m,MJI^ ^ ^ / ^2J^ secretary. KNIGHTS OE PYTHIAS Pennesseewassee Lodge, No. 18, meets Thursday at Pythias Hall, Hathawa}' Block, Main street. It was HISTORICAL 27 organized July 11, 1878. Its membership is 116. Victor L. Partridge, president: Merton L. Kimball, K. of R. and S. Lake Assembl}' Lodge No. 33, Pythian Sisterhood was organized at Norway April 24, 1899, and has a membership of 74. It meets on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. Mrs. Annie Watson is present Chancellor Commander, and Miss Grace Jordan is the K. of R. and S. A. O. No3'es Co., No. 12, Uniform Rank meets the third Friday ot each month at K. P. Hall. It was organized August 3, 1892. Its membership is 38. M. L. Kimball, Sir. Kt. Capt.; A. L. Sanborn, Sir. Kt. Recorder. Section 447 Endowment Rank meets for elections in December at K. P. Hall, Main street. It was organ- ized August 16, 1S80. Its membership is 39. Fred E. Drake, president; Merton L. Kimball, secretary and trsasurer. PILGRIM FATHERS Elm Tree Lodge No. 199, United Order of Pilgrim Fathers, was instituted at Norway July 24, 1897 and holds its meetings in G. A. R. Hall. Its membership 28 HISTORICAL is 42. Emma Cullinan Gov.; Charles Walker, Lieut. Gov.; Hattie A. Sawyer, Sec.; Irene G. Locke, Coll; Edith Edwards, Treas. KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE Oxford Castle, No. 2, Knights of the Golden Eagle meets the tirst and second Thursday of each month, at Ryerson Ilall, Bridge Street. It was or- ganized March 28, 1903. Its membership is 48. G. E. Ham, N. C; George L. Curtis, M. of R. MODERN WOODMEN Norway Camp of Modern Woodman of America, meets every second Monday at the G. A. R. Hall. It was organized December 26, 1901 with a membership of 18. P. H. Nevens, V. C. ; O. P. Brooks, secretary. FORESTERS Independent Order of Foresters, meets the second and fourth Tuesday at G. A. R. Hall. It was organ- ized February 18, 1895. Its membership is 11. S. Harriman, C. R.; F. W. Faunce, F. S. HISTORICAL 29 GRANGE Norwa}" Gningc No. 45 was instituted at Norway on October 24, 1874. Its meetings are on the second and fourth Saturda3's ol each month at 1.30 p. m., in Grange Hall. The present master is J. A. Roberts, a prominent candidate lor the high otVice of State Master; H. C. Oxnard, secretar^■. SPANISH WAR VETERANS Frank T. Bartlett Commandery, No. 130. It was organized January 21, 1902. Its membership is 18. The Lodge meets the first and third Tuesday at the Armory Main street. J. W. Nash, captain. LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION Norway lUiilding Association was organized in 1882. A. N. French, E. C. ; Frank Kimball, treasurer; H. D. Smith, recorder. The Oxford Count\" Loan Association, S. I). An- drews, receiver. 30 HISTORICAL BANKS Norway National Bank, C. N. Tubbs, president; H. D. Smith, cashier. Norway Savings Bank, A. S. Kimball, president; George E. Tubbs, treasurer. MISCELLANEOUS The Village corporation was organized in 1850. Assessors, A. J. Stearns, C. S. Akers, H. L. Home. George L. Curtis, clerk and treasurer. The Fire Department was organized in 1850. George F. Hathaway, chief eng.; J. P. Cullin, ist. asst. ; T. P. Richardson, 2nd. asst. Norway Concert Band is a continuation of the old organization. Its membership is 15. The rehersals are Monday evenings, at the Band Club room. Frank Kimball, director; A. E. Norsworthy, band master; Dennis Pike, buisness manager. The Norway home for aged women, Mrs. Free- land Howe, president; Mrs. O. M. Bradbury, V. P.; Mrs. Cyrus Tucker, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Aaron Paige, matron. HISTORICAL 31 Sidney I. Smith Societ}' of Science. Its member- ship is 18. R. H. Morrison, president; D. S. Smith, secretary. Norway Board ol Trade, H. J. Bangs, president; George L. Curtis, secretary and treasurer. Norway Branch R. R. Co., Freeland Howe, presi- dent; H. P.Jones, treasurer; H.J. Bangs, secretary. Norway & Paris Street R. R. was opened in 1895. Freeland Haw, president; H. B. Young, superintend- ent. The Norway Co-operative Trade Association has the following Board of Directors: C. W. Ryerson, Freve Rowe, C. E. Freeman. C. W. Ryerson is presi- dent. Church Account The churcli histor}' of the town of Norway resolves itself into a histor}' of the different denomina- tions. This we give briefly in the lollowing lines: BAPTIST The First Baptist Church in this town was or- ganized in 1806, and the first settled pastor was Rev. 32 HISTORICAL John Wogg. The first church edifice was a lormer Universalist House moved on to a lot of land given by Henry Rust. The date was 1829. On December 31, 1889 on Cottage street the new Baptist church was dedicated. The following liave been the pastors of this church: Rev. John Haines, Rueben Milner, Joseph B. Mitchell, J. P. Hunting, Adam Wilson, T.J. Randall, J. A. Harding, W. Cook, H. Roberts, H. II. Bishop, and E. S. Cotton, the present pastor. UNIVERSALIST This society was the lirst in town. Their house of worship was erected in 1801 and was the hrst in Maine. The lirst preacher was Rev. John Murray. In 1829 a new church was built. This was repaired and improved in 1892. The society observed its Centen- nial in 1901 with appropriate services which were well attended. Following is the list of" pastors: John Murra}', Thomas Barnes, B. B. Murray, Ilenr}' Hawkins, Luke P. Rand, T. J. Tenney, E. F. Qjiimb}-, John L. wStevens, Russell wStreeter, D. T. Stevens, J. W. Ford, J. C. Snow, Selden Gilbert, Na- thaniel Gunnison, L. II. Tabor, J. A. Seitz, W. W. Hooper, Miss Caroline E. Angell. HISTORICAL -^3 METHODIST « The first Methodist sermon preached in town was supposed to have been delivered by a Mr. Parker about 1 812. Early meetings were held in Norway school- houses, but in 1837 a church was built about half way between the village and Steep Falls. A new church was built. in Norway in 1879. In 1889 a vestry was built at a cost ot $800.00. In 1897 repairs were made to the extent of $2500. Among the pastors there have been : William Pingree, William Yates, Edward Whittle J. B. Lapham, Fred C. Rogers, E. W. Simons, George L. Burbank, O. H. Pellsbury, J. A. Carey, J. G. Ross, T. W. Smith, J. H. Roberts, F. Grovener, W. B. El- dridge, J. W. Lewis, and B. F. Fickett, the present pastor. CONGREGATIONAL The Congregational church was organized in due form at Norwa}' in October, 1804. During the years ot 1808 and 1809 their house of worship was built. About 1840 the church was rebuilt on the same site as the old one had been. The second Congregational edifice was built in 1876, and destroyed in 1894 by fire. The present beautiiul church was built and dedicated in 1895. 34 HISTORICAL Pastors of the first Congregational church at Nor- ha^"c been as follows: Revs. N. Cressey, J. Walker, II. A. Merrill, Charles Soule, Charles Packard, II. W. Strong, tl. Pratt, Na- thaniel Richardson, P. B. Wilcox, J. L. Pratt, H. W. Pope, W. S. Moore, C. L. Mills, J. G. Wilson, A. H. Fuller, George Allchin. The pastors oi the second church are as follows: Revs. A. T. Loring, P. B. Wilcox, A. H. Tyler, T. T. Merry, G. W. Kelley, U. S. Moore, E. E. Bacon, A. Wiswill, B. S. Rideout, the present pastor. E PI SCO I^ AT. Christ's Church was built at Norway village on Paris street, at a cost of about $2200 in 1897. This church has been prosperous and gives promise ol being a strong instrument for good in the communit}". The pastors have been: Revs. M. H. Carroll and P. J. Fessenden. Facts of Interest The town of Norway presents to the observer to- day a picture of thrift and prosperty that is character- HISTORICAL 3S istic of only such towns as are inhabited by men of thriit, high ideals and healthy public spirit. Its churches and schools are in very good condi- tion. Its manufacturies, both steam and water-power, are busier than ever. The electric lamp lights the streets, stores and homes. There is a tine water system. The steam and electric railroads furnish excellent facilities for transportation. The numerous benevolent and social societies are making their several inliuences lelt to a greater degree than ever. The growth of this admirably situated and throughly beautiful Oxford town has been rapid, and today it ranks among the first towns of its size in this part of New England. Today, as in the past one ot its most important industries is the shoe manufactury. The Radclitfe Shoe Co., and the Pine State Shoe Co., are the principle concerns in this line. The Radclifle Shoe Co. was organized in 1872 as B. F. Spinney & Co. The Pine State Shoe Co., was started in 1894 under the name of E. E. Millett, a year later was changed to E. E. Millett & Co., and in February 1903, it was incorporated under the present name. Another concern doing a large business is C. B. Cummings & Sons, who are engaged in several lines. We would be glad to enumerate in detail the many industries had we space, but we have no oppor- tunitv. Among the things which cannot be omitted is that institution of influence in any community, the newspaper. In lliis, Norway has tor many years been 36 HISTORICAL well favored. The following have been Norway's newspapers: The Observer, edited by A. Barton and W. E. Goodenow; The Politician, W. A. Evans; Vil- lage Spy, A. Barton; Oxford Oracle, George W. Mil- lett; Journal of the Times, W. E. Goodenow. The Nor- way Advertiser was first published in 1844 by Ira Berry and Francis Blake, Jr. Through successive years this paper was passed down to the present day Advertiser, — one ot the substantial county papers of Maine. It is now owned and edited by Fred W. Sanborn. Other papers in Norway have been: Oxford Democrat, Pine State News, Norway Messenger, Oxford Register and New Religion. A disaster in Norway's History occurred in 1894, when "The Fire" destroyed approximatcl}' $300,000 of property. The fire broke out in the mill owned by C. B. Cummings & Sons, at about two o'clocck p. m. on Wednesday May 9. The fiames moved rapidl}^ in an easterly direction from the mill which was situated on the further bank of the river, just back of the present Opera House. There were eighty-five stores and resi- dences destroyed and one hundred families rendered homeless. There was about $140,000 insurance. Everything was taken on that side of the street to the river's edge save the houses owned and occupied by Dr. B. F. Bradbury, C. L. Hathawa}-, E. H. Brown, and S. S. Stearns to the lower primary schoolhouse. At this point the fire crossed the street and burned the homes of W. E. Foss, Sophia Davis, the David Andrew house HISTORICAL 37 and the J. R. Sanborn house. A tannery on the west side of the present electric railroad caught fire and the houses on the Main street were burned from this point to J. L. Home's save George Holmes, H. L. Home's and Luther Pike's. Here it is said, was a mile of solid lire. At eleven o'clock in the night another fire caught in a green house of the Norway Savings Bank, but was soon extinguished. The fight against the flames was heroic. Help was summoned from Lewiston, Portland Bethel, Mechanic Falls, and South Paris. Six and a half hours were required to get control of the flames. TV. L. DOUGLAS SHOE The World's Greatest Shoe for Men. 11 These Shoes are fine fitting, durable and handsome. H Orthopedic last. TIMade from French Enamels, Box-Calf, Valour Calf and Vici Kid. PRICE, $3.00 and $3. SO Clothier & Furnisher TELEPHONE 106-3 3 1 Market Square SOUTH PARIS Castonr;)-]V[ade Shoes !!!!!!!!!!T![!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Tnyrn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MADE TO MEASURE FOR ALL THE LATEST STYLES MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN TO PICK FROM We make a specialty of fittinj^ difficult feet Come in and see our line of Men's Shoes FEME tSTATIE ^SHOE C0MFAHY NOR\A/'AY, MAINE MIR^o Go Ao AILILIEN JVIillinerg 8t pancy Goods loi Main St., next door to P. O. NORWAY, MAINE Book & Job Printinci J(fo ^oh too lar6e J(fc ^ob too small OUR WORK WILL PLEASE YOU IS NOT THIS A GOOD BOOK? WE MADE IT U 11 H II H hie p^adHsoim o^M®^^^ TOB PRINT MADISON, MAINE is in the position to serve your wants in the lines of CUSTOM and READY-MADE CLOTHING HATS, CAPS and FURNISHINGS More cheaply than other stores ^ ^ OUR AIM— Low Prices and High Quality WHEN IN TO\A^N CALL AND SEE US A. L. SANBORN 5 CO. 115 MAIN STREET, NORWAY The Norway Town Register, a handy book of reference at a small price. If you have not already bought one, get one. They are for sale at A. L. Sanborn & Co.'s store. E. F. BICKNELL DEALER IN Fancy Groceries, Flour and Provisions, Sporting Goods Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, Cartridges, Etc. Next door to Opera House NORWAY, MAJ.