pp. 38. Lond., 1752. Peton. See Delia Torre. Petrarque. Vie de . . . publiee par I'Athenee De Vauclufe, etc. i2mo. Avignon, 1804. Petronius, Titus Arbiter. Satyrical Works of, in Profe and Verfe. With his Life and Charadler, by Mons. St. Evremont. Made Englifh by Wilfon and others. 8vo. Lond., 1708. Pettibone, Daniel. Defcription of the Improvements of the Rarify- ing Air Stove, etc. i2mo. Phil., 18 10. Pettit, Thomas McKean. Annual Difcourfe delivered before the Hiftorical Society of Pennfylvania, November 19th, 1828. 8vo. Phil., 1828. Peuchet, J. Diftionnaire Univerfel de la Geographic Commercante. 6 vols., 4to. Paris. Vocabulaire des Termes de Commerce, etc. 8vo. Paris, 180 1. Pfeffel, M. Nouvelle abrege Chronologique de I'Hiftoire et du droit Public d'Allemagne. In 2 vols., 4to. Paris, 1776. Pfiel, Adolph R. The Anglo-French Intervention in the River Plate. 8vo. Lond., 1847. Pluguer, M. D. Cours d'Agriculture — Pratique. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1809. Pharmacopoeia Leidensis. Ampliffimorum magiflratuum auftoritate inftaurata. Editio Quarta. Lug. Bat., 1770. Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Londini. l8mo. Londini. Phelps, Noah A. Hiftory of the Copper Mines and Newgate Prifon, at Granby, Conn. Alfo of the Captivity of Daniel Hayes by the Indians in 1707. 8vo. Hartford, 1845. Phelps, Richard H. Newgate of Connefticut. A Hiftory of the Prifon, its Insurredlion, Maflacre, etc., Imprifonment of the Tories in the Revolution, etc. Third Edition. 8vo. Hartford, 1 844. Philadelphia : Corporation. The Ordinances of the Corporation of the City of Philadelphia. With the Aft of Incorporation, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1805. A Digeft of the Ordinances of the Corporation of the City of Philadelphia, and of the Afts of Aflcmbly relating thereto. By J. C. Lowler and C. S. Miller. 8vo, Phil., 1822. The Conftitution and Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia. 8vo., pp. 56. Phil., 1790. House of Refuge. Appeal to the Public in behalf of the, for Colored Juvenile Delinquents. 8vo. Phil., 1846. The Sixteenth Annual Report . . . With an Appendix. 8vo. Phil., 1844. Prisons. On the Prifons of Philadelphia. By an European. 8vo., pp. 46. Phil., 1796. Catalogue of Printed Books. 473 Philadelphia. Public Schools. Twenty-eighth Annual Report of the Comp- troller of the Public Schools. 8vo. Phil., 1846. Water- Works. Report of the Seleft and Common Councils on the Progrefs and State of the Water- Works of, on the 24th of November, 1799. 8vo. Phil., 1799. Athen^um. Charter and By-Laws of the. To which is added a Lift of the Direftors, etc. : together with a Catalogue of the Books. 8vo. Phil., 181 7. Baptist Association. Minutes of the, various dates. 1789-1810. Baptist Orphan Society. Addrefs. 8vo., pp. 8. College. Commencement Exercifes of the. May yth, 1775. 8vo., pp. 15, viii. Phil., 1775. College of Physicians. Fadts and Obfervations relative to the Nature and Origin of the Peftilential Fever which prevailed in the City of Philadelphia in 1793, '97 and '98. By the Col- lege of Phyficians of Philadelphia. 8vo. Phil., 1798. Additional Fafts and Obfervations relative to the Nature and Origin of the Peftilential Fever, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1806. Gas-Works. Thirteenth Annual Report of the Truftees of the, January 20th, 1848. 8vo. Phil., 1848. Monthly Magazine ; or, Univerfal Repofitory of Knowledge and Entertainment. Vol. L 8vo. Phil., 1798. Orphan Society. Firft Annual Report, January 2d, 18 16. 8vo., pp. 48. Phil., 1 816. Second Annual Report, January 7th, 1817. 8vo., pp. 16. Phil., 1 817. (The) Pursuits of Literature. A Satirical Poem. Book Firft. By Juvenal Junius, of New Jerfey. With Notes by Robert Heron, Jun. i2mo. Phil., 1805. (Robinson's) Directory. City and County Regifter for 1 802. i8mo. Phil., 1802. Society for Promoting Agriculture. Addrefs from the, with a Summary of its Laws and Premiums offered. 8vo., pp. 16. 1785. Memoirs of the . . . Vol. L 8vo. Phil., 1808. Society for the Promotion of National Industry. Ad- drefles. Fourth Edition. i2mo. Phil., 18 19. Same. Fifth Edition. Phil., 1820. (The City of) as it appeared in the year 1 800, confifting of 28 Plates, drawn and engraved by W. Birch and Son. Philaeni. Striftures on the Landed and Commercial Interefts of the United States for 1786. 8vo. N. Y. Philanthrope (The). After the manner of a periodical paper. i2mo. Lond., 1797. Philemon to Hydaspes, relating a Fifth Converfation with Horten- fius upon Falfe Religion, etc. 8vo., pp. 112. Lond., 1744. 474 New-York Historical Society. Philips, James. True ftate of the Cafe between the Writers for and againft the Craftfman. 8vo., pp. 26. Lend. Philipps, J. T. Hiftory of Erneftus the Pious, ift Duke of Sax- Gotha ; and Bernard, the Great, Duke of Sax- Weimar, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1740. Philipps, Nathaniel. Britifh Liberty Confidered, etc. Sermon, London, Oftober 19th, 1803. 8vo. Lond., 1803. Phillip, Arthur. The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay. Maps, etc. 4to. Lond., 1790. Phillipo, James M. Jamaica : its Part and Prefent State. 8vo. Phil., 1843. Phillips, Catherine. The Crooked Sixpence ; with a learned Pre- face. Found among fome papers bearing date the fame year in which Paradife Loft was publilhed by Dr. Bentley. 4to., pp. 24. Lond., 1743. Phillips, Charles. A Tribute to the Memory of the late General Wafhington. 8vo., pp. 12. Lond. Speeches delivered at the Bar, and on various public occafions, in Ireland and England. Edited by Himfelf. 8vo. N. Y., 18 17. Phillips, Edward. The New World of Words j or, Univerfal En- ghfh Diftionar}', etc. Fol. Lond., 1706. Phillips, John. A Narrative, Ihewing why the Rev. ... is not in connexion with the Epifcopalian Methodifts, etc. 8vo., pp. 36. Charlefton, 1796. Phillips, Naphtali. An Eulogium to the Memory of the Rev. Ger- fhom Mendes Seixas, 13th July, 1816. 8vo., pp. 13. N. Y., 1 816. Phillips, Samuel. MafTachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 30, 1750. 8vo. Bofton. Seafonable Advice to a Neighbour, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1761. Phillips, Stephen C. An Addrefs on the Annexation of Texas, and the Afpedl of Slavery in the United States, in connexion there- with. Delivered in Bofton, November 14th and 1 8th, 1845. 8vo. Bofton, 1845. . Phillips, Teresia Constantia. An Apology for her Conduft, etc. 3 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1749. Phillips, William. An Elementary Introdu£Uon to the Knowledge // ^ rs ' of Mineralogy. 8vo. N. Y., 1818. X . ^, i$7/>tf-t'/ Philo-Cato. The Celebrated Letters of With an Introduftion to them. By Ariftides. 8vo. N. Y., 1811. Hrn-fs-^'/i^ Philo-Pacificus. War: a Solemn Review of the Cuftoms of War. 8vo. Bofton, 1836. Philosophers. A Voyage to the Ifland of Philofbphers of C^fario San Bias, Bachelor. Part ift. 1830. Philosophical Dissertation upon the Inlets to Human Knowledge, in a Letter from a Gentleman in the Country to his Friend at London. 8vo., pp. 72. Lond., 1739. Philosophical Transactions. See Lowthorp. W Catalogue of Printed Books. 475 Philosophy. An Introdudlion to the Study of, etc. By a Gentleman educated at Yale College. i2mo., pp. 31. New London, 1743. Phipps, J. Brief Remarks on the Common Arguments now ufed in fupport of divers Ecclefiaftical Impofitions in this Nation, efpe- cially as they relate to Diflcnters. 8vo., pp. 26. Lond., 1769. . . ' .r Phocion. a Letter to the Confiderate Citizens of New York on the A-^^t fr^*^'^'^^^^ Politics of the Day. 8vo. N. Y., Bofton, 1784. PiCKARD, Edward. The Religious Government of a Family, etc., in Three Difcourfes at Carter-Lane. 8vo., pp. 96. Lond., 1762. Pickard's Botany. A Manual of Botany of the Northern States, comprifing . . . Defcriptions, etc. By the Members of the Bo- tanical Clafs in Williams College. From a MS. Syftem compiled by the Author of Richard's Botanical Diftionary. Albany, 1 8 1 7. Pickering, John. Oration (4th July, 1804), Salem, Mafs. 8vo., pp. 24. Salem, 1804. A Vocabulary ; or Colleftion of Words and Phrafes, which have been fuppofed to be peculiar to the United States of America, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1816. Eulogy on Nathaniel Bowditch, LL.D., May 29th, 1838. 8vo. Bofton, 1838. Pickering, Timothy. Letter to Charles C. Pinckney, Efq., in An- fwer to the Complaints of the French Minifter againft the Gov- ernment of the United States, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1797. Letter to the Chevalier de Yrajo, Envoy, etc., of his Catholic Majefty. Auguft 8, 1797. 8vo., pp. 37. Interefting Correfpondence between his Excellency Governor SuUivan, and in which the latter vindicates himfelf againft the groundlefs Charges and Infmuations made by the Governour and others. Second Edition. 8vo. Bofton, 1808. Letter from. Senator United States, exhibiting to his Conftituents a View of the Imminent Danger of an unneceflary and ruinous War, addrefled to his Excellency James Sullivan, etc. With Gov- ernor Sullivan's Anfwer. 8vo. Hartford, 1 808. Same. i2mo., pp. 12. [Rep.] Ports., 1808. - Same. 8vo. [Rep.] New Haven, 1808. • Speech in the Senate of the United States on Mr. Hillhoufe's Rcfolution to Repeal the Embargo, November 30th, 1808. 8vo. [Bofton.] ■ Speech on the Loan Bill in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, 26th and 28th February, 1814. pp. 72. Georgetown, 1814. Addrefs to the Eflex Agricultural Society, May 5 th, 181 8. 8vo. Salem, 181 8. . A Difcourfe read before the fame, in Maflachufetts, February 2 1 ft, 1820. 8vo. Salem, 1820. ■ Obfcrvations Introduftory to Reading the Declaration of Inde- pendence, at Salem, July 4, 1823. 8vo. Salem, 1823. A Review of the Correfpondence between the Hon. John 47^ New-York Historical Society. Adams, etc., and the late William Cunningham, Efq., beginning in 1803 and ending in 181 2. 8vo. Salem, 1824. Pickering, Timothy. Reply to an Attack upon a Pennlylvania Farmer. Phil., 1825. Letters to the People of the United States. i2mo., pp. 215. Picket, Albert, and John W. Picket. The Academician : contain- ing the Elements of Scholaftic Science and the Outlines of Philo- fophic Education, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1820. Pickett, Albert J. Invafion of the Territory of Alabama by 1000 Spaniards, under Ferdinartd De Soto, in 1540. 8vo. Montgomery, 1849. PiCKMAN, Benjamin, Jr. Oration, 2 2d February, 1 797, the Birthday of George Walhington. 8vo., pp. 22. Salem, 1797. Pictet, Francois Pierre. Lettre a un Etranger, fur la Pofition Aftuelle de la France. 8vo., pp. 103. A Londres, 1793. Pierce, Benjamin. A Hiftory of Harvard Univerfity, from its foun- dation in 1636 to the period of the American Revolution. 8vo. Cambridge, 1833. Pierce, John. Sermon at the Inftallation of the Rev. John Snelling Popkin, at Newbury, September 19th, 1804. 8vo. Newburyport, 1804. Sermon delivered at the Gathering of the Second Congregational Church in Dorchefter, etc., ift January, 1808. 8vo., pp. 38. Bofton, 1808. Pierce, M. B. Addrefs on the Prefent Condition and Profpefts of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of North America; with particular reference to the Senecas. 8vo. 1838. PiERPONT, John. The Portrait : a Poem delivered before the Walh- ington Benevolent Society of Newburyport, Oftober 27th, 1812. 8vo. Bofton, 1 812. On Horace Holley, LL.D., delivered at Bofton, September 2d, 1827. 8vo. Correfpondence of Proprietors of Hollis Street Meeting Houfe, with . . . etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1845. Piers, Henry. Sermon preached (in part) before the Right Worlhip- ful the Dean of Arches, and the Rev. the Clergy of the Deanery of Shoreham, aflembled in Vifitation at Seven Oaks, in Kent, 21ft May, 1742. Fifth edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1766. Pierson, Abraham. Some Helps for the Indians, fliewing them How to Improve their Natural Reafon, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1659. PiETAs et gratulatio Collegii Cantabrigienfis apud novanglos. 4to., pp. 106. Bofton, 1761. PiGAFETTA, Antonio. Primo Viaggio intomo al Globo Terracqueo oflia Ragguaglio della Navigazione alle Indie orientali per la via d'occidente, fuUa fquadra del Capit Magaglianes negli anni 1519-22. Da Carlo Amoretti, etc. 4to. Milan, 1800. — - Premier Voyage autour du Monde, fur I'efcadre de Magellan, pendant les annees 15 19, '20, '21 et'22; fuivi de I'extrait du Catalogue of Printed Books. 477 Traite de Navigation du Meme auteur ; et d'une Notice fur le Chevalier Martin Behaim, etc., orne de Cartes et de Figures. 8vo. Paris, I'An. ix. (1801). PiGOTT, Charles. A Political Diftionary ; explaining the True Mean- ing of Words, illuftrated and exemplified in the Lives, Morals, Character and Conduft of Illuftrious Perfonages. 8vo. Lond., 1795. Pike, J. G. Religion, and Eternal Life ; or, Irreligion, and Perpetual Ruin ; etc. i imo. [Am. Trad Society.] N. Y. Perfuafives to Early Piety, etc. i2mo. [Am. Trad Society.] N. Y. A Guide for Young Difciples of the Holy Saviour, in their Way to Immortality, etc. izmo. [Am. Trad Society.] N. Y. Pike, James. A Sermon, preached before a Convention of Minifters at Newington, New Hamplhire, Odober 9th, 1750. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1751. Pike, Nicholas. The New Complete Syftem of Arithmetick, com- pofed for the Ufe of the Citizens of the United States. Sixth Edition. i2mo. Bofton, 1807. Pike, Zebulon Montgomery. An Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Miffiffippi, and through the weftern parts of Louis- iana, etc., performed by order of the Government of the United States during the years 1805, '06 and '07. Maps. 8vo. Phil., 1810. Exploratory Travels through the Weftern Territories of North America, etc. 4to. Lond., 1811. Pilgrim Celebration. An Account of the, at Plymouth, Auguft i , 1853. 8vo. Bofton, 1853. Pilgrims. Report on the day for Celebrating the Landing of the . . . at Plymouth in 1620. 8vo. Bofton, 1850. PiLLET (Major-General). Views of England, during a Reftdence of Ten Years ; Six of them as a Prifoner-of-War. 1 2mo. Bofton, 18 1 8. PiLMORE, Joseph. Sermon before the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Mafons of Pennfylvania, 27th Dec, 1786. 8vo. Phil., 1787. Sermon for the Rehef of the Poor, preached in St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, 27th December, 1786. 8vo., pp. 24. N. Y., 1793. The Bleffings of Peace ; a Sermon in Chrift's Church, New York, 4th July, 1 794, etc. 8vo. N. Y.,1794. PiNCKNEV, Charles. Obfervations on the Plan of Government fub- mitted to the Federal Convention in Philadelphia, 28 th May, 1787. 4to. N. Y. Pinckney, Charles C. An Addrefs delivered in Charlefton, before the Agricultural Society of South Carolina, at its Anniverfary Meeting on i8th of Auguft, 1829. Charlefton, 1829. Pinckney, Thomas. Memorial, with Mr. Hammond's Anfwer, etc. relating to Britifh Inftrudions of 8th June. 8vo. [Cong. Doc] 1794. 478 New-York Historical Society. Pindar, Peter [Dr. Wolcott.] Ode upon Ode ; or, a Peep at St. James's. 410., pp. 73, Lond., 1787. A Pair of Lyric Epiftles to Lord McCartney and his Ship. 410., pp. 22. Lond., 1792. Same. 8vo., pp. 10. Dublin, 1793. Hair Powder : a Plaintive Epiftle to Mr. Pitt. 4to., pp. 40. Lond., 1795. PiNKNEY, William. Speech in the Houfe of Delegates of Maryland, at their Seflion in November, 1789, 8vo. Phil., 1790. [ ] Memorial [on the Rule of the War of 1756] of the Mer- chants of Baltimore, on the Violation of our Neutral Rights. With Prefident's Meflage. Jan. 29th, 1 806. 8vo. [Sen. Doc] PiNKERTON, John. General Collection of the beft and moft interefting Voyages and Travels in all parts of the World, etc. 6 vols., 4to. Phil., 1810. General Colleftion of the beft and moft interefting Voyages and Travels in various parts of America. 4 vols,, 4to. Lond., 1819. PiNTARD, John M. Letter to Timothy Pickering and others, 15th November, 1799. 8vo. [Pinto, Isaac] Lettre de Mr. ***** a Mr. S. B., Dofteur en Medicine a Kingfton, dans la Jamaique, au fujet des troubles qui agitent adluellement tout I'Amerique Septentrionale. 8vo., pp. 29. A la Haye, 1776. Second Lettre de M. Pinto, etc. 8vo., pp. 90. A la Haye, 1776. Obfervations d'un homme impartial fur lettre de Mr. ***** a Mr. S. B., etc. 8vo., pp. 65. Londres (Holland?), 1776. Reponfe de Mr. J. de Pinto aux obfervations d'un Homme Im- partial, etc. 8vo., pp. 60. A la Hay, 1776. Nouvelles Obfervations, fur la Seconde Lettre de Mr. de Pinto, etc. 8vo., pp. 60. Londres (Holland?), 1776. Letters on the American Troubles. Tranflated from the French. Svo. Lond., 1776. Piscataqua Evangelical Magazine (The) for January and Febru- ary, 1805. Vol. I. Svo. Portfmouth. Piscataqua Missionary Society. Conftitution, etc. 8vo., pp. 8. Portfmouth, 1804. Pitkin, Timothy. Speech in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, February 10th, 18 14, on the Loan Bill. 8vo. Alexandria, 18 14. A Political and Civil Hiftory of the United States of America, from the year 1763 to the clofe of the Adminiftration of Prefident Walhington, in March, 1797, including a Summary View of the PoHtical and Civil State of the North American Colonies prior to that period. 2 vols., Svo. New Haven, 1828. A Statiftical View of the Commerce of the United States of America . . . Second Edition. Svo. N. Y., 1817. Same. [Third Edition.] Svo. New Haven, 1835. Catalogue of Printed Book: 479 Pitt, William, Speech in the Houfe of Lords, January 20, 1775, on a Motion for an Addrefs to his Majelly, relative to removal of troops from Bofton, e^c. 8vo. Phil,, 1775. Speech in the Houfe of Commons, relative to the Negotiation for Peace, November loth, 1797. 8vo., pp. 27. Lond., 1797, Speech in the Houfe of Commons, January 31, 1799, on the Union, Fourth Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1799. Speech in the Houfe of Commons, February 3d, 1800, etc., relative to a Negotiation for Peace. 8vo., pp. 68. N. Y,, 1800. Plain Dealer (The). Being Seleft Eflays on feveral Curious Sub- je£ts, etc., publifhed originally in the year 1724. 2 vols., 8vo, Lond., 1730. Plain Dealer (The) ; or. Remarks upon Quaker-Politicks, etc. No. I. [To be continued.] 8vo., pp. 16. Phil., [1764.] Number U. : being a Tickler for the Leifure Hours' Amufement of the author of Cool Thoughts, etc. By X. Y. Z. 8vo., pp. 16. Phil., 1764. Same." No, IIL [To be continued.] 8vo. Phil., 1764. Plainfield. Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Greenland Family School, at Plainfield. 8vo. N. J., 1 840-1. Plain Question (The). Upon the prefent Difpute with our Ameri- can Colonies. Second Edition. .i2mo. Lond., 1776. Plain Statement of the Cafe, relating to the Intended Eftablifhment of the Prince of Wales. 8vo., pp, 35. Lond., 1795. Plain Truth. Addreffed to the Inhabitants of America, containing Remarks on a late Pamphlet, entitled Common Senfe. Written by Candidus. 8vo., pp. 47. [Rep.] Lond., 1776, or. Serious Confiderations on the prefent State of the City of Philadelphia and Province of Pennfylvania. By a Tradefman of f: Philadelphia. i2mo., pp. 22. Plaisted, Bartholomew. Journal from Calcutta in Bengal by Sea to Buflerah, thence to Aleppo, to Marfeilles, and to England, in 1750. Second Edition. i2mo. Lond., 1758. Plan of a Currency Agent, intended to obviate the honeft objections of all parties, and to meet the views of moderate men of both parties, 8vo, 1843, Plantation Laws, An Abridgement of the Laws in Force and Ufe in Her Majefty's Plantations, viz. : of Virginia, Jamaica, Barba- does, Maryland, New England, New York, Carolina, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1704. Playfair, John, DifTertation on the Progrefs of Mathematical and Phyfical Science, fince the Revival of Letters in Europe. 8vo. Bofton, 1 8 17. Plays. Four old. Viz.: Three Interludes: Therfytes' "Jack Jug- gler," and Heywood's "Pardoner and Frere," and "Jocafta." With an Introdudlion and Notes, Small 8vo. Cambridge, 1 848. Plea for the Pure and Undefiled Religion. Firft publiflied in the year 1 741. 8vo., pp. 34. lU' 480 New-York Historical Society. Plea for the Poor Soldiers ; or, an EfTay to demonftrate that the Sol- diers, and other public creditois, who really and adually Sup- ported the Burden of the late War, have not been paid, ou^ht to be paid, can be paid, and muft be paid ! 8vo. [Imperfeft.J New Haven, 1790. Pleading, The Art of ... In Imitation of part of Horace's Art of Poetry. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 175 1. Pleasant Prospects for the Good People of Great Britain. 8vo., PP- 47- Lond., 1798. Pleasant Valley Manufacturing Company. An Aft to Incorpo- rate the Stockholders, pafled March, 1809, i2mo. N. Y., 1809. Plinii Secundi (C.) Hiftoriae Mundi Libri XXXVII. ex poftrema ad vetullos codices collatione cum annotationibus et indice. Folio. Bafileas, 1539. Plowden, Francis. A Short Hiftory of the Britifh Empire during the laft Twenty Months, viz. : from May, 1792, to the clofe of the year 1793. 8vo. Lond., 1794. Plumer, William. Meflages of the Governor to the New Hampfhire Legiflature, i8i6-'l8. lamo. Plumer, William, Jr. An Addrefs before the Rockingham Agricul- tural Society, Odtober i8th, 1821. 8vo. Exeter, 1821, Plumier, Charles. Traite des Fougeres de I'Amerique. Folio. Paris, 1705. Plutarch's Lives. Tranflated from the Greek, by feveral Hands. With the Life of Plutarch. 5 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1693. Plutarchus. Morals. Tranflated from the Greek, by feveral Hands. Fourth Edition. 5 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1704. Plutarque. Les Vies Des Hommes Illuftres, Grecs et Romains, etc. Tom. I, i6mo. [Imperfed.] — ^— Recueil de CXXXI Medallions d'apres I'Antique, ornans la nou- velle edition des CEuvres de, tradudion d'Amyot, etc. A Paris. Poems. Original, on feveral occafions. By C. R. 4to. Lond., 1 '](ig. Colleftion of . . . Efl*ay on Woman, by Mary Seymour Mon- tague ; Love of Money, a Satire ; Philofophic Venus ; Bagnigge Wells, etc. 4to. Lond., 1771. On feveral occafions. Written in Pennfylvania. 1 2mo. Phil., 1786. Philofophic Solitude ; or, the Choice of a Rural Life. By Wil- liam Livingfton. The Progrefs of Science, by Samuel Dexter. 8vo. N. Y., 1790. By a Citizen of Baltimore. 1 2mo. Baltimore, 1 809. etc. Colleftion in one volume : The Banks of Wye, by Bloom- field. The Sorcerefs, or Salem Delivered, by J. M. Scott. Death of Montgomery, or the Storming of Quebec, by Alexander Coffin, Jr. Blue Lights, or the Convention, by J. M. Scott. The Chafe, by Somerville. Hobbinol, or Rural Games, by Somer- ville. Alcuin, a Dialogue. Defcriptive Poems, by John D. McKinnon. i8mo. N. Y. Catalogue of Printed Books. 481 Poems. Colleftion of, containing New Haven, by Selim. Beafts at Law, by Samuel Woodworth. Quarter Day, by the author of Beafts at Law. i2mo. N. Y., 1809-'! i-'iz. By a Young Nobleman, on the State of England, and the once Flourifliing City of London, etc. 4to., pp. 60. Colledion of . . . Sheridan, Greflet, Mafon, Voltaire, Akenfide,. and others. Poet. A Fair Epiftle from a Little Poet to a Great Player. i2mo. N. Y., 1818.. Poetical Wanderer (The). Diflertations, etc., and feveral Poems. izmo. N. Y., 1796. Point de Banqueroute, ou Lettre a un Creancier de I'Etat, etc. 8vo.,, PP- 58- Lond., 1787. Poland. Premiums offered by the Society, inftituted at London for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufaftures and Commerce. 8vo. Lond., 1775.. " Strike ! but Hear ! " Poland, Ruflla, and the Policy of the- latter towards the United States, by Major G. Tochman, a Polifh Exile, 8vo. Baltimore, 1844. Pole, Reginald (Cardinal.) Hiftory of the Life of. Second Edition^ 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1767. Police of France ; or, an Account of the Laws and Regulations eftablifhed in that Kingdom for the Prefervation of Peace and the Preventing of Robberies. 4to. Lond., 1763. Police of London. Treatife on the, containing a detail of the vari- ous Crimes, etc., by which property and fecurity are injured and endangered. 8vo. Phil., 1798.. Police Report, of May, 181 7, relative to Public Houfe Licences.. 8vo. Lond., 18 17.. Policy (The) of the Nation; particularly as it refpefts a Navy inj the prefent Crifis. 8vo. Brooklyn, 18 14.. PoLiDORi, Gaetano. Nuovo Dizionario Portabile delle Lingue Ital- iana, Inglefe, e Francefe, etc. 3 vols., i2mo. Lond., 1806. Political Catechism, intended for the ufe of Children of a larger Growth, dedicated to the Republicans of the Counties of Morris,, Eflex and Suflex, N. J. By a Lay Preacher. Svo. Morris-Town, 1812.. Crisis ; or, a Differtation on the Rights of Man. 8vo. Lond., 1 79 1.. Establishments of the United States of America, in Candid Review of tlieir Deficiencies, etc. 8vo., pp. 25. Phil., 1784;. Geography. Introduftion to the Statiftical Tables of the prin- , cipal Empires, Kingdoms and States in Europe. 410. -,^- • ' -' / ' / ■ Lend., 1789. Magazine and Parliamentary, Naval, Military, and Literary Journal, for the years 1780, '8 1, '82. Vols. L IL IIL Alfo. Parts of 1783, '84. Svo. Lond. Miscellanies. Svo. Lond. 31 482 New-York Historical Society. Politics, and Views of a certain Party Difplayed. 8vo. 1792. No. I. Hear Both Sides ; or, an Addrefs to all Impartial Men of all Parties, 8vo. N. Y. [1809.] Politique (Le) Hollandais. 2 vols., 8vo. Amfterdam, 178 1-2. PoLiTiscHEs Journal nebft anzeige von Gelehrten und andern Sachen, i784-'87. 1 2 vols., 1 2mo. Hamburg. Polk, Josiah F. The Claim of the Church of Rome to the Exercife of Religious Toleration during the Proprietary Government of Maryland Examined. 8vo., pp. 32. Wafhington, 1846. Pollard, Benjamin. Addrefs to the Maffachufetts Charitable Fire Society, May 31, 181 1. 8vo., pp. 28. Bofton, 1 811. Pollnitz, Charles Lewis (Baron de). Memoirs : being Obferva- tions in his Travels from Pruffia through Germany, Italy, France, etc. 4 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1737-38. Polyanthea (The) ; or, a Colleftion of Interelling Fragments, in Profe and Verfe, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1804. Polyanthos (The). Vol. V. i2mo. Bofton, 1807. Same. Enlarged. Vols. I. II. 8vo. Bofton, 181 2. PoLYDORi ViRGiLii Urbinatis, de Rerum Inventoribus Libri Ofto. 8vo. 1604. Polygraph ic Society. A Catalogue of Pidtures, copied by a Chem- ical and Mechanical Procefs, etc. March, 1794. 4to. Lond. PoLWHELE, R. Anecdotes of Methodifm. To which is added, a Sermon on the Conduft that becomes a Clergyman. 8vo., pp. 99. Lond., 1800. PoMEROY, Jonathan L. Sermon before the Hampfhire Miflionary Society, Northampton, Auguft, 1806. 8vo., pp. 40. Northampton, 1806. Sermon at the Funeral of Mr. Jedediah Wilbur, of Worthing- ton. 8vo., pp. 23. Northampton, 1816. PoMFRET, Countess of. See Hartford. Pompadour, Marchioness of. Memoirs of, written by herfelf, trans- lated from the French. 2 vols, in I. l2mo. Lond., 1766. PoNTANo, JoH. IsACio. Rcrum et Urbis Amftelodamenfium Hiftoria . . . etc. FoHo. Amfterodami, 161 1. PoNTis [Louis] Sieur De. Memoirs of, containing many Paflages re- lating to the War, Court and Government of Henry IV., Lewis XIII. and Lewis XIV. Foho. Lond., 1694. Poole, Robert. A Journey from London to France and Holland ; or, the Traveller's Ufeful Vade Mecum. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1750. Poor. An Abftraft of the Grievances of Trade which Opprefs our. Humbly offered to the Parliament. 4to., pp. 18. Lond., 1694. Some Confiderations on the prefent Methods ufed for the Relief and Employment of the Poor. 4to. Lond., 1759. The Reports of the Society for Bettering the Condition and In- creafing the Comforts of the Poor. Vols. I. II. 1 2mo. Lond., 1 798-1 800. Same. Vols. I-VI. i2mo. Lond., 1811-15. Catalogue of Printed Books. 483 Poor. Abftradl of the Anfwers and Returns made purfuant to an Aft paffed in the 43d year of his Majefty King George III., intituled' " An Aft for procuring Returns relative to the Expence and Maintenance of the Poor in England." Folio. 1804. ■ Law Commissioners. Report of Special Affiftant on the Em- ployment of Women and Children in Agriculture. 8vo. Lond., 1843. PooRE, Benjamin Perley. Early Life and Firfl: Campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte. With Hiftory of Family, etc. 8vo. Boilon, 1851. Report of, of his agency in procuring Copies of Public Docu- ments from the Archives of France, with Letters to Governor Briggs, and Meffrs. Palfrey and Sparks in relation thereto, [Mafs. Sen. Doc. No. 9.] 8vo. Pope. A Letter to the ... on the probable Caufe of the War, etc. 8vo., pp. 35. Lond., 1799. [Pope, Alexander.] Epiftle from ... to Dr. Arbuthnot. 4to., pp. 30. Lond., 1734. Pope (The) and the Prefbyterians. A Review of the Warning of Jcfferfon, refpefting the Dangers to be apprehended to our Civil and Religious Liberties from Prefbyterianifm. By an American Citizen. 8vo. Phil., 1845. Pope Pius IX. Proceedings of the Public Demonftration of Sym- pathy with . . . and with Italy, in the City of New York, on Monday, Nov. 29th, 1 847. 8vo. N. Y., 1 847. Pope, Thomas. A Treatife on Bridge Architefture, in which the fuperior advantages of the Flying Pendant Lever Bridge are fully proved. 8vo. N. Y., 18 11. Popery. A Papift Mis-reprefented and Reprefented ; or, a Two-fold Charafter of. 4to., pp. 80. Letter to Perfon of Quality, occafioned by the News of the en- fuing Parliament. 4to., pp. 8. Popish Plot. A Colleftion of Letters and other Writings relating to the Horrid . . . Folio. Lond., 168 1. — : Hiftory of the moft remarkable Paflagcs of the laft fourteen years, with an Account of the Plot, etc. i6mo. (Date torn.) A True Account and Declaration of the Horrid Confpiracy againft the late King, his prefent Majcfty, and the Government. Folio. In the Savoy, 1685. See Hiflorical Colleftions, 1679-81. PoPKiN, John Snelling. An Attempt to Recommend Juftice, Charity, and Unanimity in matters of Rehgion. Sermon at Newbury, June loth, 1804. 8vo., pp. 39. Newburyport, 1805. Porcupine, Peter. See William Cobbett — Erfkine — Moreau de Saint-Mery. Portalis, M. Speech to the Legiflative Body of France, on prefent- ing the Convention made between the French Republic, and the Holy See. Tranflated from the original French [by John Pin- tardj. 8vo. N. Y., 1802. 484 New-York Historical Society. Porter, Benjamin F. Argument in fupport of a Bill introduced by . him in the Legiflature of Alabama, to Abrogate the Punifliment of Death. 8vo. Tufcaloofa, 1846. Porter, David. Difcourfe at the Ordination of the Rev. James Har- vey Hotchkin, Freehold, Oftober 13, 1802. Svo. Hudfon, 1803. ^-— Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Orange Lyman, Ellfworth (Sharon), Conn., Auguft 26th, 181 3. 8vo. Hudfon, 1813. Sermon at the Inftallation of the Rev. Joel T. Benedift, at Chat- ham (New Concord), N. Y., November ift, 1815. 8vo, Catfkill, 181 5. Porter, David. Journal of a Cruife made to the Pacific Ocean, in the United States Frigate Effex, in the years 181 2, '13 and '14. With Engravings. 2 vols., Svo. Phil., 1815. Same. Second Edition, with additions. 2 vols., Svo. N. Y., 1822. Porter, Ebenezer. The Simplicity that is in Chrift, and the Danger of its being Corrupted. A Sermon preached in Bofton, May 31ft, 1 810. Svo. Bofton, 1810. Porter, Eliphalet. Thanklgiving Sermon delivered in Roxbury, December ll, 1783. Svo. Bofton, 1784. " Difcourfe before the Roxbury Charitable Society, September 15th, 1794. Svo., pp. 22. Bofton, 1795. * Sermon occafioned by the Death of his Excellency Increafe Sumner, Governor of Maflachufetts, etc., Roxbury. Svo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1799. * An Eulogy on General Waftiington, delivered January 14, iSoo, at Roxbury. Svo. Bofton. « Difcourfe before the Humane Society of MafTachufetts, June 8th, 1802. Svo., pp. 46. Bofton, 1802. • Convention Sermon, Bofton, May 31, 1810. Lift of Minifters. Svo., pp. 38. Bofton, 1 810. Porter, E. S. The Language of Affliftion. A Sermon, occafioned by the Death of Adeline Rider, delivered in the Reformed Dutch Church of Chatham, February I, 1S46. Svo. Albany, 1S46. Porter, Huntington. Funeral Sermon (Mrs. Porter), February, 1794. Svo. Portfmouth, 1794. * Funeral Difcourfe, at Rye, Auguft, 1800. Svo., pp. 18. Portfmouth, 1800. * A Difcourfe, delivered Thurfday, January i, iSoi, being the Commencement of a New Year and a New Century. Svo. Portfmouth, iSoi. » Difcourfe at Rye, June 5th, 1S03, on account of the Sicknefs, etc. Svo., pp. 38. Portfmouth, 1S03. Porter, Jacob. Poems. Svo. Hartford, 181 8. Summary Notice concerning Bible Societies in general, and thofe of France in particular. From the French. 8vo., pp. 16. Northampton, 1827. Catalogue of Printed Books. 485 Porter, Jacob. The Well Spent Sou ; or. Bibles for the Poor Negroes. TranQated from the French. 8vo. New Haven, 1830. Method of Ufing the Chloride of Soda. Second Edition. 8vo. Northampton, 1833. Topographical Defcription and Hiftorical Sketch of Plainfield, in Hamplhire County, Mafs., May, 1834, 8vo. Greenfield, 1834. Porter, John. The Wonderful Scotch Prophecy ; or, the Whole Vifions, Difcoveries and Warnings, etc.. Revealed to, etc. 8vo., pp. 20. [Rep.] Lond., 1745. Porter, John. Sermon againft Undue Appreciating of Moral Virtue, Braintree, December 25th, 1749. 8vo., pp. 30. Bofton, 1750. Porter, Nathaniel. New Hampfhire Eleftion Sermon, Concord, June 7th, 1804. 8vo. Concord, 1804. Porter, Noah. An Hiftorical Difcourfe in Commemoration of the Original Settlement of Farmington, in 1640. 8vo. Hartford, 1 841. The Educational Syftems of the Puritans and Jefuits Compared. 8vo. N. Y., 1 85 1. Porter, Robert Ker. Travelling Sketches of RufTia and Sweden, during the years 1805, '06, '07, '08. 8vo. Phil., 1809. Porter, William S. Hiftorical Notices of Connefticut. [Nos. I. and 11.] 8vo. Hartford, 1842. Porteous, William. The Doftrine of Toleration, applied to the Prefent Times. Sermon at Glafgow, Faft Day, December loth, 1778. 8vo., pp. 39. Glafgow, 1778. The New Light Examined ; or, Obfervations on the Proceedings of the AfTociate Synod againft their own Standards. 8vo., pp. 55. Glafgow, 1800. Porteus, Beilby. The Review of Life and Character of Arch. Seeker. 8vo. [Rep-] N. Y., 1773. Port-Folio (The). By Oliver Oldfchool, Efq. [i. e. Jofeph Dennie], Jan. 1 80 1, to Dec. 1805. Vols. I-V. 4to. Phil., 1801-05. New Series. Vols. I-VL, Jan. 1806, to Dec. 1808. 8vo. Phil., 1806-08. New Series. Vols. I-VIII., Jan. 1809, to Dee. 181 2. 8vo. Phil., 1809-12 Third Series. Vols. I-VL, Jan. 181 3, to Dec. 181 5. 8vo. Phil., 1813-15. Fourth Series. Vols. I-XXIL, Jan. 18 16, to Oa. 1827. [Edited by John E. Hall.] 8vo. Phil., 1816-27. Containing EfTays, Letters and Narratives. Vol. IL 1 2mo. Lond., 1 8 14. Portsmouth (N. H.) By-Laws of the Town of, pafTed at their An- nual Meeting, held March 25th, 1795. 8vo., pp. 13. Portfmouth, 1795. Same, pafTed 1795-6. 8vo., pp. 12. . Portfmouth, 1806. Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Public Schools in the Town of. 8vo., pp. 8. Portfmouth, 1807, 486 New -York Historical Society. Post, and others, vs. Kimberly and others. Cafe of. In the Court for the Trial of Impeachments and the Correftion of Errors. 8vo. N. Y., 181 1. Post-Office. Remarks on the Port Eftablifhment in the United States. Reprinted from the 17th Number of the New York Review. 8vo. _ N. Y., 1 841. Reply of Executive Committee of the Camden and Amboy Railroad Company, etc., to Letter of the Poft-Mafter General. 8vo. Trenton, 1847. Postlethwayt, Malachy. The Univerfal Didlionary of Trade and Commerce. Tranflated from the French of the celebrated Mons. Savary. With Additions and Improvements, etc. Folio, 2 vols. Lond., 1757. Great Britain's Commercial Intereft Explained and Improved : in a feries of Diflertations on the moft Important Branches of her Trade and Landed Intereft. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1759. Potherie, M. de Bacqueville de la. Hiftoire de I'Amerique Sep- tentrionale. Tomes III. et IV. i2mo. Paris, 1722. Pott, Percival. A Treatife on Ruptures. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1763. Potter, Alonzo. Sermon preached before the Board of Direftors of the Domeftic and Foreign Miffionary Society of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the United States, in St. James's Church, Philadelphia, May 12th, 1829. 8vo. Bofton, 1829. Primary Addrefs to the Convention of the Diocefe of Pennfyl- vania, 20th May, 1846. 8vo. Phil., 1846. Addrefs of the 64th Convention of the Diocefe of Pennfylvania, 17th May, 1848. 8vo. Phil. Potter, Elam. Two Sermons on the Amiablenefs of Jefus Chrift. 8vo., pp. 26. Bofton, 1771. [Potter, Elisha R.] A Brief Account of EmiiTions of Paper Money, made by the Colony of Rhode Ifland. 8vo. Providence, 1837. Confiderations on the Rhode Ifland Queftion. 8vo. Bofton, 1842. Addrefs delivered before the Rhode Ifland Hiftorical Society, February 19th, 1851. 8vo. Providence, R. I., 1851. Confiderations on the Queftions of the Adoption of a Conftitution and Extenfion of Suffrage in Rhode Ifland. 8vo. Bofton, 1 842. Potter, Horatio. Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth. A Sermon on the Religious Tendencies of the Age ; and the Confequent Duty of the Chriftian Minifter, preached in St. Peter's Church, Albany, Nov. 23d, 1844. 8vo. Albany, 1844. Remarks in Favor of Free Churches ; being part of an Addrefs delivered on the occafion of laying the Corner Stone of a Free Church at Fort Edward. 8vo. Albany, 1845. Potter, John, Sermon at the AfTizes at Taunton, March i5th, 17 1 2. 8vo., pp. 30. Lond., 1 71 2. Catalogue of Printed Books. 487 Potter, Nathaniel. The Baltimore Medical and Philofophical Ly- ceum. 8vo. Baltimore, 18 11-12. A Memoir on Contagion, more efpecially as it refpefls the Yellow Fever; read in Convention of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, on the 3d June, 1817. 8vo. Baltimore, 181 8. Potter, R. An Inquiry into fome Paflages in Dr. Johnfon's Lives of the Poets, particularly his Obfervations on Lyric Poetry, and the Odes of Gray. 4to., pp. 50. Lond., 1783. Potts, John. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Jofeph Gwen- nap, June 20th, 1764, etc. 8vo., pp. 90. Lond., 1764. Potts, Thomas. The Britifh Farmers' CycIopa;diaj or. Complete Agricultural Diftionary. Engravings. 4to. Lond,, 1 807. PouDENX, H. et F. Mayer. Memoire pour fervir a 1' Hiftoire de la Revolution de la Capitainerie Generale de Caracas, depuis 1' Ab- dication de Charles IV. jufqu' au mois d'Aout, 18 14. 8vo. Paris, 1815. Pouzzolane. Memoire fur la maniere de Reconnoitre les Differentcs Efpeces de, etc. 8vo., pp. 56. Amfterdam, 1780. Powers, Grant. Hiftorical Sketches of the Difcovery, Settlement, and Progrefs of Events in the Coos Country and Vicinity, prin- cipally included between the years 1754 ^"'i '7^5' izmo. Haverhill, 1841. Pownall, Thomas. Speech of, late Governor of this Province, in the Houfc of Commons, in Favor of America. 4to., pp. 16. Profpedlus of his Map of the Middle Britifh Colonies in North America, etc. 8vo., pp. 8. The Adminiflration of the Colonies, wherein their Rights and Conllitution are Difcufled and Stated. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1768. Same. Fifth Edition. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1774. A Topographical Defcription of fuch parts of North America as arc contained in the (annexed) Map of the Middle Britifh Colonies, etc., in North America. Folio. Lond., 1776. PoYER, John. The Hiftory of Barbados, from the Firft Difcovery of the Ifland in the year 1605 till the Acceflion of Lord Seaforth, 1 801. 4to. Lond., 1808. Pradt (M. de). The Congrefs of Vienna. From the French. 8vo. Lond., I 816. Des Colonies, et de la Revolution aduelle de TAmeriquc. Tomes 2. 8vo. Paris, 1817. Le Six Dernicrs Mois de I'Amerique et du Brefil, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1 81 8. Pieces Relatives a Saint Domingue et a I'Amerique, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1 81 8. Prague. An Exaft Relation of the Siege of, by the Prince de Deux Fonts. From the French. 8vo., pp. 30. Lond., 1743. 488 New-York Historical Society. Prater (The). By Nicholas Babble, Efq. Second Edition. 8vo. Lend., 1757. Pratt, Enoch. A Comprehenfive Hiftory, Ecclefiaftical and Civil, of Eaftham, Wellfleet, and Orleans, County of Barnftable, MalTa- chufetts, from 1 644 to 1 844. 8vo. Yarmouth, 1 844. Pratt, P. P. Late Perfecution of the Church of Jefus Chrill of Lat- ter Day Saints, etc. i6mo. N. Y., 1840. Pratt, Zadock. Addrefs delivered at the Fair of the Green County Agricultural Society, September 25th, 1845. 8vo. CatlkiH, 1845. Addrefs of, delivered at the Dedication of the Spencertown Academy, September 23d, 1847. 8vo. Specimen No. of the American Sketch Book, containing Life of Zadock Pratt. 8vo. N. Y., 1848. Addrefs delivered before the Mechanics' Inftitute of the City of York, January i6th, 1849. 8vo. N. Y., 1849. Pratz (M. le Page du). The Hiftory of Louifiana, or of the Weft- em Parts of Virginia and Carolina, etc. Tranflated from the French. 2 vols., I2mo. Lond., 1763. Same. 8vo. Lond., 1774. Prayer. Form of, for Faft Day in the Province of New York, 13th July, 1757. 4to. _ _ N. Y.,_i757. The Order for Morning and Evening, and Adminiftration of the Sacraments, etc. Tranflated into the Mohawk Language under the direction of Rev. William Andrews, Henry Barclay, and John Ogilvie, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1 769. The Book of Common Prayer and Adminiftration of the Sacra- ments . . . according to the Ufe of the Church of Ireland . . . l2mo. Dublin, 1778. A Concert for, propounded to the Citizens of the United States of America, by an Aflbciation of Chriftian Minifters. 8vo., pp. .15. Exeter, 1787. Form of, for the National Faft, 25th February, 1795. 4to. Lond., 1795. A Form of, for Faft Day, March 10, 1813. 8vo., pp. 16. Lond., 1813. Form of, for Faft Day, Nova Scotia, February 23, 18 10. 4to. Hahfax, 1 8 10. Prayers for Children and Young Perfons. Compiled by a Teacher. Second Edition. i2mo. Portfmouth, 1834. Predictions. Recent and Remarkable, etc. l2mo., pp. 32. Lond. Premiums offered by the London Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufaftures and Commerce. 8vo. Lond., 1764. Prentice, John. Maffachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 28th, 1735. 8vo. Bofton. Prentice, Thomas. Faft Sermon, delivered at Charleftown, January 28th, 1747-8. 8vo. Bofton, 1748. Catalogue of Printed Books. 489 Prentiss, Caleb. Sermon delivered before Mount Moriah Lodge, at Reading, June 24th, 1799. 8vo., pp. 16. Leominfter (Mafs.), 1799. Sermon at the Inftalment of Rev. Elias Hull, Seabrook, Febru- ary 6th, 1799. 8vo., pp. 22. 1799- Prentiss, Joseph. An Addrefs delivered before the Grand Chapter of the State of New York, at its Annual Communication at Albany, 4th February, 1829. 8vo. Troy, N. Y., 1829. Presbyterian Played Hob with. Remarks upon the . . . dehneated. izmo. Phil,, 1764. The Author of Quaker Unmafked, Strip'd Start Naked ; or, the Delineated Prefbyterian Played Hob with. i2mo., pp. 12. Phil., 1764. A Glorious Difcovery ; or, the Saints' Eyes Opened, with New Revelations and Vifions in thefe days. i2mo., pp. 14. Church. Extradl from the Minutes of the Afts and Proceed- ings of the Aflbciate Reformed Synod, held at Philadelphia, May 21, 1797, and continued by adjournments. 8vo. N. Y., 1797. Conilitution of the . . . in the United States of America. i2mo. Phil., 1806. An A61 for Eftablifhing Minifterial Libraries, pafled at Philadel- phia, May 3, 1808, by the General Synod of the Aflbciate Re- formed Church in North America. 8vo. N. Y., 1 808. Report of Committee of the General Afl"embly, exhibiting the Plan of a Theological Seminary. 8vo., pp. 24. N. Y., 1 8 10. General Assembly. Afts and Proceedings, a. d. i 794. 8vo. Phil., 1794. Minutes of the. 2 vols., 8vo. [ift Vol. 1789-1806. 2d Vol. 1807-16.] Phil. Same. 1840, '43-44. Ministers. An Addrefs of the, in Philadelphia, to the Minifters and Prefbyterian Congregations in the County of , in North Carohna. 8vo. Phil., 1775. Presbyterians. A Looking-Glafs for; addrefled to the Freemen of Pennfylvania, etc. 8vo., pp. 18. Phil., 1764. Cafe of the Scotch Prefbyterians of the City of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1773. Presbyteries. A Brief Account of the. i2mo. Catlkill, 1796. Presbytery of New Brunswick. Pafl;oral Letter to the Churches under their Care. 8vo., pp. 16. New Brunfwick, 1801. of New Castle. Addrefs from the, fetting forth the Declining State of Religion, etc. 8vo. Wilmington, 1785. of New Jersey. Addrefs of the, to the Churches under their Care. 8vo., pp. 8. Elizabeth-Town, N. J. [1811.] OF New York. Addrefs to the Churches under their Care, on Educating Poor and Pious Youth for the Miniftry. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1805. 192 New-York Historical Society. Debates of the Confederation, and on the Conftjtution. 8vo. Wafhington, 1845. Elliot, Jonathan. The Funding Syftem of the United States and of Great Britain, etc. [28th Cong., ill Sefs., Doc. No. 15, H. R.] 8vo. Wafhington, 1845. — — The Virginia and Kentucky Refolutions of 1798 and 1799. With JcfFerfon's Original Draught thereof; alfo, Madifon's Re- port, Calhoun's Addrefs, Refolutions of the feveral States in rela- tion to State Rights. With other Documents in Support of the JcfFerfonian Doftrines of '98. 8vo. Wafhington, 1832. See Virginia. Elliot, William. The Wafhington Guide, etc. i2mo. Wafhington, 1837. Elliot, C. W. St. Domingo : its Revolutions and its Hero, ToufTaint L'Ouvcrture. An Hillorical Difcourfe condenfed for the New York Library AfTociation, Februaiy 26, 1855. i2mo., pp. 83. N. Y., 1855. Elliott, David. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. M. L. Fullerton, Hagerllown, Maryland, September 28, 1825. 8vo. Hagerftown, 1825. Elliott, John. An Account of the Nature and Medicinal Virtues of the Principal Mineral Waters of Great Britain and Ireland, etc. 8vo. Lond,, 1 781. Elliott, John. Connefticut Eleftion Sermon, May 10, 18 10, 8vo. Hartford. — — and Samuel Stevens. The Lateft Colleftion of Original and Selefl Hymns and Spiritual Songs. i2mo. N. Y., 1813. Elliott, Samuel. A Humble Tribute to my Country ; or, Pradical EfTays, Political, Legal, Moral, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1842. Ellis, Ferdinand. Faft Day Difcourfe, adapted to the Prefent Situation of our National Concerns, Marblehead, MafTachufetts, July 23, 1 81 2. 8vo., pp. 20. Salem, 181 2. A Sermon delivered at Concord, before the Governor, Council, and both Branches of the Legiflature of the State of New Hamp- fhire, June 8, 1826. 8vo., pp. 26. Concord, 1826. Ellis, Henry. A Voyage to Hudfon's Bay, by the Dobbs' Galley and California, in the year 1746 and '47, for Difcovering a North Weft PafTage, etc. 8vo. Maps. Lond., 1748. Ellis, Jonathan. An Eulogical Poem on General George Wafhington, Topfliam, February 22, 1800. 8vo., pp. 24. Portland. Ellsworth, Henry L. Sketches of an Addrefs delivered before the Hartford Agricultural Society, on the 24th March, 181 8. 8vo. Hartford, I 818. Elmer, Jonathan. Funeral Eulogium, facrcd to the Memory of Rev. Wilham Ramfay. 8vo. [Imperfeft.] Phil,, 1772. Elwall, E. An Appeal to the Serious and Candid ProfefTors of Chriflianity, on feveral Important Subjefls ; with an Account of his Trial for Herefy, etc. i2mo., pp. 52. Birmingham. Catalogue of Printed Books. 193 Elwood, Thomas. Hiftory of the Life of. 8vo. [No title-page.] Elwyn, Thomas. Letter to a Federalift, in Reply to fome of the Popular Objedlions to the Motives and Tendency of the Meafure? of the Prefcnt Adminiltration, February, 1805. 8vo., pp. 31. Portfmouth. Ely, Ezra Stiles. A Sermon for the Rich to Buy, that they may Benefit Themfelves and the Poor. 8vo., pp. 27. N. Y., 1810. Journal of the Stated Preacher to the Hofpital and Almfhoufe in the City of New York, 181 1. i2mo. Phil., 181 5. Second Journal, etc., 1 8 13. i2mo. N. Y., 181 2. Memoirs of the Rev. Zcbulon Ely, of Lebanon, Conncfticut; compiled from his own Writings. 8vo., pp. 56. Phil., 1825. The Duty of Chriftian Freemen to Eleft Chriftian Rulers : a Difcourfe delivered on 4th July, 1827, in the Seventh Prefbytcrian Church in Philadelphia. With an Appendix. 8vo., pp. 32. Phil., 1828. Ely, Isaac M. Oration delivered February 22, 181 3, before the Wafhington Benevolent Society of the City of New York. 8vo. N. Y. Ely, Sumner. Annual Addrefs, delivered before the Medical Society of the State of New York, February 3, 1841. 8vo. Albany, 1841. Ely, Zebulon. A Sermon preached at the Funeral Solemnity of Jona- than Trumbull, late Governor of the State of Connecticut, Auguft 19, 1785. 8vo., pp. 26. Hartford, 1786. Difcourfe in Lebanon, at the Funeral of His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull. 8vo., pp. 16, II. Hartford, 1809. Difcourfe in Lebanon, Odlober 14, 18 10, on the Death of Solo- mon Williams, of New York. 8vo., pp. 15. Hartford, 181 1. Embargo Acts, i 808. With Supplement and Circulars, and an Ap- pendix, etc. 8vo., pp. 23. N. Y., 1808. Embargo Law. Remarks on the. 8vo. [Imperfedl.] Embargo Laws. Reply of the Majority of the Reprefentatives from the State of Maflachufetts, in Congrefs, to the Refolutions and Inilrudions of the Legiflature. 8vo. Wafhington, 1 808. Confiderations on. 8vo., pp. 16. Emerson, Brown. Importance of Right Views of Chrift : a Sermon at Beverly, December 22, 1822. 8vo., pp. 20. Salem, 1823. Emerson, G. An Addrefs delivered at Laurel Hill Cemeter)', on the completion pf a Monument creded to the Memory of Thomas Godfrey, June i, 1843. 8vo. Phil., 1843. Emerson, Joseph. Early Piety Encouraged, etc. i2mo., pp. 30. Borton, 1738. Emerson, Joseph. Recitation Lectures, upon the Acquifition and Com- munication of Thought, propofcd for the Enfuing Scafon. 8vo. Weathersfield, 1826. Profpeftus of the Female Seminary at Weathersfield, Connefticut. With Notes. 8vo. Weathersfield, 1826. 13 492 New- York Historical SociExy. Priestley, Joseph. Obfervations on the Increafe of Infidelity. 8vo., pp. xvi. loi. Lond., 1796. — — Obfervations on his Emigration, and on the feveral Addrefles to him, on his arrival at New York. 8vo., pp. 64. Phil., 1796. Letters to Mr. Volney, on his Ruins, and Letter to the Author. 8vo., pp. 28. Phil., 1797. Copies of Original Letters recently written by Perfons in Paris to . . . 8vo., pp. 21. Phil., 1798. Letters to the Inhabitants of Northumberland and its Neighbor- hood. 8vo. • Northumberland, 1799. Same. Second Edition, with Additions. 8vo. Phil,, 180 1. General Hiftory of the Chriftian Church, from the Fall of the Weftern Empire to the prefent time. 4 vols., 8vo. 1802-3. Same. Second Edition. 2 vols., 8vo. Northumberland, 1 803-4. Defcription of a Syftcm of Biography. 8vo. Phil., 1803. Defcription of a fet of Charts of Biography, etc. 8vo. Charts, oblong 4to. Phil., 1 804. Memoirs of the Year 1795, written by himfelf, with Continua- tion to the time of his deceafe by his Son, and Obfervations on his Writings, by Thomas Cooper and William Chriflie. 2 vols., 8vo. Northumberland, 1806. Prime, Benjamin Young. Columbia's Glory ; or, Britifli Pride Hum- bled, etc. 8vo. . N. Y., 1791. Prime, Nathaniel S. A Hiftory of Long Ifland, from its Firft Settlement by Europeans to the year 1845. With fpecial refer- ence to its Ecclefiaftical Concerns. i2mo. N. Y., 1845. Prime, Samuel Iren^us. An Addrefs delivered at the Opening of the Hall of the Newark Library Aflbciation, 21ft February, 1848. 8vo. Newark, 1848. Prince Edward Island. The True Guide to ... in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, North America. l2mo. Liverpool, 1808. A Short Account of . . . etc. 8vo. Lond., 1839. Prince, John. Sermon on the Death of the Rev. Thomas Barnard, D. D., preached at Salem, Mafs., Oftober i6th, 18 14. 8vo. Prince, Thomas. Sermon delivered at his own Ordination, in Bofton, I ft Oftober, 1 718, etc. 8vo., pp. 76. Bofton, 171 8. Two Sermons, occafioned by the Earthquake of Oftober, 1727. With a Preface and Appendix. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 48. Bofton, 1727. Sermon upon the Death of King George I. and Acceflion of King George II. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1727. Funeral Sermon (Cotton Mather). 8vo. Bofton, 1728. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 27th, 1730. 8vo. Bofton. On the Hon. Daniel Oliver, Efq., delivered at Bofton, July 27th, 1732. With a Poem by Mr. Byles. 8vo. A Chronological Hiftory of New England in the Form of An- nals. Vol. I. II. (Nos. I, 2, 3, pp. 96). 8vo. Bofton, 1 736-[54]. Same. 8vo. [Reprint.] Bofton, 1826. Catalogue of Printed Books. 493 Prince, Thomas. Thankfgiving Sermon for the Viftory at Culloden, at the South Church in Bollon, Auguft 14th, 1746. 4to. Bofton, 1746. The Salvations of God in 1 746. A Thankfgiving Sermon, at the South Church in Bollon, November 27, 1746. 4to., pp. 35. Bofton, 1746. Thankfgiving Sermon for the Redudlion of Cape Breton, at the South Church in Bofton, July i8th, 1745. Second Edition. 4to., pp. 35. • ^ Bofton, 1747. Sermon occafioned by the Death of Frederick, Prince of Wales. 8vo., pp. 34. Bofton, 1 75 1. Funeral Sermon, delivered in Bofton, 1755 (Hannah Fayer- vv'cather). 8vo. Bofton, 1755. Prince of Wales. Letter to the . . . concerning his Moral and PoHtical Conduft. By Crito. 8vo. N. Y., 1 807. Prince, William R. (aided by William Prince). A Treatife on the Vine ; embracing its Hiftory from the Earlieft Ages to the prefent day, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1830. The Pomological Manual ; or, a Treatife on Fruits, etc. Second Edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1832. Prince's Defcriptive Catalogue of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrub- bery and Plants, cultivated and for fale at the Linnaean Botanic Garden and Nurferies, L. I. 33d Edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1844. Prior, Matthew. Hiftory of his own Time, compiled from his Original MSS. 8vo. Lond., 1740. Prior, Thomas. Narrative of the Succefs of Tar Water in Curing Diftempers, etc. 8vo. [Rep.] Bofton, 1749. Prior, William. Popery not Chriftianity. Sermon at Little St. Helens, Auguft 1, 1750. 8vo., pp. 44. Lond., 1750. Sermon at St. Thomas, January i, 1754, for the Benefit of the Charity School in Gravel Lane, Southwark. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1754. Prison Discipline Society. Reports, 1826-33. 8vo. Bofton, 1827. Same, 1826-44. ^^°* Bofton, 1826-44. Prisoners of War. Report of the Committee of the Houfe of Com- mons, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1798. Privateering. A Propofed Memorial to the Congrcfs of the United States. 8vo. 18 19. Private Judgment. The Difficulties and Difcouragements which at- tend the Study of the Scriptures in the way of, in a Letter to a Young Clergyman, etc. By a Prefbyter of the Church of Eng- land. 8vo., pp. 40. Lond., 1735. Proby, W. C. Modern Philofophy and Barbarifm; or, a Comparifon between the Theory of Godwin and the Pradtice of Lycurgus. 8vo. Lond. Procedure de Bretagne. Tome Premier. 4to. 1 769. Proef-steen Van den Trou-Ringh. 4v0ls.ini. With Engravings. i8mo. 1643. 494 New -York Historical Society. Progress of Dulness. Part I. ; or, the Rare Adventures of Tom Brainlcfs, etc. i2mo, ^772. Prompter, The ; or, a Commentary on Common Sayings and Sub- jedls, etc. izmo., pp. 56. Newark, 1793. Prospect of the moft Famous Parts of the World . . . Oblong 410. Lond., 1646. 2 ^ ^ ' ^ Protestant Dissenters. An Addrefs to, of all Denominations, on ^ i^.iTOkJ^lZcjf. j.j^g approaching Eleftion of Members of Parliament, with refpeft to the State of P-ublic Affairs in general and of American Affairs in particular. 8vo. [Rep.] - Bofton, 1 775. Episcopal Church. Journals of the Conventions. 8vo. Proceedings of the, in the State of New York, held in the City of New York, June 22d, 1785. 8vo. N. Y., 1787. An Addrefs to the Members of the, in the United States of America. i2mo., pp. 12. N. Y., 1792. Journal of Proceedings, in Convention, September, 1795. 8vo., pp. 44. Phil., 1795. • See Epifcopal Church. Episcopal Historical Society. Report of the Executive Com- mittee of the, etc. 8vo. Trenton, 1850. Colleaions. Vols. I. II., 8vo. N. Y., 1851-53. Episcopal Library Society. Extracts from the Minutes, 1816. l2mo., pp. 12. Episcopal Theological Seminary. Addrefs to Epifcopalians. 8vo. N. Y., 1 81 7. Episcopal Society of Young Men, for the Diftribution of Re- ligious Trafts, Conftitution and various Trafts. 8vo. Schools in Ireland. An Abftraft of His Majefty's Royal Charter, for Erefting and Promoting Englilh Proteftant Schools in Ireland. 4to., pp. 21. Protestants. The Effential Rights and Liberties of. A Seafonable Plea for the Liberty of Confcience and the Right of Private Judg- ment in Matters of Religion, etc. 4to., pp. 66. Bofton, 1 744. Proud, Robert. The Hiftory of Pennfylvania, in North America, from 1 68 1 till after 1742. With an Introdudlion, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1797-8. Proudfit, Alexander. Sermon delivered before the Northern Mis- sionary Society, in the State of New York, in Troy, February 8, 1798. 8vo. Albany, 1798. Providence Association of Mechanics and Manufacturers, Charter, etc., of the. 8vo., pp. 40. Providence, 1798. Athen^um. Eighth Annual Report of the Diredors, 25th September, 1843. 8vo. Providence, 1843. Tenth Annual Report, zzd September, 1845. 8vo. Providence, 1845. Prudhomme. L. Revolutions des Paris. Dediees a la Nation, etc. Tomes 17. 8vo. A Paris, 1789-93. Catalogue of Printed Books. 495 Prussia. Refcript of His Majefty the King of, to Mr. D'Andrie, his Minifler at the Britilh Court, to declare his motives for Supply- ing the Emperor with Auxiliaries. 