Class Book aSfc^tf KaA JL. Mm A SEiUSGTlOjf 0F< CHOICE) D£SIGJffS in Rich and Plain Furniture for the Use of (IPNETMAW JP UPHOLSTERERS. . .lEuslprMoffpn fur DEMODELES CHOISIS D'AMEUBLEMENT. I^ECUEIL DE DESSINS DE SIEGES ETDE MEUBLES /3 f ^ \ 3- Contents. Table des Matieres. $n$ aft Acroterial Termination of Pediment . 130 Album Cover in carved Wood . . 65. 129 Arm-chairs 1. 7. 18. 30. 37. 53. G7. 84. 98 115. 110. 131. 135. 137. 148. 180 Band, gothic 113 Bed-stead .... 15. 42. 55. 152. 108 Bencli for a Vestibule 68 Bench End 45 Billard-table 182 Bonnet-case, carved 59 Book-case 38. 109. 120. 122. 140. 169 Book-case and Writing-table ... 62 Buffet 2. 28. 44. 61. 91. 92. 110. 125. 172 188. 189. 190 Buffet and Wainscot Ill Chairs 4. 17. 18. 27. 37. 51. 52. 53. 84. 85 86. 98. 99. 100. 101. 118. 132. 133. 135 137. 148. 149. 151. 164. 179. 181 11. 29. 58. 138. 186 Cabinet for Jewellery 75 Capitals .... 81. 11.".. 146. 161. 177 Cartouches, Renaissance 49 Casket in Ivory 1 17 Casket containing Requisites for Smoking 155 Ceiling in Wood 159 Chest of Drawers 58. 171 Cheval Glass 22 Chiffonier 160 Cigar-box 54. 55 Clock-case 10. 25. 80. 96 Cupboard 94 Designs for the Head of a Harp . . 33 Dining-room Chair 8G Dining-table, expanding . . . .34. 119 Door Ill Door, Details of ornamented . . . 178 Doors for a Railway Carriage ... 46 Drawing-room Cabinet 124 Dressing-glass 8. 9 Dressing-table, Lady's 41 Easel 175 Fire-screen enriched with Paintings . 12 Flower-stand . . . , 170 Flower-table 56 Footstool 103 Frame 13. 50 Furniture 105 Gable Finials 12S Garden Pavilion 79 Harp, richly carved 112 Seite agrnffen 102 atbumbetfe 65. 129 HrBeitatejtdjen 150. 151 aiisjugtifd) fiir eiit ©peifejimmet ... 34 8anl fur tut ifcftibut 21. 68 SefrBrturtg 113 SSefronung cimv Xtjiire 178 SBct|tiil)t 32 <8ettf!elle .... 15. 42. 55. 152. 168 SBibiiotfjcffcfjronf 38. 122. 140 ©illarb 182 »tffetau8ga6ffdjafttt 63 SBlutntnflanbtr 176 iMumemifdje 56 SBorbure, gotljifcbe 113 Siidjerborb 160 SMidjerjdjrauf 109. 120. 109 Sufftt 2. 28. 14. 91. 92. 110. 125. 172. 188. 190 SSuffct fiir cine 9icftnurntioit .... 21 Buffet uiib SBanbtfifcfung 141 Buffet fiir cine ^immerecfc 189 Sigtirrtnlfiftdjert 54. 55 tSonfotctifcf) mit Spiegel . . .93. 139. 184 Xaiiieiifdn-eibtifd) 34. 105 Samcntoitette 41 Xccfel tines Sdjitimflfifldjena .... 140 2>ref)fhtf)( 5 gdfdjranl 94. 124 @cf3>incic( 81 Etogert 170 gauteuils 4. 7. 18. 30. 37. 53. 67. 84. 98 115. 110. 131.135. 137. 148. 180 genflcrgatterit uub Borljcmg .... 173 genftergarrtituren 6.112 gttHungen 82. 97 gutfungSftucfe fiir Apotjfdjixigerci . . . 102 ©arbtrobeftonber 43 ©nrtenpaniHoii 47. 79 ©eftefl fiir 3eid)iiungen uub Jhipferftidje 127 ©iebctbetronung ISO (Siebeiblumen fiir beforatiueit Jjoijbau . 128 jjiufe, reid) gefdjniftte 112 $arftnfifyft 33 Jjaubeitfcrjrant 59 VilUMlliiVC Ill §oljplafonb 159 Samiiiipiegeh'iifimc 64 Stanjri 78. 144 Sapilat 140. 177 Raftdjen au« Slfcnbein 147 Pago Agrafes 162 Amortissements en bois 128 Armoire 29 58 Armoire-Bibliotheque . 38. 109. 140. 169 Armoire pour suspendre des bonnets 59 Armoires pour cahiers de musiquo 31. 117 Armoire pour clefs 183 Armoires-garde-robes ... 72. 90. 187 Armoire a glace 60. 156 Armoire porte-manteaux . . 39. 107. 185 Banc pour un vestibule .... 21. 68 Bibliotheque 120. 122 Billard 182 Bois de lit . . . . 15. 42. 55. 152. 168 Boite a cigares 54. 55 Boite d'un coucou de la Foret-noire 80. 96 Boites de pendules .... 10. 25. 174 Bordure gothique sculptee .... 113 Buffet 2. 11. 21. 28. 44. 61. 91. 92. 94. 110 125. 138. 172. 188. 189. 190 Buffet et boiserie 141 Cadre de couverture d'album sculptee 65 Cadre de glace 74. 104. 106 Cadre de glace de cheminee ... 64 Cadre dore richement sculpte . . 13 Cadre sculpte 50 Cartouches 49 Chaire 78. 144 Chaises 4. 17. IS. 27. 37. 51. 52. 53. 84 85. 86. 98. 99. 100. 101. 118. 132. 133 135. 137. 148. 149. 151. 104. 179. 181 Chapiteaux de colonnes 101 Chapiteaux de pilastres . . . 81. 145 Chapiteau roman 177 Chevalets 127. 154. 175 Coffret a bijoux 75 Coffret en ivoire 147 Coins 81 Commode 58. 171 Corbeille a papier 143 Couronnement 113. 130 Couronnement d'une porte .... 178 Couvercle orne d'un ecrin .... 140 Couverture d'album 129 Details de panneaux 162 Ecran sculpte orne de peintures . . 12 Ecrin avec couvercle 163 Etagere 170 Fauteuils 4. 7. 18. 36. 37. 53. 67. 84. 98 115. 116. 131. 135. 137. 148. 180 IV Page Hat, Cloak and Umbrella Stands . 43. 71 Jewel Casket with Detail of Lid . . 163 Key Casket 183 Lid of Jewel-box 14G Looking Glass Frame . . .64. 104. 106 Masks, antique 113 Medallion 81 Music-chests 31 Music-stand 117 Music-stools 4. 66 Ornament 113 Ornamental Details for wood Carving' 162 Panels 82. 97 Parquet-floor 48 Piano 16. 77. 191 Pier-glass Frame 74 Pier Tables 3. 30. 40. 93. 139. 153. 157. 171. 184 Pigeon-house 192 Pilaster Ornament 83 Portfolio-stand 127. 154 Prie-Dieu or Praying Desk .... 32 Pulpit 78. 144 Reading-desk 95. 104 Regulator Cases 174 Rosettes 128 Seat for a Mansion Hall 21 Side-board for Coffee-room or Restaurant 21 Sofa 5. 19. 37. 53. 67. 99. 118. 132. 149. 182 Spandrels 81 Stick and Umbrella Stand .... 57 Summer House, ornamental ... 47 Tables 3. 18. 19. 20. 24. 27. 35. 51. 69. 88 89. 102. 103. 117. 136. 137. 149. 152 Table-feet, antique 114 Tabouret 134. 135 Ticket Office 63 Toilet Glass on Table 56. 70 Toilet with Chest of Drawers . . . 123 Toilet with Glass 121 Toilet-table and Wash-hand-stand . 1 Turning-chairs 5 Wardrobes 39. 60. 72. 90. 107. 156. 1S5. 187 Washing-stand with Looking-Glass . 108 Waste Paper Basket 143 What-not 170 Window Cornice 23 Window Gallery 6 Window Gallery and Hangings - . 173 Window Headings 12(i. 142 Work Table .... 26. 87. 100. 167 Working Casket 150. 151 Writing Table 14. 34. 73. 76. 89. 105. 158. 166 ©ette Slnwicrftufjlc 4. 66 fiieibcrfdjrfinfe . 39. 72. 90. 107. 185. 187 Kfetbef unb ©djirmfianber .... 71 Sommobc 58. 171 Sefeputt 95. 104 SMnppcnfHiibcr 154 aiJasfcn, atttife 113 SOcobet im ©til SouiS XVI 186 SDJobelgarnitiu 165 ftabtifdje 26. 87. 100. 107 9iipptifd| . . . . ■ 117 Wotenfdjriiitfc 31. 117 Ofenfdjirm niit 2Me«i 12 Ikpiciftnb 143 sparquetboben 48 ffeUcrnipitcite 161 ^feilcvjdjvaiifdjm 58 SPfetlertifdje 3. 153. 157. 171 pianino 16. 77. 191 sptlafterfapttfile 81. 145 s }5ilaftcrocr}iernng 83 c(d)C8 in ber iinportirtcn 3lu8gabe $2.00 foftct, roirb mit bent tebten £>efte bev (tinrtcnliiube fiit 1871 gratis ait8gegcbcn, an ®icjeitigcn bagcgen, roetcfje ben 9IbonncmentS= prei8 fiir ben ganjeu Safjrgang Borausbcsatjlcn, fog(eid) gclicfert. @8 roirb jebcm fejcr bee ©artcnlaubc urn fo rottttommener jetn, al8 bicfe 3eitfd)vift tion jel)cv bic Jtnfidjten nnb Sctjreu Bertreten nnb Berfodjtcn bat, roeldje SBiidjucr in „ifvaft nnb ©toff" bbdift intcreffant Mfammcngcftctlt bietet. (Stegant in Seiuroanb gebunbene Eremptarc roerben ben ?tbncl)i"cnt franco 9let»9)ort gegen 9iad);af)lnng sou 30St8., nad) ausroiirts fiir 50 St8. augeboten. 31(8 cine roeitcrc frantic bictc id) benjenigen Slbneijntern bet @artcn= taube fur 1871, roctdje cine auSgejcidjnetc ^immeqieroc erroerben \BoUen, ben pradjtBotleu ©taljiftid) ,,:)iomco unb 3u(io", nad) bent ©ematbe Bon Sari ©oljn geftodjen oon ©. Sitberifs, gegen 9aid);al)iuug Bon 50 St8. 2>icfcr ©tablftid) ift anerfanntertnafjen cincs* ber fdjbnftcn framicubitbev, roetdje iema(8 gegeben toorbeu ftnb unb foftete bisfjer i © o U a r 8 © o I b. im Ijieftgen .ffunftfiaubcl. § . ^tetger. 3efct ift im grfdjeincu ba8 ^uppfetttent jur clftcn Sluflaac bou S$rocfh,au$' (SnctyUojia&ifdje $arftelhtng ber ucuefteu gtit uebft (grgunjungen fvitljcrer SIrtifel. £n /Jeftcn jttnt f»mfe von 20 £cnfs. 2)ie grojicn, cine ncuc ©cfcbicbWevecbc einleitenben t |i<$ babuvcb vcv.inlafit, mit cinem © u f V ( c m e n t 3U bicfem »ette »cv ba« ?u6titum 311 trctcn. XicicS etjiinauiisSWnl ^ot bemnacb bie ©arfletJung bet neneften 3eitge» fcbicStesn fcincm ©auft-- unb SJiittelpimftc. SS hjirb in friMier, Icbcnbigcr eprar&e bic gt^cbung Xeutfcbianbe ge.-cn ben franjofifebm SIngriff, bie militarifcbcn Dperationen, bit gtorteicben Iboten bet beutfeben ffiJaffen, foiuie bie biplomatijcbcu unb potitifeben Sctgange fcbilbem, lvclcbc ben gercaltigen Sampf bcgleitcten. Sc«gleia)en h>itb e$ ficb mit bera Seben unb ben ecbictfalen bev bielen inteteffanten ^etfbulicbteiten beftbaftigen, bictn bem OcfcbicbtSs braiua unferer Sage ouf bem einen cber aubevcu Setbe eine berbcrtagenbe VlcUe f))ieteii. G« ivirb fernec mit gtcicbev ©orgfatt bie ndcbfte »elt6tftotifcbe golge bcr erfebutternben gteigniffe bebanbetn : bie ^erftcHung bc^ ®cutfd)en ateiebs unb bie SSeraiiberungen unb gertfebritte, bc« ucn baburcb unfeve gefammtcn BatcrtSnbiicicu I'crbattniife entgegengeben. Stbcr notb in rocitctm 5)iafie wirb bad Supplement bem £auptwevte bicnticb fein, inbem c« bic (Sdegenbcit bietet, bem Son»erfation3=Cejifi>n in aHcn Ubrigcn fta'cbern bie notbttenbige grganjung unb SJetU Ilftanbic u n g 3U gewabten. 2>a« ©upplemcnt roirb babct aucj bic nencfte ©efebicite alter Sutturflaa^ ten, i^re mifitarifeben unb potitifeben @cfcbictc, it)re jjortfebritte in bet ©efe^gebung, bie grgebniffe bcr neneften ftatiftifeben 9[ufnabmen in Bejiig auf Sebijlterung, 53»lt6bilbung, On= bufirie, Sanbct unb i'crte^r, i&re ftaat«= unb bolt«wirtbfcbafttic5cn 3uftanbe u. f. ro., je nan) SBebiirfnifi in tangent ober riirjern StBtiffeit, sum ©egenftanbe fciner 33cbanbtung macben unb jugtcicb bic attgemeinen fociaten unb livAUcbcn Scrbaltniffe in Setracbt jie^en, bie Bcrjug«< toeife in bcr jiingften 3cit bebcutfam bcruorgetvetcn finb. @e nurb gtcicbfatIS bie neneften Uv= febeinungen unb Jfortfcbritte anf ben ®cbieten ber 2 iter at 11 r ber flunfl, bra 2?" fen fa) aft en unb beren Slnroenbung auf bie t ccbni feb en fiiinft e wie auf ba» ft«= tifebe Seben bcrUcfficStigen unb bicjenigen ^ erf 'i nt icbf cit en in« 9tuge Jaffa, t'. fid) ncuerbing* auf jencn fricblicbeit @cbietcn beruorgctban Babcn. ilnficibem Wirt rt tie tfi panptroerfe entbaftenen Sicgrapbien ber S$erfonen abfcblicceu, U'ctcbe feitbciu auO tn>i Seben gefdjieben finb. ®ae Supplement febfiefit fid) in fciner Sufsern gimidjtuug ber etften Jtuftage bes Sonberfation8 = 8eriton fo eng at* mbgtid) au. unb wirb baber aud) roie biefcS bie atpbabctifebe g-otgc bcr Hrtifel innebattcn. Seine Siittficitungcn irerbcu eincetbeite at« S r - ganjungen, SPcrb e f f cr ung en unb g ort f elfungen ber entfprccbcnbcn Slvtitcl bcS SauptlrerfS auftreten, anberntbeile abcr, infufern fie Ivicbtigc ncuc Svcigniffe unb @egeu= ftanbe bebanbcln, eiucu gauj f e( b ft ft an bi gen Sbarafter tragen unb bann nieift audi einc grbijere •SluSfiibrlicSrcit scigen. Silt e u nmi tt el bar g au jungen eutbalteif ben 2lr titct finb burd) ein ©terncben (*) bejeidjnet. g-iir 3cben, ber ba§ SonBcrfationS-Serifon beffijt ober erroerben wift, wirb ba8 in fotcber SSeifc auSgcfiibrtc Supptcment cine fcl;r roiDtommene, nidjt 3U eutbebrenbe Srganjung fciu, bie ba$ §auptn)«I ganj auf bic.Piiibc bcv3cit crtjebt unb ibm bicjenigc S'cKftaubigtcit uerteibt, wetcbe fiir fcincn attfeitigen ©ebraud) fo not(iweubig uub reiinfcbcnStcertb ift. Hbcr and) ben 8eftJ}orn altcver Jruftagen be8 5onbcrfation«>Scriton, foroie ^enienigen, wetebe ein SBcrtsur -f anb Ijaben Wollcn, baS bic ncucftc 3citgefcbicbte in ibrcn Sbatfadjcn unb ^erfonticbteitcn hirs unb bod) anfprecbeub sufammenfafjt, roirb ba« Supplement 92u(en uub reiebe Sefricbiguug gc- toabten tbnnen. ?a8 Supplement jur elf ten Slufloge be« PonBcrftttion5=8erifon er> jdicint genau in bcr 3(u8ftattung be8 §aitpttoerf8 in ^effen jum ^retfe uon 20 §enfe. 2>cr Umfai% tnivb Boraufftditlid) 12 £efte, atfo cine it 33aub in bcr ©ta'rfe ber ©iinbe bee Son»erfation8=2eyi!on ixtd^t ubcrfdjrcitcn. (JHeid)3citig empfe^io td) : 6rodUjaus' §onvcxfationz- Jlexi&on, clftc Sluflngc. i^oltftanbig in 150 Ajcftcu, @ 20 St8, ober 15 ©iinben, gcljcftet elegant in ipnlb=9.iiovoi'co gcbunben, ® $3.00. rs~ 3(Uc 3?(iubc unb .'ocftc ftnb cinjetn ;u Ijaben. $2.00, 4 i^iiube, elegant in §atb=2)corocco gcbunben, $10. oo. aSorratfttg bet ®. Steigcr. Toilet-table and Wasli-hand-stand. — Table-a-toilette. Soilotto imb SBnfdjtifd}. Carved Buffet, Elevation, section and ground-plan. — Buffet. Elevation, coupe et pla Suffetfdjranf. Mufrijj, SBitrdjfdjmtt unb ®runtylrcibtifdf) mit 'SetaitS. 1 I ggh -g*gjjj»$»sg»: 15 16 ^IISBtJfll a seueigtioK or choice; DSsis^s in Rich and Plain Furniture rn fHiUitrrblaffpr fur Staler urtf po^Silbftauer. DE MODELES CHOISIS DAMEUBLEMENT. RECUEILDEDESSINS DE SIEGES ETDEMEUBLES. T> i E.STEIGER, NEW YORK 22 and 24 Frankfort Street. Part 2. 50 Cents. arved, stuffed Chair. — Chaise rembourree en bois sculpte. Sieid) gcjdjnitJtrt folficrfiufjl. IT Round Tables for Drawing-room. — Tables rondes de salon. Shinbc Sifdje fiiv einen ©alon. Stuffed Chair and Arm-chair. — Fauteuil et chaise rembourres. ©cpolftevter gnuteuit unb @tnf)l. 18 Sofa and round Tabic for Drawing-room. — Sopha et table ronde pour salou. eopt|a uub runber SEifdj ffir ciiicu ©nlon. 19 Table for Hunting Room — Table pour uuo salle de chnsse. lijd) fiiv citi Saflbjtmmtr. Table before Couch. — Table pour placer devant un sopha. ©opijntifd). 20 Carved Seat for a Mansion Hall. — Banc pour mi vestibule de chateau. SBmif fiiv bn8 in'ftibul cinc-j SdjtoffeB =1 "' "" for? 1 ' : nl Sideboard for Coffee-room or Restaurant. — Buffet pour un restaurant. Siiffet fi'tr cine 9tefkuiatiou. _'l Cheval Glass. — Miroir de toilette. 'Joilettejpiegel. 22 Window Cornice. — (ialerie de rideaux de fenetr SSorljaiigqnUcrif. ■23 Richly carved Table, with Details. — Table sculptee, avec details. I 'rlicicfa geftfjiiitstcv Sijdj mit SetaitS. ■J I i D Carved Clock-case; elevation, section and ground-plan. — Boite de pendule. Yue principale et coupes, ©cfdfiiiifctcs Ufjrgrfjfiufe. 2(ufri6 unb 3>urd)jdjnitte. 25 Work Tables. — Tables a coudre. SRfiljttfdje. 26 Chairs with Variations in the several Carvings of Backs. — Siege en bois avec variantes de dossier. ©tul]l mit SnuittMni fccv Scfjue. Table and Chair with painted Ornament for a garden Pavilion. — Table et chaise avec ornements peints, pour un pavilion de jardin. Ii;cf) unb 2tuf)( mit aufgcmalteu Dinamentcn fiiv cincu ©avtcnpooitton. 27 Carved Buffet. — Buffet sculpte. 9ieid) gefcEjni^tcS SBiiffet. 28i Cabinet; front and side elevations. — Armoire orniie. Vue principale et vue laterale. 3ietf(^tonf. SSorbcv unb Seitciianfidjt. 29 Pier Table surmounted by Looking Glass; elevation and section. — Glace avec table murale. Vue principale et coupe, ©pieget mit Smtbtifdjdjcn. 2tnftdjt uiib 2>urd)fd)nitt. 30 il s^- 1' a '"V ::!!!!!! usic Chests, one ol simple, one of more elaborate design. — Arrooires pour cahiers de mnsiqne, Tune simplement ornee et l'autre richemenl (Sinfadjet nub runbet 9!otenjd)ranf. 31 Carved Phe-Dieu or Praying Desk. SBetftul)l. Prie-Dieu. 32 a SEmSGTiojf of Choice; DSsigj^s in Rich and Plain Furniture for the Use of .flluafprMatfpn.fur MSUK DEMODELES CHOISIS D'AMEUBLEMENT. KECUEILDEDESSINS DE SIEGES ETDE MEUBLES. __/^\ Part 3. 50 Cents. Expanding Dining-Table. — Table a coulisse pour une salle a manger. afaBjtigtifdj fiir. ciit ©peifejimmer. Lady's Writing-Table. — Secretaire pour daine. 2)nmenfd)veibttfdj. 34 Small Drawing-room Tables. — Tables de salon. Xijdjc fur einen >Saton. 35 3(3 Bind Arm-chair. — Sopha, fauteuil el abourres. (Stpotfferter ©opj)a, fauteuil unb §>tufj(. ( arved Book-case. — Armoire-bibliotheque. Sibliotijeffdjvanf. 38 Armoire porte-manteaux. HkiDajdinuit. 39 Pier-srl ass with caned Frame and Console-table. - Glace a cadre sculpte avee table a consc Wctd) fl,'irf)iiil}tcv ©piegfl niit Eoujolti[d). 40 Lady's I 1 — Toilette pour James. 3Nimciitoifcttc. 41 Bedstead ; front and side elevations, sections and plan. — Bois de lit; elevation principals, elevation laterale, coupes et plan. SSfttfteUt; Slufvifj, @eitenanf"uf)t, ®urd)ftf)nitt unb ©runbrifj. 42 ^■lir (p^ Lmbrella, Hat and Cloak Stand, with variations of upper part. — Porte-manteaux avec variantes. (Savbevokftanber niit SSarianten. 43 Carved Buffet. — Buffet sculpte. aieid; gefdjnifctcS SJuffct. 44 : 5 10 [00 150 Ctm Carved Bench End; front and Bide elevations. — Smiles d'eglise; vue do face et de profil. -Siybmtf fur tine Sirdjt; Bcitcniuijidn teS Sifctfi an btr ©vil flung; SSorbcranfidjt ber 33riifluiiq. 45 Carved Doors for the Railway Carriage of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Austria. Portes sculptees pour le vagon, de S. M. I. l'Empereur d'Autriche. 3teid) ge[dnu§te Jtjiire fur ben f. f. oftetr. @ifcnbofjnfaIorc=5Biigen. 10 ii,m imental ■ jardin. . tcnpiU'itloii. 47 Parquet-Floor. — Parquet, ^nvquetboben. 48 s^9*% ^ffijTi SK '■ f ,fI afMT fio wj A SEJ^ElGTlOjf OF< GHOIGS DESIGNS in Rich and Plain Furniture for the Use of Jflluufprfilaffpp fiir DEMODELES CHOISIS D'AMEUBLEMENT. RECUEIL DE DESSINS DE SIEGES ETDE MEUBLES. i E.STEIGER, NEW YORK 22 and 24 Frankfort Street. SBfc Part 4. 50 Cents. Renaissance Cartouches. — Cartouches, — genre renaissance. "Jieuniffancefdjilbf. ■10 © o 50 Tables ami Chair; one table of simple, the other of richer design. Tables avec chaise rembourree, Tune simplement et l'autre richement travaillee. Sinfndjtr unto (tidjertt liid) ucbft 1-olihiiml '. 51 Stuffed chairs. — Chaises rembourrees. ^olfterftufyle. 52 T I Carved Chairs, lesigned in the style oi the Renaissance. Chaises, genre renaissance. ffcmcefiitf|ie Sofa and Arm-chair. — Sopha avec fauteuil, genre moderne. 53 2Hoberrte8 ioptm mit gauteutl. 3KR3K33333jnOTircioriOOOOf£5£*0^ : T~r >■, .Ji,J!liil .U,MJIL.;iM!L , MM & ..! : Ll Cigar Box in walnut, flowers, knobs and key-plate in ivory. Boite a cigares ('/a d'execuiion) en noyer. Rosace, boutons h rea l size. et platine de la serrure en ivoire. Eigcm-enEajWiei! (>/* tmtiivlidjcv ®rofje) nn8 SRufj6amttljol8 ; bie 9Jo|ettcn, (Scttnopfc nub bo« ed)liifjclfd)ilb am CSIfcixbeiu. 54 Bedstead. — Bois-de-lit. 8ctl| 55 Toilet Glass on Table. — Table a toilette. 2oi(ctlctijrf). Flower Table. — Jardinii ©fltmeiltijd). 5G 6[)ClJll Stick and Umbrella Stand, eleval and g Lplan. - Ratelie, , r Cannes. (Elevation et plan,. ;'in(ui)t utrt Oruntytan eiueS ©todjlfinberS. Chest of Drawers. — Commode. Sinfndjc Seifjjragfonimobe. O 5 ID lOoCtlL Small Cabinet. — Armoire. ^fcttcrfdjronfdjen. 58 Carved Bonnet Case. — Armoire ipimr suspi-mlre > 1 • • s bonnets. §angenber §au6enfd)ranf. 59 Wardrobe with Looking Glass. — Armoire a glace, ©infudjcv ©picgclfdjiiinf. 60 . •• - ■ . .-• .. .- ., ■.. . 5 10 100 150 Ctm. elevation and section.. — Buffet. — Elevation et coupe. Sotbtranftdjjt nub Surdjfdjnitl cinc<* @ptift(d)ranfc8. 61 Book Case on Writing Table. — Secretaire avec bibliotheque. ©djreibtifd) mit Sibliotfief. 62 Ticket Office. — Guichel de chemin ile fer. 8iHetau«gabefdjaft«. 63 Carved Looking-glass Frame surmounting Drawing-room Chimney-pieee — Cadre de glace de ckeminee pour salon. Snmiiifticgelvaljiiie fiir ctncn ©alon. 64 a?«?M? a SEjueGTiojff of Choice; DESIGNS in Rich and Plain Furniture for the Use of CABINETMAKERS p> UPHOLSTERERS, c _ JteterMatfpn fiir DE MODELES CHOISIS D'AMEUBLEMENT. I^ECUEIL DE DESSINS DE SIEGES ETDE MEUBLES. ^> --^eflV Part 5. 50 Cents. <£j. . -- Carved Album Cover in Stained Pear Front view and section. Cadre de couverture d'album sculptee en poirier; Vue de face et profil. gn&umbedc ans gefdjnitjtem 83imBaum|oI}. Sinjidit iint> iRaljmenprofU. G5 Richly Cawed Music Stool. - Tabouret richement sculpte pour piano. 9ieid) gejdjnifeter StcioiaftiUil. 66 Sofa and Arm-chair in Stained Pear. — Sopha et fauteuil rembourres en bois noirci. Sopfjii unb gepolfiertcr fiebnfiufjl cms jdjitnu; gcbcijtem .voljc. 07 ^\S JiF — — - M L, , is- i^ i : " : • ^** J.' -|Sil_- ** l i i||. ■ "ii ■ i s ■ i ■", ■ ■ n i ■ ■ ■ n ■ ■ r i ■n ■ i i ■ i : iii ii i" *" Ujpiiiii&fiiT ltflllllllllflttillllltHfUUII!lji' J " LJ "' i llllllllllllUUdlllHIUUII!ljl»tlMIIIIIIIIIllgilli»IUIitiM!ttlfl^ T 4L • TIT 1 fc I ,;?.. 1 }jf '■■ , ::™i \'i"- J XJz,: iScitenniifidjt. 08 r— ■¥&- , . • j r. 1 1 t „„ Table ovale nour sopha en bois noirei avec filets d or, Oval Drawing-roon, Table L* El y wUj Inc.sed Gold Lmes. B« J^ ^ ^ ^ Square Table in Oak. ODoter Sotfotifd) ou« idmvmcm $ot,« mit ringtnoictn •oOfiaicn unb oimdigei Eifdj au« ft*!**. 69 Toilet Glass on Table. — Table a toilette Soilettctifdjdicii. 70 Hat, Cloak and Umbrella Stands in plain and rirlier treatment. Rateliers pour Parapluies, l'un d'un travail simple l'antre plus richement ouvrage. ©nfadjw nnb reidjtrrr SWeiber- imb Sdjitmflfinbn in ©djenfiolj. 71 i5ii C tm. I Armoire garde-robes pour dames. Sinfcidjcv Slcikijcfjianf fin' 'Samcngnrbctobe. Wardrobe for Lady's Dressing-room, door panels filled with silvered plate-glass. 72 Gtiifadicv Sdnnbtifd). flnfidn itnb (?tuntpKui. 5 10 100 joCtm. Pier-glass Frame designed for the Dining-room of a Villa. Elevation and section. Cadre de glace pour la salle a manger d'une villa. Vue principale et coupe. Spicgctinfjmc fiir bas Speifejimmer ctuer $itta. '.'lufidjt unb Suvdjjdjmtt. 74 Cabinet for Jewellery in Ebony and oxydised bronze. — Coffret a bijoux ea bois verni en noir, avec bronze oxyde. Sdjmudfdjcfintdjtn mis [djroarj polittem $ot}t mtb oriibhicr Bronje. 75 3 S= 3 2. H 63 5 Si 76 Cottage piano in Purple-wood. — Pianino en iialissandre. 'iMiiuino mis $aIiffanbrt|oIj. 77 Oak Pulpit for Village Church. — Chaire en chene pour une eglise romane de vil Saiijfl am Gid)fnf)ol} fiiv cine vomanifdjc Sorffirdjt. 78 Garden Pavilion. — Pavilion de Jardin @arteupnmflon. 79 Clock Case. — Boite d'un coucou Je la foret-Noire. @mfad)f« (Scljaufe einet ©djtoarjloalber KuFufSu^c. 8l) a SsuseTioX of Choice; Designs in Rich and Plain Furniture for the Use of dPNKTMiWS JP UPHOLSTERERS. llluBtprblaffpn fur DEMODELES CHOISIS D'AMEUBLEMENT. RECUEILDEDESSINS DE SIEGES ETDE MEUBLES. Part 6. 50 Cents. Capital of Pilaster. Italian Renaissance Chapiteau de pilastre, :)ifiiaiffiiiicc l ; ilnftcvt(ipital. •lire renaissance. Spandrels and Medallion d rated with figure subjects. — Coins et rosace, — genre moderne. aftobttnc edjwidel imb Stojettt. 81 Curved Panel Ornament. — Pauneau sculnte, genre moderne SOToberue ijcfduii^te guiding. 82 Pilaster Ornaments. — Ornemenl moderne. SDtobcruc 'iMlaftciueijicnuiij. 83 ® I |jjj|jMj|f!p,'iill | |' h' ■ ' liri'iT'irruro rrr jiiinm Stuffed Chairs in stuin" 90 a v5 o 91 Buffet in Oak. — Buffet en chene. Elevation principale et laterale. SBiiffct in Gid)fnf)oIj. SBovbir* unb Scitenanfidjt. 92 v^wh — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i ■ Pier Table with Glass. — Table-console avec glace. Elevations principale et laterals. (Sonjolctiid) mit Spiegel. $orbev> unb Seitenanftdjt. 93 O J to isoCtnv. J L Corner Cupboard. — Buffet angulaire pour le service de table. Scffdjinuf fiii XnfElfevDicc. 35orber= unb ©citninnfid)t. 94 Reading or Music Desk in carved Oak. — Pupitre en chene BColpte Vcjc ot>cv 'J)iufitt)iilt in flc(d)iiit3tcm Gicf)citf)ois. It.", Front of Clock Case from the Black Forest. — Tete de boite d'horloge pour un coucou de la Foret-Noire. Sinjadjet igdjilb fiir ©d)rDar,rodlbev &iifitf8uf)rgef)duje. 96 a sswjcTiojf of choice; Designs in Rich and Plain Furniture for the Use of |Eu$tennaffen fur I DE MODELES CHOISIS D'AMEUBLEMENT. I\ECUEIL DE DESSINS DE SIEGES ETDE MEUBLES. 3 E.STEIOERl, NEW YORK 22 and 24 Frankfort Street. 50 Cents. Panels. — Panneaux. gUUungen. 97 B © SO ■ST* 2 *i 98 99 Hk iiSlflifP ' 3 100 C tin Worktable with inlaid Slab Table a coudre avec plateau marquete. see page 103. V. p. 103. 9ifiljtijd)d)cn mil eingelegtet Platte. Severe ift ©. 103 nbgebilbd. Plain Wooden Chair. — Chaise commune, — pour une salle d'auberge. ©infndjer ©tuljl fiir ein S8ivtf)fd)aft8lofiil. 100 too Ctm . Specimens of Rustic Wooden Chairs. — Modeles de chaises communes, pour salle d'auberge. SDiotioc ju tinfadjen 2tiihicn fiii 2Birtljfd)aftStofa(e. 101 5 '0 20 40 5H ioo Qcu.\ qmrr Round Tables. - Tables rondes. Shlllbc Jifdjc. 102 Square Table Table carree. Jjietedigci In* )lx. 2. JJr. :;. No 1. Slab of Worktable. page 100. — Plateau de la table a coud IMmic -,ii bcm iiui c. 100 abgebilbcten 9?aljti|djd)cn. X,>. 2 — t. Footstool with Embroidery. — Tabouret en tapisserie. Bdjemtl mil gtflidtem t-ciftcv. in ; Reading-desk. — Pupitre. Se'feputt. Looking-glass Frame. — Cadre de glaee. ©picgcliafjmc. 104 Ladies 1 Writing-table. -- Se<-i la 3\imrnjiinoibtiji1). 105 Plain Looking-glass Frame. — Cadre de glace, d'un travail simple, ©nfadje ^ptegelvafjtne, 106 O o 10 I •JO 30 10 .fo too Ciui . Wardrobe. — Armoire porte-manteaux. Sinfadjct ftltibetjdjranf. 10" 5 10 LliilLUilJ 1 M looCtm Washing-stand with Looking-glass. — Table a toilette avec glace. aSnfdjtifd) nut Spiegel. in- Carved Book-case. — Armoin bibliotheque I levation, plan el variante iMitiiovidiviuif. '.Hnfiiitt, ©rmibrijj unb Sariante. 109 II 5 10 sooCtm. Buffet iu Stained Wood with White Marble Slab. — Buffet eu bois noirei aveu tablette en marbre blanc 33uffct in jdjnxivj gcbcijtcm £>oIje mil n>rif;ci UJhrmoiptatte. Oak Door; elevation and Bections. Porte Elevation, coupe e< pla $au8tfnue in eiditiiboi;. flufidu, Juvdiirfmiu it lt^ ©tiinbplnn. Richly carved Harp. — Harpe sculpte 9ieid) grjdjiiiljtc § I i H -5" s 6 £, ° % O = 119 10 20 SO 40 -50 60 70 flO yo lOiJ 500 CUu. Book-case; side-elevation and section p. 121. — Bibliotheque, genre modeme. Coupe et vue laterale, v. p. 121. SKoberner SSiidjetfdjtanf. ®urd)fcf)iiitt mih ©eitenanfidjt [. @. 121. 120 Toilet with Class. — Table a toilette avec glace. ■ioikttftijdi mil 3picgel. 121 Book-case in Stained Pear. — Bibliotheque en bois noirci. S8ibliotf)efjd)iniif in fdjnmrj ge&eijtem ©oljc. 122 Toilet with Chest of Drawers. — Toilette avec commode. Elevation et plan. Sinfadjt £oilttttfommobt. yiufidjt nub ©runbtig. 123 Drawiug-room Cabinet, forming Counterpart of Chimney-piece. — Meuble de salon, faisant pendant a une cheminee. @tffd)L'(inf fill cinen ©aloit, als ^enbant 311 tiiieni famine. 124 Buffet. Front-elevation and ground-plan. — Buffet. Vue principale et plan. Bufftt. ilnfidu mib ®runbrijj. 125 Window-headings. — Galeries de fenetres. Sottjtmggafterien. 126 Portfolio Stand for Drawings and Engravings. — Chevalet pour dessins et gravures. (Sefiett jur Sfufbewaljruiig con 3eidjnungen unb Jliipfafitcfjcn. 127 an IS Gable Finials and Rosettes for Perforated Ornamental Wood-work. -- Amortissements et rosaces en bois, pour decorations de batiments. ©icbclbtumeii unb 9!o(cttcn fiir bcfototiuen Jjotjbcm. 128 «■»« fcass^ ll^M -^ A SSU&cTiojf op Choice. DESIGNS n Rich and Plain Furniture for the Use of Mwtpvblhthv fuv DEMODELES CHOISIS D'AMEUBLEMENT. RECUEILDEDESSINS DE SIEGES ETDE MEUBLES. >tl Part 9. 50 Cents. Cover in Carved N 1 Couverture d'album ei - genre mo SDiobcrue in ©0I3 gcfdjmfett Sfflhtmbtde. L29 a b ,1 I 130 5 10 J I ( 't: iooi tm .11- ,n Gothic Style. - Fauteuil pour on salon gothique, Aiiiilfiiil fiiv cm gotljijcfjcS 3' mmet - 1 .1 Sofa in Stained Pear with incised Gold Lines and Ornament. -- Sopha en bois noirci et poli, avec ornementa et filets d'or graves, enpfin in [tfjwarj poTirtem fpotjc mit eingvcurivieii ©olblinicn uiib Ovnmmntcn. .!-■-. , j .: . . , . ! . . . , ■ .fl . i : I ' ' ' ■ 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ' : ! i ■ ■ | J 1 > i 1 ( ; P ,- Stuffed Chair. ■ — Chaise rembourree. ©epoljteita ©tut)l. 132 Cane (hair for Dining-room. Fronl e id tions Chaise en jonc pour salle a manger, ground-plan. Elevation, vue laterale et plan. -.Koinkiifi fiti fin Shcifejimmet. Sorbet' unb Sritennnfidjl nebp ®riinb))Ifln. 133 Tabouret. Front, and side elevations. — Tabouret. Elevation et vue laterale. Xoboiiret. SBovber* nub ©eilenniifidjt. 134 135 Table with Inlaid Slab. — Table avec dessus en marqueterie. iijd) mit cingclcgtcv Spiatte. 3 36 Arm-chairs, Chairs and Tables. — Fauteuils chaises et tables gnuteuits, itiiiiic uno Et| 137 Cabinet designed in the Renaissance Style. — Buffet pour porcelaine, dans le style do la Renaissance, ^ovjttlanfdjvniit im 9tenatffanceftt)I. 138 Tier Glass ami Table. — Table de trnmeau avec glace, Elevation et vue laterals. Sonfotctifdj mil Spitgtt Socbci< mii> Srittnanfidjt. 139 Buok-Case. — Armoire-bibliotheque. 5Bibliot[)effd)viuif. 140 s & - J 141 Window Headings. - Galeries de fenetres. geiiftcrgovniturcit. 14: '""" Waate Paper B ' le style du gothique prhnitif 'iHiViaUuh in friiljgotljifdjcni Stljfc. i I. Pulpit from Santa Crooe, Florence. - Chaire de l'eglise de Santa Croce, a Florence Snitjel oust ©to. Svocc in gtovcuj. 144 s^k*k* '<~***%r a s^gtioX of Choice; designs in Rich and Plain Furniture for the Use of DEMODELES CHOISIS D'AMEUBLEMENT. RECUEILDEDESSINS DE SIEGES ETDE MEUBLES E.STEIGER, NEW YORK 22 and 24 Frankfort Street. 50 Cents. Capitals of Pilasters. I t ; Ua|'tfvfaptuilc. 145 Ornamented Lul of Jewel-box. — Couvercle orne d'un ecrin. Dntirter Xcctcl eiiuS @d)mucffcijtcrfd)itbcnen .vbium, WttaUm mtt> sperlmuttrr. 147 148 Sofa and I hair. - Sophs i I chai e pour an bureau. Sopljci uub Stubl jiiv rin 8u«au. ,., , . ,.-ii ,- .• 1 Tfthle ronde en imitation d'ebene. La partie bach-.' du plateau Round Table in Ebon, imita. , Shad ™ ou * portant des ornements gaufl with American cloth with ornamental gold and color-pnntmg. «.st reconvene aun cu p Kimka £ijd) auS .mitivtcm (Sbcnfiolj. lev jdjrojfirt. EfcU b« #attc iji mil grinan &b(ttudj ttaiogtn, auf wclcrjes bit CninmtiUc ciugeprcjjt f"< b - 149 150 Working Casket in Walnut, with Box-wood Top ;i in I Brass Mounts N i noyer, avec i Ferrui en Details p. 150. i 150. Mvbeit«ffi(ld)en. Soffetbe tfr nu« SRufjDaumljoIj, bio Secfyfatte au8 83ur6auinfjot3 flcicnigt unb niit gelben SRfigetn befdjlagrn Bit Jctiiil* baju bcfinbcii fief) mif ©. 150. IIMIHIIHipiMill •'* ' *0 •' *0 /O GO 70 SO DO lOoC'liu H 1 i ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 Stuffed i bairj front and aid < face et vo •; ; oi(iciiaiI)i. Sorter unb Stitenonpdjt. 151 Table for a Library or Office. For Sofa and Chair see p. 149. — Table de bureau. Sopha et chaise, p 1 4 ! > Ji|d) fur tin Sureau; \a bem ©opljn unb ©tuljt ©. 149 geljiirenb. Bedstead with Veneering. — Bois de lit avec placage. S3ettffrlle mit gournireinlageii. 152 H J I i a -5- i:,7 158 Ceiling in \\ I for a Dining-room. — Plafond en boia poor one salle i vouyuifonb fiiv cincn S|)cijcjiinl. 159 Chiffonier; principal parts in oak; shelves in pine. -- Rayons pour livres. — Parties principals en chene, le reste en sapin. SMidjcrborb. ©fitnmtUdje Soit|fruftum8tIjeu'e ftnb in gidjenljolj, bag iibvigc in Sannenljotj gcbadjt. 160 S&S3M5 JiMMBUM a gEWScriojf of Choice; DUsiGjfs in Rich and Plain Furniture for the Use of JMML DEMODELES CHOISIS D'AMEUBLEMENT. RECUEILDEDESSINS DE SIEGES ETDE MEUBLES. Part 11. 50 Cents. nmmiiimmimm^WlMmlmVi* Capitals of Pillars. — Chapiteaus de rolonnes, — genre moderne. 3Robcrnc ^fcilcvdipiidlc. 161 Ornamental Details for Wood Carving. — Agrafes et details de panneaux pour sculpture en bois. Stgraffcn unb guthingSftiicfe fur §oTjfc^nt^erei. 162 Jewel Casket with Detail ol Lid. — Ecrin avec couvercle. Sdjniutnfiftdjcn mil DccM. 103 164 165 ® & g. I 166 Work Table. - Tab] 9ial)tijdjdjen. 167 168 Book-case. Annoire-bibliotheque. Front and side elevations, ground-plan and details. Elevation, vue iaterale, plan et quelques autres details Sinfadjct ©iidjtrfdjronl. Suftifj, ©eitfnailfidjt, ©utnbiijj mifc fitiiiif Setaife. 169 What-not in stained Pear. Ornaments incised and gilt. Etagere en bois noirci et poli. Les ornements sont en grande partie evides et dores. Stagere cui« fdjtunrj potirtcm §0(50. 3)ie SBerjtfvungen jinb gto|tent^eit« oertieft unb oergolbet. 170 5 10 If I'lllL Chest of Drawers in Walnut with dead polish, and Ebony Mouldings. -- Commode en noyer d'un poli mat avec baguette vermes en nun-. fiommobe au8 matt gefdjliffenem 9tupMa>^m c Pier Table in stained and polished Wood with and eilt ornament. rable de trumean en bois noirci et poli avec incrustation de filets dores. $fei(evfifcfj ou8 (djroarj polirtcm sjolje mtt eingraDirttn ©oIMinien. 171 172 Window Gallery and Hangings. — Galerie de fenitres et rideaux. rtcnficiijiiUeiic una Sorfjang. 173 Regulator Cases. — Boites de pendules. ©ctjiiujc fiir 9icgutatorr. 174 M*t. K.i-.-l m stained and carved Oak. Chevalet en chene aoirci el scalptee ru-hement ouvrage. :)iciil)c iStafjdci, in tSirfjculjot; gefdjnigt imb gebeijt. 175 Flower Stand. — Jardiniere. S3(umenftfinbcr. 176 ZHg^f, a S^gtioX op choice; DESIGNS in Rich and Plain Furniture for the Use of ^BIMTMAK^S m UPHOLSTERERS. fllimtPitMaffpn fur DEMODELES CHOISIS D'AMEUBLEMENT. J^ECUEIL DE DESSINS DE SIEGES ETDE MEUBLES. Part 12. 50 Cents. Romanesque Capital. — Chapiteau roman. JHomnuifdjtS SnpitSl. 177 Details of richly ornamented Door. — Riche couronnement d'une porte. Sieidjc JMioituttg ciitev Satire. 178 Staffed and Carved Chair. ' sculptee. 9ttid) gtfdjitifcttf ?olfler(hi^I. 179 » ° S- a ™ jo - B 180 5 10 HHI Ctm Stuffed Chair in stainod Wood with Wilding. — Chaise rembourree en l>ois noirci aTec dorure. 2)tobcviicv gq>oI|)trt(i Stnl)i cine [tyuarjtm §otje mil @olt>. 181 IRS: Sofa in stained Wood, with Bronze Ornaments and red Damask Cover. Sopha en bois noirci avec ornements en bronze et garniture en damas rouge. ©oplja nu« fdjmatj ge&cijtem §olje nut Srbiijeot'uamenten ltub vottjem ©nnuiftiibcvjug. Billard-table. — Billard. SBidnvb. 182 50 soCtm Key Casket; elevation and section. — Petite armoire pour clefs. Elevation et coupe. -Sdiiiijfeitafldjfit. iioi^tr- uub ©titenanftdjt 183 sooCtmtrs, Pier-table and Glass ; polished Walnut, Ebony Mouldings Table a console avec glace en noyer verni, moulures vermes and Zinc Inlay. en n °i r e ^ incrustation de bandes de zinc. Eonfotetifd) mit ©pieget nu8 poliitcm 9Jupnmnf)o(} mit fdjnxit} potirten SeljtjtB&cii mib ?- CV-JV t^^-^V^V \ F.RTISER. <$hc ^ilorhshop and Cmrerbehalle Jijstyess £)ireciorg. (The • refers the reader to an advertisement in T7;p:. -fixtures. Mitchell, Vance & Co., 697 Broadway, X. Y. City.* ('Ma':.* and (''>lav:. #tninfVjS. Bloor, H. P.. Brooklyn, X. 5 .' Buckley & Cothren, N. 5 Friedrick, Alphonse & Bro.. S88 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y.* Sharp, Henry E., 1 IT E. 22d -u.. New York City.* Weymann, C . N. Y. City.* jlrr ittaehinr.s. Telher's Ice Machine , X. Y. City.* gron Works. Hood. W. P.. Iron Work, 11. ladeiphia, Pa.* Musical jlnstvumcnts. Smith, S. D. & H. W., American Organs, Boston, Ma--.* gnintc. ti'ompo.s.tion.s. &c. Cheap Pamtintr. 150 B Kemp, B. F.. 2i.". Unwdway, X. Y. City.* Measury and Whiton, X. Y. City.* i'atcnt Offices. Munn&Co., 37ParkBow, New York City.* i'cviodicals. Skizzen-Buch. 1 10. Steiger, N. Y.)' The Chemical News, New lork City.* The Chicago Railway Review. Chicago. 111.* Frank Leslie's Publications. X. Y. City.* The Iron Age. New York City* Museum of Modern ArtManufacture. (E. Steiger, X, Y. < Practical Journal for Cabinet-Makers and Orna- mental Wood-Workers ST. Y. City.)" yvofrssovs. Dussauce. H. (Applii ' Hew Lebanon, New York.* £tntc Pantcls. Klaber. A., X 5 Middlefield & Co., X. Y. City.* [1871.] 11 sjtr.un i'umps. Davidson. M. T.. 1 John St., X. Y. city.* fools. Field A Hardie. Building Hardware, Philadelphia, Pa.* Metallic l'lane Co., A aim n, X. Y.* Veneers. Cole & Comstock. N. Y. City.' Hardy, P. J.. X Y. City.' Read, Geo. W. & Co., IT" Centre Str., N '. I Wire \\o\)t. Tillotson, L. G.. A Co., S Hey St., X. Y. I Wood Workinn. Eureka Steam Machine Carving Co., 60 to ' Street, X. ^ . I Garbe. Hermann. N.Y. City.' National Wood Manufacturing Co., N. Y. City.' Paton, Robert, X. Y. City.