, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Chap Copyright No, SheLtMS 7. K8L UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. a, ft- o § O MIT MORRIS : PAST AND PRESENT AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY Township and the Village of Mount Morris, Ogle County, Illinois, in Their Various Stages of Development TOOETHElt WITH A Local Biographical Directory. COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY KABLE BROTHERS. Mount Morris, III.: MOUNT MORRIS INDEX PRINT. 1900. I Libt-wry of CoriojresSj Two Copies Received JAN 26 1901 SECONO COPY ENTERED ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS. IN THE YEAR 1900. BY KABLE BROTHERS. IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS AT WASHINGTON. It is found by observation and experience that one of the greatest pleasures that a man may enjoy is to return, after an absence of many years, to the place of his nativity, to view the scenes dear to him in days of youth and grasp the hands of old schoolmates, the memory of whose faces has been al- most obliterated by the passage of time. No matter how meagre was his old home, nor how simple his surroundings, still there remains that undying interest in the scenes of his youth which causes him often to sigh for a few hours to roam over these old familiar spots. The poet has truthfully said: Hard indeed must a man be made By the toil and traffic of gain and trade To love not the spot where a boy he played. It was therefore thought that if a book could be written and supplied with the necessary illustrations to bring back some of the pleasant memories of the boyhood days of the many old citizens of Mount Morris who have removed to other fields of labor, as well as recall to those remaining, facts and history which may have escaped their memory; to bring back to students of old Rock River Seminary and of Mount Morris College, memories of pleasant hours in class-room and on the campus; and further to perpetuate in tangible form for the present rising generation, the state of affairs and, by many views, the appearance of the town and her most influential citizens, when they too may go forth to other fields of labor, or their memories of their childhood days fade in the dimness of advancing age, — could a book be written to accomplish all this, and further serve to preserve the main facts for their intrinsic historical value, it was thought that a work of the kind would be both appreciated and given the proper support. With this impression of mind the matter in the following pages was prepared and is presented with the hope that it may not prove entirely unsuccessful and that due considera- tion may be taken by its readers of this, the first attempt by the publishers, of a work of this kind. The material herein embodied was gathered from innu- merable sources, and it is reasonable to suppose that some unavoidable mistakes have been made in names, dates, etc. It is not expected to be so perfect that it may be above and be- yond criticism, but it is the publishers' hope that it will be found measurably correct and generally accurate and relia- ble. Much of the information was obtained by personal in- terviews with those possessing the desired information, and also much was gathered from old and time-worn records, scrap-books and newspapers, which were kindly entrusted to us by their owners. Among those to whom we are grateful for aid in this work might be mentioned: Samuel Knodle, Martin T. Rohrer, Hon. R. R. Hitt, Major Chas. Newcomer, Capt. Peter Householder, Jonathan Hiestand, Reuben S., Mar- shall, Henry Sharer, Michael Bovey, Prof. J. G. Royer, Revs. L. L. Lipe, P. W. Nazarene, and D. P. Seyster, N. A. Ank- ney, Chas. H. Sharer, H. G. Newcomer, T. C. Williams, and many others. Our thanks are also due the many people of Mount Morris who have assisted in making the illustrative feature of the book a success. The photographs reproduced herein have also been gathered from various sources. The old views of Mount Morris are from old photographs which have long been the valued property of our former venerable townsman, Mr. Sam- uel Knodle. The majority of the photographs were taken, however, by Roy Householder, professional photographer, and Roy Jackson, amateur photographer, and some of the older ones by J. M. Hosking, deceased, and J. M. Rinedollar. Prof. W. L. Eikenberry secured the views which illustrate the chapter on " Local Calamities." In conclusion we wish to again thank all concerned, not only for their support and assistance in the work, but for the confidence which has been imposed in the ability of the pub- lishers to produce a work worthy of their assistance and sup- port. HARVEY J. KABLE. December, 1900. HARRY G. KABLE. COHSTTZEZLTTS. CHAPTER. PAGE. I. Early History and Development, 9 II. The Growth of the Village, - 33 III. Incorporation of the Village, - - -57 IV. Incorporation of the Township, - 73 V. Rock River Seminary, - - 81 VI. Mount Morris College, 95 VII. The Public Schools, - 118 VIII. The Village Press, 138 IX. Musical Organizations and Families, - - 144 X. Local Calamities, 152 XI. Coming of the Railroad, - - - - 167 XII. Religious Organizations, 176 XIII. Secret Organizations, - - 199 XIV. Miscellaneous History, 216 XV. Mount Morris of Today, - 226 XVI. Township Biographical Directory, 269 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. CHAPTER I. EARLY HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT. More than three-score years have passed since the hardy immigrants from the eastern states pushed their way across mountains and rivers to what was then the wild frontier of civilization, — the state of Illinois. A company of these pioneers, from Maryland, made the first permanent settlement in the wilderness, which now, under a far different aspect, bears the name of Mount Morris township. Here, where the primeval forest had never been traversed, save by the foot of the red man or by the flight of wild game, they hewed the rough timber for their dwellings, and established themselves in a colony for the purpose of promoting their interests and general welfare. How well they succeeded in laying the foundation of a prosperous community, the beautiful and charming town of Mount Morris today is a testimony. Were one to ascend the steel structure upon which rests the water supply of our village, and from this point of vantage contemplate the expanse of country spreading out like a panorama for many miles around him, noting the several hundred cozy dwellings of our contented and peace-loving citizens, the substantial mercantile structures, the several institutions of learning, the different church buildings, and, beyond the village precincts, the broad well-tilled acres with their neat farmhouses, the waving grain reflecting the bright rays of the great orb of day, the monotony of which is broken by frequent strips of timber land, the hazy smoke of our sister towns going heavenward far off near the horizon, over all this enchanting scene a spirit of restfulness and contentment resting like a benison from on high, — were one to note all this at the present day, and then, from the same point, view the same area of land as it appeared when the hardy pioneers first trod the virgin soil, what a complete meta- morphosis would greet the eye! All the charming attributes of the fore- going brightly-depicted scene would vanish, and in their places would appear an unbroken expanse of prairie grass, dotted here and there with patches of brilliant wild flowers, but not a shrub or a tree to break the mo- notony of the view. At a distance, where now are pleasant farmhouses, broad areas of well-fenced fields of grain, and miles of graded road, there would appear nothing but alternating expanses of unbroken prairie and trackless forests, neither bearing evidence of ever having been traversed by the foot of man, save, perchance, the slight mark of a trail leading be- tween growths of timber, along which bands of Indians galloped upon (9) 10 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. their wiry ponies, and where the deer ruminated, their dainty hoofs dyed blood-red by the juice of wild strawberries, ruthlessly trampled under foot. A description of the region around Mount Morris as it appeared in the days of old is most fascinating to the younger generation when they have the privilege of hearing it direct from the lips of the old pioneers. The present site of Mount Morris, as stated before, was an open prairie, with not a tree or a shrub to be found. What is now the college campus was then the crest of a hill of considerable size, the country sloping from it in all directions. The early settlers say that before the view was ob- structed by buildings and trees, the altitude of the hill was very percepti- ble. The prairie grass was very rank. In fact, in some places it grew so luxuriantly that it was almost impassable. Most of the ravines and hol- lows were in a wet, boggy state; and the streams and ponds retained the water from rains much longer than now, because of the absence of tiling in the lowlands. There abounded hundreds of springs, which have long since ceased to flow, owing to the rapid drainage now effected by the work of tiling and the development of the soil. The patch of prairie in the midst, or rather on the crest, of which Mount Morris was founded, contained probably less than ten square miles. The margin of timber approached on the north to about the present loca- tion of George Windle's residence; on the east, to John T. Kanode's farm; on the south, to the Barnhizer and Shaw farms; on the southwest, to N. A. Watts'; on the west, to William Lohafer's; and on the northwest, to the present timber known as Hitt's woods. The margin, of course, was irregular, affording many " bays " of the prairie along the skirts of the timber. In these little coves, hidden just within the edge of the woods, the first settlers built their rude log-cabins, invariably near some of the many fine springs, so that pure fresh water could be readily obtained. None of the first settlers ventured out upon the prairie to build, probably because of the extra labor involved in getting logs for building, and in ob- taining fuel and fence-rails. The log-cabins built at that time were of the most primitive character. They were generally one-story structures, made of round logs, which were sometimes not even "scutched down." The roof was made of clapboards, which consisted of thin slabs, called " shakes," about three or four feet long, split from logs. In the absence of nails, the tiers of these rude shingles were held down by lodge-poles. If there was more than one : room, it was, in all probability, a shed addition built on one side. If there was an upstairs to the house, it was reached by a rough ladder, made from a conveniently-sized sapling, through which holes were bored at desired intervals, and then the pole was split in half. For rounds, the smaller undergrowth of hickory, oak or ash was next brought into use, cut to the proper length and the ends dressed down, so as to fit the holes in the side- pieces of the ladder. This ladder would be erected in one corner of the room, or put up side of the chimney on the exterior of the house. In the latter case, a hole was cut through the outer wall of logs, which would EARLY HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT. 11 furnish admission to the attic. The floor of the dwelling was often of nothing but the bare ground, and the furniture was of the most meager sort. Three-legged stools were used for chairs; and tables were often made from rough slabs split from logs, dressed down with a broad-axe to a proper thickness, then fastened together by a cross-piece underneath, which was held in place by wooden pins. In each corner a hole was bored into which a leg was fitted. Bedsteads were made as follows: A hole. was bored at the proper height in one of the logs of the side of the building, about four feet from the corner. About six feet from the wall, a post was driven into the ground. One end of the side-rail of the bed would be fit- ted in the auger-hole, and the other end fastened to the post. The foot- rail was then provided for in the same way. The slats were next fastened from the side-rail to the side of the house, and the bed was done. In the case of hotels these bedsteads were often made so that by placing one above the other, a single bed- post would support as many as six beds. If the occupants of the house consisted of both sexes, or if, as was often the case, several families occupied the same room, the beds would be sepa- rated by curtains of deer-skins or of some other material, or else the light was put out before retiring. This was done by covering up or throw- ing water upon the embers in the fire-place. If, by accident, the fire was extinguished, it was rekindled by striking flints and catching sparks on tinder, there being no matches in those days. As mentioned before, the first settlers built their houses along the margin of the timber. Later arrivals, however, began to realize the value of the prairie land, and started to take up claims there. Probably the prairie sod in this vicinity was first turned during the year 1836, but many years passed before the entire prairie was brought into the present state of cultivation. Unlike many sections of Illinois, Mount Morris was entirely free from tragedies with the Indians; in fact, the warlike tribes had been driven westward before this part of the country became settled. This county was originally a part of the hunting-grounds of the Winnebagoes and Pottawattomies,and their trails from one grove to another were easily dis- cernible, while hundreds of their arrow-heads and other weapons have been and are still being found in all parts of the township. In 1832 oc- curred the terrible Black Hawk War, and as a result all of the red men, except a few dozen peaceful families, were driven westward. At that early day no settlers had yet stopped here and consequently the trouble was all over when civilization began to dawn in this vicinity. The only sight which the early settlers ever got of these swarthy aborigines was an occasional band crossing the plains in quest of game or begging. These were the most quiet and peaceful of the Indian tribes of the country, but they, too, finally became dissatisfied with the restrictions of their treaty with the whites, aud followed their more warlike brethren to the wilder- ness west of the Mississippi, leaving their former lands free to the onward march of civilization. Settlements were made at a number of points in the county before 12 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. any claims were taken up in. Mount Morris township. Rett's History of Ogle County says: "Isaac Chambers passed through the county limits early in the summer of 1827, en route for Galena, and was so favorably im- pressed with the beauty of the country and the richness of the soil, that he determined to make it his future home, which determination he carried out in 1829. John Ankney came up from the southern part of the state, in the spring of 1829, and located a claim at Buffalo Grove (west of Polo), near where the old Galena road crossed Buffalo creek. After making his claim, he returned for his family; and, while he was absent on that mis- sion, Isaac Chambers returned from Galena with his family, and stopped at White Oak Grove, a small growth or patch of timber about a half-mile west of the present village of Forreston. But, not altogether suited, he remained there only a short time. He reasoned that the timbered parts of the country would become more valuable than the prairie land, because of the superabundance of the latter and the comparative scarcity of the former. After prospecting around for a while and examining different lo- calities, he finally settled at Buffalo Grove, about ten miles south of his first stopping place at White Oak Grove. He removed his family there and commenced to make arrangements to build a home. . . . As it hap- pened, Mr. Chambers had taken the claim previously selected by Mr. Ankney; and, while he was perfecting his plans and arrangements for opening a road and erecting his house, Mr. Ankney came back with his family, and was somewhat surprised to find that his claim had been 'jumped,' or taken, by Mr. Chambers, while the latter was no less sur- prised at the appearance of the former." Mr. Ankney was compelled to make a new claim farther down the creek. The History continues: "After their houses were built, Chambers and Ankney proceeded to establish the dividing line between their claims. Other boundary lines were unneces- sary, for there were no other claimants in all the country; and, if they so willed it, one of them could claim Rock river for his eastern line, and the other one, the Mississippi for his western line. They were, for the time, 'monarchs of all they surveyed.' One clear star-light night, when the moon did not shine, and when there were no clouds floating across the sky, they went together to the south side of the grove; and, from a red-oak stump, they started toward the North Star, hacking the trees which stood in their way, the marked trees being the line between them." From the most reliable information it appears that John Phelps was the original pioneer in this township, having visited the county and taken up a claim about two and one-half miles east of Mount Morris as early as 1835. It would be interesting to know who was the first white man to set foot within the present corporate limits of the village or even the town- ship, but information upon this subject cannot be ascertained with any degree of accuracy. Possibly Chambers or Ankney may have made a trip over from Buffalo Grove, or some trapper or hunter may have wandered over this part of the prairie. Possibly Phelps may have been the first, as late as 1834, when he came into the county; but certain it is that Phelps was the first permanent settler in the township. In the summer of 1836 EARLY HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT. 13 Samuel M. Hitt and Nathaniel Swingley came to the township and found him living in a cabin two and one-half miles east of the present site of Mount Morris; Larkin Baker had a cabin and a claim about four miles southeast, subsequently owned by Daniel Price; David Worden lived one and one-half miles southwest; and probably one or two others had settled along the edge of the timber. Hitt and Swingley, however, went out upon the prairie, then left free from the encroachment of civilization, and made several claims, including the present site of Mount Morris. They remained here during the summer, but at autumn returned to Maryland and hired a number of men to settle with them in the new country, prom- ising to pay them one dollar per day for service in building houses, split- ting rails and building fence, breaking the prairie and harvesting the crops. Among those thus engaged were Michael Bovey, Adam, Daniel and John Stover, Balka Niehoff, Samuel Grove, Eli Householder, William McDannel, Abram and Jonathan Myers, and Fred Finkbohnar. This party started for their new homes in the west in the spring of 1837. Householder, McDannel, and Daniel Stover were accompanied by their wives. Mrs. Elizabeth Ankney, with her little son Albertus and her daugh- ter Mrs. William Watts, was also a member of the party. They traveled by wagons to Wheeling, West Virginia, by boat on the Ohio, Mississippi, and Illinois rivers to Peru, and the remaining distance by wagon. Early in the spring they arrived at a vacant cabin in Fridley's grove, east of the present site of Mount Morris. This cabin had been built and occupied by Judge Ford, afterward governor of the state. Here the first Maryland colony, as these settlers were afterward termed, remained for two weeks, while the men-folks proceeded to erect their cabins. The first one built by them, which was also the first in the township, was a double log- cabin, on the claim of Mrs. Ankney, about three-quarters of a mile south- west of the present village of Mount Morris. Half of this house was moved, at a later day, down into the grove near a spring, and was finally torn down. The other half stood in the field a few rods east of the pres- ent residence of N. A. Watts, and was used as an implement house until a a year or so ago, when it, too, shared the fate of its partner and was torn down for fuel. Unfortunately, no photograph was ever taken of this his- toric old building, but probably the majority of our citizens can yet re- member its appearance as it stood isolated, a rude monument to the toils and hardships of our pioneer fathers. In the two small rooms of this cabin lived four families, — those of Mrs. Ankney and Eli Householder in one part, and Messrs. Stover and McDannel in the other. While this cabin was being completed, the entire party remained in the Ford cabin. A bake-oven, constructed by Mrs. Ankney, was used in preparing their food, and at night they slept on " wagoner beds," which consisted of plain mattresses, rolled up during the day and spread out on the garret floor at night. Several other cabins were soon completed, how- ever, and the members of the colony became more comfortably located. Mr. Swingley kept the men whom he had brought along busily engaged in cutting down trees in the timber, splitting rails and building fences, and 14 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. cultivating several small fields of grain, for which prairie sod had been broken in the spring. Mr. Bovey worked with these men during the entire summer and following winter, and tells many interesting tales of their ex- periences. With three companions he went up near Forreston, one week in harvest, and worked six days cradling a field of oats. During the first night their horses trampled their provisious and left them with nothing to eat. Luckily a man, who was bound eastward toward Swingley's cabin, came along, and through him they got word to their employer. After a day with nothing to eat but several small potatoes, they were relieved with a new supply of provisions. Mr. Bovey also relates an incident of that winter, when with several of the men of the colony he got lost on the prairie during a bit- ter cold night; and the party drove over the snow-covered ground for many hours in a fruitless search for their cabin. Daylight finally righted them and they then reached home in safety. Of these settlers most of them remained in the county. Mr. Bovey took up a claim northwest of town and lived there until old age compelled him to retire, when he took up his abode with his daughter, Mrs. Josiah Avey. He is one of perhaps less than a dozen of the very early settlers of the town- ship who survive. Eli House- holder lived here two years and then moved six miles south, where he died in 1896. Mr. Stover also died in this vicinity. Mr. McDannel, after living mauy years on his farm in Pine Creek, moved to Iowa, where he died. Fred. Fiukbohnar moved north to Adeline, where his relatives still live. 'Squire Samuel M. Hitt built a log- cabin on one of his claims, about three miles west of town, later known as the Zumdahl property. There with his family, including Margaret, Andrew, Robert, George, John W., and Joseph, he lived until his death in 1859. In 1858 he began the erection of the fine stone residence, now owned and occupied by Christian Zumdahl, and, although it was not quite com- pleted, he was living in it at the time of his death. The new house stands very near the foundation of the old log-cabin. Captain Nathaniel Swingley took up the claim of the farm, subsequently owned by Jacob MICHAEL BOVEY. EARLY HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT. 15 Keedy and later by his son, Ed- ward Keedy, and still later by William Koontz. Mr. Swingley lived there only until 1850, when he became affected by the gold- fever craze and started for the gold-fields in California. After three years in California, he re- turned to Ogle county, and located at Creston, Dement township, where he died. In this first emigration were a number of children who ac- companied their parents on the long overland journey, shared with them the inconveniences of settling in an undeveloped country, and grew up to man- hood and womanhood amid the rough surroundings of their homes in the wilderness. These should therefore be classed along with the earliest settlers CAPT. PETER HOUSEHOLDER. *RTUS ANKNEY. of the township. Among those who came here in early child- hood were Anna and Albertus Ankney, children of Mrs. Eliza- beth Ankney (who afterward married James McCoy, Sr.), and Peter Householder. Of these, Anna Ankney married William Watts, Sr., and lived on the old Watts homestead until the time of her death in 1898. Her broth- er Albertus and Peter House- holder are now living, and are respected residents of our vil- lage. These last two were aged respectively four and two years when brought from the east, and they have literally grown up with the country. Both are yet in their sixties, and bid fair to witness many more years of the steady advancement and the healthful growth of Illinois. 16 MOUNT MORKIS: PAST AND PRESENT. Solon Crowell, father of the present State's Attorney of Ogle county, S. W. Crowell, was a very early settler in the township, having occupied a claim a mile north of town, and this claim is now included in the farms of S. F. Stonebraker and I. W. Marshall. During the year 1837, in which the body of settlers already described as the first Maryland colony came to the township, there also came the Rev. T. S. Hitt, Jacob Rice, Sr., and John Wagner, whose families have been among the most substantial and promi- nent citizens of this community. Rev. Hitt and wife left Ohio in a car- riage in the fall of 1837, to examine the new country of which his brother Samuel had written such favorable accounts. He was a Methodist minis- ter, and expected to continue his work in the new country. On arrival here, in September, he occupied a house which Martin Reynolds, a brother- in-law, was then completing on the site of William Lohaf er's present resi- dence, west of town. Later he invested in a tract of land two and one-half miles south of town. This tract embraced one thousand acres, one hun- dred of which was broken. The price paid Mr. Painter for the same was twenty-five hundred dollars. Rev. Hitt, however, soon moved to a claim which his brother Sarnuel had reserved for him. This claim consisted of what is now the Railroad Addition to the village and the farm immedi- ately northeast, now owned by R. R. Hitt and cutlivated by Gera Watts. Here Rev. Hitt lived until his death, September 23, 1872. He had eight children, as follows: Hon. R. R. Hitt, Mrs. Margaret Newcomer and Mrs. Charles Newcomer, of this place; John, who has been Deputy Collector of Customs in Chicago over thirty years; Emery, Morris and Henry P. Hitt, and Mrs. Elizabeth Wagner, all living in the vicinity of Tyndall, South Dakota. Of this family the most widely known is the first mentioned, — Congressman Robert R. Hitt. Mr. Hitt was but three years of age when his father emigrated from the east in 1837, and has a full knowledge of the early pioneer days of Ogle county. For sixty-three years he has been a resident of Mount Morris, during which time he has steadily mounted the arduous ladder leading to the temple of fame until his name and the pres- tige of his statesmanship have become known not only in this country but also in foreign lands. Mount Morris is proud of the fact that he grew to manhood in this community, and that he continues to make the village his place of residence. As one of the early settlers of the township his por- trait is inserted in this chapter, along with the other pioneers who survive. However, a more complete history of his eventful life will be found in the biographical directory in the rear of this book. Jacob Rice, Sr., and family left Washington county, Maryland, in September, 1836, intending to locate in Illinois. They wintered in Ohio with Mr. Rice's brother-in-law, John Wagner, Sr., and in the spring both men came on horseback to Ogle county, to take up claims, which they did within three miles of Mount Morris. Their families, each consisting of twelve children, followed them in July. Mr. Rice's claim was the old Rice farm north of town, now owned by his grandson, J. L. Rice, and occupied by William Funk. Here the large family was raised and scattered to dif- ferent parts of the country. Those of the family best known in Ogle HON. ROBERT R. HITT. EARLY HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT. 19 county were Hon. Isaac Rice, father of banker J. L. Rice; John Rice, father of banker John H. Rice; and Jacob Rice, Jr., father of Fred, and William. Rice, living north of Mount Morris, all three of whom are now dead. Mrs. Daniel Etnyre, of Oregon, and Mrs. Susan Thomas, of Leaf River, are two of the daughters yet living. John Wagner's claim comprised the farm now owned by George Carr, northeast of town. Here his rather remarkable and time-honored family was raised, every one of his six sons and six daughters living to a ripe old age and scattering to all points of the compass. The circle was not broken until the death of Joseph, in 1891, at which time the eldest was aged 75 years and the youngest 49 years. Eight are yet living; viz., Mrs. J. A. Knodle, of Mount Morris; Mrs. Barbara McNeill, Mrs. Catherine Griffin, Capt. David C, Reuben and Nehemiah, of Chicago; Mrs. Henry Wertz, of Falls City, Nebr., and Mrs. Sarah Good, of Sedgwick, Kans. Capt. Benj. Wagner died in 1898; John, in 1897; and Mrs. John Timmerman, in 1898. This family, so well preserved for so many years, held many enjoyable re- unions, a number of them in Mount Morris. The last, the twelfth since the Civil War, was held in June, 1896, at the residence of one of the sisters, Mrs. J. A. Knodle, in Mount Morris, at which the eleven living members of the family were present. At that time it was estimated that thirty-eight of their children, seventy-two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren were living. A picture was taken at this reunion of Aunt Kittie Rice, Grandmother Mumma, Uncle George Fouke and Uncle John Timmerman, all of them being over ninety years of age. An- other, taken of the entire assem- blage, is shown on page 21. Many persons appear in it who have since died. Another arrival from the east in 1837 was Caleb Marshall who was accompanied by his family. His son, Reuben S., now living on the old home- stead, three miles north of town, was but ten years of age at that time, and he has a vivid remem- brance of the early pioneer days. Mrs. John Gale, of Oregon; Mrs. Elmira Spenser, of Nora Spring, Iowa; and Isaac S. Marshall, of Decatur county, Iowa, are the other living children. In September, 1837, for one thousand dollars, John Fridley purchased the old Ford cabin reuben s. Marshall. 20 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. and claim, where he continued to live until the time of his death. The land then became the property of his sons, Andrew, David, John, Jacob and Benjamin. Of these, Andrew, John and Benjamin are yet living in the township, and David and Jacob have died. These settlers who arrived in 1837 were well pleased with the new country, and consequently in the following spring, 1838, at the solicitation of 'Squire Samuel Hitt and Capt. Nathaniel Swingley, who had induced many of the settlers of the year previous to emigrate, a large number of families, known as the Maryland colony proper, left their eastern homes and came to Mount Morris township. Many of them took up claims here, while others went to Carroll county and other places. Among these fam- ilies were the Hers, the Etnyres and the Sprechers. In May, A. Quimby Allen, father of R. Q. and E. J. Allen; Philip Sprecher, father of John and George Sprecher; and John S. Miller arrived in a carriage from Maryland. Mr. Allen remained and taught the first school in the township. Mr. Sprecher returned to Maryland and brought his family back with him the following spring, settling upon a claim part of which is the farm now owned by Henry Moats, northeast of town. Others who came during 1838 and 1839 were John Smith, John Coffman and family, Henry Artz, Michael Brantner, Henry Sharer, Henry Hiestand and family, John Wallace, Sr., and others. Mr. Coffman, who was the father of Frank Coffman, of this place, settled about two miles southwest of the village, where he died sev- eral years ago. Mr. Artz lived for many years three and one- half miles southeast of the vil- lage, and has also died. Michael Branter lives near Maryland and is now well advanced in age. Henry Sharer is still an honoredf and respected citizen of Mount Morris, and passed his eighty-th ird milestone March 29, 1900. His portrait appears on page 25. John Wallace, who married a sister of Rev. Thomas and Samuel Hitt, owned the farm now the property of Mrs. Margaret New- comer and cultivated by Wil- liam Castle.. He died at this place over forty years ago. Among others who came during the early forties might be mentioned Jacob Turney, Michael Swingley, David Mum- ma,William Printz, Jonas Shafs- tall, Moses Crowell, Jacob Buck, BENJAMIN SWINGLEY. EARLY HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT. l2o Daniel Wolfe, Joseph Rowe, Jacob Derrick, Samuel S. Fouts, Benjamin Myers, Silas Snyder, Adam Patterson, Otho Wallace, Solomon Nalley, Henry A. Neff, Bartholomew and Benjamin McNutt, Jacob Hiestand, Wil- liam Watts, Daniel and F. B. Brayton, Peter, Emanuel, Jonathan, Jacob and Joseph Knodle, many of them with their families. Still later came Benjamin Swingley, whose portrait is shown on page 20; Frank Hamilton, Samuel Newcomer and his son Charles, George Avey, father of Josiah Avey; Emanuel, Henry and Andrew Newcomer; Joseph and Frisby Watts, and scores of others. About this time they began to come so rapidly that it would be useless to attempt to keep track of them. In fact, the Mary- land people have never ceased coming, and today the great majority of the residents of Mount Morris township are either natives of Maryland or children of immigrants from that state. It is a noticeable fact, and one often commented upon, that the obituaries of those dying in this com- munity, as published in the Mount Morris papers almost invariably con- tain the clause, " was born in Washington county, Maryland." Much more than what has already been said concerning the appear- ance and condition of the country in the thirties and early forties and of pioneer life of those days, could yet be written. As has already been stated, the Indians had practically left this part of the country when the first settlers arrived, and no trouble was experienced with them. But the township did not entirely escape from the ravages of the early bands of prairie robbers who harassed the settlers principally by stealing their horses and smuggling them during the night-time along certain lines of dishonest settlers, something in the manner of the "underground rail- way " by which slaves were aided in their flight to Canada before the war. These prairie pirates were well organized all over the country, being a combination of horse thieves, counterfeiters and murderers. At a very early day they held almost undisputed and unobstructed dominion throughout this whole section of the country, and very few of the honest settlers were fortunate enough to keep all their property from being swept into the meshes of the net-work these land pirates had spread around them. The principal leaders of this gang of cut-throats were John Dris- coll, John Brodie and Samuel Aikens and their eight sons, William Bridge and Norton Royce. Although none of them were residents of the town- ship, their operations were often carried on in this vicinity. Their nefari- ous transactions became so intolerable at last that an organization of settlers, known as Vigilantes, was formed, the members of which proceed- ed to clear the country of these villains in a summary manner. A man by the name of John Campbell, of White Rock, captain of the Vigilantes, was shot by the Driscolls in 1841, and immediately the entire country was scoured until the murderers were caught. A brief trial was given them, the entire one hundred and eleven Vigilantes serving as a jury, and being found guilty, they were shot without further parley, each being pierced by over fifty rifle balls. By this vigorous action the settlers pro- tected their interests very effectually until the time when the regular courts of justice dealt with this class of criminals. A number of settlers 24 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. from this vicinity had a hand in the execution of the Driscolls. The prairie fires is one of the interesting topics that might be discussed. At least once every year, and often several times in one season, some careless settler would allow fire to get started in the long grass on his claim; and, ere he could mend the mischief, the flames, fed by the thick growth of vegetation, would soon be speeding across the prairie with the speed of the wind, often faster than a horse could gallop, — a leaping, de- vouring wall of flame and smoke. The settlers kept these fires from de- vastating their fields and homes by plowing up the soil in wide tracts, over which the flames could not leap. Occasionally, persons were caught out upon the broad prairies by these fires, and were compelled to adopt sum- mary means for protection, if flight were found impracticable. This was accomplished by starting a new fire at the place where they stood. This new fire, caught by the wind, would soon start ahead and burn a track upon which they could advance and be free from the fire advancing in the rear. When the country became fairly well settled, and one of these fires would get started, the men over the whole neighborhood would turn out to fight the devouring element. Many of our citizens can yet remember instances of this kind. The first settlers found an abundance of game in this region. The most plentiful was the deer, thousands of which were native in the coun- try. Mr. Michael Bovey avows having counted as many as sixty in a herd, and Henry Sharer, who was something of a hunter, claims to have seen herds containing over a hundred. While in the east Mr. Sharer was a great lover of fox-hunting with hounds, and he brought five good hounds with him when he came west in 1839. He soon found, however, that the still deer hunters here were very much opposed to hounds, because they tended to frighten the deer from the neighborhood. Accordingly, it was not long until all of his hounds had been shot. At that time one could not go through the timber very far without stirring up several droves of the timid deer, which, however, spent most of their day-time upon the prairie, if not too much molested, and retreated to the timber at night. They were very timid, and considerable experience was necessary to en- able the hunters to get sufficiently close to kill them. Then, too, the hunters were not as well supplied with guns and ammunition as they might have been, since these articles had to be brought from Chicago by team. However, some of them were able to slaughter many of the deer, and a liberal supply of venison was kept on hand. The Rock River Register, a paper published in Mount Morris in 1842, of which a full account appears elsewhere, contains the following item of news, headed "Gunning Un- paralleled," which shows to what extent deer were slaughtered then. It is interesting now, when a live deer would be a curiosity in this region. The extent to which David Mumma, of this neighborhood, shoots down our deer strikes us as being- pretty alarmingly exhausting. While his extraordinary Nimrod- ian exploits render David our boast, yet we must fear that he is playing havoc with our game. He has shot seventy deer this season. He has sold deer skins to the amount of $30, besides which he has taken and sold otters" skins and other peltry. He is now taking a HENRY SHARER. EARLY HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT. 2 i load of venison (hindquarters) to Chicago. Here mark his pro-PENCE-City. Besides all this, he has feasted on the forequarters, and treated his neighbors bountifully to the same luxury. In one of his hunts, he sent a bullet through the vitals of three deer at once, laying them all low. Who has ever equaled this shot? We ask who? The deer in Ogle county have long since been exterminated. Prob- ably the last killed in this vicinity were shot in 1862 by Reuben S. Mar- shall, several miles north of town. For a number of years previous very few of the animals were ever sighted, but these had evidently escaped the Nimrods of the country and wandered from some unfrequented timber, only to fall victims to Mr. Marshall's good marksmanship. These last deer were a buck, a doe and a fawn, all of which Mr. Marshall succeeded in kill- ing. Small game was also very plentiful in this vicinity. Prairie chickens without end nested on the prairie, and the hunters could bag them by the hundred. Wild ducks also were numerous in certain seasons and they af- forded many a delicious repast for our hard-working fathers. There were some rabbits in the county, but not nearly as many as at the present time, — a rather peculiar fact. In the timber, squirrels of several varieties were plentiful, and pheasants were frequently met with. In addition to the game animals there were two varieties of the wolf, — the grey and the red, the latter being much the smaller and more nu- merous. These animals were too small and timid to do the settlers bodily injury, but each possessed a very noticeable "bark," one being capable of making as much noise as a half-dozen dogs, as an old settler expressed it. Dozens of them in the winter time made the nights hideous with their barking and yelping, especially if there was a dog about to worry them. When the snow lay upon the ground for long periods, these animals would become desperate for something to eat, and at such times were quite bold in attacking some of the smaller domestic animals. The long thick prairie grass harbored an endless number of different varieties of the snake, some of them being of a dangerous character. Rattlesnakes were probably the most numerous of the poisonous kind, and quite frequently some unwary youngster, and sometimes older people, would be bitten by them. Being on the alert for such emergencies, the settlers were able to administer speedy remedies, and fatal results were easily averted. Copper-heads, blue-racers and bull-snakes were also plen- tiful. Persons traveling on the prairie, whether for short or long dis- tances, always carried a stout club, if not a gun, and no one ever lost the opportunity of dispatching all of these reptiles they chanced to meet. By this vigilance the cultivated portions of the prairie were in a few years practically freed from these dangerous pests. Old settlers are frequently heard to remark upon the great abundance of wild strawberries which grew in the bottoms and along the timber. The berries grew in large luscious clusters, with long stems to hold the ripening fruit near the top of the high growth of vegetation. Those who gathered them in their childhood days affirm that they were sweeter and 28 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. better than the present cultivated species. Besides strawberries, the set- tlers had access to many wild plnm thickets, the fruit from which was ex- cellent and easily gathered. In the groves, hickory nuts and walnuts were so amazingly abundant that the amount gathered was but a tithe of those allowed to go to waste. Then, instead of rushing to the timber when the nuts were so green that a blow from a stout club would be necessary to disengage each individual nut from its twig, as the custom now is, the peo- ple waited until the frost burst open the hulls and the nuts could be gath- ered by the sackful under the trees. At an early day fish were very abundant in Pine creek and Rock river. In the former stream, before the dam was built and when the water stood considerably higher than in late years, many fine fish came up from the river and were easily captured. Pishing was generally done with seines, there being no laws in those days to restrict it, as there are now. The first fences built were of two varieties. When the owner of a claim had access to timber, he would probably split rails and construct the ordinary "worm," or "stake and rider," fence, which was common un- til late years, it being replaced principally by light but substantial patent wire fences, to keep up with the march of progress. The first fence built on the prairie, however, was constructed of sod. A ditch about three feet wide and four feet deep was dug, and the dirt thrown up to a height of four feet on one side, the sod taken from the ditch being planted on the ridge to keep it in shape. Old settlers tell us that the winters of the thirties, forties and fifties were much more regular than in late years. Snow lay upon the ground all winter, and the weather continued cold until spring gradually took posses- sion of the earth. Winter and spring and fall and winter weather appar- ently did not change to such sudden extremes, but converged more regu- larly. No cyclones were ever heard of. The stories of the founding of Mount Morris and of Rock River Seminary are one and the same, and in a chapter devoted to the latter the subject is treated at some length. It will suffice to say here ° that the Illinois Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, which was deeply interested in the cause of educa- tion, had, at the earnest solicitation of many of the then limited members of the church in the state, concluded to establish a seminary in Illinois, and appointed a committee to select a location. The members of the Maryland colony determined to land the enterprise, if possible, and final- ly, having pledged an extraordinarily large sum, both in cash and in lands, they succeeded. The committee, May 4, 1839, proceeded to select a site for the future seminary, which was destined to exercise such an important in- fluence in northern Illinois, and they " drove the stake " for the building on the summit into which the grandly-rolling prairie crested. From this point the committee had a commanding view of a large extent of country of almost marvelous beauty, dotted on every side with near-approaching EARLY HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT. 29 groves. Not a building was standing within the present corporate limits of Mount Morris when this selection was made, showing that the location of the seminary constituted the real founding of the village. The con- tract for the building was let at eighteen thousand dollars to James B. McCoy, father of J. E., A. S., and James McCoy. Work was begun at once. The first house built within the corporate limits of the village was a small frame building erected by Mr. McCoy to board his carpenters. It was located within the present campus limits, across from the old Hilger house on the south side. In 1841 it was moved south to the present site of A. S. McCoy's residence. Later it was moved still farther south to the lot now owned by Robert Wright, where it was occupied for many years as a residence by William Fouke. At present it is situated in the rear of Mr. Wright's new house, and is being used as a barn. An engraving of it ap- pears as the frontispiece of this volume. The house is not very inviting in appearance, but it is interesting because of its being the first house in Mount Morris. The second building erected was, of course the seminary structure, the corner-stone of which was laid July 4, 1839. This structure stood through many years of usefulness, but was finally torn down in 1893, to give place to a ladies' new dormitory, which was erected a few rods west of the old foundation. The next building erected was a barn, raised by Rev. John Sharp in 1840. But living room being in great demand at that time, it was divided into two apartments and occupied by Rev. Philo Judson and Frederick Petrie together with their families, one family in each room. It was afterward finished up and moved to about the present site of William Miller's furniture store on Front street, and was transformed into the residence of M. T. Rohrer. Later it was torn down to give place for the erection of G. W. Deppen's opera house, now William Miller's fur- niture store. The next house built, the first expressly for a residence, was a brick structure occupying the present site of William Newcomer's resi- dence. It was used for a time as a hotel and was finally torn down in 1872 by Andrew Newcomer, and the present frame building was erected in its place. Houses were built so rapidly after this that it is impossible to name them in the order of their erection. During the first several years the seminary was the only enterprise in the village, the inhabitants being principally those connected with that institution. During the latter part of 1841 the village acquired a newspaper, the Rock River Register, the pub- lication of which was a rather hazardous experiment at that early day, as any one can readily conceive when the extreme sparseness of the popula- tion is taken into consideration. Of this publication more is said in a subsequent chapter. The state of the village upon the first day of Janu- ary, 1842, when the first number of the Register was issued, is given in the following item, which appeared in that issue: MOUNT MORRIS. We hail from the top of Mount Morris: and it is our purpose, while we reign edi- torially, to hail very effechially.