The RINGING ^/^^ BELLS &^ Other \)erses o o o BY HENRIETTE R. ULRICH J34 SANTA ANITA COURT, SIERRA MADRE CALIFORNIA The golden Wedding "Bells Other Uerses Copyrighted 1919 HENRIETTE R. ULRICH 2J4 SANTA ANITA COURT, SIERRA MADRE CALIFORNIA ** To The I^ong zAg ©CI.A561016 I :NiT> e X The Golden Wedding Bells 7 His Patience 16 A Prayer 19 The Vision of Faith 21 A Happy New Year 23 The Wedding Bells 25 Butterfly Song 26 To Our Mother 27 A Wish 27 The Gift- Watch 28 The Baby 29 God's Blessing 30 The Golden Service Star 30 To the Baby Boy 31 A Letter from California 32 The Mystery 34 Sierra Madre 35 The Shipwreck 37 THE RINGING OF THE GOLDEN WEDDING BELLS Hark! the wedding bells are ringing, Through the long ago. See! They're starting down life's path- way, Heart and cheek aglow! Welded by one link together, Circling ring of gold, Emblem of the heart's affection. Love's sweet story old. Through the sunshine and the shadow. Up and down the slopes. Over rough and thorny places. Footsteps winged by hopes. Side by side the burdens bearing. Lightening thus the load; Side by side the sorrows sharing. Brightening thus the road. 7 Side by side the pleasures feeling, Doubling each one's share, In the blessedness of having Each the other there! And when dark forebodings hover, And the path looks drear, Brighter grows the gloom, in feeling. Each, the other, near. Though the storm-cloud burst upon them. Fear and dread depart. For each feels the strength and courage Of the other's heart. And the loving benediction. Daily, hourly theirs. Of the One who hears and answers All His children's prayers. Peace that passeth understanding. Heart and mind He fills; Though of all petitions, grants them, Only what He wills. And to them He gives a treasure. Compass, guide and chart. E'en Himself's revealed within it, Secrets of His Heart. Better far than gold the finest, And than honey, sweet; 'Tis a Hght unto their pathway, Lamp unto their feet. Well may calm contentment fill them, For He's sweetly said, 'No, I'll leave not nor forsake thee, As the path you tread." 'Naught can from My love divide thee. Traveling day by day; Grace and strength I'll give sufficient. All along the way." Thus the years go gliding past them, Carrying joys and woes, Freighted by a loving Father, Every need He knows. And His gracious Hand is guiding. Planning everything. Knowing this, through light and shadow Grateful praises ring! Traveling thus life's checkered pathway. Many a year has rolled. Since by tiny link united, Endless ring of gold. Shadowy hands, these years, In passing. Draw them still more near, Stronger weld the link that binds them. Heart to heart more dear! Filling them with deeper measure Of that mystic love, Never seen by mortal vision, Born from God above ! Emblem of the deep affection Felt by Christ on high, For His-Church, to earth descended, For her sake to die. So the desert sands slip past them, Leaving them each day, Nearer to the Heavenly ending Of their pilgrim way. Half a century spent together! Fifty mile-stones passed! Hand in hand they near the portal, Of the joys that last. Hark! what mellow music ringing? Golden wedding bells ! Older, sweeter song they're singing, Deeper love it tells. 10 Golden wedding bells, your music Tune their hearts to praise! Showing golden rays that make them Golden wedding days ! 'But a span," they say, when looking Backward o'er the path; Sorrows nearly all forgotten, Seems but joys it hath. And the way that seemed so winding Now shines out the best. That could lead them safely homeward Toward eternal rest. Gleams a golden light upon it. Shines a heavenly ray. For the just, his path shines brighter, To the perfect day. Perfect day! whose golden glories Center in the One, Who their earthly path has lighted With eternal sun. And they're moving up so closely To this glorious day, That its golden fringe is trailing O'er their pilgrim way. 11 Though their earthly day is waning, Journey almost done, Golden are the glories glowing Round their setting sun. Shining locks all flecked with snowflakes, In this melting ray, Change to crowns of glory o'er them. Found in righteous way. Soon this desert pathway ended, O'er the golden sand, Golden m the light that's shining, From Emmanuel's Land, Golden Day will then be breaking. Golden Harvest in — Golden Gates will then be opening, Golden Streets within. Golden Crowns will then be given. Golden Harps to play — And by faith, than gold more precious, Welcome is the day! Hark! the golden bells are ringing! "Marvel not," they say, 'With these golden rays we crown thee, Golden wedding day!" 12 Golden wedding