\9^1 L ^r^ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BULLETIN Vol. XV. Issued Weekly JANUARY 7, 1918 No. ig [Entered as second-class matter December 11, 1912, at the post office at Urbana, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 191 2.] THE WAR COMMITTEE of the C^ /(T ' ^ "fo UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA Monograjih BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Governor of Illinois .-Ex Officio FRANK O. LOWDEN Springfield The President of the State Board of Agriculture Ex-Officio JAMES E. TAGGART Freeport The Superintendent of Public Instruction Ex-Officio FRANCIS G. BLAIR Springfield Term Expires John R. Trevett, Champaign.. 1919 Cairo A. Trimble, Princeton 1919 Florence E. Watson, Tuscola 1919 Laura B. Evans, Taylorville 1921 Robert F. Carr, Chicago.... 1921 Robert R. Ward, Benton 1921 William L. Abbott, 72 W. Adams Street, Chicago 1923 Otis W. Hoit, Genesee 1923 Mary E. Busey, Urbana 1923 OFFICERS OF THE BOARD William L. Abbott, 72 W. Adams Street, Chicago President Harrison E. Cunningham, Urbana Secretary Edmund D. Hulbert, Chicago Treasurer Lloyd Morey, Urbana Acting Comptroller MAY 13 1918 ^K. y 1 Y/ ' PARTIAL LIST OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IN THE WAR To January, 1918 1. Military drill required of all freshmen and sophomores. 2. Reserve Officers Training Corps at the University. 3. i\Ien of all classes under military instruction about 1400. 4. February, 1917, President offers facilities of University to the President of the United States throug'h the Governor of the State. 5. Loss of students since declaration of war last April, more than 1200. 6. Number of faculty, students an.d alumni now in the service of their country in the war, 2582. 300 of them now abroad, and also 200 medical arid dental students in the enlisted reserve. 7. Illinois men largely in charge of construction of the military camps during the past six months. 8. Classes organized last spring to furnish men to the ordnance and quartermaster's departments, about 120 students enrolled. 9. Red Cross course given completed by 140 students. 10. Ambulance unit sent to France. About $10,000 in money raised for ambulance support. IT. United States Government Army School of ]\Iilitary Aeronautics at the University. 12. Food conservation. Professor Isabel Bevier spent two months assisting the Food Department in Washington. The exten- sion division of the Household Science Department has or- ganized a food conservation campaign. 13. Belgian Relief. The ilrst service was about two months after the beginning of the war, with a donation of 50 boxes of clothing and $1500 in cash. Cash raised for Belgian relief $13625. 14- Syrian and Armenian Relief, $5928.09. 15. Red Cross subscriptions, approximately $3800. 16. Y. M. C. A. War fund. $28,738. 17. College of Agriculture ; Advising farmers concerning crops, etc., in the emergency. 18. A number of special investigations of a confidential nature in connection with the war are under way. 19. University Battery now in France. THE WAR COMMITTEE OF THE UNIVERSITY Honorary Chairmen Hon. Frank O. Lowden — Governor of the State. Dr. Edmund J. James — PresMent of the University. Hon. Samuel Insull- — Chairman lUinois State Council of Defense General Committee Vice President David Kinley — Chairman Dean Eugene Davenport Professor S. A. Forbes Professor F. H. Newell Professor S. P. S'herman Professor C. A. Ellis Professor C. M. Thompson The War Committee of the University of Illinois was appointed for these purposes : 1. To give information about the war to the students and faculty of the University. 2. To spread similar information among the people of the state by lectures and articles, and to furnish the press with news items. 3. To publish war leaflets on topics of interest to the people of the state. 4. To coordinate the work of the many organizations and indi- viduals now engaged in different lines of "war work" at the University. 