TOPOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL os®^®^ OF THE IN THE COUNTY OF HILLSBOKOUGH, AND State o? Kew-HaxnpsMve, BY JACOB B. MOORE. CONCORD : PRINTED BY HILL AND MOORE. ^ U. S. /.. 1822. '■i' K'-- ADVERTISE >1ENT. The reader cannot expect to find, in the history of so recent a settlement as that of Andover, much to interest his fancy or im- prove his mind. It is to the earlier efforts of our pilgrim fathers, that vre must look for examples of heroic piety and perseverance, amid the dangers which surrounded them, both of famine and sav- ag'* war. There is still an inducement to collect the facts in the early history of even the younger towns, from the reflection that so much has been lost in the history of the older. Timely exer- tions only can preserve for the use of posterity, those particulars concerning events of the present day, which we are all so aax- ious to know respecting " times of old." With this view, the writer of the following pages has endeavored to bring into a small compass, every material fact relating to his native town; and whether they be valuable or not, his satisfaction rests in having rescued from forgetfulness circumstances, which, if not interesting at the present day, may become so to those who shall hereafter oc- cupy the lands lately cultivated by our fathers. February, 1892. SKETCH, Andover, a post-lown In the ceunty of Hills- borough, is situated in latitude 4:-» 27' north, and is bounded on the north by New-Chester, east by the Pemigewassct river, a branch of the Merri- mack, which separates the town from Sandborn- ton; south by Salisbury, and west by Wilaiet — in length about ten miles from east to west; its average width four miles from north to south — containing 29,883 acrefc, or nearly forty-six square miles. Pcmigewasset river, which forms the eastern boundary, is a rapid stream, subject to sudden swells from the numerous brooks and rivulets which wind round almost every hill in the vicinity. This river rise^ on the south-westerly sides of the White Mountains, and running a southerly course passes through Lincoln, Peeling, Thornton and Campton, and by Holderness, Plymouth, Bristol, New-Chester and Andover, uniting with the Wio- nepissiegee about two nn'les below Andover. The two rivers united form the Mernmack. The Pemigewasset is fordable at several places near Andover in summer, and even when the waters are high, the fishermen can sometimes cross on the rocks jutting out near the falls. Salmon, and a va- riety of other excellent fish, are annually caught here, though in less quantities than formerly. Blackwater river, one of the tributary branches of the Contoocook, is formed by two small streams, one of v\hich rises in Danbury, and the other is- sues from Pleasant pond in INew-London. These branches unite soon after crossing the westerly line, and form ths Blackwater, so called from its dark appearance, which passes rapidly through the southvvesterlj part of the town into Sahsbitry. This stream aifords numerous fish, and many £ne mill-seats. There are fire ponds in Andover, the largest of which is called Chance pond, situated in the easterly part of the town, the outlet of which passes through Salisbury-Village into the Pemige- wasset, a little below Webster's falls. This pond is about two miles in length, diffaring from one half to three-fourths of a mile in width. Loon pond lies near the centre of the town, and is about one mile in length and three-fourths of a mile in width. There is an island situated in the easterly part of Loon pond, which has long been the resort of summer pleasure parties, affording a beautiful shade and several kinds of wild fruits: this island contains three or four acres. The other ponds are called Elb:nv, Adder and JYether. All of them afford many fish, and in some of the con- necting streams are found salmon trout. Andover abounds with hills and dales, being in some places rocky and barren. On the north is a range of mountains, which divides the town from New-Chester. It commences near the Pemige- wasset river, and extends westwardly about ten miles to the intersection of the Grafton and fourth N. H. turnpikes. These mountains are called Ragged, from their appearance, being in all parts broken, and in many places bleak and precipitous. About