Class _L£i3fea^ Bnnic .R4-3 Goipght IJ? Stock Designs of Senior Backgrounds E are shovfing in this booklet a series of stock backgrounds. These backgrounds were made for Senior Sections, but can be used as backgrounds in other sections if desired. It is recommended that they be used in Senior Sections, as it is usually desirable to feature the seniors with some special treatment. By using one of these backgrounds, the management not only features the Senior Section, but also adds variety to the decorative treatment in the book. Certain of the backgrounds are made in series of either two or four. For instance, Number 406A and B alternate on left and right-hand page, respectively. Numbers 419A-B, 420A-B, 427A-B, and 428A-B also alternate on right and left-hand pages. Series 409A-B-C-D prints consecutively on each four pages of the Senior Section, 409A appearing on first and then on fifth page of the section. Numbers 418A-B-C-D, 425A-B-C-D, and 426A-B-C-D print in this same manner. It is certainly not desirable to alternate or mix any of the other numbers in a section. For instance, a management should not attempt to alternate 404A and 405A in a section. A number of these Senior backgrounds were made to harmonize with other stock designs. As an example, you will find a number of designs in this booklet of a military nature. In other book- lets you will find stock book inserts, page borders and folio headings showing a military treatment. If you are going to use stock designs, pick out designs that will harmonize and carry out the same decorative treatment. Another example, senior background 41 9A and B illustrates a colonial decoration. In other booklets you will find a stock book insert, folio heading and display pages with the same colonial decoration. In making the halftone plates to be used with any of these designs, it is absolutely necessary that they be made to a size to fit the cut out spaces in the backgrounds. We have frequently had a management select a Senior background and then have to abandon the use of it, due to the fact that the halftones were made the wrong size. The first few pages show both the background and the halftone plates and type. The halftone plates should be made the exact sizes of those shown. In most of the pages the backgrounds only are shown, but we have given the sizes the halftone plates should be made to fit each background. If a management uses one of these backgrounds, we would suggest that a sample of the back- ground be sent the engraver with the Senior pictures. Instructions should then be given the engraver to make the Senior plates to fit the background selected. As a general rule, the halftone plates should be made about one-quarter of an inch less in both width and height than the cut out space in the background. If there is any doubt about the size the halftones should be made, write us and we will give full instructions as to size. A com- plete printed sample of any of the designs can be sent upon request. It is not necessary to have the same number of pictures on each page as shown by the samples. For instance, background 401A shows a halftone plate or panel containing three pictures. A plate or panel containing two or four pictures could be used just as well, provided the plates were made 5)^x434 inches. Senior background 402A contains two pictures, but three or more could be used just as well. Several of the backgrounds, however, are only suitable for one picture to a page. For instance, background 400A could only be used with one picture. This is also true with backgrounds 408A, 412A, 418A, B, C, D, 421A and 424A. Background 41 6A has a rectangular space at the bottom of the design in which a zinc etching can be printed. A cartoon drawing of the Seniors shown in top space is appropriate. A drawing of some view or building on campus can also be used or reading matter can be printed in this space. A halftone cannot be printed in this space. Background 421A has a small space at bottom in which can be inserted a small halftone made from a snapshot illustrating a characteristic pose. The top space is for the halftone of the por- trait picture. Where more than one picture or portrait appears on a page it is customary to group the pic- tures on panels and make one plate instead of individual plates. For Instance, the two portraits as shown on 402A were mounted on a white mounting board and a halftone plate was made measur- ing 2^X75'8 inches. This makes the cost of the engravings considerably cheaper than if Individual plates were made. Refer to the "College Annual Handbook" and full instructions will be given about making the panels. Remember that the panels must be made so that when the plates are made, they will fit the cut out space in the backgrounds. It is impossible to print these background plates with the type and cuts, even if the backgrounds should be printed in same color as type and cuts. This means that each page has to be run through the press an additional time in order to print the backgrounds. It is therefore advisable to print the background in a different color of ink from type and cuts, and some light tint of ink should be selected. We suggest