?S3097 /870 "MAKE-UP" BOOK— HOW TO "MAKE-UP." A practical guide fo. Amateurs, with Twenty -three colored Illustrations. Price 50 cents. NO. CCXCIII. FRENCH'S STANDARD DRAMA NEIGHBOR JACKWOOD % jlomittix $i8ma, in iibi %>^». J. T. TROWBRIDGK 14» WtnCU ABB AB»BB A DuertvtioB of the Oortttme— Oaat of the 01iar*cte»— IntiBBOM A *'*«"'«~",^5;,^;^n, of the Performers on the Btage. and the whole of the Stage Buiineei. AM NO\f PKRPX)BMED AT THE PRraCIPAL KNOUSH ANr AMERICAN THEATRES. iSEW YORK: SAMUEL FRENCH &. SON, PUBUSHEBS, 38 East 14th St., Unicn Square. LONDON : Samuel French PXTBUBHEB, Ctontaininff Rouge, Pearl Powder, Whiting, Mongolian, Ruddy Rouge, Violet Powdei. Box and Puflf ; Chrome, Blue, Burnt Cork Peacils for the eyelids, Spirit Gum, India lufe. Camel Hair Brushes, Hare's Foot, Wool, Craped Hair, Cold Cream, Joining Paste, Mm- lature Puffs, Scissors and Looking Glass, packed neatly in Strong Fancy Card-boarO Boxes, $4.00 ; Elegant Tin Cases, $5.00. • THE ABOVE ARTICLES TO BE HAD SEPARATELY. FOR PRICES, SEE CATALOGUE. S^ionouraph No Plays Exchanged or Sent on Approval. INTERNATIONAL DESCBIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF PLAYS, AND DEAMATIC WORKS, With a Descriptive List of Amattur Puiys and Articles. CONTENTS. Page. Amateur Dramas, Comedies, etc. ... 32 Amateur Operas 42 Articles Needed by Amateurs 45 Beards, Whiskers, Mustaches, etc... 47 Bits of BuTiesque 38 Bound set" of Plays 14 Biilwer Lytton's Plays 24 Burlesque Dramas 42 Burnt Cork 45 Charade Plays 38 Colored Fire and Tableaux Lights. . . 45 Comic Dramas for Male Char. oniy. 42 Costume Books 25 Cumberland's Edition 19 Darkey Dramas 39 Dramas for Boys 42 Drawing Room Plays 25 Elocution Reciters and Speakers 44 Etr.iopian Dramas 39 Evening's Entertainment. 40 Fa iry PI ays 40 French 'd Edition 2 French's English Operas 42 French's Italian Operas 37 French's Standard Minor Drama.... 14 French's Parlor Comedies 41 Frobisher's Popular Recitals 45 Guide Books for Amateurs 41 Grand Army Dramas. . . 36 Grease Paints 48 Home Plays for Ladies 41 Page How to *• Make-up " 48 Hew We Managed our Private Thea- tricals 36 Iris: Plays 36 Ju-enile Plays 40 Lacy's Costumes 26 Magnesium Tableaux Lights 45 Make-up Box 48 Miscellaneous Books 25 Miscellaneous Editions of Plays. 24 Miscellaneous Plajs 13 Mra Jarley's Wax Works 24 NewPlays 14 Nigger Jokea and Stump Speeches. . . 40 Parlor Magic 41 Parlor Pantomimes 41 Pieces of P. easantry 38 Plays for Male Characters only 37 Round Games 41 Scenesfor Amateurs 25 Scriptural and Historical Dramas... 42 Sensation Dramas 38 Seno-Comic Dramas . 42 Shadow Pantomimes 4.} Shakespeare's Plays 37 Sheet Music 43 Tableaux Vivants 37 Temperance Plays 2i Theatrical Face Preparations 46 Vocal Music of Shakespeare's Plays. 4i Wigs 47 ALL MAILABLE ARTICLES IN THIS CATAL06TJE SENT POST FREE. 1)1 ordeinng and remitting hg Mail always send Post Office Orders if jJossiNe. POSTAGE STAMPS TAKEN i;^ PAYMENT. New York : SAMUEL FRENCH & SON, PUBLISHERS, 38 E. 14tli St., Union Square. London : SAMUEL FRENCH PUBLISHER. 8 9, STRAND. Payment MUST accompany each Order. A Catalogue with above Contents Sent Free. NEIGHBOR JACKWOOI). ^ i0iiu^ti,t §rrima, 2^ivs -A-orrs BT V J. T.' TROWBRIDGE. Ai"r'»oa OF "'ke/gheor jackwood," a novel; "father briguthopbs,'' vso. frciuiccd at the Boston Museum, uiider the direction of JSlr. /f, //. Snii. March IQth, 1857. Pr'Atedfrom the octAncj copu ; the stage husineas, ifC, correctly marned by " J. H. Ring, Prompter. NET/ YOP.K : LO:-,'I)ON Sar.rjcl French 2c Son, , Samuel French. puBLrsiiEr.s, j rir.i.isiiDr- No. 12- A-assaa Street. ' qq STZ^^nsriD. ■^1- .Ha Jjccording to Act of Congress, in the year 19ST, ^7 J. r. TROWBRIDGE. It the Clerk's OHice of tne district Court ot the l>;strict of ^lassachuBetW- • Note. — Managers of theatres, wishing to produce this Play, can makt •rraftgctrteots to that effect, by applyi^ig to the author, care of Phillips, Sampwtt kGOy Boston.] G'FT EST. OF J. H. CORNINQ JUNE 20. 1940 ■TEKEOTirBD BT CHART & R0BBIN8, Tjre and Stereotype B08T0M. PEEFACE It is needless to state that the drama of " Neighbor Jack- wood" is founded upon the novel of the same name. The suc- cess of the book occasioned a demand for the play. Having had no thought of lending my own hand to the vrork of adapt- ation, a liberal proposition to that effect, from Mr. Kimball, of the Boston Museum, took me by surprise ; and the encourage- ment thus received, together with the confidence his well-known energy and sagacity inspired, must therefore be my apology for assuming the pen of the dramatist. Having decided upon the undertaking, my first step was to consult the Museum's clear-headed stage-manager, Mr. W. H. Smith, to whom I am indebted for invaluable hints with regard tD stage business and requirements. I then proceeded to the diffi- cult work of dramatization. A volume of over four hundred pages was to be compressed into five acts. I found myself obliged, consequently, to discard entirely episodes and personages that give interest and variety to the book, and confine myself to Buch as could be most effectively put upon the stage. Thus the scenes in Mobile and Montreal, Hector's adventures, the early his- tory of Camille, Bridget, Corny, the Dunbury parents, and vari- ous other characters, — among them Edward, one of the most prominent in the novel, — I was forced to omit altogether, or dismiss with a casual mention. On the other hand, to render the play complete as such, and not a mere version in dialogue of the book, it was necessary to change or enlarge characters retained, according to the abilities of the actors — to expand Crumlett to the proportions of War- ren, and fit the paternal head to Whitman's able shoulders. And here I must express my gratification at the conscientious care and fidelity with which the piece has been produced upon the Museum boards. Few are aware how much a dramatic author owes to the cooperation of a skilful and judicious manager. The various parts of the play could not have been better cast in any theatri- cal company. From Mrs. Thompson's ' ' Grandmother Rigglesty, ' ' to Miss Rose Skerrett's inimitable " Bim," the representation of each character has seemed as nearly perfect as possible. To touch upon the merits of the intermediate members of the com- pany would swell into an article what was intended merely as a prefatory note. > J. T. T. Boston, April, 1857. ORIGINAL CAST OF CHARACTERS, THE BOSTOIT MUS3UM. UfiCTOR DuNBUP.y, . Mr. E. F. KeacK 'Squire Qreeswich, F. Whilman. Robert Qreexwich, J. Davies. Neigubor Jackwood, W. II. Smitlu Abimelech, Miss Rose Skcn-ott, Kxos Crumlett, Mr. W. Warren. Mr. Rckely, J. "Wilson Dickson, E. Thompson. Oliver Dole, Wlicelock, Landlord, Delano. SnERiFF, "Willis. Lawyer, "W. Finn. "WiLTOK, Lake, First Lounger, Boynton. Second " G. "W. Delano. Farmers, Sheriff's Officers, &c., by auxiliaries. Camille (Charlotte), Blrs. Skerrett Mrs. Jackavood, Mrs. Preston Grandmother Rigglesty, Mrs. Thompson. Matilda Fosdick, Mrs. J. R. Vincent. PncEBE Jackwood, Miss Ellen "Wright. Bertha Rukely, Mrs. H. Eckhardt. Mrs. GREENwacn, Miss Raymond. I'lTTY Gkeexavicu, , Miss M. Thompson. Mrs. Sperki.ey, Miss Mason. Farmers' "Wives and Yankee Girls, .... Misses Fredericks, Mary "Wright, Turner, Evans, Mrs, Wright, Miss E. Jones, &c. &c. &c. '^UB SCENK IS LAID IN ViiRJIONT. 6 NEIGUBOR JACKWOOD. [4.CT 1. Ahim. A good deal you know ! Come, what ? PA. It 's what you got — a ducking. You never get anything else, when you go a-fishing. Abim. Wal, we did this time, any way. Can't neither of ye guess ! Mrs. J. What is it, my son ? Ph. Tell me, Bim', and I '11 give ye an onion to wipe yer eyes with Abim. It 's suthin' real nice ! It 's a — beggar-woman I Mrs J A beggar-woman ! What do you mean ? Abim. You '11 see. They 're comin'. We found her all tuckered out, crossin' the interval. I d'n know what she 'd done, if 't had n't been for me an' father. 0, she 's the darnedest-lookin' ol' thing \ Mrs. J. That 's jest like your father, for all the world, to bring hum a stragglin' old woman ! What '11 we do with her, J wonder ! Fh. Let her sleep with Bim ! Abim. I guess so ! There they come ! KnUr Mr. Jackwood, d. f., supporting Camille disguised. Mr. Jackwood. It 's all right now ! Bless your heart, my poor woman, don't tremble so ! Set the big chair, mother. I told ye we 'd find a warm kitchen somewheres. This is better 'n out doors in the rain, now, an't it? Mrs. J. Why ! who is she ? Mr. J. Don't stop for that ; get a glass of that 'ere currant wine ; she's dre'ful faint. Cheer up, poor woman, you 're among friends now. Here comes mother, with suthin' that '11 put life into ye. Take her wet bunnit. Here, poor woman, drink this — 't an't none o' yer pison stuff ; it '11 do ye good. Ph. Don't stand staring at her, Bim ! Abim. You don't stare, nor nothin' ! (Mr. Jackwood holds the glass, while Mrs. Jackwood removes Camille's bonnet. A gray wig comes off with it ; at the same time the spectacles fall from her eyes, and her hair falls in curls down her neck.) Mrs. J. (r. of chair.) Sakes alive ! Mr. J. (l. of chair.) That beats the Dutch ! Ph. (r.) Why, she an't an old woman, after all ! Abim. (l.) I swanny, I thought 'twas an ol' beggar-woman ! Camille. 0, you will not — Something tells me you will be my friend ! {Pleadingly, to Mr. Jackwood.) Mr, J. I 'd be yer friend, now I see yer face, if I would n't afore. No unfortinit critter ever come to Bim'lech Jackwood's house, that did n't find a fire to warm 'em, a good dinner, and, more 'n all that, a hearty welcome. Cam. 0, thank you ! thank you ! Mr J No thanks ; but drink this 'ere. Then you '11 be better. Mrs. J (r. c.) Dear me ! she don't look a bit stubbed ! — How happens it you 're travellin' in this way ? Mr. J. Don't ax her no questions ; she 's kind o' timed round. - Do ye live hereabouts ? Mrs. J. Han't ye got no home ? .Mr. J. There, I would n't question her, mother ! — What name Bhall we call ye by ? NEIGHBOR JACKWOOD ACT I. ov^ENE I. — Kitchen in the Farm-house. Window ^ r. c, and door^ L. c, in flat, practical. Mrs. Jackwood setting the dinner-table, R. c. Phczbe, K., toasting bread. A storm. *' Mrs. Jackwood. Datux me, "wliat a squall ! How dark it grows ! They '11 git wet, sartin as the world ! ( Goes to the window. Sharp flash of lightning. Starts back.) I never ! That must have struck somewheres ! 'Tend to that bread, Phoebe. Fhabe. I do ; but I 'm half scared to death. I 'm always afraid of thunder. ! {Flirts her hand.) Mrs. J. That bread is burning — I smell it. Ph. 'T an't the bread, it 's my finger. (Sucks the burn.) ' Mrs. J. I declare, if you an't letting that toast all burn to a cin- der ! How can anybody be so careless ? {Drops a p)late.) Ph. So I say, how can they ? I did n't break that ! Mrs. J. {Picks up pieces carefulhj.) 'Tend to your work ! It's always the way, when your father and Bim'lech go a-fishin', they never know when to come home. They might see 't was goin' to rain. {Door flies open, f., aJid Abimtsleck stumbles in headlong.) Why, Bim'lech ! Hurt ye ? Do shet the door quick, Phoebe ! Ph. I should think the Old Scratch was after him ! Abimelech. {u, getting up.) AVal ! I guess you'd — That darned old doorstep ! Mrs. J. (c.) Why, what now, my son ? Don't speak so ! Abim. Don't care ! 'Mos' broke my shin. I was runniii' on ahead — Ph. I should say you was running on your head ! Abim. Ma, make her stop ! {Flings his cap at her.) Ph. Ugh ! your nasty wet cap ! ( Takes it up with the tongs.) Mrs. J. There, there, childern ! Take off your coat, the first thing, Bim'lech. Soppin' wet, an't ye ? Where 's yer father ? Ph. He 's bringing home the fish, I suppose ; they always ketch such lots ! Abim. Wal, I did ! I kctched two trout, real n*;;3 ones, and lost em. Ph. What a smart boy you be ! Abim. Father 's got suthiu' 'sides fish ! Pk. I know what ! 1* iCENE I.J NEIGHBOR JACKWOOD. 7 Mrs. J. Hang this on the peg, Phoebe. — Be your parents livin* ? Mr. J. Don't be pryin' into her affairs. Can't ye give her a dry gown to put on ? — You come from over the mountain, did n't ye ? Mrs. J. What was yer object, in dressing like an old woman ? Mr. J. There, there, mother, you only make her feel bad ! You 're always so inquisitive ! — What did you say your name was ? Ca7n. I shall be better soon ; let me be quiet a little while — my brain is confused. Mr. J. No wonder, you ax her so many questions, mother ! — I forgit what name — Ca7n. You can call me Charlotte — Charlotte Woods. Mr. J. Cha'lotte — Cha'lotte Woods ; that 's a good, honest, respectable name. Do your folks live about here ? Mrs. J. Any relation to the Woods living under the mountain ? Mr. J. Come, don't pester her with questions any more, mother ! I tell ye, it hurts her feelin's. Make her comf 'table — that 's all we 've to think of now. — Feel as though you could eat a little dinner? Do, don't ye? That 's right. Set the chairs to the table, Phoebe. We'll turn her right around, mother. Poor gal ! poor gal ! Ph. (Settinff the chairs.) Come, Bim, you can help. Abim. I an't a gal. I wan't born to do housework. Mr. J. None o' your nonsense, boy ! Take holt and help. Abim. I 'm tired to death — perty nigh ! Ph. I should think you would be, bringing home so many fish ! Abim. I don't care ; they 're the meanest fish down there to Wild river ! I put my hook right up to their mouths, and the great fools would n't swaller it ! Mr. J. Not so big fools, arter all, my son. — Here ye be, my poor gal ! You must eat suthiu', ye know. We lite by eatin' here in this house. Abim. My first two nibbles was bites, then all my other bites was nibbles. {Places a chair at the table, and sits down.) Ph. Here ! that 's my place. {The children quarrel.) Mr. J. (l. of table, seated.) Give Phoebe her place, my son.— Here 's good home-made bread and fresh milk ; the children like bread and milk ; but perhaps you'd ruther have some buttered toast ; that 'a as sweet butter as you '11 find anywheres. Then mother '11 give you a good stiff cup of tea, to raise your sperits. Ph. (r.) Bim won't git up ! He made faces at you. Mr. J. Bim'lech ! did you do that 'ere? Abi7n. (r.) 0, I didn't ! There was a 'skeeter buzzin' round my nose, and I squinted to scare him away. Ph. What a story ! There an't a mosquito in the house. Come, or I '11 help you. (Pulls the chair from under him.) Abim. ! you old — Mr. J. There, there, there, children ! don't quarrel. What makes ye want to pester him so, Phoebe? You shouldn't mind it, my son ; you should be above sicli things. Mrs. J. (c, pouring the tea.) Do you take milk and sugar? (To Camille.) Why, do look at her, father ! I declare, she 's feinteA * Mr. J Marcy on us ! Bring the camphire, mother ' {Supper-*^ ( &.MILLB Mrs. J. runs to anifro. Confusion.) Ph. dear ! dear ' B KEIGIlBOfc JaCKWOOD. ^ AVT I. Mrs. J. I never . this an't tiie camphire ! What arn 1 about? .Mr. J. Don't be scart ! Sumo Avater, BIm'lech ! She-'ll come tc arter a little sprinklin'. Ph. Water ! -water ! .{Rwas to ike iea-kctUe, and pours hot ivater upon her foot.) Abim. Here, I '11 sprinkle her ! {Seizes the milk-pilchcr, and dashes its contents on Camille and Mr. Jackwood.) Mr. J. Not milk, 3^011 blunclerl:ead ! Water ! Be quick ! {Exit Abimslech, D. r.) Pa. {Pulling off her shoe.) I've most burnt me to death! dear ! Why, no, I han't, neither ! Abim. {iicaiters, d., with a large pailful of water.) Here 's j'er water ! (Mrs. Jackwood brings the camphor from R..2 e.) Mr. J. There, there ! you '11 strangle her to death, mother ! Mrs. J. 'T won't do no harm. Camphire is good for faintin' spells,. Mr. J. How do you feel now, poor gal ? Cam. {Languidly.) Better — quite well. Mr. J. Better ; the poor creatur' ! 0, do look at tliat hurt on h«? breast ! .lllrs. J. Marcy sakes ! it 's a stab. Cam. It 's nothing, only a little hurt. Mr. J. She 's been stabbed there, sartin as the world ! Ph. (r., with her shoe in her hand.) Wliat is it ? Mr. J. Open yer eyes, can't ye ? I want to see how ye look. Cam. My eyelids are stiff. Abim. (l.) Put some butter on 'em ! Say ! shall I? Mr. J. Git away Tfith your nonsense ! (Abimelech recoils, and falls iriio the pail.) Ph. {Going to ABmEi/ECU, behind -L.) Good enough for j^e ! What did you set it right there in the way for ? Now bellow, great baby ! Abim. Darn you! {Spatters her ; she beats him with her shoe.) Mr. J. What 's all this noise ? Childern ! can't ye behave your selves? {Exit Abimelech, chasing Phcebe, d. r.) Mrs. J. Take her right into our room ! Mr. J. {Lifts Camille.) Can ye walk a little? That's right! You '11 be better soon, take my word for 't. Poor gal ! You 've been havin' a hard time on 't. But you 're among friends ; you '11 find good, safe, comfortable quarters in Bim'lech Jackwood's house, I can promise ye that ! There, there, cheer up ! Poor gal ! {Exeunt, L. 2e.) BCENE ir. — Exterior of Village Tavern. Door in flat, practf cal. Enter Louxgers, laiiglmig, r. First Lounger. Ha ! ha ! she 's a stagefal, by herself! Who in time is she ? Second Lounger. Sho looks like Noah's wife, getting out of ihe ark ! BCENE II.] NEIGIIEOR JACK-St-OCT). 9 Enter ST.iGE-DRivEn, k., rougldy dragging cm odd-lcokint, old-fasK- ioned chest, and carrying a smashed-np bandbox Third Lounger. Hello, driver ! they say you stopped in the rain to make love to the o'uvner of that baggage. That 's Avhat makes ths stage so late to-da3^ First and Second Loun. That "s so. S'agc-drivcr, (c.) Blast the baggage ! (Kicks the ched, and slaps ihe bandbox vpoji it.) Grandmother Rigglcsiy. {Outside, r.) Here, mister! You {driver ! don't knock that chist all to pieces. I knowed that ban'box would git jammed. {Enters, xcith bag, umbrella, and arms full of bundles, preceded by Landlord.) Landlord. This way, ma'am. G. R. Strange, folks can't be a little mite careful ! Jest look a' thai ban'box ! {Drops a bundle. Stooping to take it vp, drops another.) 0, my back ! Do pick up that pa'cel, can't ye, driver? (Driver takes up the bundle, and flings it at the chest.) I vum ! {Exit Driver, R.) I could pull that fellov/'s ears! He's the hatefulest driver' {Drops more bxindles.) Land. V^alk in, ma'am. G. R. {Drops umbrella.) That 's the wust stage to ride in ! I shan't get over it in m}' j'ints, I do'no Tvhen ! dear ! {stooping) Bich a di-e'ful rheumatiz ! {Drops her bag.) Do jest lay them things on my chist, can't ye ? It kills me to git down so. Land. Walk right into the sitting-room, ma'am. G. R. Does anybody here know Bim'lech Jackwood ? Land. Neighbor Jackvrood? Everybody knows Neighbor Jack- wood. G. R. Han't nobody seen him this artevnoon? Second Loun. I saw him going down the river, a-fishin', this morn- in', 'long with BIra. G. R. It 's the strangest thing ! Here I wrote to Eim'lech's folks, more 'n a week ago, to let 'era know I was comin'. I wonder if that letter has ever got to 'em ? Second Loun. {Crosses r.) There's Enos Crumlett over there, rie 's been waiting 'round all day to make a ti-ade with somebody. I '11 2cnd him over to the old wom.an. {Exit, R.) G. R. What ye lauin' at ? {To ± irst and Third Loungers.) Don't ye know manners ? First Loun. Manners? There 's no such fellow in town. G R. Laf, then ! Some folks don't know no better ! Anything but a sassy, grin n in' — -Fi'rss Loun. Come, Tom, I shall split if I stay any longer. Crosses, r.) Third Loun Cro.ckcy ! what a scowl ! {Exeunt First and Third Loungers r ) G. R. 