* ACTIVE CANVASSERS wanted for 'The Workshop' > mnilNGS & MILLER. A practical Book on Architectural Details. Containing '"^ Hlmrtra- , ol Constructs , Railings, Windows, Works, various Btyles ol Modern Finish, a Bouses Stores Ac Nearly Fi ur Thousand Carpenters and supplied with this valuable work, which i almost everj portion ol the i I • Tllia. Price $10.00. E5. Stbiobr, ikfort St., NEW YORK. iXiiucrtiofmnito. , the country, es] architects, ., manufacturers, ■ r it a most important n foi the mercl at Hirer, and i column: f 0r ] ,, (150.00 J-IO.OO . . . '.'O.oo 0.00 15.00 rate per lini All : than I column '■ ■ og in lines I its at same "in the WORKSHOP BUSINESS DD , month or -pace or standing advertisements. E. STEIGER, Publisher. 82 THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. ARCHITECTURAL 3ron tDcrrk, Wrought and Cast Iron Railings, VERANDAHS, Poors, puffers, J>t. HOOD; No. 680 NORTH BROAD STREET, NEAR COATES STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Just published: STRUTHERS & SON, BLE AND Sand Stone Works, 1022 MARKET STREET, Steam Mill, Walnut Street Wharf, SchaylkilL PHILADELPHIA. MONUMENTS, MANTELS, STATUARY, AND BUILDING WORK IN GENERAL. DESIGNS FOR MONUMENTAL WORK FURNISHED. Wm. Struthers. Jno. Struthers. L W. POND'S NEW TOOLS. New and Improved Patterns. Lathes, Planers, Drills, Milling Machines, Boring Mills, Gear and Bolt Cutters, Punches and Shears for Iron. DEALER IN Machinery. Works at Worcester, Mass. Office, 98 Liberty Street, N. Y. S. N. HARTWELL, General Agent. A. KLABER, STEAM MARBLE AND MARBLEIZINO WORKS, Mantels, Monuments, Tiling, Wainscoting, Nos. 134 & 136 East 18th Street, JVetv York, Bet. Third Ave. & Irving Place. Woodward's CONTAINING 1000 ORIGINAL DESIGNS, PLANS AND DETAILS, to Working Scale, FOR THE Practical Construction of Dwelling Houses FOR THE Country, Suburb and Village. WITH Full and complete Sets of Specifications and an Estimate of the Cost of each Design. BY GEO. E. WOODWARD, Architect, Author of 'Woodward's Country Homes', 'Wood- ward's Cottages and Farm-Houses', ' Woodward's Suburban and Country Houses', &c, AND EDWARD G. THOMPSON, Architect. ATLANTIC DOCK Iron & Machine Works, FERRIS, WOLCOTT AND DYKEMAN STREETS, South Brooklyn. HOY, KENNEDY & CO., AGENTS. Office 98 Liberty Street. P. O. Box 2,348. HOY, KENNEDY & CO., ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. For the Erection or Extension of Gas Works. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES. M \nii acturers of everv kind of Gas Machinery, Retorts, Bench Castings, Wrought Iron Work, Mul- titubular ami Air Condensers, Washers, Scrubbers, Purifiers, Exhausters with every equipment complete for large or small Works, Gasholders, Telescopic or Single; [ion Roof Frames with Cornice Gutters, covered with Corrugated Iron or Slate; Iron Doors and Iron Pivot Blind Windows; Coke Barrows, Fire Tools, Retorts Lids, Cotter Bars and Screws, Stop Valves, Tar Valves for Regulating Dip in Hydraulic Mains. Pressure Governors tor Street Mains, and Com- pensators for Exhausters that are unrivalled for un- varying accuracy; Steam Engines, Boilers, Etc., Etc. Agents for G. W. Edge's Process for "removing Carbon from Retorts. Post Office Box 2,348. Office 98 Liberty St., N. Y. Premium Gas Stoves, New, Cheap, Clean, Simple and Healthful. No odor, no Dirt, no Soot, no Ashes, no Coal Box,. no Punching and Renewingl Fire. The Canitoidge Gas Stove. This truly scientific invention received the premium at the State Fair at St. Louis, and is being introduc- ed at the West and also in the New England States, with great success. Certificates of its excellence and superiority from some of our most scientific and influential men are voluntarily given, and will be furnished upon application. These stoves may be seen in operation at No. 42 Pine street, Room 18, where information may be obtained. This work gives Perspective Views of all styles of Dwelling-houses, with front and side elevations, sections, and full detail drawings, with examples of specifications and an estimate of cost, market price of building materials, 4c. Also, miscellaneous detail drawings to working scale, of Brackets, Cor- nices, French Roofs, Sectional and Framing Plans of French Roofs, Dormer Windows for French Roofs, Bay Windows, Inside Shutters, French Windows, Balconies, Verandas, Porches, Lattice Work, Stairs, Newels, Balusters, Sliding Doors, Window Casings, Gable Finish, Finials, Crestings, Canopies, Hoods, Observatories, Base, Architraves, Plaster Finish, Ceilings, Hard Wood Mantels, and all that is required by a builder to design, specify, erect, and completely finish Dwelling-houses in the latest and most ap- proved style. One large quarto volume, superbly bound. THE NATIONAL f tin? $# fmnit% 218 East 25tk Street, Nero York. FIGURES, FOUNTAINS and Decorations for BUILDINGS AND FURNITURE, Cast and finished in BRONZE AND ZINC. Architects' Designs executed. Artistic Monuments in Granite and Bronze = PROVIDENCE Steam and Gas Pipe Co.. Providence, E. J., BUILDERS OF Coal and Rosin Gas Works, FOR TOWNS AND MANUFACTORIES. Estimates furnished of the cost of Works, and cost to manufacture Gas in any locality. GASHOLDEES, Iron Truss Retort House Roofs, Water Tanks, Purifier Covers, Coke Barrows, Cast Iron Socket Pipe. Particular attention given to Enlarging and Re- building Gas Works. , For Lighting Manufactories, our Rosin Gas Works have been successfully used for many years past. They require but a small outlay, and afford a safe and economical light. Price Twelve Dollars, Postpaid to any address on receipt of money. Send orders only to GEO. E. WOODWARD, Architect, 191 BROADWAY, NEW YORK- Priced Catalogue of all works on Archi- tecture sent free. FOR BALE AT MANfFACTURER'S PRICES: Exhausters and Compensators, Iron and Clay Retorts, Fire Brick, Clay and Tile, Roman Cement and Rosin, Station and Consumers' Meters. PATENT OFFICES. Inventors who wish to take out Letters Patent are advised to counsel with MUNN & CO., Editors of the Scientific American,wbo have prosecuted claims be- fore the Patent Office for over Twenty Years. Their American and European Patent Agency is the most extrusive in the world. Charges less than any other reliable agency. A Pamphlet containing full instruc- tions to inventors is sent gratis. MS- A handsome bound Volume, containing laO Mechanical Engravings, and the United States Cen- .us l,v Counties, with Hints and Receipts tor Mecha- nics, mailed on receipt of 25 cents. Address MUNN & CO- 37 Park Row New York. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AM> I \l.i\l l-M\ki:i:s ALBUM ADVEBTIS1 R B3 EUREKA Steam Machine Carving Compaiiy, CAPITAL STOCK, $150,000. Works, 60, 62, 64 & 66 Cannon Street, Between Delancey and Rirington Strti t.<, ~^sTf^'W r "'VoT'lc Manufacturers of Carvings for the Trade. CARVINGS IN WOOD, MARBLE, IVORY, &c. BUSTS OF PROMINENT MEN, MEDALLIONS AND BAS-RELIEFS, Heads of every description, Human and Animal, Panels of Came and Fruit, Door Ornaments, Sofa Stumps, &c. Ornaments for Furniture, Decorating Dwellings, Churches, Offlci Steamboats, Rail Oars, &c, &c, " Of well Seasoned Wood, constantly on hand and to order" FIGURE CARVING A SPECIALTY. RICHARD PATRICK, President. R, M. PATRICK, Supt (j. H. Degraw, PATTERN and MODEL MAKER, ' 444 Water-Street. Near Market Street, Close attention paid to Models for Patents New York WARREN WARD & CO., Nos. 75 and 77 Spring Street, cor. Crosby. Established 1850. Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers of the latest styles of BEDROOM, PARLOR, DINING, and LIBRARY FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, SPRING BEDS, &c., &c, suitable for City and Country residences. ALL GOODS WARRANTED AS RE- PRESENTED. HENRY E. SHARP, Class £lamcr,0rmbosscr & tfnnmeller, 147 & 149 East 22nd - NEW YORK. JOHN M. HOFFMIRE, Builder, 525 HUDSON STREET, NEW YORK. Quinnel & Harris, Manufacturers of and Dealers in CUT AND ENGRAVED GLASS, No. 447 Broome Street, W. L. QrrnwELii. \ Second door from Bobert H. Harris. ) Broadway, N. Y. Table Ware, Gas and Kerosene Globes, etc, constantly on hand, or made, cut, and engraved to order. Hotels, Steamboats, and Saloons Supplied. Special attention given to Matching Broken Articles. HARLOW STEVENS, 28 & 30 Reade St., New York. i; tfactwrer and Commits Floor Oil Cloths, [ALL W ll'THS.] Also, Stair, Carriage and Table Oil oths, large assortments of new styles for Fall Trad.'. Trade are respectfully invited to examine our goods and prices. Keuffel & Esser, 1 L6 Pulton sir.. \ 5 i Import ra and U i Drawing Materials, i Curves, Wat. i ' oloi , Brush A new illustrated Catalogue and Samples of Drawing Paper will be sent on receipt of 25 centa. ROBERT PAT0N, (Revi ols.) turer of School and Otth-r Furniture, CHURCB AND LECTURE-ROOM SI of every Description. \. u 1 ork. UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION, Paris, 1867, irds ol twelve i. engraved Illustrations, will l< cipal objects of Wt Manul ill parts of Twelve Ulus Large n - $15.00 ; i ttra, - 18 00 Without Sculpture Illustrations: Half-moro :co, plain, .... 9.00 i:. STEIGER, 22 \ -i Frankfort Strkht We > FIRE DETECTOR i LCTCRED BY A.mkkk \s Fire Detector Co., 735 /.'■ 1 ' ) an. .hat.' warning of the dental or Inc. - : lible in Operation. Will I Call and sec it operate, at the Company's Office. NEW YORK STONE WORKS. AWARDED the first prehti u At the Exhibition of the American Institute, 1869 /..LWO/.l.Y.Y. EOLLMANNd CO., PRO PB II TORS, 698 Seventh Avenue, bet. Forty-seventh ind Forty-eight BU., NEW YORK. Side-walks, Tiles, House-fronts, in anj - nts. and Statu! ircular and $25. STEAM JET PUMP. $25. raising water, ..>!-. syrups, aci I- i Used in hotels, factot direct from I. oiler. .' ; . h un- grit. Certain to work at all times. Sent t 13 -INKER. -. Ind. XI THE WORKSHOP, GEWEEBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. Architektonisches SKIZZENBUCH. (Architectural Sketch- Book.) A COLLECTION OF VIEWS OF Country Seats, Villas, Sural Cottages, Garden-Houses, ORNAMENTAL GARDENING, TOWN MANSIONS, Interior Decorations, Lattice-work, Elevations, Projections, BALCONIES, WINDOW-FLORALS, WELLS, FOUNTAINS, STABLES; AND OUTHOUSES, RAILINGS, MOULDINGS, CANDELABRA, Monumental tombstones, All kinds of Ornamental Buildings, and their Decorations, EXECUTED IN Berlin, Potsdam, and many other Places. With Details. In Numbers published at irregular intervals (about six per year), each with one Chromo-lithograph and five Lithographic Illustra- tions partly colored. Price, each number, $1.25. \t. StriQPr, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street, NEW YORK. ^xacftcaf § SEO. P. ROWELL & CO'S AMERICAN NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AG! \ i I tMES^BDILDING . NEW Vrnice — Flower-Stands — Chimney-Pieces — Wall-Fountains — Jewel-Boxes — Stoves — Utensils for Toilet and Writing-Desk — Washing-Stand — Border of Paper-Hangings — Wood Carving — Cabinet — Panelling — Candlelabra — Fountains — Frames — Card-Boxes — Writing-Desks — Casket — Paper-Box — Picture-Frame — Glass-ware — Jug — Curtains — Decora- tion in Silver — Fire-dog — Iron Bedstead — Umbrella Stand — Mantel-pieces — Altar-rail — Paper-weight. — Pistol — Ruler and Fold- ing Knife — Etageres — Brooches — Capital — Toilet Table — Earrings — Terra Cotta Work — Vases — Jewelry Cabinet] — Cabinets —Terra Cotta and China Vases — Furniture — Terra Cotta Flower Pot — Carved Wood Box. ILLUSTRATIONS IN PART HI. Arm-chair — Folding-chair — Sideboard — Monstrances — Chalice — Vases — Goblet — Shields — Tazza — Brooches — Lamp — Services — Salt-cellar — Chandeliers — Tureen — Jug — Tankard — Ceiling Ornaments — Wardrobe — Bookcase — Paper-Hangings — Shawls — Fan — Brooches and Earrings — Necklace — Lockets — Paper-weight — Testimonial Representing Navigation — Earring — Fire-dog — Chandelier — Candelabra — Flower Vase — Plates — Epergne — Urns — Clock — Damask Silk — Carpets — Embroidery — Lattice — Gates — Gate Ornaments — Cabinets with Side Panel — Lamp Stands — Toilet Glass. ILLUSTRATIONS IN PART IV. Mirror — Lamp-Stands — Clocks — Watch-Cases — Brooches and Earrings — Chandeliers — Vases — Fountains — Service — Urn — Pedestal — Cornices — Bookcase — Tombstone — Lattice — Cupboard — Flounce of Point-lace — Frieze — Table cover — Epergnes — Jug — Flagons — Patterns for Playing-cards and Brocatell — Frames — Encaustic Tiles — Paper Hangings — Wardrobe — Gothic Pier-Table — Table— Toilets— Cabinet— Centre-Piece of China— Umbrella-Stand— Table for a Writing-Room— Marble-Table— Pier-Table— Table in Egyptian Style — Fire Screen — Borders of Paper-Hanging — Cover of a Missal — Caskets — Tea-Boards — Papier- Mache and Japanned Ware — Iron-Stove- — Knife-Handles — Lock and Key — Side-Arms — Side-Saddle — Jug and Goblets — Cup and Globlets. ILLUSTRATIONS IN PART V. Egg-stand — Epergnes — Glass-ware — Carafes — Paper-knife — Pendulum Clock — Cupboard — Box — Dressing-glass — Barometer — Paper Hangings — Paper Border — Cabinet — Oriental Mural Fountain — Painted Windows — Oriental Cabinet — Watch-Case — Brooches — y as es — Clocks — Button — Tankards and Candlestick — Sugar Basin — Lamps — Cross — Hand Mirror — Milk Jug — Candlesticks — Piano, Front and Side View — Library Table — Chair — Bed — Fancy Goods in Wood — Niche in Cement — Knife handle — Jug — Drinking horn — Sword sheath — Chairs — Sideboards — Border of Paper Hanging — Wall-Fountain — Fire guard — Decoration in Silver — Iron Bedstead — Fender — Folding Bed — Iron Folding Chairs — Door Plates and Keys — Balcony — Back of a Sofa — Sofa — French Bed — Curtain — Lantern — Marble Chimney-piece — Stove. (For the use of the three nations, the titles of the Elustrations are printed in English, German and French.) E. Steiger, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street, NeW York. DESIGNS FOR MONUMENTS. By PAUL SCHULZE, Architect. One Volume 4to, Price $6.00. Containing 36 Plates presenting 64 Designs of all kinds of Monumental Work, Commemorative and Sepulchral Monuments, Mural Tablets, Tombs, Headstones, Urns, Grave Crosses, Cenotaphs, &c. E. STEIGER, 22 and 24 Frankfort Str., NEW YORK. the woKK.siior, (:i;\\i:i;i;r.iiAi.Li: and < ahinet m aki.i: s aliii m adykkti si k. 87 ^(jc £$0r(bljoj>. Considerable Reduction of Prices for a limited Period. THE WORKSHOP, ISCS, 12 Part . I'm- .-W.fin ■ ■ in. THE WORKSHOP, 1869, 12 Pari to. GEWERBEH.1LLE, 1863, 186-1, 1- eh in L2 Tarts for 83.00 u of 84.50. GEWER13EHAI.EK, 1867, 1868, and 1869, each in 12 Parts for S3.60 instead of $5.1(1. The CKU 1 RBEB U 1.:: bad b 1 !-•■,:. when in I - TIIK WORKSHOP, an English translation ••! the Journal ol that year, worked from the same plates, and thus forming ao1 a reprint bul .1 ae impression.] •»* An Index i of all the illustr: n gratis with each yearly 1 , , , , . , . WOMCKSMMOF ,11.1ft .f/, $3.00. 'i'n Subscribers to Z7t< FPor/csftop $2.00 only. Notice. Subscribers to 77/.,' Work \ ■ •ti'uilv informed thai only a tern copii of THE WORKSHOP ALBUM ; and those who have noi availed themselves of their privilege of cluiuiing a copy at the reiluced rate of 82.00, an n 1 pi — -t ■ I In unler it with- out delay. The Workshop Album contains A Selection oj Engravings from the Bach-Volumes of Die Gewerbehalle, for the years 1863 to 1867 inclusive. These Engravings have been selected with much care, after full experience of what was most admired and sought for by Designers as being of the greatest Practical Value in their various professions. There is an explanation in English to each Design. They consist of Album Cover alphabet — Arm Chairs — Watch Back- —Bell Tails - I tand — Border Patterns — Toilet Box — Stable Fixtures- Brass Cocks -Cabinet- Ca i 1 H -Candle- ' Ito Ornament- I lings — Chairs — I Kim; . Cups l 1 01 Hand - D or Hinges — Escutcheons — Fire Irons ol Jen 1 fry Pieces — Flow :i B ' ' Gas Fixtures- Goblets - Hand Mirror — Inkstand — Keys — Knives K :kers -- Reticules Lurk I'lates — Prize Ornament — Panel Orna Pistol — — Porcelain Ornament B over — Table Articles - Tankards — Tart-Slicera — Fruit Vase -- Tea Service — Textile fabrics Toilel Table - - Vases — Writing Tabli . i The great popularity of THE WORKSHOP is a sufficient guarantee that the will be found a most valuable collection. None of the Designs occur in 1868 or 1869, so that they will bo entirely new to the subscribers to the English edition of Tlte Workshop. RAHWAY WOOD WORKS. UAH WAV, NEW JERSEY. CHICAGO RAILWAY REVIEW. THE Rl \ f rowing circulation throughout the I'n columns 1 "i new railways projected and budding In all pai I the freshesi ind finan- -t. in . Easten ern road ' int railway ln\ ■ al in- al the Mo. 45 Lombard Block, Custom House (■ago. S.00 \ Annum. Ten 1 1.00 ription [each). . 3.00 " sj3~ is an mannfai turers ' ti btnery, Bndgi rial-. Ra and all iting to Railway < and Snperstructui Chicago Railway Review iperior advantages t" any other pnblioatlon of the kind in the Nort! 13 « .1! be mailed FREE to Adver- b i they may dca I u every $20 in amount advi WAV REVIEW," 1 1 FOWLER & BROOKS. 6797. CHICAGO, 111. THE CHEMICAL NEWS Journal of Physical Science. irizedby Wm. Crookes,F.R.S. ( I Proprietor.) Tu which is adi AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, Edited bj C. I'. CHANDLER, Ph. D. hiding the An erican Price-! lurrent EUBBAI [Mi Chemistl ■■-. Min- Thc Host Popular and Useful Issue of the Foreign Scientific Press. Fur more than a qua] ' duable Journal bas represent 1 ol 1 hemistry 1 11 it- applications to Pharmacy, Medi- cine, Manufactures, PL Science, com- Mineralogy, Metallurgy, Mining, Mechanics, Science. It- foremost rank as the I Brst authority in the scientific world. T E I! M - . Iree $5.00 . in ■"■ 1 compact pages 0.50 . III. and IV.. rr July, 1867, to July, - 0.75 W. A.TOWNSEND \ ADAMS, 31 . New York. CHARLES COLLINS, SPOKES, RIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, &c, high & low pressure MAM FACTORED OF Extra Quality New Jersey Hickory and White Oak. Spokes on hand of Seasoi turned to any required pattern, and finished I for price lists. David dwell, Rab.way, N. J. STEAM BOILERS, cription, TANK--. OIL STILLS, ETC., No. 60 John St, Brooklyn, near Bridge St., Particular attention to Jobbing. THE WORKSHOP, GEWEP.BEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKERS ALBUM ADVERTISER. REFLECTING UntMemtf, ™m Street Lamps, Jg"v: «Pggig VNRBHHL ■iff ' DAYLIGHT REFLECTORS, Plain and Ornamental Reflecting FIXTURES of every kind I wip nil! i i I ■ I '< I : For LIGHTING AND VENTILATING CHURCHES, HALLS, THEATRES, BANKS, STORES, LIBRARIES, etc. i" ■' 670— Krntul Prismatic Sunlights. ived and Ornamental Fixtures in use for Lightir Churches, Halls, Theatres, &c. Diameter 40 in. ami upwards — 12 to 150 Lights The rno-t Approved and Ornamental Fixtures in use for Lighting and Ventilating . ' Churches, Halls, Theatres, &c. «- Patented June 8th, 1869; November 2nd, 1889; March 7th, 1871. The public is respectfully cautioned against infringe- ments of these patents. Each Fixture bears our name and address. IT. S. REFLECTOR CO., Patentees and Sole Manufacturers of Prismatic Reflecting Chandeliers and Sunlights, etc., JYo. 611 4" 613 Broadway, (Corner Houston St.) JVew \*orl.\ BROOKLYN (Slag Retort & Jtr^ f rick Hlmihs, Van Dyke Street, Brooklyn, JV. Y., Manufacturers of Clay Retorts, Fire Brick, Tile &c. HARTSHORN'S Patent |fca for %<&[\tt9, NO CORDS OR BALANCES USED. For Windows, Awnings, Carriages, etc. For Sale by all Upholsterers. The trade are invited to send for models and price list. Orders filled only through the trade. Stewart Hartshorn, Manufact'r, 62 CENTRE STREET, New York. H. P. BLOOR, MANUFACTURES OF $feinp& (Jiess for Church Windows, No. 380, late 364 Atlantic St., Between Hoyt $,- Bond St.. Brooklyn, N. !'• P. J. HARDY, Chair Manufacturer, 141 & 143 7th Avenue, New Yoke, IMFORTER OF French Walnut Veneers, Thuya and Amboina. VENEERS. COLE, COMSTOCK & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN YEIEERS AND IMPORTKUS OF Fancy "W oods, 191 & 193 Chrystie Street, NEW YORK. HERMANN GARBE IMPORTER OF RICH Furniture Ornaments, French Marqueterie, Porcelains, Bronzes, French Veneers, Turkish Coverings, Curtain Materials, etc. 81 Chambers Street, New York. C. WEYMANN, GLASS STAINER AND Embosser, No. 1450 BROADWAY, Con. 50th Street, New York. Designs furnished on application. Alphonse Friedrick & Bro., Stcunrtr (glass Works, Figures and all styles of ornamental glass for Church Windows. 16 and 18 HOYT ST., Near Fulton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sole Agent for "NEVETJ'S FBIESES". Jttintcut's ®iUs FOR FLOORS. Gfamkirk Chimney-Tops, TERRA COTTA VASES for Lawns and Gardens, to. &c. MILLER & C0ATES, 279 Pearl Street, New York. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBF.IIALU: AM' . A 111 SE 1 -M \KKll S ALBUM ADVERTISER. ifhc outoih.'ihojj and 6iurorbrhalli' 5i|§ii)e33 JHirecfoirlj. (The • refe eader t" an advertisement in 77a* Workshop.) ^iK'it.* Wanted. Allen. E. C. & Co. Steiger, E . Xnv fork City.* Modem Americ. Architecture' Foreign Books and Periodicals. (E. Steiger, N. Y. Grammar of Ornament. (E. Steiger, NewYork.)* National Architect. (Geo. B. Woodward, \. i Supplement to Bickuell's Village Builder \ 3 fficknell £ Co., X. V. ■ Workshop Back-Volumes. (E. Steiger, N 5 ' 'i'.uihin\s. Hoffmire, JohnM.. 525 Hudson atr., N. Y. City.* §ttiWiug *tonr, *latc, Wood, &t. Frear Stone Co.. N. Y. Citj Gautier. J. H. & Co., Jersey City, N. J.* Geis, Francis J., H. Y. I Miller & Coates. N.Y.I flJtocfeU anil Watches. New York Watch Co., Spi iliau'inn jln.stvuments. Keuffel & Esser, VI Nassau str., X.Y. City." McAllister, W. Y. Philadelphia* H'n.unrlnl tfavriaiir CMotli. Odorless Rubber Company, 19 Murray at., N.l jMnr 3Vvt ^ouiuhu. Power, Maurice J., 218 E. 25th at., N. Y. I gttate iaintrv.s. Kehrwieder Brothers. Philadelphia, Pa." (.•*>a.s ^ixtuvrs. Mitchell, Vance & Co., 51'7 Broadn ay, X. Y. City.* <&\9$» ami i»Maw ^tainrr.s. Bloor, H. P.. Bi klyn, N. Y.- Buckley & Cothron, N. Y, Friedrick, Alphonse & Bro.. 388 Pulton Avenue, Brooklyn. N I Sharp. Henry E., HI E. 22d Mr.. New York City.* Weyniaim, C . X. Y. I 3lcr itlarhinrs. Tellier's Ice Machines, Gl Broadway, N Y. I inw Works. Hood. W. P.. Iron Work, Philadelphia, I'.i.* ittusiral ^Instruments. Smith, S. D. & H. W., American Organs, B i'.iints, fflompojSitioUiS, &r. Cheap Painting, 150 N'. 4th 3tr., Philadelphia.* Kemp, B. F., 245 Rroadway, X. J Measury and Whiton, X. Y. City.* Vatrnt ('"Wires. M'inu & Co., 37 Park Row. Xew York City.* iVviotliciilS. Ski2zen-Buch, (E. Stei The Chemical News. New Y i!, I The Chicago Railway Review. Chicago, 111.* Frank Leslie's Publications. X. Y. City.* The Iron Age, New Y"rk City.* Museum of' Modern Art-Manufacture. (E. Steiger, X. Y. I Practical Journal for Cabinet-Makers and Orna- mental Wood Workers E. Steiger, K I'vufcs.sov.s. Dussauce. H. (Applied Chemistry), New Lebanon, New i ^latr itlantrts. Klaber. A., - X ■> Middleficld a Co NT. Y. City.* Strain i'limps. Davidson. M. T.. I 3t., X. Y. City.* CTnol':.. Field ,v Hardie, Building Hardware, Philadelphia, Metallic Plane Co., Aubu n, X. Y." Vrnrrvs. Cole & Comstock. X. Y. City." Hardy, P. J.. X ^ Read, Geo. W. & Co.. 17 I . Y. City.* Wivr itopr. Tillotson. L. G.. A Co., 8 Oey -t.. N. 'i I HVoort HVorhinn. Eureka Steam Machine Carving Co.. 60 to Garbe. Hermann. X.'Y. I National Wood Manufacturing Co., N. 1 Paton. Robert, X. Y. City.* ACTIVE CANVASSERS i for •The Workshop' ooverj Favorable terms. Apply to the Publisher ADurrtionncnto. The increasing! popularity and rapidtj B ORKsnop among the liu Iders, BUp rufacturers, designers, &c., render it a most important medium ol :.'i the >'" i chant and manufacturer, and branches of industry. Advertisements inserted at the following rates: i column i i page) : i column: for 1 year $150.00 $40.00 6i iths 1)0.00 25.00 :: ■' .io.00 i 00 Engravings may head advertisements at the same rate per line, bj asnrement, as the let ei pn All advertisement • a line Nonpareil for first insertion (counting 10 lines to 1 inch in depth), its a sequent insertion, payable in advance. Cuts it Bame rate. In the WORKSHOP BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Cards under proper headings, 50 $3.00 }./ year. Liberal discount for lai ■■ menta. E. STEIGER, OWEN JONES' Grammar of Ornament. Illustrated bj examples from varli Ornament. stylos of Imp. it" 1 12 Plates in gold and colors, Extra cloth, gilt edges, £15.00. necessary work ; it any book is to spread Art-Taste ,ii gst the Artizans, this will '1" it. \i i ie above mod< rate price ' The Grammar "I (ir- nament' is brought within the reach of Artists, \r- chitects, and then Assistants and Pupils Art-workmen, and Students of ever; mental .\rt. This « ork also n.Mr. largei i lass ol the public who, hi feasional ni sympathy n ul, and would be glad to an aid to the practice ol Ilium implishments "I o like elegant character, oi ass decoration t" their drawing-r table, this record ol ti ny countries an I ■ i !,,■ i.i i : only been in England, but also by the principal scl 1- "f the Continent of 1 tins invalu the text bj h hi b Mr. Owi sought to guide th ie, has !>een fully oored. Ke P t0 "' E. Steijrer. £. Steiger's Steiger's Festival Catalogue. A Selection ef Steiger's Theological Library, No I partment of Protestant Theology. Steiger's Philosophical Library A Steiger's Pedagogical Library. A 1 Steiger's Catalogue of Kindergarten Litera- ture in G ■ Steiger's Catalogue of German Picture Book* and Juveniles Steiger's Medical Library Steiger's Chemical and Pharmaceutical Li- brary On Nature and Science. \ i the Department 1 German Dialects. A List of 400 Publications, . ■ ! uipirrr. Philology, chiefly comparative A rhuolegjf, I rench. Steiger's List oi Relief Globes and Maps, The Kindergarten — The German Language — Gorman Classics. — German School Books —Arithmetical Apparatus —Globes etc - \ Steiger's Catalogue of Recent and Standard American and English Publicaiio: ■ Theatrical Catalogue. A. List ol Catalogue of E. Steige iating Library. Steiger's List of German Periodicals A Lis* in prepa in nil Ian- subjects furnished gratis to • iterial en- ables mc promptly to furnish inform corning literary works published in all purls f BBOOKL1 \ o;i;m ilrtort & #irc grid. $lorhs, Van I hike Street, Brooklyn, X. Y , era of Retorts, Pise Brick, Tele Ac. 90 THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. ARCHITECTURAL 3nm titork, Wrought and Cast Iron Railings, VERANDAHS, Poors, J>fnttfers, flairs, "s. etc. Scientific nuil ScfiooC Apparatus Regular Importations from Germany and other parts of Europe, by Steamer. EVERY WEEK. (^nh'i'i for every thing eonnerteil irith ICiteratitve and g,rl of all (fountvirj; filled promptly, ami at moderate rates. Free Bureau tor German Teachers ami Kindergarteners. Correspondence inoiteti, tnb al! ^nerntnts promptln ansfoercu Large Stock of Imported German Periodicals ■ filled immediately. ,nd Newspapers issue. 1 in Germ; Jliagopes anl) papers of Europe, lai ni German Papers ami Magazines A in Ni.w Vi.kk promptly Specially inter oans in America : $atbritbttn ana •Dmtfdiiiiiul mill dec ©mrocij. (ifetM/rori Published every Tuesday lir. Hermann Itrrshaus' Chart of the World, Communication and Overland Routes the In- ternational Aerial and Submarine Telegraphs, and the principal tracks il presenting some Continental e Oceanic Currents, and important D ■ of air, and the lines of equal magnetic varia- tion, the Tchuantepcc, H 01 i l • Routes, several , the Telegraphic and Steam lines round tl In 8 sheets, together measuring 61x38 inches, or mounted on muslin for a Wall- niishcd, wuh rollers, S 11.00. [Pack- RAHWAT WOOD WORKS. RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY. SPOKES, RIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, &c, MANUFACTURED OF Extra Quality Now Jersey Hickory and White Oak. Spokes on band of Seasoned Timber, turned to any required pattern, and finished at short notice. Son 1 for price lists. David Crowell. Railway, n. j. i], mum iii jMififif Srfjools. G. Steiger 1 'Wins TEXTBOOKS which being and thoro used in Public - 'rivatc In- mntry. with much German Script. Boards $0.35. With much German Script rds SO.35. I Script - German Scrim All in German Script Hoards J0.40. A 1 1 N 1 I too. an Lam- ■ With much German Script With much Ger- man Script I SCHLEGEL and OR VUER e*S ■ nam Language. In two Parts Part First. A German Grammar K ,*!.«. I Part Second. A German Gram Advanced Pupils. By W. G SCH1 I ■ '' . • Cf< Readers With Press. BASKERVILLE, ■ ■ imar for Germans. By G n si.oo. GRAU1 1 1 t Grammar ftr Germans. Part I I ■ 40: Pa" tree. In two Parts Part First. A French Grammar for Bc- Half Roan si. 50 1 iraminar for Ad- ! Lipils. //; Press. ies of Classical French Readers \\ N01 En three Parts. Part I SO.90. Part Second. 1 . I ' > ,riS nn ■■TitKV.iKir.s. ELWELL. ; Pans in 11 Half Morocco $2.75, II t El II 1. 1 nb ! Pari separately. Partsep- Half Morocco $30.00. ■■ ; \ Cerman. and French, lor the three Nations. 1 Parts in I vol. I roccoS4 50; and an extensive and carefully selected Slock of Grammars, Dictionaries, ^{Readers, efc. All Modern Languages. ■■ . on application 92 THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKERS ALBUM ADVERTISER, Just Issued. A very desirable Book for Builders and all who contemplate building a House. Supplement to Bicknell's Village Builder. (Design 1.— Plate 1.) Containing twenty Plate- showing 19 Modern aaacl Practical ItJESIGJVS For Country and Suburban Residences of moderate cost, with elevation, plans, sections, and a variety of details, all drawn to soalf . Also, a full set of specifications with approved lorm of contract, and estimates of i ost. One superb quarto volume. Mailed post-paid on receipt of price, $5.00. CONTENTS OF SUPPLEMENT To BiekneWs Village liuilder. Peshin I.—Plate 1.— Front elevation of two-story French roof house, printed in colors; Scale, I inch to one toot. Plate 2 — Side elevation, Jin.; principal details, Jin. Plate 3.— Section, j in.; plans of cellar, first, second and third floors, three thirty-seconds in Carpenters', Masons', Plumbers', and Paint- ers' specifications and approved form of con- tract. " II. — Plate 4. — Fig. 1 — Front elevation of house with gable roof. " III. — Plate t — Fig. 2. — Front elevation, same as Fig. 1, wilh French roof. Plate. 4.— Fig. 3.— First floor. Fig. 4.— Second floor. Fig. o — Attic. Scale, one sixteentliirj. " IV. — Plate 5. — Front elevation and plans of Cottage. Scale i in. " " V. — Plate 0.— Front elevation, plans and details of French Cottage, with tower, elevation and plans, j m., details i- in. " VI. — Plate 7. — Front elevation, section and first- story plan of a square French roof dwelling. Scale, i in. Plate m.— Side elevation, i in.; second floor, at- tic and cellar plan, one sixteenth in. " VII.— Plate 9.— Front elevation of two-story house, French roof. Scale, i in. Plate 10.— First and second floor plans. Scale, Jin. " Viii.- Plate 11. — Front elevation of two-story house with French roof and tower. Scale, i in. Plate 12. — Plan of first floor, second floor and attic. Scale, ^ in. " IX.— Plate 13. —Fig. 1.— Front elevation and „ plan ol Cottage, with Mansard roof. Scale, £ in. and one sixteenth in " X. -Plate13 — Fig. 2 Front elevation and plan of one-story Cottage. Scale, one tenth in. " XI.— Plate 14. — Front elevation, plans and de- tails of two-story House, with hip roof. Scale of •levatiou, J in.; plans, one sixteenth in.; details, i in. " XII. — Plate 15. — Front elevat on and principal floor plan of an irregular House, containing all modern improvements. Scale, J in. " XIII. — Plate Hi. — Fig. 1.— Front elevation and plans of one-story House wilh'Mansard roof, Scale, J in. and one sixteenth in. ■' XIV— Plate 16 — Fig. 2.— Front elevation of Mansard Cottage. Scale, one sixteenth in. •' XV.— Plate 17 — Elevation and plans of Stable. Scale, one sixteenth in. " XVI.— Plate 17.— Elevation and plans.of square House. Scale, one sixteenth in. XVII.— Plate 17.— Elevation of Cottage. Scale, on e sixteenth in. Design XVIII. — Plate 17. — Elevation of Cottage. Scale, one sixteenth in. " XIX. — Plate 18.— Front elevation and plans of Cottage. Scale of elevation, | in., plans, one sixteenth in. Plate 19. — Details of dormer and bay window, piazza, gable ami cornice. Scale, fin. Base finish, door and window casing, bait' lull-size. Plate 20. —, windows, bay windows and balconies. Scale, j in. A. J. Bicknell & Co., Architectural Book Publishers, New York, Troy. N. Y., and Springfield, 111. Quinnel & Harris, Manufacturers of and Dealers in CUT AND ENGRAVED GLASS, No. 447 Broome Street, W. L. Qtjinnell. j Second door from Robert II. Habris. j Broadway, N. Y. lable Ware, Gas and Kerosene Globes, etc., constant/;/ on hand, or made, cut, and engraved to order. Hotels, Steamboats, and Saloons Supplied. Special attention given to Matching Broken Articles. HENRY E. SHARP, (S\m gtmimMmbomx & (Bnamellcr, 147 & 149 East 22nd Street, NEW YORK. JOHN M. HOFFMIRE, Builder, 525 HUDSON STREET, NEW YORK. WARREN WARD & CO., Nos. 75 and 77 Spring Street, cor. Crosby.. Established 1850. Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers of the latest styles of BEDROOM, PARLOR, DINING, and LIBRARY FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, SPRING BEDS, &c, &c, suitable for City and Country residences. ALL GOODS WARRANTED AS RE- PRESENTED. BARLOW STEVENS, 38 & 30 Eeade St., New York. Manufacturer and Commission Dealer in Floor Oil Cloths, [ALL WIDTHS.] Also, Stair, Cabriage and Table Oil Cloths, large assortments of new styles for Fall Trade. Trade are respectfully invited to examine ! our goods and prices. EUREKA Steam Machine Carving Company, CAPITAL. STOCK, $150,000. Works, 60, 62, 64 & 66 Cannon Street, Between Delancey and Rivington Streets, ""^^"^"W "^^OUlc Manufacturers of Carvings for the Trade. CARVINGS IN WOOD, MARBLE, IVORY, &e. BUSTS OF PROMINENT MEN, MEDALLIONS AND BAS-RELLEFS, Heads of every description, Human and Animal, Panels of Came and Fruit, Door Ornaments, Sofa Stumps, &c. Ornaments for Furniture, Decorating Dwellings, Churches, Offices, Stores, Steamboats, Rail Cars, &c, &c, " Of well Seasoned Wood, constantly on hand and to order" FIGURE CARVING A SPECIALTY. RICHARD PATRICK, President. R. M. PATRICK, Supfe (j. H. Degraw, PATTERN and MODEL MAKER, 444 Water- Street. Near Market Street, New York. Close attention paid to Models for Patents. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CAI'.I M . I -M \ K I ;i; s m.i;i M ADVERTISER. 93 Architektonisches sKIZZLNltfJCIL duffel & Esser, (Architectural Sketch-Book.) A COLLECTION OF VIEWS OF Country Seats, Villas, Rural Cottages, Garden-Houses, ORNAMENTAL GARDENING, TOWN MANSIONS, 1 1 6 Fulti i'i SI i .. N i v- i Impoi i Drawing Materials, i Carves, H A new illustrated Catalogue and Samples o Drawing Paper will be sent on receipt of 2J Interior Decorations, Lattice-work, Elevations, Projections, Robert paton, • BALCONIES, WINDOW-FLORALS, WELLS, . FOUNTAINS, STABLES'AND ODTHODSES, RAILINGS, MOULDINGS, CANDELABRA, Attonummtal tombstones, All kinds of Ornamental Buildings, and their Decorations EXECUTED IN Berlin, Potsdam, and many other Places. "With Details. In Numbers published at irregular intervals (about six per year), each with one-Chromo-lithograph and five Lithographic Illustra- tions partly colored. Price, each number, $1.25. \£. rStetger, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street, NEW YORK. 