that you refer to booklet illustrating stock page borders in making a selection for color of ink to be used on background. If a colored page border is being used, we suggest that the background and page border be printed in the same color. The printing of a Senior background adds to the cost of a book and is charged extra. The extra charge depends upon the number of copies and number of pages in Senior Section. Below we are giving a scale of prices for printing a Senior background in an extra color of ink. loo Copies, i6 Pages or less in Senior Section $37.00 Each additional page in Senior Section 12 200 Copies, 16 Pages or less in Senior Section 39'SO Each additional page in Senior Section 21 300 Copies, 16 Pages or less in Senior Section 40.00 Each additional page in Senior Section 30 400 Copies, 16 Pages or less in Senior Section A^-25 Each additional page in Senior Section 39 500 Copies, 16 Pages or less in Senior Section 42.50 Each additional page in Senior Section 48 600 Copies, 16 Pages or less in Senior Section 44.00 Each additional page in Senior Section 57 700 Copies, 16 Pages or less in Senior Section 45-50 Each additional page in Senior Section 65 800 Copies, 16 Pages or less in Senior Section 47.00 Each additional page in Senior Section 74 It is very simple to figure out the cost of using a Senior background from the above scale. As an example, we will suppose that you are going to order 500 copies and that your Senior Section occupies 56 pages. The cost of printing a Senior background will amount to the following: 500 Copies, 16 pages in Senior Sfection $42.50 40 Additional pages in Senior Section at 48c 19.20 Total $61.70 There is no charge at all for the use of the stock plates in this booklet. The above prices are made to cover the extra cost of printing the background plates in an extra color of ink. The above prices are based on the halftone plate and type matter being printed in black ink. Frequently the halftone plates and type are printed either in doubletone art brown or art green ink on pebbled paper. If this is done $25.00 will be added to above figures regardless of number of copies or pages. The samples will show both doubletone art brown and art green ink on the white pebbled paper. The background plates are shown printed in blue tint and gray Inks. Any light tint of ink is suitable and they can be printed in any color you desire. In our booklet of stock borders, folio headings and display pages are shown eight colors of light tint inks particularly appropriate for the backgrounds. In selecting a color of ink for Senior background, please refer to this booklet. The first sixteen pages are shown with the halftones and type printed in art brown ink on eight pages and art green ink on eight pages. The papef on first sixteen pages is pebbled. Series 427A-B and 428A-B are made differently from the other backgrounds and can be printed at the same time that the halftone plates and type are printed. All the other backgrounds are solid plates and there is no way that the type and halftone plate can be inserted in them and all printed together. Series 427A-B can be placed underneath and to one side of the type and both printed together. In 428A-B the headpiece and tailpiece are two separate cuts and the halftone and type can be inserted between them. Inasmuch as Series 427A-B and 428A-B can be printed with the type and halftone piate, there is no extra charge if printed in black ink on regular white paper. There is an extra charge of $25.00 if printed in doubletone art brown or art green ink on pebbled paper. If you want to use a special background in your Senior Section, we will be glad to have our art department submit you plans and sketches. Of course, if special backgrounds are used the management will have to pay for the drawings and plates. These will cost from $40.00 to $80.00, depending upon the style used. Stock Designs OF SENIOR BACKGROUNDS FURNISHED BY BENSON PRINTING CO. NASHVILLE. TENNESSEE THIS BOOKLET IS THE PROPERTY OF THE BENSON PRINTING CO.. AND IS TO BE RE- TURNED TO THEM ON OR BEFORE COMPLETION OF ANNUAL No. ©Ci.A(;bC784 NCV 13 ?2 ■■•. ;" Sen.or background No. 400A Margaret Bovlan As you no doubt remember, "Ta" has the most briUiant head in the class, although it is rumored that she patronizes the "Greensboro Drug" quite often. And Annie, as silent as ever, is stringin' 'em still. Faithful "old" Margaret continues to search the newspapers for ideas for posters. Senior Background No. 401 A Senior Class Isabel Ci nningham, A.B. e n, 2 2 2 Greer, S. C. Estherian Literary Society Athletic Association: Ci-itic of Estherian Lit- y Society '20; Member of Executive Council ■21; President of the Junior Class '21: Mem- ber of Nominatinir Committee "n-'Vl: As- sistant Business Manager of Orion '21; Treas- urer of Estlierian Literary Society '21; French Club '21-'22; Paradise Club; Presidents' Coun- cil '21; President of Student Body •21-'22. Isabel is probably the most popular and best loved girl in the Senior Class. Although we rather stood in awe of her when she was first made president of student government, now we know there is no need to. Oh, we do nor want to leave the