)22 >py 1 ^eart aCj^tobs; Jfor (gob Poems CHARLES W. RODGERS C^O POEMS By CHARLES W. RODGERS Copyright By Charles W. Rodgers ^JmrTTT ©C1A690725 DEC 21 IS22 .5*^' Contents; 1. When From Slumber Thou Awaken. 2. This is the Season of Advent. 3. In the Manger Lies a Stranger. 4. Christmas Wishes. 5. The Holy Days of Lent. 6. The Tragedy Divine. 7. This is the Day for Rejoicing. 8. Christ is Risen. 9. Angelic Choirs are Singing. (The Ascension.) 10. Emanuel's Transfiguration. IL Thro' Thy Power O Sweet Redeemer. 12. Save Us 6 Lord, Or We Shall Perish, 13. Forgive Rabonni, Please Forgive. (At Retreat.) 14. Where the Heart Finds Peace and Rest. (First Friday.) 15. My Redeemer Now is Coming. (At Holy Com- munion.) 16. Purest Virgin At Thy Shrine. (At Mary's Shrine.) 17. The Holy Hour. 18. Dwellings of Christ. (The Holy Places.) 19. Mother of Christ, Pray for Us, Pray. 20. Jesus, Son of Mary, Hear My Prayer. 21. Spend An Hour Near Jesus. (The Stations of the Cross.) 22. Come to My Holy Altar. (At the Mission.) 23. St. Aloysius Pray for Me. 24. We Bless Thee Holy Spirit. (Confirmation Hymn.) 25. O Good St. Joseph Hear Our Prayer. 26. O Blessed Spirit, Paraclete. (At Vespers.) 27. Lord Thy Mercy Now O'erw^helms Me. 28. O Sacred' Heart With Love O'erflowing. 29. Thou Art Dear to Thy Creator. (All Souls Day.) 30. Lighting a Candle at Thy Shrine Mother. 31. Ere Thou Sleep. 32. O America, Our Nation. 229 Berkeley St., at Boylstox, Boston, Mass. Heart Throbs for God When from slumber thou awaken And behold the morning light, Know that God hath brought thee safely Thro' the perils of the night. Thank Him for His gracious mercy, Humbly kneel and to Him say That no act of thine shall grieve Him Thro' the coming hours of day. Ask Him for His blessed guidance That thy footsteps may be sure As thou run thro' pleasure's gamut Or thy toiling work endure. Let thy Saviour be thy model Then tho' joy or grief be thine Every deed shall be a prayer Wafted on to God divine. Heart Throbs for God STljfe M ®f)e ^easfon of ^bbent This is the season of Advent When the Faithful give serious thought To the coming of Jesus, our wSaviour, Whom the world for long ages hath sought; This season the Church would remind us That the earth is a vanishing lure, That to win in the fight for God and His right, Our hearts must be humble and pure. This season the Church would entreat us To prepare for the coming of Him Whom the Father hath sent to His people To release them from bondage of sin; So with blessed St. John, The Precursor, Let us now strive to be in accord, Living just as we should, being happy and good- Making straight the way of the Lord. Heart Throbs for. God 3n tjje jWanger ILxt^ a g>ttanger In the Manger lies a Stranger — There's no room in house nor Inn — And this lowly, Infant holy, Will save the world from stain of sin. Choirs of angels came from heav'n To sing their hymns of praise and love, Heaven voicing earth's rejoicing At this great Gift from God above. Came the shepherds to adore Him — Came the wise men from afar, And their royal hearts were loyal As in the heav'n they saw His star. And His Mother, blessed Mary, Knowing Gabriel's words to Her Saw the meaning of the gleaming Gold and Frankincense and Myrrh. Come, ye Faithful, join in worship, Let your glad hosannahs ring; For this Stranger in the Manger Is our Redeemer, Lord and King. 4 Heart Throbs for God Don't you wish when you're reading the Story of Christ That you lived when He walked upon earth, And saw the bright star over Bethlehem's hills Which shone on the night of His birth, And were out on the hills with the shepherds that morn, To hear the angelic choirs singing, And then hastened onward with them to the Crib, Where the wise-men their presents were bringing? Don't you wish you were children in sweet