'gfittcftcaf Journal FOR CABINET-MAKERS A N 1 1 Ornamental Wood-workers, DESIGNED, ARRANGED AND EDITED BY AUGUSTUS GEAEF, Assisted by Possenbachek of Munich, Leclkro of Paris, and other Colleagues. — c 1 Revi School and Of/ire Furniture, CHURCH AND I 1 ork. UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION, Paris, 1867, Containing upwards ol twelve hnndi 1 cipal objects of 1 1 1 M ed .u tin- last Ur< rwelve llln ; extra, - - $15.00 i :! • itrn, - • - 18.00 u ithou 3< ulptun Illustrations: i plain, .... 9.00 B. STEIGER. 22 A- 24 Fkaxkfoki 12 Nos. per year, 4to, each containing 3 sheets of Engravings oi Furniture and Ornamental Wood-work, and 4 imperial sheets of lull-sized Details, together with the necessary explanatory descriptions. Price, each number, 7") Cents. E. STEIGER, 22 ami 24 Frankfort Street, New York. FIRE D ETECTO i; M im FACTI RED BY American Fire Dei b< tor Co., 735 Broodica ate warning ol the commencement ol liory Fire. Siniplc in Coi Indicate the exacl Bpol «pl i re the Bre is co rati ' ' l NEW YORK STONE WORKS. AWARDED Tin: I IRST PREMIUM At the Exhibition of the American Institute, 1869 BANDMANN, HOLLMANN .1 CO., PROPRIJ 1 698 Seventh Avenue, bet forty-seventh ind Forty-tight SU., NEW YORK. Side-walk?, Tiles, Honse-fronts, In any • ine;, Ornaments, and Starot ircularand $25. STEAM JET PUMP. $25. Tlie simpli known fur gallons per minute. Used in hotels, qaanieBi&c. Operated bj Btean direct from boiler. ■/. Is un- a to work at all times. S, in tn nil, receipt "f $25. SINKER, DAVIS ft CO., Indianapolis, Ind. 94 THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. GEO. P. ROWELL & Ill's A.MERN 'AN'NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGENCY (TIMES BUILDING), NEW YORK CITY. To Advertise. See THE ADVERTISER'S GAZETTE. BOOK OF ONE HUNDRED PAGES. Issued Quarterly, (new edition just out, ) contains Lists of All the Best Newspapers, Daily. Weekly, Religious, Agricultural, Local and Political; also, Magazines, and all Periodicals devoted to class interests; also, estimates showing COST OF ADVERTISING, and hints, incidents and instructions gathered from the EXPERIENCE OF SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISERS. Mailed to any address for 25 Cents. Address, ^ p ^ ^\\ & Co., Advertising Agents, Publishers and Dealers in all kinds of Printers' Materials, 41 JPm-h llow^JW'w \"ork. rflE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. In tto to be completed in about 15 to 20 Parts, Price 1<> Cents each, 'gteeum of 'g&ooeni jirf-^taufacfitre. A CHOICE SELECTION OF The Principal Specimens of Workmanship from the latest Universal Exhibitions in LONDON and PARIS. A HANDBOOK OF DESIGNS POR Artificers in every branch of [ndustrial Ait: Gold, Silver, Bronze and Metal-workers, [vory and Wood-Carvers, Glass. Porcelain-Manufacturers and Clay-Molders, Upholsterers, Cabinet-Makers, etc., etc. ILLUSTRATIONS IN PART I. Oliimney-piece and Panelling - Plon I i Vasi Plates Flower-Pol Hand-Mirror- Dp d bimney- Pieces - Cabinet Paper-Border — Vases Round Chimn • Balcony in Cast Iron Fire-Dog IronV Baluster Winegl i I labrum— Chandeliers Wall-< land Hanging-Lamp — I — Sideboard with Carved Side Panels Ma iney-Piece — Picture Frame Cabinet — Bracelets — Cameo Corals — Urn— ,in -Writing-Si I i Dish — Watch-Case Di poons — Sauce-Boat — Tripod —Cup — Flagon — Porcelain Table with Cop Round ILLUSTRATIONS IN PART II. Friezes-Buckle— Bracelets- Cornice— Floi , e ] Bi Jtovi Qten lis for t and Writing-Desk— Was] undlelabra — Fountains -Frames Car l-Boxes SS ritini ! tiu n in Sil . r— Fire-dog— Iron ] inp Knife — □ gs— T tawdry Cabinet' — < —Terr:' I Woi id Box. ILLUSTRATIONS IN PART HI. Arm-chair- Folding-chair Sideboa ■■ Goblet — Shields — Tazza — Brood ices — Salt-cellai I bandeliers Tnreei Ju rankard— Ceilii •• Wardrobe—] " Fan— B n ice—] Chandelier— Cai \ i I D k — I ILLUSTRATIONS IN jPART IV Mirror— Lamp-Stands— Clocks- Watch-Cases Brooches and I Drn— ] Cornicei -Bookcase — Tombstone Lattice— Cupboard — Flounce of Point-la — G Playing-cards and Brocafc tic Gothic Pier-Table— Table— Toilets Cabinet— Centre-Piece oi I Cable— -Fire Screen -Borders of] B over of a Missa] mill Japanned W: Knife-Handles — Luck and Key— Side-Arms — Sidi 3 Diets. ILLUSTRATIONS IN PART V. Egg-stand E] Paper-knife— Pendulum Clock Cupboard Bos Paper Hangings— Paper B Painted Windows— Oriental Cabinet Vases — < loci B -Cross— Hand Mirror- Milk Jn icks Piano, Front and Side View— Libra Fancy Goods in Wood— Ni Drinking horn — Sword lorder of Pape] B Silvr Iron Iding Bed- Iron Door] — French Bed Curtain Lantx Die Chimney-piece Stove. ILLUSTRATIONS IN PART VI. Paper-border Carpet— Centre-piece— Tiara, I Bracelet, Buckle- Chimney-pi Billiard Table— Cabinet* Lamps— Testimonial representing Ladustry— Candeli in Ori i Lamp-stand Clock Vasi China Vessels— Carpets -Damask Table Cloth— Candlesticli Chandeliers — Hanginj I Salt-Cellar— Chandelier and Cand qi Wall Decorations in Terra Cotta Balcony- -Chord Shield— Chinty for Furniture Pape] Hani - I decoration of an Aparti (For th ust <;• thi tJu '.tions, tht titles of the Illustrations are printed in English, German and French.) E. Steiger, 22 and 21 Frankfort street, New York. DESIGNS FOR MONUMENTS. Bj PAUL SCHULZE, Architect. Oqc Volame 4to, Price $0.00. Containing 3G Plates presenting 64 Designs of all kinds of Monumental Work, C itive and Sepulchral Monuments Mural Tablets, Tombs. Headstones, Urns, Grave Crosses. Cenotaphs.&C E. STEIGER, 22 and li Frankfort Str., NEW YORK. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. REFLECTING Street Lamps, Emblems, DAYLIGHT REFLECTORS, Plain and Ornamental Reflecting FIXTURES of every kind in liiLk'Yy'W'fi? / . 4„ Nv mw sL'y For LIGHTING AND VENTILATING CHURCHES, HALLS, THEATRES, BANKS, STORES, LIBRARIES, etc. 670— Grand Prismatic Sunlights. The most Approved and Ornamental Fixtures in use tor Lighting and Ventilating Churches, Halls, Theatres &c Diameter 40 in. and upwards— 12 to 150 Lights. JS- Patented June Sth, 1869; November 2nd, 1869; March 7th, 1871. The public is respectfully cautioned against infringe- ments of these patents. Each Fixture bears our name and address. U. S. REFLECTOR CO., Patentees and Sole Manufacturers. of Prismatic Reflecting Chandeliers and Sunlights, etc., *Vo. $511 **• 613 JBrtHttSm (Corner Houston St.) JYew \*ori.\ CHICAGO RAILWAY REVIEW. THE REVIEW is the recognized organ of the Rail- way Interests of the West. It has a wide and rapidly growin" circulation throughout the United States, En-land, Holland and the Canadas. Its columns furnish a faithtul and reliable record of new railways projected and budding in all parts of the country ; the freshest news in regard to the practical and finan- cial operations of leading Western, Eastern and South- ern roads ; a resume of important railway inventions and improvements ; original and carefully selected articles upon current railway topics ; the latest stock quotations, and various other matters of special in- terest. . The Review is published every Thursday at the Office, Room No. 45 Lombard Block, Custom House Place, Chicago. Subscription Price S2.00 f* Annum. Ten Copies to one address . . 15.00 Foreign subscription (each).. 3.00 «ffi- As an Advertising medium for manufacturers and dealers in Iron, Steel, Machinery, Bridge Mate- rials, Railway Supplies, Locomotives, Rails, and all useful Patents and Improvements relating to Railway Construction, Rolling Stock and Superstructure, the | Chicago Railway Review Offers superior advantages to any other publication of the kind in the Northwest. «3- A yearly copy will be mailed FREE to Adver- tisers (or to such address as they may designate) for every $20 in amount advertised. Address all communications to "CHICAGO RAIL- WAV REVIEW," or FOWLER & BROOKS, P. O. Box 5797. CHICAGO, 111. THE CHEMICAL NEWS AND Journal of Physical Science. f American Edition authorized by W.m. Crookes.F.R.S., Editor and Proprietor.) To which is added an AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, Edited by C. F. CHANDLER, Ph. D. Devoted especially to American interests, including the American Druggists' Price-Current. EMBRACING Chemistry, Pharmacy. Medicine, Manufactures, Min- eralogy, Metallurgy, Photography, Mining, Mechanics, Electricity, Patents, Reviews, &c, &c. The Most Popular and Useful Issue of the Foreign Scientific Press. For more than a quarter of a century this valuable Journal has represented the progress of Chemistry and cognate sciences. It is devoted to Practical Chemistry in all its applications to Pharmacy, Medi- cine, Manufactures, Photography, and the Arts; also embracing whatever tend,-- to elucidate new discover- I ies and advances made in Physical Science, com- prising Mineralogy, Metallurgy, Mining, Mechanics, Electricity, and "the collateral branches of Science. . Its foremost rank as the leading representative ot these interests has been conceded, until it is quoted as the first authority in the scientific world. TERMS. One Year in advance, postage free JS.OO Single numbers, in 51 compact pages 0.50 Vol. I.. II.. III. and IV.. from July, 18G7, to July, 1869. Bound in Cloth, each 3.50 Cases for Binding 0.75 W. A. TOWNSEND & ADAMS, «4 Broome St., New York. C. WEYMANN, GLASS STAINER AND Embosser, No. 1450 BROADWAY, Cor. 50th Street, Nt'lV York. Designs furnished on application. THE IRON AGE, Published EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, Kv David Williams, No. 80 Beekman Street, New York. The Only American Hardware and Metal Trade Paper. CHARLES COLLINS, HIGH &'L0W PRESSURE STEAM BOILERS, of every Description, TANKS, OIL STILLS, ETC., No. 60 John St., Brooklyn, near Bridge St., Particular attention to Jobbing. Alplionse Friedrick & Bro., Stainetr dSlas0 Works, Figures and all styles of ornamental glass for Church Windows. 16 and 18 HOYT ST., Near Fulton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. HERMANN GARBE, IMPORTER OP RICH Furniture Ornaments, French Marqueterie, Porcelains, Bronzes, French Veneers, Turkish Coverings, Curtain Materials, etc. 81 Chambers Street, New York. Sole Agent for "NEVEU'S FRLESES". _ PROFESSOR H. DUSSAUCE, Analytical and In- dustrial Chemist. Consultations on chemistry I applied to arts and manufactures. Address, NEW LEBANON, N. Y. Prospectus. New and Superb Work for the use of Cabinet- Maker's, Upholsterers and kindred Manufacturers. In Monthly Numbers at 50 Cents each: N° t, for October 1871, of The Cabinet-Makers Album. A Selection of choice Designs in rich, ornamental and plain Furniture, for the use of Cabinet-Maker's, Upholsterers etc. This work, which is issued from Stuttgart, appeals to the interest and attention of all engaged in the Manufacture, sale or purchase of every description of Furniture. It is published monthly, and is printed in large 4° on superfine paper. The Designs are executed in the best style of art; and the price, in view of the abundance and quality of the illustrations, does not exceed a third of that charged for similar productions. Every number contains 16 pages and an average of 20 — 25 exquisitely finished designs. In this country, the work cannot fail to be of the highest practical utility, while it will elevate taste and stimulate invention. For general convenience, the names of the designs are given parallel in German, English and French. The 12 th N° will include an Index of all subjets in the three languages, presenting a terminology of most beautiful articles of manufacture, extremely valuable to the artificer. The first number on hand for inspection with Agents throughout the country. E. STEIGER, 22 & 24 Frankfort St., NEW YORK. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. ®fa ^lorhshop and 05ca*crbchaIIc Sqstyess 3)ilrecfoirjj. (The • refers the reader to an advertisement in Tfte Workshop.) ;AiKi>ts Wanted. Allen. E. C. & Co.. Augusta, Me.* 8teiger, E., New York City.* §oohs. Modern Americ. Architecture. (E. Steiger. N. Y.)* Foreign Books and Periodicals. [E. Steiger, N.Y.y Grammar of Ornament. (E. Steiger, (Ten i National Architect. (Geo. E, Woodward, X. Y.)* Supplement to Bicknell's Viilage Builder. (A. J. Rieku.ll A. Co., N.Y.r Workshop Back- Volumes. (E. Steiger. X t.Y Hofftnire, John M., 526 Hudson str., N. Y. City.* guitdinn. Stone. *iatr. Wood. &r. Frear Stone Co.. N. Y. City.* Gautier, J. H. & Co., Jersej City, X". .J.* Geis, Francis J., N. V. City.* Miller & Coates, N. V. City.* COochs and XVatrhcj$. New York Watch Co., Springfield, Mass.* JJnunnp, 3ln$tvumrnt.$. Keuffel A Esser, 71 Nassau str., N.Y. City.* McAllister, W. Y. Philadelphia.* tf-namrlfd (!'avvian,r tfloth. Odorless Ruhber Company, 19 Murray st., N. Y. City.* •fine 3Vrt ^oundrj). Power, Maurice J.. 318 B. 86th st., X. Y. City.* ■fresco i'aintens. Kehrwieder Brothers. Philadelphia, Pa.* 0>a$ -futures. Mitchell, Vance & Co., 691 Broadway, N. Y. City.* ("Mass and (&1m$ itixmxa. Bloor, H. P.. Brooklyn, N, V.- Buckley & Cothren, X. V. City.* Friedrick, Alphonse & Bro.. SSS Fulton Avenue. Brooklyn, N.Y.* Sharp, Henry E.. 147 E. 22d str.. New York City.* Weymann, C . X. Y. < gee ittachincs. Tellier's Ice Machines. 61 Broadway, N. Y. City." gvon Wovhs. Hood. W. P.. Iron Work, Philadelphia, Pa.» ittu.sical jlnstntmcnts. Smith, S. D. & H. W.. American organs, Boston, gabtttf, (Tomiio.sition,Si. &c. Cheap Painting, 160 X. 1th str., Philadelphia.* Kemp, E. F.. 245 Rroadway, X. V. City.* Measury and Whiton, X." V. City.* latex* (Offices. Minn & Co., 37 Park Row, New York City.* Vci'indicate. ArchitektonischesSkizzen-Buch, ("E. Steiger, N. Y.) - The Chemical News, New York City. The Chicago Railway Review, Chicago, III.* Frank Leslie's Publications. X. Y. City.* The Iron Age. New York City.* Museum of Modern Art-Manufacture. (E. Steiger, X. Y. I Practical Journal for Cabinet-Makers and Orna- mental Wood-Workers. (E. Steiger, N. Y. City.)' ftett$$otfi. Dussauce, H. (Applied Chemistry), New Lebanon. XV* York.* gRafc JHantc.j.. Klaber, A.,;x. Y. City.« Middlefield & Co.. X". Y steam J' urn us. Davidson. M. T.. ! Steam Engines, 25 John St., N.Y. I (Tools. Field & Hardie. Building Hardware. Philadelphia. Pa.* Metallic Piano Co., Aobu n. X. Y.* Veneers. Cole & Comstock, X. Y. Olty." Hardy, P. J.. X Y. City.' Read, Geo. W. & Co., 170 Centre str.. X. Y. l;l<. CUMMINGS & MILLER'S NEW and ORIGINAL WORK, Itled: ^& o 5 e r 11 American 3rd)itcrture, nir DESIGNS and PLANS for VILLAS, r IBM inn BES, SCHOOL HOUSES, COT- TAGES, CI1 v KESIDENCJ B, CHUBl n. Also, Trussed Roofs, Interior Store Finish, and many Exterior Details. In .me large volume, bound In cloth, Price $10.00. ^buntiscmntts. The increasing; |in|nilai'ity and rapidly extending circulation ol Tin: WORKSHOP among the industrial interests of Hi-' country, especially among architects, builders, superintendents, engineers, manufacturers, designers, Ac, render it a most important medium ol advertising for the merchant amUniannla for other branches of industry. Advertisements inserted at the following rates: 1 column (= i page) : I column: for 1 vear $150.(10 SlO.nO 6 months 90.00 2:..0o 3 " 50.00 1 i. mi Engravings may head advertisements at the same rate per line, by measurement, a- the Letter press. All adv l li -Clin id- less than .} eoliiinn (j ■ line Nonpareil for lirst insertion (couotii to 1 inch in depth), and '2U rents a line for each BUD' sequent insertion, payable in advance. Cuts at same rate. In the WORKSHOP Bl 9INESS DIRECTORY, C,wtl>s under proper headings. ..0 rents j' montll or : 1 ,00 i ;■ .1 ' for large ■ pace or standing ad' E. STEIGER, Publisher. The Practical Stair Builder. A complete treatis Stairs and Hand-Rails, designed for Carpenters. Buildere illustrated with :so original plate-, byC.EDW. LOTH, Professional Stair Builder. One large illustrated volume, bound in cloth, Price $10.00. OWEN JONES' Grammar of Ornament. ARCHITECTURE, by CUMMINGS ^ MILLER. A practical Book on Architectural Details, ml Illustra tions, show of Constructing Cornices, Doorways, Porches, Windows, Verandahs, Railings, '-. Bay Windows, I ni side Works, various styles ot Modern finish, and sire, t Fronts ol lie i e Nearly Pour Tlie is and Architects have been supplied with rork, which : almost every portion of the United States, ilifornia. tine lure.' q a arto volume Price $10.00. 1 lie alieve works are for sale by E, Steiger, 22 AM Frankfort St.. xi:w YuiiK Illnstat 1 iv example rations styles of FOl'eigll BoollS & Periodicals, i Mnanient. 1 Volume. Imp. 4to. 112 Plates in gold and colors, containing 3000 examples. Kxtra cloth, L'ilt edges, $45.00. This is a great, and to practical ixtists absolutely work; it any book is to spread Art-Taste amongst the Aruzans, tins will do a. At the a i love moderate price 'the Grammar of Or- ■ brought within the reach of Artists. Ar- chitects, and uats ami Pupils, An workmen, and Students of every bran mental Art. ThlS VTOrk also addresses itsi e| the public who. without )i fessional need of its teachings, have yet an enlightened itifuf, and would I ,'actice of Ilium e omplishments ot a like iration to their drawing-room table, this record of the art of SO many COUUtt The Grammar of Ornament' has not only been REGULAB tMPORTATIOM hum GERMANY EVERT week, Fn.iM ENGLAND am> FRANCE Twice a Month, or oftener. All foreig n Publications, IN whatever language, AND WHEREVER ISSUED, procured a- -i and Cata- K. Steiger, 22 & 24 Frankfort St.. New York. PATENT OFFICES. Patent are counsel with Ml'XX A- CO.. Edit - . who have prosecuted claims be- fore the Patent i iffiee for over Twenty Years. Their adopted as ., class i k a, aU the Government (Schools American and European Patent Agency is the most in England, but also bv tie principal sch .ols ol tin- e ^»f ive '» ' ;',">' " ther reliable agi ncy. A Pamphlet contammg iui tions to inventors is sent . tO" A ii .1 laininc lad Mechanical Ktigrav it sus by Counties, with iimt- and Receipts forHecha- I l/ OO. 17 Park Ro>t Km York. Continent of Enropi . n Art ol tins invaluable collection, and ol the principles ex- plained in the text by which Mr. i 1 sought to goide tie students in ten rally recognized and honored. Kept on hand l,y _ gl ^ te j ?er _ THE WOKKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVEBTISEE. ARCHITECTURAL 3rott lUork, Wrought and Cast Iron Railings, VERANDAHS, Poors, puffers, J> fairs, &c. MAN UFA C TURED B 1 * W. P. HOOD; No. 680 NORTH BROAD STREET, NEAR COATES STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STKUTHERS & SON, MARBLE :and Sand Stone Works, 1022 MARKET STREET, Steam Mill, Walnut Street Wharf, Schuylkill, PHILADELPHIA. Just published: Woodward's pfitntal fwtofwf CONTAINING 1000 ORIGINAL DESIGNS, PLANS AND DETAILS, to Working Scale, FOR THE Practical Construction of Dwelling- Houses MONUMENTS, MANTELS, STATUARY, AND BUILDING WORK IN GENERAL. DESIGNS FOR MONUMENTAL WORK FURNISHED. Wm. Struthers. Jno. Struthers. L W. POND'S NEW TOOLS. New and Improved Patterns. Lathes, Planers, Drills, Milling Machines, Boring Mills, Gear and Bolt Cutters, Punches anil Shears for Iron. DEALER IN M achinery. Works at Worcester, Mass. Office, 98 Liberty Street, N. Y. 8. N. HARTWELL, General Agent. Country, Suburb and Village. WITH i Full and complete Sets of Specifications and an Estimate of the Cost of each Design, BY GEO. E. WOODWARD, Architect, Author of 'Woodward's Country Homes', 'Wood- ' ward's Cottages and Farm-Houses', ' Woodward's Suburban and Country Houses', &c, AND EDWARD G. THOMPSON, Architect. A. KLABER, STEAM MARBLE AND MARBLEIZING WORKS, Mantels, Monuments, Tiling, Wainscoting, Nos. 134 & 136 East 18th. Street, JITew York, Bet. Third Ave. & Irving Place. THE NATIONAL f fop |j{i jftnmfci 218 East 15lk Street, New York. FIGURES, FOUNTAINS and Decorations for BVILDINGS AND FURNITURE, CaBt and finished in BRONZE AND ZINC. Architects' Designs executed. Artistic Monuments in Granite and Bronze This work gives Perspective Views of all styles of Dwelling-houses, with front and side elevations, sections, and full detail drawings, with examples of specifications and an estimate of cost, market price of building materials, &c Also, miscellaneous detail drawings to working scale, of Brackets, Cor- niceB, French Roofs, Sectional and Framing Plans of French Roofs, Dormer Windows for French Roofs, Bay Wiudows, Inside Shutters, French Windows, Balconies, Verandas, Porches, Lattice Work, Stairs, Newels, Balusters, Sliding Doors, Window Casings, Gable Finish, Finials, Crestings, Canopies, Hoods, Observatories, Base, Architraves, Plaster Finish, Ceilings, Hard Wood Mantels, and all that is required by a builder to design, specify, erect, and completely finish Dwelling-houses in the latest and most ap- proved style. One large quarto volume, superbly bound. Price Twelve Dollars, Postpaid to any address on receipt of money. Send orders only to GEO. E. WOODWARD, Architect, 191 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Priced Catalogue of all works on Archi- tecture sent free. (E. Stent's ©atalotjue^ vhich may be had free and prepaid on appli- Steiger's Festival Catalogue. A Selection «f Bound German Boaks suitable for Presents. Steiger's Theological Library, No. I. A Sys- tematic Catalogue of German Publications in the Department of Protestant Theology. Steiger's Philosophical Library. A Systemat- ic Catalogue of German Publications in the Departments of Philosophy and /Esthetics. Steiger's Pedagogical Library. A Systematic Catalogue of German Publications on the Theory of Education and Instruction. Steiger's Catalogue of Kindergarten Litera- ture in German, French and English, and of Kindergarten Gifts and Occupation Material. Steiger's Catalogue of German Picture Books and Juveniles classified according to the age of children. Steiger's Medical Library. A Systematic Cat- alogue of German Publications in the De- partment of Medicine. (In Press.) Steiger's Chemical and Pharmaceutical Li- brary. A Systematic Catalogue of German Publications in the Departments of Chemistry and Pharmacy. (In Press.) On Nature and Science. A List of German Rooks in the Departments of Natural Scien- ces, Medicine, Philosophy, Mathematics and Astronomy, Geography and Ethnology, etc. German Dialects. A List of 400 Publi( representing a majority of the Dialects spoken in the German Empire. Philology, chiefly comparative. A Catalogue of valuable Books on Comparative Philology, in English, German, and French. Steiger's List of Relief Globes and Maps, Indestructible Plain Globes, Tellurians and Lunaria. The Kindergarten.— The German Language — German Classics. — German School Books— Arithmetical Apparatus. — Globes etc. — A descriptive Catalogue. Steiger's Catalogue of Recent and Standard American and English Publications on Ar- , hiteciure, Carpentry, and Building. Theatrical Catalogue. A List of about 600 German Pieces specially adapted for ama- German Circu- Songs. German four-part Songs, Catalogue of E. Steige: lating Library. Steiger's List of German Periodicals A Lis* of Standard Periodicals of German Litera- Catalogues of Second-hand Books in all la: guages and on all subjects furnished gratis those desiring them. A rich store of Bibliographical Material e; ables me promptly to furnish information coi cerning literary works published in all parts < the World. BROOKLYN fag Retort k Jin} $rick M^% Van Dyke Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., Manufacturers of Clay Retorts. Fire Brick, Tile &c THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. TRANKFORT ST. w MmWmHKFOKT** Germain News Agent, Importer and Bookselhr, Publish r >unl Printer. The Fullest and Best Selected Stock of (Sterman 23ooks in all Departments. Hin&crgrtrten literature, in Cerman, English, and French. kindergarten Gifts and Material. "jSleflff $fo6es anb TJSaps, 15* fain (^fofics, ^ttfases, etc. Scientific mill Sdioof Uppiinilux Regular Importations from Germany and other parts of Europe, by Steamer, EVERY WEEK. tot&ffl for emit thinrj connrrtnl uith gitrraturr and 3irt of all tfounttics filled promptly, ami at moderate rates. Free Bureau for German Teachers and Kindergarteners. Corrcapoiiuence imjitcu, ano all |nquir'us nrompthi anstotrcu. Large Stork of Imported German Periodicals from which most orders can he filled immediately. All othei Periodic als and Newspapers issued in Germany, imported ; also Jirttfltt^inp^ anil papers from England, France, Holland and • <« other Countries of Europe, furnished .is expeditiously as possible. Herman Papers and Magazines published In X'tw Yore promptly Bapplied. Specially interesting to Germans in America : ttiubriciittn ;ms 4)eiit|ditiuul nnil iler ©diroeis. [I&uisfrom Germany and Switzerland,) Published every ruesdaj Price l" oents. Dr. Hermann itrrglmus' Chart of the World, containing the lines of Oceanic Ma Communication and Overland Routes, the In ternational Aerial and Submarine Telegraphs, and the principal tracks of Sailing presenting some Continental surfu teristics, the Oceanic Currents, and important Deep - sea Soundings ; with 25 Charts and Flans showing the general Currents of air, and the lines of equal magnetic varia- tion, the Tehuantcpcc, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Darien, and Suez Routes, several Sea-ports ; the Telegraphic and Steam lines round the World. In 8 sheets, together measuring 61x38 inches, $5.00 ; or mounted on muslin fur a Wall- Map, varnished, with rollers. Si i. 00. [Pack- ing in Box 75 Cents extra ] RAHWAY WOOD WORKS. RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY. SPOKES, RIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, &c, MANUFACTURED OF Extra Quality New Jersey Hickory and White Oak. Spokes on hand of Seasoned Timber, turned to any required pattern, and finished at short notice. Send for price liste.| David Crowell, Rah way, n. j. i]mimniii]Jui)fif^(1jpo^. G. Steiger publishes the following TEXT-BOOKS v, bioh bi and thoroughly practical, are extensively used in P and Private In- stitutions all itrr the country. AHN. Cerman Reading Charts. In Press. „,an Primer. Edited by W. Grau- f.rt. Primed iii large type, and with much German Script. Hoards 50.35. AHN. Rudiments of the German language. F.xerciscs in Pronou fling ami 1 With much German Script Boards $0.35. AHN, New Method of the Cerman Language. I 1 I STAVUS Fisciikk. With German Script. (Published 1871.) First Course, Boards $0. 50: Second Course. Boards $0. 50; Both together. Half Roan Si.oo. Method of Learning the German Language. With ' 11 l>y I C. ' "111 -.. 111 ABGES of 1869. With in ing Exercises in German Script. lirst Course [Pi icticall .^Second Course (Theoretical Part). Boards $0.40; Both together, Bds. $1.00; Hali Roan J1.25. man Handwriting. A' to every Cerman Grammar and Reader. All in German Script. Boards $0.40. AHN, Manual 0/ German Conversation. in I Cloth Si. 00. GR M I PI'. Manual if the Cerman lan- guage. First Pari, Boards $0.40; Second Pari I - 40; Both together, BoarJs 50.70: Half Roan 50.90. GRAUERT, First German Reader. With much German Script. Board. $0.50 ; Second German Reader. With much Ger- man Script. Boards $0.70; Both Readers together. Halt Roan tx.zo. 31 hi EG] 1 an 1 GRAUERTS 1 1 .;an Language. In two Parts. Part First. A German Grammar for Be pinners By C. A. Schlkckl. Half K an Si. 25. Part Second. A German Granular lor Advani I ' , ■'• ' In Press. SCHLEGEL'S Series / Classical German Readers. Wuh Notes. In three P /'. ear, BASKERVILLE, English Grammar /or Germans. By GUSTAVUS FisCHKR. Boards 40.90; Half Roan GRAl ERT, Short English Grammar /or Germans. Part First, Boards $0.40; Part Second. Bds.J0.40; Both together, Bds. $0.70. nch Course. In two Parts. Part I , Grammar for Be- ners. Half Roan |i. 50. Part bn ond. A Frem hGramm Pupik. In Press. SCHLEGEL'S Series 0/ Classical French Readers With Notes, In ihree Parts Part First. Half Roan $0.90. Part Second. J ,,. /Vi .„ Part Third. German-English and Engush-Gbrmam DICTHK V.I HIES. KIWI II.. 1 Parts in 1 vol. Cloth 5.1.50. Half Morocco 52.75- df Morocco 5S.75. English-German Part separately- 1 Morocco $4.00. German-English Part sep- arat ay. II. ill Morocco 55. 50. KOEHLER. 2 voU. in 1. Half Morocco LUCAS 5.25.00. In 2 voLs. Half Morocco 530.00. A COMP NARY. Engheh. in, and French, for the use of the three Nations. 3 Parts in 1 vol. HalfM rocco $4 50; and an extensive and carefully selected Stock of Grammars, Dictionaries, /KFteabevs, etc. ./// Modern Languages. Descriptive Catalogue free on application. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. Just Issued. A very desirable Book for Builders and all who contemplate building a House. Supplement to Bicknell's Village Builder. (Design 1 Plate 1.) Containing twenty Plates showing 18 Modern and Practical 1PESIGJVS For Country and Suburban Residences of moderate oust, with elevation, plans, sections, and a variety of details, all drawn to scale. Also, a full set of specifications with approved form of contract, and estimates of cost. One superb quarto volume. Mailed post-paid on receipt of price, S5.00. CONTENTS OF SUPPLEMENT TO BickneWs Village Builder. Design I — Plate 1 Front elevation of two-story French roof house, printed in colors; Scale, 4 inch to one foot. Plate 2 — Side elevation, i in.; principal details, Jin. Plate 3.— Section, i in.; plans of cellar, first, second and third floors, three thirty-seconds in. Carpenters', Masons', Plumbers', and Paint- ers' specifications and approved form of con- tract. " II. — Plate 4 Fig. 1 — Front elevation of house with gable roof. " HI. — Plate 4. — Fig. 2 Front elevation, same as Fig. 1, with French roof. Plate. 4.— Fig. 3.— First floor. Fig. 4.— Second floor. Fig. 5 Attic. Scale, one sixteenth in. " IV. — Plate 5. — Front elevation and plans of Cottage. Scale J in. " V Plate 6 Front elevation, plans and details of French Cottage, with tower, elevation and plans, i in., details J in. " VI. — Plate 7. — Front elevation, section and first- story plan of a square French roof dwelling. Scale, { in. Plate 8.— Side elevation, t in.; second floor, at- tic and cellar plan, one sixteenth in. " VII. — Plate 9. — Front elevation of two-story house, French roof. Scale, 4 Id- Plate 10.— First and second floor plans. Scale, fin. " VIII.- -Plate 11. — Front elevation of two-story house with French roof and tower. Scale, 4 in. Plate 12. — Plan of first floor, second floor and attic. Scale, J in. " IX.— Plate 13.— Fig. 1.— Front elevation and "plan of Cottage, with Mansard roof. Scale, i in. and one sixteenth in. " X. — Plate 13 Fig. 2 Front elevation and plan of one-story Cottage. Scale, one tenth in. " XI — Plate 14. — Front elevation, plans and de- tails of two-story House, with hip roof. Scale of elevation, 4 in.; plans, one sixteenth in.; details, £ in. " XII.— Plate 15.— Front elevation and principal floor plan of an irregular House, containing all modern improvements. Scale, $ in. " XIII.— Plate IB.— Fig. 1.— Front elevation and plans of one-story House with^Mansard roof, Scale, I in. and one sixteenth in. " XIV.— Plate 16 — Fig. 2.— Front elevation of Mansard Cottage. Scale, one sixteenth in. " XV.— Plate 17 — Elevation and plans of Stable. Scale, one sixteenth in. " XVI. — Plate 17 Elevation and plans.of square House. Scale, one sixteenth in. XVII.— Plate 17.— Elevation of Cottage. Scale, one sixteenth in. Design XVIII.— Plate 17 Elevation of Cottage. Scale, one sixteenth in. " XLX. — Plate 18. — Front elevation and plans of Cottage. Scale of elevation, A, in., plans, one sixteenth in. Plate 19.— Details of dormer and bay window, piazza, gable and cornice. Scale, | in. Base finish, door and window casing, half full-size. Plate 20. — Piazzas, windows, bay windows and balconies. Scale, 4 in. E. Steiger, 22 & 24 Frankfort Str.. New York. Quinnel & Harris, Manufacturers of and Dealers in CUT AND ENGRAVED GLASS, No. 447 Broome Street, W. L. Quiiwell. ) Second door from Robert H. Harris. J Broadway, N. Y. Table Ware, Gas and Kerosene Globes, etc., constantly on hand, or made, cut, and engraved to order. Hotels, Steamboats, and Saloons Supplied. Special attention given to Matcbing Broken Articles. JOHN M. HOFFMIRE, Builder, 525 HUDSON STREET, NEW YORK. WARREN WARD & CO., Nos. 75 and 77 Spring Street, cor. Crosby. Established 1850. Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers of the latest styles of BEDROOM, PARLOR, DINING, and LIBRARY FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, SPRING BEDS, &c, &c, suitable for City and Country residences. ALL GOODS WARRANTED AS RE- PRESENTED. HENRY E. SHARP, ®tass ^tamer,(Emb0sser & feuu'ller, 147 & 149 East 22nd Street, NEW YORK. BAELOW STEYENS, 28 & 30 Eeade St., New York. Manufacturer and Commission Dealer in Floor Oil Cloths, [ALL WIDTHS.] Also, Stair, Carriage and Table Oil Cloths, large assortments of new styles for Fall Trade. Trade are respectfully invited to examine our goods and prices. EUREKA Steam Machine Carving Company, CAPITAL STOCK, $150,000. Works, 60, 62, 64 & 66 Cannon Street, Between Delancey and Bivington Streets, L*\ 0~W If OVK Manufacturers of Carvings for the Trade. CARVINGS IN WOOD, MARBLE, IVORY, &c. BUSTS OF PROMINENT MEN, MEDALLIONS AND BAS-RELEEFS, Heads of every description, Human and Animal, Panels of Came and Fruit, Door Ornaments, Sofa Stumps, &c. Ornaments for Furniture, Decorating Dwellings, Churches, Offices, Stores, Steamboats, Rail Cars, &c, &c, " Of well Seasoned Wood, constantly on hand and to order " FIGURE CARVING A SPECIALTY. RICHARD PATRICK, President, R. M. PATRICK, Supt (j. H. Degraw, PATTERN and MODEL MAKER, 444 Water-Street. Near Market Street, Close attention paid to Models for Patents. New York. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABDJET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. Architektonisches SKIZZENBUCH. (Architectural Sketch-Book.) A COLLECTION OF VIEWS OF Country Seats, Villas, Rural Cottages, Garden-Houses, ORNAMENTAL GARDENING, TOWN MANSIONS, Interior Decorations, Lattice-work, Elevations, Projections, BALCONIES, WINDOW-FLORALS, WELLS, FOUNTAINS,. STABLES2AND ODTHODSES, RAILINGS, MOULDINGS, CANDELABRA, ittoiuimmtal (tombstones, All kinds of Ornamental Buildings, and their Decorations, EXECUTED IN Berlin, Potsdam, and many other Places. OFFICE OK Frank Leslies Publications, 537 Pearl Street, New York. With Details. In Numbers (four per year), each with one Chromo-lithograph and five Lithographic Illustrations partly colored. Price, each number, $1.25. (£. Steiger, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street, NEW YOEK. practical* §py to Illustrirte Zeitung — One copy one year, $1. Five copi -. lis. Boys' and Girls' Weekly.— Three Fi\ 'i (2 tor every additional sub- scription. Postmasters sendin will be entitled to receive Peaks Lesj □ ED NEWSPAPER, Or F'llANK LESLIE S C'lIIJINEV I for "in.- year. Budget of Fun — Four copies, $ oo 'in- Illustrated Newspaper, Chimney Corner, and Lady's Magazine.. 10 DOTTED STATES POSTAGE KaTI.miX Tiik ABOVE I'l BUCATJON8. On each copj "i the Last's Mag lzlve, tour cents; on each copy of tin [llustbatkd Newspapeb Ami RIl v. i, ' Fun, and Pleasant Hocks, tn o . i !:•■ sub- scriber's postoffice, on the Last's Magazine, six PAPEB, ll.lSTK v.'l. in Ami ill. v .:ii n,., five cents pertraarter ; on the - Botb' and Una.-' Weekly, and Pleasant Hocbs, three cents per quarter. POSTAGE in ' \NADA. Tin- -aniv ratvs as above; lull as tin- postage on i i " \arts the World. BROOKLYN all Inquirus promptln anslDtrcb. Large Slock of Iniimrli'il German Penodieals f, wh ■ I St orders can be filled immediately. All other Peri ila and Newspapers issu.