p REAL ESTATE TRUST CO, /^"^ )OD KIRK INSURANCK. ygj^/ Tattnall Paulding, "^ iVALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, REPRESENTING THE COMMERCIAL UNIOW, LONnON AND LANCASHIRE, AMERICAN FIRE OF JST. T., — AND THE — ALLIANCE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OIF" IsTEJ-W^ •Y■OI^IC. GOPSILL'S OF ^PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1832. Charier Perpetual. The Fire insurance Company of the County of Philadelphia. No. 110 SOUTH FOURTH ST. Cash Cajital, $400,000.00 Cash Asse ts, $772,571.52 JAMES N. STONE, President. JACOB NAYLOR, Vice-President. CHARLES R. PECK, Secretary. No. 1340 CHESTNUT STREET. THE PHILADELPHIA TRUST, SAFE DEPOSIT, AND INSURANCE COMPANY. Fire and Burglm-Proof Mmble-Front Brick Building Nos. 413, 415 and 417 Chestnut St. Capital, $1,000,000. Surplus, $1,000,000. ESTABLISHED FOK THE SETTLEMENT OF ESTATES EITHEK AS EXECUTOK, ADMIWISTKATOR, OR UNDER ASSIGNMENT, AND FOR THE EXECUTION OP TRUSTS ; also for the SAFE-KEEPING OF SECURITIES AND VALUABLES, and the RENTING OF SMALL PRIVATE SAFES in its INDESTRUCTIBLE VAULTS. Money received on Deposit at Interest from Trustees, Executors, Guardians, Administrators, and others. All Trust Investments are kept separate and apart from the Company's assets. J, i. EHJtllfOJEB, President, EDWAItn S. HANDY, Vice-President, WILLIAM X. DUBOIS, Secretary and Treasurer, EDMUND D, SCHOLEYi Assistant Secretary. J. LIVINGSTON ERRINGER, ALEXANDER BROWN, R. P. McCULLAGH, JAMES M. AERTSEN, BENJ. B. COMEGYS, DANIEL B. CUMMINS, AUGUSTUS HEATON, WILLIAM S. GRANT, DANIEL HADDOCK, Jr., CHARLES D. REED, EDWARD Y. TOWNSEND, WILLIAM WEIGHTMAN. EDWARD S. HANDY, WM. HENRY TROTTER. gopsill's Strkkt Guidb PHILADELPHIA. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1887, by Jamks Gopsill's SoKa, ill the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at ^Vashington, D. C ] Tockct. Edilioa, JliN The Only Authentic and Reliable Street Guide of Philadelphia Published. jAiviKs Gopsill's Sons, PUBLISHERS, PHILADELPHIA. Fn: fEntered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1888, by JAMES GOPSILL'S SOMS, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.] SXRKET aUIDE CITY OK PHIIvADKIvF^HIA. CORRECTED AND REVISED TO DATE. >^~ By the decimal system of numbering streets adopted in this city, one hundred numbers are allotted to each square, commencing at the Delaware, running West, and at Market, running North and South. All other strcls p.- t commencing at either the above points, are numbered in accordance with this system. Note.— Such ot the streets as are divided into East and West, North and South, will be found under E. & W., N. & S.,'as North Front, N Front; South Broad, S Broad. ABBREVIATIONS. — ab, above : al, alley ; av, avenue : Bdg, Brideshiirg ; cem, cemetery : Bin, Bustlcton : C Mill, Chestnut Hill; ct, coztrt : Del, Dela- ware: E, east: P^ails, Falls of Schuylkill: Fkd, Fratikford : \r, from : Gtn, Gcrtnantoiun : Wh'g, Holnieslmrg: K.in, A'ensi)i£-toH : la, lane; Myk, Manayutik : MkI, market: Montg'y, Montgomery : Mc Vernon, Mount Vernon: n, near; N T^wn, Niceioivn : N, north: opp, opposite: PVille, Paschahville : pi, place: R 'ix.w. Rising Sun : riv, River: rd, road: "S^^wy^X, Schuylkill : S, south: Spg (iarden. Spring Garden ; sq, square : Snsq'ana av, Susquehanna av : ter, terrace ; W, West: W P, West Philadelphia: W Hall, White Hall. A. Abbotsford Av {Falls), Yl \L fr Scott's la c Queen. Abbott's Ct, N fr 527 Fit2- waier. Abel PI, N frl021 Lemon. Aberdeen, S fr 22G Spruce to Union Abigail.Efr Coral toTren- toii av, S of E Susq'ana av. Abington Av (C IlilC), E Ir Gtn av to Gold. Abios Av, S fr Wash'n bel Belmina. 2lst Wd. Academy, W fr 118 N lUch to 117 N 11 ih. Academy Rd {Byherry), S W fr Gravel rd to Welsh rd. Accomac PI, N fr nW Wil- dey, E of Marlborough. Acorn Al, S fr 816 Locust to Spruce. Acton PI, S fr 1122 Pearl. Adair Av.Efr 453 N 13th. Adaline l,Fka^, N W fr Margaret to Bridge, ab Edmund. Adams, E fr 2139 Ktn av to Commerce Adams (Fkd^, tr 4058 Fkd av to Sellers. Adams {Gtn), S E fr Johnson's la to Ritten- house, E of Green. Adams {WP), W fr Me- rion av, S of Haveriord av Adams {Wissakickon), W fr Myk av to Crcsson, N of Dawson. ADDENDA AND CORRECTIONS. Ash, S fr Reed should be S fr Mifflin. Breintnall PI, E from 525 S 5th. Chadwick, should read S fr Wharton, not Reed. Commerce, W fr N 4th to N 7th, N of Arch should read N of Market. Henrietta, should read E & W f r N 21st, S of Master. Judson, N fr Hare to Parrish & fr Montgomery av to Berks should read Ridge av to Berks. Kains Ct, W fr 714 S 7th. Warren, W fr Beach to Richmond ab Palmer. 6 ADD STREET GUIDE. ANG Addison, W fr S 17ih to S 19ih, bel Pine. Adelena, E fr Emerald, N of Cieiiienline. Adeline {PW'ille), S W fr S 70ih to Ann, S of King- se.-,sing av. Adelphi,Wfr214S5th to S6ih. Adelphia Al, S fr 152 Pegg to Willow. Adrian, N fr Otter to Gl- raid av, E of N Front. Adrian {Myk), E fr Adams to Ridge av, N fr Mj k av. Afton,Wfr 1150S IGih to 5 17th. Agate, N fr Ann to Onta- rio, E of Tulip. Agnes, S fr 1002 Chris- tian. Agnes Ct {Fkd), S E fr 4117 Fkd av. Airdrie, June 3800 N Broad 6 Gtn av to Park av ab Erie av. Airy, W fr 2610 E Thomp- son to Almond. Airy (Myk), N fr Cedar to Mechanic, S ol T errace. Alaska, W fr 61G S 5th to S 8th. Albemarle, N W fr S 29th, N of Ellbworth. Alberger's Ct, S fr 724 Willow. Albert, S E fr Ktn av to Emerald, S of Ann. Albert, W fr 1024 S ]2lh to S 13.h. Albert's Av.Sfr 1222 Pal- mer. Albion. (See N & S Al- bion.) Albrecht, W fr N 2Sth bel busi^'ana av & Fletcher. Alder, N fr 1009 Poplar to Diamond, & fr York to Huntingdon. Alexander, S fr G14 Fitz- water. Alexander Av.Nfr Whar- ton, E ul S Broad. Alford, E fr417 S Gth. Alfred {Gfn),S fr309 Penn to Coulter, W of Pulaski av. Alice's Ct, N fr 1003 San- born. Allegheny Av, W fr 3201 Fkd av to Schuy'l nv. Allen. E fr 949 Fkd av to Palmer. Allen {Fkd), W fr4732 Fkd av to Lcipcr. Allen (/■F/0,SW fr Mary to N 41st. Alkn's Ct, N fr 603 Min- ster. Allen's Ct, N fr 927 Rod- man. Allen's Ct, S fr 720 Bain- biidge. Allen's La {Gin), S fr (Jtn av to Wissahickon av, W of Mt Airy av. Allison (Myk), N E f r Ap- ple, N W of Shur's la. Allison {^P),Nfr Mar- ket, W of N 5oth. Allison PI, fr 116 N Front Allman, W fr S 42d to S 43 J, &frS06th to S 70th, S of Chester- av. Almira PI, W fr 720 N Front. Almond, N fr 1.331 E Siis- q'ana av to Commerce, & f r Huntingdon bet Thompson & Belgrade to Bdg. Almond, W fr S Del av to 717 S 2d. Almont PI, E fr 1529 Cad- wahider. Alroy, W fr 1320 Ridge av. Alter, W fr S 17th to S 24th. & N W fr S 23th to Sutherland av, N of Ells- worth. Altmeir, W fr Howard, S of Diamond. Alton Ct, S fr 1G22 Richard Aman, S E fr S Pith to Dickinson, S of Reed. Amanda PI, N fr 2317 Pearl. Amber, N E fr N Front to Fkd creek, E of Coral. Ambler's Ct, N fr 1311 Heath. Amboy, N fr Jefferson to Columbia av, W cf N 13ih. America, S fr Allegheny av to Byron, W of Del riv. American, N fr Master to Tioga, E of N 3d. American PI, E fr 245 N 4th. Amity, N fr 1425 Stiles. Amos PI, fr Randolph ab Jcfierson. Ampho Av, N W fr Her- mit, bel Wissahickon av. 21st Wd. Anandale PI, E fr 725 N 9th. Anderson, N fr Cambria to Indiana, W of N ISih. Anderson {Gin), E fr Gtn & N R R to Stenton av, N of Sullivan. Andora, W fr Ridge av opp 9-mile stone. Andress, N fr 1249 Mt Vernon to Melon. Andrew, E fr Jasper to Emerald, S of Allegheny av. Andrevv: PI, N fr Cherry, W of N 17th. Andrews {Gin), N fr Limekiln pike to Chelten- ham av, E of Walnut la. Angle {KSum) W fr 3512 N 12lh, ANa STREET GUIDE. ATK Angora, S W fr S .59th to county line, W of Balti- more av. Anita, W fr 1162 S 10th to r S 13th. Ann, E fr Ktn av to Eme- rald, S of Lehigh av. Ann, W fr Del riv, N of William to Fkd av. Ann, W fr S 17th to 265 S 20th. Ann (Fkd), S E fr Water to Melrose & fr James to Foulkrod, S of Bridge. Ann {Roxh), S fr Shaw- mom av, W of Ridge av. Ann (/^/'),S Efr Church la to Upland. Ann's PI, Efr 1317 Wheat Anna, V/ fr N 27th to N 28th, & fr N 31st to Na- trona, S of Montg'y av. Annapolis, S fr 138 South to 121 Bainbndge. Annin, W f r S 19th to S 22d, N of Federal. Anthony, S fr712 Dickin- son. Anthracite, W fr Salmon to Gunner's run, N of Huntingdon. Apple (.1fv/l'),NW frShur's la to Pcnn, ab Cresson. Appletree, W fr 118 N 4th. Apsley [Gtn), N fr Wissa- hickon av to Gta av, W of Berkley. Arabella, S fr Wash'n av to Federal, W of S 5th. Aramingo, E fr Fkd av to Commerce, S of Cum- berland. Aramingo {Fkd), E fr Fkd creek to Paul. Aramingo {Tiirony), N fr Levick to Township line rd.E of Trenton RR. Arcadia, N fr Westmore- land. E of Fkd av. Arch, W fr 100 N Del av to Schuyl riv, & fr N 32d to 31th, & fr N 49th to City Line av. Arch Av, E fr489 Dillwyn Archibald PI, S (r 1310 Race. Ardmore Av( C Hill), S fr Graver's la, bel Sten- ton av. Arizona, W fr 240 S 12th to Dean. Arizona, W fr N9th to N 11th, fr N 26th to N28th, & fr N 30th to N 31st, S of York. Arizona, W fr S 59th to S 60th, N of Locust. Ark Al, W fr 2154 N 13th to Park av. Arlington, W fr N 17th to N ISth, S of Norris. Armand PI, W fr 712 Mar- shall. ArmatCC/w), Efr 4829 Gtn av to Chew. Armstrong {Gtn), E fr Penn to Wister. N of Gtn R R. Armstrong's Ct, N fr McCrea, W of S Juniper. Armstrong's Ct, N fr 413 Locust. Armstrong's Ct, S fr 1242 Catharine. Arris Ct, W fr 328 Dugan. Arrison Ct, W fr 114 S 15th. Arrott [Fkd), W fr 4738 Fkd av to Oakland. Arthur [Hlx), N fr Van Home to New Rowland, E of Hickory. Artisan, N fr 2805 E Nor- ris to Ball, E of Richmond Ash, S fr Rcsd to Del riv, E of Meadow. Ash,W fr Beach to Almond ab E Susq'ana av. Ash [Bd^), N W fr Rich- mond to Fkd creek, S of Kirkbride. Ashburner's La {Fkef), E of Bristol pike to Del riv, N of Pennypack creek. Ashburton, W fr 412 S 23d to S 25th, bel Pine. Ashbury , S ir 518 South to Alaska. Ashurst, S fr 238 Market to Elbow la. Ashurst, W fr Cobb's creek to county line, S of Arch. Ashland \Fkd), N fr Fkd creek to Stiles. Ashland {Roxd),h Ritten- house to Penn, bet Pechin & Myk av. Ashmead {Gtn), N E fr 4611 Gtn av, S E of Bringhurst. Aston PI, E fr 237 N 23d. Ashwood (^Z^), S fr S 861 h to S 90th, E of Hol- stein. Aspen (W P),Vf hVR. K to Haverford av, ab Fairmount av. Aspen St PI, E fr 415 S Albion to 408 S 21st. Aster {Gi?i), N fr Oak la to Montg'y county line, E of N P R R. Astor PI, W fr 804 N Front. Asylum, W fr 318 S Broad to 319 S 15th. Asylum Av, S fr 1412 Spruce to Asylum. Asylum Rd {Fkd), N W fr Adams to Crescentville Atherton, S fr 530 Mar- riott. Atkinson's Ct, N fr 529 Lombard. Atkinson's Rd {Byber- ry), E fr Byberry pike tc bucks county. ATL STREliT GUIDE. BAR Atlanta (;^P), W fr 714 N 36th to N 40th. Atlantic (N" Tozvn\, W fr N 18th to N 23d, & E fr F, S of Venango. Atlantic, N fr Dauphin to York, W of N 16th. Atlee P1,W fr Sutherland, S of Quef"n. Atmore, W fr 814 N 13th. At wood PI, S fr 1018 Ham- ilton. Aubrey PI, N fr Diamond to Ark al, W of N 13th. Auburn, W fr Cedar to Fkd av, ab E Somerset. Auburn, W fr 1018 S 8th to S 10th. Augusta PI, V/ fr 206 N Front. Aurora, W fr 244 S 9th to Vandeveer Austin, S fr 1012 Federal to Reed. Austin PI, Efr 831 St John Autumn, S fr Barker, W of S I'Jth. Autumn, S fr Vine, W of N. 17th. Avenue C, E fr 323 New Market. Avenue E {r-jille),^N fr S 74th, S of Ehnwood av. Avenue F {P'ville), W fr S 73d, S of Biiist av. Avon PI, E fr 433 N 13th. Axe Factory Rd {Bhi). Aydelott's Ct, N fr Par- ham, E of S Front. Azalia, E fr 233 N 15th, JB. B, N fr Ktn av to Chelten- ham av, E of A. Bache's Ct, N fr 1415 Race. Baden, S fr Alaska to 741 JJainbridge, Bailey, N fr Jefferson to Columbia av, bel N 27lh. Bailey, W fr 2018 S 9th to Dillmore. Bailey PI, S fr 118 Catha- rine. Bailey's Ct, r 6 19 Anna- polis. _ Bailey's Ct, W fr 1226 M.ischer. Bailey's Ct {Fkd), N fr 119 John. Bainbridge, W fr 700 S Del av to Sutherland av. Baird((?i'«),Nfr224 Queen to Coulter, S of Wayne av. Baird's Av, N fr 1323 Brown. Baird's Ct {Fkd), S E fr 4117 Fkd av Baker, W fr 724 Spa/ford to 719 S 8th. Baker {Myk). N W fr Gay to Centre, E of Crosson Baker {N Town). E fr 3S13 Gtn av to Franklin, S of Luzerne. Baker's Al, N fr 529 Pow- ell. Baker's Ct, E fr 911 Alder Baker's Ct, N fr 923 Pal- mer. Baker'.s La, S E fr N Broad, N of Butler. Balch, N fr 205 New to Vine. Baldwin {Myk), N E fr Hamilton, N ol Green la. Baldwin PI, E fr York av to China, ab Buttonwood. Ball, E fr Richmond to Beach, N of E Norris. Ball's Ct,W fr 9G1 N Front Ballenger Av, S fr 1110 Race. Balsam PI, E fr 747 S 5th. Baltic P1,N fr225Catha- Baltimore Av {IV P). S WfrS 39th iSj Woodlands av to Cobb's creek. Baltz, W fr N 30th, S of I'hompson. Bambrey, N fr Brown to Girard av,& fr Columbia av to Montg'y av, E of N 26th. Banana, W fr 1213 Car- lisle to N 15th. Bancroft, S fr 1620 Whar- ton iC Moore. Baneker {Myk), S fr Daw- son to Osborn, E of Myk av. Banes (5/«), E fr Bu.stle- ton pike, N of School rd Bangor, W fr 714 Lloyd to 715 S 15th. Bank, S fr 230 Market to Chestnut. Bank Av, N fr Harmony to Stock Exchange pi, W of S 3d. Bankson, N fr 1307 Wal- lace to Melon. Barbary PI, E fr 225 Vaughan. Barber's Row, N fr 1109 Melon. Barclay, W fr 320 S 6th to S 8th. Barclay, W fr 676 N Broad. Barcroft Av, S fr Mifflin to McKean, W of S 10th. Baring ( IFF), W fr N 31.st to N 42d, N of Powelton av. Barker, W fr S 16th to S 21th, bel Market. Barker's Ct, W fr 1022 Crease to Day. Barley, W fr 410 S 10th to 411 Quince. Barlow, S fr 514 Wharton to 509 Reed. Barlow PI, N fr 733 Baker BAR STREET GUIDE. BEN Barnes PI, Efr 1123 Char- lotte. Barnet. W fr 1118 S 8th to M,ll-r. Barnewell, S fr Pine to South, W of S 26th. Barney Av.Nfr 2222 Sha- mokin. Barnhurst PI, N fr 1801 Francis. Barron, S fr 220 GaskiU to 211 South. Barrow, S fr 312 South to Bainbndge. Barry's Av, W fr 1320 Gtii av to Charlotte. Bartholomew's Ct, W fr 9L4 S 5ih. Barton, N fr 1023 Wallace Bartram , N fr Jefferson to Hubbs, W of N 20ih. Bartram's Av {IV P), S W fr S 47th to Bow creek. Bascom PI, N fr 1033 Barley. Bass {Gin), N W fr 88 Church to Pleasant, N E of Musgrove. Bastian PI, S fr 428 Ger- man. Bateman, S fr Wharton to Reed, EofS 20th. Bath, N fr 2867 William to Lefevre, W of Brabant. Battersby {Fkd), N K fr Bristol turnpike & Ben- ner, E of Brous. Bauersach's Ct, W fr r.m) N Front to 1329 Hope. Baxter's PI, S fr 128 Ger- man. Bay, W fr 308 S 6th to 309 S7th. Bayard, W fr 1332 S 7th. Baynon PI, W fr 9G0 Mar- shall. Baynton Av {Gin), ir Wister to Wisteria, ab Wakefield. Beach, N fr Willow to E Huntingdon, bel N Front. Beacon. S W fr S 66ih, N of Woodlands av. Beale PI, fr 1729 St Jo- seph's av. Bean's La, V/ fr 5156 Gtn av. Beard's Ct, W fr 1536 N 5ih. Beaumont PI, N fr 107 Pegg. Beaver, W fr 992 N 2d to 915 N 4th. Beck Pl,Wfr838S Front to Sutherland. Beckel Av, W fr 532 Lin- den. Becker's PI, W fr 318 St John. Becket, W fr 634 N 16th to Florence Becket's Ct, W fr 932 S Front. Beckman's Ct, E fr 717 St John. Beck^vith, S fr Bainbridge to 1125 Catharine. Bedloe PI, Nfr 1313 Carl- ton. Beech Av, Efr22lS2lth. Beechwood, N fr Colum- bia av to Montg'y av, W of N 21st. Beekman PI, N fr 421 Green. Beeler's Ct, E fr 835 Charlotte. Beggartown La, E fr Schuy'l av, S of Curtin to Hollander's creek, W of S 20th. Behan's PI, E fr I3I1 Cadwalader. Belair (/l/y/i-), W fr Rnxb av to Martin, S of Myk av. Belfast PI, N fr 45 Bul- letin. 