* ~>r-'- *- .0^ IIXUSHATED R. E. R. RAMSEY, MANAGER. I DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH Sbelburne ^ if MICHIGAN AVENUE REMAINS OPEN THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. EVERY CONVENIENCE, INCLUDING HOT AND COLD SEA-WATER BATHS, AND PASSENGER ELEVATOR. ..SHEILBUJRNE HOTEL CO. m-1 ; % OTEL IrAYMORE, Popm. America'' s Most ar Resort. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Open throughout the year. Hot and cold sea-water baths in rooms; every modern comfort and appointment. Capacity 450. Golf privileges. Illustrated Booklet mailed on request. TRAYMORE HOTEL COMPANY, D. S. WHITE, President. HOWARD WHITE, Jr., Manager. With all Nodern Improhemeiits. Hotel .^ __ Belmont, i VIRGINIA AVENUE. NEAR THE OCEAN. Steam Heat. Elevator to Street Level. Sun Parlor. OPEN ALL YEAR. THE CUISINE £! AND SERVICES THE BEST. £! £1 Suites of %poms k>ith Tribate 'Baths. For Illustrated Booklet, Address E. S. WATSON. Manager. iS! OPEN ^ ALL YEAR. Telephone & 163- ^ ^ HOTEL j^ ISLESWORTH. A Modern Hotel in every respect. Capacity 500. Tresh and Salt Water in all 'Bath Rooms. JOHN C. GOSSLER. Ok>ner and Froprietor. VIRGINIA AVENUE On the Beach. jB See view opposite page 102. NbW H0TT.L KWDOLT, ON -BEACH FRONT. A merican Plan. 'European Plan. ROOMS en Suite, with Sea and Fresh Water Baths. Elevator from Street Level and complete Electric Plant. Steam Heat. Sun Parlor. A Table d'Hote Luncheon and Dinner served in Cafe. Orchestra. Accommodations for 800 Quests. TERMS, $3.00 TO $5.00 PER DAY. Special rates for May, June and September. See view opposite page CHAHLES n. J^YEHS, Proprietor. ??V\ \ \ 'M PHONE 22. OPEN ALL YEAR. SEASIDE HOUSE, PENNSYLVANIA AVE., OCEAN FRONT. Accommodations For 300 Guests. 4 Overlooking the Ocean. Enlarged and Refurnished Throughout. Sun Gallery. Elevators. Hot and Cold Sea-Water Baths in the House. Enclosed Walk of glass from Hotel to Beach. Billiard room and all the appoint- ments of a first-class house. Ocean parlor on the beach, free to guests. Telegraph and Long Distance Telephone in the house. Tickets for Golf Links at office. CHARLES EVANS & SON. See view opposite paj Coach Meets all Trains. HOTEL ^ ^ STERLING KENTUCKY AVENUE. ^ ^ NEAR THE BEACH. jSf ^ FIREPROOF BUILT OF STONE an? BRICK. OPEN THROUGHOUT the YEAR. The newest and one of the finest appointed Hotels on the Coast. Capacity 300. Central to Piers, Casino, and Best Bathing Grounds. Electric Lights. Elevator, Steam Heat. Rooms Single or en Suite, with Private Bath. See view opposite page W. L FINCH, Owner and Proprietor. HOTEL ST. CHARLES. tlbc Xatest Conception a^ of a Seasbore ^ff Ibotel. Directly on the Ocean Front, at the foot of St. Cliarles Place, Two Hundred Feet from the Breakers. MOST ARTISTIC BUILDING IN ATLANTIC CITY. THOROUGHLY MODERN IN ALL ITS APPOINTMENTS. FORTY ROOMS EN SUITE, WITH PRIVATE BATH. An ever-flowing artesian well on the premises, bringing the water, crystal pure, from a depth of 1000 feet. Ball and music room, 60x75 feet, large dining room, seating 500. Reception Halls, etc. See view opposite page 32. ■Phone 279. JAMES B. REILLY. MECCA OF THE VISITORS. The Ocean Pier Nearly 3000 feet long. JOHN L. YOUNG, Owner and Proprietor. Foot of Tennessee Avenue. VAUDEvii/i/E :entertainments in the theatre. ROYAI, MARINE BAND CONCERTS, II A. M., 3 AND 8 P. M. CAKE WAI.KS AND BASKET BALI,. FISH NET HAUI,S, 11.30 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. All kinds of curious t'lsh are caught in the great sea net at the end of the pier. Good Fishing on the Outer Deck. Spacious Sun Parlors. Something going on all the time. New St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church. %.^. Ethlyn Hotel, «,,.,s»^" HARRY H. GRAFF, p t F ^ T 'I South Carolina Avenue and Beach. ^VWni I ;_ --« Terms Moderate. 4. ^ ^- CAPACITV lOO First Brick Hotel on the Beach. FIREPROOF. THE HOTEL ROMAN, St. Charles Place. Beach End. Remodeled and Newly Furnished throughout. Rooms single or en suite with bath, American plan. Cafe Attached. Steam Heat. Ele\ator from street level. HORACE B WIMLEY, proprietor. The Runnymede^ j^ F^ARK RLACE. Open all the Year. I. McILWAIN. THE RpRWirTC ^ Kentucky Avenue. ^ — J-^J-iXV VV iV^X-k.^ jQQ y3j.^3 f^^^ Beach. Ser%ice unexcelled. Large, airy rooms. Table unsurpassed. Centre of all amusements. Hot and cold sea water baths. $1 50 to $2.50 per day; $9 to $15 weekly. A famil\- hotel. Home comforts. Satisfaction guaranteed. Capacity 250. Long Distance 'Phone No. 52. GEO. W SPROEHNLE, Proprietor. Cuisine Unexcelled. Excellent Accommodations. Steam Heat. Open all the Year. The Bartram, Beach End, CHAS. V. FRICK, Mgr. ST. JAMES PLACE. Hotel Maiestic Virginia avenue, *■ Av-'Lti XYXd-JtOLl^ THIRD HOUSE FROM BEACH. Directiv o\ erlookini; New Steel Pier. Sun parlor. Elexator. Healed by steam. Capacit\- 300. Illustrated booklet mailed on application. S. C. OSBORNE. vi BY THE BREAKERS AT BRIGANTINE T T It t T T Opened in i8g6. Supplied with Artesian well-water. nOllanCl rlOUSe Ll-hted by Electricity -— — — — - — 7= Meals served at any hour A. la carte. Fish and SAFE SURF BATHING Game Dinners a Specialty. Take Steamer at the Inlet, electric cars to the door. C. L. WALTON, Manager. See Brigantine Transportation Company's Advertisement. The New Brunswick ST. JAMES PLACE, near beach. Fi)rmerl\- Pacitic A\enue and Open all >ear. Steam Heat. Large Rooms. Full Ocean View. All Modern Improvements. CHAS. H. SASSE & SON. The Chester Inn new york ave., near the beach. Central Location. Steam Heat. Sun Parlor. Moderate Rates. 'Phone 42 DANIEL KNAUER. T^T-»^ "Rf^vf/^t-^ MICHIGAN AVENUE, near BEACH. L lie UlCALUll Open all the Year. Greatlv Impr(.i\ed. Steam Heat. Electric Elevator. Sun Parlor. Convenient to Hot and Cold Sea Baths. J. A. MYERS, Formerly of the Brexton in Baltimore and Cape Ma\'. The Brookehurst Virginia avenue and beach. Accommodation 2co. Cuisine First-class. Special Sprinjj Rates. BURRELL & BROWN. T^U-, (^rir^^i^\A VIRGINIA avenue. NEAR THE BEACH. 1 ne v^anneia ,p,^^„^ ^^, p ^ canfield. pjTT^TTjTTZT DIRECTLY ON ocean FRONT. iJlCaJS. l ■i-'JUbC «jt^Oj^,t By^n." GEO. H. CORYELL. Strictlx- turopean. Modern. AhsoluteK- fire-proof. The Hotel " par excellence." Fort\' private batlis. Capacit\' 400. Luxuriouslv- appointed. Booklet mailed. 'Phonk 4S6. ' 108 SOUTH KENTUCKY AVENUE. Open all the Year. Three Minutes to the Beach. M. B. 'WALKER. T'Uo^ "R/>-m*-^^^ OCEAN END OF TENNESSEE AVE. i ne Xjea-UmOnr capacity 200. Large exchange and porch. High ceilin;.^s, broad halls, new furnishings, steam heat throughout. Excellent cuisine. Special spring rates. Open all \ear. Write fnr booklet. WILBERT BEAUMONT, Proprietor. MRS. HELEN JONES, Manager. ST. JAMES PLACE and BEACH. Between New York and Tennessee Avenues. Location and Service Unsurpassed. Capacity 200. Open all the Year. Steam Heat. Elt'valor to street le\el. Private Baths L p BL'RCH. Park Cottage The Glendale The Speedway Firstdas ALBANY and ATLANTIC AVES. iss Cafe and Bar Attached. Open all the Year. EDWARD S. JOHNSON. Speidel^s Hotel MISSOURI AND ATLANTIC AVES. Opposite Reading Depot. Open all the Year. 'Phone 227. CHAS. M. SPEIDEL. r- Hotel Atglen, MICHIGAN AVE., NEAR BEACH. OCEAN VIEW. TT-"^' ' r-'^"«'-^«. --- STEAM HEAT, ' " « ' w L iPr^'^ OPEN ALL THE YEAR. -~T"T\ 11 'pi' " '' f|f " "^TffpTp "" Strictly first-class Family 1 1 « " '' f ^ ^f ^n*T > , 5^ I House. All modern improve- jif^riT ments. Special rates to fami- lies. $8. CO to .$10.00 a week, ML 3^^ " y i' M I S ' .! ^'^:;~^_3 __ t^ "'I", I ''»"! r -1.50 to .$2.00 per day. '^"^^ — ^^'^ilLjpl "i- " , JjlL^ Phone 3^8. J. E. REED. The Lehman-Craig Hall h.uITu ISYLVANIA AVE. from Boardwalk Send for Illustrated Booklet and with view of Ocean. " EsL-nfs of a Da\- at Atlantic Citv." CRAIGHEAD & CRAIGHEAD. Ct 'J SOUTH CAROLINA AVE., NEAR BEACH. OllVerSICle open an the year. Steam Heat- Thorough in Appointments, Service and Table. Rates, $8 to $,2 per week. A. H. HURFF. Berkshire Inn Virginia avenue and beach. Modern in every detail. Cuisine a special feature. J. O. & J. E. DICKINSON. M<>lt*nQP H^ll 117 SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA AVE IVXCllVJoC X ICtil Near the Beach and Steel Pier. Large Airy Rooms. Home Comforts. Cuisine Unsurpassed. Telephone. MISS TAYLOR. Special Rates for Spring and Fall. MISS ANABLE. Hotel Chetwoode ^^^^i^siJ^T^ Open all ^■ear. Steam Heat. Sun Parlor. One minute from Beach. MRS. P. A. DEMPSEY, Owner and Prop. Accommodations. Steam Heat. First Cottage from Beach, opp. St. Charles Hotel. Cuisine excellent. Personal attention given to the preparation of special diets. MRS. M. F. SMYTHE. Hotel Sothern e,.„„. ,„ ...TST *^'^"' '"° "'*"" ^ A first-class Hotel at Modern Rates. Open all the Year. Steam Heat. Special Spring Rates, .$12 to .?i8. N. R. BOTHWELL. LJ^f^l P^t-,t-» OCEAN AVE., NEAR THE beach. 1 lULCi 1 Cilii Convenient to Penn. R. R. Station. Special Rates, $10 to $15 per week. Hot and Cold Baths. MRS. S. MARSHALL. 160 St. Charles Place The Revere PARK PLACE, NEAR BEACH. 'PHONE 92. JAMES M. MOORE. Facing Cit\' Park. Steam Heat. Heated Sun Parlor and Smoking Room. Open all the Year. The "V^iltshire Virginia avenue and beach. S. S. PHOEBUS. Proprietor. The Eastbourne open all the year Unobstructed Ocean View. Appointments Complete. Mrs. R. P. BOGLE, Successor to KATHARINE McG°ATH. V ictOria SOUTH CAROLINA AVENUE, Near The Beach. Good Ocean View. Hot-Water Heat. Open all the Year. The Finest Sea-Water Baths in the City. M. WILLIAMS. Hotel Aldine ^^^^'^^'^ avenue, between Michigan and Ohio. New Management. Capacity 200. Excellent Table. Careful Service Write for Booklet and Rates. L. TURNBULL. ATLANTIC and NORTH CAROLINA AVES. M. MALATESTA, Proprietor. J. K. CARMACK, Manager. Open all the Year Formerly Girard House, Philadelphia. T'U^ TVTT U 4.^. OCEAN END SOUTH CAROLINA AVE. 1 ne IVlannattan Near Beach and Railroad Station. Open all the Year. P. O. Box 257 M. A. MELONEY. Opp. West Jersey & Seashore R. R Depot. LOUIS KUEHNLE, Proprietor. Open all the Year. 'PHONE 400. Hotel Malatesta Kuehnle^s Hotel New Holland Hotel ^ EW YORK AVENUE Near Beach. M. J. LEE. Large Veranda. Pleasant Air\- Rooms. First Class Appointments. Service Une.xcelled. E.xcellent Cuisine. Send for Booklet and Special Weekh- Rates. ?o.^\^I''^^^''^' FLORAL HALL. 107 South Carolina Avenue, Beautiful Foliage and Bedding Plants Fresh Cut Flowers of the finest quality received daily from our own Nurseries at Bridgeton, N. J. Jardinieres, Floral Deco- rations for weddings, parties, funerals, etc. Open all the year. BACHARACH & SONS, ^J^^f^^^^3 Kentucky and Atlantic Aves., Phone 428. AND Atlantic and Pennsylvania Aves^ ABBOTT'S ALDERNEY DAIRIES, 13 17 and J 9 Memorial Avenue. Thorndale Certified and Pasteurized Milk for Infants and In\alids. Milk and Cream. for family suppK'. Ro\'al Pasteurized Butter. M. WALTON, Manager. ix ], Rosenbaum^ HINKLE & McDEVITT, "'''"---s.,,hs ^SiIh?^':'' plumbing, WINDOW GLASS. ^??aTwork Steam and Hot Water Heating, 817 ATLANTIC AVENUE. Thone 130. ARTISTS' MATERIALS. ESTABLISHED 1878. TELEPHONE No 175. OLIiZER H. GUTTRIDGE. GE^4ER?>;U CONTRKCTQR, Oealer in Mar B. C. GODFRE> GODFREY & GODFREY, ATTORNEYS=AT=LAW, . . . MASTERS IN CHANCERY AND NOTARIES PUBLIC, . . . Rooms 13 and t5 Real Estate and Law Building. ROBERT H. INGERSOLL, COUNSELLOR = AT=LAW, Rooms 1 and 2 Ciirrie Building, Soiith Carolina and Atlantic Avenues. HAROLD F. ADAMS, Telephone 527. ARCHITECT, Galbrath Apartments. New York and Pacific Avenues. S, HUDSON VAUGHN, ARCHITECT, 'Phone 178. Rooms 45 and 47 Law Building. Good Fishing on the Outer Deck of Young's Pier. Maryland Ave. and Boardwalk. 20 per cent. OFF on all EASTMAN KODAKS . . FREE use of Dark Room to all Amateurs. Developing and Printing in One Day. We Keep Open All the Year. FREUND BROTHERS. xi D. & A. 'Phone 454-L. Souvenirs of Atlantic Cit\'. BATES & CO., Atlantic and Virginia Avenues. Silversmiths. Watclimallvania Railroad has been closely identified with the material development of this great seaside resort, to which end nothing has contributed more than the matchless railroad facilities always provided by this company. Anv ticket agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad or its connections can give information as to routes and rates, or, should more detailed knowledge be desired, address J. B. HUTCHINSON, J. R. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD, . Geii'l .yfanagn . Gen'l Pass. Agl. Asst. (irii' I Pass. AkI. xiv E. W. HUNT, SON & CO., Oea.ers in ^^° ':;„%^^^^ . Office: No. 8 N. INDIANA AVENUE. A. C. 'Phone No. 944. C. W. MATHIS, Practical Blacksmithing and Horse Shoeing, WAGON AND CARRIAGE BUILDING. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. 109 N. Arkansas Avenue. Liberty Carriage and Wagon Works. A I IPWIIV PPACTICAI HORSE Carriage and Wagon /A. L. IKWIl-N. '^'iiv iir^ivLv i^, ^ AND JOBBING. BUILDERS IRON WORK. Fine Horse Shoeing a Specialty. No hot Fitting. Rubber Pads used for horses feet. See sign of Horse Shoe. New Jersey Ave. above Atlantic. BALTIC AND RICHARD McALLISTER, INDIANA AND ^^ . , , \YTr>^r^T\ BALTIC AND Dealer in COAL atlO WUUD. KENTUCKY AVES. Telephone No. 31. H. F, SOWERS, Manager of P°fces\L^llllst. ATLANTIC CITY COAL CO., Both 'Phones. Cor. Vermont and Mediterranean Aves. Pleasure Trips . . . BY . . . RAIL AND BOAT ATLANTIC CITY, LONQPORT, OCEAN CITY, SEA ISLE CITY, AVALON and STONE HARBOR, via. West Jersey & Seashore Railroad. Delightful Excursions Along the Coast and Across Great Egg Harbor Bay. Time Tables may be procured at all ticket offices. HAND-BOOK PRESS ( Vitsolicited } . " Much valuable information is given by Mr. Heston in this little volume/' — Public Ledger, Philadelphia. "An excellent account of Atlantic City's many attractions. ' " — Pittsburgh Chronicle- Telegrapli. "A complete description of the famous watering ])lace." — Washington Star. PHYSICIANS i Unsolicited). 1404 Olive Street, ,, A R,r TT St. Louis, Mo., Mav 7, IQOO. Mr. a. M. Heston. ' ' ■ • ■> y Dear Sir : Please accept my thanks for the Hand- of my Augusts in Atlantic City in the future, as I am about I believe the book has already determined two ot mv patients to go to Atlantic City instead of to Wisconsin resorts. Sincerely yours, C. A. WARE. Book. I will spend a retiring from practice. Mr. a. M. Heston. Atl.antic City, May 12, 1900. Dear Sir : I have always had a lively interest in your Hand-Book, have re- commended it to a great many people, and look upon it as the most valuable publication on Atlantic City. I have seen similar works in other cities, but consider your work the best and most perfect exponent of any city in the country. Sincerely yours, M. D. YOUNGMAN. OFFICIALS {Unsolicited). From Hon. Foster M. \'oorhees, Ex-Governor of New Jersey. Atlantic City is fortunate in having such a publication ; fortunate, also, in haying one who so well tells of the beauties, and so skillfully proclaims the merits of the resort. The reader of your story, longing for rest, is led to believe that here, beside the loud sounding sea, he may enjoy heaven on earthly ground. You have succeeded admirably in proclaiming, in an alluring way, the attractive features of the wonderful City by the Sea. The literary character of the book conceals the purpose of the writer, and in spite of his determination to " have none of it," the reader finds himself turning its pages with eager interest and longing for the scenes you have so invitingly portrayed. " Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore," you have pondered, investing the growth and life of the city with an historic interest that is as rare in works of this character as it is charming. The work is one of which you may well feel proud. Sincerely yours, FOSTER M. VOORHEES. A. M. HESTON, Publisher, ATLANTIC CITY. Atlantic City Officials. Mayor. — Franklin P. Sto}-.* Recorder.— Cha.r\es C. Babcock.* A!derman.~llevm&n G. Mulock.* City Comptroller.— KUvftA M. Hestou.f City Treasurer. — John A. Jeffries.* City Solid tor. —Harry Wootton.f City Clerk. — Uracry D. Ii-elau.f District Com t Jit d^e.— Robert H. Ingersoll. Appointed by Governor. City Surveyor.— John W. Hackney. t Tajf Collector. — William Lowry, Jr.* Mercantile Appraise/ .-John W. Parsons. t Supervisor of Highways.— 'Ber\a.\\ Mathis.f Building Inspector. Simon Iv. Wescoat.f Overseer of /'oor.— Smith Collins.* City Electrician. -A.. C. Farrand.f Chief of Police.— Harry C. Kldridge.t Captain of Police.— Q. W. Ma-xwelLJ Connnissioner of Sinking Fund.— A^{heA M. Heston. Appointed by Supreme Court of New Jersey. City Assessors.— Stewart H. Shinn, Seraph Lillig and A. J. Withrow. Appointed by Mayor. Chief Engineer of Eire Depart men I .—Isaac Wiesenthal. Elected by City Council. Assistant Chiefs of Eiir Depa i /n/ en /.—Charles M. Speidel and Henry Williams. Elected l)y City Council. 07,v t>///;/t-/7.— Alderman, Herman C Mulock. First Ward: David R. Barrett, Albert Beyer, James B. Reilly, Edwin A. Parker. .Second Ward: Euos F. Hann, Edward S. Iit.—\V\\\\am H. Randolph. Chief Clerk of IVater Department.— Henry R. Albertson. Inspector of IVater Department. — B. Prank Souder. City Hall Commissioners. — Frederick Hemsley, Charles Evans, John B. Champion. Appointed by Mayor. Board of Health.— V>r. A. W. Baily, Walter McDevitt, Joseph p;. Lingerman, Dr. M. L. Somers, Thomas McDevitt, p;Uvood S. Jolinson, William Clark. P'.lected by City Council. Plumbing Inspector. — Curtis Frambes.j; Health Inspector. — Thomas C. Clement. § Register of Vital Statistics.— Wired T. Glena-g .«oa7-rfo/Arf«<-a('/o«.— C.J. Adams, S.R.Morse, Wm. A. Bell,. A.aronH inkle, Carlton Godfrey, Paul Wooten, Samuel H. Kelley. Elected by City Council. Superintendent of Schools.— T>r. W. M. Pollard. || Supervising Principal.— Charles B. Boj'er.jl Principal of High School.— Henry P. Miller. || Superintendent of Manual Training. — Helen D. Meeker. Superintendent of Drazving. — Wilhelmine Ochs.|| Superintendent of Business Course — F. J. Klock.H * Elected by voters, t Elected by City Council. | Life tenure. 3 Appointed by Board of Health. j| Appointed by Board of Education. ATLANTIC CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIALS. Al-l.EN B. EndicoTT, County Judge. r. LEWIS P. ScOTT, County Clerk. 3 Lewis Evans, State Senator. Fl^ANKl.lN P. Stov, Mayor. 