^ ■bJ afe %dfc' ^E GRADUATE : OPTICIAN No. 6 Pleasant Street SOUTH PARIS, ME. Watches Clocks Jewelry Silverware Optical Goods Music and Musical Merchandise Noyes Block, Main St, NORV/AY, ME. L. S. BILLINGS MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN APPLE BARREL HEADS, ETC. Telephone 105-n SOUTH PARIS, ME. CENSUS 43 Gertrude A (Richards milliner Adams, Wallace M I Main prop'r Cummings boarding house Effie M (Maxim ho Audette, Aime, s s wk 5 Hayden Andrews, Eugene E, mer 66 Main Georgia M (Packard ho Madeleine P pi Roland E Andrews, Elizabeth J (Brett ho 66 Main Nellie L art and tr Herbert F mer Eugene E mer Adams, Charles H, con 48 Main *Clifford C R R ser Mary A (Cushman nurse Annis, Clarinda R (Chaplin nurse 12 Winter Lenora F ho *Sanford M soldier *Wallace R box mfgr Carrie W pi Adams, George W salesman 16 Brown Nora E (Bubien ho Wallace M bd ho prop *Minnie B ho Rena M waitress Carrie E s s wk Lela R pi Georgia A pi Ina Ino Abbott, Lorena, ho 20 Brown Almira, Mabel L, stu Paris Allen, Harville L, s s wk 22 Paris Ethylyn (Buryl s s wk Allen, Alfonzo, far 22 Paris Ellen M (Whidden ho Edwin H s s wk *Howard A s s wk Jennie E ho Fred . wood wk Arthur F s s wk Harville L s s wk *Winfield R wood wk Wallace O s s wk Andrews, Herbert F, mer 6 Paris Lena M (Jordan ho Donald J pi Francis pi B Bradbury, Charles A s s wk 45 Main Alice T (Whalen ho Bradbury, Phillip s s wk 37 Main street Kate (Pike ho Burt, Charles C, retired 29 Main *Lejune O painter Fred M s s wk * Frank B s s wk Blanche M ho Brown, Gilbert J s s wk 5 Danforth *0 Warren reporter 44 CENSUS Laura F (Knapp ho Burrows, Herbert, job \vk Bridge Bossernan, William E druggist 87 Main Jennie A (Perry ho Mildred P Pl Baker, Margaret A stenog Baker, Jennie P cl Baker, Alice M, stenog 73 Mam Baker, Frank N, phy 85 Main Gertrude (Holden ho Geneva Pl Hubert H Pl Marjorie Pl Bradbury, Bial F, phy 1 1 1 Main Ava Y (Finney ho *Jamesto\vn L elec eng * Margaret stu Bradbury, Ellen R (Scribner ho III Main Bial F phy Barron, Homer, cook Danforth Mina T (Strong ho George F stu Luna G stu Callie C pl Barron, Sarah H (Whitten ho Danforth *Nora ho Homer cook Buck, S Norman salesman I Bridge Minnie C (Crosby ho Gladys V pl Donald C Bicknell, B B, motorman 1 1 Water Billings, Hannah (Rowe ho 4 Main Bartlett, Lucius, far Bartlett's av Sarah S (Shackney ho *Charles S druggist Buswell, Charles E, s s wk Elm Addie E (Rawson ho *Lewis R cl Frank M stu Florence E stu Arthur R pl Bennett, G Oscar, far Orchard Albertina G (Waterhouse Bicknell, Everett F, mer Orchard Elizabeth A (Bennett ho Grace B tr Brooks, George A, bk kpr 18 Water Alice E (Warren ho Brown, Abbie (Pratt, ho Water Bedard, Clyde J, teamster Water Ida A (Pratt ho Bennett, Charles F teamster Ella S (Smith ho Bean Irving, s s wk Paris Lillian A (Goddard ho Harold E tr Bisbee, William S, far 8 Paris Sarah J (Dunham ho Bolster, James undertaker Beal's and Fern Maude M (Fuller ho CENSUS 45 Bookei, Hezekiah P, car Marston Ellen J (Dunn ho Nellie S s s wk Mary C s s wk Sadie tr Boynton, Wellington s s wk Beal's Lizzie H (Kilgore ho Carl W stu Fannie S stu Bovine, Alma, s s wk Lynn Bonney, Gertrude s s wk 1 1 Marston Bean, Theophillus teamster 25 Winter Berry, Chester, pi 25 Winter Bessnet, Charlie, s s wk Tucker Sarah M (Leaney ho S Canenne S Adeline Bonney, Benjamin H, far Tucker Lizzie A (Rowe ho Alice M stu Emma L pi Delmar A pi Albert R pi Alton T pi Bartlett, Warren E salesman 126 Main Bridges, Sarah E (Libby ho 126 Main Millie M s s wk Blake, Elizabeth S (Crockett ho 13 Cottage *Mary E Martha C *Charles G Barnard, Florence ho ho bk kpr s s wk Barry, Myron, painter 15 Danforth Brown, Lucinda (Martin ho 17 Danforth Iva B hotel wk Briggs, Frank D, mer 1 2 Cottage May E (Jones ho Bartlett, Herman L phy and sur 92 Main Edith M (Stearns ho Donald S pi Albert R pi Arthur C Bennett, Annette phy Bennett, Lena L, tr 8i Main Beal, Elizabeth B ho Beal, Agnes J, ho 10 Cottage Bicknell, William A, cl 2 Water Sadie E (Bicknell Ronnell C pi Hazel F pi Eula K pi Brooks, Louis J, cl 8 Danforth Lizzie M (Fuller ho Doris L . Bailey, Alma W (Greenleaf ho 88 Main Brackett, Eliza A (Edwards 78 Main *Lunetta E ho Leona G ho 46 CENSUS *Lyndon J Bennett, George Guy mill \vk elec con 74 Main Lena M (Harrinian ho Berry, Mrs A Q cook Barker, Susie, waitress 142 Main Buck, Albion, hotel cl Main Bassett, Albion P deputy sherifif Emma E (York ho Brooks, Owen P, mer 62 Main Elvira C (Groves ho Brown, Electra N ho Brown, Ellen F, ho 48 Main Burnell, Edward G mill wk 46 Main Fannie G (Weeks ho Edward L stu Butterfield, Eliza A, ho 40 Main Bisson, Amanda s s wk Bisson, Flora, s s wk 16 Whitman Bickford, Emma J (Henderson 5 tail" William S electrician * Robert F draftsman *Ross L civ eng *Octavia H ho *Mary M . tr Grace ho H Knox pi Brown, Charles H, s s wk 7 Fair Matilda M (Cotton Beatrice B George M Bradbury, Herbert s s wk 12 Winter Lenora F (Annis Bennett, Maude, ss wk 2 Marston Bennett, Eustis, s s wk 24 Beal Herman Mary (Brown s s wk Buswell, George H mill wk 5 Marston Flora E (Eastman ho Marjorie stu Bennett, Agnes S (Mason ho 6 Hayden *Freeman H far *Etta E ho Julia L ho Anna P s s wk Bradbury, Montelle s s wk 8 Marston Isabelle A (Kershner Burt, Fred s s wk Augusta ( s s wk Whitman Bradbury, Thomas, far 8 Marston Isabelle (Smith ho Montelle s s wk Ethel I bk kpr Roy H s s wk May L Pl Brooks, Charles W hotel 3 Hayden Jennie E (Estes ho Charles C stu Raymond E Pl Anna L pl Hubert W pl Paul L Pl CENSUS 47 Robert L Bennett, Mary J (Richardson ho 1 1 Maple Grace L ho Barrows, Uorcas (Chamberlain 4 Tucker Frances R ho Jennie L ho Baderd, Prudent phy 7 Brown Artemise (Charest ho Exelia ho Artie ho Rosie ho Ada s s wk Annie pi Flora pi Prudent Jr pi Delia pi Lazire Bisson, Lathias, ss wk 6 Whitman Albertine (Charon s s wk Frank Beaulieu, Felix, lab 20 Brown Celina (Prince ho Peter lab Joseph Barrows, Edgar F, far Paris Annie (Young ho Earl stu Lucie pi Barnes, Charles P, law 30 Pleasant j Annie M (Richardson ho! Phuieas P pi I Charles F John A Bacon, Effie, s s wk 12 Whitman Bennett, (ieorge H painter Whitman Agnes C (Russell ho *Winnifred R ho Hazel A pi Bacon, Benjamin, cob Whitman B Jane (Chandler ho Clara E ho Effie J ho Buck, Peter B, far 12 Whitman Rebecca F ho Sarah E ho Bennett, Savilla A, phy 7 Crescent Susan H (Willis ho *Willis S R R ser Bartlett, Linie R (Swain ho 7 Crecent Carroll A pi Frances Bennett, Anna M compositor 1 1 Crescent Beck, Frank H, mer 6 Whitman Annie E (Jordan ho Bangs, Henry J, mer Main Minnie C (Dean ho Mildred D pi Helen V pi Marion L pi Bagley, Annie, s s wk 7 Deering Burnet, Neville S s s wk 22 Deering 48 CENSUS Addie E H (Sanborn ho Neville S Jr Annie V Frank B Butler, Addie E H (Sanborn ho 2 2 Deering^ Margery V pi Hazen R pi Bennett, Albert T meat bus 1 9 Deering Annie M (Moore ho Guy G electrician Harold R expressman Bickford, Maria E (Smith ho 1 8 Deering ♦Charles F pi Belle pi Barker, Edward D, blk 20 Deering Ella L (Holman ho *Bernice E pi Hazel F pi Ren a M pi C Cushman, Charles A D cook 16 Danforth Maude M (Radcliff ho Alton D Cummings, Orrington M livery and feed stable business 4 Danforth Sarah S (Partridge ho Curtis, George L ex agt 7 Danforth Nellie M (Smith Mildred Ina Cole, Herbert D, jeweler Cole, Mary A (Knightly Curtis, Abbie M, ho Campbell, Herbert ho Pl Oak ave ho Oak ave Oak ave s s wk 103 Main Crooker, Mercia A, s s wk 7 Main Cullinan, John P wood and coal Main street Emma A (Newcomb Walter P meat business Cook, Allie L, barber 26 Pleasant A Geneva (Cross ho Pearl F pl Cross, Thaddeus deputy sheriff 171 Main Georgia A (Dodge ho A Geneva ho Mildred M s s wk *Ned C mill wk Clark, Jackson boiler handle mkr I Water P'annie ho Rose P (Rowe ho Cushman, H Llewellyn truckman 10 Water street Cole, George A. far Main Sarah E (Allen ho Jennie M ho Cordwell, Royal, lab 3 Main Cora A (McAllister Roy stu CENSUS 49 Churchill, Walter A s s wk 20 Water Linda B (Rawson Harold W pi Charming, Ada (Tyler, ho Orchard . Ruth E pi Crosby, Charles horseman 6 Water Minnie E ho Hattie C (Freeman Charles, Marcia B (Charles ho - ID Water Lena ho Alphonzo mail ser Cummings, Frances E (Staples ho 173 Main Stephen B furniture dl and mfg Fred H furniture dl and mfg George I furniture dl and mfg Edwin S furniture dl and mfg Fannie W ho Cullinan, George H bk kpr 173 Main Fannie W (Cummings Currier, John, mill wk 3 Pleasant Clara S (Fuller ho Cassie M s s wk Annie C s s wk Cordwell, William I), car 3 Main Martha A (Wilson Royal lab Commett, Willis, s s wk 8 Tucker Lizzie S (Hopkins ho Norman A mill wk Carl W eng Cummings, John M livery business Main Elver (Murch ho Cook, Nathaniel C, blk Danforth Mildred (Cosgrove ho Dorothy Currier, George E, s s wk School Helen M (Kimball ho *Charles W spool mfgr *George II spool mfgr Milo J s s wk *Walter E s s wk Chapman, Harold B salesman Winter Nettie A (Hastings Stanley G s s wk Robert H pi Ruel S pi Cordwell, Winfred S, far 126 Main Nancy Y (Flint ho Cotton, Edward S, clerg 92 Main Addis L (Howe ho * Edward H stu Alvin L stu Campbell, Albert F s s wk 44 Water Mary (Frost ho Cole, Louise aged home 40 Main Cotton, William F, teamster 7 Fair Deborah J (Lamb iio Matilla M ho 50 CENSUS *Florence C ho *Guy M stu Cole, Horace H, cl 2 Fair Ella (Jewett ho Cole, William C, car I Winter Helen G (Downer ho Horace H c' *John D R R ser *Hattie A ho L Amy *Harry V electrician Cragin, Susan M (Somes music tr 7 Winter *Nora M ho * Charles L stu Hattie E tr Cole, Wallace D, lab Green Saddle (White ho Mildred G ho Chick, Charles W electrician 3 Paris Etta (Damon ho C Edwin pi Howard L pi Frances M Cobb, Isaac P, factory wk Green Eliza A (Trafton ho Benjamin S pi Cobb, Susan (Small, ho Green *Cynthia L ho Isaac P factory wk *Lizzie E ho Crosby, Sarah (Proctor ho 5 Marston ♦Richard H Chase, Henry G butter mkr Green Mar)' F (Lincoln ho Bessie L stu Daisy D pi Josie M pi Court, Henry, s s wk 6 Pine Blanche (Burt s s wk Canwell, Josie ■ s s wk Cole P Mrs ( s s wk Beal and Hazen Cross, Emma L )Jennings s s wk 10 Beals *Winfred janitor *Mark mason * Florence M nurse Chamberlain, Lovisa, ho 4 Tucker Curtis, Weston M factory wk I Brown Annie D (Knipe ho Velma M Chaney, George W painter and paper hanger 5 Cottage Annie E (Holbrooke ho Roy L F stu Bertha S pi Connor, Clara M nurse ;^;^ Pleasant Cook, Jennie N (Noble, ho 9 Main Cox, William F, far 3 Crescent Catherine H (Noyes ho Oscar N far CENSUS 51 ♦Wealthy M ho Cummings, Stephen retired 3 Whitman Cummings, George 1 furniture dVv and mfgr 160 Main Inez M (Stuart ho Charles F Cummings, Edwin S furniture dl'r and mfgr 4 Whitman Kate H (Elliot ho Cummings Stephen B furniture dl'r and mfgr 4 Whitman Mattie M (Jordan ho Ruth pi Stephen J Cherry, Helen (Greenleaf ho Main *Nellie ho *Willard E Crooker, James O asst sh'p'r mer 1 1 Deering Adelia A (Higgins *Estella A ho Chandler, Marcus W R R ser 146 Main Alma A (Needham Ella A ho Carter, George W 21 Deering Hattie E (Edwards ho Guy N stu Crooker, Lizzie A (Akers ho Main and Pleasant D Drake, Howard L, cl 6 Bridge Eliza (Wheeler ho Durben, J J A, lab I Pleasant Louise (Gilbert ho *Annie ho Georgia A pi Grace A Decosta, Clarence L, s s wk Elm Addie M B (Teague Addie F ho Claribel T stu Decosta, Frank E s s wk Pikes Hill Addie M (Frost ho Adeline M Dunham, Nathan L s s wk 23 Pleasant Louise (Whitman ho Emma L s s wk Elmer L s s wk Rosemond pi Clarence S pi Edna B pi Davis, Annie F (Joy, ho Water Gertrude M ho Eva F pi *William E pi Blanche L Dearbon, Charles E, lab