V * '. • " ^" <» '» • • • jlj . .^°^ «• ^ <^'^ *j > X < "7 o^ * « " • ♦ ^ A^ . Handy Book Containing tables, rules and other information regarding the working of the precious metals Copyright, 1914 HANDYCBi, HARM AN Bridgeport, Conn. New York City H3 Handy CSi> Harman SMELTERS AND REFINERS OF , '. Gold, Silver and Platinum MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Gold and Silver Bars Rolled Gold Granulated Silver Rolled Sterling Silver .999+ Fine Silver Anodes "Special Refined" Granulated Silver /^-^'5^/A0 7 Plant BRIDGEPORT, CONN. NEW YORK OFFICE 59 Cedar Street ©CU387724 NOV 27 1914 /u Preface THE "Handy Book" is published by the Service Depart- ment of Handy 8b Harman, a department which was or- ganized primarily to increase the efficiency of their own business, which is the Smelting, Refining and the Melting, Alloying and Rolling of the precious metals. This department embraces a thoroughly up-to-date laboratory, conducted by expert metallurgists and Metal- lurgical Engineers of recognized standing. We offer the services of this department to assist the manufacturer in dealing with the problems arising in his business, and we solicit your correspondence. The object of this book is to provide the progressive Manufacturing Jeweler with information that will be of value to him in the manufacture of his product. We believe that the tables and rules will give the Jeweler definite and concrete information regarding the handling of the precious metals which has never been published before. We acknowledge our indebtedness to the assistance and co-operation of E. H. Ackley of Eckfeldt 85 Ackley, Newark, N. J., G. H. Dufour, (Jewelry Dept.), Marshall Field & Co., Chicago, 111., J. H. Bennett, J. R. Wood & Sons, Newark^ N. J., and Newman D. Waffle, M. A., East Orange, N. J. H. W. BOYNTON a H. NIEMEYER Editors, Contents Page Alloyed Gold— See Karat Gold. Avoirdupois Weight to Troy Weight 11 Comparison of Pure Platinum and Iridium-Platinum - - - 28 Decimal Equivalents of Common Fractions 8 Diamond Weights and Tables (Old and Metric) - - - 38-39-40 Gold Coins, How to Alloy 15 Gold, How to Recover from Cyanide Solution - - - - 37 Grains and Half-Grains, Decimal Equivalents of - - - - 10 GAUGES:— Illustrations of Gauges. Brown 85 Sharpe American Standard Wire Gauge - - 3 Douzieme Caliper Gauge 1 English Standard Wire Gauge 3 Micrometer Gauge 7 Millimeter Caliper Gauge 5 Screw, Point or Dial Gauge -- 7 Stubbs Gauge 3 Equivalents of Gauges in Thousandths of an Inch. Brown 85 Sharpe American Standard Wire Gauge - - 4 Douzieme Caliper Gauge -- 2 English Standard Wire Gauge ------- 4 Millimeter Caliper Gauge 6 Point Gauge -- 7 Screw Gauge ----. 7 Stubbs Gauge -- 4 KARAT GOLD:— Basic Formulas for Karat Gold -------19 Fineness of Gold Karats ---15 Formula for Raising the Karat of Gold 14 Formula for Reducing the Karat of Gold 13 Raising Table for Alloyed Gold 14 Reducing Table for Alloyed Gold 13 CONTENTS— Continued Page Specific Gravity of Karat Gold — see Specific Gravity. United States Gold Coins 15 Weights of Karat Gold — see Weight Tables. Melting Points of Metals ------._. 28 Miscellaneous Information ------_. _27 Pearl Weights and Tables (Old and Metric) . _ . . 38-39-40 Silver, How to Recover from Cyanide Solution - - - - 37 SPECIFIC GRAVITY:— Formula for Finding the Specific Gravity of an Alloy - - 18 General Remarks on Specific Gravity - - - - 16-17 Specific Gravities of Karat Gold 19 Specific Gravities of Metals - - 28 Troy Weight to Avoirdupois Weight - - - - - - - 12 Temperatures by Color (approximate) 28 WEIGHT TABLES— Gold, Silver and Platinum:— Comparative Weight of Equal Volumes 20 Formula for Finding the Weight of Gold, Silver or Platinum Sheet - . _ 23 Formula for Finding the V/eight of Gold, Silver or Platinum Wire - -24 Gold Sheet Tables, Weight per Square Inch - - - 21-22 Gold Round Wire Tables, Weight per Linear Foot - 25-26 Platinum Round Wire Table, Weight per Linear Foot - - 25 Platinum Sheet Table, Weight per Square Inch - - - 21 Silver Sheet Tables, Fine and Sterling, Weight per Square Inch 32 Silver Wire Tables, Fine and Sterling, Weight per Linear Foot 32 Sterling Silver Circle Tables 33-34-35-36 Sterling Silver Sheet Tables - - - - - - 29-30-31 Unit Sheet Table - - - - 23 Unit Wire Table 24 Weighing (New System) - - 9-10 ''Special Refined'' Silver Best for Alloying Gauges Equivalent of each point on Douzieme Gauge \ Equivalent ^ Equivalent DOUZIEMES in Thousandths DOUZIEMES in Thousandths of an inch of an inch 1 .00740 37 .27386 2 .01480 38 .28126 3 .02220 39 . 28866 4 .02961 40 ,29606 5 ,03701 41 .30346 6 .04441 42 .31087 7 .05181 43 .31827 8 .05921 44 .32567 9 .06661 45 .33307 10 .07402 46 .34047 11 .08142 47 .34787 1 Ligne=12 . 08882 4 Lignes= =48 .35527 13 .09622 49 .36268 14 .10362 50 .37008 15 .11102 51 .37748 16 .11842 52 .38488 17 .12583 53 .39228 18 . 13323 54 .39968 19 . 14063 55 .40709 20 . 14803 56 .41449 21 . 15543 57 .42189 22 .16283 , 58 .42929 23 .17024 59 .43669 2 Lignes— 24 .17764 5 Lignes= =60 .44409 25 .18504 61 .45150 26 .19244 62 .45890 27 . 19984 63 .46630 28 .20724 64 .47370 29 .21465 65 .48110 30 .22205 66 .48850 31 .22945 67 .49590 32 .23685 68 .50331 33 .24425 69 .51071 34 .25165 70 .51811 35 .25905 71 .52551 3 Lignes — 36 .26646 6 Lignes= -72 .53291 1 Ligne=2.256 Millimeters Promptness is a feature of our refining service Gauges Stubbs or English Standard Brown Sharpe American Standard Try Us On a Lot of Your Szveeps Gauges and their Equivalents in Thousandths of an Inch American Standard Gauge Equivalents in thousandths of an inch American Equivalents Standard in thousandths Gauge of an inch 1 .28930 21 .02846 2 .25763 22 .02534 3 .22942 23 .02257 4 .20431 24 .02010 5 .18194 25 .01790 6 .16202 26 .01594 7 .14428 27 .01419 8 .12849 28 .01264 9 .11443 29 .01125 10 .10189 30 .01002 11 .09074 31 .00892 12 .08080 32 .00795 13 .07196 33 .00708 14 .06408 34 .00630 15 .05706 35 .00561 16 .05082 36 .00500 17 .04525 37 .00445 18 .04030 38 .00396 19 .03589 39 .00353 20 .03196 40 .00314 Stubbs Gauge Equivalents in thousandths of an inch Stubbs •^?i:f^''^^^"ii Gauge '" thousandths ^ of an mch 1 .300 19 .042 2 .284 20 .035 3 .259 21 .032 4 .238 22 .028 5 .220 23 .025 6 .203 24 .022 7 .180 25 .020 8 .165 26 .018 9 .148 27 .016 10 .134 28 .014 11 .120 29 .013 12 .109 30 .012 43 .095 31 .010 14 .083 32 .009 15 .072 33 .008 16 .065 34 .007 17 .058 35 .005 18 .049 36 .004 Can the Service Department kelp you? Write We Can Refine Your Platinum Sweeps Gauges Equivalent of each point on Millimeter Gauge Tenths Thousandths Millimeter of ^n inch Tenths Thousandths Millimeter of an inch Tenths Thousandths Millimeter of an inch 1 .003937 47 .185039 94 .370078 2 .007874 48 .188976 95 .374015 3 .011811 49 .192913 96 .377952 4 .015748 50 .196850 97 .381889 5 .019685 51 .200787 98 .385826 6 .023622 52 .204724 99 .389763 7 .027559 53 .208661 100 .393700 8 .031496 54 .212598 101 .397637 9 .035433 55 .216535 102 .401574 10 .039370 56 .220472 103 .405511 11 .043307 57 .224409 104 .409448 12 .047244 58 .228346 105 .413385 13 .051181 59 .232283 106 .417322 14 .055118 60 .236220 107 .421259 15 .059055 61 .240157 108 .425196 16 .062992 62 .244094 109 .429133 17 .066929 63 .248031 110 .433070 18 .070866 64 .251968 111 .437007 19 .074803 65 .255905 112 .440944 20 .078740 66 .259842 113 .444881 21 .082677 67 .263779 114 .448818 22 .086614 68 .267716 115 .452755 23 .090551 69 .271653 116 .456692 24 .094488 70 .275590 117 .460629 25 .098425 71 .279527 118 .464566 26 .102362 72 .283464 119 .468503 27 .106299 73 .287401 120 .472440 28 .110236 74 .291338 121 .476377 29 .114173 75 .295275 122 .480314 30 .118110 76 .299212 123 .484251 31 -122047 77 .303149 124 .488188 32 .125984 78 .307086 125 .492125 33 .129921 79 .311023 126 .496062 34 .133858 80 ,314960 127 .499999 35 .137795 