-.l in Oermany, imported Jltoflapr* mil) papers from England, Fi mce, Holland and alt rnished as expeditiously as possible. German Tapers und Magazines published In nTi » 5 orb promptly suppli id. Specially interesting t" Germans in Amerioa i IJatrjricbtfn aus 3)culfiiifniul mill ilcr Sdimcij. {.\en:.-i j :■<■!:! Germany and Swii Published every Tuesday Price 10 cents. Wtr. Hermann Mterghaus" 1 Chart of the World, containing the lines of Oceanic Mail Steam Communication and Overland Routes, the In- ternational fact il a ;"l Submarine Telegraphs, and the principal tracks of Sailing Vessels ; presenting some Continental surface charac- teristics, the Oceanic Currents, and important Deep - sea Soundings ; with 25 additional Charts and Plans showing the general Currents of air, and the lines of equal magnetic varia- tion, the Tchuantcpcc. Honduras, Nicaragua. Panama. Darien, and Sue/ Routes, several Sea-ports ; the Telegraphic and Steam lines round (, In 8 sheets, together measuring 61x38 inches, $5.00; or mounted on muslin for a Wall- Map, varnished, with rollers, f 11.00 [Pack- Cenl RAHWAY WOOD WORKS, RAHWAY. NEW JERSEY. SPOKES, RIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, &c, MANUFACTURED OF Extra/Quality New Jersey Hickory and White Oak. Spokes on hand of Seasoned Timber, tamed to any required pattern, and finishedlUtJshort notice. Sen 1 for price lists.| David dwell, Rab.way, N. J. l)pnnnniu}iu6rif^fJiop!\ G. Steiger publishes the folli TEXT-BOOKS which being cheap, clear, compi ■ aged in r .ind Private In stitutione ountry. ading Ch iris. In man Primer. I with much German Script. Boards $0.35. 1 Umenttef the German language. Exercise in Pi Uing and With much German Script Boards $0.35. Hethedef the Cerman language By 1. 1.1 Fischer. With German Script. Published 187 I- Jo.soj Half Roan $1.00. I .' : al and F.isy Method of Learning the German language. With Pronunciation by J. C. OehLSCHLAECBB of 1869. With n. ing Exercises in German Script 1 it-i Pari . f.ardsjo 6a; Second - Both together, lids. $1.00; Hall I ■ 10 every German Grammar and Reader. All in German Script Boards S0.40. A1IN. 0/ Germ Cloth $1.00. GRAUERT. Manual of the German lan- guage. First Part, Boards < : Part 1 together. Boards $070; Half Roan $0.90. RT. First German Reader. With much German Script Bi Second Cerman Readei With much Gor- man Script B Both Readers together. Hall Roan SCHLEGEL and GRAUERT'S Ceuru 0/ the German Language. In two Paris. Part l.rst. A I ' for Be- ginners By C. A. Schleuh Hall fo. Part Second. A Cerman Grai Advanced Pupils. By W. Graubkt. SCHLEGEl/S Seria ■■/ Claaiau Readers. With Notes. In three Parts In Press. BASKERVILLE, EnglM Grammar far Germans. By Gustavus Fisciikr. Boards J0.90: Half Roan Ji.oo. GRAUERT, SJiort English Grammar /or Germans Part First, Boards $0.4°: Part Second. Bds.$o.4o; Both together. Bds. Jo 70. SCHLEGEL'S French < ourse. In two Parts. r in 1 irsl \ 1 rcn h I ■■ ginncrs. Half Roan $ 1.50. Pari 5, „.l \ 1 : nch I '.rammar for Ad- vanced Pupils. In Press. 1 L'S Series 0/ Classical French Reader < With Not I thi Part First Half Roan $0.90. . 7'! In Press , Part I hi s-Enc I niVTioj%\ 1 itir.s. ELWELL. 2 Parts in 1 vol. Cloth $3 so Half Morocco $2.75. FLUEGEL. 2 vols. Half Morocco *8. 7S . eparately. Half Morocco $4.00. German-English Part sep irately. Half Morocco $5.50. KOEHI.ER. 2 voK in ■ Half Morocco LUCAS. 4 TOls. Boards $25.00. In 2 vols. Morocco S30.00. L COMPLET1 ■ ■ Engttth, German, ami French, for the use of the three Nations. 3 Parts in 1 vol. Half Mo- rocco $4 .50; and an extensive and carefully selected Stock of Grammars, Dictionaries, ^Headers*, etc. All Modern Langu ■ THE WORKSHOP, GEWEKBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. Just Issued. A veiy desirable Book for Builders and all who contemplate building a House. Supplement to Bicknell's Village Builder. * -*4dt (Design 1.— Plate 1.) Containing twenty Plates showing 18 Modern and Practical For Country and Suburban Residences of moderate cost, with elevation, plans, sections, and a variety ol' details, all drawn to scale. Also, a full set of specifications with approved form of contract, and estimates of cost. One superb quarto volume. Mailed post-paid on receipt ot price, $5.00. CONTENTS OF SUPPLEMENT TO BickneWs Village Builder. Design I Plate 1. — Front elevation of two-story French roof house, printed in colors; Scale, i inch to one foot. Plate 2. — Side elevation, J in.; principal details, Jin. Plate 3.— Section, i in.; plans of cellar, first, second and third floors, three thirty-seconds in Carpenters', Masons', Plumbers', and Paint- ers' specifications and approved form of con- tract. " II. — Plate 4.— Fig. 1 — Front elevation of house with gable roof. " III.— Plate 4.— Fig. 2. — Front elevation, same as Fig. 1, with French roof. Plate. 4 Fig. 3.— First floor. Fig. 4 Second floor. Fig. 5 Attic. Scale, one sixteenth in. " IV — Plate 5. — Front elevation and plans of Cottage. Scale j in. " V. — Plate 6. — Front elevation, plans and details of French Cottage, with tower, elevation and plans, i m., details A in. " VI. — Plate 7. — Front elevation, section and first- story plan of a square Freuch roof dwelling. Scale, i in. Plate 8.— Side elevation, $ in.; second floor, at- tic and cellar plan, one sixteenth in. " VII.— Plate 9.— Front elevation of two-story house, French roof. Scale, i in. Plate 10.— First and second floor plans. Scale, Jin. " VIII— Plate 11. — Front elevation of two-story house with French roof and tower. Scale, j in. Plate 12. — Plan of first floor, second floor and attic. Scale, J in. " IX.— Plate 13. —Fig. 1.— Front elevation and "plan of Cottage, with Mansard roof. Scale, J in. and one sixteenth in " X.-Plate 13 — Fig. 2.— Front elevation and plan of one-story Cottage. Scale, one tenth in. " XI — Plate 14.— Front elevation, plans and de- tails of two-story House, with hip roof. Scale of elevation, J in.; plans, one sixteenth in.; details, J in. " XII — Plate 15.— Front elevaton and principal floor plan of au irregular House, containing all modern improvements. Scale, j in. " XIII.— Plate 10 — Fig. 1.— Front elevation and plans of one-story House with'Mansard roof, Scale, i in. and one sixteenth in. " XIV — Plate 16.— Fig. 2.— Front elevation of Mansard Cottage. Scale, one sixteenth in. " XV.— Plate 17 — Elevation and plans of Stable. Scale, one sixteenth in. " XVI.— Plate 17.— Elevation and plans of square House. Scale, one sixteenth in. XVII.— Plate 17.— Elevation of Cottage. Scale, on c sixteenth in. Design XVIII.— Plate 17. — Elevation of Cottage. Scale, one sixteenth in. " XIX. — Plate 18. — Front elevation and plans of Cottage. Scale of elevation, J in., plans, one sixteenth in. Plate 19.— Details of dormer and bay window, piazza, gable and cornice. Scale, | in. Base finish, door and window casing, half full-size. Plate 20. — Piazzas, windows, bay windows and balconies. Scale, \ in. E. Steiger, 22 A. 24 Frankfurt Str., New York. C. WEYMANN, GLASS STAINER AND Embosser, No. 1450 BROADWAY, Cor. soth Stkeet, New York. Designs furnished on application. A. KLABER, STEAM MARBLE AND MARBLEIZING WORKS, Mantels, Monuments, Tiling, Wainscoting, Nos. 134 & 136 East 18th Street, JVew York, Bet. Third Ave. & Irvlnq Place. THE CHEMICAL NEWS Journal of Physical Science, (American Edition authorized by Wm. Crookes.F.R.S., Editor and Proprietor.) To which is added an AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, Edited by C. F. CHANDLER, Ph. D. Devoted especially to American interests, including the American Druggists' Price-Current. EMBRACING Chemistry, Pharmacy, Medicine, Manufactures, Min- eralogy, Metallurgy, "Photography, Mining, Mechanics, Electricity, Patents, Reviews, &c, &c. For more than a quarter of a century this valuable Journal has represented the progress of Chemistry and cognate sciences. It is devoted to Practical Chemistry in all its applications to Pharmacy, Medi- cine, Manufactures, Photography, and the Arts; also embracing whatever tends to elucidate new discover- ies and advances made in Physical Science, com- prising Mineralogy, Metallurgy, Mining, Mechanics, Electricity, and the collateral branches of Science. Its foremost rank as the leading representative of these interests has been conceded, until it is quoted as the first authority in the scientific world. TERMS. One Year in advance, postage free $5.00 Single numbers, in 54 compact pages 0.50 Vol. I., II., HI. and IV., from July, 1867, to July, 18G9. Bound in Cloth, each 3.50 Cases for Binding 0.75 W. A. TOWNSEND & ADAMS, 434 Broome St., New York. EUREKA Steam Machine Carving Company, CAPITAL STOCK, $150,000. Works, 60, 62, 64 & 66 Cannon Street, Between Delancey and Rimngton Streets, "T^J~f-'"W" "Y^Ol 1 !^ Manufacturers of Carvings for the Trade. CARVINGS IN WOOD, MARBLE, IVORY, &c. BUSTS OF PROMINENT MEN, MEDALLIONS AND BAS-RELD3FS, Heads of every description, Human andiAnimal, Panels of Came andiFruit,., Door Ornaments, Sofa Stumps, &c. Ornaments for Furniture, Decorating Dwellings, Churches, ^Offices, Stores, Steamboats, Rail Cars, &c, &c., "I Of well Seasoned Wood, constantly on hand and to order" FLGURE CARVING A SPECIALTY. RICHARIf PATRICK. President. R. M. PATRICK, Supt (j. H. Degraw, PATTERN and MODEL MAKER, 444 Water- Street. Near Market Street. Close attention paid to Models for Patents. New York- THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. IS Frank Leslie's Publications, 537 Pearl Street, New York. TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS. 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Letters and printed matte Should he addressed to FRANK LESLIE. Box 4121, P. 0., New York Architektonisches SKIZZENBUCH. (Architectural Sketch-Book.) A Col. LKITION ol-' VIEWS OF Country Seats, Villas, Rural Oottages, Garden-Houses, ORNAMENTAL GARDENING, TOWN MANSIONS, Interior Decorations, Lattice-work, Elevations, Projections, BALCONjIES, WINIX) \V-FL< IRAtiS, WELLS, FOUNTAINS, STABLES'AND OUTHOUSES, RAILINGS, MOULDINGS, CANDELABRA, iflonumcntal (Tombstones, All kinds of Ornamental Buildings, and their Decorations EXECUTED IN" Berlin, Potsdam, and many other Places. "With Detail In Numbers (four per year), each with one Chromo-lithograph and five Lithographic Illustrations partly colored. Price, each number, $1.25. (£. Steiger, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street, NEW YORK. practical' Jouruaf FOB CABINET-MAKERS AND Ornamental Wood-workers, DESIGNED, ARRANGED AND EDITED BY AUGUSTUS GRAEF, Assisti-d by PossENBAOHBB of Munich, LectjERC of Paris, and other Colleagues. THE IRON AGE, Published EVERT THURSDA? MORNING Hv David Willi lms, No. mi Bei kman Btreet, New Fork. The Only Amerioan Hardware and Metal Trade Paper. HENRY E. SHARP, r Toilet and Writing-Desk — Washing-Stand — Border of Pap- i Hangings— Wood Carving Cabinet — Pi Uihg— Candlelabra Fountains— Frames— Card-Boxes— Writing-Desks— Casket— Paper-Box— Picture-Frame — Glass-ware— Jug— Curtains— Decora- tion in Silver— Fire-dog— Iron Bedstead— Umbrella Stand— Mantel-pieces— Altar-rail— Paper-weight— Pistol— Ruler and Fold- Log Knife— Etageres — Brooches — Capital— Toilet Table— Earrings — Terra Cotta Work— Vases — Jewelry Cabinet — Cabinets —Terra Cotta and China Vases — Furniture — Terra Cotta flower Pot — Carved Wood Box. ILLUSTRATIONS IN PART HI. Arm-chair — Folding-chair — Sideboard — Monstrances — Chalice — Vases — Goblet — Shields — Tazza — Brooches— Lamp— Services Salt-cellar — Chandeliers — Tureen — Jug — Tankard — Ceiling Ornaments — Wardrobe — Bookcase — Paper-Hangings Shawls Fan — Brooches and Earrings— Necklace — Lockets— Paper-weight — Testimonial Representing Navigation— Earring- Fire-dog- Chandelier — Candelabra — Flower Vase — Plates — Epergne — Urns — Cluck — Damask Silk — Carpets — Embroidery Lathee- Gates — Gate Ornaments — Cabinets with Side Panel — Lamp Stands — Toilet Glass. ; ILLUSTRATIONS IN PART IV Mirror — Lamp-Stands — Clocks- Watch-Cases — Brooches and Earrings — Chandeliers — Vases — Fountains — Service— Urn — Pedestal Cornices — Bookcase — Tombstone — Lattice — Cupboard — Flounce of Point-lace — Frieze — Table cover — Epergnes — Jug — Flagons — Patterns for Playing-cards and Brocatell — Frames — Encaustic Tiles Paper Hangings Wardrobe— Gothic Pier-Table Tablt — Toilets— Cabinet— Centre-Piece of China — Umbrella-Stand— Table for a Writing R a M rbli laid, — Pier-Table Table in Egyptian Style Fire Screen Borders of Paper-Hanging— Cover of a Missal— Caskets— Tea-Boards— Papier-Mad,,' and Japanned Ware -Iron Stove— Knife-Handles — Lock and Key— Side-Arms — Side-Saddle— Jug 'and Goblets — Cup and Globlets. ILLUSTRATIONS IN PART V. Egg-stand — Epergnes — Glass- war, Carat, - -Paper-knife— Pendulum Clock— Cupboard — Box — Dressing-glass — Barometer — Paper Hanging- Papi t Border— Cabinet — Oriental Mural Fountain- Painted Windows— Oriental Cabinet — Watch-Case — Brooches— Vases — Clocks — Button— Tankards and Candlestick— Sugar Basin— Lamps — Cross — Hand Mirror— Milk Jug — Candlesticks — Piano, Front and Side View— Library Table— Chair— Bed— Fancy Goods in Wood— Niche in Cement — Knife handle — Jug - Drinking horn — Sword sheath— Chairs — Sideboards — Border of Paper Hanging — Wall-Fountain — Fire guard — Decoration in Silver- Iron Bedstead Fender Folding Bed -Iron Folding Chairs— Door Plates and Keys— Balcony— Back of — French Bed — Curtain— Lantern- -Marble Chimin -v-piece Stove. ILLUSTRATIONS IN PART VI. Paper-border — Carpet — Centre-piece — Tiara, Brooches, Earrings. Necklace — Bracelet, Buckle — Chimney-piece in Etruscan Style — Billiard Table — Cabinets — Pewter Vessels Vase — Lamps — Testimonial representing Industry— Candelabra- Oriental Chandel- ier — Lamp-stand— Clock— Vases — China Vessels — Carpets— Damask Table Cloth— Candlestick— ('hand, In 1 Hanging-Lamp — Salt-Cellar— Chandelier and Candelabra— Epergne— Wall Decorations in Telia Cotta — Balcony— Church Lattices— Silver Shield — Chinty for Furniture Pap< r Hangings — Carpets — Sideboards — Decoration of an Apartment. (For the use of the thret nations, the titles of the Illustrations are printed in English, German and French.) E. Steiger, 22 and 24 Frankfort street, New York. DESIGNS FOR MONUMENTS. By PAUL SCHULZE, Architect. One Volume 4to, Price $6.00. Containing 36 Plates presenting 64 Designs of all kinds of Monumental Work. Commemorative and Sepulchral Monuments Mural Tablets. Tombs, Headstones, Urns, Grave Crosses. Cenotaphs, &c. E. STEIGER, 22 and 24 Frankfort Sir.. NEW YORK. 16 THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER REFLECTING Street Lamps, JEmblems, DAYLIGHT REFLECTORS, Plain and Ornamental Reflecting FIXTURES of every kind For LIGHTING AND VENTILATING CHURCHES, HALLS, THEATRES, ■ BANKS, STORES, LIBRARIES, etc. 670— Grand Prismatic Sunlights. The most Approved and Ornamental Fixtures in use for Lighting^and Ventilating Churches, Halls, Theatres, &c. Diameter 40 in. and upwards— 12 to 150 Lights.' to- Patented June 8th, 1869; November 2nd, 1869; March 7th, 1871. The public is respectfully cautioned against infringe- ments of these patents. Each Fixture bears our name and addre-s. U. S. REFLECTOR CO., Patentees and Sole Manufacturers of Prismatic Reflecting Chandeliers and Sunlights, etc., JYo. 611 «f 613 Broadway, (Corner Houston St. ) JYeiv JTork. THE COAL AND IRON RECORD. A Weekly Journal, devoted to the Coal and Iron Trades, For Coal and Iron Operators, Shippers and Miners, Wholesale and Retail Coal and Iron Dealers; Manufacturers, Builders, Engineers, Gas, Railroad, and Canal Companies ; Blast Furnaces, Rolling Mills, and Machine Shops. SUBSCRIPTION, $3.00 a Volume— of 26 Numbers. Single Copies, fifteen Cents. Advertising, 25 Cents a Line, (Nonpareil), each Insertion. Western & Company, Publishers, CABINET MAKERS' and CAR BUILDERS' VENEERS. Importers and Dealers in Fancy Woods of the Choicest Rinds. Italian and French Walnut T"en *>«-«, HUNGARIAN ASH. Butternut and Black Walnut Burls, Corrugated Ash and Black Walnut, Amboine, Thuya, Tulip, etc. Mahogany and Walnut Planks and Boards, of Standard Thick)/ esses. A. PAKKER & Co., 166 and 168 Centre Street, corner Canal Street, New York. HERMANN GARBE, IMPORTER OF Si Park Row, New York. Alphonse Friedrick & Bro., Stained QHass Works, Figures and all styles of ornamental glass for Church Windows. 16 and 18 HOYT ST., Near Fulton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. CHARLES COLLINS, MANri'ACTntER OP HIGH & LOW PRESSURE STEAM BOILERS, of every Description, TANKS, OIL STILLS, ETC., No. 60 John St, Brooklyn, near Bridge St., Particular attention to lobbing. RICH Furniture Ornaments, French Marqueterie, Porcelains, Bronzes, French Veneers, Turkish Coverings, Curtain Materials, etc. 87 Chambers Street, New York. Sole Agent for "NEVEU'S FBIESES". PROFESSOR H. DUSSAUCE, Analytical and In- dustrial Chemist. Consultations on chemistry applied to arts and manufactures. Address, NEW LEBANON, N. Y. Prospectus. New and Superb Work for the use of Cabinet- Makers, Upholsterers and kindred Manufacturers. In Monthly Numbers at 50 Cents each: N° I, for October 1871, of The Cabinet-Makers Album. A Selection of choice Designs in rich, ornamental and plain Furniture, for the use of Cabinet-Maker's, Upholsterers etc. This work, which is issued from Stuttgart, appeals to the interest and attention of all engaged in the Manufacture, sale or purchase of every description of Furniture. It is published monthly, and is printed in large 4° on superfine paper. The Designs are executed in the best style of art; and the price, in view of the abundance and quality of the illustrations, does not exceed a third of that charged for similar productions. Every number contains 16 pages and an average of 20 — 25 exquisitely finished designs. In this country, the work cannot fail to be of the highest practical utility, while it will elevate taste and stimulate invention. For general convenience, the names of the designs are given parallel in German, English and French. The 12 th N° will include an Index of all subjets in the three languages, presenting a terminology of most beautiful articles of manufacture, extremely valuable to the artificer. The first number on hand for inspection with Agents throughout the country. E. STEIGER, 22 & 24 Frankfort St., NEW YORK. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. ®he (Workshop and 6etrcrkhalle Sustyess Direcfohj. (•The • refers th reader to in advertisement in The Workshop.) Hgttttt Wanted. Allen. E. C. & Co..«ta, We Steiger, E., New York City.* gmi.sts* ittatmal.s. Finkenaur. Geo.. 469 6th Ave. N. 1 I 'ilaurork gktt tfxtinnubltrr. Farwell. F. W., Secretary, UH Broadway, New V..rk City.* ^Jookis. Modern Americ. Architecture. (E. Steiger, N. ¥.)* Foreign Books and Pariadioa f. I E. Steiger, N. Y.)* Grammar of Ornament. (B. Stei.-er, NewYork.)* National Architect. (Geo. E. Woodward, N.Y.)* Supplement to Bicknoll's Village Builder. (A.J. Bickn.'ll&Co., N.Y.)* Workshop Hack-Volumes. (E. 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This is a great, and to practical Artists absolutely necessary work ; if any book is to spread Art-Taste amongst the Artizans, this will do it. At the above moderate price ' The Grammar of Or- nament' is brought within the reach of Artiste Ar- chitects, and their Assistants and Pupils, Designers, Art-workmen, and Students of every branch of Orna- mental Art. This work also addresses itselt to a Still larger class ot the public who, without having pro- fessional need of ita teachings, have yetan enlightened sympathy with the beautiful, and would be glad to possess, as an aid to the practice of Illuminating and other accomplishments of a like elegant character, or as ■ decoration to their drawing-room table, this record of the art ol so many countries and periods. 'The Grammar of Ornament' has not only been adopted as a class-book in all the Government schools in England, but also by the principal schools of the Continent of Europe, where the importance to Art ol this invaluable collection, and of the principles ex- plained in the text by which Mr. Owen Jones has sought to guide the students in its use, has been fully recognized and honored. Kept on hand by g Steiger. \>-. ,.,|. A i the Paris Exhibition to the BEST SAFE IN THE WORLD. Ono Hundred and Forty Firms testify I- the preservation of their i iluables in I [i n:iM 9 Saves « bi> h passed through ! terrible fire in Chicago. Manufactured onlj bj HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN, 251 Broadway, oor. Murray St, N.Y. FARREL, HERRING & CO., Philadelphia. HERRING & CO., Chicago. HERRING, FARRBL 4 SHERMAN, New Orleans If-: THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. Joeckel & Johnson, Sole manufacturers of Jobokel's Patent reversible Sunday School Settees. Church, Sunday School, and School Furniture of every Description. Also a new style of Folding Seats for Aisles. Office : 490 Hudson Sir. near Christopher Str., New Yokk. Just published: Woodward's CONTAINING 1000 ORIGINAL DESIGNS, PLANS AND DETATLS, to Working Scale, FOR THE Practical Construction of Dwelling Houses ROBERT PATON, Country, Suburb and Village. (Reversible Settee for Sunday-Schools.). Manufacturer of School and Office Furniture, CHURCH AND LECTURE-ROOM SETTEES of every Description. 26 Grove Str. . New York. ! Fall and complete Sets of Specifications and an Estimate of the Cost of each Design. BY GEO. E. WOODWARD, Architect, 1 Author of 'Woodward's Country Homes', 'Wood- ward's Cottages and Farm-Houses', ' Woodward's Suburban and Country Houses', Ac, AND EDWARD G. THOMPSON, Architect. CHICAGO RAILWAY REVIEW. THE REVIEW is the recognized organ of the Rail- way Interests of the West. It has a wide and rapidly growing circulation throughout the United States, England, Holland and the Canadas. Its columns furnish a faithful and reliable record of new railways projected and budding in all parts of the country ; the freshest news in regard to the practical and finan- cial operations of leading Western, Eastern and South- ern roads ; a resume of important railway inventions and improvements ; original and carefully selected articles upon current railway topics ; the latest stock quotations, and various other matters of special in- terest. The Review is published every Thursday at the Office, Room No. 45 Lombard Block, Custom House Place, Chicago. Subscription Price $2.00 %l Annum. Ten Copies to one address . . 15.00 Foreign subscription (each).. 3.00 " S&~ As an Advertising medium for manufacturers and dealers in Iron, Steel, Machinery, Bridge Mate- rials, Railway Supplies, Locomotives, Rails, and all useful Patents and Improvements relating to Railway Construction, Rolling Stock and Superstructure, the Chicago Railway Review Offers superior advantages to any other publication of the kind in the Northwest. AS- A yearly copy will be mailed FREE to Adver- tisers (or to such address as thej* may designate) for every $20 in amount advertised. Address all communications to "CHICAGO RAIL- WAY REVIEW," or FOWLER & BROOKS, P. 0. Box 5797. CHICAGO. 111. This work gives Perspective Views of all styles of Dwelling-houses, with front and side elevations, sections, and full detail drawings, with examples of specifications and an estimate of cost, market price of building materials, &c. Also, miscellaneous detail drawings to working scale, of Brackets, Cor- nices, French Roofs, Sectional and Framing Plans of French Roofs, Dormer Windows for French Roofs Bay Windows, Inside Shutters, French Windows Balconies, Verandas, Porches, Lattice Work, Stairs Newels, Balusters, Sliding Doors, Window Casings Gable Finish, Finials, Crestings, Canopies, Hoods Observatories, Base, Architraves, Plaster Finish Cedings, Hard Wood Mantels, and all that is required by a builder to design, specify, erect, and completely finish Dwelling-houseB in the latest and most ap- proved style. One large quarto volume, superbly bouml. Price Twelve Dollars, Postpaid to any address on receipt of money. Send orders only to GEO. E. WOODWARD, Architect, 191 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Priced Catalogue of all works on Archi- tecture sent free. (E. Stetgcr's which may be had/r«- and prepaid on appli- Steiger's Festival Catalogue. A Selection «f Bound German Books suitable (or Presents. Steiger's Theological Library, No. I. A Sys- tematic Catalogue of German Publications in the Department of Protestant Theology. Steiger's Philosophical Library. A Systemat- ic Catalogue of German Publications in the Departments of Philosophy and /Estheti t Steiger's Pedagogical Library. A Systematic Catalogue of German Publications on the Theory of Education and Instruction. Steiger's Catalogue of Kindergarten Litera- ture in German, French and English, and of Kindergarten Gifts and Occupation Material. Steiger's Catalogue of Gi and Juveniles i lassrned Picture Books :ording to the Steiger's Medical Library. A Systematic Cat- alogue of German Publications in the De- partment of Medicine. (In Press.) Steiger's Chemical and Pharmaceutical Li- brary. A Systematic Catalogue of German Publications in the Departments of C//r twist* y and Pharmacy. (In Press.) On Nature and Science. A List of German Books in the Departments of Natural Scien- ces, Medicine, Philosophy, Mathematics and Astronomy, Geography and Ethnology, etc. German Dialects. A List of 400 Publications, representing a majority of the Dialects spoken in the German Empire. Philology, chiefly comparative. A Catalogue of valuable Books on Comparative Philology, in English, German, and French. Steiger's List of Relief Globes and Maps, Indestructible Plain Globes, Tellurians and The Kindergarten. — The German Language - German Classics. — German School Books. — Arithmetical Apparatus. — Globes Steiger's Catalogue of Recent and Stan ard American and English Publications on Ar- chitecture, Carpentry, and Building. Theatrical Catalogue. A List of about 600 German Pieces specially adapted for ama- an four-part Spngs. German Citco- Catalogue of E. Steige lating Library. Steiger's List of German Periodicals A Lis. of Standard Periodicals of i'erman Litera- ; of Second-hand Boohs in all tan- >n all subjects furnished gr/itis to g them. A rich store of Bibliographical Material en- ables me promptly to furnish information con- cerning l.terary works published in all parts of the World. BROOKLYN fag Retort & Sn Sri** WNfe Van Dyke Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., Manufacturers ul Clay Retorts. Fire Brick, Tile &c. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABHSTET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. E, Sfrigir, German News Agent, Importer and Hnokseller, Public!" r "ml Printer. The Fullest and Best Selected Stock of (Star man 'UBoohs in all Departments. Binbrrgnrtin fitcrature, in German, English, and French. KindergartiMi Gilts and Material. ^U'fii'f oJfoDcr. and ^ftaps, T&ta'm titobes, 3tffase9, etc. Scifiiiilic null Stiiool Uppunitus Regular Importations from Germany and other i parts of Europe, by Steamer, EVERY WEEK. OHtlrro for rimi thino, connected uith literature and 3Vrt of all (Tountrir::. filled promptly, and at moderate v.itr-i. Free Bureau for German Teachers and Kindergarteners. Correspondence inoiteD, ,mb all ?nqmrirs promptly Etnsf&mb. Large Stork of Imported German Periodicals from • [lately. All in i. issued in Germany, imported ffinptfiirc (ml) JJttiiers ranee, HoUaut] expeditiously as pc Geman Papers and Hagazines iblisbed In Ni « Yobs promptly supplied. America i.larhrichttn tuts ijli'iitldilniiil iiurt tier (iHlmH'i.y {News from Germany and Switzerland,} Published every Tuesday Price 1" cents. Dr. Hermann Berghaus" 1 Chart of the World, Communication Slid Overland Routes, the In- temational Aerial and Submarine Telegraphs, and the principal tracks of Sailin presenting some Continental surface charac- le Oceanic Currents, anil important v. .tli 25 additional I Plans showing the general Currents of air, and the lines of equal magnetic varia- tion, the Tehuan tepee, Honduras, Nicaragua. Panama, Darien, and Suez Routes, several Sea-ports ; the Telegraphic and Steam line* round the World. In 8 sheets, together measuring 61x38 inches, $$.0© ; or mounted on muslin for a Wall. Map, varnished, with rollers, * 11.00. rPack- ing in Cox 75 Cents extra.] RAHWAT WOOD WORKS. UAHWAY, NEW JERSEY. SPOKES, RIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, &c, MANUFACTURED OF Extra Quality New Jersey Hickory anil White Oak. Spokes OS hand of Seasoned Timber, turned to any require 1 pattern, and finished'VitJshort notice. Sen I for price lists. David Crowell, Rahway, n. j. i)crmmi in puOtlc 8ri)oof§. G. Steiger publishes the following TEXT-BOOKS which being cheap, clear, comprehensive ami thoroughly practical, are extensively Schools and Private ln- iuntry. ■ man Reading Charts. In Press man Primer. Edited by '■'. . and with much German Script. Boards $0.35. mguage Iling ami * Translating. With much Gorman Script 1 . fo.35. / the German Lmgiiag.- With German Script (Published 1871. 1 . 50; Second Course. Boards $0.50. $1.00. ■ : ,il and £; Second Both together. Bus. $1.00; .nan Handwriting. A to every licrmjn Grammar and Reader. All In German Script AI1N Minual 0/ Germ GraUERT. Cloth Si 00. I. Minna/ of the German Can- First Part, Boards f ■ 1 oards $0.40; Both together, much German Script Second German Reader. With mi man Script. Boards So. 70; Both Renders CHLEG1 •nan Language In two Parts. Part 1 intt A < r for 1! < ! - y C. A. SCHLBCI > Roan Ji. 35. Part Second. A German Grammar for By W. Cuaiibrt. In Pt SCHLEGEL'S Series of Classical German Readers. With Notes. In three Parts. In i \ [LI !., English Grammar for Germans By Gustaws Fbchbr. Boards $0.90; Half Roan $1.00. • English Grammar for Germans. Pari gethcr. lids. $0.70. ,../< Course. In two Parts, 1 ,-aminar for Be- Half 1 -.. French Grammar forAd- Pupils. In Press. 11 ries of Class:,, . - • 1 s. In thr Part First. Half Roan S0.90. Part Second. . German-English and Engush-Gsriiam is. ELWELL. 3 Parts in 1 vol. Cloth lti.50. Hall Morocco %1. 75- H if Morocco «8. 7 5- , Part separately. Half Morocco $4.00. German- English Part scp- Half Morocco $5.50. i R. 2 vols. 111 1 Ha , vols. Boards Jas.oo 1 .1 irocco S 30.00. A COMPI 1.1 E DICTIONARY, German, ami French, for the use ol the three Nation- 3 Parts in I vol. rocco - and an extensive and carefully sclecl Grammars, Dictionaries, U-»eai>or&, etc. I ME STUDY OK All Modern Languagt - I, .- free on appliejUion k< v I ., pi-ry..^";* I | r .:nodJ^_J 20 THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. Just Issued. A very desirable Book for Builders and all •who contemplate building a House. Supplement * to Bicknells Village Builder. Design XVIII Plate 17.— Elevation of Cottage. Scale, one sixteenth in. '• XIX.— Plate IS.— Front elevation and plans of Cottage. Scale of elevation, J in., plans, one sixteenth in. Plate 1!).— Details of dormer and bay window, piazza, gable and cornice. Scale, | in. Base finish, door and window casing.half lull-size. Plate 20.— Piazzas, windows, bay windows and balconies. Scale, I in. E. Steiger, 22 & 24 Frankfort Str., New York. C. WEYMANN, GLASS STAINER AND Embosser, No. 1450 BROADWAY, Cob. 60th Street, NeiO York. Designs furnished on application. (Design 1.— Plate 1.) Containing twenty Plates showing 18 Modern and Practical BESIGJVS For Country and Suburban Residences of moderate cost, with elevation, plans, sections, and a variety of details, all drawn to scale. Also, a full set of specifications with approved form of contract, and estimates of cost. One superb quarto volume. Mailed post-paid on receipt of price, $5.00. contents of supplement to BickneWs Village Builder. Design I. — Plate 1. — Front elevation of two-story French roof house, printed in colors; Scale, I inch to one foot. Plate 2.— Side elevation, i in.; principal details, i in. Plate 3.— Section, i in.; plans of cellar, first, second and third floors, three thirty-seconds in. Carpenters', Masons', Plumbers', and Paint- ers' specifications and approved form of con- tract. " II Plate 4.— Fig. 1 — Front elevation '.of house with gable roof. " III.— Plate 4.— Fig. 2. — Front elevation, same as Fig. 1, with French roof. Plate. 4.— Fig. 3.— First floor. Fig. 4 — Second floor. Fig. ».— Attic. Scale, one sixteenth in. " rV. — Plate ft. — Front elevation and plans of Cottage. Scale ^ in. •• V Plate 6.— Front elevation, plans and details of French Cottage, with tower, elevation and plans, J .n., details J in. VI Plate 7. — Front elevation, section and first- story plan of a square French roof dwelling. Scale, \ in. Plate 8.— Side elevation, i in.; second floor, at- tic and cellar plan, one sixteenth in. " VII.— Plate 9.— Front elevation of two-story house, French roof. Scale, i in. Plate 10 First and second floor planB. Scale, 4 in. " VIII.- Plate 11 Front elevation of two-story house with French roof and tower. Scale, } in. Plate 12. — Plan of first floor, second floor and attic. Scale, J in. " IX— Plate 13.— Fig. 1.— Front elevation and plan of Cottage, with Mansard roof. Scale, | in. and one sixteenth in " X. -Plate 13 Fig. 2.— Front elevation and plan of one-story Cottage. Scale, one tenth in. " XI Plate 14. — Front elevation, plans and de- tails of two-story House, with hip roof. Scale of elevation, t in.; plans, one sixteenth in.; details, £ in. " XII.— Plate 15.— Front elevation and principal floor plan of an irregular House, containing all modern improvements. Scale, j in. " XIII.— Plate IB.— Fig. 1. — Front elevation and plans of one-story House with"Mansard roof, Scale, j in. and one sixteenth in. •• XIV.— Plate 16 Fig. 2.— Front elevation of Mansard Cottage. Scale, one sixteenth in. " XV. — Platk 17. — Elevation and plans of Stable. Scale, one sixteenth in. " XVI.— Plate 17 Elevation and plans.of square House. Scale, one sixteenth in. XVII.— Plate 17.— Elevation of Cottage. Scale, one sixteenth in. A. KLABER, STEAM MARBLE AM) MARBLEIZING WORKS, Mantels, Monuments, Tiling, Wainscoting, Nos. 134 & 136 East 18tli Street, JVetv York, Bet. Third Ave. & Irving Place. Alplionse Friedrick & Bro., Stained ©lass Works, Figures and all styles of ornamental glass for Church Windows. 16 and 18 HOYT ST., Near Fulton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. PATENT OFFICES. Inventors who wish to take out Letters Patent are advised to counsel with MUNN & CO., Editors of the Scientific American, who have prosecuted claims be- fore the Patent Office for over Twenty Years. Their American and European Patent Agency is the most extensive in the world. Charges less than any other reliable agency. A Pamphlet containing full instruc- tions to inventors is sent gratis. SB" A handsome bound Volume, containing ISO Mechanical Engravings, and the United States Cen- sus by Counties, with Hints and Receipts for Mecha- nics, mailed on receipt of 25 cents. Address MUNN& CO. 37 Park Row New York. THE CHEMICAL NEWS AND Journal of Physical Science, (■American Edition authorized by Wii. Crookes.F.R.S., Editor and Proprietor.) To which is added an AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, Edited by C. F. CHANDLER, Ph. D. j Devoted especially to American interests, including the American Druggists' Price-Current. EMBRACING Chemistry, Pharmacy, Medicine, Manufactures, Min- eralogy, Metallurgy, Photography, Mining, Mechanics, Electricity, Patents, Reviews, &c, &c. The Most Popular and Useful Issue of the Foreign Scientific Press. For more than a quarter of a century this valuable Journal has represented the progress of Chemistry and cognate sciences. It is devoted to Practical Chemistry in all its applications to Pharmacy, Medi- cine, Manufactures, Photography, and the Arts; also embracing whatever tends to elucidate new discover- ies and advances made in Physical science, com- prising Mineralogy, Metallurgy, Mining, Mechanics, Electricity, and the collateral branches of Science. Its foremost rank as the leading representative of these interests has been conceded, until it is quoted as the first authority in the scientific world. TERMS. One Year in advance, postage free $5.00 Single numbers, in 54 compact pages 0.5fr Vols, bound in Cloth, each 3.60 Cases for Binding 0.75 W. A. TOWNSEND & ADAMS, 434 Broome St., New York. HAYES BROS. Ventilating Sky -Lights, Conversatories &c. , ot Galvanized Iron, Brass and Copper. 