TEXAS IS IT IS OR, A HE EMIGRANTS' jorUIDE P 1 The result of Travel, Inquiry and Observation. -BY- A. R WOOLSTON PHILADELPHIA: X^ Rowley & Chew, Steam-power Printers, 723 Chestnut Street. 1873. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 18" by A. R. Woolston, in the Office of the Librarian o Congress, at Washington. INTRODUCTION. Much time and means are expended by persons who hope to better their condition, by a change of locality in travelling and endeavoring to find the places in which their skill and industry may be used to the best advantage. This belief has induced me to present the following pages, the result of observation and travel in Texas. Availing myself as fully as possible of every facility for gaining in- formation, I feel assured that the facts contained in this publication will be found interesting to readers generally. As my visit to Texas was limited, and not travelling over the entire state, I pretend not to verify every fact from my own observation, much information was obtained from many of the oldest residents, gentlemen of the highest intelligence; such facts will be found no less accurate than those witnessed by myself. Those who have visited its waving prairies, and travelled over many of its elevated plains, noticed the beauty of its scenery, and the produc- tions of its soil, marked the softness of its winter breezes, plucked some of the gay flowers that in winter may be found on its verdant plains, and observed the numerous herds of fat cattle that feed unattended upon the pro- ducts of its prairie in winter, can bear testimony that nothing herein con- tained is exaggerated. Should this work furnish useful information to the thousands who are seeking homes, and aid this great state in increasing her industrious and intelligent population, the object for which it is published will be accom- plished. A. R. W. CHAPTER I. Settlement, Independence, Annexation, Population, Boundaries, $c. The incidents which resulted in making the State of Texas a part of the Federal Union, are not so old *s to be forgotten by men of mature years, they were 'jfficiently exciting at the time of their occurence ; but ; ) rush of startling events which have intervened, , re so crowded them out, that the active business men i the present day think not of them. When the Independence of Mexico was achieved, ' ic^arlai]d & rjfo., And Wholesale § BAQ BEALEBS, ^ OFFICE, No. 18 DECATUR STREET, PH1LADA., PENNA. A large assortment of Booh and Mews Printing, Writing, Manilla, Hardware fy Wrapping PAPERS, Constantly on hand or made to order at. short notice. B. K. JAMISON & CO. N. W. Co J-. Third and Chestnut Sts, PHILADELPHIA. pAnd Dealersun Gold, Silver and Government Bonds, AT CLOSEST MARKET RATES. Drafts Drawn on all the Leading Cities of Europe at the Lowest Rates. All the various bonds for sale in this market will be furnished at regular advertised prices. N. B. — Stocks bought and sold at the Philadelphia and New York Boards on Commission.