bells are echoing, Through these glory rays, And with happy hearts they're entering "Golden wedding" days! * H« * * * Hush, ye golden bells, ring softly. While with loving hands All these golden rays are gathered Into golden strands, Which shall draw the heart straight upward To the Home above, Where these golden glories center In the Father's love. In whose presence fullest joy is, Pleasures evermore ! E'en on earth, the heart can rest there^. Worship and adore. Precious faith, God-given treasure, Makes this path of gold. Following the gracious Shepherd Straight into the fold. Ring now, golden bells, more loudly! While faith's golden rays Shine upon dark earth, creating Golden wedding days! 13 Through the distance, as an echo, Golden wedding bells ! Wafted from yon courts of glory — Gracious message tells: *'Wedding supper now is ready. Wedding garments, too ; Clothed in these, a royal welcome Is awaiting you ! "Jesus, Saviour, Who on earth once Gave His life for thee. Now to God's right hand exalted Over all to be. *'God, the kingly feast's provided. For His Son and Heir; He would clothe you with salvation. Seat you with Him there !" Ring out, golden bells! Ring loudly! Wake the sinner's heart! Bid him don the wedding garment Ere he hear, "Depart!" Hark! again the music ringing. Golden wedding bells ! Last and sweetest song they're singing. Deepest love it tells. 14 Bids the heart behold a vision, While the chorus rings ! Form a harp from rays of glory ! Play its golden strings ! Lo ! the mystic marriage union, Of a Stranger fair. Brought from depths of earth to heaven, All with Christ to share. As the pearl on opal sea-shell That's diseased appears, 'Tis a groaning, spoiled creation, Christ this treasure bears. Valueless it seemed, He took it. Cleansed it with His blood, Made it thus to shine resplendent, Bathed in glory flood! Christ, this spotless Pearl is taking To Himself, His Bride, She to grace those courts of glory. Ever at His side ! Ring on, golden bells, forever! Sound your joyful lay Through this long, eternal, glorious. Golden Wedding Day! 15 HIS PATIENCE With what wondrous loving patience Hath our ever-gracious Lord Wrought with us through all our life-time, Ever be His Name adored! Showing us His great salvation, Giving us His peace to know, Shedding forth His love within us, Heavenly joy, while here below. Teaching us with patience, daily. Though we oft prove dull and slow, Wondrous lessons, all concentered In one theme — Himself to know. Bidding us learn this beside Him, E'en beneath His yoke to tread; Learn His heart so meek and lowly, Find our rest in being led. Proving in this blessed union. Easy is His yoke, and light Is His burden, for He beareth All with His eternal might. Learn we here the world's ambition, Haughtiness of human pride, CHmbing heights to earthly glory, Toiling up — unsatisfied? No ! it is through low-land meadows That our Shepherd leads His sheep, Into pastures green and restful. And beside still waters deep. And with patience oft He lingers While they try their thirst to slake. At this world's poor, broken cisterns. Tarrying there their rest to take. And when throats are parched and burning. They have fled to Him for ease, Finding Him the Living Fountain Where they may their thirst appease. Thus with patience hath He led us. Marking for us, day by day. Just the paths He'd have us follow, Alt along our pilgrim way. Guiding us through sun and shadow. Guarding us through storm and gloom; Cheering us when worn and weary. Till the Golden City loom. And He lead us through the portals To His glorious Heavenly Home, There to be forever with Him, Never more from Him to roam. Then, throughout th' eternal ages We'll adore His precious Name, Thank Him for His wondrous Patience, While His praises we proclaim! 18 A PRAYER Sympathy O Blessed Lord, we would confess to Thee What cold indifference in our hearts we see, When warmest sympathy to Thee should flow, For all the sorrows of Thy life below. Appreciation And when we see those waves and billows roll, God's mighty wrath for sin submerge Thy soul In darkest depths for us — those bitter hours — What deep appreciation should be ours! Gratitude Could wc conceive that glorious Home above. The Father planned — so infinite His love ! That we, but worms of earth, with Him should dwell. With deepest gratitude our hearts should swell. 