Pioneer History SE County CLIFF D. GATES y/r<.-y^ /./'. HENRY A. WISE Statesman and Orator. Born December 3, i!So6; died September 12, 1876. Pioneer History of Wise County From Red Men to Railroads- Twenty Years of Intrepid History BY CLIFF D. GATES Compiled under the auspices of the Wise County Old Settlers' A ssociation " Let us search more and more into the Past; let all men explore it, as the true fountain of knowledge; by whose light alone, consciously or unconsciously employed, can the present and the future be inter- preted or guessed at." — Carlyle. "A people that take no pride in the noble achieve- ments of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by remote descendants." — Macauley. DECATUR, TEXAS. 1907. v^-<^--\- LIBRARY ^f CONGRESS \