5. Alfred M. Heston, Comptroller. Oueen ot the Coast TWENTIETH CENTURY SOUVENIR EDITION H E STON'S HAND-BOOK Being an account of the settlement of Evre Haven, and a succinct history of Atlantic City and County during the 17th, i8th and 19th centuries; also Indian Traditions and Sketches of the region between Absegami and Chico- hacki, in the countr\' called Sche\ichbi. B ALFRED M . H E S T () N ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY Nineteen HuNnREO and Two. ir)TH Year of Pubi ication Good-bye to pain and care ! I take Mine ease to-dav ; Here, where the sunny waters break And ripples this keen breeze, I shake All burdens from the heart, all weary thoughts away. Ha ! like a kind hand on my brow Comes this fond breeze. Cooling its dull and feverish glow ; While through my being seems to ^ow The breath of a new life — the healing of the seas. ■fFhittier. THt LiBRAfiV OF CONGRESS. Two CootK RLCt-M'F?. AUG. 6 190? COWmiQHT fNTSV CLASS ^ XXc. No. Copyrighted, iqo2, hy A. M. HESTON. All persons are cautioned not to use any part of this work in other compilations or publications without proper credit. r ^55^ PART I Atlantic City Sketches — Winter and Summer OUTINGS BY THE SEA. ^altitatorp* N the olden times, 'tis said, every feudal baron welcomed the stranger to his castle and the pilgiim to his fireside ; he istened with delight to the tale of the traveler and the song the troubadour. The barons and bards, pilgrims and poets, made their entrance and their exit a thousand years ago, and since their day the centuries have wrought many changes. The world is not what it was, but though the times have changed, mankind has not changed his nature. He still has the same desire for novelty, the same love of story, the same fondness for pleasure. Attend then, worthy friends, if you will, while 1, a stranger and traveler, tell of a delightful place whereunto 1 have been, and show unto vou some pictures of the greatest and fairest of the world's watering places. Sir Oracle, another pilgrim who preceded me to this place of pleasure, homeward bound, was benighted, and craved a shelter at my hands, promising that this courtesy he would repay with some story of the wonderful city which he had visited, in my veins there flows no blood of barons; howbeit, in imitation of the cavaliers of old, 1 feasted Sir Oracle at my humble board and seated him at my fireside. Then remembering his promise, and mindful of my hospitality, out of the fullness of his heart he thus spake: "Atlantic City! Place of Pleasure! Haven of Rest ! Mecca of the Tourist ! Delight of the Pilgrim ! Abode of Fashion ! Paradise of the Summer Girl ! Home of the Neglige Shirt ! Age can not wither nor custom stale thine infinite variety! Pieans of praise can add naught to the glory that surrounds thee, thou Queen of the Coast." Again he was silent, and though I waited long, 'twas all he said. Since then 1 have been to Atlantic City, and for thee, worthy listener, who, perchance, hath never been there, this panorama of pen pictures and camera sketches hath been prepared, with the confident expectation that the succeeding season of outing will find thee there among the thousands, enjoying to the full the beauties and the pleasures of that unique resort. Though as yet a stranger to the place, thou mayst profit by my story, and, the while believing, may say to thy friend, in the language of Scot- land's bard, " I cannot say how the truth may be ; 1 tell the tale as 'twas told to me." Be assured, 1 would not forestall thy good opinion of Atlantic City by offering thee pictures and sketches that are too highly colored. Briefly and frankly, my only hope is that, having heard my story and seen my play, thou mayst say, as Nick Bottom, the weaver, said to good master Cobweb, the fairy, "I shall desire more acquaintance of thee" — thou Jersey island fair, with the wine of life in thy pleasant air. A. M. H. JULY I, 1902. ^rologiie^ ' Shall I not take mine ease in mine inn r'—Si> John Falstaff. (Shakspeare.) Sir Oracle.— What sayest thou, spirit of the departed Falstaff? Dost thou desire ease in thine inn ? Then seest thou that the inn be chosen with care, that thy host be one worthy of thy company, and above all that the inn be situate in Atlantic City. Falstaff.— But how can 1 know the whereabout of this place thou callest Atlantic City, the direction thereto, the number of inns therein, and which be goodly taverns that rob me not of mine exchequer? Sir Oracle. — All this and much more store of information is vouch- safed unto thee, my lord. Falstaff.— But suppose that l too be a belated traveler, who spurs apace to gain the timely inn — how shall 1 find my place of abode, seeing that the west doth not yet glimmer with some streaks of day and 1 be a stranger in a strange land? Sir Oracle.— List ! Let my worthy and adipose knight send for that book yclept Heston's Hand-Book of Atlantic City, whereof there be many thousands print, and see therein many fair pictures and much story about the town ; and a catalogue of all the inns and boarding places, likewise some pictures of the taverns wherein thou wilt find thy warmest welcome. Falstaff.— Wherefore shall 1 know. Sir Oracle, if 1 go thence, how many pieces of gold to place in mine pouch, that I may have the where- withal to pay the inn-keeper? Sir Oracle.— Be not uneasy about that. Your jocund highness will find in the Hand-Book a catalogue of all the inns, the dole which each host doth demand of the pilgrim and the number of lodgings at his dis- posal. And thou shalt read in this book of elevators, electroliers, tele- phones, electric lights, electric cars, locomotives, railroads, steamboats, automobiles, biographs, phonographs, merry-go-rounds, roundabouts, to- boggans, switchbacks, kinetoscopes, and divers other strange devices, of which thou hast never before heard. Falstaff.— Avaunt there, wizard, with thy telephones and auto- mobiles, thy elevators, railroads, biographs and phonographs ! Thou speakest in an unknown tongue. Yet will 1 send for this book on the many taverns in thy town of Atlantic City ; howbeit, this be a place whereof 1 never before heard. Verilv, I must view the manners of this strange town, peruse its traders, gaze upon its buildings and take mine ease in mine inn. Knowest thou the cost of the book of which thou speakest so highly ? SIR Oracle.— Yes, my dear Falstaff. Send a bag of forty and eight farthings to the publisher, of to any bookseller in the provinces of America ; so shalt thou receive it by the earliest post. Verily, in this book there be much story about the town and pictures waiting of the best of the inns therein, where thy stomach is most carefully honored and thy couch like unto a bed of roses. 0iieen of t^e Coast. HE island whereon Atlantic City is built is situated between Absecon and Great Egg Harbor inlets, I within sixty miles of Philadelphia and one hundred J and fifty miles of New York, by railroad. It is distant five miles from the mainland, the intervening space being an expanse of bays, sounds and salt marshes. The island in its chrysalis condition, before it felt the electric touch of a railroad, was known as Absecon Beach, which name still exists in the adjoining village of Absecon, on the mainland, now put completely in the shade by its more successful neighbor. Many of the more recent patrons of Atlantic City do not know that, although the history of the place as a pleasure resort dates from the time of its founding, in 1854, it was not until more than twenty years later that it became widely known as a winter health resort and sanitarium. To-day there is no northern winter resort so popular, none so largely patronized and none so urgently recommended by physicians generally as Atlantic City. The physicians of Philadelphia were the first to discover the wonderful curative effects of the saline air of Atlantic City, and to them, more than to any other class of men, is due the credit of making the city what it is to-day, a famous sanitarium. in the olden times the seashore was considered a desolate place in winter. Such a bleak idea as to be there in January would have chilled the marrow of an invalid. And yet we find that many of the wealthy, who otherwise would go to Europe, now spare themselves the annoyance of ocean travel by going to Atlantic City. Others, who formerly sought health and relaxation in the more distant Southern resorts, now make this their winter abiding place. 7 IpOling i!l9cn anD iipatDrns, Tlie founders of Atlantic City 15acl)flor0 anD #ltl tl9aiD0. prophesied that it would stand pre-eminent as a resort. Doubt- less it is to-day the queen of American watering places and health resorts. There is a sort of freedom about the place that pleases all who come here, it is no uncommon sight, even in winter, to see men eminent in their callings busily engaged in scooping up bucketfuls of sand for children whom •they chance to meet on the beach, or aiding them in their search for shells after a receding tide. Young men and maid- ens, sedate bachelors and prudish old maids not infrequently rake part in such diversions, and one can not help thinking that the intellects and the characters thus unbent appear to greater advantage by the relaxation. r Yachting Scene at the inlet. €)5onc off tl)c €)ccatt. EVERAL elements combine to produce the tonic and resting effects of the Atlantic City air, the first of which is the presence of a large amount of ozone — the stimulating, vitalizing principle of the atmos- phere. Ozone has a tonic, healing and purifying power, that increases as the air is taken into the lungs. It strengthens the respiratory organs, and in stimulating them helps the whole system, it follows naturally that the blood is cleansed and revivified, tone is given to the stomach, the liver is excited into healthful action, and the whole body feels the benefit. For some persons the air alone is sufficient, while others get along famously with the air and the aid of judicious bath- ing. Of course, during the cooler months of the year the bath must be elsewhere than in the surf. For all seasons of the year there are the hot sea-water baths and the natato- riums, with large pools of tepid sea-water. For some only the briefest dip in the ocean is all that is necessary or safe; others should refrain altogether from ocean bathing, and con- fine their ablutions to the hot baths ; exercising in these, how- ever, proper care as to time and temperature of the water. Delicate persons can not safely bear a prolonged soak in hot water, whether salt or fresh. As to diseases of the respiratory organs, a physician says : "I have had personal knowledge of many patients suffering from various forms of such affections who have made trials of the climate of Atlantic City in winter. The cases have, as a rule, improved, some of them very decidedly, though there have been exceptions. Consumptives in the incipient stage, and even those in the advanced stages of the disease, where the destructive process has advanced slowly, have often ex- perienced marked improvement and, in some cases, have been cured." 3U ^f Wt^VV anU Sufferers from autumnal catarrh, which $>Cat3V ilaUfn. '^ essentially a form of hay fever, enjoy great relief by coming to Atlantic City. The late Rev. Henry Ward Beecher and the late Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes had a witty correspondence on the subject of hay fever some years ago, in which the latter declared that there was no cure for the disease "but six feet of gravel." Atlantic City, however, has answered back that if it can not be cured, it can at least be alleviated. Come then, ye disconsolate consumptive ; come, thou wheezing, sneezing victim of hay fever ; come, all ye weary and heavy laden, ye who seek health, rest or pleasure ; come and fill your lungs with ozone ; come and promenade on the broad Boardwalk, planted within reach of the sea ; come and take a mid-winter sun-bask; come while ye may; come ?io7i'. Take no heed of the chronic fault-finder who may be here, enjoying to the full all the benefits and advantages of Atlantic City, and who still carps and grumbles because the town, perhaps, lacks a few pretty curves and graces. A Morning Promenade in Mid-Winter. lO Pacific Avenue Eastward from States Avenue— Yachtmen's Pier and Pavilion. Rummer iy^catl)rv 'ncatl) l^intcr SfetciS* HE fame of Atlantic City is grounded not alone upon those qualities which give it prominence as a sum- mer resort. It is a great seasiae city, where, throughout the year, people from every State crowd Us hotels and lounge on its famous beach. In summer time the visiting population exceeds one hundred thousand. It is a great democratic crowd, good-natured, rollicking and happy, bent on the pursuit of amusement and enjoying the quest with unalloyed pleasure. The witching charms of autumn sea and sky hold many a summer visitor, even until the ides of Novem- ber. Indeed, not a few linger until December, ana ere the holiday festivities are fairly over at home, the first company of winter visitors has arrived, harbingers of that larger company whose appearance marks the advent of February. Excepting an occasional " nor'easter," which is a treat in itself, by way of contrast, the weather at this season is usually all that one could desire. The winter and spring or Lenten season is the swellest of the year. The resort then becomes the abode of a distinguished company who seek to escape the rigor of northern climes. The great hotels, which remain open through- out the year, are filled in the earlier months by the best repre- sentatives of society from the East, the West, the North and the South. There are days in February and March suggestive of May and June in cities farther north or remote from the sea. Indeed, the visitor is sometimes wont to say, " Truly this is summer weather 'neath winter skies." In point of accessibility, Atlantic City possesses advantages unequaled by any other resort on the coast. With Philadel- phia and all the railroads centering there, it is connected by numerous through trains, while with New York and the East there is ample communication by through trains, which make the run from New York to Atlantic City in but little more than three hours. tlTonir for 31nt)aliD8; The air here is so dry and mild, as a anD ConbalfSCnttS, ^^^^> ^^^* convalescents who are able to be about may enjoy at least a brief walk on the famous Boardwalk, even in winter. Then again there are miles of drives, either upon the hard, smooth beach, the finely paved streets of the city, the Speedway down the beach, or across the meadows to the grounds of the Country Club on the mainland. Visitors from all parts of the country have found in the equable climate and invigorating air of Atlantic City their only means of restoration to health. Hundreds and thousands who have been thus benefited will bear willing testimony to the tonic effects of its bracing atmosphere. Confirmed inva- lids are often materially benefited, and existences that would be utterly miserable at home are here made not only tolerable, but enjoyable. Lenten and pojst lenten pajstimejs. IN mid-winter, when the majority of the guests are ' invalids, any but the mildest forms of dissipation I are out of the question, but during Lent, when the ' more extravagant gayeties of the rest of the world are temporarily suspended, Atlantic City becomes the scene of genuine fun and frolic. Upon the advent of Lent some good-natured married lady, of unimpeachable social standing, in one of the larger cities, organizes a party of a dozen or more young people, and chap- erons them to Atlantic City. They come for ten days, often staying longer, and while they are here the heretofore quiet halls ring with the sounds of their music, dancing and merry laughter. The more sober-minded invalids gaze with a mild surprise, not unmixed with pleasure, at these jolly parties, and by force of example are inclined to forget their ailments. Equestrianism is an every-day recreation during the Lenten season. The brisk sea breezes, which sing and whistle around the cottage gables and through the bare branches of the trees, inspire the visitors with longings for the vigorous exercise of long walks and horseback rides. From these they return with such glowing cheeks, sparkling eyes and keen appetites that the mere sight of them is a better advertisement of Atlantic City air as a tonic, than all the hand-books that might be written. There is never any dearth of amusement for those who pass any portion of the fashionable spring season in Atlantic City. The opportunities for enjoyment at the Casino are varied, and include private theatricals, readings, musicales, orchestral and other entertainments. The visitors, of course, are the elite of other cities, refugees from the demands of social life, drawing new vigor from the pure air, and pleasure seekers whiling away their time 'neath the bright skies of this new-born rival to Southern Europe. 13 ContJCninU ilounging The ocean parlors and pavilions are ItDlacC^ for ^[\, convenient lounging places, when one is not inclined to sit on the sand and take a sun-bask. Here he may behold the many strange and beautiful aspects of the sea. Sometimes it is as calm and placid as a lake, with only a line of breakers laving the shore. On another day it reflects all the delicate hues of the setting sun. Then again, under a serene sky, it is beautifully blue, while under heavy clouds it assumes the sombre green. When the wind prevails it heaves in heavy swells and dashes its breakers furiously on the gently shelving beach, sending up a roar like that of thunder. So, day by day, one may watch the changed and ever-changing conditions of the sea ; or, if not so inclined, whatever may be his tastes, he can find in the wonderful resources of the town an inexhaustible means for their gratification. Central M. E. Cliurcli amcrtca'js jttccca of Counjstjs, OURISTS who have visited all parts of the civilized world, men whose word we cannot doubt, and women whose judgment we cannot question, have declared that nowhere is there a resort combining so many points of excellence as Atlantic City. Already it is the Mecca of a considerable number of tourists from coun- tries beyond the Atlantic, as well as from states bordering on the Pacific ; and the time is not far distant when many Euro- peans, who have been in the habit of passing a portion of the year at some over-rated resort on the Mediterranean, will cross the expanse of ocean and spend a month or more in Atlantic City, whose climate combines the bracing qualities of Brighton and Malaga with the sedative virtues of Rome and Venice ; and within whose bounds might be placed the Frenchman's highly-prized Trouville and his picturesque and fashionable Etreta without making any appreciable difference in appear- ance or conditions. The visitor here, whether from Europe or the most distant parts of the United States, is charmed by the beauty of the town and the grandeur of the sea. The bright sunshine bronzes the cheeks and aids the bracing breezes to vivify the frame, while the paved avenues and magnificent strand afford ample opportunity to all who wish to indulge in equestrian pleasures. The facilities for sailing are unsurpassed, and yachts go bounding seaward or glide across the bays and estuaries with a speed that is truly entrancing. Here, also, is the perfection of fishing, whereof more is said under the caption of " Hook and Line." All the benefits that can be expected of a sea voyage are obtained by a residence in Atlantic City, with the added comforts and luxuries of a metropolis and the freedom of fast land, in his "Literary Recollections" Thomas Hood says: " Next to being born a citizen of the world, it must be the best thing to be born a citizen of the world's greatest city." This is stating only half a truth. In this country, next to his home, here in Atlantic City best may he abide, to rest and cheer him by the flowing tide. SlgrrrablC Climate auD The idea that Atlantic City is a Congenial i?rienD0, "^^re lounging place for the summer idler was long since abandoned. It is an all-the-year-round resort, where one can always find an agreeable climate, congenial friends and almost anything to engage his attention or excite his interest. It is without a rival in America in the matter of hotel accommodations, suited to the tastes and the means of every class of people. There are elaborate hotels, equipped with ail modern appliances and kept in the best manner ; less pretentious houses, well-kept and comfortably equipped cottages, villas with classic names and an indefinite number of boarding houses. "! ^, [[ 'v*i^i; Home of the "Atlantis Club,'' Illinois Avenue. i6 glimmer t^av^ I3c0itic tl)c ^ta. HEN spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil, when hath passed that period of transition from the austere glory of winter to the roseate weather of June, then it is that one's thoughts revert, with fond remembrance^ to the deHghtful scenes, the cool and invigorating breezes and the joyous pastimes of Atlantic City, whose summer day is more than a mere creation of the fancy. The oft-quoted words of George Herbert, the sweet singer of Cherbury — "Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright," are almost meaningless to those who know summer only from the high temperatures, the glaring sun and the hot, parching winds that are its distinguishing characteristics in no inconsiderable portion of the United States. The ideal summer presupposes climatic conditions that make physical life, from the highest to the lowest, a perpetual delight and rejoicing ; and if there is any place more favored than another in that regard, it must surely be a matter of concern to the toiling millions to know where it may be found. Bu.t, apart from the mere pursuit of pleasure, the mere seeking after enjoyment, and that love of change for its own sake that is inherent in every son of Adam, there is, happily, in this busy, restless age, a just recognition of the importance of relaxing the extreme tension of business and endeavoring to repair the terrible waste of vital force. We are, however, with our pleasures very much what we are in our business, except that while we may not always make a pleasure of our business, we certainly make a business of our pleasure., seeking to obtain, with the least outlay, the largest possible results. 