75 8th Avenue, New York. 203 Lasalle Str., Chicago, 719 Noble Str., Philadelphia, Cor. of Howard & Lexington, Baltimore. & Price Book on Application. UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION, Paris, 1867, Containing upwards of twelve hundred elaborately engraved Illustrations, with descriptions of the prin- cipal objects of Art Manufacture from all parts of the world, exhibited at this last Great Fair, including Twelve Illustrations of Sculpture engraved on steel. Large 4to, half-morocco, extra, - - $15.00 " full Turkey, extra, - - - 18.00 Without Sculpture Illustrations: Half-morocco, plain, .... <).C0 E. STEIGER, 22 & 24 Frankfort Street New York. CHARLES COLLINS, MANUFACTURER OF HIGH & LOW PRESSURE STEAM BOILERS, of every Description, TANKS, OIL STILLS, ETC., No. 60 John St., Brooklyn, near Bridge St., Particular attention to lobbing. PROFESSOR 11. DUSSAUCE, Analytical and In- dustrial Clu-mist. Consultations on chemistry applied to arts and manufactures. AddreBB, NEW LEBANON, N. Y. Illustrated Catalogue George Finkenaur, 469 Sixth Avenue, betw. 28th & 29th Str.. New York. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Artists', Painters' & Wax Flower Materials. Furniture and other Varnishes constantly on hand. Uptown Depot for Peter Cooper's Glne. Bronze Powders,". Gold Leaf, Florence Leaf, nt lis. ur 26 numbers . - 9 00 One copy for thirteen weeks 1 00 Chimney Corner- One copy one year, or 52 numbers 4 70 -Cirtiml Prismatic Sunlights. Phe imo-1 Approved and ' tmamental Fixtnn I Charches, Halls I Diameter 40 in. and upwards- -12 to 150 Lights. For LIGHTING AND VENTILATING CHURCHES, BALLS, THEATRES, BANKS, STORES, LIBRARIES^ etc. »-| Ith, lHC.1t; I, 1869; March 7th, L871. The public ia reapectlMl; ainst infringe- theae patenta. Each Fixture bears "nr name and address. U. S. RKr JuJ^CTO-R CO., Patentees and Sole Manufacturers of Prismatic Reflecting Chandeliers and Sunlights, etc., *Vo. <> 1 1 4*613 Broadway, (Corner Houston St.) JVew !*«>•/.. In 4to to be completed in about 15 to 20 Parts, Price 10 Cents each, gteeutti of 'gflo&ern Jkxt-Q&amfadntt A CHOICE SELECTION ov The Principal Specimens of Workmanship from the latest Universal Exhibitions in LONDON and PARIS. A HANDBOOK OF DESIGNS FOR Artificers in every branch of Industrial Art; Gold, Silver, Bronze and -Metal-worker.-. Ivory and Wood-Carvers, Glass, Porcelain-Manufacturers and Clay-Molders Upholsterers, Cabinet-Makers, etc., etc. (For tin u8( oj tin thru nation*, tin titles oj tin Illustrations are fnrinted in English, a-inm,, and French.) E. ■Steio'er, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street. NeW York. DESIGNS FOR MONUMENTS. By PAUL SCHULZE, architect. One Volume 4to, Price] (6.00. (•,,, | i ol] kinds of Monumental Work, • inlchral Mod i Jlunil Tablets Comba li ad tones, I rni ■ ,,.,■.. I ro i Cenotaphs,&c. E. STEIGER, 22 and 24 Frs ikfort St.-.. NEW YORK. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. "You are respectfully informed 'that your No. 1 Babcook Fire Extinguisher is approved for use at the Military Posts. M C. MEIGS, Quartermaster General U. S. A." "These Machines have saved our Manufactory three times. We have every confidence in them. CHECKERING & SONS. Babcock Fire Extinguisher. "Absolutely the Best Protection against Fire." "The Babcock Fire Extinguisher has demonstrated its value. The machines are in use in this Department, and many fires have been put out with them ; if they were generally adopted, many millions annually would be saved. I fully believe in them, and commend them to the public confidence. JOSEPH L. PERLEY, Chief Engineer, New York Fire Department." "It did splendid work dining the great conflagration, and proved itself to be the best apparatus yet devised for self-protection. R. A. WILLIAMS, Chief Fire Marshal, Chicago." "I think the 'Babcock Extinguisher' valuable in saving from damage stocks of merchandise which otherwise would have to be removed from adjacent fires, or become liable to great damage by water. P. MCLAUGHLIN, Chief Engineer, Milwaukee Fire Department." "The machines have already saved thousands of dollars to the property-owners of this city. GEO. W. LEVI, Chief Engineer, Louisville Fire Department." "I have used the -Babcock Fire Extinguishers in the Fire Department of the City of Boston. Mass., and in every instance they hava given entire satisfaction. JOHN S. DAMRELL, Chief Engineer, Boston Fire Department.'' "A sufficient number of Extinguishers, with a proper organization, would make an efficient fire department for towns and villages I heartily recommend their general use as a protection against loss by fire and water. E. G. MEGRUE, Chief Engineer, Cincinnati Fire Department." "We have 120 of the 'Babcock Fire Extinguishers' on our Road, at various stations, shops, warehouses, and on our passenger trains During the past two years from thirty-five to forty actual fires have been put out with them, and a large amount of property saved from destruction, such as loaded cars, station-houses, wood piles, bridges, sheds, &c, &c. H. E. SARGENT, Gen'l Sup't Michigan Central Railroad." "Our experience with the 'Babcock Fire Extinguisher' on this road (we have 230 of the machines) has confirmed our first estimate of it, as a most desirable safeguard. We have saved our buildings repeatedly, and in one or two instances have prevented what we may reasonably suppose would have been large conflagrations. "I cannot too strongly commend them. Their general use would render a fire a rare circumstance. ROBERT HARRIS, Gen'l Sup't Chicago, Burlington A Quiucy R. R." SEND FOR "ITS RECORD." F. W. FARWELL, Secretary. 407 Broadway, NEW YORK. (556 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO. Prospectus. New and Superb Work for the use of Cabinet- Maker's, Upholsterers and kindred Manufacturers. In Monthly Numbars at 50 Cents each: N° 1, for October 1871, of The Cabinet-Makers Album. A Selection of choice Designs in rich, ornamental and plain Furniture, for the use of Oahinet-Maker's, Upholsterers etc. This work, which is issued from Stuttgart, appeals to the interest and attention of all engaged in the Manufacture, sale or purchase of every description of Furniture. It is published monthly, and is printed in large 4° on superfine paper. The Designs are executed in the best style of art; and the price, in view of the abundance and quality of the illustrations, does not exceed a third of that charged for similar productions. Every number contains 16 pages and an average of 20 — 25 exquisitely finished designs. In this country, the work cannot fail to be of the highest practical utility, while it will elevate taste and stimulate invention. For general convenience, the names of the designs are given parallel in German, English and French. The 12 th N° will include an Index of all subjets in the three languages, presenting a terminology of most beautiful articles of manufacture, extremely valuable to the artificer. The first number on hand for inspection with Agents throughout the country. E. STEIGER, M & 2 4 Frankfort St., NEW YORK. THE WORKSHOP, OEWERBEHAL LE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER SHie Solorhshojj and oSwcrbehalle Siistyess Silpeciolpjj. (The • refer the reader to an adverti.- Workslm/i.) 3Vcicnt$ Wanted. Allen, E. C. & Co.. Augusta, Me.* Bteiger. E., Hew York city.* £«*W ittntniab. Finkenaur, Geo.. 169 6th Lve, N 'i . City.* ^Sabrorh gfa tf'.vtinnui.aher. Farwell. F. W.. Secretary, 407 Broadwaj (fan York City.' 5ook0 N. 4tli str.. Philadelphia.* Measury and Whiton, N. Y. City.* patent Offices. Munn & Co., :17 Park Row, New York City.* Periodicals. ArchitektonischesSkizzen-Buch, (E. Steiger, N. Y.)" Cabinet Makers' Album (K. Steiger, N. Y.)* The Chemical News, New York City.* The Chicago Railway Review. Chicago, 111.* Frank Leslie's Publications. N. Y. City.* The Iron Age, New York City.* Museum of Modern Art-Manufacture. (E. Steiger, N. Y. City. I* Practical Journal for Cabinet-Makers and Orna- mental Wood Workers E. Steigei N T . Y. City.) - i'ro.cssors. Dussauce, H. Applied Chemistry), Now Lebanon, New York.* llcflcctor.s. Buckley & Cothren. 233 A 235 Canal Str.,N. Y.City.* U. S. Reflector Co., 61 1 & 613 Broadway, N. Y.City.* fixttg. Herring, Fairel & Sherman, 251 Broadway. New York City.* 4 School and (Office -furniture. Joeckel 4 Johnson, 190 Hudson Btr . N. 1 . City.* Paton, R., '26 Grove Street, N. Y. Wire lloyc. Tillotson. L. G.. i Co., B Dey -t.. N. i I Wood Worliinn. Eureka Steam Machine Carving Co., 60 to 66 Cannon Btreet, N. Y. City.* Garbe. Hermann. N.Y. City." National Wood Manufacturing Co., N. Jf.City." ACTIVE CANVASSERS wanted for 'The Workshop' onverj favorable terms. Apply to the Publisher iERRinrfs Safes Herring'* Pa* »h 4 „ atlti , ion Fire and Burglar ProbiSafes Awarded the Prize Medals at the World's Fair in London, At the Exhibition I'liivcrscllc in Paris. The World's Far in New York. ^bucrtiacments. The h ilarity and rapidly exb circulation of The Workshop among the industrial interests of the country, especially among architects, builders, super gmeers, manufacturers, designers. Ac, render it a most important medium of i^ing for the merchant and.. manufacturer, and for other branches of industry. Advertisements inserted at the following rate.-,: 1 column (— i page) : 4 column : for 1 year $150.00 $10.00 6 months 90.00 25:00 :i " 50.00 15.00 Engravings may head advertisements at the same rule per line, by measurement, as the letter-press. All advertisements less than J column @ 25 cents a line Nonpareil for tirst insertion (counting I' to 1 inch in depth), and 20 cents a line for each sub- sequent insertion, payable in advance. Cuts at same rate. In the WORKSHOP Bl 3QJES8 DIRECTORY, Cards under proper headings, 50 cents $ month or $:i.00 ^ year. Liberal discount for large space or standing advertisements. E. STEIGER, Publisher. i UsOj winner of ihc wager of 30,000 Francs OWEN JONES' Grammar of Ornament. Illustrated by examples from various styles of Ornament. 1 Volume. Imp. 4to. 112 Plates in gold and colors, containing 3000 examples. Extra cloth, gilt edges, $46.00. This is a great, and to practical Artists absolutely neoessary work; if any book is to spread Art-Taste amongst the Artisans, this will do it. At the above moderate price 'The Grammar of Or- nament' is brought within the reach of Artists. Ar- chitects, and their assistants and Pupils, Designer*, Art-workmen, and Students of every branch of Orna- mental Art. This work also addresses itself to a still larger class oi the public who. without having pro- fessional need of its tea* hinge have ye I an enlightened sympathy with the beautiful, and would be glad to 1 .hi aid to the praoti if {nominating and other ;n compliahments of s like elegant character, or as a decoration to their drawing-room table, this record of the art ol so many countries and periods. 'The Grammar of Ornament' has not only been adopted as .i ciaas book In all the Government schools In England, but al-o by the principal schools of the oe to An "i and oi the principles ex- plained in the text by which Mr. Owen ts in its us--, ii.i recognised Kepiouh.mii by g_ steiger. Awarded at the Paris Exhibition to the BEST SAFE IN THE WORLD. One Hundred and Forty Firms tcstif\ to the preservation oi theii valuables in Hkkkiv: sSai i - which passed through tin- recent terrible fire in Chicago. M.iniii.,. tured milv bj HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN, 251 Broadway, oor. Murray St., N. Y. FARREL, HERRIN&&C0., Philadelphia. HERRING 4 CO., Chioago. HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN, New Orleans. THE WORKSHOP, OEWEBBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. ' 4117 Broadway, Xi.« 5 okk. 656 Wabash Ave., I Ihic ioo FIRE DETECTOR MANUFACTURED BY American Fire Detector Co. , 735 Broadway, New Tone. This apparatus gives an immediate warning of the commencement of an Accidental or Incendiary Fire. Simple in Construction, Infallible in Operation. Will indicate the exact spot where the fire is commencing. Call and see it operate, at the Company's Office. Joeckel & Johnson, Just published: "W^ood^ward's CONTAINING hole manufacturers of Joeckei/s Patent reversible Sunday School Settees. Church, Sunday School, and School Furniture of every Description. Also a new style of Folding Seats for Aisles, Office : 490 Hudson Sir., near Christopher sir.. New York. ROBERT PATON, (Reversible Settee for Sunday-Schools.); Manufacturer of Sfchool and Office Furniture, CHURCH AND LECTURE-ROOM SETTEES of every Description. 26 Grove Str., New York. TITUS & CONRAD, Carpenters and Builders, AND MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH, and BLINDS, CARTER'S ALLEY, bet. Montgomery and Stockton Sts., N. of Hanover, TREJTTOjr. .IT. J. Buy Barber's Bit Braces. All Hardware Dealers keep them. 1000 ORIGINAL DESIGNS, PLANS AND DETAILS, to Working Scale, FOR THE Practical Construction of Dwelling Houses FOR THE Country, Suburb and Village. WITH Full and complete Sets of Specifications and an Estimate of the Cost of each Design. BY GEO. E. WOODWARD, Architect, Author of ' Woodward's Country Homes', ' Wood- ward's Cottages and Farm-Houses', 'Woodward's Suburban and Country Houses', &c, and EDWARD 6. THOMPSON, Architect. This work gives Perspective Views of all styles of Dwelling-houses, with front and side elevations, sections, and full detail drawings, with examples of specifications and an estimate of cost, market price of building materials, &c. Also, miscellaneous detail drawings to working scale, of Brackets, Cor- nices, French Roofs, Sectional and Framing Plans of French Roofs, Dormer Windows for French Roofs, Bay Windows, Inside Shutters, French Windows, Balconies, Verandas, Porches, Lattice Work, Stairs, Newels, Balusters, Sliding Doors, Window Casings, Gable Finish, Finials, Crestings, Canopies, Hoods, Observatories, Base, Architraves, Plaster Finish, Ceilings, Hard Wood Mantels, and all that is required by a builder to design, specify, erect, and completely finish Dwelling-houses in the latest and most ap- proved style. One large quarto volume, superbly bound. Price Twelve Dollars, Postpaid to any address on receipt of money. Send orders only to GEO. E. WOODWARD, Architect, 191 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Priced Catalogue of all works on Archi- tecture sent free. (£. Steiger's vhich may be had free and prepaid on appli- Steiger's Festival Catalogue. A Selection of Bound German Bonks suitable for Presents. Steiger's Theological Library, No. I. A Sys- tematic Catalogue of German Publications in the Department of Protestant Theology. Steiger's Philosophical Library. A Systemat- ic Catalogue of German Publications in the Departments of Philosophy and /Esthetics. Steiger's Pedagogical Library. A Systematic Catalogue of German Publications on the Theory of Education and Instruction. Steiger's Catalogue of Kindergarten Litera- ture m German. French and English, and of Kindergarten Gifts and Occupation Material. Steiger's Catalogue of German Picture Books and Juveniles classified according to the age of children. Steiger's Medical Library. A Systematic Cat- alogue of German Publications in the De-". partment of Medicine. (In Press.) Steiger's Chemical and Pharmaceutical Li- brary. A Systematic Catalogue of German Publications in the Departments of Chemistry and Pharmacy. (In Press.) On Nature and Science. A List of German Books in the Departments of Natural Scien- ces, Medicine, Philosophy, Mathematics and Astronomy, Geography and Ethnology, etc. l Dialects. A List of 400 Publications, representing a majority of the Dialects spoken in the German Empire. Philology, chiefly comparative. A Catalogue of valuable Books on Comparative Philotcgy, in English, German, and French. Steiger's List of Relief Globes and Maps, Indestructible Plain Globes, Tellurians and Lunaria. The Kindergarten. — The German Language — German Classics. — German School Books— Arithmetical Apparatus.— Globes etc. — A descriptive Catalogue. Steiger's Catalogue of Recent and Standard American and English Publications on Ar- chitecture, Carpentry, and Building. Theatrical Catalogue. A List of about 600 German Pieces specially adapted for ama- Songs. German four-part Songs. Catalogue of E. Steiger's German Circu- lating Library. Steiger's List of German Periodicals. A Lis,, of Standard Periodicals of German Litera- othe Catalogues are in prepa- Catalogues of Set ond -hand Books in all lan- guages and on all subjects furnished gratis to those desiring them. A rich store of Bibliographical Material en- ables me promptly to furnish information con- cerning literary works published in all parts of BBOOKLYN fag Retort & Sn Spirit Itoiths, Van Dyke Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., Manufacturers ot Clay Retorts, Fire Brick, Tile &c. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALI.K ,\NI> i ' \ HI \KT- MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. FRANKFORT ST. w & §t?igfr, (irrmii a News Agent, Importer and Booksi IU r, Publisher and Printer. The Fullest and Be3t Selected Stock of (Star man 2Book« in all Departments. Hittlkergarteti literature, in German, English, and French. Kindergarten Gifts ami Material. "IM'atn rtuUH-o, gftfases, etc. Scientijtc and $moo! Apparatus Regular Importations from Germany and other parts of Europe, by Steamer, EVERY WEEK. (SliC&ttfi for rimj thinp, roniirrtnl uith literature and 3Ut of all u'ountrie* filled promptly, and at moderate rates. Free Bureau for German Teachers and Kindergarteners, CorrcsnoiuVncf inuitrti, anb all Inquiries promptln anstotreb. Large Stock of Import nl German Periodicals diately. VII other l'c « apapers issued in i lermany, impo fflagapes mil) Jfapers ronce, Holland ossible. German Papers and lagazines published in New Yoks pr ptlj supplied. illy interesting lo lerman All" i jhthrichttn BUS JViilliiiliuul ami dec <\\um\\. Published ever} Tuesday Price In cents Itr. Hermann itrrglmus' Chart of the World, Communication and Overland i legraphs, and the pi i Sailing Vessels : frfa ■ I 1 ' Charts and Plans showing the general Currents of air, and the lines of equal magnetic varia- tion, the Tehuantepec, Honduras, Nicaragua, Routes, several and Steam line? World. In 8 sheets (8 inches, $5.00 ; 1 for a Wall- RAHWAY WOOD WORKS. ■liAHWAY, NEW JERSEY,! SPOKES, RIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, &c, H VN'UFACTrjREr> ( OK Extra I ts.v BiCKory and White Oak. Bpokee on hand of Seasoned Timber, turned to any required pattern, an. I fin ijmiutii in Jjuljl'ir Srijoofe. G. Steiger lowing TEXT-BOOKS irhich being cheap, cli ar, api ami thoroughly practical Btitutions all over the country. BRT. P ■■■ .th much German Script. Boards $0.35. 1 . With much German Script With German Script (Published 1871 Learning in-- German / German Script 1 All in German Script Boardf 50.40. A 1 1 N . -1 00. With much German Script With much Ger- man Script I SCr Parl Fi By C. Part Second. A I Pupils, By \V . KeaJ. 1 .. In three Pare Press. In BASKERVILLE, English Grammar /ar Germans. By GuSTAVUS KiSCHF.K. Boards Jx.oo; Half Roan $1.00. GRAUI Kl. Skori English Grammar for Germans. Pari I t o; Both together. I nek Course. Ir ' ■ . French Grammar for Bc- aers. Half Roan $1.50. in for Atl- 1 In Press. ,1 French I ,Part Third I Gsrman-English and I ttn rat.Y.itiii s. ELWELL, 1 Parts in t vol. Cloth fa. 50. Hall M01 - i df Morocco «8. 75 . 1 Germ ti.oo. German-English Part sep- ' $5- 50. ki IKHI.KR. s vols, in 1. Ha • - Half Morocco * 30.00. A COMP1 111" I'h 1 IONAR1 ■. anti French, for th'- use of the Grammars, Dictionaries, ^Readers, *."to. . /// Modern Langu i ,"/« free David Crowell, Rah W&J, N. J. 'is THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. Just Issued. A very desirable Book for Builders and all who contemplate building a House. Supplement to Bicknell's Village Builder. ^ ft P V (Design 1.— Plate 1.) Containing twenty Plates showing 18 Modern anil Practical nESMGjyrs For Country and Suburban Residences ol moderate cost, with elevation, plans, sections, and a variety of details, all drawn to scale. Also, a full set of specifications with approved lorm of contract, ami estimates of cost. One superb quarto volume. Mailed post-paid on receipt ot price, §5.00. CONTENTS OF SUPPLEMENT TO BickneWs Village MuiUicr. Design I. — Plate 1. — Front elevatiou of two-story French roof house, printed in colors: Scale, 4 inch to one foot. Plate 2. — Side elevation, ; in.: principal details. Jin. Plate .1— Section. } in.: plans ol cellar, first, second and third floors, three thirty -seconds in. Carpenters', Masons', Plumbers', and Paint- ers' specifications and approved form of con- tract. " II.— Plate 4.— Fig. 1— Front elevation of house with gable roof. " III. — Plate 4 Fig. 2 Front elevation, same as Fig. 1, with French roof. Plate. 4.— -Fig. 3.— First floor. Fig. 4 Second floor. Fig. 5 — Attic. Scale, one sixteenth in. " IV. — Plate 5 Front elevation and plans of Cottage. Scale j in. " V.— Plate 6. — Front elevation, plans and details of French Cottage, with tower, elevation and plans, i in., details £ in. VI.— Plate 7.— Front elevation, section and first- story plan of a square French roof dwelling. Scale, i in. Plate 8.— Side elevation, i in.; second floor, at- tic and cellar plan, one sixteenth in. " VU — Plate 9 Front elevation of two-story house, French roof. Scale, 4 in. Plate 10.— First and second floor plans. Scale, Jin. " VIII.-- Plate 11. — Front elevation of two-story house with French roof and tower. Scale, ^in. Plate 12. — Plan of first floor, second floor and attic. Scale, i in. " IX— Plate 13.— Fig. 1.— Front elevation and plan of Cottage, with Mansard roof. Scale, i in. and one sixteenth in. " X.- -Plate 13 — Fig. 2.— Front elevation and plan of one-story Cottage. Scale, one tenth in. " XI. — Plate 14. — Front elevatiou, plans and de- tails of two-story House, with hip roof. Scale of elevation, i in.; plans, one sixteenth in.; details, J in. " XII.— Plate 15.— Front elevation and principal floor plan of an irregular House, containing all modern improvements. Scale, i in. " XIU — Plate In.— Fig. 1.— Front elevation and plans of one-story House v> itr/Mausard roof. Scale, j in. and one sixteenth in. " XIV.— Plate 16 — Fig. 2.— Front elevation of Mansard Cottage. Scale, one sixteenth in. " XV.— Plate 17.— Elevation and plans of Stable. Scale, one sixteenth in. " XVI.— Plate 17 — Elevation and plana.of square House. Scale, one sixteenth in. XVII.— Plate 17.— Elevation of Cottage. Scale, ou e sixteenth in. Design XVIII Plate 17 Elevation of Cottage. Scale, one sixteenth in. " XIX. — Plate 18. — Front elevation and plans of Cottage. Scale of elevation, j in., plans, one sixteenth in. Plate Hi.— Details of dormer and bay window, piazza, gable and cornice. Scale. | in. Base finish, door and window casing.half full-size. Plate 20 Piazzas, windows, bay windows and balconies. Scale, I in. E. Steiger, 22 & 24 Frankfort Str., New York. Keuffel & Esser, 116 Fulton Str., New York. Importers and Manufacturers ol only first Class Drawing Materials, viz: Mathematical Instruments, Drawing Papers, Profile Paper, Tracingcloth, Chesterman's Tapes, Chains, Levelling Rods, Hard Rubber Triangles and Curves, Water Colors, Brushes etc. etc. A new illustrated Catalogue and Samples of Drawing Paper will be sent on receipt of 25 cents. ARCHITECTURAL 3ron tolork, Wrought and Cast Iron Railings, VERANDAHS, Poors, gutters, ffairs, &c MAN UFA C TURED B Y W. P HOOD; No. 680 NORTH BROAD STREET, NEAR C0ATES STREET, PHILADELPHIA. THE NATIONAL ATLANTIC DOCK Iron & Machine Works, FERRIS, WOLCOTT AND DTKEMAN STREETS, South Brooklyn. HOY, KENNEDY & CO., AGENTS. i rffice 98 Liberty Street. P. O. Box 2,348. fim M- itowilm strutheks & son, MARBLE 218 East 25$ Street, New York. FIGURES, FOUNTAINS and Decorations for BUILDINGS AND FURNITURE. Cast and finished in BRONZE AND ZINC. Architects' Designs executed. Artistic Monuments in Granite and Bronze George Finkenaur, 469 Sixth Avenue, betw. 28th & 29th Str.. New York. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Artists', Tainters' & Wax Flower Materials. Furniture and other Varnishes constantly on hand. Uptown Depot for Peter Cooper's Glue. Bronze Powders,^6old Leaf, Florence Leaf, &c. Materials for Architects, Couch Painters, Gilders, fye. Iresto Painters' •Materials, a Specialty. French Window and Coach Glass. Sand Stone Works, 1022 MAEKET STREET, Steam Mill. Walnut Street Wharf, Schuylkill, PHILADELPHIA. $25. STEAM JET PUMP. $25. The simplest and cheapest device ever known for raising water, oils, syrups, acids, &c. Capacity 40 gallons per minute. Used in hotels, factories, mines, quarries, &c. Operated by steam direct from boiler. Has no valce or wearing parts of any kind. Is un- affected by sandor grit. Certain to work at all times. Sent to any address on receipt of $25. SINKER, DAVIS & CO.. Indianapolis, Ind. MONUMENTS, MANTELS, STATUARY, AND BUILDING WORK IN GENERAL. DESIGNS FOR MONUMENTAL WORK FURNISHED. Wm. Struthers. Jno. Struthers. A. KLABER, STEAM MARBLE AND MARBLEIZING WORKS, Mantels, Monuments, Tiling, Wainscoting, Nos. 134 & 136 East 18th Street, JVetv I"or#c, Bet. Third Ave. & Irving Place. NEW YORK STONE WORKS. AWARDED THE FIRST PREMIUM At .the Exhibition of the American Institute, 1869 BANDMANN, HOLLMANN & CO., PROPRI HTORS, 698 Seventh Avenue, bet. Forty-seventh and Forty-eight Sts., NEW YORK. Side-walks, Tiles, House-fronts, in any color, Cop- ing, Ornaments, and Statutes. Send for Circular and Price-list, Just ready. Only HALF THE USUAL COST, but neat and perfect in work and finish. Always true. Any cutters can be used. Try them before buying others. Ask your hardware dealer for them, or send for our' full Descriptire Circular to E. G. STOKKE. Auburn, N. Y. L W. POND'S NEW TOOLS. New and Improved Patterns. Lathes, Planers, Drills, Milling Machines, Boring Mills. Gear and Bolt Cutters, Punches and Shears for Iron. dealer in M! achinery. Works at Worcester. Mass. Office, 98 Liberty Street, N. Y. S. N. HARTWELL. General Agent. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. l\> OFFICE OF Frank Leslie's Publications. 537 Pearl Street, New Zork. per. — FiVI yi-,ir ill idress, $20, witli extra i TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS. Illustrated Newspaper- One copy one year, or .vj numbers. $4 oo One copy six months, or 26 numbers 1 "0 Oni copy for thirteen weeks.. 100 Chimney Corner— I Ine ' ■ ae 4 (hi i Ine copy six months, or 26 numbers 2 00 One copy thirteen weeks 1 00 Illustrirte Zeitung (German)— One copy one year, or 62 numbers i 00 One copy six months, or 26 numbers 2 00 One copy for thirteen weeks LOO Boys' and Girls' Weekly- One copy one year, or 52 numbers 2 50 One copy six nths, or 26 numbers 1 2ft Lady's Magazine- One cop}' one year, or 12 numbers 3 ftO Budget of Fun One copj on yea: i I 12 anmbi - 1 50 Pleasant Hours — One copy one year, or 12 numbers ISO CLUB TERMS. Illustrated Ne' one wrapper, in i person gcttniL' up Chimney Corner I ne year, in one wrapper, to one address, $20. with person getting up club. Lady's Magazine. Four copies me year, in one wrapper, t e address, $14. with extra copy to person getting up club. Illustrirte Zeitung.— line copy one year, ;. copes, $15. Boys' anil Girls' Weekly. Three Five copies, $10. Anil $2 lor every additional sub- Bcription. Postmasters sending subscriptions of Ten will be entitled in receive Frank Leslie's Ilhtstrat- kd Newspaper, or Frank Leslie s Chimney Corner, for one year. Budget of Fun.- Four copies, $6, with extra copy getting up eluli. Pleasant Hours, — Four copies, $6, with extra copy to person getting up club. One copy Lady's Magazine and Illustrated News- paper, one year $7 00 One copy Chimney Corner and Lady's Maga- zine, one year. 7 00 One copy Illustrated Newspaper or Chimney Corner and Pleasant Hours .' oo tine copy Illustrated Newspaper or Chimney Corner and Budget 5 on One copy one year Illustrated Newspaper, Chimney Corner, and Lady's Magazine m UNITED STATES POSTAGE BATES ON THE w:o\ E PUBLIC LTIONS. On each copy of the Last's Mai. izine, tour cents ; on each copy of the lu.i -n; vtkh Newspaper, [lug thai-ion sjbrioana, Chimney Corner, [llustrtrti /iKiTiMi. Budget of Fun, and Pleasant Hours, two cents: and it prepaid quarterly in advance at the sub- scriber's post-office, on tin' Lvov's Maca/im -t\ cents per quarter; on the Illustrated Newspaper, LlUSTRAOION B.HERIOANA, and ILLUSTRIRTE Ze] five cents per quarter : on the BuDQEl I and Girls' Weekly, and Pleasant Hoi us, three rents, per quartei POSTAGE to ( ANADA. The same rates as above; but as tin- postage on Canadian subscriptions must be prepaid in New York, Canadian subscribers will, therefore, in all cases, add the amount of postage to the amount ol subscription. Our publications are always stopped when the term of subscription expires, it ts not necessary to give notice of discontinuance. In sending subscriptions, on orresponding, be care- ful to send Name and Address in full. Letters and printed matter si Id be addressed to FRANK LESLIE, Box 4121. P. 0.. New York. Architektonisches SK IZZENBUCH. (Architectural Sketch-Book.) A COLLECTION OF VIEWS OF Country Seats, Villas, Rural Cottages, Garden-Houses, ORNAMENTAL GARDENING, TOWN MANSIONS, Interior Decorations, Lattice-work, Elevations, Projections, BALCONIES, WINDOW-FLORALS, WELLS, FOUNTAINS, STABLES AND OUTHOUSES, RAILINGS, MOULDINGS, CANDELABRA, iittonumcntal tombstones, All kinds t>i Ornamental Buildings, and their Decorations EXECUTED IN Berlin, Potsdam, and many other Places. With. Details. lu Numbers (four per year), each with one Chromo-lithograph and five Lithographic Illustrations partly colored. Price, each number, $1.25. THE I RON AGE, Published EVER! THUBSDA? MORNING ! \ II' \V|1.I.IAMS. v BO Bi ekmanS reet, New York. The Only American Hardware and Metal Trade Paper. JOHN M. BOFFMIRE, Builder, 525 HUDSON STREET, NEW YORK. (£. Steiget, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street, NEW YORK. practical' Journal CABINET-MAKERS A N I ' Ornamental Wood -workers, DESIGNED, ARRANGED AND EDITED BY AUGUSTUS GrJElJ^KF, Assisted by Possenbaohkk of Munul' I i Paris, and other Colleagues. 12 Nos. per year. Wo, each containing 3 sheets of Engravings of Furniture and Ornamental Wood-work, and 4 Imperial sheets of full-sized Details, together with the aecessary explanatory descriptions. Price, each number, 75 Cents. E. STEIGER, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street. New York. 30 THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. The Cabinet-Maker's Album. A Selection of Choice Desigus in Rich and Plain Furniture lor the Use ot Cabinet- Jflakers and Upholsterers. To be complete in 12 Parts, 50 cents each. Parts 1 and 2 now Ready. E. Steiger, 22 & 24 Frankfort Street, New York. i) quotations, and n Tmk Rsvntw is published every Tliui m No. 45 Lombard Block, Custo u'ago. i Son Price $2.00 $ Annum. ddress . . 15.00 Foreign Bubsoription (each).. 3.00 " S3" As an Advertising medium for manufacturers t: on, Mr! m Lchinery, Bridge kfate rials, Railway Supplies, I omotives, liails. and all is relating to Railway Conatrn Chicago Railway Review Oners superior advantages to any other publication of the kind in the Northwest. »*" I • II be mailed FREE to Adver- tisers foi to 9Ui b address as they may designate) for every $20 in amount adi I III 1 k.00 BAII F0W LKR & BROOKS. P. ii. Box S797. CHI! .\r,0. 111. WARREN WARD & CO., t, cor. Crosby. Established 1850. Win'!, sal,- and Retail Manufacturers of the latest styles of BEDROOM, PARLOR, DINING, and LIBRARY FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, SPRING BEDS. &c., &c., suitable for Citv and Conntry residences. ALL GOODS WARRANTED As RE- PRESENTED. 32 THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISEB. REFLECTING Street Lamps, Emblems, DAYLIGHT REFLECTORS, Plain and Ornamental Reflecting FIXTURES of every kind For LIGHTING AND VENT1 ATING CHURCHES, HALLS., THEATRES, BANKS, STORES, LIBRARIES, etc. 670— Grand Prismatic Sunlights. The most Approved and Ornamental Fixtures in use for Lighting;and Ventilating Churches, Halls, Theatres, &c. Diameter 40 in. ami upwards— 12 to 150 Lights. J8S- Patented June 8th, 1869; November 2nd, 1869; March 7th, 1871. The puUic is respectfully cautioned against infringe- ments of these patents. Each Fixture bears our name and address. U. S. REFLECTOR CO., Patentees and Sole Manufacturers of Prismatic Reflecting Chandeliers and Sunlights, etc., JYo. 611 «f 613 Broadway, (Corner Houston St. ) JYew York, HAYES BROS. ■ ^Ventilating J^ Sky-Lights, ft Conversatories &c. GI2.5 Hudson str., N. Y. City.* gttlWUnn £tone, ^latc, Woo&, &t. Oeis, Francis J., N. Y. City.* CTlorhs and Watches. New York Watch Co., BpringSeld, Mass.* Stuffing jfnstnimrnts. Xeuffel A Esser, 71 Nassau str., N.Y. City.* 7 Broadway, N. Y. City.* (JMass and 61ass ^tatnrrs. Friedrick, Alphonse & Bro.. 888 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y.* Hayes Bros.. 73 8tli Ave.. N. Y. City.* Sharp. Henry E . U7 10. 22d str., .NewYork City.* Weymaan, C . N. Y. City.* ire £ttarhinrs. Tellier's Ice Machines, i,l Broadway, N. Y. City.* 3jron Works. Hood, W. P., Iron Work, Ph iadelphia, Pa.* £ttustral Instrumrnts. Smith, S. D. & H. W., American Organs, Boston, Mass.* gamts, Compositions, &r. Cheap Painting. ISO N. 4th str., Philadelphia.* Measury and Whiton, N. V. City.* gattut (Otfirrs. Munu & Co., 37 Park Row, New York City.* 2?rriodkals. Arch:tektonischesSKizzen-Buch, (E. Steiger, N. Y.)' Cabinet Makers Album (10. Steiger, N. Y'.)* Tne Chemica, New York City.* The Ch cago Railway Review. Chicago, 111.* Frank Leslie's Publications, N. Y. City.* The Iron Age, New York City.* Museum of Modern Art-Manufacture. (E. Steiger, \. Y. rity |« Practical Journal for Cabinet-Makers and Orna- mental Wood-Workers. (E. Steiger, N. Y. City.)' grofessors. Duismce, H. (Applied Chemistry), New Lebanon, New York.* gtcfttctors. Buckley & Cothren. - Str., N.T. City.* U. S. Reflector Co., oil A 613 Broadway.N. Y. City.* Safrs. Herr nr;, Farrel & Sherman, 2'>1 Broadway, New Yolk City.* £rhool and oHfirr furniture. Josckel & Johnson, t 10 Hudson Sir., N. Y. City.* Paton, R., '.'C GrOTB Street, \. Y. City.* .Slatr illanttls. Klaber, A., V Y. City.