'Heugh i Land. Supper, ma'am? G. R. No, I guess not. I got some lunch in my bag. I s'pose, if Bim'lech's folks don't come for m.e perty soon, you can jest give me a cup o' tea in m.y hand, can't ye, vdthout much charge? I don't cara for milk and su2;ar. 10 NEIGHBOR JACKWOOD. [ACI' I. Land. You better walk in, ma'am. G. JR. No, I guess I '11 stay here. I shan't be to no trouble Seating herself on her baggage, and opening her bandbox.) And Bee here, you sir ! if you know of anybody that 's going right by Bim- 'lech's house, that I can ride with, I wish you 'd let me know. I don't re'ly feel as though I could afford to hire a wagon a-puppus. Land. I '11 see, ma'am. (Exit,!,.) G JR. Fiddlestick's eend ! he'll see ! These landlords ! Nothing new would suit him better Sakes alive ! ( Takes a bonnet from the bandbox.) I vum ! I 've a good mind — I'll have that driver prose- cuted ! That best bonnet, 't I 've kept new, for Sundays, these nine year i (Presses it into shape.) I wish I'd staid to Sawney Hook. ( Srieezes. ) I knowed I was ketchin' cold. Settin' right in a draft of air ! (Pulls her shawl about her neck.) Sich mis'rable taverns ! (On the point of sneezing again, with the bandbox in one hand, and the bonnet in the other.) Enos Crumleit. (Without, u.) Yes, much obleeged to ye; I'm in suthin' of a hurry. Keep an eye on my team, will ye? (Enter- ing.) Do as much for you some time. Wal ! chance for a spec'la- tion. G. R. Ca-shoo ! (Sneezing.) Enos. (r.) I should think so ! Might have hitched a yoke of cat- tle to that sneeze. G. R. I 'm ketchin' my death o' cold ! It 's so strange Bim'leeh's folks — Enos. Good-arternoon ! how de dew? 'Pear to be travellin*. G. R. I 've had the hardest ja'nt, in that plaguy old stage ! — I want to go to Bim'lech Jackwood's. Enos. (Aside.) Chance for a spec'lation. G. R. Bim'lech Jackwood 's a son-in-law o' mine. Mrs. Jackwood, Betsey Rigglesty that was, is my darter. Enos. Sho ! then this is Mrs. Rigglesty ? How de dew, agin ? My name 's Crumlett - Enos Crumlett. You 've heerd tell of Enos, han't ye? G. R. I do'nc — seems to me I have. (Aside.) He 's re'l kind o' perlite, any way. Enos. Yes, Enos Crumlett. I live over by Neighbor Jackwood's. \ keep house long with mother. Mother an't very well ; she 's been ailin' more 'n a year, now. G. R. What 'pears to be the matter ? Enos. 'Pears to be a trouble in her spine. G. JR. That 's a terrible complaint. I believe I 've got a spine in my back. (Moving.) 0, ! Enos. "Wal, 'twould n't be a bit strange if you have. G. R. It 's the terrible-est crickin' pain — 0,0! Enos. That 's it ; my mother 's the same way. She 's bin a terribla sufferer. G. R. Wal, she 's fortinit in havin' a son that pities her. How I 'm goin' to git over to Bim'lech's I can't consaive ! You don't know anybody goin' that way 't I can ride with, do ye ? Enos. Wal, no ; do'no 's I dew. Le' me see, — no. I 'm dowa here with a team , but, then, 't would be out of my way. •CENE II ] NEIGHBOR JACKWOOD. 11 G. R. 0, would it ? Jest for accommodation, ye know. My dar- ter's folks would be ever so much obleeged to ye. Enos. Wal, I 'm sorry ; I 'd like to accommodate ; but I 'm in a des- prit hurry, G. R. I s'pose I could pay ye for yer trouble. Enos. (Aside.) Chance for a spec'lation. G. R. I don't feel as though I could afford to stay here, runnin' up a bill of expense. Enos. Wal, you 're right there. The landlord — 'tween you an' me an' the side o' the house — never mind ; I an't none o' the med- dlin' sort — only look out, that 's all I got to say. G. R. See here ! is he, though ? I knowed he was by his looks. I was goin' to t^ake a cup o' tea ; but I won't. I 'm glad I did n't go in. See here, what '11 it be wuth ? 'T won't be very much out o' your way, will it ? Enos. Don't see how I can, any way in the world. Don't like to leave ye here, though. I 'm in a desprit hurry. Seein' it 's you, if you 're a mind to gi' me a quarter — though I don't hardly see how I can. G. R. I guess, then, if it's goin' to be so much trouble, I won't hender you, (Aside.) As for paying a quarter — I guess I '11 wait for Bim'lech. Ejios. Wal, mebby ye better, on the hull. I did n't see how I could take ye, — though, of course, I would for accommodation. If Mr. Jack- wood don't send for ye, I '11 let him know in the mornin' you 're here I 've got a letter to send down to his house. ( Going.) G. R. 0, you sir, see here ! Enos. Of course, though I 'm in a desprit hurry. G. R. Did you say a letter for Bim'lech's folks ? E710S. Yes, one I took out o' the office for him. (Reads.) " Abime- kch Jackwood, Huntersford, on the Crick." G. R. My stars ! it 's the very letter I wrote a week ago Enos. Sho ! you don't say ? G. R. I 'm provoked as I can be ! Send a letter to say you 're Aomin', pay the postage on 't, too ! There 's three cents gone ! Bim- 'lech is so slack ! Enos. 'Tis provokin'. (Aside.) Chance for a spec'lation. G. R. I don't see but I shall haf to git ye to carry me over, arter all. Say a shillin', can't ye ? Enos. Wal, if I must dew it, — though I 'm in a desprit hurry ; besides, I owe the blacksmith a shillin', and if you can just as well pay me now Guess, though, on the hull, I better not step. I 'm in a desprit hurry. ( Going.) G. R. (Taking out her purse.) Here, sir ! le' me see if I 've got a shillin'. Enos. Goin' to obleege mo to take it, be ye? Wal, if I mti£t — anything for accommodation, ye know. G. R. It 's one cent short ; but I don't s'pose you '11 stan' about a cent. Enos. Wal, — no, — not exac'ly ; I an't one o' that sort ; but, if [ 'm to pay the blacksmith, I would n't like to 'pear mean. So, if y« happen to have the odd copper, ye know — G, JR. Massy sakes ! do take it ! 12 XEIGIlUOll JACKWOOD. [aCT 1. Enos. All right ! ])on't think I — of course, 3'c know {Pockets the change.) Eeady ? I '11 bring my team up along. 1 'm in suthin' of a hurry. {Exit, B..) G. R. Wal, I got off cheaper 'n I expected. lie 's jest about the only re'l accommodatin' man 't I've come acrost. {Gaihers up her bundles.) I kind o' begrudged him the odd cent, though. Landlord. {Entering, d. f.) I 've found a nian that is going right by Mr. Jackwood's house. G. JR. 0, have jel {Aside.) I s'pose, nov;, ho '11 make a cl!ara;o of that. Land. You can ride just as well as not. G. R. Can I ? ^Yiiat a pity, now, I paid that Crumlett ! Land. Crumlett ? Why, he 's the very man ! G. JR. 0, it is, hey ? I hii'ed him to go out of his way, and take me. Land. Out of his way? There's only one road, and that goes right by Mr. Jackwood's door. He 's been starting for home this hour, only he stopped to get hold of some kind of speculation. G. B. That 's his desprit hurry ! Enos. {Ree7iters, n.) Team 's ready, ma'am. I 'm in suthin' of a hurry. Land. If you don't like to ride with him, you can stay and send word to Mr. Jackwood. Enos. This baggage goes along too, I s'pose. G. R. No ; I 've concluded not to go, myself. Enos. 0, have ye? Changed yer mind? Glad 0' that ; I did n't see how I could — G. R. So, if you '11 jest give me back the shillin' — Enos. 0, give you back the shillin' ? Of course. Come to think, though — here, I gave it to the blacksmith ! I 'ra in a desprit hurry ! G. R. {Aside.) Men are so hateful ! Help me with these bundles, then. 0, my back ! {Drops the bundles, or the bag and umbrella, its fast as Enos hands them to her. Landlord assists.) Now, don't tear that chist all to pieces, loadin' on 't up. I wish I 'd staid down to Sawney Hook ! {Exit, R.) Enos. Give us a lift here, landlord. — Chance for a spec'lation. {Exeunt, r. ) SCENE in. — Mr. Jackwood's Kitchen. CaiiujIe di&covered, in a plain, neat dress, with the articles of her disguise in her hand. Camille. How kind these good people are to me ! And I must de- ceive them. Good Mr. Jackwood, if I might tell him everything ! I am frightened at the thought of it ! This repose is so delicious to me — it is so sweet to feel that I am safe for a little while ! I must put this bundle av/ay. The very sight of it reminds me of what I have suf fered. {Places it in a closet, n.) There, I hope I shall never be obliged to appear in that wretched disguise again. Mrs. Jackwood haj made me a present of this dress — how kind it v/as in her ! They arg nil so good to me ! ( TVieps.) SC£K£ lii J .Nr;i.j;ii;ijn JACiiT.'otJp. 13 Enter Phoebs, d. f., dnrjing. Stops suddenly, and looks at GAMiiLS. Ph(she. Y/h.at can be tlie matter with her? I don't believe you like it here very well, do you ? Cam. (l.) Ah, I like it too -^vell, Phoebo ! Fh. It is a real mean old house, I think ! If father 'd build a new (.'Z9., and fit it up in style, I don't know ; but, as it is, I 'm as unhappy r> 3 I can be. Cam. {Aside.) She unhappy ! Ah ! if ycu only knev/ Vvhat it is to be Tvilhout a home ! Fh. Father tells me I don't know how to appreciate a home. But I can't help it. I can't be contented here. C(t}ii. Perhaps, then, you Vvill soon change both your name and a]>ode. Ph. I won't marry a farmer, any wny ! I 've ahvays said tliat, and I '11 stick to it, if I live an old ma,id ! {Looks in the (/lass, and puts on airs.) Pathcr st;YS he bets I '11 go through the woods and take up with a crooked stick. I don't care ; I '11 have a merchant, or a lavr- yer, if anybody. I 'm glad Hector Dunbury is come home ! Cam. {Starting.) Hector! Ph. There an't a girl in this tovrn but that would give her eyes to get him. I 'm sure / would ! Cam. {Aside.) Hector — Hector Dunbiiry ! Fh. He has n't been home for a year ; he 's been livir.g in ?.Iobile. Cam. JMobile ! (Aside.) Ph. You 're going to stay with us a good while, an't ye? Cam. {Troubled.) Hector ! he is the same 1 If wc siiould meet ! Ph. Wh}^ what is the matter ? You don't like staying here, I know ! Cam. Dear Pha:be, it is so quiet, so peaceful liere, and your kind- ness to me, a stranger to yoU all, makes it seem like paradise ! You had some sowing, — that collar, — bring it to me. I will show you how to work it. Ph. 0, can you show m.e? I have been bothei'ed to death with that pattern ! I '11 get it. {Exit, k.) Cam. Hector? And yet, perhaps he vrculd not remember me. Ph. {Eetntcrs, r.) Ifci-e it is ! Er.tcr ?.Iss. Jackwood, l. 2 e. 0, mother, she 's going to show me how to do this pattern ! .Airs. JackwGod. You m.ust n't go to work, now, and overtax yoiir- EClf. Cam. It is a mere pleasure to do this. Mrs. J. Ycu do take liold on 't handy, I must say ! Some folka cevcr cm learn to do I'.nything handy. It makes me narvous to see 'em try Cam. I 'm afraid I sliould dravr pretty severely un your patienc-o Bometlme;'^. Jlrs. J. You could put up with a little frettin', I guess. It 's my natiir' to fret ! Fh. IV.ke my Avord fjr that ! ACrs. J. You need n't say t'r.at, now ! I don't think I 'm any gre'i 14 NEIGHBOE JAC'KWOOD. [iCt X. of a fretter, I 'm sure. You won't find many women that *11 put up with what I have to put up with, depend upon 't ! i>on't say agin '1 1 'm a gre't fretter, if you know what 's good for j^ourself 1 Grandmother Rigglcsty. {Without, d. ¥.) Git out! git out, j-ou sir ! (J5o!7 barks.) Mrs. J. Who is that calling ? G. R. ( Kntering, d. f., with bundles.) Strauge to me people will feeep a yelpiu' cur ! Ph. Why, it 's gran'mother ! G. R. Pups is the hatefullest critters ; an' I detest a yaller pup above all ! Ph. You are mv Gran'mother Rigglesty ! {Springs to embrace her.) G. R. {Dropping her bundles.) Is this Phoebe ? My sakes, child, how you have grow'd ! 0, Betsey, how d' ye do ? ( Coldly.) Mrs. J. Mother ! what a surprise ! Why did n't you write, to let us know you was comin' ? G. R. Why did n't I write ! Don't none o' your folks ever go to the post-office, I wonder ? I wrote a week ago yes'day, an' the letter 'a been lyin' in the office here, ever sence. {Sitting, k. c.) Ph. Mother, let Bim go right down an' git it ! Mrs. J. Phoebe, run and call your father ! G. R. {Sneezes.) Do shet the door arter ye ! {Exit Piicebe, d. f.) I 'm in a perty state, to set in a draft of air ! You '11 haf to larn to shet doors arter ye, if I stay here. AVhat a lookin' door-yard you 've got, Betsey ! Bim'lech 's so shif'less ! Mrs. J. 0, wal, mother, we have to git along the best we can. G. R. You might keep decent and comf table, 't any rate. Bim' lech wants me to spur him up ! Enter Piicebe, and Abimelecii, d. f., running and laughing. Dear me ! how rude you be, childern ! You 're enough to take one 'g head off ! Abimelech. {Chasing "Piicebe around the room.) Pheeb tickled my back, through the hole in my shirt, with a darned old pigweed ; and I 'm goin' to pay her ! G. R. ! what a voice ! it goes right through me. jest like a kni*e '. Mrs. J. Bim'lech, this is your gi"an'mother. Abim. I know it ! Mrs. J. Why don't you speak to her, an' not be so boisterous ? Abim. {Sheepishly.) I d'no what to say. G. R. Can't ye give me a sweet kiss, now? Phoebe did. Abim. ( Giggling, I do' wanter ! G. R. You d'no what I got for ye in my chist ! Mebby it 's a jack- knife, now, who knows? Wal, you 're a notty boy ; and notty boys don't git no presents. Enter Ur. Jackwood, d. f. How d' ye do, Bim'lech ? Mr. JackwGod. Wal, gran'mother ! I 'm glad to £ee ye agin ' — glad to see ye lookin' so well an' hearty ! G. R. How can ye talk so ? My constitution 's all broke to pieces ' I *ve a dre'ful rumatiz ; an', what 's wus 'n all, there s nobody in thi? yJiLUK lii.j NEIGHBOR JACKWOOD. 15 world 't has the leastest mite o' charity for me, «r i^ity on my suffcr- in's ! {Takes a handkerchief from bag, and tcifcs her eyes.) Mr. J. (c.) Wal, wal, gran'mother, you'll get your reward, — if not here, herearter. G. R. ( Weeping.) Here I 've slaved and slaved, all my days, and brought up a large family o' childern, and edicated 'em well as chil- dern ever need to be edicated, an' gin 'em all a good settin' out when they got married, an' that 's all the thanks I git for 't ! Mrs. J. 0, no, no, no, mother ! G. R. I han't a child in the world but wishes me out o' the way ! Mrs. J. Don't, mother, talk so, and give way to your feelin's. G. R. 0, wal, if I distress people, I s'pose I must n't. ( Weeps.) Mr. J. Come, come, gran'mother, we all like to have you here ; on'y don't make yerself unhappy. Git her a cup of tea, mother. {Exit Mrs. J., r.) Why, what a han'some han'kerchief you've got there, gran'mother ! Look here, childern ! there 's a print o' the Good Samaritan, large as life — almost ! Abim. (l.) I don't care fur her ol' han'kerchief! Mr. J. 'Sh, Bim'lech ! Try to say suthin' to please her ! What a han'some han'kerchief that is, now ! It 's a lesson, too, for us all. Whenever we see that pictur' o' the Good Samaritan, gran'mother, it '11 remind us to be always kind and charitable, like him. G. R. {Wipes her eyes tvith the handkerchief.) There an't half enough Good Samaritans in this world ! Abim. (l.) I 'm real sorry she 's come here to stop ! We can't have no fun while she 's round. Mr. J. Hush up ! You must n't talk so. It 's your duty to love her, an' make things pleasant to her. Abim. {Crosses to r.) How can a feller ? Say, Pheeb ! how do ye like her ? Phcebc. (r. c.) I was in hopes she 'd be real goyd an' cosey. But I don't like her a bit ; so, there ! {Exit, D. P., Abimelech chasing her off.) Mr. J. Tut ! tut ! {Approaches Camille, l. c.) To work, hey ! Them don't look like farmers' wives' hands ! They 're nimble enough, though ! You know how to make 'em useful, I see. Cam. I would be glad to make them so, indeed ! Mr. J. You 'd want some lady-like occupation, though, I s'pose. G. R. Heugh ! who they got there ? Cam. I would not care much what, if I could see, now and then, a kind face ! Mr. J. {Affected.) Poor gal ! How she must a' suffered ! Wal, wal ! suthin' *'ll turn up, if you put your trust in Providence, that 's eartin. At all events, we '11 keep ye till there does. G. R. What on 'arth ! An't ye goin' to have my chist brought in? Mr. J. 0, sartin, sartin, gran'mother ! Enter Enos, d. f. EnuT. (r. c.) 0, neighbor Jackwood ! There 's one thing I com« perty nigh forgittin'. Herd's a letter for you. Hello 1 {Sce4 Camille.) 16 KKiGiincR JACKWOOD. [act l Mr, J, Tiiauk you, Enos. Phoebe told me about the letter. Quit? a joke, wan't it, gran'mother? G. R. (Re(/arding them vnLli a dark scowl.) Joke ! Enos. By the "way, neighbor, I thought I 'd jest drive my team under your shed, and give 'em a handful of hay, seeiii' I 'd brought the ol' lady over. Mr. J. Tliat 's all right, and welcome, Enos. G. R. I thought you was in sich a desjDnt hurry ! Enos. "Wal, yes ; Avanted to git my team to chawiu' on to suthin' — wouldn't mind a little bite myself, nuther, if it 's couvenient, ye kaov/'. Mr. J. Savtin ! savtin ! Just help me git gran'mother's chist into the entry, then we '11 see what there is in the kitchen. {Exit, d. f.) Enos. Chance for a spec' lation ! {Exit,i>.T.) _ G. R. That swiudlin' Crumlett ! Enter Mrs. Jackwood, r., with tea ; GKANmioTiiEU R. sneezes. Mrs. Jackivood. Here, mother ! a. R. Who is that critter ? Mrs. J. Her name is Charlotte Woods. She was travellin', an' got lost, somehow, when father found her, an' brought her home. G. R. {Stirring Iter tea.) Fiddlesticks' eend ! Do you knoTV anything about her ? Mrs. J. Why, no ; only she seems a re'l pleasant kind o' person. G, R. Bring the critter along here, an' le' me look at her ' Enter Pucece, k,, with cake. What's that? Phcebe. It 's sponge cake. I thought you 'd like some. G. R. Sponge cake ! heugh ! Le' me taste on 't ! Ph. {Aside.) 1 can't do anything to please her ! G. it. What tastin' stuff ! Strange, folks can't have as hulsome \ittels as they used to have ! Everything turns my stomach ! Tea ! did the water bile? 0, wal, I may as well give up eatin' ! {Takes a pipe from her bag, and fills it.) Bring me a coal, Phoebe. Mrs. J. {j..c.,to Caiiil-le, coming forward.) You must be pre- pai'ed to put up with her odd notions. You '11 do that, for my sake. Cam. What would I not do, for your sake, you have been so kind to me ! Mrs. J. This is Charlotte Woods, mother. G. R. {To Phcebe.) I vum ! you do mean to bui-n me to death droppin' hot ashes all over me! Heugh! {Scoicls at Camillk.^ Wlrat ye got there ? {Smokes.) Ph. {Showing Camille's work.) Is n't it beautiful ? G. R. Heugh ! That 's a ^Dcrty way to waste one's time ! Time ' money — 'd ye know it ? Cam. It 's sometimes better than money, I think. G. R. Better 'n money ! better 'n money ! Yv^hat on 'aith do ya mean by that? {Snatches the collar.) 0, 1 see ! This is very Icin- cical ! But what does the Scripturs say about vanities ? You 'd better, enough on 't, be to work on suthin' useful. Ca7n. If I can do anything to gratify dear Phoebe, here, T am sife- isfied ; I wo'uld net think such work useless. SC^SE 111.] JvEIGIlCOR JACKWOOl). 