Rnnk Om-^ GUIDE HALL OF HISTORY NORTH CAROLINA PREPARED BY FRED A. OLDS COLLECTOR FOR THE HALL OF HISTORY PUBLISHED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1914 RALEIGH E. M. UZZELL a CO.. PRINTERS AND BINDERS 1914 GUIDE HALL OF HISTORY NORTH CAROLINA PREPARED BY FRED A. OLDS COLLECTOR FOR THE HALL OF HISTORY PUBLISHED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1914 RALEIGH E. M. UZZELL a CO., PRINTERS AND BINDERS THE NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL COMMISSION J. Bryax Grimes, Chairman, Raleigh. W. J, Peele, Raleigh. D. H. Hill, West Raleigh. Thomas M. Pittman, Henderson. M. C. S. Noble, Chapel Hill. R. D. W. Connor, Secretary, Raleigh. Fred A. Olds, Collector for the Hall of History, Raleigh. J. OF 3. Kov 8 im INTRODUCTION The Hall of History of North Carolina was first established by Fred A. Olds, as the director, in the west room of the State Museum, December 15, 1902. The installation of objects began that day. Mr. Olds? began the collection twenty years before. Knowing this fact, Governor Alfred M. Scales in 1885 wrote a letter specially commending this work, saying that he hoped it would bring about the keeping of North Caro- lina relics in the State and prevent their dispersion in other parts of the country. The State Department of Agriculture provided a room for the historical collection, and the title "Hall of History" was given it by the director. The result of providing such a place was information as to the location of great numbers of objects. Visits were made to about fifty counties in a search for others. In ten years the hall was full, thousands of objects having been gathered, some coming from other States and all having historical value and forming a part of a con^ nected story. Photographs were taken and used in illustrating the history of North Carolina. Special studies were made of the life of the Cherokee and Croatan Indians. Pictures were made of many his- toric buildings and scenes. Many valuable gifts were made and a generous spirit was shown by owners of relics in giving or lending these or allowing photo- graphs or sketches to be made of them. The Hall of History remained in the Agricultural Building until 1914, when it was moved to its present quarters in the State Administration Building. This building is a fireproof structure erected at a cost of $250,000 in accordance with the provisions of chapter 4 IXTRODUCTIOX. G6. Public La\YS of North Carolina, 1911, for the pur- pose of housing the State's libraries, archives, histori- cal collections and relics. On the 18th of February, 1914, the removal of objects from the old Hall of His- tory was begun. Every object was carefully pre- pared for transportation and not one was lost, the labels being attached to each, so as to avoid any con- fusion. The work of installation in the new hall began February 20th and was pressed day and night until it was tinished in the west hall March 12th. The work progressed so rapidly that this hall was opened to the public March 14th. The portraits and other pictures in the old State Library were turned over to the director of the Hall of History upon the removal of the library to the new building. It was found that many of these were not suitable for use in the historical collection, so a study was made as to the proper place for all such pictures, which were duly distributed in the Supreme Court section of the building, the Confederate Soldiers' Home and the Agricultural and Mechanical College. With these went some of the pictures from the old Hall of History which were the private property of the director, a number of the latter being placed in the Raleigh High School auditorium and class-rooms. On the 17th of March a conference was held with the Attorney-General as to the legality and advisa- bility of opening the Hall of History to the public on Sunday afternoons. He gave his hearty approval to the plan, and so did Governor Craig, the head of the State board of public buildings and grounds, who commended the idea. The Hall of History was opened on the afternoon of Sunday. March 22d, it being decided that it should be opened each Sunday between the hours of 3 and 5 Introduction. 5 o'clock. The fact that it would be opened was an- nounced in the newspapers and large cards were placed on the outer doors of the building. This was the first public institution in North Carolina opened to the public on Sunday, and among the visitors the first day were, a number who said they had not hereto- fore been able to see the collection because of the steady work of the week days. They expressed their pleasure at being participants in such an event. On the 30th of March the compilation of a cata- logue of all the objects in the west Hall of History was completed. The announcement was made that lectures on the historical collection would be delivered at any time desired, in the afternoons or evenings, and various organizations have taken advantage of this opportunity. History classes from the several colleges and schools in the city have also paid such visits and taken notes of the lectures delivered by the director. In 1912 a visit was made to Murphy by the director of the Hall of History, particularly to see the collec- tion of Indian relics, the property of Dr. S. C. Heigli- way. On the 2d of May. 1914. correspondence was begun with him in regard to the placing of this col- lection in the Hall of History, which has resulted in his agreeing to bring the collection to Raleigh and personally install it in the Hall. The collection in the Hall of History is rich in ob- jects illustrating the War Between the States, notably flags and uniforms, more than 40 of the North Caro- lina regiments being represented by their flags, and the uniforms being those of officers of every rank from lieutenant-general and of privates. Correspondence has been carried on with a view to bringing in every flag carried by North Carolina Con- 6 Introductiox, federate troops. Two of these flags have in past years been placed in the collection at Richmond. The opening of the old Hall of History twelve years ago stopped the sending of objects of this character out- side of the State. As the war recedes there is greater and greater loss of such objects if kept in private hands or in the custody of minor organizations, and hence the appeal has been made for the placing of them in the secure quarters offered by the Hall of History, where danger of fire is eliminated, where moth and rust do not corrupt and where thieves do not break through and steal. OBJECTS IN THE HALL OF HISTORY. West Hall. FLAT CASES. These cases run from No. 1 to No. 24 and are in sequence according to periods of history. CASE No. 1. Objects Illustrating the Colonial Period. Lantern, 1773, hand-made, sheet iron punched. Lent by H. E. Shaw of Kinston. Spoon mould, 1770, used in making pewter spoons. Presented by J. J. Jackson, Forestville, Wake County. Tinder box used in making fire in 1770 ; the wheel, being turned, struck a flint, making a spark which ignited tow or punk. Lent by Mrs. Bettie B. Grant of Pitt County. Portraits of Prince Charlie and his preserver. Flora MacDonald, and a letter written in Gaelic in 1750 by Dougald McFarland. Presented by A. P. Johnson of Fayetteville. " Indian relics, including a god, arrow, spear and dagger-points, pipes, tomahawk, and axe. Presented by Fred A. Olds of Raleigh. Ballast thrown from the vessels of Amidas and Barlowe at Roanoke Island, 1584. Presented by James Y. Joyner of Raleigh. Charcoal found far below the surface near the cen- ter of old Fort Raleigh, Roanoke Island, when exca- vating for the foundation of the monument to Virginia Dare. Presented by John D. Whitford of New Bern. 8 Objects ix the Hall of History. English royal seal of George II., 1750. Presented by Fred A. Olds. Soapstone bullet mould from an Indian mound near Raleigh. Presented by Graham Haywood of Raleigh. Fragment of wine flagon, button, and a brick found in the ruins of the house of the pirate Teach, or Blackbeard. at Bath. Presented by J. Bryan Grimes of Raleigh and Miss Lida Rodman of Washington. N. C. Tea caddy used in the house where the tea party was held at Edenton in 1774. Presented by Dr. Rich- ard Dillard of Edenton. Half -penny of William and Mary, 1694, and brass farthing, 1708, from Bath. Lent by Miss Lida Rod- man of Washington. Candle snuffers, 1765. Presented by Wachovia His- torical Society, of Salem and Theo. Kuester of Ra- leigh. Spoon of William Hooper, a signer of the Declara- tion of Independence. Lent by Mrs. Helen DeB. Hooper Wills of Raleigh. Hand-made sulphur matches, 1770, from Salem : used until friction matches were invented. Presented by Wachovia Historical Society. Playing cards made by Henry Hart in London. 1770, for exportation to America and heavily taxed, the penalty for their sale in Great Britain being 50 pounds. This pack was bought in the original unbroken pack- age in 1893 at the sale of an old book store at New Bern. The cards are hand-colored. Presented by Mrs. Charles L. Stevens of Southport. Dulcimer, a musical instrument now very rare, used in 1760, and in use from Biblical times. Presented by E. L. Middleton of Raleigh. CoLOXiAL Period. 9 Carved powder horn, 1760, showing the Hudson River and places along it. Presented by Charles L. Stevens of Southport. Communion tokens bearing the emblem of the Burn- ing Bush, used at the old Scotch church at Bethesda. Moore County, 1760. Such tokens were given to per- sons worthy to commune and shown by them to the elders of the church. Presented by John Blue of Aberdeen. Scotch purse, 1750. Inherited by Miss Katherine Ferguson of Fayetteville. Lent by A. P. Johnson of Fayetteville. Seal of Donald McLeod of Cumberland, bearing the arms of that family. Lent by A. P. .Johnson. Documents signed by Col. John Hinton. who served at the battle of Alamance, 1771, and his sons. Col. James Hinton and Maj. John Hinton of the Revolu- tionary army. Lent by Miss Price .Tones of Raleigh. The first house in Salem, built 1766, which fell in 1907. Presented by the Wachovia Historical Society. Candle extinguisher, used in putting out candles. Presented by Howard Haywood of Raleigh. Bullet from the battlefield of Alamance, War of the Regulation. May. 1771. Presented by Fred A. Olds. Wax tapers made in Salem. 1770. and used for night lights. Presented by Wachovia Historical Society. CASE No. 2. Objects Illustrating the Colonial Period. Tile from the floor of St. Thomas Church at Bath, built 1728, the oldest church now in use in North Car- olina. Presented bv J. Bryan Grimes of Raleigh. 10 Objects in the Hall of History. Spanish coin, 1708, found at Fort Barnwell, where the great battle occurred in 1712 between the Whites and the Tuscarora Indians. Lent by G. B. Webb of Kinston. Door-knocker and lock from Government House at Bath. Lent by J. Bryan Grimes. Brick from the Governor's Palace at New Bern. Presented by John D. Whitford of New Bern. Cloth woven by and gourd used by Mary Slocumb, a heroine of the Revolution. Presented by her great- granddaughter. Mrs. R. C. Hall of Fayetteville. Spoon of John Lovick, 1700, bearing his arms. Lovick was the secretary of the Province of Carolina and chief justice, and was a commissioner to settle the boundary between North Carolina and Virginia in 1728. Lent by A. J. Kilpatrick of Kinston, through Miss Sibyl Hyatt of Kinston. Brooch worn by the Carter family of Virginia and three generations of North Carolinians, from 1750 to 1900. Lent by Mrs. Harry Loeb of Raleigh. Burning glass, 1770, used in catching the sun's rays and starting a fire. Presented by A. P. Johnson of Fayetteville. Warming pan, 1775, used to hold coals in order to warm or dry the home-made linen sheets used at that period. Lent by Fred A. Olds. Embroidery on silk and painting on velvet by Misses Annie and Isabella Mclntyre of Fayetteville. Pre- sented by Mrs. S. G. Ayer of Fayetteville. Door-knocker from Blount Hall, the home of Jacob Blount in Pitt County. Presented by J. Bryan Grimes. Colonial Period. 11 Glass pippin found in 1800 at Fort Nohoroco, Greene County. That fort of the Tuscarora Indians was captured by the whites in 1712, this ending the Indian war. Lent by John Harvey, Jr., of Greene County. Silver finger-guard, 1775, used in sewing. Lent by A. P. Johnson of Fayetteville. Linen cloth made by Mrs. Margaret Maultsby of Fayetteville and cap made and worn by her. Lent by Mrs. S. G. Ayer of Fayetteville. Shaving case presented by Gen. Nathanael Greene to the famous Peter Francisco of Virginia, the strong- est man in America, who during the War of the Revo- lution, with a sword he had forged in his blacksmith shop, killed seven Britisli soldiers who had entered it to capture him. Lent by the Pescud family of Ra- leigh, descendants of Francisco. Mortar and pestle of lightwood, 1770. Used from that period to the close of the Civil War by the Caton family of Pamlico. The Indians also used these mor- tars and those made of soapstone. Presented by Zeb Vance Babbitt of Trenton. Foot-warmer, 1770, of Phoebe Eliot Mitchell, rela- tive of the missionary John Eliot, who first trans- lated the Bible into an Indian tongue. Lent by Mrs. J. R. Chamberlain of Raleigh. Glass bottle made in England in 1767 for Col. Jacob Blount of Pitt County. Lent by Sharp Blount of Pitt. Memorandum book of Samuel Simpson of Pitt County, 1762. Presented by Mrs. H. R. Bryan of New Bern. Medals commemorating the 150th anniversary of the first Moravian settlement at Salem, 1753. Pre- sented by G. R. Schultz of Salem. 12 Objects in the Hall of History. CASE No. 3. Objects Illustrating the Revolutionary War Period. Part of the flag of the Hessian troops captured at Trenton, N. J., 1776. Presented' by Gen. Carle A. Woodruff of Raleigh. Canteen carried by William Joyner of Nash County in the Revolutionary War. Presented by W. T. Grif- fin of Nashville, N. C. Miniature of Col. Maurice Moore of Brunswick County, 1735 to 1777. Colonial .judge, 1758 to 1776. Presented by Mrs. Selina M. Harvey and Miss Ida Moore of Washington, D. C. Bullet moulds. Presented by Herbert H. Brimley. Raleigh. Flax hackle, used for tearing fibers from the rotted stalks. Lent by R. R. Franklin of Wake. Picture of the hall at Fayetteville in which the North Carolina State Convention ratified the Federal Constitution in 1789. Presented by James Hollings- worth of Fayetteville. Grapeshot, canister, and bullets from battlefields of Kings Mountain and Guilford Court-House. Pre- sented by the Guilford Battle-ground Association. Five English half-pennies, issued for Ireland, dated 1756 and 1776, found in a stump near Princeton, N. C. Presented by H. H, Hamilton of Selma. Washington half-cent, issued 1787. Lent by A. P. Johnson of Fayetteville. Cup and saucer of Richard Caswell, 1776. Lent by Mrs. Elias Carr of Edgecombe County. Salt shaker used by Casw^ell. Lent by Miss Sibyl Hyatt of Kinston. Revolutionary War Period. • 13 Combs worn by Miss Isabella Johnston of Edenton, sister of Gov. Samuel Johnston, from 1765 to 1766. Lent by Col. Charles E. Johnson of Raleigh. Powder horn and cane of Joel Lane (1777), who in 1792 sold to North Carolina the site for Raleigh. Presented by Charles E. McCiillers of Raleigh. Lightwood knot used as a cannon ball by the Ameri- cans during the Revolution. Vouched for and pre- sented by Rev. J. O. Guthrie of Raleigh. Picture of the Governor's Palace at New Bern, oc- cupied afterwards by the North Carolina Legislature ; also one of the palace outbuildings now used as an office. Presented by Col. John D. Whitford of New Bern. The Moravian church at Salem, 1781. Presented by Rev. Howard Rondthaler of Salem. CASE No. 4. Objects Illustrating the Revolutionary War Period. Pewter platter, bowl and plates buried during the Revolutionary War by the Moffitt family of Randolph County. Lent by Mrs. E. E. Moffitt of Richmond, Va. Drinking cup used in 1770. Lent by W. C. Tillman of Anson County. Shears . of Mrs. Elizabeth Strickland of Wake County, 1770. Lent by Mrs. Frederick S. Greene of Raleigh. Inkstand of 1776. Presented by Mrs. E. E. Moffitt of Richmond, Va. Tuning fork, 1770, used by William Moore, a sing- ing master of Wake. Plate, cup and saucer of William Herritage, 1760. Lent by Durant Herritage of Trenton. 