two-thirds of the southern side are clear- ed, and afford good pasture lands. In some parts, settlements have been made, and snug farms form- ed some way up their sides. These rural im- provements, with the rocky barrier behind, pre- sent fiom other eminences a picturesque appear- ance. A little west of the centre of the range. there penetrates a stream of water from New- Chester, on which are situated several mills. In its passage through a chasm in the mountain, the water tumbles over a ledge of rocks nearly two hundred feet in the distance of a hundred rods. When the stream is raised by heavy rains or melt- ing snows, the piospect is very interesting and grand. From the foot of these falls the ascent is not difficulf on either side the whole distance up. The hifi^hest summit, which is a little west of the rivulet, by a late calculation,* is found to be l/i.O feet above the level of the pond, a little south of its base. There are several caverns in this range of mountains, some of which have been explored to a considerable distance, but contain much rub- bish, decoyed leaves, limbs of trees, vegetable mould, bones of animals, &c. The dividino- line between Andover and New-Chester passes" over the summit of the Ragged Mountains. The soil of this town is in many parts very good, producing excellent wheat, rye and corn, and is in general good for orcharding, and for other fruits common in this part of the country. Experiments have frequently been made wish trees more com- mon m a southern latitude, but none have been brought to maturity, by reason of the severity of the winters. The highlands, though hard of cuUivation, are exceedinojy fertile, a«d some of the best farms are situated on the hills in the wes- terly part of the town, and on the southerly sids of the Ragged Mountains. There is some rich intervale land stretching ah^ng the Blackwater river; and en the southern and south-western bor- ders of Loon and Chance ponds, are some valuable timber lands, the natural growth being princioallv hard pine and spruce— much of which has been conveyed in rafts down the river to Boscawen aud * By Mr. Benjamin M. Tyler, cf Aadover. Concnrfl.* The growth of wood, In the other parts of the town, is principally oak, beech and su^'-ar-maple. Seventy years a^o, the whole town was a forest, inhabited onl) l)y wild beasts. From its first settlement until within a few years, the in- habitants have annuallv supplied themselves with sugar from their own farms; but the trees now be- ginning to decay, and little pains being taken in their preservation, this branch of domestic econo- my is almost wholly neglected. In some parts of the town, near the Ragged Mountains, are found masses of excellent granite, ■which has as yet been made but little use of. There is also every indication of iron ore in the southerly part of the range. In passing over the lodges, it has invariably been found that the nee- dle was more or less attracted. Considerable quantities of iron ore have been taken from the southern borders of Lojn pond. Black lead of superior quality has also been frequently found at the foot of the mountains. These circumstances certainly indicate the existence of some valuable minerals in this mountainous range, and should m- vite the attention of those versed in miueralogical science. The woods of Andover, when the proprietors of the tract first entered upon their lands, were^ plenlilu'-ly stocked with game. Moose, deer, bears, wild-cats, kc. were every day to be seen, and the settlers were obliged tocuard the.r flocks from their midnight incurhions. Deer were very numerous, and so late as 1783, the town voted a premium of five dollars for every deer k.lled by the inhabi ants. Beavers, otters, and other quad- rupeds, were also common, and were for a icw years a source of profit to the inhabitants. * The timbers for the Concoid Bridge, when it was first built, were procured near Chance pond. The fourth New-Hampshire Turnpike passes through the nortliwebterri part of Andover and intersects with the Graflou turnpike rear the western hue. In 7t);i, there was but one path cut through the town near tfie centre, winding round the pond, and leading back to the Peinige- wasset. The lu)cs between Salisbury* and An- dover were ^;erambula!ed and naiked this year by the select?nen of both towrs; and soon after the boundaries between Andover and New-Ches- ter were established in like manner. The roads through this town aie now good, and the inhabit- ants are constantly imjiioving them. Travellers passing over the stage-road through Andover, have but an imperfect view of its soil. They can iitdecd see little but the bleak and con- fused pile of the Ragged Mountains on the north, and the darkly wooded sides of the Kearsarge on the west, Ti:ere are several convenient d'.