17 G. R. Gratify her ! Useless ! Ca7n. If it disi^leases you, I can take it out of yoar sight. G. B. That ^iltj look ! that guilty look ! J:z , . ^ ^ ) Pk. I think she 's a perfect beauty. G. R. Beauty skin deep ! If your mother knows what 's good foi you, miss, she'll send the critter away from here, mighty quick ! Ph. Mother tfO?z'^ send her away ! G. R. What 's that you 're mutterin' ? Mrs. J. Phoebe ! Ph. I don't care ! I 'd take Charlotte's part, if all the world wai ii gainst her ! G. R. (TaJcinff out handkerchief.) Wal, wal ! I espect sich treat- ment, an' I must larn to put up with it. ( Weeps.) Ph. There 's the good Samaritan again ! G. R. My own darter's darter sassin' on me to my foce ! Mrs. J. Why did you speak so to your gran'mother? Go along out of the room ! (Exit Phcebe, l.) Come, mother, we want you to be happy here ; she shan't speak so to you ag'in. I '11 go an '"^ fix your room for ye. {Exit, n.) G. R. {Suddenly stops weeping.) The trollop ! She wants me to take her in hand ! I guess thuags will go a little different, now I 've come ! ( Gets up, and goes peeping around the room.) What 's here ? Where does Betsey keep her presarves, I wonder ? ( Goes to closet, r.) I 'II rout that hussy the fust thing ! Ho ! what 's here ? Sakes alive ! an ol' merino, sure 's I live ! ( Takes out Camille's disguise.) Betsey never had sich a gown. {Turning it.) It can't be Phoebe's. {Smell- ing if.) It 's that critter's ! Where 's the pocket ? What on 'arth ! An old woman's cap ! — Gray hair ! — Spectacles ! Marcy on me ! It all comes to me, clear as day — ©ap, spectacles, and all ! Enter Enos, d. f., eating a piece of pic. Enos. Chance for a spec'lation. G. R. {Rushing to the door, meets liiniface to face.) Where is that hussy ? — Han't you gone yit ? Enos. Wal, no ; I 'pear to be doin' perty well here. {Aside.) I 'd like a doughnut to go with this pie. {Exit, i>. f.) Enter Ms. Jackwood, r. Mr. Jackivood. Why, what is it, gran'mother ? G. R. V/here 's that Charlotte? Bring her in here ! W-w-w-hera ii the critter ? Enter Mbs, J., v.., PnoaBE, l., Camille, l., and Ai5i:.iELECir, n. Mrs. Jackwosl. (r.) What 's the matter ? G. R. (r. c.) Matter ! look a' this 'ere gown ! .Mrs. J. YVe 've seen it 'afore, hr.n 't we? Why, it 's Charlotte's ! G. R. I seen it 'fore ever you did ! A stragglin' woman stopped io Jacob's, down to Sawney Hook, an' she wore this very same gowru an' green spectacles, an' filse hair, I can take my oath ! {Puts o^ the spectacles.) 'T was this critter ! Look up, here ! IIow green ye look i What ye got to say for yourself, hey ? Camillc. (l.) I can make no explanation. 9* 18 rfEIGIIBGR JACKWOOD. [ACI I Mr. J. (l. c.) There an't no need. It 's all rignt , 1 '11 stan' by ye ! You han't told us anything new, gran'mother. Cam. But, to those who have trusted me, I would say this, from a grateful heart. I have not willingly deceived any one ; it is my mis- fortunes that have brought me here, and made me what I am. Mr. J. Poor gal ! poor gal ! Ph. (l.) I believe you. I believe every word you say, and I wish folks would mind their own business ! Mr. J. Phoebe ! Phoebe ! Abimelech. Pitch her out o' the winder ; I would ! G. R. You — you — sassy things ! Fh. I don't care ! I '11 stand up for Chai'lotte ! I only wish some folks, who treat her so, and pretend to be pious, was half as good as she is. Mr. J. Phoebe, I say ! (To Camille, who appears faint and dis- tressed.) Never mind it all! Poor gal! poor gal! I'll stand by you ! Cam. Good Mr. Jackwood, I 've brought you trouble enough, already ! Mr. J. Don't say a word about that ! There, sit still. Poor gal ' poor gal ! Come, gran'mother, don't be unreasonable. Remember your Good Samaritan. Abim. Send her back to Sawney Hook ! darn her ! Mr. J. Bim'lech ! G. R. dear ! dear ! dear ! {Falls in Mrs. J.'s arms.) Mrs. J. (Eases her down upon a chair, e. c.) Don't, mother ! don't, for pity's sake ! G. R. dear ! dear ! (Handkerchief.) Cam. (l.) Good Mr. Jackwood, let me go ! do let me go ! Mr. J. (L. c.) Sit still, I tell ye ! Poor gal ! poor gal ! Come, gran'mother, no more o' this, I beg on ye ! Le's have peace an- quiet, here. G. R. I won't stay in the house with that critter a day ! Mr. J. Then you won't stay in my house ! Sit still, poor gal ! sit still ! Come, come, gran'mother ! G. R. I won't ! I 've been trod under foot long enough ! She shall go ! Mr. J. And I say she shall stay ! There, there, poor gal ! G. R. 0, 0, 0, ! Mr. J. No more o' your, tantrums ! I'm master here! There there, sit still ; you are among friends. We believe in doin' as we 'i be done by, in this house, and them that don't, can go. I 've yet to lam to refuse a cup o' water, or bread and shelter, to any human critter. There, there, poor gal ! poor gal ! (G. R. in a paroxysm, Mrs. J. soothing her. Abimelech making sport of her, behind her back. Caimille struggling to go ; PnffiBB and Mr. J. detaining her Quick :urtain.) BIEUE I.] NEIGUBOR JACKWOOD. 19 ACT II. SCENE I, — J^ Orchard. Hector seated on a rustic benchy c, read* ing. A gun by his side ; a jishpole leaning against a tree. Hector. What do these story-writers know about love? (Fli?ig$ down book.) Here I have been watching the gate, and trying to read, these two hours. I wonder what time it is. {Looks at his xuatch,') I 've been here just half an hour ! I '11 go a-fishing. No, I won't, — I '11 shoot some squirrels. {Takes up gun.) I won't be a fool any longer. I '11 do something besides watching for a pretty face. Of course, she can never be anything to me. 1 wonder. — {looks through the trees) — no, that 's Bridget. Confound Bridget ! I won't go a-hunting, either. ( Takes Jishpole, and arranges the line.) I '11 make some excuse, and ask her to go a-fishing with mo. She would n't go ; she 's as shy of me as a chicken of a hawk. Fishing 's a bore ! {Flings down the pole.) I '11 shoot at a mark ; that 's what I '11 do. Let me Bee — that knot-hole. {Takes aim.) Enter, l., Mr. a7id Mrs. Greenwich. Mr. Greenwich. Mrs. Greenwich ! {Motions her to walk behind him.) Mrs. Grecmiich. ! {Falls behind, deferentially.) Hec. The knot-hole is too near ; a baby could hit that. I '11 shoct at — {Turns, and levels the gun at Mr. G.) Mr. G. Ho ! young man ! take care ! {Steps behind Mrs. G.) Hec. Hello ! Mrs. Greenwich, I came near making a widow of you. Mr. G. That 's a very dangerous instrument, young man ! Mrs. G. We came to tell you that Robert — Mr. G. {Crosses, c.) Mrs. Greenwich ! — My son Robert is ex- pected to arrive this afternoon, and we are inviting his friends to resort to my house at early candle-lighting, this evening, to greet his return. {A pinch of snuff.) Mrs. G. We have been tuld there is a girl staying with your mother — Mr. G. Mrs. Greenwich ! I prefer that you should not interpose your remarks while I am speaking. Mrs, G. I was just going to say — Mr. G. Mrs. Greenwich ! {Waves her off.) It is my desire to see all the friends of myself and my son Robert — Mrs. G. I was going to ask if she is the same girl Mrs. Jackwood spoke of — Mr. G. Mrs. Greenwich ! Vrlien that I am speaking — Hec. It is a very proper question. It is the same person. Mrs. G. 0, yes ! Charlotte Woods ! Mrs. Jackwood spoke in the highest terms of her — {Mr. G. puts vp his hand.) 0, excuse me . Hec. But Mrs. Rigglesty came, and Neighbor Jackwood's house was not large enough for both. Jackwood threatened to drown that amiable old lady in the creek ; but Charlotte did not like to be respons- ible for the doubtful loss the family would sustain in consequence, so 20 NEIGHBOK JACKWOOn. [AOT II Ehe quietly went away. I found her the next morning at Mrs. W'ing'c, on the mountain road, "when I was in search of an attendant for my mother. We — that is, my mother — is delighted with her. Mrs. G. Well, you must come and brhig her. You and Robert "vrere such friends when you were in Mobile together ! — ! excuse me Hec. Yes, we were rather intimate. Mrs. G. But you left long before he did. Hec. On the contrary, Robert left Mobile at least t\yo weeks before I did. Mr. G. You amaze me ! Hec. Is that news ? I su^jposed Robert kept you advised of his movements. Mrs. G. Why, he never wrote us — Mr. G. I am speaking, Mrs. Greenwich ! — Son R(^ert must have been some weeks away from his business, then, without warning mo of the fact. Unprecedented conduct ! {JL pinch of S7ivff.) IMrs. Greenwich, we will go ! Mrs. G. Don't let it trouble you, Mr. Greenwich. Mr. G. Your advice is uncalled for. Good-morning, sir. Mrs. Greenwich ! {Exit, l., with INIks. G.) Hec. There, I have got Bob into a scrape ! I 'm not sorry. He is up to some villany ; I suspected it when he left Mobile so suddenly. 0, 'Squire Greenwich ! you 've little idea what a wild chap that son Robert of yours is ! — Heavens ! Charlotte ! E7iter Camille, r., toith a small basket. She is crossing the stage, when Hector intercepts her. She turns her face from. him. Hec. — I beg pardon ! I wish to inquire — What shall I say ? {Aside.) How is my mother, this morning ? Camille. Better. Quite cheerful. ( Going.) Hec. {Detains her.) A moment. I want to talk with you — about — my mother. Cam. Really, I cannot stop. I am going to Mr. Jackwood's for some pears to roast for her. Hec. Give me the basket. There ! Now you cannot go till I am ready to go with you. Why are you always so shy of me ? Ca7n. Shy — of you? Hec. You turn your fice fi'om me now, as if you were afraid I would throw vitriol into it. See ! I haven't any vitriol ! Do you know, there is something peculiar about your face. It reminds me — How perplexing ! — {Taps his forehead.) Cam. {Aside.) ! I cannot endure this ! Do please give me the basket ! Hec. Ask me in that voice, and I will give you anything — exci'pt permission to leave me. I am the loneliest wretch in the world ! Ca7n. You, who have so many friends? Hec. Friends! My old schoolmates ? Their talk is of oxen, horse trades, and fat hogs ;■ — conversation agi-eeable enough in its way, but unsatisfactory on the whole. If I wish to lead their minds to poetry, art, or the miracles of life and growth, they branch out on the sub- ject of onions, and tell what beds of 'em ' vie and father ' raised last year ! Cam. But the young ladies — BCENE I.] NGIGHBOR JACKWOUD. 21 Hec. Some of them are pretty and intelligent. Bat see how our modern village girls are educated ! Conventionality and expediency are their two hands The principal use of tlieir ears seems to be, to catch the answer to the important question. What ivill the world say ? But the worst of all is, they have been taught by their wise mammas to Bubordinate all their motives and aspirations to a low matrimonial ambition. This is, in fact, the nose they follow, with one eye on con. venience, the other on respectability. And they are so sharp at this practice that it is dangerous for an unmarried fellow, like myself, to approach them. It is refi'eshing to find one sensible girl, like you^ who has no thought of being fallen in love with. Cam. ! I ? That would be insane in me, indeed ! Hec. And yet, the idea is not so absurd. Had I seen you no longer ago than when I was in the South — Cam. {Agitated.) ! You must let me go now ! Hec. {Holding her hands.) Who — what are you ? Cam. I — a child — a mere child ! Hec. But children do not keep us at arms' length. Children are trusting and simple. Cam. I cease to be a child when you would make me your friend. Hec. And why not my friend? Cam. I am not worthy ! Hec. Not worthy ! Not worthy ! 0, Charlotte, do I not know your heart ? Cam. But you do not know my past. Hec. Although you have told me nothing, I know how you have suffered. And it is for this I would have you my friend, and be yours. Cam. Remember — reflect 1 I am but your servant. Hec. Servant ! I hate the word. It sounds too much like slave. (Camillb covers her face with her hands.) There is no servitude to the soul but ignorance and passion. Had I found you in the meanest capacity — in absolute bondage, even — Nay, do not weep ! I have grieved you ! Cam. 0, no ; it is nothing — Hec. An^ yet, I have touched some chord that suffering has made sensitive. How you distrust me ! Cain. {After a struggle within herself, looks up earnestly in his face.) Hector Dunbury, you have been kind to me. I cannot deceive you ! If you knew my history, you would put me from you ! — scoi^n me ! It is the consciousness of this that shoots me through with pain, when I remember myself, you, and the gulf between us. Hec. Show me that gulf ! Cam. No, no ! It is there ! Believe me, it can never be passed over ! There ! let me go ! {Snatches up the basket, which Hectoi? has placed ^ipon the ground, and runs off the stage, l.) We. {Stupefied.) .What mystery is this! It involves my life ! Uharlotte ! Charlotte ! {Exit, l.) SCENE II.— .2 Roadside. Enter IlECxorv, l., and Enos, b. Enos. Chance for a spec'lation I Hector. She passed this way. My mother called me, or I ahould hava overtaken he^\ The immortal Crumlett ! 22 NEIOnBOR JACKWOOD. [ACT II Envs Good-inornin', neighbor ! Hec. G ood -morning, Enos ! (Crosses r.) Enos. Look here, half a jiSy, neighbor. I 'm iu suthiii' (. f a hurry, myself — Hec. So am I. Enos. Is yer ma perty well, this raornin' ? I mean, perty well for lier. flcc. Yes, thank you. Speak quick ! — what do you want ? Enos. Must take time to inquire about our neighbors that 's sick. I kind o' feel more for sick folks than I did 'fore ma was took down. I 'm afraid ma an't goiu' to be with us much longer. She don't get no better, as I see. Hec. Well, another time — Enos. Le' me tell ye what 's for yer own interest to know, won't ye ? I 'm iu a desprit hurry, myself. Hec. Despatch, then ! Enos. Wal, you see — You don't carry tobacker with ye, do ye ? — Wal, never mind ; though I can allers git along a good deal better if I have a chaw. You see — Hec. Come to the point ! Enos. Wal, as I was goin' to say, I was over the mountain, yis'day ; and as I was drivin' along there by the mill, ye know, I met a couple o' chaps in a buggy. Hello ! thinks says I, chance for a spec'lation. Hec. Well, well! Enos. Don't be in sich a pucker! I'm comin' to the p'int. " Hello 1 • says I, " can you tell me where this road leads to ? " says I. " Can't say," says they ; " we 're strangers in these parts," say8 they. "That's a perty slick-lookin' kind o' beast you're drivin," says I. *' Wal, yis," says one of 'em, says he, " She is a decent bit of hoss -flesh," says he. Hec. Well, well! ^72 OS. Wait a minute. Wish I had a chaw o tobacker ! The min- ute I sot eyes on that mare, thinks says I to myself, I muf/^ have that crittei'. So, says I, "Ye an't over an' above anxious f// a swap, I s'pose ? be ye ? " says I. " Don't know," says he. ' ' V. hat ye got there? "says he. "Wal," says I, "you can see ior yourself," says I. Hec. I can't stop to hear this nonsense ! Enos. Wait till I tell ye. He gi' me a chaw, an' we looked an' talked around. " Wal," says I, " what do ye say to u dicker ? " saya I. "How much boot ye goin' to gi' me?" says I Says he, "I guess the boot '11 be on t' other foot," says he. " In that case," says 1, " I may as well drive along. I 'm in suthin' of a hurry," says I. " Give me ten dollars," says he. Thinks says I, chance for spec- 'lation ! " Could n't think o' sich a thing," says I. " Tell ye what I will do, though. I '11 call it an even swap." I 'd no idee he 'd take me up on 't. But, by jingoes ! he did. So you may believe I jerked up perty quick when the fish bit. " Shift the luthers," says I. An the way we stripped off them 'ere harnesses was a caution I *' I 'm in suthin' of a hurry," says I. Hec. What has all this rigmarole to do with me ? Enos. Wal, ye see, that 'ere mare — she 's jest the kind o* beasi^ now, you want. Hec. What an everlasting fool I am ! ( Rushes from the stage, r. ' SCENE II. J NEIGHBOR JACKWOOD, 28 E710S. Wal, — that Hector ! lie 's struck all of a heap by suthin'. Ilello ! it 's that Charlotte Woods ! Jingoes ! I toDk a notion to thai gal myself, an' if 't hadn't been for 'Tildy — Enter Matilda, l. Matilda. Euos ! Enos. Hello ! why, what 's to pay, 'Tiidy ? Mat. I *in all out of breath ! I 've run so ! Enos. Sho ! What is it ? Chance for a spec'lation ? Mat. 'T an't genteel to run, I know. Was that Charlotte Wc .- i Baw going across the lot ? E710S. Overyender? Yes. What about Charlotte Woods ? Mat. {Simperiyig.) 0, nothing. That an't what I got to te yoii. Enos. Come ! don't act so thunderin' silly ! Mat. ^myt 0, 1 'm silly, am I ? Glad you told me ! (/ liling away.) E710S. You know what I mean ! Silly — of course it 's ailly, to Bay you 've got suthin' to tell a feller, an' then act that W£.^ ! Why can't ye out with it — as I allers do ? I never talk round, and keep folks waitin' ! Come ! what is it ? Mat. 0, if I 'm silly, then it 's no matter ! Enos. Yes, it is matter, too ! Don't be offish, 'Til^ ! By jin'^oes 1 I '11 break off ! '^ ' Mat. Jest as well ! If you want to break off, I 'm willin', I 'm sure ! ( Tosses her head.) 'T an't as though I was in such a great hurry to get married ! Good fish in the sea as ever was caught ! ( Going.) Enos. Look here ! Le's have it understood. If you want to break the engagement — Mat. I han't said anything about breaking the engagement. 'T was you said you wanted to break off. Enos. 1 ? I don't want to break off ! If you want to, — why, of course ; only I shall expect you to gi' me back that tooth-brush I give ye. I can find somebody else that wants it. Mat. I guess I can find somebody else to give me a tooth-brush ' I might 'ave got Hector Dunbury, if I 'd a been a mind to. Enos. ! ye could, hey ! ! Mat. They say he 's going to marry Charlotte "Woods. You didn't know I could a' been in her place, did ye ? ^7105. Wal, no, I did n't exac'ly ! Did yeu ? Mat. He come for me to go an' take care of his mother, the very da,y he found Charlotte and carried her home. I 'd been tAvo terms to Kiltney, an' Mrs. Dunbury wanted me for a companion. Enos. 0, she wanted ye for a companion, did she ? Mat. I should 'ave gone, only you know I an't obleeged to go out for a living. So Miss Woods got the place ; but I don't care,— she 'g welcome ! Though, if I 'd taken up with the invitation, who knows what might have happened ? Enos. {Caressing her.) Yc don't mean to say anybody could a' got ye away from me, do ye ? Mat. Go 'way ! if you want to break off ! ( Crying.) Enos. I don't want to break off, I tell ye ! AVe '11 git married any time you say. Ma's health is failin' of her so, I shall want yo to come and take charge o' things — the sooner the better. 