Water Lydia S (Haymon Carroll E pi Gladys M pi Dale, Sarah J (Farr, ho 22 Tucker *Archelaus motorman 52 CENSUS *Emma M ho Davis, Gertrude M laundress 33 Pleasant Drew, Mary E s s wk I Maple street Doucett, Peter, s s wk Whitman Bina (Raymond ho Willie pi Rose pi Randolph Antony Dora Cora Downing, George P s s wk 5 Crescent Frances C (Tuttle ho Harry F pi Downing, May I bk kpr 5 Crescent Drake, Fred E dentist 14 Pleasant Clara A (Hayden ho Dinsmore, Charles W eng 4 Pleasant Carrie (Tee ho Walter W *Nellie C ho Jessie L ho Danforth, Francis A retired 3 Pleasant Susan A (Tenney ho Danforth, James, far 154 Main Charles 11 stu Annie L stu Sarah A pi Francis A pi Dunn, James M, s s wk 126 Main Devine, Sarah N (Judkins ho 14 Cottage George W mer Durrell, Lyman R, car 44 Water Durell, Willie F, s s wk 44 Water Lillian (Lowell ho Downing, Clarence H el 18 Pleasant Honor A (Gurney Mariam Davis, William N salesman 44 Main Olive M (Weston ho Llewellyn W pi Durgin, Minnie (Williams ho 36 Main Davis, Sophia A, ho 32 Main Decosta, Phillip, s s wk Fair Gertrude (Gunn ho Lawrence Gertrude Dyer, E W, electrician 13 Paris Nellie W (Lewis s s wk Dean, Anne, ho 6 Marston Davis, Daniel S, car 26 Beal Mary O (Morgan ho *Emma J dress mkr *Henry T teamster *Clara E ho Dufresne, Joseph bakery bus 24 Beals CENSUS 53 Edonardiana (Gauthner Pauline pi Dolor is Henry Elvie Dufresne, Napoleon, ss \vk Paris Lena M (Mattor Rose A Dyer, Herbert J, s s \vk 5 Hay Bertha M (Snow ho H William pi Davis, Herrick C, judge 5 Beal Lucy M (Felt ho *Samuel F P O Carrie L ho E Edgecomb, Orrin W painter 75 Main Sylvia E (Verrill ho Edith M factory wk Ella A stu Olive J pi Everett, Alfred A Jr factory wk Water Laura A (Smith ho Jessie H Ethridge, M Jennie (Buck ho Tucker Clifford N mill wk Charles W mill wk Clara C pi Everett, Augustus A, far Water Abbie A (Holden ho Alfred A Jr Eliza A *Addie M Almore A Hattie A Weaker E James E Mae M Phillie M Evirs, Charles W, car factory wk ho ho ho ho factory wk s s wk s s wk Pl Marston Bertha A (MacAlaster Howard W pl Raymond H Edwards, Lizzie (Lord, ho 3 Fern Elliott, Frank G, far 9 Crescent • Clara M (Dudley ho Edwards, Jesse L, b!k Main Hannah E (Estes ho *Dolly M ho Esther L s s wk Jessie V Estes, Bertha M, ho Main Emery, Walter W factory wk 76 Main Estella B (Minard ho Guy T pl Edwards, Diantha (Cole aged home 40 Main Eastman, Sarah (Proctor ho 5 Marston *Eugene W salesman Flora E ho Edwards, Jesse P, mer Beal Edith E (Ripley ho 54 CENSUS Gladys I pl Forman, Fannie S, ho Main Estes, Guy R, s s wk 6 Hazen Frost, Winslow A s s wk Anna P (Bennett ho 4 Pleasant Ethridge, Stephen L mail ser Florence J (Fuller ho 7 Hazen Alta A pl Emily R (King ho Leo M Pl George W s s wk French, Julia M (Wing ho Lizzie M s s wk Pikes Hill Ethridge, George W s s wk *J Alberta ho 7 Hazen *A Lincoln phy Ella C (Abbott s s wk Minnie F ho Alice I *Gertrude E ho Ruth E *Henry T druggist Evans, Addie A (Tubbs ho *John S prof 28 Beal Foster, Walter D, s s wk Bridge Foster, Alma L, ho Bridge F French, Albert, car Pleasant Erench, Augustus N phy Emma E (Day ho 8^ Main Delmore M supt corn shop Nellie E (Fox ho French, Delmore M supt corn shop Eva M operator Pleasant *Lutie M ho Lena M (Greely ho Eifield, Henry E, stu 8;^ Main Bernard D pl Eva M (French operator Fox, Anna M pl Foster, Ruth A (Bryant ho Fox, Isaac S, s s wk 10 Alpine 6 Danforth Lillian F (Dale ho Flint, Willis E, lab Bridge Farrington, Irene (Fuller, ho Beals Addie E (Libby ho Freeman, M Bennett s s wk Bessie B pl 23 Beals Harriett A pl Julia L (Bennett . ho Hazel M pl Fickett, Benjamin F, clerg Beals Carlton W Zephie A (Rowe ho Lawrence L Fuller, Darius E s s wk Frost, Robert F, fireman 13 Water 1 1 Marston I CENSUS 5 5 Emma C (Tainter ho *Alice M ho *Harry E s s wk Frost, Alice (Shed, ho 3 Fern Foster, Selden C, barber 9 Maple Mary (Wise ho A Hazel pi Cyril W pi Pearl M pi L Coris Frost, Irving stone cutter 16 Whitman Jennie A (Richardson Minnie W pi Flanders, Medie M (McKeen ho Whitman *Kippie C cl Wendell L pi Joie C pi Susie P pi lona pi Cleona C pi Myrtie Frost, N Bradley, far 3 Crescent Emma L ho Faunce, Frank W, cl 6 Pleasant Maria (Shackley ho *Helen M ho *B Frank ins steel works Grace L office wk Faunce, Abbie F (Rowe ho 8 Whitman Florence L ho * Elmer A livery stable * Edgar E cl *Perley B teamster Fogg, George s s wk 8 Summer Eva L (Noyes ho Lewis W stu Albert C Pl Percy Y pl Linwood E Pl Foley, John, retired 3 Summer Fisk, William W retired 29 Deering *Horace M far Mary R ho Martha M s s wk *Lizzie J ho Carrie M (Chapman ho Favor, James N prop harness store 4 Deering Annie E (Hayes ho Favor, Angelia (Tucker ho 4 Deering Elsie A compositor * Henry F car James N prop harness store Frost, Eliza (Bean dress mkr 3 Cottage *Alice I stu Eda cl Fuller, Morrill M, car 8 Danforth Hattie E (Pike ho Nettie M bk kpr Lizzie M ho S6 CENSUS Fuller, Lydia M s s wk lo Danforth Fisk, Mattie, s s wk 88 Main Fletcher, John H confectionary dlr 67 Main Bella (Lloyd ho C Lloyd H Leroy Foster, Henry B, clothier 26 Main Jennie (Cole ho Laurestein L Foss, Walter E, trader 30 Main Cora E (Chandler ho Carl T stu Phillip E pi Frost, Winslow A, s s wk Paris Florence (Fuller ho Alta pi Leo M pi Foss, Lizzie L s s wk Foss, Lizzie E, stu i Green Frost, Arthur W, s s wk Paris Fannie E (Holden ho Winslow A s s wk Florence E s s wk Delia E s s wk Clifford C factory wk Fannie E s s wk Eliab R factory wk Lucy V stu Gladys M pi French, Roxie (Cummings ho Beal Frechette, Archie woodsman 5 Brown Rosie (Baderd ho Foster, Ruth A (Brj-ant ho 4 Danforth Fuller, Frank J, s s wk 9 Water Sadie J (Matheson ho Margarett G Gayton, Frank E, s s wk 39 Main Annie S (Parker ho Ethel R stu Verner N pi Josie A pi Greenwood, Leona, stu 85 Main Greene, Hattie E, ho 103 Main Glidden, Harry H mer 5 Danforth Eliza E (Ripley ho Zoie M Dorris F Garey, William C laundryman 151 Main Elizabeth E (Norris Gammon, Sarah H (Smith ho Main *Mary M ho Flora E Eva A Gilbert, Edward, lab Water Emily (Sanville ho Louise ho *Annie Nie printer Lona stu Gammon, Edwin S, s s wk Water CENSUS 57 Hattie A (Everett ho Edwin A Glindes, Edward s s wk 25 Pleasant Grant, Charlotte R (En Karl 20 Pleasant Mary E ho *Harriet I ho *Wilbiir V s s wk *Jennie S ho *James H s s wk *Morris S s s wk *Charlotte M ho Garry, Helen (Churchill ho 25 Pleasant William C laundryman Ina ho Graves, Oscar, lumber bus Alpine Louise F (Dyer ho Arthur W mill wk Gammon, Marcellus E mach Water Ida M (Euller ho Edwin S s s wk William V mach Etta B s s wk Alice M ho Bertha B pi Walter E pi Arthur L pi Carl V pi Harry H pi Grace A Graves, Arthur W, mill wk Alpine Gertrude V (LeGrow Fred C pi Dorris E Gibson, Harry E s s wk 3 Crescent Emma L (Frdst ho Annie E stu Marian E pi Lesley E Gurney, John, retired 8 Pleasant *James M prop bd ho * Herbert L mach Giles, Carrie E (Bisbee ho 158 Main Goodwin, James H, far 14 Deering Inez E (Kenerson Etta M pi Greenwood, H, ss wk 13 Deering Golden, Thomas J stone cutter 45 Beal Carrie I (Starkey ho Gerry, Mary A (Mcguire ho 8 Cottage *Abbie E millinery *Luella millinery *Adelbert corn canning Ida M ho Gray, Herbert H, s s wk Main Gregg, Jennie C (Gardner dress mkr 90 Main Hortense G compositor Gardner, Gertrude O, tr 90 Main Gurney, Kenneth C car 18 Pleasant 58 CENSUS prop of rest ho Fair ho Greenleaf, Bessie VV (Faunce 88 Main * Elgin A Ahiia W Gane, John H, s s \vk Emma (Dennis John Octave Roseline Gilbert, Lewis I, retired 30 Beal Goldthwait, Irving factory \vk 6 Pine Gammon, Mary E (Hobson 14 Beal Merlene E Clare M *Myrtie I Urchal C Grover, Frank, s s wk ho s s \\k stitcher stu 5 Hazen H Hatch, Stephen G, retired 65 Main Hatch, Olive C, ho 65 Main Hobbs, George W variety store 73 Main Emma E (VVadwell ha Fannie G cl Hathaway, Charles L lumber mer Main Clarinda H (Dunham Hamlin, Annie dress mkr Oak ave Harmon, Hattie E (Long ho Main Carl W Hulbert, L C, s s wk Herrick, Frank E, s s wk Addie F (Stevens Frank D Holt, Joseph S, far Huntress, H H, retired Emily J (Edwards *Hattie Hardin, Charles F stu 1 1 Water 7 Water ho stu Main 13 Main ho ho painter 1 1 Main • ho Pl Georgia A (Strong C Vernon E Dewey H Bernard Howe, Abbie (Damon, ho Bridge Home, Chester W, milk bus Elm Julia A (Richardson *Lester W phy W^illiam C stu Hariy L pl Herms, Hedweg F (Bartel Greenleaf ave Clara *Emil Haskell, Frank L Ina (Gerry Myrtle F PhilHp V Marion E Floyd E D orris E Hill, Abbic (Damon, ho s s wk ho factory wk 25 Pleasant ho pl pl pl pl Bridge CENSUS 59 Emma N ho Lottie S matron in sem Holden, Henry () car and mason Water Chester O s s \vk Harry L s s wk Paul R pi Josie M (Smith ho Hoyt, Josie M (Smith, ho Water *Mary ho Hattie ho Frank P actor *Emily ho *Fred s s wk Eddie J pi Hutchins, Ernest W, cl Marston E June (Leavitt ho Hebbard, Arthur lumbering 31 Beals Stella E (Millett ho Harriman, Simeon, trader Beals Ella F (Moulton ho Hair, George E, far 23 Winter Dorothy M (Stevens Harper, Ella M, ho Tucker Harriman, Alma S(Hutchins Pleasant Florence A Hutchins, John F painter 31 Pleasant Sabra E (Witham ho Alma S ho *Arthur F s s wk Hertha M ho Walter L stu Bert L pi Lida B pi Hayden, Eugene F s s wk 13 Maple Merleine (Gammon ho Madelyn G Harriman, Arthur L R R ser 13 Maple Edith M (Penley ho Herrick, George W, car 7 Maple Jennie H (Frost ho Hilburn, Jennie, s s wk Whitman Hosmer, Herbert H guide Whitman Clara E (Bacon ho H Harold guide Henry N stu Ben F stu Hayden, Clara A (Ames ho 14 Pleasant *Emma I ho Clara A ho *Henry B moulder *John J shoe mkr Eugene F s s wk *Samuel H s s wk *Anna F ho P'rank A dentist *Caroline E ho Hayden. Arthur P stu 14 Pleasant Haskell, Diantha L (Frost ho 154 Main 6o CENSUS Hurd, Hubert, blk Pleasant Jennie E (Dearborn ho Herbert A pi Holbrook, Edward C s s wk 1 8 Deering Madge (Davis ho Lillian pi Arthur M pi Edward C Jr Albert P Stanley W Harriman, Mary M (Grover 74 Main Lena M ho Blanche M ho Hayes, John, baker Beals Georgia (W'inslow ho Georgia W J Beatrice telegraph oper Daisy M stu Ernest W ho Hathaway, George F, cl 49 Beals Nellie (McCauslin ho * Merle F shoe cutter Clara L pi Hills, Vivian W jeweler and opt 1 1 Cottage Inez B (Turner millinery Hill, Abbie, hotel wk 142 Main Howe, Freeland, ins bus 100 Main Mary L Fields ho *Fannie R ho George R ins bus *Freeland Jr biologist Hazen, John B, con 17 Pleasant * Florence H saleswoman *Josephine B asst surg Irene F tr Evelyn M stu Hemingway, Charles A electrician 60 Main Alberta J (Barrows Ralph A painter Ruth A Harmon, Sarah P (Leg •ow 40 Main Sarah P (Hopkins Holmes, George W mill bus 38 Main Franie I (Jones ho Helen H Mildred J Pl Home, Hermon L lumber dlr 36 Main Fannie H (Holmes ho Holmes, Fred H retired 36 Main Hill, Albert G, mason. Winter Florence M (Gentille ho Eugene A pl Arthur C Ernest F Hamilton, C Burton s s wk 7 Paris Hall, Lucy B, dress mk r 5 Paris Hillier, William H tannery wk 16 Fair ♦Herbert W factory wk CENSUS 6i M Isabella ho Herrick, William E, far i6 Fair M Isabella (Hillier ho ' Hussey, Clarence E s s wk lo Marston Henrietta (Hill ho Ronald B pi Marguerite Elizabeth L Hill, Hannah, ho, 2 Marston Holden, Sylvina (Shedd ho 32 Beals Harriman, Lutie (Bennett s s wk 24 Beals Hayes, C Thomas supt sale stable 6 Pine Louisa A (Teague Gertrude I s s wk Charles R stu Josephene H pi Howe, Bertha, s s wk Beals Heath, Timothy L mason and eng 6 Fern Abbie N (Noyes ho March H pi Clayton E pi Hill, Andrew retired soldier Fern *Ada ho *Louise ho *Charles G spool mkr Ada L (Brown ho Holt, Eliza 1'' (Eldridge ho 10 Beals *Lula M *Arlettie *Mark T Lizzie E *Victor H *Alma E Hibbard, Alfred B ho dress mkr far ho lumberman nurse truckman 10 Tucker Myra T (Bonney Helen M Hosmer, Fred D, far 16 Paris Gertrude M (Walker ho Pearl F pi Hurd, Frank, blk i Pleasant Irving, Chester L, s s wk Beals Irish, Ella H, tr Paris Johnson, Leroy A meat dlr 95 Main Judkins, John P, mail ser Bridge Rosetta R (Twitchell John H Judkins, Laura F^, ho Bridge Jordan, Clara, ho 9 Marton Jones, William F, law 2)2) Bleasant Elinor E (Hunt ho Katherine II Otis N Francis 62 CENSUS Maty E *Abbie L ho Jordan, Llewellyn teamster ♦Amelia P ho 5 Whitman Jennie A ho Nellie M (Meserve ho * James C s s wk (ieorge F Pl * Sarah E ho Francis L Pl Mary ho MinnieE pl Ruby G K Jordan, David A fireman 6 Whitman Keene, Ella E, ho 117 Main Louisa B (Kneelan d ho Kimball, Alfred S, law Bridge Mattie M ho Florence A (Houghton Myrtle A ho Merton L law Annie E ho Kimball, Merton L, law Bridge *Lydia G ho Eva M (Cook ho Roy F stu Kneeland, Calvin lumbering Jordan, Edmund R mill man I 2 Alpine Main and Pleasant Augusta M (Pratt Mary P (Bailey ho Ralph P stu Grace M office wk Ruth G Pl Jones, Harry P dentist Beulah M Pl 13 Deering Klain, Morris rag gather Emma C (Stevens ho Main Jordan, Mary R(Fisk, h Beals Rosa (Harkin ho Judkins, Juel, mill \vk Main Israel clothier Hattie ho Harmon s s wk Jewett, Ella (Jewett, ho 2 Fair Zora clothier Mina S nnrse Esther Pl ♦Stephen P stu Dora Pl Joslin, Dennis L, s s \vk 10 Beals Abraham Pl Lizzie E (Holt ho Samuel Pl Thalmer R Jacob Pl Johnson, Abbie L (Hod, 3;don ho Peter Pl Beals David CENSUS 63 Bessie K Hazel M pl Kelley, Susan P (Pike, 10 Alpine Mildred A pl Fred H s s wk Kenerson, George A nier King, John, retired soldier Alpine I Whitman Kilgore, Henry K, team ster Beals Kenerson, Aaron H mill wk Laura J (Stuart ho I Whitman Lizzie H ho Ilda P (Cushman ho Kimball, Moses E, lab 5 Marston Hazel F pl Viola V (Kilgore ho Robert I Enis I ho Lucy I Sadie V s s wk Kneeland, George W millman Kimball, Jane C (Bennison 6 Whitman Helen M ho Lillian G (Rice ho Harriet E ho Knapp, David S ins agt Willis F trader 29 Pleasant Calista A ho Lou A (Briggs Knight, Charles L s s wk * Frank P musician 26 Tucker Kneeland, Edward R agt Lizzie L (Bicknell 10 Maple Beryl B Pl Alice A (Herrick Keefe, Henry O s s wk Whitman Kidder, Edward L factory wk Maude (Field s s wk 14 Deering Knipe, Joel s s wk Kilgore, Mason M teaming Knowles, Charles s s wk 17 Danforth Whitman Vira L (Lord ho Kane, Peter J, teamster I Maple Alma F pl Mary (Hellen ho Leon N Elizabeth Kimball, Frank, drug 8 Cottage Gladys M Ida M (Gerry ho Kelley, James, s s wk Whitman Alfred VV stu Agnes J (Frost Roland J pl *Rose R s s wk Kimballl, Orin, s s wk Paris Willard D s s wk Volesta (Bennett ho FredG painter j Frank P barber h3"' Jm m Doors, Windows, Blinds, Mo uldings, Brackets Window and Door Frames, Piazza Columns, Balustrades, Stair Work, Panel Work, Builders' Finish. Pine. Whitewood, Cypress, N. C. Pine and Ash Lum- ber. Planing, Matching, Band Sawing, Turning, High Grade Miilwork. Plate and Window Glass. Sheathing Paper, Sash Weights. Cord, Builders' Hardware, Putty, Heath & Milligan's and Masury's Prepared Paints, Satsuma's Enamels. Floor Paints, Stains, Oils, Varnishes, Etc. Agents for Paroid and Flintkote Roofing. TELEPHONE SOUTH PARIS, ME. Office, 125-13 Residence, 125-3 Glen\irood Ranges Make Cooking Easy Atlantic Ranges AUvaijs Please Both kinds are sold b}' -4-Wy. C. LEAVITT*- NORV/AY, MAINE PATRONIZE THE^ 6X3X IBs and you will get tirst-elass goods at reasonable priees JOH]N( HflYES, Pfopfictof CENSUS 65 Kimball, Winiield R, car 25 Paris Martha E (Brown ho Francis M pi Clyde B pi Keene, Adna A, motorman 3 Fern Eleanora F (Cunimings *r)a\id L stu Gladys M stu King, Emma, s s \vk 4 Hazen Kimball, Harry W, cl 20 Tucker Lena M (Ripley ho Elsie M Knipe, Gerard, factory wk i Fair Florinda (Beatman ho Joel G s s wk Warren M s s wk Annie D ho George M s s wk Myrtle B pi Gertie M pi Martha J pi Locke, George W janitor 53 Main Irene G (Plummer *Mary E ho *George P nigr Lasselle, John W, s s wk Main Lizzie M (Cushman ho G Ethelyne pi Longley, I^eon M plumber I) an forth Edna M (Sibbey ho Doris S Forrest M Ladd, Winfred, tr Oak ave Libby, Charles, lab Bridge Libby, Merton, mach Main Stella I (Pottle ho Libby, Susan E (Cole, ho Main PYank s s wk Edward E elec r r ser Eugene C far Merton mach and far Mary E s s wk Libby, Eugene C, far Mill Maggie G (Young Marion F pi Ruth E Libby, Frank, s s wk 11 Mam Ada A (Russell ho Alice M stu Laf ranee, Frank, lab Main Exelia (Bedard ho Exelena ho *Eva ho George s s wk Fred stu Marion stu Frank pi Joseph pi Albert Blanche Lcavitt, William E, mer Orchard Fannie E (Clark ho Elizabeth J ho George C stu 66 CENSUS William H Christine Locke, Charles, lab Mary J (Boulieu Paul Alack Mary Peter Frank George Josephine Exliea Locke, George, car Mary C (Stone Fred Mabel E pl pl Water s s wk s s wk s s wk s s wk s s wk s s wk pl Water ho teamster s s wk Lovejoy, Frank M, s s wk 4 Paris Addie A (Stowell ho Laney, Octave, lab 22 Tucker Mary (Fitzgerald Legrow, Samuel H, far 5 Maple Sarah E (Brooks Letetia seamstress Gertrude V ho Adella J ho Grace I s s wk Lagrace, William s s wk Legere, Henry s s wk 16 Whitman Mary J (Cutberson William E s s wk Anna E Lebroke, I) Eugene teamster 3 Whitman J Etta (Nickerson Willie R Carleton E Linnell, O B night-watch 2 Whitman *William s s wk Mary J (Greenleaf Libby, Marium (Bisbee 8 Pleasant *George r r ser *Fred W r r ser *Edith M ho Libby, Hiram L carriage smith 17 Deering Margaret A (Kimball Minnie F photographer Libby, Melissa (Ste\'ens ho I 26 Main Sarah E ho Lasselle, May E (Jones ho 12 Cottage * Ralph J stu *Richard P pl Howard I) pl Harry S pl Lane, Harry, tailor iio Main Libby, Robert, far 86 Main Ollie J (Dixon ho Hiram U stu Ollie L pl Leighton, Estlela B (Minard * Harry M woodsman Laferriere, Antoine trader 72 Main Petronelle M (Greniere I Annie B *Alfred L Libby, William C, cl Loveloy, Fred A s s wk Thirza (Cummings Charlotte W Lewis, William J, s s wk Alice H (Starbard Nellie W W Arthur Lewis, W Arthur, s s wk Mary J (Kenneally Irene O Lowell, Clarence A, s s wk Catherine M (Kane Helena M Leo M Libby, Edward E CENSUS 67 tr Exelia )Baderd ho tr Rosie 142 Main Paul 26 Main I^ocke, Alect, s s wk 7 Brown ho Artie (13aderd ho stu Libby, Charles S edge setter 13 Paris Paris Gertrude W (Walker s s wk Leveronzi, Robert, mer Main s s wk 13 Paris M Fair Ida H (Foss *Libby, Clara E Davis Herbert S Lovejoy, Lewis, retired car * Benjamin H Harry E Frank M Lovejoy, Harry E, far Maiy S (Johnson Leighton, Clarence H Bessie (Dickerson Lovett, Alice, s s wk Locke, Paul, s s wk electrician I Green ho ho 26 Beals stu Beals s s wk far s s wk Beals ho tel mgr Bridge ho 7 Hazen 13 Brown McCay, Hugh F. job wk 25 Main Mary J (Johns ho *Mary C ho Barbara E ho Annie A ho Ida F ho William F lab George W mill wk Ivcora pi Thomas E pi Sherley pi Marshall, Amy E (Merrill " Main Charles S stu Susie B pi Arthur F pi Morse, George A, s s wk Main Etta A ( ho Luther G s s wk Harold A s s wk Mitchell, Eben, s s wk 103 Main McCormick, Mildred M (Cross s s wk 17 I Main Roland L 68 CENSUS Edward S Millett, Eliza J (Robins i Bridge McCormick, Blanche K (Young waitress Main Johnny J McAlister, Fordice I factory wk 3 Water Flora P (i'lummer Carrol D pi Erna P pi Ada A McAlister, Seth H factory wk 3 Water Abbie A (Perkins Fordice I factory wk *Herbert S lab Lucy A Mains, Cora (Frost, ho 4 Main *Gladys ho Esca stu Harriett pi Minard, Beulah A (Evans Main *Henry eng *Celia ho Estella ho * Mabel G ho *Eugene mining bus P'red E eng * Bertha C ho Mann, Emma N (Hill, ho Bridge * Bertha H stu Harrington S stu Abner H stu Walter M pi Merriam, L L R poultry bus Main Melanson, Edmund C s s wk Orchard Lizzie S (Babineau Merrill, George millman Pikes Hill Clarence W lab Moulton, Howard E tailor Pikes Hill Merrill, Hattie C (Freeman ho 6 Water *Frank W bk kpr Hattie M stu Morgan, Walter F s s wk 8 ^^'ater Lucy A (McAlister Effie A Marr, S Jason salesman 10 Water Lena (Charles ho *Nellie B ho Lester E lab Murch, Ellsworth, s s wk \\'ater Annie B (Witham ho Ellsworth F Merrill, Clarence W, lab Main Eliza A (Everett George C pi Ella H pi Ida E pi McCrellis, Albert C mill wk ' 4 Paris Nancy L (Haggett CENSUS 69 Emma stu * Maude factory wk Morey, Elden E, s s wk Alpine Blanche ho Nellie E (Hall ho Minnie stu Meriam L stu Moore, Solon I), lab Tucker Hiram A Pl Marcia M (Wheel er ho Elsie E Annie E ho Marston, William B s s wk *Ida M ho I 8 Tucker Bertrand L far Emily J (Small ho Austin E s s wk IdaM stu Moore, Luke D, far Tucker George M sru Annie E ho Lawrence W pl Mann, Frank, s s wk Whitman Millett, Hariett P (Porter 2 Paris Kate (Leavitt s s wk I rah M ho McKay, John G, s s w c Whitman Stella E ho Nettie B (Smith McLean, Julia E Waldron Nettie A pl 4 Danforth Everett L pl Mildred H pl Agnes M pl McDaniels, Forest A music tr Gladys I pl 23 Beals Ada I Minnie M (Jordan Clyde W William H pl Millett, George F upholsterer Gerald W pl 8 Whitman Mayhew, Mabury, cl Beals Florence L (Fauner ho McAlister, Ambrose B, cl Beals G Lee pl Flora E (Wheeler ho McAlister, Augustus J mill wk Valene F 35 Summer Eleanor L Louis S pl Moulton, Ira, far 13 Beals Ivan C pl Annette (Frost ho Sabra (Mills ho Ella F Floyd M Moulton, Delia, s s wk 13 Beals Ercel S McAlister, Elden B, far 1 1 Beals Maxim, Myrtie (Stiles, 10 Cottage Ida M (Goude ho Alice E pl CENSUS Abbie J (Geary *Annie L *Alton J *Mabel G Ethel M Myrtle L Beryl C Gerald F Millett, Marcia E Millett, Harriett W Millett, Justus I truckman 19 Cottage ho ho teamster s s wk s s wk Pl Pl Pl tr bk kpr I 24 Main Merrill, Wiggin L, pho 3 Cottage Ella (Boyer ho Wiggin L, Jr Joseph H Millett, Llewellyn A teaming 13 Cottage Marcia A (Noyes ho Augusta E ho Alice G s s wk Martell, G V, s s wk 13 Deering and family Mixer, Horace E, car 14 Cottage Lizzie B (Pride ho Carl P stu Maud R pl Charles A pl A Rupert pl David Roland pl M Virginia McKenna, Frank, cook Main Mitchell, Nancy S (Watson aged home Merrill, Susan B (Smith aged home 40 Main Murdock, John H, agt 32 Main Lucinda M (Lovejoy ho Francis W mach Murodck, Francis W mach 32 Main Virgalyn 1 (Jordan Guy E McAlister, Benjamin H far 17 Winter Hattie M (Goud ho Bertha E ho *Georgia ho * Nelson H cl Morgan, Arthur H, s s wk Green Carrie B (Trafton ho Marshall, Nancy (Littlefield ho 32 Beals Clara A ho *Annie L ho McKay, Hugh, car 6 School Mary (McKay ho *Ida A ho John G s s wk Hosea A box factory wk *Augustus H s s wk * Edward s s wk *Abbie ho * Dolly ho Millett, Nettie R (Marston s s wk Marston, Ellen M (Lorring bd ho Beals and Hazen *Efiie M ho McLucas, Mark, retired 3 Brown CENSUS 71 Elizabeth (Smith ho Clara E * Emily cashier Dora A dress mkr * Matthias W cashier Lillian s s \vk Muirhead, Thomas, s s wk Beals Carrie L (Davis ho Merrithew, Annie (Holbrook ho 5 Cottage Minnie E s s wk Matheson, Maggie s s wk 9 Water Noyes, Anna (Chase George L Delia M Noyes, George L ho 103 Main mineral bus ho mineral bus 103 Main ho Bell H (Smith Max G Newcomb, Harry S, bar 117 Main Nevers, Percy H, s s wk Elm Nettie M (Small ho Roland S pi Madeline R pi Percy A Jr Paul L Nedeau, Albertina, s s wk Beals Noyes, Helen M, ho 124 Main Nevers, Alonzo J, mer 98 Main Rose J (Hill ho *Lizzie S ho Grace K milliner Percy H s s wk *llarry H phy Etta H Needham, William () ex hotel prop Main Nutter, Grace, waitress Main Needham, Rose T (Thomas ho 2 Winter Edward M pi Noble, Lona E, stu 16 Winter Norsworthy, Arthur s s wk Danforth Etta (Cushman ho Noble, Hannah P (Gorhan ho 9 Main Jennie N ho Noyes, Frank H, mer 11 Cresent Ella A (Bennett ho Mildred E pi Nash, John W taxidermist 12 Pleasant Alice L (Eastman ho Bernice M pi Needham, Oscar, retired Main Noyes, Amos F, retired 7 Deering Catherine H ho L Etta dress mkr Frank H mer ♦Wealthy H ho 72 CENSUS o Osbcune, Henry S s s wk 18 Deoring Maria K (Smith Osterhoudt, Frank S, s s wk Main Mary E F Johnson ho Owen, Ellen L tr Owen, Martha A, tr 12 Beals Pingree, Olin F, s s wk Danforth Stella (Stiles ho Penfold, Hannah s s wk 7 Danforth Pride, Mark, mgr 103 Main Geogia M (Brett ho Porter, Randall, s s wk 1 1 Water Perieault, Eddie M s s wk Pleasant Porter, William H, fish dlr Main George lab *Charles meat bus EUonor (Packard ho Pottle, Maria (Mathews, ho Main Stella I ho *Augustus A electrician Palmer, Manford, s s wk Main Nellie (Mott ho Edith E pi Scott J pi Orville M pi Harold W Howard W Penley, Blanche, stu Elm Plummer, Harrington L reporter 90 Main Prince, John W, can nikr Water Sarah E ('rruman ho Porter, Francis E, far Orchard Olive S (Walker ho Helen M stu Porter, Maria B (Horn ho 22 Water *Annie ho * Eunice ho James H u s ser Palmer, Charles W, far Beals Lillian