81 .318897 128 .503936 36 .141732 82 .322834 129 .507873 37 .145669 83 .326771 130 .511810 38 .149606 84 .330708 131 .515747 39 .153543 85 .334645 132 .519684 40 .157480 86 .338582 133 .523621 41 161417 87 .342519 134 -527558 42 .165354 88 .346456 135 .531495 89 .350393 136 .535432 43 .169291 90 .354330 137 .539369 44 .173228 91 .358267 138 .543306 45 .177165 92 .362204 139 .547243 46 .181102 93 .366141 140 .551180 Accuracy is the keynote of our refining service Gauges Micrometer Reads in thousandths of an inch and is the basis of measurement used in this book. Screw, Point or Dial Gauge Reads in Points Each point being equivalent to X of one thousandth of an inch. EXAMPLE:— 80 points on this Gauge are equal to 20 thousandths of an inch. li Same as Gauge shown above except that dial reads directly in thousandths of an inch, there being 4 lines on the dial to each thousandth of an inch. A complete revolution of the pointer measures 25 thousandths of an inch. I Yoli will be interested in our returns for your Szueeps Gauges Decimal Equivalents of Common Fractions Eighths and Quarters of an inch .125 .250 .375 .500 .625 .750 .875 Sixteenths of an inch 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 .0625 .1875 .3125 .4375 .5625 .6875 .8125 .9375 Thirty-seconds of an inch 1 .03125 3 .09375 5 .15625 7 .21875 9 .28125 11 .34375 13 .40625 15 .46875 17 .53125 19 .59375 21 .65625 23 .71875 25 .78125 27 .84375 29 .90625 31 .96875 Sixty-fourths of an inch 1 3 • 5 7 9 11 13 15 .015625 .046875 .078125 .109375 .140625 .171875 .203125 .234375 17 .265625 19 .296875 21 .328125 23 .359375 25 .390625 27 .421875 29 .453125 31 .484375 33 .515625 35 .546875 37 .578125 39 .609375 41 .640625 43 .671875 45 .703125 47 .734375 49 .765625 51 .796875 53 .828125 55 .859375 57 .890625 59 .921875 61 .953125 63 .984375 Melting Insurance — "Special Refined" Silver Weights A New System of Weighing WE offer a suggestion to the Manufacturing Jeweler in the form of a "New System" for weighing metal. In our method the Pennyweight is the unit as heretofore but the Grain is discontinued in favor of a decimal system, the Pennyweight being divided into one hundred parts instead of twenty-four as before. The new weights read "Penny- weights" and "Hundredths of a Pennyweight." There are several good reasons why the "New System" has advantages over the old. First of all is simplicity, for you will readily admit that it is easier to figure decimal parts than awkward fractions such as you now encounter in billing or in making up a melt. Second, the "New System" lessens the possibility of error; certainly a factor when you are dependent upon others. Third, it enables you to weigh closer, a point not to be overlooked if you handle Platinum, etc. The "New" weights are being made for us by H. Kohl- bush, Sr., Voland 8b Co., H. Troemner & Co., and C. Becker. They are illustrated on the opposite page, and the cost per set ranges from 85 cents to $1.85 according to the manu- facturer. We can supply these weights or they may be obtained directly from the manufacturers. ''Special Refined'" Silver for alloying Weights (New System) All the weights given in this book are figured according to the "New System," illustrated below. Two different manufacturers' weights are shown. For the convenience of the manufacturer using the Reference and Weight Tables given, who prefers to continue the use of the "Old Method," we give below an Equivalent Table. Decimal Equivalents of Grains and Half Grains Dwt. Dwt. 3^ Grain .0208 12>^ Grains .5208 1 Grain .0417 13 Grains .5417 1% Grains .0625 13>^ Grains .5625 2 Grains .0833 14 Grains .5833 2>^ Grains .1042 14>^ Grains .6042 3 Grains .1250 15 Grains .6250 3^2 Grains .1458 ISyi Grains .6458 4 Grains .1667 16 Grains .6667 4>^ Grains .1875 16>2 Grains ,6875 5 Grains .2083 17 Grains .7083 S}4 Grains .2292 17>^ Grains .7292 6 Grains .2500 18 Grains .7500 6JE^ Grains .2708 18>^ Grains .7708 7 Grains .2917 19 Grains .7917 1}4 Grains .3125 19>^ Grains .8125 8 Grains .3333 20 Grains .8333 8>^ Grains .3542 20>^ Grains .8542 9 Grains .3750 2 1 Grains .8750 9K Grains .3958 21^ Grains .8958 10 Grains .4167 22 Grains .9167 10>^ Grains .4375 22>^ Grains .9375 11 Grains .4583 23 Grains .9583 11^ Grains .4792 233^ Grains .9792 12 Grains .5000 24 Grains 1.0000 Promptness is a feature of our refining service 10 Weights Avoirdupois Ounces and Pounds to Ounces Troy Avoir. Troy Avoir. Troy Avoir. Troy Ozs. Ozs. Lbs. Ozs. Lbs. Ozs. 1 .9115 23 335.417 62 904.167 2 1.823 24 350.000 63 918.750 3 2.734 25 364.583 64 933.333 4 3.646 26 379.167 65 947.917 5 - 4.557 27 393.750 66 962.500 6 5.469 28 408.333 67 977.083 7 6.380 29 422.917 68 991.667 8 7.292 30 437.500 69 1006.250 9 8.203 31 452.083 70 1020.833 10 9.115 32 466.667 71 1035.417 11 10.026 33 481.250 72 1050.000 12 10.937 34 495.833 73 1064.583 13 11.849 35 510.417 74 1079.167 14 12.760 36 525.000 75 1093.750 15 13.672 37 38 539.583 554.167 76 77 1108.333 1122.917 Avoir. Lbs. 39 568.750 78 1137.500 1 14.583 40 583.333 79 1152.083 2 29.167 41 597.917 80 1166.667 3 43.750 42 612.500 81 1181.250 4 58.333 43 627.083 82 1195.833 5 72.917 44 641.667 83 1210.417 6 87.500 45 656.250 84 1225.000 7 102.083 46 670.833 85 1239.583 8 116.667 47 685.417 86 1254.167 9 131.250 48 700.000 87 1268.750 10 145.833 49 714.583 88 1283.333 11 160.417 50 729.167 89 1297.917 12 175.000 51 743.750 90 1312.500 13 189.583 52 758.333 91 1327.083 14 204.167 53 772.917 92 1341.667 15 218.750 54 787.500 93 1356.250 16 233.333 55 802.083 94 1370.833 17 247.917 56 816.667 95 1385.417 18 262.500 57 831.250 96 1400.000 19 277.083 58 845.833 97 1414.583 20 291.667 59 860.417 98 1429.167 21 306.250 60 875.000 99 1443.750 22 320.833 61 889.583 100 1458.333 LI . In trouble f Mayb e our Se rvice Depart ment can help you Weights Ounces Troy to Pounds and Ounces Avoirdupois Lbs. and Ozs. Ozs. Troy Avoir. Lbs. aad Ozs. Ozs. Troy Avoir. Lbs. and Ozs. Ozs. Troy Avoir. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.6 7.7 8.8 9.9 11.0 12. 13. 14. 15. 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1 0. 1. 2. 3.8 4.9 6.0 7.1 8.2 9.3 10.4 1-11.5 1-12.5 1-13.7 1-14.8 1-15.9 2- 1. 2- 2- 2- 2- 2- 2- 7.5 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 2- 8.6 2- 9.7 2-10.8 2-11.9 2-13.0 2-14.1 2-15.2 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3 0.3 1.4 2.5 3.6 4.7 5.8 6.9 8.0 9.1 10.2 3-11.3 3-12.4 3-13.5 3-14.6 3-15.7 4- 0.8 4- 1.9 4- 3.0 4- 4.1 4- 5.2 4- 6.3 4- 7.4 4- 8.5 4- 9.6 4-10.7 4-11.8 4-12.8 4-13.9 4-15.0 5- 0.1 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5 1.2 2.3 3.4 4.5 5.6 6.7 7.8 8.9 10.0 5-11.1 5-12.2 5-13.3 5-14.4 5-15.5 0.6 1.7 2.8 3.9 6- 6- 6- 6- 6- 6- 6- 6- 6- 6-10. 6-11. 6-12.7 6-13.8 13-11.5 20- 9.2 27- 34- 41- 48- 54- 6.9 4.6 2.3 0.0 13.8 61-11.5 68- 9.2 Try us on a lot of your sweeps 12 Reducing Table To Alloy Gold from any Karat to any Lower Karat From 24 K 2.000 23 K 1.875 22 K 1.750 *21.6 K 1.700 21 K 1.625 20 K 1.500 19 K 1.375 18 K 1.250 17 K 1.125 16 K 1.000 15 K .875 14 K .750 13 K .625 12 K .500 UK .375 10 K .250 9K .125 To 8K. Dwts. To 10 K. Dwts 1.400 1.300 1.200 1.160 1.100 1.000 .900 .800 .700 .600 .500 .400 .300 .200 .100 To 12 K. Dwts. 1.000 .917 .833 -800 .750 .667 .583 .500 .417 .333 .250 .167 .083 To 14 K. Dwts. .714 .643 .571 .543 .500 .429 .357 .286 .214 .143 .071 To 16 K. Dwts. .500 .438 .375 .350 .313 .250 .188 .125 .063 To 18 K. Dwts, .333 .278 .222 .200 .167 .111 .056 To 20 K. Dwts. .200 .150 .100 .080 .050 To 22 K. Dwts. .091 .045 *American Gold Coin EXPLANATION OF TABLE To alloy from any karat to any lower karat locate karat of metal on hand in left hand column of table; then read across until you reach the column headed by the karat you wish to secure. That figure will repre- sent the number and fraction of dwts. of alloy that you must add to each dwt. of the original gold. GENERAL FORMULA FOR REDUCING THE FINENESS OF GOLD Multiply the weight by the difference between the fineness on hand and the fineness required, and divide by the latter. The result will be the weight of alloy to be added. Example Reduce 100 dwt. of 14 K. stock to 10 K. The difference between the finenesses is 4. By the rule we have 100x4 ■ = 40 dwt. of alloy to be added. 