14 Objects ix the Hall of History. Button moulds for making pewter button. Lent by G. A. Strickland of Raleigh. Goose-quill pens of 1780 and instruments used for making them. Presented by Thomas D. Moore of Bobbitt, N. C. Autographs of Hezekiah Alexander, Jethro Alexan- der, and Ephraim Brevard. Lent by Dr. W. A. With- ers of Raleigh. Warrant for the pay in specie of a Revolutionary soldier, signed by Commissioners Montfort and Mc- Culloch for North Carolina. Presented by Fred A. Olds. Pins found in Revolutionary War papers in the North Carolina State Treasury, hand-made, with head soldered on. Presented by J. W. Denmark of Raleigh. Gloves of Capt. Samuel Alexander of Burke County, who fought in the battles of the Cowpens and Kings Mountain. Lent by D. F. Davis of Morganton. Plate used by David Beard of Guilford County in 1750 for marking woolen hats made by him. Pre- sented by A. B. Beard of California. Hot-water reservoir dish of pewter used by Richard Caswell at his home near Kinston. Lent by George B. Webb of Kinston. North Carolina currency issued at Halifax in April, 1776, by authority of the Provincial Congress. Collection of book plates. Lent by Marcus M. Smith of Raleigh. Mecklenburg centennial medal, 1875. Presented by Arthur L. Smith of Charlotte. Cream pitcher, 1778. Lent by Miss Mollie Nixon of Raleigh. Period Between Revolutioxary and Civil Wars. 15 CASES 5-6. Cases 5 and 6 contaiu objects illustrating "Life on the old Plantation" during the period between 1812 and 1S65, including wearing apparel of all kinds, em- broidery, fancy-work, home-made cloth, hunting equip- ment, purses, work boxes, bead work, bonnets, feather fans, etc. Lent by the Patterson family of Caldwell County and Salem, through Mrs. Lindsay Patterson of Winston-Salem. CASE No. 7. Objects Illustrating the Period Between the War of the Revolution and the Civil War. Spanish doll presented to the mother of Mrs. John W. Duckett in Robeson County in 1830. Lent by Mrs. Duckett of Raleigh. Scotch handkerchief, 1785. showing a penny wed- ding. Lent by A. P. Johnson of Fayetteville. State coach waybills, 1838, Salem and Fayetteville routes. Presented by Charles E. Cowles of Wilkes- boro. Silhouette portrait of Miss Katherine Ferguson, 1800. Lent by A. P. Johnson of Fayetteville. Shackles for prisoners used in Wake County in 1800 and key of old jail. Presented by William H. Utley of Wake. Notice of funeral, dated 1836, at Fayetteville, witli mourning weepers on each side. Slaves carried these notices from house to house between 1760 and 1860. Presented by Mrs. S. G. Ayer of Fayetteville. Invitation to the ball given to General La Fayette at Fayetteville in 1825. Lent by Mrs. S. G. Ayer of Fayetteville. 16 Objects ix the Hall of Histoky. Invitation by Capt. J. A. J. Bradford, at the United States arsenal at Fayetteville. to a dance in 1860, Presented by A. P. Johnson, Fayetteville. Invitation to' dine with Governor Benjamin Wil- liams, 1800, Lent by Mrs, Rufus T, Lenoir of Cald- well County, Satin badge with portrait of General LaFayette, worn at reception given him at Fayetteville, 1825. Lent by Mrs. S. G. Ayer of Fayetteville. Apron of Osceola, the head chief of the Seminole Indians" of Florida, From the collection made by Gov, David L. Swain. Lent by Fred A, Olds. Letter-backs, showing high postage charges in 1794, as high as $1 a letter. Presented by Wachovia His- torical Society of Salem. Scrip issued by the town of Salem in 1803 and pass- ing current there. Notes of the Bank of North Carolina issued in 1859 for its numerous branch banks. Presented by William B. Snow of Raleigh. Telegraph envelope, 1852, Presented by A. P, John- son. Fayetteville, North Carolina bank note for 40 cents, 1824, with portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh ; presented by Fred A, Olds, Also notes of the same bank for six and one- fourth and twelve and one-half cents ; lent by Prof, Vernon Howell of Chapel Hill, The great seal of North Carolina, 1788, Presented by Charles J, Armfield of Statesville, Shinplaster or scrip issued by Raleigh in 1804, for sixpence. Presented by Fred A. Olds, Invitation to the entertainment given in Raleigh, beginning June 10, 1840, in celebration of the comple- Period Between Revolutionary and Civil Wars. 17 tioii of the State Capitol and the Raleigh and Gaston Rtiilroad. Presented by Fred A. Olds. Silver medal won by a member of a Raleigh military company in 1832. Presented by Mr. W. A. Tant of Raleigh. Photograph of a challenge to a duel, 1778, sent by Andrew Jackson to Col. Waightstill Avery. Presented by Col. A. C. Avery of Morganton. Prescription of earthworm oil given by a Raleigh doctor in 1798, for a sick infant at Raleigh. Pre- sented by Dr. F. J. Haywood of Raleigh. North Carolina State Treasury note for 25 cents, 1824. Presented by W. B. Fort of Pikeville. Bill for 20 cents issued 1816 by the "'arboro branch of the State Bank of North Carolina. Lent by Mrs. H. R. Bryan of New Bern. United States copper cent 1803. Found at Bath. Presented by Miss Lida Rodman, of Washington, N. C. CASE No. 8. Objects of the Period Between the War of the Revolution and the Civil War. Bugle used during the War of 1812 by Bugler James Rogers of Wake. Presented by J. Rowan Rogers of Raleigh. Newspaper carrier's address, "The Raleigh Star," 1825. Presented by Mrs. E. E. Moffitt, Richmond. Squares, hammers, and ladle used in the construc- tion of the present State Capitol between 1833 and 1840. Presented by Fred A. Olds. Bridle bit used by Lieut. Francis L. Bryan, U. S. Army, at Buena Vista, Mexico, 1846. Presented by Mrs. A. P. Bryan of Raleigh. 18 Objects ix the Hall of History. Revolutionary canteen used in the War of 1812. Presented by Fred A. Olds. Cartridge holder for Hall's breech-loading carbine, 1828. Presented by G. W. Dortch of Goldsboro. Strap iron, the type used on the Raleigh and Gas- ton Railway from its construction in 1840 up to 1855. Presented by C. B. Ed\yards of Raleigh. Vault keys of the Bank of the State of North Caro- lina, Raleigh, 1795. Presented by Col. Charles E. Johnson of Raleigh. Key taken from the south door of the State Capitol, June, 1831. while the building was burning. Pre- sented by Fred A. Olds. Badges worn by North Carolina delegates in the William Henry Harrison campaign for the presidency, and a Harrison medal, 1840. Presented by George W. Folk of San Antonio, Texas, Miss Emma Tomlinson of Clayton, and S. L. Patterson of Caldwell County. Bridle bit which was part of an equipment costing $2,500, presented by the State of Texas to Peter Bell, its second governor, a native of Warren County, N. C, who served in the war with Mexico. Lent by Mahler Brothers, Raleigh. Cotton cards used by Miss Katherine Ferguson of Fayetteville. Candle mould and candles used during the period until the Civil AVar. Presented by Mrs. R. O. Leinster of Statesville, N. C. Die used in making the $5 gold piece by A. Bechtler at Rutherfordton. His privately made coins were sanctioned by the United States and passed at face value. They were stamped "Carolina Gold." Period Between Revolutionary and Civil Wars. 19 Canteen, 1793, used by the Fayetteville Independ- ent Light Infantry. Presented by Dr. D. E. Everett, Raleigh. Invitation to a ball given to the graduating class at the University of North Carolina in 1850. Relics illustrating the life of Andrew Johnson, in- cluding a photograph of the house in which he was born, recently removed to Pullen Park on the western side of Raleigh ; shears used in the tailor shop of James Litchford when Johnson was an apprentice there; his tailor shop at Greenville, Tenn., bill to a customer made by him there in 1830. Cane made from timber of the old United States frigate "Constitu- tion," presented to him as the '"Restorer of the Union," in 1866, presented by Mrs. Bessie Rumbough Safford of Hot Springs, N. C. Photograph of the monument in the old or city cemetery at Raleigh over the grave of his father, erected in 1867 by the people of Raleigh and unveiled by him. Photograph of the monument to President Johnson at Greenville, Tenn. Fragment of stone from the ruins of Daniel Boone's house at Boone's Gap near the crest of the Blue Ridge in Watauga County, 1785. Presented by W. D. Coun- cil of Boone. Extra of Raleigh Register of 1832 about the fire in Raleigh. Presented by A. W. Haywood of Haw River. CASE No. 9. Objects Illustrating the Period Between the War of the Revolution and the Civil War. Judicial robe of James Iredell, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1790-1799. Presented by James Iredell V., aged five years, of Norfolk, Va. 20 Objects in the Hall of History. Relics of Nathaniel Macon, including brass candle- stick, silver ladle and spoon, spectacles, and a cane from the wood of his desk. Presented by members of his family. Marriage and death certificates of Maria Udney Blakely, only daughter of Capt. Johnston Blakely of North Carolina, commanding the Wasp, in the War of 1812. At his death the State adopted and educated his daughter, making a special appropriation for this purpose. She was married and buried in the Island of St. Croix, Danish West Indies. Mariner's quadrant, made in 1759, brought in 1785 by Isham Blake to Robeson County. Lent by George B. McLeod of Lumberton. Knee breeches worn by John Thompson at his wed- ding in 1797 in Watauga County and hat worn by his wife at that time. Presented by Albert Stout of Snow Camp. Spectacles worn in 1800 by the grandmother of Ed- ward Duke of Henderson, who presents them. Bonnet worn in 1800 by Mrs. John Bether. Lent by Miss Mary Bether of Lillington. Hat worn in 1806 l)y Isaac Penny of Franklin County and bonnet worn then by his wife Annie. Presented by William Best, Jr., of Franklinton. Coat worn in 1840 by Robert Taylor of Raleigh, then five years old. Presented by Miss Dixie Stein of Raleigh. Child's dress 1800, of satin. Lent by Miss Mollie Nixon of Raleigh. Masonic apron of Hiram Lodge, Raleigh, 1820. Sampler embroidered by Eliza Coats at Fayetteville, at school, 1814. Civil War Period. 21 Cap, -stockings, and mitts worn in 1800. Lent by Mrs. Wiley M. Rogers of Raleigli. CASE No. 10. Articles of ladies' wearing apparel, illustrating the Colonial and Revolutionary periods and that up to 1830, including a pelisse or cloak with cape ; dresses ; tortoise-shell combs elaborately carved ; calash, worn on the head ; slippers ; spectacles ; caps, collars, and mufflers. Lent by Mrs. Bryan Grimes of Grimesland. CASE No. 11. Objects Illustrating the Period of the War Between the States. Fragments of shell from the battleground at Hare's Hill and Fort Mahone, near Petersburg, and bullets from Hare's Hill and Fort Stedman. Presented by J. Bryan Grimes. Expanding bullet, caliber .58, occasionally used by both Federals and Confederates. Bullet fired by Federals at Chancellorsville, Pre- sented by J. A. Egerton of Goldsboro. Autographs of Confederate generals and other offi- cers, of Confederate cabinet officers, and of Jefferson Davis and Alexander H. Stephens. Confederate soldier's ring, made and presented by D. A. Coates of Smithfield. Certificate of release of Samuel L. Maurice from Point Lookout military prison. 1865. signed by A. G. Brady, who later removed to North Carolina and died at Fayetteville ; also brooch made by Maurice while a prisoner; both lent, by him. Parole of Private W. P. Reed, signed by United States and Confederate States authorities, he being 22 Objects in the Hall of History. in hospital at Thomasville. Presented by Mrs. Mar- garet A. Call of AYashington, N. C. Rifle bullets found in trees on the battlefield of Bentonsville. Presented by William Saunders of Smithfield. Testament in inlaid \Yooden box made by James E. Reid, New York. The book was taken from the body of H. A. Sledge, C. S. A., at the capture of Fort Fisher, N. C, January 15, 1865. Presented by James E. Reid through Gov. Robert B. Glenn. Letter of Col. Charles F. Fisher of the Sixth Regi- ment, N. C. Yolunteers, and a belt-plate of that regi- ment. Colonel Fisher was killed at Manassas. Pre- sented by his daughter, Mrs. Frances Tiernan of Salis- bury. Ring made by Chaplain T. J. Eaton, Thirty-third X. C. Regiment, from the apple tree near where Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox. Presented by Dr. C. H. Brantley of Nash County. Tin holder and Raleigh-made cartridges found in the cartridge box of a Confederate soldier killed at the battle of Bentonsville. Buttons from uniform coat of Brig. Gen. James H. Lane ; one covered with cloth under orders from the United States War Department, dated in April, 1865. Presented by General Lane. County scrip issued during the Civil War by I^nion County for the relief of soldiers' families. Photograph of Capt. Thomas Crossan, commander of the North Carolina blockade-runner Advance. Medal of Gen. Stonewall Jackson, made in Paris in 1864, but which did not reach this country until the Civil War Period. 23 war was over, and was stored in Savannah until 1885. Presented by Rev. L. C. Vass of New Bern. Four-barreled pistol found on the battlefield near Goldsboro. Lent by G. F. Dortch of Goldsboro. Shoulder-scales worn by cavalry and artillery en- listed men of the United States Army. 1861-1865. Pre- sented by Mrs. A. B. Andrews. War-time tobacco, taken from the haversack of William A. Branch of Raleigh, a private in the Con- federate service, Army of Northern Virginia. Personal relics of Gen. James Johnston Pettigrew, including field glasses, razor, inkstand, pistol, powder flask, visiting cards, coffee, pepper, and army counter- signs, taken from his saddle-bags. Presented by the Pettigrew family, of Tryon, N. C. CASE No. 12. Objects Illustrating the Civil War Period. The dying message (original) of Col. Isaac E. Avery to his father, addressed to the major of his regiment, the Sixth N. C. Infantry. Samuel McDowell Tate, Found clasped in the hand of the dead man, command- ing Ploke's brigade, on the evening of the second day of the battle of Gettysburg, having been written with his left hand after he had been paralyzed from a wound and had fallen from his horse, his blood still showing indistinctly on the lower part. The words are : "Major, tell my father I fell with my face to the enemy. I. E. Avery." Also photograph of Colonel Avery. Presented by Col. Alphonso C. Avery of Mor- ganton. Pen and ink sketches of old Fort Caswell, erected in 1814 at the* mouth of Cape Fear River, now re- 24 Objects ix the Hall of History. placed by the new fort. Made and lent by Mr. Charles Curtiss of Soiithport. Brick taken April 9, 1905, from McLean house at Appomattox, where Lee surrendered to Grant. Pre- sented by Gov. Robert B. Glenn. Brick from old Appomattox courthouse taken April 9, 1905, the fortieth anniversary of the surrender of Lee to Grant. Presented by Mrs. E. E. Moflitt of Rich- mond, Va. Spanish costume worn by James Johnston Petti- grew at a l)all in Paris in 1859. Presented by mem- bers of his family. Pencil sketch of New Bern directly after the Fed- erals occupied it in 1862. Made on the spot by Frank H. Schell, a noted war-time artist, and given by him to Capt. W. R. Bond. C. S. A. Presented by Captain Bond. Also pen and ink sketches by Mr. Schell of North Carolina soldiers in 1861 and 1863. Epaulets, shoulder-straps, pompon, i)lume and hat ornaments worn by Capt. W. D. Pender. U. S. A., later major-general C. S. A. Lent by W. I). Pender, Nor- folk, Va. Commission of Collett Leventhorpe, 1832, as en>sign in the Fourteenth or Buckinghamshire Regiment of the British Army. Signed by King William IV. and Lord Melbourne ; also letter from Gen. Robert E. Lee to General Leventhorpe in 1865. Relics of Maj. Gen. Stephen D. Ramseur in the IT. S. A. and C. vS. A., including his commission as major general, C. S. A. Lent by his daughter, Miss Mary Ramseur of Davidson College. Muster roll of B. C. Manly's battery, in Tenth North Carolina Regiment. Presented by Miss Annie Deve- reux of Raleigh. Civil War Period. 25 CASE No. 13. Objects Illustrating the Civil War Period. Collection of Confederate stamps, embracing all the issues from 1861 to 1864. Lent by Fred A. Olds. Relics of Maj. Gen. Robert Ransom, C. S. A., in- cluding articles of equipment, belt, spurs, daguerreo- type made in 1854 wlien he was a lieutenant in the First Dragoons. U. S. A. ; letters to his wife while on the march to Gettysburg. Presented by the family through Mrs. F. M. Williams of Newton. Official report to the State Convention by Col. D. H. Hill of the gallant conduct of the First N. C. Regi- ment of Volunteers at the battle of Bethel, Va., June 10, 1861. Lent by Dr. F. J. Haywood, Jr., adjutant Fifth Regiment. Confederate treasury warrant for $1,000,000 to pay North Carolina for supplies furnished the Confed- eracy. Lent by State Treasurer B. R. Lacy. Form of estimate and assessment of agricultural products for tithing, the law requiring one-tenth of all agricultural products to be given to the Confed- erate Government. Letter to Maj. Gen. W. H. C. Whiting, commanding the defences of Wilmington, to Flag Officer Lynch, C. S. Navy. Lent by Alvis Walker, Wilmington ; also autograph of Col. William Lamb, commander of Fort Fisher. Song dedicated to the band of the Twentieth N. C. Regiment by Samuel Somerset. Confederate furlough to Arthur McKimmon to visit Raleigh. Presented by Mrs. Arthur McKimmon. Orders of General Longstreet, issued to his corps in 1862, urging them to "Keep cool, obey orders, and 26 Objects in the Hall of History. aim low." Lent by Dr. F. J. Haywood, Jr., of Raleigh. Parole given by A. D. McGill of Thirtieth Regiment at Appomattox Coiirt-House. Lent by Miss Eloise McGill of Fayetteville. Telegram from President Jefferson Davis to Gov- ernor Vance, asking him to call into service the local militia to meet the Federal invasion of eastern North Carolina. Regulations for uniform and equipment of the Vol- unteer State Troops of North Carolina, May 27, 1861. Lent by Dr. F. J. Haywood, Jr.. of Raleigh. Photograph of Col. D. G. Cowand of the Thirty- second N. C. Regiment. Certificate signed by Judah P. Benjamin, Secretary of State of the Confederate States of America, that William T. Dortch was a Confederate Senator, giving him leave to travel anywhere in the Confederate States except to visit an army or vessel of war. Lent by W. T. Dortch of Goldsboro. Letter from General Lee to the Secretary of War, complimenting the Twentieth North Carolina Regi- ment, Col. Thomas F. Toon commanding, and asking that the Federal colors captured by the Twentieth be presented to North Carolina as "another evidence of the valor that had made her name eminent in the armies of the Confederacy." Photographs of Gen. William P. Roberts, C. S. A., and of James A. Ramsey, his brigade color-bearer, who was captured by Capt. James Custer, U. S. A. CASE No. 14. Objects Illustrating the Civil War Period. Relics of Maj. Gen. Bryan Grimes, including pistol holsters, shoulder straps, field glasses, spurs, belts, Civil War Period. 