17 011)3^ from tljC Jl^cat The accessibility of a summer resort anD $nil'lV'Burlv. ^^' ^'^•'' "^^ a few, a matter of impor- tance, second only to the paramount consideration of health and pleasure ; and herein lies the secret of Atlantic City's wonderful growth and popularity. The solid character of its patrons from the better elements of society, the quiet home-like aspect of the place, the natural scenery and charms peculiar to itself conspire to make Atlantic City the very ideal of a summer resort. Art and design have added to its attractions, beautifying it with broad avenues, walks bordered with trees, and with gardens whose fragrance unites with the cool breeze of the ocean to delight and refresh those who, turning from the heat and hurly-burly of the city, seek the charm and change of seashore life. Easter Sunday. i8 15eautY on tl^c l3oarDtDal6- TLANTIC CITY invented the Boardwalk, and while other resorts have been content to tamely copy, she has lengthened and strengthened, rebuilt and renewed, until the present structure, erected in 1896, and extended in 1897-98-99, is forty feet wide, twelve feet high, over three miles long, and cost the city $170,000. It has no equal in the world. The life, the light and the color that one sees on this prom- enade during the early evening hours are indescribable. It is an endless dress parade, a grand review, in which everybody is one of the reviewers, as well as one of the reviewed. The animation, the overflowing good nature, the laughter and contagious hilarity of this restless throng are irre- sistible. The lights from the scores of bazaars, the buoyant merriment of the children, the soft, melting colors of the sum- mer dresses of the women, the grace and freshened loveliness of the women themselves, the dizzy whirl of the merry-go- round, and the thousand and one little scraps of life and tone that line the thoroughfare, all blend in a picture that is war- ranted to banquet the eye and rest the mind of any one who is not utterly lost to every sense of enjoyment. Nowhere in the world is there such a kaleidoscope of beauty, such a panorama of wonders, as one sees on this great ocean promenade. An annual visitor said : " I have been to every prominent seaside resort and spa in Europe, and 1 know whereof 1 speak when 1 say that nowhere is there a resort that can in any way approach Atlantic City. In addi- tion to the unusual opportunities for enjoyment, it is unques- tionably the healthiest place in America." 19 pleading panorama From the balcony of the lighthouse, of ^ca ailD ilanCi, ^^^^^ ^^^^ eastern end of the prom- enade, a grand panorama of sea and land is presented. Looking north and east, across the ex- tended miles of salt marshes, with their winding bays and estuaries, one sees the pretty buildings and the fertile farms of the mainland. Westward is the beautiful city, with its splendid hotels and extensive boarding-houses, its hundreds of private cottages, and the long line of shade trees skirting the sidewalks ; while beyond, to the east and south, is the great ocean, reaching far out into the distant horizon. The ocean piers usually offer some sort of entertainment aside from the ordinary Boardwalk diversions. Indeed, it is impossible to pass a dull day or evening in Atlantic City, and yet if one does not care for the sprightlier pleasures, he may he as quiet as he please, and find delight in meeting and chat- ting with friends on the promenade, or listening idly to the thunderous monotone of the blue, unresting sea. .^ Observing the Dress Parade. .^L. ''^r^ Cottage on States Avenue— Residence of Col. George P. EldriJge— Cottage on Pennsylvania Avenue— Cottage of Mrs. Cutiibert Roberts. pitamtt^ of tl)c paijsance* HE Plaisance of Atlantic City is tlie BoardwaIl<, but, in winter time, on pleasant days, and in summer, when the Boardwalk is literally full of humanity, so full, indeed, that the crowd surges over on the side, then it is that the Strand, either from choice or necessity, becomes an equally popular promenade. Up on the Boardwalk or down on the Strand the visitor may pass many delightful, dreamy hours. The long stretch of sandy beach and the roar of the surf may be uninteresting to some upon a gloomy day, but when the sun is shining all dreariness disappears, the ocean sparkles like a huge diamond, and groups of people wander along the Strand or scoop out convenient hollows, in which they lie for hours, enjoying the warm sun-bath- and inhaling ozone at every breath. Bevies of girls, dressed in dainty costumes, are scattered about on the sand, and ripples of laughter come to one's ears from every side. Far out upon the horizon a faint trace of smoke may be seen ascending from a passing steamer, while above the horizon and sometimes just beyond the surf the white wings of swift-sailing yachts or other craft lend a charm and a motion to the scene. Nothing could add to the quiet beauty of this scene or heighten the pleasure of those for whom it is created. From morning until evening the beach is a perfect paradise for children. The youngsters take to digging in the sand and paddling in the water by natural instinct, having unlimited opportunities for both. Every day they throw up fortifications, build mounds and excavate subterranean caverns, and every night the tide washes away all of their labor and leaves a soft, smooth surface for another day's toil. ipopularitV^ of ttjr The pleasures of the surf bath bring. ^urf llBath. multitudes to Atlantic City during the summer months, and bathing here attains a popularity unknown to more northern resorts, the near approach of the Gulf Stream to this point increasing the temperature of the water to a delightful degree, and taking from it the bitter chill from which so many would-be bathers shrink. At the fashionable hours of bathing, from eleven to one, the beach is crowded with thousands of merry bathers, whose shouts and laughter mingle with the roar of the surf, while the Strand and Boardwalk are lined with interested spectators and promenaders. The scene at this time is as animated as the streets of a continental city on a fete day. An April Sunday on the Boardwalk. \-:' i%%^M%m I^larsvounti of tl)c Country- TLANTIC CITY is the nation's healtii resort, its pleasure spot, its playground. Congress may re- solve and newspaper correspondents may with hasty pen declare that this or that spot, distin- guished by some local phenomena, shall be known as a national park, but neither formal resolution nor the verdict of casual writers can change the geography of the country, the facts of nature, nor the verdict of the people. The public has declared, with an emphasis that cannot be misunderstood, that Atlantic City, though not exactly a park, is the Playground of the Country. This resort long since learned how best to provide for the summer and winter visitors, and it is now the business of the place to set forth its attractions, which are all in the direction of making one's stay delightful. Hard to amuse, indeed, would be the visitor who could not find some congenial diver- sion ever close at hand on this interesting island. There is some sort of diversion at every hour of the day, every day in the week, and for those who prefer to do just nothing at all there is always the sublime panorama of sky and sea spread out in perennial magnitude before the most listless eye. For the man or woman who is brain weary, and breaking down under the weight of business, professional, social or domestic cares, there is no better restorative than a season of rest and recreation at Atlantic City. With increased bodily vigor, incident to a stay here, comes the gentle ministrations of tired nature's sweet restorer. Many who have been troub- led with insomnia find in a change to this climate the soothing balm that " Upon the high and giddy mast Seals up the ship-boy's eyes and rocks his brains In cradle of the rude, imperious surge." 23 Wutt 2iit ^afiftjrsf Persons who could scarcely walk at il^tlt thf llung0. home, after coming here, stroll long distances on the Strand or Boardwalk, with only a cheerful sense of weariness that is soon succeeded by a sharpened appetite, the reward of agreeable exercise. Few, indeed, who visit Atlantic City fail to experience a marked improvement in appetite, while to many there comes such a feeling of drowsiness that the most exciting story fails to keep them awake. This is a sure sign that the nerves are being well rested. The exercise that one gets here is a tonic in itself. The pure air brightens, rests and strengthens the eyes, purities the blood, washes out the lungs, flushes the air-passages of the nose and ears, quickens the sluggish circulation, strengthens the weak digestion, brightens the complexion and resists the progress of disease. In the flood of ozone off the sea all poison is driven out of the system. A Snap Shot. 24 i 1 1 l^'K JLx 15tac\} mtDejs, gacl^ting anti (13unning, TLANTIC CITY is so situated that nature provides a constant round of summer pleasures. The sea, of course, is an endless source of delight. Even those who do not bathe find a pleasure in sitting under the big umbrellas and canvass-covered chairs on the beach, and watching the antics of those who are tumbling in the surf. Yachting is another delightful pastime. There isn't a safer, speedier or more comfortable fleet of fishing and sail- ing boats on the seaboard than Atlantic City's squadron, found at the picturesque inlet harbor, with its breezy houses of refreshment by the docks. Those who prefer steam to sails can be accommodated, and the few whose stomachs dread the heaving billows may eschew both and sit and watch the fleet of gaily-decked boats dancing in the distance, their blood meanwhile tingling with the ozone blown from the sea, or the commoner kind which some en- deavor to suck through a straw. The island is ten miles long and the two extremes are united by an electric railway, which is an unfailing source of pleasure to a countless number of visitors. The greater por- tion of the route is within sight of the sea and almost at the water's edge, in some places one may see the original for- mation of the island. There are woods and pleasant retreats among the sand-hills, shaded by umbrella-shaped trees, which have withstood the storms of many years. To those who love nature and who hold communion with her visible forms, a day of pleasure is promised in exploring these ancient sand- hills and sylvan retreats. If the visitor is a sportsman, he will scent the delirium of pursuit in the spray of the billows. With gun and rod, either or both, one is sure of a great day's sport under the guidance of the veteran yachtsmen at the inlet. The succes- sion of game fowl which visits the adjacent beaches, each in its own season, is surprisingly varied ; snipe, plover, marlin, willet, yellow legs, marsh hens, black duck, mallard and teal follow each other, often in such numbers as to provoke the city sportsman to the highest pitch of enthusiasm. 25 SDoUJU tl)C llBfart) The trip down the beach is a most de- bv ^OOnligljt. Hghtful one, either by day or night, and to afford a view of the ocean by moon- light at least one night train is usually run throughout the year. This train is in great favor with the young people, it passes Sea View ; Ventnor, a quiet place with a fine hotel ; St. Leonard ; Oberon and South Atlantic City, celebrated for its sacred white elephant, which is the largest white elephant in the world. A mile and a half farther down the beach is Longport, where sailing craft or steam pleasure-boats convey passengers across the finest sheet of inland water in the State, to Ocean City or Somers' Point. A Spring Morning on the Boardwalk 26 i^oofe auD Um. ERHAPS there are in this world souls sc sordid that they never can rise to the height of enthusiasm over that enticing pastime, fishing, it may be a matter of early training or education — this love of angling — since the man whose boyhood was passed in the country is usually an expert fisherman, and he remembers with pride and pleasure his first fishing outfit. He'd a horse- hair line and an elder stick, with bended pin for a hook, and he fished till noon in the shaded creek, with an angleworm for bait. At the very first nibble, when the cork went under, the rod was thrown swiftly over his head, and the fish, breaking away from the unbarbed hook, went flying through the air, and landed back in the woods, perhaps fifty feet from the edge of the creek. A pretty sight it was, too, that perch or sun-fish, with its silvery sides dappled with gold. Then it was strung by the gills on a crotched stick, and, with three or four others, was carried home in triumph. Ah ! lives there a man with soul so dead that he cannot cherish, with fond recollection, the joy of those youthful sports ? a memory so weak that it cannot recall the long-gone days of boyhood pleasures in the country — days of wishing and of fishing, when he listened to the voice of the rivulet and the language of the winds and woods ? The roar of the ocean was an unknown song in that distant country home, but to him the green aisles of the forest were more than a poetic fiction. In Atlantic City there are no scenes, no pastimes, like those incident to boyhood life in the country. There are no dank grottoes, vine-trellised and luxuriant, with perhaps only a ray of sunlight bursting through the fretted vault of green ; no vistas of glory like those found in hilly and mountainous places ; but, brother anglers, on the veracity of thousands of the fraternity, we assure you that you will find congenial spirits here, and as fine a lot of liars (fish liars, of course) as can be found in the United States — barring, perhaps, the State of Maine. iLanl)*ilOCl\fD True, there are no fresh-water trout here, ^atcr iBrf^crUf. ^^^ ^^ have weak-fish, sea bass, flounders, blue fish, sheepshead and other fish, as good as, yes, better than those which navigate the mountain streams, as active and as gamy as any fish you ever saw. The bays and thoroughfares are a vast water preserve, with Nature for their keeper. From Grassy Bay and Little Egg Harbor on the north to Scull's Bay and Great Egg Harbor on the south, from the wreck of the " Cassandra " to the wreck of the "Diverty," fish of large size are found in abundance. The creeks and sounds teem with millions of the finny tribe at certain seasons of the year, and it is here, also, where agile oysters, mild, serene, on beds of moss recline ; where soft- shell crabs live pinchingly, and pearly sheen of hake and flounder wins the flies. -ii( piact of p^crcnnial i^lcajsure* N the charms of novelty and ever-shifting variety, Atlantic City surpasses the most celebrated of Euro- pean resorts. Surrounded on all sides by the waters of the ocean and blessed with a climate of rare equability, its physical advantages are superb. Seaward the waste of waters stretches almost three thousand miles, kissing the shores of another hemisphere ; while landward is a wide estuary as smooth as a mountain lake, and beyond that an expanse of salt meadows, reaching out to meet the pine forests, whose breezes mingle with Neptune's briny breath. The geological peculiarities of the island are one of the agents that contribute to its remarkable healthfulness. There is no indigenous or spontaneous vegetation on the island. The only growths are the arboreal embellishments of the ave- nues and lawns — sylvan contributions from the forests and fields of the mainland. No stagnant pools or sloughs disfigure the facial lineaments of the island, and there is no malarial or miasmatic emanation to offend the senses or affect its perfect hygiene. Indeed, it is believed by many scientists that the air of Atlantic City is "hostile to physical debility." All other attractions, of course, are secondary or subservi- ent to the charms of the sea, whose sunny waters break upon the strand and whose keen breezes drive all burdens from the heart, all weary thoughts away. The famous promenade, which follows the contour of the beach, is wide enough to accommodate 100,000 visitors, without crowding or discomfort. Here, at eventide, the city pours its countless thousands out, and a great procession marches and countermarches the entire length of the four-mile promenade, under the brilliant glare of the electric lights, lighted the year round, and the strains of music from the numerous places of amusement that line the landward side. 29 3l0V anD pirasurr Cftrougl) The current of humanity on t\)t CU)dt)^tl9ontl)S; ^^^^ Boardwalk moves con- stantly on, the rule of the road — keep to the right — being strictly observed. As a study of some of the most unique phases of human character, a stroll along this crowded thoroughfare in spring or summer is worth a year of ordinary life. Year after year this commingling of the young and the old, the high and the low, the rich and the poor, the grave and the gay, goes on in Atlantic City ; and so until the end of time, generation after generation, the charmed voice of the sea will draw man to its sands and to its surf. From the plains of the South, from the wide expanse of the West, from the bleak, gray rim of the North, men, women and children will come and go, girdling our coast with joy and pleasure through the twelve- months. Perhaps You Know Them. 30 3^l)crcin latlantic Cttv €rccljs» FEW of the advantages of Atlantic City over other resorts may be thus stated : There are excellent schools and churches, good society, good order, good government, good drainage, good water and good living. The underground sewage system has worked so successfully that Atlantic City is admitted to be the only properly drained resort on the coast. The waves that beat on the beach here are not required to act as scavengers for the city. The surf is absolutely free from refuse or defilement of any kind. The water supply from artesian wells, some of them looo feet deep, and from natural springs on the mainland, is inex- haustible. There is no purer or clearer water anywhere in America. This is conceded by scientists and recognized by thousands of critical visitors. For the promenader, a broad Boardwalk, without equal in the world, is built along the entire ocean front of the city, forty feet wide and over three miles long. It is at all times a centre of attraction and thousands of visitors from every corner of the United States there enjoy the delicious exhil- aration of the vitalizing ozone off the sea. There is an absence of formality, the bane of European resorts, that renders a sojourn in Atlantic City refreshing as well as fashionable. The city is admirably lighted with electricity. The authori- ties spend nearly $40,000 a year for lighting. The ocean promenade and all the principal avenues are lit with brilliant electric lights the year round. Notwithstanding the fact that hundreds of thousands of people visit the city annually, many of them afflicted with severe illness, statistics are not wanting to show that Atlantic City's death-rate is almost the lowest in the country. The national mortuary table averages the deaths among the resi- dent population at 12.05 to the 1000, or second only to one other place in the country. 