F234 .R5S66 J.^ ^> ' . . s 4 /\ »inttf?nir HtewH NEGRO ENTERPRISES & RESIDENCES ^y^^^^fei^^^^^^ $01ttf?Utr UmUS Ncgm £ntf rprtsga & JKraifo tires SUriltttOttfr, "&&. FEW FACTS ABOUT THE NEGROES OF RICHMOND Population estimated at 3."i,(h>o. $16,753.69. Four large Insuraj State of Virginia. Churches terian and 1 Christian. Foui Real Estate valued at $1 ,345,9X0.00. Taxes paid annually ce Companies, each having deposited $10,000.00 with the : 23 Baptist. 3 Methodist, 2 Episcopal, 1 Catholic, 1 Presby- Banks. Four Drug Stores. Five Weekly Newspapers. Fourteen Physicians. Four Dentists. Two Real Estate Agents. Eight Lawyers. Ten large Barber Shops— many small shops. Four Butchers Two Ice Dealers Five Paper Hangers. Three Confectionery Stores and lee Cream Manufactories. Two electric power Shoe Repairers. One Machinist. Over fifty Dressmakers— one large establishment. Five Transfer Companies each owned by an individual. Ninety Public School Teachers. Six Paint. Five Building, and Two Brick Contractors. Two Photographers. Three First Class Tailors, who cut and make. Wholesale and Retail: One Grocery. Two Fish and Game, and One Liquor. One Wood and Coal Yard. One Jeweler. One Tinner. Two Upholsterers. Two Steam Laundries. Two First Class Hotels. Two Hospitals. One Cigar Manufactory. One Shoe Store. One Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Store. One Dry Goods and Millinery Store. Five Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Two Colleges and one Business College. 17 Printers. One- Automobile Co. Four First Class Clubs. The above does not include the hundreds of other smaller business enterprises. Some buildings herein illustrated are over one hundred years old. Copyrighted 1907, by D. A. FERGUSON & CO., .609 N. Second St., Richmond, Va, The bequest of Daniel Murray, Washington, D. C. 1925. ' ' fey '^fflF^WXW^fifl 4 "«5J>^: •"wJ ^JTT V,"""— V'): ***** ll^n^o _1 , - « ■ *- ■■ -s— " a - " " PsSbLMs Hk^""*i -■, ^— - «o J ' I m - - ' ■ ; Miller's Hotel and Cafe, Corner Second and Leigh Streets Mr W, M. MUler, Proprietor A Snow Scene. Leigh Street looking west from second Street. Residence and Office of Dr. P. B. Ramsey, Dentist (3rd house on left.) (Corner) Residence of Mr. E. W. Brown, Editor of The Reformer, Interior of the First Baptist Church, Rev. W. T. Johnson, Pastor Cor. 14th and Broad Streets (The oldest church in Richmond) The main colored business section- North Second Street, looking from Leij Residence of Mr. O. B. S. Forrester on right c „ North First Street looking from Leigh Sharon B.pt«t Church, Rev. A^D. Thomas, Pastor-on >efl £,?„„« of Mr Jessie Wl Spire of Colored Catholic Church-in background ; of campus of Virginia Union Un.versity (for males.) (Several Buildings are no! shown in this cut.) Tailor Shop Mr. H. C. Mundin. Prop. ... ' " ■'«■■««- Mr. Km. B. Smith's Barber Shop 3 West Leigh Street. The Old Pythian Hall and Mechanics Savings Bank, Mr. Jno. Mitchell. Jr . Pres. East End School Cor. 29th and O Sts. Residence of Mr. W. P. Burrell G. W. Secretary of The G. F. U. O. T. R. Wholesale & Retail Grocery and Feed Store of The G. F. U. O. True Reformers, Cor. 6th and Clay Sts. Home Office of the Richmond Beneficial Insurance Co. Organized 1894 \i, i i [ohnsot Pres , Receipts $112,682.81 19C* J Claims Paid SJ609.M I Real Kstate