27 and Episcopal prayer book. Lent by members of his family. Revolver, English pattern, brought through the blockade in 1863 and found on the battlefield near Goldsboro. Lent by G. H. Dortch. Pocketbook containing his last month's pay, metal- lic collar, part of belt and two bullets, all relics of Gen. Thomas F. Toon, the bullets having been taken from his body; also photographs of him. Presented by General Toon. Cup made at a pottery in Wake County in 1861 and used in the Confederate hospital at Raleigh, now the Confederate Soldiers' Home. Presented by Mrs. R. C. Badger of Raleigh. Brooch made from a beef bone by George Davis of the Thirty-second N. C. Regiment while a prisoner at Elmira, N. Y. ; presented by him. Spur worn by Joshua B. Hill, first sergeant Troop C. Third N. C. Cavalry. Presented by him. Confederate lamp, filled with lard, with wick of twisted cotton. Presented by Mrs. R. C. Badger of Raleigh. Mexican dollar paid Lieut. Fabius H. Busbee, Sev- enty-first Regiment N. C. Troops, near High Point, in April, 1865, immediately before Gen. Joseph E. Johnston surrendered his army. From the Confed- erate treasure chest each officer and private was paid one dollar in specie. Presented by Mr. Busbee. Letter of soldier, 1862. Franked by Lieut. William A. Graham, Second N. C. Cavalry. Presented by him. Piece of United States Military field telegraph line used by Gen. Joe Hooker in Northern Virginia. Lent by Mrs. E. E. Moffitt. 28 Objects in the Hall of History. Gold and bronze replicas of the great seal of the Confederate States. Designed by William Wyoii and made at the English royal mint. The original seal was sold some years after the war by an ex-Confed- erate officer to an officer of the United States Navy, from whom the Confederate Museum at Richmond obtained it in 1913. Presented by Rev. Bennett Smedes and Fred A. Olds. Bacon brought through the Federal blockade in 1864, the vessel containing it being sunk near Fort Fisher and the bacon remaining in the water thirty years. Presented by J. M. Gallagher of Washington, N. C. Biscuit taken from haversack of a soldier killed at Gettysburg, 1863. Presented by J. M. Gallagher. Candlestick and part of candle from the tent of President Jefferson Davis at his capture near Wash- ington, Ga., in April, 1865. He used the candlestick in Mexico while colonel of the First Mississippi Regi- ment and also during the Civil War. Presented by his coachman, James H. Jones, Raleigh. Also hair of Mr. Davis, cut while he was a prisoner at Fort Monroe, Va.. June, 1865. Confederate envelope with portrait of Jefferson Davis and the first flag of the Confederacy, printed early in 1861 and bearing 11 stars. Lent by Mrs. R. H. Lewis of Raleigh. Card sent out by the South Carolina Convention to commemorate the secession of the State, December 20, 1860, with the palmetto flag and the inscription, "South Carolina Independence Declared." Presented by Mrs. Macon Bonner, Washington, N. C. Paper bill issued by the city of Charleston in 1862 for 50 cents, showing picture of Fort Sumter with Civil Wae Period. 29 the Confederate flag flying on it. Fragment of mar- ble from the mantel in the quarters of Maj. Robert Anderson. U. S. A., commanding Fort Sumter, April 16, 1861, the date of its surrender to South Carolina. Presented by Capt. J. M. Ramsey of Salisbury. Confederate bullet from Gettysburg. Presented by John W. Jenkins, Baltimore. Knife, fork, and spoon used by Thomas J. Latham of Washington, N. C, while a prisoner of war in Fort AVarren, Boston Harbor. Grape and canister shot and bullets from the battle- field of Appomattox. Cartridge box of a Confederate soldier and cart- ridges from it, found at Bentonsville battleground. Lent by Mrs. Margaret A. Call of Washington, N. C. Ivy root from battleground of Manassas, carved by a Confederate soldier in 1862. Presented by Mrs. Annie Fuller Malone of Louisburg. Bit and spurs used by H. G. Reed of the Thirteenth Battalion. X. C. Light Artillery. Presented by him. Fork used during the war by Sergeant F. Yail of the Sixty-first N. C. Regiment. Canister shot found embedded in a tree on the bat- tleground at White Hall near Goldsboro. Lent by Howard Haywood of Raleigh. Grape shot of unusually large size, canister shot and bullets from the battleground at Roanoke Island, 1862. Presented by Fred A. Olds. Hand grenade of early pattern dug up in the Capi- tol Square at Raleigh 1898. Presented by W. D. Terry of Raleigh. Confederate militarj^ railroad ticket from Greens- boro to Charlotte. 30 Objects in the Hall of History. Gun lock from battlefield of Reams Station. Va. Lent by G. H. Dortch of Goklsboro. Sea moss pressed by Maj. Robert Bingham, C. S. A., while prisoner of war at Point Lookout. Presented by Mrs. E. E. Moffitt. CASE No. 15. Objects Illustrating the Civil War Period. Relics of Brig. Gen. L. O'B. Branch, C. S. A., includ- ing field glasses which he was using when killed ; holsters with pistols in them, haversack, sash, spurs, and looking-glass. Lent by members of his family. Powder made on Crabtree Creek, 3 miles north of Raleigh, by Waterhouse & Bowes of Raleigh, for North Carolina and the Confederate States, between 1862 and 1865. Presented by J. S. West of Raleigh. Revolver and holster of Col. D. H. Hill, command- ing the First Regiment N. C. Volunteers in the first battle of the war, at Bethel, Va., June 10, 1861. Lent by D. H. Hill of Raleigh. Original design for the North Carolina State flag authorized by the State Convention which adopted the Ordinance of Secession, May 20, 1861. Presented by Gov. Z. B. Vance. Map of the battle of Bethel, drawn the next day by a Confederate officer. Lent by J. Bryan Grimes. Button from the coat of Henry L. Wyatt of the First N. C. Regiment of volunteers, killed at Bethel and the first Confederate soldier killed in the war; also portrait and sketch of Wyatt. Photograph of Adjutant James B. Jordan' of the Twenty-sixth Regiment, made during the war. Pre- sented by Otis A. Betts of Raleigh. Civil War Period. 31 Enlistment papers of James H, Moring in the State Troops of North Carolina, "for the war," at Camp Boylan, 3 miles north of Raleigh. Commission issued by Governor. Vance, 1864, to Celadon Hiitchings of Raleigh as lieutenant in the Forty-seventh N. C. Regiment and claimed to be the last one signed by Governor Vance before the Con- federate States took from governors power to issue commissions. Lent by Mr. Hutchings. Envelopes of the United States and the Confederate States, issued during the war. United States cap box captured at battle of Bentons- ville, March 1, 1865. Pen and ink sketches of uniforms and caps worn by Confederate troops. Made by W. N. Hedges. U. S. A., and presented by him through Capt. William R. Bond, C. S. A., of Edenton. Testament found on the body of a Confederate sol- dier at the battle of Bentonsville. Lent by Mrs. Mar- garet Call of Washington, N. C. Field glasses found by Maj. H. L. Grant, U. S. A., in Fort Fisher on the night of its capture, January 15, 1865. Presented by him. Quaker coat, vest, and hat worn by Edward J. Johnson, U. S. A., in making his escape through the Confederate lines to Ohio, the Quakers near Greens- boro having given him these clothes and otherwise aiding him to escape. Presented by him through Lieut. John P. Leach, C. S. A. 32 Objects IxNt the Hall of History. CASE No. 16. Objects Illustrating the Civil War Period. Telegraph insulator used on the Confederate mili- tary telegraph line between Raleigh and Fayetteville. Presented by H. I. Satterfield of Raleigh. Socks knitted by North Carolina women in 1864 and sent to North Carolina soldiers in General Lee's army. Presented by Col. F. M. Parker of Henderson. Fragments of shell, grape and canister and bullets from the battlefield near Goldsboro. Lent by G. H. Dortch. Spy-glass of General Wessells, U. S. A,, who in 1864 surrendered Plymouth to Gen. Robert F. Hoke, C. S. A. Presented by General Hoke. Bullet taken by a Federal surgeon from the body of Private John L. Sherin, C. S. A., after the surrender of General Lee at Appomattox, Daguerreotype of Captain Cooke, First Regiment North Carolina Volunteers. Made in Fayetteville, April. 1861, as he was entering the State service. Lent by his daughter. Mrs. S. G. Ayer of Fayetteville. Feather flowers and tortoise shell brooch and ear- ring made in Raleigh in 1864 and worn by Miss Julia Hutchings. Presented by Miss Narcissa Hutchings of Raleigh. Housewife or needle and thread case found on the body of a Confederate soldier at the battle of Ben- tons ville. Presented by Mrs. Margaret Call. Spy-glass of Capt. James N. Craig, a Confederate pilot, who lived near Fort Fisher and who greatly aided Colonel Lamb, commanding that fort. Presented by his son, J. W. Craig of Southport. Civil War Period. 33 Confederate bullet moulds used in Raleigh in mak- ing bullets for the army. Presented by Fred A. Olds. Bible and gavel used by Bee Military Lodge of Ma- sons and I. E. Avery Military Lodge of the Sixth N. C. Regiment. Lent by J. C. Birdsong of Raleigh. Cartridges made in Raleigh for the Confederate troops ; one with buckshot, one with round bullet, one with minie bullet. Presented by J. E. Applewhite of Raleigh. Furlough, leave of absence or indulgence, issued to a paroled prisoner while in hospital at Richmond and Danville. Hat of a North Carolina cavalry soldier which was buried with him in 1862 after he was killed in the battle at Washington, N. C, and found thirty years later ; also section of the backbone of this soldier, showing where the bullet struck him and caused his death. Presented by Dr. J. M. Gallagher of Washing- ton, N. C. Bullet, cartridge box, cap box, canteen, and haver- sack of soldier of the Fifty-eighth N. C. Regiment. Presented by G. W. F. Harper of Lenoir. Pike heads made in the State pike factory at Ra- leigh, 1862, copies of those used several hundred years before. Issued to several regiments, which drilled with them, but never used them in battle. Confederate handkerchief made in England in 1863, with pictures of Jefferson Davis, Lee, "Stonewall" Jackson, Slidell, Mason, Beauregard, Semmes, Mor- gan, and Joe Johnston. Presented as a memorial of Mrs. Aaron Prescott of W^eldon. 34 Objects in the Hall of History. CASE No. 17. Objects Illustrating the Civil War Period. Wooden shoes and wooden bottoms for shoes made in Raleigh in 1864 at the. factory of Fraps & Thiem. Lent by Mrs. W. B. Shaw of Wake Forest. Shoes made at tlie order of North Carolina in Eng- land and brought through the blockade to Wilmington, for use by the army. Presented by Dr. Thomas D. Hogg of Raleigh. Draft on the Confederate treasury for $25,000 in favor of the North Carolina depository. Presented, by John R. Ferrall of Raleigh. Treasury draft for $520,206 for the redemption of Confederate treasury notes. Presented by Andrew Broadfoot of Fayetteville. Blank for subscription of crops for the defense of the Confederate States. Pass for soldier through Confederate lines and out- posts. Envelopes franked by Edward Stanly, who in 1S62 became by order of the United States "Governor of North Carolina." with his capital or headquarters at New Bern. Telegram to B. W. Stark, operator at Raleigh, an- nouncing the battle of Shiloh and the death of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston. Candles found in the sunken submarine boat of the Confederates, the David, the first submarine, sunk in Charleston Harbor in 1863. Presented by W. B. Fort of Pikeville. Also candles swept in 1893 from the hold of the Confederate blockade runner Beauregard, wrecked at Carolina Beach near Wilmington in 1863. Presented by Charles L. Stevens of Southport. Civil War Period. 35 Bundle of cotton yarn made at the Rockfish factory near Fayetteville, 1864. Part of a war-time dividend. Presented by Dr. Tliomas D. Hogg of Raleigh. Also heavy sheeting from the same factory, hidden by the family of Maj. John Devereux between the floors of his home in Raleigh in April, 1865, at the approach of the Federal army and found when the mansion was demolished in 1906. Presented by the Gleuwood Improvement Company of Raleigh. Home-made cloth, dyed with roots and bark, made on a farm in Robeson County in 1864 and cotton cards used there. Samples of cotton cloth from ^n Iredell County mill for uniforms and underwear for soldiers. Presented by Joseph F. Armfield of Statesville. Cloth made 'in England for ladies' dresses and en- tirely covered with Confederate battle flags. Worn in 1864 by a lady of Wilmington. Presented by Miss Mary Saunders of Wilmington. Woolen dress goods for ladies' wear made in Moore County in 1864. Presented by Mrs. E. E. Moffitt. Smoking tobacco made in North Carolina in 1864. Presented by Dr. J. M. Gallagher, Washington, N. C. Paper made at the Milburnie paper mills near Ra- leigh in 1864. Presented by Miss Mary Hilliard Hin- ton of Raleigh. State Treasury warrant, 1864, for arms and am- munition. ; Confederate candle, 1864, of broom-straw wrapped with rags and covered with tallow, pressed into shape by the hands. Made by the family of Reuben Mc- Daniel of Iredell. Presented by W. M. Nicholson of Statesville. 36 Objects in the Hall of History. Parasol made in Raleigh, out of an old dress, by Miss West, 1864. Presented by N. W. West of Ra- leigh. Request three days after North Carolina seceded from the Union, May 20, 1861, for rations for a com- pany of troops. Photographs of Robert E. Lee as a captain in the United States Army and as general-in-chief of the Confederate armies. Envelope of letter written to John White, agent of Governor Vance in England, for the sale of this State's cotton bonds and the purchase of supplies. Photographs of President and Mrs. Jefferson Davis, made in Richmond, 1861. CASE No. 18. Objects Illustrating the Civil War Period. North Carolina Civil War currency in original pack- ages, 25, 50, and 75 cents ; also $100 Confederate bills found to be counterfeit and so stamped and canceled by the Confederate States Treasury Department. Original sheets of North Carolina currency, 10 and 25 cents. Note for $1 issued by Camden County in 1861, lent by Stamps Howard of Tarboro. Confederate $10 bill carried by a private during the seven days fight around Richmond, in prison on Morris Island, in the Wilson County home and in the North Carolina Soldiers' Home. Envelopes made of wall paper in 1864 and presented by N. W. West and Rev. George W. Lay of Raleigh. Silk made in Chatham County, 1863. V Bust of Gen. Robert E. Lee, designed and executed by Miss Mary Mason of Raleigh. Presented by Alex. B. Stronach. Civil War Period. 37 Steel engraving of Gen. U. S. Grant, made in 1863. Confederate States ballot in 1861, voted in North Carolina and headed, "The People's Ticket." Confederate States certificate for $5,000, nontax- able. Lent by Rt. Rev. Joseph Blount Cheshire. Tracts issued by the Confederate States Evangeli- cal Tract Society and given out by colporteurs to sol- diers. Presented by Miss Kate Deverenx of Raleigh. Certificates of dependent relatives left by soldiers killed in battle or who died v^hile in service. Certificates for money borrowed by the Confederate States in 1864, bearing 4 per cent interest. Allowance of claims by dependent relatives of de- ceased soldiers for the amount found to be due such soldiers for pay. Confederate bonds and those issued by the State of North Carolina. Presented by Charles H. Belvin of Raleigh. CASE No. 19. Objects Illustrating War History of Colonel Kenan. Relics largely illustrative of his services and mainly lent by Col. Thomas S. Kenan, commanding Forty-third N. C. Regiment. These include his call for recruits for his company in April. 