impression that she was not a good one — she was the best ever, but she is human. She has made a record here that any person would envy, both in her class-room work and in the spirit with which she enters all college activities. "Isabel, we are all standing on the side-line watching you and yelling for your success." Gatha Louise Davis, A.B. Westminster, S. C. Lanier Literary Society W. C. A.; Athletic Asso B. Y. P. U. ; of Lanier Literary Soc ety '21, Gatha is quiet, courteous and sincere, with a smile and a kind word for every one. She is both a zealous worker and a girl of most pleasing personality. A jollier pal can't be found. She will make "a pal good and true" for the one who is successful enough to change her name. As she concludes her college career and as- sumes the task of life, her many friends wish her the realization of her highest ambitions. ^i Senior Background No. 402A AA^AJkAkAkAAAJk^LAA.AA^^^^'^^^^*^^^^^, • :',VA\)i&,^ ' :^\:)M.?!ii!!K;;\.;!fi-^: .:i ' ..-^ ^ > ~^;j^ ^ njinijli roTi- -TTTtfuTr ? ^r rrr , ~ . - . g^ i ^ryr ' ' .^^^M^ '>^?^O^ OTM^5^ Kelly, Ernest G., B.A., A K E Plantersville, Miss. Vice-President Freshman Class, '19; President Dr. Mims' Bible Class, '19-20; President Vanderbilt Bible Class, '20-21 ; Chairman Kissam Board of Direc- tors, '20-21 ; V. M. C. A. Cabinet, '19-21 ; Social Secretary, '22; Owl Club, '22. KiLvixGTON, Robert S., B.E., 2' A" Nashville, Tenn. Manager Vanderbilt Band, '20-21. Laine,, B.A Lebanon, Tenn. LusKY, Catherine A., B.A., (p B K Nashville, Tenn. Sophomore Honor Roll. LusKY, Ira, B.S. in Chemistry, Z B T Nashville, Tenn. Pan-Hellenic Council, '20-21. Lowe, Harold Gladstone, B.E., 2' A' . ' Nashville, Tenn. Nemo Club, '19-20; Treasurer Engineering Association, '19-20. "^Vm VTv y ?y y yyy TTT Senior Background No. 403A — ^-^^ - I .^ SENIOR * 4 CLASS - OF 1922 1 T Clara Belle Thompson M'N.EAL, ARKANSAS "Our ideals are our better selves" Mary Wilbdurne LITTIE ROCK, ARKANSAS '•Life without man is a hore — without him a tragedy; 1 don't enjoy tragedies" Senior Background No. 404A Senior Background No. 405A SENIOR CLASS 1922 Neely, John L., Jr., B.E Franklin, Tenn. Engineering Association, '19-20; American Association of Engineers, '21-22; Scrub Football Team, '20. Neill, F. K., B.A., M.D Wylam, Ala. 2 N Football, '19-20; Baseball, '20-21; Owl Club; Secretary and Treas- urer Owl Club; Commerce Club; President Junior Class; President Freshman Medical Class; Commodore Club; Masonic Guild. NiLES, Virginia, B.A Union City, Tenn. K A e Sophomore Honor Roll; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, '21-22; Blue Ridge Delegate, '21. P.ARK, Cornelia Rebecca, B.A Nashville, Tenn. K A e Sophomore Honor Roll ; Co-Ed Cheer Leader, '20-21 ; Chairman of Class, '20-21 ; Art Editor Jade, '20-22; Scribblers, '20-22; Three Arts Club, '21-22; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, '20-22; Blue Ridge Delegate, '21-22; Publicity Chairman Student Council, '19-20; Commodore Staff, '20, '21. Parker, William Paxton, B.S. . Nashville, Tenn. s X P.attie, Frank Acklen, Jr., B.A Winchester, Tenn. Blue Pencil Club, '18-20; Calumet Club, '20-22; Hustler Staff, '19- 20; Kissam Hall Board, '20-21; Chairman Kissam Hall Board, '21-22. College of Arts and Science ao «oai 10 Halftone plate prints in this space. Plate should be made 4% x 2% inches. Senior Background No. 426D Senior Class Daley Crawford, K A Laurel, Mississippi BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Gciger Chemistrv Medal, '20; Delegate to Blue Ridge, '20; Pianist for Glee Club, '20; Vice-President Sophomore Class, ■21; Vice-Pl-esident Y, W. C. A., '21; Purple and White Staff,' •21-'22'; President Y. W. C. A., '22; Pan-Hellenic. Council. '22: Vice-President Senior Class, '22; Art Editor Botaashela. "22; All-Cne Club. Three years has been plenty of time for Daley to gain her degree. High grades and general efhciency are part of her record. Being a friend has gained numberless friends for her. MoNTYE OuiDA Cra-wford Jackson, Mississippi BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Librarian of Science Olub, 'IS-'IS; Chainnan of Religious Committee of Y. W. C. A,, 'IS-'IS; Delegate to Blue Hidge, '19; President Y. W. C. A., '19-'20; Chairman Devotional Committee of Student Volunteer Band, '20-'21; Secretary Y. W. C. A., ■20-'21; A Knutt. Otiida is capable, amiable and conscientious. She is ready to help at any time to make her associates happier and better. Ch.arles Eth ELBERT Crisler, A & X Baton Rouge, Louisiana BACHELOR OF SCIENCE "lub: L. L, S. : Y. II. C. A. ; Bert's dry laugh and pleasant manner account in part for his many friends. He and his horn-rims are an inseparable pair about the campus, welcomed ^vherever they go. "^■■v Paul Meek, B.S.A. Geagrnphy and French Athletics B.S.A. , Uiiiversily of Tennessee. H. H. S. since 1920. Miss Nina A.' Shipe Home Economics Graduate East Tennessee State Normal. II. H. S. since 1921. Green Washington Campbell Seventh Grade H. H. S. since 1921. Miss Martha V. Lough Supervisor of Music Graduate Oberlin Conservatory of Music. H. H. S. since 1920. Senior Background No. 428B LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 445 147