^J. v" V v^' S^^ ' ./•. ,%\^ \^°x. .^^' '"^P •V -5^ ^" .\> •^. ^\ .t>^ "*J '!' ?-^ -n*:. ,0 c. u^ ,\. '^ ' v>'^ -^^ ,>\ ^<^0^ :? \ '-^^ V^^ "> .^.' X*^^^. f^ -^c*-. ^^ Ci b o"^ -/', A' p^. c5 -^^^ '^^ .^' /': •^ z =i* <> V A^^' "'^. n'^ , N 0- ^ <^^ ,^^ "'^^- N>5 ''c*'. > o tV ;^\'' xOo, cOf-' ^^ . ^., *"" J.O •^^ O N C , c^' .. ■■.#^:. .vN'^ REGISTER In Alphabetical Order, Early Settlers of Kings County, LONG ISLAND, N. Y., FROM ITS First Settlement by Europeans to 1700; With Contributions to their Biographiks and Genealo ies, coMt.i.: > FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. By TE'UNIS G. BERGEN, Author of Bergen, Van Brunt, and Lefferts Genea'.ogies. NEW YORK : S. W. Green's Son, Printer, Electrotyper and Binder. ^ PREFACE. Having in my researches among the ancient and musty records and papers in possession of the old families of King's County (who have kindly favored me with the use of the same), gathered much genealogical and other information worthy of preservation and of use to future genealogists and historians, I take this method of endeavoring to effect that object, and of preserving the same for the use of the public, hoping that it will prove acceptable. To make the work more complete, the records of the state, county, towns, and churches have been carefully examined, and the name of every resident, and of landholders not resident therein found, inserted. That the work is so perfect as to contain the names of all such, the names of all their children, with correct dates in all cases, is not pretended, but an honest effort has been made to effect this object. Surnames and names of parents are in many cases enclosed in brackets. Bay Hidge. Teunis G, Bergen. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS WORK. A acres. ng aged. ass assessed or assessment. Ave Avenue. b born. bap. or bp baptized bd bounded. Br Brooklyn. Bu'' Bush wick. xal calculation. Cal. of Eng. Man Calendar of English Manuscripts. cen census. ch church. chil children cl clerk. CO county. Col Colonel. Conn Connecticut. capt captain. con conveyances. cong containing. d died. da dated. dau. or da daughter. dec deceased. D. Ch Dutch Church. doc documents. Uo Dominie. Ex executors. fl. or f florens. Fl"" Flatbush. Fid" Fhulands. G"" Gravescnd. Gen. Rec. .. Genealogical and Biographical Record. gl guilders. His history or historical. I. or Id Island. J" Jamaica. Ks. Co King's County. £ . pounds. $ dollars. Lib. of Con unless otherwise specified, refers to the books of conveyances on tile in the office of the Register of King's County. Lieut Lieutenant. L. I Long Island. m . . married. mag magistrate. man manuscript. me ;n members. niort mortgage. N. A New Amsterdam. N. L . . Ne w Lotts. N. N New Netherlands. N. U New Utrecht. N. Y New York. off office. O. S old style. P page. p pence. Pa. or Penn Pennsylvania. Phil' Philadelphia. pro proved. R. D. Ch Reformed Dutch Church. rec records or recorded . Reg Register. s son. S South. S. I Staten Island. sec secretary. sh shillings. St stivers. sup , suppose. surr surrogate. trans translation Va Virginia w wife' wid widow' y years" EARLY SETTLERS. Aardsz, Rinier, name on N. U. (New Utrecht) ass. roll of 1690. Overseer of Fl*^ (Flatbush) in 1691, Sifnon, see Vander Hard. Aaten, Adriaen, see Arien Hendricksen Aten. Hendrick, native, and on lists of oaths of allegiance in Fl^ of 1687. No further trace. Thomas, native, and on lists of oaths of allegiance in Fl*" of 1687.* Aartse, Jan, see Middagh. Abbe, Soliman ; his wid. resided in 1659 on the S. side of the mill-house in Fl*^, as per p. 385 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Abel, Stoffel Jansen f of Bu'*^ (Bushwick) in 1664, as per p. 258 of Cal. of Dutch His. Man. There was a Stoffel Janse Abeel, master carpenter, in Beverwyck (Albany) in 1653, who m. Neeltje Janse, and d. after 1670, as per Pearson's Early Set- tlers of Albany, having children, Magdalena, b. 1653; Maria, b. 1656; Johanna, b. 1659; and Elizabeth. Abell, Pieter of G^ (Gravesend) in 1656, per Thompson's L. I. (Long Island). In 1657, John Hawse built a barn for him as per G** town rec. (records). * For oaths of allegiance of 1687 herein referred to, see a list on p, 659 of Vol. I. of documentary History of New York. f Throughout this work the second name inserted of an individual is the name of his father, as " Al>t'l Stoffel J^ansen" represents Abel the son of Stoffel Jansen, or Abel Jansen, son of Stoffel Jansen. At the period of the early settlement of this country it was customary for individuals to add to their names that of their father, and ornittins: tl eir surnames (many had none). On these pages the compiler has affixed to the names of individuals the names of their fathers, although in many cases not used by said individuals, for the purpose of aiding in identifying persons. 6 GENEALOGY. Abraham or Abrahamsz, Adriaen, see Hegeman. Cornells, on list of catechumens of Br" (Brooklyn) R, D. ch. in 1662, as per said ch. rec. Frans, of Bedford, m. i^' Nov. 3, 1680, in N. Y., Lucretia Hendricks; m. 2^ Nov. 13, 1705, in N. Y., Isabella Salamons. Took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1678 as a native. On Br" ass. (assessment) roll of 1683, on cen. (census) of 1698.* Issue: — Abraham, bp. Oct. 30, 1681, in Fl*'; Anna Maria, bp. Oct. 10, 1683, in N. Y.; Jan., bp. Nov. 5, 1686, in N. Y.; Frans, bp. Oct. 9, 1706, in N. Y. ; Ysabella, bp. Apl. 5, 1708, in Br"; and Besbertje, bp. May 14, 17 10, in Br". Made his mark to documents.! Hans. His name appears on a deed of freeholders of Br" to Adrian Bennet of Jan. 2, 1696-7. Jorls, see Brinckerhoff. John, see Lott. William, on ass. roll of N. U. (New Utrecht) of 1693. He may be a son of Ab"' Willimse Van Westervelt. AcEDLLAN, Jan, on deed of freeholders of Br" to Adrian Bennet of Jan. 2, 1696-7. ACKE, Richard. Oct. 6, 1660. Joan, his wife, as his attorney, sold a house and one-half an acre of land in C* (Gravesend) to John Emans, as per town rec. Ackerman or Akkermann, Abraham, from Berlicum in the Majous or Hertegen-Bosch, a resident of Bedford, and on ass. roll of Br" of 1683; m. May 28, 1683, in N. Y.; Altie Van Laren, or Luren,of Bedford. Ackermans reside in Bergen and Hudson counties, N. J., and in Dutchess Co., N. Y. Issue: — David, bp. May 11, 1684; Gerret, bp. May 3, 1685; Lysbeth, bp. May 19, 1689; Johannes, bp. Sep. 15, 1790; Anneken, bp. Dec. 27, 1691; and Anna Maria, bp. July 12, 1693, all bp. in N. Y. Adams, see Brower. Adley or Audlev, Edmond, of G^ (sup. English). Sept. * The assessment rolls referred to in this work of 1675 are to be found in p. 470, and of 1683 on p. 493 of Vol. II. of the Doc. Hist, of N. Y. The census of 169S is to be found on p. 133 of Vol. III. of said Doc. Hist. f The marks made by individuals to documents are noted, and also copies of their signatures given in all cases which have come to the notice of the compiler. GENEALOGY. 7 6, 1646, he hired land of Anthony Jansen from Salee, as per His. Man. Ap' 21, 165 1, he bought the plantation of Nathan- iel Watsen in G'^, as per town rec. Had a dau. Ann. Adrianse, Andrew, see Onderdonk. Adriaansz or Adriaensen, Abraham, Benjamin, Denyse, Hendrick, Isaac, Jacobus, John, Joseph, and Peter, see Hegeman. Arie, Adzia&iiy and Abraham^ see Bennet. Elbert, m. Ap* 18, 1689, Catalina dau. of Rem Janse Vander- beek. Resided in N. L. (New Lotts), and a mem. of Fl*'. R. D. ch. in 1677, in which town he took the oath of allegiance in 1687. Jan. 9, 1692-3, he bought of Aucke Janse Van Nuyse 20 morgens of land lying on the N. side of the highway in N. U. for 6,600 gl., as per p. 329 of Lib. D. of Fl'' rec. Signed his name ''''Elbert Adriaensen^ Jacob and Jan, see Bennet. Jacob, (s. of Adriaen Pieterse Kinne) bp. Jan. 5, 1680 in Fl*" and b. in Fid' (Flatlands).* Mar. 22, 1695, he was apprenticed by his father to Jan Berdan to learn the weaver's trade. Finally settled in Franklin township, N. J. Jan, a carpenter in Bu^ in 1681, per town rec. Joost, a miller; m. Mary Hays of Bu*^ about 1688, who after his death m. Cn.pt. Pieter Praa of Newtown. On Bu'' ass. roll of 1683. Issue: — Sara. A Joost Adriensen on the Delaware in 1658, as per p. 196 of Cal. of Dutch His. Man. Martin (s. of Adn. Reyerse), b. Mar. 9, 1668; m. Sarah Remsen, dau. of Rem. Janse Vanderbeek; d. Oct. 30, 1754. Resided in Fi'', where lie took the oath of allegiance in 1687, was known as Martin the boor or farmer, and was the ancestor of the Martense family of said town. Issue: — Rem Martense of Fl^ b. Dec. 12, 1695; Gerret Martense of Fl^ b. Dec. 24, 1698; Jannetje Martense, b. Jan. 31, 1702, m. May 18, 1720, Peter Stryker, of Fl*"; Antje Martense, b. Nov. 5, 1705; and Adrian Martense of Fl"", b. Oct. 24, 1707, m. Neeltje . Signed his name " Martin Adriarns'' Willem, see Bennet, Aelbertsen, see Albertsen. * The baptisms referred to in New Amsterdam, New York, Brooklyn, Flatbush, Flatlands, New Utrecht, Gravesend, Bushwick, and the N. J. churches, were generally administered in the Reformed Dutch churches of those localities, and taken from the records of said churches. o GENEALOCiY. Aelburtus, Jan, s. of Pieter Creser, on Hegeman's books.* Made his mark in 1670 to documents. See Alburtis. Aeldrrickx, Evert, a resident of Fl^ Aug. 30, 1669, as per p. 173 of Lib. D. of Fl*" rec. Aeles, Jan, borrowed Ap'" 19, 1697, of the R. D. Ch. of N. U., 1,200 gl. as per ch. rec. Aesen, Simon, see De Hart. Aernensen, Ryn, allotted a meadow lot, Aug. 6, 1668, on the Fl*" meadows at Canarisie. as per Fl^ rec. Probably the same individual as Reinier Aertse. Aersen or Aertsen, Aert, Dirck, Gerret and Jan, (see Middagh). Aertse or Aersen, Claes, see Vechte. Corneiis, Hendrick, Jacob, Jan, Jeremias and Rem, (see Van- derbilt). Cornells, sold land (sup.) in Fl'^ in 1675 to Do. Polhemius, as per p. 30 of Vol. VJII. of Dutch Man. Huyck, see Van Rossum. Jan, see Van Pelt. Jan, immigrated in 166 1, and took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687. Jan from Utrecht. Obtained a patent for land in Br" which was forfeited, and the premises patented Mar. 15, 1647, to Cor- nelius Van 'I'ienhoven. Petrus, see Van Pelt. Reinier or Reyndert, emigrated in 1653, and took the oath of allegiance in Fl'' in 1687 ; on ass. roll of Fl*^ of 1675, and held the office of Overseer of said town in 1681 and '82, as per p. 60 of Strong's Fi*^. Signed his name " Reynlcr Aertsen^ Reyn, on ass. roll of Br° in 1675. Agasures, Hendrick, on Fl*" ass. roll of 1683. Albertse, Albertsz or Albertsen, see Terhune and Voor- hies. Nicholas, of Fl*", made his mark to documents in 1689. There was a Nicholas Albertsen, who was sentenced in 1658 for deserting his shi[) and betrothed bride after publication of bans, to have his head shaved, flogged, ears bored, and to work two years with the negroes, as per p. 195 of Cal. of Dutch His. Man. * Hegeman's books, refer to the account books of Ad" Hegeman, the emigrant, as auctioneer &c., in hands of John Lefferts of Fl''. GENEALOGY. 9 Renate, paid 2 gl. minister's salary in Fl*" in 1680, as per town rec. Rut or Rutgert, m. Josina Verhagen, and had no issue. Jan. 13, 1689-90, he and his wife executed a joint will or nuptial agreement, by which it was provided that the survivor should have the use of their joint estates during life. If after his death she again marries, then she to give 50 gl. each to the two chil- dren of whom he is godfather, to wit, Albert Janse, s. of Jan Cornelise Boomgaert of Hackensack, and Albert Gerritse, s. of Gerrit Stoffelse of Yellow Hoek, N. U. : if she d. first, then he to give to her children. Jacobus Cornelise, Elizabeth Cornelise, and Cornelia Cornelise Van Oosten, the first 210 gl., and the others 200 gl. each, as per p. 146 of Lib. A of Fl"* rec. As a carpenter with Jan Aukuse (Van Nuyse), in 1678, con- tracted to do the carpenters' work on a parsonage house for Do. Van Zuuren in Fl*" for 1000 gl. wampum value (the build- ing to be 46 ft. in length, 21 ft. in width, with 11 bents), with the constable and overseers of said town, as per p. 43 of Lib. AAof Fl^ rec. His name appears on the ass. roll of Fl*" of 1675, on list of ch. mem, of 1677, and cen. of 1698. Sold his house and lot in the village of Fl*" Aug. 22, 1679, to Catharine Cronen- borgh, as per p. 54 of Lib. AA of Fl^ rec, and his will is dated Oct. 24, 1700, and recorded on p. 247 of Lib. A of said rec. He signed his name " Rut Aelbertseny The cost of the parsonage of which Aucke Janse Van Nuyse and Jan Suebringh appear to have had charge, as per p. 67 of Lib. AA of Fl" rec. was as follows : Paid to the (saw) miller at " Sicmeecky " for boards and " schade " (damages) ^505 Nails to M'- Philips 430 Blacksmith work to Hendrick Ryke (Suydam) 34° Glazing or to the glazier 200 For 10. 000 brick of Titus (Sirachs) at flso 300 " 4,000 " by ourselves " fl25 100 " 4,000 " " A. Brouwer " fl25 100 " Masons' labor bill 4"t) " " Offerlieden" (assistance) 150 " " Kost gelt" (refreshments) 24 " the diggers 40 " frame timber and squaring the same, with 50 casks of lime and 2,000 shingles 800 " 3,000 shingles at fi6o 180 " the kitchen 200 •' Beer and wine 200 " the carpenters 1.250 " Cartage of 20 loads from " Sicmeecky" 160 " " 8 " by Adam Brouwer .. . 32 " " 12 " " De Vries 24 " " "100 " of field stone 150 Total cost f^S. 585 lO GENEALOGY. Alburtus, Pikter C/ESER,an Italian and native of Venice; m. Aug. 24, 1642, in N. A. Judith Janse Meynje, dau. of Jan Manje from Amsterdam. Resided at first in N. A. Obtained, June 17, 1643, a patent for a plantation of 24 morgens and 420 rods at the Wallabout, of which he sold in 165 i a part to Samuel Menjer; the remainder of which after his death was sold to Jan Damen. Issue: — Jan of Newtown, bp. Aug. 30, 1643, m. Elizbeth, dau. of John Scudder; Marler or Maries, bp. May 7, 1645; Aert of Newtown, bp. Ap' 14, 1647; Marie or Margretie, bp. June 27, 1649, m. John P. Bant; Francyntje, bp. Ap' 2, 165 1, m. John Allen; and Willem, bp. Mar. 31, 1652, all bp. in N. A. (New Amsterdam). In 1695 Jan and Willem Alburtus appointed Peter Cocke their attorney to sell their Wallabout farm of 100 A. (acres), as per p. 65 of Lib. 2 of con. His descendants reside prin- cipally in Queens Co., and N. J., some of whom use " Burtis" for their surname. Jan Alburtus made his mark to docu- ments. Reynier, defendant in a suit of Pieter Jansen, Jan. 13, 1662, as per Lib. B. of Fl*" court rec. Alldridg, William (sup. English), sold, Mar. 20, 165 1, to John Thomas his house and lot in G** for 380 lbs. of mer- chantable tobacco, as per town rec. Signed his name "■William Alldridg.'' Amack, Teunis Janse, emigrated in 1673, and took the oath of allegiance in FW in 1687; m. (sup.) Eyke ; on ass. rolls of Fld'^ of 1683 and '93. Removed to N. J., (sup.) to have been a mem. of the D. ch. of Marlboro in 1723, his descendants residing in that vicinity. Issue: — Jan, m. Mary, dau. of Andrew Johnson, whose will is da. Jan. 23, 1 709, pro. June 21, 1721, having children, Jonatye, Andrew, and Teunis, who m. Lena or Helena Laan. Thomas Janse., on ass. roll of and buried in Fid" in 1693, per ch. rec. Ameland, Derck Janse, a juryman in 1699, per court rec. Amerman, Albert (Dirckse), on ass. roll of Fid" of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Removed to Monmouth Co., N. J., and in 1713 was a mem. of the R. D. ch. of Freehold; m. Geertje . Issue: — Jannetje, bp. May 29, 1705, in Br"; and Paulus, bp. June 13, 17 12, at Freehold. Derick, Janse, emigrated in 1650 and settled in Fid"; m. Aeltje Paulus Vander Beeck. Mem. of R. D. ch. of Fid* and deacon in 1682, and elder in 170^; took the oath of GENEALOGY. II allegiance in said town in 1687, on ass. roll of 1693 and cen. of 169S. In 1689 was appointed ensign of militia of Fid* by Gov. Leisler, and in 1690 capt.* Will da. Sep. 20, 1709, pro. Feb. i, 1723, rec. p. 438 Lib. 9, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Catharine or Cantie Derckse, bp. Ap' 2, 1677, (sup.) m. Hendrick Gulick; Anke or Annetje t)erckse, bp. Oct. 30, 1681, in FP; Isaac Derckse of Fld^ bp. Sep. 2, 1683, in Fl\ m. Grietje Wyckoff; Gerbrecht Derckse, bp. Ap* 3, 1685, in Fid"; Paulus Derckse; Jacobus Derckse; Aeltje Derckse, m. Auke Van Nuyse of N. U.; Jan Derckse; Albert Derckse; and Marike Derckse. Signed his name '"'' Derek Jansen A7?ier7iian." Jacobus Derckse of Fid", m. Nov. i, 171 2, Magdaleentje Janse. Was a deacon in the D. ch. of Fld^ in 1720, '22, '25, '26, '27, and 29. No trace of issue. Jan Derckse of Fid*, b. 1674; m. i*' Maria Wyckoff; m. 2^ Sara ; d. May 2, 1757. Will da. Ap' i"", 1747, pro. Aug. 9, 1758, rec. p. 78, Lib. 21, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Sara, bp. May 29, 1705, in Br°, (sup.) m. Aug. 5, 1727, Peter Wyckoff of Fid**; Derick of Fid*, m. Margaret Polhemius; Jan, Jun"", of Fid*, m. Jan. 13, 1748, Lammetje Stryker; Petrus of Fid", b. May 29, 17 16, m. Nov. 3, 1753, Willemtje Schenck; and Nicholas. His descendants are scattered, and few if any are left in Fid*. The farm of Petrus Amerman is now (1879) owned by Jeremiah Ryder. Isaac Derckse of Fid", bp. Sep. 2, 1683; m. May 9, 1718, Grietje Wyckoff. Deacon in Fid* R. D. ch. in 1716 and '18. No trace of his descendants. Paulus Derckse of Fid*, m. Dec. i, 1699, Cornelia Emans of C. In 1699 a mem. of Fid* R. D. ch. Appears to have resided in C in 1700, at which date he sold land there to Cor* Van Cleef as per G** rec. Suppose he finally settled in Monmouth Co., N. J. No trace of his descendants. Signed his name ^ Pooulues Amerfwien." Anders, Jan, paid 9 gl. 8 st. minister's salary in Fl*" in 1680, per town rec. Andriesen or Andriesz, Andries. See Onderdonk. Andries, Abraham and Antkony, see Emans, and see Andries Janse. Arent, m. Magdalena Jans; also m., Nov. 8, 1695, in N. Y., Helena Adrians from Achterkol. On ass. roll of Bu'' of * For military and civil appointments or commissions from 1685 to 1700, see Calendar of English Manuscripts, edited by E. B. O'Callaghan, Albany, 1866. 12 GENEALOGY. 1693, and cen. of 1698. Paid towards the minister's salary in Fl" in 1681. Arie, on ass. roll of Fl'' of 1675. (Probably an Onder- donk.) Benjamin, see Emans. David, occupied a plantation on the East River and Nor- man's Kil (Williamsburg), patented May 15, 1647, to John Forbes, as per p. 46 and 375 of Cal. of Dutch His. Man. Derek of Bu'', m. July 11, 1695, in N. Y., Femmetje Lorek, or Leek, of said city, a resident of Bu'' at date of m. On ass. roll of Bu'' of 1693 and cen, of 1698. There was a Dirk Andriese in Albany in 1661. Jacobus and Jail, see Emmans. Jan, on ass. roll of Fl"^ of 1693, and cen. of 1698. Paid towards the clergyman's salary in 1681. Signed his name '^ Jan Anderiese" in 1701. Jiirian (s. of Andries Janse Jurianse), on ass. roll of Br" of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Land conveyed to him in Br" in 1695, by Annetje Para, wid. of Jan Evertse Bout, as per Vol. L, p. 99, of Stiles's His. of Br". Lanunert or Lambert, m. Lea . On ass. roll of Br" of 1693, and cen. of 1698. Was probably a son of Andrew Janse Jurianse of Br", and his lands were N. of the Mill creek, adjoining those of Jan Evertse Bout. Made his mark to documents. Martin, on ass. roll of Fl^ of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Anoley, Edmun, (sup.) English, agreed. Mar. 6, 165 1, with Nathaniel Watson for the purchase of his house and lot in (j^ for 100 gl., as per town rec. Probably intended for Edmond Adley. Anthonys, Christian, of N. U., b. 1622. His name ap- pears on an affidavit relating to " Capt. Schott's" (Scott's) raid in 1664 in Kings Co., as per Vol. II., p. 180, of Doc. of Col. His. There was a Christian Anthony who m. Engeltje Jacobs, and had issue: — Anthony, bp. Apl. 4, 1659, and Ytie, bp. Jan. 25, 1662, in N. A. Made his mark to documents. Anthonize, Aert. See Middagh. Antoine, Charles, of Bu'^, m. Katrina Baaly. Sick in bed, Aug. I, 1687, and made his will, as per p. 82 of Vol. I. of Con. Appleby or Appelbury, Thomas of G'' (sup.) English, made his mark to documents in 165 1. Gen' Washington \ GENEALOGY. 1 3 occupied the house of Joseph Appleby near White Plains in Westchester Co. in 1781. William of G**, m. Nov. 24, 1680, Deborah Janse Buys, of said town, as per town rec. Issue : Abagail, bp. Feb. 26, 1682 ; and Jannetje, bp. Sep. 23, 1683, at Br". Applegate, Ares, of G'', in 1679, (sup.) English. Signed his nsivnc ''A res Appellgaie." An " Arien Appell" took the oath of allegiance to the English in 1664, as per p. 74 of Vol. iii. of Doc. of Col. His. BartJwlomew of G**, m. Oct., 1650, at C^ , Hannah Pat- ricke. On list of inhabitants of said town of 1650. Aug. 10, 1667, he bought of Nathan Whitman plantation lot N'* 12, in G**, as per town rec. From an entry on the G*^ rec. of Nov. 6, 167 1, setting forth that "whereas the Governour was pleased to order W™ Wilkins to pay ten pounds to- wards the release of Hanna Apelgate and her child, this sheweth that Tho^ Whitlock received of M"" Delavall five pounds of the aforesaid somme, of the w^'* the said Thomas delivered five pounds to the constable and overseers of Gravesend in red cloth," etc., it may be inferred that she was in the hands of the Indians, and that the money and red cloth were used for her ransom, Mar. 8, 1674, as per p. 694 of Doc. of Col. His. of N. Y., the Gov. Genl, Antony Colve, and his council, on petition, granted leave to " Bar- tholomew Appelgadt, Thomas Appelgadt, and Richard Sadler" to purchase from the Indians a tract of land about two "leagues on this side of Middle Towne, near the Nev- ersings, fit for a settlement of 6 or 8 families," on condition that after the purchase a patent be taken out, and the set- tlements be made within two years on pain of forfeiture. In April John Bowne and Richard Hartshorne, and others, gave notice that the land granted was within the bounds of their patent.* See pp. 694 and 706 of Vol. II. of Doc. of Col. His. of N. Y. Signed his name "•Bartholmel Aplegate." * The patentees of the large tract including Monmouth Co., N. J., as per p. 45 of Whithead's East N. J., were " W"' Goulding, Sam' Spicer, Rich"^ Gibbins, Rich"* Stout. James Grover, John Bowne, John Tilton, Nath' Sylvester, W'" Reape, Walter Clarke, Nich» Davis, and Obediah Holmes;" and their associates, as per the Rev. G. C. Schenck, were: John Throckmorton, Peter Easson, Thomas Winterton, Richard Lippin- cott, Emmanuel Wooley, W°^ Shaddock, Ed. Wharton, Rich'' Borden, W™ James, Rob' Carr, Tho» Potten, Geo. Webb, John Coggshall, W'" Cod- ingten, Tho" Clifton. Henry Bull, Sam' Hollman, Nich* Browne, Rich'' Richardsen, Chris' Almy, Jonathan Holmes, John Cooke. Geo. Chate, Marke Lucee, Stephen Arnold, Ed. Smith, W'" Shabberly, Roger Ellis & son, Eliakim Wardell, Edward Tart, Ed. Patiison, Bar- 14 GENEALOGY. John, on lists of residents of G** of 1650, as per town rec, and in 1656, as per Thompson's L. I. In 1661 a John Applegate, was charged with smuggling in N. A., as per p. 228 of Cal. of Dutch His. Man. In 1663 there was a John Applegate among the freeholders of Oysterbay. In 1696 Avis or Aevis, his wife, of Fairfield, Conn., as his attorney, sold land in C* to Joseph Goulding, as per p. 112 of Lib. 2 of Con., and as per G"* rec. Signed his name ''''John Ap- pellate." IViomas, in N. A. as early as 164T, bought John Ruck- man's patent in G*^, Nov. 12, 1646, as per G*^ rec. Jan. i, 1651, he was sentenced to have his tongue bored through with a red-hot iron, and to publicly acknowledge his transgression in charging the Director - General with bribery. After making a public acknowledgment he was pardoned. There was a Thomas Appelgate among the patentees of Flushing of 1645. The Appelgates left G'^, and settled in Monmouth and Middlesex counties, N. J. Signed his name " Thomas Ap- pelgate.'' Arbuthnot, David, of G^ in 1656 (sup. English), as per Thompson's L. I. Arendes, Arent, paid 2 gl. 9 st. clergyman's salary in Fl*" in 1680, as per town rec. Arendsz. See Vechten. Arents or Arentsen, Klaes, bought, Jan. 5, 1665, O. S., of Hendrick Jansen Oesterstroem, a house and lot on the W. side of the road in Fi*^, lying to the S. of the other land tliolomew West, Rob' West, Tho' Whislord, John Horabin, Ja' Bowne, John Willson, John Biishmann, John Townsend, H-enry Tippitts, Tobiah Handson, John Haunce, Francis Brindley, Walter Wall, Job Almey, Joseph Coleman, W'" Bowne, John Smith, John Bowne, Ed. Thurston, Jn. Allen & Rob' Taylor, John Jenkins, Rochery Gant, Nath' Thompkins, Benjamin Speere, Jos'' Bryce, Geo. Mount, Ben. Bordin, Rich"* Sissell, Dan. Gould & Jos. Cofrshall, Gerard Bourre, Gideon Fair- borne, Rob' Hazard, Jos'' VVood, Tho* Hart, John Tomson, Ed. Cole, Rob' Storey, W'" Gifford, James Leonard, Tho" Dungon, John Homdcll, Marmaduke Ward, Rich"^ Moore, Ralph Goldsmith, and James Ashton. A majority of the above individuals, it is supposed, did not become actual settlers, but the descendants of many of them are yet to be found resid- ing within the boundary of the patent. This patent was granted by Gov. Nicolls, Apr' 8, 1665; it led to the settlement of Middletown and Shrews- bury, was disallowed by the Duke of York, but subsequently Gov. Car- teret and council compromised with the claimants, who received individual grants for their lands, as per pp. 46 and 74 of said Whithead's " E. N. J." GENEALOGY. 1 5 of said Klaes, as per p. 13 of Lib. D. of Fl*^ rec. There was a Claes Arentse Toers in Bergen, N. J., as early as 1664 (of which place in 1674 he was schout), whose descendants reside in that locality, and who may have been this Klaes; or it is possible that this Klaes may be Claes Arents Vechte. A Claes Arentse and Lammetje Hendricks had a s. Arent bp. Mar. 2, 1662, in N. A. Huyck, of Fid" in 1668, per town rec. -Kyn, owned a village plot in Fl*^ in i68i,as per p. 92 of Lib. A of Fl"^ rec. Leendert, of FW in 1688, per Col. Man. Issue: — Albert Leendertse; Arent Leendertse; Affie Leendertse; Cornelia Leendertse; and Maritie Leendertse, as per Fl** town rec. July 16, 1674, Albert Leendertse de Grau, widower, m. Marretje Hendricks. If this is the above Albert, their family name is De Grau. Eeitiier, Reyndert, or Reyn, m. i^' Annetje Hermans; m. 2^, in 1666, Jannetje Aukes (Van Nuyse). Mar. 28, 1670, he bought of Ab'" Jorise (Brinckerhoff) a farm of 25 morgens, with meadows and plain land, in Fl*^ on the W. side of the road between the farm of , Do. Megapolensus and that of Jan Snedeker. Name on ass. roll of FP' of 1683, cen. of 1698, and a deacon in Fl** ch. in 1682. Issue: — Tryntje, m. Ap' 20, 1689, Nich^ Thomasse Van Dyck; and Aerenout by ist wife; Auke Reiniesse; Barbara, bp. Dec. 26, 1679, at Fl**; Adriaentje, bp. Mar. 12, 1682, at Br"; Geertruy, bp. June 27, 1684; and Theunis, bp. Mar. 29, 1696, at Br". By his ante-nuptual agreement of Ap* 28, 1666, with Jannetje Aukes, it appears that at that date he had but one child, Aerenout, living, as per Fl** rec. Signed his name "Rcynier Arents." Ryk, allotted woodland in N. L. in 1701, as per p. 66 of Lib. B of Fl" rec. Ariaense or Ariaensen, Andries. See Onderdonk. Jan, on ass. rolls of Bu'' of 1675 and '76. A Jan Ariaen- sen and Styntje Jans had children, Magdalena and Maria, twins, bp. May 23, 1673, i^i N. Y. Aric^ Jacob, Jan, and William, see Bennet. Ashley, George, capt. (English), bought, Oct. 30, 165 1, of John Morrill his two plantations in G , as per town rec. Aske or Asque, Jan (sup. English), contracted in 1660 to build dams in G**, as per p. 217 of Cal. of Dutch His. Man. Jan. 5, 1670, he bought a house and lot in G'' of Thos. Delavall, as per G** rec. 1 6 GENEALOGY. AsuRRUS Hendrick, m. Marretjc Jans. A tavern keeper in 1661, in N. A., fined for illegally selling liquors, as per p. 226 of Cal. of Dutch Man. On ass. roll of Fid" of 1675. Issue: — Hendrick, bp. May 31, 1678; and Lysbeth, bp. May II, 1680. AsT OR AsTE, Richard, (English), b. 1604; m. Joan Transported in 1634 from London to Va., as per p. 37 of Hotten's lists of emigrants. Leased, Ap' 2, 1660, of Nich* Stillwell 12 A. of the plantation Stillwell bought of Anthony Jansen from Salee, lying on the E. end of said plantation, as per G'* rec. Oct. 6, 1660, his w. as his attorney sold half an acre of land with buildings in G'' to John Emans, as p^r G'^ rec. Made his mark to documents. Aten Adriaen, Hendrtckse, m. Elizabeth, wid. of Gysbert Lubbertse. Bought, Mar. 27, 1680, of Jan Strycker a house plot in Fl^, as per p. 39 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. Took the oath of allegiance in Fl*" in 1687. With his w. made a joint will. Mar. 20, 1696, rec. p. 224 of Lib. A of Fl*" rec. Issue: — Marritie. Signed his name ^^ Arien Hendiickson Aten." Jan or Yan, allotted woodland in N. L. in 1701, as per p. 67 of Lib. B of FP rec. Some of his and Adriaen's descend- ants reside in Somerset Co., N. J. Signed his name " Yan Aten." AucKERs, Stoffel, bought a wagon of Jan Tomasse Van Dyck, of N. U., in 1695, as per town rec. AuDLEY, see Adley. Auger, Nicholas, m. Sep. 14, 1684, at Fld^ Maria Quelek of Br°, as per ch. rec. AucKES, AuKE, or AuKERSz, see Van Nuyse. AuLDRiDGE, Will, (sup. English), owned a meadow lot in G** in 1650, as per town rec. Backer, Andries, of Bu'^ in 1662, per p. 332 of Vol. II. of Stiles's Br". Claes Janse, see Nicholas Janse. Gerret Hendrick. Mar. i, 1660, with others, made appli- cation for leave to form a village in the vicinity of the Wallabout, as per Col. Doc. Henry, of Bu'', where he owned land in 1662, as p. 332 of Vol. II. of Stiles's Br". GENEALOGY. 1/ Hendrick Willejusc, owned land in Br" in 1661, as per p. 155 of Vol. II. of Thompson's L. I. He was a baker in N. A. in 1658, in which year he made a contract to bake for the government, as per Dutch Man.; and in 1674 owned a house and land in Willemstadt, in the colony of Renselaer- wyck. Backers reside in Dutchess Co. Jacob, allotted a plantation in N. U. among the first settlers in 1657, which in 1660 was forfeited in consequence of being unoccupied, and patented to Nicasius De Sille. This plot appears to have been located adjoining the patent of Anthony Jansen from Salee. There was a Jacob Backer from Amsterdam, b. 1631, a trader in N. A., as early as 1655, supposed to have em.igrated in 1653, who m. Oct. 30, 1655, Margaret Stuyvesant, had several children bp. in N. A., and afterwards became a bankrupt, deserting his w., as per p. 265 of Lib. i of Con. Also a Jacob Backer who m. Dec. 6, 1670, per C* rec, Barbara Gysberts of N. U. A Jacob Backer took the oath of allegiance to the English in 1664. Signed his name '■''Jacob Backer y Nicholas, on ass. roll of Br° in 1675, for 18 morgens of land. " Claes Jansen" and Andries Jurianse, heirs of Jan Evertse Bout, sold in 1673 a house and lot to Capt. Nicolls for 3000 fl. wampum, as per p. 672 of Vol. II. of Doc. of Col. His. He took the oath of allegiance to the English in 1664, as a resident of N. Y.* Suppose this Nicholas to be the Nicholas Janse, baker, who m. July 23, 1670, Marretje Gerrets. Issue: — Johannes, bp. Oct. 27, 1652, in N. A. Baerdaen, Yan, supposed to have plied his trade as weaver in Fld^ in 1699, for in that year Adriaen Kenne apprenticed his son, Jacob Adriaense, to him to learn said trade. A Jan Berden, and " Eva Van Siggalen" his w., of Hackensack, N. J., in 1700. Signed his name " Yan Baer- daen." Baes, Claes Melles, see Claes Melles Van Baes. fF««, or Ariaen, paid 5 gl. 12 st. clergyman's salary in Fl*' in 1680, as per town rec. Baewntsse, Cornelis, sold a horse in 1695 to Symon Hansen (Van Noortstrand) of Fl'', as per town rec, Bailey, Thomas, see Bayles. * For list of oaths of allegiance to the English by residents of the city of N. Y., see p. 24 of Vol. II. of Doc. of Col. His. of N. Y. 2 18 GENEALOGY. Baker, John, (sup. English,) owned land in G" in 1644, as per Stoothoff papers.* His wid. in 1700 had lot N° 22 as- signed to her in the meadow penny lots. The penny lots of salt meadows in G*" in the " Long Fly and the Cedar Neck, Hugh Gerretsen's and Hog Point," were laid out by Peter Cortelyou May 25, 1700, into 30 lots. The following is a list of the persons to whom were assigned the " Long Fly and Cedar Neck" lots: Stoffel Rogiey n No. 18 Cor' Van Cleef 19 Jochem Gulick 20 Reinier Van Sicklen. . ., 21 Wid. Baker 22 Symon Romeyn 23 Wyntje Stryker 24 James Hubbard 25 Reinier Van Sicklen 26 Symon Romeyn 27 Samuel Hubbard 28 W'" Williamson 29 John Griggs 30 Capt. N. Stillwell. . .Nos. i, 2, 3, 4 Elyas Hubbard 5 Steven Coerte 6 Joseph Golder 7 Barent Juriansen 8 Capt. Stillwell 9 Barent Juriansen 10 J. Griggs II Sam' Gerretsen 12 John Simonsen... 13 J. Poling, for Emans 14 J. Griggs 15 J. Poling 16 Steven Coerte 17 He also owned salt meadows in Fid* in 1697, as per deed of Alex"" Sympson to Albert Coerten (Voorhies) on p. 137 of Lib. 2 of Con. Henrich Welmsen, bought land in Bu*' of Joost Casperse Feb. 28, 1667, per Bu'' rec. (See Hendrick Willemse.) Bal, Barent Janse, m. Nov. 22, 1652, in N. A., Anneken Pieters Soogetnackelyck; d. prior to 1660. He and Hendrick Dircksen leased Rem Jansen Vanderbeek's patent at the Wallabout Aug. 31, 165 1, for 4 years, as per p. 55 of Cal. of Dutch Man. In 1657 he was assessed in Gowanus for Do. Polhemius's salary, as per Vol. I. p. 134 of Stiles's Br°. Made his mark to documents. 77iomas, on an account of expenses incurred for repairs of Fl*^ ch. in 1665 he was paid 12 gl., as per FP town rec. Balden, George, (sup. English,) bought Aug. 25, 1655, of Mary Whitlock, attorney of John Whitlock, a parcel of land with buildings in C, as per town rec. Made his mark to documents. Bale, Vincent, emigrated in 1683, and took the oath of allegiance in Bu'^ in 1687. *The Stoothoff papers referred to are the account-books of Elbert Elbertse and Gerret Stoothoff of Flatlands, who at an early date appear to have kept a country store, which books and papers are in the posses- sion of the compiler. GENEALOGY. I 9 Baltes, Jan Claesen, defendant in a suit by Jacob Huyges Aug. 27, 1659, as per Lib. B of Fl^ court rec. Baltus, Barent, m. Eeggeyn Foulus. Apl. 7, 1660, Tymen Van Vleck, as attorney for his children (he being dec), was plaintiff in a suit against his wid., who m. Isaac Classen, as per p. 21 of Lib. B of Fl** court rec. Balyon or Baljon, Pieter, see Billou and Bellew. Barbier, Claude, and Anthony Jeroe sold Jan. 7, 1653, to Jacob Steendam land on the W. side of Mespat Kils in Bu'', as per p. 376 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Jacob France and Pieter Lamothe cultivated land to- gether in Bu'' in 1662, per town rec. Barchstoel, Philip, and others petitioned Mar. i, 1660, for liberty to form a village in the vicinity of the Walla- bout. Bardulph, Cornelis, a commissioner of Fl^ in 1680, as per p. 60 of Strong's Fl^. Referred to on p. 48 of Fur- man's Br". Barends, Barents, Barentse, or Barendsz, Anbries, m. Jan. 24, 1666, Grietje Cregiers. On muster-roll of Bu^ militia of 1663. An Andries Barentsen, a soldier in N. A., had a wife, Macheltje Martens, who was assisted in 1651 to join her husband, as per p. 76 of Cal. of Dutch Man. \^Baltus, of Fl^ in 1663, as per p. 256 of Cal of Dutch Man.; on ass. roll of FP' of 1675. Barent or Bar end, m. May 16, 1684, Catharine, dau. of Jan Gerretse Van Markken of Fl^ On ass. roll of Fl*" of 1675. Cornelis and Kornelia Hendriks had a s. Hendrick bp. Nov. 2, 1680, and a s. Jontse bp. the same day in Br". (See Barent Johnson, and Van Wyck.) Beg, of Br" ferry July 27, 1647, per His. Man. Bruyn, wounded in 1656, as per p. 191 of Cal. of Dutch Man. His heirs obtained Oct. 4, 1658, a patent for a house and garden-plot near the burying-ground of the R. D. ch. in Br", as per p. 385 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Ceaser, on muster-roll of Bu"^ militia in 1663, per town rec. Claes and /an, see Bloom. Claes, on ass. roll of Fl** of 1663. Bought wood lot No. 37 in New Lotts, Dec. 27, 1677. of Minnie Johannis, as per p. 17 of Lib. AA of Fl** rec. 20 GENEALOGY. Claes^ took the oath of allegiance in Br° in 1687 as a native, of which place he was a mag. in 1688, as per Fur- man's notes of Br". Cornell's, see Van Wyck and Van der Wyck. Cornells, m. Kornelia Hendricks. On ass. roll of FP' of 1683. Issue: — Hendrick and Jontse, bp. Nov. 2, 1680, in Kings Co. Signed his name " Cornells Barens" in Fl'' in 1663. Frans Fastoor. A Frans Barentsen was in Albany as early as 165 1, as per p. 55 of Cal. of Dutcli, Man., who in Aug. 1654 was a commissary, and for several years a magistrate of the place. Aug. 6, 1663, he bought of '' Aelbert Kuy- nen" a farm with plain and meadow land in Fl'' on the W. side of the highway, as per p. 141 of Lib. D of Fl'' rec. His name appears on the patent of said town of 1667, as per p. 23 of Strong's Fl''. There was a Frans Barentsen and Delia Bringman his w. who had a s. Benjamin bp. Jan. 7, 1663, in N. A. ; and a Frans Barentsen who owned property on the Delaware and was dead in 1678, as per p. 354 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Signed his name " Frans Barents Fastoor." Hendrick (Smit), a mag. of Bu*^ in 1673; on ass. roll of said town of 1673, and on ass. roll of G'' of 1676. Chosen constable of Bu"" in 1666. Jan, see Van Driest, Bloom, and Johnson. Jan, on ass. roll of FW of 1675; m. Marretje Symonse (sup.) Van Aersdalen prior to 1684. Issue: — Rachel, bp. Sept. 18, 1 68 1. Joost and Joostje, see Barent Jansen. Johannes, on ass. roll of FP of 1675, and mem. of Fl** R. D. Ch. in 1677. Made his mark to documents in 1700. Lambert, m. Sept. 26, 1660, Lena Dirks of Br". Fastoor Frans, see Frans Barents. Smit Hendrickse, on ass. roll of Bu*^ of 1683. William. June 23, 1642, Burger Joris leased to William Barentsen and Robert Edens his land and stock on L. I., as per p. 19 of Cal. of Dutch Man. In 1680 his name appears on the account-books of Elbert Elbertse Stoothoff. Barens or Barnsz, Jan, on ass. roll of Fl'' of 1675. Cornells, see Cornells Barends. Barkelo, Barkaloo, Barkulo, Borckelloo or Van Barkeloo. Coenrad Willemse, bp. Dec. 5, 1680; d. 1754; (sup.) m. a da. of Jacob Laen of Monmouth Co., N. J. Settled on the GENEALOGY. 21 Raritan near Six Mile Run. Issue: — Mary, bp. Apl. 25, 171 1 ; (sup.) Coenrad, m. Sara ; and Daniel. Dafiiel IViHemse of Fld^, m. May 4, 1700, Lysbeth Ger- retse. Probably removed to N. Y. Issue: — Jacomyntie, bp. Mar. 25, 1701, m. Ab"' Ten Eyck; Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 17, 1702; and Marretje, bp. Mar. i, 1705 — all bp. in N. Y. Dirk Willemse, b. in Fld^; on ass. roll of Fld^ of 1676; m, Sept. 17, 1709, Jannetje Van Aersdalen of Fld^; d. in 1744. Settled near Freehold, N. J., and mem. of Freehold R. D. ch. in 1711. Issue: — Aelke or Aeltie, bp. Oct. 30, 1710, m. Jan Wyckoff of N. J.; Elisabet, bp. May 11, 17 12, m. Ryck Suydam; William of upper Freehold, bp. Jan. 16, 1715, m. Nov. 24, 1736, Anitie or Aeltie Willemse; Cornelius, bp. Nov. 17, 1717, m. Nov. 10, 1743, Jannetje Amack; Daniel of Freehold, bp. Jan. i, 1721, m. Oct. 17, 1744, Antje Luyster; Helena, bp. Dec. 22, 1723, m. Isaac Voorhies; Jannetie, bp. Jan. I, 1727, m. Isaac Sutphen; Maria or Mary, bp. Oct. 5, 1732, m. i^^ Ab'" Sutphen, m. 2^ Anthony Hulsart — all bp. in N. J. Harman Janse (Van Barkalo), m. Willemtje Eldringh, and d. prior to 1672. Emigrated with his brother Willem Janse in 1662. He bought a house and lot in N. U. Feb. 17, 1667, of Johannes Govvenburgh, as per p. 233 of Vol. 3 of deeds in office of Sec>' of State in Albany. Issue: — Hans Harmanse; and Jannetje Harmanse, who m. Hendrick Janse Van Dyck. Made his mark to documents. Hans Harmanse, (sup.) emigrated in 1662 in the ship Trouw with w. and 2 children; m. 2*^, May 1-2, 1672, Wil- lemtje Wanderse or Waermerse; d. Oct. 26, 1700, in N. J. Bought a farm in N. U. Oct. 30, 1677, of Hendrick Mat- thyse Smack, to which he probably removed; also bought Apl. 6, 1669, of Balthazer de Vos the patent of Albert Al- bertse (Terhune) of 24 morgens in N. U., as per town rec. In 1690 he bought the plantation of Adriaen Willemse Bennet in said town. His name appears on the ass. roll of N. U. of 1675, and he held the office of overseer of said town in 1677, '80, and '81. In 1681 he appears to have re- moved to Constables Hoek on the Kils in N. J., where he d. See p. 75 of Wintield's Hudson Co. Land Titles. Issue: — Antje or Annetje, m. Claes Vreeland of N. J.; Tryntje, m. Peter Van Buskerk of N. J.; and Hartman, m. Apl. i, 1697, Maria Cortelyou — all of N. J. Signed his name " Hans Har- menseny Jan (Willemse), took the oath of allegiance in G^ in 1687 as a native. No further trace. Willem Janse, emigrated from Borculo in the earldom of Zutphen and province of Gelderland as early as 1657, 22 GENEALOGY. residing first in N. A., afterwards in Fid", on the ass. rolls of which town his name appears in 1676 and '83, and prob- ably finally removed to C. He m. (probably a 2"^ w.) about 1666 Lysbet or Elizabeth Jans wid. of Christoffel Jans, and was by occupation a butcher. Jan. 5, 1664, he bought of the heirs of Loras Pieterse for 640 gl. a parcel of land and buildings in G'', as per town rec. After residing in this country some years, he appears to have visited his father- land, and in 1662 returned accompanied by Harmen Jansen van Barckelo and family, and Adriana Hendricks van Barc- kelo, as per p. 298 of Cal. of N. Y. His. Dutch Man. Issue: — Jannetje Willemse, b. in N, A., m. May 18, 1679, Jan Bar- entse Van Driest; Cornelia Willemse; Jan Willemse; Wil- lem Willemse; Dirk Willemse of Freehold, N. J., m. Sept. 17, 1709, Jannetje Van Aersdalen; Daniel Willemse, m. May 4, 1700, Lysbeth Gerrets; Coenrad Willemse, bp. Dec. 5, 1680, at Fld^, and settled on the Raritan; and Elizabeth Willemse, m. Jacob Lane of Monmouth Co., N. J. He signed his name " Wyl/em Jansen Van Borckel/oo." Willem Willemse of N. U., the ancestor of the Kings Co. branch of the family, m. Maria da. of Jaques Cortelyou the surveyor, took the oath of allegiance in Fid* in 1687, ap- pears to have resided in G*^ about 1696 and '98, and after- wards removed to N. U. on the property his wife inherited from her father, on the cen. of which town he appears in 1698, and where he was assessed in 1706 for 90 A, Issue: — Jaques of N. J.; Wilmitien, (sup.) m. Jan Nevius; Har- manus, m, about 1730 Sarah Terhune; Helen, m. Michael Blouw of N. J.; and (sup.) Anna, m. May 27, 17 19, Pieter Luyster of Fl''. Made his mark " W B " to documents. Barker, Thomas, of N. L., on ass. roll of FP' of 1683, In 1686 a suit was brought against him by the Consistory of the R. D. ch, of Fl"^ for 17 gl, 10 st. due for salary of Do. Van Zuuren, as per p. 252 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. Barkes, , bought Mar. 15, 1683-4, of Floris Willemse, 60 A. of land on the end of the New Lotts of Fl"" adjoining J^ (Jamaica), as per p. 160 of Lib. C of Fl"" rec. Barnes, Cornelius, owned land in Fl'' in 1696, as per p. 94 of Lib. 2 of Con. He and John Okie had a caveat issued Nov. 20, 1684, in behalf of Fl'' against any patent being granted to Br" unless an agreement was produced between the towns, as per p. 132 of Cal. of English Man. This Cor* Barnes may be Cor* Barentse Van der Wyck, GENEALOGY. 23 John, on ass. roll of G'^ of 16S3; probably intended for John Barentse Van Driest. William, of G** in 1656, per Thompson's L. I. Barre or Barry, see Berry. Bartelt, Bartelsz, or Bertei.fs, Hermen, a tavern-keep- er m Fl" July 19, 1655, as per p. 231 of Cal. of Dutch Man., in which place he owned a lot. Oct. 3, 1661, he bought of Jan Cornelise Klyn, 20 morgens in FP' on the E. side of the road and abutting on Corlaers flats, with plain land and salt meadows, as per p. Z^ of Lib. B of Fl" rec. Apl. 16, 1665, he was appointed a fence-viewer of said town, and Apl. 21, 1667, on the division of the meadows at Canarisie, obtained a lot. Signed his name '' Hennen Bartelt." Bas, Herman Hendrickszen, of Br", m. Jan. 10. 16S2, in N. Y., Anna Wynhert of Amsterdam, both residents' of N. Y. at date of m. Basher, Jacob, m. June 6, 1670, BerberGisbert, both of N. U. (by Justice Ja« Hubbard of G^^). Oueere: Is not this Jacob Bastiaense? *" Bastiaense, Jacob, emigrated from Heicop in South Holland May 19, 1661. On ass. rolls of N. U. of 1675 and '76, and on an agreement relating to the division of the common lands of Jan. 31, 1671-2. Made his mark "I B"to documents. Reynier, see Van Giesen. Baude, Thomas, a Frenchman, on ass. roll of Bu'^ of i6gj and cen. of 1698. Baxter, George, m. Alice . Was English Secretary of N. N. in 1642 and '47, in which latter year he was appomted ensign, as per p. 11 1 of Cal. of Dutch Man. July 6, 1643, he obtained a patent for 25 morgens "in the rear of Dirck the Norman (Williamsburgh, L. I.)," as per p. 367 of said Cal. Was among the early settlers of G*^ and allotted a plantation-lot there in 1646, of which place he was a mag. in 1650, '51, and '53. Jan. 21, 1647, he and his associates obtained a patent for Canarisie, L. I., on condi- tion of settling 20 families there within 3 years, as per p 372 of Cal. of Dutch Man., which failed. Styled Lieut on Gov. Kieft's patent of G^ of 1647. ' His East River planta- tion he probably sold; for May 15, 1647, it was patented to 24 GENEALOGY. John Forbus with other lands, as per p. 375 of said Cal From the following entry on the G'^ rec. he appears at one period to have owned what is known as Pennoyer's patent — Nov. I, 1665, George Baxter sold to John Tilton of G'' " a piece of land purchased of Robert Penyer, as also further confirmed unto me by Mon"" Pieter Stuyvesant, late Governour," etc. In 1655 he raised the standard of rebel- lion in G*^ against the government, which failed, was imprisoned, absconded, and finally removed to Nevis in the West Indies. Signed his name " Geo. Baxter." Thomas oiG'^ (probably a s. of George), m. July 1678 Ann or Annatie Stillv/ell. A Thomas Baxter was accused of piracy Nov. 24, 1653, as per p. 142 of Vol. V. of Dutch Man. But this was probably another person. Bought Jan. 14, 1652, of his father a house and plantation in G'', which he sold May 14, 1652, to W'" Halliott or Hallet. Signed his name " Thomas Backsier." Bayard, Catharine, bought May i, 1688, of Jan Spiege- laer a house-lot in the village of Fl'' between the lot belong- ing to the church and that of John Pietersen, as per Fl'' rec. Balthazar, of the city of N. Y., with others, as guardians of Jacob Loockerman, conveyed Mar. 19, 1674, to Roelof Martense Schenck a bouwery of 200 A. in Fid**, as per p. 28 of Cal. of Eng. Man. Bayles or Baylis, Thomas, of G*^, (sup.) English, m. Elizabeth ; owned lots Nos. 16 and 17 in the N. woods of G** in 1684, and lots Nos. 8 and 15 in G"^ Neck in 1688, as per G'' rec. Feb. 11, 1688-9, he sold his house and garden- plot in the village of G'' to Isaac Haselbury and Richard Gregory of G'', as per p. 87 of Lib. 2 of Con. Jan. 21, 1690, a suit was brought against his wid. by Jan Hansen (Van Noostrand). She m. Mar. 17, 1689-90, Isaac Haselbury, a third husband, as per G*^ rec, having previous to her mar- riage with Bayles m. Ralph Cardell, who by a deed of gift gave her his whole estate. There was a John Ba3dis at J* as early as 1660, at which locality and its vicinity numerous persons of that name reside. Signed his name " Thomas Bayles." Bayley, Jonathan, (sup.) English, on ass. roll of G'^ of 1683. Beach, Richard, was sued for debt May 4, 1669, in the court of sessions by John Rateo, as per G*^ rec. GENEALOGY. 2$ Bebou, Jan, and Metje Beekman had a da. Marytje bp. Aug. 21, 1691, at Br". Beekman, Abraham (s. of Gerardus), b. in Fl''; m. Sept. II, 1708, Lucretia De Kay. Settled in N. J. Adrian (s. of Gerardus), bp. Aug. 23, 1682, in Fl''; m. Aba- gail Lispenard about 1705. Christopher (s. of Gerardus), bp. Jan. 16, 1681; m. Jan. 28, 1704, Maria de La Noy; d. May 1724. Left Fl'' and settled at Six Mile Run in Somerset Co., N. J. Issue: — Cornelia, bp. May i, 1704; Gerardus, bp. Aug. 6, 1707. Cornelia, bp. May 6, 1709; Magdalena, bp. Nov. 14, 17 11; Adrian, bp. Nov. 22, 1713; Magdalena, bp. May 2, 1716 (most of the above bp. in N. Y.); Abraham; Christopher; Maria or Mary; Catharine, m. Ab"^^ Lott Suydam; and Emeline, also m. Ab"" Lott Suydam. Cornelius^ emigrated from Bremen; settled in N. U. in 1657; m. May 31, 1665, in N. A., Mariken Cornelise wid. of Hans Christiaensen. Will da. Feb. 22, pro. Mar. 9, 1668-9, rec. p. 75, Lib. i, N. Y. sum off. Issue: — a da. Mattie, a minor in 1669, who m. i^^ Cornells Van Deseree; m. 2'^, Nov. 5, 1690, Michael Henninck; and m. 3'', Aug. 9, 1691, John Bibut, Babon, or Bebou. Gerardus Willemse (s. of Wilhelmus of N. Y., who emi- grated from Hesselt in Overyssel in 1647), bp. Aug. 17, 1653, in N. A.; m. Aug. 29, 1677, Magdalena Abeel of Albany, b. 1662; d. 1723. He and his w. made a joint will probably at date of marriage, which was often done, as per p. 166 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. Settled in Fl'', and was col. of militia and justice of the peace in 1685; took the oath of allegiance there in 1687 as a native; was a mem. of the Colonial Assembly from Kings Co. in 1698 and '99; mem. of the Colonial Council and its president, and acting Gov- ernor in 1709 and '10. Issue: — Christopher of N. J., bp. Jan. 16, 1681, in Fld^, m. Jan. 28, 1704, Marie De Lanoy; Adrian, bp. Aug. 27, 1682, in FW, m. Sept. 11, 1708, Lu- cretia De Kay; Willem or Wilhelmus, bp. Aug. 10, 1684, in Br"; John; Catharine, bp. June 2, 1689, in Fl'', m. Charles La Raux; Gerardus of N. J.; Abraham of N. J.; Henry of N. J.; Cornelia, m. Mar. i, 1724, Rich'' Van Dam; Marytie, m. Aug. 26, 1726, Jacob Walton; and Martin. Signed his name ^^ Gerardus Beakvian" in 1684. Gerardus (s. of Gerardus), b. in Fl''; m. Oct. 12, 17 18, in N. Y., Anna Mary Van Horn, and joined the R. D. ch. of that city Aug. 19, 17 18; finally settled on the Raritan, N. J. Issue: — Gerardus, bp. July 29, 17 19; Elizabeth, bp. Dec. 10, 1720; John; Christopher of Ilarlington, b. 1724; 26 GENEALOGY. Gerardus of Six Mile Run, b. 1725; Abraham of Griggs- town, bp. July 20, 1729, m. May 3, 1776, Ann Voorhies; Mary, m. Thomas Skillman; Ann, m. Jacob Voorhies; Catharine, m. I** Vanderbilt, m. 2'' Johnson; Magdalena, m. John Van Dyck; and Cornelia, m. Ab"' Stryker. Signed his name 'Gerard: Bcekman'' in 1720. Henry (s. of Gerardus), settled in N. J. as early as 1715. Died single, and will pro. Jan. 15, 1770. A Henry Beek- man, s. of William the emigrant, obtained of Queen Anne a patent for a large tract of land on the Hudson River in Dutchess Co. Signed his name '''' Henry Bcekman." Jacobus (Willemse), bp. Aug. 21, 1658, in N. A.; m. Eliza- beth De Peyster; d. 1727. Settled in Fl'', and will da. Dec. 21, 1722, pro. Nov. 30, 1727, rec. p. 102, Lib. 10, N. Y. sum off. Issue: — Anetie; Gerardus, (sup.) m. Oct. 28, 1745, Ann Van Home; Johannes, bp. Nov. 13, 1720, in N. U.; and Jacobus. Signed his name '''' Jacobus Beeknian" in 1720. Jo/m (s. of Gerardus) of Fl*", He finally settled in the city of N. Y., where his chil. were bp. Issue: — Catharine, bp. July 17, 1698; Rachel, bp. July 18, 1708; Catharine, bp. Oct. 18, 1719; and Johannis, bp. Nov. 16, 1720. Martin (s. of Gerardus) of Fl^, m. June 21, 1724, Eliza- beth a granddau. of Resolvert Waldron. Settled in N. J. Issue: — Henry, b. Mar. 24, 1729, m. Phebe Bloomfield; Samuel, b. 1729, m. Dec. 5, 1765, Elizabeth Waldren; Anna, b. June 28, 1734, m. Nov. 12, 1766, John Walthon; Elizabeth, b. Aug. 30, 1735, m. Francis Brazier; John, b. Nov. 5, 1741; and (sup.) Areaentje. Willem or' Wilhelmus (s. of Gerardus), bp. Aug. 10, 1684, in Br"; (sup.) m. Dec. 8, 1715, Elizabeth De Peyster. Joined the R. D. ch. of N. Y. Apl. 21, 1720, to which place he probably removed from Fl^. Was one of the pur- chasers of the Harlington tract in N. J. Issue: — Johannis, bp. Nov. 20, 1720; Jacobus, bp. Dec. 30, 1722, in N. U. Signed his name " ^F"* Beeknian" in 1720. Beet, William, sold Aug. 6, 1654, to Tho* Spicer plan- tation-lot No. 20 in C, as per town rec. Beets, see Bescher. Bel, William, (sup.) English, bought Feb. 3, 1654, of Rob* Stoll of Boston in New England, plantation-lot No. 21 in G*^, through John Tilton as his agent. Signed his name '''' Willyeam Bel" in 1650. Bellew or Belou, Peter, of G^, charged at the court of sessions, June 15, 1670, with assault by Ann Stillwill. GENEALOGY. 2f He m. Francyn de Bon. Issue: — Pieter, bp. June 6, 1668, in N. Y. (Probably same as Pieter Billiou.) Bennem, Bennum, Benham, or Benum, Jan or John, (an Englishman,) m. Neltye ; on ass. roll of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Issue: — Antie, bp. Oct. 23, 1698; Joosje, bp. Sept. 8, 1700, in Br", and probably other children. Made his mark to documents. Eniim or Evert, among the early settlers of G'^, where he obtained Dec. 20, 1648, a plantation-lot, as per town rec. Also obtained Aug. 30, 1660, a patent for 28 morgens in Fld^ now owned by the heirs of George Van Nuyse. Made his mark to documents. Joris (English), on ass. roll of N. U. of 1693. Bennet, Arie or Adriaen Willemse (s. of Willem Adriaensz), English, b. 1637 ; m. Dec. 3, 1662, Annanietje or Angenietje fans, da. of Jan Tomasse Van Dyck of N. \]. Settled at first in N. U., of the R. D. ch. of which place he was a member and deacon in 1677, and constable of said town in 1676. In addition to a farm in the village, he owned in 1677 lots Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, fronting on the Bay and extending back to the present Third Ave., at Yellow Hoek, now Bay Ridge, cong. about 150 A., and covering the whole block between Bay Ridge Ave. and Van Brunt's Lane, with the exception of lot No. 5 of 30 A. In 1675 he and his associates of N. U. petitioned Gov. Colve for a grant of land on S. I., as per p. 643 of Vol. II. of Doc. of Col. His. of N. Y. Jan. 26, 1681-2, he sold his Bay Ridge premises to Denyse Theunise, the ancestor of the Denyse family. He sold his N. U. house and lot on the same date to Hans Harmense (Van Barkeloo), and his farm in 1681 to Carl Janse Van Dyck, and removed back to Gowanus, buying Jan. 14, 1681, of his mother, for 12,000 gl. in good merchantable wheat, what was lately known as the Schemerhorn farm at Gowanus. Took the oath of allegiance in 1687 at Gowanus as a native. On ass. roll of Br" of 1683, Dongan's patent of 1686, a commissioner in 1687, and on cen. of 1698. Issue : — Jan Adriaense; Tryntje Adriaense, b. 1664, m. Nov. 12, 1685, Cornells Rutgersz Van Brunt; Arie Adriaense; Jacob Adri- aense; Cornells Adriaense; Is^a£ Adriaense; Abraham Adri- aense; Antje Adriaense, m. Jacob Sutphen of P'reehold, N. J.; Marike or Maria Adriaense, m. Jacob Van Dorn of Free- hold; Agnietje or Aneinetje Adriaense, bp. Sept. 3, 1682, in Br"; and Engel Adriaense, bp. July 26, 1685, in N. Y. Made his mark to documents. Arte or Adriaen Adriaense of Gowanus (s. of Adriaen 28 GENEALOGY. Willemse and Ananietje or Agnietje Bennet), m. Barbara or Barbetje , and settled in Somerset Co., N.J. In 1711 he was an elder in Six Mile Run R. D. ch. Issue : — (sup.) William; (sup.) Geertruy, m. Apl. 6, [718, Teunis Van Pelt of N. J.; (sup.) John, m. Eyke Van Mater; Cornells, bp. May 19, 1700, in Br"; Metalynke, bp. June 7, 1711; Metaanke, bp. Feb. 10, 1712 ; Katrinke, bp. May 9, 1714; and Isaac, bp. Apl. 14, 1717 — the 5 last named bp. at Freehold, N. J. Made his mark to documents. Adriaen or Ariacn (s. of Jan Ariaense and Femmetje), bp. June 7, 1697 ; (sup.) m. Maria da. of Tunis Lanen Van Pelt; m. 2'' Grietje . Resided at Gowanus. Issue : — Grietje, bp. Apl. 21, 1723, in N. U., (sup.) m. Jacob Barger or Bergen of S. I. Abram Adriaense (s. of Adriaen Willemse), bp. Mar. 20, 1680 ; m. Dec. 25, 1702, Jannetje Folckers. Conveyed Jan. 2, T708, to Jacob Bennett of N. U. the Schemerhorn farm at Gowanus, and removed to New Brunswick, N. J. Was an elder in the Six Mile Run R. D. ch. in 17 11. Issue : — Adriaen, bp. Oct. 7, 1703, (sup.) m. Sofia Brownswell ; Folkert, bp. Aug. 7, 1705; Abram, bp. Aug. 17, 1707, (sup.) m. Jannetje Suydam ; Sara, bp. Oct. 23, 1711, m. John Wagenaar — all bp. at Br" ; and (sup.) Jacob and William. Made his mark " A B " to documents. Christian Willemse [s. of Willem Adriaense the emigrant), bp. Jan. 6, 1641, in N. A.; d. young. Christian Willemse (s. of Willem Adriaense the emigrant), bp. Mar. 30, 1642, in N. A. No further trace. Ilendrick (s. of W"' Willemse'^), of Gowanus in 1726. Suppose he m. Jannetje Kouwenhoven and settled in Mon- mouth Co., N. J. Isaac Ariaense (s. of Adriaen Willemse), of Gowanus in 1698 and 1700; m. Lena, Helena, or Magdalena . Issue : — Arie, bp. Aug. 7, 1698; Isaac, bp. June 9, 1700, (sup.) m. Elizabeth Corson; William, bp. Apl. 18, 1704, (sup.) m. Lena Pietersen; and Jacob, bp. Nov. 17, 1706, (sup.) m. Dorcas Haugewout — all bp. in Br". He and his chil. settled in Bucks Co., Penn. Jacob Ariaense (s. of Adriaen Willemse), m. Barbara da. of Jacob Ferdon of N. U. Suppose bought of his brother Abram the Schemerhorn farm. Issue : — Angenietje, bp. Sept. 8, 1700, in Br", m. Jan Scouten; Femmetje, bp. Sept. 18, 1709; (sup.) Jacob, m. Annatie ; (sup.) Grietje or Margaret, m. Jacob Bergen of S. I. ; and William or Wil- helmus of Gowanus, m. Anatie . Jacob Willemse (s. of Willem Willemse and Geertruy), m. May 4, 1692, in N. Y., Neeltje Beekrnan of Albany. Took the \ GENEALOGY. 29 oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687 as a native. Issue : — William, bp. Apl. 16, 1693; and Martin, bp. Nov. 10, 1695. Jan Ariaense (s. of Adriaen Willemse), b. in N. U. ; m. Jan. 6, 1696, Femmetje da. of Jeronemus Rapalie. On ass. roll of Br" of 1693. Will da. Mar. 30, 1722, rec. p. 30, Lib. 14, N. Y. sum off. Issue: — Ariaen or Adriaen, bp. June 7, 1697, in Br"; Joris, bp. Aug. 28, 1698; Jeromus or Hierone- mus, bp. Apl. I, 1700, in Br", m. Neeltje ; Annetje; Phebe; Johannes, m. Sarah da. of Peter Luyster; Cath- arine; and Angenietje, m. Apl. 22, 1737, (sup.) Rem Vander- beek. Jan Willemse (s. of Willem Willemse and Geertruy), bp. Jan. 3, 1663; m. i**' Aeltje or Aefie Hendrickse; m. 2*^, July 2, 1690, in N. Y., Altje Wynants of the Wallabout, (sup.) da. of Wynant Pieterse Van Eck; d. after 1739. Took the oath of allegiance in 1687 in Br" as a native, and a mem. of the R. D. ch. of Br" in 1677, residing at the time at Gowanus. A Jan Bennet, who may have been this Jan, bought land in 1683 on the Raritan in N. J. From the Fl'' town rec. he appears to have resided at New Lotts in said town from about 1707 to 1723. Issue: — Jan (Janse), bp. Mar. 29, 1696, in Br", m. Anna ; Geertruy, bp. Jan 9, 1697; and (sup.) Aeltye, m. Peter Haughewout of S. I. Made his mark "IB" to documents. Jan Janse (s. of Jan Willemse and Altie Wynants), "bp. Mar. 29, 1696; m. Anna . Resided on a farm at Gowa- nus, and is the ancestor of the N. U. Bennets. Will da. Mar. 8, 1743, pro. Mar. 8, 1744, rec. p. 183 of Lib. 15, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — William, (sup.) m. Sarah Sherman; Jacob, (sup.) m. June 28, 1747, Elizabeth Conselyea; John, (3up.) m. Aug. 19, 1746, Anne R_emsen; Wynant of Gowanus, m. Geertje da. of Jacobus Emans; Gertrude, (sup.) m. May 26, 1743, Jacob Boerum; Afina; Mary, (sup.) m. Dec. 9, 1752, Cor'* Vandervoort; Eve; and Aeltje, (sup.) m. May 19, 1746, Cor** Schwout. Johannes (s. of W" Willemse"), of Gowanus in 1726. No further trace. William Adriaense, an Englishman, and cooper by trade, and the ancestor of the early Bennet family of Kings Co., was in this country prior to 1636, for in that year he and Jaques Bentyn purchased of the Indians 930 A. at Gowanus, of which, Dec. 26, 1639, he appears to have bought Ben- tyn's interest. He m. Mary Badye (sometimes written Mary Thomas) da. of Aeltien Breckanue (w. of Willem Bredenbent) by a former husband, and wid. of Jacob Ver- don or Ferdon. After Bennet's death Mary m. 3'* Paulus Vanderbeek. Willem Adriaense d. prior to 1644, and Mary 30 GENEALOGY. his wid. was living as late as Jan. 1697; and Sept. 9, 1644, as wid. of W" Adriaense Bennet, obtained a patent from Gov. Kieft covering at least the farms late of Ab'" Schemer- horn and Garret Bergen at Gowanus. Issue: — Arie or Adriaen Willemse, b. 1639; Willem Willemse'; Christian Willcmse, bp. Jan. 6, 1641, in N. A., and d. an infant; Sara, bp. Nov. 10, 1641, in N. A.; Christian Willemse, bp. Mar. 30, 1642, in N. A.; and Marretje, Maria, or Mary Willemse, bp. May 9, 1644, in N. A. Made his mark *' W" to docu- ments. ]ViUem Willemse i**^ (s. of Willem Ariaense the emigrant), m. Apl. 9, 1660, Geertruyt Van Mullen, Mulhem, or Mul- heym of Meurs, who was a mem. of the D. ch. of N. A. prior to 1660 (she may have been a da. of Jacob Verdon, of which there is some evidence); d. prior to 1686. Resided at Gowanus and owned the late Cor* W. Bennet and Geo. Bennet or Joseph Dean farms, and is the ancestor of the N. U. Bennets. In 1661 he joined the R. D. ch. in Br", and on the ass. rolls of said town of 1675, '76, and '83. Issue: — Maria Willems, bp. Nov. 10, 1661, in N. A., m. Jacobus Ver- hulst; Jan Willems, bp. Jan. 7, 1663, in Br"; Willem Wil- lemse^; and Jacob Willemse. Willem Willemse 2^ (s. of Willem Willemse' and Geer- tru}') of Gowanus, m. Dec. 15, 1686, in N. Y., Adriaentje Vandewater of N. Y. Owned and occupied what was lately known as the Garret Bergen farm at Gowanus, where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687 as a native. Issue: — Geertruy or Grietje, bp. Nov. 15, 1689; Greete or Vytie, bp. Nov. 15, 1690, m. Apl. 26, 17 18, Teunis Van Pelt of N. U. ; William Willemse^ of Gowanus; Ariaentie, bp. May 30, 1695, m. W"' Cowenhoven of Monmouth Co., N. J.; ''^ Hendrick of Gowanus, (sup.) m. Jannetje Cowenhoven); • Marike; and Johannis of Gowanus. Made his mark " W" to documents in 1697. Willem Willemse 3'' (s. of Willem Willemse^ and Adriaent- je) of Gowanus, m. June 14, 17 17, Maria Van Dyck of Br". Resided on and owned the Garret Bergen farm at Gowan- us, and at one period resided in Penn. Issue: — (sup.) Wil- liam, d. Nov. 8, 1776; and Nicholas, bp. July 16, 1721, of whom no further trace. William or Wilhelmus Jacobse (s. of Jacob Ariaense) of Gowanus, m. Annatie ; d. about 1759. Suppose resided on and owned the late Albert C. Van Brunt farm at Gowa- nus. Will da. Dec. 21, 1755, pro. Apl. 12, 1759, rec. p. 400, Lib. 21, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Jacob, bp. Jan. 16, 1732; Johannes; Wilhelmus; Anthony, m. July 23, 1768, Mary Myer; Rachel, (sup.) m. Jacobus Emans; Angenietje; Cor- I GENEALOGY. 3 1 nelis, m. Jan. 1772 Dorothy Voorhies; Abraham of Gowa- nus, b. Feb. 21, 1748, m. Jan. 17, 1768, Catharine da. of Peter Hyer; and Margrietje, b. Sept. 4, 1749. Bens, William, hired land in Fld^ in 1700, as per ch. rec. Bexsen, Derck (s. of Derk Bensen or Bensingh and Cata- line Berg of Albany), b. 1650; m. Thysie or Tytjc Claesen, who d. about 1732; he d. about June 1717. Resided at first at Albany, and a mem. of the R. D. ch. of that place; removed to Claverick, from thence to the city of N. Y., and then to Br", where he resided in 1707, as per p. 206 of Bergen Genealogy. Issue: — Tryntje, m. i" John Van de Meulen, 2'' John Kelly; Eva, bp. July 3, 1686, d. young; Rachel, b. Apl. 13, 1689, m. Hans Machielse Bergen, d. 1752; Eva, bp. Mar. 19, 1693, in N. Y., m. May 4, 1717, Anthony Duane; Derick, bp. July 5, 1696, in N. Y., d. 1729, single; and Thy- sie, bp. Sept. 13, 1699, m. James Henderson. Bentyn or Bextin, Jacques, and Willem Arianse Ben- net, both Englishmen, purchased in 1636 of the Indians / 936 A. at Gowanus, of which, Dec. 26, 1639, Bentyn appears to have sold his interest to Bennet for 350 gl., as per p. 12 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Was schout fiscaal* of N. A. in 1636, one of the 12 men in 1641, and a mem. of the Council in 1633, '36, '37, and '42. Went to Holland prior to July 13, 1648, as per p. 118 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Signed his name ''' JacquesBentin.'' Berckhoven, see Brower. Berdan, see Baerdaen. Berbacke, Stoffel Jurianse, bought Aug. 8, 1671, of Tomas Lammerse and Tunis Jansen Coevers, 19 morgens in FP', as per p. 96 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. Ber(;en, Frederick (Jacobse), bp. Nov. 27, 1681; m. Ger- rytje da. of Gerret Vechte; d. prior to 1762. Left L. I. and settled on a farm on S. I. In 17 15 he was a private in Capt. David Aersen's company of Br", in 1738 a lieut. of militia on S. I. and a deacon in the R. D. ch. of said island. In 1752 he appears to have joined the R. D. ch. of New Brunswick, to which locality he probably removed. Issue: — Jacob of Somerset Co., N. J., bp. July 19, 17 19, in Br", * Schout is sheriff, and Fiscaal an office similar to that of attorney general. 32 GENEALOGY. m. Margaret Lane, d. 1781; Gerritie, bp. Apl. 29, 1722, m. John Van Dyck; Henry or Hendrick of Somerset Co., N. J., bp. Sept. 26, 1725, on S. I.; and Elsje, bp. Mar. 12, 1732, m. Koenraet Ten Eyck Jun^ Hans Hansen, the ancestor of the Bergen family, was a native of Bergen in Norway, a ship-carpenter by trade, who removed from thence to Holland. From Holland he emi- grated in 1633 to N. A., where he took up his residence working at his trade and at one period cultivating a to- bacco plantation, and in 1639 m. Sarah da. of Joris Jansen Rapalie, b. June 9, 1625, at Albany, and reputed to be the first white female child of European parentage born in the colony. About 1643 removed to his plantation of 400 A. at the Wallabout, for which he obtained a patent on the 30th of March, 1647, ^^d d. about 1654. Issue: — Anneken, bp. July 12, 1640, m. 1^*^, Jan. 17, 1661, Jan Clercq of Brazil, m. 2*^, Oct. 8, 1662, Derek Janse Hooglandt of Fl''; Breckje, bp. July 27, 1642, m. Aert Anthonize Middagh; Jan, bp. Apl. 17, 1644; Michael, bp. Nov. 4, 1646; Joris, bp. July 18, 1649; Marretje, bp. Oct. 8, 165 1, m. Jacob Ruthzen; Jacob, bp. Sept. 21, 1653; and Catalyn, bp. Nov. 30, 1653 — all bp. in N. A. Made his mark "H" to documents. Hans {Jacobsc) of Br", bp. May 12, 1678 ; m. Dec. 14, 1707, Sarah da. of Jeronimous Rapalie ; d. prior to Mar. 1749. In 1 741 was involved in a lawsuit with Israel Horsefield in relation to ownership and boundaries of their lands, for the particulars of which see Bergen Genealogy. Issue : — Jacob of Br", bp. Dec. 12, 1708, in Br", m. Antie ; Antie or Annetje, bp. Mar. 12, 17 10, m. Gerret Cowenhoven ; \/ Elsje, m. Rem Remsen of Br" ; Catelyna, m. Michael Ber- gen of Br" (s. of Hans Michaelse) ; and Sara, m. Sept. 20, 1750, Johannes Wandell of Albany. Hans (Jorise), bp. Aug. 31, 1684, in N. U.; m. Aug. 16, 17 1 1, Sytie da. of Evert Van Wickelen of N. L. ; d. i-n 1726. Resided at first in Br", but in his latter days removed to Hempstead, where he d. At one period owned a grist-mill within the boundaries of the present Navy Yard, since known as Remsen's Mill. Issue : — George, b. Oct. 9, 17 12, m. i'*^ June 3, 1738, Grietje Du Mont, m. 2'', Sept. 14, 1744, Maria ; and Evert, b. 1717, m. Jane da. of Denyse Hegeman, d. Nov. 17, 1776, whose descendants reside mainly in N. J. . Hans {Michaelse), bp. Mar. 11, 1689, m. Rachel da. of Derick Bensing or Benson ; d. in 1731. He and w. joined the R. D. ch. of N. Y. in 1723. Store and livery-stable keeper most of his life at Br" ferry, where he owned con- siderable property and also carried on a bakery. In 1742 GENEALOGY. 33 was supervisor of Br". Will da. Jan. iS, 1731, pro. June 20, 1732. Issue : — Annetje, bp. Mar. 12, 1710, d. young ; Tiesje, b. June 9, 1711, d. young; Meighiel, b. Dec. 20, 1712, m. Catelyna da. of Hanse Jacobse Bergen, d. prior to Aug. 1783; Femmetje, b. July 29, 1715, m. Apl. 18, 1745, Sylvester Marius Groen, d. Oct. 31, 1793; Derick, b. Feb. 28, 1718, m. 1749 Deborah Cortelyou, d. Nov. 19, 1759; Hans, b. July 12, 1721, m. Catryntje da. of Simon De Hart, d. Apl. 28, 1786; and Tunis, b. Oct. 15, 1730, m. Apl. 1760 Johanna or Annatie Stoothoff, d. May 2, 1807. Signed his name '■'■Hans Bergen^ Jacob Hansen, bp. Sep. 21, 1653; m. July 8, 1677, Elsje Fredericks da. of Frederick Lubbertsen of Br"; d. after 1738. Resided on and owned a plantation in S. Br" comprising a part of his father-in-law's patent. In 1715 was supervisor of Br". Issue : — Hans, bp. May 12, 1678, in Br"; Frederick, bp. Nov. 27, 1681, in FP'; Jacob, bp. Jan. 20, 1684, in Br"; Sara, bp. Aug. 5, 1688, in Fl''; Catryna, m. Johannes Slegt or Sleght ; Marretje, m. Gysbert Boogert Jun''; Breckje, m. John Croesen; Elsje, m. Hendrick Croesen; and Cornelia, m. Derick Croesen. Signed his name "■Jacob Hanse." Jacob {Jacobse), bp. Jan. 20, 1684; m. Margaret, Maritje, or Maria Croesen. Resided on S. I., where in 1738 he held the office of lieut. of militia, and was a deacon in the R. D. ch. Issue: — Elsje, bp. July 29, 1722, m. Nov. 9, 1747, Johannes Van Wagene of S. I.; Cornelia, bp. Jan. i, 1728-9, m. John Swain or Sweem of S. I.; Jacob, bp. Sept. 30, 1730, m. Gretie or Margaret Bennet; and Cornells, bp. Sept. 4, 1737. His descendants reside mainly on S. I. and write their surname Barger. Jan Hansen, bp. Apl. 17, 1644; m. Jannetje da. of Teunis Nyssen (Denyse); d. after 1715. Obtained a patent in 1664 for 20 morgens or 40 A. at Bedford in Br", on which he appears to have resided, and which in 1697 he sold to Lucas Coeverts, having previously removed to J'^. In 1677 he hails from Bedford and in 1679 from J^, where he owned and cultivated a farm, and from him are descended the Queens Co. Bergens. Issue: — Hans, bp. Feb. 14, 1677; Teunis, bp. Apl. 20, 1679; Adriaentje, bp. Dec. 11, 1681, at Br", m. Jan or Johannes Gerretse; Marretje, bp. Mar. 29, 1685, at Br", (sup.) m. Johannes Eldertse; Sarah, m. Jacob Hebbelem; (sup.) Peter; and (sup.) Catalyn. Signed his name " Yan Hansen." Joris or George Hansen, bp. July 18, 1649; m. Aug. 11, 1678, Sara da. of Jan Strycker of Fl^; d. after 1736. Was a carpenter by trade, took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687, was a commissioner of Br" from 1690 to 1699. In 3 34 GENEALOGY. 1698 bought a farm of nearly 40 A. (formerly of Garret Wol- fersen Van Couwenhoven) in Br" E. of Smith St. and N. of the Mill Creek. In 1703, '4, and '5, was supervisor of Br". Apl. TO, 1697, a resolution was passed at a town meeting in Br" to divide the common lands, the holders of a house and lot to have only a half share. For laying out and dividing they appointed Capt. Henry Filkin, Jacob Van Deventer, Daniel Rapalie, Joris Hansen (Bergen), John Borland, and Cor* Van Duyn, as per p. 133 of Lib. 2 of Con. Issue: — Lammetje, bp. Dec. 26, 1679, m. Joris Remsen of HavSr- straw; Sara, bp. Mar. 13, 1681; Aaltje, bp. Oct. 15, 1682, m. Aug. 17, 1707, Rem Remsen, d. about 1724; Hans, bp. Aug. 31, 1684; Jannetje, bp. Ma}^ 27, 1688, m. Jan. 21, 1711, Hendrick Vroom of Br"; Annetje, bp. Mar. 9, 1689-90, m. Mar. 12, 1720, Arnout Abrahams; Jan, bp. May 17, 1694; Breckje, bp. May 24, 1696; Joris; and Catharine, m. Sept. 21, 1726, Peter Ewetse of Br" and N. Y. Signed his name " J ores Hansen.''' Michael Hansen, bp. Nov. 4, 1646; m. Femmetie da. of Teunis Nyssen (Denyse); d. after Jan. 22,-1731. With his brother Jan and others applied Mar. 18, 1662, for land at Bedford, and obtained a patent for 20 morgens in that localit)' May 15, 1664, on which he probably at one period resided. Mar. 2, 1674, he bought, of Albert Cornelysen Wantenaer, Huych Aerts Van Rossem's patent of 29 morgens in the vicinity of Powers St. in the present city of Br", and which in a confirmatory patent to Cornelysen was made to cover 90 morgens, to which plantation he removed. His name appears as one of the patentees of Br" on Gov. Don- gan's patent of May 13, 1686. Took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687 as a native; commissioned Oct. 22, 1688, as' capt. of militia; and appointed justice of the peace by Gov. Bellamont Oct. 11, 1698. In 1701 he bought 466 A. of land on the Raritan, N. J. Issue : — Sara, bp. June 2, 1678, m. Feb. 17, 1722, Jan Strycker of Fl''; Teunis, bp. May 16, 1680, d. young; Hans, bp. May 11, 1689; Femmetje, m. Jan. 6, 1695, Jan Cornelisse Vanderveer; and Mary. Signed his name ^'Miggiiel Hansen." Berrien or Berryen, Cornelis Janse, m. i^* Jannetje da- of Jan Strycker of Fl''; m. 2*' Hendrickjc Verphmckcn. Settled in FP', and Feb. 6, 1670-71, was allotted in pursuance of the patent of said town a farm of 23 morgens lying between the farm of Cornelis Barendse Van der Wyck and that of Jan Janse Van Ditmarsen, and in addition salt meadows and plain land, as per p. 16 of Lib. A of FP rec. His name appears on Fl'" ass. roll of 1675, on Gov. Andross' patent of GENEALOGY. 35 the New Lotts of FP of 1677, as a mem. of the R. D. ch, of FP of 1677, and a deacon in 1679. Issue: — Jan Cornelise; Jacob Cornelise, bp. Aug. 17, 1678, in Br"; Claus Cornelise, bp. Mar. 13, 1681, in Fl''; Catharine, m. Jeremiah Remsen; Cornelis Cornelise, bp. July 15, 1683, in N. U.; Pieter Cornelise; and Agnes or Angenietje, who m. Joris Rapalje. Signed his name '■'■Cornelis Berrien''' in 1684. Jan Cornelise^ sold -May 7, 1707, to Evert Van Wik- kelen lots Nos. 46 and 47 in the N. L. of Fl'', as per p. 78 of Lib A of Fl'' rec. Signed his name in 1687 "Jan Berrien^ The Berriens left Kings Co. some years ago and are prin- cipally to be found in the city of N. Y. and in N. J. Berry, Cornelis, on ass. roll of Br" of 1675. Samuel, m. Mar. 31, 1690, Katharine Martense Ryersen. On ass. roll of Br" of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Issue: — Deborah, bp. July 28, 169 1, in Br"; Johanna, bp. Dec. 22, 1695, in N. Y.; and Samuel Jun'', b. Apl. 1697. Samuel ]vin^, b. Apl. 1697; m. June 10, 1744, Jemima or Jackamyntie da. of Wouter Teunise Van Pelt; d. Jan. 17, 1769. Issue: — Walter of Gowanus, b. 1755, m. Dec. 29, 1777, Rachel da. of Derick Bergen, d. Sept. 21, 1818 (gored to death by a bull); Jemima, b. Jan. 7, 1762. The Berrys of N. Y. and N. J. are mainly descendants of Capt. John Berry, an early settler in Bergen Co., N. J., Bertelfs, Hermen, see Bartelt. Bescher or Beets, Thomas, an Englishman, obtained Nov. 28, 1639, a patent for a tobacco plantation supposed to be located at Gowanus, which by a deed of May 17, 1639, he conveyed to Cornelis Lambertse (Cool), as per p. 7 of Cal. of Dutch Man., and for which Lambertse obtained a patent Apl. 5, 1642. This deed bears date prior to Besch- er's patent, land at that period being often occupied and rights disposed of prior to dates of patents. In Bescher's deed his lands are bounded on the N. by those of " Claes Cornelise Smit," and in Gov. Kieft's patent to Cool they are bounded on the N. by land of "Jan Pietersen." This patent appears to include the farms late of Peter and John Wyckoff, Henry Story, and Winant Bennet on Butts' map of Br". See pp. 33 and 34 of Book GG of Patents in off. of Sec. of State, and pp. 354 and 356 of Brooklyn Manual of 1863. Apl. 27, 1641, a marriage-contract was made between Nanne wid. of Thomas Beets and Thomas Smith, as per p. 15 of Cal. of Dutch Man. 36 GENEALOGY. Betts, Richard, an early settler of Newtown, who emi- grated in 1648, m. Joanna , settling at first in New England, and in 1675 claimed a tract in N. L. by virtue of an Indian deed of 1663, which claim was disputed. He finally, probably under this claim, obtained a plantation on the boundary-line between Kings and Queens counties, on the main road from Br" to J-'', afterwards owned by John I. Snediker and the dwelling-house converted into a tavern or hotel, famous in its day for the entertainment of sleigh- ing parties and travellers. From 1656 to 1674 he was most of the time a mag. of Middleburgh or Newtown — in 1673 holding his appointment from Gov. Colve — and in 1679 high sheriff of Yorkshire. Issue: — Richard; Thomas, m. Mary da. of Dan' Whitehead; Joanna; Mary; Martha; Elizabeth; and Sara. Signed his name " Jiichard Betts." BiBON, Jacob, a Frenchman, on ass. roll of Bu*^ of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Jan, a weaver, on ass. roll of Br" of 1693, and charged in that year with defacing the king's arms, as per rec. of the court of sessions. BiBOUT, John, m. Nelkc . Bought Oct. 23, 1696, of^ Thomas and Jasper Smith a 2 A. house-plot and 40 A. farm at Bedford, as per p. 106 of Lib. 2 of Con. Probably Jan Bibou and John Bibout are the same persons. Bicker, Gerret, obtained Feb. 25, 1658, a patent for 25 morgens at " Midwout " (Fl''). Issue: — Victor, bp. Nov. 10, 1652, in N. A. Bier, Albertien, paid 2 gl. clergyman's salary in Fl'' in 1680, as per town rec. BiLLico, PiETER, ou Hcgcman's books of 1670. Probably same as Pieter Billou. BiLLOu, Balyou, or Baljou, Pieter, a Frenchman, who with other recently arrived immigrants applied Aug. 22, 1663, for land on S. I., as per p. 227 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Bought Sept. 12, 1670, of Cornells Van Ruyven a farm on the E. side of the road in FP', lying between the farms of Jan Hansen (Van Noostrand) and Ad" Lammertse, with plain and salt meadow land, as per p. 87 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. June 5, 1674, he also bought of Cor^ Van Ruyven 26 morgens with plain and meadow land in Fl'', between land of Do. Johannes Megapolensis and that of Teunis Nyssen (Denyse), patented GENEALOGY. 37 by Director Stuyvesant to Evert Duyckingh Van Borchem, as per p. 37 of Lib. A of Fl'^ rec. See Pieter Bellew. Blagge, Samuel, of Hartford, an Englishman. Apl. 23, 1694, Mary his wife, as his attorney, sold to Richard Still- well of G'' all her husband's interest in a house-lot in G'^ late of Henry Bowne, as per G*' rec. Blandin, dealer in drv-goods, as per Stoothoff's books of 1678. Blank or Blanck, Jurrie, Jurrian, or Juryen, a trader on the Schuylkill as early as 1645; m. Nov. 25, 1673, in Fl^, Hester Paulas Vaiider Beek of Gowanus, who joined the D. R. ch. of N. Y. in 1674. Mem. of the R. D. ch. of Br° in 1676, residing at the time on the premises occupied by Mary Badye, late the Ab™ Schemerhorn farm at Gowa- nus; on ass. rolls of Br" of 1675 and 'Zy, and took the oath of allegiance to the English in N. Y. in 1664. There was a Jeurian Blanck and Tryntje Claes his w., mem. of the D. ch. .of N. A. prior to 1660. Issue: — Casparus, bp. Apl. 22, 1677, in N. Y.; Jan, bp. Aug. 17, 1679, in Br"; Jurian, bp. Apl. 4, 1681, in N. Y, ; Paulus, bp. June 24, 1683, in Br"; and Abra- ham, bp. Apl. 30, 1694, in Br". Signed his name ^'■Juryen Blanck.''' Simon, m. Wyntje Ariaens or Arents. Mem. of R. D. ch. of N. A. in 1672, and entered on the ch. rec. as removed to Br". Issue: — Wyntje, bp. Apl. i, 1668; Annetje, bp. June 8, 1672; and Jeremias, bp. Feb. 18, 1673 — all in N. A. Blauw, Frederick, of Br", m. i^*^ Lena ; m. 2^^ Abi- gail . Issue: — Jurgen, bp. Feb. 27, 1708, in Br"; Frederick, bp. July 23, 1723; and Frederick, bp. Apl. 7, 1728. Made his mark to documents. Harmen Jansen of Groningen. His name appears on early G** documents. Jan of Gowanus, m. Marytje . Issue: — Michael, bp. Apl. 18, 1704, in Br", (sup.) m. Helen da. of Willem Wil- lemse Barkeloo, and settled in N. J. There was a Gerrit Dircksen Blauw in N. N. in 1643, as per p. 195 of Vol. i of Doc. of Col. His. Blinckerhoff, see Brinckerhoff. Blom or Bloom, Barent Jansen, the ancestor of the Blooms of Kings Co. Date of his emigration not ascer- tained. In 1665 he was killed with a knife, in a quarrel, by 38 GENEALOGY. Albert Cornelysen Wantenaer in self-defence, for which Cornelysen, June 5, 1665, was convicted of manslaughter, but pardoned by the Governor on the same day. Issue: — Claes Barentse and Jan Barentse. Barent{%. of Claes Barentse), m. Femmetje , and set- tled in Flushing. In 17 10 he paid 6 sh. towards the support of Grace Ch., J-', as per p. 37 of Onderdonk's His. of said ch. Will da. Aug. 29, 1726, pro. Mar. 29, 1735, rec. p. 307, Lib. 12, N. Y. surr. off.; a codicil da. Apl. 3, 1733, in which he refers to Fl*^ lands. Issue: — Elizabeth, bp. May 3, 17 19, in N. U., m. Andries Andriessen of Bedford; Barbara, bp. July 7, 1723, in N. U., m. David Springsteen; Garret; John of Fl*^, m. Sarah da. of Cor^ Van Voorhees; Abraham; George; and Isaac. Made his mark "B I B" to docu- ments. Claes Barentse. A Claes Barentse emigrated from Dortrecht in the Netherlands Sept. 2, 1662, who may have been this Claes. He m. Apl. 26, 1685, Elizabeth Paulus wid. of Paulus Vandervoort of Bedford, Br". Took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687, and on cen., of said town of 1698. Resided in Fl"^ in 1675, and on ass. roll of said town of said year. Bought Dec. 4, 1684, of Cor^ Barentse Van der Wyck lot No. 20 in the N. L. of FP, as per p. 177 of Lib. C of Fl^ rec. Issue: — Jannetje, bp. Feb. 11, 1694, in Br°, m. Oct. 7, 17 16, Jacob Lefferts of Bedford; and (sup.) Barent, m. Femmetje . Made his mark to documents. Jan or John Barentse, b. in this country, and took the oath of allegiance in Fl'' in 1687; m. Marretje ; d. prior to 1703. Bought Feb. 15, 1677-8, of Bartel Claesen a house and lot in Fl'', as per p. 23 of Lib. AA of Fl'' rec. Also bought Feb. 5, 1680-1, of Ab"' Douts his farm, No. 20, in the new allotments of FP (New Lotts), lying between the farms of Gerret Lubbertse and his own farm, as per p. 149 of Lib. A A of Fl'^ rec. Issue: — Barent Janse of Flushing; Simon Janse of J""; and Joris or George Janse of Fl\ He made his mark "I B" to documents. There are fami- lies of Bloms in Somerset Co., N. J., and also in Dutchess Co., N. Y. George or Joris of Fl'^ (s. of Claes Barentse), m. Jannetje . Constable of Fl'' in 1723 and '24. Will da. Oct. 6, 1736, pro. May 7, 1737, rec. p. 76, Lib. 13^ N. Y. surr. off., in which he devises his real estate to Abraham s. of his brother Simon. No issue. Signed his name ^' Joris Blotn" in 1714. Simon (s. of Jan Barentse), m. June 3, 1703, Geertje Janse. Left Fl'' and settled in J'\ Will da. Jan. 11, 1721, pro. Jan. 7, 1723, rec. p. 354, Lib. 9, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — John, bp. Feb. 3, 1706, in Br", m. Sarah; Isaac of J-', blacksmith, m. GENEALOGY. 39 Phebe; Barent or Bernardus of Newtown; Ann; Abraham; Jacob, (sup.) m. Gertrude Santford; George of Fl''; Mary; and Eve. Made his mark "S" to documents in 17 16. BoBiN or BoBiNE, James, bought Apl. 28, 1693, Moll's or Kip's patent in Bu^ or Williamsburgh. He is referred to in Gov. Cornbury's charter of the city of N. Y. of 1708. Bode, Thomas, of Br°, m. Sept. 29, 1692, Maria Cats (Van Cott) of Bu*^. BoERDEN, on Stoothoff's books in 1680. BoERHOL, WiLLEM Janse, of Fld^, m. Mar. 29, 1690, Ariaentje Herbersz of the same place. Boerum or Van Boerum, Charles or Karel, (s. of Jacob Willemse,) of ¥\^\n\. jRebecca da. of Gerrit Snediker; d. 1763. On cen. of 1738, and an owner of slaves in 1755. Will da. May I, 1762, pro. May 6, 1763, rec. p. 19, Lib. 24, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Elsie, bp. Dec. 25, 1721, in N. U., m. Apl. 18, 1747, Leffert Lefferts of Fl''; Jacob, (sup.) m. May 26, 1743, Gertrude da. of John Bennet of Gowanus; Gerrit of Fl'', m. MarretjeVan Dyck wid. of Johannes Rapalje; and Abraham, bp. Apl. 7, 1728, in N. U. Hendrick ( Van Boefum) Willemse, emigrated from Amster- dam in 1649 with his father; b. 1642; m. about 1663 Maria Ariaens. On ass. rolls of Fl'' of 1675 and '76, and on cen. of 1698, residing in N. L.; took the oath of allegiance in Fl*^ in 1687, and a patentee on Gov. Dongan's patent of Fl*" of 1685. May 27, 1679, he bought of his father a farm in Fl*^ adjoining on the S. side said Hendrick's land, and on the N. side that of the wid. of Ad" Hegeman, dec, with meadows at Canarisie and lot No. 16 in the new lotts of said town, as per p. 59 of Lib. AA of Fl*" rec. Issue: — Hendrick, b. about 1665; Arieor Adriaen of Freehold, N.J. (New Jersey,) b. 1666, m. Sarah Smock; Louise, bp. Oct. 24, 1680, in Fl^; and Hendrick, bp. July 22, 1683, in Fl^ Made his mark to documents. Jacob Willeinsc (s. of Willem Jacobse) of N. L., emigrated with his father in 1649; m. June 15, 16S4, Geertruyd De Beavois from Leiden; d. prior to 1698. Made a joint will da. July 2, 1687, and rec. on p. 90 of Lib. A of Fl*^ rec. Mem. of Fl'' R. D. ch. in 1677, on ass. roll of 1675, and took the oath of allegiance in said town in 1687. Mar. 27, 1679, he bought of his father lots Nos. 15 and 16 in the new 40 GENEALOGY. division (New Lotts) of FV\ with 4 lots of meadows, as per p. 61 of Lib. AA of Fl'' rec. Issue: — Johannis of Hemp- stead; William of FP, m. Rachel ; Charles or Karel of FI**, m. Rebecca da. of Gerret Snedeker; and Jacob, m. Magdalen . Signed his name '''■ Jacop Van Boei-um." Johannes (s. of Jacob Willemse and Geertruyd) of Hemp- stead, m. May 28, 17 15, Femmetje Cornel. Will da. May 21, 1737, pi'O. Mar. 7, 1742, rec. p. 27, Lib. 15, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Jacob; Cornelius; Johannis; Joynachy; and Famitie. Signed his name '''' Johannes Boeranr in 17 13. Willeni. Jaeobse, b. 161 7; m. Geertje Hendrickse; d. prior to 1698. Emigrated with his sons in 1649 from Amsterdam and settled in N. L., Fl^ Feb. 7, 1670-1, he was allotted, in pursuance of the patent of FP', 25 morgens in said town between the lands of Jan Hansen (Van Noostrand) and those of Adr" Hegeman, with plain land and salt meadows in addition, as per p. 16 of Lib. A of Fl^ rec. He was a mag. of said town in 1657, '62, and '6t,, on ass. roll of 1675, and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687. Issue: — Hendrick Willemse; Jacob Willemse; Geertruy Willemse, (sup.) m. Francis du Puis; and Hillegont Willemse. Signed his name ^''Willem Jaeobse Van Boeruni." William (s. of Jacob Willemse and Geertruyd) of FP'; m. Rachel . On cen. of Fl^^ of 1738. Will da. Oct. 2, 1766, pro. Nov. 14, 1768, rec. p. 326, Lib. 26, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — John, b. about 1717, (sup.) m. Catrina Remsen; Marretje, bp. Sept. 17, 1719; William of Br°, m. Apl. 19, 1755, Gertrude da. of Nicholas Wyckoff ; Simon of Br", b. Feb. 29, 1724, m. Sept. 30, 1748, Maria da. of Martin RoelofseSchenck- and Geertruyd, bp. June 17, 1728, (sup.) m. Abraham Bloom, d. Mar. 11, 1813. BoGART or BoGAERT, ADRIAN TuNiSEN, (sup. s. of Teunis Gysbertse,) m. 1^^ Susanna Hamilton; m. 2'', Sept. 14, 1685, in N. Y., Belitje Post wid. of Arie Juriaansz Lantsman, both of the city of N. Y., to which place he probabl}^ removed from Br". Cornells (Gysbertse), m. 1732 da. of Nicholas Volck- ersen. Of Br" in 17 11, and in 1732 resided on the Raritan, N. J. Will da. Apl. 5, 1732, pro. July 27, 1732, rec. p. 357, Lib. II, N. Y. surr. off. Appoints his father Gysbert, father- in-law Nicholas Volckersen, and brothers-in-law Ab™ Schenck and Volkert Volckersen, executors. Issue: — Gys- bert, m. Antie Lott, d. 1778; Neeltje, (sup.) m. Isaac Brower; Jannetje; Nicholas, bp. Sept. 30, 1730, m. Apl. 21, 1752, Catharine Broadhurst; and (sup.) Catharine, b. Aug. 21, 1739, m. 1759 Johannes Stoothoff, d. Jan. 26, 1826. GENEALOGY. 4I Cornells (Tunisen, sup. s. of Teunis Gysbertse), settled on the Raritan in N. J., and had a son Johannes bp. Apl. 25, 1711. Gysbert [Tunise/i), bp. Dec. 6, 166S, in N. Y. ; m. Apl. 16, 1689, Jannetje Symonse Van Aersdalen, a wid. Took the oath of allegiance in Br° in 1687 as a native; on ass. roll of Br° of 1693 and cen. of 1698; mag. of Br" in 1663, '64, '67, and '73, and of Bu'^ in 1707. There was a Gysbert Tunisen a mag. of Fid* in 1660, who ma)^ have been this Gysbert. Issue: — Cornells Gysbertse, who m. a dau. of Nicholas Volk- ertse; Sara Gysbertse, bp. Aug. 1690, m. Apl. 20, 1717, Ab"' Schenck; Tunis Gysbertse of S. I., m. Oct. 20, 171 1, Catharine da. of Jos'' Hegeman, d. 1767; Gysbert Gysbertse; Symon Gysbertse of S. I., m. Margaritje Ten Eyck; Petronella; and Maria. Signed his name ^'■Gysbert Boogart.'' Nicholas, secretary of Bu*^ May 8, 1666, per town rec. Probably a brother of Tunis Gysbertse. Tunis Gisbertsc, the common ancestor of the Kings Co. Bogarts, emigrated in 1652 from Heikop in the province of Utrecht; m. i*"* Sarah da. of Joris Jansen Rapalie and wid. of Hans Hansen Bergen; m. 2", Nov. 11, 1687, in N. Y., Grietje or Geertje Jans wid. of Derick Dey. At the date of this marriage he was a resident of the Walabocht. Mag. of Br" in 1663, '67, and '73; a representative of said town in the Hempstead convention of 1665; and on Gov. Nicolls' patent of Br" of 1667. Apl. 5, 1667, Bogaert obtained a confirma- tory patent in his own name (instead of the heirs of Hans Hansen) of Hans Hansen Bergen's patent of 200 morgen at the Walabocht. Issue: — Aertje Tunisen, bp. Aug. 19, 1655, m. Oct. 24, 1677, Theodorus Polhemius; Catalyntje Tunisen, bp. Dec. 16, 1657, m. Nov. 16, 1679, Jan Teunisen Denyse; Neeltje Tunisen, bp. Feb. 22, 1660, and d. young; Aaltje Tunisen, bp. Nov. 13, 1661, m. Dec. 11, 1681, Charles Claasz of Harsimus, N. J.; Antje or Annetje Tunisen, bp. Aug. 23, 1665, m. Joris Abrahamse Brinckerhoff; Neeltje Tunisen, bp. Aug. 20, 1665, (all bp. in N. A. or N. Y.,) m. Aug. 22, 1687, Cornells Teunisen Denyse; Gisbert Tunisen, bp. Dec. 6, 1668; (sup.) Adriaen Tunisen; (sup.) Grietje Tunisen; and (sup.) Cornells Tunisen of the Raritan. Signed his name ^^Tenis Gisbcrtse Bogaert." Tunis (s. of Gysbert Tunisen and Jannetje), m. Oct. 20, 1711, Catharine da» of Joseph Hegeman. Resided most of his life on S. I., but d. in 1767 in Br". Will da. June 2, 1767, pro. Apl. 27, 1768, rec. p. 210, Lib. 26, N. Y. surr. off., in which he devises his Br" farm to his sons Adriaen and Cornelis. Issue: — Isaac, bp. Nov. 2, 17 18, on S. I., m. Nov. 12, 1742, Sarah da. of Dan' Rapalje; Gysbert, m. Annetje 42 GENEALOGY. Rapalje; Adriaen, bp. Dec. i8, 1720, on S. I., m. Magdalena Schenck; Abraham, bp. Apl. 21, 1723, on S. I.; Maria, bp. Mar. 28, 1725, on S. I., m. Evert Suydam; Cornells, bp. Mar. 2, 1729, on S. I.; Jannetje; Antje; and Tunis, who d. prior to 1767. BoisBiLLAND, JoHN, took the oath of allegiance In G^' in 1687 as a native. BoMAN, Henry, granted a -piece of land in C Mar. 3, 1678, as per G** rec. BoMMEL, Jan Hendricks, m. Aug. 13, 1662, in 'Br^, Annetj'e Abrahamsz of Br". BOOMGAERT, BONGAERT, Or BONGART, CoRNELIS JaNSE, of Fl^, m. Geesje Willcmse, and d. prior to 1684. In 1661 he sold to Pleter Jansen, shoemaker, a house and village plot in Fl'^, as per p. 47 of Lib. B of Fl** rec. His name appears on Gov. Nicolls' patent of Fl*^ of 1677, as per p. 201 of Vol. 2 of Thompson's L. I., in which town he resided as late as 1683. His descendants write their surname Bogert, and re- side principally in Bergen and Hudson counties, and in their vicinity, in N. J. Issue: — Weyntje Cornells, m. Dec. 1673 Gerret Strycker of Fl''; Jan Cornelise of Hackensack, N. J.; Klaasje Cornelise, m. Hendrick Jorise Brinckerhoff; (sup.) Roelof Cornelise of Hackensack in 1694, m. Oct. 1695 Geer- truy Breynant or Bryant; (sup.) Marretje Cornelise, m. Mar. 1693 Jacob Stegge; and Pleter Cornelise of Hacken- sack, m. Hendrikje Arents. Had a s. buried in Fl*^ in 1664. Made his mark to documents. Claes /anszen of Bedford (a resident of Haerlem at the date of his marriage), m. June 28, 1695, in N. Y., Belitje Van Schayck of said city. He was undoubtedly a brother of Cornelise Janse. /an Cornelise, m. Angenietje Strycker. Conveyed Nov. 10, 1694, to Rem Remsen 30 A. in N. L. lying on the J^ road, as per p. 17 of Lib. 2 of Con. Removed to Hacken- sack, and mem. of the R. D. ch. of that place in 1686. Issue: — Roelof Jansen; Lammetje, bp. Oct. 14, 1677, m, Jan Claesen Romeyn of N. J.; Claes Janse of Bedford and Haerlem; Jan Janse; Gessie Janse, m. Roelof Lubbertse Westervelt; and Cornells Janse, bp. Nov. 17, 1684. Made his mark to documents. JoJm Lowen and Cornelia his w., of N. Y., conveyed 40 A. in Bedford, Br", Nov. 25, 1695, to Thomas Lambertse, as per p. 51 of Lib. 2 of Con. GENEALOGY. 43 Roeloff Jansen (oldest s. of Jan Cornelise), conveyed Mar. 13, 1692-3, to Gerret Strycker of Fld^ a lot of land in Fl'^ lying between the lands of Joseph Hegeman and Leftert Pieterse, as per p. 175 of Lib. A of Fl** rec. Made his mark to documents. BoRDET or BouDET, Jan, of Fld^ m. May 20, 1693, Eva Van Sickleii of the same place. BoRKELOO, see Barkeloo. BoRsiN or BoRSjE, Jan Petersen, see Van Amsterdam. Bosch, Janter, m. June 10, 1663, in Br", Rachel Farmelie. Lambei't Jatise, from Ootmarsen in the province of Over- yssel, m. Jan. i, 1663, at Br'', Sarah de Planken wid. of Pieter Monfort. , ■ Botser, Jan, on muster-roll of Bu''' militia of 1663, per town rec. BouDi, Thomas, and J//is, sometimes written Abraham Adams Bercho or Berckhoven), m. Feb. 6, 1692, Cornelia Halsyn of Bu"^. Took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687, resided in Bu'' in 1698, and in Br° in 1714. Issue: — Elizabeth, bp. June II, 1695, in N. Y., m. Jacob Bennet of S. I.; Magda- lena, bp. Mar. 21, 1697; Marytje, bp. Mar. 12, 1699, (sup.) m. Aug. 4, 17 18, Henry Lyon; Abraham of Br° Mills, bp. Dec. 15, 1706, m. Sarah Kimber; and Jeury. Made his mark \Ry to documents. Adam {Adams), bp. May 18, 1662, in Br"; m. i**'. May 18, 1690, Marritje Hendricksen; m. 2'' Angenietje . Took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687. Styled Adam Adams Kerckhoven on the records. Issue: — Madaleentje, bp. Apl. 2, 1692, in Br"; Marytje, bp. May 4, 1695, in Br"; and Hen- drick, bp. Jan. 15, 1699. Made his mark "jj'^j" to docu- ments. Adolphus (s. of Willem Adams and Elizabeth Simpson) of Br", bp. Aug. 10, 1684; '^' (sup.) Jannetje Verdon. Issue: — Yannetje, bp. June 18, 1719, in Br"; (sup.) Jeremiah, whose will is da. Sept. 18, 1754, in which he devises his Br" property among his 3 sons, Abraham, William (now dec), and Adolphus. It is probable he also had sons Abraham, Jere- miah, and Garret. Daniel, bp. May 7, 1678, in N. Y. The ch. rec. state that he is a s. of Adam Brouwer and Aeltje Vanderbeek. No other account of Adam Brouwer the emigrant of 1642 marrying this woman. It may be some other Adam. Derek (not a s. of Adam), m. Oct. 6, 1694, in Fld^ Hannah Deas. Of C in 1694, at which date he bought land on Gis- bert's I., as per town rec. Everardus {/aeobse),h'^. Dec. 8, 1689; (sup.) m. Nov. 30, 1738, Cornelia De La Noy. Appears to have removed to N. Y., the R. D. ch. of which place he joined May 22, 1739, on certificate. Issue: — Peternella, bp. Dec. 21,1740, in N. U., and d. an infant ; Peternella. bp. July 10, 1743, in N. Y. ; Jan- netje, bp. May 8, 1746, in N. Y. ; Maria, bp Mar. 4, 1747, in N. Y. ; Jacob, bp. Apl. 24, 1751, in N. Y. ; Abraham, bp. Nov. 9, 1752, in N. Y. ; and Abraham, bp. June 31, 1755, in N. Y. Jacob or Jacobus {Adams) of (iowanus, m. June 29, 1682, at Br", Annetje da of. W"' Bogardus and VVyntje Sybrants, and grandda. of the Rev. Everardus Bogardus and Annetje Jans of Trinity Ch. memory. Took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687; on ass. roll of said town of 1676 and cen. of 1698. Issue: — Jacob of Br", bp. Nov. 30, 16S4; William, bp. May 8, 1687, in Br", (sup.) m. May 29, 17 19, Maria Hennian — no ac- GENEALOGY. 53 count of his descendants; Sybrant, m. Antie , d. previous to May 1737; Everardus, bp. Dec. 8, 1689; Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 15, 1694, (sup.) ra. May 16, 17 15, John Parcel; Adam, bp. Mar. 29, 1696 ; Hillegont, bp. Dec. 27, 1697 ; (sup.) Wyntje, bp. Mar. 8, 1701, m. Richard Pettit ; (sup.) Magdalena, bp. Mar. 8, 1704; and (sup.) Nicholas. Made his mark to docu- ments. Jacob (s. of Jacob and Annetje) of Br", bp. May 30, 1684; m. Oct. I, 1709, Petronella da. of Jan De La Montague. Issue: — Jacob, bp. Sept. 24, 17 10, in Br", (sup.) m. Maria De- lanoy; Johannis, bp. Mar. 19, 1712, in N. Y.,m. Oct. 9, 1734, Susan da. of Paulus Druljet; Abraham, bp. Feb. 6, 17 17,. in N. Y., m. June 10, 1743, Aafje Van Gelder; Antie, bp. Mar. 13, 1720, in N. Y. ; Adam, bp. Feb. 14, 1722, in N. Y. ; Antje, bp. Mar. 30, 1726, in N. Y. ; and Cornelis of Dutchess Co., bp. Nov. 9, 1730, in N. Y., m. Mary Asker. Johannes or John of Fld^ blacksmith (not a s. of Adam), emigrated in 1657 ; m. Jannetje . Resided at first in N. A. He and w. mem. of the R. D. ch. of Fid'' in 1677, where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687; on ass. roll of Fld^ of 1683 and cen. of 1698. June 10, 1688, he paid for a grave for his wife in said town. July 26, 1693, Johannes Brouwer of C^ (sup. to be the Johannes of Fld^) sold Stoffel Langestraat his house and garden-spot in G'' which he bought of John Gulick, and also lot No. 27 on Gisbert's I., which he bought of Hen- drick Van Pelt of N. U. Issue : — Jannetje Jans of Fld^ ra i®\ June II, 1677, Teunis Jans of Denmark, m. 2'^, (sup.) Oct. 24, 17^3) Js^ii Gerretsz of J^; Johannes Janse of Fld^ ; Lucretia Jansz of Fld% m. Mar. 17, 17 16, Johannes Luyster of New- town ; and Aris Jansz of Fld^ in 1704. There was a Jan Jan- sen Brouwer a member of Director Minuit's Council in N. A. as early as 1630, as per p. 43 of Vol. i of Doc. of Col. His. of N. Y. The following children of a Jan Brouwer and Jannetje Jansz, who possibly may be children of this Jan, were bp. in N. A., viz.: — Jan, bp. May 26, 1658; Pieter, bp. Oct. 20, i56o; Hendricus, bp. Nov. 14, 1663; and Hendrick, bp. Jan. 14, 1665. Signed his name '^Johannes Brouivers" in 1693. Johamies Janse (s. of Johannes of Fld^), of Fid* in 1683, '87, '88, and 1707, m. Sept. 2, 1683, at Fld^, Sarah Willems of Fid'. Issue: — Matthys, bp. Oct. 20, 1711; and Elizabeth, bp. Oct. 25, 1713. Johannes (s. of Pieter Adamse) of Fid*, bp. Mar. 21, 1685, in N. Y.; m. Apl. 1708 Antie or Anatie da. of Hendrick Mandaville. Resided at one period at New Harlem. Re- moved to Hackensack, N.J. Issue: — Maratie, bp. 1714, m. Apl. 1743 Cornelis Talman; Petrus, bp. 17 17; Hendrick, bp. 1719; Lea, bp. 1724; and Lea, bp. 1727. 54 GENEALOGY. Matthys {Adams), bp. May 30, 1649, in N. Y.; m. Jan. 26, 1673, Marretje Pieters Wyckoff of New Amersfoort (Fld^). Both of Br" ferry and mem. of the R. D. ch. of Br" in 1677 and '85. On ass. roll of Br" of 1675. Issue: — Peter, bp. Apl. 22, 1676, (sup.) m. Nov. 18, 1721, Elizabeth Ouacken- bosch; Hendrick of the Raritan, bp. Dec. 6, 1679, m. Eliz- abeth ; William, bp. Feb. 26, 1682; Aaltje, bp. Sept. 28, 1684; Marretje, bp. Nov. 21, 1686; Annetje, bp. Oct. 20, 1689; (all in N. Y.;) Magdalen; and Willemtje, bp. Mar. 14, 1693. Made his mark to documents. Nicholas {Adams Berckhoveti), bp. Apl. 16, 1672; m. Sept. 15, 1692, Jannetje Calsier or Coljer of Bu"". On ass. roll of Br" of 1683 and cen. of Bu"^ of 1698, to which place he appears to have removed. In May 17 19 he and his w. joined the R. D. ch. of N. Y., and are entered as of Ford- ham, Issue: — Adam, bp. Oct. 15, 1693; Lysbet, bp. June 18, 1699; Jurje, bp. Mar. 30, 1701, (sup.) m. Sept. 15, 1720, Elizabeth Homes; Cornells, bp. Apl. 18, 1705, m. Aug. 21, 1736, Hester Bodin, and had 6 children bp. in N. Y.; and Nicholas of Dutchess Co., bp. Mar. 16, 1707. Peter (Adams), bp. Sept. 23, 1646, in N. A.; m. i''^ Peter- nella Uldricks orClaine; m. 2'^ Geertruyd Jans; m. 3**, Feb. 15, 1687, Annetje Jansen of Fld^ Resided in Fid'*, and in 1677 mem. of the R. D. ch. of that place. In 1679 he was bound over to answer at the G'' sessions for an assault on Gerret Croesen, as per p. 80 of Cal. of Eng. Man. In 1687 he took the oath of allegiance as a native and resident of Br°. Issue: — Abraham Pieterse of Hackensack, N. J., m. i^*. Mar. 1700, Lea Jansen De Merce; m. 2^ Elizabeth Acker- man; Johannis Pieterse of Fid" and Hackensack; (sup.) Adolphus Pieterse, m. Jannetje Verden or Ferden; Mag- dalena, m. Oct. 1697 W"" Stegge of Barbadoes Neck, N. J.; (sup.) Huldrick of Schenectady, m. i**', Nov. 1698, Hester de Vouw of New Haerlem, m. 2'', Jan. 10, 17 11, Ariaentje Pieters; (sup.) Adriaentje, m. Apl. 1708 Hendrick Claesen; Vroutje, bp. May 16, 1682, m. Aug. 1701 Jan Janse Jerale- man; Cornelia, bp. Mar. 13, 1692; Jacob Pieterse, bp. Nov. 13, 1694, (sup.) m. Marikee and settled on the Raritan; Hans Pieterse, bp. Oct. 30, 1695, m. i^^ (sup.) Madeline , m, 2^ Nelke Golden, and settled in E. N. J,; (sup.) Antie, m. Nov. 1726 W"' Ennis or Annis; (sup.) Maritien, m. Mar. 1738 Peter Herdenay; and (sup.) Petrus Pieterse, m. Diana de Groot. Made his mark " P B" to documents. Peter (s. of Johannes and Jannetje of Fld^), bought Apl. 22, , of his father his lands in Fid" and the tools of his blacksmith-shop, as per p. 243 of Lib. 2 of Con. Made his mark "P B" to documents in 1698. GENEALOGY. 