1861 ; a picture of the com- pany : the order to it to report at Raleigh, dated April 25, 1861 ; letter to him from Commodore S. S. Lee, C. S. Navy; looking-glass vised while a prisoner at Johnson's Island ; tobacco bag and a pocketbook made by a sweetheart and containing some of his Confederate pay money ; furlough granted him to visit his home, granted by the Confederate War De- partment ; his pay voucher and his parole, dated May 12, 1865, at Charlotte ; Confederate stamps in original sheets and envelopes containing prison money used by the Confederates at the Johnson's Island prison ; 38 Objects in the Hall of History. portrait of Colonel Kenan during the war ; letter to him and other Confederate officers from Col. Charles W. Hill, U. S. A., commanding the prison at Johnson's Island, thanking them for the tender of their services for clerical work and expressing their liking for him ; bills of the plays put on at that prison by the "Rebel Thespians" and the "Rebellonians." CASE No. 20. Objects Illustrating the Civil War Period. Partial roster of Confederate prisoners of war at Elmira, N. Y. Lent by Mrs. R. J. Davis of Areola, N. C. Album with autographs of Confederate prisoners at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, and book marks made by Capt. Thomas Sparrow, a prisoner there. Lent by Mrs. R. H. Lewis of Raleigh. Chain made with a pocket knife by a Federal pris- oner in the Confederate prison at Salisbury. Orders from Governor Vance to militia officers to resist the attack by the Federals upon the coast of this State. Camp instructions prepared by Col. D. H. Hill, First Regiment N. C. Volunteers. April, 1862. Lent by Dr. F. J. Haywood of Raleigh. Quill pen made by Henry M. Shaw for special use as a delegate in signing the North Carolina Ordinance of Secession, May 20, 1861. Presented through Chief Justice Walter Clark by W. B. Shaw of Madison, Wis- consin. Order for prayer in camp, issued by the Adjutant General for the North Carolina troops. Photograph of the statue of the Confederate sol- dier surmounting the Confederate monument at Ra- leigh before it was placed in position. Civil Wak Period. 39 Confederate muster rolls from the Kenan collec- tion. Parched corn brought from Point Lookout Prison by Private George Cheek of Alamance County, 1864. War songs of 1861. Shoes of half-tanned leather with wooden bottoms, made for slaves in 1863-1865. Presented by Mrs. Florence P. Tucker of Raleigh. OfBcial certificate of the freedom of a colored wo- man. Presented by her son, Nelson Dunston of Ra- leigh. Original reward for a runaway slave, 1826. Bills of sale for slaves, men, women, and children. Presented by Ashby L. Baker. List of slaves owned by a family and sold at the death of the owner, their prices ranging from $100 for an infant to $1,250 for a youth of 18 and $1,000 for a woman of 21. Letter written by Mrs. Jefferson Davis to James H. Jones, the Davis coachman during the war. Pre- sented by Jones as one of the last letters written before her death in New York City. Picture of colored w^oman at Fayetteville who nursed four generations in one family. Old State Bank bills and bill issued by an insur- ance company at Greensboro, all being part of the price paid for a slave in 1864. CASE No. 23. Objects Connected with Wars of the United States in Cuba, the Philippines, and China, in Which North Caro- lina Troops Were Engaged. Cartridge case from the cruiser Raleigh. Presented by Capt. J. W. Coghlan of the Raleigh. 40 Objects in the Hall of History. Six-pounder shell and cartridge case, complete, taken from the Spanish cruiser Rcina Mercedes, sunk in action at Santiago, 1898. Presented by Hon. John H. Small of Washington, N. C. Fragment of Spanish flag from the Morro Castle at Havana. Presented by R. H. Cowan of Pittsboro. Cuban note for 200 pesos. Presented by Edward Ross of Wake. Cuban small currency. Presented by John C. High of Connor. Part of Spanish flag from Castello Principe, Ha- vana. Presented by Col. J. F. Armfield. American flag displayed by Cubans in Havana on the entry of the First North Carolina Regiment, U. S. Volunteers, the first American troops to march through the city, and presented by a Cuban to Col. J. F. Arm- field of that regiment. Canister shot from Morro Castle. Havana. Pre- sented by Fred A. Olds. Fragment of the U. S. S. Maine. Presented by Fred A. Olds. Cartridge for one-pounder rapid-fire gun of the Spanish cruiser Reina Mercedes. Presented by D. O. Maglenn of Raleigh. Clip of Mauser rifle cartridge captured at Santiago, Cuba. Presented by W. T. Dortch of Goldsboro. Fragment of the Maria Teresa, flagship of the Spanish squadron destroyed at Santiago. Presented by Fred A. Olds. Hawaiian half-dollar, silver. Presented by J. W. Bonitz of Wilmington. Cuba, the Philippines, and China. 41 Caltrops, sharp pieces of metal put on the ground by the Filipinos to wound the American soldiers' feet. Presented by Fred A. Olds. Filipino spear point of wood, stuck in the bottom of pitfalls covered with reeds and earth. Presented by Lawrence Nichols of Raleigh. Rapid-fire gun cartridge reloaded by the Filipinos for use against Americans in 1900. Flag captured from insurgent Filipinos by North Carolinians and originally captured by the Filipinos from a Spanish gunboat; also flag captured from a Filipino officer. Lent by W. T. Terry of Raleigh. Filipino cigarette holder woven without seams from hemp fiber. Guido, musical instrument from Porto Rico. Lent by Thomas Dortch of Raleigh. Filipino banjo. Lent by J. A. Egerton of Goldsboro. Filipino hymn-book in the Tagalog dialect. Pre- sented by Z. V. Babbitt of Kinston. Filipino comb made of wood ; also theater tickets and postage stamps issued by the Spaniards and United States, and Spanish coins from the Philippines. Presented by Lawrence Nichols of Raleigh. Revenue stamps from a hotel register at Matanzas, Cuba, one being placed beside each name registered. Filipino fans, tree cotton and pina cloth, made of vegetable fiber and worn by the Filipino women. Mexican dollar, current in the Philippines until the United States occupation. Presented by Fred A. Olds. 42 Objects in the Hall of History. CASE No. 24. Photographs of the First and Second North Caro- lina Regiments in the war with Spain, taken in Ra- leigh and in Cuba. Collection of United States paper currency in use from 18G1 to 1878, when specie payments were re- sumed. Lent by Fred A, Olds. Relics of Lieut. William E. Shipp. U. S. A., including field glasses, belts, gloves, and cap. Lent by the family. UPRIGHT CASES. Upright cases are numbered from 1 to 6 ; three con- taining Confederate flags; one Confederate flags and uniforms ; one Confederate uniforms ; one United States national and regimental flags and uniforms, together with flags of the War with Spain, the War Between the States, and the War with Mexico. CASE No. 1. Confederate battle flags of the 1st, 2d, ISth (2), 6th, 22d, 23d, 26th, 28th (2), 24th. 6th N. C. Regiments; also small silk flag on short staff, merely a limb of a tree, with initials "K. L, A." sewed on, and not yet lo- cated, but sent with all the other flags in this case by the United States War Department to North Carolina in 1905, and labeled as having been captured in North Carolina, its staff showing that the flag has been much used. CASE No. 2. Confederate battle flags of the 13th (2), 18th, 12th, 30th, 4th, 28th, 24th, 6th. and 39th North Carolina Regiments ; also headquarters flag of Brig. Gen. Rufus Flags, Uniforms, Etc. 43 Barringer. All these were returned by the United States War Department in 1905. There is in this case tlie hand bell used at Governor Tryon's palace up to the termination of its occupancy by the Royal officials in 1775, and later used by Gov- ernor Caswell and by the General Assembly. Pre- sented by Col. John D. Whitford of New Bern. There are also three pieces of silver-plated ware, originally in use on the Peninsular and Oriental steamship line and later on the Confederate blockade- runner Advance, bought and operated by the State and plying between Nassau and Wilmington, taking out cotton and naval stores and bringing in mili- tary and other supplies for the use of the North Caro- lina troops and people. Afterwards these were in the possession of various governors, and in 1903 were pre- sented by Gov. Charles B. Ay cock to the Hall of His- tory. CASE No. 3. Confederate flags of the 30th, 55th, 46th, 47th (2, one the battle flag, the other the State flag), 14th, .S3d, 34th (2), 38th, 58th, 54th, 52d, 50th, 35th (State), 40th (State), 3d and 4th Volunteers. All except the 14th, 34th, 50th, and 4th Volunteers were returned by the United States War Department; the others pri- vately presented, as follows : The 34th by the widow of Captain Colby of the 2d New Hampshire Regiment, which captured it, through Mrs. Roscoe H. Chesley of Boston, Mass. ; the 4th Volunteers, by Col. E. E. Cross of the 5th New Hampshire Regiment, which captured it; the 50th by Fred A. Olds; the 58th by Maj. G. W^ F. Harper of Lenoir; the 14th by Capt. W. T. Jenkins and G. M. Johnson of Littleton; the 3d, by the DeRosset family of Wilmington. 44 Objects in the Hall of History, CASE No. 4. Flag of the First N, C. Volunteers, made by the ladies of Asheville from their silk dresses in May, 1861, carried at the battle of Bethel, June 10, 1861, bearing the embroidered inscription "Bethel," this regiment having been for its gallantry named the "Bethel Regiment." Headquarters or division flag of Maj. Gen. Robert F. Hoke, bearing his autograph. Headquarters or division flag of Maj, Gen. Bryan Grimes, made in England of silk and one of a hun- dred sent to the Confederacy by English ladies. This flag was at his headquarters at Appomattox April 9, 1865, and was brought from there to Raleigh by Sher- wood Badger underneath his clothing. Uniforms of Brig, Gen. James Johnston Pettigrew, Maj. Gen. Robert Ransom. Maj. Gen, William D, Pen- der, Brig, Gen. L. O'B. Branch, Brig. Gen, Collett Leventhorpe, Maj, Gen, Robert F, Hoke, Brig, Gen. William R, Cox, the uniforms being mainly dress coats. There are also overcoats, capes, trousers, vests, caps, hats, and sashes, all the objects being loans from these officers or members of their families, CASE No, 5. Uniforms of all branches of the Confederate service and of all ranks below brigadier general, from colonel to private, including coats of Col, John R, Lane and Lieut, Col, John T, Jones of the 26th Regiment ; Capt. Benjamin S, Skinner, 27th Regiment ; Capt, George Pettigrew Bryan ; Maj, Graham Daves ; Capt. Thomas Sparrow, 1st Regiment of Artillery ; Lieut. Col. Fran- cis W. Byrd of the Bethel Regiment ; Col, D, G, Cow- and, 32d Regiment ; Maj, Rufus S, Tucker, Col, Charles Flags, Uniforms, Etc. 45 W. Broadfoot ; Private William A. Brancli ; Private Thomas P. Devereux, 43d Regiment; Capt. Henry C. Albright, 26th Regiment. There are also in this case otlier articles of uni- form, including caps, gauntlets, sashes, trousers, vests, hats, worn by these officers and enlisted men ; also swords of Colonel Cowand. CASE No. 6. National and regimental colors of the First North Carolina Infantry, U. S. Volunteers, in the War with Spain, these being the first American flags borne through Havana. National flag of the Plymouth gar- rison, captured in 1864 by Maj. Gen. Robert F. Hoke, C. S. A. Flags of the cruiser Raleigh at the battle of Manilla, July 1, 1898. Flag of the First N. C. Regi- ment, U. S. Volunteers, in the War with Mexico. Uni- form coat worn during the war of 1812 with Great Britain by Colonel Brogden of Wayne. Uniforms of Ensign Worth Bagley, U. S. Navy, and other relics of him ; also the original design of tlie bronze memorial tablet placed by the Navy Depart- ment on the torpedo boat Bagley. Uniform coats and other relics of W^illiam E. Shipp, 10th Cavalry, U. S. A., killed in Cuba. Flag borne by Micajah Bullock of Granville County in 1781 as color-bearer of a regiment of North Caro- lina militia at the battle of Guilford Court-House. Lent by the Grand Lodge of Masons of North Caro- lina, by the consent and at tlie desire of B. F. Bullock and M. L. Winston, who made the gift of it to the Grand Lodge. Dress coat worn by Private Charles W. Broadfoot of Fayetteville to Raleigh in April, 1861, as a member 46 Objects in the Hall of History, of the Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry, who was assigned to the First Regiment N. C. Volunteers, later known as the Bethel Regiment. CASE No. 7. This contains an exhibit of guns and pistols, from 1740 to 1900, in the collection being the following : Dueling pistols made in 1740, carried by Capt. Hugh Waddell in the French and Indian War and at the capture of Fort Duquesne (now Pittsburg), Pa,, 1752, Used by him during the War of the Revolution and also in his duel with Gen. Benjamin Smith at South- port, Lent by Col. A, M, Waddell of Wilmington. Dueling pistols used in several North Carolina duels, made in London, 1806, by the "Maker to the King and the United States." Lent by Col, John S, Cunningham. English "Tower" musket carried by Sergeant Neill McAlpin of Fraser's Highlanders of the British Army at the battle of Guilford Court-House. Lent by his grandson, S, J, Cobb of Lumber Bridge, N. C. Musket, Tower of London, of the Fayetteville Inde- pendent Light Infantry, 1793, Lent by Fred A, Olds. Pistol with brass barrel, made in London, 1750. Lent by Fred A. Olds; also octagonal barrel pistol used in the War of the Revolution. Pistol of the noted pirate, Teach, or Blackbeard, of Bath. Lent by John B. Respass of Washington, N. C. Dragoon pistol of the Revolutionary War, octagonal brass barrel. Presented by Dr. C. W. Cason of Eden- ton. Flint-lock wallpiece of Dutch manufacture used in the War of 1812 by N. C. troops. Weight 23 pounds, carrying bullet of 3 ounces. Lent by Charles E. John- son of Raleigh. Swords and Other Weapons. 47 Mississippi rifle, inveuted by Jefferson Davis and used by his regiment in the War with Mexico, the United States making these rifles at tlie National Armory and many other troops being armed with them up to the Civil War. This specimen was carried by Thad McClenahan of the Mississippi -Rifles in the charge on the Mexicans at Buena Vista, which saved the day and made Davis famous. Lent by Mrs. O. W. Black- nail of Kittrell. Revolver captured by Gen. Bryan Grimes during General Rosser's raid in Virginia. Confederate carbine made at Richmond. Presented by J. A. Egerton of Goldsboro. English long Enfield rifle, imported for the North Carolina troops, used by the Fifty-eighth Regiment and never surrendered. Lent by Maj. G. W. F. Har- per of Lenoir. Confederate musket made at the Fayetteville arse- nal. Presented by Polk Denmark of Raleigh. Revolvers used by the First and Second N. C. Cav- alry during the Civil War. Lent by Ivey Foreman of Raleigh. Merrill carbine, captured from a Federal cavalry- man by Capt. Henry C. Albright of the Twenty-sixth N. C. Regiment. Presented by W. H. Albright of Liberty. Remington rifle, captured from Federals by the Fifth N. C. Regiment. Revolver captured at Chickamauga and used by a Confederate officer. Burnside carbine, used in the Civil War. Captured by Confederates at Brandy Station, Va. 48 Objects in the Hall of History. Early pattern percussion pistol, using caps and having six barrels forming the cylinder. Presented by E. S. Patterson of Wake. Leonard's patent five-barreled pistol, barrel station- ary, hammer revolving. Single-barrel percussion pistols of several types. Colt's revolver, used in Mexican War, with ivory butt. Lent by J. K. Bryan of Warsaw. Adams revolver used in the Civil War. Lent by G. H. Dortch. Rifle musket. English-made barrel, stock made at Jamestown, Guilford County, 1862. Lent by D. G. Conn of Raleigh. United States carbine from battlefield of Appomat- tox. Presented by Gov. R. B. Glenn. Carbine, very unique breech, captured from the United States cavalry at Sharpsburg. Lent by D. G. Conn of Raleigh. Colt's revolver used during the Civil War by Capt. C. A. Durham, known as the "fighting quartermaster." Lent by Mrs. C. A. Durham. Raleigh. Spencer carbine used by U. S. cavalry in 1863. Pre- sented by Fred A. Olds. Rifle of English make, carried in 1863 by a soldier of the Forty-third N. C. Regiment. Colt's revolver used during the war and in 1870 taken from the body of Tom Lowery, one of the noted Croa- tan outlaws of Robeson County, killed by A. S. Wish- art, who obtained the State reward of $5,000. Lent by I. E. Wishart of Lumberton. Henry repeating rifle, captured from Federals by Confederates in General Kilpatrick's raid near Fay- Swords and Other Weapons. 