19 Love Oh, may we feel all this in hearts so dull, That wondrous love may fill us to the full. And, overflowing, seek its source above, To satisfy the yearnings of Thy love. Worship And on its crest this stream of Love shall bear An alabaster box of ointment rare. Adoring worship — Lord, it is Thy meet — Poured from our hearts upon Thy pierc-ed feet! And as this odor soft refreshes Thee, A grateful smile upon Thy face we see, Oh, may we heed Thy lips' permission sweet. To tarry ever at Thy blessed feet. While Thou art resting from Thy toil of love, At God's right hand, in majesty above, Enjoying there that feast without alloy, The Father's grateful love. Thy deepest joy! 20 THE VISION OF FAITH (Tune: "Looking This Way") I Oh, for the faith this vision to see, Jesus the Savior dying for thee ! There on the cross He suffers alone. All for thee, sinner, thus to atone. Chorus: Dying for thee, yes, dying for thee, Jesus the Savior dying for thee. Veiled are the skies, earth trembles to see, Jesus the Savior dying for thee. II Finished the work on Calvary's tree. God can have mercy, sinner, on thee. Flee to Him now, ye weary and sad. Rest shall be thine. He maketh thee glad. Chorus: "Come unto me, yes, come unto me," Jesus in mercy calleth to thee. Outstretched His arms, in pity to thee^ Jesus is calling, "Come unto me." 21 Ill Now in the glory, Jesus above, Showers upon thee pity and love. Wilt thou accept Him? Come! we im- plore. He will receive thee — His evermore. Chorus: Longing for thee, yes, longing for thee; Jesus the Savior longing for thee. Lovingly waiting — oh, canst thou not see, Jesus in glory, longing for thee? IV Soon with a shout He'll come to receive With Him in glory, all who believe. Wilt thou accept this Savior as thine? — Joyfully singing, "Jesus is mine!" Chorus: Coming for thee, yes, coming for thee; Jesus from Glory, coming for thee ! With Him and like Him ever to be — Jesus Himself is coming for thee ! 22 A HAPPY NEW YEAR The New Year lies spread out before thee, A page all unwritten and white, And Father Time's seated before it. His pen in hand, ready to write. Are you anxiously scanning his counute- nance, To see whether pleasure or pain Is fiMing his mind while preparing. His task to resume once again? Do you think of the years that are finished. All written with sorrow and blood. All blotted with tears and heart-anguish, Which have deluged the earth like a flood? Oh, tremble not, dear, but remember, There's One above, guiding Time's pen. Who possesses omnipotent wisdom. Over-ruling the kingdoms of men. The heavens came forth at His bidding, Our earth slipped in place at His call; The nations as dust in the balance. With the weight of His word, rise and fall. But though He the firmament builded, And worlds circle round at His will, Not a sparrow can fall, but He knoweth — Art not thou much more valuable still? For the hairs of thy head He hath num- bered. He knoweth all things that you need. He loved thee and gave Himself for thee; He shall withhold nothing indeed! Underneath are His Arms everlasting, Upholding and working thy good; While enthroned, and the Universe ruling, Daily thinks of thy clothing and food. On the Hand that Time's pen gently guideth, The print of the nail thou canst see. And thy name on the Palm is engraven — Can It write aught but blessing for thee? Then tremble not, dear, for the morrow; Let peace fill thy heart, and not fear. Rest assured that whate'er His love planneth. Shall for thee be a Happy New Year ! 24 THE WEDDING BELLS (Tune : "Hold the Fort" ) Hark ! the wedding bells are ringing, Joyful tidings flow! Life's bright pathway now they're en- tering, Heart and cheek aglow. Welded by one link together. Circling ring of gold. Emblem of the heart's affection, Love's sweet story old. Hark! the wedding bells are singing, "May our God above Shine on you in richest blessing Through His heart of love. Filling you with joy and gladness. All your happy days. And may you reflect the brightness Of His loving rays." 25 BUTTERFLY SONG Tune— "Tell It Again." Butterfly-bows, Little Girlie to wear, Catching together your soft, sunny hair. Whispering tenderly into your ear — "Many glad birthdays we wish you, my dear." "We have" come fluttering down unto you. Over the mountains and valleys we flew. Sent to remind you of wonderful things" — Listen to each while his message he sings ! "I am as blue as the bright sky above. Where God is watching in tenderest love O'er little girlie, in study or play. Guarding and guiding her over life's way." "Shining and white are my wings, as you see. Like all our dear ones who've flown up to be Ever with Jesus — He's keeping them there Till the glad moment we'll meet in the 26 TO OUR MOTHER Gather all the buds and blossoms Which along our path have blown, Words and deeds of loving kindness, Seeds a tender