DE WITT'S ACTING- PLAYS. ^^^^ (Number 216.) MY NEIGHBOR'S WIFE. IIST ONE ^CT. By ALFRED BUNN, Esq., Author of the Libretto of "The Bohemian Girl," ete. I As First Performed at Coveut Oarden Theatre, London. TO WHICH ABE ADDED, A description of the Costumes— Synopsia of the Piece -Cast ot the Characters —Entrances and Exits— Relative Positions ot the Performers on the Stage, and the whole of the Stage Business. CLINTON T. DE WITT, PUBLISHER. JVo. 33 Itoae Street. NOW C ^ A COM 1 PLAYS, AND I "S Plot, Costume, [^ tion, mailed fn COMPLETE DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF DE WITT'S ACTING DE WITT'S ETHIOPIAN AND COMIC DRAMAS, «ontaiuing Scenery, Time of Representation, and every other informa- free and post-paid. / DE WITT'S ACTING PLAYS, 2^" Please notice that nearly all the Comedies, Farces and Comediettas in the following hstofD^ Witt's Acting Plats" are very suitable for representation in small Amateur Thea- tres and on Parlor Stages, as they need but little extrinsic aid fro7n complicated scenery or expensive costumes. They have attained their deserved popularity by their droll situations, excellent plots, great humor and brilliant dialogues, no less than by the fact that they are the most perfect in every respect of any edition of plays ever published either in the United States or Europe, whether as regards purity of the text, accuracy and fulness of stage directions and scenery, or elegance of typography and clearness of printing. *^* In ordering please copy the figures at the comtneroyiement of eacJi piece, which indicate the number of the piece in "De Witt's List of Acting Plavs." 1^=- Any of the following Plaijs sent, postage free, on receipt of price — 15 cents each. Address, ROBERT M. DE WITT, JVo. JS nose Street, JVety York, jg^ The figure following the name of the Play denotes the number of Acts, The fio-ures in the columns indicate the number of characters — M. wa/e; P. female. No. 75. 114. 167. 93. 40. 89. 192. 166. 41. 141. 67. 36. 160. 70. 179. 35. 24. 1. 69. 175. 55. 76. 149. 121. 107. 152. 52. 148. 113. 199. 20. 4. 22. 96. 16. 53. 125. 71. 143. M. F. Adrienne, drama, 3 acts 7 3 Anything for a Change, comedy, 13 3 Apple Blossoms, comedy, 3 acts. ..73 Area Belle (The), laice, 1 act 3 2 Atchi, comedietta, 1 act — 3 2 Aunt Charlotte's Maid, farce. 1 act.. 3 3 Game of Cards (A), comedietta, 13 1 Bardell vs. Pickwick, sketch, 1 act. 6 2 Beautiful Forever, farce, 1 act 2 3 Bells (The), drama, 3 acts 9 3 Birthplace of Podgers, farce, 1 act . . 7 3 Black Sheep, drama, 3 acts 7 5 Blow for Blow, drama, 4 acts 11 6 Bonnie Fish Wife, farce, 1 act 3 1 Breach of Promise,, drama, 2 acts. . 5 2 Broken-Hearted Club, comedietta, 14 8 Cabman, No. 93, farce, 1 act .2 2 Caste, comedy, 3 acts 5 3 Caught by the Cuff, farce, 1 act 4 1 Cast upon the World, drama, 5acts.l0 5 Catharine Howard, historical plaj^ 3 acts 12 5 Charming pair, farce, 1 act 4 3 Checkmate, comedy, 2 acts 6 5 Chevalier de St. George, drama, 3 9 3 Chops of the Channel, farce, 1 act. 3 2 Clouds, comedy, 4 acts 8 7 Comical Countess, farce, 1 act 3 1 Cupboard Love, farce, 1 act 2 1 Cupid's Eye-Glass, co:nedy, 1 act... 1 1 Cup of Tea, comedietta, 1 act 3 1 Cut off with a Shilling, comedietta, 1 act 2 1 Cyrill's Success, comedy, 5 acts 10 4 Captain of the Watch (The), come- dietta, 1 act 4 2 Daddy Gray, drama, 3 acts 8 4 Dandelion's Dodges, farce, 1 act 4 2 David liar rick, comedy, 3 acts 8 3 Dearest Mamma, comedietta, 1 act, 4 3 Dearer than Life, drama, 3 acts 6 5 Deborah (Leah) drama, 3 acts 7 6 Deerfoot, farce. 