8vo., pp. 31. Lond., 1744. The Hiftory of, particularly during the Reign of the late King Frederick William, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1756. pRVNNE, Arthur. The Full and True Hiftory of the Conqueft of Mexico, by Cortez. By Captain Bernal Diaz del Caftillo, one of the Conquerors. Tranflated by Prynne. 8vo. Albany. pRYNNE, William. Firft Part of a Hiftorical Colleftion of the An- cient Parhaments of England, from 673 to 1 21 6. The Hiftory of King John, King Henry III. and the moft illus- trious King Edward I., wherein the Ancient Sovereign Dominions of the Kings of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, is as- serted, etc. Folio. Lond., 1670. Colleftion of Tradls, from 1628 to 1649. 410. Lond. PsALMANAAZAR, George. Hiftorical and Geographical Defcription of Formofa, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1704. PsALMs. The Pfalms of David, with the Ten Commandments, Creed, Lord's Prayer, etc., in Metre. Alfo the Catechifm, Confeffion of Faith, Liturgy, etc. Tranflated from the Dutch for the ufe of Re- formed Proteftant Dutch Churches of the City of New York. i2mo. N. Y., 1767. _ The Book of Pfalms, in raifed letters for the ufe of the Blind, executed for the American Bible Society, under the Direction of S. G. Howe, at the Inftitution for the Blind. 4to. Bofton, 1842. PsALMEN, Het-Boek. i8mo. Amfterdam, 1779. PsEAUMES DE David. Mis cn vers Francois, etc. Nouvelle Edition. 4to. Amfterdam, 1729. Public Affairs. Cool Thoughts on the Prefent Situation of our . . . in a Letter to a Friend in the Country. 8vo., pp. 20. Phil., 1764. Public Characters of 1798-99 to 1809-10. 10 vols., 8vo. Lond. Public Characters ; or, Cotemporary Biography. American Edi- tion. 8vo. Baltimore, 1803. Public Credit. Houfe Doc, No. 10, Oftober 18, 18 14. Letter from the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, etc. 8vo. Public Debts. Some Confiderations relating to the Payment of the, etc. 4to. Lond., 171 7. Public Journals. Spirit of the ; or. Beauties of the American News- papers for 1805. i2mo. Baltimore, 1806. Public Prayer. A Treatife in Two Parts. i2mo., pp. 156. Lond., 1766. Public Records. The Report of the Lords* Committee, appointed by the Houfe of Lords to View and Confider the Publick Records, etc. i6mo. Lond., 17 19. Public Schools. Plan for the Eftablifliment of, and the Diftufion of Knowledge in Pennfylvania, etc. l2mo., pp. 36. Phil., 1786. 4.96 New-York Historical Society. PuBLicoLA. A Sketch of the Times and Prevailing Opinions, from 1800 to 1 810. Third Edition. 8vo., pp. 152. Lond. [1810.] Letter to Albert Gallatin, Efq., on the Doftrine of Gold and Silver, and the Evils of the Prefent Banking Syftem in Effeft and Tendency. 8vo. N. Y., 181 5. PuBLius. Remarks on the Currency of the United States, and the Prefent State and Future Profpefts of the Country, 1 840. Alfo, Additional Remarks on the Currency of the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1 841. The Crifis, and the Remedy. 8vo. N. Y., 1 842. Letter to the Members of the Pennfylvania Legiflature on the fubjeft of the State Debt. 8vo. Phil., 1844. PuFFENDORF, Samuel. The Complete Hiftory of Sweden, from its origin to this time. 8vo. Lond., 1702. An Introdudlion to the Hiftory of the Principal Kingdoms and States of Europe. Tranflated from the High Dutch. Ninth Edi- tion. 8vo. Lond., 1728. Puffer, Reuben. MalTachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 25th, 1803. 8vo. Bofton. Dudleian Lefture, Harvard College, May 11 th, 1 808. 8vo., pp. 24. Cambridge, 1808. Convention Sermon, Bofton, May 30th, 1811. 8vo., pp. 20. Bofton, 181 1. PuGH, John. A Treatife on the Science of Mufcular Aftion. 4to. Plates. Lond., 1794. PuGLiA, James Ph. The Federal Politician. 8vo. Phil., 1795. PuLLEiN, Samuel. The Culture of Silk; or, an Efl*ay on its Rational Pradlice and Improvement. 8vo. Lond., 1758. Pulpit Orator. i2mo. Bofton, 1804. PuLTENEY, William. Thoughts on the Prefent State of Affairs with America, and the Means of Concihation. Fourth Edition. 8vo., ■"p. 102. Lond., 1778. Confiderations on the Prefent State of Public Affairs, and the Means of Railing the Neceffary SuppUes. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1779. Purchas, Samuel. Purchas his Pilgrimes. In Five Bookes . . . Pilgrimages. 5 vols. Folio. Lond., 1625—26. Purple, William D. The Influence of Drefs in the Production of Difeafes in Females ; read before the Chenango County Medical Society, June, 1 847. 8vo. Albany, 1847. Pursuits of Literature. A Satyrical Poem in Four Dialogues, with Notes, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1800. Purviance, Robert. A Narrative of Events which occurred in Bait. Town during the Revolutionary War. 8vo. Baltimore, 1849. Putnam, Aaron. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Jofeph Sumner, Shrewftjury, June 23d, 1762. 8vo. Bofton, 1763. Putnam, David. Report of the Committee on the Removal from Office of Brigadier-General David Putnam. 8vo. Catalogue of Printed Books. 497 Putnam, George. An Oration, delivered at Cambridge, before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, in Harvard Univerfity, Auguft 29th, 1844. 8vo. Bofton, 1844. Remarks upon the fame. By a Member of the Suffolk Bar. 8vo. Bofton, 1844. [Putnam, George Palmer.] Chronology ; or, an Introduftion and Index to Univerfal Hiftory, Biography, etc. l2mo. N. Y., 1833. American Fafts. Notes and Statiftics, relative to the Govern- ment, Refources, etc., of the United States of America. With Portraits and a Map. 8vo. Lond., 1845. The World's Progrefs : a Diftionary of Dates . . . etc. Edited by. i2mo. N. Y., 1851. Putnam's Monthly Magazine of American Literature, Science and Art. 4 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1853-54. Putnam, John M. A Sermon, illuftrating the Confiftency of Divine Sovereignty and Man's Free Agency, preached at Dunbarton, New Hampfhire, November 3d, 1833. 8vo. Concord, 1834. A Sermon on Holiday Communion with Extortioners, preached at Dunbarton, New Hampfhire, Odl. 14th, 1838. Concord, 1838. Pye, Henry James. See Ariftotle. Quadrupeds. Synopfis of, 8vo. Chcfter, 1 771. Quaker (The) Unmasked ; or. Plain Truth, addrefTed to the Freemen of Pennfylvania. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 16. Phil., 1764. Remarks on ; or. Plain Truth found to be Plain Falfehood, etc. 8vo., pp. 8. Phil. Quaker Vindicated ; or, Obfervations on a late Pamphlet, " The Quaker Unmafketl," etc. 8vo., pp. 16. [Phil.], 1764. Quakers. A Colledlion of Teftimonies concerning feveral Minifters of the Gofpel amongft the People called Quakers, deceafed, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1760. The Addrefs of the People called Quakers in the Province of Pennfylvania, to John Penn, Efq., Lieut.-Governor. i zmo. Phil., 1764. Quakers' (The) Afhfting to Preferve the Lives of the Indians in the Barracks, Vindicated, etc. 8vo., pp. 16. Phil., 1764. The Same. No. II. 8vo., pp. 12. Phil., 1764. Quakers. Letter from Batifta Angcloni to his Friend Manzoni. With the Cloven Foot Difcovered. 8vo., pp. 8. Ephrata. A Battle, etc., the Quakers' Addrefs Verfified and King Wam- pum. i2mo. ■ The Memorial and Petition of the Society of Friends . . . . to the Legiflature of Virginia, on the fiibjedl of Mihtia Fines; together with the Letter of Benjamin Bates on the fame. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1818. . Quarantine Laws. An Abftraft of the, for 1 804. 8vo., pp. 7. An Aft (pafTed 12th March, 1805), for making further pro- 498 New-York Historical Society. vifion for the efFeftual performance of; and alfo an Order in Council, dated 5th of April, 1805. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. Quarterly Review. Vols. II-XVII. 8vo. [Rep.] N. Y., 1 810-17. Quebec Act. The Juftice and Policy of the late A£i of Parliament, etc., Aflerted and Proved; and the Conduft of Adminillration refpefling that Province, Stated and Vindicated. 8vo. Lond., 1774. Letter from Thomas, Lord Lyttelton, to William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. 8vo. [Rep.] N. Y., 1774. Quebec. Laws . . . in various abftrafts, etc. Folio. Lond., 1772-3. An Account of the Proceedings of the Britifti and other Prot- eftant Inhabitants of the Province of ... in North America, in order to Obtain a Houfe of Aflembly in that Province. 8vo. Lond., 1775. Additional Papers concerning the Province of, being an Appen- dix to "An Account of the Proceedings," etc. 8vo. Lond., 1776. Bishop of. Thankfgiving Sermon at Quebec, January loth, 1799. 8vo., pp. xi. 35- . . Quebec, 1799. and its Environs ; being a Piftureique Guide to the Stranger. 8vo. Quebec, 1831. Tranfaftions of the Literary and Hiftorical Society of Quebec. Vols. L IL IV. (Part I.) 8vo. Quebec, 1829-43. Report of the Council of the Literary and Hiftorical Society of Quebec, for the year ending the nth January, 1843. 8vo. Memoirs fur le Canada depuis 1 749 jufqu'a 1 760, en trois parties avec cartes et Plans lithographies . . . 8vo. Quebec, 1838. Voyages de Decouverte au Canada, entre les annees 1534 et 1542, par Jacques Cartier, le fieur de Roberval, Jean Alphonfe de Xanftoigne, etc. . . . Re-imprimes fur d'anclennes relations. 8vo. Quebec, 1843. QuENARD, Ph. Les Dames, Poeme. 1 2mo. Paris, 1 800. QuiNN, Edward. Catholic Vindication. Subftance of a Speech in Common Council of London. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1807. QuiNCTiLiANUs, M. Fabius. Inftitutcs of Eloquence, etc., tranflated into Englifh, with Notes, by W. Guthrie. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1805. QuiNCY, John. Medicina Statica ; being the Aphorifms of Sandorius. Tranflated into Englifti, with large Explanations, etc. Third Edition. i2mo. Lond., 1723. QuiNCY, Josiah, Jr. Obfervations on the At\ of Parliament, com- monly called The Bofton Port-Bill ; with Thoughts on Civil So- ciety and Standing Armies. 8vo., pp. 82. Bofton, 1774. QuiNCY, JosiAH. Speech in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States on the Bill for Fortifying the Ports and Harbours of the United States, 15 th April, 1806. 8vo. Bofton, 1806. Speech in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, de- livered the 5th January, 1 81 3, on the Army Bill. 8vo. Bofton, 1813. Catalogue of Printed Books, 499 QuiNCV, JosiAH. Report in the MaiTachufctts Legiflature, 1813,011 Extenfion of our Territorial Limits, etc. 8vo. 1 81 3. Oration delivered before the Wafhington Benevolent Society of MafTachufetts, April 30th, 1813. 8vo. Bofton. Addrefs delivered at the Fifth Anniverfary of the Maflachufetts Peace Society, December 25th, 1820. 8vo. Remarks on fome of the Provifions of the Laws of Maflachu- fetts, afFedling Poverty, Vice and Crime. Charge to the Grand Jury of Suffolk, March, 1822. 8vo. Cambridge, 1822. Memoir of the Life of Jofiah Quincy, Jr. 8vo. Bofton, 1825. Addrefs to the Citizens of Bofton, on 17th of September, 1830, the clofe of the fecond century from the Firft Settlement of the City. 8vo. Bofton, 1830. Addrefs delivered at the Dedication of Dane Law College, in Harvard Univerfity, Oft. 23d, 1832. 8vo. Cambridge, 1832. The Hiftory of Harvard Univerfity. 2 vols., 8vo. Cambridge, 1840. The Memory of the late James Grahame, the Hiftorian of the United States, Vindicated, etc., and the Conduft of Mr. Ban- croft towards that Hiftorian Stated and Expofed. 8vo., pp. 59. Bofton, 1846. The Hiftory of the Bofton Athenaeum, with Biographical No- tices of its deceafed Founders. 8vo. CambridgCj 1851. Rabaut, J. P. Precis de I'Hiftoire de la Revolution Francaife, avec une Table des Principaux Decrets rendus pendant les annees 1789, '90, '91, etc. i8mo. A Paris, 1792. Rafinesque, C. S. Ancient Hiftory; or. Annals of Kentucky. With a Survey of the Ancient Monuments of North America, and a Tabular View of the Principal Languages and Primitive Nations of the whole Earth. 8vo. Frankfort, 1824. A Life of Travels and Refearches in North America ■ and the South of Europe, from 1802 till 1835. i2mo. Phil., 1836. The American Nations ; or. Outlines of a National Hiftory of the Ancient and Modern Nations of North and South America. l2mo. Phil., 1836. Railton, J. The Army's Regulator j or, the Britifti Monitor, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1738. Raines, George W. Praftical Obfervations on the Generation of Statical Eleftricity by an Eledlrical Machine. New Haven, 1845. Raleigh, Sir Walter. The Difcoverie of the Large, Rich, and BewtifuU Empyre of Guiana. With a Relation of the great and golden Citie of Manoa (which the Spanyards call El Dorado), etc. Performed in the year 1595, etc. . 4to. Lond., 1596. The Hiftory of the World. Folio. See Rofs. Lond., 161 7. Voyages of, and other Adventurers. i2mo. Glafgow, 1791. Difcourfe on his Life and Charadler, delivered by J. Morifon 500 New-York Historical Society. Harris, before the Maryland Hiflorical Society, May 19th, 1846. 8vo., pp. 71. Baltimore, 1846. Rambles in Italy in the years 1 816-17. By an American. 8vo. Baltimore, 1 81 8. Ramel, General. Narrative of the Deportation to Cayenne, of Barthelemy, Pichegru, Willot, Marbois, La Rue, Ramel, etc., in confcquence of the Revolution of the 1 8th Fruftidor (Sept. 4th), 1797, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1799. Ramon de la Sacra, D. Cinco Mefes en los Eftados Unidos de la America del Norte, 1835. Diario de Viaje. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Ramond, M. Travels in the Pyrenees. From the French, by F. Gold. 8vo. Lond., 1813. Rampoldi, Gio. B. Annali Mufulmani. 12 vols., 8vo. Milano, 1822-26. Ramsay, David. The Hiflory of the Revolution of South Carolina, from a Britifh Province to an Independent State. 2 vols., 8vo. Trenton, 1785. The Hiftory of the American Revolution. 2 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1789. Oration, on the Ceffion of Louifiana to the United States, de- livered 1 2th May, 1 804. 8vo. Charlefton, S. C, 1 804. Life of George Wafhington, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1807. The Hiflory of South Carolina, from its Firft Settlement in 1670 to the year 1 808. 2 vols., 8vo. Charlefton, 1 809. ■ ' The Hiftory of the Independent, or Congregational Church, in Charlefton, S. C, from its origin till the year 18 14. With an Appendix. 8vo. Phil., 1815. " Hiftory of the United States, from their Firft Settlement as Eng- lifti Colonics, in 1 607, to the year 1 808, or the Thirty-third of their Sovereignty and Independence. Continued to the Treaty of Ghent, by S. S. Smith, et al. Second Edition. 3 vols., 8vo. Phil., i8i8. Ramsey, J. G. M. The Annals of Tenneflee to the end of the i8th Century . . . etc. 8vo. Charlefton, 1853. Ranby, John. Short Hints on a French Invafion. 8vo. Lond., 1794. Ramusio, G. B. Navigationi et Viaggi. Vols. I. (1588), II. (1559), 111.(1565). Folio. A Venetia, 1558-65. Randolph [Edmund.] Vindication of his Refignation. [Pub. about 1 8th December.] 8vo., pp. 103. 1795' Randolph, John. Sermon before the Society for Promoting Chriftian Knowledge, May 20th, 1802. 4to. Lond., 1802. R.A.NDOLPH, John. Speech in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, on Mr. Gregg's Refolution for a Non-Importation of Britifh Goods, March 5 th, 1806. l2mo. Salem, 1806. *• Second Speech on the Non-Importation Refolution of Mr. Gregg. 8vo. • * Obfervations on the Speech of, in Congrefs, on the motion for Catalogue of Printed Books. 501 Non-Importation, etc. By the Author of " War in Difguife." 8vo., pp. 43. [Rep.] N. Y., 1806. Randolph, John. Vindication of the Doflrine advocated by. By Epaminondas. 8vo. N. Y., 1806. Speech in the Houfe of Reprefentatives relative to the Berlin and Milan Decrees, etc. With a Dedication to the Freeholders of Charlotte, Buckingham, Prince Edward and Cumberland. 8vo. 1812. Letters ... to a Young Relative, embracing a feries of years, from early youth to mature manhood. 8vo. Phil., 1834. A Biography of, with Seledlions from his Speeches, by Lemuel Sawyer. 8vo. N. Y., 1844. Randolph, Thomas. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocefe of Oxford, in the year 1771. 8vo., pp. 31. Oxford. Random Sketches upon Witches, Dreams, Love and Romance. By a Freethinker. 8vo. Albany, 1 847. Rankin, John. Letters on American Slavery, etc. izmo. Bofton, 1838. Ranking, John. Hiflorical Refearches on the Conqueft of Peru, Mexico, etc. ... in the 13th century, by the Mongols, accom- panied with Elephants, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1827, Supplement to Hiflorical Refearches, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1831. [Rapin, Rene, L'Abbe.] Les Comparaifons des Grands Hommes de I'Antiquite qui ont le plus excelle dans les Belles-Lettres Tom. 2 en I. 4to. Paris, 1684. Rapin de Thoyras, Paul. The Hiftory of England, as well Eccle- fiaftical as Civil. Tranflated by N. Tindal. 1 5 vols., 8vo. Lond, 1726-31, R4THBUN, G. Speech of, in Favor of an Appropriation for the Heirs of D. D. Tompkins, delivered in the Houfe of Reprefenta- tives, February 4, 1847. 8vo., pp. 8. Wafhington, 1847. Rathbun, Valentine. Some Brief Hints of a Religious Scheme, Taught and Propagated by a number of Europeans, at Nifqueunia, In New York [called Shaking Quakers]. 8vo., pp. 24. [Rep.] Bofton, 1781. Raumer, Frederick Von. England in 1835 ; being a feries of Letters written to Friends in Germany during a Refidence in London and Excurfions into the Provinces. Tranflated by Sarah Auftin and H. E. Lloyd. 8vo. Phil., 1836. Rawdon, Lord. Hints on the Army and its Abufes, with a Compara- tive View of this Country and France. In a Letter to. 8vo., pp. 96. [No title.] Rawson, Grindall. Maflachufetts Eledlion Sermon, May 25th, 1709. Small 8vo. Bofton, 1709. Rawson, Sullivan S. Memorial of the Rawfon Family. 8vo. Bofton, 1849. Ray, James. A Compleat Hiftory of the Rebellion, from its Firft Rife, in 1745, to its Suppreffion, in 1746. 8vo. 1754- 502 New-York Historical Society. Ray, John. Obfervations, in a Journey through part of the Low Countries, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1673. The Wifdom of God, manifefted in the Works of the Creation, etc. Fifth Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1709. Ray, John Mead. Sermon at Stow Market, December, 1789, on Chrillian Liberty, etc. [Corporation and Tell Afts]. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 26. Lond. Sermon at Wattesfield, in Suffolk, December 7th, 1788, on the Death of Rev. Thomas Harmer. 8vo., pp. 30. Lond., 1789. Sermon at Hadleigh, in Suffolk, January 15th, 1801, on the Death of Rev. Ifaac Toms. 8vo., pp. 48. Sudbury. [Ray, Nicholas.] North America. The Importance of the Colo- nies of, and the Intereft of Great Britain with regard to them Confidered. 4to., pp. 16. Lond., 1766. Ray, Richard. Two Leftures on Claffical Literature ; being part of a courfe delivered at the New York Athenaeum, in February and March, 1826. 8vo. N. Y., 1826. Ray, William. Horrors of Slavery j or. The American Tars in Tripoli, etc. i2mo. Troy, 1808. Raymond, David. Oration delivered on the 22d of February, J 81 3, before the Hamilton Society. 8vo. N. Y., 1813. Raymond, D. Argument in Cafe of the State of Maryland vs. Bu- chanan and Others, for a Confpiracy to Cheat .the Bank of the United States, December, 1821. 8vo. Baltimore, 1828. [Raynal, M. l'Abbe.] The Sentiments of a Foreigner, on the Dis- putes of Great Britain with America. Tranflated from the French. 8vo. Phil., 1775. A Philofophical and Political Hiftory of the Britilh Settlements and Trade in North America. From the French. 2 vols., i2mo. Edinburgh, 1776. [ ] Hiftoire Philofophique et Politique des EtablifTemens et du Commerce des Europeens dans les Deux Indes. Tomes 7. 8vo. A Paris, 1778. —— Revolution de I'Amerique. 8vo. Dublin, 178 1. — — Staatfomwenteling van Amerika. Uit het Franfch. 8vo. Amflerdam, 1781. — — The Revolution of America. 8vo., pp. 92. Salem, 1782. A Philofophical and Political Hiftory of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the Eaft and Weft Indies. Tranflated by J. O. Juftamond. Second Edition. 6 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1798. Raynor, B. L. Life of Thomas Jefferfon ; with Seleftions from the moft valuable portions of his voluminous and unrivalled Private Correfpondence. lamo. Bofton, 1834. Read, Charles. Copy of a Letter from, to Hon. John Ladd (rela- tive to Indian affairs). Curious Plate. 8vo., pp. 8. Phil., 1764. Reader, Thomas. Letter to the Rev. Sir Harry Trelawny, Bart., occafioned by his Sermon at Taunton, May 26th, 1779. 8vo., pp. 44. Lond., 1780. Catalogue of Printed Books. 503 Reasons in Support of an Opinion offered to the Public, refpefting the Votes of Otfego County, on the 7th June, 1792. 8vo., pp. 30- N. Y., 1792. Rebellion. A Declaration of the Archbi(hop of Canterbury, and the Bifhops in and near London, teftifying their Abhorrence of the Prefent Rebellion, etc. 4to. Lond., 171 5. Recherches Philosophiques fur les Americains ou Memoires intereflants pour fervir a I'Hiftoire de I'Efpece Humaine. Par M. de P * * *. Avec une Diifertation fur I'Amerique et les Americains, par Dom. Pernety. 4 vols., i8mo. Londres, 1771. Recherches Historiques fur les Etats-Unis de I'Amerique fepten- trionale . . . Par un Citoyen de Virginie . . . Tomes 3. 4to. A Colle, 1788. Record, Robert. The Ground of Arts, Teaching the Perfeft Worke and Pradlice of Arithmeticke, etc., augmented by John Dee and enlarged by John Mellis. 8vo. Lond., 1636. Records of Literature, Domeftic and Foreign. No. i,. January, 1807. 8vo. Lond., 1807. Recreations in Agriculture, etc Nos. 32-3, Odlober, 1801. Second Series, Vol. IL, Nos. 2, 3. 8vo. Redfield, William C. Remarks on Mr. Efpy's Theory of Centri- petal Storms, etc. 8vo. Reply to Dr. Hare's Further Objeftions relating to Whirlwind Storms, etc. 8vo. On Three Several Hurricanes of the Atlantic, and their relations to the Northers of Mexico, etc. 8vo., pp. 1 1 8. New Haven, 1 846. Reed, John. Apology for Infant Baptifm, etc., in a feries of Letters addrcfled to Daniel Merrill. i2mo. Providence. — — Convention Sermon, Boflon, May 27th, 1807. 8vo. Bofton, 1 807. [Reed, William.] Addrefs to the Inhabitants of Marblehead, rela- tive to the very Bad Police of the Town. 1 2m0., pp. 1 2. Reed, William B. Addrefs delivered before the Philomathean Society of the Univerfity of Pennfylvania, November ift, 1838. 8vo. Phil., 1838. The Infancy of the Union ; a Difcourfe delivered before the New York Hiftorical Society, December 19th, 1839. ^^°* Phil., 1840. A Letter on American Hiftory. 8vo. Phil., 1847. ■ Addrefs before the Hiftorical Society of Pennfylvania, 28th Jan- uary, 1848, on the occafion of opening the Hall in the Athe- nasum. 8vo. Phil., 1848. Reprint of the Original Letters from Wafliington to Jofeph Reed, during the American Revolution. 8vo. Phil., 1852. Rees, Abraham. Sermon on the Death of the Rev. Andrew Kippis, at the Meetinghoufe in Prince's Street, Weftminfter, Odober 1 8th, 1795. 8vo., pp. 70. Lond., 1795. 504 New-York Historical Society. Reese, . Funeral Oration over Jonathan Cilley, with fiill ac- count of the late duel, etc. Portrait. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Reese, David M. Introduftory Ledlure before the Albany Medical College, Oftober ift, 1839. 8vo. Albany, 1839. Reeves, John. Hiftory of the Government of the Ifland of New- foundland. With an Appendix, containing the Ads of Parlia- ment made refpefting the Trade and Fifhery. 8vo. Lond., 1793. Reflections on the Caufes which have produced the prefent Diftrefs in Commercial Credit, etc. 8vo., pp. 30. Lond,, 1793. on Monroe's View of the Conduft of the Executive, as pub- lifhed in the Gazette of the United States, under the fignature of Scipio. 8vo. j_' , upon the late Correfpondence between Mr. Secretary Smith and r*^ /f *:^^'"^ Francis James Jackfon, Efq., Minifter Plenipotentiary of His Bri- tannic Majefty, originally publilhed in the Federal Republican of Baltimore. 8vo. Baltimore, 18 10. On the Confervative Elements of the American Republic. By a Lady. 8vo. Chillicothe, 1842. Reflexions fur les Pouvoirs et Inftrudiions a donner par les Provinces a leurs Deputes aux Etats-Generaux. 8vo., pp. 24. Reform. What will be done with the Lords ? 8vo. Lond., 1831. Reform Bill (The). 2 William IV. cap. 45, pafled June 7th, 1832. 8vo. Lond. Reformation (The) in Europe. By the Author of " The Council of Trent," with a Chronology of the Reformation. 1 8mo. Same. i2mo. [Am. Tradl; Society.] N. Y. Reformation Principles, exhibited by the Reformed Prefbyterian Church in the United States of America. [Title page wanting. i2mo. [N. Y., 1806.; Reformation. Solemnization of the Third Centurial Jubilee, com- memorative of the Blefled Reformation, commenced by Dr. Mar- tin Luther, on the 31ft Oftober, 1 5 17. Documents relating to. 8vo. N. Y., 1 817. Reformed Dutch Church. The Conftitutjon of the ... in the United States of America. i2mo. N. Y., 1793. Reformed in Time. A Comic Opera. 8vo., pp. 47. Lond., 1798. Reformer (The). Comprifing Twenty-two Effays on Religion and Morality, etc. l2mo. Lond., 18 10. Refugees. Declaration and Addrefs of His Majefty's Loyal Affbciated Refugees, aflembled at Newport, R. L 8vo. N. Y., 1779. Regicides. The Speeches and Prayers of fome of the late King's Judges, viz. : Major-General Harrifon, Odober 1 3 ; Mr. John Carew, Odlober 15 th, etc. Small 4to., pp. 96. [Lond.], 1660. The Speeches, Difcourfes and Prayers of Colonel John Bark- ftead. Colonel John Okey, and Mr. Miles Corbet, etc. Small 4to., pp. 95. [Lond.], 1662. Catalogue of Printed Books. 505 Reichard (M.) An Itinerary of France and Belgium; or, an Ac- count of the Poll and Crofs Roads, etc. Map. 1 2mo. Lend., 1 8 16. Reichel, Levin T. A Hiftory of Nazareth Hall, from 1755 to 1855; and of the reunions of its former pupils in 1854-5. i2mo. Phil., 1855. Reid, John, and John Henry Eaton. Life of Andrew Jackfon, . . . containing a Hiftory of the War in the South, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1 817. Reid, Thomas. Works. With an Account of his Life and Writings, by Dugald Stewart. With Notes by the American Editors. 4 vols., 8vo. Charleftown (Mafs.), 181 3. Reid, W. Hamilton. Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Wardle, in- cluding Thoughts on the State of the Nation, etc. i zmo. Lond., 1809. Reinoldus, Joannes. Pomponi Melae de Situ orbis, libri tres. 4to. Etonse, 1807. Relation of Two leveral Voyages made into the Eaft Indies, by Chriftopher Fryke, Surg., and Chriftopher Schweitzer. Done out of the Dutch, by S. L. 8vo. Lend., 1 700. Religion. Some Thoughts Concerning . . . Natural and Revealed, and the Manner of Underftanding Revelation, etc. Fourth Edi- tion. 8vo., pp. 107. Lend., 1736. • The Morality of, and the Dodlrine of the Sacraments put into a True Light. 8vo., pp. 74. Lond., 1737. Religious Fellowship. An Inquiry into the Nature, Obligation and Advantages of, etc. izmo., pp. 100. Bofton, 1749. Meditations. i2mo. N. Y., 1809. Relly, James. Union; or, a Treatife of the Confanguinity and Affinity between Chrift and his Church. 8vo., pp. xvi. 75. [Rep.] Providence, 1782. Thoughts on the Cherubimical Myftery, etc. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1808. Remarks on the Craftfman's Vindication of His Two Hon. Patrons, etc. 8vo., pp. 55. Lond., 1731. on Fog's Journal of February loth, 1732-3, Exciting the People to an Aflaffination. 8vo., pp. 23. Lond., 1733. upon the Delineated Prefbyterian Played Hob with ; or. Clothes for a Stark Naked Author. 8vo., pp. 8. Phil., 1764. on a Pamphlet, entituled, "A Diflcrtation on the Political Union and Conftitution of the Thirteen United States of North America. By a Citizen of Philadelphia, etc." By a Connedlicut Farmer. 8vo. - - . ■ 1784* on the Propofed Plan of a Federal Government, addrefled to the Citizens of the United States of America, and particularly to the People of Maryland. By Ariftides. 8vo., pp. 42. Annapolis, 1788. on a Paragraph and Note, which appeared in the Chriftian's 5o6 New-York Historical Society. Magazine for September, 1810. Edited by the Rev. Drs. Mafon and Romeyn, of New York. i2mo., pp. 12. Remarks on the Importance of the Contemplated Grand Canal be- j /. . I tween Lake Erie and the Hudfon River. 8vo. 1 81 2. L^-tf^ (t^^0-^ — on the Pradlicability and Expediency of Railroads from Bofton to the Hudfon River, and from Bofton to Providence. Bofton, 1829. on the Importance of Free Churches. By a Clergyman of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church. 8vo. N. Y., 1843. Remembrancer (The) ; or. Impartial Repofitory of Public Events, from 1775 to 1784. 17 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1775-84. Prior Documents. A Colleftion of Interefting, Authentic Papers, relative to the Difpute between Great Britain and America, /hew- ing the Caufes and Progrefs of that Mifunderftanding, from 1 764 to 1775. 8vo. Lond,, 1777. — — The American ; or, an Impartial Colleftion of EfTays, Refolves, Speeches, etc., relative, or having affinity, to the Treaty with Great Britain. 3 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1 795. Remmey, John. An Account of the Prefent State of Egypt, etc. Appendix. Map. 8vo. N. Y., 1799. Render, W. A Tour through Germany ; particularly along the Banks of the Rhine, Mayne, etc., and the Garden of Germany. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1801. Rennell, James. Defcription of the Roads in Bengal and Bahar, etc. i2mo. (Lond.), 1778. Defcription Hiftorique et Geographique de I'Indollan, Traduit de I'Anglais, par J. B. Bouchefeiche, etc. Tomes 3, 8vo. Paris, 1800. Rennell, Thomas. Sermon before the Univerlity of Cambridge, on Commencement Sunday, July i, 1798. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 38. Lond. Rennie, Robert. Eflay on the Natural Hiftory and Origin of Peat. Rensselaer School. The Conftitution and Laws of, in Troy (N.Y.), adopted by the Board of Truftees, March nth, 1825. 8vo. Troy, 1825. Renwick, Henry B. Life of John Jay and Alexander Hamilton. Edited by James Renwick. 8vo. N. Y., 1841. Renwick, James. Difcourfe on the Charafter and Public Services of De Witt Clinton. 8vo. N. Y., 1829. Reply to a Pamphlet, purporting to be an Anfwcr to a Letter addrefled to a Republican Member of the Houfe of Reprefentatives, 8vo. Bofton, 1812. Reponse aux Obfervations fur I'Efprit des Loix. 1 2mo., pp. 1 62. 1 75 1. Report of the Lords Commiflioners for Trade and Plantations on the Petition of the Hon. Thomas Walpole and others, for a Grant of Lands on the River Ohio, for the purpofe of Ereding a New Government. With Obfervations and Remarks. 8vo., pp. no. Lond., 1772. Catalogue of Printed Books. 507 Report of Commiffioners for Settling a Cartel for the Exchange of Prifoners. 8vo., pp. 20. Phil., 1779. of the Debates in both Houfes of Parliament, on Monday, 17th of February, and Friday, 21ft February, 1 783, on the Articles of Peace. 8vo. Lond., 1783. ' of the Debate on the Earl of Moira's Motion, Feb. 19th, 1 798, in the Houfe of Lords of Ireland. 8vo., pp. 71. Lond., 1798. — — of the Committee of the Houfe of Commons, in confequence of the feveral Motions relative to the Treatment of Prifoners-of- War. 8vo., pp. 133. Lond., 1798. — ^ on various Branches of Underground Management in Mining Concerns. 4to., pp. 18. Lond., 181 1. Reports from the Seleft Committee of the Houfe of Commons on Finance. 8vo., pp. 291. Lond., 1798. of Surveys made for Afcertaining the Pradicability of Making a Land-Communication by a Tunnel under the River Forth, near Queensfeiry. 4to., pp. 16. [1806.] Republick of Letters. Prefent State of the ... for September, ^735' Vol. XVL 8vo., pp. 163-240. Lond., 1735. Same . . . etc., for February, 1736. Vol. XVII. [No. 2]. 8vo., pp. 99—176. Lond,, 1736. Republican Address to the Eleftors of New Hamplhire. 8vo., pp. 16. Walpole(N. H.), 1804. Republican Institutions. A Specimen of. i2mo., pp. 81. Phil., 1802. Resurrection of Our Saviour Afferted, from an Examination of the Proofs of the Identity of His Charafter after that Event. 8vo., pp. 22. Bath, 1798. Retrospect, Illuftrating the Neceffity of an Immediate Peace with the Republic of France. 8vo., pp. 28. Margate, 1796. Returned Captive (The). A Poem, founded on a late fadl. 8vo. Hudfon, 1787. Retz (Cardinal de). Memoires du, de Guy-Joli, et de la Duchefle de Nemours . . . etc. Nouvelle Edition. 6 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1817. Revel, V. Adolphe. Faftes de Henri IV., furnomme le Grand. 8vo. A Paris, 1815. Review of the whole Political Condudl of a late eminent Patriot and his Friends for Twenty years laft part, etc. 8vo., pp. 1 56. • Lond., 1743. of the Military Operations in North America from the Com- mencement of the French Hoftilities on the Frontiers of Virginia in 1753, to the Surrender of Ofwego, on the 14th Auguft, 1756. . . . In a Letter to a Nobleman. 4to., pp. 144. Lond., 1757. Same, to which are added. Colonel Wafhington's Journal of his Expedition to the Ohio, in 1 754, and Letters, etc. Map. 1 2mo. Dublin, 1757. Same. 8vo., pp. 170. N. Y., 1770 5o8 New-York Historical Society. Review. A Weekly Periodical ... 12 Nos., 4to. N. Y., 1808. --^ Reviewers Reviewed (The) ; or, Bridfh Falfehoods Deteded by ' American Truths, izmo., pp. 72. N. Y., 1 815. Revivals of Religion. A Brief Account of the late, in a number of Towns in the New England States. 8vo., pp. 8. Bofton, 1799. Revolution. An Impartial Hiftory of the War in America, between Great Britain and her Colonies, from its Commencement to the end of the year 1779, etc. Appendix. Portraits and Map. 8vo. Lond., 1780. Francaife, ou analyfe complete et impartiale du Moniteur fuivie d'un table alphabetique des perfonnes et des chofes. 2 vols. Folio. Paris, 1 80 1. The Hiftory of the Britifli Empire, from the year 1765 to the end of 1783. Containing an Impartial Hiftory of the Origin, Progrefs and Termination of the American Revolution. By a Societv of Gentlemen. Second Edition. 2 vols., 8vo. Phil, 1803. A Detail of fome Particular Services performed in America, during the years 1776, '77, '78 and '79. Compiled from Jour- nals and Original Papers, fuppofed to be chiefly taken from the Journal kept on board the fhip Rainbow, commanded by Sir George Collier, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1835. Revolutions de Paris dediees a la Nation et au Diftrift des Petits- Auguftins. Nos. 14 to 66. loth Odlober, 1789, to i6th Odo- ber, 1790. Bound in 3 vols. Rey, M. Des Compagnies d'Aflurances pour le Remplacement Mili- taire et des Remplacants. 8vo. Paris, 1 839. Hiftoire du Drapeau, des Couleurs et des Infignes de la Monarchic Francaife, precedee de I'Hiftoire des Enfeignes Militaires chez les Anciens. 8vo., 2 Tom. et Planches. Paris, 1837. Hiftoire de la Captivite de Francois P''- 8vo. Paris, 1837. Le Puits Artefiens de Crenelle. 8vo. Paris, 1843. Reynell, T. Sermon at the Bow Meeting Houfe, Exeter, July 2, 1794, before the Society of Unitarian Chriftians, eftabliftied in the Weft of England, etc. i2mo., pp. 32. Exeter. Reynolds, Edward. An Addrefs on the Prefent Condition, Profpefls and Duties of the Medical Profeflion, delivered before the Mem- bers of the MafTachufetts Medical Society, at the Annual Meeting, May 26th, 1841. 8vo. Bofton, 1841. Reynolds, J. N. Addrefs on the fubjeft of a Surveying and Explor- ing Expedition to the Pacific Ocean and South Seas, delivered in the Hall of the Houfe of Reprefentatives, on the evening of the 3d of April, 1836. With Correlpondence and Documents. 8vo. N. Y., 1836. ■ ■ Pacific and Indian Oceans ; or, the South Sea Surveying and Ex- • ploring Expedition. Its Inception, Progrefs and Objefts. 8vo. N. Y., 1841. Catalogue of Printed Books. 509 Reynolds, Samuel. A Hillory of the City of Williamfburgh . . . 12mo. Williamfburgh, 1852. Williamsburgh City Diredlory and Buiinefs Advertifer for 1852. (Third annual pubHcation.) 8vo. Williamfburgh. Reynolds, Thomas. A Funeral Sermon for the late Rev. and Pious Mr. Samuel Pomfret. With Memoirs, etc. 8vo., pp. no. Lond., 1722. Reynolds, Thomas C. De vera Judicii Juratorum origine, natura et indole. Diflertatio Inauguralis in Univerfitate Ruperto-Carola Heidelbergenfii, etc. 8vo. Heidelberg, 1842. Reynolds, William M. The Swedilh Church in America. Difcourfe delivered before the Hiflorical Society of the American Lutheran Church, May i8th, 1848. 8vo. Gettyfburg, 1849. Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. An A&. to Prevent Monopo- lies and Oppreffion, etc. 8vo., pp. 8. Providence, 1776. Charter and By-Laws of the Marine Society of Newport. 8vo. Newport, 1786. . The Cafe of Lovett vs. Weeden, for refufing paper bills in pay- ment for butcher's meat in market. Tried before the Superior Court, in the County of Newport, September Term, 1786. Alio the Cafe of the Judges of faid Court for Difmiffing faid Com- plaint. 8vo. Providence, 1787. An Inquiry into the Chymical Charadler and Properties of that kind of Coal lately difcovered at . . . together with Obferva- tions, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1808. — — Report of the Committee appointed by the General Affembly of the State of Rhode Ifland and Providence Plantations, at Febru- ary Seflion, 1809, to enquire into the Situation of the Farmers* Exchange Bank in Gloucefter, with the documents accompanying the fame. 8vo. Providence, ■ A Supplement to the Digeft of the Laws, 1798. 8vo. Providence, 18 10. Literary Repofitory (The). A Monthly Magazine. Vol. I. 8vo. Providence, 1814-15. Historical Society. Colledions. Vols. I-V. 8vo. Providence, 1827-43. . Annual Report of the Board of Truftees, fubmitted at the Meet- ing held 9th July, 1839. 8vo. The Documentary Hillory of the Deflruftion of the Gafpee . . . Compiled for the Providence Journal, by Hon. W. R. Staples. 8vo., pp. 56. Providence, 1845. — — Proceedings of the Firft General Aflembly of " The Incorpora- tion of Providence Plantations ;" and Code of Laws, adopted by that Affembly in 1647. With Ads, etc., by Wilham R. Staples. 8vo. Providence, 1847. RiCAUT, Paul. The Hiftory of the Prefent State of the Ottoman Empire, etc., in Three Books. Fifth Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1682. 5IO New-York Historical Society. Rice, John H. Sermon at the Opening of the Prefbytery of Hanover, Oftober ii, 1809. 8vo., pp. 29. Phil., 1810. — — and B. H. Memoir of James Brainerd Taylor. i8mo. ■ Same. Second Edition, i zmo. [Am. Traft Society.] N. Y. RiCHARDERiE, G. BoucHER DE LA. Bibliothequc Univerfelle des Voy- ages, etc. Tomes I. III. IV. V. VI. 8vo. Paris, 1808. [Richards, George.] The Declaration of Independence. With Odes, Songs, etc. Dedicated to John Hancock. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1793. Oration (4th July, 1795), at Portfmouth, N. H. 8vo., pp. 35. Portfmouth, 1795. Hiftorical Difcourfe, in Two Parts, on the Services and Virtues of General Wafhington. 410., pp. 83. Portfmouth, 1800. Hymns compofed on the Death of General Wafhington, Ports- mouth, January, 1 800. 8vo. Richards, Jacob. A Journal of* the Siege and Taking of Buda, by the Imperial Army, A. D. 1686. 4to. Lond., 1687. Richards, James. Difcourfe, 4th January, 1810, at Newark, occa- lioned by the Death of Lewis Le Conte Congar, etc. 8vo., pp. 24. Newark, 18 10. Addrefs, June 24, 1812, at the Funeral of Mrs. Sarah Gum- ming. 8vo., pp. 21. N. Y., 1812. Leftures on Mental Philofophy and Theology. With a Sketch of the Author's Life, by Samuel H. Gridley. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Sermons, with an Eflay on his Charadler. By William B. Sprague, D. D. 1 2mo. Albany, 1 849. Richards, T. Addison. Romance of American Landfcape. Plates. 4to. N. Y, 1855. [Richards, Thomas Bingham.] Letters from Sicily, written in the year 1798. By a Gentleman to his Friends in England. 8vo. Lond., 1800. Richards, William. Review of the Memoirs of the Proteftoral Houfe of Cromwell, by the Rev. Mark Noble, etc. 8vo., pp. 82. Lynn [Eng.], 1787. Richardson, James. Oration, defcribing the Influence of Commerce on the Pro(i)erity, Charadler and Genius of Nations, at Cam- bridge, September i ft, 1 808. 8vo., pp. 20. Cambridge, 1 808. Richardson, James. Travel? in the Great Defert of Sahara, in 1845 and '46, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1848. Richardson, Judge J. S. Proceedings of the Houfe of Reprefenta- tives of South Carolina, againft ... on a Charge of bodily and mental infirmity. 8vo. , Charlefton, 1 848. Richelieu, Armand du Plessis. Hiftoire du Miniftere de Monfleur Le Cardinal Due de, 1624-39. Tom. 2, l2mo. Paris, 1650. Richmond (Va.) Theatre. Narrative and Report of the Caufes and Circumftances of the Deplorable Conflagration, etc. 1 2mo. 1812. Catalogue of Printed Books. 511 Richmond (Va.) Theatre. Calamity at Richmond ; being a Narra- tive of the afFefting Circumftances attending the Awful Conflagra- tion of the Theatre, etc. With a Preface. i2mo., pp. xi. 56. Phil., 1 81 2. Addrefs of the Seflion of the Second Prefljyterian" Church in Philadelphia, on the Burning of . . . January 12, 181 2. 8vo., pp. 8. Phil., 1 81 2. Richmond, Henrv. Sermon at the Affizes at Lancafter, Auguft 27th, 1 7 10. [Imp.] 8vo. Lond., 17 10. Richmond, James. My Concife Opinion of Publifhed Arguments on the Penalty of Death. 8vo. " Hudfon, 1 847. RiCKETsoN, Shadrach. Means of Preferving Health and Preventing Difeafes. i2mo. N. Y., 1806. Brief Hiftory of the Influenza which prevailed in New York in 1807. 8vo., pp. II. N. Y., 1807. Rider, John. [Didtionarie Englifli and Latin. Title wanting. 410. 1639.] Ridgeley, David. Annals of Annapolis, comprifing limdry Notices of that old City, from the period of the Firft Settlements in its vicinity, in the year 1649, until the War of 1 81 2, etc. i2mo. Baltimore, 1841. RiDCEWAY, William. Report of the Proceedings in Cafes of High Treafon, in Dubhn, 1798. 8vo., pp. 181. Lond., 1798. [RiDSON, John.] Treatife on the Cow Pox, defcribing its Origin and Nature and Mode of Inoculation. Leeds, 1804. Riedesel. Die Berufs-Reife nach America, Briefe der Generalin von Reidefel ... in America ... in jahren 1776, bis 1783 . . . i6mo. Berlin, 180 1. Letters and Memoirs relating to the War of American Inde- pendence, and the Capture of the German Troops at Saratoga. Tranflated from the original German], by M. de Wallenftein, N. A. Review, XXVL 237.] izmo. N. Y., 1827. Rights and Remedies ; or, the Theory and Praftice of True Politics, etc. Parts I. II. 8vo. Lond., 1795. Rights of Great Britain Afl^erted againft the Claims of America ; being an Anfwer to the Declaration of the General Congrefs. Seventh Edition. i2mo. Lond., 1776. Riker, James, Jr. The Annals of Newtown, in Queen's County, New York, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1852. Riley, James. Lofs of the American brig " Commerce," wrecked on the Weftern Coaft of Africa, in the month of Auguft, 1815. With an Account of Timbuftoo, and of the hitherto undifcovered Great City of Waflanah. [With copies of letters of Ralph Bar- ber, De Witt Clinton, Thomas Eddy, Judah Paddock, inferted.] 4to. Lond., 1817. See Robbins, Archibald. Ringgold, Cadwallader. A feries of Charts, with Sailing Direftions, embracing Surveys in Cahfornia. 8vo. Wafliington, 1851. 512 New-York Historical Society. RiNGwooD, Thomas. Addrefs before the Franklin Typographical Aflbciation of New York, 5th July, 1802. 8vo., pp. 22. N. Y., 1802. Riots. An Inquiry into the Legal Mode of Suppreffing, with a Con- ftitutional Plan of Future Defence, etc. 8vo., pp. 75. Lond., 1782. Ripley, Ezra. Sermon on the Completion of a General Repair of the Meeting Houfe in Concord, January 24th, 1792. 8vo. Bofton, 1792. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Samuel Ripley, Waltham, November 22d, 1809. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1809. A Hiflory of the Fight at Concord, on the 19th April, 1775, etc. 8vo. Concord (Mafs.), 1827. Ripley, George. Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. John Sullivan Dwight, as Paflor of the Second Congregational Church in North- ampton, May 20th, 1840. 8vo. RiHey, R. S. The War with Mexico. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1849. RippERDA, Duke de. Memoirs . . . 8vo. Lond., 1740. RippoN, John. A Brief Eflay towards an Hiftory of the Baptift Academy at Briftol, etc. 8vo. 1796. Ritchie, Andrew. Addrefs to the Maflachufetts Peace Society, at their Third Anniverfary, December 25th, 1818. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1 8 19. Rittenhouse, David. An Oration, delivered February 4th, 1775, before the American Philofophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for Promoting Ufeful Knowledge. 4to., pp. 27. Phil., 1775. Rivers, David. Obfervations on the Political Condudl of the Pro- teftant Diflenters, including a Retrofpedlive Review of their His- tory from the time of Queen Elizabeth. 8vo., pp. 42. Lond. [1798]. Rivington's Army List. A Lift of the Officers of the Army, ferv- ing in North America, under the command of his Excellency General Sir Guy Carleton, K. B. With the Dates of their Com- miflions, as they rank in each Corps and in the Army. For the year 1783. [With MS. Notes, marking the Uniform of each Corps . . . Correded to June 4th, by Appendix.] 8vo., pp. 98. iv. N. Y., 1783. Road-Act (The). Pafled into a Law, at Albany, March 21, 1797. 8vo., pp. 20. Albany. The Statutes of New York, in relation to Highways, Bridges and Ferries, with Commentaries j alfo, an Appendix, containing all the forms and precedents to be read under faid Statutes. By a Counfellor-at-Law. 8vo. Rochefter, 1845. RoBBiNS, Archibald. A Journal, comprifing an Account of the Lofs of the brig " Commerce," of Hartford (Conn.), James Riley, Mafter, upon the Weftern Coaft of Africa, Auguft 28th, 1815, etc. i2mo. Hartford, 1817. RoBBiNs, Asher. Addrels to the Rhode Ifland Society for the En- Catalogue of Printed Books. 513 couragement of Domeftic Induftry, delivered at Pawtuxet, Ofto- ber 1 6th, 1822. Providence, 1822. RoBBiNS, Chandler. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Lemuel Le Baron,. Rochefter, January 29th, 1772. 8vo. Bofton, 1772. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 25 th, 1791. 8vo. Bofton. Diicourfe delivered before the Humane Society of Mafl*achufetts, June 14th, 1796. 4to., pp. 36. Bofton, 1796. RoBBiNs, Chandler. A Hiftory of the Second Church, or Old North, in Bollon ; to which is added a Hiftory of the New Brick Church. With Engravings. 8vo. Bofton, 1852. Robbins, Nathaniel. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Peter Thacher, Maiden, September 19th, 1770. 8vo. Bofton, 177 1. Roberts, Edmund. Embafty to the Eaftern Courts of Cochin-China, Siam and Mufcat ; in the United States floop-of-war " Peacock," David Geifinger, Commander, during the years 1832, '33, '34, 8vo. N. Y., 1837. Roberts, Lewis. The Merchants' Map of Commerce. Fourth Edi- tion. Folio. Lond., 1700. Roberts, William. An Account of the Firft Difcovery and Natural Hiftory of Florida. With a Particular Detail of the Several Ex- peditions and Defcents made on that Coaft. Map and Plans, by T. JetFerys. 4to. Lond., 1763. Robertson, David. See Virginia Debates. Robertson, William. The Hiftory of America. Tenth Edition, including the Pofthumous volume containing the Hiftory of Vir- ginia to the year 1688, and of New England to the year 1652. 4 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1803. An Hiftorical Difquifition concerning the Knowledge which the Ancients had of India, etc. i ft Am. Edition. 8vo. Phil, 181 2. Same. 8vo. Albany, 1822 Robespierre. Report made to the National Convention, in the Name of the Committee of Public Safety, etc. 8vo. [Imperfeft.] Robertson, J. P. and W. P. Four Years in Paraguay, comprifing an Account of that Republic, under the Government of the Diftator Francia. 2 vols., l2mo. Phil., 1838. Robin, Abbe. Nouveau Voyage dans I'Amerique Septentrionale en I'Annce 1781, et Campagne de I'Armee de M. le Compte de Ro- chambeau. 8vo. Phil., 1782. New Travels through North America : in a feries of Letters, etc. Tranflated from the French. 8vo. Phil., 1783. New Travels through North America, etc. 8vo., pp. 95. Bofton, 1784. Robin, C. C. Voyages dans I'Interieur de la Louiliane de la Floridc Occidentale, etc., pendant les annees 1802-06. Tomes 3. Paris, 1 807. Robinson, C. Report of Cafes argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty. Vol. L Part L Lond., 1799. Robinson, Conway. An Account of Difcoveries in the Weft until . 33 514 New-York Historical Society, 1 5 19, and of Voyages to and along the Atlantic Coaft of North America, from 1520-73. 8vo. Richmond, 1848. Robinson, Edward. On the Depreffion of the Dead Sea and of the Jordan Valley. 8vo. N. Y.^ 1848. Biblical Refearches in Paleftine, Mount Sinai and Arabia, Petrjea, etc. 3 vols., 8vo. Bofton, 1841. See Bibliotheca Sacra. [Robinson, Mrs.] Gefchichte der Colonifation von Neu-England. Bon den erften NiederlalTungen dafelbfl: im Jahre 1607, bis Zur Einfuhrung der ProvinzialverfafTung von Maflachufetts, im Jahre 1692. Nach den Duellen bearbeitet von Talvj. 8vo. Leipzig, 1847. Robinson, John. Hume and Smollet's celebrated Hiftory of England, from its Firft Settlement to 1760, etc. 8vo. Hartford, 1827. Robinson, Matthew M. Peace the Bell Policy ; or, Refleftions upon the Appearance of a Foreign War, the Prefent State of Affairs at Home, and the Commiffions for Granting Pardons in America. In a Letter to a Friend. 8vo., pp. 112. Lond., 1777. [Robinson, Matthew.] An Addrefs to the Landed, Trading and Funded Interefts of England on the Prefent State of Public Af- fairs. 8vo., pp. 151. Lond., 1786. Robinson, Phineas. Immortality : a Poem, in Ten Cantos. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1846. Robinson, Robert. PoUtical Catechifm. Third Edition. 8vo.. Lond., 1784. Robinson, Thomas. New Obfervations on the Natural Hiftory of this World of Matter and this World of Life, etc. i6mo. Lond., 1696. Robinson, W. D. Memoir addrefled to Perfons of the Jewifh Re- ligion in Europe on the fubjefl of Emigration to, and Settlement in, one of the moft eUgible parts of the United States of North America. 8vo. Lond., 18 19. Robinson, William Davis. Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution ; including a Narrative of the Expedition of General Xavier Mina, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1820. RoBY, Joseph. Faft Sermon dehvered at Lynn, May 3d, 1781. 8vo. Bofton, 1 78 1. RoBY, W. Difcourfe in the Chapel of the Orphan Working School, City Road, London, at the Anniverfary Meeting, May 7th, 1813. 8vo., pp. 59. Lond., 1 81 3. [RocAFUERTE, ViCENTE.] Enlayo Politico, El Siftema Colombiano, popular, eledlivo, y reprefentativo, es el que Mas Conviene a la America Independiente. 8vo. N. Y., 1823. RocHA, D. Diego Andres. Tratado Unico, y Singular del origen de los Indios occidentales del Piru, Mexico, Santa Fe, y Chile. 4to. Lima, 1 68 1. Rochambeau, Comte de. Memoires Militaires, Hiftoriques et Poli- tiques.' 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1809. Catalogue of Printed Books. 515 Roche, Edward. Funeral Oration on the Death of General Wafh- ington, before the Society of Cincinnati of the State of Delaware, ■ 2 2cl February, 1800. 8vo. Wilmington, 1800. [Roche, Michael de la.] New Memoirs of Literature, containing an Account of New Books, Printed both at Home and Abroad, etc. Vols. I-IV. 8vo. Lond., 1725-26. [Rochefort, Ci?:sAR de.] Hifloire Naturelle et Morale des lies An- tilles de I'Amerique, etc., avec un Vocabulaire Caraibe. 4to. Rotterdam, 1658. [ ] Natuurlyke en Zedelyke Hiftorie van d'Eylanden de voor- Eylandcn van Amerika, etc., vertaalt in Nederduytfch door H. Dullaart. 4to. Rotterdam, 1662. [ ] The Hiiiory of the Caribby Iflands, etc. With a Caribbian Vocabulary. Rendered into Englifh by John Davies of Kidwelly. 'Folio. Lond., 1666. See Du Tertre. Rochefoucauld-Liancourt. Voyage dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique, fait en 1795, 1796 et 1797. Tomes 8. 8vo. Paris, An. vii. (1799.) Travels through the United States of North America, the Country of the Iroquois, and Upper Canada, in the years 1795, '96, and '97. 2 vols., 4to. Lond., 1799. Rochejaquelein. Mcmoircs de Madame La Marquife De La, ecrits par elle meme. Quatrieme Edition : avec deux cartes et un por- trait. 8vo. A Paris, 1817. Rockingham (N. H.) Charitable Society, Second Report, April 21ft, 1 8 19. 8vo., pp. 29. Concord, 1 8 19. Rodd, H. The Chandos Portrait of Shakfpeare. 8vo. Rodgers, John. Thankfgiving Sermon, December nth, 1783. 8vo., PP- 42- . N. Y., 1784. Sermon at Princeton, May 6th, 1795, occafioned by the Death of Rev. Jno. Witherfpoon. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1795. Rodgers, John R. B. Tranfadlions of the Medical Society of the State of New York, 1813, with the Anniverfary Addrefs of John R. B. Rodgers. 8vo. N. Y., 1813. Rodman, B. A Voice from the Prifon ; being articles addreflcd to the Editor of the New Bedford Mercury, and a Letter to S. B. Wefton, Efq., and other Diredlors of the Duxbury Bank. To which are added Leaves from a Journal. New Bedford, 1 840. Rodman, John. Oration before the Tammany Society, New York, July 5th, 1 813. 8vo. N. Y, The Commercial Code of France, with the Motives or Difcourfes of the Counfcllors of State, delivered before the Legiflative Body, illuftrative of the Principles and provifions of the Code. Trans- lated from the French. 8vo. N. Y., 18 14. Rodriguez, Manuel. El Maranon y Amazonas Hilloria de los defcu- brimicntos, entradas, y reduccion de Naciones. Folio. Madri3, 1684. 5i6 New-York Historical Society. Rogers, Daniel. A Poem, on Liberty and Equality. 8vo. Albany, 1804. Report of the Trial of John Quay vs. the Eagle Fire Com- pany of New York, December, 1816. 8vo., pp. 51. N. Y., 1 817. Rogers, Mrs. H. A. An Account of the Experience of, written by herfelf, etc. i2mo., pp. 54. Lond. [1792.] Rogers, John. A Sermon preached before his Excellency the Gov- ernor, etc., of the Province of the Maflachufetts Bay, in New Eng- land, on May zpth, 1706. 8vo. Bofton, 1706. Rogers, John, and Nathaniel Rogers. Two Funeral Sermons on the Death of the Hon. John Appleton, Efq., of Ipfwich. 8vo., pp. 18 and 24. 8vo. Bofton, 1739. The Nature and Neceffity of Spiritual Converfion, confidered in a Sermon. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1757. Rogers, Nathaniel. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Jno. Tread- well, Lynn, March 2d, 1763. 8vo., pp. 41. Bofton, 1763. Difcourfe occafioned by the Death of Deacon Samuel Williams. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1763. Rogers, Nathaniel P, An Addrefs delivered before the Concord Female Anti-Slavery Society, at its Annual Meeting, 25th of De- cember, 1837; to which is added the Third Annual Report of faid Society. 8vo. Concord, N. H., 1838. Rogers, Robert. A Concife Account of North America, containing a Defcription of the feveral Britifti Colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1 765. Same. l2mo. Dublin, 1 769. Journals of Major Robert Rogers, containing an Account of the feveral Excurfions he made under the Generals who commanded upon the Continent of North America during the late War. 8vo. Lond., 1765. Rogers, Thomas. Salutary Admonitions to the Diflenters, in a Letter to . . . 8vo., pp. 42. Lond., 1787. Rogers, Thomas J. New American Biographical Didlionary ; or. Re- membrancer of the Departed Heroes and Statefmen of America, etc. i2mo. Eafton, Penn., 181 3. Rogers, William. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Oliver Hart, Hope- well, N. J., April 24th, 1796. 8vo., pp. 39. Phil., 1796. Rogers, Woodes. A Cruifing Voyage Round the World, firft to the South Sea, thence to the Eaft Indies, and Homewards by the Cape of Good Hope. Begun in 1708, and finiftied in 1711. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1718. Roggeveen, Arent. Het Eerfte Deel van het Brandende Veen. Ver- lichtende alle de Vafte Kuften ende Eylanden van geheel Weft Indien beginnende van Rio Amazones, en eyndigende Benoorde Terranova. Folio. Amfterdam, 1675. Rohan, Henry, Duke of. Memoirs of his Adventures in France, with Political Difcourfes, etc. Written by Himfelf. Tranflated from the French. i6mo. Lond., 1660. Catalogue of Printed Books. 517 Roland, Jeanne-Marie Philipon. Works, etc. With an Account of her, by L. A. Champagneux. Tranflated from the French. 8vo. Lond., 1800. Rollock, Robert. In Epiftolam S. Pauli Apoftoli ad Ephefios, etc. 8vo. Genevas, 1606. Rolt, Richard. An Impartial Reprefentation of the Conduft of the feveral Powers of Europe engaged in the late General War, etc. 4 vols,, 8vo. Plates. Lond., 1 749-50. RoMAiNE, W. Funeral Sermon, dehvered January 4, 1759 (James Hervey). 8vo. [Rep.] Bofton, 1759. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Thomas Jones, etc. Ninth Edi- tion. 8vo., pp. 35. Lond., 1762. Jephthah's Vow Fulfilled, and his Daughter not Sacrificed. A Sermon before the Univerfity, at St. Mary's, in Oxford. Sixth Edition. 8vo., pp. 23. Lond., 1772. Difcourfe upon the Self-Exiftence of Jefus Chrift. Seventh Edi- tion. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1788. Roman Catholic. Ordo Recitandi Divini Officii et Miflae Celebran- dse, pro Anno Domini m.dcccxiii., etc. i2mo. Lond. Roman Catholick Principles, in Reference to God and the King. 4to., pp. 8. Roman Catholics. Two Diflertations, addrefled to a Friend, and recommended to the Advocates for Extending the Power of the Roman Catholics in this Country. By a Clergyman. i2mo., pp. 139. Lond., 1807. Roman History. A New and Eafy Method to Underftand the, etc. Ninth Edition. i2mo. • Lond., 1748. Romans. The Thirteenth Chapter to the. Vindicated from the abufive fenfes put upon it. 8vo., pp. 22. Lond., 17 10. Romans, Bernard, A Concife Natural Hiftory of Eaft and Weft Florida. Maps and Plates. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1775. Annals of the Troubles in the Netherlands. From the Acceffion of Charles V. 2 vols., l2mo. Hartford, 1778-82. RoMAYNE, James T. B. Oration at New York, on the Anniverfary of the Sortie from Fort Erie. 8vo. N. Y., 18 16, RoMAYNE, Nicholas, Addrefs delivered at the Commencement of the Leftures, in the College of Phyficians and Surgeons in the City of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1 808. Rome. The Temporal Government of the Pope's State. 8vo. Lond., 1788 RoMEYN, John B. Two Faft Day Sermons, Albany, September 8th, 1808. 8vo., pp. 80. Albany, 1808. Introduftory Sermon, deUvered in the New Prefbyterian Church in Cedar Street, November 13th, 1808. 8vo., pp. 30. N. Y., 1808. Sermon in New York, January 28th, i8io, for the Benefit of the New York Difpenfary. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 18 10. 5i8 New-York Historical Society. RoMEYN, John B. Sermon at the Opening of the General Aflembly of the Prefbyterian Church in the United States of America, May, 1811. 8vo., pp. 50. N. Y., 1811. Sermons. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1816. Root, David. Bi-Centennial Sermon ; or, the Two Hundredth An- niverfary of the Foundation of the Firft Congregational Church in Dover, N. H., delivered on Thankfgiving Day, November 29th, 1838. 8vo. 1839. Root, Erastus. An Introdu£Hon to Arithmetic, for the Ufe of Common Schools. Seventh Edition. i2mo. Norwich, 18 14. Rosa, Don Diego ; or. He of the Iron Arm. A Chronicle of Louifiana. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Rosart, Jacques Francois. Epreuve- de Carafteres, qui fe gravent et fondent dans la nouvelle Fonderie de. 2me Edition. 8vo, Bruxelles, 1768. Rosas, S. E., El Sr. Brigadier-General D. Juan Manuel de Rafgos de la Vida Publica de, etc. Portrait. 8vo. Buenos Aires, 1842. RoscoE, Henry. Lives of Eminent Britifh Lawyers. l6mo. [Cab. Cyc] Lond., 1830. RoscoE, William. Striftures on Mr. Burke's two Letters, etc., on the Propofals for Peace with the " Regicide Direftory of France." Part the Firft. 8vo., pp. 50. Phil., 1797. Life and Pontificate of Leo. X. 4 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1805. Confiderations on the Caufes, Objefts and Confequences of the Prefent War, etc. 8vo. [Rep.] Phil., 1808 A Letter to, containing Strictures on his " Conliderations, etc." 8vo., pp. 64. [Rep.] • N. Y., 1808. Rose, George. Brief Examination into the Increafe of the Revenue, Commerce, and Manufactures of Great Britain, from 1792 to 1799. Fifth Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1799. Obfervations refpefting the Public Expenditure, and the Influ- ence of the Crown. Third Edition. 8vo. Lond., 18 10. Obfervations on Banks for Savings. Fourth Edition. Lond., 181 7. Rose, Hugh. The Elements of Botany, containing the Hiftory of the Science, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1775. [Rose, Mrs.] Remarks on a Poem, called " The Scourge of Fafh- ion." By a Lady ; addrefled to the Ladies of New York. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1801. RosiNUS, Joannes. Antiquitatum Romanarum Corpus abfolutiffimum, etc. 4to. ■ Genevae, 1620. Same. Editio Poftrema. 4to. Trajefli ad Rhenum, 170 1. Ross, Alexander. The Hiftory of the World. The Second Part, in Six Books ; being a Continuation of the Famous Hiftory of Sir Walter Raleigh, Kt. Folio. Lond., 1752. Ross, Arthur A. A Difcourfe, embracing the Civil and Religious Hiftory of Rhode Ifland, delivered April 4th, a. d. 1838, at the clofe o: int Second Century from the Firft Settlement of the Ifland. i2mo. Providence, 1838. Catalogue of Printed Books. 519 Ross, James, and Gouv. Morris. Speeches in the Senate, United States, in Support of Mr. Rofs's Refolutions relative to the Free Navigation of the River Miffiflippi, and our Right of Depofit within the Spanilh Territory. 8vo. New Haven, 1808. Ross, David. Notes on the Nobility. No. I. Sketch of the Hiftory of the Houfe of Ruflell. No. II. Sketch of the Hiftory of the Houfe of Stanley, and of the Houfe of Sefton. izmo. Lond., 1848. Ross, John. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propa- gation of the Gofpcl in Foreign Parts, February i8th, 1785. 4to. Lond., 1785. Ross, Robert. A Plain Addrefs to the Quakers, Moravians, Separa- tilb. Separate Baptifts, Rogerenes and other Enthufiafts, on Imme- diate Impulfes and Revelations, etc. 8vo. New Haven. Ross, William. Lectures on Comparative Anatomy. Tranflated from the French of G. Cuvicr, by . . . under the Infpedion of James Macartney. In 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1802. Rosso, Prof. Emm. Taranto. II Gabinetto di ftoria Naturale, a di Archaeologia . . . 4to. Catania, 1843-5. Rotheram, John. An Eflay on Faith, and its Conneftion with Good Works. 8vo., pp. 126. [Rep.] N. Y., 1767. Anfwer to his Apology for the Athanafian Creed, in a Letter to a Friend. 8vo., pp. 70. Lond., 1773. RouLLE, John. A Complete Treatife on the Mineral Waters of Vir- ginia, etc. 8vo. Phil,, 1792. Rous, Francis. Archsologias Atticae Libri Septem. With Addi- tions by Zachary Bogan. Seventh Edition. 4to. Oxford, 1671. Rous, Thomas Bates. Obfervations on the Commutation Projeft. With a Supplement. 8vo., pp. 39. Lond., 1786. Rousseau, J. J. Colledlion Complete des CEuvres de J. J. Roufleau, Citoyen de Geneve. Tomes 24. i2mo. Geneve, 1782. Letters on the Elements of Botany, addrefled to a Lady. Trans- lated into Englilh, by Thomas Martin. Eighth Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1 8 15. Rowan, Stephen N. Tribute to the Memory of Alexander McLeod, D. D., March loth, 1833. 8vo., pp. 37. N. Y., 1833. Rowland, David S. Thanksgiving Sermon, occafioned by the Repeal of the Stamp Aft, Providence, June 4th, 1766. 8vo., pp. viii. 31. Providence. Rowland, Daniel. Sermon at Llandewy, in Wales, Nov. ift, 176 1. izmo. Carmarthen, 1763. Rowland, Mr. Sermon before the Convention of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church, at New Brunfwick, N. J., 7th July, 1785. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1785. Rowland, William F. New Hampfhire Eleftion Sermon, Exeter, June 2d, 1796. 8vo. Exeter, 1796. New Hampfhire Eledlion Sermon, Concord, June 8, 1 809. 8vo. Concord, 1809. 520 New-York Historical Society. RowLETT. Controverfy between John Rowlett, of Philadelphia, and Timothy Fletcher, and Abijah W. Thayer, of Portland, relative to " Rowlctt's Tables of Intereft." 8vo. Phil., 1826 Roy, Jennet. Hiftory of Canada, for the Ufe of Schools and Fami- Hes. i2mo. N. Y., 1847. RoYAARDs, Hermannus. Oratio pro ordinis ratione, qua deus in pate- facicnda religione, ufus fit. 4to., pp. 94. Rhcnum, 1780. Oratio de iis, qua; animum erigant demiffum contemplantium hodie rem Chriftianum. 4to., pp. 58. Rhenum, 1803. • Oratio de doftrinas Chrifti judicio hodie regundo. 4to. pp. 1 14. Rhenum. Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris. The Philofophical Hiftory and Memoirs of the, etc. By John Martyn and Ephraim Cham- bers. 5 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1742. Royal Geographical Society. Journal. Vols. I-XX. 8vo. Lond., 1831-51. Royal Humane Society. Annual Report, 1811. 8vo. Lond. General Index to the . . . Firft ten volumes. Compiled by J. R. Jackfon. 8vo. Lond., 1844. Royal Institution of Great Britain. Journal . . . Vol. I. 8vo. Lond., 1802. Royal Philanthropy. Leopold, Emperor of Germany, Poifoned by the Orders, and by the Minifters of the Courts of London, Ber- lin and the Hague. [Publifhed as an Appendix to a work, en- titled, " The Crimes of King George III." Paris.] Royal Society op London. Philofophical Tranfaftions, to the end of the year 1700. Abridged and difpofed under General Heads, by John Lowthrop. Fourth Edition. (Vols. II-III.) 2 vols., 4to. Lond., 1 73 1. Same, to the end of the year 1720. Abridged, etc., by John Lowthrop and Henry Jones, In 5 vols. Fourth Edition. 4to. Lond., 1732. Same, from 1700 to 1720. Abridged, etc., by Henry Jones. Second Edition. (Vols. IV. V.) 2 vols.,- 4to. Lond., 173 1. Same, from 1720 to 1732. Abridged, etc., by Mr. Reid and John Gray. (Vol. VI.) i vol., 4to. Lond., 1733. Same, for 1732 ; being a Supplement to Reid and Gray's Abridg- ment. 4to. Lond., 1747. Same, from 1732 to 1744. Abridged, etc., by John Martyn. (Vols. IX. X.) 2 vols., 4to. Lond., 1747-56. Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries. Various Publications of . . . Memoirs, etc. Copenhagen, 1843-47. Guide to Northern Archaeology. Edited for the Ufe of Englifli Readers, by the Right Hon. the Earl of Ellefmere. 8vo. Lond., 1848. Roys, Auren. Brief Hiftory of the Town of Norfolk (Conn.), from 1738 to 1844, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1847. Catalogue of Printed Books. 521 RoziER, Fr. Obfervations fur la Phyfique, fur I'Hiftoire Naturelle, et fur les Arts. Par M. TAbbe Rozier, par M. J. A. Mongcz le jeune, et par J. C. Delametherie. 26 vols. 4to. Paris, 1784. Ruble, Johannes Casparus. An Anfwer to feveral Church Meet- ings, fhewing their Unlawful Proceedings, etc. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1784. RuDD, Sayer. Funeral Sermon for Mrs. Elizabeth Ginn. 8vo., pp. 91. Lond., 1738. RuDSELL, Jeremiah. Mifguided Religious Zeal Trampling on Hu- manity, Candor and Benevolence, Reproved and Condemned; containing Remarks on a late Pamphlet, entitled, "Diotrephes Reproved, etc." 4to., pp. 32. Northampton. Ruffhead, Owen. A Complete Index to the Statutes at large, from Magna Charta to the tenth year of George III. inclufive. 8vo. Lond., 1772. RuGGLEs, Thomas. Sermon at Guilford, December 15th, 1745. 8vo., pp. 30. New Lond., 1747. RuLHiERE, M. DE. Hiftory or Anecdotes of the Revolution in Ruffia in the year 1762. From the French. With Portrait of Cathe- rine II. 8vo., pp. 200. Lend., 1797. RuMPHius, Georgius Everhardus. De Amboinfche Rariteit Kamer, etc. Amfterdam, 1705. Runnington, Charles. See Hale, Matthew. Rupp, I. Daniel. An Original Hillory of the Religious Denomina- tions at prefent exifting in the United States. 8vo. Phil., 1 844. Hirtory of Lancafter County ; to which is prefixed a Brief Sketch of the Early Hiftory of Pennfylvania. Compiled from authentic Sources. 8vo. Lancafter, Pa., 1844. Ruschenberger, W. S. W. A Voyage Round the World, including an Embafly to Mufcat and Siam, in 1835, '36 and '37. 8vo. Phil., 1838. Rush, Benjamin. An Oration delivered before the American Philo- fophical Society, on the 27th of February, 1786, containing an Enquiry into the Influence of the Phyfical Caufes upon the Moral Faculty. 4to., pp. 40. Phil., 1786. Thoughts upon Female Education, etc., addrefled to the Vifitors of the Young Ladies' Academy in Philadelphia, 28th July, 1787. With a Prayer, by Samuel Magaw. 8vo., pp. 30. Bofton, 1787. An Inquiry into the EfFedls of Spirituous Liquors on the Human Body. With a Moral and Phyfical Thermometer. 1 2mo. Bofton, 1790. Same. Sixth Edition. N. Y., 1812. An Eulogium in honor of the late Dr. William Cullen, etc., de- livered before the College of Phyficians of Philadelphia, 9th July, 1790. 8vo. Phil., 1790. Confiderations on the Injuftice and Impolicy of Punifliing Murder by Death. Extrafted from the American Mufeum. With Addi- tions. 8vo. Phil., 1792. 522 New-York Historical Society. \ Rush, Benjamin. An Account of the Bilious Remitting Yellow Fever, as it appeared in the City of Philadelphia in the year 1793. 8vo. Phil., 1794. ^ Eflays, Literary, Moral and Philofophical. 8vo. Phil., 1798. \^— — A Syllabus of a Courfe of Ledures on the Inllitutes and Prac- V tice of Medicine. 8vo. Phil., 1798. \ Three Leftures upon Animal Life, delivered in the Univerfity of Pennfylvania. 8vo. Phil., 1799. Medical Inquiries and Obfervations. Third Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Phil., 1809. Elegiac Sermon on the Death of . . . 8vo. Phil., 181 3. The Works of Thomas Sydenham, M. D., on Acute and Chronic Difeafes, with their Hiftories and Modes of Cure. With Notes. 8vo. Phil., 1 815. An Inquiry into the EfFedts of Public Punifhments, and cfpecially on the Punifhment of Murder by Death, and its Confiftency with Reafon and Revelation. Extradled from Eflays, Literary, Moral and Philofophical. N. Y., 1816. Rush, Jacob. Charges, and Extrafts of Charges on Moral and Re- ligious Subjefts, etc. i2mo. [Rep.] N. Y., 1804. Rush, Richard. An Oration delivered in the Hall of the Houfe of , Reprcfentatives, at the Capitol, Wafhington, July 4th, 1 8 1 2. 8vo. [Bound in Congreflional Reporter.] Concord, N. H., 181 2. American Independence. Written and publiflied at Wafhington; being a Few Refleftions fuggefted on reading " Wheaton on Captures." Memoranda of a Refidence at the Court of London ; com- prifmg Incidents, Official and Perfonal, from 18 19 to 1825; including Negotiations on the Oregon Oueftion, and other Un- fettled Queftions, between the United States and Great Britain. 8vo. Phil., 1845. RusHWORTH, John. Hiftorical Colleftions. Vols. I-IV. Folio. Lond,, 1659-80. The Tryal of Thomas, Earl of Strafford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, upon an Impeachment of High Treafon, by the Com- mons, etc. Folio. Lond., 1680. Russell, Alexander. The Natural Hiftory of Aleppo and parts ad- jacent. 4to. Lond., 1756. Russell, Archibald. Principles of Statiftical Inquiry, as Illuftrated in Propofals for Uniting an Examination into the Refources of the United States, with the Cenfus to be taken in 1 840. 8vo. N. Y., 1839. Russell, John. Addrefs prefented to the Members of the Fauftus Aflbciation, in Boflon, Oftober 4th, 1808. 8vo. Boflon, 1808. Russell, Jonathan. Extraft from the Executive Record, etc., in re- lation to the Nomination of ... to be Minifter to Sweden. 8vo. Wafhington, 1813. Catalogue of Printed Books. 523 Russell, Jonathan. Addrefs before the Worcefter Agricultural So- ciety, September 27th, 1821. 8vo. Worcefter, 1821. Russell, Lady Rachel. Letters, etc. Fifth Edition. To which is added the Trial of Lord William Ruflell for High Trcafon. 1 2mo. Dublin, 1775. Russell, William S. Guide to Plymouth, and Recolleftions of the Pilgrims. i2mo. Bofton, 1846. Russia. The Prefent State of . . . Tranflated from the High Dutch. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1723. The Refources of, in the Event of a War with France, and an Examination of the Prevailing Opinion relative to the Political and Military Conduft of the Court of St. Peter/burgh. With a fhort Defcription of the Cozaks. 8vo. Bofton, 1812. Rutgers Female Institute. A61 of Incorporation and By-laws. In- corporated April, 1838. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Rutherford, William. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Thomas Rutledge, 2 2d December, 1780. 8vo., pp. 39. Lond., 1781. Rutherforth, T. a Vindication of the Right of Proteftant Churches to Require Subfcription, etc. 8vo., pp. 19. Cambridge. A Second Vindication of the Right of Proteftant Churches to Require Subfcription, etc. 8vo., pp. 31. Cambridge, 1766. Ryan, Edward. Remarks on Mr. Barber's Pamphlets. 8vo.,pp. 33. Dublin, 1787. Ryan, James. The New York Mathematical Diary. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1832. Rycaut, Paul. The Prefent State of the Ottoman Empire, contain- ing the Maxims of the Turkifti Politic, etc. Third Edition. Folio. Lond., 1670. The Hiftory of the Prefent State of the Ottoman Empire, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1682. The Lives of the Popes, from the time of Our Saviour Jefus Chrift. to the Sixtus IV. Written originally in Latin, by Baptifta Platina, etc. Second Edition. Folio. Lond., 1688. The Hiftory of the Turks, beginning with the year 1679, ^'^^•» until the end of the year 1698-9. Folio. Lond., 1700. Ryckman, L. W. The Largeft Liberty Defined. A Treatife on the Inherent Rights and Obligations of Man. 8vo. N. Y., 1840. Ryerson, E. Annual Report of the . . . Model, and Common Schools in Upper Canada, for the year 1849. With Appendix. 4to. Toronto, 1850. Ryland, John. Sermon at the Annual Meeting of the Briftol Edu- cation Society, Auguft 28th, 1780. 8vo., pp. 46. Briftol, 1780. Ryther, John. The Seaman's Preacher; being the Firft of Nine Difcourfes, addrefl*ed to the Mariners, on Jonah's Voyage, preached in the year 1672. Preface by the Rev. John Newton. l2mo., pp. 27. Clipftonc, 1803. 524 New-York Historical Society. Rymer, Thomas. Foedera, Conventiones, Literas, et cujufcunque generis afta Publica, inter reges Anglias, et alios quofvis, Impera- tores, Reges, Pontifices, Principes,. vel communitates ab ineunte Sasculo Duodecimo, viz., ab Anno. iioi. 3d Edition. 10 vols. Folio. Hagae, 1745. Sabbath. Second Annual Report of the General Union for Promot- ing the Obfervance of the Chriftian Sabbath, adopted May nth, 1830. 8vo. N. Y., 1830. The Obligation of the ... A Difcuffion between Rev. J. New- ton Browne and William B. Taylor, izmo. Phil., 1853. Sabbath Mails. An Account of Memorials prefented to Congrefs during its laft Seflion, by Numerous Friends of their Country and its Inftitutions, praying that the Mails may not be tranfported, nor Poft-Offices kept open on the Sabbath. 8vo. N. Y., 1829. Review of the Hon. Mr. Johnfon's Report on, 8vo. Sabatier, M. Eloge Hiftorique de. 8vo. Paris, 1812. Sabine, James. A View of the Moral State of Newfoundland. With a particular Reference to the Prefent State of ReUgious Toleration in the Ifland. 8vo. Bofton, 1 8 1 8. Sabine, Joseph. Zoological Appendix to the Narrative of Captain Franklin's Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1 8 19, '22, etc. 4to., pp. 57. Lond., 1823. Sabine, Lorenzo. The American Loyalifts ; or. Biographical Sketches of Adherents to the Britifh Crown, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1 847. Sacerdotal Powers ; or, the Neceffity of Confeffion, Penance, and Abfolution, etc. By the Author of " Lay Baptifm Invalid." Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 83. Lohd., 1713. Sacheverell, Henry. The Chriftian Triumph. A Sermon at St. Saviour's, in Southwark, on Palm Sunday, 1 7 1 3. 8vo., pp. 1 8. Lond., 1 71 3. Sackett, Nathaniel. The Memorial of ... on behalf of himfelf and his aflbciates, to Congrefs. 4to., pp. 1 1. 1785. Saco, Don Jose Antonio. Obras de, Compiladas . . . por un Paifano del Autor. 2vols., i2mo. N. Y. Sadler, Sir Ralph. The State Papers and Letters of. Edited by Arthur Clifford, Efq. To which is added a Memoir of the Life of Sir Ralph Sadler, with Hiftorical Notes, by Walter Scott, Efq. 2 vols., 4to. Edinburgh, 1809. Saffo. Le Avventure di. 4to. Roma, 1783. Sage, John. Life of 8vo., pp. 77. Lond., 1714. Sage Senator Delineated ; or, a Difcourfe of the Qualifications, En- dowments, etc., of a Perfedt Pohtician, etc., by a Perfeft Poli- tician, etc. By J. G. l2mo. Lond., 1660. Saggi di Natural! Efperienze fatte nell' Accademia del Cimento, etc. Firenze, 1841. Sagra, Don Ramon de la. Hiftoria Economico-Politica y Eftadib- Catalogue of Printed Books 525 tica de la Ifla de Cuba o fea de fus Progrefos en la Poblacion, la Agricultura, el Comercio y las Rentas. 410. Habana, 1831. Sagra, Don Ramon de la. Cinco Mefses, en los Eftados-Unidos de la America del Norte, defde el 20 de Abril al 23 de Septembre de 1835. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Sagredo, Giovanni. Memorie Iftoriche de Monarch! Ottomani. 410. Vcnetia, 1673. St. Christopher. Afts of Aflembly . . . from 171 1 to 1735 (1740). With Abridgment, etc. Folio. Lond., 1739-40. St. Clair, Arthur. Narrative of the manner in which the Campaign againft the Indians, in 1791, was condufted, under the com- mand of Major-General . . , together with his Obfervations on the Statements of the Secretary of War and the Quarter-Mailer General, relative thereto ; and the Reports of the Committees appointed to Inquire into the Caufes of the Failure thereof, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1 812. St. Domingo. An Inquiry into the Caufes of the Infurre£lion of the Negroes in the Ifland of St. Domingo, etc. 8vo. [Rep.] Phil., 1792. St. Eustatius Prize Money. Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Rod- ney, K. B., etc. By a Navy Officer. 8vo. Lond., 1789. St. George. Rules of the Society of, eftablifhed at New York, for the purpofe of Relieving their Brethren in Diftrefs. 8vo., pp. 15. ^ N. Y., 1787. St. John, J. Hector. Letters from an American Farmer ; defcrib- ing certain Provincial Situations, Manners and Cuftoms, etc., of the Britilh Colonies in North America. 8vo. Lond., 1782. Same. i2mo. Dublin, 1782. (de Creve Coeur). Lettres d'un Cultivateur Americain Ad- dreflees a William S . . . on, Efq., depuis I'annee l770,jufqu'en 1786. Traduites de I'Anglois. Tomes 3. 8vo. 1*308,1787. ■ ■ Voyage dans le Haute Penfylvanie et dans I'Etat de New York. Par un Membre Adoptif de la Nation Oneida. Traduit et Public par I'Auteur des "Lettres d'un Cultivateur Americain." Tomes 3. 8vo. Paris, An x., 1801. St. John, Peter. The Death of Abel. An Hiftorical, or rather Conjeftural Poem. izmo. Danbury, 1793, St. Lucia. Memorials of the Englifli and French Commiflaries con- cerning St. Lucia. 4to. Lond., 1755. St. Paul's College. Fund for the Education of Teachers in the Proteftant Epifcopal Church, at St. Paul's College, near Flulhing, L. L 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Sailors' Magazine (The), and Naval Journal, etc. 8vo. 16 vols. 1 829-44. Salad for the Solitary. By an Epicure. l2mo. N. Y., 1853. Salamanca. Plan de Eftudios de la Univcrfidad de, Aprobado por el Confejo. 4to. Madrid, 1772. 526 New-York Historical Society. Salem. Letter relating to the Divifions in the Firft Church. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1735. — — Juft and Impartial Narrative of the Controverfy between the Rev. Mr. Samuel Fifk, the Paftor, and a number of the Brethren of the Firft Church. 8vo., pp. 115. Bofton, 1735. Brief Narrative of a Procefs with the Firft Church in . . . etc. With an Introduftion. 8vo., pp. vi. 94. Remarks on fome Contents of a Letter. i2mo. Bofton, 1735. Memorial of the Town, Jan. 30, 1806, upon the fubjeft of the Commerce of the United States, etc. 8vo. Wafhington, 1806. Salisbury, J. H. Examination of Five Varieties of Cabbage. 8vo. [Albany, 1848.] Salm, Madame la Princesse Constance de. CEuvres Completes. 4 vols., 8vo. Paris. Mes Soixante Ans ou Mes Souvenirs Politiques et Litteraires. 8vo. Paris, 1833. Penfees. Troifieme Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1836. - Vingt Quatre Heures d'une Femme Senfible, etc. Troifieme Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Salmon, Thomas. A Vindication of an Eflay to the Advancement of Mufick, from Mr. Matthew Lock's Observations, etc. 1 2mo., pp. 85, 20. Lond., 1672. Salmon, Thomas. Impartial Examination of Biftiop Burnet's Hiftory of his Own Times, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1724. Modern Hiftory, etc. Vol. 27, Hiftory of Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1735. Same; or, the Prefent State of all Nations. Vols. 28-31. America, 4 Vols., 8vo. Maps. Lond., 1736-38. —— Same, etc. Illuftrated with Cuts and Maps, by H. Moll. 3 vols., 4to. Lond., 1739. -^— Same, etc. 3 vols. Third Edition. Folio. Lond., 1744. Hedendaagfche Hiftorie of Tegenwoordige ftaat van alle volkeren, etc., vertaald door M. Van Goch, M. D. 22 vols., 8vo. Amfterdam, 1 736. The Modern Gazetteer j or, a Short View of the Several Na- tions of the World. i2mo. Lond,, 1746.- A New Geographical and Hiftorical Grammar. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1751. Salmon, William. Botanologia. The Englifti Herbal ; or, Hiftory of Plants, etc. Folio. Lond,, 1710. ^. Salt. Art of Making Common. With an Extraft from Dr. Brown- rigg's Treatife on the Art of Making Bay-Salt. 8vo,, pp. 15. [Rep,] Bofton, 1776. Salter, Richard. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Eleazar Storrs, Sandisfield, February 26th, 1766. 8vo. Sandisfield, Mafs. Salustius, W., Lord of Bartas^ The Firft Weekej or, the Birth of the World. 4to. 1605. Catalogue of Printed Books. 527 Salvation for all Men. Illuftrated and Vindicated as a Scripture Doftrine, etc. 8vo., pp. 26. Bofton, 1782. Letter to Dr. Mather, occafioned by his Reflexions on, etc. 8vo,, pp. 9. Bofton, 1782. — — To the Author of the Letter to Dr. Mather, etc. 8vo., pp. 6. Bofton, 1783. Salverte, Eusebe. The Philofophy of Magic, Prodigies and Ap- parent Miracles. From the French of . . . etc. By A. T. Thomfon. 2 vols., 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 847. Savery, William. A Journal of the Life, Travels and Religious Services of, compiled by Jonathan Evans. 8vo. Lond., 1 844. Sambo and Toney. A Dialogue, in Three Parts. l2mo., pp. 46. Georgetown, 1808. Sampson, Ezra. Beauties of the Bible. A Seleftion from the Old and New Teftaments, etc. i2mo. Hudfon, 1802. Sampson, J. P. C. Valedidlory, delivered at the Forum, on the 1 1 th of April, 1817. 8vo. N. Y., 18 17. Oration, delivered before the Members of the Law Inftitution, at Litchfield, July 4th, 181 8. 8vo. N. Y., 181 8. Sampson, William. A Faithful Report of the Trial of the Caufe of Philip J. Arcularius and William Coleman, Gent., etc. ; being an adlion for libel, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1 807. The Trial of the Hon. Maturin Livingfton againft James Cheet- ham, for a Hbel, November, 1 807. 8vo. N. Y., 1 807. Memoirs of, etc. By Himfelf. 8vo. N. Y., 1807. ■ Same. Second Edition. Portrait. 8vo. Leeftjurg, Va., 1817. The Trial of Lieut. Renfhaw, of the United States Navy, in- difted for Challenging Jofeph Strong to Fight a Duel. With the Speeches of Counfel, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1 809. Trial of the Journeymen Cordwainers, of the City of New York, for a Confpiracy, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1810. Trial of William Parkinfon, Paftor Firft Baptift Church, for Affault and Battery upon Mr. E. N. Y., 1811. Catholic Queftion in America, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1813. " Is a Whale a Fifh ? " An Accurate Account of the Cafe of James Maurice vs. Samuel Judd, tried in the Court of New York, 30th and 31ft Dec, 1 81 8. 8vo. N. Y., 1819. — — Anniverfary Difcourfe before the Hiftorical Society of New York, December 6th, 1823, Ihowing the Origin, Progrefs, An- tiquities, Curiofities and Nature of the Common Law. 8vo., pp. 68. N. Y., 1824. Sampfon's Difcourfe and Correfpondence with various Learned Jurifts upon the Hiftory of the Law, with the addition of feveral Eflays, Trafts, and Documents relating to the fubjeft. Compiled and publifhed by Piftiey Thompfon. 8vo. Waftiington, 1826. Samson, W. Rational Phyfic ; or. The Art of Healing, etc. 8vo., pp. 116. Lond., 1765. Sandemanians. Plain and Full Account of the Chriftian Practices, ob- 528 New-York Historical Society. ferved by the Church in St. Martin's-le-Grand, Lend., etc. 8vo. pp. 28. Boflon, 1766. Sandoval, Prudencio de. The Civil Wars of Spain, in the begin- ning of the Reign of Charles V., etc. From the Spanifh, by Captain James Wadfworth. Folio. Lond., 1652. Hiftory of Charles V., King of Spain, etc. From the Spanifli. 8vo. Lond., 1703. Sanders, Prjnce. Haytien Papers. A Colledlion of the very Inter- efting Proclamations and other Official Documents. With fome Account, etc., of the Kingdom of Hayti. 8vo. Bofton, 1818. Sanderson, George. A Brief Hiftory of the Early Settlement of Fairfield County, etc. 8vo. Lancafter, 1851. Sanderson, John. Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. 9 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1820-7. Sandford, Ezekiel. Hiftory of the United States before the Revo- lution. With fome Account of the Aborigines. 8vo. Phil., 1 819. SandfoiId, Lewis H. Catalogue of the Library of the New York Law Inftitute, July i, 1842. 8vo. N. Y., 1843. Sands, Robert C. Writings in Profe and Verle. With a Memoir of the Author. Second Edition. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1835. Sandys, George. Travailes; containing a Hiftory of the Original! and Prefent State of the Turkifti Empire, Conftantinople, Greece, Egypt, the Holy Land and Italy. Maps and Figures. Fifth Edi- tion. Folio. Lond., 1652. San Francisco. The Annals of; containing a Summary of the His- tory of the Firft Difcovery, Settlement, Progrefs and Prefent Con- dition of California . . . etc. By Frank Soule, John H. Gihon, and James Nin)et. 8vo. N. Y., 1855. Sanger, Zedekiah. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Ebenezer La- zelle, Attleborough, November 21ft, 1792. 8vo., pp. 27. Providence, 1793. Difcourfe at the Ordination of Rev. James Wilfon, Providence, Oftobcr 17th, 1793. 8vo., pp. 32. Providence, 1793. Sangnier et Brisson. Voyages to the Coaft of Africa, etc. Map. From the French. 8vo. Lond., 1792. Sanitas, or Hygeia, Daughter of ^fculapius. A Poem. 4to., pp. 32. Lond., 1772. Sansom, Joseph. Sketches of Lower Canada, Hiftorical and Defcrip- tive, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 181 7. Santangelo. a Circular to the World : Is the Hon. McRoberts more Honorable than the Hon. Mitchell ? The following docu- ment will folve the queftion — Santangelo. N. Y., July 26th, 1842. Santangelo's Trial for Libel againft Samuel McRoberts, a Senator of the United States from Illinois, before the Court of General Seffions in the City of New York. Part I. Inftruftions given by M. O. de A. Santangelo to his Counfel. 8vo. N. Y., 1 842. Catalogue of Printed Books. ([29 Santarem, Viscount. Refearches refpedling Americus Vefpucius and his Voyages. Tranflatcd by E. V. Childe. i2mo. Bofton, 1850. Santiago, Don Antonio Sanchez. Idea Elemental de la Corte en fu aftual Eftado y ultima Planta. Tomos 2. 4to. Madrid, 1787. Saratoga and Warren Railroad. Proceedings of the Meeting of the Inhabitants of Saratoga and Warren Counties, at Cornifh, September 25th, 1846. 8vo. Saratoga Springs, 1846. Sargent, J. A Memoir of Rev. Henry Martyn, B. D., Chaplain to the Hon. Eaft India Company, etc. 1 2mo. N. Y. [Am. Tradt Society.] Sargent, John O. A Lefture on the late Improvement in Steam Navigation, with the Arts of Naval Warfare. With a Brief No- tice of Ericflbn's Caloric Engine. Delivered before the Bofton Lyceum. 8vo. N. Y., 1844. [Sargent, Lucius M.] Dealings with the Dead. By a Sexton of the Old School. 2 vols., i2mo. Bofton, 1856. Reminifcences of Samuel Dexter, originally written for the Bofton Evening Tranfcript. By Sigma. i6mo. Bofton, 1857. Sargent, Winthrop. Political Intolerance, etc.. Exemplified in his Removal from Office, etc. By one of the American People. 8vo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1 801. Papers in relation to the Official Condudt of Governor. 8vo. Bofton, 1 80 1. Sargent, Winthrop. The Hiftory of an Expedition againft Fort Du guefne, in 1755, under Major-General Edward Braddock, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1855. [ ] The Loyalift Poetry of the Revolution. [Ninety-nine copies privately printed.] 4to. Phil., 1857. Sault, Richard. Breviarium Chronologicum ; or, a Treatife Defcrib- ing the Terms and raoft Celebrated Charafters, Periods, and Epochas ufed in Chronology. Third Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1722. Saunders, F. Memories of the Great Metropolis ; or, London from the Tower of the Cryftal Palace. i2mo. N. Y., 1852. Saunders, William. A Treatife on the Chemical Hiftory and Med- ical Powers of fome of the moft Celebrated Mineral Waters. With Praftical Remarks on the Aqueous Regimen. 8vo. Lond., 1800. Saurin, James. Sermons, tranflatcd from the French. Second Edi- tion. 8 vols., 8vo. Scheneflady, 181 3-16. Sauseuil, M. de. Anatomic de la Langue Francoife, ou Examen Philofophique et Analytique. 4to., pp. 36. Paris, 1783. Saussure, M. De. Articles, Vignes, Raifins, Vendanges et Vins, de toutes les Qualites du Monde, etc. i2mo. A Laufanne, 1778. Savage, James. Oration (July 4th, 18 11), at Bofton. 8vo., pp. 21. Bofton, 1 81 1. 34 530 New-York Historical Society. Savage, John. The Turkilh Hiftory, comprehending the Origin of that Nation ; abridged from Knolles and Rycaut. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1701. A Complete Hiftory of Germany, comprehending the Lives and Reigns of all the Emperors, from its Origin to this time. Plates. 8vo. Lond., 1702. Savage, Thomas. A Hiftorical Sketch of Bedford, N. H. ; beii^g a Difcourfe delivered July 4th, 1841. 8vo., pp. 16. Manchefter, N. H., 1841. Savigny, J. B. Henry, and Alexander Correard. Narrative of a Voyage to Senegal in 1 8 1 6. With an Account of the Shipwreck of the Medufa, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1818. Savoy. Life and MiHtary Ailions of Prince Eugene of. With an Account of his Death and Funeral. 8vo. Dublin, 1737. Hiftory of Francis Eugene, Prince of. By an Englifh Officer. Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1741. Sawle, W. An Impartial Relation of all the Tranfaftions between the Army of the Confederates and that of the French King in their laft Summer's Campaign in Flanders, with a more particular refpedl to the Battle of Fleury, etc. 4to. Lond., 1691. Sawyer, Leicester A. Diflertation on Servitude, etc. i2mo. New Haven, 1837. Sawyer, Lemuel. Biography of John Randolph of Roanoke. With a Seleftion from his Speeches. 8vo. N. Y., 1 844. Saxe-Weimar Eisenach, Bernhard, Duke of. Travels through North America, during the years 1825 and 1826. 2 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1828. Say, Samuel. Poems on feveral occafions, and two Critical Eflays . . . etc. 4to., pp. 174. Lond., 1745. Sayer, Joseph. Vindication of the Power of Society to Annul the Marriages of Minors, etc. 8vo., pp. 63. Lond., 1755. Sayre, John. Sermon before the Convention of the Clergy of the Provinces of New York and New Jerfey, New York, May 19th, 1773. 8vo., pp. 30. _ N. Y., 1773. Scanlan, Timotes O'. Praftica Moderna de la Inoculation con varias Obfervaciones y reflexiones fundadas en ella, etc, i2mo. Madrid, 1784. Schaeffer, Fred. Chris. Sermon, New York, 31ft October, 181 7, on occafion of the Solemnization of the Third Centurial Jubilee of the Reformation, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 18 17. Addrefs at the Laying of the Corner Stone of St. Matthew's Church, Odlober 22d, 1821. With the Ceremonial, etc. 8vo., pp. 27. N. Y., 1 82 1. Schat-Boeck der ver claringen over den Nederlandfchen Catechifmus, etc. 2 vols, in i. 4to. Amfterdam, 1664. Scheckardi, Wilhelmi. Inftitutiones Linguae Ebracae. 410. 1647. Schelhornius, Jo. Geor. Amoenitates Literarias quibus varise obfer- Catalogue of Printed Books. 531 vationes, Scripta item qujedam Anecdota et Rariora opufcula ex- hibentur. 14 vols., 8vo. Francofurti et Lipfis, 1725—31. ScHENCK, William Edward. An Hillorical Account of the Fiift Frefbyterian Church of Princeton, New York. A Sermon preached December 12th, 1850. Svo. Princeton, 1850. Schenectady. Aft to Incorporate various Societies in, etc. i2mo., pp. 12. N. Y., 1805. Report on the Prefent Alarming State of our National Affairs. Svo. 1808. Schiller, Friedrich. The Robbers. A Tragedy. Tranflated from the German of . . . 8vo., pp. 120. N. Y., 1793. Mary Stuart. A Tragedy. Tranflated into Englifli, by J. C. M. Svo. Lond., iSoi. Schlegel, J. F. W. Upon the Vifitation of Neutral Veffcls under Convoy ; or, an Impartial Examination of a Judgment, etc., in the Cafe of the Swedifh Convoy. Tranflated from the Danifli, by Mr. De Juge. Svo. Lond., 1801. ScHOMBERG, IsAAC. Naval Chronology ; or, an Hiftorical Summary of Naval and Maritime Events, from the time of the Romans to the Treaty of Peace, 1802. 5 vols., Svo. Lond., 1802. Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe. View of the Lead Mines of Miflburi, etc., including fome Obfervations on the Mineralogy, etc., of Miflburi and Arkanfas, and other fedlions of the Weftern Country. Svo. N. Y., 1S19. Narrative Journal of Travels from Detroit, Northweft, through the great Chain of American Lakes, to the Sources of the Mis- siflippi River, in the year 1820. Svo. Map and plates. Albany, 1S21. Travels through the Central Portions of the Mifliflippi Valley, comprifing Obfervations on its Mineral Geography, Internal Re- fources, and Aboriginal Population. Map and plates. Svo. N. Y., 1825. Difcourfe on the Anniverfary of the Hiftorical Society of Mich- igan, June 4th, 1830. Svo. Detroit, 1830. Narrative of an Expedition through the Upper Mifliflippi to Itafca Lake, etc. Svo. N. Y., 1S34. Same, to the Sources of the Mifliflippi River, in 1S20; refumed and completed by the Difcovcry of its Origin in Itafca Lake, in 1832 . . . With Appendices. Svo. Phil., 1S55. Algic Refearches ; comprifing Inquiries refpefting the Mental Charafteriftics of the North American Indians, etc. Firft Series. 2 vols., i2mo. N. Y., 1S39. Report on the Aboriginal Names and Geographical Terminology of the State of New York. Part I. Valley of the Hudfon. [Pro- ceedings of New York Hiftorical Society, 1844.] Svo. N. Y., 1845. Plan for the Inveftigation of American Ethnology ; fubmittcd to the Regents of the Smithfonian Inftitution. Svo. N. Y., 1 846. 532 New-York Historical Society. Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe. Notes on the Iroquois ; or. Contribu- tions to the Statiftics, Aboriginal Hiftory, Antiquities and Gen- eral Ethnology of Weftern New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1 846. Same. 8vo. Albany, 1847. The Indian and his Wigwam ; or, Charafteriftics of the Red Race of America. 8vo. N. Y., 1 848. Hiftorical and Statiftical Information refpefting the Hiftory, Condition and Profpefts of the Indian Tribes of the United States. Parts I-V. 4to, Phil., 1851-55. ScHOPF, JoHANN David. Reife durch einige der Mittlern und Sud- lichen Vereinigten Nordamerikanifchen Staaten, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Erlangen, 1788. ScHOWART, Anthony William. Obfervations, Hiftorical and Gene- alogical ; in which the Originals of the Emperors, Kings, Eleflors and other Sovereign Princes of* Europe. From the Latin. 8vo. Lond., 1693. ScftREVELii, CoRNELii. Lcxicon Manuale Gr^co-Latinum et Latino- Grascum : ftudio atque opera Jofephi Hill, etc., auftum et ador- natum prout ex prefatione conftat. 8vo. Lond., 1753. Same. Hanc Editionem XXII. curavit et auftiorem fecit Petrus Steele, A. M. . . . 8vo. N. Y., 1825. ScHROEDER, JoHN FREDERICK. Eulogy On the Right Rev. John Henry Hobart, D. D., delivered at New Yorkj September, 1 830. 8vo. — — Addrefs at the Opening of the new edifice of the New York Difpenfary, January 11, 1830. 8vo. Memorial of Biftiop Hobart. A Colledlion of Sermons on his Death. With a Memoir of his Life and Writings. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1831. ■ Difcourfe pronounced before the New York Horticultural So- ciety, at the Annual Celebration, 26th Auguft, 1828. Third Edi- tion. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Circular of St. Ann's Hall, Flufhing, L. I., devoted to the Edu- cation of Young Ladies. 8vo. N. Y., 1 840. Religion and the State ; or, Chriftianity the Safeguard of Civil Liberty. An Oration, delivered at St. Paul's College, College Point, 5th July, 1841. 8vo. Flufhing, 184 1. SCHULTZ, Christian, Jr. Travels on an Inland Voyage through the States of New York, Pcnnfylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky and TennefTee, etc., in 1 807-8. Maps and plates. 2 vols,, 8vo. N. Y., 1810. Schuyler, George L. Letter to the Hon. W. M. Gwin, concerning the fteamfliip Kamfchatka. 8vo. N. Y., 1 843. Schuyler, Philip. Remarks on the Revenue of the State of New York. 4to., pp. 24. Albany, 1796. Schuylkill Navigation Company. Addrefs of the Prefident and Managers to the Stockholders and to the Public in General. 8vo. Phil., 1 81 7. Catalogue of Printed Books. 533 ScHYNVOET, S. Het Muntkabinet der Roomrche Keizers en Keizerin- nen van. i6mo. [Imp-] Science. The Progrefs of. A Poem, delivered at Harvard College, before a Committee of Overfeers. By a Junior Sophifter. 4to., pp. lo. 1780. SciPio's Refleftions on Monroe's View of the Condufl of the Execu- tive, etc. 8vo., pp. 140. Bofton, 1798. SciOTo Lands. Addrefs to the Inhabitants of Alexandria and other Seaports in the United States of America. From a Proprietor of Lands on the Scioto. 8vo. I790' ScoFiELD, Samuel. A Pradlical Treatife on Vaccina, or Cow Pock, izmo. N. Y., 1 8 10. ScoLES, John B. The Library : its Benefits and Claims. An Intro- du6lory Lefture delivered before the General Society of Mechan- ics and Tradefmen, January 14th, 1845. 8vo. Scotch Invasion. A True Account of the late, with True Copies of Authentic Papers, which lay before the Houfe. 4to. Lond., 1709. Scotland, The Sea Law of. Shortly Gathered, and Plainly Drefst for the Reddy Ufe of all Sea-fairing Men. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1590. Church of. A Proteftation and Teflimony againft fome of the Errors now Abounding, etc. By a Small Remnant of Private Chriftians. izmo., pp. 58. Glafgow, 1792. Letter of a Blackfmich to the Minifters and Elders of the, etc. Seventh Edition. 1 2mo. Newburyport. Scots' Charitable Society. Rules and Regulations of the, IniHtuted at Bofton, 1684. Renewed, J 786. 8vo., pp. 8. Bofton, 1800. Scott, David. The Hiftory of Scotland, containing all the Hiftorical Tranfaftions of that Nation, from the Year of the World 3619 to the Year of Chrift 1726. Folio. Weftminfter, 1728. ScoTT, John. Obfervations on Mr. Belfham's Memoirs of the Reign of George the Third. 8vo. Lond., 1796. ScoTT, Joseph. The New and Univerfal Gazetteer ; or. Modern Geographical Didlionary. 4 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1 799-1 800. A Geographical Didlionary of the United States of North America. 8vo. Phil., 1805. Scott, Thomas. The Force of Truth. An Authentic Narrative. Third Edition. i2mo., pp. viii. 122. Lond., 1790. An Impartial Statement of the Scripture Dodrine in refpeft of Civil Government, and the Duties of Subjects. i2mo., pp. 24. Lond., 1792. Sermon at the Parilh Church of St. Lawrence Jewry, King Street, Cheapfide, June 13th. 8vo., pp. 40. Lond., 1810. Scott, Walter. Ballads and Lyrical Pieces. i2mo. Bofton, 1807. Scott, Winfield. Proceedings of the Military Court of Inquiry in the Cafe of. [Failure of the Florida Campaign of 1836, etc.] 8vo. Waftiington, 1837. 534 New-York Historical SociETy. Scott, Winfield. Interefting Biographical Sketch of the Lilliputian King known as . . . Second Edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1854. Scottish Fiddle. Lay of the. A Tale of Havre de Grace. i6mo. N. Y., 1813. Scraps. Cuttings from various American Newfpapers, from 1841 to 1845. Selefted and Arranged. 2 vols., 4to. [See Index in each volume.] ScRiPTURisTA. Letter to, with fome Remarks on his Anfwer to Paulinus' Three Queftions. 8vo., pp. 24. [Rep.] Bofton, 1761. Scripture. The Scope of the. [Imperfeft.] ScuDERY, George. De Curia Politias ; or, the Apologies of fevcral Princes Juftifying to the World their Moll Eminent Adlions, etc. Portraits. Folio. Lond., 1673. Scurlock, David. Thoughts on the Influence of Religion in Civil Government, etc. 8vo., pp. 63. Lond., 1792. Sea Defences. The Pilgrim ; addrefled to General John Shee, with the Gentlemen in the United States, to whom the immediate care of our Seaport Defence is Committed. 8vo. Seabrook, Whitemarsh B. a Concife View of the Critical Situa- tion, etc., of the Slaveholding States, in relation to their Colored Population. Second Edition. 8vo. Charleftown, 1825. Seabury, Samuel. Difcourfe on Brotherly Love, before the Zion Lodge, 1777, New York. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1777. Sermon before the Grand Lodge of New York, etc., at St. Paul's Chapel, on the Anniverfary of St. John the Evangelift, 1782. 8vo, N. Y., 1783. The Addrefs of the Epifcopal Clergy of Connefticut to, with his Anfwer, etc. 8vo. • New Haven [1785.] Second Charge to the Clergy of his Diocefe, delivered at Derby, in the State of Connefticut, 22d September, 1786. 8vo., pp. 20. New Haven. Difcourfe at the Conferring the Order of Priefthood on Rev. Robert Fowle, of Holdernefs (N. H,), at Portfmouth, on the Feftival of St. Peter, 1 791. 8vo., pp. 22. Bofton, 1791. Difcourfe before the Triennial Convention of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the United States of America, September 12th, 1792. 8vo., pp. 27. N. Y., 1792. Difcourfe delivered in St. James's Church in New London, Dec. 23d, 1794, before an Aflembly of Free and Accepted Mafons, etc. 8vo. New Lond., 1795. Seabury, Samuel. The Study of the Claflics, on Chriftian Principles, izmo. Flulhing, L. I., April i8th, 1831. Seaman, Valentine. A Diflertation on the Mineral Waters of Sara- toga, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1793. Same, including an Account of the Waters of Ballfton. Second Edition. i2mo. N. Y., 1809. Seaman, William. Hebrew Catechifm. i2mo. Phil., 1821. Catalogue of Printed Books. 535 Searl, John/ Funeral Sermon, delivered at Newburyport, Dec. 30th, 1770 (Phebe Parfons.) 8vo.' Boflon, 1771. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Stephen Peabody, Atkinfon, November 25th, 1772. 8vo. Bofton, 1773. Funeral Sermon, occalioned by the Death of Rev. Jonathan Parfons, July 19th, 1776. 8vo. Newburyport, 1778. Sears, Freeman. Oration (4th July, 1 809,) at Natick, Mafs. 8vo., pp. 1 8. Dedham, July, 1 809. Searson, John. Mount Vernon : a Poem, etc. 8vo. Phil. [ ] Two Difcourfes delivered in the Prifon of Philadelphia, on Matt. XV. and xxv., and Ifaiah xlv. 15. By a Layman of the Church of England. i2mo. Phil. Secretary of the Treasury. An Examination of the late Proceed- ings in Congrefs, refpefting his Official Conduft. 8vo. [1793.] Security of Englishmen's Lives ; or. The Trull, Power and Duty of the Grand Juries of England. Fourth Edition. i8mo. Lond., 1773. Sedgwick, Henry D. A Vindication of the Condud and Charadler of, againft certain Charges made by the Hon. Jonas Piatt, etc. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 32. N. Y., 1826. Refutation of the Reafons afligned by the Arbitrators, for their Award in the Cafe of Two Greek Frigates. 8vo., pp. 43. N. Y., 1826. Sedgwick, Robert. Oration before the Wafhington Benevolent So- ciety, New York, 4th July, i8ii. 8vo. N. Y. Sedgwick, Theodore. Political laft Will and Teftament, with an Inventory and Appraifal of the Legacies therein Bequeathed, etc. 8vo. 1800. Sedgwick, Theodore, Jr. Memoir of the Life of William Living- rton, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1833. Segard and Testard. Pidturefque Views of Public Edifices in Paris. Aquatinted, in imitation of the Drawings, by Mr. Rofenberg. 4to. Lond., 1 8 14. Segni, Bernardo. Storie Florentine dall' anno m.dxxvii. al m.dlv. Colla vita di Nicolo Capponi, etc. 3 vols., 8vo. Milano, 1805. Segur, Count. Memoirs and Recolleftions of. Written by Himfelf. 3 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1825-7. Seixas, G. Fall Day Dilcourfe, delivered in the Synagogue in New York, on the 9th of May, 1798. 8vo., pp. 32. N. Y., 1798. Selden, John. Titles of Honor. Second Edition. Folio. Lond., 163 1. Mare Claufum. The Right and Dominion of the Sea. In two Books. Folio. Lond., 1663. Trafts. Janus Anglorum, England's Epinomis, Ecclcfiaftical Jurifdiftion of Teftaments, and Difpofition of Inteftate's Goods. Folio. Lond., 1683. Select Reviews, and Spirit of the Foreign Magazines. By E. Bronfon and others. Vols. I- VIII. 8vo. [See Analeftic Magazine.] Phil., 1809-12. 536 New-York Historical Society. Selfridge, Thomas O. Trial for Killing Charles Auftiil on the Pub- lic Exchange, in Bofton, Aug. 4th, 1806. 8vo. Bofton. Correft Statement of the whole Preliminary Controverfy between, and Benjamin Auftin, etc. 8vo., pp. 52. Charleftown, 1807. Same, etc. Second Edition. 8vo. Charleftown, 1807. Sellon, William. A Sermon preached in the Parifh Churches of St. James, Clerkenwell, and St. Giles-in-the-Fields, on January 23d, and of St. Andrew, Holborn, January 30th, 1763. 4to., pp. 20. Lond., 1763. Semedo, F. Alvarez. The Hiftory of the Great and Renowned Monarchy of China. Foho. Lond., 1655. Seneca, Lucius Ann^us. Workes, both Morall and Naturall, etc. Tranflated by Thomas Lodge, D. in Phylicke. Folio. Lond., 1 614. Seneca Indians. The Cafe of the, in the State of New York. II- luftrated by Fads. 8vo. Phil., 1 840. Report on Memorials of the, accepted November 2 1 ft, 1 840, in the Council of Maflachufetts. 8vo. Bofton, 1 840. A Summary of Fafts in relation to the late Treaty with, together with a portion of the Prefident's Mcflage. 8vo. Buffalo, 1841. Declaration of the, in General Council aflembled, with the ac- companying Documents ; alfo, an Addrefs to the Chiefs and Peo- ple of that Nation. 8vo. Baltimore, 1845. Seneca Language. A Spelling Book in the. With Englilh Definitions. 1 2mo. Buffalo Creek Refervation Miffion Prefs, 1 842. Senter, Isaac. The Journal of, Phyfician and Surgeon to the Troops detached from the American Army, encamped at Cambridge, Mafs., as a Secret Expedition againft Quebec, under the command of Colonel Benedift Arnold, September, 1775. 8vo. Phil., 1846. Sentimens d'un Republicain, fur les Affemblees Provinciales et les Etats Generaux. 8vo., pp. 30. Phil., 1788. Sentiments upon the Religion of Reafon and Nature carefully trans- lated from the original French MS., etc. i2mo. Phil., 1795. Sentiments (The) of a Britifh American. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1764. Sergeant, John. An Addrefs delivered before the Citizens of Phila- delphia, at the Houfe of Refuge, 29th November, 1828. 8vo. Phil., 1828. Seleft Speeches. 8vo. Phil., 1832. Serious Call from the City to the Country, etc. [Concert for Prayer propofed.] 8vo., pp. 8. Portfmouth, 1757. Sermon, Preached at Temple Church, London, from Joftiua vii. 13. 8vo., pp. 26. Lond., 1756. Preached about the time of the French War. [Imperfedl.] from Afts xxii. 27, 28. 8vo., pp. 27. [Imperfeft.j A Reformation Sermon, on Pfal. vii. 9. pp. 40. [Imperfeft.] on Jolhua xiv. 10. pp. 24. [Imperfeft.] from Pfalm xliii. 3. i2mo. [Imperfeft.] Catalogue of Printed Books. 537 Sermons. The Words of Underftanding. Three Eflays, etc., occa- fioned by fome E^rly Deaths, i2mo. Bofton, 1724. Sevarambians. The Hiftory of the Sevarambians : a People of the South Continent. Tranflated from the Memoirs of Captain Siden, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1738. Seventy-Six Society (The). The Examination of Jofeph Galloway, Efq.. by a Committee of the Houfe of Commons. Edited by Thomas Balch. 8vo. Phil., 1855. Papers in relation to the Cafe of Silas Deane. Now firll: pub- lifhcd from the original MSS. 8vo. Phil., 1855. Papers relating to Public Events in Maflachufetts preceding the American Revolution. 8vo. Phil., 1856. Sevilla. Ordenanzas para el Real Colegio de San Telmo de. Folio. Madrid, 1786. Sewall, Daniel. Eulogy occafioned by the Death of Gen. Wafhing- ton, Kittery, Feb. 22d, 1800. 8vo., pp. 20. Portfmouth, 1800. Sewall, Joseph. Sermon upon the Death of his late Majefty King George, June 11. 8vo., pp. 25. Bofton, 1727. Faft Sermon before the General Court, December 3d, 1740. 8vo., pp. 33. Bofton, 1740. Sermon at the Thurfday Ledlure, in Bofton, May 6th, 1742. 8vo., pp. 30. Bofton, 1742. Funeral Sermon dehvered in Bofton, 1758 (Thomas Prince). 8vo. Bofton, 1758. Sermon (September i6th, 1762), before the Great and General Court of Maflachufetts, on the reduftion of the Havannah. 8vo., pp. 33. Bofton, 1762. Sewall, Samuel. Phenomena quaedam Apocalyptica ad Afpedlum Novi Orbis Configurata ; or, fome few lines towards a Defcrip- tion of the New Heaven, as it makes to thofe who ftand upon the New Earth. 4to. Bofton, 1697. Sewall, Stephanus. Oratio Funebris in obitum viri Reverendi Pariter atque Honorandi, D. Edwardi Holyoke, etc., 8^. idus Junias, 1769. 8vo. [Sewall, Stephen.] Nofte Cogitata, auftore, Anglice fcripta Young, D. D., quae Lingua Latii donavit America. i2mo., pp. 21. Charleftown, 1786. Seward, Anna. Monody on Major Andre, who was executed at Tappan, November, 1780. i2mo. Phil. Seward, W. H. Addrefs delivered at the Commencement of the Auburn and Owego Canal, Oftober 14, 1835, etc. 8vo. 1835. Letter to, touching the Surrender of certain Fugitives from Juftice. 8vo. N. Y., 1841. Addrefs at the Centennial Celebration, July 4th, 1840, at Cherry Valley, New York. 8vo. Oration on the Death of John Quincy Adams, delivered before the Legiflature of the State of New York, at Albany, on the 6th of April, 1848. 8vo. Albany, 1848. 538 New-York Historical Society. Seward, W. H. Works. Edited by George E. Baker. 3 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1853. Sewell, William. Groot Woordenboek der Nederduytfche en En- gelfche Taalen, etc. 2 vols., 4to. T'Amfterdam, 1 708. Hiftory of the Rife, Increafe and Progrefs of the Chriftian Peo- ple called Quakers; intermixed with feveral remarkable occur- rences. Written originally in Low Dutch, and alfo tranflated into Englilh. Dedicated to George I. Third Edition. Folio. Phil., 1728. Same, with a Brief Memoir of the Author, etc. 2 vols,, 8vo. N. Y., 1844. Seybert, Adam. Statiftical Annals ; embracing Views of the Popula- tion, Commerce, Public Lands, etc., of the United States of Ameri- ica. Founded on Official Documents, etc. 4to. Phil., 181 8. Shakers. Obfervations on the Natural and Conllitutional Rights of Confcience in relation to Military Requifitions on the People called. 8vo., pp. 24. 1 8 16. Shakspeare, William. A Supplement to Mr. Warburton's Edition of, being the Canons of Criticifm and GloiTary, etc. By another Gent, of Lincoln's Inn. 8vo. Lond., 1 748. The Plays of, with the Correftions and Illuftrations of various Commentators. To which are added Notes by Samuel Johnfon and George Steevens. Revifed and augmented by Ifaac Reed, Efq. With a Gloflarial Index. i2mo., 17 vols. Phil., 1809. Shakspeare's House at Stratford-on-Avon. Particulars of, for fale by audlion, by Mr. Robins, at the Mart, London, on Thurfday, September i6th, at 12 o'clock. 4to., pp. 16. Lond., 1847. Shallus, Francis. Chronological Tables for every day in the year; compiled from the moft authentic documents. 2 vols., 1 2mo. Phil., 1 81 7. Sham-Patriot Unmasked (The) ; or, an Expofition of the Fatally Succefsful Arts of Demagogues, etc. A feries of Eflays, written byHiftoricus; and firft publifhed in " The Balance." l2mo. Hudfon, 1802. ' Same. 8vo. Concord, 1805. [Shangar, Marcus.] Letter to the Rev. John Tucker upon his Re- marks on the Difcourfe of Jona. Parfons. 8vo., pp. 17. 1775. Sharan, James. The Adventures of, compiled from the Journal writ- ten during his Voyages and Travels in the Four Quarters of the Globe. i2mo. Baltimore, 1808. Sharman, Edward. Letter on the Dodlrine of the Trinity, addrefled to the Baptift Society at Guillborough, Northamptonfhire. 8vo., pp. 76. Lond., 1795. Sharp, Granville. Reprefentation of the Injuftice and Dangerous Tendency of Tolerating Slavery, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1 769. A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legiflature, which is the Fundamental Principle of the Britifh Conftitution of State. 8vo. Lond., 1774. Catalogue of Printed Books. 530 Sharp, Granville. Remarks on a Printed Paper lately handed about, entitled, " A Catalogue of the Sacred Veflels Reftored by Cyrus." Lond., 1775. Letter to the Maryland Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, etc. 8vo. ^793- Extraft of a Letter to a Gentleman in Maryland, etc.. Slavery. izmo., pp. 14. Lond,, 1793. Sharp, Samuel. Letters from Italy, defcribing the Cuftom and Man- ners of that Country in the years 1765 and 1766. Third Edi- tion. 8vo. Lond. Sharpe, John. Prefent Peerage of the Britifh Empire, with a Lift: of the Daughters of the Nobility who have been married to Com- moners. 8vo. Lond. Sharpe, Samuel. The Hiftory of Egypt under the Ptolemies. 410. Lond., 1838. Shattuck, George Cheyne. Three Diflertations on Boylfton Prize gueftions for the years 1806 and 1807. izmo. Boftoh, 1808. Shattuck, Lemuel. Report to the Committee of the City Council, appointed to obtain the Cenfus of Bofton, for the year 1845, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1846. Shaw, Benjamin. A Brief Expofiticm of the Principles and Details of the Lancafterian Syftem of Education, etc. 8vo. Dec, 181 7. Shaw, Charles. A Topographical and Hiftorical Defcription of Bofton, from the Firft Settlement of the Town to the prefent period. With fome Account of its Environs, izmo. Bofton, 1 81 7. Shaw, James. Sketches of the Hiftory of the Auftrian Netherlands, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1786. Shaw, John. Poems : to which is prefixed a Biographical Sketch of the Author, izmo. Phil., 18 10. Shaw, Lemuel. Difcourfe delivered before the Officers and Members of the Humane Society of Maflachufetts, June nth, 181 1. 4to., pp. Z4. Bofton, 181 1. Shaw, Thomas. Travels ; or, Obfervations, relating to fcveral Parts of Barbary and the Levant. Illuftrated with Copper plates. Third Edition, z vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1808. Shaw, William. Difcourfe at Marfhfield, Nov. Z4th, 181 1, at the Funeral of Six Men, drowned, etc. 8vo., pp. 20. Salem, i8iz. Shea, John Gilmary. Difcovery and Exploration of the Mifliflippi Valley ; with the original Narratives of Marquette, AUouez, Membre, Hennepin, and Anaftafe Douay. 8vo. N. Y., 1852. Hiftory of the Catholic Miflions among the Indian Tribes of the United States, 15Z9-1854. izmo. N. Y., 1855*. Sheahan, James W. Corporation Laws of the City of Waftilngton to the end of the Fiftieth Council (to June 3, 1853, inclufive). To which are added the Laws enafted between that day and Oft. loth, 1853. Revifed and compiled . . . etc. 8vo. Wafhington, 1853. 