B (Pingree ho Frank C stu Pride, Charles A, far 17 Cottage Rosa A (Marston ho Pride, Annie, waitress 142 Main Pierce, Sarah F (Parker Main Lawrence F pi Elizabeth S p\ Paige, Aaron D prop of home for aged woman 40 Main Sarah P (Hopkins matron Pike, ALE sec of odd fellows relief asso of Me 34 Main Minnie O (Bennett ho Luther F EH Noyes Co Maude E pi Pratt, Charlotte W, ho 3 Fair Frederic W stu Purrington, Walter W factory wk 24 Main CENSUS 73 Agnes A (Pike ho Marion A pi Clayton F Irene M Pledge, James, butch 14 Winter Adelaide (Springer ho Alice F pi Pike, Dennis, bar 18 Winter Nina I (Bradbury ho Charles H pi Hugh P pi Azola pi Fsther P pi Parker, Sumner, teamster Paris Linnie A (Swift ho * Percy E s s wk * Ralph W s s wk Edith E stu Clarence A p! Pike, Horace, con 5 Paris Mary E (Crooker ho Agnes A ho * Frank L electrician Irvin L elec r r ser Izah M stu Proctor, Alvinizie L s s wk 13 Paris Florence M (Paragard Pratt, Charles H, s s wk Green Fannie L (Robbins ho Hortense C pi Hazel L Pingree, Bradbury C A ret'd baker and barber 6 Marston *Henry S light house kpr Lilly B ho Aurora (Devereux Proctor, B P, lab 2 Marston Laura A (Harriman ho *Fred G s s wk Ethel M Perry, Fred, s s wk 4 Hazen M Louise (King ho Perkins, William E truckman 4 Hazen Cora E (Starbird ho Edwin W stu Pargade, Cheri retired .18 Paris Ellen F (Grant ho *Herman C . s s wk Florence M cl *Franie H B waitress Millbury H stu Myron P stu Parence, Fred, lathe sawer Paris Mae E (Chase ho Carrie M s s wk Marion, G pi Lillian R Prince, S B, dry goods 156 Main Prince, Z S, dry goods 156 Main Pratt, John Q, car i Summer Georgia N (Whitman ho Grace B s s wk Roy F stu Payne, Charles R, s s wk Cottage Myrtie (Stiles ho 74 CENSUS Em a C Charles R Jr Albert E R Rideout, Bates S, clerg Rose E (Chadbourne Florence A Edith M Russell, Charles E Carrie E (Crooker Eugene, O Agnes M Iva E Merle A Richardson, Thomas P Main ho Pl Pl teaming 37 Main ho cl cl stu pl s s wk 35 Main ho s s wk ho s s wk II Water Oak ave ho Kate S (Hobson * Merle Lotta S Edwin Rush, W T, s s wk Ridlon, Charles F, mer Etta (Clough Rowe, Adelaide M (Stanton ho 7 Danforth Robbins. Lovinia (Martin, ho Mill Rich, Mary A (Saunders Main Herbert A s s wk *John C painter *Kate F s s wk Edwin fish bus Odell s s wk Rich, Joseph S, far Main Russell, Phebe E (Green ho 1 1 Main Ada A ho C Elmer teaming * Herbert L tr Rowe, Jason F, far Main Mariha J (Foster ho * Bessie M ho Rowe, Abigal (Rowe, ho Main Silas W far Charles G elec r r ser * Eliza ho Josiah T bar Deborah s s wk Richardson, Freeman H s s wk Main Alice M (Dunn ho Phillip W pl Harold P pl Robbins, Amasa carriage mkr 12 Water Lizzie M (Rowe ho *Helen B ho Arthur H far *Lena M ho *Angie ho Susie A tr Rice, Florence E, s s wk Reals Richardson, Annie (Richardson ho 158 Main Randall, Mary R (Fisk, ho Beals *Cora L ho * Charles h s s wk CENSUS 75 Rosenblum, David, s s wk Main Rowe, Josiah T, bar 62 Main Alice M (Fuller ho Rich, Herbert A, s s wk Marston Nettie J (Benson ho *Mirian N ho Vernell A spring water bus Owen D pi Herbert A Jr pi Marjorie W Francis M Record, Gertrude I (Hayes s s wk 6 Pine Rowe, Enoch J prop Ginn House Lynn Eva S (Sanborn ho Lesley E pi Russ, Walter I, s s wk Lynn Alice G (Sanborn ho Hazel E Richardson, Ethel, s s wk 14 Beals Robbins, Omitt H (Rowe ho 12 Beals *01ando W bar * Everett D bar *Agnes E ho * Flora O ho Fannie L ho S Spiller, Lucinda. ho 51 Main Stearns, Mary J (Jordan ho 45 Main John B pi George F pi Scribner, Alvin C, teaming Main Helen S (Wight ho Mildred O pi Blanche M pi Small, Isaac N, car Main Sargent, Albert O s s wk Main Etta A (Morse ho Wallace A Smith, Howard D cashier of Norway National Bank Oak ave Mary C (Whitman ho Lee M cl *Mark P overseer *Alice M tr *Fred E stu Don S stu Swain, Thomas H, s s wk 81 Main Elizabeth C (Sampson * Edith R ho Alice E ho Stiles, Moses P, P M 87 Main Myrtle A (Jordan ho Richard J pi Stearns, Walter S, s s wk Danforth Emma F (Cushman ho Carl C pi Arthur E pi Sweet, Harriet B (Smith ho School *Ella J ho *Carrie B ho Alice B s s wk 76 CENSUS *William W painter Smith, Walter, pi Paris Sheen, Wallace W, s s wk Beals Alta J (Hickford ho Sweet, Eugene N, s s wk Marston Carrie E (Huntington ho Erancis II pi Small, Hattie (Somes, ho Lynn Smith, Hattie S (Scribner ho Marion S Ruth Sanborn, William H mill wk 15 Beals Mar}f J (Lamrock ho Arthur L stu Mabel E pi Marion H Starbird, Loring, s s wk Beals Stone, Josiah, gardner 15 Tucker Abigail (Pike ho Orin L s s wk *Mary ho *Maria ho Stone, Orin L, s s wk 15 Tucker Florence E (Abbott ho Ohve J Orin A Stevens, Walter H s s wk 28 Tucker H M (Hutchins ho Ethel M Smith, Daniel, s s wk Tucker Ada (Fogg ho Lola stu Walter Eva Mary (lanald Claribel Stevens, Erancis I pl pl pl pl s s wk 28 Tucker Charlotte (Bryant ho Fred H lab Frank H mill wk Abbie F s s wk *Charles E salesman W'infield F s s wk Stevens, Frank H factory wk 24 Tucker Flora A (Wing ho Walter H s s wk Donald W shop wk Guy S pl Sargent, Charles H foreman 17 Cottage Emma J (Obrion ho *Virginia S ho Sheen, Wallace s s wk Spears, George E, far 17 Danforth Lucinda (Martin ho Smith, Clarence M 82-84 Main Francis (Buck ho Smith, Emma H 90 Main Sampson, Mell W, guide 142 Main Louise (Whitmarsh ho Sampson, John painter Smith. Timothy, hostler 142 Main Sampson, W B shoe mfgr J CENSUS 77 Slocum, Alice (Henry waitress Stone, George F, photo 64 Main Elizabeth (Rice ho Philip V tr Katherine pi Stevens, Mary A (Cushman ho 48 Main Emma C ho Stevens, Loann P 40 Main Smith, Clara W, ho 7 Paris Scothorne, Florence E (Frost ho Con Paris and Fair Wilford H pi Florence EM pi Myrtle A M Clifford H Sloan, Winfield S, car 23 Paris Mabel B (Brown ho Leona M A Kenneth Shedd, Cora Belle, tr 32 Beals Snow, Simeon W shoe cutter 32 Beals Clara A (Marshall ho Smith, William D shoe cutter Marston Beatrice R (Snow ho Snow, Prince W factory wk Ruth H (Sholds ho Beatrice R ho Sanborn, Abncr R Francena (Gould ho Eva S Alice G Swain, John F dlr in stock 2 Tucker Georgia E (Andrews ho *Swift, Porter L col stu Starbrid, Jonathan A far 14 Tucker Dianna (Briggs ho Edna D Cora E ho Schold, George, jobber 20 Brown Stirk, Job, far Paris *Fannie *Cora M ho *LillianM ho Martha MacKeroy ho *Jennie M ho Swift, George D con and builder 24 Paris Grace A (Griftin milliner and ho Archibald F pi Ruby V Shurtleff, Mary E, ho 20 Paris Sawyer, Horace P painter Greenleaf Harriet A (Frost ho Swain, EiTie J (Bacon, ho Witham Harry reporter Snow, J Etta (Nickerson ho 3 Whitman Albert C stu Stearns, Samuel V ex truckman 10 Whitman * Flora A ho 78 CENSUS *Georgia A nurse Hannah E (Harden ho *Hattie L ho ♦Lillian M ho Swain, Rowena M (Farvvell 7 Crescent *IIelen S bk kpr Linie R ho bk kpr *Arthur H baker Swain, Ferdinand F laundryman 2 Cresent Emma H Bailey ho Fred F stu Stuart, Hannah (Towne ho i6o Main *Cora E ho Inez M ho ^Albert O shoe cutter Sanborn, Abbie A ho con Main and Pleasant Samson, John Main Angele (Larochelle George Uelphine cl Emma shop wk Adelaide shop wk Seavey, Porter C, jobber Pearl Alice F (Page ho Stone, George W, retired Summer John G teamster *Charles H far James A s s wk George F photo William IT far *Emma F nurse Anna M ho *Herbert 1) far Stiles, Orin P, jobber Summer Sarah J (Stevens ho Frank VV jobber *Ella ho Myrtie ho * Florence ho Estella ho Maud ho Saunders, Anna M (Shedd seamstress and ho 9 Deering Smith, Sarah M (Graham ho 8 Deering *Frank s s wk * Sadie M dress mkr * Harry teamster Stevenson, George boat builder Main Sanborn, Albert L, mer 117 Main Annie B (Keene ho John A Emogene A Saunders, Ella M (Stevens ho 5 Water Smith, Eugene F, law Bridge Alice E (Alexander ho Elsie E Stevens, Elden W, hostler 5 Water Laura B (Libby ho Philip S stu Beatrice J pi Grace B pi CENSUS 79 Clarence V pl Hedweg F (Bartlett ho Evelyn F *Friede ho Iva Alice stu Shedd, James A, cl 1 1 Water Stearns, Albert J, law Orchard Florence C (Crockett ho Alice M (Wheeler ho Sanborn, Louisa 1) (Sa\v\ 'er ho Stone, Frank P, druggist Pike Hill Mill Minnie F (French ho *Roswell C s s wk Carl E stu Darius S salesman Beatrice stu William H mill wk Shackley, Eben car and far Mary C ho Pikes Hill Stevens, Fred H, s s \vk Mill Alice (Lightowler ho Mary C (Sanborn ho Soucy, Philip, mason Water Eugene H fireman Lada (Soucy ho Delia L s s wk Shepherd, John C, s s wk Bridge Charlotte M s s wk Nellie N (Foster ho Swift, Asa, mason Main Flmer E pl Laura G (Benson ho Clara B Pl Albert E Doris E pl Sanborn, Darius S salesman 15 IVLiin T Adelaid (Wilson ho Albert L mer Tomas, Edwin, factor)- wk Maple Walter L stu *Edwin Jr r r ser Agnes E tr George factory wk George L stu Taylor, Harry s s wk Swift, Ellanor (Packard ho Tufts, Sophia s s wk *Oscar far Tubbs, George T wood wk George car 36 Main Linnie ho Mae F (P'rancis ho Asa mason Twoml)ly, William W const *Carrie ho 6 Deering *Ada Hattie W (Hicks ho Schnner, ( )tto A G mer John C s s wk Greenleaf ave 1 ♦William L driver So CENSUS Twombly, John C s s \vk 15 Uanforth Hattie F (Abbott ho Tompkins, Nathan s s wk 47 Beals Florence A (Langley ho Clyde T pi Taylor, Frank 12 Cottage Tubbs, Charles N real estate broker 78 Main James N shoe mfgr Lona G (Brackett ho Thomas, Edward M shoe repairer Winter Hester F (Murch ho Harold M stu Annie Dorothy Trafton, Julia A (Young Green * Frank B car *Lizzie S ho *Julia E ho *Mary E ho Eliza A ho Carrie B ho *Grace S ho Tubbs, Orren, mer 28 Beals Elizabeth B (Borr ho George E bank treas Abbie A ho *Orrin printer Thompson, Edwin C, mer 4 Pine Edna I) (Starbird ho Eva B stu Tubbs, George E Ida H (Millett Homer D Dorothy H Tebbetts, Frank M Laura M (Perkins Ray A Sadie W Thompson, Walter S Jennie F (Allen Gerald A Harold A Ethel M W bank cashier ho stu stu s s wk 1 1 Beals ho mill wk Tucker ho pl Wood, George W teaming 9 Cottage Merabah D (Home ho • Thurza M stu Robert I stu George W Jr pl Harold H pl West, Charles, s s wk 15 Danforth Woodbury, Frederick W s s wk 47 Beals Eva M (Bickford ho Frederick G Waldron, Frank S druggist I I Cottage Watson, Francis M s s wk 81 Main CENSUS 8] Widden, Rebecca W (Gould ho 76 Main Ellen M ho Whitmarsh, William W prop of Elm House 142 Main Martha C (Blake ho Lizzie C ho Watson, Lelia M, hq 66 Main Woodsum, Cyrus, car 42 Main Olive A ho Whitney, Marj^ A (Small ho 3 Fair Charlotte W ho *Louis K agt med co Weed, Leslie V stone cutter 4 Marston Clara C ) Fuller ho Witham, Asaph H blk 2 con Pine and Marston Dora (Brooks ho *Alphonso N phy *Adelbert E mach *Agnes D milliner Worcester, Lawerence G, pi Beals Watson, Bethane E (Cushman ho Beals *Bertha C ho *Annie ho *Lee M s s wk Winslow, Lydia (Lamrock ho 20 Paris Edward C mer Winslow, Edward C, mer 20 Paris Elida S (Wilson ho Raymond E Walker, John, liveryman 16 Paris Clara (Crocker ho Gertrude M ho Woodman, John A prop Beals House Lizzie M (Guptil ho Webber, Clarence V hostler 16 Winter Rose (Walker ho Warren, Ruth A (Bryant ho 4 Danforth *Charles W teamster Mabel F s s wk Wheeler, George, s s wk School Whitney, Stella E (Millett 31 Beals Don J pi Woodsum, Sarah F (Flint 9 Marston Frank F s s wk Wheeler, Robert R factoiy wk Beals Nellie (Brink ho Hazel pi Vernal Winslow, Eliza (Martin ho Tucker *Carrie ho *Georgia ho *Eliza J ho *Laura A ho Geneva O ho Whitehouse, Jonathan retired 37 Main 82 CENSUS Sarah M ho Esther R ho Walker, Georgia A dress mkr 8 1 Main Whitehead, Alton E, pi 87 Main Winslow, George W laundryman 95 Main Mae B (Ross ho Fred M Whitney, Alice (Stiles ho 95 Main Williams, Frank E retired 6 Danforth Whitman, Verne M, prin high sch Dan forth Mollie (Maloney Victor Wentworth, Eva A (Hammon ho Main *Pearl E ho Charles A stu Walker, George, far Bridge Persis A (Child Woodsiim, Alice R (Kimball librarian Bridge *Walter C R R ser Woods, Joseph A, lab 2 Pleasant Lucy A (Hatch ho Gracie A P' Byron H M Lawrence Willis, Marie, ho Elm Walker, Elbridge G, cai Elm Flora E (Morse ho *Clarence hostler Frederick O hostler Wiles, James H, lab Elm Ruby A (Uorey ho James O pi Currey W pi Walker, Charles, car Elm Helen S (Logan *Nellie M ho Willie L Susie M Walker, Herbert W, far 24 Water Sarah E (Green Walker, William hotel \vk 24 Water William, Thomas, s