P C31 orib iiar Sctibities of tlje SnbepenbEnt 0vhtv Jfree of Ssirael "nil PROPERTY Of UD"»1C( OF >--'.'-- ons Gin Author NOV IS m% A mPtrnapprt ^ When historians shall have finally inscribed upon the glori- fied pages of our country's history, the war-time activities of fraternal organizations during- the great world war. the name of the INDEPENDENT ORDER FREE SONS OE ISRAEL, will be illumined by its record of sacrifice and service, as exemplified by the intense loyalty and patriotism of its members, its unquali- fied support of the government and the ready conduct of projects which reflected the spirit of America, during its struggle for freedom and democracy. Approximately one million dollars was invested in Liberty Bonds, every member in active service was relieved from the pay- ment o/ dues and assessments and presented witli a bronze medal as a token of appreciation, and generous contributions were made to the Red Cross Society. Jewish Welfare Board and other funds. In April. 1918, the meml)ership was canvassed in behalf of the Knights (^f Columl)us \\ ar h^und, and a donatic n made by the Executive Board of the Order, all of which created widespread interest and Avon the commendation t)f distinguished men of every creed. By direct in\itation of Herl)ert Hoover, a special Committee journeyed to Washington in 1918 to discuss the food situation, which resulted in thei distr/ibution of considerable literature to the membership in the interests of food conservation. In September, 1918. the spacious clul) house of the Order, situated at 21 \\^est 124th St.. was thrown open to all men in uniform, it subsequently became a Unit (No. 38) of the N. Y. \\"ar Camp Community Service and Avas ofiicially recognized as such by the receipt of a certificate issued by the army and navv commission, of training camp activities, under date of September 9th, 1918. Signs setting forth the conduct of this Unit by the Order were placed in conspicuous places, arrow signs attached to lamp-posts, fifty thousand cards were distributed by the Unit, and announce- ments made in the many million of weekly calendars circulated at all army cantonments, the other 56 Units and at official infor- mation booths. The publicity thus given this Unit attracted men in tmiform from all parts of the United States, Canada and countries of cui allies who taxed the capacity of the building. ORGANIZATION Surmounting early difficulties in the establishment of a com- petent staff to care for all guests, the Unit finally boasted of 266 efficient assistants, faithfully, tactfully and energetically captained by Mrs. Chas. H. Herbst, to all of whom we are indebted and shall be ever grateful, and we are likewise appreciative of the assistance rendered by Mrs. Don M. Barber, Dr. Hill, Mr. Tyler, Mr. Codv, Mr. Kneeland. Mr. Lambert and Mr. McGuffy of the N. Y. W. C. C. S. headquarters staff", and to Brother Henry Lefkowitch, conductor of the Beethoven orchestra. GENERAL PLAN FOR SERVICE The Unit was open daily from 9 A. M. until 1 A. M. (Friday, 9 A. M. until 6 P. M.). During these hours soldiers, sailors and marines enjoyed all its privileges, meals were furnished to over nine hundred men, either gratis or below cost, lodging, bus rides, theatre tickets, money, clothing, medical attention and transportation to camps and elsewhere were cheerfully furnished. Comfort kits were sent to men at cantonments and positions found for all applicants, direct with listed firms or through the United States Labor Bureau. INFORMATION BUREAU The maintenance of this bureau at all hours was of immeasur- able benefit to men in the service and particularly to neighborhood relatives and friends who sought information of hospitals, canton- ments, location bi troops at home and abroad, of vessels and of those near and dear ones who marched away to return no more. Inquiries from near or far for some brave lad were carefully made and in many instances satisfactory information obtained. The Director considered this Bureau service one of the best accomplish- ments of the Unit. HOME HOSPITALITY Countless invitations were extended through this Unit to men in uniform to dine with families on National Holidays and many soldiers and sailors availed themselves of this opportunity to meet and mingle with the people of New York. ENTERTAINMENT Beginning December 1st, 1918, Sunday night dances were in- augurated and continued until June 8th (inclusive), 1919. Vaude- ville numbers and refreshments were enjoyable features of these weekly events. Large quantities of home-made cake were supplied by the assistants for the boys and lemonade and sandwiches distributed AD. LIB, also candy and cigarettes occasionally. Community singing led by Messrs. Cody and Tyler from head- quarters was part of the program, and the Misses P. Herbst and M. Levy contributed vocal selections. Well known organizations acted as hosts and hostesses on the following occasions : Columbia Social Club December 22nd, 1918 Troop 506, Boy Scouts of America, December 28th, " The Victory Club December 29th, " Federation of Social Service January 5th, 1919 Ladies' Auxiliary of Unity Lodge. .. .January 12th, " Friendship Temple. Pythian Sisters. .January 19th, " Lady Shakespeares February 16th, " Martha W'ashington Temple, Pythian Sisters, March 30th, Unity Lodge, L O. F. S. of I April 6th, " The band of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum gave concerts at the Unit on December 15th, 1918. and on February 23rd, 1919, and the Greek American Boy Scouts Band played on March 23rd, 1919. More than 5,800 men in uniform registered at these dances, and over 3,300 members and friends were present. Hundreds were turned away for lack of accommodation. Officials of the N. Y. W C. C. S. pronounced Unit No. 38 one of the most efficient and I opular of the 57 in New York. BAZAAR Unit No. 38 conducted the publicity booth of the N. Y. W. C. C. S. at a three-day Bazaar held during February, 1919, at the new Pythian Temple in Bronx County, N. Y. Donations of Mdse. were received from the following: F. Oppenheimer, J. Gutman, M. Romberg, J. Bendix, F. Danziger, S. Stark, C. Winters, H. Simons, P. Mandel, J. Sherrick, The Victory Club, Brady Sign Co. and the Davis Printing Co. MEMORIAL DAY PARADE Unit No. 38 was accorded a place in the official parade of the Grand Army of the Republic on May 30th, Riverside Drive, N. Y. FLAG DAY The Flag Day exercises held at Public School No. S3, N. Y., on June 13th, 1919, were conducted by Unit