— each of our conglomerations being of the " weight of a talent." 30 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. Most seriously, we hail from the new and hale little village of Mount Morris, in Ogle county, state of Illinois {en passant, we shall not be very ill in noise; we hope to do a share of noise,— but to Ogle shall be far from us !). Well, Mount Morris was well founded in the spring of 1841, and it is now already found, when not yet ten months old, to hold 282 souls, inclusive of the teachers and students at Rock River Seminary, which dignifies the center of the village. This day, Jan. 1, 1842, the citizens number 137, and the town consists of twenty-one houses. Mount Morris is five miles west of Oregon city, in the same county, and eighty miles west of Chicago. It is handsomely situated on a considerably elevated portion of one of the most beautiful and extraordinarily fertile prairies which distinguish Illinois, — especially the Rock river region, — for abundance and excellence of agricul- tural productions. Mount Morris is named in honor of Bishop Morris, of the M. E. church. The everyday life of the citizens at that time contained much that would be novel indeed to the present resident of Mount Morris. Peter Knodle, who died at his home in Mount Morris in 1892, came to the town- ship in the fall of 1841, and for a time after his arrival he kept a diary, which is still preserved by his wife, Mrs. Mary Knodle. The entries give some idea of the local conditions at that time. The record is considered to be of sufficient interest to reproduce here. Beyond a few necessary changes in orthography and grammar, the diary is given exactly as writ- ten by Mr. Knodle: PETER KNODLES DIARY, Commenced on Wednesday, September 29. 1841. Landed. — We were traveling for six weeks and finally landed at Mr. James Coff- man's, on Wednesday at 10 o"clock A. M.. September 29, 1841. Building. — We commenced building a frame house in Mount Morris, to live in, in order to be handy to the printing-office. Commenced on Monday. October 4. East. — Mr. James Coffman is taking his seat in the stage this day for Washing- ton county, Maryland. Wednesday. October 6. Raising. — We raised our house on Monday, October 10. with five hands: viz.. father. Walter McNutt, Edmond Coffman, Jonathan Knodle and myself. Hauling. — We brought from Pecatonica two loads of siding for our house on Tuesday, October 19. Flooring Worked. — Walter McNutt and myself commenced working flooring plank on Wednesday, October 20. Rain. — We had a good shower of rain this day, or rather, to be more explicit, this morning. Tuesday, October 19. Eire. — There was a fire broke out west of Mr. James Coffmairs, and drew towards the timber. We had hard fighting, as the wind was blowing hard against us. It was on Thursday, October 21. Husking. — Mr. John Coffman husked his corn on Wednesday, October 27. Com- menced about one o'clock P. M. and finished about dusk, and then returned to the house for supper. Trip to Chicago. — Father started to Chicago for some articles, such as a cooking stove, window-sash, putty, glass, etc. Friday. October 29. Covering. — Commenced covering our house on Friday, October 29. The coverers were Walter McNutt and myself. Rain. — Saturday, October 30, we had considerable rain. It commenced raining early in the morning and continued until evening, when it commenced blowing and blew very rapid nearly all night. EARLY HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT. 31 Window-Frames.— We made our window -frames on Monday, November 1. Walter McNutt and myself commenced in the morning' and finished five frames till night. It was very stormy and rainy this day. It was thought that it was the heaviest wind that was experienced in this part of the country for more than eighteen months. Snow. — November 3. We had snow this day. to the depth of one-half an inch, and very hard winds with it, hard indeed and cool accordingly. Arrived. — From St. Louis, Emanuel Knodle, November 18. He brought our press as far as Peru. He purchased type and other printing materials. Snow. — On Thursday morning, November 28, before daylight, it commenced snow- ing and storming, and continued most of the day. The depth of the snow was four inches. Mercury.— November 21. at half-past five o'clock P. M., the mercury stood at fifty- three degress. November 22, early in the morning, it was thirty-eight degrees. At five o'clock P. M., same day, it was thirty-five degrees. Tuesday, November 23, it was freez- ing most of the day. Snow. — Monday night. November 29. it snowed about an inch. Butchering.— John C. Coff man butchers Tuesday, November 30. Wole Hunt. — Samuel M. Hitt, Esq., Dr. J. J. Beatty and others turned out on a wolf hunt December 1. Butchering. — At James Coffman's, Thursday, December 2. Received. — Our press on Saturday, November 29. Goods Received.— On Monday, December 6, Mr. Mc delivered our goods in Mount Morris; also Mr. Beeller's two boxes. Removed. — Our press on Wednesday, December 18, to Mr. McFarland's, in a room that he rented to us. Moving. — On Thursday, December 9, we moved in our new house at Mount Morris. Rain. — A drizzling rain fell all day today and part of the night. December 14. Snow. — December 15 we had snow to the depth of about one-quarter of an inch. Arrived.— On November 27 James Coffman and Nathaniel Swingley started from Washington county. Maryland, for Ogle county, Illinois, and arrived at Mount Morris December 16. They brought along a letter for me from my cousin Samuel Knodle. Distributing. — Commenced distributing type December 16, and also made a table for the forms, a galley, and other sundry articles for the office. Trip to Chicago.— On Friday. December 17, father and Jacob Knodle started to Chicago to procure a stove for the printing-office, printing paper and many other articles. Composition Roller.— I made a composition roller on Saturday evening, Decem- ber 18. I got through with it about nine o'clock. I had a little difficulty in moulding it the first trial, it being too stiff, and we had to boil it a little more until it got a little thinner. Accident. — On Monday, December 20, I was leveling the composing-stone in the press, and by pressing on it, it cracked clean across the width of the stone. Snow and Rain. — On Tuesday, December 21, it commenced snowing and raining, and continued until the next day. Setting Type.— Commenced setting type on Monday, December 13. Lyceum. — I was present when the merits of the Subtreasury system were debated on Friday evening. December 24. The decision was in favor of the Subtreasury system. Arrived.— Father arrived from Chicago on Sunday, Dec. 26, with printing paper and stove for the office. Accident.— On Tuesday, January 4, 1842, as I was going to the printing-office. I slipped and fell, cutting my wrist. Mercury. — January 4. Seven o'clock A. M., two degrees below zero. Noon, eight degrees above zero. Four o'clock P. M., four degrees above zero. Commenced Work.— On January 10, after having been delayed a week on account of having a sore arm. Cutting Logs.— Jacob and Jonathan Knodle commenced cutting logs, to build a printing-office and workshop, January 14. Received a Pamphlet.— January 16, from Samuel Knodle. The postage was twenty-five cents, there being a few lines written therein. 32 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. Visit.— Mr Philip Sales paid us a visit on Saturday evening, January 15. He re- mained with us all night. Snow.— On Wednesday evening and Thursday morning, January 18 and 19, there fell snow to the depth of six inches. Accident.— On Monday morning. January 23, Mr. Steward met with a sad accident in cutting down a tree. It fell on him and broke his arm and leg. He lives near Days- ville. Dr. Beatty is now attending him. Editor Removed.— On Thursday. February 24. we removed Mr. Emanuel (Knodle) from the printing-office to Jonathan Knodle's, a distance of about one-half a mile. A Meeting.— There was a meeting held in Oregon city, on Saturday, February 26, on this territorial question. Foggy.— This evening. March 1. it is so foggy that you cannot see one-quarter of a mile ahead, and it is thundering and lightening. Died.— At Mount Morris, on Sabbath morning, March 13, Emanuel Knodle, son of Samuel and Jane Knodle, of Washington county, Maryland, in the thirty-second year of his age. Started to the East.— Mr. Lemond arrived here on the evening of March 30. He remained all night with us, and on the following morning started for Maryland, with the intention of moving to this country if he could arrange things to suit. Examination.— The examination took place on Wednesday, March 5. On that same evening the ladies read their copies, and on Thursday evening the young gentle- men made their speeches, etc. Arrived from Maryland.— On Monday evening, April 25, Michael Stonebraker, Daniel Wolfe and brother, and several more, arrived in Mount Morris from Maryland. Foundation for the Office. — Finished digging the foundation for the printing- office on April 24. Planting Corn.— James Coffman commenced planting corn on Tuesday, May 3. Hauling.— We commenced hauling plank, on Thursday, May 5, to fence in our lot and Miss Shepard's. Raising. — We raised our office on Monday, May 9. Married.— On Thursday, May 19, Michael Stonebraker to Catherine Coffman, eld- est daughter of James Coffman. Died.— On Thursday evening, May 19, Michael Detrick. Hail Storm.— On Monday evening, June 27, about half -past eight o'clock, there was a hail storm. It blew the doors open, and broke twenty-five panes of glass for us and fifty or sixty for Bear's. I suppose there were five or six hundred panes of glass broken in Mount Morris. Animal Magnetism. — There was a lecture delivered Tuesday evening, June 25, in the seminary. There was a boy put to sleep, who, after he was asleep, commenced talking, and would answer anything that was asked him. Arrived from Maryland. — On Thursday morning, about eleven o'clock. June 30. Messrs. Hiestand, Neff and family, Bartholomew McNutt and family and also his mother, and Benjamin McNutt. Plastering. — We had the office plastered on Saturday. July 2, by Jacob Petrie. Hail Storm. — On Monday, July 4, there was a hail storm almost severe enough to break the panes of glass in the windows. It did break some of our neighbors' glass. Removed. — We removed the office on Wednesday, July 6, in the part of our house that we had built on purpose for it. Ventriloquist. — There was a ventriloquist in our burg on Thursday and Friday evenings, July 7 and 8. He also went through the performance of some sleight-of- hand. This ventriloquism is first-rate. Arrived. — John George Pea arrived here on July 30. He is just from New Orleans. Frozen. — The river froze over Friday night. November 18. CHAPTER II. THE GROWTH OF THE VILLAGE. The first store in Mount Morris was a general one and was opened in October, 1841, by Daniel Brayton and son Frederick, in an addition on the west side of a small frame house, which they erect- y ed that summer at about the present location of p ' Jesse Bollinger's property, on Main street midway between Short and Wesley streets. The senior Brayton was a Methodist minister, and occasionally preached in the old seminary chapel. The firm afterward changed to Brayton & Judson; and in 1850, after the death of Daniel Brayton, the business was conducted by F. B. Brayton & Baker, who discontinued all lines except the book and drug departments. Later Mr. Brayton, whose portrait appears on the next page, assumed entire con- trol of the business, and conducted it for many years. In the early sev- enties John P. Hand became a partner. In 1873, Mr. Brayton's son, Arthur W., entered the business, and has owned and conducted it since that time. Thus it transpires that the first store in Mount Morris has continued up to the present day, and has been owned successively by three generations of the Brayton family, extending over a period of almost sixty years. During that time the firm name has contained that of the Brayton family, and for the greater part of that time the store has been the exclusive property of Daniel, Frederick, or Arthur Brayton, or a combination of father and son. The second store of any importance was also a general store, opened several years after that of the Braytons by Samuel Bents. This store was located in a small brick building which stood on the northeast corner of Wesley and Front streets, the location of the present Seibert block. Mr. Bents sold out to S. M. Hitt and F. F. Petrie, who had previously been en- gaged in making brick in the northeast part of town. Enoch Wood suc- ceeded Mr. Hitt, and associated with Mr. Petrie under the firm name of Wood & Petrie. This firm continued the business for many years. Mr. Wood finally sold out to H. J. Farwell. Coffman Brothers later acquired the stock. The business was discontimied by them shortly before the war. A one-story brick machine-shop was built in 1844 by Baker, Pitzer & McCoy, on the corner now occupied by the Methodist church. Here they began the manufacture of traveling threshing machines. This business they continued for five years, and their machines, which threshed grain by being loaded and driven around in a circle, became quite popular. Mr. Baker afterward manufactured what were known as "Fountain" reapers. In the year 1844, Hitt & Coffman built a grist-mill on Pine creek, southwest of town. A short time after this they opened the third store in (33) 34 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. Mount Morris. This store was managed by Prof. D. J. Pinckney, and after a year was sold to F. B. Brayton. About 1853, Messrs. Brayton, Baker and Petrie rented an old saw-mill located on Pine creek, about a mile below the dam, and fitted it up for the manufacture of linseed oil. This work they continued for about two years, turning out about two barrels of oil per day; but, as the facilities were not very favorable, they erected a new mill near the southwest part of town upon the present farm of Jacob Hilger. This mill was a large two-story structure with a stone basement. The machinery was operated by steam, which also ran a saw-mill. The enterprise was operated under the supervision of Jacob Hilger for about twenty years, it being then discontinued because of a scarify of flaxseed. During this time a terrible accident oc- curred in the saw-mill. Ernest W. Brayton, a brother of A. W. Brayton, and a lad of about ten years, was killed by coming in contact with the rapidly-revolv- ing saw. P. G. Petrie also lost a hand by a similar accident. The building passed into the ownership of Petrie & Sheets, who transformed it into a flour- ing mill. This proved unprofit- able, however, and the building was taken down and removed to the east side of Rock river, op- posite Oregon, where it still stands. Orville N. Adams, of Ga- lena, opened a general store in Mount Morris about 1850, and after about eighteen months took in Prof. D. J. Pinckney as a partner. They also managed the grist-mill on Pine creek for one year. After that time the partnership was dissolved, and shortly after the mill was burned down. A copy of the Mount Morris Gazette, dated January 23, 1851, preserved by Samuel Knodle, furnishes some interesting items in relation to the business of the town at that day. Mount Morris was then one of the most important business centers in Ogle county, as the general import of the paper plainly indicates. Among the advertisements, Bryant & Petrie advertise their hardware business; Wood & Petrie advertise dry-goods, groceries, crockery, glassware, paints, books and stationery; Brayton & Baker advertise general merchandise; William Little & Son inform the FREDERICK BRAYTON. THE GROWTH OF THE VILLAGE. 35 public that they are prepared with seasoned lumber to extensively manu- facture wagons, etc., and do all kinds of blacksmithing; George Brayton advertises to do all kinds of tailoring with neatness and dispatch; John Ankney announces the discontinuance of his business, and T. C. Ankney advertises his cheap auction store; Drs. B. G. Stephens and E. W. Myers publish their professional cards; William Hedges advertises to do all kinds of coopering; S. N. Beaubein advertises to make harness, saddles, etc., and trim carriages in the house formerly occupied by W. S. Blair. A notice of the Amphictyon Society appears, announcing that the following resolution will be discussed: Resolved, That the political and intellectual condition of Europe is improving. The notice is signed by A. N. Odel, Secretary. The Mount Morris Division Sons of Temperance also publish a notice, announcing meetings every Tuesday evening at their hall on Center street. Prom the time of its founding in 1839, the village gradually increased in size and importance, until in 1855 it became a prominent trading point, and bid fair to become the largest place in Ogle county. But during that year the Illinois Central railroad was built through near Buffalo Grove, and the new town of Polo attracted much of the business which Mount Morris had formerly captured. The village, however, continued to grow nevertheless. About 1854, Jonathan Mumma opened a store in the store-room west of his hotel; and in 1858, when J. M. Webb purchased the hotel, the store was sold to Potter & Webb. In 1856, Atchison & Clems conducted a cloth- ing store, and Edward Davis dispensed confectionery to the students and others. In 1866, after the close of the war, there appears to have been a con- siderable enlivening of trade in Mount Morris, and numerous new stores were started. In that year, John Sprecher and H. H. Clevidence opened a general store in the building occupied at present by Strock's grocery, on the corner of Center and Wesley streets. They continued in partnership twenty-five years, later occupying spacious quarters in the Masonic block. In 1891, they sold out to L. C. Stanley, of Chippewa Palls, Wis., who in turn sold to A. H. Knodle & Co. P. K. Spalding came next in succession, and after several years combined with his dry-goods the grocery stock of Ed. Cripe, who had been preceded by John Keever and Daniel Wingert in the grocery business, and moved into the Seibert block. This combined grocery and dry-goods business is now conducted by G. W. Deppen. About the same year, Lookabaugh and Middour also established their business, and conducted it for over twenty years. Also during 1866 a branch of John Etnyre's store in Oregon was established here by Mr. Briggs, but was short-lived. Quite a number of the present business enterprises of Mount Morris can be traced back over very long periods of time, as in several cases already cited. For instance, the grocery business of Charles H. Sharer is the continuation of a long succession of changes, dating back to the es- tablishment, about 1860, of a grocery store by Henry Newcomer, father of 36 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. H. E. Newcomer. Mr. Newcomer sold to Henry Sharer, who took in John Swingley as a partner. The engraving on this page shows the condition of the business portion of the village at the time these gentlemen were in partnership. Note their sign upon the north wall of the building. The picture was taken in 1876, shortly after the erection of the building. But to continue, Sharer & Swingley sold out to William Rine, who took in his brother David as a partner. D. N. Wingert and John Swingley were the next purchasers, and later Mr. Wingert alone assumed the business. The BUSINESS BLOCK OF MOUNT MORRIS IN 1876. succession was then Lewis Funk, Wingert & Co. (here dry-goods were added); Wingert & Sprecher (Philip T.); Wingert & Brubaker; J. A. Bru- baker & Co.; and Brubaker & Sharer (Charles H.). At the next transfer Charles Sharer took the grocery department and R. E. Arnold & Co. the dry-goods. The latter firm sold out to G. W. Hamlin, of Rochelle, in 1900, but Mr. Sharer still continues the grocery business. The present grocery of J. Strock is another business which can be traced back quite a number of years. In 1S75, William H. Bull purchased THE GROWTH OF THE VILLAGE. 37 a stock of groceries and placed them in the brick building now occupied by Mr. Strock. After a few years in the business he sold to Benjamin Rine. Holly Clark & Ira Wingert came next, and were followed by New- comer Bros. (A. M. and W. A.) and John Tice. W. A. Newcomer and Mr. Tice purchased A. M. Newcomer's share, and in 1891 sold to J. Strock, who is the present owner. In 1866, Andrew Newcomer, father of A. M. and W. A. Newcomer, start- ed a small store in the house on Front street, now occupied by Robert Crosby, but soon sold out to George Windle. However, when his son, W. A., returned from the army in 1876, the two went into partnership, and conducted a grocery business until the death of the former, after which A. M. and W. A. Newcomer took charge. For a time William was engaged with Tice in another grocery, as mentioned before, and Arthur was sole proprietor until William again bought a half- interest, and the firm name of A. M. & W. A. Newcomer was adopted. In October, 1898, the former retired and his son, H. G. Newcomer, became a member of the firm, now known as the Newcomer Co. Joseph S. Nye conducted the first hardware store of any importance in Mount Morris. In 1857 he bought the tin- shop and hardware portion of the business of Brayton & Baker, and for its accommodation built the brick building on the corner of Wesley and Front streets, now occupied by C. E. Price's hardware. He continued the business for ten years, and finally moved his goods to Lanark. J. M. Smith & Pickard started a hard- ware in 1870. Later Pickard dropped out and subsequently Smith sold to I. B. Kinne, who disposed of the stock by various methods. Subsequently David Rine purchased a new stock of hardware and soon took in George Sprecher as a partner. Daniel Smith was the next purchaser, followed by Hitt, Smith & Co., B. F. Sheets & Co., dishing & Armstrong, Armstrong & Price, J. D. Armstrong, and J. M. Piper, successively, and lastly by Clinton E. Price, the present owner. One of the first meat markets in Mount Morris was established in 1873 by Samuel P. Mumma. He was succeeded by Samuel Middour, and Mid- dour & Mumma (Benj.). Middour sold to Mumma, who conducted the business for many years. Henry H. and Ernest E. Newcomer and James Mumma were the next purchasers, the latter dropping out after three years. The later owners have been Benj. Rine, Rine & Whitman, and Wishard & Powell, the last-named being now in possession. There have been other meat markets conducted, but none of long duration. The local grain-buying business did not commence in Mount Morris until after the building of the Chicago & Iowa railroad from Oregon to Forreston. The first carload of grain marketed from the village was raised and shipped to Chicago by Charles Newcomer, who erected the mid- dle elevator in 1874. This elevator was sold to John Weller, and later be- came the property of H. H. Clevidence and Daniel Smith. The north elevator was built in 1875 by Daniel Sprecher, father of Lewis and Daniel Sprecher, Jr. H. H. Clevidence and John Sprecher purchased this ele- vator in 1879, and since 1894 it has been the property of the former, who 38 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. has been engaged in the grain business for more than twenty-six years. The south elevator was built in 1882, by Daniel Sprecher, and was sold to Daniel Smith. Thomas C. Williams, the present owner, purchased it of Mr. Smith. The grain business in Mount Morris, before the building of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad through Leaf River and the Chicago. Burlington & Northern through Stratford, was much more ex- tensive than at present. Elevators were built at these towns, and serious- ly curtailed the extensive territory from which the Mount Morris elevators formerly drew the cereal products. Samuel Mumma first began buying stock in Mount Morris in 1873, and began shipping extensively to the city market in 1879, which he has continued to do until the present time. The first bank in Mount Morris was established August 1, 1877, by Charles Newcomer and Isaac Rice. The latter dropped out after several years and the former continued the business until January 1, 1899, a period of nearly twenty-two years, when the business was turned over to the Citizens' Bank. Mr. Newcomer is now living a retired life, enjoying the fruits of his labors. The Citizens' Bank was established in 1893 by Joseph L. and John H. Rice, and is now the only bank in the village. The name of Hon. Isaac Rice stands second to none in connection with the growth and development of our village. Concerning his parentage we have made mention in Chap- ter I. Dr. Isaac Rice, as he was familiarly known, was born in Washing- ton county, Maryland, October 28, 1826, and came to Ogle county in 1837, making the trip in company with his father and uncle, when they removed to the wild west. The senior Rice built a schoolhouse in this vicinity at a very early day, and Isaac " wielded the birch " in this educational institu- tion when but eighteen years of age. He also attended Rock River Semi- nary "and prepared for his profession under the preceptorship of Dr. Francis A. McNeill. In the winter of 1852 he entered Rush Medical Col- lege, Chicago, and graduated in 1855. After his graduation he returned to Mount Morris and engaged in farming, in which occupation he gained CHARLES NEWCOMER. THE GROWTH OF THE VILLAGE. 41 considerable renown as a successful tiller of the soil. In 1876, he located his home in Mount Morris, and in the following year he associated with Charles Newcomer in the establishment of the Mount Morris Bank, as. re- lated before. In 1872 and 1874, he was a member of the State Assembly, and in the fall of 1880, he was elected to the upper house of the Legisla- ture of Illinois. January 14, 1857, Mr. Rice was married to Sarah Hiestand, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Hiestand. His wife had been one of the playmates of his youth, and later was one of his pupils in the pioneer schoolhouse. Three children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Rice: Roland, February 10, 1858, who died in infancy; Anna, March 22, 1850, who died at the age of eighteen; and Joseph L., December 23, 1866, who is now A VIEW OF BLAIR'S HOTEL IN 1873. Note the diminutive size of the maple, in front of the brick on the right, 'now grown to enormous proportions. engaged in banking in Mount Morris. Dr. Rice died at his home in Mount Morris in 1897. The hotel business dates back almost to the founding of the village. Daniel Brayton kept a public house from the time of the establish- ment of his store, about 1841. The first regular tavern was erected by James Clark several years later. The building is still standing, being the old brick on the corner of Wesley and Main streets, now owned by George Sprecher and. occupied by Rigdon McCoy as a shoe-shop and M. P. Maloney as a residence. After running this for a short time, under the name of the " New York House," Mr. Clark returned to his farm at Washington Grove and rented his tavern to Mr. Brayton. In 1851, W. S. Blair opened 42 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. Blair's Hotel in the brick house on the corner of McKendrie and Bangs streets. This building has since been converted into the residence of Dr. George B. McCosh. An engraving of this old house and also that now oc- cupied by N. A. Ankney, as they appeared from the the northeast in 1873, appears on the preceding page. The brick house to the right was occupied from 1863 to 1875 by Samuel Knodle, as a residence. With the exception of about two years Mr. Blair continued to conduct this hotel until about the year 1880. In 1854, Jonathan Mumma built the old hotel on the present site of Hotel Rohrer, and, under the caption of the Eldorado House, kept boarders, principally students, until 1858, when it was pur- chased by J. M. Webb; and, after 1860, it was continued for many years as Webb's Hotel. After the death of Mr. Webb, the house was enlarged and was conducted successively by Mrs. J. M. Webb, Sr., Mrs. Benj. Rine, Mrs. Mary McCoy, Andrew J. Long, and Charles Rohrer. Mr. Rohrer built the present Hotel Rohrer in 1894, and died soon afterward. Since that time the landlords have been J. I. Housewert and A. T. Olson. The hotel is owned at present by a stock company of business men of the village. Previous to the building of the railroad through Mount Morris, lumber for building was hauled from Chicago and Rockford, and later; from Polo and other nearby towns. After the completion of the railroad, the first regular yard was established by John Nye, father of U. C. Nye. The suc- cession of its owners from that time to this has been: John Nye, Henry Gilbert, Philip Sprecher, Riner & Clark, Minnesota Lumber Company, and lastly, Clark & Wingert, the present owners. The tonsorial profession in Mount Morris was ably represented in the past by a number of artists, notable among whom were William Star, Boone Washington, and Joseph Patterson, colored; and Daniel Bowers. The bakery business has been represented by a large number of bakers, most of them continuing in business but a short time. Ed. O. Startzman was one of the first, and is yet in the business after a term of about twenty-four years. Ketts History of Ogle County, in a short sketch of Mount Morris, gives the following list of the business enterprises of the village, with the dates of their establishment, which existed in 1878, at the time of the pub- lication of that history: General Merchants.— Lookabaugh & Middour, May, 1866 ; Sprecher & Clevidence, 1866; Gilbert Bros., formerly Gilbert & King, April 7, 1871; Newcomer Bros., December 12, 1877. Hardware.— J. M. Smith, formerly Smith & Pickard, 1870; Hitt, Smith & Co., April 23, 1877. Groceries.— Wingert & Swingley, 1874; William H. Bull, March 17, 1875. Druggists.— A. W. Brayton. formerly P. B. Brayton, 1860; O. H. Swingley. Novem- ber 11, 1868. Furniture.— Upton Miller, 1873. Hotels— Blair's Hotel, 1851 ; Webb's Hotel, 1858. Restaurants.— E. O. Startzman, November 25, 1876; H. Jimmerson, June 21, 1877: S. Knodle, 1877. Carpenters and Builders.— George H. Riner, N. E. Buser. 1868; B. Rine. J. T. Stewart. Jonathan Knodle. THE GROWTH OF THE VILLAGE. 43 Blacksmiths.— A. W. Neff , Calvin A. Potter, 1852 ; Nicholas Koontz. Wagon Makees.— Joseph Knodle. B. F. Tracy. Lumber Dealer.— P. T. Sprecher. Harness Makers.— Joseph F. Thomas, 1873: H. H. Newcomer, Sr. Jewelers.— J. A. Knodle & Son, 1875. Butchers.— Smith & Eberts, 1877; Middour & Lookabaugh, 1877. Liverymen.— H. L. Smith. May, 1876 ; the first livery stable was kept by Peter Funk, then C. C. Wagoner, then F. B. Brayton, then H. L. Smith; others having engaged in that business at various times. Boot and Shoemakers.— George W. Fouke, Peyton Skinner, 1854; M. F. Noel, 1856. Tailors— C. B. Stanger, 1870; W.E. Moats, 1876. Milliners.— Mrs. C. Startzman, Mrs. Mary McNeill. Mantua Maker.— Mrs. Sarah J. Coggins, 1845. Physicians.— Dr. D. Newcomer, Allopath; Dr. B. G. Stephens, Allopath. 1850; Dr. John McCosh, Allopath, 1863; Dr. R. Berry, Physio-Medical, 1878. Painters.— S. G. Trine, 1859; Peter Householder, L. J. Brogunier. Barber.— Daniel Bowers. The medical profession in Mount Morris was first represented by Dr. James J. Beatty, who practiced here sixty years ago. His practice ex- tended over a very large territory. While returning from a professional call over near Forreston, at one time he had a very thrilling, and well-nigh fatal, adventure. He was astride a very fine horse, and, being in a hurry to reach home, attempted to ride the animal through a prairie fire, depend- ing upon its fleetness of foot to carry him through without injury. However, the animal stopped, crazed by the fire, and stood stock-still, while the rapidly-moving flames licked up the long grass around them. Both horse and rider were terribly burned. The doctor recovered from his burns, but the horse died from the experience. Apparently the doc- tor's ill-fortune clung to him; for a few years later, while en route for the California gold-fields, he was taken ill and died on the plains. Other doc- tors of prominence who practiced in Mount Morris in the past are Augustus Post, Benjamin G. Stephens, Francis A. McNeill, Thomas Wins- ton, J. I. Mershon, W. T. Speaker, and David Newcomer. The last-named physician deserves more than a passing notice, in virtue of his long con- nection with the affairs of our village, — nearly thirty years, — during which time he has attended and ministered to our sick. Dr. David Newcomer was born July 26, 1830, in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, and was of Swiss descent. November 18, 1852, he was united in marriage to Mary S. Funk, who was born in the same township as himself. In 1859, he graduated from the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, and returned to the place of his nativity, to practice his profession. In May, 1862, he received his appointment as Assistant Surgeon of the Army of the Potomac, and at once entered upon his duties. He filled this position with credit, and after a service of nine months he was honorably discharged. In 1865, he went to Martinsburg, West Virginia, where he established his practice. After six years' residence at this place, he determined to try the already famous state of Illinois, and came to. Mount Morris in 1871. He has since resided here, continuing in active service up to a few months ago, when failing health compelled him to relinquish his practice and retire. To Mr. and Mrs. Newcomer were born six children, two of whom are dead. Those 44 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. living are: Mary Katie, wife of M. W. Solenberger, of North Dakota; Bar- bara Ann, married to J. W. Thomas, a retired Lutheran minister, now re- siding in Mount Morris; David is in business at Kansas City, and is married to Nellie McFadden; Harry C. is a graduate of West Point Mili- tary Academy and is serving his country as a soldier. In 1878, John Hitt and Thomas Mumma erected a large building in the south of town. Here they established the Mount Morris Creamery, with a capacity of one thousand cows, for the manufacture of butter and cheese. This was a valuable addition to the business interests of Mount Morris. The creamery passed through a number of hands; viz., Michael Miller, William H. Jackson, Campbell & McMaster, and is at present owned and operated by Robert C. McCredie. The old building was burned down some years ago and a new one erected to take its place. Alfred R. Binkley has been a figure in the business circles of Mount Morris during the greater part of the past twenty years. About 1880, he bought a confectionery business, which had been started by Charles H. Allen and continued later by by Samuel H. and Samuel E. Sprecher. Adding a stock of groceries, he conducted this business for fifteen years. He then sold to Jacob G. Miller who later disposed of the stock at auction. Mr. Binkley again started a grocery store in 1896 with Oliver S. Watts as a part- ner, but soon dropped out, leav- ing the business to Mr. Watts, who still conducts it. Again, in September, 1899, Mr. Binkley established a grocery in Mount Morris, hav- ing brought a stock of goods from Forreston, and is now in the business. William H. Miller took up the furniture and undertaking business, which his father had been conducting, in the year 1892, and has been found regularly in his place since that time. John D. Miller opened a harness shop in Mount Morris in 1888, having previously followed the profession of telegraph operator. Since that time he has been one of the town's business men, and has followed the harness trade ever since his advent into the mercantile circles of our promising village. DR. DAVID NEWCOMER. THE GROWTH OF THE VILLAGE 45 One of the most prominent men in the business circles of Mount Morris the past half-century was Samuel Knodle, who retired from busi- ness in the spring of the present year (1900). Mr. Knodle came to Mount Morris in 1856, expecting to teach the village school; but circumstances favoring his embarking in the jewelry business, he relinquished the peda- gogical profession, and in May, 1856, opened a jewelry shop in rooms in the Eldorado House, then conducted by Jonathan Mumma. From that day until his retirement, as mentioned before, he continued to pursue that avocation. At the time of his retirement he could claim the distinction of having been engaged in mercantile business a longer period of time than any other man in the vil- lage. In connection with the jewelry business, he was identi- fied with the various newspaper enterprises up to 1879. His con- nection with these newspapers is given in another chapter upon the press. Mr. Knodle was born at Fairplay, eight miles south of Hagerstown, Maryland, August 4, 1820. He secured a common school education at the Fairplay public schools, and ac- quired an academic education while engaged as a clerk in a number of stores. In May, 1843, he became a teacher in the Boonsboro public schools, and filled that position three years. He was also in partnership with his brother Josiah in the publi- cation of The Odd Felloiv at Boonsboro. In 1846, he began the publication of the Williams- port Times, continuing it two years, after which he again en- gaged in teaching, this time at Fairplay. He retained this position eight years, and then came to Mount Morris. During his long residence here he was very active in local affairs. He was clerk of the township of Mount Morris from 1858 to 1861, and he was village clerk in 1860, 1861 and 1868. In 1871, he served as village trus- tee and president of the board. In 1883, he was again elected village clerk, and was annually re-elected up until the present year, when he re- fused to be renominated. In 1876, he was collector of the township of Mount Morris. Few men have had such a close and extensive connection with local affairs as Mr. Knodle, nor enjoy a greater degree of the esteem of their fellow-citizens. He is passing his declining years at Oregon. SAMUEL KNODLE. 46 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. The past decade of this closing century has brought in a number of new firms. John Sprecher, after ending his long business career in part- nership with H. H. Clevidence, rested several years, and then, in 1893, again entered the mercantile circle, with S. C. Kinsey as a partner. In 1895, Mr. Kinsey sold out, and Mr. Sprecher continued the business alone until 1899. Since that time W. W. Wheeler has been a member of the firm. Melchor Newcomer, in 1888, established a grocery and dry-goods store in the Seibert block. D. S. Cripe became a partner in 1891, and in 1893 became proprie- tor, and he is still in the business. McCosh & Mishler launched in the drug business in 1896. Since 1899, the former has conducted the business alone. H. J. Wolfe started a bakery in 1895, and since his death, several years ago, the business has been continued by his son Walter. S. A. Shriner started a new harness shop in 1898, and B. E. Avey, a hardware store in the spring of the present year. N. E. Buser established a lumber yard in 1893, which was later purchased by J. T. Baker and Prank Coff- man, the present owners. More extensive mention is made of all these in a later chapter upon the present condition of the village. Mention has already been made of the erection of the first few resi- dences in the village. Many of the early houses were built of brick, which were burned in this vicinity. A brick-kiln was situated ul * P in the northeast part of the village, and another upon the Villasre s the Samuel Domer old farm, northwest of the village. David Gloss was one of the men engaged in burning brick and also Sam- uel Domer. The college buildings were constructed of stone, quarried from sandstone ledges on the farm of Josiah Avey along Pine creek. By the courtesy of Samuel Knodle, we are able to reproduce a number of old photographs of the village, taken in the early seventies. Probably those most interesting are three looking eastward over the business part of the village at slightly different angles from the cupola of " Old Sand- stone." The view shown on page 48 shows the village as it appears look- ing directly eastward from the cupola. The two larger views following, the first looking northeast and the second, southeast, include all and more than the small view, and accordingly the explanations will be made from them. The view on page 49 will prove to be exceedingly interesting to a per- son knowing the present conditions. It is readily seen that the entire business portion of the present village, from and including Seibert's block northward to beyond Gregor Thompson's building, is entirely lacking. The two-story brick building, numbered 1, on the corner occupies the present location of Seibert's block. The residence marked 3 is on the present site of Mrs. Mary McCoy's millinery store and part of that occu- pied by William H. Miller's furniture store. In the foreground is seen a winding path, leading across the campus through what is apparently a growth of underbrush, now grown up a stately maple grove. Pour saddle horses are hitched along the street, showing the usual mode of travel in THE GROWTH OF THE VILLAGE. 47 those days. The brick house numbered 1 was built some time between 1842 and 1845, but at first was only one story high. In this building Wood & Petrie kept their general store at an early day, and later Lookabaugh & Middour were engaged in business there. The building was torn down in 1873 to give place to the present Seibert block. No. 2 was at one time occupied by Peter Funk. It is still standing and is owned and occupied by Rigdon McCoy. No. 3 occupies the present location of William H. Miller's store, for- merly Deppen's opera house. It was occupied for many years as a resi- dence by Martin Rohrer. The east half is the building spoken of on page 29 as the barn built in 1840 by Rev. John Sharp. The west half was built on later for a restaurant by James Fouke. VIEW SOUTH FROM "OLD SANDSTONE" ABOUT 1870. When this picture ivas taken, the schoolhouse had been built but a short time. The small size of the pine trees in the yard is very noticeable. No. 4 was recently purchased and moved to the south part of town by G. B. McCosh. Here it was remodeled and is now the residence of William Domer. The house between Nos. 3 and 4 was last used as a residence by A. W. Neff, but was torn down and John Deppen's present residence erect- ed in its place. No. 5 was the residence of Andrew Newcomer. The frame part was moved several rods westward and a new house built in its place several years ago by Mrs. Newcomer. No. 6 is the old schoolhouse, afterward used by William H. Miller as a residence. It has been superseded by Mr. Miller's present fine house. 48 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. No. 7 is the present residence of P. T. Sprecher. A part of it was built by Abram Thomas. No. 8 is the brick house owned by Mrs. Crawford and. occupied by S. A. Shriner. No. 9, which is but faintly discerned behind the trees, is the old brick hotel on the corner of Front and McKendrie streets, which has been re- placed by William Newcomer's house. No. 10 is the present residence of Martin T. Rohrer. It was built by Elias Baker. No. 11 is the old house occupied until recently by Miss Maria Malone. It was moved to the Amick Addition in the spring of 1900 by S. E. Avey. VIEW DIRECTLY EAST FROM "OLD SANDSTONE" IN 1870. Nos. 12 and 25 (see plate on page 51) were built about 1857 or 1858, and were the first brick buildings built in the regular square mercantile shape. No. 12 was built by Brayton & Baker for their store, and is the building now occupied by C. E. Price as a hardware store. No. 13 originally occu- pied that position and was used as a store by Brayton & Baker, but was moved to the position in the rear, as shown in the picture. It was again moved at a later date to the rear of the livery stable now owned by Charles Niman, and used as a building in which to bale hay and straw. It was finally torn down. No. 14 was occupied for many years by John Stewart. He replaced it with a new building, which is now owned by Miss Callie Black. mm* :•• •• tit**-- THE GROWTH OF THE VILLAGE. 53 No. 15 was built in 1858 by D. C. and B. Wagner. It was later raised to two stories and is the present meat market building. No. 16 was also built by Brayton & Baker. After standing there for a number of years, it was moved to the corner of First and A streets, in the Railroad Addition, and is now serving as the residence of A. J. Long. No. 17 was built in 1851 by Joel K. Frost, who also had a blacksmith shop a little to the northeast of this residence. This house was subse- quently owned by H. T. Knight, and is now the property of Richard Shaw. No. 18 (see plate on page 51) is the old Masonic building. It was built about 1818 and used as a Masonic hall from that time until 1876, when the present Masonic block was erected, part of the site of which it occupied. It is now standing north of No. 25 and is being used by S. A. Shriner as a harness shop. Previous to its occupancy by Mr. Shriner, Samuel Knodle was stationed there for thirteen years with his jewelry store. In this ven- erable old building many of the old, old citizens of Mount Morris met and became Masons, a fuller account of which will appear in a chapter on secret societies. No. 19 was built some time in the forties, and was occupied as a book- store by Samuel Knodle from 1862 until 1876. In the place of this build- ing and No. 18, the present Masonic edifice was erected. No. 20 is the Sons of Temperance old building, and at the time of the photograph it was occupied as a shoe store by W. H. Atchison. It was later owned by C. H. Swingley. It was removed to the present site of Dr. McCosh's building, and a small part of it is now contained in that struc- ture. No. 21 is Peyton Skinner's old shoe-shop. The awning in front, con- structed of boughs of trees, is the style of artificial shade which the busi- ness men made along the street during the great excitement always connected with the seminary annual " exhibitions," as the final exercises at the seminary were called. This little building was moved back and is still standing in the rear of the new shoe-shop which Mr. Skinner erected and which is now occupied by Hess's restaurant. No. 22 was the property of Edward Davis, father of Solomon Davis, who kept the post-office there at one time. It was torn down in 1899 to make room for H. E. Newcomer's new brick building. No. 23 was, at the time the picture was taken, the office of Dr. B. G. Stephens, who died in Mount Morris some years ago. No. 25 was built in 1857 by Joseph S. Nye and used as a hardware store by him for about ten years. Since that time the building has had a great many occupants, many of the later firms which did business in the village having had their origin there. It is now owned by Reuben S. Marshall and occupied by Strock's grocery. No. 26, just east of No. 25, was built by Mr. Nye as his residence. The little building at the left of No. 25 was later moved northward and repaired, forming at present the barber-shop of Levi Bear. No. 27 was built at an early day by John Ankney, who came here from Buffalo Grove, where he was a very early settler. The building was used 54 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. by him as a residence and post-office, the fatter being kept in the grout addition on the west side, which has since been torn down. The main structure is stiff standing, having served as the residence of Peyton Skin- ner for many years. No. 28 once stood near the grist-miff afong Pine creek and was used as the residence of the miifer. It was moved to Mount Morris probabfy dur- ing the sixties, and was used as a residence by various parties. Later a new house superseded it. No. 29 was buiit by W. S. Bfair. It has been superseded by the house now occupied by Joseph Baker. VIEW SOUTHWEST FROM "OLD SANDSTONE" ABOUT 1870. Notice that the college campus then included the two blocks to the ivest of the present campus limit, now entirely built up with neiv residences. The house to the left is the old parsonage of the Methodist church now owned and occupied by J. W- Crump. No. 30 is the present residence of John Sprecher, Sr. It was buiit and occupied for a time by Henry A. Neff and family. No. 31 is still standing, being the residence of Mrs. Samuel Domer. The rear of it was built by Henry Frost and the front part by Henry Mid- dfekauff. No. 32 is the John Hoisinger old house on the corner of Clark and Bangs streets. It has been replaced by Oliver S. Watts's fine residence. THE GROWTH OF THE VILLAGE. 