s wk Water Fannie B (Truman Wheeler, Ellery F, far Main st ct Sarah A (Ingham *Charles E mill wk *Lizzie S ho *Eva R ho Lydia E ho Robert R factory wk *Emma ho Nellie M s s wk Witham, Sarah J (Thompson ho Main Wise, Alice, ho 9 Maple Wetherbee, Caroline A (Latham ho 5 Crescent Wetherbee, Leah A, pi Crescent Whitman, Charles F, law 4 Crescent Mary A (Dinsmore ho *Eva ho Verne M prin h s Annie ho Victor M r r ser Yeaton, Joshua C, far Mill Wheeler, Thomas J, hostler Pearl Nancy W (Frost ho Hattie P (Cookson ho Joshua far Flora B s s wk *01ive E ho Whitney, D Alice (Stiles s s wk Yeaton, Howard B I Summer supt Electric Light Co Mill Young, Asa A, mill wk Main Y Emma B (Pratt Blanch K waitress York, Bessie seamstress Wendell H s s wk No Deering * Bertha E ho Young, Jennie C ((Gardner Young, Wendell, s s wk Main dress mkr go Main Carrie E (Dunn Charlotte J stu Young, Freeland, s s wk 4 Water Young, Walter P s s wk Evelyn O (Dudley ID Danforth Walter P s s wk Louise C (Bradbury ho Young, Abbie (Pratt, ho Water Beryl B *Samuel H far Philip G *Hannah N ho York, l^illian A prop rest *George N night watchman 175 Main Hattie F ho Young, Fred L, painter Paris *Abbie E ho Norway R. F. D., No. i, A Nellie M ams, Freeland D far Mabel L Abbie M ho Allen, A Winfield far «4 CENSUS Enis (Kimball ho Irvin E far Blynne Pl Brown, Irvin E far Annie C (Walker ho B Eleanor J Buck, Willard H far Buck, Whitney far Jessie M F (Hodgdon ho Eleanor O (Chandler ho Charles L pl Arthur C stu Harriet V pl Clarence W stu Frank W pl Florence E pl Willard H Jr Bradbur}% Joseph A far Buck, Albion far Algenora Prentice Elsie F Walter S far Herbert Willard H far Ray *Fannie R ho Inez M Brown, Sarah G (Hill ho EvaT Harlan P far Bradbury, Roscoe E far Orin far Clara E (Bonney ho Alvin far Ethel M stu *Mary L ho Bumpus, John M far L Etta ho Sarah (Walker ho Brown, Alvin far Buck, Cyrus M far Ada M (Carle ho Fred S dry goods bus C Viola M dress mkr Cox, Oscar N far Elon L stu Fannie L (Herjick ho Carle L stu Curtis, Guy L far Booker, Charles F far Lola E ho Edith L (Bennett ho Crockett, James far Bennett, Sylvia M (Bowden ho Ellen H (Hobbs ho Edith L ho Crockett, Annie J (Henry ho Brown, Harlan P far Crooker, Allen T far L Jennie (Kimball ho Algie N (Bradbury ho Cora E ho Hattie L stu CENSUS 85 Joseph A J Roscoe George F Ruth D Dunn, Charles E far Delano, Vinton far Dunn, Elmer T far Sarah E (Cunningham ho *Clara G ho *Winnifred E ho * Bertram T Lottie S ho Martha E ho Elmer W pi Helen H pi Dunham, Alanson E snow shoe mkr Emma F (Richardson ho *Ethna P ho Dinsmore, Ansel car *Charles W eng *Mary A ho Horace S car Dinsmore, Horace S car Fannie E (Towne ho Regnail S stu Rollin pi F Freeman, Charles C far Inez M (Bradbury ho Lucy C stu Ralph R pi Sarah A pi Farnham, Albert P far Sarah B (Penley ho *Edith L ho *Ella C ho Joy A pi Fogg, Charles far Georgiana (Harmon ho *Charles W mill employment Ida M factory wk Effatt ho Ella M ho *Minnie E ho *Benjamin S piano factory *Jennie M ho *George H far *Herbert M bar Fogg, Walter R far Lester E pi Fogg, Merle S pi Foster, David F far Dorothy L (Hatch ho Mary V stu Arthur F pi Frederick A pi Charles S French, Jacob far Mary E (Partoll ho Ina tr Harry far Agnes M ho Frost, David W far Vesta (Briggs ho 86 CENSUS *Imogene ho J * Frank E far Jackson, Abner F far Charles F mer Harriet A (Millett ho George D lab *John M ins agt Asa D far Henry M far Frost, Charles F mer *Abner F Jr far Lin a F (Bean ho Rust far Alice I stu Solomon far Eda V el Jackson, E Chandler ho Frost, Asa D far Jackson, Belle F ho Edith A (Flood ho Bertha W stu M Alton E Pl Mills, Zenas W far Mary E (Barker ho G Oneal E pl ft-rr\\T£:^-r ^^r^rrIoll o /MV/iferM^ v,^ Amy E pl Fred O Florence C far ho Irving Verna E Raymond I) TT Morse, Sarah E (Blake ho 1 t Morse, Edwin C far Heath, Grace R (Symonds ho McAllister, Joel far Howard C pl A Earle far Addison J Ruth M Hersey, Wilfred A far Millett, Sarah E ho Ella C (Farnham ho *Mary A ho Hill, Osman F far Jonathan S far Addie D (Twitchell ho John Henry far Ganald O Sarah E tr Minnie F Millett, John Henry far Hull, Emma B (DeMott ho Jennie M ho *Charles E mech Marion E * Adelaide S ho Millett, Ann (Emery ho *Lutha N pl *Justus I truckman CENSUS 87 Anson J bar *Claude N motorman * Llewellyn A truckman Asa F far Frank L far Noble, Mrs F G (Symonds ho James N far Dorothy F pl Eugene D far Ruth S pl Ernest N far Noble, Lona E stu Millett, Frank L far Noles, Frank W far Mary A (Millett ho Rose M (Dunn ho John L Charles E Millett, Helen M Pl Leslie A Millett, Charles F far Needham, Mary R ho Ellen M (DeCoster ho *Chestina M ho P *Fred E far Perry, Irving E pl * Bernard F far Pinkham, Arthur far *Emma F ho Penley, Charles S far William F stu Sarah E (Frost ho Magoun, William G far Nettie R (Holt ho R Alice E ho Roberts, John A far Otis W far Carrie A (Pike ho LiUie M pl *Thaddeus B stu Magon, Velzara T (Foss ho Russell, Gilbert A far ♦George W shoe mkr Verna M (Griffith ho *Elmer C shoe mkr Ursla G William G far Russell, Woodman M far * Newton F shoe mkr Lillian E (Hall ho Perley W pl N Henry A pl Needham, Asa F far Russell, Henry far Bertha E (Hussey ho Esther (Crouse ho Hazel E pl *William M mech Bertha M pl *Jessie H phy Needham, Mary A (Tayl or ho *James L con 88 CENSUS Woodbury M Henry L *Thomas M Gilbert A ♦Arthur W Richardson, A J bar Jennie H (Verrill Hermon A William E Richardson, Josiah Richardson, Columbus Lizzie E (Libby Arthur L Rich, John Richardson, Albert Loisa A (Lakin *Annie M *Ethel M Richardson, Calvin Caliste (Churchill Herbert F *Hattie *Emma Leni F S far far con far bk kpr and butcher ho Pl lab far ho pl far far ho factory wk far ho shoe mkr ho ho bar Symonds, Irving P far Florence M (Meserve ho Symonds, Martha J (Hall ho William C far Irving P far ♦Martha F ho Emma L ho *Rose M ho Grace R ho Stetson, Hezikiah far *Lidia A ho *MaryJ ho * Carroll A eng Spencer, Georgia ho Stone, William H far Viola (Macallister ho William H Jr pl Gladys F pl T Thomas, Albert W far Ella E (Hewey ho Carl P far Tubbs, A D far Hattie E (Richardson ho ♦Christina ho ♦George E shop wk ♦Bertram E r r ser ♦Carl A butter mkr Walter F far Tena C Thurston, Forest D far Abbie E (Titcomb ho Titcomb, Lidia A (Parson ho Addie E ho ♦Emma P ho Tyler, Arthur W far Dora E (Curtis ho Elmer R pl Marion W pl CENSUS 89 u Upton, Olin B Emma M (Swift *Carl F Ross L Roy G Eva M Ethel F Minnie L Mayland S TV Wyman, Alfred L Cora E (Brown Harold C Madeline A far ho far far far Pl pl pl far ho Witt, Rachael L (Porter ho *Charles H milk bus *Lizzie H ho *George H mer Sarah L ho Abbie ho Edward E far White, Heniy K far Alice G (Marshall ho Roy A pl Hazel E pl Wood, Cora E (Hall ho Lois M pl Gladys pl Y Young, William far Norway R. F. D., No. 2. A Austin, Sewell far Austin, Clarence E far Maria (Piper far Edna M (Dearth ho Frank far *Greenville E pl JohnT stu Leander C pl Harry S pl Ralph M pl Austin, Henry far Fred C Abbott, Jerusha M (Brooks ho Andrews, I F far *George G far Jennie E (Mackintosh *Charlotte M ho Edith M N S Grant far 90 CENSUS Abbott, George S far Linwood stu Florence E ho Morris stu Edward S far Grace pl Calvin H far Buck, Walter S far Ethel S ho Jennie E (Holt ho Steven^s M far Oliver C far Esther G Pl Albion L Lucia E stu ho B Walter P far Bradbury, Blanche mer Elsie M pl Buck, Bentiss E town ch arge Lena M pl Bennett, Lola town ch arge Clifford M pl Bosworth, Abbie R ho Fannie F pl Berdine, Addine ho Adna pl Bumpus, Eancina (" rucker ho Brown, Henry N far *George W cl Minnie A (Holt ho * Nancy E ho George L far *Martha L ho Ida E pl Louisa F ho *Horatio A shoe mkr c Bradbury, Christina L (Abbott ho Ereda E pl Caldwell, Samuel J truckman Elva M pl Carrie I (Towne ho Mildred R Coffin, Elizabeth J (Richardson ho Black, Charlotte M (Abbott ho Clarence W far anc car Christina L ho Cleaveland, James A pl EllaM ho Cox, Edwin A far Brown, H Jane (Reed ho Issie R (Hobbs ho *Flora A ho *Claude W shoe mkr ♦William E eng Minnie A tr Bean, Nettie R pl Carleton E far Brown, Orin far Cox, Martha E ho Eliza (McDani els ho Cummings, Lucelia L (Andrews Edna stu Ethelyn A cl CENSUS 91 D Martha A (Merrill ho Dunn, Virgil E far French, Betsey (Pierce ho Edith W (Marston ho *Addie E ho Delano, William A far French, Amos far Davis, Caroline P (Pike ho Lovina S (Dunn ho Dunn, William H far ♦Carrie E ho *William P blk Chester G far George H far *Aldro A jew Florence M ho Angle L tr *Alice ho French, Chester G far Dunn, George H far Isabelle M (Morey ho Grace L (Woodsum ho DeLeona pl George E pl Pearl C pl Gertrude Mildred E Dunn, Charles H far Chester G Jr Clara (Brooks ho Farnham, Susan E (Pingree ho Virgil C ho *Flora E ho Edwin B Ambrose B far *Charles W salesman F Ellsworth G far French, J K far Flint, Harlan S far French, G A U S ser Mary E (Pingree ho French, J H printer *Della M ho Ellen G (Stevens ho Leslie H far Foster, Samuel far *AsaP far Amos H far Guy I far David F far Katherine L Pl Lydia S ho Ethelyn L Pl *Charles A shee mkr *Carrie M stitcher G Frost, Edmund far Greene, Edmund F C far Foster, Harriet N (Grover ho Violetta A (Buker ho Foster, Alice E stu Greene, Elf an ah A nurse Frost, Charles A car Garry, Nancy C (Farnham ho 92 CENSUS Oscar far Willie far Garry, Willie far Arthur Pl Gammon, C M far Gammon, Frank S far Gammon, C B far Gammon, Charles E far Louisa F (Bumpus ho Alice D tr Frank E pl Goodwin, Daniel W far Ava L (Pingree ho Donnie M tr Webster C shoe mkr Eva G stu Harry M pl Archie G pl Cecil C Greenleaf, Harry F far Edith L (Abbott ho George L pl Elgin A pl Carroll R pl Greenleaf, Eliza W (Faunce ho Harry F far H Hobbs, George W far Kate (MacDonald ho Albert C pl Hobbs, William C far Amanda T (Frost ho Issinella A ho *Walter C salesman *Annie M dress mkr *Fred J factory wk W Herbert far *Adna M car *Clara M ho Sadie A ho Holt, William W hardware and lumder bus Anna W (Webb ho Kenneth D Holt, David town charge Howe, John P far Lizzie R (Ryerson ho Helen pl Ora pl Charles R pl Hall, Mary (Marston ho Holt, Samuel G far Herrick, Charles D far Nellie N (Haskell ho Virgil F pl Carroll G pl Charles J Hussey, Horace E far Isabell A (French ho Olive A pl Dorothy E B Hunt, Fred A U S ser Fannie A (Clark ho Frank A stu Harrison M pl Fred A pl Clark C pl CENSUS 93 Fannie C Pl Charles far Gertrude E Pl Theodore R J Ella M Judkins, W H far and blk Minnie E Isanna J (Edwards ho Herrick, William H far *Eshburn T far and bl Betsy E (Kane ho *Albert W far Arthur A far *Perry W far Holt, William W far *F Chestina ho Amy W (Carter ho *Flora I ho Kenneth Hobbs, W Herbert far K Velma L (Flint ho Knight, Luella M (Smith ho Ada pl Knightly, William P far Margie pl Knightly. Howard A far Marion pl Edith L (Farnham ho Clayton G pl Warren F Hilma pl Kimball, Richard E far Theron pl Emma J (Merrill ho Hogdon, Henry far Harlan E pl Mary (Parsons ho Susan A pl *Etta ho ♦Herbert far L Emma ho Littlefield, Harrison D retired Herrick, Jonathan S car Lawrence, Ina pl Florence A ho Lasselle, Salinna (Noble ho Hutchinson, Eliza W (Faunce ho Elizabeth O tr Holt, Emily J (Frost ho John W shoe mkr Herbert J far Mary A tr M Holt, Elbridge far Morse, Chailes D far Mary (Bennett ho Susie S (Morse ho Gertrude ho EvaM pl Belle ho Anna M pl 94 CENSUS Charles L Susie A ho Frank C Clara M stu Clara M lola A ho Merrill, Frank P far Ralph O ho Morse, Esther P (Richardson ho Harold F pl Florence E ho Rupert H Pl *Oscar I supt Murl V *Bertha L ho Merrill, Oliver H far Meserve, Luella M (Smith ho Virginia G (Hamlin ho Arthur M far Ora A Pl Gertrude ho Merrill, Stephen far McAllister, Herbert C far *Isabel ho Gertrude (Meserve ho Oliver H far Merriam, Milton H far Chandler C far Lucelia L (Andrews *Metalla ho Morrill, Rufus K far Luella (Mason ho N *Irma ho Noble, Edward H far Marston, 1) Winslow far Esther P (Richardson Noble, Keziah (Hill Newcomb, Thomas L ho Alice M (Whitehouse ho Marston, James E far far Eunice (Abbott ho *Alfred A far Florence E Emma A ho George E * Sarah A ho Ruth E *Estella ho Millett, Solomon H far *William T far Amy (Perry ho * Walter far Millett, Rhoda Pl *Jessie G ho McGray, Phillip far