No. 38. Addresses were delivered by Hon. Henry M. Goldfogle and Hon. Isaac Siegel, members of Congress. Hon. Salvatore Cotillo and others. A large silk flag, with pole and silk cord and tassels was presented to the school by the Unit. AMERICANIZATION MEETINGS AND PARK CONCERTS Arrangements were made with the Park Department of N. Y. for a series of symphony concerts and Americanization meetings on the Mall, Central Park, and these were held on July 16th and 30th and August 13th and 27th respectively. The orchestra of the Beethoven Musical Society directed by Brother Henry Lefkowitch furnished the concert programme and addresses were made by Hon. Palmer Canfield, Jr., Rev. Dr. B. A. Tintner and Col. F. Edwin Elwell. These concerts attracted over twenty-five thousand people, publicity being secured through the press and the hanging of pla- cards at the many entrances to the park. These public events re- ceived the hearty indorsement of the Mayor, city officials and citizens generally. CONCERTS AT ARMY HOSPITALS Although the Red Cross Society had complete charge of all social activities at the Base Hospitals, arrangements were made for a series of concerts to be given under the auspices of Unit No. 38. Accordingly the orchestra of the Beethoven Musical Society assisted by soloists gave concerts at Base Hospital No. 3 on February 16th and March 30th, 1919. Other concerts scheduled were omitted on account of the fluc- tuating attendance of the wounded from abroad. LIBERTY BOND DRAWINGS Each contributor to the Unit Fund participated in two drawings for fifty dollar Liberty Bonds. The first bond was presented to Mr. Calvin Trouton, residing at 907 Tinton Ave., N. Y. (Ticket No. 239) and the second bond was given to J. Ross, residing at 166 East 80th Street, New York (Ticket No. 69,276). RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Receipts Bazaar Februarv, 1919. sale of Mdse $111.50 Unit No. 38, sale of Mdse 238.62 Donations Liberty Bond % from Assistants Unit No. 38 419.50 Donations Liberty Bond, % from members of the I. O. F. S. of 1 1,046.85 Total Receipts $1,816.47 Disbursements Bazaar, Mdse., Printing, Etc $119.39 (Note — Left-over Mdse was sold at the Unit) General Expense of Unit 648.57 Army Hospital Concerts 74-. 30 Central Park Concerts 309.51 Liberty Bond, % 383.77 Miscellaneous, % 280.93 Total Disbursements $1,816.47 LETTERS OF PRAISE are like the quality of mercy ; they speak the appreciation of those who were served and bring joy to the heart of those who have given service. There is no immodesty in the printing of these letters, selected from a great number; there is on the other hand, pleas- ure and deep satisfaction that the Independent Order Free Sons of Israel has been able to make itself of value and assistance during the World War. Brooklyn, N. Y., May 31st, 1919. Henry J. Hyman, Dear Sir: I inclose $1.00 in payment for the coupon book you recently sent me. I feel that your Order should receive great praise for the work it is doing, and although I can boast of no Jewish ances- try and am therefore not eligible to mem- bership, still any Order, working in the general direction of the common good and for the betterment of man is one more aid in the development of the great funda- mental principles of Fraternity without which no people can remain permanently great and prosperous. It is therefore with great pleasure that I help in this small degree the good work you are doing. Sincerely, DR. J. P. THAYER. 346 Fulton Street. Brooklyn, N. Y. Nashville, Tenn., June 3rd, 1919. Mr. Henry J. Hyman, Director War Camp Community Service, Free Sons of Israel Dear Mr. Hyman : ; Your circular exolaining the .work of Unit No. 38,- War Camp Community Ser- vice, condtJcted by the Free Sons of Israel, 'tggether^^, with' book of tickets, has been -received. The Free Sons of Israel surely deserve great credit for the success- ful manner in wli'-^h they are carrying on the work of Unit No. 38. The generous and whole-hearted maimer in which the Free Sons render such a multitudinous variety of service and aid to the boys in Service should make every member feel proud to know that he is affiliated with such an organization as the Independent Order Free Sons of Israel. Regretting that my condition prevents me from lieing of such slight service as that offered, I lieg to remain, with kind- est personal regards. Fraternally yours, S. GROSSMAN, lies Sigler Street, Nashville, Tenn. P. S. — Written by G. A. Grossman as Mr. S. Grossman is totally blind. Spokane, Wash., June 19, 1919. Independent Order Free Sons of Israel, 21 West 124th Street, New York City. Gentlemen : Enclosed is a mail order for one dollar in payment of the 10 tickets received to help the boys in khaki and blue. Hoping this little will assist in welcom- ing the boys home, I remain. Sincerely yours, MRS. F. SILVERSTEIN. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES U. S. Committee on Rules. Washington, D. C. New York, June 6, 1919. My Dear Brother Hyman : I have the honor to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your very kind and esteemed letter of the 6th inst., inviting me to present on behalf of the Independent Order Free Sons of Israel, a fiag to Pub- lic School No. 83, on Friday morning next. Let me congratulate you upon the good work that you are doing; and I am ex- ceedingly gratified that the Free Sons' of Israel are rendering such patriotic service as is manifested by their generovis flag presentation. . Heartily 'reciprocating your good wishes, and Avith kind regards, I am. Cordially and fraternally yours, HENRY M. GOLDFOGLE. Albany, N. Y. Henrv J. Hyman, 21 West 124th Street, New York. N. Y. Dear Brother Hyman : Your interesting favor of recent date is at hand. I am only too happy to help the War Camp Community Service in the way that you suggest, and I am enclosing a dollar bill. I am also returning the lit- tle book. I do not know whether the pur- pose is to admit soldiers with it to any privileges, and if so, kindly deliver it to any one whom you think would be inter- ested. If I am to retain it as a sort of receipt for the dollar, why, you can put it in your desk, or return it to me. As a member of one of the Committees of the Albany War Camp Community Service, can appreciate the necessity for the good work which you are doing. With best wishes for your success, I am, Sincerely yours, CHARLES M. STERN. May 23rd, 1919. Mr. Henry J. Hyman, New York City. My dear Mr. Hyman : I want to write you a few