49 etteville in March, 1865, and used by J. C. Ellington of Raleigh, who presented it. Spanish revolvers, three in number, brought from Porto Rico by Maj. H. L. Grant, IT. S. Volunteers. Spanish revolver, French pattern, pin-fire, from Cuba. Lent by W. T. Dortch of Goldsboro. Revolver of Henry Berry Lowery, who headed the Robeson County outlaws, carried in 1870. His name is carved on the butt. Lent by Miss Eloise McGill of Fayetteville. Revolver made in 1854 and used by Gen. James Johnston Pettigrew, 1861-1863. Presented by members of family. Springfield rifle, model 1884, used by the First North Carolina Regiment, U. S. Volunteers, at the outbreak of the War with Spain. Lee rifles, calibers 2.3 and 45, used by the United States Navy during the War with Spain. CASE No. 8. This case contains specimens of swords of all pe- riods and also other weapons illustrating the wars in Cuba and the Philippines, and the Boxer Rebellion in China, in which North Carolina troops took part. Sword of a Crusader, made in England about 1200 and vouched for by the governor of the Tower of Lon- don. Lent by Fred A. Olds. Revolutionary sword. Lent by Cleophas Allen. Revolutionary sword of Col. Frank Kilpatrick, car- ried by his son of the same name in the War of 1812 and in the Civil War by his grandson, George L. Kil- patrick. Lent by A. J. Kilpatrick of Kinston. 4 50 Objects in the Hall of History. Cutlass used by an American sailor in the War of 1812 and sword carried in that war by Capt. James Moore. Lent by James F. Moore. Revolutionary sword made in Iredell County and carried by David Ramsey. Presented by his grand- son, James L. Ramsey. Revolutionary sword worn by an officer of the Brit- ish grenadiers at Guilford Court-House, 17S1. Lent by Charles E. Johnson of Raleigh. Sword from the battle of Guilford Court-House, 1781. Presented by Guilford Battleground Associa- tion. Sword of Caswell Askew, worn during the Revolu- tionary War and also during the War of 1812. Lent by Miss Sibyl Hyatt of Kinston. Sword of Gen. William A. Blount, W^ar of 1812. Presented by his daughter, Mrs. L. O'B. Branch. Sword of United States infantry officer, from Ben- tonsville battleground, March, 1865. Sword of Capt. John R. Otley, Thirty-second Regi- ment N. C. Troops, mortally wounded at Hare's Hill, 1865. Presented by Dr. W. L. Baylor. Cutlass used by a sailor on the Confederate ram Albemarle at the capture of Plymouth, 1864. Pre- sented by Brainerd Whiting of Hamlet. Sword with jeweled hilt and highly engraved plate and scabbard. Presented by the First N. C. Regiment in the War with Mexico to its major, Montford S. Stokes, and inscribed, "The Soldier's Friend." Lent by his daughter, Mrs. C. N. Hunt of North Wilkesboro. Sword of Capt. Benjamin S. Skinner, C. S. A. Lower part of scabbard struck by bullet. Lent by B. S. Skin- ner, Raleigh. Swords and Other Weapons. 51 Sword presented to Lieut. Col. Matt W. Ransom, of the First Regiment N. C. State Troops, C. S. A., in 1861. Made in Richmond. Presented by Gen. Matt W, Ransom. Sword surrendered by Lieutenant Boyle, adjutant Twenty-eighth N. Y. Regiment, U. S. A., at the battle of Cedar Run, to Captain Davidson, Seventh N. C. Regiment, who presented it to Gen. L. O'B, Branch on that battlefield. Sword of Gen. L. O'B. Branch, C. S. A., English pattern, with the royal arms on the guard, used until he was killed in action. Lent by members of his family. Sword of Brig. Gen. Wessels, U. S. A., commanding at Plymouth and surrendered by him to Maj. Gen. Robert F. Hoke, C. S. A., at the surrender of that place and its garrison. May, 1864. Sword, English officer's pattern, of Maj. Gen. Robert F. Hoke. Lent by him. Sword captured from a LTnited States oflicer and used by Maj. Gen. Bryan Grimes after his own sword had been shattered by a bullet at Chancellors ville. Lent by Mrs. Grimes. Sword of Col. Z. B. Vance, Twenty-sixth N. C. Regi- ment. Lent by Fred A. Olds. Sword of Col. Henry K. Burgwyn, second com- mander of the Twenty-sixth Regiment, the youngest colonel in the Confederate Army. Killed at Gettys- burg. Presented by Col. W. H. S. Burgwyn, his brother. Sword of Col. John R. Lane, the third commander of the Twenty-sixth Regiment. Presented by his nephew, Henry Clay Brown, of Raleigh. 52 Objects in the Hall of History. Sword of a Confederate officer of the Eighth Regi- ment N. C. Troops. Presented by Mrs. Margaret Call of Washington, N. C. Sword of Gen, Collett Leventhorpe, of the British Army, afterw^ards brigadier general, C. S. A. Pre- sented by Mrs. Leventhorpe. This case also contains lances of ancient and mod- ern pattern captured from the Filipinos and scab- bards of various swords and daggers in the case. Spanish Mauser carbine captured by Lieut. Bradley J. Wootten, U. S. A., in the Philippines. Presented by Fred A. Olds. Krag-Jorgenson magazine rifle used by First N. C. Regiment in the War with Spain. Presented by Fred A. Olds. Mauser rifle, Spanish pattern, captured at Santiago, Cuba, 1898, by U. S. troops. Presented by Fred A. Olds. Bolo or native knife taken from wounded Filipino by L. C. Nichols, U. S. A. Lent by J. A. Egerton, Goldsboro. Kookery or East Indian knife used by part of troops there and also found in the Philippines. This speci- men was taken at the storming of Delhi, India, by British troops, in 1857. Lent by Fred A. Olds. Filipino kreese or wavy-bladed knife, captured by Lieut. Bradley J. Wootten, U. S. A. Lent by J. C. L. Harris of Raleigh. Knife captured in the Philippines, 1902, and two other kookerys. Lent by Maj. Clarence O. Sherrill, U. S. A. Machetes and machete-sword from Cuba. Lent by Fred A. Olds. The Picture Collection. 53 Cuban machete made in Connecticut. Presented by "Capt. J. W. Cooper, TJ. S. Volunteers, " Macliete carried for ten years by a Cuban insurgent in the long war with the Spaniards, 1868-1898, with which twelve Spaniards were killed. Lent by Fred A. Olds. Cuban machete, short pattern, used in tlie Revolu- tion against Spain. Presented by Robert H. Cowan. U. S. Navy. Schofield- Smith & Wesson revolver, caliber 45, used by U. S. troops in Cuba, 1898. Filipino kreese, with finely worked guard. Brought from the islands by Capt. Clarence O. Sherrill, U. S. A. THE PICTURE COLLECTION. The pictures are arranged generally upon the walls, but the four supporting concrete pillars are also used for them. They include 18 copies of the original paintings in the British Museum made by John White, the first "Governor of Virginia," at Roanoke Island, 1585-86, illustrating the Indians as the first English settlers found them. These paintings, the exact size of the originals, were made in 1907, and are lent by Col. Benehan Cameron of Raleigh. Photographs of Queen Elizabeth and Sir Walter Raleigh, from the best portraits in existence, those by Zuccaro. Presented by Mr. James Sprunt of Wil- mington. Arms of Sir Walter Raleigh in proper colors. Pre- sented by Miss Jessica Smith of Henderson. Rubbing from the plate on the tomb of Sir Walter Raleigh in St. Margaret's Church, London, outside the 54 Objects ix the Hall of History. door of which he was beheaded. Presented by Mrs. Annie Iredell Robertson of Columbia, S. C. The boyhood of Sir Walter Raleigh, Photograph of painting by Sir John Millais. Presented by Clarence Poe of Raleigh. Home of Samuel Johnston. "Hays," at Edenton. Named for the home of Sir Walter Raleigh. Pre- sented by Fred A. Olds. Photographs of King Charles II. and of all the Lords Proprietors of Carolina, including North and South Carolina, except Sir John Colleton, no portrait of whom can be found in England or America. Pre- sented by Mr. James Sprunt of Wilmington. Photograph of the painting of King Edward YII. made by the court painter. Sir Luke Fildes, auto- graphed by His Majesty and the painter ; also letter transmitting it, signed by Hon. James Bryce as Am- bassador from Great Britain to the United States, 1910. Presented by the King. The courthouse at Edenton. built 1758. containing the Masonic hall and the ballroom in which King Wil- liam lY.. when a midshipman in the British Navy, danced with some ladies on the occasion of his visit there in 1804. Presented by Fred A. Olds. Chair, composed of Masonic emblems, used by George Washington when Master of the lodge at Alex- andria, Ta.. now in the Edenton courthouse, to which it was sent for safe keeping early in 1861. The various designs for the great seal of North Carolina from 1666 to 1909. Presented by State His- torical Commission. St. Thomas Episcopal Church at Bath, built in 1728 ; the oldest church in continuous use in North Carolina. The Pictuke Collection. 55 St. Philip's Church at Brunswick, near Wilmington. Built in 1758. Orton House, built in 1760, on the Cape Fear River below Wilmington, now owned by Mrs. James Sprunt. House of Col. John Eason at Martinborough, Pitt County, where the early meetings of the Pitt County Committee of Safety were held in 1774. Presented by J. Bryan Grimes. The house at Fayetteville, built in 1770, in which James C. Dobbin, secretary of the U. S. Navy, was born. The Allen house at Wilmington, built in 1762, head- quarters of Gen. William H. C. Whiting, C. S. A., dur- ing the Civil War. The McCrary house in Wilmington, built 1760 and occupied as headquarters by Lord Cornwallis in 1781. Home of Cornelius Harnett at Wilmington, built 1765 and torn down in 1904. Certificate of membership signed by George Wash- ington and Henry Knox of Col. Edward Yarborough of the Continental Army in the Society of the Cincinnati. Lent by Edward M. Yarborough of Raleigh. Memorial arches erected by the United States at the Guilford Battleground. Presented by the Guil- ford Battleground Association. Graveyard at "Hays," the old Johnston home at Edenton, showing the grave of James Iredell. Engraving (1738) of the painting by Kneller of John Locke, who wrote the Fundamental Constitu- tions of Carolina. Presented by J. Bryan Grimes. Residence of Joel Lane, built 1760 and used as a meeting place for the Legislature before Raleigh was made the capital. The commissioners appointed by 56 Objects in the Hai.l of History, the State to select a permanent site for the capital met in this house in 1791 and bought the site for Ra- leigh. The house now faces the State Penitentiary. Etching by W. J. Randall, 1900. Lent by Fred A. Olds. The old home of Col. William Polk of Raleigh, now used for the public school at Pilot Mills. Lent by Fred A. Olds. Governor's Mansion, built in 1818 and last occupied by Governor Vance in 1865. Bought I)y Raleigh in 1876 for its first public school; torn down in 1884. Lent by Fred A. Olds. Tombs of Governors Pollock and Eden and of the wife of Gov. Edward Mosely in St. Paul's churchyard at Edenton. The Bond house, known as the "House with the Cupola," at Edenton. Built by Francis Corbin in 1758 and perfectly preserved. St. Paul's church at Edenton as seen from the north- east. Built in 1752. "An Afternoon Call." 1760, showing the costumes of that date and the furniture and table furnishings. Posed by Misses Grizelle Hinton and Betsy John Hay- wood of Raleigh. Made and presented by Wharton & Tyree of Raleigh, 1908. Tavern or hotel at Hertford, 1781, still in use. Monuments to the American patriots who fell at Kings Mountain and at the battle of Guilford Court- House. Photograph of entries on the court records at Hills- boro, 1770-71, showing adjournment of the court for fear of the Regulators, and also the completion by the Regulators of the pages of the records. The Picture Collection, 57 Photograph of the graves of the Caswell family near Kinston, the grave of Governor Caswell, the first governor under the State Constitution, being un- marked and at the foot of a gigantic gum tree. Photograph of "Lijjerty Point" at Fayetteville, where, June 20. 1775, the people met and adopted the resolutions known as the "Cumberland County Asso- ciation." Engraving of John Paul Jones on the deck of the Bonhomme Richard, which he captured during the War of the Revolution. Jones, originallj' John Paul, was the protege of Willie Jones of Halifax County, N. C, in whose honor he added Jones to his own name. Monument erected by North Carolina on the battle- field of Alamance. War of the Regulation, May, 1771. John Sevier and James Robertson, his lieutenant, who founded, in 1780, the "State of Franklin," in what is now eastern Tennessee. Daniel Boone, his North Carolina cabin, the tomb- stone at his father's grave, his fort and his cabin in Kentucky, and his monument there, dedicated to him as the "Father of Kentucky." Photograph of St. Paul's Church at Edenton, from the northeast, and of a page of its vestry book con- taining a "Declaration of Independence" from Great Britain dated June 19, 1776, and signed by the vestry- men. Letter from Richard Cogdell, chairman of the New Bern Committee of Safety, June 18, 1775, to Richard Caswell, transmitting a copy of the New Bern Gazette of June 16th, containing the "Mecklenburg Resolves" of May .31, 1775, and declaring the latter "to exceed 1^11 other Colonies or Congress itself." Presented by 5S Objects in the Hall of History. North Carolina Historical Commission ; also photo- graph of the newspaper thus sent, both letter and pa- per being at "Hays" at Edenton. Costumes and coiffures of 1760. Posed by Misses Grizelle Hinton and Betsy Johij Haywood of Raleigh, wearing costumes from this collection. Mrs. Penelope Barker, who presided at the Edenton tea party, October 25, 1774. Town hall at Fayetteville, built about 1770, where the curfew is rung nightly. Communion service at St. Paul's Church, Edenton. Presented to the parish by Edward Mosely in 1725. "At the spinning wheel, 1760," posed by Miss Betsy John Haywood of Raleigh, wearing a costume from this collection. Daniel Boone, his family and his pioneer friends leaving North Carolina and crossing the Blue Ridge on their long march to Kentucky. Rare French litho- graph in color. Lent by Mr. J. M. Turner of Raleigh. Steel engraving of the marble statue of Washington by Canova, made in 1820 in Italy for the State of North Carolina and destroyed when the old State Capitol was burned in 1831. Presented by Gov. Charles B. Aycock. The old State Capitol of North Carolina, on the present site. Built 1795, destroyed by fire in June, 1831. Lent by Fabius and Grimes Haywood of Ra- leigh. Rare steel engraving of Henry Clay, made in 1843, and showing also his home. The following year Mr. Clay made a famous speech from the west portico of the present State Capitol at Raleigh and later that day wrote the letter in regard to Texas and the The Picture Collection. 59 slavery question which cost him the presidency of the United States. Presented by Fred A. Olds. Water-color sketch of the capture of the Confeder- ate blockade- runner Lillian, on the way from Nassau to Wilmington, by the Federal fleet. It was made by the British governor of Bermuda and presented by him to Mr. James Sprunt, the purser of the Lillian, and is the only picture of such an event. Presented by Mr. Sprunt. Three sets of photographs, 22 in all, made by Fred A. Olds in 1908 of the North Carolina Cherokees, illustrating every phase of their life. Set of eight photographs made by Fred A. Olds in 1908 of the then Croatan Indians, now officially known as the "Indians of Robeson County." Portrait of Robert E. Lee made in 1855 when he was Lieut. Col., U. S. A., and superintendent of the Military Academy at West Point. Presented by Col. Thomas S. Kenan. Engravings from the portraits in the capitol at Washington of the three presidents born in North Carolina ; Andrew Johnson, born in Raleigh ; pre- sented by Senator L. S. Overman ; also photograph of the house formerly standing on East Cabarrus Street in Raleigh in which he was born, the building being now in Pullen Park, in the western suburbs of the city ; Andrew Jackson, born in Union County ; and James K. Polk, born in Mecklenburg. Official order from Gen. Robert E. Lee, the last he ever issued, dated April 10, 1865, headquarters Army Northern Virginia, at Appomattox, to Maj. Gen. Brj^an Grimes, commanding a division there, announcing the surrender of the Confederate forces. Lent by J. Bryan Grimes. 60 Objects in the Hall of History. Memorandimi or laws of agreement by Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, commanding Confederate army, and Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, commanding the U. S. army, made April 18, 1865, near Durham Station. Presented by Julian S. Carr. Oil painting of the North Carolina blockade run- ning vessel Advance, bought by Governor Vance in England and used for bringing supplies into this State from Nassau, Captured by a Federal cruiser, 1864. Presented by Mrs. Elias Carr of Edgecombe County. The four flags of the Confederate States of Amer- ica. Painted and presented by Mrs. Bayard Wooten of New Bern. The last paper of a public nature from Jefferson Davis, the only President of the Southern Confed- eracy. Written on his sick bed five weeks before his death, to the committee in charge of the centennial celebration of the ratification by North Carolina of the Constitution of the United States at Fayetteville, November 21, 1889, and dated October 30th of that year. Presented by Mr. Garland Jones of Raleigh. The last photograph made of President Davis and letter from him giving it to his colored coachman, James H. Jones of Raleigh, who was captured with him and went to prison with him at Fort Monroe, and who drove the hearse containing his remains at Rich- mond, at Raleigh, and at New Orleans, where he was buried. ■ Collection of North Carolina provincial currency from 1720 to the Revolution ; North Carolina currency issued by authority of Congress at Halifax, April, 1776 ; Revolutionary currency. Confederate currency The Picture Collection. 