* cools. Field A Hardie, Building Hardware, Philadelphia, Metallic Plane Co., Auburn, N. Y • Vrnrrr.s. Cole * Comstock. \. Y I Hardy, 1'. J., N Y. Citj P rker, A. & Co., 1UG A 108 Centro Str., N. Y. City.* Wire Itonc. Tillotson. L. G.. & Co., 8 Dey at., N. Y. City.* Wood Worhinn. Eureka Steam Machine Carving Co., '60 to 60 Cannon Street, N. Y. City.* Garbe, Hermann, N.Y. City.* National Wood Manufacturing Co., N*. Y City.' ACTIVE CANVASSERS wanted for 'The Workshop' on very favorable terms. Apply to the Publisher ^bucrtiaemmts. The increasing'' popularity ami rapidly extending circulation of Tuk WORKSHOP among the industrial interests of the country, especially among architects, i'U Iders, superintendents, engineers, manufacturers, di signers, Slc, render it a mo-t important medium oi advertising for the merchant and. manufacturer, and for other branches of industry. Advertisements inserted at the following rates: I column (= i page) : I column : for 1 year $1.50.00 $10.00 6 months 90.00 2.5.00 3 " .50.00 15.00 Engravings may head advertisements at the same rate per line, by measurement, as the letter-press, All advertisements less than J column ® 25 cents a line Nonpareil for lirst insertion (counting 10 lines to 1 inch in depth), and 20 cents a line for each sub- sequent insertion, payable in advance. Cuts at same rate In the WORKSHOP BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Caiius under proper headings, .50 rents $} month or $3.00 ty year. Liberal discount for large space or standing advertisements, E. STEIGER, Publisher. OWEN JONES' Grammar of Ornament. Herring's Safes Herring's Patent Champion Fire and Burglar Proof Safes A.warded the Prize Medals at the World's Fair in London, A t the Exhibition I'ni\ erselle in P ris. The World's Fair in N'rw York. Also, winner of the wacer of £0,000 Francs Illustrated by examples from Ornament. various styles of 1 Volume. Imp. 4to. 112 Plates in gold and colors, containing .'!000 examples. Extra cloth, gilt cages, $45.00. This is a great, and to practical Artist- absolutely ne, arywork; if any boos Is to spread Art-Taste among. I the Artizans. this will do it. At the above moderate price ' The Grammar of Or- nament' is brought within the reach of Artists, ar- chitects, and their Assistants and Pupils. Ilesigners, Art-workmen, and Students of every branch ol Orna- mental Art. I Ins work also addresses itself to a still larger class ot the public who, without having pro- fessional need ,,t Ita teachings, have yet an enlightened sympathy with the beautiful, and would be glad to - an aid to the practice ol Ilium ether accomplishments ol B like eleganl "r.i-i decoration to their drawing-room table, tlus record 01 the art ol so many countries and 'The Grammar Of Ornament' has not only been adopted as a class-book in all the Governmentschools I, but also by the prin dpal Bchools of the Continent of Europ mportance to Art ol tins invalu ' inciplee ex- ; the text by « hick M sought to g uts in its use, has been rally and h"ii oed. F< Steiger Awarded al the Paris Exhibition to the JBEST SAFE IN THE WORLD One Hundred and Forty Firms testify to the preservation of theii valuables in lich passed through I terrihli Chicago. atanufa tu ed onl) bj HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN, 251 Broadw ay, oor. Murray 81 . V. V FARREL, HERRING & CO., Philadelphia. HBERIMG A CO., Chicago. HERRINi. FARREL & SHERMAN. N*w Orleans. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER ARCHITECTURAL 3ron iUorkj Wrought and Cast Iron Railings, VERANDAHS, poors, gutters, ^fairs, &c. MANUFACTURED BY W. F> HOOD; No. 680 NORTH BROAD STREET, NEAR C0ATE8 STREET. PHI LA DELPfTTA. ATLANTIC DOCK Iron & Machine Works, FERRIS, WOLCOTT AND DYKEMAN STREETS, South Brooklyn. HOY, KENNEDY & CO., AGENTS. Office 98 Liberty Street. P. 0. Box 2.34S. STiUJTHEKS & SON, MARBLE 'AND Sand Stone Works, 1022 MARKET STREET, Steam Mill, Walnut Street Wharf, Schuylkill, PHILADELPHIA. MONUMENTS, MANTELS, STATUARY, AND BUILDING WORK IN GENERAL. DESIGNS FOR MONUMENTAL WORK FURNISHED. Win. Struthers. Jno. Strutters. Keuffel & Esser, 116 Fulton Str., New York. Importers and Manufacturers ol only fii>t Class Drawing Materials, viz: Mathematical Instruments, Drawing Papers, Profile Paper, Tracingcloth, Chesterman'a Tapes, Chains, Levelling Rods, Hard Rubber Triangles and Curves, Water Colors, Brushes etc. etc. A new illustrated Catalogue and Samples of Drawing Paper will be sent on receipt of 25 cents. THE NATIONAL fms |i[i ftntttlrg 218 East 25lh Street, New York. FIGURES, FOUNTAINS and Decorations for BUILDINGS AND FURNITURE, Cast and finished in BRONZE AND ZINC. Architects' Designs executed. Artistic Monuments in Granite and Bronze A. KLABER, STEAM MARBLE AND MARBLEIZING WORKS, Mantels, Monuments, Tiling, Wainscoting, \r, Hermann Bergnaus' 1 Chart of the World, containing the lines bl I >i eani. M ind Routes, the In- ternational Aerial and Submarine Telegraphs. and the principal tracks of Sailing Vessels ; presenting some Continental surface charac- teristics, the Oceanic Currents, and important h ith 35 additional Charts and Plans showing the general Currents of air, and the lines of equal magnetic varia- tion! the Tchuantepcc, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Darien, and Suez Routes, Sea-ports; the Telegraphii and Stc;mi line* round the World. In 8 sheets, together measuring 61x38 inches, $5.00; or mounted on muslin for a Wall- mushed, with rollers. $11.00. [Pack- 7- Cents extra ] RAHWAT WOOD WORKS. RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY. SPOKES, RIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, &c, l£. Stetgefs be hady*r« and prepaid cation. Steiger's Festival Catalogue. A Selection »f Bound German Boeks suitable for Present* Steiger's Theological Library, No. I. A Sys- tematit Cal the Department of Protestant Theology. Stcigcr's Philosophical Library t I Serman Publications in the '.v and sEtthetict. Steiger's Pedagogical Library. A Systematic German Publications on the Theory 0/ Education and Instruction. Steiger's Catalogue of Kindergarten Lilera tore in ' icrman, French and Ens'.. I Kinder. Steiger's Catalogue of German Picture Books and Juvenilei classified according to the lildren. Steiger's Medical Library. A Systematic Cat- alogue of German Publications in the De- partment of Medicine. 1 I Steiger's Chemical and Pharmaceutical Li- brary. A Syst- n 1 German the Departmentsof Chemistry and Pharmacy. In Pi On Nature and Science. A List Hooks in the Departments of Natural Scicn- licine, Philosophy, Math, n Astronom German Dialects. A Lisl dT 4 I representing a majority of the Diatccts spoken in the German Empire. Philology, chiefly comparative A on Comparative Philology* in Engli in, G< French. Steiger's List of Relief Globes and Maps, Indestructible Plain Globes, Tellurians and The Kindergarten. —The German Language — German Classics. — German School Books —Arithmetical Apparatus —Globes etc.— A Steiger's Catalogue of Recent and Standard American and English Publications on \r* tare, Car/cufry, and Building, Theatrical Catalogue A List of about 600 1 German adapted for ama- teurs. Catalogue of E. Steiger's German lating Library Steiger's List of German Periodicals A LU< m I.itcra- . of Second '•htin d Book* in alt Ian* ni all subjects furnished gratis to g them. Catalogu those desin .\ rich store of Bibliographical Material en- ables me promptly to furnish information con- cerning literary works published in all parts of the World. BROOKLYN MANUFACTURED OF tj^traiQualitylNew'Jcrsey HicKfirj and White Oak. Spokes on hand of Seasoned Timber, tamed ^Klt) l"tOn " ^W 9fK« (KUOnlS, to any* required pattern, and finished .it short notice. Sen I' for price lists.' Van Dyke Street, Brooklyn, JV. Y., Manufacturers ul David CrOWCll, Rahway, N. J. Clay Retobts, Fire Brick, Tile&c. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. Just Issued. A very desirable Book for Builders and all who contemplate building a House. Supplement Bicknell's Village Builder (Desi. Plate 1.) Containing twenty Plates showing 18 Modern and Practical DESIGNS For Country and Suburban Residences of moderate co?t. with elevation, plans, sections, and a variety of details, all drawn to scale. Also, a full set of specifications with approved lorm of contract, and estimates of cost. One superb quarto volume. Mailed post-paid on receipt of price, $5.00. CONTENTS OF SUPPLEMENT TO MticknelVs Village Builder. Design I. — Plate 1.— Front elevation of two-story French roof house, printed in colors; Scale, 4 inch to one foot. Plate 2 Side elevation, { in.; principal details, i in. Plate ,!.— Section, i in.; plans of cellar, first, second and tliird floors, three thirty-seconds in. Carpenters', Masons', Plumbers', and Paint- ers' specifications and approved form of con- tract. " II. — Plate 4 Fig. 1 — Front elevation [of house "with gable roof. " III— Plate 4. — Fig. 2. — Front elevation, same as Fig. 1, with French roof. Plate. 4.— F g. 3.— First floor. Fig. 4.— Second floor. Fig. 5.— Attic. Scale, one sixteenth in. " IV.— Plate 5. — Front elevation and plans of Cottage. Scale J in. " V. — Plate 6.— Front elevation, plans and details of French Cottage, with tower, elevation and plans, i .n., details J in. VI. — Plate 7. — Front elevation, section and first- story plan of a square French roof dwelling. Scale, i in. Plate *.— Side elevation, i in.; second floor, at- tic and cellar plan, one sixteenth in. Vll.— Plate 9. — Front elevation of two-story house, French roof. Scale, 4 in. Plate 10.— First and second flour plans. Scale, 4 in. VIII.- Plate 11 Front elevation of two-story house with French roof and tower. Scale, i in. Plate 12. — Plan of first floor, second floor and attic. Scale, j in. IX. — Plate 13.— Fig. I. —Front elevation and plan of Cottage, with Mansard roof. Scale, j in. and one sixteenth in X. -Plate 13. — Fig. 2 Frontelevation and plan of one-story Cottage. Scale, one tenth in. XI — Plate 14 Front elevation, plans and de- tails of two-story House, with hip roof. Scale of elevation, j in.; plans, one sixteenth in.; details, Jin. XII.— Plate 15.— Front elevat ; on and principal floor plan of an irregular House, containing all modern improvements. Scale, j in. XIII. — Plate In.— Fig. 1.— Front elevation and plans of one-story House nil h Mansard roof, Scale, i in. and one sixteenth in. XIV.— Plate lfi.— Fig. 2.— Front elevation of Mansard Cottage. Scale, one sixteenth in. XV.— Plate 17 — Elevation and plans of Stable. Scale, one sixteenth in. XVI.— Plate 17 — Elevation and plans.of square House. Scale, one sixteenth in. XVII.— Plate 17.— Elevation of Cottage. Scale, on ^ sixteenth in. Design XVIII.— Plate 17. — Elevation of Cottage. Scale, one sixteenth in. " XIX. — Plate is.— Front elevation and plans of Cottage. Scale ot elevation, J in., plans, one sixteenth in. Plate 19.— Details of dormer and bay window, piazza, gable and cornice. Scale, $ in. Base finish, door and window casing, half full-size. Plate 20. — Piazzas, windows, bay windows and balconies. Scale, i in. E. Steiger, 22 & 2! FranUfort Str., New York. RABCOCK Fire Extinguisher.. "Absolutely the best'Pko- TECTION AGAINST FlREl" Send for "It's Record." P. W. Farweli, Secretary. 07 Broadway, New York. 56 Wabash Ave., Chicago. FIRE DETECTOR MANUFACTURED by American Fire Detector Co., 735 Broadway, New Torn. This apparatus gives an immediate warning of the commencement of an Accidental or Incendiary Fire. Simple in Construction, Infallible in Operation. Will indicate the exact spot where the fire is commencing. Call and see it operate, at the Company's Office. Joeckel & Johnson Sole nuuiul'acturers of Joeckel's Patent reversible Sunday School Settees. Church, Sunday School, and School Furniture of every Description. Also a new style of Folding Seats for Aisles. Office : 490 Hudson Str., near Christopher Str., Nf.w York. ROBERT PATON, (Reversible Settee for Sunday-Schools.) Manufacturer of School and Office Furniture, CHURCH AND LECTURE-ROOM SETTEES of every Description. * 26 Grove Str.. New York. Buy Barber's Bit Braces. All Hardware Dealers keep them. Just published: Woodward's pfiaaal §*t)»ifatf CONTAINING 1000 ORIGINAL DESIGNS, PLANS AND DETAILS, to Working Scale, FOR THE Practical Construction of Dwelling Houses- Country, Suburb and Villager WITH Full and complete Sets of Specifications and at Estimate of the Cost of each Design. BY GEO. E. WOODWARD, Architect, Author of 'Woodward's Country Homes', 'Wood- ward's Cottages and Farni-Hou~ea\ ' Woodward's Suburban and Country Houses', &c, AND EDWARD G. THOMPSON, Architect. This work gives Perspective Views of all styles of Dwelling-houses, with front and side elevations, sections, and full detail drawings, with examples of specifications and an estimate of cost, market price of building materials, <£c. Also, miscellaneous detail drawings to working scale, of Brackets, Cor- nices, French Roofs, Sectional and Framing Plans of French Roofs, Dormer Windows for French Roofs, Bay Windows, Inside Shutters, French Windows, Balconies, Verandas, Porches, Lattice Work, Stairs, Newels, Balusters, Sliding Doors, Window Casings, Gable Finish, Finials, Crestings, Canopies, Hoods, Observatories, Base, Architraves, Plaster Finish, Ceilings, Hard Wood Mantels, and all that is required by a builder to design, specify, erect, and completely finish Dwelling-houses in the latest and most ap- proved style. One large quarto volume, superbly bound. Price Twelve Dollars, Postpaid to any address on receipt of money. Send orders only to GEO. E. WOODWARD, Architect, 191 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Priced Catalogue of all works on Archi- tecture sent free. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINETMAKERS ALBUM ADVERTISER. 37 Architektonisches SKIZZENBUCH. (Architectural Sketch-Book.) A COLLECTION OF VIEWS OF Country Seats, Villas, Rural Cottages, Garden-Houses, OBNAMENTAL GARDENING, TOWN MANSIONS, . Interior Decorations, Lattice-work, Elevations, Projections, BALCONIES, WINDOW-FLORALS, WELLS, FOUNTAINS, STABLES AND OUTHOUSES, RAILINGS, MOULDINGS, CANDELABRA, Monumental {tombstones, All kinds of Ornamental Buildings, and their Decorations, EXECUTED IN Berlin, Potsdam, and many other Places. "With Details. In Numbers (four per year), each with one Chromo-lithograph and live Lithographic Illustrations partly colored. Price, each number, $1.25. (E. Steigcr, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street, NEW YORK. practical Journal FOB CABINET-MAKERS AND Ornamental Wood -workers, DESIGNED, ARRANGED AND EDITED BY AUGUSTUS GRAEF, Assisted by Fossenbacher of Munich, Leclekc of Paris, and other Colleagues. CUMMINGS 4 MILLER'S NEW and ORIGINAL WORK, entitled: 'gS e r n American vlrdjitccturc, inlng DESIGNS and PLANS for VILLAS. FARM HOU8ES, SCHOOL HOI Cm RESIDENCES, CHUItl HLs, 4o. Also, Trussed Roi I Finish, and many Exterior Details. info, bound In cloth, Pi 12 Nos. per year, 4to, each containing 3 sheets of Engravings ul Furniture and Ornamental Wood-work, and 4 Imperial sheets of full-sized Details, together with the necessary explanatory descriptions. Price, each number, 75 Cents. The Practical Stair Builder. ■ . Iding Stairs and Hand-Rails, designed for Carpenters, Builders and Stall Builders, illustrated with SO original plan i, bj 1 1, BOW. LOTH, al Stair Builder. Oni 'u e Ulusti at d rnlume, b mnd In doth, Price $10.00. ARCHITECTURE, by (HPIIM.s & MILLER. A practical Book on Architectural Details, Containing ovei One Thousand Desl ni and lllastra- iring the manner ol Constructing Cornices, Doorways, Porches, Windows, Verandahs, Railing!, French Roofs, Obse Pinzi - Bay Windows, Cut Stone Works, various Btylea "I Modern Finish, and Strei I Fronts "i Homes, stop Nearly Poor Thousand Carpenters and Architects have been supplied with this valuable work, which has reached almost every portion ol the United States, imp, Maine to < 'alifomia. One large quarto volume. Price $10.00. The above works are foi E. Steioer, 224 '.'I Frankfort St.. NEW STORK. E. STEIGElt, 22 and 24 Fraukforl Street, New York. THE CHEMICAL NEWS A NO Journal of Physical Science. in Edition authorized by Wm. Ckookks,F.R.S., Editor and Pro| To which is added an AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, Edited by C. K. CHANDLER, Ph. D. Devoted especially to American interests, including the American Druggists' Price-Current, EVBRACIKQ Chemistry, Pharmacy. Hedii Ine, Manufactures, Min- eralogy, Metallurgy, Photography, Mi g, Mechanics, i lei tricfty, Patents, Review -. ic, ic. The Most Popular and Useful Issue of the Foreign Scientific Press. For more than a quarter of a century this valuable Journal has represented the progress of Chemistry and cognate sciences, It is devoted to PtuCTICAL CiiEMisTuv in nil it- applicatione to Pharmacy, Medi- cine, Manufactures, Photography, and the Art's; also embracing whatever tends to elucidate new discover- ies and advance! made In Physical Science, com- prisiiiK Mii;.i 'I- ;. Metnlli.r :v. Mininf, Mechanies, Electricity, and the oollateral branches ol Science. its foremost rank as the leading representative of these Interests has been conceded, until it is quoted as the Brat authority in the scientific world. TERMS. One Year in advance, postage iree $.5.00 Single numbers. In M compact pages 0.."i0 '. bound in Cloth, each 5.50 Cases for Minting q.75 W. A.TOWNSEND \ A I 'A Ms, I I Bl lie St . New York. CHARLES COLLINS, 1 1 1 ( ; 1 1 & LOW PR ESSURE STEAM BOILERS, nf i-v- rv Description, TANKS, OIL STILLS, ETC., No. GO John St, Brooklyn, near Bridge St., Particular attention to Jobbing. 38 THE WORKS HOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. The Cabinet-Maker's Album. A Selection of Choice Designs in Rich and Plain Furniture for the Use of Cabinet- Jflakers and Upholsterer*. To be complete in 12 Parts, 50 cents each. Parts 1 and 2 now Ready. E. Steiger, 22 & 24 Frankfort Street, New Yokk. Frank Leslie's Publications, 537 Pearl Street, New York. Considerable Seduction of Prices for a limited Period. THE WORKSHOP, 1868, 12 Parts for 83.60 instead of 85.40. THE WORKSHOP, 1869, 12 Parts for 83.60 instead of 85.40. GEWEKBEHALLE, 1863, 1864, 1865. 1866, each in 12 Parts for $3.00 instead of 84.50. GEWERBEHALLE, 1867, 1868, and 1869, each in 12 Parts for 83.60 instead of 85.40. t GEWERBEHALLE had been published in German from 1863 to 1867, when in 1868 first appeared THE WORKSHOP, an English translation of the Journal of that year, worked from the same plates, and hus forming not a reprint but a separate part of one and the same impression.] V An Index (in English) of all the illustrations is given gratis with each yearly volume of Q-twerbelialb: from l>6.'i to 1867. WORKSHOP ML.RUJTI, $3.00. To Subscribers to The Workshop $2.00 only. Notice. fcurftunt-ert, to Tlie Workshop are respectfully informed that only a very few copies re- main of THE WORKSHOP ALBUM, and that no copies can be furnished under $3.00. The Workshop Album contains A Selection of. Engravings from, t?ie Back- Volumes of Die Gewerbehalle, for the years 1863 to 1867 inclusive. \ These Engravings have been selected with much care, after full experience of what was most admired and sought for by Designers as being of the greatest Practical Value in their various professions. There is an explanation in English to each Design. They consist of Album Cover -Alphabet -Arm Chairs - Watch Backs _ Bell Pulls - Book Covers - Bookstand - Border Patterns -Toilet Box -Stable Fixtures- Brass Cocks -Cabinet -Cabinet Hinges -Candle- Hicks -Cayetto Ornament _ Quantity of Ceilings and Parts of Ceilings _ Chans - chalice - Clock- ca>e - Closing Ring -Cups _ Door Handles- l.oor Hinges - Escutcheons -Fire Irons - Quantity ( -is'l^uL ' e c^le Fl0Wer H ?n°d M ™° PfT 7 T V ™**™ " F™ze OrnamenS - Qui Uty S lias rixtiires — Uoblefa — Hand Mirror — Inkstand — Keys — Knives — Knockers — Reticules Lurk Plates- Prize Ornament - Panel Ornaments - Wall Paper - Parquette FlSorin- - P.°tol - ~ Tar? sh" O'^T" 1 ,-v Ra '" ng ' r- Rifie - Siaeljoard - Table Cover -Table Articles'- TanLards Table, &c!,Tc" ~ ~ Service _ Textile Fabrics - Toilet Table - Vases - Writing The great popularity of THE WORKSHOP is a sufficient guarantee that the TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS. Illustrated Newspaper- One copy one year, or 52 numbers $4 00 One copy six months, or 26 numbers 2 00 One copy for thirteen weeks 1 00 Chimney Corner- One copy one year, or 52 numbers 4 00 One copy six months, or 26 numbers 2 00 One copy thirteen weeks i 00 Hlustrirte Zeitung (German)— One copy one year, or 52 numbers 4 00 One copy six months, or 26 numbers 2 00 One copy for thirteen weeks l 00 Boys' and Girls' Weekly- One copy one year, or 52 numbers 2 50 One copy six months, or 26 numbers 1 25 Lady's Magazine— One copy one year, or 12 numbers 3 50 Budget of Fun One copy one year, or 12 numbers 1 60 Pleasant Hours- One copy one year, or 12 numbers 1 50 CLUB TERMS. Illustrated Newspaper— Five copies one year in one wrapper, to one address, $20, with extra copy to person getting up club. Chimney Corner.— Five copies one year, in one wrapper, to one address, $20, with extra copy to person getting up club. - Lady s Magazine— Four copies one year, in one wrapper, to one address, $14, with extra copy to , person getting up club. Hlustrirte Zeitung.— One copy one year, $4. Five copies, $15. Boys' and Girls' Weekly.— Three copies, $6.50. live copies, $10. And $2 for every additional sub- scription. Postmasters sending subscriptions of Ten will be entitled to receive Frank Leslie's Illustrat- ed Newspaper, or Frank Leslie s Chimney Corner for one year. Budget of Fun — Four copies, $6, with extra copy to person getting up club. Pleasant Hours — Four copies, $6, with extra copy to person getting up club. One copy Lady's Magazine and Illustrated News- paper, one year $7 00 One copy Chimney Corner and 'ady's Maga- zine, one year 7 One copy Illustrated Newspaper or Chimney Corner and Pleasant Hours 5 00 One copy Illustrated Newspaper or Chimney Corner and Budget 500 One copy one year Illustrated Newspaper! Chimney Corner, and Lady's Magazine.. 10 UNITED STATES POSTAGE RATES ON THE ABOVE PUBLICATIONS. On each copy of the Lady's Magazine, four cents; on each copy of the Illusthated Newspaper, Ilus- tracion Americana, Chimney Corner, Illustrirte Zeiti-nq, Budget of Fi'n, and Pleasant Hours, two cents; and if prepaid quarterly in advance at the sub- scriber's post-office, on the Lady's Magazine, six cents per quarter ; on the Illustrated Newspaper, Ilustkacion Americana, and Illustrirte Zeitung, five cents per quarter ; on the Budget op fun, Boys' and Girls' Weekly, and Pleasant Hours, three cents per quarter. POSTAGE TO CANADA. The same rates as above ; but as the postage on Canadian subscriptions must be prepaid in New York Canadian subscribers will, therefore, in all cases, add' the amount of postage to the amount of subscription. Our publications are always stopped when the term of subscription expires. It is not necessary to give notice of discontinuance. In sending subscriptions, or corresponding, be care- ful to send Name and Address in full. Letters and printed matter should be addressed to FRANK LESLIE, Box 4121, P. 0., New York. A^LBUM will he found a most valuable collection. None of the Designs occur in 1868 or 1869 so that they wul be entirely new to the subscribers to the English edition of The Workshop. THE IRON AGE, Published EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, By David Williams, No. 80 Beekman Street, New York. The Only American Hardware and Metal Trade Paper. JOHN M. HOFFMIRE, Builder, 525 HUDSON STREET, NEW YORK. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISE!'. In 4to to be completed in about 15 to 20 Parts, Price 40 Cents each, g&itseum of g&oberu jlrf-gtoufacfure. A CHOICE SELECTION OF The Principal Specimens of Workmanship from the latest Universal Exhibitions in LONDON and PARIS. A HANDBOOK OF DESIGNS FOR Artificers in every branch of Industrial Art; Gold, Silver, Bronze and Metal-workers, Ivory and Wood-Carvers, Glass, Porcelain-Manufacturers and Clav-Molders, Upholsterers, Cabinet-Makers, etc., etc. (For the use of the three nations, the titles of the Illustrations are printed in English^ German ~\tmc of important railway inventions and improvements ; original and carefully selected articles upon current railway topics ; the latest stock quotations, and various other matters of special in- terest. Tim REVIEW is published every Thursday at the Ofllce, Room No. 45 Lombard Block, Custom House Place. Chicago. Subscription Trice $2.00 %J .Annum. Ten Copies to one address 15 00 Forcigu subscription (each).. 3.00 " ay As an Advertising medium for manufacturers ami dealers In Iron, Steel, Machinery, Bridge Mate- liuls. Railway Supplies, Locomotives, Rails, and all nseraJ Patents and improvements relating to Railway Construct Rolling stock and Superstructure, the Chicago Railway Review Offers superior advantages to any other publication of the kind in the Northwest, jW a yearly cony will be mailed FREE to Adver- tisers 01 every 1^0 in amount advertised. B all commnnicatioi at. "( iih 4GO RAIL- WAY REVIEW," or FOWLER & BROOKS. 5797. I HK AfiO. 111. WARREN WARD & CO., Nos. 75 and 77 Spring Street, cor. Crosby. Established 1850. Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers of the latest Btyleeof BEDROOM, PARLOR, DINING, and LH'.KAliY FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, SPRLNG BEDS, &c, &c, I Country residences. ALL GOODS WARRANTED AS RE- PRESENTED. Ill THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. REFLECTING Street Lamps, £mblems, DAYLIGHT REFLECTORS, Plain and Ornamental Reflecting FIXTURES of every kind 670— Grand Prismatic Sunlights. The most Approved and Ornamental Fixtures in use lor Lighting^and Ventilating Churches, Halls, Theatres, Ac. Diameter 40 in. and upwaids — 12 to 150 Lights. For LIGHTING AND VENTI >ATING CHURCHES, HALLS, THEATRES, BANKS, STORES, LIBRARIES, etc. J8S- Patented June 8th, 1869; November 2nd, 1869; March 7th, 1871. The public is respectfully cautioned against infringe- ments of these patents. Each Fixture bears our name and address. U. S. REFLECTOR CO., Patentees and Sole Manufacturers of Prismatic Reflecting Chandeliers and Sunlights, etc., JYo. 611 Jr C13 Broadway, (Corner Houston St. ) JYew JTork. HAYES BROS. Ventilating Sky -Lights, Conner satories &c. ,{ of Galvanized ) Iron , Brass and Copper. 75 8th Avenue, New York, 20rt Lasalle Str., Chicago, 719 Noble Str., Philadelphia, Cor. of Howard & Lexington, Baltimore. Illustrated Catalogue & Price Book on Application. HENRY E. SHARP, (Blass £tatncr,<£mbosscr & (frnamclkr, 147 & 149 East 22nd Street, NEW YORK. C. WEYMANN, GLASS STAINER AND TCrribosser, No. 1450 BROADWAY, Cob. 50th Street, New York. Designs furnished on application. Alphonse Friedrick & Bro., Stainctr ©lass Works, Figures and all styles of ornamental glass for Church Windows. 16 and 18 HOYT ST., Near Fulton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. PATENT OFFICES. Inventors who wish to take out Letters Patent are advised to counsel with MUNN & CO., Editors of the ScietUifw American, who have prosecuted claims be- fore the Patent Office for over Twenty Years. Their American and European Patent Agency is the most extensive in the world. Charges less than any other reliable agency. A Pamphlet containing full instruc- tions to inventors is sent gratis. tS~ A handsome bound Volume, containing 150 Mechanical Engravings, and the United States Cen- sus by Counties, with Hints and Receipts for Mecha- nics, mailed on receipt of 25 cents. Address MUNN& CO. 37 Park Row New York. UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION, Paris, 1867, Containing upwards of twelve hundred elaborately engraved Illustrations, wilh descriptions of the prin- cipal objects of Art Manufacture from all parts of the world, exhibited at this hist (ireat Fair, including Twelve Illustrations of Sculpture engraved on steel. Large 4to, half-morocco, extra, - - $15.00 " " full Turkey, extra, - - - 18.00 Without Sculpture Illustrations: Half-morocco, plain, .... 9.C0 E. STEIGER, 22 & 24 Frankfort Street New York. CABINET MAKERS' and CAR BUILDERS' VENEERS. Importers and Dealers in Fancy Woods of the Choicest Rinds. Italian and French H"alnut fencers, HUNGARIAN ASH. Butternut and Black Walnut Burls, Corrugated Ash and Black Walnut, Amboine, Thuya, Tulip, etc. Mahogany and Walnut Planks and Boards, of Standard Tliicknesses. A. PARKER & Co., 166 and 168 Centre Street, corner Canal Street, New York. PROFESSOR H. DUSSAUCE, Analytical and In- dustrial Chi-mist. Consultations on chemistry applied to arts and manufactures. Address, NEW LEBANON, N. Y. HERMANN GARBE, IMPORTER OF RICH Furniture Ornaments, French Marqueterie, Porcelains, Bronzes. French Veneers, Turkish Coverings, Curtain Materials, etc. LIT Chambers Street, New York. Sole Agent for "NEVEU'S FRIESES". Prospectus. New and Superb Work for the use of Cabinet- Maker's, Upholsterers and kindred Manufacturers. In Monthly Numbers at 50 Cents each: N° 1, for October 1871, of The Cabinet-Makers Album. A Selection of choice Designs in rich, ornamental and plain Furniture, for the use of Cabinet-Maker's, Upholsterers etc. This work, which is issued from Stuttgart, appeals to the interest and attention of all engaged in the Manufacture, sale or purchase of every description of Furniture. It is published monthly, and is printed in large 4° on superfine paper. The Designs are executed in the best style of art; and the price, in view of the abundance and quality of the illustrations, does not exceed a third of that charged for similar productions. Every number contains 16 pages and an average of 20 — 25 exquisitely finished designs. In this country, the work cannot fail to be of the highest practical utility, while it will elevate taste and stimulate invention. For general convenience, the names of the designs are given parallel in German, English and French. The 12 th N° will include an Index of all subjets in the three languages, presenting a terminology of most beautiful articles of manufacture, extremely valuable to the artificer. The first number on hand for inspection with Agents throughout the country. E. STEIGER, 22 & 24 Frankfort St., NEW YORK. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. <$he SSlorhshop and (fxjimbchallc Jqsitjess JMecfoHj. The • refers the reader to an advertisement in 77»> ii bi kshop.) Orients Wanted. Allen, E. C. & Co.. Angaria, Me.* Steiger.E., New York City.* gists' patrrinlis. Finkenaur, Geo., 169 6th Ave. N. Y. City.* i'.abcoch *pw (L'-.vtiniiuiohrv. Farwell. F, W., Secretary, 407 Broadway, Wen fork City.* V.ook.s. 'Album of Modern Ornamentation, by 0. Hettwig. (E.Steiger, N J Modern Americ. Arrhitecture. (E. Steiger, X. Y.)* Foreign Books and Peri idle i r. (E. Steiger, \. Y.)* Grammar of Ornament. (E. Steiger, NewYork.) < National Architect. Mien. I-:. Woodward, \ 1 Patterns of Wood-Painting, by \\ . Mm, (E, Steiger, \. ?.)" Supplement to Bickncll's Village Builder. (A.J. Bicknell & Co., \. Y.r Workshop Back-Volumes. (E. Steiger, N. Y.)» Hoffmire, John M., 535 Hudson str., N. Y r . City.* £tuildin• ■i ■•■ lor the merchant and manufai for other liranehes of industry. Advertisemeuta inserted at the following rates: 1 column (= \ page; : 4 column : for 1 year $150.00 $40.00 6 mouths 00.00 26.00 3 " .50.00 1 i ii Engravings may head advertisements at the same rate per line, by measurement, us the letter-press. Ail advertisements less than \ column a line Nonpareil for first insertion (counting 10 lines to 1 inch in depth), and 20 cents a line f 24 Frankfort St., N. T. Patterns of Wood-Painting AND Similar Embellishments. , (Vorlegeblatter fur Holzmalerei.) IN A SERIES OF ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS Designed and Lithographed . BY WILHELM STEINHAEUSER. 45 colored Illustrations. Price $6.90. E. Steiger, 22 & 24 Frankfort St., N. Y. Ornamental q ART-MANUFACTURE. (Kunstgewerbliohe Ornamentik. ) Large Collection of New Original Designs For the Use of Sculptors, Moulders, Goldsmiths, Silversmiths, Clock- and Watchmakers, Lampmakers, Artificers in Metals, '. Bronze. Zinc, etc., Workers iu Cardboard etc. ' Edited by C. HET1WIG. Parts 1 to 6, 75 cents each. To be continued. Each Part contains six Plates. ' E. Steiger, ' .22 * 24 Frankfort St., N. Y. i|miittii in pufific Spoofs. E. Steiger publishes the following TEXT-BOOKS which being cheap, clear, comprehensive and thoroughly practical, are extensively used iu Public Schools and Private In- stitutions all over the country. AHN, German Reading CJiaris. In Press. AHN. German Primer. Edited by W. Grau- ert. Printed in large type, and with much German Script. Boards S°-35. AHN, Rudiments of the German Language. Exercises in Pronouncing, Spelling and Translating. With much German Script. Hoards So-35. AHN. New Method of the German Language. By Gustavus Fischer. With German Script. (Published 1871.) First Course, Boards So so; Second Course. Boards $0.50: Both together. Half Ro in Si. 00. AHN, New, Practical and Easy Method of Learning the German Language. With Pronunciation by J. C. Oehlschlaeger. Revised Edition of 1869. With many Read- ing Exercises in German Script. First Course (Pi 11 ti al Pan;. Hoards So 6->; Second Course (Theoretical Part), Boards S0.40; Both togetl er.Bds 81 co; Hall Roan $1.25. AHN, German Handwriting. ACompanion to every German Grammar and Reader. All in German Script. Boards S0.40. AHN, Mutual of German Conversation. Edited l.y W. Grauekt. Cloth St 00. GRAUERT, Manual of the German Lan- guage. First Part, Boards $0.40; Second Part, Boards £0.40; Both together, Boards S0.70; Half Roan $o go. GRAUERT, First German Reader. With much German Script. Boards So-so; Second German Reader. With much Ger- man Script. Boards So. 70; Both Readers together. Halt Roan Si. 20. SCH1.EGE1. and GRAUERT'S Course of the German Language. In two Parts. Part First. A German Grammar for Be- ginners By C. A. Schlegel. Half 1 Roan Si. 25. Part Second. A German Grammar for Advanced Pupils. By W. Grauekt. In P, ess. SCHLEGEL'S Series ,f Classical German Readers. With Notes. In three Parts. In BASKERVILLE. English Grammar for Germans. By Gustavus Fischer. Boards S0.90; Half Roan Si-oo. GRAUERT, Short English Grammar for Germans. Part First, Boards So. 40: Part Second. Bds So. 40; Both together, Bds. $0.70. SCHLEGEL'S French Course. In two Parts. Part First. A French Grammar for Be- ginners. Half Roan $i. 50. Part Second. A French Grammar for Ad- vanced Pupils. In Press. SCHLEGEL'S Series of Classical French Readers. With Notes. In three Parts. Part First. Half Roan So 90. Part Second. " v Part Third. German- English and English-German OICTIOJ%\1HIES. ELWELL. 2 Parts in 1 vol. Cloth S2-5°. Half Morocco $2.75. FLUEGEL. 2 vols. Half Morocco $3-75- English-German Part separately. Half Morocco $4.00. German-English Part sep- arately. Half Morocco $5.50. KOEHI.ER. a vols, in 1. Half Morocco $3-75- LUCAS. 4 vols. Boards S23.00. In 2 vols. Half Morocco S30.00. A COMPLETE DICTIONARY. English. German, and French, for the use of the three Nations. 