55 Wilkm {Adams), bp. Mar. 5, 165 1, in N. A.; m. i«* Aeltje or Elsje ; m. 2'^ Elizabeth or Lysbeth Simpson; m. 3"* Marte . Of Gowanus in 1677, and mem. of Br" R. D, ch.; on ass. roll of Br" of 1676 and cen. of 1698. There was a William Brouwer (not a s. of Adam) who in 1655 owned property in N. A., was in Beverwyck in 1657, and was buried Aug. 3, 1663, as per p. 27 of Pearson's Early Settlers of Albany. Issue:— Magdalena (by i^^ w.), bp. Sept. 14 1679; Lysbeth (by 2^ w.), bp. Oct. 12, i68x; Adolphus, bp. Aug. 10, 1684; Johannes, bp. Sept. 18, 1687; Catharine, bp. Oct. 5, 1690, in N. Y.; Jannetje (by 3*^ w.), bp. Jan. 18, 1702; Sam- uel, bp. Aug. 25, 1706; (sup.) Margarite; Maria, bp. (sup.) May I, 1709; Annetje, bp. (sup.) July 30, 17 10; and Lucre- tia, bp. (sup.) Aug. 31, 1 7 12. Broughman, Jan, of G'* in 1656, per Thompson's L. I. Browne, William, (sup. English,) a mag. of G"^ in 165 1, as per p. 156 of Vol. II. of N. Y. Doc. of Col. His. Browning, Margaret, of C*, m. July 18, 1666, Danell Estall of Middletown, N. J. Browse, see Brouse. Bruin, Reuf, of Fid' in 1700, per town rec. Probably same as Rutger Bruyne. Bruinnen or Bruman, Jan Warivert, on Stoothoff's books of 1677. Brummaga, see Cammega. Bruyenburgh, Jan Hansen, emigrated in 1639, and took the oath of allegiance in Bu^ in 1687. Probably this is Jan Hansen (Van Noortstrand), an owner of Buyennesburg; hence the name. Bruyne, Bruynsen, or Brunos, Rutger, from Gelderland, m. Mar. 15, 1684, Geertniyd Jansz. Mem. of R. D. ch. of Fid' in >677, on ass. roll of the same place of 1683 and cen. of 1698. Made his mark to documents. William (alias Stofnmefie), bought Sept. 28, 1685, of Jacob Stryker and Rutger Bruyne meadow-lot No. 39 in the Fl*" meadows at Canarisie, as per p. 3 of Lib. A of Fl^ rec. On ass. roll of Fid' of 1693 and cen. of 1698. $6 GENEALOGY. Bruyns (De Bruyn), John Hkndrick, a merchant of the city of N. Y., and an Indian trader, bought Mar. 20, 1685-6, of John Griggs Jun'^ two 15 A. lots, No. i and 16, in G**, as per town rec. BuYR, Egborsen, see Buys. Buys or Buyse, Adam (Janse), of Fl'', bp. Dec. 11, 1684. Corne/is, on cen. of G^ of 1698, and on a deed of 1711. Signed his name " Coruelys Buyse." Cornell's [/a/isc) of Fl'', bp. Dec. 14, 1684. Egborsen., paid 3 gl. 12 St., minister's salary, in Fl'" in 1680, as per Fl'' town rec. Hendrick {/aiise), bp. Mar. 15, 1654. Lubber t [Janse), bp. Feb. 2, 1655. Jacob [Janse), m. Nov. 22, 1690, Marretje Joris Jorisz. .Owned lands in Bedford in 1695, as per deed of Thomas Lambertse to M. Cornelisz, on p. 129 of Lib. 3 of Con., and on cen. of Br" of 1698. There was a Jacobus Buys residing near New Brunswick, N. J., in 1696. Issue: — Jan, bp. Oct. 18, 1691; Joris, bp. Mar. 4, 1694; and Femmetje, bp. Apl. 10, 1698. Jan of the Wallabout, mem. of the R. D. ch. of Br° in 1677; on ass. roll of said town of 1683 and cen. of 1698. A John Buys and Susanna his wife, of Br", conveyed in 1694 lands to Jurian Bries, as per p. 5 of Lib. 2 of Con. Jan Cornelise, known as Jan the soldier, emigrated in 1648; m. I*"- Ida or Eybe Lubbertse; m. 2^, Aug. 24, 1663, Femmetje Jans wid. of Teunis Nyssen (Denyse), who was buried Dec. 13, 1666, in Fl'' ch.; m. 3'' Machteld Gerrets; m. 4*'', prior to Nov. 29, 1686, Willemtje Tyssen wid. of Roeleph Willemse, on which date they made a joint will or ante-nuptial contract, as per p. 203 of Lib. i of Con. In 1654 he obtained a grant for 25 morgens in Bergen, N. J., as per p. 380 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Resided at the Wallabout and mem. of the R. D. ch. of Br" in 1677, and on ass. rolls of said town of 1675 and '76. Obtained a pat- ent in 1662 from Gov. Stuyvesant for 28 morgens in Fl'' lying between the farms of Cor** Janse Boomgart and that of Adr" Hegeman, and also for plain land and salt.meadows, as per p. 31 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. He is occasionally entered on the records as Jan the soldier. Nov. 29, 1663, Cornells Janse (Vanderveer) of Fl'' petitioned the Director-Gen and Council for pardon for having accidentally killed " John Damon's " son, aged 8 years, which, with the consent of Several residents of Fl'' and of "Jan Cornells Buys" of Fl'', father of the deceased, and of "Jan Aertsen van der Bilt, GENEALOGY. 57 Tys Lubbertsen, Gerrit Lubbertsen, relatives of Jan Cornells Buys," forgiveness of the same was granted, as per pp. 255 and 256 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Conclude the " John Damon " in the above to be an error, and should have been, or was intended for, Buys. Issue.: — Hendrick, bp. Mar. 15, 1654; Lubbert, bp. Feb. 2, 1655 — both in N. Y.; Diesverien or Debora, m. Nov. 24, 1680, Willem Appelby; Jacob Janse of FP; (by 2'^ w.) Cornells, bp. Apl. 2, 1677; John, bp. June 30, 1678; Margrietje, bp. Oct. 2, 1679; Hen- drickjen; Tryntien; (by 3'' w.) Cornells, bp Dec. 14, 1684; Adam (twin), bp. Dec. 14, 1684; (by 4"^ w.) Hillelje; and Thys. Made his mark to documents. Some of his de- scendants reside in Somerset Co., N. J. An Abram and John Buys were freeholders of Dutchess Co. at its organi- zation in 1714, as per p. 100 of Smith's His. of said co. Lubbert [Janse), bp. Feb. 2, 1655. Pieter [Jacobse), resided in N. A. in 1653, and among first settlers of N. U. in 1657, residing there in 1660. Thys or Matthys [Janse), m. Lysbet. Issue: — Jan, bp. July 7, 1700, m. Neeltje; and Willemxtje, bp. Oct. 26, 1702 — both in Br". Bybon or Bybout, John, of Bedford prior to 1700. Col- lector of Br" in 1701, as per p. 64 of Furman's Notes of Br°. Bycker, Gerret, sold Feb. 28, 1653, to Edward Griffens 25 morgens in Fl^ adjoining No. 9, the Parson's land, as per O'Callaghan's Man. Trans, of Dutch Col. Man. Byckryl, Charel, on muster-roll of Bu*" militia of 1663, per town rec. Byose, Lowys, m. Anneken Juriaansz. Issue: — Lowys, bp. Oct. 9, 1661, at Br°. Caerlse, Jan, on ass. roll of Br° of 1676. Caesar or Cesar, Pieter, the Italian. See Alburtus. Cammega, Kammega, or Brummaga, Hendrick Janse, emi- grated in 1679; m. i^'' Aufia Maria Vervele; m. 2^, Feb. 1717, Margaret Matty se wid. of Nicholas de Vouw. On ass. rolls of N. U. of 1683 and '93, at which place he took th^ oath of allegiance in 1687. From N. U. removed to Hack- ensack, N. J. Issue: — Anna, bp. Oct. 3, 1686, at Fl''; An- 58 GENEALOGY. genietje, bp. May 3, 1688, at Fl*"; Abraham; and Johannes — all of Hackensack. Cannon, John. By a receipt in the hands of Mr. De Mott of J-' it appears that May 13, 1763, Evert Byvanck received for the heirs of John Cannon ^1 10 sh. 9 p. for 3 years' rent of two thirty-ninths of Pine and Coney islands. Byvanck was a merchant and ship-owner in N. Y. A Jan Canon had several children bp. in N. Y. between 1703 and '20. Capitony, Matthias or Matthaas, bought Dec. 2, 1653, of Ralph Cardell plantation-lot No. 13 in G*^, as per town rec. Signed his name ^'■Matthaas Capitony^ Cappoens, Christina, and others applied Mar. i, 1660, for leave to form a village in the vicinity of the Wallabout, as per p. 13 of Vol. i of Stiles's Br". Cardell or Cardael, Ralph, (sup.) English, m. Elizabeth -; d. prior to Mar. 1689. Oct. 3, 1639, he and Christof- fel Lawrens undertook a tobacco plantation of 3 morgens at Gowanus, as per p. 207 of Vol. i of O'Callaghan's Man. Trans, of Dutch Man. Accompanied Lady Mody, and among the first settlers of G''. Dec. 2, 1653, sold to Mat- thias Capito plantation-lot No. 13, and Mar. 23, 1663, bought of Jan Jansen Ver Ryn plantation-lot No. 9 in said town. Feb. 22, 1696, Isaac Haselberry and Elizabeth his wife, heirs and executors of Ralph Cardell late of C^, dec, conveyed to Reynier Van Sickelen for j£,\'2.o a lot of 20 A. in C Neck, as per town rec. His will is da. June 10, 1684, and after his death his wid. m. Thomas Bayles. Made his mark to documents. T/io»ias, of Fld^ or G'' in 1705, as per Stoothoff papers. Signed his name " Thomas Cardale^ Carlsz, Carel, on muster-roll, of Bu"^ militia of 1663, as per town rec. Jacobus, see De Bevoise. Joost of N. U., m. Stryntje Jans. A Joost Carelszen took the oath of allegiance to the English in N. Y. in 1664. Issue: — Marrytje or Maria, bp. Aug. 15, 1660, m. June 12, 1678, Jacobus De Bevoise; Saertje, bp. Jan. 5, 1663; Jan- netje, bp. Nov. 16, 1664; and Cornells', bp. Oct. 13, 1666 — all bp. in N. Y. GENEALOGY. 59 Carnelmsen, Matthys, bought Nov. 20, 1695, of Thomas Lambertse land in Bedford, as per p. 129 of Lib. 3 of Con. Carsten or Carstensen, Claes, the Norman, a soldier in the service of the West India Company, sometimes called Van Sant, obtained Sept. 5, 1645, a patent for 29 morgens on the East River and Noorman's Kil (Williamsburgh), which premises he sold to John Forbes, to whom they were patented May 17, 1647, as per p. 20 of Vol. i of Dutch Man. He m. Apl. 15, 1646, Helletje Hendricks, joined the D. ch. in N. A. Jan. i, 1663, and took up 50 morgens in the vicinity of Constable's Hook, Bergen, N. J., as per p. 50 of Winfield's Land Titles of Hudson Co. Signed his name " Claes Cars- tensen." John and Peter, see Corsen. Cartense, Carsonsen, or Carstens, Jan, of G^, (sup.) m. Mary Jo/mson. Bought land in C in 1681, and also he and his son Peter bought May 25, 1685, of Wm. Goulding as attorney of Tho'' Coddington, two garden-spots with build- ings in G^, as per town rec. On ass. roll of G*^ of 1683, and took the oath of allegiance in said town in 1687 as a native. Issue: — Peter and John. Made his mark " I " to documents. Peter, bought Mar. 2, 1687-8, of his brother, John Cars- tensen, a parcel of land and meadows in G*^, as per town rec. Cartese, Jan, on ass. roll of Bu*" of 1676. Casaue, Jacobus Monseu, one of the soldiers from Kings Co. sent in 1689 to Albany, as per p. 216 of Vol. II of Doc. His. of N. Y. Suppose this to have been Jacob Cashow. Casparse, James, hired a farm in 1666 in Bu*" of Clare Voorure wid. of Ryck Lydecker, as per Bu"" rec. Caspar, Johafines, and Joost, see Springsteen. Melle, on muster-roll of Bu'' of 1663, as per town rec. Caspartsz, Melchert, (sup.) of FP, m. Geertruyd Bar- tholds. Issue: — Catharine, bp. May 12, 1678; Jeuriaans, bp. Apl. 17, 1681; Lysbeth, bp. Nov. 30, 1683 — all bp. in Fld^; and Isaac, bp. Apl. 12, 1687, in N. Y. Casper, Caspel, and Carparse, see Springsteen. Casshovv or Cassou, Jacob, b. in N. Y.; m. Sept. 28, 1695, Anfi Maria Rapalje da. of Tunis, and is the ancestor of the' L. I. Casshows. Issue: — Antje, bp. June 18, 1699; Johan- 6o GENEALOGY. nes, bp. Sept. 21, 1701; (sup.) Jacob, who m. Lena Stock- holm; and Annetje, bp. Mar. 21, 1708 — all in Br". Made his mark to documents. Catjouw, Jan, a Frenchman, among the first settlers of Bu'', per Thompson's L. I., of which town he was a mag. in 1662, and in that year returned to Holland. Cerghe, Jan Gouwen, of Fl*" in 1668, as written by himself. Cesar or Caesar, Pieter, the Italian, see Alburtus. Chandler or Chaundler, Samuel, (sup. English,) ob- tained Sept. 9, 1649, a plantation-lot in C*, per town rec, Sept. 16 of said year it was ordered " by y'' generall con- sent of y"^ inhabbittents (of Gravesend) y' every man shall give him selfe of a ladder of 20 foote or about by newe yeare day next uppon the forfitture of 2 gilders 10 st. a week for all that time hee is without after y*-" time expires." Chock or Chocke, Peter, of Maspeth Kils, bought in 1694 of Dan' Phillips of Newtown a parcel of fresh mea- dows in N. L. which Phillips bought Jan. 19, 1694, of Derick Janse Hoogland, as per p. 30 of Lib. 2 of Con. He was the agent of the Alburtus family for selling their Wallabout farm, as per p. 68 of Lib. 2 of Con. Christiaence, Jacob, took the oath of allegiance in N. U. in 1687 as a native. Christoffel, Gerret, m. Lysbeth Cornells. Issue: — Albert, bp. Mar. 13, 1681, in Fl'^. Hans or Jannes, m. Tryntje Barents. Leased in 1663, for 6 years, Fl'^ ch. lands for 200 gl. wampum value per annum. On ass. roll of Fl*" of 1675. Issue: — Barent, bp. June 6, 1680, in Fl''. Made his mark to documents. Johannes, see Schaers. Johannis, bought Feb. 18, 1664, of " Joncker Balthazer Vosch "21 morgens with plain and meadow land in Fl'', as per p. 153 of Lib. B of Fl'' rec. Was also allowed Mar. 29, 1670, a farm of 27 morgens in Fl'', by virtue of the town patent, lying between the farms of " W™ Gilyemsen and that of Jan Van de Belt," with plain and meadow land, as per p. 9 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. This Johannes is probably the Hans or Jannes above inserted. Signed his name ^^ Johannis Crisstoffel." GENEALOGY. 6l Fitter {Fieter), a pauper buried by the R. D. ch. of N. U. in 1689. CiMMER, JoRis, m. Mary . Issue: — Marya, Katrina, and Elizabeth, all bp. Oct. 19, 1695, in Br°. CiNOM, Jan, from Leiden in South Holland, m. Aug. 3, 1662, at Br", Grietje Snedinx from Amsterdam. Claas, Claasz, Claasen, Claesen, or Klaesen, Barent, a mag. of Fl*^ in 1680, as per p. 60 of Strong's Fl*" and as per Lib. A of Fl^ rec. This may be intended for Barthold or Bartel Claesen. Bartel or Barthold (Van Ruynen, or from Ruynen, a manor in South Holland), commonly written Bartel Claesen, m. Hildegonde . Was taxed 10 fl., clergyman's salary, Feb. 7, 1657, as Jan Eversen's (Bout) farmer, per p. 136 of Vol. I of Stiles's Br". Sept. 13, 1659, he bought of Glandy La Metre his bouwery on the W. side of the road in Fl'', as per p. 59 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec, to which he probably re- moved, his name appearing frequently from said date to 1681 on said rec. Dec. 22, 1669, he bought of Frans Barentse Pastoor a farm on the W. side of the road in Fl** of 22 morgens, which he sold in 1678 to Cor^ Janse Berrien. Feb. 2, 1670, he was allotted 22 morgens on the W. side of the road in pursuance of the provisions of the patent of FP. Mar. 29, 1677, Gov. Andross granted to him and Lowys Janse 171 A. lying next to the Paerdegat, bounded by the limits of Fld^, and N. E. by the flats or-plains. Feb. 4, 1681, he bought of Stoffel Probasco 19 morgens on the E. side of the road in Fl'', which Probasco bought June 2, 1676, of Lysbet Janse (wid. of Jan Claesz) and Auke Janse her husband (said Jan Claesz having been allotted the same in pursuance of Fl'' patent), which farm he sold Oct. 15, 1681, to Jan Auke Van Nuyse. See p. 59 of Lib. C; pp. 4, 14, and 45 of Lib. A; p. 281 of Lib. D; and p. 122 of Lib. AA of FP rec. Bartel's name appears on the ass. rolls of Fl'' of 1675 and '76; mem. of D. ch. in 1677, and elder in 1680; constable in 1670 and '75, as per Strong's Fl"; overseer in 1677, as per p. 18 of Cal. of Land Papers, also in 1682; and mag. in 1681. Oct. 5, t68i, for 5000 gl. wampum he bought of Cor'' Steenwyck a farm in Bergen, N. J., as per p. 69 of Winfield's Hudson Co. Land Titles, to which he probably removed. Issue: — Hendrick, bp. Mar. 8, 1654, in N. A. Signed his name '■'■ Baertelt Ciaes." Claes, see Smidt. Cornells, see Wyckoff. 62 GENEALOGY. Gerbrant, m. Aug. 25, 1674, Marretje da. of Claes Pietersen Cos. Resided in Br" in 1691, but afterwards, or perhaps previously, resided in Bergen, N. J., as per p. 520 of Win- field's Hudson Co., where an account of his family is given. Issue: — Pieter, bp. Apl. 21, 1675; Claes, bp. Aug. 18, 1677; Herpert, bp. Nov. 26, 1679 — all in N. Y. ; Myndert, bp. Feb. 26, 1682, in Br"; Neeltje, bp. Oct. i, 1684, in N. Y.; Metje, bp. Feb. 3, 1687, in N. Y.; Meyndert, bp. June 29, 1691, in Br"; Marretje, bp. Nov. i, 1693, in N. U. ; and Gerbrant, bp. Aug. 9, 1696, in N. U. Gerret, m. Marretje Ariaensen; mem. of R. D. ch. of Fl'' in 1677. Issue: — Klaes, bp. May 4, 1695. There was a Gerret Claes, son of Claes Gerretse and Adriaentje Lolle- nokx, b. about 1660, as per p. 40 of Lib. D of Fl'' rec. Harpert, defendant in a suit of which Nathaniel Brednel (Brittan) was plaintiff, Feb. 11, 1661, as per Lib. B of FP court rec. Hendrick, emigrated in 1654, settled in Br", where with others. May 26, 1663, petitioned for leave to form a concen- tration (village) back of the Wallabout, as per p. 12 of Vol. I of Stiles's Br". Of Bedford in 1685, and mem. of R. D. ch. of Br", at which place he took the oath of allegiance in 1687. Apl. 16, 1689, he sold Casper Janse a lot at Bedford, as per p. 143 of Lib. i of Con., and in 1690 he was a com- missioner of Br". Feb. 8, 1665, a Hendrick Claesen from Amsterdam paid a marriage-fee to Fl'' ch. A Hendrick Claesen and Paryntie Michaels had a da. Catryntie bp. Dec. 8, 1675, in N. Y. Some of the above items may refer to Hendrick Claesen Van Vechten. Isaac, sold Apl. i, 1666, to Adriaen Van Laer two double building-plots in FP, as per p. 58 of Lib. D of Fl'' rec. Apl. 21, 1667, he obtained, on the division of the FP salt meadows at Canarisie, a meadow lot. Made his mark to documents. Jan of Bu'', see Zieuw. Jan of FP, cooper, m. Lysbeth Jans wid. of Christoffel Schaets; he was buried Sept. 17, 1661, in FP ch. Jan. 14, 1670-1, " Leysbeth Jans wid. and heir of Jan Claesz, dec," was allotted, as one of the patentees of Fl'', a farm of 19 mor- gens lying iDetween the farm of Jan Strycker and that of Derek Janse Vander Vliet, with plain and meadow land, as per p. 14 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. Issue: — Claes Jansen, Lys- beth Jansen, and Christoffel Jansen. After his death his wid. Lysbeth m. Aucke Janse Van Nuyse. Jannetje of Fl'', midwife, sold July i, 1680, her house and lot in Fl'', adjoining the school-lot and abutting in the rear against the mill-lot, to Aucke Janse Van Nuyse for 800 gl., as per p. 129 of Lib. A A of FP rec. GENEALOGY. 63 Loy Charles Deniso, on Gov. Dongan's patent of Bu'' of 1678. Melle of N. Y. and W"' Goulding of G" sold Oct. 29, 1679, to Klaes Jansen of G*^ a house, garden, and orchard in said town, as per G'' rec. Nicholas, see Wyckoff. Pieter and Grietje Cornelis had a s. Jan bp. Apl. 22, 1663, in Br". Pieter, see Wyckoff and Van Hasmyes. Sifnon, from Groningen, on ass. roll of Br" of 1675 and 1684. Also a Simon Claesen on ass. roll of Fl'' of 1675. Simon (sup. Van Huyse), from Groningen — and this may be the above Simon — m. i^*, Aug. 7, 1655, Annetje Lodewyck, who d. prior to July 8, 1682; m. 2'', June 30, 1686, Tryntje Gerrets. Resided in Br". Will da. July 8, 1684, rec. p. 5, Lib. I (copy) of Con. Issue: — Grietje, bp. July 29, 1657; Engeltie, bp. Sept. 15, 1658, in N. A.; Janneke, bp. Dec. 5, 1660; Claes, bp. Nov. 27, 1661; Lysbeth, bp. May 22, 1664; Peter; Lodowyck, bp. Apl. 25, 1666, in N. Y.; Jan, bp. Jan. 12, 167 1 ; Margriet, b. Jan. 14, 1674 — all bp. in Br" except those set forth as bp. in N. A. and N. Y. William of Fld^ and Gowanus, m. Oct. 9, 1681, Elsje Ger- retsz Kroezen. Issue: — Gerret, bp. Aug. 27, 1682. A W" Klassen settled near New Brunswick, N. J., prior to 1699, as per p. 35 of Messler's Somerset Co. Clark, Robert, (sup.) English, agreed July 16, 1650, to purchase John Applegate's plantation in C, as per town rec, which he sold Aug. 20, 1652, to Thomas Baxter. Signed his name " Robert Clark." Clay or Cley, Humphrey or Oufie, on ass. roll of Bu^ of 1676 and '93, patent of 1687, and cen. of 1698. Came to Bu'^as early as 1667, where he obtained a patent for a plan- tion. He m. i*" Katharine ; m. 2^ Sarah wid. of James Christie of Newtown. Claer or Claes, Tunise, of Br° ferry; his name on deed of Filkins to Coe of Jan. 8, 1697, of Kings Co. reg. off. Apl. 15, 1694, he and his wife Anneke, late wid. of John Sprong of Ulster Co., sold to Jacob Rutgersz of the same county a lot at Br" ferry, as per p. 15 of Lib. 2 of Con. Clement, Jan, emigrated in 1665, m. Maria Bocquet or Bokee. May 29, 1674, he bought of Luykes Meyer a bou- wery at Yellow Hoek, N. U., formerly in possession of Pieter Jacobse, for 1700 gl., as per p. 107 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. On 64 GENEALOGY. ass. rolls of N. U of 1675, '76, and '83, and in 1687 took the oath of allegiance in said town. Was a mason by trade; at one period resided in Fid**. Issue: — Jannetje, bp. Aug. 26, 1676, in Br"; Pieter, bp. July 31, 1681, in N. U.; Johannis, bp. Apl. 26, 1685, in Fid''; and Annetje, bp. Dec. 8, 1687, in FV\ There was a Jean Clement, a pauper, who joined the D. ch. of N. U. in 1680. Made his mark to documents. Clerck or Clercq, Jan, from Brazil, m. July 17, 1661, Ajineken Hansen Bet-gen; d. Nov. 15, 1661. Mem. of R. D. ch. of Br" in 1660. No account of issue. Cleyn, Jan Cornelissen, bought May 15, 1660, of Lowis Jansen a building-plot in Fl'' on the N. side of Cleyn's land, as per p. 232 of Lib. B of Fl** rec. Sold Oct. 3, 1661, to Herman Bartelfs a farm in Fl'' of 20 morgens, with plain land and meadows, as per p. 83 of Lib. B of Fl'' rec. Signed his name ''''Jan Cornelissen Cleyn.'' Clinch, Pieter Cornelise, sold his house and lot inFld^ to Elbert Elbertse Stoothoff. Clock or Clocq, Pelgrom, emigrated in 1656. Oct. 26, 1663, he was employed by the mag. of Fl'' and the consis- tory of the R. D. ch. of said town as schoolmaster, court messenger, and precentor of the ch. (as per. p. 145 of Lib. B of Fl'' rec), at a salary of 200 gl. per annum, 50 of which to be paid by the consistory. In addition to other perqui- sites, he was to receive, for teaching A B C, 2 gl.; spelling, 2 gl. 10 St.; reading, 3 gl.; and writing, 5 gl., from each scholar. If Adriaen Hegeman was the first schoolmaster of Fl*", as per Strong's history of said town, (of which the com- piler on a careful examination of the rec. of said town failed to discover a particle of evidence,) Reinier Bastiaen- sen Van Giesen was clearly the second, and Pelgrom Clocq the third. He appears to have resided in Bu'' in 1687. Signed his name "P. Clocq." Clomp or Clomb, Huybert, see Lambert Huybertsen Mol. • Clouds, Samuel. He and Pieter Cortelyou, with con- sent of the major part of the inhabitants of Br", in pursu- ance of an agreement made at a town meeting held at Bed- ford on the 12th of April, 1697, surveyed and laid out the common woodlands of said town into lots. GENEALOGY. 65 Clough, Cluff, or Clof, Richard, and his associates obtained Jan. 21, 1647, a patent for Canarisie on condition of having 20 families settled on the same within 3 years, which in consequence of non-fulfilment became void. Sold Jan. 24, 1655, to Tho^ Hall a plantation in C^, as per town rec. Signed his name '•'' Rich. Cloi/gh." Clumpton, William, (sup.) English, of G*^ in 1676, per town rec. Cluns or Clunen, Hupert or Herkert, (alias Jacobus Van Dalen,) m. Feb. 25, 1662, Jannetje Willems at Br". Leased Aug. 28, 1655, Gov. Stuyvesant's bouwery and stock at Amersfoort (Fld^), as per Col. Man. Cock, Jochem Gerretsen, obtained May 27, 1656, a patent for one morgen in Br" on the highway W. of the burying-ground of the R. D. ch. COCKCOEVER, CoQUEUERT, Or COQUER, ALEXANDER, a Frenchman, who emigrated in 1657; drum-major of militia of Bu'^ in 1663, as per town rec, and obtained a plantation in said town in the same year, as per Col. Man. Took the oath of allegiance in Bu^ in 1687, his name appearing on the patent of said town in the same year. Apl. 23, 1665, " Alex- ander Kockes" (sup. to be the same Alexander) paid a marriage-fee to Fl*^ ch., as per town rec. Signed his name " Alexander Cokcover." CocKUiT, JoGST, emigrated in 1660, and took the oath of allegiance in Bu'' in 1687. On ass. rolls of Bu*^ of 1675, '83, and '93, and patent of 1687. Lieut, in 1673 and capt. of militia in 1686, per Col. Man. CoDUiNGTGN, Thomas, (sup.) English. In May 1685 W™ Goulding, as his attorney, sold to John and Peter Car- sonsan two garden-spots with buildings, and also to Henry Matice his interest in the common woodlands of G*^, as per town rec. In 1686 he resided on the Raritan in E. N. J., and in 1698 was a member of the Legislature of that locality, as per p. 212 of the Rec. of the Gov. and Council of E. N. J. Signed his name " Tho: Coduington." Cge, John, from the town of Garscone or Gans Coone, Essex, England. June 8, 1697, Henry Filkins of Fl"" con- 5 66 GENEALOGY. veyed to him land in Br", as per p. 143 of Lib. 2 of Con. A Robert Coe of Hempstead in 1641, and a Benjamin Coe of J'' in 1683. CoENESEN, Jan, paid 2 gl. 15 st., minister's salary, in Fl'' in 1680, as per town rec. CoEKTE or CoERTEN, See Voorhies. Haniien, b. 1610; emigrated from Voorthuyzen inGelder- land in Feb. 1659, with w. and 5 chil., and settled in N. U. Jan. 15, 1664, he with others made an affidavit before the notary Pilgrom Clock relating to Capt. John Scott's raid on the Dutch towns on L. I., especially on N. U., as per p. 480 of Vol. II. of Doc. of Col. His. of N. Y. Made his mark to documents. Jan^ on ass. roll of Fl'' of 1676. Myndert, see Koerten. CoESAER, Anthony, on Br" ass. roll of 1693. CoEVERS or Covert, Hans or Jan (Teunisz), m. Jannetje Boka {Braga7ii). Of Bu'^ in 1677 and '85, and mem. of R. D. ch. of Br". Took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687 as a native. Resided on the Raritan in N. J. in 1705. Is- sue: — Ariaentje, bp. Aug. 3, 1690, in Br"; Tennis, bp. Apl. 16, 1693, in N. Y.; Bragon of the Raritan, bp. Mar. 29, 1696, in Br", m. Dec. i, 1723, Anna Slover; Maria, bp. Aug. 6, 1705, in N. J.; and Barbara, bp. Oct. 26, 1709. Signed his name ^^Yan Teuftisse Coeverf." Johannes [Tet/nisse), m. Jannetje , and settled near New Brunswick, N. J., prior to 1699, as per p. 35 of Mess- ler's Somerset Co.; see also p. 21 of the Rev. Mr. Corwin's His. Discourse. Took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687 as a native. Issue: — Teunis, bp. Apl. 11, 1693, in N. Y. Lucas [Tcunise), emigrated in 1653; m. Aug. 27, 1682, Barbara Sprung of Fl'\ Mem. of R. D. ch. of Br" in 1677, and took the oath of allegiance in said town in 1687, resid- ing at Bedford. Resided at Mad Nan's Neck in Queens Co. in 1697, and at Three Mile Run in N. J. in 1703. Issue: — Abraham, bp. May 27, 1683; Isaac, bp. May 27, 1683; and Lucas, bp. Apl. 9, 1699, (all in Br",) m. Femmetje , and resided on the Raritan, N. J. Signed his name ^^Liices Teunissen." Maiiritsz {Teutiise) of Bedford, bp. Aug. 6, 1663, m. Apl. I, 1690, Anne Fonteyn wid. of Jacob Jansen of Bu'^. Took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687 as a native; mem. of GENEALOGY. 6/ R. D. ch. of Br" in 1677, and resided in Bu'^ in 1697. Issue: — Theunis Mauritsz of Monmouth Co., N. J., bp. Mar. 29, 1691, m. Antic Fonteyn; Charles Mauritsz, bp. Apl. 16, 1693; Mauritsz, bp. Jan. 16, 1696 — all in N. Y.; and Sara, bp. Dec. 27, 1697, in Br". Tennis, Ja/ise, emigrated in 165 1 from Heemstede in North Holland; m. Barbara Lucas or Jans; resided at first in N. A. and finally settled at Bedford in Br", at which place he took the oath of allegiance in 1687. Mem of the R. D. ch. of N. A. prior to 1660; mem. of the R. D. ch of Br" in 1660, '77, and '85, and d. prior to 1700. Issue: — Hans Teunise; Marretje Teunise, m. Nov. 24, 1682, Jean Messerole Jun"" of Bu^; Lucas Teunise; Mauritsz Teunise; Aeltje Teunise, m. May 18, 1679, in N. Y., W"^ Pos or Post of N. Y.; Sarah Teunise, m. Apl. 7, 1680, in N. Y., Arent Fredericksen of N. Y.; Annetje Teunise, bp. Aug. 28, 1661, m. Apl. 16, 1687, Garret Sprong; Jannetje Teunise, (sup.) m. Titus Syrachs De Vries; Aaggica or Eechtje Teunise, m. Derk Paulus of J'' ; and Johannes Teunise, m. Jannetje , and fettled on the Raritan. CoLEURT or CoLEVELT, FouwERENS Or Lawrence, m. Sara Walderuni or Wald?-on. Issue: — Altie, bp. Mar. 6, 1670, in Br", m. June 9, 1690, Isaacq Breser of N.' Y., both residents of the latter place at date of marriage; and Cornells, bp. Sept. 18, 1680, in N. Y. CoLjER or Colyer, Cornelis, of Br" in 1699. Jeurriaen, on ass. roll of Bu'^ of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Jochem, m. Marritje . Issue: — Jeurriaen, bp. Oct. 27, 1697, in Br"; Helena, bp. July 2, 1699, in N. Y.; Jan, bp. Jan. I, 1703, in N. Y.; and Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 25, 1706, in N. Y. • s CoMAYK, Albert, of Fld^ in 1666, as per town rec. CoMLiTS, Jan, a mag. of Br" in 1661, as per Thompson's L. I. CoMTON, William, (sup. English,) b. 1622; a freeholder of G^ in 1656 and '70, per Thompson's L. I., and constable in 1677. Bought Nov. 24, 1657, of Nich^ Stillwell planta- tion-lot No. 29 in C^, as per town rec. Was one of the purchasers (12 men and 24 associates) of Middletown, N. J., of the Indians in 1667. Signed his name " IVei/lum Corn- ton." 68 GENEALOGY. CoNALiN, Jan, defendant in a suit of Cornelis Wandel of Jan. 2 1, 1660, as per Lib. B of Fl'' court rec. CoNCES, Jean, a Frenchman, on cen. of Fld^ of 169S. CoNiCK or CoNiNGH, ALBERT, and Trytitje Janse his w., joined the R. D. ch. of Br" in 1664. An Aldert Coninck (probably the same person) took the oath of allegiance to the English in N. Y. in 1664. Signed his name ''Albert Coni//g/i." CoNSELYEA Or CoNSELjE, Jan or Jean de, a Huguenot who emigrated in 1662, joined the R. D. ch. of N. A. Apl. i, 1663, and settled in Bu*^, where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687. He m. Fytje or Eyfjc Sc/iuts. Issue: — Lysbeth, bp. May 2, 1677, in N. Y.; Anneken, bp. June 27, 1686, in N. Y.; and Pieter, bp. Nov. 25, 1688, in Br". His descendants re- sided in Bu*", Queens Co., and in E. N. J. Peter oi Bu'', bp. Nov. 25, 1688; m. . Issue: — ^up.) Sara, bp. Oct. 23, 1717, in N. Y. Cook or Cooke, John, English; a plantation granted to him Mar. 16, 1650,' in G'^, as per rec. of said town, of which place he was a mag. in 1656, '59, '61, and '62. May 29, 1660, he bought of John Applegate plantation-lot No. 12 in G"^. Apl. 17, 1680, Sarah Cooke of G'', in pursuance of the will of John Cooke her dec. husband, and as his executrix, "order and empower my loving son Obadiah Holmes of Staten Island, for me and in my behalf," to sell lands, etc., as per G'' rec. Signed his name ''John Cooked Laurens Cornelise and Margaretta his wife, of Bu^, mort- gaged their lands, cong. 104 A., to Stephanus Van Cortland of N. Y. Jan. 17, 1693, as per p. 252 of Con. His name' on Dongan's patent of Bu'^. Cool, Cornelis Lambertsen, m. Altien Brackhonge, who after his death m. Willem Bredenbent. Bought May 17, 1639, of Thomas Bescher or Beets a plantation in Gowanus (for which he obtained a patent Apl. 5, 1642), to which he re- moved, having previously resided in N. A. This patent, as near as can be ascertained, covered the farms designated on Butts's map of Br" as of Peter Wyckoff, John Wyckoff, Henry Story, and Winant Bennet. Issue: — Altie Cornelis, who m. i^*^ Gerret Wolferse Van Cowenhoven, and m. 2^ Elbert Elbertse Stoothoff; Peterje Cornelis, who m. Claes Jansen Van Purmerent, alias Jan Pottagie; and Lambert GENEALOGY. 69 Cornelise. See pp. 251 and 252 of Bergen Genealogy. Made his mark to documents. CoopAL or CoPALL, Jan, constable of Bu**^, ordered by the court of sessions in 1670 to give an account of his chattels. CoRBESBY, Gabriel, of Gowanus, m. June 15, 1657, Teuntje or Tryntje Straetsman, wid., who d. Oct. 9, 1662, per Br" R. D. ch. rec. Issue: — David, bp. Mar. 28, 1659, in N. A. CoRLAER, see Van Curler. CoRNELissE or CoRNELissEN, Arie, m. Feb. 17, 1662, Jie- becca Idens. Mem. of R. D. ch. of N. Y. in May 1673. On ass. roll of Bu*^ of 1675. Issue: — Idens, bp. Nov. 28, 1665; Grietje, bp. Nov. 6, 1667; Cornelia, bp. Jan. 9, 1670; Lys- beth, bp. Dec. 10, 1671; Cornells, bp. Mar. 18, 1674; Jacob, bp. Apl. 6, 1676; and Dina, bp. Apl. 10, 1678 — all bp. in N. Y. A-brahiif/i, see Van Brunt. Albert, see Wantenaer. Arie, see Vogel. Barerit, m. Anna Barentsen. Issue: — Cornells, bp. Aug, 28, 1698. Casper, on ass. roll of Br"^ off. 1676. Paid a marriage-fee of 5 florens and 10 st. to Fl'' R. D. ch. Nov. 2, 1664, as per ch. rec. There was a Casper Cornelisen and Neeltje Jans who had a da. Saertje bp. Feb. 27, 1667, and a da. Sarabp. Sept. 3, 1681, both in N. Y. Claes, a witness on will of Swantje Jans in 1692, per Col. Doc. Claes [Van Katt), on ass. roll of Bu*^ of 1676. Claes, owned land in Br" Feb. 17, 1646, as per Pieter Cornelissen's patent. Claes, see Klaes, Mentelaer, Mitelaer, Van Brunt, Van Cott, and Van Schouw. Claes of Fld^, b. 1597; made an affidavit in 1664 in rela- tion to Capt. Scott's raid on the Dutch towns on L. I. in 1664, as per p. 482 of Vol. II. of Doc. of Col. His. Made his mark to documents. Cornells, see Van Brunt and Van Duyn. Cornells of Kings Co., ag. 22, deposes in relation to the burning of Jochem Pietersen's house by the Indians in 1644, per p. 67 of Furman's Antiquities of L. I. Derick, on ass. roll of Br" in 1676. Derick, see Hoogland. JO GENEALOGY. Gerret, see Van Duyn and Van Nukerk. Giiilliam, see Cornel. Hendrick, of Fld^ in i6So. Sept. i, 1672, Minne Johannes sold to " Hendryck Cornelisse" a house-plot in Fl'', as per p. 19 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. In 1660 he sold his bouwery in Fid* to Nathaniel Brittan, as per p. 15I of Lib. B of Fl'' rec. Made his mark to documents. Hendrick, see Sleght and Wyckoff. Jacob, see Wyckoff. Jan, see Buys, Cleyn, Damen, Van Rotterdam, Van Tes- sel, and Zieuw. Jan, owned land in Bu'^ in 1662, as per town rec. Jan, a carpenter in Fid* in 1672, as per Col. Doc. Signed his name "_/«« Cornells'' in 1689. Jan Buis, on ass. roll of Bu*^ in 1675. John, see Wyckoff. Klaes or Claes, of Fld^ in 1664 and '74; b. 1597. In 1664 made an affidavit relating to Capt. Scott's raid. Made his mark to documents. Lourens or Louis, on ass. roll of Fid® of 1676, and on that of Fl'' of 1683. Feb. 2, 1677-8, or Dec. 29, 1687, "Lau- rens Cornelise, farmer, of N. Aarnhem in the jurisdiction of Bushwick " (Mispat Kil), bought of Stoffel Janse, car- penter, 2 lots of woodland, Nos. 32 and 2)Z^ i^^ the new lotts of Fl'' for 3000 gl., bought by said Stoffel of Minne Johan- nes, as per. p. 93 of Lib. A and p. 20 of Lib. AA of Fl'' rec. There was a Laurens Cornelise and Margaret Barents who had issue: — Cornells, bp. Mar. 29, 1677; Grietje, bp, Dec. 21, 1678; and Marritje, bp. June 22, 1687 — all bp. in N. Y. Signed his name ^'■Lourens Cornclsen." Loycan, on ass. roll of Bu'^ of 1683. Matthys, emigrated in 1663; m. Feb. 20, 1692, Eytie or Sophia Adams Brouwer. Took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687, where he owned property; on ass. roll of N. U. of 1693 and cen. of Br" of 1698. Issue: — Cornells, bp. May 4, 1695, in Br". Matthys, from Jutland; of Fl'' in 1702, per Col. Man.; may be the above Matthys. Motlick, on deed of freeholders of Br" to Adrian Bennet of Jan. 2, 1696-7. Nicholas, see Van Brunt and Wyckoff. Pieter, (sup.) b. 1607; obtained Feb. 8, 1646, a patent for 27 morgens in Br" adjoining land of Cornells Dircksen, ferryman. Bought land in Br" Mar. 22, 1650, of Lodewick Jongh; a mag. of Br" in 1654, per Col. Man., and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687. Signed his name ^^ Fieter Corrnclissen." GENEALOGV. 7I Pieter^ of N. U. in 1682, as per Stoothoff's books. Pieter, see Clinch, Luyster, Vanderveer, and Wyckoff. Simon, see Wyckoff. Tennis, bought July 3, 1647, of Wolfert Gerretse (Van Couwenhoven) 52 morgens of land on the N. end of the plains in Fld% as per p. 363 of Vol. 2 of O'Callaghan's Man. Trans, of Col. Man. Thcunis, oi Br" in 1663, where with others he petitioned for liberty to form a new village near their salt meadows on J'' Bay, as per p. 120 of Vol. i of Stiles's Br". William, obtained a patent Feb. 19, 1646, of Gov. Kieft for 25 morgens at the "bight of Marrakkewick" (the Wal- labout) in Br", as per p. 370 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Cornel or Cornell, Cornelis (s. of Pieter Guilliamse and Margrietje), b. 1681; m. Jannetje (sup.) Hcgcman. Supervisor of Fl'' in 1717 and '18, as per Strong's Fl''. Allotted wood-lots Nos. 25 and 45 in the i^*' division, and 27 and 28 in the 2'' division of Fl'^ wood-lots, in 1701. Left Fl'' and settled in Northampton, Bucks Co., Penn., as per p. 360 of Davis's Bucks Co. Issue: — Johannes, bp. Sent. 21, 1718, and Adriaen, bp. Nov. 19, 1721, both in N. U. Signed his name " Cornelis Cornell Cornelis Willemse (s. of Willem Guljamse and Margareta), resided in Fl'' on a farm conveyed to him Mar. 4, 1701-2, by his mother and the heirs of his father in pursuance of his father's will, located on the W. side of the highway, S. of the land of Leffert Pieterse, and N. of that of Adrian Ryerse and Marten Adrianse, with 2 lots of salt meadows, as per p. 12 of Lib. B of Fl'' rec. A Cornelis Cornel, sup- posed to be this Cornelis, chosen with 7 others, Sept. 12, 1 75 7) by the congregation of Fl'' to call, in unison with the other towns of the county, as an assistant or colleague of Do. Van Sinderen, Do. Casparus Vreymoet, and if he could not be obtained, Barent Vrooman, preacher at Schenectady, or any other preacher the congregation might approve of, as per book of minutes of Fl'' town accounts, meetings, etc. No account of his issue. Signed his name ''^Cornelis Cor- nel " in 1720. Gelyam or Giiilliame Cornelise, the common ancestor of the Fl'' and Kings Co. families of Cornell, emigrated to this country at an early period (was probably a Huguenot), settled at Fl'', and d. prior to July 1666. Aug. 9, 1658, he procured from Director Stuyvesant a patent for a plantation in Midwout (Flatbush), as per p. 591 of Vol. 2 of O'Callaghan's N. Y. In 1661 he and his s. "'Pieter Geliamse " bought of Jan Evertse Bout a bou- 72 GENEALOGY. wery in Fl*^ on the W. side of the highway, 600 rods in length and 48 rods and 8 ft. in width, cong. 48 morgans and 480 rods; also two pieces of salt meadows of 5 morgens; two pieces of plain land of 5 morgens; 2 house or building plots on the W. side of the highway, of 16 rods in length and 12 rods in breadth, with the houses and barns thereon; and also 2 black draw-oxen, 3 milk- cows, a wagon, plough, iron chain, and a cramp-iron to hold saw-teeth when filing — all for the sum of 4500 gl., as per p. 73 of Lib. B of Fl'' rec. Issue: — Pieter Gilliamsen; Wil- lem Gillemse; (sup.) Cornells; Jacob; and Maria. The surname of his descendants for more than a century was pronounced Cornale, with the accent on the e (from Cor- nelise son of Cornells), and but lately changed to Cornell. What Guilliame's proper surname was (if he had any) has not been ascertained, but from his name it is evident he was a Frenchman. His descendants reside in Bucks Co., Penn., E. N. J., and in Kings Co. Gilgam or Guilliatne (s. of Pieter and Margrietje), b. 1679; m. Nov. 4, 1714, Cornelia Van Nortwyck dau. of Simon and Folckertje Van Nortwyck of Blanckenberg in the Netherlands. A resident of Fl'\ at which place he re- sided as late as 1723, after which, inferring from all of his children having been bp. in N. U., he probably resided in N. U., but finally with some of his children, as per p. 360 of Davis's Bucks Co., settled in Bucks Co. in Penn., where he has numerous descendants. In 1708 he bought of Gysber Janse, weaver, a house and lot in Fl'^ on the street in the rear of the " Keck" (stocks or pillory), and also his building-plot with house, kitchen, barn, and one hialf of the well located on the Cow street, so called, as per pp. 58 and 59 of Lib. B of Fl'' rec. Issue: — Jacobus, bp. Oct. 2, 1720, m. Margrietje ; Wilhelmus, bp. July 29, 1722, and (sup.) an elder in the R. D. ch. of Bucks Co., Penn., in 1765; Giljam, bp. Oct. 23, 1724, m. May 23, 1750, Margaret Schenck of Fid**; Johannes, bp. June 16, 1727, m. May 23, 1750, Maria Loth or Lott of Newtown (this Johannes probably remained in Fl'\ where his s. Jsaac, who m. Han- nah da. of Simon Cortelyou of N. U., at one period resided, from whom is descended the Br" branch of the family); Simon, bp. July 13, 1729; and Abraham, bp. Oct. 10. 1731 — all in N. U. Signed his name " Gilgain Cornel" in 1720. Johannes Wilkinson (s. of Willem Guljamse and Mar- gareta), (sup.) m. Altie Courten Voorhies. Supposed Mar. 4, 1 701, to have resided in N. L. on a farm conveyed to him by the heirs of his father in pursuance of the provisions in his will, as per p. 13 of Lib. B of Fl'' rec. No certain GENEALOGY. Jl account of his issue. Signed his name '■'■Johannes Willemson" in 1702. Feter Willemse (s. of William Gillemse and Margreta), re- sided in Fl'', and from thence probably removed to J'', Queens Co., on a farm adjoining land of Jan Aukes (Van Nuyse), conveyed to him Mar. 4, 1 701-2, by the heirs of his father, as per p. 14 of Lib. B of Fl'' rec. No account of his issue. Feter (s. of Pieter and Margrietje), m. Catharine Lan- ing. Left Fl'^ and settled in Northampton, Bucks Co., Penn., as per p. 360 of Davis's Bucks Co. Issue: — Johannes, bp. Nov. 17, 1700, in Br"; and Thys, bp. Mar. 25, 1722, in N. U. Probably other children. Pieter GuiUiamse or Willia?nse (oldest s. of Gelyam Cor- nelise) of Fl'^ — commonly so written, without the addition of Cornelise, Cornele, or Cornell — m. in 1675 Margarietje Verscheur (in the marriage record " Vernelie"), and resided in Fl*". In 1661 he and his father bought of Jan Evertse Bout a bouwery of 48 morgens and 480 rods, with building- plots, plain and meadow land, in Fl'^. Feb. 2, 1670, he was allotted, in pursuance of the patent of Fl'', a double lot in said town lying between the lands of Adriaen Reyerse and those of Hendrick Joorise (Brinckerhoff), cong. 48 morgens and 39 rods, with plain and meadow land, as per p. 5 of Lib. A of FP rec. Apl. 14, 1668, as heir of his father, he sold to Lowys Jansen about 27 morgens and 330 rods of the patent of upwards of 48 morgens granted to his father Aug. 9, 1658, with salt meadows and plain land, as per p. 36 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. His name appears on ass. rolls of Fl'' of 1675 and '83, on Fl'' patent of 1685, and as a mem. of the R. D. ch. of Fl'' in 1677; and his will is da. May 23, 1689, and rec. on p. 141 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. July 17, 1666, he paid 40 gl. for burying his father and mother in Fl'' ch. Oct. 8, 1686 (as Pierre Guilleaum), he was commissioned a lieut. of militia of the Fl'' company, as per p. 148 of Cal. of Eng. Man. Issue: — Guilliame, b. 1679; Cornells; Jacob, b. 1683; Maria, b. 1686; and Pieter. Signed his name "Pieter Wuellemsen.'' ' William Gidjamse (s. of Gelyam Cornelise) of Fl'', m. Margarita da. of Do. Polhemius; d. prior to 1702. Was allotted, in pursuance of the patent of Fl*", a bouwery in said town lying between the lands of Johannis Christoffelse and those of Hendrick Joorise, cong. 26 morgens, with plain and meadow land, as per p. 8 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. His name appears on the ass. rolls of FP of 1675 and '83, on Gov. Andross's patent of N. L. of 1677, as a mag. of the town from 1659 to 1664, and as a mem. of the R. D. ch. of 74 GENEALOGY. FP' in 1677. Issue: — Johannes Willemse; Peter Willemse; Marike or Maria Willemse, m. Jacobus Aucke Van Nuyse; Catharine Willemse, m. Aug. 27, 1690, Johannes Fonteyn; Cornells Willemse; Rachel Willemse, (sup.) to have d. single; and Sarah Willemse, m. Albert Coerten Voorhees, and d. in 1736. Signed his name " /Fzy/fw Gi(ljat?ise." CoRNiL, Thomas, (soldier.) In 1644 Thomas Maby at- tempted to kill him on the flats at Amersfoort (Fld^), as per Col. Man. Cornish, John, of Fld^ His will is da. Dec. 19, 165 1, in which he bequeaths all his property to Samuel London s. of Amibrose London, and to Ann da. of Edmond Audley of Fld^, as per G'' town rec. Made his mark to documents. Thomas, one of the first settlers of G'^ in 1646, in which year he was allotted a plantation-lot, as per town rec. A planter's lot as fixed by the town regulations consisted of 20 morgens or 40 A., with sufficient salt meadows to keep 6 head of cattle. CoRNWELL, Thomas, on list of inhabitants of G*^ in 1650, per town rec. Prior to 1656 owned plantation-lot No. 18 in said town. In 1648 leased for 3 years the cleared land on Lady Mody's plantation. He d. prior to 1650. His wid., Elizabeth, about Jan. 165 1 m. John Morriee, at which date by the marriage papers his surviving children were: — Eliza- beth, about 7 years old (bp. Jan. 12, 1644, in N. U., Samuel, about 5; Johanna, about 3; and Marah, about il, as per G" rec. Corson or Carsten, John, of C, owned lot No. 3 on C Neck in 1688. Apl. 22, 1693, sold to his brother Peter of G*' his share in a certain lot in the Neck, as per town rec. Peter of G*^, m. Deborah . Oct. 23, 1693, he sold Ab™ Emans his dwelling-house and building-plot in G'^ which he bought of Tho^ Coduington, as per town rec. Sept. 25, 1694, Peter Corson of Cape May, N. J., sold his interest in 2 allotments on Gisbert's I., Nos. Sand 12, which he and his brother John Corson had bought of W'" Gould- ing, to Cornells Williamse and Derek Brower of G'', as per town rec. Signed his name " Peter Corsen." Peter, Cornells, and Hendrick. See Vroom. Cortelyou or Corteljau, Cornelis (Jaquesz), of N.U., b. about 1662; m. Neeltje Volckers of Bu"^; d. about 1690. GENEALOGY. 75 Took the oath of allegiance in N. U. in 1687 as a native. Neeltje after his death m. 2'', Sept. 15, 1692, Johannis Vander Grift of N. U. Issue: — Annetje, bp. Sept. 9, 1688, in FP, and m. Mar. 29, 171 1, Isaac Liquier of Bu*^. Jacques i*"', emigrated from Utrecht in the Netherlands to this country about 1652, as private tutor of the children of Cornells Van Werckhoven, and was a surveyor. He m. Neeltje Van Duyn, sister of Gerret Cornelisse, and resided at first in N. A.; d. about 1693. Owned and occupied the Nayack tract in N. U., for which he obtained a patent from Gov. Nicolls. Was Surveyor-Gen. of the colony in 1657; made, as supposed, the first map of the city of N. Y. ; on patents of N. U. of 1668 and '86, of which town he was the founder; a representative of said town in the Hempstead convention of 1665; and vendue-master for the county in 1672. Oct. 20, 1685, he was appointed justice of the peace as~per p. 141 of Cal. of Eng. Man. On the laying out the village of N. U. in 1657 he was allotted plantation No. 10, cong. 30 morgens, which he sold Jan. 6, 1665, to Hen- drick Mattyse Smack. In addition to his Kings Co. lands, he appears to have been interested in a tract of some 12,000 morgens at Aquackanonk on the Passaic, purchased by himself and associates of the Indians. (See p. 118 of the Rec. of the Gov. and Council of E. N. J.) Issue: — Jacques 2'', b. about 1662; Pieter, b. about 1664; Cornells; Helena; Maria; and Willem. Signed his name ^''Ja. Co)'telja7/." Jacques 2'\ b. about 1662; m. i^*, Oct. 4, 1685, Marretje Hendricks Smack; m. 2*^, Jan. 1706, Altie I. Boerman; d. in 1726. Owned and cultivated part of his father's tract in N. U., where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687 as a native, and of which town he was capt. of militia in 1693. Will da. Mar. 4, 1726. Issue: — Meeltje or Aeltje, b. Nov. 30, 1691, d. young; Geertje, b. Nov. 18, 1693, m. Hendrick Van Lieuwen; Helena, b. Nov. 29, 1695 ; Jacques, b. Sept. 26, 1697, d. young; Hendrick, b. Sept. 10, 1699, d. young; Neeltje, b. July 18, 1703; Marya, b. Nov. 16, 1706; Jacques of N. U., b. Sept. 25, 1707, m. Mary or Marretje ; Hendrick of N. J., b. Apl. 18, 1711, m. i^^, Aug. 3, 1731, Antie da. of Albert Coerte Voorhies, m. 2'\ Aug. 19, i742,Catrina ; Dyna, b. Mar. i, 17 15; and Frederick, b. Nov. 22, 17 16. Signed his name ^^Jaques Cortelyou.''' Jaques (s. of Peter and Diewertje), b. about 1698; m. Apl. 25, 1718, Jacomintie Van Pelt; d. Oct. 10, 1757. Farmer in N. U. Issue: — Deborah, b. Nov. 29, 1720, m. Derick Bergen of Gowanus; Peter, b. Oct. 3, 1722; and Nelthe, b. Mar. 6, 1726. Peter (s. of Pieter and Diewertje), b. Sept. 26, 1699; m. yd GENEALOGY. Feb. 24, 17 10, Neeltje Van Pelt of N. U.; d. in 1764. No trace of his issue. Pieter {/aquesz), b. about 1664; m. prior to Nov. 15, 1694, Diewertje De Wit; d. Apl. 10, 1757. Was a surveyor, and owned and cultivated a part of his father's tract in N. U., taking the oath of allegiance in said town in 1687 as a native. With others of Kings. Co., about 17 10, bought the. Harlington tract in Somerset Co., N. J. Issue: — Neeltje, bp. Nov. 15, 1694, in Br", d. young; Jaques, b. about 1698; Peter, b. Sept. 25, 1699; Cornells, b. Aug. 17, 1701, and set- tled on S. I.; Helena, b. Sept. 21, 1703; Willem, b. Sept. 27, 1705; Maria, b. Aug. 10. 1707, d. young; Dorotea or Deborah, b. Nov. 20, 17 19; and Neeltje, b. Mar. 20, 1712, m. Sept. 29, 1745, Barent Johnson. Signed his name '^Pieter Corteljou." Willein {/aquesz) of N. U., of which place he took the oath of allegiance in 1687 as a native. No further trace. CossART, Jaques, on ass. rolls of Bu'^ of 1675 ^"^ 'St,. There were Kosaerts residing on the Raritan in 1733. This may be Jacques Cousard. There was a Jacob Cossar who took the oath of allegiance to the English in N. Y. in 1664. CossEAu, see Cousard. CosiN, Job. He with others of G"^, Oct. 1655, notified the Director-Gen. and Council of their danger from the savages, as per Col. Man. CouRTEN, Harmen, emigrated from Voorhuysen in Gel- derland in Feb. 1659 with w. and 5 chil., and settled in N. U. Myndert, see Korten. Steven^ see Voorhies. Cousard or Cosseau, Jacques or Jacob, a Frenchman, of Br", m. Lydia IVillems of Bu^. Took the oath of allegiance to the English in N. Y. in 1664; on ass. roll of Br" in 1693 and cen. of 1698. There was a Jacques Cousseau and Mag- dalena du Tullier his w., mem. of the R, D. ch. of N. A. prior to 1660. Issue: — Jacques, bp. Apl. 1 1, 1668, and David, bp. June 18, 1671, both in N. Y. Covert, see Coevert. Cowenhoven, Couwenhoven, Kouwenhoven, or Van Couwenhoven, Albert Willemse (s. of William Ger- GENEALOGY, ^y retse), b. Dec. 7, 1676; m. Oct. 2, 1701, Neeltje da. of Roelof Martense Schenck. Removed to the vicinity of Freehold, N. J., as early as 1709. Issue: — William of N. J., m. Eliza- beth . Cornells Pieterse (s. of Pieter Wolfertse), supposed to have settled in N. J., and had a s. Peter of Galloway, near Cape * May, in said State. Cornells Wlllet/ise (s. of William Gerretse), b. Nov. 20, 1672; m. Sept. 8, 1700, Margrietje R. Schenck; d. Mar. 17, 1736. Removed to N. J. and resided in 1707 at Middletown, Monmouth Co. Issue: — William of Carraway, bp. Sept. 8, 1700, in Br", (sup.) m. Mar. 17, 1744, Anna Hendricksen; Roeloff of Middletown, m. Sarah Voorhies; Alkge, m. W™ Van Doom; Neltie, bp. May 29, 1705, in Br"; Leah; Mary or Maria, bp. Dec. 24, 1710; Rachel, bp. Nov. 2, 1712; Yaco- myntchy, bp. Nov. 28, 17 17; Catrina, bp. June 1720 at Marlboro, m. Dec. 22, 1743, Dan' Hendricksen of Middle- town; Margaret; Sarah; Yannetje; and Anna. Gerret Jajise (s. of Jan Gerretse) of Br", m. i** Lysbet ; m. 2"^ Aeltie* ; d. about 1712; will da. Apl. 16, 171 1, and pro. Nov. 3, 17 12. On ass. roll of Br" of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Issue: — Jackomyntie, bp. Jan. 15, 1699, in Br", d. young; Jackomyntie, bp. Mar. 2, 1701, in Br", m. Sept. or Oct. 1720 Elbert Luyster; Aeltie, bp. Mar. 2, 1 701, in Br", m. Jacob Cozine — all the above by i** w. ; John of Bu'^, m. Maria or Mary Cozine, d. about 1761; Wil- liam, supposed to have settled at Three Mile Run, N. J.; and Adriaentje. Made his mark " K" to documents in 1697. Gerret Wlllemse (s. of W^illem Gerretse), b. Jan. 4, 1662; m. Aeltie ; took the oath of allegiance in Fid* in 1687 as a native; mem. of R. D. ch. of Fid' in 1677. Apl. 27, 1 701, he bought of his step-mother Jannetje Monfort and the other heirs of Pieter Monfort, Pieter's farm at theWal- labout, to which he probably removed. He also appears to have owned lands in Bu*^ in 1704, as per rec. of said town. No further trace. Signed his name " Gerret Cotmover' in 1702. Gerret Wolfertse, emigrated with his father in 1631 and resided in Fid"*; b. 1610; m. Altie da. of Cornells Lambertse Cool of Gowanus; d. about 1645. Bought July 26, 1638, of Andrus Hudde 50 morgens of land at " Achtervelt" in Fld^ He was one of the 8 men representing the people who, Nov. 3, 1643, memorialized the States-General for relief in consequence of their forlorn and defenceless condition, as per p. 139 of Vol. I. of Doc. of Col. His. of N. Y. Mar. II, 1647, a patent was issued in his name (dated after his death) for 19 morgens of land in Br" on the valley of 78 GENEALOGY. Govvanus Kil, between the lands of Jacob Stoffelsen and those of Frederick Lubbertsen. Issue: — Willem Gerretse, b. 1636; Jan Gerretse, b. 1639; Neeltje Gerretse, bp. Sept. 20, 1641, in N. A., m. 1660 Roelof Martense Schenck of Fld^, d. about 1672; and Mary or Marretje Gerretse, bp. Apl. 10, 1644, in N. A., m. prior to 1666 Coert Stevense Van Voor- hies. Made his mark to documents. Jacob IVolfertse, emigrated with his father; m. 1^^ Hester Jansen; m. 2'^, Sept. 26, 1655, Magdaleentje Jacobuse Bysen; d. about 1670, and was the oldest s. of Wolfert of Rensse- laerswyck in 1641. Settled in N. A., residing on High (Pearl) St., where he carried on a brewery. Obtained July 6, 1643, a patent for\ 10 morgens near the ferry in Br". Owned a bouwery in G*^*, which was ordered to be sold Aug. 19, 1656, to pay his debts. Sept. 24, 1664, licensed by Gov. Nicolls to trade in his sloop to Albany and with the Indians. Was one of the 9 men representing the New Netherlands in 1647, '49, and '50, and in 1666 a mem. of the R. D. ch. of N. Y. Letters of administration granted on his estate Apl. 21, 1670, to Van Brugh and Leendertse. Issue: — Neeltje, bp. Sept. 25, 1639, m. Jan. 6, 1662, Cornells Pluvier; John or Johannes of N. Y., bp. Mar. 29, 1641, m. Apl. 11, 1664, Saartje Frans of Haerlem; Lysbeth, bp. Sept. 6, 1643, m. X/Sam^ Gerretsen; Aeltye, bp. Aug. 27, 1645, m. July 7, 1669, Bernardus Hassing or Hassins; and Petronelletje, bp. May 10, 1648, (all bp. in N. A.,) m. Isaac Van Vleck. Signed his name '''' Jacob Van Kou7ci€n/ioven." Jacob {s,.oi]o\).n or Johannes and Saartje Frans), bp. Nov. 30, 1664; m. July 7, 1685, at Newtown, by Justice Morgan Jones, Anna Remerson, both residents of G'^, as per town rec. Joined the R. D. ch. of N. Y. May 27, 17 17, on cer- tificate. Issue: — Johannes Jacobse, bp. Aug. 16, 16S5, in YV\ d. young; Johannes Jacobse, bp. Mar. 8, 1696, in N. Y. ; and probably other children. Jacob Willemsc (s. of William Gerretse), b. Jan. 29, 1679; m. Nov. 12, 1705, Sarah da. of Roelof Martense Schenck; d. Dec. I, 1744. Removed to the vicinity of Freehold, N. J., as early as 1709. Issue: — Peter, b. May, 1720, m. Catharine da. of Roelof Schenck; Matthias, m. Willemtje Conover; Daniel, m. Ann Hendricksen; Gerret, m. Oct. 12, 1744, Nelly Schenck; Ruluf; and William — all of N.J. Jan Gerretse (s. of Gerret Wolfertse), farmer, b. 1639; m. Geradientje da. of Nicasius De Sille. Mem. of R. D. ch. of Br" in 1677 and '85, and resided at Br" ferry. On the settle- ment of his father's estate, he w^as allowed more than his brother on account of his being lame. In 1665 he was GENEALOGY. 79 licensed to trade to Albany. Issue: — Garret Janse; Aaltje Janse, bp. Apl. 18, 1678, m. Derick Abramse Brinckerhoff; Nicasius Janse of Br", b. June 30, 1681; Cornelia Janse, m. Sept. 25, 1691, Gerret A. Middagh of Br"; Nelly Janse, m. July 27, 1694, Jores Rapalje; and (sup.) Willemtje Janse, m. Feb. 8, 1685, Hendrick Emans of N. J. Signed his name ''tjcin Gen-ctsen Van Couwcnhovcn.'' John or Johannes Jacobse (s. of Jacob Wolfertse), b. May 29, 1641; m. Apl. II, 1664, Saartje Frans of Haerlem. Re- sided in High St. in N. Y., and was a member of Gov. Leis- ler's Council in 16S9, and also of the Court of Exchequer, as per p. 683 of Calendar of Dutch His. Doc. Will da. Jan. 16, 1690; pro. Apl. 13, 1693; rec. p. 275, Lib. 4, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Jacob, bp. Nov. 30, 1664, m. July 7, 1685, at Newtown, by Justice Morgan Jones, Anna Remerson of G'', as per G*^* rec; Francois, bp. Oct. 10, 1666, m. i^*, Nov. 3, 1709, Catharine Oliver, m. 2*^, Nov. 12, 1739, Mary Brouwer; Hester, bp. Aug. 12, 1669, m. Feb. 1688 Johannes Martier of N.Y.; Lysbeth, bp. Mar. 22, 167 1, m. Nov. 19, 1690, Ab"' Messeur or Messier of N. Y.; Jacomyntje, bp. Mar. 25, 1673, m. Apl. 20, 1694, Wessel Pietersen (Van Norden) of N. Y.; Johannes, bp. Apl. 14, 1677, m. May 8, 1708, Rachel Bensen; Maria, bp. Apl. 2, 1679, m. Apl. 21, 1699, Hendrick Brevoort; Catelyntje, bp. Jan. 20, 1682; and Peter, bp. Dec. i, 1683, (all bp. in N. Y.,) m. Aug. 9, 1707, Wyntje Ten Eyck. Signed his name '^ Johannes Van Coivenhoven' in 1662. John Willemse (s. of Willem Gerretse and grandson of Gerret Wolfertse), b. Apl. 6, 1681; (sup.) m. about 1704 Coba or Jacoba Vanderveer; d. 1756. Removed from Br" to N. J. prior to 1709. Issue: — William of Penn's Neck, m. Sophia Lane, d. about 1765; Tryntje or Trynke, bp. Oct. 30, 1709, d. young; Trynke, bp. Apl. 6, 1712, and emigrated to Kentucky; (sup.) Elias; Cornells of Penn's Neck, bp. Apl. 6, 17 12, emigrated to Kentucky; Peter of Penn's Neck, bp. Dec. 5, 1714, m. Rebecca da. of Judge Jonathan Combs, and emigrated to Kentucky and thence to Illinois; Jan, bp. Apl. 12, 1 7 19, at Marlboro, d. after 1756; Jacob of Penn's Neck, emigrated to Kentucky; and Dominicus of Penn's Neck, m. Mary Updike, d. prior to 1788. Nicasius Janse (s. of Jan Gerretse and Gerdientje or Ger- adina) of Br", b. June 30 (or July 8), 1681; m. Elsie ; d. Sept. 16, 1749. Will da. May 15, 1746, pro. Oct. 14, 1749. Issue: — Geradina, bp. Aug. 7, 1705, in Br", m. Symon Van Wickelen; John of Br", b. Dec. 2, 1707, m. Cath'^ Remsen, d. May I, 1778; Gerret of N. U. (the ancestor of the present family of Cowenhovens in said town), m. i^' Sarah , m. 2'^Antie Bergen, d. Nov. 17, 1783; and Peter of the Raritan, 8o GENEALOGY. N.J., m. (sup.) Elizabeth da. of Joost Debevoise of the Walla- bout. Signed his name ^''Nicalus Coiiwenhoveny Peter (s. of W" Gerretse), b. Feb. 12, 1671; m. Patience da. of Elias Daws, and settled in Monmouth Co., N. J.; d. about 1754 or '55. Mem of R. D. ch. of Freehold in 1709, and elder in 1711 and '21. Will da. Mar. 15, 1743; pro. Apl. 21, 1751; rec. p. 259, Lib. F, in off. of Sec. of State of N. J. Issue: — Johanna, bp. Oct. 20, 1695, in Br"; William of Eng- lishtown, N. J., m. Annetje (by another account Ma- ' rytje ), d. 1777; Mary or Marike, b. 1700, m. Oct. 10, 1725, Koert Gerretse Schenck; Hannah, m. Antonides; Jane, m. Williamson; Nelke, bp. Jan. 22, 1710, in N. J.; Peter Jun'', bp. Apl. 6, 1712, in N. J., m. Dec. 17, 1735, Leah da. of Jan Roelofse Schenck, d. 1774; Elias of Middletown, m. 1729 Willempie Wall, d. 1750; Aeltje, m. Willem Wil- lemse of N. J.; and Ann, m. Longstreet — all of N. J. Signed his name " Pieter Couwcn/ioveii." Picter IVolfcrtsc, emigrated with his father; a boy in 1630; m. i^', Dec. 2, 1640, Hester Symons Daws of Amsterdam, wid. of Jacques de Vernus; m. 2'^, Nov. 22, 1655, Aeltje Si- brants. Was a brewer in N. A., residing on Pearl St., and schopen in 1650, '54, '58, '59, '60, and '61, and a mem. of the R. D. ch. of that place. In 1655 he was Surveyor-Gen. of the colony, and from 1655 to 1660 Orphan Master. After the conquest in 1664 he removed to his farm at Elizabeth- town, N. J., and on the reconquest in 1673 he moved back to the city. In 1663, as a lieut., he was engaged in the In- dian war at Esopus. Issue: — Altie (natural adopted dau.); Hester, m. Feb. 22, 1688, Johannes Martier of N. Y.; (sup.) Cornells; Petrus, bp. Feb. 27, 1669, m. Mary , his de- scendants residing in Gloucester Co., N. J.: will da. Sept. 9, 1700, pro. Mar. 4, 1704. Signed his name "Pietcr Wolfer- sen" and ''''Pieter Comvenhoven." Willem Gerretse (s. of Gerret Willemse and Altie), b. -1636; m. i^', 1660, Altie da. of Joris Dircksen Brinckerhoff; m. 2'^, Feb. 12, 1665, Jannetje da. of Pieter Monfoort. Resided at first in Br", of which place he was a mag. in 1661, '62, and '64, and a deacon of the R. D. ch. in 1663. From thence he appears to have removed to Fid'', his name appearing on the patent of said town of 1667; on its ass. rolls of 1675, '^2,1 and '93; elder of its R. D. ch. in 1677; and taking the oath of allegiance there in 1687. Nov. i, 1709, he sold his Fid* farm to his s. William (see Lib. 5, p. 30, of Con.), and (sup.) in 1727 he removed to Monmouth Co., N. J. Issue: — Gerret Willemse, b. Jan. 4, 1662; Aeltje Willemse, b. Dec. 14, 1665, m. Mar. 16, 1687, Cornells Symonse Van Aersdalen of Fid*, d. prior to 1691; Neeltje Willemse, b. Feb. 7, 1669, m. John GENEALOGY. 8 I Pieterse Wyckoff of Freehold, N. J.; Pieter Willemse of N. J., b. Feb. 12, 167 1; Cornelis Willemse of N. J., b. Nov. 20, 1672; Sarah Willemse, b. Dec. 20, 1674, m. about 1692 John R. Schenck of N. J., d. Jan. 31, 1761; Albert Willemse of N. J., b. Dec. 7, 1676; Jacob Willemse of N. J., b. Jan. 29, 1679; John Willemse of N. J., b. Apl. 9, 1681; Annatie Wil- lemse, b. Apl. 13 or 22, 1683, (sup.) m. i'** Aert Willemsen, m. 2^ (sup.) Johannes Antonides, both of Monmouth Co., N. J.; William Willemse of Fld^ b. Mar. 7, 1686; (sup.) Joris Wil- lemse; and Jacomina Willemse, b. Dec. 28, 1689, m. June 5, 1709, Elbert Williamsen of Monmouth Co., N. J. Signed his name "JViliem Gerrefseii" and ^'Wi/Iem G. Comvenhoven." Willem Willemse (s. of W'" Gerretse) of FkP, b. Mar. 7, 1O86; m. June 5, 1709, Annetie da. of Lucas Stevense Voor- hies; d. Jan. 19, 1769. Will da. Dec. 10, 1757; pro. Mar. 13, 1769; rec. p. 534, Lib. 26, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — William, b. Mar. 10, 1710, d. young; Cataline, b. July 27, 1711, d. young; /^ William of N. J., b. Jan. 22, 17 13, m. Margrietje Schenck; Jannetje, b. Oct. 6, 1714, m. Nov. 1737 Gerret Schenck'of N. J.; Luke of N. J., b. June 3, 1716; Aeltie, b. Mar. 21, 1718, m. Cor** Voorhies; Annetje, b. Mar. 21, 1720, d. young; Catalyna, b. Apl. i, 1722, m. Albert Schenck; Neeltje, b. Mar. 6, 1724; Gerret of Fid", b. Nov. 11, 1726, m. May 7, 1748, Antie Lefferts, d. Sept. 23, 1777, and is the an- cestor of the Fld^ family of Kouwenhovens; Sara, b. July 23, 1728, d. young; and Jacoba, bp. Oct. 27, 1734, d. young. Signed his name " Willem Komvenhovcn.'" Wolfert Gerretse, the common ancestor of the family, m. Neeltje ; d. after 1660; emigrated with his family in 1630 from Amersfoort in the province of Utrecht in the Netherlands; was employed at first, as early as 1630, as superintendent of farms by the Patroon at Rensellaers- wick, afterwards cultivated a farm on Manhattan Island, and in June 1637, with Andrus Hudde, purchased of the Indians the westernmost of the 3 fiats in Fid'* and Fl"", called Kaskuteur or Kaskateuw, patented to them by Director Van Twiller June 16, 1637. Aug. 2, 1639, Hudde conveyed to him his interest in a house, barn, barrack, and garden on Long Island, called " Achtervelt." Sept. 16, 1641, Hudde conveyed to him 68 morgens of plain land and 55^ morgens of woodland in the same locality (Fid'*). Wolfert may pos- sibly have removed to N. A. prior to his death: his name appears in 1657 on the list of small burghers of that place. Issue: — Gerret Wolfertse, b. 1610; Jacob Wolfertse; and Pieter Wolfertse. Made his mark to documents. Cranen, Thomas, (English,) blacksmith. On ass. roll of 6 82 GENEALOGY. G** of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Mar. 29, 1698, he hired a house and lot in G"^ for 2 years of Daniel Lake, as per G** rec. Signed his name " lliomas Cranen." Graven, Thomas. The sum of 47 gl. was subscribed by residents of Bu'^ Aug. 23, 1662, to ransom his s. Jacob, a prisoner among the Turks, as per Bu'^ rec. Crever or Creven, Hendrick Janse, among first settlers of Bu"^ in 1661, as per p. 156 of Vol. II. of Thompson's L. L Cristoffel, Hans, on ass. roll of Fl'' of 1676. Cristoffelsen, Pieter, buried as a pauper by the R. D. ch, of N. U. prior to 1700. Croenenbergh, Catharine, w. of Jan T/ieunisse, bought Aug. 22, 1679, of Rutgert Albertse a house and lot in Fl^^ as per p. 54 of Lib. AA of Fl'' rec. Croesen or Crousen, Gerret Dircksen, from Wynso- hoort, Wynschoten, or Nim Schoten in Groningen, m. Oct. 30, 1661, Neeltje Jans (who m. 2'' Volkert Hendrickse Bries or Breets); d. Mar. 7, 1680. Mem. of the R. D. ch. of Br" in 1661. Owned land in Br" between that of Jacob Brouw- er and that of Volkert Hendrickse Bries or Breets, and on ass. rolls of Br" of 1675 and '76. In 1677 he obtained a patent for 160 A. on S. I., to which he removed. Issue: — Dirck Gerretse of S. I., bp. July 16, 1662, m. May 4, 1684, Elizabeth Kregier, settled in Bucks Co., Penn.; Annetje Gerretse, bp. Dec. 9, 1677; Elsie Gerretsz, m. Oct. 9, 1681, W™ Klaasz of Fid''; Hendrick Gerretse of S. I.; Cornelius Gerretse, m. Helena Van Tuyl; Gerret Gerretse; and Jan Gerretse — all of S. I. Crom or Croom, Floris, see Krom. Crvsall, J., on deed of freeholders of Br" of Jan. 2^ 1696-7, to Adriaen Bennet, to perfect his title to his Gowanus farm. Curler, Jacob, see Van Curler. James, of G'^ in 1656, per Thompson's L. I, Cuvnen, Albert, see Kuynen. GENEALOGY. 83 CuYPER, Derick Jansen, leased July 12, 1655, the farm of Cor^ Van Ruyven at Midwoud (Fl''), as per Col. Man. Apl. 13, 1667, sold to Jan Jansen Fyn a house and lot between the school-lot and that of Jan Strycker in Fl'', as per p. 18 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. Daemelse, Teunis, plaintiff in a suit against Pieter Janse, Mar. 31, 1662, as per Lib. B of Fl'' court rec. Dam, Jan Teunise, of Fl^. In hi's will, da. Mar. 25, 1695, on p. 207 of Lib. A of Fl*^ rec, he names his dec. wife's da. Magdalena Vonck, and Magdalena's child, Alida Vonck, to whom he devises his house, orchard, and lot on the E. side of the highway in Fl*^, which lot he bought Jan. 27, 1689-90, of Rut Albertsen, as per p. 149 of said Lib. Signed his name ''''Jan Thunisscn Dam.'' Damen, Cornelis Janse, cooper, mem. of R. D. ch. of Br" in 1677. Had brothers Jan Janse and Willem Janse, as per p. 435 of Vol. I. of O'Callaghan's New Netherlands. Jan Buys, mem. of R. D. ch. of Br" in 1677. Jan Cornelise, the common ancestor of the family, emi- grated from Bunnik, a village on the Ryn in Utrecht, in 1650, and m. Fytie or Sophia Martens. The name is proba- bly derived from " Demen," a hamlet in North Brabant, where he probably at one period resided. He bought Apl. 29, 1655, of Cor* Van Tienhoven a house and land in Br" adjoining Jan Dirksen's, in which he kept tavern in 1677, and which he sold in 1693 to Gerret Couwenhoven,"^as per p. 243 of Lib. I of Con. Bought Aug. 21, 1663, of Cor* Hen- . drickse Van Eens a farm of 26 morgens, with buildings, plain and meadow land, on the W. side of the road in Fl*^, as per p. 143 of Lib B of Fl'' rec, which farm he sold Aug. 10, 1664, to Claes Melles Baes, as per p. 7 of Lib. D of said rec. Mem. of the R. D. ch. of Br" in 1677, hailing from the Wallabocht; on patent of Br" of 1677, and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687. In 1674 (at which date he appears by the deed to have been a resident of Norman's Kil) he bought of Claes Claessen (Smit) of N. U. a farm at "Kyckuyt," as per p. 11 of Lib. C of Fl^ rec In 1686 he bought the main portion of the farm of Pieter Ceser Al- burtis at the Wallabocht. Jan. 19, 1703-4, a Jan Damen voted at a tow'n meeting in Fl'', and also Aug. 12, 1704, as per Fl'' rec. With his w. made a joint will, da. Sept. i, 1680; pro. June 20, 1707; and rec. p. 257 of Lib. 7, N. Y. sum off. Issue: — Neeltje Janse, m. Michael Pietersz Palmenter of Dutchess Co., and had 7 children bp.; Lysbeth Janse, m. 84 GENEALOGY. Dec. 14, 1679, in N. Y., Jan Casier from Martinico, a resi- dent of S. I., and had 2 children bp.; Marta Janse, bp. July 24, 1661, in Br", m. Dec. 11, 1681, John Remsen of Fl'', and had 4 children bp.; Cornelis Janse, bp. Feb. 11, 1663, in Br"; Cornelia Janse, m. Aug. 6, 1686, in N. Y., Pieter Uziel of Dutchess Co., and had 8 children bp.; Aeltie Janse, m. Oct. 29, 1695, Samuel Phillips of New England; Sophia Janse, bp. Aug. 19, 1674, in Br", d. young; Elizabeth Janse, bp. Sept. 20, 1676, m. (sup.) in 1700 Lucas Schemerhorn, who settled on the Raritan,and had 3 children bp. in N. Y.; Jan Janse, bp. Aug. 28, 1678; Sophia Janse, bp. Aug. 8, 1680; Celetje or Celia Janse, bp. Oct. 7, 16S3, in N. U., m. i** Frans Koning, m. 2^, in 1707, Frans Laru (LeRoy), and had 7 children bp. at Kingston and Poughkeepsie; Geesje, bp. Nov. I, 1685; and Russia, m. Peter Van Aken, and had 7 children bp. at Kingston. He made his mark to documents in 1674 as of Norman's Kil. There was a Jan Janse Damen, a trader, shipowner, and owner of lands, in N. A. from 1632 to 1650, about which date he died; also a John Klasen Damen in 1642, and a Thomas Damen in 1644. Daniels, GusTAViJS, m. Anuctjc Loons. Obtained a patent Mar. 21, 1659, for a lot in Fl'' on the S. side of the mill- house, per Col. Man. Issue:— Margrietje, bp. Nov. 6, 1658, in N. A. Pieter, emigrated in 1677, and took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687. Darmentier, see Parmentier. Darsett, John, allotted land on Gisbert's I., G'', Jan. 5, 1670, for W"' Bowne, per G'' rec. Darvell, Jan, of N. Y., bought in 1686 of Jan Van Cleef about 14 morgens in N. U., as per p. 31 of Lib. i of Con. David, Joost, name on Gov. Dongan's patent of Bu^ of 1687. Davis, Davidson, or Davison, Ei.ias, on ass. roll of G** of 1683. Willem, emigrated in 1653. He m. Jan. 1664 Helena Ardszen Middagh; d. prior to 1695. Mem. of R. D. ch. of Fl*", and deacon in 1673. On ass. rolls of Fld^ of 1675 and '^y, mag. in 1679, and took the oath of allegiance in said town in 1687. In 1679 he paid 75 gl. per morgen for 18 morgens on the little flats. Issue: — Helena, bp. Feb. 3, GENEALOGY. 8$ 1678, in Fid'*; Aard, bp. Jan. 20, 1682, in Fl''; and Laurens, bp. June 15, 16S4, in Br". Signed his name " Willem David- sen." Daws, Elias, allotted a plot on the Neck meadows of G*^ in 1672, as per town rec; on ass. roll of said town of 1683. Issue: — Rebecca, b. 1672; Patience, b. 1674, m. Peter Cou- — > wenhoven of N. J.; Annetje, b. 1676 — all bp. in Fld^; and Maria, m. Jan Karsten. De Backer, Hendrick, (or the baker,) on Stoothoff's books of 1677. There was a Hendrick de Backer in N. A. in 1654. /a/i, grocer, as per Stoothoff's books of 1680. De Baene, Joost, emigrated in 1683; m. Elizabeth Drabbe; clerk of Bu'' in 1684, per town rec; schoolmaster and clerk of N. U. about 1686, losing his position for a while inconsequence of his opposition to Gov. Leisler; took the oath of allegiance in N. U. in 1687; and on ass. roll of N. U. of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Removed from N. U. to Hackensack, N. J., as early as 1709, in which locality his descendants abound. Issue: — Matie, m. Nov. 1705 David Samuelse De Maree; Christiaen of Hackensack, bp. May 15, 1687, m. Jan. 1709 Judith Samuelse De Maree; Mayke, bp. May 4, 1690, at Fl''; Karel or Charles, of Hackensack, m. Jannetje Pieterse Haring; Christyne, b. 1695; Jacobus of Hackensack, m. Antie Kennet or Kenning; and (sup.) Mar- grietje or Maria, m. June 1728 Theodorus Romain. Signed his name '■^ Joost De Baene." ■ De Beauvots or Bevoise, Carel, the common ancestor of the family, emigrated from Leiden in South Holland Feb. 17, 1659, with w. Sophia Van Lodensteyn and 3 chil- dren. Resided at first in N. A., and afterwards as school- master in Br°, where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687. Issue: — Jacobus; Gertrude, b. in Leiden, m. June 15, 1684, Jacob Williams Van Boerum; Catharine, b. in Leiden, m. Sept. 7, 1684, Jacob Hendrickse Harte; and Cornelia, bp. Mar. 3, 1659, in N. A., m. May 25, 1682, Gerret Gerretse ^ Durland of Br". Signed his name " Carel De Beaiivois." Jacobus (Carelsz), emigrated with his father; m. June 22, 1678, in N. Y., Maria da. of Joost Carelsz of N. Y. Mem. of the D. ch. of Br" in 1677; on ass. roll of said town of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Issue: — Carel, bp. Apl. 20, 1679, in Br°, d. young; Carel, bp. Aug. i, 1680, at Fl''; Joost, bp. Mar. 27, 1683, in N. Y.; Jacobus 2*^, bp. Mar. 14, 1686, in 86 GENEALOGY. N. Y.; Johannes, bp. Mar. 7, 1689, in N. Y.; Johanna, bp. May 25, 1690, in Br", d. young; Catharine, bp. July 23, 1693, in Br°; and (sup.) Johanna, bp. Sept. 27, 1704, in N. Y. Signed his name ''''Jacobus Beavois.'' Jacobus 2^ of Bedford, bp. Mar. 14, 1686; m. July 23, 17 15, Sarah da. of Jores Remsen; d. 1767. His father-in-law con- veyed to him 14 A. on Br" heights, which he devised by his will to his s. George. Will da. June 2, 1767; pro. Apl. 27, 1768; rec. p. 210, Lib. 26, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Jacobus. 3'* of Br", m. Sofia , d. 1751; George of Br", bp. Mar. 20, 1720, in N. U., m. Oct. 18, 1746, Sarah Betts; d. May i, 1783. Signed his name "Jacobus Debeavos." Joost (Carlsz), bp. Mar. 27, 1683; m. July 19, 1707, Mary da. of Jores Remsen; d. 1 773. Resided at the Wallabout, and conveyed a Br" farm to his son-in-law John or Johannes Johnson. Will da. May i, 1765, pro. Apl. 7, 1773; rec. p. 319, Lib. 28, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Jacobus of the Walla- bout, m. 1736 Maria Gerretsen, d. about 1786; Phebe or Femmetje, m. John Johnson of Br"; Mary, m. ; Anna, b. Oct. 20, 1720, m. 1742 Johannes Wyckoff of Fid®; ^ Elizabeth or Libetie, m. Peter Cowenhoven; and Sophia, m. Albert Nostrand. Made his mark to documents. De Boor, Jan, (or the farmer,) m. Geertruyd Barents. On Stoothoff's books of 1680. Issue: — Maria, bp. Sept. 18, 1661, in Br". De Bour, Carsten, of G*^. On Stoothoff's books of 1676. De Bruynne, Francoys, b. 1629, emigrated from Amster- dam about 1647, and at first settled in N. A., where he was a mem. of the D. ch. prior to 1660. He m. i^', Aug. 17, 1657, in N. A., Catharine da. of Casper Varleth; m. 2'' Atina de Silk. Bought property and engaged in mercantile busi- ness in N. A. Dec. 15, 1663, he entered into an agreement with Nicholas Stillwell, in pursuance of which, Aug. 24, 1664, was conveyed to him Anthony Jansen from Salee's patent of 100 morgens, known as Turk's plantation, lying on the bay partly in C* and partly in N. U., to which he removed. His dwelling-house appears to have been located in N. U., for he was a mag. of said town in 1663 and '64, and a patentee in 1668. In 1673 he was clerk or secretary of the 5 Dutch towns, and Jan. i, 1674, was appointed auctioneer. June 4, 1665, (Apl. 19, per G'' rec.,) he sold a portion of his purchase, adjoining the old Bath Lane and the main road from N. U. to C, to Jan Jansen' VerRyn. Dec. 10, 1675, through Anne his wife as attorney, he conveyed the remainder of GENEALOGY. 8/ his purchase, now called Bruyennsburg, to Barent Jansen and Jan Hansen (Van Noostrand) of Bu*^. About 1676 he returned to Holland, his wife returning at a later date with his 10 chil. Of his issue the following were bp. in N. A.: — Casparus, bp. Sept. 14, 1659; Agatha, bp. Jan. 26, 1661; and Jacob, bp. Mar. 5, 1662. Signed his name ^^ Francoys D. Bruymie.'' De Camp, Laurens Janse, emigrated in 1664, and took the oath of allegiance in N. U, in 1687. There was a Hen- drik de Kamp, born in N. U. and removed to S. I., whom. Apl. 17, 1704, in N. Y., Maria de Lamars from the Bowery, who was probably a s. of Laurens Janse. De Clerck, Jan, assessed in 1657 at the Wallabout 6 gl. towards Do. Polhemius's salary. Probably the same person as Jati La Cierck. De Cley, see De Klyn. De Cleyn, Jan Cornelise, bought May 15, 1660, a village building-plot of Lowys Jansen in Fl*^, as per p. 23!^ of Lib. B. of Fl*^ rec. De Consellie, see Conselyea. De Copseerdt, Hendrick, assessed Feb. 7, 165,7, at the Wallabout for Do. Polhemius's salary, as per p. 134 of Vol. I of Stiles's Br". De Drayer, Hendrick, a grand-juryman at court of ses- sions in 1699. Deen or Den, Louwus, on Stoothoff's books of 1678. De Eycke, Anthoni, m. Afina Bokee. Issue: — Gerret, bp. June 28, 1683; and Anne, bp. Apl. 19, 1686, in Br°, (See Anthoni Den Ryck.) De Foreest, Hanck or Hendrick, on petition of May, 1664, for a canal through the meadows between Red Hoek and the mainland, as per p. 18 of Vol. i of Stiles's Br°, and a grand-juryman of the court of sessions of 1698. A canal or ditch was afterwards dug through these meadows, making a short cut from Gowanus Cove to the city of N. Y. Hendrick or Hendruus, on ass. roll of Bu^ of 1693, cen. of 1698, and a justice of the peace of the county in 1699, as 88 GENEAI.OGY. per rec. of the court of sessions. This Hendrick and the above Hanck may be the same person, and a s. of Isaac the emigrant. Isaac (s. of Hendrick), a Huguenot and liquor-dealer, emigrated in 1635, settling at first in N. A., where he held positions in the revenue department. He m. June 9, 1641, Sarah du Trieux, and d. about 1695. Dec. i, 1655, he ob- tained a patent for 27 morgens in Fl'', to which he probably removed. He also obtained a patent for a tract in Bergen, N. J., in 1664, in which year he took the oath of allegiance to the English in N. Y. Issue: — Jesson, bp. Nov. 9, 1642; Susanna, bp. Jan. 22, 1645; Gerret, bp. May 21, 1646; Ger- ret, bp. June 10, 1647; Marie, bp. Jan. 10, 1649; Michiel, bp. Jan. 10, 1649; Jan, bp. Mar. 27, 1650; Philip, bp. July 28, 1652; Isaac, bp. Apl. 25, 1655; Hendrick, bp. Sept. 9, 1657; David, bp. Aug. i, 1660; David, bp. Dec. 19, 1663; Maria, bp. July 7, 1666; and David, bp. Sept. 7, 1669 — all bp. in N. A. and N. Y. The De Foreests are probably descend- ants of Hendrick De Foreest from Utrecht, an early settler of N. A., who d. in 1638. Signed his name ''■Isaac De Foreest." De Fransman (Frenchman), Nicholas, assessed in 1657 at the Wallabout 6 gl. towards Do. Polhemius's salary. De Gewe, Machill, bought May 3, 1698, of Alex'' Cock- yeer for •^200 a parcel of meadows in Bu"^, as per p. 170 of Lib. 2 of Con. De Graef, Jan Andersen, of Br" in 1660. Signed his name ^' Jan Andersen Degraef." There was a Cornells de Graeff, Baron of South Pulabroeck in the Netherlands, in 1658, as per p. 56 of Vol. II. of Doc. of Col. His. De Grau, De Grauw, or De Grouw, Arent Leendert- SEN, probably from Grouw, a village in Friesland, m. i^' Gysbertje Hermans, and both mem. of the D. ch. in N. Y. in 1672; m. 2^*, in N. Y., July 16, 16"] g, Mar riij'e Hendricks wid. of Wouter Gerritzen, as per Fl'' town rec. Issue: — Hen- drick, bp. Mar. 19, 1684, in N. Y. There was a Walther De Grauw in N. Y. who m. Mary De Lanoir June 5, 1726. De Grooet, Dirck Jansen, probably from Groet in North Holland, m. i" Wybrug Ja7is; m. 2**, Aug. 8, 1677, in N. Y.^ Rachel Detru or Ro sella du Trieux, wid. of Hendrick Van Bommel; m. 3** Rachel Philips. He bought Nov. 10, 1679, GENEALOGY. 89- of W"* Jacobse Van Boerum a house and lot in Fl** for 700 gl., as per p. 65 of Lib. AA of Fl*" rec. Issue: — Jan (sup. of Hackensack), bp. Mar. 27, 1678, in N. Y.; Grietje, bp. Feb. 8, 1679, in N. Y., both by 2'' wife; Abraham (by 3"^ wife), bp. Apl. 3, 1682, in N. Y. There was a "Jacob and a Gerret de Groote" on the Raritan in 1721. Signed his name '^^Dirck J a use de G?-ooef." De Groot, Stats, on ass roll of Bu'^ of 1675. De Haen, Jan, on ass. roll of Fl'' of 1693 and cen. of 1698. De Haert, Belthazer, of N. Y., probably from the vil- lage of Haart in Gelderland, bought Aug. 24, 1668, of Rob' Story 27 morgens on the W. side of the road in Fl'\ as sold to Story by John Jeffers, as per p. 39 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. De Haert sold this farm to Derick Janse Hoogland, and had several children bp. in N. Y. Signed his name "-Belthazer de Haert y Jacobus of N. Y., owned land in Bu'' near that of Joost Kasparse, referred to in deed of Gerret Stoothoff to, Barent Egbertse, on p. 45 of Lib. AA of Fl'' rec. De Haes, Jan, see Haes. De Hart or Ter Hart, Elyas (Simonse), bp. Mar. 21, 1677; m. Katie Laen (who may have been a Van Pelt). Re- sided at first in a house on his father's farm, located on the bay S.W. of his father's residence. Afterwards left Gowa- nus and settled in Monmouth Co., N. J. Issue: — Symon, bp. Jan. 29, 1703; Jannetje, bp. May 2, 1705; Elias, bp. Sept. 18, 1709; Arty, bp. Oct. 23, 1711; Katalintje, bp. Feb. 7, 1716; and a child bp. in 1718, and one bp. in 1721, names not given, one probably being Gisbert, who settled on the Rari- tan — all bp. in N. J. Simon Aesen, emigrated in 1664; m. i**^ Geertje Cornelis- sen; m. 2^, June 19, 1691, Annetje Andrieas Willjard wid. of W"" H.uycken of Gowanus. Bought Mar. 2, 1664, of Thomas Fransen a plantation at Gowanus of about 300 A., comprising the farms late of Simon and John S. Bergen, his descendants, of which, probably under an agreement of sale, he appears toi have been in possession at an earlier date. For these premises on which he resided he obtained a patent from Gov. Fletcher, Nov. 2, 1696. Took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687, of which town he was one of the trustees or overseers from 1680 to '83, and a commis- 90 GENEALOGY. sioner in 1688. Issue: — Simon; Elyas, bp. Mar. 21, 1677 Annetje, bp. July 6, 1687, (sup.) m. John Heyer of Mon mouth Co., N. J.; (sup.) Catharine, m. Cor^ Johnsen of N. J. (sup.) Cornells; and (sup.) Dorothea or Donette, m. Jacob Heinne. Signed his name ^^ Simon Aesen." Simon Jun'' of Gowanus, m. Angenietje da. of Jan Janse Van Dyck; d. in 1745. Occupied and owned his father's farm. In his will, da. July 13, 1744, pro. Nov. 27, 1745, rec. p. 478 of Lib. 15 of N. Y. surr. off., he devised his farm to his s. Simon. Issue: — Simon of Gowanus, m. Catharina or Tryntje da. of Roelof Schenck; Geertje, m. i"*, Cor^ Sand- ford, m. 2^^, July II, 1745, Jores Remsen; Teuntje, m. Jacobus Lott of Br"; Jannetje, m. i^' Peter Brower, m. 2^, Dec. 28, 1744, Peter Remsen; Annanetje or Angenietje, b. Jan. 4, .1722, m. Jan. 8, 1743, Peter Cortelyou of N. U.; Tryntje, bp. Aug. 14, 1726, at N. U., m. Johannes or John Bergen of Gowanus; and Mayke, bp. May 18, 1729. De Heest, Pieter Lambertsz, from Amsterdam, m. Sept. 16, 1663, at Br", Sytie Dircks wid. of Jan Martyn. Issue: — Sara, bp. Feb. 17, 1664, at Br". De Houtsager (woodsawyer), Jan, was sued Oct. 7, 1661, by Lowys Jansen, as per Lib. B of FP' court rec. De Jongh or Jonghe, Jan (or young Jan, or Jan Jun''), sold May 22, 1655, to Jan Hendricksen, 25 morgens at Fl'', as per O'Callaghan's Man. Trans, of Dutch Man. Mar. 9, 1662, sold to " Albert Kuyne" 22 morgens with plain and meadow land in Fl'', as per deed of said Kuyne to Frans Barentse Pastoor, on p. 24 of Lib. D of Fl'' rec. May 9, 1662, Gov. Stuyvesant granted him a patent for a farm in FP, as per p. 89 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. De Kamp, Hendrick, see De Camp. De Key, Cornelis, in 1679 owned land on the little flats in Fld^, per Stoothoff papers. Jacob Tuenissen, on Stoothoff's books of 1682. A Jacobus De Kay, grocer, on Stoothoff's books of 1696. Tennis, on Stoothoff's books of 1685. Signed his name ^^Theunis De Key.'' A Theunis De Key, b. in N. Y., who m. May 26, 1680, Helena Van Brugge, had 9 chil. bp. in N. Y. from 1681 to 1695, as per p. 759 of Valentine's Manual of 1863. Signed his name ^^ Theunis De Key." De Klvn or De Cley, Baenst or Barent, plaintiff in a GENEALOGY. 9I suit against Gerret Cornelise of June 13, 1662, as per Lib. B of FP' rec. Leendert Huygen, from Buuren in Gelderland, m. Apl. 25, 1683, in N. Y.,'MadaIeentje Wolsum wid. of Cornelis Van- derveen, and (sup.) resided at one period in Br". Issue: — David, bp. May 24, 1684; Elizabeth, bp. Mar. 29, 1688; Jo- hannes, bp. Feb. 4, 1694; Magdalena, bp. Jan. 26, 1696 — all bp in N. Y.; and Catharine, bp. Nov. 29, 1698, in Br". De Laforse or De La Forge, Adriaen, m. Jannetje Loyse. On ass. roll of Bu'' of 1675. Issue: — Pieter, bp. Oct. 11, 1689, in Br". Delavall, John, m. May 31, xd^d, Hannah da. of Thomas Loyd, as per p. 31 of Vol. III. of the Genealogical Record. July 10, 1694, Hannah his wid., of Pa., for ^164 conveyed to John Lake a house and 40 A. of land on Hogg's Neck in G^, bounded by land of Sam' Holmes and that of Isaac Gooding, as per p. 6 of Vol. 2 of Con. He sailed for Eng- land, in the ship Blossom, Oct. 14,^ 1678. Signed his name '■^ JoJui Delavall y Thomas, of G*^ in 1656, per Thompson's L. I. Mar. 21, 1666-7, he bought of James Grover plantation-lot No. 6 in G**, as per town rec. There was a Thomas De Laval, a trader, who came to N. Y. in 1664, owned property in Al- bany, obtained a patent for Randall's Island from the Eng- lish after the conquest of the colony in 1664, was mayor of N. Y. in 1670 and '76, and d. in 1682. His s. John was his executor, and his da. Frances m. James Carteret, one of the proprietors of N.J. Signed his name "Tho. D. Lavall." De Mandeville, Gillis or Jillis, m. Altie or Elsie Pieters. Suppose he resided in Kings Co. Issue: — Hendrick Gillis, b. in Gelderland, m. July 18, 1680, Annetje Pieters Scholl of Heemstede; Gerretje Gillis, m. Sept. 4, 1681, Wyert Eppens of Ester Burum; Aeltje Gillis, m. Laurense Janse; Jan Gillis; and Tryntje Gillis, m. Cornelis Jansz Vanderveer of FP. Jan Gillis, dog-killer, m. i*"' Maria Van Hoboken; m. 2'^ Aeltje Pieters. Nov. 15, 1680, Adriaen Hendrickse sued him in the local court of Fl"" for 57 gl. claimed for weaving linen, as per town rec. Prior to 1660 he and Maria his w. were mem. of the D. ch. in N. A. De Mentelaer, Claes, assessed Feb. 7, 1657, for Do. Polhemius's salary in Br", as per O'Callaghan's Man. Trans, of Col. Rec. 92 GENEALOGY. De Metzelaer, John, (or the mason,) m. Maria . Is- sue: — John, bp. Feb. 20, 1685, in Fl''. De Meyer, Anioon, on muster-roll of Bu** militia of 1663, per town rec. Francis or Francisco, among first settlers of Bu'^, per Thompson's L. I., in 166 1, and on muster-roll of 1663. Lucas or Mayersc, boatman, on ass. rolls of N. U. of 1675 and '76. May 29, 1674, he sold a farm in N. U. to Jan Clement for 1700 gl. Deacon of N. U. R. D. ch. in 1672 and '75, constable in 1677, and in the same year owned the plan- tation patented to Cor*^ Beekman in said town. In 1683 sold a plot to Hendrick Mattyse Smack, as per town rec. Made his mark " M " to documents. Nicholaes of N. Y., bought land in 1670 of Jan Van Cleef in N. U.^ which in 1694 was sold to Hendrick Matthyse Smack. He m. Lydia Van Dyck, and had 6 chil. bp. in N. A., as per p. 761 of Valentine's Manual of 1863. Signed his name " N'icolaes D Meyers.''' De Mof or Muffe, Gerret, owned land in N. U. in 1661 adjoining that of W" Willemse Van Engen, as per deed of Willemse to Rutgert Joesten (Van Brunt) on N. U. rec. Apl. 18, 1653, he bought of Peter Sympson a part of his plantation in G*^, as per town rec. De Noorman, Albert, (or the Northman,) owned land in Bu'' at an early date. Possibly this may be Albert Andries- sen Bradt "de Noorman," for an account of whom see p. 433 of Vol. I. of O'Callaghan's N. N. Louwerens, was plaintiff in a suit against Jan Tuenese Sept. 29, 1660, as per Lib. B of Fl'' court rec. De Nyck, Tobias, m. Elizabeth . Issue: — Aeltye, bp. Apl. 20, 1694, in Br". De Nyse, see Van Duyn. De Nyse (or Nyssen), Cornelis Teunise, a minor in 1667,. m. I*', Aug. 27, 1687, Neeltje da. of Teunis Gysbertse Bo- gaert; m. z^ Rebecca . Settled about 1683 on the Raritan in the vicinity of Somerville, N. J., and a mem. of the R. D. ch. of that locality in 17 10 and '23. His children adopted "Tunisen" as their surname, which has been continued by his descendants, who are numerous in Somerset Co., N. J. In 1703 he was a member of the Assembly of N. J. Issue: — Tunis Tunisen, bp. Apl. 22, 1688, in N. Y., m. Adriaentje GENEALOCJY. 93 ; Ab'" Tunisen, bp. Mar. 8, 1699, in N. J., d. young; Ab™ Tunisen, bp. Sept. 26, 1700; Jan Tunisen, bp. Apl. 20, •1704, m. Aeltje Schenck; Sara Tunisen, bp. Apl. 3, 1706; Denyse Tunisen, bp. Apl. 28, 1708, m. Saertje ; and Neeltje Tunisen, bp. May 23, 1718. Denyse or Dionys Tiienesscn, bp. Apl. 16, 1654; m. i***, Oct. 22, 1682, Elizabeth da. of the Rev. Theodorus Johannes Polhemius of Fl''; m. 2'', Aug. 12, 1685, Helena da. of Jacques Cortelyou and wid. of Claes or Nich** Van Brunt of N. U.; d. prior to 1707. Was a master carpenter, and bought land in 1687 in FP, where he then resided and took the oath of allegiance, his name appearing on the patent of said town in 1685. After his second marriage he removed to the lands of his wife on the Nayack tract in the vicinity of the Narrows, and also owned lands at Yellow Hoek. Owned lands on S. I., where he appears to have resided a portion of his time and held the office of justice of the peace. Dec. 30, 1701, as of S. I., he signed a petition of the anti-Leislerian faction. Bought lands at Millstone, N. J., in i7or, and assessed for 80 A. in N. U. in 1706. After his death his wid. m. Hendrick Hendricksen. His descendants adopted Denyse 2i^ their surname. Issue: — Jaques; Theunis, bp. Apl. 24, 1687, and d. young; Neeltje, bp. Sept. 22, 1689, m, Jacob Vanderbilt of S. I.; Tunis, bp. Apl. 2, 1692; I'^emmetje, m. Gerretsen of Six Mile Run, N. J.; Cor- nells, bp. Apl. 26, 1696; and Helena, b. 1700, m. Mar. 9, 1717, Frederick Van Leeuwen or Liew of J'', who settled at Three Mile Run, N. J., d. Mar. 6. 1 784. Signed his name "'Denys Tue/iessen." Jan Teunise, bp. Apl. 12, 1654; m. Nov. 16, 1679, Cataline da. of Tunis Gysbertse Bogaert. Resided at the Wallabout, taking the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687. Removed to the Raritan, N. J., where his descendants, the same as those of his brother Cornells, adopted Tunisen as their family name, dropping that of Denyse. In 1704 he was a member of the Assembly of N. J. May 22, 1723, Cornelius Ewetse and Mary his wife, of Kings Co., conveyed to "Jan Tunise Van Aliddleswarf' of N. J. a house and lot at Br" ferry, as per p. 26 of Lib. 5 of Con. The " Van Middlesivart" in this tends to confirm the conclusion that th&^Van Middles- warts'^ of N. J. are descendants of Tennis Nyssen or Denyse. Issue: — Femmetje, bp. Aug, 5, 1680, at Fl''; Teunis, bp. July 16, 1682, at Fid'', m. Adriaentje ; Sarah, bp. Feb. I, 1685, at Br"; and Abraham, bp. Sept. 19, 1699, in N. J. — all residents of N. J. and using Tunisen as their sur- name. Jaques (s. of Denyse Tuenessen), m. Reymeriga Simonsen; 94 GENEALOGY. d. July 1739. Resided on the homestead at the Narrows, N. U. Will da. July 21, 1739; P^o- J^^Y 3^> 1739! ^cc. p. 284, Lib. 13, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Denyse of the Nar-' rows, N. U., b. Apl. 5, 1726, m. i^', May 18, 1743, Teuntje da. of Rutgert Van Brunt of N, U., m. 2^ Elizabeth (sup.) da. of Jacob Bennet of Gowanus, d. Sept. 21, 1806; Isaac of G'^ b. Oct. 18, 1728, m. i*^, Sept. 23, 1748, Cornelia da. of Elias Hubbard, m. 2'' Seytie da. of John Voorhies, d. Aug. 27, 1799; Helena, b. Oct. 27, 1732, m. Gerret Rapalje; Antie, bp. Dec. 24, 1732, in N. U.; and Jaques of N. U., b. Nov. 28, 1735, m. Jacoba da. of Jacobus Emmans, d. Jan. 28, 1812. Signed his name '''' Jaques Denys.''' (Sup.) /oris Teunise, m. Femmetje , suppose he settled on the Raritan, and his descendants adopted the name of Van Middleswaert or Van Middlewou't (or from Midwout) as their surname. On the Somerville rec. he is known as " _foris Van Middelswart;" of this, however, there has not been seen positive proof. Issue: — Neeltje Van Middleswart, bp. July 31, 1717; and Filip Van Middles- wart, bp. Aug. 12, 1720 — both bp. in N. J. Teufiis {Nysscfi), the common ancestor of the family, emi- grated as early as 1638 from Binninck or Bunnik in the province of Utrecht, residing at first in N. A. and on a farm on Manhattan I. He m. Phebea Felix of England, known as Femmetje Jans, wid. of Hendrick the Boor and da. of Jan Scales of N. A. Femmetje after his death m. 2'^ Jan Cornelise Buys. From Manhattan I. he removed to Gowa- nus, where he owned and resided on a farm in the vicinity of that of the Brouwers. In 1655 he bought a farm in Fl''. In 1658 and '61 he was a mag. of Br", and in 1660 a mem. of the R. D, ch. of said place. Issue: — Jannetje Teunise, bp. Dec. 22, 1641, m. Jan Hansen Bergen; Marretje Teunise, bp. Apl. 3, 1644, m. Derick Janse Woertman; Aertje Tunise; An- netje Teunise, bp. Feb. 18, 1646, m. Hieronemus Rapalie; Elsje Teunise, bp. May 10, 1648, m.Dec. 1669 Gerret Snedi- ker; Femmetje Teunise, bp. Apl. 3, 1650, m. Michael Hansen Bergen; Den)'-s or Dionys Teunise, bp. Apl. 16, 1654; J^ Teunise, bp. Apl. 12, 1654 — allbp. in N. A.; Cornells Teunise; (sup.) Teunis Teunise; (sup.) James Teunise of the Raritan; and (sup.) Joris Teunise. Teunis Teufiise, m i^' Geertje or Geesje Hendricks; m. 2^ Susanna . Supposed settled on the Raritan, N. J., and known there as Teunis Van Middlewout (Teunis from Middlewout, Midwout, or Flatbush). Den Rvck, Anthoni, bought Oct. 7, 1679, of Thomas- Tiercksen a lot of woodland in N. U. in the part last laid GENEALOGY. 95 out, known as No. 4, for 500 gl., as per p. 64 of Lib. AA of FP' rec. Probably same as Anthoni De Eycke. De Potter, Cornelis, of Br", m. Swantje Jans, who after his death joined the D. ch in N. A., and m. Apl. 4, 1669, Pieter Delancy; d. prior to Oct. 1660. Bought Aug. 29, 1651, Herry Brezer's plantation; Jan. 4, 1652, land of Jan Haes; and Dec. 3, 1652, over 2 morgens of Cor^ Hoogland, ferryman — all in Br". In 1654 he was a mag. of Fld% where he then resided. Issue: — Adriaentje Cornelise, m. Jan Aardsz Middagh; (sup.) Elizabeth, m. Isaac Bedlo; (sup.) Zwantje, m. Jan Teunise of the ferry; and (sup.) David, on list of catechumens of the R. D. ch. of Br" of 1662. David, a mag. of Fld^ in 1654. De Puy, see Du Puy. De Raedemaker, Gerret, see Gerret Cornelise Van Duyn. De Rivier, Abraham, (or from the river,) mem. of R. D. ch. of Br" in 1677, entered as removed to S. I. Derckse, see Dirckse. Dercks, Teunise, was sued at the sessions in 1670 by Francois De Bruynne of N. U. for leaving his service be- fore the termination of his engagement. De Roal, Gelyam, buried in Fl'' ch. Jan. 23, 1665, as per FP rec. De Sabede, Peter, owned land in Fl**, as per p. 31 of Lib. A of Fl"^ rec. Deschamps, Isaac, of N. Y., sold May 17, 1680, a house and lot of 2 A., and also a farm of 40 A., at Bedford to Thomas Smith. Mar. 20, 1694-5, he sold land in Bedford to Thomas Smith of J". See pp. 47 and 49 of Lib. 2 of Con., De Schoostenveger, Jan, (chimney-sweeper,) assessed at the Wallabout 4 gl. in 1657 towards Do. [Polhemius's salary. 96 GENEALOGY. Df. Seen, De Zeuw, or De Seeuw, (the Zeelander,) Cor- NELis Janse, of N.L., emigrated in 1660; m. Geertje Kolfs of Bu''. Bought Oct. 1673 of Lubbert Lubbertse for 4000 gl. a farm in Fl'', as per p. 109 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec, and Mar. 2, 1674, of Titus (Syrachs) De Vries 8 morgens of cultivated land in said town, as per p, i8of Fl'' rpc. On ass. roll of FP of 1675, and a mag^ of said town in 1673, '79, and '81, and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687. Issue: — David, b. 1682; and Jane, b. 1689. Signed his name " Cornclis Janse de Seen." Pieter Jansen, d. in Fid" in 1697, per town rec. De Seu, Cornelis, of FP in 1676, as per Stoothoff's books, and probably intended for Cor^ Janse De Seen. De Sevre, Salamon, m. Annetje La C/ayn. Issue: — Isaac, bp. Apl. I, 1659, in Fl''. De SiLLE, NiCASius (s. of Laurens), of Arnhem in Gelder- land, emigrated in 1653; m. i*^', in the Netherlands,- -; m. 2"', May 26, 1655, Tryntje Cregiers or Crougcrs from the Hague, from whom vhe separated in consequence of incompatibility of temper. Was first counsellor from 1653 to '57; schout fiscal of N. A. in 1656-7; schout fiscal of N. U. in 1660, where he was allotted a plantation in 1657, and where he obtained Dec. 28, 1660, a patent for 25 mor- gens. Resided during the latter part of his life in a stone house with a tile roof on his farm in the village of N. U., which house was demolished some 20 years ago. Issue, all by his I*' wife: — Laurence De Sille, who m. a da. of Martin Cregier, in 1657 was a clerk in the secretary's office, took the oath of allegiance to the English in 1664, and in 1662 re- turned to the Hague in the Netherlands; Gerdientje, m. Jan Gerretse Van Couwenhoven of Br" ferry; and Anna, m. Hendrick Kip Jun"". Signed his name '■'■ Nicasius de Sil/e." De Snyder, Derck, (Derek the tailor.) His name appears on Gov. Andross's patent of N. L., or the new lotts of FP. De Sousou, Jannetje, of Br", a resident of Haerlem at date of marriage, m. Aug. 25, 1695, Conradus Hendricksen Boeg of N. Y. De Swede, Jan, (Jan the Swede,) on ass. roll of Br" of 1676. De Sveli., Auke, paid 2 gl. 9 St., minister's salary, in FP in 1680, as per town rec. GENEALOGY. 97 De Tarck, Abram, see Du Toiet. De Toiet or Tooy, see Du Toiet. Devenport, capt., a dealer in dry-goods in 1676, as per Stoothoff' s books. De Voor, David, was sued Aug. 18, 1660, by Glandy La Metre, as per Lib. B of Fl'' court rec. De Vos, see Vosch. De Vries, Jan Jacob, (probably from Vries, a village in Drenthe,) bought a lot at Br° ferry, referred to in patent to Pieter Jansen Meet of July 8, 1667. A Jan De Vries m. Dec. 10, 1679, in N. Y., Adriaentje Dircks, and had children bp. in N. Y., as per p. 762 of Valentine's Manual of 1863. Titus Syrachs, emigrated to this country at an early date; m. Jannetje Teunis (sup.) da. of Teunis Janse Coeverts. Re- sided in Fl^, and part owner of a horse-mill in N. U. in 1660; lieut. of foot company of Fl^ in 1673, and d. in 1688. Apl. 12, 1669, he sold to Cor® Barentse Slecht a house and lot in Fl^, as per p. 53 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. At one period censured for improper conduct, and fined ^25. In 1677 he and his wife were mem. of the R. D. ch. of Fl^, Issue: — Tryntje, bp. Dec. 23, 1663; Teunis Titus, who settled in Mansfield, N. J.; Syrach or Sjak Titus, bp. Dec. 28, 1679, in Br"; Jannetje Titus, bp. Mar. 16S2 in N. U.; Francis Titus; . and (sup.) Arays Titus. His descendants use Titus as their surname, and he is the ancestor of the Dutch family of Titus or Tetus, as per p. 133 of Riker's Newtown. Made his mark to documents. De Wael, Pieter, on Stoothoff papers of 1678. De Wal, Gelyam, (probably from the river Waal in the Netherlands,) buried in Fl*" ch. Jan. 23, 1666, per FP rec. De Wall, Jeronimus, allotted a plot in N. U. in 1667, which he sold to Anthony Du Chene, as per town rec. y De Wit, Witt, or Widt, Pieter Jansen, emigrated in 1652 and settled in Bu'^, of which town he was a mag. in 1661, '62, and '65; on ass. rolls of 1675 and '83; cen. of 1698; and took the oath of allegiance in said town in 1687. There was a Jan De Wit, miller, of N. A. in 1661. Issue: — Maria, 7 98 GENEALOGY. bp. Dec. 25, 1652; and Catharine, bp. May 17, 1654, in N. A. Signed his name ^^Pteter Jatise Wit." Volkert. His name appears on patent of Bu^ of 1687. No further trace. De Wolf, Abel, of G'^ in 1662, per Col. Man. Derick, of G'' in 1662. Claimed possession of Gisbert's I. in G'^ under title of Gisbert Opdyck, but ousted by the town. Allowed in 1662 to make salt on Coney I. Deyuet, Symon. His name appears on Stoothoff' s books of 1683. De Zeuw, Cornelis Janse, see De Seen. Dido, Abraham, of Bu*"; d. about 1700. Dircksen or Dircksz, Albert, see Amerman. Cornelis, see Hoogland. Evert, see Van Nef and Van Ness. Foulear of Br°, complaint made against at the sessions of 1678 by Wouter Gisbertsen for hindering him in the use of a highway either to the village of Bu'^ or woods, as per court rec. Gerret and Hendrick, see Vander Vliet. Hendrick, and Barent Jansen Bal leased Aug. 31, 1651, Rem Jansen Vanderbeek's patent at the Wallabout for 4 years. Mem. of the R. D. ch. of FP in 1677. Had a da. Marritje bp. July 2, 1653, in N. A. Made his mark to documents. Isaac and Jacobus, see Amerman. Jacob, on ass. rolls of Bu^ of 1676 and '%t^ and patent of 1687; also on protest against payment of Do. Polhemius's salary, as per p. 132 of Vol. i of Stiles's Br". Jan, see Amerman, Hoogland, Vander Vliet, and Woert- man. Joris or George of Br°, see Brinckerhoff. -Pd!/////j-, emigrated in 1651; m. i^' Jannetje Janse; m. 2^ Geertje Willemse. On ass. rolls of Br" of 1675, '76, and '83; mem. of R. D. ch. of Br" in 1677, residing at Bedford, and entered as removed to Ja. ; and took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687. With others in 1663 petitioned to form a new concentration (village) back of the Wallabout, as per p. 120 of Vol. I of Stiles's Br". Issue: — Geertruyd, bp. Sept. 2j 1654, in N. A.; Paulus; and Lysbeth. Made his mark to documents. Paulus, see Amerman. GENEALOGY. 