10 13 We sell Karat Gold in any fineness Raising Table To Raise Gold from any Karat to any Higher Karat From To 22 K. To 20 K. To 18 K. To 16 K. To 14 K. To 12 K. To 10 K. To 8K. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. 6 K 8.000 7.500 7.000 6.500 6.000 5.500 5.000 4.500 4.000 3.500 3.000 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 .500 .200 3.500 3.250 3.000 2.750 2.500 2.250 2.000 1.750 1.500 1.250 1.000 .750 .500 .250 2.000 1.833 1.667 1.500 1.333 1.167 1.000 .833 .667 .500 .333 .167 1.250 1.125 1.000 .875 .750 .625 .500 .375 .250 .125 .800 .700 .600 .500 .400 .300 -200 .100 .500 .417 .333 .250 .167 .083 .286 .214 .143 .071 .125 .063 7 K . . 8 K 9 K 10 K UK 12 K 13 K 14 K . ; 15 K 16 K 17 K 18 K 19 K 20 K 21 K *21.60 K *American Gold Coin EXPLANATION OF TABLE. To raise from any karat to any higher karat, locate karat of metal on hand in left hand column of table, then read across until you reach the column headed by the karat you wish to secure. That figure will repre- sent the number and fraction of dwts. of fine gold that you must add to each dwt. of the original gold. GENERAL FORMULA FOR INCREASING THE FINENESS OF GOLD Multiply the weight by the difference between the baseness — that is, the number of parts of alloy — of the gold on hand and the baseness of the karat required, and divide by the latter. The result will be the weight of fine gold to be added. Example Increase 100 dwt. of 10 K. stock to 14 K. The difference between the basenesses is 4. By the rule we have =40 dwt. of fine gold to be added. 10 Alloyed Gold in any karat for special purposes. 14 Gold Coins Reducing Table for U. S. Money To reduce a U. S. gold piece to any of the karats given, add alloy to the amount indicated opposite the denomination of the gold piece and under the karat wanted. To To To To To To To 8K. lOK. 12K. 14K. 16K. 18K 20K. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. $20 Gold Piece 36.550 24.940 17.200 11.675 7.525 4.300 1.720 $10 Gold Piece 18.275 12.470 8.600 5.838 3.763 2.150 .860 $5 Gold Piece 9.138 6.235 4.300 2.919 1.881 1.075 .430 A $20 Gold Piece weighs 516 Grains, or 21.50 dwts. A $10 Gold Piece weighs 258 Grains, or 10.75 dwts. A $ 5 Gold Piece weighs 129 Grains, or 5.375 dwts. U. S. and Canadian gold coins are .900 fine, or 21.60 karats. Raising Table for U. S. Money To raise a $20 Gold Piece to 22K. add 4.300 dwts. fine gold. To raise a $10 Gold Piece to 22K. add 2.150 dwts. fine gold. To raise a $ 5 Gold Piece to 22K. add 1.075 dwts. fine gold. Gold coins of Great Britain are .916 2^ fine, or 22 karats. Fineness of Gold Karats IK. .0417 13K. .5417 2K. .0833 14K. .5833 • 3K. .1250 15K. .6250 4K. .1667 16K. .6667 5K. .2083 17K. .7083 6K. .2500 18K. .7500 7K. .2917 19K. .7917 8K. .3333 20K. .8333 9K. .3750 21K. .8750 lOK. .4167 22K. .9167 UK. .4583 23K. .9583 12K. .5000 24K. 1.0000 15 Alloyed Gold in sheet or wire form specific Gravity A WORKING knowledge of specific gravities of metal alloys is a great help to any jeweler. It enables him to figure the weight-relation- ship between different metals or alloys in such a way as to produce articles of equal size at a lower expense for the precious metal in them. For example, if you are using a formula for 14K, gold that has a specific gravity of 13.00 and you have occasion to use a formula having a specific gravity of 13.52, an article made up from gold of the heavier specific gravity would be heavier than the same article made up from gold of the lighter specific gravity, provided the articles were identical in size and gauge. To find how much the difference would be, divide the heavier specific gravity by the lighter, in this case 13.52 by 13, and the result, 1,04, in- dicates that an article in the heavier 14K. gold would be 1.04 times as heavy as the same article in the lighter 14 karat. It should be borne in mind that the Weight Tables in this book are based on the formulas shown on page 19, and in order to use the Com- parative and Weight Tables effectively you should figure the specific gravity of your own alloys according to the method explained on page 18. To compare the weight of your alloy with the one we show, or with any metal, divide the specific gravity of the alloy by the specific gravity of the metal or alloy with which the comparison is to be made. For example, suppose your formula for 14K. gold is: gold 100 parts, silver 36 parts, and copper 35 parts. The specific gravity of this alloy is 13.64. To compare this with the 14K. yellow gold from which the Our refining charges are consistent zvith the character of our service 16 tables in this book are computed, the specific gravity of which is 13.26, divide 13.64 by 13.26. The result, 1.02865, shows the number of times as heavy an article of the heavier specific gravity would be than the same article of the lighter specific gravity; or, concretely, supposing a piece of gold of the lighter specific gravity to weigh 100 dwts., a piece of gold of exactly the same gauge and size made from the alloy having the heavier specific gravity would weigh 102.865 dwts. Again, supposing your formula is: gold 140 parts, silver 33 parts, copper 56.95 parts, and zinc 10.05 parts. The specific gravity of this alloy is 13.16. The process of compari- son is the same in this case, although this formula would produce an alloy of a lighter specific gravity than that of the formula used in this book, which is 13.26. The only difference is that in dividing 13.16 by 13.26 the result is less than 1, or .99246, so that a piece of gold made from an alloy having a specific gravity of 13.26, and weighing 100 dwts., would weigh only 99.246 dwts. when made from alloy having a specific gravity of 13.16. While these examples make use of only 14K. gold, the process is the same for any other karat or for any metal. It is apparent that if a certain article is made to be sold by the piece instead of by the pennyweight, it will be more advantageous for the seller to make that article from a formula having as low a specific gravity as it is possible to use without affecting the color, for while the article is made to the same size from stock the same gauge, the finished product will weigh a little less if made from gold of the same karat but of a lower specific gravity. The replacing of some of the silver by copper or zinc, or by a patent alloy, will lower the specific gravity of alloyed gold, as will the replacing of any part of the copper by zinc or a patent alloy. Patent alloys generally have a lower specific gravity than pure copper. 17 "■S-;pp:ial Refined^' silver is .ppQ + fine specific Gravity A Short Method of Calculating the Specific Gravity or Density of an Alloy For the purposes of this book a short way of calculating the specific gravity of an alloy will be found of practical use. The following table, showing the volume in cubic centimeters of one gram of various substances, gives at the same time the unvarying relation between the weight of each substance and its volume, so that no matter what system of weights is used the final results will be the same. Fine Gold .051653 Henrich's No. 10 Alloy . . .114940 Fine Silver 094696 Henrich's No. 12 Alloy . . .116690 Fine Copper 113250 Henrich's No. 14 Alloy . . .117100 Zinc 142857 Riverside " Omega" Alloy .118624 Tin 137174 Wessell's Alloy 118624 Nickel 112359 Worthington 85 Raymond Cadmium 115340 No. 1 119889 Palladium 084746 Worthington 85 Raymond Henrich's No. 1 Alloy . . .116010 No. 2 117980 Henrich's No. 3 Alloy . . .115870 Worthington 8b Raymond Henrich's No. 5 Alloy . . .114160 G. or S. No. 91 118525 Using the above table the specific gravity of any compound of these substances may be found in advance of its mixture by the following rule. 1. Multiply the weight of each metal used by the figure shown op- posite the name of that metal in the table above. 