3 Parts in 1 vol. Half Mo- rocco S4 50; and an extensive and carefully selected Stock of Grammars, Dictionaries, QJleatlcrs, etc. ^ for the study 01- All Modern Languages. Daariptive Catalogue free on application. THE WORKSHOP. GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. % Sfpigp*, German News Ageni, Importer and Bookseller, Publisher and Printer. The Fullest and Best Selected Stock of (§>evman QBooks in all Departments. jRinbcrgartrn literature, in Cerman, English, and French. Kindergarten Gifts and Material. ■yfatu 0>fo6es, "2ttfa$e5, etc. Scientific nnd Stfioof Apparatus Regular Importations from Germany and other parts of Europe, by Steamer, EVERY WEEK. Orders foi- every thing connected with Sitcvatnvr and 5Vrt of all U'ountric.'.. titled promptly, and at moderate rate:.. Free Bureau for German Teachers and Kindergarteners. inntteo, jmb hU Inquiries promptly anshjercb. Large Stock of Imported German Periodicals from which most orders can be filled immediately. All other Periodicals and Ne* [sailed in Germany, imp ■ Jluifliipr-s chD papers from England, France, Holland and n!l other Countries of Europe, furnished as expeditiously as possible. German Papers anil Magazines published in N'F.w York promptly supplied. Specially interesting to Germans in America : $ arts ScutffJifniul 1111 il dec SaVij. i Wewsjrom Germany and Switzerland,) Published every Tuesday I'M ' L0 cents. Dr. Hermann BerghausP Chart of the World, containing the lines of Oceanic Mail Steam Communication and Overland Routes, the In- ternational Aerial and Submarine Telegraphs, and the principal tracks of Sailing Vessels ; presenting some Continental surface charac- teristics, the Oceanic Currents, and important Deep - Sea Soundings ; with 25 additional Charts and Plans showing the general Currents of air, and the lines of equal magi: tion, the Tehuantcpec, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Darien, and Suez Routes, several Sea-ports : the Telegraphic and Steam line* round th 1 tS, together measuring 61 $5.00; or mounted on muslin for a Wall- Map, varnished, with rollers, $11.00. [Pack- ( 75 Cents extra.] RAHWAY WOOD WORKS. RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY. SPOKES, RIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, &c, MANUFACTURED OF EstraJ, Quality] New] Jersey Hicsory ami White Oak. Spokes on hnml of Seasoned Timber, tamed to any; required pattern, and finished at short notice. Sen l'for [nice lists.' David ClWell, Railway, N. J. C. Steiger'8 ©dialogues, which may he had free and prepaid on appli- Steiger's Festival Catalogue. A Selection of Bound German Books suitable for Presents. Steiger's Theological Library, No I \ tematic Catalogue ol German P« Ucations in the Department of Protestant Theology. Steiger's Philosophical Library, A Systemat- ic Catalogue of German Publications in the Departments of Philosophy and /Estheths. Steiger's Pedagogical Library. A Systematic Catalogue of German Publications on the Theory of Education and Instruction. Steiger's Catalogue of Kindergarten Litera- ture in German. French and English, and of Kindergarten Gifts and Occupation Material. Stoiger's Catalogue of Gorman Picture Books and Juvenilei classified according to the age of children. Steiger's Medical Library. A Systematic Cat- alogue of German Publications in the De- partment of Medicine. [In Press.) Steiger's Chemical and Pharmaceutical Li- brary. A Systematic Catalogue of German Publications in the Departments of Chemistry and Pharmacy. (In Press ) On Naturo and Science. A List of German ! D ts of Natural Scien- ces, Medicine, Philosophy. Mathematics and Astronomy, Geography am! Ethnology, etc. German Dialects. A List of 400 Public representing a majority of the Dialects spoken in the German Empire. Philology, chiefly comparative. A Catalogue of valuable Books on Comparative Philology, in English, German, and French. Steiger's List of Relief Globes and Maps, Indestructible Plain Globes, Tellui Lunar.... The Kindergarten. — Tho G erman Languago — German Classics. — German School Books —Arithmetical Apparatus.— Globes etc. — A descriptive Catalogue. Steiger's Catalogue of Recent and Standard American and English Publications on Ar- chitecture. Carpentry, and Build. Theatrical Catalogue. A List of German Pieces specially adapted for ama- Songs. German four-part Songs. Catalogue of E. Steiger's German Ci~cu- lating Library. Steiger's List of German Periodicals A I of Standard Periodicals of German Litera- e Catalogues arc in prepa- ration. Catalogues of Second-hand Books in nil lan- guages and on all subjects furnished gratis to those desiring them. ^A rich store of Bibliographical Material en- ables me promptly to furnish information con- cerning literary works published in all parts of the World. BROOKLYN (tlitn grtort k $\n grid. EBtorJts, Van Dykt Street, Brooklyn, X. 1'., Manufacturers ot Clav Retorts, Fire Brick, Tile m] letel n of bnOding Stairs and Hand-Rails, : -. Bnilde ■ial plate* Pi ofessional >t.iir Builder. itkI Stair Bnilde byC.KDW. LOTH One large illustrated volume, bound in cloth, , : 10.00. ARCHITECTURE, by CUMMINGS A. MILLER. A practical Book on Architectural Details. Containing over One Thousand Designs and Illustra- tions, showing the manner o Doorways, Porches, Windows, Verandah , Railings, Prench Roofs, Observatorii ■ Windows, i ui Stone Work-, various styles ol Modern Finish, and Street Pronis ol Hon Nearly Foui Thousand Carpenters and Architects applied with this i ork, which almost everj poi lion ol the United States. ifomia. One large quarto volume. Price $10.00. The above works are for sale by E. Stekjer, 22 £24 Frankfort St., NEW YORK. THE CHEMICAL NEWS AMI Journal of Physical Science. ■ American Edition authorized by W». Cboosss,F.B.S., Editor and Pro|irictor.) To which is added an AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, Edited by C F. CHANDLER, Ph. D. Devoted especially to Ami ■ including the American Dru I arrant. EMBRACING Chemistry, Pharmacy. Uediclne, UanuAv I tallnrgy, Photography , alining, Mechanics, Electricity, Patents. Renews, i For more than a quarter of a century tins valuable Journal has represented the progress of Chemistry i bb. It is devoted to Practical in all its applications to Pharmacy , Medi- uii . Manufactures, Photography, and the Art's: also i i tends t" elncid us an.l advances made in 1'nvsiiu. Science, com- prising Mineralogy, Metallurgy, Mining, .Mechanics, and the collateral branches ol Science. Its foremost rank as the leading representative of rests has been conceded, until it is quoted as the first authority in the scientific world. TERMS. One Yeur in advance, postage free $5.00 Single numbers, in U compact pages 0.50 i in Cloth, each 3.50 Cases for Rinding 0.75 W A. TOWNSEND ft ADAMS. r:,i Rroome St.. New York. Alphonse Friedrick & Bro., Stainco G5lass Works, Figures and all styles of ornamental glass for Church Windows. 16 and 18 HOYT ST., Near Fulton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. The Just published: Woodward's CONTAINING 1000 ORIGINAL DESIGNS, PLANS AND DETAILS, to Working Scale. Practical Construction of Dwelling Houses FOR THE Country, Suburb and Village. WITH Full and complete Sets of Specifications and an Estimate of the Cost of each Design. BT GEO. E. WOODWARD, Architect, Author of ' Woodward's Country Homes', ' Wood- ward's Cottages and Farm-Houses', ' Woodward's Suburban and Country Houses', &c, AND EDWARD G. THOMPSON, Architect. -ais wori gives Perspective Views of all styles ef Dwelling-houses, with front and side elevations, sections, and full detail drawings, with examples of specilieations and an estimate of cost, market price of building materials, iy.i. Tulip, etc. V , an I Walnut Planks and Boards, of Standard Tliicknesses. A. PARKER & Co., 166 and 168 Centre Street, oorner Canal Street, New York. HERMANN GARBE, rjdPOF i: 1 c 11 Furniture Ornaments, French Marqueterie, Porcelains, Bronzes, French Veneers, Turkish Coverings, Curtain Materials, etc. 117 Chambers Street. NEW YORK. Sole Agent for "XKVKU'S Fill I 48 THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. REFLECTING Street Lamps, Emblems, DAYLIGHT REFLECTORS, Plain and Ornamental Reflecting FIXTURES of every kind 670— Grand, Prismatic Sunlights. The most Approved and Ornamental Fixtures in use for Ligliting'and Ventilating Churches, Halls, Theatres, &c. Diameter 40 in. and upwards — 12 to 150 Lights. For LIGHTING AND VENTILATING CHURCHES, HALLS, THEATRES, BANKS, STORES, LIBRARIES, etc. US" Patented JuneSth, 1869; November 2nd, 18G9; March 7th, 1871. The public is respectfully cautioned against infringe- ments of these patents. Each Fixture bears our name and address. U. S. REFLECTOR CO., Patentees and Sole Manufacturers of Prismatic Reflecting Chandeliers and Sunlights, etc., JYo. 611 <** 613 Broadway, (Corner Houston St. ) JYew York. Just Published A New and very Important Work for Cabinet Makers. GEEMAN JOURNAL OF CABINET MAKING, Containing Original Drawings of Modern Furniture, with complete Models and Ground-plans to all the Designs showing their real dimensions. By C. Hettwig. First Volume to be completed in 6 Parts at $1.25 each. Each Part contains Designs of a full set of Furniture for one Apartment. CONTENTS. Part Ladies' Sitting-room : 1) Pier-glass. 2) Sofa-table, Flower-table. 3) Ladies' Writing-table, Writing-chair, Work-table. 4) Sofa, Fauteuil, Chair. 5) Bookcase, Closed Etagere. 6) Open Etagere, Sofa Mirror. Part LT. Dining-room: 7) Buffet. 8) Etagere-table, Waiting-table. 9) Dining-table. 10) Chairs (various). 11) Chimney-glass. 12) Sofa. Part III. Bed-room: 13) Bedstead. 14) Table, Easy Chair, Cane-bottom Chair. 15) Toilet-table, Shaving-table and glass. 16) Wash-stand, Night-commode. 17) Swing-looking-glass, Bedside- or Beading-table. 18) Wardrobe with looking-glass. The above three parts have been issued. Part TV. Gentlemen's Sitting-room, Part V. Parlor or Saloon, Part VI. Family-Sitting-room, will contain the following drawings: Gentleman's Writing-table — Sofa-fittings— Console-table with glass — Sofa-table and glass — Bookcase — Cupboard — Fancy Cabinet — Sofa with glass — Fancy-stool — Pier-ornament — Ottoman, or Sofa for centre-piece — Pedestal for Candelabra — Cabinet-pianoforte— Sofa, Fautenil, High-backed Cane-bottom Chairs— Double-door Cabinet — Bookcase— Pier-table with glass— Extension-table, Sofa with mirror— Chest of Drawers— Note and Card stand. Prospectus. New and Superb Work for the use of Cabinet- Maker's, Upholsterers and kindred Manufacturers. In Monthly Numbers at 50 Cents each: N° I, for October 1871., of The Cabinet-Makers Album. A Selection of choice Designs in rich, ornamental and plain Furniture, for the use of Cabinet-Maker's, Upholsterers etc. This work, which is issued from Stuttgart, appeals to the interest and attention of all engaged in the Manufacture, sale or purchase of every description of Furniture. It is published monthly, and is printed in large 4° on superfine paper. The Designs are executed in the best style of art; and the price, in view of the abundance and quality of the illustrations, does not exceed a third of that charged for similar productions. Every number contains 16 pages and an average of 20 — 25 exquisitely finished designs. In this country, the work cannot fail to be of the highest practical utility, while it will elevate taste and stimulate invention. For general convenience, the names of the designs are given parallel in German, English and French. The 12 th N° will include an Index of all subjets in the three languages, presenting a terminology of most beautiful articles of manufacture, extremely valuable to the artificer. The first number on hand for inspection with Agents throughout the country. E. STEIGER, 22 & 24 Frankfort St., NEW YORK. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKERS ALBUM ADVERTISF.R. ■10 &]\t oolorkshop and (fieircrbclullc J>i|$ii)es3 Directory. The • refers the reader to an advertisement iu Tlie Workshop.) ^(Kiits Wanted. Allen. E C. &Co.. Auirn'ta, Ha.* Steiger, E., New York Cny.* Finkenaur, Geo.. 169 6th Ave. X. V. City.* ilabrorh .five (Extinguisher. Farwell, F. W.. Secretary, 4"7 Broadway, New York City.* goofcs. Album of Modern Ornamentation, by C. Hetlwig. (E. Steiger, N. Y.)« Modern Americ. Ar hitecture. (E. Steiger. N. ¥.)* Foreign Books and Piri die i -. (B. Steiirer, N. V.i* Grammar of Ornament. (E. St.i.'er, New York.)' National Architer. «Jeo. K. Woudward, N. Y.j* Patterns of Wood Painting, by W. Steinliauser. (E, Steiger, N. Y.) - Supplement to Bicknell's Village Builder. (A. J. Bioknell & Co., N. Y.)' Workshop Back-Volames. (E. Steiger, N. Y.)* guilder*. Hoffmire, JohnM.. 525 Hudson str., N. Y. City.* guUtlinn £itmt, gtott, Wood, &t. Geis, Francis J., N. Y. City.* (Hocks and Watches. New York Watch Co., Springfield, Mass." granting $>i$tntments. Keuffel & Esser, "I Nassau str.. N.Y. City.* $nt 3Vrt foundry. Power, Maurice J., 218 E. 25th st., N. Y. City.* tfresco jgainteri*. Kehrwiedev Brotliers, Philadelphia, Pa.* (Said .futures. Mitchell, Vance & Co., 697 Broadway, N. Y. City.* ("Muss and (Olass £tabui*. Priedrick, Alphonse & Bro.. 888 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y* Hayes Bros., 75 8th Ave.. X. Y. City.* Sharp, Henry E.. 147 E. 22d str.. New York City.* Weymann, C . X. Y. I 3lce iHachiucs. Tellior's Ice Machines, 61 Broadway, N. Y. City.* |voit Worhs. Hood. W. P.. Iron Work. Philadelphia, Pa.* itluoical ^Instruments. Smith, S. D. & H. W., American Organs, Boston, Muss* I'nints, Compositions, &c. Cheap Painting, 150 N. 4ili str.. Philadelphia.* Measury and Whiton, N. Y. City.* gntatt (Offices. Munn & Co., 37 Park How, New York City.* gcriodicats. ArchitektonischesSkuzen-Buch, (E. Steiger. N. Y.)' Cabinet Makers Album (10. Steiger, X. Y.)* The Chemical News, New Yoi k ( lity.* The Chicago Railway Review. Chicago, 111.* Frank Leslie's Publications, X. Y. City.* Fresco-Pa' nters' Sample Book, bv W. Steinliauser. (E. Steiger, N. Y.) " The Iron Age, New York City.* Journal of Cabinet-Making, by C. Hettwig. (E. Steiger, X. Y.)* Museum of Modern Art-Manufacture. (E. Steiger, N.Y. City.)* Ornamental Art-Manufacture, by C. Hettwig. (E. Steiger, N. Y.) ■ Practical Journal for Cabinet-Makers and Orna- mental Wood-Workers. (E. Steiger, N. Y. City.) - professors. Dussauce. H. (Applied Chemistry), New Lebanon, New York.* 7 ^Reflectors. Buckley & Cothren. 2 13 & 235 Canal Sir.. N. Y. i Sty.* U. S. Reflector Co., i;ll£ 613 Broadway, N. Y. City ' £afcs. Herr'n?, Farrel & Sherman, 151 Broadway, New Yoik City.* .School ami ("Wire furniture. Jcackel & Johnson, 1 10 Hudson Sir., N. Y. City.* Paton, R., 26 drove Street, N. Y. City.* State iUantcls. Klaber, A., N. Y. Cny.* (Tools. Field & Hardie, Building Hardware, Philadelphia, Pa.* Metallic Plane Co., Aobarn, N. Y.* Trncrrs. ^ole & Comstock. N. Y City.* Hardy, P. J.. N Y. Cuv.' rVirker, A. & Co., Hid & 1118 Centre Str., X. Y. City.' Wire Hope. Tillotson, L. G., & Co., k Dey St., N. Y. City.* Wood Workinn,. Eureka Steam Machine Carving Co., 60 to GO Cannon Street, N. Y. City.* Garbe. Hermann. N. Y. City." National Wood Manufacturing Co., N. Y.City. - ACTIVE CANVASSEBS wanted for 'The Workshop' on very favorable terms. Apply to the Publisher Herrings Safes Herring's Patent Champion Fire and Burglar Proof Safes Awarded the Prize Medals at the WorM's Fair in London, At the Exhibition Universelle in P iris. The World's Fair in New York. ^bucrtiscmcnis. The increasing popularity and rapidly extending circulation ol Tub Workshop among the Industrial interests of the country, especially among architect*, on Iders, superintendents, engineers, manufacturers, designers, .Vc render it a iwm important medium ol advertising for the merchant and manufacturer, ami lor other branches of industry. Advertisements inserted at the following rates: oo u n in (= i page;.- i column : fori year $150.00 $40.00 G 'months 90.00 25.00 ;t •• 50.00 Lj.00 Engravings may head advertisements at the same by measurement, as the letter-press. All advertisement-, less than J column @ 25 cents ii line Nonpareil lor flrsf insertion (counting 10 lines to 1 inch in depth), and 20 cents a line for each suti- aeqnent insertion, payable in advance. Cuts at same rate. In the WORKSHOP BUSINES8 DIRECTORY. OAXDS under proper headings. 50 cents $ month oi «:(.(«> $4 year. Liberal discount for large .space or standing advertisements. E. STEIGER, Publisher HAYES BROS. Ventilating Sky -Lights, Conversatories &c. , CtassA | Galvanized Iron, Brass and Copper. 75 8th Avenue. New York. 20.1 l.asalle Str., Chicago. 719 Noble Str., Philadelphia. Cor. of Howard & Lexington, Baltimore. Illustrated Catalogue & Price Book on Application. HENRY E. SHARP, (Class £taincr,fo6f5, ^(tfas^s, etc. rBcientiju dial 8diool .Apparatus Regular Importations from Germany and other parts of Europe, by Steamer, EVERY WEEK. Coders for every tiling ronneeted with literature and 3trt of all (Countries filled promptly, anil at moderate rates. Free Bureau for German Teachers and Kindergarteners. Correspondence inrjiteo, sno all Inquiries promutln tmstocrto. Large Stork of Imported German Periodicals from wh ch tnosl orders can lie Tilled immediately. All other Periodicals and Newspapers issued in Germany, imported: also JRagopes mid ]iiijipr$ oilier Cow expeditiously aspo German Papers and Magazines published in New York pi Specially interesting t«> Germans in America : ■n^chrichteu nus 2)jutfdifttiiil mill iter SnWi,y [Setcsjrom Germany and Stmt erland,) Published every Tuesday . ents. Dr. nermann Brrghaus'> Chart of the WorLl, containing the lines of Oceanic Ma Communication and Overland Routes the In- temational Aer al i I elegraphs, and the pi of Sailing Vessels: : some Continental surface charac- the Oceanic Currents, and important Deep -sea n with 25 additional Charts and Plans showing the general Currents of air, an.l the lines of equal magnetic varia- tion, the Tehuantepec. Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Darien, and Suez Routes, several Sea-ports ; the Telegraphic and Steam lines round th In 8 sheets, together measuring 61x38 inches, J5.00 ; 01 muslin for a Wall- Map, varnished, with rollers, $11.00. [Pack- RAHWAY WOOD WORKS. RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY. SPOKES, RIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, &c, MANUFACTURED OF Extra; Quality' New' lerwy HicKnry nnrl White Oak. Spokes on hand of Seasoned Timlier, turtle to any; required pattern, and finished at short notice. Sen I fur price li^ts.' David Crowell, Rahway, n. j. (£. Steirjer/s (Satctiocrues^ vhich may be had free and prepaid on appli- cation. Steiger's Festival Catalogue. A Selection of Bound German Books suitable for Presents. Steiger's Theological Library, No. I. A Sys- tematic Catalogue of German Publicatiom in the Department of Protestant Theology. Stclgcr's Philosophical Library. A Systemat- ic of German Publications in the Departments of Philosophy and /■'Esthetics. Steiger's Pedagogical Library. A Sysl Catalogue of German Publications on the Tlieory 0/ Education and Instruction. Steiger's Catalogue of Kindergarten Litera- turo m German, French and English, and of Kindergarten ( ufu and Occupation Material. Steiger's Catalogue of German Picture Books and Juvti ile; classified according to the age of t Steiger's Medical Library. A Systematic Cat- alogue of German Publications in the De- partment of Medicine. Steiger's Chemical and Pharmaceutical Li- brary. A Systematic Catalogue of German Publications in the Departments of Chemistry and Pharmacy. (In Press.) On Nature and Science. A List of German Books in the Departments of Natural Scien- ces, Medicine, Philosophy. Mathematics and Astronomy, Geography and Ethnology, etc. German Dialects. A List of 400 Publications, representing a majority of the Dialects spoken in the German Empire. Philology, chiefly comparative. A Catalogue of valuable Books on Comparative Philology, in English, German, and French. Steiger's List of Relief Globes and Maps, Indestructible Pla.n Globes, Tellur.ans and The Kindergarten.— The German Language — German Classics. — German School Books — Ari.hmetical Apparatus. — Globes etc. — A des ripuvc Catalogue. Steiger's Catalogue of Recent and Standard American and English Publications on Ar- chitecture, Car/entry, and Building. Theatrical Catalogue. A List of about 600 German Pieces specially adapted for ama- Songs. German four-part Songs. Catalogue of E. Steiger's German C;-co- lating Library. Steiger's List of German Periodicals A Lis* of Standard Period. cals of German Litera- ture. othe Catalogues are in prepa- Catalogii tho>c des.r » of Second-hand Boohs in all lan- >n a. I subjects furnished gratis to 1 g them. tore of Bibliographical Material en- ables me promptly to furnish information con- cerning 1 terary works published in all parts of the World. BROOKLYN Cla-J gctorl vv /ire Sriril oSlorhs, Van I fyn, .V. )'., Ifanulactnri Clay Retorts, Fire Brick, Tile&c. 52 TFTE WORKSHOP, CxEATERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. Fresco-Painter's Sample Book. (Musterbuch fur Stubenmaler.) ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS Designed and Litliographed WILEELM STEINEAEUSER. New Edition. To be complete in 30 Parts 4'° of which 24 Parts have been issued, each containing six Plates (two of them colored). Price 95 cents each Tart. A great variety of beautiful designs for Ceilings, Cornices, Centre-ornaments, Panels and every kind of House-decoration, will be fouud in this collection. E. STEIGER, 22 Sf 24 Frankfort St., N. T. Just Issued. A very desirable Book for Builders and all •who contemplate building a House. Supplement Bicknell's Village Builder. Patterns of Wood-Painting AND Similar Embellishments.- (Vorlegeblatter fur Holzmalerei.) IN A SERIES OF ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS Designed and Lithographed BY WILHEL1I STEINHAEUSEE. 45 colored Illustrations. Price $6.90.* E. Steiger, 22 &24 Frankfort St., N. Y. Design XVIII.— Plate 17. — Elevation of Cottage. Scale, one sixteenth in. " XIX.— Plate 18.— Front elevation and plans of Cottage. Scale ot elevation, J in., plans, one sixteenth in. Plate 19.— Details of dormer and bay window, piazza, gable and cornice. Scale. \ in. Base finish, door and winaow casing.hau' lull-size. Plate M Piazzas, windows, bay windows and balconies. Scale, 4 in. E. Steiger, 22 & 24 Frankfort Str., New York. Ornamental a ART-MANUFACTURE. (Kunstgewerbliche Ornamentik. ) Large Collection of New Original Designs For the Use of Sculptors, Moulders, Goldsmiths, Silversmiths, Clock- and Watchmakers, Lampmakers, Artificers in Metals, ^ Bronze. Zinc, etc., Workers in Cardboard etc. [ Edited by 0. EET1WIG. Parts 1 to 6, 75 cents each. To be continued. Each Part contains six Plates. E. Steiger, l%Jk 24 Frankfort St., 2V. T. (Design 1.— Plate 1.) Containing twenty Plates showing 18 Modern and Practical It ES1G JYS For Country and Suburban Residences if moderate cost, with elevation, plans, sections, aid a variety of details, all drawn to scale. Also, a full set of specifications with approved orm of contract, and estimates of cost. One superb quarto volume. Mailed post-paid on receipt of price, $5.00. contents op supplement to BicknelVs Village Builder. Design I. — Plate 1. — Frout elevation of two-storj French roof house, jirinted in colors; Scale, i inch to one loot. Plate 2 Side elevation, J in.; principal details. $ in. Plate 3.— Section, $ in.; plans of cellar, first second and third floors, three thirty-seconds in Carpenters', Masons', Plumbers', and Paint- ers' specifications and approved form of con- tract. " II.— Plate 4.— Fig. 1 — Front elevation [of house with gable roof. " LU— Plate 4 Fig. 2.— Front elevation, same as Fig. 1, with French roof. Plate. 4.— Fig. 3.— First floor. Fig. 4.— Second floor. Fig. 5.— Attic. Scale, one sixteenth in. " IV Plate 5 Front elevation and plans oi Cottage. Scale i in. " V. — Plate 6.— Front elevation, plans and detail- of French Cottage, with tower, elevation and plans, j in., details J in. VI Plate 7. — Front elevation, section and first- story plan of a square French roof dwelling. Scale, i in. Plate s.— Side elevation, i in.; second floor, at- tic and cellar plan, one sixteenth in. " VII.— Plate 9 Front elevation of two-story house, French roof. Scale, 4 in. Plate 10 First and second floor plans. Scale, {in. " V11I.- Plate 11.— Front elevation of two-story house with French roof and tower. Scale, i in. Plate 12 Plan of first floor, second floor and attic. Scale, J in. " IX— Plate 13.— Fig. 1 Front elevation and plan of Cottage, with Mansard roof. Scale, J in. and one sixteenth in " X.- -Plate 13.— Fig. 2.— Front elevation and plan of one-story Cottage. Scale, one tenth in. " XI Plate U.— Front elevation, plans and de- tails of two-story House, with hip roof. Scale of elevation, J in.; plans, one sixteenth in.; details, £ in. " XII.— Plate 15.— Front elevation and principal floor plan of an irregular House, containing all modern improvements. Scale, { in. " XIII.— Plate IB.— Fig. 1 Front elevation and plans of one-story House with Mansard roof, Scale, i in. and one sixteenth in. " XIV.— Plate 16 Fig. 2.— Front elevation of Mansard Cottage. Scale, one sixteenth in. " XV. — Plate 17. — Elevation and plans of Stable. Scale, one sixteenth in. " XVI.— Plate 17 Elevation and plans.,of square House. Scale, one sixteenth in. XVII.— Plate 17.— Elevation of Cottage. Scale, on e 8ixi ecu th in BABC0CK Fire Extinguislier.j "Absolutely the best'Pro- tection against Fire!" | Send for "It's Record." F. W. Farwell, i§ . Secretary. 5 P 4117 Broadway, New Yoke. 65G Wabash Ave., Chicago. FIRE DETECTOR MANUFACTURED BY American Fire Detector Co., 735 Broadway, New Yorn. This apparatus gives an immediate warning of the commencement of an Accidental or Incendiary Fire. Simple in Construction, Infallible in Operation. Will indicate the exact spot where the fire is commencing. Call and see it operate, at the Company's Office. Joeckel & Johnson, Sole manufacturers of Joeckel's Patent reversible Sunday School Settees. Church, Sunday School, and School Furniture of every Description. Also a new style of Folding Seats for Aisles. Office : 100 Hudson Str., near Christopher Str., New York. ROBERT PATON, W p. (Reversible Settee for Sunday-Schools.); Manufacturer of School and Office Furniture, CHURCH AND LECTURE-ROOM SETTEES of every Description. ■ 26 Grove Str., New York. Buy Barber's Bit Braces. All Hardware Dealers keep them. THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET MAKERS ALBUM ADVERTISER. 53 OFFICE (IF Frank Leslie's Publications, 537 Pearl Street, New York. TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS. Illustrated Newspaper — One copy one year, or 52 numbers $4 00 One copy six months, or 26 numbers 2 00 One copy for thirteen (reeks., 1 00 Chimney Corner- One copy one year, or 52 numbers 4 00 One copy six months, or 'ill numbers 2 00 One copy thirteen weeks 1 00 Illustrirte Zeitung (German)— One copy one year, or 52 numbers 4 00 One copy six months, or '-*< 1 numbers 2 00 One copy (or thirteen weeks 1 00 Boys' and Girls' Weeuly— One copy one year, or 62 numbers 2 50 One copy six months, or -ti numbers 1 25 Lady's Magazine- One copy one year, or 12 numbers 3 50 Budget of Fun :opy one year, or 12 numbers 1 50 On Pleasant On Architektonisclies SKIZZENBUCH. (Architectural Sketch-Book.) A COLLECTION <>K VIEWS OK copy one year, or 12 numbers 1 50 CLUB TERMS. Illustrated Newspaper— Five copies one year in one wrapper, to one address. $20, with extra copy to person getting up club. Chimney Comer.— live copies one year, in one wrapper, to one address, $20, with extra copy to person getting up club. Lady's Magazine —Four copies one year, In one wrapper, to one address, $14, with extra copy to person getting up club. Illustrirte Zeitung.— One copy one year, $4. Five copies, $15. Boys' and Girls' Weekly. -Three copies, $G..'>0. Five copies, $10. And $2 for every additional sub- scription. Postmasters sending subscriptions of Ten will be entitled to receive Fkank Leslie's IllcstaaT- eu Nkwsi-ai'EB, or Fkank Leslie s Cuimsk\ Coknbb, for one year. Budget of Fun.— Four copies, $6, with extra copy to person getting up club. Pleasant Hours. Four copies, id, with extra copy to person getting up club. One copy Lady s Magazine and Illustrated New- paper, one year $7 00 One copy Chimney Corner and T ,ady's Maga- zine, one year 7 00 One copy Illustrated Newspaper or Chimney Corner and Pleasant Hours 5 00 One copy Illustrated Newspaper or Chimney Corner and Budget 5 00 One copy one year Illustrated Newspaper, Chimney Corner, and Lady's Magazine.. 10 UNITED STATES POSTAGE RATES ON THE \l;iiVF. PUBLICATIONS. On each copy of the Last's Magazine, tour cents; on each copy of the Illustrated Newspaper, lixs- TBACION Ami.uo im iimunm Cokm-.u, ll.l.t'STUlKTE Zbitttng, Budget of Fon, and Plbabaht Horas, two cents; and if prepaid quarterly in advance at the sub- scriber's post-office, on the Last's Magazine, six cents per quarter; on the [llustrated Newspaper, III stkacion Americana, and Illlstkikte Zeitung, Ave cents per quarter ; on the Budget op pun, Bote* and Girls' Weekly, and Pleasant Houksj, three cents per quarter. POSTAGE TO CANADA. The same rates as above ; but as the postage on Canadian subscriptions must be prepaid in New York, Canadian subscribers will, therefore, in all eases, add the amount of postage to the amount of subscription. Our publications are always stopped when the term of subscription expires. It is not necessary to give notice of discontinuance. In sending subscriptions, or corresponding, be care- 1 to send Name and Address in full. Country Seats, Villas, Rural Cottages, Gardeu-Houses, ORNAMENTAL GARDENING, TOWN MANSIONS, Interior Decorations, Lattice-work, Elevations, Projections, BALCONIES, WINDOW-FLO HALS, WELLS. FOUNTAINS, STABLES AND OUTHOUSES, RAILINGS, MOULDINGS, CANDELABRA, Aflonumnital (tombstones, All kinds of Ornamental Buildings, and their Decorations EXECUTED IN Berlin, Potsdam, and many other Places. "With Details. Iu Numbers (six per year) each with one Chroiuo-lithograph and five Lithographic Illustrations partly colored. Price, each number, $1.70. lul Letters and printed matter should be addressed to FRANK LESLIE, Box 4121, P. 0., New York. (£. SteUJCr, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street, NEW YORK. practical $ournaf FOB CABINET-MAKERS AND Ornamental Wood-workers, DESIGNED, ARRANGED AND EDITED BY ^/CTGTISTTTS GRAEF, Assisted by Possenbacheb of Muuieh, LEciJiKO of Paris, ami other Colleagues. THF IRON ATE '12 Nos. per year, 4to, each containing 3 sheets of Engraviugs of Furniture and Ornamental Wood-work, and -i Imperial sheets of full-sized Details, together with the necessary explanatory descriptions. Price, each number, 75 Cents. Published EVERT THURSDAY MORNING Bi DAVID Williams, No. SO Beekinau Street, New York. The Only American Hardware and Metal Trad* Paper. JOHN M. HOFFMIRE, Builder, 625 HUDSON STREET, NEW YORK. E. STEIGER, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street, New York, u - THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. CUMMINGS t MILLER'S NEW and ORIGINAL WORK, entitled: ^S o 6 c r n 3mcrican3td)itccturc, Containing DESIGNS and PLANS for VILLAS, FARM HOUSES, SCHOOL HOUSES, COT- TAGES, CITY RESIDENCES, CHURCHES, &c. Also, Trussed Roofs, Interior Store finish, and many Exterior Details. In one large volume, bound in cloth, Price $10.00. The Practical Stair Builder. A complete treatise on the art of building Stairs and Hand-Bails, designed (or Carpenters, Builders and Stair Builders, illustrated with 30 original plates, by C. EDW. LOTH, Professional Stair Builder. One large illustrated volume, bound in cloth, Price $10.00. ARCHITECTURE, by ( WINNINGS & MILLER. A practical Book on Architectural Details, Containing over One Thousand DesignB and Illustra- tions, showing the manner of Constructing Cornices, Doorways, Porches, Windows, Verandahs, Railings, French Hoofs, Observatories, Piazzas, Bay Windows. Cut Stone Works, various styles ol Modern Finish, and Street Frouts OI Houses, Stores Ac. Nearly Four Thousand Carpenters and Architects have been supplied with tins valuable work, which haH reached almost every portion ot the United States, from Maine to Calilornia. One large qaarto volume. Price $10.00. The above works are for sale by E. Steioer, 22*24 Frankfort St., NEW YORK. THE CHEMICAL NEWS AND Journal of Physical Science. (American Edition authorized by Wm. Crookes.F.R.S., Editor and Proprietor.) To which is added an AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, Edited by C. F. CHANDLER, l'h. D. Devoted especially to American interests, including the American Druggists' Price-Current. KMBKAC1NQ Chemistry, Pharmacy, Medicine, Manufactures, Min- eralogy, Metallurgy, I'htography, Mining, Mechanics. Electricity, Patents, Reviews, Ac, ifcc. The Host Popular and Useful Issue of the Foreign Scientific Press. For more than a quarter of a century this valuable Journal has represented the progress of Chemistry and cognate sciences. It is devoted to Pkaotical I'iikmistkv in all its applications to Pharmacy, Medi- cine, Manufactures. Photography, and the Arts; also embracing whatever tends to elucidate new discover- ies and advances made in Physical Science, com- prising Mineralogy, Metallurgy, Mining, Mechanics, Electricity, and the collateral blanches of Science. Its foremost rank as the leading representative ot these interests has been conceded, until it is quoted as the first authority m the scientific world. TERMS. One Year in advance, postage tree $5.00 Single numbers, in 54 compact pages 0.50 Vols, bound in Cloth, each 3.50 Cases for Binding 0.75 W. A. TOWNSEND & ADAMS, 434 Broome St., New York. Alpkonse Friedrick & Bro., Stcuncfo (Slass Works, Figures and all styles of ornamental glass for Church Windows. 16 and 18 HOYT ST., Near Fulton Ave., Brooklyn, N. T. The Cabinet-Maker's Album. A Selection of Choice Designs in Hich and Plain Furniture for the Use of Cabinet- JWakcrs and Upholsterers. To be complete in 12 Parts, 50 cents each. Parts 1 and 2 now Beady. E. Steiger, 22 & 24 Frankfort Street, New York. Considerable Reduction of Prices for a limited Period. THE WORKSHOP, 1868, 12 Parts for $3.60 instead of 85.40. THE WOBKSHOP, 1869, 12 Parts for 83.60 instead of 85.40. GEWEEBEHALLE, 1863, 1864, 1865. 