1 Belgrade, N E fr Fkd av to Allegheny av, thence to Herbert, Bdg, bet Al- mond & Gaul. Belinda PI, N fr 735 Alaska. Belle field Av {Gtn), E fr Penn to Stenton av, ab R R. Bellevue, N fr Francis to Wylie, S of Cameron. Bellevu«k, W fr N 20th to N 23d, S of Ontario. Bellevue PI, Efr N 64th, S of Vine. Bellew's La {Bin). Bell's Ct; S fr 1114 Ohio. Bell's Ct, W fr Bingham's ct, r of 279 S 4th. Belmina, W fr Hermit, bel Ampho av. 2lst Wd. Belmont Av {JV P). N fr Lancaster av to City Line av, ab N 43d. Belrose, N fr 215 Willow to 231 Noble. Belrose Ct, S fr 1241 Catharine. Benckert's Av {IV P), W fr Warren, ab N 39th. Benedict PI, N fr 1015 Hamilton Benezet, E fr 43 N 11th. Benfer's Ct, rlOOO.St John Benner ( Voltozim & Fkd) , runs E fr Wentz farm reservoir along northern boundary North Cedar FLU Cemetery, Fkd. Bennett, W fr 114 S 7ih to 115 S 8ih. Bennett's Ct, N fr Cher- ry, W of N 3d. Benneville PI, W fr 724 Lisle to 723 Russell. Bensalem Pike {Dyber- ry). Benson Av {Fox Chase), S E fr E to H, S W of Slrahle. BEN STREET GUIDE. BOW Bentley's Ct, E fr 865 N 4ih. Benton. S fr I^IS Market to 1513 Melloy. Berdan {Gtn), N W fr Upsal, W of Gtn av. Bergess. E fr Ainboy to Trenton R R, ab E Nor- ris. Berkley {Gtn), N fr Wis- sahickon av to Gtn av, W of Roberts av. Berks, W fr 1861 N Front to the Park, ab Montg'y av. Berliri, S fr 406 Gaskill Z 413 South. Bermuda (/^iv/),NfrFkd creek to I'uckcr, S of Cambriilge. Bernards Ct, W fr 776 S 2,Wof S Broad. Carleton, W f r N IQth to N 24th, S of Callowhill. Carlton Av, S fr 1208 Heath. Carman PI, N fr 717 Arch. Carney Av, E fr 225 S Juniper. Carolina PI, S fr 1014 Barley. Caroline, N fr Datiphin to Hermann, ab N 28th. Caroline, N fr 429 Whar- ton. Carpenter, W fr 936 S Front to Schuy'l av. Carpenter (67;>?),W fr5552 Gtn av to Wiisahickon av. Carpenter's Ct, S fr 320 Chestnut (now Congress pi). Carpenter's La {Gtn),W fr 5470 Gtn av. Carr's Ct, S fr 830 Cath- arine. Carrie {Bdg), E fr Jenks to Kirkbnde, S of Gar- den. Carroll PI, W fr N Front, ab Adrian. Carsell Av, E fr 717 N Broad. Carswell {Gf?i), N W fr Haines to Mechanic, N E of Hancock. Carswell PI, E fr 1109 Charles. Carter, \W fr 116 S 2d to S 3d. Carthage PI, E fr Chat- ham, S of Green, bcl N 6th. Caruth PI, S fr 412 Whar- ton Carver, W fr Hurst, S of Lombard to S 8th, & fr 526 S 15th to S 18th. Casoon PI, W fr New Marxet, N of Vine. Casper, N fr Allegheny av to Del riv, W of Carbon. Casper Av, S fr Jones, W of N 17ih. Cass, W fr 123S N 12th to N 13th. Cassiday's Ct N fr 829 Marriott. Cassion PI, N fr Colum- bia av, bl of Franklin. Castle Av, W fr S 13th to S 15th, N of Moore. Castle St Ct, S fr 1036 Sergeant. Castner A v, N fr Orchard, ab Culvert. Castor Rd {Fkd), N fr Oxford rd to Fox Chase rd, N E of Duncan rd. Catawba PI, N fr 215 German. Catharine, W fr Del riv to S22d, thence to Gray's Ferry rd ab Christian, & fr Baltimore av alj S 49ih to Del County line. Cathcart Ct, N fr 1131 Lombard to Ohio. Cathedral Av {IV P), W fr Lancaster av, N of Girard av. CAV STKEET GUIDE. CHE 11 Cavin, N fr Penna av, W of N 19th. Cayuga {Gin), fr Roberts av lo Fkd creek, ab J3ris- tol. Cedar, N E fr Vienna to Fkd creek, E of Mem- phis. Cedar {Fkd), S fr Bridge, S E fr Fkd av to Meadow. Cedar iMyk), N fr 4111 Main to Myk av, E of Penn. Cedar Al, N fr 821 South. Cedar Hill {My-k), bet Cedar & Penn, \V of Ap- ple. Cedar La (C//^), W fr Mill to Haines, thence N W to Chew & Wash'n av. Cemetery f/^c://.r),WfrN 31th, S of Clearfield. Cemetery {Roxb), E fr Ridge av to Magdelena, S of Dupont. Cemetery Av {Gin), E fr Creslienn rd lo Haines, N of Stenton av. Cemetery Av {li^ P), W fr Woodlands av to Mt Moriah Cemetery, ab S 62d. Centennial, S fr Race, W of N ITtli. Centennial Av {Gratz), N fr 1813 Jefferson to Oxford. Central PI, W fr 256 N 51 h. Centre {Giv), E fr 4955 Gtn av to Chew, E of Haines. Centre {Myk), N fr 4547 Main to Webster. Centre {IV P), N W fr Filbert to Saunders av, W of N 3Gth. Ceruse, N fr 1519 Lom- bard to Stone. Chadwick, S fr Reed to Moore, W of S 16th. Chadwick PI, Wfr858 N 4lh. Chalfont Av, N fr Ham- ilton to Spg Garden, W of N 31st. Chalkley Hall La, N fr \'enj:ngo to V/tieatsheaf la, E ot Trenton R R. Chambers Av, S fr 2026 Callowhiil. Champion PI, E fr 1125 Duiiton, ab Otter. Champlost {Gtn), E fr N lyth to Vankirk, S of Spencer. Chance PI, E fr New Mar- ket, N of Vine. Chancellor, W fr 216 S 16ih to S 18ih & frSSOth to S 55th, S of Walnut. Chancellor PI, W fr S 32d to 2U9 S 33d. Chancery La, S fr 126 Arch. Chandler's Ct, N fr 1011 Palmer to Hanover. Chant, E fr 23 S 10th. Chapel {Afitrorn), S E fr Baltimore av to Angora, W of S 59th. Chapman. W fr784 Swan- son to S Front. Charles, S fr 406 South to Monroe. Charles, S fr 610 Wash'n av to Federal. Charles {Roxh), N E fr Markle to 3914 Ridge av, S E of Kinghley. Charles {IV Hall), N fr Scattergood, ab James. Charles {W P), E fr 57 N 38th to Centre. Charles Av, W fr Gratz to N 19th, N of Montg'y av. Charles PI, E fr 427 Ru- gan. Charles Pl,W&Nfr Wil- low, ab Canton. Charlotte, N fr 317 Brown to Master. Charter, E fr 2109 Amber to Trenton av, N of E Dauphin. Chase PI, S fr 2302 Linn. Chatham, N fr 519 Eut- tonvvood to Green. Chatham, N fr Reading R R & Araminpo canal to Erie av, E of Cedar Chauncey, N fr 1809 Gi- rard av to Stiles. Chelsea nv P), W fr N 55ih toN58ih, N of Race Chelten Av {Gt7i), E fr Wissahickon' av, ab School. Cheltenham Av, S E fr Cresheim av to city line. Cheltenham & Willow Grove Pike, continua- tion of Old York rd. 22d Wd. Chenango, N E fr Sophia to Hancock, W of Otter. Cherry, W fr 1.30 N 3d to Schuy'l riv, fr N 3Sih to Saunders av & fr N 56ih to N 58th. Cherry /^(v/), S fr Harri- son to Meadow, S of Wil- low. Cherry {R Sun), N fr 1216 Angle. Cherry La, WfrS Broad, S of Snyder av. Chester, N fr 817 Race to Vine. Chester Av, W fr S 41st to Cobb's creek, S E of Springfield av. Chestnut, W fr 100 S Del av to Schuy'! riv, thence W to Del Coijnty line. Chestnut {Myk), W fr Centre to Ripka, thence to High. Chestnut Av, E fr Cas- tle St ct. 12 CHE STREET G-UIDE. CLY Chestnut Av {Bin), N fr Somerton pike, W of Welsh rd. Chestnut Hill Av (C hill), E fr N 32d & Spg House pike, ab Rex. Chestnut PI, S fr Sansom, E of S 36th. Chevy Chase La, S W fr }5uck rd & S 16th to S 19th, S of Moore. Chew {Gin), N fr Town- ship hue to Gtn av. China, N fr Buttouwood to Green, W of N 4th. China, W fr 1002 S Front. Chippewa, S fr2710 Lom- bard. Christian, W fr 900 S Del av to Schay'l riv, fr Bal- timore av at S 53d to Del County line. Christy PI, E fr 952 St John. Chubb, N fr 809 Eneu, W of S 8lh. Church, W fr N 7th to N 8ih, N of York. Church, Wfr 18 N Front to N 3d. Church {Rdg), W fr Gar- den to Fkd creek, S of Bridge. Church {Fkd), fr Ktn & Oxford pike to Old 2d St pike. Church {Hl'g), E fr Deca- tur to Del riv, bel Bristol pike. Church {Myk), N fr Chest- nut, ab C.;ntre. Church Av, S fr 1928 Watt to 1927 Lombard. Church La, N fr Wood- lands av, E of S 70th. Church La {Gttt), E fr 5177 Gtn av to Chew. Church La {R Sun), E fr Gtn a\' to Goodman. Church PI, S frll22 Lom- bard. Cinnaminson La {Myk), N fr Wash'n to Ridge av, W of Prospect. Citron, W fr N 11th to N 13th, N of Wallace. City Av, N E fr Del Co line to Del river, bet Phila and Montg'y coun- ties. Claghorn PI, W fr N Front, N of Poplar. Clairborn, N fr Plum to Ball, E of Richmond. Clairmont, E fr N 45th, N of Wallace. Clapier {Gtn), W fr INIor- ris to Township Line rd, N E of jNIanheim. Clare, S fr 526 Carpenter to 1041 S 6th. Clarence, WfrN22d to N 27th, N of Cumberland. Clarion, N fr Westmore- land to Tioga, W of Fkd av. Clarion, S fr Federal to Morris, W of S 13Lh. Clarissa, N fr Hunting Park av to Roberts av, W of Wayne. Clarissa PI, fr 542 Linden Clark, W fr 1024 S 3d to S 4tK. Clark {Bdg\'^ fr Lefevre to Buckius, E of Belgrade. Clark PI, S fr 2010 Wood. Clark's Av, S fr 418 But- tonwood. Clark's Ct, E fr Union, N of Girard av. Clarkson* Av, E fr Sten- ton av to N Cedar Hill Cemetery, N of Somer- ville av. Clawges Ct, N fr 513 Mulberry al. Clay, W fr N 11 tKto Ridge av. N of Green Clay {Myk^, N fr Green la, E of Wood. Claymont, N fr Cherry to Race, W of N 20th. Clayton, W fr N 22d to 727 N 23d. Clearfield, W fr 3100 N Front to Ridge av. (See, also, E Clearfield.) Clematis Av, S fr 114 Christian. Clement, S fr Carpenter to Wash'n av, W of S 16th. Clementine, W fr Fkd av to Jasper, N of Clear- field. Clemmon's Al, N fr 1115 Mark's la. Clermont, W fr 650 Lex to N 45th. Cleveland Av, S E fr Woodlands av to Mead- land av ab S 38th. Cliff PI, S fr 1414 Race. Clifford's Al, W fr 28 N Del av to N Front. Clifton, N fr NelT, E of Edgeniont. Clifton, W fr N 18ih to N 2lst, S of Clearfield. Clifton, S fr 1042 South to Bdinbridge. Clifton {Gtn), N E fr Green, N W of Seymour. Clinton {N Toiun), N fr INIcFarran to Luzerne, E of Nice. Clinton, W fr S 9th to S 11th, S of Spruce. Clinton Av, N fr 1927 Pearl. Clinton Ct,E fr 457 Frank- lin. Cliveden {Gtn), N E fr 5339 Gtn av to Chew, N of Johnson. Clover, W fr 24 S 12th to S 13th, Clyde Al. N fr 504 Cher. ry to Race. Clymer, W fr 750 S Gth. COB STRP'.ET GUIDE. COE 13 Cobb, S fr 418 Calhariiie to Queen. Coburn, S fr 218 Gaskill to South. Coffin's Ct, E fr209N2d. Cogshell Av {Gtn), S fr Kittcnhouse, ab Green. Cohen PI, W fr 812 S Front Coke PI, N fr 417 Carpen- ter. Colchester, E fr 837 Char- lotte. Colebauffh {Fkd\ N E fr Bristol turnpike, E of Battersby. Colebrook PI, W fr 772 S Front Coleman. S fr Dickinson, W of S 21st. Colladay's Ct, S fr 1124 Sheaff's al. Collar, N fr 623 Wildey to E Girard av, E of Han- over. College {Fkd), fr Tucker to Bridge, N of Jackson. Collins, N fr E Cumber- lanj to Lehigh av, E of Fkd av. Collom {Gin), N fr Gtn av to Armstrong, bet Wister & Ashinead. Colls Av, N fr 607 Wall, W of Passy'k av. Colona, W fr N 10th to N 12ih, N of Susq'ana av. Columbia Av, W fr 1612 Fkd av to N 33d, & N W fr N 41st & Girard av to N 52J, S of Elm av, thence fr W Park to county line. Columbia Ct, N fr Lan- drith, bcl Race. E of N 13th. Colville, E of 2431 N Front to E Cumberland. Colvv'cli {Gtn), N fr 118 Haines to Mechanic. Comber's Ct, S fr Linton, bcl Chestnut, W of S 20th Comly {F/cd), E fr G to Del riv, N of Van Kirk. Commerce, W fr N 4th to N 7th, N of Arch. Commerce, N W fr York to Cedar & Lehigh av, parallel to Aramingo ca- nal. Commercial Av, S E fr . Morris, E of Swanson to S Del av. Commissioner's Av, E fr ( iaul to Belgrade, N of Lidiana. Compromise, E fr 313 S 17th. Comptroller, S fr 214 Spruce to Union. Conard's Ct, N fr 1617 Becket. Conarroe {Myk), fr Myk av to Ridge av, N of Lyceum av. Concord, W fr 782 S 2d to S3d. Concord PI, N fr 223 Con- cord. Concordia Av, N fr 229 Concord. Conestoga {IV P), S fr Paschal to Girard av, W of N <h. Conestoga PI, E fr .opp 1446 Cadvvalader. Congress,W fr 742 S Front to S 2d. Congress PI (was Carpen- ter's ct), S fr 320 Chest- nut. Conlin's Ct, N fr 132-5 : Heath. I Connolly Ct, S fr 524 Christian. Conover, N fr Vine, W of N 56th. Conrow Ct, r 105 Che- nango. Conroy, W fr 1812 S 13th to S Juniper. Conshohocken Av, N E fr N 49th to Park line, E of County Line rd. Continental Av {Hare), W fr N 25Lh to N 26th, N of Fairmount av. Cook, N fr 1625 Pine to Compromise. Cooke, E fr 'i'ulip to Vien- na, N of Montg'y av. Coombes, W fr 44 N Front to N 2d. Cooper, N fr Clearfield to VenangOjbet Bath & Mel- vale. Cooper, N fr Ontario to Venango, E of N 2d. Cooper, W fr Di.xey's al, W of S 20th & N of Lo- cust. Cope, S fr 2318 Sansom to Walnut. Cope, E fr Amber to Tren- ton av, S of E Allegheny av. Cope's Al,Wfr 136 S Del Copia, W fr 810 S 16th. Cora {Gtn), E fr Stenton av to N 20th, N of God- frey av. Cora {Somerville). Coral, N E fr N Front & Diamond to Lehigh av, W of Amber. Cordova PI, E fr 505 Bar- ron to Coburn. Corinthian A v,Sfr Girard College to Fairmount av, W of N 20th. Corn, S fr Marion to Reed, W of S 2d. Cornelius Ct, E fr Rich- mond, n Vienna. Cornwall, E fr Ktn av to Emerald, N of West- moreland. Corr, E fr N 17th toSmed- ley, N of Tioga. Corson (CM7/),Sfr Mer- maid av, E of Sullivan. 14 COR STREET GUIDE. CUN Corwin PI, W fr 312 N Front. Costello {Giu), E fr Sten- ton av to N 19th, N of Grange. Cottage, W fr S 21th to S 2Gih, S of Moore. Cottage {Fkd), N E fr Harrison, E oi Walker. Cottage {Gtn),^ N E fr Musgrove to Chew, n E Walnut la. Cottage {Tacony), E fr 1 iickcr to Longshore, S of Walker. Cottage La {Gin), E fr btenion av, N of Clark- son av. Cottingham PI, N fr 505 Federal. Cottman, N fr Del riv to county line. 23d Wd. Cotton {Myk), N E fr Main to liclair, E of Grape. Coulston, E fr Thouron to Alanakin, N of Dia- mond. Coulter {Gin), S W fr Hancock to Wissahickon av, E of School. Court, S fr 8 Brown to Beach. Courtland {Fkd), N fr Margaret to Tucker, bet Edmund & Adeline. Courtland {Gin), fr Gtn R R to O, N of Wingo- hocking. Courtland Av, W fr 30G New ALirket. Cove PI, N fr GOT Carver. Cowley, W fr 256 N 13th to iN Juniper. Cowperthwait Av, E fr New Market, N of Vine. Cox's Ct, W fr 220 Acorn 111. Cox's Ct.fr 17 N 9th. E Cox's Ct, N fr nil Ohio. Cozzen's Av, W fr 934 Ntw Market. Craig, N fr 1225 Shack- amaxon. Craig's Av {IV P),\N fr 431 Curlew. Craig's Ct, N fr 619 Fil- bert. Craig's PI, E fr Raspber- ry, bel Walnut, W of S 9th. Crammer PI, W fr 950 N 3d. Crane's Ct, S fr 130 Mead Crans Ct, N fr 843 Mar- riott. Craven, W fr 216 N Front to N 2d. Crawford, E fr Cedar to Gaul, N of Cumberland. Crawford {Fulls), N E fr Ridge av to Wissahickon av, N W of Abbotsford av. Crease, Nfr 233 Richmond to Fkd av. Crease's La {Roxb), E fr I^idge av to Green Tree la, N of Gorgas. Cresheim Av {€ Hill), S fr Cheltenham av to Cres- heim rd, E of Mermaid Cresheim Rd {Gin), fr Carpenter to Creshei.Ti creek, N E of Quincey. Cresson, W fr 148 N 5th to Nicholson. Cresson {Falls), N W fr Yasser to Gay, parallel with Re.xding R R, fr tails to Myk. Crestline Av, N E fr George's av, W boundary line of W Park. Crispin, E fr Welsh rd to Soley, N of Fox. Crittenden {Gin), N W fr Stenton av, ab Anderson. Crockett's Ct, W fr 28 S 5th. Crooked Billet. N fr 22 S Del av Lo S Water. Crooked PI, E fr 467 New Market. Crosby, S fr Pierce to Moore, \V of S 2d. Croskey, N fr Columbia av 10 Diamond, W of N 22d. Cross, W fr 1526 S 8th to Passy'k a v. Cross Al, N fr 723 Carver Crother's Av, S W fr S 86th to S 90th, E of Ash- wood. I Crown, N fr Race to York av, W of N 4th. Crown PI, W fr 312 N Front Crowson {Gi^i), N W fr Church to Pleasant, S W of Chew. Crowther's Ct, E fr 607 S Juniper. Crumbach, W fr 1410 S 12th to S 13th. Cuba, S fr Morris to Ca- nal, W of S 3d. Cuba PI, S fr 116 Poplar. Culbertson's Ct, S frl610 Fairmount av. Cullen, W fr 514 S 7th. Culp Av, S fr Cuyler, E of N 20th. Culvert, N fr Poplar to Charlotte, thence L to Canal. Culvert {Fkd), E fr Paul to Wain, S of Unity. Cumberland, W fr 2456 N Front to Schny'l riv (not opened fr N 17th to N 26th). Cumberland {Gtn), N fr Coulter to Arinat, E of Gtn Av. Cunningham's Av, S fr 1112 Federal. CUR STRr:ET GUIDE. DEN 15 Curlew (t'^ P), N fr As- pen, E of N -iOLh. Curran PI, E tr G23 N -lih. Currant, E fr Memphis to Cedar, bel E Norris. Currant Al, S fr 1012 Wal- nut to opruce. Curry's Ct, N frllOO Bain- bridge. Curtin, W fr Del riv to Schiiy'l riv, 3200 S. Cuscaden's Ct, S fr 426 German. Cuthbert, W fr N 11th to Schny'l riv, S of Arch. Cuyler, W fr N 19th to N 20th, N of Callowhill. Cypress, W fr 316 S 3d to S4th. D, N fr Ktn av to Chelten- ham av, W of E. Dacota, W f r N 9th to N 11th, & fr N 30th to Duh- ring, N of Dauphin. Daisy Av, W fr532 S 18th. Dakota, W fr S 59ih to S 60th, N of Spiuce. Dalletfs Ct, W fr 410 Ru- ga n. Daly, W fr S7th to S 8th, S of Jackson. Daly's Ct, N fr m39 Olive. Dana, W fr N Front to N 2d, S of Green. Daniel Av, N W fr Her- mit av to W Walnut la, E of Ampho av. Daniel PI, N fr l;i.39 Earl. Dannaker's Av, E fr 221 N3d. Danver PI, N fr 137 New. Darcy, W fr 714 Spafibrd, bel Bainbridge. Darien, N fr 803 Brown to Thompson, Ir JelTer- son to Siisq'ana av, & fr Huntingdon to Lehigh av I Dark Run La (i'/t,/), S E ; fr Hanshorne rd to Del I riv, N of Olney av. Darling PI, S fr 324 Wil.. low. Darragh's Ct, E fr 233 Ly brand. Dart PI, N fr 1119 Ham- ilton. Darwin (A^ To7an), W fr N 15th, S of Cayuga. Dauphin, W fr 2262 N Front to N 3;3d. (See also E Dauphin.) Davenport, W fr 2.56 S 8th to Duponceau. Davidson PI, E fr 035 Mar^hall Davis, W fr 2210 Howard to Hancock, N of Sus- q'ana av. Davis, W fr Hunting Park av to Howard, E of Gtn av. Davis, W fr N 12th to On- tario, N of Girard av. Davis {/)/)'/l')> N fr Cresson to Ezekiel, W of Markle. Davis' Av, Efrl45N8th Davis' Ct, S fr 604 Fair- mount av. Davis' Ct, S fr 1532 Lom- bard. Davis' Landing, W fr S Del av to Swanson, S ol Almond. Davis' PI, N fr 1235 Bain- bridge to Alaska. Dawson ( lV}ssahtrko7i), E fr Cresson to Myk av, S of Adams. Dawson PI, fr 1302 Pearl. Day, S E fr Thompson to WilJey, N E of Shacka- ina.xon. Dayman, S fr Allegheny av, W of N 34th. Deacon, N fr 1111 Gir.ird av to iSiiles. Deagen PI, E fr 619 Tam- arind, Deal, E fr 1757 Fkd av to Memphis Deal Av, S fr 1650 Deal. Dean, S fr 1214 Walnut to Lombard ; Parade to Wharton ; Dicivinson to Morris, & Mifflin to Mc- Kean. Dean's Av, W fr 1238 Crease to Day. Deane, W fr 1310 Lancas- ter to Wheat. Deany's Ct, N fr425 Mar- riott. Decatur, S fr 616 Market to Jayne. Decatur {H/'g). E fr Row- land av to Mill rd, S of Del av. Decatur Rd {Byherry), 23d Wd. Dedaker's Ct, N fr 27 Oiter. Deimling PI, S fr 236 Union. De Kalb {U'P), N fr 37C^ Fairmount a v. De Kalb Sq (IV P), S fr 3714 Walnut to Locust. De Kalb's Ct, W fr 960 Warnock. De Lancey PI, W fr 314 S 17ih to S 19ih, S 20th to S 22d, & fr S 23d to S 24th. DelanyPl, Efr743S7ih. Delaware, W fr N' 18th to N 23il, N of Allegheny av, loG&N R R. Delhi, N fr Diamond to Dauphin, & Tahassa to Cumberland, W of x\ 9ih. Delta PI, N fr 1343 Olive. Dempster's PI, S fr 1508 Barclay, bel Fairmount av. Denmark, ^N fr 1G22 S From to S 2 '. IG DEN STREET GUIDE. DOY Dennie {Gtn), W fr Gtn av to Schuyler, S of Rob- erts av. Depot, W fr N 8th ta Lin- den, N of Spg Garden. Depot {Gin), E fr C Hill 8c Springhouse turnpike, S of C Hill av. Deringer's Av, E fr 1513 N Front. Derr's Ct, W fr Orchard, ab Culvert. Deshong, W fr S 25th to Gray's Ferry rd, N of Federal. Desilver's Ct, S'fr 428 Walnut. De Soto, N fr 1237 Mon- terey to Struthers. Devereaux {Fkd), N of Eenner, E ol G to beyond Bristol turnpike. Devine's Ct, N fr 2013 Naudain. Devitt's Av.WfrlllOSt John. Devon PI, N