5. To raise and maintain a University service flag. 6. To keep records of the University men and women in the government service, especially in the army and navy. 7. To stimulate in every way interest in military work and in the war. By authority of the Board of Trustees a general committee of seven was appointed by the President of the University. This committee organized by selecting three honorary chairmen, who have consented to the use of their names, and by providing divi- sional committees as follows : Divisio nal Committees [For names of members of committees see pages 9 ff.] 1. On the Publication of War Leaflets: The duty of this committee is to publish leaflets of from one to 5 four pages on subjects of importance concerning the war, for distribu- tion in large editions among the people of the state. Pamphlets of larger size may also be printed and distributed occasionally. The com- mittee has four divisions eadh with its own chairman, as follows: (a) Agriculture; (b) Food; (c) Politics, international law and history; (d) General topics. 2. On Publicity: The duties of the committee on publicity are to gather and give to the newspapers, through the Associated Press and otherwise, all im- portant items of news about the work of the committees ; to secure from members of the faculty articles for publication in periodicals, and in every way to disseminate information on the activities of the com- mittee. The committee has two subdivisions: (a) News; (b) Periodi- cal articles. 3. On Talks and Lectures at the University: The duty of this committee is to provide short talks and occasional lectures for the University as a whole and for separate groups and or- ganizations therein on subjects connected with the war. A^ group of sub-committees will be constituted by the member so f the committee, consisting of one faculty and one or more student members from the different student organizations. Each of these sub-committees is ex- pected to provide talks for one or more organizations from week to week or month to month. 4. On Extension Lectures in the State: The duty of the committee is explained by its title. Members of the University faculty on the Farmers' Institute^programs will be ex- pected to. devote some part of their talks to war topics. Requests for war talks from public schools, teachers' associations and other educa- tional bodies wnll be supplied as far as possible. The third division of the committee will care for similar requests from Women's Clubs, Commercial'dubs, churches and other organizations and individuals. 5. On Funds Collection : Beginning January i, 1918, all individuals or organizations desiring to canvass or to offer entertainments in the University for funds des- tined for purposes connected with the war, must submit to this commit- tee a request for approval so to canvass. The committee will issue cards of authorization. The committee will give advice as to the best time for soliciting so that campaigns to raise funds for different purposes will 6 not conflict. The committee may, if it sees lit, initiate a collection campaign for some appropriate war purpose. Authority to perform these services has been given by the Council of Administration. 6. Or the University Program : The duty of this committee is to study the University class schedule, utihzation of rooms, courses offered, etc., with a view to determining whether a more efficient use can be made of our equipment and rooms, whether any condensation of courses offered seems advisable, and whether new short courses bearing on the war may be provided. The committee will make its recommendations or suggestions to the central committee which will then take the matter up with the proi)er Universit}- officers. 