hand has sown; Reaching far back in the distance Till the memory's lost in haze, All along until the present Painful parting of the ways; Weave them all into a garland, While our hearts in sorrow bow, And with loving hands we'll place it On our Mother's gentle brow. A WISH May pleasures encircle your pathway, As ripples the dip of the oar. And tenderly smoothe away sorrow As wavelets the sand of the shore. May the blessing of God 'round about you. Shine like the light from above; May He guide you through sunshine and shadow, And guard with His infinite love. 27 THE GIFT-WATCH This token of affection true, Your grateful class presents to you, With an earnest prayer that God will shed His richest blessings on your head — God's richest blessings on your head. 'Tis a tiny servant, who works and sings; Through the busy day its sweet voice rings : "Tick-tick, tick-tick. Your strength shall be, The love of Christ constraineth thee" — "The love of Christ constraineth me." And when night comes forth in dark array, Where dangers lurk — hear it softly say: "Tick-tick, tick-tick. He'll guard and keep Who giveth His beloved sleep" — "He giveth His beloved sleep." Through days that are weary and nights that are long, 'Twill give you fresh courage, this comfort- ing song — "Tick-tick, tick-tick. As time rolls by. The coming of the Lord draws nigh" — "The coming of the Lord draws nigh." THE BABY Tiny little rosebud treasure, Wondrous blessing, dear, Sent to you from God in Heaven, With this message clear: "Take this child and nurse it for Me, Wages will I give; Joy and comfort shall reward you Every day you live. "For enfolded in this rosebud, 'Midst the petals sweet, Grace and beauty you'll discover In this cool retreat. "And the opening will give you Endless joy untold. While you watch with keenest interest. Every leaf unfold. "In the center, priceless jewel Lies enfolded deep; 'Tis thy tiny heart, thou dear one, / would always keep." 29 GOD'S BLESSING May the blessing of God, like «i halo of light, Encircle thee ever by day and by night. May He guard with His infinite love And guide thee in safety through sun- shine and storm. Enable thee daily each task to perform, Strengthened with might from above. THE GOLDEN SERVICE STAR The light is gone, for lo, our hero falls — His life departs. And darkness as of midnight skies enthralls Our sorrowing hearts. But, see ! a gleaming golden star appears ! Reflects a rainbow through our falling tears, And sheds the rays of light o'er coming years — His Faith imparts ! 30 TO THE BABY BOY Here's to the tiny Baby Boy — Long life and health, and every joy I May he live to return in part The loving care of each kind heart That tenderly bends o'er his cradled form To shield him from every baby storm. Or, better still, may he day by day, By his loving words and gentle way, Be in the home like a sunbeam fair, And so return their tender care. But, best of all, may he early hear The gentle call of his Savior dear: '* 'Tis thy heart, my son, that I crave as mine." May he softly whisper: "Lord, 'tis Thine." 31 A LETTER FROM CALIFORNIA MOTHER NATURE IN CALIFORNIA TO HER CHILDREN IN THE EAST Dearest Children: I am writing Just to tell the reasons true, Why my sun-kissed California Is the place for all of you. If you knew our fruitful Southlands, With their tempting gardens fair. Beckoning you with waving palm-trees, You would never linger there. 'Tis a land whose golden glories Seem reflected from above ; Down each golden sunbeam wire Angels murmur, "God is Love." Golden sunshine paves the highways, Golden flowers fleck the fields; Through the leaves peep golden fruit- balls. While their bloom sweet Incense yields. When the heated hand of Summer Presses on your feverish brain, And the storm-cloud hurls upon you Lightning, thunder, wind, and rain, 32 Here Old Ocean fans my children With his misty, cooling breeze; Bids them plunge beneath his billows, Pace his golden strand at ease. When the snowy hand of Winter Holds you in his icy grip, Bares with frosty breath the woodlands, Rudely stoops the trees to strip, Here my children nestle warmly On my lap, the slopes so green. While I bathe them in the rain-drops, Or in sunshine's golden sheen. If perchance there comes a longing For a taste of cold and snow, On the mountain-tops you'll find it, While the orange blooms below. Lovely Heaven-kissed California, Mountains, valleys, ocean blue. All unite to send this message From — Your Mother True. P. S. — O'er the sea a golden pathway, Leading from the setting sun. Enters through our Golden Gateway Into rest when work is done. 33 THE MYSTERY In France Oh, was it a dream that I heard him, Felt him here, close by my side — So close that he touched my cheek softly, And was off in the darkness to hide? Ah, then, how I longed to embrace him, And stretched forth my arms, but in vain; Though I heard his sweet voice — oh, so near me — And ever again this refrain: " 'Tis only to show you I'm here, dear — Here keeping watch while you sleep." Thus sang he so soft and so gently. The thought of it now makes me weep ! Oh, where is he now? 