54© New-York Historical Society. Sheffey, Daniel. Speech on the Army Bill in the Houfe of Repre- fentatives of the United States, December loth, 1814. 8vo., pp. 16. Wafhington. ■ Speech on a Bill authorizing a Loan of $25,000,000, delivered in the Houfe of Reprcfentatives of the United States, Feb. 1 1, 1 8 14. 8vo., pp. 38. Alexandria, 18 14. Sheffield, John. (Duke of Buckingham.) Works. 2 vols., 4to. Lond., 1723. Sheffield, Lord. Obfervations on the Commerce of the American States. A New Edition, much enlarged, with an Appendix, etc. 8vo. 1784. ^ Brief Examination of his Obfervations on the Commerce of the United States. In Seven Numbers. With Two Supplementary Notes on American Manufaftures. 8vo., pp. 135. Phil., 1791. Stridtures on the Neceffity of Inviolably Maintaining the Naviga- tion and Colonial Syftem of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond., 1804. Sheills; James. A Catalogue of Trees, Shrubs, Plants, etc., clafled under Sixteen Heads. 8vo. Lond., 1776. Shelley, Mrs., and others. Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of / France. Vol. I., l6mo. [Cab. Cyc] Lond., 1838. OJjh-iv'i^^^ Shepard, Charles yt^. Geology of Upper Illinois. [From Journal . / of Science and Arts, No. I., Vol. 34.] Shepard, Samuel. Maflachufetts Election Sermon, May 28th, 1806. 8vo. Bofton. Shepard, Thomas. The Parable of the Ten Virgins Opened and Applied. Being the fubftance of divers Sermons on Matth. XXV. I -1 3, etc. Publilhed by Jona. Mitchill and Thomas Shep- ard (fon to the Rev. Author.) Folio. 1695. Shepherd, William. Funeral Sermon, November 19th, 1826 (John Yates). Second Edition. 8vo. Liverpool, 1826. Sherburne, John Henry. The Life and Charafter of John Paul Jones, a Captain in the United States Navy, during the Revolu- tionary War. 8vo. N. Y., 1851. Sheridan, Richard B. Verfes to the Memory of Garrick, fpoken as a Monody at the Theatre Royal, in Drury Lane. 4to. Lond., 1769. Sherlock, Thomas. Several Difcourfes, preached at the Temple Church. Third Edition. i2mo. Lond., 1755. Sherwood, John D. Some Obfervations upon the Valley of the Jor- dan and the Dead Sea. [American Journal of Science, Art. I. Vol. 48, No. I.] 8vo. 1845. . Sherwood, Samuel. The Church's Flight into the Wildernefs. An ' Addrefs on the Times, etc. 8vo., pp. 54. N. Y., 1776. Ship and Shore ; or. Leaves from the Journal of a Cruife to the Le- vant. i2mo. N. Y., 1835. Shipley, Jonathan, Bilhop of St. Afaph. Sermon before the Incor- porated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 19th, 1773. 4to., pp. 62. Lond., 1773. Catalogue of Printed Books. 541 • Shipley, Jonathan. A Speech, intended to have been fpoken, on the Bill for Altering the Charters of the Colony of the MafTa- chufetts Bay. Third Edition. 8vo., pp. 29. [Rep.] Phil., 1774. Shirley, William. Letter to the Duke of Newcaftle. With a Jour- nal of the Siege of Louifbourg and other Operations of the Forces againft the French Settlements on Cape Breton, approved and at- tefted by William Pepperrell and others. 8vo., pp. 31. [Rep.] Bofton, 1746. See Memorials, etc. Short Account of the Naval Adions of the laft War. With Obfer- vations, etc., on the Britifli Navy. By an Officer. Second Edi- tion. 8vo., pp. 147. Lond., 1790. Same. 8vo., pp. 197. Second Edition. Lond., 1795. of the Society for Equitable Affurances on Lives and Survivor- Ihips, eftabliflied by Deed, etc. 8vo., pp. 22. Lond., 1787. Short Appeal to the People of Great Britain, upon the unavoidable Neceflity of the Prefent War with our DifafFedted Colonies. Second Edition. l2mo. ' Lond., 1776. Short History of the Oppofition during the laft Seffion of Parlia- ment. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1779. Shunammite, The. Recommended to the Candid Perufal of all De- nominations of Chriftians. By G. G , M. M. M. 8vo. N. Y., 1810. Shurtleff, Nathaniel B. The Paflengers of the " Mayflower," in 1620. 4to. Bofton, 1849. Thunder and Lightning, and Deaths at Marflifield, in 1658-66. i2mo. Bofton, 1850. The Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Elder Thomas Leverett, of Bofton. 8vo. Bofton, 1850. A Perpetual Calendar for Old and New Styles. Second Edition. 4to. Bofton, 1851. Shurtleff, William. Sermon (on Prefervation of Mariners), at New- Caftle, in New Hampftiire, January i, 1726-7. 8vo., pp. 50. Bofton, 1727. — — Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Nathaniel Morril, Rye, in New Caftle, September 14th, 1726. 8vo. [Imperfed.] Bofton, 1727. Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Nathaniel Gookin, at North Hill, 31ft Oftober, 1739. 8vo., pp. 35. Bofton, 1739. Sermon on occafion of the Execution of Sarah Simpfon and Penelope Kenny. With a Narrative and Preface. 8vo., pp. 30. [Thcfe were the firft executions in New Hampfhire.] Bofton, 1740. Sermon delivered in Bofton, at a Ledlure, i8th September, 1741. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1741. Shute, Daniel. Artillery Eleftion Sermon, June I ft, 1767. 8vo. Bofton, 1767. 542 New-York Historical Society. Shute, Daniel. Maflachufetts Eledlion Sermon, May 25th, 1768. 8vo. Bofton, 1768. Siberia. A Journey into Siberia, made by order of the King of France, by M. I'Abbe Chappe d'Auteroche, in 1761, etc. 4to. Lond., 1770. Sidney, Algernon. Difcourfes on Government, etc. 3 vols., 8vo. N. y., 1805. Sidney, Joseph. Oration, commemorative of the Abolition of the Slave Trade in the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. Sidney. Appeal to the Americans. 8vo. '837. Sidney, Sir Philip, Kt. The Counteffe of Pembroke's Arcadia ; alfo a Supplement of a Defedl in the third part of this Hiftorie. By Sir W. Alexander. Small folio. Lond., 1629. Silk. Manual by Secretary of the Treafury, on the Growth and Manufadture, etc. 8vo. [20th Congrefs, Sefs. ift, Ex. Doc. 158.] Wafhington, 1828. Treatife, by De Hazzi, on the Rearing of Silk Worms, etc. 8vo. [20th Congrefs, Seffion ift, Ex. Doc. 226.] Wafhington, 1828. A Treatife on Silk Worms. In two parts. N. Y., 1793. Silliman, Benjamin. A Journal of Travels in England, Holland and Scotland ; and of Two Paflages over the Atlantic, in the years 1805 and 1806. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1810. Sketch of the Life and Charafter of Prefident Dwight, delivered as an Eulogium in New Haven, February 12th, 18 17. 8vo. New Haven, 1817. Remarks made on a Short Tour between Hartford and Quebec, in the Autumn of 1819. Second Edition. New Haven, 1824. Simcoe, John Graves. Military Journal : a Hiftory of the Opera- tions of a Partifan Corps, called " The Queen's Rangers," during the War of the American Revolution. Now firft publifhed, with a Memoir of the Author and other additions [by Silvanus Miller, Jr.] 8vo. large paper. N. Y., 1 844. SiMES, Thomas. Military Medley ; containing Rules and Diredions for Attaining the Art, etc. Plates. 8vo. Lond., 1768. Simmonds, p. L. The Weft India Almanack, for the year of our Lord 1844. Compiled by . . . Editor of the Colonial Maga- zine. i2mo. Lond., 1844. Simmons, George F. Two Sermons, on the Kind Treatment, and the Emancipation of Slaves. 8vo. Bofton, 1840. SiMMs, J. R. Hiftory of Schoharie County, and Border Wars of New York ; containing alfo a Sketch of the Caufes which led to the American Revolution. 8vo. Albany, 1845. The American Spy ; or. Freedom's Early Sacrifice : a Tale. 8vo. Albany, 1846. Trappers of New York ; or, A Biography of Nicholas Stoner and Nathaniel Fofter ; together with an Account of Sir. William Johnfon and his Style of Living. 8vo. Albany, 1850. Catalogue of Printed Books. 543 SiMMs, R. C. EfTay on the Nature and Conftitution of Man, etc. 8vo., pp. 79. Lend., 1793. SiMMs, William Gilmore. The Hiftory of South Carolina, from its Firfl; European Difcovcry to its Ereftion into a Republic. With a Supplementary Chronicle of Events to the prefent time. 8vo. Charlefton, 1840. Self-Development. An Oration delivered before the Literary Societies of Oglethorpe Univerfity, Georgia, November loth, 1847. Milledgeville, 1847. Simon, Johannes. Lexicon Manuale Graecum, etc. 8vo. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1776. Simpson, James. A Vifit to Flanders, in July, 1 8 1 5 ; being chiefly an Account of the Field of Waterloo, etc. izmo. Edinburgh, 18 16. SiMsoN, Robert. Elements of the Conic Seftions. Tranflated from the original Latin. 8vo. N. Y., 1 804. Sinclair, Sir John. Lucubrations during a fhort Recefs, containing a Plan for a more equal Reprefentation of the People. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 61. Lond., 1783. Hints to the Public, etc., on the State of Finances. 8vo., pp. 59. Lond,, 1783. Specimens of Statiftical Reports, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1793. The Code of Health and Longevity ; or, a Concife View of the Principles calculated for the Prefervation of Health and the At- tainment of Long Life. Second Edition. 4 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1807. On the Great Advantages likely to be derived in the Eaft and Weft Indies by Transferring the Procefles employed in the Manu- fadure of Potato Flour to the Preparation of Caflava, for Human Food. 4to., pp. 4. Singing. EfTay to Excite a Further Inquiry into the Ancient Matter and Manner of Sacred Singing. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1741. Sinking Fund. Report of the Commiflioners of the . . . S. U. S., 1 6th December, 1793. 8vo. and Public Debt. Report of the Committee of Ways and Means relative to the Application of $7,300,000, etc., by the Commiflioners . . . 8vo., pp. 54. Wafliington, 1803. SiPKiNS, Henry. Oration on the Abolition of the Slave Trade, de- livered in the African Church, New York, January 2, 1 809. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. Sismondi, J. C. L. SiMONDE De. Dc la Litterature du Midi de I'Europe. Tomes 4, 8vo. Paris, 181 3. A Review of the Progrefs of Religious Opinions. From the French. 8vo. Bofton,. 1827. A Hiftory of the Italian Republics : being a View of the Rife, Progrefs, and Fall of Italian Freedom. l6mo. [Am. Ed. Cab. Cyc] Phil., 1835. Skerret, R. Sermon at the Lent Aflizes at Brentwood, in Eflex, March 1 6th, 1719-20. 8vo. Lond., 1720. 544 New-York Historical Society. Sketch of our Political Condition, addrefled to the Citizens of the United States, without diftinftion of party. By a Citizen of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1813. of Old England. By a New England Man. 2vols., izmo. 1822. Sketches in Verse. By R. H. R. 8vo. Phil., 1810. Skillman, John B. New York Police Reports, with Engravings. Written in 1828-29. ^^O- N. Y., 1830. Skinner, John. Voyages au Perou, fait dans les Annees 1791 a 1794. Par les PP. Manuel Sobreviela, et Narciffb y Barcelo. Traduits par P. F. Henry. Tomes 2, 8vo. Map, 4to. Paris, 1809. Skinner, John S. Addrefs delivered before the Agricultural Society of New Caftle, nth September, 1844. 8vo. 1844. Skinner, Peter. Tables of Intereft, computed at 6 and 7 per cent. To which are added. Compound Intereft Tables, at 5,6 and 7 percent. Second Edition. i2mo. N. Y., 1851. Skinner, St. John B. L. The Battle of Plattfburg : an Addrefs de- livered before the Plattfburg Lyceum, February 18th, 1835. izmo. Plattfburg, 1835. Skinner, Thomas. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Mr. Grindall Rawfon, at the Ma'nor of Peace, in the County of Hamplhire, May 9th, 1751. 4to. New Lond., 1751. Slade, John. The Devil. Folio. Lond., 1755. SfcADE, John. Narrative of the late Proceedings and Events in China. 8vo. China, 1839. Slater, Lionel. Inftrudions for the Cultivating and Raifmg of Flax and Hemp, etc., printed at Dublin, 1724. Bofton, N. E., 1735. Slaughter, Philip. A Hiftory of St. George's Parifh, in the County of Spotfylvania, and Diocefe of Virginia. 8vo. N. Y., 1 847. Slave Emancipation. Report of a Committee of the American Con- vention appointed to Draft a Plan for the General Emancipation of Slaves. 8vo. Slave-Keeping. Addrefs to the Inhabitants of the Britifh Settlements in America, upon . . . 8vo., pp. 30. Phil., 1773. Slave Representation. By Boreas. 8vo. 181 2. Slave Trade. Short Account of that part of Africa inhabited by the Negroes, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1762.. A Short Sketch of the Evidence for the Abolition of the . . . delivered before a Committee of the Houfe of Commons, etc. izmo., pp. 19. [Rep.] Phil, 1792. Abftraft of the Information recently laid on the table of the Houfe of Commons, on the fubjeft of the . . . Lond., 1821. A View of the prefent State of the African Slave Trade. Pub- Ijfhed by direftion of a Meeting reprefenting the Religious So- ciety of Friends, in Penn, 8vo. New Jerfey, 1824. Slavery. A Dialogue concerning the Slavery of the Americans, etc. 8vo. Norwich, 1776. Thoughts on the Slavery of the Negroes. 8vo, Lond., 1784. Catalogue of Printed Books. 5^5 Slavery of the Africans. Dialogue concerning the . . . Dedicated to the Hon. The Continental Congrefs, etc. i2mo., pp. 72. [Rep.] N. Y.. 1785. — — Difcours fur la Neceflite d'Etablir a Paris une Societe pour con- courir, etc., a I'Abolition de la traite et de I'efclavage des Negres, 8vo., pp. 32. 1788. < An Inquiry into its Origin, Progrefs and Prefent State, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1789. Reflcftions on the Inconfillency of Man, particularly exemplified in the Pradice of Slavery in the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1 796. - Extraft of a Letter from a Gent, in Maryland . . . originally printed in America. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Lend., 1806. The Mirror of Mifery ; or. Tyranny Expofed. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1807. Short Obfervations on . . . With Extrafts from Abbe Ray- nal's Writing, etc. I2mo. A Memorial to the Congrefs of the United States, on the Sub- je6t of Reftraining the Increafe of Slavery in New States to be Admitted into the Union ; prepared in purfuance of a Vote of the Inhabitants of Bofton and its vicinity, aflembled at the State Houfe, on 3d December, 1819. 8vo. Bofton, 1819. A Letter from a Gentleman of Baltimore, to his Friend in the State of New York, on the fubjedl of. 8vo. ^A iif^ American, as it is. Teftimony of a Thoufand Witnefles. 8vo. /n&of l^ ^ N. Y., 1839. < and the Slave Trade. Parliamentary Documents, etc. Letters of the late Biihop John England to the Hon. John For- fyth, on the fubjedl of Domeftic Slavery, etc. With Introdudlory Remarks, etc., \)Y W. George Read. 8vo. Baltimore, 1844. Sleep. An Accurate Defcription of Sleep, in a Difcourfe delivered before the Medical Society of New York, 1782. 8vo. Sleidanus, Johannes. Commentariorum de Statu et Religionis et Rei- publics Carolo V. Csfare, Libri XXVI. 8vo. Francofurti, 1610. Slender, Robert. Journey from Philadelphia to New York, by way of Burlington and South Amboy. 8vo. Phil., 1787. Sloan, James. Speech in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United . States on the Fifth Embargo Bill, December 27th, 1808. 8vo. Salem, 1 809. Second Speech on the Fifth Embargo Bill, January 6th, 1 809. Sly Subscription on the Norfolk Monarch, with the Briton's Speech to Sir Politick. 8vo., pp. 47. Lond., 1733. Small Pox. Report on the Epidemic Small Pox and Chicken Pox, ordered by the Medical Society of New York. 8vo. Smeth, Theod. de. Lettre fur la Sculpture. 4to. Amfterdam, 1769. Smirke, Robert. Review of a Battalion of Infantry, including the Eighteen Manoeuvres, illuftrated by Diagrams, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1810.. 35 54^ New-York Historical Society. Smith, Adam. The Theory of Moral Sentiments, etc. To which is added, A Diflertation on the Origin of Languages. Ninth Edition. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1801. Inquiry into the Nature and Caufes of the Weahh of Nations. With a Life of the Author. 3 vols., 8vo. Lond., 181 1. Smith, Ashbel. Cholera Spafmodia ; as obferved in Paris, in 1832. 8vo. N. Y., 1832. Addrefs delivered in the City of Galvefton, on the 2 2d Febru- ary, 1 848, the Anniverfary of the Birthday of Walhington, and the Battle of Buena Vifta. 8vo. Galvefton. Smith, Buckingham. See Cabcca de Vaca — Fontaneda — De Soto. Smith, Caleb. Funeral Sermon, delivered December 15th, 1757. (Aaron Burr.) 8vo. N. Y. Brief Account of his Life, etc. 8vo., pp. 60. Woodbridge, N. J., 1763. Smith, Charles. The Monthly Military Repofitory, refpeftfully in- fcribed to the Military of the United States of America. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1796-7. — — The Count of Burgundy ; a Comedy of Kotzebue, in Four Afts. Tranflated from the German. 8vo., pp. 6g. N. Y., 1800. La Peyroufe ; a Comedy, in two afts. From the German of Kotzebue. 8vo., pp. 40. N. Y., 1800. :Smjth, Charles A. Difcourfe on Miffions, delivered before the Evangelical Lutheran Minifterium of the State of New York. .8vo. Albany, 1838. rSiMiTH, Eli. Faft Sermon, in Holies, N. H., April 19th, 1804. 8vo,, 'pp, 31. Amherft, 1804. : Smith, Elias. Reply to this Queftion, " Why cannot you commune with us, feeing we are willing to commune with you ?" With a ShorJ: Hiftory of Infant Baptifm. izmo., pp. 24. Portfmouth, 1803. Five Letters, with Remarks. i2mo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1804. The Clergyman's Looking-Glafs, etc. Nos. I, 2, 3. i2mo. Bofton, 1804. A Letter to Mr. Daniel Humphrey's Sandemanian Teacher. 1 2mQ., pp. 1 2. Portfmouth, 1 804. Remarks on Mr. Baldwin's Sermon on the Purpofe of God, etc. i2mo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1805. A Reply to this gueftion, " How fhall I know that I am born again?" etc. i2mo., pp. 36. Bofton. Difcourfe at Jefferfon Hall, November 25th, 1 802, on Nebuchad- nezzar's Dream. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 40. Bofton, 1806. : Smith, Elihu H. Edwin and Angelina ; or. The Banditti. An Opera, in three afts. 8vo. N. Y., 1797. Andre : a Tragedy, in five afts, as performed by the Old Amer- ican Company, New York, March 30th, 1798. To which are .added, Authentic Documents refpefting Major Andre, confifting of Letters to- Mifs Seward, The Cow Chace, Proceedings of the > Court Martial, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1798. Catalogue of Printed Books. 547 Smith, Elihu H. Difcourfe, April nth, 1798, before the New York Society for Promoting the Manumiffion of Slaves, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1798. Smith, Ethan. A Diflertation on the Prophecies relative to Anti- Chrift and the Lafl Times, etc. 8vo. Charleftown, 1811. Smith, George. Sermon at Sheffield, before the Original United Lodge of Odd Fellows, July 9th, 1798. 8vo., pp. zo. Sheffield. Smith, George W. A Defence of the Syflem of Solitary Confine- ment of Prifoners, adopted by the State of Pennfylvania, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1833. Smith, Henrietta. The Infant Preacher; or, the Story of izmo., pp. iz. Phil., 1 8 19. Smith, Hugh. The Theory and Regulation of Public Sentiment. An Addrefs delivered before the Alumni of Columbia College, Oaober 5th, 1842. 8vo. N. Y., 1842. Smith, Isaac. Sermon at the Inftalment of the Rev. Ethan Smith, Hopkinton, March izth, 1800. To which are annexed the Charge, etc., and the Difcourfe by Rev. Ethan Smith on the Sab- bath following his Inftalment. 8vo. Concord, 1 800. Smith, Jacobi Edvardi. Caroli Linnsei Flora Lapponica, exhibens Plantas per Lapponiam crefcentes, etc. 8vo. Londini, I79Z. Compendium Florae Britannic^. 8vo. Lond., 1 800. Smith, James. An Account of the Remarkable Occurrences in the Life and Travels of . . . (now a citizen of Bourbon County, Ky.) during his Captivity with the Indians, in the years 1755', 1756, '57, '58 and '59. Written by himfelf 8vo. Lexington, Ky., 1799. Smith, James. To Thofe who have Sworn to Support the Conftitu- tion, etc., thefe few Lines are addrefled. 8vo. N. Y., 1805. The Commonwealth's Man ; in a feries of Letters addreffed to the Citizens of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1806. Smith, James. Man, with his Ability, through the Atonement, to render Himfelf Acceptable to God. With Advice as to the Means of Accomphfhing it. 8vo. Albany, 1 841. Smith, James H. Eulogy on Thomas S. Grimke, delivered before the Literary and Philofophical Society of South Carolina, March loth, 1835. 8vo. National Oration, delivered at Guilderland Centre, July 4th, 1844. 8vo. Albany, 1844. Smith, James McCune. A Lefture on the Haytien Revolutions ; with a Sketch of the Charafter of Touflaint I'Ouverture. 8vo. N. Y., 1841. Smith, Jeremiah. Funeral Sermon, occafioned by the Death of Sir Thomas Abry, Kt., and Alderman of London. With an Elegiac Poem, by Ifaac Watts. 8vo., pp. 99. Lond., 17ZZ. Smith, Jeremiah. Oration on the Death of General George Wafh- ington, delivered at Exeter, February zzd, 1800. pp. 31. Exeter. 1800. 548 New-York Historical Society. [Smith, John.] A True Relation of fuch Occurrences and Accidents of Noate as hath hapned in Virginia fince the firft planting of that Collony, etc. Written by Th. Watfon. 4to. Lond., 1608. The True Travels, Adventures and Obfervations of Captaine ... in Europe, Afia, Africke and America ; beginning about the yeere 1593, and continued to this prefent 1629. 2 vols., 8vo. [Rep.] Richmond, 1819. Smith, John. Eflay on Univerfal Redemption, etc. 8vo., pp. 71. [Rep.] Bofton, 1767. Smith, John. Memoirs of Wool, Woolen Manufafture and Trade (particularly in England) from the earlieft to the prefent times. Second Edition. 2 vols., 4to. Lond., 1757. Smith, John. Choir Gaur ; the Grand Orrery of the Ancient Druids, commonly called Stonehenge, on Salifbury Plain, aftronomically explained, and mathematically proved to be a Temple, erefted in the earlieft ages, for Obferving the Motions of the Heavenly Bodies. Illuftrated with 3 Copper Plates. 4to., pp. 73. Salifbury, 1 77 1. Travels in Paleftine, in 1789 and 1790, etc. ; and a Particular Defcription of the City of Jerufalem, and its prefent State. 1 2mo. Lond., 1792. Sailm Dhaibhidh maille ri Laoidhean, etc. (Gaelic Verfion of the Pfalms). I2mo. Dun-Eidin, 1797. Life of St. Columba, the Apoftle and Patron Saint of the An- cient Scots and Pifts, etc. 8vo., pp. 168. Edinburgh, 1798. Smith, John. The Life, Journals and Correfpondence of Samuel Pepys, Efq. . . . including a Narrative of his Voyage to Tan- gier ... 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1841. Smith, John Augustine. Eulogy on the late Wright Poft, M. D., de- livered in New York, Wednefday, Oftober 8th, 1828. 4to. N. Y., 1828. The Mutations of the Earth . . . being the Anniverfary Dis- courfe for 1846, before the New York Lyceum of Natural Hiftory. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Smith, John Blair. Difcourfe at Albany, at the Organization of the Northern Miffionary Society in New York, February 14th, 1797. 8vo., pp. 42. Scheneftady, 1797. Smith, John Jay. Letters of Dr. Richard Hill and his Children ; or, the Hiftory of a Family as told by themfelves. 8vo. Phil., 1 854. Smith, Joseph, Jr. The Book of Mormon. Third Edition, care- fully revifed by the Tranflator. 1 2mo. Nauvoo, 111., 1 840. Smith, J. F. The American Lutheran Miflion ; with an Appeal in its behalf. An Addrefs before the General Synod, May i6th, 1845. 8vo. ' Albany, 1845. Smith, Joshua Hett. An Authentic Narrative of the Caufes which led to the Death of Major Andre, Adjutant-General of his Majes- ty's Forces in North America. To which is added a Monody on the Death of Major Andre, by Mifs Seward. 8vo. Lond., 1808. Catalogue of Printed Books. 549 Smith, Joshua Hett. Same. i2mo., pp. 214. N. Y., 1809. Smith, J. M. A Difcourfe on the Epidemic Cholera Morbus of Eu- rope and Afia, dehvered at the College of Phyficians and Surgeons of New York, November 9th, 1831. 8vo. N. Y., 1831. Smith, Joshua Toulmin. The Northmen in New England; or, America in the Tenth Century. l2mo. Bofton, 1839. Smith, Matthew. Memoirs of Secret Service, etc. 8vo. Lond. Smith, Robert. Letter to Samuel L. Mitchell, on Navy and Dock- yards, etc. 8vo., pp. 88. Wafhington, 1802. Addrefs to the People of the United States. 8vo., pp. 41. Baltimore, 181 1. Smith, Samuel. The Hiftory of the Colony of Nova-Csfaria, or New Jerfey, containing an Account of its Firft Settlement, Pro- greffive Improvements, etc., to the year 1721. With fome par- ticulars fince, and a fhort View of its Prefent State. 8vo. Burlington, 1765. Smith, Samuel H. (and Thomas Lloyd). Trial of Samuel Chafe, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Wafliington, 1805. Smith, Samuel Stanhope. Thankfgiving Difcourfe, delivered in Philadelphia, February 19th, 1795. Second Edition. 8vo. Phil., 1795. Oration upon the Death of General George Wafhington, Tren- ton, 14th January, 1800. 8vo., pp. 45. Trenton, 1800. Lecftures on the Evidences of the Chriftian Religion. l2mo. An Eflay on the Caufes of the Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species. 8vo. New Brunfwick, 1810. — — The Ledlures, correfted and improved, which have been deliv- ered for a feries of years in the College of New Jerfey, on the fubjedls of Moral and Political Philofophy. 2 vols., 8vo. Trenton, 1812. Oratio Inauguralis habita in jedibus Collegii Neo-Caefarienfis, 1794. i2mo. Trenton, 181 7. Smith, Thomas. See Freeman. Smith, Thomas P. A Sketch of the Revolutions in Chemiflry. 8vo. Phil., 1798. Smith [William]. Opinion . . . humbly offered to the General As- sembly of the Colony of New York, on the 7th of June, 1734; relating to Courts of Equity within faid Colony. 4to., pp. 45. N.Y., 1734. [ ] A Review of the Military Operations in North America, from the Commencement of the French Hoftilities on the Frontiers in Virginia, in 1753, to the Surrender of Ofwego, on the 14th of Auguft, 1756, etc. In a Letter "to a Nobleman. 4to., pp. 144. [See Review.] Lond., 1757. The Hiftory of the Province of New York, from the Firft Dis- covery to the year 1732, etc. [With the South View of Ofwego, on Lake Ontario.] 4to. . * I-ond., 1757. 550 New-York Historical Society. Smith William. Same. [Omits the dedication to the Earl of Hali- fax.] 8vo. Lond., 1776. Same. Firfl American Edition. 8vo. [With View of Colum- bia College.] Phil., 1792. Same, with a continuation from the year 1732 to the commence- ment of the year 1814. [By J. V.N.Yates.] 8vo. Albany, 1 8 14. Continuation of the Hiftory of New York, to 1762. Firft pub- lifhed as " Colleftions of the New York Hiftorical Society, for the year 1826. Vol. IV." 8vo. N. Y., 1826. The Hiftory of the late Province of New York, from its Dis- covery to the Appointment of Governor Colden, in 1762. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1829. Same. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1830. Hiftoire de la Nouvelle York, depuis la Decouverte de Cette Province jufq^u'a Notre fiecle, etc. Traduite de I'Anglois par M. E * * *. [Eidous.] 8vo. Lond., 1767. Smith, William. The Trial, Convi£tion, Condemnation, Confeflion, and Execution of, for Poifoning, etc. With an Account of the Murder of Farmer Harvey, etc. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1753. Smith, William. Difcourfes on feveral public occafions during the War in America. 8vo. Lond., 1759. Same. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1762. [ ] An Hiftorical Account of the Expedition againft the Ohio In- dians, in the year 1 764, under the command of Henry Bouquet, Efq., etc. Map and Plates, 4to. Lond., 1 766. ["I purpofed fending you a copy of Bouquet's Expedition to Mufkingam, which I drew up from fome papers he favored me with, and which is reprinted in England, and has had a very favorable reception." — MS. Letter of William Smith to Sir William Johnfon, dated at Philadelphia, 13th January, 1766, in the colledion of Colonel Peter Force.] Some Account of the Charitable Corporation, lately eredled for the Relief of the Widows and Children of Clergymen, in Com- munion of the Chutch of England in America, etc. With a Ser- mon, Philadelphia, Oftober 1769, before faid Corporation. 4to., pp. 48. Phil., 1769. — — A Sermon on the Prefent Situation of American Affairs, preached in Chrift Church, June 23, 1775. 8vo., pp. 32. Phil., 1775. . Oration in Memory of General Montgomery, and of the Offi- cers and Soldiers who fell with him, December 31ft, 1775, before Quebec, etc. 8vo., pp. 44. Phil., 1776. Sermon in Chrift Church, Philadelphia, before the Genera) Communication of Free and Accepted Mafons of the State of Pennfylvania, December 28, 1778. 8vo. Phil., 1779. Sermon before the Pennfylvania Society of the Cincinnati. 8vo. Phil., 1790. Eulogium on Benjamin Franklin, delivered March i, 1791, at Philadelphia, etc. 8vo Phil., 1792. Catalogue of Printed Books. 551 Smith, William. Preface and Teftimonies, etc., to the New Edition of his Works. 8vo. Phil., 1802. Works. 2 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1803. Smith, William. Difcourfe delivered before the Grand Lodge, etc., of the State of Rhode Ifland and Providence Plantations, New- port, 27th June, 1 79 1. 4to., pp. 19. Providence, 1791. Difcourfe at the Ordination of Rev. John Ufher, of Briftol, in St. John's Church, Providence, 31ft July, 1793. 8vo. Providence, 1793. Smith, William. An Office of Indudion, etc., 1 799. 8vo. New Haven. Smith, William. An Addrefs from the Prefbytery of New Caftle to the Congregations under their care, etc. 8vo., pp. 62. Wilmington, 1785. Smith, William (of S. C.) Speeches in the Houfe of Reprefenta- tives of the United States againft Mr. Madifon's Refolutions, Jan- uary, 1794. 8vo., pp. 75. • Phil., 1794. [ affifted by Oliver Wolcott.] The Pretenfions of Thomas Jefferfon to the Prefidency Examined, and the Charges againft John Adams Refuted, addrefled to the Citizens of America in general, and particularly to the Eleftors of the Prefident. 061. 6, 1796. 8vo. ^79^- Smith, William. Journal of a Voyage in the Miffionary fhip "Duff to the Pacific Ocean, in the years 1796— 1802. l2mo. N. y., 1813. Smith, William R. Obfervations on the Wifconfin Territory, chiefly on that part called the " Wifconfin Land Diftrift," with a Map, exhibiting the fettled parts of the Territory, as laid off in coun- ties by Aft of the Legiflature in 1837. i2mo. Phil., 1838. Smith's Brooklyn City Directory, for 1854-55 • • • ^^^' With an Appendix. i2mo. Brooklyn, 1854. Smithsonian Institution. Letters on the National Inftitute, Smith- fonian Legacy, the Fine Arts, etc. By John Carroll Brent. 8vo. Wafliington, 1844. Speech of Robert Dale Owen, of Indiana, on the Bill for its Organization, delivered in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, April 22d, 1846. 8vo., pp. 8. Wafhington, 1846. Report of the Organization Committee of. 8vo. Wafhington, 1847. Animadverfions on the Proceedings of the Regents of the, in their Choice of an Architect for their Edifice at Wafliington. By David Henry Arnot, Architeft. 8vo. N. Y., 1847. Reports of the Regents to Congrefs. 8vo. Wafhington, 1846-58. Smithfonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vols. I— IX. 4to. Wafliington, 1848-57. Smollett, Tobias. A Complete Hiftory of England, from the Defccnt of Julius Casfar to the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapellc, 1 748. 7 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1758. 552 New-York Historical Society. Smooth Preaching. i2mo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1823. Smyth, Colonel Alexander. Regulations for the Field Exercifes, Manoeuvres and Conduft of the United States Infantry, etc. Plates. 8vo. Phil., 181 2. [Smyth, David William.] A fhort Topographical Defcription of his Majefty's Province of Upper Canada, in North America ; to which is annexed a Provincial Gazetteer. 8vo. Lond., 1799. Smyth, George. Sermon, November 27th, 1728, at the Evening Lefture in the Old Jewry. 8vo., pp. 48. Lond., 1729. Smyth, J. F. D. A Tour in the United States of America, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1784. Smyth, Thomas. The Unity of the Human Races, etc. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1850. Snelgrave, Captain William. A New Account of fome Parts of Guinea, and the Slave Trade. 8vo. Lond., 1734. Snethen, Nicholas. His Sermons, etc. Edited by Worthington G. Snethen. l2mo. Wafhington, 1846. Snodgrass, William D. Funeral Difcourfe, delivered January 3d, 1830. (John M. Mafon.) 8vo. N. Y., 1830. Snowdon Richard. The Hifiory of North and South America, from its Difcovery to the Death of General Wafhington. Maps. 2 vols. in I. l2mo. Phil., 1806. Soame, John. An Hiftorical Account of the Plague at Marfeilles [1720]. Second Edition Revifed ; to which is added a Particular and Dillindl Defcription of the City of Marfeilles. 8vo. Lond., 1722. Soap and Candles. The Cafe of Manufafturers of, in the City of New York, Stated and Examined, etc. With an Appendix. 8vo., pp. 62. N. Y., 1797. Sober Remarks on a Book lately reprinted at Bofton, entitled " A Modeft Proof of the Order and Government fettled by Chrift and his Apoftles in the Church." 8vo., pp. 78. Bofton, 1724. Societe Generale des Naufrages, dans I'Interet de Toutes les Nations, Rapport, etc. 8vo. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge in London. Letter from a Member to his Friend in the Country, etc. i2mo., pp. 28. Lond., 1709. FOR Promoting Christian Knowledge. An Account of the. 4to. Lond,, 1802. A Letter to the, occafioned by two recent publications refpefting the Britifh and Foreign Bible Society. 8vo., pp. 48. Lond., 1805. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Sermons and Abftra£ts. [See Appendix.] Society for Teachers of the City and County of New York. Con- ftitution of the . . . i2mo., pp. 12. N. Y., 1811. Aft of Incorporation. i2mo. N. Y., 1811. \ Catalogue of Printed Books. 553 Society for the Prevention of Pauperism in the City of New York. Firft Annual Report of the Managers, Odober 26th, 1818. With a Report on Pauperifm, dated February 4th, 181 8. 8vo., pp. 27. N. Y., 1 81 8. Report of a Committee, appointed by the, on the expediency of Ereding an Inftitution for the Reformation of Juvenile Delin- quents. 8vo., pp. 56. N. Y., 1823. Report to the Managers, by their Commitfee on Idlenefs and Sources of Employment, December i, 18 19. 8vo., pp. 13. N. Y., 1819. Documents relative to Savings Banks, Intemperance, and Lot- teries. Publifhed by Order of the. 8vo., pp. 26. N. Y., 18 19. Second Annual Report of the Managers, December 29th, 1819. With an Appendix, on the fubjedt of Pauperifm. 8vo., pp. 91. N. Y., 1820. Plain Direftions on Domeftic Economy, etc. Publifhed by Order of the. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1821. Fourth Annual Report of the Managers, January, 1821. 8vo., pp. 39. N. Y., 1821. Fifth Annual Report of the Managers, December 17th, 1821. 8vo., pp. 39. N. Y., 1 821. Sixth Annual Report of the Managers, February 7th, 1823. With an Appendix. 8vo., pp. 32. N. Y., 1823. Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents in the City OF New York. Firft Annual Report of the Managers. 8vo., pp. 52. N. Y., 1825. Second Annual Report. 8vo., pp. 62. N. Y., 1 827. Fourth Annual Report. 8vo,, pp. 52. . N. Y., 1829. Sixth Annual Report. 8vo., pp. 43. . N. Y., 1831. Seventh Annual Report. 8vo., pp. 40. N. Y., 1832. Eighth Annual Report. 8vo., pp. 52. N. Y., 1833. Ninth Annual Report. 8vo., pp. 48. N. Y., 1834. Eleventh Annual Report. 8vo., pp. 48. N. Y., 1836. Twenty-firft Annual Report. 8vo. N. Y., 1 846. Society for the Relief of the Destitute, etc., in New York. Conftitution. With an Addrefs to the Public. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1827. Society for the Support of the Gospel among the Poor in the City of New York. Fourth Report. 8vo. N. Y., 181 7. SociNiAN Champion (The) ; or, Pricftlcy on Divinity. A Poem, by Philo-Chriftos. 8vo., pp. 98. Lond., 1788. Soho (The) Company, Incorporated 27th November, 1 801, by the Aflcmbly of the State of New Jerfey. 8vo., pp. 15. N. Y., 1802. Soldier's Friend (The) ; or, Confiderations on the late Pretended Augmentation of the Subfiftence of Private Soldiers, 8vo., pp. 22. Lond., 1792. Solemn Address to Chriftians and Patriots, upon the approaching 554 New-York Historical Society. Eleftion of Prefident of the United States. In Anfwer to " Seri- ous Confiderations," etc. 8vo., pp. 36. N. Y., 1800. SoLis, Antonio de. Hiftoire de la Conquete du Mexique, ou de la Nouvelle Efpagne, par Fernand Cortez. Traduite de rEfpagnol, par I'Auteur du Triumvirat. i2mo. A La Haye, 1692. The Hiftory of the Conqueft of Mexico by the Spaniards. Tranflated into Englifti by Thomas Townfend. FoHo. Lond., 1724. Same, revifed and correfted by Nathaniel Hooke. 8vo., 2 vols. Lond., 1738. Hiftoria de la Conquifta de Mexico, Poblacion y Progrefos de la America Septentrional conocida por el Nombre de Nueva Efpana. 4to. Madrid, 1790. Same. Nueva Edicion, corregida por Don Auguftin Luis Jofle. Tom. 3. Lond., 1809. Same. 5 vols., i2mo. Madrid, 18 19. SoLORZANO, D. Juan de. Politica Indiana, Sacada en Lengua Caftel- lana de los dos Tomos del Derecho i Govierno Municipal de las Indias Occidentales que mas Copiofamente efcribio en la Latina el Dr. Folio. Madrid, 1648. Some, David. The Affembly's Catechifm Explained, and the Prin- ciples of Religion therein contained confirmed by the Holy Scrip- tures. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 56. Lond., 1727. Inoculation Impartially Confidered, etc. With a Recommenda- tory Preface, by P. Dodderidge, D. D. 8vo., pp. 43. Lond., 1768. Somers Mutiny. Defence of Alexander Slidell Mackenzie, 1843. SoMMERS (Lord). The Judgment of whole Kingdoms and Nations, concerning the Rights, Power, and Prerogatives of Kings, and the Rights, Priviledges and Properties of the People. Eleventh Edi- tion. 8vo. Phil., 1773. Same. Twelfth Edition. 8vo. Newport, R. I., 1774. A Colleflion of fcarce and valuable Trafts on the mofl interefting and entertaining fubjefts, etc. Vols. I-IV. 4to. Lond., 1748. Songs. The Stars of Columbia, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 181 3. Sonnerat (M.) Voyage aux Indes Orientales et a la Chine, fait par Ordre de Louis XVI. depuis 1774, jufqu'en 1781, etc. Tomes 4, 8vo. Atlas, 4to. Paris, 1806. SopHYLE, ou de la Philofophie. i2mo. Paris, 1778. SoREN, John. The Narrative of. Piratically Captured on the High Seas, etc. With an Appendix. 8vo. [Rep.] Bofton, 1800. SoTO, Hernando de. Letter from ... in Florida, to the Juftice and Board of Magiftrates in Santiago de Cuba, July 9th, 1539. [Trans- lated by Buckingham Smith, and privately printed by George W. Riggs, Jr., Efq., of Wafhington.] 4to. Wafhington, 1854. SouLES, Francois. Hiftoire des Troubles de I'Amerique Anglaife, ecrite fur les Memoires les plus authentiques avec des Cartes. 4 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1787. I Catalogue of Printed Books. 555 Sound an Alarm to all the Inhabitants of Great Britain — by way of Appendix to "Reform or Ruin." 8vo., pp. 37. Lond., 1798. South America. A Letter on the Prefent State of that Country, to James Monroe, Prefident of the United States. By an American. Svo. Wafhington, 181 7. South Australia. Pamphlets relating to. South Carolina. Journal of the Provincial Congrefs of, 1776. 8vo., PP- 134- .[fep-] , Lond., 1776. The PubliiFLaws of the State of South Carolina, from its firft Eftabliftiment as a Britilh Province down to the year 1790, in- clufive . . . [Edited] by the Hon. John Faucharand Grimke. 4to. Phil., 1790. The Rules and Orders of the Courts of Seffions and Common Pleas, of the Court of Equity and the Federal Court. Svo. N. y., 1796. Conftitution of the Proteftant Epifcopal Society for the Advance- ment of Chriftianity in. izmo. Charleflon, 1810. The Statutes at Large. By Thomas Cooper, M. D. Vols. I-V. From 1682 to 1814. 8vo. Columbia, 1836-9. Afts of the General Aflembly of the State of, paffed in Decem- ber, 1844. 8vo. Columbia, 1845. Same, from 1852-5. 8vo. Columbia, 1852-5. The Book of Allegiance ; or, a Report of the Arguments of Counfel and Opinions of the Court of Appeals of, on the Oath of Allegiance. Svo. Columbia, 1834. Addrefs of the Minority of the Legiflature of, to the People ; explaining their Reafons for accepting the Report of the Joint Committee on Federal Relations on the Amendment of Conftitu- tional Oath of Office, etc. Svo. Columbia, 1834. AND Georgia. An Hiftorical Account of the Rife and Progrefs of the Colonies of 2 vols., Svo. Lond., 1779. South Sea. The Cafe of the Annuitants ftated, etc. Svo. Lond., 1720. ■ Some Confiderations upon the State of our Public Debts in Gen- eral, and of the Civil Lift in Particular. Second Edition. Svo. Lend., 1720. A Comparifon between the Propofals of the Bank and the South Sea Company, etc. Second Edition. Svo. Lond., 1 720. An Argument to Ihew the difadvantage . . . from obliging the • South Sea Company to fix what capital ftock they will give for the Annuities. Second Edition. Svo. Lond., 1720. A Letter of Thanks, from the Author of the Comparifon to the Author of the Argument . . . Svo. Lond. A Letter to a Member of Parliament, occafioned by the South Sea Company's fcheme for Reducing the Public Debts. Second Edition. Svo. — — A Letter to a Friend, concerning the Propofals for the Payment of the Nation's Debts. Svo. Lond., 1720. 556 New-York Historical Society. South Sea. An Examination and Explanation of the South Sea Com- pany's fcheme for taking in the Publiclc Debts, etc. Third Edi- tion. 8vo. Lond., 1720. Further Examination and Explanation, etc. 8vo. Lend., 1720. South Sea Scheme. True State of the, as it was firft formed, etc. With an Examination of the Condudl of the Direftors in the Ex- ecution of that Ad. 8vo. Lond., 1732. SouTHCOTT, Joanna. Detefled, etc. [Imperfeft.Jj. 8vo., pp. 10 1. Southern Traveller. A Vilit to New England, oy. With Views, etc., concerning, 8vo. Bofton, 1830. Southey, Robert. Hiftory of Brazil. 3 vols,, 410. Lond., 18 10- 17- 19. Madoc : an Epic Poem. 2 vols., 8vo. Bofton, 18 11. Southey, Thomas. Obfervations addrefled to the Wool Growers of Auftralia and Tafmania, refpefting Improvements in the Breed of Sheep, Preparing and Aflbrting Wools, etc. Second Edition. Lond,, 1 83 1. Southey, William. The Georgics of ^'^irgil, Tranflated. 8vo. Middleton, 1808. Southwick, H. C. The Trial of Amos Broad and his Wife, on three feveral Indiftments, for aflaulting and beating Betty, a flave, and her little female child Sarah. 8vo. N. Y., 1 809. Souvenirs du Roi d'Angleterre pendant fa maladie. 4to. Paris, an. ix. Spafford, Horatio Gates. Gazetteer of the State of New York, etc. With an accurate Map of the State. 8vo. Albany, 1813. A Gazetteer of the State of New York, etc. With sn Appen- dix, a New Map, and Profiles of the Canals. 8vo. Albany, 1824. Spain. Review of the Short View, and of the Remarks on the Treaty with, etc. 8vo., pp. 30. Lond, 1730. Papers relative to the Rupture A'ith Spain. In French and Eng- lifh. 8v». Lond., 1762. Obfervations on her Commerce with her Colonies in Time of War. By a Spaniard in Philadelphia. 8vo., pp. 6^. Phil., 1800. Exadl and impartial Account of the moft important Events which have occurred in Aranjuez, Madrid and Bayonne, 1808, etc. 8vo., pp. 46. N. Y,, 1808. An Account of the Public Feftival given by the Citizens of Bofton, January 24, 1809, in honor of Spaniih.Valor and Patriot- ifm, etc, 8vo., pp. 36. Bofton. • Obfervations on the Exifting Differences between the Govern- ment of Spain and the United States. By Verus. No. III. 8vo. Phil., 1 817. Spalding, Josiah. Sermon from Joftiua xxiv. 19, at Hardwick, June 15th, 1772. 8vo., pp. 40. Worcefter. Spalding, Joshua. Sentiments concerning the Coming and Kingdom of Chrift, etc., in Nine Ledures. i2mo. Salem, 1796. Sermon in Salem, at the Annual Meeting of the Salem Female Charitable Society, September 7th, 1808. 8vo., pp. 15. Salem, 1808. Catalogue of Printed Books. 557 Spalding, Lyman. Inaugural Diflertation on the Produdion of Animal Heat, Harvard College, July loth, 1797. 8vo., pp. 30. Walpole, 1797. New Nomenclature of Chemiflry, etc. Oblong 410. Hanover, 1 799. An Addrefs delivered at Fairfield, 8th December, 181 3, at the Inauguration of the Officers of the College of Phyficians and Sur- geons of Weftern New York. 8vo. N. Y., 18 14. Refleftions on Fever, and particularly on the Inflammatory Charadler of Fever. 8vo. N. Y., 181 7. — — A Hiftory of the Introdudlion and Ufe of Sentellaria Sateriflora as a Preventive of Hydrophobia. 8vo. N. Y., 1819. Sparks, Jared. Life of John Ledyard, containing Seleftions from his Journals and Correfpondence. 8vo. Cambridge, 1828. The Diplomatic Correfpondence of the American Revolution. 12 vols., 8vo. Bofton, 1829-30. Life of Gouverneur Morris ; with Seleftions from his Corre- fpondence, etc. 3 vols., 8vo. Bofton, 1832. The Library of American Biography. [Firft Series], 10 vols. Second Series, 15 vols. Together 25 vols., i2mo. Bofton, 1834-48 — — The Writings of George Waftiington, etc. With a Life of the Author. Notes and Illuftrations. 12 vols., 8vo. Bofton, 1837. The Works of Benjamin Franklin, etc. With Notes, and a Life of the Author. 10 vols., 8vo. Bofton, 1840. A Reply to the Stridures of Lord Mahon and others, on the Mode of Editing the Writings of Wafhington. 8vo. Cambridge, 1852. Letter to Lord Mahon ; being an Anfwer to his Letter addreffed to the Editor of Walhington's Writings. 8vo. Bofton, 1852. Remarks on a " Reprint of the Original Letters from Wafhing- ton to Jofeph Reed, during the American Revolution, referred to in the Pamphlets of Lord Mahon and Mr. Sparks," etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1853. Spawn of Ixion (The) ; or, the " Biter Bit :" an Allegory. 1 2mo. 1846. Spear, Chloe. Memoir of. By a Lady of Bofton. i6mo. Bofton, 1833. Speech, intended to have been fpoken on the Bill for Altering the Charters of the Colony of Maflachufetts Bay. [By the Bifliop of St. Afaph.] Third Edition. 8vo. [Rep.] Phil., 1774. Speed, John. The Hiftory of Great Britaine, under the Conquefts of the Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans, etc. Third Edi- tion. FoUo. Lond., 1650. Speed, J. J. Letter to a Landholder of Maryland, on the fubjeft of Repudiation. 8vo. Baltimore, 1842. Spelman, Sir Henry, Kt. Reliquiae Spelmannise. The Pofthumous Works of, relating to the Laws and Antiquities of England. Pub- 558 New-York Historical Society. lifhed from the original MSS., with the Life of the Author. Folio. Oxford, 1698. Spence, William. Britain Independent of Commerce, etc. 8vo., pp. 91. [Rep.] Phil., 1808. Spencer, Ambrose. Memorial of. 8vo. Albany, 1849. Spencer, J. A. Hiftory of the Reformation in England. 1 8mo. N. Y., 1846. The Greek Teftament. With Englifh Notes, Critical, Philological and Exegetical, Maps, Indexes, etc. izmo. N. Y., 1847. Spencer, John C. A Review of the Pamphlet, by . . . entitled " A Report to the Veftry of St. Paul's Church, Albany." By a Lay Delegate. N. Y., 1845. Spencer, Joshua. Thoughts on an Union. 8vo. Lond., 1798. •Spierin, George H. Sermon at Newburgh, before the Fraternity of Lodge No. 1 8 of Free and Accepted Mafons, 24th June. 8vo. Gofhen, 1790. Spirit. Some Occafional Thoughts on the Influence of the ; with Seafonable Cautions againft Miftakes and Abufes. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1742. Spirit of Liberty ; or, Junius' Loyal Addrefs ; being a Key to the Englifli Cabinet, etc. By Junius, Jr. 8vo. 1770. Spon, Isaac. The Hiftory of the City and State of Geneva, frorn its firft Foundation to this prefent time. Folio. Lond., 1687. Spooner, Lysander. Poverty : its Illegal Caufes and Legal Cure. Part I. 8vo. Bofton, 1 846. [Spotorno, Gio. Batista.] Memorials of Columbus ; now firft pub- lifhed from the original MSS., preceded by a Memoir of his Life and Difcoveries. Tranflated from the Spanifti and Italian. 8vo. Lond., 1823. Spotted Fever. Report on the Spotted or . . . Fever, made to the Counfellors of the Maflachufetts Medical Society, 21ft June, 1810. 8vo. Bofton, 1 8 10. Sprague, William B. A Sermon, delivered to the Second Preftjy- terian Congregation in Albany, March 4th, 1838, the Sabbath after the intelligence was received of the death of Jonathan Cilley in a duel. 8vo. Albany, 1838. A Sermon on the Danger of Political Strife, addrefled to the Second Prefljyterian Congregation, Albany, Oftober 13th, 1844. 8vo. Albany, 1844. An Addrefs, delivered April nth, 1845, on the occafion of the Interment of Mr. William Davis, Mifles Lucinda and Anna Wood, and Mifs Mary Anne Torrey, who periftied in the wreck of the fteamboat " Swallow," on the evening of the 7th. 8vo. Albany, 1845. —^— A Sermon delivered on Sabbath morning, January 4th, 1 846 ; containing Sketches of the Hiftory of the Second Preftjyterian Church and Congregation, Albany, during thirty years from the period of their Organization. 8vo. Albany, 1 846. Catalogue of Printed Books. 559 Sprague, William B. An Addrefs delivered at the Opening of the Brooklyn Female Academy, May 4th, 1846. 8vo. Albany, 1 846. An Addrefs delivered on the Evening of the 2 2d of February, 1847, before the Young Men's Aflbciation of the City of Albany. 8vo. Albany, 1847. — — A Difcourfe commemorative of the Rev. Thomas Chalmers, D. D., delivered in the Second Prefbyterian Church, Albany, June 27th, 1847. 8vo. Albany, 1847. An Addrefs dehvered before the Literary Societies of the Wes- leyan Univerfity, Middlctown, Conn., July 31ft, 1848. 8vo. Albany, 1848. — — An Addrefs delivered in the Middle Dutch Church, Albany, at the Funeral of Mrs. Jane WyckofF, wife of the Rev. J. N. WyckofF, January 31ft, 1847. 8vo. Albany, 1848. — — Difcourfe occafioned by the Death of the Hon. Timothy S. Wil- Hams, delivered March 25th, 1849. 8vo. Albany, 1849. See James Richards. Sprat, Thomas. The Hiftory of the Royal Society of London for the Improving of Natural Knowledge. Fourth Edition. 410. Lond., 1734. Spring, Gardiner. Sermon, April 21ft, 1 811, for the Benefit of a Society of Ladies, inflituted for the Relief of Poor Widows with Small Children. 8vo., pp. 21. N. Y., 1811 Oration, pronounced February 5 th, 1 81 7, before the Alumni of Yale College refident in the City of New York, in commemora- tion of their late Prefident, Timothy Dwight, D. D., LL. D. 8vo. N. Y., 1817. Memoirs of Samuel J. Mills. 8vo. N. Y., 1820. — — Remarks on the Charges made againfl the Religion and Morals of the People of Bofton and its Vicinity. With a Sermon preached at New York, December 22d, 1820. 8vo. N. Y., 1820. — — Addrefs before the Mercantile Library AfTociation of the City of New York. 8vo., pp. 39. N. Y., 1837. A Differtation on the Rule of Faith, delivered at Cincinnati, Ohio, at the Semi-annual Meeting of the American Bible Society, and pubHfhed at their requeft. 8vo. N. Y., 1 844. The Obligations of the World to the Bible, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1844. The Bible not of Man ; or. The Argument for the Divine Origin of the Sacred Scriptures, drawn from the Scriptures them- felves. i2mo. N. Y., 1847. Spring, Samuel. The Subflance of a Difcourfe delivered at Wesford, Oftober 4th, 1779. i2mo., pp. 47. Newburyport, 1780. ■ Sermon before the Maffachufetts MifEonary Society, May 25 th, 1802. 8vo., pp. 56. Newburyport, 1802. 560 New-York Historical Society. Spring, Samuel. Difcourfe in Bradford, September 11, 1 804, be- fore the Eflex Middle Aflbciation, at the Ordination of Charles Coffin, Jr., Vice-Prefident of Greenville College, Tenneflee. 8vo. Newburyport, 1804. Difcourfe in confequence of the late Duel, Auguil 5 th, 1804. 8vo., pp. 28. Newburyport, 1804. Two Sermons, addrefled to the Congregational Society in New- buryport, Fall Day, April 6th, 1 809. 8vo., pp. 5 2. Elizabeth-Town, N. J., 1810. Squabble (The). A Paftoral Eclogue, by Agricola. With a curious Frontispiece. 8vo., pp. 8. Phil. [1764]. Squier, E. G. Obfervations on the Aboriginal Monuments of the Miffiffippi Valley ; the Character of the Ancient Earth Works, and the Structures, Contents, and Purpofes of the Mounds. With Notices of the Minor Remains of Ancient Art. With Illuftra- tions. 8vo., pp. 80. N. Y., 1847. and E. H. Davis. Ancient Monuments of the Miffiffippi Val- ley, comprifing the Refults of Extenfive Original Surveys and Ex- plorations. [Firft Volume of the Smithfonian Contributions to Knowledge.] 4to. Wafliington, 1848. The Serpent Symbol ; and the Worfliip of Reciprocal Prin- ciples of Nature in America. 8vo. N. Y., 1851. — — Nicaragua, etc., and the Propofed Inter-Oceanic Canal. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1852. Squire, Francis. An Anfwer to fome late Papers, entitled. The In- dependent Whig; fo far as relate to the Church of England, as by Law Eftablifhed, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1753. Squire, Jane. A Propofal to Determine our Longitude. Second Edi- tion. 8vo. Lond., 1743. Stackhouse, Thomas. Memoirs of the Life, Charadler, Conduft and Writings of Dr. Francis Atterbury, late Bifhop of Rochefter, from his Birth to his Banifhment. 8vo., pp. 144. Lond., 1732. Staden, Hans (Van Homborgs). Befchrijvinghe van America . . . 4to. Amfterdam, 1655. Stael-Holstein, Baroness De. Influence of Literature upon Society. Tranflated from the French. Second Edition. With a Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Author. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1 8 1 2. Germany. Tranflated from the French. 3 vols, in 2. i2mo. N. Y., 1814. Stafford, John. Sermon on the Death of Elizabeth Stafford, etc, 8vo., pp. 40. Lond., 1774. Stamp Act. Copy of the . . . 8vo. N. Y., 1765. A Short Hiftory of the Condud of the Prefent Miniftry, with regard to the American . . . Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 21. Lond., 1766. Correct Copies of the Two Protefts againfl: the Bill to Repeal the American ... of lall Seffion. With Lift of the Speaker? and Voters. Svo., pp. 24. Paris, 1 766. Catalogue of Printed Books. 561 Stamp Act. A Lift of the Minority in the Houfe of Commons, who Voted againft the Bill to Repeal the American . . . 8vo., pp. 8. Paris. The Neceflity of Repealing the American ... in a Letter to a Member of the Britilh Houfe of Commons. 8vo., pp. 46. Lond., 1766. Authentic Account of the Proceedings of the Congrefs, held at New York in 1765, etc. 8vo., pp. 37. Lond., 1767. Some Reafons, etc., Connefticut. [Imperfedl.] Stamp ^^ct Congress. Journal of the Firft Congrefs of the American Colonies, in Oppofition to the Tyrannical Afts of the Britifh Parliament, held at New York, Oftober 7th, 1 765. [Edited by Lewis Cruger.] 8vo. N. Y., 1845. Standing Army. The Counterpoife ; being Thoughts on a Militia and a Standing Army. 8vo. N. Y., 1753. Standish, Miles, Jr. No. i. The Times: a Poem, addrefled to the Inhabitants of New England, and of the State of New York, etc. 8vo., pp. 27. Plymouth, 1809. Stanford, John. An Effay on the Law of God. 1 2mo., pp. 24. N. Y., 1 79 1. Lefture on the Excellence of the Gofpel of Chrift, etc. 1 2mo., pp. 28. N. Y. [1791]. Sacred Architedlure ; or, the Defign of Jehovah in Building the Temple of Solomon. A Sermon, delivered to an Aflbciated Body of Houfe Carpenters, November 29, 1792. i2mo. N. Y., 1793. Difcourfe before Hiram Lodge, No. 72, December 27, 1800, at Mount Pleafant, Weft Chefter County, New York. 1 2mo. Mount Pleafant, 1801. Same. Second Edition. N. Y., 1820. A Colkaion of Trafts. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 802. Sermon at Warwick (July 28th, 1802), at the Ordination of Rev. Thomas Stevens. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1803. ■ - The Cafe of Butler, Tried and Executed for Arfon. 8vo. N. Y., 1807. — — Difcourfe before the Mayor and Corporation of the City of New York, April 29th, 18 16, on Opening the Chapel in the New Alms Houfe, Bellevue. 8vo. N. Y., 1816. . Sermon on the Death of Elijah Hunter. With Memoirs, etc. 8vo., pp. 26. N. Y., 1 81 7.. — — A Catechifm for the Ufe of the Schools in the Alms Houfe and the Penitentiary, New York. i2mo. N. Y., 18 19. Sermon on the Burfting of the Boiler of the fteamboat " Etna," preached in the New York City Hofpital, May 23d, 1824. 8vo. Stanhope, Charles, Earl. Specification refpedling Ships and Veflels. . 8vo., pp. 1 6. [Specimen of early Stereotyping in England.] Lond., 1807. Stanhope, George. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the 16 502 New-York Historical SociETy. Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 19th, 1713-14. 8vo., pp. 39. _ Lond., 1714. Stanhope, Michael. Sermon in the Royal Chapel at Whitehall, Auguft 19th, 1708. 8vo., pp. 16. Lond., 1708. Stanley, George W. Oration at Wallingford, Auguft 8th, 1805. 8vo. New Haven. Stanley, Thomas. The Hiftory of Philofophy ; containing the Lives, Opinions, Aftions, and Difcourfes of every Se£l. Third Edition. With a Life of the Author. Folio. Lond., 1701. Stansbury, Arthur Joseph. God Pleading with America. Faft Day Sermon. 8vo., pp. 23. Gofhen, N. Y., 181 3 Stansbury, Howard. Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, including a Reconnoiflance of a New Route through the Rocky Mountains. Maps. [Senate Ex. Doc. No. 3, Special Seflion, March, 185 1.] 8vo. Wafhington, 1 853, Stansbury, P. A Pedeftrian Tour of Two Thoufand Three Hun- dred Miles in North America, performed in the Autumn of 1 82 1. i2mo. N. Y., 1822. Stanyan, Temple. The Grecian Hiftory, from the Original of Greece to the End of the Peloponnefian War. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1739. Staple Contract (The) betwixt the Royal Burrows of Scotland and the City Campvere in Zealand, etc. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1749. Staples, J. B. The General Bankrupt Law ; with an Introduftion, containing Obfervations upon its Conftitutionality, Expediency, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1842. Staples, William R. Annals of the Town of Providence, from its Firft Settlement to the Organization of the City Government, in June, 1832. 