31 epilogue. King Lear - " May be he is not well ; Infirmity doth still neglect all office, Whereto our health Is hound." — Shakspe/ Pilgrim.— Not well, my lord? Methinks thou knowest not what the matter is. Send thou and tell him I would speak with him. King.— Nay! I will not command his presence, seeing he doth yet suffer. We are not ourselves when nature, being oppressed, commands the mind to suffer with the body. But what is this thou revealest? What kind offices hast thou for the indisposed and sickly.? Pilgrim.— 'Tis this, my lord. These many summers have 1 wan- toned with the breakers at Atlantic City, and there, also, on many a win- ter day, have I found delightful outing by the sea and much ease in mine inn. "There, my lord, once I sat upon a'pier and heard a mermaid, on a dolphin's back, uttering such dulcet and harmonious breath that the rude sea grew civil at her song. At this place, whereof much praise hath been spoken by most learned men, in winter time, ere yet the inns at other places have their portals opened, 1 durst lay my hand upon the Ocean's mane and play familiar with his hoary locks. King, — I perceive, pilgrim, that thou art no fool, nor art thou abste- mious of pleasure, seeing that thy countenance is round and good-natured and that thy nose doth already wear the livery of good living. This word of thine persuades me that it behooves us all to go and linger yet a while at thy fair city which thou callest Atlantic City. Give me my serv- ant forth ! ' Nay ! go thou thyself and summon up the retinue. Command them to attendto-morrow at'nine, for at that hour we go to this place of rest and pleasure ; and so may this be our custom hereafter. Resolve, also, with all modest haste, whichsoever way thou mayest please, that this be our usage thrice every twelvemonth. Write it down and post it by every path we tread, and let it shine with such a lustre that he who runs may' read. 32 PART II. Indian Stories and Traditions — Tales of the Olden Time Settlement of Eyre Haven — Atlantic County Reminiscences — Origin and History of Atlantic City. (33) ril mTRODUCTORq. lODWIN'S once-famous story of " Caleb Williams " is said to have been written backwards. That is, the hero was first involved in a web of difficulties, forming the second volume ; and then, for the first, the author cast about for some mode of accounting for what was already done. in like manner, this History and Hand-Book has been written backwards. In the first part is presented an imperfect pen picture of Atlantic City, "Queen of the Coast," within whose bounds are cen- tralized ail the force and features necessary for a complete health and pleasure resort. In the second part Is an account of the beginning of seaside pleasures, when the aborigines made periodical visits to the sea- shore, eating enormous quantities of baked shell-fish (soquanock and sickissuog), making belts of poquanhock and luckahouk, bathing In the surf, and making merry in other ways. After the Indians came the first settlers, with their old-time diversions. Then came the generations of revolutionary and post-revolutionary times, in those days, at the seashore, it has been said, when men Old -Time went fishing in the morning, they rolled up their trousers to Diversions, the knees ; when they " dressed for dinner," thev simplv rolled them down again. By degrees the methods of sea- shore recreation have changed. The sea"^ laves the beach the same as of yore, but modern ways have made surf bathing a luxury. Instead of a penance; and there are just as good fish In the sea now as there were then, but they are caught with less trouble— some with a silver hook. What co'uld have been more perfect than the conception of this great seaside resort? its founders prophesied that It would stand pre-eminent among its kind, and looking at It to-day, as described in the first part of this Hand- Book, who will deny its pre-eminence? Undoubtedly, Atlantic Citv Is " Queen of the Coast." 4 it d In issuing this souvenir edition of the Hand-Book, i shall offer no excuse, other than this : the demand has been made and the field is open for a work of this character — historical and descriptive — com- Labor of memorating the closing and signalizing the opening century. Love. Nothing in the nature of a reliable history and sketch-book of Atlantic County has been heretofore attempted, and 1 have therefore prepared these desultory chapters, hoping that they will merit the perusal of all into whose hands a copy of the book may chance to fall. 1 need scarcely add that their preparation has been entirely a labor of love. It Is not presumed that the book Is faultless, but to approximate a degree of completeness has been my endeavor. The historical chapters will answer the end for which they were written, If they but awaken in the people of Atlantic County an interest in the oft-neglected subject of local history, to the study of which pride and patriotism should alike impel us. True knowledge, like true charity, should begin at home, and he who fails to study the history of the locality wherein he lives commences the (35) 36 Heston s Havd-Book. fabric of his education at the summit, instead of at the base; wherefore should these chapters direct any native or adopted son of ancient Absegam. to the path of TRUE knowledge, the author's labors will have been abun- dantly requited. d d ^: ANY interesting sketches, descrip- tive of the old and new times on Absecon Island and the adjacent mainland, are necessarily omitted from this edition of the Hand- Book. The iqoo edition contained historical chapters as follows : " Indian Stories and Traditions," "Days of Yore," "Tales of the Olden Times," " Queen of the Coast," and the iqoi edition chap- ters as follows: "First Families of Eyre Haven " and " Revolu- tionary Reminiscences." d <« 4 Succeeding editions will contain chapters as follows: A Quaker Indiction of Slavery. Roadways and Taverns. Old Times and New. Memorable Accidents. Ployden and Plantagenet Principalities. Concerning Metes and Bounds. Township Lines and Tithing Ofticers. Mayslanding and the Early Settlers. Hammonton and Egg Harbor City. Brigantine and Barnegat. Reminiscences of Old Gloucester. (39) 40 Hcstofi' s Hand-Book. Meeting Houses and Churches. Schools and School Teachers. Charitable Institutions, Hospitals and Libraries. Redemptioners in the Early Days. Albion Knights of Old Gloucester. Rain and Snow — Wind and Tide. Shipwrecks and Drownings. The Pen and the Sword — Editors and Soldiers. Lawyers and Physicians. The Water Question and Water Works Litigation. Murders and Hangings. City Hall and Post Office, Atlantic City and County Officials. Mysteries of the Sea. Gunning and Fishing. Outings by the Sea. Autumn and Winter Pleasures. Sanitation and Drainage. The publication of these chapters will extend over a period of four or five years, and a set of the Hand-Books for these years will make up a complete history and sketch-book of Atlantic City and County well worth preserving. To accommodate those who may not have a copy of the 1900 Hand- Book and who may wish to possess a complete set of the books, when published, a limited number of the igoo edition will be sold at seventy-five cents and of the 190 1 edition at fifty cents per copy. Postage ten cents extra. Pages 41 to 66 of the Hand-Book are found only in the 1900 edition. Pages 67 to 82 of the Hand-Book are found only in the 1901 edition. Stalwart Sires and Sturdy Sons. f© ROM the most authentic accounts, it appears that about the year 1753 there was a settlement near the forks of the Mullica River, in Atlantic County, which consisted of about twenty log houses, and was called Sweetwater. Its inhabitants were typical woodsmen, who lived by lumbering and tilling the soil, varying these occupations with hunting and fishing. There was also at this time, in the vicinity, a small band of half savage white people, who lived in wigwams, after the fashion of the aborigines, and held little, if any, intercourse with their neighbors. They were known as "the clam eaters." After a few years these strange beings mysteriously disappeared. They probably joined one of the Indian tribes west of the Delaware. In 1758 a church was built at Sweetwater, in the primitive style of the period. It had no settled pastor, but was used by preachers of all denom- inations. The present Methodist church edifice was erected in 1808 and dedicated the following year by the venerable bishop, Francis Asbury. In the cemetery "adjoining the church the forefathers of the The Forks hamlet sleep, the oldest of the tombs dating back to at Sweetwater. 1760. Two of the graves are of special interest. One is that of Mrs. Abigail Miner, whose husband was an officer under the celebrated naval commander, Paul Jones, and the other is that of Rev. Simon Lucas, a Revolutionary soldier and old-time Methodist preacher. Mrs. Miner died in 1777 and Mr. Lucas in 1838, the latter in his eighty-third year. The mansion, now belonging to the estate of William E. Farrell, was built in 1762. At the time of the Revolution it was occupied bv a wealthy family mentioned in C. J. Peterson's popular romance of "'Kate Aylesford." The name " Aylesford" is fictitious. The real name of the family is not positively known. DEPREDATIONS BY THE RED-COATS. During the Revolution Sweetwater, now called Pleasant Mills, was a place of some importance. Colonel Thomas Proctor's Pennsylvania State Regiment of Artillery and a body of New Jersey militia, well provided with cannon, were stationed at " The Forks " in October, 1778. A portion of General Charles Grey's division, of the British Army, under the immediate command of the general himself, had gone from New 'V'ork on a marauding expedition to Buzzard's Bav, New Bedford, Fair Haven and Martha's Vineyard; and another detachment had come to Egg Harbor, under Captain Patrick Ferguson, who was not less cruel than the general himself. Ferguson's force, after landing at Chestnut Neck, purposed marching toward the forks of the river, to destroy the iron works at Batsto, which were turning out large quan- tities of the munitions of war for the Continental army. They also had in view the de- struction of the stores and privateers at "The Forks." Hearing of the approach of the enemy, the Americans prepared to meet them. It was late in the day— probably the evenirg of October 6th— when the Americans, believing that a general attack would be made in the morning, fell back to a favorable position near Sweetwater, and rested on their arms. At daybreak thev were ready for the attack. The artillery was posted behind an eminence on the left, the infantrv was drawn up in a line extending across the main road to the river bank, and a wooded ravine on the right was occupied by a number of picked men. The dav was well advanced when the enemy had finished their work of destruction at Chestnut Neck, and instead of marching inland, toward Sweetwater and Batsto, as at first intended, Captain Ferguson prudentlv retired his forces under the protection of the guns of the Zebra, the Vigilant and the Nautilus. He then steered his barges to the landing place of Eli Mathis, near the mouth of Bass River, and destroyed the dwelling house and farm buildings of Mathis, besides the salt works, a saw mill and twelve houses belonging to as many patriots near the banks of that river. (83) 84 Hesiivf s Hand-Book. The story of the assault upon the fort and destruction of the stores at Chestnut Neck, and the slaughter of Pulaski's men near Tuckerton. is told in another chapter. Pat Ferguson was one of the most distinguished officers of the King in America during the Revolution. He was a brother of Adam Ferguson, the celebrated Scottish phil- osopher, and in his own way quite as gifted. He was a man of an ingenious turn of mind and invented a breech-loading ritle, in the use of which he became very expert. After the overwhelming defeat of Gates at Camden, South Carolina, in 1780, Corn- wallis had the whole South at his mercy. He moved slowly northward with the main body of his army. Ferguson was given command of various operations, with power to embody and command the Tory volunteers. The Carolinas and New Jersey were the only States which were entirely swept from border to border by the besom of war. There was scarcely a nook or a corner in which the rifle shot was not lieard, in which the torch was not lighted, or in which the passions of hell were not let loose. It will be recalled that General Grey, to whose army Ferguson's com- pany of marauders belonged, commanded the British troops who were sent to massacre the Americans under Wayne at Paoli on the night of September 20-21, 1777. A Hessian sergeant, who tool< part in this massacre, alter- wards said: " We killed three hundred of the rebels with Cold-Blooded the bayonet. 1 stuck them myself like so many pigs, one Massacres. after another, until the blood ran out of the touchhole of my musket." On October 2, 1778, this same General Grey directed the massacre of the 104 cavalrymen, commanded by Colonel Baylor, at Tappan, north of Hackensack, N. J. As at Paoli. fhe Ameri- cans were surprised at night in a barn, being betrayed by a Tory. Their cries for mercv were unheeded and every man that could be found was bayoneted in cold blood. General Grey's orders were to give no quarter. Major General Lord Stirling (American) being requested to investigate the particulars of this massacre, did so and reported to Congress with the affidavits and depositions of the survivors. The testimon\- of one, a man named Southward, is sufficient. He said that five men out of the thirteen who were with him were killed outright, and the rest, e.xcepting himself, bayoneted. Southward heard the English officer order his men to put all to "death, and he afterwards asked if they had finished their work. They offered quarter to some, who, on surrendering, were baxoneted in cold blood, GREY THE MONSTER-ANDRE THE SPY. it is interesting to note that among the papers of this same monster. General Grey, there was found, in March, igoi, the diary of Major Andre. After being hidden away for more than one hundred years, it was discovered in England by Lord Grey, in going over a lot of papers that had belonged to his ancestor, General Grey, on wjiose staff Andre served while in America. It is presumed that Andre's papers fell into the possession of General Grey, which accounts for the diary being found by Lord Gre\-. It is the story of the campaign, day by day, during the years 1777-78. It is simply but interestingly told from the soldier's standpoint, and is accompanied by maps, apparently drawn b\- Andre himself and with a skill that would make him the equai of any military hxdrographer of to-dav. The diarv ceases too early to throw new light upon the moti\es which prompted the tragic ending of his career, but it gives interesting glimpses of the personality of one of the his- torical figures of the Revolution. Remembering the sad story of Paoli and Tappan, we can easily imagine what must have been the fate of the patriots at Chestnut Neck and " The Forks," had they fallen into the hands of these cohorts of the merciless Grey. Their bayonets and swords were already twice wet with the blood of patriots, and thrice wet were thev a week later, when forty of Pulaski's Legion were massacred in cold blood near Tuckerton. Considering the character of General Grev, the orders he must have given and the butchery of Pulaski's Legion, the garrisons at " The Forks" and at Chestnut Neck were indeed fortunate. The annals of the Revolution are replete with pages of fearful suffering, of crueltv and of bloodshed. The British soldier's reputation for chivalrv was stained again and again by acts of cruel passion and by the malignant butchery of an S/a/cL'a/i Sires a)id Sturdy Sous. 85 unprotected foe. Even as early as the battle of Long Island they record it as " a fine sight to see with vvhat alacrit\- we dispatched the rebels with our bayonets, after we had surrounded them so they could not resist." d d d During a portion of these trying Revolutionary times the Delaware River was occupied by the enemy's vessels, and it was with much difficulty that merchandise, particularly groceries, could be obtained in or near Philadelphia. Smuggling was considered a legitimate trade, and people resorted to every means to circumvent the revenue Smugglers at officers. Vessels of light draft could navigate the Mullica "The Forks." to "The Forks." Here barrels of sugar and molasses, 1777 to 178? bags of coffee, boxes of tea, puncheons of rum, and vaii- ous other articles of trade, were taken on shore, placed upon wagons and hauled across the country, in the direction of Burlington or Philadelphia. All kinds of subterfuge" was used to avoid detection. Sometimes a load of salt hay concealed several barrels of molasses or sugar, or a quantity of clams kept from view numerous bags of coffee or boxes of tea. Cedar hoop-poles provided a good cover for articles of smaller bulk, and cord-wood was an excellent hiding place tor other goods contraband of war. Almost every swamp along the route had its secret place of deposit, and the loyalty of the people to the American cause aided much in making this kind of trade successful. Occasionally, however, during hot weather, hoops and staves would not hold the molasses, and finding a vent it left a stream along the road, thus betraying the smuggler to the officers of King George. The load and team were' confiscated, and the driver was fortunate if he escaped into the forest to avoid punishment. There were several such mishaps, when it occurred to the patriotic smugglers that the cool night atmosphere was the time for carrying goods across the country, and when the sound of a loaded wagoii was heard along the road "between the two days," the country folk knew what it meant. Some of these incidents, illustrating the patriotism of the stalwart sires and sturdy sons of old Gloucester County, of which Atlantic was then a part, have been employed by writers to point a moral or adorn a tale, just as the romantic love-tale of John Estaugh and Elizabeth Haddon, founder of Haddonfield, furnished the incidents for one of Longfellow's delightful " Tales of a Wayside Inn." Time has