99 Staff el., took the oath of allegiance in Fld^ in 1687 as a native. Tunis., see Woertman. Volkert, Volkherd, or Folkert, m. Annetje Philips of Br°, and settled in Bu"^. On muster-roll of Bu"^ of 1663; ass. rolls of 1675 and '2>y, magf. in 1673; mem of Do. Van Zuur- en's ch. in 1677; on patent of 1687; and took the oath of allegiance in said town in 1687 as a native. In 1686 com- missioned lieut. of militia, as per p. 147 of Cal. of Eng. Man. Issue: — Rachel, bp. Nov. 11, 1683; and Rebecca, bp. Mar. 24, 1686, in N. Y. Made his mark to documents. William, see Hoogland. DiRCKSS, TiERCS, of Br" in 1663, with others petitioned for leave to form a new village, and for salt meadows, as per p. 120 of Vol. I of Stiles's Br°. DiRECKiEN, the weaver, of Kings Co. in 1678, per Stoot- hoff's books. DiTMARS or Van Ditmarsen, Douwe Jansen, of FP' in 1688, bp. June 9, 1642; m. Sept. 22, 1687, Cath^ Lott. Douwe Jansen Jun"", resided at first in Fl^, and finally set- tled in J*, where he d. about 1755. Issue, as per Riker's Newtown: — John; Peter; Dow, m. Aeltje , and settled on the Raritan; Abraham of J^, m. June 18, 1725, Bregie da. of Ab™ Remsen; and Adriana, m. W™ Van Duyne of Newtown. (It is possible that this is an error, and that the above are the chil. of Douwe Jansen and Cath® Lott, who were m. in 1687.) Jan/a?isen, the common ancestor of the family, emigrated from Ditmarsen in the duchy of Holstein, and was some- times called "Jan Jansen platneus" or fiat-nose, as per Ri- ker's Newtown. He m. Aeltje Douws or Douwesen, and d. prior to 1650. Obtained a patent Mar. 23, 1647, for 24 morgens on Manhattan I. In 1647 occupied a farm at Dutch Kils, Queens Co. No positive evidence of his having resided in Kings Co. Issue: — Jan Jun"" of Fl''; Dow; and Reynier. /an Jansen Jun"", b. about 1643; m. Adriana ; settled in FP', of which place he was a mem. of the R. D. ch. in 1677, and where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687, and where in 1676 he kept a tavern. From a map on file in the off. of the Sec. of State at Albany, made by " Ja. Cortelyan," without date and filed Aug. 8, 1681, of 6 farms in Fl'', it appears that "John Ditmarsen" owned "a double lot" on the W. side of the main road or " highway to the ferry," 100 GENEALOGY. nearly adjoining the Fid** boundary and S. of the land of " Klyn Dirk" (Dirk Janse Hoogland), "Broad before 56 rods 7 foot " (about 692 ft. 7 in. English measure) " after 64 rods 5 foot (about 788 ft. 8in.), long 600 Rod " (about 7350 ft.), cong. about 60 morgens. Apl. 24, 1681, "Jan Janse Ditmarsen" bought of Gerret Lubbertsen a farm in Fl*^ on tlie W. side of the highway, S. of Hendrick Janse Oester- stroem, N. of the Fid* boundary, stretching W.S.W. 600 rods, broad 27 rods and 5 ft., cong. 27 morgens and 300 rods, as patented by Gov. Stuyvesant May 17, 1662, with meadows, as per p. 49 of Lib A of Fl*^ rec. This purchase covers a portion of the land on the above-referred-to map of Cortelyan, which land remained in the Ditmars family until about 1825, when Maj. John Ditmars's share (the owner of a part of the same) was sold to David Johnson, since which it has been sold in parcels, and on it is located the main portion of Greenfield or Parkville. Issue: — Dow of J'^; Laurens of Fl'', bp. Apl. 25, 1680, at Fl^; Johannes of Fl^; (sup.) Rebecca, who m. Pieter Staats of Gowanus; and (sup.) Jane, who m. Daniel Remsen of Fl*". Signed his name ''''Jan Ja?isen Van Ditmarsefi." Johannes (s. of Jan Janse and Adriaentje), m. Jannetje Remsen and resided in Fl"^. Bought Apl. 27, 17 19, of Dow Ditmars the Flatbush farm of his grandfather Jan Janse. Issue: — Jan, bp. Aug. 31, 1718, (sup.) m. Femmetje da. of Roeluf Voorhees, d. 1756; Marretje, b. Jan. 8, 1723, m. Engelbert Lott, d. Apl. 1797; Johannes, bp. May 23, 1725, in N. U., m. Apl. 20, 1748, (sup.) Rebecca Staats; Annetje, bp. Mar. 26, 1727, in N. U., m. Leffert Lefferts of Bu^; Abraham, bp. Nov. 26, 173 1, in N. U. ; and (sup.) Jannetje, m. about 1770 Pieter Staats. Signed his name ^^Johannis Ditmars" in 1707. Laurens of Fl*^, bp. Apl. 25, 1680; m. Oct. 29, 1 701, Eliza- beth Hegeman; d. July 25, 1769. Constable of Fl^ in 1727 and '28. Issue: — Ariaentje, b. May or Aug. 23, 1703, m. May 10, 1720, Albert Voorhees, d. Apl. 14, 1721; Joseph, b. Mar. 25, 1704, m. Oct. 3, 1730, Altje Van Brunt, d. Mar. 22, 1732; Femmetje, b. May 23, 1707, m. Sept. 29, 1723, Elyas Hubbard; and Yannetje, b. Oct. 2, 1708, m. Oct. 12, 1734, Jacobus Ryder of G'*, d. Aug. 21, 1781. Reymier or Reyndert Janse of Fl^, m. Lysbeth Van Rare- stein. On ass. roll of Fld^ of 1675, and an elder of the R. D. ch. of that place in 1682. Bought Mar. 8, 1666, of Hendrick Jansen Oesterstroem or Van Oesterstroem a bouwery in FP on the W. side of the highway, on the S. side of Pieter Lodt, and on the N. side of Gerret Lubbertse, with a house- plot, as per p. 56 of Lib. B of Fl'' rec. This appears to cover GENEALOGY. lOI the farm of Henry S. Ditmars and part of the farm of John Ditmars, and which was probably purchased of Reynier Janse by Jan Janse his brother. Issue: — Geertje, bp. July 31, 1681, and Louis, bp. Nov. 11, 1683. DiTTON, John, owned land in Br" adjoining Breser's patent in 1645, as per said patent. DocKENS, Wyllem, paid 3 gl. 14 st., minister's salary, in FP in 1664, per minutes of town meetings, etc., of Fl''. DoMAN, , Serjeant, made a contract Nov. 22, 1646, with Jan Teunissen, schout of Br°, to build a house for him at the ferry, as per p. 35 of Calendar of Dutch Man. DoNVER, Johannes, on Stoothoff books of 1700. Door, Emme, on muster-roll of Bu'^ militia in 1663, per town rec. DoRLAND or DoRLANDT, Gerret. Was probably in this country, but no certain account. Issue: — Jan Gerretse; Gerret Gerretse; and Styntje Gerretse, who m. Dec. 20, 1683, Gerret Strycker. Gerret Gerretse of Br° ferry, b. 1656; m. i**. May 25, 1682, Cornelia Debevois; m. 2^, prior to 1685, Geertruyd Aukes (Van Nuyse). Of the Wallabout in 1677 and mem. of the R. D. ch. of Br"; took the oath of allegiance in 1687 in Fl*^ as a native, and on ass. roll of said town in 1693. Mort- gaged June 5, 1689, for ^160 to Pieter Jacobse Marius of N. Y. 60 A. at N. L. Issue: — Gerret Jun'"; Karel, bp. Mar. 22, 1685, in Fl*^; and Cornells, bp. Mar. 29, 1696, in Br". Gerret Jun'', m. Marretien and settled near New Brunswick, N. J., prior to 1699, as per Dr. Messler's Somer- set Co. Issue: — Harmtje, bp. May 30, 1695, in Br"; Annatje, bp. Nov. 14, 1704, in Br"; Maria, bp. Oct. 30, 1706; Lisebet, bp. Oct. 26, 1709; Geertje, bp. Aug. 6, 17 12; and William, bp. Aug, 10, 1725 — all in N. J. Jan Gerretse, emigrated in 1653, and settled at Bedford as early as 1657; m. Anna Remsen. On ass. rolls of Br" of 1675 and '83 and cen. of 1698; took the oath of allegiance there in 1687, and elder in the R. D. ch. in 1711. Issue: — Maritje, bp. Apl. 11, 1672, m. Apl. 25, 1690, Lucas Seubring; Geertje, bp. Aug. 19, 1674, m. Aug. 2, 1695, Ab"^ Pietersen of Fl^; Elsje, bp. May 22, 1678; Jan, bp. Mar. 20, 1681, (sup.) m. May 20, 1690, Jannetje Janse Schenck. Made his mark to documents. I02 GENEALOGY. Jan (sup. s. of Lambert), m. Marretje . Issue: — Jan, bp. July 17, 1701; and Cornelia, bp. Aug. 7, 1705, both in Br". Signed his name '"''Jan Dorla/idt" in 1720. Lambert or Lanifnert Jatise, m. Hendrickje or Harmpie Janse. On ass. rolls of Br° of 1675 and '76, and a mag. in 1673, as per p. 8 of Cal. of Eng. Man. Both mem. of the D. ch. of Br" in 1677 and '85. A Lambert Borland, mem- ber of Assembly for Richmond Co. in 1691, and an anti- Leislerian, in 1701; also a Lambert Borland of Six Mile Run, N. J., in 1717. This Lambert Janse appears to be too old to be a s. of Jan Gerretse. Issue: — Elsie Lam- mertse, bp. May 12, 1678, in Fl'*; and Jan Lammertse, bp. Mar. 20, 1681, in Br". Signed his name ^''Laniber Dorre- lant." BoucKLES, WiLLEM, bought land in Fl'' in 1658 of Jan Hendrickse Van Gunst. Of Fl'' in 1688, as per Col. Man. In 1664 he took the oath of allegiance to the English in N. Y. Bouts, Abram, see Bu Toict. BoxsEY, Thomas, bought Oct. 19, 1650, of Nich^ Stillwell, through Rich'^ Cluffe, the plantation-lot Stillwell bought of Geo. Homes in G'', as per town rec. Brets, Brats, or Bregz, Josias Janse, emigrated in 1661 from Amsterdam, and settled at first in N. A.; m. Apl. 30, 1682, Aeltje Adams Brouwer of Gowanus. Removed to Br", where he took the oath of allegiance in 16S7, and on ass. roll of 1683. In 1692 resided in Newtown. Issue: — Josias, bp. May 28, 1682, in Fld^; Sara, bp. June 20, 1684; Jan, bp. Bee. II, 1687, in Br"; Betty, bp. Jan. 15, 1699, in Br"; and Casparis, bp. Mar. 30, 1701, in Br". Bretsens, Jan, farmer of Bartel Claesen at the ferry, assessed 10 gl. in 1657 towards Bo. Polhemius's salary. Bu Ceen, Chaine, Chesne, or Seen, Anthony, emigrated in 1663, and m. Annetje Bocquet ox Bockee. Bought in 1667 a lot in N. U. of Jeronemus Be Wall; May 29, 1674, of Ab'" du Toict for 1600 gl. a farm in N. U.; and Apl. 30, 1681, bought another farm in N. U. on the lane leading to Fl'\ June I, 1682, he sold a tract on N. U. Lane to Thys Lub- bertse; May 29, 1691, he sold the first farm he bought of Bu Toict to Nich^ Vander Grift; Feb. 24, 1690-91, he sold to Gerret Cornelise Van Buyn a half-lot on N. U. Lane ad- GENEALOGY. 103 joining Van Duyn's land, receiving in exchange a half-lot adjoining Pardon's land. In 1687 he took the oath of al- legiance in N. U., and his name appears on Dongan's patent of 1686. Issue: — Maria, bp. July 27, 1679; Valentine, bp, July 3, 1681; and Gerret, bp. Feb. 10, 1684. Made his mark to documents. Dui, ToRMAN, of Kings Co. in 1676, as per Stoothoff's books. Dunne, Richard, bought in 1649 a lot in G*^ of Ralph Cardall, which he sold Sept. 8, 1649, to Nich^ Stillwell for 300 gl., as per G*^ rec. Du Pre, Du Puy, Du Puis, or Dupue, Francois, from Gales or Calais in France, among the first settlers of Bu"^ in 1661; m. i^', Sept. 26, 1661, in N. A., Geertje Willems {Boeriwi) of N. L. He and his w. Geertje mem, of R. D. ch. of Fl"^ in 1677. Issue: — Grietje, bp. Oct. i, 167 1; Jean, bp. May 20, 1674, in N. Y. ; Sara, bp. Feb. 23, 1679, in Br"; Geertje, bp. Sept. 18, 1681, at Fl*"; and Nicolas, bp. Oct. 17, 1686, in N. Y. Jean, from Como, m. i^\ May 28, 1655, Margaret Jans of Scotland; m. 2*^, Dec. 5, 1659, Jannetje Simons of Amster- dam. Was a mem. of the R. D. ch. of N. U. in 1677, en- tered on the record as removed to Bergen, N. J. Issue: — Andries, bp. Mar. i, 1656; Jannetje, bp. Dec. 3, 1662; Francyntje, bp. Jan. 12, 1665; Maria, bp. Feb. 16, 1667; Jan, bp. Mar. 28, 167 1; and Simon, bp. June 21, 1676 — all in N. A. and N. Y. Nicholas, m. Catharine de Vos. Mem. of R. D. ch. of N. U. in 1677, entered as removed to Bergen, N. J. Issue: — Magdalena, bp. Feb. 16, 1667; Susanna, bp. Apl. 7, 1669; Nicolaes, bp. July 11, 1670; and Paulus, bp. Aug. 11, 1675 —all bp. in N. Y. Willem, b. in Bu'^, a resident of Mernach, m. Aug. 10, 1688, in N. Y., Lysbeth Weyt from Barbadoes, a resident of Kiehtewang. DuRiE, Duryea, Duree, or Doryea, Abraham (Joosten), b. 1685; m. Elizabeth Polhemus; d. about 1763. Farmer in Bu''. Will da. Jan. 29, 1753; pro. Feb. 28, 1764; rec. p. 306, Lib. 26, surr. off. N. Y. In it he devises his farm to his s. Johannes. Issue: — Joost of Bu'^, b. Oct. 8, 1715, m. Dec. 23, 1752, Catharine Schenck, d. July 24, 1783; Nelche or Nelly, m. John Terhune of Fld^; Daniel of Bu*^, m. Dec. 3, 1743, Gertrude Kock by one account, Gertrude I04 GENEALOGY. Debevoise by another; Metpenechee, Magdalen, or Lanche, m. Jacob Boerum; Abraham of N. Y., bp. Apl. lo, 1720, m. Mar. I, 1744, Maria Roosevelt; Catryntje b. Oct. 6, 1720, m. May 16, 1746, Joost Monfoort, d. Sept. 29, 1799; Johannes of Bu^ and N. Y., m. Neeltje da. of William Kouwenhoven; v' Elizabeth, bp. July 12, 1724, (sup.) d. young; and Anche, m. 1753 Van Cleef. Charles {Joosteti), farmer, of Bu'', m. i^*^ Cornelia da. of Jo- hannes Schenck; m. 2^ Mary or Maria Roberson; d. about 1753. Will da. Dec. 4, 1751; pro. Sept. i, 1753; rec. p. 358, Lib. 18, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Joost of J'^; Helena, m. Van Zant; Johannes of N. Y., m. Apl. 30, 1748, AntjeVoor- hies of G'^; Cornelia, m. June 11, 1757, Frans Titus; Charles or Charel of Oyster Bay, m. Dec. 16, 1748, Antie Fryn; Elizabeth, (sup.) m. Joost Van Brunt; Tunis of Bu^, m. May 18, 1753, Anna Rapalje; Derick of N. Y., m. June i, 1754, Elizabeth Titus; and Abraham of Rondout, Dutch- ess Co., m. Sarah Van Wyck, d. 1764. Christiaan [Pieterse), bp. Apl. 17, 1681. No further trace. Jacob {Joosten), bp. Nov. 21, 1686; m. 1708 Catrina Pol- hemius; d. 1758. Resided at first in Bu"^ and afterwards in Br". His Bu'^ farm of 100 A. was sold Apl. 15, 1758, by his executors. Issue: — Joost of J^ South, farmer and millwright, b. 1709, m. i^* Willemtje Terhune, (names of his 2^* and 3*^ wives not ascertained,) m. 4*^^ Charity , d. 1775; Daniel of J'^, d. 1759; Johannes of N. Y., m. Oct. 29, 1763, Sara ; Jacob of N. Y. and Bu'^, m. Mar. 21, 1747, Sara Van *■' Noortstrant, d. 1784; Abraham of N. Y., merchant, bp. Feb. 16, 1724, m. Nov. 3, 1763, Elizabeth Low; Cornelius of Bu*^; Hendrick; and Magdalena, m. Cor^ Wyckoff of N. J. Signed his name "Jacob Diirye.'' Joost, the common ancestor of the family, emigrated about 1675 from Manheim in the Palatinate of the Rijn; m. Magdalena La Febre. Settled at first in N. U., where he owned a farm which he sold Oct. 5, 1681, for 3200 gl. and a new wagon to Gerret Cornelisen Van Duyn, as per p. 148 of Lib. AA of Fl'^ rec. Left N. U. and settled on the dis- puted lands between Newtown and Bu*", where he d. about 1727. On ass. rolls of Bu"^ of 16S3 and '93 and cen. of 1698, taking the oath of allegiance there in 1687. Issue: — Joost; Peter; Jacob; Abraham; Charles; Jaques, bp. July 13, 1679, at Fl*"; Antonette, bp. Dec. 11, 1681, m. Luqueer; Magdalena, bp. Oct 19, 1687, in N. Y., d. 1705; Cornells of Bu''; Simon, bp. Nov. 26, 1693, in Br"; and Philip. Made his mark to documents. Joost {Joosten) of Bu*^, m. Apl. 17, 1681, Lena or Helena ; d. 1727. Issue: — Magdelientje, bp. May 29, 1705, in GENEALOGY. IO5 Br°, m. Dec. 31, 1743, Gerret Van Sant of Newtown; Joost (sup.) of Six Mile Run, N. J., (sup.) m. Antje Terhune; Hendrick, bp. Nov. 23, 1718; and Folkert of N. Y., m. Geartey da. of Nicholas Vechte of Gowanus, d. 1752. Philip [Joosfen), m. Aug. 14, 17 14, Belje Goverts. No further trace. Simon [Joosten), bp. Nov. 26, 1693, in Br°; m. May 20, 1715, Annetje Sprung. Resided in Bu^, and a farmer. Issue: — Simon of Bu'', m. Dec. 17, 1758, Jane Vandervort. Du ToicT, Du ToiT, or Du Torck, Abraham, (French,) soldier, m. /annetje Jeronemus Bocquet. Resided at first in N. Y., of which place he was a mem. of the R. D. ch. in 1667 and '74. Obtained a tract in N. U. which he sold May 29, 1674, to Anthony Du Ceene or Seen, as per town rec. and as per p. 116 of Lib. C of Fl^ rec, at which date he ap-" pears to have resided in said last-named town. Feb. 5, 1680-81, he sold to Jan Barentse Blom his bouwery in the new division (N. L.) of Fl^, cong. 80 A., for 1000 gl., as per p. 150 of Lib. AA of Fl^ rec. He and his w. are entered on the R. D. ch. rec. of Fl'^ as residents of N. L., removed to Bergen, N. J. His name appears on the ass. roll of Bu"^ of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Issue: — Catharine, bp. June 2, 1678, in Br"; and Hester, bp. Apl. 4, 1680, in N. U. Signed his name "Abrahafn du Toict." DuTTEN, Jan, his land in Br"^ referred to on Breser's pat- ent of Sept. 4, 1645. Du WiEN, Joost, m.Magdale?ia . Both mem. of R. D. ch. of N. U. in 1677 and '85, and entered as removed to Newtown. DuYCKHUYS, Jan Teunissen, see Van Dyckhuysen. DuYCKiNGH,' Evert, from Borken or Borkel in North Braband, glazier, m. Sept. 9, 1645, in N. A., Hendrickje Si- mons from Noordthorn. Owned land in Fl*" in 1654, as per O'Callaghan's Man. Trans, of Dutch Man. Obtained a pat- ent under the name of " Evert Duyckingh Van Borchen" for 24 morgens in Fl^, lying between the lands of Johan- nes Megapolensis and those of Teunis Nissen (Den3'^se), with salt meadows and plain land, which he sold Sept. 6, 1658, to Cor^ Van Ruyven, as per p. 37 of Lib. A of Fl'^ rec. Also owned property in N. A. near the Fort, and in 1664 took the oath of allegiance to the English. Issue: — Relitje, bp. June 30, 1647; Jannecken, bp. July 25, 1649; I06 GENEALOGY. Evert, bp. Oct. 30, 1650; Symontje, bp. May 12, 1652; Aeltje, bp. Mar. 26, 1656; Marie, bp. Mar. 31, 1659; and Gerret, bp. Apl. II, 1660 — all in N. A. DuYTS or DuiTS, Jan Laurense or Laurentszen, of N. U., was probably a s. of Laurens Duytsen, bp. Mar. 23, 1642 in N. A., m. i**^ Jaimetje Jeuriaens; m. 2'', Sept. 27, 1673, in N. Y., Neeltje Adriaeiis from Breda, both at the time resi- dents of Mispat's Kil (she m. after his death Hendrick Thomasse Van Dyck); d. about 1679. There was a " Lou- rens Duyts" who July i, 1639, with Pieter Andriesen leased a plantation of Joris Bronck on the mainland opposite Manhattan I., as per p. 9 of Calendar of Dutch Man., who may have been this Jan Laurentszen. Oct. 30, 1677, "Jan Laurense Duits" bought of Luykes Meyerse 2 half-lots of land, Nos. 13 and 14, in N. U. lying at the " fonteyn " (Yellow Hoek), adjoining land of " Rutger Joesten " (Van Brunt), on which there was a good dwelling-house and barn, as per town rec. June 14, 1679-80, Hans Harmense (Van Barkeler) and Lourens Haff, guardians of the children of Jan Laurentszen, bound his son Louris or Louranse, aged 9 years, to Jan Janse Van Dyck for 6 years to do all kinds of labor, and at the end of the term to b e furnished with a Sunday suit of clothes and three good shirts. Issue: — Annetje Janse; and Louris or Laurens Janse, bp. June 4, 1671, in N. Y. Hans Laurentszen, of N. U. in 1679, brother of Jan. Made his mark to documents. Ebell, Peter, in N. A. as early as 1647; m. Claertje Jfen- drickse. Bought May 21, 1655, of Isaac Greveraet planta- tion-lot No. 27 in G'^ Feb. 3, 1657, obtained a patent for a plantation near Fort Casmar on the Delaware. Mar. 7, 1659, he sold plantation-lot No. 27 in G'^ to Jan Jansen Ver Ryn, as per G'^ rec. In 1664 he took the oath of allegiance to the English in N. Y. Issue: — Elsje, bp Oct. 16, 1650, in N. A. Made his mark to documents. EcKER, Jacob, of Fl*", a resident on Frederick Philips's land, m. June 4, 1693, in N. Y., Magdaleentie Vonckoi South- ampton, at date of m. of Haverstraw. Wolfert of Fld^, a resident on Frederick Philips's land (Philips Manor), m. Dec. 21, 1692, in N. Y., Marritje Sie- bouts of the Poor Bouwery. Issue: — Steven, bp. June 21, 1693; and Marritje, bp. July 29, 1696, both in N. Y. Edsell, Edsall, Etsal, or Elsal, Samuel, from " Ridding GENEALOGY. IO7 in Bawrychier" (Redding in Berkshire), England, hatter, m. i^*, May 29, 1665, in N."Y., Januetje Wcssels of Arnhem in Gelderland; m. 2^, Aug. 27, 1689, in Fl'\ Jamietje Stevens wid. of Cor' Jansen Beory of Newtown. In 1657 he was admitted a small burgher in N. A., and in 1664 took the oath of allegiance in N. Y. to the English. In 1664 he owned and resided on a farm at Constable's Hoek, Bergen, N. J., as per p. 137 of Vol. i of Raum's N. J., to which place he probably removed from Newtown. In 1668 he was a mem- ber of the Council of Gov. Carteret; in 1677 he was taxed in N. Y., and in 1687 a justice of the peace in Queens Co. Oct. I, 1690, he was commissioned a justice of the peace of Kings Co., as per. Col. Man. Issue:— Annetje, bp. July 12, 1656; Judith, bp. May 15, 1658; Johannes, bp. Sept. 12, 1660— all in N. A.; Ann; Julia; and Richard. (See p. 72 of Winfield's Hudson Co.) Signed his name ''Samuel Edsall^ Egbertse, Barent Huybertse, m. Aechtje Alberts. On ass. roll of Br" of 1675. Bought Aug. i, 1678, of Garret Stoothoff for 6000 gl. 25 morgens of woodland in Br" called the'^Kruypel Bosch," bounded on the N. side by land of Joost Kasparse, and on the S. by that of Jacobus de Heart, as per p. 45 of Vol. AA of FP rec. There was a Barent Egbertse (probably a s. of Egbert Teunise Metselaer) who m. Aug. 26, 1704, Maria De Garmeau at Albany, as per Pearson's First Settlers of Albany. Issue: — Tryntje, bp. Aug. 18, 1658, in N. A. Signed his name "-Barent Egberssen^ Sander of the Wallabout, and mem. of the R. D. ch. of Br'^ in 1677; m. Apl. 2, 1682, Elsje Pieters (Staats) of N. U,, both residents of Gowanus at date of marriage; d. Oct. 7, 1680, at S. I. Issue: — Annetje, bp. May 27, 1683. EiGO, Johannes, on ass. rolls of N. U. of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Faulus, on ass. roll of N. U. of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Elbersen, John, m. Mary Hendricksen. Issue: — Egbertje, bp. July 3, 1698, in Fld^ Signed his name "-John Elbersen\ in 1715. Elbertsen, Elbert, and Gerret, see Stoothoff. Gysbert, on Hegeman's auction-books of 1670 and '71. There was a Gysbert Elbertsen who m. Willemtje Claes, and had 10 children bp. in N. A. and N. Y., as per p. 766 of Valentine's Manual of 1863. Made his mark to documents. I08 GENEALOGY. Eldert, Henry or Hendrick, of J-'' (s. of Eldert Lucasse Voorhies), bp. Mar, 4, 1691; m. i^', Nov. 18, 1710, Grietje Wyckoff of Fld^; m. 2^ Tryntje . Will da. Feb. 6, 1759; pro. Dec. 22, 1768; rec. p. 446 of Lib. 26, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Grietje, bp. May ir, 1722, m. John Stephens; Johan- nes of N. L., m. Femmetje ; Eldert; Styntje, m. John Munny; Margaret, m. Nov. 29, 1761, Godfrey Heyn; Ann, m. Hendrick Emmans; and Mary or Maria, m. Rem Van Cleef. Signed his name ''''Hendrick Elders." Johannes (s. of Eldert Lncasse Voorhies), bp. Dec. 26, 1681, at Fl''; (sup.) m. Marretje Bergen and settled at Fos- ter's Meadows in Queens Co. Issue: — Johannes; Grace; and Cresia, bjx Apl. 14, 1707. Signed his name ^'' Johanties Eldert r Lucas of J^ (s. of Eldert Lucasse Voorhies), bp. Dec. 25, 1677, in Fld^; m. ; his descendants assumed the surname of Eldert. Will da. Aug, 6, 1752; pro. Oct. 18, 1756, Issue: — Eldert, (sup.) m. Jannetje Nostrand; Grace, m. George Bates; Jane, m. Joseph Barnet; and (sup.) Samuel, Ellice, James, one of the first settlers of G*^ in 1646, and allotted a plantation-lot in 1648, per town rec. Ellis or Elias, Joseph, m Mar. 10, 1681, in Fld^, Eliza- beth Damerill. Issue: — Anna, bp. Oct. 3, 1682, in N, Y. Eltygb or Elten, Jan, of Drenthe in the Netherlands, was paid 25 gl. for carpenter's work on Fl*^ ch. Bought Nov. 27, 1663, of Derick Jansen, cooper, a farm and building- plot in Fl"" on the E. side of the m'ain road, as per p. 150 of Lib. B of Fl'' rec. From FP he removed to Kingston. In 1679 he declared under oath that he was a son of Roeloffe Elten and Stryker Lebring, and made declarations as to his identity, as per p. 80 of Cal. of Eng. Man. Signed his name ^''Jan Eltyge." Eltynock or Eeltynock, Jan, owned a building-plot in Fl^ June 12, 1665, as per a suit with Derick Jansen rec. on p, 35 of Lib. D of Fl*" rec. He is probably the same person as the above "J^^^ Eltyge." Emans, Emmans, or Imans, Abraham (Andriese), settled in Freehold, N. J.; m. i^*^, Oct. 20, 1693, Rebecca da. of Mich^ Stillwell of G'^; m. 2^, Aug. 17, 1702, Margaret Williamson., a wid. On cen. of C* of 1698. Of Freehold Nov. 25, 1715, on which date he conveyed to his s. John 205 A. in said place. Issue: — Cornelius, m. Cornelia Holsaert; John of N. J. ; Nich- GENEALOGY. IO9 olas; Benjamin, m. Rachel Fenton; Abraham, m. Annatie l-uyster; Maria, bp. Jan. 20, 1707, at Freehold; Daniel, bp. Apl. II, 1 7 14, at Freehold, m. Aelje Hulsaert ; and Katryna, m. Ab" Bidull — all being of N. J. Signed his name '■''Abraham £mans." Abraham (s. of John and Sara), m. Abagail (sup.) Stillwell. Settled at Freehold, N. J., as early as 17 15. Will da. Jan. 1734; pro. Apl. 19, 1742; rec. p. 236, Lib. 14, N. Y. surr. off. Issue : — Stillwell ; Isaac ; and Thomas. Andries, an Englishman, the ancestor of the Emmans family of Kings Co. and N. J., emigrated from Leiden in the Nether- lands, in the ship Saint Jean Baptist, May 9, 1661, and settled in G'^. Aug. 21, 1661, he with 12 others petitioned the authori- ties for land on S. I. Issue : — John of G^ ; Hendrick of N. J.; Abraham of N. J.; Jacobus of C^ ; and Andries Jun"" of G^ Afidries ]vixi^ of G*^ and N. U., b. 1677 ; m. Nov. 24, 1693, E-ebecca Van Cleef of G*^. Bought July 20, 1708, of Stpffel Romeyn a farm in N. U., to which he removed. On ass. roll of G*^ of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Will da. Sept. i, 1728; pro. Jan. 6, 1729; rec. p. 34, Lib. 10, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Hendrick, d. young; Johannes; Andries of N. U. ; Benjamin of N. J., m. Sarah (or Antie) Snediker ; Jacobus of N. U., ra. Jannetje da. of W™ Kouwenhoven ;VHen->. drick of Somerset Co., N. J., m. Sara da. of Roelof Ver- kerk of N. U. ; Antie, bp. Apl. 26, 1696, d. young; Ann, m. I*" John Verkerk, m. 2^ Jacob Rapalje of Br°; Sara, m. Teunis Polhemius of Orange Co. ; and Rebecca. Signed his name ''''Andries £ma?ts." Andries (s. of Andries Jun'') of N. U., m. Femmetje Dorlant; d. about 1760. Will da. Dec. 28, 1759. Jan. 25, 1742-3, he bought of Sam' Groenendyck a farm of 84 A. in N. U. (late the farm of J. A. Emmans, his great grandson), to which he re- moved. Issue: — Rebecca, bp. Apl. 3, 1729, m. Hendrick Suy- dam of Bedford, d. Oct. 25, 1797; Rem, d. young; Annatie, bp. Jan. 12, 1732, d. young; Andries, bp. Apl. 2, 1735, d. young, of small-pox; Johannes of N. U., the grandfather of J. A. Emmans, m. Maria Wyckoff, d. Jan. 8, 1780, inherited his father's farm; Sara, b. 1740, (sup.) m. July 27, 1764, Hen- drick Wyckoff, d. July 22, 1820; and Maria, b. Sept. 2, 1752. Signed his name "Andries Enians." Anthony (s. of John and Sara), d. prior to May 6, 1699. Nov. 15, 1678, his father bound him for 2 years to Hendrick Rycke (Suydam) of Fl'^ to learn the blacksmith's trade, as per p. 32 of Lib. AA of Fl'' rec. Benjamin (s. of Andries and Rebecca), m. Sarah or Antie Snediker. Left G'' and settled on a farm at Rocky Hill, Som- I 10 GENEALOGY. erset Co., N. J. Issue: — Catryna, bp. Apl. 2, 1735 ; Isaac, bp. Feb. 19, 1738, d. young; and Isaac, bp. Mar. 6, 1739. Signed his name ^^ Benjame/i Emafis." Hcmirick (Andriese) of C^ and N. J., m. Feb. 8, 1685, Wil- lemtje Jans of Fid'' ; d. prior to May 6, 1699. May 19, 1685, he bought of Stoffel Jansen (Romeyn) a house and two garden- plots in G''. Removed to Middlebush, Somerset Co., N. J., as early as 1703. Made his mark " H " to documents. Jacobus (Andriese) of G''. No trace. Jacobus (s. of John and Sara) of G'", m. May 10, 1700, Geertje or Grietje Romeyn; d. prior to Apl. 17, 1749. Issue: — Cornelius of C, m. May 13, 1749, Eva Voorhies, d. May 19, 1792; Abraham of C*, bp. Oct. 5, 1718, m. Nov. 5, 1740, 3arah Schenck, (sup.) d. Nov. 21, 1810; (sup.) Jacobus, d. 1816 without issue; Cornelia; and Geertie. Signed his name ''^Jacobus Emafis''' in 1748. Jacobus (s. of Andries and Rebecca) of N. U., m. Jannetje da. of W™ Kouwenhoven ; d. 1735. Owned and cultivated the farm in N. U. which his father bought of Stoffel Romeyn, now (1880) of John E. Lott. Issue: — Jacoba, b. Oct. 7, 1733, m. Jaques Denyse, d. Feb. 14, 1825. Signed his name ''''Jacobus Emans" in 1704. Jan Jun"" (s. of John and Sara) of G*^, m. i^*-, Mar. 4, 1701, (sup.) Angelica Van Cleef ; m. 2'' Nelthe ; d. Feb. 1724. Will da. Feb. — , 1723; pro, Feb. 13, 1734; rec. p. 449, Lib. 9, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — John ; Ester ; Sarah, (sup.) m. Ben- jamin Stymets ; Neeltie ; Samy ; Thomas ; and Johanna. Signed his name ^^John Emans.'" Johannes (s. of Andries and Rebecca) of G'' and N. U., m. Nov. 12, 1702, Neeltje Cranen by G'' rec, Neeltie Van Cleef by another account. Signed his name ''^Johannes Emans." John or Jan Sen'' (s. of Andries the emigrant), master cooper, of G*^, m. i^' Sarah da. of Anthony Jansen from Salee or Vaes; m. 2*^, Nov. 17, 1702, Neeltje Cranen; d. prior to 1715. Mag. of G'' in 1673, '74, and '76, and in 1691 town- clerk. On ass. rolls of said town of 1693 and cen. of 1698, on which he is entered as of English extraction, from which it is inferred that his father, although hailing from Leiden, was among those Englishmen who left their native land and came to Holland to enjoy religious liberty and avoid persecution. Issue: — John Jun"" ; Anthony; Andries of G'', who probably settled in N. J.; Aljraham ; Jacobus; Sarah, m. Oct. 14, 1696, Joseph Morgen of Freehold ; and Cornelia, m. Dec. i, 1699, Paulus Amerman (sup.) of Monmouth Co., N. J. Signed his name ''''John Emans'' and sometimes ''''Jan Emans.'' Ende, Peter, of G'* In 1655 among those who notified GENEALOGY. 1 1 1 the Director-Gen. and Council of the danger they were liable to on account of the Indians. Engelbertse, see Lott. Erders, Wylem, paid 2 gl. 9 st., clergyman's salary, in 1690 in Fl'', as per town rec. Evans, Andrew, on ass. roll of Br° of 1693. Randolph or Randel, m. Martha or Margaret Young. On ass. roll of Br° of 1683; a commissioner of Br" in 1684, as per Furman's Notes. Owned a lot in Br" adjoining that of Thomas White. Margaret his wid. sold Sept. 20, 1697, a piece of land in Br" to Ann w. of John Smith of the same place, as per p. 145 of Lib. 2 of Con. Issue: — Elizabeth, bp. Feb. 17, 1684, in Br°; and William, bp. Dec. 25, 1684, in Br". EvERD, MiCAH, purchased a planter's lot in C^ in 1647 of Searjeant Ja^ Hubbard, as per town rec. EvERENDEN, RoBERT, (English,) m. Ann . On cen. of Br" of 1698 as of the ferry. In 1699 his wife petitioned the court of sessions to prevent his abandoning her. EvERTSE, Evert, obtained a patent May 11, 1647, for 49 morgens of land in the rear of " Jacous Bentyn's " land on Long Island (Br"). Where was this .? EvERTSEN, Arent, molcnaar or miller, m. Susanna Hefidricks De Boog. In 1661 he received various amounts as comforter of the sick in the colony on the Delaware, as per p. 181 of Vol. II. of Doc. of Col. His. of N. Y. Oct. 20, 1677, sold to Balthazer Vosch Jun"" a farm of 18 morgens in Fl*", abutting against Corlaers flats or plains, on the E. side of the road, as per p. it^ of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. Aug. 27, 1667, owned land in Kings Co., as per p. 179 of Lib. 2 of Con. Issue: — Neeltje, bp. June 28, 1645 ; Evert, bp. Sept. 19, 1661 ; and Catharina, bp. Mar. 21, 1674 — all in N. A. A Sarah Molenaar of Bu'', probably his da., m. June 1 703, in N. Y., Hendrick Play of said city. Signed his na.me a.t times '^ Arent mo/enagr" and occasionally '^A RvertszT Perhaps Arent is a descendant of Cornelius Evertsen, the celebrated Dutch admiral of Zeeland, who was surnamed " Keesie the Devil." Conrad^ owned land in Br" in 1660, per Col. Rec. Jan^ see Bout. Volkherd, obtained a patent Mar. 11, 1647, for 2^ or 3 mor- 112 GENEALOGY. gens on L. I., (sup.) at Gowanus. Made his mark to docu- ments. EwouTSE, EuwETSE, or EwETSE, CoRNELis, from Beets in North Holland. Suppose he came over with the squadron which conquered and retook the colony of New Netherlands from the English in 1673. Commissioned master-gunner Aug. 12, 1673, and placed in command of a vessel known as the " snow Zeehont" (Sea-dog), which made prizes of Massachu- setts vessels, as per p. 726 of Vol. II. of Doc. of Col. His. Suppose he resided at Br" ferry. Issue: — Jan; Cornelis Jim""; Ewout; Elizabeth, m. Samson Lasay; and Petronella, m. Ger- ret Martense. Cornelis Jun'', m. Mary or Maria Polhemius. Resided at first at JBr" ferry, selling his house and lot in 1723 to Jan Teunise Van Middeswout, and in 1743 became a freeman of the city of N. Y., to which place he removed. Nov. 19, 1738, he and his w. joined the D. ch. of N. Y. on certificate from L. I. Issue: — Joris, bp. Aug. 22, 1736, in N. Y. Ewout, m. Apl. 24, 1715, Sarah Tiebout of N. Y., ; d. prior to May 1740. Resided at first in Br°, where he sold his house and lot in 17 16 to Cor^ Ewetse, as per p. 26 of Lib. 5 of Con., and in 17 17 became a freeman of the city of N. Y., to which place he probably removed. Issue: — Johannes of N. Y., car- penter, bp. Feb. 8, 1716, (sup ) m. June 16, 1741, Ruth Luvois; and Maria, bp. Nov. 10, 17 17, in N. Y., m. Johannes Van Gel- der. Jan, m. July 16, 1686, Elizabeth Plevier. Was a pot-baker, residing at Br" ferry, where he sold his land, Jan. 28, 1726, to John Barbaric, as per p. 38 of Lib. 5 of Con. From the records of the court of sessions of 1700 he appears at that date to have been a liquor-dealer. In 1746 he became a free- man of N. Y., to which place he probably removed. Issue: — Anneken, bp. Oct. 16, 1689; Johannes, bp. Jan. 6, 1695 ; Eliz- abeth, bp. Nov. 17, 1697; Pieternella, bp. Dec. 28, 1701; and Petrus, b. Apl. 3, 1703, m. Sept. 21, 1726, Catharine da. of Joris Hansen Bergen — all bp. in N. Y. Signed his name ^^/an £uwetse." Farcks, Tomas, on ass. roll of N. U. of 1683. Fardon, Ferdon, Verdon, Verdonck, or Vardon, Jacob (s. of Thomas 2"^), m. May 17, 1678, in N. Y.,Fem?nctje Jans Willems of Meppel in the province of Drenthe, a resident of Fld^ at date of marriage, of vi'hich place they were both mem. of the R. D. ch. Bought Feb. 27, 1693-4, as per tov^^n rec, of Lawrense Janse a farm in N. U. Lane, to which he GENEALOGY. II3 probably removed, being at that date a resident of the town. On ass. roll of N. U. of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Is- sue: — Barbara, bp. Mar. 28, 1680, m. Jacob Adriaense Bennet of Gowanus; Willem Jacobse, bp. Apl. 23, 1682, m. Eliza- beth ; Thomas Jacobse, bp. Sept. 23, 1683; Maria, bp. June II, 1685; Jacob Jacobse; Jannetje; Femmetje; and Dirckien. Signed his name '''Jacop Fardony Jacob Jacobse, m. Apl. 8, 1720, (sup.) Marretje or Maria Flierboom. A Jacob Verdon was constable of Br" in 1701 and 1705. Issue: — Thomas, bp. Aug. 3, 1735. Thomas, m. Mary Badye da. of Altie Brackhoengie (wid. of W" Bredenbend) by a former husband. Mary, after the death of Thomas, m. 2^ W" Ariaense Bennet, and 3^* Paulus Vander- beek. A mag. of Br° in 1661, '62, '(>t^, and '64, where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687. Suppose he resided on and owned the farm at Gowanus late of Anthony Hulst and since of Henry Story and Winant Bennet. Issue: — Thomas Jun"". Thomas Jun'', m. i^*^, Junei, 1659, Jannetje Claes; m. 2'^, Apl. 26, 1695, Ytie or Elsje Juriaens wid. of Teunis ten Eyck, as per N. Y. D. ch. rec. From an entry on the records of the R. D. ch. of Br", he and his wife Annetje being mem. of said ch. in 1677, it may be inferred that she was his second wife, and that Ytie was his third. Took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687 as a native, being at the time a resident of Gowanus, owning and occupying the homestead of his father. Previous to this, in 1658, he ap- pears to have resided in Bu''. Was constable of Br" in 1684, as per Furman's Notes of Br". In 17 18 he resided in N. U., and was a deacon in the R. D. ch. of said town. Is- sue: — Jacob. Made his mark to documents. William Jacobse, bp. Apl. 23, 1682, in Fl'^; m. Elizabeth . Resided in N. U., and in 1700, on the erection of a church in said town, was allotted 3 men's and 3 women's places. In 1726 he was a deacon and in 1733 an elder in said ch. Issue: — Jacob, bp. July 19, 1709. Signed his name " Willem Far don.'' Farrington, Thomas, of G*^, let Oct. 26, 1669, to W™ Goulder of the same place 3 cows, etc. Sept. 8, 1669, he sold John Emans plantation-lot No. 28 of said town, all as per town rec. Made his mark to documents. Faster, Willem, in 1681 on Stoothoff's books. Felle, Symon, m. Ann Vi?tcent. Plaintiff in a suit against Glandy La Metre Nov. 11, 1660, as per Lib. B of Fl^ court rec. Issue: — Magdaleen, bp. June 3, 1660, in N. A. 114 GENEALOGY. Ferdinanse, see Van Sicklen. Ferdon, see Fardon. Fermensen, Hendrick, of Fid" in 1673, as per ch. rec. Fermensy, Derick, of Fid" in 167 1, as per ch rec. FiLKiN, Henry, of Fl'\ m. Catryna ; d. about Oct. 23, 1713. Member of Assembly for Kings Co. 1693 to 1696; justice of the peace 1693; on cen. of Fl*" of 1698 as of Eng- lish descent; clerk of Kings Co. 1704 to 17 14. Oct. 9, 1689, bought a lot of John Smith at Br° ferry, as per p. 188 of Lib. I of Con. Sept. 10, 1685, he petitioned for license to purchase a small neck of 500 A. at Mattinock, Oyster Bay, L. I., and in 1686 to take up a parcel of vacant land in New- town, as per pp. 132 and 154 of Vol. II. of Land Papers. In 1697 obtained a patent for about 22,000 A. in Dutchess Co. Will da. Sept. 22, 17 13; pro. Apl. 20, 17 14; and rec. p. 273, Lib. 8, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Jane; Henry Jun'', m. i*', Nov. 27, 1709, Elizabeth Smith and settled in Dutchess Co.; Magdalena, bp. Oct. 31, 1697, d. young; Abram, m. Jan. 28, 1729, Poryntje Tiebout; Isaac; Francis of N. Y., m. Catha- rine da. of Col. Leonard (Helen his da. m. John Vanderbilt of N. Y. and FP'); Cornelius, of Br° in 1738; Katharine, m. June 16, 1727, Court Van Voorhies of Dutchess Co.; Jacob; Jo- hannes; and Ante, m. Francis Hegeman. Signed his name '■'■ Henry Filkitr \ his wife made her mark " K" to documents. Fiserck, Edward, m. Janne Schabuels; d. about 1645; set- tled on a tract on the East River in Br", which was patented Apl. 2, 1647, to John Haes, who m. his wid. Issue: — Jenne, bp. Feb. 24, 1641, in N. A. Folckertsen, Hendrick, of Br"^ ferry, b. 1634; m. Geertje Claes. In 1664 made an afifidavit relating to the raid of Capt. Scott on the Dutch towns of L. I., as per p. 482 of Vol. II. of Doc. of Col. His. Issue: — Jurian, bp. Dec. 5, 1660, in Br". Signed his name ''''Hendrick Folckertsen." Folkert, Claes, m. Neeltje ; of Br" in 1699, as per a deed on p. 195 of Lib. 2 of Con. Issue: — Anna, bp. Oct. 7, 1703, in Br"; and Neeltje, bp. July 31, 1709. Derick, a grand-juryman at the court of sessions in 1692. uly 17, 1689, loaned money to Jacob Dircksen, as per p. 168 of Lib. I of Con. Signed his name ^'Derck Folckerse." Johannes, m. Angenietje . A Johannes Folkertse set- GENEALOGY. II5 tied near New Brunswick, N. J., prior to 1699, as per p. 35 of Dr. Messler's Somerset Co. Issue: — Folkert, bp. May 30, 1708, in Br°. Nicholas^ owned lands in Bu'' in 1704, as per deed of Ab"^ Bogert to Gisbert Bogert of Mar. 27, 1788, on Bu'' town rec. FoLLEMAN, Barent, scc Fullcman. FoNTEYN or FoNTEiN, Charel or Charles, m. i** Catha- rine de Baliej m. 2^, Aug. 21, 1691, Mary Van Lientie or Mag- dalena Reinierse . Was among the first settlers of Bu'^ in 1661, a mag. in 1663, and on ass. rolls of said town of 1675 ^^'^ 'Zt^. In 1689 he was among the soldiers sent to Albany, as per p. 216 of Vol. II. of Doc. His. of N. Y. There was a Charles Fonteyn on the Raritan in N. J. about 1685, and a James Fonteyn in 1707. Issue: — Magdalena, bp. Oct. 26, 1659, in N. A.; Annetje or Anneken, bp. July 16, 1662, m. Sept. 9, 1685, in N. Y., Jacob Janszen of said city; Lidia, bp. Feb. 2, 1664; Katryna, bp. Mar. 29, 1696; Rinier of N. J., bp. Oct. 15, 1699; and Hendrick, bp. Nov. 15, 17 10, at Six Mile Run, N. J. Jacques of Bu^, m. May 20, 1689, in N. Y., Anna Webbers, and took the oath of allegiance in Bu"^ in 1687 as a native. A Jacques Fonteyn settled near New Brunswick, N. J., prior to 1699, as per p. 35 of Messler's Somerset Co. Issue: — Catharina, bp. Feb. 8, 1691; Carel, bp. Apl. 24, 1692; Jo- hannes, bp. Oct. 31, 1694; Johannes, bp. Apl. 26, 1696; Geertje, bp. Jan. 29, 1699; Wolfert, bp. Aug. 25, 1700; Geert- je, bp. Dec. 5, 1701; Catharina, bp. Mar. 18, 1705; Annetje, bp. Apl. 28, 1706; Catharine, bp. Oct. 31, 1708; and Jaques, bp. Apl. 8, 171 1— all in N. Y. Johannes, m. i^', Mar. 23, 1689, Reymerighis Symonse ^Van Nostrand); m. 2^, Jan. i, 1690, Catrina Willemse (Cornell) of FP. Took the oath of allegiance in Bu'' in 1687 as a native, in which town he resided. Issue: — Karel, bp. Sept. 22, 1689, in Fl*^ (a Karel Fonteyn, on ass. roll of Franklin, N. J., in 1735); and Margrietje, b. 1697. FoRBUS, John, of N. A. as early as 1638, obtained in 1647 a patent for 65 morgens on the East River and Norman's Kil (now in Williamsburgh.) This plantation he probably purchased of Claes Carstensen, to whom in 1644 he gave a note for 150 gl. of purchase-money, balance due on a plantation on L. I., as per p. 26 of Calendar of N. Y. His. Dutch Man. In 1685 a John Forbes took up about 400 A. on the Raritan about 20 miles above Amboy, as per p. 14 of Corwin's His. Discourse. Il6 GENEALOGY. ' Force, Matthew. Apl. 5, 1666, a suit was brought against him in the court of sessions in G^ by Ralph Car- dell for trespass, as per. G*^ rec. At the sessions of 1669 he was tried for receiving stolen goods. June 3, 167 1, while a resident of G'', he entered into an agreement with John Grissell of Maspeth, on behalf of Grissell's daughter in- law Hanna Banan, who was to serve Force two and one half years, in consideration of which at its termination Force was to furnish her with two suits of " comely and decent clothes," and a heifer with calf, or one with a calf by her side, as per G*^ rec. Made his mark to documents. Forest, Abram, allotted Apl. 21, 1667, a meadow-lot at Canarisie, as per Fl'^ rec. Hendrick, allotted Apl. 21, 1667, a meadow-lot at Canari- sie, as per Fl"^ rec. Forrest, see De Forrest. Foster, William, (English,) probably capt. of the ship Concord from New England to London in 1678, m. Ann . Chosen one of the overseers of G'' in 1680, per town rec, in which year he let his G*^ lands to W'" StillwelL Mar. I, 1681-2, W" Foster of J=^ sold to Obadiah Wilkins of G*^ the title, etc., of his wife Ann in plantation-lot No. 13, with the buildings in G'', as per town rec. His name ap- pears on Gov. Dongan's patent of J* of 1686, where he he appears to have finally settled. Made his mark to docu- ments. FouNNiTON or Fountain, Aaron. He and Edward Buttye hired May i, 1674, of Ralph Cardell all his land in G'* for 5 years with the crops thereon, to be cultivated on shares, consisting of 7 skipples of wheat, 14^ of peas, and 12 of oats sown thereon, with 3 good working horses for the first year and 2 for the rest of the time; also to be furnished with 3 breeding mares of 4 years old, and 4 cows this present year and 5 the rest of the time; and further they are to have a wrought-iron plough, chains, and all tack- ling belonging thereto and necessary for their use in hus- bandry, both of ploughing, sowing, mowing, and clearing- of land. Made his mark "A" to documents. Fourier or Fookie, Amader. His name appears on the list of those liable to pay for the clergyman's salary in 1665^ and on ass. roll of 1675 and '76 of Bu^. Francis, Joseph, of Bedford June i, 1695, per Col. Rec. GENEALOGY. II/ Franciscus, Pieter, of N. U., m. Susanna Dey. Took the oath of allegiance in N. U. in 1687 as a native. Issue: — Lysbet, bp. Sept. 9, 1688, in Fl*"; and Fransyntie, bp. in 1694 at Hackensack, to which place he probably removed. Frans or Fransen, Jogst, (or Joost the Frenchman,) from Amsterdam, emigrated in 1654; m. i**-, about 1666, Geertruy Aukcs Van Nuyse; m. 2^, Jan. 30, 1692, in Fl'', Amiatie /oris Rapalie wid. of Martin Ryerson. Took the oath of al- legiance in Br" in 1687, and assessed in said town in 1675 and '83 for 18 morgens of land. He with others of Br°, May 26, 1663, petitioned to be allowed to make a new con- centration (village) at the Wallabout, as per p. 120 of Vol. I. of Stiles's Br". Tommes or Thomas (or Thomas the Frenchman,) from Denmark, m. June 16, 1677, Jamietje Brouwers of Amster- dam, a resident of Fld^ Obtained a patent May 25, 1668, for a tract of land at Gowanus. Leased Feb. 7, 1667, to Pieter Jansen Van Noort Brook a plantation at Gowanus adjoining that of Paulus Vander Beek, which probably cov- ered his patent, and was afterwards the farm of Simon De Hart and late the farms of Simon and John S. Bergen. For a more full account of this lease, see the article or ac- count of Van Noort Brook. The land covered by his patent was included in the Bennet and Benton purchase, from whom he probably bought the same. There was a Thomas Fransen (not the above Thomas) of the city of N. A. or N. Y., a carman, who married three wives and had 13 children bp. between 1658 and 1697, as per p. 769 of Valen- tine's Manual of 1863. A Thomas Fransen and Elsje Jans his wife were mem. of the D. ch. of N. A. in 1663. He made his mark to documents. Frederickse, Arend, m. i''*, Apl. 7, 1680, in N. Y., Sarah Teunise Coevert ; m. 2'', Aug. 29, 1690, in N. Y., Hester Daniels. Issue: — Frederick, bp. Jan. 29, 1681; Theunis, bp. Nov. 15, 1682; Theunis, bp. Nov. 26, 1684; Willem, bp. Jan. 9, 1687; Cornells, bp. Mar. i, 1689; Anneken, bp. Sept. 13, 1691; Margareta, bp. Sept. 24, 1693; and Elizabeth, bp. Dec. 8, 1695— all in N. Y. Gerret, on ass. roll of Br" in 1675. Jan, on a coroner's jury on an inquest on a body found on the shore between Red Hoek and Bompje's Hoek, held May 9, 1698. Made his mark to documents. Jean or Jan, see Van Lieuwen. Frees, Hendricus, had a dau. Maria bp. Mar. 29, 1696, in Br". Il8 GENEALOGY. Fremensen, Hendrick, of Fid' in 1673, as per ch. rec. Fui.LEMAN, Barny Or Barent, coopcr, keeper of jail and court-house in Fl'' in 1696, per court rec. FuRMAN, John. Apl. i, 1649, he agreed to take charge of the calves of the people of G'' for 3 months for 60 gl. in money, tobacco, or corn, and some bitters if desired, as per p. 176 of Vol. II. of Thompson's L. I. There was a John Furman among the patentees of Newtown in 1686. For a further account of the family, see p. 309 of Riker's New- town. Fyn, Jan Janse, bought a house and lot of Corsten Janse in FP Jan. 22, 1666, as per p. 51 of Lib. D of Fl*^ rec; also bought a house and lot in said town Aug. 13, 1666, of Derick Janse, "cuyper,"as per p. 18 of Lib. C; and Mar. 27, 1677, he conveyed to Stoffel Probasco his wood-lot in N. L., as per p. 13 of Lib. AA of said rec. On ass. roll of Fl'' of 1675, and one of the patentees of Newtown in 1686. Made his mark to documents in 1698. A John Fynn emigrated in 1635 to S*^ Christopher's, as per Hotten's Emigrants. Gabrey or Gabrie, Charles, bought Jan. 22, 1654, the land patented to Willem Cornelisse in Br", Cornelisse having absconded from the country, as per p. 82 of Vol. I. of Stiles's Br". Charles Gabry was a merchant in Amsterdam about 1652, as per p. 469 of Vol. I. of Doc' of His. Man. Timoiheus, of C June 13, 1661, as per Col. Man.; bought May 8, 1666, land in Bu*^ of Jan Hendricks Steelman, as per town rec Was Secretary of N. A. in 1657, auctioneer in 1661 and '62,- schepen in 1660 and '64, and d. in 1680. In 1664 took the oath of allegiance in N. Y. to the English. In 1674 he applied to Gov. Colve and his Council for redress in consequence of the late English government having an- nulled a judgment pronounced in his favor by Gov. Stuy- vesant against "Jan Jansen Veryn," contrary to the con- cluded capitulation, as per p. 705 of Vol. II. Doc. of Col. His. of N. Y. Signed his name ^^ Timothais Gabry" in r66o. Gancel, Jan, m. Judith . Schoolmaster of Fl'' from 171 1 to 1717. Issue: — Maria, bp. May 9, 1698, in Br". Signed his name ^^Jan Gancel." Gangeloffe, Claes, see Villet. Ganner, Yan, on Stoothoff's books in 1700. GENEALOGY. 119- Garretse, see Gerretse. Geisse, Wouter, on ass. roll of Br" of 1675. Gelgemes, Frederick, on list of those who paid for the minister's salary in Fl'' in 1680. Geraerdy, John, sold Mar. 6, 1655, to Isaac Grevenraat a house and lot in G**, as per town rec. Signed his name ^^/ohn Gerardy." Gerbrantse or Gerrebrant, Peter, b. 1675; on ass. roll of Br" of 1683 and '95, and cen. of 1698. The Gerrebrant family are the descendants of Gerrebrant Claesen, and are found in Bergen and Hudson counties, N. J. See p. 48 of Winfield's Land Titles of Hudson Co. Gerbritse, Jan, a commissioner of Br" in 1690, as per p. 64 of Furman's Br". This is probably an error of Furman's, and should have been "Jan Gerretse" (Dorlandt), herein- after referred to. Gerlet, Gilliam, of Bu'', one of the soldiers sent to Albany in 1698, as per p. 215 of Col. His. of N. Y. Gerretse, Gerretsen, or Garretse, Abraham. See Van Duyn. * j5ar o^ woodland in N. L., as per p. 89 of Lib. AA of FV" rec, which he sold in Feb. of the same year to Louis Cornelise of Mespath. This may be Stoffel Jansen Romeyn. Signed his name ^^ Stoffel Jansen." Symen, see Romeyn and Van Aersdalen. Szvaen, see Van Luane. Swantje, wid. of Cor^ De Potter. Will da. Mar, 3. 1676; rec. p. 208 of Lib. i of Con. Teufiis, see Amack, Coevert, and Van Pelt. Tennis of Br", cultivated part of Frederick Lubbertse's land in Br" in 1657, as per p. 134 of Vol. i of Stiles's Br", where he was assessed for T>o. Polhemius's salary. On ass. rolls of said town of 1676 and '83, and a mag. in 1661 and '62, and of Bedford in 1677. This Teunis may be Teunis Janse Coevers. Signed his name " Teunis Jafissen." Theophilus, on G'' rec. Intended for Stoffel Jansen. Thomas, see Amack and Van Dyck. Thyinan, ship-carpenter, had a dispute Jan. 11, 1643, with Joris Jansen Rapalie about the land of Rapalie the latter cultivated, as per p. 85 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Thys or Matthys, see Buys, Van Pelt, and Van Dyck. Thys, among the early settlers of N. U., who may be the Matthys Jansen from Leiden who m. Lysbeth Elswaerts, June 9, 1675, in N. Y. Tierck and others applied in 1663 for leave to settle a vil- lage, and for salt meadows, as per p. 120 of Vol. i of Stiles's Br". l66 GENEALOGY. Wtllem or William, see Barkeloo, Traphagen, and Van Nuyse. William or Wyllem, of G*^ in 1666, shoemaker. Jan Van Cleef acknowledged in Aug. 1665 to be indebted to him 350 gl., as per C rec. Signed his name " Wyllem Jansen." Williattiguil, emigrated in 1640, and took the oath of allegiance in Fl'' in 1687. Wouter of Fl'\ Signed his name " Wouter Jansoen" in 1689. Zwaen, see Van Luane. Janselert, Peter, on Dongan's patent of Bu*^ of 1687. Jeffers, Capt. John, bought Nov. 20, 1677, of Claes Milles Baes a farm on the W. side of the "road in Fl'' be- tween the farms of " Peter Lodt" and Jan Roeloffsen, of 26 morgens with plain and meadow land, the same premises which Baes bought Nov. 17, 1677, of Van Ens, as per p. 27 of Lib. C of Fl** rec. Dec. 5, 1677, Jeffers conveyed this property to Robert Story, signing his name '^ John Jeffers." Jetitien, appointed Aug. 29, 1665, a guardian of Gerret s. of Claes Gerretse and Adryaentje Lollenox by the mag. of Fl", as per p. 40 of Lib. D of Fl'' rec. This may be Capt. John Jeffers. Jelleon, Yan or Jan, on Stoothoff's books of 1678. In 1681 the consistory of the R. D. ch. of Fl'' sued him for salary of Do. Van Zuuren, as per p. 253 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. A Hans Jelisen was skipper of the ship Union in 1645, as per p. 32 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Jenes, Niclaes, on muster-roll of Bu'' militia of 1663, as per town rec. Jeroe, Anthony, and Claude Raber sold Jan. 7, 1653, to Jacob Steendam a tract on the W. side of Mespath's Kil in Bu^, as per p. 376 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Jewell, George, (sup. English,) sold Jan. 22, 1652, to Enum Benum his house and plantation in G*^. Mar. 3, 1656, he bought of W" Provoost, as attorney of his father David Provoost, plantation-lot No. 26 in C, which he sold Dec. II, 1656, to Richard Gibbins, as per G*^ rec. Made his mark to documents. JiLLEKES, Henry, alloted Mar. 22, 1701, a meadow-lot on the division of Fld^ meadows, as per town rec. GENEALOGY. 167 JiLLis, see De Mandeville. JocHEMS, Janneken, of Fl'', IB. Oct. 17, 1683, in N, Y , Johannes Gerretszen, both of said city at date of marriage. JoCHiMSEN or JocHEM, David, from Amsterdam, m. Aug. 5, 1659, in N. A., Christina Cappoens wid. of Jacob Hey, and d. prior to 1695. In Apl. 1660 he joined the D. ch. of N. A. Owned a plantation in Bu"^ in 1659, since of John Messe- role Jun"", and a mag. of said town in 1664. Of N. U. in 1675 or '76. Anneken of Fl**, removed to Philips Manor, where she m. June 4, 1693, Johannes Minne from Friesland, now of Haver- straw, as per N. Y. D. ch. rec. Johannes Minne was prob- ably a s. of Minne Johannes, b. in Friesland prior to his father's emigration. JocHUM, Anthoni, from Saumur in France, on ass. roll of Bn^ in 1684. JoESTEN, see Joosten. Johannes, Mynne, (or Minne Johannes Mineola,^ emi- grated from Friesland in the Netherlands in Sept. 1663 with w., 4 chil., and wife's sister. He m. i^' Rensje Feddans or Feddes, in the fatherland; m. 2^, Apl. i, 1689, Madalena Fixe or Hendrixe of FP, wid. of Cornelis Vonk, who after his death m. in 1693 Agyas Van Dyck. He appears to have resided in N. L. in 1675, his name appearing in that year as of that locality on the ass. roll of Fl''. On patent of N. L. of 1677, and mem. of the R. D. ch. of Fl"" in said year; con- stable of Fl^ in 1676, '77, and '79, as per p. 64 of Strong's Fl''. Bought at an auction Jan. 5, 1675, of Claes Claesen Smit a house and lot in the village of N. U., which he sold Dec. 17, 1677, to Jan Verkerk, as per N. U. town rec. Feb. 3, 1680, he sold his N. L. farm to W™ Morris. Previous to his marriage to Madalena he removed to Haverstraw. May 4, 1684, he petitioned for license to buy 3000 A. behind his farm at Haverstraw, as per p. 45 of Vol. II. of Land Papers. Mar. 1 2, 1685 he was commissioned as high sheriff of Orange Co., as per p. 143 of Cal. of English Man. Issue: — Jannetje Minnes, who m. Jan. 26, 1689, Lucas Stevense Voorhees; Albert Minnes, whose name appears on Gov. Andros's pa- tent of N. L.; Grietje Minnes of Haverstraw, late of Fid", m. Jan. 20, 1686, at Bergen, N. J., Harmen Douwenszen Taelman of Tappen, as per N. Y. D. ch. rec. No account of his fourth child. Signed his name '^ Mynne Johannes" l68 GENEALOGY. Johnson or Jansen, Andrias, constable of FP' in 1697, per court rec. Barent (s. of Jan Barentse Van Driest), bp. Dec. 18, i68i; m. Maria da. of Nicholas Stillwell Jun"", and was a farmer in G'^. Issue: — Jan Barentse of J^; Claes Barentse of N. J.; (sup.) Catharine Barentse, who m. Dan' Stillwell; Barent /y^ Barentse of G''; and William Barentse of G'', b. July 4, 17 18. Signed his name ^^ Barent Jansen^ Claes, of G*' in 1694, per Stoothoff papers. Elected an overseer of said town in 1681, per G** rec. Cornells, on Gov. Dongan's patent of Bu'^ of 1687. Cornells of G'' (s. of Jan Barentse Van Driest), bp. Jan. 29, 1684. No further trace. » Hendrlck of Br"", m. Mary da. of Nicholas Stillwell Jun"", ^ who was b. in 1683 in G''. Jan or John (sup. s. of Jan Barentse Van Driest), m. i^*' to (sup.) Marretje ; m. 2'' (sup.) Jannetje Joris. AJohn Johnson about this period resided in G'', as per Thompson's L. I., who was probably this John. Issue: — Johannes, bp. (sup.) Jan. 18, 1715; Barent, bp. (sup.) July 27, 1721; Jores, bp. (sup.) May 12, 1722; Maria or Marytie, bp. Dec. 19, 1737; Catharine, bp. Dec. 30, 1739; and Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 21, 1747: the last 3 by the second wife. Ja7i, see Ver Rhyn. John, of C in 1656, per Thompson's L. I., and Sept. i, 1659, per Col. Man. Lambert, constable of Br" in 1671, per Furman's Br" (prob- ably Lambert Janse Dorland). The signature of " Lambert Jansen" appears on Lib. AA of Fl'' rec. in 1680, and also that of ^^Lainniert Jansen" on same book and date. Lambert, m. June 30, 1673, Sarah Barne, per C rec. Lawrence or Loivrate of G*^, sold Aug. 22, 1653, to Water Wall land and buildings in G^, as per town rec. Of C in 1656, per Thompson's L. I. Maudllnn of the Manhattans, bought Nov. 19, 1652, of **Enum Benum" his house and plantation in G*^, per town rec. Pleter, appointed coroner of Kings Co. in 1685, as per p. 141 of Cal. of Eng. Man., and lieut. of horse in 1690, per Col. His. Pleter, on Gov. Dongan's patent of Br" of 1686, as per p. 345 of Vol. II of Stiles's Br", who was probably the coroner above referred to. Stoffel, see Romeyn. Theophllus, on C rec, intended for Stoffel. See Romeyn. William (s. of Jan Barentse Van Driest) of C, was sued at the sessions of 1670, by Ralph Cardell for debt. Was GENEALOGY. 169 a merchant in N. Y., and finally returned to his brother's house in G*^, where he d. single, as per Riker's Newtown. Signed his name '■'■ Williayn Jo}mso?i' in 1666. Jones, Josell, assaulted by Casper Jansen in 1692, per court rec. Thomas of Br°. His will is da. June t, 1684, as per p. 20 of Lib. I of Con. JoNGE, AuEGUERYE, bought Jan. 21, 1681, of Dirck Janse Van Sutphen his farm in " Midwout" and meadows, as per p. 155 of Lib. AA of Fl^ rec. JoNGES, Jan J ansend, of Fld^, name appears on a complaint to the court of sessions against Fl*' for encroachments on the Canarisie meadows. Signed his name '''' Jan Jansend Jonges." JoNGH, Hans, and Daniel Steger obtained Aug. 20, 1657, a patent for a lot near the Br"^ ferry. A " Hans Jong" re- sided on the Raritan in 1725. Jan de, see Van Gunst. Lodewyck, bought Dec. 10, 165 1, Andries Hudde's patent for a plantation in Br", per Minutes of the Governor and Council. JooRES, see Jores. JooRiTH, Harmen, on a deed of the freeholders of Br" of Jan. 2, 1696-7, to Adriaen Willemse Bennet. Made his mark " H " to documents. Joosten, Barent, from " Witmont in Emberland," " rid- der" (horseman or knight), emigrated in 1652, settling in Bu'^ in 1661, of which place he was a mag. in 1663 and '64. Apl. 6, 1675, he and Jan Hansen (Van Nordstrant) bought, of Fran- cois de Bruynne, Anthony Jansen from Salee's patent in G'^ and N. U. of 100 morgens, which they sold Dec. 11, 1693, to Albert Coerten (Van Voorhees) for 38,750 gl. wampum value, or about $15,340 — a large sum for that period. On ass. rolls of N. U. of 1675, '83, and '93; constable in 1683, 'd>6, and '87; on Dongan's patent of 1686; on cen. of 1698; and took the oath of allegiance in said town in 1687. He m, Dec. 7, 1658, Cytie, Seytie, or Eytie Laurens of L. I., and had issue: — Annetie, bp. Nov. 2, 1659, in N. A; Joostje Barents, bp. Dec. 26, 1661, in Br"; Joost Barents, bp. Jan. 7, 1663, in Br"; and Geertruyt Barents, bp. May 11, 1664, in Br". Made his mark " B. J." to documents. 170 GENEALOGY. Abraham, Joost, Philip, and Simon, see Duryee. Corfielis, constable of Fl*^ in 1681. Fratis of Bruges, m. Geertruy Auke Van Nuys. Issue: — Magdalen, bp. Nov. 2, 1679, at Fl"^. Jacob, town-clerk of the 5 Dutch towns from 1670 to '73. Schoolmaster of Fl*^ and precentor of the ch. from 167 1 to '73, as per p. 109 of Strong's Fl**. His term commenced Nov. I, 1670, O. S., as per p. 207 of Lib. D. of Fl*^ rec. A Jacob joesten took the oath of allegiance to the English in N. Y. in 1664. Signed his name '^ Jacob Joesten." Rutgert, see Van Brunt. Saertje of Bedford, m. Feb. 15, 1699, in N. Y., Michael Van der Koeck from Zeeland, as per N. Y. D. ch. rec. Simon from " Meerbeecke," m. Apl. 18, 1649, in N. A., An- netje Boelens from Amsterdam. Both mem. of the R. D. ch. of Br° in 1660. He succeeded Cornells Dircksen Hoogland as ferry-master at Br" ferry; was court messenger in N. A. in 1656, and in 1657 in Br". Issue: — Joost, bp. Nov. 26, 165 1; and Catharine, bp. Aug. 23, 1654, in N. A. Tunis, allotted a plantation among the first settlers of N. U. in 1657; but having no further account of him, and his failing to improve the same, it was forfeited. JoRiSE or JoRiSEN, sce Brinckerhoff. Abraham, took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687 as a native. Bruyn, on Stoothoff and Hegeman's books of 1670. Cornells of the ferry, sold land to Thomas Lambertse Apl. 22, 1695, as per p. 55 of Lib. 2 of Con. Daniel, see Rapalie. Gysbert, on Stoothoff books of 1678. Harmen, took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687 as a native. Hendrick, see Brinckerhoff. Jacob (s. of Jores Jacobsen), m. May 27, 1677, Lysbeth Thomas da. of Thomas Lambertse of Bedford. Resided at Bedford, and was a mem. of the R. D. ch. of Br" in 1685, where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687 as a native. On ass. rolls of Br" of 1675 and '83. Bought Feb. 8, 1688-9, of W™ Joorise 20 morgens at Bedford, as per p. 148 of Lib. i of Con. Will da. Feb. 19, 1691-2; rec. Lib. i, p. 108 (copy) of Con. Issue: — Jores Jacobse, bp. Feb. 17, 1678, in Fld^; Thomas Jacobse, bp. July 25, 1680, in N. U.; Joris Jacobse, bp. Apl. 23, 1682, in Fl*^; Jacob Jacobse, bp. Nov. 30, 1683, in Br"; Andreas Jacobse; Tryntje Jacobse; Harman Jacobse; and Jannetje Jacobse. Jan, on Bu*^ ass. roll of 1675. A Jan Jorise m. Maria GENEALOGY. I/I Fredericks; said Maria m. 2^, Oct. 24, 1663, Symen Hansen Van Noorstrand. J^an and Jeronemiis, see Rapalie. Kleyn or Heyn Drick of FI^, supposed to be intended for Dirck Joorese Brinckerhoff. Signed his name ^'■Heyn Drick Jooresseti." Marcus of Br", m. Dec. 17, 1662, Lysbeth Nachtegal. Issue: — Jannetje, bp. Dec. 11, 1663, in Br°. Syjfion, of Fl*" in 1680, per ch. rec. Willem of Bedford (s. of Joris Jacobse), m. Hendrickje Johannes or Willems. Mem. of R. D. ch. of Br'' in 1685 ; on ass. roll of Br" of 1683; and resided in Richmond Co. in 1689. Issue: — Elsje Willemse, bp. Oct. 14 or 24, 1677, in Fl'^; Joris Willemse, bp. May 6, 1683, in Fl''; Eytie Wil- lemse, bp. Oct. 28, 1688, in Br"; and Nelkje AVillemse, bp. Mar. 4, 1694, in Br". JoRNEY, Weynart, from Manheim, joined Br" R. D. ch. Oct. 28, 1663. Josephs, Adriaen, Francis, Elbert, Joseph, Peter, and Rem, see Hegeman, JouRNAY, Maillard, occupicd land in Bedford in 1694, as per p. 49 of Vol. 2 of Con. JuER or Jaer, Michae, owned land in G*^ in 1648, per town rec. Mar. 5, 1648, he agreed to build a house for Ambrose London, 22 ft. by 12, for 40 gl.; London furnishing the main part of the materials, as per said rec. Jurianse, Andries Janse, m. Annetje Pieters wid. of Jan Evertse Bout, and Apl. i, 1688, was in possession of Bout's patent of Br" lands. On ass. roll of Br" of 1675; constable of Br" in the same year; and deacon in 1678. Signed his name "Andries Juriansen." Barent ox Barne, emigrated in 1658; mag. of G^ in 1673 and '79; took the oath of allegiance there in 1687; and on ass. roll of 1683. Purchased in 1672 the farm in the village of G*^ late of Anthony Jansen from Salee (not Turk's planta- tion). Signed his name "Barent /u7yafisen." Christoffel, see Probasco. Jacobus, see Nagel. Laurence, see Haf. Laurens of Brazil, m. July 5, 1676, in N. A., Kenira Pieters from Amersfoort. Mem. of the R. D. ch. of N. U. in 1677 172 GENEALOGY. and '79, residing at Yellow Hoek, and entered on the ch. rec. as removed. His name afterwards appears as a mem. of the R. D. ch. of Fl'' and a resident of N. L. He was a brother-in-law of Jan Woutersz. Phillippus, see Nagel. Kaar, James, of G'', m. Johanna . Chosen pound- master of G^ in 1692, Accused May 9, 1693, of murder, as per court rec. Oct. 9, 1693, he bought of John Stillwell a garden-spot with the buildings thereon in G*^, as per town rec. Made his mark to documents. Kafter, Pieter, and Dehora Bras had a dau. Christina bp. May 27, 1685. KammEga or Kamminga, Hendrick Janse, see Cammega. Kannens, Simon, was sued by Carston Jansen in the court of sessions in G'' for one year's wages, as per G'* rec. Kapen, William, on Stoothoff's books of 1680. Karlesz, see Carlesz. Karsten, Jan, m. Maria Eliase Daws. Issue: — Andries^ bp. Jan. 23, 1681, in N. U. Kasparse, Johannes, on Fl'^ ass. roll of 1675. Joost, see Casparse. Kats, Claes Cornelise, see Van Cott, Kee, Jacob Hendrickse, see Jacob or Jabecq Hen- drickse. Kenger, Cornelis, paid 8 gl. 12 St., minister's salary, in Fl*^ in 1681, as per Fl"" rec. Kenne, Aderyaen Pieterse, emigrated in 1660; m. Wil- lemtjc Pieterse Wyckoff; mem. of R. D. ch. of Fld^ in 1666, where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687; on ass. roll of said town in 1693 and cen. of 1698. Issue: — Jacob, bp. Dec. 5, 1680, and settled on the Raritan; Jan, bp. July 22, 1683; and Lourens, bp. May 2, 1686. Signed his name ^'■Aderyaen Kenned There was a Peter Kinne at North Branch, Som- erset Co., N. J., in 17 10, who may have been a s. of this Aderyaen Pieterse. GENEALOGY. 173 Kerten, Gerret, of N. U., who signed his name "Geret Kerten" prior to 1700. Key, Jacob Teunisen, on petition for a canal between Red Hoek and the mainland of Br° of May 1664, as per p. 68 of Vol. I of Stiles's Br°. Harynan, m. Tr5'ntje Jans. On ass. rolls of Fl'' of 1675 and '83. Issue: — Emmetje Harmanse, bp. July 13, 1679. Keyer, Aereyen, paid 5 gl. 5 St., minister's salary, in Fl'' in 1680. KiCKHAM, Thomas, had a dau. Marytje bp. Jan. 29, 1691, in Br". KiERSE, KiERSEN, or KiERSTEDE, Jan or Hans, emigrated in 1660, and probably resided at first in Fld^ with Stephen Coerte (Van Voorhies), his father-in-law and the ancestor of the Voorhies family, whose dau. Hendrickjoi Stcphense he married. Mem. of R. D. ch. of Fld^ in 1666. Nov. 15, 1680, he bought a farm of 48 morgens in N. U. of Hans Har- mense Van Barkeloo, as per p. 137 of Lib. AA of FP' rec; resided in N. U. as early as 1678, of which place he was a mem. of the ch. in 1679; on ass. roll of 1683; on Dongan's patent of 1686; and took the oath of allegiance in 1687. He conveyed Apl. 5, 1700, his N. U. farm to Garret Coerte Voorhies, as per p. 271 of Lib. 2 of Con., having previously removed back to Fld^, where his name appears on the cen. of 169S. His N. U. farm was probably the one lately owned by John A. Emmans, dec. Made his mark to documents. There was another Hans Kierstede, a surgeon, in N. A. as early as 1638. KiERSTE, Gideon Jacobs, m. May 22, 1691, Anna Homer oi Lucas, on Stoothoff books of 1683 and '88. KiERSTED, Jacobus, m. Anna . Was a surgeon or physician in 1691, as per R. D. ch. rec. of Fld^ May 2, 1692, Jacobus Kierstede of Fld^ exchanged lands with Nicholas Stillwell of C, as per G*^ rec. Apl. 5, 1698, Jaco- bus Kierstede and Joris Rapple, both of N. Y., sold a 15 A. lot, No. 17, in G** to Capt. John Van Dykhuysen of Fld^, as per same rec. Issue: — Maria; Sara; Samuel; Jacobus; Dan- iel; Marretje; and Lucas — all bp. between 1693 and 1719 in N. Y., and supposed to be his children. Signed his name '^Jacobus Kiersied." 174 GENEALOGY. KiNBEAR, JoRis, b. in England; m. May 26, 1685, in Br", Maria wid. of Joseph Fenton, b. in London, England. KiNNE, see Kenne. Kip, Anna, had a hop-garden in the village of Fl'*, as per deed of Adriaen Hendrickse to Gerardus Beekman, surgeon, da. Sept. 14, 1678, on p. 31 of Vol. AA of Fl"" town rec. She bound her s. Nicasius, ag. 14 years, for 6 years from May I, 1678, to Jan Montange to learn the cooper's trade; Montange to board the apprentice, find his washing and mending, to give him 8 st. every Sunday for spending money, send him to evening-school, and at the end of his term give him a Sunday and every-day suit of clothes, as per p. 145 of Lib. AA of FI'' rec. Hendrick or Hendricus. Jan. 16, 1666, he and Bartel Claesen (Van Ruynen) bought of Jan Leeck 15 morgens, with plain and meadow land, in FP, as per p. i of Lib. C of FP rec. Mar. 15, 1670-71, he bought of Jan Cornelise Van Tessel a building-lot in Fl*", as per p. 104 of Lib A of Fl^ rec. His name appears on ass. roll of 1693 and cen. of 1698 of FP. Hendrick Kipp the eldest took the oath of allegiance in N. Y. in 1664. Signed his name ^^ Hendrick Kipp" Hendrick Jun''. His name appears among the residents of Fl*^ discharging Do. Polhemius, and also on other papers. Was on the Delaware in 1662. Signed his name ^Hendrick Kip Juti','" and in 1720 ^Hendricus Kip." Jacobus, obtained Feb. 25, 1667, a patent for a lot in Bu^; name on patent of said town of 1667, and Apl. 6, 1667, obtained a patent for land at Br° ferry. This Jacob is probably the Jacob Hendrickse Kip, b. May 6, 1631, in Am- sterdam, referred to on p. 70 of Vol. VIIL of the N. Y. Genealogical Record, who m. Feb. 14, 1654, Maria de la Montangie of Amsterdam. A Jacob Kipp took the oath of allegiance to the English in 1664. Jacob and Maria had issue: — Johannes, b. 1655; Jacobus, b. 1656; Abraham, b. 1658; Jesse, b. 1660; Rachel, b. 1664; Maryken, b. 1666; Hendrick, b. 1669; Benjamin, b. 1678; and Salomen, b. 1682 • — all bp. in N. Y. Signed his name ''Jacobus Kip." Klaas or Klaasz, Hendrick, of Bedford, m. Jannetje Issue: — Pieter, bp. Aug. 7, i68i, in Fl'\ Barthold, see Bartel Claesen. Cornelis, see Van Hasmyes. William of Fid", m. Oct. 9, 1691, Elsie Gerretsz, and both residents of Gowanus at date of marriage. GENEALOGY. 175 Klement, Jan, see Clement. Kley, Oufre, see Clay. Kleyn, Jan Cornelise, see Cleyn. Klinckenberg, Willem, took the oath of allegiance in N. U. in 1687 as a native. Klock, Pilgrim, see Clock. Minster, farmer, on Stoothoff's books of 16,78. Klomp, see Lambert Huybertse Moll. Klynck, Pieter, of Fid' in 1695, where he paid in said year to the church for a grave and use of the pall. . Knight, John, (sup. English,) bought Dec. 2, 1685, of Hendrick Thomasse Van Dyck 12 morgens at the fountain of the Yellow Hoek in N. U., adjoining land of Rutger Joesten (Van Brunt), as per town rec. Was clerk of Kings Co. from 1684 to '87, and Dec. 23, 1684, appointed one of the clerks of the court of chancery, as per p. 134 of Cal. of Eng. Man. The bay or river at Yellow Hoek in some old deeds is described as the "fountain." In 1638 a John Knight, carpenter, emigrated from England to New Eng- land, as per p. 299 of Hotten's Emigrants. Thomas, (English,) m. Sarah Adamse Brouwer. On ass. roll of Br° of 1698. Bought May 7, 1695, of Jurian Hen- drickse Bries for ;^32 a house and lot on the main road in* the village of Br° not far from the church, where he and his wife kept tavern, as per p. 57 of Lib. 2 of Con. A Thomas Knight appears on the list of soldiers engaged in the ex- pedition against Canada in 1689, as per p. 214 of Vol. IL of Doc. His. of N. Y. KocKES, Alexander, paid 6 gl. to Fl'^ ch. in 1665. KocKUYT, JoosT, scc Cockuyt. KoECK or KooK, Laurens, emigrated in 1661, and took the oath of allegiance in Br° in 1687. He m. about 1690 Margriet Barens. KoEGER, Calib, on Stoothoff's books in 1691. KoENiCK, see Coenick. 176 GENEALOGY KoKER, Minster, on Stoothoff's books of 1677 and '80. KoKER or KooK, ToMAs, on Stoothoff's books of 1680 and '83. KoLESEN, Hendrick, on Stoothoff's books of 1677 and '78. KoLF, Jacob, from Leiden, m. June i, 1684, Jannetje JoJiannes of Br". KoNGER, Cornelis, paid 8 gl. 12 St., minister's salary, in Fl'^ in 1681, as per town rec. KoROM, Jan, on ass. roll of Bu^ of 1676. KoRSEN, Jan, on ass. roll of Bu^ of 1676. See Corsen. KoRTEN, Myndert, (sometimes written Coerten,") from Arnhem in Gelderland, a soldier and shoemaker, who emi- grated about 1660; m. Jan. 9, 1660, Maria Fieters, Fia, or Fea, of N. A.; d. in 1706. In 1661 he with 12 others peti- tioned for land on S. I. Resided at first in Flushing, and about 1676 or '79 bought of Jan Janse Ver Ryn a part of the Rob- ert Pennoyer and of the Anthony Jansen from Salee patents located on the main road leading from the village of N. U. to G**, and on De Bruynne's Lane or the old Bath road, to which he removed and on which he continued to reside until his death. No vestige or remains of his dwelling-house or tradition of its location has been found. Was a mem. of the R. D. ch. of N. U. in 1677 and '78; a mag. of said town in 1680, '82, and '83; on Dongan's patent of 1686; high sheriff of Kings Co. in 1689, as per p. 186 of Cal. of Eng. Man.; mem, of Assembly in 1698; and a mem. of Gov. Leisler's Council, for his adherence to whose cause he was convicted of treason, and came near losing his life. Issue: — Pieter, bp. Jan. 16, 1661, d. young; Hanna, who m. Jan. 25, 1690, Andries Jansen; Wyntje or Winta, bp. July 18, 1666, in N. Y., m. June 20, 1680, Isaac Le Febre; Myndert, (sup.) d. young; Hendrickje, bp. Jan. 16, 1670, in N. Y., m. Hen- drick Jansen; Maria, bp. Oct. 25, 1673; Court, bp. May 14, 1682, d. young; and Abraham, who also probably d. young. By his will, da. Oct. 25, 1704, he devised to his dau. Hanna a farm in Middletown, Monmouth Co., N. J., and to his dau. Maria his N. U. farm. Signed his name ''Myndert Korten." Harmcn, see Coerten. GENEALOGY. 1/7 KouwENHovEN, scc Couwenhoven. Kroesen, see Croesen. Krom, Floris Willemse, of N. L., m. i^' Catalintie Ariens d^. of Adriaen Lambertse; m. 2'\ Sept. 1699, Grietje Van Houte at Hackensack. His name appears on Gov. Andros's patent of N. L. of 1677. Mar. 15, 1683-4, he sold to Barkes a piece of land cong. 60 A. in the end of the N. L. adjoining J"^, as per p. 160 of Lib. C of Fl^ rec. From the deed it is inferred he m. a dau. of Adriaen Lammerse of Bedford. There was a Floris Willemse Crom commis- sioned as high sheriff of Orange Co. Feb. 29, 1690, as per p. 104 of Cal. of Dutch Man. June 24, 1703, Flores Crom in behalf of himself and others of Haverstraw, Orange Co., petitioned for a confirmatory patent of the town; Apl. 13, 1686, 158 A. were surveyed for Gisbert Crom at Maple, Ulster Co., N. Y. There was a Willem Krom on the Raritan, N. J., as early as 17 18, and a Hendrick Willemszen Krom, a mem. of the D. ch., in N. Y. in 1679. Issue: — Willemtje, bp. May 3, 1685, in N. Y.; (sup.) Gisbert; Willem; and prob- ably others. Signed his name ^'^ Floris Willetftse Krom." Kueninck, Albert, a pauper in 1686, as per Fl'* ch. rec. KuiPER or Cooper, see Derick Janse and Johannes Janse. KuNNE, see Kenne. KuYNEN, Albert, sold Aug. 8, 1663, to Frans Barentse a farm in FP' on the W. side of the highway, with plain and salt meadow land, as per p. 141 of Lib. B of Fl^ rec. An Albert Keuninck took the oath of allegiance to the English in N. Y. in 1664. Owned land in FP' in 1670 in the locality known as " Rustenburch," adjoining the village plot of Derick Janse, cooper, as per p. 10 of Lib. A of Fl*^ rec. Made his mark "A" to documents. Kuyper, Claes, on Stoothoff's books of 1678. Claes Jaiisen, see Van Purmarent. Jan Jansen, on ass. roll of Bu'^ of 1675. La Aloot, Jacob, of Br°; his name appears on the patent of May 16, 1668, of land to Charles Fonteyn. Laan, see Lane. 12 178 GENEALOGY. La Clerk, Le Clerk or de Clerk, Jean or Jan, owned land at the Wallabout. Mar. 6, 1660, he and others peti- tioned for leave to plant a village at the Wallabout, as per La Chain's Notarial Register and Col. Man. He was from Brazil; m. Jan. 17, 1661, Annetje Hansen Bergen, and d. Nov. 15, 1661, as per p. 80 of Bergen Genealogy. Laen, John. Overseer of a farm at Bedford, per deed of Thomas Lambertse and others to Lysbeth Thomas of May 10, 1695, as per p. 53 of Lib. 2 of Con. La Febre, Le Febre, or Le Fevre, Isaac, emigrated in 1683, and took the oath of allegiance in Bu"^ in 1687. He m. i*^* Jannetje Bonderick; m. 2**, June 23, 1689, Wyntje dau. of Myndert Korten of N. U His children appear to have settled in E. N. J. There was a Myndert Le Febre in Somerset Co. in 1716. Issue: — Myndert, bp. Mar. 16, 1690, at Fl\ Mytidert, bp. Mar. 16, 1690; m. Nov. 2, 17 14, in N. Y., Cartiarine Van Blaricum. Resided in N. U., and Jan. 30, 1710-11, was licensed by Joseph Hegeman and Peter Cortel- you, two of his Majesty's justices of the peace, to " keep a Tavern and Common Alehouse or tippling house at Newutrecht aforesaid in the house where he now dwelleth." Suppose he left N. U. and settled in Monmouth or Somer- set Co., N. J. Peter. A resident of N. A. in 1658, where on petition he was allowed to sell " liquors or waters of a peculiar virtue" in large or small bottles in his own house, as per p. 132 of Cal. of Dutch Man. He appears to have owned a farm at the Walabocht, which being subject to a mortgage, he was summoned in 1659 to discharge, as per p. 326 of said Cal. There was a Peter Le Febre in Somerset Co., N. J., in 1705, who had a dau. Jantien bp. in that year. La Forge or La Forse, Adriaen, emigrated in 1652, and took the oath of allegiance in Bu*^ in 1687; m. Jannetje Ja?is. On ass. roll of Bu^ of 1683. Issue: — Maria and Aaltje, both bp. May 27, 1685, in Br°. Lagebergh, , owned land in Br" in 1657, as per p. 134 of Stiles's Br". See Peter Jansen. Laherc, Francoys, his land referred to in patent of Gov. Stuyvesant to Cornells Janse Berrien of Mar. 12, 1661, for 26 morgens in Fl'\ as per p. 25 of Lib. A of FP rec. GENEALOGY. 179 Lake, Leek, or Leuck, Abraham (s. of Daniel), of G^. Made his mark to documents in 1691. Daniel of C*, m. Alse or Allee . Name on ass. roll of G'^ of 1683; in 1684 hired land in G^ of Jan Barentse Van Driest, and bought land in said town in the same year, as per town rec. July 12, 1694, he bought land in G'^ of John Lake, formerly of Stout, as per Lib. 2 of Con. In 1689 he was appointed lieut. for G'^. He appears to have finally removed to S. L, from which locality, Dec. 21, 1696, he conveyed meadow-land located in G*^ to Reinier Van Sicklen, as per G'' rec. Dec. 30, 1701, as a resident of S. I., with others he petitioned the king to overthrow the power of the followers of the martyred Gov. Leisler. Supposed issue: — John; Abraham; Elizabeth; Thomas; and Ann. Made his mark to documents. Daniel {Janse) of G^, English, b. Mar. 10, 1696; m. " Eliza- beth Sutvin;" d. Apl. 10, 1776. Issue: — Daniel of G'^, b. July 27, 1730; Derick of G'', who m. Maria Voorhies; Neetje or Nelthe, who m. Bernardus Hubbard; Maria or Mary, bp. June 10, 1733, in N. U., who m. Stephen Vooi^ies; Abraham, bp. Sept. 5, 1735, i'^ N. U.; (sup.) Margaret, bp. Feb. 22, 1739; Helena, bp. Aug. 31, 1740, in N. U. ; Jacobus of G*^; (sup.) Geertje, who m. Johannes Van Sicklen; John of G^; Sarah, who m. Johnson; Ellen, who m. Bennem; and Elizabeth. -Jan Sen'' of G'', the common ancestor of the family, and of G** as early as 1656, as per Thompson's L. I.; farmer; m. Ann dau. of Thomas Spicer of G''; d. prior to Aug. 14, 1696. Was a witness on the Indian deed of Bergen's Island in Fld'^ in 1652. Sept. 20, 1661, he sold to Tys Lubbertse a parcel of land of 15I morgens, a village plot, a plot of plain land, and 3 morgens of salt-meadows in Fl'\ as per p. 91 of Lib. B of Fl'' rec. He also- sold in 1666 a farm in Fl'' to Bartel Claesen as per p. i of Lib. C of Fl*" rec. His name appears on the ass. roll of G*^ of 1683. Issue: — Metje, bp. May 20, 1652, in N. A.; Jan Jun'"; and probably others. Made his mark for his signature, and on deeds in which he was con- cerned his name is written ^^/an Leek " and '^ John Leeck." Jan Jun"" of G*^, m. Neeltje Claessen. On ass. roll of G^ of 1683, and capt. of militia in 1700, as per p. 809 of Vol. IV. of Doc. of Col. His. In 1694 he bought of Hannah wid. of John Delavall of Penn., for £16^, a house and 40 A. of land on Hogg's Neck in G'*, as per p. 6 of Vol. 2 of Con. May 6, 1696, a plot of 85 A. at Smoking Point on S. I., with' 9 A. at the mouth of the Fresh Kil, was surveyed for "John Lake and Joakim Gulick," as per p. 233 of Vol. II. of Land Papers. There was a John Lake of Fid* who l80 GENEALOGY. bought Nov. 21, 1670, of James Hubbard of G'' a horse, as per G** rec. Issue: — Jan Janse of G'', bp. Apl. 16, 1688, in Fl''; and Daniel Janse of G'\ bp. Apl. 25, 1696. Made his mark to documents. Jan Janse of G'', bp. Apl. 16, 1688. No further trace. La Maistre, Le Maistre, or La Meter, Glande or Claude, m. Hester Dii Bois; conveyed Sept. 13, ^65 9, to " Baertelt Claesen " (Van Ruynen) his bouwery on the W. side of the highway in Fl'', as per p. 13!^ of Lib. B of Fl** rec. July 31, 1662, he sold to Joncker Balthazer Vosch (Balthazer Vosch Jun') a farm of 21 morgens in Fl'\ as per p. 105 of Lib. B of Fl'' rec. Oct. 12, 1665, he and w. joined the D. ch. of N. Y. Issue: — (sup.) Johannes, bp. Mar. 6, 1653, in N. A. Signed his name ^''Glande Le Maistre." Lambertsz or Lambertsen, Adriaen, on Gov. Andros's patent of N. L. of 1677, and on ass. roll of Fl'' of 1675. Owned 60 A. in N. L. adjoining J-''. Issue: — Catalina. Mad^ his mark to documents. Cornells, see Cool. Hendrick, took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687. He may be one of the sons of Lambert Huybertsen Moll. Jacob of Kings Co., ag. 20, deposes in 1644 in relation to the burning of Jochem Pietersen's house by the Indians, as per p. 68 of Furman's Antiquities of L. I. Jan, m. Harentje Williams; both of Fl'' ch. in 1677. Jan, m. Gerretje Reiniers. Mem. of Fid* ch. in 1677, entered on the record as removed. Fetcr, among first settlers of Bu*^ in 1661, per Thompson's L. I. Peter, see De Hart. Peter, and others of Br", in 1663- applied for liberty to form a village, and for salt-meadows, as per p. 120 of Vol. I of Stiles's Br"^. A catechumen of Br" ch. in 1662. Rycr, see Moll. Thomas, carpenter, emigrated from Naarden in North Holland in 165 1; m. Nov. 27, 1654, in N. A., Jannetje Jans or Jurians, wid. Resided at first in N. A. May 26, 1663, he with others, as per p. 117 of Vol. X of Col. Man., setting forth that they had obtained a piece of land in the rear of the Wallabout and back of Marcus plantation, which they had commenced to improve, asked leave to build a hamlet there. This was probably the commencement of the village of Bedford. Feb. 18, 1666, he obtained a patent for 20 morgens at Bedford (probably on the land referred to in the rear of the Wallabout), on which he settled. Was con- GENEALOGY. l8l Stable of Br" in 1672, as per p. 7 of Cal. of Eng. Man.; a mag. of Br" in 1673 and '79; name on the patent of 1677; elder in the R. D. ch. of Br" in 1678; on ass. rolls of 1675, '76, and '83; on cen. of 1698; and took the oath of alle- giance in Br" in 1687. In 1689 he was appointed lieut. of the militia of Br". A Thomas Lambertse's name appears on the patent of J^, as per p. 85 of the Bergen Genealogy and p. II of the Lefferts Genealogy. Issue: — Lysbeth or Elizabeth Thomas, bp. Apl. 26, 1656, who m. Jacob Jorise; and Lambert Thomas, bp. May 26, 1658, of whom no further trace — both bp. in N. A. Signed his name '■^Thofnas Lam- bert sen." Lamothe, Peter, among the first settlers of Bu'^ in 1661. By an inventory of his property, made Oct. 31, 1662, it appears that he and Jacob France Barbier cultivated lands together, as per Bu'^ rec. Lane, Laan, Laen, or Lanen, Adriaen, Gysbert Thy- SEN, Jacob Thysen, Jan Thysen, and Teunis Janse, (see Van Pelt). It is probable that many if not all of the Lanes or Laans of Monmouth Co., N. J., are of the same stock or family as the Van Pelts, using Lane, Laan, or Laen as their surname instead of Van Pelt, and that they are the descendants of Gysbert Thysz Van Pelt Lanen and Jacob Thysz Van Pelt Lanen. Syinon, of G** in 1657, as per town rec. Signed his name ''^Syffion Lane," Clericus. Lanell, Thomas, allotted land on Gisbert's I., G'\ Jan. 5, 1670, as per G*^ rec. Langestraat, Adriaen, bp. Sept. 16, 1677; d. 1728; m. Christina Janse. On ass. roll of Fld^ of 1693 and cen. of 1698; also owned land in G'^; deacon of Freehold R. D. ch. in 172 1, to which place he had removed. In 1.723, an Adriaen Langestraet and Christina Janse his w., mem. of Freehold R. D. ch. Issue, all bp. at Marlboro: — Christine or Katharine, bp. Nov. 27, 1709, m. Aug. 24, 1741, W™ William- \ sen of the Raritan; Jan, bp. Jan. 13, 17 12, m. Dec. 17, 1746, - "^ Antje Cowenhoven; Dirck of Princeton, b. about 1713, m. about 1749 Margaret Schenck wid. of W"^ Cowenhoven; i-- Nelly, b. about 1715; Winnifred, b. about 171-8; Maria, b. about 1721, m. Dec. 5, 1742, Dirck Sutphen; Arianche, b. about 1723; and Stoffel, b. about 1726, m. Nov. 28, 1753, Nelly Schenck, as per Rev. G. C. Schenck. Derick Stoffelsz, emigrated in 1657, m. i^' Catharina Van 1 82 GENEALOGY, Lieuwen; m. 2'^, prior to Feb. 13, 1690, Johanna Havens wid. of Johannis Holsaert. Mem. of FLd^ D. ch. in 1677, took the oath of allegiance there in 1687; on ass. roll of said town of 1693 and cen. of 1698. In ante-nuptial agree- ment with liis 2'' w. on the G'' rec. of Feb. 13, 1690, refer- ence is made to his s. Stoffel Dircksen. At an early period, as per Rev. G. C. Schenck, he bought land at Shrewsbury, N. J., which he devised by will to his s. Richard. Issue: — Stoffel Dircksen; Claasje Dircksen, b. about 1672, m. Abra- ham Lott of J''; Adrian, bp. Sept. 16, 1677; Richard of Shrewsbury, b. about 1680; (sup.) Johannis; and Samuel, (sup.) m. Barbara Antonides. Signed his name '^Dirck Stoffcls." (Sup.) Jan ov Johannis Dircksen, b. 1629. Appointed Apl. 28, 1666, by the mag. of Fl'^ one of the guardians of Aer- nout Reynders s. of Reyndert Arensen and Annetien Her- mans, said Annetien being dec. and said Aernout having married Annetien Aukens, as per p. 61 of Lib. D of Fl*^ rec. Allowed to follow the occupation of carman by the court in N. A. in 1674, as per p. 494 of Valentine's Manual of 1855. June 8, 1690, he made an affidavit relating to the troubles in N. Y. during Gov. Leisler's administration, as per p. 741 of Vol. III. of Doc. of Col. His. Stoffel Dircksen of Fld^ and N. J., m. Mayke Laanen dau. of Gysbrecht Tuysz Lanen Van Pelt of N. U. Deacon of Fld^ D. ch. in 1698. Removed to the Neversinks in Mon- mouth Co., N. J., where his descendants abound. In his will, da. Dec. i, 1739, pro. Mar. i, 1741, he calls himself Theophilus, an improper change for Stoffel or Christopher. The will of Mayke his w. is da. Apl. 8, 1752, and pro. Mar. i3> 1753- These wulls name as their children, Jonica, Catha- rine, Mary, Sarah, Maria, Ann, and Gisbert. Issue: — Dirck, bp. Apl. 25, 1696, in Br°, m. Jane or Jonica, probably d. at date of his father's will; Jonica or Jane; Catharine, (sup.) m. Jan Sutphen of N. J.; Mary or Maria, bp. May 6, 1702, m. !'**■ ^y" Hendricksen of N. J., m. 2^ (sup.) Dirck Sutphen; Sarah, b. about 1705; Gisbert, b. about 1707, m. Rachel Schenck, d. 1758; Aurie, bp. Nov. 6, 17 10, m. May 6, 1754, Lydia Hull; Stoffel, bp. Dec. 25, 1713, resided at Upper Freehold, m. Dec. 16, 1743, Abagail Wooley, d. 1784; Moica, bp. Mar. 6, 17 16, m. (sup.) Johannes Leek; and Ann, b. about 17 18. Signed his name ^'■Stoffel Langstrat." Laorille, Jacob, on ass. roll of Bu'' of 1676. Larensen, Jan, of G*^, exchanged lands with Nich^ Still- well Jan. 31, 1688-9, as per G^ rec. GENEALOGY. 1 83 Larzelere or La Resieliere, Claes Jacobse, of N. L., m. Mary or Maria Grange/' or Gransenj d. prior to 1699; both mem. of Fl'' ch.in 1677, and on ass. roll of Fl^ of 1683. Bought May 7, 1682, of Catharine Van Werven wid. of Do. Polhemius 2 lots of woodland, Nos. 13 and 14, lying in the new division (N. L.) of FP, between the lots of Jan Sebringh and of Willem Jacobse (Van Boerum). Mar. 22, 1688-9, Mary his wid. sold to Garret Garretse Dorlant 2 lots in the new lots of FP, on the 3'^ kill, conveyed to him b)'' Theodorus Polhemius Mar. 4, 1679-80, cong. each 30 A., as per p. 160 of Lib. i of Con. Clute, in his History of 5. I., says Jacob Larzelere bought land there in 1686. Issue: — Magdalena, bp. Jan. 5, 1679; Maria, bp. June 12, 1681; and Claes or Nicholas. Made his mark "J L" to documents. Claes or Nicholas, of N. L. in 1688. The Larzelere family appear to have removed to S. L, where Nicholas bought land in 1693, was at one time sheriff of the county, and had several children, some of whom or their descendants settled in Bucks Co., Pa., and some now reside in this county. Laurens, Christoffel, see Lawrence, Laurense or Laurentsz, see Louwerense. Hans and /an, see Duyts or Duits. Laurentsen, Cosyn, with others made an affidavit, July 6, 1664, as to the circumstances attending the killing of a man near the house of Gerrit Wolfertsen (Cowenhoven) on the flats or plains in Fld^, as per p. 89 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Jati or John, held land in Bedford prior to 1700, as per deed of Lamberts to Vanderhove on p. 694 of Lib. 9 of Con. He m. Marritje Vonk. Issue: — Cornells, bp. Apl. 25, 1696. Laus, John, of G^ in 1656, per Thompson's L. I. Lavall, Capt., a merchant, on Stoothoff's books of 1682. His old ketch, sunk in Westchester Creek, was confiscated in 1673, as per p. 603 of Vol. II. of Doc. of Col. His. of N. Y. Had a dau. Margaret. Law, Lyman, of G'^ in 1656, per Thompson's L. I. Lawrence, Christoffel, and Raef Cardell undertook 1 84 GENEALOGY. Oct. 3, 1639, a tobacco plantation of 3 morgens adjoining that of William Adriansen (Bennet) at Gowanus. Adrian- sen to furnish the necessary palisades (fence), and the neces- sary food from the i^' of March until one month after the tobacco is housed, for which they were to pay Adriansen 350 lbs. of tobacco and to build the necessary tobacco- house, as per O'Callaghan's Trans, of Dutch Man. and p. II ofCal. of Dutch Man. July 3, 1643, he obtained a patent for 20 morgens, 400 rods of land adjoining E. the Indian maize-land, on the bay of the North River, as per p. 367 of said Cal. William^ d. about 1680; bought Sept. 2, 1660, of John Thomas parcel or plantation-lot No. 4 in G'^, as per town rec, which he sold Sept. 9, 1663, to Richard Stillwell. Settled in Hempstead; see p. 12 of Vol. X. of Gen. Rec. Made his mark " W. L." to documents. A W™ Lawrence, ag. 12, was transported to New England, as per p. 45 of Hotten's Emigrants. Lay, Pieter Jansen, on ass. roll of Bu'^ of 1683. Layforce, Adrian, on Gov. Dongan's patent of Bu*^ of 1687. Leacock, Robert, bought a house and lot at the ferry in Br" in 1680 of Jan Aertse Middagh, as per deed on p. 77 of Lib. 2 of Con. Leblianthe, John, owned one half of lot No. 14 in G*^ Neck in 1688, as per town rec. Lechinier or Lescuier, Jean, see Luquier or Lesquier. Le Cler or Clerk, see La Clerk. Ledge, Acknow, of S. I., sold June 14, 1696, his title to a house, orchard, and garden in G'' to Hendrick Ricke (Suydam) of Fl'', as per G^ rec. Lee, Escuyer, among the early settlers of Br", per Thompson's L. L Sept. 22, 1693, a Mary Lescuye of Bu^ m. in N. Y. Jan Swenhoven of "Rochel." James, (sup.) English, of G*^ in 1676, per Thompson's L. L Joseph, complained Jan. 20, 1683, to the court of sessions against Theodorus Polhemius for levying on money in the GENEALOGY. 1 85 hands of Auke Jansen (Van Nuyse), as per court rec. Was deput}'^ sheriff in 1682, as per p. 162 of Lib. A of Fl** rec. Signed his name ^'■Joseph Lee." Leendertse, see Vander Grift and Arentse. Albert, of Fld^ in 1668, per town rec. Areni, of Fid* in 1688, per town rec. Leendertsen, Jacob, see Vandegrift. Leensen or Lennordsen, Alexander or Sander, bought Sept. TO, 1652, of Capt. Brian Newton his plantation with the improvements thereon in G**. Owned land in said town in 1670 at Seller's Neck, between land of James Bowne and the highway, as per G** rec. Signed his name ^^ Alexander Leensen." Leers, Gerret, see Serdts. Le Febre, see La Febre. Lefferts, Abraham, (s. of Leffert Pieterse,) b. Sept. i, 1692, in Fl^; m. Sarah Hoogland. Settled in the city of N. Y. and engaged in mercantile business. Issue: — Elizabeth, bp. Aug. I, 1714; Abraham, bp. Sept. 25, 1715, d. young; Lef- fert, bp. Dec. 18, 1716, probably d. young; Dirck of N. Y., bp. Apl. 26, 1719 — all bp. in N. Y.; Catharine, m. Peter Luyster of Oyster Bay; and Elizabeth, bp. Oct. 21, 1724, m. Peter Clopper of N. Y. Signed his name '■'■Abraham Lefferts." Auke (s. of Leffert Pieterse), b. Apl. 4, 1678; m. i*', May 29, 1703, Marytje Ten Eyck of N. Y. ; m. 2^, July 30, 1735, Catharine dau. of Benjamin Hegeman of Fl'^, wid. of Vonk. At first a farmer in Fl*^, and prior to 1 709 removed to the vicinity of Middletown, Monmouth Co.,N. J. Issue: — Abagail, b. Mar. 15, 1708, m. Cyrenus Van Mater of N. J.; Leffert of N. J., bp. Oct. 4, 1711; Aelke or Nelke, bp. Nov. 22, 1713, m. Okey Wyckoff of N. J.; Anne; Benjamin of N. J.; Mary; and Peter of N. J., whose descendants compose the N. J. branch of the family, and generally write their surname "Leffertson." Isaac (s. of Leffert Pieterse), b. June 15, 1688; m. Harm- pie ; d. Oct. 18, 1746. Resided in Fl'', a farmer, of which town in 1726 and '27 he was constable. Issue: — Leffert of FP, b. Feb. 20, 1723; Hendrick of J'', b. July 5, 1725; Isaac of J-^ bp. Aug. 16, 1730, at N. U.; and Harmpje; 1 86 GENEALOGY. m. Hendrick Suydam of Hallet's Cove. Signed his name ^^ Isaac Leffertze." Jacob or Jacobus (s. of Leffert Pieterse), b. June 9, 1686; m. Oct. 7, 1 7 16, Jannetje dau. of Claes or Nicholas Barentse Blom; d. Sept. 3, 1768. Was a farmer in Bedford, and his name is sometimes \v'ritten "Isaac Hagewoutt. " Will da. May II, 1768; pro. Dec. 9, 1768; rec. p. 460, Lib. 26, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Abagail, b. Oct. i, 17 17, m. Lambert Suydam; Nicholas of Bu'', b. Apl. 6, 1719; Elizabeth or Eliza, b. Mar. 8, 1721, m. Hendrick Fine; Aeltje or Neltye, b. Nov. 3, 1723, m. Jacobus Vanderbilt; Leffert of Bedford, b. Mar. 14, 1727; Jannetje, b. June 25, 1729, m. Jeronemus Rapalje; Jacobus of N.' Y., b. Nov. 26, 1731; and Barent of Bedford, b. Nov. 2, 1736. Signed his name ^^ Jacobus Lef- fertsz." Jan (s. of Leffert Pieterse), b. Jan. 14, 1684; m. Margrietje . Issue: — Margrietje. No further trace. Leffert [Leffert Pieterse) from Haughwout or Hauwert in North Holland, whose children sometimes used Hagewout or Haughwout as the family name, emigrated with his parents in 1660 ; m. Abagail da. of Auke Janse Van Nuyse, commonly known as Auke Janse; and d. July 19, 1748. Settled on a farm in Fl'', where he was assessed in 1675, his name appearing on the patent for the land in N. L. of 1677, and where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687. In 1700 he bought a farm in Bedford, on which his s. Jacobus settled. From an entry on p. 108 of Lib. B of Fl*^ town rec. of Oct. 15, 1662, it appears that the father of Leffert Pieterse was Pieter Janse, and his mother Femmetje Hermens, who after the death of her husband m. 2'^ Pieter Jacobse Van Noortbrook; that, on her second marriage, at her request "Jan Seuberen and Pieter Lodt," both old schepenen, were appointed guardians of Leffert Pieterse and Pieter Pieterse, her children by her first husband, and minors. At a town meeting in Fl'^ on the 21st of March, 1695-6, it was unanimously resolved " that for the time of six following years from the date hereof, noe men shall cutt off or fell any young trees within the limits or bounds of our towne of fflatbush for the use off firewood or burning brick, smith's coals, or brewing, or such like, upon the penalty off two pieces of eight the first default, and the second double, and further are chosen by the towne people three men, to wit, Jan Van Ditmarse, Stoffel Probasco, and Leffert Pieterse, to run over and stake the meadows, and according so that every one shall be bound to dig his part of ditches over his lott to the breadth of two ffeet and a half, in depth two spades. As also on the outside each his part of fences, and GENEALOGY. 18/ that before the sixth day of Aprill next with good or suf- ficient fence, upon the penalty of two pieces of eight." " Joseph Hegeman, "May 12, 1696." Stoffel Probasco." The above law is confirmed by the court of sessions. See p. 97 of Lib. 2 of Con. Issue: — Altien, b. June 2, 1676, and d. single; Auke, b. Apl. 4, 1678; Pieter, b. May 18, 1680; Rachel, b. Jan. 17, 1682, and m. Jan Waldron; Jan, bp. Jan. 14, 1684; Jacobus, b. June 9, 1686; Isaac, b. June 15, 1688; Abraham, b. Sept. I, 1692; Madalina, b. Aug. 20, 1694,' m. Garret Martense;' Ann or Antlen, b. Mar. i, 1696, d. single; Abagail, b. Aug, 14, 1698, d. young; Leffert, b. May 22, 1701; and Benjamin, b. May 2, 1704. Signed his name ''Leffert Pietersen.'' Pieter (s. of Leffert Pieterse), b. May 18, 1680; m. Eyte or Ida da. of Hendrick Suydam of Fl''; d. Mar. 13, 1774. Occu- pied his father's farm in Fl'', of which town he was super- visor in 1626 and '27. Issue: — Leffert, who settled in Bucks Co., Pa., and is the ancestor of the Pennsylvania branch of the family; Jan, b. Mar. 16, 1719; Seytie, b. Jan. 8, i72i,m. W"^ Johnson of G'^; Adriaentje, m. Ab"' Voorhees of Fld^; Antje, b. May 12, 1728, m. Gerret Kouwenhoven of, Fld^; Jacobus, b. May 9, 1730; Geertje, b. July 11, 1731; and Aba- gail, b. Sept. 12, 1735, m. (sup.) Jacobus Van Deventer of Fl''. Signed his nsLmo: ^^ Pieter Leffertsz." Leffertsen, Barent. His name appears on the petition of May, 1664, for a canal at Red Hoek, as per p. 68 of Vol. I of Stiles's Br". Made his mark to documents. Jan. His name appears on the above-referred-to petition of 1664. Made his mark to documents. Lehey, William, agreed Dec. 10, 1675, with John Lake to build him a house, 26 by 16 ft., in C, as per G'^ rec. Signed his name " Will, no I Lehey.'" Le Maistre, see La Maistre, Lemmert, Anthony, servant of Anthony Jansen from Salee of N. U., as per Col. Rec. Lenard or Lenardsen, Jacob. June 7, 1669, he brought a suit against John Griggs in the court of sessions at G*^ for debt, as per C^ rec. Leoome or LooNE, Anthony, (Spaniard,) made an agree- ment Feb. 14, 165 1, with the inliabitants* of G^ to attend 1 88 GENEALOGY. their cattle as herder for 8 months; he to go out with the herd in the morning and bring them back at such time to- wards night as might be required, for which he was to re- ceive 280 Carolus guilders, as per G*^ rec. Lequier, see Luquier. Letelier, Barnet Ganitzee, a mag. of Bu'^ in 1664 and Jan, see Tilje. Lewis, John, on Indian deed of Br" of 1670. Leydecker, see Lydecker. Leyden, Jan, on petition of 1664 for a canal at Red Hoek. Leynersen, Samuel, sold a piece of salt-meadows in G^ to Sarah w. of Charles Bridges, who in 1678 complained to the court of sessions of James Hubbard depriving her of the use of the same. LiNDE or Van der Linde, Pieter, from Belle in Flan- ders, paid Apl. 18, 1639, to David Pietersen and Frederick de Vries 140 Carolus gl. ($56) for passage for himself and w. to N. N., as per p. 7 of Cal. of Dutch Man. He m. i^*- Elsj'e Barents; m. 2^, July 10, 1644, in '^. K., Martha Chambers or Ekomberts of Newkirk in Flanders, wid. of Jan Manje or Monnye, with whom he entered into a marriage-contract July I, 1644, as per p. 28 of Cal, of Dutch Man. He appears to have resided at first in N. A., following his profession as a physician, and after his second marriage probably removed to Jan Manje's patent in Br", which he sold Jan. 23, 1652, to Barent Joosten, as per p. 55 of said Cal. Owned several pieces of property in N. A., and in 1655 was an inspector of tobacco. There is a river Linde in Friesland, a hamlet of that name in Groningen, and also in Overyssel and Gel- derland. There was a Joost van der Linde in Bergen, N. J., in 1674, and members of the family abound in the vicinity of Hackensack in said State. Signed his name '''■Pieter Linde." Roelof, m. Susanna Hendricks Brinckerhoff of Hacken- sack, and a mem. of the R. D. ch. of that place in 1700. He with others obtained Sept. 4, 1674, of Gov. Colve a deed for 264 A. of land on the Northwest Hoek of S. I., as per p. 55 of Vol. I of' Land Papers. GENEALOGY. 1 89 LiNTWEEVER, Bart, On Stoothoff's books of 1681. Livingston, Cornelius P., conveyed Nov. 23, 1693, land in Br° to Jan Aersen (Middagh), as per p. 143 of Lib. i of Con. Lock, Claes, on Stoothoff's books of 1675. There was a Claes Hendricksen Lock who m. Oct. 18, 1671, in N. Y., Cuiertje Hendricks, and had 3 chil. bp. in said city. John Pieter and John Pices leased Apl. 8, 1643, Remmert Jansen's (Vanderbeek) plantation at the Wallabout, as per O'Callaghan's Man. Trans, of Dutch Man. Also see p. 21 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Lodewick, Hans, obtained a patent Nov. 3, 1645, for land in Br°. On absconding, an inventory of his property in Br° was taken in 1648, as per p. 44 of Cal. of Dutch Man. and per p. 59 of Vol. III. of O'Callaghan's Man. Trans, of Dutch Man. Colonel, on Stoothoff's books of 1700. Jan, paid 2 gl. 9 St., clergyman's salary, in 1681, as per Fl*^ rec. \ London or Lonnen, Ambrose, (sup. English,) m. Mary -; was in this country as early as 1641, as per O'Calla- ghan's Man. Trans, of Dutch Man., and among the first set- tlers of G**, where he was allotted a plantation-lot Nov. 12, 1646, as per G*^ rec. Mar. 26, 1653, he bought of Peter Symson, agent of W"" Teller, Teller's plantation in G**. Aug. I, 1661, he gave a note to John Ward for '200 gl. on the purchase of a house and plantation at the bay of the North River on L. I. See p. 16 of Vol. I. of Dutch Man. Made his mark to documents. Longstreet or Longestraet, see Langestraet. Loockrman, Govert, from Turnhout in the Netherlands, emigrated in 1663 on the yacht S' Martyn as cook's mate, as per p. 432 of Vol. L of Doc. of Col. His., and settled at first in N. A., where he was engaged in mercantile business. He m. i^', Feb. 26. 1641, in Amsterdam, while on a visit there, Ariaentje Jans; m. 2^, July 11, 1649, Marretje Jans; and m. 3*^ Elsje Tyniens, wid. successively of Peter Cor* Van der Veen and of Dirck Corneliszen, as per p. 123 of Vol. VIII. of the Genealogical and Biographical Record. He d. in 1670. In 1664 he took the oath of allegiance in N. Y. to the English. His name appears among the patentees of 190 GENEALOGY. Fid* in 1667, where he at one period resided; and Mar. 22, 1674, his wid., Jacob Loockrmans, and Hans Kierstede, on the part of his heirs, sold his plantation of 200 A. in said town to Roelof Martense Schenck, as per town rec. of Fld\ Govert had brothers Jacob and Pieter Janse, who settled in Beverwyck (Albany). Issue: — Marretje or Maria, b. Nov. 3, 1641, and m. Balthazer Bayard; Jannetje, b. Sept. 23, 1643, ^^'^ "^- ^^- Hans Kierstede; (by 2'' wife) Jacob, bp. Mar. 17, 1652, in N. Y., who was a physician in said place and m. Helena Ketin. Signed his name "Goveri Loockrmans LoosiE, CoRNELis, See Looyse. LooTMAN, JuRRiAAN, from Kingston, of N. U. in 1684, as per Fl'' ch. rec. Looyse or Loyse, Cornelis, emigrated in 165 1, and took the oath of allegiance in Bu*^ in 1687 ; on ass. roll of said town of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Was one of the soldiers sent to Al- bany in 1689, as per p. 215 of Vol. II. of Doc. His. of N. Y. Jacobus, on ass. roll of Bu'^ of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Pieter, on ass. roll of Bu^ of 1693 and cen. of 1698. LoRAS, Pieter, bought Jan. 9, 1662, plantation-lot No. 34 in G'', as per town rec. Lord, Anthony, of G*^ Feb. 6, 1657, as per p. 181 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Made his mark to documents. LoTT, Abraham (Peterse), m. i^*- Claesje Langestraetj m. 2^ Geertje . Resided in J'"^. Will da. July i, 1760; pro. Sept. 4, 1766; rec. p. 320, Lib. 25, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Rem of J^; Hendrick; Jacob; Isaac of Bu*^; Abraham (dec. at date of his father's will, having children, Abraham, Motye and Cornelius); John of Fld% bp. Apl. 25, 1696; Peter of N. Y., bp. Oct. 31, 1697; and Charity, who m. Nicholas Van Artsdalen of J'\ Abraham (Engelbertse) of Fl'', b. Sept. 7, 1684; m. Nov. 15, 1709, Catharine dau. of Elbert Hegeman; d. July 29, 1754; assemblyman from 1737 to '60, as per N. Y. civil list. In early life made several voyages to the West Indies as supercargo. Owned and resided in the homestead of his father in Fl*". Issue: — Jacobus; Abraham of N. Y. ; Corne- lia, b. Apl. 20, 17 14, and m. John Vanderveer of Keuter's Hoek; and Engelbert of Fl'', b. May 7, 17 19. Signed his name '■'•Abraham Lott." Bartel Engelbertsen from " Reynarwout " (probably Rui- GENEALOGY. I9I nerwold in Drenthe), m. Dec. 16, 1662, Harmantje Barents of the same place; d. about 1663. July 28, 1663, Edward Griffen conveyed to " Bartel Lot and Pieter Loot" bouwery No. 9 in " Midwout," next to the pastor's land, 600 rods in length and 24 in breadth, cong. 24 morgens, as per book GG in off. of Sec. of State, Albany, N. Y. Harmantje his w. joined the R. D: ch. in N, Y. in' 1670. He appears to have resided at one period in Bergen, N. J., where a " Barthel Lott" took the oath of allegiance in 1665, as per p. 102 of Winfield's Hudson Co. Issue: — Engel, bp. Dec. 16, 1663, in N. A.; and Anna Maria, bp. Jan. 4, 1668, in N. Y. Signed his name ^''Bartel Lot." Engelbert (Pieterse) of Fl^ b. Dec. — , 1654; m. Oct. 27, 1678, Cornelia dau. of Abraham De La Noy; d. Apl. 30, 1730- Joined the R. D. ch. of N. Y. Mar. i, 1674, and en- tered on the record as removed to New Castle. In his younger days resided at New Castle on the Delaware, where he owned a tract of land on Christiana Creek, as per Thompson's L. I. In 1682 he removed back to Fl'\ where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687, and in 1698 was high sheriff of the county. Issue: — Pieter, bp. Nov. 16, 1682, in N. Y.; Abraham, b. Sept. 7, 1684; Geertruy, bp. Feb. 5, 1696, in N. Y., d. young; Cornelia, bp. July 21, 1698, d. young; Johannes of Fl'', bp. July 27, 1701, in Br"; Geertruy, b. Dec. 4, 1703; and Elizabeth, bp. Mar. 12, 1715, m. Jacobus Pieter Snyder. Signed his name '■'' Engel Bart Lott.'' Hendrtck. His name appears on Do. Van Zuuren's list of ch. mem. of 1677. No further trace. Hendrick (Pieterse), m. Catrina (sup.) De Witt, and settled in J^, where he bought 37 A. of W"" Creed in 1683. Took the oath of allegiance in Fl*" in 1687. In partnership with Polhemus and Cortelyou he bought 1200 A. at Millstone, N. J., in 1701. Issue: — Dorothy, b. Dec. 14, 1686; Geertruy, b. May 4, 1688, m. Andries Onderdonk; Pieter, b. Mar. i, 1690; Johannes, b. May 11, 1692; Maria, b. Oct. 30, 1693, (sup.) m. Johannes Schenck; and (sup.) Antie, b. Aug. 23, 1696, m. Folkert Folkertsen. Signed his name '■'■ILendrick Lott:' Johannes (Pieterse), m. Antje Rapalje. Suppose he re- sided in Fl**. No further trace. Johannes (Engelbertse), bp. July 27, 1701; m. i^*, Nov. 4, 1721, Lammetje dau. of Peter Stryker; d. 1732; resided in Fl*". Issue: — Engelbert, b. Sept. 21, 1722; Annetje, b. Sept. 9, 1724, and m. Cornelius Van Duyne; Peter of Fl'', b. Aug. 14, 1726; Cornelia, b. Sept. 29, 1728; and Johannes of Fid*, b. Sept. 2, 1730. Signed his name '■'■ Johannes Lott." Johannes (Hendrickse) of FP', b. May 11, 1692; m. 192 GENEALOGY. -; d. Apl. 8, 1775, i" Fld^ Mem. of Assembly from 1727 to 1747, as per N. Y. civil list. Will da. Sept. 28, 1771; pro. May 2, 1775. Issue: — Hendrick of New J"^, b. Nov. 7, 1 7 15; Joris or George of N. U., b. Oct. 3, 17 17; Katrina, b. Oct. 22, 1719, and m. Derick Remsen; Maria, b. Mar. 7, 1722, m. Carel Boerum; Petrus of Fid'*, b. Nov. 20, 1723; Nicklaes, b. Apl. 30, 1728; Nieltien, b. NOv. 13, 1730, m. John Snediker; Johannes of N. L., b. Dec. 31, 1731; Folkert, b. Oct. 5, 1732; Antie, b. Mar. 19, 1737, m. Stephen Lott; Doritie, b. Nov. 10, 1740, m, John Van Leuwen; and Jero- mus of Fld^, b. Jan. 26, 1743. Signed his name ^''Johannes Lott." Johannes or Jan (Abrahamse), bp. Apl. 25, 1696; m. (sup.) Elsje dau. of Hendrick Suydam. Resided in Fld^, and dea- con of the R. D. ch. of that place in 1722. Issue: — Geertje or Charity, b. Feb. 28, 1727, m. Johannes Van Sickelen; Hendrick of Fld^, b. Sept. 10, 1729; and Abraham, b. Apl. 7, 1732. Peter, the common ancestor of the family, emigrated in 1652, and settled in FP; m. Gertrude , who d. in 1704; both mem. of Fl'' R. D. ch. in 1677. Obtained Jan. 25, 1662, a patent for 24 morgens in Fl^, which he sold Mar. 22, 1674, to Jan Cornelise Boomgaert. His name appears on Gov. Dongan's patent of Fl'^ of 1685, of which town he was a mag. in 1656 and '73, and where he took the oath of alle- giance in 1687. From a map on file in the off. of the Sec. of State at Albany, made by "Ja. Cortelyan, sworn sur- veyor," filed Aug. 8, 1681, of 6 farms in Fl'', it appears that " Pieter Lott" owned a farm on the W. side of the "high- way to the ferry " S. ,of Do. Polhemius's double lot and N. of that of " Klyn Dirk" (Dirk Janse Hoogland), " broad before 26 Rod 8 foot" (about 311-1*^ ft. I-^nolish measure), "after 27 Rod " (about 325^*^ ft. English), '' long 600 Rod " (about 7241 ft. English). This is clearly the lot which Edward Griffen conveyed to " Bartel Lot and Peter Loot," known as No. 9, next to the pastor's (Do. Polhemius's) land, cong. 24 morgens, herein before referred to in the account of Bartel Engelbertsen Lott, and now or late the property of Sarah w. of John Ditmas and dau. of Andrew Suydam. Issue: — Engelbert of Fl'', b. Dec. 1654; Catrina, m. Douwe Jansen Van Ditmarsen; Peter; Abraham; Hendrick of J^; and Johannes. Signed his name ^^ Peter Lot" and "■ Peter Lodt." ^zV/^r (Engelbertse) of Fl'\ bp. Nov. 16, 1682, in N. Y. ; m. Nishe ; d. 1721. Settled at Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., N.J. Will da. Dec. 11, 1710; pro. Apl. 17, 1721. Issue: — Theophilus ; Richard of Hopewell ; Hannah ; Jane ; Peter of South Amboy ; John ; and Philip. GENEALOGY. I93 Pieter (Hendrickse), b. Mar. i, 1691 ; m. Nov. 12, 1709, (sup.) Femmetje Remsen. In 1722 he and his w. joined the R. D. ch, of N. Y. on certificate from L. I. Issue: — Hendrick of Bedford and Fid", b. June 28, 1716; Mouris of N. L., b. Feb. 26, 1718; Cattrina, b. Aug. 28, 1720, m. Jacob Rapalje of Hurlgate; Antje or Agnietje, b. Oct. 18, 1721, m. Isaac Lef- ferts ; Maria, b. Mar 7, 1723, m. Johannes Cornell; Pieter (sup.) of Bushwick, b. May 7, 1725; and John, b. Sept. 2, 1730. Signed his name ^''Pieter Lott.'' Pieter (Pieterse), m. Sarah . No further trace. LouRENS, Christoffel, obtained July 3, 1643, a patent for 20 morgens in Br°. LouRESSE, see Duyts. LouwER, Johannes, one of the applicants for a canal be- tween Red Hoek and the mainland of Br" in 1664, as per p. 68 of Vol. I. of Stiles's Br". There were Louws or Lous who settled on the Raritan at an early date. LouwERENSE, See Duyts. LouwERSE, Peter, of C in 1660. Signed his name *^Peter Louwerse." LouwsEN or LouwEN, see Van Schoonderwoert. Lowe, John. A suit was commenced against him in the court of sessions at C* in 167 1 by Thomas Lambertsen and w. for defamation of character, on which he plead guilty, and was condemned to pay the costs of court and admonished to keep a civil tongue in his head. Lowve, John, allotted a plot in the North woods of C^ in 1684, as per town rec. LoY, CoRNELis Jansen, on ass. roll of Bu"" of 1683. fan Cornelise, on ass. roll of Bu*^ of 1683. Pieter /arisen, on ass. roll of Bu"" of 1683. A Pieter Loys or Loyise took the oath of allegiance in Bu*" in 1687 as a native, who was probably this Pieter Jansen. LoYSE, see Looyse. 