61 from 1861-'65 ; and North Carolina ciirreney 1861-'65. Presented by Capt. W. H. Day and Fred A. Olds. Set of pen and ink sketches, water color and photo- graphs illustrating the Confederate ram Alhemarlc, built in 1864 by Peter E. Smith at his farm on the Roanoke River, near Weldon. which took part in the defeat and capture of the Federal garrison at Ply- mouth and destroyed some of the Federal vessels there. Some of the pictures are loans from the Cen- tury Company, New York ; one is a copy of a rare sketch made by A. C. Stuart, who was with the Fed- eral fleet ill the battle. There are photographs of Gen. Robert F. Hoke, who was in command of the Confederate forces, and Capt. J. W. Cooke, commander of the Alhemarle, the latter presented by Gen. Hoke ; also photograph of Lieut. W. B. Cushing, U. S. Navy, who torpedoed the Alhemarle, presented by Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels. The water color show- ing the Albemarle immediately after its completion, w^as made and presented by Miss Lena Smith of Scot- land Neck, the daughter of the builder. Engraving in color of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson in conference. Presented by L. C. Weathers, Raleigh. Photograph of the marble recumbent statue of Gen- eral Lee at Washington and Lee University, Lexing- ton, Va. Sculptured by Edward Valentine of Rich- mond, who presented the photograph to Fred A. Olds. Steel engravings of Jefferson Davis and Alexander H. Stephens. Pen and ink and crayon sketches of the defense of Fort Fisher and its mound battery, the greatest fort in Confederate hands, made by Tabor of the Century, New York. 62 Objects in the Hall of History. Model in wood of the house of Mrs. Penelope Barker at Edenton in which the Edenton Tea Party was held in 1774. Presented by the N. C. Daughters of the Revolution. Funnel of the Confederate ram Albemarle, built on the farm of Peter E. Smith on the Roanoke River ; armored with railway iron from North Carolina rolled into plates at Richmond ; defeated the Federal fleet at Plymouth, later was torpedoed and sunk by Lieut. Cushing, U. S. Navy ; also piece of armor plate from this vessel. Presented by Walter J. Smith of Charlotte. Collection of shot and shell from various battle- fields during the Civil War, including Bethel, Gettys- burg, and Appomattox. Shield containing the seal of North Carolina painted in colors. Presented by Mrs. Annie Iredell Robertson, Columbia, S. C. The Devereux Collection. 63 Eastern Hail. The eastern Hall of History is devoted to docu- ments, maps, pictures, and portraits in oil. There are forty cases, and the grouping is according to periods in the State's history. In this hall are a number of private collections, which are loans, and these will be found in the cases as numbered. Most of the collections in this hall are temporary, and therefore are not noted in this guide. The fol- lowing are permanent : THE DEVEREUX COLLECTION. This is a loan by Mrs. Margaret Devereux of Ra- leigh, and is in Cases 1 and 4. It includes : In Case No. 1, map of lands in the Province of Albe- marle, made in 1668. Deed from Earl Granville, Pala- tine, in 1706, to lands in Chowan County, with a map, these lands lying along the Moratoke River, now known as the Roanoke. Treaty of peace with the friendly Tuscarora In- dians, the latter agreeing to aid in exterminating the enemy Indians, the treaty being made in 1712 by Gov- ernor Thomas Pollock and Tom Blunt, the chief of the friendly Indians. Deeds to lands given by the Duke of Beaufort and Lord Carteret, signed by Richard Sanderson, Francis Foster, and others. Documents signed by Sir Richard Everard, Gov- ernor of North Carolina, 1726, and by Gov. Charles Eden, 1720. Commission' issued by Gov. Arthur Dobbs. 64 Objects in the Hall of History. THE JOHNSON COLLECTION. This collection, lent by Col. Charles E. Johnson of Raleigh, is in Cases 5, 6, 7, 8, and includes : Commission issued by Gov. Josiah Martin to James Iredell as collector of customs at Fort Roanoke, dated 1774. the Governor using his private seal on the docu- ment. Laws enacted by the North Carolina Legislature at Fayetteville. 1790. Acts of the English Parliament. 1732. License granted to James Iredell of Chowan as attorney at law, dated 1770. Autograph of Earl Granville, one of the Lords Pro- prietors of North Carolina, dated 1756. Autograph of Gov. Richard Caswell, the first Gov- ernor under the Constitution of 1776. Manuscript sermon of Rev. Mr. Earl of Edenton, 1770. William Slade's testimonials of honor for his serv- ices in the War of the Revolution. Commission of James Iredell as deputy Attorney- General for Hertford and Perquimans counties. Etchings and engravings of distinguished Colonial and Revolutionary leaders, including William Blount, John Sitgreaves, Robert Burton, Samuel Johnston, Abner Nash, William R. Davis, John Penn, Willie Jones, Allen Jones, John Swann, John Baptista Ashe, Joseph Hewes, Hugh Williamson, Richard Dobbs Speight, Alexander Martin, James Iredell, Benjamin Hawkins, and the Marquis LaFayette. The Cheshire Collection. 65 THE CHESHIRE COLLECTION. This is a loan by Rt. Rev. Joseph Blount Cheshire of Raleigh, and fills Case 14. It embraces the follow- ing: A fine copy of De Bry's edition, 1590, of Harlot's "Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia," published at Frankfort, Germany, and con- taining engravings on copper of the drawings of the Indians made by John White on Roanoke Island in 15S5-'6, and the first map of North Carolina, also made by White. Acts of the General Assembly of North Carolina, printed by James Davis at New Bern, 1752, this being the first book printed in this State and known as the "Yellow Jacket" on account of its being covered with yellow leather. Acts of the Assembly of 1754, printed at New Bern. Acts of the Assembly of 1773. Proceedings of the Provincial Congress of North Carolina at Halifax, April 4, 1776. Journal of the House of Commons, 1778. The only known copy of the Journal of the State Convention at Hillsboro, 1788, which refused to ratify the Federal Constitution. Journal of the State Convention at Fayetteville, 1789, which ratified the Federal Constitution. Letter of orders to Rev. Mr. Marsden, an Episcopal clergyman in North Carolina, signed by the Bishop of London (Compton), 1707. The Westover manuscripts, containing Col. William Byrd's history of the dividing line between North Carolina and Virginia, 1733. 5 66 Objects in the Hall of History. Journal of the House of Commons of the North Car- olma Assembly at Hillsboro, 1778. THE HOWELL COLLECTION. This is a loan by Prof. Vernon Howell of the Uni- versity of North Carolina, and is in Cases 24 and 38. In Case 24 it embraces documents illustrating the first settlement of Kentucky by Daniel Boone and his associates, together with much other original material of the period directly after the War of the Revolu- tion ; account book of a Granville County merchant, with entries charged against Boone. In Case 38 it embraces documents illustrative of the War Between the States, a map of the battle at Bull Ilun or Manassas, July 2, 1861, engraved at Richmond. MISCELLANEOUS EXHIBITS. CASE 1. Map of Low Wickham in the precinct of Pasquo- tank, made in 1708 and presented by Col. R. B. Creecy of Elizabeth City. CASE 2. Deed to lands in North Carolina to the Moravians or United Brethren by Earl Granville, dated 1755. Deed signed by Alexander Martin, Governor of North Carolina. Will of John Trublood of the province of Albemarle, 1692. Bible and prayer-book brought from England in 1728 by William Swain and lent by Anson E. Cahoon of Elizabeth City. Miscellaneous. 67 Narrative of Col. David Fanning, giving an account of his adventures in North Carolina from 1775 to 1783. Book which belonged to William Hooper, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. Lent by H. E. Shaw of Kinston. CASE 3. Map of North Carolina made by John Lawson, the surveyor-general of North Carolina, for the Lords Proprietors, 1709. Presented by the North Carolina Historical Commission. Rare French map of North and South Carolina, 1660. Lent by Col. Charles E. Johnson of Raleigh. Map of North Carolina and part of South Carolina, with the field of battle between Earl CornWallis and General Gates, dated 1780. Presented by Walter F. Burns of New York City. CASE 9. Photographic copy of the South Carolina Gazette of June, 1775, sent to London by Gov. Josiah Martin, containing the report of the committee which adopted the Mecklenburg Resolves at Charlotte, May 31, 1775. Lent by Col. Charles E. Johnson of Raleigh. Acts of Parliament of 1752, regarding the collection of debts in North Carolina. Lent by Col. Charles E. Johnson of Raleigh. List of property confiscated during the War of the Revolution in North Carolina. Presented by Maj. William A. Graham. Engraving of Elizabeth Throckmorton, Lady Ra- leigh, wife of Sir Walter Raleigh. Presented by A. B. Andrews, Jr., Raleigh. 68 Objects in the Hall of History. Spencer Compton, Earl of Wilmington, after whom the city of Wilmington was named. He was a friend and patron of Gov. Gabriel Johnston, who named the town for him. Presented by A. B. Andrews, Jr. Portrait of Constantine John, Second Lord Miil- grave. Presented by A. B. Andrews, Jr. CASE 10. Bible printed in 1707 at Oxford, England, and prayer-book printed in 1752 at Cambridge, England. Presented by King George II., in 1758, to Christ Epis- copal Church at New Bern. Presented by the vestry of that church. Bible dated 1700, brought to Cumberland County in 1760 by the Mclntyre family. Presented by Mrs. S. G. Ayer of Fayetteville. Book printed in Germany in 1685, entitled the "World's Curiosities," the opening of the book show- ing the saving of Capt. John Smith by Pocahontas. CASE 11. Deed dated 1777, signed by the noted Col. Edward Buncombe of Buncombe Hall, near Edenton, who was killed at the battle of Germantown, Pa., during the Revolution, but whose body has never been recovered. Over the door of his mansion were the words, "Bun- combe Hall, Welcome All." Will of Col. Edward Fanning, dated 1775, and the envelope which contained it, indorsed "Not to be opened during his life." Autographs of Cornelius Harnett and other Revo- lutionary patriots in the lower Cape Fear section, 1769. Lent by Gen. Julian S. Carr of Durham. Miscellaneous. 69 Marriage bond of Joshua Skinner for 500 pounds in North Carolina money, given to Gov. Richard Caswell In 1780. Autograph of Gen. Gabriel Johnston, ordering the execution of a criminal, and dated at Eden House, 1750. Letter signed by Nicholas Massey of Rowan County, 1774. Presented by Prof. W. F. Massey of Raleigh. CASE 12. The Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, Chiefly of England, from the First Planting of Christianity to the End of the Reign of King Charles II., by Jeremy Collier, in two volumes, printed at London, 1708. Lent by R. L. Brown of Oxford. Deeds for the Bryan lands, dated 1726. Lent by Mrs. Henry R. Bryan of New Bern. Deed by the Lords Proprietors, dated 1766. Lent by the John L. Roper Lumber Company of Oriental. Copy of the State Gazette of North Carolina. Printed at New Bern, March 27, 1788. Protest of the North Carolina Quakers against being shut out from ownership of lands because they could not, under their church law, take the oath of allegiance to North Carolina, dated Perquimans, April 4, 1781. Lent by Fred A. Olds. CASE 15. Water-colors of British troops of the army com- manded by Lord Cornwallis w^hich served at the bat- tle of Guilford Court-House, including the Twenty- third Regiment of foot or Royal Welch Fusileers, the 70 Objects in the Hall of History, Thirty-third Regiment of foot, and the Royal Artil- lery. Presented by the British War Office. Letter from the British War Office giving the names of the organizations which formed the army of Lord Cornwallis at Guilford Court-House, including, be- sides those above named, the Seventy-first or Fraser's Highlanders, Bose's Hessians, the German Yagers, the Light Infantry, and Tarleton's Legion. CASE 16. Proclamation by Gov. William Tryon, dated 1767, notifying Carolina colonists to respect the rights of the Indians. Lent by Secretary of State Grimes. Message to the Assembly from Governor Tryon, 1770, in session at New Bern. Lent by Secretary of State Grimes. Journal of the proceedings of the Provincial Con- gress of North Carolina, at Hillsboro, 1775. Lent by Secretary of State Grimes. The resolves of the Committee of Safety of Rowan County at Salisbury, 1775. Lent by Secretary of State Grimes. Proceedings of the American Liberty Committee of Surry County, April 25, 1775, the cover containing the inscription, "Liberty or Death. God save the King." Lent by Secretary of State Grimes. Pay-roll of Capt, David Hart's company of the Orange Regiment of Militia in the expedition against the Insurgents (Regulators) of the Province of North Carolina, 1771. Lent by Secretary of State Grimes. The first North Carolina Constitution, adopted by Congress at Halifax. December IS, 1776. Lent by Secretary of State Grimes. Miscellaneous. 71 Order of the North Carolina Provincial Council at Smithfiekl, Johnston County. December 24, 1775, re- quiring all claimants of debts to take the test oath for liberty. Lent by Secretary of State Grimes. Proceedings of the American Liberty Committee of Tryon County, July 26, 1775. Lent by Secretary of State Grimes. An oration pronounced at Nassau Hall at Princeton University, 1761, on the occasion of the death of King George II., by Samuel Blair, one of the students. Presented by Secretary of State Grimes. Lawson's History of North Carolina, printed in London, 1714. Presented by James Madison to Gov- ernor Stokes of North Carolina, to replace the one destroyed when the State Capitol was burned in June, 1831. With autograph letter of presentation. English prayer-book owned by Mrs. Carter of Vir- ginia and later by three generations of North Caro- linians. Lent by Mrs. Harry Loeb of Raleigh. The first edition of Alexander Pope's translation of the Iliad, autographed by Joseph Hewes, 1750. Pre- sented by Mrs. Macon Bonner of Washington, N. C. Bible in Gaelic, brought to North Carolina in 1760 by a Highland immigrant. Lent by Miss Eloise Mc- Gill of Fayetteville. French print showing Washington. LaFayette, and Rochambeau at Yorktown. 1781. Presented by Marcus M. Smith of Raleigh. Register of officers of North Carolina troops of the Continental Line during the War of the Revolution; also muster rolls of the officers and enlisted men from North Carolina in the United States Army in the War of 1812. Presented by Fred A. Olds. 72 Objects in the Hall of History, Sermon preached before His Excellency, Governor Tryon, and the Troops raised to quell the Late Insur- rection, at Hillsboro in Orange County on Sunday, September 25, 1768, by Rev. George Micklejohn. CASE 22. Manuscript arithmetics, one of 17S0, formerly owned by Caswell Felts of Raleigh and lent by W. D. Terry of Raleigh ; the other dated in 1820 and presented by Gibson Fitzgerald of Micro, N. C. Hodge's North Carolina Almanack, 1795, printed by Abraham Hodge at Halifax ; Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, printed by Hodge, 1803. The Constitution of the United States and Lectures on Female Education, owned and autographed by Nathaniel Macon. Lent by his granddaughter, Mrs, J. T. Turnbull of Littleton. Catechism of the Quakers or Friends, dated 1788, and owned by Joseph Haladay of Spring Garden. Presented by Miss Effie Holt of Burlington. The Acts of the Apostles, translated into the Chero- kee language in North Carolina, dated 1833, the alpha- bet having been invented by the great chief Sequoiah. Presented by Samuel L, Patterson of Caldwell County. North Carolina Register and United States Calen- dar for 1823, printed by Joseph Gales & Son at Ra- leigh, 1822. The first map of Raleigh, 1702, made with pen and ink, and sent by Willie Jones of Halifax to Samuel Johnston at Edenton, Presented by John G, Wood of "Hays," at Edenton. Illustration of the first steam railway passenger train in America, with invitation to James Iredell of Miscellaneous. 