f r 405 Fair- mount av. Dewortt's Av, W fr St John to Canal, S of Gtn av. Dexter, E fr Green la to Levering, S fr Myk av Diamond, N fr 1229 Fitz- water to Brinton. Diamond, W fr 2100 N Front to park boundary. Diamond Ct, S fr 618 South. Dickinson, W fr Almond to Collins, N of Cumber- land. Dickinson, 1500 S, W fr Del riv to Sutherland av. Dicks Av, S W f r Gibson av to Island rd, ab S 6Lst. Dickson's AL W fr 716 S 7ih. Dickson's PI, E fr 907 N Broad. Diligent Av, S fr 916 But- tonwood to Hamilton. Dilks Ct, S fr 904 Wood. Dillmore, S fr McKean to Bailey, W of S 9ih. Dillwyn, N fr 313 Vine to Green. Dingler'sCt,Sfrll6Van Horn. Discount PI, W fr 32 N 6th. District PI, E fr 313 N 10th. Ditman {Taco7iy), E fr Mnrgaret to Longshore, N of Hegerman. Division, N W fr Rich- mond to Cedar, N E of Clearfield. Division, W fr 410 N 11th to N 12Lh. Division {Falls), E fr N a5th, N of Queen la. Division {Myk), N E fr 4119 Main to Cresson, S E of Jackson. Division {Myk), N W fr Jefferson to Fountain, W of Hamilton. Dixey, N fr 2011 Locust. Dixey's Ct, S frl632 Lom- bard. Doak, S fr 1522 Bain- bridge. Dobbins, W fr S 18th to S 19th, S of Spruce. Dobson {Falls), W fr James,NofG&NRR. Dock, N W fr S Del av to S 3d, S of Walnut. Dohan {IVP), E fr N 49th, S of Seneca. Doll's Ct, W fr 1036 St John. Doman's PI, N fr 235 Christian. Domino La (Roxb), N E fr Sr.huy'l riv to Ridge av, W ol Paoli la. Donald, \Y fr S 24th to S 26th, S of Moore. Donath, N fr Himting Park av to Dennie, W of Pidaski av. Doneganna, W fr S 15th to S Kith, N of Wharton. Donnegan's Ct, E fr 715 St John. Donnelly, S fr 826 Chris- tian to i\iarriott. Donnelly's Ct, S fr 1818 Naudain to South. Donnelly's Ct, W fr 826 Rachel. Donnelly's PI, N fr 137 New. Dorrance, S fr Carpenter to Wash'n av, Ellsworth to Federal, Wharton to Reed, & fr Dickinson to 1'asker, W of S 18th. Dorritt, W fr N ISih, JS ot Cayuga. Dorsey, W fr 412 S 13th to S Juniper. Dott, N fr Jefferson to Hubbs, W of N 20ih. Dougherty's Al, S fr 514 South. Dougherty's Ct, S fr 730 Alaska. Douglas {IV P), S fr Haverford av, E of N 33d Douglas Av, S fr 1230 Brown. Dounton {N Town), W fr 4054 Gtn av to Wayne, S of Juniata. Dove Ct, W fr 800 Duane. Dove PI, W fr 1012 S 3d. Dover, N fr Thompson to Stiles, & fr Hermann to York, W of N 28th. Dover's Ct, S fr914 Poplar Downing, N fr Callow- hill. W of N 20th. Doyle, E fr 521 S 15th. Doyle's Ct, E fr 605 S 3d. DBA STEEET GUIDE. EAS 17 Drayson PI, N fr 1137 Pine. Drayton, W fr 1232 Rye to Com. Dreer, S E fr Coral ab N Front to Amber. Dreer's Ct, E fi: 323 Gris- coin. Drinker, W fr 140 N Front to N 2d. Drove Yard La, W fr N 44th, bet Westminster av & Cathedral av. Drum's Av, S fr 808 But- tonwood. Drury, W fr 104 S 13th to S Juniper. Dryden PI, S fr 228 Thompson Duane, N fr 1223 Brown to Parrish. Duane PI, N fr 1219 Og- den. Duberry Ct, E fr 519 Brook. Dubree, N W fr 1821 Wy- lie to Vineyard. Dudley, W f r S 4th to S 10th, S of Mifflin. Dudley PI, S fr 514 Chris- tian. Duffle's Ct, E fr 723 Hub- bell. Dugan, S fr 1512 Spruce to Pine. Dugan's Ct, S fr 330 Mas- ter. Duhringr, N E fr Ridge av to Huntington, ab Dauphin. Duncan {Fkd), S E fr Ta- cony to Frankford creek, N E of Church. Dungan's Av, W fr 1070 Gtn av to N 2d. Dunks' Ferry Rd {By- berry), K fr Gravel rd to County line. Dunlap, S fr 2212 Chest- nut to Sansom. 2 Dunn's Ct, E fr 759 S 6th to Campbell. Dunsdale PI, S fr 2048 Lombard. Dunton, N fr 19 Oner to Girard av. Duponceau, S fr 818 Wal- j nut to Spruce. Dupont (Roxb), N E fr Ridge av to Magdalona, S E of Leverington av. Durham PI, N fr Race to Mulberry al, W of N 5th. Duress Ct, Wfr 784 S 6th. Duress PI, Efr 861 N 13th Dutton, S fr Morris to Mifflin, & N fr 37 Reed, E of S Front. Dutton's Ct, S fr 620 Wash'n av. Duval, W fr S 34th, N of Walnut. Duval {Gtn), N W fr Wayne to Chew, ab W Wash'n av, Dyre {Fkd), E fr Penn to Charles, bel Bridge. Dyson ( IV P), N fr Brown, W of Markoe. E, N fr Ktn av to Chelten- ham av, W of F. Eadom {W Hall), N fr Kennedy, E of Trenton RR. Eagen PI, N fr 1005 Ham- ilton. Eagle, E fr 1051 Leopard. Eagle Av, W fr 1220 N Front to Hope, Eaglefield {IV P), W fr N 38ih to N 41st, S of Girard av. Eagleson, W fr Gray's Ferrys rd to Burnett, S of Christian. Eakin PI, W fr 220 Briar PI, S of Locust. Earl , NW fr 425 E Thomp- son to Belgrade. EarIham(6'/«), E fr Mor- ris to 1 acony, N of Coulter. Earnest, N f r 903 Callow- hill. Earp, W fr 518 N 19th to N 20th. Earp, W fr Point Breeze av, N of Reed. Earp, W fr 1328 S 8th to S 9th. East, S fr Wiccacoe av to Government av, E of Beaver. East {Myk), N E fr Cres- son to Markle, N W of Seville. East Ct, E fr 331 Griscom, East Ct, S fr 1416 Spg Garden. E Allegheny Av, E fr 32110 Fkd av to Del riv. E Cambria, E fr 2901 N Front to Cedar. E Canal, E fr N Front to Laurel, N of Haydock. E Clearfield, E fr 3100 N Front to Del riv. E Cumberland, E fr 2501 N Front to Del riv. E Dauphin, E fr 2243 N Front to Moyer. E Girard Av, E fr 1201 Fkd av to E Norris. E Huntington, E fr 2561 N Front to Del riv. E Johnson {Gtn), E fr 5257 Gtn av. E Lehigh Av, E fr 2053 N Front to Richmond. E Logan {Gtn), E fr Gtn av to R R, ab Loudon. E Norris, E fr 1957 N Front to Del riv. E Somerset, E fr 2T")5 N Front to Richmond. 18 EAS STllEET GUIDE. ELT E Susquehanna Av, E fr 2200 North Front to Del riv. E Thompson, E & S fr Fkd av to Adams & N E fr E Cumberland to Bdg. E Tioga, E fr 3501 N Front to Del riv. E Venango, S E fr 3600 Ktn av to Del riv. E Washington Av ( Gttz), E fr Gtn av to Stcnton av, ab Tulpohocken. E "Westmoreland, E fr 3301 Fi<;d av to Del riv E York. S E fr 23(53 N Front to Beach. Eastburn Av {Piit:nUe), N E fr Stenton av to Limekiln turnpike, ab N 6Gth. Eastwick Av, S fr 1606 Ogden, W of N 16th. Eastwick Av, W fr S 45th to S 73d, S of Gib- son. Eaton PI, S fr 24 Otter to Eagle. Eberle {Gtn), S fr Godfrey to Spencer av, E of N 21st. Echo La, W fr N 2d, N of Allegheny av. Eden PI, S fr 228 Catha- rine. Edgar, W fr S 18th to Penrose av, N of Wolf. Edgar PI, S fr 926 Pine. Edgely, W fr N 15th to N 18th & fr N 29th to N 30th, N of Diamond. ' Edgemont, N fr E York to Ash, E of Aramingo canal. Edisto PI, W fr 604 Vin- cent. Edmund {Fkd), N fr Or- thodox to Bridge, ab Trenton R R. Edmund {Tacony), fr Knorr to Township Line rd, W of Tulip. Edom, E fr Kennedy to Fraley, bet Jarres & Trenton R R. Edward, W fr 1156 Han- cock. Edward {Fkd\ S fr Pine to Adams, S E of Leiper. Edward {W P), S fr Haverford av to Rock- land, W of N 32d. Edwards iW Hall), N fr Scattergood to Taylor, S of Trenton R R. Edwins, W fr 1720 Ridge av to Geary. Effingham, S fr Dickin- son to Tasker, W of S 6th. Eisen Av, W fr 1142 N 4th to Lawrence. Elba Pi, E fr 907 Ontario, N of Popl.^r. Elba PL E fr 965 Beach. Elberon Av {FoxCJiase), S W fr Hotfnagie to New- town & N Y R R, S E of Pine rd. Elbow La, S fr Haines & W fr Cheltenham & Wil- low Grove pike. Elbow La, W fr 22 Bank to S 3d. Elder, S fr 1038 Morgan to Sergeant. Elder {R Sun), N fr Angle to Erie av, E of Gtn av. Eldridge PI, E fr 1817 N 6th. Elfreth's Al, W fr 126 N Front. Elgin PI, S fr Heath, W of N 12th. Eliza, W fr 1326 N 15th to Green Hill. Elizabeth, E fr Ktn av to Emerald, N of Huiuiiig- don. Elizabeth, E fr Mifflin, S of Norrisiown R R. Elizabeth {Fkd), N E fr Pin? to Sellers, N W of Leiper. Elizabeth PI, E fr 1433 Hope. Elkhart, E fr 3(^25 Rich- mond to Del nv, S of E Clearfield. Ella, E fr Jasper to Tren- ton av, S of E York. Ella, N fr Cambria to In- diana, E of Fillmore. Ellen. W fr 940 N Front to New RL^rkct. Ellen PI, E fr751S Front Ellet {Gtn), N E fr Mc- Callum, ab Sedgwick av. Ellet' s Av, N. fr 535 Race to Mulberry al. Elliott's Ct, S fr 732 Lom- bard. Ellis. N fr 909 Mt Vernon to Wallace. Ellis La, N fr Woodlands av, W of S 61st. Ellsin PI, N fr 1135 Vine. Ellsworth, Wfrll30 Pas- sy'k av to S 22d & S 26ih to Sutherland av. Ellwood La, W fr N 2d to 3125 Gtn av, N W of connecting R R. Elm, N fr Ann to Linden, W of B.ith. Elm, N WfrWildey to E Girard av, W ot Palmer. Elm Av {W Z') N W fr Girard av & N 4()th to N 52d, southern bound- ary of West Park. Elm PI, E fr Levant, N of Spruce. Elmslie's Al, W fr 224 S 2d to Levant. Elmwood Av ( IV P), S W tr Gibson's av & S 56ih to Islai.d rd, S E of Gray's av. Eltonhead's Ct, S fr 2120 Wood. ELW STREET GUIDE. F 19 Elwyn, N fr 925 Cherry to Race. Elwyn {IV Hall), E fr Kennedy to Fraley, S of Trenton R R. Ely (C/«), E fr 245 Haines toR R. Ely Av, S fr 418 Carpen- ter. Ely Av, W fr 814 N 13th. Emanuel PI, N fr 331 Monroe. Emeline, S fr Somerset, E of Amber. Emeline {lacony), N fr Unruh, W of Vandyke. Emerald, N E fr N Front & E Susq'ana av to Erie av. Emerick, VV fr Balgrade, S of Palmer. Emerson, S E fr D, S W of Hoffnagle. Emery {Bdg\ W fr 115 Bockius to Kirkbride. Emily, W fr S 5th to S 8th, & 3 10th to S13th, S of McKean. Emlen, E fr Trenton av to Moyer, N of E York. Emlen, N W fr Carpenter to Cresheim creek, S W of Quincey. Emma, N fr E Clearfield, E of N Front. Emmet, W fr 1312 S 3d. Emory, E fr E Thompson to Richmond, N of E Cumberland. Eneu, Wfr 1224 S 7th to Passy'k av. Engle {Gtn), S E fr 147 Haines to Price. English, S fr 510 Buckley to Powell. English's Row {Myk), W fr Mechanic. Ennis PI, N fr 2307 Vine. Eppright's Ct, S fr Reed, \V 01 S Front. Erdman, N E f r 815 Perk- jomen. Erdman Ct, W fr 830 N 15ih. Erdrick {Tacony), N E f r Sanger to Longshore, N E of Bristol. Erety, W fr224 S 16th to S 17th. Ericsson, W fr 910 S 9ih. Erie, S fr 1010 Bainbridge to Christian. Erie Av, W fr Del riv to Hunting Park av, N of Venango. Ernest, Wfr 1152 S 9th to 932 Ellsworth. Ernest, W fr S 28th, S of Porter. Ervin'sCt,WfrN23d, N of Penn'a av. Erwig Av, N fr Mt Pleas- ant, \V of N 27th. Esher's Av, N fr 1209 Fairmount av. Eshner PI, Efr 1007 Char- lotte. Espey, S fr 1326 Fitzwater to Catharine. Essex, S fr 810 Catharine to Christian. Essex Al, Efr 245 Quince. Estaugh, W fr N 20th to N 23d, N of Ontario. Etting, N fr Master to Jefferson, W of N 27th. Euclid Av, W fr 1814 N Broad to N 15th. Eustis, W fr S 4th to S 5th, S of Moore. Euston Av, W fr Ameri- can to N 3d, N of Cam- bria. Eutaw, N fr 719 Cherry. Evangelist, W fr S 7th to S 8ih, S of Fitz»), N E fr Ridge av, S E of Dupont. Fairbank PI, Efr Levant, S of i velina. Fairchild's PI, S W fr 1122 Palmer. Fairfax PI, Efr 727 S 5th. Fairfield, W fr N 21st to N 22d, N of Market. Fairhill, N fr Su.sq'ana av to Clearfield, & fr Pike to Luzerne, W of N 5th. Fairhill Park, W fr N 4th to N 5th, & fr Hunting- don to Lehigh av. Fairlamb PI, N fr 929 Torr av. Fairman PI, N fr 917 Torr av. Fairmount Av, W fr 700 N Del av to Fairmount Park, & fr N 32d to N 50th, S of Aspen. Fairmount Park, N fr N 25th to Penn'a av, to N 3;id, to Ridge av, to Wis- sahickon & C Hill, N W fr Spg Garden to Girard av, to Elm av, to Georgas av, to Crestline a\, to Schuy'l riv. Fairthorne Av {Falls), N E fr Ridge av, S E of Crease's la. Fairview Av, S W fr N .31th to Norristown R R, S E of Queen. Fall PI, N fr Race, W of N 5ili. Fallon, S fr 818 Fitzvvater to Christian. FzWon iJVP), Nfr Sene- ca, W of N -ISth. Falls Rd {Falls). N fr Monument rd to Falls of Schuy'l. Fame Ct, N fr 13 Laurel. Fareira's Ct, N fr 1029 Barley. Faries Ct, W fr 228 N Front. Farina {Fk:l>), N fr Wood to Ridge av, bet Fountain & Prospect. Fleet, N fr 515 Locust to Adelphi. Fleetwood Av, N fr Stiles to Thompson, W of N 11th. Fleming, W fr Schock to 7 N 21st. Fleming (/T/r^), N W fr Martin to Roxb, N E of Terrace. Fleming {IF P),\V fr N 52d, N of Market. Fletcher, W fr Sedgley av to N 30th, N of Sus'- q'ana av. Flickwir's PI, N fr 227 German. Fling's PI, Wfr 1250 Hope to Howard. Flood's PI, Wfr 912 S 6th Florence, N fr North to P^airmount av, W of N 17th. Florence, S fr Milton to 1029 Carpenter. Florence Av, N fr Moss, EofS7th. Florence Av{WP), SW fr Baltimore av & S 18th to Cobb's creek, N W ttf Warrington av. Florida, S fi 1116 Bain- bridge to Catharine. Flower's Al, W fr 720 New Market. Fontain, W fr N 15th to * N 20th, fr Croskey to N 23d, & fr N 30th to N 31st, S of Diamond. Ford, S fr 1918 Pine to Lombard. Ford Rd («^i'),Efr Bel- mont av to Schuy'l riv, bel Falls rd. Forder Av, N fr 1215 Sil- ver. Forest Av [Gin), W fr Wash'n av to Sharpnack, S of William. Forrest PI, E fr 621 Guil- ford. Foster {IVP), W fr N 32d to Lancaster av, S of Arch. Foster's Row, S fr Sor- rel, E of Larch. Fothergill, S fr 918 Pine to Lombard. Foulkrod {Fkd), E fr Lei- per to Bridge, S ol Har- rison. Fountain {Myk), N fr Main to Wissahickon creek, bet Jefferson & Gorgas la. P'oust, E fr Bristol pike to Del riv, S of Van Kirk. Fowler, N fr Olive, W of N 16th. Fox, E fr Collins to Al- mond, S of E Huntingdon Fox, N fr Hunting Park av to Abbotsford av, E of McMichael. Fox {Falls), N W fr Read- ing R R to Coulter, N of N 32d. Fox Av {N Town), S fr Bristol, W of N loth. Fox Sq, S E fr Ganl to Belgrade, N E fr Tioga to Linjiey. Fox's Ct, N fr 1221 South. Foxs Ct, S fr 1224 Fitz- water. Fracker, W fr Chelten- ham & Willow Grove pike, S of Cheltenham ar Fraley's Ct, bet Allen & Richmond, N Eof Innes. Frampton PI, N fr 1003 Nectarine. Francis, SWfrl6i:0 Ridge av to Shirley. Francis, W fr 1114 S 12th to S 13th. Francis PI, Nfr843 Mar- riott. Franconi PI, E fr 715 N 9th. Frank {Gin), N E fr Wis- sahickon av to Lincoln av, S E of Carpenter. Frank's Ct, E fr 467 Franklin. Frank's Ct, E fr 339 New Market. Frankford {Fkd), N fr Mill to Bridge. Frankford {IF Hall), W fr Fkd creek toWakcling. Frankford & Bristol Turnpike Rd, N E fr Bridge to Bristol. Frankford Av, N E fr Laurel, ab Beach, to Bridge, Fkd. Franklin, N fr Race to D.uip^in, fr York tc Le- high av, & fr Somerset to Clearfield, Wof N 7th. Franklin, N W fr McFar- ran, E of N Broad, S ot Roxb av. 22 FEA STREET GUIDE. GEA Franklin, W fr S 23d to S 24th, S of Spruce. Franklin (Z?^'^), fr Garden to Meadow, N of Bridge. Franklin {Fkd), N fr Pine to Wakelmg, W of Fkd av Franklin {Gtn), S W fr 512G Gtn av. Franklin {,1V P), E fr N 52d to Pear, E of Pas- chall. Franklin Cemetery Av, W fr Fkd av to Cemetery, S of Clearfield. Franklin Sq, fr Race to Vine, N 6ih to Franklin. Frederick, W fr S 30th to S 32d, S of Moore. Frederick {Falls), E fr 125 James, N of Ridge av Freed's Av, N fr 731 ' Cherry. Freedley, S fr Indiana, W of N 18th. Freeland Av {Roxb), S fr Penn to Shur's la, E of Pechin. Freeman's Ct, W fr 210 Quince. Freeston's PI, E fr 1007 Moyamen'g av. Fremont, E fr Gaul to Salmon, S of William. Fremont, W fr 2828 N 12th to N13th, Sof Cam bria. French, WfrN 15th toN I8ch, S of Susq'ana av. Freytag Al, S fr Alaska to 515 B.iiubridge. Friedlander, N fr Cherry to Race, \V of N 20th. Friendship {'facony), N fr VVissinoinuig to I ren- lon R R, & Ir Keystone to Ditman, E of Prince- ton. Friendship Ct, E fr 627 St John Fntsch, \V fr K, N of Tioija. Front {Fkd), W fr 4050 Fkd av. Fuller's 'L,2i{CoUegevUle), Efr Bristol rd, Nof Pen- nypack creek. Fulton, S fr 2208 Race. Fulton, W fr 746 S 12th to S 13th. Fulton, W fr Tulip to Trenton R R, N of E "Somerset. Fulton Ct, W fr 1117 Hew- son. Funk, S E fr Bristol pike to Del riv, N of Van Kirk. Furlong Ct, N fr 707 Cherry. o. G, N fr Ktn av to Town- ship Line rd Eof N Front G, W fr 236 S 22d to S 23d. Gabel's Ct, S fr 162 Brown Gadsby PI, S fr 1714 Lom- bard. Gaflfney's Av, S fr 632 Fitzwater. Gaines PI, N fr 239 Queen Galena, S fr 416 Gaskill. Gales Ct, E (r755 Passy'k av. Gallagher's Ct, S fr 1634 Kater. Gallatin PI, S frll2 China G illoway , N fr 307 G»r>rge to Canal. Galloway, W fr S 26th to S 27th, S of Federal. Gampher's Av, N fr 505 Catharine. Garber PI, E fr 163 New Market. Garden, N fr 825 Vine to Buttonwood. Garden, S fr Norris to Bower, W of Fkd av. Garden (Bdg), N fr Jenks to Fkd creek. Garden (/rP), Nfr Par- rish to Westminster av, E of N 41st. Garfield, NWfr Tulip, N Eof Princeton. 