Merrill, Charles A far O Eliza A (Warren ho » *L Josephine ho Oxnard, Horace C far *Lindon H far Mary A (Shedd ho ♦Walter C lab Hattie C stu CENSUS 95 p Richardson, Mark J far Prescott, William H H far Cora P (Brown ho Catherine (Davis ho Charles A far Perry, William O far Annie M Mary E (Burnham Fred H ho far Robbins, Arthur Jennie L (Moore far ho Perry, Fred H far Claire B Ella L (LaFarren Elva M ho Winfred F Russell, Perry far Carl O Rolfe, Alise A (Shedd ho Perry, Osgood far Anna M (Frost William O ho far Shedd, Sarah J (Witt ho Horace S far Mary A ho *Amy ho *Emma J ho Perry, Horace S far Ursula (Smith Pike, Frank F ho far Tucker, Benjamin far Sarah M (Whitehouse *Frank L far S Bion far *Ada H ho *Kate M ho ♦Arthur overseer *Clarence photographer Parsons, John W far Alton B Wilbur M far far Pierce, Fred far Tucker, Wilbur M far Georgia (Bird Pierce, William S Pl far Alice B (Watson Wesley E ho L Etta (Brown ho Ralph B Edith M ho Benjamin Jr Leon a M stu Towne, Rollin far *Charles H teamster R Carrie I ho Ryerson, Charles W far Fannie E ho Susan R (Marston ho *William F teamster Lizzie R ho *Emma E ho 96 CENSUS Towne, Frank P far Ida B ho Emma (Walker ho Wyman, John far Bessie B tr Eldora H (Barker *Albert A tr Alfred L far Katherine M tr Mabel L stu Thomas, Claude far J Merton Wells, Thomas A pl town charge W Watson, Lilia M ho Watson, Eunice S (Johns ho Watson, Daniel A far * Clara W ho Alice M (Morrill ho *Ella O ho Ava M pl *Ritchie F far Effie C pl Alice B ho Ralph C pl *Everett E s s wk Elmer H *Archie S coach nan Wood, Frank A far Kenneth E far Walker, E Calvin vet surgeon Whitehouse, Alfred W far H Jane (Reed ho Ida B (Walker ho Delbert C teamster Annie P pl Guy L far Walker, Salome A (Durgin ho Richard A stu Sarah ho Charles car Y Emma L ho York, Edwin lab Elbridge G job wk Gertrude (Holt ho Norway Lake Post Office A Amos, Lizzie E M B Ballard, Etta B (Frost William E Minnie E pl pl Ossie E pl Billings, Agnes E pl ho C pl Cushman, Ansel H far CENSUS 97 Esther M (Holden ho *EttaF ho *Emma F ho ♦Harrison L teamster *Lizzie M ho *Ina I ho Cushman, Ina (Frost ho Margareta A Crane, Lottie A (Knight ho E Everett, Edwin M far F Frost, Herbert P far NelHe M (Everett ho Frost, Charlotte (Cushman ho Fred far Frost, Mason F far Etta B (Frost ho L Richman Flood, Ralph far Ida (Packard ho Grace pi Pearl Frank, John M far Flossie E (White ho Maude V Flood, David Jr far Martha M (Gammon Edith A ho Winnie M ho *E Eugene shoe bus Ralph E far Francis V stone cutter Willie R stu Frost, George D lumber wk Nellie E (Philbrook ho Goldie D stu V Earl pi Ada M pi Georgia F pi Frost, James B far Alice V (Reed ho Rosco C far Lillian M ho Vesta V tr Mildred L pi Anna S pi Gladys, A pi Frost, Rosco C far Lulu W (Chipman ho Flint, Leonard far Melinda F (Holt ho Leonas L far *Chester A spring water bus Velma L ho *Eda L ho Fronie H ho Flint, Leonas L ho Edith E (Skillings ho Frost, Charlotte (Cushman ho Sarah E ho *Luretta ho *Ella ho Fred far Etta B ho * Freeman shoe wk 9« CENSUS G *Harry W far Gammon, Cyrus M ho *InaG dress mkr Gammon, Lizzie E far *Laura I ho Gammon, Elbridge G far George far Alice (Gray ho *Fred R far Mary L Hartford, Ermina M (Potter Gerry, Oscar L far Hascall, William J mill prop Julia (Wood ho Fronie H (Flint ho Georgia Pl Nora F Greene, F T car Mary A (Parker ho J Merton P job wk Judkins, Edwin L far H K Hobbs, Edgar J meat bus Kneeland, John S far Hobbs, H May ho Addie C (Herrick ho Hunt, Clarence A r r ser Kneeland, Warner job wk Laura (York ho Nellie U (Lord ho Emugene I pl Alice M Robert C Kilgore, Webster H mill wk Arthur J Ada J (Smith ho Holden, Levi E far Iva M ho Sarah E (Frost ho Grace L pl *Nellie E ho Ralph E *Harry B far Roland *Edna A ho Kilgore, Emerson far Edgar E far * Henry C salesman Bertha M ho Herbert E job wk Lewis F pl Webster H mill wk Hill, Albion L far Samuel H gardner Debora F (Holden ho Kilgore, Adelbert D blk *Hermon L far * Blanche S ho *Osman F far Etta M stu *Iza V ho Ethel pl CENSUS 99 Mary A (Morrill ho Frances R (Barrows ho Knight, Rebecca W (Partridge ho Grace W ho Lottie A music tr Maude E ho Victor L clerk M *Evelyn B stenographer Mills, William C far Donald B Potter, Mary A (Morrill ho N *Margret E ho Newhall, Albert S far *William A far Noyes, Jessie F (Partridge ho Ermina M ho Leloa M stu *G Bernard ho Partridge, Ellen M ho F Partridge, Hannah (Wescott Pride, William W far Maria E Rachael L (Hall ho *Delia M ho Walter H far *Etta M ho Mark supt s s ♦Gertrude A ho Pride, Waller II far Mae Elvira (Perkins ho R Madeline I Pl Richardson, Simeon G mech Partridge, Charles W Mary (Walker ho land, wood, and lumber dlr Benjamin F eng Cynthia H (Hale ho *George M teamster ♦Charles F * Ethel L ho last and dy e factory Hattie stu Pottle, Frank E agent Fannie pl Winifred (Partridge ho Mildred E Pl S Alta A Pl Sawyer, Mary T (Mills ho Scott S Stiles, Frank W job wk Partridge, James L mer Jennie A (Johnson ho Maria E (Partridge George W pl *Jessie F ho Jessie E pl Partridge, Winfield mer Fred pl loo CENSUS EvaM ho Susan E ho Shadtuck, Alfred far *Winslow B cl Adelaide D artist George W Stephens, Charles A jour *Lois E ho Christine (Stephen ho Herbert D far *Edna H phy John M far *Janet C tr Harry s s wk Stephen, Harriet N (Upton ho Wood, John M far Charles A journalist Maude A (Billings ho Earl M pl ^V Rena M Donald E pl White, Julia (Wood ho Richard W Florence ho Wood, Ephriam far Y Frank E ho York, Sarah E (Briggs ho Ira J wk on umber York, Robert E far Oxford R. F. D., No. i. E *Lillian P ho Everett, Elbridge G far *Maude A ho *Albert far Walter W *Fred Roy W *William Guy Claude F Ruth G Frost, Roswell far Helen F Annie L (Webb ho Theodora R *Gertrude M ho Frost, Alvin R far CENSUS lOI Lerena S (Frost ho Roscoe C far Sadie H ho *Ida M tr David 1) far Daniel O far Har\'ey L far M II Millett, Ehner J far Ella S (Brackett ho Ilill, Algermon K far Hattie M Hannah L (Gammon ho Millett, Robert Pl West Paris, R. F. D., No. i. c *John W s s wk Carter, Leonard A far Edmund B far Lucy E (Moody ho Cross, Annie S ho *Lucy J ho ♦Charles S s s wk M ♦Wallace L s s wk Merrill, Chandler C far George W agt Alice M (Miliken ho Norway Post Office Everett, Charles J far George W Mary (Butterfield ho Mary E Harry C car Helen F car ho pl East Waterford Post Office Merrill, W Samuel far 1 *Irving Hattie H (Johnson ho Mary A eng tr Denta Magenta THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TOOTH LIQUID ON THE MARKET Thp It is an efficient cleansing fluid p . It contains nothing injurious to the tooth enamel DCol It is antiseptic BBCSUSG ^^^ aroma is agreeable and its taste pleasant. The Cheapest Because a 4 ounce bottle costs only 25c. Manufactured and dispensed only at Wh@ H0YES DRUG STORE NORWAY, MAINE -#• The Norway Candy Kitchen ^ Opposite the Elm House Is the place to go for fresh Home-Made Candies. We have a large variety, our own make. Popular Prices. JOHN H- FLiETCHEf^. Confectioner Can Sell You One On Liberal Terms DO YOU WAI2T TO SELL YOUR FAp? Can Find a Purchaser for You Lots and Houses in Madison and Anson sold on long time and easy payments. USend for catalogue E. A. MERRIMAN TELEPHONE 22-5 MADISON, MAINE CENSUS 103 NON-RESIDENTS A Ames, Lilla Scribner Otisfield Ames, Harry F Auburn Abbott, Annie M (Russell Hanover Abbott, Alvin P Rumford Abbott, Eva M (Hayford Hanover Abbott, Wallace F Byron Abbott, Charles W Rumford Abbott, Susan B (Thomas Hanover Abbott, Harry C Hanover Annis, Sanford H 16 Inft Co K Fort McPherson, Ga Annis, Walter R Lisbon, N H Adams, Minnie B (Day West Paris Allen, Winfield R South Paris Allen, Howard A Albany Albert, A Towne Waldolars Abbott, Florence E (Green Otisfield Gore Adams, Clifford C Schneclady, N Y Austin, Greenville E Stewarts Town, N H B Buck, Fannie R (French Auburn Bumpus, George W Auburn Bumpus, Nancy E (Davis Auburn Bumpus, Martha L (Perry Suoth Turner Bumpus, Horato A Auburn Bradbury, Alge (Crooker Norway Bradbury, Ray Lynn, Mass Bradbury, Inez M (Freeman Norway Brown, Flora (Ames Charttey, Mass Brown, \\'illiam Bartmouth, Mass Bean, Harold E North Haven Burt, Lejune () Norway Burt, Frank B 47 Newhall street Lynn, Mass Barron, Nora (Rice St Johnsbury, \'t Bradbury, Margaret Bethel Bradbury, Jameston L Auburn Brown, O Warren New York, N Y Bartlett, Charles S Auburn I04 CENSUS Buswell, Louis R Portland Bennett, Winfiekl R Davis Mechanic Falls Bennett, Willis S Charleston, Mass Barker, Bernece E Topsham Blake, Mary E (Thompson 915 Betz Building Philapelphia, Penn Blake, Charles G 915 Betz Building Philadelphia, Penn Brackett, Lunetta E (Chute Harrison Brackett, Lyndon J Llarrison Bickford, Robert F Bonner's Ferry, Idaho Bickford, Ross L Bonner's Ferry, Idaho Bickford, Octavia II (Carrol Lancaster, N H Bickford, Mary M Farmington Bennett, Freeman H Albany Bennett, Etta E (Cole South Paris Brown, Mary L (Hersey VVaterford C Cotton, Edward H Waterville Cotton, Guy M Paris Cotton, Florence C (Records South Paris Cole, Harry V 98 Federal street Portland Cole, Hattie A (MacDonald 36 Pearl street, Cambridge, Mass Cole, John I) 32 Catawba street, Roxbury, Mass Cragin, Charles L Me Gen Hospital, Portland Cragin, Nora M (Moholland 108 Dudley street, Medford, Mass Cobb, Cynthia L (Thomas Norway Cobb, Lizzie E (Sands 1025 Forest avenue, Portland Crosby, Richard H 42 Mechanic street, Portland Cross, Winfield Lowell, Mass Cross, Mark Lowell, Mass Cross, Florence M Worcester, Mass Cross, Ned C South Paris Cox, Wealthey M (Harris Attleboro, Mass Cheny, Willard E 195 Green street Cambridgeport, Mass Cherry, Nellie (Smith 6 West Main street, Branford, Ct Crooker, Estella A (Bell Portland Cushman, Etta F (Norswonty Cushman, Emmie F (Stearns Cushman, Harrison L Cushman, Lizzie (Lasselle Currier, Charles W Foxcroft Currier, George H South Lincoln Currier, Walter Auburn Cox, Claude W Hallowell Carter, Lucy J (Hutchinson Albany CENSUS 105 Carter, Charles S Lynn, Mass Carter, Wallace L Lynn Mass Carter, John W Skowhegan D Dinsmore, Charles W Norway Dinsmore, Mary A (Whitman Norway Dunn, William P Portland Dunn, Florence (Murry Yarmouth Dunn, Alice (Richardson Norway Dunn, Clara G (]5artlett Frye Dunn, Winnifred E (Kingman Waterford Dunn, W C Me Wes Sem Kent's Hill Dunn, Bertran T 62 Pleasant street Portland Durben, Annie (Perro Lewiston Davis, William E Buckfield Dinsmore, Nellie C (Haxby Billisca, Iowa Davis, Emma J (Robinson Gorham, N H Davis, Clara E (Libby 7 Lynn street, Lynn, Mass Davis, Henry F Dickvale Davis, Samuel F South Paris Dunham, Elma P (Noble South Paris E Edwards, Dolly M (Day Bryants Pond Eastman, Eugene W Upper Gloucester Everett, Addie M (lluxford East Waterford Flood, E Eugene Farmington Foster, Charles A Lynn, Mass Forster, Carrie M Lynn, Mass Flint, Chester A Rumford Falls Flint, Eda L (Doughty West Paris Farnham, Edith L (Knighty Norway Farnham, Ella C (Hersey Norway Fogg, Charles W Sabattus Fogg, Minnie E (Ray Greene Fogg, Benjamin S Boston, Mass Fogg, Jennie M (Seavy Shelborn, N H Fogg, George H Sabattus Fogg, Herbert M Lynn, Mass Flint, Delia M (Haskell West Bethel Flint, Asa P Lawrence, Mass Frost, Lillian P (Flood Farmington Frost, Maude A (DeCoster Norway Frost, Imogene (Lovejoy Mason Frost, Frank E Otisfield Fuller, Harry Auburn French, Carrie E (Kingman South Waterford French, Aldro A Attleboro, Mass French, Addie E (Pearson Jamaica Plains, Mass io6 CENSUS Farnham, Flora E Bartlett Frye Farnham, Charles W South Somersville, Mass French, J Alberta (Snow Tuft's College, Medford, Mass French, A L Portland French, Gertrude E (Buffun Hartford, Conn French, Henry T Boston, Mass French, John S Port Deposit, Md Faunce, B Frank Tioga street Johnstown, Penn Faunce, Helen M (Pendexter Wellington avenue, Rochester N Y Faunce, Elmer A Mechanic Falls Faunce, Edgar E Upper Gloucester Faunce, Perley B Upper Gloucester Fish, Horace M North Waterford Fish, Lizzie J (Wilkins South Berwick Favor, Henry F 28 West Park street Brockton, Mass Frost, Alice I Bates College Lewiston Flanders, Kippie C East Stoneham French, Lutie M (Tufts 10 Leroy avenue, Bradford, Mass Gerry, Abbie E (McGuire Lynn, Mass Gerry, Luella