wrought its changes about the historic spots m old Egg Harbor. Where the woods and swamps along the shores of the Mullica and Great Egg Harbor afforded shelter for Tory marauders, and hiding places for the goods of smugglers, there are now pleasant villages and thriving farms : and on the once barren coast we now see the capacious hotels and pretty cottages that make up a twentieth century watering place. - Joseph Ball. Charles Shoemaker and two practical iron workers, named Duberson and Ashbridge. These works consisted of an iron forge, a furnace and a saw mill. The output consisted of stoves, cannon, cannon balls and pipes of all sizes, from i}4 to 20 inches in diameter. A number of the cannon made at these works were used in the war of 1812. Walker's forge was situated in Weymouth Township. Atlantic County, three miles from Mayslanding. This forge was not in existence in the time of the Revolution, but was established many years afterwards (about 1816) by Lewis M. Walker, who came to New Jersey from Pennsylvania in 1811. At first he was superintendent for Joseph Ball at the Batsto iron works, and resigned to establish a plant of his own on South River, near Mays- landing. He built a saw mill and iron forge and became a successful business man. Other iron works, erected about the time of those at Batsto or Weymouth, were the Etna works, on Tuckahoe River, the works at Mayslanding, Atlantic County, and those Sla/7cart Sires and Sfurdy Sons. 89 at Martha. Washington and Gloucester, in Burlington County. All of tliese works were successfully operated for many years, or until about 1850. The old forge at We> mouth was accidently destroyed by fire in 1862 and the foundry three years later. In 1886 Stephen Colwell built a paper mill near the site of the old forge and furnace, and he or liis successors manufactured considerable quantities of manila paper for twenty-one years, or until 1887, when the mill was closed permanently. This mill was built of stone. A second mill was erected of wood in 1869, and this being burned in 1876, was rebuilt of stone. <) d 4 Five miles from Batsto may be seen a heap of crumbling timbers and masonry, marking the site of the old Washington Tavern, the most famous of those wayside inns so numerous throughout South Jersey in the old stage coaching days. The historic structure was originally a farm- house, but when built or by whom is now unknown. A Deserted 'About the beginning of the Revolution it was transformed Wayside Inn. into a tavern, bearing on its sign a rudely painted portrait of Washington, encircled by a wreath of laurel and in- scribed " Our country must be free." Here, when the daily toil was over, the hardy laborers of that region — teamsters, woodmen and iron workers — were wont to assemble and discuss the topics of the day. Among the most frequent visitors were the recruiting sergeants of the Continental Army. Arrayed in a bright new uniform, the spruce official would march into the bar room and call all hands up to drink. He would then launch forth in a spirited harangue describing the glories of a military life, and finish by calling for volunteers. 1 he young men of the party were generally prompt to respond. Some years later, when the theatre of war was shifted to the Southern States and the military operations of the North consisted mainly in par- tisan raids and occasional skirmishes, the Washington Tavern became headquarters for the Committee of Public Safet\- and a rendezvous for the local militia. The country at that period was infested by predatory bands of royalists who proved a great source of annoyance to the patriotic resi- dents. Whenever there was information of a Tory raid, the Committee of Safety was convoked and the militia called out to repel the marauders. PASSING OF THE OLD-TIME TAVERN. Bv the time the war was over and the forces of King George were recalled, the old Washington tavern had acquired a reputation which insured it a liberal patronage for nearlv three-quarters of a centurv. But when the market wagon and mail coach were superseded bv the iron horse, the freight and travel went to the railroad, the guests departed and the old hostelry again became the dwelling place of a farmer. After serving as such for a time it was abandoned, and finally fell in ruins. During the last quarter of a century or more Batsto has undergone many changes. Its manufacturing industries have disappeared, and it is now an agricultural community, A correspondent of the Toms River Courier, under date of December 18, 1866, says : " In passing through the vi Mage of Batsto, a few days ago, I took a notion to examine the ruins of the old iron furnace, that stands at the north entrance of the village. This old relic was built in 1766, just one hundred years ago. The old furnaces and forges have passed away, and glass houses, grist and" saw mills, paper manufactories, &c., have taken their place Batsto at present is under the patriarchal supervision of Thomas Richards, one of the owners, and boasts of two saw mills, one grist mill and a large window glass factor v." d 4 4 The colonial records of Atlantic Countv would be incomplete without mention of James Dovle, who achieved distinction as a scout during the Revolution. He was born in 175^, and was the youngest of James Doyle, six brothers, all of whom served in the Continental army. the Scout. He was of gigantic stature and perfectly fearless. When duty called he was always ready. At Flatbush and White Plains, on the toilsome retreat through New Jersey, in the memorable 90 He s ton ' i' Ha n d- Book. passage across the Delaware, and the subsequent battles of Trenton and Princeton, he was ever at the front. The campaign of 1777 had closed, the British army was master of Philadelphia, and the Americans had taken up their winter quarters at Valley Forge. Doyle was continually devising schemes to annoy the foe. Under various disguises he entered th'e British lines and gathered intel- ligence of great importance to the Colonial cause. The stores of Philadelphia had been seized by the king's troops, and the patriotic residents were compelled to obtain the necessities of life, particularly flour, from Bristol, nineteen miles distant. Even this was a matter of difficulty, as the British had posted guards along Vine Street as far west as the Schuvlkill, and beyond these, toward Frankford, were stationed the picket guards. A poor woman, whose husband was at Valley Forge, had exhausted her stock of provisions, and being unable to get a pass, she managed to elude the guards and reach Bristol Mills, where she obtained about twenty pounds of flour, and then set out on her return to Philadelphia. She had passed the picket line and was almost home, with her children, when the stern voice of a British sentinel commanded her to halt. The woman, with tears in her eyes, stated her case to the soldier, told him of her long journey, of her hungry children, and begged that he would permit her to pass on. " Off, you d— d hussy," replied the brutal red-coat. " This flour is mine, and your rebel brats shall have none of it ; " and snatching the sack from her hands, he flung it to the ground. The woman remonstrated and while berating the sentinel for his ungallantry, a tall man appeared and faced the sentinel. The stranger was James Doyle. " For heaven's Stalwart Sires and Sturdy Sons. 91 sake," said he, "let the poor woman have her tlour ; remember the distance she has walked ; think of her little ones." "Who the d— 1 are you, anyway?" growled the guard. "Begone, or by G— d I'll have you in the guardhouse." " Never," cried Dovle. " I'm James Doyle, the sworn enemy of vour infernal gang. Molest this woman further and I'll punish you." The guard attempted to use his gun, but a well-directed blow felled him to the ground senseless. " Madam," said our hero, addressing the terrified female, " now is your chance, take your flour, pass Vine street and you are safe. The country is swarming with red-coats and I must look out for mvself." Hastily speaking her thanks, the woman hurried awav, passed Vine street in safety and was soon with her children. Meanwhile the British were pursuing Doyle, who ran toward the Delaware. Behind him were the pursuers. Northward were the Frankford pickets, and on his right lay the city with its British garrison. He reached the river and plunged in, seeing no other means of escape. A volle\' of balls whistled after him and several boat loads of men started in pursuit, but the strong arms of the swimmer carried him safelv over and gaining the Jerse\ side, he was off again, with the speed of a deer. A day or two later he re-appeared in Egg Harbor and became a terror to the Tories thereabout. Doyle took an active part in all the succeeding campaigns, and at the close of the war returned to the plough on his Jersey farm, poor in purse, but rich in renown. For a while his duties on the farm proved irksome, and he often wished for the stirring scenes of martial life, but in time these desires passed away, and he settled down into a plain, thrifty farmer, con- tent to fight his battles over in social gossip among friends. Exploit of Commander Somers. NE of the earliest settlers in Atlantic County was John Somers, who was born in Worcester, England, about the year 1640. Worcester was also the home of Lord Chancellor John Som- ers, with whom the immigrant John Somers wascotemporary, and to whom, also, he was distantly related. The Somers family were tiie owners of a dissolved nunnery called the White Ladies, situated a short distance beyond the walls of Worcester. After the expulsion of the nuns the dormitory and refectory were fitted up as a modern mansion. This property was granted to the Somers family at the time of the Reformation, and here they received Queen Elizabeth in 1585 ; the bed in which she slept and the cup from which she drank being preserved bv them as precious relics, even after they had joined the Whig party. Religious sentiments divided the Som- ers family in England. John Somers, the immigrant, became a follower of George Fox. and cast his fortune with the settlers in the land of Penn, whence he embarked [681 or 1682. He had been previously married, and his wife died in childbiith during the passage across the Atlantic. Both mother and child were buried in mid- ocean. He subsequently married Hann;ih Hodgkins, also a native' of Worcester. At what period John Somers located at Somerset Plantation, as Somers' Point was then called, is not definitely known, the earliest record being that " at the first court held at Portsmouth, Cape May County, March 20, 1693, John Somers was appoint- ed supervisor of the roads and constable for Great Egg Harbour." He had previously moved from Dublin, Pa., and remained a member of the Dublin Meeting long after his settlement at Egg Harbor. He pur- chased 30C0 acres of land of Thomas Budd in i6c)5. This same Budd was the original owner of most of the land and beaches in the eastern part of Atlantic County. The history of Absecon dates from i6q!;, when Budd disposed of large tracts of land to actual settlers. Each of his deeds had this clause inserted: "With the privilege of cutting cedar and commomidge for cattell, etc., on ye swamps and beaches laid out by ye said Thomas Budd for commons." The exaction of these privileges at this date would cause (92) m •i ' m Exploit of Coiiiiiidudcr So/zicrs. 93 much trouble, as a large part of the built-up portion ot Atlantic City stands upon one of the surveys of Thomas Budd. Beneath the escarpments of Tripoli, lulled in their everlasting sleep by the song of the sea, are the bones of Richard Somers, American patrio't and hero. Within the grounds of the Naval Academy at Annapolis is a monument which perpetuates his name, and in the old family burial ground near Somers' Point, enclosed by a brick wall, is a cenotaph, whereon is chiseled : IN .WEMORV OF RICHARD SOMERS, SON OF RICHARD AND SOPHIA SOMERS, A\ ASTER COMA\ANDANT IN THE NAVY OF THE UNITED STATES, BORN SEPTEMBER 15, 1778. He perished in tlie 25th year of his age, in the ketch Intrepid, in the memorable attempt to destroy the Turkish flotilla, in the harbor of Tripoli, on the night of the 4th of September, 1804. DISTINGUISHED FOR HIS ENERO, HIS COURAGE AND HIS MANLY SENSE OF HONOR. " Pi o Pallia non liiuidiis iiioii." But the valor and the virtue of Captain Somers can not be told by sculptured urn or storied monument. These are but symbols of national of family pride — memorials for the living rather than of the dead. Richard Somers, " Master Commandant in the Navy of the United States," was the son of Colonel Richard Somers, a Revolutionary soldier, grandson of Richard Somers (born March t, 1693) and great gra'ndson of John Somers. the immigrant. Commander Richard Somers was therefore the third of that name in the family, and was born at Somers' Point, as above stated. He went to sea when quite a youth, after an academic education at Burlington. He joined the American Navy in its infancy, receiving his warrant as a midshipman in the spring of 1798, and soon became distinguished for great courage. • He was intimately associated with Charles Stewart and James Lawrence, both Jerseymen, one a resident of Bordentown and the other a native of Burlington,"who were also con- spicuously identified with the American Navy early in the present centurv. Stewart earned for himself, as commander of the Constitution, the soubriquet of *'Old Ironsides," and Lawrence, while wounded and dying off Boston in 181 3, gave the order, " Don't give up the ship," which has since become the watchword of the American Navy. "DON'T GIVE UP THE VESSEL." On the morning of May 19. 1776, Captain Mugford, of the armed schooner Franklin, after seeing a prize ship of three hundred tons, mounted with six carriage guns, safe in Boston harbor, was going out again, accompanied by the Lady Washington, Captain Cunningham, when he was attacked bv thirteen boat loads of the enemy, man\- of them armed with swivels, and having on board, at the lowest calculation, two hundred men. The Franklin's crew, including Captain Mugford, numbered twenty-one, and that of the Lad\- Washington, six besides the captain. The Franklin and Lady Washington sunk five of the enemy's boats, when the crews of the other eight attempted to board the Franklin. A number of them had their hands cut off as they laid them over the gunwale. Captain Mugford, making a blow at the enemv with his cutlass, received a wound in the breast. Falling upon the deck, he called to his lieutenant : " I am a dead man, but don't give up the vessel." An account of this fight, and the dying words of the brave Mugford, is given in the Pennsylvania Evening Post of June i, 1776, thirty-seven years before Lawrence uttered his memorable words, "Don't give up the ship!" Another account is given in Frank Moore's " Diary of the Revolution," under date of May 23. 1776. g^ Hestons Hand-Book. Of sterner stuff, perhaps, than any of these, was Richard Somers, whose exploit in the harbor of Tripoli demanded equal courage and greater sacrifice than that of Decatur, which Nelson pronounced the Somers, '* most daring act of the age." Between Somers and Decatur the Hero, there was a singularly loving friendship. The character of Somers was also much admired by Washington, and as a spe- cial token of his admiration he presented Somers with a ring, containing a lock of his hair. This ring is now in the possession of the Leaming family, of Cape May, descendants of Constant Somers, brother of the naval hero. There are but three locks of Washington's hair now in existence, one of which is the property of Richmond Lodge, No. 4, A. F. A. M. Another belongs to the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts and the third is the ring given to Richard Somers. now owned by the Leaming family. Of the grandmother of Commander Somers we are told that during the early part of the eighteenth century the widow of Sir James Letart, a native of Acadia, came to reside in Philadelphia. She was the mother of several children, one of whom, a daughter, was adopted by a wealthy gen- tleman named Peter White, who subsequently moved to Absecon. It was here that Miss Judith Letart White, a very Evangeline for beauty and devotion, won the heart and became the wife of the first Richard Somers, at the early age of fifteen. Of their nine children, the second was the father of Captain Somers. He was colonel of the Egg Harbor militia, judge of the court and member of the Provincial Legislature. He was par- ticularly obnoxious to the British and Tories during the Revolution, and Atlantic County being much exposed to depredations by the enemy, he was induced to remove to Philadelphia for protection. Heremained here until near the time of his death in 1794. The house in which Commander Somers, the hero, was born, at Somers' Point, is still standing. The only picture of the hero now extant is a silhouette, with his signature underneath. Somers was promoted to a lieutenancy in the spring of 1799, anJ was subsequently placed in command of the Nautilus. This was in the spring of 1803. The Mediterranean Squadron, which sailed in the summer and autumn of 1803, was that which became so celebrated under the orders of Commodore Preble. It consisted of the Constitution, the Philadelphia, the Argus, the Vixen, the Enterprise and the Nautilus. These vessels did not proceed to their station in squadron, but sailed away for the Mediterranean as they were ready, being ordered to the Mediterranean to subdue the Tripolitans. who persisted in exacting tribute of the American merchant marine. After settling a similar difficulty with Morocco, without any waste of powder. Commodore Preble, in command of the squadron, declared the blockade of Tripoli, before which he believed the frigates Philadelphia and Vixen were then cruising, though, unknown to him, the former had run upon the rocks and had been captured by the enemy. Commodore Bain- bridge and crew being then prisoners of war. Somers, Lawrence and Bainbridge were all Jerseymen by birth and education, Decatur by education and Stewart by adoption. On September 3, 1804, a fourth and last attack was made on Tripoli. Preble sent Decatur and Somers, with gunboats, covered with brigs and schooners, into the harbor's mouth, while the ketches bombarded more to leeward. On this occasion Somers was desperately en- Fighting gaged for more than an hour, pressing the enemy into his Before Tripoli, own port. Somers' gunboat was smaller than any one of those of the enemy, but so true was the fire that'not one of them succeeded in getting alongside of him to board. They were all bearing straight down upon the rocks, and Somers could not spare enough men from the guns to man his sweeps. Preble, on City Hall— Erected 1901— Cost of Building and Furniture, $135,000. Exploit of Commander Sonicrs. 