2. Add the weights of the metals used. ^ 3. Add the results of the multiplications. 4. Divide the sum of the weights by the sum of the results of the multiplications. The answer will be the specific gravity of the mixture. For example, to find the specific gravity of 14K. yellow gold, according to the formula 583 parts gold, 104 parts silver and 313 parts copper. From the rules above we have the following: Fine Gold 583 parts by weight X. 05 1653 =30.110 Fine Silver 104 parts by weight X .094696 = 9.848 Fine Copper 313 parts by weight X. 113250 =35.447 Total 1000 75.405 Dividing 1000 by 75.405, we have 13.26, which is the specific gravity of the m^ixture. For alloying use ''Special Refined" Silver 18 specific Gravity Basic Formulas for Calculating Specific Gravity of Alloys The following formulas are those from which the specific gravities given in this book have been computed. They are generally heavier than alloys in common use in the trade, since there is no allowance made for the use of zinc or other metals lighter in density than copper. As there are no alloys that could be called standard, it was thought best to be on the safe side by making the alloys a trifle heavy rather than have them light. 18K. GREEN GOLD Specific Gravity 15.88 Gold 750 parts Silver 219 parts Copper 31 parts 18K. YELLOW GOLD Specific Gravity 15.18 Gold 750 parts Silver 62.5 parts Copper 187.5 parts 18K. RED GOLD Specific Gravity 14.91 Gold 750 parts Copper 250 parts 14K. GREEN GOLD Specific Gravity 14.17 Gold 583 parts Silver 365 parts Copper 52 parts 14K. YELLOW GOLD Specific Gravity 13.26 Gold 583 parts Silver 104 parts Copper 313 parts 14K. RED GOLD Specific Gravity 12.93 Gold 583 parts Copper 417 parts lOK. YELLOW GOLD Specific Gravity 11.78 Gold 417 parts Silver 146 parts Copper 437 parts lOK. RED GOLD Specific Gravity 11.42 Gold 417 parts Copper 583 parts SPECIFIC GRAVITIES 18K. Green Gold 15.88 18K. Yellow Gold 15.18 18K. Red Gold 14.91 14K. Green Gold 14.17 14K. Yellow Gold 13.26 14K. Red Gold 12.93 lOK. Yellow Gold 11.78 lOK. Red Gold 11.42 Sterling Silver 10.41 Brass, wrought 8.40 19 We can refine your Platinum Sweeps Table of Comparative Weights of Equal Volumes Brass Platinum is 2.563 times heavier than Brass. 18K. Yellow Gold is 1.807 times heavier than Brass. 14K. Yellow Gold is 1.579 times heavier than Brass. lOK. Yellow Gold is 1.402 times heavier than Brass. Sterling Silver is 1.239 times heavier than Brass. Copper is 1.051 times heavier than Brass, Copper Platinum is 2.438 times heavier than Copper. 18K. Yellow Gold is 1.719 times heavier than Copper. 14K. Yellow Gold is 1.502 times heavier than Copper. lOK. Yellow Gold is 1.334 times heavier than Copper. Sterling Silver is 1.179 times heavier than Copper. Sterling Silver Platinum is 2.068 times heavier than Sterling Silver. 18K. Yellow Gold is 1.458 times heavier than Sterling Silver. 14K. Yellow Gold is 1.274 times heavier than Sterling Silver. lOK. Yellow Gold is 1.132 times heavier than Sterling Silver. Lead Platinum is . 1.895 times heavier than Lead. 18K. Yellow Gold is 1.336 times heavier than Lead. 14K. Yellow Gold is 1,167 times heavier than Lead. lOK. Yellow Gold is 1.037 times heavier than Lead. 10k Yellow Gold Platinum is ... 1.868 times heavier than lOK. Yellow Gold. 18K. Yellow Gold is. . . 1.289 times heavier than lOK. Yellow Gold. 14K. Yellow Gold is. . .1.125 times heavier than lOK. Yellow Gold. 14k Yellow Gold Platinum is 1.624 times heavier than 14K. Yellow Gold. 18K. Yellow Gold is.. .1.145 times heavier than 14K. Yellow Gold. 18k Yellow Gold Platinum is 1.418 timesheavier than 18K. Yellow Gold. Note: Karat gold weights based on formulas shown on page 19 Our Service Department will try to help you 20 Sheet Tables Weight in Pennyweights per Square Inch of Plati- num, Fine and 18 Karat Gold in Brown & Sharpe Gauges from 1 to 40 Brown Thou- 24 Karat 18 Karat 18 Karat 18 Karat & sandths Platinum .Gold Green Gold Yellow Gold Red Gold Sharpe No. of an Inch Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. 1 .28930 65.629 59.014 48.406 46.272 45.449 2 .25763 58.444 52.553 43.107 41.207 40.474 3 .22942 52.045 46.799 38.387 36.695 36.042 4 .20431 46.349 41.677 34.185 32.679 32.097 5 .18194 41.274 37.114 30.442 29.101 28.583 6 .16202 36.755 33.050 27.109 25.914 25.453 7 .14428 32.730 29.431 24.141 23.077 22.666 8 .12849 29.148 26.210 21.499 20.551 20.186 9 .11443 25.959 23.342 19.146 18.303 17.977 10 .10189 23.114 20.784 17.048 16.297 16.007 11 .09074 20.585 18.510 15.183 14.514 14.255 12 .08080 18.330 16.482 13.519 12.924 12.694 13 .07196 16.324 14.679 12.040 11.510 11.305 14 .06408 14.537 13.072 10.722 10.249 10.067 15 .05706 12.944 11.640 9.547 9.127 8.964 16 .05082 11.524 10.363 8.500 8.125 7.981 17 .04525 10.265 9.230 7.571 7.238 7.109 18 .04030 9.142 8.221 6.743 6.446 6.331 19 .03589 8.142 7.321 6.005 5.740 5.638 20 .03196 7.250 6.519 5.347 5.112 5.021 21 .02846 6.456 5.805 4.762 4.552 4.471 22 .02534 5.748 5.169 4.240 4.053 3.981 23 .02257 5.120 4.604 3.776 3.610 3.546 24 .02010 4.560 4.100 3.363 3.215 3.158 25 .01790 4.061 3.651 2.995 2.863 2.812 26 .01594 3.616 3.252 2.667 2.550 2.504 27' .01419 3.219 2.895 2.374 2.270 2.229 28 .01264 2.867 2.578 2.115 2.022 1.986 29 .01125 2.552 2.295 ' 1.882 1.799 1.767 30 .01002 2.273 2.044 1.677 1.603 1574 31 .00892 2.024 1.820 1.492 1.427 1.401 32 .00795 1.803 1.622 1.330 1.272 1.249 33 .00708 1.606 1.444 1.185 1.132 1.112 34 .00630 1.429 1.285 1.054 1.008 .990 35 .00561 1.273 1.144 .939 .897 .881 36 .00500 1.134 1.020 .837 .800 .786 37 .00445 1.010 .908 .745 .712 .699 38 .00396 .898 .808 .663 .633 .622 39 .00353 .801 .720 .591 .565 .555 40 .00314 .712 .641 .525 .502 .493 Note : Karat gold weights based on formulas shown on page 19 21 Prompt and accurate returns on your Sweeps Sheet Tables Weight in Pennyweights per Square Inch of 14 and 10 Karat Gold in Brown & Sharpe Gauges from 1 to 40 Brown 8s Sharpe No. Thou- sandths of an Inch 14 Karat 14 Karat 14 Karat 10 Karat 10 Karat Green Gold Yellow Gold Red Gold Yellow Gold Red Gold Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. 1 .28930 43.194 40.419 39.414 35.908 34.811 2 .25763 38.465 35.995 35.099 31.977 31.000 3 .22942 34.253 32.053 31.256 28.476 27.606 4 .20431 30.504 28.545 27.835 25.359 24.584 5 .18194 27.164 25.420 24.787 22.582 21.892 6 16202 24.190 22.636 22.073 20.110 19.496 7 .14428 21.542 20.158 19.656 17.908 17.361 8 .12849 19.184 17.952 17.505 15.948 15.461 9 .11443 17.085 15.987 15.590 14.203 13.769 10 .10189 15.212 14.235 13.881 12.647 12.260 11 .09074 13.548 12.678 12.362 11.263 10.919 12 .08080 12.064 11.289 11.008 10.029 9.723 13 .07196 10.744 10.054 9.804 8.932 8.659 14 .06408 9.567 8.953 8.730 7.954 7.711 15 .05706 8.519 7.972 7.774 7.082 6.866 16 .05082 7.585 7.097 6.921 6.305 6.113 17 .04525 6.756 6.322 6.165 5.616 5.445 18 .04030 6.017 5.630 5.490 5.002 4.849 19 .03589 5.359 5.014 4.890 4.455 4.319 20 .03196 4.772 4.465 4.354 3.967 3.846 21 .02846 4.249 3.976 3.877 3.532 3.425 22 .02534 3.783 3.540 3.452 3.145 3.049 23 .02257 3.370 3.153 3.075 2.801 2.716 24 .02010 3.001 2.808 2.738 2.495 2.419 25 ^ .01790 2.673 2.501 2.439 2.222 2.154 26 .01594 2.380 2.227 2.172 1.978 1.918 27 .01419 2.119 1.983 1.933 1.761 1.707 28 .01264 1.887 1.766 1.722 1.569 1.521 29 .01125 1.680 1.572 1.533 1.396 1.354 30 .01002 1.496 1.400 1.365 1.244 1.206 31 .00892 1.332 1.246 1.215 1.107 1.073 32 .00795 1.187 1.111 1.083 .987 .957 33 .00708 1.057 .989 .965 .879 .852 34 .00630 .941 .880 .858 .782 .758 35 .00561 .837 .784 .764 .696 .675 36 .00500 .747 .699 .681 .621 .602 37 .00445 .664 .622 .606 .552 .535 38 .00396 .591 .553 .540 .492 .476 39 .00353 .527 .493 .481 .438 .425 40 .00314 .469 .439 .428 .390 .378 Note: Karat gold weights based on formulas shown on page 19 It will pay you to use ''Special Refined'' Silver for alloying 22 Unit Sheet Table Weight of a Square Inch of Metals Shown One Thousandth of an Inch Thick Platinum 24K. Gold 18K. Gold, Green. 