Lynn, Mass Gerry, Adelbert Machanic Falls Gammon, Myrtle I Lynn, Mass Gammon, Mary M (Dunton Gardiner Gilbert, Annie (Wood East Otisfield Grant, Harriet I (Twombly Cole Brook, N II Grant, Wilber V Lynn, Mass Grant, Jennie S (Danforth Dorchester, Mass Grant, James H Sutton, Vt Grant, Norris S Edecott, N Y Grant, Charlotte M Bennett South Paris Gurney, James M Troy, N Y Gurney, Herbert L Lewiston Gordon, Edna A Readfield H Hobbs, Walter C 2 1 State street Boston, Mass Hobbs, Annie M 63 Whiting street Lynn, Mass Hobbs, Fred J 26 Rutland street Hudson, Mass Hobbs, Adna M Norway Hobbs, Clara M (Gilman 355 Broadway, Lynn, Mass Hobbs, Sadie A (Cummings Hebron Holden, Nellie E (Gurney Hebron Holden, Harry B West Paris Hill, Hermon L Harrison Hill, Osman Norway CENSUS 107 Hill, Iza (Allen South Paris Hill, Harry East Waterford Hill, Ina G Portland Hill, Laura (Munch 353 A Congress street, Portland Hill, Fred R South Paris Holt, Mary A Somerville Hull, Charles E Laconia N H Hull, Adelaide S Center Sandwich, N H Hill, Ida M Bethel Hoyt, Emily Lawrence, Mass Hoyt, Fred Haverhill, Mass Hoyt, Mary (Marston Portsmouth, N H Hoyt, Eddie J Haverhill, Mass Hutchins, Arthur F Weymonth, Mass Hayden, Emma I (Chaffin Buckfield Hayden, Henry B Livermore Falls Hayden, John J Haverhill, Mass Hayden, Samuel H Haverhill, Mass Hayden, Anna F (Knights Manchester, Mass Hayden, Caroline E )Winchester Manchester, Mass Howe, Freeland ]v Harrisburgh, Penn Howe, Fannie R (Morrison Rumford Falls Hazen, Josephine B (Soule 618 Tremont street, Boston, Mass Hazen, Florence H Elliott pub ho Philadelphia, Penn Hasty, Sadie T Ward Hill Haverhill, Mass Hill, Louise (Cole Bryants Pond Hill, Ida (Conner Muskgenon Mich Hill, Charles G Bryants Pond Holt, Lula M (Richardson Pishons Ferry Holt, Arlettie (Guylt Augusta Holt, Victor H Lyonsville, Cal Holt, Alma E Battleboro, Vt Holt, Mart M Clinton Hathaway, Merle 220 Bowers St Nashua, N H Home, Lester W 68 Kirklin St Cambridge, Mass Huntress, Hattie (PoUister Auburn Hemp, Emil (Barker Bath Hillier, Herbert W South Paris Judkins, Eshburn, T Albany Judkins, Albert W Upton Judkins, Perry W Mt Bunion, Cal Judkins, FrChestina (Twitchell Oxford Judkins, Flora I (Cummings So Paris Jackson, John Ashland, N H Jackson, Abner F Derry, N H Johnson, Abbie L (Lerry Gilead Johnson, Sarah E (Moors Melrose, Mass Johnson, James C Mechanic P'alls Johnson, Amelia P (Chandler Auburn io8 CENSUS Jordan, Lydia T (Littlefield South Paris Jewett, Mina S Jewett, Stephen P Clark University Worcester, Mass Keene, David L U of M Orono Knapp, Frank P Portsmouth, N H Kilgore, Blanche S (Poter Denmark Kelley, Ross R Hudson, Mass Linell, William West Derry, N H Libby, George 1 2 1 Brockett street Portland Libby, Edith M (Baily 121 Turner street, Auburn Leighton, Harry M Shelburne, N H Laferriere, Alfred L Hebron Lovejoy, Benjamin H Salem, Mass Laselle, Ralph J Great Falls, Mont Laselle, Richard P Great Falls, Mont Lapance, Eva (Morin Berlin, N H Lock, Mary E (Tibbetts 7 I Pleasant Auburn Lock, George P 30 Fessenden St Portland M McAlister, Nelson H 32 High street, Everett, Mass McAlister, Georgia (McAlister Lovell MaKay, Ida A (Webster Norfolk lowns. Mass McKay, Augusta H Stoneham, Mass McKay, Edward l^ynn Mass McKay, Abbie (Bictnell Ward Hill, Haverhill, Mass McKay, Dolly (Abbott Auburn Marston, Effie M (Tucker Strong McLucas, Mathias W Rumford Falls McLucas, Emily 447 Massachusetts avenue Boston, Mass McAlister, Herbert S East Stoneham Mains, Gladys (White Vermont Minard, Henry E Gorham, N H Minard, Celia A (Green Berlin Falls, N H Minard, Mabel G (Brown Newbury port, Mass Minard, Eugene Rampart City, Alaska Minard, Bertha C (Bartlett Auburn Mann, Bertha H Tufts College Medford, Mass Merrill, F'rank W Manchester, N H Marr, Nellie B (Turble Sweden Millett, Annie L (Tilton Haverhill, Mass CENSUS 109 Millett, Alton J Runiford Ealls Millett, Mabel G Haverhill, Mass Magoon, George W Whitman, Mass Magoon, Eliven C Berry Mills Magoon, Newton F Rumford Ealls Millett, Chestina M ( — Winchester, Mass Millett, Fred E Philadelphia, Pa Millett, Bernard F Oldtown Millett, Enna F Waterville Moore, Irving West Paris Morse, Bertha L (Judkins Upton McAlister, Maud Lynn, Mass Merrill, L Josephine (Bennet Sweden Merrill, Lindon H Sweden Merrill, Walter C North Newry Merrill, M (Brown I^artmonth, Mass Merrill, Isabel (Jordan Chisholm's McCay, Mary C (Hatch Lynn, Mass McCay, Barbara E (Hussey South Paris Morse, Orrin I Boston, Mass Marshall, Annie L (Farris Minot Needham, Claude Portland Newcomb, Alfred Naples Newcomb, S A (Morse Danversport, Mass Newcomb, Estella )Irish Danversport, Mass Newcomb, William T Albany Newcomb, Walter South Paris Newcomb, Jessie S ( Bethel Noyes, Wealthy H (Home 65 Pine street, Portland Nevers, Harry H Me Gen Hosp Portand Nerver, Tizzie S (Young Bethel Partridge, Charles F 150 University avenue Rochester Mass Partridge, Evelyn B 410 Fore street Portland Partridge, Delia M (Randall Woodfords Partridge, Etta M (Dunton Gardiner Partridge, Gertrude A (Davis Bowdoinham Perry, Anny Millett Norway Pike, Kate M (Bradbury Norway Pike, Clearence Livermore Falls Porter, Charles Boston, Mass Pottle, Augustine A Westbrook Porter, Annie (Flood East Oxford Porter, Eunice (Barrows South Paris Pierce, Elizabeth S Auburn Pargade, Herman C Newhall street Lynn, Mass no CENSUS Parker, Percy E 4 Silsbee street Lynn, Mass Pike, Frank L 191 Nnion street l^angor Pingree, Henry S Boston, Mass Procter, Fred G Auburn Porter, Margaret E (Richardson Denmark Potter, William A Denmark Potter, G Bernard Denmark Partridge, Jessie F (Noyes Lowell, Mass R Rich, Marian N (Keough Auburn Robbins, Helen B (Canwell Hartford Robbins, Lena M (Irish Hartford Robbins, Angle L (Higgins Hartford Robbins, Flora O (Holmes 97 Chustnut street Lynn, Mass Robbins, Agnes E (Felton West Paris Robbins, Everett D Canton Rich, John C Aurora, 111 Rich, Katie F Manchester, N H Robbins, Orland W South Woodstock Roberts, Thaddus B Bowdoin College, Brunswick Russell, William M Millinockett Russell, Jessie H Baltimore, Md Rowe, Eliza (Bickford West Wilton Russell, Herbert K Oswego, N Y Russell, James L Berlin, N H Russell, Thomas M Auburn Russell, Arthur W Battle Creek, Mich Rowe, Bessie M (Hutchins Rochester, N H Richardson, Emma P (Flint Rumford F'alls Richardson, Annie M (Barnes Norway Richardson, Ethel M Norway Richardson, Merle 20 Essex Ct Lynn, Mass S Sedd, Emma J (Corwin Bridgton Stetson, Carroll Boston, Mass Stone, Marcia (Henry South Paris Stone, Mary Augusta Stevens, Charles E Boston, Mass Swett, Ella J (Knight Rodinville Swett, Carrie B (True Lawrence, Mass Sargent, Virginia S (Eaton Belfast Symonds, Martha F (Witham North Jay Symonds, Rose M (Tribon Machias Staples, E H Philadelphia, Pa Stephen, Janet C 13 Pinckney street Boston, Mass Sawin, Edith R (Mclntire East Waterford Census III Savvin, Alice E (Mclntire East Waterford Smith, Mark P Albany street Canibridgeport, Mass Smith, Alice M Townshend, Vt Smith, Fred E Bowdoin College Brunswick Swift, Oscar West Sumner Swift, Carrie (Philbrook Cornway, N H Swift, Ida (Pulsiver Auburn Schnuer, Friede Bowdoin College Brunswick Sanborn Swan, Harry E Lewiston Stearnes, Hattie E (Richardson Bethel Stearns, Lillian M (Lock Fessenden street Portland Stearns, Flora A (Wescott Munjoy Hill Portland Stearns, George A Lewiston Swan, Arthur H Everett, Mass Swan, Helen S Everett, Mass Sampson, Fred M 35 Brookline street Cambridge, Mass Stuart, Cora E (Welch Sanford Stuart, Albert O Marlboro, Mass Stone, Herbert D Lovell Stone, Emma F Portland Stone, Charles H North Waterville Stiles, Ella (Damon Buckfield Stiles, Florence (Chaplin Paris Smith, Frank 25 Maple Wood Aue Portsmouth, N H Smith, Sadie M (Conner 38 Estes street Lynn, Mass Sanborn, Roswell C 26 Fayette street Lynn, Mass Smith,Harry Skillings Swift, Porter L Worcester, Mass Stirk, Jennie M (Wyman 42 Honland street Brockton, Mass Stirk, Fannie (Hoyt Ethol Center, Mass Stirk, Cora M (Larry Webster, Mass Stirk, Lillian M (Penney Mechanic Falls Stetson, Lidia (Powers Haverhill, Mass Stetson, Mary J (Francis Bath Stetson, Carroll Boston, Mass T Thompson, Edwin Haverhill, Mass Tubbs, Christina (Noble Harrison Tubbs, George Norway Tubbs, Bertran Portland Tubbs, Carl South Paris Titcomb, Emma P (Flint Rumford Twombly, William L Rumford Falls Trafton, Frank B York Trafton, Lizzie S (Bartlett Newton Junction, N H 112 CENSUS Trafton, Julia E (Jennings Haverhill, Mass Trafton, Mary E (Litchfield 70 Brent street Boston, Mass Trafton, Grace S (Hutchsons Haverhill, Mass Tubbs, Orren A 37 Morning street Portland Truman, Walter S Eort Ethan Allen, Vermont Tucker, Frank L Harrison Tucker, Ada (Stiles Sandwich Center, N H Tucker, Arthur Strong Towne, Charles H Somcrville, Mass Towns, William E 69 Broad street Boston, Mass Tucker, Agnes 30 Elm street Jamacia Plain Towne, Emma E (Upton Tulare, Cal Watson, Clara W (Smith Turner street Auburn Watson, Ella O (Burbridge 1 1 Wise Cort Providence, R I Watson, Ritchie F Barrington, Nova Scotia Wasson, Everett E Jamacia Plain Watson, Archie S Main street West Roxbury, Mass Wood, Winslow B Wentworth Wood, Lois E (Bradbury Vermont Witt, Charles H 32 White street East Boston, Mass Witt, George H 24 Stanton avenue Dorchester, Mass Witt, Lizzie H (Foster 73 Grove avenue Leominster, Mass VVentzel, Fred W Auburn Wentzel, C Edward Hallowell Wentzel, Albert Auburn Warren, Charles E Auburn Wentworth, Pearl E (LinncU Uerry, N H Woodman, Walter C 16 Broadway street South Lawrence, Mass Wheeler, Charles E Bethel Wheeler, Lizzie S (Morgan Bethel Wheeler, Eva R (Sperrin Trout Lake, Mich Wheeler, Emma (Records Paris Whitman, Victor M 46 Green street Lynn, Mass Witham, Adelbert E Brackett street West Brook Witham, Alfonso N Cumberland Mills \\'itham, Agnes I) 545 Congress street Portland Watson, Bertha (Sims St Lewis, Minn Watson, Annie (Verrill Lawrence, Mass Watson, Lee M Auburn Winslow, Carrie (Hillyen South Paris Winslow, Eliza J (Evans Rumford Ealls Winslow, Laura A (Page South Paris Walker, Clarence Somersworth, N H Walker, Nellie M 142 Center street Brewer Young, Eva (Blake Boston, Mass CENSUS Yeaton, Olive E (Reed 113 Lynn, Mass Young, Bertha E (Walker East Hartford, Conn Young, Samuel H East Waterford Young, Hannah N (Pratt West Paris Young, George N West Paris Young, Abbie E Stevens 825 North Montille street Brockton, Mass TRY E. G. WllMShOW'S AT 33 CENTS PER LB. Cor. Main and Lyon Streets NORWAY, ME. TELEPHONE I33-I3 ¥ LAROt;.ST LINE IN TOWN OF CROCKERY, GLASS, CHINA, ETC. CONFECTIONERY, STATIONERY, TOYS, GAMES, ETC. KITCHEN GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION F. H. BECK, Proprietor 116 Main Street, NORWAY, MAINE R P. STONE, Drug:g:ist DEALER IN Books, Stationery, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Room Papers, Toilet Articles, Paints and Oils, Fishing Tackle, Tobacco, Cigars and Confectionery. 143 Main Street NORWAY, MAINE You Will Find a Choice Assortment of Things Good to Eat at Fo Rfldll0ini''s Corner Main and Danforth Sts. NORWAY, MAINE THIS SPACE IS RESERVED EOR Norway, Maine EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO PHOTOGRAPHY EXECUTED WITH SKILL FRAMES MADE TO ORDER M ram L^ Fa'pinier New Studio Main Street, opp. Princess TELEPHONE CONNECTION Our Motto is "The Best at a Reasonable Profit" Our line of goods can't be paralled in an}- place of this size in Oxford Count}'. To make sure come and see. We carry about ever3thing usually -kept in a ^ ■t. Ft; rovasnoim Mar 4 HOME-MADE PRODUCTS A SPECIALTY Such as Pressed Corned Beel', Lard, Domestic Hams, Sausage, Native wSalt Pork, etc. OUR OYSTER AND CLAM TRADE IS REMARKABLE Wh)? Pecause we carrr}- "The Best." .i,4t.M. rpj^^^ celebrated I). Atwood oyster, ' "|. ' and our clams we get directl}' from ^ the digger. All orders prompth' at- f tended to. i i i i i i i i WE BUY ALL KINDS OF HIDES AND PELTS WE DO CUSTOM BUTCHERING FRESH FISH OF ALL KINDS IN THEIR SEASON AT 1 P IkiJOKS' MAliKKT Near H. J. Bangs' Grocer)^ Store TELEPHONE 1 8-3 144 Main Street NORWAY, MAINE L£Ja'l3 d LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 041 313 6