73 North Carolina to ride on ttie Baltimore and Ohio Railway at the opening of its first division, operated by horse-power, December 22, 1829. CASE 25. Copy of the Daily Telegraph, printed on only one side of the paper, dated Raleigh, December 20, 1862. Presented by Fred A. Olds. Commission to William D. Pender of North Caro- lina as captain of artillery in the Confederate Army, dated April 2, 1861. Photograph and autograph of Capt. Raphael Semmes, commander of the Confederate privateer Alabama. Presented by M. O. Sherrill, Sttite Libra- rian. CASE 26. Collection of books, magazines, school books, and music, printed in North Carolina and Virginia during the War Between the States. It includes : The Southern Illustrated News, 1863-4, bound vol- ume. Presented by Edgar A. Womble of Raleigh. An Epitome of Practical Surgery for Field and Hos- pital, by Dr. Edward Warren, surgeon-general of North Carolina, 1863. Lent by Prof. Vernon Howell of Chapel Hill. Confederate sheet music, including "The Bonnie Blue Flag" and other popular songs of the war-time. Presented by Miss Mary Saunders of Wilmington. The Dixie Elementary Spelling Book, printed at Raleigh, 1864. Lent by Rev. Levi Branson of Ra- leigh. Mental Arithmetic for Beginners, printed by Bran- son & Farrar at Raleigh, 1863. Lent by Mrs. E. E. Moffitt of Richmond, Va. 74 Objects in the Hall of History. Our Own Second Reader for the Use of Schools and Families, by Sterling & Campbell. Printed at Greens- boro, 1863. Our Own School Arithmetic, by S. Lander. Printed, by Levi Branson at Raleigh, 1863. Bingham's Grammar of the Latin Language, first edition, printed at Greensboro by Sterling, Campbell & Albright, 1863. Lent by Dr. George T. Winston. Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War, by Wil- liam Bingham. Printed at Raleigh, 1863. Geographical Reader for the Dixie Children, by Mrs. M. D. Moore, printed at Raleigh, 1863. Pre- sented by Rev. Levi Branson, one of its publishers. Our Own Third Reader, by Sterling & Campbell, printed at Greensboro. Lent by Prof. Vernon Howell of Chapel Hill. Confederate prayer-book, containing a prayer for the Congress of the Confederate States, and also a prayer for "the fleets and .navies of the United States" : these books having been printed in England by the Queen's printers and paid for out of the sales of cotton given by several churches in North Carolina and sent through the blockade. Presented by Rev. Robert B. Sutton. Confederate Almanac, 1864. Lent by Prof. Vernon Howell. Original resolutions on war subjects by the North Carolina Legislature at the session of 1864-5, includ- ing Negotiations for an Honorable Peace. Grammar of the English Language, by Rev. Prof. Brantley York. Miscellaneous. 75 CASE 27. Collection of autograph of 'foreign and American potentates and notables, including autographs of Queen Victoria of England, the King of Portugal, Presidents U. S. Grant, R. B. Hayes, Benjamin Harri- son, and Grover Cleveland ; Senator James G. Blaine, Secretary of State John Hay, Senator Roscoe Conk- ling, and Admiral W. T. Sampson, commander of the American fleet at Santiago, Cuba. Lent by Victor Dockery of Raleigh, Autograph of General Bliicher, the commander of the German troops at the battle of Waterloo, 1815. Lent by Gen. Julian S. Carr of Durham. CASE 28. steel engravings of presidents of the United States born in North Carolina, including two of Andrew Jackson, one in uniform at the age of 50 ; James K. Polk and Andrew Johnson, with autographs of each. Extracts from the marriage register and the burial register of St. John's Episcopal Church in the Island of St. Croix, Danish West Indies, in regard to the marriage and death of Maria Udney Blakeley. the only daughter of Capt. Johnston Blakeley, of North Carolina, the commander of a war vessel in the War of 1812. The State of North Carolina adopted and educated her. Autograph letter of Mrs. "Stonewall" Jackson, writ- ten in 1907 to the Legislature, declining the pension of $100 a month offered her.' Presented by Maj. John W. Graham of Hillsboro. Republican and Conservative election tickets in the election of 1868. 76 Objects ix the Hall of History. North Carolina bond issued in 1867 in aid of the Western North Carolina Railway, on which the State was sued by South Dakota in 1905, the United States Supreme Court giving judgment against the State, which took up the bonds. Presented by the Council of State. CASE 30. Collection of orders given in the field to Brig. Gen. L, O'B. Branch. C. S. A., and presented by Mrs. L. O'B. Branch of Raleigh. It includes orders signed by Generals Robert E. Lee. "Stonewall" Jackson, Joseph E. Johnston, and A. P. Hill. Letter to Hon. L. O'B. Branch, member of Congress, from President James Buchanan in 1859, in regard to the President's visit, to the State University and to Raleigh. Presented by Mrs. Branch. Autograph letter from Gen. Robert E. Lee to Gen. Braxton Bragg, commander of the Confederate forces in North Carolina, informing him that a great Fed- eral expedition had left Beaufort in 1864 to capture Fort Fisher. Presented by Charles L. Stevens of Southport. Letters from Col. Collett Leventhorpe to his wife from the prisons at Fort McHenry and Point Look- out. Presented by Mrs. Leventhorpe. Autograph letters of Gen. D. H. Hill, Gen. William H. C. Whiting, William D. Pender, Jubal A. Early, and William R. Cox. Lent by Secretary of State Grimes. CASE 31. Engraving of the battle of Gettysburg, historically arranged by Col. John B. Bachelder, U. S. A., showing the repulse of the assault by Gen. Longstreet, C. S. A. Miscellaneous. 77 Printed in 1876 and presented by Capt. J. J. Thomas of Raleigh, together with a key to the engraving, showing the location of troops engaged on both sides, with the name of every brigade, regiment, battery, and general officer. CASE 32. The oath of allegiance to the United States taken by Gov. Z. B. Vance May 1, 1867, with certificate by Secretary of State William H. Seward; the pardon granted Governor Vance, March 11, 1867, signed by President Andrew Johnson, and the receipt for the pardon signed by Governor Vance. Photograph of Senator Vance made in 1893. Proclamation dated at Greensboro, April 28, 1865, signed by Governor Vance, commanding the people of North Carolina to abstain from any acts of lawless- ness and announcing the surrender of the armies of the Confederate States. Confederate military telegram, written on tape, to Capt. William D. Pender, dated at Montgomery, Ala., April 19, 1861. Photograph of Brig. Gen. James B. Gordon, C. S. A., commanding a North Carolina cavalry brigade, a na- tive of Wilkes County. Leaflet containing General Lee's order to the Army of Northern Virginia, April 10, 1865, announcing its surrender; General Sherman's order to his troops an- nouncing the agreement between him and Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, dated at Raleigh, April 27, 1865, and General Johnston's order to his army, dated near Greensboro, April 27, 1865. Presented by Thomas R. Purnell of Raleigh. 78 Objects in the Hall of History. CASE 33. Color prints showing the uniforms of the American troops in the War of the Revolution, and that with Great Britain in 1812. CASE 35. Color prints showing the uniforms of the United States Army in the War with Mexico and the War Between the States. CASE 29. Color prints showing the uniforms of the United States Army in the War with Spain, 1898. CASE 29. Color prints showing the three branches of the Con- federate service, privates of infantry and cavalry, and captain of artillery, drawn by William L. Sheppard of Richmond, Va., presented by Mrs. A. B. Andrews of Raleigh. CASE 34. Autographs of presidents of the United States and of President Jefferson Davis of the Confederate States. CASE 36. Autographs of governors of North Carolina and prominent Americans from the Revolutionary period to the present time. OIL PORTRAITS IN THE EAST HALL. Andrews, Alexander Boyd. Railroad Official. Born in Franklin County. N. C, July 23, 1841. Entered Confederate Army, 1861. Elected Second Lieuten- ant Company E, First N. C. Cavalry, May 10, 1861. Promoted to Captaincy July 12. 1862. Elected su- perintendent Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, July, 1867. Elected superintendent Richmond and Dan- ville Railroad Company, November 1, 1875. Upon organization of the Southern Railway, June, 1894, he was elected second vice president. Elected first vice president, 1895. Painted hy W. G. Randall, 1891. Presented hij Mrs. A. B. Andreivs. Bagley, Worth, Naval officer. Born in Raleigh, N. C, April 6, 1874. Was graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy June 3. 1897. Appointed Ensign July 1, 1897. Assigned to duty on the torpedo boat Winsloiv in December, 1897. Killed off Car- denas, near Matanzas, Cuba, May 11, 1898. He was the first American naval officer killed in the War with Spain. Painted hy Belle Renz, 1898. Presented by ladies of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Barringer, Rufus. Soldier. Born in Cabarrus County, N. C, December 2, 1821. Was graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1842. Re- ceived his license to practice law in 1843. Member State House of Representatives, 1848, of State Senate in 1850. Elected Captain Company F, First N. C. Cavalry, May 16, 1861. Promoted at various times ; was commissioned Brigadier-General, June, 80 Objects in the Hall of History, 1864. Captured April 3. 1865, and imprisoned at Fort Delaware until August. 1865. A delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1875 from Meck- lenburg County. Died February 3, 1895. Painted hy Mrs. J. E. Brown of Charlotte. Pre- sented hy members of family. Blount, William Augustus. Soldier. Born at Wash- ington, N. C, October 26, 1792. At the outbreak of the War of 1812 he volunteered and was com- missioned 1st Lieutenant. 18th Infantry, U. S. A., May 8. 1812. Promoted to the rank of Captain September 4, 1813. Honorably discharged June 15, 1815. Elected Major-General, 6th Division N. C. Militia, November 28, 1815. A representa- tive of Beaufort County in the General Assembly, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1838. Died in Raleigh, June 4. 1867. Painted hy Jacob Marling of Raleigh. Presented hy Mrs. L. O'B. Branch, his daughter. Branch, Law^rence O'Brien. Soldier. Born in Hal- ifax County November 28, 1820. Was graduated ■ from Princeton College, 1838. Moved to Raleigh, 1844. Member of Congress, 1855-1861. Was ap- pointed Secretary of the Treasury by President Buchanan December 2, 1860, but declined. En- tered Confederate Army in May, 1861, and was appointed Brigadier-General. Was killed in the battle of Sharpsburg, September 17, 1862. Painted hy William, Garl Browne, 1863. Pre- sented hy Mrs. L. O'B. Branch. Bryan, John Herritage. Member of Congress. Born in New Bern November 4, 1798. Was graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1815. Member of the State Senate, 1823-1824; of Con- Portraits. 81 gress, 1825-1829. Trustee -of the University of North Carolina for forty-six years. Died in Ra- leigh May 19, 1870. Painted l>y William, Garl Broimie of Raleigli. Presented hy members of the family. Burns, Otway. Privateersman. Born in Onslow County, 1775. Entered upon a sea-faring career in early life. Commander of the privateer Snap- dragon in the War of 1812, Represented Carteret County in the House of Commons, 1821, 1822, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1832; in the State Senate, 1828, 1829, 1833, 1834. Died October 25, 1848. Presented hy his grandson, Walter F. Burns, New York. Cheek, William H. Soldier. Born in Warren County . March 18, 1835. Entered the Confederate Army in 1861. Elected Captain of Company E, 1st N. C. Cavalry, May 16, 1861. Commissioned Lieutenant- Colonel September, 1863; Colonel, October, 1863. Presented hy members of the family. Davis, Hayne. Captain C. S. A. Presented hy members of the family. Grimes, Bryan. Soldier. Born in Pitt County, N. C, November 2, 1828. Was graduated from the Uni- versity of North Carolina in June, 1848. Member Secession Convention in 1861. Appointed Major, 4th Regiment N. C. Troops, May, 1861. Promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel May 1, 1862, and was soon afterwards made Colonel of the Regiment. Com- missioned Brigadier-General May, 1864, and placed in command of Daniels' brigade. Commissioned Major-General February, 1865. Died August, 1880. Painted hy W. G. Randall. Presented hy mem- bers of his family. 6 82 Objects ix the Hall of History. Haywood, Edmund Bl!.rke. Physician. Born in Ra- leigh January 15, 1825, Received his degree of M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania, 1849, and returned to Raleigh to practice his profession. Appointed surgeon of the North Carolina State Troops and was assigned to duty in Raleigh May 16. 1861. Appointed surgeon in the service of the Confederate States August. 1862. Elected Presi- dent of the North Carolina Medical Society, 1868. Member of Board of Directors of the North Caro- lina Insane Asylum. 1866-1889. A delegate from North Carolina to the National Quarantine Con- ference. February, 1889. LL. D., University of North Carolina, 1889. Delegate from North Caro- lina to the National Conference of Charities and Corrections. 1890-1891. Died January 18, 1894. Painted hi/ W. G. Randall, 1899. Presented hy 7ncml)ers of the fa mill/. Haywood, John. State Treasurer. Born in Edge- combe County, February 23, 1755. Elected State Treasurer 1787 and served until his death, Novem- ber 18, 1827. Painted hi/ Jaeoh Marling of Raleigh. Lent hi/ his grandson. Dr. F. J. Haywood. Hewes, Joseph. Signer of the Declaration of Inde- pendence. Born in Kingston, N. J., in 1730. Moved to Edenton. N. C. Member of the General Assem- bly. 1760. 1766-68, 1770-75. 1778; of the Provincial Congress, August, 1774 ; April, 1775 : iVugust, 1775 ; April, 1776; November, 1776. A delegate in the Continental Congress, 1774-1777, 1779. Died in Philadelphia, Pa., November 10, 1789. Painted hy J. L. Andrews. Presented in 1907 hy John G. Wood of Edenton, and other gentle- . men. Portraits. 83 Hill, Theophilus Hunter. Poet. Born in Wake County October 31, 1836. Editor The Spirit of the Age (Raleigh), 1863. State Librarian, 1871-1872. Published "Hesper and Other Poems," Raleigh, 1861, the first' book published under the copyright laws of the Confederate States ; "Poems," New York, 1869; "The Passion Flower and Other Poems," Raleigh, 1883. Died at Raleigh, June 20, 1901. Painted by Miss Tempe B. Hill 1901. Presented hy memtjers of the family. Hooper, William. Clergyman. Born near Kelso, Scotland, in 1702. Was graduated at Edinborough University. Emigrated to Boston, Mass. Pastor of the West Congregational Church, 1739-1746. Became an Episcopalian and served as rector of Trinity Church. Painted hy Aylett of Boston. Presented hy his descendants, Mrs. DeB. H. Whitaler, Henry DeB. Hooper, and Julia Charlotte Hooper Graves, 1904. Hooper, William. Signer of the Declaration of Inde- pendence. Born in Boston. Mass., June 17. 1742. Graduated from Harvard College, 1760. Moved to Wilmington, N. C, 1767. Member of the General Assembly from New Hanover County, 1773, 1775; from the town of Wilmington, 1777-1782 ; from Orange County, 1784, 1786. Delegate to the Pro- vincial Congress, August, 1774; April, 1775; Au- gust, 1775; November, 1776. Delegate in the Con- tinental Congress, 1774-1777. Member of the Com- mission to settle the boundary line between Massa- chusetts and New York, 1786. Died at Hillsboro, N. C, October, 1790. Painted hy J. L. Andreivs, Washington, D. C, 1907. Presented hy John G. Wood and other gen- tlemen. 84 Objects ix the Hall of History. HoRNE, Ashley. Financier. Born in Johnston County March 27, 1841. Enlisted Company C, 50th Reg- iment, N. C. State Troops, 1861. Afterwards trans- ferred to the 53d Regiment, Daniels-Grimes Brig- ade, Rhodes' Division. Served throughout the Civil War. Merchant, Planter, Capitalist. Mem- ber of State Senate, 1885 : House of Representa- tives, 1911. Died October, 1913. Painted hy Mrs. F. 21. Williams. Presented hij me^nhers of his family. Hughes, N. Collin. Soldier. Captain and Adjutant- General, Pettigrew's Brigade, C. S. A. Painted hy William Garl Browne, 1864- Pre- sented hy members of the family. Johnston, William. Railroad official. Born in Lin- coln County, N. C, March 5, 1817. Was graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1840. Moved to Charlotte in 1842. President Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad, 1859. Member Se- cession Convention, 1861. Appointed Commissary General of North Carolina with the rank of Colo- nel, 1861. Resigned September, 1861, to devote his attention to the Charlotte and South Carolina, and the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio railroads, of which he was President. Candidate for Governor of North Carolina against Zebulon B. Vance, 1862. Died at Charlotte, May 20, 1896. Painted hy W. G. Randall, 1891. Presented hy Mrs. A. B. Andrews of Raleigh. Kenan, Thomas Stephen. Lawyer. Born at Kenans- ville, N. C, February 12, 1838. Was graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1857. Was admitted to the Bar in 1860. Elected Cap- tain of the "Duplin Rifles," April, 1861, and as- Portraits. 