18K. Gold, Yellow 18K. Gold, Red . . 14K. Gold, Green . 14K. Gold, Yellow 14K. Gold, Red . . lOK. Gold, Yellow lOK. Gold, Red . . Fine Silver Sterling Silver .... Fine Copper Brass, wrought. . . sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq, sq, sq, sq, sq sq sq x.ooi X.OOl X.OOI X.OOl X.OOl X.OOl X.OOl X.OOl X.OOl X.OOl X.OOl X.OOl X.OOl X.OOl weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs Ounces Troy .0113427 or .0101994 or .0083660 or .0079973 or .0078550 or .0074652 or .0069857 or .0068119 or .0062060 or .0060164 or .0055637 or .0054843 or .0046519 or .0044254 or Dwts. Troy .226854 .203988 .167320 .159946 .157100 .149304 .139714 .136238 .124120 .120328 .111274 .109686 .093038 .088508 To find the weight of a piece of any of the above metals of any given size and thickness, multiply the weight of one square inch of the metal .001 inches thick, as shown above, by the decimal thickness desired, and then multiply this product by the number of square inches in the given piece. The result will be the troy weight of the piece. For example: Required the weight of a piece of 14K. yellow gold 3"X4" gauge .020. From the table, one square inch of 14K. yellow gold .001 or one thousandth of an inch thick weighs .139714 dwt., therefore 1 square inch .020 or 20 thousandths would weigh twenty times .139714, or 2.79428 dwt., and since there are 3X4 or 12 square inches in the piece, the total weight would be 12X2.79428 dwt., or 33.53 dwt. 23 Note: Karat gold weights based on formulas shown on page 19 The quality of ''Special Refined'' Silver NEVER varies Unit Wire Table Weight of Round Wire in Dwts. Square wire is gauge. 1.27324 times as heavy as round wire of the same 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot of round Platinum Wire .001" of round 24K. Gold Wire .001" of round 18K. Green Gold Wire .001" of round 18K. Yellow Gold Wire .001" of round 18K. Red Gold Wire .001" of round 14K. Green Gold Wire .001" of round 14K. Yellow Gold Wire .001" of round 14K. Red Gold Wire .001" of round lOK. Yellow Gold Wire .001" of round lOK. Red Gold Wire .001" of round Fine Silver Wire .001" of round Sterling Silver Wire .001" of round Copper Wire .001" n diameter, n diameter, n diameter, n diameter, n diameter, in diameter, n diameter, n diameter, n diameter, n diameter, n diameter, n diameter, n diameter, weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs weighs Dwts. .002138 .001923 .001577 .001507 .001481 .001407 .001317 .001284 .001170 .001134 .001049 .001034 .000877 How to Use the Wire Tables Take the number of thousandths in the diameter of the wire whose weight you wish to determine, square that figure, (multiply it by itself) and multiply the product by the weight of 1 ft. of wire of the correspond- ing metal shown in the above table. The result will be the weight of one foot of the wire. To find the weight of the entire piece multiply the weight of one foot by the number of feet in the piece. Example : To find weight of 5 ft . of round platinum wire . 2 diameter . 20X20=400 Platinum wire weighs .002138 dwts. (See table.) 400 X. 002138 = .8552 dwts., the weight of 1 foot multiplied by 50 = 42.760 dwts., the weight of the piece. For square wire the process is the same. Note : Karat gold weights based on formulas shown on page 19 Try US on a lot of your Sweeps, etc. 24 Wire Tables Weight per linear foot of round wire of Platinum, Fine and 18 Karat Gold in Brown & Sharpe Gauges from 1 to 40 Square wire is 1.27324 times as heavy as round wire of the same gauge Brown Thou- 24 Karat 18 Karat 18 Karat 18 Karat & sandths Platinum Gold Green Gold Yellow Gold Red Gold Sharpe of an No. Inch Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. 1 .289o0 178.9406 160.9052 131.9812 126.1639 123.9199 2 .25763 141.9078 127.6050 104.6669 100.0535 98.2740 3 .22942 112.5312 101.1892 82.9996 79.3412 77.9301 4 .20431 89.2458 80.2508 65.8250 62.9236 61.8045 5 .18194 70.7732 63.6400 52.2002 49.8994 49.0119 6 .16202 56.1234 50.4668 41.3949 39.5704 38.8666 7 .14428 44.5074 40.0214 32.8273 31.3804 30.8223 8 .12849 35.2990 31.7412 26.0355 24.8879 24.4453 9 .11443 27.9954 25.1738 20.6486 19.7384 19.3874 10 .10189 22.1970 19.9598 16.3718 15.6502 15.3719 11 .09074 17.6039 15.8296 12.9841 12.4118 12.1911 12 .08080 13.9584 12.5515 10.2953 9.8415 9.6665 13 .07196 11.0712 9.9553 8.1658 7.8059 7.6670 14 .06408 8.7792 7.8943 6.4753 6.1899 6.0798 15 .05706 6.9610 6.2594 5.1342 4.9079 4.8206 16 .05082 5.5217 4.9651 4.0726 3.8931 3.8239 17 .04525 4.3778 3.9366 3.2289 3.0866 3.0317 18 .04030 3.4724 3.1224 2.5611 2.4483 2.4047 19 .03589 2.7540 2.4764 2.0313 1.9417 1.9072 20 .03196 2.1838 1.9637 1.6107 1.5397 1.5123 21 .02846 1.7318 1.5573 1.2773 1.2210 1.1993 22 .02534 1.3728 1.2345 1.0125 .9679 .9507 23 .02257 1.0891 .9793 .8033 .7679 .7542 24 .02010 .86376 .7767 .6371 .6090 .5982 25 .01790 .68502 .6160 .5053 .4830 .4744 26 .01594 .54328 .4885 .4007 .3830 .3762 27 .01419 .43060 .3872 .3176 .3036 .2982 28 .01264 .34166 .3072 .2520 .2409 .2366 29 .01125 .27068 .2434 .1996 .1908 .1875 30 .01002 .21466 .1930 .1583 .1513 .1487 31 .00892 .17018 .1530 .1255 .1200 .1179 32 .00795 .13512 .1215 .0997 .0953 .0936 33 .00708 .10712 .0963 .0790 .0755 .0742 34 .00630 .08488 .0763 .0626 .0598 .0588 35 .00561 .06734 .0606 .0497 .0475 .0466 36 .00500 .05346 .0481 .0394 .0377 .0370 37 .00445 .04234 .0381 .0312 .0299 .0293 38 .00396 .03356 .0302 .0248 .0237 .0232 39 .00353 .02664 .0240 .0196 .0188 .0184 40 .00314 .02108 .0190 .0155 .0149 .0146 I Note: Karat gold weights based on formulas shown on page 19 25 "Special Refined'' — the purest silver you can buy for alloying Wire Tables Weight per linear foot of round wire of 14 and 10 Karat Gold in Brown & Sharpe Gauges from 1 to 40 Square wire is 1.27324 times as heavy as round wire of the same gauge Brown Thou- 14 Karat 14 Karat 14 Karat 10 Karat 10 Karat & sandths of an Inch Green Gold Yellow Gold Red Gold Yellow Gold Red Gold Sharpe No. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. Dwts. 1 .28930 117.7698 110.2059 107.4628 97.9056 94.9137 2 .25763 93.3966 87.3982 85.2227 77.6434 75.2707 3 .22942 74.0624 69.3057 67.5806 61.5703 59.6888 4 .20431 58.7371 54.9647 53.5966 48.8299 47.3378 5 .18194 46.5794 43.5878 42.5028 38.7228 37.5395 6 .16202 36.9376 34.5653 33.7049 30.7074 29.7690 7 .14428 29.2925 27.4112 26.7289 24.3518 23.6076 8 .12849 23.2320 21.7399 21.1988 19.3135 18.7233 9 .11443 18.4252 17.2418 16.8126 15.3174 14.8493 10 .10189 14.6090 13.6707 13.3304 12.1449 11.7737 11 .09074 11.5860 10.8419 10.5720 9.6318 9.3375 12 .08080 9.1867 8.5967 8.3827 7.6372 7.4038 13 .07196 7.2865 6.8185 6.6488 6.0575 5.8724 14 .06408 5.7780 5.4069 5.2723 4.8035 4.6567 15 .05706 4.5814 4.2871 4.1804 3.8086 3.6923 16 .05082 3.6341 3.4007 3.3161 3.0211 2.9288 17 .04525 2.8812 2.6962 2.6291 2.3953 2.3221 18 .04030 2.2854 2.1386 2.0853 1.8999 1.8418 19 .03589 1.8125 1.6961 1.6539 1.5068 1.4608 20 .03196 1.4373 1.3450 1.3115 1.1948 1.1583 21 .02846 1.1398 1.0666 1.0400 .9475 .9186 22 .02534 .9035 .8455 .8244 .7511 .7282 23 .02257 .7168 .6708 .6541 .5959 .5777 24 .02010 .5685 .5320 .5187 .4726 .4582 25 .01790 .4508 .4219 .4114 .3748 .3633 26 .01594 .3576 .3346 .3263 .2973 .2882 27 .01419 .2834 .2652 .2586 .2356 .2284 28 .01264 .2249 .2104 .2052 .1869 .1812 29 .01125 .1781 .1667 .1626 .1481 .1436 30 .01002 .1413 .1322 .1289 .1174 .1139 31 .00892 .1120 .1048 .1022 .0931 .0903 32 .00795 .0889 .0832 .0811 .0739 .0717 33 .00708 .0705 .0660 .0643 .0586 .0568 34 .00630 .0559 .0523 .0510 .0464 .0450 35 .00561 .0443 .0415 .0404 .0368 .0357 36 .00500 .0352 .0329 .0321 .0293 .0284 37 .00445 .0279 .0261 .0254 .0232 .0225 38 .00396 .0221 .0207 .0202 .0184 .0178 39 .00353 .0175 .0164 .0160 .0146 .0141 40 .00314 .0139 .0130 .0127 .0115 .0112 Note : Karat gold weights based on fort nulas shown on page 19 Platinum in your Sweeps f Send them to us 26 Miscellaneous Information The circumference of a circle is the diameter multipHed by 3.1416. The diameter of a circle is the circumference multiplied by .31831. The area of a circle is the diameter squared, multiplied by .7854. The area of an oval is the longest diameter multiplied by the shortest, multiplied by .7854. A circle is .7854 times as heavy as a square of the same diameter; that is, the loss in cutting a circle from a sqaure is .2146 per cent of the weight of the square. Fine silver is 1.0144 times as heavy as sterling silver. Sterling silver is .9858 times as heavy as fine silver. 1 gram weighs 0.03527 ozs. avoirdupois. 1 gram weighs 0.03215 ozs. troy. 1 oz. avoirdupois weighs 28.3495 grams. 1 oz. troy weighs 31.10348 grams. 1 gram weighs 15.4324 grains. 1 grain weighs 0.0648 grams. 1 kilogram weighs 32.15076 ozs. troy. 1 kilogram weighs 2.20462 lbs. avoirdupois. 1 ligne equals 2.256 millimeters. 1 ligne equals .0888 inches. Easy silver solder is .667 fine. Medium silver solder is .750 fine. Hard silver solder is .800 fine. Coin silver is .900 fine. 27 ''Special Refined'' silver is refined especially for alloying Comparison of Pure Platinum with Iridium-Platinum 5% Iridium-Platinum is 1.00195 times as heavy as Pure Platinum. 10% Iridium-Platinum is 1.00390 times as heavy as Pure Platinum. 15% Iridium-Platinum is 1.00585 times as heavy as Pure Platinum. 20% Iridium-Platinum is 1.00780 times as heavy as Pure Platinum. 25% Iridium-Platinum is 1.00980 times as heavy as Pure Platinum. 30% Iridium-Platinum is 1.01175 times as heavy as Pure Platinum. Densities and Melting Points of Metals Meltin g Melting Metal Point Point Specific Fahrenh eit Centigrade Gravity Tin 450 de g. 232 deg. 7.29 Bismuth 518 ' 270 " 9.80 Cadmium 610 • 321 " 8.67 Lead 621 ' 786 ' 327 " 419 " 11.36 Zinc 7.00 Antimony 1166 ' 630 " 6.70 Aluminum 1216 ' 658 " 2.67 Silver 1762 ' 961 " 10.56 Gold 1945 ' 1063 " 19.36 Copper 1981 ' 1083 " 8.83 Manganese 2237 ' 1225 " 7.39 Nickel 2642 ' 2714 • 1450 " 1490 " 8.90 Cobalt 8.70 Chromium 2741 ' 1505 " 6.50 Iron, pure 2768 ' 1520 •' 7.86 Palladium 2822 ' 3191 ' 3488 ' 4307 ' 1550 " 1755 " 1920 " 2375 " 11.80 Platinum . . . 21.53 Rhodium 12.10 Iridium 22.40 Approximate Temperatures by Color Fahrenheit First visible red 977 deg. Dull red 1292 Cherry red 1652 Dull orange 2012 White 2372 Dazzling white , . . .2732 Degrees Centigrade X 1.8 + 32 = Degrees Fahrenheit Degrees Fahrenheit — 32 yv /->*.- j — 5 = Degrees Centigrade. 1.8 Centigrade 525 deg. 700 900 1100 1300 1500 Our Service Department would like to try to help you 28 Sterling Sheet Table Weight per foot of Sterling Silver from 1 inch to 7 inches wide Brown Thou- 8b sandths I'xl" I'x 2" I'x 3" I'x 4" I'x 5" I'x 6" I'x 7" Sharps i_ri cux Gauge inch Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. 1 28930 19.25 38.55 57.80 77.05 96.35 115.60 134.85 2 25763 17.15 34.25 51.40 68.55 85.65 102.80 119.95 3 22942 15.25 30.55 45.80 61.05 76.35 91.60 106.85 4 20431 13.60 27.20 40.80 54.40 68.00 81.60 95.20 5 18194 12.15 24.25 36.40 48.55 60.65 72.80 84.95 6 16202 10.80 21.60 32.40 43.20 54.00 64.80 75.60 7 14428 9.60 19.20 28.80 38.40 48.00 57.60 67.20 8 12849 8.55 17.05 25.60 34.15 42.65 51.20 59.75 9 11443 7.60 15.20 22.80 30.40 38.00 45.60 53.20 10 10189 6.80 13.60 20.40 27.20 34.00 40.80 47.60 11 09074 6.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 36.00 42.00 12 08080 5.35 10.65 16.00 21.35 26.65 32.00 37.35 13 07196 4.75 9.45 14.20 18.95 23.65 28.40 33.15 14 06408 4.25 8.55 12.80 17.05 21.35 25.60 29.90 15 05706 3.80 7.60 11.40 15.20 19.00 22.80 26.60 16 05082 3.40 6.80 10.20 13.60 17.00 20.40 23.80 17 04525 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 18 04030 2.65 5.35 8.00 10.65 13.35 16.00 18.65 19 03589 2.40 4.80 7.20 9.60 12.00 14.40 16.80 20 03196 2.15 4.25 6.40 8.55 10.65 12.80 14.95 21 .02846 1.85 3.75 5.60 7.45 9.35 11.20 13.05 22 .02534 1.65 3.35 5.00 6.65 8.35 10.00 11.65 23 .02257 1.50 3.00 4.50 6.00 7.50 9.00 10.50 24 .02010 1.35 2.65 4.00 5.35 6.65 8.00 9.35 25 .01790 1.20 2.40 3.60 4.80 6.00 7.20 8.40 26 .01594 1.05 2.15 3.20 4.25 5.35 6.40 7.45 27 .01419 .95 1.85 2.80 3.75 4.65 5.80 6.55 28 .01264 .85 1.65 2.50 3.35 4.15 5.00 5.85 29 .01125 .75 1.45 2.20 2.95 3.65 4.40 5.15 30 .01002 .65 1.35 2.00 2.65 3.35 4.00 4.65 31 .00892 .60 1.20 1.80 2.40 3.00 3.60 4.20 32 .00795 .55 1.05 1.60 2.15 2.65 3.20 3.75 33 .00708 .45 .95 1.40 1.85 2.35 2.80 3.25 34 .00630 .42 .83 1.25 1.67 2.08 2.50 2.92 35 .00561 .36 .67 1.10 1.47 1.83 2.20 2.57 36 .00500 .33 66 1.00 1.33 1.66 2.00 2.33 29 Our Sterling Silver has a reputation 1 Sterling Sheet Table Weight per foot of Sterling Silver from 8 inches to 14 inches wide Brown Thou- & sandths l'x8" l'x9" I'x 10" I'xll" I'x 12" I'x 13" I'x 14" Sharpe Gauge nf ati KJm. CUl inch Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. 1 .28930 154.15 173.40 192.65 211.95 231.20 250.60 269.75 2 .25763 137.05 154.20 171.35 188.45 205.60 222.75 239.85 3 .22942 122.15 137.40 150.65 165.95 183.20 198.45 213.75 4 .20431 108.80 122.40 136.00 149.60 163.20 176.80 190.40 5 .18194 97.05 109.20 121.35 133.45 145.60 157.75 169.85 6 .16202 86.40 97.20 108.00 118.80 129.60 140.40 151.20 7 .14428 76.80 86.40 96.00 105.60 115.20 124.80 134.40 8 .12849 68.55 76.80 85.35 93.85 102.40 110.95 119.45 9 .11443 60.80 68.40 76.00 83.60 91.20 98.80 106.40 10 .10189 54.40 61.20 68.00 74.80 81.60 88.40 95.20 11 .09074 48.00 54.00 60.00 66.00 72.00 78.00 84.00 12 .08080 42.65 48.00 53.35 58.65 64.00 69.35 74.65 13 .07196 37.85 42.60 47.35 52.05 56.80 61.55 66.25 14 .06408 34.15 38.40 42.65 46.95 51.20 55.45 59.75 15 .05706 30.40 34.20 38.00 41.80 45.60 49.40 53.20 16 .05082 27.20 30.60 34.00 37.40 40.80 44.20 47.60 17 .04525 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 39.00 42.00 18 .04030 21.35 24.00 26.65 29.35 32.00 34.65 37.35 19 .03589 18.20 21.60 24.00 26.40 28.80 31.20 33.60 20 .03196 17.05 19.20 21.35 23.45 25.60 27.75 29.85 21 .02846 14.95 16.80 18.65 20.55 22.40 24.25 26.15 22 .02534 13.35 15.00 16.65 18.35 20.00 21.65 23.35 23 .02257 12.00 13.50 15.00 16.50 18.00 19.50 21.00 24 .02010 10.65 12.00 13.35 14.65 16.00 17.35 18.65 25 .01790 9.60 10.80 12.00 13.20 14.40 15.60 16.80 26 .01594 8.55 9.60 10.65 11.75 12.80 13.85 14.95 27 .01419 7.45 8.40 9.35 10.25 11.20 12.15 13.05 28 .01264 6.65 7.50 8.35 9.15 10.00 10.85 11.65 29 .01125 5.85 6.60 7.25 8.05 8.80 9.55 10.25 30 .01002 5.35 6.00 6.65 7.35 8.00 8.65 9.35 31 .00892 4.80 5.40 6.00 6.60 7.20 7.80 8.40 32 .00795 4.25 4.80 5.35 5.85 6.40 6.95 7.45 33 .00708 3.75 4.20 4.65 5.15 5.60 6.05 6.55 34 .00630 3.33 3.75 4.17 4.58 5.00 5.42 5.83 35 .00561 2.93 3.30 3.67 4.03 4.40 4.77 5.13 36 .00500 2.66 3.00 3.33 3.66 4.00 4.33 4.66 Our Sterling Silver is .p2/ fine — ALWAYS 30 Sterling Sheet Table Weight per foot of Sterling Silver from 15 inches to 20 inches wide Brown & Sharpe Gauge Thousandths of an inch I'x 15" I'x 16" I'x 17" I'x 18" I'x 19" I'x 20" Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. 