7. On United States Savings Certificates and Loans : This committee is appointed to arouse interest in and promote the sale of United States savings certificates, liberty bonds and other loans of the Government in connection with the war. 8. On Students' Cooperation: The duty of this committee is to bring about cooperation between the faculty and students in all things undertaken at the University with relation to the war. 9. On the University Service Flag : The duty of this committee is to provide and raise with appropriate ceremonies, and later to maintain, a University service flag. 10. On University War Service Records : Since the beginning of the war the Dean of Men has kept a record of the members of the University, past and present, who have entered or expect to enter the government service in connection with the war. The war committee, realizing that it could make no better provision for carrying on this work simply adopts Dean Clark's staif as its com- mittee on this work. To this Dean Clark has consented. The com- mittee therefore consists of Dean T. A. Clark and his staff on this work. 11. On University War Empioyracnt : This committee secures information concerning the location, oc- cupation, qualifications and availability for service, of students, faculty and alumni, and keeps in touch with the various government depart- ments so that when individuals are needed for special work we may be able to recommend and place suitable members of the University. 7 This work, like that described under committee number lo, has been carried on from the beginning of the war, and has been done by the Assistant Dean of the College of Engineering, Dean H. H. Jordan, Chairman. 12. On Military Organization and Exhibitions.: The duty of this committee is to participate in a military way in occasional affairs planned by itself or in connection with the work of other committees. 13. On Conservation and Economy : The duty of this committee is to influence the University commun- ity to economize as far as possible in their mode of living, materials consumed, etc. It is believed that the boarding houses, fraternities and sororities can be assisted to a more economical scheme of expendi- ture, and that there is room for economy in expenditures connected with public functions of the various University organizations. 14. On Legal Advice to Drafted Men : Certain members of the law faculty have been appointed associate members of the Legal Advisory Board, Division No. i, Champaign County (including Urbana) and also associate members of Legal Advisory Board, Division No. 2, Champaign County (including Cham- paign) and are listed, with their consent, as one of the divisional war committees. The Selective Service Regulations issued by President Wilson, November 8, 191 7, provide for a classification of drafted men not yet called to the colors in order to determine as to each, — "the place in the military, industrial or agricultural ranks of the nation in which his ex- perience and training can best be made to serve the common good. This project involves an inquiry by the Selective Boards into the domestic, industrial and educational qualifications of nearly ten million men." For this purpose an elaborate questionnaire has been mailed to the registered men. A Legal Advisory Board, consisting of three members appointed by the President, together with associate members designated by the Boards themselves, is established in each registration locality whose duty is to give advice concerning rights and obligations under the Selective Draft Act and Regulations, and to assist registrants in making full and true answer to the questionnaire. Every registrant is expected, and by some Boards at least required, to confer with a mem- ber of an Advisory Board before he writes his answers. Divisional and Sub-Committees 1. On the Publication of War Leaflets: Professor L. M. Larson, General Chairman. a. Agriculture : Professor J. C. Blair, Professor N. W. Hep- burn, Professor C. S. Crandall. b. Food ; Professor Isabel Bevier, Professor Howard B. Lewis, Professor W. C. Coffey, Professor L. H. Smith, Profes- sor Ruth Wheeler, Miss Luoile Wheeler, Dr. Lorinda Perry. c. Politics, International law and History : Professor J. W. Garner, Professor J. A. Fairlie, Professor J. M. Mathews, Professor E. L. Bogart, Professor A. T. Olmstead. d. General Topics: Professor H. J. Barton, Professor C. M. Moss, Professor T. E. Oliver. 2. On Publicity : Mr. H. F. Harrington, Associate in Journalism, General Chairman; Mr. Carl Stephens, Professor H. F. Moore, I\Ir. W. H. Buschman. a. News : Mr. K. D. Pulcipher and stafT of The Daily lUini. b. Periodical Articles : Dr. B. E. Powell, Professor A. S. Pease. 