144 ■ N5 V6 1 opy 1 H ■ hI ■ ^HP^B^^^H n ml IB Ht ^^^H ^^Bk: ^^llk W a. '• w ■ ■■ ^ = \ Mi. No. I ^ ^ SOLDIERS' MONUMENT Citi) of firxu Jjiunsxmdx p.rui Irrsrv !):.■.:■:! J ■■;. L. H. NELSON CO., /■;■.•..••:..•, .Uj/« Publishers ot" N'clion's Internaliunul Scries of Souvenir Books Copyriglit, 1.J05. L. l\. Nelson Co., Portland. Maine NEW BRUNSWICK, originally called Prigmore Swamp, was chartered on September i, T874, prior to which time at this place, on the west bank, of the Raritan River, many stirring events trans- pired, especially during the Revolutionary times. The city is situated midway between Trenton and New York, and is beautifully located on the winding Raritan River. The old hotel of the noted Commo- dore \'anderbilt, still stands near the dock where his steamboat used to ply to and from New York. New Brunswick is the county seat of Middlesex County and is the center of a network of trolleys, leading from all parts ot the County and State. Its present population is about twenty-two thousand. The City can well boast of its healthy location and especially its water plant, which is owned and controlled by the City. It also ranks high for its educational advantages, its schools being of the best, and it is the seat of Rutgers College, formerly Queen's College, which received its charter in 1766. New Brunswick is also noted as an extensive manu- facturing town and has two railroads, besides the Delaware and Raritan Canal. The City is adorned with numerous churches and public buildings. g^lyl^^ GENERAL VIEW OF NE'W BRUNSWICK From the Steamboat Dock. GEORGE STREET Looking East from W^ashineton Street. CHURCH STREET From Albany Street CHURCH STREET, FROM PEACE STREET ShowingJ. S. Stewart's Haberdashery, the P. J. Young Dry Goods Company, and the Grand Union Tea Company. COMMERCE SQUARE AND BURNET STREET FROM HIRAM STREET Showing the Landsberg Store and Rust's Drug Store. ALBANY STREET From George Street, lookine North UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT POST OFFICE BUILDING Corner George and Albany Streets. Completed in 1903 at a cost of about 5125,000 MIDDLESEX COUNTY BUILDINGS County Jail, Court House and County Clerk's Office, corner Bayard and Elm Row. NATIONAL BANK OF NEW JERSEY Corner Church and Neilson Streets. Oreanized ]864: re-chartered 1884. Capital $250,000. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY Corner George and Church Streets. Chartered 1887 Capital SIOO.OOO CORNER CHURCH AND GEORGE STREETS Ayres & Relyea Grocery, \Vairs Tailorine Establishment, Graham & McCormick's Rtttaurant. NORFOLK AND NEW BRUNSWICK HOSIERY COMPANY PROMINENT INDUSTRIES Johnson it Johnson, manulacturers of Red Cross supplies, antiseptic goods and absorbent cotton. OF NEW BRUNSWICK National Musical Siring Company, manufacturers of strings for musical instruments. A GROUP OF THRIVING INDUSTRIES F. W WOOLWORTH & COMPANY. 5 AND 10 CENT STORE Corner Church and Dennis Streets. The lower view shows a holiday crowd PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD STATION One of the finest stations between New York and Philadelphia. Erected at a cost of $100,000 TWO OF THE GREATEST WORKS OF STONE MASONRY IN THE WORLD Pennsylvania Railroad Elevatidn from Neilson Street. Pennsylvania Railroad Bridge over the Raritan River. It was two years in buildine and was finished in 1904. Cost about Sl.OM.OOO NEW BRUNSWICK'S SUPERB FIRE DEPARTMENT WESTON'S MILLS ^Vhe^e the city v^aler is obtained. It was owned by private parties prior to its purchase by the City of New Brunswick. Now valued at S'.000,000 CARNEGIE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY An attractive and artistic structure of granite and white pressed brick on Livingston Avenue. The gift of Andrew Carnegie to the City of New Brunswick. The corner-stone was laid in 1902. The building was completed in 1903 and cost $55,000. V «Mbi7--ifi^ WELLS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Corner of Albany and Somerset Streets. The gift of Mrs. John \Vclls to the City of New Brunswick in memory of her husband. Supported by the county and by private donations. It has free and private wards. LIVINGSTON AVENUE HIGH SCHOOL On Livingston Avenue at Redmond and Welton Streets. Erected in 1875. One of the best equipped school buildings in New Jersey. TYPICAL SCHOOL BUILDINGS THE PARK SCHOOL. Hale Street, near Commercial Avenue. Erected 1894. THE WASHINGTON SCHOOL, French Street, corner Louis Street. Erected A well-built schoolhousc. 1899. A fine specimen of modern school architecture. RUTGERS COLLEGE GEOLOGICAL HALL, erected 1871. It has a physical department, lecture rooms THE CAMPUS and the College Gate, A familiar view to thousands of graduates. and laboratory. KIRKPATRICK CHAPEL AND LIBRARY Erected 1872, RUTGERS COLLEGE BALLANTINE GYMNASIUM, the gift of Robert Ballantine to Rutgers Colleee. Completed in 1894. RUTGERS COLLEGE WINANTS HALL, built 1890. Serves as a dormitory and refectory. Accommo- QUEEN'S COLLEGE. Part of Rutgers CoUeee. One of the oldest ^ul.egc build- dates one hundred students. ings in the country. TWO WELL-KNOWN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Miss Anable-s School for Youiie Ladies. Bayard Street. Colun^bia Hall or St. Agnes' Academy, corner Somerset and Division Streets. Hertzog Hall Suydam Hall NE"W BRUNSWICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Organized in New York City in 1784 and removed to New Brunswick in 18]0. and to its present location in 1856. Governed by a board of superintendents under supervision of the General Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church. Supported by private donations and endowment funds'and tuitions. Suydam HallCwas the gift of John Suydam. Sage Library, erecied 1875 GENERAL VIEW OF SEMINARY The Sa^e Library contains over forty thousand volumes TYPICAL CHURCH EDIFICES OF NEW BRUNS'WICK Church of the Sacred Heart, (Catholic) Throop Avenue. Organized 1883. Second Reformed Church/George'Street, corner Albany. Organized 1843. REPRESENTATIVE NEW BRUNS'WICK CHURCHES Livingston Avenue Baptist, Livingston Avenue, corner Welton Street. Oreanized St Peter's Church (Catholic; Somerset Street. Organized 1830. One of the largest 1822 congregations in New Jersey. REPRESENTATIVE Residence of Mr. Charles J. Carpender, George Street. OF NEW BRUNSWICK Residence of Mr. R. W^. Johnson, College Avenue and Hamilton Street. finest in the city. One of the RESIDENCE OF MR. MILES ROSS Also row of fine apartment houses, corner Livingston Avenue and Townsend Street. UNION STREET A beautiful street lined with homelike residences. 18 «905 ltiliJIUf(l>lll ^■■llll i.:ili!|i 'illli ii:li^ I lil iliiii ■ ■■ BRIDGE OVER THE RARITAN RIVER Showing the Club House of the New Brunswick Boat Club. Incorporated 1892. m^mm;n^m