words of appreciation of the splendid work which has been done by Unit No. 38 of the War Camp Community Service under your able management. I am sure that the appreciation which you most prize is that of the hundreds of men in Service whom you have been able to help. \\ ith very kind regards, I am Sincerely yours, ROWLAND HAYNES. Director. ARTHUR F. KRAKEUR 540 Fifth Avenue New York May 26th, 1919. Mr. Henrv J. Hvman, 21 West 124th Street, New York City. Dear Henry : Thank you for sending me the books and I am pleased to say that I have al- ready disposed of three of them. I enclose check for the five books and an additional five for myself. Really, I envy you that it is possible to do the good work you are doing. Sincerely yours, ARTHUR F. KRAKEUR. PACIFIC AMERICAN METAL CO. Portland, Ore., June 23, 1919. Mr. Henry J. Hyman, 21 West 124th Street, New York, N. Y. Dear Sir and Brother: I take pleasure in enclosing you here- with a New York exchange for $1.00 in payment of the ten tickets for the Unit No. 38, and it has given me great pleasure to be of some service to you. With kindest regards, I am, Patriotically yours, L. GRUENEBAUM. D. C. HARMONY LODGE NO. 63, I. O. F. S. of I. Milwaukee, Wis., June Sth, 1919. Henry J. Hyman, Eff|., (irand Recording Secretary, New York. Dear Bro. Hyman : Enclosed please hnd two checks of one dollar each ; one for Harmony Lodge No. 63 and one from me toward the grand cause which the Free Sons of Israel are conducting. Sincerely and fraternally yours, B. BRACHMAN, Treasurer. F. EDWIN ELWELL Weehawken, N. J. 12 Hudson Place. August 27th, 1919. My Dear Mr. Hyman: Permit me to thank you for the honor of addressing the public at your Concert in Central Park last evening in the inter- ests of Americanization. TTiis idea of making all of our citizens American in spirit and in fact is the great progressive movement of the hour and i:i this you have shown rare constructive genius of a high order. I have suggested that an Americaniza- tion Committee be established by Mayor Hylan and I trust that he will look favor- ably upon this idea. No movement that has ever been started in America can mean so much to our peo- ple as this effort to Americanize all the elements which make up our national life. Very sincerely yours, F. EDWIN ELWELL. Boston, May 20th, 1919. Dear Sir and Bro. : Enclosed you will find $1.00 and stubs for the book of tickets that you sent to me. I felt it was my duty as an Ameri- can citizen and a member of our wonder- ful Order to dispose of them. Hoping that our Order may still con- tinue to flourish in all of its undertakings, I remain. Fraternally yours in F., L. & T., WM. DAVIS. 532 Tremont Street. New York, June 2nd, 1919. Henry J. Hyman, My Dear Sir and Bro. : Enclosed please find my check for five (5) dollars for book received. Kindly send four more, and oblige. With kindest re- gards from. Yours truly, LOUIS CRONE. June 30th, 1919. Henry J. Hyman, Director LInit No. 38. My Dear Mr. Hyman: I have your letter requesting the par- ticipation of the Singing Department in yoT Central Park Concerts and Ameri- canization Meetings and I shall be de- Ii"'hted to personally conduct the assem- blage on the following Wednesdays — July 16th and 30th and August 13th and 27th at 8 P. M. I am very enthusiastic over this, your latest project, and wonder what you will do next for the good of the service. May I say to you at this op- portune time that your work for the New York War Camp Community Service by and through the conduct of one of our most successful units (No. 38) your ready response to the boys in need, your hos- pital concerts and your latest idea of giv- ing concerts in Central Park by a Sym- phony Orchestra of seventy-five with Com- mmity Singing and addresses by promi- nent Americans, has proved an inspira- tion to your co-workers at headquarters who admire your spirit of enterprise and Americanism. With assurance of my support, I am Sincerely yours, FRANCIS J. TYLER, Organi;'ing Director Department of Community Singing. New York, July 31st, 1919. My Dear Mr. Hyman: I am in receipt of your communication of a few days ago and I am very much obliged to you for your kindness. It is \greed, of course, that the little check that you had sent me should be used for the purchase of smokes for the boys at U. S. Army General Hospital No. 1. I am always ready to contribute my services for national work and it was more than a pleasure to be privileged to speak to such a large assemblage as greeted me at Central Park on July 30th. It was indeed arx inspiration. I hope that I did not dissipate the impression of beauty that was given forth by the wonderful music last night, but at least I believe I had tried to convey a little message to the people; a message that I hoped might make them think a little more of the de- velopment of Americanism that must be evident in the life of all of us now that the work of reconstruction has been begun. Very sincerely yours, RABBI B. A. TINTNER. Chicago, 111., June 8th, 1919. Henry J. Hyman, Esq., New York. Dear Sir and Bro. : Enclosed please find my donation as per your request forwarded to me here. It is indeed very gratifying to me to take note of the glorious work the Order is at present engaged in. May your endeavors as Secretary lead the Order in more such laudable under- takings. You can rely upon me to re- spond with my part in the carrying on of all noble work the Order engages in. With best wishes for success, I remain, Fraternally yours, J. L. WITKOWSKY. Mr. Henry J. Hyman, 21 West 124th Street, New York City. My dear Mr. Hyman: I am very glad to see that you are still on the job. I am sure the series of concerts and Americaniaztion meet- ings to be held in Central Park will be very profitable. With all good wishes. Sincerely yours, geor(;e j. kneeland. Clul) Department, N. Y. W. C. C. S. Fac-simile of bronze medal pre- sented to members of the Independent Order Free Sons of Israel m active ser- vice during the world war at public recep- tions held on Sun- day, October I2fh, at Hotel Sherman, Chicago, and at Temple Israel of Harlem, N. Y., Nov. 16lh, 1919. Contributions from Lodges and Members E. ABRAHAMS, New York City... J. ADLER H. ANHALT S. H. ANSPACHER, N. Y. City.... M. ASCHENBRANDT TOS. ALTER, New York City TOS. ABRAMS, New York City MAX AUC.UR, New York City N. ALEXANDER M. B. ABRAHAMS, New York City W. B. AST N. ABRAMS NORMAN AUERHAHN T. ADLER R. ABRAMS WILLIAM ANDALT DR. D. ALEXANDER TOHN T. AARON, Mt. Vernon... T. ACKERMAN S. ASCH : SIMON ADLER MRS. L. T. AUMANN S. ABRAHAM T. s. ADLER : :.. ARNON I ODGE M. ALLH ORN. New York City... ARYEH. LODGE S. ABRAMS, Brooklyn SAM ALEXANDER, Minneapolis.... I. ABRAHAMS, Brooklyn CHAS. ATTEL D. ALEXANDER APPEL IM. CO., Far Rorkaway ... D. ADLER, Brooklyn J. AP^ELBAITM, New York City A. ABRAHAM, ChieaRo, 111 H. ABRAHAM, Brooklyn T. ASCHER. Chicago, 111 T. AARON, ChicaRo, 111 E. A. AARON, Chicago, 111 J. ATLER ABRAM LODGE T. ALTER "T. AMSTERDAM, Philadelphia. M. APPLEBAUM Pa. LOO 1.00 LOO 1.00 LOO 1.00 LOO LOO 1.00 1.00 LOO 1.00 1.00 LOO 1.00 LOO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1 00 i.no 10.00 .10 1.00 5.00 1.00 LOO 1.00 1.0') 1.0., 1.00 1 00 1 no 1 00 1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 LOO 1.00 SANDERS BAER. WooHh'n, N. Y.. $ F]\nL BACHENHEIMER D. B. BRINN, Chio«gp, 111 BALL, Hartford, Conn BACHARACH BECKER, Brooklyn, N. Y BRANDT, Chicago, Til BRAND, Brooklyn, N. Y W. BLOCH, St. Louis, Mo. T^TARV BARNFT, Bath Beach BALTER, New York City A. B. BROWN, Pottstown B. BRACHMAN, Milwaukee T. BATH, A'h.-i"". N Y M. BUXBAUM, New Haven, Conn.. GUS BROWN, Boston, Mass S. BENDER BUTT. New York City BONAITER. Brooklyn, N. Y J. BFNNET, Brooklyn, N. Y BENIAMIN BRAND. New York City BORCHARDT, New York City.. RERKITZ, New York City BLAU MAX BAER. New York City T. S. BORGENSTED. Phila., Pa 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1 no 1.00 2 00 LOO 1.00 1 00 1.00 1 " 1 1.00 1.00 LOO 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I.no 1.00 1.00 1.00 LOUIS BAUM, New York City LOO HUGE BAER, New York City 1.00 H. BERMAN, New York City 1.00 S. BERMAN, Brooklyn, N. Y 1.00 T. J. BENEDICT LOO J. BAUER, New York City 1.00 GUS BECKER, New York City.... 1.00 M. BERNSTEIN 1.00 SIMON BALLIN. New York City... 1.00 L. BERKENFELD, New York City 1.00 H. A. BERNSTEIN, N. Y. City.... 1.00 P. BARNARD, New York City 1.00 S. M. BROTMAN 1.00 SOL. J. BACHARACH, N. Y. City 1.00 GUSTAVE BENEDICT, N. Y, City 1.00 L. BARLTTH, New York City 1.00 L. BAUER 1.00 .lULIUS BRAUN, New York City 1.00 0. BERLIN, New York City 1.00 T. BLUMENSTIEL 1.00 MAGNLTS BERMAN 1.00 J. BAUNET 1.00 A. BAKOFEN 1.00 TACOB BAEL, Chicago, 111 LOO WM. BETTMAN 1.00 A. BIERINGER 1.00 T. S. BERGER 1.00 H. BUXBAUM I.no A. N. BAYRENTHER 1.00 T. BORGETITHR, New York City... 1.00 H. BANDLER, Minneola LOO G. BAUM, Brooklyn 1.00 S. N. BOYREUTER, Rockville 1.00 F. BESTHOFF, New York City 1.00 1. P. COHEN, Brooklyn, N. Y 1.00 LEON COHEN, Chicago, III. . 1.00 E COHN LOO A. COHEN, Brooklyn, N. Y 1.00 L\COB COHN, New York City 1.00 M. CASSEL, Rochester. N. Y 1.00 SOL. COHN. Cincinnati. 1.00 JOS. I. CANTOR, Hartford. Conn. 1.00 iVL CLARIWITZ, Chicago, 111 1.00 ^^"OLF CANTOR, New York City... 1.00 M R. COHN, Buffalo, N. Y 1.00 M. COHN LOO I. C. COHEN. Northport LOO R. L COFFEE. Chicago, III LOO S. W. CARLTON, Chicago, 111 1.00 P. S. CLARK, New York City 1.00 A. L. CARRIES LOO NATHAN COHN . LOO L AND W. COHN LOO M. COHEN LOO D. CAHN, New York City 1.01 M. O. COHEN 100 S. COHEN 100 HARRY COHEN, New York City.. 1.00 J. COHN 100 TACOB L COHEN LOO H. COHEN, New York City 1.00 L COHN, New York City 1.00 B. CAHN 100 J. CAMPAN LOO T. CAMPAN (for Max Strauss) LOO "W. CHANDLER LOO COHEN (by Mrs. Mansfield) 2.00 M. DREIFUS, Chicago, 111 1.00 H. DEIMEL, Herkimer, N. Y 1.00 S. DAVIS, ChicaRO, III 1.00 SOL. DAVIDSON, New York City 1.00 H. DORN 100 S. DREYFUS, New Haven, Conn. 1.00 T. W. DAVID, Chicago, 111 1.00 HENRY DAVID, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1.00 J. DANIELS, Chicago, 111 1.00 J. DREYFUSS, Brooklyn 1.00 P. DAVIDSON, New York City.... 1.00 J. M. DAVIS, Minneapolis, Minn. 1.00 M. DREYFUS, New York City.... 1.00 S. DORNBERGER, New York City 1.00 M. DRUCKER, New York City 1.00 WM. DAVIS, New York City 1.00 F. DRACH, New York City 1.00 CHARLES DANZIGER 1.00 A. DAVID 1.00 S. DAVIS 100 SAM DAICKER 1.00 J. DANNENBERG, New York City 1.00 JOE DE MONTE 1.00 S. DAVIS 1.00 S. ECKSTEIN 1.00 S. EPSTEIN 1.00 A. EDWARD 1.00 H. EHRLICH, SR 1.00 EHRMAN, Chicago, HI 1.00 M. AND T. R. ELLISH 4.00 L. ETTINGER, New York City 3.00 W. EXELIE 1.00 M. L. ECKSTEIN, New York City 1.00 1). ETTINGER, New York City 1.00 S. ENGEL 1.00 S. EITINGER 1.00 A. EISLER, Minneapolis 1.00 J. EICHHOLZ, New York City 1.00 E. FINK, Detroit, Mich 1.00 L. FRIEDMAN, New York City... 1.00 J. FRANK, Buffalo, N. Y 3.00 E. FOX, Allston 1.00 J. FREY, Brooklyn 1.00 C. FOX. New York City 1.00 S. FRIEDMAN, Brooklyn 1.00 W. FLEISCHER, Chicago, 111 1.00 E. FELDMAN AND H. FELDMAN 2 00 H. FIELD 1.00 M. FLORSHEIM 1.00 GEO. T. FELLERMAN, Brooklyn. .. 1.00 B. FARSCHER, New York City... 1 00 J. FREEDMAN. New York Ci;y.... 1.00 A. B. FREUD, Chicago, 111 1.00 0. FOX, Allston, Mass 1.00 M. FRIEND, Chicago, 111 1.00 FLURSHEIM, Cleveland, 1.00 J. E. FUERTH. Chicago, 111 1.00 A. FTSHT^U, New York City 2 00 T. FRANK 1.00 GUS FRANK 100 L. FRANK 2.00 MAE FAI K, Boston, Mass 1.00 P. FISCHEL 100 S. FRANKLIN. New York City 1.00 ED. P. FRANTZ, New York City 1 00 1. FRIEDMAN 3.00 O. FALK, New York City 1.00 D. FRANKFORT, New Yo-k City 1.00 CHARLES E. FALK, N. Y. City 1,00 ELIZ. FRANK, New York City... 1 00 D. FRIED, New York City 1.00 L. FISHER, New York City 1 00 CHAS. FALKENBERG, N. Y. City 1.00 JOS. FELDSTEIN Philadelphia, Pa. 1.00 A. FISHBEIN, Brooklyn 1.00 MR. FLEISCHMAN 1.00 HENRY FRIEDMAN, Chicago, 111. 1.00 H. FRANKENBERGER 1.00 LOUIS FOX, Chicago, 111 1.00 HARRY FISHER, New York City.. 1.00 T. GUMPERT, Chicago, 111 1.00 i. GROSS, Chicago, III 1.00 P. GOODMAN 1.00 L. GELLER, New York City 1.00 S. GOLDSCHMIDT 1.00 L. GROLLMAN, Chicago 1.00 A. GOLLANGER, New York City.... 1.00 I. J. GOLDSTEIN, New York City 1.00 D. GUTMAN, Chicago, 111 1.00 M. GLICKLIET 1.00 J. GO.LDBERGER, Philadelphia, Pa. 1.00 J. GRABENSTEIN 1.00 S. GUMPERT 1.00 A. GABRIEL 1.00 T. GOLDBERG, New York City 1.00 b. GUTLOHN 1.00 S. GUNDERSHEIMER 1.00 S. GOLDSMITH 1.00 J. GOLDSTEIN 1.00 I. GREIF, New York City 1.00 I. GOLD, New York City 1.00 J. M. GOODMAN, New York City 1.00 I. GOLDMAN, New York Ci;y 1.00 E. GREENBERGER, N. Y. City... 1.00 L. Gil BERT, New York City 1.00 SAM GLANTZ 1.00 L. L. GLAUBERG, N. Y. City.... 100 H. GARRETSON, Brooklyn 1.00 MAX GLASER. New York Ciy 1.00 A. GRAETZMER, New York City ... 1 00 L. GERSTMAN. New York Citv. .. 1.00 R. GREENFIELD, New Rork Citv 1.00 T. GOLDSMITH '.. 100 S. GRAFF 1.00 M. GOLDSTEIN 1.00 S. E. GOLDSTEIN 1.00 WM. GUMPET, Brooklyn 1.00 H. (^OLDFINGER, Nyack, N. Y 1.00 H. GIPS 1.00 ROBT. GOLDSCHMIDT, Chicago 1.00 SOL. GALITZ 1.00 B. GOLDBACH, New Orleans, La. 1 00 M. GOLDZIER, New York City 1.00 L. GOLDBERG 1.00 O. GREENBAUM, Portlnnd, Ore 1.00 W. GOLD, Jamaica, L. 1 1.00 M. GREENSTEIN, New York City 5.00 S. GUGGENHEIM, New York City 1 00 G. C. LODGE 1.00 T. GALANTER. Chicago, 111 1.00 JOS. GOLDBERG, New York City 1.00 L. GOLDSMITH. Pittsburgh. Pa 1.00 O. GRABOVVSKY, Detroit, Mich 1.00 T. GOTTHELF. New York City 1.00 H. GOLDSMITH 1 00 J. GOETZ 1.00 S. N. GOODMAN 1.00 D. GAMPETSZKY, New York City 1.00 GOLDSCHMIDT, Maspeth 1.00 S. GREENGOOD. Chicago, 111 1.00 O. GINZBERG, Kingston 1.00 N. GREENFELD 1.00 M. GERSCHEL, Philadelphia, Pa 1.00 DR. M. GLTTMAN. New York City 1.00 F. GUCKENHEIMER, N. Y. City 1.00 G. T. GARTNER, Chicago, 111 50 SAM GOLDSTEIN 1.00 HENRY J. HYMAN. N. Y. City^.-.- 46.00 H. HEIDENHEIM, New York City 1.00 A. HERMAN, Chicago, HI 1.00 L. HIRSCH, Brooklyn 1.00 M. F. HIRSCH 1.00 SOL. HIRSCHBERG, N. Y. City... 1.00 M. HELLER 1.00 A. HYMAN : 1.00 B. HAEDECKER : 1.00 D. HIRSCHFIELD .: 1.00 H. E. HOROWITZ 1.00 H. HECHINGER 1.00 HENSCHEL 1.00 J. HARTENSTEIN '. 1.00 L. HIRSCH 1.00 HENRY HIRSCH, New York City . 1.00 GUS. HIRSCH, New York City 1.00 MAX T. HASKELL, New York City 1.00 L. HEYMAN, Brooklyn 1.00 PH. HERNOCHSTEIN, N. Y. City .10 M. HECHT 1.00 I. HIRSCH, Chicago, 111 1.00 L. HUTTER 1.00 H. H. HUTTER, New York City. .. 1.00 R. HARRIS, New York City 1.00 L. HERTIG, New York City 1.00 B. F. HIRSCH, Chicago, III 1.00 AL. HARRIS : 1.00 J. HEYMANN, New York City 1.00 HAMBERGER, Astoria 1.00 N. HUBERT. Hartford, Conn 1.00 H. A. HAFER 1.00 G. T. HERTZEL & CO., N. Y. City 1.00 M. G. HARRIS, Chicago. Ill 1.00 M. HYMAN, Brooklyn, N. Y 1.00 P. HYAMS, New York City 1.00 SAM HEXTER, New York City 1.00 S. T. HOLTZ, Baltimore, Md 1.00 C. b. HESSE, New York City 1.00 D. HERZ. .Chicago, 111 1.00 L. HAMMOND, New York City... 1.00 S. HARRIS, New York City 1.00 S. HAMMERSCHLAG, N. Y. City 1.00 S. HARPMAN, Chicago, III. 1.00 B. HKINRICH 1.00 B. HERTZOG, Brooklyn 100 HARMONY LODGE, Milwaukee... 1.00 L. L. HARRIS. Chicago. Ill 1.00 L. HALTSER. New York Chv 1.00 D. HAMMOND, New York City... 1.00 M. HIRSCHFIELD, N. Y. City.... 1.00 M. HIRSCH, Holyoke, Mas.s 1.00 A. ]\T. HDCHEIMER, N. Y. City... 1.00 T. HEISON, Chicago, 111 1.00 "N. TTFRCTTPS, Bosto". Mas^ 1.00 H. HEYMAN, New York City 1.00 O. HEYSTER, New York City 1.00 L. HFSS. New York City 1.00 J. Y. HIRSCH, Chicago, 111 1.00 G. HAFFR 1.00 M. TIAMMT^RSCHLAG. N. Y. City 1.00 T. H. HEMMERDINGER, Bklyn 1.00 H. HEINFMAN, New York City... 1 00 H. TTANOWFR 1.00 T. HERZFELD, New York City 1.00 L. AND M. L. HIRSCH, N. Y. City 1.00 F. HFROLD ;.... 1.00 T. HENSCHEL 1.00 HOI r,ANDER. New York City 1.00 H. HARRIS, New York City 1.00 L. HTRSCH. New York City 1.00 E. HAMMEL 1.00 L. HERBST. Brooklyn 1.00 T. HTLBORN, New York City 1.00 B. HAHN. New York City 1.00 FELIX HAAS. New York City 1.00 MARTIN HESS 1.00 H. ISAACS 1.00 S. ISRAEL, Chicago, 111 1.00 A. ISAACS, New York Ci^v LOO J. ISAAC, New York City 1.00 E. ISAACS, New York City 1.00 ILLINOIS LODGE 1.00 ISAACS : 1.00 MRS. M. JACOBS, Phoeni.x, Ariz 5.15 S. H. JAFFE, Chicago, 111 1.00 M. L. JONES, Chicago, HI 1.00 L. JARETZKY, New York City 1.00 SAM JACKSON, New York City.... 1.00 0. JOEL 1.00 L JACOBS 1.00 B. JACOBS, New York City 1.00 N. JACOBSON, Richmond Hill 1.00 A. JACOBS, Massachusetts 1.00 J. JOHNSON, Chicago, III 1.00 J. JACOBS, New York City 1.00 M. JACOBS, New York City 1.00 L. JAEGER 1 00 L. JACOBS, New York Ci:y 1.00 L. JACOBS, New York ity 1.00 B. JACOBS, New- York City 1.00 S. JACOBS, New York City 1.00 STANLEY P. JACOBS, N. Y. City 1.00 1. KREILSHEIMER, N. Y. City... 10.00 S. KLEIN, New York City 1.00 J. KAHN, Brooklyn 1.00 I. KLEIN, New York City 1 00 L. A. KOHN, Baltimore, Md 1.00 J. KENNER 1.00 M. KROCH, New York City 1.00 L. KAHN, New York City 1.00 J. M. KAHN, New York City 1.00 L. KRONE. Bayswater, N. Y 5.00 N. KOCH, New York City 1.00 A. KRISKE, New York City 1.00 G. KALNEL, New York City 1.00 M. KUGELMAN, New York City 1.00 B. KAHN. New York City 1.00 L. KOHN, New York City 1.00 A. KLEIN, New York City 1.00 KENNER 1.00 H. KAMSLER, New York City 1.00 KRAMER 1.00 S. KERSTEIN, New York City 1.00 H. KAHN, Brooklyn 1.00 PH. H. KARELSON, N. Y. City 1.00 T. KRIEGER, Brooklyn 1.00 A. KUNTZ. New York City 1.00 M. KOHN. New York City. 1.00 A. KATZ, New York City 1.00 A. F. KRAKEUR, New York City 10.00 S. KLEIN, New York City 1.00 M. KRUEGER. New York City.... 1.00 MAX KLEIN, New York City 1.00 L. KRAUSER, New York City 1.00 I. KREILSHEIMER, N. Y. City.... 1.00 A. KLEIN 1.00 J. KLEIN 1.00 S. KLEIN 1.00 S. KLEIN 1.00 STG. KIRSCHBAUM 1.00 SIMON KOHN. New York City 1.00 P. KATZ, New York City 1.00 J. M. KAUFMAN, New York City 1.00 A. KAUFMAN, New York City....'. 1.00 ISAAC KATZ, Orrville, Ala 1.00 D. KRAUSKOPF, New York City.... 1.00 R. KATZ 1.00 E. KAUFMAN, Chicago, 111 1.00 L. KRAMER, New York City 1 00 M. KLEINHAUSER, S;. Louis, Mo. 1.00 H. M. KOHN 1.00 MAX KELLER 1.00 L. KAHN, Hamilton, 1.00 MAX KOHN, New York City 1.00 E. KELER, Brooklyn 1.00 J. KLEIN, Brooklyn 1.00 PH. KAPLAN, Chicago, 111 1.00 S. KORNSAND 1.00 SELIG KAIZ, New York City 1.00 FRED A. KOHN, Chicago, 111 1.00 A. KATTEN, Hartford, Conn 1.00 C. KLAUSNER, Chicago, 111 1.00 J. LICHTENSTEIN, Detroit, Mich. 1.00 S. LEVY 1.00 H. M. LEVY, New York City 1.00 E. P. LAZARUS, New York City.... 1.00 E. LOWENSTEIN, Cincinnati, 1.00 I. LOBITZ, Syracuse, N. Y 1.00 L. LESSER, Brooklyn 1.00 J. LEVIS, New York City 1.00 A. M. LEVY, Brooklyn 1.00 B. LEICHTER, New Haven, Conn. 1.00 S. LEDERER 1 00 S. LEICHTER, New York City 1.00 F. LIEBERMAN 100 B. LEVY, Brooklyn 1.00 WM. LOWENTHAL, Philadelphia.. 1.00 E. LEBENHOHL. Boston. Mass 1.00 L. LEWIS, Port Chester, N. Y 1.00 J. LEVY. New York City.. 1.00 MAX LEDERER, New York City.... 1.00 A. LAWRENCE, New York City... 1.00 M. LEVY, New York City 1.00 0. LAPPERT 1 00 E. LEDERER, New York City.... 1.00 M. L. LOWENSTEIN, Brooklyn 1.00 A. LEWIS 1.00 H. LEWIS 1.00 M. E. LEVY, Brooklyn 1.00 H. M. LEVY 1.00 L. LOEWENSTEIN, N. Y. City.... 1.00 B. LEVTNE 1.00 W. R. LADENHEIM 1.00 .T. J. LEVY 1.00 J. LAMBER 1.00 ALEX. LEVY, New York City 1.00 H. LEWINSOHN. New York City 1.00 DAVID LEVY, New York City.... 1.00 A. LIEBERMAN 1.00 G. LEVY, New York City 1.00 HENRY LOEB, New York City.... 1.00 HATTIE S. LOIZ 1.00 SAM LOEB, Rochester, N. Y. . . 1.00 A. .1. LINDENBORN 1.00 V. LEROR 1 00 ALEX. LESSER 1.00 A. LIEDECKER, New York City.... 1.00 J. A. LOIL 2.00 W. LEMLEIN. Bronx, N. Y 1.00 SAMUEL LEVY, New York City. ... 1.00 JOSEPH LEVY 1.00 CARRIE LOEB 1.00 DR. J. LEBENSTEIN 1.00 B. B. LTGHTE I.OO ABE LEVY, New York City 1.00 WALTER LEVY 1.00 1. .7. LOTZ, New York City 1.00 JOHN LEFFLER 1.00 S. LANGDORF 1.00 A. LEVY, New York City 1.00 H. LEVY, New York City 1.00 D. LINDHEIMER, New York City 1.00 CHARLES LEOPOLD, N. Y. City 1.00 B. H. LEVY, New York City 1.00 I. LEVY, Hartford, Conn 1.00 H. LOWENSTEIN, Cincinnati, O. 1.00 L .LOWENSTEIN, New York City 1.00 L. LASERSON. Melrose, Mass '. 1.00 J. LISSBERGER, Brooklyn 1.00 E. M. LYONS 1.00 H. LEVY, New York City 1.00 CHAS. LYONS, Brooklyn 1.00 F. LEMLEIN, New York Citv 1.00 FELIX LEHMAN, Memphis, tenn. 1.00 J. LOWENSTEIN, New York City 1.00 M. LIGHT 1 00 E. E. LANG, White Plains, N. Y 1.00 A. L. LOWENSTEIN, N. Y. City 1.00 L, LEVY, Memphis, Tenn 1,00 MAX W. LEVY, New York City.... 1.00 S. LEDERER i OO DAVID LAZARUS 1 00 ALBERT LOEWENSTEIN 1.00 L. LOWENTHAL 1 00 H. LEVIN 1 00 J. ARTHUR LEHMAN LOO C. LEHMAN 1 00 L. LOVETT ■■ I'oo JACOB LEDERER 1.00 P. LIPTON 1 00 J. LEVY :.:::: 2.00 SIG. LEVY 1 00 I. LEVY ;:....::::;: 1.00 J. M. LITTMAN 1 00 A. LINCOLN ■ 1 00 S. B. LOWENTHAL, N. Y. City.... 1.00 H. LANGSTADTER i 00 M. LESSER ■■" 1 00 ROBERT LOEWENSTEIN, N. Y. 1.00 B. D. MARX, Detroit 1.00 C. H. MORRIS, Los Angeles, Cal. .. 1.00 M. D. MILLER, Schenectady, N. Y. 1.00 H. L. MARKS, Chicago, 111 1.00 A. MORRIS. Cincinnati, 1.00 SOL. MARSHALL, Chicago, 111 1.00 P. MARKS. Chicago, 111 1.00 CHAS, MOSS, Minneapolis. Minn. 1.00 P. MI'ELLER, Cincinnati, 1.00 S. C. MANN, Philadelphia, Pa 1.00 DR. MANSBACH, Philadelphia, Pa. 1.00 M. MARKS, (^hicago. 111 1.00 L. MICHAELSON, Detroit, Mich. 1.00 S. MALLORY, Hartford, Conn 1.00 S. MANN 1.00 A. MAY, New York City 1.00 H. MAYER 1 00 M. S. MEYERHOFF, Philadelphia 1.00 M. MAYER, New York City 1.00 J. MENDELSOHN 1.00 S. MOHL 1.00 A. MENDELSOHN. New York City 1.00 H. MAYER. New York City 1 00 LEON M. MYERS, New York City 1.00 J. MOLL. New York City 1.00 S. MEYER 1 00 M. MANNHEIMER, New York City 1.00 M. MOSES 1 00 J. MEYER 100 B. MASS I'oo J. MOSES. New York City I'oO HENRY MORRIS, New York City 1 00 M. MEYER, New York City 1.00 H. MAYER 1 00 L. MINSTER i'oo S. MOLL 100 GLT.s MEYER, New York City 6,00 J. MARKS. New York City ... 1 00 MARCL^S MOSES .New York City 1.00 EDWARD MOSS, New York City .. 1.00 L. MEYER. New York City 1.00 S. MARX. New York City 1.00 MOSES MAYER. New York City.... 1.00 A. MENDELSOHN, N. Y. City 1 00 S. MARKS. New York Citv 1 00 NATHAN MARX, New York City . 1.00 H. MARGOLIN, New York City . 1 00 S. MAYER, New York City 1 00 I. MANN 1 00 JUDGE A. G. MAYER 1.00 B MARKS 1-00 JOE MAYER 100 MONTEFIORE LODGE 1.00 S. HANDEL 1.00 CHARLES MICHAELS 1-00 S. MOHL 1-00 I MICHEL, New York City 1.00 S. MILLER 1.00 M. H. MINTZ 1.00 H. MANHEIM, Chicago, III 1.00 H. MICHAELS, New York City.... 1.00 L. NEU 1-00 CHARLES J. NEWMAN 1.00 B. NAGELSMITH 100 MAX NATHAN, New York City... 1.00 L NEWBURGER, New York City 1.00 O. NUSHMIR, New York City .. 1.00 H. NETTLE & CO., Boston, Mass. 1.00 NO NAME 100 B. NEWMAN 1.00 A. NELSON, New York City 1.00 A. NETHE 3.00 F. NEWMAN, New York City 1.00 J. NEWMAN, New York City 1.00 H. NEWMAN, New York City 1.00 MRS. M. NEWMAN, N. Y. City 1.00 M. NEWMAN 1.00 NACHMAN 1-00 A. NEWMAN 1.00 M NEUBURGER, New York City 1.00 S. NEWBURGER 1-00 ALBERT NEUBAUM 100 M. NEUBURGER LOO E. NEWMAN 100 M. G. ONKLE. Chicago 1.00 MAX OPPENHEIMER, Chicago... 1.00 J OPOZNAUER, New York City 1.00 A. OPENHEIM, New York City... 1.00 E. OSTERMAN LOO ALEX. OSCAR, New York City 1.00 L OBERNFELDER, N. Y. City.... 1.00 A. OPPENHEIM 1.00 BERNARD OCHS, New York City 1.00 H. PIYZEL, New York City 1.00 P. PRESNEL, Rochester, N. Y 1.00 B. A. PRAGER, Allston, Mass 1.00 E PAWEL & BRO., Hudson Falls.. 1.00 O. POLLOCK, New York City 1.00 J. M. PHILLIPS. New York City.... 1.00 M P. PALEY, New York City 1.00 PUT. P. CO 1.00 ALFRED PELS, New York City... 1.00 MRS. L PAUL 1.00 L. POLAK 100 F. PRINCE. New York City 1.00 PIONEER LODGE 1.00 HENRY PETT, New York City 1.00 M. PROSVITZ 1.00 ISAAC PINNER New York City... 1.00 M. QUITTUER, Far Rockaway 1.00 S. ROTHSCHILD. New York City 2.00 MEYER ROSENBERG, N. Y. City 1.00 A. RICE 1.00 A. RAUCH. New York City 1.00 DR. H. ROTHMAN 1.00 H. RODMAN, New York City 1.00 H. ROBECK, New York City 1.00 CHARLES RALT, New York Citv... 1.00 WM. ROSENBAUM, N. Y. City... 1 00 JOS. RIEGELMAN, N. Y. City.... 1.00 J. ROSS, New York City 1.00 B. RUDERS 1.00 M. REDELSHEIMER 1.00 A. N. ROTHOLTZ 1.00 DR. CHAS. ROSENBAUM 1.00 B. ROSENBAUM 1.00 T. RUBEN 1.00 E. ROSENSTEIN 1.00 D. RASKL 1.00 H. V. ROCHSCHILD 1.00 M. ROTHSCHILD 1.00 T. ROSENBAUM, Chicago, 111 1.00 T. RUBINSKY, New York City 1.00 A. S. ROSENBAUM, Baltimore 1.00 H. REINHEIMER 1.00 M. A. ROSENBAUM 1.00 ED. ROTHSCHILD, N. Y. City... 1.00 H. ROSENFELD, New York City.... 1.00 RICHMOND, VA 50 S. ROHRSCHILD, New York City 1.00 COL. CHAS. REICHENBACH, San Francisco, Cal 1.00 T. RABINOWITZ, N. Y. City 1.00 "M. ROSENSTEIN 1.00 S. ROSENFELD 1.00 S. ROSENZWEIG, Chicago, 111 1.00 H. ROSENBAUM, New York City 1.00 M. ROBITSCHECK, Chicago, 111 1.00 H. T. RICE. Atlanta, Ga 1.00 W. RAPHAEL. New York City 1.00 T. ROSENFELD, Henderson 2.00 "M. RIESE, Chicago, 111 1.00 D. RICH. Atlanta, Ga 1.00 F. REINER. Chicago, 111 1.00 R. M. RICH. Albany, N. Y 1.00 M. C. ROSENFELD 1.00 H. RAPHAEL, New York City.... 1.00 E. ROSENBERG 1.00 BENJAMIN RICH, N. Y. City... LOO W. G. ROSENBERG, N. Y. City 1.00 M. (or E.) ROTHENSTEIN, New York City 1.00 DR. L. ROSENBAUM, N. Y. City 1.00 H. ROSENBLUTH 1.00 H. T. RYNER, New York City 1.00 T. RINDSKOPF 1.00 F. RAFFMAN, New York City 1.00 E. STERNFELD, New York City. ... 1.00 CHAS. SOLOMON 1.00 B. SAMUEL, New York City 1.00 S. SANDERS, New York City 1.00 T. SCHRIMNER, New York City.. 1.00 SAM STERN 1.00 W. O. STEWARTS. New York City 1.00 M. SIMON. New York City 1.00 M. SCHOENBERG 1.00 M. SACHS. New York City 1.00 T. W. STOLTS, New York City.... 1.00 JOS. STEINER. New York City... 1.00 "E. a. STRASSER. New York City 1.00 M. STETTHEIMER. N. Y. City 1.00 HENRY S. SCHENDEL 1.00 MORITZ SIMONS, New York City 1.00 G. STEINER 1.00 C. SOLOMON 1.00 D. A. STEINER, New York City.... 1.00 T. SHERWICK, New Yo-k Citv.... 1.00 JULIA K. STEINHARDT, New York City 1.00 S. SIEGEL. New York City 1.00 ISRAEL STONE 1.00 S. SUSSMAN. New York City 1.00 ARNOLD SCHON 1.00 A. SCHWARTZ 1.00 R. STEIN 1.00 DR. SOBEL. New York City 1.00 S. SCLOSS. Chicago, 111 LOO F. STEIN 5.00 WM. SIELER 1.00 H. L. SEIDMAN 1.00 S. SZERLIP 1 00 JOSEPH SMIDT, Chicago, 111 1.00 H. SILVERSTONE, New York City 1.00 E. SCHWENGER, New York City .50 H. SIEGEL, Port Chester, N. Y.. . 1.00 A. STRASBURGER, Brooklyn 1.00 E. SONNENFELD, Chicago, 111 1.00 A. SPITZ, Brookline, Mass 1.00 M. SCHATZ, Chicago. Ill 1.00 M. STEINHEIMER, N. Y. City.... 1.00 E. M. SALOMON, Chicago, 111 1.00 H. STEIN 1.00 SAM SPITZ. Brooklyn 1.00 H. SANDMAN, Ozone Park 1.00 S. SPITZER, Lynbrook, N. Y 1.00 B. SCHLOSS, New York City 1.00 S. SCHLOSS, Williamsport 1.00 J. SCHICK, New York City 1.00 N. SILBERSTEIN, New York City 1.00 J. SONFIELD, Brooklyn 1.00 S. M. SALOMON 1.00 L. STERN, Philadelphia, Pa 1.00 .TOS. STROOCK, Newburgh, N. Y. 1.00 S. SANDMAN, New York City.... 1.00 A. STEINFELS, New York City 1.00 SOL SONN, Port Chester, N. Y.. .. 1.00 N. E. SANDERS, Brooklyn 1.00 J. SAMUELS, Hartford, Conn 1.00 D. SHAPIRO 1.00 E. SIMON 1.00 A. SIMON 1 00 B. STRAITSS. New York City 1.00 A. SCHMELL, New York City 1.00 GUSTAVE SELNER 1.00 D. STRASSER 1.00 J. STODOLA, New York City 1.00 E. SCHOTT, New York City 1.00 MAX SCHWARTZ. New York City 1.00 L. SILVERBERG, New York City 1.00 E. A. SCHWARZ, New York City 1.00 MAX SCHOENHOLZ, N. Y. City 1.00 L. STRAITSS, New York City 1.00 MISS L. STEARN. New York City 3.00 N. B. SCHLEICHER, N. Y. City 1.00 I. SCHWARTZ, New York Citv 1.00 MAX SCHAUMBURGER, New York City _ _ 1.00 H. J. SEINKAUP, New York City 1.00 D. SCHORSCH 1.00 I. SCHORSCH. New York City 1.00 B. F. SCHOTTENFELS 1.00 S. SACHS. New York City 1.00 S. SCHURTZ, New York City 1.00 MAX SALTZ. New York City 2.00 E. SILBERSTEIN, "New York City 1.00 B. SILVERBERG, New York City 1.00 M. STEGEL, New York City. 1.00 M. SIMON 1.00 H. SOLOMONS. New York City... 1.00 MAX SCHLACTER 1.00 L. STEIN, New York City._ 1.00 A. T. SETTNER 1.00 JOHN M. SMITH, New York City 1.00 S. SCHNURFN 1,00 W. G. SCHIFF 1.00 n. T STEIN 1.00 S. STODOLA, Chicago, 111 1.00 H. SAMUELS. Chicago, 111 1.00 S. STEINBERG, New York City__.. 1.00 N. SIMON. New York City. 1.00 S. STIEFFL. Rochester, N. Y 1.00 M. B. SCHITTZ. Chicago, 111 1.00 ISAAC STRALTS 1.00 I. SCHEYER. New York City 2.00 B. SKAR, Chicago, 111 1.00 S. SILVERSTEIN, New York City 1.00 MRS. F. SILVERSTEIN, Spokane 1.00 A. M. STEIN 1.00 N. SCHRAMM 1.00 L. SOLOMON 1.00 H. SONNENFIELD, Chicago, lU. 1.00 H. SOLOMON, Detroit. Mich 1.00 M. SCHIFF 1 00 S. SONNENSCHEIN, cieve'land, O. 1.00 J SPITZ., Chicago, 111 1.00 D. SHERMAN, New York City 100 F. SICHEL • 1 00 E. I. SCHNEIDER 1 00 M. SICHEL ■ I'oo M. SELIGMAN, Seaside 1.00 ED. SCHULHOF, Chicago, 111 3.00 M. STREUTZ. Chicago, 111 1.00 L. SCHLEISSNER, L. I. City... 1.00 F. SMITH, Cleveland, 1.00 W. R. STERNBERG, Chicago, 111. 1.00 S. STOCK 100 LILLIAN STERN, New York City 2.00 J. SOBEL, Chicago, 111 1.00 S. STERN, Schenectady, N. Y 1.00 JOHN B. SCHLESINGER, N. Y 1.00 J. TOBIN, Detroit, Mich 1.00 L. TAUBERT, New York City 1.00 B. TOBIAS, Brooklyn 1.00 0. TOBIAS, New York City 1.00 HENRY TRAUT, New York City.... 1.00 MRS. L. TROCKY, Chicago, HI. 1.00 E. TAITSIG 1 00 1. TURNER LOO W. UNGER 1 00 UNKNOWN ■ '70 E. ULLMAN, Richmond 100 M. ULLMAN, New York City 1 00 S. ITLLMAN, New York City 1.00 S. R. VERST, Chicago, HI 1.00 M. VOLTNS 1 00 MAX VOLIN 1.00 A. VOGEL, Kingston 1.00 S. VOGEL, New York City 1.00 CHAS. VOSS 30 E. WEICHSEL, New York City.... 1.00 CHARLES WEIS, Chicago, 111 ' 1.00 O. WESSEL 1 00 M. WOLF ■■ 100 H. WELLHOUSE l.'oo S. WOLF, San Francisco, Cal 1.00 M. WTEDER, Hartford. Conn 1.00 L. WOLFF, Chicago, 111 1.00 M. E. WOLF, Rochester. N. Y. 1.00 R. WOI.FSON, Kansas City. Mo 1.00 H. WATERMAN. Providence, R. I. 1.00 M. WOLF, Atlanta, Ga 1.00 WIM. WOLFF, Chicago, 111 1.00 E. WOLFF, St. Louis, Mo 1.00 GUSTAV WOLF, New York City... 1.00 J. WEISKOPF, Chicago, 111 1.00 T. WOLF, Chicago, 111 1.00 M. WOLF, Catasnaqua, Pa 1.00 H. WELFEr,D 1.00 J. WEIL. Mt. Vernon, N. Y 1.00 H. WARTENBURGER. N. Y. City 1.00 RUDOLPH WOLF, Chicago, 111 1.00 S. WEICHSEL 1.00 M. WOLF. New York City 1.00 M. WATIZ 1.00 H. WEBER, New York City 1.00 A. WONNS 1.00 M. WHITEHEAD. Brooklyn 1.00 R. M. WITT, New York City 1.00 W. WOLF, New York City 1.00 L. WEIL, Brooklyn 1.00 JACOB WACHTEL, New York City 1.00 S. H. WEINBERG, New York City 1.00 ED. WIMPHEIMER, N. Y. City... 1.00 E. R. WOLFNER, New York City 1.00 D. H. WETLZNER, New York City 1.00 H. WOLF 1.00 0. WOLF 1.00 D. A. WEILL 1.00 M. WOLFF, New York City 1.00 1. WYLER, New York City 1.00 M. WALKER, New York City 1.00 HENRY WEIL, New York City.... 1.00 H. WOLFF, New York City 1.00 L. WEINGARTEN, New York City 1.00 I. WERTHEIMER & SON, New York City 1.00 CHAS. WEINER, New York City ... 1.00 J. WEILL, New York City 1.00 J. WORMSER, New York City 1.00 SIG. WELTNER, New York City... 1.00 H. WEISKOPF, Chicago, 111 1.00 I. WEIL 1.00 BEN. WEIL 1.00 M. A. WEINBERG 1.00 I. WEIL 2.00 MAX WEINER 1.00 ED WASSER 1.00 J. L. WILLKOWSKY, Chicag-o, 111. 1.00 E. WINNIG, Leavenworth, Kan 1.00 C. ZEPHYR, New York City 1.00 M. ZINNE, Chicago 1.00 Free Son Post No. American Legion Composed of Members of the Independent Order Free Sens of Israel Organized September 28lh, 1919 in the City of New York Contributions from Assistants of Unit No. 38 F. AUERBACH $ 2.00 C. ARONOWITZ 1 00 S. ARONOWITZ 2 00 M. ALTMAN 1.00 MRS. H. BLOCK l.OO L. BRANDT 4 00 R. BERNBERG 2 00 RUTH BARON 1 00 ETTA BENDON 1 00 R. BERCK 2.00 O. BERMAN 2 00 B. BENJAMIN 3 00 F. H. BAMBERGER 1 60 L. BARONOW 10 S. BRENNER 2 00 M. BAUSCH ; 2^00 SADIE CLARK 2 00 C. CINEDOR 1 00 L. CRAMER 2 00 R. CREANGE 2 00 W. COUGHLIN 3 10 H. coRSA roo L. DAVIDSON 1 00 R. DANZIGER i oo K. DAVIS 2 00 F. DANZIGER I.OO E. FREEDMAN 2 00 L. FREEZER 1 00 S. FREEZER 1 00 E. FRANKFURTER 2 00 R. FRIEDMAN ' 2 00 J- FOX ;.;; ^oo L. FREILICH 2.00 B. GUTHERTZ 2 00 M. GLTTHERTZ '2 00 T. GREENSPAN 8 20 G. (GREENWOOD 2 00 H. GREENVVALD 200 F. GELI 1.00 D. GOLDSTEIN 2.00 M. GREENWALD 2 00 B. GREENTHAL 2 00 E. (GOLDBERG 2 00 D. GOLDBERG 2 00 B. GRALTMAN 2.00 P. HERBST 15.70 .1. HOr,ZINGER 2 00 C. HERTZ 2.00 E. HARRIS 1.00 HASS 1.00 R. HOCTOR 2.00 I. H ERNST ADT .... 80 M. HEMMEFELD 2.00 H. ISAACS 1 00 B. ITALIANA I.OO I. JACOBS 1.00 R. TACOBSON 1.00 F. JACOBS 2 00 R. KRAUSE 2.00 BELLE KATZ 1 00 A. KOSSOFF 2.00 B. KANITS 2.00 R. KANITZ 1.00 D. KANITZ 2.00 F. KLEIN 1.00 A. KLEIN 1.00 S. LUTZ 27.60 A. LE BOWSKI S.OO C. LE BOWSKI 2.00 C. LUDWIG 6.00 F. LEVY 3.30 M. LEVY 3.50 C. LEVY 5.00 L. LEVINE 1.00 G. LEVINE 1.00 A. LONSCHEIN 2.00 D. LAZINCKY 2.00 J. LAZINCKY 2.00 F. LAZINCKY 2 00 ESTHER LEVY 2.00 E. LAMBERT 30 B. LIGHTE 2.00 RUTH LONDON 1.60 I. LEVINE 2.00 L. MERLIN 24.60 G. MARKS .. 100 S. MOND 2.00 G. MOND 2.00 B. MONASH 2 00 F. MAYER 5.60 R. MIKLOWITZ 2 00 L. MARGOLIES 1.00 A. MEYER 1 00 JUr,IA MOSES 1 00 E. MORRIS 2 00 J. MARKUS . . 2 00 MINNY MENDEL . 2 00 MARY MENDEL 2 00 L. MENDEL 5 00 A. MEISEL 1 00 P. MANDEL 1 00 P. MARKOWITZ 2.00 S. NEWMAN 3 00 J. NATHAN ■■ 2 00 A. NIER 1.00 E. O'CONNOR 1.00 T. PAPPERT 2 00 E. PHILIPS 30 J- PETT ::;;;:::::::: 2!oo S. PFEIFFER 200 C. PAPERT "S.\ 2'00 L. R. PEDEROFSKY 2.OO D. ROSEN 2 00 M. RAPHAEL 200 L. ROSSO ;...;::::: 2.00 M. ROSS 2.00 B. ROOS 1 70 F. ROTHSTEIN 500 R. ROSENBERG ' ' " 300 HELENA REUBEN . . " 300 S. STARK 48.00 G. SHACHMAN 2.00 B. SCHER 1.40 F. SALKIN 1.00 D. STEIN 2.00 J. STAFSKY 1.00 M. A. SIMONS 5.00 E. SELIGMAN 70 A. S. SANDS 2.00 A. H. SIMON 1.00 M. A. SIMONS 2.00 E. SAND 1.40 T. SILVERMAN 2.00 H. SIMON 2.00 A. SHAPIRO 1.00 E. SEANDEL 1.00 R. SIECEL 2.00 O. SZEGO 1.00 F. SEEHOF 2.00 L. SILVERMAN 2.00 A. SILBERMAN 2.00 N. SGHNEIDERMAN 2.00 M. SCHNEIDERMAN 2.00 M. SPITZER 2.00 J. STEIN 1.60 H. SCHLISSEL 2.00 R. SONNENBLICK 1.40 S. STEIN 2.00 C. TREFF 2.00 UNKNOWN 1.00 F. VOGEL 50 M. WODISKE 1.00 C. WINTER 5.00 R. WEBER 2.00 P. WEICHELSBAUM : 2.40 S. WALDMAN 2.00 C. WEBER 2.00 L. WEINTRAUB 2.00 HATTIE WOLF 2.00 L. WOLF 10 E. ZAHLER 2.00 M. ZAHLER 2.00 F. ZINTZ 2.00 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMI t> nilllllllllllllMliilllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllHU.ii lir INDEPENDENT ORDER FREE SONS OF ISRAEL IN MEMORYOF OUR BROTHERS WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES FOR THE CAUSE OF UNIVERSAL FREEDOM <^ HARRY SFRIEDHAN, ISAIAH LODGE N522 Cj JACOB F GREENEBAUM,GAD LODGE N^ 11 ^ PHILIPESHAFFNER, EXCELSIOR LODGE N529 O MELVIN J. SPITZ JOSHUA LODGE N? 2 1 WORLD WAR lir 1917 — 1919 ^ Fac-Simile of Bronze Tablets {Size 20x24) Placed in the Neli> Yorli and Chicago Offices of the Independent Order Free Sons of Israel, in Everlasting Memory of Her yalieni Sons Who Laid Down Their Lives in the Cause of Universal Freedom J Members of the Independent Order Free Sons of Israel in Active Service during the W orld War EMIL ADLER IKE GOLDSCHMIDT DAVID J. MOSES EMIL ALEXANDER ARNOLD M. GOODHART MARK J. MOSES ALBERT ABRAHAMS S. W. GOODMAN JACOB MANN LEO. M. ALEXANDER MAX GOLDSCHMIDT MYRON M. MOLL JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN LEON. MINDELL WM. BATKOWSKY HERBERT GREEN DAVID Z. MAX JOS. M. BLUM L. A. GOLDSTEIN PAUL MINCER LIONEL BENDHEIM A. J. GOLDSMITH HENRY MEYER L. BLOOMFIELD J. F. GREENEBAUM DAVID MINSKY JACOB BALL DR. M. GOLDENBERG MORTIMER MAYER DR. HUGO BLUM A. S. GOLDEN MILTON C. MEHLINGER JOHN M. BLACK J. GREENBERG JACOB MASER JEROME J. BONDY WALTER E. GODFREY ISAAC MEYERS A. E. BLOCH MORRIS GOLDMAN SOLOMON MALLEY SIDNEY BAUMGARTEN DAVID S BRANDWEIN CECIL BLOCH E. BROMBERGER HUGO BERNHEIM ALBERT P. HEINEMAN HENRY HIRSCH ALBERT HOLZWASSER HERMAN HOLLAND WILLIAM NEWMAN MAX NOVIC M. A. NATANSON HENRY BARANCIK A. HARRIS DR. VICTOR BRECHER REV. A. HIRSHBERG HYMAN OBELER MANNIE HOFFMAN NATHAN OLKENITZKY NORMAN CLARK NATHANIEL M. COHEN BENJAMIN JAFFE SAMUEL PEHR SAMUEL COHEN MYRON M. JACOBS ISIDOR POLLOCK SAUL W. CARLETON ALLAN A. COHN M. HARRY JACKSON BERNARD JACOBY MAURICE PALAIS R. W. CHUCK H. A. COHN LEO JACOBY LAWRENCE H. JONES GUS V. REEVES DAN V. REEVES HERBERT DECKER JACOB V. KAHN MAX ROSENSTEIL O. H. DINCKELMAN LUDWIG KAHN JOS. REICH ARTHUR DETTELBACH DR. I. W. KAHN P. ROSENSTEIN R. DANIELS ISAAC KATZ DAVID C. ROSENTHAL J. DORRIS MAX KAZANOWITZ H. DORRIS MILTON KLEIN GEORGE I. SAMUELS MILTON KALLEN ALBERT SANDERS WM. EPSTEIN HENRY KRAUSS H. G. SCHLESINGER M. ANGELO ELIAS, 2nd HERB. KREILSHEIMER HENRY SCHLESINGER PERCY J. ELIAS MAX L. KREILSHEIMER MILFORD SCHULHOF I. J. EPSTEIN S. KREILSHEIMER LEON SCHOCHET SAMUEL L. EPSTEIN FERD KOHNFELDER S. A. SCHWARTZ F. P. KIRSCHNER HARRY SHAPIRO H. D. FRACKMAN EDWARD KOZLOW WILLIAM SIEGEL HARRY S. FRIEDMAN JOSEPH I. KOPELMAN ROY N. SINGER M. L. FRIEDMAN RUDOLPH KOHN A. SHIPKOWITZ ADOLPH C. FALLMAN JOS. FEUCHTWANGER HARRY FRISCH HENRY FRIEDMAN M. FEUERSTEIN L. A. FOX WM. R. LADENHEIN DR. J. LEBOWITZ SIDNEY LEVY DR. LOUIS LEVY MORRIS LEWINKIND SAM SIMON LEO H. STRENG CHARLES STRAUSS MELVIN J. SPITZ SAMUEL STEIN HARRY M. SABATH I. HOWARD LEHMAN SAMUEL SALOMON LIONEL GINSBURG LOUIS LIPPA I. E. SEGAL M. GOLDSCHMIDT SAM SEGAL SAMUEL L. GUETTEL H. MANHEIM L. SCHEFFER HARRY GRAWOIG CLARENCE MAYER FRANK SHUDNOW A. SCHWARTZFINGER J. L. SOLOMON I. SPIRA MAYNARD SCHATZ Dr. J. J. STEINFELDER ALFRED SIMON REV. SAMUEL J. SCHWAB DR. PHILIP F. SHAFFNER NATHAN SHORE BERNARD S. SKOR A. V. SILVERMAN MORRIS SAMUELS J. L. STONE Dr. J. B. SONNENSCHEIN L. J. STONE BERNARD S. SKER FRED. TOMBERG Dr. J. TANNENBAUM ADOLPH E. TAUSSIG A. WEISKOPF BERTRAM WEIL EDWARD WEISEL RUDOLPH WERTHMAN J. WILHERMSDORFER JACOB WINKLER SIDNEY WALLACH HERBERT L. WOLF LOUIS B. WOLF JOS. WEIL BENJ. I. WOLBERG MEYER WEINSTEIN MONROE WEIL MAX WEISS VICTOR B. WOLFFE C. M. WOLK J. WOLK MAX WAXMAN MORRIS WEISS M. ZABLE DIRECTOR'S NOTES In the operation of UNIT NO. 38, and the conduct under its auspices of the many projects and enterj^rises. enumerated in this l:)Ooklet. the entire expense was met by vokmtary contribu- tions. The "FIGHTING BUDDIE," as shown on the back pa.i^e of cover, is rejiroduced by courtesy of Butterick and Com])any, pub- h.shers of the "HOME SECTOR." The Assistants of UNIT NO. 38 will continue their activity in community work and become an auxiliary of the FREE SON POST of the^ AMERICAN LEGION. An itemized list of all receipts and disbursements is on fih at 21 West 124th Street, New York, for the inspection of whom- soever may be interested- APPRECIATION -CKNOWLEDGEMENT of appreciation is graciously made unto all who so kindly aided us to extend a glad and helping hand to the boys in khaki and blue who fought our battles and won a glorious victory for everlasting peace. We shall be ever grateful unto those who generously do- nated the funds, to the young women who readily gave their serv- ices, to the artists, to the bands of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum and the Greek Boy Scouts, to the Beethoven Orchestra and the orchestra of Public School No. 83 and whomsoever gave needed encouragement and support. When in the twilight of " Life " (hopefully many years hence) there shall come unto you a retrospect of the World War, how pleasant the thought, that it was glorious to be helpful to the boys of 1917-1919. Patriotically, Director. Dated November 1, 1919. \}r ^ m^ cF cc'' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii 020 930 180 5 020 Hollir pl LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 930 180 5^^ Hollinger Corp. pH8.5