r LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Slielf„...Xf^^ tNITED STATES OF AMERICA ■i^mmmn'm'^t-mmi mm Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/thusthinksmokerhOOjenn I 5* -^ *^ ^ AND .^ IKEIV YORK Copyright^ 1890, by FREDE%ICK e//. STOKES COMTA^Y v^' V' ^ -^p,^ ^tjce *7j{/ir -JQMS- ijv This \^oJumCy '/^^^ Copyri j9 o:,M **Zbm ZbinK anb Smoke 'Jiobacco, ^^'^ ^-/^ ^:^>.-^-^ bl6 UnMan weet), now witbereb quite, XTbougb green at noon, cut bown at nigbt, 5bow0 tbi2 beca^— ail flesb is ba^ : ^bus tbint^, anb smohe tobacco. be pipe, so lil^^lifte anb weal?, ja)oes tbu0 tb^ mortal state bespeak; ^bou art e'en sucb— Gone witb a toucb : ^bu0 tbinl?, anb smol^e tobacco. nt) wben tbe smoke ascenbs on bigb, ZIbcn tbou bebolb'st tbe vanity ®f worlM^ stuff— (Bone witb a puff: ZLbus tbint^, ant) smoke tobacco. CieuKTvcV^^^^nM"?-! ^nb wben tbe pipe grows foul witbin, ZUnlx on tb^ bouI betlleb witb Bin; jfor tben tbe fire It botb require : Zhu5 tbinft, anb smoF^e tobacco. n^ eccBt tbe aebes cast awa^, ^ben to tbi^self tbou ma^est sa^ ^bat to tbe bust IReturn tbou must: ^bu0 tbinl?. anb smol^e tobacco* part n.g^ ^ Su^^ ■^-yu^ a0 tbis small plant for tbee cut bovon ? So was tbe plant of great renown, Mbicb riDerci? senbs jfor nobler enbs: ^bus tbinR» anb smoke tobacco. ptb juice mcMcinal proceeb from 6ucb a nauobti? foreign weet)? XLbcn wbat'0 tbe power ®f 3e0se'0 flower ? ^bus tbinU, ant) smol^e tobacco. »be promise, ime tbe pipe, inlai^s, ant) b^ tbe moutb of faitb convene Mbat virtue flows jfrcm Sbaron's rose: XTbus tbinli, ant> smoke tobacco. n vain tbe unligbtct) pipe ^ou blow— IPour pains in outwarb means are so, '^ill beavenl^ fire l^our beart inspire: ^bus tbinf^, anb smol^e tobacco. be emo'kc IW^e burntng incense towers; ^ So sboult) a prating beart of i^ours Mitb arbent cries Surmount tbe sMes: ^bu6 tbinf^, anb smoke tobacco. mm-i ■r.^->-^:*> n^mm m^'^^f^;$r-^i;pf. ;-^.:t^"v >.'-,"•'>' I J--^ V-' * . ■ .... ■^^Ir'Af*^ ^r;f::/^|^:ff*?V/:^l>4' mnpHiiMiP mmmmmmmmm LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iHiHIIIIIIMI* 029 714 189 ■-^rgv. --V- ^:^f/V&>- p --=-- ^30BM^