3. On Talks and Lectures at the Umversity: Professor Ernest Bernbaum, General Chairman ; Dean Fanny C. Gates, Dean A. R. Warnock, Professor D. K. Dodge. Sub-Committees : The following sub-committees of faculty and students have been appointed to promote interest in the series of war talks that are to be given before student organizations, and will arrange programs therefor : Social Fraternities : Lew R. Sarrett, chairman ; R. E. Foulke, R. C. Haas, C. Fairman. Sororities and House Units : Miss Clarissa Rinaker, chairman ; Rowena Kohl, Lucile Peirson, Beryl Love. Engineering Societies and Fraternities : Assistant Dean H. H. Joi^dan, chairman; H. C. Dieserud, D. B. Ohrum, H. E. Kel- ly, W. E. Bull, Logan Smith. Agricultural Clubs and Societies: J. H. Checkley, chairman; F. B. Manny, E. A. Bierbaum, W. H. Eichhorn. 9 Commerce Clubs and Fraternities; Professor H. T. Scovill, chairman ; George Salladin, Chester Kreidler, Robert A. Bryant. L. A. and S. Groui)s of Societies and Fraternities : Professor Jacob Zeith'n, chairman ; R. R. Thompson, McKinley Gardner, E. B. Vhet, P. N. Landis. ]\Ien's Literary Societies, Law and PoHtical Clubs : Professor D. K. Dodge, chairman : G. V. Knight, T. G. Searle, R. FL Antoszewski, J. H. Armstrong, F. H. Fisk. Musical and Dramatic Interests : Professor J. L. Erb, chairman ; F. K. W. Drury. W. C. Langdon, Robert Bryant, C. E. Snell. Women's Organizations; (except social and religious): Miss Louise Freer, chairman ; Francelia Sargent, Iva Newburn, Eunice Badger, Ruth Lieber. Religious Associations : Dean A. R. Warnock, chairman ; R. C. Haas. Jennis E. Barry. 4. On Extension Lectures in the State: Mr. R. E. Hieronynuis, General CJiairnian. a. Farmers' Institutes: Mr. A. W. Jamison, Miss ]\Iamie Bunch.. b. Public Schools and other educational bodies : Professor H. G. Paul, Professor H. A. Hollister. c. Other bodies : Professor E. C. Hayes. 5. On Funds Collect ion : Professor E. H. Decker, General Chairman; Professor Kenneth McKenzie, Miss Francelia Sargent, President Women's League, Dr. W. L. Burlison, j\Ir. A. W. Gross, President of the Graduate Club, ]\Ir. Hugh W. Cross. 6. On the University Progravi : Dean N. A. Weston, General Chairman; Assistant Dean H. H. Jordan, Assistant Dean H. V. Canter, Professor W. C. Cof- fey, Lieut. M. S. Mason, School of Military Aeronautics. 7. On United Slates Savings Certificates and Loans: Dr. Charles L. Stewart, Generd Chairman; Professor 1^. F. ]\Ic- Farland, Professor N. C. Brooks. 10 8. On Students' Cooperation : Professor J. B. Shaw, General Chairman; Dr. G. D. Beal, Miss Ruth Lieber, Mr. R. H. Mallory, Mr. J. W. Dietz, Vice President Ilhnois Union. 9. On the University Service Flag: Professor F. H. Newell, General Chairman, Professor C. S. Sale, Professor L. H. Provine, Dean A. R. Warnock, Miss Louise Freer. 10. On University War Service Records: Dean T. A. Clark and staff. 11. On University War Employment : Dean H. H. Jordan. 12. On Military Organi::ation and Exhibitions : Major E. W. McCaskey, General Chairman, Cadet Col. C. Fair- man, Cadet Col. F. C. Kalthoff, Cadet Lt. Col. E. R. Brig- ham, Cadet Lt. Col. L. E. Yeager. 13. On Conservation and Economy: Professor Henry B. Ward, General Chairman. General Committee : Professor Henry B. Ward, Chairman; Professor Maurice H. Robinson, Professor Arthur C. Willard, Miss M. E. Par- sons, Mr. John A. Stevenson. a. Finances of Organizations ; Professor Maurice H. Robinson, Chairman ; Mr. A. C. Lit- tleton, M. R. E. Foulke, Mr. G. E. Salladin, Mr. J. L. Klein. b. Coal : Professor Arthur C. Willard, Chairman ; Mr. Russell S. White, Mr. A. D. Halliwell, Mr. L. M. Winters. Mr. L. L. Horen. c. Food : Miss M. E. Parsons, Chairman ; Professor E. A. White, Miss Lillian Woerman, Mr. L. L. Smith. d. Entertainments : Mr. John A. Stevenson, Chairman; Dr. J. E. Miller, Mr. W. E. Hayne, Miss Helene Doty, Miss Edna C. Vail. 14. On Legal Advice to Drafted Men: Dean Henry W. Ballantine, General Chairman, Professor Charles E. Carpenter, Professor Edward H. Decker, Professor Fred- erick Green, Professor W. G. Hale, Professor John Norton Pomeroy. II