E 415 .9 .P3 D3 Copy 1 A\5 .?3 03 CopV aMWJMHiafeti»-/iiiu.ui.M.jMHarogiiinuiw».m- j ■■■iiib— THT DEATH uacO'n 1 hU h Born in LONDONDERRY, N. H.. Mmnber //, /799, Died in AVESTFIELD, N. Y., OcMer /5, i879. Death of Hon, George W, Patterson, (From THE WESTFIELD REPUBLICAN, October 22, 1879) The community was startled as by an electric shock on Thursday morning, by learning of the death of Hon. George W. Patterson, who died at his home at ten o'clock on Wednesday night, October 15, 1879. And now, after the sharp pain of the first intelli- gence has passed, and the funeral obse- quies have b