21 KEiailBOS JACKWOOw. [act XI _ Mai. 0, you want me jest fur a housekecjier, do ye ? ! glad yoa told me ! Enos. There ! by jingoes ! I won't have anything more to say to ye ! Good-by ! Mat. Enos ! See here ! I an't mad. Knos. An't mad ? What makes ye such a thunderin' fool ? I tell ye, I 'm goin' ! Mat. I han't told ye yet what I was going to ! Enos. {Coming back.) Y/hy don't ye, then? You know I 'm in a desprit huriy ! Mat. Have you seen Mr, and Mrs. Greenwich ? Enos. {Sharply.) No ! I han't ! Mat. { With a significant simper.) I have. Enos. Wal, what of it ? Mat. You '11 be tickled when y6u know ! Enos. Let me be tickled, then I Wal, ef you anH ! — "'Now I arn goin' ! .Mat. If you go you won't hear about it. Robert 's coming homo this evening ; there 's going to be a large party at 'Squire Green wich's ; and me and you 's invited ! Enos. Sho ! You don't say, 'Tildy ! Mat. You may thank me ! I ^d be invited, of course ! and as me and you 's engaged — Enos. Wal, by jingoes — cl\ance for a spec'lation ! Mat. An't it nice ? Enos. Wal, — I swanny ! What in Sam Hill has got into 'Squire Greenwich ? He never did sick a thing 'fore in his life ! Mat. It 's for Robert. Enos. Do you think he cares so much for Bob as that ? You 'rs green, 'Tilcly ! .Mat. If 't an't that, what is it ? Enos. Why, don't you see? Chance for a speo'lation ! 'Squire Greenwich is goin' to run for Congress, — don't you see ? It 's plain as a brickbat ! He wants to make himself po^s'lar. Mat. 0, yes ! How sharp you be, Enos ! {Admiringly.) Enos. Wal, I be some sharp, I allow. Guess I know beans, whea the bag 's ontied. We '11 go, by jingoes, 'Tildy ! An' see here, — we won't quarrel any more, on the strength of that, will we ? Mat. Quarrel ? Who 's quarrelled ? I han't quarrelled ! Enos. Why, yes, you did ! You begun it ! Mat. No, I did n't ! Enos. I say you did ! Come ! Mat. You always lay everything to me ! You 're real mean ! Enos. There ! that 's enough ! If I 'm mean, of course you won't 'irant anything more to do with me. We '11 break off ! Mat, Enos ! don't go ! Enos. Good-by! If I 'm mean ! {Going.) Mat. Don't, Enos ! You '11 kill me ! {Runs after him, sohbi7ig.) Enos. Good-by, I say ! We '11 break off ! Ye need n't cry --you fe-ied that on before ! If we can't get along without quarrellin* — {Exitf R., Matilda foil owing him ) SCSKE III.] KEIGUBOR JACKWCOO. 25 SCENE Iir. — Mr. Jackwood's Door-yard. Set house, r. 4 r Barn, ^-c, fiats. Fields, farm-houses, mountains in the distance. Grandmother Rigglesty. (Without, l. v. e.) Git out! git out! (Doiy barks.) Help ! help, somebody ! help ! Bim'lech ! Betsey ' O ! ! ! ^ i J Enter Mr. Jackwood, from house. Mr. JacJcwood. WJio 's hurt ? Enter AbijieleciIj l. u. e. Who was that screamin' so, Bim'lech ? Mimelcch. (Convulsed with lauf/hter.) It 's her ! Mr. J. Her ? Who ? Your grau'mother ? Jlbim. I 'm glad on 't ! Baru her ! Mr. J. Stop your laughin' ! ^^bi}n. She need n't a' got into the boat ! Mr. J. (Smiling.) Has she been in the boat ? Quit your lauo-hin*. [ tell 3'e ! ^ o i Abim. You 'd a laf t ! Mr. J. ( Chokes back his mirth, and looks grave.) No, I would n't. She 's your gran'motiier. Should n't laugh at her ! Mim. She went to get an apple out o' the crick — I was watchin' behind the bushes — Mr. J. Boy ! (Laughs.) _ Mi77i. She could jest tickle it with the tips of her fingers — she was in the boat, renchin' over, and groanin' about her poor old back — Mr. J. And you have to laugh about it ! _ Abim. Wal, who could help it ? If you 'd seen Rover, when I set him on ! — ■ Mr. J. Bim'lech ! did you set the dog on to your gran'motiier ? Jlbim. I only jest rubbed his ears a little, and said, Sick 'em, Hove ! Mr. J. 0, that was all, was it, — you rogue ! Abim. 0, ho ! ho ! You should have seen him iump on to her back ! Casouse ! both of 'em went together into the crick ! Mr. J. (Laughing.) B — B — Bim'iech ! — don t I tell ye not to laugh ! Abim. You 're laughin' yourself ! Mr. J. I? — I'm provoked with ye! Git ycr gran'motiier into the crick, and then laugh at her ! Away with ye ! Go and call vcr mother ! (Laughs, butstops suddenly, as AeniELEcn looks aroujid.) Start ! (Exit Abimelech, into the house.) I never see the beat o' that boy's mischief ! (Exit behind the house, u. e. r.) G. R. ( Without) dear ! I 'ra drownded ! Betsey ! Git out, you cur ! (Dog karks.) E?iter,froni the house, Mrs. Jackwood. Mrs. Jackwood. Where is she ? How could she foil into the creek ? E}iter Camille, l., laughing. Why, Charlotte ! how do you do ! Camille. It 's wicked for me to laugh — but I have been so much amused ! 3 26 NEIGHBOR JACK WOOD. [Ad 13 Mrs. J. I don't wonder. Bim'lecli has gone into fits, from seeing his gran'mother tumble into the crick. Has she got out safe ? Cam. Hector helped her — they are coming, Mrs. J. Yv^alk right into the house. leather '11 be so glad to see you {Exeunt into house.) Enter, l. u. k., Hlctor and Mes. Rigclcsty, tcitli wet shoes and a drippinrj apron (J. R. (r.) I '11 larn her — the trollop ! Hector, (l.) Who 's a trollop ? O. R. That Charlotte ! She was laffin' right to my face ! llec. If she 's human, she could n't help it. You 're a pleasing and picturesque spectacle, grandmother. G. R. Spectacle ! — I '11 have that dog killed ! — Jest look at that apern ! Hec. You seem to bear a peculiar spite against Miss Woods. G. R. Heugh ! I 've knowed her these ten year ! Hec. Charlotte Woods ! G. R. She belongs to North Nincum, where my son Enoch livca Ho sent me a newspaper, with a piece in it that tells all about her. Hec. About Charlotte Woods ! G. R. Her real name is Wcodrcofe. I cut the piece out — I got it in my pocket, somewheres. There it is — wet! might a knowed 'twould be wet ! (Hector seizes the paper.) Now, if I don't come up with the hussy ! (Aside.) Enter, from the house, Mrs. .Jackwood and Camilt.e. Hec. (Excited, reading.) Disgraced her family ! tied from home in disguise ! G. R. (Spreading her apron out to dry.) There 's Betsey ! — ' ! my back ! Bring a chair, somebody ! Enter Mr, Jackwood, u. e. r, Mr. Jackicood. (Cheerily.) What's the trouble, gran'mother? Been in the crick, have ye? Liicky ye did n't git drownded ! (Laughs aside.) Mrs. Jackicood. (Bringing a chair from the house.) Set right down, mother. (Mrs. J. helps her to the seat.) G. R. dear ! dear I (Aside.) I 've give that Hector a dose ! Mr. J. There, there, gran'mother, you an 't dead, artcr all. (Ob- 5eri'i?j^ Camille.) Bless my heart ! I 'm glad to see j'ou. Yi^elcome home ag'in ! Camillc: Good Mr. Jackwood ! (They retire vp the stage, n.) Hec. (With a dark glance at Camille.) So beautiful and 83 young ! 0, distraction ! (Strikes his forehead.) Mrs. J. Let me take off your wet shoes and stoekin's. G. R. No, never mind, dear 1 Mrs. J. You 'd better let me, G. R. 0, don't trouble yourself! ( Undoing her shoes.) Mr. J. Ho, Hector ! I was so glad to see our Charlotte ag'in I fov got you. Kow are ye ' Hec Better ' Mr. J. Have you boon ailin' 1 gfEKE III.] NEIGHBOR JACKWOOD. 2t Hec. A sliglit aifection of the heart. It 's cured, now. Mr. J. Glad to hear it. These atfectioas of the heart are bad. G. R. Sakes alive ! look at that shoe ! Them new pair, 't I boizghl o' that plaguy pedlcr o' jouvn, and paid ten cents more for 'n lever pay for shoes, on account of the extry soles ! Hcc. You are young yet, gran'mother. When you have come to my years you "will learn to beware of exti-a appearances. As with people, so with shoes. Give me a glass of water, Mrs. Jackwood. We are promised fish for dinner, and I have a foreshadowing of thirst. Mr. J. Our well 'o give out, this summer. AVliere 's Phoebe ? Mrs. J. She "s gone to the spring, for water. 6r. R. She 's oif readin' that nasty novil book, somewheres ! I 'ti burn it up, if she was a child of mine ! Hec. If she Avas a child of mine — G. R. Wal, what if she was ? Hec. Then you would be my raotlier. G. R. There 's that hateful Bim'lech ! Enter Abimelkch, r. u. e., and down on l. Abiviclech. Wal, what 's Bim'lech done, I 'd like to know ! G. R. Do somebody help me ! deai', it kills me to move ' Mr. J. {Assisiivg her.) Come, come, gran'mother ; you can walk, I guess, if you try. G. R. dear ! dear ! (Rising, but falls back again.) Cam. Ilovr do you do, Abimelech ! ^bivi. {Bashfully.) Pretty well. {Takes a clay pipe from kis pocket.) Cam. Y/hat do you do with a pipe ? Abinu It 's hern. I 'm goin' to put some powder in 't, and blow her up, to pay her ! Hec. I take it, then, she blows you up, sometimes. Abiyn. I put thistles in her han'kerchief t' other day. Golly ! did n't she sci'eam ? Hec. Charlotte ! I have made a discovery. Cam. {AsidCy with consternation.) Heavens ! Hec. It is — there 's a good deal of sham in this world, and — Grandmother Pugglesty is a humbug ! {Exit, l. ) Cam. Hector "l Mr. Dunbury ! One wcrd, I entreat ! {Exit, l.) G. R. dear ! dear ! I never can git into the house, in this world ! Mr. J. Come, come ! You can walk, if you only think you can. Abim. (Lets fall the pipe.) By darn ! G. R. AVhat 's that ? I declare ! {Starts up.) Abim. Might keep your nasty pipe out of the way . G. R. You sass-box ! {Catches up the chair, and rushes upon Abimelech.) Mr J. Don't ye run, boy ! Abim . Keep her off, then ! {Seizes hold of the chair.) Mr. J. Bim'lech ! Bim'lech ! Gran'mother ! Mrs. J. Mother ! mother ! don't ! Abim. Darn her ! let her come ! Mr. J. Do ye hear ? Bim'lech ! Gran'mother ! I '11 tumble ye inte the crick, together ' Give me that chair ! ( Wrenches the chair frou 28 KEIGIIIi03, JACKAVOOD. ^ACT II the7n. G. R. catches vp her aprons and lashes Abimelece with it ABraELECii sets out io run, but falls. She stumbles over hiih ^ SCENE IV. 1 Lane, g. 1 Enter Piigsbe, l., reading, and carry' ing a pail of icater. A horn in the distance, e. Fhcehe. They 're blowing the horn for me to come home. dc;ir ! I never shall get through with this book. {Horn.) W-e-e-c-ll ! I'll read this page down. I shall die if I don't find out what it was Melissa saw. (Horn.) W-e-e-e-11 ! It 's too bad ! I wish I could just finisli this chapter! {Exit, n., reading. A stone thrown in. She rushes back without the pail y and off, L., screaming.) 0, 0, ' Enter, R., Hector and Camille. Hector. There 's unexpected game ! Camille. I 'm afraid she is hurt. Hec. Not she. else she would scream less, according to the rule of shams. If a man is frightened, he blusters ; if hurt, he says little ; if killed, he maintains a wise silence. Cajn. Phoebe, are you hurt ? P/i. {Reenters, "L., with wondering looks.) I guess so! I'm ho sodrt I don't know a word I do, or anything I say ! Hec. Come here, Phoebe, and let me look at that hole in your head. Fh. Is there one ? {Puts up her hand.) Where ? Hec. It opens evei-y time you speak. ( Takes her hand, and places her finger in her mouth.) There. ( Closes her teeth upon it.) Ph. ! that "s just like you. Hector Dunbury ! If 'twas anybody else, I never 'd speak to you again ! "What was that came through the bushes ? Hec. A hailstone, Phoebe. Ph. A hailstone ? You threw it ! Hec. And it was a friendly hail. You should have Iiailed me pleasantly in return, instead of running off in a fright. Ph.^ I guess you 'd have been frightened to have a great rock como thrashing through the bushes, when yon was I'eading ! Cmn. What book have you ? Ph. Alonzo and Melissa. I set up till twelve o'clock, last night, and got so excited over it I could n't sleep a wink, but see balls of Jire, and heard doors slam, and felt cold hnnds on my arm, all night. {Florn bloivs. ) Hec. You are a foolish gii4 ! Oood-by I Your mother is blowing the horn for you. {Crosses, l.) Ph. Don't hurry olr, so ! Hec. I '11 bequeath you that fatal stone, Phoebe. It has waked you from one dream of romance, and it may save you from many another, if you treasure it as a type of man's heart, and contemplate it whenever you thiuk of fliUing in love. — True, Charlotte ? Cam. If that is a type of man's heart, what is a type of woman's ? Hec. Still a stone ; but it should be hollow ! {Exit, l.) Ph. An't he the strangest mortal you ever see ? I '11 keep this stone, K?s if I ion't. ( RoKs it in her apron.) SCENE IV.] NEIGHBOR JACKWOOD. fS Cam. Goo(l-by, Plioebe ! Be a good girl ! Ph. Don't go ! Cam. I must ! Be good and be happy, Phoebe ! {Exit Cajhilie, l.) BoBERT Green-wicii appears, creeping stealthily, r. Fh. Don't go ! There an't nobody in this world cares for me ! I \vish I had somebody to love me, as Melissa had. {Horn blows.) Well ! I wish they 'd stop blowing that old horn ! Robert. {In a ichisper.) Phcsbe ! Phoebe ! Ph. { Frighiened. ) Who 's that ? AVho 's there ? Since I 've been reading about those horrid nights in the old mansion, I 'm so nervous ' Rob. {Coming forward.) Phoebe! Ph. ! 'Bobert Greenwich ! Rob. {Imposes silejice.) 'Sh ! This way ! Ph. Wliat a stranger you are ! Rob. 'Sh ! {Aside.) I must flatter the little goose. See here ! {Kisset her.) Ph. 0, I should think you 'd be ashamed ! {Laughing.) Rob. I am. Who was that just went from here ? Ph. Hector. Rob. And who else ? Ph. Charlotte Woods. Rob. {Kissing her again.) Who 's Charlotte Woods? Ph. {Poiding.) If you kiss me again, I '11 — {Aside.) lie 's go; a splendid moustache, any way. — Now, be decent, Bob Greenwich ' Somebody '11 see us ! Rob. {Aside.) The little fool ! Who is that Charlotte— what dia you call her ? Ph. Charlotte Woods ! 0, there 's something real strange about her. When she first came to our house, she was dressed like an oid woman. Rob. (Excited.) It is she ! It is she ! {Crosses,!..) Good-by, Phcebe ! Here! {Co7nes back, and kisses her.) Good-by! Ph. Why, what 's your hurry ? Rob. {Aside.) She shall not escape me again ! Phoebe, I hear that my respectable father has been inviting a crowd in to give me a welcome home, to-night. You '11 come, of course ! Ph. ! I shall be delighted ! Rob. You know this person we spoke of — this Miss Woods. Can't you bring her ? I '11 give you forty great apples, if you will, and as many kisses. Ph. I '11 try. Rob. But don't say I spoke of it. Mum 's the word, Phoebe ' Good-by ! {Aside.) ! this is worth a hundred thousand dollars i {Exit, L.) Ph. I never was kissed by a moustache, before ! It 's real nice. I ilidn't think I should like it; but I do. {Horn blows.) WslI Where did I leave my pail of water ? Enter Exos, r., drinking out of the ] ail Yon great lubber ! Enos G."ve a feller a drink, won't ye ? {J)rink$^ K) NEIGHBOR JACKWOOD. [AOT U. Ph. Come ! Enos Cramlett ' Enos. Wait half a jiffy, can't ye? I was pertj nigh shokod ! [Drinks. Horn blows.) Ph. {Crying.) I shall have to go back after another pailful ! JEnos. You don't s'pose I 'm goin' to drink all of it, do ye ? Ph, But you 've drinked out of the pail ! Enos. Wal, I don't slobber ! Here, take your pail ! Don't make eich a 'farnal fuss about a little grain o' water ! 'Tan't over an' above cold, nuther. Come, don'fe cry ! I 'm goin' over to your housa to see if I can borry a standin' collar, to wear to the party to-night. I '11 carry the pail for ye, shall I ? May as well take toll ! (Drinks.) I 'd kiss ye, if I had a moustache, like that Greenwich feller. {Flora blows.) Ph. ( Weeping. ) Well ! I 'm coming. Enos. V/al ! we 're comin' ! {Drinks.) {Exeunt, n.) SCENE V. 2 Room in Mr. Greenwich's House ; c. doors usC'L interior. Mr. G., Mrs. G., and Etty discovered, seated. Mr. Greenwich, (c.) Now, my daughter, I will hear you recite those varses with which you are to edify the company this evening. Etty. {Rising -R.) Yes, father. Mr. G. When you say Yes, father, you should execute a slight Burtsey. Try again. Etty. {Curtseying.) Yes, father. Mr. G. Better, my daughter. {Takes snv(f.) Mrs. Greenwich, (l.) Hold your hands so, Etty. , Mr. G. I will dictate, Mrs. Greenwich ! — What is the subject cf your varses, my daughter ? Etty. My Brother's Return. Mr. G. Give the rising inflection to brother, and the falling inflec- tion to return ; thus : My Brother's — Return. Etty. My Brother's Return. Mrs. G. You must hold up your head, my child. Mr. G. Mrs. Greenwich, your assistance is not requii-ed ! Remem ber you are a second wife, Mrs. Greenwich ! which reminds me to sajf that I shall expect due deference shown to my remarks in the presence of our company this evening ; on which occasion, when that 'Squire Greenwich speaks, it will be proper for JMrs. Greenwich to keep silence. My daughter, hold your head in this manner. Not so, but so. Enter Robert, r. Robert. {GaxjJy.) Hello, sis ! How d' ye do, mother? How are ye, old one ? .Mr. G. {Imposes silence on Mrs. G. and Etty, icho are about to s]>eak.) Mrs. Greenwich ! daughter ! Son Robert, you amaze me ! Rob. That 's more than I bargained for. I only meant a surprise. 1 left my traps at the tavern, and legged it across lots, at the rate of 2 : 40 ! (Bloivs.) Mr. G. Mrs. Greenwich ! daughter ! silence ! Son Robert, you festound me ! Rob. 0, I beg pardon ! {Fliiigs himself on a chair, b ) ISCENB V. 1 KEIGIIiiOR JACS.WOOI!. ^l Mr. G. Mrs. Greenwich ! — If you are indeed my sou Robert I Bob. Well ! I 've always indulged the notion that my mother — Mr. G. Son Robert, this levity is unseemly ! You appear entirely to have forgotten the discipline of your early years. Mrs. G. 0, well ! He has been so long from home — • /;//•. G. Mrs. Greenwich ! — "What could you be thinking of, son Robert, on your return, to address both your sister and your step- mother before me ? "Was that showing due respect to the paternal liead? Then you address me as the old one ! Your baggage .you <3enorainate traps ! and you speak of legging it across lots, with ? phrase borrowed fi'om the turf ! Mrs. G. Why, I did n't see anything out of the "way — Mr. G. I am speaking, Mrs. Greenwich ! {Takes snuff.) Rob. Well, I 'm sorry to have displeased you. But I was so glad ♦:o get home, I quite forgot myself. {Aside.) I must keep on the right side of the old one, any way. Mr. G. Moreover, son Robert, I have been credibly informed that you left Mobile some time before you saw fit to advise me of the fact. Rob. {Aside.) Here 's a go ! If the old one should find out — .Mrs. G. I wouldn't bring that up now, 'Squire Greenwich ! Mr. G. Mrs. Greenwich ! do you assume to dictate to the pater- nal head ? Rob. All that is easily explained. The hot weather, the unhealthy season in Mobile, — then, again, business was so dull, — and, as I wish to make you anxious about me, I thought I would wait and bring the news myself. {Aside.) How natural it comes for me to lie ! Mr. G. But this long delay, son Robert. Rob. I had some business to transact for our firm in New York. It •cck me longer than I anticipated. Enter i l., Mk. Rukelt aiifj!. Bertha Wing. (jlr.tde.) Thaflk heaven for the interruption ! Mrs. G. 0, here is our company ! Jifr, G. {Waving her behind him.) Mrs, Greenwich! — Mr. Tlukely, you are welcome to my roof. I gi-eet you. Miss Wing ', [Crosses, r.) Bob. Old friends, how are you ? .Mr. G. Daughter, your recitation is postponed. {Exit, r ) Mrs. G. Make yourselves quite at home here. {Exeunt Mrs. G. and Etty, r.) Rob, {Conversing loiih'Q'EE.iKk..) Yes; but I have been in town V'iig enough already to hear the report. Mr. Rukely. {Coming forward.) What is that ? Rob, That Miss Wing, here, is about to become Mrs. Rukely. Mr. R, Report is not so far out of the way, this time. Rob. I congratulate you both : you, Mr. Rukely, on your choice of so gentle and worthy a creature as our good Bertha, here ; and you, Bertha, on forming a matrimonial connection with an eloquent minis- ter of the Gospel, {Aside.) How she can stomach that old hypocrite, beats my philosophy ! Mr. R, We do not marry from any frivolous motive, but from a ieep sense of duty. Rob, You are right there. Marriage is a matter of religion. i52 NEIGHBOR jackwoo!.. [act ii Bertha. We think so. Rob. Accordingly, Avhcn I assume the yoke matrimonial, it shall b€ with some fair saint, Avith charms to render .the kingdom of heavGL attractive. It 's my only chance. Ah ! Hector. Enter Hector, l. Hecior. Bertha, how do you do ! Mr. Rukely ! Rob. {Extcndluf/ his hand.) And me ! Hec. And you, Bob ! I suppose I must give you my hand ; but ii goes against my instinct. Bob. Instinct ! ha ! ha ! Hcc. JJr. Rukely, explain, if you can, my relation to this good- uaturci Beelzebub ! Hob. ^ This is his peculiar style of joking. He is marvellously funny, if you only understand him. " Beelzebub " is good ! Ilec. We are friends by habit, but by instinct I hate him, liob. More wit ! Mr. R. He seems to me to be rather in earnest. Bob. You don't know him ; I do. Hec. No, 3'ou don't, Bob Greenwich , and you never will, until we some day quarrel royally, and thencefor^Tard stand to each other for precisely what we are. Rob. Quarrel ! You and I ! 