13 194 GENEALOGY. LoziER, PiETER Janskn, m. Miir. 14, 1680, Sarah Coifs. Issue: — Simon, bp. Jan. 30, 1681, in Br". There are Losiers residing in the vicinity of Hackensack, N. J- LuBBERTSE, Eldert, on ass. roll of Fl'' of 1675. Frederick, (or " Frerick Lubbertsen," as written by himself,) b. 1609; m. i'*^ Styntje ; m. 2'', Aug. 17, 1657, Tryntje Hendricks wid. of Cornelis Pietersen (Vroom). He emigrated at an early period to this country, residing at first in N. A. as early as 1639, where in 1641 he was one of the 12 men to whom the trouble with the Indians was referred. May 23, 1640, he obtained a patent for a large tract covering most of South Br" ; Sept. 4, 1645, he obtained a patent for another plantation in Br", to which place he removed ; and was a mag. of said town from 1653 to 1655, and in 1673. Issue: — Rebecca (by i*' w.), who m. Jacob Leendertse Van der Grift; Elsje (by 2'^ w.), bp. July 7, 1658, in N. Y., who m. Jacob Hansen Bergen; and Aeltje, bp. July 25, 1660, who m. Cornelis Sebringh. Will da. Nov. 22, 1679, and rec. on p. 215 of Lib. i (of the original) of Con. Signed his name '^Frerick Lubbertsen.'' Gerret, allotted a farm of 27 morgens with plain and meadow land in Fl'' Jan. 11, 167 1, in pursuance of the patent of said town, where he resided probably as early as 1663. Resided in the N. L. portion of the town, and on the ass. rolls of 1675 and '?>^ ; a mem. of the R. D. ch. in 1677 ; on patent of 1685 ; and took the oath of allegiance in said town in 1687, See p. 13 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. A Gerret Lubbertsen of N. Y. m. Mar. 12, 1684, Alida Evertsen of Albany, and had issue : — Grietje, bp. Jan. 4, 1685; Grietje, bp. Aug. 15, 1686; and Rebecca, bp. Mar. 4, 1688, as per p. 76 of Pierson's Early Settlers of Albany. Gysberf, m. Elizabeth , who after his death m. Adriaan Hendrickse Aten of Fl''. Issue: — Lubbert Gysbertse. JJe/iJrick, a representative of Br" in the Hempstead conven- tion of 1665. Z?//>'<^iv-/ (probably Westervelt), was granted Dec. 15, 1662, on an application to the schout and schepens of Fl*", a building-plot on W. side of the village and S. side of the road, as per p. 114 of Lib. B of Fl'' rec. Bought Aug'. 20, 1670, of Jan Miserol a house at " Rustenburch " (the local name of the southerly side of the village) in Fl'', as per p. 10 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. In 1678 he resided at Hackensack, N. J., where the Westervelts are numerous. There was a Jan, s. of Lubbert Lubbertse of N. Y., who d. at Bergen, N. J., Aug. 23, 1674. Signed his name "Lubbert Lubberts." Simon, on ass. roll of Fl'' of 1675. Thys from Ryp, a town in North Holland, m. Oct. 10, 1655, in N. A., Tryntje Jans from Amsterdam. In 1661 he GENEALOGY. I95 resided in Fl'', where he bought a farm of 15^- morgens of "John Leek;" and in 1676 his name appears on the ass. roll of N. U., where he bought June i, 1682, of Anthony Du Ceen a plantation on N. U. Lane lying on the S. side of land of Anthony Van Pelt. From N. U. he appears to have re- moved to Br", where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687. Issue: — , bp. Sept. 7, 1656, in N. Y.; and Pieter, bp. Dec. 26, 1657. Made his mark to documents. William of N. U.; d. prior to Apl. 16, 1695. Lucas, Aelbert, paid towards the preacher's salary in Fl'' in 1681. LucASSE, see Voorhees. LuER, AuTiEN, paid towards the preacher's salary in Fl** in 1681. LuiNS, Nathaniel, m. Nov. 13, 1679, ^^ ^^j Damris Bay- lies. LuNDE, Peter, of Br" Jan. 23, 165 1, as per Col. Man. Probably intended for Peter Linde. Lupardus, ChristiaNus, b. Mar. 10, 1695; m. i®* Antye m. 2^ Latnmetje da. of Jan Strycker, wid. of Johannes Lott. Resided in Fl'^ in 1744. Issue: — Wilhelmus, bp. Aug. 27, 1721; (by 2'' w.) Annetje, bp. Jan. 5, 1734-5; Chris- tianus, bp. Aug. 27, 1737; and Antje, bp. Apl. 22, 1739. Signed his name '■''Christianiis Lupardus." Rev. Gulielmus, m. Cornelia Van Wessel or Wesselen. Was minister of the Dutch Reformed congregations of Kings Co. from 1695 to 1702. Will da. Feb. 9, 1701-2; pro. Nov. 9, 1705; rec. p. 2r9, Lib. 7, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Anna or Johanna, b. July 29, 1694, in Dordrecht, South Hol- land, and m. Elbert Stoothoff; Christian, b. Mar. 10, 1695; and Adrianna, b. Dec. 29, 1697, and m. John Wyckoff. Signed his ndixn^ '■^ W Lupardus." LuQUiER or Lesquier, Abraham (Janse), of Bu"^. Guilliam (Janse), bp. Sept. 27, 1667. Name on rec. of court of sessions of 1693. Lsaack of Bu'^, m. Mar. 29, 17 11, Annetje Cortelyou of N. U. 196 GENEALOGY. Jan or Jean, the common ancestor of the himily, emigra- ted from Paris in 1657 and settled in Bu*^, where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687. He m. Nov. 11, 1663, in N. A., Rachel Dirks, and d. in 17 13. Feb. 28, 1663, he and Alex- ander Cochiveer petitioned each for a plantation in Bu'' (which he obtained a patent for), of which town he was a mag. in 1664 and '67; on patent of 1687 and cen. of 1698. In 1686 (John Lessurier) was commissioned ensign, as per p. 147 of Cal. of Eng. Man. Issue: — Jan or Johannes Jun""; Pieter; Abraham; Isaac; Mary, who m. Dec. 5, 1693, in N. Y., John Seavenhoven from Rochelle; Rachel, b. 1679, who m. Dec. 13, 1694, in N. Y., David Sprong of Flushing, a resi- dent of Bu^; and GHilliam, bp. Sept. 27, 1677. Jan or Johannes Jun"" of Bu'', m. Rachel . Their names appear on the records of the court of sessions of 1693, and his on those of 1695. Pieter Janse of Bu'\ m. . (Sup.) Issue: — Maria, bp. Jan. 25, 1718; and Geertje, bp. June 29, 1720 — both bp. in N. Y. Luquiers reside in Br", Queens Co., and E. N. J. An Abraham Luquier m. Maria Sebring, through whom he probably obtained the property in Br", on which his (Lu- queer's) mill Avas located, and whose s. Nicholas m. Sarah da. of Jan Middagh. LuYCASz, see Voorhies. LuYSTER, CoRNELis {Fieterse), b. 1662; m. i*' Aaltje Wil- lems; m. 2*^, May 2, 1686, Sarah Catharine Nevius. In 1677 he and his w. Aaltje mem. of Fl*" R. D. ch., where he took the oath of allegiance in 16S7 and resided as late as 1696, but finally removed to the Poor Bouwery in Newtown. By a deed recorded in Lib. i of Con. in 1687, his wife's name at that date appears to have been " Jannetje," from which it may be inferred that he had 3 wives. Issue: — Peter of Newtown, b. Mar. 10, 1687; Johannes of N. J., b. Mar. 22, 1691; Elbert of Fl'^, b. Mar. 21, 1693; Cornelis, who d. single; Mary, who m. Dan' Rapalje; Hannah, whom. Barent Smith; Gertrude, m. Tunis Swart; Adrianna, m. Cor* Wyckoff; Aletta, m. Joris Cowenhoven; and Sara, m. i*^ ■^ Roelof Bragaw, m. 2'' Rev. Reinhart Ericksen. Made his mark to documents. Elbert (Cornelise), b. Mar. 21, 1693, m. Oct. 6 or Sept. 27, 1720, Jacomina dau. of Gerret Cowenhoven.*^ From Fl** re- moved to the Poor Bouwery, Newtown. Issue: — Elizabeth, b. Aug. 30, i72i;" Cornelius, b. Aug. 10, 1723; Gerret, b. GENEALOGY. I97 Dec. 24, 1725; Sarah, b. Apl. 25, 1728, m. Stephen Ryder; Jacomina, b.^Sept. 4, 1730, m. John Swart; Aletta, b. May 3o» 1733; "^- Cor^ Schenck; Jane, b. Apl. 9, 1736, m. Ab°^ Rapalje; and Peter, b. Jan. 9, 1739, d. young. Joha7i7ies (Cornelise), b. Mar. 22, 1691, in Fld^; m. Apl. 10, 17 16, Lucretia Brower; d. Jan. 29, 1756. Left Fld^ and settled on a farm near the village of Middletown, Mon- mouth Co., N. J., in 1717. Issue: — Sarah, b. Mar. 8, 1717, m. i^^ Ryck Suydam, m. 2^ Wi^^Conover, d. Sept. 7, 1764; Peter of N. J., b. May i, 1719, m. May 25, 1756, Anna Luy- ster, d. Feb. 12, 1810; Cornelius of N. J., b. Dec. 13, 1720, m. i^' Arinthe Conover, m. 2^^ Marg*' Vanderbilt, d. Oct. 7, 1792; Johannes of N. J., b. May 25, 1723, m. Sarah Sweet, d. Sept. 7, 1769; Anna, b. Apl. 8, 1725, m. Oct. 17, 1744, Dan' Barkeloo of Freehold; and Lucretia, b. Aug. 30, 1727, d. Mar. 26, 1792, single. John (Pieterse), m. Wyntje dau. of Harck Siboutsen. June I, 1697, 26 gl. were paid to the church in Fld^ for a grave and the use of the pall for John Luyster, who was probably this John. Issue: — Pieter, b. Mar. 10, 1687. Matthyas or Tys (Pieterse), b. in Europe, and came over with his father; m. Cornelia . From his being a mem. of the R. D. ch. of Br" in 1677 and '85, hailing from Go- wanus, it is evident that he resided there at that date. It is said he owned the farm in Fl'' late of John Neefus, where he probably finally resided. Issue: — Peter of Fl*". Signed his name '■^Alatys Li^yster." Peter (Cornelise), carpenter, the ancestor of the Luyster family, emigrated in 1656 as per Riker; m. i^' Aeltje Tyssen; m. 2"^, about 1670, Jannetje dau. of Jan Snediker and wid. of Reynier Wizzelpennenk; d. 1695. Resided at first in Fld^, then in Fl'\ and afterwards in Newtown. Mag. of Fld^ in 1660, '61, '62, and '64; mem. of FP' ch. in 1677; and on ass. roll of Fl'' of 1683. His Fl*" farm was in what is now known as N. L. Issue: — 'Tys or Matthias Pieterse; Gertien Pieterse, (sup.) m. Jan '"Monfoort; Mertien or Marretje Pieterse, m. Pieter Monfoort; John Pieterse; Cornells Pieterse; and Wilmien Pieterse. Made his mark to docu- ments. Peter (s. of Cornelis Pieterse and Aaltje), b. Mar. 10, 1687; m. Apl. 30, 1712-13, Sarah dau. of Dan' Rapalje; d. Dec. 17 1759. Left Fl** and settled at the Poor Bouwery, Newtown' Issue: — Sarah, b. Jan. 31, 1714, m. Isaac Lent; Catharine' b. Aug. 7, 17 16, m. Johannes De Witt; Adrianna, b. Mar, 11, 1718, m. Garret Van Nostrand; Cornelius of Fishkill, b Aug. 26, 1720; Daniel, b. Sept. 26, 1722; Peter, b. May 6 1724; aad John, b. Jan. 14, 1730. ' 198 GENEALOGY. Pieter (Matthyse), m. May 23 or 27, 17 19, Anne Barkeloo' of N. U. Resided in Fl'', of which place he was constable in 1724 and '25, as per Strong's Fl''. Issue: — Cornelia, bp. Feb. II, 1722; Margaret, bp. Nov. 3, 1723, m. Johannes Wil- liamsen; Matthias of Fishkill, bp. Nov. 28, 1725; John of Fishkill, bp. Apl. 7, 1728; Ann, bp. May 24, 1730, m. John Nevius; Peter of Pa., bp. Oct. 29, 1732; Cornelius, bp. Mar. 9» 1735; Maria, bp. Feb. 27, 1737, m. Cor^ Ostrander; and: Willemtje, bp. May 15, 1740, m. Peter Luyster. Signed his name '"'■ Pieter Luyster.'' Luysters reside in Queens Co., and in Bucks Co., Pa. Lydecker, Ryck, m. Claere Voorniere, and d. prior to Nov. 28, 1666. tVas among the first settlers of Bu'^ in 1661, where he obtained a grant of land in 1660, as per p. 54 of Cal. of Eng. Man. Mag. of the town in 1662, '63, and '65, and ap- pointed capt. of militia June 14, 1663, as per town rec. The muster-roll contained 40 names, including officers, who were divided in 4 watches, of whom one fourth, or 10 men, were on duty every night to guard against an expected at- tack by the Indians. On the 22d of June of that year Stuyvesant, the Director-Gen., visited the villag© and ordered the cutting and setting of palisades to fortify the place. His s. Ryck appears to have settled at Hackensack, for in 1 7 16 a Ryck and Elizabeth Leydecker joined the R. D. ch. of that place, whose descendants abound in that locality. Suppose he had issue: — Garret, b. 1650; Ryck- Cornells; and Abraham. Gerrit, b. 1650; owned lands in Bu'' in 1667, as per p. 54 of Cal. of Eng. Man. Lyndell, Thomas, sold Aug. 2, 1693, to Richard Hawkins of N. Y., mariner, his interest in the farm of Jan Janse Staats at Gowanus, Br", as per p. 79 of Con. Mabelson, Johannes, a suit commenced against by Fran- coise De Bruynne in the court of sessions at G'' for debt, as per G'' rec. Mars, Thomas, made an affidavit July 6, 1644, relating to the killing of a man at the flats (Fid'*), as per p. 89 of CaL of Dut.ch Man. Machielse or Machielsen, Adam, see Messcher. Hans, see Bergen. Johannes, took the oath of allegiance in G'' in 1687 as a native. GENEALOGY. 1 99 Paulus, see Vandervoort. Richard, had a s. Lucas bp. July 14, 1678, in N. U. Mackelyck, Jan Pieterse, from Amstead or Amsterdam, m. i^', Feb. 10, 1664, Styntje yrt«j-fromOstmarsuns or Oost- myzen in North Holland; m. 2^, Oct. 21, 1685, Hendrica Strokks wid. of Michiel Hainelle. Overseer of Br" in 1675, as per p. 62 of Furman's Notes of Br"; on ass. roll of Br" in 1675, and mem. of the R. D. ch. of said place in 1677. Sept. 10, 1687, he and his wife bought of Jan Gerretse Van Cowen- hoven 12 morgens of land in Br", as per p. 120 of Lib. i of Con. Issue: — Vintitie, bp. Oct. 30, 1667; Pieter, bp. Oct. 30, 1667; and Adriaen, bp. Mar. 20, 1681. Maenhout, Boudevvvn, see Van Crimpen. Malet, see Marlet. Maljeart or Maliert, Jean or Jan, a Frenchman, had a controversy with the magistrates of Bu"^ in 1663, as per p. 244 of Cal. of Dutch Man.; on the muster-roll of said town of that year; and in 1664 an inventory of his estate taken, as per Bu*^ rec. Mallemacque, Peter, occupied land in Br" Jan. i, 1667, as per p. 132 of Vol. i of Stiles's Br". Manguy, Jonas, was defendant in a suit of Jan Pietersen, and also of Davit Nvssen of Jan. 21, 1660, as per Lib. B of Fl^ rec. Manje, Jan, obtained a patent for 20 morgens in Br", Sept. II, 1642. Mar. 11, 1664, Councillor Montague made a declaration respecting the testamentary disposition of his property as made by Jan Manje, lying wounded at Stam- ford, of which wounds he died, as per p. 26 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Mar. 31, 1664, Cicero Alburtus (Pieter Caeser Al- burtus) receipts for his wife's (da. of Jan Manje) share of her father's estate; and Sept. 11, 1644, his wid. Martha Chambers m. Peter Linde or van der Linde. Manout or Maenhout, Boudewyn, from Krimpen on the river Lek in South Holland, was appointed in 1662 " voor- leeser" (precentor) of Bu*", and on the 17th of Dec. of said year, in consequence of his services proving satisfactory, the mag. of the town were sent to the authorities at the Manhattans, where an arrangement was made that in addi- 300 GENEALOGY. tion to his services as prece'ntor he should keep the school and perform the duties of secretary of the town, for the sum of 400 gl. annually, and to be furnished in addition with a dwelling-house and firewood. Apl. 16, 1663, he was appointed sexton and speaker at funerals. See p. 243 of Cal. of Dutch Man. and Bu'^ rec. Marcken, see Van Marcken. Marcus or Marcuse, Johannes, m. Elsje Hendricks; was assessed at Gowanus Feb. 7, 1657, 4 gl. towards Do. Polhe- mius's salary; mem. of the R. D. ch. of Br" in 1660, and on ass. roll of said town of 1675. See p. 134 of Vol. i. of Stiles's Br°. Marel, Jonathan, m. Judith . Issue: — Jonathan, bp. Aug. 15, 1697, in Br". Maris, on ass. roll of Fl'^ of 16S3. Marlet or Malet, Abraham, m. Cliristine Pieters. Is- sue: — Margaret, bp. Mar. 31, 1678, in FP; and Abraham, bp. May 16, 1680, in N. U. There was an Abraham Malet who settled on the Raritan, and had a s. Dirck bp. there Oct. 27, 1708, in which locality families of Marlets reside. Paiilus, m. Lysbeth Bunwyck, and appears to have settled on S. I. Jan. 19, 1678, he and Francis Vesselton, Hans Lawrens, Dan' Stillwell, Ed. Marshall, and Peter Jansen were arrested by the constable of S. I. and imprisoned for abducting a servant-girl of Christopher Billop, and dis- charged from prison on bail on the 24th inst., as per p. 64 of Cal. of Eng. Man. Issue: — Jannetje, bp. May 18, 1679, in Fi\ Marsh, John, (sup. English,) made an agreement, Aug. 19, 1698, with Pieter Corsen and Cornelis Sebringh to build a water-mill for grinding corn in Br", on the S.E. side of the Gowanus Kil, as per p. 105 of Lib. i of Con. Oct. 19, 1696, a John Marsh of Bu'^ bought of John Miserole Jun"" the one half of the grist-mill in Bu'^, as per p. 104 of Lib. 2 of Con. Dec. 26, 1696, John Marsh of Br" made an agreement with Elyas Stillwell of C to repair the running-gear of the water- mill in said town, so as to make the mill grind faster, as per G<* rec. Marshall, Thomas, (sup. English,) of G'^ in 1656, as per Thompson's L. I. A Thomas Marshall, ag. 22, transported GENEALOGY. 20I to New England in 1635, as per p. 107 of Hotten's Emi- grants. Marten, Tonis, on muster-roll of Bu'' militia of 1663, as per town rec. Martens, Pieter, was plaintiff in a suit against Egbert Sanders Feb. i, 1661, as per Lib. B of Fl'' rec. Sara of the Walabocht, m. Aug. 6, 1692, in N. Y., Gerrit Burger of said city, where both resided at date of the mar- riage, as per N. Y. D. ch. rec. Martense, Garret (s. of Marten Adrianse, the ancestor of the Martense family of Kings Co.), of El"", b. Oct. 24, 1698; m. Lena or Magdalena da. of Leffert Pieterse; d. 1732. Will da. Mar. 21, 1732; pro. Oct. 24, 1733; rec. p. 90, Lib. 12, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Leffert, b. June 4, 1720, d. young; Marten of Fl'', b. Jan. 21, 1722; Leffert, b. Jan. 16, 1725, m. May 4, 1745, Hilletje da. of Aert Vanderbilt, d. Sept. 26, 1802; and Sarah, b. Nov. 23, 1727, m. Apl. 29, 1746, John Lefferts of FP, d. Dec. 30, 1762. Jan and Roelof, see Schenck. Johannes, on ass. roll of Br° of 1675. Joris, took the oath of allegiance in Br° in 1687 as a na- tive. Rem (s. of Marten Adrianse) of Fl*^, farmer, b. Dec. 12, 1695; "^- Susanna ; d. June 14, 1760. Issue: — Joris of FP, iDp. May 29, 1724, O. S., in Br", m. 1765 Jannetje Van- derbilt, d. May 23, 1791, and was the grandfather of Margaret Caton, who m. the Hon. P. S. Crooke of Fl''; and Rem, (sup.) m. Nov. 30, 1755, Jannetje Van Cleef. Signed his name ^^Rem Martense." Ryer (s. of Marten Adrianse), b. at the Wallabout; m. May 22, 1696, in N. Y., Rebecca Van der Schuren, and both resi- dents of the city of N. Y. at date of marriage. Martino, Daniel, on ass. roll of Fl'' of 1693, where he owned land in 17 12. Francis, m. Teuntje Martenooy of Fid*. Issue: — Stephen, bp. May 25, 1679. Stoffel, one of the arbitrators selected by Dirck Janse Hooglandt and Pieter Lott to settle a dispute about the boundary between their farms in Fl'', who notified Gov. Andros of their decision, as per p. 53 of Lib. AA of Fl'' rec. Martvn, Mertyn, or Martin, Jan, from Harfleur, m. 202 GENEALOGY. Fytje Dircks. Was assessed in 1657 at Br" ferry 6 gl. and at the Wallabout, where he owned land, 8 gl. towards the payment of the salary of Do. Polhemius, which in 1658 he refused to pay. Obtained Oct. 19, 1660, a patent for a lot at Br" ferry. See pp. 193, 194, and 386 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Was among those of Br" who in 1663 applied for leave to form a village, and for salt-meadows. Martyn's Hoek, the westernmost cape or point of the Wallabout Bay, was named after him. Issue: — Petrus, bp. Jan. 26, 1662, in Br". Signed his name ''^ Jan Marty/i." Jan from Kampen, mag. of Br" in 1686, as per Col. Man. Masgrove, William, see Musgrove. Mash, John, (English,) on ass. roll of G'' of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Matthyse, Hendrick, mem. of R. D. ch. of Br" in 1677. Hefidrick, see Van Pelt and Smock. Louiweyns, m. Jannetje Hendricks, as per p. 224 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. Louwrens, of Fl'^ in 1681, as per town rec. Made his mark to documents. Feter, see Luyster. Maurits, Willem, see Willem Morris. Mauveryck, Capt. Retpert, on Stoothoff's and Hege- man's books of 1670. Mayerse, Lucas, see De Mayer. Meddagh, see Middagh. Meet, Jan (s. of Pieter Janse), from Amersfoort in the province of Utrecht, m. May 11, 1687, in N. Y., Grietje Man- devel of Fld^, both residents of N. Y. at date of marriage. Feb. 25, 1692-3, he conveyed to Ruth Albertsen a house and lot in Fl'' on the E. side of the highway, and N. side of land of Pieter Strycker, as per p. 171 of Lib. A of Fl*^ rec. A Jan Meet and Grietje Mandeville his w. were mem. of the R. D. ch. of Hackensack in 1700, who was probably this Jan, where they had children baptized. Signed his name ^''Jan Meet." Peter Jansen, obtained a patent for 2 lots at Br" ferry July 8, 1667. His name appears on the ass. roll of Bu^ of 1683, where he bought land of Albert Hendricksen about GENEALOGY. 203 1680, as per town rec. There was a Peter Meet residing at Hackensack in 1700, and a Pieter Meet who took the oath of allegiance to the English in N. Y. in 1664. Issue: — Jan; Kniertje, who m. July 5, 1676, in N. Y., Lawrence Jeuriansen from Brazil; and probabl}' others. Signed his name '■''Peter JiDisen Meet." Megapolensis, Dominie Joannes, b. in 1603 in Koedyk, North Holland, came to Beverwyck (Albany) in 1642 from the fatherland with his w. Machielt Willenise da. of Willem Steenge, and served as clergyman of that place. Removed to N. A. in 1649, and officiated in the R. D. ch. of that place, and also assisted Do. Polhemius in Kings Co. in 1664 and '70. His name appears on the patent of Fl'' of 1652 and '67. In 1657 he obtained a patent for 25 morgens in Fl*" lying between the lands of Ab"" Jorise (Brinckerhoff and those of Cor^ Van Ruyven, and in addition plain land and salt-meadows, as per p. 29 of Lib. A of Fl'^ rec. In 1664 he and his s. Samuel took the oath of allegiance to the English in N. Y. Issue: — Hillegonde, b. 1628, m. Cor- nells Van Ruyven; Derick, b. 1630; Samuel, b. 1630, who was a clergyman in N. Y. in 1664 and '68; and Jan, b. 1632, a surgeon in Albany. Signed his name ^^/oannes Mega- pole nss" in 1663. Meiges, Karel, appointed by Capt. Scott constable of G*^ in his raid on the Dutch towns of L. I. in 1664, as per p. 401 of Vol. II. of Doc. of Col. His. of N. Y. Meinst, Pieter, of the Walabocht. Assessed for salary of Do. Polhemius Feb. 7, 1657, as per p. 134 of Stiles's Br". Mellesen, Claine, see Metlaere. Melonaer or Molenaer, Mr. Arent, of Fl^ in 1665, per town rec. (See Arent Evertsen.) Signed his name ^'Mr. A rait Molenaer.'* Menjer or Minge, Samuel, bought about 165 1 of Pieter Ceser (Alburtus) a part of his plantation at the Walabocht. His lot at the ferry referred to in the patent of Pieter Jan- sen of July 8, 1667. % Mennist, Isaac, on ass. roll of Br" of 1693 and cen. of 1698. 204 GENEALOGY. Mentelaer, Claes Cornelise. His land in Br" re- ferred to in patent of Andries Hudden of Sept. 13, 1645. Suppose this to have been intended for Claes Cornelise Van Schouw. May 14, 1646, Capt. John Underhill obtained a patent for " Meutelaer's I." (Bergen's I. in Fld^). Perhaps Claes Cornelise Mentelaer was the previous owner. Merlet, see Marlet. Mertyn, see Martyn. Messcher, Adam Machielse, emigrated in 1647, and took the oath of allegiance in C^ in 1687. Messelaer, Abraham. May 7, 1695, he and others con- veyed land in Bu*^, as heirs of Pieter Janse Noorman, to Jan Cornelise Zeeuw, as per p. 81 of Lib. 2 of Con. Messerole or Mesurol, Jean or John, from Margien or Manheim in the Paltz, or from Picardy in France, emigrated Apl. 16, 1663, joined the R. D. ch. of Br" on the 28th of Oct. of the same year with his w. Je?ine Carten, and d. in 1695. About 1667 he bought a farm of Jan Clement in N. U., as per N. U. town rec, and resided on the same as late as 1676. Aug. 18, 1670, he sold to Lubbert Lubbertsen a house and lot in the village of Fl'\ as per p. 84 of Lib. C of Fl*^ rec. He finally removed to Bu*^, where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687. His name appears on the ass. roll of N. U. of 1675, of Bu'^ of 1693, and on Bu'' patent of 1687. Issue: — Jean Jun'', and probably others. Signed his name " y^ean Mcsiirole." Jean or John Jun'', m. Nov. 24, 16S2, Marretje Teunis Coevert; d. about 17 12. Owned the Kijkuit (lookout) farm; and on patent of Bu"^ of 1687. Issue: — John 3*^; Cornelius; Margaret, who m. Durje; Deborah, m. Van Cott; and Jane. John 3*^ of Bu'^, (sup.) had issue: — Peter, m. Saartje ; John, m. Helen Vandervoort; Jacob, m. Oct. 5, 1745, Jan- netje Stryker; Abraham, m. June 20, 1749, Maretje Simonse of Bu''; Isaac; Sarah, m. Joost Skillman; and Marytje, m. Mar. 5, 1752, David Devoe. Metlaere or Mellesen, Claine, of Fid', gave a mortgage to Nicholas De Meyer, Aug. 1670, on land in Fld^ for 600 gl. MiCHAELSE, see Bergen, Parmentier, and Vandervoort. GENEALOGY. 20$ MiCHiL IvE, on Stoothoff' s and Hegeman's books of 1670. MiCHiELSE or MiCHiELSEN, Adam, a dealer in whale-oil in G*^ in 1670, as per Stoothoff's books; and on ass. roll of Fld^ of 1675. Sued in 1670 by Jacob Strycker for violation of a contract for threshing peas, as per p. 232 of Lib. D of Fl^ rec. Apl. 17, 1690, he bought of Reinier Van Sicklen 15 A. lot No. 30, as per G'' rec. Johannes^ m. Neeltje Harmens; paid to Fld^ ch. 8 gl. for the use of the pall in Feb. 1683. Issue: — Michael, bp. Nov. 23, 1684, in FP. John, allotted a plot on the Neck meadows of G** in 1672, as per G^ rec. Owned a house and land in G"* prior to 1691, as per town rec. Made his mark " M " to documents. Richard, had a s. Louis bp. July 14, 1678, at N. U. He may be the Richard Michiel of S. I. who m. Maria and had a dau. Annetje bp. Sept. 25, 1681, in N. U. -.^ MiDDAGH or Meddach, Aert, Anthonize, or Teunisen, emigrated previous to 1657 from Heikop in the province of Utrecht in the Netherlands, returned to the fatherland, and back to this country in the ship Beaver in May 1661. He m.'Breekje Hansen Bergen, and both joined the R. D. ch. of Br° in 1664, where he resided and owned considerable property. Issue: — Theunis, bp. Feb. 22, 1660, in N. A., d. young; Theunis, bp. Mar. 25, 1661, in N. A.; Jan Aert- sen, bp. Dec. 24, 1662, in Br"; Ann Aertsen, m. Ab™ Remsen of Newtpwn; Gerret Aertsen; Helena Aertsen, m. W™ Davidsz; Dirck Aertsen; Aert Aertsen; L3'sbeth Aert- sen, m. Pieter Staats; Matthew Aertsen; and (sup.) Willem Aertsen. See Aert Teunisen. .^«?r/ ^7i,'-." PoppE or PopPEN, Jan, at one period a skipper in the West Indies, and a turner by trade, m. Ehje Janscn, and d. prior to 1689. Name on ass. roll of Fld^ of 1675, and a mem. of the R. D. ch. of said town in 1677. Removed from Fid"* to Fl'\ and in addition to his trade was a farmer. He and his w. made a joint will da. Aug. 21, 1684, rec. on p. 112 of Lib. I of Con. Issue: — Anne Janse; and Jan Janse, who d. previous to the date of his father's will, and who had a son named Poppe Janse. Signed his name ^^Jan Poppe.'' A Jan Janszen Poppen m. Aug. 29, 1668, in N. Y., Geertruydt Barents wid. of Jan Hibon. Post or Pes, Willem, m. May t8, 1679, in Fld% Aeltje Ten- nis Van Couverden of Br". A resident of N. Y. at the time of his marriage, of which place his w. was a church mem.; took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687 as a native, own- ing land in Bedford, to which place he had removed. He was probably a s. of Capt. Adriaen Post, an earh'- emigrant who finally settled in Bergen, N. J. Issue: — William, bp. July 21, 16S0, in N. Y.; Agnietje, bp. Feb. 7, 1683; Jannetje, bp. June 12, 1695; and Elizabeth, bp. Apl. 17, 1698, in N. Y. Siened his name '■'Willem Post." GENEALOGY. 229 PouLiON, Isaac, of Br", m. Oct. 24, 1677, Adrianna Croseron of FP. PouLis, Claus, bought Oct. 22, 1653, of Bartholemew Applegate a parcel of land in G'', as per town rec. PouLussEN, DiRCK, m. Sara Jeats Willems of J^. With others in 1663 asked leave to form a new village back of the Wallabout. Issue: — William, bp. Apl. 20, 1685, in Br"; Sarah, bp. May 27, 1688; and Thomas, bp. Apl. 6, 1690. Praa or Prat, Pieter, (or Pierre Prat,) a Huguenot from Dieppe in- France,- as per Br" ch. rec; emigrated in 1659 with w. and family, residing at first in N. A. and after- wards settling in Bu'S He m. Catharine dau of Ab'" Lothie, who after his death m. June 10, 1663, Joost Casparse Springsteen. He d. Mar. 6, 1663, at Cripplebush, Br". See p. 322 of Vol. 2 of Stiles's Br". Aug. 26, 1659, Derick Janse agreed to convey to " Pierre Prat" for 300 gl. a bouwery with house and barn at Gowanus, between the lands of Teunis Nyssen (Denyse) and Jan Pietersen Staats, as per p. 6 of Lib. B of Fl^ rec. No evidence of this agreement being consumrhated. Issue: — Peter Jun''; Adam, bp. Feb. 6, 1660, in Br", d. Feb. 8, 1660; Abraham, bp. Mar. 5, 1662, in Br"; and Annatie, who m. Jan Jansen. Signed his name '^'^ Pierre Prat." Pieter ]un^ or Capt. Peter, b. 1655 at Leiden, and emigrated with his father; m. Mar. 15, 1684, Maria or Mary Hays wid. of Joost Adriaense, miller; d. 1740. On patent of Bu^ of 1687, in which year he took the oath of allegiance in said town. On ass. roll of 1693, cen. of 1698, and capt. of militia in 1700, as per p. 809 of Vol. IV. of Doc of Col. Plis. Re- moved to Newtown, his name appearing on the records of said town in 1703 and 1708. Will da. Aug. 6, 1739; rec. p. 43, Lib. 13, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Catharina, bp. Sept. 4, 1685, in N. Y.; Maria, bp. Sept. 30, 1688, in Br", m. Wynant Van Zandt; Lysbeth, bp. May it,, 1691, in N. Y., m. Messerole; Anna, bp. Nov. 14, 1694, in N. Y., m. Daniel Boddie; and Christina, bp. May i, 1698, in Br", m. David Provoost Jun'". Signed his name '■'■Picter Praa.'' Priensz, Hendrick, of N. L., mem. of R. D. ch. of FP' in 1677. Probasko, Abraham Christoffelse, bp. Feb. 22, 16S5; m. Geertje Lubbertse, and (sup.) resided in N. L. Christoffel Jeuriaiise, the common ancestor of the family, 230 GENEALOGY. emigrated to this country in 1654, m. Ida Strycker and settled in N. L. July 29, 1687, he and his w. made a joint will, as per p. 91 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. His name appears on the ass. rolls of Fl'' of 1675 and '83, taking the oath of allegiance there in 1687; mem. of FP' ch. in 1677, and elder in 1678 and '90; mag. in 1678 and '86; justice of the peace in 1693, and on cen. of 1698. Aug. 8, 167 1, he bought a farm of 19 morgens in Fl'' between the farms of Jan Strycker and Dirck Janse Vander Vliet, abutting against Curlaer's flats, of " Tomas Lammerse and Tunis Janse Coevers," as per p. 96 of Lib. C of FP rec. In the body of the con- veyance his name is written " Stoffel Jurianse Probaske." This farm he sold Feb. 4, 1698, to Bartel Claesen, as per p. 45 of Lib. A of FP' rec. In 1690 opposed the administra- tion of Gov. Leisler. Will da. Oct. 3, 1724, not recorded. Issue: — Jan; Jacob, bp. July 9, 1682; Abraham, bp. Feb. 22, 1685; Aaltje, bp. June 26, 1687; Lammetje, m. Jan Simonse Van Aersdalen; Jurryen, bp. Oct. 30, 1695; Christoffel Jun""; and Heyltje, m. Jeremias Remsen. Signed his name ''Stof- fel ProbasJw." Christoffel Jun^', m. Catalina Schenck, and settled on the Raritan in N. J. Jacob, bp. July 9, 1682, (sup.) m. Barbara ' . Left N. L. and settled in the vicinity of Millstone, N. J. Issue: — Christoffel, bp. Apl. 26, 1709; Ida, bp. Nov. 2, 1711; Freder- ick, bp. Oct. 9, 1714; and Lisbeth, bp. May 30, 1725 — all bp. at Marlboro, N. J. Signed his name ''Jacob Frobasco." Jan, settled at Millstone, N. J. Signed his name "Jan Probasco." Jtirrye7i, m. Catelyntje . Issue: — Christoffel, bp. June 13, 1649; Anne, bp. May 13, 165 1. The above certified to be a copy from the records by the Rev. Dirk Pietersen Byl, as per papers in hands of Christopher Lott, one of Jurryen's descendants. Signed his name "Jurryen Frobasko." Probatskin, George, and others of Br" petitioned in 1663 for leave to form a village back of the Wallabout, as per Stiles's Br" and p. 117 of Vol. X. of Col. Man. Provoost, David, came to N. A. at an early period; m. Maragretia Gillise dau. of Gillis Jansen Verbrugge, and d. Jan. 3, 1656. Was a trader in N. A. as early as 1639; in- spector of tobacco and commissary of provisions; commis- sary at Fort Good Hope in 1642; notary public in 1652; scout fiscaal in 1654 of the Brooklyn district; and clerk of the court of Breuckelen, Midwout, and Amesfoort in 1665. Bought land and buildings of Thomas Greedye in G'' in GENEALOGY.' 23 1 1653. Owned land in Fl'' in 1661. Issue: — Margaret, bp. Feb. 24, 1641, m. Nov. 16, 1660, Pieter Janszen Scholt; David, bp. Sept. 30, 1645; Benjamin, bp. June 17, 1646; Elias, bp. June 17, 1646; Barbara, bp. Aug. 15, 1647, d. young; Samuel, bp. Nov. 22, 1648; Jonathan, bp. Mar. 26, 1651; Barbara, bp. Nov. 30, 1653, m. Jan Aukersz Van Nuyse; William; and Gillis, bp. Mar. 26, 1656 — all bp. in N. A. Signed his name "Z) Frovoost." Gillis, Giles, or Jellius (s. of David), bp. Mar. 26, 1656; m. June 9, 1680, Maria or Mary Hibon of Br", a resident of N. Y. His name appears on a deed of Apl. 26, 1700, for a lot at Br" ferry, as per p. 105 of Lib. 3 of Con. Was at one period engaged in mercantile business in N. Y. His will is da. Jan. i, 1706, and pro. July 7, 1709, in which he styles himself of Br", merchant. No account of any of the other children of David Provoost owning property in Kings Co., unless William was an owner. William, of G*^ in 1656, as per town rec. Signed his name ^^Willem Provoost." PuLMAN, Jan Hendrickse, a mag. of Bu'' in 1664, as per town rec. See Jan Hendrickse of Bu'^. PuRDY, Thomas. In consequence of his roaming around the country without visible means of support, he was com- mitted July 20, 1669, by Justice William Goulding of G'', as a vagrant, to the service of ensign Richard Stillwell, .to be fed and employed until the ensuing March, as per G'^ rec. Rapalie or Rapalje, Cornelis (Jeronemusse), b. Oct. 21, 1690; m. Johanna dau. of the Rev. Vincentius Antonides. Resided at first in FP' and afterwards in N. Y., where he joined the R. D. ch. in 1731 on certificate from Fl'\ Is- •sue: — Jeronimus, bp. Dec. 5, 1712; Title, bp. July 4, 1714, m. Hendrick Smith; Antie, bp. Nov. 11, 1716; Johanna, bp. Feb. 4, 17 19; and Catalina, bp. Oct. 16, 1720, m. John de Graw — all bp. in N. Y. Daniel Jorise of the Wallabout, b. Dec. 29, 1650; m. May 27, 1674, Sarah dau. of Ab'" Klock or Clock; d. Dec. 26, 1725. On ass. rolls of Br" of 1675 and "^Ty, where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687 as a native; ensign of Br" company in 1673; lieut. in 1700; on cen. of 1698; and mem. of Br" ch. in 1677. Issue: — Joris, b. Mar. 4, 1675; Mary or Marytie, b. 1677, m. Elbert Hegeman; Abraham, b. Jan. 14, 1677; Catharine, b. Feb. 7, 1679, ^n. Joseph Van Cleef; An- netje, bp. Mar. 27, 1681; Sarah, bp. July 3, 1687, m. Pieter Luyster; Altie, m. Gilbert Schenck; Daniel of Newtown, 232 GENEALOGY. bp. Apl. II, 1691; and (sup.) Cornelia, m. Hendrick Brinck- erhoff. Signed his name '■'' Daniel Rcpredcr Datiiel (s. of Dan' and Sara), bp. Apl. 11, 1691; m. Oct, 17, 1711, Altie dau. of Johannes Cornell. Removed to New- town. Issue: — Ann; Mary; Catharine; Lammetje, m. Jero- mus Lott; Sarah, m. Isaac Brinckerhoff; Margaret, b. 1720, m. Jacobus .Lent; Alletta, m. i^' Johannes Lott, m. 2'' Isaac Cortelyou; Daniel of Newtown; Johannes of N. L.; and Joris of Newtown. Signed his name "Daniel Hapalje." Daniel (s. of Joris and Angenietje), b. Nov. 12, 1699; m. jst Mary dau. of Cornells Luyster; m. 2^ Rensie dau. of Marten Schenck and wid. of Peter G. Wyckoff. Resided at one period in Fld^ where he was a deacon of the ch. in 1736, and finally settled in Newtown. Issue: — George of N. L. and J^, b. Jan. 28, 1722; Sarah, b. Apl. 8, 1724, m. Isaac Bogert; Agnes, b. May 28, 1729; Mary, b. Nov. 10, 1730, m. Isaac Brazier; Cornelius of Newtown, b. Jan. 16, 1732; Martin, b. May 28, 1734; Jane, b. Mar. 14, 1736, m. Hendrick Riker; Daniel, bp. Aug. 31, 1738; Nelly, b. July 4, 1740, m. Jeremiah Remsen; and Agnes, b. May 9, 1744. Signed his name '^Daniel -Rappelje." George or Joris (s. of Daniel and Sara), b. Mar. 4, 1675; m. Angenitje or Agnes dau. of Charles Berrien. Removed from Br" to Newtown. Will da. Apl. i, 1742; pro. June 17, 1743; rec. p. 64, Lib. 15, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Daniel of Newtown, b. Nov. 12, 1699; Cornelius of Hellgate, bp. Oct. 26, 1702, in Br", m. Alletta dau. of Joris Brinckerhoff; Abraham of Newtown, b. May 19, 1705, m. Anna dau. of Joris Brinckerhoff; Jane, b. 1707, m. John Debevoise; John of Newtown, b. June 11, 1707, m. Maria dau. of Ab'" Lent; Jacob of Hellgate; and Jeromus of Newtown. Signed his name "/oris Rappalyecy George Janse of Br" ferry, m. Diana dau. of Garret Mid- dagh; d. about 1747. By his will on file in the N. Y. surr. off., da. Sept. 4, 1745, he devises his farm at the ferry, which he inherited from his father (since of J. and C. Sands) to his s. John, and his farm at the Wallabout to his s. Garret. Issue: — John of the ferry, bp. Sept. 10, 1722 or '7; Garret of N. Y.; Cornelia, m. Ab™ Lott; and Anna or Antie, bp.. Nov. II, 1733, in N. U., m. Gerardus Duyckinck. George or Joris (s. of Teunis and Sarah) of Bedford, m. Elizabeth dau. of Joris Remsen; d. in 1732. Will da. Dec. 20, 1731; pro. Mar. 19, 1732; rec. on p. 235 of Lib. 11, N. Y. surr. off. Resided in Bedford. Issue: — Sarah, b. May 12, 1722, m. George Jansen; George, b. June 14, 1724, (sup.) m. Elizabeth Vandervoort, and that, being a loyalist, after the war of the Revolution he emigrated to Nova Scotia, GENEALOGY. 233 where there are numerous Rapaljes residing in the vicinity of Annapolis, some of whom may be his descendants; Tunis, b. May 27, 1726, m. Catharine Stockholm; Rem of N. Y., b. Aug. 3, 1728, m. Elenor Hardenbrook; Phebe, b. Oct. 9, 1731; and (sup.) Benjamin. Jacob /arise oi Br'', b. May 28, 1639; killed by the Indians. Jacob {Jero/iiifu/se), b. June 25, 1679; m. 1^'^ Gertien ; m. 2" Sarah dau. of Ab'^' Brinckerhoff. Left Br" and settled near New Brunswick, N. J., prior to 1699. Issue: — Joris of N. J., b. Jan. 20, 1706; Abraham of N. J., bp. Aug. 3, 1707; Ante of N. J., b. Apl. 17, 1709; George of N. J.; Aeltie of N. J., m. Hendrick Suydam; Sara of N. J., bp. Apl. 30, 1712; and Jacob of N. J., bp. July 27, 1719. Jan Jorise, b. Aug. 28, 1637; m. Apl. 16, 1660, Maria Fredericks of the Hague; d. Jan. 25, 1663, and was a dea- con of the R. D. ch.. of Br", where he resided at the time of his death. Issue: — Frederick, bp. Sept. 30, 1662, and d. the same year. Signed his name '^''Jan Jon's Rappalie." Jan {Jeronimus) of Br", b. Dec. 17, 1673; m. Annatje dau. of Coert Van Voorhies; d. 1733. Owned and cultivated a large farm E. of Brooklyn ferry. In 1701 a Jan Rappelje was allotted woodland in the new lots of Fl^, as per p. 64 of Lib. B of Fl*" rec. Will da. Sept. 8, 1732; pro. Aug. 23, 1733; rec. p. 76, Lib. 12, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — George of Br" ferry; Jeromus of Flushing; and John, who m. Maria Van Dyke. A Jan or Yan of Br" signed his name is 1723 '''■Yan Jiapalje." ''' Jero7iimus Jorise, b. June 27, 1643; m. Anna dau. ofJTimJ.s — Nyssen or Denyse. Occupied and owned the ancestral farm at the Wallabout; schepen of Br" in 1673 and '74, and justice of the peace in 1689 and '90. See p. 184 of Cal. of Eng. Man. Issue: — Joris, b. Nov. 5, 1668; Teunis, bp. May 7, 1671, in N. Y.; Jan, b. Dec. 17, 1673; Femitie, b. Oct. 17, 1676, m. Jan Arianse Bennet; Jeronimus, b. Mar. 31, 1682; Cataline, b. Mar. 29, 1685, m. Peter Demond of the Raritan; Sarah, b. Nov. 4, 1687, m. Hans Bergen; and Cornells, b. Oct. 21, 1690. Signed his name ^'^ Jeronimus Rapalje." Jeronimus of the Wallabout (s. of Jeronimus Jorise), b. Mar. 31, 1682; m. Hellitie dau. of Hendrick Van Vechten; (sup.) d. Feb. 8, 1762. Took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687 as a native. Owned and occupied the homestead of his father and grandfather at the Wallabout, which he devised by will to his dau. Antie w. of Marten M. Schenck. Issue: — Annetie, b. Aug. ro, 1704, d. young; Hendrick, b. Oct. 5, 1706; Gerritie, b. May 30, 1708; Annetie or Antie, b. Aug. 19, 1 7 10, m. Marten M. Schenck; Catalyna, b. Mar. 234 GENEALOGY. 17, 17 16, m. Johannes Alsteyn; Jannetie, b. Apl. 22, 1720, d. young; Jeronemus of Br", b. Feb. 22, 1723, m. Jannetie dau. of Jacobus Lefferts; Catryna, b. Sept. 29, 1726; Jannetie, b. June 21, 1729, m. Aris Remsen; and Hilletje, b. Sept. 30, 1736. Signed his name '■'■ Jeronimiis Kapalje^ Jeroniniiis (Teu?iisse), m. Sept. 19, 17 19, Altie dau. of Cor- nelis Van Arsdalen; d. 1777. Left Bedford and settled at New Brunswick, N. J. Issue: — (sup.) Antje, m. Ferdinand Van Leuwen of N. J.; (sup.) Tunis of N. J., m. Chrystintje Pietersen; (sup.) Altje, m. Hendrick Suydam of N. J.; Cor- nells of N.^ J.; Tunis of N. J., m. Antje Dorlant; and Sarah. Jo/in (s. of Jan and Annatie), m. 1737 Maria Van Dyke. No further trace. ^^Joris Jansen, the common ancestor of the family, emi- grated in 1623; m. Catalyntje dau. of Joris Trico of Paris; d. about 1665. Resided at first in Albany, v/here his dau. Sarah was born, and not in Br" as asserted by some writers, then in N. A. and finally on his plantation at the Wallabout in Br" of 167 morgens, for which he obtained a patent June 16, • 1637. Was one of the 1 2 men representing the N. N. in 1641, and mag. of Br" in 1655, '56, '57, '60, and '62. Some writers prefix a De to his surname so as to make it De Rapalie, but the compiler has seen no conclusive evidence to justify it, nor . has he found among the public and private records of this vicinity or elsewhere an instance where either Joris Jansen or any of his descendants have made use of said prefix. Issue: — Sarah Jorise, b. June 9, 1625, m. i'^' Hans Hansen Bergen, m. 2*^ Tunis Gysbertse Bogaert; Marretje Jorise, b. Mar. 16, 1627, m. Michael Paulus Vandervoort; Jannetje Jorise, b. Aug. 18, 1629, m. Rem Jansen Vanderbeeck; Judith Jorise, b. July 5, 1635, m. Pieter Pietersen Van Nest; Jan Jorise, b. Aug. 28, 1637; Jacob Jorise, b. May 28, 1639; Catelyntje Jorise, b. Mar. 28, 1641, m. Jeremias Jansen Van Wester- hout; Jeronemus Jorise, b. June 27, 1643; Annetje Jorise, b. Feb. 8, 1646, m. i** Marten Reyerse, m. 2^ Joost France; Elizabeth Jorise, b. Mar. 26, 1648, m. Dirck Cornelise Hoog- land; and Daniel Jorise, b. Dec. 29, 1652. Made his mark " R " to documents. Joris [Jero/nmuse) of Cripplebush and Bedford, b. Nov. 5, - 1668; m. July 27, 1694, Nelly dau. of John Cowenhoven; d. 1697. Issue: — Antie or Annetje, bp. Oct. 18, 1696, in Br", m. Peter Lott of N. Y.; Jacob of N. J.; Cornelius of the city of N. Y., m. Joanna Antonides; and Jeromus of the Wallabout. Signed his name ^'- Joris Rapalie." Joris (s. of Daniel), b. Mar. 4, 1675; m. Agnes or Agnietje dau. of Cor^ Berrian; d. Jan. 19, 1741. Resided at first in Br" and afterwards in Flushing. Issue: — Daniel of New- GENEALOGY. 235 town, b. Nov. 12, 1699; Cornelius of Hellgate, bp. Oct. 26, 1702, in Br°, m. Alletta Brinckerhoff; Abraham of Fish's Point, Newtown, b. May 19, 1705, m. Anna Brinckerhoff; Jane, b. 1707, m. John Debevoise; John of Newtown, b. June II, 171 1, m. Maria Lent; Jacob of Hellgate, m. Catharine Lott; and Jeromus of Newtown, m. Wyntje Lent. Signed his name '''' Joris Rappalyee.'' /oris or George (Teunise) of Bedford, m. Elizabeth dau. of Joris Remsen; d. 1732. Issue: — Sarah, b. May 12, 1722, m. George Jansen; George, b. June 14, 1724, (sup.) m. Eliza- beth Vandervoort; Tunis of N. Y., b. May 22, 1726, m. Cath'' Stockholm; Rem of N. Y,, b. Aug. 3, 1728, m. Elenor Hardenbrook; Phebe, b. Oct. 9, 1731; and Benja- min. Signed his name ^^ Joris Rapalie." Teimis (s. of Jeronimus) of Br" and Bu'^, bp. May 7, 167 1; m. Sarah Van Vechten; d. 1723. On ass. roll of Br" of 1693, cen. of 1698, and lieut. of militia of Br" in 1700, as per p. 809 of Vol. IV. of N. Y. Doc. His. Issue: — Jeronimus of New Brunswick, N. J., m. Altie Van Arsdalen; George of Bedford, m. Elizabeth Remsen; Anna Maria, m. Jacob Cas- jouw; Derick of Somerset Co., N. J., bp. May 14, 1702, in Br"; Tunis of Bu'^, m. Anatie Suydam; Folkert of Cripple- bush, Br", bp. Jan. i, 1720, m. Matilda Polhemus; Jane, m. Aris Remsen; and Sarah, m. Jacobus Van Nuyse. Tunis of Bu"^ (s. of Tunis and Sara), m. Annatie Suydam. Was a blacksmith. Will da. Apl. 29, 1734; pro. Oct. 29, 1734; rec. p. 244, Lib. 12, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Sarah, (sup.) m. Jacobus Van Nuyse of N. J.; Ann, i^. Tunis Dur- yea of Bu*"; and Jane, Rasco, Samuel, of Fl'' in 1680, as per Fl^ court rec. Rateo, John. A suit was brought against him Apl. 4, 1669, in the court of sessions in G'^ by Richard Beach for debt, as per G*^ rec. Rawles, John, brought a suit against John Emans in the court of sessions of May i, 167 1, for the killing of one of his swine. In 1672 he was allotted a lot in the Neck or West Meadows, as per G'' rec. Reblianths, John, of the city of N. Y. Sold May 4, 1691-2, to Cornells Simons (Van Arsdalen) a half-lot in G*^ Neck, as per C rec. Rees, Johannes, on ass. roll of Fl^ of 1693 and cen. of 1696. 236 GENEALOGY. Reggo, Johannes, m. Maria ; on ass. roll of N. U. of 1693. Issue: — Daniel; Abraham; Adolphus; and Tun- tien. Reiniers, Reyniersz, or Reinierszen, Auke, m. Ida Aukes (Van JVuyse); on ass. roll of Bu"^ of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Issue: — Magdalen, bp. Oct. 23, 1698; and Hendrick, bp. Aug. II, 1700. Made his mark to documents. Ariunid, mem. of Fl'' R. D. ch. in 1677. Garret of Fld'^, m. Maria . On ass. roll of Fld=^ of 1675, and mem. of the ch. of that place in 1677. Gysbert, on ass. roll of Fl'' of 1676. Wiggert, from "Ostoriestant," joined the R. D. ch. of Br°^ in 1660 on certificate from Manhattan I. Rendenhasen, Abel, declared Jan. 27, 1643, that he made gloves from English dufifles 3 years ago in the "bay" (Fld^), as per p. 84 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Remmels, Jan. His name appears among those who paid the preacher's salary in Fl'' in 1681. Remmersen or Remmertsz, Gerret, m. Mary or Maria Both mem. of the R. D. ch. of Fld^ in 1677, where he or his heirs owned land as late as 1697, as per deed on p. 117 of Lib. 2 of Con. Jan. 6, 1684, Mary Remmersen, re- siding on N. Y. Island, bought of John Tilton plantation-lot No. 30 with the buildings thereon in G'', as per town rec. Jan. 17, 1698-9, Mary Remmersen of G*^ receipts for ^Qe^ to R. Van Sicklen on an agreement made by her two sons Rem and Samuel Gerretse. In 1698 Mary wid. of Gerret Remmersen of G'^ conveys to Samuel Gerretse her son a house and garden-spot in G'', and also land on Gisbert's I. bounded on the one side by the sea, as per G'' rec. Gerret Remmersen means Gerret son of Rem; and Samuel Ger- retse, Samuel son of Gerret. From this Samuel Gerretse is descended the late Gerretsen family of G'^, who resided near to and owned what is known as Gerretsen's Mill, and the Gerretsen family of Br", of whom the late John Fletch- er, Thomas, and Judge Samuel Gerretsen were members. No clue to the proper surname (if any) of this family has been found. Issue: — Rem Gerretse; and Samuel Gerretse, who m. Ida Barends. Made his mark to documents. Remsen, Abraham, (s. of Rem Jansen and Jannetje,) b. Sept. 14, 1667; m. An/1 Aertscn Middagh; d. Dec. 13, 1752. In 1687 took the oath of allegiance in Br" as a native, and GENEALOGY, 237 on cen. of 1698. Finally settled in Newtown. Issue: — Rem, bp. Oct. 10, 1694, in N. Y., m. Mary Letton; Aert, bp July 3, 1698; Jeromus, b. 1705, m. Jane Remsen; Abraham b. 1705; and Bregie, bp. Dec. 7, 1707, m. Ab"' Ditmars of J* Aert (s. of Abraham), bp. July 3, 1698; m. Geerie and (sup.) resided in Br°. Issue: — Abraham, b. 17 19, d young; Margaret, b. 1722; Helena, b. 1722; and Abraham b. Dec. 4, 1730. Daniel (s. of Rem) of Fl'', b. 1665; m. Jane dau. of John Ditmars; d. 1736. Took the oath of allegiance in Fl'' in 1687 as a native; and on ass. roll of said town of 1693 and cen. of 1698. No male issue. Signed his name '■'■Daniel Remsen^ George, see Joris. Isaac (s. of Rem Jansen and Jannetje) of Br", b. Sept. 4, 1673; m. i'^', 1699, Sarah Monfoort; m. 2^ Hendrikje ; d. prior to 1758. Was a farmer. Will da. July 5, 1752; pro. Ma)'- 21, 1758; rec. p. 473, Lib. 20, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Rem of Br", bp. Sept. 17, 1699; Marytje, bp. Dec. 25, 1700; Jannetje, bp. Sept. 8, 1706, m. John Van Nostrand; (by 2^ w.) Isaac of Oyster Bay, bp. Oct. 15, 17 10 — all bp. in Br"^; John of Oyster Bay; Jacob of Br", bp. Feb. 13, 17 19, in N. U., m. Catharine Van Duyne; Jores of Br", m, Cate- line Ditmars; Hendrikje, m. in 1753 Johannes Lott of Fid**; and Catrina, m. in 1744 John Boerum. Signed his name '■^ I sack Revisefi." Jacob (s. of Rem and Jannetje), b. Apl. 11, 1662; m. May 13, 1687, Gertrude dau. of Derick Vandervliet. In 1677 mem. of Br" ch., and in 1687 took the oath of allegiance in Fl'' as a native, in which town he then resided. Issue: — Jannetje, bp. July 27, 1701, m. (sup.) Johannes Lucasse Voorhees. Signed his name '■'■Jacob Reiusen.'" Jacob (s. of Rem and Marretie of Fl'') of Br", m. Maria dau. of Steven Coerten Voorhies of G^; will da. May 8, 1756, and pro. in Dec. of the same year. Issue: — Rem; Stephen of Brooklyn ferry and of N. L., m. Catharine Dit- mars; John, bp. Mar. 9, 1729; Maria or Marretje, bp. Aug. 15, 1731, m. Ab'" Montanye; Eva, (sup.) m. Lewis Fongeres; and Anna, bp. Oct. 2, 1737 — all bp. in N. U. Jan (s. of Rem Jansen and Jannetje), b. Jan. 12, 1648; m. Dec. II, 1681, Martha da. of Jan Damon; d. 1696. A mag. of Fl'' in 1682, on ass. roll of 1683, took the oath of alle- giance there in 1687 as a native, and a grand-juryman in 1695. At one period resided in the city of N. Y. Will da. May 30, 1696, and rec. on p. 17 of Lib. 3 of Con. Issue: — Rem, bp. Oct. 6, 1682, in Fld^ d. young; Rem Vanderbeeck, bp. Oct. 21, 1683, in Br", m. Deborah Cortelyou; Sophia, 238 GENEALOGY. bp. Jan. 23, 1685, in Fl''; John, bp. Apl. 17, 1687, in Br"; Jane, (sup.) m. Johannes Ditmars; Martha; Cornelius; Peter of N. L.; and Elizabeth. Signed his name '^ Jan Remsen.'' Jan or John (s. of Rem of Fl'' and Marretie), m. Elizabeth ; d. prior to 1725. Issue: — Rem of Hempstead, bp. Mar. 10, 1706; Derick of Fid**, b. Feb. 8, 1709, m. Catharine Lott; George of Fl'\ b. 1710; Aris of J'\ b. 1712; Anna, b. 1715; and Elizabeth, b. 1715. Jereniias (s. of Rem Jansen and Jannetje), b. Sept. 10, 1675; m. i^', Sept. 26, 1698, Heyltje Probasco; m. 2^ Jan- netje Voorhees; d. July 3, 1757. Occupied and owned the paternal farm at the Wallabout. Issue: — Rem, b. Nov. 20, 1700; Ida, b. Jan. 3, 1703, m. John Van Wickelen of N. L. ; Christopher of Br", b. Oct. 2, 1705, m. Charity ; Jere- mias, b. Aug. 22, 1708, and d. young; Jane, b. Jan. 26, 1711, m. Dec. 12, 1729, Jeromus Remsen her cousin; Jeremiah of the Wallabout, b. July 18, 1714, m. Jane dau. of Martin R. Schenck; Sarah, b. Dec. 11, 17 16, m. Ab"' Voorhees; Abra- ham of the Wallabout, b. Jan. 15, 1720, m. Matilda Van Duj'-ne; and Lammatie, b. May 20, 1722, m, Luke Schenck of N. J. Signed his name '''■ Jeremy as Remsen.'" Jeroniftius ( s. of Rem Jansen and Jannetje), b. 1664; m. 1688 Catalina dau. of Cornells Berryan; d. 1750. Name on ass. roll of Br" of 1693; cen. of 1698; took the oath of alle- giance in Br" in 1687; and an officer of militia in said town in 1700. Removed to N. Y., and mem. of the R. D. ch. of said city in 1722. No male issue. John (s. of Rem and Marretie of Fl^), see Jan. Jores or George (s. of Rem and Marritee of FP'), m. i^*- Lammetje dau. of Jores Bergen; m. 2'' Sarah dau. of Theo- dorus Polhemius. Left Fl'' and settled at the Pond in Haverstraw. Will da. Mar. 26, 1744; pro. May 12, 1748; rec. p. 276, Lib. 16, N. Y. sum off. Issue: — Marretje, bp. Sept. 21, 1 701, in Br"; Joris of Newtown, m. Elizabeth ; Rem (by 2'' w.), b. 171 1; Theodorus; Ann; Ariaentje; and Lambertje, who m. Polhemus. Signed his name '■'■Jores Remsen.'' Joj-is or George (s. of Rem Jansen and Jannetje), b. Feb. 2, 1650; m. Nov. 2, 1684, Femmetje dau. of Dirck Janse Woertman. Bought Oct. 10, 1706, his father-in-law's farm near Br" ferry, on Br" heights, to which he removed. Pre- viously a resident of Fl'\ where he took the oath of alle- giance in 1687 as a native. On ass. roll of Fl'' of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Issue: — Mary, m. Joost De Bevoise; Sarah, m. Jacobus De Bevoise; Elizabeth, bp. Mar. 5, 1699, m. George Rapalje; Antje, bp. July 28, 1701, in Br"; Femmetje, m. Peter Lott; Cataline, bp. Apl. 12, 1704, in N. Y., m.. GENEALOGY. 239 Hendrick Remsen; Rem Jorise, m. Aeltie Bergen; Hilletje, bp. Jan. 12, 1705, in N. Y.; and Tunis, b. Oct. 26, 1716, m. Margrietje Valentyn. Feter (s. of Jan and Martha of Fl"), resided in N. L. No- further trace. Rem of Br° (s. of Rem and Marretje of Fl'^), b. May 7, 1685; m. Dorothy ; d. Mar. 5, 1752. Will da. Dec. 5, 1750; pro. Apl. 22, 1752; rec. p. 99, Lib. 17, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Rem, b. 1706, m. Sarah Rapalje; Hendrick, a mer- chant in N. Y., b. 1708, m. Catalyntje or Catharine Remsen; Marritje, b. 1710; Aris of Br", b. 1711, m. Jannetje Rapalje; Johannes, a baker of Br" and N. Y., b. 17 14, d. Aug, 28, 1763, m. Dec. II, 1737, Eliz'' Brestede; Catharine, b. 17 16, (sup.) m. John Cowenhoven; Joris of N. Y., b. 1717, m.^ Geertie De Hart; Jacob of Br", b. 1719, m. Catharine Hen- dricksen, d. 1784; Antie, b. 1721; Peter of N. Y., b. 1721, m. Jane De Hart; Dorothy, b. 1724, m. John Ryke; and Sarah, b. Dec. 28, 1726, d, Nov, 25, 1758. Signed his name ''''Rem Remsen.'' Rem (s, of Rem Jansen and Jannetje), b. Dec. 2, 1652; m. Marratie dau. of Jan Vanderbilt. Mem. of Fl^ D. ch. in 1677, residing in N. L,; on ass. roll of 1683, and took the oath of allegiance as a native in said town in 1687. Will da. Sept. 9, 1724; rec. p. 342, Lib. 14, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Jores of the Pond; Annetje, bp. May, 21, 1682, in FP; Aris, bp. Jan. 13, 1684, in FP', d. young; Rem, b. May 7, 1685; Jannetje, bp. Sept. 9, 1688, in Fl''; Jacob; John; and Peter. Signed his name '■''Rem Remsen." Rem Jansen Vanderbeeck, the common ancestor of the Rem- sen family, emigrated from leveren in Westphalia; by an- other account, from Coevorden in Drenthe in the Nether- lands. His descendants dropped the family name of Vanderbeeck, and, as was the custom at the time, assumed that of Remsen, or sons of Rem. He m. Dec. 21, 1642, Jannetje dau. of Jores Jansen Rapalie; d. in 1681. Was a blacksmith by trade, residing for some time at Albany, where several of his children were born, and where he was nominated for commissaris in 1655, and sold his house and lot in 1660. He obtained a plantation at the Wallabout adjoining that of his father-in-law prior to 1643, O'^ which he finally settled. Issue: — Annetje Remsen, bp. Mar. 12, 1645, d. young; Hillitje or Belitje Remsen, bp. Jan. 20, 1647, d. young; Jan Remsen, bp. Jan. 12, 1648; Joris Remsen, b. Feb. 2, 1650; Rem Remsen, b. Dec. 2, 1652; Hillitje Remsen, b. Sept. 16, 1653, m. Aris Janse Vanderbilt; Catalina Rem- sen, b. Oct. 4, 1655, m. Elbert Adrianse; Femmetje Remsen, b. Aug. I, 1657, m. Joseph Hegeman; Anna Remsen, b. 240 GENEALOGY. Apl. II, 1660, m. Jan Gerretsen Dorlandt; Jacob Remsen, b. Apl. II, 1662; Jeronymus Remsen, b. 1664; Daniel Rem- sen, b. 1665; Abraham Remsen, b. Sept. 16, 1667; Sarah ■Remsen, b. Dec. 6, 1670, m. Martin Adrianse; Isaac Remsen, b. Sept. 4, 1673; Jeremias Remsen, b. Sept. 10, 1675; and Jannetje Remsen, m. (sup.) Gerret Hansen Van Nostrand. Signed his name '■'■Rem /ansefi' and "Rem Yatise?t." Rem /arise (s. of Joris and Femmetje of Br"), m. Aug. 17, 1707, Aeltje Bergen; d. Jan. 1724. Suppose he resided at Br". Issue: — Joris or George, m. Jane Nagel; Jan or John; Femmetje, bp. May 24, 1708, in N. Y., (sup.) m. Ab™ Brinckerhoff; Sarah; and Antic. Rem Vandcrheeck (s. of Jan and Martha of Fl''), bp. Oct. 21, 1683; m. Deborah Cortelyou. Left Fl'' and settled on S. I., where he was a justice of the peace in 1738. His name is entered Rem Vanderbeeck on the records of the R. D. ch. of Port Richmond, where his children were bp. Issue: — Hilletje, bp. Oct. 21, 1713; Jan, bp. July 26, 1719; Rem, bp. May 28, 1721; Jaques, bp. June 2, 1723; Dorothea, bp. Jan. 21, 1727-8; and Lena, bp. June 3, 1736. Reycke, see Su5^dam. Reverse, Reyersen, or Ryersen, Adriaen, emigrated from Amsterdam in 1646 with his brother Marten; m. July 29, 1659, Annetje Martcnse Schenckoi Fld*^; d. Nov. 24, 17 10, Finally settled in Fl'\ where he was a mag. in 1677, '78, and '79; on ass. roll of 1675; obtained a patent for 24 morgens; and took the oath of allegiance in 1687. His name also appears on the ass. roll of Br" of 1675. Issue: — Jannetje Adrianse, b. July 25, 1660, (sup.) m. Oct. 14, 1683, Jacobus Hegeman; Elbert Adrianse of Flushing, b. Aug. 14, 1663, whose descendants adopited Adrianse, as per Riker, for their surname; Marten Adrianse of Fl'', the ancestor of the Mar- tense family of Kings Co., b. Mar. 9, 1668, m. Sarah Rem- sen; Margaret or Grietje Adrianse, b. Mar. 28, 1670; Sarah Adrianse, b. June 9, 1672, d. young; Reyer Adrianse, b. May 28, 1673, d. young; Neeltje Adrianse, b. Dec. 7, 1675; Reyer Adrianse, b. Mar. 31, 1678, d. young; Abraham Ad- rianse, b. Nov. 21, 1680, m. Femmetje Van Cleef; Sarah Adrianse, bp. Nov. 21, 1680; Reyer Adrianse, b. May 6, 1683; and Gosen Adrianse, bp. Apl. 29, 1685 or '86, m. Fem- metje Vanderbilt. Signed his name "Ad>-iaen Reyerseiiy Fraiis (s. of Marten and Annetje), bp. Aug. 2, 1685; m. 1707 (sup.) Jenneke or Jannetje dau. of Theunis Dircksen Dey. Left Br" and settled in Bergen Co., N. J., where he d. prior to July, 1749. Issue: — Mark, bp. Mar. 10, 1708; GENEALOGY. 24I Theunis, bp. Mar. 13, 1709; Theunis, bp. July 15, 1711; Joris, bp. Apl. 5, 17 13; Antje, bp. Nov. 10, 17 14; Saartje, bp. June 24, 1716; Johannes, bp. Apl. 27, 1718; and Janneke, bp. Aug. 21, 1720 — all of N. J., and all bp. in N. Y. Jacob (sup. s. of Jacobus and Styntje) of the Wallabouf, m. (sup.) Antje Voorhees. Will da. May 23, 1749. Was the ancestor of the Wallabout family of Ryersons. Issue: — Marten of the Wallabout; Geertje; Jan or John, who d. intestate about 1780; Antie or Ann; Jannetje; and Stynt- je. Jacobus (s. of Marten and Annetje), bp. Dec. 26, 1677; m. Styntje . Resided in Fl'', of which town he was con- stable in 1698. Issue: — (Sup.) Jacob of the Wallabout; Annetje, bp. July 16, 1702, in Br"; Geertje, bp. May 22, 1706, m. Hendrick Suydam; Jan, bp. Oct. 9, 1709; Jan, b. Dec. II, 1715; Jannetje, bp. Feb. 29, 1721, in N. U. (sup.) m. Peter Lose or Loise; and Styntje, bp. Sept. 22, 1723, in N. U., m. Constyn Golneck. Joris (s. of Marten and Annetje), bp. Sept. 19, 1666; m. (sup.) Aug. II, 1691, Anneken Schouten wid. of Teunis Dircksen Dey of N. Y. Suppose he removed to Aquacka- nonck, N. J., a Joris Ryerson being a deacon of the R. D. ch. of that locality in 17 16. Issue: — Joris, bp. Jan. 5, 1703, in N. Y. ; Lu3^kes, bp. Apl. 9, 1704; and Blandina, bp. May 8, 1706. Marten, emigrated from Amsterdam in 1646 and settled in Br"; m. May 14, 1663, Annetje dau. of Joris Jansen Rapalie. On ass. rolls of Br" of 1675, '76, and '^y, mem. of Br" ch. in 1677; mag. in 1679; constable in 1682, as per Furman; and name on patent of Fl'^ in 1685, to which place he may possibly have removed. Issue: — Marritje, bp. Nov. 16, 1664; Joris, bp. Sept. 19, 1666, iji N. Y. ; Catalyntje, bp. Jan. 3, 167 1, m. Sam' Berry; Sara, bp. May 30, 1673; Jaco- bus, bp. Dec. 26, 1677; (sup.) Geertje, who m. Ab"^ Van Duyn in 1696; Helena or Lyntje, bp. Apl. 2, 1682 — all bp. in N. Y.; and Frans, bp. Aug. 2, 1685. Signed his name ''Marten Reyersen." Reynierse or Ryxierse, Aarnoud, mem. of the R. D. ch. of Fl'' in 1677. Aernout, a s. of Rynier Arentse of Renter's Hoek. Aucke, s. of Reynier Arentsz, took the oath of allegiance in Fl** in 1677 as a native. Bought land in Bu'^ in 1692 of Jo- hannes Fonteyn, as per p. 157 of Lib. 2 of Con. Also bought Oct. 20, 1700, of his father Reynier Arentsz his farm with its appendages and salt-meadows located at *' Keutershoek " in Fl^ for X425, as per p. 2 of Lib. B of Fl'' rec. At the time 16 242 GENEALOGY. of his death he resided in Bu''. Made his mark to documents. See Auke Reiniers, who may be the same person. RiBU r, Jan, of Br", m. Aug. 9, 1690, Matte Beeckman wid. of Cornelis Vanderca. Richards, Paul or Paulus, from Rochelle in France, m. Feb. 9, 1664, in N. Y., Celitje Jans wid. of Hendrick Vander Wallen, and in same year took the oath of allegiance to the English in said city. In 1674 he and Cornelis Van Borsum bought of Machtelt Megapolensus a bouwery in Fl'\ as per p. 28 of Lib. B of Fl'' rec. His name appears on Gov. Dongan's patent of Bu'' of 1687, and he bought Apl. 21, 1694, of Jacobus Vandewater a farm at Bedford, as per p. i of Lib. 2 of Con. Issue: — Hester, bp. Dec. 6, 1664; Paulus, bp. June 12, 1667; Stephen, bp. Jan. 23, 1670; Jacob, bp. July 9, 1673 ; Blandina, bp. July 9, 1673 ; Hester, bp. Dec. 18, 1675 ; and Blandina, bp. Apl. 23, 1678 — all in N. Y. Signed his name '''Paul Richard s^ Richardson or Richerson, John, (English,) bought Mar. 4, 1683-4, of Anthony Wanshaer his house and lot in Fl^, as per p. 157 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. On ass. roll of Fl'' of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Made his mark to documents. Richard., brought a suit in the court of sessions in G'' in 1663 against Jan Van Cleef for an ox, as per G'' rec. Williaf?i, an Englishman whose i®*^ w. Deliverance d. Feb. 10, 1675, on shipboard in harbor of N. Y., and was buried in G*^, as per p. 39 of Vol. VII. of the Genealogical Record. His 2^ w. Amy d. Feb. 5, 1683-4, as per p. 39 of said Vol. He is also referred to as of G'' in John Tilton's will of 1687, as per p. 108 of Lib. i of Cpn. Had, as per p. 181 of Vol. III. of the Gen. Rec, issue: — William, b. Jan. 15, 1678; Thomas, b. Sept. 10, 1680; and John, b. Dec. 10, 1683. RiCKHOUT or Richon, Johannks Daniki.sk, m. Apl. 21, 1694, Maykc da. of Jan Van Dyck of N. U. Issue: — Jan, bp. Apl. 25, 1696. Rider, see Ryder. Right, George (Capt.), of G'*, made an agreement Feb. 7, 1653, with Hendrick Hendricksen for the purchase of oxen and a cart, as per G'' rec. RiKER, Abraham, leased July 2, 1643, land in Bu*^,' as per Col. Man. GENEALOGY. 243 RiNiERS or RiNiERSEN, scc Rciniers and Van Sicklen. Ripple or Repelle, George, and Jacobus Kierstede of the city of N. Y., with consent of their wives Anna Kierstede and Catharyn Ripple, sold the 15 A. lot No. 17 in G** to Capt. John Van Dyckhuysen, as per G*^ rec. RiTZERSON, Jan, allotted Mar. 22, 1701, 2 wood-lots on the division of Fl'' woodlands, as per town rec. Made his mark to documents. RoBBESON, JosiA, m. J/rt-r^a/r/ . Issue: — Hanna, bp. Aug. 28, 1698, in Fid". RoELOFSE, see Verkerk. Dirckye, on ass. rolls of Fld^ of 1675 and '?>2>' John, in 1669 a grand-juryman at the court of sessions, and on ass. roll of Bu'' in 1675. Prior to 1695 he sold land in Fld'^ to Pieter Guilliamse (Cornell), as per p. 38 of Lib. I of Con. There was a John Roelofsen who settled on the Raritan after 1683, as per p. 160 of Messler's His. Notes. Signed his name '■''Yan Roelofsen' in 1664. Machild oi the Wallabout, mem. of Br" R. D. ch. in 1677, entered as removed to Bergen. Pieter, among the first settlers of N. U. in 1657. Jan. 16, 1660, sold his house and building-plot to Jan Zeelan, and re- moved to Fld^ He m. i^\ Feb. i, 1653, in N. A., Willemtje Janse; m. 2^, May 16, 1664, in N. A., Elizabeth Janse of Brazil, both residents of Fld^ Issue: — Jacobus, bp. Oct. 14, 1667; Hendrickje, bp. Aug. 21, 1672; Abraham, bp. Apl. 21, 1675; ^^iseti Roineyn" and sometimes ^^Sioffel Jafisen." Stoffel Jansen, Claes Jansen, and Symon Jansen Romeyn, all sons of Jan, as their names indicate, most probably were brothers and came to this country together. Symon Janse/i, b. in 1629, emigrated from Amsterdam probably in 1653, and m. Jan. i, 167 1, in N. Y., Sophia Jans. Settled at first in N. A., and then in Fid', where his name appears on the ass. rolls of 1675, and where in 1664 he made an affidavit relating to Capt. Scott's raid, as per p. 482 of Vol. II. of Doc. of Col. His. He also in 1664, after the conquest of the colony, took the oath of allegiance in N. Y. to the English. In 1680 he bought lands in Bergen Co., N. J., as per p. 69 of Winfield's Land Titles of Hudson Co.,'to which he probably eventually removed. Mar. i, 1680-1, he conveyed to Adriaen Van Laer a house and lot in Fld^, giv- ing his residence as in the city of N. Y., as per p. 47 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. Signed his name ^^Symon Janseti Romeyn' and sovcv^xXvci^^'''- Symon Jatisen^ No account of his descendants.. « RosEKRANS, Jacob Dirckse, took the oath of allegiance in Bu*^ in 1687 as a native. RuCKMAN, John, (sup. English,) among the first settlers of G**, where he obtained Nov. 18, 1646, a grant for a planta- tion-lot, which he sold shortly after to Thomas Appelgate, as per town rec. His will is d. Mar. 13, 1650, and pro. May 2 of the same year, in which he devises his property to his s. John, appointing W" Bowne his guardian. If his s. dies a minor, he devises his property to John and James, sons of said W™ Bowne. Signed his name '■'■ John Ruckman." RuTGER, JoosTEN, See Van Brunt. RuTGERSZ or RuTGERSEN, Jacob, of Ulster Co. Sept. 246 GENEALOGY. 15, 1694, Claes Teunise Clear conveyed to him a lot at the ferry in Br", as per p, 15 of Lib. 2 of Con. Jan, so\d Mar. 10, 1655, to Jan de Jongh 25 morgens in FF on the E. side of the highway, as per p. 366 of Vol. II. of O'Callaghan's Man. Trans, of Col. Man. RuYTER or RuiTER, Claes Jansen, m. Pieterje Janse; was in N. A. as early as 1639. Sept. 30, 1645, a patent was granted to Claes Jansen van Naerden for 21 morgens in Br" adjoining the lands of F. Lubbertse and J. Manje, as ■per p. 369 of Cal. of Dutch Man. In 1652 Peter Linde (who had m. Manje's wid.) conveyed 20 morgens on the shore of L. I. between the lands of Andries Hudde and " Claes Jansen Ruyter," as per p. 55 of said Cal. Conclude Claes Jansen Ruiter and Claes Jansen Van Naerden to be the same person, the addition of '^ Ruiter" to the name meaning horseman. Was Indian interpreter in 1660. Issue: — Geertruyt, bp. Dec. 4, 1644, in N. A. See Claes Jansen Van Naerden. Rycke, see Ryke. Ryder, Bernardus, of G'', b. Feb. 29, 1688; m. Ariaeiitje d. Nov. 23, 1769. Oct. 7, 1707, "Barent Ryde" of G*^ sold Nich^ Stillwell for ^30 two 4 A. lots, as per G*^ rec. This was probably Bernardus Ryder. There is a " John Ryder" referred to in Ralph Cardell's will of June 10, 1682, as recorded on C^ rec. This John is probably the father of Bernardus and the ancestor of the Ryder family of G''. Issue: — John of G''; Allye, who m. James Hubbard; Jaco- bus of C; and (sup.) Phebe, b. Jan. 15, 1725. Signed his name '"'' Bernardus Ryder." John of G*^ (s. of Bernardus), m. Altie . Will da. Aug. 20, 1755; pro. May i, 167 1; rec. p. 5, Lib. 23, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Wilhelmus of G*^, m. Geertje Van Sicklen; Bernardus of G'', bp. Nov. 27, 17 15; Stephen, m. Sarah Luyster; Johannes, bp. Nov. 24, 1717; Altje, m. Lucas Voorhies; Jannetje; Maria; Ida, b. Nov. 9, 1719, m. Ab™ Strycker; and Hannalia. Ryersen, see Reyersen. Ryke, Ryker, or Rycken, Hendrick, see Suydam. Abraham, (sup.) to have emigrated in 1638; m. Grietje dau. of Hendrick Harmensen; d. in 1689; and resided at first in N. A., where he owned a house and lot. In 1638 he ob- tained a deed for land near Rinnegaconck (Br"), and Aug. GENEALOGY. 247 I, 1640, a patent for a plantation, of probably the same premises, adjoining land of Gysbert Ryken, Hans Han- sen (Bergen), and by another account that of Remmert Jansen (Vanderbeeck). These premises were probably in Bu''. In 1654 he obtained a patent for a plantation in Newtown, to which he removed. Issue: — Ryck Abrahamse; Jacob, bp. Oct. 14, 1640, d. young; Jacob, bp. Oct. 18, 1643; Hendrick, bp. Feb. 17, 1647; Mary, bp. Feb. 21, 164^; John, bp. June 25, 1651; Aeltje, bp. Nov. 9, 1653; Abraham, bp. Dec. 23, 1655; and Hendrick, bp. Sept. 28, 1662 — all bp. in N. A. except Ryck, and all of Newtown. Gysbert, (sup.) emigrated in 1638. Owned land at the Wallabout adjoining that of Ab"' Rycken, as per p. 365 of Cal. of Dutch Man., which is referred to in 1640, as per p. 301 of Riker's Newtown. Jan (s. of Abraham), b. 165 1; m. 1691 Sarah Schouten wid. of Paulus Vanderbeeck. His name appears on the list of those who paid the preacher's salary in Fl'' in 1680. Issue: — Abraham, bp. Feb. 13, 1695, and settled in Essex Co., N. J.; and Helena, bp. May 24, 1696 — all bp. in N. Y. Signed his name ''''Jan Rycker." Rynders, Aernout, s. of Reyndert Arensen and Annetien Hermans, dec. His father having after the death of An- netien m. Jannetien Aukes, Seferyn Louwerens and Jan Langefelt were appointed Apl. 28, 1666, his guardians, as per p. 61 of Lib. D of Fl^ rec. Saetly or Satley, Henry. His lands referred to in the patent of Hans Hansen (Bergen) of Mar. 30, 1647. Salamons, Clement, m. Johanna . Issue: — Marya, bp. July 20, 1679, in Br". Salin, Anthoni, m. Lysbeth Thyssen. Issue: — Johannes, bp. Oct. 28, 1688, in Br". Sammers, Adriaen, allotted a meadow-lot Apl. 21, 1667, on FP meadows at Canarisie, as per Fl'' rec. Sanders or Sandersen, Egbert, m. Hermentje Harmens. Owned a lot in Fl'', which he sold in 1661 to Jan Cornelise Buys, as per p. 79 of Lib. B of YV" rec. May 9, 1661, he and Jan Theunisen (Van Dyckhuysen) petitioned for land to erect a saw-mill on a stream at "Gemoenepae" in Bergen Co., N. J., and move their families there, as per p. 224 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Feb. 11, 1661, Peter Martens commenced 248 GENEALOGY. a suit against him in Fl'', as per Lib B of Fl'' rec. Oct. 21, 1661, he and " Bertel Lot" petitioned for leave to erect a saw-mill at Bergen, N.J. Issue: — Theunis, bp. July 9, 1662, in N. A. Made his mark to documents. Thomas, a smith, from Amsterdam; m. Sept. 16, 1640, Sarah Cornelise Van Gorcum in N. A., where he obtained a patent for a lot July 13, 1643. Of the plains in Fld*^ Dec. 17, 1646, as per Col. Man. He was among the first settlers of G'^, as per town rec. Dec. 17, 1646, Thomas Spicer made a complaint against him at the sessions in G'^ for keeping him out of his lands, abuse, etc., as per court rec. In 1654 he owned a house and lot at Beaverwyck (Albany), where he then resided, but afterwards returned to N. A., where he took the oath of allegiance to the English in 1664. Issue: — Robbert of Albany, bp. Nov. 10, 1641, in N. A., m. Elsje Barentse; Cornells, bp. Nov. 25, 1643; Cornells, bp. Nov. 17, 1644; and Thomas, bp. July 14, 1647 — all bp. in N. A. Robert Sanders and Myndert Harmense obtained a grant Oct. 24, 1686, of Gov. Dongan for 12,000 A at Minno- sinck in Dutchess Co. Thomas Sanders was a freeholder in said county in 17 14. See pp. 100 and 334 of Smith's His. of said CO. . Sansy, Yan, obtained Apl. 21, 1667, a meadow-lot on the FP' meadows at Canarisie, as per Fl'' town rec. Santford, Abraham, had a s. Jacob bp. Nov. 10, 1689, in Br°. Scamp, Pieter, of Bu*", a soldier from " Gendt," emi- grated in 1672; m. Oct. 7, 1674, in N. Y., Jannetje Dirks from Noortman's Kil. On ass. roll of Bu'^ of 1675, Gov. Dongan's patent of 1687, and cen. of 1698, taking the oath of allegiance in said town in 1687. Issue: — Johanna, bp. Jan. 9, 1681, at Br"; Lysbeth, bp. Aug. 10, 1684; and Pieter- jen, bp. Apl. 3, 1690. Schaers, Johannes Cristoffei,, of Gowanus, m. Maria Willemse Bennet of the same place. Maria after his death m. 2^*, Sept. 25, 1690, Hendrick Tyssen Lanen Van Pelt of Gowanus. On ass. rolls of Br" of 1675 and "^t^. He bought of Thomas Verdon and Simon Aesen (De Hart) for ;^i8o 50 morgens of land in Gowanus (since of the Van Pelts), as per inventory of his estate on p. 242 of Vol. I. of Con. Issue: — Cristoffei Johannis; Alexander Johannis; Aaltje, bp. July 23, 1678, m. July 22, 1703, in N. Y., Benjamin Oldys of England; Willemtje, bp. Feb. 27, 1681, (sup.) d. prior to GENEALOGY. 249 1690; Saartje, bp. Sept. 9, 1683; Maria Janse or Johannes (probably the oldest child), m. Mar. 22, 1686, Wouter Tunis Lanen Van Pelt; (sup.) Cornells Janse, m. Geertje Coifs; and (sup.) Else Janse, who m. Coenradus Vanderbeek. Signed his name ^''Johanms Cristoffel.'' Alexander Johaiinis, took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687 as a native. His name does not appear on the record of the settlement of his father's estate, May 7, 1690, from which it may be inferred he was dec. Cri staff el Johannis of Gowanus. Suppose he d. unmar- ried. Sept. 7, 1695, he conveyed to Woughter Van Pelt of N. U. 40 A. of land and meadows at Gowanus lying between the lands of Simon Aesen (De Hart) and those of Maria wid. of Thomas V^an Dyke, dec, fronting on the bay, and bounded on the rear by the common woods, as formerly in possession of Johannis Cristoffel Schaers, dec, as per p. 74 of Vol. n. of Con. In his will — da. May 15, 1745; pro. Dec. 22, 1755; on file in the off. of the clerk of the court of ap- peals, Albany — he devises his Br" and N. J. property to the children of Wouter Tunis Van Pelt. Made his mark to documents. ScHAETS, Cristoffel, m. Lysbeth Jans, who after his death m. successively Jan Claesen and Auke Jans, as per p. 85 of Lib. D of Fl'' rec Issue: — Johannes Cristoffelse. ScHAL, see School. ScHENCK, Abraham Martense (s. of Marten Roelofse), of Fld^, b. May 20, 1689; m. Apl. 20, 1717, Sarah dau. of Gys- bert Tunisse Bogaert; d. prior to Nov. 1766. Left Fid" and settled at Fresh Meadows near Flushing. Issue: — Marten of Dutchess Co., b. Apl. 18, 1718, m. Maria Rapalje; Gys- bert of Fishkill, b. May 20, 1720, m. Aeltje Rapalje, and had a s. Abraham, a surveyor and State senator from Dutchess Co.; Roelof, b. June i, 1725, d. an old man, single; Susanna, b. July 19, 1723, m. Luke Bergen of Brushville, Queens Co.; Adrianna, m. Rev. B. Mincma; and Abraham, b. Oct. 17, 1725, who probably d. a young man. The Schencks of Dutchess Co. settled about Matteawan and New Hacken- sack, as per p. 214 of Smith's Dutchess Co. Garret Roelofse (s. of Roelof Martense), b. Oct. 9, 1661; m. about 1693 Neeltje Coerten Van Voorhies; d. Sept. 5, 1745. Removed from Fld^ and settled in 1696 at Pleasant Valley, Monmouth Co., N. J., selling his Fid* farm to Stephen Coerten (Voorhies), as per p. 160 of Lib. 2 of Con. Will da. Jan. 12, 1739; pro. Oct. 7, 1745; rec. p. 376, Lib. D, in off. Sec. \ 250 GENEALOGY. State N. Y. Issue: — Antje, bp. Nov. 15, 1694, m. about 1712 Matys Lane (Van Pelt) of N. J.; Roelof of N. J., brewer, b. Apl. 27, 1697, m. about 1718 Engeltie Van Doom; Mary, b. Nov. I, 1699, m. Hendrick Smock of N. J., d. Sept. 1747; Coert of N. J., b. 1702, m. Oct. 1724 Marike dau. of Peter Willemse Cowenhoven, d. June 2, 1771; Aaltje, bp. May 29, 1705, m. about 1723 Tunis Vanderveer of N. J.; Neeltje, b. about 1707, m. 1725 Hendrick Hendricksen of N. J.; Rachel, bp. Apl. 2, 1 7 10, m. i'"^ Gysbert Longstreet, m. 2'\ Oct 17, 1763, Jacob Van Dooren; Garret, b. Aug. 30, 171 2, m. Nov. j/' 1737 Jannetje dau. of W'" Kouwenhoven of Fld^; Margaret, b. Apl. 17, 1715, m. i^*^ Cowenhoven of Penn's Neck,^ N. J., m. 2"^ Dirck Longstreet of Princeton; Jan of Penn's • Neck, b. Apl. 19, 1721, m. i^*^ Cath'' dau. of W"' Kouwen- hoven of Fid**, m. 2'^ Angenietje dau. of Nich^ Van Brunt, d. Aug. 21, 1786. /au Martcnse, emigrated in 1650 from the Netherlands, and settled in Fid**; m. Jannetje Stevense Van Voorhees; (sup.) d. in 1689.* Bought Dec. 29, 1657, of Elbert Elbertse Stoothoff the one half of the mill and the island on which the mill is located in Fid* near Bergen's I., lately known as Crooke's Mill, but now demolished. Aug. 20, 1660, he ob- tained a patent for 10 morgens in New Amersfoort (Fid*"), ' and in 1687 took the oath of allegiance in said town. Jan. 28, 1688-9, he made a will in which he devises to ■ his s. Marten Janse "the old land with y'' small Island and mill and dependencies thereof;" to his s. Stephen Janse "the lot in the Neck, with the meadow at hoggs Neck," etc., as per p. 140 of Lib. I of Con. From this it is evident that he had acquired, in addition to his purchase from Stoothoff, the * It is claimed by some of the Schenck family that Jan and Roelof Martense Schenck are sons of Marten Schenck of Nydack or Nydeggen, a town about i8 miles southeast from Ai.x-la-Chapelle; that Marten's father was Peter Schenck of Nydack, b. in 1547 at Goch, a small town about 10 miles south of Cleves, m. in 1580 Johanna Scherpenzeel; and that this Peter was a brother of the celebrated Marten Schenck, a soldier of fortune and an officer of distinction in the wars of the Low Countries. Without the evidence which has been gathered in Holland of the genealo- gy of the family, the name would imply a relationship to the soldier and warrior, but it is singular, if this account is correct, that the name of Peter does not appear in the family until the fourth generation, when it is well known that it was the custom of the Netherlanders to perpetuate the names of their ancestors, which custom prevails among many of their descendants in this country to this day. These Schencks, according to tradition, owned vessels which traded with the Netherlands, which often, by way of Rockaway Inlet, came into Flatlands or Jamaica Bay to de- liver or receive goods from their owners. There was a " Wessel Schenck" among the members of the company chartered Oct. 11, 1614, for an exclusive trade of three years with the New Netherlands, as per p. 149 of Vol. I. of Doc, of Col. Hi$. GENEALOGY. 25 1 remaining one half of the mill property.* Issue: — Jannetje Janse, b. about 1673, m. May 20, 1692, Gerret Janse Dorlant; Marten Janse, b. 1675;' Willemtje Janse, b. about 1677, m. Pieter Wyckoff of Monmouth Co., N. Jr; Stephen Janse, b. Oct. 2,. 1681, d. young; Jan or Johannes Janse, bp. Nov. 5, 1682, d. young'; Neeltje Janse, bp. Nov. 23, 1683, m. Oct. 5, 17 1 2, John Wyckoff of the Raritan"; Stephen Janse, b. Jan. 22, 1686, m. Sept. 26, 17 13, Antje dau. of Nicholas Wyckoff, d. Nov. 6, 1767; Aaltje or Aelken Janse'; and Antje Jansen. Signed his name "'Jan Martensen Sc/ienck." Jan Roelofse, b. Mar. i, 1670; m. about 1691 Sara dau. of W™ Kouwenhoven of Fid®, d. Jan. 30, 1753. Took the oath of allegiance in Fld^ in 1687 as a native. Removed from Fld^ about 1697, and settled at Pleasant Valley, N. J. He and his w. mem. of the D. ch. of Freehold in 1709. Issue: — Roelof, b. Feb. 21, 1692, m. Geesie Hendricksen, d. July 19 1761; Sarah, b. 1696, m. i''*. May 16, 172 1, Johannes Voorhees of New Brunswick, m. 2^ Hendrick Voorhees of Freehold Aaltje, bp. May 25, 1705, m. Chrisyjan Van Dooren, d. about 1801; Rachel, bp. Feb. 19, 1709, m. Boon of Kentucky Maria, b. Aug. 8, 1712, m. Jacob Van Dooren; Leah, b. Dec 24, 1 7 14, m. Dec. 17, 1735, Peter Cowenhoyen, d. Mar. 14 1769; William, bp. Sept. 15, 1718, d. young; Jannetje, m Bernardus Verbryck of Neshaminy, Pa.; Jan, bp. July 22 1722, m. Jan. 25, 1750, Neeltje Bennet, d. Dec. 24, 1808 Antie, m. about 1720 Arie Van Dooren; and Peter, m. i^' Jannetje Hansen Van Noostrand, m. 2**, in 1747, Jannetje Hendricksen — all of N. J. Johannes of Fl*" and Bu'', b. Sept. 19, 1656; m. Mary Mag- dalena dau. of Hendrick De Haes ; d. Feb. 5, 1747-8. (Mary Magdalena was b. at Middleburg, in the Netherlands, Oct. 7, 1660, and d. Apl. 10, 1729; emigrated about 1683 from Mid- dleburg on the I. of Walcheron in Zeeland, and is supposed to have been a relative of Roelof and Jan Martense Schenck of Fld% but of this the evidence is not conclusive.) Resided at first in the city of N. Y. ; then in Ulster Co. ; next in Fl'', of which town he was clerk from 1691 to '94, and from 1700 to 1 7 12, and also schoolmaster from 1700 to 1712; and finally removed to Bu\ of which town he was supervisor in 17 19. In 1703 he bought a tract of 640 A. on the Raritan, said to be in the boundaries of the city of New Brunswick, N. J. In 1707 he bought a plot with buildings on the W. side of the main road in the village of Fl'', which he sold in 17 12 to his son-in- * The old dwelling-house of wood standing on the Mill I. according to tradition was erected by the Schencks after their purchase, and therefore is now (1881) about 224. years old. 252 GENEAI.OdY. law Johannes Janse, cooper. In 17 12 he bought of Tunis Titus a mill and plantation of 83 A. in Bu"^, to which he re- moved. His will is da. Jan. 4, 1745, pro. in 1748, and rec. on p. 230 of Lib. 16, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Johannes, bp. Dec. 20, 1684, in N. Y., d. young; Johannes Jun'', b. Apl. 30, 1691; Susanna, m. Johannes Janse or Johnson ; Margrita, m. about 1705 John Stryker of Fl'', d. Aug. 1721 ; Cornelia, m. Charles Durje of Bu*^ ; and Peter of Newtown. For a more full ac- count of Johannes Schenck and his descendants, see Dr. P. L. Schenck's Memoirs of Johannes Schenck. Signed his name ' ''Johannes Schenk. ' ' Johannes Jun"" of Bu*^, b. Apl. 30, 1691 ; m. Maria Lott of Fl'S b. 1690; he d. Apl. i, 1729, and Maria d. May 7, 1740. In 17 13 he bought of Timothy Wood a plantation of 108 A. in Bu'^, and also bought one in Newtown, to which place he ap- pears to have removed. In 1728 he was supervisor of Bu"^. His will is da. Mar. 28, 1729, and rec. on p. iii of Lib. i.i, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Hendrick, b. June 17, 1714, d. young; John or Johannes of N. J., b. Oct. 26, 1715, m. Oct. 26, 1746, Hetty or Hellen Remsen, d. 1777 ; Hendrick, b. July 15, 1717, m. Magdalena Van Lieuw, d. about Jan. i, 1767, settled at Marlboro, N. J. ; Magdalena, b. Jan. 18, 17 19, (sup.) m. Hen- drick Suydam; ^Abraham (Judge) of Bu^, of N. J., and of Dutchess Co., b.'Aug. 6, 1720, m. Elsie Vandervoort,' d. 1790; Peter, b. Mar. 27, 1722, m. Maria Vulkertse, and settled at Millstone, N. J.; Cornelius of Bu\ b. Jan. 27, 1724, m. Nov. 15, 1742, Abagail Lefferts, d. Nov. 15, 1744; Isaac, b. Dec. 7, 1725; and Catharine, b. Jan. 11 or 14, 1728, m. her cousin Tunis Schenck of Bu'S d. Apl. 9, 1793. Signed his name ^^ Johannes Schenk Junior.'' Marten Janse of Fld^ b. 1675; m. Dec. 2, 1703, Cornelia Van Wesell or Wesselen wid. of Do. Lupardius. Inherited by his father's will the "oldTand with the small island and mill." Issue: — John (known as Capt. John), b. Dec. 13, 1705. He m. Nov. 15, 1728, Femmetie Hegeman, and Apl. 15, 1784, his •heirs and legatees sold the mill property, cong. about 66 A. of upland, 6 A. of woodland, and a parcel of salt-meadows, to Joris Martense of Fl'' for ;2^23oo. Signed his name ^''Marten Schenck." Marten Roelofse of Fid'', b. Jan. 22, 1661 ; m. i^^ June 20, 1686, Susanna Abrahamse Brinckerhoff ; m. 2*^, Apl. 11, 1693, Elizabeth Minne Voorhies; m. 3^ June 24, 1704, Jannetje Lucasse Voorhies (b. Oct. i, 1681, d. Apl. 17, 1758); d. May 2, 1727, Inherited the homestead farm in Fid"*, where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687 as a native. Issue: — Abraham Martense, b. May 20, 1689 ; Roelof Martense, b. Dec. 24, 1694, d. young; Roelof Martense of Cow Neck, L. I., b. Oct. 18, GENEALOGY. 253 1696, d. May 12, 1777; Neeltje Martense, b. (sup.) Dec. 24, 1698, m. Nov. 28, 1714, Johannes Stoothoff of N. J. ; Minne Martense of Hempstead, b. Apl. 8, 1700, m. June 3, 1737, Maritie Monfoort, d. 1767; Rensie Martense, b. Oct. 15, 1702, m, i'^ May 23, 1723, Peter G. Wyckoff of Fid', m. 2'^ Daniel Rapalje, d. Sept. 26, 1760; Catelina, b. May 7, 1705, m. i^' Stoffel Probasco, m. 2'' Jan Barentse Jansen of J'^; Annatie, b.- Nov. II, 1706, m. W" Boerum, d. Jan. 9, 1738 ; Lucas Mar- tense, b. Oct. II, 1708, d. young; Marten Martense of Fld^ h.^ Oct. 9, 1710, m. Antie Rapalje, d. Oct. 30, 1761 ; Susanna, b. Dec. 28, 1712, m. Apl. 10, 1731, Johannes Nevius, d. Oct. 6, 1773; Jannetie, b. June 27, 1715, m. Jeremiah Remsen ; Eliz- abeth, b. Oct. 10, 1717, d. Dec. 17, 1732; Lucas of N. J., b. Sept. 6, 1 72 1, m. Lammetje Remsen, d. Jan. i, 1784; Johan- nes, b. Jan. 7, 1724, d. Feb. 15, 1732; and Maria, b. Jan. 10, 1726, m. Apl. 30, 1748, Simon Boerum of Br", d. Mar. 31, 1771. Minne (s. of Martin Roelofse) of Hempstead, b. Apl. 8, 1700 ; m. June 3, 1727, Maria Monfoort; d. Mar. 3, 1767. Issue: — Elizabeth, bp, Sept. 20, 1728, m. Peter Onderdonk; Antie, b. Dec. 26, 1730, m. Gjeorge Rapalje; Jannetie, b. Feb. 12, 1733; Maria, b. June 2, 1736, m. Daniel Brinckerhoff of Fishkill ; Martie or Martin of Queens Co., b. Dec. 26, 1740, m. i^^ Ag- nietje Rapalje, m. 2^ Neeltje Rapalje ; and Angenietje, b. May 5> 1746. . _ - Peter (s. of Johannis and Magdalena) of Bu\ m. Elizabeth ; d. 1736. Bought May 30, 1724, of his brother Johannes his Newtown farm of 113 A. to which he removed, said farm being located near the boundary of Bu'^ and Newtown. His will is da. July 29, 1736 ; pro. Dec. 12, 1738; and rec. on p. 167 of Lib. 13, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Catharine, b. Aug. 29, 1721, m. Mar. 24, 1742, Joost or George Durje or Duryea; Teunis, b. Feb. 9 (or May 13), 1723, d. July 31, 1806, m. Sept. 14, 1749, his cousin Catharine Schenck, and was the ancestor of Isaac and Guilliam Schenck of East New York, and of Doctors Tunis and P. Lawrence Schenck, the latter at present (1881) in charge of the county hospital at Fl'' ; John ; Madalena, m. Adrian Bogert ; Phebe ; Margaret, m. Abraham Polhemus ; Cornelia, m. Jacob Duryea; and Elizabeth, b. 1736, d. young. Roelof Martense, b. about 1630; with his brother Jan Mar- tense emigrated in 1650; m. i***^, 1660, Neeltje Gerretse dau. of Gerret Wolfertse Van Couwenhoven ; m. 2^, 1675, Annatie Pieters (sup.) dau. of Pieter Claesen Wyckoff ; m. 3*^, Nov. 30, 1688, Catharine Cregier of N. Y., wid. of Stoffel Hooglandt. Jan. 29, 1661, he obtained a patent for 23 morgens at Fld^, and Apl. 3, 1674, he bought of the heirs of Gerret Lookermans 200 A. in. the same town, with buildings, a village lot, meadows. .254 GENEALOGY. etc., as per p. 28 of Cal. of Eng. Man. In 1687 he took the oath of allegiance in Fld% and Apl. 20, 1688, he bought of his brother Jan Martense Schenck one half of the mill and island on which the mill was located in Fld^ In 1662, '63, and '64 he was a mag. of said town ; in 1665 its representative in the Hempstead convention; in 1685 sheriff of the county, as per p. 143 of Cal. of Eng. Man; in 1689 and '92 a justice of the peace (see pp. 132 and 185 of Cal. of Eng. Man.); in 1690 capt. of horse ; and in 1701 signed an anti-Leislerian address to the king, as per p. 938 of Vol. IV. of Doc. of Col, His. of . N. Y. Issue: — Marten Roelofse, b. June 22, 1661 ; Annetje Roelofse, b. about 1663, m. June 10, 1684, Jan Albertse Ter- hune, d. Oct. 1685 ; Jannetje Roelofse, b. 1665, m. June 7, 1684, Pieter Nevius; Marike Roelofse, b. Feb. 14, 1667, m. Feb. 15, 1687, Isaac Hegeman of Fl'' ; Jan Roelofse of N. J., 1). Mar. I, 1670 ; Gerret Roelofse of N. J., b. Oct. 27, 1671, d. Sept. 5, 1745 ; Margaretta Roelofse, b. Jan. 16, 1678, m. Sept. 3, 1700, Cor*" Cowenhoven of Pleasant Valley; Neeltje Roel- ofse, b. Jan. 3, 1682, m. Oct. 2, 1701, Albert Cowenhoven of' N. J., d. May 7, 1751 ; Mayken Roelofse, b. Jan. 14, 1684, m. Mar. 5, 1704, Jan Luycase Van Voorhees, d. Nov. 25, 1736; and Sarah Roelofse, b. Dec. 18, 1685, m. Nov. 12, .1705, Jacob Cowenhoven of Middletown, N. J. Signed his name '^Roelof Martensen.'" Roelof Martejise 2'' (s. of Marten Roelofse and Susanna), b. Oct. 18, 1696; m. Nov. 9, 1727, Susanna dau. of Pieter Mon- fort. Resided in Fid*", and at one period in Cow Neck in Hempstead, Will da. May 20, 1775, and pro. May 18, 1785. Issue: — Marten Roelofse of Hempstead, b. Nov. 14, 1728, m, Phebe Prince; Ida Roelofse, b. Apl. 14, 1731, m. 1764 George or Isaac Rapalje ; Lammetje Roelofse, b. Oct. 25, 1734, d. Sept. 30, 1742; Neeltje Roelofse, b. Oct. 24, 1736, m. 1766 George Debevois; Sara Roelofse, b. Mar. 6, 1738, d. Sept. 1738; John Roelofse, known as Judge Schenck of Hemp- stead, b. Apl. 16, 1)40, m. Elizabeth Layton, d. 1832; Abra- ham Roelofse of Great Neck, b. Aug. i, 1742, m. Cataline Hoogland; Sara Roelofse, b. Mar. 25, 1745; and Pieter Roelofse, b. Dec. 5, 1746. Signed his name ^^Roelof Schenck." Roelof {^. of Jan Roelofse and Sara), b. Feb. 21, 1692; m. Geesie Hendricksen; d. July 19, 1761. Left Fid'* with his father and settled near the Brick Ch. at Marlborough, Mon- mouth Co., N. J. Issue: — Sara, b. May 22, 1715, m. Dec. i, i734> Joseph Van Mater, d. Dec. i, 1748; Katrintje, bp. Mar. 19, 17 17, d. young; Katrya, bp. Dec. 21, 17 18, m. \'^^ Simon De Hart 3*^ of Gowanus, m. 2^ Peter Cowenhoven of N. J. ; Jan, b. Jan. 22, 1721, m. Nov. 26, 1741, Jacomyntje Cowen- GENEALOGY. 255 hoven, d. Jan. 27, 1749; Daniel, bp. May 26, 1723, d. Sept 20, 1747; Nelke or Neeltje, b. Sept. 10, 1724, (sup.) m. Oct. 13, 1744, Gerret^owenhoven, d. Mar. 25. 1800; Engeltie, bp. Apl. 28, 1732 ; and Hendrick, b. July 9, 1731, m. Caty Holmes, d. Aug. 4, 1766 — all of N. J. Roelof (s. of Gerret Roelofse and Neeltje), b. Apl. 7, 1697 ; m. about 1718 Engeltie Van Dooren ; d. Aug. 22, 1765. Re- moved with his father from Fid* to N. J., and was a brewer in Pleasant Valley, Monmouth Co. Issue : — Gerret of Amwell, Hunterdon Co., b. May 23, 1719, m. i^S Dec. 23, 1747, Maria Van Sicklen, m. 2'', Aug. 3, 1778, Mary Van Mater, m. 3'', Sept. — , 1780, Anne Ten Eyck; Marike, b. June 3, 1720, m. Nov. 12, 1741, Jacob Sutphen of Amwell, d. about 1755 ; Wil- liam of Amwell, b. 1721, m. Mary Winters, d. Dec. 13, 1806.; Nelkie, bp. Jan. J7, 1724, m. Feb. 18, 1743, Derick Sutphen of Peacock; Antie, bp. May i, 1726, m. 1748 John Tice, d. Sept. 1772 ; Jacob of Penn's Neck, bp. May i, 1726, m. Mary Con-^ over, d. Dec. 19, 1786; Catryna, bp. May 22, 1730, m. about 1755 Oert or Aert Van Dyke of Ohio; Margaret, b. about 1732, m. Emmans ; Angenietje, bp. May 5, 1734, m. i^*, about 1756, John Van Doom, m. 2^ Hans Voorhees ; Roelof ot Amwell, b. Apl. 5, 1737, m. i** Ann Hoogland, m. 2'' Rebecca Hoogland, d. Oct. 22, 1803; and Jan of Penn's Neck, bp. Feb. 3, 1740, m. Mary or Maria Van Doom — all of N. J. Stephen Janse (s. of Jan Martense), b. Jan 22, 1686, by one account, and Feb. 2, 1685, by another; m. Sept. 16, 1713, Antie dau. of Nicholas Wyckoff; d. Nov. 6, 1767. A farmer in Fid". Will da. June 7, 1758; pro. Feb. 25, 1768; rec. p. 160, Lib. 26, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Yannetie, b. Sept. 17, 1 7 14, m. Folkert Sprong, d. Mar. 19, 1778 ; Jan of Oyster Bay, b. May 23, 1718, m. Mary Hegeman, d. Dec. 15, 1775 ; Sara, b. Nov. 12, 1720, m. Nov. 5, 1743, Ab"' Emans, d. Dec. 3, 1797 ; Antie, b. Apl. 26, 1723, m. Ab"' Duryea, d. Aug. i, 1805 ; Wil- lemtie, b. Oct. 4, 1726, m. Nov. 3, 1753, Peter Amerman, d. Dec. 18, 1802 ; Neeltie, b. Apl. 17, 1730, m. Jan Willemse, d. Oct. 9, 1780; Nicklaes of Fid* (the ancestor of the Canarisie branch of the family), b. Sept. 4, 1732, m. Oct. u, 1757, Wil- lemtje Wyckoff, d. Apl. 3, i8io; Margrita, b. Jan. 17, 1736, m. Peter Monfoort of Fishkill, d. Sept. 20, 1814; and Marya, b. Mar. 17, 1739, ""*• Nov. 27, 1768, Samuel Stryker of C, d. May 13, 1813. ScHOENMAKER, Aryian, farmer. His name appears in 1677 and '81 on the Stoothoff papers. Hendrick, probably a shoemaker, in 1678 and '81 on the Stoothoff papers. 256 GENEALOGY. Jan, a tobacco dealer in 1678, as per Stoothoff papers. IViilc/n, a shoemaker in 1675, '77, '79, '81, and '82, as per Stoothoff papers. School, Schol, or Schal, Peter Janse, of Br", m. Grietje- Provoost. Nov. 27, 1668, he sold to Gerret Jansen Van Campen a house and lot in Fl*', as per p. 45 of Lib. C of FI'' rec. His name appears on a deed of Aug. 27, 1677, on p. 179 of Lib. 2 of Con. Issue: — Annetje, bp. July 16, 1662; Grietje, bp. Sept. 24, 1664; Johannes, bp. Oct. 15, 1666; and David, bp. Aug. 13, 167 1 — all bp. in N. A. There was a Pieter Schol who had a dau. Margriet bp. Apl. 3, 1717, in the Raritan D. ch. Signed his name '^Pieter Janse Stkal." ScHOT, WiLLEM, on Stoothoff' s books of 1686. ScHOTDELT, WiLLEM, on Stoothoff's books of 1676. Scott, Randell, (sup.) English, leased his house and land in G'^ in 165 1 for one year to Rodger Scott, the latter sub- letting the same to W'" Oliver, as per G'' rec. Made his mark to documents. Rodger, among the first settlers of G'' in 1646, where he was allotted a plantation-lot, as per town rec. Suppose he m. Abigal dau. of John Tilton of G*'. Made his mark to documents. Williani of G'', bought May 31, 1660, of Nich'^ Stillwell a house and garden in G*^, as per town rec. Signed his name '■'■William Scot." ScHROECH, Mary. It appears from a dispute between her and Christian Jacobsen Wolfe before the court of ses- sions, Feb. 29, 1663, that she owned a house and land in G''. as per town rec. ScHUT, CoRNELis, in 1 65 7 sold a farm in G'' to Jan Tom- asse, as per Col. Man. Schuyler, Aaron or Arent, of Albany, N. Y., Fld^, and N. J., a s. of Col. Philip Pieterse Schuyler of Albany, b. June 25, 1662; m. i^', Nov. 2, 1684, Janneke Teller; m. 2'',. prior to 1699, Swatitje dau. of John Van Duyckhuysen and granddau. of Elbert Elbertse Stoothoff, and was a party in 1702 on the division of the estate of his father-in-law Van Duyckhuysen, as per p. 249 of Lib. 2 of Con. As a trader he was admitted to the freedom of the city of N. Y. in 1695. In 1 7 10 he bought a tract of land in Bergen, N. J., of Ed- GENEALOGY. 257 mond Kingsland, to which he removed, and on which a copper-mine at one period was worked. Issue: — Margareta, bp. Sept. 27, 1685; Phillippus, bp. Sept. 11, 1687; Maria, bp. Oct. 6, 1689; Judik, bp. Mar. 13, 1692 — all bp. in Albany; Casparus, bp. May 5, 1695, in N. Y.; and Wilhelmus, bp. June 2, 1700, in N. Y., all as per p. 98 of Pearson's Early Settlers of Albany; also John and Arent, as per pp. 327 and 328 of Winfield's Land Titles of Hudson Co., N. J. Arent Schuyler Jun'' is said to have been the discoverer of the copper-mines, and his youngest son, Gen. Philip Schuy- ler, who d. in 1762 at the age of 52 years, was the com- mander of the provincial troops in several campaigns against the French in Canada, ranking high as a military man, as per p. 237 of Vol. i of Raum's N. J. Cornells Janse, among those of Br" who in 1663 applied for leave to form a new village and for salt meadows. ScuDDER, John, English, owned as early as 1668 the mill- pond in Bu"^ on which Schenck's mill was erected, which at that date was supposed to be the cause of the fever and ague prevailing in the vicinity, and as a preventive its dam was ordered by the court to be cut to let out the water. See p. 79 of Riker's Newtown and p. 15 of the Memoir of Johannes Schenck. John Scudder was b. in 1619, emigrated from London to New England in 1636, and thence to Mespat Kils, as per p. 94 of Riker's Newtown. Sebring, see Seubring. Seen, Jan Cornelise, of C; made his mark to documents in Kings Co. at an early date. Hendrick Jansen, m. Jannetje Duurkop; among those of Br° who in 1663 applied for leave to form a new village and for salt-meadows. Sold Sept. 12, 1670, to Hendrick Jansen Oestertroam a farm of 29 morgens on the W. side of the highway in Fl'' between the farms of Gerret Lubbertse and Jan Cornelise Boomgaert, with plain and meadow land, as per p. 85 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. Issue: — Jan, bp. Dec. 3, 1662, in Br". Signed his name '■^Heyndyck Jansen Seen" Seerjersy, Gerret, laborer. His name appears in 1670 on Fr* ch rec. Seers, Serdts, or Leers, Gerret, and Cregier Pischer, leased Jan. 26, 1647, of Van Tienhoven a plot in Br", as per O'Callaghan's Man. Trans, of Dutch Man. 17- 258 GENEALOGY. . Segkrse, Gerritt, in 1677 allotted a plot in N. U., which he sold to Thomas Sparse, as per town rec. May 4, 1662, was plaintiff in a suit against Jan Janse, as per Lib. B of Fl'" rec. There was a Gerrit Segerse at Albany in 1757, whose surname was probably Van Voorhoudt. Selover, Isaac, schoolmaster and chorister of Fld^ in 1695, m. i'*' Hester Leenda; m 2'', Jan. 23, 1695, in N, Y., Jan- neken Van Wilkenhof wid. of Jan Thyssen, as per N. Y. D. ch. rec. Issue: — Jacquemyntje, bp. Mar. 27, 1696; Abra- ham, bp. Aug. 29, 1697; jannetje, bp. Aug. 20, 1699; Daniel, bp. Aug. 14, 1700, settled in Somerset Co., N. J., where he has numerous descendants; Maria, bp. Aug. 31, 1701; Anna, bp. July 21, 1703, m. Dec. i, 1723, Bragon Coevert — all bp. in N.Y.; and Isaac, m. Jan. i, i7qo, Judith Waldron. Signed his name '■'■Isaac SclooverT One of his descendants in 1770 signed " Isaac Selover." Sely or Zeelen, Jan, was among the first settlers of N. U. in 1657. Bought Jan. 1660 of Pieter Roelofse a plantation in said town located along the hills, and also owned a vil- lage-plot in 1665, as per town. rec. Selyns, Rev. Hendricus, b. in Amsterdam in 1636; m. i^*, July 9, 1662, Machtchi da., of Herman Specht; m. 2'', Oct. 20, 1686, Afargarctfa de Riemer wid. of Cornells Steenwyck. Officiated in the R. D. ch of Br" in 1660 and '64. Returned to the Netherlands, and in 1682 came back to N. Y., where he officiated in the R. D. ch. until his death in 1701. Issue: — Agneta, bp. July i, 1663, in N. A. Signed his name '■'■Hen- dricus Se/yns." Serdts or Leers, Gerret, see Seers. Seubrinc;, Serring, or Sebering, Cornelis, m. Sept. 3, 1682, A /tie Fredericks dsi. of Frederick Lubbertse of Br"; d. (sup.) about 1723. Resided in FP' at the date of his mar- riage and afterwards at Br", where his wife inherited from her father in what is known as South Br" a large farm, and where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687 as a native. On ass. rolls of Br" of 1676 and '83, and member of Assembly for Kings Co. from 1695 to 1726. Will da. May 23, 172 1; pro. Mar. 25, 1723; and rec. p. 371, Lib. 9, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Ariaentje or Adriana, bp. July 22, 1683, in Fl**, m. Thomas Fardon; Frederick of N. Y., m. Dec. 7, 17 11, in N. Y., Maria Provoost; Johannes of N. Y.; Catharine, m. GENEALOGY. 