85 signed to the 1st Regiment, afterwards to the 2d N. C. State Troops. Elected Colonel of the 43d Regiment, April 24, 1862. Member of the House of Representatives from Duplin County, 1865, 1866. Attorney-General of North Carolina, 1876-1885. Clerk of the Supreme Court, 1886. Died December 23, 1911. Painted hy W. G. RandaU, 1890. Presented hy Mrs. Thomas S. Kenan. Kerr, Washington Caruthers. Geologist. Born in Alamance County, May 24, 1827. Was graduated from the University of North Carolina, 1850. Pro- fessor of Chemistry, Geology, and Mineralogy in Davidson College, 1855. Enlisted as a private in the Confederate Army, 1861. State Geologist, 1866- 1882. Member U. S. Geological Survey, 1882-1883. Died in Asheville, August 9, 1885. Painted Mj W. G. Randall, 1900. Presented hij members of the family. KiRBY, George Leonidas. Physician. Born near Clin- ton. N. C. July 11. 1831. Was graduated in medi- cine at the Long Island Hospital College, 1860. Volunteered in April, 1861. Surgeon 20th Regi- ment N. C. State Troops, 1861-1864. Practiced medicine at Goldsboro, 1865-1894. Superintendent State Hospital for the Insane at Raleigh, 1894- 1901. Died at Raleigh, February, 1901. Painted hy Sue W. Hall, 1903. Presented hy the North Carolina State Medical Society. McIver, Charles Duncan. Educator. Born in Moore County, N. C, September 27, 1860. Was graduated from the University of North Carolina, 1881. Taught school in Durham, Winston, and Raleigh. 1881-1889. State Institute Conductor. 1889-1892. 86 Objects in the Hall of History. President North Carolina Teachers' Assembly, 1890-1 ; Southern Educational Association, 1905. President of the State Normal and Industrial Col- lege for Women, 1892-1906. LL.D., University of North Carolina. Died September 17. 1906. Painted hy W. H. FimK; 1891. Presented hy the North Carolina Teachers' Assemhly, of which he teas President in 1890-1. Martin, James Green. Soldier. Born in Elizabeth City, February 14, 1819. Was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy, 1840. First Lieutenant in the Mexican War. AfterAvards commissioned as Captain of station and Brevet-Major. Resigned his commission in June, 1861, and was appointed Adjutant-General of North Carolina. Commis- sioned General-in-Chief of the State Troops with rank of Major-General, September 28, 1861. Com- missioned Brigadier-General, C. S. A., 1862. Prac- ticed law at Asheville, 1865-1868. Died October 4, 1878. Painted hi/ WilUain Garl Browne, I864. Pre- sented hy James G. Martin, his son, of AsheviUe. Murphy, Patrick Livingston. Physician. Born in Sampson County, October 2.3, 1848. Received de- gree of M.D. in the University of Maryland, 1871. Superintendent Western Hospital for the Insane at Morganton from its establishment in 1882 until his death in 1907. Painted hy Mrs. L. M. H. Williams, 1902. Pre- sented hy the North Carolina State Medical So- ciety. O'Hagan, Charles James. Physician. Born in Lon- donderry, Ireland, 1821. Came to (Treenville, N. C, 1842. Received degree of M.D. in New York Medi- Portraits. 87 cal College. First Lieutenant, Company H, 27tli Regiment, N. C. State Troops, 1861. Surgeon, 35tli Regiment, 1862-1865. Presented hij the North Carolina Medical So- ciety. Pell, William E. Clergyman and editor. Born at Edenton, July 21. 1811. In 1829 edited Edenton Gazette ; later the. North Carolina Miscellany. From 1833 to 1853. minister of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, South, pastor and presiding elder. In 1853 editor Raleigh Christian Advocate. From 1855 to 1860 president Fayetteville Female Semi- nary. In 1860 again editor Christian Advocate. In 1862-5 edited The Confederate and also The Conservative, at Raleigh. Member Privy Council of Governor Vance, 1862 to 1865. In August, 1865, established the Raleigh Sentinel and became its editor. Sold this paper to Josiah Turner, 1868. Died November 11. 1870. Painted by Duncan D. Harding, Paris. 1907. Pre- sented hy memhers of the family. Penn, John. Signer of the Declaration of Independ- ence. Born in Caroline County, Ya., May 17, 1741. Moved to Granville County, N. C, in 1774. Mem- ber of the Provincial Congress, August, 1775, April, 1776. A delegate in the Continental Congress, 1775-76, 1777-80. Died in Granville County, N. C, September 14, 1788. Painted hy J. L. Andrews. Presented in 1907 hy John O. Wood of Edenton, and other gentlemen. Pettigrew, .James Johnston. Soldier. Born in Tyr- rell County, N. C, July 4. 1828. Was graduated from the University of North Carolina, 1847. Practiced law in Charleston, S. C, 1852-1860. Rep- 88 Objects ix the Hall of History. resentative in the Legislature of S. C, 1856-57. Colonel 1st Rifle Regiment of S. C, 1860. Elected Colonel 12th, afterwards 22d, N. C. Regiment, July, 1861. Commissioned Brigadier-General, February 26, 1862. Commanded Heth's Division in Long- street's assault on Cemetery Hill, July 3, 1863. Mortally wounded at Falling Waters, July 14, 1863. Died July 17, 1863. Painted hi/ William Qarl Broicne, I864. Pre- sented J)y members of the family. Ramsey, John A. Soldier. Captain of Light Bat- tery, D, 10th Regiment N. C. Troops. Presented hij 7nemhers of the family. Sparrow, Thomas. Soldier. Born at New Bern, Oc- tober 2. 1819. Was graduated from Princeton Col- lege, 1842. Practiced law at Washington, N. C. Member General Assembly, 1858, 1870, 1881. Elected Captain of the "Washington Grays." April, 1861, and assigned to the 2d Regiment, N. C. Troops. Promoted to Major of the 10th Regiment. Presented hy Johnston Pettigrew Chapter, U. D. C. Stedman, Charles Manly. Congressman, Born at Pittsboro, January 29, 1841. Was graduated from the University of North Carolina, 1861. Volun- teered as a private in Fayetteville Light Infantry. Assigned to the 1st North Carolina Regiment. Af- terwards was elected Lieutenant, then Captain, then Major of the 44th N. C. Regiment. Practiced law at Wilmington, 1867-1898. Lieutenant-Gov- ernor, 1885-1889. Moved to Greensboro, 1898. Member of Congress since 1912. Painted hy W. G. Randall, 1891. Presented hy members of the family. Portraits. 89 Vance, Zebulon Baird. Soldier. Born in Buncombe County, May 13, 1830. Member of House of Com- mons, 1854. Member of Congress, 1858-1861. En- tered the Confederate Army as Captain in May, 1861. Elected Colonel 26th Regiment, N. C. State Troops, August, 1861. Governor of North Caro- lina, 1862-1865; 1876-1879. United States Senator, 1879-1894. Died in Washington, D. C, April 14, 1894. (2) BuRGWYX, Harry King. Soldier. Was graduated from University of North Carolina, 1859. Student at the Virginia Military Institute. Elected Lieutenant-Colonel, 26th Regiment, N. C. Troops, August 27, 1861. Promoted to Colonel in August, 1862, succeeding Col. Z. B. Vance. His regiment was attached to Pettigrew's Brigade in the Army of Northern Virginia in 1862. He was killed while leading his regiment in a charge upon the enemy at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. (3) Lane, John R. Sol- dier. Born in Chatham County, N. C, July 4, 1835. Volunteered in May, 1861, Company G, 26th N. C. State Troops. Was soon afterwards elected Captain. Promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel in Au- gust, 1862. Assumed command of the 26th Regi- ment upon the death of Colonel Burgwyn. As Colonel he led the 26th Regiment in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court-House, and Reams' Station. Died in Chatham County. Painted hy W. G. Randall, 190 Jf. Presented by the United Daughters of the Confederacy of North Carolina. Waddell, James Iredell. Naval officer. Born in Pittsboro, 1824, Appointed a midshipman in the U. S. Navy in 1841. Was graduated at the U. S. Naval Academy, 1847. Resigned from the Navy, November 20. 1861, and entered the Confederate 90 Objects in the Hall of History. Navy, as Lieutenant. March 27, 1862, Took com- mand of the Shemindoah, October 5, 1864, and cruised in the Pacific Ocean until August 2, 1865. Surrendered his ship to the British Government, November 10, 1865. The Shenandoah, under com- mand of Waddell, was tlie only vessel that car- ried the flag of the Confederacy around the world. Commissioned commander of the San Francisco, of the Pacific Mail Line between Yokohama and San Francisco, 1875. On May 16, 1877, his steamer struck a rock and sank. All passengers were saved ; Waddell was the last to leave the ship. Died at Annapolis, Md., March 15, 1886. Painted Itij Goupil of Xew York. Presented hi/ mcmhers of the fa milt/. Wood, Thomas Fanning. Physician. Born in Wil- mington, February 23, 1841. Served as Surgeon in Confederate Army. In 1878, together with Dr. M. J. DeRosset, founded the N. C. Medical Journal. Virtually the founder of the N. C. State Board of Health. LL.D. from University of N. C. First Vice President of American Public Health Asso- ciation. Died at Wilmington, August 22, 1892. Presented hij the Xorth Carolina Medical So- ciety. Wyatt, Henry Lawson. Soldier. Born in Richmond, Va., February 12, 1841. Moved with his parents to Pitt County, N. C, 1856. Enlisted as a private in Edgecombe Guards, April, 1861. His company was assigned to the 1st N. C. Regiment and par- ticipated in the battle of Big Bethel, June 10, 1861. Early in the engagement Wyatt was killed, being the first soldier killed in the Civil War. Presented hy the United Daughters of the Con- federacy of North Carolina. DONORS TO THE HALL OF HISTORY. W. H. Albright. Liberty. Cleophas Allen, Wake County. Mrs. A. B. Andrews. Raleigh. J. E. Applewhite. Raleigh. Charles J. Armfielcl, Statesville. Joseph F. Armfield. Statesville. Col. A. C. Avery, Morganton. Gov. Charles B. Aycock, Raleigh. Mrs. S. G. Ayer, Fayetteville. Z. V. Babbitt. Trenton. Mrs. R. C. Badger, Raleigh. Mrs. Adelaide W. Bagley, Washington. Dr. W. I. Baylor, Pittsboro. A. B.. Beard. California. William Best, Jr., Franklinton. Miss Mattie Bether, Lillington. Otis A. Betts. Raleigh. Sharp Blount, Pitt County. John Blue, Aberdeen. J. C. Birdsong, Raleigh. • Mrs. O. W. Blacknall, Kittrell. Capt. W. R. Bond, Edenton. J. W. Bonitz, Wilmington. Mrs. Macon Bonner. W^ashington. Mrs. L. O'B. Branch, Raleigh. William A. Branch, Washington. Dr. C. H. Brantley. Nash Comity. Charles W. Broadfoot. Fayetteville. H. H. Brimley, Raleigh. The British War Ofiice, London. Andrew Broadfoot. Fayetteville. Charles ^^\ Broadfoot, Fayetteville. Henry Clay Brown, Raleigh. R. L. Brown. Oxford. Mrs. A. P. Bryan, Raleigh. 92 DoxoRS TO THE Hall of History. J. K. Bryan. Warsaw. Mrs. H. R. Bryan, New Bern. W. H. S. Burgwyn. Weldon. F. H. Busbee, Raleigli. C Mrs. Margaret A. Call, Washington. Bennehan Cameron, Raleigh. Mrs. Elias Carr, Edgecombe County. Julian S. Carr, Durham. Dr. C. W. Cason, Edenton. Mrs. J. R. Chamberlain, West Raleigh. Bishop J. B. Cheshire, Raleigh. The Century Company, New York City. S. J. Cobb, Lumber Bridge. D. A. Coats, Smithfield. Capt. J. W. Coghlan, U. S. S. Raleigh. North Carolina Society Colonial Dames. D. G. Conn, Raleigh. J. W^. Cooper, Jr., Murphy. W. D. Council, Boone. Armistead Cowand, Raleigh. R. H. Cowan. Pittsboro. Gen. William R. Cox. Penelo. Charles E. Cowles, Wilkesboro. J. W. Craig, Southport. John S. Cvmningham, Roxboro. Charles Curtis, Southport. D Maj. Graham Daves. New Bern. D. F. Davis. Morganton. Mrs. R. J. Davis. Areola. North Carolina Daughters of the Confederacy. North Carolina Daughters of the Revolution. Capt. W. H. Day. Raleigh. J. W. Denmark, Raleigh. Polk Denmark, Raleigh. Miss Annie Devereux, Raleigh. Mrs. Margaret Devereux, Raleigh. Thomas P. Devereux. Raleigh. Dr. Richard B. Dillard, Edenton. G. W. Dortch, Goldsboro. Donors to the Hall of History. 93 W. T. Dortch, Goldsboro. Mrs. John W. Duckett, Raleigh. Nelson Dunston, Raleigh. Mrs. C. A. Durham, Raleigh. E J. A. Egerton, Goldsboro. C. B. Edwards, Raleigh. Dr. D. E. Everett, Raleigh. John R. Ferrall, Raleigh. George W. Folk, San Antonio, Tex. Wiley B. Fort, Pikeville. R. R. Franklin, Wake County. J. M. Gallagher, Washington. Gov. Robert B. Glenn, Winston-Salem. Glenwood Improvement Company, Raleigh. Mrs. J. D. Goodwin, Richmond, Va. John W. Graham, Hillsboro. William A. Graham, Raleigh. Grand Lodge of Masons of North Carolina. Mrs. Bettie B. Grant, Greenville. Maj. H. L. Grant, Goldsboro. Mrs. Fred S. Green, Raleigh. W. T. Griffin, Nashville. J. Bryan Grimes, Raleigh. Mrs. Bryan Grimes, Grimesland. Guilford Battleground Association. Rev. J. O. Guthrie, Raleigh. H Mrs. R. C. Hall, Fayetteville. H. H. Hamilton, Selma. Col. F. M. Harper, Henderson. G. W. F. Harper, Lenoir. J. C. L. Harris, Raleigh. John Harvey, Jr., Snow Hill. Mrs. Selina Harvey, Washington, D. C. A. W. Haywood, Haw River. Dr. F. J. Haywood, Raleigh. F. J. Haywood, Charlotte. Graham Haywood, Raleigh. 94 Donors to the Hall of History. Grimes Haywood. Raleigh. Howard Haywood, Raleigh. Diirant Heritage, Trenton. John C. High, Connor. I). H. Hill. Raleigh. Joshua B. Hill. Raleigh. Miss Mary Hilliard Hinton, Raleigh. The North Carolina Historical Society Dr. Thomas D. Hogg. Raleigh. Gen. R. F. Hoke, Raleigh. James Hollings worth, Fayette ville. Stamps Howard, Tarboro. Prof. Vernon Howell, Chapel Hill, Mrs. C. H. Hunt, North Wilkesboro. Celadon Hutchings, Raleigh. Miss Narcissa Hutchings, Raleigh. Miss Sibyl Hyatt, Kinston. J. J. Jackson, Forestville. G. M, .Tenkinsi Littleton. John W. Jenkins, Baltimore. W. T. Jenkins, Littleton. A. P. Johnson, Fayetteville. Charles E. Johnson. Raleigh. Edmund Jones. Caldwell County. Garland Jones, Raleigh. James H. Jones, Washington, D. C, Miss Price Jones, Raleigh. James Y. Joyner, Raleigh. K Mrs. Thomas S. Kenan, Raleigh. Theodore Kuester, Raleigh. A. J. Kilpatrick, Kinston. King Edward YII., Great Britain. B. R. Lacy, Raleigh. John R. Lane. Chatham County. Gen. James H. Lane, Auburn, Ala. Rev. George W. Lay. Raleigh. John P. Leach, Littleton. Donors to the Hall of History. 95 Mrs. R. O. Leinster. Statesville. Mrs. Riifus T. Lenoir, Caldwell County. Mrs. Collett Leventhorpe. Caldwell County, Mrs. R. H. Lewis, Raleigh. Mrs. Harry Loeb. Raleigh. M D. O. Maglenn, Raleigh. Mahler Brothers. Raleigh. ,Mrs. Annie Fuller Malone. Louisburg. Samuel L. Maurice. Fayetteville. Charles E. McCullers. Raleigh. Miss Eloise MeGill, Fayetteville. George B. McLeod. Luml)erton. Mrs. Arthur McKimmon, Raleigli. Mrs. E. E. Moffitt, Richmond. Va. James F. Moore, Raleigh. Miss Ida Moore, Washington, D. C. Thomas D. Moore, Bobbitt. N Mrs. Annie Nash, New Bern. Lawrence Nichols, Raleigh. W. N. Nicholson, Statesville. Miss Mollie Nixon, Raleigh. O Fred A. Olds, Raleigh. Hon. Lee S. Overman, U. 8. Senate. E. S. Patterson, Wake County. Mrs. Lindsay Patterson, Winston-Salem. S. L. Patterson, Caldwell Countv. W. D. Pender. Norfolk, Va. The Pettigrew Family, Tryon. Clarence Poe, Raleigh. Mrs. Aaron Prescott, Weldon. R James L. Ramsey, Iredell County. J. M. Ramsey, Pittsboro. Gen. Matt W. Ransom, Northampton County. 96 Donors to the Hall of History. H. G. Reid, AVashinstoii. James E. Reid. Elmira, N. Y. John B. Respass. Washington. Miss Mary Ramsenr. Davidson College. Miss Annie Iredell Robertson, Columbia, S. C Miss Lida Rodman. Washington. J. Rowan Rogers. Raleigh. Mrs. Wiley M. Rogers. Raleigh. Mr. Howard Rondthaler. Winston- Salem. President Theodore Roosevelt. Edward Ross. Raleigh. S Mrs. Bessie R. Safford. Hot Springs. H. I. Satterfield. Raleigh. Miss Mary Sannders, Wilmington. William Saunders. Smithfield. G. R. Schults. Winston- Salem. H. E. Shaw. Kinston. W. B. Shaw, Wake Forest. W. B. Show. Madison, Wis. Maj. Clarence Sherrill, U. S. A. Mrs. William E. Shipp. Raleigh. B. S. Skinner. Raleigh. Hon. John R. Small, Washington. Rev. Bennett Smedes. Raleigh. Miss Jessica Smith. Henderson. Miss Lena Smith. Scotland Neck. Marcus M. Smith. Raleigh. Walter J. Smith, Charlotte. William B. Snow. Raleigh. The North Carolina Society of the Cincinnati. James Sprunt. Wilmington. Miss Dixie Stein. Raleigh. Charles L. Stevens, Southport. Mrs. Charles L. Stevens. Southport. Albert Stout, Snow Camp. G. A. Strickland. Raleigh. Alex. B. Stronach, Raleigh. J. W. Tant, Raleigh. W. D. Terry. Raleigh. Mrs. Frances Tiernan, New Mexico. Donors to the Hall of History. W. C. Tillmnn, Anson County. Miss Emma Tomlinson. Clayton. Mi's. Florence P. Tucker. Raleisli. Mrs. J. M. Turner, Raleigh. M. W. Tyree, Raleigh. W Wachovin Historical Assn.. Winston-Salem. Col. A. M. Waddell, Wilmington. Alvis Walker, Wilmington. L. C. AVeathers, Raleiglh George B. We])l). Kinston. James S. West, Raleigh. N. W. West, Raleigh. John D. Whitford, New Bern. Brainerd Whiting, Hamlet. Mrs. F. M. Williams. Newton. Mrs. Helen DeB. Wills. Raleigh. Francis D. AYinstoiL Windsoi-. W. A. Withers, West Raleigh. Mrs. W. A. Withers. West Raleigh. I. E. Wishart. Eumbei'ton. Gen. C. A. Woodruff. Raleigh. Mrs. Bayard Wooten, New Bern. U The Ignited States Navy Department. Willi.'im H. Utley, Wake County. Y Rev, L, C. Yates, New Bern. V Vestry of Christ Church, New Bern. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 419 529 2