CS 71 .HA24 1904 Copy 1 *»* - H ^=^ PRO ;^WH?< ppSlTll ./ u IIIk-sc arms ucro used bv the naync family of Soulli Carolina at a very early .lale. The fnllowiiiR description of them is Kiven in r.nrke's (.,'riuriil .Iniii'iy: , •JlwNF- Ar. three crescents. i»aly ol >ix. ^n. ami az. Crest— .\ sf.rk. wnigs displ. ppr in the heak a serpent of Ihc last."! / THK HAYNE FAMILY? HV rilKODOKK I). JKRVKY. John 1 1 a\ m:. tlu- founder of tlu- llayia- family in South Carolina, canu- to tlu' rr<)\inif in ijoo'. settliuj^; iti Colle- ton C(innt\. Ik' prohahly died ahout 171S, as his will is declared tn lia\e l)<>rne dale 1 )ec. 20. 1717, and to have \k'cu recordek-(l to embellish this genealogy with a col- ored representation of the Hayne arms and several pictures of especially distinguished Hayncs. ' By a genealogical chart in an old Bible it appears that the family came from Shropshire, three miles from Shrewsbury, in England, ami that John Haync's mother was named Elizabeth. " To all to whom these presents may come Greeting. Whereas John I laynes, the father of the said John I laynes, and Mathew Haynes late of Colleton County planter by his last will and testament * * bearing date Dec. 20, 1717, etc. And whereas Mary Hayncs the mother of John, 1 laynes and Mathew Hayncs the widow and relict during her widow-j hood did purchase four several tracts of land and afterwards did inter- marry with John Long and by deed bearing date June 16. 1724. did convey to John Haynes. John Williamson and Timothy Hendricks in trust for the use of John Haynes. the eldest son of John Haynes, Ed- ward Haynes, Joseph Haynes. Hannah Haynes. Mathew Haynes, Su- , sannah Haynes, Isaac Haynes minors the children of John Hayncs. * * etc. (Book T. p. 177. M. C. Records, Charleston Co.) SOUTH CAROLINA GLEANINGS IN ENGLAND. 167 Wrexham, county Denbigh, in Wales, paying rents thereof to my antient sister Abigail Owen so long as she live and allow to my cousin Mr. Joshua Buttall 20s a year so long as he live to take care of said premises in Wales. To niece Dorcas Jackson wife of Mr. Abraham Jackson of Moreton, Devon, what her husband owes. To sons and daughters and sons and daughters in law £5 each for mourning. To grand- children one guinea each. To cousin Mr. Thomas Green and his wife £5 each for mourning desiring Mr. Green to assist executrix. To old servants Samuel Owen and Sarah Mortmore £5 a piece. To poore of Topsham £5. Rest to wife Mary Buttall, executrix, for life, then to chil- dren, sons Benjamin Buttall, John Buttall, Humphrey But- tall, and Charles Buttall, and daughters Mary wife of Mr. Nathaniel Hodges, Sarah wife of Mr. Thomas Wiggenton, and Elizabeth wife of Mr. Abraham Wells. Witnesses: Dan" Coleman, Tho : Sampson, Jno : Conant. Richmond, 228. Edmund Roberts, citty of Canterbury, Esq. Will 20 June 1685; proved 26 May 1687. To brother in law John Coppin of the citty of Canterbury, gent, executor, all per- sonall estate in England and in the parts of Virginia and Carolina for payment of debts &c. To said brother in law all lands in Appledore, Ivechurch, Alkham, and Liddon, Kent, and parishes of St. Alphage and x\ll Saints, Canter- bury, and all other lands in England or in the partes of Car- olina and Virginia to sell to pay debts, and of remainder one half to niece Jane Gibbon daughter of sister Martha Gibbon at 21 or marriage and other half to said brother in law John Coppin. Witnesses : Rich : Monnis, Jo : Johnson, Nathaniel Everndon. Foot. 6^7 . THK IIAYNK FAMILY. 