259 John Bon or Hibon; Isaac of Br", bp. May 14, 1693, in Br"; Cornelia, bp. Oct. 20, 1695, in Br", (sup.) m. Daniel Pol- hemius; Jakob, bp. Nov. 5, 1697, in Br"; Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 12, 1699, in Br"; Abraham; and Maria, bp. July 19, 1702, in N. Y., (sup.) m. Ab"' Marshalk. Signed his name ''Cornells Scbering." Daniel (Roelofse). A Daniel Seubering on the Raritan in 1699, supposed to be this Daniel. Fj-ederick (Cornelise), m. Dec. 7 or 11, 17 11, Maria da. of Jonathan Provoost. Left Br" and settled in N. Y., where he was appointed a ganger in 1713. Issue: — Catharina, bp. Oct. 4, 1713, in N. Y., (sup.) m. Gerardus Smith; Aaltje, bp. Oct. 5, 1715, in N. Y., (sup.) m. Nicholas Kermer; Maria, bp. Dec. 29, 1717, in N. Y., (sup.) m. Stephen Terhune; Cornelia, bp. Apl. 17, 1720, in N. Y., (sup.) m. Isaac Van Hook; Cor- nelius, bp. Mar. 25, 1722; Margareta, bp. Oct. 25, 1724; Elizabeth, bp. Mar. 15 or 29, 1729, (sup.) m. Louis Andre Gautier; Frederick, bp. Feb. 14, 1730, d. young; Frederick, bp. Feb. 19, 1731; and Elizabeth, bp. Mar. 18, 1733. Isaac (Cornelise) of Br", bp. May 14, 1693; m. Catharine ; d. prior to 1785. Will da. Sept. 14, 1771; pro. May 3, 1784; rec. p. 443, Lib. ^^^ N. Y. surr. off. Owned what was lately known as Cornell's tide-mill in South Br". Issue: — Cornelius of Br", who inherited the homestead and mill, m. (sup.) Maria Howard; Altie, m. Cornells Sebering; Katha- rine, (sup.) m. Gerardus Smith; Elizabeth; and Margreta, bp. Apl. 30, 17 17. Signed his name ''Isaac Sebringy Jacob (Roelofse). A Jacob Sebering, supposed to be this Jacob, resided on. the Raritan about 1685, Signed his name "JR Sueberingh." Jakob (Cornelise), bp. Nov. 5, 1697; m. Femmetje Van- derveer, and resided in Br", his will being da. Feb. 11, 1776; pro. July 29, 1782; and rec. p. 337, Lib. 2>3 N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Cornelius J., a merchant in N. Y. ; Femmetje, bp. Mar. 20, 1737, in Br"; m. Rinier Suydam; Jan, bp. Oct. 15, 1738, in Br";, Jacob, m. Jannetie da. of Nicholas Lefferts; Margaret, b. 1746; Isaac, (sup.) m. Cath^ Van Wyck; Cath- arine; and Altie, m. Suydam. Jan Roelofse, b. 1631; m. i^^ Adrianna Polhemus; m. 2'^ Aeltye . Emigrated from the province of Drenthe in the Netherlands; resided in Fl'' in 1675 and '88, of which place he was a mem. of theR. D. ch. in 1677, and constable in the same year. From Fl^ he removed to Bergen, N. J Sold May 17, 1681-2, to Roelof Verkerk of N. U. his culti- vated land in Fl'', lying N. of the land of Jacob Hendrickse (of Michael Vanderveer in 1767, and late of heirs of Jacob 26o GENEALOGY. Duryea), E. of the public highway from the village of Fl'' to N. U., S. of the church-lots, and W. of the land of W" Gerardus Beekman (late of John C. Bergen), as per p. 157 of Lib. AA of Fl'' rec. Issue: — Cornelis Janse, m. Maria Williams; Daniel Janse of the Raritan, bp. July 2, 1682, at Fl''; Elizabeth Janse, bp. May 8, 1687, in Br"; and (sup.) Roelof Janse of the Raritan. Signed his name "_/«// Sueber- ingr Johannes (Cornelise), m. i'''^ (sup.) Aeltje ; m. 2'' Ra- chel Bona Hibon. Resided in Fl'' in 1701, carried on a bak- ery in Br" in 1715, '16, and '17, and appears to have removed to N. Y., where he and his w. joined the R. D. ch. on cer- tificate from L. I. He finally settled on the Raritan, N. J. Issue: — Johannes, bp. Aug. 10, 1700, in Br", d. young; Aer Jaentien, bp. Mar, 23, 1703; Lefkes or Leffert, bp. Aug. 28, 1704; Annetje or Jannetje, bp. Apl. 28, 1708 — all bp. in the Raritan D. ch.; Geertruy, bp. Feb. 4, 171 1, in N. Y., (sup.) m. Cornelis Van Ranst; Barent, bp. July 13, 17 18, in N. Y. ; Johannes, bp. Mar. 5, 1726, in N. J.; and Elizabeth, bp. May 28, 1732, in N. J. Made his mark to documents. Lucas, m. Apl. 25, 1690, Marretje Dorlant. Was mem. of the R. D. ch. of Fl'' in 1677, entered on the ch. rec. as re- moved. No further trace. Roelof. No account except his name and that of his chil- dren, and have seen no positive evidence of his having been in this country. Issue: — Jan Roelofse, b. 1631; Willemtje Roelofse, b. in Drenthe, m. Stephen Coerten Van Voorhees of Fid*, of which place they were both mem. of the ch. in 1677; (sup.) Jacob Roelof; and Daniel of the Raritan. Seuw, Jan Cornelise, see Zeuw. Sevenhoven, Jan, a resident of N. U. Dec. 5, 1693, when he m. in N. Y. Mary Lequier of Bu'^, to which place he ap- pears to have removed. On census of Bu"^ of 1698. Sharex, Thomas, owned land in Gowanus in 1695 near that of the Van Pelts, as per deed from Bennet to Van Dyck on p. 72 of Lib. 2 of Con. Sharpe, John, (sup.) English, banished from N. N.; re- turning in 1674 without leave, was banished by Gov. Colve and Council for 10 years, as per p. 709 of Vol. 2 of Doc. of Col. His. of N. Y. Brought a suit against Nathaniel Brittaine June 15, 1675, in the sessions of G'', as per p. 36 of Cal. of Eng. Man. Signed his name to documents in Fl'' GENEALOGY. 261 in 1678, from which it is evident he returned on the restora- tion of the province to the English. Sharse, Thomas, bought a plot in N. U. allotted in 1677 to Gerret Segerse. He may be the same person entered as Thomas Sharex. Shutter, John, owned land in N. L. in 1683, as per deed of Floris Willemse (Krom) on p. 160 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. SiCKELLS or SiCKELEN, Lambert. A " Lambert Sickles" of Br" ferry had a slave named Minck convicted of riot in Fl*^ by the sessions in 1700, and sentenced to be whipped, as per court rec. in off. of the clerk of Kings Co. A " Lambert Sickells" of Fl'^ bought May 4, 1695, of Jan Harmense the one half of a building-plot in the village of FP, as per p. 211 of Lib. A of FP^ rec; also Apl. 29, 1700, of Barbara Lucas wid. of Theunis Janse Coevert a farm at Bedford known as " Markier" plantation, as per p. 233 of Lib. 2 of Con. There was a Lambert Sickels, s. of Zacherias of Albany, who had children bp. in N. Y.: — Johannes, Dec. 18, 1692; and Alida, May 3, 1703. SiGHALSz, Lambert, on ass. roll of G'^ of 1693 and on cen. of Fl"" of 1698. July 9, 1695, he bought of Jan Harmense a garden-plot and orchard in Fl'\ Suppose this to be the same person as the Lambert Sickells of Fl'' who bought a farm of Barbara Lucas. Simmons, John, (English,) on ass. roll of Fl^' of 1693 and cen. of G'^ of 1698. Simons, Claes, took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687 as a native. He was one of the heirs of Pieter Janse Nor- man, as per p. 81 of Lib. 2 of Con. Simonse, Symonse, or Simonsen, Aert, took the oath of allegiance as a native in Br" in 1687. Arnetas, paid a marriage-fee to Fld^ ch. in i69i,as per ch. rec. Claes or Klaes (sup. Van Arsdalen), m. Hilletje Jans. Took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687. In 1693 he was accused at the Court of Sessions of refusing to obey the orders of a justice of the peace, as per court rec. Sold a house, lot, and orchard in Br" to Dirck Janse Woertman. Issue: — Symen, bp. Apl. 2, 1692, in Br". » Cornelis, see Van Arsdalen. 262 GENEALOGY. Cornells, owned lots Nos. i and 29 in G'' Neck in 1688, as per G'' rec. A Cornelis Simonse was a grand-juryman at the court of sessions in 1695. The said Cornelis was prob- ably Cornelis Simonse Van Arsdalen of Fid**. Signed his name '"''Cornelis Sy//io/is" and ''''Cornells Symonscn." £lyas, see De Hart. Frederick, see Van Nostrand. Frederick of Fl'', m. Aug. 13, 1687, Lea Fonteyn. On ass. roll of Bu'^ of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Issue: — Carel, bp. ApL 25, 1688; and Christyntje, bp. June 30, 1692, both in N. Y. Signed his name '"''Frederick Symonse." James, on ass. roll of Fl'' of 1693. Johannes, on cen. of Fl'' of 1698, where he owned land in 1696, as per deed on p. 95 of Lib. 2 of Con.; and also bought a house and lot of Gysbert Jansen Dec. 12, 1696, as per p. 219 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. Signed his name ^^ Johannes Sytnon- sens," and aXso ^'■Yohannes Symense" in 17 13. John or Jan, of G*' in 1698, where he was allotted salt- meadows in 1700, as per town rec. Sept. 2, 1700, he sold to Barent Joosten and Albert Coerten (Voorhees) 6 A. on the S. side of the 12 morgens, as per p. 261 of Lib. 2 of Con. Signed his name "_/«« Syn/onsen'' in 1698. This possibly may be John Simonse Van Arsdalen. Joost, on list of catechumens of Br" ch. in 1662, as per ch. rec. Klaes, see Claes Simonse. Nicholas of Bu'*^, in 1695 conveyed land, as per p. 97 of Lib. 2 of Con. Peter, took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687 as a native. Peter, m. Aug. 2, 1650, Greten . Owned a plantation in G'' Mar. 4, 1650, and also of G'^ in 1656, as per town rec. May 2, 1687, he sold his G'' lands to Reynier Van Sicklen, as per p. 88 of Lib. 2 of Con. Symon, see Van Arsdalen. Simpson, Simson, or Sympson, Alexander, m. Feb. 29, 1690, Jonlca ov Jannetjc Stevense (Van Voorhees); m. 2'', Sept. 10, 1709, Metthe Lee, from London, wid. of Thomas Radjes. Was a grand-juryman in 1692, as per rec. of the sessions. May 8, 1697, he with others conveyed 26 A. in Fid* to Gerret Coerte (Voorhees). On cen. of Fld^ of 1698, and a resident of said town in 1710. (Sup.) issue: — Jannetje, bp. Jan. 28, 1 7 19, in N. Y. Made his mark to documents. James, (English,) m. Martha ; constable of FP in 1690, on cen. of 1698, and keeper of the court-house and jail in 1700. GENEALOGY. 263 Peter, granted a plantation-lot Mar. 4, 1650, in G'', as per town rec. He m. Aug. 2, 1650, Grietje ; d. prior to Dec. 20, 1696. Bought Apl. 26, 1657, or was allotted by the town authorities, plantation-lot No. 27 in G'', with the im- provements. Name on ass. roll of said town of 1683, and May 7, 1687, he sold land there to Reinier Van Sicklen of Fid** for ^75. In 1696 Grietje his w. resided in G*^. Issue: — Robert. Made his mark to documents. Peter, bought Mar. 17, 1676, of Albert Cornelise Wante- naer a house, lot, and garden in Br", as per p. 68 of Vol. i of Land Papers. SiREX or Syrachs, Titus, see De Vries. Skennis, Carbro. His name appears on a deed of free- holders of Br" to Adriaen Bennet of 1696-7. Skillman, Thomas. Was in this country as early as 167 1, and by tradition emigrated in 1664. Suppose he resided in Br°. Issue: — Thomas Jun''; and Elsje. Thomas Jun'', m. Annatie . Suppose he resided in Br". Issue: — Peter, bp. Mar. 4, 1694, in Br"; Elizabeth (twin with Peter), bp. Mar. 4, 1694, in Br"; John; Ann; Mercy, bp. Feb. 2, 1701, in Br"; Mary; Abraham, bp. Apl. 18, 1704, in Br", m. Margaret Fine and resided at Dutch Kils; Isaac, sold his farm in 1727 and (sup.) settled in N. J.; Jacob, m. Jane Van Alst and resided south of Newtown; Benjamin, m. Mar- garet Coe and (sup.) settled in N. J.; and Joseph, m. Sarah Messerole and settled in Bu'\ Slecht, Abraham Hendrickse, of Br" in 1705; m. Jan- netje . Issue: — Hendrick, bp. May 7, 1704, in N. Y.; Elsje, bp. May 29, 1705; and Cornelis, bp. Feb. 22, 1708. Barent Hendrickse, wheelwright, took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687 as a native; m. May i, 1692, Hilletje Jans of Br"; and on ass. roll of Br" of 1693 Issue: — Christopher, bp. Jan. II, 1693; Hendrick, bp. Mar. 27, 1696; and Yan, bp. Oct. 30, 1698. Cornelis Barentse. In 1661 he was a mag. at Wiltwyck or Esopus, where in 1663 he was granted a lot for a brewery and bakery, as per p. 256 of Gal. of Dutch Man. Apl. 12, 1669, he bought of "Titus Syrachs" (De Vries) a house and lot in Fl'\ as per p. 53 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. Made his mark to documents. Cornelis Hendrickse, m. Apl. 11, 1696, Johanna Vandewater. On ass. roll, of Br" of 1693 and cen of 1698. Issue: — Engel- tie, bp. Nov. 12, 1699; and Hendrick, bp. May 14, 1702. 264 GENEALOGY. Hendrick Cornelise, emigrated in 1652; m. Elsje Barens Lieveling; d. prior to May 1705. Mem. of the R. D. ch. of Br" in 1677, and precentor of said ch. in 16S5, as per Fld^ papers. Bought a house-plot in Fi'^ in 1672, and on ass. roll of Br" of 1683, where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687. Will da. Sept. 23, 1690; rec. p. 156 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. Issue: — Barent Hendrickse; Cornells Hendrickse; Anna Catharine, bp. July 12, 1685, in N. Y., m.Jurje Hefts or Haf of N. U. ; Abram Hendricks; and Johannes Hen- dricks. Signed his name ''''Hendrick Cornelisse Slecht." Johannes Hendrickse^ m. Catharine Jacobse Bergen. On ass. roll of Br" of 1693 and cen of 1698. Removed to N. Y. Issue: — Elsje, bp. May 3, 1704; Hendrick, bp. Sept. 15, 1706; Jacob, bp. Sept. 15, 1708; Johannes, bp. May i, 1711 — all bp. in N. Y.; Cornells, bp. Apl. 17, 1720; and Catharine (twin), bp. Apl. 17, 1720. Slodt or Slot, Jan Pietersen, from Holsteyn, sold Jan. 20, 1662, to Derick Jansen, cooper, a house and lot in Fl"^ between the school-lot and land of Jan Strycker, as per p. 18 of Lib. C of FP' rec. There was a Jan Slot in N. Y. who had children bp. about 1700. Sloover, see Selover. Smack or Simock, Hendrick Matthyse, emigrated in 1654; m. Geertje Har?nens; d. after June 1708. Settled in N. U., where he bought of Jacques Cortelyou, Jan. 16, 1665, plantation-lot No. 10, cong. 30 morgens, as per town rec,, and where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687. Was a mag. of said town in 1669, '73, '76, '79, '82, and '89; on ass. rolls of 1675 and '83; and on patent of 1686. His descend- ants reside principally in E. N. J. Issue: — Matys Hen- drickse of N. U. and N. J.; Johannes Hendrickse; Leonard or Leendert Hendrickse; Marretje or Marike Hendrickse, m. Oct. 4, 1685, Jaques Cortelyou Jun''; Sarah Hendrickse, m. Adrian Boerum; Martyntje Hendrickse, m. Adrian Lan- ing (Van Pelt); Aertje or Aerlee Hendrickse; Rebecca Hendrickse, bp. Feb. 27, 1681, in N. U., m. Johannis Swart, and a mem. of Middletown, N. J., ch. in 1731. Signed his name ^Hendcrick Matyscn Smock." Johannis Hendrickse, m. Femmetje or Catharine Barents. Left N. U. and in 1712 settled in Monmouth Co., N. J.; d. Dec. 14, 1756. Issue: — Hendrick, b. Oct. 16, 1698, m. 1721 Mary Schenck, d. May 30, 1747; Barnes, m. Hanna Luyster; Ann, m. John Tunisen; Matye, m. Cornelius Van De Veer; and Femmeke, bp. June 13, 1718, at Marlboro. GENEALOGY. 265 Leendert or Leonard Hendrickse, left N. U. and settled in Piscataway, N. J.; (sup.) m. Sara Van Sant. Will da. Oct. II, 1738; pro. Apl. 12, 1739. There was a Leendert Smack in Somerset Co., N. J., in 1717. Issue: — Leendert, bp. Feb. II, 1716; John; Sytie, m. Boice; Sarah, m. Clasen; and Neeltje, m. Tunisen. Matthyse Hendrickse^ m. Sept. 12, 1701, in N. Y., Elizabeth Stevens, wid. On ass. roll of N. U. of 1693 and cen. of 1698; lieut. of militia in 1700. Sold his N. U. farm of 48 A. and about 17 18 removed to Piscataway, N. J. In his will, da. Oct. 2, 1721, pro. May 30, 1727, his wife is named Elizabeth Smalle. Issue: — Hendrick; John; Elizabeth, bp. Mar. 26, 1704, in N. Y. ; Lucas; Mathias; Jacob; Gastie; and Mary. Made his mark to documents. Smith, Smidt, or Smit, Anneken, of Bu'^, m. May 13, 1697, Justus Bosch of N. Y., as per N. Y. D. ch. rec. A resident of N. Y. at date of her marriage. Bernardus of Bu*^, m. Oct. 30, 1698, in N. Y., Elsje Meyer of said city, as per N. Y. D. ch. rec, where he had 9 chil- dren bp., as per p. 818 of Valentine's Manual of 1864. A resident of N. Y. at date of marriage. Claes Claesen, from Amersfoort in the Netherlands, m. Sept. II, 1653, Geertruyd Willekens of Hamburg. He was among the first settlers of N. U. in 1657, and obtained July 29, 1664, a patent for plot No. 11 of 24 morgens in N. U., which he sold to Balthazer Vosch, and Vosch sold in 1677 to Tunis Janse Van Pelt. Apl. 6, 1674, he sold to Jan Cor- nelise Damen of Norman's Kil a farm at " Kyckuyt" for 3000 gl., as per p. 114 of Lib. C of FP rec. Issue: — (sup.) Neeltje, bp. Mar. 21, 1655, in N. A. Made his mark to doc- uments. Claes Corneh'se, owned land in Br'^ as early as 1639, as per deed from Thomas Bescher to Cornelis Lambertse Cool on p. 56 of Vol. I of Stiles's Br". Hendrick Barentse, m. Geertje Willemse; d. prior to 1693. Jan. 5, 1663, he was required to build on his plot in Bu*^ and reside in the village. On ass. roll of Bu*^ of 1675 and '83, and schepen in 1673 and '74. In 1678 he applied to the court of sessions for leave to set up gates on the highway which passed through his farm, which was granted; he also complained of his neighbors cutting the best timber in his woodland for bark, allowing the trunk and limbs to lie and encumber the ground, and asked that they be compelled to remove or burn the same. He and his w. made a joint will Oct. 24, 1687, as per p. 336 of Lib. i of Con. Issue: — Wil- 266 GENEALOGY. lemtje; Aeltje; Johanna; Coenradus; and Annatie. Signed his name '■'■Hcndryck Bareutsz S/nidt." Herreman, on ass. roll of N. U. of 1683. Jan or Jo/i/i, bought Mar. 17, 1680, of Isaac Deschamps of N, Y. a house and lot of 2 A. and a farm of 40 A. at Bedford, Br", lying between the farms of Thomas Jansen and that of Peter Parmentier, as per p. 47 of Lib. 2 of Con. On ass. roll of Br" of 1683, in which year it is supposed he died. Jan Cornelisc, of Br" July n, 165 1, as per p. 54 of Cal. of Dutch Man. John, bought Feb. 13, 1660, of Derick Cornelisen (Hoog- land) plantation No. 35 in G"", and Jan. i, 1661, he sold the same to W™ Goulder, his father-in-law, as per G'' rec. Made his mark to documents. John, m. Anna ; sold Oct. 9, 1689, land and buildings at Br° ferry to Henry Filkins, as per p. 188 of Lib. i of Con. He probably kept a tavern at the ferry in 1693, for in that year the court of sessions met at his house, as per court rec. Klaes, of Fld^ in 1675, ^s per town rec. Peter, of Br" in 1678, was clerk of Kings Co. in 1682 and '^3- Signed his name ^^Feter Smith." Thomas of J^, bought Mar. 20, 1694-5, of Isaac Deschamps of N. Y. a house and lot at Bedford, as per p. 49 of Lib. 2 of Con. Oct. 23, 1696, Thomas Smith and Jasper Smith, late of Bedford, sold to John Bibout of Bedford a 2 A. house-plot and 40 A. farm at Bedford. See p. 106 of Lib. 2 of Con. In 1642 a Thomas Smith of N. A. contracted to marry Nanne wid. of Thomas Beets, as per p. 15 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Toinas, m. Sept. 29, 1692, in Br", Sarah Adamse Brouwer wid. of Tunis Jansen. William, of G'' in 1656, as per Thompson's L. I. Nov. 9, 1658, sold plantation-lot No. i in G'' to Water Wall. Re- moved to Hempstead. See p. 13 of Vol. X. of Gen. Rec. Made his mark to documents. Smock, see Smack. Smyt, Herreman, a resident of N. U. as early as 1683^ and probably same as Herreman Smith. Snedeker,' Abraham (s. of Gerret Janse), bp. Sept. 16, 1677. Suppose he resided in N. L. Issue: — Abraham (sup.) of Haverstraw; Johannes; Gerret; Theodorus; Eliz- GENEALOGY. 267 abeth, m. Smith; Altie, m. Cortie; and Sarah, m. Peter Vandervoort. Signed his name '■'■Abram Snedeker." Christiacii (Gerretse), m. Apl. 25, 1689, Pieterje Ariaense. Took the oath of allegiance in Fl'^ in 1687 as a native. Re- moved to J'\ and an elder in the R. D. ch. in said town in 1709. Issue: — Willemtje, bp. Mar. 4, 1691, in N. Y.; and Adriana, bp. May 22, 1698. Gerret (Gerretse), m. Marya - — -. Issue: — Elsje, bp, June 27, 1731; and Catharine, bp. Dec. 25, 1739. Gerret Janse of N. L., farmer, bp. Mar. 25, 1660; m. i**'' Willemtje Vooks or Vookes; m, 2'' Elsje Tun is d au. of Tunis Nyssen (Denyse); d. 1694. Obtained Jan. 24, 1662, a patent for 27 morgens on the W. side in FP, which he sold Mar. 6, 1680-1, to Pieter Guilliamse (Cornell), as per p. 151 of Lib. AA of FP rec. On ass. rolls of 1675 and '83; mem. of Fl'' ch. in 1677; mag. in 1679; and took the oath of alle- giance in said town in 1687. Joint will with Elsje da. Oct. 10, 1680, at about date of marriage, and recorded on p. 118 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. Issue: — Jan of J-'; Margaret, m. Jan Jacobse of Noortwyck, N. Y.; Christiaen of J'*; Abraham (by 2^ w.), bp. Sept, 16, 1677, in Fl''; Isaac of N. L., bp. Jan. 16, 1681; Sara, bp. Oct. 14, 1683, in Fl'', (sup.) m. Adriaen Onderdonk; Gerret; and Elsje, m. Charles Boerum. Signed his name '"''Gerret Snedeker." Isaac (Gerretse) of N. L., bp. June 16, 1680; m. Catalyna or Catryntje Janse; d. prior to Oct. 31, 1758. Will da. Dec. 19, 1750; pro. Oct. 31, 1758; rec. p. 115, Lib. 21, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Gerret; Abraham, bp. Jan. 15, 1710; Antie, m. Benjamin Emmans; Sara, m. Aert Van Pelt; Isaac; Catryntje, bp. Apl. 2, 1721, m. Douwe Ditmars; Jacob of N. L., (sup.) m. Emmetje Blom; Femmetje, m. Johannes Eldert of N. L. ; and Elsje, bp. June 27, 1731, in N. U., m. Ruluf Van Brunt of N. U. Signed his name ''Isaac S/icd- eker." Jan, the common ancestor of the family, came to this countr}^ as early as 1642; was a shoemaker by trade; m. i^*^ Annetje Buys of Rys or Ryssen, a town in the province of Overyssel; m. 2'^ Egbertje or Lybertje Jans wid. of Her- man Hendrickse; d. in 1679. Settled at first in N. A., where he kept a taphouse or tavern, and was afterwards among the first settlers of Fl'', where he was a mag. from 1654 to 1664; a mem. of the R. D. ch. in 1677; and on the patent of said town of 1652, as per p. 13 of Strong's Fl'', and that of the new lotts of 1667.* Will da. Dec, 12, 1670, in which he * The present town of Flatbush was originally known by the name of Midwout or Midwoud, from "Midwoud," a village in the province of 268 GENEALOGY. devised his lands to his s. Gerret. Issue: — Anna, (sup.) d. single; Jannetje, m. i***^ Reynier Wizzelpenning, m. 2*^ Pieter Cornelise Luyster; Gerret Janse; Styntje; and Tryntje, bp. Feb. 23, 1642, in N. A. Signed his name ''''Jan Snedeker" Jan Gerrctse, m. i"', Aug. 5. 1692, Helena Hensha; (sup.) m. 2'' Catharine . Left N. L. and settled in }■', where he bought land prior to 1692, as per p. 191 of Lib. A of Queens Co. Con. Will da. May 31, 1740; pro. Aug. 26, 1749; rec. p. 3, Lib. 17, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Gerret; Johannes; Jacobus, bp. Oct. 26, 1702, in N. U.; Willemtje; and Margaret, m. Ab'" Lent. Signed his name ^^Jan Sned- eker." Snysken, Tonis, of Br", among those who in 1663 applied for leave to form a village, and for salt-meadows, as per Stiles's Br". SoissEN, Marcus, from Leiden, m. Lysbeth Rossillo7i, and joined the Br" ch. in 1660 on certificate from the Manhat- tans. SoLDAEL, Jacob. May 25, 1688, made an agreement with Gerret Sprung relating to land in Bu*^, as per p. 130 of Lib. 2 of Con. North Holland in the Netherlands; and New Lotts as " Oostwoud," from a village of that name near " Midwoud." The other towns in Kings Co. (except Bushwick) being named by the first settlers after the localities in the fatherland from which some of them came, the inference appears to be a fair one that it was also the case with Flatbush, especially since at least one of its early settlers came from Hauwert or Hoogwoud, a village in the vicinity of " Midwoud" and " Oostwoud." The earliest document on which Flatbush is designated as Midwout, which has come to the notice of the compiler, is on a grant of land to Jacob Corlaer of Oct. 7, 1652, on p. 129 of Gal. of Dutch His. Man. The name on the early colonial and town records is generally written " Midwout." The princi- pal exceptions, caused by the peculiar methods of spelling of different town-clerks and others, are that from 1660 to 1680 it appears on the town records as "Midewout," "Midwoudt," "Middewout," " Middwout," " Middelwoudt," " Middlewout," and " Midelvvout;" from 1700 to 1712 as "Midwoud;" afterwards as "Midwout" (with the exception of 1760, in which year at least in one case Jeremias Vanderbilt, the town-clerk, wrote it " Midderwout "). See pp. 30 and 71 of Lib. A of Fl'' town rec; pp. 4, 8i, 17, ig, 30, 31, 42, 43, 45, 49, and 79 of Lib. B; and p. 115 of Lib. AA of do. From about the period of the Revolutionary war the town has been known as "Flatbush," the former name having been dropped. The name "Flatbush" was, however, occasionally used at an early date; as an instance, it appears on a deed of Nov. 24, 1654, of Dirck Jansen to Cor* Van Ruyven, of premises " in Flatbush, otherwise called Midwout," as per p. 58 of said Gal. of Dutch Man. The name of ' ' Vlachte Bos" and ' ' Flackebos, " the Dutch for flat woods or level woods, was also occasionally used. GENEALOGY. 269 Souso, Anthony, emigrated in 1682, and took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687. »,^^ Southard or Southart, Thomas, of G'\ (sup.) English, ^ m. Annica da. of Anthony Jansen from Salee. Bought Dec. 20, 1650, of Thomas Applegate the one half of the lot Apple- gate bought of Randell Hunt, as per G'' rec. Owned plan- tation-lot No. II in C^ in 1653. He quarrelled with his father-in-law Anthony Jansen about the ownership of cattle, on which Anthony was imprisoned by the local court of G^, but released by the higher one of the colony, as per p. 136 of Calendar of Dutch Man. He appears to have removed to Hempstead, where he resided in 1670, having sons Thomas Jun'' and John, whose descendants reside in that locality. He was also probably the ancestor of the Southards of N. J. Abraham, son of Thomas Jun"", settled in Bernardstown, N. J., whose grandson, the Hon. Samuel L. Southard, repre- sented N. J. as Senator in the Congress of 1821, in 1823 was Secretary of the Navy, in 1841 chosen president of the Senate, and on the death of Harrison, in April of that year, acting Vice-President, as per p. 47 of Vol 2 of Thompson's L. I. Made his mark to documents. Sparse or Sparare, Thomas. His house in N. U. referred to, as situated adjoining the boundary line of Br", on p. 232 of Lib. 2 of Con., being probably a tenant on the Van Dyck property. Spicer, Jacob, of Fld^ in 1648, and of G'^ in 1656, as per Thompson's L. I. The Spicers removed to N. J., where a Jacob Spicer was a fnember of the Provincial Assembly in 1709, and where a Jacob Spicer was born in Cape May Co. in 17 16, who was a merchant and surveyor and held im- portant offices. \ Abra/iani^ d. July 26, 1679, ^s per p. 39 of Vol. VII. of Gen. ^«^.._^ . Rec. ^re7V/(Janse), m. Dec. 13, 1694, in N. Y., Rachel Luquier of Bu^, he being a resident of Flushing at date of marriage, as per rec. of R. D. ch. of N. Y. By another account he also m. Rachel Onderdonk. Settled in Bu'^, and on ass. roll of said town of 1683 and cen. of 1698. Will da. Oct. 23, 1731; pro. May 16, 1739; ^^c. p. 203 of Lib. 13 of N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Antje, bp. Mar. 29, 1696, in Br", m. Cor^ Van Cott; John, b. Feb. 6, 1697; David Jun'', b. Oct. 29, 1700; Ragel or Rachel, b. Dec. 12, 1702; Gerret, b. Mar. 13, 1705; Crys- tine, bp. Oct. 26, 1707, in Br"; Gabriel, b. Aug. 21, 1711; Catrina, b. Oct. 15, 1713, (sup.) m. Johannes Van Kats or Cott; Marya, b. Oct. 15, 1713; and Folkert of Fid", bp. Jan. 18, 17 18, m. Yannetje Schenck. David ]Mn^ , b. Oct. 29, 1700, m. Nov. 10, 1742, Sytie da. of Jacobus Van Deventer. Resided in Fld^ Issue: — Phebe, b. 1746, m. John Suydam; Femmetje, bp. July 5, 1747; Elizabeth, bp. Oct. 25, 1749; Barent, bp. July 19, 1752; and Jacobus, bp. July 11, 1756. Gabriel (Janse) of Bu'^, m. May 28, 1692, Geertruy Dirckse 272 GENEALOGY. Woertman. On ass. roll of Bu'' of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Issue: — Annetje, bp. Ma}^ 5, 1695, m. Simon Duryea of Bu^; Eightje, bp. Dec. 13, 1696; Yan, bp. Nov. 27, 1698, m. Sara Hansen; Lucas, bp. June 27, 1701; Marytje, bp. Aug. 7,1705 — all bp. in Br"; and Gabriel. Gerret (Janse) of Br", bp. Sept. 2, 1663; m. Apl. 16, 1687, Anneke or Annatje Teunissen (Coevert) of Bedford. On ass. roll of Br" of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Issue: — Barbara, bp. Oct. II, 1689; Jan,bp. Nov. 27, 1692, m. Elizabeth Dyke- man; Tunis, bp. July 29, 1694; Mouris, bp. Dec. 25, 1698; and Echje, bp. June 8, 1701 — all in Br". Jan or Johannes, the common ancestor of the family, a soldier from Bon in the Province of Drenthe, m. Oct. 23, 1660, Anna or Johanna Sodelaers from Connex in Bergen, Norway, and d. prior to Sept. 15, 1694, for at that date his wid. was m. to Claes Tunisse Clear. Was a smith by trade, residing at first in N. A. and afterwards at Flushing, and while a resident of the latter place he bought Maj'^ 29, 1679, of Catharine Van Werven wid. of Do. Polhemius for 3300 gl. a house and outbuildings with 5 house-lots in the village of FP, as per p. 63 of Lib. AA of FP^ rec, to which he probably removed and joined the R. D. ch. of said town. In 1689 he bought a lot of Derick Woertman at the ferry, as per p. 137 of Lib. i of Con. He finally removed to Bu*^. Issue: — Barbara, bp. July 27, 1661, in N. A., m. Lucas Tu- nis Coevers; Gerret, bp. Apl. 2, 1663, in N. A.; Coert; Ga- briel; Catharine, m. Tunis Dircksen Woertman; John or Johannes, bp. Feb. 16, 1667, in N. Y.; David; Abraham, bp. July 18, 1668, in N. Y. ; and Lucas. Signed his name ''''Jo- hannis Sprung h." Lucas (s. of Jan or Johannes), conveyed May 8, 1697, with John Sprungh, Albert Stevense, John Kiersted, Barne Vrianse, Alexander Sympson, and Albert Terhune, 26 A. in Fld^ to Gerret Coerten (Voorhees). St A ATS, Jan Janse, of Gowanus, m. i**' Catharine Corsen; m. 2'', June 11, 1682, Jonica or Annatie Janse, or Annatie Pieters wid. of Andries Janse Juriansz, and previously wid. of Jan Evertse Bout. Took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687 as a native. Issue: — Jan Janse Jun'' of Gowanus; Pieter Janse of Gowanus; and (sup.) Ann Janse. Made his mark to documents. An Abraham Staats, surgeon, came to Rensellaerwick in 1642, who has numerous de- scendants residing in that vicinity, but have seen no evi- dence of their connection with the Gowanus family. Ja7i Pieterse of Gowanus, the common ancestor of the Gowanus family, known as old Jan Pieterse, m. i*', May 16, GENEALOGY. 2/3 1652, Grietje Jans; m. 2^, Nov. 15, 1663, the wid. of Fred- erick Jansen, ship-carpenter; d. about 1714. Owned and oc- cupied the farm at Gowanus late of Adriance Van Brunt. On ass. rolls of Br° of 1675 and '83 and cen. of 1698. Issue: — Pieter Jansen; Jan Jansen; Neeltje Jansen; and Sarah Jansen. Johannes Pieterse (s. of Pieter Janse), m. Annetje . There was a Jan Pieterse and Geertruy his w., of Yellow Hoek, on a deed of Feb. 2, 1708-9. Issue: — Mary, bp. Feb. 3, 1689, in Br°. Pieter Janse of Gowanus, m. i*^ Annatie Pieterse Praa; m. 2*^ Antie Janse Van Dyck. In 1673 he petitioned Gov. Colve for a piece of land on Staten I. opposite Amboy, the matter being postponed until the Gov. could obtain knowl- edge of the premises. Oct. 20, 1674, he and his sons Jan and Peter Petersen obtained a patent for the land applied for, as per p. 31 of Cal. of Eng. Man. In 1694 he sold his Gowanus farm of 30 morgens, located between land of Gerbrand Claasen and that of Cor^ Van Duyn, to his s. Pieter Pieterse for ^200, as per p. 37 of Lib. 2 of Con. Took the oath of allegiance in Br° in 1687 as a native. Issue (by 2^ w.): — Geesje, bp. Dec. 18, 1661, in Br"; Pieter Pieterse, bp. July 8, 1663, in Br"; Annetje Pieterse, m. Cornells Jorise of the ferry; Neeltje Pieterse, m. Harmen Jorisen; and Johannes Pieterse. Made his mark to docu- ments. Pieter Pieterse, bp. July 8, 1663; m. Lysbeth Aersen Mid- dagh. Moved from Gowanus and resided in Richmond Co. in 1694. Issue: — Pieter, bp. Feb. 16, 1690, in FP; and John. Made his mark to documents. Pieter (s. of Pieter Pieterse and Lysbeth), bp. Feb. 16, 1690; m. i^*, Aug. 29, 17 1 2, Lammetje Veghte; m. 2*^ (sup.) Rebecca Ditmas. Resided at Gowanus. Will da. Oct. 4, 1760; pro. Sept. 2, 1761; rec. p. 118, Lib. 23, N. Y. sum off. Issue: — Pieter, bp. May 21, 1721, in N. U., (sup.) m. Jan- netje dau. of Johannes Ditmas; and (sup.) John. Signed his name ^''Piter Staats.'' Stanson or Stausie, Hendrick Cornelise, of G**, sold land in Fid'' in 1676 to Jan Janse ver Rhyn, as per Stoot- hoff papers. Made his mark to documents. Stealman, John, (English). See Jan Hendrick Stelman, Steendam, Jacob, emigrated about 1650; m. Sara de Bosjou. Obtained a patent Nov. 12, 1652, for a plantation in Fld^, which he sold June 17, 1660, to Albert Albertsen 274 GENEALOGY. Terhune. Bought Jan. 7, 1658, of Claude Barbier and An- thony Jeroe a tract in Bu'' on the W. side of Mespath Kil, originally granted to Adam Mott, as per p. 367 of Cal, of Dutch Man. Issue: — Dredegind, bp. Apl. 4, 1655; Samuel, bp. Nov. iS, 1657; and Jacob, bp. Dec. 4, 1658 — all bp. in N. A. Steenhuys or Steenhuysen, Engelbert, tailor, emi- grated in 1659 from Soest in Westphalia, and resided at first in N. A.; d. about 1678. Obtained a farm in Fl**, which he sold Feb. 19, 1661, to Derick Jansen, cooper, with the plain and meadow land thereto belonging, and a house and village-plot, as per p. 52 of Lib. B of Fl'' rec. July 22, 1670, he obtained a patent of Gov. Carteret of N. J. for 7 tracts in Bergen, N. J., to which he removed shortly after the sale of his Fl'^ property, and of which place he was li- censed to teach school by Gov. Stuyvesant in 1662. Issue: — Stephen; Joost; and Pieter, as per p. 91 of Winfield's Land Titles of Hudson Co., N. J. Signed his name ^''Engelbert Steenhuys.'' . Steinmets. Members of this family at an early period resided in and owned land in G'* and meadow-lots on Coney I. The ancestor of the family was Casper Stymats or Stein- mets, who settled in Hudson Co., N. J., and had 9 children bp. in N. A., as per p. 812 of Valentine's Manual of 1863. See p. 78 of Winfield's Land Titles of Hudson Co. Steggeller, Jean, paid 2 gl. 9 st., minister's salary, in Fl*^ in 1680, as per town rec. Stelman, Jan Hendrickse, (English,) in 165 1 rented Herry Breser's plantation in Br". Mar. 7, 1652, he bought of Frederick Lubbertse 15 morgens in Br", as per Col. Man. Of Bu"" in 1665, as per town rec; in 1665 represented said town in the Hempstead Convention, and in 1668 a mag. Stephens or Stephense Abraham, Albert, Court, Jan, and Lucas, see Vorhees. Egbert, on ass. roll of Br" of 1675. Jan, bought Oct. 21, 1681, of Jan Aucke Van Nuyse the farm which Van Nuyse bought Oct. 15, 1681, of Bartel Claesen and Claesen bought Feb. 15 of that year of Stoffel Probasco, located in Fl'^ and bounded on the S. side by land of Jan Strycker, N. side by land of Dirck Janse Vander Vliet, W. side by the common highway, and on the E. side GENEALOGY. 2/5 by Coerlars Flats, as per p. 38 of Lib. A and pp. 122 and 123 of Lib. A A of Fl'' rec. Oloffe of city of N. Y., where he took the oath of alle- giance to the English in 1664, sold Apl. 9, 1670, to W°* Goulding all his right in plantation-lot No. 16 in G*^, as per town rec. This is probably Oliffe Stephense Van Cortland. Signed his name ''Oloffe Stevensc" in 1674. Thomas, in 1651 in partnership with J. H. Stelman rented Breser's plantation in Br''. See p. 130 of Cal. of Dutch Man. He afterwards removed to Middleburgh (Newtown^ L. L), as per p. 148 of said Cal. A Thomas Stephensen m. Aug. 15, 1645, in N. A., Maria Bernards, wid. Thomas, b. 1615. Resided in 1653 in Bu'^ on the planta- tion of David Jochems, late of Jan Messerole Sen^ Stepper, Harmen, m. Neltye Jansen. Assessed Jan. 13, 1666, in Bu'^ for payment of the clergyman's salary, as per town rec; a mag. in 1667. Stiger, Daniel, and Hans Jongh obtained Aug. 25, 1657, a patent for a lot at Br" ferry. Stille, Cornelis Jacobse, sometimes written " Cornelis Jacobse alias Stille" (or the silent), of N. A. in 1639, m. i^* Claesje Theimis ; m. 2'^, July 28, 1669, in N. A., Tryntje Walings of Amsterdam. Occupied the plantation in Bu^, afterwards in Williamsburgh, adjoining that of Hans Han- sen Bergen in Br", which he sold July 29, 1641, to Lambert Huybertsen Moll, as per p. 16 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Mar. 10, 166 1, with others petitioned for a piece of woodland in Bedford lying in the rear of Rapalje's plantation. In 1664 he took the oath of allegiance in N. Y. to the English. Issue: — Jacob Cornelisen, m. Mar. 11, 167 1, in N. Y., Aeltje Fred- ericks from Brazil; Aefje, bp. Apl. 2, 1646; Neeltje, bp. Dec. 13, 1649; Waling, bp. Oct. 6, 1660; Tymen, bp. Aug. 21, 1672; Frederick, bp. Jan. 24, 1680; Frans, bp. July 14, 1689; and Rachel, bp. Apl. 17, 1692 — all bp. in N. A. and N. Y. Made his mark to documents. Stillwell, David (s. of Nicholas the emigrant), bp. Nov. 13, 1653, in N. A.; m. Maria or Mary dau. of Adam Mott; d. about 1720. Left G'^ about 1664 and removed to S. I., where he obtained grants for about 279 A. of land, and from there removed to Middlesex Co., N. J. Issue: — Nicholas 5'" of N. J., b. 1678; Samuel of Freehold, b. 1680, d. 1753; Daniel of N. J., b. Dec. 10, 1687, m, Catharine ^•jh GENEALOGY. Larzelere, d. 1766; and Richard, a physician of Monmouth Co., N. J., d. 1756.* Elias (s. of Nicholas the emigrant) of G**. Name on ass. roll of G'' of 1683 and cen. of 1698. Owned a tide-mill in G'* in 1696, as per G'* rec. Jan. 13, 1698-9, he sold his dwelling-house and two garden-plots in G**, one of which he had purchased of his brother Richard, to John Poling, as per G'* rec. Mar. 12, 1698, he sold lot No. 13 on Gis- bert's I. of 2 A. to Reynier Van Sicklen. Signed his name •in 1697 '■'■Elias Stihviliy No account of his issue. Elias (s. of Nicholas 2**), b. Dec. 13, 1685; m. Anne Bur- bank of S. I. Settled on S. I. Issue: — Thomas, bp. June 30, 1726, m. Deborah Martling; Daniel, bp. Mar. 24, 1728; and John, bp. Mar. 17, 1730, m. Helen Van Name — all of S. I. Jeremiah (s. of Nicholas the emigrant), bp. Jan. 13, 1663, in N. A.; m. Maria ; d. about 1720. On ass. roll of G*^ of 1683 and cen. of 1698; owned several plots of land in said town, as per G'^ rec. Removed from G'' to S. I., and finally joined the Quakers and settled in Phila. Issue: — Thomas, b. 1701, m. Sarah Van Name; Nicholas of White- house, Hunterdon Co., N. J., b. 1705, d. 17S0; and Sophia, m. Abednego Thomas of Phila. Signed his name ^'■Jeremiah StillwelL" Jeremiah (s. of Richard i'" and Mary Holmes), b. Oct. 26, 1678; d. about 1750; m. . Removed from G** to Aquackanonck, N. J., and from thence to Hancock, Md. Issue: — Richard, b. 1712 and settled at Mecklenburg, N. C; William, b. 1715; John, b. 1718; and Jeremiah, b. 1725 and settled at Montgomery, Va. — all as per p. 282 of Memoirs of the Stillwell Family. John (s. of Richard i^' and Mary Holmes), b. May 18, 1660; m. I*' Elizabeth , whose name appears on the G'' rec. in 1693 as his w.; m. 2^ Rebecca Throckmorton; d. 1724. Left G*^, settled on S. I., was sheriff of Richmond Co. in 1693, as per p. 27 of Vol. IV. of Doc. of Col. His.; member of the Colonial Assembly from 1702 to 17 16, as per p. Ill of N. Y. civil list; and in 1701 an opponent of the Leislerian faction. Will da. Aug. 29, 1724; pro. Jan. 1725-6; rec. p. 140, Lib. 10, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Rich- ard of N. Y., who d. 1748; John of Middlesex Co., N. J.; Joseph of Porrassye or Norrophyd; Thomas, d. 1760; Re- becca, b. 1693, m. Ebenezer Salters; Mary, b. 1696, m. Dan' Seabrook; Abagail, b. 1706; and Daniel of Rhode Island, * The compiler is indebted for some of the information relating to the Stillwell family to B. M. Stillwell's " Memoirs of the Stillwell Family," published in 1878; and to Dr. J. E. Stillwell of the city of N. Y. GENEALOGY. 277 b. May 10, 1720, d. May 20, 1770. Signed his name ^^John Stilhvelir ■ Nicholas, the emigrant and ancestor of the Stillwells of this vicinity (English), came to this country about 1638 from Holland, and settled at first on Manhattan I. He m. I** Abagail dau. of Robert Hopton; m. 2^ Ann Van Dyke of Holland; d. Dec. 22, 1671, at Dover, S. I. His wid. m. 2 m. Daniel Foster. Signed his name ^^Eich^ Siillwell." Samuel {s. of Daniel and Mary), b. 1680; d. 1753. Sup- pose removed with his father from G*^ to S. I., and finally settled at Upper Freehold, N. J. A Samuel Stillwell ap- pears to have been engaged in mercantile business in N. Y. in 175 1, per p. 653 of Cal. of Eng. Man. Issue: — Daniel of N. J., b. Jan. 8, 1747. Thomas 1^^ (s. of Nicholas the emigrant), bp. July 9, 165 1 ; m. June 8, 1670, by Justice James Hubbard, as per C* rec, Martha Baleiu of S. I., of which place he was also a resident at date of marriage. Martha after his death m. 2^* the Rev. David Du Vonrepos. Left G** and settled on S. I., and in 1686 was high sheriff of Richmond Co. He appears, how- ever, to have retained an interest in G' lands, for May 16, 1671, Matthew Force on his behalf recorded on the town-book an earmark for his cattle. Oct. 28, 1677, he obtained a grant for 73 A. under the hills on the S.E. side of S. I. ; and Apl. 4, 1685, one for 145 A. at the old town on said island, as per p. 144 of Vol. I. and p. 45 of Vol. II. of Land Papers in off. of Sec. of State at Albany. Will da. May 21, 1704; pro. May 9, 1705; rec. p. 148, Lib. 7, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Thomas Jun"" of 8. I., b. 167 1 ; Nicholas of S. I. ; John of S. I. ; Ann of S. I., b. 1675, m. Jacobus Billop of S. I. ; Rachel of S. I., b. 1677, m. W"' Brittan ; and Frances, bp. Aug. 31, 1679, m. Nicholas Brittan of S. I. Signed his name " Thomas Stillwell.''^ Thomas 2'^ (s. of Richard i^^ and Mary), b. Dec. 4, 1666; (sup.) m. I**- Ann Hubbard; (sup.) m. 2"^, 1703, Alice Throck- morton. Left G*^ and settled on S. I., where he held the office of capt. of militia, and represented Richmond Co. from 1691 to 1698 in the Assembly, as per N. Y. civil list. Among those who in 1701 petitioned King William III. for relief from the power and influence of the friends of the dec. Gov. Leisler, as per p. 942 of Vol. IV. of Doc. of Col. His. Issue: — Daniel of S. I., b. 1696, m. Mary Poillion; John, b. 1709; Thomas; and Elizabeth, bp. May 23, 1718. (There may be errors in this issue.) Signed his name ''Thomas Stilhvelir Thomas 3'^ (s. of Nicholas 2^ and Catharine), b. May 16, 1688; m. Catharine Day. Owned a farm at Yellow Hoek (Bay Ridge) covering the premises (1880) of T. G. Bergen, J. R. Bennett, W™ H. and Sam' Thomas, and those of B. C. Townsend, on which he obtained a grant about 1739 from Gov. Clarke (see p. 537 of Cal. of Eng. Man.) for a ferry to S. I., at that period one of the routes of travel from the city of N. Y. to Philadelphia. In 17 15 was capt. of G** militia^ 282 GENEALOGY. as per p. 184 of Vol. III. of Doc. His. of N. Y. This Thomas is supposed to be the ancestor of the N. U. branch of the family. Resided in 1753 in Fld^ Issue: — John, b. 1709, d. 1794; Thomas; Nicholas; and Christopher or Stoffel of N. U., b. Jan. 17, 1716, d. Apl. 15, 1780 — as per p. 284 of Memoirs of the Stillwell Family. Signed his name ^^T/iomi/s Stihotil." Thomas 4'"' (s. of Thomas i*" and Martha), b. 1671; m, Martha dau. of Jaques Poillion; d. 1703, intestate. Left G** and settled on S. I., and was among the opponents of the Leisler faction in 1701. In 1686 he was commissioned sheriff of Richmond Co., as per p. 147 of Cal. of Eng. Man.; •and 1700 capt. of militia in said county, as per p. 809 of Lib. 4 of Doc. of Col. His. Issue: — Nicholas of S. I., m. Mary , d. 1756; Mary, m. John Hopper; and Anne of S. I., m. i"* Paul Michard, and 2'' Sam' Van Pelt, both of the same place, as per p. 287 of Stillwell Memoirs. William (s. of Nicholas the emigrant), bp. May 11, 1648, in C; m. i***^ Hannah ; m. 2'' Mary , who was living in 1694; d. about 1720. On ass. roll of G*^ of 1883 and cen. •of 1698. Left G'' and removed to S. I., where he obtained Oct. 28, 1677, a grant for 75 A. of .upland on the hills and salt-meadows, as per p. 145 of Vol. I. of Land Papers. From S. I. he removed in 1691 to the vicinity of Cape May, N. J., as per p. 276 of Memoirs of the Stillwell Family. Issue: — William Jun"' of S. I., b. May 1 1, 1678 or '79; John of 'G'^ and Cape May, b. 1681, m. Elizabeth Perrine; Nicholas •of Cape May; Richard of Cape May; Daniel of Cape May, who d. 1793; and Mary, who m. Feb. 20, 1698, Dr. Thomas Walton of N. Y. Made his mark to documents. William Jun'', b. May 11, 1678 or '79; m. Sarah Perrine of S. I.; d. 1 7 19. Suppose he removed with his father from 'G*^ to S. I. Issue: — William, bp. Sept. 6, 17 19, on S. I.; and Daniel (twin), bp. Sept. 6, 1719, on S. I. Stock, Stook, or Hoock, Hubert Jansen, cooper, among the first settlers of N. U. in 1657, and on ass. rolls of said town of 1675 and '76. His name also appears on the ass. roll of Fid* of 1675. Stockholm, Arent, m. Magdalena , and resided in Bu'', where he died. Will da. Oct. 27, 1727; pro. Apl. i, 1736; rec. p. 449, Lib. 12, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Andrew; Magdaline; Mary; Catrin; Hanna; Aleida; and John. Andrew or Anderies (s. of Arent) of Bu'^, m. \^^ Aeltje Na- ;gel; (sup.) m. 2^ Margrietje . Issue: — (sup.) Jannetje, m. Jan Bragaw of Newtown; (sup.) Lena or Magdalena, ,m. Jacob Cassouw; (sup.) Aaron, m. Dec. 14, 1746, Heiltje GENEALOGY. 283 Van Alst; (sup.) Margrietje, m. Magiel Vandervoort of Bedford; and Martin, bp. May 18, 1729, in N. U. Signed his name "Andenes Stockholm." Stoffelsz, Derick, see Langestraet. Gerret, emigrated in 165 1, and took the oath of allegiance in N. U. in 1687; m. i**^ Lysbeth Gerrets; m. 2^ Lysbeth Cornelis. Aug. 18, 1678, he sold 25 morgens of land in Br" to Barent Egbertse. In 1685 he occupied as a tenant Rut- ger Joesten Van Brunt's farm at Yellow Hoek (Bay Ridge), now (1880) of Relief and Dan' Van Brunt. Bought Feb. i, 1691-2, of Denys Teunissen (Denyse) for 4300 gl., 2 lots at Yellow Hoek, lying S.W. of the lane and land of the wid. of Swaen Janse, and N.E. of that of Dirk Janse Zutven, to whom July 31, 1695, he sold his purchase, as per tow^n rec. These 2 lots cover a considerable tract, extending from the Bay to 3'' Ave., lying on the S. side of Bay Ridge Ave. His name appears on the ass. rolls of N. U. of 1683 and '93, Dongan's patent of 1686, and as a mag. of said town in 1691. Issue (by i''* w.): — Herman Gerretse, bp. June 10, 1674, in N. Y.; Jo.sias Gerretse, bp. Oct. 29, 1676, in N, Y.; Albert Gerretse; (by 2^ w.) Jacobus Gerretse, bp. Jan. 15, 1685; Jores Gerretse, bp. Apl. 24, 1687; Tryntje Gerretse, bp. Oct. 20, 1689; and Josyntje Gerretse, bp. Oct. 20, 1690. Signed his name "Gert. Stoffelsen." Jacob, b. 1601; m. in 1639 the wid. of Cornelis Van Voorst; d. 1677. He came over from Zierikzee in Zeeland at an early period. In 1645 he was a member of the Coun- cil, and held land in Br", as per patent of Jan Evertse Bout of July 18, 1645. In 1656 he hired the Company's bouwery at Ahasimus, and in 1663 he was commissary of stores and overseer of the West India Company's negroes. For a further account see pp. 46 and 426 of Winfield's Hudson •Co., N. J. Fieter, of Fld^ in 1688, as per town rec. Made his mark to documents. Stoll, Robert, of Boston, sold Feb. 3, 1654, to W™ Bell, through John Tilton, plantation-lot No. 21 in G*^, as per town rec. Stommatie, alias Willem Bruyne, see W" Bruyne. Stoothoff, Cornelius (Gerretse), b. 1698; m. ; d. Mar. 1781. Left Fid" and settled in Six Mile Run, Somerset Co., N. J. Issue: — Annetje or Johanna, m. Ab™ Demarest of North Bend; Cornelius, m. Cornell; Altie; 284 GENEALOGY. (sup.) Maria; and probably others. Signed his name ^^Cornelius Stoothof" in 1765. Elbert JLlbertse, the common ancestor of the family, b. 1620; m. i*\ Aug. 27, 1645, Altje Cornelise Cool wid. of Gerret Wolfersen Van Couwenhoven; m. 2^, July 21, 1683, Sarah Roelofse wid. of Cornelis Van Rossum of N. Y. ; d. about 1688. Emigrated from Nieuw Kercken in Zeeland, or Nieuw Kerken in North Brabant, about 1637. At first in the employment of Gov. Van Twiller and the Patroon Van Rensselaer, and finally settled in Fld'\ where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687, of which town he was for many years a mag. and largest land-holder, having pur- chased Van Twiller's and Van Cowenhoven's interests in their patent for the flats or plains; was a member of commit- tees appointed by the colonists to vindicate and protect their rights, and one of the representatives in the Hempstead convention of 1665. On the conquest of the colony by the Dutch in 1673, he was appointed by Gov. Colve capt. of militia.* Among the premises he owned was Bergen's Island, which he bought in 1665 of Martel or Michael Spicer, and Bearen, now Barren Island, which he bought of Spicer and Tilton. He also owned what was lately known as Crooke's Mill in said town, which mill was in operation as. early as 1674. His will, not recorded, is da. Dec. 18, 1686, in which he devised Bergen's Island to his s. Gerret and * The following is a copy, from p. 269 of Lib. D of Fl*" rec, of the oath taken by the military appointees of Kings Co. at " Middlevvout" on the 30th of October, 1673, in presence of the schout, Jacob Strycker, and Francois De Bruynne, secretary: " We promise and swear in the presence of Almighty God to be bound and true to their High Mightynesses, the Lords States General of the United Netherlands and his Highness the Lord Prince of Orange, and his Governor already here placed, or who may be hereafter placed, our companies in good order to maintain, and to perform the duties of our respective offices, in truth of which so help us God. For A ntes/oort: For Breuckelen: Capt. Elbert Elbertse, - Capt. Jores Rapalje, Lieut. Roelof Martense, Lieut. Michal Hanse, Ensign Derick Janse. Ensign Daniel Rapalje. For Middle-wout: For N. Uytrecht and Boswyck- Capt. Jan Strycker, Capt. Jacob Cortelyou, Lieut. Titus Sirix, Lieut. Joost Kockout, Ensign Pieter Gilyamse. Ensign Cryn Janse. For Grouesandt: Capt. Richard Stillwell, Lieut. , Ensign Wil. Goldingh." GENEALOGY. 285 entailed it to his descendants. Issue: — Gerret Elbertse; Elbert Elbertse, bp. Jan. 26, 1648, and d. young; Helen or Heiltie Elbertse, m. Thomas Willet of Flushing; and Achye or Aegge Elbertse, m. Jan Van Duyckhuys. Signed his name '■'■Elbert Elbertsen." Elbert Gerretse of Fid*, m. Mar. 28. 17 14, Johanna or An- natje Lupardius of Dortrecht; d. Sept. 19, 1756. Removed to N. J. and resided in Somerset Co. from 17 17 to 1730, and then returned to Fld^ Issue: — Gerret Elbertse of Fld^ b. Aug. 13, 1715, O. S., m. 1739 Lammetje Stryker, d. Aug. i, 1746, O. S.; and Wilhelmus of Fld% m. Nov. 9, 1728, Altie Coerten Voorhies, d. Feb. 14, 1783. Gerret Elbertse of Fid**, m. i^* Willemtje Pieterse Mon- foort; m. 2^^ Aug. 10, 1684, Johanna Nevius; d. Mar. 30, 1730. Commissioned major by Gov. Slaughter; was a mem. of the D. ch. in 1677; took the oath of allegiance in Fid* in 1687; on ass. roll of Fid* of 1683 and cen. of 1698, .and signed an anti-Leislerian petition to the king in 1701. Will da. Feb. 25, 1729, but not recorded. Issue: — Elbert •Gerretse; Arinthe or Adrianna, b. Aug. 6, 1686, d. prior to 1735; Altie; Johannis Gerritse of New Brunswick, N. J.; Sara, m. Mar. 29, 1711, Laurens Williamsen of Fid*; Petrus Gerretse of Somerset Co., N. J., m. Margaret , d. 1728; Helena, m. Apl. 26, 1714, Ruluf Lucasse Van Voorhies; Cornelius Gerretse of Somerset Co., b. 1698, d. 1781; Ger- ret Gerretse of Somerset Co.; and Wilhelmus Gerretse of Somerset Co., b. May 30, 1705, m. Sara , d. Feb. 14, 1783. Signed his name ""Gerret Stoothoff." Gerret Gerretse, m. Catharine Roelofsen, left Fld% settled ■on the Raritan, and living as late as 1763. No further (trace. Johannes Gerretse, m. Mar. 28, 1714, Neeltje Schenck; d. about 1730. Left Fid* and settled at New Brunswick, N. J. Issue: — Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 14, 1717, d. young; Elizabeth, bp. 1720, at Six Mile Run; Gerret; Johanna; and Neelfje. Petrus Gerretse, m. Margaret ; d. 1728. Left Fid* and settled in Somerset Co., N. J. Will da. Apl. 20, 1727; pro. Mar. 30, 1728; rec. p. 109, Lib. B, in off. of Sec. State •of N. J. Issue: — Sarah; and Johannes. Storm, Dirck, emigrated in 1662 from the " Maiery of Bos" with his w. Maria Pieters and 3 children, settling at first in N. Y., where in 1665 he kept a taphouse. Was appointed by the court of sessions Dec. 15, 1669, town-clerk or secretary of Br°, which office he held for several years. On ass. rolls of Br° of 1675 and '76; mem. of Fl'' ch., and residing in N. L. 286 GENEALOGY. in 1677; schoolmaster of N. L. in 1680 and '81; town-clerk of Fl*" in 1681; and a resident of Bedford in 1694. Issue: — Pieternella, bp. June i, 1673; Aaltje, bp. Oct. 20, 1678, d. young; Aaltje, bp. Oct. 31, 1680 — all bp, at Br"; Joris; and Maria, m. Casper Springsteen. Signed his name ''''Dirck Storm.'' There was a Dirck Storm clerk of Orange Co. in 1691, as per p. 43 of Ruttenber's Orange Co.; and there was an Isaac Storm in Dutchess Co. prior to 17 16, as per p. 207 of Smith's Dutchess Co. /oris (Dirckse) of N. L., m. Engeltje Thomas. Issue: — Derick, bp. Oct. 20, 1695. Story, Robert, d. Dec. 28, 1683, as per p. 39 of Vol. VII. of the Genealogical Record. He bought Dec. 5, 1677, of John Jaffers a farm of 26 morgens with plain and meadow land in Fl'', as per p. 29 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. June 22, 1683, he petitioned for license to purchase any parcel or tract of unsold land on or near the Hudson River, as per p. 19 of Vol. II. of Land Papers. There was a Robert Story, a trader in 1676, who bought 2 houses and lots in Albany in said year, as per Pearson's First Settlers of Albany. Story sold his Fl*" farm Aug. 24, 1668, to Balthazer De Hart, as per p. 39 of said Lib. C. In 1676 he was taxed ^6 5 sh. for a house in N. Y. Issue: — Robbert, bp. July 4, 1657, in N. A., m. Patience , and had children Mary and Enoch. Signed his name ^'■Robert Story." Stout or Stouce, Richard, one of the first settlers of G^ in 1643, and allotted plantation-lot No. 18 in 1646, as per town rec; d. about 1688. He also bought Apl. 5, 1661, plantation-lot No. 26 of Edward Griffen. With a number of his neighbors he left G'' and settled at Middle- town, Monmouth Co., N. J., of which place he was one of the patentees or original purchasers of the Indians, as per p. 73 of Vol. I. of Raum's N. J. There is a story, founded on tradition, on p. 76, etc., of said^Vol., of the shipwreck of a Dutch ship on Sandy Hook; of the crew and passengers leaving a sick young Dutchman and his wife there while they went for relief; of the Indians tomahawking the man, mangling the wife and leaving her for dead; of her recover- ing and crawling into a hollow log and subsisting for several days on berries, and then being discovered and taken pris- oner and her life preserved by an old Indian, ransomed by the Dutch of N. Y., where she married Richard Stout, being at the time in her 22'' year and he in his 40"'. They settled at Middletown, where the old Indian often visited her, and on one occasion, by informing her of a plot to massacre the GENEALOGY. 28/ whites, put them on their guard and saved the settlement from destruction. This woman, whose maiden name was Penelope Van Prince, lived to the age of no years, her pos- terity numbering 502 at the time of her death. The com- piler gives this tradition as he finds it, having little faith therein. Issue (per Rev. G. C. Schenck): — John; Richard; Jonathan; Peter; James; Benjamin; David; De- liverance; Sarah; and Penelope, whose descendants are numerous in N. J. Made his mark to documents. Straetman, Teuntje, bought land of Claes Bartel in Fl*^ prior to 1660, as per Br" D. ch. rec. Strockles, Madam Hendricka, and Dirck Janse Woert- man conveyed Sept. 20, 1686, to Jeronemus Rapalje land and meadows at the Wallabout, as per p. 75 of Lib A. of FP rec. Signed her name ^'Hendrica Strockels." Stryker or Strycker, Barent or Barnt (Pieterse), b. Sept. 14, 1690; m. Feb. 16, 17 17, Libertjc Hegetnan; d. June 1758. Left Fl'' and settled on the Raritan, N. J. Issue: — Peter; John, m. Grietje Van Liew; Jacob; and Barent, m. Elizabeth Bennet — all of N. J. Signed his name '''■Burnt Stryker " in 17 12. Cornells (Gerretse) of G*^, b. 1691; m. Rebecca Hubbard; d. Oct. 23, 1769. Owned and occupied the farm his father bought of W'" Goulding, which is yet held by his descend- ants. Will da. Feb. 21, 1769; pro. Apl. 12, 1781; rec. p. 145, Lib. 34, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Gerret of Fld% b. Mar. 27, 1729, m. Ida Van Deventer; Hanna, b. Feb. 13, 1733, m. Michael Stryker of Fl''; Samuel of G'', b. Oct. 22, 1737, m. Marretje Schenck, and owned and occupied a part of the homestead farm; Cornelius of G'', b. May 2, 1739, m. Maria Lake, and owned and occupied the balance of the home- stead farm devised to him and his brother Samuel by his father's will; and Elizabeth, b. Sept. 28, 1741, who probably d. young. Signed his name '■''Corneles Stryker." Gerrlt {/acobse) of Fid*, m. Dec. 1673 VVyntje Cornelise Boomgard; d. in 1694 or 1700. On ass. rolls of Fid'* of 1675 and '83, and mem. of the R. D. ch. of said town in 1677. Mar. 17, 1691-2, he bought of Reinier Van Sickelen 15 A. "lot No. 7" in G*^, and on the same date he bought a 4 A. lot of John Barentse (Van Driest), as per G'' rec. Jan. 21, 1692-3, he bought of William Goulding of G'^ his house with all the. lands and meadows he owned in G'' for ;£,2()1 10 sh., as per G^' rec, the main farm cong. io8f A., as sur- veyed by Roger Strong in 1788, on which his s. Cornelis 288 GENEALOGY. settled. His will is da. May 24, 1693; rec. p. 351, Lib. 7, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Eyda; Gezina, bp. Dec. 9, 1677, in Fl*", (sup.) d. young; Jannetje, bp. Dec. 26, 1679, in Fl'', (sup.) m. Thomas Lake of S. I.; Jacob, bp. Aug. 27, 1682, in Fl*"; Gerrit, b. Nov. 23, 1684, (sup.) d. young; Geesje, bp. Jan. II, 1685, in Fld^; Maria; Catharine; Cornells; and Gerretje, bp. Nov. 14, 1694, (sup.) m. Jan Wyckoff. Signed his name '■'^ Gerrit Strycker." Gerrit i^Janse) of FP, emigrated with his father in 1652; m. Dec. 25, 1683, Styntje Gerretse Dorland. Mem. of R. D. ch. of Fl*^ in 1677, where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687; on ass. roll of said town of 1683 and cen. of 1698. High sheriff of Kings Co. in 1686, as per p. 148 of Cal. of Eng. Man. Issue: — Lammetje, bp. Nov. 23, 1684, in Fl'', m. I''* John Wyckoff of Six Mile Run, N. J., m. 2^ Minne Van Voorhees of New Brunswick; John of N. J., m. Grietje or Margaret Van Liew; Aulche; and Gaertje. Signed his name '^^ Gerrit Stryeker." Hendrick (Janse), m. Feb. 16, 1687, Catharine Hys of Fl''. Mem. of the R. D. ch. of Fl'' in 1677; on patent for the land in N. L. of 1673; and on ass. roll of Fl'' of 1675. He sold June 12, 1680, to Jan Van der Vliet wood-lot No. 7 in the N. L. for 1000 gl.,as per p. 125 of Lib. AA of Fl'' rec. Oct. 7, 1686, he bought of Cornells Janse Berrien 2 lots of land, Nos. 46 and 47, in the N. L. of " Midwout," they being the 2 outside numbers on the Fresh Kil or Shoemaker's Bridge, as per p. 78 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. From his will, da. Jan. 23, 1684, on p. 155 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec, it is inferred that he had no children. Signed his name '■'■Hendrick Stryeker." Jacob Gerritse, the common ancestor of one branch of the family, emigrated in 165 1, and settled in N. A. He m. Ida Huybrechts; and d. Oct. 1687. Was a tailor by trade, and schepen of N. A. from 1665 to 1674, and with his w. a mem. of the D. ch. of that place. Removed to Fld^, where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687, but may have resided in Fl*" previous to his removal to Fid*, for on p. 3 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. he is entered as having obtained a patent for 25 mor- gens in said town lying on the E. side of the highway, S. of Jan Stryeker, and N.of Symon Hansen (Van Noostrand), stretching W. and so southerly, in breadth 25 rods and length 600 rods. Was schout fiscaal of the Br" district in 1673, and mem. of the R. D. ch. of Fid* in 1677. Issue: — Gerrit of Fid*; and Ida, who m. Christoffel Probasco of FP. Signed his name ^ Jacob Stryeker." Jacobus (s. of Gerrit and Wyntje), bp. Aug. 27, 1682; m. Martha . Resided in G'' until 1722, when he removed to the Raritans, N. J., and joined the R. D. ch, of that lo^ GENEALOGY. 289 cality. Issue: — Wyntje, bp. July 13, 1718, in G*^. Signed his name ^^ Jacobus Strycker" in 1763. Jacob (Pieterse), b. Aug. 24, 1688; (sup.) m. Dec. 17, 1710. Annetje Vanderbeeck, and settled in Somerset Co. on the Raritan. Jan, the common ancestor of the Fl'' branch of the fami- ly, and supposed to be a brother of Jacob Gerritse, emi- grated in 1652 from Ruinen in the province of Drenthe in the Netherlands, settled in FP' as early as 1654, having probably previously resided in N. A.; was b. in 16 15; m. i^*^ Lambertje Seubering, by whom all his children; m. 2^, Apl. 30, 1679, Swantje Jans wid. of Cornells de Potter of Br°; m. 3'', Mar. 31, 1687, in N. Y., Teuntje Teunis of Fl^ wid. of Jacob Hellekers, alias Swart or Swartcop, of N. Y.; d. prior to 1697. On a declaration he made in 1679 he is styled "armorer," as per p. 80 of Cal. of Eng. Man. Mag. of Fl'' for several years; one of its representatives in the Hempstead convention of 1665; name on its town patents, and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687. Issue: — Altje, b. in the Netherlands, m. Ab™ Jorise Brinckerhoff; Jannetje, also b. in the Netherlands, m. Cor^ Janse Ber- rian; Gerrit Janse; Angenietje, m. i^^ Claas Tysen, m. 2^ Jan Cornelise Boomgaert or Bougaert; Eytie or Ida, m. Stoffel Probasco of N. L.; Pieter of FP, b. Nov. i, .653; Sara, m. Joris Hansen Bergen; and Hendrick. Signed his name '^Jan Strycker." Jan (Pieterse) of Fl*", b. Aug. 6, 1684; m. i'*^, 1705, Maragrita Schenck; m. 2^, Feb. 17, 1722, Sara dau. of Michael Hansen Bergen; d. Aug. 17, 1770. Will da, Oct. 4, 1768; pro. Sept. 15, 1770; rec. p. 314, Lib. 27, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Pieter of the Raritan, b. Sept. 14, 1705, m. Antie Deremer; Johannes of the Raritan, b. Feb. 12, 1707; Annetje, b. Dec. 20, 1708, m. Roelof Cowenhoven of N. ].y Madalena, b. Dec. 19, 17 10, m. Aert Middagh of Br''; Mara- greta, b. May 24, 17 13, d. young; Abraham of the Raritan, b. Aug. 4, 1715, m. Ida Ryder and Catrina Cornell; Lam- metje, b. Feb. 11, 17 16, m. Gerret Stoothoff, and Jan Amer- man; Jacobus of the Raritan, b. Sept. 29, 1718, m. Geestie Duryee and Jannetje ; Maragrita, b. Dec. 9, 17 19, m. Jacobus Cornell; Mighiel or Michiel of Fl'', b. Mar. 4, 1723, m. Hanna Stryker; Femmetje, b. June 19, 1725, m. Jacobus Vanderveer; Barent, b. Nov. 13, 1728; and Sara, b. June 15, 1731- Signed his name ^'Jan Strycker." Fietcr (Janse) of Fl'', b. Nov. i, 1653; m. May 29, 1681, Annetje Barends or Joosten; d. June 11, 1741; took the oath of allegiance in Fl'' in 1687 as a native; on ass. roll of said town of 1683 and cen, of 1698; on patent of 1685; and 19 290 GENEALOGY. capt. of militia in 1689, as per p. 190 of Cal. of Eng. Man. Will da. Apl. 13, 1729; pro. May 27, 1742; rec. p. 251, Lib. 14, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Lammetje, b. Mar. 20, 1682, d. young; Lammetje, b. Feb. 16, 1683, d. young; John of Fl*^, b. Aug. 6, 1684; Barent, b. Sept. 3, 1686, d. young; Jacob of the Raritan, b. Aug. 24, 1688; Barent of the Raritan, b. Sept. 14, 1690; Hendrick, b. Dec. 3, 1692, d. y^ung; Pieter ■of Fl", b. Feb. 12, 1697; Hendrick of Fl^ and Br", b. Feb. 18, 1699; and Lammetje, b. Dec. 21, 1700, m. i^' Johannes Lott, m. 2'' Christiaens Lupardus. Signed his name '^''Pieter Strycker." Pieter (Pieterse) of FP, b. Feb. 12, 1697; m. May 18, 1720, Jannetje Martense dau. of Marten Adrianse; d. Dec. 24, 1766. Sheriff of Kings Co. in 1736. Will da. June 9, 1773; pro. May 27, 1784; rec. p. 24, Lib. 37, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Annetje, b. Mar. 20, 1721, d. young; Sara, b. July 3, 1722, (sup.) m. Dec. 10, 1743, Cornells Cornell; Antje, b. Oct. 5, 1724, d. young; Jannetje, b. Oct. 5, 1724, m. Jacob Mizorel or Messerole; Pieter of Fl'\ b. Dec. 22, 1730, m. successively Jannetje Verkerk and Femmetje Schenck; Gerrit, b. Oct. 13, 1733; and Jan, b. Feb. 15, 1738-9. Signed his name ^''Pieter Stryker." William, m. Annetje — ^ — of Fld^ Was a mem. of Do. Van Zuuren's ch. in 1677 and '85, and entered as removed to Br". Have seen no account of this William's relation- ship to the families of Jan or Jacob Gerritse Strycker the emigrant. Stuyvesant, Coert, mem. of Assembly for Kings Co. in 1693 and '94, as per N. Y. civil list of 1861. Petrus, director-general of the New Netherlands, who owned a bouwery in Fld^, which he leased with the stock Aug. 28, 1655, to Jacobus Van Dalen, as per Col. Man. Had sons Balthazar Lazarus and Nicolaes Willem bp. in N. A. Signed his name "Petrus Stuyvesant.'" Styssen, Jacob, see Stille. SuEBERiNG, see Seuberingh. Sullivan, Peter, an early settler who was buried in C, as per p. 171 of Vol. II. of Thompson's L. I. SuRTELL, James, sold Apl. 5, 1659, to Henry Brazier a house and a half-acre of plantation-lot No. 28 in C, as per town rec. Made his mark to documents. GENEALOGY. 29I SuTPHEN, Abraham (Dirckse), bp. Sept. 26, 1696; m. Maria Maj-itje or Mayke Barkeloo. Left N. U. and removed to S. I., where he remained until about 1720, when he set- tled at Freehold, N. J. Issue: — Grietje, bp. Oct. 29, 1721, at Freehold; Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 25, 1723; Abraham, bp. July 19, 1726; Maria, bp. Jupe 4, 1727; Antje, bp. Oct. 26, 1729, d. young; Jannetje, bp. Oct. 24, 1731; Abraham, bp. Feb. 20, 1737; Jacob, bp. June 17, 1739; Cornelius, bp. Aug. 10, 1741; and Antje, bp. May 6, 1744. Derick Janse (Van Sutphen), the common ancestor of the family, emigrated from Zutphen or Sutphen in Gelderland in 165 1, settling at first probably in N. A., and afterwards in Fl*". He m. Lysbeth Janse Van Nuyse, and d. about 1706 or '7. He sold June 21, 1681, his Fl'' farm to " Denyse Theunise," receiving in payment 4 lots of woodland lying together at Yellow Hoek (Bay Ridge), N. U., on the N. side of land of Rutger Joesten (Van Brunt), subject to a lease of 2,\ of the lots to Gerret Stoffelse, to which premises he probably finally removed. Denyse, in addition to the land, agreed to build for Sutphen a boat 18 ft. long, wood measure, and a barn and barrack on the lots, as per p. 155 of Lib. AA of Fl*" rec. He took the oath of allegiance in N. U. in 1687, and his name appears on the patent of said town of 1686. In 1706 he was assessed for 164 A. in N. U. The 4 Yellow Hoek lots, known as Nos. 7, 8, 9, and 10, now (1879) cover the premises of J. R Bennet, T. G. Bergen, W. H. and Samuel Thomas, B. C. Townsend, and perhaps a part of the farm of the late J. I. Bennet. Will da. Sept. 4, 1702; pro. Oct. 29, 1707; rec. p. 319, Lib. 7, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Hendrikje or Hank, bp. Dec. r8, 1681, at Fld^ m. i^* Pieter Turckse, m. 2^ Benj° Van Cleef; Jacob bp. Jan. 20, 1684, at Fl*"; Jan, bp. Dec. 18, 1685, in FP, d. young; Jan, bp. Feb. 6, 1687, in Fl*"; Geertie, bp. Mar. 3, 1689, in Fl*"; Dirk; Guisbert or Gilbert, b. Oct. 14, 1693; Abraham, bp. Sept. 25, 1696; Isaac; Elsje, m. Herman Ger- retse; and Elizabeth, b. Apl. 6, 1699, m. Dan^ Lake of G*^. Signed his name "Z>. Js. Sutphen.'' JDerick (Derickse), m. Grietje or Margaret dau. of Aert Teunisse Van Pelt of N. U. After his marriage he left N. U. and settled at Freehold, N. J., where he was a mem. of the D. ch. in 1713 and '31. Issue: — Dirck of N. J., bp. Apl. 6, 1712 (sup.) m. Jannetje Voorhees; Aert of N. J., bp. May II, 1716, m. Maria Schenck; Jan, bp. Jan. 20, 1721, (sup.) m. Neeltje Van Pelt; Petrus, bp. Aug. 21, 1726; and Abram, bp. July 16, 1733 — all bp. at Freehold. Made his mark to documents. Gilbert or Guisbert (Dirckse), b. Oct. 14, 1693, at N. U.; 293 GENEALOGY. m. Geertruy dau. of Aert Tunisz Lanen Van Pelt of N. U.; d. Aug. 18, 1763. Left N. U. and settled in Monmouth Co., N, J., probably as early as 17 13. Issue: — Derick, bp. Apl. 8, 1716, m. Maria Longstreet; Aert of N. J., bp. Apl. 13, 17 18, m. Jannetje Van Meteren; Guisbert of N. J., b. Aug. 23, 1720, m. Ariaentje Van Pelt; Pieter; Margaret, bp. Mar. 17, 1723; Neeltje, bp. May 22, 1730; John of N. J., b. 1732, m. Johanna Nevius; and Maria, bp. June 5, 1737, m. Cryn Janse Van Meteren of N. J. — most of whom were bp. at Freehold, N.J. Isaac (Derickse), of N. U. in 1698, but no further trace. Jacob (Derickse), bp. Jan. 20, 1684; m. Antie or Nelke Bennet. Left N. U. and settled near Freehold, N. J., about 1717, and mem. of the D. ch. of that locality in 1721. Is- sue: — Jan, bp. Jan. 20, 1717, d. young; Jan, bp. Oct. 18, 1722, m. Maritie Cowenhoven; and Isaac, bp. May 22, 1730, m. Jannetie Barkeloo — all bp. at Freehold. Signed his riSLvne.^^ Jacob Van Zutvin' and "Jacob Sutvin." Jan (Derickse), bp. Feb. 6, 1687; m. Engeltie Bennet. Left N. U. and settled near Freehold, N. J., about 1709, in which year he was a mem. of the D. ch. of that locality. Issue: — Jan, bp. Nov. 18, 1711, m. Catryntje Langestraat; Agnietje, m. Johannes Wilmsze or Philipse; Anneke, bp. Apl. 2, 1713, m. (sup.) Andrias Voorhees; Isaac, bp. Dec. 5, 1714; Elizabeth, bp. Apl, 15, 1722, m. (sup.) Mattheus Laen or Lane; and Benjamin, bp. Aug. 17, 1732, m. Eyda Van Meteren — all bp. at Freehold. Sutton, Ambrose, (sup.) English, of G''. On his will being proved the court of sessions admitted Obadiah Holmes to act as administrator, as per court rec. SuYDAM, Abraham (Hendrickse), bp. Mar. 12, 1684. No further trace. Hendrick Reycke, emigrated in 1663 from Zutphen in the Netherlands; m. Ida Jacobs; d. 1701. Was a blacksmith, residing at first in N. A. Feb. 5, 1677-8, he bought of Simon Hansen (Van Nostrand) for 3300 gl. his bouwery in "Mid- wout," except a village building-plot \2\ rods in breadth, having on its N. side that of Rem Janse Van Coeverden, on its S. side that of Dirck Janse Van der Vliet, as per p. 21 of Vol. AA of Fl'' rec, to which he removed. Was a mem. of Fl'\ch. in 1678; on ass. roll of 1683; cen. of 1698; and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687. Will da. Dec. 13, 1689; pro. June 26, 1701; rec. p. 129, Lib. 2, N. Y. surr. off. Is- sue: — Ryck, bp. Oct. 10, 1666, (sup.) d. young; Jacob, b. (per Riker) in 1666; (sup.) Cornelius; Hendrick of Bedford; GENEALOGY. 293 Ryck, bp. Oct. 10, 1675; Ida, bp. Apl. 6, 1678, in N. U., m, Jan Aertsen or Arisen; Jannetje, bp. June 27, 1680, in N. U., d. young; Jannetje, bp. Sept.- 23, 1683, in Br", d. young; Abraham, bp. Mar. 12, 1684; Jannetie, bp. June 23, 1685, m. Tunis Rapalje of Bu*^; and Gertrude, bp. Mar. 20, 1692. Signed his name ^^Heyndryck Reycke' and also "Ifeyndryck Reycke van Ziitphen." Hendrick (Hendrickse), m. Bennetie ; d. about 1730. Owned a farm at Bedford, Br". Will da. Aug. 28, 1730. Issue: — Hendrickje, bp. Jan. 1697; Lambert of Bedford; Elsje, bp. Apl. 18, 1704, in Br°, m. John Lott of Fld^; Eytie; and Hendrick of Bedford, b. Dec. 2, 1706, m. Geertje Ryer- son, who occupied and to whom was devised the home- stead farm. Hendrick (Jacobse) of Fl'', b. Feb. 28, 1696; m. Apl. 24, 1719, Geertje dau. of Evert Van Wickelen of N. L.; d. about 1774. Will da. Aug. 13, 1769; pro. Oct. 17, 1774; rec. p. 207 of Lib. 29, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Evert of N. U., b. Mar. 24, 1720, m. Maria Bogert; Jacob of Fld% b. Nov. 18, 1722, d. Nov. 15, 1801, single; Seytie, b. Sept. 28, 1725, m. Evert Hegeman; Mette, b. Sept. 4, 1727, m. Samuel Gerret- sen; Geertie, b. Dec. 31, 1729; Hendrick, of Fl**, b. Feb. 9, 1731, m. Maria Amerman; Pieter Nelletie, b. Feb. 15, 1734, m. Jacobus Vanderveer; Jan, of Newtown, b. Feb. 10, 1737, m. Femmetje Hegeman; and Cornelius, b. Feb. 19, 1739- Jacob (Hendrickse), b. 1666; m. Sytje Jacobse; d. 1738. Was a blacksmith by trade, and for a short period plied his occupation in N. U. On an indenture in 1695, in which Jonathan Mills of J'* binds his son Jonathan to him to learn the smith's trade, in the body of the instrument he is called "Jacob Hendrickse van Zuyt-dam," signing the same "Jacob Henderse van Suydt-dam;" hence the family sur- name of Suydam, derived from a hamlet of that name in the Netherlands, or from having resided south of a dam. Will da. Oct. 12, 1737; pro. June 23, 1738; rec. p. 177, Lib. 13, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Jacob, bp. Mar. 29, 1696; Hen- drick of Fl'^, bp. Mar. 29, 1696; Johannes of Flushing; Jan; Ryck of N. J., b. 1703; Cornelius of Oyster Bay, m. Mar- garet Van Sicklen; Jannetie, bp. Aug. 7, 1705, in Br", m. Thomas Van Dyck; Adriaentje; Geertie or Gertrude; Isa- bella or Belitie; Ada or Eytie, m. Peter Lefferts of Fl''; Seytie; and Dow of Newtown, b. 1707, m. Sarah Vander- veer. In addition to signing his name "^ Jacob Henderse van Suydt-dam^" he at times signed his name '■''Jacob Suy- ■daem." Jacob (Jacobse), bp. Mar. 29, 1696; m. Mar. 21, 1737, Ante 394 GENEALOGY. Luquier. Issue: — Jan. bp. July 2, 1738, in N. U., and d. young. No account of any other children. Johannes (Jacobse), m. Cornelia ; d. 1791. Settled at Bayside, Flushing. Issue: — Seytie, m. Aersen; Jane, m. Eldert; Ida, m. Jacob Thorne of Flushing; and Jacob. Lambert (s. of Hendrick and Bennetie of Bedford), m. Abagail dau. of Jacob Lefferts; d. in 17^7. Resided in Bed- ford, and will da. Nov. 10, 1766, pro. Mar. 30, 1767. Issue: — Hendrick of Bedford; Bennetie, b. 1736; Jane, m. Gilliam Cornell of Bucks Co., Pa.; Ida, m. Martin Schenck; Jaco- bus, bp.'Oct. 15, 1752, d. young; Jacobus of Bedford and Newtown, bp. Dec. 4, 1758, m. Adrianna Rapalje; and Adrianna, b. Apl. 16, 1766. Signed his name '■'■Latnberth Suyda?n." Ryck (Hendrickse) of Fids, b. Oct. 10, 1675; m. i^* Jan- netje ; m. 2^ Dorritie ; d. 1741. On ass. roll of Fld^ of 1693; and lieut. of troop in 1715. Feb. 2, 1697, his father Hendrick Rycken conveyed to him 52 morgens in Bedford, bounded on the S. side by land of Thomas Lam- bertse and that of the wid. Jorise, on the N. side by land of Jacobus Vandewater, and on the E. and W. sides by the common woods, as per p. 149 of Lib. 2 of Con. Will da. Feb. 25, 1740-1; pro. Feb. 9, 1742. Issue: — Hendrick of Monmouth Co., N. J., bp. Feb. 2, 1701, in Br", (sup.) m. Marytie Van Sicklen; John; Ryck of Monmouth Co., N. J., m. Sarah Luyster; Ida or Eitie, m. (sup.) Jan Van Mater of N. J.; Anna or Antie; Gertrude or Geertie, m. William Bennet; Jane or Jannetie, m. (sup.) Abraham Bennet; Christina or Styntie, m. Johannis Bennet of Bucks Co., Pa.; and Mary or Marytie, m. Benjamin Carson of Bucks Co., Pa. Signed his name ^'■Ryck Suydatn" in 1725. SwAEN the negro, of N. U., see Swaen Janse Van Luane. Swart or Swaertwout, Cornelis (possibly a s. of Jacob), was plaintiff in a suit against Glonde La Metre July 7, 1659, as per p. 105 of Lib. B. of Fl'* rec. Jan. 25, 1662, he obtained a patent from Gov. Stuyvesant, under the name of " Cornelus Swaertwout," for 24 morgens in Fl'' on the W. side of the road, S. of Do. Polhemius and to the N. of "Jan Sebringh," with plain and meadow land in addition, which premises Jan Sebringh, as his attorney, sold Mar. 6, 1674, to Do. Polhemius, as per p. 29 of Lib. A of Fl*" rec. and p. 247 of Lib. 2 of Con. July 24, 1664, he obtained another patent for 29 morgens in Fl*^. A Cornelis Swart- wout was a mem. of the D. ch. of N. A. prior to 1660. GENEALOGY. 295 Jacob (alias Hellakers), emigrated to this country from Amsterdam as early as 1634; was b. in 1612; m. i^*, in Europe, , by whom he had 3 children; m. 2^, in this country, Truytje Teunisse, sometimes called Truytje Jacobs, wid. of the father of Teunis Idesse. Truytje m. after the death of Jacob, Jan Strycker of Fl''. There was a Jacob Swart in N. A. in 1638, a soldier, who July 28, 1639,. was found guilty of mutiny, as one of the ringleaders in re- fusing to work on the fort, and was banished. It is pos- sible that this may have been another Jacob. Jacob Swart was a master-carpenter, residing in N. A., who in 1652 sued W™ De Kay for 48 beavers for building a saw-mill in the Virginias, In 1657 he appears to have resided in G'^, and was entered on the records of said town as having 17 A. under cultivation, from whence in that year he removed to N. U., where he was among the first settlers, and in which place he built the first house. Apl. 21, 166 1, he obtained from Gov. Stuyvesant a patent for 24 morgens in N. U., lying between the lands patented to Claes Claesen (Smit) and those patented to Jaques Cortelyou. This patent is to "Jacob Swart," but in the body of the instrument his name is entered as "Jacob Swarwout." He was a mag. of N. U. in 1661 and '64,-'''and on the patent of 1668. In 1679 he ap- pears to have resided in N. Y., and is referred to by the " De Labadiests" on p. 286 of Vol. i of the Memoirs of the L. I. His. Soc. Issue (by i" w., and as per p. 287 of the above Vol. i): — Jacomynchy, who m. Gerret Cornelise Van Duyn; a dau. who in 1679 resided in Amsterdam in the Netherlands;; a s., a carpenter, in 1679 ^" the East Indies; (by 2^ w.) William, who is probably the Willem Hallakers who joined the R. D. ch. of N. Y. in 1681. Signed his name ^^ Jacob Hellakers." Johannes, m. Femmetje . Was among the first set- tlers of N.U.in 1657; on ass. roll of said town of 1693 and cen. of 1698; constable in 1700; assessed for 26 A. in 1706; and a church •officer in 17 11. Was a freeholder of G*^ in 1680. Issue: — Jan; Barent; Jacobus; and Lysbet — all b. prior to 1704, and whose descendants are supposed to reside in Monmouth Co,, N. J. Made his mark to documents. Thomas, m. Hendrickje Barents and obtained Mar. 7, 1661, a patent for 58 morgens in Fl"^, of which town he was a mag. in 1655. At one period, prior to 1660, he and his w, were mem. of the D. ch. in N. A. Mar. 15, 1677, he sold the one half of his patent to Jan Snediker, as per pp. 11 and 13 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. A Johannes Swartwout was the first settler of the village of Johnsville in Dutchess Co., and the first settler near Johnsville was " Rodolphus Swartwout A 296 GENEALOGY. from L. I.," as per pp. 182 and 183 of Smith's Dutchess Co. SwEERS, Hendrick, a soldier in 1656, whose name ap- pears on the application of Mar. 10, 1661, to the Director- Gen, and Council for a parcel of land at Bedford; also on the ch. rec. of June 17, 1665, relating to Do. Polhemius's salary. Sweet, Pieter. On the patent in 1677 of Gov. Stuyvesant to Do. Johannes Megapolensis of a plantation in FP', with meadows and plain land thereto appertaining. The two pieces of salt-meadows are described to be held in common by said Megapolensis and ^^ Fitter Sweet" as per p. 29 of Lib. A of Fl" rec. SwELLiNANT, CoRNELius, One of the first settlers of G*^, was allotted in 1646 a plantation-lot, as per G*^ rec. SwiRREL, Hendrick, a shoemaker in 1678, as per Stoot- hoff's books. SwoL, Jan, m. Grietje , and had a dau. Geertruy bp Oct. 30, 1695, in Fl'\ Symonse, see Simonse. Sympson or Symson, see Simson. Syn, Jan Jansz, and Hester Syn, both mem. of Fl*" ch.; from N. L. in 1677, entered on the ch. rec. as removed. Tadens or Tates, Michil, m. i*' Annetje Eduivarts; m. 2^, June 17, 1668, in N. A., Tryntje Jacobs wid. of Jacob Stoffles. Settled at first on Manhattan I. as early as 1644, from which he was banished in 1656 for selling spirituous liquors to the Indians, with leave to reside on L. I. (See p. 172 of Cal. of Dutch Man.) In 1657 he appears to have owned a yacht which traded on the Delaware. Bought Mar. 13, 1660, of Claes Janse Van Naerden his patent of Sept. 30, 1645, of about 21 morgens on the East River, Br°, which he sold Apl. 3, 1664, to Michael Hainelle. In 1657 he was assessed at the ferry 10 gl. towards Do. Polhemius's salary. In 1664 he took in N. Y. the oath of allegiance to the English, and in 1663 he was licensed to keep a taphouse in N. Y. GENEALOGY. 297 Issue: — Catryntje, bp. Dec. 18, 1650; Tades Michaelse, bp. Sept. 29, 1654, who owned land in N. J. in 1686; Eduart Michaelse, bp. Aug. 4, 1660, d. young; and Eduart Michaelse, bp. Dec. 18, 1661 — all bp. in N. A. Taylor, Steven, (sup.) English, owned land in G^ at an early date, as per map of the village on file in the town- clerk's office. Teller, Willem, emigrated in 1638; b. 1610; m. i^^ Mar- garet Donchesen; m. 2^, Apl. 9, 1664, in N. A., Mary or Maria Verleth wid. of Paulus Schreck; d. in 1701. Resided mainly in Albany as a trader until 1692 (where in 1684 he was appointed a justice of the peace), when he re- moved to N. Y. and was engaged (as per Stoothoff books) in the dry-goods trade. Was one of the early proprietors of Schenectady. Obtained a farm in G", which he leased Aug. 26, 1653, to Thomas Morrell for 4 years. May 7, 1659, he bought of Peter Symson plantation-lot No. 27 in G*^ for the use of his s. Andrew Teller, as per G*^ rec. Will da. Mar. 19, 1669; pro. 1701, as per p. 108 of Pearson's Early Settlers of Albany. Issue, as per do.: — Andrew or Andries, b. 1642; Helena, b. 1645, m. i** Cornells Bogardus, m. 2^ Francis Rombouts; Maria, b. 1648, m. i^* Pieter Van Alen, m. 2^ Loockermans, d. prior to 1700; Elizabeth, b. 1652, m. i^*^ Ab"" Van Tricht, m. 2^ Melgert Wynantse Van der Poel; Jacob, b. 1655, m. Oct. 24, 1683, in N. Y., Chris- tina Wessells, d. prior to 1700; Willem, b. 1657, resided in Albany, and m. Dec. 15, 1686, in N. Y., Rachel Kierstede; Johannes, b. 1659; Casper, d. prior to 1700; and Jannetje, m. Arent Philipse Schuyler. Signed his name " Willem Teller r Andrew or Andries (s. of Willem), b. 1642; m. May 6, 167 1, in N. Y., Sophia dau. of Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt. For many years a merchant and magistrate of Albany. About 167 1 removed to N. Y. Owned a farm in G*^ which his father bought in 1659. Will da. Dec. 16, 1702. Issue: — Andries, (sup.) m. Sept. 15, 1722, in N. Y., Catharine Van- dewater; Margarita; and Oliver Stephen, (sup.) m. Oct. 12, 1712, in N. Y., Cornelia De Peyster. Ten Evck, Derick (s. of Coenraed), bp. Jan. 26, 1653, in N. A.; m. Mar. 14, 1675, in N. Y., A e/je Boelen from Amster- dam, both of N. Y. at date of marriage. Owned land in Bu*^ in 1697, as per deed of Charles Fountain on p. 147 of Lib. 2 of Con. Issue: — Andries, bp. July 22, 1676; Jacob, bp. Nov. 14, 1678; Andries, bp. May 4, 1681; Coenraedt, bp. 298 GENEALOGY. June 15, 1684; Mayken, bp. Dec. 12, 1686; Abraham, bp, June 15, 1691; Dirck, bp. Dec. 25, 1694 — all bp. in N. Y. Tobias (s. of Coenraed), bp. Jan. 26, 1653, in N. A.; m. i*'', in N. A., Aeltje Duycking; m. 2*^, Sept. 17, 1684, Elizabeth Hegeman of Fl'^. Was allotted lot No. 11 in the first divi- sion of Fl** woodlands. Joined the D. ch. of N. Y. in 1672. Will da. Nov. 29, 1699, and rec. on a loose sheet in Lib. A of Fl"^ rec. The Ten Eycks are numerous on the Hudson River, as per Pearson's Albany, and are also to be found in Monmouth and Somerset counties, N. J. Issue: — Coen- raedt, bp. Nov. 20, 1678; Maria, bp. Apl. 3, 1680; Hendrickje,. bp. July I, 1682; Johannes, bp. May 10, 1685; Coenraedt, bp. Mar. 4, 1687; Adriaen, bp. Jan. 30, 1690; Catharina, bp. May 4, 1692; and Jacob, bp. July i, 1696 — all bp, in N. Y. Signed his name ^^Tobyas ten Eyck." Tenes, Jan, paid 2 gl. 9 st. towards the clergyman's sal- ary in Fl'' in 1681. Ter Hart, see De Hart. Terhune, Albert Albertse Sen'', or Albert the " Lient- wever" (ribbon weaver), m. Geertje ; d. 1685. Re- sided at first in N. A., and then, in 1657, on the Nyack tract in N. U. where in Jan. 1662 he obtained a patent for a farm, which he sold Apl. 3, 1664, to Nathaniel Brittan. In 1660 and '65 he bought land of Van Cowenhoven in Fld% and also in 1665, in said town, of Elbert Elbertse Stoothoff, to which he removed after 1663. Albert Albertse (Terhune), Jaques Cortelyou, and others obtained a patent for 5000 A. on the Passaic River, N. J., as per p. n8 of the Record of the Gov. and Council of E. N. J. Issue: — Jan Albertse of Fld^; Albert Albertse Jun'' of Hackensack; Heyltje Albertse, b. Jan. 12, 1650, in N. A.; (sup.) Annetje Albertse, bp. Mar. 3, 1653, in. N. A.; Styntje Albertse, m. Claes Janse Romeyn; and Sarah Albertse, m. Volkert Hanse Van Noortstrant. Signed his name ''^Albert Albertse." Albert Albertse Jun'', bp. (sup.) Aug. 13, 1651; m. i^^ Hen- drickje Stevense Van Voorhees; m. 2^Wyntje Brickers, Re- sided at first in Fld^ where his name appears on the ass. rolls of 1675 and '76, and then removed to Hackensack, of which place he was a mem. of the D. R. ch. in 1689, and in 1696 a mem. of the E. N. J. Legislature. Will da. Feb. 3, 1704, and rec. on p. 15 of Lib. 3, off. surr. of N. Y. Issue: — Willemtje, bp. Apl. 2, 1677, d. young; Albert 3** of Hackensack, m. Mara- tie deCJraves; Jan Albertse, m. Elizabeth Bertholf; Anneke or Antie Albertse, m. Jacob Zabriskie ; Gerbringer or Gerre- GENEALOGY. 299 brecht Albertse, m. Ab" Houseman; Willemtje Albertse, m. Jacobus Bougaert ; Stephen Albertse of Hackensack, m. Lidia de Maree; Maratie or Magtie Albertse, bp. Oct. 11, 1686, m. Hendrick Bertholf; Geertruyd Albertse; and Rachel Albertse, bp. Apl. 21, 1690, m. Jan Hendrickse Hoppe — all of N. J. Albert 3** (s. of Albert Albertse Jun'' and Hendrikje), m. I**, ; m. 2*^, Sept. 1705 Maratie de Graves wid. of Andries Tiebout. Will da. Feb. 16, 1707-8; pro. Sept. 9, 1709; rec. p. 273, Lib. 9, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Geertruy, b. 1694, m. Hendrick Hendrickse Banta of N. J.; Alburtus, b. 1695, m. Anna Maria Ackerman of Hackensack; Johannes of Hacken- sack, b. 1700, m. Geesje R. Westervelt; Annell ; Steven; Ger- brecht ; Willemtje; Marretje; and Rachel. Albert {Id.xi'-,^ of Fld^ bp. Apl. 13, 1684; m. Oct. 17, 1708, Aaltje Voorhees. Will da. Apl. 11, 1721; pro. Dec. 18, 1721; rec. p. 273, Lib. 9, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — John of Fld^ m. Nelly Duryee; Gerret ; Ann, (sup.) m. Cornelius Bulsen ; Wil- lemtje, m. Joost Duryee ; and Sarah. Jafi Albertse of FW, m. i^', July i, 1683, Annetje Roelofse Schenck; m. 2^, June 6, 1691, Margrietje Van Syschellen or Sichlen of Fld^ ; (sup.) d, in 1705. Took the oath of alle- giance in Fld^ in 1687 as a native, where he owned and occu- pied the paternal farm, of which place his name appears on the ass. roll of 1683, and cen. of 1698; was lieut. of militia in 1691,. and capt. in 1700. In 1690 he and others obtained a tract of land near Duck Creek at St. Jones's on the Delaware, as per p. 666 of Vol. XII. of Doc. of Col. His. Issue:— Roelof of Fid' ; Al- bert of Fld^ bp. Apl. 13, 1684, at Fld^ ; and Aucke. Signed his name ''''Jan Albertsen Ter Hunen" and ''''Jan ter hunefi." John (s. of Albert and Aaltje) of Fld^ inherited his father's farm; m. Nelly Duryee. No further trace. J^oelof {]a.nsQ) of Fld^ m. May 5, 1706, Maryke or Marretje Gerretse dau. of Gerret Pieterse Wyckoff. Elder in the D. ch. of Fld^ in 1748. Issue: — Gerret, (sup.) m. Alice dau. of Steven Coerte Voorhees; Albert of G^ m. Antie or Annatie Van Dyck, and was the father of the late Ab'" and John Terhune; Willemtje; Marya; Hyntie; Aeltie; and Margrietje, (sup.) m. Jacobus Van Dyck. Signed his name '^Roelof Terhune." Terneur, Daniel. His land referred to in the patent of Gov. Petrus Stuyvesant to Cornelis Janse Berrien of 26 mor- gens in Fl'', da. Mar. 12, 1661, on p. 25 of Lib. A of Fl^ rec. Joined the D. ch. of N. Y. in 1672. A Daniel Terneur m. Ja- comina and had children, Maria, bp. Mar. 4, 1654, and Marretje, bp. Sept. i, 1661, in N. A. Terragon, Peter, and 5 or 6 other Frenchmen of Br° were 300 GENEALOGY. refused leave Mar. 29, 166 1, during the Indian troubles, to re- main and reside on their farms, as per p. 222 of Cal. of Dutch His. Man. Terrin, Thomas, mem. of R. D. ch. of Br"^ in 1663. Teunise, Teunisz, Theunise, or Tunise, Aert, see Mid- dagh. Aert, on list of residents of the Wallabout who in 1657 were assessed for Do. Polhemius's salary. This is possibly Aert An- thonize or Teunize Middagh. Adriaen, Cornells, and Gysbcrt, see Bogaert. Anthony, Aert, Hendrlck, Jan, and Wouter, see Van Pelt. Claes, m. Feb. 12, 1692, Anna or Annetje wid. of John Sprung of Bu'^. Claes, from Appledoorn or Appeltern in Gelderland, m. Dec. 26, 1662, Metje Bastiaens of Br". A Claes Teunisen made his mark to documents in 1662. Claes, see Cleer. Cornells and Harmtje Dircks of Br" ferry, mem. of Br° R. D. ch. in 1677. Cornells, of N. A. in 1645. July 3, 1647, he bought of Wil- lem Gerretse (Van Cowenhoven) 32 morgens on the N. end of the plains in Fld^ Jan. i, 1657, he obtained a patent for 25 morgens in Fld^ There was a Cornelis Teunisen who had children bp. in N. A. in 1647 and '50. Signed his name ^^Cor- nelse Teunyse." Denyse, Jaques, Jan, Joris, and Teunls, see Denyse. Dlrck, owned land in Br" in 1660, as per Col. Man., and in 1680 his name appears on the Stoothoff books. Dlrck (Noorman) of Fl*^, m. Adriaenje Walich, a wid. Was accused of crime, as per p. 181 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Dlrck, see Woertman. Gysbert, made his mark to documents in Fl*^ in 1670. A Gysbert Teunisen of Katskill in 1657. Hans, Johannes, Lucas, and Maurlts, see Coevert. Hans and Marretje Teunis of Bu'', mem. of Br" R. D. ch. in 1677. Hendrlck, on ass. roll of N. U. of 1663. Henrlcus of Br" in 1663, with others, petitioned for salt- meadows and leave to found a village. Resided at Bedford, and mem. of R. D. ch. of Br" in 1677. Jacob, employed by Anthony Jansen from Salee on his bou- wery in N. U. and G^, and in 1656 commenced a suit against him for wages. Jan, on list of catechumens of Br" ch. in 1662, and on ass. roll of Br" of 1683. GENEALOGY. 3OI Jan, from Leerdam, on the river Linge, in South Holland, resided in Fl'' May 9, 1661, as per Col. Man. Jan, carpenter, m. Catharine Cronensburgh. Dec. 12, 1660, he sold to Gerret Lubbertse his plantation in Fl"", lying on the W. side of the road, containing 27 morgens, with plain and meadow land thereto appertaining, as per p. 41 of Lib. B of Fl^ rec. Aug. 22, 1679, his w. bought of Rutgert Albertse his house and orchard in Fl*" for 200 gl., as per p. 54 of Lib. AA of Fl'' rec. Signed his name ''Jcin Teufiesse." Jan, see Van Dyckhuys. John, brought a suit against John Whitlock Oct. 2, 167 1, at the sessions in G^ for taking away his canoe, as per C^ rec. John, and Peter Hendricksen, carpenters, built a windmill in 1684 for Michiel Hainelle in Br", as per p. 24 of Lib. i of Con. Rebecca of N. U., m. Feb. 27, 1689, at N. Y., Abraham de La Montagnie of Haerlem. At date of marriage she resided at Haerlem and he at "Bloemdale," as per N. Y. D. ch. rec. Theymese Hendrick, on ass. roll of Br" of 1675. Thomas, Armah (alias Smith), of the Manhattans, bought Sept. 4, 1654, of George Jewell his plantation and buildings in G*^ for 360 gl., as per G'' rec. Gilbert, of Bu'', as per p. 332 of Vol. II. of Stiles's Br". Gysbert, on a deed of the freeholders of Br" of Jan. 2, 1696-7, to Adriaen Bennet to perfect the title of his Gowanus lands. John, bought Oct. 26, 1649, of Richard Stoute of G*^ his crop of tobacco for 210 gl. Jan. 27, 1650, he agreed with the in- habitants of G*^ to attend to their cows and calves as herder for 8 months for 300 gl. June 27, 1650, a plantation-lot was assigned to him in said town. Dec. 6, 1657, he bought of John Peeters plantation-lot No. 4 in C, which he sold Sept. 2, 1664, to W"^ Lawrence — all as per C* rec Made his mark to docu- ments. Thomassen, Tomassen, or Tomase, Aert, owned land in FP in 1655, as per O'Callaghan's Man. Trans, of Col. Man. Claes or Nicholas, Hendrick, Isaac, and Tjerck, see Van Dycks. William, sold Jan. 24, 1643, to Cornelis Dircksen (Hoog- land) his farm of about 17 morgens at Br" ferry for 2300 gl. in cash, as per Vol. II., p. 144, of Col. Man. Thorne, William, one of the first settlers of G'' in 1646, and granted a plantation-lot, as per town rec. This is probab- ly the William Thorne who with other Englishmen (as per p. 68 of Vol. 2 of Thompson's L. I.) arrived from Vlissengen in 302 GENEALOGY. the Netherlands at N. A., and finally located at Flushing, where there was a Joseph Thorn in 1680. Thul, Pieter, (see Tul,) mem. of Fl'' ch. in 1677. Thysz or Mattkvsz, Anthony, Adriaen, Gysbert, Hen- DRiCK, Jacob, Jan, and Peter, see Van Pelt. Barend, m. Magdalena Janse. Issue: — Matthyas, bp. July 14, 1678, in N. U. ; and Johannes, bp. Jan. 27, 1680, in N. U. Derick (Tyssen), on ass. roll of Br" of 1693 and cen. of 1698. He m. Annetje , and had issue: — Thys, bp. Mar. 28, 1699, in Br". Made his mark to documents. Pider of N. U., m. Barbara Jones. On Gov. Dongan's patent of N. U. of 1686. Owned 30 morgens on the E. side of the road from N. U. to Fl'\ between the lands of Gerret Cor- nelise Van Duyn and those of Ab™ Willemse Van Westervelt, prior to 1700, as per p. 236 of Lib. 2 of Con. Issue: — Catryn Pieterse, bp. Mar. 25, 1699, in Br". Made his mark "P M " to documents. Ther-e was a Pieter Thysz in Monmouth Co., N. J., in 17 1 2, and there is a probability of this Pieter Thysz being the same person as Pieter Thysz Van Pelt. TiBOUT, Jan, ra. i''' Sarah Van der Vliicht ox Ulmst; m. 2^, Nov. 6, 1687, at Haerlem, Hester Dubois wid. of Claude Le- maistre, both residents of Haerlem, as per N. Y. D. ch. rec. Was schoolmaster of Fl'' and precentor of the ch. from 1681 to '82, as per p. 109 of Strong's Fl'\ In Jan. 1669 (as per p. 157 of Lib. D. of Fl'' rec.) he appears to have been in possession of the school-lot and premises of that town, for on that date he complained to the magistrates of Abram Joorise (Brincker- hoff) encroaching on the premises. There being an agreement entered into Dec. 25, 1666, N. S., with a schoolmaster and precentor for Fl'' (but no name given), as per p. 87 of said Lib. D, it appears probable that this agreement was made with Tie- bout, and that he commenced his services at Christmas 1666, continuing them until about Nov. i, 1670, O. S., when Jacob Joosten commenced, and was succeeded by Jan Gerretse Van Marcken, who was discharged Mar. 2, 1681. Nov. 4, 1681, Jan Tiebout or " Thiebald " appears to have been again employed, continuing until July 30, 1682, when he was discharged, and removed to N. Y. There was a Jan Tibout on the Delaware in 1656, and a Jan Tiebout, court-messenger in Bergen, N. J., in 1661, as per p. 85 of Winfield's Hudson Co., who was prob- ably this John. In Jan. 1660 he and his w. " Sarah Van der Ulmst" joined the R. D. ch. of N. A., and are entered on the ch. rec. as removed to "Midwout." Issue, bp. in N. A. and N. Y. : — Dirck, bp. May 4, i66i,d. young; Theunis, bp. Sept. GENEALOGY. 303 30, 1663, m. Apl. II, 1690, Maryhen Vandewater ; Jacomyntie, bp. June 4, 1666, m. Apl. 15, 1685, at Haerlem, Reyer Michilszen from Schoondervvoerd in South Holland; (sup.) Jannetje, m. in 1692 Hendrick Oblinus ; Magdalena, bp. Feb. 20, 1674, d. young; Dirck, bp. Mar. 10, 1675 ; Magdaleentje, bp. May 3, 1676; Henricus, bp. Sept. 19, 1677; and Jacobus, bp. May 22, 1681. Tunis Tiebout (a grandson of Jan Tibout), b. Jan. 18, 1722, O. S., d. Apl. 13, 1823, m. Garetta dau. of Nicholas Vechte of Gowanus, whose dau. Mary m. 1^^ Tunis Johnson and 2*^ Theodorus Polhemus. Signed his name ^'/a^l Tibout.'" TiERCKSEN or Terckse, Thomas, emigrated in 1652; m. Engeltie . In 1677 he bought of Jan Gysbertse Van Met- eren 24 morgens in N. U., where he appears to have settled. Oct. 7, 1679, he sold to Anthoni den Ryck wood-lot No. 4 in N. U., as per p. 64 of Lib. AA of Fl'^ rec. On patent of N. U. of 1686, took the oath of allegiance there in 1687, and a resi- dent in 1707. Issue: — Tyerk; Pieter; Hendrick; andTeuntje. Signed his name ^^Tomas Tereckse." TiETUS, Arays. His name appears on the Fl'' rec. in 1693, and was probably a s. of Tietus Syrachs De Vries. Signed his name ^'' Arays Tietus^ TiLjE or Le Telier, Jan, Frenchman. Among the first settlers of Bu'^ in i66t, and a mag. in 1661 and '62, as per Prime's L. I. and p. 143 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Appointed ensign of militia in 1663. TiLTON, John, said to have come over vs^ith Lady Mody, was among the early settlers of G*^ in 1646, in which year he was granted plantation-lot No. 18, as per town rec. He m. Mary , who d. May 23, 1683, at G'', and he d. in 1688, Town-clerk in 1650, '51, '52, '53, mag. in 1674, and on ass. roll of 1683. Nov. i, 1665, as per town rec, he bought of Gov. Baxter plantation-lot No. 19, formerly of Tho^ Greedy; also "a piece of land purchased of Robert Penyer (Pennoyer) as also further confirmed unto me by Monn"" Pieter Stuyvesant late Governor," etc., containing 75 Dutch morgens, "and of ye w''' James Hubbard & my selfedid be- stow on ye town of Gravesend & was hired yearly as by these Records bearing date ye 7th December 1653. And the moyitie of ye other third pt. I doe now grant sell & make over by these presents unto ye said John Tilton," etc. Mar. 8, 1691-2, he sold to Coert Stevense (Voorhees) of Fid' all his remaining real-estate in G'^ for j[^2()z^, reserving the use of the same for 12 months unless he sooner removed 304 GENEALOGY. from the town, as per G'' rec. This purchase is the com- mencement of the numerous ownerships of land of the Voorhees family in C. In his will of Jan. 15, 1687, he de- vises lands in G'' for a burial-ground " for all persons in ye Everlasting truthe of ye gospel as occasion surves for ever to have and to hold, and make use of to bury their dead there," which probably covers at least a part of the present burial-ground in the village of G'\ the only one known to have been used in said town by Europeans since its first settlement. By said will he had issue: — John; Peter; Thomas; Sarah, who m. John Pantter or Painter; Abagail, m. Rodger Scott; Ester, m. May 21, 1663, at Oyster Bay, Samuel Speier; and Mary or Maria, m. Henry Boman. By p. 184 of Vol. III. of the Genealogical Record he had issue: — John, b. June 4, 1640; Peter, b. Jan. 1642; Sarah, b. May 4, 1644; Abagail, b. 1650; Thomas, b. Mar. i, 1652; and Mary, b. June 1654. His children settled in Monmouth Co., N. J., where their descendants are to be found. Signed his name ^^/ohn Til- ton Self." John Jun'', b. June 4, 1640; m. i^'', Oct. 10, 1670, at Oyster Bay, Mary Coats; m. 2^, May 12, 1674, at Flushing, Rebek- kah Terry. Resided in G''. Issue, as per p. 187 of Vol. III. of Genealogical Record: — John, b. Apl. 14, 1675; Abraham, b. Jan. 14, 1676; Samuel, b. Mar. i, 1678; Sarah, b. Nov. 14, 1680; Daniel, b. Dec. 27, 1682; Thomas, b. Dec. 20, 1684; Mary, b. Oct. 21, 1686; and Hester, b. Apl. 2, 1689. Signed his name "John Tilton Jun^'' in 1681. Joseph, of G*^ in 1649, as per Thompson's L.T. He may have been a brother of John Tilton Sen''. Peter (s. of John), b. Jan. 1642, a devisee in Thomas Grady's will, and a justice of the peace for Shrewsbury, N. J., in 1683, as per p. 42 of Rec. of Gov. and Council of E. N. J. Thomas of C^ (s. of John), b. Mar. i, 1652. Signed his name "-Thomas Tilton' as a witness to a deed in 1678, as per C rec. TiMONSZ, Hendrick, of Bedford, a mem. of R. D. ch. of Br" in 1677. A " Hendrick Tymens" of Bu'' paid Ocl. 28, 1666, a marriage-fee to Fl'' ch. TiNUs, JosT, of the Manhattans, bought Aug. 28, 1652, of Richard Gibbins his plantation and buildings in G'' for 400 gl., as per G** rec. Titus, Francis, a s. of Titus Sirach De Vries, m. i*** Antie Fonteyn wid. of Maurits Coevert; m. 2'' Elizabeth ; GENEALOGY. 305 d. about 1760. Owned the farm in Bu'' patented Aug. 14, 1664, to Paulus Richards. Issue: — Francis; John; Charles; Titus; Antie; Helen; Elizabeth; Aentje; Jannetje; and Christina, m. Ab™ Polhemus. Syrach (s. of Titus Sirach), bp. Dec. 28, 1679, in Br", m. Aeltje and settled in Newtown. Tetinis (s. of Titus Sirach). May 14, 1695, he and his mother Jannetje conveyed to Johannes Van Ekelen a piece of land in FP' located on the N. of land of Leffert Pieterse, and on the E. of the highway, cong. about 5 morgens. In 1703 he appears to have resided in Newtown, and removed from thence to Mansfield, N. J. See Lib. A of Fl^ rec. and p. 133 of Riker's Newtown. Signed his name '■'"Tennis Titus." ToBiASSEN, Teunis, was a dealer in whalebone in 1678, as per Stoothofif papers; of Fl'* in 1685, where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687, and about this date he and Pieter Pieterse Staats sold to Leffert Pieterse 80 A. of woodland, as per p. 183 of Lib. C of Fl** rec. Made his mark to docu- ments. ToLiER, Jan Jakobsen, from " Kerueer in Walslant," m. Aug. 25, 1677, in Br°, Mathaleen Loinvrcns of South River. ToMASSE or ToMAssEN, See Van Dyck. Aej't., owned land in Fl'^ in 1655, as per the description in deed of Jan de Jongh to Jan Hendricksen on p. 366 of Vol. II. of O'Callaghan's Man. Trans, of Col. Man. Have been unable to decide whether this is Aert Teunissen of the Wal- labout or Aert Teunissen Middagh. William, bought Jan. 20, 1643, of Cornells Dircksen (Hoogland) a house and 16 or 17 morgens of land with the ferry at Br", as per p. 21 of Cal. of Dutch Man. ToNNEMAN, Pieter, appointed schout (sheriff) and clerk of Br" district Jan. 25, 1656, and held the position until 1660, when he was appointed schout of N. A. Was a mem- ber of the Council in 1657, '58, and '59. (See pp. 150, 174, and 292 of Cal. of Dutch Man.) July 2, 1659, he obtained a patent for a double building-plot on the N. side of the road in FP, as per p. 4 of Lib. B of Fl*^ rec. In 1664 he took the oath of allegiance to the English in N. Y., and in Oct. of that year sailed for Holland. TouRNEURS, Magdaleentje, from ("Midwout") Fl"", m. June 25, 1673, in N. A., Jan Dyckman from Benthem. 20 306 GENEALOGY. Traphagen, Willem Jansen, a Frenchman from Lemgo, m. I**' Justje Claes Grocnvis ; m. 2*^, June i, 1658, in N. A., Aeltje Dirck from Steenwyck in Overyssel; and m. 3'', Jan. 15, 1661, Joosje Willons wid. of Jan Verkinderen. Mar. 7,' 1660, he moved with his family into the first house erected near the Pond in Bu'', and at the same time Knoert Mourisen came to dwell there, as per Bu"^ town rec. May 12, 1664, he was sentenced to banishment for abusing the magistrates of the town, as per p. 265 of Cal. of Dutch Man. Oct. 2, 1676, Gov. Andros conveyed to him 20 A. at Esopus (Kingston), as per p. 90 of Vol. I. of Land Papers. Issue: — Rebecca, bp. June 19, 1662, in Br°; and probably other children. There are families of Traphagens residing in Bergen, N. J., and also on the Raritan, where a Hen- drick resided in 1713. Signed his name ''''Wilmen Jansen Traphagen.'' Trimbel, Peter Jansen, of Norman's Kil, Bu'^, May 25, 1662, on which date he obtained permission to make a con- centration or hamlet of 4 families on his land, as per p. 237 of Cal. of Dutch Man. TuL, PiETER Pieterse, emigrated in 1657; was a weaver and trader in oil and whalebone in 1678, as per Stoothoff's books; mem. of Fld^ ch. in 1677; on ass. roll of said town of 1683, where he took the oath of allegiance in 16S7; and a pauper in said town in 1690. . TuNissEN, see Teunissen. TuRCK, Symon, plaintiff in a suit against Pieter Jansen Feb. 17, 1662, as per Lib. B of Fl'' rec. Tymens, Hendrick, of Bu'^, paid Oct. 28, 1666, 5 gl. 12 st. as a marriage-fee to Fl'' R. D. ch., as per Fl'' book of min- utes of town meetings, etc. Tyn, Johannes, had a s. Jan bp. May 28, 1699, in Br". Tysse, Jan, among the soldiers sent from Kings Co. to Albany in 1689, as per p. 216 of Vol. II. of Doc. His. of N. Y. Tyssen, see Van Pelt. Underhill, John, d. Sept. 21, 1672. Jan. 16, 1642, leased GENEALOGY. 