55 No. 33 is Samuel Mumma's present residence. It was built by Mrs. Spenser Mattison. No. 34 was built in 1855 by P. B. Brayton, and for many years was the finest residence in Mount Morris. It is now occupied by his son, A. W. Brayton. A modern view of this residence with its elegant park-like lawn is found elsewhere in this volume. No. 35 is Daniel Eversole's house, of which further mention is made in the chapter dealing with the history of our public schools. No. 36 was built by Cyrus Alden, and is now owned and occupied by Prof. J. G. Royer. No. 37 is readily discerned to be the present residence of Charles H. Sharer. Prom an early day it was owned by his father, Henry Sharer. No. 38 is the residence of Prisby Keplinger. No. 39, at the time this picture was taken, was being used as the Luth- eran church. It was later purchased by the Christian denomination, and the present steeple added to it. A modern view of it appears in the chap- ter upon church history. It was built in 1845. No. 40 is the livery barn, which, having been several times remodeled, is now occupied by Niman's livery. In this picture can be seen four more saddle horses hitched along the street. A few years after the time the preceding views were taken of Mount Morris, the Chicago & Iowa railroad was built through the town and a re- markable business boom followed. Elevators were built and the grain and stock-buying industries commenced. Robert R. Hitt, M. Emery Hitt and Emily Hitt laid off the Railroad Addition to the village in 1872. This has since been substantially built up. Morris Hitt thought that the building of the railroad north of the business portion of the village would draw all new mercantile structures in that direction, and consequently he erected a store building a few rods south of the depot, on the corner of Second and Wesley streets. His supposition, however, proved a mistake and later his building was moved southward to the business portion of the village. The structure is now used by A. W. Brayton for his drug-store. The cellar which was dug under the building can yet be seen on the vacant lots east of George Sprecher's residence. Shortly after the building of the railroad a number of large brick structures were built and smaller frame store buildings. Seibert's building, a two-story brick edifice having a hall above and three business rooms below, was commenced in 1873 and completed in March of the following year. During 1874, another large two-story build- ing, costing twelve thousand dollars, was erected by Henry Sharer, John Sprecher and J. H. Nye. This building also contains three store rooms on the first floor. During the seventies were also erected the present Masonic building and the brick structure now occupied by O. S. Watts's grocery. The first was built by Sprecher & Clevidence in 1876 and the second by Cyrus Alden in 1875. Since the boom of business during the seventies the village has con- tinued to advance with a healthy growth. During the years from 1891 to 56 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. 1894, or thereabouts, another impulse of prosperity overtook the village, as a result of which more than seventy-five new residences, two new college buildings, the Old Polks' Home, five or six store buildings, a bank building and various other structures of more or less importance, were erected. During 1894, more buildings were put up in Mount Morris than in all the other Ogle county towns combined. Concerning the present progress of Mount Morris, its business inter- ests and many desirable qualities as a place of residence, an entire chapter is devoted later on. CHAPTER III. INCORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE. In an investigation of the past history of the churches, schools, and even of the township of Mount Morris, it is found that the old records, in the majority of cases, have been woefully neglected, many of the old books being entirely lost sight of. In the case of the village, however, the clerks whose duty it was to keep the minutes of the proceedings of the Village Board of Trustees preserved the old records from the time of the first movement toward organization of the corporation to the present time. From the time when the first settlers built their rude dwellings within the present limits of Mount Morris, late in the thirties, until 1848, Mount Morris was simply a precinct of Ogle county. The first step toward incor- poration was made December 28, 1847, when copies of the following notice were posted about the town: A MEETING of the inhabitants of the town of Mount Morris will be held at the chapel of said town on Saturday, the 8th day of January, (1848). at 2 o'clock, for the purpose of determin- ing- whether we will incorporate said town. (Signed) Mount Moeeis. Dec. 28. 1847. MANY CITIZENS. STATE OF ILLINOIS. I Ogle County. " L Daniel Brayton. of Mount Morris. Ogle county. Illi- nois, do hereby solemnly swear that there was over two hundred inhabitants residing' in the town of Mount Morris, Ogle county, and state of Illinois, on the 28th day of De- cember. 1847. and that on the same day I posted three notices in three of the most pub- lic places in said town. The above notice, signed "Many Citizens." is a true copy of said notice. DANIEL BRAYTON. Subscribed and sworn to before me \ this 20th day of January, 1848. , - — * — . I T^ TT7 T T-l 'SEAL \ E. Wood. J. P. ( ) ' In conformity to the above notice, a meeting of the white male in- habitants, of the lawful age, who had been residents of the village six months immediately preceding this date, or who were owners of freehold property in the village, was held, as ordered, in the seminary chapel, at the time specified. On motion, Daniel Brayton was called to the chair and F. G. Petrie appointed clerk. The following obligation was then taken: I. Daniel Brayton. as president, and I. F. G. Petrie, as clerk, do solemnly swear by the everliving God. that we will faithfully discharge the trust reposed in us as presi- dent and clerk of this meeting-. Subscribed and sivorn to before me this 8t?i day of January, 1848. F. G. Peteie. Clerk. (57) 58 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. A viva voce vote, to decide whether the village should be incorporated, was then taken. Nineteen votes were cast in favor of the measure and none against. The following notice was also posted by Daniel Brayton on the twenty-eighth day of December, 1847: NOTICE. A meeting- of the inhabitants of Mount Morris will be held in the chapel of Rock River Seminary on the 15th day of January, 1848, at 2 o'clock P. M.. for the purpose of electing-, vivevoce, five (residents and freeholders of said town) trustees of the same. Mount Mobeis, Jan. 8, 1848. P. G. PETRIE, Clerk. This meeting was duly held, and the following trustees were chosen: Aaron C. Marston, Andrew Newcomer, James J. Beatty, Jonathan Knodle, Sr., and William McCune. On the twenty-second day of January, 1848, this board, with A. C. Marston as clerk, formulated and passed eight ordi- nances, which, possibly with a number of revisions, form the groundwork of the present excellent village ordinances. They are quite interesting from the fact that they are the first laws passed by the first Board of Trustees of Mount Morris. They are as follows: PREAMBLE. We, the president and trustees of the town of Mount Morris, as a body corporate and acting in accordance with the powers vested in Chapter 25, Section 12, of the re- vised statutes of the state of Illinois, do hereby declare and make known the follow- ing, as below subjoined, to be nuisances within our jurisdiction, and that after ten days' public notice being given, the same shall take effect. And any person or persons persisting, in whole or in part, in any infringement of the laws herein provided or en- acted by said Board of Trustees, be it unto them made known that civil process will be immediately issued against them according to the laws herein provided. Article 1.— Be it ordained by the president and Board of Trustees of the town of Mount Morris that the boundaries of said corporation shall be as follows: Commencing at a stake set at the southwest corner of the land owned by the Rock River Semi- nary, thence on a line due north one mile, thence east one mile, thence south one mile, thence west one mile to the place of beginning. Article 2. — Be it further ordained by the president and Board of Trustees of the town of Mount Morris, that the licensing of groceries for the purpose of retailing spiritous or malt liquors within the jurisdiction of the corporation is strictly injurious to the good and well-being of the citizens of said corporation. Article 3. — Resolved, therefore, and be it ordained by the president and trustees aforesaid, that the sale or vending of spiritous or malt liquor is, by virtue of this ordi- nance, strictly prohibited, and any person or persons found violating said ordinance, he or they shall be subject to pay a fine not exceeding five dollars for each offense. Article 4. — Provided always and be it ordained by the president and Board of Trustees of the town of Mount Morris, that a permit may be granted from time to time for the sale of spiritous liquors for medical and mechanical purposes, and for none other. Article 5. — Be it ordained by the president and trustees of the town of Mount Morris, that all gambling and drunkenness of whatsover class may be, is, by virtue of this ordinance, declared a nuisance and will be proceeded against as such; and any person or persons found violating said ordinance shall be subject to pay a fine not ex- ceeding twenty-five dollars for each offense. Article 6.— Be it ordained by the president and trustees aforesaid, that all shows, circuses, theaters, or exhibitions of that class, not having license under the seal of the president of the Board of Trustees of the town of Mount Morris are, by virtue of this INCORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE. 59 ordinance, strictly forbidden to exhibit such shows, theaters or performances, under a penalty of paying a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars for each offense. Akticle 7. — Be it ordained by the president and trustees of the town of Mount Morris, that all riotous behavior, such as quarreling, fighting, or in any way disturb- ing the quiet and peace of the citizens of said town, is strictly forbidden. Any person or persons wantonly or presumptuously violating this ordinance shall pay a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars for each offense. Akticle 8. — Be it ordained by the president and Board of Trustees of the town of Mount Morris, that horse-racing is hereby strictly forbidden and prohibited within the limits of the corporation : also that shooting at marks or firing of guns within the limits of this corporation is, by this ordinance, declared a nuisance, and any person or persons violating this ordinance shall pay a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars for each offense. The record next contains six more ordinances, passed by the same board in a meeting held April 5, 1848. The first prohibited persons from suffering the carcasses of animals, owned or claimed by them, to remain unburied, and provided a penalty for the same. The second prohibited the indecent exhibition of animals in the village. The third provided that all male residents of the village, who had arrived at the age of twenty-one years, should labor three days on the roads, streets or alleys, as they might be directed by the supervisor of the same; and further provided that any one neglecting to do so when notified should be fined one dollar for each day's labor neglected, the same to be laid out on the streets where labor might be required. The fourth provided a penalty and method of prosecu : tion of persons who should idle away their time, or act disorderly, or re- fuse to obey the supervisor under whose charge they were placed when working on the streets. The fifth specified the duties of the supervisor of the town. The sixth provided penalties for the wanton or malicious de- struction of property within the corporation. At this same meeting the board passed the following resolution: Resolved, That all trials shall be before the president of the board and conducted in the same manner as they are before justices of the peace, and all fees and costs pro- ceeding therefrom shall be the same as if issued before a justice of the peace. These two meetings of the board appear to have been the only ones. No corporation officers were appointed, and for several years nothing fur- ther was done, at least there are no records of any elections until January 1, 1856, when the following notice appeared: ELECTION NOTICE. There will be an election held at the house of William S. Blair in the town of Mount Morris, on the 15th day of January, 1856, for the purpose of electing five trus- tees of the town of Mount Morris, in Ogle county, Illinois. Mount Moeeis, Jan. 1, 1856. F. G. PETRIE, Clerk. Jacob Coffman, Frederick B. Brayton and D. A. Potter were appointed judges of this election, and had the following oath administered to them by James M. Webb, Justice of the Peace: I. . do solemnly swear that I will perform the duties of judge according to law, and the best of my ability, and that I will studiously endeavor to prevent fraud, deceit and abuse in conducting the same. 60 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. As a result of this election, Jacob Coffman, David A. Potter, Elias Baker, William Schultz and Henry I. Little were the trustees elected. The whole number of votes cast was thirty-six. The poll-list was as follows: . William Little, Thomas Winston, F. B. Brayton, Henry Coggins, E. M. Cheney, Jacob Coffman, J. D. Hays, J. M. Webb, Peter Knodle, Jr., W. S. Blair, Ezra Toms, John Winders. Hiram Beard. Robert O'Neal, D. A. Potter, J. A. Knodle, Thomas Clems, J. A. Noel, William Hedges, Jonathan Mumma, L. J. Brogunier, E.W. Little, D. S. Coffman, John F. Wallace, G. W. Harshman, B. Cooper, Peyton Skinner, Simon H. Coffman, B. F. Shryock, Jesse Mayberry, B. R. Thomas. Jonathan Knodle, Richard Brown, Andrew Newcomer, C. R. Cheney, A. H. Bailey. The newly-elected board met and organized January 19, 1856. D. A. Potter was elected president; William Schultz, clerk; Jacob Coffman, treasurer; and Peter Knodle, Jr., constable. The first business of im- portance transacted was concerning the taxes. By a unanimous vote the motion was carried that a tax be raised of fifty cents on the one hundred dollars of all the real estate within the limits of the corporation, accord- ing to the last assessment, for the purpose of making sidewalks and im- provements of roads, streets and alleys within the corporation. The ordinances passed by the trustees in 1848 were re-enacted at this meeting. Peter Knodle, Jr., was appointed corporation tax-collector. February 15, 1856, it was provided that sixteen blocks of sidewalk be built, and the same to be made three feet wide and of two-inch plank, the lots in front of walks to be taxed to pay three-fourths of cost of same. February 22, 1856, a tax of fifty cents on the one hundred dollars was again levied on all real estate in the corporation, and the collector author- ized to proceed to collect the general tax in ten days. March 7, Jacob Coffman was appointed street commissioner. April 11, the cost of build- ing sixty-six feet of sidewalk was estimated at $13.34 by the trustees. June 13, all huckstering was forbidden in the seminary square and within the bounds of the streets surrounding the same; also the sale and firing of firecrackers or any kind of fireworks was prohibited within the limits of the corporation, except by permit. March 28, 1857, fifty dollars was appropriated to build a pound. April 22, William Schultz was appointed assessor and his compensation fixed at $1.50 per day. William H. Coho was appointed constable and pound- master. May 1, Jonathan Mumma was appointed street commissioner with a compensation of $1.25 per day. Provision was also made for nine more blocks of sidewalk, the owners of land to pay three-fourths of the cost of building in front of their lots. May 15, Lewis Fletcher was ap- pointed collector for the ensuing year, his compensation to be three per cent. A tax of five mills was levied on all taxable property. March 1, 1858, the spring election took place in the house of W. S. Blair. Jacob Coffman, D. A. Potter and William Schultz were judges. New names appearing on the polling-list were those of Elias Williams, Nelson Potter, S. V. Miller, William Knodle, Jeremiah Stuff, Warren Little, INCORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE. 61 Eugene Mattison, George Davis, H. I. Little, B. G. Stevens, D. C. Wagner, A. Q. Allen, H. N. Ryan, Samuel Knodle, J. L. Nye, D. Routzhan, George W. Fouke, L. Fletcher, Reuben Wagner, Andrew Newcomer, F. A. McNeill, Michael Noel, H. A. Neff, L. Redfleld, A. B. Pickard, William Schultz, H. H. George, Solomon Davis, L. H. Cotfman, W. S. Pope, H. H. Newcomer, Charles Brook, E. Baker, and J. M. Webb. The trustees elected for the following year were Elias Baker, D. A. Potter, J. B. McCoy, William Schultz, and J. McClelland Miller. The following, the latter part of the oath of office taken by the trus- tees at this time and for several years later, would sound rather queer, and, of course, would be entirely unnecessary at this time: "Also we do solemn- ly swear that we have not fought a duel, nor sent or accepted a challenge to fight a duel, the probable issue of which might have been the death of either party, nor in any manner aided or assisted in such duel, nor been knowingly the bearer of any such challenge or acceptance since the adop- tion of the Constitution, and that we will not be so engaged or concerned, directly or indirectly, in or about such duel during our continuance in of- fice. So help us God! " This part was dropped in 1871, and a briefer form adopted. The board organized March 19, 1858, with D. A. Potter president and William Schultz clerk. J. B. McCoy was elected treasurer; H. N. Ryan, corporation attorney; J. S. Nye, constable and pound-master; J. McClelland Miller, street commissioner; William Schultz, corporation assessor. April 9, J. McClelland Miller was elected collector and Peter Knodle, Jr., assessor. April 14, an ordinance was passed, providing that many of the sidewalks of the town be widened from three to four feet. The tax levy for this year was forty cents on the one hundred dollars. At the spring election of 1859, eighty-eight votes were cast, and Elias Baker, James B. McCoy, Henry Neff, Samuel Knodle, and Andrew New- comer were elected trustees. At their first meeting, Elias Baker was chosen president; Samuel Knodle, clerk; and H. A. Neff, treasurer. Later, Sam- uel Kuodle was elected collector and town constable, and Jonathan Knodle, street commissioner and pound-master. September 2, a tax of twenty-five cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of real and personal property was assessed. March 5, 1860, at the annual election, fifty-three votes were cast, and J. B. McCoy, Andrew Newcomer, Samuel Knodle, Henry A. Neff, and James M. Webb were elected trustees. Andrew Newcomer was elected president; Samuel Knodle, clerk; and Henry A. Neff, treasurer. The board appoint- ed Peter Knodle, Jr., and William L. Coho corporation constables, and Jacob Coffman, street commissioner. A tax levy of twenty cents on the one hundred dollars was made for the year. The same trustees were re-elected in 1861, and the president, clerk, and treasurer remained the same. A tax rate of twenty cents was again levied for the year. December 7, 1861, the following petition, signed by twenty-six citizens, was presented to the board: 62 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. To the Honorable Boabd of Tbustees of the Village of Mount Moebis: Gentlemen:— lu view of the fact that an ordinance of this village against the sale of beer, etc., is daily violated by certain shopkeepers, and of the fact that all good citizens desire the abatement of this nuisance ; Therefore, we, the undersigned, beg that your body will assemble and either call a public meeting of the citizens, to take some measures for the suppression of this traffic, or that you will yourselves, having knowledge of the fact named, take due course for the execution of the law, and in maintaining temperance and the honor of our community. In compliance with the above, the board called a meeting of the citi- zens of the village, to devise some means to suppress the nuisance. The meeting was held in the Methodist church, but no record of the action taken by the assembly can be found. The tax rate for 1862 was placed at ten cents on the one hundred dol- lars. The trustees for this year were the same as the year previous. March 2, 1863, seventy-nine votes were recorded at the electiou. The trustees elected were all new men, as follows: James Clark, W. H. Atchi- son, H. I. Little, F. B. Brayton, A. Q. Allen. They organized with James Clark as president; A. Q. Allen, clerk; and William H. Atchison, treasurer. This board continued in office two years. July 25, 1864, Peter Funk was appointed pound-master and William Bull, street commissioner. In 1865, votes polled, twenty-three. Trustees elected: James B. McCoy (president), A. Newcomer (clerk), Henry I. Little (treasurer), J. McClelland Miller, and F. B. Brayton. Appointments: J. McClelland M iller, street com- missioner at $2.50 per day; Peter Knodle, constable; William Nichols, pound-master. In 1866, twenty-nine votes were polled. Trustees elected: F. B. Bray- ton (president), Andrew Newcomer (clerk), Henry I. Little (treasurer), Mar- tin T. Rohrer, and J. McClelland Miller. Appointments: J. McClelland Miller, street commissioner; Peter Knodle, constable; William Fish, pound- master. (The pound at this time, and a number of years previous, appeared to have been used a great deal for the imprisonment of hogs, many of which were allowed to run upon the streets. The trustees often had oc- casion to legislate upon this nuisance.) In 1867, twenty-four votes were polled. The trustees elected were the same as the previous year. Appointments: Stephen H. Cheney, road commissioner; William Myers, assistant. A tax of fifty cents on the one hundred dollars was assessed for the year's expenses. In 1868, forty-seven votes were polled. Trustees elected: Elias Wil- liams, Samuel Knodle, Morris Gaffin, John Sprecher, Henry Middlekauff. There is no record that the members of this board ever took the oath of office or held a single meeting during their year of office. From appear- ances, the board of the year previous met in their stead. In 1869, the board of 1867 was again elected in the spring election, in March. They chose F. B. Brayton president, M. T. Rohrer clerk, and W.I. Little treasurer. In 1870, eighty-two votes were polled. Trustees elected: F. B. Bray- ton (president), M. T. Rohrer (clerk), W. I. Little (treasurer), A. Newcomer, INCORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE. 63 and Samuel Lookabaugh. Commencing at this election, the president was elected by direct vote instead of being selected by the trustees from among their own number, as was done heretofore. April 27, this board passed a stringent ordinance, " relating to the sale and traffic in wine, rum, gin, brandy, whisky, beer, cider, or other intoxicating liquors." For the ensuing year a rate of one dollar on each one hundred dollars' worth of property was levied. In 1871, eighty-eight votes were polled. The board elected was as fol- lows: Samuel Knodle, president; Ezra Toms (clerk), Upton Miller (treas- urer), M. Stroh, S. H. Cheney. A tax of two dollars on each one hundred dollars was levied for the ensuing year. January 27, a considerable amount of new sidewalk was ordered built and the contract let to John T. Stewart at thirty-five cents per rod. In 1872, seventy-six votes were polled. Board elected: Henry Sharer, president; Jonathan Knodle (clerk), Henry Clevidence (treasurer), Henry H. Newcomer, John Startzman. More sidewalks were laid this year to keep up with the rapid growth of the village. A tax of $500 was levied for corporation purposes for the ensuing year. In 1873, fifty-seven votes were polled. Board elected: Martin T. Rohrer, president; Samuel Lookabaugh (clerk), Henry H. Clevidence (treasurer), Oliver H. Swingley, John French. S. H. Cheney was appointed street commissioner, and a tax of $700 was levied. In 1874, seventy votes were polled. Board elected: Samuel Looka- baugh, president; Samuel Mumma (clerk), Henry Sharer, J. A. Knodle, H. H. Clevidence. Stephen H. Cheney was reappointed street commis- sioner, and a tax of $800 levied. On February 25, 1875, a petition was pre- sented to this board, asking that an election be held to vote for or against village organization under the general law, enacted by the General Assem- bly of Illinois. The petition was granted and the election was set for March 27, 1875, with H. I. Little, Elijah Scott, and John Sharer, judges, and Peter Householder and A. W. Little, clerks of the election. The elec- tion resulted in favor of the proposed village organization, thirty-five votes being cast for the measure to one against. In 1875, an election was called and held April 20, to elect six trustees, a village clerk and police magistrate, as required by the new organiza- tion. The result was as follows: Andrew Newcomer, I. H. Allen, H. I. Little, H. H. Clevidence, Peter Householder, J. M. Piper, trustees: village clerk and police magistrate, M. T. Rohrer. The vote polled was 110. O. H. Swingley was appointed treasurer, and Stephen H. Cheney, street commis- sioner. September 4, a tax levy of $500 was made. September 17, a con- siderable amount of new sidewalk was ordered built at a cost of thirty- four cents per rod. In 1876, the village officers elected were as follows: John H. Swingley, H. H. Clevidence, Henry I. Little, Joseph M. Piper, J. A. Knodle, Charles Miles, trustees; Martin T. Rohrer, village clerk. Mr. Little was selected as president. A. W. Little received the appointment of street commissioner, and J. B. McCoy that of village constable. The annual appropriation bill 64 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. was passed July 29, providing a tax of $625. Later an additional appropri- ation of $100 was made, to build a calaboose. The election held April 17, 1877, was as follows: For trustees, Henry Clevidence, John H. Swingley, Samuel Mumma, Benj. G. Stephens, Jacob A. Knodle, Thomas Williams: village clerk, John Sharer. B. G. Stephens was chosen president. O. H. Swingley was appointed treasurer; Peter Punk, street commissioner; and J. B. McCoy, village constable. The an- nual appropriation was $500. In 1878, the election was held April 16, and resulted as follows: For^ trustees, H. L. Smith, T. C. Williams, H. H. Newcomer, L. J. Brogunier, H. H. Clevidence, W. S. Blair; village clerk, Arthur M. Newcomer. H. H. Clevidence was chosen president. Appointments: O. H. Swingley, village treasurer; Rigdon McCoy, street commissioner; Addison W. Neff, village constable. During this year the first licensed saloon was opened by W. H. Wallace, who paid $400 per annum for the privilege. Licenses were also granted to Pool Brothers and Solomon Davis to run billiard-halls. An ap- propriation of $400 was made for all purposes for the ensuing year. B. P. Tracy was appointed street commissioner September 9, to fill vacancy, for the remainder of the term. In 1879, the election resulted as follows: Trustees, John W. Hitt, John H. Nye, Charles C. Miles, George W. Shank, Lewis Sprecher, J. P. Whit- man; village clerk, Edward Mooney. John W. Hitt was elected president. Appointments for the year: O. H. Swingley, village treasurer; James B. McCoy, village constable; H. C. Clark, street commissioner. A levy of $500 was made to meet the year's expenses. In 1880, the election resulted as follows: Trustees, Charles Newcomer, Peyton Skinner, George H. Riner, John French, Samuel Middour, H. H. Thomas; clerk, E. L. Mooney. License was made an issue at this election, and apparently a very strong sentiment had arisen against the saloons, as the result shows that 174 votes were cast against and not one for license. The board organized with Charles Newcomer as president. At this time the term of the trustees was changed from one to two years, three of the six to be elected every year. It being necessary to divide the board into two classes, one to serve one year and the other, two, lots were cast, which resulted as follows: Charles Newcomer, Peyton Skinner, and John French were to serve one year, and George H. Riner, Samuel Middour, and H. H. Thomas, two years. Appointments for the year: Village constable, A. W. Neff; treasurer, O. H. Swingley; village clerk, to fill vacancy caused by res- ignation of clerk-elect, Holly C. Clark; street commissioner, B. F. Tracy. Later H. L. Smith was chosen to succeed Mr. Neff as village constable. The sum of $1,075 was appropriated for the year's expenses. In 1881, the three new trustees elected were Andrew Newcomer, George Sprecher, and John French.. Holly Clark was elected village clerk and Andrew Newcomer was chosen president. Appointments: O. H. Swingley, treasurer; B. F. Tracy, street commissioner; Robert Crosby, marshal. Rigdon McCoy was later chosen to succeed Mr. Crosby as marshal. The annual appropriation was $£ INCORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE. 65 In 1882, the trustees elected were as follows: H. H. Clevidence, Luther J. Brogunier, Archibald S. McCoy; village clerk, W. H. Miller. H. H. Clevidence was chosen president. Appointments: David Rine, treasurer; B. F. Stouft'er, marshal; Robert Crosby, street commissioner. A saloon and a billiard-hall were licensed by this board, the former paying a license of $500. The annual appropriation bill amounted to $1,000. Rigdon McCoy acted as marshal during the latter part of the fiscal year. In 1883, the officers elected were as follows: Trustees, George Sprecher, David Newcomer, A. E. Canode; clerk, Samuel Knodle. H. H. Clevidence was chosen president. Appointments: David Rine, treasurer; Robert Crosby, street commissioner. No appropriation appears to have been made. In 1884, the trustees elected were Isaac Rice, Benjamin F. Mumma, John Harmon; to fill vacancy, John Stewart. Samuel Knodle was elected village clerk, and Isaac Rice was chosen president. Appointments: A. M. Newcomer, treasurer; John E. Miller, street commissioner and marshal; George S. Cheney, assistant marshal. William C. Withers was appointed street commissioner, to fill vacancy, during the latter part of the year. Appropriation, $1,884. The records of this year show considerable activity on the part of the board in suppressing the illicit sale of liquor. In 1885, trustees elected: David Newcomer, John T. Stewart, Jacob Good; clerk, Samuel Knodle. Isaac Rice was again selected president. Appointments: A. M. Newcomer, treasurer: William C. Withers, street commissioner and marshal. Appropriation, $1,000. In 1886, trustees elected: William H. Jackson, Benj. F. Tracy, Peter Householder; clerk, Samuel Knodle. David Newcomer was selected presi- dent. Appointments: A. M. Newcomer, treasurer; William C. Withers, street commissioner; George S. Cheney, marshal and pound-master. The office of marshal was later transferred to Jacob Withers. In May of this year, the present village hall and lot were purchased of John Sprecher for $300. The calaboose was moved upon the newly-purchased lot, and the re- mainder used as a pound. In August, the board commenced the work of revising the ordinances, which were afterward published in pamphlet form. Jacob Good, an honored member of the board, died during this term, and resolutions of respect were passed and spread upon the minutes. The an- nual appropriation amounted to $1,500. In 1887, trustees elected: Full term, David Newcomer, John T. Stewart, Samuel Rowe; to fill vacancy, Oliver H. Swingley; clerk, Samuel Knodle. Dr. Newcomer was again chosen president. Appointments: William C. Mathers, street commissioner; A. M. Newcomer, treasurer. Annual ap- propriation, $1,000. In 1888, the election resulted as follows: For president, Charles New- comer; trustees, Daniel N. Wingert, Joseph M. Piper, Charles Sharer; clerk, Samuel Knodle. Appointments: Benjamin F. Tracy, street com- missioner and marshal; A. M. Newcomer, treasurer. Kerosene lamps for lighting the streets were purchased in August and placed on the principal corners of the town. The appropriation for the fiscal year amounted to $1,000. 66 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. In 1889, the election resulted as follows: For president, Charles New- comer; trustees, George Sprecher, John T. Stewart, George B. McCosh; clerk, Samuel Knodle. Appointments: A. M. Newcomer, treasurer; Sam- uel Rowe, marshal and street commissioner. In July of this year, three large cisterns, to provide water in case of fire, were built, each cistern hav- ing a capacity of 150 barrels. They have long since been filled up. A fire company of seven persons was formed at this time. The annual appropri- ation was $1,000. In 1890, the election resulted as follows: For president, Charles New- comer; trustees, A. E. Canode, Clinton E. Price, Henry H. Newcomer; clerk, Samuel Knodle. Appointments: William H. Miller, treasurer; Sam- uel Rowe, marshal and street commissioner. Annual appropriation, $1,000. In 1891, result of election: For president, Charles Newcomer; trustees, George B. McCosh, Henry L. Smith, Jacob Craley; clerk, Samuel Knodle. The question whether a village tax of one mill should be levied for a public library was an issue at this election. Seventy-one votes were cast in favor of, and one against, the proposition. William Miller and Samuel Rowe were reappointed treasurer and marshal and street commissioner respectively. The annual appropriation was $1,500. In 1892, result of election: For president, Charles Newcomer; trustees, Samuel P. Mumma, A. M. Newcomer, Daniel B. Keedy; clerk, Samuel Knodle. William Miller was again appointed treasurer and Samuel Rowe, street commissioner and marshal. The annual appropriation was $1,650. In 1893, result of election: For president, W. H. Jackson; trustees, Philip T. Sprecher, Charles H. Sharer, C. H. Mishler; clerk, Samuel Knodle. Officers of the year previous were reappointed. The street lead- ing to the depot, known as " Midway," was opened and macadamized. An- nual appropriation, $1,850. In 1894, result of election: For president, W. W. Hanes; trustees, Clin- ton E. Price, Henry L. Smith, Benj. Rine; clerk, Samuel Knodle. Officers of the previous year were reappointed. During the summer the first five blocks (5,728 square feet) of tar-concrete walk were constructed by J. F. Wisuer, of Rockford. The annual appropriation bill amounted to $2,500. At the meeting of the board on February 4, 1895, the following petition, signed by N. E. Buser, Charles Newcomer, Joseph Amick, L. A. Plate, R. E. Arnold, Simon E. Yundt, and 168 others, was submitted for their consider- ation: To the President and Boaed of Trustees of the Village of Mount Morris: Gentlemen: — The undersigned, citizens and tax-payers of Mount Morris, feeling that the time has arrived when the village should have a system of water-works, here- with submit this petition, and respectfully ask your honorable body to take the legal preliminary measures necessary to submit the question of water-works to the voters of the village at the coming spring election, — said water-works not to exceed $15,000, and to be so constructed as to furnish ample protection from fire to the lumber yard of Clark & Wingert. the elevators, and Chain-Stay Pence factory, on the north side; P. T. Sprecher, A. W. Brayton, and John Rice, on the east side; the creamery, Old Polks' Home, and public school building, on the south side ; Mr. Lutz and John French, on the west side ; and all property included within the above limits. INCORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE. 67 The ordinance prohibiting the pasturing of cattle on the streets was ordered to be strictly enforced, and the practice was effectually done away with. In 1895, result of election: For president, W. W. Hanes; trustees, full terms, John H. Rice, Philip T. Sprecher, W. A. Newcomer; to fill vacancy, Ira W. Wingert; clerk, Samuel Knodle. The question whether a water- works system should be put in was voted upon, 96 votes being cast in favor of, and 69 in opposition to the measure. The officers of the year previous were reappointed. May 6, it was ordered that bonds to the amount of $8,000 be issued by the village to apply on the construction of water- works. It was provided that these bonds be eight in number, and each be for $1,000, one bond payable each year in ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, four- teen, fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen years respectively from the date of issue, said bonds to bear interest until paid at the rate of five per cent from the date of issue (July 1, 1895). The bonds secured purchasers and are now in the hands of Parson, Leach & Co., of Chicago. May 14, a special meeting of the board was held to consider the kind of water- works that would be suitable. A number of authorities were consulted, and a com- mittee, appointed with power to let the contract for the system, visited Amboy, and reported in favor of a steel tower. June 27, the annual appro- priation ordinance was passed, providing $400 for interest on water- works bonds, $1,500 for increase of water system, and $1,400 for other purposes, making a total of $3,300, the largest sum ever appropriated for village pur- poses, previous to that time. July 24, the contract for drilling the artesian well was let to J. P. Miller & Co., of Chicago, and August 8, the contract for the tower, power-house, and equipment complete, was let to the United States Wind, Engine and Pump Co., of Batavia, for $6,163. April 6, 1896, the following ordinance was passed: Be it ordained by the president and Board of Trustees of the village of Mount Morris, that all sidewalk on the principal streets hereafter to be constructed shall be laid of tar-concrete, stone, brick, or artificial stone, excepting- the sidewalk in front of stores and other business houses on "Wesley avenue and other business streets, where it may be impracticable or undesirable to lay walks with other material than planks or boards. In 1896, result of election: For president, W. W. Hanes; trustees, Ira W. Wingert, Edward Slater, Benj. Rine; clerk, Samuel Knodle. William H. Miller was again appointed village treasurer and Samuel Rowe, marshal and street commissioner. In July, complete settlement was made with the U. S. W., E. and P. Co. for the water- works system, the amount of the bill being $6,435.94. The annual appropriation bill amounted to $3,300, $400 being set aside for interest on bonds, $1,500 for increase of water-works system, and the balance for sidewalks, streets, and contingences. In 1897, result of election: For president, A. W. Brayton; trustees, Philip T. Sprecher, H. E. Newcomer, W. A. Newcomer; clerk, Samuel Knodle. Appointments: William H. Miller, treasurer; Samuel Rowe, marshal and street commissioner; C. H. Whitman, fire marshal. During the spring of this year, 2,169 lineal feet of tar-concrete walk was laid, 68 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. aggregating about seven blocks, in addition to the wide walk leading to the depot. The annual appropriation provided $3,300, of which $1,200 was de- signed for increasing the water-works system. In 1898, result of election: For president, A. W. Brayton; trustees, A. E. Clevidence, Benj. Rine, Ira W. Wingert; clerk, Samuel Knodle. Ap- pointments: William H. Miller, treasurer; Samuel Rowe, marshal; C. H. Whitman, fire marshal; George Lampert, street commissioner. In April, 7,561^ lineal feet of tar-concrete walk was laid. Appropriation, $3,300, of which amount $900 was for increase of water system and $700 for walks. In 1899, the election resulted as follows: For president, W. W. Hanes; trustees, H. E. Newcomer, W. A. Newcomer, Philip T. Sprecher; clerk, Samuel Knodle. Appoiutments, William H. Miller, treasurer; Samuel Rowe, marshal; George Lampert, street commissioner. Appropriation, $3,300. No provision was made for the extension of the water-mains, an extra large amount being set aside for sidewalks. In July of this year, the street commissioner purchased an improved road-grader, with which much good work has been done on unmacadamized streets. Nearly 3,000 lineal feet of tar-concrete walk was laid during the year. In 1900, the election resulted as follows: For president, W. W. Hanes; trustees, Ira W. Wingert, Benj. Rine, William Peacock; clerk, B. E. Avey. Appointments, Roy Householder, treasurer; Samuel Rowe, manager of pumping-station; William Keedy, marshal and street commissioner. The annual appropriation bill, passed June 7, again provided $3,300 for current expenses during the fiscal year. In August, William Keedy resigned, and William Withers was appointed street commissioner, while the duties of marshal were again assumed by Samuel Rowe. 3 4s O to CD X "73 to o c+ ^ — r in in > 3 ■n o ^ 7 CD 3 ►fc to Lt t'i ^. 53 'D o t3 t> -1 to * § "C CD a. k-u- to 3 CHAPTER IV. INCORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP. The township of Mount Morris was organized in the year 1850, under the Township Organization Law, passed by the State Legislature in Feb- ruary of the year previous. The first town meeting was held on the sec- ond day of April, 1850, in the chapel of the Rock River Seminary, for the purpose of choosing town officers. Of this meeting D. J. Pinckney was moderator and Benj. G. Stephens, clerk. A resolution was passed to divide the township into six road districts, and an overseer of highways was ap- pointed for each district. The election of town officers, as are required by law to be elected by ballot, resulted as follows: For supervisor, James B. McCoy; town clerk, A. Q. Alleu; assessor, M. Garman; collector, Jonathan Kuodle, Sr.; highway commissioners, Abram Thomas, Jacob Myers, Henry Hiestand; constables, Peter Knodle, Henry Little; justices of the peace, James M. Webb, Henry Little; overseer of the poor, Benj. G. Stephens. The voters at this first township election numbered 107, many of whose names are probably forgotten by the present citizens of Mount Morris. The list will be of interest to many, and is as follows: David Gloss, Samuel S. Miller. David Beard. John Beard. Abraham Thomas, John Harmon, Jr.. D. J. Pinckney, Peter Glasgow, Andrew Rowland. James D. Hays, Joseph Muller, William Grubb, Jacob Beard, Walter McNutt, Jonathan Knodle, Sr., John Palmer, Charles M. Haller, Washington Phelps, Samuel Garber, Samuel Webb, Jacob Philips, Henry Coffman, James Mitten, Thomas Bryant, John Rice, George Fouke, John Miller, Henry Little. Michael Garman, Jr., Martin Rodermel, George Brayton, Daniel Sprecher, Michael Garman, Sr., William Little, Jacob Coffmam Salathiel Highbarger, Jacob Rice, Jr., Jacob Meyers, O. N. Adams, Henry Clarke, C. C. Olds, Jacob Hoffman, John Wallace, Adam Patterson, John Ankney. John Lauderbaugh, David Butterbaugh, Andrew Newcomer, Jacob Hykas, Henry Agard. Joel R. Carll. William Falkler, James M. Webb, Talbot C. Ankney, C. Misner, John Hammer, F. G. Petrie. John Schultz, Daniel Arnold, William Schultz, Stephen H. Cheney. Peter Knodle, Otho Wallace, Henry Newcomer, Henry Neff, Enoch Wood, Elias Baker, Richard McClain, Samuel Foutz, Henry Thomas, George Avey, Thomas Winn, Benj. Hedrick, Aaron Billig, F. B. Brayton, Matthew Ayers, J. J. Beatty, N. J. Stroh, Benj. G. Stephens. J. B. McCoy, L. S. Carll, Stephen Adams, W. S. Blair, William Hedges, (73) 74 mount morris: past and present. Matthew Blair, Samuel McMillen, Lawrence Wallace, James Fouke, Peter Funk, Jonathan Knodle, Jr., S. M. Fellows, Jacob A. Knodle, Alexander Hedrick. N. J. Jndson, Cooper Crews, Peter Knodle, Sr., John F. Grosh, Isaac Rice. Jonathan Meyers. Samuel Thomas. Philip Sprecher. Samuel Swingley, A. Q. Allen. John Reitzell, A. C. Marston. William Stephens, Jonas Shafstall. Prom the time of this first town meeting, held in April 1850, the meet- ings have been continued regularly in that month each year, being known as "Annual Town Meetings." The principal business to come before these meetings is the election, by ballot, of township officers, the appoint- ment of overseers of highways of the several road districts into which the township is divided, the appropriation of funds to defray the expenses of the township, and the passage of a few laws found necessary from year to year for the welfare of the general public. The poll-list of the first election has already been given. The poll-list of 1852 is interesting from the fact that in it are found the names of Hon. Shelby M. Cullom and General John A. Rawlins, who were evidently stu- dents at the seminary at that time. The poll-list of 1860 is an excep- tionally large one, containing the names of 235 voters. A perusal of the list disclosed the fact that the majority of these old residents are either dead or greatly advanced in years. Their names inserted here will prove of interest: S. Vinton Miller. Isaac H. Allen, A. Q. Allen, D. C. Morgan, Andrew Newcomer, Samuel Rennie, Daniel Sprecher, Solomon Davis, G. W. Marshall, Henry S. Jones, G. W. Gibbs, Daniel E. Thompson, John McClelland Miller, William Rine, William H. Bull, Jacob A. Knodle, Isaac Prichard, W. H. Gibbs, Henry Middlekauff, Henry Sharer, Carlton R. Cheney, Enoch J. Coffman, Philip Sprecher, Alfred M. Doward, John A. Noel, Jacob Coffman, Joseph S. Nye, Sidney Redfield. William J. Fletcher. Henry Butterbaugh. Joseph N. Knodle, Elijah Lott, Samuel Knodle, Jacob Stouffer, John Sharer, Peter Knodle, Sr., Theodore Higley. J. A. Ormsbee, David Rine. Jacob Phillips, Jeremiah Lambert, William S. Blair, Samuel Domer, H. I. Little, Robert Hitt, Lyman S. Carll, Edwin Cheney, Samuel Foutz, William Fish, Peyton Skinne-r, James D. Hays, James M. Webb, George Knodle, William Knodle. Peter Knodle, Jr., James H. Fouke, A. Pope. Bolivar Cooper, Amos Wiley, Horace Hansom, John Dunton. Frederick Lohafer, Jonathan Knodle. James B. McCoy, Jacob Sharer. William T. Cooper. John Newton, Jacob Corell. Rodney Burnett, John T. Long, John D. Welty, D. B. Morgan, William Newcomer, Edward Davis, William J. Gibbs, J. R. Holsinger, Cyrus Alden. William S. Pope, Milton McAnley, Abram Felker, David Felker. John F. Miller, Adam Patterson, Jonathan Hill, Thomas Barker, Elijah Glasgow, F. A. McNeill, INCORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP. 75 Henry Thompson. B. K. Shryock. Isaac Fry, Henry Newcomer. Michael Noel. Walter B. McCoy, "William Nichols. John Sprecher. Samuel Householder. John Stover. William L. Coho. Christian Rockenbaugh. Calvin Potter. George Sprecher. Jacob J. Mace. Michael Garman. Jr.. August Steinmeyer. Jacob Mace. Henry Thomas, Ernest Floto. James Potter. Henry Stover. Joseph Watermeyer, A. Billig. Jacob Hilger. Benjamin Eowe, John Page. John Hamping. Martin T. Rohrer. Jacob Mitchell. Joseph Muller. Henry A. Neff. David A. Potter. Henry F. Newcomer, Emanuel Stover, John Gloss. D. C. Routzhan. Jonas Shafstall. Jacob Cross. John Felker, David Turney. Richard Shaw, Daniel Shaw, N. J. Stroh. Alexander Hedrick, Abram Weaver. F. W. Stonebraker, Abram Thomas, David Gloss. S. 0. Pickard, Daniel Stover. Leonard Thompson, Caleb Marshall, George Smith. Michael Brantner. Isaac Newcomer. D. H. Butterbaugh. H. J. Farwell. J. Martin Davis, Isaac Rice. Eli Thompson, John W. Hitt. John F. Wallace. Joel Newcomer. Andrew F. Long, James Fleming. John Davis. Daniel Zellers, Benj. Swingley, James Wallace, William Spero. William H. Atchison, Richard Allison. Reuben Marshall. John W. Hammer, Otho Wallace. John S. Spero, Benj. Hammer. George W. Fouke. F. B. Brayton, Henry Baker. Ezra Thomas, Stephen H. Cheney, David Cornell. Thomas Coggins. Stephen Smith. Myron Phillips, John H. Nye. William Hedges. Carlos Meddler. Jonathan Myers, Pratt German. Peter Glasgow. Lewis H. Routzhan. William Grubb, Walter McNutt, John Jones, Christian Tockey, Peter Funk. A. W. McMullen, Willard Pond. Elias Williams, Samuel Thomas, Joel R. Carll. Thomas Winston. Frank Highbarger. C. Hills. Martin Miller, Joshua Slifer, Daniel Knodle, Andrew Sharp, Samuel Long, B. G. Stephens, David Nikirk. John L. Jones, John Startzman. Solomon Nally, W. J. Fouke. George Eavey, D. J. Pinckney, J. S. Shook. Elias J. Ohr, A. Warren Little. Jacob Miles. Henry Shilling. Muhlenburg Stroh. Upton Miller, Harrison Sage, Henry Johnson. Benjamin Seibert. John Martin. Nelson J. Potter. Andrew Hitt. Chris. Middlekauff. Emery Hitt. Franklin Black, William Little. Emanuel Toms, Joseph Hitt. J. A. McKean, H. E. Stout, F. M. Clark. J. H. McKean. William H. Harlow, G. B. Charles, H. B. Cartwright, J. M. Piper, M. V. Wood. October 29, 1864, a special town meeting was held, and the question voted upon whether the town should or should not levy a tax sufficient to pay the expenses incurred in furnishing eleven volunteers for the service of the United States, in accordance with the call of the President for more troops, issued a short time previous. There were 151 votes polled, 134 in favor of the tax and 17 against. 