1 .28930 289.00 308.25 327.55 346.80 366.05 385.35 2 .25763 257.00 274.15 291.25 308.40 325.55 342.65 3 .22942 229.00 244.25 259.55 274.80 290.05 305.35 4 .20431 204.00 217.60 231.20 244.80 258.40 272.00 5 .18194 182.00 194.15 206.25 218.40 230.55 242.65 6 .16202 162.00 172.80 183.60 194.40 205.20 216.00 7 .14428 144.00 153.60 163.20 172.80 182.40 192.00 8 .12849 128.00 136.55 145.05 153.60 162.15 170.65 9 .11443 114.00 121.60 129.20 136.80 144.40 152.00 10 .10189 102.00 108.80 115.60 122.40 129.20 136.00 11 .09074 90.00 96.00 102.00 108.00 114.00 120.00 12 .08080 80.00 85.35 90.65 96.00 101.35 106.65 13 .07196 71.00 75.75 80.45 85.20 89.95 94.65 14 .06408 64.00 68.25 72.55 76.80 81.05 85.35 15 .05706 57.00 60.80 64.60 68.40 72.20 76.00 16 .05082 51.00 54.40 57.80 61.20 64.60 68.00 17 .04525 45.00 48.00 51.00 54.00 57.00 60.00 18 .04030 40.00 42.65 45.35 48.00 50.65 53.35 19 .03589 36.00 38.40 40.80 43.20 45.60 48.00 20 .03196 32.00 34.15 36.25 38.40 40.55 42.65 21 .02846 28.00 29.85 31.75 33.60 35.45 37.35 22 .02534 25.00 26.65 28.35 30.00 31.65 33.35 23 .02257 22.50 24.00 25.50 27.00 28.50 30.00 24 .02010 20.00 21.35 22.65 24.00 25.35 26.65 25 .01790 18.00 19.20 20.40 21.60 22.80 24.00 26 .01594 16.00 17.05 18.15 19.20 20.25 21.35 27 .01419 14.00 14.95 15.85 16.80 17.75 18.65 28 .01264 12.50 13.35 14.15 15.00 15.85 16.65 29 .01125 11.00 11.75 12.45 13.20 13.95 14.65 30 .01002 10.00 10.65 11.35 12.00 12.65 13.35 31 .00892 9.00 9.60 10.20 10.80 11.40 12.00 32 .00795 8.00 8.55 9.05 9.60 10.15 10.65 33 .00708 7.00 7.45 7.95 8.40 8.85 9.35 34 .00630 6.25 6.67 7.08 7.50 7.92 8.33 35 .00561 5.50 5.87 6.23 6.60 6.97 7.33 36 .00500 5.00 5.33 5.66 6.00 6.33 6.66 31 We try to make perfect Sterling — We usually succeed Silver Sheet and Wire Weight per square inch of Sterling and Fine Silver Sheet, Brown and Sharpe Gauges 1 to 40. to 40. Brown & Thousandths Sharpe of an inch Sterling Silver Fine Silver No. Ozs. Ozs. 1 .28930 1.5866 1.6096 2 .25763 1.4129 1.4334 3 .22942 1.2582 1.2764 4 .20431 1.1205 1.1367 5 .18194 .9978 1.0123 6 .16202 .8886 .9014 7 .14428 .7913 .8027 8 .12849 .7047 .7149 9 .11443 .6276 .6367 10 .10189 .5588 .5669 11 .09074 .4976 .5049 12 .08080 .4431 .4495 13 .07196 .3947 .4004 14 .06408 .3514 .3565 15 .05706 .3129 .3175 15 .05082 .2786 .2826 17 .04525 .2482 .2518 18 .04030 .2210 .2242. 19 .03589 .1968 .1997 20 .03196 .1753 .1778 21 .02846 .1561 .1583 22 .02534 .1390 .1410 23 .02257 .1238 .1256 24 .02010 .1102 .1118 25 .01790 .0982 .0996 26 .01594 .0874 .0887 27 .01419 .0778 .0789 28 .01264 .0693 .0703 29 .01125 .0617 .0626 30 .01002 .0550 .0557 31 .00892 .0489 .0496 32 .00795 .0436 .0442 33 .00708 .0388 .0394 34 .00630 .0346 .0351 35 .00561 .0308 .0312 36 .00500 .0274 .0278 37 .00445 .0244 .0248 38 .00396 .0217 .0220 39 .00353 .0194 .0196 40 .00314 .0172 .0175 Weight per linear foot of Sterling and Fine Silver round Wire, Brown and Sharpe Gauges 1 to 40. Brown 8s Thousandths Sterling Fine Sharpe of an inch Silver Silver No. Ozs. Ozs. 1 .28930 4.3260 4.3883 2 .25763 3.4307 3.4801 3 .22942 2.7205 2.7597 4 .20431 2.1576 2.1886 5 .18194 1.7110 1.7356 6 .16202 1.3568 1.3763 7 .14428 1.0760 1.0915 8 .12849 .8534 .8657 9 .11443 .6768 .6866 10 .10189 .5366 .5444 11 .09074 .4256 .4317 12 .08080 .3375 .3423 13 .07196 .2677 .2715 14 .06408 .2122 / .2153 15 .05706 .1683 .1707 16 .05082 .1335 .1354 17 .04525 .1058 .1074 18 .04030 .0840 .0852 19 .03589 .0666 .0675 • 20 .03196 .0528 .0536 21 .02846 .0419 .0425 22 .02534 .0332 .0337 23 .02257 .0263 .0267 24 .02010 .0209 .0212 25 .01790 .0166 .0168 26 .01594 .0131 .0133 27 .01419 .0104 .0106 28 .01264 .00826 .00838 29 .01125 .00654 .00664 30 .01002 .00519 .00526 31 .00892 .00411 .00417 32 .00795 .00327 .00331 33 .00708 .00259 .00263 34 .00630 .00205 .00208 35 .00561 .00163 .00165 36 .00500 .00129 .00131 37 .00445 .00102 .00104 38 .00396 .00081 .00082 39 .00353 .00064 .00065 40 .00314 .00051 .00052 Sterling and Fine Silver Round Wire Per Foot Fractions of an inch Sterling Silver Ozs. Fine Silver Ozs. Fractions of an inch Sterling Silver Ozs. Fine Silver Ozs. 1/16" 1/8" 3/16" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" .2019 .8076 1.8172 3.2305 5.0477 7.2686 .2048 .8193 1.8433 3.2770 5.1203 7.3733 7/16" 1/2" 9/16" 5/8" 11/16" 3/4" 9.8934 12.9220 16.3544 20.1907 24.4307 29.0745 10.0358 13.1080 16.5898 20.4813 24.7824 29.4961 You can depend on our Sterling Silver 32 •J Sterling Circles Weights of Circles in Sterling Silver No. 15 to No. 21 B. & S. Gauge Diameter of B. SbS. B. 8bS. B. 8bS. B. 8eS. B. 85S. B. 8bS. B. 8bS. circle 15-Ga. 16-Ga. 17-Ga. 18-Ga. 19-Ga. 20-Ga. 21-Ga. in .05706 .05082 .04525 .04030 .03589 .03196 .02846 inches Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. 1 .25 .22 .20 .18 .16 .14 .12 2 1.00 .90 .80 .70 .65 .55 .50 3 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.55 1.40 1.25 1.10 4 4.00 3.55 3.15 2.80 2.50 2.25 2.00 5 6.20 5.55 4.95 4.40 3.90 3.50 3.10 6 8.95 8.00 7.10 6.35 5.65 5.00 4.45 7 12.20 10.90 9.70 8.65 7.70 6.85 6.10 8 15.90 14.25 12.65 11.25 10.05 8.95 7.95 9 20.15 18.00 16.00 14.25 12.70 11.30 10.05 10 24.85 22.25 19.75 17.60 15.70 13.95 12.45 11 30.10 26.90 23.90 21.30 19.00 16.90 15.05 12 35.80 32.05 28.45 25.35 22.60 20.10 17.90 13 42.05 37.60 33.35 29.75 26.55 23.60 21.00 14 48.75 43.60 38.70 34.50 30.80 27.35 24.35 15 55.95 50.05 44.40 39.60 35.35 31.40 27.95 16 63.65 56.95 50.55 45.05 40.20 35.75 31.85 17 71.85 64.30 57.05 50.85 45.40 40.35 35.95 18 80.60 72.10 63.95 57.00 50.90 45.25 40.30 19 89.80 80.35 71.25 63.50 56.70 50.40 44.90 20 99.50 89.00 78.95 70.40 62.85 55.85 49.75 21 109.65 98.15 87.05 77.60 69.25 61.55 54.85 22 120.30 107.65 95.50 85.15 76.00 67.55 60.15 23 131.55 117.70 104.45 93.05 83.05 73.85 65.75 24 143.25 128.15 113.70 101.35 90.45 80.40 71.60 25 155.40 139.05 123.40 110.00 98.15 87.25 77.70 33 Promptness is a feature of our silver business Sterling Circles Weights of Circles in Sterling Silver No. 22 to No. 28 B. & S. Gauge Diameter of B.&S. B.85S. B.&S. B.8bS. B.&S. B.&S. B.&S. circle 22-Ga. 23-Ga. 24-Ga. 25-Ga. 26-Ga. 27-Ga. 28-Ga. in .02534 .02257 .0201 .0179 .01594 .01419 .01264 inches Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. 1 .11 .098 .087 .078 .069 .061 .054 2 .45 .40 .35 .30 .28 .25 .22 3 1.00 .90 .80 .70 .65 .55 .50 4 1.75 1.55 1.40 1.25 1.10 .95 .85 5 2.75 2.45 2.20 1.95 1.75 1.50 1.35 6 4.00 3.55 3.15 2.80 2.50 2.20 1.95 7 5.40 4.80 4.30 3.85 3.40 3.00 2.70 8 7.05 6.30 5.60 5.00 4.45 3.90 3.50 9 8.95 7.95 7.05 6.35 5.65 4.95 4.40 10 11.05 9.80 8.70 7.85 7.00 6.10 5.45 11 13.35 11.85 10.55 9.50 8.45 7.40 6.60 12 15.90 14.15 12.55 11.30 10.05 8.80 7.85 13 18.70 16.60 14.75 13.25 11.80 10.30 9.20 14 21.65 19.25 17.10 15.40 13.70 11.95 10.70 15 24.85 22.10 19.65 17.65 15.70 13.75 12.25 16 28.30 25.15 22.35 20.10 17.85 15.65 13.95 17 31.95 28.35 25.20 22.70 20.15 17.65 15.75 18 35.80 31.80 28.25 25.45 22.60 19.80 17.65 19 39.90 35.45 31.50 28.35 25.20 22.05 19.70 20 44.20 39.25 34.90 31.40 27.90 24.45 21.80 21 48.75 43.30 38.50 34.65 30.80 26.95 24.05 22 53.50 47.50 42.20 38.00 33.75 29.55 26.40 23 58.45 51.90 46.15 41.50 36.90 32.30 28.85 24 63.65 56.55 50.25 45.25 40.20 35.20 31.40 25 69.10 61.35 54.55 49.05 43.60 38.15 34.10 Quality and Service first — ALWAYS 34 Sterling Circles Weights of Circles in Sterling Silver No. 29 to No. 36 B. & S . Gauge Diam- eter of circle in inches B. ficS. 29 -Ga. .01125 B. SeS. 30-Ga. .01002 B. &S. 31-Ga. .00892 B. 8eS. 32 -Ga. .00795 B.8bS. 33-Ga. .00708 B.8bS. 34-Ga. .0063 b.8bS. 35-Ga. .00561 B. 8bS. 36-Ga. .005 Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. Ozs. 1 .047 .043 .039 .034 .030 .027 .023 .021 2 .19 .175 .157 .14 .122 .11 .096 .087 3 .45 .40 .35 .31 .275 .25 .216 .196 4 .80 .70 .60 .54 .50 .45 .384 .35 5 1.20 1.10 1.00 .85 .75 .70 .60 .55 6 1.75 1.55 1.40 1.25 1.10 1.00 .85 .80 7 2.40 2.15 1.90 1.70 1.50 1.35 1.15 1.05 8 3.15 2.80 2.50 2.25 1.95 1.75 1.55 1.40 9 4.00 3.55 3.20 2.80 2.45 2.25 1.95 1.75 10 4.90 4.35 3.90 3.50 3.05 2.70 2.40 2.20 11 5.95 5.25 4.75 4.20 3.70 3.30 2.90 2.65 12 7.05 6.30 