307 for 2 years of Andrus Hudden "his present house and plantation situated on the Flatland and Kiskachqueren" for the annual rent of 500 lbs. well-cured tobacco, as per O'Callaghan's Man. Trans, of Dutch Col. Man. May 14, 1646, he obtained a patent for Meutelaer's or Bergen's I. of 50 morgens in Fld^, as per p. 247 of Bergen Genealogy. In 1648 he was schout of Flushing, and 1653 rebelled against the Dutch Government. Signed his name '■'■John Under- hill." Urin, Barn, schepen of G*^ in 1673, as per p. 577 of Vol. II. of Doc. of Col. His. This name may be intended for Richard Uzell. UsiELLE, see Uzielle. Uythuysen, Claes Simons, of the ferry. On a deed in 1695 of Joris Jacobs, conveying for ^^113 a lot between the ferry and the village of Br°, as per p. 59 of Lib. 2 of Con. Jan Simons of the ferry, on a deed in 1695, as per p. 59 of Lib. 2 of Con. Uzell or Usill, Richard, among the first settlers of G^ in 1646, in which year he was allotted a plantation-lot in said locality, as per C^ rec. Jan. 10, 1654, he sold to Johan- nes Van Beek plantation-lot No. 30 in C, probably the premises allotted to him in 1646. Made his mark " R" to documents. Uzielle, Uzie, or Usielle, Pieter, of Maynhem, m. Apl. 6, 1686, in N. Y., Cornelia Datnen of Fl*", a resident of the Walabocht, and he of S. I. at date of marriage. On ass. roll of Bu^ of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Feb. 12, 1693-4, he sold to Pieter Willemse of Fl'^ 2 lots of land in Bu'^, as per p. 193 of Lib. A of Fl*" rec. He appears to have finally set- tled in Esopus (Kingston). Issue: — Jan, bp. Sept. 28, 1688; Sophia, bp. May 3, 1691, m. Feb. 24, 1712, Storm Bradt; Cornelia, bp. Apl. 2, 1693, m. Oct. 15, 17 14, Johannes Becker of Albany; Helena, bp. Mar. 27, 1696, m. Nov. 9, 1716, Wil- lem Hooghteling; Peter, bp. Feb. 5, 1699, m. June 4, 1724, Anna Ackerson; Lysbet, bp. May i, 1701; David, bp. Feb. I, 1708, m. Engeltie Vroman; and Maria, m. Jonar Larua (Le Roy) — all as per the Rev. R. Randell Hoes of New Rochelle, and the bp. mainly in Kingston. Signed his name ^'Pieter Uzielle." Van Aarnhem, Hendrick, probably from Arnhem in 308 GENEALOGY. Gelderland, owned land in Br", as per an Indian deed of May 14, 1670. See p. 16 of Furman's Notes of Br". Fami- lies of this name reside in the vicinity of Albany. Van Aelokman, Cornelis Jansen, bought Mar. i, 1668, •of Jan Gouwenberg a farm of 23 morgens on the W. side of the road in Fl'', with plain and meadow lands, as per p. ^^ of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. Van Aeltemaer or Aelokmaer, Cornelis JAnsen, allot- ted a lot on the division, Aug. 6, 1668, of the FP salt- meadows at Canarisie, as per Fl'' town rec. Van Amack, Theunis Jansh; see Amack. Van Amersfoort, Jan Harmensen, or from Amersfooit in Utrecht in the Netherlands, emigrated in 1658, and took the oath of allegiance in Fl'' in 1687. Van Amsterdam, Jan Pietersen, probably intended for Jan Pietersen from Amsterdam in the Netherlands, obtained Mar. 26, 1647, a patent for 4 morgens in Bu'' between land of Roger Lambertsen and that of Claes Carstensen or Claes de Noorman. Van Arsdalen, Cornelis Simonse, of Fld^ where he took ' the oath of allegiance in. 1687 as a native; m. i'* TJcUetje Reiniers Wizzelpemiing; m. 2^, Mar. 16, 1687, Afltje ]VtlU»tse \ Kotnvenhoven of Fid*; m. 3*^, May 2, 169 1, Mary or Marretjt' Dirckse. May 7, 1700, he bought of his father a farm in G*^, as per G'^ rec. Will da. Apl. 25, 1738; pro. Apl. 19, 1745; rec. p. 380, Lib. 15, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Dirck; John; Symon of Pa., b. Aug. 16, 1697; Philip, m. Jannetje dau. of Hendrick Van Dyck; Abraham; Jacobus, (sup.) b. 1676, m. Alida dau. of Jacob Hoogland of N. J.; Jannetje, m. Dirk Barkeloo of Freehold, N. J.; Aeltje, m. Jeronemus Rapalje; Peternella; and Maria. Signed his name ''Cor- nelis Symgns." John or Jafi Simonse of Fid', m. i^', Oct. 22, 17 19, Jan- netje Dorlant of New Jamaica; m. 2^ Lammetje dau. of Christoffel Probasko; m. 3**, Apl. 3, 1743, Sarah Van Voor- hees; (sup.) m. 4"', Apl. 2, 1751, Libertje Newberrie, a wid., of Fl''. May 10, 1700, he bought of his brother Cornelis the farm in G*^ Cornelis bought of his father. Issue: — Christopher of N. J.; and John. Signed his nanie ''Jan Van Aersdaien." GENEALOGY. 309 Symon Janse, emigrated in 1656, settled in Fld^, and m. Pieterje Claesen Wyckoff. Mag. of Fld^ in 1661 and '86; mem. of Fl*' ch. in 1677; deacon in 1686; took the oatli of allegiance there in 1687; and on cen. of 1698. Issue: — Geertje Simonse, m. Co;;.pelis Pieterse Wyckoff; Cornells Simonse of Fld^; Jannetje Simonse, m. i^' John , m. 2'^, Apl. 16, 1689, Gysbert Teunisse Bogaert; John Simonse of Fid'; (sup.) Symon Symonse of N. J.; (sup.) Marretje Simonse, m. Jan Barendsz; and Matty Simonse, m. Evert Jansen Van Marklen of FI^. Signed his name " Symon Jansen Van Arsdalen." Symon (s. of Cornells), b. Aug. 16, 1697; m. Oct. 30, 17 16, Yannetje Romeyji. Left Fld^ and settled in Bucks Co., Pa., where he was an elder in the R. D. ch. Issue: — John, b. June 27, 1718, m. Elizabeth Kroesen; Lammetje, b. Aug. II, 1720; Stoffel, b. Apl. 15, 1722, m. Elizabeth Kroesen; Symon, b. Apl. 18, 1726, m. Elsie Kroesen; Margaret, b. Jan. 12, 1729, m. Derrick Kroesen; Jacobus, b. Jan. 25, 1732; Nicholas, b. July 14, 1736; and Peter, b. Mar. 2, 1739 — all of Pa. Van As, Evert Dirx, or from As or Asch in Gelderland. Feb. 10, 1661, he and others requested permission to build a block-house in the vicinity of the Wallabout for their de- fence, as per p. 114 of Vol. i of Stiles's Br°. He owned land in Bedford in 1689, as per p. 148 of Lib. i of Con., which was probably the proposed locality of the block- house. Van Baes, Claes Melles, bought Aug. 10, 1664, of Jan Cornelise Damen 26 morgens on the W. side of the road in FP, with plain and meadow land, as per p. 7 of Lib. D of FP rec. Also bought Nov. 19, 1677, of Cornells Hendricx Van Eens 27 morgens on the W. side of the road in FP, as per p. 25 of Lib. C of FP rec. Had a child buried in FP ch. Feb. 20, 1666. Signed his name ''Claes Melles Van Baes." Van Barkeloo, see Barkelo. Van Beeck, Johannes, probably from Beek in Gelderland. Desiring in Feb. 1654 to marry Maria Verleth in G'\ and being opposed by Gov. Stuyvesant, he and Maria ran off to New England and were married at Greenwich, Conn. He d. prior to Mar. 1656. Jan 10, 1654, he bought of Richard Usill plantation-lot No. 30 in C*, as per town rec. After his death his wid. m. W™ Teller of Albany. Issue: — Judith. Signed his name "■Johannes Van Beeck.'' 310 GENEALOGY. Van Blarken, Johannes Jansen, m. June ii, 1693, at Fl*", Mattye Symonsen of Br°, Van Blydenstein, Willem Pietersz, of Fl'', m. Mar. 20, 1684, Styntje Hendricks. Removed to Hempstead. Harmen Pietersz, m. July 20, 1682, Cornelia Cornelise Van Oosten of FP\ Van Boerum, see Boerum. Van Borcum, Evert Duyckingh, see Duycking. Van Borsum, Borssum, or Bossum, Cqrnelis, of Amster- dam (brother of Egbert), m. Sept. i, 1668, in N. Y., Sara Roelofs wid. of Hans Kierstede, residing at Br° ferry at the date of his m.; (sup.) he also m. Geertje Gysbertse. Allotted Aug. 6, 1668, a meadow-lot on the Fl*^ meadows at Canari- sie, as per Fl'' town rec. July 5, 1654, he and Poulus Rich- ard bought a farm in Fl'' of Machtelt Megapolensis, as per p. 28 of Lib. A of FP' rec. A Saartie or Sara Van Borsum was a celebrated Indian interpreter. Egbert from Amsterdam (brother of Cornells), skipper of the ship Prince William in 1664, m. Anneken Hendricks; obtained July 15, 1654, a patent for 2 lots at Br" ferry; and Mar. 12, 1666, a patent for a lot at the ferry. Leased the ferry June i, 1654, and in 1657 was assessed among the resi- dents of Br° located at the ferry 10 gl. towards the salary of Do. Polhemius. Prior to 1660 he was a mem. of the R. D. ch. of N. A., and in 1664 took the oath of allegiance to the English in N. Y. In 1670 he appears to have resided in Fld^ Issue: — (sup.) Hermanus, bp. Sept. 7, 1640; Cornells, bp. Oct. 5, 1642; Hendrick, bp. Apl. 26, 1648; Tymon, bp. Sept. 17, 1651; Janneken, bp. Nov. 23, 1653; and Annetje, bp. Apl. 30, 1656 — all bp. in N. A. Made his mark to docu- ments in 1639. Van Bosch, Jan Wouterse, emigrated in 1659; probably from Bosch — Capelle in Zeeland, and took the oath of al- legiance in Fl*^ in 1687, where he appears to have resided. Van Breuckelen, Martin Jansen, or from Br", was a mag. of Amersfoort or Fid** in 1656, '57, and '58. Van Brevoort, see Brevort. Van Brunt, Adriaen (s. of Cor' Rutgersz), m. /annetje GENEALOGY. 3II Hendricks and resided in N. U. Issue: — Jannetje, b. Oct. 3, 1726, m. her cousin Albert Van Brunt; and Cornelius, liv- ing and an adult in 1650, but no further trace. Signed his name ^^Adrtacn Van Brunt." Cornells Rutgersz of N. U., farmer; m. Nov. 23, 1685, Tryntje dau. of Adriaen Willemse Bennet; d. about 1748. Apl. 18, 1718, for ;^365 he bought of James Hubbard of Monmouth Co., N. J., the Pennoyer patent in G'^. From 1698 to 1717 he was a mem. of the N. Y. Colonial Assembly. He was a large landholder in N. U., assessed for 144 A. in 1706, residing in the village in a house he bought in 1714 of Johannes Swart, taking the oath of allegiance there in 1687. This house is probably the one lately sold by the heirs of Rutgert A. Van Brunt to T. G. Bergen, and is yet in good condition. Issue: — Rutgert of N. U. ; Nicholas of N. J.; William; Adriaen of N. U.; Angenietje, bp. June 30, 1689; Maria or Marrytie, bp. Dec. 10, 1694, m. James Spencer of N. Y. ; Tryntje, m. i^* Jacob Van Dyck of S. I., m. 2^ Louis Dubois of S. I.; Gretien or Margaret, m. Thomas Pollock of N. U. ; and Neeltie, m. Derick Pieters or Pietersen. Signed his name ^'Cornells Van Brunt." Joost Rutgersz of N. U., farmer; m. i*^* , who was buried in Fld^ about 1686; m. 2^, Apl. 16, 1687, Altie dau. of Steven Coerte Van Voorhees; d. about 1746. Held the office of supervisor nearly if not all the time from 1703 to 1743 inclusive, except in 1721, in which year Peter Cortel you was elected. Also that of ensign, capt., lieut.-col., and col. of militia. He was a large landholder, assessed for 120 A. in 1706, and took the oath of allegiance in 1687 as a native. Issue: — Rutgert; and (sup.) Altie, m. Joseph Dit- mars of Fl^. Signed his name '■''Joost Rutgerse Van Brunt.' ' Nicholas Rutgersz., farmer, of N. U., m. Aug. 19, 1683, He- lena dau. of Jacques Cortelyou of N. U.; d. about 16S4, his father surviving him. Helena his w. m. 2^ Deonyse Teu- nisse (Denyse), and m. 3*^ Hendrick Hendricksen. Issue: — Nicholas or Claes, bp. Aug. 31, 1684. Nicholas or Claes (s. of Nicholas Rutgersz of N. U.), bp. Aug. 31, 1684; m. Maria or Mayken dau. of Roeloffe Janse Verkerk; d. about Mar. 17 13-14. His w. after his death m. 2'^ Samuel Gronendyck. Was assessed in 1706 for 80 A. Will da: Feb. 18, 17 13-14, and pro. Mar. 22, 1713-14; rec. on p. 264 of Lib. 8, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Nicholas, (sup.) d. young; Roelof; and Jaques, (sup.) d. young. Signed his name '■'Nicholas Van Brunt." Nicholas (s. of Cornells Rutgersz), m. Geesje, Geertje or Geassey (sup.) dau. of Hendrick Hendrickse of the Nar- rows, N. U.,by his first w. He removed to Monmouth Co., 312 GENEALOGY, N. J., as early as 1731, for in that year he and Geertje Hen- dricksen his w. were members of the Freehold R. D. ch., as per p. 86 of the Marlboro Brick Ch. Memorial. He finally settled on a tract of 600 A. at Tinton Falls near Red Bank, N. J., .which he bought of Robert' Hunter Morris by con- veyances of May I, 1750, and May 21, 1752, for ^2770. Will da. Apl. 12, 1760; pro. Feb. i, 1782; rec. p. loi, Lib. 24, off. of Sec. of State N. J. Issue: — Hendrick, m. Nelly or Neeltje Schenck; Nicholas; Cornelius, m. (sup.) Ellen ; Cath- arine; Jannetje; Anne, m. Cornelius Wynantze; Engeltie, bp. Apl. 28, 1732, at Freehold; Agnes or Angenietje, bp. Feb. 9, 1734-5, at Freehold, m. Albert Schenck of Mon- mouth Co.; and Geesie, bp. Oct. 23, 1737, at Freehold. Signed his name ^'Nicolaes Van Brunt." Rutger Joestcn, the common ancestor of the family, emi- grated from the Netherlands in 1653, and was one of the first settlers in N. U. in 1657. He m. i'' Tryntje Claes or Claesen wid. of Stoffel Harmensen; m. 2^ Gretien ; d. prior to 1713 intestate, leaving his grandson Nicholas, s. of Nicholas Rutgersz, his heir at law. Was a mag. of N. U. in 1661, from 1678 to '81, and .in 1685; on Dongan's patent of 1686; took the oath of allegiance in 1687; and was assessed in 1693 for 100 A. of land. Jan. 18, 1662, he obtained a patent for a double lot of 48 morgens in N. U.; also was allotted two half-lots by the " fontein" (Yellow Hoek or Bay Ridge) numbered 11 and 12, "stretching on the one side of the lot of Arie Willemse (Bennet), on the other of that of Luykes Mayers," w^hich premises are at present (1880) owned and occupied by Rulaf and Daniel Van Brunt, his descendants. He also owned other large plots in N. U. Mar. 29, 1674, Rutger Joesten bought at public auction of Nicholas Bayard, curator or trustee of Nicasius De Sille, and Tryntje Croegers his w., De Sille's house and grounds in the village (the old stone house with a tile roof east of the church, torn down in 1850 by Barent Wyckoff, its last occupant), with other premises. Issue: — Nicholas Rutgersz; Cornells Rutgersz; and Joost Rutgersz. Signed his' name '■'■Rutger Joestcn." Riitgert (s. of Cornells Rutgersz) of N. U., farmer, m. Nov. 3, 1 7 14, Elizabeth dau. of Albert Coerten Van Voor- hies of Fld^; d. Apl. 7, 1760. Was deacon in the R. D. ch. of N. U. from 1717 to 1723, and elder from 1726 to 1729; in 1722 capt. and in 1740 col. of militia. In addition to large tracts in N. U. he owned the Pennoyer patent in G'', being assessed in 17 16 for 104 A. and in 1734-5 for 303 A. in N. U. Will da. Apl... 4, 1760; pro. May 9, 1760; rec. p. 67, Lib. 22, N. Y. surr. off. He devised to his s. Wilhelmus the GENEALOGY. 313 De Sille house with a farm adjoining it and about 90 A. on the E. side of the road leading from the village of N. U. to Nyack (Fort Hamilton); to his s. Rutgert the Pennoyer patent in G*^; and to his s. Adriaen 120 A. extending from the main road in the village to the bay, including the present Bath House property, all subject to legacies to his other children. Issue: — Cornells of N. U., b. Mar. 6, 17 16, m. Helletje or Magdalena Finton; Sartie or Sarah, b. May 4, 1718, m. Aris or Jeremiah Vanderbilt; Albert of N. U., b. Nov. 14, 1720, m. Jannetje Van Brunt; Wilhelmus or Wil- liam of N. U., b. July 26, 1723, m. Jannetje Van Voorhees; Catryntje, b. Feb. 14, 1726, d. young; Rutgert, b. Sept. 13, 1728, d. in 1732; Joost or George of N. U., b. Mar. 4, 1731, m. i^' Lydia Griggs, m. 2^ Elizabeth Duryea; Rutgert of G**, b. Jan. 16,1733, ^- Altie Cortelyou; Adrian of N. U., b. Nov. 5, 1735, m. Engeltie Rapalje; Catryntje, b. Jan. 29, 1738, m. Daniel Hendricksen of Middletown, N. J.; and Elizabeth, b. Nov. 28, 1740, m. Hendrick Jansen of Middle- town, N. J. Signed his name '■''Rutgert Van Brunts Rutgert (s. of Joost Rutgersz), commonly known as " Ryke Bood," or rich brother, m. Jannetje dau. of Jan Janz Van Dyck of N, U.; d. July 5, 1758. Suppose he re- sided on his N. U. Lane farm. From 1744 to '59 was super- visor of N. U., and also held the office of ensign and capt. of militia. Was a large landholder, and conveyed May i, 1752, to Joris Lott, his son-in-law, for ^2200 a tract of about 246 A. in N. U., comprising what was lately the farms of John and Leffert Lefferts. Will da. July 17, 1752; pro. Aug. 3, 1758; and rec. p. 71, Lib. 21, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — John, m. Sarah Bergen, d. about 175 1, prior to the death of his father; Altie, b. Apl. 22, 1712, m. Dec. 22, 1733, Nicholas Stillwell of G''; Teuntje, m. Denyse Denyse of the Narrows; Tryntje, m. John Rapalje of Br"; and Maria, m. Joris Lott. Signed his name ^^Rutgert Va?i Brunt.'' William (s. of Cornells Rutgersz). No further trace than the name, and from an entry in the church books of a grave of a s. of Cornells Rutgersz in 1732 he probably d. in that year. Van Bursum, Harmanus, m. July 30, 1769, Wybrecht Hen- dricks, and had a dau. Femmetje bp. Mar. 20, 1681, at Br". Van Campen, Gerret Jansen, bought Dec. 27, 1668, of Peter Jansen Schol a house and lot in Fl'', as per p. 27 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. Made his mark to documents. Van Cassant, Isaac, emigrated in 1652, and took the oath of allegiance in FP in 1687. 314 GENEALOGY. Van Cleef, Benjamin (Janse), bp. Nov. 25, 1683; m. i^* Hafik or Hemirickje Sutphen ; m. 2'' . Left N. U. and settled in Monmouth Co., N. J., as early as 1707. Issue: — Lysbeth, bp. May 19, 1705, m. William Cowenho- ^ ven of N. J.; Johannes of N. J., bp. June 3, 171 1, m. suc- cessively Maria Koffert and Sarah Cowenhoven;iDerick of N. J., bp. May 3, 17 13; Marike, bp. Oct. 6, 17 15, m. Jan Berkan; Derk of N. J., bp. Dec. 21, 1718, m. Elizabeth Leek; Benjamin of N. J., bp. Dec. 3, 1721, m. Helen Cowenhoven 1^ — all bp. at Freehold; Nelke; Laurens of N. J., m. Jannetie Laan; Helena, m. John Brower of N. J.; (sup.) Joseph of N. J., m. Sytie Van Sicklen; (sup.) Elsje, m. W'" Beyrt of N. J.; and (sup.) Antje, m. Wilson of N. J. Cornells (Janse) of N. U., where he took the oath of al- * legiance in 1687 as a native; m. Femmetje Vandeventer. v- Mar. 10, 1704-5, sold a house and village-plot in N. U. to Anthony Holsart or Hulst, as per Lib. 4 of Con. Apl. 30, 1706, he sold (hailing from G'') to Jacques Cortelyou his interest in the tract on C^ or N. U. Bay, lying E. of Cor- telyou's lane, commonly known as the gun-field from a block-house being located in it in the last war with Great Britain, and known on a map on file in the office of the regis- ter of Kings County as Brighton or La Grange, as per an unrecorded deed among the Isaac Cortelyou papers. In 1706 he was assessed for 18 A. Aug. 10, 1708, he sold to Joost Van Brunt the plot of 21 A. in the road from the vil- lage of N. U. to the Narrows, commonl)^ known as the Island, as per an unrecorded deed among the Leffert pa- pers. Sept. 26, 1713, he sold to Cornells Van Brunt a tract of 28 A. fronting on G^ and N. U. Bay, E. of the gun-field and W. of De Bruynne's Lane, covering the land at present occupied by the Bath Hotel and adjoining premises, as per deed among Rutger A. Van Brunt papers. His name ap- pears on the N. U. ass. roll of 1693 and C^ cen. of 1698. Issue: — John of C*, who m. Catharine ; Laurens, bp. Apl. 25, 1696, of N. J.; and (sup.) Maria or Maritje. Made his mark to documents. Isbraut Janse, m. Janneke Aertse Vanderbilt of Fl*". Was a grand-juror at the sessions in 1699. Left N. U. and set- tled in Monmouth Co., N. J. Issue: — Marretje, bp. Jan 25, 17 16, in N. Y.; Janneke, bp. Mar. 8, 1720, at Freehold; (sup.) Benjamin, bp. Jan. 7, 1724, at Freehold, m. successively N^ Rachel and Sara Cowenhoven. Jan, the ancestor of the family, emigrated in 1653; b. in 1628; m. Engeltie Louwerens dau. of Louwerens Pieterse, prior to Mar. 10, 1681. He probably came from Cleef in the Netherlands. Farmer in G'' in 1656, as per Thompson's GENEALOGY. 315 L. I., residing in N. U. as early as 1659. Dec. 23, 1662, he bought of Albert Albertse (Terhune) his patent of 24 mor- eens in N. U., which premises he conveyed to Balthazer de Vos and De Vos conveyed Apl. 6, 1669, to Hans Harmense Van Barkeloo, as per N. Y. town rec. Dec. 27, 1677, he bought of Arie Willemse (Bennet) a pasture-lot in N. U., for which in exchange Arie conveyed to him lots Nos. 6 and 7 at Yellow Hoek (Bay Ridge), where he also owned lots Nos. 13 and 14. In 1677 he was a mem. of the N. U. ch., in 1678 constable of said town, on Dongan's patent of 1686, and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687. There was a Jan Van Cleef of Bu"^ in 1664, as per p. 339 of Vol. II. of Stiles's Br". Issue: — Catharine, bp. Oct. 23, 1681; Benja- min of N. J., bp. Nov. 25, 1683; Joseph, bp. Nov. 25, 1683; Angelica, m. John Emans of G*^; Ceytie, bp. May 13, 1688; Isbrant of N. J.; Nelke, m. Jan Van Meteren of N. J.; Cor- nelius of N. U.; and Rebecca, m. Andrew Emans of C^. Made his mark to documents. Joseph of N. U., bp. Nov. 25, 1683; m. Catharine dau. of Daniel Rapalje. Issue: — Sarah, bp. Sept. 25, 1709. Made his mark to documents. Van Corler, see Van Curler. Van Cortland, Stephanus, m. Sept. 10, 167 1, Gertrude Schuyler. Bought Aug. 10, 1695, Red Hoek of the authori- ties of Br", cong. 50 A., which his heirs sold May 23, 17 12, to Matthyas Van Dyck. In 1693 he was col. of the militia of Kings Co., as per p. 29 of Vol. IV. of Col. His. He ap- pears to have resided mainly in N. Y. For an account of the famil}', see p. 212 of O'Callaghan's New Netherlands. Van Cossant, Isaac, emigrated in 1652, and took the oath of allegiance in Fl'' in 1687. Van Cott or Van Cat, Claes Cornelise, emigrated in 1652, and took the oath of allegiance in Bu'^ in 1687, where he settled, and where his name appears on the ass. roll of 1683. He d. prior to Aug. 21, 1694. There was a Cornells Van Cott of Flushing who m. Mar. 11, 17 10, Antie Sprung, who may have been his s. Cor?ielis, on Dongan's patent of Bu'i of 1687. Van Coverde or Coverden, Rem Jansen, bought Mar. 22, 1676-7, of Cornells Janse Boomgart lot No. 23 in the N. L. of Fl^ with a parcel of salt-meadows for 1300 gl., as 3l6 GENEALOGY. per p. 12 of Lib. AA of Fl'' rec. He also bought Mar. 27^ 1680, of Jacob Strycker a farm in Fl'', as per p. 37 of Lib. A of Fl*" rec. Signed his name ^^Re7n Jansen." Aeltje Theunis of Br", m. May 18, 1679, at Fld% Willem Pos (Post) of N. Y., as per N. Y. D. ch. rec. Van Cowenhoven, see Cowenhoven. Van Curler, Jacorus, b. about 161 1; m. Aug. 1652 Elizabeth Van Hoochvclt or Hoogvelt in N. A. In 1633 was commissary of cargoes for the colony. Obtained June 16, 1636, a patent for the little plains, the middlemost of the three fiats in Fld^, known as Coders Flats and Castuteauw. In 1638 he taught a school in N. A.; Oct. 2. 1652, obtained a patent for a plantation in Fl'', as per Col. Man.; in 1655 he appears to have resided in G*^; in 1657 was among the first settlers of N. U.; in 1660 resided on his plantation in said town, of which he was a mag. in 1659 and '60, and clerk in 1662. Mar. 20, 1662, he bought plantation-lot No. 18 in G*^ of " Eman Benam." In 1672 he appears to have been a bankrupt. Signed his name "y. V. Curler." Van Dalen, Jacobus, alias Herpert Clunsen, probably from Dalen in Emberland, leased for 6 years, commencing Oct. I, 1656 and ending in 1662, of Petrus Stuyvesant his bouwery at Amersfoort with the buildings, as per p. 384 of Vol. III. of O'Callaghan's Man. Trans, of Col. Man. Vandegrift, Frederick, (supposed s. of Jacob Leendert- sen, the surname being probably derived from the river Grift in Gelderland,) of Bu^, andjoost Duryeeor " Derjee," guardians of the orphan children of Hendrick Barentse Smith, conveyed Smith's real estate at Bu*^ to the 3 orphan children, viz. Willemtje Smith, Aeltje Smith, and Johannes Smith, 16 morgens each, as per p. 176 of Lib. A of FP rec. Frederick was bp. Dec. 19, 1655, in N. A.; m. Nov. 3, 1678, Styntje Elswarts of N. Y. ; was an elder in the R. D. ch. of Bensalem, Bucks Co., Pa., in 1710, to which place he ap- pears to have removed. Issue: — Christoffel, bp. Aug. 6, 1681, in N.Y.; and Abram, bp. Dec. 18, 1691. Signed his name ' ' Frederick Va nde grift. Jacob Leendertsen, m. July 19, 1648, in N. A., Rebecca Frederickse dau. of Frederick Lubbertse of Br"; mem. of the R. D. ch. of Br" in 1664. Removed to N. Y. and elected schepen in 1673; and one of the patentees of Newtown in 1686. Issue: — Marretje Jacobse, bp. Aug. 29, 1649, m. Mar. II, 1666, in N. Y., Cornells Corsz Vroom; Christine Jacobse, GENEALOGY. 317 bp. Feb. 26, 165 1, m. i"', Sept. 22, 1678, Cornells Jacobse Schippen, m. 2'^, Mar. 20, 1681, Daniel Van Vos; Anne Ja- cobse, bp. Mar. 16, 1653, m. Aug. 26, 1674, Jacob Claesen; Leendert Jacobse, bp. Dec. 19, 1655, m. Nov. 3, 1678, Styntje Elswaerts; (sup.) Frederick Jacobse; Nicholas Jacobse, bp. May 5, 1658; Rebecca Jacobse, bp. May 22, 1661; Rachel Jacobse, bp. Aug. 20, 1664, m. 1689 Barend Verkerk; and Johannes Jacobse, bp. June 26, 1667 — all bp. in N. A. and N. Y. Signed his name "yaco/j Leendertsen Vandergrift.'' Johannes Jacobse, bp. June 26, 1667; (sup.) m. Sept. 23, 1692, Neeltje Volkers wid. of Cornells Cortelyou of N. U. Resided in N. U. and removed from thence to Bensalem, Bucks Co., Pa., where he was an elder in the R. D. ch. in 1724. Issue: — Hester, bp. Jan. 21, 1710, in Bucks Co., Pa., and probably others. Nicholase Jacobs, m. Aug. 24, 1684, at N. U., Barendje Janse Verkerken or Ker Kerke. Took the oath of allegiance in N. U. in 1687; bought Feb. 24, 1690-1, of Anthony Du Ceen a farm in N. U. Lane, which he sold Apl. 5, 1697, to Ab™ Willemse (Van Westervelt), at which date he resided at Bensalem, Bucks Co., Pa., as per p. 132 of Lib. 2 of Con., and at which place he was an elder in the R. D. ch. in 17 10. Issue: — Jan, bp. Jan. i, 1691, in N. Y. Signed his name '''■Nichloes Vandergrift." Paulus Leendertse, m. Jannetje Gerretse; was a property- holder in N. A. as early as 1644; skipper of the Neptune in 1645, and of the Great Gerrit in 1646; a mag. of said city most of the time from 1653 to 1665, and in 1647, '48, and '49 a member of the Council. After the conquest he took the oath of allegiance to the English in 1664. He obtained a patent in 1668, for 25 morgens of land in Br", which he bought Jan. 22, 1654, of W"^ Cornelise, which premises had been previously held by Michael Picet, as per p. 82 of Vol. I of Stiles's Br". In 167 1 he sold his property (on which there is no account of his having resided), and returned to Europe, as per p. 43 of Vol. II. of Col. His. Issue: — Mar- griet or Grietje, bp. May 22, 1649, m. Jacob Mauritzen; Gerret, bp. Apl. 30, 165 1; Marritie, bp. Apl. 29, 1653, m. Gerrit Van Tricht; and Johannes, bp. Jan. 27, 1655 — all bp. in N. A. Signed his name "Z'. L. Van de grift." Vander Beek, Abraham (Coenraduse), bp. Apl. i, 1682; m. Oct 22, 1702, Moltje Woodert; d. prior to 1706. Left Br" and settled in N. J. Issue: — Elsje, bp. Sept. i, 1704. Coenradus Coenraet [Pouluse), bp. Sept. i, 1647; m. i^' Elsje or Eesje Janse (sup.) Schaers; m. 2'^, Oct. 20, 1702, Cath- arine Cook, wid. Resided in Gowanus, mem. of Br" D. ch. 3l8 GENEALOGY. in 1677, and on ass. rolls of Br" of 1675 and '76. Removed to N. Y., and a measurer there in 1699. Will da. July 17^ 1706; pro. Jan. 9, 1709; rec. p. 280, Lib. 7, N. Y. sum off. Issue: — Anna Margaret; Paulus; John, m. June 23, 1699, in N. Y., Lysbet Woeder; Marie, bp. May 10, 1679; Abra- ham, bp. Apl. I, 1682; Isaac, bp. June 3, 1685; Jacob, bp. Mar. 2, 1688, d. young; Coenradus, bp. Nov. 5, 1693 (sup.) m. Oct. 12, 1712, in N. Y., Ariaentje De Vou — all bp. in N. Y.; Mary or Maria, bp. May 10, 1699, m. Hendrick Bosch Jun''; Burger; and Jacob — the last 2 by 2'^ wife. Coenradus (Coenrai/usc), bp. Nov. 5, 1693; m. i®', Oct. 12, 1702, Adriaantje De Vou; m. 2'', May — , 1717, (sup.) An- genietje Westervelt of Hackensack. On ass. rolls of Br" of 1675 and '76. Dec. 30, 1699, he sold to Cornells Gerretse Van Duyn the one half of the Bredenbent farm at Gowa- nus. Left Br" and settled in Hackensack, N. J. Issue: — Burger, bp. Aug. 4, 1703; Jacobus, bp. Dec. 9, 1705, m. Antje Vreeland; Paulus, bp. 17 18, m. Annetje Amerman; Geesje, bp. 1721, m. Cornells de Groot; Jannetje, bp. 1723, m. David Akerman; Cornelia, bp. 1725, m. Hendrick Sturm; Juryan, bp. 1730; and Abraham, bp. 1732. Isaac {Pou/use), bp. Nov. 5, 1656; m. . Issue: — Arent, bp. Apl. 20, 1690. Isaac (Coenraduse), bp. June 3, 1685; m. June — , 1736, Annetje de Boog. Left Br" and settled at Hackensack. Issue: — Poulus, bp. 1737, m. Sara Berdan; Barent, bp. 1739; Jannetje, bp. 1741; Isaac, bp. 1743; Jacob, bp. 1746, m. Mar- grietje Berdan; Salamon, bp. 1749, m. Geesje Terhune; Ragel, bp. 1752, m. Salamon Kalugs; Abram, bp. 1756; and Hendrick, bp. 1759 — all bp. in Hackensack. Jacob {Coenradusc), m. Femmetje Van, Voorhees. Left Br" and settled in Hackensack. Issue: — Paulus, bp. 1725; Jan, bp. 1727; and Abram, bp. 1735 — '^^^ ^p. in Hacken- sack. Paulus, the common ancestor of the family, emigrated from Bremen; m. Oct. 9, 1644, Maria or Mary Thomas or Baddie, successively wid. of Thomas Farden and Willem Arianse Bennet of Gowanus; d. 1680. Of Br" in 1655, as per Col. Man.; in 1660 a butcher in N. A.; in i66i farmer of the excise of L, I.; in 1662 ferry-master; Oct. 24, 1663, bought plantation-lot No. 17 in G'' of Jan Jansen Ver Rhyn, as per G'^ rec; on ass. roll of Br" of 1675 and patent of 1677. Aug. 6, 1679, he sold to Willem Huyken the one half of a farm in Gowanus formerly of Willem Bradenbent for 3000 gl. He resided on the farm in Gowanus late of Garret Bergen. Issue: — Coenradus, bp. Sept. i, 1647; Aaltje, bp. May 30, 1649, m. Dirck Janse Amerman; Poulus Jun^ bp. Nov. 17, GENEALOGY. 319 1650; Hester, bp. Dec. 15, 1652, m. Juriaen Blanck Jun""; Isaac, bp. Nov. 6, 1656 — all bp. in N. A.; and Catharine, m. i^"^ Daniel Richauco, m. 2^ Pieter Corsz Vroom. Signed his name "J/' Poulus Van der bek^ Poulus Jun"", bp. Nov. 17, 1650; m. June 13, 1677, Sara Schouten; d. about 1690. Resided at Gowanus, and mem. of R. D. ch. of Br" in 1677 and '85. Issue: — Sara, bp. Feb. 10, 1678, d. young; Maria, bp. Mar. 15, 1679, m. (sup.) Cor- nells Christiansen of Hackensack; Poulus, bp. Nov. 6, 1681; Sara, bp. Oct. 6, 1683, m. Hendrick Pieters from Amster- dam; Lucas, bp. Mar. 6, 1687; and Janneken, bp. Oct. 14,, 1688— all bp. in N. Y. — Poulus {Coenraduse), m. i^*, Nov. 18, 1695, Jannetie Johan- nes wid. of Jacob Colve; m. 2^, June 1703, Catryn Martens wid. of Samuel Berry. Left Gowanus, Br°, prior to his marriages and resided in N. Y., from whence he removed to N. J. Issue: — Coenradus of N. J., bp. July 15, 1696; Jacob of N. J., bp. Jan. i, 1699; Elsie, bp. Dec. 29, 1700, (sup.) m. Mar. 5, 1720, Pieter Kip; Poulus of N. J., bp. Apl. 7, 1703; and Catharine, bp. Feb. 6, 1706 — all bp. in N. Y. Poulus {s. of Poulus Jun""), bp. Nov. 6, 1681; (sup.) m. Jan- netje Springsteen. Left Gowanus and settled at Hacken- sack. Issue: — Abram, bp. 1708; and Isaac, bp. 1712 in Hackensack. Pci/i and Pern Janse, see Remsen. Vander Bilt or Bild, Aris Janse, of FP, m. Oct. 6, 1677, Hildegonde or Hilletje Retnsen dau. of Rem Janse Vander- beek; d. after 171 1. On ass. rolls of Fl'' of 1675 and '83, took the oath of allegiance there as a native in 1687, on patent of 1685, cen. of 1698, and capt. of infantry in 1700, as per p. 809 of Vol. IV. of Doc. of Col. His. He appears to have removed to Bergen, N. J., before he died. Issue: — Jan Aertse, bp. Aug. 11, 1678, in N. U.; Jannetje or Annet- je Aertse, bp. Jan. 9, 1681, in Br°, d. young; Jannetje Aertse, bp. Sept. 17, 1682, in N. U., m. Eyzebrand Van Kloof or Isbrant Van Cleef; Femmetje Aertse, bp. Sept. 14, 1684, in N. U., m. Gosen Adrianse Ryerson; Rem Aertse, bp. Aug. 29, 1686, in Br°; Aert Aertse, bp. June ii, 1693, in Br"; Jeremyas Aertse, bp. Oct. 19, 1695, in Br"; Cornelius Aertse, b. Jan. 11, 1697; Hendrick Aertse of N. J.; (sup.) Jacob Aertse; and (sup.) Catharine Aertse, b. Mar. i, 1713, m. Jacobus Lefferts of Fl*^. Signed his name ^'■Aris Janse Vandebielt.'' Aert Aertse of Fl*", b. June 11, 1693; m. Mar. 14, 17 17, Seytie Strycker. Will da. Dec. 9, 1754; pro. Nov. 27, 1762; rec. p. 332, Lib. 23, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Antie, m. Lef- fert Lefferts; Lammetje, b. May 25, 1720, m. John Lefferts; Hilletje, b. Apl. 19, 1721, m. Leffert Martense; Margrietje„ 320 GENEALOGY. m. Ab"' Bogert; Scytie, bp. Dec. 20, 1730, m, Douwe Van Duyn; Aris of FP, bp. Feb. 29, 1736, m. Annetje Nagel; Jannetje, (sup.) m. Joris Martense; and Peter of N. U., m. Jannetje Willemse. Signed his name "^r/ Van der Belt." Cornelius Aertse, b. June 11, 1697; m. Jannetje Wyckoff; d. Jan. 22, 1782. Left Fl*^ and settled at Sommerville, N. J. Issue: — Cornelia, bp. Oct. 15, 1738, at Sommerville; and probably other children. Hendrick Aertse^ m. Neeltje Van Cleef. Left Fl"^ and set- tled near Freehold, N. J., and on ass. roll of Franklin town- ship in 1735. Issue: — Benjamin of N. J., bp. Aug. 29, 1731; Hendrick of Middletown, N. J., bp. June 10, 1733, m. Cath- arine Snyder; Aris of N. J., bp. June 22, 1735, (sup.) m. Ann Dorset; Eyda, bp. May 8, 1737; Derick of N. J., bp. Sept. 9, 1739; Neeltje, bp. July 12, 1741, m. Piter Van Pelt; Maria, bp. July 24, 1744, m. Samuel Dennis; and Elsje, bp. Dec. 25, 1749 — all bp. in N. J. Jacob Janse of Fl*^, m. Aug. 13, 1687, Marretje dau. of Derick Janse Van Der Vliet and wid. of Andries Onderdonk. On ass. rolls of Fl** of 1675, '76, and '83, and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687. Issue: — Jacob Jun'' of S. I., b. 1692; Derick, bp. Apl. 25, 1696; Antje, m. Isaac Symonse of S. I.; (sup.) John of Hempstead; and Femmetje, m. Go- zen Adriaans of S. I. Made his mark to documents. Jacob Jun"" of S. I., b. 1692; m. Neeltje Denyse; d. Dec. 14, 1760. Bought a farm on S. I. in 17 18, to which he re- moved from Fl"^, and was a mem. of the Moravian ch. of that place in 1756. Will da. May 10, 1759; pro. Feb. 9, 1761; rec. p. 345, Lib. 42, N. Y. sum off. Issue: — Aris, b. Feb. 2, 1716; Dennis or Denyse, bp. Sept. 22, 1717, in G*^, settled on the Raritan; Hilletje, bp. Mar. 27, 1720, on S. I., where the remainder of his children were bp.; Jacob of S. I. (the grandfather of Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt of N. Y. Central R. R. memory), bp. Feb. 3, 1723, m. Mary Hoogland; Helena or Magdalena, bp. Dec. 25, 1725, m. Cornelius Ellis of S. I.; John or Johannes of S. I., bp. Dec. 25, 1731; Cornelius of S. I., farmer, bp. Dec. 25, 1731, m. Elenor Van Tile; Ann or Antje, bp. Feb. 24, 1734; Phebe, b. Apl. 27, 1737, m. Christopher Gerretsen of S. I.; Anthea, b. Jan. 3, 1739; Neeltje, bp. Sept. 13, 1742; and Adrian of S. I. Signed his name ''^ Jacob Vanderbilt^ Jacob Aertse (sup.) of Fl*^, m. Altie or Neltie dau. of Ja- cobus Lefferts of Fl''. Issue: — Jacob. Jan Aertsen^ the common ancestor of the Vanderbilt fam- ily of this vicinity, or Jan s. of Aert from " the Bilt," a vil- lage in the province of LHrecht, (Bilt or Bylt means hill,) came to' this country as early as 1650; m. i*', Feb. 6, 1650, GENEALOGY. 321 Anneken Hendricks from Bergen in Norway; m. 2^ Dierber Cornelis; m. 3*^, Dec. 16, i68t, Magdalena Hanse wid. of Hendrick Jansen Spier of Bergen, N. J.; d. Feb. 2, 1705, at Bergen, N. J. Resided in N. A. as early as 1663, after which he settled in Fl'', where Feb. 5, 1667, he gave a mortgage on his bouwery to Nicholas de Meyer. From Fl^ he removed to Bergen, N. J., where he owned land in 1694, as per Winfield's Hudson Co. Land Titles, and pro- bably at an earlier date. Issue: — Aris Janse; Geertje or Gerretje Janse, m. Jan Spiegelaer; Jacob Janse; Marretje Janse, m. Rem Remsen of N. L.; and Jan Jansen Jun'", by last wife. His mark to documents resembles a window- sash with 4 panes of glass. yan (sup. s. of Jacob and Marretje), m. Margaret . Owned and occupied a farm in Fld^, late the southerly side of the Emmans farm, which he sold and then removed to Hempstead. Will da. Apl. 30, 1761; pro. Apl. 30, 1768; rec. p. 280, Lib. 26, of N. Y. sum off. Issue: — Jacob; Ger- ret; William; Hendrick; Mary, m. and d. prior to Apl. 1 761; Margaret, m. Dodge; and Geertruy, m. Remsen. yan Janse (s. of Jan Aertse) of Fl'^, m. about 1733 Helena or Magdalena Lefferts dau. of Leffert Pieterse and wid. of Gerret Martense. On ass. rolls of FP of 1675 and '76, and on Gov. Andros's patent for the New Lotts of Fl*^ of 1677. About 1680 he removed to Bergen, N. J. No account of his children. . Jan Aertse (s. of Aris Janse), bp. Aug. 11, 1678; m. (sup.) Hilletje Remsen and resided in Fl*^. Issue: — (sup.) Auries or Aris of N. J.; (sup.) Jeremiah of Fl*", Br°, and Hemp- stead. Signed his name "_/«« Van Der bilt." Jeremyas Aertse {s. of Aris Janse) of Fl'^, bp. Oct. 19, 1695; m. Nov. II, 1715, Peternella dau. of Cornelis Pieterse Wyckoff. Issue: — George, bp. Dec. 19, 17 18; Hilletje, bp. Feb. 29, 1721, m. Leffert Martense of Fl''; Pieternella, bp. Mar. 5, 1727 — all bp. in N. U. ; and Jeremias of Fl"^, the ancestor of the Fl'' branch of the family, m. Sarah Van Brunt. Signed his name "Jerimyas van Der Bilt" in 1727. Jiem Aertse (s. of Aris Janse) of FP, bp. Aug. 29, 1686; m. Margreta . Issue: — Jan; Rem. b. 1712; and Hilletje, bp. Oct. 21, 1 7 13, on S. I. Signed his name ^^Jiem Vatider bilt:' Van der Bosch, Jan Woutersz, and Wyntje his w., mem, of FP R. D. ch. in 1677. Van der Breets, Jurian Hendrickse, took the oath of 21 322 GENEALOGY. allegiance in Br" in 1687 as a native. Had land conveyed to him Oct. 19, 1687, in Br°, by Sophia Van Loedsteyn as per p. 116 of Vol. I of Con. Volkert, took the oath of allegiance in Br"^ in 1687 as a native. Van der Burch, Cornelis, probably from Burch in Zee- land, was a resident of N. U. in 1682, as per town rec. Signed his name ^^ Cornelis Vajider Burch." Van der Eyck, Anthony, on ass. rolls of N. U. of 1675 and '76. Van der Gouw, Gilles Pietersen, a carpenter, probably from Gouda in South Holland, testified Mar. 22, 1639, to the building among others of the house of Wolfert Gerretse (Van Couwenhoven) standing at the Bay (Flatlands), erect- ed by the Company's carpenter, as per O'Callaghan's Man. Trans, of Dutch Col. Man. He appears to have been en- gaged during Van Twiller's administration on many build- ings. Van der Grift or Vander Grist, see Vandegrift. Van der Hard, Simon Aerdsz, of Gowanus, m. Geertje Cornelis. Issue: — Dorothea, bp. Aug. i, 1680, at Fl'^; Ger- ritje, bp. Aug. 20, 1682, in N. U. ; Simon, bp. Mar. 30, 1684, in N. U., and d. young; and Simon, bp. May 3, 16S5, in N. U. From his having a sister Lysbeth Aards who hailed from Nieuwkoop in South Holland, it may be inferred he emigrated from the same place. Van der Hove or Hoven, Cornelis, probably from Hoven, a village in Gelderland, settled in Bedford, m. Matye dau. of Marten Beekman; d. in 1705. His wid. after his death m. John Bibon of Bedford. There was a Cornelis Cornelise Van der Hoeven in Albany, who sold Mar. 4, 1677-8, a house and lot at that place to W™ Loveridge, hat- ter; and a Cornelis Van Der Hoeven at Albany who d. in 1690, as per Pearson's First Settlers in Albany. Issue: — Cornelis Jun""; Alke; Nellye, m. Johannes Van Duyn; Mar- tha; Jonica; Martin; Susan; and Johannes— all bp. in Al- bany; and Christine,'m. Ruliyf Duryee. Signed his name ' ' C Vander hoeven. Cornelis Jun"", m. Lysbeth . Resided in Bedford, was one of the justices of Br" in 1673, and on cen. of 1698. GENEALOGY. 323 Issue: — Cornells, bp. Nov. 27, 1698, in Br°; Metje, bp. Dec. I, 1700, in Br"; and Michiel, bp. Sept. 17, 1730, in N. U. Martin, left Bedford and settled near New Brunswick, N. J., prior to 1699, as per p. 35 of Messler's Somerset Co. Vanderick, Rick Jansen, on Stoothoff's books of 1676. Vandering, Tileman, emigrated in 1674, and in 1687 took the oath of allegiance in N. U. Van der Linde, see Linda. Van der Liphorst, Luykas, bought Dec. 17, 1653, of Arent Van Hattem Jun'' plantation-lot No. 23 in G'^, as per town rec. Van der Meyer, Tileman Jacobsz, from Kamerik, a village in Utrecht in the Netherlands, m. Aug. 11, 1678, Tryntjc wid. of Jan Thomasse Van Dyck, and resided in Br°. Vander Nexter, Jan, on ass. rollPof N. U. of 1683. Van der Veen, Poulus Jansen, probably from Veen, a village in North Braband, owned land in Canarisie June 10, 1661, as per Col. Man. Vanderveer, Cornelis Janse (from the ferry), the com- mon ancestor of the family, emigrated in 1659 from Alk- maar in North Holland; m. Tryntje Gillis de Mandeville. Bought Feb. 24, 1678-9, of Jan Janse Fyn for 2600 gl. a farm in Fl*^ lying S. of the purchaser's farm, as per p. 57 of Lib. AA of Fl*^ rec, from which it is evident that he was a resident of Fl*^ at this date. Th.^. purchaser s farm referred to in the above description was probably a tract of 26 mor- gens in Fl'\ patented Mar. 12, 1661, by Gov. Stuyvesant to " Cornelis Janse," lying on the N. side of the land of Jan Snediker. His name appears as a mag. of F^ in 1678 and '80, and on the patent of said town of 1685. Issue: — Cor- nelis Jun^; Neeltje Cornelise, m. Daniel Pol"hemus; Domi- nicus Cornelise, bp. Nov. 16, 1679, in Fld^; Jan Cornelise; (sup.) Jacobus Cornelise; Micheal Cornelise; Maria Cor- nelise, bp. July 30, 1682, in Fl''; Hendrikje Cornelise, bp. May 17, 1684, (sup.) m. Johannes Wyckoff; Jakoba Corne- lise, bp. Apl. 29, 1686, in Br", (sup.) m. John Cowenhoven of "^ N, J.; and Pieter Cornelise. Signed his name ^'Cornells Janse Vande Veer." 324 GENEALOGY. Cornells Jun'' of Fl*", m. Jannetje (sup.) Van Norstrand. On ass. roll of Fl'' of 1683 and cen. of 1698; sheriff of the county in 1731.- Will da. June 7, 1775; pro. Apl. 8, 1782; rec. p. 483 of Lib. 34 of N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — John; Catrina, b. May 30, J722, m. (sup.) Jacobus Lefferts; Cor- nelius of Fl'' (father of the late John C. and grandfather of the present (1880) John Vanderveer of FP), b. Dec. 5, 1731, m. Leah Ver Kerk; and Petrus, b. June 5, 1735. Dominicus {Cornelise) of Fl*^, bp. Nov. 16, 1679; m. i'* Jan- netje ; (sup.) m. 2**, Feb. 7, 1702-3, Maria Margreta Nortlyck or Van Orteck. His name appears on the Fl*^ rec. in 1704, '27, and '49, in relation to salt-meadows and church funds. Was sheriff of Kings Co. in 1736. Issue: — Dominicus of Fl*^, m. Elizabeth Laquire; Catlyntje, bp. July 25? 1715; Jannetje, bp. June 21, 1719; Jacobus^ of the Rari- tan, N. J., bp. Dec. 10, 172 1, m. Femmetje Strycker; (sup.) Tunis of Freehold, m. Aeltje Schenck; Neeltje, bp. July 9, 1727, m. Peter Lott of N. L.; Jeremias of N. L., bp. Mar. 30, 1729, m. Elizabeth Ditmas; 'Antje, bp. Oct. 17, 1731; Jan of FP', bp. Aug. 19, 1733 — all bp. in N. U. ; (sup.) Cor- nelia; (sup.) Cornelius of Shrewsbury, m. Matje or Marytje Schenck; and (sup.) H|pndrick of Monmouth Co., N. J., m. Neeltje Van Cleef. Signed his name ^'■Dominicus Van dcr veer." Jacobus {Cornelise), bp. Oct. 29, 1686; m. Catharine ; d. 1726. Left Fl'' and removed to Penn's Hoek, Salem Co., N. J. Will da. Aug. 15, 1726; pro. Dec. 17, 1726; rec. p. 2, Lib. 38 of Sec. off. of N. J. Issue: — Helena, bp. Mar. 4, 1698, in N. Y., m. Andrew Tossaway; Jacob of Redington, N. J.; William of N. J.; and Henry of Penn's Neck, N. J. /an [Cornelise) of FP, m. Jan. 6, 1695, Femmetje dau. of Michael Hansen Bergen. Took the oath of allegiance in Fl"^ in 1687, of which town he was supervisor from 1708 to 1714. Jan. I, 1696, he bought of Daniel Polhemius the one half of a corn-mill with its appurtenances, with the one half of the dwelling-house and of the ground thereto be- longing, for 4000 gl., fls per p. 221 of Lib. A of FP rec. Jan. 19, 1698, he bought of D. Polhemius the remaining one half of the corn-mill with the ground thereto belonging, as granted by the town, located on the " Varse Kil" (Fresh Kil), as per p. 233 of said Lib. A. This is clearly the mill in N. L. at present known as Vanderveer's mill. Issue: — Katryna, bp. Mar. 29, 1696, in Br"; Femmetje, m. Jacob Sebring ; and Jan of Keuter's Hoek, FP', b. July 7, 1706, m. Cornelia dau. of Ab™ Lott. Signed his name ^^Jan Van Der Veer." John (s. of Cornells Jun"') of Fl"", m. ; d. prior to GENEALOGY. 325 1782, Issue: — Gerrit; John; Peter; Hendrick; Jannetje; and Belitje. Michael or Macchiel {Cornelise) of N. U., m. Belitje ; d. prior to 1770. Deacon in D. ch. of N. U. in 1726. Issue: — Michael, m. Margaret Stockholm; Scytie, bp. Mar. 17, 1723; Eytje, bp. Dec. 6, 1724; Jan, bp. Nov. 6, 1726; Catharine, bp. Oct. 13, 1728, d. young; Jacobus, bp. Jan. 18, 1730; Catharine, b. Aug. 11, 1732, m. Pieter Antonides of Fl''; Cornelius, bp. Feb. 16, 1735 — all bp. in N. U.; and Hendrick of Fl*^, the father of the late Abraham Vanderveer, for many years clerk of the County of Kings, m. Maria Voorhees. Signed his name ^^ Macchiel Vander Veer.'' Pieter Cornelise. Oct. 15, 1653, Gerrit Lookermans con- veyed to Pieter Cornelise Vanderveer of N. A. a house and lot on the present Pearl St. of N. Y., as per Lib. GG of patents in off. of Sec. of State, Albany; and May 2, 1658, he obtained a patent for a lot in said city. From these dates conclude that this Pieter Cornelise is not a son of Cornells Janse. Van Der Vliet, Vlidt, or Vlit, Cornelis Barentse, probably from Vliet, a village in Sooith Holland, w^as allot- ted Aug. 6, 1668, a meadow-lot on the division of the Fl** meadows at Canarisie, as per Fl^ town rec. Dirck Janse, the common ancestor of the family, emi- grated from the Waal in the Netherlands in 1660: b. about 1612; m. i^', in Europe, Lyntje Aertse; m. 2^, in Europe, Geertje Gerretse. Settled in Fl*", where he obtained Nov. 24, 1654, a patent for 25 morgens, as per Col. Man. On ass. rolls of FP of 1675, '76, and '2>y, mag. in 1679, '80 and '81; mem. of the R. D. ch. in 1677 and deacon in 1680; on Gov. Andros's patent for the New Lotts of 1677; and took the oath of allegiance in said town in 1687. Jan. 15, 1679-80, he and his w. Geertje made a joint will, which is recorded on p. 95 of Lib. AA of Fl'' rec. Issue: — /Hendrikje Dirckse, m. Jan Nelsie; Jan Dirckse; 'Hendrick Dirckse; Mary or Margaret Dirckse; Geertruyd Dirckse; and Gerret Dirckse. Signed his name ^^Dirck Jansen Van der Vliet." Gerret Dirckse of Fl^, probably the oldest son of Derek Janse. Settled on the Raritan prior to 1699, as per p. 35 of Messler's Somerset Co. There was a Garret Van Vliet among the Freeholders of Dutchess Co. in 1714, as -per p. 100 of Smith's Dutchess Co. Hendrick Dirckse of Fl''. Jan. 15, 1679-80, he and his brother Jan bought of their father Dirck Janse, wood-lot No. 9 in the new division (New Lotts) of Fl^, lying between the 326 GHNEALOGY. lots of Jan Snediker and that of Pieter Lott, as per p. 93 of Lib. AA of Fl'' rec. Name on cen. of Fl*" of 1698. Signed his name "Hcndrick Dircksen Vander Vlit." Jan Dirckse oi Fl'', b. in the Waal of the Netherlands; m. Dec. 2, 1683, Geertje Verkerk from Buurmalzen in Gelder- land, dau. of Jan Janse Verkerk. Resided in N. L., taking the oath of allegiance in FP' in 1687, being at the time a mem. of the R. D. ch. of the same place. On ass. rolls of Fl*" of 1683 and '93, and patent of 1685. Oct. 30, 1684, he bought of Joost Casparse lot No. 8 in the new lotts of Fl**, as per p. 176 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. Issue: — Jan Janse of Six Mile Run, bp. Oct. 3, 1684, in Br"; Geertje, (twin) bp. Oct. 3, 1684; Rebecca, m. Adriaen ten Eck of Newtown; Sarah, bp. Nov. 14, 1694, m. Joseph Hegeman of Fl*"; and Elsje, bp. May 19, 1702. Signed his name ^''Jan Dircksen Vander Vlidtr Jan Janse, bp. Oct. 3, 1684. Left FP and settled at Six Mile Run in Somerset Co., N. J. Issue: — Grietje, m. Simon Wyckoff of N. J.; John, m. Gerite Wyckoff; Derick, d. young; Sarah; Rebecca, (sup.) m. Folkert Van Nostrant; and Maria, m. Adriaen Hegeman of Fl'\ Pieter Jafise, among the first settlers of Bu^ in 1661, as per Thompson's L. I. Of Bu*^ in 1665, per town rec. Van Vliets or Vanfliets are found among the residents of Orange and Dutchess Cos., N. Y. Van der Voort, Cornelis or Cornelis Janse, was an overseer of Fl"^ in 1680, as per town rec. Conveyed land in Fl'' in 1680 to Cornelis Berrian, as per p. 41 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. Hendrick Machielse of Br°, bp. Aug. 22, 1655. No further trace. Jan Machielse of Br", bp. Dec. 11, 1650. Signed his name '■^Yan Van Dervoort" in 1723. No further trace. Michael Fauluzen, the common ancestor of the family, emigrated from Dermonde in Flanders and settled in Br". He m. Nov. 18, 1640, Maria dau. of Joris Jansen Rapalie. On ass. roll of Br" of 1675. Issue: — Michael Michealse, bp. Jan. 19, 1642; Josyntie, bp. Dec. 20, 1643, d. young; Josyntie, bp. June 2, 1647; Paulus Michaelse, bp. Jan. 3, 1649; Jan, bp. Dec. II, 1650; Maria, bp. July 27, 1653; Hendrick, bp. Aug. 22, 1655; Joris, bp. Oct. 18, 1656; Claertje, bp. Oct. 27, 1658 — all bp. in N. A.; (sup.) Aeltje, m. Derick Janse; and (sup.) Elizabeth Paulus, m. Volckert Hendricksen. Signed his name ^^Maghial Fauluzen" in 1658. Michael Michaelse of Br", bp. Jan. 19, 1642; m. Styntje or GENEALOGY. 327 Christine . Issue: — Lysbeth, bp. July 16, 1699, in Br°; and Jannetje, bp. Apl. 18, 1704, in Br". Paidus Michaelse of Br°, bp. Jan. 3, 1649; m. Lysbeth or Elizabeth ; d. June 2, 1681. An inventory of his estate taken Apl. 24, 1685. His wid. m. 2^ Claes Barentse Blom. His name appears on the ass. rolls of Br" of 1675 and '76. Issue: — Paulus, bp. July 8, 1681, in Fl"^. Patdtis or Poiiwel (s. of Paulus Michaelse), bp. July 8, 1681; m. i^' Neeltje ; m. 2^ Jannetje . Resided at Bed- ford, Br". Issue: — Elizabeth, bp. Feb. 10, 1706, in Br"; and Helena (by 2^ w.), bp. Apl. 9, 1727, at N. U. Signed his name '■''Poicwel Va?i Dervoort" in 1729. Vander Ween, Jan, m. Maatje Co?-neHszj both mem. of the R. D. ch. of N. U. in 1682. Vander Wyck, see Van Wyck. Vande Spiegel, Lauwerens, on petition of May 1664 for a canal at Red Hoek, as per p. 68 of Vol. I. of Stiles's Br". Van Deventer, Barent (Jacobse), of Fl^ in 1719, and of Fld^ in 1775; m. Geertje . Issue: — Barent, bp. Dec. 25, 1720; Seytie, bp. Aug. 15, 1725, m. David Sprung; Jacobus of Fl*^, bp. May 20, 1732, m. Abagail Lefferts; Ida, b. Nov, 18, 1734, m. Gerret Strycker of G'^; and Marya, bp. Apl. 21, 1737 — all bp. in N. U. Signed his name ^^ Barent Van De- venter .'' Cornelis Jansen, m. Sept. i, 1695, Maria . Took the oath of allegiance in N. U. in 1687 as a native. Issue: — Jan, bp. June 13, 1697; Geertruyt, bp. Aug. 25, 1700; and Annetje, bp. Nov. 4, 1705 — all in N. Y. and (sup.) to be his children. Dirck Jansen, alias Smith, m. Oct. 7, 1660, in N. Y., Mar- rytje Dircks from Hoorn. He was a ship-carpenter, re- siding on High St. in N. Y. in 1665, and d. in 1686, as per Valentine's Manual. He was fined in 1674 25 Beavers for insulting Lieut. Quirynsen, as per 692 of vol. II. of pp. 686 and Doc. of Col. His. Possibly not a s. of Jan Pietersen. Jacobus Janse, m. Femmetje Barends. On a deed of 1698 his w. is called Engeltie, who may have been his second one. Oct. 12, 1696, he bought of Lambert Durland of S. I. and Harmpie his w. a farm of 40 A. in Br", where he at the time resided, and of which place in 1697 he was one of the commissioners appointed to divide the common lands. 328 GENEALOGY. Suppose that at one period he resided in N. U. Issue: — Jan, bp. July 26, 1688; and Barent of Fl^ in 1719. Jail Pietersen, the ancestor of the family, emigrated in 1662 from the " Steght " in the Netherlands, and may at one period have resided at Deventer rn Overyssel. He was b. in 1629; m. i^*^ Maria ; m. 2^ Engel Teunis. Settled at first in Br", and from thence removed to N. U., of which place he was appointed schepen by Gov. Colve in 1673, where his name appears on the ass. roll of 1675, and where he and his w. were mem. of the R. D. ch. in 1677. Owned plot No. 5 at Yellow Hoek (Bay Ridge) as early as 1677, which he sold Nov. 17, 1680, to Hendrick Mattyse Van Pelt. Bought May 14, 1682, of Claes Claesen Smith his farm in N. U., as per p. 132 of Lib. 2 of Con., and which he sold Sept. 1694 to his s. Pieter Janse for 6000 gl. In 1687 he took the oath of allegiance in N. U. Issue: — Pieter Jansen; Jacobus Jansen; Henry Jansen; Cornelis Jansen; Dirck Jansen; and Femmetje Jansen, m. ist Cornelis Van Cleef, and m. 2^ William Hansen. Pieter Jansen^ emigrated with his father Jan Pietersen, and m. Mar. 22, 1686, Mayke or Maria Christiaan of Yellow Hoek, N. U. In 1677 mem. and in 1697 a deacon of the R. D. ch. of N. U.; in 1686 resided at Marteman's Neck; in 1698 and 1709 in N. Y., and on ass. roll of C in 1693. Issue: — Cristiaen, bp. Mar. 29, 1687, in Fl''; Maria; Abra.- ham, bp. Sept. 5, 1697, and settled in Monmouth Co., N. J., m. Neeltje Cowenhoven; and Isaac (twin), bp. Sept. 5, 1697, m. Saartje Cowenhoven, and also settled in Monmouth Co. Van de Water, Benjamin (Jacobse), of Bedford, Br", bp. Feb. 17, 1669; m. Engeltie JIarme/isej and took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687 as a native. Was sheriff of Kings Co., his term expiring in 1702, as per p. 298 of Cal. of Eng. Man. Issue: — Harman, bp. June 9, 1695; Engeltie, bp. Aug. II, 1700, in Br"; and Bernhardus, bp. Jan. 15, 1710. Signed his name "'Pen Vandewater." Cornelis Jacobse of Br", bp. Nov. 9, 1673; m. Dorothea — '■ — . On cen. of Br" of 1698. Issue: — Engeltie, bp. Mar. 20, 1709. Hendrick oi Br" in 1662. A Hendrick Van de Water from Amsterdam m. Apl. 21, 1662, in N. A. Margariet Van der Meulen from Rotterdam, and took the oath of allegiance in N. Y. to the English in 1664. Signed his name ^^Meiidrick Van de Water." Jacobus., emigrated from the Netherlands in 165 8; m. Engeltie Juriaans ; d. Jan. 1730-31. In 1674 appointed town major of N. A. by Gov. Colve. Left N. Y. after 1677 and GENEALOGY. 329 settled in Bedford, and in 1689 was appointed clerk of Kings Co., as per p. 188 of Cal. of Eng. Man., which office he held until 1704, taking the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687. Issue: — Lysbeth, bp. July 20, 1667; Benjamin, bp. Feb. 17, 1669; Cornelis, bp. Nov. 19, 1673; Jacobus, bp. May 3, 1676, m. Helena ; (all bp. in N. Y. ;) Elizabeth, bp. July 20, 1677, m. i^', July 4, 1695, in N. Y., Johannes Pauluzen of Esopus, m. 2'^ John Quitans, m. 3*^, July 29, 17 15, Patrick Heas of Ireland; Johanna, bp. Aug. 7, 1678, in N. Y., m. Cornelis Hendricks Sleght; Alburtus, m. Heyltie ; Jurriaan, bp. Nov. 30, 1684, in Br"; (sup.) Johannis of N. Y., m. Baefje Jans; (sup.) Jannetje, m. Derick Benson of Haer- lem; (sup.) Ariaentje, m. Willem Willemse Bennet of Go- wanus; (sup.) Femmetje, m. Cornelis Van Cleef of N. U. There also emigrated from Amsterdam a Hendrick and Pieter Van de Water, who resided in the city of N. Y. and' left descendants. Van de Werve or Werft, Catharine, wid. of Do. Pol- hemius, bought Aug. 11, 1680, of Titus Syrachs de Vries a lot in Fl^ first owned by Peter Jacobse, as per p. 44 of Lib. A of Fl*^ rec. May 6, 1682, she sold to Jacob Lazilier wood- lots Nos. 13 and 14 in the N. L. of Fl^, as per p. 159 of Lib. AA of Fl^ rec. Van Ditmarsen, see Ditmars. Van Doesburgh, Adriaen Hendricks, probably from Doesborgh in Gelderland, m. Lysbeth Tho?nas. There was a Hendrick Andriese Van Doesburgh in Beverwyck as early as 1654, who m. Maritie Damon, as per Pearson's First Set- tlers of Albany. Issue: — Marytje, bp. Mar. 31, 1678, in Fl**. Van Driest, Jan Barentse, from Sutphen in Gelderland, emigrated in 1658 and was a carpenter by trade. He m. May 18, i6']g, Jan?ietje dau. of Willem Jansen Van Barkeloo; d. prior to 1697. Jannetje after the death of her husband m. 2^ Elias Hubbard. Resided in 1672 and '74 in Fld^ and afterwards removed to C^, where he bought land June 26, 1666. Apl. 9, 1674, he bought of the estate of Daniel Mor- gen, dec, plantation-lot No. 11, with the buildings and im- provements, as per G*^ rec, to which he probably removed. Issue: — Barent Janse of G**, bp. Dec. 18, 1681; Cornelis Janse, bp. June 29, 1684, no further trace; Margrietje Janse, bp. Dec. 10, 1695; William Janse, a merchant in N. Y., who d. single in C^; and (sup.) Jan Jansen. His descendants dropped ''Van Driest" and adopted "Johnson" as their 330 GENEALOGY. family name, and constitute the present Johnson family in G'', the descendants of Gen. Jeremiah Johnson of Br" and others. For a further account of his descendants, see "Johnson." Signed his name '^ Jan Barense" as near as it can be made out, and on some occasions made his mark "I. B." Van Duyckhuysen, see Van Dyckhuysen. Van Duyn, Abraham Gerretse, emigrated from Zwolle in Overyssel with his father; m. Apl. 3, 1696, Geertje Mar- tens of the Wallabout, being a resident of N. U. at the date of his marriage. In 1698 his name appears on the cen. of Br"^, after which he resided at Maspeth Kils, then on the Raritan, N. J., and in 17 14 in Cecil Co., Md. Issue: — Mar- ten, bp. July 31, 1698; Abram, bp. Oct. 30, 1699; Isaac, bp. Apl. 3, 1706, in N. J.; and Geertje, bp. Nov. 10, 17 10, at Neshaminy, Pa. Corneiis Gerretse, bp. July 16, 1664; m. i®', Jan. 4, 1691, Matilda dau. of Willem Huyken of Gowanus; m. 2^, June 14, 17 14, Christina Gerbrands. In 1687 he took the oath of allegiance in N. U. as a native ; commissioned as justice of the peace of the county in 1689, and on ass. roll of N. U. of 1693. Apl. 30, 1699, he bought of Simon Aesen De Hart and w., executors of W"' Huyken or Heocken, dec, for ^{^262 10 sh. a farm at Gowanus 400 rods in length and 78|- rods in breadth. Dec. 30, 1699, he bought of Conrades Vanderbeek a farm in Gowanus, as per p. 210 of Lib. 2 of Con. Suppose these purchases, or at all events the one of the Huyken's, to be the farm late of Peter Wyckoff and since the farms of his sons Peter and John Wyckoff as shown on Butt's map of Br°. Apl. 16, 1705, as per town rec, his father Gerret Cornelise conveyed to him the farms in N. U. now (1880) occupied by Ab™ Duryee and Peter Cowenhoven on behalf of their wives, descendants of said Corneiis Ger- ritse. In 1706 he was assessed in N. U. for 102 A. With others, about 17 10, he bought the Harlington tract in Somerset Co., N. J. Will da. Mar. 3, 1752; pro. Oct. 26, 1752; rec. p. 145, Lib. 19, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Gerret, b. Sept. 6, 1691; Machiltie, m. Hendrick Staats; Christina ; Stynthe or Seytie, m. Gerret Nostrand; William, b. Mar. 26, 1693; Annetje, bp. Nov. 15, 1694, m. Folkert Rapalje; Jackomyntje, bp. Jan. 14, 1700, m. Reinier Veghte; Corneiis, bp. Nov. 14, 1704, d. young; Cornelia (twin), b. Feb. 12, 1709, m. Nicholas Veghte; and Corneiis, b. Feb. 12, 1709, m. Femmetje or Phebe , d. Sept. 1779, owned the Peter Wyckoff and Richard Berry farms in Gowanus, and with his w. was buried in the graveyard on said P. Wyckoff GENEALOGY. 33 1 farm located within the boundaries of what is now Ham- ilton Ave., and whose bones, with those of the other tenants of said graveyard, were removed by the Wyckoff family to Greenwood Cemetery. Signed his name ^^Cornelis Van Duyn." Denys or Dionys Gerretse, m. Feb. 4, 1691, Maria or Mar- retje Heocken or Huyken; d. 1729. Left Fl^ and removed to Three Mile Run, Somerset Co., N. J., where he resided as late as 1723. Returned to Fl*" and resided on the farm conveyed to him by his father, as per p. 174 of Lib. 2 of Con., adjoining to and partly in N. U., now (1880) of the heirs of George Martense, dec. Took the oath of allegiance in Fl*^ in 1687 as a native; on cen. of 1698, and in 1707 a deacon in Fl'' ch. Assessed in 1706 in N. U. for 35 A. Issue: — William of N. J., bp. Mar. 4, 1695, m. Sybrech Ver- kerk; Denyse of N. J.; Gerret, m. Seytie Verkerk; Jacobus; and David. Signed his name ''''Denys Van Duyn." Denyse (s. of Denys Gerretse), m. Antje . Settled in Middlebush, Somerset Co., N. J. Issue: — Adriaentje, bp. Feb. 23, 1733, d. young; Maria, bp. June 22, 1735; Jan of Flushing, bp. Aug. 7, 1737, m. Magdalena Van Nuyse; and Adriaentje, bp. Jan. 29, 1740. (Sup.) Dirck Gerretse^ m. Gerten Hoppe; d. 1686. Ob- tained a patent from Philip Cartaret for land at Bergen, N. J., and in 1662 a patent from the Dutch Director-gen. for the same premises, as per p. loi of Winfield's Land Titles of Hudson Co. His children wrote their names " Van Dien." Issue: — Gerret of Hackensack, who m. in 1696 Vroutie Verway; and Geertien, m. in 17 14 Hendrick Kip of Hackensack. Gerret Cornelise, the common ancestor of the family, emi- grated in 1649 from Nieuwkerk in Zeeland; m. Oct. 1663 Jacomina or Jacomynchy Jacobs Swarts of N. A.; d. in 1706. Was a carpenter and wheelwright by trade, and Apl. 9, 1658, while a resident of Br" was fined for refusing to pay towards Do. Polhemius's salary. Aug. 10, 1670, he ob- tained permission from the director-gen. to return to Hol- land, and with his wife kept house at Zwolle in Overyssel, but not prospering he returned in 1679 in the ship The Charles, the vessel in which were embarked Pieter Sluyter and Jasper Dankers, De Labidists, . whose interesting journal was procured and has been translated by the Hon. H. C. Murphey and published by the L. I. His. Society. He finally settled on a farm partly in N. U. and Fl'', con- veyed to him by Jacques Cortelyou, his brother-in-law, as per p. 231 of Lib. i of Con., which farm he conveyed to his s. Denyse. He also bought tracts of land on the S. side of 332 GENEALOGY. the main road from the village of N. U. to FP, which he conveyed to his s. Cornells Gerretse. His name appears on the patent of N. U. of 1686, and in 1687 he took the oath of allegiance in said town, of which place he was a mag. in 1687 and '88, and justice of the peace in 1689 and '90. From this it is evident that the old Van Duyn house, in which it is supposed he resided and which was demolished a few years ago, was at this period considered to be located within the boundaries of N. U., although as the line is now fixed it would have been in Fl''. Will da. June 30, 1705; pro. June 14, 1706; rec. p. 250, Lib. 7, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Cornells Gerretse, b. July 16, 1664; Gerret Gerretse; Denys or Dionys Gerretse; Willem Gerretse; (sup.) Dirck Gerretse of N. J.; Cornelia Gerretse, m. Cornells Bogaert; Abraham Gerretse; Aeltie Gerretse, m. i^' Jan Thysen Lanen Van Pelt, m. 2^ Peter Cornell of Newtown; and Jackomyntie Gerretse, m. George Anderzy or Anderse of N. Y. Signed his name '^Gerre^ Cornellissen Van Duyn' and at times ^^Ger- ret Cornellissen^ Gerret Gerretse, referred to in papers of 1704, but no further trace, and possibly the reference may be to some other Gerret. Gerret Cornelise (s. of Cornells Gerretse and Matilda), b. Sept. 6, 1691; m. Altie Van Nostrand; d. Aug. 7, 1777. Resided in N. U. Will da. May 3, 1773; pro. Oct. 16, 1784; rec. p. 33, Lib. 38, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Cornelius of Fl^, bp. Sept. 27, 1724, m. Sarah Verkerk; Altie or Alletta, b. Oct. 22, 1729, m. Anthony Hulst of Gowanus; Mageltie or Matilda, b. Aug. 23, 1732, m. W" Brouwer of Fishkill; Ja- comyntje, b. Aug. 22, 1737, d. in 1746; and John of N. U., b. Mar. 14, 1743, m. successively Nelly Martense and Nela Vander Hoven. From Cornelius and John are descended the FP and N. U. branches of the family. Signed his name '■''Gerret Van Dtiyn." Gerret (Denyse), m. Seytie dau. of John Verkerk. Owned and occupied the homestead of his father partly in FP' and N. U., now of the heirs of George Martense, dec. Issue: — Adriaantje, bp. Feb. 23, 1733, d. young; Maria, bp. June 22, 1735; J^" of Flushing, bp. Aug. 7, 1737, m. Magdalena Van Nuyse; and Adriaantje, bp. Jan. 29, 1740. Signed his name "Gerret Van Duyn."' (Sup.) William Gerretse. A William Van Duyn, supposed to be this William, resided at Three Mile Run, N. J., in 1703, and was a mem. of the Raritan D. ch. in 1723. Signed his name " Willem Van Duyn." William Cornelise. b. Mar. 26, 1793; m. Adrianna dau. of Dowe Ditmars; d. Feb. 20, 1769. Resided in Newtown as GENEALOGY. 333 early as 1731. Will da. Dec. i. 1768; pro. Feb. 23, 1769; rec. p. 41, Lib. 27, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Catharine, b. 1721, m. Jacob Remsen; Cornelius, b. 1724, m, Ann dau. of Dominicus Vanderveer; Matilda, b. 1726, m. Abraham Rem- sen; Dowe of Newtown, b. 1730, m. i^' Sytie Vapderbilt, m. 2*^ the wid. of Gerret Springsteen; and Arriaentie. William (Denyse), bp. May 4, 1695; m. Sybrech dau. of Roelof Verkerk. Settled in Middlebush, Somerset Co., N. J., and joined the R. D. ch. of New Brunswick in 1753. Issue: — Denyse of N. J., bp. Sept. 13, 1724; Cornelius of N, J., m. Jannetje Williamsen; William of N. J., bp. Oct. 3, 1733, m. Lena Voorhees; and (sup.) Jacobus of N. J. Van Dyck (sup.) Abraham Janse of N. U., m. Elizabeth . Aug. 25, 1705, he and w. of Yellow Hoek (Bay Ridge), N. U., conveyed to Pieter Tyssen (sup. Van Pelt) a house and lot of 30 A. at Yellow Hoek. These premises were conveyed Sept. 10, 1709, by said Pieter Tyssen to Derick Tyssen, and by Derick Tyssen to John Pieterse of Br" in 1709, as per pp. 188 and 191 of Lib. i of conveyances, and appear to have been located on the bay at Bay Ridge, on the S. side of Bay Ridge Ave. Ac/lias, Agyas or Haggiaus Janse, emigrated in 165 1; m. i^^Jannetje Lamberts or Lammers; m. 2^^, Dec. 1693 Mag- dalena Henderse or Hendrica wid. of Minne Johannes. He bought Nov. 30, 1695, of Adriaen Bennet Sen'' land in Go- wanus, Br°, bounded by and between lands of Thomas Shirox, Tunis the fisher (Tunis Van Pelt), and Gertie Had- dam fronting on the bay and cong. 60 A., as per p. 72 of Lib. 2 of Con. This farm which he occupied adjoined or was near the N. U. boundary, and his heirs sold the same in 1708 to Tjerck Van Dyck. Mem. of D. ch. of Br'^ in 1677; on ass. roll of Br" of 1676 and cen. of 1698, and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687. Issue: — Lambert bp. Sept. 16, 1677, in Br°; Susanna, bp. May 18, 1679, in Fld^; Tryntje, bp. Oct. 17, 1680, in N. U., m. Hendrick Hendricksen; Bar- ber or Barbara, b. Dec. 20, 1682, m. Johannes Coerte Van Voorhees; Barent, bp. May 20, 1685, in N. Y.; Thomas, bp. Apl, 17, 1687, in N. U.; Jacob; and Janneke. Made his mark to documents. Carel, K are I or Charles Jansen, emigrated from Amsterdam in 1652; m. June 27, 1680, Lysbeth Aards Vander Hard; d. in 1734. On ass. rolls of N. U. of 1675 and '83; mag. in 1683 and '84; on Dongan's patent of 1686; and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687. Assessed in N. U. in 1706 for 80 A. From N. U. he removed to Shrewsbury, N. J., where he died. Will da. Dec. i, 1732; pro. Mar. 11, 1734; rec. p. 334 GENEALOGY. 12 of Lib. C, off. Sec. of State, Trenton, N. J. No Thomas, Peter or Elizabeth named in the will, consequently doubts of their being his children. Issue: — Geertje, bp. May 8, i68i, in FV\ (sup.) m. i*' Jan Romeyn of N. J., m. 2** (sup.) Jan Bennem of N. J.; Jan of Shrewsbury, bp. Nov. 19, 1682, in FP; Engeltie, bp. Aug. 17, 1684, m. Hendrick Varwie or Verwie of N. J.; (sup.) Nelke, m. Daniel Hendricksen of N. J.; Aert, bp. May 6, 1688, in Br", d. prior to 1732; (sup.) Thomas of N. J., m. Mayke Wyckoff of N. J.; (sup.) Pieter of N. J., m. Adriaentje Neefus; and (sup.) Elizabeth, m. Thomas Heyer of N. J. Made his mark to documents. There was a Van Dyck in 1687 and '90, who signed his name "Care/ Van Dyck." Claes or NicJwlas T/iomasse, m. i^*, Apl. 20, 1689, Tryntje Ri- nerseor Remmerse dau. of Rinier Arends of FP; m. 2^, June 4, 1692, Fransyntie Hendricks of Fl'\ Resided in Gowanus, Br", owning the farm late of Theodorus and Leffert Bergen, where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687. On ass. roll of 1693 and cen. of 1698. In 1683 and 1702 a Nicholas Van Dyck (who may have been this Nicholas) resided on the Raritan in N. J. Apl. 6, 1724, Claes Van Dyck and Fran- syntie his w. sold his Br" farm of 200 A. to Joseph Hegeman Jun"", as per p. 6 of Lib. 5 of Con., and removed to George's Hundreds, New Castle Co., Delaware. Issue: — Tryntje, bp. Aug. 24, 1690, in Br"; Thomas, b. Apl. 11. 1693; Geesje, (by 2'^ w.) b. OcL 4, 1694, (sup.) m. Ojen Caerty of " Mid- wout;" Maria, b. July 3, 1696; Henricus, b. May 3, 1698; Johannes, b. Mar. 22, 1700; Abraham, b. Jan. 22, 1702, m. Elizabeth ; Antje, b. July 5, 1704; Nicholas of New Castle, the ancestor of the Delaware branch of the family, b. Jan. 6, 1706, m. Rachel De Allee wid. of Capt. Tybout; Hendrick or Hendricus of the Raritan, b. Feb. 10, 1709, (sup.) m. Margrietje Terhune; Margrietje, b. Jan. 11, 1711; Daniel, b. Nov. 3, 1713; and (sup.) Neeltje Claessen, who m. Daniel Lake of G^. Made his mark to documents. Derick Janse from Amsterdam, m. Apl. 25, 1674, in N. Y., Urseltje Jans of the same place. No trace of issue. Hendrick Janse, b. July 2, 1653; m. Feb. 29, 1680, Jannetje or Femmetje Hermans dau. of Herman Janse Van Borkuloo, both residents of N. U. at date of marriage, where he was assessed in 1676. He finally removed to S. I. and was among those who Dec. 30, 1701, petitioned King William III. to be relieved from the influence of the Leislerian fac- tion, as per p. 942 of Vol. IV. of Doc. of Col. His. of N. Y. There was a Hendrick Van Dyck and w. mem. of Bensalem D. ch. in Bucks Co., Pa., in 17 10, who may have been this Hendrick. Issue: — Willemtje, bp. July 8, 1681, in Fl"*, (sup.) GENEALOGY. 335 m. Christian Van Hoorn of Bensalem, Pa.; Annetje or Jannetje, bp. 1698, on S. I., (sup.) m. Jan Van Vleck of Ben- salem, Pa. ; Jacob of Six Mile Run, N. J. ; and (sup.) Frederick of Bensalem, Pa., m. (sup.) Jannetje Harense or Havende. Made his mark to documents. There was a Hendrick Van Dyck who emigrated from Utrecht in the Netherlands in 1645, was schout-fiscall under Stuyvesant, and left descendants in this country, but he was of a different family from the Long Island Van Dycks. Hendrick (Tierckse) of Br", m. Engeltie or Jonica ; d. 175 1. Assessed in N. U. in 1706 for 16 A. Bought in 1708 of the heirs of Achias Van Dyck his farm on the Bay at Gowanus, as per N. U. town rec. Apl. 3, 1701, for jQz'^o, he bought of David Stout of Monmouth Co., N. J., a large tract at Rowoms Creek, which he sold in 1705 to Hendrick Hendricksen, as per p. 366 of Lib. i of Con., in off. of Sec. of State of N. J. Will da. Mar. i, 1751; pro. Oct. 30, 1751; rec.'p. 31, Lib. 18, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Peter; Hendrick of N. J., m. Margeritje Terhune; John of Br", who inherited his father's farm; Gerretje, m. James Robinson; Jannetje, m. Philip Van Arsdalen; Teuntje,_m._Teujiis Denyse; and Maria, (sup.) m. i^* Johannes Kap'alje of N. L., m. 2^ Gerret Boerum; and Pieternella. Signed his name ^^ffenderick Van Byk." Hendrick Tho7nasse of Br", m. Sept. 7, 1679, Neeltje Adri- aens wid. of Jan Lauwrensz of N. U., both being residents of Yellow Hoek in said town at the time. Dec. 2, 1685, he mortgaged his farm of 12 morgens at Yellow Hoek to John Knight, as per p. 15 of Lib. i of Con. Suppose he removed to Six Mile Run, N. J., a Hendrick Van Dyck being a resi- dent of that place in 17 17. No account of his issue. Signed his name '■Hendrick To?nisson." Isaac (s. of Thomas Janse) of Br", bp. Sept. 11, 1681, in Br"; (sup.) m. Barbara . Settled on the Raritan and mem. and elder of the R. D. ch. of New Brunswick in 1703, 17 17, etc. Will. da. Mar. 31, 1727; pro. May 15, 1727; rec. in off. of Sec. of State of N. J. Issue: — Thomas; Mary; and Isaac — all of N. J. Jacob (s. of Achias), m. Catharine Van Brunt. Left Br" and settled on S. I., and in 17 10 with others bought the Harlington tract in Somerset Co., N. J. Issue: — Catharine, bp. Feb. 8, 1721, on S. I., d. young; Catharine, bp. Feb. 30, 1730, on do.; and Zacheus, bp. Jan. 16, 1732, on do. Jan Jansz of Amsterdam, emigrated in 1652; m. May 9, 1673, in N. Y , Teuntje Tyssen Van Pelt; d. 1736. Owned and resided oa the farm late of Wynant I. Bennet of N. U., adjoining the Br"" line. On ass. rolls of N. U. of 1&75 and 336 GENEALOGY. '83; mem. of D. ch. in 1677; mag. in 1679; on Dongan's patent of 1686; and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687. Assessed in N. U. in 1706 for 126 A. W.ill da. May 16, 1735; pro. Nov. 9, 1736; rec. p. 35, Lib. 13, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Catalyntje, bp. Nov. 13, 1681, in Br", m. Ger- ret Ketteltas; John; Thys or Matthys of Red Hoek, Br", bp. Nov. 4, 1683, in Br°; Tryntje, m. Daniel Hendricksen; Angenietje, bp. Apl. 29, 1686, m. Simon De Hart Jun""; and Jannetje, m. Rutgert Van Brunt of N. U. Made his mark to documents. Jan T/wmasse, emigrated from Amsterdam in 1652 and settled in N. U. ; (sup.) m. i^' , by whom Thomas, Carel, Derick, and Pieter; m. 2^ Tryntje Agias, Achias, or Hagen, who after his death m. 2'^ Tileman Jacobsz Vander Meyer. In 1673 he was appointed one' of the schepens of N. U. by Gov. Colve. Jan. 25, 1675, his old farm in the vil- lage of N. U. was sold at auction to " Rut Joosten" (Van Brunt) for 2500 gl.; his new farm was at the same date sold to Cryn Janse (Van Meteren) for 2000 gl.; and his 2 house- plots in the village to Hendrick Janse Van Dyck for 750 gl., as per town rec. There was a Jan Tomassen on the Dela- ware in 1659, as perp. 286 of Vol. XII. of Doc. of Col. His. of N. Y., who possibly may have been this Thomas. Issue: — Thomas Jansz; Derick Jansz; Carel or Charles Jansz; Pie- ter Jansz; Achias or Agyas Jansz; Hendrick Jansz, bp. July 2, 1653, in N. A.; Jan Jansz; Antje Jansz, m. Pieter Staats of Br"; Angenietje or Annetje Jansz, m. Adriaen Willemse Bennet; Maj^ke or Marretje Jansz, m. Johannis Daniels Rinckerhoudt; (sup.) Tryntje Jansz; and (sup.) Lambert Jansz. Jan (s. of Carel Janse and Lysbeth), bp. Nov. 19, 1682; m. I**, June 6, 1706, Ann or Annetje Verkerk; m. 2^ (sup.) Rebecca . Left N. U. and settled at Shrewsbury, N. J. Issue: — Teuntje, b. July 18, 1707; John, b. Nov. 6, 1709; Ruloff, b. May 18, 1711; Matthias, b. Aug. 28, 17 14; Abra- ham, b. Oct. 3, 1716; Simon, b. Aug. 12, 1718; Abraham, b. 1719; Isaac, b. June 28, 1721; Jacob, b. Nov. 12, 1723; Anna, b. 1728, m. James Emmans — all of N. J. John (s. of Jan Jansz and Teuntje Tyssen), m. Martha dau. of John Griggs of G^. Owned and occupied the farm of his father at Bay Ridge, late of W. I. Bennet. His w. after his decease m. 2^* Adolph Benson. Will da. Oct. 11, 1754. In 1700 was capt. of the militia of N. U., as per p. 809 of Vol. IV. of Doc. of Col. His. Issue: — Hendrick, bp. Sept. 28. 1740, of whom no further trace; John of N. U. (m. Martha dau. of Coert Johnson), who owned the homestead of his father, which he devised by will of A^l. 8, 1772, to his GENEALOGY. 337 only child Engeltie, who m. Jacobus Bennet, father of Win- ant I., who at his death owned said homestead farm; En- geltie; William G. of G**, b. Jan. 17, 1755, (the ancestor of the G'' Van Dycks) m. Jannetje Denyse; and Jannetje. Signed his name ''''Jan Van Dycky (Sup.) Laitibert or Lammert Jansz, m. Fytje Barents. Sup- pose he resided in N. U., his first 4 children being bp. there. Issue: — Ida, bp. Dec. 25, 1677; Styntje, bp. Feb. 12, 1682; Barend, bp. Nov. 12, 1683; Feyteye, bp. June 15, 1685 ; Jacob, bp. Mar. 24, 1687, in Fl*"; and Jan, bp. Apl. 21, 1689, in Fl^ Lambert (s. of Achias), bp. Sept. 16, 1677; m. Mayke or Maryke Hooglant. Left Br" and in 17 12 he and his w. mem. of Six Mile Run D. ch. in N. J. In 1721 he appears to have resided on S. I. Issue: — Janneke, bp. Dec. 16, 1705, in N. Y.; Dirk, bp. Oct. i, 1707, in N. Y.; Achias, bp. Oct. 26, 1709, at Raritan; Jenneke, bp. Oct. 24, 171 1, in N. Y. ; Adrian, bp. Nov. 18, 17 13, in N. Y..; Achias, bp. Sept. 7, 1715, in N. Y., m. Ann Andrewart; Johannes, bp. Jan. 8, 1718, in N. Y.; Johannes, bp. Mar. 4, 1719, in N. Y.; Hen- ricus, bp. June 11, 1721, on S. L; and Elizabeth, bp. Apl. 1723, on S. I. Nicholas, see Claes Van Dyck. Fieter Jansz, of N. U. in 1720; m. Annetje Jansz. Issue: — Agneta, bp. July 25, 1680, in Br"; Isaac, bp. June 30, 1682, in Fl^; and Jacob of N. Y., bp. Oct. 4, 16S5, in Fl''. Signed his name '■'■Pieter Vafi. Dyck." Thomas (s. of Achias), bp. Apl. 17, 1687; m. i^' Annetje ; m. 2^ . Suppose he owned and occupied the farms N. of Bay Ridge Ave. in Bay Ridge, formerly of John and Wynant Bennet, now (1880) of H. C. Murphy, Sedgwicks, Kent, and others. A justice of the peace in N. U. in 1751. Issue: — Jannetje, bp. Mar. 5, 1732, in N. U. Made his mark "T " to documents. Thomas Janse of Amsterdam, the ancestor of the Kings Co. Van Dycks, m. Sytie Dirks. A Thomas Jansz of N. Y. and Sytie Dirks from Amsterdam admitted a mem. of the R. D. ch. of Br" in 1661, supposed to be this Thomas. Issue: — Jan Thomasse; Claes or Nicholas Thomasse; and Hendrick Thomasse. Thomas Jansc (s. of Jan Thomasse and Tryntje), m. Ma- ritje Andriesen; d. prior to Sept. 1695. Obtained a patent for 24 morgens in N. U. Dec. 26, 166 1, which he sold Oct. 28, 1677, to Rutger Joesten (Van Brunt). A mag. (schepen) of N. U. in 1673; on ass. rolls of Br" of 1675 and '76, where he owned a farm on the Bay or River, lying on the southerly side of the premises Stoffel Johannes Schaers sold Sept. 17, 22 338 GENEALOGY. 1695, to Woughter Van Pelt. Issue: — Tjerck of N. U.; John of Middlesex, N. J.; Andries of New Castle, Delaware, bp. Aug. II, 1675, '" N. Y.; and Isaac of Middlesex, N. J. Signed his name ''^Tomas Yansen." Thys or Matthyas (s. of Jan Jansz) of Red Hoek, bp. Nov. 4, 1683; m. Angenietje ; d. Mar. 1749. Bought May 23, 17 12, of the Van Cortlands, Red Hoek, Br°. Will da. Mar. 8, 1749; pro. Apl. 10, 1749. Issue: — Jan, who owned and occupied the Red Hoek homestead, m. Margaretta Folkers; Catharine, m. (sup.) Hendrick Van Borre; Teuntje, m. Folkert Van Hosen; Jannetje; Maria, (sup.) m. William Bennet; Maghee; Engeltie; and Margrietje. Signed his name "Matthias Van Dike." Tjerck or Tierck Thomasse of N. U., m. Pieternella . Resided at Yellow Hoek (Bay Ridge), where he owned a house and 48 A., for which he was assessed in 1706, and which he sold to Cornells Van Brunt. In his will, da. May I, 1749, pro. Feb. 6, 1750, he directs his lands in N. U. to be equally divided among his children. Issue: — Thomas, (sup.) m. Jannetje Suydam; Peter; Hendrick of Yellow Hoek, m. Engeltie or Jonica ; Gerrit; Ariaentje; and Engeltie. Made his mark to documents. Van Dyckhuys, Tomis Hillebrants, probably from Dykhuizen, a village in Utrecht, bought Mar. 3, 166 1, of Hendrick Janse Oesterstroem a building-plot on the S. side of the road in Fl*', as per p. 54 of Lib. B of Fl^ rec, which premises he appears to have sold Mar. 31, 1661, to Derick Huysen and Rynier Bastiaensen Van Giesen, as per p. 58 of Lib. B of said rec. Jan. 6, 1663, he sold to Dirck Janse Vander Vliet a farm with plain and meadow land in FP, as per p. 118 of said Lib. B. Mar. 15, 1667, he bought of Tomas Swartwout 23 morgens in Fl'', with plain and meadow land, as per p. 11 of Lib. C of Fl*^ rec. In 1666 he resided in Fld^. Signed his name '■''Tomis Hillebrants." Van Dyckhuysen, Jan Tuenessen, (probably from Dyk- huizen, a village in the province of Utrecht in the Nether- lands, where he may have at one period resided,) a carpenter by trade, emigrated from Leerdam in South Holland in 1643; m. Agatha or Achia dau. of Elbert Elbertse Stoothoff; and d. about 1699. At first he appears to have resided in N. A., where he plied his trade, and to have removed to Br°, of which place he was schout fiscal in 1646. Mar. 17, 1662, he obtained a patent for 17 morgens in Fl''. After his mar- riage he appears to have removed to Fld^, where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687, his name appearing on the GENEALOGY. 339 ass. rolls of said town of 1675 and '83, patent of 1685, cen. of 1698, and was justice of the peace in 1693. He was also a mem. of the D. ch. of said town in 1677 and a deacon in 1681 ; and appointed lieut. of militia in 1689, After his marriage he appears to have visited Holland, his fatherland, and returned from thence to this country in 1679 in the same vessel with Bankers «ind Sluyter, De Labidists, as per the Hon. H. C. Murphy's trans, of their journal. His will (not recorded) is da. June 22, 1699, in which his dau. Auke, Swaentje, and Alida are named and his w. Achia. On the settlement of his estate in 1702, as per p. 244 of Lib. 2 of Con., it appears he owned in addition to his Fld^ lands considerable land in G*^. Issue: — Auke, bp. Apl. 7, 1677, m. John Lucassen Van Voorhees; Aeltje (twin with Auke), bp. Apl. 7, 1677, d. prior to the death of her father; Swantje, bp. July 18, 1680, in Fld^, m. Aaron Schuyler of Fld^; and Alida, bp. Oct. 12, 1684, in Fld% single in 1702. Signed his name Jan Tuenessen Van Dyckhuysen." Van Eck, Pieter Winantse or Wynantse, bp. Sept. 9, 1663, and b. at Bedford, Br"; m. Anna Maria . Took the oath of allegiance in 1687 in Br" as a native. Issue: — Winant Pieterse. Wifiant Pieter se, from Betuwe in Gelderland, b. 1632; m. Dec. 4, 1661, at Br", Anneken Auckes (Van Nuyse). Feb. 10, 1661, he and others asked permission to build a block- house in the vicinity of the Wallabout for thein defence, from which it is evident he was then residing in that vicinity. In 1664, as a resident of the ferry, he made an affidavit relating to Capt. Scott's raid on the Dutch towns of the county. On ass. roll of Br" of 1675. Sept. 30, 1678, he obtained a patent for Red Hoek, as per p. 103 of Vol. I. of Land Papers. Nov. 1695 he conveyed 24 A. at Red Hoek to Stephanus Van Cortland, as per p. 60 of Vol. I. of Stiles's Br". Issue: — Pieter Winantse, bp. Sept. 9, 1663; Ariaentje Winantse, m. June 4, 1693, in N. Y., Teuriaen Van der Berg; and Altje Winantse, m. Jan Willemse Bennet of Gowanus. Van Ekelen, Johannes, from Beverwyck (Albany) in 1657 and '67, from which place he came to FP; m. Sept. 9, 1683, Tryntje Titus of Br". Schoolmaster and clerk of Fl^ from 1682 to 1706, as per Strong's Fl^; on ass. roll of 1693 and cen. of 1698, residing at the time in N. L. Mem. of Assembly from 1693 to '98, and appointed clerk of the county in 1698, as per rec. of court of sessions. Will da. Jan. 9, 1696-7, as per Fl"^ rec. Issue: — Johannes; Johanna; 340 GENEALOGY. Geesje; Jannetje, bp. Oct. ii, 1689, in Br", d. young; Jan- netje, bp. July 28, 1691, in Br°; Anna; and Helena. Signed his name ''■Johannes Van Ekelcn." Albert, brother of Johannes, bound Oct. 24, 1684, to John Poppen to learn the turner's trade, as per p. 175 of Lib. C of FP' rec. Van Elfland or Esland, Claes, owned Nov. 7, 165 1, about 2 morgens at Br" ferry, as per deed of Cornells Dircksen to Cornells de Potter. In 1655 he was surveyor- gen, of the colony; in 1664 he took the oath of allegiance to the English in N. Y.; and in 1677 he resided in Albany. Had a s. Claes who was court messenger at N. A. in 1656. Van Engen, Willem Willemse, among the first settlers of N. U. in 1657, and allotted a plantation which he sold May 9, 1661, to Rutger Joesten Van Brunt. Van Engen signifies from England, and it is probable he was the same person as Willem Willemse Bennet, a brother of Arie Wil- lemse Bennet, also one of the first settlers of N. U. Van Ens or Eens, Cornelis Hendricksen, and Reydert Aertsen, bought Feb. 12, 1661, of Hendrick Pieterse (Wyckoff) of Fld^ a bouwery in Midwout of 27 morgens, with plain and meadow land in addition, as per p. 50 of Lib. B of Fl^ rec, which bouwery Van Ens sold Aug. 21, 1663, to Jan Damen, as per p. 143 of Lib. B of Fl'' rec. Oct. 27, 1677, Hendrick Pieterse (Wyckoff) appears again to convey the same bouwery to " Cornelis Hendrickx Van Eeens," as per p. 2if of Lib. C of Fl"* rec, and Nov. 19, 1677, Van Eeens to convey the same to Claes Milles Baes, as per p. 25 of Lib. C of Fl'^ rec. Signed his name " Cornelis Hendrickse Van Ens." Van Esland, see Van Elfland. Van Flaesbeeck, Femmetje, of Bu'^, m. July 12, 1682, in N. Y., Henricus de Foreest, both residents of N. Y. Van Frurde, Hendrick Janse, on petition of May 1664 for a canal at Red Hoek, as per Stiles's Br". Van Geescher; Jan Willemse, m. Harmtje Harmse. Was born in Deventer in Overyssel ; they emigrated to this country with their s. Wilhelmus, and on Jan Willemse and his w. dying Wilhelmus was left the only survivor and heir. The above ap- pears from an affidavit made by Gerrit Gerritse and Geesje his GENEALOGY. 34I w. before Justice Joseph Hegeman at FP' on the Oct. 26, 1696, as per p. 227 of Lib. A of Fl^ rec. Van Giesen, Reynier Bastiaensen, probably from Gies- sen, a village in North Braband, m. Dirckje Cornelis, and entered into an agreement June 6, 1660, with the magistrates of Fl'' and the consistory of the R. D. ch. of said place to teach school, perform the duties of court messenger, to ring the bell, keep the church in order, perform the duties of precentor, attend to the burial of the dead, and all that was necessary and proper in the premises, for an annual salary of 200 florens exclusive of perquisites. This agreement was signed by Adriaen Hegeman, Willem Jacobse Van Boerum, Elbert Elbertsen, Jan Snediker, Jan Strycker, and Pieter Cornelise, probably as mag. of FP* and Fid'', and by Johannes Theodorus Polhemius, Jan Snediker, Jan Strycker, and Willem Jacobse Van Boerum, as the consistory of the church, on the one part, and by Reinier Van Giesen (omitting the " Bastiaensen" which is inserted in the body of the instru- ment), of the other part, for which see p. 24 of Lib. B of Fl*" rec. Strong on p. 109 of his History of FP places Adriaen Hegeman as the first schoolmaster of the town, and as serv- ing from 1659 to '7 1, omitting Van Giesen from his list. The above agreement shows this to be an error; and that Van Giesen was probably the first schoolmaster. Jan. 6, 1663, he sold to Jan Strycker a house and lot in Fl'\ styling him- self in the deed "court attendant," as per p. 117 of Lib. B of Fl'' rec. He probably finally removed to Bergen, N. J., for on p. 66 of Winfield's Land Titles of Hudson Co. is found a Rynier Michealse prior to 17 13, and who was prob- ably a s. of the schoolmaster. Issue: — Jacob, bp. Jan. 16, 1670; and Gysbertje, bp. Apl. 30, 1673 — both in N. Y. There was also a Rynier Van Giese, who m. x^* Dirckje Van Greenland, m. 2*^, Sept. 1699, at Hackensack, Hendrickje Buys wid. of Cornelis Verwey, as per Hackensack D. ch. rec; and an Isaac, Abraham, and Bastiaen Van Giesen, of Acquackannonck in 1700, in which localities their descend- ants are to be found. Signed his name ^'■Reynier Van Giesen.'' Van Goede, see Jochem Wouterse. Van Gunst, Jan Hendrickse, m. Helena Pieterse. Bought Mar. 10, 1655, of Jan Jansen de Jongh (or Junier) 25- morgens in Fl'^ for 800 carolus gl., for which he obtained a patent May 22, 1655. These premises were located on the easterly side of the village, adjoining on their S. side the land of Rutger Jansen, on the W. side Aert Tunisen, on the E. the highway, and on 342 GENEALOGY. the N. the hills, and with the buildings thereon were bought by Jan Jansen of Jan Rutgersen. Aug. 22, 1658, a sale of land in Fl'' by him to Willem Douklis was confirmed, as per p. 949 of Vol. VIII. of Dutch Man. in off. of Sec. of State, Albany. Van Hamburgh, Jan, or Jan from Hamburgh, was a jury- man May 9, 1698, on a coroner's inquest on a body lying on the shore between Red Hoek and Bomtje's Hoek. Van Hasymes, Cornelis Klaessen, m. Antje Teunis. Issue: — Sara, bp. Jan. 17, 1687, in Br". Van Hattem, Aernt, probably from Hattem, a village in Gelderland, was a burgomaster in N. A., and obtained June 4, 1654, a patent for a plantation in Fl'^, of which place, as per Hon. H. C. Murphy, he was among the earliest proprietors. Bought Apl. I, 1653, of W"' Golder, attorney of Robert Pen- noyer, a tract in G'', as per Col. Doc. Signed his name ''''Aernt Van Hattem." Van Heemst, Albert Janse, (probably from Heemstede, a village in North Holland, after which place Hempstead on L. I. was probably named,) sold Sept. 12, 1661, a house and lot at the ferry to Jacob Kip, as per p. 322 of Br" Manual of 1863. Van Hendeen, Willem. His name appears as a resident on an agreement for settling the boundaries of the common lands of N. U. of Jan. 31, 167 1-2, as per town rec. Van Heynnighe, Claes Jansen, m. Jannetje Kiersen, who joined the R. D. ch. of N. Y. in 1672. He was guardian of the minor children of Gerrit Snediker and Willemtje Vookes, as per p. 180 of Lib. D of Fl'' rec. Issue*: — Hillegond, bp. Nov. 14, 1686; Cornelia, bp. Aug. 30, 1689; Cornelis, bp. Nov. 15, 1693; and Sara, bp. June 28, 1695 — all in N. Y. Signed his name ''''Claes Jansen Van Heynnighe." Van Hoesen, Knoet Mouris, see Koe>t Mouris. Van Hoochten, Frans Jansen, a carpenter, sued Oct. 6, 1662, Wolfert Gerritsen Van Couwenhoven for lands in Amers- foort (FW), as per p. .230 of Cal. of Dutch Man. In 1664 he took the oath of allegiance to the English. He m. Marretje Gerrits, and had a dau. Marritie bp. Dec. 13, 1665, in N. Y. Van Hougem or Houwegem, Cornelis, m. Maria Winter- GENEALOGY. 343 slick; d. prior to 1697 ; made his will Mar. 5, 1689-90, as per p. 150 of Lib. A of Fl'^ rec, in which he names his s. Cor- nelis. Signed his name ''''Cornelis Van Hoitgevi." Cornells (s. of Cornelis and Maria), on ass. roll of Fid* of 1693. June 19, 1697, he bought of Reynier Arentsen a house and lot on the N. side of the highway and back of the church in Fl'\ as per p. 231 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec, and was allotted 2 lots on the division of the Fl'' woodlands in 1701, in which year he appears to have resided in Newtown. Signed his name '"''Cornells Van Hoinvege/n" and at times "Cornells Van Hougemy Van Huynn, see Idesse. Van Iselsteyn, Jan Willemse, called Jan of Leiden, m. Wlllemtje Willems. May 12, 1664, while a resident of Bu'', he was sentenced to be punished and banished for abusing the magistrates of that place. Issue: — Willem, bp. Feb. 20,1658; Jacomyntje, bp. Nov. 30, 1661 ; and Cornelis, bp. June 24, 1669 — all bp. in N. A. Van Kerk, see Verkerk. Van Laer, Aryan or Adrian, m. i^' Ahagall dau. of Abram Isaacsen Plank or Verplancken, the owner at one period of Poulus Hoek (Jersey city); m. 2'', Apl. 28, 1672, Luytle Schonen, wid. In 1664 he took the oath of allegiance to the English in N. Y. Apl. 1666 he bought of Isaac Claesen two double building-plots in Fld% as per p. 58 of Lib. D of Fl'' rec. Owned property in N. Y. in 1672. Mar. i, 1680-81, he bought of Simon Romeyn a house and lot in Fl'^, as per p. 47 of Lib. A of Fi^ rec. His name appears on the ass. roll of Br° of 1683. Issue: — Gerret, bp. Nov. 27, 1669, in N. Y. Signed his name *^^ Aryan Vanlaer." Van Liew or Lieuwen, Jan Fredericks, emigrated in 1652, as per his marriage record, from Utrecht, having been probably at one period a resident of Leuwen, a village in Gelderland, on the Waal, in the Netherlands; m. Aeltje Jans dau. of Jan Jan- sen. On ass. rolls of Br" of 1675, '76, 'S;^^ and '93 ; deacon in the R. D. ch. in 1683 ; and took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687. Issue: — Jan, bp. Dec. 9, 1677; Margriet, bp. Mar. 14, 1680 ; Abraham, bp. July 9, 1682 ; Grietje, bp. Apl. 20, 1685 ; Dina, bp. Mar. 25, 1687 ; Esje, bp. NoV. 10, 1689; Hendrick, bp. Apl. 30, 1694; and Elizabeth, bp. Dec, 13, 1697 — all in the Kings Co. churches. There was a Frederick Van Liew of J^, L. L, who emigrated from Utrecht and had 9 children, many 344 GENEALOGY. of whose descendants are to be found in Somerset Co., N. J., and whose s. Hendrick, bp. Oct. 14, 1683, m. i'\ Apl. 18, 1713, Geertje Cortelyou of N. U. (at which place he probably at one period resided), m. 2'' Marya , and had a s. Jeurien (by 2'' w.) bp. Aug. 26, 1721, in N. U. Van Lodesteyn, Sophia, sold Oct. 19, 1687, to Jurian Hendricks Vander Breets a house and lot in Br", bounded on the one side by the house of Jorias Drets and land of Joris Hansen (Bergen), and on the other " the Lining o-f the town before the highway," as per p. 118 of Lib. i of Con. Van Lophorst, Lurus. On a " list of what land every man hath in tillage ter yeare in Gravesend" in 1657, as filed in the town-clerk's office, he is entered for 8 morgens. The other residents of the town are entered as follows: W™- Goulder Jun^ Jacob Swart, Water Wall, Charles Morgan, Peter Symson, John Cooke, John Hans, Lorence Johnson, John Vaughan, W" Wilkins, John Tilton, John Van Cleeve, Thomas Spicer, Ralph Cardell, James Grover, Lizabet Appelgate, Carson Johnson, W"' Bowne, Lieut. Stillwell, }r^cns. Blorgcns 8 Tho" Whitlocke, 5 7 John Ruckman, ■ 7 7i Tho^ Greedy, 8- 9 ^Rich'^ Gibbons, ID 13 Rich'' Stoute, 17 10 James Hubbard, 15 II The Lady Mody, 16 12 Ed. Browse, 8 18 John Thomas, 8 13 John Bowne, 6 14 John Pieters, 5 14 ^ ijohn Applegate, 9 9 Symon Lane, 8 12 Thomas Morrell, 9 6 James Curler, 6 II Bart'"' Applegate, 8 8 356^ Van Luane or Lowaanen, Swaen Janse, (Van Luane may be intended for " from Sierra Leone"on the coast of Africa,) a free negro, emigrated or came to this country in 1654; m. i^' Cfis- tine Manicl; m. 2'', Dec. i8, 1685, Susanna Pieters; d. previous to 1696. Bought Apl. 13, 1680, for 2000 gl. of Teunis Janse Van Pelt lot No. 4 at Yellow Hoek, N. U., a farm on the N. side of the present Bay Ridge Ave. fronting on the Bay, as per p. 117 of Lib. A A of Fl'' rec. This farm covers what was a few years ago, at least a part if not the whole of the jDremises GENEALOGY. 345 owned by Winant and John Bennet, now of Murphy, Sedg- wick, Kent, Brown, and others. Swaen took the oath of al- legiance in N. U. in 1687, and in 1680 he and his w. were mem. of the R. D. ch. of said town. There was a "Swaen Janse" assessed in Fid' in 1675, who was probably the above Swaen. Issue: — Philip, bp. July 6, 1669, in N. Y. Made his mark to documents. Teinitjeoi Br", m. Jan. 20, 1705, in N. Y., Antony Byvank of N. Albany. Van Lyden, John, (probably John from Leiden,) of Bu'^, per Thompson's L. I. He was sentenced to be banished for libel, as per court rec. Van Marcken, Jan Gerritse, probably from Marken, an island in the Zuider Zee in the Netherlands, came over in the ship St. Jacob in 1654, m. Geestje Huybcrtse in Europe; was a free merchant and resident of New Amstel on the Delaware in 1657 and '61 ; farmer of the excise at Fort Orange (Albany) in 1661 and '62 ; schout or sheriff of Schenectady in 1673 ; and from 1679 ^^ '^^ clerk and schoolmaster of Fl'', where he owned land. Issue: — (sup.) Catharine, who m. I'S July 2, 1682, Nieuw Amstel Hoop of Amsterdam, and m. 2'', May 18, 16184, Barend Barendsz of Amsterdam — both residents of Fl''. Signed his name "J G Van Marcken^ Van Meckelen, Evert Janse, probably from Mechelen, a village in Limburg, ra. Feb. 7, 1690, Metje Sinionse Van Aers- dalen, residing at the time in Fl"". Van Meteren or Van Mater, Jan Gysbertsen, from Bommel in South Holland in 1663. On ass. rolls of N. U. of 1675, '76, and '83, and cen. of 1698; mag. in 1673, and deacon of the D. ch. in 1683. He removed to Middletown, N. J., and has numerous descendants in Monmouth Co. Issue : — Kryn Jansen. Signed his name ^'/an. Gysbertsen Metrn." Jan (s. of Kryn Jansen), bp. Apl. 24, 1687, in N. U., m. i"^ Nelke Van Cleef ; m. 2'' Ida Suydam. Left N. U. and settled in Monmouth Co., N. J. ; mem. of Freehold D. ch. in 17 13, and deacon in 1729. Issue: — Kryn Janse (by i^' w.), bp. Sept. 28, 1718, at Middletown; Ryck (by 2^ w.), bp. June 19, 1720, in N. U. ; (sup.) Elizabeth, who m. W™ Bennet; Maria, bp. Mar. 1731 at Marlboro, m. Daniel Polhemus ; Ida, bp. Mar. 4, 1733, m. Benjamin Sutphen ; Cornelius, bp. July 25, 1737; Annie, bp. Oct. 14, 1739; and Geertje, bp. Mar. 29, 1763, m. Aert Vanderbilt. 346 GENEALOGY. Kryn Jansc/i, emigrated with his father in 1663, and settled at first in N. U. ; m. Sept. 9, 1683, Neeltje Van Cleef of N. U. On ass. rolls of N. U. from 1675 to 1709; mem. of the D. ch. in 1677, and deacon in 1699 ; on Dongan's patent of 1686 ; and took the oath of allegiance in said town in 1687. Assessed for 46 A. in N. U. in 1701. In 1709 he removed to Middlatown, Monmouth Co., N. J. Issue: — Jan, bp. Apl. 24, 1687 ; En- geltie ; Gysbert of N. J., m. Mayke Hendricksen ; Kryn Janse of N. J., m. Mayke Verkerk ; Benjamin of N. J., m. Elizabeth Laan ; Eyda or Eyke, m. Jan Bennet of N. J. ; Joseph, bp. Aug. 30, 17 10, in Middletown, m. Sarah Schenck; Cyrenius, m. i^*^ Elizabeth Laan, m. 2'' Abagail Lefferts ; and (sup.) Jannetje, m. Aart Sutphen. Signed his name "A>j'« Jatisen Van Mete ren" and at times ''''Kryn Van Meteren." Van Naerden, Claes Janse, probably from Naarden, a town in North Holland, petitioned the Director and Coun- cil for 21 morgens in Br", for which he obtained a patent Sept. 30, 1645, as per p. 369 of Cal. of Dutch Man. There was a Piet^r Van Naerden who had children bp. in N. A. from 1654 to '62, as per the R. D. ch. rec. of that place. See Claes Jansen Ruyter. Van Nas, Gerrit Dirckse, with others petitioned Feb. 10, 1661, for leave to build a block-house on a point of Rapalie's land at the Wallabout for defence. Van Nef, Evert Dercksen, owned land at the Wallabout in 166 1, as per Notarial Register of Solomon La Chaire. Signed his name ^^ Evert Dercksen." Van Nes, Cornelis, probably from Nes, a village in Friesland, obtained a patent May 23, 1659, for 50 morgens at Fids adjoining land of Wolfert Gerritse Van Couwen- hoven. There was a Cornelis Hendrickse Van Nes in Beverwyck in 1642, as per Pearson's First Settlers of Al- bany. Van Ness or Nest, Jeronemus or Hieronemus Pieterse, of Br", m. Aug. 22, 1691, Neeltje Hewer se, both of Br", and mem. of D. ch. of said town in 1677 and '85. Left Br" and settled on the Raritan, N. J., about 1683. Issue: — Hen- drick, bp. Mar. 21, 1696, in N. U.; Judith, b. Mar. 8, 1699; Catalyntje, bp. June 11, 1701; Margrietje, bp. Apl. 20, 1704; Jeronemus, bp. Apl. 14, 1706; William, bp. Apl. 26, 1709 — all of N. J. and all bp. in the Raritan D. R. ch. GENEALOGY. 347 (Sup.) John Pieterse of Br". Settled on the Raritan. Joris Pieterse of Br", bp. July 19, 1676, in N. Y.; m. Maria Mem. of D. ch. of Br" in 1677, and finally settled on the Raritan. Issue: — Maria, bp, July 16, 1699; Pieter, bp. Oct. 6, 1706; Jantien, bp. Oct. 27, 1702; Joris, bp. Oct. 25, 1704; Reynier, bp. Oct. 30, 1706; Abraham, bp. Apl. 26, 1709; Judith, bp. Aug. 17, 171 1; Abraham, bp. Oct. 27, 1713; Hendrick, bp. Apl. 12, 17 16; and Jacob, bp. Oct. 14, 1719 — all of N. J. and bp. in the Raritan ch. Pieter Pietersen, the common ancestor of tjie family, emi- grated from the Netherlands in 1647 and settled in Br"; m. Judith dau. of Joris Jansen Rapalie. On ass. rolls of Br" of 1675, '76, and '83; entered as of the Wallabout on Do. Van Zuuren's lists of ch. mem. of 1677; and took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687. There was an Abraham Van Nas on the Delaware in 1659, a notary public, etc. Issue: — Pieter Pieterse Jun""; Catalyn Pieterse, bp. Mar. 3, 1672, in N. Y., m. Derick Middagh; Jeronemus or Hieronemus Pie- terse; Lysbeth Pieterse; Joris Pieterse, bp. July 19, 1676, in N. Y. ; Marretje Pieterse, bp. June 4, 1678, in N. Y. ; Josina Pieterse, bp. Sept. 10, 1680, in N. Y., m. Hendrick Corsz Vroom of N. J.; Jakemyntje Pieterse, b. in N. Y., m. Klaes Arendsz Tours of Amsterdam, a resident of Bergen, N. J.; Judith Pieterse, bp. Sept. 30," 1685, in N. Y.; and (sup.) John Pieterse. Signed his name ^^Pieter Pietersen Van JVest." -V* Pieter Pieterse Jun'', b. in N. A., and resided with his father at the Wallabout in Br", and a mem. of the R. D. ch. of said town in 1677; m. Apl. 13, 1684, Margaret Crocheron -> of S. I. Finally settled on the Raritan near Sommerville, and was a member of the Assembly of E. N. J. in 1699, as per p. 221 of Rec. of Gov. and Council of E. N. J. Issue: — Jeronimus, bp. May 2, 1697, in N. Y.; Jaquemina, bp. Mar. 8, 1699; Joris, bp. June 20, 1703; Annatien, bp. Nov. 14, 1705; Bernardus, bp. Apl. 18, 1708; Jan, bp. Mar. 11, 1719;. and Jacob, murdered by his negro slave — all of N. J. Van Nestus, Jogres, may be intended for Joris Van Ness. He with John Rapalie, Joris Danielse Rapalie, Isaac Rem- sen, Jacob Reyerse, Aert Aersen (Middagh), Theunis Buys, Gerrit Cowenhoven, Gabriel Sprong, Urian Andriese, Jan Willemse Bennet, Jacob Bennet, and John Messerole Jun"", were fined 10 sh. each for defacing the king's arms in the county court-house on the evening of Sept. 14, 1697, as per court rec. From this it may be inferred that these residents of Br" failed to have that respect for their " dreade Sovereign" which loyal subjects were expected to enter- tain. 348 GENEALOGY. Van New Kerk, Garret Cornelise, same as Gerrit Cornelise Van Duyn. Van Noort Brook, Pieter Jacobse, probably from " Noordbroeck," a village in Groningen, leased Feb. 7, 1667, of Tomas Fransen his plantation at Gowanusf lying on the S. side of that of W. Poules Vander Beeck, with house, barn, and barrack thereon, for 3 years commencing May I, 1667, on condition that the lessor during said terra clear 3 morgens of land and enclose the same in a post and 5-rail fence, for which the lessor is to do the carting; the lessee with his neighbor to fence in the meadows at the cost of the lessor; the lessor to furnish and let to the lessee 2 milch-cows, of which he is to be entitled to one half of the increase and 16 lbs. of butter annually for each cow; also 10 sheep, of which he is to be entitled to one half of the in- crease and wool, following the custom of the country. If after the lessee has been a year on the land he finds it necessary to have a pair of draught oxen, the lessor to fur- nish them, for which a reasonable compensation to be given. If the lessee in the last year of the term sows any of the land with winter grain, the lessor to allow what is reasonable for the same. In addition the lessor to furnish the lessee with 2 sows, for which he is to bef annually entitled to one half of the increase. The lessor sells to the lessee a canoe, for which he is to deliver to the lessor on the shores of Man- hattan I. 2000 pieces of wood in the month of June of this year. The lessor must also, on the edge of the land of Mr. Poulus, where there stands a 3-rail fence, change it to a 5- rail one, an increase of about 50 rails. It is also expressly understood that such firewood as the lessee may cut to sell at the Manhattans the lessor shall have the privilege to purchase at the market price in preference to his selling to others. If it occurs that the lessor during the continuance of the lease from any cause should conclude to build and reside on the premises, if not damaging to the lessee, the lessor to be entitled so to do. The above is a translation of the main part of the record in Dutch of this lease, as recorded on p. 91 of Lib. D of Fl'' rec, and is given as a specimen of an ancient lease showing the customs of the times. The plantation referred to is the one occupied by Simon De Hart when visited in 1679 by the De Labidists, as set forth in Vol. i of the Transactions of the L. I. His. Soc, late the farms of Simon and John S. Bergen at Gowa- nus. The adjoining plantation of Vander Beeck is the one lately occupied by Garret Bergen. He made his mark to documents. GENEALOGY. 