169 6 Siisamiali 1 layne. 7 Isaac llayiic, h. July jj. 1714: 4 11 Ahr.iiiam I layne. />. jany. 15. 1732. he had issue: 14 William i layne .Simmons-'. /;. 1 7«^4 ; y his brother he has recorded'. Appointed hy (Jovernor Allstoii. Senator from South Caro- hna to succeed Hon. |. j. ICvans. May i i. 1X5S. he filled the station with dij^nity, retiriiij^ in Decemher followiijjL( upon the election of Senator C'hesnut. lie niarriey the President of the United States." — ll)id, I->iday, Xovenil)er .^ i.Sjo. " Thr Charli'stiiii Courier, Sept. ,^o, iS.VJ. "The following are the inscriptions on tlie bust, whicl) was execnteil nndcr direction of Hon. Win. .\shniea 1'. Lani;li(>nic ( )ct. 5. iSSj, hv whom she liail issue: (kj Mari^arcUa 11. Laiii^li'irm.', /'. An-. _• 1 , inK', /'. Jan. _V'- i'**^'**^''- jj Julia II. I .au|L;'linruc, /'. Xov. jo. 1SS7. 27. I'j.iZA r. IIanxk I William'. .Miraliam'". Juliu'-. Jnlni' | was l)<>ru July _'»). I7<)3. aud died iu i''^75- She married W'illiaui Ivlward 1 la\uc ( 107). her enusin. li)- whom she had issue : 73 Eliza P. Hayne. b. April jo. iS_\:;.- . Hayne. /'. .Xuj^-. ji. 1834; ,/. 1841. Ji) h'ranklin 1'.. 1 layne. h. Au^-. 10. \X,^(): d. .\pril 8. i8^^f). 80 Mary II. I layne. b. Xcx'. 14. 1839: m he had issue : 81 Paul liannllon Hayne. /'. Jany. 1. 1830: f |)i( nniiK-iu-i-'''. lie inairii-d Mary Miilirl in \X-yj, l)\' w 111 '111 lie- Iiatl issue : Sj William llaiuilton Ilaync. h. Mcli. I I, iS:^^. Also ;i wiitei' t>l Hole, many of his pdcms ami ^UcIcIk's ap- ])carinL; in laTiodicai piihlicatinns.'" 4- llwxAii IIwM-; I JmIiii' I was horn ahout 1707. and died XoNcmhcr 14. 17S4.-" She manie(l John Splatt hy whom she had issue : S,:; Mar_\ S])Iatt. 54 John Splatt. died in 173-'. 55 Joseph Splatl. 86 h"i"ancis Splatt. ^y VA'iz'd Splatt. 8S P>enianiin S])latt. Si) 1 lannali .Splatt, /;/. (iirardeau. ()0 I^dward Splatt. <)i Martha S])lall. /;/. .Mayhank. <;_' Susannah .Splatt. ///. Swint'm. 6. Sr.sA.NN All IIanx!-: lJohn'| was Ixtrn ahoul \j\j. She married William Xash, h\- whom she had i.ssue : 'Nlis first vohiiiK- of poonis was published by the old liocse of Tickii<»r & Fields, Boston, in 1855. when he was some twenty five years old: his second in 1857, and his third in i860. In 1S7J the Lippincolts nublished his Lci^riuls niid /.yrics and in 187,? his edition of his friend Henry Tinn^ud's poems ai)peared. In 1875 I'ltr Mountui'ii of the f. oxers was pnblislied and in 1878 his memorial sketches of (iovernor Hayne and Mr. Legare appeared. (Biographical Sketch in Haync's Complete Poems. I). Lothrop & Co., p. vi.) '" See Who is It'ho in Ameiiea. \g0\-uy02. " "The same day" [Sunday before] "in this City. Mrs. Hannah Splatt. aged 77 years, relict of the deceased Mr. John Splatt. formerly of Ponpon." — The Soiith-i'iiroliiui Gazette, uud I'ublie Aih'ertiscr, Wed- nesday. November 17, 1784. See also Ralph Bailey of lidisto Island and Smitr <>f His Pes. .nd.nils (by A. S. Sallcy, Jr.). pp. 12 and 13. .Jtt 180 so. CA. HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE. 93 Mary Nash. 94 Elizabeth Nash. 95 Hannah Nash. 7- Isaac Hayne [John'] was born July 27, 1714. and died December 23, 1751. He married Elizabeth Oswald by whom he had issue : 96 Elizabeth Hayne, b. Sept. 15, 1736; d. Aug. 8, 1737. 