0, Damon and Pythias ! is it possi- ble? Let me tell you. (To Mr. Rl'kely.) I was with him in the *^outh, in days of temptation, I watched over him with a shepherd's care, and brought him every night, like a tender Iamb, into the fold of virtue. Hector, my Trojan! will you come? I have something to say to you. Hcc. Well, I am 'not prond ; I am willing to go with sinners. Bob. More wit ! His peculiar style ! ha ! h.'a ! {Exeunt Hector, and Robert, r.) .Mr. B. What makes you tremble so ? Ber. Do I ? Leave me a little while ! I am vei-y foolish ? Mr. B. {Crosses, r.) Be calm and strong, Bertha ! {Exit, r.) Ber. Calm and strong ! 0, my rebellious heart ! Why can I not love that man ? Enter Camille, l. Caindle. {Aside.) 0, why did I come here? He urged me so' Then Phcebe came and urged me, and his kindness is so winning — Ber. Charlotte ! Cam. 0, Bertha Wing ! You are my friend. Tell me — this Roj ert Greenwich, who is he? Ber. The son of 'Squire Greenwich — don't you know ? Cam, Yes ; but where — do you know where he las been ? Ber At the South ; I believe mostly in Mobile. Cam. {Jlside.) Mobile ! Ber. What is the matter, dear Charlotte ? Cam. Bertha, if you are my friend, save me ; help me leave this house ! Bp.r. What do you fear ? Cam. It is he ; I cannot meet him ; I must fiy ! I will tell you all Bertha ! ECfiNE V.J >JEIOHB0R JACi'VOOt). <^ Ber. How strange ! This way ! I ayIII conceal you - — Enter Robert, b.., followed by Hector and several guests. Cam. 0, haste ! Save me, Bertha ! {Meets 1\qwe.b,t face to face.) i), I am lost ! Robert. Not a word ! Stay where you are, and you are safe. — Ber. tha, will you please introduce me to your friend ? Ber. Mi\ Greenwich — Miss Woods. Rob. Delighted to make j-our acquaintance. Miss Woods. Allow Eie to introduce you to a few of our guests. , Cam. {Aside.) Heaven help me ! {Takes his arm, and they ivalk.) Hec. The impudent scoundrel ! Enter^ r., Mrs. Greenwich, Mrs. Jackwood, and Graxdmother RiGGLESTY, lookincj curiously about the room. Mrs. Greenwich. Sit here, INIrs. Rigglesty. How do you do, to-day ? Grandmother Rigylesty. (r.) 0, 1 an't a bit well ! Sich a pain as I have all the hull of the time, from my left shoulder, clean down the small of my back ! I can turn my head so {turns it over her left shoulder), but I can't turn it so {turns it over her right shoulder), for the life of me ! Enter Mr. Rukely and Mr. Greenwich, talking, r. Phcebe and Etty, c. d. ; AnuiELECii jnnning their dresses together. Ekos and Matilda, c. d. Enos. Wal ! chance for a spoc'lation ! There 's a tarnal snarl of people here, any way ! Say, 'Squix-e Greenwich, if you hear of any- body 'd like to swap for a nice four-year-old mare He 's talking ; he can't hear. — See here, 'Tildy ! You an't goin' to dance witfc nobody but me, be ye ? hey ? Matilda, (r. c.) How jealous you be ! Enos. (l. c.) Jealous ! I an't jealous the least grain in the world ! By jingoes ! 1 '11 ask Bertha Wing to dance with me ! Ph. {Down oni,.) Bim ! What you doing ? G. R. Law, SU3 ! It 's that swindlin' Crumlett ! Hector. {Approaching Robert and Camille, seated, l. corner.) Miss Woods, shall I engage you for the dance? Cam. {Aside.) 0, how can I escape ? Rob. JNIiss Woods is much obliged to you, I 've no doubt ; but she is engaged, Hec. (To Camille.) Man is a deceiver, woman's heart is soft, and flattery is the snare of souls. Trust not one of us ! Rob. He will spite himself by inviting Matilda. Cam. {Aside.) 0, this torture ! Enos. (c. L., round ad libitum.) By jingoes ! she refuses me ! Shall I have the pleasure ? {To Phosbe, who continues talking.) I 'ra in suthin' of a hurry ! Wal, she 's engaged, too ! I '11 try another. Bound to have a dance, any way ! ( Goes around inviting ladies to dance, who all refuse.) 0, you don't say ! Wal, by jingoes ! They 're all engaged, I guess. Who else? G. R. (r.) That Charlotte ! I declare, if she an't here ! I thought it was goin' to be a respectable kind o' party. See here, Mrs, Greenwich ! Do you know anything about — 54 KEIQIIBOE JACEWOOD. [ACT IIL Bob. (l.) It is your only -way ; you are safe. But, if you attempt to escape — Cam. 0, liave mercy on me ! E710S. Wal, don't see but I shall Iiaf to invite Tildy, arter all ! 'Pear to be all engaged ; or else they don't dance. Wal, Tildy, shall I have the pleasure — Mat. (r. c.) 0, thank ycu ! I 'm sorry ; but I 'm engaged, {Re- tires up stage.) Enos. Hey? — engaged? Now, that's real mean, Tildy! I would n't do sich a thing ! I — I — I '11 break oif ! G. R. Then there 's that swindlin' Crumlett ! I wonder who '11 ■lance with him? I wouldn't, if you was to give me all the men in creation ! He 's so disagreeable ! Enos. Only one chance left, I vow ! But I 'm bound to have a dance. (j2/?;?roac/ics Mrs. Rigglesty.) Wal, you here? Heow de dew ? Glad to see ye ! I was kind 0' 'fraid you would n't come. G R. 0\ how de do ! {Aside.) So disagreeable ! Enof . I 'd like to talk — old friends so ; but I'm in suthin' of a hurry. Dance, don't ye ? G. R. ! I 'd no idee ! — Enos. Come, hitch on ! I 'm in suthin' of a hurry. G. R. (Rises.) He 's real kind 0' perlite, arter all ! Enos. Chance for a spec'lation ! Bound to have a dance, any way. Now I guess Tildy '11 be jealous ! (Exeunt Robert aiid CVvjiille, l., conversing.) Hec. I could strangle the scoundrel ! (Exit, l.) (Music. A dance. Mrs. RiGGLESTY/ainfs.) G. R. 0, 0, ! (Confusion. Curtain falls.) ACT III. JlJCENE I. — A Room in Mr. Dunbury's House, c. door practical. Hector discovered with book, r. Camillb sewing by table, l A knock at the door. Hector. Come in. Enter Robert, c. r Camille. Again ! 0, torture ! Robert. Under the circumstances, I presume you are not glad to iee me. Hec. If you refer to me, I am not. I never am. Rob. Thank you for your frankness ! I find it quite refreshing. (Leans upon Camille's chair.) What a consummate wit our friend Hector is ! (Bending down.) Camille I I am here again. I cannot keep away. Cam . Did I not command you to go ? Rob. Command m« (Smil '%rily rests his hand upon Ju:r shoul' der.) rtCENE I.] KEIOnUOR JACKWOOD. 35 Cam . Your touch makes me shudder ! Is not that enough ? Rob. You speak rather plainly. Cam. I have endured all I can. I will no more ! Rob. You never appear so beautiful as when you are angry. 1 have a length and breadth of love, deep in my nature, which nothing can tire or exhaust. It has centred in you ! it holds you ! it will not let you go ! Cam. It is useless to remind me that I am in your power. {Arises.) Do your worst ! Rob. I am not your enemy. I have spent my summer in pursuit of you, not to do you an injury, but to show my love. Cam. Love ! 0, monstrous ! Rob. 'St ! Hector is watching like a cat ! I have something to eay to you. Something you would not have me say before him. Cam. 0, the serpent ! {Exeunt^ l., conversing.) Hec. {Dashes his book upon the floor.) I '11 strangle the villain ! {Springs -towards the door.) But she loves him! 0, fool ! fool! fool ! {Returns, and flings himself upon a lounge.) Enter Camille, l. Cam. I have shaken the serpent off ! I have put my foot upon li.im ! 0, heaven help me now ! Hector ! {Looks with dismay at Hector, then at the book upon the floor.) What is the meaning of this ? {Stoops to take up the book.) Hec. {Leaps to his feel.) Leave it! {Seizes her wrist, and glares upon her.) Are you an angel, or a fiend ? Cam. I am a woman. Hec. That name accounts for every Inconsistency ! A woman ! Go I {Flings her from him. She turiis in silence, and sinks dow7i b]j a chair, burying her face in her hands. He paces the room.) 0, what a brute am I ! {Approaches, and takes her hand.) Charlotte ! Charlotte! {She falls at his feet.) What have I done? Dearest Charlotte, speak to me ! {Lifts her up.) Cam. 0, why have I left you deceived ! — Hec. 0, Charlotte ! if a desperate and all-controlling love could merit anything, I merited your trust ! Be still ; for, now my tongue is loosed, and you must hear me ! In spite of reason and will, I am drawn irrevocably to you. The light of the universe shines upon me through your eyes. Cam. Let me go ! I will fly from you ! You shall never see my face again ! Hec. Fly ! — with whom ? With Robert ? Cam. ! Hec. You know my feeling towards that man. Cam, Spare me ! Spare me ! Hec. 1 am not blind. Would that I were ! I have marked your blushes, your pallor, your faltering speech, when he has come sud- denly upon you, or given you meanir,g looks, or whispered in your ear. Can you wonder at the fury stirred in my blood ? To-day tho tiger was roused, and would have sprung at his throat ! Ca7n. I am to blame ! I am to blame ! ■Hec. 0, woman ! woman ! I loved you, and tried to hate you ! £ believed you worthy, and I believed you not worthy. To my mind ^6 NEIGHBOa JACK^VOOD. [ACT III. you appeared false and erring ; but ever in my heart yovi were fair, wliite-robed, pure, angelic. Charlotte, did I deserve your trust? Cam. You did ! You did ! I will tell you everything to-day. J know you will cast me from you. But it will be better so. Hec. Charlotte, read that ! Cam. (Reads.) What is this ? Hcc. 0, she is innocent I That is not your historj'- ? Cam My history? Hec. 0, I have been made the sport even of a silly old woman ! Cam. My history — it is darker — a Jiundred times darker than this ! 0, do not question me ! Let me go, as I am ! I cannot, c?xn- not tell you ! {Crosses, and exits, R.) Hec. Chai'lottc ! Stay ! 0, whirlwinds seize me ! I will solve this mystery ! {Exit,'&..) Enter Robert, l. Robert. This is their game ! Then, by all the furies, I will be revenged ! The mine is sunk, the train is laid, and a touch — I'll blow them to the devil ! Enter Exos, c. D., whittling. Crumlett ! Enos. (r.) Wal, — how de dew ! Did n't expect to see yeu ! Rob. I 've a job for you. Enos. Sho ! Chance for a spec'Iation ! Rob. ( Writing on a book.) You will go to the tavern — Enos. Wal, — I s'pose I can, — though I happen jest now to be in Euthin' of a hurry — Rob. You shall be paid. Take this to the landlord. {Folds ann addresses the note.) Enos. {Aside.) I was jest thinkin' o' going to the tavern, now — Chance for a spec'Iation ! It '11 be a good deal out o' my way ; 'sides I 'm in a desprit hurry — Rob. It is to be called for. {Gives the note. Going.) Enos. "X. Y. Z." ! I see ! the letter is for X. Y. Z., hey! See here ! Rob. Well ! Enos. Is this all ? Rob. Yes. Leave it with the landlord. Despatch ! Enos. 0, yes ; but what am I to run my legs otf for, that 's what I 'd kind o' like to know? {B.obeb.t gives him 7noney.) Thank ye ' See here ! Rob. What now ? Enos. Ye don't happen to have a plug o' tobacker in yer trousers? {E7it Robert, c. d.) Wal ! curis what makes some folks allers in sith a desprit hurry ! *' X. Y. Z." He did n't stick it with nothin', 60 there won't be no harm openin' on 't, as I see. What can he mean by " X. Y Z.," now ? I 'd jest like to know ! I declare, he has put a wafer on 't — he must a' had one in his pocket! Here's a fix! How am I to know what *' X Y 7i.'^ means? Wal, I don't see no more harm openin' a letter that 's stuck, than one that an't stuck, if it can be did ! By jingoes ! there 't is ! I swanny, I did n't meaa to ? I 'd no idee ! Seein' it 's open, though, I may as well take a peep SCEKE I.] XKiGHDOK JACKVrOOl^. S7 {Reads.) Jill right. Wa], I 'm glad it 's all right. I 's a-ftare-Jl it might be wrong. What else? There's something in the wind. What 'a in the -wind — I 'd like to know ! Will see you at noon. I dare not meet you openly : sofmd me at the same place, in the woods. Thi utmost secrecy is necessary. Sho ! You don't say ! Enter Hector, e., looking haggard and excited. nt:ior. Enos ! Enos. By jingoes ! {IVinisis the letter into his pocket.) I come perty neai* gittin' ketched at it ! Hec. I have something for you to do. Enos. I 'm in a tearin' hurry ! I got to go to the tavern. Hec. That 's just where I Vt-ant to go. Enps. What a fool I Avas to tell him, now ! That is, I 'm goin' to the tavern in a day or two, to see about, you know — Hec. I must catch the stage. Say nothing to any one — Enos. You an't goin' to leave town, be ye? Hec. Put my Jiorse before the buggy, and bring him to the door. Enos. See here ! Wal, this is unexpected, now ! Do you mean right away ? Hec. I mean at once. (Exit, R.) Enos. Wal, — chance for a spec'lation ! Kill tew birds with one etiin, and got a ride to the tavern into the barg'in. Enter TiiKEBE, c d., and down l. Ph(zbe. ! Enos ! Enos. Can't stop ! I 'm in a desprit hurry ! Ph. Have you seen Robert ? Enos. Wal, yes, — that is, I expect to see him. Anything I can do? Ph. If you see him, Enos, tell him I am going distracted ! Enos. Sho ! You don't say. Ph. How is Matilda, Enos ? Enos. 'Tildy 's nicely. She 's gone to live with Bertha, you know — I mean Mrs. Eiukcly. I was kind o' surprised Bertha should marry the minister, arter all — wan't you? But there's no 'countiu' for tastes. Ph. I would, if I 'd been in her place ! Anything is better than this suspense. Enos. Wal, if I run acrost Bob, I '11 tell him 3'ou 're goin' dis- tracted. I 'm in a desprit hun-y ! {Exit, c.) Ph. I don't care ! it 's real mean in Bob Greenwich . I shall cry my eyes out ! Enter Cabiille, r. Camille. Gone ! Gone ! Nothing is left me new ! 0, he did not ove me ■ — else he would not despise me now 1 Ph. WHiy, Charlotte ! Cam, Phoebe ! Ph. What 's the matter, Charlotte? I n( ver see you look so ' Cam. I — I am not well. Give me your arm, dear Phoebe ! lam Sizy — blind ! Ph. dear ' dear ! 4 88 NEIGUBOR JACKWOOD. [ACT III» Cam. Don't be alarmed. There — I am better now. 0, good riiocbe ! You are the only friend I have ! {Embraces her.) Ph. {Sobbi7ig.) W — w — - what can I do ? Cam. Dry your tears, and listen to me. Ph. I — I — I can't! I've been broken-hearted myself. Robert Greenwich has used me real mean ' Ca7n. Poor Phoebe ! Ph. He said he would see me here this morniug. ! Who 'p ^,here? {Runs to the tcindoic.) It 's him : Ca7n. Robert ! Ph. My heart almost hopped out of my mouth ! Say ! how does my hair look? Would you care, if he thought I was handsomer than you? I 'm all of a flutter ! His moustache is perfectly splendid, any way ! Enter Robert, c. d. Robert. Ah. ! two birds together ! — a dove and a blue-jay ! Cam. And a snake creeping in ! Rob. Phoebe, I want you to try your wings. I left a pair of gloves at your house; do, please, fly home and get them. Ph. I have n't seen any. Rob. Of course you haven't. They 're under the clock Ph. Will you wait for me here ? Rob. If you don't find them under the clock, look under the bureau. If they are not there, hunt for 'em in the barn. {Exit Pikebe, c. d.) The goose ! Sec her run ! I have not a moment to lose. The simple- ton will be back presently, unless she falls and breaks her neck, as I devoutly pray she may ! Cam. Sir, if you have come again to torture me, you lose your labor. I no longer fear nor dread you. Rob. By heavens ! you are a noble girl ! When I saw Hector go, my hope returned. You have lost him. Camille ! once more I otter you my love — my life ! Cam. Go! {Points to the door.) Rob, Never ! If his love had been strong as mine, he could not have left you. At any sacrifice, you must be mine ! Camille, you shall be my wife ! Cain. Your wife ! Robert Greenwich, my entire nature shrinks at the thought of joining myself to one I do not love. By no law, human or divine, can I ever, ever be yours ! {Going.) Rob. Stop ! by heavens ! Cam. Take off your hand ! Rob. Consider — I have it in my power, I have had it in my heart , ro deliver you up to a fite worse than death. I relent. I offer j'do my hand. Heaven judge between you and me, if you sj nrn me low ' Cam I spurn you, now and forever ! {Exit^ a.) Enter Phcebe, c. d. Rob. Death and destruction ! Phcebe Why, what is the matter with Charlotte ? Rob. We have had a terrible quarrel. Ph. About what? Hob. About ycu, darling. She is jealous. JENE 11.] NEIGHBOR JACKWOOD. Ph. Jealous? Rob. Horribly jealous ! Of you, Phoebe. You must watoli Ler. Ph. Watch her ? Rob. Yes ; follow her everywhere. Do not leave her a moment out of 3'our sight. I cannot explain noW' — but our happiness dcpenda upon it. {Kisses her, and aside.) Now, then, for vengeance ! {Exit, c.) Ph. I never saw anything so strange in all my life ! Robert ! X forgot to tell hira there Avan't any gloves ' He 's got a splendid moustache, any way {Exit, c, and offT*} SCENE 11. i Chamber, i? 'er CLuiille, l. Vikebe follows softly, loaiching and listenimj. Camille. 0, my soul is sick ! I did not think it would cost me so much to lose him. He was my only hope — now he is gone ! I will banish him from my mind ! Whom can I trust, to aid me to escape? Phoebe — she is changed ; she is playing a part ; she follows and watches me ! ! I have one friend still ! Mr. Jackwood ! Phoebe ' Ph(£be. I — I am looking for a pencil I dropped. Cam. Phoebe, why do you deceive me ? Ph. True as I live — it was a black pencil — Cam. Dear child, listen ! Robert has set you to play the spy over- me. I forgive you, because you are a foolish gii-1. You were onca good to m«, and so I shall remember you kindly when I am gone. Ph. Why, you an't a-going ? Cam. Yes, Phoebe. I shall never see you again ! Ph. 0, you shan't go ! I didn't mean to get Robert away from you, and make you jealous ! Cam. Hush, foolish child ! Ph. I never knew anybody half so good as you be ! And I won't ever see you again ! Cam. There, don't cry about it, Phoebe. I urn going to bid your father and mother good-by. Come, dear Phoebe ! {Exeunt, R.) SCENE III. — Mr. Jackwood's Kitchen. Mr. Jackwood tipped back in his chair, r., smokinc/. Mrs. Rigglesty, l., knitting. Abime- LECH, c, putting a wagon together. Mrs. Jackwood kneadin-g b^'ead. Grandmother Rigglesty. How I do hate to see men settin' round the house all the arternoon ! It 's so shif'less ! — Sonny ! Mimelech. {Furiously.) What ! G. R. What ! You han't had me to larn ye manners, or y© would n't speak so ! What ! Come here, an' you 'II see what ! Mr. Jackwood. Go to your gran'mother, Bim'lech Abim. It 's always the way — jest as I git to work on my wagon — blast it all ! {Kicks it.) G. R. Come, sonny ; don't ye want to hold this yarn for me to mvd ? That 's a good boy ! ^bim. I knowecj there 'd be suthiu' for me to do ! er. Mr. Jackwoo-I. Give me the lantern. Put the oars into the b(»t Abimelech. The ol' thing 's half full of water. Mr. J. Be bailin' till I come. Enter Dicksox, r. ii. Ahim. If we 're poin' lor Charlotte, don't let him. Mr. J. I '11 'tea J l3 hha. ( 'la Dickson.