\el- lings, and good farm* situated on tne turnpike; al- so three public houses and the post office. And a meeting-house is soon to be erected in that part of the town. the principal settlements, and the oldest and best cultivated farms are situated in the centre of the town. The first meeting-house, built in conformity with the conditions of the grant, was torn down in 1795— and the present one erecteu on the 3d of May, 1796, and dedica- ted to the service and honor of the Christian re- ligion Jan. 5th, 1797. This house is a spacious and well finished building, but is now decaying, having never been painted. Its cost was about $2:.O0. There are now in the town ot Andover p.bout 2i5 dwelling-houses; 4 stores ; 4 taverns; 5saw-milis; 3 grist-mills, with double runs of stones in each ; 2 carding machines; 2 clothing * O ;.rinally called Slcvens-Town, from the name of one of tL« grantees. 2 10 mills ; 2 bark mills, and 2 tanneries. The first saw-mill was buih in 1767, the proprietors grant- ing 40/. to the person \Aho built it, tofjether with the water privile2:e and site, " on condition tha* h© should saw all the loojs which the proprietors should haul to the mill, at the halves (or ten years." The number of inhabitants was in ]77»% 179; in 1790, 645; in 1800, 1133; in 1810, 1259; and in 1820, 1642 — giving for this latter year an average of about seven persons for each family. The body of inhabitants are industrious farmers, raising ordinarily a surplus with which to furnish their families the " httle necessaries," which com- mon custom or inclination invites them to procure. Andover was granted by the proprietors* of lands purchased of John Tufton Mason in 1746, to the following persons, viz: Edmund Brown, William Swain, Archelaus Lakeman, John Hoyt, John Brown, Daniel Cram, Nathan Row, Amos Dwinell, Daniel Sanborn, John Sanborn, Joseph Gove, Benjamin Leavitt, Nathan Longfellow, David Norton, Walter Wil- liams, Benjamin Swett, jun. Ber.jamin Shaw, Ben- jamin Tilton, Joseph Presctt, Tnomas Sill«a,t Israel Blake, John Ellis, Daniel Weare, Nathan- iel Healey, Benjamin Sanborn, Robert JViiller and Tobias Lakeman, of Hampton Falls. Edward Brown and Jonathan Beck, of Salis' bury, Mass. Samuel Bathrick, of Portsmouth. Ezekiel Worthen, Joseph Weare, Samuel Blake,jun. John Chapman, Samuel Blake, Nathan Dow, Samuel French, William Brown Clougb, * Tlie names of the original proprietors or grantors of Andover, were, Theodore Atkinson, Mark H, VVentworth, Richard Wibird, John Wentworth, George Jaffrej , Samuel Moore, iVathaniel Mes- serve, Thomas Packer, Thomas Wallingford, Jotham Odiorne, Josh- ua Pierce and John Moffat. \ So spelt in the original grant. n Jesse Prescutt, and Ebenezer Loverin, of Ken- sin^ton. Anthony Emery, John Marston, Simon Marston, Joshua Towie, Daniel Marston, John Leavitt, Jon- athan Leavitt and Nathaniel Bachelder, of Hampton. Samuel French, Richard Smith, Benjamin Ea- ton, Joseph French, Hezekiah Carr and Benjamin French, of South- Hampton and Hampton-Falls. David Page, David Lowel, Naason Cass and Jo- seph Rawlins, o/ Exeter. Jonathan Sanborn, of Kingston ; and Robert Calfe, oj Chester. The boundaries of the grant were thus descri- bed — "Beginning at a great rock on the westerly side of Pemigewasset river, which rock is the north-easterly bound ot a tract of land granted to Ebenezer Stevens, Jedidiah Philbrick and oth- ers, by said propriet"trs; then running W. 17* S. 10 miles; then beginning again at said rock, run- ning up said river so far as to contain four miles upon a strait line; thence W. 17° S. 10 miles; thence on a strait line to the end of the first ten mile line." The conditions imposed upon the grantees were as follow: — "That fifteen tamilies be settled upon said tract of land, each