8vo. Providence, 1843. Documentary Hiftory of the Deftruftion of the " Gaipce." 4to. Providence, 1845. — — The Proceedings of the Firft General Aflembly of the " Incor- porations of Providence Plantations ;" and the Code of Laws adopted by the Aflembly in 1647. With Notes, Hiftorical and Explanatory. * 8vo. Providence, 1 847. [Stark, Caleb, Jr.] Reminifcences of the French War ; containing Rogers' Expeditions. With an Account of the Life and Military Services of John Stark, etc. Portrait. i2mo. Concord, N. H., 1 83 1. Stark, J. Pifture of Edinburgh ; containing a Hiftory and Defcrip- tion of the City. Engravings. l2mo. Edinburgh, 1806. Starr, Gideon. Oration at Scheneftady, 4th July, 1801. 8vo., pp. 14. Albany [1801]. State Anatomy. Second Part of the . . . 8vo. Lond., 1717. State of the Country in the Autumn of 1798. 8vo. Lond., 1798. State Papers. A Colleftion of State Papers, relative to the Firft Ac- knowledgment of the Sovereignty of the United States of America, by the States General. 8vo., pp. 96. At the Hague, 1782. Catalogue of Printed Books. 563 State Papers relative to the Negotiation for Peace. 8vo., pp. 59. Lond., 1797. See United States. State Prisons and Penitentiary Syftem Vindicated, etc. With Par- ticular Remarks, etc., relating to the Maffachufetts State Prifon. By an Officer of this Eftablilhmcnt at Charleftown. 8vo. Charleftown, 1821. State Right. A Cafe decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, February, 1793, in which is difcufled the queftion — " Whether a State be liable to be fued by a private individual of another State." 8vo. Phil., 1793. State Rights. Remarks on . . . By a Citizen of MalTachufetis. 8vo. Bofton, 1824. Statements and Documents, relative to the Eftablifhment of a Steam Navy in the Pacific ; with Copies of the Decrees of the Govern- ments of Peru, Bolivia and Chili, granting exclufive privileges to the undertaking. 8vo. Lond., 1840. State Road. Obfervations on the propofed . . . from Hudfon's River to Lake Erie, etc. [Map of the Middle States.] 8vo., pp. 1 8. N. Y., 1 809. State Tracts, in Two Parts j containing a Colleftion of fcveral Treaties relating to the Government, privately printed in the reign of King Charles IL, and a Second Part, confifting of a farther Colledlion of feveral choice Treaties relating to the Government, from 1660-89. Folio. Lond., 1693. Staunton, Sir George (Bart.) An Hillorical Account of the Em- bafly to the Emperor of China, etc. Abridged principally from the Papers of Earl Macartney. 8vo. Lond., 1797. Same, etc. 2 vols., 4to. Atlas of Plates. Folio. Lond., 1798. Steam. A Report on Explofions, and the Caufes of Explofions ; with Suggeftions for their Prevention. Prepared at the requeft of the Citizens of Cincinnati. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1838. Steamboat Case. A Hiftory of the . . . lately difcufled by Counfel before the Legiflature of New Jerfey, in a Letter to a Gentleman at Wafhington. 8vo., pp. 52. Trenton, 1815. Steamboats. Memorial of fundry proprietors and managers of Amer- ican Steam Vefl'els, on the policy and juftice of certain enaftments contained in the law relative to fteamboats. 8vo. N. Y., 1 840. Stearns, Josiah. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Nicolas Dudley, Townfhend, N. Y., June 26, 1777. 8vo., pp. 31. Newburyport, 1778. Sermon at Epping, on September 19th, 1779. 8vo., pp 40. Exeter, N. H., 1780, Stearns, Samuel. The American Oracle ; comprehending an Account of Recent Difcoveries in the Arts and Sciences, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1791. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Ebenezer P. Sperry, Dun- ftable, N. H., November 3d, 1813. 8vo. Amherft, 18 13. 564 New -York Historical Society. Stebbing, Henry. Sermon on The New Birth, occafioned by the Pretenfions of the Methodifts. Third Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1739. - ■■ Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 19th, 1 741-2. 8vo. Lond., 1742. Stebbins, Samuel, The Policy of the Devil to Hinder the Succefs of the Gofpel. A Sermon. 8vo., pp. 30. Hartford, 1806. Stedman, C. The Hiftory of the Origin, Progrefs, and Termination of the American War. 2 vols., 4to. [With quarto atlas of Maps.] Lond., 1794. Stedman, Thomas. SermoninShrewfbury, January 30th, 1793. 8vo., pp. 22. Shrewfbury, 1793. Steel, John H. Report on the Geological Strufture of the County of Saratoga, N. Y., etc. 8vo. Saratoga, 1822. [Steele, John, and William McCorkle.] Hiftory of Ecclefiaftical Proceedings relative to the Third Prefbyterian Church in Phila- delphia. i2mo., pp. 170. Phil., 1814. Steele, John B. The Symbol and Word of Encouragement to the Builders of the Spiritual Temple. A Sermon preached at the Ordination and Inftallation of Rev. Richard H. Steele, as Paftor over the Prefbyterian Church of Freehold, in Charlton, February 1 6th, 1848. 8vo. Albany, 1848. Steele, Sir Richard (Kt.) The Crifis of Property ; an Argument, etc. (South Sea Scheme.) 8vo. Lond., 1720. — *- A Nation a Family ; being the Sequel to the Crifis of Property j or, A Plan for the Improvement of the South Sea Propofal. 8vo. Lond., 1720. Stmll, Thomas Edward. Inaugural Difcourfe on the Ufe of the Digitalis Purpurea, in the Cure of Certain Difeafes, etc.. May 14th, 1811. 8vo., pp. 38. N. Y., 181 1. Stbin, Albert. Letter to Samuel J. Peters, Efq., in relation to the Improvement of the Navigation of the Miffiflippi River. 8vo. Phil., 1 841. Stendhal, Count de. Rome, Naples and Florence, in 1817. 8vo. Lond., 1 81 8. Stbnnett, Samuel. Sermon at Salters Hall, April 12th, 1776, before the Correfpondent Board, in London, of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Chriftian Knowledge, etc. 8vo., pp. 35. Lond., 1776. I ' !■ Sermon on the Death of Benjamin Wallin. With the Addrefs at the Interment, by Abraham Booth. 8ro., pp. 56. Lond., 1782. ■ ■ - » Sermon in commemoration of the great Storm of Wind, Novem- ber 27th, 1703, and the more dreadful Storm, which threatened the Deftruftion of Britifh Freedom, etc. 8vo., pp. 60. Lend., 1788. Stbphanus, Henricus. See Xenophon. Catalogue of Printed Books. 565 Stephens v. Bowes. A full and accurate Report of the Trial between Stephens, Truftee to E. Bowes, commonly called the Coun- tefs of Stratmore, and Andrew Robinfon Stoney Bowes, her fecond hulband. 410., pp. 40. Lond., 1758. Stephens, James Wilson. Hiftorical and Geographical Account of Algiers, and Detail of Events relative to the American Captives, etc. Second Edition. i2mo. Brooklyn (N. Y.), 1800. Stephens, John. The Advantages which Man Derives from Woman, etc. A Sermon. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1815. Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, Ruffia and Poland. Fifth Edition. 2 vols., izmo. N. Y., 1838. Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea and the Holy Land. Tenth Edition. 2 vols., i2mo. N. Y., 1839. Incidents of Travels in Yucatan. Engravings. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1843. Sterling, Mitchell. A Letter to . . . from New York, on the Ex- pediency of Adopting an Uniform Syftem of Bankruptcy in the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1800. Steuart, Henrv. Works of Salluft ; with Two EfTays on his Life, Literary Charadler, etc. Engravings. 2 vols., 4 to. Lond., 1 806. Steuben, Baron de. Letter on the fubjeft of an EflabUlhed Mihtia and MiUtary Arrangements, addrefled to the Inhabitants of the United States. 4to., pp. 16. N. Y., 1784. Regulations for the Order and Difcipline of the Troops of the United States, etc. Part I. Tenth Edition. i2mo. N. Y., 1794. Regulations for the Order and DifcipUne of the United States Troops, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1805. Stevens, Alexander H. The Plea of Humanity in behalf of Medical Science. The Annual Addrefs dehvered before the New York State Medical Society and Members of the Legiflature, at the Capitol, February 6th, 1849. ^^'°- Albany, 1849. Stevens, Benjamin. Sermon occalioned by the Death of Andrew Pepperell, Efq., etc. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1752. Maffachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 27th, 1 761. 8vo. Bofton, 1 76 1. Sermon at an Anniverfary Convention of Minifters, at Ports- mouth, September 26th, 1764. 4to. Portfmouth. Stevens, G. A. Lefture on Heads, as delivered by that celebrated Comedian, Mr. Lewes, etc. 4to. Lond., 1784. Stevens; John. The Hiftory of Portugal, from the Firft Ages of the World to the late great Revolution under King John IV., in the year 1640. Tranflated from the Spanifti of Emanuel de Faria y Soufa, and continued to 1698. 8vo. Lond., 1698. A New Spanifh and Englifh Diftionary, collefted from the beft Spanilh Authors, both Ancient and Modern, etc. Folio. Lend., 1706. 566 New-York Historical Society. [Stevens, John.] A New Collcftion of Voyages and Travels into Several Parts of the World, none of them ever before printed in Englifli, etc. 2 vols., 410. Lond., 171 1. Publirtied in Numbers, 1708-10, containing: — 1 . The Defcription, etc., of the Molucca and Phillipine Iflands, by L. de Argenfola. 2. A New Account of Carolina, by Mr. Lawfbn. 3. The Travels of P. de Cieza in Peru, 4. The Travels of the Jefuits in Ethiopia. 5. The Captivity of the Sieur Mouette in Fez and Morocco. 6. The Travels of P. Teixeira from India to the Low Coun- tries by Land. 7. A Voyage to Madagafcar, by the Sieur Cauche. The Hiftory of Perfia. 8vo. Lond., 171 5. Stevens, .John. Tranfaftions of the Medical Society of the State of New York, for 1820; together with the Annual Addrefs. 8vo. Albany, 1820. Stevens, Samuel. See Elliott. Stevens, Simon. A Journal of Lieut. Simon Stevens, from the time of his being taken near Fort Henry, June 15th, 1758. With an Account of his Efcape from Quebec, and his arrival at Louis- bourg, June 6th, 1759. 8vo. Bofton, 1760. Stevens, William Bacon. Thankfgiving Sermon at Athens, Ga., February 13th, 1845. 8vo. Athens, 1845. Stevenson, Andrew. Speech on the Amendment of the Conftitution of the United States in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, March 2d and 6th, 1826. 8vo. Stevenson, Archibald. Sermon before the Society in Scotland for Propagating Chriftian Knowledge, etc., June 5th, 1772. 8vo., pp. 56. Edinburgh, 1772. Stevenson, Robert. Sermon, 23d April, 1799, at Dunmow, in Efle.x, before the Congregational Union, etc. 8vo., pp. 23. Lond., 1799. Steward, James. Hiftory of the Difcovery of America, of the Land- ing of our Forefathers at Plymouth, and of their moft remarkable Engagements with the Indians in New England, etc. To which is annexed the Defeat of Generals Braddock, Harmer and St Clair, by the Indians, at the Weftward. 8vo. Brooklyn, L. I. Stewart, Alexander. Elements of Gaelic Grammar. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1801. Stewart, Dugald. DifTertation on the Progrefs of Metaphyfical, Ethical and Political Philofophy, fince the Revival of Letters in Europe, 8vo. Bofton, 1817. See Reid. Stewart, James. The Trial of George Frederick Boulden, for Murder. Nova Scotia, 4th May, 1791. 8vo. Halifax, 1791. Stewart, James. A Praftical Treatife on the Difeafes of Children. Stcond Edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1 844. I Catalogue of Printed Books. 567 Stewart, John. An Account of Prince Edward Ifland, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, North America. 8vo. Lond., 1806. Stewart, Robert. Reply to the Anfwer of James Frafer, Efq. 8vo., pp. 116. 1787. Stiles, Ezra. Connefticut Eledlion Sermon, Hartford, May 8th, 1783. 8vo, New Haven, 1783. The United States Elevated to Glory and Honor. An Eleftion Sermon, at Hartford, Conn., May 8th, 1783. Second Edition. i2mo. Worcefter, 1785. and Samuel Hopkins. Addrefs to the Public on the Miffion to Guinea. 8vo., pp. 8. Hiftory of Three of the Judges of Charles L, viz. : Whalley, Goffe, Dixwell ; with an Account of Theophilus Whale, of Nar- raganfett. izmo. Hartford, 1794. Stillman, Samuel. Artillery Eledion Sermon, June 4th, 1770. 8vo. Bofton, 1770. MafTachufetts Eledlion Sermon, May 26th, 1779. 8vo. Boflon. Sermon occafioned by the Death oi^ George Walhington. 8vo. Bofton. Sermon at the Inftalment of the Rev. Thomas Waterman, Charleftown, Odlober 7th, 1802. 8vo. Bofton, 1802. Stith, William. The Hiftory of the Firft Difcovery and Settlement of Virginia ; being an Effay towards a General Hiftory of this Colony. 8vo. Williamftjurg, 1747. Stockdale, John. Four Letters on the fubjeft of Mr. Stockdale's Trial for a fuppofcd Libel on the Houfe of Commons. By " A Briton." 8vo. Lond., 1790. Stocks and Stock-Jobbing, in Wall Street ; with Sketch of Brokers and Fancy Stocks. By a Reformed Stock Gambler. N. Y., 1848. Stockton, Lucius Horatio. Addrefs before the Convention of the Friends of Peace of the State of New Jerfey, July 4th, 18 14. 8vo. Stockton, Richard. Speech in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, loth December, 1 8 14, on the Army Bill. 8vo. Georgetown, 1814. Stoddard, Amos. Mafonic Addrefs, delivered in Portfmouth, June 24th, 1802. 4to. Portfmouth, 1802. Stoddard, Amos. Sketches, Hiftorical and Defcriptive, of Louifiana. 8vo. Phil., 1 81 2. Stoddard, Anthony, A Genealogy of the Family of . . . 8vo. Bofton, 1849. Stoddard, Solomon. The Dodlrine of Inftituted Churches Explained and Proved from the Word of God. 4to. Lond., 1700. ^ucftion, Whether God is not Angry with the Country for doing fo little towards the Converfion of the Indians ? A Dif- courfe from Romans viii. 19. 4to. Bofton, 1723. Stoer, Jacob. Diftionaire Francaife-Allcman-Latin, etc. 8vo. A Geneve, 1650. 568 New-York Historical Society. Stokes, Anthony. A View of the Conftitution of the Britifh Colo- nies in North America and the Weft Indies at the time the Civil War broke out on the Continent of America, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1783. Stone, Edwin M. Hiftory of Beverly, Civil and Ecclefiaftical, from its Settlement, in 1630, to 1842. 8vo. Bofton, 1843. Stone, Eliab. Funeral Sermon delivered Auguft 20, 1793 (Ifaac Morril). 8vo. Bofton, 1794. Funeral Difcourfe delivered February 11 th, 1 803 (Caleb Pren- tifs). 8vo. Keene. Stone, John S. The Beneficial Influence of Chriftianity upon the Prefent State of Mankind. A Sermon delivered 25th of Decem- ber, 1833, St. Paul's Church, Bofton. 8vo. Bofton, 1834. On the Burning of the fteamer "Lexington," preached in St. Paul's Church, Bofton. 8vo. Bofton, 1840. A Memoir of the Life of James Milnor, D. D., late Reftor of St. George's Church, New York. [Am. Traft Society.] N. Y., 1848. Stone, Micah. Difcourfe occaftoned by the Death of Mrs. Mary Reed, Brookfield, December 9, 1804. 8vo., pp. 24. Brookfield, 1804. Sermon at the Dedication of the Meeting Houfe of the Evan- gelical Society, in South Brookfield, Auguft 13th, 1828, 8vo. Brookfield, 1828. Stone, Nathaniel. Sermon delivered 1 7th December, 1795, at the Opening of a New Meeting Houfe in Dennis. 8vo., pp. 1 7. Bofton, 1796. Stone, Timothy. Connedicut Eledtion Sermon, May loth, 1792. 8vo. Hartford. Stone, William L. Letters on Mafonry and Anti-Mafonry, ad- drefl*ed to the Hon. John Quincy Adams. 8vo. N. Y., 1832. Tales and Sketches. 2 vols., i2mo. N. Y., 1834. Letter to Dr. A. Brigham on Animal Magnetifm. N. Y., 1837. Maria Monk, and the Nunnery of the Hotel Dieu ; being an Account of a Vifit to the Convents of Montreal, and Refutation of " Awful Difclofures." 8vo. - Life of Jofeph Brant — Thayendanegea, including the Indian Wars of the American Revolution. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Life and Times of Sa-go-ye-wat-ha, or Red Jacket. 8vo. N. Y., 1 841. Uncas and Miantonomoh; a Hiftorical Difcourfe delivered at Norwich (Conn.), 4th July, 1842, at the eredion of a Monument to the Memory of Uncas, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1842. Stone (The) Cut out of the Mountain, etc. Latin and Englifh. Exhibited in the year 1716. Small 8vo. , [Stork, William.] An Account of Eaft Florida ; with a Journal \, kept by John Bartram, of Philadelphia, Botanift to his Majefty for the Floridas, upon a Journey from St. Auguftine up the River St. John's. 8vo. Lond. [1766]. Catalogue of Printed Books. 569 Storm, S. The Law refpefting Horfes, etc. 8vo. '794* Storrs, Henry R. Speech on the Amendment of the Conftitution, in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, February 17th, 1826. 8vo. Story, Isaac. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Daniel Story, Hamilton, Auguft 15th, 1798. 8vo. Salem, 1798. Story, Joseph. Charge delivered before the Grand Jury of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Diftrift of Maine, May 8th, 1820, 8vo. Bofton, 1820. Difcourfe pronounced at the requeft of the Eflex Hiftorical So- ciety, September i8th, 1828, in commemoration of the Firft Set- tlement of Salem. 8vo. Bofton, 1 828. — — Eulogy on the Hon. John Marfhall, delivered 15 th Odober, 1835. Bofton, 1835. Opinion of . . . May Term, 1845, United States Circuit Court; Woodworth and others, vs. Stone (Planing Machine Patent). Story, Thomas. Difcourfes delivered in Public Aflemblies of the People called Quakers. 8vo., pp. 117. Lond., 1738. Stout, Benjamin. Narrative of the Lofs of the ftiip " Hercules," etc. ; with an Introdudory Addrefs to the Right Hon. John Adams. i8mo. N. Y., 1797. Stow, John. A Survey of the Cities of London and Weftminfter, and the Borough of Southwark . . . Correfted, etc. With a Life of the Author, by John Strype. Sixth Edition. Vol. L, Folio. Lond., 1754. Strabonis Rerum Geographicarum. Libri XVII. Ifaacus Cafau- bonus recenfuit, etc. Folio. Lutetis Parifiorum, 1620. Strada, Famianus. The Hiftory of the Low-Countrey Warres : re- lating the Battles, Sieges and Sea Fights, betwixt the King of Spain, France and the States of the United Netherlands. Folio. Lond., 1667. Strain, Isaac G. Sketches of a Journey in Chili and the Argentine Provinces in 1849. i2mo. N. Y., 1853. Stranger (The). A Literary Paper. 8vo. Albany, 18 14. Stratford, Agnes. The Labyrinth; or. Fatal Embarraflment. A Tragedy. 8vo. Lond. Stratton, Charles S. (Tom Thumb). Sketch of the Life of. i2mo. N. Y., 1847. Strebeck, George. Sermon in the German Reformed Church, at New York. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1796. — — Sermon on the Character of the Virtuous Woman. 8vo., pp. 26. N. Y., 1800. Street, Alfred B. Poem, compofed for the Celebration of the 6th Anniverfary of Firemen's Lodge, No. 19, I. O. O. F. (Odd Fel- lows' Celebration, Albany, March 21ft, 1843). 8vo. — — Poem, dedicated to the American Aflbciation for the Advance- ment of Science. 8vo., pp. 8. 570 New-York Historical Society. Street, Thomas George. Reply to Burke's Letter to a Noble Lord, ^ J etc. 8vo., pp. 23. Lond., 1796. ia4^(AX^ Strictures on a Pamphlet, intituled "A Friendly Addrefs to all Rea- fonablc Americans," etc. 8vo., pp. 15. Phil., 1775. and Obfervations upon the Three Executive Departments of the Government of the United States, etc. By Maffachufettenfis. 8vo., pp. 32. 1792. on the New Statute " de examinandis graduum candidatis ;" to- gether with Remarks on Dr. Tatham's Firll and Second Addrefs to the Members of Convocation at large. 410., pp. 10. Oxford, 1807. Strong, Caleb. Patriotifrn and Piety. The Speeches of his Excel- lency to the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the Common- wealth of Maflachufetts, with their Anfwers, etc. From 1 800 to 1807. i2mo. Newburyport, 1808. Speech of, delivered before the Legiflature of Maflachufetts, Oft. 1 6th, 1 81 2. With Documents. 8vo. Bofton, 1812. Strong, Cyprian. A Difcourfe preached at the Ordination of the Rev. Samuel Shepard to the Paftpral Office over the Church in Genoa, April 30th, 1795. 8vo. Stockbridge, 1795. Strong, Joseph. Sermon on the Death of his Excellency Samuel Huntington, Governor of Connefticut. 8vo., pp. 19. Hartford, 1796. Sermon at Montville, on the Death of John G. Hillhoufe. 8vo., pp. 18. Norwich, 1808. Sermon at the Funeral of Dr. Jofhua Lathrop. 8vo., pp. 15. Hartford, 1808. Sermon at Preflon, after the Interment of the Rev. Levi Hart. 8vo., pp. 24. Norwich, 1809. Sermon at the Interment of the Rev. Jonathan Murdock. 8vo., pp. 18. Norwich, 181 3. Sermon at the Interment of the Rev. Afahel Hooker. 8vo., pp. 20. Norwich, 1 81 3. Strong, Nathan. Connefticut Eleftion Sermon, delivered at Hart- ford, May 13th, 1790. 8vo. Hartford, 1790. Thankfgiving Sermon, delivered November 29th, 1798. 8vo. Hartford, 1 798. Difcourfe on the Death of General George Wafliington, Hart- ford, Friday, December 27th, 1799. 8vo. Hartford, 1800. Strong, Nathaniel T. A Further Illuftration of the Cafe of the Seneca Indians in the State of New York, in a Review of a Pamphlet, entitled " An Appeal to the Chriftian Community," etc. 8vo. Phil., 1841. Strong, Nehemiah. Aftronomy Improved, etc., in Three Leftures, Yale College, February 17th, 1 781. 1 2 mo., pp. 52. New Haven, 1 784. Strong, Thomas M. The Hiftory of the Town of Flatbufh, in King's County, Long Ifland. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1 842. Catalogue of Printed Books, 571 Strutt, Joseph. The Sports and Paftimes of the People of England, etc., from the Earlieil Period to the Prefent Time. Second Edi- tion. 4to. Lond., 1 810. Stryker, James. The American Quarterly Regifter and Magazine. Vols. I-V. 8vo. Phil., 1848-51. [Strype, John.] Life of Sir Thomas Smith, Secretary of State to King Edward VI. and Queen Elizabeth, etc. Plates. 8vo. Lond., 1698. Strype, John. Leflbns Proper for Fallible Man. In a Sermon at the Lefture at St. Auguftine's, Hackney, September 21ft, 1707. 8vo. Lond., 1708. Stuart, Andrew. Letters to the Right Hori. Lord Mansfield. 8vo. Lond., 1773. Stuart, Charles. Memoir of Granville Sharp, etc. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1836. Stuart, Daniel. Peace and Reform againft War and Corruption, in Anfwer to Arthur Young. Third Edition. 8vo., pp. 144. Lond., 1794. Stuart, Isaac W. Life of Captain Nathan Hale, the Martyr-Spy of the American Revolution. i2mo. Hartford, 1856. Stuart, James. Three Years in North America. 2 vols., i2mo. N. Y., 1833. Stuart, William. Oration delivered before the Uranian Society, in the City of New York, March 12, 1793, on Faction. 8vo. N.Y., 1794. Stultifera Navis. The Modern Ship of Fools. i2mo. Phil., 1807. Sturges, Josiah. a Brief Sketch of the Character and Services of. By an Old Friend and Schoolmate. 8vo. Bofton, 1 844. Sturges, J. Letters to a Prebendary ; being an Anfwer to Refleftions on Popery, with Remarks on the Oppofition of Hoadlyifm to the Dodlrincs of the Church of England. By Right Rev. John Mul- ner. ill Am. Edition. i2mo. Baltimore, 1810. Styles, John. The Spirituality of the Divine Eflence. A Sermon before the Aflbciated Minifters and Churches of Hamplhire, Sep- tember 24th, 1 806. 8vo. Ifle of Wight, 1 806. Life of David Brainerd ; with an Abridgment of his Diary and Journal from Pres. Edwards. i2mo. Bollon, 1812. Subscribing Ministers. The Second Part of a Reply to the Vindi- cation of the . . . pp. 36. Lond., 1 771. Subscription. Letter from a CM-iflian Whig to the Members of the Houfe of Commons. 8vo., pp. 35. '772. Subscriptions. A Summary View of the Laws relating to, etc. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1 77 1. SuCKLEY, John L. Secretion the Source of Pleafurable Senfations. A Thefis, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1823. Suckling, Sir John. Works ; containing all his Poems, Love Verfes, Songs, Letters, and his Tragedies and Comedies ; never before printed. 8vo. Lond., 1696. jr-^ $y2 New-York Historical Society. Suetonius, Caius Tranquillus. Tranflated into Dutch. [Imperfeft.] 4to. Leyden, 1619. Suffolk. A Complete Hiftory of SufFolk [and Norfolk, imperfe£l]. 4to. Lond., 1730. Sugar-Trade. Candid and Impartial Confiderations on the Nature of the . . . The Comparative Importance of the Britifh and French Iflands in the Weft Indies, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1763. Suggestions on Prefidential Eledlions ; with particular References to a Letter of William C. Somerville, Efq. 8vo. Bofton. Suisse. Manuel de L'Etranger qui Voyage en. 1 2mo. Zurich, 1 790. Sullivan, George. Speech of, at the Rockingham Convention ; with the Memorial and Refolutions, and Report of the Committee of Eleftions. Second Edition. 8vo. Exeter [18 12]. Sullivan, James. Obfervations upon the Government of the United -- /'j. States of America. 8vo. Bofton, 1791. / / ^"^^f" • Enquiry into the Conftitutional Authority of the Supreme Fed- 7, Ju^^f^c**^ «• eral Court over the feveral States, in their Political Capacity, in /A' tt-<' 4foa Anfwer to his "Obfervations," etc. By a Citizen of South A^jrJ-'y - Carolina. 8vo. Charlefton, 1792. The Hiftory of the Diftrift of Maine. Map. 8vo. Bofton, 1795. The Hiftory of Land Titles in Maflachufetts. 8vo. Bofton, 1 801. A Biographical Sketch of the late Governor [Samuel] Adams. [American Citizen, N. Y., Nos. 1104, 1105. Vol. IV. Ofto- ber 15, 17, 1803.] Sullivan, John L. Remarks on the Importance of Inland Naviga- tion from Bofton, by the Middlefex Canal and Merrimack River. 8vo. Bofton, 1 81 3. Explanation by, of the Nature of certain Grants to him for the ufe of Steamboats on Connefticut River, etc. 8vo. 1818. <— — American Railways ; and the Winans Carriage. 8vo. On the Means of Safety in Steamboats. N. Y., Jan. 21, 183 1. Sullivan, William. Oration at Bofton, 4th July, 1803. 8vo. Bofton, 1803. Oration delivered before the Wafhington Benevolent Society of Maflachufetts, April 30th, 1 81 2. 8vo. Bofton, 1812. An Addrefs to the SufFolk Bar, at the ftated Meeting on ift Tuefday of March, 1824. 8vo. Bofton, 1824. [ ] Familiar Letters on Public Charafters and Public Events, from the Peace of 1783 to the Peace ^f 1815. i2mo. Bofton, 1834. [ ] Same. Second Edition. l2mo. 1834. A Difcourfe delivered before the Pilgrim Society, at Plymouth, on the 22d of December, 1829. 8vo. Bofton, 1830. The Pubhc Men of the Revolution, including Events, from the Peace of 1783 to the Peace of 1 815. In a feries of Letters, by the late . . . With a Biographical Sketch of the Author, and Additional Notes and References by his Son, John T. S. Sullivan. 8vo. Phil., 1847. Catalogue of Printed Books. 573 Sully, Maximilian de Bethune, Due de. Memoires, etc. Nouvelle Edition, etc. i2mo. 8 vols. Lend., 1743. SuMMERFiELD, JoHN. Life and Miniftry, by John Holland. With Portrait, etc. 8vo. [Am. Tradl Society.] Sumner, Charles. The True Grandeur of Nations. An Oration de- livered before the Authorities of the City of Bofton, July 4th 1845. 8vo. Bofton, 1845. The Scholar, the Jurift, the Artift, the Philanthropift. An Ad- drcfs before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard Univerfity, at their Anniverfary, Auguft 27th, 1846. 8vo. Bofton, 1846. Sumner, Charles Pinckney. The Compafs : a Poetical Performance at the Literary Exhibition, in September, 1795, at Harvard Uni- verfity. i2mo., pp. 12. Bofton. Eulogy on the Illuftrious George Wafhington, at Milton, 22d February, 1800. 8vo., pp. 24. Dedham, 1800. Sumner, John Bird. [Prize] Effay, tending to Ihow that the Prophe- cies now accompliftiing arc an Evidence of the Truth of the Chriftian Religion. 8vo., pp. 49. Cambridge, 1 802. Sumner, Joseph. Thankfgiving Sermon, at Shrewftjury, November 28, 1799. 8vo., pp. 26. Brookfield, 1800. Svmner, William H. An Inquiry into the Importance of the Militia to a Free Commonwealth, in a Letter to John Adams, late Prefi- dcnt United States. With his Anfwer. 8vo. Bofton, 1823. Sunday Mails. Review of a Report of the Committee, etc., pre- fented to the Senate of the United States, January i6th, 1829, by the Hon. Mr. Johnfon, of Kentucky. 8vo. Bofton, 1829. — — - An Account of Memorials prefented to Congrefs, etc., praying that the mails may not be tranfported, nor Poft-ofEces kept open on the Sabbath. 8vo. N. Y., 1829. Sunday-Schools. Various Reports and Documents. Sunderland, La Roy. Teftimony of God againft Slavery. Third Edition. i8mo. N. Y., 1839. Supplement to the late Analyfis of the Public Correfpondence between our Cabinet and thofe of France and Great Britain. 8vo., pp. 28. Supplement to John Fellows's Circulating Library. 1 2mo., pp. 24. Suppressed Documents. Further and ftill more important. 8vo. 1809. /? Jrf^ Surrebutter, John. The Pleader's Guide : a Didaflic Poem, contain- ^^ ^•'rv^^pfi-y '~"^ ing the Conduft of a Suit at Law, with Arguments, of Bother-unv / and Bore-um, in an aftion between John-a-Gull and John-a-Gud- geon. 8vo. Phil., 1803. Susquehannah Case (The). 4to., pp. 24. Sutherland, Alexander. Achievements of the Knights of Malta. 2 vols., i2mo. Phil., 1846. Sutherland (Capt.) A Tour up the Straits, from Gibraltar to Con- ftantinople, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1790. Sutherland, James. A Letter to the Eleftors of Great Britain. With an Appendix. 410., pp. 53. Lond., 1791. 574 New-York Historical Society. Sutherland, Th. Jefferson. A Letter to Lord Brougham, in behalf of the Captive Patriots, to which is annexed a Lift of their Names i2mo. N. Y., 1841 SwAiNSON, Isaac. Obfervations on the Venereal Difeafe. 8vo., pp 105. Lond., 1792 SwAiNsoN, William. A Sketch of the Natural Affinities of the Hepi doptera Diwina of Latreille. 8vo. - A Synopfis of the Birds difcovered in Mexico by M. BuUard, F. L. S., and Mr. Wm. Bullock, Jr. 8vo. Sweat, Moses. Critical Inveftigation of the Mode of Baptifm, as performed in the Primitive Churches. Prepared for the Prefs by Nath. H. Fletcher, izmo., pp. 88. Kennebunk, 1805. Sweden. An Account of; together with an Extradl of the Hiftory of that Kingdom. 8vo. Lond., 1694. The Hiftory of the Wars of his prefent Majefty Charles XII., King of, from his firft landing in Denmark to his return from Turkey to Pomerania. 8vo. Lond., 171 5. An Account of, as it was in the year 1688; together with an Extraft of the Hiftory of that Kingdom. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1738. The Difpute between the King and Senate of, in regard to the Regal Power and the Liberties of the People. 8vo., pp. 52. Lond., 1756. SwEDENBORG, Emanuel. A Summary View of the Heavenly Dodlrines of the New Jerufalem Church. 8vo. [Lond.], Phil., 1787. Swedish Dictionary. A New Pocket Diftionary of the Englifh and Swedifh Languages. i6mo. Leipfic. Swett, S. Hiftory of Bunker Hill Battle ; with a Plan. Third Edi- tion. 8vo., pp. 58. Bofton, 1827. Notes to his Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle. 8vo., pp. 34. Bofton, 1825. Who was the Commander at Bunker Hill ? With Remarks on Frothingham's Hiftory of the Battle. With an Appendix. 8vo., pp. 39. Bofton, 1850. Swift, Jonathan. The Advantages propofed by repealing the Sacra- mental Teft, impartially Confidered. 8vo., pp. 32. [Rep.] Lond., 1732. Literary Correfpondence, for Twenty-four Years, from 17 14 to 1738. 8vo. Lond., 1741. The Works of . . . arranged by Thomas Sheridan, A. M. With Notes, Hiftorical and Critical. Correfted and Revifed by John Nichols, F. A. S. 24 vols., i2mo. N. Y., 1 812-13. Swift, Seth. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. John B. Prefton, Weft Rupert, February 5th, 1798. 8vo. Bofton, 1798. Swift, Zephaniah. A Syftem of the Laws of the State of Connefti- cut. In Six Books. 2 vols., 8vo. Windham, 1795-6. SwiNTON, Archibald. Report of the Trial of Alexander Humphreys, Catalogue of PRI^fTED Books. 575 or Alexander, claiming the Title of Earl of Stirling, at Edinburgh, for the Crime of Forgery. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1839. Switzerland. A Walk Through, in September, 1816. i6mo. Lond., 1 81 8. Hiftory of. i6mo. [Cab. Cyc] Lond., 1832. SwoRDFEAGER, Martha Sophia. The Cafe of the Unfortunate. 4to., pp. 64. Lond., 1 77 1. Sydenham, Thomas. Opera univerfa. Editio noviflima. Portrait. 8vo. Lugduni Batavorum, 1741. Works on Acute and Chronic Difeafes . . . With Notes, by Benjamin Rufh. 8vo. Phil., 181 5. Sydney, Algernon. Letters of the Hon. Algernon Sydney to the Hon. Henry Savile, Ambaflador in France, in the year 1 679, etc. Now firfl: printed from the originals, in Mr. Sydney's own hand. 8vo. Lond., 1742. See Sidney. Sylvester, Josuah. Du Bartas His Divine Weekes and Works, with a Complete Colleftion of all the other moft delightfull Workcs. Tranflated and Written by yt Famous Philomufus . . . Foho. Lond., 1633. Symes, Michael. Account of an Embafly to the Kingdom of Ava, fent by the Governor-General of India, in the year 1795. Second Edition. 3 vols., 8vo. Atlas, 4to. Lond., 1800. Symmes, Thomas. Artillery Eledlion Sermon, Bofton, June 6th, 1720. 8vo. Bofton, 1720. The People's Intereft in One Article Confidered and Exhibited, etc. 8vo., pp. 35. Bofton, 1724. Symmes, William. Difcourfe from Afts xvi. 25, on Pfalmody. 8vo., pp. 24. Danvers, 1779. Maflachufetts Eledlion Sermon, May 25th, 1785. 8vo. Bofton. Symonds, William. Pifgah Evangelica. By the Method of the Revelation, prefenting a briefe Eccleftafticall Hiftorie, from the yeare of our Lord 97 until 1603, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1606. Symons, B. Sermon in the Parilh Church of Hackney, Faft Day, February 28th, 1794. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1794. Symson, Patrick. The Hiftorie of the Church lince the dayes of Our Saviour Jefus Chrift untill this prefent age, etc. Third Edi- tion. Foho. Lond., 1634. Synge, Edward. Sermon in St. Andrew's, Dublin, before the Hon. Houfe of Commons, 23d Odtober, 1725, the Anniverfary of the Irifti Rebellion. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 37. Dubhn, 1726. Synod. A Defence of the Anfwer and Arguments of the, met at Bofton, in the year 1662, againft the Reply of the Rev. Mr. John Davenport, etc. 4to. Cambridge, 1664. The Neceflity of Reformation, etc., Aflerted, agreed upon by the Elders, and Meflengers of the Church aflcmbled in the Synod at Bofton, in New England, September 10, 1679. 4to. Bofton, 1679. 576 New-York Historical Society. Synod of Glasgow and Ayr. Memorial and Admonition of, met at Glafgow, Odlober ift, 1 745, to their People. 8vo., pp. 8. Lond., 1745. OF New York and New Jersey. Extradls from the Minutes, A. D. 1809. 8vo., pp. 15. Elizabeth Town, 1809. Same, 1811. 8vo., pp. 36, 48. Elizabeth Town, N. J., i8ii. Tacitus, C. Cornelius. The Works of ... by Arthur Murphy, Efq., with an Effay, etc. 4 vols., 4to. Lond., 1793. Taggart, Samuel. Two Fail Sermons, in Colrain, and afterwards in Shelburne, July 23, and Auguft 20, 181 2. 8vo., pp. 74. Greenfield, 181 2. A Farewell Sermon, preached in Colrain, January 31ft, 1819. 8vo., pp. 34. Greenfield, 1819. Taggart, Samuel. Addrefs to his Conftituents, on the fubjed of Impreflments. 8vo. 1813. An Addrefs to the Independent Eleftors of the Hampflare North Diftria. 8vo. Tales of the Niagara Frontier. [Parts I. II.] 24mo. Buffalo, 1 845. Talleyrand, C. M. de. Memoir concerning the Commercial Rela- tions of the United States with England. With an Eflay on New Colonies, etc. Read at the National Inftitute. 8vo. Bofton, 1809. Tallmadge, James, Jr. Speech in the Houfe of Rcprefentativcs of the United States on the Seminole War. 8vo. N. Y., 1819. Eulogium, and Particulars of the Funeral Honors to the Memory of General La Fayette. 8vo. June 26th, 1 824. Addrefs delivered May 20th, 1837, in the Chapel of the Uni- verfity of the City of New York, on occafion of the Dedication of the Building to the purpofes of Science, Literature and Re- ligion. 8vo. N. Y., 1837. Addrefs delivered at the Clofc of the Sixteenth Annual Fair of the American Inftitute. 8vo. N. Y., 1843. Remarks on the Commercial Policy of England, affeding the Interefts of American Agriculture. 8vo. N. Y., 1844. Tammany. Public Conftitution of the Society of Saint Tammany. 8vo. N. Y., 1789. Addrefs of the Society of ... or Columbian Order [on Na- tional Economy and Domeftic Manufaftures]. With the Letters of Jefferfon, Madifon, etc., taken from the " National Advocate." 8vo. N. Y., 1 819. Society, or Columbian Order, Conftitutions of. 8vo., pp. 8. Songs of. 8vo., pp. 16. Tanner, John. A Narrative of the Captivity and Adventures of, during Thirty Years' Refidence among the Indians, in the Interior of North America. Prepared for the prcfs by Edwin James, M.D. 8vo. N. Y., 1830. Catalogue of Printed Books. 577 Tappan, David. Difcourfe, May ift, 1783, on the Ratification of the Treaty of Peace, etc. 8vo., pp. 19. Salem, 1783. Difcourfe on Fall Day, May 15th, 1783, Newbury. 8vo., pp. 19. Salem, 1783. Two Friendly Letters to Philafethes, Rev. Samuel Spring. 8vo., pp. 136. Newburyport, 1785. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 30th, 1792. 8vo. Bofton, 1792. Difcourfe before the Aflociation, Portfmouth, N. H. 8vo., pp. 29. Portfmouth, 1792. Sermon on Faft Day, April II, 1793. 8vo.,pp, 31. Bofton, 1793. Difcourfe in the Chapel of Harvard College, for the Younger Members of the Univerfity. 8vo,, pp. 25. Bofton, 1794. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev, John Thornton Kirkland, Bofton, February 5th, 1794. 8vo., pp. 43. Bofton, 1794. Difcourfe delivered in the Chapel of Harvard College, before the Senior Clafs, etc. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1794. Difcourfe on the Death of Mr. John Ruffell, November 1 7th, 1795, Harvard College. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1795. Difcourfe delivered to the Students of Harvard College, Septem- ber 6th, 1 796. 8vo., pp. 20. Bofton, 1 796. ' Sermon before the Annual Convention of the Congregational Minifters of Maflachufetts, Bofton, June ift, 1797. 8vo., pp. 34. Bofton, 1797. Difcourfe on Faft Day, April 5th, 1798, Bofton. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1798. — — Difcourfe, June 19th, 1798, occafioned by the approaching De- parture of the Senior Clafs from the Univerfity, Harvard Col- lege. 8vo., pp. 28, Bofton, 1798. Two Sermons, Plymouth, January 5 th, 1800, after the Ordina- tion of Rev. Mr. Kendall. 8vo., pp. 46. Bofton, 1 800. — Difcourfe, in Solemn Commemoration of General George Wafli- ington, February 21ft, 1800. 8vo., pp. 44. 1800. Sermon, at the Ordination of Rev. Nathaniel Hill Fletcher, in Kennebunk, 3d Sept., 1800. 8vo., pp. 34. Cambridge, 1800. Difcourfe in Englifli, and an Addrefs in Latin, by Jofeph Willard, on occafion of the Death of General Wafliington, Cambridge, 2 ift February, 1800. 8vo., pp. 44. Charleftown, 1800. Sermon delivered in Andover, at the Funeral of Lieut.-Governor Phillips ; with an Account of the Funeral Arrangements, and Biographical Notes. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1802. Sermon at Inftallation of Hczekiah Packard, Wifcaflct, 8ch Sep- tember, 1802. 8vo., pp. 36. Cambridge, 1802.. Funeral Difcourfe, Providence, on the Death of Enos Hitchcock, . D. D. 8vo., pp. 24. Cambridge, 1803. Sermons on Important Subjeds, with a Biographical Sketch of the Author, and a Sermon at his Funeral, by Dr. Holmes. 8vo. Bofton, 1807. . 37 578 New-York Historical Society. Tappan, David. Leftures on Jewilh Antiquities, delivered at Har- vard Univerfity, in Cambridge, a. d. 1802 and 1803. 8vo. Bofton, 1807. Tappan, Henry P. The Growth of Cities : a Difcourfe delivered before the New York Geographical and Statiftical Society, 15th March, 1855. 8vo., pp. 50. N. Y., 1855. Tappan, Lewis. Addrefs to the Non-Slaveholders of the South, on the Social and Political Evils of Slavery. 8vo. N. Y. Tariff. Brief Remarks on the propofed New Tariff^ refpeftfully fub- mitted to Congrefs. 8vo.' N. Y., 18 16. Report of the Committee, appointed by the Citizens of Pitts- burg, at a Meeting held at the Court Houfe, on the 2 1 ft Decem- ber, 1 816, to Inquire into the State of Manufaftures in the City, and its immediate vicinity, made February 17th, 1 81 7, in Houle of Reprefentatives of the United States. 8vo. National Interefts and Domeftic Manufaftures : Addrels of the Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of Domeftic Induftry, to the Citizens of the United States. 8vo. Bofton, 1 8 1 9. Advertifement " to Prove the Ruinous Confequences which have attended the Dependence upon Foreign Markets," etc. 8vo. Phil. Addrefs of the American Society for the Encouragement of Do- meftic Manufaftures to the People of the United States. 8vo. Addrefs to the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, on the fubjedl of the Tariff. By a Pennfylvanian. 8vo. Phil., 1822. The Crifis : a Solemn Appeal, etc., on the Deftruftive Tendency of the Prefent Policy, etc. By a Pennfylvanian. Phil., 1823. A Warning Voice to the Cotton and Tobacco Planters, Farmers and Merchants of the United States, on the Pernicious Confe- quences ... of the Exifting Policy, etc. By a Pennfylvanian. 8vo. Phih, 1824. Examination of a Tradl on the Alteration of . . . written by Thomas Cooper, M. D. By a Pennfylvanian. 8vo. Phil., 1824. Report of a Committee of the Citizens of Bofton and its vicinity, Oppofcd to a Further Increafe of Duties and Importations. 8vo. N. Y., 1828. Preamble and Refolutions, adopted at a Meeting held at the Exchange Coffee Houfe, Auguft 1 6th, 1 83 1, for the purpofe of Choofmg Delegates to the Anti-TarifF Convention. Bofton, 1 83 1. Remarks on the Protedive Tariff, and the Principles of Free Trade, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1842. Tarleton, Banastre. a Hiftory of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1 78 1, in the Southern Provinces of North America. 4to. Lond., 1787. Tatham, Edward. Letter to the Right Hon. William Pitt, on the National Debt. 8vo. Lond., 1795. 579 Catalogue of Printed Books. Tatham, Edward. A View of the propofed Grand Junftion Canal, defigned to bring the Commerce of North Carolina to Norfolk by an Inland Navigation, etc. 8vo. Norfolk, 1808. 'A Comparative View of the Four Projefted Coaftwife Canals, which are fuppofed by fome to be in competition for the Trade between Norfolk and North Carolina. 8vo. Norfolk, 1808. Tatham, W. The Political Economy of Inland Navigation, Irriga- tion and Drainage ; with Thoughts on the Multiplication of Com- mercial Refources. 4to. Lond., 1 799. An Hiftorical and Praftical Effay on the Culture and Commerce of Tobacco. 8vo. Lond., 1800. Taxation. An Argument in Defence of the Exclufive Right claimed by the Colonies to Tax Themfelves ; with a Review of the Laws of England relative to Reprefentation and Taxation. 8vo. Lond., 1774. Thoughts on, in a Letter to a Friend ; with Obfervations and Refleftions on the Plan, fubmitted in New York. 410. pp. 22. N. Y., 1784. Taxes. The Royal Treafury of England ; or, an Hiftorical Account of all Taxes, under what denomination foever, from the Conqueft to this prefent year. 8vo. Lond., 1725. Aft for the Afleffrnent and Colleftion of . . . April 23d, 1823. 8vo., pp. 18. English. Duty of AfTeflbrs, etc. 8vo., pp. 24. [Taylor, D.] The Confiftent Chriftian ; or. Truth, Peace, etc., recommended to all Profeflbrs of Chriftianity. 8vo., pp. 100. Lond. [1795]. The Nature and Importance of Preparatory Studies prior to entering on the Chriftian Miniftry. 8vo. Lond., 1807. Taylor, Fitch W. A Voyage Round the World, and Vifits to various Foreign Countries, etc. Ninth Edition. 2 vols., i2mo. New Haven. The Broad Pennant ; or, a Cruife in the United States Flag Ship, etc. N. Y., 1848. Taylor, Jeremy. Difcourfes on various fubjefts. 3 vols., 8vo. Taylor, John. Oration (July 4, 1796) at Deerfield (Mafs.). 8vo., pp. 20. Greenfield, 1796. Taylor, John. Conftruftion Conftrued, and Conftitutions Vindi- cated. 8vo. Richmond, 1820. Tyranny Unmaflced. 8vo. Wafhington, 1822. Taylor, John. Seleftions from the Works of Baron de Humboldt, relating to the Climate, Inhabitants, Produftions, and Mines of Mexico. With Notes. 8vo. Lond., 1824. Taylor, John. See Junius. Taylor, Joseph. Thoughts on the Produftion and Formation of Animal Bodies, etc. 8vo. Whitby. Taylor, Josephus. Oratio Funebris (Edvardi Wigglefworth). 8vo. 580 New-York Historical Society. Taylor, Joshua. Oration at Portland, July 4th, 1805. 8vo. Portland, 1805. Taylor, Richard (of Norwich). Index Monafticus ; or, the Abbeys and other Monafteries, alien Priories, Friaries, Colleges, e\c., in the Diocefe of Norwich, arranged and defcribed. Folio. Maps, etc. Lond., 1821. Taylor, Samuel. An Effay, intended to Eftablifh a Standard for an Univerfal Syftem of Stenography, or Short-Hand Writing. 8vo. Albany. Tayler, Thomas. Sermon on the Prefent State of our National Af- fairs, Auguft 28th, 1803. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1803. TcHUYKEviTCH (CoL.) Refleftions on the War of i8i 2. 8vo. Bofton, 1 813. Tegg, Thomas. Chronology ; or, the Hiftorian's Companion ; being an Authentic Document or Regifter of Events from the earlieft period to the prefent time. i2mo. Lond., 1829. Tehuantepec, Isthmus of. An Account of, etc. ; with Propofals for Eftablifhing Communications, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1846. Obfervations in relation to Communications between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1849. Teignmouth, Lord. See Sir William Jones. Teixeira. See Stevens' Colleftion of Voyages. Temperance. Second Annual Report of the American Temperance Society, January, 1829. 8vo. Andover, 1829. Temple, Sir William. Mifcellanea. In Three Parts. 3 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1 701-5. Obfervations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands. Seventh Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1705. Works. To which is prefixed The Life and Charafter of^ written by a Particular Friend. Folio. 2 vols. Lond., 1750. Ten-Pound Court. Letter concerning the ... in the City of New York, addrefled to the State Legiflature. By Mercer. 8vo., pp. 38. N. Y., 1803. Tennent, Gilbert. Two Sermons, at New Brunfwick, in the year 1 741, on the Prieftly Ofiice of Chrift, and the Virtue of Charity. i6mo., pp. 37. Bofton, 1742. ■ Three Sermons on Rev. iii, 3, at New York, April, 1742, rela- tive to the Moravians, etc. i6mo., pp. 110. Bofton, 1743. Tennessee. A 'Short Defcription of the State of . . . lately called the Territory of the United States, South of the River Ohio, etc. i2mo. Phil., 1796. — Conftitution' of the State of . . . unanimoufly eftabhfhed in Convention, at Knoxville, February 6th, 1796. l2mo., pp. 33. Phih, 1796. Militia Men. Report of the Committee on Military Affairs, in relation to the Proceedings of a Court Martial, ordered for the Trial of certain Tenneflee Militia Men, February nth, 1828. 8vo. Wafhington, 1828. Catalogue of Printed Books. 581 Ternaux-Compans, Henri. Bibliotheque Americaine, ou Catalogue dcs Ouvrages relatif a I'Amerique qui ont paru depuis fa dccou- verte jufqu'a I'an 1700. 410. Paris, 1837. Voyages, Relations et Memoires Originaux, pour fervir a I'His- toire de la Decouverte de I'Amerique, publics pour la premiere fois en Francais. 20 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1838-43. La premiere ferie, 10 vols., fe compofe de : — Veritable Relation de la Conquete du Perou et de la Province de Cuzco, nomme Nouvelle-Caftille, fubjuguee par Francois Pizarre et dcdiee a S. M. I'Empereur par Francois Xeres natif de Seville, et Secretaire du fufdit capitaine. (Salamanque, 1547.) i vol. in 8. Relation et naufrages d'Alvar Nunez Cabeca de Vaca. (Valla- dolid, 1555.) I vol. in 8. Les Commentaires d'Alvar Nunez Cabeca de Vaca Gouverneur du Rio de la Plata. (Valladolid, 1555.) I vol. in 8. Veritable Hiftoire et Defcription d'un pays habite par des Hommes fauvages, nus, feroces et anthropophages, fitue dans le nouveau monde, nomme Amerique, inconnu dans le pays de Hefle avant et depuis la naiffance de Jefus-Chrift jufqu'a I'annee derniere, que Hans Staden de Homberg, en Hefle, I'a connu par fa propre experience et le fait connaitre adluellement par le moyen de I'im- preflion. (Marbourg, 1557.) I vol. in 8. Belle et agreable narration du premier voyage de Nicolas Feder- mann le jeune, d'UIm, aux Ifles de la Mcr Oceane, et de tout ce qui lui eft arrive dans ce pays jufqu'a fon retour en Efpagne ; ecrite brievement et divertiffantc a lire. (Haguenau, 1557.) 1 vol. in 8. Hiftoire de I'admirable navigation d'Ulrich Schmidel de Strau- bing au Brclil et au Rio de la Plata, depuis I'annee 1534 jufqu'en 1554. (Nuremberg, 1559.) i vol. in 8. Hiftoire de la Province de Santa-Cruz, que nous nommons ordi- nairement le Brefil, par Pero de Maghalanes de Gandavo, dediee au tres-illuftre feigneur D. Lionis Pereira, ancien gouverneur de Malacca et de plufieurs parties de I'Inde Meridionale. (Lift)onne, 1576.) I vol. in 8. Cruautes horribles commifes par les conquerants du Mexique et par les Indiens qui les aiderent a foumettre cet empire a la couronne d'efpagne. Memoire de D. Fernando d'Alva Ixtlilxochitl. Supplement a I'Hiftoire du pere Sahagun, public et dedie au gou- vernement fupreme de la Confederation Mexicaine, par Charles Marie de Buftamante. (Mexico, 1829.) i vol. in 8. Relation du Voyage de Cibola, entrepris en 1 840, ou Ton traite de toutes les peuplades qui habitent cette contree, de leurs mceurs et coutumes, par Pedro de Caftaneda dc Nagera. (Inedite.) I vol. in 8. Recueil de Pieces relatives a la Conquete du Mexique. (Inedit.) I vol. in 8. 582 New-York Historical Society. La deuxieme ferie, i o volumes, fe compofe de : — Rapport fur les differentes claffes dc chefs de la Nouvelle- Efpagne, fur les lois, les moeurs des habitants, fur les impots etablis avant et depuis la conquete, etc., par Alonzo de Zurita, ex- auditeur a Taudience royale de Mexico, (Inedit.) i vol. in 8. Hiftoire des Chichimeques, ou des anciens rois de Tefcuco ; par Don Fernando d'Alva Ixtlilxochitl, traduite fur le manufcrit cfpagnol. (Inedite.) 2 vols, in 8. Hiftoire du Nicaragua, par Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes. (Inedite.) i vol. in 8. Hiftoire du Perou, par Miguel Cavalo Balboa. (Inedite.) I vol. in 8. Recueil (fecond) de pieces relative a la conquete du Mexique. (Inedit.) i vol. in 8. Memoires Hiftoriques fur I'ancien Perou, par le Hcencie Fer- nando Montefinos. (Inedits.) I vol. in 8. Hiftoire du Royaume de ^uito, par Don Juan de Velafco natif de ce royaume. (Inedite.) 2 vols, in 8. Recueil de Pieces fur la Floride. I vol. in 8. TERNAUx-CoMPA^fs, Henri. Notice fur la Colonic de la Nouvelle Suede. 8vo. Paris, 1843. Tertre, Jean Baptiste du. Hiftoire Generale des Antilles, Habitees par les Francois. Tom. 4 (in 3), 4to. Paris, 1667. Teschemacher, J. E. Addrefs delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Bofton Natural Hiftory Society, May 5th, 1841. 8vo. Bofton, 1 841. Tessier, M. a Complete Treatife on Merinos and other Sheep ; with Plates. 8vo. N. Y., 1811. Testament, New, in Hindoftanee. 8vo. (Printed in Phonetic Charafters). 8vo. Phil., 1848. Het Nieuwe. i8mo. Dordrecht. Testimony to the Truth of Jefus Chrift, and to our Solemn League and Covenant, etc. 4to. Lond., 1648. . and Advice of an Aflembly of Paftors of Churches in New England, at a meeting in Bofton, July 7th, 1743, occafioned by the late Happy Revival of Religion in many parts of the Land. 8vo., pp. 51. Bofton. Texas. The Laws of Texas. 3 vols, in i. 8vo. Houfton, 1838-39. Same. Vols. I. II. " Propofed Treaty with — a grofs Ufurpation of Power, etc. 8vo. Phih, 1844. Thoughts on the propofed Annexation of Texas to the United States. Firft publifhed in the New York Evening Poft, under the fignature of "Veto." 8vo. N. Y., 1844. See Auftin Settlements. Thacher, James. The American Difpenfary. 8vo. Bofton, 18 10. A Military Journal during the American Revolutionary War, Catalogue of Printed Books. 583 from 1775 to 1783. With an Appendix, containing Bio- graphical Sketches of feveral General Officers. Second Edition. 8vo. Bofton, 1827. Thacher, James. American Medical Biography ; with a Hiftory of Medical Science in the United States, etc. 2 vols, in i. 8vo. Bofton, 1828. Hiftory of the Town of Plymouth, from its firft Settlement, ir 1620, to the Prefent Time. With a Concife Hiftory of the Aborigines of New England, etc. Second Edition. i2mo. Bofton, 1835. [Thacher, Oxenbridge,] The Sentiments of a Britifti American. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1764. Thacher, Peter. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 25 th, 1726. 8vo. Bofton, 1726. Thacher, Peter. Sermon, September 13th, 1778, on the day of the Death of Rev. Dr. Andrew Eliot. 8vo., pp. 40. Bofton. Sermon, June 2, 1 790, at the Ordination of Rev. William Fred. Rowland. 8vo., pp. 44. Exeter, 1790. Sermon on the Death of Governor John Hancock, Oftober 20th, 1793. 8vo., pp. 30. Bofton, 1793. Artillery Eledlion Sermon, June 3d, 1793. 8vo. Bofton. Sermon in Bofton, before the Maffachufetts Congregational Charitable Society, etc. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1795. Funeral Sermon delivered in Bofton, April 6th, 1798. (John Clarke.) 8vo. Bofton, 1798. Sermon at the Interment of his Excellency Increafe Sumner, Bofton, June 12th, 1799. 8vo., pp. 18. Bofton. Century Sermon, preached to the Church and Society in Brattle Street, Bofton, December 29th, 1799. 8vo., pp. 18. Bofton, 1800. Sermon on George Wafliington, preached February 2 2d, 1800, at Bofton. 8vo. Bofton. Oration delivered before the Inhabitants of the Town of Bofton, on the 31ft Anniverfary of the Independence of the United States of America. 8vo. Bofton, 1807. Thacher, Peter O. An Addrefs pronounced on Firft Tuefday in March, 1 83 1, before the Members of the Bar of the County of Suffolk, Mafs. 8vo. Bofton, 1831. Thacher, Thomas. Funeral Sermon delivered at Milton, May, 1795. (Nathaniel Robbins.) 8vo. Bofton, 1796. Difcourfe before the Humane Society of Maflachufctts, June loth, 1800. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1800. — Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Jofeph Tuckerman, Chelfea, November 4th, 1801. 8vo., pp. 40. Bofton. Dudlcian Ledlure, Harvard College, May 8th, 1805. 8vo., pp. 26. Cambridge, 1805. Difcourfe at Milton, September 9th, 1 807, at the Dedication of the Academy. 8vo., pp. 23. Dedham, 1807. 584 New-York Historical Society. Thacher, Thomas. Biographical Memoir of the Rev; Dr. Weft. 8vo., pp. 14. Bofton, 1808. Thacher, Thomas C. Thankfgiving Sermon at Lynn, November 20th, 1794. 8vo., pp. 24. Bofton, 1794. ■ Sermon at Lynn, December nth, 1795, at the Interment of Eight Seamen. 8vo., pp. 22. Bofton, 1795. Thayer, Elisha. Family Memorial, in 2 Parts. 8vo. Hingham, 1835. Thayer, M. Russell. Reciprocal Influences of the Phyfical and In- telleftual World. An Oration delivered before the Zelofophic Society of the Univerfity of Pennfylvania, on its 13 th Anniver- fary, Odober 29th, 1842. 8vo. Phil., 1842. Thayer, Nathaniel. Sermon at the Inftallation of Rev. William Emerfon, Bofton, Oftober i6th, 1799. 8vo., pp. 30. Bofton, 1799. Theisme. a Difcovery of . . . i6mo., pp. 94. Lond., 1698. Theller, E. a. Canada in 1837-38; ftiowing, by Hiftorical Fadls, the Caufes of the late attempted Revolution, and of its Failure, etc. 2 vols., i2mo. Phil., 1841. Themmen, Wilhelmus. Nuttige Zaamen-Spraaken, van eenen Heil- foekenden Leeraar met fyne Akker-Lieden. 8vo. Groningen, 1 727. Theological School, Cambridge. Report of the Committee of the Aflbciation of the Members of the Federal Street Society, etc. 8vo., pp. 15. Cambridge, 1825. Theorie des Equivalents, ou principes fur la Nature, la Valeur, et le Pouvoir del argent — Memoire, etc. .Premiere Partie. 8vo. A Rotterdam, 1794. Thermometrical Navigation ; being a Series of Experiments and Obfervations tending to prove that by afcertaining the relative Heat of Sea Water from time to time, the Paflage of a Ship through the Gulf Stream, and from Deep Water into Soundings, may be difcovered in time to avoid danger, although [owing to tempcftuous weather] it may be impoffible to heave the lead or obferve the heavenly bodies. 8vo. Phil., 1799. Thespian Magazine (The), and Literary Repofitory. Vols. I. II. III. 8vo. Lond., 1793-4. Thevenot (M. de). Travels into the Levant. Newly done out of French. Folio. Lond., 1687. Thevet, Andre. Hiftoire des plus Illuftres et Scavans Hommes, de leurs Siecles, etc. Portraits. 8vo. Tom. 8. Paris, 1670-1. Thibaut, M. a. Nouveau Diftionnaire de Poche Francais-Allemand et Allemand-Francais. 7™®- Edition. Leipfic, 1838. Thicknesse, Philip. A Year's Journey through the Pais Bas, or Auftrian Netherlands. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1786. ■ A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain. Third Edition. 2 vols., 8vo. 1789. Things AS they are. Third Edition. 8vo., pp. 112. Lond., 1758. Catalogue of Printed Books. 585 Thistle Societv. Conflitution of the, of the City of New York. i2mo., pp. 14. N. Y., 1806. Thom, David. Sketch of the Life and Character of the late Samuel M'Culloch, Efq., Liverpool. With an Appendix. Small 8vo., pp. 24. Liverpool, 1853. Thomas, Antoine. CEuvres Completes. Tomes 7, 8vo. Paris, 1802. Thomas, David. Travels through the Weftern Country in the Sum- mer of 1816, etc. i2mo. Map. Auburn, 1819. Thomas, Gabriel. An Hiftorical and Geographical Account of the Province and County of Pennfylvania, etc. [Edited by Henry Auftin Brady — fac-fimile of that publiflied in London, 1698 — on large paper, of which but fix copies were printed.] Folio. N. Y., 1848. Thomas, Isaiah. The Hiftory of Printing in America ; with a Biography of Printers, and an Account of Ncwfpapers ; to which is prefixed a Concife View of the Difcovery and Progrefs of the Art in other parts of the World. 2 vols., 8vo. Worceflcr, 1810. Communication from the Prefident of the American Antiquarian Society to the Members, Oftober 24th, 1814; together with the Laws of the Society, as revifed. 8vo., pp. 27. Worcefter, 1814. Catalogue of American Edition of Books. 