97 Isaac Hayne, b. May 25, 1738; i«)ry ni' ilic Ke\«ilulmuary war. \\\ his niania-e wiili l'".li/alK-lli llui-^''ii. juiy 16, 17O5-*, 1k' had isMK' : ici Uaar I layiic, /'. July _•. \jt: il. I )cc, 13. iSoj. luj .\lar\ I lay IK'. /'. April 11. I7«>S; . .\i>\. 17. 1 774 ; (/. St'jit. 14. I77^>. joh Mary lla\iR'. /'. .\u.u'. _•<;, 1 77''>. I \uj \\ illiain I'Mwaitl. h. Mv^. J<>. I77<'» ^ '• •!• ^^A3- loi. Is.\.\c ll.WNK [Isaac''. Isaac-. Jnlin' | was l)<>ni July _'. 17U1. and died Dec. 1^^. iSoj. lie married Mary Hopkins. December i j, I7<).v !)>' \\li<>m he had issne : 108 Isaac Joseph I iayne. h. I'Vhry. 5. \J*)^: '/• July 15. l7'^'^• 109 h'rancis II. I Iayne. /'. .\ni^. 17. 17<;7. MO V.]\/.:\ W. I iayne. /'. Jany. 13. iScki. III. I>aac I Iayne. /'. jany. jS, iSdj; (/. iSoj. 107. W ii.i.iA.M l-a»\\.\uu IIanm: (Isaac''. Isaac'-'. Irevard. She died An,triist jj, 18 JO, and on Jannary 7. 182J, he married Rliza V. Mayne gracious acceptance of it through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ who I trust will not reject me a Penitent Siimcr. • * Interahate eldest son my books and manuscripts • • but no cost must be spared in tlic children's education. (Will >>( Isaac Hayne. rr<»bated Mch 13. 178.V Will Piook A. p. 41. Charleston Co. Probate Court records.) Sec also McCrady's Hislory of South Carolina in the Rci'olulion. 17S0- 1783, pp 130-1.^4. 150. 3 '8-32 1. 364. 3«>. .^-'^i-'. 4.W. 4'*. 544. 7^. and Vol. III. of this magazine p. 2X). ■* The South-Carolina Gazette. Saturday. July 20. 1765; Sal!ey"s Mar- riage Notices in The South-Carolina Cazette and Its Successors, p. 20. i w < w o n W Q p p w w z o I 111. II \\ M. I AMI I. V. 1S3 (_'7). ( )ii 1 )(.icmlnT _'<». iS^(>, lie was elected Cninptrnller- ( ieneral of the Slate of South Caiohna-''. I'.\ l^loi>;i I'.rexard he had i>siie : (See N'o. jy.) iij Isaac W ilhaiii llayiic. /'. Mch. \(>. iS(k;; , iJ^.U- 11.1 Alexander 1'.. Ilayne, /'. July 5. iSi^^; ecial h'nvoy fn»ni the Stale of South Carolina to rresident I'.uchanan "to effect if possible an amicable and peaceful tranfer of the fort (Sumter) and settlement of all ([uestions relatint,^ to proi)erty"-''. lie remained a month but was met with ^ The Charleston Courier. December 25, 1839. ""Yon say that the fort was garrisoned for onr protection and is lieM for tlie same pnrpose for which it lias Ik-ch ever lield since its constrnction. Are yon mu aware, that to hohl in the territory of a foreign power a fortress against her will, avowedly for tlie pnrpose of j)rotecting her citizens is perhaps the highest insnU which one government can offer to another? Bnt Kort Snmter was never garri- soned at al! nntil Sonth Carolina had dissolved her connection with yonr Government. This garrison entered it in the night with every circnmstance of secrecy after spiking tlie guns and burning the gnn carriages and cntting down tlie flag staff of an adjacent fort which was then abandoned. Sonth Carolina had not taken Fort Snmter