76 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. o w co 525 o O pq CC L— «l£ ^^ h -u ■STj* O &c E S fe_£ c^ 73 P4 S-iT3 H O >_ ^9 CD LO ^3 O £ &ce CC CD -u ^-h ri id ->-= 11* sH T3 CO IX =n CO t. w 44' CO ^3 CO 3 co H Q ■3 — " co A' S fT r« ® 3 P ® ^ r >> bji a fc h C 3 0^ CO hi 2 : ' S a • ■ ■ ■ a - ■ * ^3 ^ X S.s 3 s . 50 s- - -s - - fl - ^ S 3 S S jj •- . C 3 "S ;: _ 2 2 — 5 " O « 03 J- " " "0 » ® ? c r *H r^ Ph ^ P- Hj Ph ffi O n (4 CO S CO CD a C3 - " i. K O N " H t - U ; . ■ co a £ a s 2^ ' SH CO CO cc CO <1 £ "2 ' "0 « S j CC CD 4! C S ■ ■ s£ "a 1 c. 01 Sh jit D ■" -C ^ 5 ,0 a a ° - - » g - OP ^ § p» fcH w CO " "3 ^ p ■ » J*! - » • fe c a ^ 3 fJ c E- i - +=> cc • CO "S O a • r* co 73 2 . s ■S -P s £ jg - w ?h^ o 1 a S : : a g 3 - J > :: a ' 61 ^ _ . N K 3 ■ ■ 'ai : , 1 pq a c. CO CO *CD p H < « 3 - 3 oi • Prr C 1 °x „£ ^ m a 53 es < - =g 2 - . £ P^ 0« £ J e- ' ft" 'u i a a CO < ® 3 -3 CD* §.2 »Ji S- |Ml= C^ a g ' O ;: g; t S i i T3 CO tr S ffi , *h - 05 . «j £ J F PQ £ ■ >> c3 ? a J r9 ffi ° 7^ ^, X - "" -M w cd S-8 W Ph CC .2 lJ p -r s. u g ^ » 2 c3 co a £ £ O 3 - PC "2 ► s » 1 » Ph"£ ffl 5- £.S CO ^ .CD s s 2 ffi 12; t-ihrl 2 Sh 5 a •2 3 .; 3 r\ - .. - h3 « - " rS - ci ® S (8 — ' * ^ • - •" " - - - fi_ 8 i-s pq ^ hs M w ft fe hs m Hi O i-s 3 CD* §^ CC CO * 00 M O tH o-l C^ -H tf? CD I-OOOIOHWCHI 10 <^ l~ co o:- : eg CC -Hi iOmiOCOCOCCCOCOCD :c —' "— *-C' l~ X X X X x x" X COOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOO X X X X X x CO GO 00 iHT-lTHT-HTHrHrHiH^^ i-H r-< ^H t— 1 iH ^ ^ " ^ INCORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP. 77 cc o V, .. < M J V O ■s .. : tm (S fl c ^ H a 0) o Pi rrt > IQ 0/ C~ ft X d ^H cc -P =H +J o i% as a. &D 3 PI £ Pi o PJ O) bii 01 +^ JZ CJ 13 ft £ in 01 > =4-1 ■M o Pi 0) (5 c -IJ 13 •-r Pi PI "3 m to PI '$ O -q A K O H O W hi hi ^3 &X c 1 ^ J i 4 — 1 r A — E i 1 4 4 _4 1 " p; u 4 u 5 £ | | s & J O 5 E "0 J3 ^ -c a ® - !S 2 3 > x s ^ a • r 4 3 3 a M . S * * 4^ &« B" i 1 c ^ a ™ ? u .3 .5 4 o . . a O O i-: > "4 -a CS • ' c 50 1-9 << t-s 4 PC -a 4 ^A^& a 6 > 6 A a X) 64-1 4 CO a 5« fM Eh A ft >■. K CO 53 : ^ ■ o . s 4 - CO m co 00 < X ,a 3 - ;: jz cc g o; CO *■* V = .. ^ ^ Pj 5 53 _. < B 05 - : .Sc : o*" £ a 4 0' Erg .3 ' ? fi 'a .£_ j3 4 §i T3 4 4 « a 73 os - - 73 ■ • ^3 t ^ ^ - 4 7 73 ;; > >H "" " " ** e J C P«4H S s -a - i: S ^ P c P3 i: A «T3 fe 5 ^ s 4 S 4 ■4- — CO ~ ® s ' ' 41 B fcsgK pq 3 s w 0X«4H 5 1 -2 ™ 1 .. os>, : - "a B .. b" ' ? J II " J - J • C 4 ^ B £ ffiCL P II - ' a £S ^ a ® 4^5 >-.*• CO tl M •p a co - 2 ■*5 "4 Fa M > S3 6 o ^q f - 2 2 K 4"P H -a !S " a? >. :: i CS ft B ., 4 4 S 4 61 ^.a S 5f -2 - .. . H* . „ _ 03' B _ S "* ^ ^ ' a" « B " ^ 4 4 2 4 a p4 ZCQ ,-. ' r . ' - ■ 1 „. cy . — I THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 135 Miss D. Ione Billig, assistant principal, is a native of Lincoln township, being the daughter of Samuel and Emma Billig. After gaining a primary education in the country school near her home, she entered a private school, taught by Mrs. Dr. Wins- ton, in Forreston. and was a pupil under that lady's instruction about three years. In 1889, when but fifteen years of age, she entered the Wisconsin State University, at Madison, and enjoyed the distinction of being the youngest student that ever entered the institution up to that time. After three years of study, she returned to her home and taught one year of school near Brookville. The following year she again entered college, this time at the Columbian School of Oratory, Chicago, graduating in 1895. In the fall of 1898 she began teaching at the West Branch school, in Lincoln township, and held the position two years, until her election as assistant principal in the Mount Morris public schools, in the summer of 1900. Miss Lilian Hess, Grammar department, is the daughter of Willoughby and Mary Hess, and was born in Leaf River township. Her educational career commenced in the country schools near her home, and was afterward continued in a school in Winnebago county, where her parents moved. Later they came to Mount Morris and Miss Hess became a student in the public schools of this place, graduating with the class of 1886. She then spent two years in Mount Morris College, preparing for the pedagogical profession. She taught her first term of school at the Stonebraker school- house, north of town. Four or five years were spent in teaching in country schools, one of which was in the Primary department of the Adeline school. In the summer of 1896 she was elected a member of the Mount Morris public school faculty, and is now serving her fifth year. — three years in the Intermediate department and, including the present year, two years in the Grammar department. Mrs. Fkances E. Ceawfoed, Intermediate department, has followed the pedago- gical profession in Mount Morris possibly longer than than any two other teachers either in the public schools or college, her term of service extending over more than a score of years. Mrs. Crawford is a native of New York, her birth-place being near Springville, Erie county. She secured her early education in a district school, and at the age of fifteen entered the Griffith Institute at Springville, spending two years of diligent study there. The following year she entered upon her long career of teach- ing, when but seventeen years of age. She taught three terms in the country near Springville and then came to Ogle county, Illinois, first engaging for three terms in the Byron school. In 1864, she came to Mount Morris and acted as principal of the village school seven years, serving the last four in the new building, as mentioned elsewhere in this chapter. Her next teaching was at Egan City, where she passed two winters, and later at Bailey ville, where she was engaged three years and one term, part of the time serving as principal of the school. Returning to Mount Morris in 1879, she was re-engaged in the village schools, and has held the position continuously since that time, a period of twenty-one years. This entire time has been spent in primary work, either in the First or Second Primary departments, with the exception of the past two years, during which time she has had charge of the Intermediate department. One of Mrs. Crawford's chief recommendations as an educator is her ability to keep order, — a quality absolutely necessary in the education of the little folks. Miss Lulu Kable, of the Second Primary department, is the daughter of John and Elizabeth Kable, of Mount Morris. She entered the public schools of this place when she arrived at the prescribed age. She graduated at the age of fourteen, and then spent a few terms in Mount Morris College. She obtained a teacher's certificate as a result of this work, and began teaching north of the village when she was but sev- enteen years of age. In 1897, she again entered Mount Morris College, aud graduated from the Teachers' course with the class of 1898. She was immediately engaged as First Primary teacher in the Mount Morris public schools, and the following year was advanced to the Second Primary room. The present year, 1900-'01, is her fifth year in the work of teaching. Miss Jennie Haeley, First Primary teacher, is the daughter of Jacob K. and Sarah Harley, of Harleysville, Pa. Besides the public schools, she attended Brunner Seminary, atLansdale, Pa., one year, and the State Normal, at West Chester, one term. 136 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. Before coming to Mount Morris, in 1896, she had nine years of practical experience in teaching- in Pennsylvania, four years in country schools near Harleysville and five years in Secondary and Primary work in the graded schools at Lansdale. Since com- ing to this place she has spent a short time in the college. During the summer of 1900 she was elected to her present position. Prominent among the men who, in the capacity of school director, had to do with the destiny of the schools and served well in the cause of edu- cation in Mount Morris, stands Henry J. Farwell. whose portrait appears on this page. Mr. Farwell served as a member of the school board more than a score of years,— longer than any two other members. He was presi- dent of the board from 1865 to 1890, a term of twenty-five years, and dur- ing that time exerted un- of young pine trees along tiring efforts for the school's welfare and advancement. He was instrumental in building the present stone edifice, an im- provement very painfully neces- sary at the time of its erection. It appears that there were a number of non- enterprising tax-payers in the district who opposed the plan and Mr. Farwell did all in his power to lessen the expense. When the need of shade trees in the school yard was felt, he himself drove to Pine Creek, dug up a number the bluffs and transplant- ed them in the regular rows in which they at present appear. Mr. Farwell was president of the board at the time of his death in 1890. Previous to 1895 there were elected three school direc- tors, one each year,with terms of three years, but in that year, in compliance with the law pro- F viding that all dis- tricts with over one thousand inhabitants must have a board of edu- farwell. cation with a president and six members, the new arrange- ment was adopted, and since that time a president and two members are elected each year. The present board consists of R. D. McClure, presi- dent; A. M. Newcomer, clerk; J. L. Rice, G. W. Deppen, I. W. Marshall, C. E. Price and R. C. McCredie. R. D. McClure has served as president of the board since its organization in 1895, and was a director for about eight years previous. Next to H. J. Farwell, he has served the school for the longest period. Other men who were directors for a considerable length of time are Oliver Swingley, H. C. Clark, Dr. Isaac Rice, H. G. Kauffman, and many whose names are not obtainable. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 137 The present school board is composed of men who in every way are in sympathy with the strong educational sentiment which prevades the com- munity. They have taken the opportunity to improve the standard of work in the school by the careful selection of teachers and do not hesi- tate to sanction and approve any plausible suggestion which may be made for improvement in any line. They meet in business session on the first Friday of each month. CHAPTER VIII. THE VILLAGE PRESS. It is generally conceded that the printing press is one of the most potent factors in molding the destiny of a newly-settled territory, but it is also a fact, however, that it is among those the least appreciated by the people when called upon to sustain it. The first settlers of Mount Morris township had no access to daily papers, and even weeklies very rarely found their way into their hands; for mails were irregular and in- frequent, the mode of transferring them being by horseback, and very often that means failed. The only papers taken by the people during the early days were possibly a few eastern journals and some religious papers. The great esteem in which all educational interests were held by the first settlers of Ogle county is evidenced by the fact that when the country was yet almost a wilderness the corner-stone of " Old Sand- stone," or Rock River Seminary, was laid, — on the fourth day of July, 1839. Consequently it was thought generally in the east that among a people so thoroughly imbued with the importance of educational ad- vantages, a newspaper would find a ready support, but this estimate, as the sequel will show, proved a serious mistake to the projectors of the first newspaper venture in Mount Morris. The principals in this enter- prise were Jonathan and Emanuel Knodle, of Washington county, Md., the former as publisher and the latter as editor of the proposed paper. These gentlemen purchased the press and materials with which a small paper entitled The Casket was printed at Boonsboro, Md., and on the sixteenth day of July, 1841, the former accompanied by his family and with their household goods, including the said printing outfit, they set out in wagons for Mount Morris. When they arrived at Wheeling, W. Va., finding their loads too heavy to be drawn by the teams, the press and printing materials were shipped from there by boat around to Savanna, Illinois. In a letter dated Peoria, 111., October 27, 1841, Emanuel Knodle wrote to his brother, Samuel, in the east: " We found it necessary to go to St. Louis for some type, rales, composing sticks, etc. When I left Mount Morris, on the twenty- fifth, we had not yet heard of our press and type, but think that by this time they should have come around to Savanna." A later letter shows that the press, etc., were received from Peru, instead of Savanna. The water being low in the Mississippi the boats could not ascend as far as Savanna. December 8 the outfit was moved into a house built west of the Seminary property by Samuel McParland during the spring previous. This house, of which a half-tone appears here- (138) TH*E VILLAGE PRESS, 139 with, stood until the present year, 1900, when it was partly torn down, and the remainder moved to the south part of town where it is now be- ing used as a barn by William Domer. Further is said concerning it in the previous chapter upon the public schools. The shed-like addition on the right hand is the part in which the printing-office was established. During the remainder of the month of December, Messrs. Emanuel and Jonathan Knodle, and also Peter, Jacob and Joseph Knodle, and Joseph Hooper, were hard at work to " bring order out of chaos," which was the condition in which the material was found after its long and THE FIRST PRINTING-OFFICE IN OGLE COUNTY. A building which played many parts in the history of Mount Morris. perilous journey by land and water. Composition rollers had to be made and a hundred and one other articles supplied, which in so new a country were beset with almost insurmountable difficulties, the crowning trouble of all being that the bed of the press was broken when the attempt was made to put it in place. This press was known as the "Ramage" and was nearly the exact style of that used by Benj. Frank- lin, which now stands in the National Gallery at Washington. All obstacles in the way of this pioneer newspaper enterprise were at last overcome, however, and on the first of January, 1842, the first num- 140 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. ber of the RocJc River Register was issued from the old house and dis- tributed to its patrons, thus going on record as the first newspaper pub- lished in Ogle county. It was a small five-column sheet, printed one page at a time, on a very inferior quality of paper. Its motto, suggested by Rev. T. S. Hitt, was, "We hope to be recognized as fellow-laborers in the noble work of enlightening the human mind." The terms were " $2.50 in advance; or $3, if not paid in advance." A number of articles from the Register, which give an idea of the condition of the country when the paper was being published, are reprinted in a preceding chapter upon the early history of Mount Morris. Mr. Emanuel Knodle, the first editor of the Register, was a very spicy and fluent writer. In the second number issued, he invited the patrons of the paper to furnish occasional " original communications," saying: We have among our patrons here, as we have already been informed, in the brief space of our residence in Ogle county, writers who are capable of Hitting off " matter and things in general," in such an interesting manner as to please all man- ner of readers ; that we may expect evidence of some very Sharp pens, and that the necessary Artz will not fail us in our efforts to treat our readers handsomely. Upon the whole, we Judge that we can af- Ford our readers complete satisfaction. Vol. I, No. 4, contained the notice of the marriage of Michael Cheshire to Margaret McAllister, by Rev. L. S. Walker, noted by the editor to have been " the first case of matrimony which ever occurred in Mount Morris." In the same number appear the business cards of H. A. Mix and Henry Roberts, attorneys-at-law at Oregon; James J. Beatty, physician and sur- geon, Mount Morris; and an administrator's notice in the matter of the estate of William Driscoll. The paper dated Feb. 26, 1842, mentioned the severe illness of the editor, Emanuel Knodle, and No. 12, issued in April, announced his death. He is said to have been a young man of extraordinary ability and had he lived would have had a brilliant future without doubt. He was the oldest brother of Mr. Samuel Knodle, for many years a resident of Mount Morris. The paper which announced Mr. Knodle's death bore the names of Knodle and Stephens, publishers, D. C. Duncan being engaged as editor. In September the paper was re- moved to Grand Detour, on account of the poor mail service at Mount Morris. It eventually ceased publication after a career of less than two years and was entirely lost sight of. Seven years passed after the failure of the Register before any par- ties found sufficient courage to try another newspaper enterprise, but in February, 1850, Mr. J. Frederick Grosh and Mr. Tomlinson Ankney pur- chased the material with which the Rockford Free Press had been print- ed, removed it to Mount Morris, and in March the first number of the Mount Morris . Gazette was issued, published by J. F. Grosh and edited by Prof. D. J. Pinckney. Concerning this paper KetVs History of Ogle County says: "It was a seven-column folio sheet, tolerably well printed and ably edited. It was professedly neutral in politics, but the editor was very independent in the expression of his opinions, and sometimes the paper inclined somewhat strongly to the party with which he affiliatecl. THE VILLAGE PRESS. 141 The printing of the first number of the Gazette was a notable event in the history of both town and county, and occasioned as much excite- ment as did the completion of the railroad to the same place twenty years later. The Gazette, however, was not a success financially and the pub- lishers, after a year's experience, discovered that its publication was a losing business, and in the spring of 1851 disposed of the material to R. C. Burchell, of Oregon, who removed it to that place and established the Ogle County Gazette, afterward the Reporter, which still exists. The sale of the material, however, does not appear to have stopped the Mount Morris Gazette. No. 3 of the second volume, dated May 29, 1851, bears the name of Brayton, Baker & Co., publishers, and Prof. Pinckney, editor. It says that there were no press, type or printers in Mount Mor- ris at that time, and although the paper was published there, it was printed elsewhere, probably by Mr. Burchell at Oregon. But this man- ner of publishing a newspaper did not suit the enterprising citizens of Mount Morris who organized a joint stock company, purchased a new outfit, and No. 3, dated June 26, was beautifully printed in new type, and was one of the handsomest papers ever printed in the county. It was under the editorial charge of Professors D. J. Pinckney and S. M. Fellows, and it is needless to add was conducted with signal ability. The paper was not self-sustaining, however, and after a year's experience the com- pany rented the office to Messrs. C. C. Allen and S. D. Atkins, then at- tending school at Rock River Seminary. These gentlemen, by devoting a part of their time to the office and the remainder to their studies, were enabled to prolong its existence until the spring of 1853, when the office was sold to them and removed to Savanna, 111. Three years later, in 1856, Messrs. Atwood and Metcalf started a paper called the Northwestern Republican. Samuel Knodle managed its publication for over a year when it was sold' to Col. M. S. Barnes, who had been running a daily in Chicago. He changed the name of the pa- per to Independent Watchman. After a year under his management it was purchased by a company of town merchants and put under the edi- torial management of Prof. W. S. Pope, Dr. F. A. McNeill and J. D. Dopf , with Mr. Dopf publisher. Its publication continued until the winter of 1860-61 when Mr. Dopf removed the material to Polo where it developed into the Ogle County Press, still being published. After this Mount Morris was without a newspaper for fifteen years, the utter failure of all the early enterprises having evidently frightened every one from again making the attempt. Ten years later, however, a job printing-office was established by Samuel Knodle with a small hand- press and an assortment of job type. Mr. Knodle's job office became fa- mous all over the county and the amount of printing which he did was remarkable. The press used by him is preserved in the Mount Morris Index office and compared with the present improved printing machinery is quite a relic. In 1876, Mr. Knodle was instrumental in forming an incorporated stock company, he himself owning half the stock, and the Mount Morris 142 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. Independent was started, with Prof. D. J. Pinckney as editor. Misman- agement by the board of directors agaiu made this enterprise a failure, and it was sold in May, 1877, to John Sharer and changed to the Ogle County Democrat, with Mr. Sharer as editor and Dr. B. G. Stephens, associate editor. It was successfully conducted under this caption for nearly nine years, when it was moved to Oregon and changed to the Independent-Democrat, which in the fall of 1900 was incorporated with the Ogle County Constitution, of that place. However, the presses, type and entire printing outfit was brought back to Mount Morris by Mr. Sharer, and in July, 1890, was sold to Charles T. Coggins, who established the Mount Morris Index. For six or seven years Mr. Coggins conducted the paper with much success but finally began to neglect the business, and in 1897 unceremoniously left town. His wife, Mrs. Carrie H. Coggius, edited the paper for a time and later took as a partner Mr. Harry C. Walrath. In September, 1898, the plant came under the management of H. J. and H. G. Kable, who, after two years in the business, have brought the paper up to its most flourishing state of prosperity. Very little of the Index equipment as turned over by Coggins & Walrath yet remains. The old worn-out presses were discarded and new im- proved machinery put in their places, with a new gasoline engine to fur- nish the power. The large cylinder press added in the fall of 1899 prints four pages of the Index at one impression at the rate of 1,500 per hour. The old " Guernsey," which it succeeded was purchased at the time of the establishment of the Mount Morris Independent, in 1876, and was used nearly twenty-five years in printing the weekly issues of the Dem- ocrat and the Index. It was operated by a crank which was attached to a very large fly-wheel, and the whole proved no very easy task to operate. Persons who helped to turn it in years past are often met with, the num- ber of them having been thus engaged being extremely large, from the fact that not many cared for the job more than the first trial. Robert Long, now a prize fighter, was a frequent operator of the old press, and can probably attribute a part of his muscle to that vigorous exercise. Besides excellent presses the Index office is equipped with an improved stapler, a large paper-cutter and new book type. Since September, 1899, the plant has occupied spacious quarters in the building formerly occu- pied by the Brethren Publishing House on the northeast corner of the col- lege campus. May 20, 1896, Mount Morris acquired a second newspaper, — the Mount Morris News, edited and published by Charles H. Canode, with M. Eliza Canode as associate editor. In October, 1900, Mr. Canode sold out to A. H. Rittenhouse & Co., who now conduct the business. The plant is situated upstairs over the rear of the grocery store of the Newcomer Company. Besides newspapers, Mount Morris has had a number of religious and educational journals. During the gap of fifteen years, 1861 to 1876, be- tween the publication of the Independent Watchman and Mount Morris Independent, The Annual, a Sunday-school paper, was published for THE VILLAGE PRESS. 143 several years, commencing about 1862, with Col. B. P. Sheets and later Rev. J. H. Vincent as editors; and also about that time a paper was issued under the auspices of the literary societies of Rock River Seminary, de- voted exclusively to matter pertaining to that institution. At present, Mount Morris College issues a paper regularly, known as Our Young People, which sometimes, as in the case of July of 1900, reaches a circula- tion as high as ten thousand. In the year 1880, M. M. Eshelman moved a private printing outfit to this place from Lanark, where he had been publishing a Dunker paper known as the Brethren at Work. He continued the same here with a cir- culation of about four thousand, occupying, at that time, quarters in the Seibert block. In 1881, Mr. Eshelman failed and the business was purchased by Elders D. L. Miller and Joseph Amick. In 1884 these gen- tlemen consolidated with their plant that of the Primitive Christian, of Huntingdon, Pa., and changed the name to the Gospel Messenger. Prom that time until 1896 the company began the publication of a large number of church papers, books and tracts, and built up a very profitable busi- ness. In 1896 the entire publishing business was turned over to the Brethren church, and is now the property of that highly-respected Chris- tian organization. In September, 1899, the plant was moved to the city of Elgin, at which time the circulation of the Messenger reached nearly twenty thousand and the volume of a year's business amounted to over $125,000. Among those prominently connected with the house in late years are Eld. J. H. Moore, H. B. Brumbaugh, Eld. D. L. Miller and Grant Mahan, editors; Eld. Joseph Amick, business manager; L. A. Plate, foreman of the composing room; and S. M. Eshelman, foreman of the mailing department. CHAPTER IX. MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS AND FAMILIES. A history of Mount Morris would not be complete without some men- tion of the many musical organizations which the village has produced, and of the musical talent of both the past and present. At an early day Mount Morris was seldom behind in anything, and many of the or- ganizations and enterprises now common throughout the country, were first produced in this enterprising little village. It lays claim to the first printing-office, one of the first schoolhouses, and the first of a num- ber of other pioneer ventures; and there is also strong evidence that the first brass band in the county also found birth in Mount Morris. The band, in question, was organized in the spring of 1845, only six years after the founding of the village. Mrs. Mary Knodle has in her possession a number of account books of this old band, kept by her husband, Mr. Peter Knodle, deceased, which show that the members were H. J. Burns, Peter Knodle, John F. Grosh, Samuel Knodle, Jacob A. Knodle, Jonathan Knodle, Nathan Evans, A. C. Marston, Simon Warner, A. Coffman, Rob- ert S. Hitt, Chauncey Sheldon, Andrew Hitt, Frederick Finkbohnar, Christian Finkbohnar, Frederick B. Brayton, Henry Neff, William Lott, William J. Fouke, F. Hedrick and B. G. Stephens. These were not all members at its first organization, but some came in later to supply the places occasionally made vacant by the dropping out of older players. The account kept of the finances of the band is quite interesting. A few of the entries are as follows: July 1. 1845, Paid by the members for instruments, $129.00 July 1, Paid by citizens, 21.00 July 12, Paid for the instruments, $150.00 July 12, Members taxed 50 cents per piece, 7.50 July 12, Peter Knodle, fined for lending drum, 1.00 July 24. F. B. Brayton, fined for not voting, 05 July 24, Each member taxed 25 cents, 5.50 July 24, Paid to Peter Knodle for mouthpiece, .37 August 4, Freight and storage, 6.75 August 4, One pound of candles, .15 August 4, Paid Jacob Knodle for table, 4.00 August 4, Postage on three letters, , .39 Entries for candles occur frequently, showing that the band spent much time in practice. John F. Grosh assumed the leadership shortly after organization, and many entries show the payment of considerable sums into the treasury for tuition, the some then being turned over to him. Evidently the band had excellent discipline, from the number of (144) MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS AND FAMILIES. 145 fines recorded to have been imposed for " contempt to society," for not voting, for neglect of duty, for absence, for breaking instruments, etc. This band appears to have existed until sometime in the early fifties, and, owing to the scarcity of such organizations in northern Illinois at that time, traveled among the surrounding towns quite extensively. A number of their old instruments can yet be found about town. Jacob A. Knodle still posesses the Eb clarinet which he played, and Mrs. Mary Knodle has an old B6 clarinet and the old bass drum, the latter having been played by Peter Knodle. Emery Neff, of Leaf River, also pos- sesses the old flute played in this band by his father, Henry Neff. These old instruments are curiosities from the fact that they are much different from the modern instruments bearing the same name. The bass drum is one of the most curious, being double the width of the modern pattern. Before proceeding further, it will be well to mention two musical families who have lived in Mount Morris and were intimately connected for many years with all matters concerning the melodious art. Henry A. Neff has already been mentioned as a member of the first band in Mount Morris. His wife also possessed musical talent and their ear for the art was transmitted undiminished to their four sons, Milton, Clark, Addison W. and Emery I., and two daughters, Lura, (Mr. A. S. McCoy's first wife) and Nettie (Mrs. G. W. Deppen). Milton was the musical genius of the family, having been probably the best all-around cornet player the town has ever produced. When leader of the band, he con- tributed much to its success by his elegant execution of brilliant triple-tongue cornet solos. Clark Neff, for many years also leader of the band, was also a fine cornetist, and figured conspicuously in musical circles. Milton died at Mount Morris, in 1878, and Clark, in Mount Mor- ris, in 1892. A number of the older members of the family also devel- oped their God-given talent. The other family in question is the McCosh family, consisting of Dr. and Mrs. John McCosh and their five sons, Prof. David S., James, Dr. George B., Scott, and Benjamin; and three daughters, Sarah, Susie and Lucia, the two former now being Mrs. Jacob Strock and Mrs. Charles Sharer. Prof. D. S. McCosh has in the past and is still making music his profession, and has written hundreds of fine selections for band and orchestra and led many large bands. He plays a variety of instruments and when younger was a fine cornetist. In fact he is the musical genius of the family. "Hear Dem Bells," a vocal selection composed by him reached the circulation of many hundred thousand copies. His musical publications have altogether been very successful on the market. Dr. G. B. McCosh attained much proficiency as a tuba player in some of the old bands, and he also plays a number of other instruments. He has composed some music, showing that he possesses much ability yet un- developed. Benjamin is also a music publisher and band leader liv- ing at St. Charles. These three and also Scott, who is dead, and James, now living in Tennessee, all were thorough musicians and played for 146 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. years in the old bands of Mt. Morris. Later mention is made of the three sisters of the family. It is a peculiar fact that every member of the family should have been so well endowed with the genius of a musi- cal ear. The children of a number of them are, with few exceptions, also born musicians. To get back to the subject of bands, the first old band was disorgan- ized in about the early fifties, and from that time until after the Civil War, remained so. About the year 1867 a new band was organized with Morris Gaffln as leader. Some of the early members were Clark and Milton Neff, David and James McCosh, William Bull, Calvin Potter, Dav- id Rine, John Nye, Frank Knodle, Lee Crofts, George Keplinger, Jacob Pager and Charles Knodle. The band continued in organization for probably not less than twenty years, with, however, a continual change of membership owing to the coming and going of musical talent. Prob- ably the best period in its existence was during the time when Milton Neff was leader. At that time some of the members were Clark and Emory Neff, George and Benj. McCosh, Charles and F. F. Knodle, Charles Sharer, Ed. Allen and James Webb. They played in a number of contests and had many engagements at fairs at Oregon, Rochelle and Mount Carroll, and for numerous other events. They became quite noted. For a score of years past there have been a large number of bands, but generally they have been short lived, probably from a lack of suffi- cient financial support. In 1890 a " kid band " was organized, which, like the others, was of brief existence. During the winter of 1896-'97 another band of boys was organized and by diligent practice every week they have attained to a degree of efficiency equalled by very few of the old bands. The organization is known as the Mount Morris Military Band. A portrait of the band with its membership during the summer season of 1900 appears on the opposite page. A fine new band-stand was erected in 1898 upon the southeast corner of the campus. In this stand Saturday- night concerts are given during the summer, large crowds gathering from the surroimding country to hear the enlivening music. The band is finely uniformed and furnished with good instruments. Engagements have been filled at the Rock River Assembly, at Freeport, Rochelle, Lanark, Oregon, Polo, Forreston, and other places. The band was first organized under the leadership of Charles H. Canode, who was succeeded by William Lohafer, Jr., and later by Prof. David S. McCosh, who acted as instructor until his departure from Mount Morris in the spring of 1900, when Burton Strock took charge and is the present leader. Among the members connected with this band since its organization are the follow- ing, some of whom are not now members: Prof. D. S. McCosh and two sons, Leighton and Dudley; William Lohafer, Charles Canode, Burton Strock, Roy Brayton, Roy Jackson, Blair McCosh, Harvey Kable, Harry Kable, Robert Buser, Leslie Rees, Vernon Rees, Earl Clevidence, Ernest Brayton, William Fouke, Oscar Olson, Merritt Miller, Merritt Deppen, Edward Marvin, Fred Stoner, and Clayton Gloss. Elmer Shank is the band's drum major. MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS AND FAMILIES. 149 In the way of orchestras, Mount Morris has had a great many, and any detailed account of them would be impossible. There were many very excellent ones, notable among which was Thompson's orchestra, of a half-score years ago. A photograph of this organization is reproduced on this page. Some of the best violin players of the present time are Gregor Thompson, Blair McCosh and F. F. Knodle. In the past there have been a number of good pianists, several of whom gave instruction upon that instrument. Among them will be re- membered Alice Lott, Florence Brayton, (now Mrs. Gilbert of Iowa), Jose- phine Cheney and a Mr. Armsby. Miss Lucia McCosh is probably the E. E. Winders Henry Magoon John Thomas Oscar Doward Charles Ford Thos. Newcomer Gregor Thompson Levi Bear Irvin Thomas THOMPSON'S ORCHESTRA. NOW DISORGANIZED, most accomplished pianist in Mount Morris at present, having devoted a great deal of time in training and practicing upon this instrument. She graduated with special honor from the Chicago Musical College in 1900. She does some composing and has charge of the musical depart- ment of Mount Morris College. Mr. U. C. Nye and Miss Olive Lipe are also graduate pianists, the former of the Chicago Musical College and the latter of the musical department of the Wisconsin State University, at Madison. Mrs. J. L. Rice received a year's training in Boston, and Miss Pearl Williams, a year in the Chicago Musical College. These five rank high in technical execution and are regarded as skilled musicians. Other musically-talented people in the community who have devoted 150 mount morris: past and present. considerable time to the piano are Mrs. F. C. Remmer, Roy Brayton, and the Misses Susie Zumdahl, Myrtle Royer, Estella Pry, Olive Stahlhut, Gladys McCosh and Lura Neff. Among vocalists who claim Mount Morris as their place of nativity, probably the most conspicuous have been Miss Catherine McNeill, daughter of Dr. Francis A. and Mrs. Barbara McNeill, who was married to Dr. Hoffman at Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, in 1899, and Miss Susie McCosh, now Mrs. Chas. Sharer, of Mount Morris. These ladies sang to- gether on many occasions, at one time taking a gold medal for the best duet at a musical convention held at Cedar Lake, Iowa. Miss McNeill's beautiful contralto voice was developed in the best schools at Boston and Paris, after which she traveled extensively with the best opera com- panies of the country. Mrs. Sharer possesses a very fine soprano voice and became very well known as a soloist, as much so in this vicinity as Miss McNeill. Many favorable newspaper comments were made con- cerning her singing. After one appearance in Mount Morris the Demo- crat said: " There are but few ladies outside of the role of professionals so able to captivate an audience. ... It is proper to say — attribute it to whatever cause — that there never sang a lady to our people who was so popular as Miss Susie McCosh." Miss Maria Hitt, now Mrs. Chas. Newcomer, was also a well-known vocalist, having had an excellent mu- sical training at Washington, D. C, and having been instructor in music in Rock River Seminary. J. M. Piper was a singer of note, having led the Methodist choir for years. Chas. H. Sharer was also a member of the M. E. choir, having an exceptionally fine tenor voice. He also played baritone in the band. A quartette, consisting of Susie McCosh, soprano; Sarah McCosh, alto; Charles H. Sharer, tenor; and Geo. B. McCosh, bass, was a very popular organization a few years ago, and did much singing in public. Other old singers were Misses Minnie E. Little and Lillie Knodle, sopranos; and William Little, bass, who were always called upon when any public entertainments were given in which local singers were needed. At the present time Mount Morris possesses a strong force of good singers, a number of them being included in the church choirs. Among those not already mentioned who have had considerable vocal training are U. C. Nye, Mrs. B. T. Ryder, Mrs. G. W. Deppen, Misses Eliza Canode, Myrtle Royer, Olive Lipe, Lura Neff, Minerva Eversole, Dr. J. B. Moats, and others. In 1900 the Harmonia Male Quartette, consisting of Walter Wolfe first tenor; U. C. Nye, second tenor; F. C. Remmer, first bass; C. H. Can- ode, second bass, was formed and was in demand upon special occasions. Mention has already been made of a number of musical families. This faculty is also quite noticeable among the Knodles, as will be no- ticed by the frequent occurrence of that name in connection with some of the bands mentioned. F. F. Knodle is still a resident of Mount Mor- ris, devoting his entire time to composing orchestra music and giving lessons on the violin. The family of William Lohafer, Sr., is also musically inclined. Henry and William Lohafer, Jr., are old band boys, MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS AND FAMILIES. 151 the former playing tuba, and the latter, cornet. William is a triple- tongue cornet soloist of much ability, being the best in this part of the country. Misses Rosa, Nettie and Pearl are good vocalists. The three sons of A. W. Brayton are all connected with musical organizations, the eldest, Louis, being leader and first mandolin player of the State Uni- versity mandolin club. Besides local musical talent there is always a considerable number of students at Mount Morris College who possess ability in that line, there being ample provision for the study of both vocal and instrumental music in that institution. BAND STAND. Southeast corner of college campus. CHAPTER X. LOCAL CALAMITIES. It is probably a fact that no village or township or municipal corpor- ation over the broad states of the entire Union has escaped with a local history void of calamity by storm, fire or pestilential disease with result- ant losses of valuable property and possibly life, in greater or less degree; and so it is with Mount Morris, with which this book is concerned, although it must be said that the number of calamities has been probably below the average, especially in the way of fires and contagious diseases. In the history of Mount Morris is recorded the occurrence of two torna- does, one passing directly over the village on the morning of June 8, 1874, and the other devastating a path of destruction across the southeast cor- ner of the township on the evening of May 18, 1898. The first passed as nearly through the exact center of the village as would be possible from the fact that the college campus lay immediately in its path, the roof of the large stone dormitory being partly carried away. Concerning this tornado the following newspaper writeup was sent to the Ogle County Grange for publication by some resident of Mount Morris, and appeared in that paper. It gives a good idea of the storm: "About five o'clock this morning- two great black clouds, one from the east and one from the west, were seen approaching. Over the northwest portion of Mount Mor- ris they met and spread devastation far and wide. For about ten minutes there was a terrible roaring of wind and crashing of trees and houses. Then followed the calm. Citizens hurried together from all quarters. S. Mumma's stables were completely wrecked. The pieces were scattered in every direction, some even passing through the siding and plastering of the houses of adjoining residents. The horses and a yard full of stock escaped unhurt. The harnesses were carried across the garden and rolled in the mud. One new buggy was torn in pieces and much fruit destroyed. Sid- ney Redfield's house was staved in and carried clear off its foundation. His wife was severely injured but the baby was dragged unhurt from under a pile of debris. Peter Glasgow's house was completely riddled by flying fence-boards and other missies; stove broken into bits, barn destroyed, the garden deprived of its fence, and many fruit trees blown down. Mr. James Withers lost one entire part of his house. Close by was the residence of Widow Weakle, the windows of which were broken, sash and glass. The raging storm next seized the residence of Elder Walker, now occupied by F. Black, and tore up his trees, demolished the barn and out-houses; ripped up the fence and sidewalk, sending one large timber through a window across a bed contain- ing two men, and smashed into the partition on the other side. The occupants were some injured by the flying glass. One rocking-chair took a flying leap into the Sem- inary yard. Mrs. M. A. McKean lost half the roof of her house. The adjoining resi- dence of Mrs. E. Crofts received but little damage, but the fruit trees were laid in all directions. Two large cherry trees standing close to the house were completely twist- ed off. Thence the storm swept over the Seminary tearing off the west half of the roof and scattering the debris over the principal street. It injured Seibert some, smashing in half the front of his billiard hall. The east end of D. Rine's agricultural (152) LOCAL CALAMITIES. 153 house was lifted and moved around upon the foundation of Sprecher & Clevidence's new storehouse. In the southeast part of town the gable end of the brick residence of Widow McCoy was tumbled in upon nice furniture and fine carpets. The barn and out-buildings were severely racked. Both g-able ends of the brick residence of E. Lott were thrown in upon the nicely -furnished rooms. One hundred apple trees and a barn were destroyed for A. Cunning-ham. The town residence of A. Q. Allen lost part of its roofing-. The barn and fence of George Fouke were blown down. Such was the destruction wrought here in so short a time that no one had time to become fright- ened or be aware of the extent of the danger before it was all over. Then they found this part of the town to have been subjected to a terrible calamity. No lives were lost and none seriously hurt.' - The tornado of 1874 was a wonderful exhibition of the marvelous power which the winds are able to exercise, but compared with that ter- rible devastating cloud which hewed a path of destruction across Ogle county in 1898, was but a breeze, a gentle zephyr toying with the foliage of a forest. All have yet a vivid remembrance of that 18th day of May. Those who had an opportunity of viewing the huge, black, revolving cloud and heard its sullen roar as it licked up every available object and whirled it into the terrible vortex above, grinding and mincing and scat- tering to the four winds, will never forget it. During the afternoon of the day of the storm the appearance and maneuvers of the clouds were remarkable. At times far overhead could be seen light clouds floating lazily in one direction, while much farther beneath were blacker, heavier clouds moving in exactly the opposite direction, showing that there were two distinct layers of air. Fitful gusts of wind and short showers of rain and hail were frequent during the afternoon, but toward five o'clock the air became still and calm, and re- mained so for about an hour. The clouds were of inky blackness, some- times of slightly different hues, and presented a most ominous appear- ance. Not a leaf was astir; the atmosphere became oppressive and breathing difficult. Between five and six o'clock persons out of doors detected a dull rumble coming from the southwest which at first was supposed to have been thunder, but the persistency of the sound and its gradual increase in volume soon attracted attention, and persons in the country and the south and west parts of town were appalled by the ap- pearance and rapid approach of one of those funnel-shaped clouds, the identity of which was not long in doubt in the mind of anyone. The cloud continued to approach in a path apparently headed for Mount Morris, but when within about three miles from town could be seen to shift more to the southward, which was afterward proved by an examina- tion of its path. This change of course carried the cloud about a mile south of town and it very soon receded in the distance, disappearing from view beyond Rock river. Although this storm passed over only a small corner of Mount Morris township, it will probably not be out of place to trace its terrible work through a part of Buffalo, Pine Creek and Rockvale townships, consider- ing the fact that it came so near the village, and traversed a territory so familiar to Mount Morris people. After leaving the vicinity of Polo the cloud encountered the G. E. 4 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. Pahrney premises, about three miles west of Stratford, and demolished the residence, barn, and all the outbuildings, his farm machinery being destroyed and considerable stock killed and injured. The family escaped death in the cellar. The barn of the farm of Mr. Fahrney's mother, a little farther east, was in the track of the tornado, and was demolished. One mile east of Mr. Fahrney's premises the lawn trees at the residence of George Garnhart were uprooted, but the house and barn escaped with but slight damage. At this place a wing of the cloud swung to the south- ward and swept a path through about one-half mile north of Stratford, demolishing the barn on the Charles Hayes farm. The main body of SNAP-SHOT OF THE TERRIBLE CLOUD. Photographed by Prof. W. L. Eikenberry. the cloud crossed the farm of William Coffman, one mile northwest of Stratford and almost completely obliterated the fine residence and farm buildings, which covered nearly an acre of ground. The next day the place presented a desolate appearance, and was viewed by hundreds of people. Men were gathering up wounded pigs, calves, etc., in the barn- yard, and eighty rods northeast of the house five horses were being buried that had been carried away with the barn. The inmates of the house had a narrow escape. They all went to the cellar except the hired man who had gone up stairs for his pocketbook, which was in his Sunday pants. While he was on the second floor the building was carried away LOCAL CALAMITIES. 157 and he was dashed to the ground with the falling timbers, receiving only a few scratches. He crawled out of the wreck and spied his pants hanging on a tree near by with the money safe. The family had taken refuge in the northwest corner of the cellar, where nothing injured them. A pitch-fork and set of harness were dropped just in front of them but no heavy timbers fell near them. Had they taken refuge in any other part of the cellar the result might have been otherwise, as it was filled with the collapsed walls, and no one could have escaped. Prom the Coffman farm the whirling monster passed north of George Clevidence's residence, and sweeping through his pasture field, killed a number of cattle and horses. It next encountered the tenement property of Charles Weller, which was occupied by Samuel Lawrence. The house was carried but a short distance from the foundation and demolished. The steel roof with the gable ends still in place was left lying near, as is seen in the halftone on the preceding page. Here the safe part of the cellar was the southeast corner, where the family had fortunately taken shelter. The remainder of the cellar was filled with timbers, stones and bricks; and a pig sty, which had occupied a position about fifty feet to the southeast, was picked up and dropped in upon the mass of rubbish. The corner sought by the family came also near proving a death trap, a large cook-stove having landed upon the wall just over their heads. Had it been moved but a few feet farther they would have been crushed. The next residence was that of Joseph Artz. A large barn, 24x61 feet was swept away, very little of it being left to mark the spot. The roof was taken off of the west side of the house and several corn cribs dam- aged. A new granary which stood about twenty rods west of the resi- dence was demolished, and a new buggy and considerable farm machinery destroyed. Mr. Artz had a fine lawn set with immense shade trees in which he had taken much pride. After the passage of the storm these large trees were found either uprooted or broken off and the beauty of the place sadly ruined. The roadway was completely blocked by the trunks of some of the trees carried from this yard. One of the most peculiar sights along this route was the manner in which the buildings upon the farm of William Ambrose were handled. The residence is built of brick and stands on the brow of a hill about ten rods back from the road. The entire wall on the south side of this brick structure was drawn out, leaving the floors and rooms on that side exposed. All of the furniture was carried from one of the rooms on the second floor while another retained only the bedstead and springs, ready to receive again the bedding if it ever should be found. The large bank barn was entirely carried away except the lower floor and wall and ma- chinery which was dropped on the south side and badly damaged. A new wagon was dashed into the hollow near the barn, one of the wheels of which had the tires with all the felloes in place torn from the spokes almost as smooth as a wagon-maker could have cut them. Leaving this scene of destruction the cloud passed near the farm of Charles D. Weller, one wing demolishing sheds, tearing doors from the barn and scattering 158 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. his farm machinery over the surrounding country. A hay loader in one of the sheds was literally torn to pieces. Mr. Weller was the only man in that section who had his loss covered by tornado insurance. The tornado crossed Pine Creek about five rods north of the Pine Creek bridge and entered the timber owned by William Watts and Oliver Coffman, doing serious damage. Trees were felled into the road from either side, completely blocking it, and a large amount of cord-wood ranked in the east part of the timber, south of the road, was scattered over the fields for half a mile to the eastward, as were also the rails from the fences along the road. Amos Baker and family fled to the fields upon the approach of the cloud and escaped its fury, as did also their house, al- though numerous trees were broken down. Across the road in the field a DESTRUCTION WROUGHT ON THE D. E. PRICE FARM. roll of fence wire weighing four hundred pounds was picked up and car- ried half a mile and then dropped in the outer course of the storm. A wing moved out south of the main body and did considerable damage on the Samuel Price farm. The Salem church escaped, although several rods of fence immediately north of the structure were demolished. The tornado now appeared to gather new energy and swept across the open field north of the residence on the farm owned by Elder D. E. Price, unroofing the north part of the house and completely demolishing the barn. A large pine tree in the yard had part of its top mowed off as if cut to order. The barn was 34 by 56 feet with a granary 26 by 34 feet. Nearly 1000 bushels of oats and about 900 bushels of corn were stored in the barn and granary, but the greater part was saved, as the floors were not moved. LOCAL CALAMITIES. 159 The farm was occupied by Carlton Wolfe, who was a heavy loser in the storm. His binder, plows, corn planter, and other machinery were broken beyond repair and a number of cattle, horses and hogs were badly injured. One horse was carried fifty rods and afterward found with a piece of tim- ber firmly imbedded in its back. The residence of Benj. Fridley, about one and one-half miles south of Mount Morris, was the next place directly in the path of the tornado and there it was that the terrified residents of the village first closely in- spected the awful work of the storm. The house, barn and every out- building were so completely swept away that nothing was left to indicate the former abode of the family save the cellar walls, an old battered fence and the mud-plastered stumps of several trees which had stood in the yard. WHAT WAS LEFT OF THE FRIDLEY HOUSE. So complete was the ruin that the mind could scarcely be forced to be- lieve the truth, presented before one's very eyes. Excepting a few splin- tered boards and planks scattered near the foundation and in the field to the eastward, hardly a vestage of the house and its furnishings could be found. It would seem that the great bulk of the material used in the con- struction of the buildings could have been found, at least within a radius of a mile, but such was not the case; it was evidently carried into the vor- tex of the mighty whirlwind, churned into a million atoms and strewn along the path of destruction for many miles. At this place occurred the first injury to human life along the path described. Mr. Fridley, his daughters, Mattie and Bessie, and sons, John and Benj., decended to the cellar at the approach of the cloud, but John, the eldest son, left the cellar 160 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. to investigate and was caught by the storm on the south side of the house. He seized hold of a tree, and in some miraculous manner succeeded in clinging to it until the fearful disturbance had passed, notwithstanding the fact that the tree was broken off not far above his head and the bark skinned off of the stump nearly to the ground. He was exceedingly fortu- nate that he escaped with his life and as it was, he had one leg broken, and sustained numerous severe bruises caused by being struck by flying missiles. The others of the family who remained in the cellar were only slightly injured by flying debris, Mr. Fridley being bruised the most. Here there were many curious sights, such as chickens with every feather blown off running about as if to escape the kettle, and animals with pieces of boards driven into them. The path of the storm both west and east of ■mr . r'm i ' m .i m « mr» .. ■» ■>• RUINS OF BARN ON OLD FRIDLEY PLACE. the Fridley place presented a most remarkable aspect, because of the thoroughness with which all fences and vegetation were swept away and the clear definition of its limits, shown by the thick slimy mud with which everything remaining was covered. The old Fridley place, along the railroad, occupied by Jacob Bonar next was visited by the funnel-shaped cloud, and although the house was unharmed the huge bank barn was left in a heap of ruins. Mrs. Bonar, and her brother, David Hedrick, were milking in the barn at the time, but both escaped without serious injury. Mr. Bonar lost much valuable farm machinery. At this place there were further evidences of the terrible force of the storm. Pine sticks, some of them not more than a quarter of an inch thick, were driven through inch boards in the gable of the corn crib, and the steel wind-mill tower twisted to the ground as though it were but a stock of grain. '^■H i>'~%> ■*v Si LOCAL CALAMITIES. 163 On John Pridley's farm the barn was unroofed and the sides partly demolished. The shingles were blown off of a part of the house roof, but otherwise the house escaped unharmed. From this point the storm wid- ened to nearly a mile, one wing reaching as far east as Andrew Fridley's place, overturning out-buildings and mangling the orchard trees. At David Fridley's farm, the sammer kitchen was carried away, a part of the barn unroofed and the windwill thrown over. As a result of the cloud's visit to the premises of Andrew Gigous the house had almost to be rebuilt and many demolished out-baildings replaced. A corn-planter left stand- ing in the field was missing after the storm and not a trace of it was ever found. A small amount of insurance was granted him by the Pine Creek company in which his property was insured. The farm owned by the Thomas brothers on the Mount Morris-Oregon road was next devastated, but the damage was slight. The main body of the cloud passed to the northward through the timber on the old Phelps farm, owned by Major Chas. Newcomer, and again at this place the spec- tators of the day following had occasion to open their mouths and eyes in wonder. Every tree was badly mutilated, the most of them, both large and small, being either broken off, twisted down or uprooted. Past the timber the small Martin home was obliterated, and that of J. Wareham handled almost as roughly. Farther on, a number of buildings on the farm of Harvey Griswold were destroyed and the Cloud then passed on to Eock river. In passing over the high bluff on the west side, the danc- ing pavilion erected on the crest by a Chicago club, was rolled down the slope and deposited in the road beneath. Persons living near say that vast volumes of water were drawn up into the cloud as it passed over the river, and undoubtedly the stream was very much disturbed. After crossing the river suffice it to say that the tornado continued on its destructive course to Stillman Valley where much damage was done and a number of lives lost. After the cloud had passed by Mount Morris to the eastward, the citizens of Mount Morris, realizing from the appearance and terrible roar of the storm that much mischief must have been done, hastened without delay to the nearest part of the path which was at the former location of the Fridley residence. Daring the remainder of the evening and far into the night and during several succeeding days hundreds of people visited the scene, and many followed along the entire path. It was certainly a most remarkable exhibition of what the elements are capable of, and the people of Mount Morris are to be congratulated upon the freak of the tornado in changing its course and avoiding the limits of the village. Besides tornadoes, the vicinity of Mount Morris has been visited by a number of very severe hailstorms, which did much damage to windows and vegetation. Probably the most severe of these was the one which occurred on the evening of May 13, 1886, when the pellets of ice destroyed much property. The storm came from the southwest, such that all win- 164 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. dows facing that direction were broken and also many shutters and sashes broken. After the hail ceased falling and the wind subsided, the south side of the gentlemen's dormitory presented a sorry appearance, the forty- eight windows having hardly a single unbroken pane of glass. The hailstones were some of them as large as base balls, and some of very irregular and jagged appearance. On the day following the storm Mr. Michael Bohner made a careful computation of the number of panes of glass broken in the village of Mount Morris alone, and gave the following result from an estimate made upon personal inquiry and individual in- vestigation: Total number of panes broken, 4,415; loss, about $1,150. Other losses occurring raised it to nearly $5,000, including the damage to the fruit crop. Probably the hailstorm which would rank second in point of violence and amount of damage done is the one which visited the town in May, 1860, coming from the same direction as the one above mentioned. Al- though the hail was not so large, a general breaking of windows occurred throughout the town. On page thirty-two of this volume, in Peter Knodle's diary, is the ac- count of a hailstorm on Monday evening, June 27, 1842, in which five or six hundred panes of glass were broken in Mount Morris. Mount Morris can be said to have been very fortunate in the past in the way of fires, there having never been a conflagration in which more than one large building was destroyed, and but few instances where a single structure has been burned entirely to the ground. There have been but two cases of total destruction of valuable buildings by fire within the limits of the village, both occurring during the 90's; the first the destruction of R. C. McCredie's creamery in 1895, and the second the property of J. A. Kable in 1897. The former was started by a spark from the smoke-stack, alighting on the roof. The fire was discovered at about the middle of the forenoon, April 13, 1895, and it was not long until the structure was a heap of ashes. The village, at that time, had no fire protection except the " bucket brigade " which was always formed at fires and consisted of a column of men, extending from the burning structure to any available pump, along which pails of water would be passed as fast as they could be filled by two or three men operating the pump handle. This method, however, failed to be of any use in this case owing to the headway the flames had gained when the fire was discovered. The estimated loss was about $3,500, which was partly cov- ered by insurance. Mr. McCredie immediately rebuilt the creamery. The immediate result of the burning of Mr. McCredie's creamery was the creation of a strong sentiment in favor of the establishment of a system of water-works for the village, to bar against further loss. The matter was made an issue at the following village election, and a majority vote cast in favor of it, after which the present system of wa- ter-works was put in. LOCAL CALAMITIES. 165 The second fire mentioned, that of the burning of J. A. Kable's property, on A Street, occurred after the new water system had been put in, but before the water mains had been extended far enough or sufficient hose purchased to carry water to the scene of the fire. A neighbor who was tending a sick son, discovered smouldering flames in Mr. Kable's carpet-weaving shop at two o'clock in the morniDg, dur- ing the dead of winter, and hastily gave the alarm. The fire had evi- dently been burning for a considerable length of time and could not be extinguished. The house and shop, with all the weaving apparatus, were burned to the ground and was a total loss, there being no insur- ance on either. In the early sixties, an old hovel standing out on the prairie some- where near the present residence of John McNett, was set on fire by a number of mischievous boys who wished to see a blaze. The old building was formerly used as a schoolhouse, but when destroyed was utterly valueless except for firewood. During the seventies there were two fires in which the flames gained considerable headway, but were finally extinguished by the bucket brigade before the buildings were entirely destroyed. Mrs. Sheets' residence on the corner of Hitt and McKendrie Streets was so badly damaged that it was soon afterward torn down and a new one erected, which is at present occcupied by John Merriman. The other was the house on the corner of Fletcher and West Front Streets, owned at that time by Peter Glascow and later property of Daniel Beard. It was easily repaired, however. In the fall of 1885 occurred the first serious fire which threatened the safety of the business section of the village. It was discovered in the Sei- bert block at about nine o'clock in the evening, when luckily there were plenty of men still on the streets. The elevator shaft was in flames from the basement to the roof, but the strong pump just behind the building furnished an abundance of water to the bucket brigade, and under the di- rection of several cool-headed men the crowd succeeded in heading off the fiery element. To those who saw the flames leaping from windows on both the first and second floors, the prospects of saving any of the north busi- ness block seemed hopeless, and, in fact the extinguishing of the fire was a marvelous piece of work. Another fire in the business street was threat- ened one evening in the spring of 1900, by a small blaze in the Mount Mor- ris News office in the Mammouth block. The present efficient water sys- tem served to make the danger of short duration. A. R. Binkley also once had a threatened blaze in his store and there may have been several other small blazes but none of consequence. Among other fires which have occurred in the residence portion of Mount Morris, might be mentioned those in the residences of E. S. Young and A. E. Canode. Both caused considerable excitement but were prompt- ly extinguished by the bucket brigade. In the township of Mount Morris, outside of the village, there have al- so been fires, several of which resulted in the complete consumption of 166 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. farm residences and large barns. In 1883, the residence of Michael Miller, on his farm west of town, was destroyed and that of Solomon Nalley, a new house, in the year 1878. CHAPTER IX. COMING OP THE RAILROAD. The history of Mount Morris might properly be divided into two epochs, — one reaching from the time of its founding in 1839 until the com- ing of the railroad in 1871, and the second from 1871 until the present time. During the period embraced in this first epoch Mount Morris was isolated from the world, and the restlessness of her citizens knew no bounds. Merchandise of all kinds had to be transported by team from Polo and other towns and grain was hauled long distances to market. Passengers and the mails were transported by the old-time stage coach or on horse- back. At last Mount Morris people began to be very impatient for a rail- road and the subject became the principal topic of discussion both in the home and on the groceryman's store box. Every rumor of a possible rail- way project was grasped by the anxious people and every effort made to encourage any such enterprises. It was as early as 1853 when this " rail- road fever" began to take hold of the people throughout this part of the county, caused no doubt by the success of the Illinois Central railroad, built through the west part of the county in that year. Numerous lines were projected, and the people were called upon to aid in their construc- tion by subscriptions to capital stock, donations and loans of credit, both in their individual and corporate capacities. Among those that were pro- jected about this time was the Chicago, St. Charles & Mississippi Air Line Railroad, which was designed to cross Ogle county from east to west. The board of supervisors of the county met and voted in favor of taking $100,000 in the capital stock of this railroad. This railroad like many oth- ers failed to materialize, however. The next railroad project to cause hope to rise in the breasts of the people was that of the Ogle & Carroll County Railroad Company which was incorporated in 1857 by the General Assembly of Illinois. Section two authorized the company to "locate, construct and complete, maintain and operate a railroad from the town of Lane (now Rochelle), in the county of Ogle, to the town of Oregon in same county; from thence to the town of Mount Morris; from thence on the most eligible and direct route to or near the town of Mt. Carroll, in the county of Carroll; from thence to the Mississippi river." The company was also empowered to construct said railroad east from Oregon to the city of Chicago. The capital stock was fixed at one million dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. The company made but little effort to organize under the original act, and two years later the charter was amended by " An act to amend an act entitled ' An act to incorporate the Ogle & Carroll County Railroad (167) 168 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. Company,' " approved February 24, 1859. The company then organized and elected directors, among whom was Frederick G. Petrie, of Mount Morris, who was elected president. After this railroad company was actually organized in 1859, still there was apparently no better prospects of a railroad through Oregon and Mount Morris than before. Notwithstanding the fact that Oregon and other towns had repeatedly voted aid, the company had accomplished nothing toward the construction of the road as late as 1867. The nearest railroad point to Oregon, was at Franklin Grove, Lee county, on the Chi- cago & Northwestern Railroad, twelve miles away. Finally, however, the right man became interested in the railroad scheme and there began to be evidence of the railroad becoming a reality. Concerning this, Rett's His- tory of Ogle County says: " In the spring of 1867, shortly after the last vote of the town of Ore- gon (a vote to donate $50,000 to the company, under certain specified con- ditions and restrictions), the contract to build a new wagon bridge across Rock river at Oregon was awarded to Messrs. Canda & Hinckley, of Chica- go. Mr. Francis E. Hinckley had the supervision of the work. While here Mr. Hinckley became aware of the existance of the charter of the Ogle & Carroll County Railroad Company and the condition of its affairs. Hebe- came interested, investigated the matter and determined that the road should be built. He waited upon the officers of the Chicago & Northwest- ern Railroad, who expressed a willingness to carry out the terms of the contract with the old G. & C. U. Company, and agreed to furnish the iron and ties as soon as the work of grading was completed, and the preliminar- ies relating to use of cars, drawbacks, etc., should be arranged. The firm of Canda & Hinckley, dissolved and Mr. Hinckley assumed sole control ' having,' it is authoritatively stated, ' possessed himself of a contract for the rights and franchises of the Ogle & Carroll County Railroad Com- pany.' " It seems, however, that this old company became disorganized and many of the old members, together with Mr. Hinckley as the moving spirit, applied to the General Assembly for the incorporation of the company under a new name, the Chicago & Iowa Railroad Company. The Assem- bly passed the act of incorporation March 3, 1869. This act provided that "all such persons as may become stockholders in the corporation" should be a body politic and corporate, etc. This company was authorized to locate, construct, complete, maintain and operate a railroad from Chicago to a crossing of Rock river at or near the town of Oregon, thence through Ogle and Carroll counties to the Mississippi river at Savanna; thence up said river to Galena and the northern boundary of the state. The capital stock was fixed at one million dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars each, and might be increased by the directors to any sum not exceeding five millions. The act provided that the several towns, villages and cities along or near the route of the railroad, in their corporate capacity, might subscribe to the stock of the company or make donations thereto, or lend their credit to the company to aid in constructing or equipping the road, COMING OP THE RAILROAD. 169 provided, that no such subscription, donation or loan should be made un- til the same should be voted for by the people of the respective towns, cities or villages. The Chicago & Iowa Railroad Company was organized soon after its incorporation, by the election of Francis E. Hinckley, James V. Gale, Frederick G. Petrie, Elias S. Potter, and David B. Stiles, directors; and the board organized by the election of Francis E. Hinckley, president, and James V. Gale, vice-president. Thenceforward the work was prosecuted by this company, entirely superseding the Ogle & Carroll County Rail- road Company. In fact, the corporation act authorized the construction of this railroad over substantially the same route as the proposed Ogle & Carroll County Railroad. The promoters of the scheme proceeded im- mediately to solicit aid of the various towns and cities along the route, as provided by the corporation act. Oregon was the first to respond and voted to donate 150,000 to the enterprise, by a vote of 152 to 1. During the summer and autumn of 1869, the engineers of the Chicago & Iowa Railroad Company surveyed and located the road from Rochelle to Oregon, the work of grading was commenced and nearly completed. When it had nearly been finished, Henry Keep, of New York, had been elected president of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Company, and when Mr. Hinckley applied for the iron, which had been promised by that company, he was told that it could not be furnished him. Mr. Hinckley, accompanied by Mr. Petrie, immediately went to New York, but Mr. Keep could be induced to give no reason for violating the agreement, further than that it was not to be the policy of his company to foster or encour age any more branches. This failure, or refusal, of the Chicago & North- western Railroad Company to furnish the iron and ties for the road de layed its completion, but Mr. Hinckley and his associates at length sue ceeded in making satisfactory arrangements with Mr. Joy, president of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, for a connection with that road at Aurora. An appeal was then made to the cities and towns along the proposed line of the road for aid. Aurora voted one hundred thousand dollars, Flagg fifty thousand, Mount Morris and For- reston each seventy-five thousand, Alto, Lee county, thirty-three thous- and, and several of the towns between Alto and Aurora twenty-five thous- and dollars each, Pine Rock ten thousand dollars, Nashua five thousand dollars. After all these appropriations had been made Mr. Hinckley and his friends had no trouble in interesting New York capitalists to the ex- tent of advancing a million dollars on a first mortgage, and late in the fall of 1870 grading commenced in Aurora, and on the thirty-first of Decem- ber, 1870, the construction train reached Rochelle. Concerning the appropriation of $75,000 by the township of Mount Morris toward the building of this railroad, the township clerk's record book says: "At a special town meeting held in the town of Mount Morris in the county of Ogle and state of Illinois, at the shop of A. W. Little, on the BOth day of June, A. D. 1870, to vote for or against a donation to the Chicago & Iowa Railroad Company. The meeting was called to order by 170 mount morris: past and present. Frederick B. Brayton, town clerk. M. T. Rohrer was on motion of Wm. H. Atchison duly chosen as moderator, who being duly sworn by P. B. Brayton, town clerk of said town, entered upon the duties of his office. The polls for the election for or against donation were opened, proclama- tion thereof being first made by the clerk." Following this is the poll list of 269 voters who participated, and the result of the election, as fol- lows: For donation, one hundred and sixty-three votes; against donation, one hundred and six votes. Here a word regarding these many donations will be in order. It was an exceedingly peculiar or rather remarkable piece of scheming and financiering on the part of Mr. Hinckley, who was really the principal owner of the road, how he managed, with little or no capital of his own to start with, to build and equip this railroad, by actual out-and-out donations, and came out in the end with a fortune. In fact it might literally be said that the people of Illinois deliberately handed him over a sufficient sum of money to build himself a railroad. Although the statement seems somewhat hyperbolical it is not far from the truth. The fact of the case is, the people were placed in a rather queer position with a difficult question to decide upon. Men came along and made propositions that if aid would be voted the railroad could be built and many well knew that the coming of the railroad would surely be worth to the community the amount of money to be paid, — $25,000, $50,000, or $75,000, etc., as the case might be, — but on the other hand there was that objection to the thought of deliberately handing over money to a man or company of men and creating for them fortunes, merely because they were in a position to ask it. This latter way of looking at the matter and other objections to these donations were evident to many people and there was of course a strong minority in opposition, and bitter animosi- ties sprang up, which unfortunately are not allayed even yet in some places. The strong opposition by the minority in many towns caused quarrels, and much litigation was entailed upon the people in conse- quence. The majority of the people, however, believed the flattering tales which the railroad projectors told them, and willingly voted the aid requested, as mentioned before. They were led to believe that every man's farm would be a fortune if they would but aid liberally in the construction of railroads. After a time their dearly-bought experience led them to discover the folly of such a course, and in the latter part of 1870 they amended their constitution to prohibit such corporate action in an amendment to the organic law of the state providing that "no county, city, town, township or other municipality shall ever become subscriber to the capital stock of any railroad or private corporation, or make donation to, or loan its credit in aid of such corporation." The minority, which had opposed the original voting; of donations, took every opportunity to prevent the issuing of the bonds and also the payment after they had been issued, which action was the cause of the trouble afterward encountered by Mount Morris and, in fact, all points along the line. Many towns refused to issue the bonds voted, and some COMING OP THE RAILROAD. 171 actually avoided the payment by taking advantage of certain technical errors in regard to the legality of the elections when the donations were voted, or some trifling breach of the agreement on the part of the railroad company; others compromised, but many were compelled to pay the full amount, besides a great deal more to cover expenses incurred during liti- gation. Concerning Mount Morris's well-known unsuccessful attempt to avoid the payment, more is said farther on, in the chronological order of events. As stated before, the Chicago & Iowa railroad was completed as far as Rochelle in December, 1870. It was farther completed from Rochelle to a point on the east bank of Rock river, opposite Oregon, April 1, 1871, and regular trains for passengers and freight put on. The bridge across Rock river was completed and the cars crossed it for the first time, October 20, 1871. During the summer of 1871 work progressed on the grading of the road between Oregon and Mount Morris, which was watched with great interest by the people of the township, delighted as they were at the thought of having a railroad. The first passenger train was run to Mount Morris November 12, and the people celebrated the event in grand style. An elegant public supper was given in honor of the railroad officials. As soon as the road was completed to Forreston, a connection was made with the Illinois Central railroad, which opened a route from Chi- cago to Souix City, Iowa. A contract was made between the two roads by which the cars of the Illinois Central reached Chicago over the Chicago & Iowa railroad. New depots were erected along the line in 1872; through trains between Chicago and Dubuque were put on, and the road entered upon a period of good management and general prosperity. The Illinois Central continued to run trains over this road to Chicago until about 1888, when their own road was completed through Freeport and Rockford to that city. The first station agent in Mount Morris was Mr. A. W. Brayton, now a prosperous druggist and book-seller in the village. His night operator was H. D. Judson, a young man who had made his home with the family of F. B. Brayton. Mr. Judson advanced rapidly in favor with the railroad company and is now superintendent of the road. He acted as night opera- tor under A. W. Brayton and later succeeded Mr. Brayton as agent, with Samuel Rohrer and later " Bob " Lillie as night operators. The succession of agents and operators since that time cannot be definitely ascertained, but the following is probably nearly correct, the agent being mentioned first and the night operator second: C. E. Holbrook and Lyle Newcomer, Ed. L. Mooney and George Shank, Thomas Webb and F. F. Knodle (still a resident of Mount Morris), F. F. Knodle and J. D. Miller (now a harness dealer in Mount Morris), and since 1888, after the Illinois Central trains ceased running, and the night operator was dispensed with,— F. F. Knodle, Reuben Godfrey (three years), S. G. Brown (three years), and F. C. Rem- mer. Mr. Remmer, the present agent, attends well to the business of the road, is a genial and obliging young man and is well liked by both his em- ployers and the patrons of the road. He first came to Mount Morris as 172 mount morris: past and present. agent in October, 1895. Longer than the term of service of any of these agents is that of James Driscoll, who has been foreman of the section dur- ing the greater part of twenty-one years past. The record of the big fight carried on by Mount Morris for so many years in an attempt to avoid the payment of the money voted to be donat- ed to the railroad is in some respects a rather peculiar piece of history. The complications arising in the case render the task of tracing it one of great delicacy. As to the propriety of voting the donation of $75,000 in the first place there is of course a diversity of opinion, and also upon the right and wrong of attempting to evade the payment of the same, but it is not the purpose of this book to render any verdicts, one way or another, but merely to give the facts in the case. Undoubtedly the township has derived $75,000 worth of actual benefit from the presence of the railroad and would not part with it for that amount of money, or even for the larger amount actually being paid in consequence of the addition of inter- est during the period of litigation. By the terms upon which the donation of $75,000 was voted by Mount Morris, the company was required to complete the road through the town before the bonds should be issued. While the work was progressing the people apparently somewhat regretted their liberality and the minority, who had strongely opposed the measure at the election, decided to do all in their power to prevent the issuing of the bonds. Consequently an in- junction, signed by Daniel J. Pinckney, John W. Hitt, Jacob H. Mumma, John E. McCoy, Milton E. Getzendaner and John Sprecher, was drawn up and filed in the circuit court of Ogle county, praying that the township of Mount Morris be restrained from the issuing of bonds for the payment of the seventy-five thousand dollars, or any part thereof, or the interest thereon, or any part thereof; also to restrain the township from causing any tax to be levied for the payment of the same. In the writ, an alleged illegality of the election, when the donation was voted, was claimed as the pretext for filing the injunction. The injunction was temporarily grant- ed and the case brought up in the circuit court. But while the slow pro- cesses of law were at work on the matter negotiations were in progress between Mr. Hinckley and Supervisor J. W. Hitt for an amicable settle- ment of the matter, and an agreement was finally reached to compromise the bond issue at $50,000. This arrangement was decided upon by the people at a special town meeting held March 19, 1875. Regarding this meeting and its action the old village record book has the following: Special town meeting met at the shop of A. W. Little in persuance of call. On mo- tion A. Newcomer, Esq., was chosen moderator and O. H. Swing-ley, secretary. On motion, the meeting adjourned to Seibert Hall. The hour of two o'clock, P. M., hav- ing arrived, the meeting proceeded to business. On motion the supervisor (J. W. Hitt) of the town of Mount Morris was requested to make a full statement to the meeting of all correspondence and negotiations that had taken place between himself and Mr. Hinckley with regard to the settlement of the claim of the Chicago & Iowa Railroad Company against the town, whereupon the supervisor made a full statement of all that had taken place between himself and Mr. Hinckley, including Mr. Hinck- ley's proposition for a final settlement of the question at issue, viz., That the Chicago & Iowa Railroad Company would accept bond to the amount COMING OF THE RAILROAD. 173 of $50,000 dated March 1, 1875, running not to exceed ten years, at ten per cent annual interest, or in lieu thereof $15,000 in cash in full liquidation of said claim. After full and free discussion the following resolutions were adopted without a dissenting voice. Resolved, that after a full consideration of the terms of the proposition made by Mr. F. E. Hinckley, president of the Chicago & Iowa Railroad Company through our supervisor to settle the claim of said company against the town, now in litigation, we regard said proposition as alike fair and honorable on the part of Mr. Hinckley, and are of the opinion that the same ought to be accepted in the same spirit in which it is offered. Resolved, That fully recognizing the services rendered the town by the parties who, with honest and consistent purpose, have so persistantly contested the issue of the bonds of the town to the amount of $75,000 we are partly in favor of so arranging the settlement with Mr. Hinckley that they shall receive, at the expense of the town, the sum of sixteen hundred dollars ($1,600), being the amount they have expended in lawyers' fees, traveling expenses and court charges. Resolved, That the parties in the suit and the town authorities be and are here- by requested to conclude the settlement without unnecessary delay. On motion of A. Q. Allen, the following was offered and unanimously adopted : Resolved, That we are largely indebted to our supervisor, J. W. Hitt, Esq., for the faithful, efficient and successful manner in which he has conducted these negotia- tions and guarded the interests of the town, and that a vote of thanks be and is here- by tendered him. A. Newcomer, O. H. Swingley, Secretary. Moderator. In compliance with the above, bonds to the amount of $50,000 were is- sued to the railroad company and sold, the German Insurance Company of Preeport purchasing most of them. According to the above agreement the bonds and interest were to be paid in ten years and the matter rested quietly for seven years. Then again in 1882, seven years after the bonds had been issued, plans were again laid by the minority who opposed the payment, to restrain the officials from levying any tax at the expiration of the ten years with which to pay the bonds. Accordingly a second injunc- tion was filed in the circuit court in that year by John Harmon, Samuel Domer, Daniel Pager and Reuben S. Marshall. The case came up in the circuit court shortly after and was finally decided against the town. It was then appealed to the supreme court of the state of Illinois and in the year 1888, was finally also settled there, the verdict again going against the town, and the injunction was dissolved, after a continuous term of lawing extending over a period of about six years. The decision in 1888 by the supreme court dissolving the injunction did not yet bring the town to its last extremity and the payment was fur- ther staved off several years by electing town clerks and immediately sending them away, and paying them to stay away. It being necessary to have the signature of the clerk on the paper making the levy, this very ef- fectually preventing the necessary levy and the owners of the bonds were still compelled to carry the indebtedness. Finally, however, as many peo- ple anticipated, the town was compelled to give up and the injudicious fight was discontinued. N. A. Watts became clerk of the town and not be- ing willing to " skip " as his predecessors had done, the payment of the vast sum of money, then more than doubled by the accumulation of the ten per cent interest, became no longer avoidable and the levy was made 174 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. for the first payment, — the sum of $47,000, — which was collected by D. B. Keedy, in the spring of 1894. This large payment, more than three times as large as the usual tax, was met with considerable difficulty by many tax- payers, but with a year's notice to prepare for it, few people were actually crippled financially, and all were glad that the attempt was made after it had been paid. The heavy debt hanging over the town was a great men- ace to its prosperity, and it was certainly a wise measure to no longer de- lay its obliteration. Not only did the former condition of affairs drive people away who might have settled in the township, but the credit of the township was kept worthless. By this one stroke, the payment of the $47,000, Mount Morris was again put upon a solid financial basis and the best of credit restored. The remaining $50,000 of the debt was disposed of by the issuing of new bonds to be paid off in yearly installments. A special town meeting was held to make this arrangement, the town clerk's record of which is as follows: Special town election, held the ninth day of December, 1893, at the village hall, town of Mount Morris, Ogle county, Illinois, the form of ballot being as follows: Proposed issue of twenty town bonds for $2,517.50 each, aggregating $50,350, bear- ing five per cent interest, one bond payable May 1st of each year till all are paid, com- mencing May 1st, 1894, the interest on all said bonds payable annually, said bonds to be issued in lieu of bonds held by the German Insurance Company, of Freeport, Illinois, the principal and interest of which will aggregate $50,350 May 1, 1894, and which are numbered 1, 2, 5, 9, 12, 14, 16, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 and 47, for $500 each; and eleven bonds, numbered 57, 65, 66, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 and 75, for $1,000 each, bearing ten per cent interest. The result of this election was 250 votes in favor of issuing the bonds and 61 against. It seems, however, that these bonds were not accepted and new arrangements were necessary. The following petition was filed in the town clerk's office on the 30th day of April, 1894: To the Town Clerk of the Town of Mount Morris, Ogle County, HI.: The undersigned legal voters of the town of Mount Morris, being residents there - n respectively request and petition that a special election be called to submit to the voters of said town the question of issuing the bonds of said town of the third class to the amount of $57,600, consisting of 112 bonds of $500 each, and 16 bonds of $100 each, bearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, said bonds to be dated the first day of June, 1894, and be made payable at the office of the state treasurer, in the city of Springfield, Illinois, said bonds to be so issued that $3,600 thereof shall become due June 1st, 1895. and a like amount annually thereafter until all are paid ; said bonds to be issued for the purpose of refunding the following indebtedness of the town of Mount Morris, to wit : Judgment of George W. Sanford, and interest $ 4,738 32 Judgment of Emma E. Pitt, and interest, 5,066 30 Judgment of William Talcott, and interest 4,520 48 Judgment of Chester K. Williams, and interest, 32,537 40 Judgment of A. A. Viele. and interest, 2,215 67 Judgment of Catherine Randall, and interest, 2,315 96 Bonds numbered 28, 48, 49 and 50 of $500 each, and bond num- bered 67 for $1,000. issued to the Chicago & Iowa Railroad Company, 6,535 12 Total, $57,929 25 The above petition was signed by 49 legal voters of the town. In com- pliance with the petition a special election was called by posting ten no- tices in ten of the most public places in said town, also by notice being COMING OF THE RAILROAD. 