23d Wd. Garfield {Gtn), N E fr 4505 Gtn av to Wake- field, N WofMehl. Garibaldi {R Sun), W fr N 10th to Goodman, & E fr G, S of Ontario. Garnet, E & W fr 2912 N Front. Garnet, N fr Jefferson to Oxford, W of N 19th. Garnet, N fr Reading R R to Hart la, E of Ktn av. Garnet, S fr Dickinson to Talker, W of S 19th. Garretson PI, E fr 837 S 3d. Garrison Ct, E fr 629 An- dress. Garside, S W fr N 23d to Ridge av, N of Colum- bia av. Garten PI, N fr 1207 Ka- ter. Garvin PI, S fr 236 Catharine. Garwood PI, N fr 801 Jayne. Gascon Av, Wfr340New Market. Gaskill, W fr 518 S 2d to S 5th. Gates {Myk^, N W fr Jef- ferson, S Wof Wood. Gatzmer, W fr 120 S Front to S 2d. Gaul, N fr Hanover to Fkd creek, E of Cedar. Gay {Myk).li fr 4371 Cres- son to Magnet, N W of Levering. Gay Ct, W fr 1230 N 3d. Geary, W fr Del riv to Schuy'l riv, 3200 S. Geary, N fr 1733 Wylie to Ginnodo. GEA STREET GUIDE. GOO 23 Geary Av, E fr 208 Rich- mond to Beach. Gebhard, S fr Race to Cherry, W of N 15th. Gebhart Ct,S fr 1626 Carl- ton. Geisler, E fr Cedar to Sal- mon, S of Clearfield. Geiss, N fr E Dauphin to E York, E of Fkd av. « Genoese PI, S fr 320 Mas- ter. Gentlemen's Driving Park, Crestline av, N VV boundary line of Fair- mount Park, N of Bel- mont. George, N fr E Clearfield, E of N Front. George, W fr 1046 N 2d to N 5th. George {BJg), N fr Ash to Church. George Ct, N fr 605 San- SOUl. Gerhard N fr Ridge av to Houghton, N W fr Roxb av. Gerhard, S fr Mifflin to McKean, E of S 12th. Gerker, E fr 1339 Hanover to Earl. German, W fr 760 S 2d to Passy'k av. Germantown Av, N W fr N Front & Laurel to township line. Gerritt, W fr 1406 S 18th to S 21st. Gettysburg Av {Ro-rb), S\V of Ridge av, fr Shaw- mont av to Port Royal av Getz, S fr Mifflin to Mc- Kean, E of S 11th. Getzell PI, N fr 1219 Pop- lar. Gibbon's Ct, N fr 2507 Carpenter. Gibson's Av, S W fr S 53d & Gray's av to Jones' la, N W of Eastwick av. Gibson's Ct, E fr 817 Charlotte. Gibson's Point, ft S 58th, n Schuy'l riv. Gideon's Ct, N fr 809 Wood. Gifford PI, N fr 1635 Og- den. Gihon PI, W fr Carlisle, N of Girard av. Gilbert, W fr Kessler to N 10th, N of Fairmount av. Gillespie's Ct, S fr 1316 Soutia to Kater. Gillingham, W fr 1210 Cadwalader to Gtn av. Gillingham {Fkd), S E f r Mulberry to Worth, N of Oxford. Gillis Al, S fr 508 Lom- bard to South. Gill's PI, S fr .722 Bain- bridge. Gillmore PI, W fr 926 St John. Gilpin, E fr 13 S 17th. Gilpin PI, W fr 842 Law- rence to Orchard, Ginnodo, W fr Ridge av to N lOih, N of Poplar. Girard, W fr S Uch to S 12th, S of Market. Girard Av, W fr 1200 N Front to bridge at Schuy'l riv, thence to N 69th. (See, also, E Girard av ) Given's Ct, N fr opp 2020 Filbert to Cuthbert. Gladding PI, W fr 704 N 13ch. Glancy PI, N fr 1009 No- ble. Glasgow PI, S fr Poplar, W of N 2d. Glasmire Pi, E fr 873 Or- chard. Glass Ct, S fr 1420 Bain- bridge. Glazier PI. Efr919N3d. Glenat's Ct, N f r 33 Pop- lar. Glenloch {Tacony), N E fr Longshore to Coitman, N W ol Ditman. Glenmore Av {P\'il/e),\V fr S 73d, S of Lincoln av. Glenville Pi, W fr 828 N 15th. Glenwood, N fr 133 Pegg. Glenwood Av, S W fr N Front & Venango to N 33d & Master, S W of RR. Gloucester PI, W fr 1070 Fkd av. Godey, S fr 624 Catharine to Wall. Godfrey, E fr Moyamen'g av to b 2d, S of Tasker. Godfrey (Gin), N W fr Chelten av to Lehman, S W of Green. Godfrey Av, N E fr 409 Jefferson to 1536 N 4th. Godfrey Av (Gin), W fr N 20th to Stenton av, N of Mill. Goethe, N fr Tioga to Rising Sun la, W of N 9th. Gold, N fr2327 Penn'a av. Gold, W fr 138 S 2d to Dock. Gold ( C /////) , N fr Abii.g- ton av to ilartwell av, E of Gtn av. Goldbeck's Av, E fr 1131 N 2d. Golder's Ct, E fr N Front, S of Thompson. Goldsmith's Ct, E fr Rachel, Sot Poplar. Goldsmith's Ct, W fr 518 New Market. Gonsha, N fr Carver, E of S 6ih. Good (C;/«).Wfr 5408 Gtn av to Upsal. 24 GOO STREET GUIDE. GRI Goodbread PI, S fr 1006 Vernon. Goodman, S E fr Rising Sun la to Ellwood la, Goodman's Ct, E fr New Market, N of Vine. Goodwater, W fr S 7th to 223 S Hth. Good'.vill Al, N fr Cherry to 133G Race. Goodwin PI, W fr 1454 Beach. Gordon, VV fr Almond to Geiss, S of E York. Gordon PI, N fr 1831 Namlain. Gordon's Ct, S fr 1016 Rodman. Gore's Ct, S fr 316 Bain- bridge. Gorgas [Gin), N E fr 5581 Gtn av to Stenton av. Gorrel's Ct, W fr 910 S 5th. Goss Ct, S fr Eineline, W of S 8th. Gossamer Av, N fr 1005 Noble to Hamilton. Gothic, W fr 126 S Front to S 2d. Goujon's PI, E fr 911 Marshall. Government Av, front- ing back channel, W fr Del riv to Schuy'I av. Govett's Ct, N fr 921 Rod- man. Gowen Av, E fr 5777 Gtn av to city line, N W of Mt A av. Grace, W fr N 16th to N 17ih, N of Arch. Graff, W fr 254 N 11th. Grafton PI, E fr 809 Fal- lon. Grafton's Ct, E fr 829 S 5th. Gramment PI, N fr 829 Carpenter. Grampian PI, E fr 705 N 13th. Grand, W fr S 50th to S 56th, S of South. Grange Av, W fr N 20th to Van Kirk.N of Chew. Granite, W fr 212 S Front to Dock. Gransback, N fr E Cam- bria to E Clearfield, E of D. Grant {Gtn), N fr Haines, EofN 19th. Grant {PittviUe). Grant Av {Torresdale), E fr station to Del riv. Granville, W fr 314 S 21st to S 22d. Grape {Myk), N E fr 4341 Main to Belair. Gratz, N fr Jefferson to Diamond, W of N 18th (called Centennial av fr Jefferson to Oxford). Gravel Rd {Byberry), S E fr Bensalem pike to Poquessing creek). Gravel's Ct, S fr 1304 Olive. Graver's La {Gtn), N E fr N 30th to Stenton av, S E ol Highland av. Gray, N fr 115 Poplar. Gray's Av, W fr S 48th to Tinicum Island rd, S of Paschall. Gray's Ferry Rd, S W fr S 23d & South to Schuy'I riv. Gray's La {IV P), S fr Havcrford av to Wood- lands av, W of S 59ih. Graydon, N fr Spring, E of N loth. Grayson, W fr N 17th to N 18ih, N of Fairmount av. Greave's Ct, E fr 1311 Cadwaladcr. Green, W fr 600 N Del av to Fairmount pk. Green {Fkd), E fr Edward to Orchard, S of Ruan. Green {Gtn), N W fr G & N R R to Carpenter, S W of Gtn av. Green {R Sun), N E fr Gtn av to Goodman, S of Westmoreland. Green Hill, N fr Seybert to Master, W of N 16th. Green La {Gtn), E fr Old York rd to Crescentville, S of Godfrey av. Green La {Myk), N E fr 4501 Main to Ridge av. Green Tree Av, N E fr Main, N of Williams av. Green's Al, E f r N 16Lh, N of Cherry. Green's Ct, S fr 624 Car- ver. Green's Ct, W fr N 8th, N of Race. Greenock PI, N fr 1117 Mark's la. Greenough, N E fr Man- sion to Hamilton, N W of Leverington. Greenville, S W fr Wic- cacoe av to Swanson, N of Porter. Greenville PI, W fr 224 V^aughn. Greenway Av, S W fr S 47th to Cobb's creek, N of Woodlands av. Greenway La, N W fr Woodlands av, N W of S 51st. Greenwich, W fr 1534 S Front to S 3d, & fr 1514 S 4th to S 6th. Greenwich PI, E fr 615 N Front. Greeve's Av {Gin), S E ir Locust av, N E of WiJ- low av. Grier's Ct, W fr 704 N 13th. GEI STREET GUIDE. HAN 25 Griffith, S E fr 810 E Thompson to Mover, S W of Ash. Griffith (C;/'«),WfrUpsal to Sharpnack, S of Sprague. Grim's Av, Wfr912N3d. Grim's Ct, E fr 913 N 3d. Grim's Ct, E fr 1015 Law- rence. Grindstone Al, N fr Mar- Icet to Church, W of N 2d. Grinnell PI, S fr Bain- bridge, \V of S Broad. Griscom, S fr 416 Spruce to Pine. Griswold's Al, S fr Met- calf to 515 Fitz water. Grove, N E fr 1815 Perki- omen to Geary. Grove, S fr Gray's Ferry rd to Reed, W of S 35th. Grover, S fr 110 Queen to Christian. Grover's La {P'ville), S E fr Woodlands av & S 71st & P \V & B R R, thence E to Bartram av. Grubb, Wfr S Juniper to Sycamore, S of Locust. Guardian Av, S W fr Pine ab S 31th, bet University & Almshouse. Gucke's Ct, W fr 824 St John. Guilford, S fr222 South to Monroe. Guirey, N W fr Passy'k av to S 12th, S of Reed. Gulielma, E fr 515 S 15th. Gurney, S E f r Somerset to Leamy,S W of Read- ing R R. Guy's Ct, S fr 2134 Spruce Gwinn PI, Efr 1023 Char- lotte. Gypsy La, W fr School House la to Wissahickon av, ab Reading R R. H. H, N fr Ktn av to Long- shore, E of G. Haas, N fr Somerset to In- diana, W of N 22d. Haas PI, W fr 702 Brook to N 3d. Hacker PI, W fr 940 S 4th. Hackett's Ct, S fr 43^ Monroe. Hackley, WfrN4thtoN 5th, N of Berks. Haddington, S W fr N 56ih to N 70th, N of Lans- downe av. H add on PI, S fr 706 Pop- lar. Hagedorn PI, N fr 405 Lynd. Hager PI, W fr 210 Le- vant. Hagerman {.Tacony), N fr Unruh, W of Tulip. Hagert, W fr N 24th to N 28ch, N of York. Hagey, S W. fr Westmin- ster av to city line, N of Columbia av. Hagner, S fr 1132 Rod- man to South. Hagy's Mill Rd, fr Ship la to county line, W of Ridge av. HahnCt, N fr 1915 Cuth- bert. Haines, W fr N 12th to N 13th, N of Poplar. Haines {Gtn), E fr SaSl Gtn av to Old York rd. Haines Ct, S fr 1026 Lem- Hale, N fr 309 Columbia av. Hall, W fr 926 S 9th to Florence, Hall { ;F/'),W fr Hopkins, N of Arch, W of N 57th. Halleck PI, W fr 1306 Charlotte. Hallowell, W fr 1016 S . 6th to S 7th. Hamell's Ct, S fr 1708 Lombard. Hamilton, W fr 442 Can- ton to N 25th, & fr Schuy'l riv to Lancaster av. Hamilton {Myk\ N W fr 170 (jrecn la to Jefferson. Hamilton {Tacony), E fr Del riv to Emeline, S of Longshore. Hamilton Ter {W P\ S fr Baltimore turnpike, ab S 40th. Hamilton's Ct, W fr 1328 M Front. Hamlet PI, Wfr 1216 N Front to Hope. Hammitfs Av, N fr Crease, N W of Rich- mond. Hammond, W fr 918 N 17tli to N 18th. Hampton, W Ir 420 S 20th to S 21st. Hance PI, W fr 1504 Cad- walader to Gtn av. Hancock, N fr Otter, W ot N Front, to Lehigh av, thence N to Ontario. Hancock {Gtn), N W fr Penn to E Wash'n av, N of Wakefield. Hand, W fr 412 S 20th to S 21st. Hanley, S fr 526 Wharton to Reed. Hanly's Ct, N fr 605 Wall. Hanover, S E f r 1623 Fkd av to Del riv, S W of Palmer. Hansberry {Gtn), N fr Wissahickon av to Gtn av, bet Queen & Man- heim. Hansen's Ct, N fr 1003 Barley. 26 HAN STREET GUIDE. HED Hanson (W^P),SErr 4821 Woodlands av to Pas- chall av. Harding PI, S fr 322 Ger- man. Hare, W fr 730 N 22d to Reading RR I called Con- tinental av fr N 25th to N 26ih). Harker PI, N fr 1829 Barker. Harkinson PI, N fr Ba- ker, Wof S 7th. Harlan, W fr U06 N 18th to N 2i)th. Harley's Ct, N fr 2009 Market to Jones. Harman Ct, S fr2122 San- som. Harmer, W fr 866 N 11th to N 12th. Harmony, N fr Reed to Gray's Ferry rd, \V of S 35ih. Harmony, W fr 142 S 3d to S -Ith. Harmony, W fr 770 S 4th to S 5ih. Harmony Ct, W fr 404 S 6th. Harmstead, W fr 528 S 19th to 8 22d. Harmstead PI, S fr 912 Ogdcn. Harold, W fr N 22d to N U7ih, N of Huntingdon. Harper, W fr N 27th to N 30th, 8 of Girard av. Harper PI, E fr 623 Guil- ford. Harper's Ct, S fr 2006 Lombard. Harper's Ct, W fr 508 S I6ih. Harriet, S fr 1020 Ross. Harriet PI, N fr 2001 Pearl to Wood. Harris Ct, W fr 10 Letitia Harrison, E f r Howard to Fkd av, S of I\Iontg'y av. Harrison {FAd},¥. fr Penn to Jackson, S of Wake- ling. Harrison {Myk), N W fr 130 Gay to Oak. Harrison's Ct ((7/«), N tr iiU17 Pleasant. HarrCwgate La, N W fr Fkd av ab Tioga to Fish- er's la. Harshaw, S fr 1924 Fitz- water to Catharine. Hart, W fr N lOih to War- nock, S of Berks. Hartley's PI, S fr 1338 Cherry. Hartranft, W fr Del riv to Schuy'l, 3300 S. Hart's La, N W & W fr Fkd av, ab Reading RR. Hartshorne La {Fkd), N E fr Adams to Bin pike. Hartville, N & S of Indi- ana, W of E. Hartwell Av (C Hill),^ & W fr Gtn av to Wi>sa- hickon pike, ab Abing- ton av. Harvey {Gtn), W fr 5048 Gtn av to Wissahickon av. Harvey PI {Gtn), N W fr 4 Harvey, S W of Gtn av Harvey's Ct, W fr 408 S 21st. Harvey's PI, E fr 1021 St John. Haskin PI, S f r 220 Fed- eral to Marion. Hassinger Av, W fr 118 N Juniper. Hatter's Ct, N fr Vine,W of N 2;3<1. Hatton PI, N fr 813 Cher- ry to Race. Haverford {IV P), W fr hchuy'i riv lo N 40th, N of Rockland. Haverford Av {IVP),^ fr N 40th, N of Rock- land, to County Line rd. Haviland PI, W fr 248 N 8th. Hawthorn Av, N fr 1701 Barker. Hay La, S Efr Woodlands av, ab S 62d. Haydock, N W fr N Front & Laurel to Gtn av. Hays, W fr 1326 S 6th to S7th. Hay's Ct, E fr 325 St John. Haywood {Falls), S W f r Krail, bet Crawford & Indian Queen la. Haywood PI, S fr 914 Hamilton. Hazel, W fr 1726 S Front to S 2d. Hazel Av {VVP), W fr S 60ih to S 63d, S of Lom- bard. Hazlewood, S fr Mont- rose to Carpenter, W of S 23d. Hazzard, E fr Ktn av to Cora., S of E Hunting- ton. Hazzard's Ct, N fr 1917 Cuthbert. Heath, W fr N 12th to Ontario, N of Poplar. Heberton, W fr S 20th to S 2Ist, S of Walnut. Hebrew PI, E fr 217 N 3d Heck PI, Efr961N2d. Heckman PI, N fr 815 Willow. Heckroth PI, W fr Wea- ver, N of Green. Hedding, Nfrl525 North. Hedge {Fkd), N fr 101 E Unity to Meadow. Hedge's PI, S fr 924 Hamilton. HED STREET GUIDE. HIN 27 Hedley (5^-), E f r Rich- mond to Del riv, N of Juniata. Heft's Ct Wyk), SE fr Cedar, S W of Cresson. Hehl's Ct, N fr 931 Fed- eral. Heilig PI, N fr 515 Car- penter to Native. Heins, W fr 338 S 12th to 3 13th. Heiskell((^/«),Nfr Han- cock, W o! Willow av. Heiss Pl,Wfr423Moyer. Helen, N f r E Somerset to Hart la, W of Emerald. Helena PI, N fr 219 Chris- tian. Hellerman {Vol Town),^ fr G to Bristol turnpike, N of Levick. Helmuth, W fr S isth to S 17th, S of Pine. Hemberger, N fr Rerks to Noriis, W of N 22d. Hemlock PI, S fr 1442 South to Kater. Hemple's Ct, N fr 1007 Hamilton. Henderson Ct, S fr 1032 Rodman to South. Henly Ct, N fr 731 Car- penter. Henrietta, W fr opp 13-11 N 2lst to N 22d. Henrietta Av, S fr High- land, W of N 10th. Henry, N frllll Lombard to Barley. Henry, VV fr Mascher to Cooper, N of Ontario. Henry {Gin\ N W fr W Logan, N E of Wayne. Henry Ct, W fr 1312 Gtn av. Hepburn, S fr 1618 Bain- bndge to Fitzwater. Hepburn PI, W fr 746 Rassy'k av. Herald PI, W fr 6 Ledger pi. Herbert PI, N fr 1221 Silver. Herbine, W fr 1814 N 15th to N 16th. Herman, E fr 5111 Gtn av Herman, S fr Wharton to Reed, E of S 18th. Herman's Ct, W fr 318 Griscom. Hermann, W fr N 24th to N 32d, N of Dauphin. Hermit {Roxb), N E fr Cresson to Wissahickon av, N W of Adams. Hermitage,Nfr 307 Green to Fairmount av. Hermitage {Myk), S W ir Wash'n to P & N R R, S E of Jefferson. Hero Pi, M fr 423 Car- penter. Herschell Av, N fr 2035 Hand. Heston, S E fr N 53d, N of Jefferson to P R R, W of Belmont av. Hewitt PI, W fr 332 Quince, S of Spruce. Hewson, W fr Salmon to Walker, S of E Somerset. Hewson, W fr Wildey to E Girard av, & fr E Thompson to Sepviva, S of E Norris. Hiawatha, W fr S59th to SeOih, S of Spruce. Hibberd, N fr 1125 Girard a v. Hickey, S fr 1522 Market lo Melloy. Hickory(//^^)E fr Holmes to Race, M of Mill. Hickory Ct, S fr 604 WiU low. Hicks, N fr 1515 Herbine, N of Montg'y av Hicks, S fr Wharton to McKean, WofS 15th. Hide's Ct, N fr 825 Fil- bert. Higgins'Ct.Nfr 139 Car- penter. Higgms PI, S W fr 118 Carpenter. High (^^w),Efr 5057 Gtn av to Chew, N W of Haines. High (J/y/t),SEfr Wash'n to Centre, N E of Mam. Highland, E & W f r 20 N 10th. Highland Av (C /////), S W fr P G & C H R R to Wissahickon creek, N W of Union. Highland PI, N fr 1023 Highland. Hight's Av, N fr 2509 Callowhill. Hight's Ct, N fr 923 Hamilton. Hiland PI, W fr 1436 Cad- walader. Hill, E fr 739 S 15ih to Cadwalader. Hill {Rox!:), E fr Lyceum av to Martin. Hill's Ct, S fr 1824 Nau- dain. Hill's La {Gtn), S E fr Mermaid av, W of N 35ih. Hillary, S fr Wharton to Reed, W of S 19ih. Hillerman PI, E fr 3C7 tiarden. HiUes {Fkd), E fr Fkd ar to Orcliard, S of Green. Hillsdale, Nfr319 Cherry Hillside Av {Myk), N fr Myk av to Asldaiid, bet Penn & Richmond. Hilton, E fr Ktn av to Jasper, N of Allegheny av. Himmelwright PI, Wfr 908 S 6ih. Hinckle's Ct, W fr 1512 Cadwalader. 28 HIN STREET GUIDE. HUL Hines' Ct, S fr 222 Chris- tian. Hines' Ct, N fr 925 Rod- man. Hippie's La {Myk), N fr P & N R R to Wissahic- kon creek, bet Prospect & Jefferson. Hoadley, N fr Paschall av to Woodlands av, E of S 49th. Hobensack PI, N fr 145 Fairmount av. Hock PI, S fr 1400 Brown. Hockley, S fr Emerick, bet Belgrade & Ireland. HoflF(^/«). Hoffman, W fr N 61st, S of Gira.rd a v. HoflFman, W fr 1912 S 4th to S 8th, & S 9th to S 10th. Hoffman Av.SW fr Chris- tian & S 34th to Cobb's creek. Hoffnagle, S Efr Montg'y County line, S W of Sirahle. 