8vo. Thomas, Robert. The Modern Praftice of Phyfic, exhibiting the Charadler, Caufes, Symptoms . . . Sixth American, from the Seventh London Edition. With an Appendix, by David Hofack, M.D., LL. D. 8vo. N. Y., 1822. Thomas, T. Sermon occafioned by the Death of Rev. William Blake, April 7th, 1 799 ; with Addrefs and Prayer, by Jofliua Toulmin, D. D., and Sketch and Poem, by F. Webb. 8vo. Taunton. Thomasi, Thomas. Vie de Cefar Borgia, appelle du depuis Le Due de Valentinois. i6mo. Monte Chiaro, 1671. Thome, James A., and J. Horace Kimball. Emancipation in the Weft Indies, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1839. Thompson, Abraham S. Remarks relative to Audlion Bufinefs, Duties, etc., and the New York and Albany Railroad to advance the Profperity of the City of New York, January 6th, 1841, 8vo. N. Y., 1 841. Thompson, Benjamin F. The Hiftory of Long Ifland ; containing an Account of the Difcovery and Settlement . . . 8vo. N. Y., 1839. Same. Second Edition. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1843. Thompson, Charles. Travels through Turkey in Afia, the Holy Land, Arabia, Egypt, and other parts of the World, etc, 2 vols., izmo. Lond., 1754. [Thompson, D. P.] The Green Mountain Boys : a Hiftorical Tale of the Early Settlement of Vermont. By the Author of " May Martin." etc. 2 vols., i2mo. Montpelier, 1839. 586 New-York Historical Society. Thompson, D. P. An Addrefs before the Vermont Hiftorical So- ciety, 24th Oftober, 1850. 8vo. Burlington, 1850. Thompson, George. Slavery and Famine, Punifhments for Sedition ; or, an Account of the Miferies and Starvation of Botany Bay. With fome Preliminary Remarks, by George Dyer. 8vo., pp. 48, 23. Lond., 1794. Thompson, George. Reception of, in Great Britain. i2mo. Bofton, 1836. Letters and Addrefles during his Miffion in the United States, etc. i2mo. Bofton, 1837. See Garrifon. Thompson, Otis. An Addrefs delivered before the Briftol County Agricultural Society, on their Firft Anniverfary, at Taunton, Odl. 30, 1822. 8vo. Taunton, 1822. Thompson, Waddy. Recolleftions of Mexico. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Thompson, William. Memoirs of Munfon and Lynn ; with a Jour- nal of their Exploring Tour. 8vo. N. Y., 1843. Thompson, Zadock. Hiftory of Vermont, Natural, Phyfical and Stadftical. 8vo. Burlington, 1842. Thomson, Alexander. Letters of a Traveller, on the Various Coun- tries of Europe, Afia and Africa, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1798. Thomson (Mrs.) A. T. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Ra- leigh ; with fome Account of the Period in which he lived. Por- trait. i2mo. Phil., 1 83 1. [Thomson, Charles.] An Inquiry into the Caufes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawanefe Indians from the Britilh Intereft, etc. With the Journal of Chriftian Frederic Port, among the In- dians on the Ohio. Map. 8vo. Lond., 1759. —^ The Holy Bible ; containing the Old and New Covenant, com- monly called the Old and New Teftament. Tranflated from the Greek. 4 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1808. Thomson, James. Spring: a Poem. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 57. Lond., 1729. The Seafons, Englifh and French. Tome I. 8vo. Paris, 1802. Thomson, John. An Enquiry concerning the Liberty and Licentious- nefs of the Prefs, and the Uncontroulable Nature of the Human Mind. 8vo. N. Y., 1801. Thomson, John. The Letters of Curtius ; to which is added a Speech delivered by him in Auguft, 1795, on the Britifh Treaty. i2mo. Richmond, 1804. Thomson, John. Addrefs before the Franklin Aflbciation, Newark, N. J., 4th July, 1810. 8vo., pp. 12. Newark, 1 8 10. Thomson, John. Hiftorical Sketch of the St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York . . . Centuri^ Oration before the Society on ift December, 1856. i2mo. N. Y., 1856. Thorburn, Grant. The Gentleman's and Gardener's Kalendar, for the Middle States of North America, izmo. N. Y., 1812. Same, containing ample Diredions for the Cultivation of the Catalogue of Printed Books. 587 Kitchen and Flower Gardens, Green Houfe, Orchard, etc., for the U. S. of America. Third Edition, izmo. N. Y., 182 1. Thornton, Henry. An Inquiry into the Nature and Effefts of the Paper Credit of Great Britain. 8vo. Phil., 1807. Thornton, John Wingate. A Genealogical Memoir of the Gilbert Family, in both Old and New England. 8vo. 1850. Mementos of the Swett Family. 8vo. Roxbury, 1851. Thornton, T. C. An Inquiry into the Hiftory of Slavery ; its In- troduftion into the United States; Caufe of its Continuance; and Remarks upon the Abolition Trafts of Dr. Channing. 1 2mo. Wafhington City, 1841. Thorp, R. W. Disney. Hints relative to the Prevention of Con- tagious Fever . . . 8vo. Leeds, 1802 Thou, Jacque Auguste de. Hiftoire Univerfelle. 1 6 vols., 410. Lond., 1734. Thoughts concerning the Sufferings and Death of Chrifl, etc. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1748, on fuch Phrafes of Scripture as afcribe AfFeftions and Paflions to the Deity. i6mo., pp. 112. Lond., 1750. on the Caufes of the Prefent Difcontents. Fifth Edition. 8vo., pp. 1 18. Lond., 1775. on the Peace; in a Letter from the Country. 8vo., pp. 33. Lond., 1783. upon the Political Situation of the United States of America, in which that of MalTachufetts is more particularly confidered, etc. By a Native of Bofton. 8vo., pp. 209. Worcefter, 1788. on the EfFeft of True and Falfe Religion on Civil Governments, with Refledlions on the Prefent State of France. 8vo., pp. 56. Lond., 1793. upon the Commercial Bill, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1793. . ; on the Englilh Government, addreffed to the Quiet Good Senfe JhTyt^ /ufl-»-^'~^' of the People of England. In a feries of Letters. Letter i . 8vo., pp. 80. Lond., 1795. on the Defence of thefe Kingdoms. In Two Parts. 8vo., pp. 56. Lond., 1796. Nt — — on the Increafing Wealth and National Economy of the United States of America. 8vo. Wafhington, 1801. upon the Condud of our Adminiftration in relation both to Great Britain and France, more efpecially in reference to the late Negotiation concerning the Attack on the Chefapeake. By a Friend to Peace. 8vo. Bofton, 1808. in a feries of Letters, in Anfwer to a Queftion refpcding the Divifion of the States. By a Maffachufctts Farmer. 8vo. Thrift Box (The) ; or, the Manufafturer's Guide to Health, Wealth and Comfort, etc. 1 2mo. Leeds. Throop, Benjamin. A Thankfgiving Sermon upon the occafion of the glorious News of the Repeal of the Stamp Aft, New Con- cord, in Norwich, June 26th, 1766. 4to. New Lond., 1766. 588 New-York Historical Society. Thucydides. Eight Bookes of the Peloponnefian Warre. Interpreted with Faith and Diligence Immediately out of the Greekc. By Thomas Hobbcs, Eng. Folio. Lond., 1634. The Hillory of the Peloponnefian War. Tranflated from the Greek ... by William Smith. 8vo. Lond., 1 845. Thurlow, Thomas. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, February 17th, 1786. 4to. Lond., 1786. Thurston, Benjamin. Four Sermons at North Hampton. 8vo., pp. 71. Portfmouth, 179 1. Two Sermons at Northampton, a. d. 1793. 8vo., pp. 19. Newburyport, 1793. Sermon delivered before the Pifcataqua Aflbciation, at Kittery, Oftober 7th, 1795. 8vo., pp. 22. Dover, 1795. Thurston, David. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Samuel Johnfon, Alva, November 25th, 181 8. 8vo. .Hallowell, 1819. Thury, L. Hericart de. Defcription des Catacombes des Paris, etc. 8vo. A Paris, 18 15. Ticknor, George. Syllabus of a Courfe of Leftures on Hiflory and Criticifm of Spanifh Literature. 8vo. Cambridge, 1823. TiLGHMAN, William. Addrefs before the Pennfylvania Agricultural Society, January 1 8th, 1820. 8vo. Phil., 1820. TiLLARY, James. An Addrefs delivered at the Feftival of St. John the Baptift, June 24th, 1788, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1788. Tillinghast, Joseph L. Oration at Providence, R. I., Auguft 7th, 1813, before Greene Aflbciation. 8vo. Providence, 1813. Times (The). A Poem, addrelFed to the Inhabitants of New England and New York. By Miles Standifh, Jr. 8vo. Plymouth, 1 809. A Satire. i2mo. N. Y., 1843. Tithes. Stridlures on a Pamphlet, figned *' Theophilus," etc. By a Farmer. 8vo., pp. 72. Dublin, 1787. A Defence of the Right ... on Principles of Equity. 8vo., pp. 56. Lond., 1794. TocQUEviLLE, Alexis DE. Democracy in America. Tranflated by Henry Reeve, Efq. With an original Preface and Notes, by John C. Spencer. Second American Edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Same. Fourth Edition. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1845. Report made to the Chamber of Deputies, on the Abolition of Slavery in the French Colonies, July 23d, 1839. Tranflated from the French. 8vo. Bofton, 1 840. Tocsin (The) ; or, the Call to Arms ! An Efl*ay ; being an Enquiry into the late Proceedings of Great Britain, etc. 8vo. Charlefton, 1807. To-Day. A Bofton Literary Journal. Edited by Charles Hale. Vols. L IL 8vo. Bofton, 1852. Toll, Daniel J. A Narrative, embracing the Hiftory of Two or Three Firft Settlers and their Families, of Schenedady, etc. 8vo. Schenedady, 1847. Catalogue of Printed Books. 589 Tomb, Samuel, Oration on the Death of General Wafhington, New- bury Second Parifti, 22 February, 1800. 8vo., pp. 20. Newburyport, 1800. ■ Faft Sermon, Newbury, April 7th, 1803. 8vo., pp. 19. Newburyport, 1803. ToMLiNS, F. G. A Hiftory of England, combining the various His- tories by Rapin, Henry, Hume, Smollett, and Belfham. 3 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1834-36. Tompkins, Daniel D. A Letter to Archibald M'Intyre, Comptroller of the State of New York. Second Edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1819. Report of Proceedings in Diftridl Court of the United States for Diftridl of New York, on a fuit brought by the United States againll . . . June 3d, 1822. 8vo. N. Y., 1822. Tontine Association. Plan of the New York Tammanial Tontine Aflbciation. izmo. N. Y., 1792. The Univerfal. 8vo., pp. 21. Coffee Houfe. The Conftitution and Nominations of the Sub- fcribers to the . . . 4to., pp. 47. N. Y., 1796. TooKE, John Horne. See Gurney. Topham, Edward. Life of Johfi Elwes, Efq. 8vo. Lond. [1790]. ToPLADY, Augustus. Free Thoughts on the Projefted Application to Parliament, for the Abohtion of Eccleliaftical Subfcriptjons. 8vo., pp. 34. Lond., 1771. ToPLADY, AuGus. Montague. Sermon on Faft Day, December 13th, 1776. 8vo., pp. 26. Lond. Torquemada, Fr. Juan de. Primera Parte de los veiente i uno libros Rituales i Monarchia Indiana con el origen y guerras de los Indios occidentales de fus poblaciones, defcubrimiento, conquifta, conver- fion y otras cofas maravillofas de la milma terra, diftribuydos en tres tomos. 3 vols.. Folio. Madrid, 1723. ToRREY, Samuel. MalTachufetts Eledlion Sermon, May i6th, 1683. 4to. Bofton, 1683. ToTT (Baron de). Memoirs. From the French. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1786. ToTTiE, John. Sermon at the Anniverfary Meeting of the Governors of the Worcefter Infirmary, Auguft 16, 1750. 8vo., pp. 28. Lond., 1 75 1. TouLMiN, Joseph. The American War Lamented. Sermon at Taun- ton, February 1 8th and 25th, 1776. 8vo., pp. 20. Lond., 1776. TouLMiN,* Joshua. Charge at the Ordination of Rev. Ifaac Smith, at Sidmouth, Devon, June 24th, 1778. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 24. Taunton. Sermon at the Opening of Bridwell Chapel, near Ufculme, Devon, January 4th, 1792. With an Addrefs by John Williams. 8vo., pp. 49. Taunton. Sermon at Bridgwater, March 10, 1793, on the Death of Rev. Thomas Watfon. 8vo., pp. 32. Taunton. '■' Popular Preaching, recommended by the Conduft of Chrift as a 59° New-York Historical Society. Teacher. A Sermon to the Supporters of the Unitarian Fund, November 26th, 1806; with the Report of the Committee of the Fund. i2mo,, pp. 32, 36. Lond., 1807. Toulon. The Hiftory of the Siege of. With an Account of the Political Reafons that moved the Confederates to undertake it, etc. i2mo. Lond., 1708. Tour through fome Parts of Iftria, Camiola, Styria, Auftria, the Tyrol, Italy and Sicily, in the Spring of 1814. By a Young Englifh Merchant. 8vo. Lond., 1815. Tourist (The) ; or. Pocket Manual for Travellers on the Hudfon River, the Weftern Canal, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1830. TouRNEFORT, M. Materia Medica ; or, a Defcription of Simple Medicines generally ufed in Phylick, etc. Written originally by the learned . . . Botanifl: to the French King. Faithfully trans- lated into Englifh. i2mo. Lond., 1708. TouRON, R. P. Hiftoire Generale de I'Amerique depuis fa decouverte, etc. 14 vols., i2mo. [Vol. 3 wanting.] Paris, 1768 Towers, Joseph. lUuftrations of Prophecy. 2 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1808. Town, Ithiel. Detail of fome Particular Services performed in America, during the years 1776-79, compiled from Journals and original Papers, fuppofed to be chiefly taken from the Journal kept on board the fliip " Rainbow," commanded by Sir George Col- lier, izmo. N. Y., 1835. Atlantic Steam Ships. The Origin, Progrefs, and Profpeds of Steam Navigation acrofs the Atlantic, izmo. N. Y., 1838. Townes, Caleb. An Enquiry how far the Punifhment of Death is Neceflary in Pennfylvania ; with Notes and lUuftrations, by Wil- liam Bradford, Efq. To which is added an Account of the Gaol, etc., of Philadelplua. 8vo. Lond., 1795. Towns and Townships. General Plan for Laying out, etc. 8vo., pp. 24. 1794. Townsend, Alexander. Oration at Bofton, July 4th, 18 10, on the Feelings, Manners, and Principles that produced American Inde- pendence. 8vo. Bofton, 1 8 10. Townsend, John. Sermon, Faft Day, 1795, at their Meeting, in Ja- maica Row, Bermondfey. 8vo., pp. 54. Lond., 1795. Sermon before the Correfpondent Board in London of the So- ciety in Scotland for Propagating Chriftian Knowledge, March 15th, 1812. 8vo., pp. 67. Lift of Preachers. • London. Townsend, Joseph. Some Account of the Britifh Army, and of the Battle of Brandywine, on September iit;h, 1777. 8vo. Phil., 1846. Townsend, Peter S. An Account of the Yellow Fever, as it pre- vailed in the City of New York, in the Summer and Autumn of 1822. 8vo. N. Y., 1823. A Diflertation on the Influence of the Paflions in the Produftion and Modification of Difeafe. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Catalogue of Printed Books. 591 TowNSEND, Shippie. Remarks on a Pamphlet, entitled " All Men will not be faved," by Samuel Mather, etc. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1783. Tozzi, P1ETR.0 Paolo. Nova Seconda editione delle vere et Nove Imagini de Gli Dei, Indiani. 4to. [Imperfeft.] Tract (A) for the Day. How to Conquer Texas before Texas Con- quers us. 8vo. Bofton, 1845. Tracy, Uriah. Speech in the Senate, United States, December 2, 1803, on the Amendment of the Conftitution. 8vo., pp. 24. Tracy, William. Notices on Men and Events, conneded with the Early Hiftory of Oneida County, delivered before the Young Men of Utica. 8vo. 1838. Trade. Britannia Languens; or, a Difcourfe of . . . etc. 8vo. Lond., 1680. British. Enquiry into the State of the Union of Great Britain, and the State of the Trade and Public Revenues thereof. By the Wednefday's Club in Friday Street. 8vo. Lond., 1717. IN France. Memorials prefented by the Deputies of the Coun- cil of Trade in France, to the Royal Council, in 1701. French and Englifh. 8vo. Lond., 1736. AND Foreign Plantations. Report of the Lords of the Com- mittee of Council, etc. 8vo., pp. 91. Lond., 1785. Tradesmen, Sermons to. i2mo,, pp. i^), Lond., 1772. Traheron, Bar. An Expofition of the Fourth Chapter of St. John's Revelation, made by ... in fundrie Readings before his Coun- triemen in Germany. i2mo. Lond., 1573. Trall, Russell Thatcher. Prize Temperance Effay. i2mo. N. Y., 1845. Transactions in Ufeful Philofophy and other forts of Learning, January, September, 1709. 8vo. Lond. of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 3 vols., 4to. Edinburgh, 1788. of the Medical Society of London. Vol. I., 8vo. Lond., 1812. Trapp, Joseph. The Nature, Folly, Sin, and Danger of being Right- eous over-much, etc. 8vo., pp. 69. Lond., 1739. Travers, George. Trial of, an Indidlment for the Murder of James McKim, and alfo of Thomas Hafey, etc., December, 1814. 8vo., pp. 91. Bofton, 1 81 5. Treadwell, Francis C. Memorial to Governor and Senate of New York, for Removal of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas and General Seftions for King's County. 8vo. N. Y., 1839. Treadwell, S. B. American Liberties and American Slavery, Moral- ly and Politically Illuftrated. ■i2mo. N. Y., 1838. Treason. The Law of. A View of the Power and Duty of Grand Juries in Criminal Cafes. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1794. Treasury Department. Report of the Committee appointed to Ex- amine into the State of the . . . Houfe of Reprcfentatives, 2 2d May, 1794. 8vo. Phil., 1794. 592 New-York Historical Society. Treaties. A General Colleftion of Treaties, Declarations of War, Manifcftoes, and other Public Papers relating to Peace and War. 4 vols., 8vo. Second Edition. Lond., 1732. — — Extrads from the, between Great Britain and other Kingdoms and States, of fuch Articles as relate to the Duty and Conduft of the Commanders of His Majefty's Ships of War. 4to. Lond., 1792. between the United States and Great Britain, from Definitive Treaty of Peace, figned at Paris, 1783, to the Treaty of Peace, figned at Ghent, 1814. 8vo. Bofton, 1815. Treatise of the Difeafes moft frequent in the Weft Indies, and here- in more particularly of thofe which occilr in Barbadoes. 8vo. Lond., 1726. Treaty at Worms. Replique d'un Membre du Parlement de la Grande Bretagne, a la Reponfe d'un Gentilhomme Milanois, etc. 8vo. Londres. (A) held with the Catawba and Cherokee Indians, etc. 4to., pp. 25. Williamfburg. of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, between His Britannic Majefty and the United States of America, conditionally ratified by the Senate of the United States, at Philadelphia, June 24th, 1795. Appendix. i2mo. Phil., Auguft 12th, 1795. Same. Second Edition. 8vo. Phil., Nov. 2d, 1795. Examination of the Treaty, etc., in feveral Numbers, by Cato. 8vo. N. Y., 1795. Features of Mr. Jay's Treaty. To which is annexed a View of the Commerce of the United States, as it ftands at prefent, and as it is fixed by Mr. Jay's Treaty. 8vo. Phil., 1795. The Britifh Treaty. 8vo. The Treaty : its Merits and Demerits fairly DifcufTed and Dis- played. 8vo. [^794'] Letters of Franklin on the Conduft of the Executive and the, negotiated by the Chief Juftice of the United States with the Court of Great Britain. 8vo., pp. 56. Phil., 1795. — — Candid Examination of the Objeftions to the, of Amity, etc., between the United States and Great Britain, as ftated in the Re- port of the Committee, etc., in Charlefton, South Carolina. By a Citizen of South Carolina. 8vo,, pp. 43. [Rep.] N. Y., 1795. — — - Same. With Sundry Refolutions and Proceedings in Cafes be- fore the Board of Commiffioners for carrying into efFeft the Sixth Article, etc. 4to. Phil., 1799. Brief Statement of Opinions given in the Board of Commis- sioners, under the Sixth Article. With an Appendix, etc., by one of the Commiffioners. 8vo., pp. 71. • Phil., 1800. See United States Debates — in Appendix. AND Convention for the Wounded and Prifoners of War of the Land Forces of His Majefty the King of Great Britain and of his Moft Chriftian Majefty. i2mo,, pp. 16. Phil. Catalogue of Printed Books. 593 Treaty between the' United States and His Catholic Majefty, 27th Oa., 1795. 8vo. Phil., 1796. Trebeck, J, A Letter to John Hollis, on his Reafons for Scepticifm, as it concerns Revealed Religion. 8vo., pp. 40. Lond., 1796. Trelawny, Sir Harry, Bart. Letter to Rev. Thomas Alcock, etc. 8vo., pp. 27. Lond., 1780. Trelawny, Harry. The Importance of Truth, and the Danger of Moderation, particularly with refpcdl to the Doftrine of the Trin- ity, etc. 8vo. Exeter, 1799. [Trench ard, John.] Cato's Letters. 4 vols., l2mo. Lond., 1724. and Thomas Gordon. Colledlion of Trafts. 2 vo]s., 8vo. Lond., 1 75 1. Trials in Ireland. Speeches of . . . for High Treafon, etc. ; in- cluding the Speeches of Mr. Curran at length, accompanied by certain papers illuftrating the Hiftory and Prefent State of that Country. 8vo. Baltimore, 1804. Trimmer, Mrs. Abridgement of Scripture Hiftory, confifting of Lcffbns feledled from the Old Teftament, etc. l2mo. N. Y., 1804. Reflcftions upon the Education of Children in Charity Schools, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1792. Trinity. A Full Anfwer to the Catholic Dodtrine . . . Proved, etc., by Rev. William Jones, wherein that Author's Arguments are Re- futed, etc. 8vo., pp. 192, iv. Lond., 1772. The Importance of Truth, and the Danger of Moderation, particularly with refpeft to the Doftrine of the, etc. 8vo., pp. b"]. Exeter, 1779. Trinity Church. A Brief Statement relative to the late Eledlion of Wardens, etc., in . . . etc., in the City of New York, April, 1812. The Charter of the Corporation of Trinity Church Defended againft the Attacks of a late Pamphlet. 8vo. N. Y., 181 3. Memorial, with accompanying Documents, relative to . . . 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Triomphe (Le) du Nouveau Monde. Reponfes Academiqucs fondant un Nouveau Syfteme de Confederation, etc., dedie aux Souve- rains, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1785. Triumph (The) of the Whigs ; or. T'other Congrefs Convened. 8vo. . N. Y., 1775. Troil, Uno Von. Letters on Iceland ; containing Obfcrvations on the Civil, Literary, Ecclefiaftical and Natural Hiftory . . . etc. To which are added, the Letters of Dr. Ihre and Dr. Beach to the Author concerning the Edda and the Elephantiafis of Iceland, etc. 8vo. Dublin, 1780. Trott, Nicholas. The Laws of the Britilh Plantations in America, relating to the Church and the Clergy, Religion and Learning. Folio. Lond., 1 72 1. 38 594 New-York Historical Society. Troughear, Thomas. Sermon at Northwood, m 'the Ifle of Wight, September 7th, 1729. 8vo., pp. 23. Lond., 1730. Troup, Robert. A Vindication of the Claim of Elkanah Watfon, Efq., to the Merit of Projefting the Lake Canal Policy, etc. ; alfo, a Vindication of the Claim of the late General Schuyler to the Merit of Drawing the Aft of 1792. 8vo. Geneva, 1821. A Letter to the Hon. B. Livingfton, Efq., on the Lake Canal Policy of the State of New York. 8vo. Albany, 1822. et al. Anfwer to a Clandeftine Addrefs to the Eleftors of the State of New York, figned by ... By Epaminondas. 8vo. Trubner, Nicolas. Bibliographical Guide to American Literature . . . etc. l2mo. Lond., 1855. True Briton (The). 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1723. Trumbull, Benjamin. A Plea, in ^'^indication of the Connefticut Title to the Contefted Lands lying Weft of the Province of New York, addreffed to the Public. 8vo., pp. 102. New Haven, 1774. Thankfgiving Sermon on the Peace with Great Britain, North Haven, December 11, 1783. 8vo., pp. 37. New Haven, 1784. A Complete Hiftory of Conne6licut, etc. Vol. I. 8vo. Hartford, 1797. — — Funeral Difcourfe on the Death of General Wafhington, North Haven, December 29, 1799. 8vo., pp. 31. New Haven, 1800. Addrefs on the fubjefts of Prayer and Family Religion. i2mo., pp. 36. New Haven, 1804. A Complete Hiftory of Connedicut, Civil and Ecclefiaftical, from the Emigration of its firft Planters from England, in the year 1630, to the year 1764, and to the Clofe of the Indian Wars. 2 vols., 8vo. New Haven, 181 8. Trumbull, Henry. Hiftory of Indian Wars, etc. With Plates. 8vo. Norwich, 18 12. [Trumbull, John.] McFingal : a Modern Epic Poem ; Canto Firft, or the Town Meeting. 8vo. Phil., 1775. [ ] Same. In Four Cantos. l2mo. Hartford, 1782. Same. 8vo. N. Y., 1795. Poetical Works. 2 vols., 8vo. Hartford, 1820. Trumbull, John. Autobiography, . Reminifcences and Letters . . . from 1756 to 1841. Engravings. 8vo. N. Y., 1841. Trumbull, J. H. The Pubhc Records of the Colony of Connefti- cut, prior to the Union with New Haven Colony, May, 1665. 8vo. Hartford, 1850. Same, from 1665-78, etc. 8vo. Hartford, 1852. Thrush, Thomas. A Letter addrefled to the King, on Refigning his Commiflion as a Captain in the Royal Navy, on the ground of the Unlawfulnefs of War. 8vo. Cambridge, 1825. Trust, Joseph William. Report of the Proceedings at the City Hall, New York, in 1833, in the Cafe of Jofeph Wilfred Parkins. 8vo. Lond., 1833. Catalogue of Printed Books. 595 TuAM, Archbishop of. Sermon to the Proteftants of Ireland, in and about the City of London, Thankfgiving, Oftober 23d, 1689. 4to. Lond. TucKE, John. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. John Tucke (his fon), Epfom, September 23d, 1761. 8vo., pp. 47. Portfmouth. Tucker, George. Life of Thomas JefFerfon ; with Parts of his Cor- refpondence, before unpubhfhed, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1837. Progrefs of the United States in Population and Wealth in Fifty Years, as exhibited by the Decennial Cenfus. 8vo. N. Y., 1843. Tucker, John. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Edmund Noyes, Salifbury, November 20th, 1 751. 8vo., pp. 40. Boflon, 1 751. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Amos Moody, Pel- ham, November 20th, 1765. 8vo. Bofton, 1766. Letter to James Chandler, of Rowley, relative to a Marginal Note in his Sermon of 25th June, 1767. 8vo., pp. 27. Bofton, 1767. Remarks on a Sermon by Aaron Hutchinfon, of Grafton, en- titled Valour for the Truth, delivered 23d April, 1767. 8vo., pp. 47. Bofton. Brief Account of an Ecclefiaftical Council, fo called, convened in the Firft Parifli of Newbury, 31ft March, and 21ft of April, 1767. With a Difcourfe from Afts xx. 17 to 21 inclufive. 8vo., pp. 42 and 14. Bofton. Reply to Rev. Mr. Chandler's Anfwer, containing the Author's Vindication of Himfelf, in a Second Letter to Chandler. 8vo., pp. 55. Bofton, 1768. Chandler's Reply to, April, 1768. A. Hutchinfon's Reply to Remarks on his Sermon, etc., Conftd- ered by the Author of faid Remarks. 8vo., pp. 40. Bofton, 1768. Convention Sermon, Bofton, May 26th, 1768. 8vo. Bofton, 1768. Two Sermons, preached at Newburyport, April 9th, 1769. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1769. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 29th, 1771. 8vo. Bofton, 1 77 1. Remarks on a Difcourfe of the Rev. Jonathan Parfons, of New- buryport, delivered 5th March [1774], and entitled, "Freedom from Civil and Ecclefiaftical Slavery the Purchafe of Chrift." 8vo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1774. Letter to, upon his Remarks on Parfon's Sermon, by Marcus Shangar. 8vo., pp. 17. Bofton, 1775. Dudleian Ledlure, Harvard College, September 2, 1778. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1778. Sermon at Newburyport, Auguft 14th, 1778, on Ps. cxxxiii. i. With Letters from Thomas Carey to his Parifhioners. 8vo., pp. 52. Newburyport, 1788 59^ New-York Historical Society. Tucker, Josiah. Second Letter to a Friend, concerning Naturaliza- tions, etc. 8vo., pp. 44. Lond., 1753. A Letter to, occafioned by his Apology for the Prefent Church of England, etc. By a Petitioning Clergyman. 8vo., pp. 57. Lond., 1773. Religious Intolerance no part of the General Plan either of the Mofaic or Chriftian Difpenfation, etc. 8vo., pp. 55. Gloucefter, 1774. Trad V. The Refpeftive Pleas and Arguments of the Mother Country and of the Colonies, diftinftly fet forth. 8vo., pp. 51. Gloucefter, 1775. An Humble Addrefs and Earneft Appeal to the Landed Intereft, etc. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 93. Gloucefter, 1775. Four Trafts on Pohtical and Commercial Subjefts. Third Edi- tion. 8vo., pp. 224. Gloucefter, 1776. Reflections on the Prefent Low Price of Coarfe Wools, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1782. Four Letters on Important National Subjefts, addrefled to the Right Hon. the Earl of Shelburne. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 120. Lond., 1783. Refleflions on the Prefent Matters in Difpute between Great Britain and Ireland, etc. 8vo., pp. 41. Lond., 1785. TucKERMAN, Henry T. The Life of Silas Talbot, a Commodore in the Navy of the United States. i2mo. N. Y., 1850. A Month in England. i2mo. N. Y., 1853. A Memorial of Horatio Greenough; confifting of a Memoir, Seleftions from his Writings, and Tributes to his Genius. i2mo. N. Y., 1853. Tuckerman, Joseph. Funeral Oration on the Death of General Waftiington, before the Bofton Mechanics' Aflbciation, 2 2d Febru- ary, 1800. pp. 24. Bofton. Sermon delivered at the Ordination of the Rev. Samuel Gilman, Charlefton, S. C, December i, 1819. 8vo. Charlefton. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Orville Dewey, New Bedford, December 17th, 1823, 8vo. New Bedford, 1824. Reports of his Service as a Minifter at large in Bofton. Second Edition. i2mo., pp. 187. N. Y. 1832. Tudor, Henry. Narrative of a Tour in North America ; comprifing ' Mexico, the Mines of Real del Monte, the United States, and the Britilh Colonies, with an Excurfion to the Ifland of Cuba. In a feries of Letters, written in the years 183 1-2. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1834. Tudor, William. An Oration, delivered March 5 th, 1779, at the requeft of the Inhabitants of the Town of Bofton, to commemo- rate the Bloody Tragedy of 5th of March, 1772. 4to,, pp. 23. Bofton, 1779. Tudor, William, Jr. Oration, at Bofton, July 4th, 1809. 8vo. Bofton, 1809. Catalogue of Printed Books. 597 Tudor, William. Letters on the Eaftern States. Second Edition. 8vo. Bofton, 1 82 1. Life of James Otis ; containing alfo Notices of Contemporary Charafters and Events. 8vo. Bofton, 1823. Tufts, George A. Addrefs before the Worcefter Agricultural So- ciety, Odlober 12, 1825. Tufts, John. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Mr. Benjamin Bradftreet, Gloucefter, September i8th, 1728. 8vo., pp. 25. Bofton, 1729. Tuke, Samuel. Defcription of the Retreat, an Inftitution near York for Infane Perfons, etc. 8vo. Phil., 181 3. Tunstall, James. Vindication of the Power of States to Prohibit Clandcftine Marriages, etc. 8vo., pp. 68. Lond., 1755. Tuomey, M. Report on the Geological and Agricultural Survey of the State of South Carolina, 1844. 8vo. Columbia (S. C), 1844. Turell, Ebenezer. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Mr. Samuel Cooke, Cambridge, September 12th, 1739. 8vo. Bofton, 1 740 [ ] Direftion to his People with relation to the Prefent Times Third Edition. i2mo., pp. 15. Bofton, 1742 Turcot (M.) Refledlions on the Formation and Diftribution of Wealth From the French. 8vo., pp. 122. Lond., 1793 Turkey. A Letter from a Counfellor of the Court of Vienna to Mr. , containing what happened in the laft Conferences with the Ambaffadors of the Port, the Infolent Propofitions of the Turks, and the Anfwer of the Commiifioners of his Imperial Majerty, at Vienna, February 6th, 1690. 4to. Turkish Wars. Hiftory of ... in Hungary, Tranfylvania, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1664. Turks. A Full and True Relation of the Glorious Viftory of the Chriftians over the. 410. Obfervations on the Religion, Law, Government, and Manners of the . . . Second Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1771. Trumbull, Robert J. Viftt to the Philadelphia Prifon, etc. With •Obfervations on Capital Punifhments. 8vo., pp. 108. Phil., 1796. Turner, Charles. Maflachufetts Eledlion Sermon, May 26th 1773. 8vo. Bofton. Turner, Daniel. Sermon at Oxford, November i6th, 1780, on oc- cafion of the Eftablifhment of a Chriftian Church of Proteftant DifTenters in that City, etc. 8vo., pp. 28. Oxford, 1780. Turner, Jacob. Genealogy of the Defcendants of Humphrey Tur- ner, and Family Records. In Two Parts. 4to. Bofton, 1852. Turner, John. Eflay on Ecclefiaftical Authority . . . relating to the Nonjurors Separation, etc. 8vo., pp. "]"], 3. Lond., 17 17. Turner, O. Pioneer Hiftory of the Holland Purchafe of Weftern New York, etc. 8vo. Buffalo, 1850. 598 New -York Historical Society. Turner, Samuel H. Introduftory Difcourfe, delivered at New Ha- ven, at the opening of the Seminary of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church of the United States, September 13th, 1820. 8vo. Hartford, 1820. — — An Appeal to Epifcopalians in behalf of Clerical Education. A Sermon in Chrift Church, Hartford, Augufl: 5th, 1829. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1829. Turner, Sharon. The Hiftory of the Anglo-Saxons, from the Ear- lieft Periods to the Norman Conqueft. 3 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1836. Turner, William. Triumphs of Young Phyfick j or, Chrono- Thermal Trads. 8vo. N. Y., 1 847. TuRQUET, Lewis, de Mayence. The Generall Hiftorie of Spain, etc., unto the year 1583. Tranflated and continued by Edward Grimefton. Folio. Lond., 1 61 2. Tuscany. See Criminal Law. Twilight: a Poem. Spoken at Litchfield, July 4th, 181 2. By a Student-at-Law. 8vo. N. Y., 181 3. Twiss, Travers. The Oregon Territory : its Hiftory and Difcovery. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Two Letters, one from a Lady to a Friend, who had Married a Ro- man Catholic Gentleman, the other to the faid Gentleman, by which he was Converted to the Proteftant Religion. 8vo., pp. 40. Lond., 1727. Two Letters publiftied in Old England ; or, the Conftitutional Jour- nal, September 17th and 24th. 8vo., pp. 19. Lond., 1743. Tyler Administration. The Honor of the United States of Amer- ica, under the Adminiftration of Tyler, Webfter and Co. 8vo. N. Y., 1842. Tyler, Andrew. Two Difcourfes on Luke xiv. 26, Dedham, Febru- ary 8th and 15th, 1756. 8vo., pp. 34. Bofton, 1756. Tyler, John. His Hiftory, Charafter and Pofition. 8vo. N. Y,, 1 840. Tyler, J. E. Hiftorical Difcourfe delivered at the 150th Anniverfary of the Formation of the Firft Church in Windham. 8vo. Hartford, 185 1. Tyng, Stephen H. The Importance of Uniting Manual Labor with Intellcdlual Attainments in a Preparation for the Miniftry. A Difcourfe preached at the requeft of the Epifcopal Education So- ciety of Pennfylvania. 8vo. Phil., 1830. Tyson, James L. Diary of a Phyfician, in California, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1850. Tyson, Job R. Memoir of Thomas C. James, M. D., one of the Vice-Prefidcnts of the Hiftorical Society of Pennfylvania, read before the Society, ift February, 1836. 8vo. Phil., 1836. Difcourfe on the Integrity of the Legal Charafter, delivered be- fore the Law Academy of Philadelphia. 8vo., pp. 36. Phil., 1839. Difcourfe delivered before the Hiftorical Society of Pennfylvania, Catalogue of Printed Books. 599 February 21 ft, 1842, on the Colonial Hiftory of the Eaftern and feme of the Southern States. 8vo. Phil., 1842. Tyson, Job R. The Social and Intelledlual State of the Colony of Pennfylvania prior to the year 1743. 8vo. Phil., 1843. Tyson, Raymond M. A Lefture on the Hiftory of Statcn Ifland, dehvcred before the Tompidnfville Lyceum, etc., April 12th, 1842. 8vo., pp. 16. Staten Ifland, 1842. Tythes. Projeft for a Better Regulation in Collefting the Income of the Clergy, etc. 8vo. Dublin, 1786. Obfcrvations, etc. By a Curate. 8vo., pp. 72. Dublin, 1787. Tytler, James, The Rifmg of the Sun in the Weft j or, the Origin and Progrefs of Liberty. 8vo. Salem, 1795. A Treatifc on the Plague and Yellow Fever. 8vo. Salem, 1 799. Ulloa, Antonio de. Noticias Americanas entretenimientos Phificos- Hiftoricos fobre La America Meridional, y la Septentrional, Ori- ental, etc. 8vo. Madrid, 1772. Ulloa 's Voyages. See Juan. Umfreville, Edward. The Prefent State of Hudfon's Bay ; contain- ing a Full Defcription of that Settlement and the Adjacent Coun- try, and likcwifc of the Fur Trade, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1790. Underbill, Captain John. Ncwes from America; or, a New and Expcrimentall Difcoverie of New England, containing a True Relation of their Warlike Proceedings thefe two yeares laft paft ; with a Figure of the Indian Fort, or Pallizado. 4to. Lond., 1638. Underwood, Nathan. Sermon delivered at Denjiis, at the Opening of a New Meeting Houfe. 8vo., pp. 14. Bofton, 1796. Union. Arguments for and againft an Union between Great Britain and Ireland Confidered, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1798. Plan of a Propofcd . . . between Great Britain and the Colonies, etc. 8vo., pp. 4. Insurance Company. Profpedlus. 8vo., pp. 16. N. Y., 1818. Brigade (New Jcrfcy). Proceedings on the Death of General Wafhington. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Auftin, Oration by Cap- tain Samuel White. 8vo., pp. 36. [N. Y.], 1800. [Unitarian.] Collcftion of Pieces and Trafts illuftrative of the Faith of thofc Chriftians who hold the Principles of the Unity of God, etc. 8vo. Phil., 18 10. Letter from a Trinitarian to an, dated at Greenfield, Auguft, 1820. i2mo., pp. 16. Greenfield, 1820. Christian. Friendly Dialogue between an . . . and an Atha- nafian, etc. i2mo., pp. 35. Lond., 1784. Unitarianism. An Exhibition of; with Scriptural Extrafts. Tradl No. I. l2mo., pp. 35. Greenfield, 1824. United States, Laws, Journals, Documents, State Papers, etc. See Appendix. 6oo New-York Historical Society. United States. American's Guide (The), compriiing the Declara- tion of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Con- ftitution of the United States, and of the feveral States, izmo. Phil., 1828. AND Canada. An Excurfion through, during the years 1822-3. By an Englifh Gentleman. 8vo. Lond., 1824. AND France. Correfpondence relative to the renewal of Trea- ties between. 4to., pp. 22. Treaty of Amity and Commerce . . . between His Moft Chris- tian Majefty Louis XVI., King of France and Navarre, and the Thirteen United States. 410., pp. 34. Phil., 1778. Correfpondence concerning the Infults offered to the Flag of the United States. 4to., pp. 23. Addrefles on the Part, Prefent, and Eventual Relations of the United States to France. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1803. An Inquiry into the Prefent State of the Foreign Relations of the Union by the late Meafures of Adminiftration. 8vo. Phil., 1806. Army. General Regulations for the year 1847. By authority of the War Department. 1 2mo. Wafhington, 1 847. Army Meteorological Regifter for twelve years, from 1843 to 1854, inclufive . . . 4to. Wafhington, 1855. Bank. The Examination of the Prefident, Calhiers, and Di- reftors of the ... to which is prefixed the Report of the Com- mittee appointed to inveftigate its proceedings, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1819. The Legiflative and Documentary Hiftory of the. Compiled M. St. Clair Clarke and D. A. Hall. 8vo. Wafhington, 1832. Message of the President. Tranfmitting certain Documents relative to Hoftile Threats againfl the Territories of Spain in the Neighborhood of the United States. 8vo. Phil., 1794. Examination of the Prefident's MefTage of December 7, 1801. Revifed and corredted by the Author [Lucius Craffus, in the Evening Poll]. 8vo. N. Y., 1802. Tranfmitting a Letter from the Secretary of War, accompanied with fundry Documents, etc., to Explain the Caufes of the Fail- ure of the Arms of the United States on the Northern Frontier, February 2d, 1814. 8vo. N. Y., 1814. AddrefTes and MefTages, from 1789 to 1839; together with the Declaration of Independence and Conftitutions of the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1839. Inaugural, Annual and Special, from 1789 to 1846. Compiled by Edwin Williams. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1846. Communicating the Proceedings of the Commiffioners for the Adjuftment of Claims under the Convention of February 8th, 1853, between Great Britain and the United States of America. 8vo. Wafhington, 1856. Catalogue of Printed Books. 601 United States Navy. A Bill for the Government of the Navy, 23d January, 1799. 8vo. An Aft for the Government of the . . . March 2d, 1 799. 8vo. — — An Addrefs to the People of the United States, on the Policy of Maintaining a Permanent Navy. By an American Citizen. 8vo. Phil., 1802. Obfervations on the Navy Penfion Laws. By an Officer of the U. S. Navy. Wafhington, 1840. AND Marine Corps. General Regulations for the . . . 8vo. Walhington, 1841. President. Communications on the next Election for a Prefident of the United States, and on the late Meafures of the Federal Adminiftration. With Notes, Illuftrations and Documents, By a Citizen of New York. 8vo. 1 808. A Letter to the . . . touching the Profecutions under his Pat- ronage, before the Circuit Court in the Diftridl of Connedicut, etc. By Hampden. 8vo. New Haven, 1 808. Wafhington to the People of the United States, on the Choice of a Prefident. 8vo. Bofton, 181 2. Reformed Prefbyterian Church, on the Reformation Principles exhibited by the. l2mo. N. Y., 1852. Thoughts on the Prefent Relations and Interefts of the. 8vo. N. Y., 1 810. United States Catholic Magazine and Monthly Review, etc. Vols. IV. V. 8vo. Baltimore, 1845. United States Literary Gazette (The). Vols. I-IV. 4to. and 8vo. Bofton, 1824-6. United States Magazine ; or. General Repofitory of Ufeful Inftruc- tion and Rational Amufement. 8vo. Newark, 1794. United States Military and Philosophical Society. Extrafts from the Minutes of the, at an occafional Meeting, held at New York, December 28th, 1809. 4to., pp. 22. N. Y., 1809. Unity (The) of God. A Sermon delivered in America. Third Edition. 8vo., pp. 23. N. Y., 1820. Universal History, An. From the Earlieft Account of Time to the Prefent. Compiled from original Authors, and Illuftrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, Chronological and other Tables. 7 vols.. Folio. . Lond., 1736-44. Universal Museum, and Complete Magazine, for March, 1765. Universal Magazine, for Auguft, 1766. Universal Salvation. New Sentiments upon the Doflrine of, etc. By Adelos. 8vo., pp. 64. Providence, 1786. Universal Register Office. Plan of the, etc., eftablifhed in the year 1749. Sixth Edition. 8vo., pp. 23. Lond., 1753. University of the State of New York. Reports of the Regents, etc. . OF THE City of New York. Journal of the Proceedings of a Convention of Literary and Scientific Gentlemen, held in the 6o2 New-York Historical Society. Common Council Chamber of the City of New York, Oftober, 1830. 8vo. N. Y., 1831. Unus. Political Syftem ; or. Politics Scientifically Difcufled. 8vo. Flufhing, 1843. Unwin, William. A Word of Friendly Reproof and Inftruftion to thofc who feldom attend Public Worlhip. Third Edition. With a Poftfcript. izmo., pp. 23. Lond., 1773. Updike, Wilkins. Memoirs of the Rhode Ifland Bar. i2mo. Bofton, 1842. — — Hiftory of the Epifcopal Church in Narraganfett, Rhode Ifland, including a Hiftory of other Epifcopal Churches in the State ; with an Appendix, confifting of a reprint of a work now ex- tremely rare, entitled "America Diflefted." By the Rev. J. Macfparran, D. D., etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1 847. Upfold, George. An Addrefs delivered at the Annual Commence- ment of the Weftern Univerfity of Pennfylvania, September 9th, 1 841. 8vo. Pittfburgh, 1841. — — " The Sins of the People." A Difcourfe delivered in Trinity Church, on May 14th, 1841. 8vo. The Laft Hundred Years. A Lefture delivered at the Weftern Univerfity of Pennfylvania, February 4th, 1845. 8vo. Pittftjurgh, 1845. Upham, Charles W. Sermon at the Dedication of the Houfe of Worfhip of the Firft Congregational Society in Salem, November i6th, 1826. 8vo. Salem, 1826. Lives of Celebrated Statefmen. By John Quincy Adams, LL. D. With a Sketch of the Author. 8vo. N. Y., 1 846. Upham, Thomas C. American Sketches. i2mo. N. Y., 18 19. Uring, Nathaniel. A Hiftory of the Voyages and Travels of; with New Draughts of the Bay of Honduras, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1726. [Urquhart; George.] Inftitutes of Hydroftatics, illuftrated with Plates. With an Eflay on Air-Balloons. 8vo. Lond., 1786. Urwick, Thomas. Sermon at Walthamftow, February 18, 1787, on .the Death of Rev. Hugh Farmer. 8vo., pp. 38. Lond., 1787. Sermon at Clapham, 12th March, 1800. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond. Utopia. Memoirs of a certain Ifland, adjacent to the Kingdom of. Second Edition. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1726. Vaccination. Report on, by the MafTachufetts Medical Society, June I ft, 1808. 8vo. Bofton, 1808. Vaderlandsche Historie, vervattende de Gefchiedenifl'en dcr Veree- nigde Nederlanden, inzonderheid die van Holland, etc. 21 vols., 8vo. Amfterdam, 1739-49. Hiftorie Verkort, en by Vraagen en Antwoorden Voorgefteld. 8vo. Amfterdam, 1748. Catalogue of Printed Books. 603 Vail, Eugene A. De la Litterature et des Hommes de Lettres des Etats-Unis d'Amerique. 8vo. Paris, 1841. Vail, Joseph. Noah's Flood : a Poem. In Two Parts. 8vo. New Lond., 1796. Vaill, Joseph. Sermon delivered before the Hamplhire Miffionary Society, Northampton, Auguft 21, 1823. 8vo., pp. 24, 20. Northampton, 1823. Vaisse, M. Leon. Eflai fur THiftoire de la Philologie Orientale en France, par Extrait du Diftionnaire Encyclopedique de I'Hiftoire de France. 8vo., pp. 15. Paris, 1844. Eflai Hiftorique fur la Condition Sociale et I'Education des Sourds- Muets en France. Par Extrait du Diftionnaire Encyclopedique de I'Hiftoire de France. 8vo., pp. 8. Paris, 1 844. De I'Ecriture et de fon origine, ainfi que des difFerents fyftemes de fignes Ecrits et de Moyens Graphiques ufites chez les principaux Peuples du Globe, tant anciens que modernes. 8vo. Paris, 1848. Valens. The Letters of, which originally appeared in the London Evening Port:, with Correftions, Explanatory Notes, and a Pre- face, by the Author. 8vo., pp. 160. Lond., 1777. Valentine, Basil. The Laft Will and Teftament of . . . 1 8mo. Lond., 1 67 1. Valentine, David T. Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York, for the years 1841-58. 17 vols., l8mo. and izmo. N. Y., 1841-58. Hiftory of the City of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1853. Valentyn, Franc. Oud en Nieuw Ooft-Indien . . . etc. 5 tom. in 8 vols. Foho. Amfterdam, 1724-26. Valpy, Richard. Sermon, Auguft 13th, 1798, at the Confecration of the Colors of the Reading Aflbciation. 8vo., pp. 36. Reading, 1798. Van Buren, Martin. Speech in the Senate of New York, on the Aft to carry into effeft the Aft of 13 th April, 18 19, for the Settlements of the late Governor's Accounts. 8vo. Albany, 1820. Speech in the Senate, United States, on the Miflion to Panama, March, 1826. 8vo. Wafhington, 1826. The Voice of the People ; and the Fafts in relation to the Re- jeftion of the United States Senate. 8vo. N. Y., 1832, ■ Letter from the Prefidcnt of the United States, in Anfwer to a Communication on the fubjeft of a General Bankrupt Law, ftiew- ing the Neceffity of Subjefting Stockholders of Incorporated Banks to the fame laws as other citizens. 8vo. N. Y., 1840. Letter to. the Committee of Elizabeth City Co., Va. 8vo. 1840. Vanbrugh, Sir John, and Colley Cibber. The Provoked Huftiand ; or, a Journey to London : a Comedy of Five Afts. 1 2mo. Lond., 1 816. Van Citters, A. C. Lofrede op den edel wel geboren Heer Nicolaas Cornells Lambrechtfen, etc., 3d December, 1823. 8vo. Middelburg, 1824. 6o4 New-York Historical Society. Van Cott, J. M. A Difcourfe upon the Life, Charafter and Services of James Madifon. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1837. Vancouver, George. Voyage of Difcovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and Round the World, in 1 790, '95. J3 vols., 4to. 1798. VENDER Maden, Ph. The Univerfal Atlas of Geography, Phyfical, Statiftical and Mineralogical, etc. 8vo. Bruflels, 1829. Vanderbilt, John, Jr. An Addrefs in a New York Free School, 27th December, 1809, on the Introduftion of 50 Orphan and Helplefs Children, belonging to the Mafonic Fraternity. 8vo. N. Y., 1810. Vander Donck, Adriaen. Befchryvinge van Nieuw Nederlant . . . 4to. [Firft Edition, with view of " t'Fort Nieuw Amfterdam op de Manhattans," on page 9.] Amfterdam, 1655. Same. 410. [Second Edition, with Map.] Amfterdam, 1656. [Vander Kemp, Fr. Adrian.] Verzameling van Stukken tot de Der- tien vereenigde Staeten van Noord-America betrekkelijk. 8vo. Leyden, 1781. Vane, Sir Henry. The Tryal of, at the King's Bench, Weftminfter, June 2d and 6th, 1662, etc. Small 4to., pp. 134. [Lond., 1662.] Van Gogh, M. A Memorial delivered to His Majefty, July 21ft, 31ft, 1664, from the Lord Ambaflador from the States General of United Provinces. With the Anfwer, etc. 410., pp. 16. Lond., 1664. Van Heuvel, J. A. El-Dorado ; being a Narrative of the Circum- ftances which gave rife to Reports in the 1 6th century of the ex- iftence of a rich and fplendid City in South America. Map. 8vo. N. Y., 1844. Van Horne. Sermon by, of Ulfter County, before the Brethren of Solomon's Lodge, at Poughkeepfie, 24th June, 1798. 4to. Vaniere, J. The Bees. From the Latin of; being the 14th Book of his Prasdium Ruftlcum. By Arthur Murphy. 1 2mo. Middletown, Conn., 1808. Van Kampen, N. G. Verkorte Gefchiedenis der Nederlanden, van de Vroegfte tijden tot op de Omwenteluig van 1830. Met Platen : 2 Deelen. 8vo. Haarlem, 1839. Van Kleeck, Robert B. Eulogy on General William Henry Har- rifon, delivered at Troy, May 14th, 1841. 8vo. Van Merken, Lucretia Wilhelmina. Het nut der Tegenlpoeden, brieven, en andere Gedichten. 4to. Amfterdam, 1762. [Van Ness, William P.] An Examination of the various Charges exhibited againft Aaron Burr, Vice-Prefident of the United States, and a Development of the Charafters and Views of his Political Opponents. By Ariftides. -Svo. Phil., 1803. Report of Two Cafes determined in the Prize Court for the New YorkDiftria. Svo. N. Y., 1814. Proceedings of the Committee appointed to Inquire into the Catalogue of Printed Books. 605 Official Conduft of . . . one of the JufUces of the Supreme Court of New York, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1820. Van Ness, William W. Proceedings of the Committee appointed to Inquire into the Official Conduft of. With the whole evi- dence taken before that body. 8vo. N. Y., 1820. Van Noort, Olivier, Wonderlijcke Voyagie by de Hollanders ghe- daen door de Strate Magalanes ende voorts den Gantfchen Kloot des Aerdt-bodems om, met vier Schepen : onder den Admirael Olivier Van Noort, van Utrecht, Uytgevaren Anno 1 598. 4to. Utrecht, 1652. Van Pelt, Peter. Oration occafioned by the Death of General Wafhington, Flatbulh, 22d February, 1800., pp. 24. Brooklyn, 1 800. Van Renssalaer, Solomon. A Narrative of the Affair of Queens- town, in the War of 181 2. With a Review of the Striftures on that event, in a Book, entitled " Notices of the War of 1 8 1 2." i2mo. N. Y., 1836. Van Rensselaer, . Funeral Sermon, delivered over the body of the late Prefident, W. H. Harrifon. 8vo. Wafhington, 1841. Van Renssalaer Trials. Affault and Battery. Report of the Trials of the Caufes of Elilha Jenkins vs. Solomon Van Renffalaer, etc. Before Arbitrators, at Albany, Auguft 16, 17, 18, 1808. 8vo. Albany, 1808. Van Schaack, Henry C. Life of Peter Van Schaack, embracing Seleftions from his Writings during the American Revolution, and his Exile in England. Portrait. 8vo. N. Y., 1 842. Vansittart, Henry. The Hiftory of the Firft Ten Years of the Reign of Alemgeer. Written in Perfian, by Mahommed Sakec. 4to. Calcutta, 1785. Vansittart, Nicholas. Refleftions on the Propriety of an Imme- diate Conclufion of Peace. 8vo. Lond., 1794. Two Letters on the fubjedl of the Britifli and Foreign Bible So- ciety. 4to., pp. 4. _ Van Woensel, D. New Experiments with Mercury in the Small Pox. Tranflated from the French. By William Fowle, M. D. 8vo. Salifbury, 1793. Varenius, Bernhard. a Complete Syflem of General Geography, etc. Third Edition. 2 vols., 8vo. ' Lond., 1736. Varlo, Charles. Topographical Defcription of the Counties of Fred- erick, Berkeley and Jefferfon, in Virginia, etc. 8vo. Winchefter, 1 8 1 o. Varnum, Joseph B., Jr. The Seat of Government of the United States. A Review of the Difcuffions of Congrefs and elfcwhere, on the Site and Plans of the Federal City ; with a Sketch of its Prcfent Pofition and Profpedts. Alfo, a Notice of the Smithfonian Inftitute. 8vo. N. Y., 1848. Same. Second Edition. 8vo. Walliington, 1854. 6o6 New-York Historical Society. Vassa, Gustavus. Life of . . . written by Himfelf. 2 vols, in i, i2mo. Bofton, 1837, Vater, Johann Severin. Unterfuchungen uber Amerika's Bevolkerung aus dem alten Kontinente dem Herrn Kammerherrn Alex, Von Humboldt gewidmet von . . . 8vo. Leipzig, 18 10. Vattel, Emeric De. The Law of Nations; or. Principles of the Law of Nature, applied to the Conduft and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns, etc. From the French. 8vo. Northampton (Mafs.), 1805. Vaughan, W. Advice to Young Gentlemen concerning the Condudl of Life. In Two Parts. i6mo., pp. 112. Lond. Vaughan, William. Trafts on Docks and Commerce, etc., with Introduftion, Memoir, and Mifcellaneous Pieces. 8vo. Lond., 1839. Memoirs of, with Pieces relative to Docks, Commerce, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1839. Vaux, Roberts. Memoirs of the Lives of Benjamin Lay and Ralph Sandford. i2mo. Phil., 1815. Memoirs of the Life of Anthony Benezet. 1 2mo. Phil., 1 8 1 7. Addrefs delivered before the Philadelphia Society for Promotion of Agriculture, on i8th January, 1825. 8vo. Phil., 1825. Vega, Carpio Lope De. Comedias Famofas del Poeta, etc. 8vo. Valencia, 1605. Velasco, Don Antonio Palomino. Las Vidas de los Pintores y Eftatuarios Eminentes Elpanoles, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1742. Venables, Robert. The Experienced Angler, etc. Fifth Edition. l6mo. Lond., 1683. Venegas, Miguel. A Natural and Civil Hiftory of California, etc. Map and Plates. Tranflated from the original Spanifh. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1759. Venema, Pieter. Arithmetica, of Cyffer-Konft Volgens de Munten Maten en Gewigten, te Nieu-York, etc. i2mo., pp. 10. N. Yf, 1730. Venetian Campaigns. A Journal of the . . . a. d. 1687. 4to. Lond., 1688. Venice. An Authentick Account of the Meafures and Precautions ufed at ... by the Magiftrate of the Office of Health, for the Prefer- vation of the Public Health. 410., pp. 32. Lond., 1752. Venn, H. Letter to Jonathan Scott, Efq. 8vo., pp. 14. Lond., 1778. Letter to . . . 8vo., pp. 91. [Imperfeft.] Subftance of a Sermon, 19th November, at St. Peter's, Cornhill, before a Society for Promoting Religious Knowledge among the Poor. 8vo., pp. 30. Lond., 1779. Verdict Unsealed (The). Being a Review of the Teftimony given before the Court convened for the Trial of the Bifhop of New York. By Amici Jufticiae. 8vo. N. Y., 1845. Verdier, Antoine du (Sieur de Vauprivas.) Profopographie, ou De- fcription des Perfonnes Illuftres, tant Chrelliennes que Prophanes, Catalogue of Printed Books. 607 ou fe continuant I'Hiftoire et Chronologic, etc. Folio. Vols. 11. in. Lyon, 1603. Vermilya, Lucius H. A Year and a Half in Mexico, and at the Battles of Cerro Gordo, Churubufco and Mexico. 1 2mo. Prattfville, 1848. Vermilye, Thomas E. Introduftory Addrefs to the Courfe of Lec- tures, before the Young Men's Aflbciation, Albany, December 19th, 1837. 8vo. Albany, 1837. Difcourfe on the Death of the Hon. Stephen Van Renflalaer, dehvercd at Albany, February 3d, 1839. Vermont. Statutes of the State of . . . revifed and eftablilhed by Authority in the year 1787, including thofe pafled fince, 'till Jan- uary, 1 79 1 ; likewife the feveral Afts refjpetting Sales by the Sur- veyor-General. 8vo. Bennington, 1791. State Papers ; being a Colleftion of Records and Documents connefted with the Affumption and Eftabhfhment of Government by the People of Vermont, etc. Compiled and pubhfhed by William Slade, Jr., Secretary of State. 8vo. Middlebury, 1823. Journals of the General Aflembly of the State of, Odlober, 1822. 8vo. Montpelier, 1823. Same, 1826. 8vo, Rutland, 1827. Same, 1828-9. 8vo. Woodftock, 1829-30. Journals of the Senate, Odober Seffions, 1836-39, 1840-43. 8vo. Montpeher, 1836-44. Journals of the Houfe of Reprefentatives, Oftober Seffions, 1838-42-43. 8vo. Montpelier, 1839-43. Seffions Laws, from 1826 to 1843, inclufive [1837 wanting]. 17 vols., 8vo. Bennington, Woodftock, Middlebury, Burlington, Montpelier, 1826-43. The Revifed Statutes of the State of . . . pafled November 19th, 1839; to which are added feveral Public Afts, now in force, etc. 8vo. Burlington, 1840. Journal of the Convention, to Confider Amendments to the Conftitution of ... a. d. 1843. 8vo. Montpelier, 1843. Afts and Refolves, pafled by the Legiflature of the State, at their Oftober Seflion, 1844. 8vo. Burlington, 1844. The Twenty-flxth Annual Report of the Vermont Coloniza- tion Society, prefented Odlober i6th, 1845. 8vo. Burlington, 1845. Verplanck, Gulian C. Oration delivered July 4th, 1 809, before the Wafhington Benevolent Society of the City of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. Anniverfary Difcourfe delivered before the New York Hiftorical Society, December 7th, 1 81 8. 8vo, N. Y., 181 8. A Letter to Colonel William Drayton, of S. C, in afl'crtion of the Conftitutional Power of Congrefs to impofe Protefting Duties. 8vo. N. Y., 1 831. The Influence of Moral Caufes upon Opinion, Science and Lit- 6o8 New-York Historical Society. erature. A Difcourfe at Amherfl College, Auguft 27th, 1834. 8vo. N. Y., 1834. Verplanck, Gulian C. a Letter to ... on the Reform of the Ju- dicial Syftem of this State. By a Member of the New York Bar. 8vo. Dec, 1839. Verren, Antoine. La Maifon de Dieu ; Sermon prononce le 9th Odobre, 1834, jour de la Confccration du Temple de I'Eglife Proteftante Francaife du Saint-Efprit de New York. N. Y., 1834. Vertoogh van Nieu-Neder-Land, weghens de Ghelegentheydt, Vrucht- baerheydt, en Soberen Staet deflelfs. 