havinor a house of sixteen feet square at least, or equal thereto, and four acres of land cleared and fitted for tillatre or mowing tipon their respective shares, within four years next after the granting hereof; and fifteen families more, so settled, within six years from the granting hereof; and thirty families more within ten years from the granting hereof. That within ejght years Irotn the granting hereof a meeting- house be built for the worship of God, and fitted for that purpose for the use of the inhabitants there; and that they maintain and support the 12 constant preaching of the gospe! there after the expiration of ten years from the ^rantin^ hereof. Trial all ivfiite-pme trees, Jit for mnsfing the royal navy, be and hereby are rese ved and granted to his Majesty, his heirs and successors forever for that ptrpose. Provided alwiys, thit in case of an In- dian ivar within any of the terms of year's above limited for the doing any of the said matters and things aforesaid, by the said owners to be done, the samenumf>er of years as such war shall last shall be allowed after that impediment &hall be removed." The town was divided into eiirhty-onc rights, eighteen of which were reservetl by the grantors, one for the first ordained minister, one for the parsonage, and one for the support of schools. The remaining sixty rights, consistiijg each of two lots of 100 acres and one of 80 acres, belonged to the sixty grantees. Ai]dover was originally called JYeiv Breton, in honor of those brave men who achieved the cap- ture of Cape Breton in 1745,* Of the forces which were engaged in this enterprize, New- Hampshire furnished about five hundred men, chiefly in one regiment of eight companies under the command of Col. Samuel Moore. Most of *T^e island of Cape-Breton is situated between latitude 45*. and 47' N. about 15 leagues distant from Cape-Ray, the S. VV. extremi- ty of Newfoundland — beinji; separated from the main land of Nova- Scotia ijy a narrow strait of six leag-ues in length. This island had been deemed of little importance by the E'lg'iish and French, who had successively held possession of it, uniil the beginning- of the last century, when the latter became aware of its importance, from its central situation and the convenience of its ports. They ac- cordingly built a fortified town on the S. E side of the island, two miles and a quarter in circumference, to which they gave the nam» of Ljuisbourgh. It was fortified in every accessible part with a rampart of stone from 30 to 36 feet in height, and a ditrh 80 feet wide. It was so strong as to be styled " the Dunkirk of America." For the particulars relating to the capture of Cape-Breton, the reader is referred to Belknap's Hist. N. H. vol ii. and Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. i. of the iirst series. 13 the grantees of Andover were out in this expedi- tion, the result of which, says Dr. Belknap, "fil- led America with joy, and Europe with astrnish- uient." Waiter VVilliams commanded a company in the recjiment of Col. Moore, and Anthony Eme- ry was the regimental surgeon. Capt. Williams vvaea brave commander, and amons the most re- spectable inhabitants of Hampton-Falls. Dr. Em- ery vvasa£jentlemak)of liberal education, and grad- uated atHai-vard College in 1730. Some of his descendants now live in Andover. This town re- taired the name of New-Breton until June 25, 1779, when it was incorporated by the name it now bears. ■'The first inhabitant of Andover was Joseph Fellows, who moved into town from Boscawen in 1761. His daughter Peggy, (now Mrs. Woodbu- ry, of Corinth, Vl.) was the first child born in town, and she is now 58 years of age. Mr. Fel- lows died March 14, 1811, aged 84., Elias Raina was the next settler, and William Morey the third: both came into town soon after Mr. Fel- lows. Mr. Raino died Sept. 20, i787; Mr. Mo- rey in 1814. Edward Ladd, another of the first settlfrs, moved in soon after Mr. Morey. His grandfather, Nathaniel Ladd, emigrated from Scotipnd in the latter part of the seventeenth century, and his father settled in Exeter, where he was born. He was a soldier in the " old French war," as it is called, which commenced in 1744 — was an industrious man, and acquired a good estate. He died July 22, 1818, ag( d b2. His son, John, was