23d \Vd. Hog Island Rd, S fr Rope Ferry rd, W of Penrose Ferry bridge. Holland PI, E fr N 5th, N of Brown. Holland PI, N fr 1023 Parrish. Hollinger, S fr Columbia av to Connecting R R, E of N 32d. Holly, S fr 1530 Fitzwuter to Kates. Holly {VVP), N fr Powel- toii av to Spg Garden, N fr Haverford to Fair- mount av, & thence N fr Aspen to Westminster av, E of N 34th, Hollywood Av, N fr Gi- rard av, W of N 29th. Holman, N fr ESusq'ana av to E Cumberland, S of Fkd av. Holmes Al, W fr 300 New Market to N 2d. Holmes Av {Hbg), N E fr Decatur to Mill, S E of Bristol pike. Holstein Av {FvUle), S fr S 86th to S 90th, E of Erwig av. Holt Av, W fr New Mar- ket, N of Green. Home PI, S fr 228 Ger- man. Honeysuckle Av {Hbg), N fr Decatur to Mill, E of Oakland. Hooper \rvUle), W fr S 72d, N of Greenway av. Hope, N fr Canal to Erie av, W of N Front. Hopkins, N fr Arch to Race, W of N 57th. Hopkinson PI, W fr 124 N Juniper. Horn's Ct, E fr 913 St John. Horner Av, E fr 247 N 13th. Horrocks {Fkd), N fr Unity. W of Oakland. Horstman, N fr Somerset to Indiana, W of N 21st. Horstman's Ct, S fr 212 C^^rpenter. Horstman's Ct, S fr 320 German. Horstmann, S fr 416 Bor- den. Horstmann's Row, E fr 777 S 3d. Horsfs Ct, W fr 1730 Cadwalader. Horter {GUi), S fr Chew to (itn av, betSharpnack & Church. Hospital La, NWfr Bel- mont av to N 49th, ab Midvale av. Houben's PI, W fr 1148 Canal to N 3d. Houghton, S E f r Monas- tery av to Jamestown, N E of Ridge av. 21st Wd. Houghton's Ct, S fr 940 Rodman. Housekeeper's Ct, W fr Beach to Savana, N of Montg'y av. Houston's Ct, S fr 940 Rodman. Houten Row, E fr 1819 N6th. Howard, N fr Hancock to Allegheny av, W of N Front. Howard, N fr 2217 Hare to Parrish. Howard {Myk), N E fr Cresson to Tower, N W of Shur's la. Howard {N Town), E fr 4019 Gtn av, N of N Town la. Howel {Bdg), N fr Kirk- bride to Church, W of Richmond. Howell, N E fr Snyder av to S Del av, S of Spangler. Howell, W fr 308 S 19th to S 20th. Howell {IV P), W fr 118 N 32d to N 34th. Hubbell, S fr 810 Fitz- water to Catharine. Hubbs, Wfr N20th.Nof Jefferson. Hubert Pl,Efr875N5th. Huckel's Ct, N fr 121 South. Hudson, S fr316 Market. Hudson, W fr Walker to Aramingo Canal, N of Lehigh av. Hughes PI, W fr 1024 Moyam'ng av. Huhn, S fr Wharton to Reed, W of S 20th. Hull, N W fr Fkd av, ab Ann. Hull PI, W fr 970 N Del av. HUL STREET GUIDE. JAM 29 Hulseman,WfrS21stto S 25t.h, S of Curtin. Hulseman Ct, S fr 1240 Fitzwater. Humbolt, E fr N 11th to Reading R R, N of On- tario, E of G. Hummel, W fr S 28th to Schuy'l av, S of Ells- wortli. Hummell's Ct, E fr 943 N 3d. Humphrey's Ct,Nfrl505 Filbert. Hunter {Bdg), S E fr Al- mond, S of Juniata. Hunter's Ct, N fr 1519 Vine. Hunter's La, S W fr Lan- caster :iv, W of N 53d. Hunter's Row, W fr 316 S 11th to Quince. Hunting Park (iV Tow7i), W fr N 9th to Old York rd, bet N Town la & Cayuga. Hunting Park Av {N Town), W fr N 15ih & Juniata to Ridge av. Huntingdon, W fr 2600 N Front to Schuy'l riv. (See, also, E Hunting- don.) Hunt's Ct, E fr 825 Char- lotte. Hunt's La, W fr Trenton av, S of Somerset Hurley, S fr Indiana to Hart, bet D & Boudinot. Huron PI, W fr 1408 Philip. Hurst, S fr 524 Lombard to South. Huston, SfrWolf to Rit- ner av, W of S 18th. Hutchinson, N fr 921 Poplar to Columbia av & fr Huntingdon to Cam- bria, E of Gtn av. Hutchinson, S fr Fisher's la, WofNSth. Hutchinson Ct, E fr 203 Dean. Hydra PI, Nfr 407 Noble. I. I, N fr Ktn av to Van Kirk, E of H. Illinois, S fr Locust to Rittenhouse,W of S 17lh. Independence Av, S fr Oakla.WofN 5th. Independence Sq, W fr S 5lh to S Gth, S fr State House to Walnut. Indian Queen La {Falls), W fr N 30th to Ridge av, bet Abbotsford av & Bow- man. Indiana, W fr Del riv to Schuy'l riv, 3000 N. Ingersoll, W f r N 17th to N 19th & fr N 22d to be- yond N 25th, S of Master. Inglis, W fr 112 S Front. Ingram, W fr S 27th to S 28th, S of Federal. Innes, S E fr Richmond to Beach, E of Fkd av Inquirer, N fr 1119 Brown to Parrish. Iowa Av, S fr Union, W of S 2d. Ireland, N E fr Hanover to Palmer, W of Belgrade Iron PI, S frSS Laurel. Irvine, W fr 1220 Ridge av to N 13th, N of Spg Garden Irving {Bdi^r), S fr Howell, W ot School. Irving i^VP), W fr N 48th to N 49th, S of Transcript. Irving (;r/'),WfrS 37th to S 41-.t, fr S 51st to S 53d, &frS59thtoS 60th, S of Locust. Isabella, E fr Emeline to Coral, S of E Somerset. Iseminger, S fr 1222 Budd to Reins. Island Rd {P'ville), S fr Woodlands av, W of S 73d. Ivory PI, N fr 21 Baker, Eof S 7th. Ivy, W fr 508 S 10th to S 11th. J, jS fr Ktn av to Long- shore, E of I. Jackson, S fr 1022 Wash'n av to Ellsworth. Jackson, W fr Del riv to Schuy'l riv, 2200 S. Jackson, W fr Memphis to Trenton av, S of E Le- high av. Jackson, VV fr N 8th to N 9th, S of Tioga. Jackson {Fkd), N E fr New to Bridge, N of Foulkrod. Jackson {Myk), N fr 4429 Main, E of Green la. Jackson {Myk\, N W fr 4610 Wash'n to Jefferson. Jacob {Roxb)\ N fr Myk av to Pechin, W of Lev- erington av. Jacoby, S fr 1218 Monte- rey to Cherry. Jacoby Av, N fr 187 Ox- ford. James, N fr Edgemont to Thompson, S of Judge. James {Falls), N fr Ridge av to Norristown R R, abMifTlin. James {Fkd), N fr Ortho- dox to Van Kirk. James Av {Roxb), N E f r Ridge av to Laros, N W of Shur's la. Jamestown {Myk), N E fr Ridge av to Laros, N of Rittenhouse. 30 JAM STREET GUIDE. KAT Jamison, W fr 1210 S 7th to S 8th. Jamison's Ct, N ir 2309 Hamilton. Jane, W fr Yhost to 809 Passy'k av. Janes PI, W fr N Front, N of Otter. Janney, N fr Tioga to Erie av, & fr Aim to Allegheny av, W of Tulip Jarden, S fr Wharton to Reed, \V of S 20th. Jarvis, W fr Lancaster to 5 -ith, S of Reed. Jasper, N E fr intersection ol N Front & Dauphin to Orleans, & f r E Clearfield to Indiana creek. Java PI, S fr 916 Vine. Jay. N fr 805 Wallace to Fairmount av. Jayne, W fr 28 S 6th to S 9th. Jefferson, W fr Fkd av to Glenwood av, & f r N 5(5th to N 70th, N of Oxford. Jefferson {Fkd), N E fr Oxford 10 Meadow, E of Tackavvanna. Jefferson {Gin), E fr 4559 Gtn av to Johnson. Jefferson {Roxb), N fr P 6 N R R to Magdalena, W of LeveiingLon av. Jefferson PI, W fr 948 N Front. Jefferson Sq, W fr S3d to S4th, S fr Wash'n av to Federal. Jeffrey PI, W fr 1108 N P'ront. Jenkins, E f r 23 N 2d. Jenkins PI, N fr 1315 SlielToark. Jenks {Bdg), S fr Rich- mond to Del riv, bel Kirkbride. Jennett Av (Myk), E fr Gorgas la to Adams, N of Selig. Jenning's Ct, S fr 120 Marion. Jerusalem PI, S fr 1202 Pearl. Jessamine, E fr 915 S 15th Jessup, N fr Huntingdon to Oakland, W of N 11th. Jessup, S fr 1110 Bain- bridge to Catharine. John, W fr Mascher to Cooper, N of Tioga. John {BJg), N fr Lefevre to Buckins, bet Belgrade & Fkd creek. John Fkd), W fr 4426 Josephine, bel Oxford. John PI, E fr 1027 N 4th. John's PI, E fr 1313 Wheat Johnson, W fr Del riv to Schny'l riv, 2800 S. Johnson {Fkd), N fr Sel- lers to Ridge av, bet Leiper & Oakland. Johnson {Gtn), S W fr Cheltenham av to Wissa- hickon av, N W of Wash'n la. Johnston, W fr 18 S 20th to S 2Ist, & ir S 23d to S 24th. Joint Al, E fr S 15th, S of Chestnut. Jones, W fr 18 N 17th to N 21st. Jones, W fr N 57th, N of Race. Jones' Ct, E fr 203 Dean. Jones' La, W frDel av, S of Av 34ih S. Jones' La {P'TiUe), E fr Island rd, S of S 76th. Jordan's PI. N fr Callow- hill to 2112 Hamilton. Josephine {Fkd), N E fr Church to Oxford, S E of Tackawanna. Joyce, N fr Hartowgate la to Venango, W of Fkd av. Juan PI, E fr 527 S 13th. Judd P1,E fr 749 Passy'k av. Judge, S E fr 2983 E Thompson to Edgemont. Judson, N frHare to Par- rish, & fr Mon-g'y av to Berks, W of N 23d. Judson PI, N fr Berks to Norris, W of N 23d. Julia, N fr 153 Fairmount av to Brown. Julianna, N fr 519 Vine to Willow. Julius PI, E fr 1005 S 2d. June, N fr Seneca to West- minster av, W of N 4Gth. June, W fr 751 S 7th to S 8th, S of Fitzwaler. Juniata, S fr Borden to 411 Reed. Juniata, W frOtoN 15th, N of Roxb. Juniata {Bdg), S E fr Fkd creek to Del riv. Juniata Av, N E frN32d to Bristol. Junior PI, W fr 1234 N Front. Juniper, N & S fr Ogden, Wof N 41st. Juvenal, S fr 1028 Sansom to Walnut. K, N fr Ktn av to Long- shore, E of J. Kalos, E fr Ridge av to Righter, S of Osborn. Kane's Ct, N fr 12 Darcy. Kane's Ct, N fr 929 Rod- man. Kane's PI, N fr 131 Car- penter. Kansas, E fr Schuy'l av to Naval Asylum, ab Christian. Kater, E & W fr 615 S 12th to S Broad, & fr Lloyd to Gray's Ferry rd, S of South. KAT STREET GUIDE. KLT 31 Kates, N fr 1511 Federal. Kates, W fr 812 S 13th to S Broad, & fr al r 1108 Catharine to Holly. Kauffman, E fr 8U S 4th. Kauffman Ct, E fr 211 N 2d. Kay, W fr Carlisle to N 15th, N of York. Keating PI, W fr N 2d, N ot Noble. Keble, W fr 400 S 8th to S 9th. Keefe, W fr 1124 S Front to Wheat. Keeler's La, E fr S Front to Otsego, S of Mifflin. Keely's Al {Myk), W fr 148 Green la. Keenan's Ct, E fr 1425 Gtn av. Keffer, N fr Race to Pow- clton av, E of N 33d. Keichlein's Ct, E fr 1137 Charlotte. Keichline PI, N fr 1133 Olive. Kelly's Ct, N fr 317 Ger- man to Stanley. Kelly'sCt,Nfr2.37VVash'n Kelton, N fr Cherry to 1416 Race. Kemble, W fr 402 S 12th to S 13th. Kempton, W fr S 5th to 253 S 6th. Kenderton, S fr Venango, E of N Broad. Kennedy, E fr Emerald to Araniingo Canal, S of E Westmoreland. Kennedy {W Hall), W fr Tacony to Trenton av. Kennedy's Ct, W fr 928 N Front. Kennedy's La, N E f r N 19th & Lehigh av to Hunting Park av, W of N 26ih. Kenny PI, S fr 234 Mon- roe. Kensington Av, N E f r inter.sectioH of N Front & E York to Fkd. Fkd. Kent, W fr opp 331 S 22d to S 26th. Kenton PI, N fr 217 Lodge Kenwood PI, fr Hamil- ton, \V of N lOlh. Kenworthy's Ct, N ft 727 Cherry to Eutaw. Kenyon, N fr 237 New. Kerr, S fr 2218 Pine to Lombard. Kerr, W fr Lawrence to 867 N 5th. Kershaw Av (fV P), W fr Lancaster av to N 53d, N of Torr. Kershow, N fr Cherry to Race, W of N Broad. Kessler, N fr 905 Fair- mount av. Kessler's PI, N fr 341 Fairmonnt av. Kettlewell, E fr 2233 Richmond to Baih, S of '1 ioga. Keturah PI, E fr 1015 St John. Keyser, N fr Somerset to Indiana, W of N 21st. Keyser, N E f r Hanover. E of Wildey. Keyser W fr 1336 Law- rence to N 5th. Kcyser'sCt,Wfr312New Market. Keyset's Ct, W fr 918 N 6th. Keyser's La (Gin), E fr 5131 Gtn av. Keystone {Tacony), E fr Hamilton to Princeton. S of I'ulip. Kiblen PI, N fr 145 Green Kiehl, E fr Waterloo, N of Clearfield. Kildare, W fr N 23d to N 24th, N of Hamilton. Killian's La {P'ville), E fr Tinicum rd, S of Is- land rd Kilpatrick's Ct, N fr 609 Lombard. Kimball, W fr 1012 S 19th to S 21st, & frl014 S 22d to S 23d. King, N fr Hunting Park av to Abbotsford av, E of Stokley. King's Ct, N fr 1^51 Kates King's Ct,S fr2120Sansoin King's La {Collegeville), W fr Bristol rd, ab Pen- nypack la. Kingsessing Av {IV P), S W fr S 42.1, & fr Wood lands av to Cobb's creek. Kingsley(^/j/t), N fr Myk av to Rittenhouse, E of Shur's la. Kingston, E fr Richmond to Myrtle, S of Venango. Kingston, W fr 202 S 13th to S Jiuiiper. Kinley's Ct, S fr 1024 Lombard. Kinnier {Gin), N fr Chel- ten av to Bowman, N E of Gtn R R. Kinsley's PI, N fr Kemp- ton, K of 253 S 6th. Kips, N fr Tusculum to Indiana, E of Fillmore. KirbyAvCC;/^), N fr Oak la, E of N P R R. Kirby PI, E fr 417 Garden. Kirkbride (B^lg), E fr School to Del riv. Kirkham PI, S fr 720 Race Kirkpatrick Ct, E fr 719 S 6th Kitchen (Roxl>), N E fr Ridt;e av to Alagdalena, N W of Roxb-av. Kline, Wfr McAlpin.Sof Walnut. 32 KLI STREET GUIDE. LAU Kline's Ct, E frl307 Law- rence. Kline's Ct.Wfr 920 N 3d. Kneass. W fr 412 Black- stone to S 15th. Knickerbocker PI, S fr 1452 Cherry. Knight's Ct, S fr 826 Cherry. Knight's Ct, S fr 912 Cherry. Knorr, N E fr Fillmore to E Huntingdon, Wof Ktn av. Knorr {Tacony), S fr Bris- tol pike to Del riv, N of Unruh. Knowles Av, S fr 2408 Naudain. Knox, N fr 919 Brown to Parrish. Knox {Gin), N W fr W Logan to Lehman, iN E of Wayne av. Krail {Falis), N E fr Ridge av to Indian Qneen la. Krams Av {Myk), N E fr Myk av to Ridge av, S E of Levering. Kressler, N fr Norris to Diamond, E of (itn av. Krewstown Rd {Bin). Krider's Al, W fr 738 Swanson to S Front. Krider's Ct, N fr 723 Alaska. Kurtz, N fr 1115 Poplar to Girard av. L, N fr Ktn av to Long- shore, \V of K. L Av, WfrR RabN9th, N of Columbia a v. Laboratory Hill {Falls), N E fr Ridge av, N of Spencer. Lacon PI, N fr Krider's al, W of Swanson. Lafayette, W fr 1156 S 9th to S 10th. Lafayette (&;■«), N fr 5024 Gtn av to Wayne (not open fr Burbridge to Green). Lafayette Av {Falls), E fr Cresson, N of Fairview. av. Lafayette PI, N fr 1407 Fairmount av, Lafferty's Row {Point Breeze), S fr Magazine la, n River rd. Lagrange, S fr 1338 Car- penter to Wash'n av. Lagrange, W fr 40 N 2d to N 3d. Lagrange {Bin). La Harpe PI, W fr 406 Rugan. Lamb Tavern Rd, N W fr N 15th & Susq'ana av to N 31st & Clearfield. Lambert, N fr Clearfield to Erie av, W of Cooper. Lambert, N fr Columbia av to Susq'ana av, E of N 21st. Lambert, S fr Dickinson to Tasker, E of S 21st. Lambert, W fr 224 N 13th to N Juniper. Lanark PI, W fr 940 Beach. Lancaster, S fr 108 Mari- on to Dickinson. Lancaster Av {l-l^ P), N W fr Market & N 3ist to City av. Lancaster Rd, E fr City line, N of Lancaster av. Landis, W fr 268 S 4th to S 5th. Landreth, W fr 146 N lath to N 13th. Langdon PI, W fr 1308 Corn. Langton PI {F'ville), E fr Mt Moriah la, S of Kingsessing av. Lankenau Av, N E fr Christ Church Hospital & N 49th to W Park, W of Midvale av. Lansdowne Av, W f r N 52d & Lancaster av to Haverford av, S of Had- dington. Lansing PI, N fr 417 South. Larch, N fr 1009 Wallace to Melon. Lardner, W fr S Broad, S ofWalnut, to263 S 15th. Lark, N fr William to Wajme, W of Tulip. Larkin, S fr Lombard to 11 South. Latch Av {Myk), N W fr Levering to Gay, S W of Wood. Lathbury's Ct, S fr 520 Alaska. Latimer, E f r E Susq'ana av to Ash, S E of E Gi- rard av. Latimer, W f r 254 S 15th to S 17th. Latimer Ct, N fr 223 Ger- man. Latimer Ct, S fr 1616 Lati- mer. Latimer PI, W fr 244 S 17ih to Illinois. Latona, W fr S 16th to S 23d, S 25th to S28th,&S SOih to S 31st, S of Fed- eral. Latour's Ct, S fr 818 Wil- low. Laura, W fr Jarden to S 22d, S of Wharton. Laurel, W fr N Del av to N 2d, N of Poplar. Laurel {Gtn), N E fr 4833 Gtn av. Laurens {Gtn), N W fr Manheim to School, E of Wissahickon av. Lauriston {Myk), E fr Ridge av, S of Adams. LAV STREET GUIDE. LIN 33 Lava PI, E fr 217 Dupon- ceau. Lavinia. E fr 521 S 3d to Oakford pi. Lawrence, N fr419 Brown to Cheltenham av (not opened fr Gtn av to Berks). Lawrence Av, W fr S ISth to S 19th, S of Whar- ton. Law's Ct, S fr 218 Chris- tian. Law son, N fr Pearl to 1124 Wood. Lawson, EfrS 12th, S of Sansom. Laycock Av (P'ville), S fr S 8<3th to S 90ih, E of Tinicum av. Layman PI, N fr 715 Jayne to Shoemaker. Lazaretto Rd, S W fr Is- land rd,S of R R R. Leadbeater's Av, W fr 212 N Juniper to Ly- brand. Leaden's Ct, S fr 732 Al- aska. League, W fr 1026 S 19th to S 23d. League Island Rd (con- tinuation of old 2d St), running S W to League Island. Leamy, N fr Ktn av to Cheltenham av, E of Fill- more. Lebanon, S fr 916 Fitz- water to Christian. Lebanon Av, S W f r N 52d to N 57th, S of Sus- q'ana av. Leburn {Gtn), N W fr Rittenhouse to Harvey, ab Green. Ledger PI, W fr 50 N 2d to 7 Lagrange. Lee, N f r E Cumberland to E Huntingdon, Eof N Front. 3 Lee, W fr 28 S 18th. Leeds Av,S fr 1416 Vine. Leeds PI, S fr 1222 Olive. Lefevre {Bd^), S E f r Fkd creek to Del riv, N of Cayuga. Lehigh Av, W fr 2700 N Front to Schuy'l riv. (See, also, E Lehigh av.) Lehman {Gtn), S W fr Green to Wissahickon av, N W of Chelten av. Leib, N fr 15 Oxford to Harrison. Leib PI, Efr 607 Annapolis Leibert {Myk), N W fr Robeson to Mechanic, N E of Cresson. Leiper, E fr 19 S 13th, & N fr 1211 Clover. Leiper {Fkd), N fr Fkd creek to Oxford rd, N W of Penn. Leiper PI, S fr 514 Mar- riott. Leithgow, N fr 410 Poplar to Thompson, & fr Berks to Allegheny av. Lemon, W fr 626 N 10th to Andress. Lemon Ct, W fr 1312 Fkd av. Lena, W fr N 17th to N 18th, N of Cayuga. Lena {Gtn), N W fr 52 Wistar. Lentz, W fr 1218 S 11th to S 13Lh. Lentz Ct, S fr 606 Bay. Lentz' s Ct, W fr 1322 Passy'k av. Leon, Sfr 1034 Wash'nav. Leopard, N fr Linden tp E Thompson, W of Fkd av. Lesher {Fkd), N fr Ortho- dox to Meadow, E of Paul. Leslie {FviUe), W fr S 6Cth to S 69th, N of Greeiiway av. Letitia, S fr 116 Market to Chestnut. Letterly , fr Ktn av to Am- ber, S of E Cumberland. Leukon Oh'^), S E fr Roxb av to Hermit, N of Jeannett. Levant, S fr Pear to 225 Spruce. Levering {Myk), N E fr Cresson to Mitchell, N W of Roxb av. Leverington Av {Myk), N E fr Wash'n to Wissa- hickon, S E of Jeffer- son. Levick, N fr D.-l riv to G, Wof Hellerman. Levy's Ct, N fr 329 Trout. Lewellen's Av, W fr 918 Beach. Lewis, N fr Tioga to Ve- nango, E of Almond. Lewis (/F^/^),WfrS 36th, S of Sansom. Lex, W fr N 15th to N 16th, S of Poplar. Lex (/r/'),Nfr Wallace to Lancaster av, W of N 44th. Leyden's Ct, E fr 213 N 10th. Liberty («^/'),Nfr Par- rish to Westminster av, W of N 39th. Liberty Ct, E fr 245 N 10th. Library, W fr 120 S 4th to S5th. Lily Ann, S fr 1016 Bain- brulge to Catharine. Lima PI, N fr 643 South. Lime Kiln Pike(G/«),N " fr York rd at Branchiown to C Hill. Lincoln Av,Wfr721 Fal- lon. 3i LIN STREET GUIDE. LUK Lincoln Av {P'ville), W fr S 67th to S 71st, S of Paschall av. Linden, Nfr 921 Spg Gar- den to Green. Linden (/'■/.v^),SEfr Mul- berry to Tacony creek, S of Foiilkrod. Linden {Myk), N & S fr liS3 Jefferson. Linden PI, S Ir 1SC6 Kater Linden PI, \V f r 538 Lin- den. Linden PI {Gtn), S fr 21 Penn. Lindsay. S fr 1608 Bain- briJge to Fitzwater. Lindsay's Av, S fr 1118 Souih. Lingo, S fr Carpenter to Tasker, W of S 17ih. Linn. W fr 418 N 22d to N 24th. Linnard, W fr 1312 S 8th to S 9Lh. Linney, E fr Ganl to Bel- grade, N of Tioga. Linton PI, Wfrl 10 S 20th LinviUe, N fr 2419 Spg Garden to Green Lin wood {Taco7i\^, 23d Wd. Lin wood {WP). W fr N 38th to Union, & N 48th to N 5()Lh, N of Aspen. Linwood PI, W fr 8 N 9th. Lippincott, W fr Law- rence to C, N of Clear- field. Lippincott La, N fr Erie av to Butler, E of N Broad. Lisle, S fr 814 Bainbridge to Fitzwater. Lissner, W fr 1213 Morton Lister PI, S fr 3;}4 Bain- bridge. Litchfield PI, S fr 12-1 Bainbridge. Litford PI, S fr 66 Laurel. Little Belt PI, E fr 923 S2d. Littleboy's Ct, S fr 216 Arch. Little Medina, W fr 1320 S 7i.h to 734 Medina. Little Wayne {Gtn), S E fr Lehman, A' E of Wayne. Littlewood, W fr 3714 Ridge av Livingston, N fr NefT to Ontario, E of Belgrade. Livingston's Ct, S fr 602 South. Lloyd, S fr Kater to Fitz- water, W of S Broad. Lloyd, N fr Sergeant to E Huntingdon, E of Coral. Lloyd {PvinA, W fr S 70th to S 73d, S of Green- way av. Lock {Myk), W fr Main, N of Cedar. Locke PI, E fr Leopard, ab Otter. Lockland PI, N fr 1307 Fairmount av. Locust, W fr 236 S 4th lo Schuy'l riv, & fr S 32d to Cobb's creek. Locust {Bdg), N W fr Garden to Richmond, N of Orchard. Locust Av {Gin), N fr Willow av to Chew, N of Mill. Lodge. W fr 132 S 2d to Exchange pl. Lofty (Myk), S fr Terrace to Airy, E of Mechanic. Logan {Gttt), N E fr Mor- ris to Gtn av, E of Sey- mour. Logan Sq, W f r N 18th to N 19th, & N fr Race to Vine. Lombard, W fr 500 S Del av to Schuy'l riv, & fr Baltimore av W of