1 act 5 1 Doing for the Best, drama, 2 acts. . 5 3 Dollars and Cents, comedy, 3 acts. . 9 4 No. M. F, 21. Dreams, drama, 5 acts 6 3 186. Duchess de la Valliere, play, 5 acts. . 6 4 47. Easy Shaving, farce, 1 act 5 2 13 >. Everybody's Friend, comedy, 3 acts. 6 5 200. Estranged, an operetta, 1 act 2 1 103. Faust- and Marguerite, drama, 3 acts, 9 7 9. Fearful Tragedy in the Seven Dials, interlude, 1 act 4 1 128. Female Detective, drama, 3 acts. ...11 4 101. Fernande, drama, 3 acts 11 10 99. Fifth Wheel, comedy, 3 acts 10 S 145. First Love, comedy, 1 act 4 1 102. Foiled, drama. 4 acts 9 3 88. Founded on Facts, farc'e, 1 act.. . . 4 2 74. Garrlck Fever, farce, 1 act 7 4 53. Gertrude's Money Box, farce, 1 act. 4 2 73. Golden Fetter (Fettered), drama, 3 11 4 30. Goose with the Golden Eggs, farce, 1 act 5 3 131. Go to Putney, farce, 1 act 4 3 28. Happy Pair, comedietta, 1 act 1 1 151. Hard Case (A), farce, 1 act 2 8. Henry Dunbar, drama, 4 acts 10 3 180. Henry the Fifth, historical play, 5 38 5 19. He's a Lunatic, farce, 1 act. 3 2 60. Hidden Hand, drama, 4 acts 5 5 187. His Own Enemy, farce, 1 act 4 1 174. Home, comedy, 3 acts ,4 3 64. Household Fairy, sketch, 1 act 1 1 190. Hunting the Slipper, farce, 1 act 4 1 191. High C, comedietta, 1 act 4 2 197, Hunchback (The), play, 5 acts 14 2 18. If I Had a Thousand a Year, farce, 1 act 4 3 116. I'm Not Mesilf at All, original Irish stew, 1 act , 3 2 129. In for a Holiday, farce, 1 act % 3 159. In the Wrong House, farce, 1 act. . . 4 £ 122. Isabella OrsiVii, drama, 4 acts 11 4 177. I Sha'l Invite the Major, comedy, 14 1 100. Tack Long, drama, 2 acts 9 2 139. Joy is Dangerous, comedy, 2 acts.., 3 8 17. Kind to a Fault, comedy, 2 acts 6 4 86. Lady of Lyons, play, 5 acts 12 5 72. Lame Excuse, farce, 1 act 4 S MY NEIGHBOR'S WIFE. % Jfara, IN ONE ACT ADAPTED FROM THE FRENCH, By Alfred' BUNN, Esq., Axithor of the Libretto of " The Bohemian Girl,'''' etc. AS FIRST PRODUCED AT COVENT GARDEN THEATRE, LONDON TO WHICH ARE ADDED A DESCRIPTION OF THE COSTUME — CAST OF THE CHARACTERS — EN- TRANCES AND EXITS — RELATrV^E POSITIONS OF THE PERFORMERS ON THE STAGE, AND THE WHOLE OF THE STAGE BUSINESS. (i ;^r- /r337 ^^ NEW Y OR K.- CLINTON T. DE WITT, PUBLISHER, (SUCCESSOR TO R. M. DE WITT), No. 33 Rose Street. J^JU n^ MT NEIGHBOE'S wife. I a i O g^^ i^ O ^ M ^ Eh ^^ •§ i i 1 < «5 ^ PS iJ 02 H ^ i p:5 h4 ^ ?5 fA M ^ s ^. 5 M :^^ p (4 Hi 12: '^ ^ << < i! t-1 m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i •g S w ^ !^ c^ P3 p ^ ^ fL, H? W Ph ... . VI 'J^ 7/j ^ ^ g g ^ '^ '^ ^ ^ ^ I K P Mi y >-I P3 ^ < U ^^ Ph pq 1 s ^ s ^s^ ■^ M Oi r-- 1^ 1^ ^ s ^ ;s5 2 £• 11 2 1 o Somertc Brown, Smith, m H •►^ ^ £ £ ^ s li !ii^:§ MY NEIGHBOR S AVIFI SGENEIIY. SCENE.— A chamber. At the first entrance, r., is a window, and at the second entrance a door, leading to an inner apartment. At the fir.