the first male child born in Andover. The first settlement of the town progressed very slowly, the inhabitants being subjected to Djarjy and great privations. They were unable to procure bread-stuif without travelling ten or 14 fiheen miles, and were then obliged to convey it home on their backs. The woods supplied them with animal food, which they took in abundance with their guns and traps. There were no inhab- itants north from whom they could receive assist- ance, and the difficulties of a communication with those situated below them, rendered their situa- tion less pleasing. The men of those days, how- ever, pa-taking of the spirit coraraon to New- Einrlanders, overcame all difficulties by persever- ance, and secured to their families a quiet and peaceful possession — making the wilderness re- sound with human activity, and planting gardens amid the shaggy and barren mountains. It may be said with justice of the early set- tlers of this country, that the spread of the gos- pel and the establishment of churches were their principal objects. We accordingly find these ob- jects distinctly provided for in almost ail the orig- inal grants of our towns. One ot the conditions required of the grantees of Andover was, that a meeting house should be built within eight years after the grant, and the preaching of the gospel constantly maintained. The proprietors erected a convenient house, and preaching was occasional- ly had; but no minister was formally settled until i782. In the early part of this year a church was gathered ; and on the 30th of October, the Rev. JosiAH Badcock was ordained to its pastoral charge. He was a native of Mil(on, Mass.; re- ceived his education at Harvard College, and graduated in 17*2. He is a good scholar, a chari- table and industrious man. The church remained united under his ministry for more than fifteen years, when many of the members embraced dif- ferent opinions, or became otherwise alienated; and the society grew so small, that in 1809, he proposed resigning his charge. His farewell scr- 15 ffion to the people, ob dissolving his connexion with them, was oi) affectiouate appeal to their un- derstandings on the evils of div'sioris and strife in religious communities, and an earnest exhorta- tion to them not to forsake the assemblinij of themselves together for the public worsiiipof God, even though his exertions had failed to increase their spiritual blessings, ^'o other congregational minister was ever settled in town, and there are now comparatively few of that denomination of christians. The people are at present somewhat divided in religious sentiment. The most numer- ous class are undoubtedly those called Union Bap- tists.* There are some calvinistic baptists, aad some congregatienalists; also a society of univer- salists, incorporated in 1818. In the year 1801, there was a revival of reli- gion among the Freewill Baptists; and in 1803, Elder Elijah Watson, who now resides in Sutton, was ordained. He remained in this place how- ever but a few years. In 1810, a great number were added to the connexion, and Elder Ebene- zer Chase was ordained, who, with short inter- ruptions, has preached to the society until very lately. In 1819 and 1820, a great reformation oc- curred, under the ministration of those calling themselves CHRisT-{an5, without any party name; and the first church, under that appellation, was gathered here in Sept. 18 i9, and now consists of 167 members. It is in connexion with the " New- Hampshire Christian Conference," and is now un- der the pastoral care of Elders Young and Slee- * The name of Union Baptists has been recently assumed, /or the purpose of quieting- different opinions. Maoy who were in union with the Freewill Baptists disliked the name; and we believe the term Cnion comprehends several classes who differ on miaor and uuimportaat points. 16 per.