^ Stan' h^cX » SCENE IX.] NEIGHliOil JACKWOOD. 4;0 Dickson. You 're goin' in the boat, I reck'n. Abim. Break his darned ol' cocoanut, — I would ! Air. J. Bim'lech ! (£x-i7 Abimelech, l.) Dick. If it 's for that gal, say the word, and I 'm the man to help ! Mr. J. You 've done enough for her, and for us, too Dick. Look a-here, Farmer Jackwood ! Mr. J. We 're goin' to pick up our drowndin' sheep. There won't be room in the boat. Dick. I reck'n I 'U help as much as I '11 hender. I 'm a powerful hand at the oars. So, no fool'n' I Mr. J. Come, at yer peril I The water 's deep ! Dick. I reck'n I an't a-feared to go where you can. We may as well keep together, I reck'n. Mr. J. (Jlside.) Charlotte must be saved ! Come, if ye will. If he 's in the way, — by all the powers ! I '11 duck him ! (Exit, l. Dick. Jest my cussed luck, if that gal 's drownded ! (Exit, l.} SCENE IX. — The Stack. Ati inundatio?i. Qx}.iille climbing %ipo7i the shed. Tempest, rain, ^c. Camille. Help ! help! There is no one to hear ! Where am I? 0, wind, and rain, and flood ! 0, darkness ! I fear you less than I fear my fellow-men ! Death is my friend ! But, to be drowned — 0, terrible! I will climb the stack I (Shouts in the distance.) I hear cries ! 0, heaven ! I see a light ! It is coming ! it is coming ! (A shout.) It is Mr. Jackwood's voice ! (The shed falls ; she is swept iiway by the flood, r.) 0, help ! help I help ! Mr. Jacktcood. (l. ii. u. e., without.) Hold yer light, Bim'lech ! The boat appears, Mr. Jackwood sieerinr/, Dickson rowing, Abime- LECii holding the lantern on the bow. Dickson. Here, boy ! Take this oar ; hold it so-fashion — keep the boat up ag'inst the stack ! . (Mounts the stack.) There 's no gal here ! Jest my cussed luck ! Abim. ! the boat 's goin' off ! I can't keep it ! Father ' Mr. J. Reach me the ecnd of the oar ! Abim. 0, quick ! Mr. J. I got ye ! Keep tight holt ! Dick. Why did n't ye do as I told ye ? Be ye a fool ? Abim. Darn that man ! I wish he was drownded I Mr, J. Hush, Bim'lech ! Now hold yer lantern !^ (Shoves ojf.) Dick. "What ye 'bout? Here ! take me aboard ! Mr. J. I got to look arter tliem lambs. Hold the lantern, Bim'- lech ! Dick. Jest my cussed luck ! — Don't leave a feller in this kind o' vray ! Han't ye got no human feern's? Mr. J. Can't ye swim ? Dick. No ! Scoundrel ! Mr. J. Wal — 'tend to your case in the mornin'. Hold yer lan- *€rn, Bim'lech ! (Exeunt, in boat R. ii. u. e.) 5 60 NEiGiiiina JACRWOOD. [act i7 ACT IV. SCENE I. — Early morning. A Room in Ma. Greewvick's lIovAe. Enter Mr. Greenwich, Mrs. GREE^•^YICH, and Etty, iceeping^ \tr hands to her face. Enter IIobert. Mr. Greenwich, (c.) Daughter, tkis Sabbath morning appears a fttting occasion, and we will proceed to a settlement. Mrs. Greenwich, (l.) Tlie child is almost down sick — Mr. G. Mrs. Greenwich ! {Seats himself.) This wa}', daughter. Put down your hands. (Etty, r. c, puis down her right hand.) 1 said put down your hands. {She puts down her left, and puis up her right.) Daughter ! {She puts both down.) Now give me your eye i Mrs. G. The poor child has such a cold in her head and eyes — Mr. G. Mrs. Greenwich ! How often must I request that you will not interfere in the paternal disciiiline? {Kobeut ichisilcs.) Son Robert ! is it becoming in you to whistle on an occasion of this nature? Respect the paternal head ! Robert, (r.) To be sure ! {Drums with his fingers.) Mr. G. Daughter, hold up your right hand. Eor remissness in your Latin lessons the past week, you, Henrietta Greenwich, are sentenced to one day upon bread and water. For laughing twice, while that I was speaking, on Friday night, another day. For using the unladylike expression, O dear, I can't ! when that I gave you a task, half a day. For smiling during the divine service, last Sabbath, half a day ; total, three days on bread and water, — namely, Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Thank mc, daughter ! Eily. {Sobbing.) Thank you, sir ! Mr. G. Daughter, you can withdraw. Son Robert, I have also treasured a few words for your edification. Rob. Proceed ! {Hums an air.) Mr. G. Son Robert, a more respectful attitude will be quite as becoming in listening to the paternal head. Mrs. G. Come here, my poor child ! {To Etty.) Mr G. Mrs. Greenwich ! Son Robert, you amaze me ! Rob. 0, do I? That's quite extraordinary! 'Assumes a prim uttitude, and twirls his thumbs.) Mr. G. Son Robert, your conduct of late nas been aisgraceful to the name of .Greenwich ! The report is, that you indulge ia dram- li-inking ; and you have carried your disregard for my wishes so far as to smoke cigars in my own house ! {A pinch of snuff ,) Rob. (Aside.) I'll abjure Havanas, and addict myself to snuff ! Go it, old white-head ! Enter Enos, l. Enos. Wal, 'Squire Greenwich, they ben havin' a tearin' time iown the crick, — I s'pese you heerd. Rob, Sit down, Mr. Crumlett. Enos. Who 'd a' thought Charlotte Woods was notbin' but a nigger gal, arter all ? 'T Avas dre'ful bad, though, 'bout her beia' irownded ! !5GEK^: II.] KKIGilBOR JACKWOOD. 51 Afrs. G., Rob., and Eity. Drowned '. j\fr. G. Mrs. Greenwich ! Daughter ! Son Robert ' I was about to speak ! What is this you say, Enos ? Enos. Han't you heerd, though? She was hid in Jackwood's stack, down on the bottom ; wlien the dam broke away, and kivered the stack in over ten foot of water ! Rob. {Aside.) Death and furies ! Drowned ! Enos. Look here, Bob I That X. Y. Z. chap o' vourn — Rob. Hist! Enos. The stack makes an island, and he's turned to a kind o' Robinson Crusoe. As for Jackwood, he 's gone off, nobody knows where. It 's ben a reg'lar tearin' time, tell you ! (Robert crosses l.) Mr. G. Son Robert ! If you are about to leave the house, listen to the paternal voice, and remain ! Rob. (Aside.) I must know the truth of this I Ilell-fire is in me ! Mr. G. Son Robert ! Son Robert ! Detain him, Enos ! Rob. Hands off ! By heaven ! (Rushes off, l.) Enos. "Wal, 'pears to be in suthin' of a hurry ! Mr. G. Son Robert ! Son Robert ! Hearken ! remain ! Son Robert ! (Exit, l. Mks. Greenwich ajid Etty follow. E?ios. Wal, slim chance for a spec'lation in these parts ! Guess I '11 go an' see Tildy 'Exit, l.) SCENE li - A Room in Mn. Rukely's House. A table, c. Enter Mr. Rukely. Mr. Rukely. What a terrible night it has been ! I could not sleep, for thinking of my sermon. (Takes MS. from table.) Enter Bertha, r., in morning dress. Bertha. Husband ! Mr. R. How pleasant it is, indeed, to hear that word ! Husband > Ber. I thought your sermon was finished. Mr. R. There are one or two things I wish to alter. Ber. I am afraid you won't see so large a congregation, to-day, aa you expected. Mr. R. It is my first sermon on the slavery quest?'On ; and I think there '11 be a pretty genei-al turn-out to hear it. (Seated l. of table.) Shall I read my fourthly aloud? Ber. (r. of table.) 0, certainly. Mr. R. (Reads.) The great danger consists ip; taking narrois .•,nd sectional vieics of a subject ichich should only be regarded in a brnad, national light. That seems to me to be an unanswerable point. Don't you think so, my dear ? Ber. (A'early asleep.) 0, yes ! I think so. Mr. R. (Reads.) We have no right to peril the icelfiness of a nation^ by espousing the cause of one person against the laws made to protect and regulate all. Is not that conclusive ? Ber. Entirely so. But I am not sure I understand. We are noJ to assist fugitive? 62 NEIGilDOR JACK^YOOD. [4CTIT Mr. R. Certainly not ! Is it not just ? Bcr. True ; I suppose so. {Falls asleep.) Mr. R, For, as I go on to say, {Reads.) The hues ere lacred^ md if those statutes — {Knock heard, l.) £er. {Starting up.) Did ycu speak? {Knock.) Mr, R. There is somebody at the door. Matilda : Enter Matilda, k. Knocks continued. Ber See who is at the door. Matilda. {Crosses,!,.) Party smart, I should think! Have to eall me to do eyerything ! I wish folks could wait on themselves ! {Knocks. Exit, l.) Ber. {Arranging her morning dress.) I wonder who it can be, at this hour ! Sunday morning, too ! • Reenter Matilda, l. Matilda. 0, Mi*. Rukely ! There's a man out here with a horse, Rud some dead person in his arms ! Mr. R. and Bertha. Some dead person ! Enter Mr. Jackwood, l,, bearing Camille. Mr. Jackwood. (c.) Make way, Tildy ! Ber. (l.) Good heavens ! Mr. R. Neighbor Jackwood ! Mr. J. Help me git this 'ere poor gal to a fire. Ber. What has happened to her ? Mr. J. She 's ben drownded. Mr. R. Drowned ! Ber. {Recognizes Cajiille.) 0, Charlotte ! Mat. Charlotte AVoods ! Mr. R. Be calm, my dear ! Mr. J. We 'd better be gittin' her dry and wai-m, fust thing. Ber. Bring her right in here ! Come, Matilda ! {Exit, r. 2 e.) Mr. J. {Carries Camille out, e. 2 e.) Poor gal ! poor gal ! Mat. I wonder if Enos knows ! , {Exit, b. 2 e.) Mr. R. What can it mean ? Charlotte Woods ! {Rehiier Mil. Jackwood.) Shall I send for the doctor ? Mr, J. (l.) Mr. Rukely, you 're a minister o* tlie blessed gospel , you got larnin' and gen vis, an', more 'n all that, I b'lieve your heart 's in the right place. .Mr. R. For mercy's sake ! what is the trouble ? Mr. J. Charlotte 's a fugitive, and the kidnabbors arc arter her ! .Mr. R A fugitive ! A slave ! 0, my sermon ! Mr. J. We had her hid in the stack, last night ; but she got urownded out. She got on the shed, and was there when it washed away. I tell ye what, it give me a start I shan't git over in a hurry, when I got to the stack and found her missin'. ffal, I thought it all over. You know Osborne's Flats ? There 's a place, down there, makes a big, shaller basin, where flood- wood swims round and round, 5ometim.es, for half a day ; so when we got up with the boat, I jumped onto ol' Dan, and rode down to th2 turnpike ; and there, arter hunt- SCENE 11. j SEIGIIEOR JACKWOOD 53 in' round till dayilglit, and jest as I "was goin' to give her up, I heard a sheep bl'at. Then I looked sharp, an' I see suthin' lodged agin a knoll. Wal, sir, 'twas that shed-ruff ; and Charlotte was on it, with two o' my lambs she 'd helped out o' the water. Slie was holdin' to some bushes, to keep the raft from floatin' off. I got her on to the hoss, and brought her here ; and now she's safe agin, I tell ye, I feel jest like a new man ! Mr. R. Safe ! (Aside.) My sermon ! Mr. J. She 's been through a dre'ful tough night ! .Mr. B. In my house ! .Mr. J. I 've an idee strikes me ! The kidnabbers will think she 'a drownded — don't you see? They'll give her up; and then we'll hurry her off to Canada. Mr. R. But, if the story should get out I .Mr. J. Jest make sure of Tildy, and I don't see how it any ways can. You 've no scruples agin keepin' her, of course ? Mr. R. No scruples — that is, the laws of the country — Mr. J. I tell ye what ! I respect the laws, and I don't think I 'k. a bad citizin, gen'ly speakin'. But, come case in hand, a human crit- ter 's of more account than all the laws in Christendom. When He was on 'arth (points upward) y He never stopped to as whether it was lawful to do a good deed, but went and done it ! Mr. R. Neighbor Jackwood, you are right ! You can depend upon me! — (Aside.) My sermon ! Mr. J. Bless you, sir ! I knowed it ! When there 's a duty to be done to a feller- mortal, you an't the man to stop to look arter the con- sequences ! On'y take care o' that poor gal — (chokinghj) — excuse me, I — I — I believe I took cold in the boat ! Bless you, sir ! I '11 thank you sonie other time ! ( Wrings his hand, and exit, l.) Mr. R. Most extraordinary ! A fugitive in my house ! 0, my miserable, heartless sermon ! Bertha. (At the door, r. 2 e.) Husband, will you heat some brandy ? As quick as you can, please ! Mr. R. I heat brandy for a fugitive ? — I ? ( Gathers tip the sheets of his sermon, and hurries from the room, l. 2 e.) Ber. Why, husband ! What are you doing ? Re'tnter Mr. Kukely. Mr. R. Kindling the fire, to heat some brandy. Ber. But that was your sermon ! Mr. R. I hope it will do good. 0, Bertha, I find there is a diflfci' ence between writing from the head and acting from tlie heart ! Ber. What do you mean ? Mr. R. Neighbor Jackwood has taught me a lesson. I have written out cold theories, and you have assented to them drowsily ; but when I tell you that Charlotte WoodSj in that room, is — Ber. What? Mr. R. Is herself a fugitive ! — Ber. Charlotte Woods ? Mr. R. Shall we turn her from our door ? Ber. Not for all the world ! ! Charlotte ! Mr. R. You are awake, now — so am I ! How have we talked* 54 KEIGIIBOR JACKWOOD. [ACT IV. and -written, and fallen asleep, with our cold, dead theories, like tho thoughtless world around us ! But there is a living soul in that room ! We are responsible for her to our Divine Master ! We will save her ! ' Ber. We will save her ! {Exeu7it, r. 2 e.) SCENE III. — Mr. Jackwood's Kitchen. Enter ]Mr. Jackwood, Dickson, and Abimelecii, d. f. Mr. Jackwood. {Down c.) Hope ye had a good time, out on the stack, there. Bim'lech, here, was for leavin' ye to pass yer Sunday there ; but I guessed naebby you 'd like to go to meetin'. Dickson, (r.) All right ! I shall get my pay, I reck'n. Mr. J. Wal, you 'd oughter ! A man 'fc puts his hand to your kind o' business desarves to git his pay ! You did n't see none o' my drownded sheep, did ye ? Dick. I had somethin' else to think of. Mr. J. Glad o' that ! It 's Sunday, and we 'd ought all on us to be thinkin' o' suthin' else. I s'pose you '11 stay to breakfast with us. You desarve some breakfast, that 's a fact. Speak to the folks, Bim- 'lech. (Abimelecii goes off, u. 2 e.) Dick. Look a-here ! What 's the wuth of a farm like this o' vourn ? Mr. J. Think of buyin' and settlin' amongst us, do ye ? Took with our manners and customs, I s'pose. Dick. I only asked for information. Mr. J. Wal, in that case, — though 'tis Sunday, — I don't mina sayin' that the vally I set on my property, here, is seven thousan' dollai'S, cash on the nail ! (Abijielech returns, and crosses, l.) Dick. An' s'pos'n you should wake up, some fine mornin', and find you hadn't no farm, an' no seven thousan' dollars, nuther? Mr. J. I should try to git along without, then ; and larn to be thankful for what I did have. Dick. I 'd advise ye to cultivate that feel'n', 'gainst the time comes • an' I prophesy 't won't be slow com'n' ! Mr. J. That 's perty talk from a man 't I 've invited to breakfast ! Dick. I reck'n your farm an't none too big to cover this little business o' yourn — ye understand? Harborin' and rcscuin' that gal ! The wuth of a fine, han'some piece of property, like her, an't less 'u fifteen hundred, in the fust place. These yer white ones come mighty high. Then there 's fines, and imprisonment — Mr. J. It 's Sunday, an' we won't talk over business, I guess, 'fore to-morrer. But, I '11 tell ye one thing : though I set as much by my farm as any man, I would n't mind losin' it in a good cause, if I could be o' sarvice to a feller-critter by so doin', an save 'em from scoun-. drels and man-stealers, like you ! Dick. I 'm used to these cases. Mr. J. Wal, I an't, an' I 'm glad on 't ! But le's drop the subject We '11 have breakfast. SCENE IV. J NEIGHBOR JACKWOOD. ^g EnUr Mrs. Jackwood and Phcebe, k. 2 e. Abividech. (l.) Darned if I 'd give liira any breakfost ! (Tkev sit at table. ) Phahe. I can't eat, this mornin'. Mr. J. We 'II excuse ye. But don't cry no mere ; 't won't do do good. Dick. 1 s'pose 3-e won't object to lendin' me a boss for a couple of hours, this mornin' ? Mr. J. I do object to lendin' you a hoss ! Dick. I reck'n I 'm good for more 'u one hoss ! Mr. J. Mebby ; but I should want suthin' 'sides your business 01 your face to recommend ye. Abirn. There 's somebody come ' Mr. J. See who it is, my son. Abim. {At d. f.) It 's one o' them men ! Says he wants Dickson. Dick. I '11 be thar in a minute. Mr. J. Ask him to come in and have some breakfast. Abim. I would n't ' Mr. J. Mind ! Abim. Darn the kidnappers, I say? Dick. What do I owe ye ? ( Takes out purse.) Mr. J. Not a red cent ! Dick. Don't ye never take pay when strangers put up with ye ? Mr. J. I neither lend nor sell to sich as you ! Your money 's 'arnt in a bad trade, and I 'd ruther have notliin' to do with it ! Dick. Cuss these Yankee farmers ! {Exit, d. r.) (Abimelech shakes his fist behind Dickson's back. Mrs. Jack- w^ooD scrapes dishes ivith knife, clearing table.) Mr. J. Bim'lech ! Abim. {Down l. c.) Say, they can't git your farm away from ye, can they ? Mr. J. (c.) You may be sartin they will, if they can ! The law 'a on their side, too, I s'pose. Abim. I would n't let 'em ! I 'd sue 'em ! Mr. J. That '11 do, Bim'lech. We '11 be gettin' ready, now, to go to meetin'. We are goin' to the house of Hm — so, le's banish all self- ish thoughts, and forgive our enemies — even the poor, ignorant kid- nabbers, that come a-hunting their human prey into the very quiet of cur homes. Come, Phosbe ; come, Bim'lech. {Exeunt, r.) SCENE IV. — Mr. Bukely's Kitchen. Enter Ends, -r., and Ma- tilda, L. Enos. Wal, 'Tildy, how de dew these times, hey? Whew ! han" I put in, walkin' down here through the mud ! Matilda. Take off your coat, and set down. Enos. { Takes off outside coat.) You 've heard the news, I s'pose. Mat. About Charlotte Woods ? Enos. Queer, an't it' {Hangs oat on chair^ and sits down,, 8. C ) 56 wKlGiinOR JACXWOOl). fACI IV. Mai. {Seated, l.) 0, I v/asn't inucli sar prised ! Enos. Wal, I was, nov/ ! I knowed lier like a book. She wan't lialf so black as some white folks I know. She was jest dark enough to be re'l perty. Mat. You fancy dai'k complexions, I see. Enos. Of course I do — .Mat. I admire 3'our taste ! Enos. And that 's what makes me like you. Mat. You don't call me dark, I hope ? Enos. I don't call you nothin' else. Afat. Well, if you han't got eyes ! Enos. You 're darker 'n Charlotte "Woods, now, come ! Mat. I ? Maybe I be ! Your welcome to think so ; as if I cared ' Enos. Need n't be mad ! I don't mean your skin is like hei-n - Mat. Which you admired so much ! Enos. You an't exactly dark — wal, I can't express it ; on'y you 're red — no, not red, but kind 0' red and brown. Come, ye an't mad, be ye ? (Hitches his chair towards licr.) Mat. I do wish you 'd go away ! E710S. There ! that 's all I wanted ! If you 'vc got sich a temper, I don't see but that we may 's well break off ! {Puts on his coat.) Mat. If you want to go, I 'm sure I shan't hender ye ! - Enos. Much obleeged ! (Buttons his coat.) I'm glad you 're so Trillin' ! Mat. Of course I am, if you 've got sick of me, and want to break off! {Beginning to cry.) You would n't quit so, if you wan't ! It's you that 's got temper, I should think ! Enos. I ? I han't got the least grain 0' temper in the world ! Look here ! I guess we '11 talk that over. Mat. Set down, won't ye, while ye stay ? Enos. No ! I 'm in suthin' of a hurry ! What do ye mean about my havin' temper ? Come ! Mat. Take off your coat, won't ye ? Enos. No ; I guess not ! {Unbuttons his coat.) .Mat. You better. Ic 's perty warm here. Enos. Wal, you do beat all the gals ! You can make a feller dew anything! {Palls off his coat.) Kind o' like ye, Tildy, arter all ! Mat. I did n't know you was so well acquainted with Charlotte Woods. Enos. 0, I was n't much. Who said I was ? .Mat. You ; you said you knew her like a book. Enos. 0, wal, I meant I 'd seen her a good many times. What do ye look so for ? Mat. So — hoTf . Enos. {Imitating.) Kind 0' so. Just as if you knowed suthli.' *t you would n't tell. Mat. I ? What do you mean ? Etios. ^Yil], I an't goin' to tease. — Folks all gone to meetin' ? Mat. I han't gone. Enos. There 'tis agin! See here! what is 't, now? Anything about Charlotte ? Mat. What do you care about Charlotte ? Enos. {Jumping up.) There ! I an't a- goin' to stan' that, any way ! {Puts on his coat.) ;?CENB V.j NKIGHBOIt .ACKWOOl^ 51 Mat. Stand what ? Enos. {Buttoning himself up to the chin.) You 're so everlaatin' silly ! So ! {Imitating her simper.) And when I ask ye what it is, t^ll me it 's none o' my business ! {Puts on his hat.) Mat. Why, what do ye mean ? Enos. You know sutliin', you know ye do ! Mat. If I do, it 's something I can't tell. Enos. Gosh all hemlock! an't we engaged? If there 's anything you can't tell me, guess we may as Avell break off. Mat. Bertha never i forgive me, if I should tell. i Enos. If you think more o Berthy 'n you do of me, that 's enough ' Qood-by ! Mat. Enos ! look here ! won't ye never tell? Enos. Good-by ; I 'm in a desprit hurry. Mat. It 's something about Charlotte. Enos. Sho' ! You don't, though, Tildy ! Mat. Won't ye never tell, now, as long as you live ? Enos. No ; hope to die ! Mat. 0, I would n't have Bertha know, for the world ! Enos. Sho' ! You don't say ! Charlotte han't got off, has she, arter all the fuss about her bein' drownded ? Mat. She 's in this veiy house ! Enos. No ! Mat. True as I live ! Mr. Jackwood fetched her. Enos. In this very house ! Beats everything ! What 'u'd them Southern chaps give ? Jingoes, Tildy ! it 's the greatest thing I ever heerd in my life ! ( Gets np, sits down again, and doubles himself up, embracing his knees, in a most extraordinary maimer.) .Mat. Now, don't you ever tell, in all this world ! Enos. An't it a good one ? Takes me right out o' my boots ! Jerusha mighty ! {Going, n.) Mat. Don't go ! Enos. Must ; I 'm in a tearin' hurry ! I got to go over to tie tavern to see a man talks o' tradin' for my four-year-old mare. Mat. Don't ye tell ! {Puts up chairs behind.) Enos. In this very house ! 