95 the Constitution, saw his danger and, coming up in time, sent a broadside of grape among the pirates, who got out their sweeps and retreated when one united attack would have made the victory theirs. As the\' drew off, instead of returning to the Constitution, as Preble wished, Somers pursued them until within less than a cable's length of a twelve-gun battery, which had not tired before for fear of damaging the fleeing Tripolitans.' When she opened tire at this close range the destruction of Somers' valiant little vessel seemed inevitable ; but by a lucky chance a bomb exploded in the battery, blew up the platform, and drove the Tripolitans to cover. d d d The arrival of reinforcements had been expected in vain for several weeks. Somers finally conceived a plan for destroying the enemy's tlotilla as it lay at anchor in the harbor. A ketch that had been captured from the Tripolitans by Decatur was in the squadron, and had been rechristened the Intrepid, for'the brilliant occasion on which she had been used, when Decatur recaptured and destroyed the Philadelphia. Somers proposed to fit up the ketch in the dual capacity of fire ship and infernal, take her into the harbor of Tripoli, and there explode her in the midst of the Tripolitan vessels. The panic created by such an assault, in the dead of night, it was hoped, would produce peace and the liberation of Bainbridge and his crew. Somers, after some difficulty, secured the permission of Preble to engage in this hazardous undertaking. Preble repeatedly warned the voung officer of the desperate character of the work, and told him that on account of the Napoleonic wars the Tripolitans were short of ammunition, and that so much powder must not fall into the hands of the enemv. But Somers needed no warning. On the deck of the ketch, around the mast and over the magazine was piled a quantity of shells of different sizes, and in the hold was placed 1500 pounds of powder. Notwithstanding the desperate character of the service, so great was their devotion to Somers, that every man on board of the Nautilus offered to engage in it. This compelled him to make a selection, and after consultation with Preble, he selected four men from the Nautilus and six from the Constitution, which, with Lieutenant Henrv Wadsworth, of the Constitution, an uncle of the poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and Somers himself, made up the complement of twelve men who were per- mitted to engage in an undertaking which was likely to cost them their lives. Midshipman Joseph Israel, familiarly known as Pickle Israel, and recently promoted to a lieutenancy, with the assistance of Q)uarter- master Daniel Dixon, as he afterwards confessed, eluded the eye ot his superior and was found on board one of the lifeboats accompany- ing the ketch, under a tarpaulin, after Somers had started on his errand of destruction. The ten seamen were James Simms, Thomas Tompline, James Harris, and William Keith, of the Nautilus ; William Harrison, Robert Clark, Hugh McCormick, Jacob Williams, Peter Penner and Isaac W. Downes, ot the Constitution. These men were all Pennsylvanians and Jerseymen. All told, thev numbered thirteen— alas ! unlucky number! On "the afternoon of September 4th Somers was ready to take the ketch into the harbor He pointed out the desperate character of the ser- vice to the men, and said he wished no man to go who would not prefer being blown up to being taken by the enemy ; that such was his own deter- mination and he wished all who were with him to be of the same mind. It was said, bv those who witnessed the scene, that in reply each man asked the privilege of applying the match to the fuse. Stewart and Decatur visited Somers before'he got away. The latter took from his finger a ring and broke it into three pieces, giving each of his friends a piece and retaining 96 Hesto iC s Ha n d- Book . one himself. He also handed to Decatur a sealed envelope wherein was his will, and a personal note to Decatur, which read as follows : " Herein is my will, which I charge you to see executed, if I should never come back For yourself, dear Decatur, I have no words that 1 can write. To other men I may express my affection, and ask their forgiveness for any injury I have done them ; but between you arid me, there is nothing to forgive — only the remembrance of brotherhood ever since we were boys." t ■r^z ^•■jJX.'^^ Monument to Somers and others at Annapolis. At nine o'clock that night all was ready and the Intrepid was started for the harbor in the tow of two lifeboats, manned by ten seamen, with muffled oars. Stewart and Decatur, in their vessels, followed the ketch as far in the ofting as was prudent. Midshipman Ridglev, on the Nautilus, i Exploit of Com))iandcr Somcrs. gy by the aid of a powerful night-glass aloft, managed to follow her until she got well within the harbor, and then she vanished. . . . The suspense soon became almost unbearable, tor not a shot had been tired, and not a sound came from the direction in which she had gone. About nine o'clock a half dozen cannon shots could be plainly heard, and even the knowledge that she had been discovered and was being t'lred on was a relief from the awful silence. About ten o'clock Stewart was standing at the gangway of the Siren with Lieutenant Carrol, when the latter, craning his neck out into the night, suddenly exclaimed, " Look ! See the light ! " Awa\- up the harbor Stewart saw a speck of light, as if from a lantern which moved rapidly as though it were being carried by some one running along a deck.' Then it paused and disappeared from view. In a second a tremendous flame shot up hundreds of feet into the air, and the glare of it was so intense that it seemed close aboard. The flash and shock were so stupendous that the guardships, though far out to sea, trembled and shivered. The officers and men looked at one another in mute horror. Could anything have lived in the area of that dreadful explosion? The tension upon the men of the little fleet was almost at the breaking point. The vessels beat to and fro between the harbor entrances, firing rock- ets and guns for the guidance of possible fugitives. All night the fleet kept vigil, but not a shot nor a voice nor even a splash came out from the harbor. With the first streaks of dawn the Americans were aloft with their glasses. On the rocks at the northern entrance through which the Intrepid had passed they saw a mast and fragments of vessels. One of the enemy's largest' gunboats had disappeared, and two others were so badly shattered that they lay upon the shore. The details of the occurrence were never actually known. Somers was a man capable of any sacrifice for the honor and welfare of his country. Being discovered and" in danger of capture, he may have ordered the match applied to the magazine, and thus sacrificed his own life and the lives of his men, to keep from the enemy the means of prolonging the war. The whole was over in less than a minute — the flame, the quaking of towers, the reeling of ships and the bursting of shells. No one ever came back from the ill-fated Intrepid to tell the storv of ihe explosion. The late Dr. J. B. Somers, of Linwbod, N. J., in a letter to the writer, under date of October 25, 1895, says: " I do not think the facts will warrant the conclusion that he (Richard Somers) blew himself up, although this was the popular opinion at the time, based upon the reports of the commodore. He had signified his inten- tion to do so, rather than allow so great a quantity of powder to fall into the hands of the enemy, but to do so without the occasion warranting it would indicate a rashness foreign to everything we know of his character. The account of their boat being surrounded and boarded by Tripolitans is all a mvth. Many of the discrepancies arise from the statements made by his sister, Mrs. Sarah Somers Keen, in her later years, when dementia had begun its work. 1 have tried by corresponding with the Episcopal minister at Burlington to have some matters straightened out, but to no avail. I have also corresponded with the Bainbridges, McDonoughs, etc.. but they think Decatur's friends captured most of the glorv for him." Commodore Preble, in his official report, alluding to the men on the Intrepid, said " thev were officers ot conspicuous bravery, talent and merit." The bashaw offered a dollar for each body recovered from the water, and within two days the entire thirteen were" recovered. Two bodies, those of officers, were found in the bottom of the ketch, which had drifted among the rocks. The six-oared boat drifted on the beach and one body was 98 Heston' s Hand-Book. found in this. Six more bodies were found on the shore southward of the city and the remaining four were discovered floating in the harbor. Cap- tain Bainbridge, at that time a prisoner in Tripoli, saw the two bodies found in the ketch and the four floating in the harbor, and he described ihem as being " so much disfigured that it was impossible to recognize any human feature, or even distinguish an officer from a seaman." Surgeon's mate Cowdery, another prisoner, however, selected three of these men as officers, being guided by some fragments of dress remaining on the bodies and by the delicate appearance of the hands. The ten seamen were buried on the beach, outside the town, while the three officers — Somers, Wads- worth and Picl- ment as waiters, or as long as their health was conserved. A considerable percentage of these waiters are colored, the majority being children. Colored people come here tor the purpose of doing laundry work and waiting, and their children are bottle-fed and neglected. Many of the permanent residents are impaired lives, persons who maintain a permanency of residence here because they can not live elsewhere on account of some impairment of health. The local death-rate from acute diseases is very low. Of the non-residents the great majority are chronic invalids, man\' of them being in the city but a few days or even hours when^ they die. This is the case with children very frequently in the hot season." apiscopal Church.— St. James' Episcopal Church, corner Pacific and North Carolina avenues, was the first of this denomination erected in Atlantic City. It was finished in i86q and enlarged in February, 1874- The Church of the Ascension, originallv a frame building, was completed in 1879, and stood on Pacific avenue, below Michigan, but was removed in 1886 to its present location on Kentucky avenue, corner of Pacific. The present brick edifice was completed in 1893. A third church of this io6 Heston' s Hand- Book. denomination was organized in igoi, and a new building is now finished in the Chelsea district. "Everybody Goes to Brigantine." — This is a by-expression in Atlantic City, and it is literally true. Anybody is nobody if he does not go, because everybody goes. m rBjire Department. — The present equipment of this excellent branch of the city government includes fifty-nine paid employees, thirty-seven pieces of apparatus, and forty-one horses. The apparatus is as follows : Eight engines, three chemical engines, three combination chemical and hose wagons, six hose wagons, two aerial trucl\s, one combination chem- ical truck and hose wagon, two patrol wagons, six supply wagons, one hand carriage, three parade wagons, one crab and one chief's wagon. Besides these there are one life net, seventeen hand extinguishers, 2o,oco feet of fire hose, 3000 feet of chemical hose and 150 feet of rope for use of fire wardens. No citv in the country of equal population has a fire department as well equipped as that of Atlantic City. Friends' Meeting-house. — This place of worship was built in 1872, previous to which the meetings of the Society of Friends were held in the old school-house on Pennsylvania avenue for four consecutive summers. Ipalarbage. — The garbage of Atlantic City, which amounts to i2,coo tons IkSJI annually, is collected in sanitary carts and taken to the crematory, at the extreme northwestern side of the'city, and there cremated. The crema- tory is a model plant and cost $93,000. The city pays the contractor $14,819 a year for collecting the garbage. |rri|ospital. — About the year 1892 an effort was made to establish a public ILIJI hospital in Atlantic City. A number of ladies and gentlemen organ- ized what was then known 'as the " Atlantic City Hospital Association," and they collected a fund of about $1200. After a time most of those identified with the movement lost interest in it, and finally the fund was turned over to a private sanatorium, and applied toward the founding of a " free bed " in that institution. Through the efforts of Mayor Franklin P. Stoy, the city contracted with the institution referred to, known as the Atlantic City Sanatorium, of which J.J. Rochford was Superintendent, and for a few years all sick or injured persons, who became charges upon the city, were provided for at the Sanatorium. In this arrangement Mr. Stoy was the careful guardian of the city's interests, and to him and Mr. Rochford — the one for the citv and the other for the sanatorium association —belongs the credit of providing hospital facilities in Atlantic City during the years i894-'95-'g6-'97. The present hospital corporation had its beginning when the following notice was published in the Atlantic Citv morning papers of February 12, 1897 : HOSPITAL MEETING. All who are interested in the hospital movement in Atlantic City are invited to meet at the Atlantic City Sanatorium this evening, at 8 o'clock. /^ j^ HESTON. The following is from the hospital minutes : Pursuant to the above call, the following persons met at the Sanatorium this evening : A. M. Heston and J. J. Rochford. Notwithstanding the small attendance, it was decided to organize the meeting and carry out the purposes of the call. Mr. Heston nominated Mr. Rochford as temporary president, and he was unanimously elected. Mr. Rochford nominated Mr. Heston as temporary secretarv, and he was unani- mously elected. On motion, it was decided to elect a board of nine governors. Mr. Heston nominated Franklin P. Stoy, Stewart R. McShea, M. A. Devine. John F. Hall, M. V. B. Scull, H. S. Scull, and J. Leonard Baier, Jr. Mr. Rochford nominated Lewis Evans and A. M. Heston. There being no other nominees, by special request. Miss Josephine O'Brien, clerk of the Sanatorium, cast the ballot and the above-mentioned persons were declared duly elected. Aroimd and About. 107 The Secretary was directed to notify the gentlemen of their election and request them to meet at the Sanatorium on Wednesday evening, February 24, 1897. to perfect arrangements for organizin-g the Atlantic Cit>- Hospital Association. The gentlemen selected as a Board of Governors were dulv notified and met on the evening appointed. At a subsequent meeting additional governors were elected as follows : Louis Kuehnle, William G. Hoopes, Charles Evans. H. H. Deakvne, James D. South- wick and Isaac Bacharach. Subsequently, at a meeting held on April q, 1897, the constitution and by-laws were adopted and permanent officers elected as follows : President, F. P. Stoy ; Secretary, A. M. Heston ; Treasurer, Lewis Evans. The Woman's Auxiliary was organized at the Hotel Dennis, on November 27, 1897, and the 'money collected by the ladies, amounting to $616.71, was set aside toward the "furnishing of the hospital, when built. The officers are : President, Mrs. John F. Hall ; Recording Secretarv, Miss Caroline M. Giltinan ; Financial Secretary, Mrs. James D. Southwick ; Treasurer, Mrs. M. A. Devine. The property on Ohio avenue near Pacific was purchased of Henry J. White, of New York, on August 20, 1898. The purchase price was $16,000, on account of which the Board of Governors paid $2000 in cash, and e.xecuted a second mortgage of $6oco. The property was purchased subject to a first mortgage of $8oco. It included a frame building contain- ing ten rooms. The formal opening of this temporary hospital building took place on November 30, 1898, on which occasion there were many visitors and gen- erous welcome to all friends of the institution. In the early part of April, 1899, Miss Elizabeth C. Boice, of Absecon, signified her desire to erect a brick annex to the hospital building, as a memorial to her father, Henry Boice, and her generous offer was accepted bv the Board of Governors. " It was suggested that the proposed building be known as the Boice Annex and that it be constructed of brick, with stone trimmings, to which she readily assented. Plans for this building were drawn by Architect Harold F," Adams, and work thereon begun immediately. It was learned that the marriage of Miss Boice to Mr. Clarence Doughtv Nourse was to take place on June 7th, at the home of a relative in West" Philadelphia, and the Secretary of the Hospital deemed it appro- priate to celebrate this happy occasion by breaking ground for the new building to be erected bv the "bride-elect. Accordingly, at the hour of the ceremony in West Phila'delphia, he removed the first soil for the foundation of the Boice Annex in Atlantic City. The work on this building progressed satisfactorily, the Board of Governors suggesting some changes and improvements during its progress, to which Mrs. Nourse readilv assented. The. building being finally com- pleted, at a cost of nearlv $10, coo, announcement was made of the formal opening on Thanksgiving Day, November 30th, exactly one year after the opening of what is now known as the '' main" building, but which will be razed or moved at some future time, to make room for an imposing building, thoroughly modern in appointments and architecturally in keeping with the Boice Annex. On May i, 1901, the Board of Governors purchased additional lands, fronting 50 feet on Pacific avenue and extending to the other lot, a distance of 150 feet. This L-shaped lot is now valued at $40,000, without the im- provements. The building fronting on Pacific avenue is used as a nurses home. When the requisite funds are in hand, a main hospital building will be erected on the lot. io8 Hesfon' s Hand- Book. m rflnlet. — This is a large body of water at the upper end of the island. where sailing and fishing boats in charge of experienced captains can be hired by the day or by the hour. The sail through the bays or out to sea, through the inlet outlet, is delightful, and the fishing is generally very good. The rates per hour for parties is twenty-five cents a-piece.' The yachtsmen are prohibited by law from taking more than thirty passengers at one time. Yachts can be'chartered by the day for from five to ten dollars. Bllewish Synagogue. — This unique building is situated on Pennsylvania IBJI avenue above Pacific. The corner-stone was laid and the edifice com- pleted in i8q2. [ralechemeches.— This was the name of a tribe of Indians that once IliJl inhabited the country south of the Great Egg Harbor River, and made occasional visits to Absegami ( Absecon Island) in quest of oysters and game, and perhaps to visit friendly Indians who came here from Coaquanock (Philadelphia), Chickohacki"( Trenton ) and other places in summer time. nongport.— Longport is below Atlantic City, and occupies the western end of the island, bordering on Great Egg Harbor Inlet. Its water advantages are unique. The ocean, the inlet and the thoroughfare surge restlessly or wave pleasantly on three sides of it. The island narrows and is scarcely more than one block in width in the improved portion of Long- port, rendering both bathing and fishing convenient. The ocean beach is broad, smooth and level, making a fine promenade ground when the tide is out, and safe bathing when the tide is in. Fish are abundant in the thor- oughfare, and are caught steadily from the pier and breakwater, which accommodate and protect the shore at different angles. Little steamers make regular trips to Ocean City and Somers' Point. Sail-boats accom- modate those who desire such recreation. The cottages are diverse in architectural design. The Bay View Club House is a substantial structure and is the headquarters of the Bay View Club, which is composed of Philadelphia gentlemen, Longport derived its name from James Long, a Philadelphia merchant, who sold the land to M. S. McCullough, founder of the resort. Lutheran Church.