'Tis bright morn- ing! In vain do I search for and call, 'Neath the flowing white net which en- velops My couch with its canopy tall. On soft wings did he enter my chamber, And through filmy drapery fly? I know not, nor where he has vanished — This Mosquito, so cunning and sly ! 34 SIERRA MADRE An Allegory I In our southern sunset's splendor, Clad in robes of purple lights, Sits enthroned a kingly Mountain, Circled by his noble knights. Ruling o'er the azure distance. Gardens sloping to the sea; Luring from the clouds the rain-drops, Pouring them on vine and tree. From his hand, the Valley drinking. Blushes into blossoms fair, Bids her birds sing glad thanksgivings. Loves him for his tender care. Thus he wooes and wins the Valley, Radiant in her emerald sheen. Bridal veil of mist flings o'er her, With a rainbow crowns her Queen. II Nestling 'twist this Mount and Valley, Smiles an Infant City fair. Basking in the Southland sunshine, Bathed in balmy scented air. Cradled in a bed of blossoms, Grassy greens and flowers sweet, 'Neath the waving palms and fruit trees, Glistening with their golden meat. And the Valley Queen rejoices, Kingly Mountain smiles above, As their arms enfold their treasure, Guard this object of their love. Gazing off into the future, Tiny bud to blossom blown. Golden fruit shall shower on them, Who have seeds of kindness sown. 36 THE SHIPWRECK (An incident of the wreck which oc- curred when the steamer "Monroe" was accidentally run into and sunk by the "Nan- tucket" off the coast of Virginia, January 3L 1914.) Reader, ere the curtain rises O'er this awful scene at sea, Bid thy heart be warm and tender, Filled with love and sympathy. See the sorrowing circle gathered To receive their lonely one, From his battle with the billows — Mortal combat almost won. Place thyself among these dear ones, As is first portrayed the scene By our hero, stunned and broken, While they list with interest keen. 37 Scene I — His Story Through the waves our ship was plow- ing, Dark and drear had been the day, And the moaning wind had left us. Loath to waft us on our way. Veiled the sun's sad face in setting, No bright rosy-hued farewell; O'er the sky spread gloom and darkness, Moon nor stars could break the spell. E'en the cold fog bending o'er us Leaves the tear-drops on our deck. Cruel is she, yet she's weeping O'er the victim of her wreck. As she flings her flowing garments, Gruesome pall, about our boat. Muffling e'en the shrieking signals, Danger-calls to all afloat. Thus we glided through the darkness; Gloomy hours went slowly past. But to leave our ship enshrouded In this winding-sheet so vast. 38 In our hearts a deep foreboding Drove afar all thought of sleep, While we rocked upon the billows Of the dark and troubled deep. On we went through mist and darkness, Longing that the light of morn Send the sun's warm rays to seek us, And this mist away be torn. And these tear-drops change to jewels, In the radiant morning light, Sparkling with a happy lustre As the dew on grasses bright. But the cruel lagging moments Held us still in arms of night, When we heard a sound approaching, Saw a sudden gleam of light. Oh, the terrors of that moment. As our Captain veered about. Wildly shrieked the danger signals, Frantic, shrill, in nervous doubt. Swift and heedless came the monster. Deaf to every shrill appeal, Plunged itself into our vitals, Groaning, creaking, grinding keel. Fairly cleaving us amidships, Then retreated, would not see Its poor victim quivering, writhing, In its dying agony. Oh, the shock of that concussion. Hurling all from berth and bed! For an instant tense the silence — Breathless, speechless, mortal dread! Then the groans of pain and terror. Agonizing cries for aid Rose iij mighty prayer to Heaven, Through the darkness, blacker made. One there was that pierced my heart's core, Roused me, nerved me, strength it gave. Where was she — my life's dear partner. She I'd give my life to save? In the darkness soon I found her. Guided by her moaning cry. But she writhed away in anguish — "Do not touch me! Let me die!" Her poor arm was hanging, broken. Every move was agony. 