175 published in the Mount Morris Index. The question of the issuing of new bonds, substantially as quoted in the above petition, was voted upon on the 26th day of May, 1894, the date set for the election, and the follow- ing result obtained: For issuing the bonds, 248 votes; against issuing the bonds, 43 votes. These bonds were then issued and accepted by the creditors of the town. And thus the matter was finally amicably settled. The payment of the remaining portion of the debt continues each year in small install- ments which are not noticed in the least by the taxpayers of the township. The last payment will be made in the year 1909. Although these pay- ments are being made each year, it is a fact that the rate of assessment in Mount Morris is as low and most cases lower than in the other towns in Ogle county. At the present time the credit of the town is restored, the ill-feelings engendered by the controversy concerning the bond case for- gotten and " All is well." CHAPTER XII. RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. The religious advantages of Mount Morris, both in the past and pres- ent, have been, and are, unexcelled in Northern Illinois. It is an undis- puted fact that the morals among both the young and old in " The College Town" are above the average in any other places in the county or neigh- boring counties. The fact is often commented upon by visitors from abroad, and it is a condition continually boasted of by the people them- selves, and by Mount Morris College in advertising the village as a safe place for young men and women, leaving their homes to get an education. The religious atmosphere of the place has always prevailed against the great evils common in many towns and kept the environments of its young people pure and clean and untainted. Open saloons were opposed from the time of the first settlements, as will be seen in the chapter on " Vil- lage Organization" and at other places in this volume. Open saloons have, in fact, been tolerated but on one or two occasions and at very short periods at that. For a score of years past there has not even been an attempt made to gain a saloon license. If license and anti-license were made an issue at a village election it would be voted down by an over- whelming majority, without doubt. Such is the sentiment which the churches of Mount Morris have created in the hearts of her good people. Pour Christian denominations are well represented in the village and township, and each has a commodious place of worship. And though they differ somewhat in faith and practice, still they dwell together in perfect harmony. Pew places of like population can claim so many ministers, there being no less than fifteen or eighteen at one time, yet one never hears of any unpleasantness among them. In fact Mount Morris might be called the " Preachers' Paradise." Of the four churches in Mt. Morris the history of the Methodist Epis- copal dates back the farthest. The first preaching in this part of Ogle county, at least the first under Methodist auspicies was by the Rev. Thomas S. Hitt, father of Hon. R. R. Hitt, a cultured and earnest local preacher, who came to this state in 1837 and settled with the Maryland colony. He entered a large tract of land, but devoted his time very largely to the development of the religious and educational interests of the country. He was in frequent demand for fu- nerals, weddings, church dedications and educational meetings. He was largely instrumental in securing the seminary at this place, for which he contributed liberally, and by his influence and eloquence raised large amounts of money. As a pioneer preacher he did faithful work, and laid (176) REV. THOMAS S. HITT. Father of Hon. R. R. Hitt and one of the promoters of early j Methodism in Ogle county. RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. 179 the foundation from which many strong churches have grown and pros- pered. One who recollects Eev. Hitt as he was in vigorous manhood describes him as follows: " As a speaker he was interesting, with a clear musical voice, which expressed every shade of feeling. His language was choice and copious. In bearing he was dignified and easy and his gestures were natural and graceful. He stood six feet tall and seemed under all circum- stances, in public or private, perfectly possessed." He died September 23, 1852, having successfully planted Methodism in this section and giving its religious and educational interests an impulse that has been felt ever since. Rev. Barton Cartwright was appointed to the charge, then part of a large circuit, in the fall of 1838. Aug. 20, 1840, Rock River Conference was organized, at a camp-meet- ing held in the grove two miles northwest of town. Bishop Waugh was the presiding bishop and Rev. B. T. Kavanaugh, secretary. The location of Rock River Seminary at Mount Morris, under the con- trol of the Conference, gave the local church quite an impetus. When the first seminary building was completed in 1840, the north portion was used for church purposes, until the erection of the second building called " Old Sandstone," when the two lower stories of the east part were fitted up as a chapel and used by the church for about 25 years. The location of the school gave the church considerable prestage dur- ing its earlier history and some of the strongest men of those times served it as pastors. It has been impossible to obtain a complete list previous to 1857, but the following list is nearly accurate: Revs. Thos. Hitt, Barton Cartwright, Worthington, McMurty, Snow, Walker, Wagner, Jewett, Jud- son, Stuff, Cone, Winslow, Keegan, Stoughton, Parks. Rev. Blanchard was pastor in 1857, followed by Rev. J. H. Vincent, now bishop, in 1859. From 1860 until the present time the following pastors were assigned in their order: 1860, L. Anderson; 1863, W. A. Smith; 1865, J. H. More; 1867, W. A. Stout; 1868, C. R. Ford; 1869, S. H. Adams; 1872, L. Curts; 1875, E. M. Battis; 1876, E. W. Adams; 1878, A. T. Needham; 1879, James Bush; 1882, G. L. Wiley; 1885, Robert Proctor; 1887, R. Brown; 1890, J. H. Thomas; 1895, A. S. Mason; 1898, F. W. Nazarene. For a number of years Mount Morris was the head of a district, and the home of the Presiding Elder. Among others who resided here while filling that office were Richard Haney, Hooper Crews, John Clark, Philo Judson and Luke Hitchcock. The congregation worshipped in the seminary chapel until the school passed from the control of Rock River Conference in 1877. During the pastorate of Rev. E. W. Adams, the present edifice was erected at a cost of about $8,000. It is a beautiful and commodious building situated on the corner of Center and McKendrie streets. It has a large auditorium, with gallery, and lecture room, etc. It has been kept in thorough repair and remodled several times, and fully meets the necessities of the congrega- tion. The first parsonage was erected in 1852, a grout building located 180 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. southwest of the seminary. It appears in a view from the seminary on page 54. It was used until 1890 when the present convenient house was erected, just south of the church. The church has always stood well in the charges of Eock Eiver Con- ference, and has constantly developed along all lines of church enterprise. At the present time it enjoys a good degree of prosperity, and has a good property free from debt. It contributes liberally for pastorial support, and the various benevolences of the church. The present membership is about two hundred. The Sunday school is in a prosperous condition, un- der supervision of Mr. Charles H. Sharer. The Epworth League, with A. M. Newcomer as president, is a very earnest and aggressive body of young METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. people. All the departments of church work are organized and are work- ing harmoniously and successfully. The sixtieth anniversary of the organization of the church at Mount Morris was celebrated with special services of an interesting nature, be- ginning Dec. 4, and closing Dec. 11, 1898. Following is a short biographical sketch of Rev. F. W. Nazarene, the present pastor: Rev. F. W. Nazarene. the youngest son of Frederick and Mary A. Nazarene, was born in Washington county, Md., January 25, 1856. He removed with his parent to Ogle county, 111., in the spring of 1864. The first year of his sojourn in Illinois was spent at Mount Morris. In the spring of 1865 the family moved on a farm RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. 181 near Brookville, and the following spring to Polo, where his parents resided until their death. His father died in June, 1898, and his mother in June, 1899. The subject of this sketch attended the public schools of Polo, graduating from the High School of that place in June, 1874. He spent some time teaching and then attended the Rock River Seminary, under the presidency of N. C. Dougherty. He united with the Polo M. E. church in 1875, and was licensed as a local preacher in 1877, and united with Rock River Conference in 1881, at which time he was ordained to Deacons orders by Bishop Wiley. He was ordained to Elders orders by Bishop Fowler in 1885, at which time he completed the four years theological studies prescribed by the Conference. His first pastoral charge was at Davis, 111., where he labored for two years. The church there was greatly strengthened by a remarkable revival, and by the remodeling and repairing of the church building. The new church building at Rock City was also erected during this pastorate. This was followed by a full pastorate o three years at Orangeville, during which time a new church was erected on the charge. Successful and pleas- ant pastorates followed at Hanover, Shirland, Leaf River and Byron. In the autumn of 1892, on account of the failing health of his younger daugh- ter, and by advice of physicians, he took a supernumerary relation to his Conference and moved to South Dako- ta, and served as pastor at Milbank and Aberdeen, two of the leading ap- pointments of that Conference. In the fall of 1896 he went to Jameston, North Dakota, where he had one of the best years of his ministry. His daughter's health having been fully restored [he returned to Rock River Conference in 1897, and the following February was appointed pastor of the Mount Morris church, it being his third pastorate in Ogle county. His work here has been pleasant and evidently satisfactory to the membership, as at the end of each succeed- ing Conference year the official board has given him a unanimous invitation to re- turn. The church property has been thoroughly remodeled and improved during his pastorate, the finances all met and all the departments of the church are working pleasantly and harmoniously. On the first day of June, 1880, he was married to Miss Amy S. McHoes, the eldest daughter of Peter McHoes, of Davis, 111. They have two daughters, Mary and Ida, both in school in this city ; the former at the College, and the latter in the High School. Lutheran Evangelical Church. REV. F. W. NAZARENE. The first Lutheran minister in this part of the state was Rev. N. J. Stroh who came from Pennsylvania in the fall of 1845 and settled at Ore- gon. He began preaching at once in Mount Morris every two weeks in the chapel of the old M. E. Seminary. In consequence of many conflicting ap- pointments in the Chapel, he quietly withdrew and began holding services 182 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. in a schoolhouse a few miles from Mount Morris on the Oregon road. When a school house was built in Mount Morris he began preaching in that, but soon having more appointments than he could fill, he relin- guished Mount Morris and Oregon to Rev. Nicholas Burket. Rev. Burket was succeeded in turn by Revs. Ephraim Miller and A. A. Trimper. Un- der the pastoral care of Rev. Trimper the congregation was fully organized and a constitution adopted which, with only fews changes, is still in force, though the exact date of the formal organization can not now be ascer- tained, as the earliest records have been lost. It seems that a church building was about this time begun, Rev. Stroh having solicited the funds, and on June 17, 1854, the corner stone was laid by Rev. Stroh, assisted by Rev. Dr. C. B. Thummel. Rev. Geo. A. Bowers was pastor here for a season during which a " fine brick church " was dedicated May 2, 1856, at a cost of $3000.00, all " paid for by the active band." On the 23rd of April, 1857, Mount Morris became a separate charge, hav- ing been in connection with Oregon to that date, though Rev. Bowers, pas- tor at Oregon, continued to preach here occasionally. Rev. Cornelius Riemensnyder became pastor in April, 1858, and served one year. In October, 1859, came Rev. Daniel Schindler who likewise was pastor one year, when Rev. Ephraim Miller again took charge, continuing until Apr., 1863. Rev. Rufus Smith became pastor in May, 1864, and served for more than a year, during which time a parsonage was purchased, April 29, 1865, for $900.00. Rev. Whitehill came in October, 1867, and was suc- ceeded in November, 1869, by Rev. A. Prick, who in turn was followed by Rev. L. L. Lipe in January, 1872, who continued in the pastorate until Oc- tober, 1879. In May, 1877, it was decided to select another location and build a new church costing $5,000, more or less, the work not to begin, however, until $3,500.00 had been provided for that purpose, independently of the old property. The cornerstone was laid September 30, 1877, Rev. Detweiler preaching the discourse. The church was dedicated November 10, 1878, the venerable Prof. Samuel Sprecher, D. D., L. L. D., Springfield, Ohio, de- livering the sermon, after which $1800.00 were raised for the indebtedness. The church and furniture cost a little over $7000.00, the lot which was do- nated by Hon. R. R. Hitt not included. Rev. J. W. Henderson, coming to the pastorate in October, 1879, and continuing until March, 1881, was followed by Rev. Max Lentz, July, 1881, who served until February, 1884. During his pastorate the old parsonage, now the improved property of Josiah Avey, was sold for $1,100.00, as had been the old church to the Christian denomination for $900.00 previously, the proceeds of both going to the payment of the indebtedness on the new church, which was fully met and cancelled by additional subscriptions. A jubilee service was held June 29, 1883, when Rev. Haithcox, presi- dent of Northern Illinois Synod, preached a suitable sermon, after which Samuel Lookabaugh, the treasurer, read a report which showed that the organization had no indebtedness resting upon it, and from that time to RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. 183 the present the congregation has always promptly met its financial obli- gations. It was likewise during the term of Rev. Lentz, in 1882, that the Synod of Northern Illinois held in this town its Thirty-second Annual Convention conjointly with the Fifth Annual Convention of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Synod; also that the four hundreth anniversary of the birth of Martin Luther was celebrated, November 10 and 11, 1883, when appropriate addresses were delivered by Prof. Carl W. Belsar, Hon. R. R. Hitt and others. The church was without a pastor a year and a half after Rev. Lentz's departure but its pulpit was supplied the greater part of the interval by Prof. E. L. Bartholomew, then teaching in the College, and Rev. W. LUTHERAN CHURCH AND PARSONAGE. Eichelberger, of Virginia, who served the church by special arrangement lor one month, closing with Easter Communion and fifteen accessions. Rev. Edwin S. Hoffman became pastor in June, 1885, and closed his work in October the following year. Rev. L. Ford, pastor at Oregon, for a few years supplied the pulpit here every alternate Sabbath, until Nov. 1, 1890, when he severed his relation as pastor at Oregon, and began to give his whole time to Mount Morris. Meanwhile the present parsonage was erected at a cost of about twelve hundred dollars, the lot being given, as in the case of the church, by Mr. Hitt; also the roof of the church was reshingled, the building painted and a new furnace installed in the base- ment. 184 MOUNT MOERIS: PAST AND PRESENT. Rev. L. L. Lipe immediately followed Rev. Ford, beginning his second term as pastor her 3 Nov. 1, 1897. A year ago the auditorium was hand- somely repaired and decorated at an expense of about eight hundred dol- lars and the last summer about two hundred dollars were expended on the lower rooms, so that the interior of the church is now in excellent condition. Daring its history this church, like all similar organizations, has en- joyed at intervals its seasons of special prosperity, and likewise exper- ienced seasons of decline, but, all in all, there has been gradual growth and its present condition is both substantial and hopeful, numerically, spiritually and financially. The present resident membership is about one hundred and twenty- five. The membership is amenable to the church council elected by the congregation and formally installed for a term of two years, the pastor be- ing chairman. The present officers are A. E. Canode and W. H. Miller, eld- ers, and S. Mumma, W. H. Jackson, C. E. Price and W. H. Swingley, dea- cons. Mr. Miller is likewise secretary of the council and treasurer. The Sunday school is under the superintendence of Mrs. Flora S. Lipe with an enrollment of about one hundred and thirty-five. The school is well organized, has good equipment in all respects and not only supports itself but contributes liberally towards the benevolences of the church at large. Mrs. Ella Winders is president of the Christian Endeavor Society which has at present a membership of about thirty and gives twenty-five dollars each year to the support of a missionary in Africa. The president of the Ladies' Aid Society is Mrs. Nellie Baker. This organization by its varied activities raises several hundred dollars every year which it appro- priates as the needs of the church seem to require . The Mount Morris church is in connection with the Synod of North- ern Illinois which belongs to the General Synod of the Evangelical Luth- eran church in America, one of four large bodies into which the Lutheran church inlthis country is divided on account of differences in languages,, religious customs and interpretation of certain articles of the Augsburg Confession which all Lutherans hold in common and to which its minis- ters are required to give their adherence. Members in general, however,, are only asked to pledge themselves to the observance of a faithful Chris- tian life and accept the doctrines of the Apostles' creed and give obedi- ence to the disciplinary rules of the church. That great latitude in theo- ogical views is permitted in the ministry is evinced by the fact that with- in the last thirty years there has not been perhaps a single trial for heresy in the General Synod. The Mount Morris church has recently enjoyed the rare privilege of entertaining for the second time the Synod of Northern Illinois which held its Fiftieth Annual convention here October 17,, 1900, comprising in attendance about fifty ministers and delegates. Biographical sketches of Rev. Stroh, and Rev. L. L. Lipe, the present pastor, will here be appropriate: The Rev. Nicholas J. Stboh was, at the time of his death, the oldest Evangel- REV. N. J. STROH. Pioneer Lutheran minister; Died January 1, 1897. RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. 187 ical Lutheran minister in the Synod of Northern Illinois and probably in the United States. More than sixty of the ninety-nine odd years of his long- life were spent in active ministerial duties. Forty of these years were devoted to work in Illinois. He was licensed at Lebanon, Pa., in 1823. His last charge was at West Grove, northwest of Mount Morris, and after the termination of his connection there he lived in Mount Morris, retired from the active duties of the ministry, until his death on Jan. 1, 1897. He was familiarly known as " Father Stroh." The name of his father before him was the same as his own, and the senior Stroh was a well-to-do farmer of Pennsyl- vania. He was a successful business man and passed the greater portion of his life in Dauphin county in that state. Mr. Stroh was born May 5, 1798, in Dauphin county, and received his education partly in the public schools of his native state, and was an attendant at the schools of his native county. He early formed a resolution to enter the ministry, and was fitted for that calling under the instruction of private tutors. He first entered upon his classical and theological studies under the preceptorship of his brother-in-law, Rev. J. N. Hemping. of Lykin's Valley, Dauphin Co., Pa., and later he continued his studies with Rev. George Lochman, D. D., of Harrisburg. After being licensed to preach in the year named, he was assigned (in connection with Rev. A. H. Lochman) to home missionay work, in the northwestern counties of his native state, in which he was for a short time engaged. After the expiration of his missionary tour, he received a pressing invitation to locate in Lewistown, Miflin Co., Pa., where he organized the first Evangelical Lutheran church, besides other organizations in different parts. He officiated in the interests of the Lewistown church for some time. Previous to his efforts there the church was chiefly Mennonites. He next accepted a call to Newville, Cumberland Co., Pa., where he conducted the organizing of several Lutheran churches, and. after a service there of more than five years, he divided his work, and located at Shippersburg, where he remained about seven years. A part of his field of labor was in Franklin county, in the same state. Later he went to Mechanicsburg in the south of Cumberland county and preached there for a period of five years. While engaged in furthering the interests of his church in his native state, he founded at least a dozen church socities, and placed them on a firm and enduring basis. In the fall of 1845 he came to Illinois. Oregon, in Ogle county, where he located, was then in its primary days, and consisted of but a few houses. He was occupied in the duties of his calling there for eighteen months, and during that time he found- ed a church society of his own denomination, which is still in good working order. His next field was at Mount Morris, where he located on a farm in the vicinity of the village ; he had purchased it while at Oregon, the conditions making it necessary for him to give part of his energies and attention to the pressing necessities of the growing wants of his family, the church organization not being sufficiently large to supply them in the usual way. After removal here, he built churches and formed several socities of the Luther- an denomination. He also improved a farm on which he made his home. He con- tinued his connection with the duties of an active ministerial life until about 1880. and has since relinquished regular labor in that avenue. His life was one of useful effort and, in the best sense, one of success. Mr. Stroh and Miss Elizabeth Givler were joined in marriage in 1827. in Pennsyl- vania. She was a native of the same section of the county as himself, and was born Dec. 2, 1807. Her parents were natives of the Keystone state, also, where they passed the entire course of their lives. Of ten children born to them only five survive: Mrs. Maria Shultz. of Mount Morris; Mrs. Martha E. Sprecher, of Chicago; Gustavus, of Elgin ; Mrs. Augustus C. Riner, of Kansas City ; and Mrs. Josephine Clark, of Mount Morris. Luther L. Lipe, the subject of this sketch, is Germanic in blood, belonging to the fourth generation born in America. The father, Daniel Lipe, and the mother, Matilda Walter, were both natives of Cabarras county, North Carolina, and joining in mar- riage at an early age, two years later they migrated to Illinois, reaching their destina- tion in Montgomery county, in the fall of 1834. Here they invested a few hundred 188 mount morris: past and present. dollars in government prairie land, erected thereon a log hut in the fringe of ad- jacent woodland, and began thus the pioneer life of hard work, bitter self-denial and rigid economy, which enabled them eventually to own a large and well-improved farm. Upon this farm, seven miles north of Hillsboro, this sturdy coiiple lived until 1868, when they removed to Sterling, where the mother died at the age of seventy-nine and the father at the age of eighty-six. Both had from childhood been members of the Lutheran church. Ten children were born to these parents, six daughters and four sons, all of whom are yet living except the third daughter, who died in young motherhood. Luther L. was the sixth child and the third son. Reared on the farm, he went regular- ly to the district school until seventeen years of age, when he began his collegiate and theological education at Springfield, 111., and which was uninterruptedly con- tinued in Pennsylvania College, and completed in the Theological Seminary at Gettys- burg, in 1870. Ordained to the Gospel ministry of the Lutheran church in Septem- ber, 1871, by the Synod of Northern Illinois, in January following he be- came pastor of the church at Mount Morris, remaining until the last of September, 1879. While pastor here Mr. Lipe was wedded to Miss Flora Stager, youngest child of John S. Stager, Esq.. Sterling, 111., in Novem- ber. 1872, and two children were born to them ; John Stager, who died at the age of eleven months, and some years later Olive was given to them, their last born and only living child. The congregation prospered and in 1878 the old brick church in the east part of the town was relin- guished for a more eligible site, and the beautiful house of worship com- pleted at a cost of over seven thousand dollars. The next pastorate was in Dixon, beginning October 1, 1879, and lasting until August, 1885, — very happy and successful years for both pastor and people, — when he went to Lincoln, Nebr., in charge of the Women's Sec- ond Memorial, St. Mark's church, an important mission. Mr. Lipe happily avows that it was here that he met with his first and last serious disap- pointment in his ministerial career ; when a fine central location had been purchased; the plan of a new and costly church edifice adopted: the bids of con- tractors on file with the building committee and the required funds practically se- cured,— at this last hour personal ambition to change and control location engen- dered strife, causing serious division, and the whole project was defeated. Three years were next spent in West Point, Nebraska. The church building was doubled in its capacity by large additions, the membership greatly increased in num- bers and all departments flourished. This place was likewise a mission. September 1, 1892, he went to Sharon, Wis. The church had been rent asunder by bitter contention and personal animosities, and two full years were required to unite the forces in church fellowship again. Dissatisfied with the business manage- ment of the church which he had tried in vain to improve, at the end of five and a half years as pastor there Mr. Lipe withdrew and again assumed charge at Mount Mor- ris, November 1, 1897. In the summer^of 1899 the auditorium was renovated and im . REV. L. L. LIPE. RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. 189 proved, at a cost of about eight hundred dollars and the basement has just undergone similar changes at an expense of about one hundred and seventy-five dollars. The membership, on the whole, heartily co-operates with the pastor and the church, and all its organized departments are regarded as in good condition. The Synod has at different times entrusted to Mr. Lipe highly responsible duties as its secretary and president for several terms, trustee of Carthage college a number of years, and delegate to the General Synod on several occasions. He solemnly avers, however, that he is best satisfied when quietly and exclusively in pursuit of the welfare of his own church and people. Christian Church. The Christian church (Disciples of Christ) of Mount Morris was or- ganized in March, 1880, by State Evangelist J. H. Wright with about forty- charter members. Prior to 1880 there were probably about a dozen mem- bers of this faith living in Mount Morris. The Christian church at Pine Creek was the nearest place where they could worship according to their faith and frequently they were in attendance at that place. During the fall of 1879, Rev. D. G. Howe, pastor of the Lanark Christian church, con ducted a series of revival meetings here, lasting over three weeks, during which time about fifteen converts were made. These with those already members of the church immediately decided to establish a church in Mount Morris, and after extended negotiations finally purchased the brick edifice in the eastern part of the town, which had been property of the Lutheran church and been used by them for many years, but was vacant on account of the building of their new edifice in the west part of town. For this property they paid 8900 and during the winter of 1879-80 several hundred dollars more were expended in repairing the church, — painting it inside and out, building the steeple, furnishing the interior with new seats and putting in the baptistry under the pulpit and the dressing rooms on either side. After the building had been prepared for occupancy, occurred the or- ganization of the church by State Evangelist J. H. Wright, in March, 1880, as previously mentioned. Jacob Keedy, W. S. Blake and Joseph Wagner were chosen the first trustees; Dr. Mershon and C. G. Blakslee, elders; and W. S. Blake and Scott Kennedy as deacons. For about a year the organi- zation conducted its own services, until 1881, when Rev. G. W. Ross was engaged as pastor, dividing his time equally with the Pine Creek congrega- tion. Rev. J. H. Carr came next in the spring of 1885 and remained two years, and was followed by Rev. D. R. Rowe, who came over from Lanark every two weeks to preach. His pastorate was brief and the Rev. G. W. Pearl took charge, alternating every other Sunday with the Pine Creek congregation. Following him came in succession the Revs. T. B. Stanley, C. T. Spitler, J. B. Wright and H. G. Waggoner, all of whom devoted their entire time to the charge, each remaining about two years with the excep- tion of Messrs. Spitler and Waggoner, who were here only about one year. After the departure of Rev. Waggoner the church was without a pastor about a year, until Rev. D. F. Seyster, the present pastor, took charge in February, 1900. Rev. Seyster lives at Pine Creek and divides his time be- tween the Mount Morris and Pine Creek churches. 190 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. At present the congregation is enjoying prosperity, meeting all finan- cial obligations with ease. They make frequent donations to missions and support their pastor liberally. The membership is about 100. A Sunday School with a membership of about 75 meets each Sabbath morning at 9:30 o'clock. Prior to June, 1900, A. B. Keller, a student of Mount Morris College, had been superintendent for several years. Since CHRISTIAN CHURCH. that time Miss Ada Allen has filled the office with credit, and with an effi- cient corps of young teachers is doing a good work among the young people. The Christian Endeavor Society, which meets each Sunday evening, is a band of enthusiastic young Christian workers, under the guidance of Miss Winnie Doward, president of the society. Their meetings are inter- esting and helpful to themselves and their visitors. RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. 191 The Ladies' Aid Society does much toward raising the necessary fi- nances of the church. Mrs. John Pridley is president of the society. Following is a biography of Rev. D. P. Seyster, present pastor of the church: • Rev. David Feanklin Seyster is a native of the township of Pine Creek, where he was born June 14, 1858. He is a son of David and Catherine Seyster, who were born in Washington county, Md., and who were well known in the country to which they re- moved in its early days. The father was born in 1826 and the mother in 1829 and their marriage took place in their native country in 1853. The father was reared in Ogle county, and was educated in the common schools of his township. When ready to set- tle down in life he returned to Maryland for his wife. They entered 120 acres of land in section 10 in Pine Creek township, in the year of their marriage, the tract being en- tered at the land office at Dixon, and is registered as the last piece of land entered in the state of Illinois, the land office being closed the day succeeding that on which they took out the papers. The father remained on this possession until he owned 300 acres of land. He died in 1864. His widow married John M. Kennedy some twelve years later and is still a resident of Pine Creek. David Franklin, the subject of this sketch, is the youngest of the three living members of their family of six children. He attended the coun- try school of his district and later the Polo high school several years, after which he engaged in teaching school in the district in which he had himself been a pupil and in summers he oper- ated as a farmer. He served as town- ship assessor and in the Pine Creek Sunday school filled the position of superintendent for seven or eight years. Mr. Seyster finally decided to enter the ministry, and preached his first sermon at LeClair, la., Feb. 12, 1888. He was called to the pastorate of the Coleta church in March. 1889. sup- plying the pulpit at the Pine Creek church half of the time. In the fall of 1889 he resigned to attend Eureka Col- lege. Five years were spent in study there, during which time he preached on Sundays at Kempton, Roanoke and Woodhull. In 1894 he graduated from the Eureka College, having completed the classical course and done part of the work in a theological course. Immediately after graduation. Rev. Seyster was called to take charge of the Central Christian church of Kankakee, 111., and spent three and one-half years of successful work there. In the fall of 1897 he came to Pine Creek to visit the scenes of his childhood and commenced a series of revival meetings in the Pine Creek church. His efforts were rewarded with wonderful success, there being forty-six accessions. In the fall of 1897, he resigned the charge at Kankakee to accept a call to the Lynn- ville (111.) church, where he continued until February. 1900. Since that time he has had charge of the churches at Mount Morris and Pine Creek and is leading them both very successfully. Mr. Seyster has experienced particularly good success in evangelistic work, as evidenced by his work at the Pine Creek church in 1897. mentioned above. REV. D. F. SEYSTER. 192 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. Brethren Church. The German Baptist Brethren or Dunkard church is the strongest de- nomination in Mount Morris and differs radically in point of faith and practice from the other three. Their most distinctive feature is their form of dress, which, like everything else about their mode of worship, is required to embody principles of plainness and simplicity. The first church of this denomination in Ogle county was at West Branch, about seven miles northwest of Mount Morris, in Lincoln town- ship, where the few members in Mount Morris township worshipped for a number of years. Finally in the year 1867 the territory of the West Branch church was divided and a new church established in Mount Mor- ris township, about four miles northeast of Mount Morris, what is now known as the Silver Creek church, with a membership of about 100. Eld. D. E. Price was put in charge of it and continued its elder for many years. From 1867 until about 1879, the Brethren residing in the village of Mount Morris attended services at this church at Silver Creek. In the year 1879, as previously mentioned in detail in this volume, the Old Rock River Seminary, which had been conducted by the Methodist denomination for so many years, became the property of several members of the Brethren church, and although it continued the property of indi- viduals, it became a strictly Dunkard school, conducted in strict accord- ance with the rules of the church. The members of the faculty selected were nearly all members of the church and together with their families and other people of the denomination who were drawn here to educate their children or for other purposes, soon formed quite a colony of the Brethren, living in the village. They began immediately to hold religious services in the old seminary chapel and soon formed a strong church, with many able members. The entire membership of the old Silver Creek church, the Mount Morris church, and of the Salem church, later established in Pine Creek township, south of town, was known as the Silver Creek congregation and still continues under that name. Eld. David E. Price, first elected elder of the Silver Creek church in 1867, has been re-elected each year and still holds that position, after a term of faithful service of thirty-three years. The church here in Mount Morris soon outstripped the formerly strong Silver Creek church and by gradual growth each year has now attained a membership of 275 persons residing in the village alone. The entire Sil- ver Creek congregation, however, including the Silver Creek and Salem churches has a membership of over four hundred. The church is governed by an official board consisting of the presiding elder, his associate minis- ters and deacons. The present deacons of the congregation are Willough- by Felker, Wm. Gaffin, David Emmert, Wm. Price, Lewis Miller, A. M. Flory, Ernest Long, Prof. G. E. Weaver and Henry Mumma. Financially, the church is in the best of circumstances. There is no salary paid any of the ministers but the members give over $1,500 yearly for benevolences. Of this from $1,100 to $1,300 goes to defray expenses of the church and about $300 or $400 applied to home and foreign missions. RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. 193 The money for the church expenses is raised by regular taxation, each property owner paying according to his means. The younger members who have no property make volunteer contributions. The money raised for missionary purposes is made up entirely by volunteer contributions. The members of the Mount Morris Brethren church are far ahead of the great majority of churches in the way of religious advantages for their spiritual advancement. The presence of the college adds many individ- uals of ability to its ranks who can readily take prominent part in servic- es of all kinds. Among the professors are always a number of ordained ministers of the gospel and together with an exceptionally large number of resident preachers who have been drawn to Mount Morris by its excep- tional religious and educational advantages, give the church much pres- tige. Regular attendants at the College chapel have opportunity to hear a great variety of sermons as no one man seldom preaches there oftener than once in two or three months. Then, too, it is very fre- quent that visiting ministers, some of the best in the Brotherhood, preach in the chapel on Sundays or hold long revival services dur- ing the winter time. The attend- ance during the school year, while the students are here nearly equals that of the other three churches combined, especially on Sunday evening in the winter. Besides the advantage of an endless change of its ministerial appointments, the frequent occur- rence of enlivening revival meet- ings, and the vim and vigor of all doings of the church, due to the presence of the large ministerial force, the Mount Morris congrega- tion has access each year to a two- weeks' special Bible term at the college. Frequently, the Church has the pleasure of entertaining large gatherings of the Brethren, such as the District meeting, Sunday School and Ministerial meetings, etc., with delegates from all over North- ern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin, which add much to the interest of the local members in church work. Prominent among those who have served the church as ministers in the past and helped build it up to its present strength, are Elds. D. E. Price, D. L. Miller, J. H. Moore, J. G. Royer and Joseph Amick. Elder Price is already mentioned as having served the church as the presiding ELD. D. L. MILLER. 194 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. elder for thirty-three years. During this period he has devoted much time to the duties of his office, and deserves much credit for the harmony and the standard of loyalty which he has preserved among the members. Eld. D. L. Miller is another to whom the church is deeply indebted. He has spent over twenty years in Mount Morris connected with the Breth- ren Publishing Company and Mount Morris College. His travels in Eur- ope and the Bible Lands make him one of the best informed men in the Brotherhood and one of their very best preachers. When it comes his turn to preach in the chapel he is always greeted by a very large audience. Mr. Miller is also a lecturer of ability, having in the past few years given hundreds of " talks," as he prefers to call them, concerning his travels in the Bible Lands, which are illustrated by the use of a fine stereopticon. A more extended biography of Mr. Miller appears in the biographical di- rectory in the rear of this book. Eld. J. H. Moore, while pursuing his work as one of the editors of the Gospel Messenger, preached in his turn and took active part in the affairs of the church. He is a deep thinker and presented weighty sermons. His removal to Elgin with the Brethren Pub PARTIAL VIEW IN COLLEGE CHAPEL. lishing House was much regretted as was also that of Eld. Joseph Amick, business manager of the publishing house and Galen B. Royer, secretary of the General Missionary and Tract Committee. Both of these gentle- men were able preachers and were prominent in the church here. Prof. J. G. Royer, like Eld. D. E. Price, still remains with the church to continue his long term of usefulness. His sermons are second to none in point of excellence to any clergyman in Mount Morris. A portrait of Prof. Royer appears on page 111 and a biography on page 113. Eld. Simon E. Yundt, who moved to California in the fall of 1900, was an elder in the church about five years and a valuable member of the ministerial force. He did some evangelistic work during his last year here. Profs. J. E. Miller and D. D. Culler of the college, who went to other fields in the summer of 1900, were ministers of the church and for a number of years previous to their removal preached able sermons to the people in their turn. At the present time, besides Elds. D. E. Price, D. L. Miller, and J. G. Royer, already mentioned, the ministerial force of the church contains Elds. D. E. Brubaker, W. G. Cook and Ephraim Trostle, Prof. W. L. Eiken- berry and M. W. Emmert. Eld. Brubaker is a pleasing speaker and RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. 197 spends considerable time in late years conducting revival meetings at var- ious places. Eld. Cook but recently moved to Mount Morris from Dakota where he had been preaching in a country church. Eld. Trostle came to Mount Morris in November, 1900, having previously lived north of town, and preached principally in the Silver Creek church. Prof W. L. Eiken- berry attends to occasional ministerial duties along with his work in the college. He is a good sermonizer. A portrait of Prof. Eikenberry appears on page 111 and his biography on page 114. M. W. Emmert is one of the best of the younger preachers. He is at present teaching and doing some work in the college. See biography on page 116. There are also living in Mount Morris a number of superannuated ministers, who have done some preaching and occasionally fill the chapel pulpit or the pulpits at Silver Creek and Salem. Among them are Eman- uel Newcomer and Isaac Barnhizer. The ministerial force of the Mount Morris Brethren church is also often augmented by young ministers who are attending the college. Such is the case during the present school year, 1900-1901. At the quarterly council meeting of the church held in Mount Morris in July, 1900, two new ministers were elected, viz., — Prof. A. L. Clair, of the college, and Nelson Shirk, son of Levi Shirk of this place. They will be ordained after the proper preparation has been made. The Brethren Sunday school meets at 11 o'clock each Sunday with an attendance in the summer of between 150 and 175 pupils and in the winter, during the session of college, about 250 pupils. It is divided into two distinct sections, the primary and advanced. M. W. Emmert is superin- tendent of the former and Nelson Shirk of the latter. The weekly con- tributions amount to between three and five dollars, all of which goes to missions. Experienced corps of teachers are engaged in this work. The spiritual vim of the members of the church is kept from nagging by two prayer-meetings, — one Sunday evening and one Thursday even- ing. On Sunday evening there are senior and junior sections, the latter being attended by the younger members of the church and the students. Among the students are always a considerable number of young men who are preparing for the ministry and young ladies who expect to do mission- ary work, and together they have very enjoyable and profitable meetings. In the senior section there is also plenty of talent to discuss the questions adopted for each week's consideration. On Thursday evening the two sec- tions combine. The church also has a Sisters' Aid Society, a missionary society and a missionary reading circle. The future of the church is very encouraging. Mount Morris College which is now almost entirely property of the general Brethren church, continues as one of the foremost of the several colleges under the surveil- ance of the denomination, and prospects for its further advancement are very bright, which of course means further prestige for the local church. On the preceding page is a view of the Old Folks' Home in Mount Morris, which, like the college, is under the control of the Brethren. It 198 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. is owned and supported by the District of Northern Illinois. In 1895 this division of the church appointed Elds. Jos. Amick, Edmund Forney and Melchor Newcomer a committee to incorporate and found a home for aged members of the church, and orphans. Mount Morris was selected as a suit- able location and their present spacious building erected on a 15-acre patch in the south edge of the village in 1895 at a cost of about $10,000. The funds for its establishment were donated by the various churches in the district. An endowment fund of about $18,000 for its support was created by Jacob Petrie of Polo who willed his estate for the establish- ment of the home. This fund has been raised to over $20,000 and is ex- pected to reach the $30,000 mark in the near future. At present about twenty-five aged members of the church are being taken care of in the home. A new building will be built in course of several years. Already an addition costing $1,500 has been built. The present trustees are Jos. Amick, Willoughby Pelker and D. L. Miller. Lewis Miller is superintend- ent, having succeeded Levi Kerns in that position. CHAPTER XIII. SECRET ORGANIZATIONS. One of the prominent elements in the make-up of man is his desire for associatian with his fellow creatures. This, together with the natural feeling of fraternal regard which exists between men, has been the means of the organization of hundreds of religious and civil denominations and societies, clubs, and fraternities. Among civil societies are many which are organized mainly for purposes of insurance and others merely for the fraternal and social benefit to its members. Every town or hamlet of whatever size has one or more of these societies. At the present time Mount Morris has seven secret societies, viz., — the Grand Army of the Republic, Modern Woodmen of America, Masons, Odd Fellows, Rebeccas, Maccabees, and Knights of the Globe, histories of which are here appended. Grand Army of the Republic. The G. A. R. is not a secret society in the exact sense of the other six mentioned, but from the fact that its meetings are not public, and the object of its organization is for the mutual benefit of its members, it can properly be classed with the others. In connection with this, the war his- tory of Mount Morris township will be in order. In the year 1861, as every one knows, the United States was plunged into a long and bloody war, — the South pitted against the North in terrific struggle, lasting over four long years. During this time President Lin- coln made eleven separate calls for volunteers to help suppress the rebel- lion. Among the 3,389,748 men who responded to these calls were many loyal citizens from Mount Morris township, who left their homes and families and sacrificed all in defense of their country's flag. The follow- ing list of names of men who enlisted from Mount Morris township is com- plete as far as obtainable: loth Illinois Infantry. Capt. Wm, H. Gibbs, company H. Adjutant Geo. Q. Allen, company H. Judd L. Bond, company H. Carlton R. Cheney, company H. Levi Palmer, company H. Jasper C. Washburn, company H. Charles F. Neff , company H. O. W. Newton, company H. 23rd Illinois Infantry. Peter Freerkson. 34th Illinois Infantry. Major J. McClelland Miller, company H. Capt. Henry H. Newcomer, company H. Capt. Peter Householder, company H. Lieut. Benj. R. Wagner, company H. 2nd Lieut. John M. Smith, company H. Corp. Robert C. Heister, company H. Corp. Wm. J. Fouke, company H. Corp. Charles Fletcher, company H. Corp. Levi R. Holsinger. company H. Corp. Luther M. Stroh, company H. Thomas J. Avey, company H. (199) 200 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. Wm. H, Coggins, company H. Davis B. Meridith, company H. Killed at Resaca, Ga. John A. Noel, company H. Killed at Shi- loh. John H. Sharer, company H. Harrison Sage, company H. Daniel B. Turney, company H. Killed at Shiloh. Thomas W. Withers, company H. Jacob H. Withers, company H. Nehemiah Wagner, company H. Capt. David C. Wagner, company K. Dr. Francis A. McNeill, surgeon. 