— St. Andrew's Evangelical Lutheran Church (Eng- lish) is at the corner of Michigan and Pacific avenues. This Society was organized in June, 1887, by the Rev. William Ashmead Schaeffer, D. D., of Philadelphia. The first service was held in the upper room of a building on Atlantic avenue above Tennessee. The congregation afterwards bought the Philopatrian Hall on New York avenue, and changed the name to St. Andrews's Hall. In i8cj2 they bought the lot at Michigan and Pacific avenues and built the present edifice thereon. The pulpit was filled by various persons until the present pastor took charge in 1894. IfTliercer Memorial Home.— This institution provides a place where It4ij| invalid women, of moderate means, can spend a few weeks at the sea- shore, and have not only the comforts of a home, but also good nursing and the care of a physician, at a price which they are able to pay, but much below the actual cost. It differs from other 'seaside institutions for women in that it is intended for invalids only, and in this respect it meets a want which has often been felt by those who come in contact with the masses of working-women in our large cities. In 1884 the building at the corner of Ohio and Pacific avenues was erected, largely through the munificence of the late Mrs. J. C. Mercer, of Philadelphia, who gave ?4o,coo for the purpose. An addition to the east wing of the building, finished in 18(54, increased its capacity about one-third. The building is one of the finest of its size in Atlantic City, and is provided with everv convenience for the care of sick women. Around and About. 109 Military Companies. — Joe Hooker Post, No. 32, G. A. R. second and fourth Tuesday evening in each month at G. A. R. , meets the Hall. First Presbvterian Church. Colonel H. H. Janeway Camp, No. ii,S.of V., meets the first and third Monday evening in each month in G. A. R. Hall. Morris Guards, named in honor of Colonel Daniel Morris, who was one of the first residents of the place. It is both a social and a militarv organization, and is intended to" be always ready to render anv service required of a militarv company, and to officiate at the reception of all organiza- tions visiting the city in a bodv Company L., attached to the Third Regiment, New Jersey National Guards. Methodist Church.— The first religious services held in Atlantic City were under the direction of the Methodists. The building was dedicated m no HestoJi' s Hand- Book. 1857, and still stands where originally built, on Atlantic avenue below Massachusetts, it is to be replaced, however, by a handsome stone and brick building, the erection of which will be begun before the close of igo2. Besides this, the First Methodist Church, there is the St. Paul's M. E. Church, built in i8g8; the Central M. E. Church, built in 1896; Christ Methodist Protestant Church and Trinity M. P. Church. |nn|araticongs and Nanticokes. — These were two tribes of Indians living lUul in Scheyichbi (New Jersey) when the white man came among them. The\- are referred to on pages 42 and 43 of the Hand-Book. Sljriginal People. — On page 38 ( Hand Book of icjoo) the reader will fmd ■Ul some account of the Lenape Indians— the "original people" of Abse- con Beach and other parts of New Jersew 1 A Suniiner Morning Scene. Imlost Office.^The post office is located on New York avenue near lUi Atlantic. It is open on Sundays and weekdays. The U. S. govern- ment has appropriated $125,000 for a new post office building in Atlantic City. Presbyterian Churches.— There are five edifices of this denomination in Atlantic City. The one at the corner of Pacific and Pennsylvania ave- nues was erected in 1856, enlarged some years later, and very much im- proved in the spring of 1887. The German Presbyterian Church was dedicated in 1884 and enlarged in i8q6. The Olivet Presbyterian Church, at Pacific and Tennessee avenues, was dedicated March" 27, i8g8. The Westminster Presbyterian Church and the Chelsea Presbyterian Church were organized in igoi. The first is at Vermont and Baltic avenues and the other on Morris avenue, south. Around and About. [Psiluail.— In the fall, when the gunning season opens, large numbers ot ^A these birds are l- lanes. At its best a citv is a disfigurement of God's beautiful world, an ugly deformitv of man's creation, wherein he does his best to pervert and destroy almost everv condition of wholesome life. A multitude of trees would make green "and beautiful a large part of Atlantic City and mitigate that ugliness for which man is responsible. The miles of wa'ving green banners and the comforting shade would be an unceasing delight to the eye as well as a constant medicine for the mind. To destroy or to injure unnecessarily any trees already planted in At- lantic City is to do a sinful thing, and to allow them to be destroyed by an 114 Heston' s Hand-Book. insect pest or by a soulless corporation in the cause of " progress," without making any effort to prevent their destruction, is criminal negligence. Trolleys.— The trollev cars of Atlantic City run the entire length of the island, a distance of ten miles, connecting with the boats for Brigan- tine on the north, and for Ocean City and Somers' Point on the south. The ride is always enjoyable. Irmlnamis and Unilacktos. — These were two opposing tribes of Indians lUI who inhabited the pine and coast region of New Jersey. In English their names mean Turtles and Turkeys. I^entnor.— Ventnor is another near-bv resort. It is two miles below mm Atlantic Citv, and is accessible by the motor cars to Longport. The various amusements and diversions of Atlantic City are easily accessible by train, drive, or beach, while freedom from noise and perfect rest are assured by its suburban location. A large and thoroughly appointed hotel is open for guests. pnlater Supply.— Atlantic Citv has an exhaustless supply of pure fresh I^All water, furnished both by artesian wells and two conduits, which bring the water seven miles across the meadows from a sweet, clear, and pure source among the pines of the mainland, partiv from mill ponds and partly from fifty driven wells. There are five artesian wells on the island, fur- nishing water that is as crystal clear, pure, and wholesome, and as wholly uncontaminated by organic matter as that obtained at any of the mountain resorts. There are water-works of the most elaborate character, and two stand-pipes, having a capacity of over half a million gallons, thus insuring an abundant supply of excellent water at all times for every purpose. The pumping capacity of the engines is eleven million gallons a day. Nearly seventy miles of pipe are laid throughout the city, and connected'with these pipes are 570 fire-hydrants. The total cost of the city water plant was $1,170,000. Woodland Charms. —The woods and swamps on the mainland, west- ward of Atlantic Citv, are fragrant with magnolia blooms and ablaze with the laurel and rhododendron in spring-time. The ground, also, is carpeted with arbutus and the lakes are white with water-lilies ; everywhere, in wood and swamp, field and fen, the heath tribe gives beauty and perfume. In the brilliant autumn-time, when the gorgeous woods are gleaming, ere the leaves begin to fall, when the pippin leaves the bough and the sumac's fruit is red, when the quail is piping loud from the near-by buckwheat fields, when the mist is on the ocean and the network on the"^ grass, when the harvests are all housed and the farmer's work is done — 'tis then that there is good quail and rabbit shooting in the woods and fields on the mainland. 'iTOlions (usually spelled Axions). — These were a tribe of Indians who [Ml had their hunting grounds along the Mullica River, in the upper end of Atlantic County. They were on 'xelent terms with the Tuckahoe tribe, whose provender they often shared. It is even said that the kindness of the Tuckahoes to the''Xions brought about the saying, which we hear to this day, " Tuckahoe— God bless her ! " l^lacomanshag. — This is the name of a tribe of Indians that once lived mi about where the town of Hammonton now stands. I^ounds!— If I can think of any word to complete this zigzag manu- IMI script, which the publisher is to transform into beautiful print for zealous critics' eves. Woodland Charms on Mainland— Atlantic City's Water Supply Atlantic City Statistics. Population of Atlantic City (census of igoo), 27,838 Present population of Atlantic City, based on voters, about . . . 32,000 Number of school children enrolled in Atlantic City, December 31, 1901,' ' ■ • • 4,466 Number of Registered Voters in Atlantic City in 1Q02, 8,554 Transient population during winter and summer seasons, 40,000 to 150,000 Value of Real and Personal Estate, as per assessment of igoi, $21,30)6,606 Actual value of Real Estate, at least $60,000,000 Water Pipes laid and in use in Atlantic City, 69 miles. Cost of City Water Works, $1,170,000 Number of Fire Hydrants in use, 570 Length of Streets, paved and graveled, 51 miles. Paved Streets, loX " Number of Public School Houses, 8 Churches (.white, ig ; colored, 5), 24 National Banks, 4 Safe Deposit Companies, 2 Militarx- Companies, including Grand Army Post and Sons of Veterans, 4 Pieces of Fire Apparatus, 37 Horses owned by Fire Department, 41 Fire Companies, 8 dwelling houses in Atlantic City, January i, igo2, . . 7,031 dwellings with stores, etc., in Atlantic City, January I, 1Q02, 642 " hotels and boarding houses in Atlantic City. January I, igo2, 6go Total number of buildings, excluding stables, January i, 1902, 8,363 Number of Police Officers and Patrolmen, summer, 65 " " " " " winter, 55 Life Guards, 33 " active Firemen, 59 Arc Electric Street Lights, 321 Gas Street Lights, 188 " Public School Teachers employed, 105 Value of School Buildings and Lots, $4co,oco Area of Atlantic Citv, 3,c66 acres. Island between Atlantic City and South Atlantic City, 1,101 South Atlantic City 895 |' " Longport, 5i3 entire Island, 5»575 [[ Acreage of Atlantic City built upon, 79° Island outside of Atlantic City built upon, . ... 15 ^^ '* entire Island built upon, 805 ii6 Hes toil's Hand- Book. Distance from Inlet to lower end of Atlantic City 4 J^ miles. " Atlantic City to South Atlantic City 3 " " " South Atlantic City to Longport, .' iK " " Longport to lower end of beach, i " Length of entire Island, 10 " Distance from Atlantic City to Mainland, 5>4 " Length of Young's Pier, 2,804 feet. Iron Pier, 941 " Boardwalk, from the Inlet wharf to Jackson Avenue 4's miles. Erection of Boardwalk begun, April 24, i8g6 Boardwalk dedicated to public use, July 8, i8q6 First Permanent Resident of the island, Jeremiah Leeds, about 1795 " Train to Atlantic City, July i, 1854 Second Railroad (narrow gauge) to Atlantic, opened . ■ • July 25, 1877 " " changed to broad gauge by Reading, . October 5, 1884 Double track of Reading road first used in ' April, i88g Third Railroad to Atlantic City opened June 16, 1880 First Train on Penns\lvania' system via Delaware River Bridge to Atlantic City, April ig, i8g6 Newspapers in Atlantic City (3 daily and 5 weekly), .... 8 Height of Lighthouse, 167 feet. Distance visible at sea, ig miles. Number of Steps to Lighthouse, 228 Cost of Lighthouse, $52,187 Bricks in Lighthouse Tower, 5g8.634 Highest curb elevation in Atlantic City above mean low water, 13^^ feet. Lowest curb elevation in Atlantic City above mean low water, 6 " Meadow surface in Atlantic City above mean low water, . . 4 " Cost of Water Works to January I, igo2 $1,170,000 Boardwalk to July i, ig62, $225,000 " Crematory to January i, IQ02, $g3,coo* Net debt of Atlantic City, January I, igo2, $4go,ooo It should be noted, in this connection, that a distinction is made by investors between bonds issued by a municipalit\' to defray the cost of water works, etc., and those issued to pay for public improvements, which have no earning capacity, such as street paving, Boardwalk, Crematory, etc. In figuring on the debt of a city, to get the " net debt," the investor deducts from the total bonded indebtedness the amount of bonds issued for water works, sewage works, and so on, as well as money in the sinking fund. Fire loss in Atlantic City during igoi, $51,318.81; insurance, $55,082.81 Total number of fires in Atlantic City during igoi, .... 126 Largest fire in history of Atlantic City, April 3, igo2— Illinois avenue to New York avenue and Boardwalk, loss, $750,000; insurance, $200,000 Assets of Atlantic City, $3,416, g48 Liabilities of Atlantic City, including Water Bonds, • $i,g7i,5oo Expenditures during Fiscal Year, excepting improvements, • $717,738 Expenditures for Permanent Improvements during last Year, $350,806 Expenditures for all purposes, one year, $1,068,544 Receipts from all sources, one year", $1,282,128 It Atlantic City Statistics. The population of Atlantic City has shown a steadv, sometimes an unusual increase, since the city was founded in 1854. In the time of the Revolution the entire island had but ten inhabitants— none of these per- manent—representing two families. Since 1854 the population, registered voters and assessed property valuations have been as follows :— 1854, ■ • • • 1855 1856, .... 1857, • • • • 1858, .... 1859, • • • i860. Census, 1861, . . . . 1862, ... 1863, .... 1864, . . . . 1865, Census, 1866, .... 1867, .... 1868, .... 1869, .... 1870, Census, 1871, .... 1872, .... 1873, . ■ ■ • 1874, ■ . • . 1875, Census, 1876, . . . 1877, . • • • 1878, . . . . 1879, • - • . 1880, Census, 1881 1882, .... 1883, .... 1884, .... 188";, Census, -L.ATION. Registered Voters. Valu.ations. 100 18 250 49 375 73 4C0 77 450 93 550 112 687 119 675 136 625 122 650 121 675 No election. 746 86 875 136 925 187 950 170 975 170 1,043 173 1,160 232 ?6 1 3,706 1,395 279 682,790 1,550 310 805,920 1,825 365 854,975 2,C09 458 880,025 2,550 549 1,002,475 3,100 618 999,435 3,600 720 1,089,848 4,425 845 1,179,267 5,477 962 1,707,760 6,125 1,224 1,727,475 6,625 1,325 1.884,245 7,225 1,485 1.989,610 7,500 1,623 2,087,915 7,942 1,676 2,602,312 (II7) ii8 Hestoii' s Hand-Book. Year. 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, i8go, 1891, i8Q2, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, Census, Census, Census, Population. 8,500 9,371 10, coo 11,500 • 13,037 • 13,949 • 14,925 16,069 • 17,193 • 18,329 20,120 • 22,365 24,110 25,915 . 27,838 29,650 32,000 Registered Voters. 1,707 1,856 2,480 2,530 2,840 3,040 3,180 3,226 3,466 3,600 4,423 4,773 5 222 5,783 6,977 8,c68 8,554 Valuations. $2,796,395 3,537,375 3,712,818 4,198,145 4,415,896 10,865,634 11,052,925 12,113,196 12,249,999 12,172,646 12,359,654 12,763,603 12,910,070 15,312,393 18,299,400 21,396,606 AVERAGE POPULATION. The following is a low estimate of the population of Atlanti resident and transient — during each of the twelve months of the y January, 32,000 August, February, 45,000 September, March, 55,ooo October, April, 62,000 November May, 40,000 December, June, 55,000 July, 130,000 Total, Average population for twelve months. c City— ear: — 150,000 52,000 35,oco 32,000 32,000 720,000 60, coo POPULATION OF ATLANTIC COUNTY— CENSUS OF 19CO. Atlantic City :- First Ward, Second " Third " Fourth " Total, Atlantic City, Absecon town, .... Brigantine City, • • Buena Vista township. Egg Harbor City, • ■ Egg Harbor township. 6,236 5,830 7,656 8,116 27,838 530 99 1,646 1,808 1,863 Galloway township, Hamilton Hammonton " Linwood borough, . Longport " Mullica township, Pleasantville borough, Somers' Point " South Atlantic City borough, Weymouth township, . . . 2,469 1,682 3,481 495 80 880 2,182 308 69 972 Total, City and County, 46,402 iND n A. Pages 41 to 66 are found oni\- in the Hand- Book for 1900. Pages 67 to 82 are found only in the Hand-Book for 1901. (See note o'n page 40.) Page. Aborigines, battle of 42 Absecon 02 Absecon Beach 44, 45. 72, 78 Absecon, origin of word 40 Absegami, discovery of 44 Absegami, summering at 40 Acquackanonk, 78 Adams, Ryan. 55. 57 Adams, Aunt Judith, 55 Adams, Jonathan, ... bg Allen, Ethan, 52 Albertson, Leon 64 Albertson, Levi C .... 64 Alcorn, William 64 Almanacs, ic2 Amarong Indians, 42 American Mercur\- 102 America's Mecca of Tourists, 15 Amersfoot 6g Ames, Nathaniel, loi Andre, Major John 84 Annapolis Naval Academ\- 93 Anne, Queen 100 Ante-Bellum Days 63 Armewame.xes Indians 42 Arthur Kill 44, 45 .Armstrong, Harriet 65 Arwamus 71 Asbury, Rev. Francis 85 Ashbridge, 88 Asomoches Indians 42 Assanpink Creek 40 AtlanticCity National Bank 61 Atslon, 43, 59 Atsion Indians 42,43 Atsion Furnace 86, 88 Atsion River, 86 Atkins, Samuel too Atlantic House 58 Auld Lang Svne 55. 55 Avery, John G. W., 63 Axion [Atsion, Atsionks] 42, 43 Axwamus 71 Aviesford, Kate 83 Babcock, John 51 Bachelors and Old Maids 8 Bacon, Captain John 80 Bacon, Roger .... 86, 102 Bainbridge, Commodore, . . 94, 95, 97, 98 Ball, Joseph 86, 88 BarnegatBay 44 Barende-gat 4S Barnegat, Sandy 42 Bass River 83 64 P.AGE. Basse. Jeremiah 49 Barnegat 44, 45 Barndegat 45 Bates, Benjamin 78 Batsto 83, 86, 88, 89 Batsto Furnace 81, 86, 88 Baylor, Colonel 84 Beauty on the Boardwalk, ig Bentlev Manor .. BeachRides 25 Bedloe's Hotel 60 Bedloe's Island, ,c Belisle, D. W Bell, Henry " Bentley " Ship ^ Beach Thoroughfare 61 Bell, Walter D. ,„ Berkley, Lord ^ Beargat, 45 Bew, Richard g- Billup's Point, 45 Billup, Captain James 44 Blake, John ,;, Boardwalk, history of 65 Bog-ore 85 Boice, Henrv 57 Boice, Peter „ Boice, William 52 Borderie de la, Lieut 77 Bosen, Baron de 76 Boston, . 03 Boundaries of the City 61 Bourse, William, . .' 86 Bradford. William 100, loi Bristol Mills go Bryant, John 55. 57 Breakers, Inlet 45 Brown & Woelpper 65 Brown, Chester 65 Budd, John 6g Budd, Thomas 49. 51, 69, 70, 92, gj Burlington, '46, 49. 85, 03, 100 Burlington County 86 Burlington Militia 87 Burnside, James 102 Buttonwoods, The 82 Buzzards Bay, 83 Byllynge, Edward 71 Carteret, Sir George 44 Camp, Ensign John 77 Campanius, Rev. John (Holm) 46 Calvin, Bartholomew S 48 Calcefar— Indian King 42 Camden. S. C S4 119 Index. Page. Carolinas 84 Carre, Sir Robert 44 Carroll, Lieut g? Caspian Sea 86 Chestnut Neck 40, 73, 80, 8}. 84 Chelsea 66 Chelsea Heights, 61 Chickohackl 42 Cherokees Indians, 48 Chichequaas Indians 43 Chamberlin Tract 55, 57 Chamberlin, Thomas 66 Charles II.. 44 Civil War period 64 "Clam Eaters," 83 Clam Thoroughfare, . . 61 Clapp, J., loi Clark, Robert 95 Clark's Landing 67, 68 Clark, Mrs. Ruth, 68 Clark, Thomas, 68 Clarke, Captain James, ... 67, 68, 6g Clough, Samuel loi Climate, agreeable 16 Coaquanock [Philadelphia] 74 Coftin, William 60 Coffin, John Hammonton 59 Coftin, William, 59 Collins, Daniel L., 60 Collins, Captain Henry, 73 Colwell, Stephen 59, 8g Congenial Friends 16 Congress Hall 60 Conover, Peter 51 Conover, Ordelle, 65 Conover, Rubanna 57 Conover, Leira 65 Conover, David 70 Conover, Jacob, 69 Conover, Jesse 70 Conover, John 69 Conover, Micajah, 70 Conover Peter, 69, 70 Conover, Peter B 70 Constitution, Frigate g3. 95 Cornbury, Lord 100 Corson's Inlet 67 Cottage Retreat 60 Courvenhoven. Covenhoven, Coven- over, Conover, 69, 70 Courvenhoven, Van Wolphert Garret- son 69. 70 Courvenhoven, Jacob 69, 70 Courvenhoven, Lieutenant 69, 70 Courvenhoven, Garret 6g, 70 Covenhoven, Isaac, 70 Covenhoven, John 70 Covenhoven, Joseph 70 Cowdery, Surgeon's Mate 98 Cox, John 88 Co.x, William 88 Coxe, Dr. Daniel 49, 71 Cramer, Carrie 65 Cunningham, Capt g; Curtin, Jeremiah 38 Day, William 52 Da Costa, John C 5g Davis, Captain John 78, 79 Daye, Stephen loi Decatur. Stephen 94, 95, 96 De Laet— historian 42 De Vries. David Pieterzsen 67, 70 Disston & Sons, Henrv 66 Page. Dixon, Daniel 95 Don, River 86 Doughty, Edward 6g Doughty, General Enoch 59 Douglass. Captain 78 Downes. Isaac W 95 Dows, Hester Symons . . 