Nazareth — That you knew little Christ as a Child Watched over by Joseph and Mary most pure Whom sin had not stained nor defiled? And that you were a playmate on whom she would smile When you with the Christ-Child were playing, And He loved you just as He did His own Kin And remembered you when He was praying? Don't you wish you were children when Christ was a boy At the time He was just twelve years old, And you travelled with Him up hill and down dale The feast of the Pasch to behold — That you aided the mother to find her lost Boy? Her sad eyes in sorrow beseeching Soon sparkled with pleasure when she found the Child "Midst the Doctors explaining and teaching." Do you know that the Christ-Child has granted your wish Just as long as the world will endure He lives His life over and over again For those who have hearts good and pure: So on Christmas when you visit Bethlehem's Crib And hear the angelic choirs singing, Jesus, the Christ-Child will smile in your face For He knows the pure heart you are bringing. Heart Throbs for God atfje l^olp 3iaj>s( of iLent Forty days of fasting In the desert lone and wide, Forty days of prayer On the dreary mountain side, Forty days of anguish Ere His friend denied Him thrice, And He redeemed a sinful world By His atoning sacrifice. Forty days of resting From the glamour of the world, Forty days with Jesus With His standard now unfurled, Forty days of sorrow That we grieved Him by our sin — And when the Easter dawn awakes We'll sing a paean in Praise of Him, Heart Throbs for God atije ©ragebp ©ibine Walk with Christ to Olive Grove To the garden of His tears, Where Judas hath betrayed Him Amidst angry mocking jeers; Close not your eyes in sleeping But with Jesus watch and pray — He needs some human kindness On this Crucifixion Day. Feel the thorns that press His brow, How the scourge His body seared! Resent the soldiers' insult When they spat upon His beard, Condemn Pilate's injustice And the rabble's fiendish glee When Christ, the Lord, was sentenced And Barabbas was set free. Go with Him to Calvary With the one He loved, Saint John, Weep with Mary Magdalene Still in grace she follows on; Pray with the virgin mother From her Son she would not part, Grieve for His mother's sorrow For the sword hath pierced her heart. Weep for Christ, the Lamb of God, While He stumbles o'er the ground The cross upon His shoulder On His way to Calvary's mound; Heart Throbs for God Pity Christ His sacred thirst Taste the bitter gall they gave; Dread sin hath caused His anguish That all mankind He might save. Hear the brutal soldiers jeer While His garment they divide, See the water gushing forth Where they pierced His sacred side: Weep loving tears of sorrow For each thoughtless sin of thine, 'Twas sin that caused the horror Of the Tragedy Divine. (Good Friday.) tCJ)fe3(s:3ff)eiaa|>Jfor ^Rejoicing This is the day for rejoicing, From our hearts all sorrow hath fled; Whom the Virgin gave birth Hath now conquered the earth — To-day Christ arose from the dead. This is the day of His triumph, By all men His truth is esteemed; Now at last they are sure That the Word will endure — Each pledge that He gave is redeemed. This is the day for thanksgiving, For death we've no longer a dread; With the Lord by our side Will the tomb open wide — Thro' Him we shall rise from the dead. 8 Heart Throhs for God Christ is Risen! from on High Hear the choiring angels sing, "Man's salvation now is nigh," Is the message that they bring. Christ is Risen from the dead Proving all He prophesied, Making true each word He said Ere the Lamb was crucified. Sing His praise, Christ is Arisen, Let the bells with gladness ring — For the grave is not His prison, Death no longer has a sting. Christ is Risen glorious On this gladsome Easter morn; Over death victorious, — And this day His church is born. Heart Throbs for God angelic Cijoirsi are Ringing Angelic choirs are singing Hymns of gladsome Praise and Love, Jesus, King, hath now Ascended To His throne in heav'n above. All His work on earth hath ended In glory Christ hath now Ascended. Cathedral chimes are ringing, Sounding sweetness in accord — Heaven and earth are celebrating The Ascension of the Lord. Earth and heaven's choirs are blended To-day hath Christ, the King, Ascended. (The Feast of the Ascension.) 