46th Illinois Infantry. Capt. Frederick H. Marsh, company E. Jasper N. Stonebraker, company E. Elaphilet J. Stonebraker, company E. 69th Illinois Infantry. John H. Pritchard, company K. 140th Illinois Infantry. Capt. James H. Cartwright, company I. Sergeant Wilbur A. McNeill, company I. Sergeant Henry Stewart, company I. Alfred E. Stroh, company I. Fenton F. Skinner, company I. James N. Smith, company I. Elisha Wolford, company I. Samuel R. Blair, company I. Daniel Castle, company I. Geo. W. Davis, company I. L. L. Davis, company I. Luther D. Potter, company I. John K. Palmer, company I. Benjamin Rine, company I. 142nd Illinois Infantry. Henry Hiestand, company D. tj'^te&bh Illinois Infantry. Sergeant Benj. F. Hiestand, company D. -Died at Andersonville Prison. 1st Lieut. G. W. Marshall, company K. Geo. W. Fouke, company K. James B. Cheney, company K. Thomas Coggins, company K. Geo. W. Anderson, company K. Thos. W. Carter, company K. Robert Crosby, company K. John S. Fish, company K. After the close of the war many veterans, who had enlisted in Mary- land and other eastern states, settled in Mount Morris township. The following roll call of the dead contains the names of a number of them, who made Mount Morris their home for a number of years but whose Spenser V. Miller, company K. Charles T. Marsh, company K. Charles B. Potter, company K. Muhlenburg Stroh, company K. August Stahlhut, company K. Wounded, and died at Andersonville prison. Wm. S. Speraw, company K. Wm. H. Sheets, company K. Eli G. Withers, company K. David B. Turney, company K. Dr. Thomas Winston, surgeon. U. S. Colored Infantry. Jesse Crawford. 2nd Illinois Cavalry. Daniel Shaw, company A. Francis Turney, company A. 4th Illinois Cavalry. Jesse O. Allen, company D. Alfred M. Doward, company D. Augustus Fenton, company D. Wm. Householder, company D. Thomas M. Hitt, company D. Thomas L. Potter, company D. Henry Rice, company D. Isaiah Rowland, company D. John E. Withers, company D. Eli G. Withers, company D. Wm. Wolfe, company D. Sergeant M. H. Wallace, company E. Franklin Black, company E. Andrew M. Glasgow, company E. Capt. Joseph E. Hitt, company M. Edwin Fenton, company M. Quartermaster John W. Hitt, company D (consolidated) . 7th Illinois Cavalry. Andrew Sharp, company B. 12th Illinois Cavalry. Capt. John F. Wallace, company L. Lieut. Oliver H. Swingley, company L. 14th Illinois Cavalry. Lieut. Isaac H. Allen, company D. Wm. E. McCready, company E. Reynolds Fouke, company E. Major Chas. Newcomer, Paymaster in De- partment of the Cumberland. SECRET ORGANIZATIONS. 203 names do not appear in the foregoing list, from the fact that they enlisted elsewhere. Most of them lie buried in one or the other of the two ceme- teries near Mount Morris. Following is the list: Allen, Isaac H, Corning 1 . W. R. Coggins, T. C. Carter. T. Cheney, J. G. Castle. D. Craddock, J. Crawford, J. Cheney, C. Fletcher, C. Freerkson. Peter Fish, J. Fenton, E. Granger, J. Hitt, Joseph Hickman, August Householder. William Hosking, J. M. Hiestand. B. F. Herbert, H. Heister, R. C. Kerns, Wm, Long, A. R. Long, J. T. McNeill, F. A. Mundabaugh, S. J. Merriman, C. Miller, J. McClelland Neff, C. Newcomer. H. H. Newcomer, Dr. D. Noel, J. A. Pike, W. Potter, C. Stroh, A. Shaw. D. Stahlhut, A. Sharp, A. F. Smith, J. M. Stroh, M. Sage, W. H. Shumway, E. Stuckenburg Turney, D. Thompson, G. W. Typer, A. Wallace, J. Withers, T. Wagner. B. F. Wilson, J. Wallace, M. Wallace, Wm. Withers, H. Welty, S. F. Worley, W. Wolfe, W. The J. M. Smith Post No. 720, G. A. E., was organized in August of 1892. The object of its organization is that the old soldiers may properly care for each other in time of sickness or adversity and further, for their social and fraternal benefit. The first commander elected was Joseph M. Hosking, who served two and one-half years. Following him, Peter Householder served two years; R. D. McClure, one year; Ed. Slater, one year; H. C. Clark, two years; and Joseph Baker, the present commander, is serving his first year. The other officers chosen at the last election are: F. D. Fouke, Senior Vice Commander; L. L. Davis, Junior Vice Commander; G. W. Davis, Chaplain; Dr. D. Newcomer (deceased), Surgeon; Captain Peter Householder, Adju- tant; H. C. Clark, Quartermaster; B. F. Tracy, Officer of the Day; Oliver Beard, Officer of the Guard. Following are the names of the members of the Post and also the veterans living in the township who have not identified themselves with the organization: Oliver Beard, 2d Md. Inf. Uriah Brantner, 142d 111. Inf. A. R. Binkley, 140th 111. Inf. S. R. Blair, 140th 111. Inf. J. T. Baker, 69th 111. Inf. Robert Crosby, 192d 111. Mounted Inf. H. C. Clark, 37th Mass. Inf. P. Householder, 34th 111. Inf. James Stevens, 9th Pa. Cav. Chas. Unger, 21st Pa. Cav. John Small, 15th 111. Inf. Daniel Ridenour, 2nd Pa. Heavy Artillery. Ed. McCready, 14th 111. Cav. Benj. Rine, 140th 111. Inf. F. D. Fouke, 7th 111. Inf. J. E. Withers, 4th 111. Cav. A. M. Doward, 4th 111. Cav. R. D. McClure, 2d Pa. Inf. H. L. Smith, 2d 111. Cav. G. W. Davis, 140th 111. Inf. L. L. Davis, 140th 111. Inf. Rigdon McCoy, 7th Md. Inf. B. F. Tracy, 1st 111. Cav. Dallas Wesner, Ed. Slater, 10th Ohio Cav. John Merriman, — Pa. Cav. John Harris, 1st Md. Inf. Thomas Avey, 34th 111. Inf. Isaac Barnhizer, 34th Inf. Levi Holsinger, 34th 111. Inf. Fred Frawert, 46th 111. Inf. Chas. Rubsamen, 3d Md. Cav. Charles Newcomer, Pay- master. Wm. E. Withers, 188th Pa. Inf. James Withers, 188th Pa. Inf. 204 mount morris: past and present. John Longman, 1st Md. Inf. John Palmer, 140 111. Inf. Wm. Finney, 142 111. Inf. Ed. Bricknell, 65th 111. Inf. Philip Shouse, Wm. J. Fouke, 34th 111. Inf. W. G. Cook, 73d Ind. Inf. Henry Easton, 13th 111. Inf. S. V. Miller, 92d 111. Inf. Masons. Samuel H. Davis Lodge, No. 96, A. F. &. A. M., has a history dating back over a half century. It was organized some time before 1850, the ex- act date of which does not appear on the records of the society. After or- ganization it worked under a dispensation for several years until a char- ter was obtained and reorganization effected October 6, 1851. The first principal officers under the charter were Isaiah Nilcoxen, W. M.; James Clark, S. W.; Wm. Little, J. W. Others of the first members after the charter had been obtained were Joseph S. Nye, Thomas Winston, Joseph Hale, W. T. Harlow, Elbridge W. Little, Nathaniel A. Ankney, Wm. A Plantz, Isaac Rice, Francis A. McNeill, Peter Knodle, Jonathan Knodle H I. Little, Benjamin K. Shryock, Ansel Streeter, S. H. Clems, John Donald- son, D. B. Turney, Abraham Pope, Edward Knock, James H. Fouke, Danie Highbarger, John Stanger, Benjamin Swingley, W. S. Pope, James M Webb. A Bible belonging to the Lodge and which was presented by the ladies of Mount Morris at the time these men, who are now nearly all dead, were members of the society, is still to be found in the lodge-room. It bears the date June 24, 1851. James Clark, who filled the office of S. W. at the time of the charter organization in 1851, afterward enjoyed the noted destinction of being the " oldest Mason in the world." He was made a Mason at Sunbury, Ohio, in 1820, and remained in good standing in the society until the time of his death, which occurred but recently at his home at Quincy, 111. He lived in Mount Morris for a number of years and took active part in all doings of the Lodge. He finally moved from Mount Morris to Quincy, 111. Sever- al years before his death, when he became widely known as the oldest Ma- son in the world, the Masons of Sheffield, England, sent to Quincy to se- cure a portrait of him. At the time of the organization of the Masonic fraternity in Mount Morris, they occupied what is known as the " Old Masonic Hall," where many of the old pioneer and prominent citizens of Mount Morris met reg- ularly for many years. In the view on page 51, reproduced from a photo- graph taken in about 1870, can be seen the venerable old building, the up- per story of which was used for the hall. It is numbered 18. It is now re- moved and with some alterations is still standing north of J. Strock's gro- cery, and is used by S. A. Shriner as a harness shop. In 1876 the new Ma- sonic building was erected in which they have since had quarters. Their room is large and well arranged, and probably the most elaborately fur- nished lodge-room in Mount Morris. They have a lease on the hall for ninety- nine years. The principal officers at present are: Gregor Thomp son, W. M.; E. C. McCredie, S. W.; Frank Coffman, J. W.; A. W. Brayton Treasurer; and T. C. Williams, Secretary. Messrs. Brayton and Williams have been repeatedly re-elected for many years. The other members of the lodge at present are: SECRET ORGANIZATIONS. 207 Charles Smith Peter Householder Benj. F. Shryock Samuel Knodle Henry Sharer N. A. Ankney J. T. Baker A. E. Canode John E. McCoy J. G. Miller Chas. H. Canode William Lohafer. Jr. U. C. Nye A. C. Irvin J. B. Moats Charlie Myers George Myers Harry dishing Bert Smith D. F. Stevens Edward Jimmerson Geo. B. McCosh George Zeigler N. E. Buser S. E. Avey B. E. Avey Geo. Myers, Leaf River Frank Graves, Leaf River Dr. Mitchell, Leaf River Dr. Bowerman, Leaf River Benj. Rebman, Forreston John Boekholder, " D. Harry Hammer, Chicago C. W. Webster, Seward Gottlieb Rummel, Freeport November 17, 1876, the Samuel H. Davis Lodge, No. 96, of Mount Mor- ris, and Forreston Lodge No. 413, were consolidated under the former name, with O. H. Swingley, W. M.; D. Rine, S. W.; and J. H. Nye, J. W. This accounts for the occurrence of names of Forreston and Leaf Eiver Masons in the above list. Knights of the Globe. Dick Yates Garrison, No. 31, K. of G., is an insurance as well as frater- nal and social organization, and is a comparatively new society in Mount Morris. A garrison was first organized here in 1891 by the Supreme Cap- tain-General W. W. Krape, with a membership of 15. There were not enough members to make them eligible to a charter and the members soon lost interest in the organization. Most of them gradually dropped out and the garrison became practically disorganized. Finally during the summer of 1900, Col. C. R. Greene of Jacksonville, general recruiting offi- cer of the Knights of the Globe, came to town and set the garrison again upon its feet. The required membership of thirty being secured, a charter was granted them, dated August 28, 1900. The officers elected were: John C. Marshall, Supreme Judge; S. P. Mumma, President; H. C. Clark, Judge; C. H. Canode, Vice-President; A. M. Newcomer, Commander; E. O. Startz- man, Lieut.-Commander. The appointive officers are: John Muller, En- sign; D. J. Beard, Provost Commander; C. H. Mishler, Quartermaster; H. G. Newcomer, Adjutant; Edward Mumma, Guard; George Weller, Sentinel. The other members of the Garrison are: R. R. Hitt R. D. McClure J. G. Miller Gera Watts George Medlar Dr. W. W. Hanes I. W. Marshall Dr. C. J. Price Roy Crawford R. C. McCredie Oliver Miller A. T. Olson William Fairlamb Chas. W. Weller Charles Niman Thomas Watts T. C. Williams Dr. J. F. Canode Those who have served the garrison and who are entitled to the title of Honored Judge are: R. R. Hitt, R. D. McClure, T. C. Williams, J. G. Mil- ler, S. P. Mumma, E. O. Startzman and C. H. Mishler. The Garrison meets in the Odd Fellows' hall on the second Monday of each month. On the 22nd of every February a banquet is given in honor of the establishment of the organization. 208 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. Modern Woodmen of America. Mount Morris Camp, M. W. A., No. 4526, is one of the youngest secret societies in Mount Morris, yet it is by far the largest in point of member- ship. The Woodman order is pre-eminently an insurance fraternity but also is organized with provisions for sociability among its members and benefits in times of sickness or disaster. The Mount Morris camp was organized February 9, 1897, by Deputy Head Council O. B. Olison, with a charter membership of twenty. The first officers elected were as follows: J. H. Miller, Venerable Council; Os- car Warble, Worthy Advisor; A. E. Clevidence, Banker; F. K. Spalding, Clerk; E. E. Winders, Escort; E. J. Allen, Watchman; Samuel Rowe, Sen- try; Dr. Hanes, Physician. The first board of managers elected were C. E. Price, 3 years; R. C. McCredie, 2 years; and A. W. Brayton, 1 year. The first member received into the camp was H. G. Newcomer, who was initiated into the mysteries of Woodcraft May 21, 1897. Only one death has occurred in the camp, that of Prof. E. E. Winders, who died No- vember 1, 1897. He carried $3000 insurance. The total amount paid by him in entrance fees and dues was only $16.60. The camp had its most prosperous time during the spring of 1899, when the membership was raised to over one hundred, a surprisingly large number for one camp in a town of the population of Mount Morris. A photograph of the Forrester team which did the work of initiating the new members is reproduced on the opposite page. Elaborate uniforms were bought for their use. The present membership of the camp is 104. Most of them carry in- surance, varying from $500 to $3000. The total amount of insurance car- ried by all the members is $153,000. The present officers are: I. W. Marshall, Venerable Council; W. H. Keedy, Worthy Advisor; F. M. Baker, Banker; H. G. Newcomer, Clerk; H. E. Longman, Escort; S. B. Alter, Watchman; John H. Miller, Sentry; W. W. Hanes, Physician. The present board of directors is John H. Miller, Geo. W. Deppen and W. H. Jackson. The camp met for a number of years in the Masonic Hall but at pres- ent have a nicely-furnished hall over Watts' grocery. They meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. The camp is in a very prosperous condition. The present members outside of the officers already men- tioned are: E. J. Allen F. M. Baker Wm. Domer S. B. Alter Elmer Baker Edward Drexler S. E. Avey L. R. Bear Jerry Easton Geo. C. Bain A. E. Clevidence Fred Frederickson J. W. Bechtold H. W. Cushing Wm. Felker A. W. Brayton C. H. Canode I. E. Finney D. M. Boek J. B. Canode Alonzo Geiger C. N. Beard Fred Crosby John Green D. J. Beard J. F. Canode F. S. Gloss Otho Baker George Deppen W. W. Hanes Harry Baker James Driscoll Earl Householder SECRET ORGANIZATIONS. 211 Fred Hllger W. J. Healy O. E. Huff H. B. Haney A. C. Irvin S. J. Hess W. H. Jackson Fred Long H. E. Long-man L. E. Lizer Charles Leek J. B. Lookabaug-h H. F. Longman S. M. Lyon F. A. Middlekauff John H. Miller James A. Mongan F. W. Nazarene A. T. Olson B. S. Price B. T. Ryder Ed. Jimmerson, Jr. B. S. Keister C. H. Mishler Wm. H. Keedy H. E. Keedy H. L. Kanode H. J. Kable J. C. Lehner A. C. Lookabaug-h Chas. B. McCoy I. W. Marshall J. H. Miller R. C. McCredie J. D. Miller E. W. Middour Sam McNett Wm. Mongan Geo. H. Myers Robert McCoy H. G.tNewcomer J. D. Newcomer C. E. Price Samuel Rowe F. C. Remmer Wm. Stewart George D. Steele George S. Shryock Chas. Spielman Dennis Tracy C. F. Thomas Oscar Warble F. K. Spalding C. E. Smith Geo. D. Shifter F. S. Stonebraker F. A. Tice C. H. Whitman Lewis Wallace *J . L. Rice *B. E. Avey *A. M. Newcomer *J. F. Muller In 1898, the various Woodman camps in Ogle county formed a picnic association, and each year since have held a grand picnic at some place in the county. The first picnic was held in Mount Morris in August, 1898, and was a grand success. Odd Fellows. Elysian Lodge, No. 56, I. O. O. F., is also an organization of consider- able age. It was organized under a charter granted by the Grand Lodge of Illinois, dated July 25, 1849, with the following charter members: George W. Fouke, John F. Grosh, James N. Martin, Daniel Highbarger, Walter Wilson and Emanuel W. Myers. They met in various rooms about town for a time, notably in the second story of the old house now occupied by Daniel Eversole, shown on page 119. In 1850-52 many of the members of the lodge removed to California and elsewhere, weakening the society to such an extent that, in 1853, the charter was surrendered to the Grand Lodge. November 4, 1871, the lodge was re-organized, and the same charter and books were returned to it. The charter members and gentlemen who procured this re-organ- ization were Henry Sharer, B. G. Stephens, Elijah Lott, G. W. Fouke and W. J. Fouke. After this second organization the lodge met for a number of years in the room over C. H. Sharer's grocery, later used as the Index office. They next rented the room over John Sprecher's store in the Masonic building, now known as Stanley hall. Later they came into possession of a hall of their own in the second story of W. A. Newcomer's residence, upon which they have a lease for ninety-nine years. This hall is spa- cious and is elaborately furnished. They rent it to a number of the other secret organizations of the town. * Social member. 212 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. The Odd Fellow lodge is probably in the best financial circumstances of any order in Mount Morris. Besides practically owning their hall they have in their treasury about $1500, accumulated in years past, which they have invested in government bonds and other property. At present the lodge is not as large numerically as it has been in the past, owing to a number of circumstances, one of which is the forming of a new lodge at Leaf River in March, 1900, which drew away several members. Also many of the members have moved away and been trans- ferred to other lodges. The present officers and members are: John Muller, Noble Grand Jacob Craley H. G. Newcomer Fred Fry, Vice Grand J. D. Hays Jonathan Shafstal Fred Frederickson, Record- H. B. Haney C. N. Green ing- Secretary L. E. Lizer George Ziegler Wm. Miller, Financial Sec- W. E. McCready J. M. Smith retary John McCready I. M. C. Reeder A. M. Newcomer, Treasurer Ernest Newcomer The Odd Fellows meet on Wednesday night of each week. Like the Masons, they are organized not only as a social fraternity, but have pro- vision for financial assistance to their sick or afflicted members, to be drawn from their beneficiary fund. Rebeccas. Sandstone Rebecca Lodge, No. 538, was instituted February 14, 1899, by Deputy Grand Master Electo O Reynolds, of Oregon, with a charter membership of twenty. This organization is the ladies' degree of Odd Fellowship, and like it, has for its object advancement of the social and fraternal spirit of its members. Gentlemen as well as ladies are admitted. The first officers elected were Julia S. Slater, Noble Grand; Laura S. Lizer, Vice Grand; Edna Newcomer, Treasurer; Maude Rowe, Financial Secre- tary; H. G. Newcomer, Recording Secretary. The charter members of the Lodge who are yet in good standing are: A. M. Newcomer Mrs. Anna Rowe TV. E. McCready Mrs. A. M. Newcomer Miss Maude Rowe Mrs. Lizzie McCready Miss Edna Newcomer L. E. Lizer H. G. Newcomer Fred Frederickson Mrs. L. E. Lizer H. A. Jimmerson, Leaf River Mrs. Fannie Frederickson Edward Slater Mrs. Julia Jimmerson, Leaf Mrs. TVm. H. Miller Mrs. Julia Slater River Miss Lizzie Lizer Mrs. Harry Knodle Miss Alice N ale, Leaf River Since the organization of the Lodge, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fry, John Muller, Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Haney and Miss Nellie Smith have been initiated and taken in as new members. The Rebeccas meet on the second and fourth Friday evenings of each month in the Odd Fellows' hall. The present officers are: Edna New- comer, Noble Grand; Lizzie Lizer, Vice Grand; Mrs. Wm. Miller, Treasur- er; Mrs. Sadie Fry, Recording Secretary; H. G. Newcomer, Financial Sec- retary. SECRET ORGANIZATIONS. 215 Maccabees. Olympia Tent, No. 253, K. A. T. M., was organized May 11, 1899, with twenty-two members. The order very much resembles the Woodman, be- ing an insurance, fraternal and social organization. The Tent has no charter but is working under a dispensation. At present interest appears to be lagging among the members and probably not more than half of them are yet loyal. No meetings are being held, but a part of the mem- bers continue to keep up their insurance. CHAPTER XIV. MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. The first settlers of Mount Morris township were not often favored with mail matter and the receipt of a letter, parcel or paper was consid- ered quite an event. In Peter Knodle's diary, page 31, Mr. • # Knodle makes a special entry announcing the fact that he Fostottice k ac [ « received a pamphlet," which illustrates the import- ance of the receipt of mail matter at that early day. The first regular mails to arrive in Mount Morris were brought in 1839 and 1840 by a stage line run between Chicago and Galena by Prink & Walker. Hon. R. R. Hitt remembers that the stage driver always stopped at his father's house (the old house north of the farm residence now occupied by Gera Watts) to water his horses. The mails were brought by stage from the eastward for probably nearly fifteen years, until finally the Illinois Central railroad was built through Polo in 1853 and a mail route established from that place. F. B. Brayton, who was postmaster from 1860 to 1881, acquired the stage line between Polo and Oregon in 1864, and carried both mail and pas- sengers from that time until the coming of the Chicago & Iowa railroad in 1871, when it was of course done away with. This stage operated by Mr. Brayton made daily trips between Polo and Oregon, thus affording the Mount Morris people a daily mail. At about the beginning or closing of the school years at Rock River Seminary this stage line had to be in- creased by several additional vehicles, and did a prosperous business. After the coming of the Chicago & Iowa railroad and the commence- ment of the passage of numerous Illinois Central trains over the line to Chicago, the people of Mount Morris had a very good mail service for many years. Since the Illinois Central trains reach Chicago by another route, the mails have been somewhat less frequent, but sufficient for all purposes, nevertheless. Mails now arrive from the west at 10: 28 A. M. and 6 P. M., and from the east at 12: 25 P. M. and 9: 45 P. M. Most of the mail comes in, however, on the 10: 28 A. M. passenger from the west. A postoffice was first established in Mount Morris in 1841, and Rev. John Sharp appointed postmaster. Mr. Sharp was succeeded by his son- in-law, Frederick G. Petrie. After him, followed for a short time, Hiram Beard; then John Ankney for many years, who was succeeded by Benja- min G. Stephens, followed by Edward Davis, and then Frederick B. Bray- ton, who held that position for twenty-one years, as previously mentioned. Prior to this time the postoffice was usually kept in a store of which the postmaster was generally the owner, and consisted of nothing further (216) MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 219 than a box with the necessary pigeon holes and which could, and usually was, moved from one place to another, when the postmastership changed, on a wheelbarrow. It is remembered that, John Ankney kept it in his store which occupied an old grout addition to the house on Center street, between Wesley and McKendrie streets, now occupied by John Blecker as a residence. This old grout addition has long since been removed, but the remainder still stands. It is numbered 27 in the view on page 51 of this book. Mr. Brayton, who held the office for so long, was first ap- pointed postmaster by Abraham Lincoln in 1861. He kept the office in his store. Following Mr. Brayton the succession of postmasters up to the pres- sent time has been as follows: O. H. Swingley, 1882 to 1886; Henry Sharer, 1886 to 1890; Frank Tice, 1890 to 1894; John E. McCoy, 1894 to 1898; Holly C. Clark, 1898 to the present time. In 1894, Mr. McCoy, upon coming into possession of the office, purchased the elegant new office fixtures which are now in use. The case is one of the finest in the county. Mr. H. C. Clark, the present postmaster, took possession in March, 1898, and will continue in office until March, 1902. It is seen that each postmaster holds over about one and a half years after the presidential election, due to an irregularity made years ago. Since the Civil War there have been but two Democratic postmasters in Mount Morris, — Messrs. Henry Sharer and John E. McCoy. The re- election of President McKinley in November, 1900, assures another Re- publican postmaster following Mr. Clark, or Mr. Clark's re-appointment. The salary at present is $1,500, a reduction of $300 over 1899 and several years previous, due to the removal of the Brethren Publishing House. Postmaster Clark is at present ably assisted in the work by Mr. U. C. Nye. Graveyards. The village of Mount Morris has two graveyards, one known as the Mount Morris Cemetery or the " Old Cemetery," situated in the southwest corner of the corporation, and the other, the Oakwood Cemetery, nearly a mile west of the corporation limit. The Old Cemetery grounds contain about 5 acres, and like most of the remainder of the land now covered by the village, was at one time property of Rock River Seminary. The Seminary authorities set it aside and donated the ground to the community for a public graveyard, and for about sixty years past the site has served as the " silent habitation of the dead." This cemetery was consecrated on the 2d of February, 1842, when the first burial took place, — that of a little child, the daughter of Captain Nathaniel Swingley. The words of consecration were pronounced by Rev. Thomas S. Hitt, as follows: "Here is our Machpelah, the entrance gate through which we pass the subterraneous road to heaven. Here the rich and the poor meet on a level. Today Mary Eliza, sweet morning flower, retires from all the ills of life, and takes possession first. Fol- lowed by the aged and the young, soon shall we see the willow and the 220 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. epitaph tacitly saying: 'See where she sleeps.' Here in peace shall rest the teacher and the student, the minister and his hearers, relatives and their friends, whose graves shall be approached in after times by be- reaved, weeping friends, saying in the language of Scripture, (Where have they laid him?) Then from the polished marble erected where we now stand shall come the response: 'Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.' ' Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.' " This cemetery is situated on rather low ground, and for many years was not in a good condition. It is said that often men were stationed at a newly-made grave, to bail out the water, which flowed in from the sat- urated soil, so that when the funeral procession arrived at the grave, the interment would not seem so much like a burial at sea. This condition was remedied some ten years ago when the ground was thoroughly tiled and an excellent drainage system thereby effected. The " Old Cemetery " is property of no individuals, stock company or corporation, but is what might be called property of the community. As before stated, it was at an early day property of the Seminary and set aside by the authorities of that institution for the use of the general pub- lic. It being public property in that sense there was, of course, no one in particular authority to attend to it, and as a consequence, when peo- ple died and were buried there, no record of any kind was kept of it other than what can now be obtained from inscriptions on the tomb stones. A great many are to be found marking graves of Mount Morris citizens who died during the fifties, but stones bearing dates earlier than 1850 are not very plentiful, those remaining being small and discolored by age. The lack of a record of the burials in this cemetery makes it difficult to determine even an approximate estimate of the number of bodies now lying buried within the limits of the grounds, owing to the fact that many have been removed to Oakwood cemetery, and many graves are unmarked. It is thought, however, that a rough estimate would place the number of bodies buried in the cemetery, at the present time, at be- tween four and five hundred. Notable among those who found their last resting place there are Rev. Thomas S. Hitt, who is mentioned as having pronounced the words of consecration of the cemetery; his wife, Emily Hitt; Hon. John Wallace, a noted citizen of this community; James B. McCoy, who built "Old Sandstone"; Andrew Newcomer, and others. Whenever improvements of any kind were found necessary about the grounds the funds had always to be raised by subscription. With no officers of any kind work of this sort was often sorely neglected. George Shank was for many years the moving spirit in all movements for the improvement of the grounds. Finally, a few years ago, however, a num- ber of people who had buried relatives there, came together and formed an association, elected officers and prepared to conduct the matter in the proper manner. A sum of money was gathered together, with which, besides other improvements, Mr. N. E. Buser was hired to proper- MISCELLANEOUS HISTOEY. 221 ly survey and plat the cemetery. Since that time the letting of lots has been done systematically. The cemetery is at present in very good condition. Probably about half of the persons who die in this vicinity in late years are interred there. The present trustees are W. A. Newcomer, president; S. C. Kinsey, secretary: A. E. Canode, S. R. Blair and O. S. Watts. Oakwood Cemetery. Before the " Old Cemetery " was tiled many Mount Morris people were dissatisfied with it as a burying ground, and finally in the year 1875 a movement was set on foot for the establishment of a second cemetery. In December of that year John W. Hitt, David Newcomer, Samuel Look- abaugh, Oliver H. Swingley and John Sprecher applied to the Secretary of State for a license to form a corporation making the following state- ment of their purposes: 1. The name of such corporation is " The Mount Morris Cemetery Association.'' 2. The ohject for which it is formed is to purchase a suitable lot or tract of land in the township of Mount Morris, in the County of Ogle, and State of Illinois, and to iise the same as a burial ground for the dead. 3. The capital stock shall be two thousand dollars ($2,000), with the privilege of increasing the same to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or less. i. The amount of each share shall be ten dollars ($10). 5. The number of shares two hundred (200) with the privilege of increasing to ten hundred (1,000) or less. 6. The location of the principal office is in Mount Morris, in the County of Ogle, and State of Illinois. 7. The duration of the corporation shall be ninety-nine (99) years. Books of subscription were opened after the license had been se- cured and the stock all readily taken by thirty-nine of the most promi- nent people of Mount Morris. John W. Hitt took forty-eight shares; D. J. Pinckney, ten shares; and the majority of the remainder, five shares each. The directors elected were O. H. Swingley and John W. Hitt, one year; David Newcomer and John Sharer, two years; Samuel Lookabaugh and Francis W. Stonebraker, three years. The present site of Oakwood Cemetery was finally selected, it being a tract of timber land along the south side of the road, one mile west of Mount Morris, containing fifteen acres, for which was paid the sum of $150 per acre. This new cemetery was surveyed into regular blocks and lots and put into fine shape. It has since been given the best of care by the as- sociation and is a credit to the community. The present officers of the Association are John E. McCoy, president; T. C. Williams, secretary; C. C. Miles, and S. P. Mumma. The records of the Association show that there are now buried in the cemetery 239 bodies. The register printed here will no doubt be of in- terest. A number were removed from the Old Cemetery. MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. NAME DATE OF DEATH AGE Alden, Charles Emery, Aug. 9, 1858 1 Alden, Lucy Ann, April 19, 1860 36 Anderson, Frances, July 12, 1881. . ..Infant Atchison, Mrs. Elizabeth, April 15, 1880. 73 Allen, Aaron Quimby, Jan. 24, 1883 68 Brayton, Daniel, June 30, 1850 58 Brayton, Ann, March 30, 1864 77 Brayton, Elizabeth, Aug. 25, 1842 18 Brayton, Ernest Wing, June 27, 1855 10 Brayton, Mrs. Charlotte L., May 9, 1885.. 64 Brayton, Frederick B., Dec. 10, 1897 79 Black, Mary E., April 4, 1879 57 Black, David B., Dec. 5, 1857 6 Blake, Lillian Lolo, Sept. 2, 1880 . . . Infant Blake, Eugenia Elizabeth, Jan. 26, 1896 .37 Bain, Willis Edward, Jan. 24, 1879 1 Baker, Essie May, Oct. 23, 1886 5 Baker, Francis W., Nov. 10, 1897 10 Butt, Mrs. Ida (Pinckney), July 26, 1883 .33 Conaway, Benjamin, July 20, 1870 ..Infant Conaway, Mrs. Mary F., Feb. 19, 1872 ... .33 Cheney, Osmyn E., Nov. 1, 1845 Infant Cheney, Ella A., Feb. 27, 1872.... 14 Cheney, Josie H., Oct. 8, 1872 18 Cheney, Cloe A., March 22 , 1879 67 Cheney, Winnie lone, Feb. 24, 1882 3 Cheney, Ida Belle, March 17, 1883 25 Cheney, Stephen Hardin, Jan. 4, 1894 ... .81 Craddock, Ann Virginia, Oct. 7, 1849 2 Craddock, John, July 28, 1850 53 Craddock, Victor W., Oct. 13, 1857 5 Craddock, Amelia, July 31, 1865 56 Craddock, John, July 12, 1890 50 Clark, unnamed, Dec. 31, 1878 Infant Cosgrove, Jean, August 21, 1872 Infant Crowell, Alice J., Oct, 13, 1892 34 Detrich, Elizabeth, Nov. 16, 1864 68 Deter, Charlotte, Oct. 12, 1869 51 Domer, Alva Bruce, June 17, 188 5.. . Infant Donaldson, John, Oct, 30, 1884 63 Felker , Catherine, Feb. 29, 1880 66 Felker, Hannah J., March 13, 1858 1 Felker, Abraham, Sept. 4, 1869 67 French, Lizzie May, Sept. 11, 1878 14 Far well, Henry J., April 2, 1890 69 Few, Guy L., Jan. 20, 1894 Infant Getzendaner, Mary, March 22, 1881. Infant Getzendaner, Edward, Dec. 6, 1886 .Infant Gloss, Elsie M., Aug. 12, 1880 Infant Glasgow, Elizabeth Jane, Nov. 7, 1881 .. .42 Granger, John (colored), Feb. 2, 1882. . . .62 Greenfield, Maria, Feb. 13, 1882 83 Gibbs, William Johnson, Dec. 3, 1882 74 Gibbs, Sarah, Feb. 1, 1884 72 Gilbert, Arthur N., June 9, 1885 Infant Gilbert, William F., March 12, 1887 .Infant NAME DATE OP DEATH AGE Hitt, Samuel M., Nov. 16, 1859 60 Hitt, George W. Aug. 2. 1856 22 Hitt, Samuel M., March 2, 1845 2 Hitt, Mary Ella, Sept, 18, 1854 6 Hitt, Edith, March 22, 1872 1 Hitt. Electa V. M., Nov. 10, 1855 29 Hitt, Frederick G., Aug. 16, 1870 1 Hitt, Joseph E.. July 28, 1878 42 Hitt, Ella Mary, March 5, 1884 1 Hitt. Mrs. Sibyl Sammis, May 28, 1885 . . ..45 Hitt, Mrs. Barbara Hershey, Feb. 2, 1890.84 Hitt, Robert Smith. April 18, 1894 65 Hitt, Edith Augusta, April 4, 1897 24 Hitt, Andrew M., May 2, 1899 72 Hershey, Catherine, Nov. 10, 1871 87 Hilger. Appolonia, Dec. 9, 1892 70 Hiestand, Olive May, Aug. 21, 1894 13 Hendrickson, Katheryn, Feb. 20, 1897.1nf't Judson, Alonson, Nov.. 1849 Infant Keedy , Jacob. March 15, 1881 84 Keedy, Mrs. Susan, May 27, 1881 79 Keedy. Elizabeth. April 30, 1892 58 Keedy, Edward. March 1, 1897 68 Keedy, Daniel Blecker, March 10, 1897 .. .37 Knodle, Barbara, July 2, 1881 85 Knodle, Jonathan, Sept, 25, 1882 56 Knodle, Mary Catherine, Sept. 12, 1847.. . 9 Knodle, Margaret, March 26, 1852 .. .Infant Knodle, Susanah, April 27, 1853 Infant Knodle. David. May 23, 1853 Infant Knodle. Samuel Myron. Jan. 7, 1854 3 Knodle, Jonathan, July 15, 1854 59 Knodle, Mary, May 1, 1872, 46 Knodle, Benjamin, July 5, 1863 Infant Knodle, Mary V., Jan. 17, 1883 55 Knodle, Willard Pond, June 5, 1889 10 Knodle, Peter, Aug. 3, 1892 70 Keplinger, David A., Dec. 18, 1876 1 Keplinger, William F., Nov. 22, 1878. Infant Keplinger, Anna Irene, Oct. 29, 1879. Infant Keplinger, Mabel Iola, May 30, 1881 1 Keplinger Jennie F., March 29, 1899 25 Kennedy, Alma Hattie, May 7, 1874 2 Knight, Hezekiah. Dec. 6, 1895 89 King, Katherine J.. Jan. 6, 1899 13 Lynn, Ida, April 21. 1878 1 Lynn, Elroy, June 23. 1881 Infant Lohafer, Charlie George, Feb. 8, 1881.. .. 3 Lohafer, Frederick D., Feb. 28, 1872 4 Lohafer, F. W., Sept, 29,1873 Infant Long, Mary J., July 15, 1881 40 Long, Floy Josephine, Dec. 16, 1886 1 Long, Jacob, Jan. 29, 1888 63 Long, Adolphus R., May 6, 1898 59 Lookabaugh, Samuel. Sept, 4, 1899 72 Marshall, Robert R.. Jan. 18, 1874 1 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 223 Marshall. Lena May. March 31. 1875 5 Aliller, John A., Nov. 1, 1880 67 Miller, Francis Joseph, Oct. 21, 1882 22 Miller, Michael Lester. Feb. 1, 1883 .Infant Miller, Cyrus E.. Aug. 6. 1861 9 Miller, Mary E.. Oct. 13. 1862 1 Miller, Maria Lousia. Sept. 25, 1886 54 Miller, Lloyd Willis. July 24. 1887 . . . Infant Miller, Orville. July 20. 1892 Infant Mercer, William A.. March 27. 1879. .Infant Motter, Ann E.. May 21. 1862 73 Motter, Jacob B.. Feb. IS. 1S72 86 Motter. Hiram. Jan. 8. 1893 76 Meek, Robert G.. Oct. 27. 1856 38 McCosh, John, Oct. 23, 1882 32 McCosh, Dr. John. March 19. 1883 59 McNeill, Frederick A.. Sept. 15. 1868 1 McNeill, Frank Asbury. Feb. 3, 1872 62 McNeill, Mary E.. Feb. 7, 1861 2 McNett, , Myers, , Mumma, Benj. F.. July 5. 1888 38 Mumma, Daniel Shafer. Sept. 10. 1888.. . .70 Mumma, Ann Mary. Oct. 13. 1S94 67 Mumma, Jacob H.. Oct. 4, 1897 72 Merriman, Chas., Nov. 21. 1892 — Miles, Mary, Feb. 23. 1895 85 McCredie, Quinter, Feb. 18. 1897 Infant McCoy, Howard, Jan. 10. 1892 11 Newcomer, Henry H.. April 24, 1880 44 Newcomer, Sarah A.. Jan. 17, 1882 80 Newcomer. Samuel. June. 1849 49 Newcomer, Rosalie D.. Nov. 11. 1872 44 Newcomer, Alice Rice. Dec. 14. 1894 22 Ohr, George B., Sept. 14. 1859 Infant Ohr, Charles H., June 9. 1860 4 Ohr, Francis W.. Oct. 6, 1865 4 Pinckney, Mary Belle. Aug. 30. 1858 1 Pinckney, Thyetta B.. Feb. 5. 1874 ..Infant Pinckney, Daniel Jarvis. June 17, 1885.. .65 Petrie, Francis Catherine. Oct. 24. 1847.. 1 Petrie. William A.. Aug. 23. 1850. . . . Infant Petrie. Philo Judson. Feb. 24. 1852. Infant Petrie, Lydia. Oct. 24. 1852 — Petrie, Elizabeth. June 4. 1853 28 Petrie. Hale. June 7. 1853 Infant Petrie. Fredrick A.. J lily 11. 1887 68 Page. John, Oct. 9. 1863 28 Potter, Calvin A.. J une 23. 1888 50 Potter, Mrs. Rebecca. 1897 84 Pond, Willard L., Nov. 28. 1897 ,81 Piper, Earl J ., Feb. 13, 1900 1 Rice, Rowland. Sept. 26. 1858 Infant Rice, Anna, Jan. 13. 1878 17 Rice, Hannah. Aug. 26. 1875 Infant Rice. Emma, Aug. 29. 1875 Infant Rice, Mary C. Oct. 11. 1879 14 Rice (an infant son), July 1, 1877 Radjesky, Thos.. Smith. Susan Smith. Olive Gertrude. Aug. 5. 1881. Infant Smith. Rosia E., Sept. 12, 1870 6 Swingley. Cyrus A.. Aug. 2, 1872 Infant Sharp, Sarah, Feb. 23, 1846 45 Sharp, Catherine. Dec. 24. 1849 — Sharer, Morton H.. Oct, 10. 1846 Infant Sharer, Cornelia E., Sept. 22, 1853 30 Sharer. Cornelia, Oct, 18, 1853 Infant Sharer. John. Dec. 28. 1860 77 Sharer, Sarah A.. June 6, 1892 58 Sharer. Jacob. June 7. 1865 58 Sharer. Amelia. Dec. 17, 1895 88 Stewart. Margaret E., Sept. 6. 1867. .Infant Stewart. Edward A.. Aug. 22, 1872. . .Infant Stewart, Mrs. Laura Ellen. Dec. 13. 1880 .46 Stonebraker. John Y., July 30. 1868 9 Stonebraker, Fred. Sept. 26. 1868. .. .Infant Stonebraker. Ella, Sept. 13, 1875 . . . .Infant Stonebraker. Daniel W.. July 15. 1883. .. .22 Stonebraker. Lewellyn R., May 5. 1887. ..11 Shaw, Hiram T.. April 21, 1869 20 Stephens. Dr. Benj. G.. Jan. 10. 1879 59 Stanger. John F.. Sept. 12. 1880 81 Stroh, Cecilia A., Oct., 1840 1 Stroh, Alfred E., Oct. 29, 1870 27 Stroh. Elizabeth. Nov. 16. 1894 86 Stroh. Rev. Nicholas J., Jan. I. 1897 98 Sprecher, Orville H., Nov. 14, 1889 7 Thomas, William T.. April 28. 1879 24 Thomas, Garoline C. Jan. 30, 1880 60 Thomas. Blanche E.. June 9, 1890 11 Thomas. Ruth. Sept. 24. 1896 Infant Thomas. Emma Bell, Nov. 14. 1*96 15 Thomas. Joshua. March 18, 1884 73 Thomas, Eliza J ane. Feb. 5. 1897 41 Thomas, Abram. Aug. 29. 1879 79 Trapp, Mrs. Sarah J., Sept. 5. 1867 38 Tice, Tice, Gertrude. June 12, 1887 15 Tracy, Willis B., Jan. 29. 1888 5 Withers, Thomas W.. Feb. 12. 1880 7S Withers. Elsie May. March 24. 1881 1 Withers, Hanora Y. E.. Oct. 7, 1856 19 Withers. Blanche. Aug. 11. 1882 Infant Withers, Benjamin F.. Dec. 25. 1882 29 Withers, , Infant Withers, John W., Withers. Elizabeth. Jan. 14. 1885 73 Withers, Henry. Nov. 4. 1887 72 Withers, B. C. March 20, 1888 15 Withers, Frank. Nov. 4, 1887 — Withers, Emma E.. April 18. 1898 55 Wagoner. Edger E.. Nov.. 1864 88 Williams. Willis W.. April 19. 1875 1 224 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. Williams, Windle, Charles Elmer. Aug. 24, 188 Williams, Elias. Oct. 6, 1890 67 Wingert, David R., April 18, 1880. . . . Wolf, , Woltz, Jacob Elmer, Jan. 14, 1888 . . . Wolf, Charlotte. March 10, 1891 38 Woltz, James Walling. May 26, 1889 Wolf, William. Oct. It. 1892 — Woltz, L. Albert, Jan. 19. 1892 Wolf, Grant, Woltz. Lousia. A.. April 10. 1898 ... Wendle, , 5 ....19 ...64 1 .. ..72 Infant Athletics. In the way of athletics the principal game which has fascinated the gymnastic propensity of youth in Mount Morris in the past has been the great national game of base ball. For many years the great enthusiasm MOUNT MORRIS BASE BALL TEAM OF 1895. for this sport ran high and few weeks of summer passed without Satur- day afternoon or mid-week contests on the diamond, with nines from neighboring towns or between home teams. Probably the most interest- ing series of games ever played in Mount Morris was during the summer of 1895 when a tri-county league was formed, composed of Mount Morris, Oregon, Dixon, Lanark and Polo teams, and a series of games played for the championship. Mount Morris easily out-classed Polo, Oregon and Lanark and tied Dixon for the championship, but lost in the deciding game in a close score. Among professional base ball players produced by Mount Morris are J. D. Lookabaugh and Wm. Householder. The former is a pitcher and MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 225 has played for years with league teams. Some 3 T ears ago he stopped play- ing ball and is now practicing magnetic healing in Mount Morris. Mr. Householder commenced his professional career with Preeport, staying with them several seasons. Last season he was with the Souix Falls, South Dakota, team and did very creditable playing. Prospects for his rapid advance in favor in base ball circles are promising. For several years past the game of base ball appears to have some- what fallen from favor with Ogle county athletes. Pew games of any im- portance have been played for several years. Foot ball appears to be more popular and each year is demanding more attention. CHAPTER XV. MOUNT MORRIS OF TODAY. Mount Morris of today! What a contrast to seventy years ago, when the spot, where now stand beautiful residences, business houses, churches and institutions of learning, was then a trackless prairie, roamed over by the native American — the Indian. Then, where now is heard the hum of voices in song, the conversation, laughter and merry-making of jolly school children and shouts of lively students, the ring of anvils, and oth- er evidences of energetic life, — then were heard only the howl of the pi-airie wolf, the hiss of poisonous reptiles, and the sighing of the wind as it swept through the forest trees or swayed the long prairie grass. Mount Morris of today is a nourishing little city of 1200 inhabitants, situated in the midst of one of the richest and most fertile agricultural districts in the state of Illinois. The country which surrounds Mount Morris is al- most entirely taken up by well- improved farms. The original wooded lands have been mostly cleared of trees and the low lands and swampy places redeemed by thorough tiling. Farmers, as a general rule, cultivate over one hundred acres, some as high as two hundred or more. The prin- cipal products are corn and oats, and some cattle and hogs in the way of live stock. The land is mostly in a condition to make the raising of grain the more profitable, however, and the principal source of income is, there- fore, from the products. Some of the levelest, most productive and best improved farms in close proximity to Mount Morris are valued at over ninety dollars per acre and some even higher. Mount Morris township, including the village, is an exceptionally wealthy community. The schedule of all personal property in the town- ship on the first day of April, 1900, and all the lands and town lots as re- ported by the assessor, Mr. Allen, shows that the total value of all proper- ty whatsoever in the township was $2,432,975. Considering that the total population is 2,000, this would make an average wealth of $1200 for each mac woman and child in the township. The following tabular statement showing the totals of personal and real property by the last assessment will show the wealth of Mount Morris township. The village of Mount Morris is situated in section 26 and 27 near the southern part of the township, a little to the east of a line running through the center. The area enclosed within the corporate limits of the village is about 640 acres. There are laid off and platted at the present time about fifty blocks. Within the corporate limits of the village are now 270 habitable residences and fifty public buildings, including the stores, churches, college buildings, public school) building, livery;stables, (226) MOUNT MORRIS OF TODAY. A TABULAR STATEMENT 227 Showing the Totals of Personal and Real Property of Mount Morris Township, for the Year 1900. Compiled from the Books of the Toionship Assessor. PERSONAL PROPERTY. Horses of all ages, Cattle of all ages, Sheep of all ages, Hogs of all ages, Steam Engines, including Boilers, Fire or Burglar Proof Safes, Billiard, Pigeon-hole, Bagatelle, or other similar tables, .... Carriages and Wagons of whatsoever kind. Watches and Clocks, Sewing and Knitting Machines, Piano Fortes, Melodeons and Organs, Annuities and Royalties, Merchandise on hand, Material and Manufactured Articles on hand, Manufacturers' Tools, Implements and Machinery, Agricultural Tools, Implements and Machinery, Gold and Silver Plate and Plated Ware, Diamonds and Jewelry, Moneys of Bank, Banker, Broker or Stock Jobber, Moneys of other than Bank, Banker, Broker or Jobber,. . . . Credits of other than Bank, Banker, Broker or Jobber,. . . . Bonds and Stocks, Property of Companies and Corporations, not enumerated, Household or Office Furniture or Property, Investments in Real Estate and Improvements thereon, . . . Grain on hand, All other Personal Property required to be listed, Total Value op Personal Property, LANDS. Improved and Unimproved Lands, Town Lots, improved and unimproved, Total Value of all Property as Assessed, No. 1273 3374 201 2198 12 17 1 692 547 341 64 130 8 Value 72,615 67,470 1,085 17,522 3,800 1,285 10 18,655 4,413 3,810 7,405 3,345 2,410 47,750 200 5,885 12,370 645 1,000 2,700 700 315,785 15,000 1,500 49,445 150 43,120 185 700,260 1,454,340 278,375 2,432,975 228 mount morris: past and present. blacksmith shops, elevators, lumber offices, creamery, etc. The streets in the village measure approximately nine miles in length with probably about twelve miles of sidewalk, much of which is tar-concrete; in fact an ordinance passed by the village board of trustees prohibits the building of any more board walks and they are gradually disappearing. Mount Morris has all the modern improvements of an up-to-date little city, — fire protection, water works, telephone exchange and electric lights. The Mount Morris water works system is owned and operated by the village. An account of the official proceedings leading up to the building of the sys- tem is to be found on pages 66 and 67. It was in 1895 when the citizens of Mount Morris determined to secure themselves against fire, and before the coming of cold weather the system was completed. The water tower is an ele- gant steel structure, 115 feet high from the foundation to the peak of the roof. The roof is also surmounted by a 35- foot flag-pole, from which Old Glory floats on special occasions. The tank has a capacity of 21,000 barrels and is kept full of good, pure water at all times for emergencies in case of fire, and to supply the many patrons of the system. At present there are 58 water renters, most of which are for private residences and lawns. An arte- sian well 500 feet in depth furnishes an exhaustless supply of water, which is lifted from the well and forced up into the tank by a powerful air pump, operated by a 29-horse gasoline engine. The power house or pumping station is situated just at the foot of the mag- nificent tower, and is in charge of Samuel Rowe. At the present time the water mains are extended over the principal streets of the village a total MOUNT MORRIS OF TODAY. 231 distance of only a few hundred feet less than two miles. A hose cart with 700 feet of hose is kept in the power house, ready to be pulled out on a minute's notice. Enough hose is kept on hand so that the houses in the most out-lying parts of the village can be reached by a stream of water in case of fire, though hydrants are in some places several blocks distant from the farthest houses. A fire company composed of a number of the younger men of the town, is formed and know what to do in case of an alarm. A large fire bell is hung beneath the tower, with which a very speedy alarm can be turned in. C. H. Whitman is fire marshal. The local telephone exchange is one of the improvements of the year 1900. The Ogle County Telephone Company, of Rochelle, was granted VIEW OF MOUNT MORRIS LOOKING NORTHWEST FROM WATER TOWER. a franchise to string their wires through the streets and alleys of the vil- lage in the May meeting of the village board of trustees. During the month of September the poles were set, the wires strung and the 'phones placed in the residences and business houses of the patrons of the sys- tem. At first there were thirty-five phones put in, but since others have been occasionally added and at present about 40 of the most en- terprising people of the town save time and bother by this convenience. The principal streets of the town have assumed quite a metropolitan aspect by the addition of the rows of poles heavily laden with tele- phone wires. The exchange office is located in the north Seibert block 232 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. over the Citizens' Bank. The day operator is Miss Maude Rowe and th e night operator, Mr. David Craley. The electric lighting system is the latest of the improvements of the year 1900. A franchise was granted in October by the village board of trustees to Edward Thomas to do the necessary wiring in the streets and alleys. A new building was erected for the accommodation of the plant in the north part of the village, near the railroad. At the time of the publication of this book the system is nearing completion, and is ex- pected soon to be in active operation. Present indications are that it will be liberally supported both by the village and private individuals. Mount Morris is pre-eminently a residence and college town. As a res- idence town it has many advantages over the majority of small cities and towns. In the first place it is one of the most beautiful places to be found in many a day's journey, with its beautiful and imposing college campus and buildings, its neat lawns and the long rows of shade trees lining near- ly all of the streets, so that in summer time it looks like a cool and beau- tiful forest. A view of the street along the west side of A. W. Brayton's elegant lawn, one of the finest of the shady streets, is shown on page 205. It is seen that the branches of the trees on either side of the street al- most meet in the center, forming a most beautiful arch of green. The many shade trees in Mount Morris are not native here, the spot having originally been open prairie, but the work is all result of judicious fore- thought on the part of the early settlers, who brought the young maples from the Mississippi river. One of the largest of the many stalwart maples is the one half way between J. Strock's grocery and C. U. Niman's livery stable, standing with a protecting wing over the old house at one time occupied by John Ankney. Mr. Ankney himself planted the tree nearly sixty years ago. It is supposed to be the oldest tree in town. The spread of its roots before disappearing under ground is marvelous. Mount Morris is desirable as a residence town because it is one of the most healthful places to be found. It stands on an eminence among the highest in Illinois, and has excellent drainage: no waste or swampy land anywhere in the vicinity. Ague and kindred diseases are unknown. Water is easily reached at a depth of twenty-five feet to sixty feet, and is of the purest and sweetest quality, which one can never forget who has once become acquainted with it. The religious advantages of Mount Morris are probably unexcelled in northern Illinois. The very atmosphere of the place is religious, and this in connection with the advantages enjoyed by the different denomina- tions represented, renders the town particularly attractive to those re- ligiously inclined. No better location can be found for the retired busi- ness man or farmer who prefers to spend his declining years with his family, where the best of intellectual and spiritual influence may be en- joyed. The intellectual inspiration coming from the college, blended with the strong moral and religious sentiment prevading the town and community, give strength and refinement to the moulding influences of society. Young men and young women reared under such healthy MOUNT MORRIS OF TODAY. 233 influences will be well equipped for the conflicts of a busy life. The saloon has never been tolerated in the town, which accounts largely for the high standard of morality among both the young and old. The Christian denominations represented are the Methodist, Lutheran, Chris- tian and Dunkard, a complete history of each of which is given in a sepa- rate chapter on religious organizations. All of these churches are well represented and members of any of them who are looking for a location will do well to investigate Mount Morris. This is especially true of the Brethren. Many of the most substantial citizens are members of this church and are exerting a wide influence for good in the community. They are bitterly opposed to the liquor traffic in all its forms, and as well SIX MOUNT MORRIS BOYS WHO BELONG TO THE STATE MILITIA. as the members of the other churches, may be counted upon as a solid in- fluence against the saloon business. In no town in northern Illinois can so many Brethren families be found, and at no other place in the United States can they find such superior church, Sunday school and educational privileges. This they are not slow to see, as may be attested by th3 families coming here each year with a view of making it their home. Mount Morris certainly can be recommended as a very desirable place for the Brethren, desiring the best of church privileges, to locate. Es- pecially is it desirable for those who wish to retire from the active pur- suits of life and spend their last days quietly in the midst of their breth- ren. 234 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. The educational advantages afforded the citizens of Mount Morris is another feature which makes the place an exceptionally fine residence town. True education consists in the development of all the powers of man, — physical, mental and moral. Mount Morris claims to possess facilities for this purpose in a very high degree. It has already been stated that the atmosphere of the place seems to be religious, but it may be said with emphasis that it is more intensely educational. Education is the life of the town. It is intensified in the very spirit of the people. It can be noticed on every important movement among our citizens. The very foundation of the town was laid in that spirit, and by it the peo- ple have been swayed and influenced for nearly two generations. As everybody knows, the foundation of Mount Morris College was laid way back sixty years ago when the wild animals still roamed over the prairie and no vestage of Mount Morris of today was to be found. A class of people have grown up around the institution, who seem to thrive on the intensely religious and educational influences that have continually pre- vaded the place. The public school is among the best in the county. The building is large, commodious and substantial. The course of instruction is thor- ough and affords a good preparatory education on which to build the more advanced culture of the mind. Concerning the history and more about the present condition of the public school see the separate chapter upon that subject. Concerning Mount Morris College, the pride of the town and com- munity, we cannot speak too highly. It is centrally located and affords the best of educational advantages for the young men and women desiring to fit themselves for the active and responsible duties of a useful life. Here a polished education can be obtained under the most favorable moral and religious influences. Education alone may tend to skepticism, but when secured in connection with such moulding influences as per- vade this institution it becomes a power for good in all the responsible pursuits of life. The managers of the College are deeply imbued with the spirit of morality and religion, as well as the spirit of education, be- lieving that all true education should be given in connection with prop- er religious culture, and for this reason the school has a reputation for a high order of training, in all that goes to make up true manhood and womanhood, that should be a credit to every state. While the College is exclusively under the control of the Brethren, it is opened to pupils from all denominations, and not a few of them are sending their children here on account of the moral restriction thrown around them while in pursuit of knowledge. A home college is a great thing for the people of the place where the college is located. Viewed from a financial angle Mount Morris College is very valuable to Mount Morris and vicinity. It saves thousands of dollars expense and at the same time brings in thousands of dollars in- come. It saves the expense of sending away to college the young people of our community. Parents have an opportunity to give their children AUNT KITTY RICE, Who will be 104 years of age, August 24, 1901. MOUNT MORRIS OF TODAY. 237 a college education with no outlay of money other than the tuition. This is a small sum compared with the expense incurred by those who come long distances by rail, and when here are obliged to pay, besides tuition, board, room and fuel. All this expense is saved to the people of Mount Morris in the education of their children, and in its stead they receive as an income thousands of dollars brought here by those who come here from a distance. This is not all. Our home college is also a college home. To be convinced that this is true, one need only visit the several departments of the college and note the manner in which everything is directed. Therefore aside from the financial phase, the people of Mount Morris receive the culture resulting from this well-ordered college life blended with the helpful atmosphere of a safe and cheerful home life. Details concerning Mount Morris College, its history and condition at the present time and also a history of the old Rock Eiver Seminary are to be found in separate chapters elsewhere in the volume. Many other desirable points in favor of Mount Morris as a residence town might be mentioned. We repeat again that the people are of the very best class. They are whole-souled, free-hearted, intelligent, sociable, and a pleasant people to live among. Eastern states are represented in the make-up of the population, the larger number being from Maryland and Pennsylvania. Of late years Ohio and Indiana are also beginning to be represented. Mount Morris is a growing town, and becomes more desirable every year. Property and lots are not advanced to fancy prices, however, as in some growing towns. Good building lots within a few blocks of the college can be obtained at moderate prices. Building ma- terial is cheap, stone quarries are convenient and all facilities for build- ing are of the best. In fact, to any out-of-town reader of this book who is looking for a place of residence, — to one who wishes to retire from business or from the farm to educate children, to enjoy the privileges of churches, Sunday schools, to live in a place of quiet Comfort and ease, we say come and see Mount Morris. You will find a spot combining many of the advantages and few of the evils that go to make up a desirable place of residence. Business Enterprises. Mount Morris College is, of course, the leading business enterprise in Mount Morris. Dozens of families are supported directly or indirectly by its presence. In fact, it is the very backbone of the village. The at- tendance of sev ral hundred out-of-town students raises the apparent population during nine months of the year, and gives more hustle and bustle to things in general. Concerning this enterprise much has been previously said in this book. Doctors. — The medical profession in Mount Morris is ably represent- ed by Drs. George McCosh, W. W. Hanes and C. J. Price. Dr. McCosh acquired his first knowledge of the profession from his father, Dr. John McCosh, under whom he studied for three years. He then took the pre- 238 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. Dr. George B. McCosh. is President of the Village Board of Trustees. Dr. C. J. Price, physician and surgeon, is a comparatively new man in Mount Morris, having located here in August, 1900. He took up the practice abandoned by the late Dr. David Newcomer. He is a man of ability and the citizens of Mount Morris are giving him a good share of their patronage. He has more than the usual amount of med- ical training, having attended both the Northwestern Med- ical school and the Hahne- mann Medical College, tak- ing a special course in the lat- ter. He has also spent his va- cations in Chicago in and about the hospitals, and gained much useful experience in that way. scribed [course in the Rush Medical College in Chicago, graduating in 1880. After grad- uation he commenced prac- tice immediately in Mount Mor- ris, and has built up a large business. He has his office lo- cated in rooms over his drug store. Dr. W. W. Hanes has been practicing medicine in Mount Morris since 1886, hav- ing come here from Adeline, 111. He is a graduate of the P. M. Institute of Cincinnati, Ohio, and directly after gradu- ation in 1883, he located at Adeline, 111., and after three years there came to Mount Morris. He has built up a good substantial practice and is considered a good physician. His office is located over C. E. Price's hardware. Dr. Hanes ^ DR. W. W. HANES PRES. VILLAGE TRUSTEES MOUNT MORRIS OF TODAY. 241 He occupies the old Newcom- er office, north of the College campus, where he can be found night or day. Veterinary Surgeon. — Dr. D. F. Stevens is the only veter- inary surgeon in this vicinity, and is kept constantly busy attending to the many calls for his professional skill. He is a graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, located at To- ronto, Canada, finishing the prescribed course in April, 1888 He came to Mount Mor- ris in July of the same year, and has since practiced at this place. Dentists. — Mount Morris has two dentists, Drs. J. B. Moats and J. P. Canode. Both are ex- pert workmen and give general satisfaction. Dr. Moats has J. B. MOATS. DENTIST. DR. C. J. PRICE. been established here the long- er period. He is a graduate of the Dental Department of the Iowa State University, having previously attended the Chi- cago College of Dental Sur- gery. After graduation he lo- cated here and built up a good practice. His office is over McCosh's pharmacy. Dr. Can- ode is also a graduate of the Chicago College of Dental Sur- gery, where he attended three years. He located in Mount Morris in 1898. His office is lo- cated up stairs in the old Bank of Mount Morris building. The office is conveniently divided into a number of nicely-ar- ranged apartments, including a reception room, operating room, and laboratory. Mr. Canode perfectly understands his pro- 242 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. fession and does nothing but first-class work. Contractors and Builders. — The contracting and building business in Mount Morris is represented by two firms, — Bu- ser & Mumma, Kinsey & Tracy. The firm of Buser & Mumma, is composed of Nathaniel E. Buser and Willis S. Mumma. Mr. Bu- ser, the senior member, com- menced his career as a carpen- ter under Henry Middlekauff in 1868. After an apprenticeship of three years he launched into the building business alone. He first began making plans and specifications in 1876. One of his first contracts was for the present residence of Hon. R. R. Hitt, which has, however, un- dergone a number of alterations and improvements in later NATHANIEL E. BUSER. J. F. CANODE, DENTIST. years. At various times Mr. Buser entered in partnerships with other contractors, but worked alone most of the time. George H. Riner was at one time his partner. Mr. Buser has built all of the large build- ings in Mount Morris in late years, with few exceptions, and most of the finest residences. Among the large buildings which he has erected are the Lutheran church, the College Hall, the Ladies' Dormitory, the Old Folks' Home, Hotel Rohrer, Seibert block and Sharer's building. Among the scores of fine residences which he has erected in Mount Morris are those of J. L. Rice, Wm. B. Shank, Maj. Chas. Newcomer and Harry Cushing, half-tones of which are shown in the last MOUNT MORRIS OF TODAY. 245 chapter in this book. Mr. Bu- ser has also built extensively in neighboring towns. Among the buildings which might be men- tioned is the Catholic church at Oregon; a $20,000 poorhouse at Mount Carroll; two churches in Leaf River; one church in Ade- line; numerous country church- es and schoolhouses in different parts of this and neighboring counties; and two bankers' resi- dences at Manson, Iowa. He also superintended the con- struction of a $20,000 building for the Brethren Publishing House at Elgin. He is now the only licensed architect in Ogle county. Mr. Mumma, the jun- ior member of the firm, first commenced an apprenticeship under Mr. Buser, and after only a few years' work acquired a thorough knowledge of the bus- iness, and in 1898 Mr. Buser took him in as partner, since which time they have worked together with much success. Mr. Mumma not only superintends the construction 'of buildings but assists with the work of making plans and specifications. The season of 1900, although a dull season with builders, has brought them an abundance of work. They have erected buildings the aggregate value of which exceeds 825,000, which includes three residences in Elgin. Buser & Mumma occupy offices in the building on Wesley street, erected by Mr. Buser in 1894. The main part of this building was constructed from the old Webb Hotel and the remainder of the lumber used in its con- struction and also in the building to the west used as a carpenter shop and lumber warehouse, was formerly used in the construction of the Cali- fornia building at the World's Fair. Kinsey & Tracy, the other firm spok- en of, consists of Samuel C. Kinsey and Benjamin F. Tracy. John T. Stewart was formerly a member of the firm but has now retired. The re- maining members have worked together about fifteen years. They have erected many substantial residences including those of Emanuel Slifer, A. L. Clair, Price Stouffer, William Watts and others. Music Composers and Engravers.— Prof. D. S. McCosh, who is en- gaged in this work, has been spoken of at length in the biographical di- rectory. He has a cosy office over the rear of McCosh's Pharmacy and is equipped with all the tools and appliances necessary in the profession. F. F. Knodle has lately acquired a set of engraver's tools and is also now WILLIS S. MUMMA. 246 MOUNT morris: past and present. engraving some music plates, besides pursuing his former wcrk of com- posing violin and orchestra music and instructing violin pupils. Laundry. — Previous to January, 1899, the people of Mount Morris were compelled to send their laundry to the surrounding towns to be washed, until on the above date, when Mr. Samuel M. Lynn started a hand laundry here. Mr. Lyon had considerable experience in the busi- ness, having formerly conducted the Cascade Si earn Laundry at Free- port, and traveled extensively for the Troy Laundry Machine C< mpany of Chicago. He conducted the business with success until Sept., 1900, when he sold out to Guy Smith and Walter McNett, two energetic Mount Morris boys, who are doing their work in a manner satisfactory to all. The presence of the college in Mount Morris makes the investment a pay- ing one. They are equipped with all late-improved machinery, including an ironer, starcher, generator, etc. Blacksmiths. — Mount Morris has four blacksmiths,— A. C. Looka- baugh, A. W. Neff, N. T. Koontz and J. H. Lambing. Mr. A. C. Looka- baugh first began this business here about ten years ago, at which time he purchased equipment of Hiram Rowe. He first started to learn the trade at the age of nineteen, at Franklin county, Pa. Prior to coming to Mount Morris he operated a shop at Adeline thirteen years. Mr. Looka- baugh is a thorough mechanic, and enjoys a liberal patronage. He is at present assisted in the work by George C. Bain, an expert horse-shoer, and James McCoy, wood- worker. In 1899, Mr. Lookabaugh put in a stock of buggies, wagons and farm machinery. A. W. Neff, another knight of the anvil, learned the trade in his father's shop in Mount Morris. He then secured a position in Dixon, 111., where he worked four years, and later spent five years at Plymouth, Kans. Finally, in 1873, he returned to Mount Morris, and after working two years for a Mr. Depew, set up in business in 1875 for himself and has worked regularly here, with the ex- ception of five years spent in Iowa. Mr. Neff is a good workman and has his shop located in a building built for the purpose below the Thompson building. N. T. Koontz has been in the blacksmith business in Mount Morris continuously since 1864. He came here from Bruceville, Md., at that time. He learned the trade at a very early age. He was assisted here for a number of years by his son, William Koontz. John H. Lamb- ing first came to Mount Morris in 1899, and entered the employ of A. C. Lookabaugh, until April, 1900, when he started up in business for himself. An entirely new equipment of tools and machinery necessary in the business was purchased. Mr. Lambing does a general blacksmith- ing business, besides horse-shoeing and wood-working. He gained his knowledge of the trade in his father's shop at Abilene. Kaus. Jeweler and Stationer. — H. E. Newcomer, early in the spring of 1892 began business by opening a little jewelry and stationery store in a one-story frame building, which still stands just one door south of his present location. There, in a little room eleven feet wide and nineteen feet long, with low ceiling and only two small front windows admitting the feeble light, his business grew and thrived. Favored by the confi- MOUNT MORRIS OF TODAY. . 249 clence of an appreciative public, borne along by the constant efforts of his own hands, and early mastering the secrets of successful advertising, he built up in a few years a most profitable and permanently-established trade. But after a while the little room " grew too small," and in 1899 Mr. Newcomer erected on the adjoining lot, a little south of the "Alden" building, a handsome, one-story brick and stone building, standing today a model of neatness, solidity and beauty. On another page is presented an interior view of his store. Iu addition to his regular jewelry trade Mr. Newcomer has, by long-continued, persistent and judicious advertis- ing, built up a large mail-order business, every year receiving hundreds of orders for gold and silver watches from customers in nearly every state and territory in the Union, which business in a little while bids fair to ex- ceed his entire local trade. In 1889, when but nineteen years of age, Mr. Newcomer was appointed agent for the American Express Company, and five years later succeeded to the agency of the Adams Express Company, which position he has held continuously ever since, having now served eleven years in this capacity. In 1897 he began the organization of what is now the insurance and real-estate firm of Newcomer & Price, and as junior member of this firm has rendered most valuable assistance in bringing the business up to its present thriving condition, more mention of which is made on this page. In passing, we cannot help noting that in all of Mr. Newcomer's business enterprises the first and most lasting impression one receives is the evidence of that greatest of all true business principles, — perfect system — which probably in a very large de- gree accounts for the splendid success he has thus far achieved. Insurance, Real Estate and Loan Agents. — In October, 1897, H. E. Newcomer and C. E. Price entered into partnership and under the firm name of Newcomer & Price, opened an office for the transaction of all classes of business pertaining to insurance, real estate and loans. Be- ginning at the very bottom of the business, they have forged rapidly for- ward and upward, until today they enjoy the confidence and patronage of a large community. Loaning money for various eastern companies, buying and selling Iowa and Illinois real estate, and writing all classes of fire, cyclone, life and accident insurance, their business each succeed- ing year covers a larger and wider territory, and necessitates almost con- stant additions to their facilities. At this writing nine different insur- ance companies are represented by this agency, — six for the sale of fire and cyclone insurance, one life, one accident and one for plate-glass and burglary indemnities. A small but very neat office has been fitted up ex- clusively for their business in a portion of Mr. Newcomer's newly-erected building on the " south side." Groceries. — Five well-stocked grocery stores in Mount Morris supply the people of the town and surrounding country with good things for their tables. Jacob Strock has been in business in Mount Morris nine years, occupying the brick building on the corner of Wesley and Center streets. The firm name has existed longer without change than any of the other five grocery firms in the village. Mr. Strock carries in stock a 250 mount morris: past and present. full line of fancy and staple groceries, cigars and tobacco, candies, queens- ware, and also a line of heavy boots and shoes. He engages Fred Middle- kauff as clerk. The Newcomer Company consists of Wm. A. Newcomer, an old experienced groceryman in Mount Morris, and Howard G. Newcom- er, who succeeded his father, A. M. Newcomer, in the business. They car- ry a large stock of everything to be found in a first-class grocery store, be- sides a number of side lines, including queensware, bakery goods, etc. Charles Sharer prides himself in doing a nice careful business and be- lieves in winning trade by careful buying, courteous treatment and an orderly kept store. He enjoys a large country and town trade. Chris. Reynolds is his efficient clerk. Oliver S. Watts has now been in the gro- cery business in Mount Morris about four years, during which time he has built up a substantial trade among both town and country people. His stock is nicely arranged in the spacious store-room in his own building, situated just south of the Masonic block. His stock includes everything found in a first-class grocery store. J. P. Holsinger, an experienced gro- cery clerk, assists in the business, A. R. Binkley's grocery store has been operated in Mount Morris less than two years, the stock having been re- moved to this place from Forreston. Mr. Binkley has, however, as men- tioned on page 44, long been a grocer in Mount Morris. Of late years he has been afflicted with paralysis and unable to attend to the business him- self. Mrs. Binkley and Thomas Sprecher attend to the wants of the pa- trons of the store. George W. Deppen entered the grocery business in Mount Morris in the summer of 1900, buying out the stock previously owned by F. K. Spalding. His store is spacious and well-filled with staple and fancy groceries, besides a small stock of dry goods. ■ Dry Goods. — G. W. Hamlin, D. S. Cripe and G. W. Deppen are propri- etors of dry goods stores in Mount Morris, the first two being exclusively engaged in that business, and the last carrying a small stock in connec- tion with his grocery store. In the present year G. W. Hamlin of Rochelle purchased the large and profitable dry goods business built up by R. E. Arnold, and put the store in charge of his brother, D. F. Hamlin. Besides a full line of all variety of dry goods, they carry a stock of shoes, gents' furnishing goods and carpets. The goods are neatly and tastily arranged, and give the store an inviting appearance. Miss Mae Ankney assists in the sale of goods. D. S. Cripe's dry goods store is situated in the south room of the old Seibert block. He has a large and well- select d stock of goods and enjoys a large patronage. Mrs. Cripe clerks in the store. Bakers and Confectioners. — E. O. Startzman has been continually en- gaged in the bakery and confectionery business in Mount Morris for near- ly twenty-five years. He occupies the old Startzman building and has spacious and convenient apartments. His oven and bake-shop are in the basement of the building. During the winter season he manufactures most of the candies offered for sale. A cosy ice cream parlor is fitted up in the rear of the store. In the store is his soda fountain, one of the first brought to town. Besides carrying a full line of confectionery and bak- ery goods he has a partial line of groceries. Walter Wolfe's business is a MOUNT MORRIS OF TODAY. 255 combined bakery, confectionery and restaurant. Mr. Wolfe is a young man full of energy and with a thorough knowledge of the business. He has elegant new quarters in the new Sharer building. The main floor is divided into two apartments, the east half being fitted as a parlor where ice cream is served in the summer time. In the basement is the bake shop, a very large oven and a churning room, where a large ice cream churn is situated. The churn is operated by a 2% horse-power gasoline engine. In the winter time Mr. Wolfe manufactures large quantities of fine candies and in the summer time, ice cream, which he disposes of by retail and wholesale. The stock carried on hand includes a line of fancy groceries, and the finest candies on the market. Mr. Wolfe started in business on a very small scale, but has succeeded in building up a large and profitable trade. His soda fountain, purchased recently, is as fine a fountain as can be found anywhere in Ogle county. McCosh's Pharmacy and Jewelry Store. — Dr. G. B. McCosh and C. H. Mishler established a second drug store in Mount Morris in 1896, which, since 1898, has been conducted by the former. Besides the regular stock of drugs, chemicals and medicines, a full line of bcoks and station- ery, wall paper, paints and oils, and holiday goods are kept on hand, and nicely arranged in the Doctor's own building, erected in 1892. E. O. Bailey, a registered pharmacist, is employed by Mr. McCosh. In the win- ter of 1899-'00, the Doctor's son, Blair, attended the Bradley Polytechnic Institute at Peoria, and gained a knowledge of the jewelry and optical pro- fessions. An office was established in the pharmacy in May, 1900, since which time he has been regularly engaged in the work. A stock of jewel- ry and optical goods has been added. Brayton's Old Eeliable Drug and Book Store. — The preceding title is fittingly applied to the large drug and book establishment owned and conducted by Arthur W. Brayton. The name of Brayton has been fore- most in prominence in business circles of Mount Morris for nearly sixty years and the known and established reliability of the business conducted by the several generations of the family has well earned the sobriquet of " Old Reliable Drug and Book Store" for Mr. Brayton's place of business. As has been mentioned on page 33, Mr. Brayton's business directly de- scends from the first store established in Mount Morris, by his grand- father, Daniel Brayton, in 1841, and handed down by his father, Frederick B. Brayton, whose portrait appears on page 34. The stock carried at the present time is one of the largest and probably the most valuable in Mount Morris. He has a full line of drugs, books, stationery, paints, oils, wall-paper, lamps, and a large holiday stock of beautiful and useful arti- cles and toys of all varieties, in season. A news stand with the popular papers and magazines of the day is maintained and has been a feature in the store over forty years. The exceptional neatness and elegant arrange- ment of the stock is a noticeable feature. Mr. Brayton became a regis- tered pharmacist in about 1880. Besides compounding prescriptions and other pharmaceutical work, he has made a number of chemical discover- ies, and manufactures, among other things, a tabule for the preservation 65 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. of milk tests, for which a very large sale has developed among creamery- men over many states of the Union. Earl Householder is an apprentice and clerk in the store, and Miss Annabel Smith takes care of the books and also assists with the sales. A very large patronage is enjoyed by Mr. Br ay ton. Hardwares. — Each of the two principal business blocks has a hard- ware store. Clinton E. Price bought out the hardware store owned by J. M. Piper in 1890 and has since been actively engaged in the business. Mr. Price is a very pleasant gentlemen to deal with and has an excellent pat- ronage over a large territory. His store is well stocked with everything in the hardware line, besides stoves and furnaces. A line of buggies is al- so carried in stock. A tin-shop in the rear is well supplied with all the tools necessary in the tinning and repairing trade. Mr. Price is an exper- ienced plumber and is doing a growing business in that line, especially in the work of putting in furnaces. To assist him in the tin shop Mr. Price hires a tinner and a second man most of the time. J. W. Crump is en- gaged as clerk in the store proper. The toll station of the Union Central Telephone Company is taken care of by Mr. Price and his assistants. B. E. Avey is proprietor of the second hardware store: the stock is entirely new having been purchased and first placed on sale in March, 1900. Besides the regular lines of heavy and fancy hardware, Mr. Avey deals in stoves and farming machinery. His sale of stoves during the season, 1900, ex- ceeded a half hundred. Among the lines of machinery handled are Cham- pion binders and mowers, Hamilton corn-shellers, etc. Restaurants and Lunch-rooms.— S. J. Hess carries a large restaurant stock, in- cluding candies, cigars and tobacco. He has a soda fountain and serves many of the popular soda drinks during the warm weather. Warm meals are served at all hours of the day and evening. Sprecher Brothers have fitted up the room under Sprecher & Wheeler's store and have a fine new stock of goods on sale. They also serve warm meals. Both Mr. Hess and Sprecher Brothers enjoy profitable trades. Well-driller.— W. H. Hedges has been drilling wells in the vicinity of Mount Morris for about twenty-five years, having succeeded his father in the business. He recently purchased a new outfit and is now prepared to drill wells to a considerable depth . The well at the creamery, which is 268 feet deep, is the deepest drilled by him. Mr. Hedges also erects wind-mills, in which business, as well as that of drilling, he has no competition in this territory. Livery Stables. — Long & Son, C. U. Niman, and Wm. H. Keedy represent the liv- ery business in Mount Morris. A. J. and Fred Long purchased the livery stable on Wesley street of George Bovey in 1894, and have since added a number of new vehicles and horses. In January, 1899, C. U. Niman bought from John H. Miller the stable formerly conducted by H. L. Smith. He has eleven head of horses, all good animals, and among other vehicles, a large carry-all to use for picnics, etc. Samuel Halsey assists with the business. Wm. Keedy is the proprietor of the 10-cent feed-sheds and livery stable combined, situated on the corner of Hitt and Wesley streets. His equip- ment is entirely new and first class. Barbers.— The tonsorial profession is represented by three first-class barbers, — Wm. Stewart. Levi Bear, and George Toms. Each has a nicely-furnished shop and has about an equal share of patronage afforded by the community. Harry Castle is an apprentice in Mr. Bear's shop and can be found there on Saturdays. Citizen's Bank.— This bank, the only one in Mount Morris, was established in 1893 by Joseph L. and John H. Rice, the present owners. The former is president and the latter cashier of the institution. They do a general banking business, issue exchange MOUNT MORRIS OF TODAY. 261 and attend to collecting:. Their deposits are very large and they are one of the sub- stantial institutions of Ogle county. Printing Offices. — Two printing offices, the Index and the Neivs, are maintained in Mount Morris. They have been spoken of in chapter VIII, " The Village Press." Tinner.— O. L. Doward has a tin shop in the Miller building and besides doing a general tinning and repairing business, has a small stock of tinware for sale. Mr. Doward is a good machanic and does excellent work. Clothing and Furnishings.— Sprecher & Wheeler are the only dealers in clothing in Mount Morris. Besides a very large stock of everything in the clothing line, they have complete lines of gents' furnishing goods, holiday supplies, boots and shoes, etc. Their store covers more floor space than any other store in town. The members of the firm are John Sprecher. who has been a business man in Mount Morris for nearly forty years, and W. W. Wheeler, who had been a resident of Kansas City for a number of years previous to entering partnership with Mr. Sprecher in 1899. Mr. Sprecher's son. John, and daughter. Kittie, assist as clerks in the store most of the time. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.— Wm. H. Miller is the only representative of these businesses in Mount Morris. He occupies the old opera house building and carries a fine line of the best grades of furniture and sells his goods over a large territory of country. In the undertaking business Mr. Miller is thoroughly informed and in this also enjoys a large patronage. He first learned the undertaking profes- sion and became acquainted with the furniture business with his father, Upton Miller, having worked with him twenty years. In 1887 he went to Sterling, 111., where Prof. Sullivan had organized a class in embalming and from him received his first diploma. Later in 1896 he attended the Champion College of Embalming and received his sec- ond diploma. After the passage in 1898 of a law requiring undertakers to hold li- censes. Mr. Miller took the examination and was successful. As a result he now holds a license from the Illinois State Board of Health. Mr. Miller has three hearses, a child's hearse and two large ones, the newest, purchased only a few years ago, being one of the finest in northern Illinois. Mr. Miller has been continuously engaged in the business over thirty years and is regarded as one of our most substantial citizens. Tailors.— Gregor Thompson has a large and w«ll-stocked tailoring establishment, occupying the lower floor of his own building situated on the corner of Main and Wes- ley streets. Mr. Thompson learned the tailor's trade in Norway and has followed it all of his life. He has been in the business in Mount Morris about fifteen years and has a very large patronage. Fred Frederickson's tailor shop is situated on the south busi- ness block, where his patrons keep him busy the year around. More is said of Mr Frederickson in the biographical directory. Harness Shops.— J. D. Miller has been conducting a harness shop in Mount Morris for twelve years and by square dealing has built up a large trade in all kinds of horse goods. He employs a practical harness maker to assist in making new harness and to do repair work. S. A. Shriner owns the second and only other harness shop in town. He has worked in a harness shop three years at Taneytown, Md., two years in Welling- ton. Kan., nearly nine years in the shoe factory at Dixon and two years in a harness shop at Dixon. He has been in Mount Morris since November, 1898, and is enjoying a good trade. Shoemaker.— Rigdon McCoy, formerly a stone-mason, purchased the shoe-mak- ing business formerly conducted by Andrew H. Dahl, in September. 1899, and has since acquired considerable proficiency as a cobbler. He is the only shoemaker in town. Hotel Rohrer.— This hotel, the only one in Mount Morris at present, was built in 1891, mention of which is made on page 42. The present landlord is A. T. Olson, who took charge April 1, 1898, and who had formerly been landlord of Hotel Glen View at Mount Carroll. Hotel Rohrer contains twenty-two sleeping rooms, a sample room for salesmen to exhibit their goods, office, parlors, bath room, dining room and kitchen. The building is steam heated and furnished throughout with city water. Mr. Olson is an expert cook and does the cooking for the hotel himself. Photograph Gallery— The Elite Photograph Gallery is owned and operated by Roy Householder, who is a skilled artist and does work in the latest and best styles. He is kept busy the year around and in his work gives the best of satisfaction. Jewelers.— C. H. Whitman, who is engaged in the watch and clock reparing busi- 262 MOUNT MORRIS: PAST AND PRESENT. ness in the old bank building-, served an apprenticeship of three years in Bel- videre and later operated a jewelry store there. In November, 1885, he bought out Ja- cob Fager in Mount Morris and was engaged in the business here for a number of years, selling out to S. Knodle and H. E. Newcomer in 1890. In the spring of the pres- ent year, 19C0, he again went into the business in Mount Morris, taking up the work abandoned by S. Knodle. He does a general repairing business. Blair McCosh, the only other person in Mount Morris with a knowledge of the trade has been spoken of elsewhere. Lumber Yaeds.— Two large and well-stocked lumber yards in Mount Morris at- tract patronage from many miles on all sides of the village. The firm of Clark & Wingert, composed of Holly C. Clark and Ira W. Wingert, has been doing business at the yards near the depot since 1889. They carry a large stock of lumber and coal and are doing a prosperous business. Harry Longman is a trusted employee of the firm. Baker & Coffman are continuing the business started by N. E. Buser & Co., in 1894. The firm is composed of Jos. T. Baker and Frank Coffman. Their yards are known as the Midway Lumber Yards. Besides a stock of building material and coal they have wagons, binders and mowers, and binder twine for sale. A large business has been built up. Meat Market.— Numerous attempts to establish and maintain a second meat market have failed and we still have but one. It is at present owned and operated by Charles Wishard and Upton Powell, who purchased the business of Rine & Whitman in December, 1898. They keep on hand a supply of all kinds of fresh, salted and dried meats and game of several kinds in season. The butchering is done at Mr. Powell's home seven miles southwest of Mount Morris. James Mumma assists in the shop. Creameeymen.— The Mount Morris Creamery, owned and operated by Robert C. McCredic, receives from five to fifteen thousand pounds of milk daily, varying with the season of the year. About 150.000 pounds of butter have been made and marketed during the year 19C0. Power for the machinery in the creamery is furnished by a ten- horse engine. Two separators are used and a No. 6 Disbrow combined churn and but- ter-worker, the latter with a capacity of 1C00 pounds at each churning. Andrew Palm- gren, an experienced butter-maker, assists in the creamery. A second butter-maker is engaged during the summer, time. John Bechtold assisted during- the summer of 1900. Mr. McCredie also operates the creamery at Stratford, where a large business is also carried on. Wm. H. Jackson, formerly the owner of the Mount Morris creamery, is still a resident of Mount Morris and operates creameries at Leaf River and Adeline. Both are well equipped and produce large quantities of the highest grade butter. Mr. Jackson is a thorough business man and enjoys the respect of his patrons and friends. Elevators.— Two firms are at present engaged in the grain buying business in Mount Morris, viz.,— H. H. Clevidence and the Neola Elevator Company. As mentioned before Mr. Clevidence has been continuously engaged in this business since the early seventies and ranks as one of the foremost of the business men of Mount Morris of both the past and present. Mr. Clevidence has charge of the two north elevators, the first with a capacity of 50.000 bushels and the second, 25,000 bushels. During the year ending with December, 1900, Mr. Clevidence shipped about 300 cars of grain to Chicago approximating in the neighborhood of 300, COO bushels. Corn and oats, of course, pre- dominated, with lesser amounts of wheat, rye and barley. The machinery in the north elevator is operated by a 5-horse gasoline engine. Mr. Clevidence also deals in farm machinery, buggies, and binder twine. During the year 1900 he disposed of about $1,000 worth of Deering machinery. $12,000 worth of Rock Island buggies and 16,000 pounds of binder twine. Among the machinery sold were eighteen binders and thirteen mowers. Besides the two elevators, Mr. Clevidence has a large machinery warehouse, which was formerly the Chain-stay fence factory. The Neola Elevator Company's interests are looked after by F. J. Lindsay. The business was but recently purchased of Thom- as Williams. The elevator has a capacity of 25.000 bushels of grain. Besides the grain buying business, the company deals in flour and feed, wholesale and retail. A mill for grinding corn meal and chop feed is installed in the elevator and kept quite busy by the patronage of farmers. Power is furnished by a 15-horse gasoline engine, the larg- est in town. The Neola Elevator Company owns a large number of elevators in Illi- nois principally along the Burlington railroad. ■'■ ■■ •■■■■'■ "-» '>« '- $gm . == r : i fmt r;S==S; ===: -*, ' . rT""' - ^ .- . •"* '«-• * '* &£ -rr=: ' vv--*--.. V. .' - . .- ._ ~ — ^ __— — 252 ^-'*:<> :T r MOUNT MORRIS OF TODAY. 265 Carpet-weaver. — J. A. Kable is the formost carpet -weaver in Ogle county, doing' work in all parts of the county except the extreme eastern section. He is kept busy the year around, with usually from one to four months' orders ahead, awaiting their turn. For the year ending December. 1900, he manufactured in the neighborhood of 1,300 lineal yards of carpet. An assistant is engaged during a part of the year. Stock-buyer.— Samuel P. Mumma is the principal stock-buyer and shipper in Mount Morris. About eighty-five cars of cattle and hogs are shipped to Chicago each year of which all but probably less than a dozen are bought and shipped by Mr. Mum- ma. During the year 1899 he marketed 7,800 hogs. Mr. Mumma has been in the busi- ness since 1872. Price Stouffer and Emanuel Slifer also occasionally ship stock. Brayton's Fruit Farm.— A. W. Brayton is extensively engaged in the raising of fruit on his farm, lying at the edge and partly within the corporate limits of the vil- lage. His principal crop at the present time is small fruits, including strawberries, gooseberies, currants and raspberries. About 2^4 acres are put out in strawberries from which 200 bushels were picked during the season of 1900. He also picked 50 bush- els of gooseberries and thirty bushels of currants. A young vineyard has been planted with 100 grapes, and a peach orchard of 100 trees, a pear orchard of 160 trees, a cherry orchard of 200 trees, a plum orchard of 300 trees and an apple orchard of 100 trees. Mr. Brayton also raises a quantity of vegetables of various kinds. Paper Hangers.— Solomon E. Avey, Frank Baker. Painters.— Solomon E. Avey, Capt. Peter Householder. Melvin Householder. M. F. Maloney, J. W. Granger. Harry Castle, Wm, Beard. Plasterers.— E. J. Allen, Samuel Grimm, A. M. Newcomer. Stone Masons.— Jack McCoy, Claude McCoy, D. S. Holsinger. J. W. Blecker. Auctioneer.— Edwin J. Allen. Wood Workers.— Upton Miller, J. A. Knodle, A. M. Doward. James McCoy. Carpenters.— N. E. Buser, Willis Mumma. Jacob Craley, Alburtus Stutsman. S. C. Kinsey, B. F. Tracy, C. H. Mishler. Benj. Rine, John Merriman, H. E. Longman. Dennis Tracy, Edward Davis, John Jimmerson, M. F. Blake John H. Miller. Insurance Agent.— Chas. H. Allen. Teachers. — Besides the college professors and teachers in the public school, the following are among the persons who hold teachers' certificates in Mount Morris: Chas. H. Allen, Jacob G. Miller, T. M. Miller, Robert Buser, R. S. Marshall, Leslie E. Rees. Chas. R. Holsinger. B. F. Canode, Grace Hanstine, Orpha Windle. Edith Rowe, Mary C. Garber, Cleora E. Wallace, Katy Finney, Myrtle Wright, Elsie Emmert. Annie Eversole, Ivy Eversole, Frank Scott. Traveling Salesmen.— Harry Cushing, George Myers, Roscoe Clark. E. E. New- comer, B. E. Rine, B. T. Ryder. U. S. Railway Mail Clerk.— A. C. Irvin. Market Gardeners.— John French, Wm. Nalley. John McNett. Wm. Peacock. A. S. McCoy, A. W. Brayton. O CD >> 3» 6. p MI/MM* A ff/f/Xltt' »1 _SVt rn