69 Down the Beacli b\' Moonlight 26 Doyle, James, 89, go, gi Drinker Furnace 86 Dry Inlet 51, 52, 55, 61 Duberson, 88 Dublin (Pa.) Meeting g2 Easton Indian Conference 8g Eastworthy, Anne 102 Edgepelick 88 Egbay (Egg Harbor) 42, 43 Egg Harbor, 67, 71, 72, 7?, 80, 83, 85, 88, 91, 92 Egg Harbor City 86 Elizabeth, Queen, 92 Elwood 59. 80 Election, first 62 Ellis Island 45 Elizabethtown 70 Encroachments of the Sea 64 Endecott, Gov. John, 6g Endicott, Allen B. (plate) i, 6g Endicott, Joseph 6g Endicott, Zerubbabel 69 English Creek 60 Engel of Vienna 102 Epilogue 32 Eriwoneck Indians 42 Estaugh, John, 85 Estell, John 86 Etna Iron Works, . 87, 88 Eusopus (Kingston), 6g Evans, Lewis (plate), 1,24 Evesham 86 Evelin, Robert 42. 67 Eyre Haven, 44 Excursion House, first 63 Fair Haven, 83 Fair Ocean Maid 47 Falkenburg, Daniel 7g Farrell, W'm. E 83 Father Abraham, 102 Ferguson, Adam 84 Ferguson, Captain Patrick, ... 74, 77, 83 Frederick the Great 37 Fitch, John 86 Flatbush 89 Forked River 72 84 Forks, The, 77, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85 " Fortuyn," Ship, 45 Foster, John loi Fountain of Youth 52 Fox, George 92 Fox. , . . 52 Frankford 90 Franklin, Benjamin 102 Franklin, Ship 93 Gale, Samuel, 6g Gardner, John J., 64, 66 Gardner, Thomas 100 Gates, General 84 George III.. King 85, 89 Giljerson, William 78, 79 Giltinan, Adele 65 Giltinan, Caroline, 65 Gloucester 71, 72 Gloucester County 85 Gloucester Iron Works 8g %i^-^ Index. Page. Gloucester-town 46 Grill. Gideon, 64 Great Egg Harbor, .... 44.45,69,85,92 Great Egg Harbor River 88 Griscom, Norwood, 64 Great Bay 44 Grey, General Charles 8?, 84 Grey, Lord 84 Gufiin, Ship 67 Gunning, 25 "Half Moon, ' ship, 44 Hackett, Judith 57 Hackensack 84 Haddon, Elizabeth 85 Haddonfield 85, 88 Hann, Benj. Z 64 Harris, James 95 Harrison, . 95 Ha\-, Andrew K 59 Haves, James, 65 Hackett, Richard 60 Hammonton 42 Haupt, William, 65 Heat and Hurlx -Burly 18 Heckwelder. Re\-. John 57 Heston, A. M., i, 62 Historians, stories of the earl\- 45 History, illusions of, 37,42 Hodgkins, Hannah 92 Horner, John, 72 Hook and Line 27 Houston. William C., 80 Howard Pier 61 Holscom, Christian [Holdzkom] 55 Holm, Rev. John Campanius 46 Hudson Henry 44 Hyde, Edward, 100 Indian Mounds and Shell-Heaps, ... 39 Indian Relics, 39 Indian Stories and Traditions, ... 37. 48 Indian sage, speech of, 49 Indian tribes and their location 42 Ireland, Amos 51 Ireland, Daniel 51. 52 Ireland, James 55 Iron Furnaces 85 Iron Works, first in New Jersey, ... 85 Irving, Washington 77 Israel, Joseph 95. q8 James, Duke of York 44 Jackson Glass Works 60 Jones, Judge, 77 Jones, John Paul 83 Joy and Pleasure Through the Twelve- months, 30 Jubilee, year of, 36 Juet, Robert 44 Juliet, Col. Gustav 76 Kalendarium Pennsylvaniense, . . . loi Kechemeches Indians 42 Keeble too Key of Calmar, Ship 67 Keen, Sarah 51 Keen, Mrs. Sarah Somers 97 Keim, Jacob 64 Keim, Newten 64 Keith, William, 95 Kill von Kull 45 Kitchen Middins, 38 Knyphausen, General 74 Kriger, Captain Martin 69 Ladd, John 51 Lambert, Thomas, 100 Page. Lane, Henry, 78 Land-Locked Water Preserve 28 Latham, Thomas 55 Lawrence, Capt. James 93 Leonardo, Vincent 46, 47 LeBarre, Jean '53 Lee, Edward S .... 65 Lee, Irving, 57 Leeds, Andrew 57 Leeds, Chalkley S 57, 60, 62 Leeds, Daniel, 100, toi Leeds Homestead jg Leeds, Judith 57 Leeds, James, 57. 58 Leeds, Jeremiah 5ii 55. 56, 57 Leeds, John 57, 58, 60 Leeds Point 4^ Leeds, Robert B 57 to Leeds, Steelman . 60 Leeds, Titan, loi, 102 Lenni-Lenape . . 17, 18, 40, 48 Lenapes, origin of 75 Lenten and Post-Lenten Pastimes, . . 13 Layman, Mary 65 Little Egg Harbor 45, 74, 79. 88 Leonard, Henry . . 85 Leonard, James 85 Literary Association, 64 Lounging Places for All 14 Long Island, battle of 85 Longfellow, Henry W 85 Lovelace, Lord 100 Lowes, Daniel 100 Lower Bank 67 Lucas, Rev. Simon 83 Machesautu.xen Branch 86 Manhattan Island 69 Martyr. Peter (note) 53 Matas Indians, 43 Matikongees Indians 42 Manahawkin, 45, 79 Maeroahkong Indians 42 Mantesees Indians, 42 Matoachen, Indian Chief 44 Marriage among the Indians 45 Maselian Creek 42 Magarge, S. E., cottage of 50 Mathis. Lewis 64 Martha Iron Works 89 Martha's Vinevard 83 Mathis, Eli 83 Mayslanding 80, 88 Mcbonough, Commodore 97 McCormick, Hugh 95 McManus, Francis 56 Mermaid, Transport 78 Metuchen. Indian Chief 44 Mey, Captain Cornelius Jacobsen, . . 45 Miner, Mrs. Abagail 83 Minquosees Indians 42 Minnequa 46, 47 Michener, J. H 60 Migration of Red Men 48 Mansion House 60.61 Monmouth County 85 Moore, Frank 9< Morris, Daniel 60 Morgan, Captain 82 Morse, S. R 64 Moses — runaway servant 86 Mount Holly 86. 88 Mugford, Captain 93 Muller, George 65 Inde^ Page. Mullica, River. . . 45. 67, 70, 74, 83, 85, 100 Mullica, Eric 67, 69 Mullica Hill, 67 Mullica Township 67 Mulliner, Joseph 81 Mundv, Marion 65 Naming the Citv 61 Nautilus 7}, 77, 83, 94, Q5 Navesink Indians, 43 Navigation, inception of steam 86 Nanticoke, Indians 43. 76 Neleigh, William 60 Nelson, Admiral 94 Nelson, William, . . 38, 41 New Albion, Province of 42 New Bedford 83 New Jersey 84, 86, 87, 88 Newton, 7i New Amsterdam 69 Nicholls, Admiral Richard 44 North Carolina 87 North, Howard 64 Nostrodamus— magician . 102 Naraticongs (Indians) 42, 76 Olebis 38 "Old Ironsides," 93 Oldman's Creek, 71,72 Old-time Diversions, 35 Oldest Hotel in Atlantic City (plate), . 34 Old-time Patriots, 52 Original Owners 49 Original Surveys, 51 Origin of Absecon, 40 Osborne, Richard B., 60 Osborn, Richard, Jr , . . . ; 76 Osborn, Thomas, 76, 77 Osborn's Island, 4^ 76 Oyster Island 45 Ozone off the Ocean 9 Park House (plate), 54 Panorama of Sea and Land 20 Paoli 84 Patconk Creek . 69 Penn, William 100 Pennsylvania, 88 Pennsylvania Evening Post, ... 88, 93 Pennsylvania Gazette 86, 102 Pennsylvania Journal, ... ... 88 Pennsylvania Packet 73, 81 Penner, Peter, 95 Pensaukin Creek 71, 72 Permanent Settlement, first, 55 Perth Amboy 44 Peterson, C. J 83 Peter the Great 86 Philadelphia 85, 88, 90, 94 Phild, Henry 65 Pha-nix Bridge Company 66 Pierce, William . . loi Pitney, Dr. Jonathan 59. 6° Place of Perennial Pleasure 28 Plantagenet, Beauchamp 42 Plaxground of the Countrv 23 Pleasant Mills 85 Pleasures of the Plaisance 21 " Poor Richard," 102 Porter, Joseph 59 Port Republic 60, 80 Portsmouth 92 Ponce de Leon S2 Popple, William too Potter, Ceil. William E 52 Powell, Richard 78 Page. Primitive Americans, myths of 38 Preble, Commodore 04, 95, 97 Press, Daily 62 Price, Richard 88 Princeton, 89, 90 Proctor, Col. Thomas 77, 83 Prologue 6 Pulaski, Count 73, 76, 77, 84 Pulaski's Legion 73, 84 Punch Bowl 82 Purback, Astrologer, . 102 Queen of the Coast, 7 Rancocas Creek 49 Ramcock (Rankokas Indians 1 42 Railroad Litigation 64 Raleigh. Sir Walter 37 Raritan Bav 45 Raritan Indians 42,45 Ravmont 42 Read, Col. Charles 87 Read, Judge Charles 86, 87, 88 Red Bank, . . 7t Reed, Dr. Thomas K 39, 55, 64 Reed, Alfred, Vice-Chancellor 61 Reed, General Joseph, 87 Reid, Frederick 64 Reimer, Samuel 102 Revell, Thomas 100 Review, Daily 84 Revolutionary Reminiscences, .... 73 Rhodes. D. D 60 Richards, Jesse 59. St, 88 Richards, Samuel 59. 60 Richards, Thomas 50, 86, 88 Richards. William '. 86, 88 Ridglew Midshipman 96 Ries, John 65 Risley. Richard, 69 Risle>', Thomas 69 Robbin's Reef Lighthouse 45 Romance of the Indian Maid 46 Roval Charles, Ship 68 Rum Point, 53 Rundall, Mildred, . . • 65 Salem, 46 Salter. Edwin 72 Salter's Ditch 86 Salutatory, 5 Sampson, Hezekiah, 52 Sandy Ho.ik , 78 Sanhigan Indians 42 Saunders, Richard 102 Schauftler's Hotel, 60, 61 Scheyichbi 37, 42, 43 Schwinghammer, Eugene 64 Scott, John SI, 69 Scott, Lewis P. (plate) i Scull, John 69 Scull, Lillian 65 Scull, Nan 64 Scull, Peter 69 Sea Isle Citv . . . 67 Seal of the City 62 Seven Mile Beach 67, 68 Sevier, Colonel 75 Sewaposees Indians 42 Shield, Ship, 100 Shoemaker, Charles, 88 Sikonesees Indians 42 Silvers, Homer 65 Simms, James Q5 Siren. Ship 97 Smugglers at the Forks 85 Inde.^ 123 Page. Smyth, Frederick 87 Somers, Constant 94 Somers, Col. Richard 51 Somers Family q2 Somers, J. B., Dr 97 Somers, John. 51, 92 Somers' Point 9? Somers, Ricliard 92, 93, 94 Somers, Soptiia 93 Somerset Plantation 92 Sorin, Herman 65 South Cape 42 South River 88 Southward 84 Squawktown 57 Staaten Eviandt . 44 Stack, ' 60 Staten Island 44 Statue of Liberty 45 St. Croix, . . ' 87 Steamboat, Fitch's 86 Steelman, Andrew 51, 65, 69 Steelman, Frederick . . 51 Steelman, James 51, 69, 79 Steelman, Rachel 57 Steelman, Richard 79 Sterling:, Lord-General 84 Stewart, Commodore Charles, . . 93. 94, 97 Stibbs, George, 52 Stone Harbor 67 Stov, Franklin p. (plate) i Stoy, Mrs. F. P., 66 Strong Hands 70 Stryker, General Wm. S 87 Stu\\esant, Peter 44, 69 Summer Days Beside the Sea 17 Summer Weather 'neath Winter Skies, 11 Surf Bathing 22 Surf House 60 Sweetwater, 81, 83 Sybrants Alye 67 Tappan, Old 74. 77 Tappan, Massacre at 84 Taunton, Mass 85 Taunton, N. J 86 Taylor, Captain 78 Taylor, Ida 65 Taylor, Joseph, 102 Thomas, Gabriel 42, 45 Thomas Josyntee 69 Tiascan Indians, 42 Tinans Indians, 42 Timber Creek 40 Tompline, Thomas 95 Toms River Courier 89 Tonic for Invalids and Convalescents, 12 Trenton . 87, 90 Page. Ti^'PO'' 93. 94 Tuckahoe 78, 79 Tuckahoe Indians, 43 Tutelos Indians 43 Tuckerton 57, 76, 84 Turtle Indians 40, 43 Unamis Indians 40,42,43 Unilachtos Indians, . 43 United States Hotel Co 61 United States Hotel 6:; Utrecht, Holland 69 Valley Forge 90 Vanderdonck's Map 45 Vigilant, Sloop 73, 76, 77, 83 Volga River 86 Wadsworth, Lieut. Henrv 95. 98 Walker, Lewis M 88 Walker's Forge 88 Washington Iron Works 89 Washington, Lady, Ship 93 Washington Tavern 89 Washington, George 73. 74, So, 94 Watt, James, 86 Wavne, Gen. Anthony, 84 Wayside Inn 85, 89 Wau-Koo-Naby 47 Weary and Heavy Laden 10 West. George, 5t West, Joseph 72 Westcoat, Col. Richard 80 Wekolis 47 Webster-Hayne Literary Society, ... 64 Wevmouth. . . 59. 88 Wevmouth Forge 88, 89 Wharton, Joseph 88 Whales and Whalemen 70 Wherein Atlantic Citv Excels 31 White, Judith, Letart 94 "White Ladies," 92 White, Peter 94 White Plains 89 Williams, Jacob 95 Willits, James 76 Wills' Island, 45 Winner, Uncle John 52 Wiltbank, Eugene 64 Wilted Grass, 48 Wood, William 46 Worcester, England 92 Winslow, 59 Wright, Joshua 'oo Wurtz, Hon. George 63 'Xions, "4 Yacomanshag Indians 114 Young Men and Maidens 8 Zebra, Sloop 73. 76, 77, 8,3 Zounds "4 ^ ■o o o 5 E u c c *-i Si ■u c c (- 43 c <: « o c 5 c ^ o (/) 5: V "S (/) ■s o s 5 c ^ !« •D . o u 01 QQ . 3 "O « >, c ^ « CO c ^, S (/) rt 4) to "" o c •5 • 1 m' 2 e2 x: u "E ^«2e.ii-z ^E-.So §-£5^« list H E- F- H H :i/) E ^ 'I •cr= ; : : _c^21' E^'-^E" "^ - : B"- ;:-ze~'- E O Ol — 3 — 0.3 — Z2— G.Ci.3— 3 \2 «-3 1 3 — ' m o£ e5 aftg»? •^ -00 O 00 00 E5>^S !EU^ JUU'JUUOUUOUUUQQQOQCiUJLLiuJUJUJUJL .-■ 1/5 I-' E 2 o g o S(/)<(/)(/l< C/5< Q. B^£ .S S^il H f- u E = E S C(/) c 2 ':^ >^S>o B r ;' - - t/)aj Ej= C.E E^ E.S "Me^^^S EZ- : : E-: : . ■ ■■ : .d-E^-^-C^- : = a. ..£••••• ' ' C ' • -0 • • ■ • • ■ a. Oa 0^ a a a OS q: a a a ce Tn/-/ •/! ly, !/) I/) 73 7) I/) t« i/i 5 tfl t« H s- > > > > > > > > > .ill I 1 If^ o -a JO c 1) E ■o CO H c CO (A r CO ^ :;,x:5 c J2-a Ji," cu- ^ .«=;« ajO.Jf S^/ii >,s «:: ^s "u i'^E St '.Si|= ^s s-i .- ? s § = >>>.'^ SIZ^SSlEHl O O I l5 c ES~-a<-^-* Dama:Q_imu0^u.i/)Qicc;SQii7,Qa.ua.HiQ.Qii^xux£ HOiQQQiO := (U< a;D, c 2-j _ - . ^ t— >■ t- J"^-,t:^<: 'iUcu, „ WUgUJ ^ ' •2U j^ iiS~iiS3S5n£'32D2i^E2^22'S!52aj5JUUUUUUOQQQQ 2^ ■S E c- New Jersey Avenue School— Chelsea School. I .J Z «35 i' 5-^ ^■^ hV = S S '5 £ c S £ « ~ ^ -'" S £ ^ •- 'iJ c^aj.So c ^~ ii — i: "^ .Ei«-f s•iiio:?■■ . — -a • £ i £ u IBank Building, /e ve ve cky ave > > > > ci/)U :-2U.H-;: &5 O- O ^ M O-VO^ Tt B ^o !« C = bi > o- M > re B cu « ■ 2 .y 0^ i: •- ' '^ S ?: 3 = o^^- 1^1 2 v-'ii^ S'-'^ MMi t ■ -a . '.'.'.. .'^ '■ •a . ■■'■-■ S c • • • tvO I* . . . C . >■ W J; 71 7-, taO « "2 ; £ U E £ oi "n (X (S a ix "^ a m m O 2c a < a C a U m a o D u 51 i7) S CD a X u CQ 1/1 < u ul «^9 ^^^!l^liu" (Mi 1 = 11: ajJ2ii = ii33S-ocj=C,a>E^ .*i 3^ ■■^3 mmmmi n!c5~--oOi:Eoaj25o'ancing, Titles Examined. Collections. REAL ESTATE AND LAW BUILDING Conveyancing. 'Phone 555 Mortgages 5 and 6 per cent. EVERETT iVl. DO\A/!M, REAL ESTATE INVESTOR AND INSURANCE AGENT. 1436 ATLANTIC AVENUE. Opposite Real Estate and Law Building. JAMES B. SPRINGER, real estate and insurance. Money Loaned on Mortgages. Convevancin.L,r. Interest and Rents Collected. No. n S. new YORK AVENUE. Agents for Columbia Wagon Co.'s Wagons, Carriages and Harness. 'Phone 825. A. U. \A/ITHRO\A/, Conveyancing, Real Estate and Insurance. No. 2413 ATLANTIC AVENUE. Properties Exchanged. Money Loaned on Mortgages. A full list of Hotels and Cottages for Sale or Rent. JAMES W. CALLAWAY. EMILE D. McCANN. UAIVIES \A/. CAI_L_A\A/AY. ^^^NSul^NCE^BROKERS. Boardwalk and St. Charles Place. Hotels, Cottages and Boarding Houses for Sale or Rent. Telephone 96. Mortgages Placed for any amount. O. B. F^O\A/L.ER, Real Estate and Insurance, Notary Public, No. 14 South New York Ave. (opposite Post Office), Atlantic City, N. J. Hotels, Boarding Houses and Cottages for Sale or Rent. Money to Loan on Mortgage. Choice Ocean Front Lots for Sale. Easy Terms. EUWIN H. CUTHBERT. D. & A. ' Phone 494-L, 480-F. a. h. bond. E. H. CUTHBERT & CO., Real Estate and Investments, Hotels, Boarding Houses and Cottages for Sale or Rent. BOARDWALK, boardwalk Stores for Rent. Mt led on Mortgage. Near Rhode Island Avenue. J. P. GIBERSON & CO., Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Hotels, Cottages and Boarding Houses for Sale or Rent. Mone\' to Loan on Mortgage. "Phone 514 (Atlantic Coast). g MT. VERNON AVENUE. XIX H. L. Allen Company, Incorporated. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, MORTGAGES. TIKIS. J. DICKKRSO.V. PrM. I.F.llXARD II. AI.OER, Treas. H I.. AIXKX, Scc.iuid Gtn. M»n. Pacific and Kentucky Avenues. Hotels and Cottages in all parts of the City for Sale or Rent. Agents for Chelsea, Longport and Ventnor building lots. Long Distance 'Phone igg-A. Communications solicited and given careful and prompt attention. Residence: 621 Atlantic Avenue. D. & A. 'Phone ioq6-Y. NO..U.^«^^l«^.. S r*^ Hotels and Cottages for sale or rent a specialty. . bUbrenSky (k to., Mortgages and insurance. REAL ESTAXE. Both 'Phones. 929 ATLANTIC AVENUE. nAVin GILTiNAN ^^^^ ^^^'^^ UAVIU UILIIWMN, INSURANCE AND ■Rhone 612. MORTGAGES. 1302 ATLANTIC AVENUE. The Bartlett Real Estate Co.; INSURANCE AND Telephone 640 MORTGAGES. 1135 ATLANTIC AVENUE. P. S. CORSON & CO., Real Estate and Insurance. Hotels and Cottiges for sale and rent Choice Sites for sale NO 2126 ATLANTIC AVENUE WILSON SENSEMAN, Commissioner of Deeds for New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Real Estate and Insur- ance. Notary Public. No. 1026 ATLANTIC AVE. V. C. BRUCKMANN, Real Estate and Insurance Broker. PropertN- for Sale. Rent or E.xchan^^e. 1009 ATLANTIC AVENUE. C. ;. BRINTON, JR., Real Estate and Mortgages, 35 S MARYLAND AVE. CHARLES ROESCH & SONS Central Market, City Dressed Meats Headquarters for Finest Print Butter. Cor. Atlantic and Mar> lani Botli 'Phones No. 28. Refrigerator Salesrooms : 834. S:i6, 8^8 N. Second Street, Ph Hotels and Restaurants Supplied. Slaughtering Department : Abbatoir Stock Yards. West Phila. Rolls and Tenderloins a Specialty. KESSLER'S ATLANTIC MARKET, A good supply of No. 1913 Atlantic Avenue. kinds of Meats, Provisions and Vegetables Goods delivered free of charge. 'Phone 129. instantly on hand. ALBION MEAT MARKET, f d Poihemus. Butter and Eggs, Meats and Country Produce. 'Phone. 512 ATLANTIC AVENUE. NA/ILLIAIVI GORDON ^S.^^ Atlantic Ave. A FULL LINE OF PRIME MEATS, JERSEY EGGS AND POULTRY, HONEY CURED HAMS AND BACON, ALSO A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES, Cottage Trade a Special' 'Phone 5=;. DELIVER ALL GOODS. WALL «Sc HOLDZKOM, Telephone 223. 1202 Atlantic Avenue. Spei DEALERS IN HIQH=GRADE GROCERIES. ;otfees; Fine Teas. Eastern Game and Poultry Co. '^^'^.^^l^^^^r''- Choice Fruits and Vegetables, Fine Jersey Poultry, Butter and Eggs SK) A.Tr, ANTIC A.VEISOK, Comer States Avenue. ROBERT L. BEYER, Telephone Connection. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in SELECT POULTRY, Gilt Edge Butter, Fresh Eggs, Sugar Cured Mams, Pure Lard, 6 So. New York Avenue, opposite Post Office. F. Stadler's Bakery and IceCream Parlor. Atlantic and Virginia Avenues. Open all the Year. Telephone 262-A. ^^/ Jk ^H Druggists. BICKEL'S PHARMACY, 'Phone sn. Full line of first-class Drugs. Patent and Proprietary Medicines. Perfumery and Toilet Articles. Prescriptions a Specialty. Atlantic and Illinois Avenues. Bell Phone 8-X. BROWNLEY'S PHARMACY, Coast Phonev^,. Blair, 1880 to '82. C. J. Brownley, Prop. Gaibreath, 1882 to 'gg. [sjgw York and Pacific Avenues. Brownley, iSgg. »-■ , , • r. .• , First-class in every Particular. K^^^UXl^^^^odeA^ DRUGGIST, Atlantic and Micliigan Aves. M orris Ave, and Boar dwalk. Pacific Avenue, ^ ^ Cor. Kentucky Avenue. ^^^^^Af^OTHKCAn Y^^^ Open all the Year. Prescriptions a Specialty. H. W. HUGHES, Doctor of Pharmacy, South Carolina and Pacific Avenues. 'Phones 869 and 646-A. Free Delivery. ^-^ . . Kvervthint; First-Clas ^^ 1>A0MHXU^ Cor. Penr JOHN S. INGRAM'S CENTRAL PHARMACY, New York and Philadelphia Prices. . ,„o a+i«„+;- a,,^„,,^ We sell lower than any one in Atlantic City. ^oS Atlantic Avenue. Prescriptions called for and delivered to all A. C. 'Phone 607. parts of the City in shortest time possible. D & A 'Phone 58-F. Accurate Prescription Wurk. insylvania and Atlantic APOTHECARY, Avenues. 'Phone 106— Pull Either Wire. AU-the-Year Duggist. Prompt and Free Delivery. Established 1871. Both 'Phones 6?. WRIGHT'S DRUG STORE, U°s!'pos^tar'' Co''- Virginia and Atlantic Aves. Sub-Station, No. 2. Prescriptions a Specialty. F. W. COTTON, Ph. G., Manager. Dentists. J. F. CRANDALL, D. D. S., Offices, 140S Atlantic Ave., over Central Pharmacy. w. F. SEEDS. Cor. Kentucky and Atlantic Avenues. DR. E. M. PACKARD, ^"''^PennTyivania Avenue. Cor. Pennsylvania and Atlantic Avenues. DR. CHARLES C. RAITH, BACHARACH BUILDING. New York and Atlantic Avenues. AUG - 7 1902 M^€r-€-i^^ physicians. M. D. YOUNGMAN. M. D. Office Hours: 8 to lo A. M. 2 to 3 P. M. 7 to 8 P. M. i6i8 Pacific Avenue. Telephone 64. DR. WALTER C. SOOY, 192 1 Pacific Avenue. Telephone 217. ELECTRICITY IS LIFE. ATLANTIC CITY ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIC INSTITUTE. 6cQ Atlantic Avenue. Turkish Baths, Thermal and Hydro-Electric Baths, Russian, Sulphur, Medi- laths are given bv skilled attendants. The treatment iring. cated. Perfumed and Eleclri of Facial Blemishes and Manic PHILADA. VIAVI CO., MRS. J. K. JOHNSON. HOME TREATMENT FOR WOMEN. 114 So. S. Carolina Ave. Bell Telephone: Office. 351; Residence, 731-L. Consulting Hours : 9 to 10 a. m., i to 2 p. m., 7 to 8 p. m. SWEDISH HYGIENIC INSTITUTE, 1501 PACIFIC AVENUE Cor. NEW YORK AVENUE. The Thomas, Thomas Circle, Washington, D. C. Established 1890. Henrik Schoultz, M. G., Carl G. Lilliecreutz, M. G., Mrs. Henrik Schoultz, M. G. Swedish Medical Gymnasts and Masseurs. Everybody goes to Brigantine.** BY BOAT AND TROLLEY CAR. Across the Inlet. Along: the Beach. Brigantine Transportation Company Steamers run every few minutes in season. . . . See Holland House ad\ ertisement. BEST MADE For men and women. E. H. JOHNSON. H. E. PENNELL. HK195-78 IV- *V, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II 014 205 089 4