1866, each in 12 Parts for 83.00 instead of 84.50. GEWEEBEHALLE, 1867, 1868, and 1869, each in 12 Parts for 83.60 instead of 85.40. t GEWERBEHALLE had been published in German from 18G3 to 1867, when in 18R8 first appeared THE WORKSHOP, an English translation of the Journal ol that year, worked from the same plates, and lus forming nut a reprint but a separate port of one and the same impression.] •„• An Index (in English) of all the illustrations is given gratis with each yearly volume »f Jmeerbeltalle from lt>63 to 1807. Notice. Subscribers to T7ie Workshop are respectfully informed that only a very few copies re- main of THE WOBKSHOP ALBUM, and that no copies can be furnished under 83.00. The Workshop Album contains A Selection of Engravings from the Bach-Volumes of Die Gewerbehalle, for the years 1863 to 1867 inclusive. \ These Engravings have been selected with much care, after full experience of what was most admired and sought for by Designers as lieiug of the greatest Pbacticaii Value in their various professions. There is an explanation in English to each Design. They consist of Vlbtim Cover — Alphabet — Arm Chairs — Watch Backs — Bell Pulls — Book Covers — Bookstand — Border Patterns — Toilet Box — Stable Fixtures — Brass Cocks — Cabinet — Cabinet Hmges — Candle- sticks — Cavetto Ornament — Quautty of Ceilings and Parts of Ceilings _ Chairs — Chalice — Clock- case — Closing Ring — Cups — Door Handles — Door Hinges — E-cutcheons — Fire Irons — Quantity of Jewelry Pieces — Flower Box — Table Cutlery — Fountains — Frieze Ornaments — Quantity of Gas Fixtures — Goblets — Hand Mirror — Inkstand — Keys — Knives — Knockers — Reticulea — Lock Plates — Prize Ornament — Panel Ornaments — Wall Paper — Parquette Flooring — Pistol — — Porcelain Ornament — Railings — Rifle — Sideboard — Table Cover — Table Art cles — Tankards — Tart-Slicers — Fruit Vase — Tea Service — Textile Fabrics — Toilet Table — Vases — Writing Table, Ac, 3n-TflAariafififUT^ liiilll ft Mm wmm m mm GIO—Kfand Prismatic Sunlights. The most Approved and Ornamental Fixtures in use lor I.ighting'and Ventilating i 'Implies. Halls, Theatres, Arc. Diameter 40 in. and upwards — 13 to 150 Lights. For LIGHTING AND VENTILATING CHURCHES, HALLS, THEATRES, BANKS, STORES, LIBRARIES, etc. •S-ratcnted Junefith, 1-.6H: 2nd. 1809; March 7th. 1*71. The pn' lie is respectfully cautioned a?ainst infringe- ments of then patent*. Each Kixture hears our name and address. U. S. REFLECTOR CO., Patentees and Sole Manufacturers of Prismatic Reflecting Chandeliers and Sunlights, etc., J\*o. 611 «*• 613 MS roadway, (Comer Ilouston St. ) J% 9 ew Wtrk. Just Published A New and very Important Work for Cabinet Makers. GEEMAN JOURNAL OF CABINET MAKING, Containing Original Drawings of Modern Furniture, with complete Models and Ground-plans to all the Designs showing their real dimensions. By C. Hettwig. First Volume to be completed in 6 Parts at $1.25 each. 1|^=» Each Part contains Designs of a full set of Furniture for one Apartment. CONTENTS. Part I. Ladies' Sitting-room: 1) Pier-glass. 2) Sofa-table, Flower-table. 3) Ladies' Writing-table, Writing-chair, Work-table. 4) Sofa, Fauteuil, Chair, it) Bookcase, Closed Etap,cre. 6) Open Etngcre, Sofa Minor. Part EI. Dining-room: 7) Buflet. 8) Etagere-table, Waiting-table. 9) Diuing-table. 10) Chairs (various). 11) Chimney-glass. 12) Sofa. Part UJ. Bed-room: 13) Bedstead. 14) Table, Easy Chair, Cane-bottom Chair. 15) Toilet-table, Sbaving-table and glass. 16) Wash-stand, Night-commode. 17) Swing-looking-glass, Bedside- or Beading-table. 18) Wardrobe with looking-glass. The above three parts have been issued. Part IV. Gentlemen's Sitting-room, Part V. Parlor or Saloon, Part VI. Famili/Sit/ing-room, will contain the following drawings: Gentleman's Writing-table — Sofa-fittings — Console-table with glass — Sofa-table and glass — — Cupboard — Fancy Cabiuet — Sofa with glass — Fancy-stool — Pier-ornament — Ottoman, or Sofa for centre-pieo — Pedestal for Candelabra — Cabinet-pianoforte — Sola, Fautenil, High-backed Caue-bottom Chairs — Double-door Cabinet — Bookcase — Pier-table with glass — Extension-table, Sofa with mirror — Chest of Drawers — Note and Card stand. 56 THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVEF.TTSEF.. In 4to to be completed in about 15 to 20 Parts, Price 40 Cents each, gteeitm of JSobmi ^rt-'g&aunfacfnre. A CHOICE SELECTION OF The Principal Specimens of Workmanship from the latest Universal Exhibitions in LONDON and PARIS. A HANDBOOK OF DESIGNS FOR Artificers in every branch of Industrial Art ; Gold, Silver, Bronze and Metal-workers, Ivory and Wood-Carvers, Glass, Porcelain-Manufacturers and Clay-Molders, Upholsterers, Cabinet-Makers, etc., etc. (For the use of the three nations, the titles of the Illustrations are printed in English, German and French.) E. Steiger, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street, NeW York. DESIGNS FOR MONUMENTS. By PAUL SCHULZE, Architect. One Volume 4to, Price $6.00. Containing 36 Plates presenting 64 Designs of all kinds of Monumental Work, Commemorative and Sepulchral Monuments, Mural Tablets, Tombs, Headstones, Urns, Grave Crosses, Cenotaphs, &c. E. STEIGER, 22 and 24 Frankfort Star., NEW YORK. OF MODERN ORNAMENTATION, (Alburn motrcrncr JJcrjimmgcn)] IN ALL BRANCHES OF CABINET-WORK, For the use of Sculptors, Builders, Cabinet-Makers, Joiners, etc., etc. • Edited by C. Hettwig. Parts 1 to 8, folio, Price $1.00 each. Altogether contaning 32 Plates with upwards of 200 Original Designs. E, Steiger, 22 & 24 Frankfort Street, New York. CABEVET MAKERS' and CAR BUILDERS' VENEERS. Importers and Dealers in Fancy Woods of the Choicest Rinds. Italian and French Walnut Veneers, HUNGARIAN ASH. Butternut and Black Walnut Burls, Corrugated Ash and Black Walnut, Amboine, Thuya, Tulip, etc. Mahogany and Walnut Planks qiid Boards, of Standard Tliicknesses. A. PARKER & Co., 166 and 168 Centre Street, corner Canal Street, New York. HERMANN GARBE, IMPORTER OP RICH Furniture Ornaments, French Marqueterie, Porcelains, Bronzes, French Veneers, Turkish Coverings, Curtain Materials, etc. 117 Chambers Street, New York. L 8ole Agent for "NEVEU'S FBIESES". Prospectus. New and Superb Work for the use of Cabinet- Maker's, Upholsterers and kindred Manufacturers. In Monthly Numbers at 50 Cents each: N° 1, for October 1871, of The Cabinet-Makers Album. A Selection of choice Designs in rich, ornamental and plain Furniture, for the use of Cabinet-Maker's, Upholsterers etc. This work, which is issued from Stuttgart, appeals to the interest and attention of all engaged in the Manufacture, sale or purchase of every description of Furniture. It is published monthly, and is printed in large 4° on superfine paper. The Designs are executed in the best style of art; and the price, in view of the abundance and quality of the illustrations, does not exceed a third of that charged for similar productions. Every number contains 16 pages and an average of 20 — 25 exquisitely finished designs. In this country, the work cannot fail to be of the highest practical utility, while it will elevate taste and stimulate invention. For general convenience, the names of the designs are given parallel in German, English and French. The 12 th N° will include an Index of all subjets in the three languages, presenting a terminology of most beautiful articles of manufacture, extremely valuable to the artificer. The first number on hand for inspection with Agents throughout the country. E. STEIGER, 22 & 24 Frankfort St., NEW YORK. THE WORKSHOP, GEWEKBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVEBTISEB. ®hc "uSlorlifihop and (Ocircrbehalle The* refers the reader I i ment in Tlte ^iicntr.. Wanted. Allen. E. C. & Co.. Aujrn to, He.* Steiger, E.. New York I artists' patcvinls. Finkenaur, Geo. , N. V. City.* itubcork .fire (gxtiit(|u;$ilifr. Farwel'. F. W. Secretary 107 Biuadwai York i Album of Modern Ornamentation, In 0. !!■ (RSteiger, N 5 Modern Araeric. Architecture. (E. S Foreign Books and P.;ri idic i . i K. Grammar of Ornament. (K. Sti-ircr, NewYork.)* National Arctium . lleo, I . Woodward, X. Y.i* Patterns of Wood-Painting, by \V. I E, si Supplement to Bicune'.l's Village Builder. (A.J. Biuknell.V (',... H.Y. ' Workshop Back-Volumes. (E. Steiger, N. Y.)' guilder*;. Hoffinire, John M.. i., X. Y. City.* Cloche and Watches!. NewYork WatchCo., Spr i,L.ii 11. Mass.* fine 3lrt -fouiulnj. Power, Maurice J., 218 K. 25lli -i., X. Y. City.* flT,«0 gaiutcv.s. Kehrwieder Brothers. Philadelphia, Ta.* C')ii5 .fixtures. Mitchell. Vance S Co. , X. Y. City.* (SUnfJjS and (StojSjS £tninrr$. Friedrick, Alphonse & Bro., SS3 Fu'.tun Avenue, Brooklyn, N i Hayes Bro?., 7j 8ih Ave., X. Y. ■ Sharp, Henry E., U7 K. 2id sir., NewYork City.* Weymaun, C . X. Y. City.* Met parhittfis. Tellier's Ice Machines, til Broadway, X. Y. City.* Jlvon Works. Hood. W. P.. tronV idelphia, Pa.* gjttu*Jtral gustnuncuts. Smith, S. D. & H. W., American Organs, Ronton. Mass.* Uaiuts, u'omiiositious, &r. Cheap Painting. 1 ". » • N. 4tli sti .. Philadelphia.* Measury and Whilon, X. Y. I gatcnt Offices. Munn&Co., '•' , York City* periodicals. Architectural Decorative An \ X)" Avcu.'.eKi.onischeiSKizzeii-Uucii. i K. summit, M. Y.)* Cabinet Makers Album (K. Steiger, \ The Chemical N iwa, N The Chicago Railway K . ..III.* Frank Leslies Publications, X. Y. City.* Fresco-Painters' Samn.e Book, by \\ (E. Si Gothic Details, containing Iptorg, Painter^, etc.. by V. Statz i \ The Iron Age, .New Yoi k Journal of Cabinet-Makin.', by C. Bteigi r, X. Y.)* Museum of Modern Art-Manufacture. (E. 51 N. Y. I Ornamental Art-Manufacture, by I Steiger. X. Y. ■ Practical Journal for Cabinet-Makers and Orna- niental w„...l H o Quaterly German Ma?az ; ne of Science, H.story and Art. (E. Steiger - Sketch Book for The Engineer and Machinist. (E. Staiger, X. 1 . ' gJt'OfeSS'OVS. Dussauce, H. (Applied Chemistry), New Lebanon, New York.* iWlcctovs. Buckley & Cothrc- il Sir., N.Y. City.* U. S. Reflector Co., 01 1 A 013 Broadway, X. Y. City.* S5aftfJ. Herring-, Farrel & Sharman, 2.1 Broadway. New YorkCliy.* §ckool and ©ffi« -furniture. Jceckel & Johnson, I in II Paton, R r. \. Y. City.* ist.itc JHantcls. Fools. Field .* Hardie. Building Hardware. PI I'.l.* ' Metallic Piane Co., Aubu n, X. Y.* Veneers. Cole & Comstock. N. Y City." .lardy. 1'. J.. X ) P.rker. A. & Co i Wire gopc. TilloUioa. L. G.. . . , HVood Working. Eureka S-eam Machine Carving Co.. DS to Garbe. Hermann. X.*V. I National Wood Manufacturing Co., X. I Herring's Safes Herring's Patent Champion Eire and Burglar Proof Safes ACTIVE CAXVASSEBS wanted for •The Workshop' on very fa voi able terms. Apidi to the Pnlilisher A warded the Prize Medals at the World'.- Fair in London, At the Exhibition l'ni\ in I* iris. The World's Fair in New fork ^buevtiscments. industrial ..-cully anion;! iiu hlers, sup ulacturers, I medium ul i it and in. nun. ului'ii. and lustry. Advertise ins following rates: .i oilman : for 1 year SlolUiO $ (1 in i ■ I ijrs may head advertisements nl I lie same ir. by measurement, as the letiei -|> ess. ■ tiseuienti less than j tin« in lilies " . epth), and 2n cents ;i line lor eacli snli • i . .... in advance. I In Hit- WORKSHOP BUSINESS I'IKl CTOR1 . , ' in. .ml, ... E. STEIGER, I slier \!>«. \iiiiiif r t»i (he waser or oooooFrancs HAYES BROS. Ventilating Sky-Lights, '.01 ■ - (fee, .ll ('.111. Iron, Brass and Copper. nne, New York. Mr.. Chicago. Str., Philadelphia, Cor, "i Howard .\ Lexington, Baltimore. Illustrated Catalogue A Trice Booh on \ HENRY E. SHARP, - ol p igings, oni at the top of the page for each Essay, one at the bottt in for the Annual Volume. E. Steig-er*, 22 I K '-■ S . I V V F V l: .V / -J V I! E, .'ZE A\H ZIN'C. Abcuitecth' Designs executed. Artistic Monuments in (Jiauite and Lruuze THE WORKSHOP, GEWEBBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISE?., Fresco-Painter's Sample $0ok- (Musterbuch fur Stubenmaler.) ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS Designed and Lithographed WILHELM STEINHAEUSER. New Edition. To be complete in 30 Parts 4 In l.ijliis. For ]-k;hting and ventilating CHURCHES, HALLS, THEATRES, HANKS. STORES, LIBRABIES, etc. «-Patented June mi. (Tovembei 2nd, L869; Uareh 7th, 1871. Tlic pablio is respectfully cant! d against infringe- ments of tliene patent)). Each Kixture beara our name and address. U. S. REFLECTOR CO., Patentees and Sole Manufacturers of Prismatic Reflecting Chandeliers and Sunlights, etc., •Vo. 611 «*• 613 Broadway, (Corner Houston St.) 1 *«>•/.. Just Published A New and very Important Work for Cabinet Makers. GEEMAN JOURNAL OF CABINET MAKING, Containing Original Drawings of Modern Furniture, with complete .Models and Ground-plans to all the Designs showing their real dimensions. By C. Bettwig. First Volume to be completed in ft Parts at 81. 25 each. He-ST* Each Part contains Designs of a lull set of Furniture for one Apartment. CONTENTS. Part I. Lailies' Sitting-room: 1) Pier-glass. 2) Sofa-table, Flower-table. :! Ladies' Writing-table, Writing-chair, Work-table. 4) Sofa, Fauteuil, Chair. 5) Bi ■ ,; Open El - Minor. Part II. Dining-room: 7) Buffet. 8) Etagere-table, Waiting-table. 9) Dining-table. 10) Chain (various). 11) Chimney-glass. 12) Sofa. Part III. Bed-room: 13) Bedstead. 14) Table, Easy Chair, Cane-bottom Chair. 16 Toilet-table, Shaving-table and glass. 16) Wash-stand, Night-commode. 17) Swing-looking-glass, Bedside- or Reading-table, is; Wardrobe with looking-glass. tbove three parte have been issued. Part rV. Gentlemen's Sitting-room, PartV. Pa 'Saloon, Part VI Family-Sitting-room, will contain the following drawings: Gentleman's Writing-table — Sofa-fijfctings— Console-table with glass— Sofa-table mid glass — Bookcase — Cupboard— Fancy Cabinet — Sofa with glass — Fancy-stool — Pier-ornament — -Ottoman, or Sofa for centre-piece — Pedestal for Candelabra — Cabinet-pianoforte — Sofa, Fautenil, High-backed Cane-bottom Chairs — Double-door Cabinet — Bookcase — Pier-table with glass — Extension-table, Sofa with mirror — Chest of Drawers — Xote a;id Card stuud IHE wo—, ^^^^^R^S^^^^^ 64 lnrj ' OFFICE OP The Frank Leslie's Publications, Cabinet-Maker's Album. £££££> A Selection of Choice Designs {""^V^SSE^"'"'*** ^_, . Ti1„„-r,i+m->P One copy six months, 01 2b numbers T~> ' ^-K Q Tl H P'lairi X 1 UmitUl e 0ue c „ > lor tuil . t een weeks i IT ±ilC llL aiTCl -17 ia Aii Chimney Corner- numbers * 00 XXX _■_»;-»- ^-- One conv one year, ora^numDera for the Use °< g n „ e e £' p J S1X .nonths, or 2b numbers 2 00 .- , 7f»«lv.»-« /rilfj! lh)hOlst€l'erS. ue copy thirteen weeks. Calnttet-JflahW m,M *** IUustrirte Mining (Genua »>- 4 „„1, Pnrts 1 and 2 now Ready. Onecopy one year, or a2 numbers.. To be complete in 12 Parts, 50 cento each- Pa^l gS SSJ S3S»^Sy^^""» ? «» E . Steiger, 22 & 24 Frankfort Street, Nkw Yokk. Ws^SJ^M™'*- ? g — One copy six months, or 2b numbers 1 '5 Lady One^ g pfon^ear,orl2nunibers 3 50 \il)C gj90IH5l/0f. P nn n e t c^onTyear,or 12 number 9 ...:.... L 60 -i J T) * rt ,l CLUB TERMS. Considerable Seduction of Prices for a limited P« d 1 S -» S ES:SSS: GEWEIiBEHALLE, 1863, 186i, 1865. I860, ~h .» 12 ?«<* 'SffflS^. «W - »-• « "" of g450 - «„»„ i ;„ 10 Parts for S3.60 instead copies, $15. Weekly.-Three copies, $6.50. GEYvEBBEHALLE, 1867, 1863, and 1869, eacli m 1- Baits fe££ Si|Scr«TeS ° f S5 ' i0 - , 1BM t0 1S6 7 when in 18«S first appeared ^CenUUed ^SSS ' ^.or snotareprintbutasepara te pari , ^ - ^ ^ ol • = f Umgup £ * „ with extrft copy *-*** ■ o^'Kco-^ iady, Ma g a- 7 oo One'cof/ymusiraied Newspaper or Chimney XT^+1 OP' Corner "and Pleasant Hours . . .. ■■::-" 5 °° j>| OXlOt?. One copy Illustrated Newspaper or Chimney _. ^ fc .ai of THE WuBBbHOi' ^^ ^^ rates qn the ABOVE PUBLICATIONS. On each copy of the ^g^fiX ;*£ ."SSf on each copy o the h ™ ™ ^^ ,,. ustb , k te TIip TTorfs/^P ^4»»«i contains tkacios Amki <'"^, lu im. * SANT Horns, two Die Oewerbehalle, E£$feS«i£e for the years 1863 to 1861 inclusive. ? J&p£Wt«- ' l p nfter full experience of what POSTAGE TO CANADA. These Engravings have been -lectedmth J^JJJ t p^chui. V-™ ^^ vat J^«"SB.KwM — l ^S ^ ^rS^S English to each Design. The, Canadian SS^^gSft-fflJjfi in their ~»» frrf"™"". ln ,,,« •■»<»»'! »\!'">":' ,'".,.,. J ">■••' '" "f" HS=t^S=^^^« — Hiiil RON AGE, Table', & b c.,&c. PubUshed EVE KY THURSDAY MORNING, By David Williams, The great popularity of Nj SQ Beekman Street, New York. THE WORKSHOP UeOnly^ieric^^ is a sufficient guarantee that the JOHN M. HOFFMIRE, ALBUM g 89 Builder, r t r"r:s y ^t^^ir "r^^s^-l 525 etoson STEEET> ^™^ Workshop. Prospectus. New and Superb Work for the use of Cabinet- Maker's, Upholsterers and kindred Manufacturers. In Monthly Numbers at 50 Cents each: N° 1, for October 1871, of The Cabinet-Maker's Album. A Selection of choice Designs in rich, ornamental and plain Furniture, for the use of Cabinet-Maker's, Upholsterers etc. This work, which is issued from Stuttgart, appeals to the interest and attention of all engaged in the Manufacture, sale or purchase of every description of Furniture. It is published monthly, and is printed in large 4° on superfine paper. The Designs are executed in the best style of art; and the price, in view of the abundance and quality of the illustrations, does not exceed a third of that charged for similar productions. Every number contains 16 pages and an average of 20 — 25 exquisitely finished designs. In this country, the work cannot fail to be of the highest practical utility, while it will elevate taste and stimulate invention. For general convenience, the names of the designs are given parallel in German, English and French. The 12 th N° will include an Index of all subjets in the three languages, presenting a terminology of most beautiful articles of manufacture, extremely valuable to the artificer. The first number on hand for inspection with Agents throughout the country. E. STEIGER, 22 & 24 Frankfort St., NEW YORK. THE WORKSHOP, QEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKKirs ALBUM ADVERTISER. 65 3Jhe (wlorkshoj} and (Scircrbchalle Justyess Director*). Tlie • refers the reader to an advertisement in Vie Workshop.) :\>ici>ts Wanted. Steiger, E., New York City.* ^ttigtfi' JHutrviate. Finkenaur, Geo., 169 6th Ave X. V City.* V.aliroch J^ive (i'-.Ytiruniiohrv. Farwell, F. W., Secretary, 407 Broadway, New York City.* Hooks. Album of Modern Ornamentation, by C. Bettwig. (E. Steiger, N.Y.) • Manual of Tunnel Construction, by Franz Rziba. (B. St. iger, N. Y.)* Modern Americ. Architecture. (E. Steiger, X. V.r Foreign Books and Peri jdici . (E. Stei Grammar of Ornament. (E. Steijier, NewYork.)* National Architect. (Geo. E. Woodward, N. Y.)* Patterns of Wood-Painting, l>y W. Steinbauser, (E, Steiger, x. Y.) ■ Supplement to Bicknell's Viilage Builder. (A.J. lii.-kn.-ll A- Co., N.Y.) - Workshop Back-Volumes. (E. Steiger, N. Y.)* guilders. Hoffmire, John M., 525 Hudson str., N. Y. City.* Cloths and Watches. New York Watch Co., Springfield, Mass.* .fine :\rt .foundry. Power, Maurice J„ 218 E. ^.".tli st., X. Y. City.* ^KSto i'.nntevs. Kehrwieder Brothers, Philadelphia, I'a.* (Shji fixtures. Mitchell, Vance & Co., 597 Broadway, N. Y. City.* 6lass and ("Mass ^tainers. Friedrick, Alphonse & Bro.. 8S8 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y.* Haye Bros., 75 8th lve.,N. Y. City.* Sharp, Henry E . U7 E. 2'2d sir.. .New York City.* Weyinaun, C . X. Y. City.* 6uns and o\un JUaterial.s. Lau & Garlichs, X. V. City,* Ice 3ttachinc,$. Tellier's Ice Maci. ivay, N. Y. City.* ilvon HVovhs. Hood, W. P.. fron Work, Ph ladelphia, Pa.» ithi'iical Instruments. faints, Compositions, &S. Cheap Painting, 150 X. 4ih str., Philadelphia.* Measury and whilon, N. Y. I ity.* i'ateut (Offices. Munn & Co . 37 Park Row, New York City.* periodicals. Architectural Decorativ;- Art i E. Steiger, N.Y.)" Arcu.'.uKiouiscneiSKizEen-Bucli, (E. st.-n.Ti . X. \. Cabinet Makers Album (E. Steijier. X. Y.)* The Chemical N ws, New lurk City.* The Ch-.cago Railway Review, Chicago, III.* Frank Leslie's Publications. N. Y. City.* Fresco-Pa-nters' Sample Book, bv W. Steinbauser. -Y.)- Gothic Details, containing Designs for smiptors, Painters, etc., by \ . Statz (E. Steiger, The Iron Age, New York I ty. Journal of Cabinet-Making, by C. H.-ttwis. (E. Steiger, N. Y.)» " Museum of Modern Art-Mantvfacture. (E. Steieer, N. Y. . Ornamental Art-Manufacture, by C. Hettwig. (E. Bteiger.N.Y.)' Prac-.-cal Building above Ground, t. (E. Steiger, X. T.)* Practical Journal for Cabinet-Makers and Orna- mental Wood-Workers (E. Ste ger, X. Y. City.)* Quaterly German Magazine of Science, History and Art. I E. Stetei r, X. Y.)* Sket:h Book for The Engineer and Machinist, (E. Steiger, N. Y.)* 9 Professors. Dussauce, H. (Applied Chemistry), New Lebanon, New York.* V.cflcctors. U. S. Reflector Co., 6114 613 Broadway. '• JSafrjs. Herrin?, Farrel & Sherman, 211 Broadway. New School and (Office ^furniture. Jceckelit Johnso-i. . , X. Y. City.* Paton, K., 2(J drove Street, N. If #l;ttc itlantets. Klaber, A., X. Y. City.* (Tools. Field & Hardie, Building Hardware, Philadelphia, Metallic Plane Co., Auburn, X. Y.« Vinrers. Pirker, A. & Co ll 3ti . N. Y. City. Wire i\o\u. Tillotson. L. G.. A Co., - Di y -t.. X. Y. City.* Wood 'Worlunn. Garbe. Herminn. X. Y. City. - ACTIVE CANVASSERS want eil for 'The Workshop' on very favorable i i Publisher S. Steiger, 22 .v. 24 Frankfort SI *Veir \Turk, has on hand an Extensive ami well assorted supply of Relief Globes and Maps, Plain Globes, Atlases, etc. Scientific mid Stiiool .Apparatus. H. Remits &r.fyh)eficaj &id, Fractional Frame, Calculating Ma< iiim-:, &c, &c. Kindergarten Gifts and Material ,,, \Mi.;:,r IS i : FOB i - «'.M. LCT1 RE The LARGEST STOCK of <5criuiin IN, oo1i*3 ami periodicals. Th-- c) TEXT-BOOKS t- ■■ the Study of the (Sbermcrn -Sctrrguage. Steigeb's New Illustrated S)<8criptio( 8rfioot Jioolt (fatnlojiuv, and all other Catalogues sent free. Herring's Safes Herring' s I'atctit Champion Fire and Burglar Proof Safes Awarded the Prize .Medals at the World's Fair in London. Ai £he Exhibition Ohiverselle in I' iris. The World's Fail in New York. Also, winner of the wager of 30,0 00 Francs l to tin-; BEST SAFE IN THE WORLD. One Hundred and Forty Firms testify to tion of theii valuables in terrible fire in Chicago. Mat .:.. t ....- . , -.'-. b) HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN, 25 IB : . v. y. FARREL, HERRING *! Q O w x The Parlor Globe, a beautiful ornament for t he library or parlor, is 42 inches high, Complete with horizon, brass meridian divided in half degrees, hour-circle, quadrant and n die. The Scientific Glotoe is the mosl perfecl Globe ever produced. Not only has the closest attention been bestowed on the l at ,.,, and most authentic discoi in different parts of the world, but a great variety of information .... interesting physical w ill be found on it. It contains the Lines of Steam' the gi^t aerial and submarine 21 incipal Track showing the directions and mea nis, important Seep Sea S ings, also the lines of equal M Catalogues of Schedler's American ( and of the celebrated Berlin Relief Globes and Maps to be had on applical i ,. . , Sale of these Globes etc. in cities and different parts of the country. A. great opportunity for the .right can take hold of articles always and everywhere in demand on account of their real value and moderate cost. E. Steiger, 22 & 24 Frankfort St.. HEW VORK. THE WORKSHOP, GEWEEBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. In 4to to be completed in about 15 to 20 Parts, Price 40 Cents each, gtecnm of 'g&o&eru ^rt-§&amtfacfnre. A CHOICE SELECTION OF The Principal Specimens of Workmanship from the latest Universal .Exhibitions in LONDON and PAKIS. A HANDBOOK OF DESIGNS FOR Artificers in every branch of Industrial Art; Gold, Silver, Bronze and Metal-workers, Ivory and Wood-Carvers, Glass, Porcelain-Manufacturers and Clay-Molders, Upholsterers, Cabinet-Makers, etc., etc. (lor the use of the three nations, the titles of the Elustrations are printed in English, German and French.) 13 Parts issued and on hand. DESIGNS FOR By PAUL SCHULZE, Architect. One Volume 4to, Price $6.00. Containing 36 Plates' presenting 64 Designs of all kinds of Monumental Work, Commemorative and Sepulchral Monuments, Mural Tablets, Tombs, Headstones, Urns, Grave Crosses, Cenotaphs, &c. E. STEIGER, 22 and 24 Frankfort Str., NEW YORK. OWEN JONES' Grammar of Ornament. Illustrated by examples from various styles of Ornament. 1 Volume. Imp. 4to. 112 Plates in gold and colors, containing 3000 examples. Extra cloth, gilt edges, $45.00. This is a great, and to practical Artists absolutely necessary work ; if any 1 k is to spread Art-Taste amongst the Artizans, this will (In it. At the above moderate price 'The Grammar of Or- nament' is brought within the reach of Artists, Ar- chitects, and their Assistants anil Pupils, Designers, Art-workmen, and Students of every branch oi' Orna- mental .Art. This work also addresses itself to a still larger class of the public who, without having pro- fessional need of its teachings, have yet an enlightened sympathy with the beautiful, ami would be glad to possess, as an aid to the practice of Illuminating and other accomplishments ol a like elegant character, or a> a decoration to their drawing-room table, this record o! the art ol so many countries and periods. •The Grammar of Ornament 1 has nut only been f ted as a class-1 k in all the I lovernmenl scho ils m iv gland, but also by the principal schools of the Continent of Europe, where the importance to Ait ot this invaluable collection, and of the principles ex- plained in the text by which Mr. Owen Jones has sought to guide the students in its use, has been tally recognized and honored. Kept on hand by .g gt e jrrer. Alnhonse Friedrick & Bro., Stcunct) QMass IDorks, Figures mid all styles of ornamental glass for Church Windows. 16 and 18 HOYT ST., New Fulton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sketch Book FOR Kfjc Kiiflinecr onD JRadjintet. (Skizzen-Buch fur den Ingenieur und Maschinenbauer. ) A Collection of Designs OF Machinery, Factories, Fire- Apparatus, Iron Constructions, and whatever applies to Engineering. Edited by F. K. M. IViebe, Professor of Engineering in the Royal Institute of Engineering and Architecture in Berlin. Published in numbers, folio, at $1. 25 each. Seventy nine numbers have been pub- lished. The annual Subscription, $7.50, comurises six numbers. On receipt of the above amount, the year's numbers will be sent to subscribers on publication. E. Steiger, 22 and 24 Frankfort Str., I New York. Architectural Dccornftue M OF the time of Louis XVI. A COLLECTION Of 300 Plates photo-lithographed, (never before published) — of Original Steelplate Engravings found in the Boyal Library at Brussels and in tin- private collection of the Author. "With descriptive and critical Text, and Biographical Notices of Architects, Decora- tors, etc. of the latter half of the eighteenth century. Edited by SCHOY. Vol.1. Architectural and Decorative Art, 175 Plates, folio. Vol.2. Objects of Art and Luxury, 125 Plates, folio. To be completed in six Parts, containing ' 50 Plates each, price $10.45 each. Parts 1 — 5 already published. E. STEIGER, 22 & 24 Frankfokt Street. New York. TEE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHA.LLE AND CABINET MAKERS ALBUM ADVERTISER. 89 Arckitektoiiisches SKIZZENBUCE. (Architectural Sketch- Book.) A COLLECTION OF VIEWS OF Country Seats, Villas, Rural Cottages, Garden-Houses, ORNAMENTAL GARDENING, TOWN MANSIONS, Interior Decorations, Lattice-work, Elevations, Projections, BALCONIES, WINDOW-FLORALS, WELLS, FOUNTAINS, STABLES AND OUTHOUSES, RAILINGS, MOULDINGS, CANDELABRA, Monumental tombstones, All kinds of Ornamental Buildings, and their Decorations, EXECUTED IN Berlin, Potsdam, and many other Places. "With Details. In Numbers (six per year) each with one Chromo-lithograph and five Lithographic Illustrations partly colored. Price, each number, $1.<0. %• The price ofNos. 1 to 110 (published before 1872) is $1.25 each. (E. Strigrr, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street, NEW YORK. L^VTJ & GAELIOHS, IMPORTERS OF GUNS, GUN MATERIALS, CUTLERY, etc. No. 72 Beekman Street, NEW YORK. *** Illustrated Catalogue to persons intending to purchase free on application. For a second Caml^ue $5.00 will be charged. ROBERT PATON, (Reversible Settee for Sunday-Schools.) M.r ul.irturt-r of School and (Mice Furniture, CHURCH AND LECTURE-ROOM Bl - of every Description. 2C drove Str., New York. Joeckel & Johnson, Sole manufacl Joeckel's Patent reversible Sunday School Settees. Church, Sunday School, and School Furniture (if I'Vf'iy l>r., I ||H| l A Is.. 11 Dew style of Folding Seats for Aisles. Opfiob: 190 Hudson Str., near Christopher Str.. ' BABCOCR Fire Bxtingnisher. •• Lbsolnb r thei P > % Send for " It's Record." m^, F. W. Farwell, l **i^ _ Secretary. WBf 407 Broadway, Nkw Vork. v. abash Ave., ( !mc ioo. 1 I A. YES BROS. Ventilating Sky-Lights, L—y Conversatories &c. } ol Gall Iron,Brass and l topper. 75 8th Avenue, New York, /ft \ / (fi MS Laualle Str., Chicago, \\ \ / yV "19 Noble Str.. Philadelphia, ^^J L^yf ( ' or ' of Howard & Lexington, ^- ill -^ Baltimore. Illustrated Catalogue A Price Book on Application. 70 TIiE]WOKKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. THE Fresco-Painter's Sample 4800k. (Musterbuch fur Stabenmaler.) ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS Designed and Lithographed WILHELM STEINHAEUSER. New Edition. To be complete in 30 Parts 4'° of which 21 Tarts have been issued, each containing six Plates (two of them colored). Price 95 cents each Part, A greatvaricty of beautiful designs for Ceilings, Cornices, Centre-ornaments, Panels and every kind of House-decoration, will be found in this collection. Patterns of Wood-Painting AND Similar -Embellishments. (Vorlegeblatter fur Holzmalerei.) IN A SERIES OF ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS Designed and Lithographed BY WILHELM STEINHAEUSER. 45 colored Illustrations. Price $6.90. Ornamental ART-MANUFACTURE. (Kunstgewerbliehe Ornamentik. ) Labge Collection of New Original Designs For the Use of Sculptors, Moulders, Goldsmiths, Silversmiths, Clock- and Watchmakers, Lampmakers, Artificers in Metals, ' Bronze, Zinc, etc., Workers in Cardboard etc. : Edited by G. HETTWIG. Tails ] to 6i 75 cents each. To be continued. Each Part contains six Plates. E. Steiger, [22 & U Frankfort St., N. Y. K? OF MODERN ORNAMENTATION, (Allium Htoticrncr Dcrjimtnoim)] IN ALL BBANOHES OF CABINET-WORK, For the use of Sculptors, Builders, Cabinet-Makers, Joiners, etc., etc. Edited by C. Hettwig. Parts' 1* to' S, folio, Price $1.00 each. Altogether contaning 32 Plates with upwards of 200 Original Designs. Gothic Details containing Designs for Sculptors, Painters, Gold-Painters, Joiners, Goldsmiths, Silversmiths, Locksmiths, etc. 180 Plates, small folio, $45.50. By V. S t a t z. Single Divisions of the Work supplied as follows : 1. Altars, Tables of Stone, upper part wood 26 plates $8.35 2. Stone Altars, 20 plates 6:25 3. Designs for Stone Work (Altars, Baptismal Fonts, &c) 31 plates 8.35 4. Joinery. — Confessionals, Benches, Church Organs 18 plates t.60 5. Wood-carving '. 11 plates 3.00 6. Glass- Windows, etc 18 plates 4.20 7. Goldsmiths', Silversmiths', Locksmiths' Work 9.20 8. Fresco-Painting' 15 plates 4.20 Iii 8vo handsomely printed, v German Magazine, (in English. ) A Series of Popular Essays on Science, History and Art- Edited by Professor Rud. VirchoW and Professor Dr. Franz von HoltzendorfF. Each Number $1.25. The number for Nov. 1871, was the only one published that year. No. 1 for 1S72 is now ready, No. 2 will appear shortly. Each number lias two Sets of pagings, one at the top of the page for each Essay, one at the bottom for the Annual Volume. E. Steiger. 22 & 24 Frankfort Street, New York. J I THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER- 71 OFFICE OF Frank Leslie's Publications, 537 Pearl Street, New York. TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS. Illustrated Newspaper— I ii pj ] ear, or 52 numbers $4 no I * or 26 numbers 2 00 Oni 1 00 Chimney Corner— v one year, or 4 00 ii | iv ix months, or 26 numbers 2 00 One copy thirteen weeks 1 00 Lady's Journal — year, or 52 numbers i 00 i )i,i [iV sis months, or 26 numbers 2 00 One i opj tin ti en wi eks l 00 IUustrirte Zeitung (Gei I ii opy om 4 oo i' copy six months, or 26 numbers 2 oo One copy lor thirteen (reeks 1 00 Boys' and Girls' Weekly— pear, or 62 ibei 2 60 py six months, or 1 26 Lady's Magazine— l ; .' numbers 3 50 Budget of Fun py one year, or 12 numbers 150 Pleasant Hours— i Ine copy one year, or 12 numbers L 50 CLUB TERMS. Illustrated Newspaper.— I i one wrapper, to one address, 120, with extra copj to ii ting i j | > club. Chimney Corner. I irrappi copy to Lalv's Journal. Five eopies o wrapi ". n ith extra ei Up <'lllh Lady's Magazine one war. in one wrapper, to one address, ill. with extra ci person getting np club. IUustrirte Zeitung year. $4. Five Boys' ami Girls' Weekly. Phrei 10. Lnd 12 for every addition scripl will in- i iii iik. i to receive Prase i.i-i.n 's Illostrat- ki. Newspaper, or Frank Leslie s Chimnbi I year. Budget of Fun — Four copies, $6, with extri Pleasant Hour . I :op ra copy to person getting up club. Oik- copy Lady's Magazine and Illustrated News- paper, one year $7 00 Chimney Corner and "ady's Maga- ar. 7 00 : ited Newspaper or Chimney Corner and Pleasant Hours 5 00 Illustrated Newspaper or Chimney Corner and Budget "> 00 ■I Newspaper, Chimney Corner, and Lady's Magazine, .in D ST \ [T5S POSTAGE I: luTESON THE 1B0 IONS. On each copy of the I. vm on each copy of the Illustrated Newspaper, tk icn a, Lady's Jour- nal, Ii Ieituno, B ■ l • i i r Hour ti i and if ] post-i I Bi e, on the i and li.i.r-riuitTK Zkiti no, lit i kly, and Pj m Hoik-, three cents per quarter. POSTAGE in CANADA. Tin- sara be pi refore, in all cases, add u> the amount of subscription. Our publications are always stopped of Bub is. It is not ii. notice of dia I inn ending subscripts londing, be care- ful to send Name and Address in full. Letters and printed matter should he addressed to FRANK LESLIE, 537 Pea Box 4121, P. 0. New York. JOHN.M. HOFFMIRB, Builder, 525 HUDSON STREET, NEW YORK. Tire Cabinet-Maker's Album. i if Choice Designs in Rich, and Plain Furniture for the Cabinet- JtMakers and Upholsterers. To be complete in 1- Parte, 50 cents each. Parte 1 and 2 nor Considerable' Reduction of Prices for a limited Period. THE WORKSHOP, L868, L2 P $5.40. THE WORKSHOP, L869, L2 Parte for 83.60 instead oi GEWERBEHALLE, L863, L864, L865. L866, each in L2Pftri instead rVERBEHALLE, 1867, L868, and 1869, each in 12 53.60 instead i.40. , GEWERBEHALLE hed In German trom 18C3 to 1867, when in 18 . ol the Journal ..I thai rt o « # « An! all the illnstra gratis with volume ol ISTotice. Subscriber to |! informed that only a very few copies re- M in of THE WORKSHOP ALBI M. and that no copies run be furnished under $3.00. The II mtains .[ Selection of Engravings from the Back-Volumes of Die Gewerbehalle, for the years 1863 to 1867 inclusive. These I ' with much care, after lull experience of what was most admired and sought for by D Pbaotioaii Value , r various professions. There La an explanation in English to each Design. They consist of Album Cover Alphabet Arm CI Book Covers — Bookstand — binet— Cabinet Binges— Candle. ,1 I'urt-s of Ceilings — Chairs - Fire Irons I ■ : ., ii — Quantity ol ad Mirror _ Inkstand — Keys — Knives - I w.ill Paper — Parqnette Flooring lo — Sideboard — Tai les— Tankards _ Tart-Slicers — Fru '' rica —Toilet Table — Vases — Writing Table, 4 The great popularity of THE WORKSHOP is a sufficient guarantee that the ALBTJ.M -,vill be found a most vaJ don. None of the Designs occur in 1868 or 1869, t they will l>e entirely new to the subscribers to the English edition of T/ie E. Steiger. 72 THE WORKSHOP, GEWERBEHALLE AND CABINET-MAKER'S ALBUM ADVERTISER. REFLECTING Street Lamps, Emblems, DAYLIGHT REFLECTORS, Plain and Ornamental Reflecting FIXTURES of every kind WW W 670— Grand Prismatic Sunlights. The most Approved and Ornamental Fixtures in use for Lighting*and Ventilating Churches, Halls, Theatres, &c. Diameter 40 in. and upwards — 12 to loO Lights. For LIGHTING AND VENTILATING CHURCHES, HALLS, THEATRES, BANKS, STORES, LIBRARIES, etc. «3- Patented June Sth, 18G9; November 2nd, 1869; March 7th, 1871. The public is respectfully cautioned against infringe- ments of these patents. Each Fixture bears our name and address. U. S. REF LECTOR CO., Patentees and Sole Manufacturers of Prismatic Reflecting Chandeliers and Sunlights, etc., JYo. 611