'But, my Margaret, I must save you ! Oh, be brave and let me try!" 49 With a lurch the vessel settled, O'er the deck rolled one black wave. Slowly then it sank, huge coffin. Lowered to its watery grave. Then 'twas gone, forever buried. With its score of lives beside, Leaving some upon the surface Battling with the angry tide. As we felt the cruel water Fold us in its icy grasp. Close I held my fainting darling In my arms thus firmly clasped. But the pain was — oh, so dreadful. Of her helpless broken limb, That she prayed to let her die thus. As I could not hold and swim. Quickly coiling her long tresses Round her head, I firmly pressed With my teeth, thus held her to me. With her head upon my breast. Thus we floated on the billows. Strength and courage almost gone, Hoping, fearing, suffering, praying. Longing for the break of dawn. 41 Sudden joy ! A lifeboat neared us, But we called and shrieked in vain, For they neither saw nor heard us, And soon left us in our pain. Oh, the suffering of those moments, Lengthened into hours there, Battling with the cold black waters. Trembling thus 'twixt hope and fear. Then a rescue boat approached us. As my burden came to view, "Let her go ! She's dead !" they shouted. "We will take in only you !" "She is living! You must take her. Or a murderer's hell you'll see !" Then they lifted us to safety. Gently taking her from me. And her eyes she slowly opened. Smiling sweetly in my face. Thus they bore away my dear one. Bid me bide another place. Then a mist came o'er my vision. For the horrors in my brain Blotted out all other objects. Hours were passed in restless pain. 42 When at last my eyes I opened, As I lay there, all alone, And the awful scene came o'er me, Where is she, my Margaret, gone? Rushing madly through the cabins, Searching for her, heeding naught. Till at last I found her lying, Sweetly sleeping, as I thought. As I fondly bent above her. Lightly kissed her marble brow, Icy was the shock that thrilled me ! Death had claimed her even now ! ***** Draw the curtain o'er such sorrow, Leave him with his friends alone. Only God can soothe and comfort. Heal this broken-hearted one. Scene II While with aching hearts we ponder O'er these scenes, so sadly true. O'er the many scenes of anguish Brought so constantly to view. To our spirit comes a longing Mysteries of life to know. Is there none to solve the problem. Delve these depths of human woe? 43 Hush, sad spirit. See the curtain Lifting by God's hands for you, And behold, another shipwreck. Vast, stupendous, brought to view. 'Tis our earth, which, like this vessel, Speeding swiftly on through space, Made and launched by the Creator, His vast universe to grace. Rolling swiftly round its circle. Through the ocean of the air. Gladdening God's heart in viewing. Pure and spotless, bright and fair. Lo ! there lurks a monster demon, Iron keel of sin and shame. Plunged itself into the vitals. Wrecked and shattered Earth's fair name ! Oh, the horrors of that contact On through ages have endured. Floods of sorrow, death and weeping. Sickness, suffering, naught has cured. See, 'tis sinking, this huge coffin. Carrying with it souls of men ! Bury them in floods of darkness, Joy nor hope to feel again ! 44 But despair not. One is with them, On this shattered sinking wreck, Mighty is He, strong to save them, Ere the waves roll o'er the deck. "Only trust me." Hear Him pleading. "Place thy head upon my breast. Let me take thee home to Glory, Riding safe the billow's crest." "I have borne thy griefs and sorrows, Stricken, smitten, thee to win. Rolled the waves and billows o'er me. Suffering God's wrath for sin." Gentle reader, haste ! Accept Him ! Let Him bear thy weight of woes. 'Tis the Savior who is pleading; Let thy soul on Him repose. Scene III Lo, again the curtain rises, And the last scene comes to view. 'Tis a smiling, fair creation. For the heaven and earth are new. 45 Passed the first earth, gone forever, And the heavens away have rolled. No more sea whose troubled waters Wrought such misery untold. God Himself has dried all tear-drops. Neither death nor pain may stay. Sorrow, crying, gone forever — Former things have passed away. Passed the devil's mighty shipwreck, Buried in Time's troubled sea. Fair'Eternity's before us — Christ now reigns eternally. Reader, may God's love and mercy Burn these scenes upon thy heart; Give thee eyes of faith to view them, Light, which doth His Word impart. "Choose ye this day," hark. He calls thee, " 'Twixt the devil's realm and mine. Joy or sorrow, light or darkness. Which shall be forever thine?" 46