0, ho ! ho ! he ! he ! I shall die laf- fin' over it, if I stay another minute ! What 'd that X. Y. Z. chap give ? .Mat. Stay just a minute, Enos ! Enos. Don't stop me ! I tell ye, I 'm in the allGredest hurry ! {Exeunt, n.) SCENE v.— The Tavern S^eps. Enter Dickson, l. Dickson. Shall have to give her up, I s'pose. It makes me mad, I gweur, to lose a gal that way ! Handsome piece o' property, lik« that — Enter Enos, r. Enos. Hello, you ! quite a spell o' weather, arter the shower. T was dre'ful unfort'nit 'bout her gittin' drownded ! Hey ? Dick. 'T an't all over with yet, though ! 58 NEIGHBOR JACKVrOOB. ''ACT IV. Enos. Sho' ! Dick. Things is work'u'. Enos. I s'pose there an't no doubt 'bout her beia' ilrownded, hey 7 Give it up as a gone case, I s'pose ? Dick. 'Mighty doubtful 'bout our ever hearin' of her again, I reck'n. E710S. 'T would n't be nothin' so very strange, though, if she was hid away somewheres right in the neighborhood, would it ? Though, of course, 't an't 'tall likely. Dick. The next thing would be, to get a clue. Enos. 'T would n't be a bad joke, hey ? You 'd be tickled, I guess ' Dick. Wal, I should ! Enos. Can't help laffin' ! Dick. (Aside.) Something here ! I 'd give a hundred dollars ! — Enos. Iley ! what ? Dick. I 'd give a hundred dollars, just to have such a clue as I epeak of. Enos. You would n't give me a hundred dollars, now, jest s'pose, for instance — (Aside.) Goodness gracious ! how it makes the sweat start ! Dick. Tell ye what I would do, just for the sake o' talk'n*. I 'd give fifty dollars, cash down, and fifty more in case the gal was found. Enos. (Aside.) How like Sam Hill it makes me shiver ! — But, since she 's drownded, there au't no use talkin'. Fine spell o' weather, looks like, now Dick. You an't goin? Enos. Wal, yis — I 'm in suthin' of a hurry. Ye 'xpect to stay long in these parts ? Dick. That depends. If I could lay hands on that gal — Enos. He ! he ! Haf to laf ! — What if I could find out suthin' about her ? — though 't an't possible, of course ! Oo-oo-ooh ! (Shiv- ers, and wipes the sweat from his face with his sleeve.) Dick. Look a-here ! ( Takes gold from his pocket.) Three — six — nine — there 's twelve half-eagles ; that makes sixty dollars. Here, don't go ! E710S. (Shivering.) Must; I'm in a desprit hurry. (Aside.) Jerusha mighty ! what if I should tell ? Oo-oo-ooh ! Dick. But, see here ! Enos. You don't mean to say you 'd give that — • Dick. Yes, and as much more, when the gal 's found. Now, that 'a fair ! Enos. So 't is ; but what 's the use ? Of course she 's drownded ! Dick. That 's gold ; twice sixty 's a hundred and forty. Enos. A hunderd and twenty. Dick. Wal, we '11 call it a hundred and forty — sixty down, and eighty on con dish 'n. Enos. (Aside.) A hundred and forty ! Jerusha mighty ! Here is a chance for a spec'lation ! I 'm afraid I shall tell ! — I guess I 'II be gcin' ; I 'm in a good deal of a hurry. Dick. She 's got friends up here, I reck'n. They 'd buy her ruther 'n see her go South agin, would n't they ? Her owner 's in New Fork. All he wants is the wuth of his property EriQs. That 's nat'ral. Oo-oo-oo-ooh ! SCENE VI.] KEIGHBOR JACKWOOD. 59 Dick. And 't Avould be a miglity sight better for you an' Mr. Jack- wood, too ! Enos. Hey ! Better for me an' Jackwood ? Dick. Of^course. I don't say 't I blame either of ye ; but. I s'pose jou know the consequences of helpin' a fugitive off. Enos. Sho ! Bick. I consider it wuth about five hundred dollars to be pitched •ut o' the window, that way — Enos. Look here, now ! You don't mean — 0, Jerusha mighty ! here 's a chance for a spec'lation ! (Aside.) Dick. But give me a clue to that gal, and we '11 call that matter equare . you shall have the hundred and forty dollars besides. Enos. See here, I an't a goin' to be scart, no ! But, see here — ( Wipes his face with his sleeve.) Dick. Yv^hat do ye say ? Enos. Why, I could n't find out nothin', if I should try. Though, by jingoes ! I 've a good notion jest to inquire 'round. Dick. That 's right ! Come, — come into the tavern and take Eomethin'. E710S. Can't possibly, — I — I — I'mina desprit hurry ! Oo-oo- ooh ! Dick. Come along ! E710S. Why, of course, she 's drownded, — so I guess, on the hull, 't won't be wuth while. Dick. (Puis money in his hand.) I '11 make it worth yer while ! That 's to pay ye for yer trouble, any way. Come along ; I '11 order somethin' hot for ye. {Exit^ d. f.) Enos. Gold ! Y^hat 'u'd Tildy say ? Oo-oo-ooh ! Jingoes ! how I sweat ! — 'Fraid I 'm goin' to have a shake o' the ager ! Guess I may Bs well take suthin' hot ! This come from the South — {looks at the coin) — who knows but I may have ketched the yaller fever ! Oo-oo- ooh ! I '11 take suthin' hot, any way ! {Exit, d. f.) SCENE VI. — Room in Mr. Kukely's House. Camille vpon a lounge. Bertha approaching her. Bertha, (r,.) You are better, now. Camille. (l.) 0, so much better, dear Bertha ! But I am very feeble, yet. The horrors of last night haunt me still ! Bcr. Do not thSnk of them. Cam. I dreamed that I was taken, and carried back into slavery. Ber. You ! into slavery ! 0, Charlotte ! Cam. Do not call me Charlotte any more. My name is Camille. Ber You have promised to tell me your histoiy. Cam. And so I will. My father was a French merchant, in New Orleans ; my mother was a child of bondage. Ber. A slave ' Cam. Do not blame them — they loved each other. I was their only child. I was petted and spoiled, — 0, well do I remember those happy days ! When I was ten years old, my father was preparing to take us to Franco — then first I knew the curse I 60 KEiailBOS, JACKWOOL*. [ACT IT. Bcr. ITc died ! Cam Too suddenly ! We were left slaves — we bwame the prop- ei'ty of a cold and cruel woman, — his wife, — who hated us because he had loved us. Her cruelty broke my mother's heart. 1 was sold. Ber. You, Charlotte ! sold ! Ca7n. Yes, — and sold again and again I My third mistress was Mrs. Graves, the most beautiful character I ever knew ; she made me her companion, educated me, and loved me as a sister. JBer. Why did you not stay with her always ? Cam. Ah, Bertha, the poor slave-girl cannot choose ! Her husband sold me, in a fit of jealous rage. I became the property of a specu- lator in Mobile. JSer. Property ! Cam. 0, Bertha, you don't know what it is to be the property of a brutal, sensual man ! Fortunately, hi'fe wife was jealous, and pro- tected me. It was in her house that I first saw — Hector. Ber. Hector Dunbury ! Ca7n. He was brought there by a friend of Mrs. Tanwood's, named Roberts. It was this Roberts who assisted me to escape. We commu- ■ nicated by secret signs and notes. He brought me the articles of my disguise, and took me one night on board a vessel in the bay. 0, but he proved a traitor. Bertha ! He accompanied me on the voyage to New York, not as the friend I thought him, but as a vulture, who had snatched me from other vultures to make me his private prey ! JBer. Tell me how ! Cam. All that must remain till I am stronger. The wound you discovered on my breast — £er. He stabbed you there ! Cam.- 'T was I who placed the knife between us, to save what was dearer than life. I appealed to the captain, and he brought me to New York, and placed me on board a sloop bound up the North River, and gave me a letter to a brother, at White Hall. JBer. And your owner, — did he pursue you ? Cam. Not then ; but he came shortly after to New York. JBer. And you reached White Hall ? Ca7n. There I heard bad news. Captain Damon's brother had removed into the country. I set out, travelling on foot, to find him. [ had been frustrated, terrified, wearied, and famished, when good Mr. Jackwood befriended me — Enter ]\Li.TiLDA, d. 2 e. l. Matilda. There is somebody coming to the house ! £er. Who can it be ? Run and see, Matilda. {Exit Matilda, r^, 2 k. l.) Ca?n. 0, Bertha ! I fear — £er. Be quiet ! I will listen ! Robert. {Without.) I must see her ! Give way ' Ber. It is Robert ! Cavx. (r.) Conceal me ! Save me ! Enter Matilda, d. 2 e l. Matilda I could n't help it - ho would come in ! BCENE VI.] KEICiUCOR JACKWOOT* 6l Ber. You are discovered ! Enter Robert, d, 2 e. l. Robert. I am come to save you ! {Crosses to c.) Cam. Then I am lost, indeed ! Ber. 0, Eobert Greenwich ! Rcb. Lose not a moment or a word ! I thought yc a dead \ la that thought I have suftered a thousand deaths ! Dickson is on your track ' Ber Why do you doubt ? Surely, he is your friend ! Cam. If I have an enemy in the wide world, it is he ' Ber. How? 0, no, Camille ! Cam. I told you of Roberts, the treacherous friend. I told not one half. Roberts and Robert Gi-eenwich are the same ! Bob. 0, Camille, — as I have wronged you, all I live' for now is to n\ake atonement ! Ber. Tell us, how has she been discovered? Rob. By a bribe — Dickson fell in with Cruralctt — Ber. 0, Matilda ! It is what I feared ! .Mat. Enos ! Ber. Why did you tell — .Mat. I, tell ! I never did ! I hope to die ! I never lisi:)cd it to a Boul ! Ber. True, ?>Iatilda ? Not even to Enos ? .Mat. He promised me he would n't tell 1 Ber. Matilda, what have you done? Rob. Help, Bertha ! {Takes hold of Camille.) I have a swift horse at the door — I will take her to a place of safety — Dickson Avill soon be here ! Cam. Away ! I will meet my flite ! Ber. No, no, Camille ! He is sincere — he will save jca ! We cannot hide you here ! Rob. A moment's delay will ruin all ! For heaven's sake ! for your own sake ! believe me ! trust me ! Hark ! Ber. ( Throwhit; a shawl iipon her.) 0, if Mr. Rukely were here 1 Go, go, Camille ! Cam. I cannot ! {Knocking, T). h.) Rob. It is they ! Save her ! This Avay ! {Knocking coydinued.) Ber. Matilda, help ! {Crash, -l.) Dickson, J)(iu^,and .Men, burst in at d. l., as Robert, Behtha, c td Matilda, hurry Camille out, ». b. 6 $2 NEianBOR JACKW J)OD. ACT V. ACT V. SCENE I — A Room in Crumlett's House. E^os, C; sountin^ momij upon the lid of a trunk. Enos Twentj^-five, thirty, thirty-five, forty — Ila ! What 's that ? Gi'acious ! what a stax^t it give me ! It 's uothin' but a mouse la the wall. — Thirty-five, forty, forty-five, fifty — {Starts.) I'm sure I heerd a hiugh ! Somebody said, Enos Crumldl ! Enos Crum- lett ! jest as plain ! Forty-five, fifty, fifty-five — Enter Dickson, l, Dickson. Crumlett ! Enos. Murder! murder! murder! (Scrapes iip the (/old.) It's you ! I thought — jingoes ! I never was so scart ! Breakiu' in on to a feller that kind o' way ! What do ye want ? Dick. I want to pay you that other eighty dollars. Enos. You han't ketched her ! Dick. No ; but we 're goin' to, I reck'n. I 've got a clue. Bob Greenwich has been pass'n' bogus. _ Enos. This an't bogus, is it ? Dick. Never you fear ! Do you know a log hut off in Colyer's woods ? Enos. Wal — yes. It 's a tarnal ways ofi", though ! Dick. Never mind that. A gang of counterfeiters have been coinin' bogus in that hut, and it 's my 'pinion it 's there Bob Greenwich has carried that gal. Come, Dole is wait'n' ; we want you to show us the way. Enos. And you '11 give me the eighty dollars ? Dick. Money 's ready. Enos. Wal, I swanny, now, it 's kind of a temptation ! May as well go in for a hull sheep as a lamb. You 're sure this an't none o' that bogus, hey ? Dick. Come along ! (ExiY, L.) Enos. I shall be feelin' consarned about this money, now,all the time I 'm gone. I — I 'm most afraid to leave it. I wish I 'd hid it under the floor. Dick, (l., without.) Hurra ! Eifos. Wal ; I 'm comin' ! Jerusha mighty ! I 'm sure I shall bo robbed ! What a plague it is to be rich ! — Dick. {Without.) Crumlett! Enos. Wal ; in a minute. Jingoes ! I shall haf to take it with me ! 'T an't safe to leave it in the trunk. Dick. {TViiliout.) An't you com'n' to-day ? Enos. Jerusha mighty ! What if he only wants to get me out one eide to rob me, arter all ? I '11 leave it in the *.runk ! No, I won't ! Plague on so much money ! {Exit, l.) SCENE II. — The Counterfeiters' Hut. Door r. c, in fiat, with bar^ practical. Camille asleep within a recess, l. c, in flat. Roberi Greenwich, c, and Mrs. Sperkley, r., discovered. Mrs. Sperkley. Why did you bring her here? My husband al- ways said, if we got found out, it would be through you ! -/.CEKE II.] NEIGIinOR JACKW0Ol>. 68 Robert. Nobody knows of this place. Mrs. S. dear ! What will my husband say ? Rob. Husk ! She is waking ! Biing a glass of \?inc. ^Msa Sperklet brings bottle and glass from r. 2 e.) Camillc. 0, what dream is this? Rob. You have been sleeping. Cam, You! {Springs xq^.) Rob. Why do you dread me nov/ ? Have I not saved you ? Cam. O, I am weak and bewildered ! Heaven pity me ! Rob. (Takes glass from 'Mb.s. 8pe-rklv:y.) Drink this. Cam. No ; leave me ! Rob. You need it much. Cam. Perhaps ; but I will not drink. Go ! Rob. I am your servant. Ca77i. Then obey me ! Rob. I obey. (Hands the glass to Mrs. Sperkley.) Prevail upon her to drink. ( Walks aside, r.) She is in my power, and the devil tempts me ! What can I do to make her love me ? 0, demon ! demon ! (Smites his brow.) Mrs. S. Why, 'tan't bad ; jest taste it ! Cam. I have heard of people being drugged ! 0, you are a woman ! Be my friend ! Do not let me take any hurtful drink ! — promise that ! Mrs. S. Who ever heard of such a thing ? Rob. (Thrusting Mrs. Sperkley aside.) Go ! Leave us ! Cajn. 0, stay ! Mrs. S. I will come back ! (Exit, d. f.) Rob. (Goes to the door, bars it, and returns.) If you can sleep, let me sit here and watch. Cam. Leave me, sir ! Rob. 0, why are you so beautiful — so lovely ? Cam. Robert Greenwich ! will you go ? Rob-. Camille, Canada must be reached. We will go together. The eervice, the love, the life, of a great and passionate soul, are yours — Cam. Tempter, begone ! Rob. Scorn me, if you will ; but consider your danger ! Cam. My danger is in you ! My whole nature, my life, my very being, rises up against you ! Rob. When you deprive me of hope, you drive me to despair, I cannot lose you ! 0, Camille 1 (Seizes her.) Cam. Touch me not ! Serpent I Help I help ! Mrs, S. ( Without, d. f.) Greenwich ! (Shakes the door.) Rob. ( Unbars the door.) What do you want? Enter Mrs. Sierklet. Mrs. S. There are men in the bur h ! Rob. How many? (Looks out.) That accursed Dickson ! Mrs. S. Shall I open ? (Knocks at n.v.) Rob. Away ! (Flings her off.) They have tracked us ! Your hnnt- ers are here ! Shall I save you ? Cam. What do you mean ? (Knocks continued.) Rob. You have distrusted, scorned me I I 'm not the fool to sava you for such pay. — Choose I ti4 NEIGHBOR JACKWOOD ' IxTl y Cam. How choose ? Rob. Between me and slavery ! Between me and a dozen brutal masters I Cam. Come a thousand evils ! come slavery ! come death ! I can die, but I cannot sin ! {Knocks, d. f.) Hob. In this house is a place of concealment. Once there, you are safe. Only promise me your love ! Cam. Save me for justice, for mercy — I will thank you ! But, if for your own selfishness, I snail scorn you the more ! ( Violent knocks, T). F.) Mrs. S. We are lost ! dear ! dear ! Rob. Is this your answer ? Ca7n. It is my answer ! (Si7iks doiun in the ixcess.) Rob. Your fate be upon your own head ! {Throws open the door.] Dickson, I 'm glad to see you I Enter Dicksox, Oliver Bole, Sheriff, and others, d. f. Dickson. Greenwich, I 'm glad to see you ! Whar 's that gal ? Rob. I brought her here to keep her till word could be got to you. You '11 thank me when you know all. Dick. (Fv.) Thank you, with a vengeance ! There's your man, Bheriflf. Sheriff, (c.) Robert Greenwirek, I arrest you for counterfeiting. Rob. Ha I this is your plan ! {Siruc/gles, but is ovcrcoiae, a7id handcuffed.) Dick. {Crosses to Camille.) All right ! Come, my eai:k 1 Oliver Dole. No violence ! Dick. I reck'n 3'ou '11 go along 'thout any more fQ'jf. TJcre 's been fool'n' enough for one while. (Camille rises, glances wildly around her, an'l fc.V,' to c swoon.) Rob. AVell, gentlemen ; I am ready ! .Mrs. S. What are you going to do with us ? 'J 'i y.e ': Sheriff. Come along, and you '11 see. '{Exeunt Sheriff, Robert, Mrs. ^v'^.w^i/ r, and others, D. f.) Dick. I'll fetch her out of this ! I 'vo Uj'i /-doh tricks 'fore to- day ! O. D. I 'm astonished to find her so f/Zrlo Dick. {Roughly puts flask to CAWiifi'.". V>ps.) C'om'n' to, a bit, be ye? That 's right ; it 's got to a egg. Grab holt, here ! O. D. Good heavens ! /j. i (Irop her head that way ! ^..t^ssists Ut remove her.) Dick. Lord, she '11 livo through it ! Seems to me you 've ei'owed mighty chick'n-hearted, ?,hicii these cussed doughfaces set up ,such a veil against us ! Cuss »<:r Yankee farmers ! {Exmnt, bearing Camille, v. f.