349 Van Nort, Pieter Pieterse, emigrated from the Nether- lands in 1647 and settled, in Br". Van Nortwyck, Pieter Jacobse, probably from " Noord- wyck," a village in Groningen. Having m. Oct. 1662 Fem- nietje Hermans wid. of Pieter Janse, at her request, on the 15^'' of Oct. of said year, " Pieter Lodt and Jan Seuberen" were appointed guardians of " Leffert Pieterse" (the ances- tor of the Lefferts family) and " Pieter Pieterse" (the ances- tor of the Hagewout or Houghwout family of S. I.), her children by her first husband, as per p. 108 of Lib. B of FP rec. Van Nostrand, Noostrand, or Noorstrant, Aren, bought Mar. 7, 1695-6, of Gerardus Beekman 2 house-plots, with house, barn, and orchard, in Fl'' on the S. side of the highway leading to "East Midwout," as per p. 223 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. Issue: — (sup.) Jacob, bp. July 31, 1692; and Albert, bp. Feb. 12, 1696 — both bp. in N. Y. Signed his name "Aren Van Noostrand.'" Albert Volkertse of Fl*", bp. Feb. 22, 1687. No further trace. Frederick Symo>isen of Fl'', m. Aug. 13, 1687, Lea Fonteyn. Issue: — Frederick, bp. Feb. 12, 1699, in Br". Gerret Hansen, m. Apl. 20, 1685, Jannetje Remsen. Was a farmer in Fld% mem. of the D. ch. in 1677, and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687. Will pro. Feb. 22, 1742, and rec. on p. 15 of Lib. 15 in off. of surr. of N. Y. Issue: — Jannetje, (sup.) m. Cornells Vanderveer; Aeltje, m. Gerrit Van Duyn; Hans Gerretse; Joris Gerretse, bp. Dec. 9, 1694 at Br"; John Gerretse; Gerret Gerretse, bp. Apl. 10, 1699 Rem Gerretse, m. Antie dau. of Steven Coerte Voorhees Peter Gerretse of J-^; and Daniel Gerretse. Signed his name '■'■ Gerret Hansen." Gerret Gerretse, bp. Apl. 10, 1699; m, Seytie or Christina Van Duyn. Issue: — Johannes, bp. Mar. 14, 1755; and Cor- nells, bp. Jan. 12, 1757, in N, Y. Hans Hansen or Jansen, the common ancestor of the family, emigrated in 1639 from Noordstraat or Noord- strandt in Holstein (there is also a Noordstraat in Zee- land); m. i**\ Nov. 29, 1652, Janneken Gerrits Van Loon; m. 2'' ; d. about 1679. Was a farmer, and settled on the New Lotts of Fl''. Will da. Aug. 20, 1679 ; rec. on p. 195 of Lib. 4 in surr. off. of N. Y. Oct. 18, 1690, Peter Gerrit and Jan Hansen (Van Noostrand) were required to show cause for selling the estate of Hans Hansen (Van Noostrand), dec, without administering thereon, as per p. 350 GENEALOGY. ^ 199 of Cal. of Eng. Man. Issue: — Gerret Hansen of Fid'; Pieter Hansen of Fid'; Jannetje Hansen, m. Pieter Schenck of N. J.; Symar Hansen of FV'; Jan Hansen; Volkert Hansen; and Catharine Hansen, m. 1^* Lucas Stevense (Van Voorhees), (sup.) m. 2'^ Pieter Lourense Van Boskerk. Made his mark "H " to documents. Hans Gerrise of Fid', bp. June 26, 1687; (sup.) m. May 22, 1 7 14, Reinsche Lucase Van Voorhies. Issue: — Gerrit. Hans Volkertse of Fid', b. 1687 and settled at Hackensack, Jan Hansen, emigrated in 1639 with his father, b. 1637; m. i^* Marretje ; m. 2^^ Willemtje Van Boxum. Re- sided in Fid', Bu'^, and N. U. Dec. 10, 1675, he ^^^ Barent Joosten of Bu'^ bought of Francois De Bruynne the main part of the Anthony Jansen from Salee patent lying partly in N. U. and partly in G'', which they sold Dec. 11, 1693, to Albert Coerten Van Voorhees. On ass. rolls of N. U. of 1675 and '83; deacon of the ch. in 1677; on Dongan's patent of 1686; took the oath of allegiance in said town in 1687; and capt. of militia in 1689. After selling his N. U. property it is supposed he removed to Hackensack, N. J. Issue: — Hans (by 2^* marriage), bp. Oct. 30, 1695; Hendrick, bp. Apl. 18, 1704, in Br''; and Marytje, bp. Dec. 25, 1709. Signed his name '''' Jcin Hansen.'' John or Jan Gei-ritse of Fid', m. Marya . Issue: — Gerrit Janse, bp. Mar. 29, 17 19, in Br"; Albert Janse, bp. Oct. 8, 1721, in Br°, (sup.) m. Sophia dau. of Joost De Be- voise; and Mary Janse, bp. Aug. 19, 1733, in Br". Pieter Gerritse oi Fid', m. Elizabeth ; d. 1746. Set- tled in J''. Will da. Aug. 22, and pro. Sept. 30, 1746; rec. p. 8, Lib. 16, N. Y. sum off. Issue: — Mary; Aram; Jaco- bus; and Peter. Pieter Hanstn of Fid', m. Hilletje Andriese dau. of An- dries Janse of Fl*". Owned 10 morgens in Fid'. Will da. Nov. 17, 1691; pro. May 26, 1692. From it it is inferred he had no issue. He and his brother Gerrit inherited his father's farm. Symon Hansen, emigiated in 1639; m. Oct. 24, 1663, Maria Fredericks wid. of Jan Jorise Symons. On the marriage record he is entered as from Amsterd or Amsterdam, which raises the question whether he was a s. of Hans Hansen Van Noostrand. Resided in Fl''; mem. of the D. ch. of said town in 1677; and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687, Jan. 20, 1662, he bought 19 morgens in Fl^ of Jan Pieterse, which he sold Feb. 7, 1677-8, to Hendrick Ryke for 3300 gl., as per p. 21 of Lib. AA of Fl'' rec. He was al- lotted plots Nos 30 and 31 in the New Lotts of Fl'', which he GENEALOGY. 35 1 sold to Cornells Pieterse Wyckoff. Issue: — Frederick Sy- monsen; Riemerick Symonsen, m. Mar. 23, 1689, Johannes Fonteyn of Bu"^; and Sara Symonsen, bp, Nov. 6, 1681. Signed his name ^^Symen Hatissen." Volkert Hansen, m. Apl. 3, 1681, Sarah Albertse Terhune of *' Najack," N. U. Mem. of D. ch. of Fld^ in 1677, where he resided in 1685; removed to Hackensack in 1687, and at Middlebush, Somerset Co., N. J., in 1703. Issue: — Janneke Volkertse, bp. Nov. 13, 1681, at Fld^; Albert Volkertse, bp. Feb. 22, 1685, in Fl'\ and entered on the record as of Hack- ensack; and Hans Volkertse, bp. , 1687, at Hacken- sack. Van Nukerk, Gerrit Cornelpse, probably from " Ny- kerk," a town in Gelderland, or " Nieuwerkerk," a town in Zeeland, sold Mar. 10, 1665, to Arent Evertse, molenaer (miller), a farm on the E. side of the road in Fl'' of 18 mor- gens, abutting against Corlaer's Flats, as per p. 20 of Lib. D of Fl'^ rec. Made his mark to documents. Van Nuyse, Aucke Jansen, the common ancestor of the Van Nuyse family, emigrated in 165 1 from Amsterdam (there is a village named Nuis in Groningen), commonly writing his name and known as Aucke Janse; m. i^* Magda- lena Pieterse; m. 2^, about Dec. 1666, Elizabeth Janse wid successively of Christopher Schaets and of Jan Claesen; m 3*^ Geertje Gyshrechts wid. of Jan Jacobse. Was a carpenter, residing at first in N. A., where May 6, 1653, he sold his house and lot to Hendrick Hendricksen. In 1661 he resided at Br° ferry; in Fld^ in 1665; in FP' in 1669, where he built the church in 1654 and '60, was appointed schepen in 1673 under Gov. Colve, and took the oath of allegiance in 1687; and in N. U. in 1675, where his name appears on the ass. roll of that year. Oct. 15, 1681, he bought of Bartel Clae- sen his house and farm in Fl^ of 19 morgens; also Claesen's share of the land lying at the Paerde Gat, patented by Gov. Andros Mar. 17, 1677, to said Claesen and Louis Janse; also 10 morgeng on the plains of " Amersfoort," which Claesen bought of Samuel Spicer; and also 2 morgens on the " Midwoutse" plains known as No. 10, with salt-mea- dows, as per p. 142 of Lib. AA of FP rec. Will da. May 15, 1694; pro. , 1698; rec. p. 303, Lib. 5, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Annetie or Anneken Auckersz, m. i^* Winant Pie- terse Van Eck, m. 2^ Derick Janse Woertman; Geertruyd Auckersz, m. Frans Joosten; Janneke Auckersz, m. Reinier Arendsz; Jan Auckersz; Abagail Auckersz, m. Leffert Pie- terse of Fl^; Pieter Auckersz, of whom no further trace; 352 GENEALOGY. Jacobus Auckersz; Femitie Auckersz, m. Jan Stevense Voorhees; and (sup.) Yda Auckersz, m. Aucke Rynierse. Signed his name "'Aucke Jansen." Aucke Jaiise (s. of Jan Auckersz) of Fid'*, m. Catryntje ; deacon in Fid* ch. in 1725. Removed to the Raritan in N. J. Issue: — Barbara, bp. Nov. 18, 1701, d. young; Bar- bara, bp. Apl. 21, 1702; Her Jantien, bp. Apl. 20, 1704; Jan, bp. Apl. 3, 1706; William, bp. Aug. 4, 1708; Aucke, bp. Oct. 25, 1710; Ida, bp. Aug. 25, 1715; and Abraham, bp. Mar. 23, 1718 — all of N. J., and bp. in the Raritan D. ch. Aucke Jacobusz, m. Dec. i, 17 15, Altie dau. of Dirck Janse Amerman. Resided in N. U. in 1703, '15, etc., and assessed in said town for 55 A. in 1706. Issue: — Catrina, bp. June 23, 1721, in N. U.; Isaac, bp. Jan. 16, 1732, in N. Y.; and (sup.) Elizabeth Griggs. Isaac Jacobusz of N. U., bp. Oct. 20, 1695; m. Catrina . Settled at Millestone, N. J., about 1727. Issue: — John of N. J., b. 1720, m. Martha Van Aersdalen; Isaac of Millstone, m. Quick and finally settled in Kentucky; Jacobus of N. J,, m. Maria or Mary Hoogland; Cornelius, bp. July 13, 1735, settled in Kentucky; and Mary Ouke (sup.) m. Ab"' Heyer of N. J. Jacobus Auckcr or Ouke, m. Apl. 26, 1685, Mary or Maria Willemse Cornel of Fl*^; d. about 17 10. Resided in Fl'' in 1688, '96, and 1704. Left Fi'' and settled near New Bruns- wick, N. J., about 1699, and afterwards in N. U. Will rec. on p. 2 of Lib. 5 of Con., which gives the names of his chil- dren as William of N. U.; Johannes or Jan; Isaac; Magda- lena; Margarite; Elizabeth; Maria; and Jacobus of N. J. Signed his name ^^ Yacobes Auckcs." Jan Auckes or Ouke, b. in Amsterdam and emigrated with his father in i65i,and was a carpenter by trade; m. i**^, July 29, 1673, Barbara Provoost of N. Y.; m. 2'^, Apl. 4, 1680, Eva Janse dau. of Jan Jacobse of Br"^, where he resided at the date of his marriage. In 1678, in partnership with Ruth (Rutgert) Albertse, built b))" contract a parsonage in Fl'\ at which place he took the oath of allegiance in 1687. In 1691 he bought land m J^, where he res\^ed in 1699 and 1 7 10. Issue: — Aucke Janse of N. J.; William, of Bu*^ in 1715, bp. Sept. 28, 1679, in N. U.; Jan Janse Jun'' of N.- J., bp. July 17, 1681, in Br"; Geertje Janse, bp. Nov. 19, 1682, in Fl''; Barbara Janse, bp. Apl. 12, 1685, in N. U.; Maria Janse, bp. July 31, 1687, in N. U.; Isaac Janse, bp. Oct. 20, 1695, in Br", m. Maria ; William Janse, bp. Feb. 5, 1699; and Abram Janse (twin) of Somerset Co., N. J., bp. Feb. 5, 1699, m. i^' Antie , m. 2'' Henne , and had children GENEALOGY. 353 Abraham and Maria. Signed his name ^''Jan Aukes Van Nuys" and sometimes ''^Jan Aukes." /an Janse Jun'', bp. July 17, i68r; m. Lena or Helena (sup.) Duryea. Resided in Fld^ and deacon of the D. ch. of said place in 1721. A Jan Van Nuyse of Fid' bought Apl. 28, 1722, of Enoch Freeland 100 A., now within the bounds of New Brunswick, N. J., on which it is supposed he set- tled. Issue: — Isaac, bp. Mar. 9, 1708, in Br°; Jacobus, bp. Oct. 17, 1725, in N. U.; and James — all of N. J. Jan Jacobse of N. U. and N. J., m. Mar. 17, 17 16, Adri- aentje Wyckoff. Removed to New Brunswick, N. J., where he bought a farm about 1727. Will da. Sept. 29, 1747; pro. Nov. 3, 1747; rec. p. 192 of Lib. E in off. of Sec. of State of N. J. Issue: — Jacobus; Margrietje, bp. Apl. 23, 1725, in N. U.; Lena; Elizabeth; and Anne — all of N. J. Pieter Ai^ckersz, hp. Oct. 27, 1652. A suit was commenced against him Feb. 4, 1680-81, in Fl'\ by Cornells Verway for 20 gl., the price of a gun, as per Fl^ rec. No further trace. William Jacobse of N. U., m. Magdalena ; d. Sept. 16, 1771. Issue: — William of N. U., m. Anna dau. of Jan Ver- kerk and owned and resided on the farm in N. U. Lane late of James Arlington Bennet; Maria, m. Ferdinand Van Sicklen; George or Joost of Fld% bp. Sept. 16, 17 16, m. Elizabeth Emmans; and Jacobus of N. U., m. Sarah dau. of Tunis Rapalje. The Van Nuyse family of Kings Co., whose farms are or were located mainly in Fld^ and N. U., are descendants of this William Jacobse. William Janse, bp. Feb. 5, 1699, and resided in Bu*^ in 1715- Van Oosten, Cornelis, m. Josyna Ver/iagen, who after his death m. 2^, about 1689, Rut Albertse. Issue: — Jakobus Cornelise; Elizabeth Cornelise; and Cornelia Cornelise of Fl*", who m. July 20, 1682, Harmen Pieterse Van Blyden- stein. Van Ostrand, Aaron, on ass. roll of Fl*" of 1693 and cen. of 1698. This Aaron was probably same as Aeren Van Nostrand. Van Pelt, Aert Teunisz, of N. U., (Van Pelt probably meaning " from ' Peel ' " or " from the morass,") m. Sept. 10, 1686, Neeltie Janse Van Tuil oi N, Y.; d. after 1B39. Took the oath of allegiance in N. U. in 1687 as a native; on ass. roll of said town of 1693; cen. of 1698; mag. in 1698; lieut. of militia in 1705; and assessed in 1706 for 80 A. Bought 23 354 GENEALOGY. land at Millstone, N. J., in 1702. Issue: — Petrus Aertse of N. U.; Jan Aertse, bp. Dec. 25, 1696, in Br"; Neeltje Aertse, m. Peter Cortelyou; Grietje or Margaret Aertse, m. Dirk Van Sutphen; Geertruy Aertse, b. Oct. 10,1693, m. Gysbert Sutphen; Catlyn Aertse, bp. Nov. 9, 1695, in Br"; Lysbet Aertse; and (sup.) Aert Aertse, m. Annetje Voorhies. Made his mark "A V P" to documents. Ae7't Janse of N. U., m. Christyntje Emmit or Immit. Resided at one period on S. I. and afterwards at Hacken- sack. Issue: — Maria, bp. Dec. 10, 1721; Jan, bp. 1723; Marytje, bp. 1731; Abraham, bp. 1733; and Hendrick, bp. 1739. Signed his name '■^Art Van Pelt.'' Anthony Tetcnisse, emigrated from Liege in 1663 with his father and settled in N. U.; m. Magdalena or Helena Joosten; d. Feb. 2, 1720-21. On ass. rolls of N. U. of 1675, '76, and 'Zy, Dongan's patent of 1696; cen. of 1698; took the oath of allegiance there in 1687; and assessed in 1706 for 98 A. In Nov. 1674 he petitioned the Gov. for a grant of land on S. I. Issue: — Joost of S. I.; Teunis of S. I., m. Maria Degreau; John of N. U. and S. I., m. Susanna La Tourette; Maria, bp. Oct. 14, 168 1, in Fld^, m. Ary Schouten; Adri- aentje, bp. Feb. 3, 1684, in N. U., d. young; Adriaentje, bp. May 25, 1690, in Br", m. Taylor; Helena, bp. May 29, 1695, in Br", m. Teunis Stoutenburg; Grietje, m. Bond; and Saartje, m. Cor* Dorlant. Made his mark to docu- ments. AntJwny Thyssen, b. 1646, and emigrated with his father in 1663. Resided in N. U. in 1693. No further trace. Arie or Ad?'iaen Thyssen Lanen or Lane of N. U., m. Mar- rytje or Martyntje Smack. On ass. roll of N. U. of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Of Middletown, Monmouth Co., N. J., in 1700, at which date,, and as a resident of which place, he conveyed land in N. U. to Gysbert Tysson (Van Pelt). At one period of G^'. Issue: — Jannetje; Geertruy; and Hen- drick, bp. 1707, in N. Y. Signed his name ^^Ad?'iaen Lane." Cornells Gysbrechtse, bp. Apl. 3, 1685, in Br". Removed with his father to Monmouth Co., N. J. Issue: — Catryntje, bp. Nov. 26, 1710; and Cornells, bp. May 7, 1714, at Marl- boro. Derick Thyssen (sup. s. of Matthys Janse Van Pelt), m. Antie . Resided in N. U. in 1709, and made his mark to documents. Gysbrecht Thyssen Lanen, b. in 1652, and emigrated with his father in 1663; m. Jannetje Ariens or Adriaens. Mem. of the N. U. ch. in 1677 and deacon in 1683. On Dongan's patent of 1686, cen. of 1698, and in 1706 assessed for 83 A. In 1709 he appears to have resided near Freehold, N. J. It \/ GENEALOGY. 355 is probable that many of the numerous individuals in E. N. J. whose surnames are Laan or Lane are his descend- ants or those of his brother Adriaen, having dropped the Van Pelt. Will da. Nov. 7, 1720; pro. May 17, 1727; rec. p. 66 of Lib. B in off. Sec. State of N. J. Issue: — Jan- netje; Wilhelmyntje, bp. Sept. 16, 1677, in Fl'', m. W™ Hen- dricksen; Matthys, bp. Aug. 23, 1679, in Br°, d. young; Catalina, bp. Apl. 24, 1681, in Fl'', m. (sup.) Elias De Hart; Thys of N. J., bp. Mar. 30, 1683, in Br"; Cornells of N. J., bp. Apl. 3, 1685, in Fid"; Mary, bp. Mar. 3, 1689, in FP, m. (sup.) Ferdinand Van Sicklen; Joost of N. J.; and Maicken, m. Stoffel Langestraet. Made his mark to documents. Hendrick Thyssen Lanenoi Br"; b. 1650; emigrated in 1663 with his father; m. i^\ Sept. 28, 1679, Annatie Tileman Vander Meyer; m. 2^, Apl. 25, 1690, Marritje Bennet wid. of Johannes Christoffel Schaers of Gowanus; d. about 1693. Mem. of R. D. ch. of Br" in 1677; on ass. roll of Br" of 1673; on ass. roll of N. U. of 1683 ; patent of 1686 ; and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687. Is'sue: — Tileman, bp. Dec. 12, 1680, in N. U.; Thys, bp. May 13, 1683, in Br"; and (by 2'^ w.) Mayke, bp. Apl. 23, 1693, in Br". Made his mark to documents. Hendrick Janse, left Kings Co. and settled on S. L; m. 1*'' (sup.) Titje Anderis; m. 2'^ Maritje De Hart. Issue: — Antje, bp. May 5, 1696; Aeltje, bp. Mar. 25, 1701; Jan, bp. Aug. 15, 1705, in N. Y.; Annetje, bp. 1706; Catlyntje, bp. May 12, 1719; and Hendrick, bp. Jan. i, 1720-21 — all except Jan on S. I. Hendrick Temiise of N. IJ., m. Annitie Minders. On ass. roll of Br° of 1676, of N. U. of 1683, and patent of N. U. of 1686. Issue: — Pieter, bp. Jan. 23, 1681, in Fld^; Meindert or Meinherd, bp. Mar. 30, 1684, in N. U., d. young; Grietje, bp. May 7, 1685, in FP; Myndert, bp. Jan. 9, 1687, in Fl''; and (sup.) Hendrick of S. I. Made his mark to documents. Jacob Janse, left L. I. and settled on S. I.; m. (sup.) Aeltje Hagewout. Issue: — Jan, bp. Apl. 17, 171 1; Derekje, bp. in 171^, m. John Lawrence; Marytje, bp. 1715; Pieter, bp. Apl. 16, 1717; Jan, bp. Oct. 15, 1721; and Catlyntje, bp. Sept. 27, 1724 — all on S. I. Jacob Thyssen Lajien, was a minor in 1683, and took the oath of allegiance in N. U. in 1687 as a native. Suppose he had a s. John Lane or Lanen, who owned the farm N. of Bay Ridge Ave. at Bay Ridge, m. Ida , and d. in 1766. This John made a will da. Mar. 18, 1766; pro. July 29, 1766; rec. p. 273, Lib. 25, N. Y. surr. off. There was a Jacob Lane and Elizabeth Barkeloo his w. mem. of the R. D. ch. of Freehold, N. J., in 1709. \ 356 GENEALOGY. Jan Thyssen Lanen, a minor in 1683; m. Aeltie dau. of Gerrit Cornelise Van Duyn, and took the oath of allegiance in 1687 as a native. At one period resided in Newtown. Issue: — Gerrit, bp. Oct. 30, 1695, in Br", d. young; Thys, bp. Sept. 19, 1708; and Jackamintje. Jan Teunise of N. U., m. Maria Pieterse; d. after 1720. Settled on S. I., where he obtained Oct. 10, 1674, a patent for a tract of land, and where he also bought land in 1683. Appointed lieut of infantry for Richmond Co. in 1689, and mem. of Assembly in 1692. Was among those who Dec. 30, 1 701, petitioned King William III. to be delivered from the power of the Leislerian faction, as per p. 942 of Vol. IV. of Doc. of Col. His. of N. Y. Will da. Dec. 11, 1719; pro. Dec. II) 1734; I'ec. p. 253 of Lib. 12, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Teunis Jansen; Pieter Jansen; John, Hannis, or Johannes Jansen; Hendrick Jansen; Jacob Jansen; Daniel Dehart Jansen; Anna Jansen; Margaret Jansen; and Aert Jansen. Signed his name ''''Jan Tonissen Van Pelf and '^' Jan Tenissen Peltr Jan (s. of Jan Teunisse), settled on S. I. and (sup.) m. Aeltje Hoogland. Issue: — Marytje, bp. Oct. 22, 17 10; Jan, bp. July 6, 1712; Marrytje, bp. Feb. 9, 1715; Theunis, bp. Apl. I, 1716; Elizabeth, bp. June 15, 1718; Daniel, bp. Dec. 25, 1719; Catlyntie, bp. Oct. 16, 1720; Sara, bp. Jan. 25, 7718-19, m. Simon Simonse; and Catryntje, bp. Nov. 8, 1719 — the three last on S. I. Jan Aertse of N. U., bp. Dec. 25, 1696; m. Feb. 8, 17 16, Catharine Hegeman. In 1742 Jan Van Pelt and Catharine his w. conveyed land in N. U. to Joris Lott. Issue: — Adri- aentje, b. Jan 11, 1720, m. Guysbert Sutphen, her cousin; Catharine, bp. May 9, 1731; Teunis, bp. May 5, 1734; and Jan, bp. Apl. 17, 1737 — all bp. in N. U. Made his mark to documents. Jan or John Janse, m. . In 1732, '2,3, and '34 a Jan Van Pelt was capt. of a sloop which sailed from N. Y. to N. C. Issue: — Marytje, bp. Oct. 22, 17 10; Jan, bp. July 6, 1712; Marytje, bp. Feb. 9, 1715; Theunis, bp. Apl. i, 1716; Elizabeth, bp. June 15, 1718; and Daniel, bp. Dec. 25, 1719 —all bp. in N. Y. Johannis or Hannis (s. of Jan Teunise), settled on S. I., m. i^' Sarah Le Roy; m. 2'' Sophia Sloger. Will da. Oct. i, 1748; pro. Sept. 18, 1750; rec. p. 214 of Lib. 17 in surr. off. in N. Y. Issue: — Blandina, bp. Apl. 23, 1707, m. Titus Tetus; Simon, bp. Apl. 20, 1708, d. young; Catalyna, bp. , 17 10; Symon, bp. Apl. 15, 1715; Petrus, bp. Apl. 16, 1717; Jo- hannis, bp. June 7, 1719; Sara, bp. Jan. i, 1720-21 — all bp. in S. I.; and Anne, m. Hannis Simonse. GENEALOGY. 357 Johannes Wouterse, bp. May 8, 1687; m. Maria Owned and resided on the farm at Gowanus, afterwards of Peter Bergen. Removed to Six Mile Run in N. ]., and there in 1748. Will da. Feb. 5, 1787; pro. Sept. 3, 1790; rec. p. 290 of Lib. 31, N. Y. sum off. Issue: — Johannes of N. J.; Sarah or Maria, m. Johannes Cray; and Annatye, who m. Sutphen — all of N. J. Matthys or TJiys Gysbrechtse, bp. Mar. 30, 1683, in Br"; m. Ann or Auke Schenck, and removed with his father to Monmouth Co., N. J. His will is da. June 27 and pro. Aug. 18, 1729, and rec. on p. 215 of Lib. B in off. of Sec. of State, Trenton. Issue: — Gilbert, m. Jan. 7, 1741, Nellie Schenck; Gerret, bp. Nov. 3, 17 16, at Marlboro, m. Mayke Sutphen; Aaron of the Raritan, m. Sara Cowenhoven '^t Marlboro; Matthys, bp. Feb. 26, 1723, m. Elizabeth Sutphen; Cor- nelius, m. Maria Warnsly; Ralph; and Nelly or Helena, (sup.) m. Tunis Amak. Matthys or Thys Janse Lanen, emigrated with his brother Teunis Janse from the land of "Luyck" (Liege) in 1663 with his w., who d. on the passage, and 4 children. He m. 2^ Adriaentje Hendricks, who after his death m. Cornells Wynhard. Settled in N. U., and his name appears on the ass. rolls of 1675 and '76. Issue: — Anthoine or Anthony Thyssen, b. 1646; Teuntje or Tryntje Thyssen, b. 1648, m. Jan Janse Van Dyck; Hendrick Thyssen Lanen, (sup.) b. 1650; Gysbrecht Thyssen Lanen, (sup.) b. 1652; Annetje Thyssen, m. Jurian Lootman of Esopus; Jan Thyssen La- nen; Jacob Thyssen Lanen; (sup.) Adriaen Thyssen Lane; (sup.) Pieter Thyssen; (sup.) Jannetje Thyssen, m. Tunis Idense; and (sup.) Lysbeth Thyssen, m. Anthoni Juchum of Bu*^. Signed his name "Thys Jansen Van Pelt." Peter Thyssen (s. of Thys Janse) of N. U., where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687 as a native, m. Barbara Houl- ten. Was assessed in N. U. in 1706 for 49 A. Issue: — Teunis; Matys; Maria; Catryna; and Rebecca. Made his mark to documents. Peter Wouterse of Gowanus, Br°. No evidence of his marriage or having issue. By his will of Apl. 22, 1756, pro. Mar. 2, 1773, he devises his real estate to his brothers Alex- ander, Teunis, and Johannes. This will being recorded on p. 157 of Lib. L of wills in off. of Sec. of State of N. J., shows that at the time of his death he was a resident of N. J., or at least that he owned land in that State. Signed his name "Peiter Van Pelt." Petrus Aertse of N. U., m. Oct. 19, 1734, Antje Borland; d. Sept. 6, 1 78 1. Was capt. of the N. U. company of militia in 1758. Issue: — Neeltje, b. July 27, 1735, m. Nicasius Cowen- 358 GENEALOGY. hoven of N. U. ; Rem of N. U., b. Apl. 17, 1738, the grand- father of the present (1880) John L. Van Pelt of N. U., m. Ida dau. of Jacobus Lefferts; Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 2, 1745, m. Jo- hannes Cowenhoven of N. U. ; Aert of N. U., b. Oct. 20, 1748, m. Femmetje Stellenwerf ; Sarah, b. Dec. 20, 1750, m. Abra- ham Durj^ee of N. U.; Anna (twin), b. Dec. 20, 1750; John of N. U., b. Oct. 20, 1754, m. Femmetje Duryee; and Peter (twin) of N. U. and Pompton, b. Oct. 20, 1754, m. Maria Van Nuyse. Tennis (s. of Jan Teunise and Maria), m. Elsje Hendrix. Issue: — Fransyntje, bp. Aug. i, 1700; Samuel, bp. Dec. 13, 1704; Jacob, bp. Nov. 20, 1706; Theunis, bp. Sept. 2, 1709; and Samuel, bp. July 31, 17 15 — all bp. in N. Y. Teunis (s. of Anthony Teunise of N. Y.), m. Maria Dregeau and settled on S. I. Will da. June 25, 1765; pro. Mar. 25, 1776; rec. on p. 210 of Lib. 25 in off. of surr. of N. Y. He bought land on S. I. as early as 1727. Issue: — Anthony, bp. Oct. 9, 1726, m. Jenneke Simonse; John, bp. Feb. 14, 1731, m. Mary Tonge; Maria or Mary, bp. June 3, 1734^ m. John Foy; Peter; Joseph; Joost, bp. May 10, 1737; Tunis, bp. Nov. 19, 1738; Jacob; and Benjamin — all of S. I. Teunis Jansen or ^'■Tonis Janscn Lanen Van Peelt,'' as written by himself, from the land of " Luyck " (Liege), emigrated in 1663 with w. and 6 children. He m. i^' (sup.) Grietje Jans; m. 2^, Aug. 6, 1696, Gertrude Jans wid. of John Otter. Bought Apl. 7, 1670, of David Jochems of N. Y. land near to " Rechawyck" (Br"), previously granted to Ryer Lambertse, cong. 57 morgens, located in Bu'^. Suppose he sold these premises to Jan Messerole. Bought land in N. U. in 1675, '78, and '80; on Dongan's patent of 1686; took the oath of allegiance there in 1687 ; and was known as Turris the fisher, that being probably his principal occupation. Issue: — Jan Teunise; Anthony Teunise; Elizabeth Teunise; Magdalena Teunise or Jackemyntje, by a deed of 1700 m. Joachim Gulick; Aert Teunise Lanen; Wouter Teunise; Hendrick Teunise; Teuntje Teunise, m. Harmanus Van Gelder; and Rebecca Teunise, m. Ab™ de La Montange. Signed his xv^xs\Q.'^'• Tonis Jansen Lanen Van PeeltT Teunis Wouterse of Gowanus, Br", bp. Oct. 30, 1695; m. Apl. 26, 1718, Greetje or Geertruy dau. of Willem Willemse Bennet of Gowanus; d. about 1779. Bought land in Mon- mouth Co., N. J., where he resided at one period, but re- turned to Gowanus, where he d. By his will, da. Feb. 28, 1774, and pro. Dec. 17, 1779, he devised his N. J. lands to his sons Peter and Christopher, and his Gowanus lands to his son Winant. Issue: — Wouter, bp. Apl. 12, 1719, in GENEALOGY. 359 N. U., d. young; John of Br" and of Monmouth Co., N. J., m. Jannetje Heyer; Peter of N. J., bp. June 22, 1735, at Freehold, (sup.) m. Neeltje Vanderbilt; Winant of Gowa- nus, (sup.) m. Mary He5^er; Marritie or Maria, bp. Sept. 9, 1739, at Freehold, m. W°' Holland; Christopher of N. J., m. Aaltie Bennet; Johannes or Hannes of Monmouth Co., N. J., m. Anne Heyer; Alexander or Sander of Monmouth Co., N. J., m. Jannetje Heyer; and Aeltje, m. Peter Heyer of N. J. Thys, see Matthys. Wouter Theunise Lanen of Gowanus, Br", emigrated with his father in 1663; m. Mar. 22, 1686, Maryte Janse dau. of Johannes Christoffelse Schaers of Gowanus. Sept. 15, 1695, he bought of Stoffel Johannes Schaers 40 A. at Gowa- nus lying between the lands of Simon Aersen (De Hart) and those of Maritie wid. of Thomas Van Dyck, fronting on the Bay, formerly of Johannes Christoffelse Schaers, dec, as per p. 74 of Lib. 2 of Con. On the date of this purchase he hailed from N. U., where he took the oath of allegiance in 1687. In 1702 he bought lands at Millstone, and about 17 10 with others the Harlington tract in Somer- set Co., N. J. Will da. May 10. 1728; pro. Sept. 29, 1744; rec. on p. 291 of Lib. 15, off. surr. of N. Y. Issue: — Jake- myntie or Jemina, m. Samuel Berrie; Maria, m. Arian or Adriaen Bennet; Johannes, bp. May 8, 1687; Tunis, bp. Mar. 16, 1690, d. young; Tunis of Gowanus, bp. Oct. 30, 1695; Lysbeth or Elizabeth, bp. Mar. 10, 17 16, (sup.) m. Petrus Wyckoff of Fld^; Alexander of N. J.; and Peter of Gowanus. Made his mark " W" to documents. Van Purmarent, Claes Jansen (from Purmarent, a town in North Holland), m. i^'' Fietersje dau. of Altien Brack- hoengie of Gowanus; m. 2^, Nov. 11, 1656, in N. A., Annetje J^an Voi'st. He obtained a patent Jan. i, 1662, for a tract of land near Horsimus or Ahasymus, near Jersey City, in Hudson Co., N. J., on which he resided. Through his first w. he inherited land at Gowanus. He was sometimes known as Jan Pottagie, and in his latter days as "Kuyper," probably from being a cooper by trade. See p. 42 of Win- field's Land Titles of Hudson Co., N. J. Van Rossem, Huych Aerts, or from the village of " Ros- sem" in Gelderland, m. i^' Aufietje Tennis; m. 2^, June 14, 1643, Tryntje Haj-ders Van Tzcningen wid. of Hendrick Hoist. In 1646 he was a mag. of Br", and Feb. 22, 1646, he obtained a patent for 29 morgens in Br", which passed to Albert Cornelisen Wantenaer who m. his wid., and sold the same 360 GENEALOGY. Mar. 2, 1674, to Michael Hansen Bergen. Signed his name '■^Huych Aerts Van Ross em." Van Rotterdam, Jan Cornelise, or from Rotterdam, occupied land at Gowanus May 17, 1639, as per Col. Man. Suppose he m. Marretje Gerrits, and had issue: — Jan, bp. Sept. 30, 1640; Cornells, bp. Aug. 3, 1642; Abraham, bp. Jan. 24, 1655; Gerrit, bp. Feb. 15, 1660; and Jannetje, bp. Dec. 8, 1666— all bp. in N. A. Van Ruynen, see Bartel Claesen. Van Ruyven, Cornelis, probably from the manor of Ruyven in South Holland, m. June 25, 1654, Hillegond Megapolensis. Sept. 6, 1658, he bought of Evert Duyckingh Van Borchem his patent of 26 morgens in Fl'', lying on the E. side of the road, which he sold June 5, 1674, to Pieter Balyou or Billou, as per p. 37 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. He also appears to have obtained a patent about 1662 for 25 mor- gens in Fl'', N. of Cor^ Janse, along Longest Hill, and by land of Cor* Janse Bougart, as per p. 35 of Lib. A of Fl*" rec. Van Ruyven was at one period sec. of the colony and a justice of the peace in the County of Kings. Issue: — Johannes, bp. Apl. 4, 1655, in N. A. Signed his name ''Cor- nells Van Ruyven." George, owned a plantation in "Midwoud" (Fl*") July 12, 1655, as per Col. Man. Van Ryden, Barend. His name appears on a deed of the freeholders of G'* dated Apl. 26, 1680, to Jacobus Oke (Van Nuyse) for 5 or 6 A of land, as per G*^ rec. Van Salee, see Anthony Jansen. Van Sant, see Claes Carsten. Van Saxwsoell, Isaac, of Br°. His name appears on a deed of Aug. 20, 1667, per p. 179 of Lib. 2 of Con. Van Schoondervooert, Jan or John Louwen or Lowsen (probably from Schoonderwoerd in South Holland), was an overseer of Br° in 1670, as per deed of Willem Bredenbent to W°* Willemse Bennet. Owned land in Bedford in 1689, as per deed on p. 148 of Lib. i of Con.; also in 1700, as per deed of Lambertsen to Vanderhove, on p. 694 of Lib. 9 of Con. Pearson, in his First Settlers of Albany, states that 2 brothers, Teunis Jacobse and Rutger Jacobse Van Schoen- GENEALOGY. 36 I derwoert, came to Fort Orange about 1640, the descendants of the former remaining in Albany, assuming the name of Van Woert, and those of the latter removing to N. Y. and taking the name of Rutgers. Van Schouw, Claes Cornelise, probably from the island of " Schouwen" in Zeeland, obtained Nov. 14, 1642, a patent for 16 morgens in Br", located between the ferry and the lands of Andries Hudde. See Claes Cornelise Mentelaer. Van Sechten, Frans Janse, was plaintiff in a suit against Albest Albertse (Terhune) Aug. 18, 1660, as per Lib. B of Fl*" court rec. There was a Frans Janse, a carpenter, in Fid* in 1660. Van Sutphen, see Sutphen. jan Barentse, see Van Driest. Van Sycklen or Sicklen, Cornelis Reinierse, of G^ m. Maria . Left G** and settled at Amentien, Hunterdon Co., N. J., as early as 1717. Issue: — Neeltje, bp. July 29, 1718, in N. J.; Marytje, bp. Sept. 23, 1722, in N. J., m. Gerrit Schenck; (sup.) Gerrit, m. Margrita Van Leu wen; and (sup.) Andrew, who m. Mary . Made his mark to documents. Ferdiiiando, a farmer, emigrated in 1652 and settled at first in N. A. and then in Fld^. He m. Eva Antonise dau. of Anthony Jansen from Salee. Was a mem. of Fld^ D. ch. in 1677, and took the oath of allegiance in said town in 1687. Dec. 6, 1669, he bought of Anthony Jansen, his father-in- law, plantation-lot No. 29, with the buildings thereon, in G*^, as per town rec, to which he probably removed. May 11, 1682, he bought of Louies Janse a parcel of land at " Paerde Gat" in Fl*", as per Fl*^ rec. Issue: — Reinier; Eva, m. Jan Bordet or Boudet of Hackensack; Johannes; Margrietje or Grietje, m. Jan Albertse Terhune; Fernandes Jun''; Susanna, bp. May i, i68i, in N. U.; Cornelia, m. Jan Cornelise Banta of Hackensack; and (sup.) Jannetie, m. Adriaen Laen or Laan. Signed his name ^ Ferdinando Van Sycklen.'' Fernandes Jun'', m. Geertje . On ass. rolls of Fld^ of 1676 and '83 and cen. of 1698. Issue: — Eva, m. Hendrick Janse of N. U.; Margrietje, m. Cornelis Suydam of Oyster Bay; Fernandes, (sup.) m. Mary or Maria Van Nuyse; and Minne, m. Emans. Signed his name ^^ Fernandes Van Sychllenr Fernandus Reinierse of G^ and N. J., m. Mary or Maria (sup.) Laan; d. prior to 1767. Inherited the homestead in 362 GENEALOGY. G*^ from his father. In 1736 he bought 200 A. of Lawrence Haff on Holland Creek in Hunterdon Co., N. J. In 1718 he resided at Arenten, Hunterdon Co., N. J. Will da. Apl. 28, 1749, and not recorded. Issue: — Mary, b. Nov. 14, 1709, (sup.) m. Samuel Linnington; Jannetje, b. Mar. 3, 1711, (sup.) m. Jan Suydam; Eva, b. July 14, 1714, m. Hendrick Johnson; Reinier, b. Sept. 8, 1716, (sup.) m. Mary ; Gysbert of Fl^, b. Oct. 8, 17 18, m. Annetje Ryder; Johannes, the ancestor of the N. L. branch of the family, b. Nov. 22, 1722, m. Geertje Lott; Cornelius, the ancestor of the G** branch of the family, m. i"- Femmetje Vanderveer, m. 2^ Catharine Johnson; and Catharine, b. Oct. 21, 1727, m. Hendrick Lott of Bedford. (Sup.) yan Reinierse of Fld^, bp. June 19, 1695, in N. Y.; m. Lena , and settled on the Raritan, N. J. Issue: — Andries, bp. July 29, 1718, in N. Y.; Johannes, bp. Oct. 30, 1720, m. Christine or Styntje Sebring; Abraham, bp. Mar. 3, 1723, m. Antje or Saertje Ross; (sup.) Reinier; and (sup.) Marytie— all of N. J. Johannes Ferdinanse of Fld^ (sup.) m. Jannetje . Re- sided in G*^ in 1694 and in 1699 on the Raritan. Issue: — Reinier, bp. Apl. 12, 1716, in N. J.; and Johanna, bp. May 29, 1726, in N. J. Reinier Fcrdinandese of G'', m. Mar. 26, 1687, Jannetje Van Hooren or Home of N. Y. wid. of Joseph Hegeman. Of Fld^ in 1667; of C in 1687, where he took the oath of al- legiance as a native. Apl. 15, 1698, he bought of W" Wil- kins for ;^i85 20 A. and some smaller plots in G*^. He also bought of Jochem Gulick, John Griggs, and Sam' Ger- ritsen of C for ;^i98 all their right in the mill standing on the Storm or Stroom Kil at Hugh Gerretsens so-called with the dam and all the property and right belonging to said mill, of which he conveyed Feb. 12, 1703-4, to his w. the one third part, as per G*^ rec. Will da. Nov. 18, 1703; pro. Jan. 21, 1707; rec. on p. 336 of Lib. 4 in N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Ferdinandus Reinierse of G'*; Cornelius; (sup.) Jan Reinierse, bp. Jan. 19, 1695, in N. Y.; and (sup.) Reinier. Signed his name ^^ Reinier Van Sichlcn." Van Tessel, Jan Cornelise, was allotted in pursuance of the patent of Fl'' 23 morgens in said town on the S. side of the bouwery of Bartel Claesen, with plain land and salt- meadows, which he sold Jan. 20, 1670-1, to Aucke Janse Van Nuyse, as per p. 15 of Lib. A of Fl*" rec. Also allotted Mar. 14, 1670-1, a building-plot in Fl*^, as per p. 17 of said Lib. A. Signed his name '^/an Cornelise" and "Jan Cor- nelisse Van Tessel." GENEALOGY. 363 Van Tienhoven, Cornelis (probably from " Tienhoven," a village in South Holland), of N. A. He obtained Mar. 15, 1647, a patent for a plantation in Br". Held offices and had several children baptized in N. A., as per p. 827 of Valen- tine's Manual of 1863. His will is da. Mar. 30, 1724; pro. July 27, 1737; and rec. on p. 88 of Lib. 13, N. Y. surr. off. Signed his name " Cor?ielis Van Tienhoven.'' Nicholas of FP', m. Dec. 27, 1693, in N. Y., to which place he had removed, Maria Abrahamse from Amsterdam, a resi- dent of N. Y. Van Tillburgh, Barent, (probably from the town of Tilburg in North Braband) m. Maria or Marritje dau. of Adam Brouwer of Gowanus, his name appearing on a Brouwer deed of 1698. Members of the family reside in Somerset Co., N. J. Made his mark to documents. Van Twiller, Wouter, director-gen. of New Nether- lands, obtained a patent June 22, 1643, for Red Hoek, Br°, which was forfeited; also a patent July 16, 1638, for one of the flats (prairies) in Fld^ known as Kaskutensuhane. Van Uythuysen, Simon,' of Br" (probably an emigrant from the village of Uithuyzen in Groeningen), m. . Issue: — Elizabeth, who m. Mar. 17, 1685, Ditmars Jansen of Bergen, N. J. Van Varack, see Varick. Van Vecht, Vechte, or Vechten, Klaes Arentse (prob- ably at one period from Vechten, a hamlet in Utrecht, or the river Vecht in the Netherlands), emigrated from Norg in the province of Drenthe with w. Lammetshe and 3 chil- dren in 1660 and settled in Br", where he owned a farm in Gowanus as early as 1672, on which he resided and on which the old stone and brick house near Fifth Ave., erect- ed in 1699, now (1880) about disappearing, was probably built by him. On ass. rolls of Br"'of 1675 and '^T) ! took the oath of allegiance there in 1687 ; on cen. of 1698 ; member in 1677, and an elder in the R. D. ch. of Br" in 1681. There was a Teunis Dirkse Van Vechten who emigrated in 1638 and settled at Greenbush opposite Albany, whose descend- ants are to be found in the vicinity of Albany, Catskill, etc., but have seen no evidence of his relationship to Claes Arentse. Issue: — Hendrick Claesen; Gerrit Claesen; and (sup.) Michael Claesen. Signed his name '■'■Klaes Arents Vecht r 364 GENEALOGY. Gerrit Claesen, of Br" and S. I., emigrated with his father in 1660; m. I'S Sept. 25, 1682, Jannetje Crocheron from "Walsh Vlanderin" and of S. I.; m. 2^, Mar. 20, 1693, Mag- dalena Jans wid. of Jan Homs. Was a mem. of Br" ch. in 1677. Left Gowanus and removed to S. I. on a tract of 120 A. on Kil Van Kull, which his father obtained of Gov. An- dros, and which he conveyed Jan. 17, 1689, to him. Mem- ber of the Colonial Assembly from Richmond Co. from 1699 to 1702. Will pro. Mar. 9, 1722-3, and rec. on p. 256 of Lib. 12, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Gerret of S. I., bp. Apl. 4, 1694; Lammetje, m. Ab"' Lacheman; and John of S. L Hendrick Claesen of Br", emigrated with his father in 1660; m. Dec. 10, 1680, Gerritje Reiniers Wizzelpenning; d. Dec. 8, 1 7 16. Mem. of D. ch. of Br" in 1677, took the oath of allegiance there in 1687, and on cen. of 1698. Owned the homestead in Gowanus of his father. Bought land at Mill- stone, N. J., in 1702, and in 1710 with others bought the Harlington tract in Somerset Co.. N. J. Issue: — Hilletje, bp. May 9, 1684, m. Hieronemus Rapalie; Famitje, bp. Jan. 30, 1687; Lammetje, bp. Apl. 23, 1693, m. Pieter Staats of Gowanus; Gerritje, bp. Oct. 19, 1696; Jannetje, bp. June 12, 1701, m. Pieter Dumont of the Raritan, N. J.; Claes or Nicholas, bp. Sept. 9, 1704, m. i^*^ Cornelia Van Duyne, m. 2^ Abagail Lefferts, resided on and owned the homestead farm in Gowanus; and Reinier, bp. Oct. 13, 1706, m. Jaco- myntje dau. of Cornells Gerritse Van Duyn, and settled at Millstone, N. J. (Sup.) Michael Claesen, settled on the Raritan, N. J., about 1683, and in 17 10 a mem. of the North Branch R. D. ch. Issue: — (sup.) Derick of N. J., b. 1697, m. Rebecca Anton- ides Wickhant; and (sup.) Michael of N. J. Van Ven, Renys, paid Apl. 2, 1664, towards the repairs of the roof of Fl^ ch., as per town rec. Van Vleck or Vleeck, Isaac, b. 1645; m. i*' Cornelia Beekman; m. 2^, Mar. 5, 1680, Catalyntje de Lanoy. Was a dealer in beaver-skins in 1674 and '76, as per Stoothoff's Papers. Made an affidavit June 11, 1690, relating to the troubles under the administrations of Gov, Leisler. Had several children bp. in N. Y., as per p. 827 of Valentine's Manuel of 1863. Tielman, an attorney for the heirs of Barent Baltus in a suit against Eaggeryn Balthus wid. of said Barent, of Apl. 7, 1660, as per Lib. B of Fl"^ court rec. Tielman Van Vleck was originally from Bremen, practised as a notary in N. A., and obtained a patent for sundry parcels of land in Bergen, GENEALOGY. 365 N. J., in 1770, to which he removed and of which place he was the first schout, as per p. 114 of Winfield's Land Titles of Hudson Co. No account of his having resided in Kings Co., although he appears to have practised there in his profession. Signed his name ^'■Tielman Van Vleeck." Van Vliet, see Vander Vlidt. Van Vlierden, Jeremias (probably from "Vlierden," a village in North Braband), of N. Y., bought Dec. 10, 1700, of John Marsh, the one fourth of a mill in Bu'^, which he sold Feb. 23, 1701-2, to John Messerole, as per p. 237 of Lib. 2 of Con. Van Werckhoven, Cornelis, a member of the West India Company, emigrated from Utrecht (probably from "Werck- hoven," a village in the province of Utrecht), about 1652. Previous to his emigration his agent Augustus Heermans had, among other large tracts, purchased for him from the Indians what is known as the Nyack or Najeck tract in N. U. for 6 shirts, 2 pairs of shoes, 6 pairs of stockings, 6 adzes, 6 axes, 6 knives, 2 scissors, and 6 combs, described as " land lying East of the North River in the Hoof den (Heights), so as said land previous to this to the Noble Company was sold and once more paid for; said land ex- tending in the rear of M"' Paulus land (the late Garret Bergen and Schemerhorn farms at Gowanus) named Gewa- nus, or obliquely through the hills to Meghevamenek (probably Merackawick, the Indian name for Br°,) said land lying on the Southwest side of Amersfoort (Fld^), and from thence along Gravesend to the sea, as by many trees is marked out," etc., and for which Van Werckhoven procured the Indian deed on Nov. 22, 1652. This description appears to cover at least the whole of the present town of N. U., with other lands. Shortly after his purchase Van Werck- hoven commenced a settlement on his Nyack lands, on which he built a residence and secure retreat, returning to Holland in 1654 for the purpose of obtaining the requisite number of settlers to entitle him to full feudal privileges on his purchase, which number he failed to furnish, leaving Jacques Cortelyou, the private tutor of his children, to man- age his colony and affairs during his absence. He died in Holland in 1655, leaving surviving a wid. and minor chil- dren, Peter and Cornelis Jansen Van Werckhoven, who after his death claimed from Cortelyou an account of his steward- ship. Among the merchants trading to N. A. in 1677 who petitioned for a reduction of duties appears the name of 366 GENEALOGY. " Pieter Van Werckhoven," as per p. 752 of Vol. II. of Doc. of Col. His. of N. Y. Van Westerhout, Jeremias Janszen (on the marriage rec. of the D. ch. of N. Y. "Jeremias Janszen from Wester- hout, young man out of the Hage"), m. Aug. 16, 1664, Ca- telyna dau. of Joris Jansen Rapalie. He came over in the ship Rosetree, but no further trace. Van Westervelt, Abraham Willemse, a weaver, m. Margaret . Bought a farm in N. U. Lane Apl. 5, 1697, of Nicholas Vander Grift of Bucks Co., Pa., as per p. 132 of Lib. 2 of Con., to which he probably removed, and in which town he was assessed for 38 A. in 1700. This farm he sold Nov. 12, 1705, for ;;^352 to Anthony Holsart of Fid*. Mar. 31, 1694, with consent oi Dirkje ox '■''Dirkyen' his mother, he sold to Reinier Van Sicklen his interest in a house and lot in Fld% a 70 A. plot in said town next to land of Pieter Monfoort, and 10 A. on the plains next to Jan Damon, as per Van Sicklen Papers. His will is da. Apl. 22, 1697, and rec. on p. 297 of Lib. 2 of Con. His descendants, known as Westervelts, abound in Bergen and Hudson counties, N. J. Made his mark to documents. Jere//iias Jansen, paid Jan. 1664 a marriage-fee of 4 gl. 12 St. to Fl'' ch., as per town rec. Williain of N. U., m. Dirkyen or Dirkje . In his will. rec. on p. 10 of Lib. 3 of Con., he devises all his property to his s. Abraham Willemse; and Dirkje in her will, da. Sept. T, 1697, and pro. Aug. 22, 1704, devises all her property to said Abraham Willemse. Van Wetmont, Barent Joosten, see Barent Joosten. Van Wickelen, Evert Janse, the common ancestor of the family, a carpenter, emigrated in 1664, probably from Wykel or Wykeler, a village in Friesland; (sup.) m. Eliza- beth dau. of Frederick Van Liew ; bought land in N. L. in 1686 to which he removed ; and took the oath of allegiance in Fl'' in 1687, About 1700 he bought 800 A. on the Rari- tan of W"' Dockwra, as per p. 21 of Corwin's His. Discourse. May 29, 1703, he with Gerardus Beekman and Leffert Pie- terse bought of Thomas Cardal of J-'^ 450 A. on the Raritari River for ^200. Issue: — Jan of N. L.; Zytie or Eytie, m. Hans Bergen of Br"; Coevert, m. Mattje ; Pieternel- letje, m. Rem Hegeman of Fl''; Symon; Gerrit; and Geertje, m. Hendrick Suydam of Fl''. GENEALOGY. 367 Gerrit (sup.) of N. L., m. Tryntje . Issue: — Evert, bp. Mar. 5, 1699, in Fl^. Jan of N. L., m. Jan. 3, 1723, Ida dau. of Jeremias Rem- sen. Will da. Jan. 17, 1731; pro. June 8, 1732. Issue: — Hyltie, bp. Sept. 22, 1723, at N. U., (sup.) m. Steven Wil- liamson; and Mettje or Meltie, bp. Jan. 17, 1725, at FP\ Symon, m. Gerradine Kouwenhoven and settled on the Raritan, N. J., as early as 1735. Issue: — Elsje, bp. June 9, 1723, at Fl'\ and probably other children. Van Wyck or Vander Wyck, Cornelis Barend, prob- ably from " Wyk" a village in North Braband, emigrated in 1660; m. I®* Anna dau. of the Rev. Theodorus Polhemius; m. 2^, 1684, Jannetje . Settled in Fl*^, where he owned a farm as early as 166 1, of which place he was a mem. of the D. ch. in 1677, and took the oath of allegiance in 1687. Mar. 7, 1684, about the time of his marriage with Jannetje, they made a joint will to settle their property, rec. p. 169 of Lib. C of Fl"^ rec. Issue: — Johannes, bp. Jan. 17, 1677, in N. Y. ; Aaltje, bp. Oct. 5, 1679; Anna, bp. July 9, 1682 Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 16, 1685, m. Adriaen Hegeman of Fl** Adriaentje, bp. Sept. 9, 1688, m. Joseph Hegeman of Fl^ Marretje, m. Hendrick Wiltze of Newtown; and Theodorus. Signed his name ^'■Cornelis Barend V Wyck.'' Cornelis. Signed his name ^^ Cornelis Van Wick" at Fl^ in 17 12, probably a grandson of Cornelis Barend. Theodorus, m. Margrietje , and took the oath of alle- giance in Fl*^ in 1687 as a native. In 1712 there was a The- odorus Van Wyck of Hempstead, a farmer. About 1715 Theodorus Van Wyck was one of the first settlers of Fish- kill, as per p. 180 of Smith's His. of Dutchess Co. Issue: — Cornelis, bp. Apl. 30, 1694. There was an Anthoni Vander Wyck who had a dau. Jannetje bp. Apl. 2, 1676, on which occasion Abraham Vander Wyck and Jannetje his w. were witnesses. Signed his name ^'Theodorus Va?t Wyck." Van Zutphen, see Sutphen. Van Zuuren, Casparus (Rev.), emigrated to this country in 1677; m. Apl. 20, 1677, Louise Helle?iias; settled as pastor of the R. D. churches of Kings Co.; resigned his charge and returned to Gouderach, Holland, in 1685, where he d. It appears that Jan. i, 1685, previous to his resignation, he agreed with Claes Arentse Vechte to purchase the bouwery in FP in the possession of Titus Sirachs, which on Apl. 11 of said year Vechte took back and sold to Aucke Janse Van Nuyse, as per pp. 178 and 181 of Lib. C of FP rec. Issue: — $68 GENEALOGY. Johanna Hellenius, b. 1678; Altie, b. 1679; Jacobus, b. 1681; and Samuel, b. 1683. Signed his name "C Van Zuuren." Vane, J., on lists of residents of G'* in 1650, as per town rec. Vardon or Verden, see Ferdon. Varick, Rudolphus (Rev.), probably from "Varick," a village in Gelderland, emigrated to this country in 1685, and was pastor of the R. D. churches of Kings Co. until 1694, in Aug. of which year he died. He m. Margaret Vishoom and had issue: — Joanna; Marinus; Rudolphus; and Cornelia. Signed his name ^''Rudolphus Varick." Vaughan or Vauhan, John, bought Dec. 28, 1651, Cor- nells the ferrymans plantation in C. Jan. i, 1658, he and Elizabeth his w. conveyed to John Hawse plantaion-lot No. 18 in G'\ all as per town rec. Made his mark to docu- ments. Vechte or Vechten, see Van Vechten. Vedder, Harman, occupied a portion of Coney I. about 1654 under claim of Gysbert Updike. The children of Harmen Albertse Vedder (who was an early trader in Al- bany), and who is probably the same person, as per Pear- son's Genealogies of the First Settlers of Albany, settled in Schenectady, where he bought a bouwery in 1672. Veerman, Dirk Janse, see Hoogland. Vennager, Jan, conveyed about 2 morgens in Fid*, through Jan Hansen (Bergen), to Claes Pieterse (Wyckoff), as per p. 91 of Bergen Genealogy. Velthuysen, Gysbert Philipse, a serjeant, of " Mid- woud," as per letter of Gov. Stuyvesant of Oct. 12, 1655, on p. 99 of Vol. IV. of Dutch Man. He afterwards resided at Esopus, and about 1659 was murdered by the Indians, as per p. 199 of Pearson's Early Rec. of Albany. Verden, see Ferdon. Verdonck, Thomas, probably from " Donk," a hamlet in North Braband, a mag. of Br° in 1663 and '64. This name may be intended for Thomas Verdon. A " Tomas GENEALOGY. 369 Verdonck's" name appears on the request in 1664 to the authorities to send an embassy to States-General for assis- tance, as per p. 375 of Vol. 2 of Doc. of Col. His. Verhagen, Josyna, conveyed Feb. 20, 1692-3, to Jan Teunisse Coevers, a house and building-plot in Fl^ lying on the W. side of the highway and the N. side of land of Peter Strycker, as per p. 172 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. Verhoven, Cornelis, probably from " Haven," a village in Gelderland, was constable of Br'^ in 1700, as per p. 65 of Furman's Notes and court rec. Verhulst, Jacob, probably from " Hulst," a town in Zeeland, where he may at one period have resided, emi- grated from Vlissingen in said province of Zeeland, and m. Apl. 19, 1679, in N. Y., Maria Willemse Bemiet of Go- wanus. Issue: — Cornelis, bp. Dec. 3, 1681; Lysbeth, bp. July 29, 1687; Abraham, bp. Apl. 20, 1690; Isaac, bp. Apl. 20, 1690 — all bp. in N. Y. Jacob Fietersen,irom. Lubeck, m. Sept. 20, 1676, in N. Y., Mary or Marretje Adams Brouwers of Gowanus. Veritie, Pieter, mem. of N. U. ch. in 1677, and removed to S. I. Verkerk or Verkerken, Aerd or Aert Janse, of N. U., b. 1655; m. Gratioser . In 1695 he resided in Lewis Co. on the South River or Delaware. His descendants are to be found in E. N. J. Issue: — Jan of N. J., bp. Nov. 12, 1682, at N. LT.; (sup.) Mayke, m. Jan Lambertse of N. J.; (sup.) Hendrick of N. J.; Gerrit of N. J.; and Syke or Seytie, m. Johannes Truwexs. Made his mark "A" to documents. Barend Janse oi N. U. and Pa., m. 1689 Rachel Vander Grift and settled in Bensalem, Bucks Co., Pa., as early as 1695. Took the oath of allegiance in N. U. in 1687 as a native. Mem. of D. ch. of Bensalem in 17 10, and of Ne- shaminy D. ch. in said county in 17 19. Issue: — Johannes, bp. Apl. 2, 1695, in N. Y. Made his mark to documents. Cornelis Janse, b. 1661, and emigrated in 1663 with his father from Buren. Suppose he d. prior to 1689. Hendrick Janse, m. Geertje . Mem. of D. ch. of N. U. in 1682. No further trace. (Sup.) Hendrick (s. of Aerd or Aert), left N. U. and settled in N. J.; m. Dorothy Morgan. Issue: — Jan, bp. Nov. i, 1724, at Freehold, N. J. 24 370 GENEALOGY. Jan Janse, the common ancestor of the family, emigrated in 1663 from Buren in Gelderland,.as per Riker's Newtown, with w. and 5 children; from Buurmelzen (a town on the river Linge near Buren), as per rec. of the m. of his dau, Geertje, and settled in N. U., where he owned large tracts of land; m. Mayke Gisberts; d. 1688. On ass. rolls of N. U. of 1675, '76, '83, and '93; mag. in 1679 and '84; on Dongan's patent of 1686; cen. of 1698; and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687. Will da. Nov. 10, 1688. Issue: — Roelof Janse, b. 1654; Aerd or Aert Janse, b. 1655; Geartie, emi- grated with her father in 1663, m. i^* Hendrick Janse, m. 2'^ Jan Dirkse Van Vliet; Barendje, emigrated in 1663, m. Nicholas Vander Grift; Cornells Janse emigrated in 1663, d. prior to 1698; Jan Janse Jun""; Barend Janse of Pa.; and (sup.) Hendrick Janse. Made his mark to documents. Jafi Janse ]vin^ of N. U.; m. Gertie ; d. after 1709, and took the oath of allegiance in N. U. in 1687 as a native. Issue: — (sup.) Jannetje, m. Peter Strycker of Fl''; and (sup.) Rebecca, m. Hendrick Lott. Made his mark to documents. Jan Roelof se of Fl*" and N. U., m. i^*^ Elsie or Alsie ; m. 2'^, after 1704, Anne or Annetje dau. of Andries Emmans. Was a surveyor employed on L. I. and its vicinity, and owned and occupied the homestead of his father on N. U. Lane. Issue: — Sytje, bp. May 29, 1705, at Br°, (sup.) m. Gerrit Van Duyn of N. U.; (by 2^ w.) Roelof, bp. Feb. 8, 1723, d. young; Sara, b. Sept. 10, 1727, m. Cornells Van Duyn of N. U.; Annetje, bp. Mar. 12, 1732, m. William Van Nuyse of N. U. ; Mayke, bp. Aug. 25, 1734, m. Jacob Van Dyke of E. N. J.; Elizabeth, b. Jan. 20, 1736, d. in 1765, sin- gle; and Lea, bp. Feb. i, 1741, m. Cornelius Vanderveer Jun'' of Fl^ — all bp. in N. U. Signed his name "■John Ver- kerk." Jan (s. of Aerd or Aert), bp. Nov. 12, 1682; m. i^' Alice ; (sup.) m. 2'' Cornelia Brakel or Van Brakele. Left Kings Co. and settled in Monmouth Co., N. J. Issue: — William, bp. Feb. 5, 1710; Sara, bp. Dec. 14, 1712; Alica, bp. June 21, 1716; Aert, bp. Nov. 9, 1718; (by 2^ w.) Jan, bp. Apl. lo, 1726; Enelya, bp. Jan. 20, 1731; Martenus, bp. Jan. 20, 1731; Maria, bp. Apl. 3, 1737; Jacobus, bp. Aug. 12, 1739. Sara, bp. Feb. 28, 1742; and Stephanus, bp. Aug. 18, 1745 — all bp. at Marlboro D. ch. Roelof Janse, emigrated in 1663 with his father, b. 1654; m. Aug. 7, 1681, Catharine Simons of Br"; living in 1718. Occupied the old stone house lately torn down, on the main road leading from the village of N. U. to Fl'', on the Fl'' side of the present boundary line between the towns, and on the farm late of Cornelius Bennet. At the date of his m. he GENEALOGY. 37I hailed from N. U.; in Oct. 1681 on lists of mem. of N. U. ch.; and in 1698 on cen. of said town. Took the oath of alle- giance in 1687 in Fl'\ where he bought May 3 of that year lands of Hendrick Ryke adjoining N. U. In 1688 he bought land in FP' of Cornells Barendse (Van Wyck) on the N. side . of the main road leading from N. U. to Fl'' and E. of the Fl'^ ch. lands. In 1706 assessed for no A. in N. U. Issue: — Annetje, bp. Oct. 29, 1682, d. young; Annetje, bp. Jan. 13, 1684, m. Jan Van Dyck of Shrewsbury, N. J.; Sybrech, bp. May 4, 1695, m. W"' Van Duyne of Somerset Co., N. J.; Jan; Mary or Mayke, m. i^*^ Nicholas Van Brunt of N. U., m. 2*^ Samuel Groenendyck; Jannetje, m. Hendrick Claesen Kuypers of N. J.; and Sara, m. Hendrick Emans of N. J. Signed his name ^^Roelof Ver Kerck." Ver Ryn, Abraham Janse, of G'^ in 1659, per town rec. Ja7i Janse, m. ; bought Mar. 7, 1659, of Peter Ebell plantation-lot No. 27, with the improvements there- on, in G*^, which he sold Mar. 4, 1663, to Nicholas Still- well. May II, 1659, he bought of Henry Mody a double plantation-lot, Nos. 9 and 10, in C, (for which his mother Lady Mody had obtained a patent,) for the use of his s. Ab"' Janse Ver Ryn, which double-lot he sold Mar. 20, 1663, to Ralph Cardell. Feb. 10, 1660, he bought of Nicho- las Stillwell plantation-lot No. 18 in G*^, which he sold June 21, 1672, to Ann Stillwell of Dover, S. I., wid. of said Nicholas, Oct. 24, 1663, he sold to Paulus Vanderbeeck plantation-lot No. 17 in G*^. Apl. 4, 1665, he bought of Francois de Bruynne " a certain parcell of Land Lying and being y^ Northern parte of my Bouwerye begin- ning at a certain marked tree standing by a valley at y^ South West, so going along y*^ South West side from y^ valley to a Chopped Oake tree, fallen down and Lying on y** ffence, and from there uppon a rite line to y® North East to that land which was formerlie Jacob Bakers" (Backers), etc. etc.; "the corner Land uppon y° said Land at present shall be onlie to and for y*^ use of mee y*^ said ffrancis Browne, but the house and Barn thereon which sometime belonged to one Nathaniel Brittan," etc., "shall be the said Jan Jansens," etc. All the above purchases and sales, per G*^ rec. In 1679 Jan Janse sold a part of this purchase, located on De Bruynne's Lane or the old Bath road, to Myndert Korten for 770 gl., as appears by the rec. of the court of sessions of that year relating to a dispute between the parties to the sale. From the above it is evident that Jan Janse prior to his purchase of De Bruynne was a resident of G'', and that after that date removing to 372 GENEALOGY. said purchase, a resident o( N. U., of which town in 1673 he was ensign of the militia company, and had disputes with the residents about his fences, as per p. 665 of Voh II. of Doc. of Col. His. In 1675 and '76 his name appears on the ass. rolls of said town. Issue: — Abraham Janse, and probably other children. Signed his name "J^mn Jajisen Ver Rynr Ver Schieur or Voorscheur, Wouter Gysbertse or Gysbrechtse, emigrated in 1649; "^- '^^^ Dorothea Callen; m. 2^ Margrietje . Settled in Bu'^; on muster-roll of said town of 1663; mag. in 1679; and took the oath of allegiance there in 16S7. Issue: — Magdalena, bp. Apl. 22, 1662; (sup.) Hendrick; and Jochem. His w. signed her name *■'' Margrietje Voorscheur^ See Wouter Guysbertse, who is probably the same individual as this Wouter. Hendrick, took the oath of allegiance in Bu'^ in 1687 as a native. On cen, of Bu^ of 1698 and ensign of militia of said town in 1700, as per p. 809 of Vol. IV. of Doc. of Col. His. Verschurson, Veuter, on Dongan's patent of Bu"^ of 1687. The name is probably a corruption of Wouter Ver' Scheur. Verstraalen, Joost. with others of Br°, petitioned in 1663 for leave to found a village and for salt meadows, as per p. 120 of Vol. I. of Stiles's Br". Vertein, Jan Willemse, among the first settlers of Bu'' in 1661, as per Thompson's L. I. Ver Veelen, Daniel, of N. U., m. Alletta or Alida Schaats. He appears to have resided at first in Albany, where he sold his real estate in 1661. Joined the R. D. ch. of N. A. in 166 1, and entered on the record as removed to N. U., of the D. ch. of which tow^n he was a mem. in 1677, an elder in 1678, and entered on the ch. rec. as removed to G''. In 1664 he took the oath of allegiance to the English in N. Y. Oct. 16, 1678, he bought a house-plot in the village of N. U. of Jacques Cortelyou. In 1687 he resided on the Spuyten Devil Creek, where he held a ferry grant. Issue: — Anna Maria, bp. Apl. 21, 1663, d. young; Anna Maria, bp. Jan. 10, 1666 — both bp. in N. Y. Verwav, Cornelis, m. iT' Annctie Cornelis; m. 2*^ He?i- drikje Jans. Was engaged in a law-suit with Cornelis Ber- rian in 1681, as per Fl'' rec. Issue: — Margrietje, bp. Sept. GENEALOGY. 373 23, 1674, in N. Y.; Neeltje, bp. June 31, 1678, in B;-"; and Annetje, bp. Nov. 21, 1683, in N. Y. There was a Hendrick Verway and Engeltie Van Dyck of Monmouth Co. who had children, Hendrick, bp. Feb. 16, 1713-4; Kasel, bp. Jan. i, 1715-16; Elizabeth, bp. Apl. 12, 1719; and Jacob, bp. Nov. 6, 1720 — all at Marlboro. There were Verways at Albany known as Van Wies. ViELE, Aernout, on ass. roll of Fl'' of 1693. There was an Arnout Cornelise Viele, an Indian interpreter, who m. Gerretje Gerritse from Amsterdam in 1677, was carried away from Schenectady by the French and Indians in 1690, and absent 3 years before his return, as per Pearson's First Settlers of Albany. ViENS, Minster, a dealer in dry-goods, as per Stoothoff' s books of 1682. ViL, MoN, a dealer in merchandise in 1677, as per Stoot- hoff books. ViLLET, Ci^AES Gangeloffe, One of the curators of the estate of Nicholas Volthuysen of FP\ sold to Anthony Jan- sen (Westbrook), as per p. 109 of Lib. A of Fl"^ rec. Vis, WiLLEM Jacobse. His name appears on a deed of Mar. 28, 1689, conveying land in FP to Theodorus Polhe- mus, on p. 128 of Lib. A of FP' rec. Vlasbeck, see Barent Gerritse. Vleck, Isaac, on Stoothoff's books of 1674 and '76. Vliet, see Vander Vliet. VoGEL, Cornelis Hermanse, on ass. roll of Bu"^ of 1676. Arie Cornelisf, on ass. roll of Bu'^ of 1675. VoLKERTSE, Derick, a Noorman or Norwegian and a car- penter, m. ; obtained a patent Apl. 3, 1645, for 25 morgens on the East River and Mespath Kil, which he sold Sept. 9, 1653, to Jacob Hay, as per p. 278 of Cal. of Dutch Man., and which was patented May i, 1679, to David Jo- chems, who m. Christina Cappeoens wid. of said Hay, as per p. 321 of Vol. II. of Stiles's Br°. Volkertse continued to reside in Bu*^ after its organization as a town, was as- sessed there in 1675, and a mag. in 16S1. In 1689 he was 374 GENEALOGY. appointed ensign of the militia of Bu'\ Issue: — (sup.) Derick Jun""; Rachel, bp. Sept. 8, 1641; Volkert, bp. Nov. 15, 1643; Ariaentje, bp. Aug. 21, 1650; and Janneken, bp. Dec. 7, 1653 — all in N. A. Made his mark to documents. Derick Jun'' of Bu*^, m. Sept. 25, 1694, Maria Dewitt. Was ensign of militia of Bu'^ in 1689, and prior to 1699 removed to the vicinity of New Brunswick, N. J., where he appears to have resided, as per p. 35 of Messler's Somerset Co. About 1710 he with others purchased the Harlington tract in said county. Philip, on ass. roll of Bu"^ of 1676. Volkert, bought land of Derick V^olkertse in Bu'^ in 1670, as per town rec. VoLKERTSEN, scc Folkertscn. VoLMAN, Barent, On ass. roll of Fl'' of 1693 and cen. of 1698. VoLTHUYSEN, NICHOLAS, owned 18 morgens of land on the E. side of the road in Fl'' (sold in 1661 to Anthony Jan- sen [Westerbrook] b)'' the curators of his estate), and also a mill-house standing on his village building-plot, as per p. 109 of Lib. A of Fl'' rec. VoNCK, Allidy or Alida, owned land in Fl'' in 1696, as per p. 95 of Lib. 2 of Con.; also allotted woodland on the division of the Fl'' woods in 1701. Cornelis, m. Magdalena Rixe or Hendrixc, who m. 2^ Minne Johannis. Issue: — Ida, bp. Nov. 4, 1681, in Fl''. VooKic, Ammodoer, made his mark to documents in Fl*" in 1670. VooRESLiN, Daniel, a farmer in Kings Co. in 1677, as per Stoothoff' s books. VooRHiES, VooRHEES, VoRis, or Van Voorhies, Abraham Stephense, of Fld^, m. Aeltie Stryker. Suppose he had a s. John who resided in Fl'', and whose descendants reside in the vicinity of Princeton, N. J. Albert Stephense, emigrated with his father in 1660, and resided at first in Fld^; m. i^' Barentje Willemse; m. 2^, Apl. 24, 1681, Tjelletje Wizzel-penning; m. 3'* Elina Vander Schure. On ass. roll of 1683, and about 16S5 he removed to Hackensack, N. J., where his descendants principally re- side. Issue: — Cornelia Albertse, bp. Oct. 14, 1681, at Fl'', GENEALOGY. 375 m. Juriaen Lubbertse Westervelt; Stephen Albertse, bp. Oct. 28, 1683, at Fld^, d. young; Stephen Albertse, bp. Apl. 12, 1685, in N. U., m. Jannetje Allica or Alje; Jannetje Albertse, m. Gerrit Abramse Ackerman; Margrietje Al- bertse, m. Pieter Alice or Alje; Lucas Albertse, bp. , 1699, at Hackensack, m. Annetje Kip; Rachel Albertse, m. Gellyn Ackerman; Femmetje Albertsen, m. Jacob Vander- beeck; Albert Albertse, bp. 1704, m. Cornelia Va« Giesen: (sup.) William Albertse, m. i*" Susanna Laroe, m. 2'^ Maria Van Gelden; Petrus Albertse, bp. 1706, m. Geesjean Ro- maine; Isaac Albertse, bp. 1708, m. Urseltje Romeyn; Wilmetje Albertse, m. Cornells Bougaert; Jan Albertsen, m. Elizabeth Adamson; and Jacobus Albertsen, m. Jannetje Ackerman — all of Hackensack, N. J. Albert Coerte, m. i^' Sara Willemse Cornel of Fl''; m. 2'^, May 15, 1743, Willemtje Suydam. Took the oath of alle- giance in Fld^ in 1687 as a native, and was ensign of militia of said town in 1691 and 1700. In 1699 he bought of his brother Gerrit Coerte his interest in the Anthony Jansen's patent, and Feb. 12, 1702-3, the interest of Barent Joosten, thus becoming the sole owner, as per Lib. 2 of Con. On ass. roll of N. U. of 1723. Aug. 6, 1718, he obtained liberty from the freeholders and inhabitants of G'^ to erect a mill on a creek known asDe Bruynne's Creek, which mill, after- wards known as Voorees's mill, was used for many years in grinding the grists of the surrounding farms, afterwards bought b}^ Mr. Patridge and changed to grinding paints, and finally swept out of existence by fire. Will da. May 14, 1747; pro. Apl. 14, 1748; rec. p. 251, Lib. 16, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Coert Albertse; Elizabeth, bp. Dec. 10, 1695, in Br°, m. Rutgert Van Brunt; Mary or Maria, m. John Nostrand; Margaret, m. i^' Petrus Stoothoff, m. 2'^ David Nevius; Altie, m. Wilhelmus Stoothoff; Neltje, m. Chris- topher Hoogland; and Ann, m. Hendrick Cortelyou. Signed his name '■'■ Albert Coerten." Albert Lucasse of Fld^, b. May 10, 1698; m. i*^*, May 10, 1720, Arrejeantje Ditmarse; m. 2'^, 1722, Catryntje Cornell. Removed to the vicinity of New Brunswick, N. J., about 1720, in which year he and his w. were received as mem. of the D. ch. of that locality on certificate. Will da. Jan. 22, 1730; pro. Dec. 2, 1734; rec. p. 3 of Lib. C in off. of Sec. of State of N. J. Issue: — Arryaen of Fl'', b. Apl. 14, 1721, m. Phebe Ryder; Cornelius, b. Sept. 6, 1725, m. Elizatjeth Johnson; Albert of New Brunswick, N. J., b. Apl. 6, 1727, m. Adrianna Vandervont; Jannetje, b. Apl. 2, 1729, (sup.) m. Jacobus Cornel; Johannis, b. Aug. 11, 1731, m. Antie Schenck; and Minnie, b. Jan. 13, 1734. 3/6 GENEALOGY. Coert or Coort Albertsc of G'', m. Annatie Van Dyck; d. May 31, 1757. Bought May 9, 1747, of his father Albert Coerte, Bruynnesburg or Anthony Jansen's patent, which he conveyed Oct. 5, 1656, to his sons Court and Bernardus. Issue: — Court of N. U., m. Sarah Van Brunt; Albert Coerte of G'S N. U., and N. J., b. Aug. i, 1716, m. i"' Katrina Doremus, m. 2^ Nelly Van Nostrand; Antje or Annatie, b. 1698, m. John Rapalje; Altie, b. May 3, 1709, m. Wilhelmus Stoothoff; Zacheus of N. J.; Bernardus of N. U., b. Mar. i, 1725, m. Femmetje Latter; and Jannetje, b. Sept. 7, 1728, m. Wilhelmus Van Brunt. Signed his name "Coort Van Voorhies." Coert or Koert ((j&rr{ts&) of G*^, m. Apl. 13, 1716, Neeltje Hegeman; d. prior to Apl. 1750. Will da. Jan. 3, 1746; pro. July 24, 1750; rec. p. 191, Lib. 17, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Roelof of Somerset Co., N. J.; Johannis of do.; Geertje, m. Gerrit Van Arsdalen of do.; Eva, bp. Jan. 29, 1719, in N. U., m. Charles Debevoise of Bu*^; Stephen of Fishkill, m. (sup.) Maria Lake; Gerrit; Adriaen of G*^, m. Altie Cowenhoven; Antje, bp. Feb. 11, 1722, d. young; Antje, bp. Sept. 13, 1724, in N. U., m. Johannes Derje of N. Y.; Maria, m. Dirk Lake of G*^; Lucretia; Catharine, m. Simon Van Arsdalen of Somerset Co., N. J.; Neeltje, bp. May 23, 1734, in N. U., m. Daniel Lake of G''; Sarah, bp. July 5, 1737; and Isaac. Coert or Kocrt Stevensen of Fld^, emigrated with his father in 1660; b. 1637; m. prior to 1666, Marretje Gerritse Van Couwenhoven. On ass. rolls of Fld^ of 1675 and '83; mem. of D. ch. and deacon in 1677; mag. in 1664 and '73; took the oath of allegiance there in 1687; and capt. of militia in 1689. Mar. 8, 1691-2, he bought of John Tilton all his real estate in G*^ (reserving the use thereof for 12 months unless he sooner removed from the town) for £,'2.()%. Tilton's property was mainly located in G*^ Neck, and much of it is yet held by the Voorhees family, this purchase being the first of any amount by said family in G'^. June 20, 1699, he conveyed this property for ;^295 to his s. Albert Coerte, as per G*^ rec. Issue: — Steven Coerte; (sup.) Neeltje Coerte, b. June 30, 1676, m. Gerrit R. Schenck of Monmouth Co., N. J.; (sup.) Marretje Coerte; Albert Coerte; Gerrit Coerte; Altie Coerte, m. i^'' Johannes Willemse, m. 2'^ Rutgert Van Brunt; Cornells Coerte, bp. Jan. 23, 1678; Annatie Coerte, bp. Dec. 5, 1680, in Fld^ (sup.) m. John Rapalje of Br°; and Johannes Coerte, b. Apl. 20, 1683. Signed his name ^^ Kocrt Stevensen,'' and at times ^Koert Stevensen Van Ruinen." Coert (s. of Steven Coerte and Agatha Jans), bp. Nov. 15, 1694; (sup.) m. Peternelletje . Issue: — Antie, (sup.) b. GENEALOGY. 377 June 27, 1721, m. Jan Ryersen; Cornelis, bp. Oct. 17, 1731, d. young; and Cornelis, bp. Aug. 12, 1733. Coert of N. U. (s. of Coert and Annatie Van Dyck), m. Sarah Van Brunt, who m. 2^ Aert Van Pelt of N. J. and Fld^ Will da. Sept. 17, 1761; pro. Mar. 11, 1762; rec. p. 263, Lib. 23, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Annatie, b. May 16, 1761, m. Apl. 1780, William Bernard Gifford, d. May 13, 1790. W. B. Gifford m. 2^ Frances Nickoll and d. in 1814 on S. I. Annatie had 5 children one of whom d. young. Cornelis Coerte or Kocrte of Fld^ bp. Jan. 23, 1678; (sup.) m'. Antie . Ensign of militia of Fld^ in 1700, as per p. 809 of Vol. IV. of Doc. of Col. His. Issue:— Abraham of Fid"; Daniel of Oyster Bay; Cornelius of Fld^ m. Marretje dau. of Dowe Ditmars; and Heiltje, b. Aug. 27, 1746, m. W"' Stoothoff. Signed his name '■'■Cornelis Koerte.'' Cornelius of Fid' (s. of Cornelis Coerte and Antie); m. Marritje dau. of Dowe Ditmars. Will da. Apl. i, 17 18; pro. Feb. 13, 1769; rec. p. 545, Lib. 26, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Catryna, bp. Sept. 26, 1712; Sarah, (sup.) m. John Blom of Fl''; and (sup.) Cornelis. Signed his name '■'•Cornelius Voor- hies" in 1755. Eldert Lucase of Fid" and Fl'\ m. Styntje Hendricks dau. of Hendrick Hermanse. May 4, 1674, he leased for 4 years of Cornelis Janse Boomgart his bouwery in Fl^, as per p. no of Lib. C of Fl'^ rec. Bought May 19, 1692, of W^ Creed, 40 A. in J^, on the Br'' and Y turnpike and Eldert's Lane, as per p. 61 of Lib. A of Con. in off. of clerk of Queens Co., on which he settled, having previously in 1684 purchased a house and lot in the village of J^. On ass. roll of Fid* of 1676. His descendants dropped the surname of Voor- hees and adopted and used that of Eldert, and are numerous in Queens Co. Will da. Feb. 23, 1714; pro. Apl. 17, 1722; rec. p. 291, Lib. 9, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Lucas Eldertse, bp. Dec. 25, 1677, in Fl''; Rachel Eldertse, m. Adam Smith; Hendrikje Eldertse, bp. Apl. 4, 1680, at FP; Johannes El- dertse, bp. Dec. 26, 1681, in Fl''; Annatje Eldertse, bp. Feb. 24, 1684, in Fld^ m. Hans Bergen of J^; Egbertje Eldertse,- m. Ab™ Coevert; and Hendrick Eldertse, bp. Mar. 4, 1691. Made his mark to documents. Gerret Koerten of Fld^ m. i"' Mensje Janse; m. 2^ Willemtje Pieters; d. about 1703. Mem. of Fid" D. ch. in 1677. Took the oath of allegiance in Fid" in 1687 as a native, and on cen. of said town of 1698. Dec. 11, 1693, he bought of Jan Hansen (Van Noorstrand) and Parent Joosten, Bruynnesburg or An- thony Janse's (from Salee) patent for 38,750 gl., and in 1699 he conveyed his interest in the same to his brother Albert Coerte. Will da. Oct. i, 1702; pro. Sept. 23, 1704; rec. p. 37$ GENEALOGY. 175, Lib. 7, N. Y. surr. ofT. Issue: — Koert (Gerretse) of G'^ ; Altie, bp. Oct. 4, 16S5, in Fld% m. Johannes Willemse ; Peter (Gerretse), bp. Dec. 10, 1694, in Br" ; Hendrick (Gerretse) ; Stephen (Gerretse) ; Gertie or Greetje, m. Gerret Van Aersda- len ; and Marike, m. Jan Remsen. Signed his name ^'Gerret Koi'rfcn." Hems Lucasse of Fld^ bp. Sept. 7, 1679 ; (sup.) m. May 17, 1715, Neeltje Nevius. There was a Jan Voorhees and Neeltje his w. of New Brunswick who may have been this Hans. No further trace. Hendrick Gerretse of Fid", m. i'', May 3, 17 17, Jannetje An- dreas dau. of Andreas Jansen of Fl'' ; m. 2^ Jannetje Van Aersdalen ; m. 3*^ (sup.) Sarah Schenck. Removed from Fid* and settled near Freehold, N. J., joining the D. ch. of that locaHty in 17 19. Issue: — Garret, bp. Mar. 18, 1720; VVil- lenipie, bp. Feb. 8, 1722, m. Peter Albertse Cowenhoven of U^ N. J. ; Garret, bp. Nov. 24, 1723 ; Peter, bp. July 8, 1733 ; Wil- liam, bp. May 22, 1738; Hendrick, bp. June 15, 1740; Roelof, bp. Sept. 19, 1742 ; Albert, bp. June 2, 1745 ; Garret, bp. June 30, 1748 — all at Freehold; (sup.) Sara, m. Garret Albertse*^ Cowenhoven ; and (sup.) Catharine, m. Jan Albertse Cowen- hoven — all of N. J. Jan Stevense of Fld^ emigrated with his father in 1660; b. 1652; m. i^S Mar. 17, 1678, Cornelia Rinierse Wizzel-penning ; m. 2^, Oct. 8, 1680, Femmetje Aukes Van Nuyse. On ass. rolls of Fid" of 1675 and '83, and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687. Oct. 2, 1681, he bought of Auke Janse Van Nuys for 300 gl. the land at "Pardegat," which Auke Janse bought Oct. 15, 1681, of Bartel Claesen, as per p. 144 of Lib. AA of Fl^ rec. Issue: — Stephen Janse of J'\ bp. Dec. 20, 1679, at Fid'; Auke Janse of Fld^bp. May 21, 1682, at Fid'; Willemtje Janse, bp. Feb. 24, 1684, at Fid'; Jan Janse of S. I., bp. May 2, 1686, at Br"; Jacobus Janse, bp. Mar. 24, 1696; (sup.) Roelof Janse of S. I.; (sup.) Albert Janse of Fid'; (sup.) Abraham Janse of Fid'; and (sup.) Lucas Janse of Fl''. Signed his nane '"''Jan Stevens" in 1700. Jan Lucasse of Fid', b. Feb. 19, 1675; m. I'S Oct. 10, 1699, Ann Van Duyckhuysen; m. 2"*, Mar. 5, 1704, Mayke or Sara R. Schenck. In 17 17 he appears to have resided near Six Mile Run, N. J. Issue: — Johannes Lucasse, b. July 19, i7oo> m. Jannetje Remsen and settled at Piscataway, N. J. ; Lucas of Fid', b. Sept. 15, 1705, m. i" Altje Ryder, m. 2^ Catrina Staat; Roelof of Fld^ b. Aug. 19, 1707; Stephen of Fid', b. Oct. 23, 1753, m. Maria Leak; Antie ; Petrus ; Marten; Isaac, bp. Mar. 21, 1716, m. Sara ; Catlyntje, b. June 8, 1718, (sup.) m. Simon Van Arsdalen ; Garret of N. J., b. Sept. 6, 1720, (sup.) m. Johanna Van Harlington ; Abraham of Fid', GENEALOGY. 379 b. June S, 1724, iv.. Adrianna Lefferts, and was the ancestor of the present A''oorhees family of Fid' ; Sarah, b. Oct. 18, 1727 ; and Maria, b. Apl 5, 1731. Joha7ines Coerten of Fid* and Dutchess Co., b. Apl. 20, 1683 ; m. I*', Nov. 19, 1703, Barbara dau. of Achias Van Dyck, b. Dec. 20, 1683, d. Apl. 18, 1743; m. 2^^, May 22, 1744, Sarah Van Vliet, b. Nov. 7, 1694, Will da. Aug. 15, 1755 ; pro. Feb. 25, 1658 ; rec. p. 19, Lib. 21, N. Y. surr. off. Resided in 1709 and '11 at Freehold, N. J., at which dates he and his w. Bar- bara were mem of the Marlboro D. ch., as per p. 84 of the Brick Church Memorial. June 20, 1730, he bought of Philip Verplanck of the manor of Cortland 2790 A. on the Hudson River near Fishkill for ;^67o. (See p. 107 of Vol. IV. of the Doc. His. of N. Y.) Settled on his lands at Rombout in said county, his name appearing on the books of the D. ch. at Fish- kill in 1734. Issue: — Jannetje, b. Sept. 15, 1704, m. Mar. 12, 1725, John Brinckerhoff of Dutchess Co. ; Court of Dutchess Co., b. Apl. 5, 1706, m. June 16, 1717, Catharine dau. of Henry Filkin of Fl'', v/ill da. Sept. 16, 1782, and had 10 children; Jo- hannes Jun'' of Bombout, b. Aug. 6, 1708, m. Sept. 30, 1731, Gerritje dau, of Elias Van Benschouten, will pro. Apl. 5, 1751, and had 8 children ; Zacharias of Dutchess Co., b. Dec. 10, 1710, d. Apl. 1784, without issue; Gerrit, b. Mar. 13, 1713; Maria, b. Sept. 16, 17 16, m. June 12, 1749, Elias DulDois of Dutchess Co.; Hendrick, b. Mar. 20, 17 19, drowned Nov. 4, 1745 ; and Jacobus of Dutchess Co., b. Oct. 14, 1723, d. Oct. 27, 1750. Signed his name '''' Johannes Coerten Van Voorhes" and sometimes ''''Johannes Van Voorhes." Lucas Stevense, emigrated with his father in 1660; b. 1650; m. i^' Catharine Hansen (Van Noostrand); m. 2'^ Jan. 26, 1689, Jannetje Minnes dau. of Minne Johannis; (sup.) m. 3*^, in 1703, Catharine Van Dyck; d. 1713. Mem. of Fld^ ch. in 1677; on ass. roll of said town in 1675; and in 1680 a mag. From the bp. rec. of Hackensack it appears he re- sided in that place in 1685, but in 1687 he took the oath of allegiance in Fld^ Issue: — Eldert Lucasse; Jan Lucasse, bp. Feb. J 9, 1675; Stephen Lucasse, bp. Sept. 6 or 16, 1677; Hans Lucasse, bp. Sept. 7, 1679; Jannetje Lucasse, bp.-^ Dec. 25, 1681, m. Martin R. Schenck; Willemtje Lucasse, v^ bp. Nov. 19, 1683, d. young; Anna Lucasse, b. Apl. 25, 1686, 3 m. W°' Kouwenhoven of Fld^; Catryntje Lucasse, m. Roe- lof Nevius of N. J.; Elsje Lucasse; Reinsche Lucasse, m. Johannes Nostrand; Willemtje Lucasse, m. Martin Nevius; Albert Lucasse of N. J., b. May 10, 1698; Roelof Lucasse of N. J.; Minne Lucasse of N. J.; and Abraham Lucasse of N. J. Signed his name ^^Luichas Steveftsen." Minne Lucasse of Fld^ m. i"*^, Apl. 25, 17 17, Antje dau. of 380 GENEALOGY. Gerrit Pieterse Wyckoff; (sup.) m. 2'^ Lammetje dau. of Gerrit Stryker of Six Mile Run, N. J.; d. 1733. Removed to the vicinity of New Brunswick, where in 1720 he owned a large tract of land on the S. side of the Raritan. Will da. Sept. 20, 1733; pro. Nov. 15, 1733; rec. on p. 494, of Lib. B, in off. of Sec. of State of N. J. Issue: — Elizabeth Minne, m. Martin Roelofse Schenck; Lucas of New Brunswick, m. Nej^ljhe Vanderbilt; Garret of Middlebush, b. May 13, 1720, m. Neeltje"' NeVias~fl; and Jan, bp. May 4, 1695. Signed his name ^^ Willem Wil- /emse/i." Willem of G*^, m. Nov. 9, 1678, by Justice Stillwell, Jane Nearson. Willem, see Barkeloo, Bennet, Cowenhoven, and Van Engen. WiLLKiNS, Obadiah (s. of William), of G*^, (sup. English,) m. Martha Wilkins. In 1684 his children were allotted a plot in the N. woods of G'', as per town rec. Apl. 13, 1698, William his s. and heir confirmed a sale made by his dec. father to John Emans of plantation-lot No. 13, as per G*^ rec. Signed his name '^Obadiah Willkins." William of G*^, of which place he was among the early settlers in 1646, where he was allotted a plantation-lot. He m. Dec. 29, 1672, Annetje dau. of Nicholas Stillwell, a wid. In 1698 his w. signed her name '■^Alse lVilkins," who may have been a 2^ w. He held in partnership with Bar- tholemew Appelgate a mill in G*^ which, in consequence of their disputes, being allowed to get in disorder, the town was directed by the court of sessions to repair and use the same until the costs of the repairs were reimbursed, as per G*^ rec. Suppose this mill to have been located on what was known as Hubbard's Creek. Was a mag. of G*^ from 1650 to '65, as per town rec. Issue: — Obadiah. Made his mark *' W " to documents. WiLSEE, Teunis, m. Diertie . Issue: — Geertruy, bp. Apl. 25, 1698, in Fl^ GENEALOGY. 39I Wilson or Willson, George, a Quaker preacher in G*^ in 166 1, who probably afterwards settled in Middletown, N. J. John, bought Jan. 20, 1659, of W°' Compton plantation- lot No. 25 in G^; also Aug. 29, 1659, of Nich* Stillwell plantation-lot No. 40, as per G'' rec. Made his mark to ■documents. IVil/cm, bought Nov. 20, 1676, of Ralph Cardell a house .and plantation in G*^, as per town rec. Signed his name " IVi/k/n Willson:' WiNANTSE, see Wynantse. WiNDERWODT or Wentworth, John, (English,) was shot in 1664 at the fiats or plains in Amersfoort (^Fld') by Thomas Mabs, a soldier, as per Col. Man. Winter, Jackson, on ass. roll of FP' of 1675. Witt, Volkert, took the oath of allegiance in Bu*^ in 1687. Peter /arisen, see De Witt. Wizzelpenning or Wisselpenningh, Reynier, m. /an- netje Snediker of FP', who m. after his death Pieter Cor- nelise Luyster; d. prior to 1670. In Jan. 1662 he and his w. joined the R. D. ch. of N. A. There was a Reynier Wis- selpenningh, a carpenter, of Beverwyck (Albany) in 1654 and '61, who m. the wid. of Simon Root, said wid. dying prior to 1654, as per Pearson's First Settlers of Albany. These Reyniers were probably the same individual. (See p. 185 of Lib. D of Fl'' rec.) Issue: — Cornelia Reyniers, m. Jan Stevense Van Voorhees; Tjellitien Reyniers, m. Albert Stevense Van Voorhees; Geertje Reyniers, m. Hendrick Claesz Vechten; (sup.) Marytie Reyniers; (sup.) Gerritje Reyniers; (sup.) Teunis Reyniers, m. Margrietjen ; (sup.) Auke Reyniers, m. Ida ; (sup.) Mayke or Lientje Reyniers, m. Charles Fonteyn of Bu*^. WoDE or Wood, John, (sup. English.) Apl. 5, 1667, the constable and overseer of G*^ on behalf of the inhabitants of said town entered into an agreement with him to attend as herder of their milch-cows and working oxen for 7 months for the sum of 350 gl., as per G** rec. WoDT or Wood, John or Johannes, (sup. English,) hired Mar. 1640 Thomas Bescher's farm at Gowanus, and in 1641 392 GENEALOGY. sold to Ambrose Lonnen or London for 2000 gl. a planta-- tion on the Bay of the North River on L. I., as per O'Calla- ghan's Trans, of Dutch Man. This may be a sale of his lease of Bescher's farm. WoERTMAN, DiRCK Janse, emigrated from Amsterdam irb* 1647; m. I** Marretje Tcunise Denyse; m. 2^ A?inetje Aukes, wid. of Winant Pieterse and dau. of Auke Janse Van Nuyse... Settled in Br"; mem. of the R. D. ch. of that town in 1661;- was a town officer in 1673; took the oath of allegiance there in 1687; on ass. roll of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Oct. 10, 1706, sold his Br" lands, which covered several patents on the East River S. of Fulton Ferry, to Jores Remsen his son-in- law. Will da. Apl. 10, 1694. Issue: — Harmtje Dircksen,. bp. June 6, 1661, m. Thomas Coeck; Femmetje Dircksen, m. Jores Remsen; Jan Dircksen; Geertruy Dircksen, m. Gabriel Sprong; Tunis Dircksen; Paulus Dircksen; Denys- Dircksen, bp. July 28, 1678; Lysbeth Dircksen, bp. Apl. 4, 1681; Annetje Dircksen, bp. June 15, 1684; Marretje Dirck- sen, bp. Nov. 21, 1686; Peter Dircksen; Ludewick Dircksen; Barentje Dircksen; and (sup.) Andrias Dircksen, who set- tled at New Brunswick, N. J., prior to 1699, as per Messler's Somerset Co. Signed his name "Z>z'd'r^^'ya«j-i'if« Woertman." Denyse Dircksen, bp. July 28, 1678; m. May 24, 1702, in N. Y., Margaret Beekman of said city. Probably left Br"^ and settled in N. Y. Issue: — Maritie, bp. Feb. 10, 1703;. Antje, bp. Oct. 10, 1708; Samuel, bp. Sept. 30, 1711; and Maria, bp. Jan. 4, 171 8 — all bp. in N. Y. Ja?i Dircksen, m. Jan. 17, 1690, Anna Maria Andreas. On' ass. roll of Br" of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Probably left Br"' and settled on the Raritan, for there appears to have been a John Woertman there in 1699, as per p. 34 of Messler's- Somerset Co. Issue: — Andreas, bp. Nov. 22, 1691; Dirck,. bp. Nov. 26, 1693; Jan Albertse Bout, bp. May 10, 1695; and Peter, bp. Sept. 30, 1698 — probably all of N. J. and all bp. in Br". Paulus Dircksen, emigrated in 165 1, and took the oath of allegiance in Br" in 1687. He m. Rachel —. Issue: — Tammas, bp. Aug. 11, 1700, in Br". No further trace. Tunis Dircksen of Bu'', farmer; m. Dec. 28, 1694, Cath- arine Sprung. Resided on Noorman's Kil; on ass. roll of Bu'' of 1693 and cen. of 1698. In 1689 he was one of the soldiers sent to Albany, as per p. 216 of Vol. II. of Doc. His. of N. Y. Issue: — Marretje, bp. Dec. 17, 1697; Anneke, bp. Sept. 7, 1698, in N. Y.; Lysbeth, bp. Mar. 10, 1700; and' Catryntje, bp. Apl. 18, 1704 — all except Anneke bp. in. Br". f GENEALOGY. 393 Wolf, Claes, on muster-roll of Bu'' militia of 1663, and a mag. in 1664, as per Bu'^ rec. Wolf or Wolfman, Derick, see De Wolf. Wolfe, Christian J acobsen, bought May 21, 1666, of W"" Jansen (Van Barkeloo) plantation-lot No. 34 in C*, as per town rec. Made his mark to documents. WoLFERSEN Or WoLPHERSEN, sce Cowenhovcn. Wolspender, Nicholas, was paid for 25 plank used in the repairs of Fl"" D. ch. Oct. 27, 1666, as per book of min- utes of town meetings, etc., of Fl'\ WoLSY, JoRis, came to N. A. in 1647; ^- Dec. 9, 1647, i" N. K., Rebecca Cornell. Issue: — Sara, bp. Aug. 7. 1650; Joris, bp. Oct. 18, 1652; Rebecca, bp. Apl. 4, 1659; Johannes, bp. Jan. 16, 1661; Marritje, bp. Mar. 19, 1664 — all at N. A. ; and William and Marritje, bp. June 30, 1678, at Br", by, which it may be inferred he resided there at that date. There was, as per p. 128 of Vol. IV. of the Genealogical Rec- ord, a George Woolsey, an English boy, b. in 16 10, who had resided with his parents in Rotterdam, came over in a Dutch vessel with emigrants in 1623 and went to Plymouth, Mass., and in 1647 made his appearance in N. A. In 1648 he was a fire-warden in said city. In 166 1 there was a George Woolsey among the freeholders of J*, and in the beginning of the i8th century there were Woolseys, proba- bly descendants of Joris or George, residing in Fld^. Signed his name "/oris IVolsy." WoLWESEN, Jacob Janse, on Hegeman's books of 1680. Wood, George, of Newtown, of which place he was among the patentees of 1686; bought May 9, 1695, of Der- ick Janse Hoogland of Fl'' his interest in a parcel of land in Fl^, as per p. 166 of Lib. 2 of Con. Johannes and John, see Wode or Wodt. WouTERS, Jan, of Fl*", a master-shoemaker, b. 1638. Owned salt-meadows in Fl^ in 1667. July 2, 1678, he hired out his s. Ruth (Rutgert) Janse, ag. 8 years, to his brother-in- law Lourens Jurianse for 8 years to do all kinds of service proper for a lad; Jurianse to board, clothe, and send to evening school said lad, and at the end of the term to fur- 394 GENEALOGY. nish him with a good Sunday and every-day suit of gar- ments of linen and woollen and also a milch-cow, as per p. 30 of Lib. AA of Fl"^ rec. Aug. 16, 1680, he sold to Anthony Wansair a lot and orchard in Fl'', as per p. 131 of Lib. AA of Fl*" rec. Mar. i, 1694-5, Jan Wouters of N. Y., shoe- maker, to which place he appears to have removed, sold to Lammert Zichels, smith, a house and lot in Fl'' on the E. side of the highway, as per p. 204 of Lib. A of Fl*" rec. Signed his name '^''Jan Wouters." WouTERSE, see Van Bosch and Van Pelt. Jochem (Van Goede), b. 1637. Allotted a lot of salt- meadows at Canarisie in 1666, as per Fl*^ rec. Resided in the village of Fl** in 1670, and Nov. 13, 1683, sold a house and lot in Fl'' to Jan Aucke (Van Nuyse), as per p. 151 of Lib. C of Fl'' rec. Guardian of the minor children of Ger- rit Snediker and Willemtje Vooks in 1669, as per p. 180 of Lib. D of Fl** rec. Made his mark to documents. Piere and others of Br" in 1663 applied for leave to form a new village and for a grant of salt-meadows, as per p. 120 of Vol L of Stiles's Br". Wrew, Kornelis, paid preacher's salary in 1680 in Fl'', as per town rec. Wyckoff, Claes or Nicholas Pieterse, of Fld^ m. Sarah dau. of Pieter Monfoort ; elder in Fid' D. ch. in 1677 ; on ass. rolls of said town of 1675, '76, '83, and '93; cen. of 1698; and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687. Issue: — Nicholas, bp. Feb. 16, 1679 » Sara, bp. Feb. 27, 1681 ; Cornelius Claesen, bp. Aug. 5, 1683, in Fid*; (sup.) Antje, b. Aug. or Sept. i, 1693, m. Stephen Janse Schenck; and Pieter Claesen, b. Mar. 28, 1704. Made his mark to documents. Corneles Claesen of N. J.,bp. Aug. 5, 1683 ; m. May 13, 1708, Adriaentje dau. of Cornells Luyster of Newtown. Left Fld^ and settled at Middlebush, N. J., about 17 15. Bought a tract of 600 A. at Middlebush and one of 600 A. at Three Mile Run, N. J. Was a deacon in Freehold D. ch. in 17 15, and an elder in 1719, '23, and '27. Issue — John; Cornelis, who m. Catryntje ; Peter ; Hendrick ; and Jacob— all of N. J. Signed his name ''''Corneles J-Vyeo/." Cornelis Cornelise (s. of Cornelis Pieterse and Gertrude), bp. Dec. 19, 1694, in N. Y. ; m. Sarah Duryea ; d. 1757. Left N. L. and settled near Millstone, N. J. Will da. Sept. n, 1756 ; pro. May 16, 1757 ; rec on p. 425 of Lib, F in off. of Sec. of State of N. J. Issue: — Peter, b. May 11, 1742, m. i*' Sytie Cornell, m. 2.^ Jemima Veghte ; Catharine, b. Dec. 25, GENEALOGY. 395 1743; Jacobus, b. Aug. 4, 1748; and Willempie, b. Jan. ir, 175 1, m. Sam' Terhune — all of N. J. Cornelis Pieterse of N. L., m. Oct. 13, 1678, Gertrude Simonse dau. of Simon Van Aersdalen ; d. in 1706. Resided on and owned a farm in " Oostwoud " or New Lotts of 195 A., comprising wood-lots Nos. 30 and 31, with other lands, which he bought Mar. 15, 1678-9, of Symon Hansen (Van Noostrand) for 3600 gl., as per p. 69 of Lib. AA of Fl'' rec. Mem. of Fl'' D. ch. in 1677 ; on ass. rolls of Fl'' of 1683 and '93 and cen. of 1698. In 1703 bought 1200 A. in Middlebush, Somer- set Co., N. J., which he conveyed to his sons John, Peter, Ja- cob, and Simon. Will da. Apl. 4, 1736; pro. May to, 1746; rec. p. 539, Lib. 15, N. Y. sum off. Issue: — Peter Cornelise of N. J., bp. Sept. 14, 1679, in Br"; Mary or Maria, bp. Dec. II, 1681, in Br", d. young ; Simon Cornelise of N. J., bp. Nov. 23, 1683, in Fld^ ; Nicholas Cornelise of N. L. ; Jacob Corne- lise of N. J. ; Hendrick Cornelise of N. L. ; C'harles Cornelise, of whom no. further trace; John Cornelise of N. J. ; Petronella, m. Jeremias Vanderbilt of Fl'' ; Margaret, m. Jonathan Forman of N. J. ; Hannah ; Cornelis Cornelise of Millstone, N. J., bp. Dec. 19, 1694; Marretje or Mary, bp. May 16, 1701 ; and Mar- tin Cornelise of Redington, N. J. Signed his name ^^Corueles Wycof." Garret Pieterse of Fld^ m. Catharine dau. of Johannes Nevius; d. prior to 1708. On ass. rolls of Fld^ of 1675 and '93 ; cen. of 1698 ; and took the oath of allegiance there in 16S7. Will da. Oct. 9, 1704; pro. June 12, 1707. Issue: — Peter G. of Fld% m. Rensie dau. of Martin Schenck ; Gretie, m. Coert Van Voorhees; Adrianna, m. John Van Nuyse; Antje, (sup.) b. Sept. I, 1693, m. Minne Lucasse Voorhees; Maryke, m. Roelof Terhune ; Jonica ; and Garret G. of N. J. Garret G. of N. J., m. Aeltie Gerretse. Left Fid' and settled in N. J., and in 1731 was a mem. of Freehold D. ch. Issue : — Samuel, bp. Oct. 19, 1732; Petrus, bp. Mar. 31, 1734; and Garret, who m. Patience Williamson — all of N. J. Hendrick Cornelise of N. L., m. Annatie ; d. in 1747. Owned and occupied what is known as the Sheriff John Wyckoff farm in N. L. Will da. Oct. 31, 1746; pro. Apl. 3, 1747; rec. p. 94, Lib. 16, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — John, a merchant of N. Y., m. Mary Nostrand ; Femitie, bp. Jan. 5 or II, 1728, ra. her cousin Cornelius Wyckoff; Geertje, bp. Nov. 7, 1730, m. Derick Brinckerhoff; Antie, bp. Feb. 3, 1733-4, d. young; and Hendrick, b. Jan. 18, 1736. Signed his name ''Henderick IVicko/r Hendrick Pieterse of Fid", m. i^' Geertie ; m. 2*^ Helena ; d. Dec. 6, 1744. On ass. rolls of Fid" of 1675, '76, and '93 ; mem. of the R. D. ch. of said town in 1677 ; on cen. of 396 GENEALOGY. 1698; and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687. Had nO' issue. By his will (da. July 25, 1741 ; pro. Dec. 29, 1744; rec. p. 312, Lib. 15, N. Y. surr. off.) he devised his property in Fid* to Johannes Willemse (a grandson of his sister Mayke or Maria, who m. Willem Willemse of G''), on condition that he as- sumed the surname of WyckofT, which condition he complied with. Signed his name "Heyndn'ck Fitters." Jacob Cornclise of N. L. and N. J., m. Oct. 16, 1706, Lam- metje or Willemtje Johnse Stryker. Settled on the Raritan about 1707; was a mem. of Freehold D. ch. at its organization in 1709, and a mem. of the R. D. ch. of Six Mile Run in 1720. Will. da. Sept. 18, 1719; pro. May 2, 1720; rec. p. 169 of Lib. A in off. of Sec. of State of N. J. Issue: — Styntje, bp. Sept. 14, 1707 ; Nicholas of Reading; Sara, bp. Mar. 4, 17 11, (sup.) m. Carel Eckman of Freehold; Femmetje, bp. June 14, 17 13, (sup.) m. Joseph Van Dorn; Jacobus, bp. Nov. 6, 1715, m. Frances ; and Peter, bp. Feb. 9, 17 19 — all of N. J. Jan Cornclise of N. L. and N. J., m. I^^ Oct. 11, 1709,, Geertje Stryker of Fld^; m. 2^, Oct. 25, 1712, Neeltje Schenck of Fld^; m. 3*^, in 1726, Adrianna dau. of Dominie Lupardus. Said to have bought 300 A. of his father's N. J. lands at Mid- - dlebush, on which he settled. There was a John Wyckoff in ' ' N. J. as early as 1707 and elder in Freehold D. ch. in 1709, as per p. 19 of the Brick Church Memorial of Marlborough. Will da. Feb. 22, 1746; pro. Sept. 25, 1746; rec. p. 376 of Lib. D in off. of Sec. of State of N. J. Issue: — Cornelius, said to be the first child of European parentage born in Middlebush, m. Catalintje ; John; Pieter, d. young; Jacob, m. Jannetje ; Geertje; Neeltie; and Johanna — all of N. J. Ja7i Picterse of Fid"* and N. J., b. Feb. 16, 1665; m. Neeltje dau. of W'" Kouwenhoven of Fld^ Mem. of D. ch. of Fid* in 1677; deacon in 1693; on cen. of 1698; and took the oath of allegiance there in 1687. Removed to Monmouth Co., N. J.,, about 1702, selling his farm in Fid" May 14 of that year to- Ccrnelis Coerte (Voorhees), as per Lib. 2 of Kings Co. reg. off. Mem. of Freehold D. ch. in 1709. Issue: — Pieter, bp. June 5, 1695, d. young; Pieter of Fld^ bp. Apl. 23, 1704, in. N. Y., the ancestor of the Newtown branch of the family; (sup.) Cornelius, bp. Apl. 4, 17 n, in N. Y. ; Johannes of N. J., bp. Dec. 16, 171 1, at Freehold, N. J., m. Aeltie Barkeloo; and (sup.) William of Freehold, N. J., m. Angenietje dau. of Jacob Van Doom. Marten Pieterse of G'^, m. i®' Femmetje Aukes (Van Nuyse) ; m. 2<^, May 17 or 27, 1683, Hannah Willemse of Fid"; (sup.) m. 3'' Jannetje ; d. about 1699. Mem. of Fid' D. ch. in 1677. Bought Aug. 13, 1683, of John Tilton Sen"" of C plantation-lot No. 19, with the buildings thereon, in Grasper GENEALOGY. 397 town rec, being at the time a resident of Fld^ and on the ass. roll of that town of 1683. He probably removed to those premises, and took the oath of allegiance in G'' in 1687 as a native. Will da. Sept. 27, 1690; pro. Feb. 6, 1707 ; rec. p. 340, Lib. 7, N. Y. surr. off. Issue : — Grietje, bp. Mar. 30, 1684, m. Sam' Poling of G'' ; Marytie or Marritee, bp. Dec. 20, 1685, in Fl*", (sup.) m. Garret Garretse of N. J. ; Anne or Hanna, bp. June 8, 1688, m. Sam' Hubbard of G'' ; Sarah, bp. Sept. 22, 1689, m. Dan' Tilton of Middletown, N. J. ; Mayken, (sup.) m. Thomas Van Dyck of N. J. ; Jannetie, m. W™ Johnson of G''; Pieter, bp. May 29, 1695, in Br", d. young; and William, who also d. young. Signed his name ^'Marten Ficferse." Nicholas Claese of Fld^ and N. J., bp. Feb. 16, 1679. On ass. roll of Fid* of 1693. Settled on the Raritan near Three Mile Run as early as 1702. No further trace. N'icholas Coriielise of N. L., (sup.) m. Mattie Howard. Owned and occupied what is known as the Linnington farm in N. L. Issue: — John, b. Nov. i, 1720, m. Nelly Wyckoff; Cornelius of N. L., b. May 10, 1722, m. Phebe Wyckoff; Nicholas of N. L. (the father of Sheriff John Wyckoff), b. Apl. 26, 1725, m. i**^ Catharine Lefferts, m. 2^ Aeltie LefTerts; Jacob of N. L.; and Hendrick of N. L., b. Apl. 14, 1733. Made his mark to documents. Pieter C/aesz, the common ancestor of the Wyckoff family, emigrated from the Netherlands in 1636, and finally settled in Fid*; m. Grietje dau. of Hendrick Van Ness. Cultivated the bouwery of Director Petrus Stuyvesant in Fld^ in 1655, having previously in 1653 bought of Wolfert Gerritse Van Couvvenhoven 29 morgens in said town, and in 1656 another tract of said Wolfert. Was a mag. of Fid* in 1655, '62, and ^6t„ on patents of 1667 and '86, and a mem. of Fid* D. ch. in 1677. Issue: — Annetje Pieterse, (sup.) bp. Nov. 27, 1650, in N. A., (sup.) m. Roelif Martense Schenck; Mayken or Maria Pieterse, (sup.) bp. Oct. 17, 1653, in N. A., m. Willem Willemse of G^; Geertje Pieterse, m. Christoffel Janse Romeyn; Margrietje Pieterse, m. Matthias Adamse Brou- wer; Claes or Nicholas Pieterse of Fid*; Cornelis Pieterse of N. L. ; Hendrick Pieterse of Fid*; Garret Pieterse of Fid*; Martin Pieterse of G''; Pieter Pieterse of N. J.; Jan Pieterse of Fid*; and (sup.) Willemtje Pieterse. Made his mark to documents. Pieter Cornelise of N. L. and N. J., bp. Sept. 14, 1679; m. I**, Sept. 5, 1719, Elizabeth dau. of Aert Van Pelt of N. U.; m. 2^ Gertrude Romeyn; d. in the war of the Revolution. May 20, 1701, he bought of John Gysbertsen for ^300 a tract of 104 A., called Strawberry Field, in Monmouth Co., N. J., as per p. 44 of Lib. I. of Con. in off. of Sec. of State 398 GENEALOGY. of N. J., to which he probably removed. He also bought a farm at Midciletown in said county, and was an elder in Freehold D. ch. in 1709. Will da. Nov. 16, 1776; pro. Mar. 3, 1777. Issue: — Cornelius of New Brunswick; Nelly, m. John Wyckoff of N. J.; Aert or Arthur, b. 17 17, m. Elenor or Nelly Cruser; Peter Jun''; Elizabeth; Maria, m. Jacobus Suydam; Gertrude, m. Frederick Van Liew; John C. of Cranbury; Simon, b. 1738, m. Alche Van Dooren; Jacob, m. Lena Crusen; and Jane — all of N. J. Fieter G. (s. of Garret Pieterse) of Fld^, m. May 23, 1723, Rensie dau. of Martin Schenck, who after his death m. Daniel Rapalje; d. Mar. 7, 1731. Will da. Mar. 7, 1731; pro. Sept. 6, 1732; rec. p. 80, Lib. 12, N. Y. surr. off. Issue: — Garret of Fld\ b. Oct. 15, 1725, whose descendants reside mainly in FkP; Martin, b. Apl. 12, 1729, d. young; and Elizabeth, b. Aug. 15, 1731, m. Andrew Riker. Pieter Pieterse of Fld^ and N. J., m. Willemtje Schenck. On ass. roll of Fid' of 1693 and cen. of 1698. Removed to Monmouth Co., N. J., about 1702; was a mem. of Free- hold D. ch. at its organization in 1709, and an elder in 1713. Issue: — Anna, bp. Feb. 18, 17 11, m. Claes Johnson of N. J.; and Cornelis, bp. Sept. 11, 17 16— all at Freehold, N. J. Signed his name "Fieter IPjc/iof." Symon Cornelise of N. L. and N. J., bp. Nov. 23, 1683; m. Elizabeth ; d. Apl. 4, 1796. Purchased 2 large tracts in Somerset Co. at Three Mile Run, to which he removed previous to 1699. Elder in the R. D. ch. of New Brunswick in 1734. Issue: — Gretie, m. !*'■ John Vliet Jun"", m. 2'' John Van Cleef Sen''; Ghaerty, m. Ab" Van Cleef; George, m. Rebecca dau. of John Van Cleef Sen''; Cornelia; Corne- lius, m. Sophia Ten Eyck; Simon, (sup.) m. Grietje Vander Vliet; and Denyse — all of N. J. Signed his name "■Svmon Wyckof." Wynantse or Winantse, Wynant and Pieter, see Van Eck. Wynhard, Cornelis, emigrated in 1657 from Groningen in the Netherlands; m. i^' Catharine Fella; m. 2**, May 20, 1683, Adriaentje Hendricks wid. of Tys Jansen Van Pelt, Mar. 15, 1674, Jan Spiegelaer was prosecuted by the fiscaal for tapping rum contrary to law for Pieter Janse, drummer, Dirck Jansen and "Cornelis Wynhardt," soldiers, when fuddled. It was also charged that defendant's wife bit off half of "Cornelis Wynhardt's" finger and cut 2 holes in his head. Jan was found guilty, and sentenced not to allow any strong liquor to be sold in his house for one year and GENEALOGY. 399 six weeks, and to pay costs of suit, as per p. 698 of Vol. II. of Doc. of Col. His. Resided in N. U. in 1682, in which year he was a mem. of the R. D. ch. of that place. On ass. roll of N. U. of 1683; on Dongan's patent of 1686; and in 1687 took the oath of allegiance in Bu''. Jan. 12, 1686-7, he sold to Laurents Jansen the rear half of his land in N. U. ad- joining land of Gysbert Tyson (Van Pelt) and that of said Laurents Jansen. Issue: — Ann, who removed to Hackensack, as per ch. rec. Wynhouts, Ariaentje, of the Walebocht, m. May 12, 1693, in N. Y., Jcuriaen Van den Berg, both residents of N. Y., as per N. Y. D. ch. rec. Ydesse, Teunis, see Idesse. YoLCx, Annetje Hendricx, of Br°, m. Oct. 9, 1692, at S. I., Mangel /afissen Noll oi N. Albany; the i^' a resident of S. I. and the 2'' of N. Y., as per N. Y. D. ch. rec. Young, Hans, see Jongh. YsEESTEiN, YsTEiN, or YssELSTEiN, Jan Willemse, among the first settlers of Bu'^ in 1661, and on muster-roll of the militia of said town in 1663, as per Bu'^ town rec. Zeelan, Jan, see Sely. Zeewis, John Horn, among the first settlers of Bu^ in 1661, as per Thompson's L. I. Zeuw or Seuw, see De Seen. Zwaan, the negro, and Christine his w., of N. U. R. D. ch. in 1680 (see Swaen Janse Van Luane). INDEX. Aardsz, family of, 5 Aartse (see Middai^h), 5 Aaten, family of, 5 Abbe, family of, 5 Abeel, Magdaleua, 35 Stoifel Janse, 5 Abel, 165 family of, 5 Abraham, Annetje, 43 Arnovit, 34 (Abrahams/), family of, 6 Maria, 363 Acedllan, familj- of, 6 Achias, Tryutje, 336 Acke, family of, 6 Ackerman, Anna Maiia, 399 David, 344, 318 Elizabeth, 54 (Akkermauu), family of, 6 Gellyn, 375 Gerrit Abrahamse, 375 Jannetje, 375 Ackerson, Anna, 307 Adams (see Brower), 6 Adamsou, Elizabeth, 375 Adley (Audley), family of, 6, 7 Edniond, 13 Adriaansz (Adriaensen), family of, 7 Adrianse, 340 (see Ouderdonk), 7 Elbert, 339 Gozeu, 330 Helena, 11 Joost, 339 Maria, 388 Marten, 71, 301, 340, 390 Neeltje, 106, 335 Rem, 49 Aelbertsen (see Albertseu), 7 Aelburtus, family of, 8 Pieter CcCsar, 8 Aelderickx, family of, 8 Aeles, family of, 8 Aerneuseu, family of, 8 26 Aersen, 294 (Aertsen), (see Middagb,) 8 Ariaentje, 144 Capt. David, 31 Aertsen (Arison), Jan, 393 (Aerseti), family of, 8 Lyntje, 335 Reinier, 8 Reydert, 340 Aeseu (see De Hart), 8 Agasures, family of, 8 Agias (Achias, Hagen), Tryntie,, 336 Pieter CsEser, 83, 199, 203, Alberts, Aechtje, 107 Albertse (Albertsz, Albertsen), family of, 8, 9 Rutgert, 83, 83, 154, 330, 301, 353 Ruth, 303 Ruth (Rutgert), 353 Alburtus, 8, 60 Cicero, 199 family of, 10 Marv, 370 Piet'er C;«ser. 83, 149, 199, 203 Alice (Alje), Pieter, 375 Alldridg, family of, 10 Allen, John, 10, 14 Allica (Alje), Jannetje, 375 Almy, Chris% 13 job, 14 Alsteyu, Johannes, 334 Amack, 45, 165 family of, 10 Jannetje, 31 Tunis, 357 Ameland, 158 family of, 10 Amerman, 98, 158 Altie, 353 Annetje, 318 Derick, 326 Dirck Janse, 318, 352 family of, 10, 11 402 INDEX. Amerman, Jan, 289 Maria, 293 Paiilus, 110 Peter, 255 Amstelhoop, Jan, 163 Anderis, Titje. 355 Anders, famil}' of, 11 Anderzy, George, 332 Andrea's, Anna Maria, 392 Anuelje, 223 Januetje, 222 Andries, Gertruyd, 225 Andriese, 218 Alida, 136 Andriesen, Andries, 38 (Andriesz), family of, 11, 12 Geertje, 154, 160 Maritje, 337 Peter, 106 Uriau, 347 Andrewart, Ann, 337 Andres, Gov., 34, 61, 73, 96, 120, 137, 163, 167, 177, 180, 201, 207, 227, 306, 321, 325, 351, 364 Anoley, family of, 12 Antoiue, family of, 12 Autouides, 80 Barbara, 182 Joanna, 231, 234 Johannes, 81 Pieter, 325 Rev. Vincentius, 231 Antlionize (see ^liddagb), 231 Anthonys, family of, 12 Appeby (Appelbury), family of, 12, 13 Willem, 57 Thomas, 211 Appelo-ate, Bartholomew, 13, 229, 344, 387, 389, 390 family of, 13, 14 Hannah or Helena, 211 John, 63, 68, 219, 344, 385 Lizabet, 344 Thomas, 13, 208, 245, 369 Appell, Arien, 13 Arbuthnot, family of, 14 Arendes, familj" of, 14 Arends, Rinier, 334, 351 Tryntje Riuerse or Rem- merse, 334 Arendsen, Leendert, 152 Marretje, 152 Arendsz (see Vechten), 14 Arenscn, Aernout Revnders, 183 Reyndert, 182, 247 Arcnts (Arentsen), family of, 14,15 Hendrikje, 42 Arcntse, 185 Ryuier. 241, 343 Arentsen, Hendrick, 46 Ariaans, Aeltj.e, 146 Mariar39 (Arents), Wyntje, 37 Ariaense (Ariaensen), family of, 15 Pieterje, 267 Marretje, 62 Ariens (Adriaens), Januetje, 354 Jannetje, 137 Arisen, Jan, 293 Arnold, Steplien, 13 Ashley, family of, 15 Ashton, James, 14 Aske (Asque), family of, 15 Asker, Mary, 53 Asuerus, family of, 16 Ast (Aste), family of, 16 Richard, 277 Aten, Adriaan Hendrickse, 194 " Arieu Hendrickseu, 5 family of, 16 / Auckes (Auke or Aukersz), (see Van Nuyse,) 16 Auckers, family of, 16 Audley (see Adley), 16 Ann, 74 Edmond, 74, 385 Auger, family of, 16 Aukens, Annetien, 183 Aukes, Jannetien, 247 Auldridge, family of, 16 Baalj', Katrina, 12 Backer, 140 family of, 16, 17 Baddie, INiarrike (Marv) Tomas, 46 Marv or Maria, 318 Badye, Mary, 29, 37, 113 Baeue, Sara, 162 Baerdaen, family of, 17 Baes, Claes Melles, 83, 166, 340 familj^ of, 17 Baewntsse, family of, 17 Bailey (see Bayles), 17 Bailies (Baylis), Elizabeth, 148 Baker, family of, 18 Wid.,18 Bakers (Backers), Jacob, 371 Bal, 156 Barent Jan sen, 98 family of, 18 Balden, George, 387 family of, 18 INDEX. 403 Bale, family of, 18 Baleiu, Marlha, 281 Baltes, Barent, 322 family of, 19 Baltlius, Eaiigcryn, 364 Baltus, Barent, 364 family of, 19 Balyon or Baljou (see Billou and Bellew), 19 Banan, Hanna, 116 Bande, family of, 23 Bant, John P., 10 Bauta, Angenietjc, 49 Heudrick Heudrickse, 299 Jan Coruelise, 361 Margaret Siba, 49 Barbarie, John, 112 Barbier, Claude, 213, 274 familj^ of, 19 Jacob France, 181 Barchstoel, family of, 19 Barden, David, 244 Bardulph, family of, 19 Barend, Coruelis, 367 Barends (Joosten), Annetje, 289 (Barents, Barentse, Barendsz), family of, 19, 20 Femmetje, 327 Ida, 121. 236 Barendsz, Barend, 345 Jan, 309 Barens (Barnsz), 20 Albertje, 162 Arieantje, 141 Margriet, 175 Barents, Elsje, 188 Femmetje or Catharine, 264 Fytje, 337 • Geertruyd, 86, 228 Gretie, 141 Harmantje, 191 Hendrickje, 295 Margaret, 70 Tryntje, 60 Barentseu, Anna, 69 Elsje, 248 Frans, 177 Barger (Bergen), Jacob, 28 Barkeloo, 132, 159, 166, 388-390 Aeltic, 396 Anne, 198 Dan', 197 Dirk. 308 Elizabeth, 355 (Barkaloo, Barkulo, Borckelloo or Van Barkeloo), family of, 20-22 Barkeloo, Harman, 124 Hans Harmense, 27, 106, 173, 315 Herman Janse, 334 Helen, 37 Jannetie, 292, 329 Jannetifi or Femmetje Her- mans, 334 Maria, IMaritje, or Mayke, 291 Willcm Jansen, 329, 393 ■ Willem Willemse, 37 Willemtje, 215 Barker, family of, 22 Barkes, 177 family of, 22 Barne, Sarah, 168 Barnes, family of, 22, 23 Barnet, Josepli, 108 Barre or Barry (see Berry), 23 Bartel, Claes, 287 Bartelfs, Herman, 64 Bartel t (Bartelsz or Bertelfs), family of, 23 Bartholds,. Geertruyd, 59 Bartow, Theodosius, 280 Bas, famih" of, 23 Basher, family of, 23 Basset, Susan, 3S9 Bastiens, Metje. 