5.65 5.00 4.40 3.90 3.45 3.15 13 8.30 7.35 6.65 5.90 5.15 4.60 4.05 3.70 14 9.60 8.55 7.70 6.85 6.00 5.35 4.70 4.25 15 11.05 9.80 8.85 7.85 6.85 6.15 5.40 4.90 16 12.55 11.15 10.05 8.95 7.80 7.00 6.15 5.60 17 14.20 12.60 11.35 10.10 8.80 8.00 6.95 6.30 18 15.90 14.15 12.70 11.30 9.90 8.85 7.75 7.05 19 17.70 15.75 14.15 12.60 11.00 9.85 8.65 7.85 20 19.65 17.45 15.70 13.95 12.20 10.90 9.60 8.70 21 21.65 19.25 17.30 15.40 13.45 12.20 10.60 9.60 22 23.70 21.10 19.00 16.85 14.75 13.35 11.60 10.55 23 25.95 23.10 20.75 18.95 16.15 14.60 12.70 11.55 24 28.25 25.15 22.60 20.10 17.60 15.90 13.80 12.55 25 30.65 27.25 24.50 21.80 19.05 17.25 15.00 13.65 35 Sterling Silver of uniform gauge and quality Sterling Circles Areas and Weights of Circles Diameter of circle in Inches Area of Circle in Square Inches Weight in decimal parts of an oz. Troy weight of circle Ga. .001 1 .7854 .00436 2 3.1416 .01755 3 7.0686 .0393 4 12.5664 .0698 5 19.635 .109 6 28.2744 .157 7 38.4846 .214 8 50.2656 .2792 9 63.6174 .3534 10 78.54 .4363 11 95.0334 .5279 12 113.0976 .6283 13 132.7326 .7374 14 153.9384 .8552 15 176.715 .9817 16 ^ 201.0624 1.117 17 226.9806 1.261 18 254.4696 1.4137 19 283.5294 1.5751 20 314.16 1.7453 21 346.3614 1.9242 22 380.1336 2.111 23 415.4766 2.308 24 452.3904 2.5132 25 490.87 2.727 Above weights are for a thickness of y q^o of an inch. To find the weight of any given circle, multiply the weight given in the last column for that diameter by the thickness of your circle in thousandths. Sterling Silver in sheet or wire 36 Waste Solutions Recovery of Silver and Gold from Cyanide Solutions BOTH silver and gold may be recovered from cyanide solutions by adding acids and allowing to stand until thoroughly settled, drain- ing off the top which is clear, taking care to test for values before throwing the solution away. Silver cyanide solution may also be pre- cipitated by using "Liver of Sulphur", (Potassium Sulphate) allowing to stand ten or twelve hours, and pouring off the clear solution after testing for value. , . The cleanest and surest method, however, is to place the solution in a clean, tight tank, or crock, if small in quantity, and add zinc dust or shavings to the solution. The amount of zinc need not be exact and depends upon the richness of the solution in metal values. Care should be taken to have an excess of zinc and about two ounces of zinc per gallon of solution is sufficient for solutions of average strength. After adding the zinc, an occasional stirring is beneficial for the first few hours. Following this it is well to let the solution stand over night. The clear solution can then be poured off, taking the precaution to test the solution for values. The presence of values shows either too little zinc or too short a time of treatment and the addition of more zinc and further stirring will remove the remaining values. There is great danger in the use of acid in precipitating, as the reaction throws off the most poisonous gas known. The use of liver of sulphur has the objection of producing a dirty slime. With zinc dust the precious metals are deposited on the zinc in metallic form and the residue is much more easily handled. Zinc dust is preferable to the shavings as it mixes more readily with the solution, and since it has a greater surface per ounce than the shavings, the action is quicker. The dust may be obtained from any supply house and is not expensive. The residue should either be dried, or put in a keg with sawdust to take care of the excess wetness, and sent to Handy & Harman for refining. 37 Our big and efficient plant insures accurate returns on your wastes Diamond and Pearl Weights Table for Converting ''Old" Carats and Grains into ''New" Metric Equivalents The "old" carat in general use throughout the United States weighs about 205.3 milligrams, while the new International metric carat weighs exactly 200 milligrams. Example: Find the metric equivalent of 130^ carats *'old" weight. Using the tables on pages 39-40, we find: Table No. 1 100 = 102.65 Table No. 1 30 = 30.80 Table No. 2 if = .30 133.75 metric carats. There is no such weight as a "Pearl" grain. Custom, however, sanctions the rule that four pearl grains is the equivalent of one carat; in other words, one quarter carat represents one grain; one-eighth of a carat represents one-half grain and so down to one sixty-fourth of a carat, which represents the smallest fraction of a grain, namely, one sixteenth. By using this table you will be able to convert the weights of mounted as well as unmounted gems and pearls from the "old" to the metric carats and grains. Example: Find the metric equivalent of a lot of pearls weighing 127]^ grains "old" weight. Using the tables on pages 39-40 we find: Table No. 1 100 = 102.65 Table No. 1 27= 27.72 Table No. 3 i^= .32 130.69 metric grains. Our Service Department is for you 38 Diamond and Pearl Weights Table No. 1. Carats and Grains Old New Metric Old 1 New Metric Old New Metric Weight Weight Weight Weight Weight Weight 1 1.03 38 39.01 1 75 76.99 2 2.05 39 40.03 ! 76 78.01 3 3.08 40 41.06 77 79.04 4 4.11 41 42.09 78 80.07 5 5.13 42 43.11 79 81.09 6 6.16 43 44.14 80 82.12 7 7.19 44 45.17 81 83.15 8 8.21 45 46.19 82 84.17 9 9.24 46 47.22 83 85.20 10 10.27 47 49.25 84 86.23 11 11.29 48 49.27 85 87.25 12 12.32 49 50.30 86 88.28 13 13.34 50 51.33 87 89.31 14 14.37 51 52.35 88 90.33 15 15.40 52 53.38 89 91.36 16 16.42 53 54.40 90 92.39 17 17.45 54 55.43 91 93.41 18 18.48 55 56.46 92 94.44 19 19.50 56 57.48 93 95.46 20 20.53 57 58.51 94 96.49 21 21.56 58 59.54 95 97.52 22 22.58 59 60.56 96 98.54 23 23.61 60 61.59 97 99.57 24 24.64 61 62.62 98 100.60 25 25.66 62 63.64 99 101.62 26 26.69 63 . 64.67 100 102.65 27 27.72 64 65.70 200 205.30 28 28.74 65 66.72 300 307.95 29 29.77 66 67.75 . 400 410.60 30 30.80 67 68.78 500 513.25 31 31.82 68 69.80 600 615.90 32 32.85 69 70.83 700 718.55 33 33.87 70 71.86 800 821.20 34 34.90 71 72.88 900 923.85 35 35.93 72 73.91 1000 1026.50 36 36.95 73 74.93 2000 2053.00 37 37.98 74 75.96 5000 5132.50 39 ''Special Refined''— the ONLY silver made especially for alloying Diamond and Pearl Weights Table No. 2. Carats Old 64ths with Metric Equivalents Old New Metric Old New Metric Old New Metric Weight Weight Weight Weight Weight Weight 1/64 .02 22/64 .35 43/64 .69 2/64 .03 23/64 .37 44/64 .71 3/64 .05 24/64 .38 45/64 .72 4/64 .06 25/64 .40 46/64 .74 5/64 .08 26/64 .42 47/64 .75 6/64 .10 27/64 .43 48/64 .77 7/64 .11 28/64 .45 49/64 .79 8/64 .13 29/64 .47 50/64 .80 9/64 .14 30/64 .48 51/64 .82 10/64 .16 31/64 .50 52/64 .83 11/64 .18 32/64 .51 53/64 .85 12/64 .19 33/64 .53 54/64 .87 13/64 .21 34/64 .55 55/64 .88 14/64 .22 35/64 .56 56/64 .90 15/64 .24 36/64 .58 57/64 .91 16/64 .26 37/64 .59 58/64 .93 17/64 .27 38/64 .61 59/64 .95 18/64 .29 39/64 .63 60/64 .96 19/64 .30 40/64 .64 61/64 .98 20/64 .32 41/64 .66 62/64 .99 21/64 .34 42/64 .67 63/64 1.01 Table No. 3. Grains Old 16ths with Metric Equivalents Old New Metric Old New Metric Old New Metric Weight Weight Weight Weight Weight Weight 1/16 .06 6/16 .38 11/16 .71 2/16 .13 7/16 .45 12/16 .77 3/16 .19 8/16 .51 13/16 .83 4/16 .26 9/16 .58 14/16 .90 5/16 .32 10/16 .64 15/16 .96 Send us your wastes 40 Reputation A concern of reputation has something more at stake than the amount involved in your own personal dealings with it. When a firm does a successful and growing busi- ness year after year for 50 years you know it is earning the confidence of its patrons in its service and products and that it must be living up to its reputation. Handy 8b Harman have been established since 1865 and are recognized as the largest concern in their line of industry in the United States. 237 90 0^ .0 «*'"*♦ *j55v\^»*k* ^0^ O'JL.** O A^ '. ■> ♦* HECKMAN BIMDERY INC. ^ MAY 90 N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA 46962 '