^ SOtNE /IT ] NEIGIIDOR JACX^OOD 05 SCENE III. —J\"ear Mr. Jackwood's House. Enter Mr. Jackwooi> and Ablmelech, carrying Mrs. Rigglesty's trunk. Mr. Juckicooi. Keep up your eend, Bim'lech ! Abiinelecl'^ It 's plaguy heavy, any way ! Wait, and le' me spit on my hands ! {Lets ttie trunk fall.) Jlr. I. (r. c.) You 're a smart boy ! Abim. (l. c.) Darn her ol' trunk, I say ! Grandmother Rigglestij. ( Without, R.) I vum ! you '11 have that trunk broke all to pieces ! Sich carelissness ! Enter Grandmother Rigglesty, dressed for a journey, and carry- ing bundles. Enter Mrs. Jackwood, with bandbox; Pikebe, with umbrella. I an't no more fit to be travellin' 'n I be to fly ! I 'm afraid I shan't be able to git off to-day, arter all ! PhcBbe. (Rims, iciih alacrity, to help her.) 0, grandmother ! G. E. You 're mighty willin' to help, scein' I 'm goin' away ' dear ! my back ! (Sits doion on the trunk, c.) Mini, (l.) Make her go ! I would ! Mr. J. Bim'lech ! G. R. I 'm nothin' but a burden, seems, in some places ! {Hand- kerchief.) I got this 'ere Good Samaritan han'kerchief to make a present on 't to one o' you childern ; but there han't neither on ye desarved it ! Abim. Heugh ! that ol' rag ! Mr. J. 'Sh, Bim'lech! — All ready, gran' mother. Bim'lech an' I want to put the trunk into the buggy. G. R. I s'pose you 're in a hurry to git red of me ! Wal, you won't be troubled with me agin, very soon, I can tell ye that. dear ! my back ! Mr. J. Bim'lech ! none o' that ! ( To Abimelech, icho dances, a7id shakes his fist behind her back.) Come, mother ! G. R. Is my lunch'on in the bag ? I wish there 'd been a bit o' cold ham to go with it. Where 's my umbrel ? Ph. Here 'tis ! G. R. Wal, I 'm glad to see ye willin' to wait on me, fur once, if 'I is to git red of me ! Tuck my shawl round my neck, Betsey. 0, ho, hum ! Gi' me your arm, Bim'lech ! 0, that crick in my back ! It 's killed me ! O dear ! (Sinks back iipon the trunk.)- Mr. J Once more, gran'mothor ! Cheer up! Here we are, all right ! G. R. (Rises.) dear ! dear ! Ph Good-by, gran 'mother ! G. R. That means good reddance, I s'pose ! Th' han't none of ye kissed nie. Mrs. Jackwood. ( Kissing her.) Good-by, mother ! G. R. Wal, Phoebe, (kissing her) I hope you '11 be a better gai Tvhen I come agin. Abi7n.. I 'm glad I an't no taller ! G. R. Come, sonny ; ye han't ben a bit good boy since I bea here ; but I 'il kiss ye. a* UQ NEianBOR JACKwooD [act V, Abim. Can't reach up ! Mr. J. Come, boy, Ave 'i-e waitin' ! Kiss ,j'er gran'mother. Jibim. {Aside.) I 'd rutber be licked ! Ph. Come, Bim — ■ indulge ! Abim.. I shall haf to, I s'pose !. (Makes a wry face, kisses ka\ und afienvards scours }iis lips on his sleeve.) Agh ! G. R. There ! 't an't hurt ye ! dear 1 Vv''al, I s'pose I must go i Enter Enos, l. u. e., in haste, and runs against her, as Mrs. Jack- wood and PiicEBE are helping her ojf. C) ' .Enos. 1 I was in a desprit hurry ! G. E. That swindlin' Crumlett ! (Exit, L. u. E., iL'i'h Mrs. J. and Phoebe.) Mr J. Ketch holt here, Bim'lech ! {They cwry off trunk, i^. u. E.) Enos. Heerd the news, Neighbor Jackwood, 'lout Charlotte Woods ? Mr. J. Charlotte ? They han't ketched Charlotte ! Enos. Beats all what mean folks there is in the world — don't it, now ? Who do ye s'pose went and told she was in Colyer's log hut ? Mr. J. Have they found her ? Enos. Yes — Bob Greenwich, too ! He 's up for counterfeitin'. Mr. J. Charlotte ! Where is she ? Enos. Wal, they 're takin' her 'fore 'Squire Greenwich — he 's the Commissioner, ye Imow ! Say, haf to buy her up, won't we, some of U3 ; Of course we can't think o' lettin' her be carried back. Mr. J. Back to slavery! Our Charlotte! I 'das soon think o' lettin' my own darter go ! Bring my musket, Bim'lech ! Enos, if you 'I'e a man — you shall take the axe ! Abim. Here 's the ol' musket ! Mr. J. Give it here ! Bring the powder and balls ! Hurra for old Vermont ! Abim. I '11 take the pitch-fork ! Hurra for old Vermont ! {Exeunt Mb, J. and Abimelech, l. 1 e.) Enos. Wal ! chance for a spec'Jation ! Hurra for old Vermont ! {Exit, L. 1 e.) SCENE IV. — The Jail. Robert discovered 'in a cell, behind a grated dobr, n. c. inflat, h'.sface covered ivith his hands. Enter ^ in the large hall, the Siieuiff, followed by Mr. Greenwich, l. Sheriff. This way, 'Squire Greenwich. Mr. Greenioich. That the name of Greenwich should come to this 1 Sheriff. {Approaches Robert's cell.) Mr. Greenwich ! (To Rob- ert.) He does not hear me. Mr. G. Leave us, sir. {Shekifj? retires.) ! what do I behold T Bon Robert ! son Robert ! Robert. {Starts up, and springs fiercely against the bars.) Ha ( you have come ! Mr. G. {In alarm.) Son Robert ! son Robert ! W^ hat is the meaa hisf of this ? SCEKE IV.] NEIGHBOR JACKWOOD. 67 Mob It means death ! Air. G. Merciful lieayen ! Son Robert, you ai i msane ! Rob. Does it seem so strange to find me here? Mr. G. Assm-edl}', you are not guilty of this charge ! Rob. I am guilty of all ! And I might have been guilty of more, ijould this hand have reached you ! {Shakes his clenched hand through bars.) Mr. G. Wliat ! you would not liave raised that hand againist the paternal head ! Rob. My life is blasted ! my career ends here ! and I have you to thank ! Do you understand ? — You ! Mr. G. Son Robert, I do not understand ! I am overwhelmed 1 Rob. Old man, hear me ! It is for the last time, so heed me ■■ Since the earliest yeai's I can remember, I have had a burning hatred in my heart for you ! Mr. G. Beware, son Robert ! Remember whom you address ! Respect the paternal head ! Rob. Remember ! Respect ! — I cannot recall a single kind or lov- ing word that ever you spoke to me ! If there was any goodness in mo, it was crushed out ; while every evil ti-ait I inherited from you was kept alive by you — by your cruel tyranny! Now you behold me here ! Mr. G. Truly, truly, son Robert, you are beside yourself ! Who reared you up from infancy with unswerving care ? Who kept you at the Sabbath-schcol and at church ? Who gave you tasks from the Scriptur's, to commit to memory ! Vv'ho taught you filial reverence and respect for gray hairs? 0, wretched young man! Where are the talents intrusted to your care ? Rob. The tvalents have brought me here. You did all you boast of ; and so I say I thank you ; for the very means you used made me hate you and your lessons. I loathed the church and the Sabbath-school ; I never came near a Bible but I struck or kicked it, because of those hated tasks ! Mr. G. No more ! no more ! My pride was in you, my son, my son ! Rob. Ay, groan, old man ! Mr. G. Still you bear the respectable name of Greenwich, and I can yet find it in my heart to render you service. Rob. You can render none. I will accept none. Mr. G. 0, Robert, my son ! my heart is cleft in twain ! Rob. My vices ripened earlier than you thought. I had learned hypocrisy in so perfect a family school that I was able to blind even you. When I came of age, I went South, and there, in the hot-bed of vice, my nature flourished. I ended by running away with a slave- girl — this same Camille who is to be brought before you to-day. Mr. G. Son Robert ! Son Robert. ! Rob. AH summer I have pursued her. As you refused me money, I got it as best I could. I joined a gang of counterfeiters — I dis*- tributed plenty of their coin. I carried Camille to our hut — but you have heard the rest. I have s aked everything — I have lost — this is the end ! Mr. G. IMerciful heaven ! Son Robert ! my only son ! the hop« Df my old age — 68 KEIGIlBOlt JACKWOOW. [AOT T Mob. Remember what I have said. I have thrown that burden oli. Now go ! Mr. G. But, mj son, "while that I return to my dishonored and desolate home, let me carry with me the consolation of knowing that you are contrite and repentant — Roh. Carry with you my hatred and my curse ! Mr. G. Son Robert ! Sou Robert ! — Enter Sheriff, l. Sheriff'. You are sent for, 'Squire Greenwich. Mr. G. Ha ! Yes ! Sheriff. The fugitive girl is taken to the court-room. Mr. G. I will come. Son Robert, one word to cheer your broken- hearted father — Rob. I have spoken it ! 'T is the last you shall ever hear from my lips. That word is — my curse ! (Shakes .'m hajid ihroxujh the bars.) Mr. G. Alas ! I am an afflicted, dishonored old man ! " That the respectable name of Greenwich should come to this ! {Exeunt, l.) SCENE Y. — A Village Street. Enter Ex\os ajid Matilda, r Enos. Don't I tell ye I can't stop ? I 'm in a desprit hurry ! Matilda. Jest a minute, Enos ! Enos. Don't bother me, I say ! Mat. I have n't seen you since Sunday. E710S. Of course you have n't ! I 've had suthin' else to do. I 'm full o' business ! Come, don't bother ; I 'm in a stavin' hurry ! Mat. You 're going to the court-house ! They 've got Charlotte V^^oods there ; they 're going to carry her back. Enos. No, they an't goin' to carry her back, nuther ! Mat. You had to go and tell ! Enos. Don't you s'pose I know what I 'm about? Don't be a fool, Tildy. They 'd a' found her, any way. Now we 're goin' to make it all right. We 're goin' to buy her. Mat. Who is? Enos. Me and Jackwood, and a lot of us. Do you s'pose we 're goin' to have her carried back? Of course her owner wants his pay, and it 's nat'ral. Mat. You '11 pay out your money for Charlotte Woods, and you wouldn't git me that breast-pin I asked you for — it only cost a shillin' ! Enos. Of course I would n't ! Mat. An't we engaged ? Enos. Wal, — but I an't sure o' havin' ye, arter all, and I an't goiu' to no expense on 't, till I be. Mat. I knew you wanted to break off ! ( Cries.) Enos. Who said anything about breakin' off? Look here, Tildy , ye an't mad 'cause I went an' told, be ye? Mat. No ; though I don't see what ye wanted to, for ' And now you 're goin' to pay out money for her ! Enos. Jerusha mighty, Tildy ! I han't told ye, but I will- \ Bhall make over a hunderd dollars by the operation ! SCENE VI. J KEIGIIBOR JACK.WOOD. 69 Mat. I \7ant to know I E?ios. I '11 tell ye, some time. I got to go now, or I shan't git my money. I 'm in a desprit liurry ! Mat. And you don't want to break off? Enos. Why should I want to break off? Mat. You kept away from me so ! Enos. Wal, — of course, — I thought you'd make a 'tarnal fuss, 'cause I went and told. Jingoes ! Tildy ! we '11 be married next week, if 3^e say so. Mat. ! will we ? Enos. Only let me go now, yc know ! I 'm in a tearin' hurry ! There, Tildy ! gcod-by, (Exit, L.) Mat. Euos ! Enos! {Exit,!..) SCENE VI. — TJie Court-Room, c. doors (/uarded. Dickson and Dole discovered, l., svpporting Camille. A Lawyer at iabUy b. c, behind. Officers and Men. Shouts without. Dickson Plow do ye git on, my gal? Pooty comf table ? (Futs flask to her lips.) Suck this a little ; it '11 do ye good. Ca?n. {Feebly putting the Jiask aside.) 0! Dick. There, I like that better. 'S long 's they can make that noise there 's hopes on 'em. There 's a mighty sight o' sham 'bout these yer white ones. Oliver Dole. There 's no sham here ! Dick. Wal, sham or no sham, she 's got to go. Git her safe out o' the reach o' these cussed abolish'nists, an' I '11 have a doctor look to her. But I an't go'n' to run no risks. An't there suthin' here chokes her? {Roughly opens Camille's throat.) Git her up, so 's 't she can suck the air a little freer, I reck'n, marshal. O. D. Be careful with her, — be careful ! Dick. Here, one o' you men ; grab holt here ; jest keep her from pitchin' out o' the chair. Whar 's the Commissioner? We can't wait all day ! Shoot the fust man, there ! Enos. ( J'Viihout, c. d.) Le' me in ! Here ! don't ye go to p'intin' yer shootin'-irons at me ! I 'm in a desprit hurry ! {Enters, c. t>A Dick, Let that man pass. V/har 's yer Commissioner, I say . (Paces to and fro.) Jest like yer cussed Yankees ! Enos. {Looking at Camille.) I swanny ! that 'ere 's too bad, now ! W' ho 'd a' thought ! Lock here, you ! Dick. (Furious.) What do you want? Enos. You don't happen to have a chaw o' tobacker about ye, do re? (Shouts wiihout.) Dick. Hear them abolish'n cusses yell ! O. D. (Aside.) I 'm sorry I meddled wlQi this business. How do /ou feel now, my girl ? Dick. If that an't a perty marshal ! It 's enough to make a man sick ! Here, I '11 make her sit up ! (Shakes Camille.) None o' yer tricks, my chick 1 There ! hold her so. Etios. That 'ere is too bad ! Say ! she '11 be bought, won't she? D.ck. Who (Ai you s'pose 's goin' to buy her? 10 NEIGIIEOR JACK\Y(^.-)0. [ACT V" Enos. Wal, you said her oAvner was in New \ jrk. Dick. What 's that to do with buyin' her ? Knos. Why, there 's me au' Jackwood, an' the rest. Dick. What '11 you give, for one ? Enos. Do'no' — that 's accordin' • — I would n't mind sayiu' a del. lar, — dollar 'n a quarter — Dick. You 're a fool ! She 's got to go back, just for the fun o' the thing. Enos. Jerusha mighty ! I never thought o' that. Guess I better get out on't. — See here ! I 'm iu suthin' of a hurry — {Skoxds without.) Dick. Hear 'em yell ! — Whar 's that Commissioner ? E.iter Suuins Greenwich, c. d. Here he comes, at last ! Now le's hurry up ! Enos. (r. c.) If you happen to have that eighty dollars about ye — I 'm in a good deal of a hurry — Dick. You 're a fool ! Enos. There 's twice he 's called me a fool ! What 'u'd Tildy say ? {Shouts icithout, confusion xoiihin.) Mr. GrecniDich. Order in the court ! {Raps on his desk.) Mar- shal Dole ! O. D. Here ! Mr. G. You have procured the person named in your warrant? O. D. She is here, your honor. Mr. G. Bring forward the girl Camille. Enos. (Tb Dickson.) If it 's just as convenient to pay me now, ys know — I 'm in a desprit hurry — Lawyer. Here are the papers, your honor. The girl's identity will be sworn to by these men. (Mr. Greenwich takes the papers in an agitated manner, and writes.) O. D. Be on hand, gentlemen. As soon as the word is given, have your pistols ready. {Shouts without ; tumult at the door.) Mr. G. Take the girl. Dick. Shoot down the fust man ! Enter Hrctor, c. »., iciih fury in his looks, and tears his waij through the guard. Camille. {Starts forward, with a wild scream, flinging out her arms towards him.) Hector ! Hector. She is mine ! {Seizes Camille as she is falling, flings Pole aside, knocks Dicksoi^ down, and bears her to the front of the stage, l. ; holds her upon his bosom with his left arm, and throws up his right with a gesture of triumph and defiance.) Mine ! Enter, c. d., Mr. Jackwood ivith musket, Abimelech with pitchfork, neighbors with hoes, forks, ^c. ; after whom Mrs. Jackwoou, Pna^BE, Matilda, Mrs. Rigglesty, a7id others. Dick, (r., scrambling to his feci.) Marshal ! what ai'e ye about? She is mine, by the laws of the country ! Hec. ( Throws him aside.) Slie is ming; by the one Eternal lav SCENE VI J ^'KI(;I1C0R JACR-^-DOl). 71 O. D. Advance ! {As DiCssoN, DoLS, aacZ posse, rush upon Hector, Jackwood and thefarmersy xciik their xceapons raised, rush before them.) Mr. Jackwood. (c.) Stop that ! Hec. (l.) There i? no power to take from me ray own ! Dick. {Brandishing his pistol.) I call on the marshal to do hia luty ! Hec. I call upon all to do the duty of men ! Dogs ! bloodhounds ! Vou mocker of justice, in the form of a judge I hear me ! (Mr. Green- vncii rises up and bends forward, agitated. All eyes are bent upon Hectoe.) Under an inhuman law, you have hunted down a human soul ! It is recorded ! {Points upward.) As ye have done it unto one of these, ye have done it unto Him ! Mr. G. You are resisting the execution of the law. Hec. {Takes a paper from his bosom, and extends it to Dole.) Give that to your master ! 0, Camille .' v/hen we parted, I was stunned, insane ! But love restored my reason. I hurried to New York ; I confronted the man who called himself your owner ' Mr. G. {Ra])s on his desk.) This paper stops ail proceedings. The girl is free ! Ca7n. 0, Hector ! {Embraces him, sobbing convulsivchj.) All. She is free ! free ! Enos. { To Matilda. ) Did n't I tell ye ? Of course she 'd be free ! { To Dickson.) See here ! Guess I '11 take that eighty dollars — I 'm in suthin' of a hurry. Dick. Fool ! — Y^ou 're a pack of cussed fools ! Enter Mr. and Mrs. Rukely, k. Mr. Greenv/icii advances c. Mr. Rukely. 'Squire Greenwich, your son has committed suicide ! Mr. G. My son ! Robert ! Mr. R. I was in the jail, attending to my official duties ; I heard the report of a pistol. I hastened to his cell — he had shot himself ! Mr. G. My son ! my son ! my son ! {Exit, e.) Mr. J. Poor old man ! poor old man ! O. D. Nothing remains for me, but to dismiss my deputies. Mr. J And I should think, Oliver Dole, you Avould be glad to jvash your hands of this business. As for you, Mr. Dickson, go home and tell your folks what ye think of old Vermont, and' our New Eng- land manners and customs. Then, if ye want my farm, that you was goin' to have so f'erce, you 're welcome to come and git it ! Our people believe in law and order ; but, le' me tell ye, show yer face hero agin, and you '11 find a wus night's lodgin' than the top of a hay- btack ! Enos. See here — about that eighty dollars, if ye an't in too much cf a hurry — Dick. Cuss these Yankee farmers ! Abimelech. Ride him on a rail I {Exeunt Dole, Dickson, ^c, c. d., A.^uiv^h'^ciifiourishing his pitch" fork in their rear.) Enos. { To Matilda.) He called me a fool ! Matilda. Make him prove it ! Enos. Wai, I could do it ! Jlr. J. Hector Duubur}-, you 're a noble fellow ? 72 XKIGIIDOK JACKV/OOb. ACT V. Hec. 0, Mr. Jackwood ! Mr. J. You 'vc freed our Charlotte, accordin' to law ; and that 'a the way always to do a good thing, when yo can. And how is our Charlotte gittin' along ? Hcc. For her sake, for my sake, for humanity's sake, I thank you, Neighbor Jackwood ! We shall never forget who was neighbor untc her who fell among thieves ! Mr. J. This puts life into ye, don't it ? Cam.. You may well say life ! To be a thing, a chattel, a slave ~ then to feel for the first time that I can call myself a v-'oman, and in such an hour to find — Mr. J. A father ! (Gives her his hand.) Phczbc. And a sister ! Abim. And a brother — don't forget me ! Hec. And a husband, Camille ! Cam. 0, this is the beginning of life ! Grandmother Rigylcsiy. And a gran'mother ! You know I was allers your best friend ! Enos. We 're kind o' left out, Tildy. Guess we may as well be goin' ! Mr. J. As for you, Enos Crumlett — Enos. ! did you speak? Mr. J. You han't played the manliest part ever was, in this busi- ness — Enos. ! I — ye see — I'm in suthin' of a hurry — Mr. J. But you 'vc been of sarvice ; pitchin' that scoundrel out o' the winder was the best thing you ever did in your life. So you shall Etay, and help us give three rousin' cheers for Freedom — Hec. And for Freedom's true champion — Neighbor Jackwood ! All Hurra ! hurra ! hurra ! SITUATIONS i I « ^ ^ ^ ^ :==^ , FRENCH'S SCENES FOR AMATEURS. Prom approved designs. Representing scenes suitable for any piece. These ar« invaluable to amateur scene painters and also a great guide and help to profes. sionals. Measurement 16>i in. by 12>^ in. Price Colored, each, 30 cents. Plain, each, 15 cents. 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