* The second church, of the same denomin» ation, was gathered in May, 1820, and contains 25 members, under the care of EHer Young. Both these churches form "the First Union Bap- tist Society of Andover," which is much the lar- gest rehgious society in town. In July, 1819, Elder Ebenezer Chase commen- ced the publication of a periodical paper, called the ''''Religious Informer,'' issued once a month. At that time his subscription list amounted to 110; since which it has increased to nearly BOO. Mr. Chase is both editor and printer, having for some time used a press of his own contrivance, and learnt to work at his new employment entire- ly without assistance. His ()aper is devoted to the dissemination of the principles of the denomina- tion to which he belongs, and is as well executed as some of the country prints where we may sup- pose the publishers have been regularly educated in the art. All sects have a right to assemble at the meet- ing house, and at seasons of public worship it is generally occupied by one or the other. It is be- lieved that in iew places has greater harmony prevailed amons^ the different denominations, than in Andover ; and it is to be hoped this christian liberality, so creditable to the people, will always characterize them. There are in Andover fourteen school districts, in twelve of which are well-finished school- houses. A public school has for several years been kept near the centre of the town; and Mr. * Elder Peter Young- was ordained in York, Me. S<^pt. 9, 1808— commenced preaching in Deerfield, N. H. in 1812, where he con- tinued until 1819, when he remjved to Andover. Elder Nehemiah Sleeper is a native of A'^dover, and was ordained with Elder Wil- liam True, June 17, 1817, Elder T. died on the llth Oct 181S-- he was a ynun» man of unblemished m^ral chaiacter, nnd much respected. Elder Jesse Thoiopsou was also ordained to the vpork oi an evangeUst June 7, 1821. 17 Joseph Notes, \dio died Dec. 23d, 18 18, left funds in the hands of his Executor to the amount of ten thousand dollars, beside some real estate, for the establishment and support of an academy. It is much to be regretted, however, that the bene- fits hkelj to result from this munificent bequest, are restricted by the unfavorable situation located for the academy.* Had the donor seen fit to have selected a more convenient and central spot, far greater present, if not permanent, advantages must have been derived. It is not, however, be- coming to complam of the manner of bestowing a gift, it the gift be valuable ; and the inhabitants of Andover will long remember with delight their most distinguished benefactor. Mr. Noyes was a native of Hampstead in this state. He commenced business early in life in Haverhill — thence removed to Salisbury, where Le continued till within a few years of his death, when he moved into An^lover. He was from his youth a very industrious man, and by his own hands accumulated the estate which he left, amounting to about ^17,000. He was always punctual to fulfil every engagement — and was strictly upright in his dealings. He died at the age ot 64 — lea- ving the remainder of his property in the hands of his Executor, Robert Barber, Esq. of Andover, for the education and support of his three chil- dren. Doct. Silas Barnard was the first physician who settled in town, and was a man of respecta- ♦ Extract from J\Ir. JVbyes' Will. "/j;'ment of U. S infantry. He continued in the service until December of that year, when he returned to his family much indisposed, and died of a lung complaint on the lOth of January, 1813 From his youth he had cultivated music, and composed several excellent pieces, some of which vv< re published in Holyoke's Repository. He also had a taste for poetry, and wrote numer- ous songs and epistles, some of which were pub- lished in the newspapeis. The present physicians in Andover, are Doc- tors Silas Merrill and Tilfon Elkins. Jonathan Weare, Esq. a much respected and useful citizen, and who 1 )r Qiany years sustained some of the most important offices of the town, wasa native of Seabrook. His grandfather was a brother of the Hon. Meshech Weare, celebra- ted as one of the first worthies of New-Hamp- 19 shire. Mr. Weare died on the 18th of January, I8t6,at the age of bO years. Jonathan Weare was the first Justice o( 'he Peace in Andover; and it appears Irom the town records that at a meeting in i779 he was selected by the inhabi- tants to be commissio led by the government as a civil naagistrate. This was ii>deed a high proof of the confidence reposed in his integrity and jus- tice. Mr. William Blake was a native of Kensing- ton — moved with his father, when a youth, to Ex- eter — thence came to Andover. He