300 Bastiaense. family of, 23 Bates, 212 George, 108 Baxter, 127, 148 Ensign George, 207 family of, 23, 24 George, 223 Gov., 303 Lieut., 208 Thomas, 63, 131 Bayard, Balthazer, 190 Catharine, 270 Nicholas, 312 Bayles. Elizabeth, 133 (Bavlis), family of, 24 John, 227 Thomas, 58, 133 Bayley, family of, 24 Thomas, 124 Baylies, Damris. 195 Beach, family of, 24 Richard, 235 Beavois, Catharine, 141 Cornelia, 141 Bebou, family of, 25 Becker, Johannes, 307 Bedlo, Isaac. 95 Beekman, 388, 389 404 INDEX. Beekman, Coruelia, 364 Cor«, 93 family of, 25, 26 Gerardus, 174, 349, 866 Margaret, 392 Marten, 822 Matte, 242, 322 Metje, 25 Neeltje, 28 W" Gerardus, 260 Beet, family of, 26 Beets (see Besclier), 26 Bel, family of, 26 W", 283 Bellamont, Gov., 34 Bellew (Belou), family of, 26, 27 Pieter, 37, 360 Beuham, Grietje, 139 Bennem, 179 (Bemium, Benham* Benum), fainilj'^ of, 27 Jan, 334 Beniiet, 7, 15, 117, 153, 161, 260, 388-390 Aaltie, 359 Abraham, 294 Adriaen Willemse,21, 129,169, 311, 336 Adrian, 6, 70, 82, 132, 263, 301, 333 359 Antie'or Nelke, 292 Arie AVillemse, 312, 315, 340 Cornelius, 370 Cor^ W., 30 Elizabeth, 94, 287 Euo-eltie, 292 family of, 27-31 Geo., 30 Gerti-ude, 39 Greetje or Geertruy, 358 Gretie or Margaret, 33 J. I., 291 J. R, 281, 291 Jacob, 52, 94, 347 Jacob Adriaense, 113 Jacobus, 337 James Arlington, 353 Jan, 346 - Jan Ariansc, 233 Jan Willcmse, 339, 347 Johannis, 294 John, 39, 337, 345 Maria Willemse, 248, 369 Marritje, 355 Neeltje, 251 Tryntje, 311 WillemArianse,31,113,184,318 Bennet, Willem Willemse, 329,340, 358, 360 William, 294, 338, 345 Winant, 35, 68, 113, 387, 345 Wynantl., 335-337 Bens, family of, 31 Benson, Adolph, 336 Derick, 32, 329 Egbert, 160 family of, 31 Maria, 160 Rachel, 32, 79 Benton, 117 Bentyn (Bentin), family of, 31 Jaques, 29, 111 Benum, Enum, 166, 168, 316, 384 Beory, Cor^ Jan sen, 107 Berbacke, family of, 31 Bercho (Berckhoven), Abraham Adams, 52 Berckhoven (see Brouwer), 31 Berdan (see Baerdaen), 31 Jan, 7, 17 Margrietje, 318 Rynier, 244 Sara, 818 Berg, Cataline, 31 ~ Bergen, 32, 132, 152, 198 "Aeltie, 289, 240 Anneken Hansen, 64 Annetje Hansen, 146, 178 Antie, 79 Breekje Hansen, 205 ^^ Catharine, 112 Catharine Jacobse, 264 Derick, 35, 75 family of, 31-34 Femmetje, 324 Garret, 30, 318, 348, 365 Hans, 233, 366. 377 Hans Hansen, 41, 132. 209,334, 247, 275. 387 Hans ]\Iachielse. 31 Jacob Hansen, 194 Jan Hansen, 94, 368 Jannetje, 383 Johannes or John, 90 John C, 260 John S., 89, 117, 316, 348 Jores, 338 Joris Hansen, 34, 47, 112, 163, 289, 344 Lammetjc, 238 Leffcrt, 834 Luke, 249 Marretje, 108 INDEX. 405 Bergen, Michael Hansen, 94, 289, 324, 360, 384 Peter, 357 Rachel. 35 Sara, 289, 313 Simon, 89, 117, 216, 348 T. G., 281, 291, 311 Theodonis, 138, 334 Tunis, 226 Berkan, Jan, 314 Bernards, Maria, 275 Berrian, 158 Agnes or Aguietje, 232, 234 Cataliua, 238 Charles, 232 Cornelis. 129, 138, 159, 234, 238, 326, 372, 387, 388 Cor« Janse, 61, 141, 178, 288, 289 299 (Berrycu), family of. 34, 35 Nicholas, 48 Sarah. 136 Berry, family of, 35 John, 165 Richard, 330 Sam', 241, 319, 359 Bertelfs (see Bartelt), 35 Bertholf, Elizabeth, 298 Hendrick, 299 Bescher, 392 (Beets), family of, 35 Nanne, 266 Tho% 47, 68, 265, 266, 391 Betts, Abieal, 270 family" of, 36 Justice, 128 Sarah, 86 Beyrt, W", 314 Bibon, family of, 36 John, 322 Bibout, family of, 36 John, 266 Bibut (Babon or Bebon), John, 25 Bicker, family of, 36 BiduU, Ab™, 109 Bier, familv of, 36 Bijhou (Bifiou), Peter, 270 Billico, family of, 36 Billion, Picter, 27 Billop, Christopher, 200 Jacobus, 281 Billou (Balj'ou. Baljou), family of, 36, 37 Blagge, family of, 37 Blake, Debby, 150 Blandin, family of, 37 Blank (Blaiick). family of, 37 Blank (Blanck), Juriaen Jun% 319 Blauw, 159 famil}' of. 37 Gerrit Dircksen, 37 Bliiickerhoff (see BrinckerhofE), 37 Blom, 156 Barent Janse, 156 Claes or Nicholas Barentse, 186, 327 Emmetje, 267 (Bloom), family of, 37-39 J. B., 141 Jan Barentse, 105 Jannetje, 186 John, 377 Bloodgood, Ariaentje, 137 Frans, 128 Bloom, 19, 20 Abraham, 40 Bloomfield, Phebe, 26 Blouw, Michael, 22 BIyck, Ariaentje, 215 Bobin (Bobine), family of, 39 Bocquet (Bockee), Annetje, 102 Jannetje Jeronemus, 105 (Bokee), Maria, 63 Boddie, Daniel, 229 Bode, family of, 39 Bodin, Hester, 54 Boeg, Conradus Hendricksen, 96 Boelen, Aefje, 297 Annetje, 170 Tryntje, 139 Boerden, family of, 39 Boerhol, family of, 39 Boerman, Altie I., 75 Boerum, 153, 388, 389 Adrian, 264 Card, 192 ' 'harles, 267 (Van Boerum), family of, 39, 40 Geertje Willems, 103 Gerret, 335 Jacob, 29, 104 Jacob Williams, 85, 389 John, 237 Simon, 253 W\ 253 W" Jacobse, 89, 135, 138, 183, 341 Bogaert, 42, 128, 300 Ab", 115, 320 Adrian, 253 Aertje, 227 Annetje Tunise, 49 Cataline, 93 4o6 INDEX, Bogaurt, Cornelis, 333, 375 Cornelius Janse, 360, 361 Evertje, 152 (Bogaert), family of, 40-42 Gisbert, 33, 115 Gysbcrt Tunisse, 249, 309 Isaac, 232 Jacobus, 299 Lammetje, 244 Maria, 293 Neeltje, 92 Sarah, 249 Teunis Gysbertse, 92, 93, 227, 234 Tunis, 138 Bogardus, Annetje, 52 Cornelis, 297 Rev. Everardus, 52 W™, 52 Boice, 265 Boisbilland, family of, 42 Bokee, Anna, 87 Bokke, Jacomyutje, 47 Boman, family of, 42 Henry, 304 Bommel, 141 family of, 42 Bon (Hibon), John, 259 Bond, 354 Bonderick, Jannetje, 178 Bongert (Boomgert), Cornelis Janse, 164 Boomgart, 158 Albert Janse, 9 Classic, 49 (Bousraert), Clasie Cornelise, 49 Cor» Janse, 56, 138, 315, 377 (Bongaert, Bongart), family of, 42, 43 Jan Cornelise, 9, 160, 192, 257, 289 Boomgard, Wyntje Cornelise, 287 Boon, 251 Bordin, Ben, 14 Rich'i, 13 Bordet (Boudet), family of, 43 (Boudet), Jan, 361 Borkeloo (see Barkeloo), 43 Borsin (Borsje), (see Van Amster- dam.) 43 Bosch, family of, 43 Hendrick Jun-", 318 Justus, 265 Lambert, Janse, 210 Botser, family of, 43 Boudi, famil}^ of, 43 Bouman, family of, 43 Bouner, family of, 43 Bourre, Gerard, 14 Bout, 111 Andries Jurianse, 17 Claes Jansen, 17 family of, 43 Bout, Jan Evertse, 12. 17, 51, 61, 71, 73, 171, 272, 283 Boutier, Johan, 382 Bowman, family of, 44 Bowne, 45 family of, 44, 45 Henry, 37 Ja% 14, 185 John, 13, 14, 208, 219, 277, 344 Obedyah, 44 W-, 14, 51, 84, 245, 344 Boyce, family of, 45, 46 Jacobus, 46 Brackhoengie, Aeltien, 46, 68, 113, 359 Bradt, Albert Andriessen, 92 Storm, 307 Bragaw (see Broucard), 46 Broucard, 51 Jan, 282 (Boka), Jannetje, 66 Roelof, 196 Brakel (Van Brakele), Cornelia, 370 Bras, Debora, 172 Brasser (Brasier, Bresse), family of, 46 Braum, family of, 46 Brazier, Francis, 26 Henry, 290 Isaac, 232 Breckanue, Aeltien, 29 Bredenbent, 151 family of, 46 Willem, 29, 44, 68, 113, 318, 360 Breedstede, Gertruyt, 143 Breets, 142 (see Bries), 46 Breser, 101, 105 (Brasier), family of, 46 Horry, 95, 145, 270, 274, 275 Isaacq, 67 Brestede, Eli7>, 239 Brevoort (Van), family of, 47 Hendrick. 79 Breyley, family of, 47 Breymant (Bryant), Geertruy, 42 Bricker, family of, 47 Gerrit, 125 Wyntje, 298 Bridges, Charles, 188, 219 INDEX. 407 Bridges, family of, 47 Sarah, 188 Bries (Breet), 140 (Breets), family of, 47, 48 Jurian, 56 Jurian Hendrickse, 175 (Breets), Volkert Hendrickse, 82 Briggs, family of, 48 Briines (Brimasen, Brimsay, Bris- say, or Briseu), family of, 48 Brinckerlioff, 6, 98, 153, 170 Ab'", 233, 240 Ab"^ Jorise, 15, 303, 210, 289, 302 Alletta,' 282, 235 Altie, 80 Anna, 233, 335 Daniel, 353 Derick, 395 Derick Abramse, 79 Diana, 49 Dirck, 49 Dirck Joorese, 171 family of, 48, 49 Hendrick, 333 Hendrick Jorise, 43, 73 Ida, 310 Isaac, 49 Isaac, 233 John, 379 Joris, 333 Joris Abrahamse, 41 Joris Dircksen, 80 Sarah, 333 Susanna Abrahamse, 353 Susanna Hendricks, 188 Brindley, Francis, 14 Bringman, Delia, 20 Brittau, family of, 50 (Brednel), Nathaniel, 63, 70, 360, 377, 378, 380, 398, 371, 384 Nicholas, 381 W", 381 Broadhurst, Catharine, 40 Broka (Brockaer), 50 Bronck, Joris, 106 Broucard(Broulaet, Bourgon, Bra- gaw), family of, 50 Broughman, family of, 51 Broulert (Brouchart), family of, 51 Brouse (Browse), family of, 51 Edward, 208, 344 Brouwer, 47, 94 Adam, 9, 51, 140, 143, 363 Aeltje Adams, 102 Brouwer, Derek, 74 Everardus or Gerardus, 47 Eytie or Sophia Adams, 70 (Brower), family of, 51-55 Helena, 140 Helena Adams, 314 Isaac. 40 Jacob, 83 Jannctje, 117 John, 314 Lucretia,197 Magdalena, 143 Maria or Marritje, 363 Mary, 79 Mary or Marritje Adams, 369 Matthias Adamse, 397 Nicholas, 47 Peter, 90 Rachel Adamse, 143 Rachel Berckhoven, 143 Sarah Adamse, 175, 266 Sophia Adams, 140 W'°, 332 Browne, 845 family of, 55 Francis, 371 Helena, 140 Nich% 13 William, 208 Browning, family of, 55 Brownsw^ell, Sofia, 28 Browse (see Brouse), 55 Bruin, family of, 55 Bruinnen (Bruman), family of, 55 Brummaga (see Cammega), 55 Bruyenburgh, family of, 55 Bruyne (Bruynsen, Brunos), fami- ly of, 55 Rutger, 55 Willem. 283 Bruyns (De Bruyn), family of, 56 Bryce, Jos'', 14 Bull, Henry, 13 Bulsen, Cornelius, 299 Bunwyck, Lysbeth, 200 Burbank, Anne, 276 Burger, Eugeltie, 188 Gerrit, 201 Burtis, 10 Bus, Deborah, 130 Bushmann, John, 14 Buttye, Edward, 116 Buyr (see Buys), 56 Buys, 70, 153, 154, 160, 163, 165 Annetje, 267 Deborah Janse, 13 (Buyse), family of, 56, 57 4o8 INDEX. Buys, Hendrickje, 341 Jan Corneli'se, 51, 94, 247, 389 Theunis, 347 Bybon (Bybout), family of, 57 Bycker. family of, 57 Byckrvl, family of, 57 Byl, Rev. Dirk Pieterseu, 230 Byose, family of, 57 Bysen, Magclalccntje Jacobuse, 78 Byvanck, Anne, 146 Antony, 345 Evert,"58 Caerlsc, family of, 57 Caerty, Ojen, 334 Caesar (Cesar), (see Alburtus,) 57 Callen, Dorothea, 372 Calsier (Coljer) Jannetje, 54 Cammega, 160 (Kammesja, Brummaga), fam- ily of, X 58 Cannon, family of, 58 Capito, Matthias, 58 Capitony, family of, 58 Cappoens, Christina, 134, 167, 373 family of, 58 Cardell (Cardael), family of, 58 Raef, 183 Ralph, 24, 58, 103, 116, 168, 208, 219, 246, 269, 277, 344, 371, 391 Thomas, 366 Carelszen, Joost, 58 Carlsz, family of, 58 Joost, 85 Maria, 85 Carnelmsen, family of, 59 Carr, RobS 13 Carson, Benjamin, 294 Carsonsan, John, 65 Peter, 65 Carsten (Carstensen), family of, 59 Carstensen, Claes, 115, 164, 308 Garten, Jenne, 204 Cartense (Carsonsen, Carstens), family of, 59 Carteret, Gov., 14, 107, 274 James, 91 Philip. 331 Cartese, family of, 59 Cartoys, Hester, 159 Casaue, familj^ of, 59 easier, Jan, 84 Casjouvv, Jacob, 235 Casparsc, 172 famil}' of, 59 Joost, 18, 326 Caspartsz, family of. 59 Casper, Caspel, Carparse (see Springsteen), 59 Casshow (Cassou), family of, 59, 60 Jacob, 59, 282 Castin, 136 Catjouw, family of, 60 Caton, Margaret, 201 Cerglie, family of, 60 Cesar (Caesar), (see Alburtus,) 60 Chandler (Chaundler), family of, 60 Chambers (Ekomberts), Martha, 188 Martha, 199 Chate, Geo., 13 Chock (Chocke), family of, 60 Christiaan, Mayke or Maria, 328 Christiaence, family of, 60 Christiaensen, Cornelis, 319 Hans, 25 Mariken Cornelise, 35 Christie, James, 63 Sarah. 63 Christoffel, family of, 60, 61 Christoffelse, Hans, 129 Johannis, 73, 119, 122, 124 Christopher, Barent, 279 Cimmer, family of, 61 Cinom, family of, 61 Claas (Claasz, Claasen, Claesen, Klaesen), family of, 61-63 Charles, 41 Claer (Claes), family of, 63 Claes. Attie, 217 Geertje, 114 Jannetje, 113 (Claesen), Tryntje, 37, 313 Willemtje, 107 Claesen, 265 Bartel, 38, 61, 102, 141, 163, 174, 179, 180, 230, 243, 370, 274, 351, 362, 378 Geesje Bartels, 141 Gerbrand, 273 Gerrebrant, 119 Hendrick, 54, 157 Isaac, 19, 223, 343 Jacob, 317 Jan, 249, 351 Neeltje, 179 Thysieor Tvtje, 31 Trvntje, 152 Clark, "familv of, 63 Col. Thomas, 280 Clarke, Gov., 281 Walter, 13 INDEX. 409 Clay (Cley), familv of, 63 Clear, Claes Teimise, 246, 372 Cleer, 300 Clement, family of, 63, 64 Jan, 92, 204 Clerck (Clercq), family of, 64 Clercq, Jan, 32, 146 Clever (Clebers), Capt., 125 Cleyu, 70 family of, 64 Clifton, Tho% 13 Clinch, 71 familv of, 64 Clock (Cloeq), family of, 64 Abraham, 231 Marretje, 137 Pila:rom, 66 Sarah, 231 Clomp (Clonib), (see Lambert-Huy- bertsen Mol,)64 Cloppers, Catelina, 146 Peter, 185 Clouds, family of, 64 Clough (Cluff, Clof),, family of, 65 Richard, 131 Cluffe, Rich^ 102, 277 Chins (Clunen), familj'^ of, 65 Clunsen, Herpert, 316 Clumpton, family of, 65 Coats, Mary, 304 Cochiveer, Alexander, 196 Cock, familv of, 65 Peter, 10 Cockcoever (Coqueuert, Coquer), family of, 65 Cockuit, family of, 65 Cockyeer, Alex'', 88 Coduiugton, family of, 65 Tho', 59, 74 W"\ 13 Coe, 63 family of, 65, 66 Margaret, 263 Coeck, Thomas, 392 Coenesen, family of, 66 Coerte, Albert, 376 (Coerten), family of, 66 Steven, 18 Coerten, 158, 176 Coesaer, family of, 66 Coevers (Covert), family of, 66, 67 Jan Teunisse, 369 Lucas Tunis, 272 Tunis Jansen, 31, 165, 230 Cocvert, 165, 300 Ab", 377 Coevert, Anneke or Aunatje Teu- nissen, 272 Bragon, 258 Charles, 214 Echje or Aegie Teunis, 222 Hans, 50 Jannetje Teunis, 97 Lucas, 33 Marretje Teunis, 204 Maurits, 304 Sarah Teunise, 117 Theuuis Janse, 97, 261 Cogshall, John, 13 Jos., 14 Cole, Abram, 50 Ed., 14 Coleman, Joseph, 14 Colevelt, Altje, 46 Coleurt (Colevelt), family of, 67 Coifs, Geertje, 249 Sarah, 194 Coljer (Colyer), family of, 67 Colve, Gov., 13, 27, 36, 118, 124, 188, 260, 273, 284, 328, 336, 351, 387 Jacob, 319 Comayk, family of, 67 Combs, Judge Jonathan, 79 Rebecca, 79 Comlits, family of, 67 Compton, W"\ 219, 244, 279, 391 Comton, family of, 67 Conalin, family of, 68 Conces, family of, 68 Conelise, Gerret, 91 Conick (Coningh), family of, 68 Conover, Ariuthe, 197 ^ Mary, 255 «- Wellemtje, 78 W"', 197 -^ Conselyea, Elizabeth, 29 (Conselje), family of, 68 Cook, Catharine, 317* (Cooke), family of, 68 Freelove or Mary, 279 John, 13, 219, 279, 344 Cool, 180 Altie, 77 Altje Cornelise, 284 Coruelis Lambertse, 35, 46, 77, 151, 265 family of, 68, 69 Coopal (Copall), family of, 69 Corbesby, familj- of, 69 Corlaer (see Van Curler), 69 Jacob, 268 Corn bury. Gov., 39, 44 410 INDEX. Cornel, 70, 127, 283, 388, 389 Adrian, 139 Altie, 232 Cutrina, 289 Catrina Willemse, 115 Catryutje, 375 Elizabeih, 279 (Cornell), family of, 71-74 Femmetje, 40 Gilliam, 294 Jacobus, 289, 375 Johauues, 48. 193, 232 Johannes Willemse, 389 Mary or Maria Willemse, 352 Peter, 332 Pieter Gillamse, 43, 138, 248, 267 Rebecca, 393 Richard. 379 Sarah Willemse. 375 Sytie. 394 Willem Gillamse, 138, 227 Cornelis, Annetie, 372 Dierber, 321 Dirckje, 341 Geertje, 322 Grietje, 63 Hendrickje, 209 Lysb^th, 60, 283 Tryntje, 224 Cornelise, Derrick, 146, 189 (Coruelissen), family of, 69, 70 Geertje, 89 Gerret. 159 Hendrick, 50 Jan, 127, 165, 384 Laarens, 157 Louis, 165 Louris, 157 M., 56 Maatje, 327 Matys, 51 Pieter, 341 W", 118, 223, 317 Cornil, family of, 74 Cornish, family of, 74 Thomas, 208 Coruwell, Elizabeth, 212 family of, 74 Thomas, 134, 207, 212 Corseu, 59 Catharin(^ 272 Pieter. 200 Corson, Elizabeth, 28 (Carsten). family of, 74 Pieter, 134 Cortelyou, 191 Altie, 313 Ann, 280 Annetje, 195 Cornelis, 317 Deborah, 33, 237, 240 (Corteljau), family of, 74-76 Geertje, 344 Hannah, 72 Helena, 93, 140, 311 Hendrick, 375 Isaac, 232, 314 Capt. Jacob, 284 Jacques, 22, 93, 99, 100, 140, 146, 192, 227, 264, 295, 298, 311, 314, 331, 365, 372, 381 Jaques Jun'', 264 Margreta, 380 Maria, 21, 22 Peter, 18, 64, 90, 178, 311, 354 Simon, 72 Cortie, 267 Coi-win (Cornell), Elizabeth, 278 Cos, Claes Pietersen, 62 Marretje, 62 Cosin, family of, 76 Cossar, Jacob, 76 Cossart, familj' of, 76 Cosseau (see Cousard), 76 Cousard (C-osseau), family of, 76 Courteu, familj^ of. 76 Covert (see Coevcrt). 76 ^ Coweidioven, 120, 121, 152. 159, 224, 250, 388, 390 Aeltje Willemse, 308 Albert. 254 Altie, 48. 133, 376 Antje, 181 Cath^ 250 Cor«, 254 Cornelia Janse, 206 (Couwenhoven, Kouweuho- , ven. Van Couwenhoven), ^ family of, 76-81 Gerradine, 367 Gerret, 32, 83, 187, 196, 210, 255, 347 - ' Garret Albertse, 378 Gerrit Wolfertsen, 34, 68, 183, 253, 284 Helen, 314 Jacob, 225, 354 Jacob Wolfertse, 133 Jacomina, 196 Jacomvntje, 254 Jan Albertse, 378 Jan Gerretse, 48, 96, 199 INDEX. 411 Coweuhoven, Jaunetje, 38, 30, 109, 110, 250 Johannes, 358 John, 234, 239, 323 Joris, 196 Marike, 250 Maritie, 292 Marretje Gerritse, 376 Maryken, 47 Neeltje, 104, 325, 323, 396 Neeltje Gerritse, 253 ^ Nelly, 234 Nicasius, 357 '" Peter, 85, 86, 251, 254, 330/ Peter Albertse, 378 Peter Willemse, 250 Peter Wolfertsen, 160 Rachel, 314 Roelof , 289 y Saartje, 328 Sarah, 351, 314, 357 W» 30, 104, 109, 110, 181, 250, 251, 314. 379, 396 Willem Gerretsc, 49, 210, 300 Wolfert Gerretse, 71, 149, 323, 342, 346, 397 Cowne, Deborah. 280 Cozine, Jacob, 77 Maria or Mary, 77 Cray, Johannes, 357 Cranen, family of, 81, 82 Neeltje, 110 Cray en, family of, 82 Jacob, 213 Thouis, 213 Creed, W"\ 191, 377 Cregier, Catharine, 145, 253 Grietje, 19 Martin, 96 (Crougers), Tryntje, 96, 313 Creveu, 160 Crever (Creveu), family of, 82 Cristoffel, family of, 82 Cristoffelsen, family of, 83 Crocheron, Jannetje, 364 Margaret, 347 Croegier, Gerret Dirckse, 47 Cronenberijh, Catharine, 9, 154, 220,''301 family of, 82 Croesen, Derick, 33, 309 Elizabeth, 309 Elsie, 309 Elsje Gerretsz. 63 (Crousen), family of, 82 Gerret, 54 Henilrick, 33 Croesen, John, 33 Margaret, Maritje, or Maria, 33- Crom, Flores, 177 Floris, AVillemse, 177 Gisbert, 177 (Croom), (see Kroom,) 83 Crooke, Hon. P. S., 201 Croseron, Adrianna, 239 Crousen (Crosseren), Styntje, 129 Cruser, Eleuor or Nelly, 398 Lena, 398 Crysall, family of, 83 Curler (see Van Curler), 83 Cuyck, W-", 131 Cuynen (see Kuynen), 83 Cuyper, 158 family of, 83 Daemelse, family of, 83 Dam, family of, 83 Damen, 70 Cornelia, 307 family of, 83, 84 Jan, 10, 51, 237, 243, 340, 36& Jan Cornelise, 265, 309 John, 56, 57, 226 Maritie, 329 Martha, 237 Neeltje Janse, 221 Damerill," Elizabeth, 108 Dankers, 339 Jasper, 331 Daniels, family of, 84 Hester, 117 Darmentier (see Parmentier), 84 Darsett, family of, 84 Darvell, family of. 84 David, family of, 84 Davidsz, W"', 205 Davis (Davidson, Davison), family of, 84, 85 Nich% 13 Daws, Anneke, 123, 144 Elias, 80 family of, 85 Hester Symous, 80 Maria Eliase, 173 . Patience, 80 Rebecca, 132 Day, Catharine, 381 De Allee, Rachel, 334 Dean, Joseph, 30 Deas, Hannah, 52 De Backer, family of, 85 De Baene, family of, 85 Margaret, 244 De Balie, Catharine, 115 412 INDEX. De Beauvois (Bevoise), family of, 85, 86 Debevoise, 58 Charles, 376 Cornelia, 101 Elizabeth, 80 Geertruyd, 39, 104 George, 254 Jacobus, 58, 238, 280 Johu, 232, 235 Joost, 80, 238, 350 Sophia, 350 De Bon, Francjn, 27 De Boog, Aunetje, 318 Susanna Hendricks, 111 De Boor, family of, 86 De Bosjou, Sara, 273 De Bour, family of, 86 De Bruynne, 50, 160 family of, 86, 87 Francois, 95, 155, 169, 198, 277, 284, 350, 371 De Camp, 162 family of, 87 Hendrick, 87 De Clerck, family of, 87 De Clay (see De Klyn), 87 De Cleyn, family of, 87 De Cousellie (see Conselyea), 87 De Copseerdt, family of, 87 De Drayer, family of, 87 Deen (Den), family of, 87 De Eycke, Anthoni, 95 family of, 87 De Foreest, family of, 87, 88 Henricus, 340" De Fransman, family of, 88 De Garmeau, Maria, 107 De Gewe, family of, 88 De Graef, family of, 88 De Grau, Albert Leendertse, 15 (De Grauw. De Grouw), fami- ly of, 88 De Graves, Maratie, 298, 299 De Graw, John, 231 Degreau, Maria, 354 De Grooet, family of, 88, 89 De Groot, Cornells, 318 Diana, 54 family of, 89 De Haen, family of, 89 De Haert, family of, 89 De Haes (see Haes), 89 De Hart, 180, 262 Ballhazer, 286 Catryntje, 33 Elias, 355 De Hart, Elyas Symonse, 48, 160 (Ter Hart), family of, 89, 90 Geertie, 239 Jacobus, 107 Jane, 239 Maritje, 355 Simon, 33, 117, 254, 348 Simon Jun', 336 Symon Aesen, 48, 129, 151, 160, 216, 248, 249, 330, 359 De Heest, family of, 90 De Houtsager, family of, 90 De Jongh (Jonsyhe), "family of, 90 Jan, 246, 305 (Jimier), Jan Jansen, 341 De Kamp (see De Camp), 90 De KaJ^ Lucretia, 25 W", 295 De Key, family of, 90 DeKlyn (De Cley), family of, 90,91 HuickBareutse, 150 De Laforse (De La Forge), family of, 91 De Lamars, Maria, 87 De La Montagnie, Abraham, 301 De lia Montange, Ab"", 358 Maria, 174 De La Montague, Jan, 53 Dela Montague, Petronella, 53 Delanc.y, Pieter, 95 De Lanoir, IVIary, 88 De La Noy, Abraham, 191 Catalyntje, 364 Cornelia, 52, 191 Maria, 25, 53 Delavall, 123 family of, 91 Hannah, 179 Johu, 179 M% 13 Tho% 15, 127, 219 De Mandeville, Aaltje Gillis, 163 family of, 91 Tryntje Gillis, 323 De Mai-ee, David Samuelse, 85 Judith Samuelse, 85 Lidia, 299 De Marest, Ab">, 283 Beletje, 244 Lydia, 244 De Mentelaer, family of, 91 De Merce, Lea Jansen, 54 De Metzelaer. family of, 92 De Meyer, family of, 92 Lucas, 153 Nicholas, 164, 204, 321 Wilhelraus, 280 INDEX. 413 De Mof (Muffe), family of, 93 Demond, Dartie, 383 Peter, 233 De Mott, M% 58 Dennis Samuel, 320 De Noorman, Claes, 224, 808 family of, 92 Den Ryck, Anthoni, 87, 303 family of, 94, 95 Denton. 47 De Nyck, family of, 92 Denyse, 27, 300 Anna, 233 Cornells Teunissen, 41 Denvse, 313 Denyse Teunisse, 140, 283, 311 Elsje Tunis, 267 (Nysseu), family of, 92-94 Femmetje, 34 Femmetje Jans, 56 Isaac, 148 Jannetje, 33, 337 ~ Jan Teunisen, 41 Jaques, 110 Marretje Teunise, 392 Neeltje, 320 (Nyssen), Teunis, 33, 34, 36, 56, 105, 145, 156, 158, 217, 229, 233, 267, 335 (see Van Duyn), 92 De Peyster, Cornelia, 297 Elizabeth, 26 Isaac, 162 De Plancken (Blanck), Sarah, 43, 210 De Potter. Ariaentje Blyck, 206 Cornells, 145, 165, 206, 215, 289, 340 family of, 95 De Pay (see Du Puy), 95 De Raedemaker (see Gerret Cor- nel ise Van Duyn), 95 Dercks, family of, 95 Derckse (see Dirckse), 95 Deremer, Antie, 289 Derje, Johannes, 376 De Riemer, Margaretta, 258 De Rivier, family of, 95 De Roal, family of, 95 De Sabede, family of, 95 Deschamps, family of, 95 Isaac, 266 De Schoostenvegei", family of, 95 De Seen. 158 Cornells, 138 De Seen, Cor« Janse, 96 (De Zeuw, De Seeuw), family of, 96 De Seeuw, Cornells Janse, 157, 165 De Seu, family of, 96 De Sevre, family of, 96 De Sille, Anna, "86 family of, 96 Geradientje, 78 Nicasius, 17, 78, 312, De Snyder, family of, 96 De Sousou, family of, 96 De Swede, family of, 96 De Syell, family of, 96 De Tarck (see Du Toiet), 97 De Toiet (Tooy), see Du Toiet, 97 Detru, Rachel, 88 De Turck, Ab'", 208. 209 Devenport, family of, 97 De Vernus, Jacques, 80 De Vismes, Pierre, 280 Devoe, David, 204 De Voor, family of, 97 De Vos (see Vosch). 97 De Vouw, Ariaentje, 318 Hester, 54 Margaret Mattyse, 57 Nicholas, 57 De Vries, 9 family of, 97 Frederick, 188 Titus Syrachs, 67, 96, 263, 303, 304, 329 De Vroome, Huybert Janse, 160 De Wael, family of, 97 De Wal, family of, 97 De Wall, family of, 97 Jerouemus, 102 De Witt, 163, 391 Catrina, 191 Diewertje, 76 Emmerentje, 144 (Witt, Widt), family of, 97, 98 Johannes, 197 Maria, 374 Tryntje Symons, 43 De Wolf, family of, 98 Dey, Derick, 41 Grietje or Geertje Jans, 41 Jenneke or Jannetje, 240 Susanna, 117 Theunis Dircksen, 240, 241 Deyuet, family of, 98 DeZeeuw (see De Seen), 98 Dickinson, Hanna, 122 414 INDEX. Dickinson, John, 123 Dido, family of, 98 Dirck, the Norman, 23 Dircks, Adriaentje, 97 Aeltje, 306 Aersclticn, 159 family of, 99 Fytje, 202 Harmtje, 800 (Dircx), Grietjc, 119 Jannetje, 248 Lena, 20 Marrytje, 327 Rachel, 196 Sytie, 90, 337 Dircksen, Clacs, 46 Cornelis, 70, 340 Hendrick, 18 (Dircksz), family of, 98, 99 Jacob, 114 Jan, 83, 146 Dircksen, Mary or Marretie, 308 Paulus. 222 Direckien, family of, 99 Dirriekseu, Foulaer, 128 Ditmars, 158, 161, 164 Abraham, 146, 237 Adrian iia, 332 Altio, 280 Cateline, 237 Catharine, 237 Douwe, 267, 332, 377 Douwe Jansen. 192 Elizabeth, 324' (Van Dilmarsen), family of, 99. 100 Ferametje, 147 Henry S., 146, 217 Jan, 138, 186 Jan Janse, 34 Jane, 237 Jannetje, 273 Johannes, 238, 278 John, 146, 192, 217, 237 Joseph, 311 Loureus, 138, 147 Marretje, 377 Rebecca. 273 Ryndert Janse, 129, 217 Sarah, 192 Ditmarse, Arrejeantje, 375 Ditton, family of, 101 Dockens, family of, 101 Dockwra, W", 866 Dodge, 321 Doman, family of, 101 Donchesen, Margaret, 297 Dongan, Gov., 27, 34, 39, 63, 68, 84, 108, 116, 128, 131, 166, 168, 169, 173, 17a, 184, 192, 206, 242, 248, 283, 302, 312, 815, 883, 386, 846, 350, 354, 358, 870, 372 Donver, family of, 101 Door, family of. 101 Dorenuis, Katrina, 376 Dorland, 120, 159, 162 Antje, 234, 857 Cor% 354 (Dorlandt), family of, 101, 102 Femmetje, 109 Garret Garretse, 183 Gerret Janse, 251 Jan Gerretse. 119, 240 Jannetje, 308 John, 34 Lambert, Janse, 168 Marretje, 260 Stynlje Gerretse, 288 Dorset, Ann, 320 Douckles. family of, 102 Douklis, Willem, 342 Doulis, Helena, 152 Douts, Ab"\ 38 (see Du Toict), 102 Douws (Douwcsen), Aeltje, 99, 163 Downs, Katharine, 386 Doxsey, family of, 102 Thomas, 277 Drabbe, Elizabeth, 85 Drats. Josias, 214 Josias Jausz, 51 Dreaeau, Maria, 858 Drets, 162 (Drats, Dregz), family of, 102 Jorias, 344 Dretsens. famity of, 102 Druljet, Paulus, 53 Susan, 58 Duane, Anthony, 31 Dubbles, Susanna, 49 Dubois, Elias, 379 Hester, 180, 302 Louis, 311 Du Ceen, Anthony, 105, 195, 317 (Chaine, Chesne, Seen), family of, 102, 103 Du Chene, Anthony, 97 Dui, family of, 108 Du Mont, 'Grietje, 82 Pieter, 364 ' Dunch, Walter, 207 Dungon, Tho", 14 Dunne, family of, 103 INDEX. 415 Dunne, Richard, 377 DuPre (Du Pay, Du Puis, Du- pue), family of, 103 Du Puis, Francis, 40 Durje, 204 Charles, 253 Jan, 244 (Duryea), Joost or George, 353 Durland, Gerret Gerretse, 85 Harnipie, 327 Lambert, 337 Duryee, 170, 220, 226 Ab'», 337, 355, 330, 358 Elizabeth, 313 (Durie, Duryea, Duree, Dor- yea), family of, 103-105 Femmetje, 358 Geeslie, 389 Jacob, 253, 260 Joost, 299, 316 Lena or Helena, 353 Nelly, 299 Ruluf, 322 Sarah, 394 Simon, 272 Tunis, 235 Dushan, Valentine, 280 Du Toict, Ab"', 102 (DuToit, Du Torek), family of, 105 Du Trieux, Rosella, 88 Sarah, 88 Dutten, family of, 105 Du Tullier, Magdaleua, 76 Duurkoop, Anneken Claes, 143 Jannetje, 257 Du Vonrepos, Rev. David, 281 Du Wien, family of, 105 Duyckingh, Aeltje, 298 Annetje, 146 family of, 105, 106 Gerardus, 333 Duyckhuys (see Van Dyckhuy- sen), 105 Duyts (Duits), 163, 183 (Duits), family of, 106 Jan Laurens, 162 Dykemau, Elizabeth, 272 Jan, 305 Magdalena, 314 Easson, Peter, 13 Ebal, Peter, 124 Ebell, family of, 106 Peter, 371 Ecker, family of, 106 Eckman, Carel, 396 Edens, Robert, 20 Edsell (Edsall, Etsal, Elsal), fami- ly of, 106, 107 Eduwarts, Annetje, 296 Egbertse, 151 Barent, 89, 283 Barent Huybertsc, 134 familv of, 107 Eigo, famUy of, 107 Elbersen. family of, 107 Elbertsen, Elbert, 384, 341 family of, 107 Eldert, 394,. 377 family of, 107 Johannes, 367 Eldcrtse, Johannes, 33 Eldringh, Willemtje, 31 Ellice, familv of, 108 James, 308 John, 308 Ellis, Cornelius, 330 (Elias), family of, 108 Roger & son, 13 Elswaerts, Lvsbeth, 165 Styntje, '316, 317 Eltyge (Elten), family of, 108 Eltynock (Eeltynock), family of, 108 Emans, 11, 13. 161, 355, 331, 361 Ab"\ 74, 140, 355, 379, 390 Andrew, 321, 238, 345, 315 Andries, 137, 370 Ann, 149 Anne or Annetje, 370 Benjamin, 367 Cornelia, 11 Elizabeth, 353 (Emmans, Imans), family of, 108-110 Geertje. 39 Heudrick, 79, 108, 371 Jacoba, 94 Jacobus, 39, 30, 94, 157, 369 James, 336 Jan, 134 John. 6. 16, 45. 113, 133, 156, 313, 319, 235, 315, 390 John A., 173 Sarah. 212, 228 Emmit (Immit), Christyntje, 354 Ende, family of, 110, 111 Engelbertse (see Lott), 111 Enuis (Anuis), W™, 54 Eppens, Wyert, 91 Erders, family of. Ill Ericksen, Rev. Reinhart, 196 Estall, Danell. 55 4i6 INDEX. Evans, family of, 111 Randolph, 3S6 Everd, fuinily of. 111 Everenden, f;iniily of, 111 Everts, Gcertie, 152 Everlse, Aicnt, 351 Coiuelis, 226 family of, 111 Evertscu, Alida, 194 Areiit, 203 family of. Ill, 112 Ewoutse, Cornelius, 93 (Euwetse, Ewetse), family of, 113 Mary, 93 Peter, 34 Fairborne, Gideon, 14 Farcks, family of, 112 Fardon, 103 Barbara, 28 (Ferdon, Verdou, Verdonck, Vardon), family of, 112, 113 Jacob, 28, 162 Thomas, 258, 318 Farmelie, Rachel, 43 Farrington, familj^ of, 113 Faster, family of, 113 Feddans (F'eddes), Ren.sje, 167 Feddens, Annetje, 146 Felix, Phebea, 94 Felle, family of, 113 Fenton, Joseph, 174 Maria, 174 Rachel, 109 . Ferdon (see Fardon), 114 Ferdinanse (see Van Sicklen), 114 Fermeuseu, family of, 114 Fermeuoy, family of, 114 Filkin, 63 Catharine, 379 Henry, 34, 65, 266, 379 family of, 114 Fine, Hendrick, 186 Margaret, 263 Finton, Helletje or Magdalena, 313 Fiserck, family of, 114 Fiskock, Edward, 129 Fletcher, Gov., 89, 278 Flierboom, Marretje or Maria, 113 Folckers, Jannetje, 28 Margaretta, 338 Folckertseu, familj' of, 114 Folkert, 191 Folkert, family of, 114, 115 Folleman (see Fulleman), 115 Fongeres, Lewis, 237 Fonteyn, Anna, 161 Anne, 66 An tie, 67, 304 Charles, 177, 391 (Fontein), family of, 115 Johannes, 74, 241, 351 Lea, 262 Lena, 349 Forbes, Jan, 243 John, 12. 59, 115 Forbns, family of, 115 John, 24."l64 Force, family of, 116 Matthew, 281 Forrest (see De Forrest), 116 Forest, family of, 116 Forman, Jonathan, 395 Foster, Daniel, 281 family of, 116 Founnitou (Fountain), family of, 116 Fountain, Charles, 297 Foupier (Fookie), family of, 116 Foy, John, 358 France, Joost, 234 Francis, family of, 116 Franciscus, family of, 117 Frans (Fransen), family of, 117 Saartje, 78, 79 Fransen, Thomas, 89, 216, 348 Fredericks, Acltje, 275 Maria, 171, 233, 350 Fredericksc, family of, 117 Fredericksen, Arent, 67 Freecke, 47 John C. , 51 Freeland, Annetjen, 244 Enoch, 353 Freeman, M^ 162 Fremensen, family of, 118 Frees, family of, 117 Fryn, Antie, 104 Fulleman, family of, 118 Furmau, family of, 118 Fyn, 161 family of, 118 Jan Jansen, 83, 323 Gabrie, Charles, 383 (Gabrey), family of, 118 Gancel, familvof, 118 GangelolTe (seeVillet), 118 Ganner, family of, 118 Gant, Rochery, 14 Garats, Geete, 212 Garretse (see Gerretse), 119 Garretsen, Samuel, 44 INDEX. 417 Gautier, Louis Andre, 259 Geisse, family of, 119 Gelgemes, family of, 119 Geraerdy, family of, 119 Gerbrauds, Christina, 330 Gerbrentse (Gerrebrant), family of, 119 Gerbritse, family of, 119 Gerlet, family oif, 119 Gerrets, Elizabeth, 142, 143 Lysbeth, 22, 283 Machteld, 56 Marrctje. 17, 342, 360 Thysie, 150 Tryutje, 63 Gerretse. Aeltie, 395 Claes, 62. 122, 166 Elsie, 174 (Gerretseu. Garretse), family of, 119, 120, 121 Geertje, 325 Geesje, 340 Gerretjc. 373 Geiret, 166, 340, 397 Herman, 291 Jan, 53 Jau or Johannes, 33 Jannetje, 317 Lysbeth, 21 Marretje. 212 Rem. 236 Samuel, 236 William, 76. 77 Gerretsen, 98, 206 Christopher, 320 Hugh, 18. 362 Jacobus, 381 Johannes, 167 John Fletcher, 236 Marretje. 163 Maria, 86 Sam', 18, 78, 236, 293, 862 Wouter, 88 Gerryedts (Gerrys), family of, 122 Gertsen, family of, 122 Ghaudy, family of, 122 Gibbins (Gibbine), family of, 122 Rich'', 13, 166. 208, 304, 344 Gibs (Gibbs), family of, 122 Richard, 122 Gibson, family of, 122 Richard, 122 GifEord. W", 14 William Bernard, 377 Gilliamse (Guilliamse), (see Cor- nel,) 122 Gillis (see De Mandeville), 123 27 Gillise (Gillesen), family of, 122 Gilyamse, Ensign Pieter, 284 Gilyemsen, W"', 60 • Gisbert, Berber, 23 Mayke, 370 Gisbertse (see Guysbertsc), 122 Harmen, 133 Wouter, 98 Gleaves, 206 Glen, Jan, 206 Godires (Goediris), family of, 123 Golden, Neike, 54 Golder, 45 (Goulder, Gouldine;), family of, 123 Hester W., 161 Joseph. 14, 18 W"\ 13, 59, 63, 65, 74, 113, 144, 146, 219, 220, 222, 224,, 231, 266, 275, 342, 344, 387 Goldingh, Ensign Wil., 284 Goldsmith, Ralph, 14 Golers, family of, 123 Golneck, Constyn, 241 Gooding, family of, 123, 124 ' . Isaac, 91 Goodyear, family of, 124 Gould, Dan., 14 Goulding (see Golder), 124 Gounenbergh, family of, 124 Jan, 308 Johannes, 21 Goverts, Belje, 105 Goycliffe, family of, 124 Grady, Thomas, 304 Graham, family of, 124 Grauo-er (Grauseu), Mary or Maria, "183 Gruveuraet, Metje, 154 Greedye (see Gridy), 124 Thomas, 208, '230, 303, 344 Gi-eaory, family of, 124 "R.. 133 Richard, 24 Grevenraat, Isaac, 119 Grevenrae>. 41, 43, 120, 178, 187, 239, 326, 334, 341, 362, 367 Libertje, 287 Mary, 255 Neeltje, 376 Rem, 366 Heimans, family of, 189 Heinne, Jacol), 90 Hellakers, 295 family of, 139 Jacob, 289 Hellenias, Louise, 367 Henderson, James, 31 Henderse (Hendrica), Magdalena, 333 Hendrick, the Boor, 94 Hendricks, Adriaentje, 857, 398 Anneken, 310, 321 Catlyntje, 211 Cuiertje, 189 Elsje, 200, 358 (Hendricksen), family of, 139- 142 Fransyntie, 334 Geertje or Geesje, 94 Geurtieu, 159 Helletje, 59 Jannetje, 202, 311 Kornel'ia, 19, 20 Lammetje, 15 Lucretia, 6 Maria, 46 Marretje. 15, 88, 119 Styntje, 310 Tryutje, 194, 883 Wybrecht, 313 Hendrickse, 48 Adriaen, 91, 174 Aeltje or Aetie, 29 Claertje, 206 Geertje, 40, 152, 311 Hendrick, 311 Herman, 267 Jacob, 152, 259 Jan, 231 Hendricksen, Albert, 202 Ann, 18, 77 Catharine, 239 Dan', 77, 313, 334, 336 Evert, 51 Geesie, 251, 254 Hendrick, 93, 242, 250, 311 333. 335, 351 Jan, 90, 305 Jannetje, 251 Mayke, 346 Marritje, 52 Mary, 107 Pieter, 52, 130, 301 Volckert, 326 Willem, 51, 182, 355 Hends, Boman, 219 family of, 142 Hennian, Maria, 52 420 INDEX. Hennick, Michael, 25 Heusha, Helena, 268 Heusz, familj' of, 142 Heocken (Iluvkeu), ^laria or Mar- relJG, 3*31 Herbcrsz, Ariaeiitje, 39 Herberts (Hubbard), Marritje, 384 Herdeuay, Peter, 54 Hermans, Aunetien, 182, 247 Anuetje, 15 Femm'etje, 163, 186, 349 Gysbertje, 88 Lysbeth, 144 Hermause, family of, 142 Hendrick, 377 John, 159 Styntje Hendricks, 377 Hermanseu, Hendrick, 164 Jau, 159 Herrecks, family of, 142 Herry, family of, 142, 143 Heselant, family of, 143 Hesselse, family of, 143 Hewerse, Neeltje, 346 Hey (Heey), (see Haey,) 143 Heyer, Ab"\ 352 Anne, 359 Jannetje, 359 , John, 90 Mary, 359 Peter, 359 Thomas, 334 Heyu, Godfrey, 108 Heynant, family of, 143 . Hibon, family of, 143 Jau, 228 Maria or Mary, 231 Rachel Bona, 260 Hicks, Jacob, 206 Hidelte, Hester, 160 Hill ebrants(secVau Dyckhuys), 143 Tennis, 151 Hilton, family of, 143 William, 51 Hock, family of, 143, 144 Hoiiman, 142 family of, 144 Holland, W™, 359 HoUis, family of, 144 Hollman, Sain', 13 Holmes, 45 Caty, 255 (Horns, Hulmes), family of, 144, 145 George, 131 Jonathan. 13 Mary, 276, 279 ., Holmes, Obadiah, 13, 68, 279, 292; Sam', 44, 91, 219, 278 Holsart (see HuLsardl), 145 Hoist, Hendrick, 359 Holwell, family of, 145 Homdell, John, 14 Homer, Anna, 173 Homes, Elizabeth, 54 Georo-e, 277 Jan, 364 Hoogland, 69, 98, 99, 158 Alida, 308 Ann, 255 Anna or Magdalena, 138 Antje, 136, 356 Catalina, 254 Christopher, 206, 375 Cor^ 95 Cornells Dirksen, 153, 170,, 301, 305, 380, 387 Derick Janse, 32, 51, 60, 89. 100, 138, 145, 192, 201, 223,. 393 Dirck Coruelise, 234, 266 family of, 145-147 Jacob, 308 Mary, 320, 352 Mayke or Maryke, 337 Rebecca, 255 Sarah. 185 Stoffel, 253 W■^ 49 Hooghteling, Willem, 307. Hook, family of, 147 (see Stoock), 147 Hoonis, family of, 147 Hoop, Nieuw Amstel, 345 Hoppe, Gerten, 331 Jan Hendrickse, 299 Hopper, John, 282 Hopton, Abagail, 277 Robert, 277 Horabin, John, 14 Horn, family of, 147 Hornzceues, family of, 147 Horsefield. Israel, 32 Houlten, Barbara, 357 Houseman, Ab"', 299 family of, 147 Howard, Maria, 259 Mattie, 397 Hraphaiien (see Traphagen), 147 Hubbard, 127 Ann, 281 Bernardus, 179 Cornelia, 94 Elyas, 18, 94, 100, 329 INDEX. 421 Hubbard, family of, 147-149 James, 18, 33, 47, 111, 121, 161, 163, 180, 188, 307, 308, 319, 333, 346, 378, 381, 303, 311, 344, 386 Rebecca, 387 Samuel, 18, 397 Hubertsen, family of, 149 Hudde, ^^udries, 169, 204, 246, 361 Huddeu, Andrus, 77, 81, 307 family of, 149 Huddleston, family of, 149, 150 Huett, family of, 150 Huikeu (see Huycken), 150 Huismau, family of, 150 Hulet, family of, 150 Hull, Lydia, 182 Hulsardt, Aelje, 109 Autbony, 21, 113, 151, 314, 332, 366 Cornelia. 108 (Holsaert, Hulst, Hoist), family of, 150 Jobannis, 182 Hunt, family of, 150 Randell, 269 Hutcbinsen, family of, 150 Huyberse, family of, 150, 151 Huybertse, Adriaen, 226 Huybrecbts, Ida, 288 Huycken, Ann, 216 (Heocken), family of, 151 Matilda. 330 AV"\ 89, 318, 330, 383 Huyges, family of, 151 Jacob, 19 Huyle. family of, 151 Huysbertsen (see Moll), 151 Huyseu, Derick. 338 family of, 151 Hybon (see Hibon), 151 Hybertse, Geestje. 345 Hyer, Catbarine, 31 Mary, 30 Peter, 31 Hymen, family of, 151 Hys, Catbarine, 288 Idens (Ideusen, Idesse, Ydesse), family of, 151 Rebecca, 69 Idense, Tunis, 357 Idesse, Teunis, 295 Isaacs (Isaaczen), family of, 152 Jacobs, Elsje, 132 Jacobs, Engeltje, 12 Ida, 292 Jacomyn, 209 Jannetje, 270 Joris, 307 Truytje. 295, 296 Jacobse, Eya Janse, 352 (Jacobsen), family of, 153, 153 Gretien, 217 Jan, 267, 351, 352 Joris, 171 Peter. 63, 329 Sytje, 293 j'acobsen, Cbristian, 133 Jores, 170 Jacobus, Hendrickje, 162 Jaffers, Jobu, 286 James (crazy). 153 W-. 13 Janevier, familj' of, 153 Jannbeus, family of, 153 Janselert, family of, 166 Jans, Agatba, 376 Annetje, 52, 162, 164 Ariaentje. 189 Auke, 249 Baefje, 329 Celitje, 242 Cbristoffei, 22 Egbertje, 142 Egbertje or Lybertje, 267 Elizabetb, 139 Elsje, 117 Femmetje, 94 Geertje, 270 Geertruy, 184 Gertrude, 54, 358 Grietje, 373, 358 Harrat-je, 161 Heudrikje, 372 Hilletje,"261, 263 (Jurians), Jannetje, 178, 180 Lysbet or Elisabeth, 22, 62, 157, 249 Neeltje, 69, 83 (Joosten), Magdalena, 11, 271, 364 Margaret, 103 Marretje, 16, 134, 159, 163, 189, 217 Meusje, 307 Rebecca, 153 Sophia, 245 Stryntie, 58, 69, 95, 215, 289 Styntje, 15, 131. 199 Teunis, 58 Tryntje, 173, 194 422 INDEX. Jans, Urseltje, 334 Willemtje, 110 Wyln-ug, 88 Janse, Agatha or Egge, 381 Andries, 11. 350 Annetje, 133 Alike, 61, 186 Casper, 62 Catalyna or Catryntje, 267 Christina, 181 Cornelis, 323, 360 Corsten, 118 Ensign Cryn, 284 Derick, 118, 177, 229, 284, 326 Elizabeth, 243, 351 (Janseu), family of, 153-166 Frans, 361 Geertje, 38 Gysber, 72 Hendrick, 139, 141, 142, 361, 370 Hendrickje or Harmpie, 102 Hilletje Andriese, 350 Jan, 258 Jannetje, 98 (Jolinson), Johannes, 252 Jonica or Aunatie, 272 Laurense, 91 Lawrense, 112 Louies, 361 Louis, 351 Lowys, 61 Lysbet, 61 Magdalena, 302 Magdaleentje, 11 Mensje, 377 Neeltje, 5 Nicholas, 10, 17 Pieter, 83, 186, 349, 398 Pieterje, 246 Eeni, 129 Stoffel, 70 Swaen, 129. 283 Tenuis, 51 Tryntje, 68 Willemtje, 243 Janselert, family of, 166 Jansen, Aeltje Jans, 343 Andreas', 378 Andries, 176 Annetje, 54, 337 Annica, 269 Barent, 20, 87, 220 Carston, 172 Casper, 169 Derick, 108, 264, 274 Jansen, Dirck, 268, 398 Ditmars, 363 Douwe, 99 Elsje, 228 Frederick, 273 Geertruy. 123 ' George, 232, 235' Gysbert. 262 Hendrick, 176, 313 Hester, 78 Jacob, 66 Jan, 119. 229, 343 ' (Hansen), Jan, 388 Jan Barentse, 253 Jannetje Andreas, 378 Klaes. 63 Lauren ts, 399 Laven nettle or Barent je, 136 Lieve, 218 Lowys, 64. 73, 87, 90, 214 Neltye, 275 Pieter, 10, 42, 178, 200, 203, 306 Remmert, 223 Rutger, 341 Sarah, 110 Thomas, 266 Thys, 120 Tunis, 266 from Salee, Anthony, 7, 16, 17, 50, 86, 110, i69, 171, 176, 187, 222, 269, 277, 300, 350, 361, 375, 376, 377 from Salee, Eva Antonise, 361 Jansz, Catharine, 141 Geertruyd. 55 Jannetje, 53 Jurian, 161 Neeltje, 47 Janszen, Jacob, 115 Jeffers, family of, 166 John, 89 Jelisen, Hans, 166 Jellekes, family of. 166 Jelleou. family of, 166 Jenes, family of. 166 Jenkins, John, 14 Jeppes, Jentein, 119 Jeraleman, Jan Janse, 54 Jeroe, Anthony. 19, 213. 274 family of, 166 Jeuriaens, Jannetje. 106 Jeuriausen, Lawrence, 208 Jewell, family of, 166 George. 301 Jillis (see'De Mandeville), 167 INDEX. 423 Jochems, David, 47, 134, 209, 275, 358 373 (Keld'ers). Dorothea, 128 family of, 167 Jochimseu (Jochem), family of, 167 Jochum, family of, 167 Joesten (see Joosten), 167 Johannes, Anne, 140 Jannetje, 176, 319 Jannetje JMiuues, 379 family of, 167 (Willems), Hendrickje, 171 ]\[aria, 270 Minne. 19, 70, 138, 157, 161, 167, 207, 212, 220, 271, 333, 374, 379 Johnson, 20, 26, 179, 330 Andrew, 10 Barent, 19, 20, 76, 219 Carson, 162, 269, 344 Catharine, 280, 362 Claes, 398 Coert, 336 Cornelia. 160 Cors 90 David, 100 Elizabeth, 375 (Jansen), family of, 168, 169 Hendrick, 279, 362 Gen. Jeremiah, 330 John or Johannes, 86 Loreuce, 344 Martha, 336 ]\Iary. 10. 59 - Myudert. 148 Tunis, 303 William, 155, 187, 209, 219, 397 Jonge, family of, 169 Jonges, family of, 169 Joniih, Hans.' 275 family of, 169 Lodewick, 70 Jones, Barbara, 302 family of, 169 Justice Morgan, 78, 79 Jonsou, Jon, 161 Lambert, 162 Joores (see Jores), 169 Joorise. Plendrick, 73 Joorith, family of, 169 Joosten, Barent, 155, 188, 262, 350, 375, 377 family of, 169, 170 Fraus, 351 Jacob, 302 Magdalena, or Helena, 354 Joris, Agatha or Echje, 215 Joris, Burger, 20 Jannetje, 168 Jorise, 294 Cornells, 273 (Jorisen), family of, 170, 171 Jacob, 152, 181 Marretje Joris, 56 Jorisen, Abraham, 49 Harmeu, 273 Jornej', family of, 171 Josephs (see Hegeman), 171 Journaj^ family of, 171 Juchum, Anthoni, 357 Juer (Jaer), family of, 171 Juresseu, Barnes, 219 Jure'x, Wyntie, 270 Juriaans, Engeltie, 328 Lysbet, 124 Ytie or Elsje, 113 Jurianse, Andrew Janse, 12 Andries Janse, 43, 272 family of, 171, 172 Lourens, 165, 393 Juriansen, Anneken, 57 Barent, 18, 380 Kaar, family of, 172 *• Kafter, family of, 172 Kaljiers, Anneken, 144 Kalugs. Salamon, 318 Kammega (Kamminga), (see Cam- mega,) 172 Kannens, family of, 172 Kapen, family of, 172 Karlesz (see Carlesz), 172 Karsten, family of, 172 Jan, 85 Kasparse, family of, 172 Joost, 89, 107 Kats (see Van Cott), 172 Kee, 141 (see Hendrickse, Jacoc or Ja- becq), 172 Kelly, John, 31 Kenger, family of, 172 Kenne, Adriaen, 17 family of, 172 Jacob Adriaense, 17 Kennet (Kenning), Antie, 85 Kent. 337, 345 Kerckhovon, Adam Adams, 52 Kermer, Nicholas, 259 Kerten, familv of, 173 Ketin, Helena". 190 Ketteltas, Gerret, 336 Keuninck, Albert, 177 Key, family of, 173 424 INDEX. Keyer, family of, 173 Kickham, family of, 173 Kieft, Gov., 23, 30, 35, 71, 148, 154, 208, 222. 223 Kiers, Jan. 380 Kierse (Kierseii, Kicrstede), fami- ly of, 173 Januetje, 342 Kierste, family of, 173 Gedaeu Jacobu.s, 145 Kierstede, Aima, 243 family of, 173 Haus, 190, 310 Jacobus, 127, 243 Jau, 380 John, 272 Rachel, 297 Kimber, Sarah, 52 Kinbear, family of, 174 Kiugsfort, Catharine, 209 Kiugsland, Edmond, 257 Kinne (see Kenue), 174 Adriaen Pieterse, 7 Peter, 172 Kip, 39 Annetio, 375 Catharine, 244, 389 famil)^ of, 174 Hendrick. 98, 206, 331 Jacob, 206, 342 Nikasy, 244 Pieter, 319 Tryntje, 154 Klaas, 69 (Klaasz), family- of, 174 Necltje, 123 W'", 82 Klement (see Clement), 175 Kley (see Clay), 175 Kleyn (see ( 'leyn), 175 Kliuckenberg, family of, 175 Klock (see Clock), 175 Klomp (see Moll, Lambert Huy- bertse), 175 Klyn, Dirk, 146, 192 Jan Cornelise, 23 Klynck, family of, 175 Knight, family of, 175 John, 335 Thomas, 47, 51 Kock, Gertrude, 103 Kockes, Alexander, 65 family of, 175 Kockout, Lieut. Joost, 284 Kockuyt (see Cockuyt), 175 Koeck (Kook), family of, 175 Koeger, family of, 175 Koenick (see Coenick), 175 Koerten, 66 Koffert, Maria, 314 Koker, family of, 176 (Kook), family of, 176 Kolesen, family of, 176 Kolf, family of, 176 Geertje, 96 Kouing, Frans, 84 Jacob, 225 Konger, family of, 176 Korom, family of, 176 Korsen (see Corsen), 176 Korten, 76 (Coerten), family of, 176 Mary, 160 Myndert, 154, 160. 178, 371 Wyntje, 178 Kosaerts, 76 Kouwenhoven (see Cowenhoven), 177 Kregier, Elizabeth, 82 'Martin, 220 Kroegers, Grietje, 139 Kroesen (see Croesen), 177 Krom, 388 family of, 177 Floris Willemse, 138, 261 Kueniuck, family of, 177 Kuiper (Cooper), (see Janse,) 177 Kunne (see Kenne), 177 Kuyn, Albert. 90, 127 Kuynen, Aelbert, 20 family of, 177 Kuyper, 161 family of, 177 Hendrick Claesen. 371 La Aloot, family of, 177 Laan (see Lane); 177, 355 Adriaentje, 144 Adrianke, 123 Elizabeth. 346 Helena, 10 Jannetie, 314 Mary or Maria, 361 La Chair, 218 Solomon, 346 Lacheman, Ab"', 364 La Clayu, Annetje, 96 La Clerk (Le Clerk, De Clerk) family of, 178 Jan, 87 Laen (Laan), Adriaen, 361 family of, 178 Jacob, 20 Katie, 89 INDEX. 425 Laen (Lane), Mattbeus, 292 La Febre (Le Febre, Le Fevre), family of, 178 Catbarine, 185 Isaac, 176 Magdalena, 104 La Forge (La Forse), family of, 178 Lagebersb, 163 family of, 178 Laberc, family of, 178 Lake, 123, 124, 158, 161 , Daniel, 82, 220, 291, 834, 376 Dirk, 376 Elizabetb, 159 , (Leek, Leuck), family of, 179, 1 180 i Jacobus, 149, 207 Jobn. 91, 157, 187, 219, 228, 270 I Margaret, 123, 149 Maria, 287, 376 | Neeltje, 149 Tbomas, 288 La Maistre (Le Maistre, La Meter), ■ family of, 180 Lamberts, 183 (Lammers), Jannetje, 333 Lambertse, Adriaen, 177 Catalintie Ariens, 177 Jan, 369 Rver, 358 Tbomas, 42, 56, 59. 120, 170, 178, 294, 383 Lambertsen, 360 Koger, 308 Tbomas, 193 Lambertsz (Lambertseu), family of, 180, 181 La Metre, Glandy, 61, 97. 113, 294 Lammerse, Adriaen, 36, 177 Tomas, 31, 230 Laniotbe, family of, 181 Pleter, 19 Lane (Laan, Laen, Lanen), family of, 181 Jacob, 22 (Lanen), Jobn, 355 Margaret, 32 Sopbia, 79 Svmon, 344 Lanell, family of, 181 Langefelt, Jan, 247 Langelaar, Maria Fbilipse, 214 Langeslraet, 283 Catrvntje, 292 Claesje, 190 Langestraet, Dirck, 250 family of, 181, 182 Gysbert, 250 Maria, 292 Stoffel, 53, 355, 384 Laning, Catbarine, 73 Lautsman, Arie Juriaansz, 40 Laorille, family of, 182 Laquire, Elizabetb, 324 Larensen, family of, 182 Laroe, Peter, 244 Susanna, 375 La Roux, Cbarles, 25 Lasay, Samson, 112 Larzelaer, 152 Catbarine, 276 (La Resieliere), family of, 183 Jacob, 329 La Tourette, Susanna, 354 Latter, Femmetje, 376 Laurens (see Lawrence), 183 Laurense (Laurentsz), (see Louwer- ense,) 183 Laurentsen, family of, 183 Laus, family of, 183 Lauwrensz, Jan, 335 Lavall, family of, 183 Law, family of, 183 Lawrence, Cbristoffel. 58 i Cytie, Savtie, or Eytie, 169 I family ot 183, 184 ! Hans, 200 i Jobn, 355 Styntje, 152 W"\ 279, 301 Lay, 163 i family of, 184 I Layforce, family of, 184 1 Layton, Elizabetb, 254 Leacock, family of, 184 Leak, Maria, 378 Lebliantbe, family of, 184 Lebring, Stryker, 108 Lecbinier (Lescuier), (see Luquier or Lesquier,) 184 Le Cler (Clerk), (see La Clerk,) 184 Ledge, family of, 184 Lee, family of, 184, 185 Mettbe, 262 Leeck, Jan, 174 Leek. Elizabeth, 314 Jobannes, 182 Jobn, 195 Leenda, Hester, 258 Leendertse, 78 family of, 185 Leendertsen (see Vandegnft), 185 426 INDEX. Leensen (Lennordsen), family of, 185 Leers (see Serdts). 185 Le Febre (see La Febre), 185 Leflferts, 1G4, 225, 349 Abaguil, 252, 294, 327, 346, 364 Abrabam, 146 Adrianna, 379 Aellie, 397 Altie or Neltie, 320 Antie, 81 Aucko, 136 CatJiarine, 397 family of, 185-187 Ida, 358 Isaac, 193 Jacob. 38, 294 Jacobus, 234, 319, 320, 324, 358 Jannetie, 234, 259 John, 8, 201, 313, 819 Leffert, 39, 100, 313, 319 Nicholas, 259 Peter, 293 Leffertsen, family of, 187 Lehey, family of, 187 Leisler, Capt., 214 Gov., 47, 79,85, 121, 176,179, 182, 215, 230, 281, 364 Le Maistre (see La Maistre), 187 ' Claude, 302 Lemmert, family of, 187 Lenard (Lenardsen), family of, 187 Lennordser, Sander, 44 Lennsen, Alexander, 216 Lent, Ab'", 49, 232, 268 Ann, '49 Elizabeth, 49 Isaac, 197 Jacobus, 232 Maria, 232, 235 Wyntje, 235 Leonard, Catharine, 114 Col., 114 James, 14 Leoome (Loone), family of, 187, 188 Lequier (Laquier), 188 Isaac, 75 Mary, 260 Le Roy, Frans Laru, 84 (Larua), Jonar, 307 Sarah. 356 Lescuye, Mary, 184 Lessurier, John, 196 ! Letelier, family of, 188 Lctton, Mary, 237 Lewis, family of, 188 Leydocker (.see Lydecker), 188 Leyden, family of, 188 Leynersen, famil}' of, 188 Sam>, 47 Lieveling, Elsje Barens, 264 Linde (Van der Linde), family of, 188 Peter, 195, 199, 246 Roelof, 49 Linnington, Samuel, 362 Lintweever, family of, 189 Lippincott, Richard, 13 Lispeuard, Abagail, 25 Livingston, family of, 189 Lock, family of, 189 John, 164, 223 Lodewyck, Annetje, 63 family of, 189 Lodt, Pieter, 100, 164, 186, 217, 349 Lollenox, Adriaenien, 119 Adriaentje, 62, 166 London, Ambrose, 74. 123, 144, 171, 208, 212, 392 (Lonnen). family of, 189 Samuel, 74 Longstreet, 45, 80 (Longestraet),(seeLangestraet,) 189 Loockerraau, 297 family of, 189, 190 Gerret, 253, 325 Go vert, 158 Jacob, 24 Loons, Annetje, 84 Loosie (see Looyse), 190 Lootman, family of, 190 Jurian, 857' Looyse (Loyse), family of, 190 Januetje, 91 Loras, familj' of, 190 Pieter, 225 Lord, family of, 190 Lorek (Leek), Femmetje, 12 Lose (Loise), Peter, 241 Losiers, 194 Lothie, Ab"\ 229, 271 Catharhie, 229, 271 Lott, 6, 141, 224, 226 Ab"\ 136, 182, 226, 282, 324 Antie, 40 (Loot), Bartel, 125, 248 Cath«, 99, 235, 288 Christopher, 230 INDEX. 427 Lott, Cornelia, 324 Engelbert, 100, 141, 226 family of, 190-193 Geertje, 362 Gertrude, 218 ' Hendrick, 218, 362, 370 Jacobus, 90 Jeremiah, 226, 227 Jeromiis, 232 Johannes, 195, 219, 232, 237, 290 John, 214, 293 JohnE., 110 Joris, 313, 356 Maria, 72, 252 (Loot), Peter, 125, 138, 145, 146, 166, 201, 234, 238, 324, 326 Stephen, 192 Lourens, famil}^ of, 193 Jan, 221 Louresse (see Duyts), 193 Louwer, family of, 193 Louwerense (see Duyis), 193 Louwerse, family of, 193 Louwrens, Mathaleen, 305 Seferyn, 247 Louws (Lous), 193 Louwsen (Louwen), (see Van SchooTiderwoert,) 193 Loveridge, W", 322 Lowe, Elizabeth, 104 family of, 193 Lowye, family of, 193 Lov, 158 " family of, 193 Loyd, Hannah, 91 Thomas, 91 Loyise, Pieter, 193 Loyse (see Looj^se), 193 Lozier, 163 family of, 194 Lubbertse. Altie Fredericks, 258 Elizabeth, 16 Elsje Fredericks, 33 family of, 194, 195 Frederick, 33, 78, 129, 130, 165, 246. 258, 274, 316, 382, 383 Geertje, 229 Gerret, 38, 57, 100, 138, 160, 164, 217, 257, 301 Gvsbert, 16 Ida or Eybe, 56 Lubbert, 96, 204 Rebecca Fredcrickse, 316 Tryntje, 217 Tys, 57, 102, 179 Lucas, Barbara, 261 (Jans), Barbara, 67 family of, 195 Lucasse (see Voorhees), 195 Lucee, Marke, 13 Luer, family of, 195 Luius, family of, 195 Lunde, family of, 195 Lupardus, Adrianna, 396 Ohristiaens, 290 family of, 195 Johanna or Annatje, 285 Do., 252, 396 Luquier, 104, 154, 163 Ante, 294 (Lesqiiier), family of, 195, 196 Rachel, 271 Luter, Marke, 51 Luvois, Ruth, 112 Luycasz (see Voorhees), 196 Luyster, 45. 71, 202, 224, 225 Adriaentje, 394 Anna, 197 Annatie, 109, 150 Antje, 21 Cor% 49, 141, 215, 232, 394 Elbert. 77 family of. 196-198 Hanna, 264 Johannes, 53 Marretje Pieterse, 210 Mary, 232 Pieter, 22, 29, 185, 210, 231 Pieter Cornelise, 268, 391 Sarah, 29, 246, 294 Lydecker, family of, 198 Ryck, 59 Lyndell, family of, 198 Thomas, 134 Lyon, Henry, 52 Mabelson, family of, 198 Mabs, family of, 198 Thomas, 391 Maby, Thomas, 74 Machielse (Machielsen), family of, 198. 199 Mackelyck, 224 family of, 199 Jan Pieterse. 131 Maenliout (see Van Crimpen), 199 Maeaw, Van Brunt, 207 Matet (see Marlet). 199 Maljeart (Maliert), family of, 199 Mallemacque, family of, 199 Mandaville, Antie or Anatie, 53 428 INDEX. Mandaville, Ilendrick. 53 Mandevel, Grietje, 202 Mange, Jan, 130 Manguy, family of, 199 Jonas, 217 Maniel, Cristine, 344 Manje, 156 family of, 199 J., 246 (Monnye), Jan, 10, 188 Manout (Maenhout), family of, 199, 300 Marcken (see Van Marcken), 200 Marcus, 180 (Marcuse), family of, 200 Marcl, family of, 200 Maris, family of, 200 Marius, Pieter Jacobse, 101 Marlet (Malet), family of, 200 Abraham, 200 Marsh, Charles, 279 family of, 200 John,' 365 Marshalk, Ab">, 259 Marshall, Charles, 127 Ed., 200 family of, 200, 201 Marten, family of. 201 Marteuooy, Teuntje, 201 Martens, Catryn, 319 family of, 201 Fytie or Sophia, 83 ,, Geertje, 330 Macheltje, 19 Peter, 247 Lyutje, 243 Martense, 7, 240 Adrian, 49 family of, 201 George, 331, 332 Gerret, 112, 187, 321 Januetje, 290 Joris, 252. 320 Leffert, 319, 321 Nelly, 332 Lieut. Poelof. 284 (Vanderbilt), Sarah, 136 Martier, Johannes, 79, 80 Martino, family of, 201 Martling, Deborah, 276 Marty n (Mertyn, Martin), family of, 201, 202 Jan, 90 Masgrove (see Mussri'ove), 202 Mash, family of, 202 Maskop (Masschop), Anna Eliza- beth, 386 Matice, Henry, 65 Matthews, 49 Matthys, 359 Matthyse, family of, 202 Mattyse, Loutweyns, 142 Maunseli, Maj. Gen., 280 Maurits (see Will em Morris), 202 Mauritzen. Jacob, 317 Mauveryck, family of, 202 Mayers, Luvkes, 312 Mayerse (see De Meyer), 202 Meddagh (see Middagh), 202 Megapolensis, family of, 203 Hillegond, 360 Johannes, 205 Do., 15, 36, 296 Machtelt, 242, 310 Meet, 163 family of, 202, 203 Pieter Jansen, 97 Meigs, family of, 203 Meinders, Hendrickje, 160 Meinst, family of, 203 Mellesen (see Metlaere), 203 Melouaer (Molenaer), family of, 203 Menjer (Miuge), 203 Sami, 10 Mennist, family of, 203 Meutelaer, 69 Claes Cornelise, 361 family of, 204 Merlet (see Marlet), 204 Mertyn (see Martyn), 204 Messcher, 198 family of, 204 Messelaer,' Ab"", 216 family of, 204 Messerole', 229 Jacob, 290 Jan, 275, 358 -Jean Juu'', 67 John, 47, 167, 347, 365 Sarah, 263 Messeur (Messier), Ab"\ 79 Metlaere (Mellesen), family of, 204 Metselaer, Egbert Teunise, 107 Meyer, Elsje, 265 Luykes, 63 Meyerse, Luykes, 106 Meynje, Judith Janse, 10 Micliaels, Paryntie. 62 Michaelse (see Bergen, Parmentier, and Vaiidervoort), 204 Rynier, 341 Michard. Paul, 282 Michil, family of, 205 INDEX. 429 Michil, Richard, 205 Michielse (Michielsen), family of 205 Michil szen, Keyer, 303 Middaiih, 158, 300 Aert, 289 Acrt Aersen, 347 Aert Anthonize, 32, 300 | Aert Teunissen, 300, 305 \ Ann Aertsen, 236 , Derick, 347 1 Diana, 232 (Meddach), family of, 205, 206 Garret, 232 Gerret A., 79 Helena Ardszen, 84 Jan, 196 Jan Aardsz, 95 Jan Aersen, 189, 215, 224 Jan Aertse, 184 Jan Arisen, 215 Lvsbeth Aersen, 273- Sarah, 196 Millard, James, 279 Miller, W", 270 Milles (see Baes), 206 Mills, family of, 207 Jonathan, 293 Minck, 261 Mincma, Rev. B., 249 Minders, Annitie, 355 Mineola, Miiine Johannes, 167 Mingo (Minger), (see Menger,) 207 Minne. Johannes, 167 Minnes (Minnest), family of, 207 Minuit, Director, 53 family of, 207 Miserol, Jan, 194 John Jun^ 200 Miseroll (see Messerole), 207 Missepadt, Jannetje, 143 Mitel aer, 69 (^litalers), family of, 207 Mitfort, Anne, 131 Mizorel (31esserole), Jacob, 290 Mody, Lady Deborah, 45, 51. 58, 74, 131. 144, 148. 208, 222, 223, 277, 303, 344, 371 (Moody), family of. 207, 208 Henry, 44, 207, 371 Moelenaer, Arent, 157 Sarah, 111 Moelett. family of, 208, 209 Moll, 39. 180 family of, 209 Lambert Huybertsen, 151, 180, 275 Moll, Ryer Lambertse, 224 Montague, Councillor, 199 Montange, Jan, 174 Moutanye, Ab™, 237 Monfoort, 224 family of, 209-211 Jan, 48, 197 Jannetje, 77, 80 Joost, 104 Maria, 253 Maritie, 253 Sarah, 237, 394 Susanna, 254 Pieter, 43. 77, 80, 197, 224, 254, 255, 366, 394 Willemtje Pieterse, 285 Monuel (Mon Vel), family of, 211 Moody (see Mody), 211 Moore, family of. 211 Gersham. 279 Mary, 279 Richd, 14 Morgan, Catharine, 278-280 Charles, 121, 228, 278, 344 Daniel, 329 Dorothy, 369 family of. 211, 212 Joseph, 110 Susanna, 121 Moris, family of, 212 Morrell, family of, 212 John. 15, 74 Thomas, 297, 344 Morrice, John, 208 Morris, family of, 212 Robert Hunter, 312 W"\ 143, 167 Mott, Adam, 274, 275 family of, 212, 218 Maria or Mary, 275 Mary, 279 Mouljeart, Jan, family of, 213 Mount, Geo., 14 3Iouris (Mourisen), family of, 213 Mouriseu, Kuoert, 306 Mowritson, Col., 208 Muffe, family of, 213 Munny, John, 108 Murphy, 345 Hon. H. C, 331, 337, 339 342 H. C. Jun', 210 Musgrave, W"", 134 Mus^rove, family of, 213 Musserol (see Messerole), 213 Mynders, Heudrickje or Hauna, 154 430 INDEX. Nachtegal, Lysbeth, 171 Naeller, family of, 213 Nagel, 161, 1G2, 171, 172 Aeltje, 282 Annetje, 320 family of, 213, 214 Jan, 119 Jane, 240 Nauniuex, Geertjen, 207 Nazareth, family of, 214 Naerson, Jane, 390 Neefus, Adriaentje, 334 John, 197 Negro, family of, 214 Nekoers, family of, 214 Nelse, family of, 214 Nelsie, Jan, 325 Neu, family of, 214 Nevius, Catharine, 395 David, 375 (Nefyes, Neefus), family of, 215, 216 Jan, 22 Johanna, 285, 292 Johannes, 206, 253, 395 John, 198 Martin, 379 Mary or Maria, 206 Neeltje, 378, 380 Pieter, 254 Roelof, 379 Sarah Catharine, 196 Newberrie, Libcrtje, 308 Newton, Capt. Brian, 185 (Nuton), family of, 216 Nicholas the Frenchman, 216 Nicholls, 43 family of, 216 - Francos, 377 Nicolls, Capt., 17 Gov., 14, 41, 42, 75, 78, 130 Noll, Mangel Jausseu, 399 Noorman,"l63 family of, 216 Pieter Janse, 204, 261 Noortbrook (Noertbrook, Van Noortbrook), 153, 163 familv of, 216 Nordeu, family of, 216 Nortlyck (VanOrteck), Maria Mar- greta, 324 Nortwyck, Cornelia, 209 Nostrand (Noorstrant), (see Van Nostrand,) 216 Nuton (see Newton), 217 Nysseu, Davit, 199 family of. 217 Oake (see Van Nuyse), 217 Oatwater, D^ Thomas, 228 Obee (Obe), family of, 217 Oblinus, Hendrick, 303 Oerretsen, family of, 217 Oesteroem, 160 (Oesterstroem), family of, 217 Oesterstroem, Hendrick Janse, 14, 100, 164, 257, 338 (VanOesterstroem), Jansen, 100 Okie, John, 22 Oldys, Benjamin, 248 Oliver, Catharine, 79 family of, 217 W'", 256 Onderdonk, 11, 12, 15 Adriaen, 267 Andries, 191, 320 Catharine, 136 family of, 217, 218 Gertruyt, 136 Peter, 253 Rachel, 271 Op Dyck (Op den dyck), family of, 218, 219 Gisbert, 98, 219, 224 Orretsen, family of, 219 Osborne, family of, 220 W™, 279 Osstoostorm (see Oesteroem), 220 Osterliuge, family of, 220 Ostrander, Cor% 198 Otter, John, 358 Ouke (see Van Nuyse), 220 Outwater, Catrina, 244 Elizabeth, 244 Passsel, family of, 220 Painter (Payntten), family of, 220 Palmenter, Michael Pietersz, 83 Palmer, family of, 220 Palmetier (.see Parmentier), 220 Palsen, family of, 220 Paltrat, Mary, 211 Pansz, family of, 220 Pauten, Ritsaert, 220 Pantter, family of, 220, 221 (Painter), John, 304 Para (see Praa), 221 Annetje, 12 Parcel, John, 53 Thomas, 22 Paris (Parys), family of, 221 Parmentier, 225 (Palmentier, Parmentier), family of, 221 Peter, 266 • INDEX. 431 Parsil, family of. 221 Passensey, family of, 223 Pastoor (see Frans Barrents), 222 Frans Bareutse, 61, 90 Patridgc, Mr., 375 Patricke, Hannah, 13 Pattison, Ed., 13 Paulding, family of, 222 Paulus, Derk, 67 M^ 365 Paulusz, family of, 222 Pauluzen, Johannes, 329 Paynter (see Painter), 222 Paynteu, Richard, 154 Peaen, family of, 222 Pella, Catharine, 398 Pemberton, Rev. Richard, 280 Penewits, family of, 222 Penuoyer, 24, 311-313 family of, 222, 223 Penyer (Peuuover), Robert, 24,176, 207, 208; 303, 342 Penykhert, family of, 223 Perrine, Elizabeth, 282 -^ Sarah, 282 Peters (see Pieters), 223 Petti t, Richard, 53 *.,. Philips, 9 / Anuetje. 99 Daui, 60 family of, 233 Frederick, 106 (Klits), Jannetje Laugelaen,214 Johannes. 293 Rachel, 88 Samuel, 84 Pieces, family of, 223 John, 189 Picet (Piket), family of, 238 Michael, 317 Pieters, Aeltje, 91 Altie, or Elsie, 91 Aunatie, 272 Annetje, 43, 171 Ariaentje. 54 Christine, 200 (Pietersen), Derick, 311 Engeltie, 209 (Pietersen, Pietersz), family of, 223-225 Geertje, 210 Gesstje, 158 Hend'rick, 319 John, 301, 344 Kenira, 171 (Pia, Pea), 3Iaria, 176, 285 Susanna, 344 Pieters, Tryn, 209 Willemtje. 377 Wylemyntie, 156 Pieterse, Cunira, 139 Engeltie Louwerens, 314 Geertruy, 373 Helena, 341 Helena orMagdalena Lefferts, 331 Jan, 273, 350 John. 333 Leffert, 43, 71, 138, 147, 163, 164, 185, 186, 187, 201, 218, 305, 321, 349, 351, 366 Lena or Magdalena, 201 Loras, 22 Louwerens, 314 Magdalena, 351 Maria, 356 Pieter, 164, 186, 349 Winant, 392 Pietersen, Ab">, 101 Auuetien. 158 Chrystintje, 234 David, 188 Geertje, 210 Jan, 35, 164, 199, 308 Jochem, 69, 120, 164, 180 John, 24 Lena, 28 Wesevel, 381 Pischer, Cregier, 357 family of, 325 Plank (Yerplancken), Abagail, 343 (Verplancken), Abratn Isaac- sen, 343 Play, Hendrick, 111 Plevier, Elizabeth, 112 Pluvier, Cornells, 78 family of, 225 Poillion, jaques, 282 Martha, 282 ]Mary, 281 Poingot. family of, 226 Poland (see Poling), 326 Polhemius, 238 Abraham, 253. 305 Adrian na. 259 Anna, 367 Catharine, 138 Catrina, 104 Daniel, 259, 333, 334, 345 Do.,8, 18, 73, 87, 88, 91,93, 95, 98, 103. 128, 154, 163, 165, 174, 183. 191, 192. 200. 202, 203. 208, 215, 216, 272, 394, 396, 300, 310, 339, 331, 367 432 INDEX. Polhemius, Elizabeth, 93, 103 (Polhemus), family of, 326- 228 Helena, 135 Johannes Theodorus, 341 Margaret, 11 Margarita, 73 Mary or Maria, 112 Matilda, 235 Sarah, 238 Tenuis, 109 Tlieodorus, 41, 183, 184, 238^ 303, 873 r-^ ■ Poling (Poland), family of, a28 / John, 219, 276 \y Sam', 397 Pollock, Thomas, 311 Poppe (Poppen), family of, 228 Poppen, John, 340 Pos (Post), W", 67, 316 Post, Belitje, 40 (Pos), family of, 228 Possell (Persell), Thomas, 221 Pottaa-ie, Jan, 68, 359 Potteu, Tho% 13 Poulion. family of, 229 Poulis, Elizabeth, 47 family of, 229 Poulus, Eeggeyn, 19 Poulussen, family of, 229 Praa, Annatie Pieterse, 273 Annckc Pieters, 161 (Prat), family of, 229 Pieter, 7, 271 Pratt, Jonathan, 381 Prieusz, family of, 239 Prince, Phcbe, 254 Probasko, 171, 229, 230 Christotfel, 288, 308 family of, 229, 230 Heyltje, 238 Jaunetje Juriaansen, 390 Xjammetje, 308 Sara, 126 Stoffiel, 61, 118, 137, 138, 186, 187, 253, 274, 289 Probatskin, family of, 230 Provoost, Barbara, 352 David, 125, 166, 229 family of, 230, 331 Grietje, 256 Jillis, 143 Jonathan, 259 Maria, 258 W", 166 Pulman, Jan Ilendrickse, 141 family of, 231 Purdy, family of, 231 Quackenbosch, Elizabeth, 54 Quck, 352 Quelek, Maria, 16 Quimby, Deborah, 123 Joim, 123 Quirynsen, Lieut., 337 Quitans, John, 329 \ Raber, Claude, 166 Radjes, Thomas, 262 Rapalie, 170, 171, 275, 346 Ab">, 49, 197 Adriauna, 294 Aeltje, 249 Agnietje, 253 Anna, 104 Ann Maria, 59 Annatie Joris, 117 Annetje, 41, 241 Antie. 253 Antje, 191 Catelyna, 366 ~ Catharine, 315 Cornelius, 49 Daniel, 34, 41, 49, 196, 197, 253, 284, 315, 398 Engeltie, 313 (Kapalje), family of, 231-335 Femmetje, 29 '^' Folkert, 226, 330 George, 127, 206, 238, 353 George or Isaac, 354 Gerret, 94 Hieronemus, 94, 364 Jacob, 48, 109, 193 Jannetje, 239 Jeronemus, 29, 33, 186, 280, 287, 808 Johannes. 39. 335 John, 318, 347, 376 Joris, 35, 79, 125, 173, 284 Joris Danielse, 847 Joris Jauseu, 33, 41, 165, 339, 341, 326, 347, 366 Judith, 847, 383 Lametie, 49 Lvsbeth or Elizabeth, 146 Maria, 249, 326 Marytje, 136 Neeltie, 358 Sarah, 33, 41, 49, 197, 339, 353 Tunis, 59, 393, 353 Rasco, family of, 235 Rateo, family of, 235 John, 24 !> INDEX, 433 Rawles, family of, 235 Reape, W'", 13 Rebliuuths, family of, 235 Reed (Cowue), Deborah, 280 Rees, family of, 235 Reggs, family of, 236 Reiuiers, Auke, 242 (Reyuiersz, Reinierszen), fam- ily of, 236 Gerretje, 180 Grietje, 154 Reiniel•!^e, Magdalena, 115 Remsen, 32, 31 9, 321 Ab'", 99, 205, 226, 333 Auna, 101 Auue, 29 Annetje, 120 Alls, 234, 235 Biegie, 99 Catalyntje or Cathariue, 79, 239 Catriua, 40 Daniel, 100, 226 Derick, 192 Elizabeth, 232, 235 family of, 236-240 Femmetje, 137, 193 Gertrude, 226 Hendrick, 239 Hetty or Helleu, 252 Hilletje, 321 Ida, 367, 389 Isaac, 211, 347 Jacob, 333, 381 Jau, 378 Janiietje, 100, 349, 378 Jeremiah, 35, 232, 253 Jeremias, 230, 367, 389 Joim, 84 Jores, 34, 86, 90, 227, 332, 235, 392 Joris or George, 214 Lammetje, 253 Marv, 86 Peter, 90 Rem, 32. 34, 42, 138, 321 Sarah, 86, 240 Remerson, Anna, 78, 79 Remmels, family of, 236 Remmersen (Remmertsz), family of, 236 Gerrit, 121 Mary or ^Maria, 121 Remmertseii, Mary, 44 Rendenhaseii, family of, 236 Reuvenkomp, Elsje, r34 Reycke (see Suydam), 240 28 Reyerse, Adriaen, 7, 73, 138 (Reyersen, Ryersen) family of ._ 240, 241 Geertje, 293 Gosen Adrianse, 819 Jan, 377 Katharine Marteuse, 35 Marten, 117, 234 Reyniers, Geertje, 159 Reynierse (Ryuierse), family of,. 241, 242 Ribut, family of, 242 Richards, family of, 242 Pauhis, 305, 310 Richardson (Richerson), family of,. 242 Rich, 40, 41 Aeltje, 93, 324 Albert, 81, 312 Ann or Auke, 357 Annetje Martense, 240 Annetje Roelofse, 299 Antie, 233, 375 Catalina, 230 Catharine, 78, 90, 103 Cornelia, 104 Cor», 197 family of, 249-255 Femiiietje, 290 Rev. G. C, 45, 287 Gerret, 81, 361 GerritR., 376 Gilbert, 231 Jan Martense, 380 Jan Roelofse, 80 Jane, 238 Jannetje Janse, 101 INDEX. 435 Schenck, Jannetje Roelofse, 215 John R., 81 Johannes, 104, 191 Koert Gerretse, 80 Leah, 80 Luke, 238 Magdalena, 42 Margarita, 289 Margaret, 72, 181 Margrietje, 81 Margrietje R. , 77 Maria, 40, 291 Marretjc, 287 Martin, 232, 294, 295, 398 Marten M., 233 Martin R., 238, 379 Martin Roelofse, 40, 48, 380 Mary, 264 " Marytje Roelofse, 137 Matje or Marytje, 324 Mavkeor SaraR., 378 Minne, 209 Neeltje, 77, 285, 396 Nelly, 78, 181, 312, 357 Pieter. 350 Rachel, 182 Rensie, 232. 395, 398 Roelof, 78, 90 Roelof Martense, 24, 77, 78, 190, 210, 397 Sarah, 78. 110, 346, 378 Stephen Janse, 394 Willemtje, 11, 398 Yannetje, 271 Scherpenzeel, Johanna, 250 Schippen, Cornelis Jacobse, 317 Schoeumaker, family of, 255, 256 SohoU, Aunetje Pieters, 91 Peter Jansen, 313 Scholt, Pieter Janszen, 231 Schonen, Luytie, 343 School (Schol, Schal), family of, 256 Schot, family of, 256 Schotdelt, family of, 256 Schouten, Annekeu, 241 Ary, 345 Lvsbet, 46 Sarah, 247, 319 Schreck, Panlus, 297 Schroech, family of, 256 Schut, family of, 25G Fytje or Eytje, 68 Schuyler, Aaron, 339 Arent Philipse, 297 family of, 256, 257 Gertrude, 315 Schuyler, Peter, 133 Schwout, Co^^ 29 Scott, Capt., 12, 66, 69, 70, 114, 153, 156, 158, 203, 220, 245, 339 family of, 256 Rand ell, 217 Rodger, 208, 217, 223, 304 W", 129 Scouten, Jan, 28 Scudder, Elizabeth, 10 family of, 257 John, 10 Seabrook, Dan^, 376 Seals, John, 125 Jan, 94 Seavenhoven. John, 196 Sebring (see Seubriug), 257 Sedgwick, 337, 345 ^ Seen, family of, 257 Seerjeans, Lyutje Dircke, 139 Seerjersy, family of, 257 Seers (Serdts, Leers), family of, 257 Gerret, 225 Segerse, family of, 258 Gerret, 26'l Selover, family of, 258 Selteus, Geertje, 382 Sely (Zceleu), family of, 258 Selyns, family of, 258 Serdts (Leers), (see Seers,) 258 Seuberen, Jan, 186, 349 Seubring (Sebring, Seberiug), fam- ily of, 258-260 Christine or Styntje, 362 Cornelia, 194, 200, 226, 383 Jacob, 324 Jan, 9, 135, 138, 183, 294 John, 227 John Roelofse, 227 Lambertje, 289 Lucas, 101 Maria, 197 Willempie Roelofse, 380 Seuw (see Zeuw). 260 Sevenhoven, family of, 260 Shabberly, W-, 13 Shaddock, W"\ 13 Sharex, family of, 260 Thomas, 261 Sharpe, family of, 260, 261 Sharse, family of. 261 Sherman, Sarah, 29 Shirox, Thomas, 333 Shutter, family of, 261 Siboutsen, Harck, 197 Wyntje, 197 436 INDEX. Sibrants, Aeltjc, 80 Sickells (Sickelen), family of, 261 Lambert, 132 Siebouts, Marritjc, 106 Sighalsz, family of, 261 Simmons, David, 244 family of, 261 Simons, Catharine, 370 family of, 261 Heudrickje, 105 Jannetje, 103 Simonse, Claes, 216, 262 Hannis, 356 (Symonse, Simouseu), family of, 261, 262 Isaac, 320 Jeimeke, 358 Mavetje, 204 Simou, 356 Siraousen, John, 18 Reymeriza, 93 Simpson, Alexander, 18, 272, 380 Elizabeth, 52, 55 (Simson, Svmpson), family of, 262, 263" Peter, 92, 189, 219, 297, 344 ■ Sirachs, Titus, 9, 138, 305. 367 Sirex (Svreclis), (see De Vries.) 263 Lieut. Titus, 284 Sissell, Ricb'', 14 Skennis, family of, 263 Skidniore, John, 279 Skillman, faznily of, 263 Joost, 204 Thomas, 26 .. Slecht, Cor^ Bareutse, 97 family of, 263, 264 Sleght, 70, 139, 141 " Ann Catharine, 129 Cornells Hendricks, 329 Henry, 49 (Slegt), Johannes, 33 Slingerlant, James, 244 Slodt (Slot), family of, 264 Sloger, Sophia, 356 Sloover (see Selover), 264 Sloughter, Gov., 136, 205 Slover, Anna, 66 Sluyter, 339 Pieter, 331 Smack, 45, 141 Hcndrick, 250 Hendrick Matthysc, 21 Hendrick Mattyse, 75, 92 Hendrick Mattyseu, 151 (Smock), family of, 264, 265 Marretje Hendricks, 75 Smack, Marrytje or Martyntie, 354 Sarah, 39 Smalle, Elizabeth, 265 Smidt, 61, 267, 301, 327 Smit, Claes Claessen, 83, 167, 295, 328, 381 Claes Cornelise, 35 Neltje or Ellinor Claes, 123 Peter, 206 Smith, Adam, 377 Aeltje, 316 Ann, 111 Barent, 196 Catharine, 218] Ed., 13 Elizabeth, 114, 206 Elsie, 129 (Smidt, Smit), family of, 265, 266 Gerardus, 259 Hendrick, 231 Hendrick Barentse, 316 Herreman, 266 Jan, 123 Jasper, 36 Johannes, 316 John, 14, 111, 114, 120 Lieut. Richard, 280 Judge Samuel, 207 Thomas, 35, 36, 95 W"\ 384 Willemtje, 316 Smock, 202 (see Smack), 266 Smyt, family of, 266 Snedekcr, 159 family of, 266-268 Gerrit, 39, 40, 94, 138, 342, 394 Gcrrit Janse, 152 Jannetje. 197, 391 John, 192 John I., 36 Margaret, 152 Rebecca, 39, 40 Sarah, 218 Sarah or An tie, 109 Snedirix, Grietje, 61 Snyder, Catharine, 320 Jacobus Pieter, 191 Snysken, familj' of, 268 Sodder, Margaret, 140 Sodelaers, Anna or Johanna, 272 Soissen, familj- of, 268 Soldael, family of, 268 j, Soogemackelvck, Auneken Pieters, 18 Souss, family of, 269 INDEX. 437 Southard (Southart), family of, 269 Thomas, 155 Southward, Samuel, 279 Sparse (Sparare), family of, 269 Thomas, 258 Specht. Herman, 258 Machteld, 258 Speere, Benjamin, 14 Spencer, James, 311 Spicer, Ann, 179 family of, 269, 270 Michael, 157 Martel or Michael, 284 Sam>. 13, 123, 219, 351, 388 Susanna, 46 Tho^ 26, 46, 163, 179, 208, 248, 344 Spiegelaer, Jan, 24, 270, 321, 398 Spier, Hendrick Jansen, 321 Samuel, 304 Sprat, family of, 270 Springsteen, 59 Casper, 286 David, 38 family of, 270, '271 Gerret, 333 Jannetje, 319 Joost Casparse, 229 Sprong, David, 196 (Sprungh), family of, 271, 272 Folkert, 255 C4abriel, 347, 392 Gerret, 67 John, 63 Sprung, Anna or Annetje, 300 Annetje, 105 Antie, 315 Barbara, 66 Catharine, 392 David, 327 Gerret, 268 John, 272, 300 Staats, 161, 163, 224 Catrina, 378 Elsje Pieters, 107 family of, 272, 273 Hendrick, 330 Jan Janse, 43, 134, 198 Jan Pieterse, 156, 158, 229 Pieter. 100, 205, 336, 364 Pieter Jansen, 164 Pieter Pieterse, 305 Rebecca, 100 Stagge, Isaac, 244 Stanson (Stansie), family of, 273 Stats (Stals), Jan, 382 Stealman (see Jan Hendrick Stel- man), 273 Steendam, family of, 273, 274 Jacob, 19, 166, 213 Steentre, ]\Iachtelt Willemse, 203 Will em, 203 Steenhuys, Engelbert, 158 (Steenhuyseu), family of, 274 Steenwyck, Cor% 61, 258 Steger, "Daniel, 169 Stegge, Jacob, 42 "W"\ 54 Steggeller, family of, 274 Steght, Hendrick, 386 Sternmets, family of, 274 Stellenwerf, Femmetje, 358 Stelman, family of, 274 J. H., 118, 275 Stemnek, Capt., 136 Stephens (Stephense), family of, 274, 275 John, 108 Stephense, Hendrickjen, 173 Thomas, 275 Stepper, family of, 275 Stevens, Elizabeth, 265 Jannetje, 107 Stevense, Albert, 272 Steymets, Benjamen, 160 Stiger, family of, 275 Stiles, Richard, 281 Stille, 152 Cor^ Jacobsen, 209 family of, 275 Stillwcll, Abagail, 109 Ales, 144, 145 Ann, 26, 371 Ann or Annatie, 24 Anna, 50 Annetje, 390 Capt., 18 Dani. 168, 200 Elyas, 200 family of, 275-382 John.' 121, 124, 172 Joost, 389 Justice, 390 Lieut., 165, 344 Maria, 168 Mary, 168 Nicholas, 16, 50. 67, 86, 103, 103, 108, 131, 144, 145, 155, 173, 182, 211, 219, 246, 256 313, 371, 387, 390, 391 Nicholas Jun^ 168, 221 Samuel, 144, 145 Thomas, 127 438 INDEX. Stilhvell, Rebecca, 108 Richurd, 37, 184, 219, 231, 284 W", 116 Stock (Stook, Hoock), family of, 282 Stockliolm, Andrew, 214 Cuthariue, 233, 235 family of, 282 Margaret, 325 Lena, 60 Stoffles, Jacob, 296 StoflFelse, Albert Gerritse, 9 Gerrit, 9, 291 'Jacob, 78 Stoffelsz, family of, 283 Stoll, family of, 283 Rob', 26 Stommatie (see Willem Brayne), 283 Stook, 160 Stootboff, 107 Agatha or Achia, 338 Elbert, 195 Elbert Elbertse, 18, 64, 68, 124, 250, 256. 269, 298, 338, 387 family of, 283-285 Gerret, 18, 89, 107, 159, 215, 289, 380 Gerret Elbertse, 210, 222 Helen, 380 Helen or Heiltie, 387 Johanna or Annatie, 33 Johannes, 40, 253 Petrus, 375 Sarah, 380 Wilhelmus, 375, 376 W"', 377 Storm, Derick, 270 family of, 285, 286 Maria, 270 Story, family of, 286 Henry, 35, 68, 113 Rob', 14. 89, 166 Stot, Mary, 147 Stout, 13, 45, 125, 149, 179, 208 David, 335 (Stouce), family of, 286 Mary, 44 Rich^ 13, 125, 208, 301, 344 Stoutenburg, Tennis. 354 Straetman, family of, 287 Teuntie or Tryntje, 69 Strockles, 'family of, 287 Hendrica, 130, 131, 199 Strong, Roger, 287 Stryker, Ab», 26, 246 Aeltie, 48, 374 Stryker, Angenietje, 42 Anuitie, 206 Barend, 137 Cornelius, 280 Derick, 207 (Strycker), family of, 287-290 Femmetje, 324 Geertje, 396 Gerret, 42, 43, 47, 101, 123, 125, 327, 380 Hendrick, 138 Ida, 230 Jacob, 55, 205, 284, 316 Jan, 16, 33, 34, 48, 62, 83, 138, 195, 230, 264, 274, 295, 341 Capt. Jan, 284 Jannetje, 34, 204 John, 252 Larametje, 11, 191, 195, 285, 390 Lam met je or Willem tie Johnse, 396 Magdalen a, 206 Peter, 7, 191, 202, 369, 370 Samuel, 255 Sara, 33 Seytie, 319 Sietje, 136 Wyntje, 18 Sturm, Hendrick, 318 Stuyvesant, 335 family of, 290 Margaret, 17 Gov. Petrus, 24, 37, 56, 65, 71, 90, 100, 118, 120. 157, 178, 198, 223, 274, 294, 295. 296, 299, 303, 309, 316, 323, 368, 397 Stymats, Benjamin, 110 (Steumiets). Casper, 274 Styssen (see Stille). 290 Suebering (see Seubring), 290 Suebern, Jan, 164 Sullivan, family of, 290 Surtell, family of, 290 James, 46 Sutphen, 158, 357 Aart, 346 Ab'", 21 Benjamin, 345 Derick, 255 Dirck. 181, 182, 354 Dirck Janse, 169, 283 Elizalieth, 357 family of, 291, 292 Gysbert, 354, 356 Hank or Hendrickje, 314 INDEX. 439 Sutplieu, Isaac, 21" Jacob, 37; 355 Jan, 182 Mayke, 357 Sutton, family of, 293 Sutvin, Elizabeth. 179 Suydam, 130, 139, 140, 142, 346 359 Ab"^ Lott, 35 Auatie, 235 Andrew, 192 Cornelis, 361 Elsje, 192 Evert, 43 Eyte or Ida, 187 family of. 293-294 HendVick, 109, 186, 187, 193, 233, 334, 341, 353. 366 Hendrick Ryke, 9, 109, 184 Ida, 345 Jacob Hendrickse, 138 Jacobus, 398 Jan, 363 Jannetje. 38. 338 John. 139, 371 Lambert. 186 Metje, 138 Rinier, 259 Ryck, 21, 197 Ryck Hendrickseu, 162, 226 Seytje, 139 Willemtje, 375 Swaehvood, Cornelis, 237 Swaeu (see Swaen Jause Van Luane, 394 Swain (Sweem), John, 33 Swart, 139 .,.„„. (Swartwout), family of, 394, 395 Jacob, 344, 381 (Swartcop), Jacob, 289 Jacomina or Jacomynchy Ja- cobs, 331 Johannis, 364, 311 John. 197 Rebecca, 149 Tomas, 338 Tunis, 196 Sweet, family of, 396 Sarah, 197 Sweers, family of, 396 Swelliuaut, Cornelius, 308 . family of, 296 Swenhoveu, Jau, 184 Swirrel, family of, 296 Swol, family of, 296 Sybrants, Wyntje, 52 Sylvester, Nath>, 13 Syn, 161 family of, 396 Symons, Jan Jorise, 350 Symonse (see Simonse), 396 Symousen, Mattye, 310 Sympsou (Symson), (see Simpson,) 396 Tadens (Tates), family of, 396, 297 Michael, 130, 131 Taelman. Harmen Douweuszen, 167 Talman, Cornells, 53 Tart, Edward, 13 Taylor, 354 ' family of, 297 Rob', 14 Teller, family of, 397 Jauneke, 356 W°>, 189, 312, 309 ! Tenes, family of, 298 ' Ten Eck, Adriaen, 326 Ten Eyck, Ab"\ 21 Anne, 255 family of, 297, 298 Johanna, 227 Koeuraet Jun"", 32 Margaritje, 41 ilarytje, 185 Sophia, 398 Teunis, 113 Tobias, 135 Wyntje. 79 Ter Hart (sec De Hart), 298 Terhune, 8, 154, 164 Albert, 272, 381 Albert Albertse, 21, 50, 274, 315, 361, 380, 381, 385 Antie, 105 fam'ilv of, 298, 299 Geesje, 318 Gerrebrecht, 147 Jan Albertse, 254, 361 John, 103 Margrietje, 334, 335 ' Roeiof. 395 Sam', 395 Sarah, 22 Sarah Albertse, 351 Steplien, 259 Stvutje Albertse, 244 Willemtje, 104 Terneur. family of. 299 Terragou. family of, 399, 300 Terrin, family of. 300 Terry, Rebekkah, 304 440 INDEX, Tetus (Titus), 356 Teunis, Annetje, 359 Antje, 342 Engel, 328 Teunlje, 289 Teunise, Deuyse, 27, 129, 227, 291 (Teunisz, Theunise, Tunise), fuiiiily of, 300, 301 Jan, 92, 95, 217, 220, 225 Truytjc, 295 Teuniscn, Aert, 205, 305 Jan, 101, 243 Texsel, Joliiinnes, 271 Theunis, Claesjc, 275 • Grietje, 120 Maria, 270 Thomas,' Abed ucffo, 276 Eno-eltje, 286" family of, 301 John, 10, 184, 344 Lysbeth. 153, 170, 178, 329 (Ateii), Lysbeth, 139 Maria. 165 (Baddie), Maria or Mary. 318 Mary, 29 W'""H., 281, 291 Sam', 281, 291 Tliomasseii (Tomassen, Tomase), family of, 301 Johannes, 152 Thompkins, Nath', 14 Thorne, faniilv of, 301, 302 Jacob. 294 William, 208 Throckmorton, Alice, 281 John, 13 Rebecca, 276 Thai (see Tul), 302 Thurston, Ed., 14 Thyssen, Jan, 258 Jannetje, 121 Lysbeth. 247 Thysz (Matthysz), family of, 302 Tice. John, 255 Tiebout, Andries, 299 family of, 302, 303 Poryntje, 114 Sarah. 112 Tiercksen (Terckse), family of, 303 Thomas, 94 Tietus, family of, 303 Tilje, 188 (Le Teller), family of, 303 Tilton, 284 Abin;a], 256 Dan', 397 Tilton, Esther, 269 family of, 303. 304 John, 13, 24, 26, 44, 125, 208, 219, 220, 223, 236, 242, 256, 269, 283, 344, 376, 396 Mary, 44 Peter, 125 Sarah, 220 Tho^ 219 Timonsz, family of, 304 Tinus, family of, 304 Tippitts, Heiiry, 14 Titus (Tetus), 97 Elizabeth, 104 family of, 304, 305 Femmetje, 137 Frans, 104 Tryutje, 339 Tunis, 252 Tobiassen, family of, 305 Toers. Claes Arentse, 15 Tolier, family of, 305 Tomas, Anneken, 225 Tomasse (Tomassen), famih^ of, 305 Jan, 256 Tomson, John, 14 Tonge, Mary, 358 Toniieman, family of, 305 Sheriff, 154, 216 Tossaway, Andrew, 324 Tourneurs, family of, 305 Tours, Klaes Arendsz, 347 Townseud, B. C, 281, 291 John, 14 Traphagen, 166 family of, 306 W">. 213 Trico. Catalyntje, 234 Joris, 234 Trimbel, family of, 306 Truwexs, Johannes, 369 Tul, family of, 306 Tuuisen, 265 Aert. 341 family of, 92 John,' 264 Tunissen (see Teunisseu), 306 Turck, family of, 306 Turckse, Pieter, 291 Tybout, Capt., 334 Tymens, Elsje, 189 family of, 306 HendVick. 304 Tyn, family of, 306 Tyssen (see Van Pelt), 306 Aeltje, 197 INDEX. 441 Tysseu, Claas, 289 Derick, 333 family of, 306 Johannes, 144 Willemtje, 56 Uldricks (Claine), Peteruella, 54 Underbill, family of, 306. 307 John. 134. 204 Updike, Gysbert, 368 Mary, 79 Uriu, faiiiily of, 307 Usielle (see Uzielle), 307 Usill, Richard, 309 Uythuysen. family of. 307 Uzell (Usill), family of, 307 • Richard, 208, 223. 307 Uzielle (Uzie, Usielle), family of, 307 Peter, 84 Valeutvn, Mar^-rietje, 239 Van Aaruhem, family of. 307, 308 Yau Aelckmau, Cornells Jansen, 124 Van Aelokman, family of, 308 Van Aeltomaer (Aelokmaer), fam- ily of. 308 Van Aersdalen. 165, 224, 261 Altie, 234, 235 Cornelis, 234 Cornells Symonse, 80, 262 Cornells Simons. 235 family of, 308, 309 Gerrit, 376, 378 Gertrude Simonse, 395 Jan Simonse, 230 Jannetje. 21. 22, 378 Jannetjc Symonse, 41 John Simonse, 262 Marretje Symonse, 20 Martha. 352 Metje Simonse, 345 Nicholas. 190 Philip, 335 Simon, 376, 378, 395 Symon Jansen, 388 Van Aken, Pieter, 84 Van Aleck, 158 Van Aleu, Pieter, 297 VanAlst, Ileiltje, 282 Jane, 263 jVIaryken Jorise, 46 Van Amack (see Amack), 308 Van Amersfoort, family of, 308 Van Amsterdam, family of, 308 Van As. family of, 309 Van Baes, Claes Melles, 17 family of, 309 Van Barkeloo (see Barkelo), 309 Van Beeck, family of, 309 Johannes, 307 Van Benschouten, Elias, 379 Gerritje, 379 Van Blaricum, Catharine, 178 Van Blarken. 225 family of, 310 Van Blydenstein, 225 family of, 310 Harmen Pieterse, 353 Van Boerum (see Boerum), 310 Van Bommel, Heudrick, 88 Van Borchem, Evert Duyckingh, 37, 105, 360 Van Borcnm (see Dnycking), 310 Van Borkeloo, see Barkeloo Van Borre, Hendrick, 338 Van Borsum, Cornelis, 242 (Borssum, Bossum), family of, 310 Van Bosch. 394 family of, 310 Van Boskcrk, Jannetje, 382 Peter, 21, 382 Pieter Lourense, 350 Van Boxum, Willemtje, 350 Van Breuckelen, 163 family of, 310 Van Breevoort (see Brevort), 310 Van Brugge, Helena, 90 Van Brugii, 78 Anna. 124 Van Brunt, 69, 70, 170 Adriancc, 273 Albert C. 30 Altjt'. 100, 280 Angcnietje. 250 Catharine, 335 Claes or Nich^ 93, 140 Cor^ 121, 314. 338 Cornelis RutJiersz, 27 — Dan'. 283, 312 family of, 310-313 Joost, 104, 161. 314 Joost Rutgersz, 44 Nicholas. 126, 140. 250, 371 - Ruluf, 267. 283, 312 RutgerA., 314 Rutgert, 94, 336, 375, 376 Rutgert Joesteu, 92, 106, 175 283, 291, 336, 337, 339 Sarah, 321,376, 377 Teuutje, 94 Wilhelmus, 376 / 442 INDEX. Van Bursura, family of, 313 Van Campeii, family of, 313 Gerrot Jaiisi'U, 256 Lambert Ilendricksen, 141 Van Cassant, family of, 313 Van Cleef, 104, 156, 161 Ab"', 398 Auiielica, 110 Beuj", 291 Cor% 11, 18, 328, 329 family of, 314, 315 Femmetje, 240 Isbrant, 319 Jan, 84, 92, 164, 166, 242 Jannetje, 201 John Sen'-, 398 Joseph, 231 Neeltje, 110, 320, 324, 346 Nelke, 345 Rebecca, 109, 398 Rem, 108 Van Cleeve, John, 844 Van Coeverden, Rem Janse, 292 Van f'orler (see Van Curler), 315 Van Cortland, 338 family of, 315 Oliffe Stephense, 275, 297 Van Cortland, Sophia, 297 Stephamis, 68, 339 Van Cossaut. family of, 315 Van Cott, 69, 204 Cor% 271 (Van Cat), family of, 315 (Cats), Maria, 39 Van Couverden,Aeltje Tennis, 228 Van Coverde (Coverden), family of, 315, 316 Van Cowenhoven, 284, 298 Van Cowenhoven (see Cowen- hoven), 316 Van Curler, family of, 316 James, 344 Van Daleu, 316 Jacobus, 65, 290 Van Dam, Rich'', 25 Vandegrift, family of, 316, 317 Van den Bers^, Jeuriaen, 339, 399 Vanderbeek,l64, 222, 239 Aeltje, 52 Aeltje Paulus, 10 Annetje, 289 Cataliua, 7 Coenradus, 249 Conrades, 330 family of, 317-319 Femmetje Remsen, 48 Hester Paulus, 37 Vanderbeek, Hildegonde or Hil letje Remsen, 319 Jacob, 375 Katharine, 383 Martha, 136, 137 Paulus, 29, 113, 117, 151, 247, 371 Rem, 29, 237, 240 Rem Jan sen, 7, 18, 98, 234, 236, 237, 238, 239, 319 Remmert Jausin, 189, 247 Sarah Remsen, 7 W. Poules, 348 Vanderbilt, 8, 26, 156, 161, 164, 224 Aert, 201, 345 Aris or Jeremiah, 313 Aris Janse, 138, 239 Hilletje, 201 (Bild), family of, 319, 320, 321 Fennnetje, 240 Jacob, 93 Jacob Janse, 218 Jacobus, 186 Jan, 60, 239 Jan Aertsen, 56 Janneke Aertse, 814 Jannetje, 201 Jeremias, 268, 895 John, 114 MargS 197 Mar ratio, 239 Neeltje, 359, 380 Sytie." 333 Van lier Boscli, familv of, 321 Van der Breets, 141, 321 Juriau Hendricks, 344 Van der Burch, family of, 822 Vanderca, Cornclis, 242 Van der Eyck, family of, 322 Vander Gouw, 224 familv of, 322 Vander Grift, 152, 153, 185 ""^ (Vander Grist), (see Vande- grift,) 322 Jacob Leendertse, 194 Johanuis, 75 Marretje Jacobse, 382 Nich% 102, 366, 370 Rachel, 369 Vander Hard, 5, 153 family of, 322 Lvsbeth Aards, 333 Van der Hove, 183, 360 (Hoven). family of, 822, 323 Nela, 332 Vanderick, family of, 323 INDEX. 443 Vanderiug, family of, 323 Van der Kocck, Michael, 170 Van der Linde (see Linde), 323 Van der Liphorst, family of, 323 Van de jVIevilen, John, 31 Margriet, 328 Van der Meyer, Annetje Tileman, 128, 355 family of, 323 Tileman Jacobsz, 386 Vander Mexter, family of, 323 Vauder Poel, Melgert-Wynantse, 297 Vander Schure, Elina, 374 Rebecca, 201 Van der Ulmst, Sarah, 302 Van der Veen, family of, 323 Peter Cor% 189 Vanderveer, 71, 158, 163 Ann, 333 Coba or Jacoba, 79 Cornells, 91, 226, 264, 349, 370 Cornells Jause, 56, 91, 161, 386 Dominicus, 333 ' family of, 323-325 Femraetje, 259, 362 Gerret, 163 Jacobus, 289, 293 Jan Cornelisse, 34 John, 190 JohnC, 163 Michael, 259 Neeltje, 226 Sarah, 293 Tunis, 250 Vander Vliet. 98, 161 Derick. 237 Dirck Janse. 62, 138, 214, 230, 274, 292, 320, 338 (Vlidt, Vlit), family of, 325, 326 Gertrude. 237 Grietje, 398 Jan, 288 Jan Dirckse, 138, 271, 370 John JunS 398 Hendrickje, 214 Maria, 218 Marretje, 320 Marytje, 135 Sarah. 138, 379 Van der Vlucht (Ulmst), Sarah, 302 Vaudervont, Adrianna, 375 Vandervoort, 199, 222 Cor^ 29 Vandervoort, Elizabeth, 232, 235 Elizabeth Paulus, 38 Elsie, 252 family of, 326, 327 Helen, 204 Jane, 105 Magiel, 283 Michael Paulus, 234 Paulus, 38 Peter, 267 Vander AVallen, Hendrick, 243 Vander Ween, family of, 327 Vander Wyck (see Van Wyck), 327 Van Deseree, Cornells, 25 Vande Spiegel, family of, 327 Van Deventer, 158, 163, 224 family of, 327. 328 Femmetje, 314 Ida, 287 Jacob, 34 Jacobus. 187, 271 Sytie, 271 Vandewatcr, 141, 152 Adriaentje, 30 Catharine, 297 family of, 328, 329 Jacobus, 242, 294 Johanna, 263 Maryken, 303 Pieter, 147 Van de Werve (Werft), family of, 329 Van Dien, 331 Van Ditmarsen (see Ditmars), 329 Van Doesburgh, family of, 329 Van Dooren, Alche, 398 Arie, 251 Chrisyjan, 251 Engeltie, 255 Jacob, 250, 251 Van Doom, Angenietje, 396 Engeltie, 250 Jacob, 27, 396 John, 255 Joseph, 396 Mary or Maria, 255, 380 W-", 77 Van Driest, 20, 361 family of, 329, 330 Jan Barentse, 22, 147, 168, 179, 211 Jannetje, 147 John Barentse, 23, 287 Vap Duyckhuys, ,Jan. 285 Tomis Ilellebnuits, 217 444 INDEX. Van Duj^ckhuyscn (see Van Dyck- liuvsen), 330 Van Duyn, 69, 70, 119, 120 Ab"\ 241 Aeltie, 356 Catharine, 237 Cornelia, 364 Cor-% 34, 191, 273, 370 Cornells Gerretse, 151, 216, 318, 364 Denyse Gerretse, 151 Don we, 320 family of, 330-333 Gerrit, 349, 370 Gerrit Cornelise, 75, 102, 104, 395, 302, 348, 356 Jacomyutje, 364 Johannes, 322 Matilda, 238 Neeltje, 75 Seytie or Christina, 349 Van Dyck, 154, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 260, 269, 301, 305 Achias, 379 Agyas, 167 Angeuietje, 90 Ann, 277 Anuanietje or Angenietje Jans, 27 Annatie, 376, 377 Antie or Annatie, 299 Antie Janse, 273 Barbara, 379 Carl Janse, 27 Catharine, 379 Claes, 157 Engeltie, 373 family of, 333-338 Geertje, 244 Hendrick, 157, 308 Hendrick Janse, 21, 336 Hendrick Thomasse, 106, 175 Jacob, 311, 370 Jacobus, 299 Jan, 242, 371 Jan Janse, 90, 106, 313. 857 Jannetje, 308, 313 Jan Toniasse, 16, 27, 323 John, 2G, 32, 126, 161 Lydia, 92 Maria, 30. 49, 233, 234, 249 Maritie, 359 Marretje, 39 Matthyas, 315 Mayke, 242 Van Dyck, Nich' Thomasse, 15 Oert or Aert, 255 Thomas, 249, 293, 359, 397 Tryntje, 323 Van Dyckhuys, 301 family of, 338 Jan Theunisse, 130 Van Dyckhuysen, xinn, 378 family of, 338, 339 Jan Theunisen, 247 John, 173, 243, 256 Swantje, 256 Vane, family of, 368 Van Eck, 225 Altje Wynants, 29 family of, 339 Wynant Pieterse. 29, 351 Van Eens, Cor« Hendrickse, 83, 224, 309 Van Esmont, Jacob Cornells, 224 Van Ekelen. family of, 339 Johannes, 305 Van Elfland (Esland), family of, 340 Van Engen, 390 family of, 340 W-" Willemse, 92 Van Ens, 166 (Eens). family of, 340 Van Erurde, 160 Van Esland (see V-an Elfiand), 340 Van Flaesbeeck, family of, 340 Van Frurde, family of, 340 Van Geescher, family of, 340, 341 Van Geeschcn, Jan Willemse, 120 Wilhelmus, 120 Van Gelden, 3Iaria, 375 Van Gelder, Aafje, 53 Harmanus, 358 Johannes. 112 Van Giesen, 23, 142 Cornelia, 375 Hendrick, 244 family of, 341 Joris," 244 Maria, 162 Reinier Bastiaensen, 64, 151, 338 Van Goede, Jochcm, 394 (see Jochem Wouterse), 341 Van Gorcum, Sarah Cornelise, 248 Van Goude, Lysbeth Jans, 128 Van Greenland, Dirckje, 341 Van Gunst, 141, 169 family of, 341, 342 Jan Hendrickse, 102 Van Hamburgh, family of, 342 s INDEX. 445 Van Harlington, Jolianna, 378 Van Ilasmyes, G3, 174 family of, 342 Van Hattem, Arent, 232, 323 family of, 342 Van Heemst, 154 family of, 342 Van Hekelen, Jaiinetje, 213 Van Hcudeen, family of, 342 Van Heynniglie, family of, 342 Van Hobokeii, Maria, 91 Van Hoeck, Laurens, 141 Van Hoesen (see Koert Mouris), 342 Van Hoocbten, 158 family of, 342 Van Hooclivelt (Hoogvelt), Eliza- beth, 316 Van Hook, Isaac, 259 Van Hooren (Home), Jaunetje, 362 Van Horn, Ann, 26 Anna Mury, 25 Christian, 335 Van Hoseu, Folkert, 338 Van Hougem (Houwegem), family of, 342, 343 Van Houte, Grietje, 177 Van Huynn (see Idesse), 343 Van Huyse, Simon, 63 Van Iselsteyn, 389 family of, 343 Van Kats (Cott), Johannes, 271 Van Kerk (see Verkerk), 343 Van Kloof, Eyzebrand, 319 Van Kuvneu, Bartelt Claeseu, 119 Van Laer, Adriaen, 62, 245 famil}" of, 343 Vail Lareu (Luren), Altie, 6 Van Leuweu, Ferdinand, 234 Frederick, 93 John, 192 Margrita, 361 Van Lieutie, Mary, 115 Van Lieuwen, 117 Cathariiia, 181 Hendrick, 75 Van Liew, Elizabeth, 366 (Lieuwen), family of, 343, 344 Frederick, 366, 398 Grietje, 287 Grietje or ]\[argaret, 288 Magdalena, 252 Van Lodesteyn, familj^ of, 344 Sophia, 85, 322 Van Loon, Janneken Gerrits, 349 Van Lophorst, family of, 344 Van Luane, 165, 166 Van Luane (Lowaanen), family of,. 344, 345 ■ Swaeu Jause. 399 Van Lydeu, family of, 345 Van ]\Iarcken, 120 family of, 345 Jan Gerretse, 133, 302 Van Markken, Catharine, 19 Jan Gerretse, 19 Van Marklen, Evert Jansen, 309 Van Mater, 158, 164 Cyreuus, 185^ Eykc, 28 Jan, 294 Joseph, 254 Mary, 255 Van Meckelen, 158 family of, 345 Van Meleren, 128, 162 Cryn Janse, 292, 336 Eyda, 292 (Van Mater), family of, 345, 346 Jan, 315 Jan Gysbcrtse, 303 Jaunetje, 292 \Van Middleswart (Van Middle- wout), 94 Filip, 94 Jan Tunise, 93, 94, 112 Joris, 94 Neeltje, 94 Tennis, 94 Van Mullen (Mulhem, Mulhevm) Geertruyt, 30 Van Naerden,'l57 Claes Janse, 296 Claes Jansen, 130, 246 family of, 346 Van Name, Helen, 276 Sarah, 276 Van Nas, family of, 346 Van Nef, 98 family of, 346 Van ]Sres, "family of, 346 Van Ness, 98, 225 (Nest), family of, 346, 347 Grietje, 397 Hendrick, 397 Joris, 347 Van Nest, Jasina Pieterse, 383 Katalvu, 205 Pieter Pietersen, 234 Vau Nestus, family of, 347 Van New Kerk, family of, 348 Van Nostrand, 120, 121, 132, 159, 262 446 INDEX. Van Nostraiul, Aaron, 161, 353 Albert, 8G Altie, 333 Catharine Hansen, 379 (Noostraud, Noorstrant), fam- ily of, 349-351 Folkert, 326 Garret, 197, 330 Gerret Hansen, 240 Hans Hansen, 121 Jan Hansen, 24, 36, 40, 55, 87, 132, 155, 169, 377 , Jannetje, 108, 324 Jannetje Hansen, 251 Johannes, 379 John, 237. 375 Mary, 395 Nelly, 376 Reyraerighis Symonse, 115 Symon Hanse, 138 Svnion Hansen, 17, 156, 164, '171, 288, 292, 395 /' Sara, 104 Peter, 154 Volkert Hanse, 298 Van Norden, Wessel Pietersen, 79 Van Xort, family of, 349 Van Noortbrook, family of, 348 Piet(;r Jacobse, 186 Pieter Jansen, 117 Van Nortwj'ck, Cornelia, 72 family of, 349 Folckertje, 72 Pieter Jacobse, 163 Simon, 72 Van Nukerk, 70 family of, 351 Van Nuyse, 152, 153, 156, 161, 163, 106 Abagail, 186 Anneken Auckes, 339 Annelje Aukes, 392 Auke, 11 Aucke Janse, 7, 62, 120, 156, 157, 185, 186, 270, 362, 367, 378, 392 family of, 351-353 Femmetje Aukes, 378, 396 Geertruy Auke, 170 Geertru.yd Aukes, 101, 117 George," 27 Ida Aukes, 236 Jacobus, 235 Jacobus Ouke, 74, 156, 360 Jan Auke, 9, 61, 73, 231, 274, 394 Jannetje Aukes, 15 Van Nuyse, John, 395 Magdalena, 331, 332 Maria, 358 Mary or Maria, 361 Lysbeth Janse, 291 William, 370 Van Oostea, Cornelia Coruelise, 9, 310 Elizabeth Cornelise, 9 family of, 353 Jacobus Cornelise, 9 Van Orteck, Maria ]\Iargretta, 324 Van Ostrand, family of, 353 Van Pelt, 8, 89, 154, 160, 161, 163, 165, 181, 202, 248, 260, 300, 302, 394 Adrian Laning, 264 Aert, 267, 377, 397 Aert Teunisse, 291 Aert Tunisz Lanen, 292 Anthony, 161, 195 Ariaentje, 292 Elizabeth, 397 family of, 353-359 Geertruy, 292 Grietje or Margaret, 291 Gysbert Tj^son, 120, 399 Gvsbrecht Tuysz Lanen, 182 Hannah, 280 Hendrick, 53 Hendrick Tyssen Lanen, 128, 248 Hendrick Mattyse, 328 Jan. 137 Jan Thysen Lanen, 332 Jacomintie, 75 Jannetje Thyssen, 151 Jemima or Jackamyntie, 35 Magdalena or Jacomyntje, 127 Maria, 28 Matys Lane, 250 Mayke Laanen, 182 Neeltje, 76, 291 Piter, 320 Pieter Thysz, 302, 333 Sam', 282 Tenuis, 28, 30, 127, 333 Teuutje Tyssen, 335 Tunis Janse, 265, 344 Tunis Lanen, 28 Tys Jansen, 398 Woughter, 249, 338 Wouter Teunise, 35 Wouter Tunis Lanen, 249 Van Prince, Penelope, 287 Van Purmerent, 157, 177 Claes Jansen, 68 INDEX. 447 Van Purmerent, fainilj^ of, 359 Van Putten, Jan, 132 Sophia or Fejtieu, 159 Van Ranst, Cornelia, 260 Van Rarestein, Lysbetli, 100 Van Renscllaer, Patroon, 310, 284 Van Rossum, 8 Coruelis, 284 family of, 359, 360 Huyck Aerts. 34, 384 Van Rotterdam, 70 family of, 360 Van Ruyuen (see Bartel Claesen), 360 Van Riiyven, Cornells, 36, 83, 105, 158, 203, 260 family of, 360 Van Ryden, family of, 360 Van Salee (see Autlionj^ Jausen), 360 Van Sant, 59 (see Claes Carsteu), 360 Gerret, 105 Sara, 265 Van Saxwsoell, family of, 360 Van Schayck, Belitje, 42 Van Scbooudervooert. family of, 360, 361 Van Schouw, 69 Claes Cornelise, 204 family of, 361 Van Secliteu, family of, 361 Van Sicklen, Coert, 48 Eva, 43 Ferdinand, 353, 355 Ferdinaudus, 155, 156, 381 Geertje, 246 Johannes, 179, 192 Margaret, 293 Maria, 255 Marytie, 294 R., 236 Reinier, 18, 58, 133, 179, 205, 262, 263, 276, 287, 366 Sytie, 314 Van Siggalen, Eva, 17 Van Sinderen, Do., 71 Van Sutphen (see Sutphen), 361 Van Sycklen (Sickleu), family of, 361, 363 Van Svschellen (Sichlen), Mar- grietje, 299 Van Tessel', 70 Jan Cornelisse, 164, 174 family of, 362 Van Tienhoven, 257 Cornelius, 8, 83, 143, 225 Van Tienhoven, family of, 363 Van Tile, Elenor. 320 Van Tilburg, Isaac, 139 Van Tilll)urgh, family of, 363 Van Tricht, Ab", 297' Gervit, 317 Van Tuil, Neeltie Janse, 353 Van Tuuingen, Tryntje Harders, 359 Van Tuyl, Helena, 82 Van Twiller, 322 family of, 363 Gov., 81, 284 Wouter, 145 Van Uj-thuysen, Elizabeth Simons 158 family of, 363 Van Varack (see Varick), 363 Van Vecht (Vechte, Vechten), family of, 363, 364 Van Vechten, Claes Arents, 15, 367 Garetta, 303 Gearty, 105 Gerret, 31 Gerrvtje, 31 Helli"tje, 333 Hendrick, 233 Hendrick Claesen, 62, 391 Nicholas, 105, 303' Sarah, 235 Van Ven, family of, 364 Van Vleck (Vleeck), family of, 364, 365 Isaac, 78 Jan. 335 Tielmau, 386 Tymen, 19 Van Vlierdeu, family of, 365 Van Vliet, 158 — (see Vander Vliet), 365 Van Voorhees, see Voorhies Van Voorhoudt, 258 Van Voorst, Cornelis, 283 Van Vorst, Annetje, 359 Van Vos, Daniel, 317 Van Wagene, Johannes, 33 Van Werckhoven, Cornelis, 75 family of, 365 Van Werven, Catharine, 183, 227, 272 Van "Wessel (Wesseleu), Cornelia, 195, 352 Van Westerhout, family of, 366 Jeremias Jansen, 334 Van Westervelt, 388 family of, 366 448 INDEX. Van Wetmout (see Barent Joos- ten), 366 Van Wickelcii, 158 Evert, 33, 35, 293 family of, 366, 367 Geertje, 293 Heiltje, 389 John, 238 Symou, 79 Sytie, 32 Pelemella, 138 Van Wilkenbof, Janueken, 258 Van Woert, 361 Van Wyck, 19, 20 Adriaeutje, 138 Catli«, 259 Coi-uelis Barentse, 22, 34, 38, 138, 227, 371 (Vauder Wyck), family of, 367 Sarah, 104 Susanna, 209 Theodoras, 48 Van Zandt, 104 Christoffel, 383 Wynant, 229 Van Zuitdam, Jacob Hendrixs, 130 Van Zutpheu (see Sutphen), 367 Van Zuuren, Do., 9, 22, 99, 130, 141, 166, 191, 215, 290, 347 family of, 367, 368 Vardon (Verden), see Ferdon, 368 Varick, family of, 368 Varleth, Casper, 86 Catharine, 86 Varwie (Vervvie), Heudrick, 334 Vaughau (Vauhan), family of, 368 John, 134, 344 Vechte, 8 (Vechteu), see Van Vechten, 368 Vedder, family of, 368 Veerman (see Hoogland), 368 Veghte, Jemina, 394 Lammetje, 273 Nicholas, 330 Reinier, 330 Veltliuyseu, family of, 368 Vennager, family of, 368 Verbrugge, Gillis Jansen,'^230 Margaretta Giilise, 230 Verbryck, Bernardus, 251 Verden (see Ferdon), 368 (Ferden), Jauuetje, 54 (Ferdon), Jacob, 29, 30 Jannetje, 52 Madaleua Jacobs, 51 Verden, Thomas, 248, 368 Verdonck, family of, 368, 369 Verhageu, family of, 369 Josina, 9, 353 Verhoven, family of, 309 Verhulst, 224 family of, 369 Jacobus, 30 Veritie, family of, 369 Ver Kerk, 45, 154, 156, 158, 160 161, 164, 243 Ann or Annetje, 336 Anna, 353 Barend, 317 (Verkerken), family of, 369- 371 Geertje, 160, 326 Jan, 167, 224, 356 Jan Janse, 326 Jannetje, 290 John, 109, 245, 332 Leah, 324 Maria or Mayken, 311 Mary or Mayke, 126 Mayke, 346 Roelof, 109, 226, 259, 333 Roeloffe Janse, 311 Sara, 109, 332 Seytie. 331, 332 Sybrech, 331, 333 Verkerken (Ker Kerke), Barendjc Janse, 317 Verkiuderen, Jan, 306 Verleth, Mary or Maria, 297, 309 Verne lie, 73 Verplanck, Philip, 379 Verplaucken, Hendrickje, 34 Verscheur, 128 Margarietje, 73 Wouter, 372 Wouter Gysbertse, 128 Ver Schieur (Voorscheur), family of, 372 Verschursou, family of, 372 Verstraalen, family of, 372 Ver Ryn, 154, 161, 168 Abraham Jansen, 208 family of, 371, 872 Jan Janse, 50, 58, 106, 108, 118, 155, 176, 273, 278. 318 Vertien, 389 family of, 372 Ver Veelen, family of, 372 Vervele, Anna Maria, 57 Verway, family of, 372. 373 Vroutie, 331 Verwey, 45 INDEX. 449 Verwey, Cornelis, 341, 353 Vesselton, Francis, 200 Viele, family of, 373 Viens, family of, 373 Vil, family of, 373 Villet, Claes Gangeloff, 386 family of, 373 Vincent, Anu, 113 Vis, family of, 373 Visboom, Margaret, 368 Vlasbeck (see Barent Gerritse), 373 Vleck, family of, 373 i Vliet (see Vander Vliet), 373 Vogel, 69, 132, 142 family of, 373 Jacob Dircksen, 146 Volckers, Neeltje, 74, 317 Volckersen, Nicholas, 40. 41 Volkert, 40 Volkertse, Derick, 216, 374 Dirck, 134 family of, 373, 374 Volkertsen (see Folkertsen), 374 Volmau, family of, 374 Volthuysen, family of, 374 Nicholas, 373, 386 Vonck, 185 Alida, 83 Cornelis, 167 family of, 374 Hendrick, 136 Magdaleentie, 106 Magdalena, 83 Marritje, 183 Vooks (Vookes), Willemtje, 267, 342, 394 Vookic, family of, 374 Vooreslin, family of, 374 Voorhies, 8, 66, 76, 120,173,274,304 Aaltje, 299 Ab"', 187, 238 Adriaen, 147 Aeltje Coerten, 389 Albert, 100 Albert Coerten, 18, 74, 75, 155, 169, 262, 312, 350 Albert Stevense, 391 Albertseu, 244 Alice, 299 Altie, 311 Altie Courten, 72, 285 Audrias, 292 Ann, 26 Annetie, 81, 233, 354 Antie, 75, 349 ; Antje, 104, 241 Barnardus, 155 29 Voorhies, Coert, 114, 138, 155,233, 895 Coert Stevense, 78, 303 Cornelis Coerte, 396 Cor% 38, 81 Dorothy, 31 Eldert Lucasse, 108, 142 Elizabeth, 312 Elizabeth Minne, 252 Eva, 110 (Voorhees, Voris, Van Voor- hies), family of, 374-381 Femmetje, 100, 318 Garret Coerte, 48, 141, 155, 173, 262, 272, 382 Hans, 255 Hendrick, 154, 251 Hendrick Stevense, 298 Johannes Lucasse, 237 Isaac, 21 Jacob, 26 Jan Lucasse, 216, 254 Jan Stevense, 352, 391 Jane, 48 Jannetje, 238, 291, 313 Jannetje Lucasse, 252 Jannetje Stevense, 250 Johannes, 48, 251 Johannes Coerte, 333 John, 94 John Lucassen, 339 Jonica, 262 Lena, 333 Lucas, 246 Lucas Stevense, 81, 159, 167 350 Maria, 179, 237, 325 Minne, 288 Minne Lucasse, 395 Neeltje, 145 Neeltje Coerten, 249 Peter, 216, 244 Reinsehe Lucase, 350 Roeluf, 100 Ruluf Lucase, 285 Sarah, 38, 77, 308 Seytie, 94 Stephen, 179 Steven Coerten, 173, 237, 249, 260, 299, 311, 349 Willemtje Lucasse, 215 W", 280 Voorniere, Claere, 198 Voorure, Clare, 59 Voorvelen (see Vervalen), 381 Vorhagcn, family of, 381 Vos (Vosch), family of, 381 450 INDEX. Vosch, Balthazer, 21, 111, 134, 265, 315 Catharine, 103 Joncker Balthazer, 60, 180 Vredericksz (Vredeuksz), family of, 882 Vreeland, Aegie, 49 Aegtje, 48 Autje, 318 Claes, 21 Hartman, 48 Vreymoet, Do. Casparus, 71 Vriause, Barue, 272 family of, 382 Yroman. Engeltie, 307 Vroom, 74, 139 Cornells Corsz, 316 Coruelis Pietersen,194 family of, 382, 383 Hendrick, 34 Heiulrick Corsz, 347 Pieter Corsz, 319 Vroom an, Barent, 71 family of, 383 Vulkertse, Maria, 252 Waerner, famil}^ of, 883 Wagenaar, John, 28 Walderum (Waldron), Sara, 67 Waldrou, Elizabeth, 26 family of, 383 Jan, 187 Judith, 358 Rebecca, 213 Resolvert, 26 Walich, Adriaenje, 216, 300 Walings, Tryntje, 275 Wall, family of, 884 John, 149 JIary, 149 Rachel, 149 Walter. 14, 344 Water, 168, 266 Willempie, 80, 149 Walthou, John, 26 Walton, Jacob, 25 D-- Thomas, 282 Wandel, Coruelis, 68 family of, 384 Johannes, 33 Wanderse (Waermerse), Willemtje, 21 Wanshaer, Anthony, 342, 394 family of, 384 Wantenaer, 69 Albert Cornelise, 34, 38, 156, 363, 359 Wantenaer, family of, 384 Ward, John, 189 Marmaduke, 14 Warden, Eliakim, 13 Warnsly, Maria, 357 Wartonn (Newtoun), family of, 384, 385 Washburne. family of, 385 Waterman, family of, 385 Watheus, AVillem", 270 Watkius, D-- John, 280 Watson, family of, 385 Nathaniel, 7, 12 Webb, Geo., 13 Webber, Anna, 115 family of, 385 Weeks, family of, 385 Weermau, family of, 385 Welden, John, 128 Wentworth, Justus Whitfield, 126 (see Windtwordt), 385 Wertze, family of, 385 Wesh, family of, 385 Wessell, family of, 385 Wessels, Christina, 297 family of, 386 Jannetje, 107 West, Bartiiolomew, 14 family of, 386 RobS 14 Westerbrook, 156 Anthony Janseu, 373, 374, 388 family of, 386 Westerhout (see Van Westerhout), 386 Westeryelt, 194, 386 (see Van Westervelt), 386 Ab"> Willemse, 6, 302, 317 Agnietje, 244 Angenietje, 318 GeesjeR., 299 Jannetje Rolofse, 343 Juriaen Lubbertse, 375 Maria Juriause, 344 Osseltjen Casparus, 244 Roelof, 344 Roelof Lubbertse, 43 Weyt, Lysbeth, 103 Wharton, Ed., 13 Robert, 386 Whislord, Tho% 14 White, family of, 386 Thomas, '111 Whitehead (see Whytheade), 386 Dani, 36, 134, 145 IVIary, 36 Whitlock (Witlock), family of, 887 INDEX. 451 Whitlock, John, 18, 301 Mary, 18 Tho% 13, 344 Whitman, family of, 387 Nathan, 13 Whitt, W"\ 137 Whytheade (Whitehead), family of, 387 Wickhaut, Rebecca Antonides,364 Wiklev. family of, 387 Wilcock, family of, 387 Wilkins, Ann, 127, 319 Martha, 126, 390 Obadiah, 116, 126, 219 W"', 13, 208, 277, 344, 362 Willekeus, Geertruyd, 265 Willekes (Willekins, Wilkessen), family of, 387 Willems, Aaltye, 196 Femmetje Jans, 112 Jannetje, 65 Joosje, 306 Lydia, 76 Sarah, 53 Sarah Jeats, 222, 229 Willemtje, 343 Willemse, Anna, 126 Anitie or Aeltje, 21 Barentje, 374 (Willemse, Williams), family of, 388-390 Floris, 22 Geertje. 98, 222, 265 Geesje, 42 Hannah, 396 ' Hendrick, 18 Jan, 255 Jannetje, 320 Johannes, 227, 876, 378, 396 Peter, 156, 307 Remmelt, 380 Roelepli, 56 Willem, 80, 126, 396, 397 Willemsen, xVert, 81 Willett, family of, 387 Thomas, 285, 386 Wil, 386 Williams, Harentje, 180 ' Jannetje, 209 Maria, "260 Williamse, Cornelis, 74 Williamsen, Elbert, 81 - Jannetje, 333 Johannes, 198 Laurens, 285 W-", 181, 219 Williamson, 80 Williamson, Margaret, 108 Nicholas, 381 Patence, 395 Steven, 367 W", 18 Willjard, Annetje Andrieas, 89, 151 Willkius, family of, 390 Wilmsze (Philipse), Johannes, 292 Wilsee, family of, 390 Wilson (Willson), family of, 391 John, 14, 277 Wiltse, Hendrick, 367 Myndert, 50 Winants, Magdalena, 389 Winantse (see Wynantse), 391 Winderwodt (Wentworth), family of, 391 Winter, family of, 391 Mary, 255 Winterslick, Maria, 342 Wiuterton, Thomas, 3 Witt, family of, 391 Wizzelpenneuk, Reynier, 197, 268 Wizzelpeuning, Cornelia Rinierse, 378 (Wisselpenningh), family of, 391 Gerritje Reiniers, 364 Tjelletje Reiniers, 308, 874 Wode (Wo'dt), 393 (Wood), family of, 391 Wodt (Wood) family of, 391, 392 Woeder, Lysbet, 318 Woertman, 98, 99, 158, 800 Derick, 272 Dirk Janse, 94, 131, 156, 213, 216, 238, 261, 287, 351 family of, 392 Femmetje, 238 Geertrny Dirckse, 273 Tunis Dircksen, 272 Wolf aVolf man), (see De Wolf ,) 393 family of, 393 Wolfe, 152 Christian Jacobsen, 356 family of, 393 Wolferseu(Wolphersen), (see Cow- enhoven,) 393 Wolspender, family of, 393 Wolsum, Magdaleentje, 91 Wolsy, family of, 393 Wolwesen, family of, 393 Wood, family of, 393 Josh, 14 -Timothy, 252 Woodert, ^Ioltje, 317 452 INDEX. Wooley, Abagail, 182 Emmanuel, 13 Woolsey, George, 393 Wouters, family of, 393, 894 Wouterse, family of, 394 Jan, 165, 173, 384 Wrew, family of, 394 Wrexall, Peter, 280 Wyckoff, 61, 63, 70, 71, 120, 324, 225 Adriacntje, 353 Annatie Pieters, 253 Antie, 255 Antje, 251, 379 Baient, 312 Claes Pieterse, 210, 368 Cor% 104, 196 Cornells Pieterse, 309, 331, 351 family of, 394-398 Garret Pieterse, 215, 299, 380 Gerite, 326 Gertrude, 40 Grietje, 11, 107 Grietje Pieterse, 244 Hendrick, 109 Hendrick Pieterse, 224, 340, 389 Jan, 21, 288 Jan net je, 320 Johannes, 86, 323 Jolin, 35, 68, 195, 251, 288, 330 John Pieterse, 81 Maria, 11, 109 Marretje Pieters, 54 Maryke or Marretje Gerretse, 299 Mayke, 334 Mayke Pieterse, 126, 389, 390 Wyckoflf, Nicholas, 40, 351, 355 Okey, 185 Peter, 11, 35, 68, 151, 251, 330 Peter G., 233, 253 Peternella, 321 Pieterje Claesen, 309 Pieter" Claesen, 253 Petrus, 359 Simon, 326 Willemtje, 255 Willemtje Pieterse, 172 Wynantse (Winantse), (see Van Eck,)398 Cornelius, 312 Wynhard, Cornelis, 357 family of, 398, 399 Wj'nhert, Anna, 23 Wyuhouts, family of, 399 Ydesse (see Idesse), 899 Yolcx, family of, 399 Young (see Jongh), 399 Martha or Margaret, 111 Yseestein (Ystein, Ysselstein), fam- ily of, 399 Zabriskie, Jacob, 298 Jan, 244 Zeegert, 131 Zeelan (see Sely), 399 Jan, 343 Zeewis, family of, 399 Zeuw (Seuw), (see De Seen), 399 Jan Coruelise, 204, 216 Zichels, Lammert, 394 Zieuw, 62, 70, 158, 163 Zwaan, family of, 899 LEJa'13 ^^^ .^\V 'J- .V^' ^0' ''^^-. v^ ^.. * ^^^ -n*. ■ ^'=.- Cp -vis -i- -■7'''' '■-,'' ^ ■^ ■■^ ^. .^^ V. "^. ^.^' •n/. c*^ ,r' .;-Js^' ^.. .-^^ Vi-" '^^ X o.'f •\ \> v"': .x^-' '"^^. .- •^^ . o. " .^^ -^c*. -^ v^'