into her own possession only Ix'cnsc of her misplaced conlidcnce in a gov- ernment which dcceiveil her."' — Pas.sage from the last letter of Col. Haync to the President, Rise and Fall of the Confederate Govern- ment, by Jefferson Davis, Vol. I, p. 2ig. 184 so. CA. HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE. evasion and unsatisfactory answers and returned. He died in March, 1880. On May i, 1834. he married Ahcia Pau- hna Trapier, hy whom he liad issue: 118 Isaac Hayne. b. April 5, 1835; d. Oct. 8. 1836. 119 Harriet B. Hayne, h. Fehry. 9, 1837. 120 Richard T. Havne. h. Febrv. 18, 1838; d. Febrv. 22, 1838. ' ■ ^ 121 Isaac Hayne, b. July 16, 1839; d. Nov. 7, 1888. i-:2 Theodore B. Hayne. b. Mch. 12, 1841. 123 Edmund T. Shubrick Hayne, h. Dec. 4, 1843; ^• June 30, 1 862-". 124 Mary E. Hayne, b. April 10, 1845; ^^- Nov. 29, 1868. 125 Paul Trapier Hayne. b. Dec. 14, 1846. 126 Robert B. Hayne, b. Mch. 30, 1848; d. August, 1883. 127 William E. Hayne. b. Mch. 4, 1852. 128 Branford S. Hayne, b. Febry. 13, 1858. 119. Harriet B. FIavne [Isaac VV™\ William Edward*, Isaac^, Isaac^, John^] was born February 9, 1837. She married Edward H. Barnwell, Nov. 20, i860, by whom she had issue :^^ "'Mortally wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862, while gallantly supporting the flag of his regiment. His name is included on the tablet of the Confederate dead of St. Philip's Church, Charleston, and on the tablet to the color guard of the ist, regiment in the State House, Columbia. "Edmund Shulirick Hayne, a handsome and courageous l_)oy, was a member of the Carolina Light Infantry, First Regiment of South Carolina Volunteers, Gregg's Brigade. He was one of the Color Guard, and at the battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia : when Color Bearer James H . Taylor was killed, young Hayne took the flag and fearlessly carried it until he fell mortally wounded. James Armstrong, Formerly Captain Color Company, First Regiment, S. C. V." "* See Vol. H. of this magazine, p. 78. llli; IIA'i M'. lAMll.N. 1H5 jt) William II. lianiwell, /». Wiv. u. iS^r. ,^{) Isaac II. rianiwc'll, h. I't-hry. J i . iSft4. ,^ I .Mice Trapicr r.aniwcll, />. ( )ct. i j, iSh;. ,:;_• l-'dwanl I'aniwcll. h. .Mili. j i , iShS; ann\cll, /'. July m. iJ^J.v I jr. l.s.vAC ll\v.\K [Isaac William"'. William l-'dward'. Isaac''. Isaac-. Jiilin'l was Ixuii |ul\ lO. iS^i;. and died Xnvenihcr 7. iSSS. I)iirin^" the ("mi federate war lie served as an aide upon the staff of Piriti^adier-Cieneral Johnson i lai^ood. lie married Ellen I'rost. by whom he had issue: 137 Isaac llaync. h. .May _'_'. 1X70: . June _'<;. 1S7S. 14-' I'di/a \\ llaync. h. Oct. j 1 , iSSo. 143 lulmund Shnhrick llaync. /'. Oct. \(k 1SS3. 144 llenrietla (i. llaync. /'. Oct 14. 1SS7. 1 2 J. 'riii;()i)()Ri-: r.. ll.wNi-: [Isaac Win.'. William Rdw.'*. Isaac'', Isaac-. John' I was horn March u. 1S41. On i()th. April. 1870, he married Lillah Adams, lie scrxed in the Confed- erate war as a captain (»f artillery in Lucas's battalion. I'y his marriai^e above he had issue: 145 Mars^arel Ilayne, h. Mch. i). 1S71. 146 James Adams Ilayne. /'. Mch. iS. iS7_>. 147 Alicia Trapicr Ilayne. /'. May u. 1875. f 186 so. C.