died on the 18th of March, 18 12, aged 62 years. Mr. Blake was a man ot acute understarjding, and in all the transactions of life was exceedingly upright and honorable. He was viewed for many years as one of the fathers of the town. Man^ other worthy men, and valuable raera- beis of society, have lived and died in Andover, to whose ineujory should we attempt to pay a just tribute, it would swell this little sketch beyond its inteiided limits. iSo invidious feelings have gov- erned the writer, and he trusts the people for whose use and amusement this history is written, will receive it as a lespcctlul offerinjj — as a testi- monial of the writer's best wishes for their perma- nent welfare. Whatever errors or imperfections they may Giscover, he hopes will be overlooked, and charged rather to his ignorance than his in- tentions. In closing this sketch, it may not be improper to glance at a lew things, in which the welfare of every town is alike concerned. As human society sprinfi^s from the wants of men, so is it strengthen- ed and supported by charity and good feelings. Divisions, or sectional disputes, jealousies, or local rivalries, should always be discountenanced and pre- vented. If a town is united, itgentrally prospers. 20 Whilst the pursuits of agriculture engross most of your attention, and you "live by the sweat of the brow," jour interest lies also in giving due en- couragement to your mechanics and tradesmen. Every profession is honorable, it well followed — and mutual encouragement it is the policy of all to give. The advantages of education need not be mentioned : all must be ready tj admit its value. It is therefore one of the first duties of magistrates and private individuals, as well as of communities, to cherish schools, and provide means for the at- tainment of this greatest of earthly blessings by the rising generation. What if our fathers, when they fixed their homes in the wilderness, were deprived of the benefits of education ? Is it a reason why their posterity should be ? By no means. In proportion as the light of knowledge illuminates the mind, does man become capable of happiness, and of sooner estimating the worth of that Light which is infinite and eternal. To conclude, I would present for your considera- tion, the picture of a happy society, drawn by the worthy Dr Belknap. It is partially applicable to your situation, and I earnestly hope your exertions will make it still more so. " A town consisting of a due mixture of hills, vallies, and streams of water. The land well fenced and culti- vated ; the roads and bridges in good repair. Decent inns for the refreshment of travellers, and for public en- tertainment. The inhabitants mostly husbandmen ; their wives and daughters domestic manufacturers ; a suitable proportion of handicraft workmen and two or three traders ; a physician and a lawyer ; a clergyman of good understanding, candid disposition and exempla- ry morals ; not a metaphysical, nor a polemic, but a se- rious practical preacher. A school-master, who should understand his business, and teach his pupils to govern themselves. A social Library annually increasing, and under good regulations. A decent musical society. No intriguing politician, horse-jockey, gambler, or sot. Such a situation may be considered as the most favorable to local happiness, of any which this world can aflbrd." arPEKDix. NO. 1. BILL OF MORTALITY FOR 39 YEARS, Furnished ike compiler hy the Rev. Josiah Badcock. 5^ i^ 2 > g c c] > 1 ? 2 ^^ ! t 1(82 1 1 17R3 1 2 3 i:S4 1 2 1 1 5 i:s5 1 1 i7;;t; 1 1 1 1 1 B KL>7 1 1 1 1 1 5 1788 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 11 1789 1 1 1 3 1700 1 1 1 1 4 1791 2 2 1 1 6 1792 1 2 1 1 5 1793 1 1 1 3 1794 2 1 2 2 2 1 10 1795 1 1 1 2 1 2 8 1796 1 1 2 1 1 6 J 797 2 2 2 2 3 2 13 1793 1 1 1 2 1 1 7 1799 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 12 1300 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1801 2 2 1 2 1 1 9 1>J02 2 4 2 2 6 20 3 2 1 42 1803 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 13 1804 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 11 1805 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 10 1806 1 2 2 1 4 3 13 1807 1 1 1 4 1 2 10 1808 3 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 14 1809 4 1 1 4 1 2 13 1810 