S 42d to Del County line. Lombard Row^, S fr 710 Lombard. Long, S fr McKean to Snyder av, W of S 9th. Long's Ct, W fr 7G2 S 3d. Longfellow PI, S fr 1216 Bainbridge. Longshore {Tacony), E fr G to Del riv, N of Knorr. Longstreth Ct, W fr 274 Levant. Loomis PI, N fr 2207 Sha- mokin. Lorain, N fr 719 Button- wood to Fairmount av. Lorain PI, E fr 1027 N 4th. Loud Pl,Wfr 808 Inquirer Louden {Gtn)^ W fr Gtn av to N 2d, N of Wyom- ing av. Louisa Av, N fr 107 Union. Louty's PI, S fr 526 Chris- tian. Lowber (fF/'), N fr Fil- bert, E of Saunders av. Lowe, W fr N 1.5th to N 16th, N of Bristol. Lownden PI, E fr N 2d, N of Vine. Loxley PI, N fr 321 Arch. Loyal, S fr E York to E Dauphin, E of E Thomp- son. Lucas PI, W fr 1108 Gtn av. Lucy, E fr Belgrade to Almond, S of E York. Ludlow {IV P), W fr S 3Uth to S 43d, thence to Cobb's creek. Ludwig, N fr Haverford av to Warren, W of Pres- ton. Lukens, W fr 1112 S 15th to S 16th. LUT STREET GUIDE. MCP 35 Luther, E fr St. John, N of Beaver. Luzerne, E & W fr Ktn av, S of Roxb. Lybrand, N fr 1335 Race. Lyceum Av (Roxb), N E fr Myk av to Ridge av, N W of Martin. Lydia, S W fr Hancock to Sophia, N of Van Horn. Lydia, W fr S Juniper to Sycamore, N of Spruce. Lydia {IV P), N fr Fair- mount av, E of Markoe. Lynch Ct. W fr 762 S 3d. Lynd, W fr 622 N 4th to N 5th. Lyndall Al, W fr 200 S 12th to S 13th. Lynn PI, E fr 821 St John. Lyon Av, S W fr Gibson av & S 68th to Island rd. m:. McAfee's Ct, S fr 512 South. McAllister Al, W fr 154 N8th. McAlpin ( IV P), S fr Wal- nut to Locust, W of S 36th. McAtee's Ct, W fr 1552 Cadwalader. McBride's Ct, S fr 1112 Ohio. McCallum {Gtn\ W fr Franklin to McPherson, N of Green. McCann's Ct, N fr 731 Carver to CuUen. McCann's Ct, N fr 425 Christian. McCann's PI, N fr 427 Marriott. McCartney's Ct, S fr840 Christian. McCauley's Ct, E fr Mc- Mullen'sct,N fr 413 Wal- nut. McClellan, W fr 1818 S Front to Moyam'ng av, S 5th to S 10th, & fr S 11th to S 12th. McCloskey Ct, E fr 33 Gatfney's av. McCloskey's Ct, E fr 821 Essex. McCloskey's Ct,W fr 1772 Fitler. McCloskey's Ct, W fr512 S 6th. McClure's Ct, S fr 1512 Pearl. McCormick's Av, W fr Fulton to N 23d, S of Race. McCoy's Ct, W fr 920 S 6ih. McCrea, W fr 762 S Juni- per to Espey. McCristle's Al, W fr 1300 Gtn av, McCurdy, W fr 1120 S 26th to S 27th. McDevitt's Ct, N fr 531 Marriott. McDevitt's Ct, W fr 330 St John. McDonald Pl,Wfr230N 15th. McFadden'sCt,Sfrl032 South. McFadden's PI, S fr 1514 Lombard. McFarland'sCt,Nfrl627 Moravian. McFarland -PHW P),Yf fr Brooklyn, N of Fair- mount av. McFerran (A^ Town), E fr 3801 Gtn av. McGaw's Row, E fr 775 S3d. McGinley's Ct, N fr 519 Marriott. McGrath, E fr 859 Law- rence. Mcllhenny Ct, E fr Gaff- ney's av. Mcllravy, S fr 1106 Mil- ton. Mcllwain, W fr 1226 S 3d to S 6th. Mclntire's Ct, N fr 427 Christian. McKean, W fr Del riv to Schuy'l riv, 2000 S. McKean's Av [Gtn), N fr Clapier to Manheim, S of Morris. McKean's Ct, S fr 608 Lo- cust. McKee's, W fr Stone House la, E of Old 2d. McKee's Av, N fr 631 Carver. McKee's Ct, S fr 1318 Lombard. McKinley's Ct, W fr 514 IN 2d. McKnight's Ct, S fr 1808 Isaudain to South. McLaughlin's Av, S fr 2216 Summer. McLaughlin's Ct, S fr 424 Marriott. McLean's Ct, N fr 1109 Bainbridge. McManeman Ct, W fr 202 S Juniper. McManemy"sCt,Sfr430 German. McMichael.Nfr Hunting Park av to Abbotsford av, W of Fox. McMullen's Ct, N fr 413 Walnut. McMurray, N fr 26.55 Wil- lington to E Wcsimore- land, EofE Thompson. McNally, N fr 2311 Biddle to Spg Garden. McNickle's PI, S fr 808 Carpenter. McPherson's Ct, N fr 2223 Hamilton to Rals- ton. 36 MCW STREET GUIDE. MAR Mc'Williams Av, N fr 165 Thompson. Mackinaw, W fr 230 N 8th. Macleod PI, S fr 428 Race Maddox PI, E fr 723 S 4th. Madison, N fr 1117 Race to Vine. Madison, W fr N 24th, S of Callowhill. Madison {Tacony), S fr Aramingo to Del riv, E of Jefferson. Madison Av, S E fr Ktn av to Fkd av, N of Alle- gheny av. Madison Sq, W fr S 22d to Gray's Ferry rd, S of Catharine. Madison's Ct, N fr 637 Carver. Magazine La, E fr SSlst & Geary. Magdalena {Myk), N W fr Rittenhouse to Gorgas la, W of Laros. Magee {Vol To7vn), E fr G, N of Hellern-an. Magilton's Ct, N fr 1339 Kates. Magnet {Myk), N W fr Lyceum av to Green la, Nof Wocd. Magnolia, Nfr Willow to Noble, VVofN5th. Magnolia Av {Gt7i), N W fr Mill to Haines, W of Cedar la. Mahoney's Ct, S fr 614 Baker to Fitzvvater. Maiden {Afyk), S W fr Wood to Latch av, N W of Levering. Maiden La, S fr Gray's Ferry rd, ab S 32d. Main (///^). Main {Myk), N W fr Rit- tenhouse la to Levering- ton av, S W of Cresson. Malcolm PI, W fr 1836 Gtn av. Malvern, N fr Franklin Cemetery av to Clear- field, & fr Ontario N to a pt W of Emerald. Manakin, N fr Norris to Susq'ana av, W of N 5th. Manatawna Rd, N W fr Mill road to Wissahickon creek, N of Port Royal av. Manayunk Av {Myk), N W fr Rochelle to Jeffer- son, S of Pechin. Manderson, W fr 1016 Beach to Fkd av. Mangrove PI, S fr 640 South to Alaska. Manhattan PI, N fr 1019 Hamilton to Buttonwood Manheim {Gt7t), Wfr4552 Gtn av to Wissahickon av. Manilla, W fr 918 S 9th to S 10th. Manley's Row {Falls). Manning, W fr S 22d to S 25th, S of Locust. Manor, N fr Montg'y av to Berks, W of N 4th. Manor {Myk), S fr Adams, W of Myk av. Manor PI, S fr320 Poplar, Mansfield Av {Pittville), S fr Haines, E of Sten- ton av. Mansfield PI, W fr 508 N Front. Manship, S fr 1118 Locust to Steadman. Mansion, W fr S 51st to S 52d, S of Pine. Mansion, N fr York to Cumberland, W of N 6th. Mansion Av {Myk), W fr Leverington av to Jef- ferson, S VV of Hamilton. Mansure P1,S fr904 Melon Manton, W fr 1214 S 17th to S 23d. Mantua Av(JF/'),NW fr N 31st & Haverford ar Maple, W fr 208 N 8th to N 9ih. Maple, W fr S 60th to S 64ih, S of South. Maple {Gtn), N W fr 120 Centre. Maple Av {Olney), Maple La {Hbg). Mapleshade Av {€ Hill), 5 ir Willow Grove av, W of Gtn av. Maplewood Av {Gtn), N W fr Wayne to Green, S E of Chelten av. Maplewood Av {W P), W fr S 61st, N of Wood- lands av. Marble, Wfr 12 8 10th. Marble Ct, S fr 1334 Wal- nut. Margaret {Fkd), E fr Cherry to Fkd creek, N of Orthodox. Margaretta, S fr Mary to 633 Wharton. Margaretta, W fr 418 N Front to N 2d. Margaretta PI, N fr 117 Margaretta. Maria, W fr 714 N 4th to N5th. Mariner, Wfr 1014 S 13th to Lagrange. Marion, W fr 1112 S Front to Moyam'ng av. Marion (Gtn), E fr 113 Rittenhouse. Marion PI, S fr 516 Chris- tian. Marker, W fr 1636 S 2d to Moyam'ng av. Market, W fr Del riv to Schuy'l riv, thence to Cobb's creek to Del County line. (Dividing" line for numbering North 6 South). Markham, W fr 724 N ]7th to Grayson. MAR STREET GUIDE. MEE 37 Markle {Myk), S W fr Leiikon to Cresson, N W of Herman. Markle PI, E fr 517 S 2d. Markley's PI, S fr 120 Spruce. Markoe {W P), N fr j H:i\erford av to Lancas- ter av, W of N 46th. Mark's La, W fr 14G N 11th to N 12th. Marlborough, S E f r Fkd av to Del riv, N of Crease. Marley's Ct, S fr 1830 Ann. Marmion PI, S fr 224 Christian. Marriott, W fr 924 Moya- m'ng av to S 9ih. Marsden {Tacony),'W fr Knorr, N of Adeline. Marsden PI, W fr 1522 Cadwalader. Marseilles PI, EfrN 15th, M -of Buttonwood. Marshall, N fr Vine to Gtn av, Dauphin to Le- high av, Somerset to Glenwood av, & fr Tioga to Luzerne, VV of N 6lh. Marshall, S fr Oak la, W of N 6ih. Marshall, S E fr Queen, N E of Wissahickon. 22d Wd. Marshall Rd {IV P), S W fr S 50th to county line, S of Chestnut. Marshall's Ct,E fr Camp- bell, S ofFiizwater. Marston, N fr Budden's al, W of N 13ih. Marston, N fr Jefferson to Columbia av, W of N 27ih. Martha, N fr E Hunting- don to Lehigh av, W of Trenton av. Martin, S fr 1920 Fitzwater to Catharine. Martin {Roxh), S W fr Ridge av to Myk av, S E of Lyceum av. Martin Ct, E fr 953 St John. Martin's Ct, S fr 204 Car- penter. Martin's PI, N fr 2123 Vine. Martindale PI, S fr 1428 Spg Garden. Marvine, N fr Stiles to Cambria, W of N 11th. Marvine PI, W fr 1438 Marvine. Mary, E fr. 1219 S 7th to Woodbine. Mary, W fr 962 S Front to S2d. Mary {Tacony), N W fr Keystone to Tulip, S W of Longshore. Mascher, N fr 141 Girard av to Erie av. Mast, N fr Columbia av, W of N 5th. Master, W fr Fkd av to Schuy'I riv, 1400 N. Mather, N fr Ontario to Erie av, W of N 15ih. Matlack, N fr 1925 Parrish to Poplar. Mattis, N E fr 307 S 2d to 120 Dock. Mattson PI, E fr Crease, S of Wildey. Matzinger's Ct, N fr W Land-eth, W of N 12th, S of Race. Maud, W fr N 31st to N 33d, S of Montg'y av. Maxwell's Ct, N fr 1215 Alaska. Maxwell's Ct, S fr 232 Christian. May, W fr S 7th to S 8th, S of Fitzwater. May {IV P), N fr 4641 Westminster av. May PI, S fr 1728 Lom- bard. Mayer's Ct, E fr 245 N 15th. Mayland, N fr 527 Race. Maynard PI, fr 114 Re- lief. Mead, W fr 754 Swanson to b 2d. Meade {C Hill), W fr N 27th to N 30th, S of High- land av. Meadland Av, S fr Mars- ton to Cleveland av, \V of R R. Meadow, S fr Market to Sansom, W of S 46th. Meadow {Bdg), N fr Bridge to Orchard, W of Richmond. Meadow {Fkd), E fr Fkd av to Jeflerson, N of Or- thodox. Mechanic, S fr 506 Car- penter to Parker. Mechanic {Gtfi), S fr Ce- dar la to Ployd, E of High. Mechanic {Myk), N E ), N E fr Ridge av to Park , line, N W of Roxb av. | Monckton PI, N fr 1125 Vino to Pearl. i Monmouth, E fr Gaul to Salmon, N E of William, i Monroe, Wfr 734 S 2d to S 5tli. Monroe {Myk), N fr Wash'n, E of Cresson. Monroe {Tacony), N W fr Liberty to P R R, N E of Madison. Montague {Hl^g), N fr Del av to Mill, W of Union. Montcalm, S fr 910 Fitz- water to Christian. Montecello Av, W fr N 52d, ab P R R. Monterey, W fr 238 N 12th to N 13rh. Monterey, W fr 520 N 191 h to N20th. Montgomery Av, W fr 18U0 N Front to N 33d (see also E Montg'y av). Montrose, W fr 916 S 15th to S2lLh. Monument, W fr N 17th to Uber, M of Borks. Moore, E fr Emerald to Amber, S of E Dauphin. Moore. W fr Del riv to .Schuy'I riv, 1800 S. Moore, W fr746S Juniper to Ritchie. Moore's Av, W fr 704 N Front. Moore's Ct, N fr 1209 Alaska. Moravian, W fr S Broad lo S 18th, S of Sansom. Morencia PI, W fr 976 Lc;ihgow. Mjrgan. W fr 210 N 9th to ^>J llih. Morgan Al, N fr Vine W of St John. Mornen Av {P'ville), S fr S 86th, E of Lisser. More, S fr 1218 Brinton to Fitzwater. Morris, W fr 1700 S Del av to Sutherland av. Morris [Gtn), E fr Frank- lin to Roberts av, S W of Wayne. Morse, W fr N 31st, & E & \V of N 32d, N of Montg'y av. Morse's Ct, N fr Necta- rine, W of N 10th. Morton, N fr 901 E Gi- rard av to E Thompson. Morton {Gtn), N fr Haines to Upsal, N W of Pulaski av. Morton Av, S fr KaufTman to Queen. Mosley, W fr S ]2th to S 13th, N of Dickinson. Moss, W fr Charles, S of Wash'n av. Moss {IV n, N fr 4713 Haverford av. Moss Rose PI, N fr 233 Queen. Mott, W fr 1002 S 13th. Moulder PI, E fr527 Vin- cent. Mount Airy Av {Gin), N E fr Wissahickon av to Clieltenham av, S E of Allen's la. Mount Holly, S fr Whar- ton to Tasker, W of S 17th. Mount Mori ah La {rville), N W fr Wood- land av, S W of S 62d to Mt Moriah cemetery. Mount Pleasant, W fr Taney to N 28ih, N of Girard av. Mount Pleasant Av ((,7;/), N K Ir P. G & C H KR, S of WMt Aav. Mount Vernon, W fr 614 N ) , & 1 r 3201 Thorn p- son to Hunting Park av. N 33d, N fr 3301 Market to B'airmount av {IV F)^ & fr 3301 Thompson to Hunting Park av, E line of Fairmount Park. N 34th (JFP), N fr aiOl Market to P R K. 42 NOR STREET GUIDE. OCE N 35th (WP), N £r 3501 Market to P R R. N 36th (WP), N fr 3601 Market to P R R, W of N 35th. N 36K. N fr Aspen to Brown, W of N oUth. N 37 th (IFF), Nfr 3701 ■Market to P R R, W of N 3(3>^. N 38th (^Z-), Nfr 3801 Market to Girard av. N 39th (WP), Nfr 3901 Market to Hatton, & fr Penn Grove to Girard av. N 40th (W P), N fr4001 Market to Ehn av, \V of N 39Lh. N 41st (IFP), Nfr 4101 Market to Elm av. N 42d (WP), N fr 4201 Market to Mantua, & Gi- rard av to Elm av. N 43d, N fr 4301 Haver- furd av to Mantua av. N 4334, N fr Haverford av to Fairmount av, & Hutton to Westminster av, E of N 44ih. N 44th. (^r/'), Nfr 4401 Haverford av to Lancas- ter av, N 45th, N fr 4501 Haver- ford av to Lancaster av. N 46th, N fr 4601 Haver- ford av to Lancaster av. N 47th, N fr4701 Haver- ford av to Lancaster av. N 48th, Nfr 4801 Haver- ford av to Girard av, &; Jefferson to Elm av. N 4iS]4, N fr Seneca to W estniinster av, W of N 48th. N 49th, N fr 4901 Market to Westminster av, Lan- caster av to P R R, & Jetierson to Elm av. N 50th, N fr 5001 Market to Wyalusing av, Girard av to P R R, eSu Jefferson to Eini av. N 51st, Nfr 5101 Market to P R R, & Jefferson to Elm av. N 52d, N fr 5201 Market to Elm av. N 53d, N fr 5301 Market to Lancaster av. N 54th, N fr 5401 Market to Lancaster av. N 65th, N fr5501 Market to Lancaster av. N 56th, N fr 5601 Market to Lancaster av. | N 57th, N fr 5701 Market ' to Lancaster av. ; N 58th, N fr5801 Market j to Lancaster av. i N 59th, Nfr 5901 Market to Lancaster av. I N 60th, N fr 6001 Market to Lancaster av. N 6014, N fr Vine to Gi- ' rard av, W of N GOth. | N 61st, N fr 6101 Market ' to Lancaster av. 1 N 61>^, N fr Vine to Hav- erford av, W of N 61st. N 62d, N fr 6201 Market to Lancaster av. N Q2}4, N fr Market to Havei'tord av, W of N 62d. N 63d, N fr 6301 Market to Lancaster av. N 6334,N frArchtoHar- ertord av, VV of N 63d. N 64th, N fr 6401 Market to Lancaster av. I N 643<, N fr Beilevue pi | to Girard av, W of N 64th N 65th, N fr 6501 Market ' to Lancaster a v. ! N 66th, N fr 6601 Market i to city line. j N 67th, N fr6701 Market i to city line. N Q714. N fr Haverford VV'of N 67th. N 68th, N fr 6801 Market to city hue. N 69th, N fr6901 Market to city line. N 70th, N fr 7000 Market to city line. Northampton Ct, W fr 426 Dillwyn. Norton {Gin), N fr Wissa- hiekoii av to Jefferson, S E of Upsal av. Norwood, N fr Brown to Montg'y av, Wot N 21st. Norwood Av, fr Chestnut av to county line, Read- ing pike. Norwood Av, N fr Cam- bria to Indiana, W of N 19th. Nu gent's Ct, S fr 716 Bainbridge. o. O, N fr Ktn av to Long- shore, W of P. Oak (Mj'k), N fr 4417 Ba- ker to Wood. Oak La {J^ojcd), E fr Cheltenham & Willow Grove turnpike to Chel- tenham av. Oakdale, W fr 2634 Gtn av to N 12th. Oakdale Sq, W f r N Uth to N 12ih, M fr Lehigh av to Huntingdon. Oakford, W fr S 27th to S • 31st, & fr Newport to S 36Lh, S of Federal. Oakford PI, S fr 230 Gas- kill to Lavinia. Oakland {Fhi), S W fr Mill to Rural, S E of Union. Oakland, fr Unity to 0.\:- ford rd, N W ol Leipcr. Oakland Av {/3^), S fr Del av, W of Honey- suckle av. Oakland PI (Gi^i), S fr 208 Duval. Ocean, N fr 113 Dana to Green. ODD STREET GUIDE. PAG 43 Odd Fellows' Av, N fr 3()3 Urown. Ogden, W fr 860 N 9th to Ontario, Carlisle to Ridge av, N 20th to Co- rinthian av, & P R R to Belmont av. Ogle {Myk), N W fr 158 Fountain, S W of Smick. O'Harra's Al, S fr South to 931 Bainbridge. O'Harra's Ct, W f r 710 S 7ih. Ohio, W fr 422 Quince to S 12th. Oldham's Ct, E fr 817 St John. Olive, W fr 710 N 10th to N Broad, N 17th to N 18th, & fr Shirley to N 19th. Olive Ct, S fr 1312 Olive. Oliver. W fr 916 S 10th. Olivet PI, S fr 1726 Lom- bard. Olivia, E fr Richmond to Myrtle, S of Erie av. Olivia PI, W fr 1521 Cad- walader to Gtn av. Olney Av {Gtn), E fr Stenton av, N of Clark- son av. Onas, W fr N Front to 715 New Market. ONeal, N W fr 1106 How- ard to 148 Girard av. Oneida PI, E fr 805 New Market. O' Neil's Ct, S fr 1642 Lombard. Ontario, N fr 1335 Parrish to (.iirard av, & fr Thomp- son to Jefferson. Ontario, W fr Del riv to Schuy'l riv, N of West- moreland. Onyx {Bdg), N E fr Jenks to Kirkbride, E of Rich- mond. Opal, N fr 1919 Jefferson to Oxford. Opal, S fr Dickinson to Tasker, E of S 20Lh. Orange, E fr 411 Ireland to Belgrade. Orange, W fr 236 S 7th to S 8th. Orchard, N fr Rawle to Kerr, & Culvert to Cast- ner av. Orchard {Bdg), N E fr Fkd to Prati, E of Stiles. Orchard {Bdg), N W fr Garden to Meadow, N E of'Bridge. Orchard {Fkd), N fr Mill to Unity, E of Paul. Orchfird {Gtn), S fr Ev- ans, VV ol Centre. Oregon Av, W fr Del riv to Schuy'l riv, 2700 S. Oriana, N fr Berks to Clearfield, W of N 3d. Oriana {Koxb), N W fr Crease's la to VVigard av, S \V fr Janett. Orion {\V F), N fr 3421 Wallace. Orkney, N fr Norris to Clearfield, W of N 4lh. Orleans, W fr 2750 Fkd av to Ktn av. Ormes, N fr E Somerset to Indiana, E of Leamy. Orr, N fr 1809 Francis to Wylie. Orr's Ct, N fr 1339 Rod- man. Orthodox {Fkd), N W fr Fkd creek to Asylum rd, E of Duncan. Osage Av, S fr 1208 Heath Osage Av {W P), W fr S 43d to S 46th, S of Pine. Osbeck PI, Wfr GGO Jay. Osborn {Roxb), N E fr Cresson to Vicaris, N W of Sumac. Osborne's Ct, W fr 202 Duponceau, S of Walnut. Oscar, N fr Gray's Ferrj' rd lo Schuy'l av, W of S 30th. Osceola {Gtn), W fr 82 Herman, S of Morton. Osier Av, N frSll Noble. Osprey, N fr Biddle t« Spg Garden, W of ^ 23d. Otsego, S fr 26 Christian to IJcvernnient av. Otsego Pi, S frl24 Prime to 1 cderal. Otter, E fr 999 N 2d to Fkd av. Otto {Gtn), N fr Mill to Godfrey av, W of N 2ist. Otto way, E fr252 Wildey, S of Marlborough. Outlet, W fr N 21st to N 22d, N of Green. Overbrook {'Jacony), N E fr Longshore to Cott- man, N W of Jackson. Overbrook {W P), N W fr Lancaster av to N 49th, N W of Woodbine a v. Ovington, S fr 835 South to Bainbridge. Owen. W fr McNally, N of Spg Garden. Owen, W fr 1112S 5th to S 7th. Oxford, W fr 1600 Fkd av to N 33d. Oxford {Fkd)^ E fr Fkd av to Tacony Plank rd. Oxford {Tacony), N E fr Pcnu to Township Line rd, S E ol Liberty. Oxford Rd, N W fr 4800 Fkd av. Pacific, E fr Ktn av to Jasper, N of L Venango. Pacific. W fr N 17th to N 19ih, & N 2lst to N 23d, N of^ Venango. Packer, W fr Del riv to Scliuy'l riv, 3100 S. u PAC STREET GUIDE. PEN Packer PI, N fr 127 Cra- ven. Page, E & W fr N 16th to JN 20th, & fr Croskey to iSi 23d, NofNorris. Palethorp, Nfrl75Girard av to Clearfield. Palisade PI, N fr 205 Quarry. Pallas, S fr hel Dickinson to Harris, & Moore to McKean, W of S 12th. Palm, N fr 913 Gilbert. Palm, N fr Parrish to Westminster av, W of N 41st. Palmer, W fr 1376 Beach to Fkd av. Palmer s Ct, W fr 330 S 4th. Palo Alto, S fr 2026 Pine to Hampton. Panama Av, E fr 211 S 20th. Paoli, N E fr Wash'n to Ridge av, S E of Domino la, 21st wd. Parade, W fr 1236 S 12th to Dean. Paradise Al, N fr 415 Market to Commerce. Parham, W fr 774 Swan- son to S Front. Park, W fr Ridge av, N of Manatawna rd, 21st wd. Park, W fr 206 S 27th to S 28th. Park, S fr 1820 Fitzwater to Catharine. Park, VV fr N 19th to N 24th, N of Clearfield. Park Av, N fr 1319 Thomp- son to McFerran. Park Av (H^P), W of S 52d, n South. Park Ter, W fr N 25th to N 2Gih, S of Brown. Parker, S fr 516 Carpenter to Federal. I Parker's Av (Roxb), W fr Ridge av, N of Cinna- minson la. Parrish, W fr 846 N5th to JS ICth, N 19th to Penn'a av, & fr P R R to Lan- casterav, N ol Brown. Pascal, W fr S 10th to 1009 S 11th. Paschall (^rP), S W fr Lancaster av to Haver- ford av, N of Torr av. Paschall Av(«^/'),SW fr S 41th to Cobb's creek, S of Woodlands av. Passyunk Av, S W fr South bel S 5th, to Schuy'l riv. Passyunk Sq, S fr Whar- ton to Reed, W fr S 12ih to S 13th. Pastorius {Gtn), N fr Ctn av to Osceola, N E of Herman. Path, N fr 1511 Race. Patterson's Ct, N fr 1809 Naudain. Patterson's Ct, S fr 712 Alaska. Patton, S fr Gray's Ferry rd to Reed, E of S 32d. Patton {Gtn), N W fr Queen to Coulter, E of Morris. Patton's Al, S fr 1640 Lombard. Patton's Ct, S fr 1630 Lombard. Paul, S fr Wheatsheaf la, E ol" Fkd av. Paul, W fr 1028 S 6th to S 7th. Paul {Fkd), S E fr 4623 Fkd av to Mill. Paxson, S fr Lancaster av to Pear, W of N 52d. Paxton, W fr 1114 S 5th to Parker. Paynter's Ct, N fr 431 German. Peach, N fr 153 Green to Fairmount av. Peach, S fr Lancaster ay to Paschall, W of N 53d. Peale {Gin), E fr Mill to Penn, ab Ctn R R. Pear, W fr Dock to 217 S 3d. Pear {Fkd), S E fr Mul- berry to '1 ackawanna, N of Gillingham, Pearl, W fr 312 N 10th to Schuy'l riv. Pearl {l-V P), W fr 312 N 32d to N 37ih, N of Pow- elton av. Pearl Al, E fr Prosperous al to 231 Quince. Pechin {Roxb), E fr Paoli av to Hermit, N of Myk av. Peden's Av, S fr 1838 Naudain. Peel, N fr 111 Van Horn to Lydia. Pegg, W fr 446 N Front to N 2d. Pegg Al, N fr 153 Willow to Pegg. Peltz, W fr Gray's Ferry rd to Schuy'l av. Pemberton, N fr 1335 Mt Vernon to Wallace. Pemberton, W fr 708 S 18th to Gray's Ferry rd. Pembroke PI, W fr 212 N 2d. Penn, S fr 4 Pine to Al- mond. Penn {Bdg), N fr Lefevre to Bockius, E of Almond. Penn {Fkd), N fr Pine to Oxford rd, W of Frank- lin. Penn {Gtn), N fr Wissa- hickon av to Chew, N of Queen. Penn {Myk), N fr 4169 Main to Mitchell. PEN 6TEEET GUIDE. POL 45 Penn {Tacony),?> E fr R R to Del riv, S W of Longshore. Penn Al, N W fr 336 St John to Callowhill. Penn Ct {Gtn), S E fr Penn, S W ot Gtn av. Penngrove, W f r N 38th to N 41st, S of Poplar. Pennington, S fr 228 Marriott. Pennock, N fr Brown to Poplar, W of N 27th. Pennsylvania Av, N fr Mulberry al to 511 Vine. Pennsylvania Av, W fr N Broad to N 29th,thence to Columbra bridge, N of Callowhill. Pennypack La {College- ville), fr Bristol rd to P R R, ab Fuller's la. Penrose Av, S W fr Pas- sy'k av, W of S 18th to Penrose Ferry bridge. Pensive PI, S fr 910 Wood. Pentrich, N W fr Florence to Willow av, ab S 50th. Pepper, E fr Martha to Cedar, S of Tucker. Pequinot PI, E fr 829 St John. Percy, N fr 911 Poplar to Girard av, Thompson to Berks, & Diamond to Susq'ana av. Percy, S fr 912 Reed to Scott. Percy PI, N fr 425 Ger- man. Perkenpine's Ct, E fr 721 New Market. Perkins Al, W fr 908 S 3d. Perkiomen, W fr 1719 Francis to N 19th. Perot, W fr N 24th to Penn'a av, N of Fair- mount av. Perry, N fr 1309 Race to Vine. Perry's Ct, N fr 1233 South. Perth, N fr 727 Parrish to Colu.Tibia av. Peters, E & W fr 1124 S 12ih. Peters, W fr N 6Sth & Lancaster av to N 69th, N of Berks. Peters' Al, W fr 818 Char- lotte to N 4th. Petroleum, N fr 119 Wal- nut to Gothic. Petty, E fr Bath, N of Russel. Pharo, S fr 1812 Fitzwater to Catharine, Philadelphia, N fr Sus- q'ana av to Cumberland, W of N 15th. Philadelphia Schuetzen Park {Falls), Indian Queen la. Philellen(G/«),N frWis- sahickon av to Gtn av, N of Franklin. Philip, N fr 213 Master to N of York. Physick's La(G/«).NE fr Hancock, S E of Tul- pehocken. Pidgeon PI, S frlSO Beck PI. Pierce, W fr Crosbie to 1725 Moyam'ng av, 1726 S 4th to S 10th, 1726 S 11th to S 12th & fr 1728 Passy'k av to S 13th. Pierce {Fkd), N fr Ruan to Margaret, S of Ber- muda. Pike. N fr 1237 Cherry. Pike {Gtn), fr Roberts av to Ktn av, N of Butler. Pilling {Fkd), N E fr Adams rd to Unity, E of Wirigohocking. Pinder (G/«), S W fr Cum- berland, N W of Coulter. Pine, W fr 400 S Del av to Schuy'l riv & S 42d, thence to Del County line Pine (/vCv/), W fr 4326 Fkd av to Adams. Pine Rd {Fox Chase), N E fr Old 2d st to Welsh rd, n Abington township. Piper's Ct, E fr 617 St John to Vincent. Placid PI. Wfr812S2d. Plane, W fr Lancaster to Wheat, S of V/harton. Pleasant (G /■«).£'"■ 5537 Gtn av. Pleasant Retreat, W fr 638 N 7th. Pleffenberg PI, N fr 835 Cherry. Pleis Ct, W fr 338 Garden. Plover, W fr 1126 S 7th to Passy'k av. Ployd {Gtn), S W fr Ce- dar to Hancock, N W of Haines. Plum, W fr Del riv to Richmond, S of Norris. Plumb {Fkd), S E fr Mul- berry to Tacony creek, S of Meadow. Plume PI, E & W fr 10 Caroline pi, S of Pine, W of S 10th. Plumstead PI, S fr 1938 Sanson! to Moravian. Plynlimmon PI, W fr224 N Front. Point Breeze Av {Lonz /a), S W fr S 20th & Fed- eral to S 31st & Geary. Point Breeze Park, Pen- rose av, bet Av 38 & Av42S. Point House Rd, S fr MifHin, E of S Front. Point Pleasant Ct, W fr 978 N Del av. Polard, N fr 1010 Gtn av to Canal. Pollock, W fr Del riv to Schuy'l riv, 3(X)0 S. Pollock's Ct, S fr 1616 Lombard. 46 POM STREET GUIDE. RAN Pommer's Ct, W fr 330 S 4th. Poplar, W fr 900 N Del av to Fairmount Park, & E fr N 41st to P R R, S of Girard av. Poplar iMyk), N W fr Mulberry to Green, N E of Baker. Porcelain, W fr 130 S 20th to S 21st. Port Royal Av {Roxb), E fr Ridge av, n Cinna- minson la. Porter, W fr Del riv to Schuy'l riv, 2500 S. Porter's Ct, E fr 329 St John. Portico Row {Gtn), S fr beymour, W of Gtn av. Portland, W fr lOlG Ridge av to 409 N 11th. Potter, S fr Lehigh av, W of Ktn av. Potts, W fr N 12th to N Broad, S of Fairmount Potts' Ct, W fr 640 N 7th. Poulson, N fr Spruce, W ofS 25th. Powder Mill La {Fkd), S W fr Adams to N Town la, W of Leiper. Powell, \V fr 326 S 5th to S 6th. Powelton Av {IV P), W f r N 31st to Market & S 44th, S of Baring. Power's La {P'vl/le), E fr Elmwood av, S of S 72d. Pratt {Fkd), N fr Melrose to Trenton av, S of Bridge Prescott {IV P), W fr N 49th to M 50th, S of As- pen. Prescott PI, N fr 1221 Hamilion. Preston {IV P), N fr Market to Westminster av, VV of N 4Uth. Price, E fr Jasper to Tren- ton av, S of York. Price {Gtn), N E fr Gtn av to Sullivan, N W of Chelten av. Price's Ct, N fr 1105 Bain- bridge. Price's Ct, S fr 1126 Rod- man. Prime, W fr Swanson to S 3d, S of Wash'n av. Princeton {Tacony), W fr Del riv, N of T'yson. Princeton PI, N fr 1215 Irwin. Priscilla PI, N fr 419 South. Pritchett, W fr 1148 S 13th. Proctor Sq, E fr S 38th, S of Walnut. Prospect, Nfr 925 Thomp- son to Jefferson. Prospect {Myk), W fr Ridge av, bel Cinnamin- son la, Roxb. Prospect Av (C /////). N W fr Graver's la, 3 \V of Stenton av. Prosperous Al, S fr 1102 Locust. Providence Ct, N fr 927 Sergeant. Prune {Fkd), S E fr Jef- ferson, S of Orthodox. Pryor's Ct, W fr 262 S 9th to S 10th. Pulaski P^v{Gtn), S E fr Philellena to Erie av. Pullinger, N fr Rockland to Haverford av, VV of N 32d. Putnam, W fr 1624 N Front to N 2d. Q. Quarry, W fr 146 N 2d. Quarry Ct, N fr 2513 Cal- iowhill. Quay, S fr Juniata, W of Gtn av. Queen, W fr Del riv to 811 S6th. Queen {Falls), S E fr Gtn av to Nornstown R R, N E of Hansbury. Queen Av, S fr 336 Queen Queen's Ct, N fr 933 Fed- eral. Quigg's Ct, N fr 107 Vine Quigg's Ct, W fr Beach, N of Norris. Quigley's Ct, W fr 614 Charles, S of South. Quince, S fr 1112 Walnut to Lombard. Quincy {Gin), N fr Frank- lin to Carpenter, W of Gtn av. 12. Rabbit La, S W fr S 52d to Gray's la, S of Chest- nut. Race, W fr 200 N Del av to Schuy'l riv, N 32d to N 36th & Lancaster av, & N 49Lh to city line. Race {///'£■), runs parallel with Pennypack creek, n Mill. Rachel, N fr 149 Brown to Laurel. Raggio, N fr 434 Jarvis to Rule. Rainbow, E fr Trentoa av to Blair, E of E Sus- q'ana av. Ralston, E fr 415 S Juni- per. Ralston PI, E & W fr N 23d to N 24th, N of Ham- ilton. Ralston PI, N fr 251 Con- cord. Randall's Ct, W fr Du- ponccau, S of Walnut. KAN STREET GUIDE. EIT 47 Randolph, N fr Brown to Montg'y av, W of N 5th. Randolph, N W fr Tren- ton av to Waterloo, N of E Clearfield. Ransom PI, E fr 259 N 5th. Ranstead PI, W fr 32 S 4ih to S 5th. Raspberry, S fr 920 Wal- luu to Spruce. Ratcliffe, S fr 726 Minster to Lombard. Rau's Ct, W fr Lacka- wanna, N of Master. Rawle. W fr McGrath to 857 N 5th. Ray's Av, W fr 118 Mars- ton. Reading R R&Av,Wfr Del riv,N of Leliigh av. Reany's Av, E fr 405 S 2Gth. Reany's Ct, E fr Fitler, W of N 2d. Rebecca (JF P). N fr Haverford av to Lancas ter av, W of Preston. Rechel's Row, E fr 493 DiUwyn. Reckless, W fr 956 Otse- go to S Front. Rector (;i/j/^),NEfr Ter- race to Laros, S E of Roxb av. Red Lion Rd {Byberry), N W fr Academy id to county line. Redner, W fr 1534 N 22d to N 25 th. Redwood, W fr 1212 S 3d to S 6th. Reed, W fr Del riv to S 11th, & fr S 12th to Schuy'l riv, 1400 S. Reese, N fr Susq'ana av to Allegheny av, & fr Pike to Luzerne, W of N5th. Regent Sq (P^ P),\V fr 60(i S 42d. . Reger (Gin), S fr Spring al, bet Manheim & Sey- mour, bel Gtn av. Register PI, N fr 1221 Catharine. Reichert's Ct, S fr 922 Poplar. Reid's Av, W fr 712 Fal- lon. Reiff' s Av. W fr 1122 N I'ront to Hope. Reimer's Av, S fr 1210 Poplar. Relief, W fr 510 S Front to S2d. Rementer Al, W fr Fay- ette to 41 N 10th, N of Market. Reno, W fr N 16th to N ]7ih, & fr N 38th to N 41st, N of Columbia av. Rentschler, N fr 1119 Melon to Fairmount av. Retta {Mji), E fr Osborn to Jenneit, N of Righter Rex (C Hill), W fr Gtn av, N of Evergreen. Reynolds {Bdg), E fr Richmond to Garden, N of Kirkbride. Rhawn {Fox Chase.) Rhinehart, W fr S 47th, N of Woodlands av. Rhoades, W fr 406 N 18th to N i9th. Richard, W fr 422 S 16th to S 17th. Richards Ct, S fr 210 George. Richardson, S fr 1526 Ellsworth to Federal. Richardson's Ct, N fr 431 Race. Riche {Myk), N fr Green la to Centre, W of Ham- ilton. Richfield, W fr N 12th to N 13th, N of Somerset. Richland PI, S fr 106 El- frcths. Richmond, E fr 1043 N Front to Fkd av, thence N E to Bridesburg. Ridge {Fkd), W fr Leiper to Oakland, N of Sellers. Ridge Av,NWfrN9th& Vine to Falls, thence to Myk, Roxb, & iMontg'y County line. Ridj^eway's Ct, N fr 905 Turr. Ridgway Ter {Taney). 'H E fr Montg'y av to Ridge av, W of N 26th. Ridley Av, N E fr Vienna to Hewson, N W of Bel- grade. Riggs, W fr opp 8 MuUer to Sutherland av. Righter {Myk), S fr Ridge av to Sumac, W of Vi- caris. Rigler's Ct, fr Fkd av, S of Girard av. Rihl, N fr E Cohmibia av to Palmer, E of Iikd av. Riley {Roxb), N E fr Myk av to Mitchell, W of Green la. Rinder PI, S fr Marriott, E of Passy'k av. Ringgold, N fr 2417 Hare to Poplar, N College av to Thompson, & Montg'y av to Norris, W of N 24 th. Ringgold PI, W fr 420 S 19th to Ford. Rio Grande PI, E fr 1023 Moyam'ng av. Ripka {Myk), S W fr Hamilton to Wash'n, N W of Leveriiigton av. Ripton PI, Wfr942N3d. Rising Sun La. N E fr Old Vork rd to Nicetown la & N 5th. Ristine, W fr Maple to 810 Mackinaw. Ritchie, S fr 1336 Fitz- water to Catharine. 48 BIT STREET GUIDE. RYE Ritchie, N fr Green la, S W of Hamilton. Ritmeyer's Ct, E fr229 S 2d. Ritner, W fr Del riv to Schuy'l riv, 2400 S. Rittenhouse, W fr 258 S 17th to S 21st. Rittenhouse {Gtn), S W fr 500U Gtn av to Wissa- hickon creek. Rittenhouse {Myk), N E Ir Ridge av to Wissa- hickon creek, S of Cedar. Rittenhouse Sq, W fr S ISih toS 19th, b fr Wal- nut to Locust. Ritter, N fr E Norris to E Dauphin, E of Cedar. Riverview Av {Hdg). Roach's Ct, S fr Savery, WofWildey. Robbins {Vol Town &= Fkd), E fr G, N of Dev- ereaux. Robert {Myk), E fr High, N of Green la. Robeson {Myk), N E fr Canal to Tower, N W of Penn. Roberts Av {Gtn), S W fr Gtn av to N Slth & P &R RR. Roberts Ct, N fr Mead, W of S Front. Robin (^/'),WfrS39lh to S 40th, S of Spruce. Robin Av, E & S fr 707 Russell to Benneville pi. Robinson, E fr 1017 Pal- mer to Eyre. Robinson's Al, S fr 1620 Lombard. Rochelle Av {Myk), N fr Cresson to Retta, E of Sumac. Rochford, W fr502 N 19th, N of Hamilton. Rockdale PI, N fr 629 Lombard. Rockhill PI, E fr 1071 Gtn av. Rockland {Gtn), E fr Gtn av toN-2d, N of Lowden. Rockland {WP), W fr N 32d to Spg Garden, & N 41st to N 42d, N of Spg Garden. Rodgers Ct, N fr 113 Pegg to Crooked pi. Rodman, W fr 516 S 9th to S Broad Rodman {Falls), S W fr Ridge av to Schuy'l nv, ab Spencer. Rodney, W fr S 18th to S 19lh, S of Spruce. Rogers' Ct, N fr 431 Mar- riott, Ronaldson, S fr 932 South to Bainbridge. Roney's Ct, W fr 956 St John. Rorer, N fr E Cambria to E Clearfield, W of D. Rose, W fr 710 S 13th to S Broad. Rose ( W P), S fr 3636 San- som to Walnut. Rose Al, N fr 1009 Locust. Rosehill, N fr E Somerset to E Indiana, W of C. Roset {Gtn), N fr Sey- mour to Manheim, S W of Gtn av. Rosina {Roxb), N fr Rit- tenhouse to James av, E of Ridge av. Ross, S E fr Wildey to Richmond, S of Pa.mer, Ross {Gt7i), N W fr Penn to Mill, M Eof Peaie. Roth.N E fr Rihl to Han- over, E of Fkd av. Rowan's PI, N fr 539 Queen. Rowland's Ct, S fr 724 Filbert. Roxborough, S fr Ridge av to Mitchell. Roxborough {Gtn), fr i oberts av to Fkd creek, N of Luzerne. Royal {Gtn),W frE Logan to Manheim, S of Gtn av. Ruan {Fkd), N W fr Fkd creek to Adams, S of Church. Rubicam Av {Gtn), N W fr Wisteria to Wister, N of Miller. Rubicam PI, N fr 927 Noble. Rudolph Av, S fr 730 Race. Rugan, N fr 917 Callow- hill to Noble. Rule, Wfr 1330 Lancaster to Wheat. Rule PI. Efr743S5th. Rundle, E fr 325 S 16th. Rupert PI. Wfr520NSd. Rural (Hd£r), N fr Mill, W of Cambridge. Rural Av {Gtn), N fr Allen's la, n Ciesheim rd. Ruscomb Av {Gtn), E fr E Logan to M, N of Rockland. Rush, E fr Fkd av to Trenton av, S of William. Rush, W fr N 20th to N 23d, N of Indiana. Russell, E fr Ktn av to N Del av, N of Ontario. Russell, S fr 832 Bain- bridge. Russell's Av, N fr 1541 Parrish. Ruth, N Ir 515 Hart to Cambria. Rutter's Ct, N fr 205 Fed- eral. Ryan's Ct, E fr 1735 Filler Ryan's Ct, S fr 422 Chris- tian. Ryan's PI, S fr 416 Chris- tian. Rye, S fr 212 Marion to Saranak. SAB STREET GUIDE. SCO 49 Sabine PI, S fr Stanley to ;>li5 (ierman Sabula PI, N frSOaMack- Sackett {Fkd), N E fr Bristol turnpike, E of Colebaiigh. Sacramento Av, N fr 1015 Shuckamaxon to Day. Saffron PI, S fr 902 Og- den. St Alban's PI, W fr 746 S 22d to S 24th. St Ann Av, N E fr Tucker, N W of Memphis. St Bernard PI {IV P), N iv 4913 Chester av. St David, N fr Race to Vine, W of N 23d. . St James, W fr S 22d to S 23d, S of Walnut. St James' PI, W fr S 32d, N of Locust. St John, N Ir 215 Vine to Gtn av. St John's Ct, E fr 723 St John. St John's PI, E fr 417 S* John. St Joseph's Av, W fr 3.S S 17th to S 18th. St Luke's Block, WfrN IGth, N of Bristol. St Mark's Sq, W fr N 16th, N of Bristol. St Mark's Sq {IV P), S fr 4218 Walnut to Locust. St Paul's Av, E fr 771 S 7th. St Paul's PI, WfrN 16th, N of Bristol, St Vincent Av {Tacotiy), . E fr Bustleton pike to Del riv, S of Township Line rd. Salem Al, W^ fr 416 S 12th to Dean. • 4 Salmon, N fr York to Kirkbride, W of Rich- mond. Salter, W fr S 7th to S 8th, S of Christian. Salter's I^b. {Tucony). Samper PI, E fr 1025 S 5th. Sandel Av, W fr 1030 N 4th. Sanders' Ct, E fr 1027 St John. Sanderson, W fr S I5th to S 17th, S of Federal. Sanger {Fkd), S E fr Bris- tol turnpike, N of Dark Run la. Sansom, W frl20 S 6th to Schuy'l riv, S 32d to S 33d, & S 34th to Del County line. Sarah, N fr Richmond to Wildey, E of Fkd av. Sarah, W fr Hermit to Walnut la, S of Wissa- hickon av. Saranak, W fr Rye to Moyam'ng av, S of Reed Sartain, N fr 1123 Poplar to Girard av, & fr Hun- tingdon to Oakdale. Sauer's Ct, E fr 1413 Ran- dolph. Saulnier, W fr N 27th to N 28Lh, N of Girard av. Saunders' Av {W P),ti fr Filbert to Lancaster av, E of N 39th. Savanna Ct, bet Berks & Montg'y av & Beach & Richmond. Savery, S E fr Fkd av to Wildey, N of Marlbor- ough. Saxon, E fr 3163 Richmond to Bath, S of Allegheny av. Saxon PI, S fr 328 Stanley Saybolt's Ct, N fr 221 Noble. Saybrook {P'mlh^, W fr Hanson to S 50th, N of Paschall av. Scarret's Ct, N fr 7lh to S Sth, & 1824 S lltli to S 12th. Silbert; S fr Naylor to Reed, W of Austin. SiUiman (^ /'), N fr Wallace to Fairmount av, E of N 43d. Srlma PI, S fr 1916 Ham- ilton. Siloam,N E f r ESusq'ana av to E Norris, E of Bel- grade. Silver, E f r N Front to A, N of E Lehigh av. Silver, W fr 22 N 12th to N Juniper. Silver's Ct, S fr 428 Wal- nut. Silvia PI, S fr 318 Poplar. Simes, W fr S2 2d to S 24ih, S of Market. Simes' Ct, N fr 637 Lom- bard. Simmons, N fr Parrish to Poplar, & fr Dauphin to Hermann. E of N 30th. Simpson's Ct, W fr 926 S Front. Siner, W fr S 22d to Long la, S of Wharton. Singler's Row, W Ir 1304 N2d. Sisty, S fr Montg'y av, E of N 10th. Sixth St Av, W fr 1332 Randolph. Skerrett's Ct, S fr 906 Aurora. Skill's PI, W fr 840 S 3d. Sloan (/FP), N fr Filbert to Spg Garden, E of N 40th. Slossman, E fr 927 X 3d to Canal. Smaltz Av, N fr 1531 Cabot. Smedley, N fr Allegheny av to Erie av, W of N 16th. Smethurst PI, E fr531 N 24 ch. Smick (/I/)'/). N W fr Hermitage to Cinnamin- son la, N E of Wash'n. Smith's Av, W fr 414 Foihergill. Smith's Ct, N fr529 Lom- bard. Smith's Ct, N fr 519 Mar- riott. Smith's Ct, S fr 1122 Lombard. Smith's Ct, W fr 1408 Philip. Smith's Ct, W fr 604 S Juniper. Smith's PI, W fr 928 N 6th. Snyder Av, W fr Del riv to Schuy'l riv, 2100 S. Snyder's Ct, S fr 1218 Pearl. Sober, S fr Dickinson, W of S 20ih. Solladay Ct, N fr Ann,\V of Melvale. Solly {Fox Chase), S E fr Montg'y County line, N E of Stanvvood av. Somerset, W fr 2800 N Front to Schuy'l riv. (See, also, E Somerset.) Sommerville, W fr 2816 Gtn av to N 12th, N of Lehigh av. Sonora, N fr 1009 Morgan Sophia, fr N 141 Otter to Edward. Sorrel, W fr Brabant to 2925 Melvale. Souder, W fr Fothergill to 407 S 10th. South, WfrOOOS Del av to Schuy'l riv, to S 34ch, & fr S 44th to Del County line. S Albion (was Aspen), S fr S of Market to Walnut, Walnut to Spruce, & fr Pine to Lombard, W of S 21st. S Broad, S fr 1426 Market to League Island. S College Av, S W fi- Ridge av to Poplar, W of N 25Lh, S Delaware Av, S fr Market along Del riv. S Front, S fr 100 Market to Government av. S Juniper, S fr Market to South, Ellsworth to Cas- tle av, & Passy'k av to Wolf, E of S Broad. S Marshall, W fr 1122 S 13ih to S 15th. S Penn Sq, W fr S Juni- per to S 15th, S of Mar- ket. S Water, S fr 1 Market to Pine. S 2d, S fr 200 Market to Government av. S 3d, S fr 300 Market to Government av. S 4th, S fr 400 Market to Government av. S 5th, S fr500 Market to Government av. S 6th, S fr 600 Market to Government av. S 7th, S fr 700 Market to Government av. S 8th,Sfr 800 Market to Government av, S 9th, S fr 900 Market to Government av. S lOth, Sfr 1000 Market to Government c, S of Pierce. Whartman {Roxb), S fr Domino la, W of Wood. WHA STREET GUIDE. WIN 59 Wharton, W fr 1300 S Front to Sutherland av, thence fr Baltimore av to Cobb's creek. Wharton La, EfrS Front to Ash, S of Dickinson. Wheat, E fr Fkd av to Crease, N of E Thompson Wheat, N fr Cherry, W of N 10th. Wheat, S fr 130 Marion to Reed. Wheatsheaf La, N W fr Del av to Old Front Street rd, N E of Butler. Wheelock's PI, N frl331 Potts to Fairmount av. Whelan's Ct, S fr 1504 South to Kater. Whilden's Row, E fr 1311 Rye. Whimple PI, W fr 1026 Swanson. ■Whitby Av, W fr Ameri- can to N 3d, N of Cam- bria. Whitby Av (IFF), W fr S 52d to Cobb's creek, S of Baltimore av. White, E fr Chalkley Hall la, S of Erie av. White, Efr 709 S 15th to Lloyd. White's Ct, S fr 1326 AU aska. ■White's PI, N fr 1809 Kater. White's Retreat, E fr 1023 N 4th. Whitebread Pi, S fr 122 Cliristian. Whitecar's Ct, W fr 256 S 5th to Kinsley pi, Whitehall, W fr 506 N 12th to N Puoad. Whitehead's Ct, W fr 736 S 4ih. Whitemans Ct, E fr 1247 N Front to Adrain. Whitney, W fr 1010 Passy'k av to S 8th. Whyte's PI, S fr 1234 South. W^iccacoe Av, S E fr Swanson to Del riv, S of McKean. Wiehle {Fa//s), N fr Queen to Reading R R, W of N 35th. Wilcox, W fr 534 N 19th to N 22d. Wilcox, W fr 328 S 19th to S 20th. Wilder, W fr 1426 S 4th to S 7th, & fr S 18th to S 21st. Wildey, N E fr 1059 Fkd av to Ash, X E of Rich- mond. Wile's Ct,Nfr 1319 Wal- lace. Wiley's Ct, W fr 2l0 N 11th. Willard Av, E fr Ktn av to Emerald, S of E West- moreland. Willett's Rd (m^-). William, E fr Fkd av to Trenton R R, & fr Cedar to Bath.S of E Cambria. William, W fr S 20th to 251 S 21st. William (Bd--), N fr Ash to Church, E of Bridge. Williams' Al, S fr 528 Bainbridge to Mctcalf. Williams' Ct, N fr 913 Callowhill. Williams' Ct, N fr Mont- g'y av, W of Richmond. Williamson's Ct, W fr Swanson, S of Wash'n av Williamson's PI, N fr 909 Cherry. Willing's Al, W fr 232 S 3d to S 4th. W^illington, N fr Master to Montg'y av, W of N 16th. Willow. W fr N Del av to N 10th, N of Callow- hill. Willow (FM), N E fr Meadow to Bridge, N W of Cherry. Willow, {m£-), E fr De- catur, N of Bristol turn- pike. Willow Av {Gi>i), N W fr Mill to Price, N E of Hancock. Willow Ct, S fr 621 Pine. W^illow Grove Av (C /////), N E fr N 36th to S te n ton av, N W of Springfield av. Willows Av {IV P), S \V fr S 50th & Baltimore av to Cobb's creek, S E of Whitby av. Wilmer, W fr 318 New Market to N 2d Wilmer's Al, W fr ^38 Dillwyn to N 4th. Wilson, N fr 6 Metcalf, 5 of Bainbridge. Wilson, S fr York, W of E Thompson. Wilson. Wfr 952 Otsego to S Front. Wilson {I\Iilesto-Mn). Wilson's Ct, N fr 3 Poplar Wilt, W fr N 6th to Mar- shall, N of Montg'y av, 6 fr Gratz to Ubcr, S of Berks. W^iltbank's Ct, r 3 Boyer pi. Winchester {Myk ), N W fr Ripka av to Jefferson, S W of Mansion. Winchester PI, W fr 924 Otsego. Winchester PI, W fr 914 S Front. Windsor Sq ( Woodstock), N fr Brown to Parrish, W of Corinthi m av. Winfield PI, W fr Stew- art's ct to 115 N 8th. 60 WIN STREET GUIDE. WYN Wingate Av, S W fr Ash- burner's la, NW of Tren- ton R R. 23d Wd. Wingohocking (Gin), E fr Gtn R R & Green to Fkd creek, N of Cayuga. Wingohocking Pi, W fr 960 Lawrence. Winner Pi, Nfr 233 South Winona Ay (Gin), S W fr Wayne to a point N E of Laurens, N W of Coulter. Winslow, W fr N 12tb to N Juniper, N of Race. Winter, W fr 260 N 15th to beyond N 17th to Vine, & W f r N 20th to N of N Albion, S of Vine. Winter {IV P),W fr 222 N 32d to Keffer, S of Powelton av. Winter's Ct, E fr il5 St John. Winter's Ct, S fr 1231 Monterey. Winton, W fr 2130 S 5th to S 11th. Wiota {IV F), N fr Fil- bert to Spg Garden, Wal- lace to Aspen, & Myrtle to Westminster av, W of N -40 th. Wirt PI, W fr 538 Linden. Wishart, E fr Fkd av to Jasper, N of Clementine. Wishart's Ct, W fr 704 Beach. Wissahickon Av, W fr Roberts av to Wissa- hickon turnpike. W^issahickon Turnpike, N fr Ridge av, C Hill & Springfield pike. 22d Wd Wissinoming {Tacony), N E fr l^cnn to Town- ship Line rd, S E of Ar- ."iiniiigo. Wistar. W fr 531 N lOih to N 12th. Wistar's Al, W fr 36 N 3d. Wister {Gin), E fr Gtn av to Gtn R R, S E of Jefferson. Wisteria {Gtn), N E fr Wakefield to R R, W of E Logan. Witte, N fr Ann to Erie av, E of Trenton R R. Witzel's Ct, E fr 1309 N 5th. Woelper's Ct, E fr 160 N 23d. Wolf, W fr Del riv to Schuy'l riv, 2300 S. Wolf's Ct, E fr Hope, N of Hancock. Wolf's Ct, N fr 105 Lom- bard. Wolf's Ct, S fr 314 Ger- man. Womrath PI, N fr 235 Monroe. Wonderly PI, N fr 119 Otter. Wood. W fr 316 N 2d to N 21th. Wood {Roxb), N W fr Cotton to Domino la, N of Cresson. Wood {IV P), VV fr N32d to Keflfer, N of Race. Wood {H^ P), W fr S ■19lh, S of Wharton. Wood's Ct, W fr Green- hill, N of Seybert. Woodbine, S fr 612 Fed- eral to Wharton. Woodbine Av {Gin), S W fr Sullivan av to Willow, S E of Chelten av. Woodland Ter, S fr Bal- timore av to Woodlands av, W of S 10th. Woodlands Av, S W fr Market, & S 31st to Cobb's creek. Woodstock, N fr Brown to Parrish, Columbia av to Norris, thence to Sus-' q'ana av, W of N 20th, Woodstock, S fr Dickin- son, W of S 20th. Woodvale {Roxl>), N E fr Ridge av to Righter, N W of Sumac. Woodville PI, N fr 1723 St Joseph's av. W^oodward, S E fr Wood- lands av, ab S 42d. Woodworth Av, S fr 12 Christian. Worrall(^ifl'),EfrLeip. er to Franklin, N of Sel- lers, Worrell {Fkd), S E frllOa Fkd av to Tacony rd. Worth, W fr 1522 Moya- m'ng av to S 6th. Worth {Fkd), N E fr Ox- ford to Tucker, S of Edg- mond. Worthington Rd {By- berry), 23 Wd. W^rekin, E fr Martha t« Commerce, N of Hun- tingdon. Wright,Wfr N21sttoN 26th, S of Jefferson. Wyalusing, E f r N 5Sth & Haverford av to Bel- mont av, N of Westmin- ster av. Wyalusing Av {Gtn), E fr Gtn av to N ISth, N of Courtland. Wyatt, WfrS7th to Sid- mouth, S of Wash'n av. Wykoff ( /FP ). N fr Race to Vine, W of N 53d. Wylie, S W fr 1618 Ridge av to N 19th. Wynkoop, W fr S 13th to S Juniper, S of Locust. Wynne {Gtn), E fr Wister to Ikistleton pike, b of Fisher's la. WYN STREET GUIDE. ZEP Gl Wynnefield Av, N E f r N r)7ih ^t: Overbrook av to Crestline av. Wyoming, N E fr Ann to Clearfield, E of Amber Wyoming. S fr 1501 Dain- bridj^e to Fitzwater. Wyoming, W fr 1320 S 2d to Corn. W^yoming Av, N fr Pu- liski av to Gm av, thence E to P, N of Courtland. Xenophon Av, W fr N 60th, N of Haverford av. Yardley, N fr Master to Sharswood, E of N 21st. Yeager's Ct, S fr ?i>l Car- ver. Yhost, S fr 50G Catharine to Queen. Yhost PI, N fr G27 Car- penter. Yocum (P^ville) York, W fr 2100 N Front to N 3^1th. York Av, N W fr N -Ith & Wood to 5-19 N 5th. York Rd, N WfrGtnav, n Rising Sun la, to county line. York PI, E fr 875 N 5th. Young (^Wi.-), N fr Church to lindije, K of Fkd creek Young's Al, S fr 152 Pegg to Willow, &: W fr 420 New Market. Young's Av, N fr 229 Christian. Young's Ct,Nfr 233 Bain- bridge. Young's Ct, N fr 427 Carpenter. z. Zenobia, W fr 204 S llth. Zephyr Av, W fr 752 S Drs. Starkey & Palen's Treatment by Inhalation. TRADEMARK" ^ RE&ISTEREO. ConsumTtion. ll RS • S^^^l^^^^ E ^f FOR Debility, Asthma, j sgSj ^-'t^A"^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^^:^^^ fe?^ Rheumatism, ^^°^"''*'^' ^^^^^®^i^-^^Sl^^^m^ Neuralgia.. Dyspepsia. yi/ g^ jggg^Ti^^ A 1 1 Chronic Catarrh, ^^^ ^P^^^ ^ j^^l^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^"^ Hay Fever, T ^Jilyl»y Nervous Headache. yb^gaa^ibri^fagBSlMa&i'^fa^lfendy ^ Disorders. 1529 -A-rcti Street, F*liilaci'a, IPa* " The Compound Oxygen Treatment," Drs. Starkey & Palen, No. 1529 Arch Street, Philadelphia, have been using for the last twenty yeans, is a scientific adjust- ment of the elements of Oxygen and Nitrogen 77iagnetized, and the compound is so condensed and made portable that it is sent all over the world. "COMPOUND OXYGEN " being taken into the system, the Brain, Spinal Marrow, and the Nerve-Ganglia — "Nervous Centres" — are nourished and made more active. I'hus the Fountain Head of all activity, both mental and physical, is restored to a state of integrity, and the nervous system, the organs, and the muscles all act more kindly and efficiently. When "Compound Oxygen" is inhaled, the heart has imparted to it increased vitality. That organ sends forth the blood with more force and less wear to itself: the vital currents leave on their circuit new deposits of vital force in every cell of tissue over which they pass, and return again to the lungs for a new supply. This is a rational explanation of the greatest advance medical science has yet made. Office Patients are under our personal inspection and care, visiting the office daily, or as frequently as their cases may require. We have a corps of si.x physi- cians, including ourselves, one of whom is a lady of large and varied experience, who is in constant attendance. Call, see, and judge of this treatment by inhalation. Con- sultations FREE. Drs. Starkey & Palen have the liberty to refer to the following named well- known persons who have tried their treatment : — Hon. Wm. D. Kelley, Member of Congress, Philadelphia; Rev. Victor L. Conrad, Editor Lutheran Observer, Philadelphia; Rev. Charles W. Cushing, D. D., Rochester, N. Y.; Hon. Wm. Penn Nixon, Editor Inter-(Jcean, Chicago, III.; W. H. Worthington, Editor New South, Pirmingham, Ala.; Judge H. P. Vrooman, Quenemo, Kan.; Mrs. Mary A. Livermore, Melrose. Massachusetts ; Judge R. S. Voorhees, New York City; Mr. E. C. Knight, Philadelphia; Hon. W. W. Schuyler, Easton, Pa.; Mr. Frank SiDDALL, Merchant, Philadelphia; Edward L. Wilson, 833 Broadway, N. Y., Ed. Phila. Photographer ; Fidelia M. Lyon, Waimea, Hawaii, Sandwich Islands; Al- exander Ritchie. Inverness, Scotland ; Mrs. Manuel V. Ortecja, Fresnillo, Zaca- tecas. Mexico; Mrs. Emma Cooper, Utilla, Spanish Honduras, Central America; J. Cobb, Casablanca, Morocco; M. V. Ashbrook, Red Bluff, Cal.; Jacob Ward, Bowral, New South Wales, and thousands of others in every part of the World. " COMPOUND OXYGEN— Its Mode of Action and Results," is the title of a new brochure f)f two hundred pages, which gives to a.l inquirers full information as to this remarkable curative agent, and a record of several hundred surprising cures in a wide range of chronic cases — many of them after being abandoned to die by other physicians. Will be mailed free to any address on application:. Read the brochure ! or call and see us. DRS. SXARKBY & I»AI.KT^, 1529 Arcli Street, Phila., I»a. 62 THE INVESTMENT CO 310 CHESTNUT STREET. CAPIXAIv ^4,000,000. FUI.Iv PAID. Conducts a General Banking Ba^iness. Allows Interest on Cash Deposits. Subject to Cbeck ; or on Certificates. Buys aiKl Sells Bills of Fxcliang-e, drawing on BABIXG BKO. «fe CO., London; PEKlEfit FKEKES ET CIE, Paris; ME^'DEl^SSOliN CO.. Berlin, etc, ISe$;<>tiates Securities, Railroad, State, Iflunicipal, etc. Offers fur Sale First-class Investment Securities. TVII.I.IAM BROCKIB, Presicleiat. MKI?«RY C. GIBSOT^, Vice-President. HENRY M. HOYT, Jr., Treasurer. ETHBI.BKR.T ^JV^AXXS, Secretary. BOARD OF" DIRECTORS. WILLIAM BROOKIE, WHASTON BARKER, GEORGE S. PEPPER, HENRY 0. GIBSON, MORTON McMIOHAEL, T. WISTAR BROWN, ISAAC H. CLOTHIER. ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF STOCKHOLDERS. WILLIAM POTTER, JOHN WANAMAKER, GEORGE M. TROUTMAN, HENRY E. SMITH, WALTER GARRETT, CRAIGE LIPPINCOTT, WILLIAM PEPPER, M.D., HAMILTON DISSTON, THOMAS DOLAN. CLAYTON FRENCH, JOHN G. READING, WILLIAM WOOD. JOSEPH E. GILLINGHAM, JOHN HARRISON, EDWARD H. COATES. G3 GIRARD Fire Insurance Company OF" f>h:ilade;lf*h:i j^, N. E. Cor. Chestnut and Seventh Streets. . Brancli Office : 138 S. Kourttt Street. Assets, January i, 1888, ^1,418,904 29 Liabilities 508,460 ;^^ Surplus 910,443 96 Capital 300,000 00 Net vSurplus over and above all Liabilities ;^6io,443 96 ALFRED S. GILLETT, President. EDWIN F. MERRILL, Secretary. JAMES B. ALVORD, JULIUS B. ALLEN, Vice-President and Treasurer. Assistant Secretary. Directors : ALFRED S. GILLETT, JAMES B. ALVORD, FURMAN SHEPPARD, CHARLES M. SLOAN, HENRY F. KENNEY, THOMAS MacK ELLAR. ' JOHN SUPPLEE, THEODORE MEGARGEE, SILAS YERKES, JR., CHARLES P. TURNER, M. D. THOMAS MATHER, JOHN C. LOWRY, SIMON GRATZ. 64 THE UNION TRUST CO. 715 &i 719 CHESTNUT STREET. PAID-UP CAPITAL, $750,000 5 S * 2 0^ c/, •a § a o o Rents small safes in burglar-proof vaults. Sells Railroad and other Corporation Bonds ; also Western Farm Mortgages bearing 6 and 7 per cent, interest. Wills receipted for and kept safely without charge. President— J. SIMPSON AFRICA. Vice-Pres't— JOHN G. READING. Treas. & Sec'rv— MAHLON S Trust Officer— WM. HENRY . STOKES. PRICE. DIRECTORS: William J. Nead, D. Hayes Agiiew, m.d., Thomas R. Patton, Robert Patterson, Jacob Naylor, Theodor C, Engel, Harry W. Moore. Dr. George W. Reily, Harrisburg, W. W. H Edmund S. Doty, Mifflintown, Henry S. Robert E. Monaghan, West Chester. J. Simpson Africa, John G. Reading, Alfred S. Gillett, Chas. P. Turner, m.d., Joseph I. Keefe, John T. Monroe, William S. Price, Thomas G. Hood, Edward L. Perkins, Joseph Wright, William H. Lucas, William Watson, . Davis. Doylestown Eckert, Reading, LIBRPRY OF CONGRESS THE AMERICAN FI wmzuiiAr0 INSURANCE CO. rifts! CHARTER -IMHliiiy!^^ PERPETUAL. OFFICE, COMPANY'S BUILDING. Nos. 308 and 310 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Seventy-Eighth Annual Statement, January 1st, 1888. CASH CAPITAL, 8500,000.00 Reserve for Reinsurance and all other claims, - - . - 1,490,878.83 Surplus over all Liabilities, 411,577.28 Total Assets, December 31st, 1887, 82,401,956.11 THOMAS H. MONTaOMERT, President. RIOHAED MARIS, Secretary. JAMES B. YOUNa, Actnary. DIRECTORS: THOMAS H. MONTGOMERY, ALEXANDER BIDDLE, JOHN T. LEWIS, CHARLES P. PEROT, ISRAEL MORRIS, JOSEPH E. GILLINGHAM, PEMBERTON S. HUTCHINSON, SAMUEL WELSH, Jr., CHARLES S. WHELEN.