10 Heart Throbs for God Cmanuers; ®ranjB((iguration Lo! He stands on Thabor's mountain, The Lord Who brought the world salvation; There Peter, James and John behold His glorious Transfiguration, Emanuel our Lord and King Thy Name we praise. Thy glory sing. Lo! stands Moses and Elias, Great Prophets of the chosen nation; Their prophesies are now fulfilled In Christ, the Lord's Transfiguration. Tell the vision to no man. He said 'Till Christ be risen from the dead. Lo! as white as snow His garments, The One Who saw the world's creation; Like the sun His face is shining — Emanuel's Transfiguration. Jesus, our Lord, our God and King Thy holy Name in praise we sing. (Feast of the Transfiguration.) Heart Throbs for God 11 Ztxo* SCfjp ^otoer, g)ttieet Bebeemer When the leper by the roadside Cried to Thee to make Him dean Thro' Thy love his prayer was answered By Thy power and might supreme. When the widow was in mourning And her heart with sorrow bled By Thy power Thou brought her comfort Raising Lazarus from the dead. At the marriage feast In Cana Thou made water into wine Thou hast power, O sweet Redeemer, To transform this heart of mine. When the sinner showed repentance And a firm and true belief Thro' Thy power, O sweet Redeemer, Thou forgave the hardened thief. Bring me back into Thy favor Keep my soul from all sin free Thro' Thy power that in a moment Calmed the stormy Galilee. 12 Heart Throbs for God ^abe ?B£f (© Horb, ©r Me ^ftall ^erisfl) Save us O Lord, or we shall perish In this frail bark on life's raging sea Calm the waters of a sinful world All our hope is placed in Thee. Save us from the storms of hateful sin Command them O Lord, that they shall cease Still the tempest in our wayward hearts Keep us safe with Thee in peace. Thou art the Lord of the land and sea The wind and the wave obey Thy call Calm the passions of my sinful soul My Lord, my God and my all. Heart Throbs for God 13 jforgibe J^ahonnu pieas;e Jf otgitje I humbly kneel at Thy tribunal My sinful past O Lord to bare, And sorrowing I ask Thy mercy Thy loving peace once more to share: — Forgive Rabonni, please forgive. I strike my breast in bitter sorrow To mend my way I here resolve No more my life shall cause Thee anguish My sinful past, dear Lord absolve: — Forgive Rabonni, please forgive. (At Retreat.) 1 4 Heart Throbs for God Mfiere tfje J^eart Jf inbs; ^eace anb 3Res;t Bring your sad hearts, worn and weary With temptation, grief or sin To the healing font of mercy Where our Saviour waits within To receive and give refreshment That sustains each wearied guest. In the holy tabernacle W^here the heart finds peace and rest. Bring your cold hearts, hard and bitter With privation, pride or strife To the gentle, blessed Saviour In the Sacrament of Life: Here the haughty will is humbled When you take Him to your breast And receive His love and mercy Where the heart finds peace and rest. Bring your glad hearts, warm and cheerful With the fire of faith divine To the sacrificial altar And partake the Bread and W^ine: Here your joyous soul refreshing With our Saviour's Great Bequest At the sacred banquet table Where the heart finds peace and rest. (The First Friday.) Heart Throbs for God 15 Mv ©^^^ 3&ebeemer iBtoto M Coming My dear Redeemer now is coming Within my heart once more to dwell, Ah! gladly do I here receive Him With happiness no tongue can tell. I feel Thy sacred Presence near me Thou Mighty God to be my guest! O keep me pure when I receive Thee O sacred Host within my breast. O sweetest Jesus do not leave me, Be Thou my strength and constant guide, When Thou art near I fear no evil, O keep me safe, with me abide. (At Holy Communion) 16 Heart Throbs for God ^uresft "^Tirgin at W^v ^fttine Purest Virgin at thy shrine, I pray that thou wilt intercede That Jesus, holy Son of thine, Will grant to me each grace I need: Thro' thee did wedding guests rejoice When He renewed the marriage wine O plead to Him with thy dear voice To hearken to each prayer of mine Thou who wep't beneath the cross, With sorrow-stricken Magdalene Whom Jesus cleansed from earthly dross O ask that I be made as clean: Thro' thee ere victory was won, Thy loved Son made me His brother To thee He saith, "Behold Thy Son" And to John "Behold Thy Mother." (At Mary's Shrine.) Heart Throbs for God 17 ®i)e l^^Xv ?^"5«^ In silent prayer O blessed Saviour Before Thy font of peace we kneel To offer Thee our love and homage Whom bread and wine doth here conceal: Thy blood was shed O dear Redeemer That we might live for Thee alone. For each misdeed and sinful pleasure O let this hour with Thee atone. In silent prayer and adoration We praise Thy true Divinity Our faith renewing in Thy Presence While we adore the Trinity: This holy hour is for Thee only, Our thoughts, our hearts, our love is Thine, O sacramental, hidden Saviour, Most Sacred Host, our God Divine. 18 Heart Throbs for God ©tpellings; of Cfjrifi^t THE HOLY PLACES O sweet Bethlehem O'er thy hills shone a gem That glittered above thee so bright, It was the new star That was seen from afar To guide men on that Holy Night. Dear Nazareth blest By thy most holy Guest, The Saviour Who came down to earth, You sheltered the three Joseph, Mary and He Who took on Himself lowly birth. Yes, fair Galilee And thy neighboring sea Thy fame will forever endure. Entwined is thy fame With the Lord's Holy Name Who brought men the Gospel most pure. Jerusalem, thine Is a name most divine. His footprints make thee sanctified, He cried over thee Ere He suffered for me On thy cross was He crucified And Thou Rome so fair Doth this holiness share, With thee hath His church found a home, Heart Throbs for God 19 We heed to the voice Of the Paraclete's choice — Christ's Vicar 'neath St. Peter's dome. May each holy place Be a channel of grace To keep my poor soul free from sin, And aid me to pray For His blessings each day, Thus help me salvation to win. ifWotfjer of Cfjrfet, ^ra|) for u^, ^ra|> Thou art ever our friend When thy Son we offend At His throne, His sweet mercy you sway The adored Trinity Loves none else like to thee Mother of Christ, pray for us, pray. Thou art ready to speak For the sinful and weak Asking Him, His just anger to stay, The Man-God whom thou bore Loves thee just as of yore Mother most pure, pray for us, pray. Thou oft go to thy Child For the thoughtless and wild And adoring, a kind word you say, May we ever adore Thine own Son more and more Mother of Love, pray for us, pray. 20 Heart Throbs for God Jesus, Son of Mary, hear my prayer: — When for loved ones lost I mourn And my heart with grief is torn Jesus, Jesus this I know That when Thou wert crucified Mary stood there by Thy side Jesus, Son of Mary, ease my woe. Jesus, Son of Mary, hear my prayer: — When my conscience speaks within And my soul is foul with sin Jesus, Jesus help me then. Wash away the sinful dross With Thy blood shed on the cross Jesus, Son of Mary, once again. Jesus, Son of Mary, hear my prayer: — At the solemn church-bell toll For my poor departing soul Jesus, Jesus O be near Let it not go in disgrace All unworthiness efface Jesus, Son of Mary, calm all fear. Heart Throbs for God 21 g)penb an ?^our iBtear 3ltmi Spend an hour near Jesus With His mother 'neath the cross 'Twas sin that caused His anguish And her sorrow at her loss, Hearken to His sacred words While He's dying here for you— He prays "Forgive Them Father For They Know Not What They Do.' Spend an hour near Jesus With the saintly Magdalene Who comforted the mother Whom the angels hail, their Queen: Tho' sin hath crucified Him By the cross are men set free, So watch and pray with Jesus 'Neath the cross on Calvary. Spend an hour near Jesus With His loved disciple, John W^ho followed with the Master Tho' the others now had gone; Be steadfast, true and loyal To the faith that God gave you And pray — "Forgive Them Father For They Know Not What They Do" (At the Stations of the Cross.) 22 Heart Throbs for God Come to Mv J^olp ^War Come to Me all ye who labor And I will give ye rest, Come to Me all ye who weary All ye who art oppres't And I will soothe thy sorrows And still the storms of strife, Come to Me for refreshment — For the Bread and Wine of Life. Come put on thy wedding garment Come, hasten to the banquet hall Partake the sacred Food of Christ Who gave His life to save ye all. Come to Me all ye in darkness And I will give ye light, Come to Me all ye who are astray And I will guide ye right, Come to Me all ye who hunger, Ye need the Food Divine, Come to My holy altar For the sacred Bread and Wine. (At The Mission.) Heart Throbs for God 23 g)t, ^lo^iiu^ ^rap for jMe O sweet and gentle guide of youth, Whose heart from sin was ever free, Thy soul hath seen the bliss of truth, St. Aloysius pray for me. Our blessed mother loved thy voice When it arose in fervent plea — With her in heaven you now rejoice, St. Aloysius pray for me. Teach me to guard my wayward heart And live in holy purity, Teach me to know life's better part, St. Aloysius pray for me. 24 Heart Throbs for God Me Mt^^ ^ftee S^olj^ Spirit {Confirmation Hymn) We bless Thee Holy Spirit Thou guide of God's true law, Thro' Thee we know His Majesty And worship Him in awe. Confirm us Holy Spirit Thou blessed paraclete, With all Thy seven-fold gifts of grace O make our lives complete. Descend, O Holy Spirit, Our weary hearts inspire And strengthen us, O heavenly Dove With Thy celestial fire. Protect us Holy Spirit, Thy favour we implore. Decree that we in heav'nly bliss The Trinity adore. Heart Throbs for God 25 ® (goob g)t, 3Fos;epf) Hear ©ur draper O spouse of Mary, Patriarch, Faithful to thy holy dream, Protect thy children of the faith Lead them to happiness supreme. O father Joseph, sanctified. Patron of the church of God, We pray thy aid that we may walk The holy way thy steps have trod. O blessed Joseph, glorified. Toiler for the Word Divine, The Holy Child Whom Mary loved Will grant for us each prayer of thine. O holy Joseph, guardian, Mary's grief thou oft did share. Be thou a solace in our need, O good St. Joseph hear our prayer. 26 Heart Throbs for God JSIegjSeb Spirit, paraclete O Blessed Spirit, Paraclete, True essence of the God divine Illume our hearts with holy light. On us Thy wond'rous glory shine. O Holy Spirit, Infinite, Our clouded souls seek light to live, Bestow on us Thy constant care, To us Thine endless kingdom give. Amen. (At Vespers.) Heart Throbs for God 27 When the proud and haughty angel 'Gainst the Most High did rebel, The dread abyss did Thou create Into which his cohorts fell — Yet when Eve did not obey Thee And from paradise was sent Thou didst promise a Redeemer And thro' Him did Thou relent. Lord, to bow my head in sorrow Seems a trifling thing from me Yet Thou saith there's joy in heaven When my heart returns to Thee. Tho' Thou saith unto Thy steward Who in dealings was unjust That no longer could he serve Thee — That he must forego his trust; Still with all my grievous sinning, Is Thine anger slow to vent. Lord, Thy mercy now o'erwhelms me — Gracious Saviour I repent. 28 Heart Throbs for God ® S>acreb J^eart MitI) ICobe ©'erflotoing O Sacred Heart my soul is pleading For Thy sweet love beyond compare, Remember not my wayward friendship, Once more Thy sacred bounty share. Give me the faith that never falters Grant me Thy love that never dies, The fullest grace of Thy Redemption O Sacred Heart Thy love impHes. Thou art the Light that clears the shadow, Thy love the wind and wave doth calm, And it shall be for all my sinning O Sacred Heart the healing balm. Far sweeter than seraphic music Is Thy sweet breath of love to me, O Sacred Heart, with love o'erflowing My humble love I give to Thee. (At Devotions To The Sacred Heart ) Heart Throbs for God 29 tICftou art Bear 3Co ®f)j> Creator Thou art dear to thy Creator His image stamps thy brow, He gave to thee His only Son Redeeming thus the vow That He made unto thy parents When they lost paradise: — He gave thee Christ to save from sin By His atoning sacrifice. Thou art dear to thy Redeemer His love surrounds thee still, He gave to thee His flesh and blood His promise to fulfill Ere evil did o'erpower Him And Christ, The Lamb was slain: — Thou soon will leave thy cleansing place And paradise regain. (Feast of All Souls.) 30 Heart Throbs for God m^Wm a Canble at tCfjp ^Jjrine, ifWotfjer Lighting a candle at thy shrine, mother, My heart I lift to thee in prayer, TeUing thee my beads one by one, mother, Thy fond love for Jesus to share: O ask Him to bless me to-day, mother, Thy request He will grant I know He is pleased when you intercede, mother. For thy loved children here below. Placing a jewel in thy crown, mother, I call thee blessed as thou art. Singing thy Canticle of Joy, mother, And loving thee with all my heart: thou art the truest of friends, mother, Thy comfort to me is divine 1 thank thee for thy kindly aid, mother. Lighting a candle at thy shrine. (At A Novena To The Blessed Virgin.) Heart Throbs for God 31 €re ®f)ou g>Ieep Ere thou sleep, tho' grown aweary From the turmoil of the day Kneel thou at thy bed in silence And to thy Creator pray. Ask forgiveness for each thoughtless Sin that tarnishes thy soul; Ask His aid that thou might ever Keep each passion in control. Thank Him for His many favors Life and raiment, laughter, tears All dependeth on His bounty Thro' thy few remaining years. Pray thy Saviour, ere thou slumber, That His love shall guide thee right Ask thou that He bring thee safely Thro' the watches of the night. 32 Heart Throbs for God lamerica (But i^ation* National Song Words by Music by Charles W. Rodgers Harry L. Harts O America our nation fair We pledge thee aid in peace or strife, Thro' thee comes our inherent right To freedom, happiness and life. Chorus We pledge allegiance to thy flag Proud emblem of thy liberty, We pledge allegiance to thy God Who guards thy noble destiny; We love thy rivers, hills and dales, Thy peaceful homes where virtue thrives, We stand united for thy cause — To thee we dedicate our lives. From thy broad Atlantic waters blue Unto thy golden western shore Thy loyal sons and daughters all Will keep thy banner to the fore. *Dedicated thro' the Military Order of the World War to the loyal men and women who served America during the World War. Adopted by the MiHtary Order of the [World [War as their official song and published by the Boston Chapter of the Order, 45 Milk Street, Boston. Proceeds go to the Hospital Committee for disabled vService Men. Copies of the words and music may also be obtained at the Oliver Ditson Music Co., Tremont Street, Boston. Price, fifty cents. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 018 392 213