4to., pp. 49. In 's Graven- Hage, 1650. Vertot (l'Abbe.) The Hiftory of the Revolutions in Sweden, occa- fioned by the Change of Religion and Alteration of the Govern- ment in that Kingdom. Tranflated by J. Mitchell. Third Edi- tion. 8vo. Lond., 171 1. The Hiftory of the Revolutions that happened in the Govern- ment of the Roman Republic. Tranflated by Mr. Ozell. Fourth Edition. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1732. Verus. Letters of . . . addrefTed to the Native American. 8vo. Phil., 1797. Vesey, William. Sermon preached in Trinity Church, in New York, in North America, May 12th, 1709, at the Funeral of the Right Hon. John, Lord Lovelace, etc. 4to., pp. 22. N. Y., 1709. Vespucci, Amerigo. Vita e Lettre di. 4to. Firenze, 1745. Vestris, Madame. Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of; with Anecdotes, Remarks, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. Vesuvius (Mt.) The Natural Hiftory of, etc. Tranflated from the original Italian. i2mo. [See Delia Torre.] Lond., 1743. Veteran. A Letter from a ... to the Officers of the Army en- camped at Bofton. 8vo. ' America, 1774. Veterinary Science. Being an Addrefs to the Gentlemen Farmers and Graziers of Long Ifland. 8vo. 1816. Veto. Review of the . . . containing an Examination of the Prin- ciples of the Prefident's Meflage, and his Objeftions to the Bill to Modify and Continue the Aft Rechartering the Bank of the United States. 8vo. Obfervations on the late Prefidential Veto, etc. Bofton, 1842. Vienna. Letter from . . . relative to the Turks, etc. 4to. 1690. Account of the Riot in, 13th April, 1798, occafioned by the French AmbafTador hoifting in that City the National Flag of France. From the German. 8vo., pp. 29. Lond., 1798. ViENNE. Nouveau Guide de, pour les Etrangers et les Nationaux. i2mo. Vienne, 1800. ViEssEux, A. The Hiftory of Switzerland, from the Firft Irruption of the Northern Tribes to the Prefent Time. With a large colored Map. 8vo. Lond., 1846. ViETS, Roger. Sermon in St. Peter's Church, in Granby, Conn., June 29th, 1800. 8vo., pp. 15. Hartford, 1800. Catalogue of Printed Books. 609 ViEYRA, Anthony. A Diftionary of the Portuguefe and Englifh Languages, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1809. View of the Relative State of Great Britain and France at the Com- mencement of the year 1796. 8vo., pp. 90. Lend., 1796. ViGNE. Culture de la, et tout ce qui a rapport. i2mo. ^77^' ViGNOLES, Charles. Obfcrvations upon the Floridas. 8vo. N. Y., 1823. ViLLARS, V. Woeterbuch der Chirurgie. i2mo. Altona, 1747. Villa-Senor y Sanchez, Joseph Antonio. Theatro Americano : Defcripcion General de los reynos y provincias de la Nueva Efpana y fus jurifdicciones, etc. 2 vols. Folio. Mexico, 1746-4.8. Vinal, William. Sermon on the Accurfcd Thing that Hinders Suc- cefs and Vidtory in War, occalioned by the Defeat of Braddock, etc. 410. Newport, 1755. Vindication of a late Pamphlet, intitled " The Cafe of the Hanover Troops Confidered." With fome further Obfcrvations upon thofe Troops, etc. 8vo., pp. 56. liOnd., 1743. ■ of an AfTociation from the Charge of Countenancing Hcrefy in Doftrine, and of Partiality in Condudl, etc. By one of their Number. 410., pp. 39. Bofton, 1758. of the Conduft of the Prefent War. In a Letter to * '-^ * * * 8vo., pp. 43. Lend., 1760. of the Britifh Colonies, againft the Afperfions of the Halifax Gentleman, in his Letter to a Rhode Ifland Friend. 8vo., pp. 32. Bofton, 1765. of the Meafures of the Prefent Adminiftration. By Algernon Sidney. From the National Intelligencer. 8vo. [Imperfeft.] Wafhington, 1 803. Vindication del General Manuel Rincon ante el confejo de Guerra que le jurgo en 7 y 8 de Febrero del Corrientc ano, por los acon- tecimientos dcs graciados de Ulua y Vera Cruz en los dias 27 y 28 Noviembrc de 1838. 8vo. Mexico, 1840. ViNDici^ Britannic^e. An Appendix to, in Anfwer to the Calum- nies of the Analytical Review. 8vo., pp. 17. Lond., 1794. RegijE ; or, a Defence of a Kingly Office. In two Letters to Earl Stanhope. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 79. Lond., 1797. Vines, Richard. Sermons preached upon feveral Publike and Emi- nent occafions. 4to. Lond., 1656. Vineyard, The. Being a Treatife . . . the Obfcrvations made by a Gentleman in his Travels. 8vo. Lond., 1727. ViRGiLius, PuBLius Maro. BucoHca Georgica et ^neis. i6mo. Edinburgh, 1788. Works. Tranflatcd into Englifli Profc, with Notes. 2 vols., 8vo. N. y., 1803. The Georgics. Tranflated by William Sotheby. 1 2mo. Middletown, Conn., 1808. Georgicks. With an Englilh Tranflation and Notes. By John Martyn. Third Edition. Plates. 8vo. Lond., 181 1. 39 6lo New- York Historical Society. Virginia. A Good Speed to Virginia. 410. Lend., 1609. Nova Britannia offering moft excellent Fruites by Planting in Virginia. Exciting all fuch as be well afFefted to further the fame. 4to. Lond., 1609. Afts of Aflembly, pafled in the Colony of Virginia, from 1662 to 171 5. Vol. I, Folio. Lond., 1727. Journal of the Houfe of Burgeffes, February loth to April nth, 1772. Folio. Williamfburg, 1772. The Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Rights, the Conftitution of this Commonwealth, and the Articles of the De- finitive Treaty between Great Britain and the United States of America. 8v'o. Richmond, 1784. A Colleftion of all fuch Afts of the General Aflembly, etc., as are now in force. Folio. Richmond, 1794. Proceedings of the Aflembly on the Anfwers of fundry States to their Refolutions, pafled in December, 1798. 8vo., pp. 59. Phil., 1800. Debates and other Proceedings of the Convention of . . . June, 1788 (on the Federal Conftitution). Taken in Ihort hand by David Robertfon. Second Edition. 8vo. Richmond, 1805. Memorial and Petition of the Religious Society of Friends (com- monly called Quakers) to the Legiflature of . . • 18 10. 8vo. N. Y., 1812. Subftitute propofed by Mr. Mercer, of Loudoun, etc., to the Preamble and Refolutions on the Right of Inftruftion, etc. 8vo. [1812.] Addrefs of a Minority in the Legiflature to the People of the State ; containing a Vindication of the Conftitutionality of the Alien and Sedition Laws. 8vo. The Statutes at Large ; being a Colleftion of all the Laws of Virginia, from the Firfl: Sefl^on of the Legiflature, in the year 1619. By William Waller Hening. 13 vols., 8vo. New York, Richmond, Philadelphia, 1819-23. The Virginia and Kentucky Refolutions of 1 798 and 1 799. With JefFcrfon's Original Draught thereof; alfo, Madifon's Re- port, Calhoun's Addrefs, Refolutions of the feveral States in rela- tion to State Rights. With other Documents in Support of the Jefferfonian Dodrines of 1798. Publiflied by Jona. Elliot. 8vo. Wafliington, 1832. Second Addrefs of the Central Committee of Fauquier, Va., to the People of that Country, on the Army Bill. 8vo. Wafliington, 1 840. Historical Register (The) and Literary Advertifer [afterwards] Note Book. Vols. I-IV. i2mo. Richmond, 1848-51. Historical and Philosophical Society. Colleftions. Vol. L 8vo. Richmond, 1833. Account of Difcoveries in the Weft, until 15 19, and of Voy- ages to, and along the Atlantic Coaft of America, from 1520 to Catalogue of Printed Books. 6n 1573. Prepared for the Virginia Hiftorical and Philofophical So- ciety, by Conway Robinfon. 8vo. Richmond, 181 8. Virginia. Journal of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in . . . 1841. Virginian. A Letter from a ... to the Members of the Congrefs to be held at Philadelphia on the ill of September, 1774. 8vo. / X '774- Virtues of Society (The). A Tale, founded on Faft. By the Au- thor of the Virtues of Nature. 4to., pp. 46. Bofton, 1799. Vivian, Thomas. Vifitation Sermon, Plymouth, June i, 1750. izmo., pp. 52. Lond., 1751. Vlyfsiponensi, Fr. Antonio de Sousa. Aphorifmi Inquifitorum in quatuor libros diftributi. 1 8mo. Voice of the People. A Collection of Addrefles to His Majefty, National Militia, Lofs of Minorca, etc. 8vo., pp. 56. Lond., 1756. Voice of Truth (The). [8vo., pp. 74. Title-page miffing.] [Lond., 1797.] J //jJ Voice of Warning to Chriftians on the enfuing Eleftion of Prefident vl^ix^ i/f'"^ of the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1800.^ iMjM-V*^-^^ VoLNEY, C. F. View of the Soil and Climate of the United States of America, etc. Tranflated by C. B. Brown. 8vo. Phil., 1804. Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, fuivi d'eclairciflinens fur la Floride, fur la Colonic Francaife a Scioto, fur quelqucs Colonics Canadiennes et fur les Sauvages. Nouvelle Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1822. Voltaire. Hcnrik de Groote, uit de Franfche Heldenvaerzen van den Heere de, in Nederduitfche Dichtmaal overgebraght onder de • Zinfpreuk. 4to. Amfterdam, 1753. An Epiftle of, upon his arrival at his eftate near the Lake of Geneva, in March, 1755. From the French. 4to., pp. 23. Lend., 1755. The Age of Louis XIV. ; with an Abftradl of the Age of Louis XV. Trandated, with Notes, by R. Griffith. Vol. L 8vo.' Lond., 1789. The Henriade. Tranflated into Englifh Verfe, by a Citizen of Carohna. Cantos L and IL i2mo. N. Y., 1823. Von Troil, Uno. Letters on Iceland ; containing Obfervations on the Civil, Literar)', Ecclefiaftical and Natural Hillory, etc. 8vo. Dublin, 1780. Vox Populi, Vox Dei. Being True Maxims of Government. 8vo. Lond., 1709. Voyage of the late King of Sweden, and another of Mathematicians fent by him, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1698. ' TO THE North. A New, containing a Full Account of Nor- way, the Laplands, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1706. Voyage en Orient, ou Tableau Fidele des Mceurs du Commerce de 6i2 New -York Historical Society. toute efpece, des Intrigues, des Filouteries, dcs Amours particu- lieres, etc., de difFerens Peuples du Levant. 8vo. Paris, 1801. Voyages. A General Cclledlion of, undertaken either for Difcovery, Conqueft, Settlement, or the Opening of Trade, from the Com- mencement of the Portuguefe Difcoveries to the Prcfent Times. Vol. I. 4to. Lend. — »'— AND Discoveries. Columbus, Cortes, Drake, etc. [Impcrfcdl.] AND Travels. [Churchill's] Colle6lion, fbme now firll printed from original MSS., others now firll publilhed in Englilh. Third Edition. 6 vols. Folio. Lond., 1704. A New General CoUeftion. 4 vols., 4to. Thomas Aftley. Lond., 1745-47. AND Travels. A New General Colledion of; confifting of the mofl efteemed Relations which have been hitherto publilhed in any Language ; comprehending everything remarkable in its kind, in Europe, Afia, Africa and America. 4 vols., 4to. Lond., 1745. AND Travels. A Collection of; containing the Voyage of P. Kolben to the Cape of Good Hope ; a Voyage to China, by Lewis Le Compte IIL ; Anecdotes of the Elephant, from Wolfe's Travels. i2mo. Phil., 1787. dans les parties interieures de la Amerique pendant le cours de la Derniere guerre ; par un Officer de le Armee Royalc. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1790. Voyage fait dans les annees 1 8 1 6 et 1 8 1 7, de New Yorck, a la Nouvelle Orleans, et de I'Orenoque au Miffiffippi, par les Petites et les Grandes-Antilles. Tomes 2, 8vo. Paris, 181 8. de Decouverte au Canada, entre les annees 1534 et 1542, par Jacques Quartier, le Sieur de Roberval, Jean Alphonfe de Xanc- toigne, etc. 8vo. Quebec, 1843. — — Hiftoire Generale des, ou Nouvelle Colleftion de toutes les Rela- tions de Voyages par Mer et par Terre ... 72 vols., i2mo. Paris, 1749. d'un philofophe, ou obfervations fur les mceurs et les arts des peuples de I'Afrique, de I'Alie et de I'Amerique. 1 2mo. Lond., 1769. Voyage. An Account of a ... for the Difcovery of a North-Weft Paflage, by Hudfon's Streights, to the Weft and Southern Ocean of America, performed in 1 746 and 1 747, in the fhip " Califor- nia," Captain Francis Smith, Commander. By the Clerk of the " California." 2 vols., 8vo. . Lond., 1 748. Voyages, Discoveries and Travels. A New Colledion of, contain- ing whatever is worthy of notice in Europe, Afia, Africa and America. 7 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1767. VoYAGEUR Francois, Le. Ou la Connoiflance de I'Ancien et du Nou-* veau Monde. 20 vols., i2mo. Paris, 1765. Vries, David Pietersz, de. See Henry C. Murphy. Catalogue of Printed Books. . 613 • Vries, Simon de. De Noordfche Weereld; vertoond in twee Nieuwe, Aenmercklijckc dcrvvacrts gcdaene Reyfen ; d'ecne, van de Heer Martinicrc, door Noorwecgen, Lapland, etc., d'anderc, van de ' Hamburgher Frederick Martens, verright nae Spitzbergen, of Greenland, in t' Jaer 1 671, etc. 4to. Amfteldam, 1685, Wade, Walter. Quercus, or Oaks. From the French of Michaux. • Hiftoire dcs Chcnes de I'Amerique Scptentrionale. With Notes and an Appendix. 8vo. Dublin, 1809. Wadsworth, Benjamin. Sermon on the Death of Ifaac Addington, Secretary of the Province of Maflachufctts Bay, in New England, from Pfalm ciii. 15, 16. 8vo., pp. 22. Bofton, 1715. True Piety the beft Policy for Times of War, Bofton Ledlure, Auguft 16, 1722. 8vo., pp. 25. Bofton, 1722. Wadsworth, Benjamin. Sermon at the Dedication of the Brick Meeting Houfc, in the North Parifli of Danvers, November 20th, 1806. . 8vo., pp. 37. Salem, 1807. Sermon in Salem, before the Bible Society of Salem and its vi- cinity, April 19th, 1 81 5. 8vo., pp. 24. Salem, 181 5. Wadsworth, Daniel. Sermon at the Opening of a New Meeting Houfe, Hartford, December 30th, 1739. 8vo. New Lond., 1740. Wafer, Lionel. A New Voyage and Defcription of the Ifthmus of America, etc. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1 704. WageNaar, Jan. Vaderlanfche Hitlorie, vervattende de Gefchiedeniffen der nu vereenigde Nedcrlanden, inzonderheid die van Holland . . . 21 vols., 8vo. Amfterdam, 1749-59. •Wagstaff, William R. A Hiftory of the Society of Friends, etc. Part L 8vo. N. Y., 1845. Wainwright, Jonathan M. A Plea for Millions. A Sermon preached before the Board of Direflors of the Domeftic and Foreign Mis- sion Society of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the United States, Philadelphia, May 13th, 1828. 8vo. N. Y., 1828. Eleftion Sermon before the Authorities of Maflachufctts, 7th January, 1835. 8vo. Bofton, 1835, Wakefield, Gilbert. An Examination of the Age of Reafon ; or, an Inveftigation of True and Fabulous Theology, by Thomas Paine. 8vo., pp. 54. Lond., 1794. Remarks on the General Orders of the Duke of York to his Army, on June 7th, 1794. 8vo., pp. 33. Lond., 1794. Letter to William Wilberforce, Efq., on the fubjeft of his late Publication. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1797. Wakefield, Priscilla. Excurfions in North America, dcfcribed in Letters from a Gentleman and his Young Companion to their Friends in England. Second Edition, izmo. Lond., 1 810. Wakeley, Andrew. The Mariner's Compafs Redified . . . etc. i6mo. Lond., 1 764. 6i4 New -York Historical Society. / [Walcott, R. F.] ' A Solemn Review of the Cuftom of War, fhow- . ing that War is the efFeft of Popular Delufion, and Propofing a Remedy. By Philo-Pacificus. Fifth Edition. Cambridge, 1816. Wales, Samuel. Sermon before the General Aflembly of the State of Conneflicut, at Hartford, May 12th, 1 785. 8vo., pp. 38. Hartford, 1785. Walker, Commodore. Voyages and Cruifes during the late Spanifh and French Wars. 2 vols., i2mo. Lond., 1760. Walker, A. An Epitome of Aftronomy, including an Account of the Comet of 181 1. 8vo. Lond., 1811. Walker, Amasa. An Addrefs delivered before the Young Men of Bollon, Affbciated for Moral and Intelleftual Improvement, on the 57th Anniverfary of American Independence. Bofton, 1833. [Walker, Edward.] The Art of Bookbinding : its Rife and Pro- grefs . . . etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1850. Walker, Sir Edward, Kt, Hiftorical Difcourfes upon feveral occa- fions : King Charles I., etc. Folio. Lond., 1705. Walker, G. William. Addrefs on the Death of Frederick A. Rauch, D. P., delivered at Chamberfburg, Pa., March 31ft, 1841. 8vo. Walker, James. Letters on the Well Indies. 8vo. Lond., 181 8. Sermon in Brooklyn, Conn., at the Inftallation of Rev. Samuel Jofeph May, November 5th, 1823. 8vo. Bofton, 1824. Walker, John. Clafles Foflilium ; five charafteres Naturales et Chy- mici claffium et ordinum in fyftemate Minerali, etc. 8vo. Edinburgi, 1787. Walker, John. Expoftulatory Addrefs to the Members of the Metho- dill Society in Ireland. 1 2mo., pp. 48. N. Y., 1 807. Walker, Thomas, et al. The whole Proceedings on the Trial of In- diftment againft, for Confpiracy to Overthrow the Conftitution and Government, etc., at the Affizes at Lancafter, April 2d, 1794, before Juftice Heath. 8vo. Phil., 1 794. Wallabout. An Account of the Proceflion, together with copious extrafts of the Oration, delivered at the Wallabout (L. I.), April 6th, 1808, on laying the corner-ftone of the vault which is to contain the relics of that portion of American Seamen, Soldiers and Citizens who perifhed in the Caufe of Liberty and their Country, on board the Prifon Ships of the Britifh, at the Walla- bout, during the Revolutionary War. Alfo, the Letter addrefled to Thomas JefFerfon, Prefident of the United States, by the Tam- many Society, and his Anfwer. i2mo. N. Y., 1808. Waller, Richard. Effayes of Natural Experiments made in the Academic del Cimento, under the Proteftion of the Moil Serene Prince Leopold of Tufcany. 4to. Lond., 1684. Waller, Edmund. Works, in Verfe and Profe, publifhed by Mr. Fenton. 8vo. Lond., 1730. Wallis, S. Teackle. Addrefs delivered before the Reading Room Society of Saint Marj 's College, Baltimore, at the Annual Com- mencement, July 20th, 1841. 8vo. Baltimore. Catalogue of Printed Books. 615 Walpole, B. C. Recolleftions of the Life of Charles James Fox. izmo. N. Y., 1807. [Walsh, Robert.] A Letter on the Genius and Difpofition of the ^/ French Government ; including a View of the Taxation of the French Empire. 8vo. Baltimore, 18 10. — An Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain refpedling the United States of America. Part L, containing an Hiftorical Out- line of their Merits and Wrongs as Colonies; and Stridlures upon the Calumnies of the Britifh Writers. Second Edition. 8vo. Phil., 1 819. See American Review. Walsh, R. Notices of Brazil in 1828 and 1829. 2 vols., l2mo. Bollon, 1 83 1. Walsin-gham [Edward]. See Arcana Aulica. Walter, Nathaniel. Artillery Elcdlion Sermon, June 2d, 1746. 8vo. Bofton, 1746. Walter, Nehemiah. Convention Sermon, Bofton, May 30th, 1723. Small 8vo. Bofton, 1723. Praftical Difcourfes on the Holinefs of Heaven j being feveral Sermons preached at the Ledlure in Roxbury. 8vo. Bofton, 1726. Walter, Thomas. Sermon on Regular Singing, etc. 8vo., pp. 28. , Bofton, 1722. Walter, William. Difcourfe delivered before the Humane Society of Mafiachufetts, June 12th, 1798. 4to., pp. 48. Bofton, 1798. Walton, William, Jr. Prefcnt State of the Spanifh Colonies, in- cluding a Particular Report of Hifpaniola, or the Spanifti part of Santo Domingo, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1810. An Hirtorical and Defcriptive Account of the Peruvian Sheep, calicd " Carneros de la Tierra ;" and of the Experiments made by the Spaniards to improve the refpeftive Breeds, etc. 8vo. Lond., 181 1. Wansev, Henry. The Journal of an Excurfion to the United States of North America, in the Summer of 1794. Profile of General Waftiington, and View of the State Houfe at Philadelphia. 8vo. Sahftjury [Eng.], 1796. War in America. An Impartial Hiftoiy of the , . . between Great Britain and her Colonies, from its Commencement to the end of the year 1779. With an Appendix. 8vo. Carlifle, 1780. War. Thoughts on the Lawfulnefs of War, etc. By a Member of the Eftabliftiment. i2mo., pp. 34. Lond., 1796. IN Disguise ; or, the Frauds of the Neutral Flags. 8vo. [Rep.] N. Y., Jan., 1806. An Anfwcr to ; or. Remarks upon the New Doftrinc of England concerning Neutral Trade. 8vo. N. Y., 1806. without Disguise ; or, the Frauds of Neutral Commerce a Juftification of Belligerent Captures; with Obfervations on the Anfwer to War in Dilguife, and Mr. Madifon's Examination. Svo. 1807. 6i6 New-York Historical Society. War or No War ? Introduced with a View of the Caufes of our National Decline and Prefent Embarraflments. In Two Letters, by Lycurgus. 8vo. N. Y., 1807. The Queftion of War with Great Britain Examined upon Moral and Chriftian Principles. 8vo. Bofton, 1808. WITH Great Britain, An Appeal to the People on the Caufes and Confequences of a . . . 8vo, Bofton, 1811. Addrcfs of the Members of the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the Congrefs of the United States to their Conflituents on . . . 8vo., pp. 32. N. Y., 1812. Review of an Addrcfs of Members of the Houfe of Repre- fentatives of the United States to their Conftituents on the . . . By a Republican. 8vo. Poughkcepfie, 181 2. The Plea of Reafon, Religion and Humanity, againil ... By Erafmus. 8vo. N. Y., 1813. Report ©f the Committee to whom was referred fo much of the Meffage of the Prefident as relates to the fpirit and manner in which the War has been waged by the enemy, July 3x11:, 1 81 3. 8vo. Wafhington, 181 3. A Solemn Review of the Cuftom of War, fhowing that War is the efFeft of Popular Delufion, and propofing a Remedy. 8vo. Hartford, 1815. OF 181 2, between the United States and Britifh Ifles. Sketches of the ... 2 vols, in i, 8vo. Rutland, Vt., 1815. The Principles and Praftice of, compared with the Precepts and Example of Chrift. i2mo., pp. 24, N. Y., 1818. Ward, Artemas. Speech on Military Appropriations fpr 18 14, in Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, 5th March, 18 14. 8vo., pp. 20. Wafhington, 18 14. Ward, Francis. An Account of the Three Camp Meetings, held by Mcthodifts, etc. 1 21110., pp. 24. Brooklyn, 1 806. Ward, George Atkinson. See Curwen. . Ward, Henry Dana. The Anti-Mafonic Review and Magazine, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1828. Ward, Jonathan. Sermon before the Maine Miflionary Society, Portland, June 26th, 181 1. 8vo., pp. 32. Hallowell, 181 1. Sermon on the Death of Colonel David Webftcr, Preached at Plymouth, New Hampfhire, May, 1824. 8vo. [Ward, Nathaniel.] The Simple Cobler of Agawam, in America, etc., by Theodore de la Guard. 410. Lond., 1647. Ward, William. Three Difcourfes on Prophecy. 8vo. Bungay, 1805. [Warden, D. B.] Chorographical and Statiftical Defcription of the Diftri£l of Columbia, the Scat of the General Government of the United States. With an Engraved Plan of the Diftrift and View of the Capitol. 8vo. Paris, 18 16. On the Origin, Nature, Progrefs, and Influence of Confular Eftablifliments. 8vo. Paris, 181 3. Catalogue of Printed Books. 617 [Warden, D. B.] A Statiftical, Political, and Hiftorical Account of the United States of North America, from the period of their lirll Colonization to the Prcfent Day. 3 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1819. Bibliotheca Americo-Septentrionalis, etc. i6mo. [Paris], 1820. Bibliotheca Americana, etc. i6mo. Paris, 1831. Same. i6mo. Paris, 1840. Warden, William. Letters written on board the fhip " Northum- berland," and at St. Helena, in which the Condurt and Conver- fations of Napoleon Buonaparte and his Suite are dcfcribed, etc. izmo. . Phil,, 1 8 17. Ware, Henry. Sermon, September ift, 1802, at the Interment of Rev. Daniel Shute, Hingham. 8vo., pp. 28. Bofton, 1802. The Service of God, etc., our Reafonable Choice. Sermon at Scituate, 3iil: Odtober, 1804. 8vo., pp. 20. Bofton, 1804. Eulogy, July 20th, 1 810, at the Interment of Rev. Samuel Web- ber, D. D., Prefident of Harvard Univerlity. 8vo., pp. 19. Cambridge, 1810. — — Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. W. B. O. Peabody, Springfield, Oftober 12th, 1820. 8vo. Springfield, 1820. Sermon, December 18th, 1821, at the Ordination of the Rev. William Ware, to the Paftoral care of the Firft Congregational Church in New York. Second Edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1821, Two Difcourfes, containing the Hiftory of the Old North and New Brick Churches, united as the Second Church, in Bofton, de- livered May 20th, 1821. 8vo. Bofton, 1 821. Eulogy on John Adams, delivered at Bofton, 9th July, 1826. 8vo. Bolton, 1826. Ware, Henry, Jr. Sermon at the Dedication of the Second Congre- gational Church in Northampton, December 7th, 1825. 8vo. Northampton, 1825. A Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Cyrus A. Bartol, as Junior Paftor of the Weft Church, in Bofton, Wednefday, March ift, 1837. 8vo. Ware, William. A Sermon on the Communion, preached March 6th, 1825, in Firft Congregational Church, in the City of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1-825. Sermon on the Sunday fucceeding the Great Fire of Decem- ber i6th, 1835. 8vo. N. Y., 1835. Warner, G. J. Oration, New York, 4th July, 1797, Means for the Prefcrvation of Public Liberty. 8vo. N. Y., 1 797. Warner and Ray, vs. Beers. Prefident of the North American Truft: and Banking Company, etc., and Bolander vs. Stevens, Prefident of Bank of Commerce, etc. Reports of the Opinions and De- cifion of the Court of Errors, 1 840. 8vo. N. Y., 1 840. Warren, Emory F. Sketches of the Hiftory of Chautauque County. 1 8mo. Jameftown, N. Y., i 846. Warren, John. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the 6i8 New-York Historical Society. Propagation of the Golpel in Foreign Parts, February i6th, 1787. 4to. Lond., 1787. Warren, John. An Eulogy on the Hon. Thomas RufTell, dehvered at Bolton, May 4th, 1796. 4to., pp. 35. Bofton, 1796. Warren, John C. A Comprehenfive View of the Senforial and Nervous Syftems in Man and Animals. 8vo. Bofton, 1822. Surgical Obfervations on Tumours, with Cafes and Obferva- tions. 8vo. Loud,, 1838. The Maftodon Giganteus of North America. Plates. 4to. Bofton, 1842. Addrels before the American Medical Aflbciation, at the Anni- verfary Meeting in Cincinnati, May 8th, 1850. 8vo., pp. 65. Bofton, 1850. Warren, Joseph. Oration delivered March 6th, 1775, to commem- orate the Tragedy of 5th March, 1770. 8vo., pp. 22. [Rep.] Newport, 1775. Warren, Mrs. Mercv. Poems : Dramatic and Mifcellancous. 1 2mo. Bofton, 1790. Hiftory of the Rife, Progrefs and Termination of the American Revolution, interfperfed with Biographical, Political, and Moral Obfervations. 3 vols,, 8vo. Bofton, 1805. [Warton, Thomas.] The Pleafures of Melancholy : a Poem. 4to., pp. 24. Lond., 1747. Washburn, Emory. Addrefs before the Worcefter Agricultural So-' ciety, delivered Oftober nth, 1826. 8vo. Topographical and Hiftorical Sketches of the Town of Leicefter, Mafs., etc. 8vo. Worcefter, 1826. Sketches of the Judicial Hiftory of Maflachufetts, from 1630 to the Revolution in 1775. 8vo. Bofton, 1840. Washington, City. of. Obfervations on the River Potomack, the Country adjacent, and the . . . 8vo., pp. 30. N. Y., 1794. Meflage from the Prefident of the United States tranfmitting fun- dry Documents, relative to the Affairs of the City of, etc. 8vo. Waftiington, 1803. Mutual Affiirance Company of the City of New York, infti- tutcd June 1801. Charter, By-Laws, Rates of Infurance, etc. 8vo., pp. 22. N. Y., 1809. Afts of the Corporation of the City of . . . pafled by the Firft, Second, Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Coun- cils, 1803-10. 8vo. Waftiington. Washington, George. The Journal of Major . . . fent by Gov- ernor Dinwiddie to the Commandant of the French Forces on Ohio, etc. 8vo., pp. 32. [Rep.] Lond., 1754. Letters [fpurious] to feveral of his friends, in the year 1776, etc. [Original Edition.] i2mo., pp. 52. [N. Y.], 1778. A Poetical Epiftle to ... to which is annexed a Short Sketch of his Life and Charafter. pp. 24. Annapolis, 1779. The laft Official Addrefs of his Excellency General ... to Catalogue of Printed Books. 6ig the Legiflatures of the United States ; to which is annexed a Colledlion of Papers relative to Half-pay, etc. 8vo. Hartford, 1783. Washington, George. Official Letters to the Hon. American Con- grefs, written during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., X795' The Same. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1796. Letters [fpurious] from General ... to fome of his friends, in June and July, 1776, in which is fet forth an Interefting View of American Politics at that all-important period. 8vo. Phil., 1795. Addrefs to the People of the United States on declining to be a Candidate for the Office of Prefident, etc. 8vo., pp. 23. Albany, 1796. [Forged] Epiftles, Domeftic, Confidential and Official, from Gen- eral Wafhington, written about the commencement of the Amer- ican Conteft, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1796. [With copy of the Correfpondence between Rober't BifTet and Anthony Bleecker, on the fubjedl of the Letters.] Remarks occafioned by the late Conduct of . . . as Prefident of the United States. 8vo. ^797- Oration in Memory of the Virtues of ... By a Member of a Literary Society. 8vo., pp. 23. N. Y., 1800. The Will of, to which is annexed a Schedule of his property diredled to be fold. i2mo., pp. 23. N. Y., 1800. Eulogies and Orations on . . . 8vo. Bofton, 1 800. Seleftions from the Correfpondence of . . . and James An- derfon, LL. D. 8vo. . Charleftown, 1 800. Letters from his Excellency . . . Prefident of the United States of America, to Sir John Sinclair, Bart., M. P., on Agricultural and other interefting topics. Fac-fimile Engravings. Firft Im- preffions. 4to. Lond,, 1800. Letters to Arthur Young, Efq., F. R. S., and Sir John Sinclair, Bart., M. P., containing an Account of his Hufbandry, with his Opinions on various queftions in Agriculture, and many particu- lars of the Rural Economy of the United States. 8vo. Alexandria, 1 803. Proceedings of the Aflbciation of Citizens to ereft a Monument in Honor of . . . l2mo, pp. 16. Bofton, 181 1. Farewell Addrefs to the People of the United States. 1 2mo. N. Y., 1812. Teftimony of Wafhington, and the Congrefs of 1776, in favor of the Special Providence of God, and the Bible. 8vo. Providence, 1836. and the Generals of the Revolution. Portraits. 2 vols., i2mo. Phil., 1847. Memorial to the General AfTembly of Virginia, for a Monument to Wafhington. 8vo. ' Richmond, 1848. 620 New -York Historical Society. Washington, George. The Writings of . . . being his Correfpond- ence, AddrefTes, Meflages and other Papers, Official and Private ; with a Life of the Author. By Jared Sparks. 12 vols., 8vo. Bofton, 1837. Washingtoniana (The). Containing a Biographical Sketch of the late General George Wafhington, with various Outlines of his Charafter, etc. i2mo. Baltimore, 1800. Containing a Sketch of Life and Death of General George Wafhington ; with a Colleftion of Eulogies, Orations, Poems, etc., in Memory of . . . 8vo. Lancafter, 1802. *' Watch Tower." [A feries of Numbers, commencing November 25th, 1754, in the New York Mercury, on the Church Con- troverfy.] Waterhouse, Benjamin. Difcourfe before the Humane Society of Maffachufetts, June 8th, 1790. 4to., pp. 28. Bofton, 1790. The Rife, Progrefs, and Prefent State of Medicine. A Difcourfe at Concord, July 6th, 1791, before the Middlefex Medical AfTo- ciation. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1792. A Profpeft of Terminating the Small Pox. Cambridge, 1 800. Public Lefture, delivered in Cambridge, on the Evil Tendency of the Ufe of Tobacco, etc. With Notes. 8vo., pp. 32. Cambridge, 1805, The Botanift ; being the Botanical part of a Courfe of Leftures on Natural Hiftory, delivered in the Univerlity at Cambridge ; together with a Difcourfe on the Principle of Vitality. 8vo. Bofton, 1 811. Waterman, Jotham. Difcourfe at Dennis, December 27th, 1803, before the Sumner's Lodge. 8vo., pp. 26. Bofton, 1 804. Faft Difcourfe, delivered April 5 th, 1804. 8vo. Bofton, 1804. Difcourfe at Barnftable, December 27th, 1804, before the Fra- ternal Lodge. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1805. Sermon, December 4th, 1805, on the Inftallation of King Hiram's Lodge, in Provincetown. Svo., pp. 19. Bofton, 1806. Difcourfe, Auguft 9th, 1 807, after the Death of Captain Crocker, 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1808. Difcourfe, Thankfgiving, December i, 1808. 8vo., pp. 15. Charleftown, 1809. Watkins, Robert. An Examination of the Executive Proceeding againft a Member of the late Convention, containing a Recent Correfpondence with Governor Jackfon, etc. 8vo. Augufta (Ga.), 1799. Watson and Others. Trials by Court Martial of Captain Samuel Watfon, and David Livermore and others, of the I ft Regiment, I ft Brigade, 7th Divifion of Mafl*achufetts Militia. Svo. ^ Worcefter, 1 8 11 . Watson, Alexander. A Lefture, delivered April 2d, 1845, before the Members of the Albany Female Academy, at the clofe of the Annual Courfe on Aftronomy. Svo. Albany, 1845. Catalogue OF Pr.inted Books. 621 Watson, Elkanah. Addrefs to the Members of the Berkfhire Agricul- tural Society, Pittsfield, September 24th, 181 1. i2mo., pp. 11. Pittsfield, 181 1. Hiftory of the Rife and Exifting Condition of the Wcftern Canals in the State of New York, from September, 1788, to the Completion of the Middle Scdlion of the Grand Canal, in 1819; together with the Rife, Progrefs, and Exifting State of Modern Agricultural Societies on the Berkfhire Syftem, frojii 1 807 to the Ertablilhment of the Board of Agriculture in New York, January loth, 1820. 8vo. Albany, 1820. Men and Times of the Revolution; or. Memoirs of . . , in- cluding his Journals of Travels in Europe and America, from the year 1777 to 1842 . . . etc. Edited by his Son, Winflow C. Watfon. 8vo. N. Y., 1857. Watson, John F. Annals of Philadelphia ; being a Collection of Memoirs, Anecdotes and Incidents of the City and its Inhabitants, from the days of the Pilgrim Founders, etc. ; to which is added an Appendix, containing Olden Time Refearches and Remi- nifcences of New York City. 8vo. Phil., 1 830. Annals of Philadelphia and Pennfylvania in the Olden Time ; being a Colledlion of Memoirs, etc. Engravings by T. H. Mum- ford. 2 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1844. Annals and Occurrences of New York City and State in the Olden Time, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1846. Watson, Richard, Bp. of Llandaff. A Curfory Review of the Striftures on his Apology for the Bible. By a Citizen of New York. i2mo. N. Y., 1796. Apology for the Bible. In a feries of Letters, addreflcd to Thomas Paine, etc. 8vo., pp. 80. Phil., 1796. Addrels to the People of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond., 1 798. Sermon before the Society for the Suppreffion of Vice, May 3d, 1 804 ; with a Plan of the Society. 8vo. Lond. Subftance of a Speech intended to have been fpoken in the Houle of Lords, November 2 2d, 1803. Third Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1803. Watson, Robert. Life of Lord George Gordon; with a Review of his Pohtical Conduft. 8vo. Lond., 1795. Watt, John. Blunt's Edition of a New and Correft Method for Working the Latitude, having Obferved the Altitudes of the Sun, Moon, or Stars, etc. 8vo. Watt, Peter. The Theory and Praftice of Joint-Stock Banking. 8vo. N. Y., 1836. Watt, Robert, and David Downie. Trials for High Treafon, at Edinburgh, 1794. 8vo. N. Y., 1794. Watterston, George. Glencarn; or. The Difappointmcnts of Youth. 2 vols, in I. i2mo. Alex., 1810. and N. B. Van Zandt. Continuation of the Tabular Statiflical View of the United States, etc. 8vo. Wafhington, 1833. 622 New-York Historical Society. Watts, J. The Knowledge of the Heavens and the Earth made Eafy ; or. The Firfl: Principles of Aftronomy and Geography, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1726. Watts, Isaac. Supplement to his Hymns. i2mo. Lond., 1784. Memoirs of the Lives, Charadlers, and Writings of . . . and Dr. Philip Doddridge. [Compiled by Jeremy Belknap.] 8vo. Bofton, 1793. Way, Albert. Catalogue of Antiquities, Coins, Piftures, and Mif- cellaneous Curiofities in the Poflcflion of the Society of Anti- quaries of London, 1847. 8vo., pp. 56. Lond. Wayland, Francis. The Elements of Political Economy. 1 2mo. Boflon, 1849. Weale, George. Sermon for the Relief of the Infolvent Debtors in Warwick Gaol, Rowington, November 20th, 1796. 8vo., pp. 23. Birmingham. Weaver, Lieut. Anfwer to the Vindicatory Addrefs and Appeal of, to the Public, from the Opinion of Chancellor Sandford in the Cafe of Weaver againft Whitney, Tibbits and Hoyt. 8vo., pp. 28. N. Y., 1824. Weaver, Richard. A Faft Sermon, February 28th, 1794. 8vo., pp. 26. Chippenham. Weaver, William A. Review of an Article in the North American Review, Oftober, 1834, on the Diplomatic Correfpondence of the United States, from 1783 to 1789, etc. Walhington, 1835. Webb, John. Funeral Sermon (William Waldron). 8vo. Bofton, 1727. Difcourfe at the Ordination of a Deacon. 8vo. Bofton, 1731. Sermon occaftoned by the Death of Rev. Peter Thacher. 8vo., pp. 36. Bofton, 1739. Webb, Elizabeth. Letter from Elizabeth Webb to Anthony William Boehm, with his Anfwer. i2mo;, pp. 44. Phil., 1781. Webber, C. W. A Letter to the Country and Whig Party, with re- gard to the conduft of " The American Whig Review." 8vo. Webber, Francis. Sermon at St. Mary's, in Oxford, at the Affizes, before Juftice Abney, and before the Univerfity, July 29th, 1 742. 8vo., pp. 38. Oxford, 1742. Webster, Alexander. Divine Influence, the True Spring of the ex- traordinary Work at Cambuflang and other places in the Weft of Scotland. 8vo., pp. 41. [Rep.] Bofton, 1743. Webster, Daniel. Speech on the Army Bill, delivered in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, 14th January, 1814. 8vo., pp. 13. Alexandria, 18 14. Difcourfe delivered at Plymouth, December 22, 1820, in com- memoration of the Firft Settlement of New England. Second Edition. 8vo. Bofton, 1 821. Speech upon the Tariff, delivered in the Houfe of Reprefenta- tives of the United States, April, 1824. 8vo. Waftiington, 1824. Catalogue of Printed Books. 623 Webster, Daniel. Speech in the Houfe of Rcprcfentativcs of the United States, January 19th, 1823, on the Greek Revolution. 8vo. Wafhington, 1824. Addrcfs delivered at the laying of the corncr-ftone of the Bunker Hill Monument. 8vo. Bofton, 1825. Difcourfc in commemoration of the Lives and Services of John Adams and Thomas Jefferfon, delivered in Fanueil Hall, Bofton, Auguft 2, 1826. 8vo. Bofton, 1826. Speech in reply to Mr. Hayne, of South Carolina, the Rcfolu- tion of Mr. Foot, of Connefticut, relative to the Public Lands, being under confideration in the Senate of the United States, January 26th, 1830. 8vo. Wafhington, 1830. Speeches and Forenfic Arguments. 3 vols., 8vo. Bofton, 1835-43. Remarks on the Life and Writings of. 8vo. Phil., 1831. Legal Opinions of . . . the Hon. J. M. White and Edward Livingfton, LL. D., in relation to the Title of the Duke of Aragon. 8vo. N. Y., 1837. Speech delivered in Niblo's Saloon, in New York, on the 15 th of March, 1837. 8vo. N. Y., 1837. Second Speech on the Sub-Treafury Bill, March 12th, 1838. Correfpondence between . . . and Lord Afhburton, on the McLeod Cafe, on the Creole Cafe, on the fubjeft of Impreflment. Speech of ... at the Merchant's Meeting, in Wall Street, New York, on Monday, September 28th, 1840. Reported in full by Arthur J. Stanfbury. 8vo. N. Y., 1840. Reception of ... at Bofton, September 30th, 1842. With his Speech. 8vo. Bofton, 1842. Vindication of the Treaty of 1 842, in a Speech delivered in the Senate of the United States, 6th and 7th April, 1846. 8vo. Wafhington, 1846. The Works of ... 6 vols., 8vo. Bofton, 1851. [Webster, Ezekiel.] A Defence of the National Adminiftration, in an Addrefs to the People of New Hampfhire. By Cato. 8vo. Concord, N. H., 1828. Webster, James. Trads concerning Anatomical Inftrudion in Phila- delphia, 1832. 8vo. Webster, Noah, Jr. DifTertations on the Englifh Language ; with Notes, Hiftorical and Critical, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1789. A Collection ^f EfTays and Fugitive Writings on Moral, Hiftor- ical, Political and Literary fubjefts. 8vo. Bofton, 1 790. A Colleftion of Papers on the fubjeft of Bilious Fevers, preva- lent in the United States for a few years paft. 8vo. N. Y., 1796. Ten Letters to Dr. Jofeph Prieftley, in anfwer to his Letters to the Inhabitants of Northumberland. 8vo. New Haven, 1800. [ ] Addrefs to the Citizens of Connefticut. 8vo.,pp. 24. [1802.] Mifcellaneous Papers, on Political and Commercial Subjefts. Svo. N. Y., 1802. 624 New -York Historical Society. Webster, Noah. Letter to Dr. David Ramfay, of Charlefton, S. C, refpcdling the Errors in Johnfon's Diftionary and other Lexicons. l2mo., pp. 28. New Haven, 1807. A Philofophical and Practical Grammar of the Englifh Language. izmo. New Haven, 1807. An American Didlionary of the Englilh Language, etc., abridged from the 4to. Edition. 15th Edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1838. A Dictionary of the Englifh Language, abridged from the Amer- ican Diftionary, etc. 19th Edition. lamo. ' N. Y., 1843. An American Diftionary Dictionary of the Enghfh Language . . . Revifed and Enlarged by Chauncey A. Goodrich. 4to. Portrait. Springfield, 1856. Webster, Pelatiah. Political ElTays on the Nature and Operation of Money, Public Finances, and other fubjeds. Publifhed during the American War, and continued up to 1791. 8vo. Phil,, 1791. Webster, Samuel. Maflachufetts Election Sermon, Bolton, May 28th, 1777. 8vo. Bolton, 1777. Webster, W. The Nature of Jultice and Moral Honelty, etc. Two Sermons. i6mo., pp. 32. Lond., 1754. Webster, William. An Effay on Book-Keeping, according to the Italian Method of Debtor and Creditor, by Double Entry, etc. 8vo. ' Lond., 1759. Weekly Inspector. See Thomas G. Feflenden. Weekly Magazine, of Original Eflays, Fugitive Pieces and Interelting Intelligence, with an Appendix of State Papers. Vols. I. II. III., (pp. 1-128). 8vo. Phil., 1798. Weems, M. L. A Hiftory of the Life and Death, Virtues and Ex- ploits, of General George Wafhington, etc. 8vo., pp. 84. Phil. [1800]. Life of George Walhington. i2mo. Phil., 181 2. Weever, John. Antient Funeral Monuments of Great Britain, Ireland^ and the Iflands adjacent with the Diflblved Monalteries therein contained, etc. Engravings. 4to. Lond., 1767. Weiss, M. Charles. Hiftory of the French Proteftant Refugees, from the Revocation of the Edidt of Nantes to our own days. 2 vols., l2mo. ,N. Y., 1854. Welby, Adlard. a Vifit to North America and the "Er^lifh Settle- ments in Illinois ; with a Winter Refidence at Philadelphia, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1821. Welch Heiress (The). A Comedy. Third Edition. 8vo., pp. 77. * Lond., 1796. Weld, Ezra. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Samuel Niles, Abington, Sept. 25th, 1771. i2mo., pp. 48. Bolton, 1772. Sermon on Chriftian Union, Faft, Wrentham, May 2 2d, 1794. 8vo., pp. 30. Bofton, 1794. Weld, Isaac, Jr. Travels through the States of North America and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, during the years 1795-96-97. Plates. 4to. Lond., 1799. Catalogue of Printed Books, 625 Weller, Catherine. The Medley. i2mo. N. Y., 18 10. Wellington, Charles. Eulogy on General Wafhington, pronounced at Hanover, N. H., January 29th, 1843. 8vo. Wells, David A. The Year Book of Agriculture ; or. The Annual of Agricultural Progrefs and Difcovery, for 1855-6 . . . 8vo. Phil., 1856. Wells, John. Oration at New York, 4th July, 1798. 8vo. N. Y. Wells, J. I. An Eflay on War, etc. 8vo. Hartford, 1808. Same, etc. izmo., pp. 100. N. Y., 181 2. Welsh Charity Schools. Welfh Piety ; or, the Needful Charity of Promoting the Salvation of the Poor ; being an Account of the Rife, Method and Progrefs of the . . . etc. 8vo., pp. 64. Lond., 1740. A Further Account of the Progrefs of the, etc. 8vo., pp. 29. Lond., 1 740. Welfh Piety Continued ; or, a Farther Account of, from Augufl, 1740, to Auguft, 1 74 1. 8vo., pp. 107. Lond., 1742. Same, from Michaelmas, 1744, to Michaelmas, 1745. 8vo., pp. 30. Lond., 1746. Same, from Michaelmas, 1745, to Michaelmas, 1746. 8vo., pp. 39. Lond., 1747. Welsteed, William. MafTachufetts Eledlion Sermon, May 29th, 1751. 8vo. Boflon. Welton, Richard. The Non- Juror Unmafked ; or, the Cafe of Dr. Richard Welton fairly Stated. 8vo. Lond., 171 8. Wendeborn, Fred. Aug. A View of England towards the Clofe of the 1 8th Century. Tranflated from the original German, by the Author. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1791. Wendover, p. H. Oration, New York, July 4th, 1806. 8vo. Wentworth, Elder William. Genealogical and Biographical Ac- count of the Defcendants of . . . 8vo. Borton, 1850. Wesley, John. A Letter to ... in Vindication of the Dodlrines of Abfolute Election, Particular Redemption, etc. 8vo., pp. 88. Lond., 1743. A Colleflion of Forms of Prayer for every day in the week. Ninth Edition. i2mo., pp. 24. Dublin, 1748. Reafons againfl a Separation from the Church of England ; with Hymns, by C. Wefley. 8vo., pp. 22. Lond., 1760. [ ■ ] A Survey of the Wifdom of God in the Creation j or, a Compendium of Natural Philofophy. 3 vols., i2mo. Briftol, 1763-70. '■' Sermon on the Death of Rev. George Whitefield, November 1 8th, 1770. 8vo., pp. 32. Lond., 1770. Same. 8vo., pp. 24. Bolton, 1771. A Vindication of the Rev. . . . His Laft Minutes, etc. 1 2mo., pp. 98. Briftol, 1 77 1. — — A Calm Addrefs to our American Colonies. 1 2mo. Lond. 40 626 New -York Historical Society. Wesley, John. Preface to a Concife Hiftory of England, from the Earlieft Times to the Death of George II. 8vo. Lond., 1775. [ ] The Sunday Service of the Mcthodifts in the United States of America ; with other occafional Services. I zmo. Lond., 1 790. « A Difcourfe on Sin in Believers. Fifth Edition. 1 2mo., pp. 23. Lond., 1 791. ■ A Letter to Rev. Thomas Coke, LL. D., and Mr. Henry Moore, on their Propofals for Publifhing the Life of ... in Oppofition to that of Dr. Whitehead. 8vo., pp. 56. Lond., 1 792. — — — Remarkable Judgments . . . related in his Life, etc. izmo., pp. 12. Exeter, 1795. — — An Extraft of the Life of Monfieur De Renty, a late Nobleman of France. Sixth Edition. 1 2mo., pp. 64. Lond., 1 796. West (The) Vindicated. A Review (in part) of the Addrefs of Gen. James Tallmadge, before the American Inftitute, in 1841. By a Weftern New Yorker. 8vo. Buffalo, 1842. West, Charles E. Hobart's Analyfis of Bifhop Butler's Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, to the Conflitution and Courfe of Nature. With Notes, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 1848. An Addrefs delivered before the Patrons and Pupils of the Buf- falo Female Academy, at the Dedication of Goodell Hall, on the 6th July, 1852. 8vo., pp. 42. Buffalo, 1852. West, Samuel. MafTachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 29th, 1776. 8vo. Bofton. — — Same, May 31ft, 1786. 8vo. Bofton. ■■ Effays on Liberty and Neceflity, etc. 8vo., pp. 54. Bofton, 1793. . Same, in which the True Nature of Liberty is Stated and De- fended, etc. In Two Parts. Part Second. 1 2mo., pp. 96. New Bedford, 1795. Artillery Eleftion Sermon, June 2d, 1794. 8vo. Bofton. Sermon occafioned by the Death of George Wafhington, etc. 8vo. Bofton. West, Stephen. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Amafa Jerome, New Hartford, Auguft 1 8th, 1802. 8vo. Hartford, 1802. Difcourfe on the Duty of Praying for Minifters, December 12th, 1802. 8vo., pp. 21. Stockbridge, 1803. 'West, William. Claim to the Epifcopate. [From the Proteflant Epifcopalian for March, 1831.] 8vo. West-Chester County. An Addrefs to the well-difpofed, reflefting and unprejudiced Freeholders of . . . recommending the fupport of Stephen Van Renffalaer as Governor, and of James Watfon as Lieutenant-Governor, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 180 1. ■ — — Remarks on a Petition from certain Inhabitants of the County of Weft Chefter to the Legiflature, praying for the Repeal of the Aft for Improving the Agriculture of the State. By a Weft- f Chefter Man. 8vo. Catalogue of Printed Books. 627 West Indies. A Geographical and Hiftorical Defcription of the Prin- cipal Objeds of the Prefent War in the . . . etc. Map. 8vo. Lend., 1 741. The Prefent State of the . . . containing an accurate Defcrip- tion of what parts are pofTefled by the fevcral Powers in Europe, etc. Map. 4to. 1778. West Indian Merchant (The). Being a feries of Papers from the London Evening Poft ; with Correftions and Notes. 8vo., pp. 206. Lond., 1778. Western Inland Lock Navigation Company. Report of the Di- redors to the Legiflature, 1 6th February, 1798. 8vo. Albany. Western Railroad Corporation. Proceedings of the . . . Novem- ber 23d, 1837, including an Addrefs to the People of the Com- monwealth of Maflachufetts on the application for a Loan of the Slate Credit. 8vo. Bofton, 1837. Westminster Abbey. Hiftorical Defcription of . . . its Monuments and Curiofities. izmo. Lond., 1793. Westminster Association. Addrefs of the Miniflers to Heads of Families, on Family Religion, etc. 8vo., pp. 76. Charleflown, 1801. Westminster Review. Vols. I-II. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1824. West Point Academy. Addrefles in the Chapel of the United States Military Academy, by Hon. Afhbell Smith, of Texas, and Col. A. W. Doniphan, of Miflburi, 1 6th June, 1848. 8vo. N. Y, West Point. Regifter of Officers and Graduates of the United States Military Academy at, from 1801 to 1844. Publifhed 06i., 1844. 8vo., pp. 36. Weston, Jonathan D. Hiftory of Eaflport and Vicinity. A Leflure before the Eaflport Lyceum, April, 1834. 8vo. Boflon, 1834. Weston Libel Suit. The Liberty of the Prefs Vindicated, and Truth Triumphant ! State vs. Ira Reny, for an alleged Libel on Cyrus Wefton, the Nominal Complainant in the Profecution, etc. Ver- dift — Not Guilty. 8vo. Weston, William. Report of the Directors of the Weftern and Northern Inland Lock Navigation Company, in New York, to the Legiflature ; together with the Report of Mr. William Wefton, Engineer. 8vo. N. Y., 1796. Wetmore, Alphonso. Gazetteer of the State of MifTouri ; with a Map of the State, etc. 8vo. St. Louis, 1837. [Wetmore, James.] A Letter from a Minifter of the Church of ,«^><*'^ England to one of his DifTenting Parifhioners, etc. i2mo., pp. 28. N. Y. A Vindication of the ProfefTors of the Church of England in Connefticut, etc. 8vo., pp. 45. Bofton, 1747. The Engliftiman Direfied in the Choice of his Religion ; with a Prefatory Addrefs to the Gentlemen of America. 8vo., pp. 77. Bofton, 1748. 628 New-York Historical Society. [Wetmore, Prosper M.] Lexington, with other Fugitive Poems. 8vo. N. y., 1830. Wetmore, Robert G. Exteniive Charity in a Small Compafs ; being Mifcellaneous Obfervations on Things, Part, Prefent and to Come. i2mo., pp. 56. Savannah, 1802. [Wharton, Charles H.] Plain Argument by way of ^ueftion and Anfwer, etc., for the Divinity of Chrift, compiled from G. Sharp. i2mo., pp. 16. — Letter to the Roman Catholics of the City of Worcefter, from the late Chaplain of that Society. 8vo., pp. 40. Phil., 1784. Sermon on the Relations of the Chriftian Miniftry, Philadelphia, Oftober 2, 1785. 8vo., pp. 24. Phil., 1785. Whatley, Robert. The Chriftian. A Sermon on the Words of King Agrippa to St. Paul, etc. 8vo., pp. 15. Hull, 1746. Wheat, Thomas. Addrefs to the Brethren of Hiram Lodge, No. 7, and Cumberland Lodge, No. 8, on the Anniverfary of St. John the Baptift, dehvered at Franklin. 8vo. Franklin, 1839. Wheatley, Charles. Sermon before the Mayor, the Judges, etc., January 27th, 1722-3, Hilary Term, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1723. Wheatlie, William. A Caveat for the Covetous; or, a Sermon preached at St. Paule's Crofle, upon the Fourth of December. l2mo. Lond., 1609. Wheaton, Henry. Oration before the different Republican Socie- ties, New York, July 4th, 18 14. 8vo. N. Y., 18 14. Some Account of the Life, Writings, and Speeches of William Pinkney. 8vo. N. Y., 1826. Hiftory of the Law of Nations in Europe and America, from the Earlieft Times to the Treaty of Wafhington, 1 842. 8vo. N. Y., 1845. Elements of International Law. Sixth Edition ... By William Beach Lawrence. 8vo. Bofton, 1855. Wheeler, David Everett. The New York Harbor, and the Im- provements neceflary for its accommodation of Commerce, and the Removal of the Dangers at Hell Gate. A Paper read before the American Geographical and Statiftical Society, May 15 th, 1856. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1856. Wheeler, Ephraim. Report of his Trial for a Rape on his Daughter. Second Edition. i2mo. Newburyport, 1805. Wheeler, Henry G. Biographical and Pohtical Hiftory of Congrefs. Illuftrated by Steel Portraits and Autographs. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1848. Wheeler, John. Eulogy on James Marfh, D. D., delivered at Bur- lington, Vermont, July 6th, 1 842. 8vo. Wheelock, Eleazar. a Plain and Faithful Narrative of the Original Defign, Rife, Progrefi and Prefent State of the Indian Charity School, at Lebanon, Connefticut. 8vo., pp. 55. Bofton, 1763. Continuation of the Narrative, etc., from November 27th, 1762 to September 3d, 1765. 8vo. Bofton, 1765. Catalogue of Printed Books. 629 Wheelock, Eleazar. Same, etc., from 1768, to the Incorporation of it with Dartmouth College, etc., 1771. 8vo. ^77'^' • Same, etc., from May 6th, 1771, to September loth, 1772. 8vo. 1773. Same, etc., from September 26th, 1772, to September 26th, 1773. 8vo. Hartford, 1773. - Same, etc., from September 26th, 1773, to February 20th, 1775. 8vo. Hartford, 1775. Wheelock, John. An Eflay on the Beauties and Excellencies of Paint- ing, Mufic and Poetry, pronounced at the Anniverfary Commence- ment at Dartmouth College, a. d. 1774. 4to. Hartford. ■ Eulogium on the Rev. John Smith, D. D., Profeflbr of the Learned Languages, at Dartmouth College. By the Prefident. 8vo. Hanover, 1809. Whelpley, Philip Melancthon. Sermon, 4th February, 18 16, for the Benefit of a Society of Ladies, inftituted for the Relief of Poor Widows and Small Children. 8vo., pp. 31. N. Y., 1 8 16. Whelpley, Samuel. A Compend of Hiftory, from the Earlieft Times. 2 vols, in I. 8vo. N. Y., 1814. Whig. True Pidlure of a Modern Whig, fet forth in a Dialogue be- tween Mr. Whiglove and Mr. Double. Second Edition, 8vo. Lond., 1 70 1. Whig from the Start (A). An Appeal to the Whig National Con- vention, in Favor of the Nomination of Daniel Webfter to the Prefidency. 8vo. N. Y., 1848. Whilo, J. E. A Hiftory of Ann Moore, with the evidence fubftan- tiating the faft of her Long Abftinencc. 8vo. Savannah, 181 2. [Whipple, Oliver.] Hiftoric Progrefs of Civil and Rational Liberty and Order, Triumphant over Fadlion. A Poem. 8vo., pp. 54. Portfmouth, 1802. Whisperer (The). Containing the moft fpirited Papers and Intereft- ing Particulars ever yet publifhed, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1770. Whistelo, Alexander. The CommifTioners of the Alms Houfe vs. Alexander Whillelo, a Black Man ; being a remarkable Cafe of Baftardy. 8vo. N. Y., 1808. Whiston, William. Hiftorical Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Samuel Clarke, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1730. Whitaker, Charles Peter. A Modern French Grammar. Second Edition. Lond., 181 7. Whitaker, John. Mary Queen of Scots Vindicated. 3 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1787. Whitaker, Nathaniel. Funeral Sermon on the Death of Rev. George Whitefield, Salem, Oftober 17th, 1770. 8vo., pp. 38. Salem. An Antidote againft Toryifm ; or, the Curfe of Meroz. A Dis- courfe on Judges v. 23. Dedicated to General Wafhington. 8vo., pp. 34. Newburyport, 1777. 630 New-York Historical Society. Whitaker, Nathaniel. The Reward of Toryifm. A Difcourfe on Judges V. 23, delivered at the Tabernacle in Salem, May, 1783. 8vo. Newburyport, 1783. Whitbourne, Richard. A Difcourfe and Difcovery of New-Found- Land, etc, 4to. Lond., 1622. White, Campbell P. Report on Gold and Silver Coins, made to the Houfe of Reprefentatives in Congrefs, in 1834. 8vo. Walhington, 1834. White, Daniel Appleton. Addrefs to the Members of the Merri- mack Humane Society, September 3, 1805. 8vo., pp. 44. Newburyport, 1805. Eulogy on Nathaniel Bowditch, delivered at Salem, May 24th, 1838. 8vo. Salem, 1838. An Addrefs delivered at the Confecration of the Harmony Grove Cemetery, in Salem, June 14th, 1840. 8vo. Salem, 1840. An Addrefs delivered before the Alumni of Harvard Univerfity, Auguft 27th, 1844. 8vo. Cambridge, 1844. White, George. Statiftics of the State of Georgia, including an Ac- count of its Natural, Civil, and Ecclefiaftical Hiftory . . . 8vo. Savannah, 1849. Hiftorical Colleftions of Georgia, containing the moft Intereil- ing Fafls, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc., re- lating to its Hiftory and Antiquities, from its Firft Settlement to the Prefent Time , . . 8vo. N. Y., 1854. White, George S. Memoir of Samuel Slater ; with a Hiftory of the Rife and Progrefs of the Cotton Manufacture in England and America. 8vo. Phil., 1836. White, John. Narrative of the Particulars which took place, on an Application of the Author to the Biftiop of Norwich, to be ad- mitted a Candidate for Holy Orders, etc. 8vo., pp. 83. Lond., 1798. White, Joseph. Sermon before the Univerfity of Oxford, July 4th, 1784, on the duty of Attempting the Propagation of the Gofpel, etc., in India. 8vo., pp. 62. Lond., 1785. White, Joseph M. Circular Letter of ... to the People of Florida. 8vo. Waftiington, March ift, 1835. White, Joshua E. Letters on England, comprifing Defcriptive Scenes, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1816. White, Sa.v!uel. Addrefs on Infanity, before the New York State Medical Society. 8vo. Albany. White, Thomas. An Apology for Rufhworth's Dialogues, wherein the Exceptions of the Lords Falkland and Digby are Anfwered, etc. i6mo. Paris, 1654. White, William. Sermon on the Reciprocal Influence of Civil Policy and Religious Duty, Philadelphia, Thankfgiving Day, 19th February, 1795. 8vo., pp. 36. Phil., 1795. Sermon before the General Convention of the Proteftant Epifcopal Catalogue of Printed Books. 631 Church, at the Confecration of Bifhop Moore, September nth, 1 801. 8vo., pp. 29. N. Y., 1 801. White, William. Sermon before the General Convention of the Protellant Epifcopal Church in the United States of America, on the Confecration of the Right Rev. Bifhop Parker of Maflachu- fetts, September 14th, 1804. 8vo., pp. 19. N. Y., 1804. Sermon at the Opening of a General Convention of the Protell- ant Epifcopal Church, Baltimore, May i8th, 1808. 8vo., pp. 20. N. Y., 1808. A Sermon on the Charafter, the Commiffion, and the MefTage of the Gofpel Miniftry, delivered at the General Convention of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church, at Baltimore, 1 8th May, 1808. 8vo. N. Y., 1808. Sermon at the Confecration of St. James's Church, in the City of Philadelphia, May i, 1809. 8vo. Phil., 1810. Sermon at the Opening of the Convention of the Protellant Epifcopal Church in the United States of America, etc.. New Haven, 22d May, 1811. 8vo., pp. 33. N. Y., 1811. The Integrity of Chrillian Dodrine, etc., in a Sermon delivered in New Haven, 2 2d May, 1811 ; to which is annexed a Conclud- ing Addrcfs, delivered in New York, May 29th, 1811, at the Confecration of two Prefbyters to the Epifcopal Office. 8vo. N. Y., 1811. Addrefs delivered before the Trullees, Faculty, and Students of the General Theological Seminary of the Protellant Epifcopal Church in the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1824. White, William, An Eflay on the Study and Pronunciation of the Greek and Latin Languages. 8vo. Phil., 1824. White, William. A Hillory of Belfail [Maine] ; with Introdudory Remarks on Acadia. 1 2mo. Belfail, 1 827. White's Three Letters. DifTenting Gentleman's Anfwer to, in which a Separation from the Ellablifliment is Juftified, and the Charge of Schifm Refuted and Retorted, and the Church of England and the Church of Chrift Compared, and found to be Conflitutions of a different nature. Fifth Edition. i2mo., pp. 121. Bollon, 1748. Whitecomb, Samuel, Jr. An Addrefs before the Workingmcn's So- ciety of Dcdham, 7th September, 1 831. 8vo. Dedham, 1831. Two Lcdlures on the Advantages of a Republican Condition of Society, for the Promotion of the Arts. 8vo. Bollon, 1833. Whitefield, George. Sermon preached in the Church of St. Mary Radcliffe, in Brillol. 8vo., pp. 28. , Lond., 1737. Six Letters to . . . from Alexander Garden, with the Anfwer of ... to the firll of thefe Letters. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 54. Bofton, 1740. The Querifls ; or, Extrafts from the Sermons and Journals of . . . 8vo., pp. 29. [Rep.] Boflon, 1740. 632 New-York Historical Society. Whitefield, George. Letter from ... in Anfwer to the Querifts. 8vo., pp. 13. Bofton, 1740. Trial of His Spirit, in Remarks on his Fourth Journal. 8vo., pp. 46. [Rep.] Bofton, 1 741. Letter to the Rev. Mr. John Wefley, in Anfwer to his Sermon, entituled Free Grace. 8vo., pp. 31. Lond., 1741. Vindication and Confirmation of the Remarkable Work of God in New England. 8vo., pp. 32. [Rep.] Lond., 1742. Letter from a Gentleman in Scotland to his Friend in New Eng- land, containing an Account of the Reception and Condudl of, in Scotland. 8vo., pp. 15. Bofton, 1743. Four Letters by Joliah Smith, of Charleftown, taken from the London Weekly Hiftory of the Progrefs of the Gofpel, in reference to. 8vo. [Imperfeft.] Edinburgh, 1743. The Teftimony of the Prefident, etc., of Harvard College, in Cambridge, againft the Rev. George Whitefield, and his Condudl. 8vo. ' Bofton, 1744. Teftimony of an Aflbciation of Minifters, convened at Marl- borough, 22d Jan., 1745. Alfo, Teftimony of Minifters in the County of Briftol, againft. 8vo., pp. 8. Bofton, 1745. Sentiments and Refolutions of an Aflbciation of Minifters at Weymouth, 15th January, 1745, with the Opinion of Neh. Wal- ter, of Roxbury, and Advice of N. Stone of Harwich. i2mo., pp. 15. Bofton, 1745. Reafons of the Weftern Afl"ociation, why they Difapprove of . . . Preaching in the New England Church. i2mo., pp. 8. Bofton, 1745. The Declaration of the New Haven Aflbciation concerning his Conduft, etc. 8vo., pp. 8. Bofton, 1745. A Letter to . . . publicly calling upon him to vindicate has condudl, or confefs his faults. Third Edition. 8vo., pp. 8. Bofton, 1745. Letter to the Rev. the Prefident and Profeflbrs, Tutors and Hebrew Inftruftor, of Harvard College, in Cambridge, in Anfwer to a Teftimony publiflied by them againft the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield, and his Conduft. 4to. Bofton, 1745. An Elegiac Poem, Sacred to the Memory of the Rev. George Whitefield, who died September 30, 1770, at Newburyport. 410. Bofton, 1770. Whitefield, Henry. Faft Day Sermon at St. Margaret's, Lothbury, April 19th, 1793. 4to. Lond., 1793. Whitehead, W. A Hymn to the Nymph of Briftol Springs. 4to., pp. 37. _ Lond., 1 75 1. Whitehead, William A. A Biographical Sketch of William Frank- lin, Governor from 1763 to 1776. Read before New Jerfey Hiftorical Society, September 27th, 1848. 8vo. Whitehouse, W. F. Agricola's Letters and Efl"ays on Sugar Farming in Jamaica. 8vo. Lond., 1845. Catalogue of Printed Books. 633 Whitelaw, J. (I. Warburton and Robert Walsh). Hiftory of the City of Dublin, from the Earliell Accounts to the Prefent Time, etc. 2 vols., 4to. Lend., 1 81 8. Whitelock, Henry, Sermon delivered June 2d, 1812, at the Infti- tution of the Rev. Philander Chafe as Reftor of Chrift Church, Hartford. 8vo. Hartford, 1812. Sermon, December 9th, 1 8 1 2, at the Funeral of the Rev. Bela Hubbard, D. D. 8vo., pp. 22. New Haven, 181 2. Whitelocke, General. His Trial by Court Martial, etc. Portrait. 8vo., pp. 94. Lond. [1808]. Whiting, Henry. Revolutionary Orders of General Wafhington, iffued during the years 1778, '80, '81 and '82. Selefted from the MSS. of John Whiting, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1844. Whiting, William. Memoir of Rev. Jofeph Harrington, i zmo. Bofton, 1854. Whitman, Benjamin, Jr. The Heroes of the North ; or, the Battles of Lake Erie and Champlain. 8vo. Bofton, 18 16. Whitman, Bernard. Artillery Eledlion Sermon, June i, 1829. i2mo. Second Edition. Bofton. Whitman, Kilborn. Oration at Bridgewater, Oftober .jth, 1798, at the requeft of the Columbian Society. 8vo., pp. 39. Bofton, 1798. Whitman, Levi. Sermon at Wellfleet, March 9th, 1800, on the Death of Captain William Chipman, Murdered by Pirates in the Weft Indies. 8vo., pp. 20. Bofton, 1800. Whitney, Josiah. Connefticut Ele6lion Sermon, May 8th, 1778. 8vo. Hartford. Whitney, Peter. The Hiftory of the County of Worcefter, in the Commonwealth of Maffachufetts. 8vo. Worcefter, 1793. Difcourfe at Quincy, October 19th, 181 1, at the Interment of Hon. Richard Cranch. 8vo., pp. 19. Bofton, 1811. Faft Day Difcourfe at Quincy and Hingham, July 23d, 181 2. 8vo., pp. 16. Bofton, 1 81 2. Whitney, Reuben M. Memorial to the Houfe of Reprefentatives, United States, in relation to the Charges made againft him, as a Witnefs before the Committee of Inveftigation into the Affairs of the Bank of the United States, March, 1832. 8vo. Whiton, John M. Sketches of the Hiftory of New Hampfhire, from its Settlement in 1623 to 1833, comprifing Notices of the Memor- able Events, etc. i2mo. Concord," 1834. Whittelsey, Samuel. Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Samuel Whittelfey, Jr., Milford, December 9th, 1737. 8vo. Bofton, 1739. Whittier, John G. Poems by . . . i2mo. Phil., 1838. Supernaturaliftn of New England. i2mo. N. Y., 1847. Whittingham, William R. A Letter to the Right Rev. Francis Patrick Kenrick, Romifh Bilhop . . . and Coadjutor of the Bifhop of Philadelphia. 8vo. N. Y., 1841. 63+ New-York Historical Society. Whitwell, Benjamin. Eulogy on the Virtues of General George Wafliington, Augufta, 22d February, 1800. 8vo., pp. 18. Hallowell, 1800. Whitwell, William. Difcourfe occafioned by the Lofs of a number of Veffels, with their Mariners, delivered December 17th, 1769. 8vo., pp. 21. Salem, 1770. Sermon occafioned by the Death of John Barnard, delivered 29th January, 1770. 8vo., pp. 31. Salem. Whitworth, Sir Charles. See Davenant. WiCKES, Thomas. Hiftorical Difcourfe commemorative of the Organ- ization of the Congregational Church in Marietta (Ohio), deliv- ered at the Firft Semi-Centennial Celebration, December 6th, 1846. 8vo. Marietta, 1847. Wierzbicki, F. p. California as it is, and as it may be ; or, a Guide to the Gold Region. Second Edition. 8vo. San Francifco, 1 849. Wigglesworth, Edward. Difcourfe concerning the Duration of the Punifhment of the Wicked in a Future State. 8vo., pp. 19. Bofton, 1727. Two Leftures on the Trial of Spirits, Harvard College, April 22d and 29th, 1735. 8vo., pp. 33. Bofton, 1735. Two Ledures after Rev. Mr. Whitefield's Preaching at Cam- bridge, Harvard College, November 12th and 19th, 1754. 8vo., pp. 34. .... Boflon, 1754. —— Two Difcourfes on the Diftinguifhing Charafters of the Extraor- dinary and Ordinary Minifters of the Church of Chrift. 8vo., pp. 34. Bofton, 1754. Dudleian Lefture, Harvard College, May nth, 1757. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1757. The Doftrine of Reprobation briefly Confidered, etc. 8vo., pp. 48. Bofton, 1763. Wigglesworth, Edward. Dudleian Lefture, Harvard College, No- vember 5th, 1777. 8vo. Bofton, 1778. Wigglesworth, Samuel. Sermon occafioned by the Earthquake of Oftober 29th, 1727, at Ipfwich, November ift, 1727. 8vo., pp. 42. Bofton, 1728. and John Chipman. Remarks on fome Points of Doftrine, etc.. Propagated by the Rev. Mr. William Balch, etc. 4to. MafTachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May, 1733. 8vo. Bofton, 1733. Wigglesworth, Samuel. Funeral Sermon delivered in Ipfwich, Jan- uary 5th, 1746. (John Rogers.) 8vo. Bofton, 1746. Wight, Andrew. The Trial of . . . for Libel againft Governor Strong, at Northampton, 1 806. 8vo. Northampton, 1 806. Wight, Elnathan. Sermon at his own Ordination at Bellingham, January 15th, 1755. 8vo. [Imperfect.] Bofton, 1755. WiLBAR, John. A Narrative and Expofition of the late Pro- ceedings of the New England Yearly Meeting, with fome of its Subordinate Meetings and their Committees, in relation to the Catalogue of Printed Books. 635 Dodlrinal Controverfy now exifting in the Society of Friends, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1845. WiLBAR, John. Same, of the New England Quarterly Meeting, etc.. Friends, izmo. N. Y., 1845. WiLBERFORCE, Samuel. A Rcproof of the American Church, by the Bifliop of Oxford. Extrafted from a ** Hiflory of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in America." With an Introdudlion by an American Churchman. 8vo. N. Y., 1846. WiLBERFORCE, WiLLiAM. A Praftical View of the Prevailing Reli- gious Syftem of Profefled Chriftians, etc. 1 2mo. [Am. Traft Society.] . N. Y. WiLcocKE, Samuel Hull. Hiflory of the Vice-Royalty of Buenos Ayres, etc. Plates. 8vo. Lond. [1806]. Wilder, John. Difcourfe after the Death of Deacon Ebenezer Lane, Attleborough, May, 1790. 8vo., pp. 30. Providence. Difcourfe on Faft Day, May 9th, 1798. 8vo., pp. 27. Wrentham, 1798. — — Difcourfe on the Importance of being prepared for Judgment, preached in Attleborough, February 3d, 1805. 8vo., pp. 24. Providence. Difcourfe before the Society for the Encouragement of Agri- culture, 2 2d February, 1805. 8vo., pp. 12. Providence. Difcourfe in Attleborough, at the Interment of the Hon. Elilha May. 8vo., pp. 20. Providence, 1 8 1 2. Wilkes, John. The Battle of the Quills ; or, Wilkes Attacked and Defended, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1768. [ ] The North Briton. Vol. I. Folio. Lond., 1 769. Works of . . . formerly publilhed under the title of the North Briton. 3 vols., i2mo. Lond. [WiLKiNS, Isaac] Free Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Conti- nental Congrefs, held at Philadelphia, 5th September, 1774, etc. By a Farmer. 8vo. 1774' The Congrefs Canvafled ; or, an Examination into the Condudl of the Delegates, at their Grand Convention, in Philadelphia, September ill, 1774, etc. By A. W, Farmer. 8vo. 1774^ A View of the Controverfy between Great Britain and her Colo- nies ... in a Letter to the Author of a Full Vindication, etc. By A. W. Farmer. 8vo. N. Y., 1774. Sermon before the Convention of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the State of New York, Albany, Oftober 5th, 1803. 8vo., pp. 36. N. Y., 1804. WiLKiNS, John. An Eftay towards a Real Charafter and a Philofoph- ical Language. Fol. Lond., 1668. Difcovery of a New World ; or, a Difcourfe tending to prove that it is probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon, etc. In Two Parts. Fifth Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1684. Wilkins, John. Memorial againft. Commandant in the Illinois Country, with a Colleftion of Pieces, tranllated from the French, or copied 636 New-York Historical Society. from originals in Englifh, containing the moft intercfting fafts which happened in the Illinois Country, from the beginning of 1 768 to 17th September, 1770. In French and Englifh. 8vo. Wilkinson, C. A Tour through Afia Minor and the Greek Idands, etc. izmo. Lond., 1806. Wilkinson, Eliza. Letters of, during the Invafion and Pofleflion of Charlefton (S. C), by the Britifh in the Revolutionary War ; arranged from the original MSS., by Caroline Gilman. izmo. N. Y., 1839. Wilkinson, James. Memoirs of my own Times. 3 vols., 8vo. (with 4to. vol. of Diagrams and Plans). Phil., 1816. Wilkinson, J. B. The Annals of Binghamton and of the Country Connedled with it, from the Earlieft Settlement. 1 2mo. Binghamton, 1840. Wilkinson, T. Vifitation Sermon, May 30th, 1805 (on Calvinifm). 8vo. . Harborough, 1805. WiLKs, John. An Apology for the Miffionary Society. 8vo., pp. 61. Lond., 1799. WiLLARD, Emma. Hiftory of the United States, or Republic of America, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1828. Anfwer to Marcius Willfon's Reply, or Second Appeal to the Public. 8vo. N. Y., 1847. Reply to Mrs. Willard's Appeal. 8vo. N. Y., 1847. WiLLARD, Joseph. Funeral Sermon, delivered May 13th, 1790 (Tim- othy Hillard). 8vo. Bofton, 1790. Difcourfe before the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, June 24th, 5808. 8vo., pp. 20. Morriftown, i 808. Addrefs in Latin; with a Difcourfe in Englifh, by ProfefTor David Tappan, on the Death of General Wafhington, etc., Cam- bridge, Feb. 21, 1800. 8vo., pp. 44. [Charleflown], 1800. WiLLARD, Joseph. An Addrefs in commemoration of the Two Hundredth Anniverfary of the Incorporation of Lancafler, Mafs. With an Appendix. 8vo. Boflon, 1853. Willard Memoir ; or. Life and Times of Major Simon Willard, etc. 8vo. Bolton, 1858. Willard, Samuel. Ne Sutor ultra Crepidam ; or. Brief Animadver- fions upon the New England Anabaptifl's late Fallacious Narra- tive, etc. 4to. Boflon, 1681. ^— Walking with God, the Great Duty and Privilege of True Chriflians. In Two Sermons, in the year 1700. i2mo., pp. 56. Boflon, 1 701. ' The Fountain Opened, etc. Sermon from Zech. viii. i, on the National Converfion of the Jews. Second Edition. 1 2mo. Boflon, 1722. Willard, Sidney. Memories of Youth and Manhood. 2 vols., l6mo. Cambridge, 1855. Willard, Simon, Jr. The Colijmbian Union. i2mo. Hudfon, 1814. Catalogue of Printed Books. 637 WiLLETT, William M. Narrative of the Military Aftions of Colonel Marinus Willett, taken chiefly from his own Manufcript. 8vo. N. Y., 1831. William, Prince of Orange. Hiftory of, deduced from the Firft Founders of the Antient Houfe of Naflau, etc. 8vo. 1688. Royal Diary ; or. King William's Interior Portraidure. 1 2mo. [Title gone.] Williams, Abraham. MafTachufetts Eledlion Sermon, May 26th, 1762. 8vo. Bofton. ' Sermon on James v. 9, at Barnftable. 8vo., pp. 21. Bofton, 1766. Sermon, Barnftable, April loth, 1771, at the Ordination of Rev. Timothy Hilliard. 8vo., pp. 31. Bofton, 1771. Williams, Benjamin. A DifTertation on Scripture Imprecations, etc. l2mo., pp. 47, 31, II. Salift)ury, 1780. Williams, Catherine R. Biography of Revolutionary Heroes ; con- taining the Lives of William Barton and Stephen Olney. En- gravings, izmo. Providence (R. I.), 1839. Williams, C. L. Statiftics of the Rutland County Bar ; with Bio- graphical Notes of the moft diftinguiftied of its Deceafed Mem- bers; alfo a Lift of County Officers, 1781-1847. 8vo. Brandon, 1847. Williams, Edwin. Political Hiftory of Ireland. 8vo. 1843. The New York Annual Regifter, for the years 1830, '3 i, '32, '33, 1834, '35, '36, '37, 40,' 45. 10 vols., i2mo. N. Y. The AddrefTes and Meilages of the Prefidents . of the United States, etc., from 1789 to 1846, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y.. 1846. Williams, Eleazar. A Spelling-Book in the Language of the Seven Iroquois Nations. i2mo. Utica, 1820. Williams, Gershom. Sermon before the General Aflbciation of Con- nedlicut, at Lebanon, June 22d, 1809. 8vo., pp. 15. Hartford, 1 809. Williams, Griffith (Bp.) The True Church fhewed to all Men that defire to be Members of the fame. In Six Bookes, containing the whole bodie of Divinity. Folio. Lond., 1629. Williams, Helene Maria. Correfpondence Politique et Confiden- tielle, inedite de Louis XVI., etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1803. Williams, John. God in the Camp. Sermon before the General Court, March 6th, 1706-7. i2mo. Bofton, 1707. — — The Cafe of Baptifm Confidered, in a Sermon. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1714. Williams, John. An Enquiry into the Truth of the Tradition con- cerning the Difcovery of America by Prince Madog-ab-Owen- Gwynedd, about 1170. 8vo. Lond., 1791. — — Farther Obfervations on the Difcovery of America, by Prince Madog-ab-Owen-Gwynedd, about 1 1 70, relative to the Welih Indians. 8vo. Lond., 1792. 638 New-York Historical Society. [Williams, John.] Shrove Tuefday : a Satirical Rhapfody, etc. Firft printed in 1 790. 8vo. Lend. A Crying Epiftle from Britannia to Colonel Mack, etc. A New Edition. 8vo. Lond. The Life of the late Earl of Barrymore, etc. Third Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1793. Legiflative Biography, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1795. A Looking-Glafs for the Royal Family, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1797. Williams, John. A Difcourfe delivered before the New York Mis- sionary Society, April 5th, 1803. 8vo. N. Y., 1803. Williams, John, Francis Frederick, et al. Trial of, for Murder on the High Seas, December, 1818. 8vo. Bofton, 1819. Williams, J. B. Memoir of the Rev. Matthew Henry, the Commen- tator, abridged. i8mo. Williams, John Lee. The Territory of Florida ; or. Sketches of the Topography, Civil and Natural Hiftory of the Country, the Cli- mate, and the Indian Tribes, from the Firft Difcovery to the PrefentTime. 8vo. N. Y., 1837. Williams, John S. The American Pioneer : a Monthly Periodical, devoted to the objefts of the Logan Hiftorical Society ; or, to CoUefting and Publifhing Sketches relative to the Early Settlement and Succeffive Improvement of the Country. 2 vols., 8vo. Cincinnati, 1842-3. Williams, Jonathan, Jr. Memoir on the Ufe of the Thermometer in Navigation, prefented to the American Philofophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for Promoting Ufeful Knowledge. 4to., pp. 82. Phil., 1792. Treatife of Artillery; containing the Alterations made in the French Artillery fince 1765. Tranflated from the French of M. de Scheel. 8vo. Phil., 1 800. Letter from ... on the fubjedl of Fortifying and Protefting the Harbour of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1 807. Williams, J. H. Two Sermons on the Public Fafts of April, 1793, and February, 1794. 8vo., pp. 64. Lond., 1794. Williams, Mrs. Biography of Revolutionary Heroes, containing the Life of Brigadier-General William Barton, and alfo of Captain Olney. i2mo. Providence, 1839. The Neutral French ; or, the Exiles of Nova Scotia. 2 vols. in I, i2mo. Second Edition. Providence, 1841. Williams, Nathan. Order and Harmony in the Church of Chrift agreeable to God's Will. Illuftrated in a Sermon delivered in Tolland, on the Public Faft, April 17th, 1793. 8vo. Hartford, 1793. Williams, O. S. A Lefture delivered before the Young Men's Ly- ceum of Clinton. 8vo. Clinton, 1 848. Williams, Peter, Jr. Oration on the Abolition of the Slave Trade, delivered in the African Church, in the City of New York, Jan. I, 1808. 8vo. N. Y. Catalogue of Printed Books. 639 Williams, Samuel. Two Sermons on Regeneration. From Luke xiii. 23, 24, 25. 8vo., pp. 53. Bofton, 1766. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Thomas Barnard, Jr., Salem, January 13th, 1773. 8vo., pp. 40. Salem, 1773. Difcourfe on the Love of our Country, Thankfgiving, Decem- ber 15th, 1774. 8vo., pp. 29. Salem, 1775. Difcourfe, November loth, 1779,31 the Ordination of the Rev. John Prince, Salem. 8vo., pp. 32. Bollon, 1780. The Natural and Civil Hiftory of Vermont. 8vo. Walpole(N. H.), 1794. Same. Second Edition. 2 vols., 8vo. Burlington, 1 809. Williams, Solomon. Sermon before Convention for Ratifying the Conftitution of a Miffionary Society for Propagating the Gofpel, January 5th, 1802. 8vo., pp. 24. Northampton, 1802. Williams, Stephen W. Biographical Memoir of Rev. John Wil- liams, with other Papers relating to the Early Indian Wars in Deerlield. i2mo. Greenfield, Mafs., 1837. The Genealogy and Hiftory of the Family of Williams in America, etc. l2mo. Greenfield, 1847. Williams, Thomas. Reafons for Faith in Revealed Religion, oppofed to Mr. Hollis' Reafons for Scepticifm. 8vo., pp. 45. Lond., 1796. [ ] The Age of Infidelity, in Anfwer to Paine's Age of Reafon. By a Layman. 8vo., pp. 76. Lond. Williams, William. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Nehemiah Bull, Weftfield, Oftober 26th, 1726. 8vo. Bofton, 1728. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. David Hall, Sutton, Oflober 15th, 1729. 8vo. Bofton, 1729. — — Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Jona. Afhley, Deerfield, No- vember 8th, 1732. 8vo. Bofton, 1733. Artillery EledUon Sermon, June 6th, 1737. 8vo. Bofton, 1737. MalTachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 27th, 1741. 8vo. Bofton. Williams, William. Redemption : a Sacred Poem, with Notes, Doftrinal, Moral, and Philofophical. 4to., pp. 28. St. George's Fields [Lond.], 1796. Williamson, Adam. Military Memoirs and Maxims of Marfhal Turenne, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1744. [Williamson, Charles.] Defcription of the Settlement of the Genefee Country, in the State of New York, in a feries of Letters, etc. Map of the Middle States. 8vo. Albany, 1798. Same, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1799. [Williamson, Hugh.] Letters from Sylvius to the Freemen Inhabit- ants of the United States, containing fome Remarks on the Scarcity of Money, Paper Currency, National Drefs, Foreign Luxuries, the Federal Debt, and Public Taxes. Bvo. MS. Notes by the Author. N. Y., 1787. 640 New-York Historical Society. Williamson, Hugh. Addrefs to the Freemen of Edenton and the County of Chowan, etc., on the New Plan of Government. 8vo. Obfervations on the Climate in different parts of America, com- pared with Climates in correfponding parts of the other Conti- nent, etc. 8vo. N. y., 1811. The Hiftory of North Carolina. 2 vols., 8vo. Phil., 181 2. [ ] Remarks on the Importance of the contemplated Grand Canal between Lake Erie and the Hudfon River. 8vo. 181 2. Williamson, Peter. The Travels of, among the different Nations and Tribes of Savage Indians in America, etc. 1 2mo., pp. 1 84. Edinburgh, 1768. Williamson, William D. The Hiftory of the State of Maine, from its Firft Difcovery, a. d. 1602, to the Separation, a. d. 1820, in- clufive. 2 vols. Svo. Hallowell, 1839. Willich, a. F. M. Ledlures on Diet and Regimen ; being a Syfte- matic Enquiry into the mofl Rational Means of Preferving Health and Prolonged Life. Third Edition. 8vo. Lond,, 1800. WiLLisTON, E. B. Eloquence of the United States. 5 vols., 8vo. Middletown, Conn., 1827. WiLLiSTON, Seth. Sermon at the Inflallation of the Rev. David Higgins, Aurelius, Oftober 6th, 1802. 8vo. Owego. WiLMER, John. The Legacy of . . . Citizen and late Merchant of London. 4to., pp. 8, 28. Lond., 1692. WiLMER, Simon. Sermon delivered in Burlington, on the ifl day of May, 181 1, at the Opening of the Convention of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in New Jerfey. 8vo., pp. 30, v. Burlington, 1 8 11 . Wills. Laws refpeding Wills, Teftaments, Codicils, etc. Lond., 1 799. [Wills, Thomas.] A Correft Statement of the late melancholy Affair of Honor, between Hamilton and Burr, July 1 1 , 1 804, etc. To which is added a Candid Examination of the whole affair, in a Letter to a Friend. By Lyfander. 8vo. N. Y., 1 804. Oration, 4th March, 1809, before the Republican Citizens of Jerfey, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1809. WiLLSFORD, Thomas. Nature's Secrets ; or, the Admirable and Won- derfull Hiftory of the Generation of Meteors, etc, i6mo., pp. 199. Lond., 1658. WiLLsoN, Marcius. American Hiftory, comprifxng Hiftorical Sketches of the Indian Tribes, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1847. Report on American Hiftories. 8vo. N. Y., 1 847. Wilmington (North Carolina). Proceedings of the Safety Com- mittee of the Town of, from 1774 to 1776. Printed from the Original Record. Svo. Raleigh, 1 844. Wilson, Alexander. American Ornithology ; or. The Natural Hiftory of the Birds of the United States. Illuftrated with Plates, Engraved and Colored, from Original Drawings taken from Na- ture. With a Sketch of the Author's Life, by George Ord. 3 vols., 8vo. Plates, i vol.. Folio. N. Y. and Phil., 1 829. Catalogue of Printed Books. 641 Wilson, B. A Series of Experiments on the fubjefts of Phofphori and their Prifmatic Colors, in which are Difcovered fome New Properties of Light. Second Edition. 4to. Lond., 1776. Wilson, Bird. Memoir of the Life of the Right Rev. William White, D. D., Bifliop of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the State of Pennfylvania. izmo. Phil., 1839. Wilson, Charles. Stridlures on the Condufl of the Rev. George Markham, occafioned by his Profecution of Quakers for Non- Payment of Tithes, etc. 8vo., pp. 50. Lond., 1796. Wilson, James. Peace: a Sermon. i2mo. N. Y., 1788. Wilson, James. An Introduftory Lefture to a Courfe of Law Lec- tures ; with a Plan of the Leftures. 8vo., pp. 96. Phil., 1 79 1 . Wilson, James. Oration before the Providence Aflbciation of Me- chanics and Manufafturers, at their Annual Eleftion, April 14th, 1794. 8vo. Providence, 1794. Subftance of a Difcourfe delivered before the Military Officers of Providence, February 9th, 1 800, on the Death of General Wash- ington. 8vo., pp. 16. Providence, 1800. Oration (4th July, 1804), at Providence. 8vo., pp. 16. Providence. Apoftolic Church Government Difplayed, and the Government, etc., of the Methodift Epifcopal Church, izmo. Providence, 1798. Wilson, James R. The Subjeftion of Kings and Nations to the Meffiah. A Sermon, preached 6th December, 18 19, in the Re- formed Prefljyterian Church of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1820. Wilson, Jaspar. Letter, Commercial and Political, to William Pitt, etc. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 72. Lond., 1793. Wilson, John. A Song of Thankigiving for Great Deliverances : compofed about the year 1625. i6mo., pp. 44. [Title wanting. MS. Genealogical Notes of the Family of the Author.] Wilson, John. The Trial of (alias Jenkin Ratford), for Mutiny, De- fertion, and Contempt. 8vo. HaHfax, 1807. Wilson, J. L. Addrefs at the Funeral of Mrs. Sarah Woodbridge, July 13th, 1822. l2mo., pp. II. Cincinnati, 1822. Wilson, Peter. Introdudlion to Greek Profody, in Three Parts. i2mo. N. Y., 181 1. Wilson, Robert. The Travels of that well-known Pcdeftrian. 1 2mo. Lond., 1807. Wilson, Robert Thomas. Hiftory of the Britifh Expedition to Egypt. Maps. 8vo. Phih, 1803. — — Trial of John H. Hutchinfon and Michael Bruce, for Affifting in the Efcape of M. Lavallette. With a Brief Memoir of. 1 2mo. Edinburgh [18 15]. Wilson, Samuel. A Scripture Manual ; or, a Plain Reprefentation of the Ordinance of Baptifm. . Fifth Edition. i2mo., pp. 24. Lond., 1765. Wilson, Sarah, et al,, and Robert Troup, et al. In the Court for 4» 642 New-York Historical Society. the Corredion of Errors. Joint Cafe between . . . 8vo., pp. 65. N. Y., 1823. Wilson, Thomas. A Complete Chriftian Diftionary, etc, continued by John Bagwell, augmented, etc., by Andrew Simfon. Folio. Lond., 1 66 1. Wilson, Thomas. The Knowledge and Praftice of Chriftianity made Eafy, etc. ; or, an Effay towards an Inftruftion for the Indians. Ninth Edition, izmo. Lond., 1759. Wilson, Thomas. Pifture of Philadelphia for 1 824 ; with a Pidlure of, for 1 81 1. 8vo. Phil., 1823. Wilson, Walter. The Hiftory and Antiquities of Diflenting Churches and Meeting Houfes, in London, Weftminfter, and Southwark ; including the Lives of their Minifters, from the Rife of 'Noncon- formity to the Prelent Time. With an Appendix. 4 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1808-14. WiLTBANK, John. Valediftory Addrefs delivered before the Graduat- ing Clafs of the Medical Department of Pennfylvania College, of 1844-5. 8vo. Phil., 1847. WiLTBANK, Ed. W. The Building up of the Church. A Difcourfe preached on occaiion of his Reiigning the Reftorlliip of Chrift Church, Stratford, on 5th Sunday in Lent, 1842. 8vo. Middletown, 1842. Wilton, Samuel. An Apology for the Renewal of an Application to Parliament, by the Proteftant Diflenting Minifters. 8vo., pp. 1 07. Lond., 1773. Brief Memoirs of. 8vo., pp. 10. Lond., 1802. WiMPFFEN, Francis Alexander Stanislaus, Baron de. A Voyage to St. Domingo, in the years 1788, '89 and '90. Tranflated from the Original MS., etc. By J. Wright. 8vo. Lond., 1797. Winchester, Elhanan. Three Woe Trumpets, etc., two Difcourfes from Rev. xi. 14 to 18, inclufive, delivered in London, February, 1793. 8vo. Firft Am. Edition. Bofton, 1794. Ten Letters to Paine, in Anfwer to his Pamphlet, entitled the Age of Reafon. Second Edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1795. A Courfe of Leftures on the Prophecies that remain to be Ful- filled. 2 vols., 8vo. Walpole, N. H., 1 800. [WiNDus, John.] A Journey to Mequinez, the Refidence of the prefent Emperor of Fez and Morocco, on the occafion of Com- modore Stewart's Embafly, in 1 72 1. 8vo. Lond., 1725. Wines, E. C. A Peep at China, in Mr. Dunn's Chinefe Colleftion ; with Mifcellaneous Notices relating to the Inftitutions and Cuftoms of the Chinefe, and our Commercial Intercourfe with them. 8vo. Phil., 1839. Wing, Halsey R. Eflay on the Moral and Intelleaual EfFeds of Studying the Mathematical and Phyfical Sciences, etc. 8vo. Albany, 1834. Wing, Joel A. An Addrefs delivered before the Medical Society of the State of New York, February 3d, 1845. 8vo. Albany, 1845. Catalogue of Printed Books. 643 WiNGMAN, Thomas. Arguments for the Divarication of the New Teilament into Doftrine, or Word of God; Hiftory, or Word of Man. Third Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1835. WiNSLow, MiRON. Memoir of Mrs. Harriet L. Winflow, etc., New- York. i2mo. [Am. Trad Society.] WiNSTANLEY, W. The Hypocrite Unmafked : a Comedy, in Five Afts. 8vo., pp. 94. N. Y., 1801. Winter, Richard. Sermon from Jer. iv. 19, delivered May 23d, 1756, in Moorfields; with a Preface. 8vo.,pp. 32. Lond., 1756. Winter, Robert. Thankfgiving Sermon, Hanover Street, Long Acre, November 29, 1798. 8vo., pp. 30. Lond., 1798. Winterbotham, W. The Commemoration of National Deliverances, etc. Two Sermons, November 5th and i8th, 1792, at Plymouth. 8vo., pp. 60. Lond., 1794. An Hillorical, Geographical and Philofophical View of the Chinefe Empire ; with an Account of Lord Macartney's Em- bafly. Map. 8vo. . Lond., 1795. An Hillorical, Geographical, Commercial and Philofophical View of the United States of America and of the European Settlements in America and the Weft Indies. 4 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1796. Winterfield, Captain. His Voyages, Diftrefles, and Adventures. i2mo. Lond., 1798. WiNTHROP, James. Attempt to Tranflate the Prophetic part of the Apocalypfe of Saint John into Familiar Language, etc. 8vo. Bofton, 1794. WiNTHROP, John. Two Leftures on Parallax and the Diftance of the Sun, as deducible from the Tranfit of Venus, at Cambridge, March, 1769. 8vo., pp. 47. Bofton, 1769. Two Lectures on Comets ; with an Eflay, by A. Oliver, etc. l2mo. Bofton, 181 1. WiNTHROP, John. A Journal of the Tranfaftions and Occurrences in the Settlement of Maflachufetts and the other New England Colonies, from the year 1630 to 1644, etc. 8vo. Hartford, 1 790. The Hiftory of New England, from 1630 to 1649. From his Original MSS. With Notes, by James Savage. 2 vols., 8vo. Bofton, 1825-6. WiNTHROP, John. Seleftions from an Ancient Catalogue of Objefts of Natural Hiftory, fouijd in New England more than 100 years ago. 8vo. New Haven, 1844. WiNTHROP, Robert C. An Addrefs delivered before the New Eng- land Society in the City of New York, December 23d, 1839. 8vo. N. Y., 1840. Oration pronounced on the occafion of Laying the Corner- ftone of the National Monument to the Memory of Wafliington ; with an Introduftion and an Appendix. 8vo. Wafhington, 1848. ii An Addrefs dehvered before the Maine Hiftorical Society, at Bowdoin College, September 5 th, 1849. 8vo. Bofton, 1849. 644 New-York Historical Society. WiNTHROP, Robert C. Addrefles and Speeches on various occafions. 8vo. Bollon, 1852. [Wirt, William.] Letters of the Britilh Spy. Fourth Edition. 1 6mo. Baltimore, 1 8 1 1 . Wisconsin. State Hiftorical Society : — 1. Difcourfe delivered at its Firft Annual Meeting, January 15th, 1850, by William R. Smith. 8vo. Madifon, 1850. 2. Addrefs delivered January 21, 1 851, by M. L. Martin. 8vo. Green Bay, 1851. 3. Third Annual Addrefs, etc., March i6th, 1852, by Lewis N.Wood. 8vo. Madifon, 1852. Wisdom of Looking Backward ; to Judge the better of One Side and T'other. By the Speeches, Writings, Aftions, and other Matters of Faft on both Sides, for the four years laft paft. 8vo. Lond., 1 71 5. Wise, Jeremiah. Funeral Sermon, preached upon the Death of the Hon. Charles Froft, Efq. 8vo. [Imperfeft.] Bofton, 1725. Maflachufetts Eleftion Sermon, May 28, 1729. 8vo. Boilon. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. James Pike at Summerfworth, in Dover, Oft. 28, 1730. 8vo., pp. 63. Bofton, 1731. Wiseman, Nicholas. Twelve Leftures on the Connexion between Science and Revealed Religion. 8vo. Andover, 1837. Wislizenus, a. Memoir of a Tour to Northern Mexico, connefted with Colonel Doniphan's Expedition in 1846 and 1847. 8vo. Wafhington, 1848. Wisner, Benjamin B. Sermon occafioned by the Death of Mrs. Miriam Phillips, May i8th. 8vo., pp. 25. Cambridge, 1823. The Hiftory of the Old South Church in Bofton, in Four Sermons, delivered May 9th and 1 6th, 1830. 8vo. Bofton, 1 830. Wisner, William C. Prelacy and Parity : in feveral Leflures, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1 844. Withers, Alexander S. Chronicles of Border Warfare ; or, a His- tory of the Settlement by the Whites of North-weft Virginia, etc. 8vo. Clarkft)urg, 1831. Withers, Philip. Philanthropos ; or, a Letter to the Rev. Andrew Fuller, in Reply to his Treatife on Damnation. 1 2mo. Lond., 1785. Withers, Williams. Digeft of the Income Tax. 8vo. York, 1 799. Witherspoon, John. Chriftian Magnanimity. A Sermon at Prince- ton, September, 1775, before the Commencement, etc. With an Addrefs to the Senior Clafs. 8vo., pp. 44. Princeton, 1787. A Sermon. The Religious Education of Children. 8vo. Ehzabethtown, 1789. Works ; with Dr. Rodgers* Funeral Sermon. 4 vols., 8vo. Phil., 1 800-1. — — Candid Remarks on his Addrefs to the Inhabitants of Jamaica, etc. 8vo. Phil., 1772. Catalogue of Printed Books. 645 WiTHiNGTON, Nicholas. A Briefe Difcoverye of feme Things beft Worth Notcinge in the Travells of, a Faftor in the Eaft Indiafe, 1611-16. 8vo. . Lond., 1734. WoDENOTE, Theophilus. Herincs Theologus; or, a Divine Mercuric Difpatcht with a Grave MefTage of New Defcants upon old Records. i2mo. Lond., 1649. [WoLCOTT, John.] Works of Peter Pindar, Efq., etc. ; with an Ac- count of his Life. 4 vols., 241110. Bofton, i8ii. [WoLCOTT, Oliver, and William Smith.] The Pretenfions of Thomas ■Jefterfon to the Prelidency Examined, and the Charges againil John Adams Refuted. Addrefled to the Citizens of America in General, and particularly to the Eleftors of the Prefidcnt. 8vo. Odober 6th, 1796. Part IL, November, 1796. —'— Addrefs to the People of the United States, on the fubjeft of the Report of the Committee of the Houfe of Reprefcntatives, ap- pointed to Examine and Report whether monies drawn from the Treafury have been faithfully applied, etc. 8vo., pp. 1 1 2. Bofton, 1802. — — Remarks on the Prefent Sfate of Currency, Credit, Commerce, and National Induftry, in Reply to an Addrefs of the Tammany Society of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1820. Meffage to the General Affembly of Connefticut, at the Com- mencement of their Seffion at Hartford, May, a. d. 1821. 8vo. Hartford, 182 1. Meflage, etc., 1823. 8vo. Hartford, 1823. Meflage, etc., 1824. 8vo. New Haven, 1824. WoLcoTT, Roger. See Jofeph Perry. Wolfe, James. The Life of General . . . the Conqueror of Canada, or the Elogium of that Renowned Hero, attempted according to the Rules of Eloquence. With a Monumental Infcription to per- petuate his Memory. By J P A. M. 8vo., pp. 24. [Rep.] Portfmouth, 1760. Wolff, Ernst. En Danfk og Engelfk Ord-bog. 410. Lond., 1779. WoLLASTON, Francis. An Addrefs to the Clergy of the Church *of England in Particular, and to all Chriftians in General, etc. 8vo., pp. 22. Lond., 1772. [WoLLASTON, William.] The Religion of Nature Delineated. 4to. Dublin, 1726. Same. Eighth Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1759. Wollstonecraft, Mary. Vindication of the Rights of Woman ; , with Strifturcs on Political and Moral Subjefts. i2mo. Phil., 1794.. Wood, George B. An Addrefs on the occafion of the Centenniall Celebration of the Founding of the Pennfylvania Hofpital, deliv- ered June 10, 1 85 1. With an Appendix, containing the Charter of faid Hofpital, with an Abftraft of the Rules thereof . . . etc. . 8vo., pp. 141. Phil., 1851.. 646 New-York Historical Society. Wood, Horatio. Gofpel Truths. A Difcourfe preached before the Unitarian Society, lately cftablifhed in Franklin and Salifbury, N. H., Nov., 1833. 8vo. Wood, John. A General View of the Hiftory of Switzerland. With a Particular Account of the Origin and Accomplifhment of the late Swifs Revolution. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1799. — — A Full Expofition of the Clintonian Faftion and the Society of the Columbian Illuminati ; with an Account of the Writer of the Narrative, and the Chara£ters of his Certificate Men, as alfo Re- marks on Warren's Pamphlet. 8vo. Newark, 1802. ■ The Hiftory of the Adminiftration of John Adams, Efq., late Frcfident of the United States. 8vo. N. Y., 1 802. Narrative of the Suppreflion,' by Colonel Burr, of the Hiftory of the Adminiftration, by John Adams ; written by ... By a Citizen of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1802. A Correfi; Statement of the various Sources from which the Hiftory of the Adminiftration of John Adams was compiled, and the motives for its Suppreffion by Colonel Burr ; with fome Ob- fcrvations on a Narrative, by a Citizen of New York. Second Edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1802. Antidote to [his] Poifon. By Warren. 8vo. N. Y., 1802. A New Theory of the Diurnal Rotation of the Earth, etc. 8vo. Richmond, 1 809. Wood, Samuel. Various School Books. i2mo. N. Y., 1813. Wood, Silas. Letters addreflcd to the Elcdlors of Reprefentativcs of Congrefs for the Firft Eleftoral Diftridt in the State of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1800. A Sketch of the Geography of the Town of Huntingdon ; with a Brief Hiftory of its Firft Settlement and Political Condition to the End of the Revolution. 8vo. Waihington, 1824. A Sketch of the Firft Settlement of the feveral Towns on Long Ifland; with their Political Condition, to the End of- the American Revolution. 8vo., pp. 66. Brooklyn, 1824. > Same. A New Edition. 8vo., pp. 184. Brooklyn, 1828. Wood, William. Survey of Trade, in Four Parts, with Confidera- tions on our Money and Bullion. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1722. Wood, William. New England's Profpefl ; being a True, Lively, and Experimental Defcription of that Part of America, com- monly called New England, etc. Third Edition. Lond., 1639. 8vo. [Rep.] Bofton, 1764. Wood, William. Addrefs, etc., before the Mechanics' Apprentices' Library Aflbciation, on its 24th Anniverfary, February 22d, 1844. 8vo. Bofton, 1844. Woodard (Capt.) David. Narrative of, and Four Seamen, who loft their fhip, while in a boat at fea, and furrendered themfelves up to the Malays, in the Ifland of Celebes, etc. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1805. Catalogue of Printed Books. 647 WooDB-RiDGE, AsHBEL. Scmion bcforc the General Aflembly of Con- ncfticut, Hartford, May 14th, 1752. 8vo., pp. 44. New Lend., 1753. WooDBRiDGE, B. Sermon occafioned by the Death of Deacon Job Terrell. i2mo., pp. 32. New Haven, 1756. WooDBRiDGE, Sylvester, Jr. Hiftorical Difcourfe delivered Novem- ber 29th, 1 840, to the Dedication of " ChrilVs Firft Church " Chapel, in Raynor, South Hempftead, L. I. 8vo. N. Y., 1840. Woodbridge, William. Illuftration of Scripture on Abfolute Pre- dcftination, in a Sermon. 8vo., pp. 22. Middletown, 1805. WooDD, Basil. Vifitation Sermon, in the Parifh Church of St. Mary, Aylefbury, June 27th, 18 10. 8vo., pp. 30. Lend. WooDD, Hannah. Memoirs of Mrs. ... in a Letter to the Rev. Richard Conyers, LL. D. 8vo., pp. 23. Lend., 1784. Woodman, Cyrus. The Memoir and Journals of the Rev. Paul Cof- fin. 8vo. Portland, 1855. Woodruff, George C. Hiftory of the Town of Litchfield, Con- nefticut. 8vo. Litchfield, 1845. Woods, Leonard. Difcourfe at the Funeral of Mrs. Thankful Church, Pelham, N. H., April 15th, 1806. 8vo., pp. 18. Newburyport, 1 806. Teftimony againfl: the Publications of Marcus, in fcvcral Letters, addreflcd to the Author. 8vo., pp. 48. Newburyport, 1 806. Artillery Eleftion Sermon, Bollon, June 6th, 1 808. 8vo. Bolton, 1808. Sermon delivered before the Maflachufetts Milfionary Society, on their 13th Anniverfary, May 26th, 181 2. 8vo., pp. 22. Bollon, 1 81 2. Sermon, May 3d, 181 2, at the Funeral of Samuel Abbott, one of the Founders of the Theological Seminary in Andover. 8vo. [Imperfeft.] Bofton, 181 2. A Sermon delivered at the Tabernacle in Salem, February 6th, 1 81 2, on occafion of the Ordination of the Rev. Mcffrs. Samuel Newell, A. Judfon, Samuel Nott, Gordon Hall, and Luther Rice, Miffionaries to the Heathen in Afia. 8vo. Bofton, 181 2. Sermon preached at Haverhill, Mafs., in Remembrance of Har- riet Newell; with Memoirs of her Life. 8vo. Bofton, 18 14. Eulogy on the Rev. Samuel Worceftcr, D. D., delivered at Salem, Mafs., July 1 2th, 1821. 8vo. • Woodville, William. Reports of a feries of Inoculations for the Variolae Vaccine^, or Cow-Pox, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1799. [Woodward, Augustus B.] Epaminondas on the Government of the Territory of Columbia. No. V. 8vo. George-Town, 1801. Confiderations on the Government of the Territory of Colum- bia. No. VIIL 8vo., pp. 26. Walhington, Jan., 1803. Confiderations on the Subftance of the Sun 8vo., pp. 88. WafhingtoD, 180 1. 648 New-York Historical Society. Woodward, Augustus B. Reprefentation of the Cafe of Oliver Pollock. 8vo., pp. 69. Wafhington, Feb. 12th, 1803. — — Confiderations on the Executive Government of the United States of America. 8vo. Flatbulh, 1809. Woodward, James W. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Eden Bur- roughs, D.D., preached at Hartford, Vt., May 24th, 181 3. 8vo. Woodward, John. Foffils of all kinds, digefted into a Method, fuit- able to their Mutual Relation and Affinity. 8vo. Lond., 1728. Woodward, John. Opinion in the Cafe of the " St. Michaels " and Cargo, of Baltimore, vs. The King of Holland. 8vo. Woodward, Samuel. Sermon, Oftober 9th, 1760, a Day of Thanks- giving on occafion of the Reduftion of Montreal and Conqueft of Canada. 4to., pp. 30. Bofton. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. John Marfh, Wethersfield, Conn., January 12th, 1774. 8vo., pp. 30. New Haven. Woodward, William. Oration at Hanover, N. H, January 9th, 1 800, on the Death of General Wafliington. 8vo., pp. 1 7. Hanover, 1800. [WooDWORTH, Samuel.] New Haven : a Poem, Satirical and Senti- mental, etc.; with Notes, by Selim. i2mo., pp. 34. N. Y., 1809. Beafts at Law ; or, Zoologian Jurifprudence : a Poem, Satirical, Allegorical, and Moral, in Three Cantos, etc. i2mo., pp. 104. N. Y., 1811. [- ] Bubble and Squeak ; or, a Dilh of All Sorts. Being a Collec- tion of American Poems, etc. i2mo. N. Y., 18 14. The Champions of Freedom; or. The Myfterious- Chief, etc. 2 vols., l2mo, N. Y., 1816. Woolen Manufactures. Statiftics of the, in the United States, by the Proprietor of the Condenfmg Cards. 8vo. N. Y., 1845. Worcester, Noah. New Hampftiire Eledion Sermon, Concord, June 4th, 1 800. 8vo. Concord. A Refpeftful Addrefs to the Trinitarian Clergy, relating to their Manner of Treating Opponents. Second Edition. 1 2mo., pp. 56. N. Y., 1812. Worcester, Samuel. Sermon before the Maflachufetts Miffionary So- ciety, Bofton, 30th May, 1809. 8vo., pp. 43. Bofton, 1809. [Wordsworth, Christopher.] Six Letters to Granville Sharp, refpeft- ing his Remarks on the tJfe of the Definite Article in the Greek Text of the New Teftament. 8vo. Lond., 1802. Workman and Kerr. The Trials of, before the United States Court for the Orleans Diftrift, on a Charge of planning and fetting on foot, within the United States, an Expedition for the Conqueft, etc., of Mexico. 8vo. New Orleans, 1807. Workman, James. Political Eflays relative to the War of the French Revolution, etc. i2mo. Alexandria (D. C), 1801. ■ Liberty in Louifiana : a Comedy. Second Edition. 1 2mo., pp. 103. Charleftown, 1804. Catalogue of Printed Books. 649 Workman, James. Eflays and Letters on various Political Subjcdls. Second Am. Edition, i2mo. N. Y., 1809. Works of the Learned. The Literary Magazine ; or, Hiftory of the , . . By a Society of Gentlemen. For the years 1735/6, '7. (2 vols.) Part n. 1738. Part I. 1739 and 1740. (z vols.), 8vo. Lond. Worrall, John. Bibliotheca Legum ; or, a New and Complete Lift of all the Common and Statute Law Books of this Realm . . . to Trinity Term, 1 749. Seventh Edition, izmo. Lond., 1749. Worth iNGTON, Hugh. Charge at the Ordination of Rev. Joannes Runnels, Daventry, February 25th, 1762. 8vo.,_pp. 44. Lond., 1762. WoRTHiNGTON, HuGH, Jr. Sermon at Salters' Hall, June 16th, 1793, in behalf of the Charity School, etc. 8vo., pp. 47. Lond,, 1793. WoRTHiNGTON, W. G. D. Spccch on the Maryland Teft Aft, 1824. 8vo. Baltimore, 1824. Wortman, T. Oration on the Influence of Social Inftitution upon Human Morals and Happinefs, delivered before the Tammany Society, at their Anniversary, 12th May, 1796. 8vo., pp. 31. N. Y., 1796. An Addrefs to the Republican Citizens of New York, on the Inauguration of Thomas JefFerfon, Prefident of the United States, March 4th, 1801. 8vo. N. Y., 1801. WoTTON, William. Refledlions upon Ancient and Modern Learning ; with a DifTertation upon the Epiftles of Phalaris, Themiftocles, Socrates, Euripides, etc., and ^fop's Fables. By Dr. Bcntley. 8vo, Lond., 1697. Wraxall, Nathaniel William. The Hiftory of France, from the Acceffion of Henry the Third to the Death of Louis the Four- teenth, etc. Vols. I. II. III. 4to. Lond., 1795. Hiftorical Memoirs of my own Time. 8vo. Phil., 1845. Pofthumous Memoirs of my own Time. (From the Second Lond. Edition.) 8vo. Phil., 1845. Wren, Roger. Sentiments of the Humours and Amufements of the Times ; with Reflexions on Prefent Capital Difordcrs, their Real Source and Proper Remedy. 8vo. Bofton, 1763. Wright, Alfred. Holitopa Holiflb, etc. i2mo. Utica, 1831. Wright, Edward. Some Obfervations made in Travelling through France, Italy, etc., in the years 1720, 1721 and 1722. 2 vols., to. [Plates engraved by Vander Gucht.] Lond., 1730. Wright, Frances. Voyage aux Etats-Unis d'Ameriquc, ou Obferva- tions fur la Societe, les Moeurs, les ufages et le Gouvernement dc ce Bays, recueiilees en 1 81 8, 181 9 et 1820^ Traduit de 1? Anglais, par J. T. Parifot. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1 822. Wright, J. A Compleat Hiftory of the late War ; or. Annual Regifter of its Rife, Progrefs, and Events, in Europe, Afia, Africa and America. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1765. 650 New-York Historical Society. Wright, John C. Speeches on the Refolution, for Information rela- tive to the Seleftion of Newfpapers for the Publication of the Laws. 8vo. Wafhington, 1 827. Speech on the fubjefl of Retrenchment, in the Houfe of Repre- fentatives of the United States, February 6th, 1828. izmo. Wafhington, 1828. Wright, Luther. Funeral Sermon delivered at Medway, May 25 th, 1 806. (Cyrus Bullard.) 8vo. Dedham, 1 807. Wright (Rev. Mr.) A Stroke at Pulpit-Time-Serving, in a Letter to the Rev. Mr. ... on his Thankfgiving Sermon, for the Peace. With a P. S. to Dr. Samuel Chandler on a fimilar fubjeft. 8vo., pp. 22. Lond., 1763. Wright, R. Extraft from an Eflay on the Neceffity and Utility of Adhering to Firft Principles of Religion, etc. Salem, 1818. Wrightman, Joseph M. A Companion to Eledricity, comprifmg a Brief Hiftory of the Science. 8vo. Bollon, 1843. Wyatt, Joseph. Reply to his Anfwer to an Appendix to a Religious Colloquy. 8vo., pp. 8. Annapolis. Wyche, Sir Peter, Kt. The Life of Dom John de Caftro, the Fourth Vice-Roy of India. Tranflated from the Portuguefe of J. F. de Andrada. Folio. Lond., 1664. Wyche, William. Treatife on the Praftice of the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New York in Civil Aftions. Second Edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1794. An Eflay on the Theory and Praftice of Fines ; with Prece- dents. 8vo. N. Y., 1794. Wyckoff, J. N. Chriftian Example. A Sermon occalioned by the Death of Chriftan Miller, December 15 th, 1844. 8vo. Albany, 1844. Wylie, Andrew. Sermon on the Defignation of the Rev. Ludovicus Robbins, to the Work of a Miflionary, etc. 8vo., pp. 22. Pittfburgh, 1823. Wylie, Samuel Brown. Memoir of Alexander McLeod, D. D., of New York. 8vo. Phil., 1855. Wynne, John H. A General Hiftory of the Britifh Empire in Amer- ica; containing an Hiftorical, Political and Commercial View of the Englifh Settlements, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1770. Wynne, James. Lives of Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of America. i2mo. N. Y., 185Q Xenophon. Opera, cum Annotationibus Henrici Stephani, Gr. et Lat. Editio Secunda. 2 vols. Folio, 1581. De Cyri Inftitutiane Libri O6I0, etc. Gr. et Lat. Editio Decima. 8vo. Lond., 1797. Cyropaedia ; or, the Inftitution of Cyrus. Tranflated from the Greek, by Maurice Afliley. 8vo. Lond., 1803. See Avenant, Hutchinfon. Catalogue of Printed Books. 65 1 Yale College. A Monumental Gratitude, attempted in a Poetical Relation of the Danger and Deliverance of feveral of the Mem- bers of Yale College, in Pafling the Sound, from South-hold to New Haven, Augull 20th, 1726. i2mo. New Lond., 1727. The Benefaftors of Yale College : a Poetical Attempt. 8vo. Bofton, 1733. A Catalogue of the Library of ... in New Haven. i2mo. pp. 48. New Lond., 1743. Poem at the Public Commencement at Yale College, in New Haven, September 12th, 1781. i2mo. Hartford. Catalogus Senatus Academici, etc., in Collegio Yalenfi, in Novo- Portu, in Nova-Anglia. 8vo., pp. 43. 1802. — — Laws of the Medical Inftitution of. 8vo. New Haven, 181 5. Yankee Farmer. Peace without Dilhonor ; War without Hope. Being a Calm and Difpaffionate Enquiry into the Queftion of the Chefa- peake, and the Neceflity and Expedience of War. 8vo. Bofton, 1807. Yankee in London. Addrefled to his Friends in and near Bofton, Mafs. i2mo. N. Y., 1809. Yarranton, Andrew. England's Improvement by Sea and Land, to Out-do the Dutch without Fighting ; to Pay Debts without Monies, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1677. Yeats, G. D. Some Remarks on Lord John Ruflell's Life of William, Lord Ruflell, and on the Times in which he lived. 8vo. Lond., 1820. Yellow Fever. Seleft Pamphlets refpefting the. 8vo. Phil. Report of the Sanitary Commiffion of New Orleans, on the Epidemic Yellow Fever of 1853 . . . 8vo. New Orleans, 1854. Yoakum, H. Hiftory of Texas, from its Firft Settlement, in 1685, to its Annexation to the United States, in 1846. Vols. I-IL With an Appendix. 8vo. N. Y., 1856. YoRKE, Henry Redhead. Annals of Political Economy ; containing Reports on the State of Agriculture, etc., in Europe, for the year 1802. Part I ft. 8vo. Lond., 1803. Letters from France, in 1802. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1804. Annals of Public Economy ; containing Reports on the State of Agriculture, Commerce and Manufactures, in the different Na- tions of Europe, for the year 1802. Part 2d. 8vo. Lond., 1803. YouLE, Joseph. Inaugural Diflertation on Refpiration. N. Y., 1793. * Young, Alexander. Difcourfe at the Ordination of Rev. James W. Thompfon, Natick, Mafs., February 17th, 1830. 8vo. Bofton, 1830. ■ Addrefs at the Ordination of the Rev. William Newell, Cam- bridge, Mafs., May 19th, 1830. 8vo. Cambridge. Evangelical Unitarianifm adapted to the Poor and Unlearned. i2mo. Bofton, 1836. 652 New-York Historical Society. Young, Alexander. Difcourfe on the Life and Charafler of the Hon. Nathaniel Bowditch, LL. D., F. R. S., delivered March 25th, 1838. 8vo. Bofton, 1838. Difcourfes on the Life and Charafter of John Thornton Kirk- land, and Nathaniel Bowditch. 8vo. Bofton, 1 840. — — Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Plymouth, from 1 602 to 1625, now firft collefted from Original Records and Contemporaneous Printed Documents, and Illuftrated with Notes. 8vo. Bofton, 1841. Difcourfe on the Death of the Hon. William Prefcott, Decem- ber 5th, 1844. 8vo. Bofton, 1844. Difcourfe occafioned by the Death of William Parfons, Efq., Bofton, 26th March, 1 837. Second Edition. 8vo. Bofton, 1845. Difcourfe on- the 20th Anniverfary of his Ordination, Bofton, January 19th, 1 845. 8vo. Bofton, 1845. Difcourfe on the Sins of.the Tongue, delivered in the Church in Church Green. 8vo. Bofton, 1 845. Chronicles of the Firft Planters of the Colony of Maflachufetts Bay, from 1623 to 1636. Now firft collefted from Original Records and Contemporaneous MSS., and Illuftrated with Notes. 8vo. Bofton, 1846. Congregationalifm Vindicated. A Difcourfe delivered at the Dudleian Lefture, in the Chapel of Harvard College, May 13th, 1846. 8vo., pp. 40. Bofton, 1846. [Young, Arthur.] A Six Weeks' Tour through the Southern Coun- ties of England and Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1768. The Example of France a Warning to Britain. 8vo., pp. 1 82. Bury St. Edmunds, 1793. Travels during the years 1787, 1788 et 1789, undertaken more particularly with a View of Afcertaining the Cultivation, Wealth, Refources, and National Profperity of the Kingdom of France. Second Edition. 2 vols., 4to. Lond., 1 794. Young, David. The Contraft : a Poem, in Two Parts. 8vo., pp. 34. Ehzabeth-Town, 1804. Young, John. Eflays on Government, etc. Fourth Edition. 8vo., pp. 160. Glafgow, 1794. Young, Joseph. A New Phyfical Syftem of Aftronomy. 8vo. N. Y., 1800. Reply to the Reviewers ; in Anfwer to their Critical Remarks on his Treatife, entitled a New Phyfical Syftem of Aftronomy, etc. 8vo. N. Y., 1802. Young Men's Association, Albany. Seventh Annual Report, Febru- ary 3d, 1840. 8vo. Albany, 1840. Young, Samuel. Lefture on the Influence of Woman on the Social State, delivered before the Young Men's Affbciation, Albany, January 24, 1837. 8vo. Albany, 1837. Young, William. A New Latin-Englifli Diftionary, etc. Third Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1769. Catalogue of Printed Books. 653 Yucatan. The Cafe of the Agent to the Settlers on the Coafl of Yucatan, and the late Settlers on the Mofquito Shore, etc., i8th November, 1793. 4to. Lend., 1793. Zeal without Bigotry ; or, an Antidote to the Afperfions of the Author of " Zeal without Innovation." 8vo., pp. 88. Lond., 1809. Zeisberger, David. Delaware Indian, and Englifh Spelling-Book, for the Schools of the Miffion of the United Brethren, etc 1 2mo. Phil., 1806. Zenger, John Peter. Narrative of the Cafe and Tryal of. Printer of the New York Weekly Journal, for a Libel. 410. Bofton, 1738. — : — Same. To which is added the Trial of William Oyven, Book- feller, near Temple Bar, for Libel, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1765. Zeydelaer, Ernst. De Hoogduitfchc fpraakmeefter, etc. 8vo. Amfterdam, 1772. Zimmerman, M. Voyage a la Nitriere Naturelle, qui fe trouve a Molfetta, etc. 8vo., pp. 49. A Paris, 1789. ZioN Church. Third Evening, Grand Oratorio to aid in Rebuilding Zion Church, at St. Paul's, June 4th, 18 16. i2mo. N. Y., 18 16. ZuBLY, John J. The Law of Liberty. A Sermon on American Affairs, pr(?&ched at the Opening of the Provincial Congrefs of Georgia, addreffed to the Earl of Dartmouth. With an Appen- dix, etc. 8vo., pp. 73. [Rep.] Lond., 1775. ZuRLA, P. Ab. D. Placido. Di Marco Polo e degli altri viaggia- tori veneziani piu Illuftri Diflertazioni con appendice fopra le Antiche Mappe lavorate in Vcnezia e con quattro Carte Geo- grafiche. 2 vols., 4to. Venezia, 1818. -jtU ^0^^ .^ ^: >, ^°-v .^q* ^^•n^ /.4S%\,^* **"^^ \^ f * w **o< ■^o "^^..J^^ .'*-*> (-0 . • ' " ♦ °:. jJ^ 6 " " " - ^^ O.. * B « O ' Q C, iP <> *' <. 8T. AUGUSTINE ^^ "^ 'f. T ' .'V