in Virginia $10,000 Southern Aid SocUtV of vlrfinia Or*>ni«d ,893 (a new building to be construed I Mr AD. Price, Pres. I Gross Receipts $97,357 44 1906 S Claims Paid $52,757.95 I Rial Estate in Virtinia $22,000 Home office of American Beneficial Ins Cc Rev. W. F. Graham, Pres. Organized 1902. Have written up 60.000 Members and paid $135,000 for claims. St. Philips P. E. Church 3r. St. James and Leigh Sts Peoples Real Estate * Investment Co. Mr. W. F. Denny. Pres. Students' Tea Store. N. Second St Mr. S. B. Steward Manager Residence of Mr. Thos. Wyatt Cashier Mechanics Savings Bank Ebenezer Baptist Church Rev. Wm. H. Stokes Pastor Cor. Judah and Leigh Sts. Samson's Barber Shop. Mr. K. B. Samson. Proprietor The University Pharmacy Dr. Jas. E. Jackson. Proprietor Ill [II III ii fci I Residence of Mr. Miles Debbress West Leigh Street Property of Mrs. H. T. Callaha Fifth Street Fonrth B.p*tO,«£. Rev Evan, P.yn, pa*or Cor. 28th and P Sts. Confectionary & Ice Cream 114 E. Broad Street. First Presbyterian Church Cor. Monroe & Catherine Sts. Undertaking Establishment of Mr. Wm. I. Johnson, Foushee St. near Broad (Only a few vehicles shown.) if' f ipgfl ill If ygl 1 jjl 1 Residence of Mr. C. S Scott Sixth Street 420 East Broad St 5th St. Bapt. Church Rev. A. E. Edwards, Pastor Navy Hill Public School, Cor. Sixth and Duval Streets Res.dence of Dr. .I.Alex. Lewi Buchanan Street Property and Residence of Mr. Frank Kersey Cor. Price and Leigh Streets The Planet Office Mr. John Mitchell. Jr., Edito 311 North 4th Street Residence and Undertaking Establishment of Mr. A. D. Price (only a few vehicles are shown) Duval Street Pharmacy Dr. Geo. A. Thompson. Prop. also Office of E. R. Jefferson. M. D. Cor. St. James and Duval Sts. Former and present residence of Rev. D. W. Davis Richmond's lecturer and poet. v \ * A 1 : * lil Pf Pharmacy & P. O. Sub-Station J.M.Benson, Ph.D.,M.D., Prop. Confectionery and Ice Cream Parloi Brook Ave. Mr. N. Winston, Prop. i, ml Athletic and Social Club 310-12 North 3rd Street Office of United Aid Ins. Co. Mr. J. E. Byrd Pi Chartered 1894 Capital Slock $25,000 312 East Broad Street Wholesale and Retail Thomas Smith, Proprietor. Groczry store of Mr. Richard Washington, St. John Street Knst End Ph«nn»( i Dr. Clara H Smyth, Prop. Building and Flats owned by Rev. W. L. Taylor. Richmond Hospital and Training School for Nurses founded 1902. 406 E. Baker St. 25 patients can be accommodated. Monroe School Formerly the Armory of the First Battalion Virginia Volunteer Infantry Property of Mr. Jno 0. Lewis 5!h Street True Reformers Hall and Bank. lew Hall and former site of the bank of the I. O. 0. St. Luke St Luk( Dry Good 112 E. also new site Emporium and Millinery Broad St. jf St. Luke's Bank Residence of Mrs. Maggi President of St. Luke's : Walk Bank Residence of Dr K F. Tancil it of Nickle Savings Bank also the former location of the Bank Nickle Savings Bank (new site I and office of Dr. R. C. Brown. Dentist Cor. 29th and Leigh Streets is j Main Office of the Negro Developemer and Exposition Co. U. S. A. also Clothing and Gents Furnishings Mr. I. J. MiUer. Proprietor 528 East Broad Street : League Training School and He 412-14 North 3rd Street Iso Office of R. E. Jones, M. D. Good Samaritan Hall Cor 6th and Duvall Stre A ' f «Mtt- 3rd Street A. M E. Church