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 9 1811 2 1 1 2 1 1 8 1812 2 6 5 3 1 1 1 1 20 1813 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 15 1814 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 13 181a 1 4 1 4 1 2 2 2 17 1816 4 1 4 1 1 3 5 1 20 1817 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 15 1818 4 1 1 2 1 2 6 8 3 4 2 34 1819 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 17 1820 1821 4 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 21 i _^l III ZI 47 1 H S- 37 1 lU El 37 1 30 j ^1 44 J ^ ]N. B. A mortal sickness (the dysentery) prevailed in 1802; during whuh year, as will be seen above, 42 persons were swept away, pno. ipaliy children. In 1812, the typhus fever was general- ly mortal, being of a very malignant species, and 21 died, chu fly in the meridian of life. The annual average of deaths for the last torty years has been about eleven. 22 NO. II. J\~ames of persons who have represented the town of Andover in the Li'!^islature of the state, since the adoption of the constitution. 1796 to 1802, Joseph Philbrick. 1803, Jonathan Weare. 1804, J)seph Philbrick. 1805, Jonathan VVeare. 1806, Janob B. Monre. ISm" t ) 1809, JonUhan Wenre. 1813, Jonathan Weare, jun. 1814, James Tucker. 1815, Jonathan Weare, jun. 1816 and 1817, No representative. 1818, Samuel Graves. 1819, No representative. 1810 to 1812, James Tucker. II 1820 and 182j, Robert Barber. NO. III. Selectmen of the town of Andover, since its incorporation in 1779. 1779, J.^seph Philbrick, S imael Blake, Jabez Morrill, 1780, Willia!n Emory, Joseph Chan Her, Jjnathan Weare. 1781, Paul Sinil J Mirston. Joseph Chandler, Thomas Blake; ^782, J )seph Chandler, William Blake, Thomas Sleeper. 1783, Simin Rollings, Joseph Chandler, William Blake. 1784, Jonathan Wcarc, Joseph Philbrick, William Blake. 1705, William Emerj', Joseph Philbrick, Jonathan Weare. 1786, Jonathan Weare, Joseph Philbrick, Paul S. Marston. 1787, Same as in 1786. 1788, Nathan Rowe, Jonathan Wcaro, Tlu.miis Blake. 1789, J inathan Weare, Thomis Blake, William Emery. 1790, Jonathan Weare, Joseph Brown, jr. John Turnll. 1791, Jonathan Weare, John Turrill, Simuel Blake, jr. 1792, Joseph Brown, jr. Jabez iMorrill, Jonathan Weare. 1793, James Tucker, Joseph Philbrick, Silas Barnard. 1794, Jonathan Weare, William Blake, Silas Barnard. 1795, William Blake, Jonathan Weare, Moses Welch. 1796, Moses Brown, Pelatiah Corliss, William Emery. 1797, Jacob B Moore, Joseph Philbrick, Pelatiah Corliss. 1798, Jiseph Philbrick, Willard Emery, John Turrill. 1799, Jonathan Weare, John Turrill, Willard Emery. 1800, Willard Emery, Josiah Hains, Weare Hilliard. 1801, Willard Emery, Weare Hilliard, Joseph Brown, jr. 1802, Willard Emery, Jonathan Weare, Weare Hilliard. 18 >3, Same as 1802. 1804, Samuel Graves, Caleb IMarston, Weare Hillia/d. 1805, James Tucker, Willard Einery, Weare Hilliard. 1806, Willard Emery, Samuel Graves, Weare Hilliard. T807, Same as in 1806. 1808, Caleb Marston, Samuel Graves, Jacob Easttnan. 1809, Willard Evnery, Jonathan Weare, Moses Brown, J810, Caleb Marston, John Bailey, Jacob Eastman. 23 1811, Willard Emery, Snmuel Graves, Jacob Eastman. 1812, William Blakr, Samuel Graves, Jacob Eaplman. 1813, Willard Emery, Robert Barber, Jacob Eastman. 1814, Fame as in 1^13. 1815, Ditto. 1816, C'al^b Marston, Robert Barber, Jacob Eastman. 1817, Caleb Marston, Jncob Eastman, Willard Emery. 1818, Samuel Brown, Willard Emery rhir.clias Huntoon. 1819, Samuel Brown, Josiah Babcock, David Buswell. 1820, Same as in 1819. 1321, Samuel Brown, Jacob Eastman, John Simons. NO. IT. Town Clerks in Andover^ since its incorporation.'^ 1779 to 1792, Jonathan Wcare. 1793 and i794, Silas Barnard. 1795, Jonathan Wearc. 1796 and 1797, Jacob B. Moore. 1798 and 1799, Jonathan Weare 1800 to 1804, Jacob B. Moore. 1805, Jonathan Weare. 1806 to 1810, John Weare. 1811, Willard Emery. 1812 to 1818, Robert Barber. 1819 to 1821, Samuel Brown, * As early as 1773, when the inhabitants first ororanized their town govern- ment, Paul Smith Marston was appointed Ton"> Clerk, and continued in oiTice until 1779, when the town was incorporated by the legislature of this state. NO. V. MISCELLANEOUS. JVames of persons who have commanded militia companies in Andover, William Emery, Jos'ah Bachelder, Josiah Scribncr. ],