\. TTTSTORTCAL AND GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE. 14S riicoclore 1*>. J layne. b. Dec. 24. 1878; d. Dec. 25, 1878. 149 Tliendora 11. Hayne, /?. Sept. 29, 1889. 145 • Margaui-.t TTavxk [Tlicodorc r..'\ Isaac Willianr', Wil- liam Tuiw.'. Isaac', Isaac-. John' | was born March 9, 1871. ( )n Dec. 10, 1891, she married II. C. Beattie. by -whom she had issue: 150 Harvey Cleveland lieattie, b. Dec. 23. 1892. 151 -Margaret II. Beattie, /'. Au,^-. 19. 1896. 152 Rlizaheth A. lieattie, /;. Sept. 6. 1899. 153 Hamlin Beattie, b. Nov. 18, 1903. 146. J.\MK.s .\i).\.\i.s Mav.m-. I Theodore I'..''. Is:iac W'"''. William VaV"^\ Isaac', Isaac-, Jolin'] was horn March 18, 1872. He married October 30, 1897, h^rances Thorne, by whom he had issue : 154 ddieodore B. I layne. /'. Auj;-. 3, 1898. 155 h'rances T. liayne. /'. Dec. 25, 1900. 156 Lillah .\. Hayne, b. Oct. 5, 1902. 147. Alicia T. IIavne [Theodore B.'', Isaac W"", William Ed""'''"*, Isaac', Isaac-. John' | was born May 12. 1875. On ( )ct. 15. 1902, she married William Martin l)a\id!4"e, b}' whom she had issue: 157 Alicia il. Davidge. Paul Tuai'Iku IIavnk | Isaac \\"'\ William I'.d"''*. Isaac\ Isaac-, John' I was born 1 )ec. 14. 184C). 1 le married Mari- anna lr\ine. A])ril 7. 1874. by whom he had issue: 158 .Mary_ Shubrick liayne. /'. .\i)ril 1, 1875; , 187 I) r.'iul r. Il;iync. /'. Aiii;. j(>, \^j(>. (K) Adcic I. liayiK", h. Xow i_^, iS-j. I'rancos I. I laync. /'. Mi-li. jj, iSSi. |<)J Isaac- W. Ilayiu'. h. Mcli. _•:;. |SS_^. 1'),^ llaniit 1'.. Ila\iic, h. .\<>\. i :;. 1SS4. \().\ Mariamia I laync, /'. June :;(). 1SS7. |()5 l'"raiK\'s McMaliMii I laync, /'. jnl\- 4, i«SS(;. I 59- A I A^ N 1: am r •; Is.i.u- \\"'\ William ]'jV'\ Isaac'', Isaac-, jnhii'l was born Ant^nsl j(k iSj^. l-'irst Lieutenant i4tli. Cavalry. L'. S. A. ( )n April 14. k^o^, he married I Icrmione C"r<>sl)\- l)\- wliom he had issue: V 166 Paul T. llayne. h. Mch. 28. 1904. 127. William K. TIavxr [Isaac Willianv', William E(V"^\ IsaaC'^'I'^aac". John' I was horn March 4. 1S5J. and mar- ried, December 10. f888, Jeanne Honore Morancy. by whom he had issue : 167 I'ranklin P>. Haync, b. jany. _'8. 1891. if)8 llonorc M. Hayne, b. X()v. 10, 1892. \(hj William I-'. Ilayne. b. h'ebry., 1894. 170 Mary Ai;ncs liaync. b. Auj;-. 2^, 1901. 128. Franklin 1^. Hayne, christened P)RANFord Sni'r.RTCK Havni-: [Isaac 'V"'\ William EdwanP, Isaac"*, Isaac-, John'], was born Tebriiary 13, 1858. His name was chanj^ed to Franklin 13. Flayne April 13. i8(ii. He is a very successful cotton mcrcl^'uit of Xcw Orleans, lie married Emily Poitevent. by wh(^m he had issue: 171 John Poitevent Hayue. 172 Mary II. llayne. 173 l-".niily Llayne. ^ \ ; LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 021 393 012 6 188 so. CA. HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE. I I Rebecca H. Havne [William Ed"'^-*, Isaac*, Isaac-, John^]\ was born July 17, 1811, and died July 6, 1834. She mar- \ ried Judge A. P. Butler, afterwards U. S. Senator from South Carolina-'-', by whom she had issue: 174 Eloise Brevard Butler, b. June 10, 1834. 116. Eloise Mary Hayne [William Ed'''^'*, Isaac"', Isaac-, John'] was born September i, 1818. She married. May 18, 1837, Gen. W^m. E. Martin, by wdiom she had issue: \ /:) Eliza H. Martin, b. Eebrv. 26, 18^8: