R< ^'"•-■•W.iijg^j^^jg;;;^:;^^^'^;: Class ^ft^hS- Book , 4^3 /q/Z ^ DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTMANN. Superintendent SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS TALBOT COUNTY MARYLAND DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND LANDMARKS AND REPORT OF WORK OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY IN COOPERATION WITH UNITED STATES BUREAU OF FISHERIES AND MARYLAND SHELL FISH COMMISSION By C. C. YATES CHIEF OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PARTY ASSISTANT. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1912 y^ DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR U. «v. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTMANN, Superintendent SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS TALBOT COUNTY MARYLAND s^L>~l DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND LANDMARKS AND REPORT OF WORK OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY IN COOPERATION WITH UNITED STATES BUREAU OF FISHERIES AND MARYLAND SHELL FISH COMMISSION By C. C. YATES CHIEF OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PARTY ASSISTANT. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1912 t/ n. OF 0' DEC 5 1912 LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. Department of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, July 20, igi2. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report of the officer detailed from the Coast and Geodetic Survey to cooperate with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Mary- land Shell Fish Commission in surveying the oyster bars of the State of Maryland, together with certain technical results which are necessary for the interpretation and use of the plats of the survey made by the Government. This work has been done under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Sur\'ey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the Shell Fish Com- missioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland," approved May 26, 1906, and of the acts of Congress making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, and 1912. Respectfully, O. H. Tittmann, Superintendent. To Hon. Charles Nagel, Secretary of Commerce and Labor. 3 CERTIFICATION Baltimore, Md., May 4, igi2. The following publication is certified to contain correct technical descriptions of all boundaries and landmarks established in Talbot County by the Maryland Shell Fish Commission in cooperation with the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. C. C. Yates, Chief of Coast and Geodetic Survey Party, Assistant, Coast and Geodetic Survey. Examined and certified to be correct. Baltimore, Md., May 4, igi2. Walter J. Mitchell, Caswell Grave, Benjamin K. Green, Maryland Shell Fish Commission. Swepson Earle, Hydrographic Engineer. Note. — Certified copies of this publication and of the charts of the natural oyster bars of Talbot County were filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Talbot County and in the office of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners on July 20, 1912. 5 'nn^ CONTENTS, Page. Progress map follows 250 Letter of submittal 3 Certification 5 Introduction 19 Publications 19 Cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey 20 Cooperation of the Bureau of Fisheries 20 General statement of work of Coast and Geodetic Survey 20 Report of the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey: Instructions 22 Organization and equipment 23 Chronological statement of work 23 Statistics 25 General remarks 25 Charts and maps 27 Charts of natural oyster bars 27 Leasing charts 28 Projections 29 Progress maps 29 Boundaries of the county waters 30 Waters within territorial limits of county 30 Waters contiguous to county 31 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) 33 Explanation 33 Method of describing triangulation stations 33 Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters 36 Chart No. 31 (entrance to Eastern Bay and vicinity) — Thomas Point Shoal Light '■ 36 Bloody Point Bar Light 36 Tank 36 Straight 37 Mouth 37 Matta 38 Batts 38 Turkey 39 Needle 39 Cox 39 Rich Neck Water Tank (see also Chart No. 32) 40 Kemp Tower _ 40 Kemp 40 End (see also Charts Nos. 32 and 34) 41 La^vn (see also Charts Nos. 32 and 34) 41 7 g -=— r-wat Contents. Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) — Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued, Chart No. J2 (Eastern Bay and tributaries) — Page. Parsons 42 Parsons Island Water Tank 42 Norman 42 Alley 43 Bonnet 43 Brian Reference Station 44 Green 44 Benn 45 Hough 45 Won 45 Nose 46 Snout 46 South 47 Flat 47 Albert 48 Le Seur 48 Attila 49 Tobine 49 Sang 49 Turn 50 Go SO Divide 51 Princess 51 Philip 52 Granary 52 Mom 52 Bush 53 Nub S3 Wheel 54 Pick S4 Comer (Wye River) 55 Right 55 Chew 55 Wliale 56 Matter ■ 56 Deck 57 Quarter 57 Nodim 57 Gusta 58 Sylvia 58 Baldwins 58 Cousin 59 Lloyd 59 Edward 60 Colonel 60 Shaw 60 Bruffs 61 Law 61 James (Miles River) 62 Frank 62 Wood 63 Contents. 9 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) — Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. Chart No. J2 (Eastern Bay and tributaries) — Continued. Page. Herr 63 Ollie 64 Swing 64 Fair 65 Second 6j But 6s Aber 66 Two 66 Face 67 Mais 67 Beak 68 Rieman 68 Leeds 68 Johnson (see also Chart No. 34) 69 Lowndes 60 70 Draw. Chap... Villa... Easton . Henderson (see also Chart No. 34) 71 St. Michaels Water Tank (see also Chart No. 34) 72 71 Millwind . Deewat. Spar. . . Sara Seth . . . 72 ■ 72 73 73 ■ 74 Rich Neck Water Tank (see also Chart No. 31) 40 74 75 Pearson . Dixon. Lawn (see also Charts Nos. 31 and 34) End (see also Charts Nos. 31 and 34) 41 Rod (see also Chart No. 34) 75 Otto (see also Chart No. 34) 75 Chart No. jj (Chesapeake Bay, Poplar Island to Sharps Island) — Haddaway ; yg Valliant .' yQ Poplar South yy Great . 77 Front y^ Wap 78 Southern M. E. Church yg Black (see also Chart No. 36) yg, Sharps Island Light (see also Chart No. 36) 79 Jere (see aUo Chart No. 36) 70 Bar. 79 M. E. Church 80 Avalon 80 Schoolhouse Cupola 81 Peoples Chapel 81 Narrows 81 Eagle 81 lo Contents. Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) — Contimiod. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. Chart i\o. jj (Chesapeake Bay, Poplar Island to Sharps Island) — Continued. Page. Dunk 82 Hawk. . . 8z Smith 83 Briary 83 Vine {see also Chart No. 34) 83 Cummings {see also Chart No. 34) 84 Dan {see also Chart No. 34) 84 Edmond 85 Warrior 85 Ball 86 Hen 86 • Change 1910 {see also Chart No. 34) 86 Chef {see also Charts Nos. 36 and 37) 87 Chart No. 34 (Choptank River and tributaries) — Cummings (see also Chart No. 33) 87 Dog 84 Rabbit 87 Grace 3& Mink 88 HarrisDH 89 Clump 89 Lawn {see also Charts Nos. 31 and 32) 89 End {see also Charts Nos. 31 and 32) 41 Rod (see also Chart No. 32) 41 Otto {see also Chart No. 32) 75 Miller 75 Pink ." 90 Bozman 90 Bozman M. E. Church Spire 91 Koot 91 Fox 91 Dan {see also Chart No. 33) 92 Change 1910 {see also Chart No. 3$) 84 Nelson 3 86 Annette 92 Myrtle 93 Coal 93 Tobe 93 Wire 94 Blanco 94 Ned 95 Caulk 95 Fairbanks 95 Pine 96 Luna 96 Cabin 97 Skinner 97 Bald 97 Rose 98 Gram 98 Bengal 98 Contents. n Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations)— Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters)— Continued. Chart No. 34 (Choptank River and tributaries)— Continued. Page. Eastman 99 Woodill 99 Delta 100 Marion 10° Willis ' 100 Neptune loi Venus loi Mars 'oi Royal 102 Grave i°2 Ray 102 Willey 103 Judge lOj Thelma 104 Elmore 104 Beverly 104 Samuel 105 Ansley 105 Harper 106 Taft 106 Hopkins • 106 Spencer 107 Marshall 107 Clark 108 Holly 108 Marsh 109 Cedar loQ Ross 109 Cook 110 Peary no Irish Ill Roys Ill Pont 112 Sticky 112 Vue : 113 Ila ' 113 Creek 113 Benoni 2 114 Mutton ■ 114 Tred "S Bellevue 115 Tar " 115 Peck 116 Tall 116 Plain 1x6 Spin 117 Martin 117 Neva 118 Robertson 1 18 Stretch 119 May 119 1 2 Contents. Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) — Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. Chart \o. 34 — (Choptank River and tributaries) — Continued. Page. Peebee 119 Neck ... 120 Stab 120 Water 120 Radcliffe 121 Bateman 121 Melon 121 Gash 122 Camden 122 Blossom 123 Wall 123 Aye 123 Hunter 124 Weave 124 Twin 125 Toe 125 Trippe 125 Venture 126 Plow .• 126 Higher 127 All -7 Cam ::: Deux 12S Crack 128 Mistle 129 Layer 129 Borough '. 129 Golds 130 Mud 130 Town 131 Riverview {see also Chart No. 35) ; 131 Weather Bureau Staff {see also Chart No. ^;) 131 First {see also Chart No. 35). 132 Bach {see also Chart No. 35) 132 Boone {see also Chart No. 35 ) 132 Enter {see also Chart No. 35) 133 Straw {sec also Chart No. 35) 133 Delahay {see also Chart No. 33) 134 Kent (sec also Chart No. 35) 134 Harry {sec also Chart No. 35) 134 Charles {see also Chart No. 35) 135 Potato {sec also Chart No. 35'! 135 Ritter {see also Chart No. 35) 136 Show {see also Chart No. 35) 136 Kit {see also Chart No. 35) .■ . 136 Moke {see also Chart No. 35) 137 Poco (see also Chart No. 35) 137 Healey (see also Chart No. 35) 137 Maslin {see also Chart No. 35) 138 Mean {see also Chart No. 35) 13S Jay {see also Chart No. 35) 139 Contents. 13 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations)— Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. Chart No. 34 (Choptank River and tributaries)— Continued. Page. Berry (sec also Chart No. 35) 139 Landeye {see also Chart No. 35) • i39 Choptank River Light {see also Charts Nos. 35 and 37) 140 St. Michaels Water Tank {see also Chart No. 32) 140 St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire 72 Margo 140 Gibbs ' 141 Long 141 Beg '41 Search 142 Tug '42 Hunting '43 Spree '43 Whit '44 Dorrance '44 Tang '45 Johnson {see also Chart No. 32) 69 Henderson {see also Chart No. 32) 7' Bethel '45 Fig '45 Doctor '46 McConnell '46 Kirk '47 Ham '47 Comb '48 Hall - '48 Bamett ■ '49 Maiden '49 Stony '5° Chart No. 35 (Upper Choptank River)— Riverview {see also Chart No. 34) ^3' Weather Bureau Staff {see also Chart No. 34) 131 First {see also Chart No. 34) '3^ Bach {see also Chart No. 34) 132 Boone {see also Chart No. 34) , '32 Enter {see also Chart No. 34) '33 Straw {see also Chart No. 34) '33 Delahay {see also Chart No. 34) 124 Kent {see also Chart No. 34) '34 Harry («e 0/^0 Chart No. 34) '34 Charles {see also Chart No. 34) '35 Potato (.fee also Chart No. 34) I3S Ritter {see also Chart No. 34) '3^ Show {see also Chart No. 34) '3'' Kit {see also Chart No. 34) '3'> Moke {see also Chart No. 34) '37 Poco {see o/.ro Chart No. 34) '37 Healey {see also Chart No. 34) '37 Maslin {see also Chart No. 34) '3^ Mean {see also Chart No. 34) '3^ Jay {see also Chart No. 34) '39 14 Contents. Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) — Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. Chart No. J5 (Upper Choptank River) — Continued. Pauc. Berrj' (see also Chart No. 34) 139 Landeye (see also Chart No. 34) 139 Choptank River Light (see also Charts Nos. 34 and 37) 140 Chiora 150 Trappe 151 Lan 151 Rice 152 Inez 152 Gis 153 Grubin 153 Black Beacon 153 Ho wells 1 54 Red 1 54 Double 155 Boling 155 Rear 156 Chancellor 156 Barber 157 Duck 157 Jam 158 Spindle 1 58 Bank 158 Raccoon 159 Blind 159 Up 159 Myrtle 160 Hut 160 House 161 Saw 161 Wick ■. 161 War 162 Gander 162 Chief 163 Shell 163 Whitehall 164 Ferry 164 Shoal 165 R. Cambridge Tall Stack 165 K. Cambridge Spire 165 Cambridge Stand Pipe 165 Cambridge 165 Hambrooks Bar Beacon 166 Command 166 Dicks Water Tank 167 Howard 167 Toot 167 Le Compte 168 Large Water Tank 168 Castle 168 Contents. 15 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) — Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. Charl No. j(5 (Chesapeake Bay, vicinity of Little Choptank River) — l>agc. Sharps Island Light (see also Chart No. 33) yg Jere (see also Chart No. 33) ^g Black (see also Chart No. ;i^) 78 Chef (see also Charts Nos. 33 and 37) 87 Cook Point Windmill (see also Chart No. 37) 169 Braimock (see also Chart No. 37) 170 Robins (see also Chart No. 37) 169 James (Little Choptank River) (sec also Chart No. 37) 170 Chart No. yj (Little Choptank River and tributaries) — ■ Choptank River Light (see also Charts Nos. 34 and 35) 140 Comer (Choptank River) lyo Dot. 171 Chef (see also Charts Nos. 33 and 36) 87 Cook Point Windmill (see also Chart No. 36) 169 Brannock (see also Chart No. 36) 170 Robins (see also Chart No. 36) 169 James (Little Choptank River) (see also Chart No. 36) 170 Boundaries of Oyster Bars; Explanation 172 Method of describing boundaries iy3 Surveying methods for relocation of boundaries '. . . . 174 Boundaries of natural oyster bars in county ' — Chart No. J7 (entrance to Eastern Ba)' and vicinity) — Poplar Island (see also Chart No. ^o) 177 Lows Point («e ato Chart No. 33) 178 Marys Delight 178 Wades Point j-jg Sedge Marsh i^g Rich Neck 180 Tilghmans Point (see also Chart No. 32) 180 Upper Harris Creek (see also Charts Nos. 32 and 34) 181 Charl No. j2 (Eastern Bay and tributaries) — Tilghmans Point (jee a/.fo Chart No. 31) 180 Upper Hill 181 Aldridges Discovery 182 Horseshoe ' 182 Tiu-tle Back '. 182 Sea Turtle 183 Bozman Neck 183 Hambleton Hill 184 West End 184 Hambleton '. 185 Tidemill igc Scotland 186 Deep Water Point 186 Ash Craft 187 Second Point (see also Chart No. 34) 187 Wild Ground 188 Sycamore 188 East End • 189 ^ See separate publications for boundaries of natural bars in adjacent counties. 1 6 Contents. Boundaries of Oyster Bars — Continued. Boundaries of natural oyster bars in county — Continued. Chart No. J2 (Eastern Bay and tributaries) — Continued. Page. Herring Island 189 Wye TowTi igo Bruffs Island 190 Shaw Bay Hill 191 Race Horse (Talbot County) 191 Winders Bank 192 Poplar Point 192 Juniper 193 Upper Harris Creek (see also Charts Nos. 3 1 and 34) 181 Chart No. jj (Chesapeake Bay, Poplar Island to Sharps Island) — Poplar Island (see also Chart No. 31) 177 Lows Point {see also Chart No. 31) 178 Poplar Island Narrows 193 Bay Hundred 194 Pone 195 Stone (see also Chart No. 36) 195 Clay Bank (see also Chart No. 36) 196 Sharps (see also Charts Nos. 36 and 37) 196 Black Walnut (see also Charts Nos. 36 and 37) 197 Sands 197 Pleasant Hill (see also Charts Nos. 34 and 36) 198 Church Hill (see also Chart No. 34) 198 Wild Cherry Tree 199 Tumrow (see also Chart No. 34) 199 Tilghman Wharf 200 Change 200 Eagle Point 201 Turkey Neck 201 Mill Point 202 Hunts 202 vSeths Point 203 Lodges 203 Walnut 204 Smith Point 204 Little Neck (see also Chart No. 34) 205 Chart No. 34 (Choptank River and tributaries) — Little Neck (see also Chart No. 33) 205 Rabbit Island 205 Upper Harris Creek (sec also Charts Nos. 31 and 32) 181 Pleasant Hill (see also Charts Nos. ^t, and 36) 198 Dawson 206 Church Hill (see also Chart No. 3^)'. 198 France 206 Great M;u-sh 207 TiuTirow (see also Chart No. 3^) 199 Long Point Woods 207 Great Bar 208 Brown 208 Beep Neck 209 Mulberry Point 209 Broad Creek Middleground 2 10 Contents. 1 7 Boundaries of Oyster Bars — Continued. Boundaries of natural oyster bars in county — Continued. Chart No. ^4 (Choptank River and tributaries) — Continued. Page. WellPoint 210 Pompes 211 Coopers Point 211 Judys Point .212 Brushy Point 212 Willeys Island Flats 212 Holland Point 213 Harrison 214 Cedar Point. ... 214 Drum Point 214 Joe Harris Flats 215 Pin Cushion 215 Willeys Island 216 Fox 216 Royston 217. Irish Creek 217 Choptank Lumps {see also Chart No. 37) . 218 Benoni {see also Chart No. 37) . . 219 Light House (ieeafco Charts Nos. 35 and 37) ., 219 Back Shore {see also Charts Nos. 35 and 37) 220 Bachelor Point {see also Chart No. 35) 220 Fox Hole 221 Stone Church {see also Chart No. 35) 221 Town Point 222 Stewart Island 222 Goose Neck 223 Pecks Point 223 Mares Point 224 Louis Cove 224 Earnings Cove 225 Old House Point 225 Trippe 226 Bakers Cove 226 Marshy 227 Flatty 227 Orem ; 228 Double Mills 228 Johnston 220 Camden Point 229 Watermelon Point 229 Hopkins {see also Chart No. 35) 230 Willis {see also Chart No. 35) 230 Island Creek {see also Chart No. 35) 231 Matthews {see also Chart No. 35) 232 Second Point {see also Chart No. 32) i8y Old Orchard Gibsons Flats. BazzlesHill.., 232 ^33 233 Long Point 234 Bamett 234 23s 1 8 Contents. Boundaries of Oyster Bars — Continued. Boundaries of natural oyster bars in county — Continued. Chart No. JS (Upper Choptank River)— Page. Stone Church (see also Chart No. 34) 221 Bachelor Point (see also Chart No. 34) 220 Light House (see also Charts Nos. 34 and 37) 219 Back Shore (see also Charts Nos. 34 and 37) 220 Hopkins (see also Chart No. 34) 230 Willis (see also Chart No. 34) 230 Island Creek (see also Chart No. 34) 231 Matthews (see also Chart No. 34) 232 Chlora Point 235 Beacons 236 La Trappe 236 Howells Point 237 Dickinson 238 Kirby , 238 Scraping Line 239 Bolingbroke Sand 239 The Black Buoy 239 Sugar Loaf 240 Chancellor Point 240 British Harbour 241 Goose Point 241 Mill Dam 242 Jamaica Point 242 Spar Buoy 242 Chart No. jd (Chesapeake Bay, vicinity of Little Choptank River) — Clay Bank (see also Chart No. 33) 196 Sharps (see also Charts Nos. 33 and 37) 196 Stone (see also Chart No. 33) 195 Black Walnut (see also Charts Nos. 33 and 37) 197 Chart No. J7 (Little Choptank River and tributaries) — Sharps (see also Charts Nos. 33 and 36) 196 Black Walnut (see also Charts Nos. $3 and 36) 197 Choptank Lumps (see also Chart No. 34) 218 Benoni (see also Chart No. 34) 219 Light House (see also Charts Nos. 34 and 35) 219 Back Shore (see also Charts Nos. 34 and 35) 220 Appendixes: Appendix A. — Laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission 243 Appendix B. — "The Haman Oyster Culture Law" (extract from Second Report of Shell Fish Commission) 247 ,\ppendix C. — Summary of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey ' ' as now being carried on in Maryland 248 Appendix D. — Statistics of results of the combined operations of the Government and State . . 250 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, TALBOT COUNTY, MD. INTRODUCTION. PUBLICATIONS. The preparation of publications relating to the survey of the oyster bars of Mary- land has been divided between the Government and the State in accordance with the laws ' authorizing the work and the natural division of the surveying operations ^ of the cooperating forces. The publications prepared and issued by the Government under the direction of the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey consist of a series of charts and a technical report for each county surveyed.^ The charts show all legal boundaries of oyster bars within the adopted boundaries of the waters opened up for leasing with each county, and the location of all landmarks (Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used as a foundation for the delineation of these various boundaries. The technical report gives technical and legal descriptions of all oyster bar and other bound- aries, and descriptions of all landmarks shown on the charts, and includes the report of the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in charge of the work of that service in cooperation with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Com- mission. These charts and technical reports are prepared and certified for file with the courts and the Commission, as required by the laws of the State, and contain all infor- mation necessary to make a permanent record of the work of the Commission and the Government for all future requirements of the courts, or for any resurveys that may become necessary.^ The publications prepared and issued by the State under the direction of the Shell Fish Commission consist of annual reports ^ of all the operations of the Commission performed under the provisions of the laws of Maryland," including results of biological ' See Appendix A for laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau ol Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. 2 See Appendix C for a siunmary of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey" as now being carried on in Maryland. > These charts and technical reports can be obtained by apphcation to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington, D. C. The publications now ready for issue are those for Anne Arundel, Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester, Calvert, Charles, St. Marys, Baltimore, Kent, Queen Annes, and Talbot Counties. * The technical records and charts for each county are published separately on account of the requirements of the oyster- culture laws of the State and the practical considerations which make it desirable to have each county "opened up" for oyster culture as soon as practicable after the completion of its survey. For these reasons and the fact that these reports are each arranged for distribution and use in one comity only without reference to other published records, much of the text of this publi- cation is of necessity identical with similar previous publications for other counties. ^ These reports can be obtained by application to the Shell Fish Commissioa, Marine Bank Building, Baltimore, Md. They are issued annually in October, and the first, second, third, and fourth reports are now available for distribution. • See Appendix B for an extract from the ' ' Second Report of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. " giving a concise summary of the "Haman oyster-culture law." 19 20 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. and economic oyster investigations, methods and results of the hydrographic survey of the boundaries of oyster bars and crab bottoms, the administrative report and financial statement of the Commission, information relating to oyster culture, methods of sur- veying and leasing of oyster lots, and much other important matter of legal and scientific value. These two sets of publications are planned and arranged to supplement each other without unnecessary duplication, and when combined they form a complete report of operations, methods, and results of the work of both the Government and State.' COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, as the name of the service indicates, includes a survey of the coasts of the United States made on a geodetic basis. This has involved the gradual construction of a great framework of interstate triangulation for use as a foundation for detail hydrographic and topographic surveys, from which there has been compiled and published a complete set of charts of the coasts of the United vStates, including all waters of Maryland where oysters grow. This existing triangulation, hydrography, and topography is essential as a foundation for a correct and practical survey of natural oyster bars; and it being one of the fundamental func- tions of the Coast and Geodetic Survey to furnish such data, the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission is a practical and natural development of Government work leading to the conservation and increase of the supply of food. COOPERATION OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. The Bureau of Fisheries has cooperated with the Coast and Geodetic Sur\ey and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission principally as an adviser in matters relating to the biological and economic survey of oyster bars and the methods to be employed for that purpose.- A steam launch, rowing boat, and certain apparatus have also been furnished. The primary function of the Bureau of Fisheries is to increase the productiveness of marine and fresh waters by such measures as may be best suited to the purpose, and the services rendered in connection with the survey of the oyster bars of Maryland are strictly in line with the fundamental law under which it acts. In certain States other than Maryland similar work has been conducted by the bureau acting independently, the same ends being attained at greater expense to the Government. GENERAL STATEMENT OF WORK OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY.^ The results obtained from the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in coopera-- tion with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission need very little other summary than is indicated by the published "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" and the index of hydrographic projections and triangulation stations shown on the county progress maps attached to each report. ' See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and State." 2 Hon. George M. Bowers. Co mmi ssioner of Fisheries, has detailed for this service Dr. H. F. Moore, assistant. Bureau of Fisheries. 2 For a detail statement of the verj- large amount of excellent oyster-survey work of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission see the "Annual Reports of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission." Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 21 The triangulation has been carried on in accordance with the standard inethods of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, making this work and that of the "Descriptions of Triangulation Stations" of permanent value, not only to the State of Maryland in the survey of her oyster bars but also to the Government for any future work it may do in the regions covered by the oyster-survey operations. The hydrographic projections and published charts are prepared with all the accu- racy permitted by their large scale, especially as to the boundaries of the various shellfish bottoms in relation to landmarks, but this accuracy of location on the charts is further added to and permanently fixed by published technical descriptions which should minimize the probability of any future dispute as to either landmarks or boundaries. Stated another way, and quoting from the report of the "Survey of Oyster Bars of Anne Arundel County": The geographic positions of the permanent landmarks and signals have been determined with the usual precision of a trigonometric survey, and their locations at all points necessary to provide ample foundation for the surveying and charting operations permitted great accuracy of definition and loca- tion for the natural oyster-bar and other boundaries established. At the same time the very important element of permanency of the positions of boundaries has been secured, as tlie relocation of geodetic positions can always be accomplished by a competent surveyor, even though the original landmarks and monuments have been washed away, as has been the fate of hundreds of such points established by the Coast and Geodetic Survey on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay during the last 65 years. REPORT OF THE WORK OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY IN TALBOT COUNTY. INSTRUCTIONS. The following letters, together with the laws ' of the United States relating to the subject, constitute the "instructions" received by the chief of the Coast and Geodetic Survey party engaged on work in connection with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. They are short and definite, but furnish ample authority and leeway for all legitimate development of the cooperation of the Government and the State in the survey of oyster bars. The "free hand" permitted by these orders, together with the aid and many valuable suggestions received from the officers of the survey at Washington, have proved ver}- beneficial to the work and are greatly appreciated: Department of Commerce and Labor, Office of the Secretary. Washington, June 2, IQ06. Sir: In reply to juiir letter of May 28, requesting me to designate officers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries to cooperate with the State of Maryland in making survey of and locating the natural oj'Ster beds, I have the honor to inform you that Mr. C. C. Yates will be designated to cooperate on the part of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as soon as Congress makes the provisions of the act effective by providing an appropriation for the purpose. Respectfully, Lawrence O. Murray, Assistant Secretary. His Excellency Hon. Edwin Warfield, Governor of Maryland, Annapolis, Md. Department op Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, July J, IQ06. Sir: Upon the receipt of these instructions you will surrender the command, accounts, etc., of the steamer Endeavor to the Hydrographic Inspector * * *, As soon as this transfer is completed you will enter upon the duties of Coast Survey representative on the Shell Fish Commission of Marj'land. You will consult the Commissioners, prepare a program of work, and submit estimates in the usual form. You are authorized to come to Washington for consultation from time to time as may be necessary. ******* Very respectfully, O. H. TiTTM.\NN, Superintendent. Capt. C. C. Yates, U. S. C. & G. S. Steamer "Endeavor," Baltimore, Md. ' For these laws see Appendix A. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 23 ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. The personnel and occupation of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey have remained practically unchanged since the beginning of the "oyster survey." Besides the chief of party, it consists of the necessary triangulators, computers, draftsmen, and temporary employees required to carry on both the surveying operations in the field and the preparation for publication of oyster charts and technical records in the office at Washington. The equipment for the work of the party has been ample and satisfactory. The large living and office quarters furnished the Government on the Maryland Shell Fish Commission house-boat Oyster have been very convenient for the work, besides facili- tating efficient cooperation with the surveying and oyster investigation parties of the State. In addition to the accommodations on the Oyster, the Coast and Geodetic Survey party has had the constant use of the large launch Inspector and several other boats fur- nished by its own service, and the occasional use of the Bureau of Fisheries launch Can- vasback ' and the steamer Governor McLane ^ of the State Fishery Force. The greater part of the equipment of instruments for the operations of both the Government and State has been furnished by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and con- sists of all necessary theodolites, levels, sextants, drafting instruments, hydrometers, etc., required for all field and office work. CHRONOLOGICAL STATEMENT OF WORK. The field work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in Talbot County ' dates from July 6, 1909, when the Maryland Shell Fish Commission house-boat Oyster was towed by the State Fishery Force steamer Governor McLane to an anchorage in the northern part of Prospect Bay near the southern entrance to Kent Narrows. From this harbor as headquarters a few additional triangulation observations were made in Kent County, although the greater part of the work was confined to Talbot and Queen Annes Counties. On July 22, 1909, the house-boat was moved to the vicinity of Rockhall, and all field work in Talbot County was discontinued until August 13, 1909, when the Oyster was shifted back to Eastern Bay side of Kent Narrows, where she remained only two weeks. During this period Governor Crothers and party visited the house-boat and thoroughly examined into the manner and methods of the work of the Maryland oyster survey. On August 28, 1909, the Oyster was towed to Haddaway Cove in Talbot County, where she stayed for only three days on account of the exposed position of the anchorage. On August 31, 1909, the Oyster changed her anchorage to the very snug harbor inside of Poplar Island, where she remained until all the open Chesapeake Bay work was practically completed as far south as Tilghmans Island. While at this anchorage, one subparty living on shore was engaged on triangulation in Harris Creek with hired boats and an extra party of hands. ^ By courtesy of Dr. H. F. Moore, United States Bureau of Fisheries. ^ By courtesy of Capt. James A. Turner, commanding. ' The field work of Talbot County was so intermixed with that of Queen Annes and Dorchester Counties that the chronological statement of the work in one of these counties necessarily includes a considerable part of the work of the other two counties. 24 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. On September 22, 1909, the house-boat was towed to Dun Cove in Harris Creek. From this anchorage the triangulation of Harris Creek, as well as a considerable part of Broad Creek, was completed. On October 16, 1909, the house-boat was moved back to Eastern Bay and tied uj) at the railway wharf at Claiborne. From this point the triangulation of Eastern Bay and its northern tributaries west of Kent Narrows was practically completed. On October 29, 1909, the Oyster was moved to an anchorage in Tilghmans Creek, which is a branch of the Miles River. The next day completed a month's field work, which was notable as far as triangulation was concerned, on account of the number of stations which were established, marked, described, and located by observations. This number was 108, which is considerably larger than any previous month's record. A good part of this work was carried on by subparty living on shore at Cambridge. On December i, 1909, the house-boat Oyster was moved from Tilghmans Creek, where she had been for over a month, to an anchorage off St. Michaels. From this harbor the remaining triangulation of Wye River and Miles River was practically completed. On December 21, 1909, active field work in Talbot County for the calendar year was closed at St. Michaels, but a signal-building subparty continued field work from quarters on shore at Oxford for two days longer. On December 24, 1909, the field season for the Government parties was ofiicially closed, but the monthly employees remained on the house-boat at Baltimore preparing launches and boats for the winter. All officers were on leave from the 25th to 31st. On January 3, 1910, which was the first working day of the year, the winter's office work commenced, and the repairs to launches and construction of triangulation monu- ments were taken up on the house-boat Oyster by the foreman and two men. The office work, which consisted of the completion of records, revising descriptions of location of triangulation stations, triangulation computations, oyster-bar computa- tions, preparation of manuscripts of technical publications, drafting and scaling bound- aries of oyster bars, etc., continued without a break, except as noted in the following paragraph. During the period covered by the winter's office work the Maryland Legislature was in session, and as the consideration of oyster legislation formed a very important and prominent part of its proceedings, considerable time of the chief of party and his officers was expended in gathering and imparting information requested by various State officials. On March 14, 1910, a subparty was organized and put in the field to complete certain necessary details of triangulation in Talbot and Dorchester Counties. This party first went to St. Michaels, then to Cambridge, and finally to Oxford, where the main party on the house-boat was joined at the end of April. On April 30, 1910, the house-boat Oyster was towed from Baltimore by the State steamer McLane to an anchorage in Tar Creek, near Bellevue. While at this harbor the house-boat was cleaned, painted, and generally overhauled for the season's work, and at the same time triangulation was being carried on to completion in Tred Avon River, Island Creek, and other tributaries of lower Choptank River. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 25 Oh May 30, 1910, the house-boat shifted her anchorage to Tred Avon River off Oxford, where she remained until the practical completion of all the remaining triangula- tion and other oyster survey work in Talbot County except in the upper Choptank River. On June 30, 1910, the Oyster was towed to an anchorage off Cambridge, and from this point the oyster survey work of Talbot County in upper Choptank River was car- ried on to completion, together with that of Dorchester County in the adjacent region. On July 20, 1910, the house-boat Oyster was moved to the Patuxent River off Solomons Island, and no further field work was done in Talbot County except from June 20 to June 21, 191 2, when a small party was put in the field to complete certain necessary details of triangulation in Talbot and Dorchester Counties. The office work connected with the oyster survey of Talbot County, including the computation of geographic information and the drafting necessary for the preparation for publication of the oyster charts and the technical records of that county, was carried on intermittingly with the office work of other counties from the beginning of the field work in Talbot County on July 6, 1909, to the time of filing of the certified oyster charts and technical records in the archives of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission and with the clerk of the circuit court of Talbot County on July 20, 1912. ST.\TISTICS.' Landmarks and triangulation signals erected 315 Monuments planted to mark triangulation stations 311 Triangulation stations occupied for observations of horizontal angles 308 Old triangulation stations recovered 3° New triangulation stations established 3°^ Total old and new triangulation stations marked and described 336 Linear miles of shore line covered by triangulation (approximate) 230 Square miles covered by triangulation (approximate) 240 Hydrographic projections prepared and completed as records of oyster boundaries 14 Triangles computed 672 Geographic positions computed 33° Corners of oyster boundaries established by computation 671 Back azimuths and distances computed from corners of boundaries to triangulation stations 2, 013 Descriptions of triangulation stations prepared for publication 336 Descriptions of oyster boundaries prepared for publication 132 " Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" prepared for publication 7 Progress map prepared for publication i GENERAL REMARKS. Before ending this report the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey wishes to renew his statement of appreciation of the courteous assistance received from various Government and State officials and others interested in the oyster industry of Maryland, especially to the following: ^ These statistics only include field and office work directly performed by the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the oyster survey of this county, and do not include the many thousands of soundings and examinations of the character of the bottom made by the engineers of the Conunission, which are of considerable value to the Coast and Geodetic Survey as hydrographic records for future use in cormection with the preparation of new editions of charts of the waters of Mary- land. See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and the State." 26 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. To his colleague from the Department of Commerce and Labor, Dr. H. F. Moore, of the Bureau of Fisheries, whose well-known scientific knowledge of all matters relating to oysters has been of great value to the work. To Mr. Walter J. Mitchell, chairman of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, who, by his administrative ability in carrying out the complicated requirements of the oyster laws and by his unfailing tact, has made the cooperation of the various services engaged on the work both agreeable and effective. To Dr. Caswell Grave, secretary of the Commission, who, as editor of the Commis- sion's annual report and commissioner in charge of the biological and economic oyster investigations, has been brought into constant contact with the Government work and aided its operations in every way. To Mr. Benjamin K. Green, treasurer of the Commission, who has looked after the equipment and commissary of the house-boat in such a way as to add greatly to the comfort and convenience of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. To Mr. Swepson Earle, hydrographic engineer to the Commission, whose knowledge of the work from former service in the Coast and Geodetic Survey has greatly facilitated his practical use of the technical data furnished by the Government. And to the many others connected with the Commission or who as residents in the locality where the work was being carried on have greatly assisted by furnishing important information or willing services. CHARTS AND MAPS.' CHARTS OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. The charts of the natural oyster bars of Talbot County published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey from results of the surveys of the Government in coopera- tion with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission consist of seven sheets covering all the oyster-producing waters of that county. They are published on the large scale of I part in 20,000 (approximately 3-^ inches to a statute mile) and are constructed on polyconic projections; and all information shown on them is based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These charts show all oyster bars and other boundaries established by the Commis- sion, and are certified for the purpose of filing in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Talbot County and in the office of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, as required by the oyster laws of Maryland. In addition to the oyster bar and other boundaries, the charts show the location and name of all landmarks (United States Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used in making the survey, together with the hydrography and topography ^ necessary to make the technical definitions and delineations of boundaries readily under- standable both by the people engaged in the oyster industry and the general public who may become interested through leasing of barren bottoms for oyster culture. The names of the oyster bars are those used locally, as nearly as could be ascer- tained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. When there was no local name in common use, a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity. By the use of recognized names or those that would naturally suggest certain sections of water, it is believed that much confusion will be avoided in the location on the charts of the oyster bars, especially by those not familiar with the use of maps. The corners of the oyster bars are numbered from i to the total number of corners in each area under consideration. Where boundaries adjoin, making one point a corner of two or more oyster bars, these points have two or more numbers, each number corre- sponding to the bar in which the figure is located. The numbers of the corners correspond with the technical and legal descriptions of this publication under the heading "Bound- aries of natural oyster bars. " The landmarks and oyster bars have been grouped in the "Contents" of this publi- cation in accordance with the charts upon which they are shown. To find a particular oyster bar or landmark which is only known by name, consult the "Contents" and ' These charts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D. C. 2 Much of the detail of the inshore topograpliy was obtained from the excellent tnap of Talbot County, prepared and pub- lished by the Maryland Geological Survey under the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark from surveys of the Maryland Geological Survey in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey. 97 28 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. the desired chart and general location will be indicated. To find the name of a bar or landmark which is only known by location, consult the progress map at the end of this publication for the number of the chart on which it is to be found, and then examine the known locality on the chart for the name of the bar or landmark in question. The contours on the charts showing the depth of water at mean low tide have been taken from the hydrographic sheets of former work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Four curves were selected as being the most convenient for taking off from the original hydrographic sheets and the ones of greatest value to those interested in shell fish indus- tries. The I -fathom contour (6 feet) and the 5-fathom curve (30 feet) correspond in a general way to the inner and outer limits of all the oyster bars surveyed. The 3-fathom contour (18 feet) furnishes the curve of about the average depth of water on the oyster bars, and the lo-fathom contour (60 feet) serves in a general way to indicate the outer limits of probable oyster culture. The boundaries of the waters within the "territorial limits of the county" and the boundaries of the "waters contiguous to the county" opened up for the leasing with Talbot County are plainly indicated on the charts. A full technical description of these boundaries is given in this publication under the heading "Boundaries of county waters." The areas in acres of the oyster bars were determined under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by two independent planimeter measurements of the areas as delineated on the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These areas are given in small figures in parentheses on the face of the chart within the boundaries of the different shell fish bottoms. The symbols used on the charts for the different kinds of boundaries, triangulation stations, contours of depth of water, etc., require no other explanation than that given in the legend and other notes on the face of the charts. LEASING CHARTS. The leasing charts of Talbot County, like those for Anne Arundel, Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester, Calvert, Charles, St. Marys, Baltimore, Kent, and Queen Annes Counties, have been prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. They are constructed on polyconic projections on the scales of i part in 5,000 or I part in 10,000, as the needs of oyster culture may require, and the information shown on them is based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These charts show all the oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds and other boundaries established by the Commission, and also all boundaries of oyster lots leased for the purpose of oyster culture, thus making them comprehensive and valuable records of the results of the operations of the oyster-culture laws. The lots leased under the provision of the "old 5-acre law" are frequently of irreg- ular shape, but the lots leased under the provision of the new oyster laws must be of rectangular shape by the terms of that act. For this latter purpose the leasing charts have been divided by parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude into small rectan- gles of I acre or 5 acres, as may be best suited to the area under consideration, and Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 29 prospective leaseholders by the rules of the Commission are compelled to select whole rectangles as far as possible. For reasons of the present changeable nature of the number of lots leased and the large number of charts required, the leasing charts are not likely to be published for some years, but they can be seen at any time on file at the offices of the Commission, in the Marine Bank Building at Baltimore. PROJECTIONS. The polyconic projections' covering Talbot County waters are 14 in number and on the scale of i part in 10,000. They were constructed by draftsmen of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, but the sextant positions which determine the location of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars as delineated by the Shell Fish Commission were plotted by the draftsman of the Commission. A copy of each of these projections, with all the plotted positions of triangulation stations, shore line, sextant positions, and boundaries of oyster bars, was made under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by pricking through with a sharp needle the intersections of the projection lines and all other points as plotted on the original sheets. These projections (in duplicate) are the original records of all oyster bar and other boundaries established by the Commission, one set being filed in the archives of the Coast and Geodetic Sur\'ey, at Washington, and the other set in the archives of the Shell Fish Commission. PROGRESS MAPS. The progress map to be found at the end of this publication is on a scale of 1 part in 100,000, and shows in outline the work accomplished by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in Talbot County and contiguous waters. It gives the scheme of all the charts and smooth projections constructed in connection with the survey, the location and names of all triangulation stations used as a basis for the surveying work, and the "boundaries of county waters" established by the Commission for the purpose of carrying out the laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture. Besides indicating the amount of work done by the Coast and Geodetic Surv^ey in connection with the work of the Shell Fish Commission, this progress map will be of special value for index purposes to engineers and others searching for the particular chart or projection covering the locality of the oyster bars or landmarks that may be under consideration. The progress maps "^ accompanying the first and second annual reports of the Mary- land Shell Fish Commission were prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. They are on the scale of i part in 400,000, and show the outline of the tide-water counties of Maryland, with shaded areas to indicate the waters already covered by the operations of the oyster survey. 1 For the scheme of these projections see the progress map at the end of this publication. 2 These maps and reports can be obtained by application to Maryland Shell Fish Commission, Marine Bank Buikiiny. Baltimore. Md. BOUNDARIES OF THE COUNTY WATERS.' WATERS WITHIN TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF COUNTY. The laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture provide that "no person shall be permitted, by lease, assignment, or in any other manner, to acquire a greater amount of land than ten acres situated within the territorial limits of any of the counties, or one hundred acres in any other place." The boundary line ^ between the waters "within the territorial limits" of Talbot County and the waters in "any other place," as established by the Shell Fish Com- mission for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws, and delineated on the "oyster" charts and the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, is technically described and defined as follows : Commencing at the head of the oyster-producing waters of Wye River on the channel boundary- line between Talbot County and Queen Annes County; thence following the channel boimdary line between Talbot County and Queen Annes County down the upper Wye River to a point situated in the vicinity of the eastern end of Wye Island; thence continuing down the channel of the branch of Wye River running south of Wye Island along the boundary line between Talbot Count)' and Queen Annes County, as laid down on "Chart No. 32, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," to the mouth of Wye River; thence continuing along the boundary line between Talbot County and Queen Annes County, as laid down on "Chart No. 32, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," passing into Miles River in a curved line about half way between Herring Island and Bennett Point and then down Miles River to a point situated about 1I/2 miles northeast of Tilghmans Point in the Eastern Bay entrance of Miles River; thence continu- ing on the boundary line between Talbot County and Queen Annes County in Eastern Bay as laid down on "Charts Nos. 31 and 32, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," to a point situated in the Chesapeake Bay entrance of Eastern Bay defined by tlie intersection of the boundary line between Talbot County and Queen Annes County and a straight line between a point on Kent Point on the southern extremity of Kent Island defined by ^ latitude 38° 50' 05.1" and longitude 76° 22' 06.2" and a point situated on Wades Point on the eastern side of the entrance of Eastern Baj' defined by latitude 38° 49' 34.2" and longitude 76° 18' 04.5" ; thence in a straight line across the eastern half of the Chesapeake Bay entrance of Eastern Bay to a point on Wades Point defined by latitude 38° 49' 34.2" and longitude 76° 18' 04.5"; thence in a southerly direction along the mean low water line or across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay to a point situated on Lows Point defined by latitude 38° 46' 33.4" and longitude 76° 20' 07.4"; thence in a straight line across the northern entrance of Poplar Island Narrows to a point situated on the northern end of Poplar Island defined by latitude 38° 46' 42.8" and longitude 76° 22' 25.0"; thence along the mean low water line or across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, of the western shore of ' For a complete historical and legal description of the boundaries of the counties of Maryland, the valuable publication entitled " The Counties of Maryland— Their Origin. Boundaries, and Election Districts," prepared by Dr. Edward B. Mathews and pubhshed by the [Maryland Geological Survey under the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark, superintendent, should be consulted, as the boundaries described in this publication have been established and technically defined for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws of the State, and may or may not be correct for other purposes. ^ See "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars." published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the progress map at the cud o( this publication. ' Latitudes and longitudes based on the United States standard datum of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. 30 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 31 Poplar Island to a point situated on the southern end of the main part of Poplar Island defined by lati- tude 38° 45' 17.5" and longitude 76° 22' 43.6"; thence in a straight line across an inlet into Poplar Island Harbor to a point situated on the western extremity of the detached part of Poplar Island known as Coaches Neck defined by latitude 38° 45' 08.8" and longitude 76° 22' 35.3"; thence along the mean low water line or across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, of the western and southern shore of a detached part of Poplar Island known as Coaches Neck to a point situated on its eastern extremity defined by latitude 38° 44' 59-4" and longitude 76° 21' 46.5"; thence in a straight line across the southern entrance of Poplar Island Narrows to a point situated on the mainland on Great Marsh Point defined by latitude 38° 44' 56.0" and longitude 76° 20' 34.2"; thence in a southerly direction along the mean low water line or across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay to a point situated on the northern side of the entrance to Front Creek defined by latitude 38° 43' 47.5" and longitude 76° 20' 34.0"; thence in a straight line across the Chesapeake Bay entrance of Front Creek and Knapps Narrows to a point situated on the southern side of Chesapeake Bay entrance of Knapps Narrows defined by latitude 38° 43' 14.8" and longitude 76° 20' 27.6"; thence in a southerly direction along the mean low water line or across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay to a point situated on Blackwalnut Point on the northwestern side of the Chesapeake Bay entrance of lower Choptank River defined by latitude 38° 40' 06.6" and longitude 76° 20' 24.7"; thence in a straight line ending at a point situated on Cook Point on the southeastern side of the Chesapeake Bay entrance of lower Choptank River defined by latitude 38° 37' 55.7" and longitude 76° 17' 28.7" to a point on this line defined by its intersection with boundary line in lower Choptank River between Talbot County and Dorchester County as laid down on " Charts Nos. 33, 36, and 37, Natu- ral Oyster Bars, Maryland;" thence along the boundary line in lower Choptank River between Talbot County and Dorchester County as laid down on "Charts Nos. ^2:' 34' 361 and 37, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," to the entrance of upper Choptank River between Castle Haven Point and Island Creek; thence continuing along the boundary line between Talbot County and Dorchester Coimty iip the channel of upper Choptank River pass the city of Cambridge around Chancellors Point and pass the town of Choptank, all as laid down on "Chart No. 35, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland;" thence continuing up the channel boundarj- line of upper Choptank River between Talbot County and Dorchester County to the head of the oyster-producing waters. WATERS CONTIGUOUS TO COUNTY. The oyster laws of Maryland provide that a true and accurate delineation of all natural oyster bars shall be made on copies of charts of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, "which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said commissioners in the city of Baltimore," and "in the office of the clerks of the circuit courts for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie." For the purpose of carrying out the latter part of this section of the law and for the purpose of establishing the limits of the oyster-culture area to be opened up for leasing with each county surveyed, it is necessary for the Shell Fish Commission to establish a boundary line between the waters contiguous to but not within the terri- torial limits of each county and the waters contiguous to but not within the territorial limits of adjacent counties. This boundary Hne has been delineated on the "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars," pubhshed by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and is technically described and defined as follows : Commencing at a point in the Chesapeake Bay entrance of Eastern Bay defined by the intersection of the boundary line between Talbot Count}' and Queen Annes County, as laid down on "Chart No. 31, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," with a straight line across the Chesapeake Bay entrance of Eastern Bay, 32 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. defined at its western end by a point situated on the southern extremity of Kent Island in latitude 38° 50' 05.1" and longitude 76° 22' 06. 2" and defined at its eastern end by a point situated on VV'ades Point on the eastern side of the entrance of Eastern Bay in latitude 38° 49' 34.2" and longitude 76° 18' 04.5"; thence along the boundan,- line between Talbot County and Queen Annes County, passing into Chesapeake Bay between Kent Island and Poplar Island, as laid down on "Chart No. 31, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland," to a point situated in Chesapeake Bay about 3^^ miles southwest of Bloody Point Bar Light defined by latitude 38° 46' 06.6" and longitude 76° 26' 37.1"; thence in a straight line in a southerly direction with Chesapeake Bay to a point situated in Chesapeake Bay about 3^^ miles east of Hog Point and $^ miles southwest of Poplar Island, defined by latitude 38° 42' 33.4" and longitude 76° 27' 40.0"; thence in a straight line in a southerly direction with Chesapeake Bay to a point situated in Chesapeake Bay about 5>J miles soutlnvestof Sharps Island Light and $^ miles northwest of James Island, defined by latitude 38° 34' 29.6" and longitude 75° 26' 17.0"; thence along the boundary- line between Talbot County and Dorchester County, passing south of Sharps Island into the Chesapeake Bay entrance of the lower Choptank River, as laid do%\'n on "Charts Nos. 33, 36, and 37, Natural Oyster Bars, Mar>-land." to a point defined by the intersection of this boundary line with a straight line across the entrance of lower Choptank River, defined at its northwestern end by a point situated on Blackwalnut Point in latitude 38° 40' 06.6" and longitude 76° 20' 24.7" and defined at its southeastern end by a point situated on Cook Point in latitude 38° 37' 55.7" and longitude 76° 17' 28.7".' * Latitudes and longitudes based on the United States standard datura of the United States Coast and Geodetic Stlrvey. LANDMARKS (U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATIONS). BXPLANATION. The oyster laws of Maryland authorizing the survey to be made by the Shell Fish Commission provide for ' ' an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a descrip- tion of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by delineation on the maps and charts." The law of the United States author- izing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the erection of "such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland." Under the provisions of the sections of the laws stated above, the markings and descriptions of landmarks must be sufficient for the present and future needs of both the Government and the State. With this end in view, considerable work has been expended in erecting permanent monuments at the triangulation stations and in the proper description of their location. An effort has been made to arrange the descriptions of location and character of landmarks in a uniform and logical manner. The descriptions start with the assump- tion that the individual seeking a landmark has only an indefinite idea of its location. They gradually proceed from description of the general locality of a landmark to the descriptions of its immediate surroundings. This is followed by specific details of the character of the center and reference marks and a "round" of reference angles and distances which in themselves frequently contain enough information to furnish an independent and reliable location of the triangulation station. METHOD OF DESCRIBING TRIANGULATION STATIONS. The separate descriptions of triangulation stations should not be used without reading the following explanation of the method of describing the triangulation stations, as it con- tains certain details that are common to all the landmarks described in this publication and which are omitted in the separate descriptions as being needless repetitions : Name. — The title at the top of each separate description is the name by which the landmark or triangulation station is known and designated in all work and pub- lished oyster records or oyster charts of both the Government and State. The selec- tion of the name is usually left to the triangulator establishing the station, and it may or may not have geographic or other significance in reference to the locality. 53485—12 3 33 34 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. General locality. — Under this heading is given the general locality of the landmark in reference to well-known and prominent natural or artificial features, such as the nearest body of water, town, river, steamer wharf, well-defined point of land, church, or any other feature that is likely to remain both permanent and prominent. This heading also covers a reference to the published chart or map which shows the location of the station most clearly. Nearly all the triangulation stations described in this publication are plainly indicated by name and a triangulation symbol on the published charts of oyster bars of Maryland. In this case they are referred to by serial number only, the words "charts of oyster bars of Maryland" being omitted to avoid needless repetition. These published oyster charts are on the large scale of i part in 20,000 (approximately 3^ inches to a statute mile) and show the locations of the trian- gulation stations so clearly that in man}^ cases the written descriptions will not be required to find them. Immediate locality. — Under this heading is given the description of the "observed station" in reference to its immediate surroundings. This is supposed to include a statement of the station's estimated elevation above high water or some other well- defined level of the locality, such as a road or house; the character of the ground on which it is located, such as marsh land, sand beach, cultivated field, or meadow; esti- mated bearings in points of the compass and estimated distances in yards from {not to) easily recognized features, such as extreme end of point, edge of bluff, bank of creek, line of telephone poles, shore line, barn, house, fence, ditch, trees, or any other definite detail, such as being on range with the tangent of an island and a church, etc. When a standard monument has been established near the station as a "reference station," this heading also covers a statement of the true bearing of the monument in degrees and minutes and its measured distance in meters, as it is the first object that is likely to catch the eye when the immediate vicinity of the desired station is reached and might be mistaken for the center mark of the "observed station" unless special attention is called to it. The distinction between the "observed station" and "reference station" should be carefully noted by anyone making use of the description of stations for any future surveying operations. The "observed station" is located at the particular triangulation point covered by the description of stations, and is the one whose geographic position is first computed, as it is the point which was "occupied" and "observed on" for horizontal angles. How- ever, in spite of the primary importance of the location of the "observed station," it will be noted from the description of stations that frequently it is not marked as well as the "reference station," and in some instances has only a pine stub to indicate its position. This is the case for the reason that the necessity of intervisibility of land- marks usually made it compulsory to locate "observed stations" on edges of banks and ends of points of land, which in the tide-water section of Maryland generally means they will be washed away in a short period of years. The past experience of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in this region has shown the great need of "reference stations," if the frequent reestablishment of a new framework of triangulation is to be avoided. The chief reason and need for the establishment of the "reference station," or secondary station, as it might be well named, is explained in the preceding paragraph, Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Aid. 35 but in several instances other reasons, such as the location of the "observed station" on an unstable sand dune, in a cultivated field, in front of a residence, or other places objectionable to the landowner, have led to establishment of "reference stations." The location of the "reference station" in relation to the "observed station" is fixed for plotting on charts or for computation of its geographic position by checked measure- ments of its distances and azimuth from the "observed station." ' Marks. — Under this heading is given a description of the character of the permanent monuments or other marks of the location of the "observed station," and of the "refer- ence station" where one has been established. All the marks designated in the descriptions as "the center point of triangle on standard cement monument " are exactly alike. These monuments are made of cement, sand, and gravel, and are 2 feet long and 8 inches square at top and bottom. Their tops are all marked with the same brass mold and show a center hole surrounded by a triangle, with the letters "M. S. F. C." arranged around the vertex and the letters "U. S. C. S." underneath the base of the triangle. The center hole is always in the center of the top of the monument by construction, and if this is found to have been broken off without disturbing the bottom, the center of its square section can be used as the location of the station. All the "standard cement monuments," whether used for marking the "observed station" or "reference station," have been planted upright in exactly the same manner, with their tops projecting 3 or 4 inches above the surface of the ground, unless otherwise stated. Therefore, as the above facts in reference to the "standard cement monuments" are a constant element in all cases, the repetition of these facts in the description of stations is made needless by this one statement. References. — Under this heading are given the "rounds" of directions and distances to all objects that might be useful in locating the stations when the surface marks can not be found. It is also contemplated that for general purposes of topography, hydrog- raphy, or location of boundaries of oyster bars these references will be sufficient in many cases to relocate the position of an "observed station" or "reference station" when both of them have been destroyed. The first reference object given in the descriptions is always a triangulation station visible from the station being described, this, if possible, being a lighthouse, church spire, or other permanent and prominent point. Its direction is taken as being 0° 00' 00," and the directions of all other objects are measured from it as an initial point, the angles being taken in a clockwise direction (left to right). The true bearing ^ of the initial object is always given in parentheses alongside its name. This furnishes means for the calculation of the bearings of any of the other reference objects for the purposes of locating a station by horizontal angles or for the relocation of corner buoys of oyster-bar boundaries by the method of compass directions described in this publication under the heading of "Boundaries of oyster bars." 1 Geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude, distance, and azimuth) relating to any of the "observed stations" or of the " reference stations ' ' described in this publication can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D. C. ' The mean magnetic variation for Talbot County was 6° lo' west of north in 191 1 and increasing at the rate of 5' yearly. 36 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. The distances in the last column under "References" are given in three different units, which vary according to their accuracy. The "miles" are statute miles, and may be considered only as rough estimates. The "yards" are more accurate, but must be looked on as results generally. obtained by pacing or careful estimating. The "meters," however, are accurate to the degree indicated by their decimals and in every case have been measured with a steel tape. In the same manner, the accuracy of the directions are indicated by the refinement of angular measure with which they are recorded. THOMAS POINT SHOAL LIGHT. General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay offshore about 1% miles southeast of Thomas Point and 3 miles south of entrance to channel to Annapolis. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a hexagonal screw-pile structure known as Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse. References — a / n "Thomas 3" (N 56° 07' W) o 00 00 i>^ miles. BLOODY POINT BAR LIGHT. General locality. — Offshore of southwestern end of Kent Island on northern side of entrance to Eastern Bay about I'A miles southwest of Bloody Point and iX miles west of Kent Point. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on tower on caisson structure known as Bloody Point Bar Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Bloody Point Bar Lighthouse. References. — "Valiant" (S 4° 59' E) o 00 00 4^ miles. TENK. General locality. — Northern side of entrance to Eastern Bay on Kent Point about i^^ miles east of Bloody Point Bar Light. (vSee Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in about 2 feet of water 18 yards offshore of Kent Point, 50 yards southwest of point of land, and 65 yards south-southeast of another point of land. Cement monument marking reference station is 35.94 meters N 36° 15' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 3-inch square stub in water with top about on level with high water. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // " Bloody Point Bar Light" (S 86° 34' W) o 00 00 iX miles. Reference Station 57 11 30 35-94 meters. Chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm . . 169 26 s^i miles. "Rich Neck Water Tank" 175 48 10 5>^ miles. Flagpole on Claiborne train shed 181 14 4 j^ miles. Right chimney of house 188 34 4K miles. "Kemp Tower" 190 21 30 s}i miles. Right chimney of brick house 206 17 3^^ miles. Right chimney of house 240 12 4}^ miles. Chimney left of house among trees on Poplar Island 278 26 3fi' miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 37 STRAIGHT. General locality. — Northern shore of Eastern Bay on Long Point about 2% miles northeast of Kent Point, 21/i miles northwest of Wades Point and j4. mile northeast of entrance to Long Point Creek. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 35 yards west of edge of bank, 45 yards northwest of edge of bank near a tree, 80 yards south-southwest of fence corner, 245 yards south-southeast of fence corner at gate, and 175 yards east-southeast of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Needle" (N 48° 15' E) o Left tangent of Tilghmans Point 35 • Chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm. . 42 ' ' Kemp Tower " 83 Nail in blaze in red oak tree (22 inches diam- eter) 113 Right tangent of woods on Poplar Island. . . . 155 Left tangent of woods on Kent Point 179 South peak of building 264 East peak of bam 317 South chimney of house 330 00 00 ^yi miles. 07 45^8 miles. 27 4^8 miles. 46 00 2]/^ miles. 59 00 31.06 meters. 30 5^^ miles. 48 18 yi mile. 48 ^ mile. 10 % mile. MOUTH. General locality. — Northern shore of Eastern Bay on eastern shore of Kent Island about 1% miles north of Long Point, 3^ miles northwest of Claiborne \Wiarf, and 3X miles southwest of Bodkin Island. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 10 yards west of top of a bank with uniform slope to shore, 50 yards south of a small cove, and 20 yards south of a group of cedar trees near shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Matta" (N 5° 49' W) o 00 00 2^4^ miles. South gable of bam 2^ 41 4^' miles. West gable of house 33 35 . . • 2% miles. Right tangent of woods on Turkey Point. ... 50 25 3 miles. "Parsons Island Water Tank" 66 43 similes. North gable of barn 74 49 6X miles. Left tangent of woods on Tilghmans Point. . . 103 05 4X miles. South chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm 112 "Rich Neck Water Tank" 124 South gable of Claiborne Wharf house 137 "Kemp Tower" 154 09 3K miles. East chimney of Legg house 224 59 ^s mile. Chimney of small house 286 35 i^ miles. South gable of barn 342 46 ifi miles. 19 4 miles. 48 40 j,l4, miles. 41 3'^ miles. 38 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. MATTA. oo oo I mile. 54 2 miles. 30 5^^ miles. General locality. — Northern shore of Eastern Bay on eastern shore of Kent Island at western side of entrance to Shipping Creek about 2 miles west of Turkey Point. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 15 feet above high water, 125 yards southwest of extreme end of point, 25 yards northwest of dr)' ditch, and 200 yards northwest of lone cedar tree near shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° " Batts" (N 67° 45' E) o North chimney of house 17 Left tangent of woods on Tilghmans Point . . 54 North chimney of house on Tilghmans Point ' Farm 62 34 sJ^ miles. "Rich Neck Water Tank" 71 31 5>i miles. Left tangent of woods on Long Point 105 49 2^-< miles. Chimney of Greeve house 124 53 ^^ rai\e. South chimney of house 231 14 %" mile. South cupola on barn 247 39 ]/i mile. East chimney of house 273 58 1% miles. Chimney of small house 296 12 iX miles. West chimney of house 305 45 i>^ miles. BATTS. General locality. — Northern shore of Eastern Bay on southern end of Batts Neck between Shipping and Cox Creeks about i% miles northwest of Turkey Point. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 2 feet above high water, 21 )-ards north of shore, and 100 yards west of a wire fence extending 100 yards into bay. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Station "CoxES Creek," 1899, is 87. 70 meters N 72° 20' E of observed station and is marked by tlie center of a cross in the top of a granite post about 12 inches square in the rough and about 27 inches long projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. The top of the granite post is dressed to a 6-inch cube marked with a square cross and the letters U. S. Subsurface mark is center of neck of a bottle buried with top 3 inches below base of granite post. References. — o / // "Turkey" (S 58° 24' E) o 00 00 1% m\\i' miles. 06 50 II- 54 meters. 43 2yi miles. 54 6>2 miles. 40 3 miles. 57 $yi miles. 2 s 00 iS. 20 meters. General locality. — Western shore of Crab Alley Bay on Cox Neck about yi mile north of Eastern Bay and I mile northwest of Bodkin Island. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is at edge of a cultivated field on narrow neck of land about 3 feet above high water, 16 yards west of shore, 18 yards east of shore, and 80 yards northwest of extreme end of point. 40 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Tull" (N 12° 34' E) o 00 00 li/i miles. Chimney of small house 12 54 2}i miles. Chimney of house 21 19 2^4 miles. Cupola on bam 30 09 2%^ miles. Right comer of old bam 49 27 2^ miles. East chimney of large brick house 54 32 2% miles. Right tangent of Normans Point 61 40 2 miles. North gable of bam on Parsons Island 79 50 2}^ miles. Left tangent of Bodkin Island 123 47 ]/i mile. East gable of bam 227 02 ^ mile. Chimney of house 232 44 3 miles. Chimney of house 255 50 2]/% miles. RICH NECK WATER TANK. General locality. — On neck of land about halfway between Eastern Bay and Miles River about i^ miles south-southwest of Tilghmans Point. (See Charts Nos. 31 and 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on large water tank on steel tower on Rich Neck Farm. Marks. — Observed station is spindle on center of water tank. References. — None necessary. KEMP TOWER. General locality. — Southern shore of Eastern Bay on Wades Point about i mile southwest of Claiborne Wharf and $% miles east of Bloody Point Bar Light. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on tower or cupola of Wades Point Hotel, which is a large, square, frame structure adjoining a brick house. Marks. — Observed station is center of top of roof of cupola. References. — None necessary. KEMP. General locality. — Southern shore of Eastern Bay on Wades Point about i^i miles southwest of Claiborne Wharf and 4/s miles east by south of Bloody Point Bar Light. (See Chart No. 31.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 8 feet above high water, 30 yards east by north of a wire fence and several trees, 55 yards south-southeast of edge of bank, 90 yards east- northeast of a bungalow, 130 yards north by west of a wire and wood fence comer, 130 yards north- northwest of wooden fence, and 400 yards west by south of Wades Point Hotel. Marks.- — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Bloody Point Bar Light" (N 83° 37' W). .. . o 00 00 4^-8 miles. Nail in blaze in locust tree (14 inches diam- eter) I 41 30 35-07 meters. Left tangent of Kent Point 3 11 3f^ miles. Chimney on middle of house 17 12 3^ miles. Left peak of bam 25 21 4X miles. Chimney of house 31 04 3K miles. Left chimney of house 45 27 3 miles. Peak of main part of house 63 15 5^ miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 41 References — Continued. o / // Left tangent of Tilghmans Point 128 06 3)4 miles. "Dixon" (center of house) 130 07 50 2J4 miles. "Kemp Tower" 139 06 40 X ffl''e. Fence comer (wood and wire) 244 43 132 yards. Near comer of cook house 288 40 no yards. Nail in blaze in locust tree (7 inches diam- eter) 300 20 20 27. 23 meters. Right comer post of piazza 306 24 90 yards. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter). 210 43 30 26. 97 meters. END. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek on southwestern side of entrance to Northwest Branch. (See Charts Nos. 31, 32, and 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 5 feet above high water, and 4 yards west of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.76 meters S 83° 58' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° ' "Rod " (S 79° 51' E) o 00 West gable of bam 11 40 North chimney of Miller house 45 37 Reference Station 163 48 South gable of bam 208 51 200 yards. South chimney of Kirby house 218 48 200 yards. South chimney of house 259 20 K mile. West gable of tin-roofed bam 262 00 ii mile. South chimney of Harrison house 345 20 ^ mile. 00 J'8 mile. J4 mile. iX miles. 20 14.76 meters. LAWN. General locality. — Western shore of upper Harris Creek about X mile soutli of junction of Northeast Branch and Northwest Branch. (See Charts Nos. 31, 32, and 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in northeast corner of a lawn about 5 feet above high water, 10 feet southwest of top of vertical bank washed by high water, and 16 yards northwest of bathhouse and wharf. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "End" (N 17° 03' W) o Nail in locust stump 24 Cupola on bam 39 South chimney of Harrison house 54 North chimney of house 95 North chimney of house 139 North chimney of Miller house 143 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (18 inches diameter) 199 25 40 2.55 meters. Nail in blaze in cherry tree (24 inches diameter) 264 30 30 5.96 meters. 00 00 }i miles. 25 00 3.70 meters. J2 mile. 30 3.29 meters. i>'2 miles. 40 I mile. BONNET. General locality. — Eastern shore of Prospect Bay on Hood Point about i^ miles southeast of Hog Island and 'A mile west of Piney Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh ground about i foot above high water, 21 yards west of shore, 12 yards west of inlet, and 55 yards northeast of the extreme end of Hoods Point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe btu-ied with top 2 inches below base of monument. 44 Swrvey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — o / // "New Bam Cupola" (879° 29' W) o 00 00 iX ™'Ies. Chimney of house 24 11 i^ miles. East gable of bam 28 24 1% miles. North chimney of house 64 04 2 miles. South gable of bam go 43 2% miles. Chimney on small house 137 57 ^s mile. West gable of house 199 06 ifi miles. Chimney of small house 239 13 2^ miles. Chimney of small house 258 39 4^^ miles. South chimney of house on Kent Island 323 24 ifi' miles. Cupola on bam 353 09 1^ miles. BRIAN REFERENCE STATION. General locality. — Eastern shore of Prospect Bay on Brian Point, about i mile southeast of Piney Point, 2 miles northeast of Parsons Island, and yi mile west of entrance to Hog Hole Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 13 yards east of edge of marsh, 14 yards northwest of edge of marsh, 18 yards north of extreme end of point, and 40 yards southwest of a cultivated field. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — "Green" (S 8° 55' E) o Left tangent of woods on Bennett Point .... 4 Right tangent of woods on Parsons Island .... 65 Middle chimney of large brick house 84 Cupola of bam 102 "New Bam Cupola" log Left peak of large house 112 Near peak of house 282 Chimney of house 344 GREEN. 00 00 2j^ miles. 55 4 miles. 23 2/-4 miles. 37 2X miles. 34 2}^ miles. 56 20 2>^ miles. 08 254 miles. 47 X mile. 42 lyi miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of Prospect Bay on point at northern side of entrance to Greenwood Creek, about 3X miles northeast of Tilghmans Point, and 2^ miles north of Bennett Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sanded marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 5 yards northwest of shore, 26 yards northeast of shore, 53 yards east by north of a point of shore, 37 yards southeast by east of a point of shore, and 105 yards south-southwest of a point of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Benn" (S 0° 45' W) o Cupola of bam 19 Right tangent of woods on Tilghmans Point ... 52 ' ' Parsons Island Water Tank " 115 East chimney of brick house 124 42 3J-^ miles. Peak of small house 155 05 4 miles. Chimney outside of house 165 43 4 miles. Near peak of bam 178 20 3 miles. Peak of house 235 45 i mile. Chimney of house behind bam 316 01 ^ mile. Square chimney of house 345 41 iX miles. 00 00 2^/4 miles. 16 10 6 miles. 01 3H miles. 03 50 2^2 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 45 BENN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River on Bennett Point at western side of entrance to Wye River. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 75 yards northeast of extreme end of point, 100 yards southwest from edge of wood, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theodolite. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 1 foot above sxuface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Hough" (N 57° 41' E) o 00 00 J-l mile. Cupola of bam 70 45 i mile. " Rich Neck Water Tank" 203 33 3X miles. South chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm 215 59 3 miles. " Parsons Island Water Tank " 271 55 4^ miles. Right tangent of house 288 21 6H miles. HOUGH. General locality. — Northwestern side of entrance to Wye River on a point about J-^ mile northeast of Miles River and X mile southwest of north end of Bruffs Island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a grass point about i foot above high water, 16 yards north of shore, 22 yards south of shore, 15 yards west of extreme end of point, 11 yards east of small pool in marsh, and 200 yards east of woods. Marks. — -Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Referetices. — o / // "Won" (N 9° 29' E) o 00 00 J'g mile. Near peak of building 7 22 2^ miles. Right side of chimney of house 17 20 2% miles. Near peak of long bam 28 43 i^ miles. Piazza post of house in woods 62 14 yi mile. Windmill 128 24 J^ mile. Windmill 181 48 4X miles. Tall, slender tree in woods 271 57 200 yards. Black walnut tree 339 23 200 yards. WON. General locality. — Western shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on tlie west about 14 mile northwest of northern end of Bruffs Island, and ^ mile northeast of southern end of Bennett Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on small marsh point, about i foot above high water, 4 yards northwest of shore, 4 yards west of shore, 4 yards nortli of shore, and 40 yards southeast of large, lone, black walnut tree. Cement monument marking reference station is 22.80 meters S 15° 31' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch stub projecting 5 inches above 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. 46 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — o / // "Nose" (N 28° 05' E) o 00 00 yi mile. Near peak of large bam 23 20 J/i mile. Side peak of roof of house 25 18 J/i mile. Near peak of house 47 Left large chimney of house in woods 8i Right corner of building on Bruffs Island .... 98 Windmill 126 Near peak of fisherman shanty 161 Reference station 167 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (2 inches diameter). 210 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (3 inches diam- eter) 262 Nail in h'aze in walnut tree (30 inches diam- eter) 290 Right c.f^'ner of right chimney of house 337 26 i]/i miles. 08 X niile. 41 yi mile. 52 40 1% miles. 03 100 yards. 25 50 22.80 meters. 23 00 12.54 meters. 3° 10 10.81 meters. 10 38.12 meters. 14 mile. NOSE. General locality. — Western shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the west on a point about 5,^ mile north-northwest of Bruffs Island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate loculily. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 4 yards southwest of shore. 6 yards north of shore, 14 yards west-northwest of extreme end of point, and 34 yards east of a row of locust trees. Marks. — Obs(>rved station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.— o / // "Stop" (N 12° 09' E) o 00 00 'imile. Church cross i 55 2 miles. Chimney of cottage 3 03 i|-| miles. Nea'' peak of house 37 22 yi mile. Lef< peak of house 67 25 ^ mile. Right comer of house on Bruffs Island 152 55 J^ mile. "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire" 183 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 184 Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diam- eter) Nail in blaze in locust tree (9 inches diam- eter) Near peak of large house between two chim- neys Nail in blaze in locust tree (7 inches diam- eter) 280 Tangent of point 316 SNOUT. 10 ^J4 miles. 20 s>^ miles. 237 58 5° 34-45 meters. 256 32 10 28.31 meters. 266 og X mile. 280 50 50 31.44 meters. 16 100 yards. General locality. — On Wye Island on the eastern shore of tlie branch of Wye River, bounding Wye Island on the west about }^ mile north of Bruffs Island and 3 2 mile north of Bordley Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 12 feet above high water, 30 yards east by south of edge of bank, 65 yards south of large cherry tree in side of bank at fence, 65 yards south- west of rail fence, 70 yards northeast of a small clump of trees at edge of bank, and 400 yards west by north of a house. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 47 oo oo ]/2 mile. lo ]/i mile. 07 30 6^4 miles. 30 10 6}^ miles. 21 30 64.78 meters. 02 >2 mile. 45 'A ™ile. 42 10 34-39 meters. 34 iX miles. 36 i}i miles. 50 10 63.29 meters. 00 ^ mile. 41 50 K mile- Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "South" (S 20° 34' E) o Left peak of boat house ig "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire" 38 "St. Michaels Water Tank " 39 Nail in blaze in locust tree (10 inches diam- eter) 49 Peak of house between two chimneys 99 Near peak of small house m Nail in blaze in tree (8 inches diameter). ... 179 Near peak of bam 186 Left comer of house 203 Nail in blaze in fence post 246 Near peak of house 249 Left peak of house 296 SOUTH. General locality. — On southwestem end of Wye Island on Bordley Point on the northem shore of the junction of the two branches of Wye River bounding Wye Island about ^i mile north-northeast of Bruffs Island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a pasture on a rounded point about 10 feet above high water, 11 yards northeast of edge of field, 13 yards north of edge of field, 22 yards northwest of edge of field, 30 yards southeast of cut in cliff, and 50 yards southwest of point of water bushes at gully. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o "Flat" (N 55° 27' E) o Right chimney of house 19 Windmill 64 Spindle on bam cupola 134 Left chimney of house in woods 153 Left peak of building 173 45 4>^ miles. Peak between two chimneys of house 244 27 J^ mile. Left chimney of house 317 37 . . >. H mile. Near peak of house 343 21 2 miles. FLAT. 00 00 ^•2 mile. 30 lyi miles. 34 30 iX ™iles. 55 20 !/<■ ™iles. 45 K mile. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern shore of the branch of Wye River boxmding Wye Island on the south on a point between two coves about 1 mile northeast of Bruflfs Island and % mile northeast of Bordley Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 8 yards north of shore, 8 yards southwest of shore, 12 yards west of extreme end of point, 17 yards east of south end of line of several trees on edge of bank 3 feet high, and 45 yards east of a black gum tree 5 feet in diameter at ground. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried \vith top 2 inches below base of monument. 48 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — o / // "Albert" (N 84° 31' E) o 00 00 3^ mile. Left comer of tower of house 30 33 iX miles. Windmill 62 55 40 i^ miles. Spindle on bam cupola 119 34 1 5^ miles. Front peak of boat house 134 02 i mile. Left tangent of black gum tree 158 06 40 44 yards. Near peak of house 249 34 J^ mile . Spindle on cupola 351 ri 10 J^ mile. Windmill 352 15 30 ^ mile. Near peak of Baldwin house 354 50 J^ mile. ALBERT. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northwestern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on a point about iX miles east-northeast of north end of Bruffs Island, and opposite entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 17 yards northwest of shore, 28 yards east of shore, 35 yards south of shore, and 75 yards north-northeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Le Seur" (N 1° 03' E) o 00 00 300 yards. Baldwin windmill 65 11 40 fi mile . Flagstaff on Baldwin boat house 67 59 400 yards. Windmill on wooden tower 125 16 30 i mile. Peak of house with several chimneys 127 08 i mile. Chimney outside near end of old house 170 05 i mile. Front peak of boat house 231 10 iX miles. Peak between two chimneys of house 269 40 iX ™iles. Left peak of house 274 45 J4 mile. Peak of house 347 47 X mile. LE SEUR. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northwestern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about yi mile north of a prominent point opposite entrance to Lloyd Creek . (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a clump of small trees about 3 feet above high water, 1 1 yards east of shore, 12 yards southwest of shore on line to next point, and 12 yards north by east of shore . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Attila" (N 31° 07' E) o 00 00 X ™'le. Near peak of .large bam 56 55 H mile. Spindle on cupola 6i 52 50 X mile. Right comer of chimney of Baldwin house . . 72 24 J4 mile. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (4 inches diam- eter) 140 45 50 4. II meters. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (5 inches diam- eter) 201 19 40 7.60 meters. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (3 inches diam- eter) 255 56 30 6.74 meters. Nail in blaze in walnut tree (3 inches diam- eter) 304 08 10 7.27 meters. Survey oj Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 49 ATTILA. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northwestern shore of the lirimch of \\')'e River bounding Wye Island on the south about K mile north of entrance to Lloyd Creek at north side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on slope of a point about 3 feet above high water. 10 yards west of shore, 10 yards north-northeast of shore, and 11 yards northwest of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 ijiches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Tobiiie" (N 15° 18' E) o 00 00 '4' mile. , Near peak of very large bam 97 30 .-'s mile. Near peak of house 104 53 fs mile. Spindle on cupola 128 31 50 % ™ile. Left comer of Baldwin house 132 48 X mile. Flagpole on wharf house 146 43 % mile. Windmill 163 31 i}i ■miX^s. Nail in blaze in cedar stump (10 inches diam- eter) 197 07 20 8.36 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 347 34 10 38.64 meters. TOBINE. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northwestern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about ^i mile north of entrance to Lloyd Creek on point at north side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on point of a cultivated field about 6 feet above high water, 4 yards north of edge of field, 4 yards southwest of edge of field, 5 yards west-northwest of point of field, and yi mile east-southeast of a bam with cupola. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Sang" (N 6° 21' W) o 00 00 % mils. Right comer of house 16 ig Ji mile. Near peak of large bam 143 19 }i mile. Cupola of Baldwin bam 173 35 10 '^ mile. Right peak of Baldwin house 175 17 .. , ^'s mile northeast of entrance to Dividing Creek and Ji mile west of entrance to Granary Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in marsh land about 1 foot above high water, 4 yards north of shore, 18 yards east by north of a large oak tree at shore, 4 yards south of foot of bank 10 feet high covered with vegetation, and 10 yards west by south of a white oak tree on bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Philip" (S83° 05' E) o Chimney of house on Pickerings Creek 15 Right peak of large bam no Baldwin windmill 121 Cupola of Baldwin stable 121 Nail in blaze in white oak tree (3 inches diam- eter) 163 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (14 inches diam- eter) 25s Right tangent of old wharf 351 00 00 ■)s mile. 16 i|^ miles. 22 I mile. 01 i^ miles. 40 iX miles. 26 00 5.65 meters. 36 20 3.01 meters. 19 1 50 yards. 52 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. PHILIP. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on western side of entrance to Granary Creek and ^2 mile east of entrance to Divid- ing Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 3 yards north of shore, g yards south-southwest of shore of creek, 9 yards west of extreme end of point, and 6 yards southeast of point of bank 4 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.62 meters N 18° 12' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch cedar stub projecting 2 inches above 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Granary" (S 63° 59' E) o 00 00 % mile. Baldwin windmill 113 44 20 i^'g miles. Near peak of ell of house 141 49 i^ miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diameter). i6g 10 50 9.33 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter). 210 13 30 18.09 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (7 inches diameter) . . 238 45 30 4.41 meters. Reference station 262 11 40 4.62 meters. Tangent of point 321 20 y^ mile. Near peak of large building 358 32 2 miles. GRANARY. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on point at eastern side of entrance to Granary Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is among water bushes on marsh land, about i foot above high water, 10 yards northeast of shore, 11 yards west of shore, 12 yards north by west of extreme end of point, and soyards from trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References . — a / // "Mom" (N 89° 30' E) o 00 00 j 8 mile. Large chimney of building 24 48 \% miles. Right tangent of point 85 34 % mile. Left end of bam 176 08 i,;^ miles. Left tangent of old wharf 199 54 yi mile. MORN. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south, about 300 yards east of entrance to Granar)' Creek and }^ mile northwest of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 4 yards northwest of shore, 4 yards northeast of shore, and 6 yards southeast of foot of wooded slope to field 12 feet above high water. Cement monument marking reference station is 3.82 meters N 33° 52' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch cedar stub projecting 2 inches above 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2-inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground . Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 53 32 42 00 00 % mile. 01 }4 mile. i>2 miles. References. — "Bush" (N 83° 20' E) Tangent of point Near peak of building Tangent of foot of slope ... 56 33 /i mile. Right tree on point 120 06 . . • X ™'le Tangent of woods 182 21 % mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diameter) 202 15 50 2.49 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter). 241 37 00 5.47 meters. Reference station 242 48 00 3.82 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (7 inches diameter) 244 46 50 6.68 meters. BUSH. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on north side of entrance to a small cove, about lA mile east of entrance to Granary Creek and i-i mile northwest of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.). Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land, about 7 feet above high water, 4 yards northeast of edge of bank, 9 yards northwest of point of curve of land, 22 yards west of tangent of land at tree, 30 yards west-northwest of scattering trees, and 50 yards northwest of a point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Nub" (883° 55' E) o Tangent of point 46 Largest cedar tree on point of high bank 96 Nail in blaze in locust tree (2 inches diameter) 102 Tangent of point .■ 166 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (5 inches diameter) 180 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (10 inches diam- eter) 348 25 20 20.04 meters. NUB. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on eastern side of entrance to a creek about 's mile east of entrance to Granary Creek and } i mile north of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 2 yards east of shore, 20 yards southwest of shore, 45 yards west of shore, 20 yards south of extreme end of point, and 16 yards north-northwest of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 15.10 meters N 83° 01' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch cedar stub set in 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Wheel" (84° 10' E) . o Chimney on house 30 Largest cedar on point of high bank. 47 Large oak tree 94 Large oak tree 143 Large oak tree 226 Reference station 267 Nail in blaze in cedartree (8 inches diameter).' 296 Nail in blaze in oak tree (5 inches diameter). . 333 Nail in blaze in oak tree (4 inches diameter). . 349 27 06 00 yi mile. . . . . . . X mile.. % mile. 10 3.81 meters. Jkt mile. 00 8.65 meters. 00 00 . . . yi mile. 02 yi mile. 16 yi mile. SS H mile. 43 H ™ile- 17 150 yards. II 20 1510 meters. 57 30 16.81 meters. 04 40 19.64 meters. 37 20 . . . . 20.87 meters. 54 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. WHEEL. General locality. — On Wye Island on the northern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on a point about ' s mile southeast by east of entrance to Granary Creek and K mile northwest of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observe*! station is on marsh point south of woods, about i foot above high water, 2 yards east of shore, 4 yards southeast of point at slight cut in marsh, and 40 yards north of square point of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.26 meters S 86° 47' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch cedar stub set in 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried \\-ith top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground . References. — o / // "Pick" (S 12° 31' E) o 00 00 34 mile. Left peak of building o 04 ^ mile. Right tangent of woods iii 05 i mile. Large oak tree 129 21 K mile. Nail in blaze in oak tree (14 inches diameter). 219 10 Nail in blaze in oak tree (9 inches diameter) . . 230 46 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter). 262 26 Reference station 285 44 Left peak of large building 299 31 Chimney showing over fence 308 54 '/^ mile. Right peak of large bam 359 34 J4. mile. PICK. 40 . 21.66 meters. 50 18.74 meters. 00 ...,., 19.26 meters. 00 5.26 meters. i/i mile. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the soutli on western side of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 15 feet above high water, 25 yards southwest of edge of field at line of cedar trees, 22 yards west of gully, 40 yards south-southeast of a small clump of trees beyond small gully, and 300 yards east-southeast of fringe of cedar trees along edge of field northeast to east of gully. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Comer" (N 77° 40' W) o 00 00 j^ mile. Nail in blaze in cherry tree (6 inches diam- eter) 42 Left peak of bam 58 Front peak of house 104 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) . no Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) . 134 Near peak of house 152 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (5 inches diameter) 169 37 Left peak of large bam 243 36 Right peak of house 314 37 54 00 36.64 meters. 21 j% miles. 57 lyi miles. II 50 27.24 meters. 46 00 26.37 meters. II 5's mile. 50 23.00 meters. % mile. X mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 55 oo 00 }i mile. iS oo 50.41 meters. 21 I mile. 58 40 47.11 meters. 49 1% miles. 02 i',< miles. 16 00 61.44 meters. II V mile. CORNER (Wye River). General locality. — Southern shore of tlie branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about l^ mile west of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cidtivated land about 15 feet above high water, 50 yards soutliwest of edge of bank, 55 yards south of gully, 70 yards north-northwest of trees in depression, and 120 yards west of point of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Right" (N 2o°45' W) o Nail in blaze in large elm tree 16 Near peak of building 18 Nail in blaze in one of twin elm trees 63 Near peak of house loi Left peak of house with two chimneys 113 Nail in blaze in oak tree (14 inches diameter). 162 Near peak of large bam 238 Right comer of large house 275 51 ryi miles. Chimney on middle of large house 280 01 i mile. RIGHT. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on a point about '/^ mile soutneast of entrance to Granary Creek and yi mile northwest of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in tree-fringed cultivated land about 15 feet above high water, 7yardssouthof edgeof bank,9 yards from point of bank at path, 1 5 yards north west of edge of bank, and 120 yards east of fence in depression. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Chew" (N 71° 45' W) o Left chimney of long house in woods 33 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 76 Left one of two large chimneys showing over the trees 131 Left corner of building 168 32 .' lyi miles. Nail in blaze in hickory tree (xo inches diam- eter) 182 29 40 10.80 meters. Nail in blaze in elm tree (10 inches diam- eter) 243 Right peak of house 269 Windmill to right of two large cupolas 287 00 00 yi mile. 06 I mile. 18 00 8.25 meters. o'! I mile. 35 00 29.80 meters. 37 yi mile. 12 % mile. CHEW. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about ;' 8 mile southeastof entrance to Granary Creek and ^ mile west-northwest of entrance to Pickerings Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Obser\'ed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 6 yards north- east of foot of bank 12 feet high, 12 yards west of point of shore, and 10 yards northwest of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of groiuid. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. .S6 Sun'ey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — c / // "\\Tiale" (N 77° 32' W) o 00 00 >| mile. Large oak tree 72 58 % mile. Tangent of point 131 iS ^ mile. Left end of building 138 38 yi mile. Near peak of building 175 Near peak of large bam 179 Xail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 284 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) 348 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diameter) 358 W^ALE. \yi miles. I mile. 33 18. 19 meters. 47 ID 9.57 meters. ;8 20 21.82 meters. General hcalily. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on a point at western side of entrance to a small cove about 'i mile south of entrance to Granarj' Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Obserxed station is on a sand-and-grass point about 2 feet above high water, 2 yards south-southeast of shore , 4 yards west-northwest of shore , 9 j-ards southwest of extreme end of point , and 7 yards east by north of foot of a terraced bank about 15 feet high. ifarks. — Obser%-ed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Matter" (N. 77° 03' W) o 00 00 >^ mile. Near peak of larger bam 52 33 ^ mile. Large oak tree 115 39 }^ mUe. Near comer of building 175 40 i^ miles. Near peak of large bam 178 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 286 06 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diameter) 309 33 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diameter) 315 23 MATTER. 45 1^ miles. 30 9.40 meters. 10 5.50 meters. 40 9. 49 meters. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about 'i mile east-southeast of entrance to Dividing Creek and f s mile west-southwest of entrance to Granary Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on small grassy point about i foot above high water, 3 yards south of shore, and 2 yards north of foot of tree-fringed bank 5 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.58 meters S 0° 32' E of obser\-ed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch cedar stub set in 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried ^vith top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument pro- jecting 5 inches above surface of groimd. References. — ' " Deck" (N 78° 05' W; o Left tangent of wharf 62 Near peak of large bam on Pickerings Creek . . 180 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (14 inches diam- eter) 204 REFERE.VCE ST.4TIOK 257 Nail in blaze in one of twin cedar trees (8 inches diameter) 276 33 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 303 43 GO 00 200 yards. 43 '^ mile. .... i-'», miles. 05 32 50 2.31 meters. 20 8.^8 meters. 10 5.72 meters. 30 2.42 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 57 DECK. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on a point about K mile southeast of entrance to Di-\-iding Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Obser\-ed station is at edge of water bushes on a grass point about i foot above high water, 4 yards south of shore. 10 yards west of a round point, 20 yards east of shore, and 30 yards north of shore . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsiuf ace mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — " Quarter" (S 38° 13' W) o 00 00 ^ mile. Chimney of house 43 " i>^ mUes. Tangent of point of land 74 32 X mile. Left tangent of old wharf 149 46 400 yards. South peak of large bam 170 41 H mile. Tangent of point of land 206 49 500 yards. Left cedar tree on point 243 41 200 yards. QUARTER. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about 14 mile south -southeast of entrance to Di\4ding Creek and at east side of entrance to a cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on bank in a cultivated field about 12 feet above high water. 2 yards southeast of edge of bank, 100 yards south of trees and break in bluff, and 120 yards north of edge of bank at point. Marfej.— Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 1 inches above siu-face of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Nodim" (N87° 45' W) o 00 00 >^ mile. Near peak of bam i iS i>i miles. Chimne)- outside near end of house 10 34 i>i mUes. Near comer of bam 53 27 >i mile. Right tangent of old wharf 112 25 "-smile. Right peak of large bam 304 41 . 3/( mile. Baldwin windmill 317 20 . . . J s mile. Near peak of house 354 43 i 'i mUes. NODIM. General locality. — Southeastern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about H ™ile southwest of entrance to Dividing Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality.— Observed station is in cultivated land about 4 feet above high water, 4 yards south of shore, 8 yards southeast of shore, 25 yards southwest of shore of marsh, and 13 yards south of comer of marsh. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Gusta"(S2i''o8' W) o 00 00 ^ mUe. Near peak of house 42 04 iH miles. Left peak of house 63 19 i mile. Chimney outside left end of house 134 07 j s mile. Right comer of house 152 55 H mile. Right tangent of wharf 220 29 ^ mile. Baldwin windmill 354 18 f^^mile. 58 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. GUST A. General locality. — Southeastern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south about J-s mile north-northeast of entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 8 yards east of edge of bank, 12 yards southeast of edge of bank, 17 yards northeast of edge of bank, 35 yards north-northeast of a depression, and 65 yards southwest of end of cut in bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a r n "Sylvia" (S 22° 57' W) o Left tangent of house on Bruffs Island 26 Left chimney of house 45 Peak between two chimneys of house 51 Right peak of house 80 Cupola of bam 88 Left corner of house 155 Right peak of large bam 312 00 00 yi mile. 06 2 miles. 15 lYi miles. 42 2 miles. 53 I mile- 46 y^ mile. 40 f^ mile. 09 ,^8 mile. Baldwin windmill 350 13 I^s mile. SYLVIA. General locality. — Southeastern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on second prominent point north of entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 11 yards east by south of edge of bluff, 22 yards northeast of lone locust tree 2 feet in diameter at the edge of the bank, and 400 yards northwest of a large bam. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' " "Baldwins" (S 27° 13' W) o Nail in blaze in locust tree (24 inches diam- eter) 24 Very large lone tree 40 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diameter) 53 Left peak of bam 73 Cupola of building 106 Near peak of large house 156 37 i mile. Near peak of large bam 273 21 l-i mile. Baldwin windmill 334 37 X ni'lc- Peak of near gable of Baldwin house 336 06 % vaWe^. Spindle on cupola 336 51 % mile. BALDWINS. General locality. — Southeastern shore of the branch of Wye River, bounding Wye Island on the south on a point about }i mile north of entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32 .) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a short, sharp point of marsh about 100 yards north of a yacht landing, 7 yards northeast of shore, 10 yards southeast of shore, 12 yards east of extreme end of point, and 8 yards west of foot of bank 8 feet high . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above sittface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 00 00 j^ mile. 12 20 19-9° meters. 21 22 yards. 42 20 13-37 meters. 23 ^ mile. 19 f^ mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 59 References. — "Cousin" (S 25° 13' E) o Flagstaff on yacht-landing house 11 Windmill 27 Left peak of bell cupola 27 Spindle on bam cupola 62 Front peak of boathouse on Bruffs Island .... 77 Near comer of left chimney of house iii Near peak of barn with cupola 175 Near peak of bam 215 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 248 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 311 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 324 COUSIN. 00 00 J4 mile. 27 100 yards. 44 lyi miles. 55 i>^ vaWes. $3 2 miles. 51 iX miles. 37 K mile. 20 Vi mile. 40 I mile. 59 50 7.91 meters. 47 20 5.36 meters. 04 5° 13-45 meters. 00 )-i mile. 50 2 miles. 05 1% miles. 13 lyk miles. 31 J^ mile. 42 200 yards. 08 yi mile. General locality. — Southeastern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south, about 1% miles east-northeast of north end of Bruffs Island and at northern side of entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a pasture about 9 feet above high water, 25 yards east of edge of bank, 65 yards south-southeast of a small clump of trees in bottom land, 65 yards north of trees, 60 yards north of edge of a field, and 200 yards south of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' " Lloyd" (S 36° 07' W) o 00 Spindle on bam cupola 8 04 Front peak of boathouse 26 Left peak of house 63 Chimney of house 91 Peak of near gable of Baldwin house 135 Windmill on large bam 187 Right peak of house 209 44 350 yards. Left peak of bell cupola 333 34 i mile. Windmill 334 19 ^ mile. LLOYD. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of East Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south, at western side of entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 12 feet above high water, 70 yard? soutliwest of edge of bank, 65 yards south of edge of bank, 65 yards north-northeast of point of woods and bottom land, and 120 yards northwest of an oak tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above siurface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Edwards" (N 84° 02' W) . .0 Near peak of house 32 Left peak of bam 52 Near peak of house 76 Peakof near gable of Baldwin house 109 >fear peak of bam 122 Right peak of large house 132 Large oak tree 208 00 00 ^ mile. 43 I mile. 18 i>i miles. 14 H mile. 28 % mile. 59 14 mile. oi I mile. 57 30 120 yards. 6o Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. EDWARD. General locality. — Southern shore of the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on a point at eastern side of entrance to Shaw Bay, about ^^ mile east-northeast of north end of Bruffs Island and 's mile west of entrance to Lloyd Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 8 feet above high water, 8 yards southeast of edge of a bluff which is washing away, and 30 yards soutliwest of a line of large trees at edge of bank and field. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of grovmd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biu'ied with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Colonel" (So° 10' W) o Windmill ^i Front peak of boathouse 64 Peak between two chimneys of house 114 Near peak of house 146 Chimney of house 170 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (13 inches diam- eter) 201 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 216 09 10 26.95 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (10 inches diam- eter) 235 55 Windmill 309 41 00 00 yi mile. 28 20 ..... . iX miles. 02 }4 mile. 10 1^8 miles. 12 J/i mile. T.% miles. 06 56 40 26.40 meters. 40 31-55 meters. 00 % mile. COLONEL. General locality. — Southern shore of Shaw Bay on a point at entrance to a small cove about yi mile from the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south and yi mile east of Bruffs Island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a field about 10 feet above high water, 6 yards southeast of edge of bank which is washing away, 9 yards south-southwest of point of bank, and 3 yards west of top of bank lined with cedar, walnut, and oak trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 18.69 meters S 24° 06' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch stub projecting 4 inches above 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Shaw" (N 68° 13' W) o Peak of roof between two chimneys of house . 19 Near peak of house 48 Peak of near gable of house 100 Nail in blaze in oak tree (20 inches diameter) . no Nail in blaze in oak tree (6 inches diameter) . . 183 Nail in blaze in oak tree (7 inches diameter) . . 213 Reference Station 224 Near comer of house on Bruffs Island 355 SHAW. 00 00 }4 mile. 29 i^i miles. 21 1]/$ miles. 57 lyi miles. 05 CO 5.21 meters. 40 6.46 meters. 40 13.45 meters. 50 18.69 nieters. Ji' mile. General locality. — Southern shore of entrance to the branch of Wye River bounding Wye Island on the south on norchern end of Bruffs Island about 3 s mile southwest of Bordley Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in walnut, pine, and cedar woods, about 15 feet above high water, 7 yards southwest of edge of bank, and 100 yards north-nortliwest of a house. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 61 Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Won" (N 69° 43' W) o Peak of house between two chimneys 39 Chimney on right end of house 77 Near peak of large bam 88 00 00 yi mile. 56 J/i mile. 44 ij^ miles. 54 lyi miles. Near peak of house 137 02 ij^ miles. Chimney of house 1 74 Right comer of left piazza post 234 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (28 inches diam- eter) 235 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (24 inches diam- eter) 268 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (15 inches diam- eter) 291 BRUFFS. 1% miles. 10 100 yards. 00 29.32 meters. 35 20 24.30 meters. 10 15-98 meters. General locality. — Eastern shore of Wye River on northwest point of Bruffs Island about Vi mile northeast of Bennett Point and % mile southwest of Bordley Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 10 yards east of shore, 14 yards southwest of shore, 20 yards southeast of point of marsh, and 18 yards west of point of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — or// "Law" (82° 07' W) o "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire" 17 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 17 Cupola of barn 38 Near peak of large bam 54 30 3^^ miles. Large walnut tree 118 55 yi mile. Peak between two chimneys of house 156 Near comer of house 184 Right peak of house 208 Nail in blaze in tree (4 inches diameter) 257 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (3 inches diam- eter) 278 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) . 310 Smokepipe of building in woods 314 00 00 yi mile. 35 20 <^yf, miles. 50 20 5^ miles. 15 00 4J-S miles. 15 Y% mile. 29 iy% miles. 24 Yi mile. 20 30 ..'.... 17.38 meters. 50 27.96 meters. 30 4127 meters. 200 yards. LAW. mile General locality. — Southeastern shore of Wye River about y mile east of Bennett Point and southwest of south end of Bruffs Island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 15 feet above high water, 8 yards southeast of edge of a bluff, 45 3'ards southwest of a wire fence, 100 yards northeast of a clump of trees, and 150 j'ards northwest of a black walnut tree at edge of field. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 62 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — "James" (S 36° 41' W) " Rich Neck Water Tower" Chimney of house on Tilghmans Point Farm . . Cupola of right bam Near peak of large barn Right corner of building in woods Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) . Left peak of house Nail in blaze in black walnut tree (7 inches diameter) Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter). Black walnut tree (18 inches diameter) Right comer of bam Large cedar tree o 00 00 ^2 mile. 47 20 10 4yi miles. 57 48 3K miles. 58 SI SK miles. 128 41 ii4 miles. 169 31 }4 mile. 182 21 50 38.67 meters. 199 10 2 miles. 206 30 30 45.23 meters. 224 46 40 59.96 meters. 284 14 150 yards. 297 53 X mile. 338 23 100 yards. JAMES (MILES RIVER). General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River at southern side of entrance to Wye River, about J's mile southwest of Bruffs Island and S/s mile southeast of Bennett Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 20 feet above high water, 17 yards east of edge of a bluff at shore, and 14 yards south of edge of a bluff 18 feet high, with uniform slope to shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with toji 2 inches below base of monument. References. — • o / // " Frank" (S 3° 18' W) o 00 00 X mile. "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire" 15 09 4>^ miles. " vSt. Michaels Water Tank" 17 06 4^4 miles. South chimne)' of house 63 16 4 miles. South chimney of house on Tilghmans Point farm 97 Right tangent of Tilghmans Point 109 Chimney of small cabin 174 West gable of bam 190 22 23f miles. Cupola of bam 297 26 5 s mile. 14 3>2 miles. 08 3X miles. 03 i5-s miles. I'RANK. General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River about yi mile south of entrance tu Wye River and I mile northeast of Herring Island. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 18 feet above high water, 8 yards east of a bluff washed by high water, and 125 3'ards south of a ditch. Cement monument marking refer- ence station is 25.51 meters S 87° 47' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Wood" (S 12° 55' E) o 00 00 X mile. " St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire " 32 13 4X miles. " St. Michaels Water Tank" 34 18 4>8 miles. East gable of bam 59 33 3 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 63 References — Continued. ° " Rich Neck Water Tank" 105 South chimney of house on Tilghraans Point farm 117 Right tangent of Tilghmans Point 129 South gable of small house 185 Reference station 285 Cupola on bam 289 East chimney of house 335 WOOD. 14 ^yi miles. 24 3>^ miles. 22 3^ miles. 22 iX miles. 08 10 25.51 meters. 06 i/i mile. S3 i>i miles. 00 00 2il4 miles. 29 3X miles. 49 lyi miles. 56 \4 mile. 53 4 miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River about 1% miles southeast of Bennett Point, il4 miles east-northeast of Herring Island and s^ mile north-northwest of entrance to Woodland Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 18 feet above high water, 18 yards east of shore and top of vertical bank 18 feet high, and 3 yards south of a wire fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Pearson" (N 65° 24' W) o Right tangent of Tilghmans Point 5 Left tangent of marsh on Bennett Point 36 West gable of bam 127 "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire" 266 ' "St. Michaels Water Tank " 269 09 3>-^ miles. North chimney of house 321 42 3 miles. South chimney of house on Tilghmans Point farm 353 51 3,^8 miles. HERR. General locality. — In Miles River, on Herring Island, about iX miles southwest of entrance to Wye River. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sandy ground in the center of Herring Island, about 2 feet above high water, 30 yards northeast of shore, and 30 yards southwest of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Rich Neck Water Tank" (N 77° 26' W) o North chimney of house on Tilghmans Point. farm 16 Right tangent of Tilghmans Point 31 South gable of bam 81 North chimney of small house loS Cupola of bam 149 North gable of bam 19S East gable of bam 209 40 3 miles. Left chimney of Seth house 333 42 2 miles. Nortli chimney of house 345 25 2H miles. GO 3 miles. 2>s miles. 2'!/i miles. 7 miles. 2}i miles. 17 1J/2 miles. 40 il4 miles. 59 6^ Survey of Oyster Bais. Talbot Cotinly, Md. OLLIE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River about i mile nortJi of entrance to Leeds Creek, and %■ mileVortheast of Deep Water Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in woods about 8 feet above high water, 6 yards west of edge of bank which is washing rapidly, and 8 yards northeast of large pine tree at edge of bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.42 meters N 74° 15' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top flush.with surface of ground. Sub- surface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of the ground. References. — " " Swing " (S 1° 20' W) o Nail in blaze in pine tree (3 feet diameter). . . 25 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 37 Weather vane on house on Deep Water Point Tarra 57 Near peak of house 91 Chimney of house on Tilghmans Point farm . . 130 Right tangent on Tilghmans Point 140 " Parsons Island Water Tank" 157 Left tangent of main woods on Bennett Point . 1 72 Chimney on right end of house in woods 180 Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diameter) . 240 Reference st-^tion 284 Nail in blaze in pine tree (7 inches diameter) . 285 Nail in blaze in pine tree (7 inches diameter) . 316 SWING. 00 00 %■ mile. 56 00 7.62 meters. 58 20 2}^ miles. 10 I mile. 55 I? ^ miles. 38 4^ miles. 03 4>2 miles. ig 40 7X miles. 00 3 miles. 00 4 miles. 27 10.56 meters. 24 40 1442 meters. 22 10 IO-5S meters. 39 12.52 meters. General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River about y^ mile northwest of entrance to Leeds Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land between river and small pond about 4 yards east of shore, 18 yards west of pond, 100 yards south of point of woods, and 100 yards northwest of another point of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 54.35 meters N 62° 04' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top Hush with surface of ground. Sub- surface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — a / >/ "Fair" (S 35° 08' E) o Between two chimneys of large house 14 Right one of two dormer windows on old house 29 Peak between two chimneys of Mulligan house 45 "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire" 83 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 90 Square chimney of large house 114 Weather vane on house on Deep Water Point farm 141 Chimney on house on Tilghmans Point farm. 173 Tangent of Tilghmans Point 181 Reference station 277 00 00 yi mile. 25 lyi miles. 54 39 i-J^ miles. 50 20 \yi miles. 00 50 ij^ miles. 25 iX miles. 42 3^ mile, 38 5 miles. 51 lYf. miles. 12 30 54-35 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 65 00 00 X tnile. 01 I mile. 05 M mile. 51 }i mile. 46 3X miles. i miles, i miles. 37 iH miles. I mile. 40 17-37 meters. 30 1 1 -15 meters. 10 15-48 meters. FAIR. General locality. — Eastern shore of Miles River on Fairview Point at northwestern side of entrance to Leeds Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 2 feet above high water, 9 yards northeast of shore, 16 yards northwest of shore, and 13 yards north of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of grotmd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Second" (N 36° 37' E) o West peak of Oliver house 8 Peak of tower on Norris house 19 Comer post of porch of Rieman house 86 Near peak of gable on house at Pebbly Beach . j 2 5 Large tree near several buildings in yard 152 40 i| North peak of large house 160 West chimney of house 181 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 207 14 50 iK miles. Weather vane on square tower of house on Deep Water Point farm 258 58 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 286 52 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (14 inches diam- eter) 296 47 Nail in blaze in cedar tree 334 59 SECOND. General /ocafa^y.— Nortliwestem shore of Leeds Creek about % mile northeast of Miles River. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on small marsh point just east of cedar woods about i foot above high water, 5 yards west of shore, 13 yards north of shore, and 25 yards south of bend in shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe, buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "But" (N 15° 49' E) o 00 00 1^ mile. South peak of bam 7 5° i mile. Near comer of house 24 19 . . .• i}i miles. Brick smokestack at Tunis Mills 32 27 2>^ miles. Spindle on tower of house 46 46 H mile. Northeast peak of large building 60 Cupola on bam 141 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diameter). 222 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) . 249 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 281 50 10 6.57 meters. BUT. General /oca/!«>'.— Northwestern shore of Leeds Creek, about sg mile north of Miles River, and at northeastem side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a small marsh point, about i foot above high water, 11 yards south-soutliwest of shore, 8 yards west of point of shore, 7 yards north of shore, 7 yards east of pas- ture land, 100 yards southwest of a clump of trees, and 6 yards from a line of cedar trees extending north and south. S348S— 13 5 02 yi mile. II 14 mile. 10 10 9.31 meters. 34 40 5.78 meters. 66 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. oo oo X niile. 51 H mile- 52 X mile- Marks. — Observed station is center point of triang'.e on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Aber" (N 54° 17' E) o Right comer of large brick house 25 Spindle on tower of house 45 Right peak of house with two chirrmej'S 93 Right comer of Rieman house iig Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 190 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (3 inches diameter) 211 Nail in blaze in water bush (3 inches diam- eter) 264 Chimney of house 305 South peak of large bam 336 ABER. 38 46 ^ mile. 74 mile. 50 9.17 meters. 00 8.93 meters. 34 30 5.42 meters. 01 ^ mile. 35 }4 mile. General locality.— 'Northwestern shore of Leeds Creek, about }^ mile northeast of Miles River, on point at western side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a point covered with cedar trees, about 2 feet above high water, 8 yards southwest of shore, 9 yards north of shore, and 9 yards northwest of extreme end of point. .Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Two" (N 52° 56' E) o 00 00 >^ mile. Near peak of bam cupola 34 49 }i mile. Right comer of large brick house 39 47 >^ mile. Spindle on tower of house 81 41 s^g mile. Weather vane on water tank 113 43 1^ miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 incnes diam- eter) 219 II 50 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 242 01 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (17 inches diam- eter) 275 09 South peak of large bam 308 20 TWO. 2.27 ipeters. 40 7.90 meters. 10 16.97 meters. l^ mile. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Leeds Creek on a point, about i mile northeast of Miles River, and at southern side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 5 yards west of shore, 6 yards northeast of shore, 7 yards north of extreme end of point, and 25 yards southeast of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 67 50 453 meters. OS H mile. References. — "Face" (S 51° 58' E) o 00 00 X mile. Right peak of bam cupola 30 37 yi mile. Peak of tower on house 45 25 f^ mile. Nail in blaze in water bush (2 inches diam- eter) 149 46 00 6.23 meters Nail in blaze in water bush (2 inches diam- eter) 206 15 00 3.02 meters. Nail in blaze in water bush (2^ inches diam- eter) 228 32 Left peak of large bam 277 Cupola on large house 301 00 iX miles. Near peak of building 317 34 K mile. Left comer of large brick house 348 31 j/i mile. FACE. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Leeds Creek, about i mile northeast of Miles River, and near northeastern side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a field about $ feet above high water, 130 yards east of bank, 150 yards south of bank, 300 yards west-northwest of large brick house, and no yards north- northwest of two very large cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Mais' ' (S 38° 30' W) o Tangent of woods 8 Left comer of house 81 Right one of three large cedar trees 107 Near peak of house 168 Brick smokestack at Tunis Mills 188 West peak of large bam 233 Right comer of large brick house 230 Left peak of bam cupola 314 00 00 X mile. 57 I mile. 46 ^ mile. 49 HI yards. 33 K mile. 18 40 lyi miles. 34 400 yards. 38 300 yards. 32 X mile. Spindle on tower of house 342 36 yi mile. MAIS. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Leeds Creek about X mile northeast of Miles River and near point at southwestern side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in western comer of an orchard about 3 feet above high water, 10 yards southeast of top of bank, and 140 yards northwest of a large house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Beak" (840° ss' W) o Nail in blaze in apple tree (6 inches diameter) . 2 5 South peak of large bam 115 Nail in blaze in apple tree (6 inches diameter) . 155 Nail in blaze in apple tree (5 inches diameter) . 244 Spindle on tower of house 264 Nail in blaze in poplar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 302 Weather vane on water tank 313 00 00 X mile. 09 40 4.78 meters. 22 yi mile. 52 30 8.19 meters. 30 3.72 meters. 30 137 yards. 30 14.08 meters. 30 X mile. 68 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BEAK. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Leeds Creek about I3 mile northeast of Miles River at south- western side of entrance to a small cove. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is near edge of pasture land about 3 feet above high water, 6 yards southwest of edge of bank, 12 yards south of point of bank, 10 yards southeast of edge of bank, 60 yards west of a small cove, and 25 yards northeast of a line of five poplar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Rieman" (S 35° 51' W) o Cupola on St. Michaels primary school 18 Nail in blaze in poplar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 118 Weather vane on water tank 123 South peak of large bam 145 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (5 inches diameter) 190 Spindle on tower of house 200 Southwest peak of large building 227 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) . 241 Weather vane on tower 302 43 mile. -i miles. 53 20 7.70 meters. 17 I mile. 12 J^ mile. 23 20 7.77 meters. 49 % mile. 41 f/i mile. 19 50 13.42 meters. 55 il4 miles. RIEMAN. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Leeds Creek about }i mile northeast of Miles River. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on small marsh point about i foot above high water, 3 yards south of shore, 3 yards northeast of shore, 6 yards east-southeast of extreme end of point, 12 yards west of large cedar tree on point 2 feet higher than station, and 13 yards west -southwest of two large cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / 1/ "Leeds" (S 11° 28' W) o 00 00 ,'/^ mile. "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire" 48 11 30 2 miles. "St. Michaels Water Tank" 53 23 40 2 miles. Left piazza post of Fogg cottage 57 38 i>^ miles. Left comer of chimney 157 41 J^ mile. 57 miles. Near comer of house 201 Right comer of house 215 58 J^ mile Nail in blaze in cedar tree (20 inches diam- eter) 246 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) . 2 74 Left comer of Rieman house 340 12 00 II. 31 meters. 45 10 16.86 meters. 27 % mile. LEEDS. General locality .—'^zsXjan shore of Miles River at southern side of entrance to Leeds Creek. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 1 1 yards southeast of shore, 23 yards northeast of shore, 27 yards east-northeast of extreme end of point, and 200 yards west- northwest of a large house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 69 References. — "Stony" (S 13° 40' W) o Near peak of large house 13 Cupola on schoolhouse 49 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 57 Weather vane on Dodson house 103 Chimney of small house 166 Near peak of Rieman house 287 Tangent of point 347 JOHNSON. 00 00 i! 2 miles. 07 i>2 miles. 19 i}i miles. 40 20 iJ4 miles. 40 i}4 niiles. 12 J4 mile. 07 yi mile. 12 27 yards. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Miles River on a point about X mile west-southwest of Miles River Bridge. (See Charts Nos. 32 and 34.) Immediate locality.— Observed station is on a lawn about 10 feet above high water, 3 yards north- northwest of top of bank, 60 yards northeast of cedar tree 20 inches in diameter in clump of six cedar trees near boat landing, and 74 meters southeast of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Lo%vndes" (N 72° 02' E) o Windmill on tower 11 Left comer of large chimney outside of house . 35 Nail in blaze in pine tree ( 14 inches diameter) . 48 Spindle on left cupola of bam loi Right comer of Mumford house 114 Nail in blaze in elm tree (6 inches diameter) . . 142 Left side of cedar tree (20 inches diameter) . . . 136 Near peak of Dorrance house 154 Southeast peak of Crown house 182 Left comer of second story of Lowndes house . . 226 Right comer of house 263 Nail in blaze in elm tree (5 inches diameter) . . 298 Windmill on tower 340 Windmill on tower 346 00 00 }4 mile. 40 J4 mile. og fi' mile. 12 30 11.03 meters. 51 >2 mile. 49 i^ mile. 55 10 10.58 meters. 40 57 yards. 16 H mile. 45 Xmile. 54 74 meters. 09 .. 45 40 16. II meters. 31 I mile. 53 Kmile. LOWNDES. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Miles River about J4 mile southwest of Miles River Bridge. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a rounded point of marsli about i foot above high water, 7 yards northwest of shore, 8 yards west of shore, 9 )'ards north of shore, 16 yards east-northeast of shore, and 65 yards east-southeast of small locust trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Draw" (N 35° 59' E) o 00 00 ^^J' mile. Right comer of Lockwood house 27 45 K mile. Right comer of drawtender 's house 51 42 %' mile. Henderson windmill 68 50 X mile. Near peak of large house 116 51 14 mile. Right comer of large house 200 22 2 miles. Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diameter) 294 42 30 19.17 meters. Windmill at " The Anchorage " 342 47 "/^ mile. Near comer of " The Anchorage " 348 50 ^ mile. Left comer of second story of Goldsborough house 359 59 ^ mile. 70 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. DRAW. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Miles River at northwest end of Miles River Bridge and near old Episcopal Church. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Obser\-ed station is on la^v^l of " The Anchorage" about 4 feet above high water, 9 yards west of plank sea wall, 40 yards southwest of approach to bridge, 60 yards north of comer of plank sea wall , and 85 yards east of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 5 inches below surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // ''Chap" (N 59° 04' E) o 00 00 X ™ile. Spike in sea wall post 7 12 10 7.72 meters. Near peak of Lockwood boat landing 10 15 >2 mile. Right comer of second story of Lockwood house IS 54 >^ mile. Spindle on bam cupola 54 46 ^a mile. Spike in sea wall post 78 Right comer of second story of Henderson house 87 Nail in blaze in maple tree (12 inches diam- eter) 131 Left comer of log cabin 193 Nail in blaze in maple tree (12 inches diam- eter) 19s Right comer main house at " The Anchorage" 218 Nail in blaze in pear tree (10 inches diameter). 254 Right comer of old Episcopal Church 302 Spike in sea-wall post 325 Windmill on tower 331 Lightning rod on tower of Goldsborough house 338 53 00 12.03 meters. 18 05 50 14. IS meters. 112 yards. 20 14.61 meters. 17 84 yards. 46 30 7.63 meters. 34 120 yards. 20 10 1532 meters. 51 K mile. 00 }a mile. Comer of stone bridge abutment 354 09 43 yards. CHAP. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Miles River opposite point between Glebe Creek and Goldsboro Creek, about X mile northeast of Miles River Bridge. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on point about 2 feet above high water, 5 yards west of shore, 7 yards northeast of shore, and 9 yards north-northwest of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried witli top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Villa" (S 61° 08' E) o Right comer of 2>2-story house 48 Left peak of boathouse at "The Anchorage" . 112 Left comer of " The Anchorage" 123 Left comer of old Episcopal Church 129 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 165 Left comer of Goldsborough house 203 Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diameter) 205 Windmill on tower 210 Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diameter) 234 Right peak of brick house 275 Near peak of wharf house 329 00 00 J^ mile. 27 X mile. 11 ^ mile. 26 J4 mile. 12 X mile. 37 5° 13-65 meters. 39 H mile. 20 00 9.07 meters. 27 yi mile. 21 30 13-39 meters. 28 }i mile. 55 >^mile. Suriey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. . 71 VILLA. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Miles River at northern side of entrance to Glebe Creek, about }4 mile east of Miles River Bridge. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 1 1 yards northwest of shore, 17 yards southeast of shore, 30 yards west by south of extreme end of point of marsh, 75 yards northeast of shore, and southwest of a few small trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe btu'ied with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Easton" (S 70° 44' W) o 00 00 yi mile. Spindle on cupola of bam near " The Anchor- age" 16 25 f^ mile. Windmill at " The Anchorage " 20 25 ^ mile. Left comer of tower of old Episcopal Church . 25 13 fi mile. Left comer of modem house 54 07 J^ mile. Windmill on tower 57 49 }i mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diameter) 67 52 00 17.83 meters. Left comer of "The Villa" 103 42 >^ mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) iig 43 00 19.86 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (8 inches diameter) 169 12 00 26.23 meters. Right comer of large house 223 26 ^ mile. Tongue of bell 278 19 }^ tnil^. Right comer of Henderson house 347 37 ^ mile. EASTON. General locality. — Southeastern side of Miles River on southeastern approach to Miles River Bridge. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on southwest side of cribwork retaining a shell road, 6 inches from downstream edge of cribwork, 7 yards southwest of upstream edge of cribwork, 25 yards southeast of comer of cribwork abutme:it, 30 yards northwest of extended line of Henderson sea wall, 9 yards southwest by south of nails in side of telephone pole on upstream side of bridge . and 45 yards north- west by west of first telephone pole southeast of bridge on northeastern side of road. Marks. — Observed station is spindle, i inch diameter, on top of 3-inch square timber. References. — None necessary. HENDERSON. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Miles River on a point about j-4 mile southwest of Miles River Bridge. (See Charts Nos. 32 and 34.) Immediate locality.- — Observed station is on a hard marsh point about i foot above high water, 6 yards southeast of shore, 8 yards south of shore, 13 yards east of shore, 23 yards north-northeast of point of higher land, and 15 yards north of trees along bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Bethel" (S 65° 4g' W) o 00 00 f^ mile. Left comer of second story of Lowndes house . 25 54 fi mile. Peak of near gable of house 40 54 J^ mile. Windmill at "The Anchorage" loi 51 Ji mile. Right comer of old Episcopal Church tower. , 112 06 ^ mile. Left comer of Goldsborough house 129 54 f^ mile. 72 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. . References — Continued. o / // Henderson windmill 174 47 J/^ mile. Nail in blaze in wild-cherrj' tree (5 inches diameter) 258 17 30 16.25 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 306 43 40 13.76 meters. Nail in blaze in wild-cherr>' tree (7 inches diameter) 336 10 10 21.71 meters. ST. MICHAELS WATER TANK. General locality. — Western side of Miles River in town of St. Michaels, on north side of Railroad Ave- nue, near African M. E. Church. (See Charts Nos. 32 and 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on top of a 60, coo-gallon water tank on a steel tower go feet high. Marks. — Observed station is spindle on center of top of water tank. References. — None necessary-. MILLWIND. General locality. — Western shore of Miles River at south side of entrance to Long Haul Creek, about yi mile northeast of St. Michaels Water Tank and yi mile south of Deep Water Point. (See Chart No. 32.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on edge of cultivated field about S feet above high water, 2 yards west of edge of bank, 17 yards south of edge of bluff, and 18 yards south by west of junction of bush- covered bank and washed bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "St. Michaels Water Tank" (849° 19' W) o 00 00 J>s mile. I/ "Sharps Island Light" (S 1° 06' E) o 00 00 8 miles. Near peak of house 49 34 11^ miles. Left tower of hotel 61 47 <)% miles. Left tangent of house 79 30 9^ miles. Left tangent of house loi 47 9 miles. East peak of Howeth house 157 38 ^s mile. Lightning rod near east chimney of house. .. . 189 25 i3/| miles. Right chimney of Valliant house 208 11 |^ mile. "Kemp Tower" 221 57 10 t)/iva.\\^%. Left corner of left oyster house at Lowes Wharf 254 53 2>^ miles. Chimney of house 262 14 2%' miles. Square cupola 336 05 smiles. High cupola 336 lO 5 miles. Nail in blaze in pine tree \i2 inches diam- eter) 345 01 30 10. 8q meters. GREAT. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Great Marsh Point about i mile east of south- east end of Poplar Island. (See Chart No. ^^.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 40 yards east of shore, 40 yards southeast of shore, 50 yards northeast of shore, and 250 yards from woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Sharps Island Light" (S 13° 18' W) o 00 00 7^^ miles. Howeth house loi 17 2^-^ miles. Near peak of house on Poplar Island 121 51 ,. ....... 2^ miles. " Bloody Point Bar Light" 142 18 30 6>2 miles. Right end of house 295 39 i mile. Near peak of house 324 02 X mile. Chimney of house 340 51 f^ mile. FRONT. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay about y^ mile north of entrance to Front Creek, ^8 inile north of Knapps Narrows, and iX miles southeast of southeast end of Poplar Island. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water, 13 yards north-northeast of shore, 18 yards southeast of shore, 25 yards cast of extreme end of point, and near several dead trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 78 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — o / // "Sharps Island Light" (S 15° 04' W) o 00 00 6J^ miles. Chimney of house 127 59 3^ miles. Right peak of Valliant house 129 49 2j^ miles. " Bloody Point Bar Light' ' 144 10 30 7f^ miles. Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inches diameter) . 223 49 20 14-54 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter) . 274 37 40 11.82 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter) . 317 37 20 11.95 meters. Near peak of large bam 334 58 i mile. WAP. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on a point about 4X miles north by east of Sharps Island Light and i mile south of Knapps Narrows. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a point about 3 feet above high water, 56 yards east of extreme end of point, 68 yards north by east of shore, 83 yards south by west of shore, and 3 yards west- northwest of edge of cultivated land. Marks. — Obser\'ed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ■ o / // " Sharps Island Light " (S 18° 04' W) o Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter) . 16 East chimney of Howeth house 136 Chimney of house , 181 Near peak of house showing over woods 200 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (10 inches diameter) 263 54 50 61.80 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (5 inches diameter) 279 West peak of large house 305 Square cupola 322 High cupola 323 Chimney of house with three side gables 335 Right tangent of point 347 Left tangent of old hotel building on Sharps Island 350 35 40 6 miles. SOUTHERN M. E. CHURCH. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Tilghman Island about 1% miles north of Blackwalnut Point and 2 miles south of Knapps Narrows. (See Chart No. ^2)-) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about }^ mile inshore from Chesapeake Bay on west side of main road on building known as the St. Johns Chapel (Southern M. E. Church). Marks. — Observed station is center of bell cupola on church. References. — None necessary. BLACK. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Blackwalnut Point at north side of entrance to Choptank River about 2^ miles northeast of Sharps Island Light. (See Charts Nos. :},t, and 36.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in culti\'ated land about 8 feet above high water, 35 yards east-northeast of edge of bank, 45 yards west of edge of bank, 65 yards northwest of edge of bank, and 130 yards south of a lone apple tree. i\/arfej.^Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 00 00 4f^ miles. 57 00 3299 meters. 00 4^ miles. 12 iX miles. 01 }< mile. lo 00 61.23 meters. 27 ^ mile. 20 20 I mile. 05 30 I mile. 49 yi mile. 09 lyi miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 79 References.- — " "Sharps Island Light" (S 43° 37' W) o Near peak of old house 123 Lone apple tree , 133 Chimney of house among trees 145 Right chimney of house near water 163 Right chimney of large house 211 "Choptank River Light" '. 232 Near peak of bam 253 Left chimney of house 270 Chimney outside left end of house 283 Near peak of old hotel building on Sharps Island 337 00 00 2^4 miles. 10 yi mile. 16 131 yards. 38 ij^ miles. 31 I mile. 27 7 miles. 11 30 ?>yi miles. 22 6 miles. 12 ^yi miles. 35 7 miles. miles. SHARPS ISLAND LIGHT. General locality. — Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay off entrance to Choptank River, about i mile north-northwest of Sharps Island and 2^4 miles southwest of Blackwalnut Point. (See Charts Nos. Zi and 36.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on structure with a cylindrical foundation known as Sharps Island Light. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Sharps Island Light. References . — o / // "Black" (N 43° 36' E) o 00 00 25^' miles. JERE. miles soutli-southeasl 00 00 iJ-2 miles. 35 50 SX miles. 44 5 miles. 25 • • ' 4K miles. General locality. — Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay on Sharps Island, about 1,' of Sharps Island Light. (See Charts Nos. 33 and 36.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hard ground about 7 feet above high water, 95 yards south-southeast of old hotel building, 95 yards west-southwest of shore, 150 yards southwest of a point, and in such a position that Sharps Island Light shows to the right of the old hotel building. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 3 inches below base of monument. References. — ^ " Sharps Island Light" (N 24° 06' \V) o Church cupola 46 Chimney on left end of roof of large house ... 47 Chimney of large house 104 Large chimney of large house 115 46 4^^ miles. Chimney on right end of large house 142 21 $14. miles. Near comer of house 346 59 95 yards. BAR. General locality. — Western shore of entrance to Harris Creek on Upper Bar Neck Point about i^i miles north-northeast of Blackwalnut Point and iK miles south-southeast of Tilghman Island Wharf. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 6 feet above high water, 3 yards west of edge of bank, and 60 yards north of line of trees at edge of marsh. Cement monument marking reference station is 45.81 meters S 83° 00' W of observed station, nearly on line to large lone persimmon tree 15 inches diameter. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile pipe with top about 6 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. 8o Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — "Large Water Tank "(861" 46' E) Nail in blaze in oak stump Nail in blaze in wild cherry tree Nail in blaze in cedar tree Nail in blaze in lone persimmon tree Reference station Right chimney of first house to right of woods . Schoolhouse cupola Stack of cannery Stack of cauner>' Right chimney of house showing over woods . . Neavitt schoolhouse cupola Chimney of house 63 18 78 58 88 35 144 33 144 46 205 39 213 II 216 19 227 10 239 07 00 gyi miles. 00 S^-^7 meters. 66 meters. 69 meters. 48 meters. 81 meters. 39 H mile. I'/i miles. 1^2 miles. 10 ipi miles. 2}4 miles. 269 25 3X miles. 276 58 2^ miles. M. E. CHURCH. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Tilghman Island, about 2^ miles north of Blackwalnut Point and J^ mile south of Knapps Narrows. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on main road about halfway between the shores of Chesa- peake Bay and Harris Creek, about X mile east of Tilghman Island Wharf on building known as Tilgh- man Island M. E. Church. Marks. — Observed station is center of small square cupola on church. References. — None necessar>-. AVALON. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek on Tilghman Island on point about 100 yards north of shore end of Tilghman Island Wharf. (See Chart No. ^3.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh and clay point, about i foot above high water, 9 yards soutli of shore, 12 yards northwest of shore, 20 yards north-northwest of northeast comer of a house, about i yard east of produced line of end of house, 10 yards north of 2 pine trees, and 6 yards north-northwest of bank . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Narrows" (N 34° 29' E) o Near peak of house with 2 chimneys 2 Stack of cannery on wharf 8 Near peak of house witli 2 chimneys 35 Chimney next to skylight on highest house on Tilghman Island Wharf Stack of cannery 150 07 X mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (14 inches diam- eter) 154 Northeast corner of a house 161 Nail in blaze in northwest side of pine tree (15 inches diameter) 181 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (12 inches diam- eter) 224 I/ightning rod on east peak of house 243 Weather vane on schoolhouse 270 Near peak of house with chimney 322 00 00 ff mile. 47 3K miles. 34 X mile. 40 2}i miles. 80 38 mile. 30 10.21 meters. 50 17.24 meters. 14 00 9.81 meters. 12 30 10.66 meters. 47 ISO yards. 59 10 /i mile. 18 300 yards. Survey o / Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 8 1 SCHOOLHOUSE CUPOLA. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Tilghman Island about 3 miles north of Blackwalnut Point and >2 mile south of Knapps Narrows. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on main road about halfway between the shores of Chesa- peake Bay and Harris Creek about f^ mile northwest of Tilghman Island Wharf on schoolhouse building. Marks. — Observed station is center of bell cupola on schoolhouse. References. — None necessary. PEOPLES CHAPEL. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Tilghman Island about 3^ miles north of Blackwalnut Point and % mile south of Knapps Narrows. (See Chart No. ^^.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in the town of Tilghman about yi mile north of Tilghman Island Wharf on building known as Peoples Chapel. Marks. — Observed station is center of small square cupola on chapel. References. — None necessary. NARROWS. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek about X mile northeast of east entrance to Knapps Narrows, and iX miles west of Change Point. (See Chart No. ^^.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field back of a fringe of trees about 6 feet above high water, 45 yards west-northwest of shore, 15 yards west-northwest of edge of field, go yards south -south west of corner of field, and 145 yards northeast of a point of bank where wire fence meets trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches belov/ base of monument. References. — o / // "Eagle" (N 37° 30' E) o 00 00 I mile. Near peak of Morris House with two chimneys o 41 2^'s miles. Nail in blaze in wild-cherry tree (6 inches diameter) 23 33 40 22.07 meters. Near peak of Wayman house 56 08 lyi miles. Nail in blaze in mulberry tree (7 inches diam- eter) 80 59 10 12.90 meters. "Choptank River Light" 88 32 00 8J^ miles. Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diameter) no 15 00 17.83 meters. Near comer peak of house on Tilghman Island Wharf 160 59 .. ...... ^^ mile. Left stack of cannery 172 51 i mile: Near peak of hotel with chimney almost in range 183 53 Ji mile. " Peoples Chapel " 206 48 40 yi mile. Near peak of house with one chimney 284 38 fi mile. Left peak of house 326 02 X mile. EAGLE. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek on Bald Eagle Point about i^ mile west of Turkey Neck Point, and 2 miles north-northeast of Tilghman Island Wharf. (See Chart No. ^i) Immediate locality. — Observed station ison marsh about i foot above high water, 2 yards west of shore, 45 yards north by west of point of marsh, 150 yards south by east of point of marsh, and 120 yards east of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 15.41 meters S 88° 35' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is a nail in a cedar stub 4 inches diameter projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument pro- jecting 6 inches above surface of ground. 53485—12 6 82 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — or// "Dunk" (N 0° 42' E) o 00 00 i mile. Near peak of house on Indian Point 20 44 i^ s miles. 03 \ys, miles. 17 1% miles. Square chimney of house with ell Center of chimney of house among trees. . . . Large chimney of house 112 42 ij/^ miles. Right chimney of house 131 57 iX miles. Stack of cannery 213 34 i>^ miles. Reference station 267 52 50 15-41 meters. Near peak of house 342 51 ^ mile. DUNK. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek on Seths Point at northeast side of entrance to Dun Cove, about 3 miles from the Choptank River. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 6 yards northwest of shore, 23 yards north-northeast of point, 26 yards northeast of shore of Duns Cove, 12 yards west of shore of Harris Creek, 100 yards east of bushes extending north and south, and 250 yards east of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.22 meters N 78° 54' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of marsh. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried witli top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° "Hawk" (N2°48' W) o Near peak of house with square chimneys .... i Near peak of roof of house with three chimneys 18 Weathervane on right end of house with two chimneys 41 Near peak of large barn 57 Cupola on Neavitt School 129 ' Weathervane on middle of house with two chimneys 151 Chimney on left end of house among trees . . . 155 Chimney at left of house among trees 204 Reference station 283 Brick house 338 00 00 yi mile. 50 i^ miles. 22 2 miles. 35 iK miles. 14 I mile. 32 30 if^ miles. 00 i^ miles. 53 2 miles. 26 1^2 miles. 54 20 11.22 meters. 06 yi mile. Left peak of old house 352 04 j/i mile. HAWK. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek about ' i mile north of Seths Point and } 2 mile west of Indian Point. (See Chart No. ^t,.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 4 feet above high water and 22 yards northwest of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — • a / // "Dunk" (82° 48' E) o Nail in blaze in mulberry tree (8 inches diam- eter) 2 1 North chimney of Harrison house 47 Dead pine tree with hawk nest in top 141 00 00 'i mile. CO 30 13-53 meters. 04 400 yards. II % mile. Cupola on house 168 35 \%va\\e.%. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 83 References — Continued. o / // South chimney of house 182 46 i>i miles. Chimney of Mc Quay oyster house 227 23 i^ miles. South gable of bam 252 North chimney of house 275 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (10 inches diameter) 304 Chimney of house 312 North gable of bam 330 SMITH. X miles, mile. 34 8.62 meters. 35 il4 miles. 40 2X miles. General locality. — Eastem shore of Harris Creek on Smith Point between Briary Cove and Waterhole Cove and about '4 mile west-southwest of Little Neck Point. (See Chart No. 2,7,.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point, about i foot above high water, and 6 yards west of shore. Cement monument marking refeJ-ence station is 13.44 meters N 62° 39' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 3-inch stub projecting i foot above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — "Hawk" (S 12° 31' W) o Chimney of small house 3 North gable of bam 21 North chimney of house 26 North edge of Lamdin house 73 Reference station 104 South chimney of house 140 East chimney of house 174 38 ^ mile. Chimney of house 206 27 2 miles. West gable of McQuay oyster house 242 43 ^ mile. Chimney of McQuay house 247 39 J4 mile. Chimney of small house 270 South chimney of Edmonds house 288 North chimney of house 308 BRIARY. 00 00 ^:^ mile. or iX miles. 32 I mile. 39 K mile. 32 I2 mile. 49 40 13-44 meters. 28 )4 mile. 46 X mile- 13 X mile. 16 I mile. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek, on a point at northeastern side of entrance to Briary Cove, about yi mile west of Little Neck Point. (See Chart No. 7,7,.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about 10 yards from extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center of 3-inch cedar stub projecting 8 inches above surface of ground. References. — Note. — This station was established in 1900 and was not reoccupied or re-marked during oyster survey, although relocated by concluded angles. VINE. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek about }{ mile north-northwest of Little Neck Point. (See Charts Nos. 2,7, and 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 7 feet above high water, 6 yards northwest of shore, and 3 yards northwest of top of vertical bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 15.86 meters N 67° 54' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. 84 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — o / // "Smith" (S 58° 54' W) o 00 00 ]/i mile. Referenxe station S3 II 50 15-86 meters. Cupola on bam 59 52 i mile. South gable of bam 91 31 3<4 mile. Large pine tree 182 09 100 yards. North chimney of house '..... 199 50 ij^ miles. West chimney of house 210 28 i^ miles. " Bozman M. E. Church vSpire" 213 43 ij^ miles. Chimney of Bridges kitchen 217 27 |^ mile. West chimney of house 250 29 yi mile. North chimney of house 295 45 >^ mile. West chimney of Edmonds house 309 43 J2 miles. 49 1^4 miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of Harris Creek, about f g mile south -southwest of Little Neck Point, and ^ mile north-northeast of Indian Point. (See Chart No. 33.) Tmmediaie locality. — Observed station is in southwest comer of yard of a house about 15 feet above high water, 7 yards southeast of top of bank 15 feet high, and nearl)- on line with south side of house. Cement monument marking reference station is 16.56 meters S 59° 29' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Ref- erence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Dan"(N2i°25'E) o Southwest comerof Edmonds house 83 Reference station _ 99 North chimney on house 149 North chimney of house 217 Chimney of house 245 Stack of cannery at Sherwood 261 Cupola on house 281 East gable of tin-roof bam 316 25 iX miles. East gable of McQuay's oysterhouse 357 49 fi mile. WARRIOR. 00 00 ^s mile. 52 35 yards. 06 10 16.56 meters. 51 }^ mile. 13 iX miles. 25 iX miles. 14 . . ■ iX miles. 45 i^i miles. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek on Indian Point, about 2/< miles north of Change Point. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about^ 7 feet above high water, 20 yards southeast of shore, 14 yards southeast of top of bank with uniform slope to shore, .and 40 yards northeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Edmond" (N 29° 15' E) o South gable of bam 14 East chimney of house 18 North chimney of house 55 South chimney of house 99 Chimney of house 119 North gable of bam 131 North chimney of house 234 Cupola on house 297 South chimney of house 307 West gable of tin-roof bam 323 Chimney on McQuay oysterhouse 354 00 00 5 8 mile. 20 ^2 mile. 11 I mile. 57 }'i mile. 22 ^ mile. 02 I mile. 35 2 miles. 03 }^ mile. 12 i^ miles. 56 2 miles. 41 . . ...... 2X miles. 38 i}i iniles. 86 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BALL. General locality. — Eastern shore of Harris Creek about ^i mile south-southeast of Indian Point and I mile north of Turkey Neck Point. (See Chart No. 33.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 15 yards east of shore, 8 yards from top of bank, and 50 yards north of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe btuied ^^•ith top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° / // "Eagle" (S 45° 39' W) o 00 00 13^ miles. North chimney of house 13 27 ij smiles. South chimney of brick house 72 08 1^4 miles. Chimney of house gi 35 ij^ miles. Stack of carmerj' at Sherwood 93 42 i^^ miles. Cupola on house loi 21 2j'2 miles. North gable of barn 168 Northwest comer of Ball house 294 North gable of house 310 Right tangent of Tiukey Point 322 Stack of cannery at Tilghman Island 353 26 400 yards. 38 49 yards. 45 y& mile. 24 lyi miles. 02 3^^ miles. HEN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Harris Creek on Turkey Neck Point about J^ mile north of Change Point. (See Chart No. ^i,.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 9 yards southeast of edge of bank, 17 yards east by north of point of bank at line of trees, and 16 yards east- northeast of edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above siu'face of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.- — ° "Change" (S 6° 09' E) o Nail in blaze in cedar tree 26 Nail in blaze in cedar tree 53 Stack of cannery 64 Lomax windmill 87 Left peak of house with two chimneys 129 Left chimney of brick house 157 58 i/^ miles. Tower of house 1 . . . 166 56 3 miles. Near chimney of house 193 Near peak of house 245 Right peak of house 30S 00 00 ;^ s mile. 39 10 15.57 meters. 3i 5° 15-29 meters. 03 2X miles. 47 20 13-2 miles. 47 I mile. 46 ij 8 miles. 28 yi mile. 30 yi mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree 350 22 00 22.85 meters. CHANGE, 1910. General locality. — Eastern shore of Harris Creek on Change Point about lyi miles east of Knapps Narrows. (See Charts Nos. t,t, and 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 45 yards north-northeast of extreme end of point, 55 yards northwest of edge of bank, 35 yards east of edge of bank, 70 yards southeast by south of comer of wire fence, and 70 yards south-southwest of wire fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 87 00 00 ij4 miles. 53 5° 9X miles. 43 7 miles. 04 2J.2 miles. 2q 25-2 miles. References. — ' ° "Nelson 3" (S 53° 21' E) o "Windmill" 5 Near peak of house 25 Chimney of house 8g Near peak of house 117 Near peak of storehouse on Tilghman Island Wharf 123 Near peak of house 131 Near chimney of brick house 210 Right chimney of house 278 Near peak of house 307 44 yi mile. CHEF. ij^ miles. zyi miles. 2yi miles. li mile. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Cook Point at southern side of entrance to Choptank River about 4 miles east of Sharps Island. (See Charts Nos. 7,7,, 36, and 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 8 feet above high water. 30 yards inside of fringe of trees parallel with shore, 45 yards southwest of eastern end of fringe of trees, 70 yards east of western end of fringe of trees, and igo yards northwest by north of gate in fence running east and west. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Sharps Island Light" (N 84° oi' W) o Nail in blaze in wild-cherry tree (4 inches diameter) 18 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 46 Large chimney of house 51 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 79 Left peak of house 81 Near peak of bam 98 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diameter) 99 Near chimney on largest building in group . . 127 Left end of house 150 "Choptank River Light" 158 Lone persimmon tree 165 "Large Water Tank" 177 Right chimney outside house 194 Chimney on right one of two houses 222 Right peak of bam 251 Right peak of hotel on Sharps Island 341 DOG. 4!^ miles. 41 10 31-43 meters. 09 20 28.53 meters. 57 4^-^ miles. 02 50 29.94 meters. 21 5 miles. 22 7>^ miles. 50 30 43.16 meters. 24 6 miles. 48 30 7f^ miles. 02 ID ^yi miles. 47 231 yards. 43 10 , 6f-8 miles. 02 2^^^- miles. 37 X mile. 19 yi mile. 27 4 miles. (See General locality. — Eastern shore of Cummings Creek about yi mile north of Harris Creek. Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about on level with high water, and 16 yards west of clump of myrtle bushes. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.43 meters S 65° 30' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Ref- erence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above sur- face of groimd . 88 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — art/ "Cumniings" (S 49° 51' W) o 00 00 J^ mile. East gable of old bam 75 03 J< mile. West chimney of house no 30 i^^' miles. South chimney of house 129 00 >^ mile. South chimney of house 133 50 J^ mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diam- eter) 136 59 30 35-7° meters. Reference STATION 244 38 10 14.43 meters. West chimney of house. 325 16 i>^ miles. East chimney of house 332 55 i% miles. East edge of McQuay's oysterhouse 342 26 ^ mile. Chimney of house 348 58 2>< miles. RABBIT. General localily. — Western shore of Harris Creek on eastern side of entrance to Cummings Creek about K mile northeast of Little Neck Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field, about 8 feet above high water, 6 yards north of shore, 2 yards north of top of bank, and 50 yards east of the extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — or// "Koot" (S 52° 52' E) o 00 00 X mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter). 20 16 00 3.17 meters. North gable of barn 67 14 j 2 mile. North chimney of house 86 05 i mile. Stack of cannery at Sherwood 118 15 2 miles. Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter). 123 04 30 8.73 meters. Left edge of barn 182 34 i>< miles. Left gable of old bam 281 42 400 yards. Chimney of small house 315 28 iX miles. Flagstaff on Bozman Hall 346 26 Yi mile. GRACE. General locality. — ^Northwestern shore of Harris Creek about Y^ mile east of entrance to Cummings Creek, and i mile northeast of Little Neck Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, and 5 yards north of the extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Rabbit" (8.82° 20' W) o 00 00 % mWe. Nail in blaze in locust tree (12 inches diam- eter) 85 01 10 4.64 meters. North chimney of Miller house 145 2ii i mile. Chimney of small house 165 31 J^ mile. South chimney of house 176 05 X mile. North chimney of house 183 08 J^ mile. East chimney of house 220 03 Y mile. West chimney of house 249 24 J^ mile. North chimney of Bridges house 295 26 ^ mile. East gable of McQuay's oysterhouse 335 44 i mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 89 MINK. General locality. — Western shore of Harris Creek about ^2 mile northeast of entrance to CummLngs Creek and y^ mile northwest of town of Bozman. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 2 yards northwest of shore, and 40 yards northeast of wire and board fence. Cement monument marking refer- ence station is 8.73 meters N 53° 51' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Harrison" (N 16° 58' E) o South chimney of Harrison house 10 South chimney of Miller house 32 North chimney of house 45 Chimney of house 86 Flagpole on Bozman Hall 135 East chimney of house 155 Chimney of small house 182 North chimney of Bridges house igo Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 240 Reference station 289 Nail in blaze in mulberry tree (12 inches diameter) 298 00 00 X mile. 03 2 miles. 35 J'i mile- 04 >2 mile. 35 28 X mile. >2 mile. ^ mile. ^ mile. 39 I mile. 57 10 12.21 meters. 20 8.73 meters. 59 30 9.41 meters. HARRISON. General locality. — Western shore of upper Harris Creek about X mile north -north west of to\vn of Bozman. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in edge of marsh in northeast comer of old apjile orchard about 2 feet above high water, 11 yards northwest of shore, 23 yards w'est of extreme end of point, and 80 yards south-southeast of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Clump" (N 32° 34' E) o North chimney of Miller house 30 South chimney of house 51 North chimney of house 58 Chimney of house 107 Chimney of small house 120 North gable of bam 137 Nail in blaze in apple tree (8 inches diameter) 173 Center of old gristmill burr partly embedded in ground and about 4 feet diameter 270 Northeast comer of Harrison house 301 00 00 ■ ;Vs mile. 14 y^ tnile. 15 Xmile. 30 ^ mile. 57 J-i mile. 55 J.4 mile. 19 }4 mile. 47 20 g.24 meters. 32 4.87 meters. 51 80 yards. CLUMP. General locality. — Western shore of upper Harris Creek on a point about 3^ mile nortli of towii of Bozman. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about 2 feet above high water, 6 yards west of shore, and 15 yards east of fringe of locust trees and vines. 90 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 41 mile. 'i miles. i miles. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biuied with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° " Lawn " (N 0° 56' W) o South chimney of Harrison house 2S South gable of Harrison bam 31 South chimney of small house 97 South chimney of house 108 North chimney of house 150 North chimney of house 172 "Bozman M. E. Church spire" 178 South chimney of Harrison lower house 221 Nail iu blaze in hackberry tree (6 inches diameter) 2S0 eg X mile. 42 i^i miles. 09 }4 mile. 07 >2 mile. 12 I mile. 48 X mile. 50 17-75 rneters. MILIvER. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Harris Creek about i mile north of town of Bozman. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 15 feet above high water, 65 yards east of shore, and half way between a bam and a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Pink" (S3o° 58' W) o East gable of bam 50 Left comer of Seth bathhouse 92 South chimney of house 106 Southwest comer of Miller bam 151 West gable of bam 245 South chiiimey of Harrison house 270 Northwest comer of Miller house 327 West chimney of house t,;^^ 44 00 Is mile. 1% miles. }4. mile. 48 i>2 miles. 31 25.28 meters. 51 Kmile. 45 >4 mile- 46 29-23 meters. 51 I mile. PINK. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Harris Creek about ^i mile north of town of Bozman. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 6 yards southwest of shore, 12 yards southeast of extreme end of point, and 200 yards southwest of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Miller" (N 30° 57' E) o North chimney of Miller house i Nail in blaze in twin oak tree (18 inches diam- eter) 54 North chimney of Bridges house 191 East gable of bam 271 South chimney of house 280 Cupola on tin-roof bam 319 36 ij^ miles. South gable of house 335 51 2j^2 miles. South chimney of Harrison house 342 23 1% miles. 00 00 5 s mile. 44 ys mile. 42 9.63 meters. 10 I mile. 02 ^4 mile. 19 I mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Aid. 91 BOZMAN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Harris Creek, about J4 mile northwest of to^vn of Bozman and J^ mile east of entrance to Cummings Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cleared space about 8 feet above high water, 25 feet southeast of top of vertical bank 8 feet high, and 16 yards north of pine woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Koot" (S 71° 40' W) o South chimney of house 74 South chimney of house 77 North chimney of Harrison house q^ Cupola on tin-roof bam io6 Chimney of house 145 South chimney of house 176 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 225 41 30 2493 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diam- eter) 238 North chimney of Bridges house 347 00 00 '2 mile. 22 I mile. 10 I;' 8 miles. If) Vj mile. 41 2 miles. 31 ...*.... X mile. 17 mile. 10 22.47 meters. I mile. BOZMAN M. E. CHURCH SPIRE. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Harris Creek in the town of Bozman, on the northwest side of county road leading to Neavitt. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on edifice known as Bozman M. E. Church. Marks. — Observed station is center of spire on Bozman M. E. Church. References. — None necessary. KOOT. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Harris Creek on a point of land between two coves, about fs mile southeast of entrance to Cummings Creek, and 14 mile west of town of Bozman. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 6 feet above high water, 10 yards south of shore, 6 yards south of edge of bank 6 feet high, and 200 yards north of a graveyard. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Fox" (S7i°28'W) o Nail in blaze in oak tree (6 inches diameter) . . 34 North chimney of house 68 South gable of old barn 86 South chimney of Millqr house 150 Chimney of small house 161 West chimney of house 178 Chimney of small house ig3 Flagstaff on Bozman Hall 214 Lone cherry tree in Bridges graveyard 282 North chimney of Bridges house 307 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 347 25 50 15-29 meters. 00 00 ^4 mile. 03 7.86 meters. 34 \]/a, miles. 28 Yi mile. 42 1]/% miles. 30 i/i mile. 14 I mile. 32 I mile. 42 y^ mile. 30 200 yards. 06 300 yards. 92 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Aid. FOX. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Harris Creek on a point of land between two coves about ;4 mile south of entrance to Cunimings Creek, and K lui'e nortlieast of Little Neck Point. (Sec Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, and 26 yards south of the extreme north end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Koot" (N 71 °28' E) o North chimney of Bridges kitchen 26 North chimney of house 150 East gable of McQua^ oyster house 175 Smoke stack at Sherwood 181 East gable of bani 217 41 1 mile. North chimney of house 234 01 i^ miles . South chimney of house 265 South chimney of house 289 North chimney of old house 321 Chimney of small house 347 North chimney of house 358 00 00 ^ mile. 46 X mile. 04 ^ mile. 43 yi mile. 13 2^4 miles. I mile. iH miles. 09 i^ 8 miles. 12 iX miles. S8 I mile. 09 NELSON 3. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River on Nelson Island, between the entrances to Harris and Broad Creeks. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on southwest point of island on marsh about 2 feet above high water, 28 yards north-northeast of extreme end of point, 45 yards northwest of edge of marsh, and 14 yards east of marsh. Cement monument marking reference station is 32.27 meters N 32° 05' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of nail in 3-inch square stub in tile pipe flush with ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light " (S56°og'E) o " Large Water Tank " 10 Right chimney of house 31 Near chimney outside of house 45 Near peak of bam on Cook Point 67 Left peak of hotel on Sharps Island 98 "Sharps Island Light" log Chimney of house 137 .Stack of cannery at Tilghman Island 153 Windmill at Tilghman Island 155 Chimney of house on Change Point 185 Left peak of house 197 50 lyi miles. Chimney of house 254 10 2^4 miles. "St. Michaels Church Spire" 259 55 10 6X miles. Reference st.'vtion 268 13 20 32-27 meters. Left peak of building 293 43 2yi miles. Near peak of house with three chimneys 335 18 3 miles. 00 sK miles. 50 -jyi miles. 48 7 miles. 44 SK miles. 40 5X miles. 03 -j^i miles. 04 20 7^ miles. 36 4 miles. 43 ■ ; 3K miles. 12 . .' 3>< miles. 37 iX miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 93 ANNETTE. General locality. — Western shore of Broad Creek about X mile north of Nelson Point, and on south side of entrance to Balls Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, and 4 yards west of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.39 meters N 75° 59' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center jjoint of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Myrtle" (N 15° 29' E) o 00 00 f^ mile. South chimney of house 18 39 3I smiles. South chimney of house 29 53 3f:C miles. South gable of bam 35 01 3>^ miles. Chimney of house 36 35 3,'^ miles. South gable of barn 72 54 2 miles. West chimney of house 102 19 3^3 miles. "Choptank River Light" 116 Water tank at Castle Haven 123 North gable of bam on Todd Point 148 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diameter) 187 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diameter) 235 Reference station 268 34 40 (>% miles. 54 8X miles. 31 6>2 miles. ' 26 00 11.37 meters. 06 30 16.81 meters. 29 40 9.39 meters. M"iTlTLE. General locality. — Western shore of Broad Creek about 1% miles north of Nelson Point and X mile north of Balls Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water and 4 yards northwest of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Annette" (S 15° 29' W) o 00 00 simile. East gable of house 18 33 J smile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter) . 99 49 co 11.51 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) i6g South chimney of house 215 Chimney of house 225 Chimney of house 241 West gable on bam 255 North chimney of house 268 Largest tree on Royston Island 300 41 2j4 miles. 'Water tank at Castle Haven 307 09 SJ^ miles. COAL. General locality. — Western shore of Broad Creek about 2 miles north of Nelson Point and i mile west of Deep Neck Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 4 feet above high water, 12 yards northwest of shore, 4 yards north of small lone cedar tree, and 200 yards north of pine woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches 'lelow base of monument. 57 5.09 meters. 04 3X miles. 21 ^yi miles. 26 2 miles. 40 2% miles. 45 2yi miles. 94 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — ° "Myrtle" (S 44° 23' W) o South gable of Bridges barn 136 South chimney of Bridges house 152 North chimney of house 167 South chimney of house 170 Chimney of small house 203 Chimney of small house 209 Chimney of small house 272 Largest tree on Royston Island 288 Left tangent of Nelson Island 331 TOBE. 00 00 J4 mile. 22 X mile- 03 X mile. 18 iX miles. 31 2X miles. 48 2^ miles. 52 2}4 miles. 47 i>2 miles. 22 3 miles. 41 2^ miles. General locality. — Western shore of Broad Creek on point at southern side of entrance to Leadenham Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in edge of cultivated field about 2 feet above high water, 19 yards soutli of shore, and back of a fringe of myrtle bushes. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projectmg 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Ross" (S68° 15' E) o North edge of house 6 South chimney of Bridges house 43 North gable of Bridges bam 52 East chimney of house 179 South chimney of old deserted house 264 Cupola on "Beverly" house 297 North chimney of house 342 WIRE. 29 00 lyi miles. 1% miles. 44 % mile. 02 % mile. 12 X mile. 38 J^ mile. 12 2yi miles. 28 3 miles. General locality. — Southern shore of Leadenham Creek about i mile southwest of Mulberry Point, and yi mile southwest of Broad Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 5 feet above high water, 4 yards southeast of shore at top of a vertical bank 5 feet high, and 125 yards west of board fence and row of cedar trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 18. go meters S 23° 36' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. . References . — ° "Tobe" (N 64° 26' E) o South chimney of Bridges house 55 Reference station 91 North gable of bam 160 Chimney of house 238 North chimney of Fairbank house 249 South chimney of house 256 South chimney of house 320 Chimney of small cabin 343 31 00 % mile. yi mile. 58 00 18.90 meters. 41 % mile. 19 yi mile. 09 yi mile. 04 I mile. 50 I mile. 22 ]/i mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 95 BLANCO. General locality. — Southern shore of Leadenham Creek about ^4 mile west of Broad Creek entrance to creek and J^ mile southwest of entrance to Grace Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 9 feet above high water and 13 yards south of edge of vertical bank at shore . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Fairbanks" (N 30° 58' E) o 00 00 ^g mile. West chimney of house 28 00 1% miles. West gable of house 37 03 3 miles. North gable of bam 136 49 X mile. South chimney of house 308 51 yivaiXc. East chimney of house 322 07 ^ mile. Chimney of house 328 19 J^ mile. West chimney of house 356 26 yi mile. NED. General locality. — Southern shore of Leadenham Creek about lyi miles west of Broad Creek entrance to creek and opposite entrance to Caulk Cove. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Obser\-ed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 5 yards east of shore, 19 yards south of the extreme end of marsh point, and north of a heavy pine woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Caulk" (N 53° 48' E) o 00 00 ^4 mile. West chimney of house 15 23 ^ mile. Nailin blaze in pine tree (12 inchesdiameter). 123 06 50 10.47 meters. Nail Ln blaze in pine tree (12 inches diameter). 177 59 10 7.52 meters. East chimney of house 226 43 |-i mile. Chimney of small house 262 10 X mile. East chimney of house 286 20 J^ mile. CAULK. General locality. — Northern shore of Leadenham Creek about 3,^ mile west of Broad Creek entrance to creek and ]4 mile east-southeast of entrance to Caulk Cove. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh on a wooded shore about i foot above high water and 3 yards north of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above stirface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Fairbanks" (N 84° 28' E) o 00 00 >i mile. North gable of Bridges bam 28 28 i mile. West chimney of house 125 30 i^ miles. East chimney of house 172 52 ^^ mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inchesdiameter). 216 17 00 9.74 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diameter) . 339 45 20 24.77 meters. West chimney of house 356 03 ^ mile. 96 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. FAIRBANKS. General locality. — Northern shore of Leadenhatn Creek about % mile west of Broad Creek entrance to creek and on first point southwest of entrance to Grace Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 75 yards south of a house and 13 yards north of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above siuface of ground. Subsurface mark is cement of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Pine" (N 50° 00' E) o 00 00 J-^ mile. South comer of small house ;^;j 48 3 miles. West gable of Bridges bam 80 22 ^ mile. West chimney of house 138 27 ^2 mile. South gable of com crib 257 04 100 yards. East chimney of house 300 34 75 yards. South gable of bam 317 19 300 yards. PINE. General locality. — Northern shore of Leadenham Creek on point between entrances to Leadenham Creek and Grace Creek, and about }4 mile west of Broad Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on wooded shore about 5 feet above high water, 5 yards west of shore, 60 yards north of the extreme end of point, and at intersection of two lanes cut through woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.52 meters N 67° 25' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsxu^ace mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of siuface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Fairbanks" (S 50° 00' W) o 00 00 simile. Reference station 52 35 00 9.52 meters. "Cabin" (staff on west end of cabin) 161 49 00 fs mile. West chimney of house 207 11 fi mile. North chimney of house 219 50 2^8 miles. South gable of small house 235 06 3}^ miles. South gable of house 274 20 2}i miles. South chimney of Bridges house 284 24 ^ mile. North gable of Bridges barn 290 34 J^ mile. East chimney of house 336 13 % mile. LUNA. General locality. — Western shore of Grace Creek on a prominent point about ^-2 mile northwest of Broad Creek entrance to creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 5 yards north of shore, 11 yards west of the extreme end of point, and 3 yards east of a dense growth of small pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biu'ied with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Cabin" (N 80° 51' E) o 00 00 y^ mWe. North chimney of house 19 07 J'^ mile. South gable of bam 37 30 ^ mile. North gable of Bridges bam 92 10 i mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inches diameter) . 188 48 10 3.29 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inches diameter). 256 00 00 2.61 meters. West chimney of house 287 57 X ™ile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 97 CABIN. General locality. — Eastemshore of Grace Creek about % mile north of Broad Creek entrance to creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on west gable of deserted cabin about 10 feet above high water, and 17 yards east of shore. Marks. — Observed station is a twenty-penny wire nail driven 2 feet below the peak of west gable of a deserted cabin, and surmounted by a staff erected over nail. References^. — None necessary. SKINNER. General locality. — Western shore of Broad Creek at eastern side of entrance to Grace Creek, about ^ mile west of Mulberry Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 3 yards north- east of shore, 42 yards east of the extreme end of point, and 40 >ards southwest of a small clump of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ■ o / // "Ross" (S 45° 32' E) o 00 00 iX miles. South chimney of house 5 48 2}^ miles. North gable of house 21 10 2X miles. West chimney of Bridges house 45 46 J^ mile. North gable of Bridges bam 51 32 %■ mile. East chimney of house 108 2ii H mile. Nortli chimney of house 163 55 ^ mile. South chimney of house 212 06 J^^ mile. Chimney of cabin 228 36 % mile. South gable of bam 272 26 % m\\Q. West chimney of house 318 07 2 miles BALD. General locality. — Western shore of Broad Creek on Mulberry Point on northern side of entrance to Leadenhara Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 2 yards north of shore, 50 yards west of extreme east end of point, and 40 yards southeast of a rail fence. Cement monument marking reference station is 16.84 meters N 40° 26' W of observed station. Cedar stub mark- ing old triangulation station "Mulberry-" is 22.46 meters N 52° 57' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches al)ove surface of groimd. Old triangulation station "Mulberry" is nail in 2-inch cedar stub projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. References. — a / // "Tobe" (S 57° 09' W) o CO 00 ^8 mile. East gable of house 19 19 \% miles. East chimney of house 47 05 X mile. Reference STATION 118 25 00 16.84 meters. South chimney of Willey house 158 43 lyi miles. Cupola on "Beverly" house 166 28 ij^ miles. Old TRi.\NGLrLATioN STATION MULBERRY. .. . 175 48 40 22.46 meters. Right tangent of north end of Willey Island . . 215 38 f^ mile. Right tangent of marsh at Deep Neck Point . . 286 05 i>^ miles. North gable of Bridges bam 344 46 i mile. 53485—12 7 98 Survey of Oyster Burs, Ta/hot County, Md. ROSE. General locality. — Western shore of upper Broad Creek on a ,very prominent point about ;Js mile nortli northeast of Mulberr>- Point ;aid 's mile west-northwest of the south end of Hanibleton Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 4 yards west of end of point, and 20 yards east of point of pine woods. Markx. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried witli top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Gram" (N 5° 29' W) o 00 00 >j mile. South chimney of house 4 32 \% miles. South chimney of Willis house 42 53 ^'-4 mile. Cvipola on "Beverly" house 53 03 i mile. West chimney of " Beverly " tenant house. . . 66 59 i^ miles. West gable of house iii 08 i^ miles. North chimney of house 136 32 2% miles. Right tangent of woods on Deep Neck Point . . 179 32 i^ miles. Left tangent of Nelson Island 208 24 3 J^ miles. West gable on Bridges barn 225 04 lyi miles. South chimney of house 232 29 ^i mile. North chimney of house 259 06 ^i mile. Cupola on bam 359 21 1% miles. GRAM. General locality. — Western shore of upper Broad Creek about f^ mile north of Mulberry Point and about yi mile west of upper end of Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 10 yards west of extreme east end of point, and about ^ mile northeast of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Royal" (N 8° 49' E) o 00 00 |-^ mile. North chimney of house 12 31 ^s mile. North chimney of Price house 41 36 J^ mile. South chimney of Willey house 63 08 ^2 mile. Cupola on " Beverly" house 66 45 J^ mile. West chimney of house 96 11 ij/s miles. Right tangent of woods on Deep Neck Point. 165 22 ij^ miles. North chimney of house 231 02 ^ mile. South gable of Miller barn 313 28 2 miles. South chimney of Harrison house 316 54 lys miles. Cup:ila on bam 344 46 X ™i'£- South chimney of house 353 26 ^ mile. BENGAL. General locality. — Western shore of upper Broad Creek about ^4 mile west of north end of Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34.) hmncdiate locality. — Observed station is on narrow marsh point about i foot above high water, 4 yards south of shore. 55 yards west of extreme end of point, and north of a fringe of pine and cedar trees along bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.81 meters S 52° 34' W of observed station. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 99 oo ^2 mile. 50 11.68 meters. 10 8.81 meters. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — "Gram" (S 51° 52' E) o Nail in blaze in pine tree ( i8 inches diameter) 96 Referenck station 104 Nail in blaze in cedar stump 1 foot high (10 inches diameter) 109 East chimney of Jump house 169 Belfry on Harrison outhouse 201 South chimney of Harper house 216 Cupola on barn 251 South chimney of house 266 " St. Michaels Water Tank " 26S North chimney of house 293 Cupola on ' ' Beverly ' ' house 326 North chimney of house 343 01 00 g.43 meters. 00 X mile. 55 i>2 miles. 54 K mile. 54 K mile. 18 ^ mile. 51 2 miles. 15 ^ mile. 00 i^ miles. 15 iX miles. EASTMAN. 00 00 J^ mile. 06 I mile. 36 2 miles. 31 i}{ miles. 59 K mile. 29 J-2 mile. 43 I mile. 09 lyi miles. General locality. — Western shore of upper Broad Creek about 1V4 miles west-northwest of north end of Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 12 yards south of extreme end of point, 3 yards northeast of clump of myrtle bushes, and 200 yards east of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — " Woodill" (N 23° 46' W) o Belfry on Harrison outhouse 4 South gable of barn 12 South chimney of Willis house 18 Chimney of Burke house 22 North chimney of Harper house 38 North chimney of house 82 North chimney of house 124 Chimney of Sutton house 297 13 . . ._ 200 yards. East chimney of Jump house 327 ,23 >2 mile. WOODILL. General locality. — Western shore of upper Broad Creek about X mile east of Bozman and iK miles northwest of Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on wooded shore about 6 feet above high water, 8 yards southwest of shore, and 5 yards north of a pile of oyster shells. Mark.t. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Mars" (S 77° 03' E) o South chimney of house 8 Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diameter) 104 Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diameter) 166 Belfry on Harrison outhouse 238 South chimney of house 251 00 00 ^'i mile. 38 2yi miles. 16 20 23.70 meters. 31 20 16.21 meters. 54 H mile. 54 2 miles. loo Survey of Oyster Bars, Taibot County, Md. References — Continued. a i // South chimney of Willis house 258 51 J^ mile. Chimney of Burke house 272 07 yi mile. North chimney of Harper house 305 59 J^ mile. Cupola on bam 327 48 y^ra\\e.. North chimney of house 350 00 i mile. DELTA. General locality. — Western shore of upper Broad Creek about }^ mile northeast of Bozman, and z}'^ miles northwest of Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34. 1 Immediate locality. — Observ'ed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 10 yards west of shore, and about 100 yards east of an orchard. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Willis" (N 13° 54' E) o 00 00 X mile. North chimney of Harper house 92 01 yi mile . Cupola on "Beverly" house 103 01 2^ miles. North chimney of house 109 34 2% miles. North chimney of Jump house 209 og X ™ile. South gable of bam 341 14 i mile. MARION. General locality. — Western shore of upper Broad Creek about 2}A miles northwest of Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34.; Immediate locality. — Observed station is on east side of a tenant house in a cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 12 yards south of shore, and 12 yards northwest of old open well. Marks. — Observed station is center of hole drilled in east face of center one of three posts supporting east front of a tenant house, and surmounted by spindle erected over hole. References. — None necessary. WILLIS. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Broad Creek, on a point at northern side of entrance to a small creek about 2\4 miles west of St. Michaels. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on ma;sh point at west edge of yard of a house about i foot above high water, 8 yards east of shore, 5 yards west of top of slope, about 4 feet higher than station, and 65 yards southwest of the southwest comer of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsiuface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of siuface pipe. References. — o / // "Neptune" (S 15° 36' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. North chimney of house 37 51 X niile. North gable of house 41 18 % mile. "Marion" (staff on east side of house) 70 53 10 % m\\c. Chimney on Harrison tenant house 70 55 ^ mile. South chimney of Harrison house ... 113 36 yi m.\\e.. vSouth chimney of Miller house 125 01 5^ mile. South chimney of Harrison house 165 07 ij/i miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (15 inches diam- eter) 174 34 50 16.59 nieters. South chimney of house 182 18 \4 mile. Southwest comer of Willis house 246 43 63 yards. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 302 55 50 1 1. 81 meters. Chimney of house 356 35 yi mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. oo oo yi mile. 41 li mile. 00 S.67 meters. is mile. 5-8 mile. 23 ........ iX miles. 57 1^ mile. 44 2 miles. 38 40 yards. 54 NEPTUNE. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Broad Creek about 2 miles north of Mulberry Point and 2 miles west of St. Michaels. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated garden about 7 feet above high water, 10 yards north of shore. 20 yards east of the extreme end of point, 2 yards north of top of bank with uniform slope to shore, and 40 yards west of a house. Marks. — Observ'ed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above sxu-face of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Venus" (S 17° 02' E) o North chimney of house 72 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) lOI Chimney of Harrison tenant house 141 Belfry on Harrison outhouse 153 South gable of house 171 West chimney of Willis house 186 North chimney of house 222 Chimney of Burke house 287 VENUS. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Broad Creek about ' 2 mile north of entrance to Edgar Cove. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on wooded point about 6 feet above high water and 3 yards northeast of edge of a vertical bank 6 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.28 meters S 79° 28' E of observed station. Marks. — Obser\'ed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried %\-ith top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // " Delta" (N 83° 41' W) o 00 00 ,'4 mile. South chimney of Miller house 38 50 i mile. Belfr\- on Harrison outhouse 45 34 >^ mile. South gable of bam 55 58 iX miles. Chimney of Burke house Nail in blaze of twin oak tree (24 inches diam- eter) 136 Reference station 184 Nail in blaze of oak tree (5 inches diameter) . . 195 West gable of Sutton bam 289 South chimney of house 336 MARS. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Broad Creek about i mile northwest of north end of Ham- bleton Island. (See Chart No. 34. 1 Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about 2 feet above high water and 7 yards east of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument priijccting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 77 II yi mile. 06 10 14. 1 7 meters. 13 25 1328 meters. 36 50 3. 48 meters. II ^ mile. 36 yi mile. I02 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — "Royal" (869° 17' E) o 00 00 //^ mile. North chimney of house 3 51 i mile. North gable of comcrib 105 52 }4 mile. West chimney of Sutton house 136 00 >2 mile. Right comer of Eastman bungalow 147 10 fs mile. South chimney of house 183 24 ^■4 mile. Chimney of Harrison tenanthouse 210 ;}-i i mile. South chimney of house 232 05 3-^ mile. North chimney of house 333 35 ,'-j mile. ROYAL. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Broad Creek about J-i mile northwest of north end ol Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 5 yards northeast of shore, 45 yards south of a lone leaning cedar tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above siu-face of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — • o / // "Mars" (N 69° 16' W) o 00 00 j!-i' mile. North chimney of house i 57 i_J^ miles. Nail in blaze in red oak tree (3 feet diameter) 92 31 00 76.08 meters. West chimney ol house 113 59 X mile. South chimney of "Beverly" house 178 12 i mile. Right tangent of woods on Deep Neck Point. 247 53 2 miles. North chimney of house 273 53 s-s mile. North chimney of Sutton house 338 34 i mile. West chimney of Jump house 348 18 i mile. GRAVE. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Broad Creek on point of mainland between Broad Creek and Back Creek about J-s mile west of north end of Hambleton Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 1 1 yards northeast of shore, and about J4 mile southwest of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Ray" (S 26° 29' E) o 00 00 y^ mile. Right tangent of woods Deep Neck Point. .. . 31 14 !%■ miles. North chimney of house 83 25 }4 mile. South gable of barn 123 29 iX miles. North chimney of Jump house 132 30 i}4 miles. South chimney of house 172 29 ^ mile. South chimney of Price house 249 57 X luilc. Cupola on " Beverly" house 300 07 J^ mile. North chimney of Willey house 309 23 y^ mile. RAY. General locality. — Eastern shore of Broad Creek on western side of Hambleton Island about X ™'le north of tlie south end of island, and >8 mile northeast of Mulberry Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 4 yards east of shore, and 13 yards west of fringe of small trees at top of bank near edge of cultivated field. Sur-vey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 103 Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of marsh. Subsurface mark is center of a 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Willey"(S7° 15' E) o Right tangent of woods Deep Neck Point. ... 23 West gable of Bridges bam 55 East chimney of house 73 North chimney of house 100 North chimney of house 126 South chimney of house 159 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diamcterj. 245 Nail in blaze in wild cherry tree (7 inches diameter) 303 )4, mile. lyi miles. 2 miles. I mile. $^ ^ mile. 25 !%■ miles. 58 i^:^ miles. 59 10 11.08 meters. 50 20.52 meters. WILLEY. General locality. — Eastern shore of Broad Creek on southern end of Hambleton Island about ys mile north of Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 15 feet above high water, and 50 yards north of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Bald" (S 87° 48' W) o 00 00., North chimney of house 39 42 . . . . Chimney of house 57 ;'-4 mile. 1 mile. 2 miles. South chimney of house 75 32 ii/s miles. Chimney of " Beverly ' ' tenant house 117 Cupola on outhouse i8g Chimney of house 194 West chimney of house . .. 208 North gable of bam . 230 Left tangent of Nelson Island 304 East chimney of house 353 JUDGE. 34 yi mile. 21 X mile. 37 T^-i miles. 32 i^ miles. 19 2,'/-2 miles. 30 3>8 miles. 02 ij-s miles. General locality. — Western shore of Back Creek on a prominent point on eastern side of Hambleton Island about K mile north of Edge Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 2 feet above high water. 7 yards west of the extreme end of point, and 8 yards east of a cut inshore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting (> inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Willey" (S 14° 47' W) o IvOne cedar tree 51 South chimney of Willey house 136 North chimnej' of house 142 West chimney of " Beverly" house 164 East chimney of "Beverly" tenant house. ... 204 Chimney of house 238 East chimney of house 265 North chimney of house 299 Right edge of small house 328 00 00 H mile. 09 95 yards. 07 }.2 mile. 23 y^ mile. 16 X mile. 21 300 yards. 21 21.59 meters. HOPKINS. General locality. — Northern shore of Edge Creek on eastern side of entrance to Back Creek about X mile north-northeast of Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 15 yards north of shore, 20 yards from three small cedar trees near shore. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 107 30 mile. 4 miles. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-incli tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Spencer" (S 43° 22' E) o North gable of bam 25 Right tangent of pine woods on Deep Neck Point 84 Left edge of bam roof 107 Chimney of house 137 South chimney of house 195 West chimney of " Beverly ' ' house 205 21 : . J4 mile. West chimney of house 234 13 J^ mile. Chimney of house 336 04 i mile. South chimney of house 343 28 ^ s mile. SPENCER. 37 iX miles. 32 2 miles. 23 1^2 miles. i^ li^i miles. General locality. — Northern shore of Edge Creek at western side of entrance to Solitude Creek about I mile east of Broad Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediaie locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 4 yards north- east of shore, and 21 yards northwest of extreme end of point, with a long bar of oyster shells extending 65 yards into creek. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.22 meters N 8° 44' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in 3-inch cedar stub projecting 4 inches above surface of marsh. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° "Hopkins" (N 43° 22' W) o South gable of bam 36 Reference st.\tion 52 Chimney of house 96 West chimney of house no South chimney of house iSo 45 ij^ miles. West chimney' of house 201 47 j}i miles. Chimney of small house 243 19 i^ miles. East chimney of house 306 49 2^ miles. East gable of house 316 57 2j^ miles. South chimney of house 345 29 2 miles. 00 00 ^^ mile. 01 X mile. 05 10 11.22 meters. 18 f s mile. 51 3,8 mile. MARSHALL. General locality. — Northern shore of Edge Creek opposite Elberts Cove about ^y^ miles east of Cedar Point at Broad Creek entrance to creek. (See Chart No. 34. 1 Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 6 feet above high water, 16 yards northeast of shore, 3 yards northeast of an old row of fence posts, 13 yards northwest of wire fence and line of cedar trees, and 125 yards west of an old deserted house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Holly " (S 13° 25' E) o 00 00 >i mile. West chimney of house 21 00 |^ mile. North gable of house 62 58 i mile. North gable of bam 75 45 !>< miles. io8 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 39 References — Continued. o / // East chimney of house 120 35 2}i miles. Chimney of house 162 45 ij^ miles. East chimney of house 176 04 ^'i mile. Lone dead tree (18 inches diameter) 206 48 125 yards. West chimney of old deserted house 288 17 125 yards. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diameter;. 214 43 10 12.55 meters. West chimney of house 340 56 lyi miles. CLARK. General locality.- — Northern shore of Edge Creek on western side of entrance to Spencer Creek about 1S4 miles east of Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 34.) ^ Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field behind a fringe of locust and cedar trees about 6 feet above high water, 17 yards north of shore, and 35 yards northwest of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Holly" (826° 12' W) o East chimney of house 12 Nail in blaze in locust tree (7 inches diameter) 72 East chimney of deserted house 97 South chimney of house 142 West gable of Hammond wharf house 180 North chimney of house 216 South gable of house 255 North chimney of house 276 West chimney of house 295 West chimney of house 314 52 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter). 323 03 40 3.67 meters. HOLLY. General locality. — Southern shore of Edge Creek about 2 miles east of Broad Creek and nearly opposite entrance to Spencer Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about on level with high water, 13 yards north of a fringe of cedar trees and 100 yards west of a cove. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.68 meters S 14° 24' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Marsh" (N 62° 58' W) o 00 00 ^mile. East gable of bam 3 14 2^ miles. South chimney of house 28 36 1% miles. Chimney of small house 44 51 J^ mile. Chimney of deserted house 54 38 yi mile. Chimney of large house 125 00 J^ mile. fi mile. j4 mile. II 7.58 meters. 34 X mile. 23 X mile. 40 yi mile. 23 K mile. 52 f s mile. 48 I mile. 05 J<4 mile. South chimney of house 162 Nail in blaze in holly tree (8 inches diameter). 256 Reference station 257 Nail in blaze in tree (6 inches diameter) 293 East chimney of house 303 29 iX miles. 50 40 12.88 meters. 21 50 11.68 meters. 42 00 14-35 meters. 31 yi mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 109 MARSH. General locality. — Southern shore of Edge Creek at eastern side of entrance to Elbert Cove about lyi miles east of Broad Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 18 yards west of shore, 27 yards south of extreme north end of point, and 35 yards north of an old fence line with a row of cedars. Cement monument marking reference station is 13.58 meters S 14° 47' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in 3-inch cedar stub projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Clark" (N 66° 24' E) o Chimney of house 11 West gable of bam 19 South chimney of house 37 Reference station 128 South chimney of house 195 East gable of bam 234 South chimney of house 260 00 00 X mile. 54 I mile. 43 ^H miles. 31 lyi miles. 23 10 13-58 meters. 10 I mile. 19 2^ miles. 24 2% miles. East chimney of house 296 34 J^ mile. CEDAR. General locality. — Eastern shore of Broad Creek on Cedar Point at southern side of entrance to Edge Creek about i/i mile south of south end of Hambleton Island and X mile east-northeast of Deep Neck Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a hard oyster shell bank about 3 feet above high water, 3 yards south of shore, and in front of a thicket of cedar and oak trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 11. 16 meters S 27° 55' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch cedar stub projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Willey"(N4° 24' W) o "St. Michaels Water Tank" 8 West chimney on house 26 Cupola on house.- 52 East chimney of house 54 North chimney of house 79 Reference station 156 28 10 11.16 meters. Nail in blaze in twin oak tree (12 inches diameter) 168 Nail in blaze in elm tree (12 inches diameter) . 213 North chimney of house 270 East gable of house 284 East chimney of house 308 East chimney of house 330 38 i^ miles. South chimney of house 351 51 2 miles. ROSS. General locality .—Eastern, shore of Broad Creek on Deep Neck Point about i mile south-southeast of Mulberry Point and l< mile west-southwest of Cedar Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate /oca/zVy.— Observed station is on wooded shore about 10 feet above high water, and 6 yards southeast of top of vertical bank which is washing rapidly. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.94 meters S 61 ° 43' E of observed station. 00 00 5 s mile. 03 3X miles. 29 lyi miles. 10 I mile. 03 . . ., i^ miles. 29 lyi miles. 00 6.14 meters. 50 4.13 meters. i>8 miles. ili miles. II iX miles. no Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. °3 Marks. — Observed station is center of 3-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. vSubsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below bottom of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — o / // "Cedar" (N 65° 14' E) o Nail in blaze in pine tree (18 inches diameter) 22 Reference station 53 Nail in blaze in pine tree (15 inches diameter) 81 Left tangent of Nelson Point 156 South gable of Bridges bam 212 South gable of house 226 South chimney of house 243 South chimney of house 263 Cupola on bam 288 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 306 "St. Michaels P. E. Church Spire" 308 East chimney of house 320 COOK. 00 yi mile. 30 16.32 meters. 10 14.94 meters. 02 20 1 1. 81 meters. 27 2^ miles. 06 I mile. 21 i}4 miles. 18 ij^ miles. 21 I mile. 25 2yi miles. 04 3>2 miles. 18 3f^ miles. 33 I'/i miles. 56 23 00 ili miles. i^^" miles. 20 13-79 meters. 00 1 1. 6s meters. General locality. — Eastern shore of Broad Creek about i^^ miles north of Choptank River and X mile south of entrance to Bridge Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on point of marsh about i foot above high water and 2 yards east of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.63 meters N 61° 29' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° "Ross" (N 4° 06' E) o East chimney of house 11 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) 54 Reference st.\tion 57 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (8 inches diameter) 73 Left tangent of Nelson Island 228 North gable of bam 293 South gable of Bridges bam 321 South chimney of house 343 04 2^ miles. South chimney of house 354 47 3K luiles. PEARY. General locality. — Eastern shore of Broad Creek about i mile north of entrance to Broad Creek, ij^ miles north of Royston Island, and 1^4 miles east-northeast of Nelson Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on wooded shore about 6 feet above high water, 3 yards cast of vertical bank, which is washed by high water, looyardssouthof north end of pine woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 20.93 meters N 43° 30' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. 37 30 g.79 meters. 18 2 miles. 09 2}i miles. 47 i}/i miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — o / // "Roys" (S 17° 35' E) o 00 00 iK miles. Left tangent of Cook Point 44 53 6>i ™iles. Right tangent of Nelson Point 96 East chimney of house 117 East gable of Parlett house 131 South gable of bam 168 Nail in blaze in pine tree (15 inches diameter) 233 Reference station 241 Nail in blaze in pine tree (15 inches diameter) 307 IRISH. 09 iX miles. 03 2 miles. 52 2j^ miles. 59 zj/i miles. 25 40 17-49 meters. 04 50 20.93 meters. 35 1° IS-4S meters. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Choptank River on west side of entrance to Irish Creek, about ^ mile northeast of Royston Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land, about 5 feet above high water, 13 yards east-northeast of edge of bank, 5 yards north of foot of bank, 4 yards north of a cedar tree, 10 yards west of a small cedar tree at west end of line of locust trees, and 23 yards east-southeast of rounded point of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Pont" (N 13° 04' E) o 00 00 J-2 mile. Near peak of building 25 49 i>-4 miles. Nail in blaze in locust tree (2 inches diam- eter) 68 Left peak of house 98 Left peak of bam 123 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diam- eter) 152 Near peak of house 185 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (2 inches diam- eter) 206 "Sharps Island Light" 230 Near peak of house 291 52 50 16.33 meters. 15 fs mile. 13 I mile. 52- 10 4.29 meters. 06 5 miles. 2^ 40 6.24 meters. 10 20 9 miles. 12 3J^ miles. Near peak of barn 348 54 300 yards. ROYS. General locality. — Northeastern side of Choptank River on southern end of Royston Island, about yi mile southwest of entrance to Irish Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 15 yards north of shore, 25 yards east of shore, and 25 yards northeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 Inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (S 44° 37' E) o " Large Water Tank " g Peak of large bam 49 Right peak of bam 71 08 sJ^ miles. Windmill 71 16 5^^ miles. "Sharps Island Light" 109 16 30 8J^ miles. Church spire 134 43 6 miles. 00 00 3f^ miles. 09 00 sf^ miles. 44 4X miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References — Continued. a / « Church spire 134 47 6 miles. Large spire 134 57 6 miles. Windmill 146 07 sH miles. Chimney of house 170 03 3 miles. Near peak of large bam ' 200 28 3>3 miles. Nail in blaze in oak tree (3 inches diameter). . 215 43 10 10.64 meters Nail in blaze in oak tree (3 inches diameter). . 281 24 20 6.22 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 358 28 40 15.92 meters. PONT. mile north of Choptank River 00 00 /.-^ mile. 36 50 24.71 meters. 34 H mile. 10 I mile. General locality. — Western shore of Irish Creek on point about entrance to creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in pasture land, about 5 feet above high water, 3 yards west of edge of bank, 30 yards south-southwest of point of bank, 35 yards north by west of point of bank, and yi mile northeast of 2''2-storj' frame house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Sticky" (N 14° 01' W) o Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 25 Right peak of bam 43 Left peak of house 80 Near peak of bam 143 06 J^ mile. Near peak of 2' i-story house 231 32 yi mile. STICKY. General locality. — Western shore of Irish Creek about ^ mile from Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on small marsh point about i foot above high water, 8 yards east of shore, 8 yards west of shore, 4 yards south of a 3-foot terrace covered with small cedar and pine trees, and 23 yards north-northeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° " Vue" (N 89° 43' E) o Left peak of large house 2 Right comer of house 47 Near peak of house 92 Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diam- eter) 231 Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diam- eter) 244 Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diam- eter) 269 00 00 }2 mile . 04 I mile. 19 25 49 Ji mile yi mile. 40 8.72 meters. 10 9.85 meters. 30 8.63 meters. Near peak of bam 317 55 ^ mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. "3 VUE. General locality. — Northern shore of Irish Creek, about X ™ile from Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 4 j-ards west-northwest of shore, 5 yards nortlieast of shore, and 8 yards north of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. vSubsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Ila" (S 2° 45' W) o 00 00 >^ mile. Right peak of barn 49 28 ^ mile. Right peak of house 52 30 ^4, mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 160 52 10 24.91 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter) 186 14 40 45- °3 meters. Left comer of house 265 31 400 yards. Left peak of house 271 30 J^ mile. Near peak of house 311 21 % mile. Right comer of house 352 34 ^ mile. ILA. General locality. — Eastern shore of Irish Creek, about ^ mile from Choptank River entrance to creek, on a point at north side of entrance to a cove. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 5 feet above high water, 3 yards south-southwest of edge of bank, 20 yards northeast of edge of bank at trees, 17 yards southeast of point of bank, and 23 yards east by north of point of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Creek" (S 16° 51' W) Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) .• Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) Left comer of bam 59 17 yi mile. Near peak of bam 130 36 ^ mile. Left comer of left chimney of house 155 18 ^ mile. Left peak of house 191 36 f/i mile. Left peak of house 222 01 X mile. Left comer of left chimney of large house 265 09 J^ mile. Right peak of house 334 56 S/g mile. o 00 00 yi mile. 13 57 30 16.07 meters. 28 06 10 19-32 meters. 53 06 20 2i.36meters. CREEK. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Choptank River on east side of entrance to Irish Creek, about ^ mile east-northeast of Royston Island. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station on marsh point about i foot above high water, 11 yards south- east of shore, 11 yards east of shore, 17 yards north-northeast of shore and 14 yards south of cut in shore. 53485—12 8 ri4 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. vSubsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Dot" (S 17° 34' W) o 00 00 4S-8 miles. liight comer of house 118 45 ^ mile. Right corner of house 146 12 iX miles. Left peak of house 184 09 1% miles. Left comer of large chimney 230 02 ^s mile. Near peak of large buildiag 354 09 5 J^ miles. BENONI 2. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River on Benoni Point at western side of entrance to Tred Avon River, about ifs miles northwest of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 9 yards south -south west of foot of knoll and edge of marsh, 4 yards nortlieast of edge of bank, 25 yards east-southeast of point of bank, 30 yards north by west of point of marsh, and 100 yards southwest of a cove. Cement monument marking reference station is 7.45 meters N 42° 02' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of stub projecting 4 inches above a 4-inch tile pipe with top of pipe flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (840° 01' E) o 00 00 i^ miles. "Large Water Tank" 13 10 20 3^ miles. Left comer of house 65 40 4^2 miles. Nail in blaze in water bush 181 09 10 7.68 meters. Nail in blaze in water bush 231 34 40 4.54 meters. Near peak of small house 245 Left comer of burnt house 261 Reference st.\tion 262 Peakof near gable of large house 277 Nail in blaze in water bush 288 Left comer of house 306 50 i^ miles. 14 2 miles. 02 40 7.45 meters. 30 i}^ miles. 09 40 10.40 meters 56 iJ s miles MUTTON. ■ General locality. — Western shore of Tred Avon River opposite town of Oxford, about 1^4' miles north- northeast of Benoni Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 5 feet above high water, 13 yards west of edge of tree-fringed bank at edge of strip of marsh, 20 yards southwest of edge of bank, and 25 yards northeast of edge of bank at bend. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above siuface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (S 5° 44' E) o Right comer of bam 70 Near comer of barn 108 Center of chimney outside of house 161 Near corner of house 214 32 J4 mile. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (12 inches diameter) 223 57 20 .'.... . 18.44 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 242 32 30 13.48 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diameter) 279 04 40 11.80 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diameter) 354 18 20 17.18 meters. 00 00 2X miles. 54 X mile. 44 600 yards. 53 /<( ™ile- Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 1 1 5 TRED. General locality. — Western shore of Tred Avon River about X ™il6 west of Oxford. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about on level with high water, 2 yards west of shore of marsh strip, 6 yards east of foot of a bank, 6 feet high, 30 yards south by east of small house among trees, 13 yards south by east of end of fence, and 20 yards north of small point of marsh strip. Cement monu- ment marking reference station is 4.98 meters N 68° 24' W of observed station and at foot of bank. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of cypress stub projecting 5 inches above 4-inch tile pipe with top of pipe flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — 0/1/ "Choptank River Light" (S 0° 22' E) o 00 00 2Ss miles. Reference station iii 59 00 4.98 meters. Near peak of small house 171 43 29 yards. Windmill on wooden tower 212 46 i^ miles. Left peak between two chimneys of large house 23S 08 I Ji miles. Left peak of Oxford wharf house 277 22 |^ mile. Windmill 324 51 i mile. BELLEVUE. General locality. — Western shore of Tred Avon River at Bellevue steamboat landing about J^ mile northwest of Oxford steamboat landing. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on south side of roadway pier to Bellevue wharf, about 16 yards south by west of a crab house, and 25 yards west of wharf house. Marks. — Observed station is center of 3-inch square staff 12 feet high. References. — Right corner of storehouse N. E. 16.00 meters. Left corner of wharf house E. by N 24.25 meters. Right corner of wharf house E. by S 24.18 meters. Center one of four nails in plank N. by E 3.42 meters. Center one of four nails in plank E. by S 73 meters. Center one of four nails in plank W. by N 82 meters. TAR. General locality. — Western shore of Tred Avon River on point between Tar Creek and Plaindealing Creek about 1% miles north of Oxford steamboat wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a long point about 4 feet above high water, 10 yards east- northeast of Tar Creek, 9 yards north by west of point of bank, 10 yards northwest by west of edge of bank, 6 yards west-southwest of edge of bank, and 60 yards west by north of extreme end of point of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting S inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Peck" (S 55° 15' E) o 00 00 X mile. Spindle on left cupola of long bam 10 35 1^4 miles. Stack of ice plant at Oxford 52 20 lyi miles. Weather vane on bam cupola 105 41 f^ mile. Left peak of 2>j-story frame house 128 04 }4 ta\\c. Right comer of frame house 203 00 127 yards. Front peak of frame house 246 08 yi mile. Left peak of cupola 337 08 f| mile. ii6 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. PECK. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Tred Avon River on Peck Point about i mile northeast of Oxford Steamboat wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in woods about 8 feet above high water, 4 yards north of edge of bank, 4 yards northwest of edge of bank, and 8 yards east of edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Tall" (S 82° 32' E) o 00 00 X mile- Spindle on left cupola on long bam 41 55 i|<4 miles. Right peak of building with cupola 82 05 J4 mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diameter) 83 59 10 2.80 meters. Left comer of large 2>2-story house 150 40 i}4 miles. Spindle on bam cupola 160 35 i^ miles. Nail in blaze in cherry tree (4 inches diameter) 200 59 20 5.65 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (3 inches diameter) 314 22 30 3.93 meters. TALL. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Tred Avon River on a prominent point i^ i miles northeast of Oxford steamboat wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is among cedar and wild pear trees about 2 feet above high water 7 yards northwest of shore , 40 yards east by north of shore . and 50 yards north-northeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of the ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Plain" (N 25° 25' E) o Right peak of house 37 Top of roof of tower 65 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 79 Spindle on bam cupola 105 Spindle on left cupola of large bam 135 04 i mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 162 Right peak of Oxford wharf house 211 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 218 Spindle on top of water tank 240 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 308 46 40 ..... . 3.08 meters. 00 00 }i mile. 35 iH miles. 17 J4 mile. 02 30 2.62 meters. 15 iX miles. 48 30 4.65 meters. 08 lys miles. 30 6.90 meters. i>2 miles. PLAIN. General locality. — Western shore of Tred Avon River about ^2 mile west of north side of entrance to Trippe Creek, and i}4 miles south-southwest of Double Mills wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 3 feet above high water, 5 yards southwest of shore, 10 yards west of shore at first water bush, and 150 yards northwest of point of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 17.90 meters S 55° 16' E of observed station. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 1 1 7 Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch stub in center of 2-inch tile pipe with top of stub projecting 12 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is another 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° "Spin"(N 1° i8'W) o Near peak of very large house 7 Center of cupola on wharf house at Double Mills 19 Spindle on bam cupola 34 Reference Station 126 Spindle on left cupola on long bam 174 Windmill 205 Near peak of large house 246 Near peak of house 318 SPIN. 00 00 ^ mile. 50 ]/i mile. 00 lyi miles. 02 i^ miles. 01 20 17-90 meters. 45 z% miles. 40 lyi miles. 46 % mile. 18 54 mile. 00 00 }4. mile. 37 I mile. 00 9.74 meters. K mile. 47 General locality. — Western shore of Tred Avon River on a point of land between two small creeks about ^ mile northwest of entrance to Trippe Creek, and yi mile south-southwest of Double Mills wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in pasture land near 4 large trees about 10 feet above high water, 20 yards north by west of bank edge, 30 yards west by north of point of bank and 90 yards north- east of a slight cut in the bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Martin" (N 32° 01' E) o Left comer of large frame house 12 Nail in blaze in pine tree (34 inches diam- eter) 23 Near comer of brick house 45 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (14 inches diam- eter) 10 Nail in blaze in holly tree (17 inches diam- eter) 180 Nail in blaze in mulberry tree (30 inches diameter) 213 Windmill 231 Right comer of house 278 13 J^ mile. Right comer of very long frame house 350 46 f^ mile. Cupola on Double Mills wharf house 358 18 J^ mile. MARTIN. General locality. — Western shore of Tred Avon River about i mile north -northwest of entrance to Trippe Creek, and yi mile southwest of Double Mills wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a long narrow point about 2 feet above high water, 8 yards southwest of shore, 11 yards north of piling protecting shore, 30 yards northwest of extreme end of point, and 14 yards east of middle one of three apple trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center point of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 50 10.45 meters. 28 6.90 meters. 54 20 7.01 meters. S3 H ™''e- ii8 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. oo oo y^ mile. 12 ^ mile. 27 yi mile. 51 yi mile. 29 50 21.72 meters. 06 20 16.72 meters. 10 146 yards. References.— ° "Neva" (N 24° 39 ' E) o Spindle on cupola of Double Mills wharf house 4 Left peak of large 2^' 2-story house 29 Right comer of brick house 96 Nail in blaze in apple tree 224 Nail in blaze in apple tree (8 inches diam- eter) 234 Left comer large house 247 Nail in blaze in apple tree (6 inches diam- eter) 250 47 20 12.89 meters. Left comer house 313 03 X tnile. Left peak of roof of house 347 41 ^ mile. NEVA. General locality. — Western shore of Tred Avon River at Double Mills wharf about i J-^ miles nortli of entrance to Trippe Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in southeast comer of a pasture about 3 feet above high water 100 yards west-south west of Double Mills wharf 3 yards west-southwest of wire and latli fence at road, 14 yards north of bank i foot high at river, and 14 yards northwest of comer post of fence. Marks. — Observed station is center of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biu'ied with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Robertson" (N 11° 57' E) o Spindle on cupola on Double Mills wharf house 63 Nail in blaze in horse chestnut tree (8 inches diameter) 89 Right comer of right chimney outside of house. 92 Right comer of brick house 152 08 ^/i mile. Spindle on left cupola on long bam 173 02 2^ miles. Right comer of house 267 40 250 yards. Nail in blaze in linden tree (10 inches diam- eter) 315 58 30 20.30 meters. ROBERTSON. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Tred Avon River about ^ s mile north of Double Mills Wharf and H mile west of end of Long Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on grassy land about 2 feet above high water, 7 yards north of shore, 2 yards south of fence, 3 yards east of a few very small cedar trees, and 40 yards west of cedar trees on high land beyond gully. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Stretch" (S 88° 57' E) o 00 00 ^X mile. Windmill on wooden tower 9 47 i mile. Right corner of building 40 22 M mile. 00 00 1-8 mile. 00 100 yards. 03 40 5.86 meters. 03 J4 mile. " Aye ' ' (weather vane on largest bam cupola) 46 Right comer of house 60 Weather vane on Double Mills Wharf house . . 93 Right peak of large house 116 Nail in blaze in fence post 175 Nail in blaze in fence post 214 Nail in blaze in fence post 306 18 26 J4 mile. 22 X mile. 29 ^ mile. 33 H mile. 05 10 4.47 meters. 15 20 .... 2.27 meters. 04 50 1.80 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 119 STRETCH. General locality. — Western shore of upper Tred Avon River on Long Point at south side of entrance to Maxmore Creek about ]A mile northeast of Double Mills VVharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a rounded marsh point about 1 foot above high water, 16 yards west-northwest of shore, and 22 yards west-southwest of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of grovmd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "May" (N 71° 30' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. Near peak of bam cupola 34 22 ^ mile. "Aye" (weather vane on largest bam cupola) 100 20 10 ^ mile. Right comer of quarter house 100 39 ^ mile. Right comer of large house 120 16 yi mile. Weather vane on Double Mills Wliarf house. . 154 44 >^ mile. Chimney among trees 275 51 % mile. MAY. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Tred Avon River about 14, mile east of entrance to Maxmore Creek and "/% mile northeast of Double Mills wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is at point of woods on marsh about i foot above high water, 10 yards west-northwest of shore, 11 yards north of shore, and 20 yards east of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Peebee" (N 48° 14' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. Left comer of house 10 43 f^ mile. Left comer of large house 56 43 i mile. Spindle on bam cupola 75 59 yi mile. "Aye" (weather vane on largest bam cupola). 165 46 40 f^ mile. Weather vane on Double Mills Wharf house . . 190 15 J^ mile. Nail in Maze in pine tree (8 inches diameter). 269 50 00 6.81 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter) . 290 09 50 g. 39 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) 316 15 00 6.44 meters. PEEBEE. General locality. — Western shore of upper Tred Avon about 1% miles northeast of Double Mills Wharf and ^/i mile northwest of entrance to Peachblossora Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 4 feet above high water, 6 yards southwest of edge of bank, 14 yards west-northwest of edge of bank, 16 yards northwest of extreme point of bank, 50 yards northeast of a clump of cedar trees, and 400 yards east of dense woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cSment monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ■ o / // "Neck" (N 28° 58' E) o 00 00 X mile. Spindle on bam cupola 32 39 J^ mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (16 inches diameter) 68 50 10 9.08 meters. Left comer of house among trees 114 40 ^ mile. Left comer of frame building showing through cedar trees 193 46 i mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diameter). 305 54 00 16.90 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter) 328 43 CO 9.83 meters. Peak of building 358 14 2 miles. I20 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. NECK. General locality. — Western shore of upper Tred Avon River on Neck Point opposite Camden Point and about >^ mile north-northwest of entrance to Peachblossom Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 5 yards west-southwest of shore, 12 yards north of shore, and 8 yards northwest of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — • o / // "Stab" (N 11° 49' W) o 00 00 ^8 mile. Near peak of bani 14 33 ^ mile. Near peak of large house 66 06 li mile. Right peak of large house 100 13 1,4 mile. Left comerof large house among trees 170 24 X mile. Windmill on wooden tower 175 32 % mile. Near peak of house 246 31 ilA miles. STAB. General locality. — Western shore of upper Tred Avon River, on first point north of Neck Point, about ^^ mile north-narthwest of entrance to Peachblossom Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. ^Ohs&rv&A station is in cultivated land, about 8 feet above high water, 3 yards northwest of edge of bank, 25 yards northeast of an oak tree at ravine, and 6 yards west of point of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — u / // "Water" (N 21° 19' E) '. . o 00 00 :' s mile. Left peak of barn 15 02 lyi miles. Peak of dormer window of house 29 34 f^ mile. Spindle on bam cupola 99 43 % mile. Left comer of large house among trees 140 32 ij/i miles. Windmill on wooden tower 143 50 lyi miles. Nail in blaze in oak tree (30 inches diam- eter) 199 15 10 22.06 meters. Right peak of large bam 249 17 'smile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter) 351 13 10 23.61 meters. WATER. General locality. — Western shore of upper Tred Avon River, opposite Watermelon Point, about ^ mile north of Neck Point, anij 1% miles north of entrance to Peachblossom Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field west of a broad marsh about 6 feet above high water, 2 yards west of edge of bank, 35 yards north-northwest of point of bank, 20 yards soutli of point of bank, and 45 yards east-northeast of inside curve of cut. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried witli top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Melon" (N 83° 37' E) o 00 00 I4 mile. Left large chimney of house 59 1$ f^ mile. Spindle on bam cupola 65 10 ]/i mile. Center of cedar tree 198 39 120 yards. Left comer of house 251 33 ^^ mile. Right comer of house 293 02 yi mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 121 RADCLIFFE. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Tred Avon River, on point of land between Dixon Creek and Tred Avon River. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on small piece of fast land at end of marsh point, about 2 feet above high water, 11 yards northeast by north of shore, 15 yards north of shore, 40 j-ards southeast of shore, and among several pine and oak trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Bateman" (S 70° 22' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. End of stable 24 55 ys mile. Left end of boat house roof 103 19 X mile. Near peak of bam 122 55 X niile. Left chimney of house 173 21 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (20 inches diam- eter) 192 56 50 12-59 meters. Near peak of house 206 02 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in oak tree (12 inches diam- > eter) 290 06 10 5.01 meters. Near peak of bam 337 43 J4 mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (20 inches diam- eter) 339 07 20 9.77 meters. BATEMAN. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Tred Avon River, about 5 s mile east of entrance to Dixon Creek, and lyi miles southwest of Easton Point Wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 5 yards southeast of shore, 12 yards southwest of shore, and 20 yards northeast of high land. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2-inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Melon" (84^° lo'W) o 00 00 ^4 mile. Left end of boathouse roof 25 18 yi mile. Peak of bam 37 06 X mile. Near peak of com house 38 37 . . ; )4 mile. Left chimney of large house 63 45 ^ mile. Weather vane on large house 77 28 ^ mile. Middle dormer window of large house 139 25 ^4 mile. Peak of bam 162 05 |^ mile. Windmill 263 34 X mile. MELON. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Tred Avon River, on Watermelon Point, about X mile south of entrance to Dixon Creek, X ™'le north of Camden Point, and I'/i miles north of entrance to Peachblossom Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 9 feet above high water, 30 yards south-southeast of edge of bank, 60 yards east by south of point of bank at large cedar tree, 35 yards east of edge of bank, 150 yards northwest of a cove, and 100 yards west by south of small cedar tree at cut in bank. Morfej.^Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 122 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — o / // "Stab" (847° lo'W) o 00 00 >^ mile. Peak of porch of house 79 03 yi mile. Weather vane on bam 112 04 ^ mile. Near peak of large bam 127 37 ^/i mile. Peak of left dormer window of large house .... 156 56 ^ mile. Right side of right porch pillar on house 192 56 yi raW^. Left comer of large chimney of house 305 26 J^ mile. GASH. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Tred Avon River on point of land between Camden Point and Watermelon Point, about J^ mile north of entrance to Peachblossom Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 16 yards north of shore, 25 yards east-northeast of point of shore, 18 yards east-southeast of bank, 10 yards west of field, and near several large pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — . or// "Camden" (S 11° 43' W) o 00 00 J^ mile. Left comer of near chimney of house 84 18 J^ mile. Nail in blaze in pine tree (24 inches diam- eter) 123 43 50 8.30 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 203 43 50 ii'93 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (12 inches diameter). 298 35 00 7.24 meters. Weather vane on bam cupola 318 38 f| mile. Spindle on bam cupola 351 44 s^ mile. CAMDEN. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Tred Avon River on Camden Point at north side of entrance to a small cove, and about Yi mile north of entrance to Peachblossom Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sandy grass land about 2 feet above high water, 8 yards north-northeast of sandy shore, 22 yards south-southeast of shore of Tred Avon River, 30 yards east of extreme end of point, 10 yards southeast of a mudhole, and 30 yards southwest of clump of cedar and hackberry trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Blossom" (S 6° 31' E) o 00 00 }^ raWc. Windmill on wooden tower i 29 i^ mile. Left peak of long building 55 07 1^4^ miles. Near peak of bam 179 21 yi mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diam- eter) 212 39 20 27.27 meters. Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (3 inches diameter) 224 03 00 26.84 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (14 inches diam- eter) 239 40 40 27.81 meters. Left comer of roof of house 329 14 Ji( mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 123 BLOSSOM. General locality. — Eastern shore of Tred Avon River at north side of entrance to Peachblossom Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 14 yards east by south of shore of river, 12 yards west-northwest of shore of small elliptical cove, and 40 yards north by west of entrance to cove. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top pro- jecting 4 inches above the surface of the ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe 24 inches long buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Wall" (S 50° 07' W) o 00 00 X ™ile. Weather vane on Double Mills Wharf house. . 17 03 if^ miles. Near peak of barn 122 51 iX t^iles. Near peak between two large chimneys on large house 157 49 >^ mile. Left comer of steps on large house among trees 259 40 f^ mile. Left comer of left porch post on large house among trees 298 23 Ji mile. Windmill on wooden tower 305 38 Ji mile. WALL. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Tred Avon River on a point of land at west side of entrance to a small creek about i mile east-northeast of Double Mills Wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in pasture land about 5 feet above high water, 20 yards south of extreme edge of bank, 4 yards west of terrace, 20 yards west of shore, 18 yards south-southeast of edge of bank, and 20 yards east of gully. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above siuface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Aye" (weather vane on largest barn cupola) o / // (S 61° 00' W) o 00 00 5^ mile. Right corner of house 7 59 fi mile. Weather vane on Double Mills Wharf house . . 14 49 i mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (30 inches diam- eter) 37 36 50 .' 17.37 meters. Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (14 inches diameter) 134 55 20 5.03 meters. Windmill on wooden tower 231 09 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (28 inches diam- eter) 255 31 40 32.13 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (30 inches diameter) . 340 33 40 20.96 meters. AYE. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Tred Avon River about >^ mile e^t of Double Mills Wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cupola on largest bam. Marks. — Observed station is spindle on cupola. References. — None necessary. 124 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. HUNTER. General locality. — Eastern shore of Tred Avon River at south side of entrance to a cove about yi mile south-southeast of Double Mills Wharf, and i mile north of entrance to Trippe Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 3 yards southwest of shore, 5 yards east-northeast of shore, 6 yards southeast of point of marsh, and 10 yards west of a clump of wild cherry, hackberry, and cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Weave" (S 27° 35' W) o Near peak between two chimneys of large house 18 Near peak of cupola on building 35 Right peak of large house 69 Peak of dormer window of large house 116 Weather vane on wharf house at Double Mills . 128 Left comer of large house 157 "Aye" (weather vane on largest bam copola). 175 18 20 simile. Nail in blaze in wild-cherry tree (5 inches diameter) 208 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (6 inches diameter) 232, Nail in blaze in leaning cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 263 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (20 inches diam- eter) 272 Near peak of brick house 352 WEAVE. 00 00 )4 mile. 39 i^-i miles. 36 iX miles. 07 yi mile. 34 K mile. 57 X mile. 40 % mile. 35 20 10.70 meters. 14 00 1 1. 18 meters. 50 9.02 meters. 40 5° 13.34 meters. 45 X mile. General locality. — Eastern shore of Tred Avon River about yi mile north of entrance to Trippe Creek, and i mile south of Double Mills Wliarf. (See Chart No. 34.^ Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 20 yards east of shore, 16 yards south of shore at small inlet, 6 yards west of small point on inlet, and 20 yards northeast of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Twin" (S 7° 23' E) o Spindle on left cupola on long bam 15 Stack of ice plant at Oxford 51 Near peak between two chimneys of large house 61 35 iX miles. Left comer of chimney outside left end of house 92 Left comer of large house 157 Peak of near gable of large house 181 Weatlier vane on wharf house at Double Mills . 189 I^ft comer of large house 205 Left peak of house ; 237 00 00 14, mile. 04 i>2 miles. 05 2 miles. 28 yi mile. 58 K mile. 16 I mile. 42 yi mile. 26 yi mile. 58 300 yards. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 125 TWIN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Tred Avon River on point of land on north side of entrance to Trippe Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 4 feet above high water, 45 yards east-southeast of shore of Tred Avon River, and no yards northwest of shore of Trippe Creek. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Rejereiices. — o / // "Toe" (N 69° 34' E) o 00 00 J4 m\e. Near peak of house 4 52 ij^ miles. Top of roof of tower 87 15 >^ mile. Spindle on left cupola on large bam 121 32 i^ miles. Right comer of large house 189 12 J/g mile. Left peak of house 297 01 ^2 mile. Near peak of house in trees 345 37 i mile. TOE. General locality. — Northern shore of Trippe Creek on a point of land about }.2 mile northeast of point at north side of entrance to Trippe Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 10 yards northwest of shore, 14 yards southwest of shore, 12 yards north of round point of shore, 12 yards west of round point of shore, and 30 yards southeast of cedar and persimmon trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above svuface of ground. vSubsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a 1 // "Trippe" (N 64° 19' E) o 00 00 y^ m\\it. Near peak of house 16 03 i^ miles. Near peak of house ^li °^ i|^ miles. Near peak of bam 126 49 i mile. Top of tower of house 137 52 ^/i mile. "Weather Bureau Staff" 166 59 50 2^4 miles. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (7 inches diameter) 227 21 20 25.74 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 250 42 30 .' 21.68 meters. Right comer of house 327 07 yi mile. TRIPPE. General locality. — Northern shore of Trippe Creek about y% mile east of Tred Avon River and ]/% mile east of entrance to a small creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 23 )-ards northwest of shore at entrance to slough, 30 yards east-northeast of shore, and 50 yards north by east of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 126 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — o / // "Venture" (S 72° ss' E) o 00 00 ^4. mile. Near peak of dormer window on large house .. 3 17 lyi miles. Left comer of large chimney 31 06 % mile. Left peak of house 93 10 1 mile. Stack of ice plant 128 54 2j^ miles. Near peak of bam 274 07 yimWe.. Near peak of large house 323 15 % mile. Right comer of house 335 44 f^ mile. VENTURE. General locality. — Northern shore of Trippe Creek on a point on the west side of a cove about i mile east of Tred Avon River. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water on the iimer edge of a strip of marsh at bottom of a bank 4 feet high, 4 yards north of shore of marsh, 8 yards north-northwest of point of marsh, 3 yards south by west of top of bank, 7 yards west of point of bank, and 6 yards west of a lone cedar tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Plow" (N 87° 47' E) o 00 00 X ™ile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (18 inches diam- eter) 6 16 30 5.74 meters. Peak of dormer window of large house 23 38 i mile. Right peak of right bam 51 10 J^ mile. Left corner of left chimney of house 72 08 X t°ile. Left peak of bam 246 17 X tnil^- Spindle on right cupola of bam 314 10 J4 mile. PLOW. General locality. — Northern shore of Trippe Creek on a point of land between two coves about 1% miles from Tred Avon River. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 15 yards west-northwest of shore, 25 yards north of shore, 20 yards east of extreme end of point, and 5 yards south of foot of bank 7 feet high. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Higher" (N 79° 14' E) o 00 00 X ^'l^- Right comer of porch underpinning 32 14 J^ mile. Left peak of bam 54 52 i mile. Near peak of barn 103 30 X mile . Left comer of large chimney 117 10 X mile. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (2X inches diameter) 257 46 40 12.76 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (5 inches diameter) . . 267 47 10 14.53 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (2X inches diameter) ' 284 57 00 15.85 meters. Near peak of bam 345 07 ^ mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 127 HIGHER. General locality. — Northern shore of Trippe Creek at east side of entrance to a cove about i|^ miles from Tred Avon River entrance to Trippe Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 8 feet above high water, 30 yards northeast of edge of bank, 35 yards southeast by east of row of trees, 50 yards east-southeast of point of bank and trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. vSubsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "All" (S 20° 17' E) o 00 00 X ™il^. Near peak of house 9 45 f^ mile. Near peak of large bam 45 04 Ji mile. Left comer of large chimney • 55 31 f^ mile. Nail in blaze in sassafras tree (2X inches diameter) 138 19 00 31.63 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 142 20 50 31.96 meters. Spindle on left one of four bam cupolas 155 19 J^ mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 173 32 30 ...'.. . 30.93 meters. Spindle on cupola 288 25 i mile. ALL. General locality. — Northern shore of Trippe Creek about i|^ miles from Tred Avon River entrance to Trippe Creek, and 300 yards west by north of a colonial house. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 35 yards southeast of shore, 35 yards east of round point of shore, 80 yards northwest of cut in shore, and 40 yards south by east of left one of nine large pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Cam" (S 70° 56' W) o 00 00 X ™i'<^- Left peak of barn 38 26 i% miles. Spindle on left one of four cupolas 74 48 }i mile. Left comer of underpinning of Goldsborough house 1S4 18 300 yards. Right comer of large chimney 226 04 .. .' simile. Right peak of long bam 294 59 >^ mile. Left peak of house 333 38 14 mile. CAM. General locality. — Southern shore of Trippe Creek on a prominent point about lyi miles from Tred Avon River entrance to Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) General locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 10 yards southeast of shore, 20 yards south-southwest of point of shore, and 15 yards northeast by east of point of bank at marsh. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Deux" (S 56° n' W) o 00 00 X ™ile. Left peak of bam showing through trees 58 53 J^ mile. "Aye" (weather vane on large bam cupola). . 83 01 20 ij^ miles. Right peak of bam with cupola 112 56 X ^i'^- 128 Suruey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References — Continued . Left corner of underpinning of Goldsborough ° ' " house ig6 26 J^ mile. Right comer large chimney 224 og H "lile. Left peak of house 243 42 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (4 inches diameter) 287 28 Nail in blaze in oak tree (s inches diameter). . 313 59 Nail in blaze in oak tree (5 inches diameter) . . 331 03 Left comer of large chimney 356 39 DEUX. 40 23-51 meters. 30 15.77 meters. 50 16.93 meters. yL mile. 00 % mile. I mile. 20 7.43 meters. %■ mile. J .s mile. 20 11.66 meters. 50 6. 29 meters. General locality. — Soutliem shore of Trippe Creek about i}4 miles from Tred Avon River. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in an orchard about 8 feet above high water, 50 yards north- northeast of rambling house, 20 yards soutlieast of top of bank, 14 yards southwest of top of bank, 13 yards south of point of bank at ditch , and 3 yards east of a drainage ditch . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ■ ° ' "Crack" (S 72° 51' W) o 00 Left peak of bam 52 55 Nail in blaze in pear tree (10 inches diameter) 55 26 Near peak of bam 81 49 Left peak of large bam 1 14 08 Nail in blaze in twin locust tree 119 52 Nail in blaze in pear tree (6 inches diameter) . 193 56 Right comer of house 256 20 }& mile. Near comer of house 312 55 51 yards. CRACK. General locality. — Southern shore of Trippe Creek on point at west side of entrance to a small creek, about iX miles from Tred Avon River entrance to creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water, 13 yards soutli of edge of bank 15 yards northeast of shore, 40 yards east of extreme end of point, and among scattering locust trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Mistle" (N3i°34'' W) o 00 00 ^ mile. Near peak of shed 24 45 ^ mile. Spindle on right one of four cupolas 55 41 ^ mile. Near peak between two chimneys on large house 78 08 iK miles. Left comer of house 109 03 % vii\\t. Right peak of bam 135 14 ^ mile Near peak of barn 181 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diam- eter) 258 17 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 292 II Nail in blaze in locust tree (2 inches diam- eter) 349 50 59 3.^ mile. 13-! I meters. 50 9.98 meters. 40 7.78 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 129 MISTLE. General locality. — Southern shore of Trippe Creek on a very long point, about '2 mile east-northeast of Tred Avon River. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 10 yards south- southeast of shore, 14 yards west by north of sliore, 24 j'ards southwest of extreme end of point, 4 yards south of a cedar tree, and 12 yards north of a cedar tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Layor" (S 50° 38' W) o 00 00 ' s mile. Near peak of house 135 45 '4 mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 163 22 40 3.45 meters. Near peak of large house 183 36 5 s mile. Right comer of house 222 45 i mile. Left comer of large chimney 254 06 '• s mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter) 302 II 20 1 1. 1 1 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 331 27 00 13-42 meters. LAYOR. General locality. — Southern shore of Trippe Creek, about '4 mile east of Tred Avon River. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in edge of cultivated land about 5 feet above high water, 50 yards south of shore, 17 yards east of bank, 2 yards south-southwest of water bushes, and 200 yards wes of large lone tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Borough" (S 39° 05' W) o 00 00 .^raile. Near peak of large house 11 13 i ', miles. Near peak of large frame house 44 27 i^g miles. Near peak of ell of house 166 22 J/i mile. Right peak of house 300 30 . . ..'.... yi mile. Top of roof of tower 348 21 3^8 mile. BOROUGH. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Tred Avon River, about '4 mile north-northeast of entrance to Goldsbofo Creek, and '2 mile south-southwest of entrance to Trippe Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water in cultivated land, 17 yards east-southeast of shore, 25 yards south of shore, 30 yards southwest of shore, ' .s mile nortliwest of house in trees, and ' s mile west-southwest of large lone tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 53485—12 9 I30 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — ° ' " "Golds" (S 38° 07' W) o 00 00 ^ mile. Spindle on bam cupola 52 57 2\4. miles. Near peak of large house 70 07 i mile. Left comer of very' large house 130 22 i^ miles. Near peak of wharf house at Double Mills. . . . 138 20 iT/i miles. Right comer of large building 172 49 i\4 miles. Large lone tree 202 34 '/i mile . Right comer of house among trees 283 17 300 yards. Spindle on left cupola on long barn 340 52 H mile. GOLDS. General locality. — Eastern shore of Tred Avon River on a point of land between Goldsboro Creek and Mud Creek. (See Chart No. 34. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hard marsh about i foot above high water, 30 _vards south of shore, 60 yards west-southwest of shore, and 60 yards south -southeast of point of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried witli top 2 inches below base of monument. References . — o / // "Mud" (N 78° 58' VV) o Right peak between two chimneys of large house 28 Near peak of large house 76 Near peak of large bam 92 Right comer of old house 167 Left comer of large house 212 Near peak of large house 259 Church spire 320 Stack of iceplant at Oxford 338 00 00 5 s mile. 43 I mile. 38 i14, miles. 36 i^/i miles. 39 K mile. 35 H mile- 21 % mile. 06 40 i^i miles. 06 i3'| miles. MUD. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Tred Avon River at western side of entrance to Mud Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is among trees on northeast point of a pasture about 4 feet above high water, 13 yards southwest of shore of pond on point, 20 yards north of end of pond, 25 yaids northwest of shore of pond, and 45 yards south -southeast of a lone tree at shore of river. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Town" (N 85° 59' W) o Spindle on bam cupola 5 Near peak of 2><-story house 42 Right comer of 2>2-story house 71 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (24 inches diameter) 87 Center of roof of tower 157 Nail in blaze in twin elm tree 216 Spindle on cupola of long bam 220 Nail in blaze in elm tree (7 inches diameter). . 249 " Weather Bureau Staff' ' 315 00 00 ^ mile. 14 i^-i miles. 28 lyi miles. 42 yi mile. 08 10 5.51 meters. 45 lyi miles. 59 10 8.98 meters. 40 14, mile. 42 20 13.44 meters. 13 40 i^s miles. Sitrvcy of Oyster Bars, Talbot Co2i>ity, Md. TOWN. 1,^1 23 5.02 meters. 12 i}-i miles. 35 I mile. 06 y^ mile. 59 2^ miles. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Tred Avon River about ^ mile northeast of east side of entrance to Tomi Creek, and li mile northeast of Oxford steamboat wharf. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in northwest comer of a cultivated field about 6 feet above high water, 10 yards south of edge of bank, 12 yards east-southeast of point of bank, 25 yards west-south- west of edge of bank, 3 yards northeast of a fence, and 4 j'ards northeast of gully. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried witli top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / n " Riverview" (S 56° 27' W) o 00 00 ".smile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) II Weather vane on bam cupola 44 Near peak of 2/ 2-story house 92 Left peak of large house 141 Near peak of house 184 Top of roof of tower 199 40 i J^ miles. Spindle on left cupola of long bam 248 05 i^i miles. Right peak of large house 283 35 Yz mile. Right of steamboat wharf house 359 41 % mile. RIVERVIEW. General locality. — Eastern shore of Tred Avon River about ^^ mile west by south of Oxford steamboat wharf. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water, 3 yards east of shore, 23 yards SDUth-southwest of a fisherman's shanty, and 50 yards north by west of west end of " Lovers Lane. " Marks. — Observed station is center of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — " ' "First" (S 17° 40' E) o 00 "Choptank River Light" 27 31 Left peak of building 82 54 Spindle on bam cupola 171 17 Left comer of fisherman's shanty 206 21 Right comer of fisherman's shanty 224 12 Left peak of large house 239 57 i^ miles. Right comer of steamboat wharf house 263 06 % mile. Stack of iceplant 273 00 -yi mile. Nail in blaze in oak tree (18 inches diameter). 342 44 40 44.25 meters. WEATHER BUREAU STAFF. • General locality. — Eastern side of Tred Avon River in the town of Oxford. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in park south of High and Primary Schools, 55 yards east of shore of Tred Avon River, 55 yards west of Morris Street, and in center of circle of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center of galvanized iron staff on square galvanized angle-iron tower. References. — None necessary. 00 J2 mile. 20 2yi miles. yi mile. : "si mile. 50 25.82 meters. 40 2 1. 61 meters. 132 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Aid. FIRST. General locality. — Eastern shore of Tred Avon River in town of Oxford about ' s mile north of rail- road wharves. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about S feet above high water, 2 yards east-southeast of edge of bank, 4 yards east by north of point of bank, 4 yards northeast of edge of bank at small gully, 2 yards south of comer fence post, and 35 yards west of house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Bach" (S 17° 38' W) o 00 00 S-smile. Right peak of small house 51 59 i^/i miles. Right peak of modem house 67 10 ij-^ miles. Left peak of small house 128 37 i!,^ miles. Nail in blaze in fence post 207 52 00 4.98 meters. Nail in blaze in apple tree (20 inches diam- eter) 237 43 30 11-94 meters. Nail in blaze in apple tree (12 inches diam- eter) 266 24 50 14.56 meters. Windmill 346 43 yi mile. BACH. General locality. — Eastern shore of entrance to Tred Avon River on Bachelor Point about I's miles north-northeast of Choptank River Light. (Sec Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 6 feet above high water, 30 yards east of edge of bank, 70 yards north-northeast of edge of bank on range with Choptank River Light, and 100 yards south by west of edge of bank of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' " "Choptank River Light" (S 16° 5q' Wj o 00 00 I'S miles. Tangent of Benoni Point 55 29 \]-^ miles. Left peak of roof of house 147 25 i5-^ miles. Left corner of burnt house 166 05 i^-s miles. Right comer of house 211 35 j<^ mile. Left comer of left chimney on very large house 240 46 Yi mile. " Large water tank " 338 00 20 234^ miles. BOONE. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Choptank River about ' s mile northwest of entrance to Boone Creek, '< mile southeast o^ Bachelor Point, and i,'/i miles northeast of Choptank River Light. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 13 yards northeast of edge of tree-fringed bank , 60 yards south-southwest of right corner of house , and 50 yards south-southeast of large apple tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below ba,se of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 133 miles. 10.26 meters. 10 20.59 meters. H mile. Reference!. — "Choptank River Light" (S 33° 54' W) o 00 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 21 01 Nail in blaze in locust tree (10 inches diam- eter) 65 31 Near peak of house 107 59 Right comer of house 159 12 57 yards. Near peak of house 195 28 -K mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 323 14 00 13.02 meters. ENTER. General locality. — Northern shore of Island Creek on point at east side of entrance to a small cove, about yi mile northeast of Choptank River and i^ miles east-northeast of Choptank River Light. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 6 feet above high water, 16 yards north of edge of bankof creek, 18 yards south-southeast of edge of bank of cove, 30 yards east-northeast of outlet of cove, and 250 yards west by south of frame house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument . References. — "Choptank River Light" (S 72° 00' W) o Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 67 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 109 Left comer of left chimney of house 117 Left comer of house 173 Near comer of house 204 "Large water tank" 301 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 357 13 40 23.93 meters. STRAW. General locality. — Northern shore of Island Creek ^ mile east-northeast of Choptank River entrance 1') creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 6 feet above high water, 3 yards northeast of edge of hank, 18 yards east of bank. 4 yards west of wire fence, 8 yards northwest by weSt of point where bank meets fence, and 5 yards south of southeast comer of a small house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 nches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches elow base of monument. References. — " Delahay" (N 66° 10' E) o Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 15 Nail in blaze in locust tree (14 inches diam- eter) 72 Left peak of barn 130 Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diam- eter) 221 Left comer of small house 240 Near comer of small house 287 Spindle on bam cupola 349 00 00 i}A miles. ot^ 4c 39-9^ meters. 17 20 16.91 meters. 35 2 miles. 35 >^mile. II I'y^ miles. 214 miles. 37 mile. 43 00 4-33 meters. 10 7.89 meters. . , ]4 mile. 41 10 14.86 meters. 26 5.94 meters. 16 4.04 meters. 22 \4 mile. 134 Suivcy of Oyster Bam, Talbol Cuunty, MJ. DELAHAY. General locality. — Northern shore of Island Creek about i mile east-northeast of Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 5 feet above high water, 2 yards northwest of edge of bank, 100 yards east of edge of bank of inlet, 27 yards northeast of point of bank, and 75 yards southwest of farm buildings. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — u / // "Kent" (N 75° 56' E) o 00 00 >^ mile. Left comer of house 15 16 ]4, mile. Near peak of bam 25 17 ff mile. Near peak of large modem house 122 02 i mile. Near peak of large bam 137 38 1% miles. Nail in blaze in apple tree (10 inches diameter) 165 30 40 21.08 meters. Nail in blaze in apple tree (10 inches diameter) 183 52 40 21.36 meters. Nail in blaze in apple tree (7 inches diameter) 269 51 50 10.12 meters. Spindle on bam cupola 313 og 250 yards. KENT. General locality. — Northern shore of Island Creek on a point about i !-:» miles northeast of Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 5 feet above high water, 50 yards northwestof topof bank, 80 yards east of bank, 75 yards north -northeast of point and no yards east-south- east of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biu'ied with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Harry" (N 36° 27' E) o 00 00 f4 mile. Left comer of chimney outside left end of house 44 41 yi mile. Near peak of bam 80 50 ^ mile. Peak of ell of large house 187 03 1% miles. Near peak of building 217 54 ^ mile. Spindle on bam cupola 240 41 yi mile. Near peak of large house 309 12 yi mile. HARRY. General locality. — Northern shore of Island Creek about I'i miles from Choptank River. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 6 feet above high water, 9 yards northwest of edge of bank at cedar trees, 20 yards northeast of cut in bank, and 50 yards south-southwest of bank at cut in shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. tferences. — "Charles" (N 55° 36' E) o o 00 ^ mile. Nail in blaze.in locust tree (4 inches diameter) 11 57 00 17.38 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) 39 23 00 8.81 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) 78 04 30 8.04 meters. Left chimney outside of left end of house 92 i6 yi mile. Right corner of building 131 06 ^/i mile. Spindle on barn cupola 186 37 yi mile. Near peak of building 263 45 j4 mile. CHARLES. mile. .97 meters. 1 9 meters. mile. 20 20 4.17 meters. 27 . . .'..... yi mile. 02 Yt, mile. 27 20 4.82 meters. General locality. — Northern shore of Island Creek about 2 miles from Choptank River. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Iminediale /ocott^y.— Observed station is in southwest comer of truck garden about 6 feet above high water, 6 yards north of edge of bank, 25 yards west of top of bank near locust tree, and 3 yards east of edge of a 12 -foot hole 6 feet deep. Mor/i!.s.— Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References . — "Potato" (N 78° oi' E) o Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) 23 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) 32 Near peak of small building 53 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (12 inches diam- eter) 112 Right comer of chimney on quarter house .... 125 Near peak of large barn 213 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 216 Left comer of barn 265 14 100 yards. POTATO. General locality. — Northern shore of Island Creek about 2X miles northeast of Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 8 feet above high water, 50 yards northwest of edge of bank, 70 yards west of shore at lowest point of bank, 70 yards north of edge of bank and 400 yards south of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Ritter" (N 72° 30' E) o Right comer of Ritter house 4 Right peak of large bam 56 Near peak of large bam 134 Near peak of house 162 Right comer of chimney of house 194 Left peak of outhouse 321 00 00 yi mile. 55 H mile. II ^ mile. 51 J^ mile. 28 i^ miles. 53 X mile. 08 X mile. 1^6 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. RITTER. General locality. — Northern side of Island Creek about 2 ' < miles from Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cidtivated land about 8 feet above high water. 120 yards nortli -north west of nearest point of shore, 160 yards soutliwest by west of shore of small creek at lowest part of bank, 50 yards east of a wire fence, and 120 yards south of a fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Show" (N 50° 41' E) o 00 00 X nji'^- Near peak of bam 17 51 X mile. Left comer of large chimney of house 22 44 }/^ mile. Right comer of vine-covered chimney 66 25 S4 mile. Left side of tall chimney 179 43 i mile. Near peak of large bam 236 48 350 yards. Left peak of long bam 317 43 ^ mile. SHOW. General locality. — Northern shore of upper Island Creek on a point of Itmd between two coves about 2f^ miles east of Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 9 feet above high water. 6 yards northwest of top of bank, and 35 yards east by north of a large cherry tree in clump of large trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. vSubsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Kit" (S 33° 29' E) o 00 00 Vs mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) II) 01 30 . . , 7.98 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 66 41 00 16.48 meters. Left peak large house 204 52 % mile. Left corner of house 300 27 yi mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 311 32 10.13 meters. Right comer of vine-covered house 348 00 % mile. KIT. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Island Creek on a prominent point extending into a bend in the creek about 234' miles from Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 8 feet above high water, 13 yards east of top of bank at trees, 20 yards southeast of point of bank, and 30 yards south of top of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument [irojecting 4 inches above surface of ground. .Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — " ' " "Moke" (S 46° 04' W) o 00 00 !4 mile. Nail in blaze in oak tree (8 inches diameter). . 32 44 00 ... . 11.27 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (10 inches diameter). 48 48 50 11.73 meters. Right peak of large house 116 07 '<2 mile. Right peak of bam 184 27 yi mile. Right comer of vine-covered house 262 41 yi mile. Nail in blaze in oak tree (5 inches diameter). . 328 59 30 14.97 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 137 MOKE. General locality. — Northern shore of Island Creek on a prominent point extending into a bend in the creek, about 2,'i' miles from Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a pasture about 8 feet above high water, 23 yards north- northwest of edge of bank, 100 yards northeast of edge of bank at point, and 100 yards southeast of edge of bank at cedar tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Poco" (S 74° 55' W) o 00 00 '4 mile. Right comer of large chimney 27 28 ^ mile. Left comer of Ritter house . , . . 51 23 X ™ilc. Left peak of large house 107 01 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) igg 04 00 29.58 meters. Left peak of large bam 208 51 '-2 mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 209 47 10 34-39 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 270 56 40 22.86 meters. POCO. General locality. — Southern shore of upper Island Creek on point about 2 '4 miles from Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 9 feet above high water, 70 yards oast-southeast of shore at low bank, 80 yards soutli by east of edge of bank, 100 yards west of a point of bank, and 130 yards south by west of a point of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Healey ' ' (S 74° 26' VV) o 00 00 yi mile. Windmill on wooden tower 35 36 J^ mile. Left comer of chimney at left end of house . . 246 15 ^ mile. Peak of ell of house 318 08 ^4, mile. Left peak of bam 331 48 . . , yi mile. Left peak of building 346 40 '-g mile. HEALEY. General locality. — Southern shore of Island Creek at west side of entrance to a cove, about i^s miles from Choptank River. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 1 1 yards west-southwest of bank fringed with trees, and 150 yards south of a point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. vSubsurface mark is center of tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 138 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — ° "Maslin" (.S 53° 47' W) o Left peak of large bam 6g Nail in blaze in oak tree (3 inches diameter) . . 126 Peak of house at chimney 159 Nail in blaze in wild cherry tree (5 inches diameter) 174 Nail in blaze in wild cherrj- tree (5 inches diameter) 231 Near peak of bam 317 Right side of right chimney of house 356 MASLIN. i mile. ' mile. ;.68 meters mile. 89 meters. 1.37 meters. ' mile. i mile. miles northeast of Choptank River General locality. — Southeastern side of Island Creek about i ' entrance to creek. (See Charts No. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 8 feet above high water, 95 yards southeast of shore near rail fence, 30 yards north by west of quarter buildings, 9 yards west of fence comer, 6 yards north- west by west of wire fence, 7 yards southwest by west of wire fence, and 25 yards northwest by north of a graveyard. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-incli tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' " "Mean" (S 37° 19' W) o Spindle on bam cupola 48 Left peak of bam 160 Left comer of hovise 294 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (3 feet in diam- eter) 308 Near comer of brick outhouse 338 00 00 !-4 mile. 25 S/j mile. 18 ]4 mile. 59 68 yards. 00 12.82 meters. 40 2138 meters. MEAN. General locality. — Southern shore of Island Creek on a point at north side of entrance to a south fork of creek, about i'/4 miles east-northeast of Choptank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 :md 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 5 feet above high water, 13 yards east of edge of bank, 10 yards north of line of trees at edge of bank, and 12 yards northeast of point of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches lielow base of monument. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (S 77° 07' W) o 00 00 2j^ miles. Spindle on bam cupola 39 34 J^ mile. Near peak of house 80 17 % mile. Near peak of bam 206 41 •; smile. Nail in blaze in cherr>' tree (3 inches diam- eter). 241 53 40 13.48 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 286 16 40 8.12 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 334 39 20 12.35 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 1 39 JAV. General locality. — Southern shore of Island Creek about i mile east of Choptauk River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in northeast corner of cultivated field about 5 feet above high water, 3 yards southwest of point of bank, 3 yards south-southeast of edge of bank, 3 yards west- southwest of edge of bank, and 30 yards east-northeast of scattering trees. Marki. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Chop tank River Light" (S 78° 47' Ej o 00 00 2:'s miles. Near peak of bam 40 38 J/i mile. Spindle on bam cupola 85 29 3/i mile. Near peak of house 103 54 ^ mile. Left comer of chimney outside left end of house 153 40 s-'s mile. Left peak of bam ' 186 13 ^ mile. Near peak of large barn 284 23 X mile. BERRY. General locality. — Southern shore of Island Creek on a prominent point about ^ mile east of Chop- tank River entrance to creek. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 6 feet above high water, 17 yards s:)Uth -south west of edge of bank, 17 yards west-southwest of edge of bank, 21 yards southeast of edge of bank, 20 yards southeast of a small house, and 3 yards west of a line of four trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (S 79° 08' W) o 00 00 2 miles. Right comer of house 23 03 \-2 mile. Right comer of house 52 15 '« mile. Nail in blaze in apple tree (8 inches diam- eter) 100 30 10 14.62 meters. Nail in blaze in apple tree (12 inches diam- eter) 119 II 30 5.92 meters. Spindle on bam cupola 139 01 . . ...... K mile. Left peak on long barn 170 43 i mile. Near comer of house 233 42 18.33 nieters. Nail in blaze in apple tree (14 inches diam- eter) 252 23 30 6.94 meters. Right comer of house 282 07 ^4, mile. I.ANDEYE. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Choptank River on point at south side of entrance to Island Creek, about i ' . miles east of Choptank River Light. (See Charts Nos. 34 and 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 5 feet above high water, 15 yards east-southeast of edge of bank . 50 yards southwest of fringe of trees and bushes, 55 yards south-southwest of point of field and end of fringe of trees and bushes. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 140 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — o / // " Choptank River Light" (S 83° 39' W) o 00 00 lyi miles. Chimneyof house near Bachelors Point 48 33 i^ miles. Left comer of bam 122 21 %■ mile. Left corner of bam 230 18 J^ mile. "Large water tank" 297 25 50 2^/i miles. CHOPTANK RIVER LIGHT. General locality. — In Choptank River about 1% miles southeast of Bcnoni Point, i mile south of entrance to Tred Avon River, and ?,yi miles east of Blackwalnut Point. (See Charts Nos. 34, 35, and 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on ncxagonal screw-pile structure known as Choptank River Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center of lantern on Choptank River Lighthouse. References. — o / // Chlora (S 57° 04' K) o 00 00 2^-^ miles. ST. MICHAELS P. E. CHURCH SPIRE. General locality. — Western side of Miles River in town of St. Michaels at southeast comer of Talbot and Mill Streets. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on stone edifice known as St. Michaels Protestant Episcopal Church. Marks. — Observed station is center point of steeple on St. Michaels Protestant Episcopal Church. References. — None necessary. MARGO. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Miles River, about i}4 miles north-northwest of Long Point and 2 miles east of St. Michaels. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 30 yards north of edge of marsh, 35 yards east of extreme point, and 55 yards west of bushes at edge of marsh. Cedar stub marking old triangulation station "Marengo i899"isat edge of marsh, 29.61 meters 857° 11' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Reference station "Marengo iSgg" is center of five copper nails in top of 5-inch cedar stub 5 feet long with top flush with the surface of the ground. References. — o / // "St. Michaels Water Tank" (N 86° 02' W). .. . o 00 00 23s miles. Right chimney of Fogg house 8 04 i^ miles. Peakof near gable of house 17 01 2 miles. Weather vane on square tower on Dodson house 37 54 2 miles. Right tangent of point 46 46 3X miles. Persimmon tree 72 03 120 yards. Leftof trees on narrowest part of Long Poitit. . 202 46 ^ mile. Near peak of large house with large square chimney 288 29 t ki miles. Large square chimney on Dodson tenant house 298 21 1 mile. "Marengo, 1899" 323 12 50 29.61 meters. Spindle on M. E. Church cupola 354 51 2 miles. "St. Michaels P. E. Church spire" 355 53 20 2 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 141 GIBBS. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Miles River about ,'2 mile northwest of extreme end of Long Point, and i' , miles south-southeast of entrance to Leeds Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 17 yards north of shore, 25 yards east of shore, 20 yards northeast of extreme end of point, 35 yards west-northwest of point of woods, and 35 yards southwest of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above stirface of ground. vSubsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "lyOng" (S 44° 29' E) o Chimney on side of roof of large building. ... 21 West peak of long building 33 Southeast chimney of house 61 Chimney outside of northeast end of Slater house 102 Near peak of Leonard house 134 "St. Michaels Water Tank" .. 151 Right chimney of house 171 Weather vane on Dodson house 181 Right tangent of Tilghman Point iqi Left tangent of Fairview Point 192 Nail in blaze in pine tree 265 Nail in blaze in pine tree 301 Nail in blaze in pine tree 327 00 00 '2 mile. 03 i|<( miles. 20 134 miles. 44 I mile. 28 I mile. 31 i'2 miles. 57 40 2? s miles. 17 3 miles. 10 2;'-4 miles. 41 714 miles. 55 2 miles. 45 40 44-35 meters. 38 50 29.15 meters. 58 40 30-44 meters. LONG. General locality. — Northern shore of Miles River on Long Point about ' g mile southwest of entrance to Hunting Creek, and I'j miles north of railroad bridge across entrance to Oak Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cedar and pine woods about 6 feet above high water, ro yards east-southeast oj edge of bank protected by log breakwater, 11 yards northeast of point of bank, 4 yards northwest of edge of bank , and 30 yards northwest of point of sandy marsh . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // _ "Hunting" (N 56° 23' E) o Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 6 Left peak of roof of house 23 Spindle on bam cupola 103 Smoke pipe of Royal Oak railroad station ... 131 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) 181 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 235 Nail in blaze in twin cedar tree (16 inches diameter) 286 Left comer of roof of house 358 25 00 ^4 milfe. 00 4.45 meters. iH miles. lyi miles. i^i miles. 10 2.53 meters. 40 3 miles. 30 4.47 meters. 's mile. BEG. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Hunting Creek on first prominent point north of Miles River entrance to Hunting Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in scant pine woods about 5 feet above high water, 3 yards south of bank, 9 yards northwest of bank, and 11 yards west of point of bank. 142 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. Markj. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement numuinenl projectinj; 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — " Search " (N 20° 58' W) o Spindle on bam cupola 10 Nail in blaze in pine tree (10 inches diameter) 22 Front peak of large house 46 Peak of near gable of house 90 Left peak of roof of house 108 Nail in blaze in pine tree (7 inches diameter) . 164 Nail in blaze in pine tree (2 inches diameter) . 240 00 00 ■?-'s mile. II Js mile. 49 50 2.34 meters. 16 H mile. 13 ' J mile. 29 I '4 miles. 32 30 2.97 meters. 49 10 2.23 meters. SEARCH. General locality. — Western shore of Hunting Creek about ', mile north of Miles River. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Obsers'ed station is on marsh about i foot above high water. 11 yards northwest of shore, 40 yards south-southwest of shore, 35 yards west-southwest of point of shore, 3 yards east of water bushes, 20 yards south of bushes, and 25 yards soutl^^vest of water bushes. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — " ' "Tug" (N 50° 43' E) o 00 Spindle on bam cupola 47 45 Lightning rod on house. 52 01 Peak of front gable of house 74 09 Nail in blaze in pine tree (14 inches diameter) 154 11 TUG. 00 ^ mile. J^ mile . 3.5 mile. 1J4' miles. 10 16.62 meters. General locality. — Eastern shore of Hunting Creek about '2 mile north of Miles River. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 6 feet above high water, 10 yards east of edge of bank, 32 yards north of extreme point of shore, 7 yards northeast of a shanty. 14 yards northwest of shore, and trees along shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried w ith top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' "Hunting" (S 33° 40' E) o 00 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) 20 41 Left comer of shanty ■ ■ ■ 53 38 Right comer of shanty 83 08 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 132 29 Leftcomerof house behind very large oak tree 185 12 Left peak of ell of house 272 52 Nail in blaze in birch tree (5 inches diameter) 288 04 Nail in blaze in birch tree (9 inches diameter) 304 51 Right peak of bam with cupola 350 00 >2 mile. 00 7.74 meters. 7.47 meters. 8 6.64 meters. 9 00 3 miles. 2 ,'-4 mile. 2 X mile- 4 00 18.48 meters. I 10 12.84 meters. ,0 H mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot Comity, Md. HUNTING. 143 General locality. — Northwestern shore of Miles River on east side of entrance to Hunting Creek and yi mile northeast of Long Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in south comer of cultivated field, about 5 feet above high water, 2 yards northwest of edge of bank with bushes, 6 yards west of edge of bank. 7 yards northeast of point of bank, 50 yards north of edge of lower land, and 200 )-ards south of a large bam with a cupola. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement ground projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ^ o / // "Spree" (N 79° 09' E) o Left peak of house 3 Near peak of large bam 46 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 100 00 00 % mile. 42 I mile. ^^ J4 mile. 50 5. 87 meters. Spindle on bam cupola 105 03 ij^j miles. Left peak of building near railroad bridge .... 119 Left tree on Long Point 154 Near peak of large building. . 240 Spindle on bam cupola 271 Peak of near gable on house 337 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (3 inches diameter) 339 SPREE. 46 lyi miles. 17 % mile. 35 i}i miles. 29 200 yards. 27 ^4 mile. 21 10 7.98 meters. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Miles River, about ,',' mile east of entrance to Hunting Creek, and ^ mile northeast of Long Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 2 yards north of shore, 15 yards west-southwest of wire fence, and 25 yards south of trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 10.57 meters N 2° 18' R of observed station and on line with chern,- tree. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Sub- surface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — ° "Waiit"(N6o°48'Ei o Left comer of boathouse i Near comer of large house 3 Left peak of roof of house 38 Spindle on barn cupola 115 Spindle on bam cupola 135 Left comer of roof of house 166 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (5 inches diameter) 265 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (6 inches diam- eter) 300 i3 Reference st.\tion 301 30 Right peak of colonial house 354 15 Nail in blaze in fence bost 358 52 00 00 '2 mile. 07 3-4 mile . 50 . . .!.... 1 mile. 17 ^ mile. 26 ?-^ mile. 22 yi mile. 42 ; 2 miles. s8 00 22.08 meters. 23.17 meters. 30 10-57 meters. j<,' mile. 30 1504 meters. 144 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Mil. WHIT. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Miles River on east side of entrance to a small cove about I '4 miles northeast of Ixjng Point. (See Chart No. 34. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a small marsh point near a small clump of cedar and hackberry trees about i foot above high water, 5 yards northwest of shore , 4 yards northeast of shore , and 6 yards north of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — . o / // " Dorrance" (N 25° 25' E) o 00 00 '.s mile. Nail in blaze in leaning hackberrj' tree (4 inches diameter) 2 56 10 8.07 meters. Left comer of house 6 39 ^ mile. Center of windmill tower 19 49 i^ miles. Center of windmill tower _ 32 32 ij's miles. Near peak of house 42 55 |^ mile. Left peak of roof of house 126 Left comer of square house 186 Left comer of roof of house 220 Near peak of large house 257 Nail in blaze in twin hackberry tree (20 inches diameter) 291 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (5 inches diameter) 325 Near peak of Dorrance house 356 DORRANCE. 31 3^8 mile. 34 I mile. 51 'A mile- 19 3/^ mile. 51 40 4-49 meters. 35 10 4.98 meters. 02 }4 mile. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Miles River about i ' .s miles southwest of Miles River bridge and iS .s miles northeast of Long Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 2 yards northwest of edge of bank, 9 yards west-southwest of a large tree on point of bank. 11 yards west of point of bank, and 12 yards southwest of edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches aljove surface of ground. .Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe, buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Tang "(N 40° 20' E) o Center of windmill tower 9 Left comerof large house 18 Near comer of Henderson house 24 Centerof windmill on tower 25 Nail in blaze in hickory tree (20 inches diam- eter) 27 Spindle on bam cupola 62 Right peak of house 70 39 ^s mile. 00 00 . . ... X mile. .SQ . . iH miles. 06 .2 miles. 22 . . . ifs miles. 18 . . 1,3 s miles. 42 42 50 . . . . . . 8.58 meters. . . . K mile Near peak of house 136 Nail in blaze in hickory tree (18 inches diam- eter) 153 Right comer of house 207 Left peak of small tenant house 259 Near comer of Dorrance house 328 Right comer of house 355 57 y4 mile. 04 34 mile. 18 00 5.79 meters. 10 3ooyards. 04 300 yards. 55 30oyards. Suyvey of Oyster Bars, Talbot'jOounty, Md. ' 145 TANG. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Miles River at south side of entrance to a cove, about lyi miles southwest of Miles River bridge. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about i foot above high water, 20 yards north- west of shore, 25 yards north of point of shore, 35 yards west-southwest of another point of shore, and 150 yards southeast of wire fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Johnson" (N 40° 46' E) o 00 00 X ™'Ic- Centerof windmill tower 12 31 J^ mile. Right eave of Goldsborough house 21 26 iV^ miles. Center of windmill tower 31 37 1% miles. Near comer of large chimney of mansion 48 50 i mile. Right peak of Mumford house iig 57 f^ mile. Near peak of roof 149 05 J^ mile. Near peak of Dorrance house 193 47 % mile. Near peak of house 288 44 % mile. Right corner of house 351 46 X mile. BETHEL. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Miles River at north side of entrance to a small creek, about 34 mile southwest of Miles River bridge. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a clump of pine trees about 3 feet above high water, 9 yards south of shore of rounded point, and 20 yards east of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Figs" (S 38° 40' W) o 00 00 J-8 mile. Nearpeakof Dorrance house 36 02 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (14 inches diam- eter) 56 38 00 5.76 meters. Left comer of second story of Lowndes house. . 87 26 ^s mile. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 125 54 30 4.91 meters. Centerof windmill on tower 173 a 1.4 mile. Left comer of Goldsborough house 174 39 i mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (10 inches diam- eter) 197 25 40 4.74 meters. Center of windmill on tower 205 39 ^s mile. Left corner of large chimney 267 50 J2 mile. FIG. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Miles River, about i mile southwest of Miles River bridge. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 12 feet above high water, 4 yards southeast of edge of tree-covered bank, and 150 yards north-northwest of large bam with two cupolas. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 53485—12 10 146 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — ° "Doctor" (S 51° 3s' W) o Near peak of house 33 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree 35 Left comer of Dorrance house 52 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) 1 1 1 Spindle on cupola on hip roof on house 149 Center of windmill on tower 162 Point of tower on house 166 Left comer of Henderson house 182 Center of windmill on tower 183 Near peak of tenant house 209 Spindle on left one of two cupolas on bani .... 289 Near peak of large bam ^^,2: Nail in blaze in oak tree (8 inches diameter) . . 354 DOCTOR. 00 00 ^ mile. 44 i/i mile. 07 10 8.66 meters. 05 ^ mile. 57 20 9.39 meters. 46 J^ mile. 56 yi mile. 12 7 s mile. 21 I mile. 42 I mile. 37 X mile. 54 150 yards. 00 J 4' mile. 32 00 ig. 14 meters. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Miles River, about i% miles west-southwest of Miles River bridge and i J^ miles northeast by east of Long Point. (See Chart No. 34. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land back of bushes about 4 feet above high water. 4 yards southeast of edge of bank, 55 yards southwest of a wire fence, 80 yards west of comer of wire fence, 100 yards west by south of a house, and 100 j'ards west-southwest of a marsh point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References . — o / // "McConnell" (S 31° 17' W) o 00 00 X ™'le. Spindle on bam cupola 3 57 }i mile. Near peak of house 36 41 f I mile. Peak of house 113 30 % mile. Nail in blaze in bush (3 inches diameter) .... 136 Nail in blaze in apple tree (8 inches diameter) 154 Left comer of house 159 Center of tower 186 Left comer of shed 213 Nail in blaze in fence post 228 Right peak of large bam 344 Near peak of roof of house 350 McCONNELL. 19 00 6.66 meters. II 30 17-93 meters. 17 yi mile. 31 I,'. 8 miles. 28 100 yards. 15 50 71-35 meters. 54 ^4, mile. 02 3 s mile. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Miles River, near west side of entrance to a small cove about lyi miles east-northeast of Long Point and if s miles southwest of Miles River bridge. (See Chart No. 34.) Im.mediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 6 feet above high water, 15 yards southeast of edge of bank, 20 yards south of point of bank, and 40 yards west of edge of field at trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. vSubsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe binied with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Kirk" (S 51° 55' W) o Left peak of roof of house 3 Left peak of large house 28 Front peak of house 45 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 46 Spindle on bam cupola 114 00 00 5-8 mile. 39 2yi miles. 52 K mile. 04 }i mile. 20 4>4 miles. yi mile. 40 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot Coutity^Md. 147 References — Continued. o / /, Left comer of plastered house 120 37 >2 mile. Right comer of large house 145 16 % mile. Right comer of house i6g 12 J^ mile. Nail in blaze in cherry tree (5 inches diam- eter) 190 40 30 39.78 meters. Nail in blaze in cherry tree (8 inches diam- eter) 213 24 40 37.57 meters. Nail in blaze in cherry tree (10 inches diam- eter) 237 57 00 53.92 meters. Right peak of bam 311 22 l/i mile.. KIRK. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Miles River, between two creeks about i mile east of Long Point. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field, 7 feet above high water, 15 yards south- east of edge of bank, 35 yards west-southwest of point of bank covered with trees, and 40 yards west- northwest of a large sycamore tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / r/ "Ham" (S 42° 29' W) o 00 00 X mile. Near peak of large house 5 30 i^f miles. Left comer of large house 76 08 X mile. Highest near peak of house 94 49 yi mile. Right front peak of large house 135 52 >^ mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) 158 Left comer of large house 167 Center of windmill tower 178 Spindle on right bam cupola 1S9 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diameter) 203 Left peak of roof of large house 213 Nail in blaze in sycamore tree (3 feet diam- eter) 234 Spindle on barn cupola 346 Left comer of square house 355 HAM. 58 20 28.33 meters. 33 iK miles. 17 lyi miles. 36 X mile. 16 10 3705 meters. 58 ;' s mile. 07 34.98 meters. ji' mile. yi mile. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Miles River, about 5 s mile east-southeast of Long Point, K mile southeast of entrance to Hunting Creek, and X ™ile northeast of entrance to Newcomb Creek. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 6 feet above high water, 12 yards south-southeast of edge of bank, 20 yards west-southwest of wooden fence at orchard, 65 yards north- northwest of fence at road, 70 yards west-north west of large, square house, and 70 yards northwest of comer of fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References. — ° "Comb" (S 29° 52' W) o Left peak of house 32 Near peak of large house 62 "St. Michaels P. E. Church spire" 80 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 82 Near peak of house 1 13 Left comer of house 146 Front peak of large colonial house 175 Nail in blaze in fence post 187 Near comer of large house 195 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (24 inches diam- eter) 230 Left comer of house 250 Nail in blaze in cherry tree (24 inches diam- eter) 255 Spindle on bam cupola 305 Large; long sycamore tree -. . 359 COMB. 00 00 ^-i mile. 17 i}i miles. 08 ij^ miles. 30 50 i% miles. 09 20 33^ miles. 17 lii miles. 00 ,5's mile. 06 3'4 mile. 33 20 17-32 meters. 43 3 miles. 54 00 21.67 meters. 47 73 yards. 51 50 3678 meters. 51 5 s mile. 17 % mile. Geiieral locality. — Southeastern shore of Miles River about ]i mile north of entrance to Newcomb Creek and J^ mile northeast of railroad bridge across entrance to Oak Creek. (See Chart No. 34."! Immediate locality.— Observed station is in cultivated field about 6 feet above high water, 35 yards southeast of edge of bank, 30 yards east of edge of bank, 45 yards north of edge of bank on range with point, and 300 yards southwest of large lone SAxamore tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above the surface of the ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Hall" (S 42° 06' W) o Left peak of house 31 "St. Michaels Water Tank" 75 Chimney outside of left end of Fogg cottage. . 80 Weather vane on tower of Dodson house 95 Cupola on bam 122 Left comer of house 146 Large lone sycamore tree 168 Windmill in range with house 187 Stack of canner)' 317 Spindle on bam cupola 325 HALL. 00 00 ^4 mile. 22 lyi miles. 56 30 35'! miles. 56 3?/^ miles. 57 4 miles. II 1,5-s miles. 52 I mile. 36 300 yards. 18 1% miles. 48 % mile. 59 }i mile. General locality. — Southern shore of Miles River about 100 yards west of west end of railroad trestle across entrance to Oak Creek, and 100 yards east of Royal Oak railway station. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in marsh about i foot above high water, 30 yards southwest of shore, 40 yards south of shore, 85 yards west-northwest of shore at comer of shed, and 35 yards north- northeast of near rail of railway track. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above the surface of the ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 149 References. — o / // "Bamett" (N 39° 14' W) o 00 00 J^ mile. Center of tower on Dodson house 7 37 4^ miles. Chimney of middle of Hall Building 28 03 2^ miles. Near chimney of Speck house 62 40 if^ miles. Chimney of Dorrance house 71 47 2}.4 miles. Chimney on southeast end of house loS 32 yi mile. Left tangent of shed 147 08 85 yards. Northwest peak of bam 165 55 X mile. North peak of Kirby house 234 38 % mile. Chimney of house 281 37 % mile. Chimney on railroad station 299 12 100 yards. Left chimney of house 330 38 j^ mile. BARNETT. General locality. — Southern shore of Miles River about i/^ mile northwest of entrance to Oak Creek, and ~/i mile southeast of entrance to Spencers Cove. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, q yards southwest of shore, 12 yards northwest of shore, 18 yards west-northwest of extreme end of point, and 8 yards north- east of foot of a bank 6 feet high. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above stirface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Maiden" (N 26° 26' W) o 00 00 % m\\&. Cupola of Rieman bam i6 16 2^ miles. Left chimney of Hall house 25 57 2 miles. Near chimney of house 76 47 i^ miles. Windmill 85 05 2 miles. Left chimney of house 93 46 2 miles. Near chimney of square roof house 102 21 ij| miles. Spindle on cupola on bam 140 28 i mile. Southwest peak of bam 162 36 yi mile. Nail in blaze in oak tree (26 inches diameter) . 177 12 50 9.22 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 228 16 40 5.04 meters. Nail in blaze in pine tree (16 inches diam- eter) 256 II 20 .'.... . 10.29 meters. MAIDEN. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Miles River about yi mile west of Long Point and 2 '^ miles southeast of St. Michaels. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is just outside of a fringe of trees near a small marsh skirting the shore on a point about 3 feet above high w.ater, 3 yards south of shore, 5 yards northeast of foot of bank, 7 yards east of point of bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.34 meters S 16° 57' W of observed station. Stone monument marking "Miles River" (1899) is 38.22 meters S 48° 29' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of s-inch tile pipe 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. New reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Old triangulation station (Miles River, 1899) is center of cross lines on 6-inch square top stone monument. 150 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbol County, Md. References .— "Stony" (N 48° S3' W) Right chimnc)' of house Weather vane on Dodson house Left tangent of woods on Fairview Point .... Cupola on Rieman barn Northwest chimney of house Weather vane on bam cupola North chimney of house Large square chimney on old house "Miles River 1899," stone monument Chimney on near side of roof of large building. West peak of large huilding near draw Reference station (cement monument). . . Nail in blaze in cherry tree (22 inches diam- eter) Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) Chimney of Slater house STONY. 5 18 32 42 55 69 128 143 190 48 GO 00 yi mile. 01 2^8 miles. 25 2J-S miles. 34 2>-2 miles. 46 2 miles. 21 j^A miles. 32 i^ miles. 13 2^ miles. 04 iX miles. 24 00 38.22 meters. 1^4. miles. 07 lyi miles. 50 40 4.34 meters. 259 04 50 4-' I meters. 335 15 20 3.73 meters. 353 23 simile. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Miles River on point at cast side of entrance to Spencer Cove about i]4 miles southeast of St. Michaels. (See Chart No. 34.) Immediale locality. — Observed station is in clump of large oak and birch trees about 8 feet above high water, 14 yards south of shore, 16 yards south-southwest of a point and i2yards west of another point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Millwind" (N3i° 16' W) o Weather vane on tower of Dodson house 7 Near peak of cupola on Rieman bam 50 Peak of west gable of Hall house 63 Spindle on cupola of house 80 Tangent of trees 162 Nail in blaze in white oak tree (g inches diameter) 213 Nail in blaze in holly tree (13 inches diam- eter) 242 Nail in blaze in pine tree (10 inches diam- eter) 317 Flagstaff on water tank 334 Left chimney of house 342 CHLORA. 00 00 z}4 miles. 41 2% miles. 21 i^/i miles. 47 i}4. miles. 10 iK miles. 22 X ™ile. 25 20 4.51 meters. 33 00 9.43 meters. 04 10 12.34 meters.. 33 lyi miles. 59 i|^ miles. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Choptank River, on Chlora Point, about 1% miles south- southeast of entrance to Island Creek, i}/i miles northwest of entrance to La Trappe Creek, and 2^4. miles southeast of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 8 feet above high water, 6 yards east-northeast of edge of bank, 9 yards south of wire fence, and 18 yards north of edge of bank at walnut tree. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.91 meters N 78° 43' E of observed station. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 51 00 9.01 meters. 10 6.91 meters. 10 16.70 meters. Marks. — Observed station is hole in center of cement-filled tile pipe 4 inches diameter with top about 2 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above the surface of the ground. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (N 57° 03' W) . . . . o 00 00 2;'s miles. Nail in blaze in wild-cherry tree (3 inches diameter) 74 39 10 3. 11 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 129 31 Reference station 135 46 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (14 inches diam- eter) 220 12 Near peak of house 254 53 3 miles. Spindle on cupola 267 24 2^8 miles. "Large Water Tank". .. ..- 294 46 30 i^^ miles. TRAPPE. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River, at west side of entrance to La Trappe Creek, about lyi miles southeast of Chlora Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on grassy gravel point about 3 feet above high water, 4 yards north of shore, 6 yards east-northeast of shore, and 17 yards south by east of large cedar tree. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.62 meters N 47° 40' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 2 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. References. — a / // "Lan" (N 25° 07' E) o Cedar tree 11 Red beacon 96 Right chimney of house 130 "Black Beacon" 145 Northerly peak of Travers Wharf house 196 Center of smaller water tank 241 "Large Water Tank" 241 44 30 2^ miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (20 inches diam- eter) 294 50 Reference station 350 06 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (22 inches diam- eter) 353 23 40 15.99 meters. 00 00 yi mile. 05 35 yards. 50 00 X niile. 16 3 miles. 54 40 X mile. 15 2% miles. 02 2% miles. 50 7.23 meters. 40 .' 12.62 meters. LAN. General locality. — Northwestern shore of La Trappe Creek, about % mile north of Choptank River. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on tree-fringed high land about 10 feet above high water, 8 yards southeast of shore, 85 yards north of shore, and 105 yards northeast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above siuface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 152 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Aid. References. — o / // "Rice" (N 60° 09' E) o 00 00 ;;smile. Near peak of bani 16 13 M mile. Chimney of abandoned house 41 40 ji mile. Chimney of i/2-story house 47 44 ^^i mile. Peak of metal -roofed bam 62 58 Chimney of house in trees 69 06 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 185 07 "Large Water T;mk" (Castlehavcnl 198 Chimney on small house 235 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 292 39 Near peak of bam 336 14 RICE. J-2 mile. 14 mile. 07 30 12.46 meters. 49 00 2yi miles. 52 % mile. 00 26.39 meters. 3.4 mile. General locality. — Northwestern shore of La Trappe Creek, about I s mile northeast of a wharf and ^ mile nortli-northeast of Choptank River. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on tree-fringed cultivated land, about 3 feet above high water, 28 yards south of shore, 15 yards south of edge of marsh and cultivated land, and 50 yards west of a small creek. Marlis. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Gis" (S 14° 38' W) o Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 12 Chimney between two i-story houses 57 Near peak of bam 91 00 00 }s mile. 23 30 21.00 meters. 22 125 yards. 01 li mile. ; mile. Chimney of small house 205 01 150 yards. Near peak of bam 254 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 255 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 314 54 40 19.23 meters. 02 20 11.99 meters. INEZ. General locality. — Eastern shore of La Trappe Creek, on soutliwestem shore of a small cove about 14 mile northeast of Choptank River. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on high land in pasture field about 10 feet above high water' 3 yards south of edge of tree-fringed bank, and 125 yards northeast of small house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top about 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Gis"(S6o°27' Wj o Chimney of i^-story house 3 Near peak of abandoned house 19 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (3 inches diameter) 41 Point of dairy roof 82 Chimney of i^j-storj- house 87 00 00 ^s mile. 22 125 yards. 36 125 yards. 31 20 II. II meters. 20 X mile. 28 X mile. Peak of roof of small house 122 59 X mile. Survey oj Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 153 References — Continued. o / ,/ Peak of bam 130 00 ^s mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 151 19 40 3-44 meters. Peak of barn 2S2 34 >s mile. Right chimney of house in trees 302 19 ^4 mile. " Black Beacon " 339 49 40 >-s mile. GIS. General locality. — Southeastern shore of LaTrappe Creek, about J.^ mile south of a wharf, and ,' j mile northeast of Choptank River. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and marsh point about i foot above high water, 11 yards southeast of shore, 13 yards north of shore, 20 yards northeast of shore, and 30 yards north of high cultivated land. Martzs. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above siuface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Grubin" (S 20° 49' W) o 00 00 J-| mile. "Black Beacon" 14 34 50 ^ mile. Red Beacon 20 09 30 ^ mile. Chimney of house 93 09 yi mile. Left chimney on house 149 29 yi mile. Chimney between two small houses 161 51 ^ mile. Near peak of i ■ 2-story house 180 36 ^ mile. GRUBIN. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River on east side of entrance to La Trappe Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on grassy marsh back of gravel beach, about i foot above high water, 13 yards east of shore, 13 yards south of shore, 20 yards southeast of extreme end of point, and 100 yards northwest of pond. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Howard" (S 1° 21' W) o 00 co 2>s miles. South peak of Travers Wharf house 45 02 .. , 3 miles. "Black Beacon" 51 56 10 ^ mile. Center of smaller water tower 86 56 3 miles. "Large water tank" 87 49 30 2j-^ miles. Red Beacon 90 47 10 J4' mile. South peak of shed 153 07 5 s mile. Nearpeakof bam 181 58 f^ mile. Nail in blaze in stump (7 inches diameter)... . 194 47 40 12.17 meters. Chimney of house 199 51 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diameter). 225 34 30 12. 04 meters. BLACK BEACON. General locality. — Northeastern shore of Choptank River off entrance to LaTrappe Creek, about if4 miles northeast of Horn Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a cylindrical foundation known as LaTrappe Creek outer light. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on LaTrappe Creek outer light. References. — None necessary . 154 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. HOWELLS. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River on Howells Point about i J^ miles east of Honi Point, 2 miles north of entrance to Jenkins Creek, and 2 miles northwest of Hambrooks Bar Beacon. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a long grassy gravel point about 3 feet above high water, 5oyardssouth-southeast of old fish shanty and trees, 25 yards south of highest level part of land, 11 yards west of shore, 3 yards east of shore, and % mile north of extreme end of point. Cement monument mark- ing reference station is 22.82 meters N 17° 53' E of observed station . Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of cedar stub in center of 4-inch tile pipe with top of pipe 4 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement mon- ument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground . References. — o / // "Red" (N 78° 26' E) o SouthpeakofKirby Wharf house 12 "Hambrooks Bar Beacon" 44 Flagstaff on boathouse 57 " Dicks Water Tank" 62 22 ' ' Cambridge Standpipe " 69 41 Spindle on bam cupola 137 "Large watertank" 209 " Black Beacon" 251 Nail in blaze in dead locust tree (15 inches diameter) 285 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 294 01 40 13-67 meters. Nail in blaze in pin oak tree (11 inches diam- eter) 297 59 10 27.28 meters. Reference station 299 26 40 22.82 meters. 00 00 i|-8 miles. 35 2 miles. 16 50 2 miles. 19 i^ miles. 22 10 1% miles. 10 3>^ miles. 22 ij^ miles. 51 40 3ji miles. 22 20 i}4, miles. 21 50 9.83 meters. RED. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River at eastern side of Dickinsons Bay, about iS-i miles east-northeast of Howells Point and J^ mile northwest of Kirby Wharf. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cultivated land on first high blufi upstream from Howells Point, about 12 feet above high water, 8 yards northeast of edge of bank, 10 yards north of edge of bank, and 10 yards east of edge of bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 23.65 meters N 8g° 58' E of observed station and almost on line with east chimney of house. Marks. — Observed station is nail in stub in center of 2-inch tile pipe with top of pipe 6 inches below surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground . References. — ° " Hambrooks Bar Beacon "(83° 39' E) o " Cambridge Standpipe" o " Dicks Water Tank " 19 Center of silo tower 51 "Large Water Tank" 102 Near peak of bam with two cupolas 148 Reference station 229 East chimney of house 229 Near peak of large bam 282 Right peak of Kirby Wharf house 308 Near peak of hospital 348 "East Cambridge Tall Stack" 351 00 i^ miles. 10 3 miles. 50 j}4 miles. 3 miles. 50 4^ miles. I mile. 20 23.63 meters. X mile. K mile. 26 ^ mile. 39 SX miles. 07 40 3 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 155 DOUBLE. 00 00 lyi miles. 44 20 2 miles. 01 00 1/2 miles. 25 40 65'i miles. 34 2yi miles. 08 30 26.69 ineters. 10 40 24.92 meters. 29 14 mile. 20 40 34-66 meters. 23 }i mile. 47 2yi miles. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River nearly opposite Cambridge about i mile north. west of entrance to Bolingbroke Creek and I'j mileseastofHambrooks Bar Beacon. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on point of marsh separated from field by a row of locust trees about 12 yards northeast of shore, 20 yards north of shore, 14 yards east of shore, and 30 yards south of a large wild-cherry tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "East Cambridge tall stack" (S 32° 33' W) . . . o "Dicks Water Tank" 51 " Hambrooks Bar Beacon " 60 " Large Water Tank " 76 Chimney of house 107 Nail in blaze in wild-cherry tree (24 inches diameter) 142 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 177 Chimney outside of near end of house 177 Nail in blaze in wild-cherry tree (4 inches diameter) 207 Spindle on barn cupola 248 Chimney of house- 320 Spindle on cupola 347 55 2 miles. Near peak of hospital 354 52 i}i miles. BOLING. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River on an island in entrance to Bolingbroke Creek about %■ mile northwest of Chancellors Point and 2 miles east-northeast of Cambridge. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in rushes on a sandy marsh about 3 feet above high water, 6 yards northeast of shore, 7 yards north of shore, 8 yards east of shore, and 160 yards northwest by north of entrance to Bolingbroke Creek. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "East Cambridge Tall Stack" (S 60° 19' W). . o Chimney outside of left end of mansard-roof house 2,3 Flagpole on boathouse 37 " Hambrooks Bar Beacon " 44 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 134 40 30 26.53 meters. Nail in blaze in old cedar stump (13 inches diameter) 191 39 00 5.29 meters. Near peak of barn cupola 249 14 ij^ miles. Near peak of bam 270 14 13.^ miles. Chimney of house 294 34 i]'i miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (11 inches diameter) 300 25 40 4.56 meters. Chimney of house 313 10 i^/i. miles. 00 00 zyi miles. II 2]/% miles. 05 2^-^ miles. 30 CO 2-}'i miles. 156 Suivcy of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. REAR. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River about ^ mile northwest of Chancellors Point and J^milesoutheastof entrance to Bolingbroke Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field on bliifif about 12 feet above high water, 65 yards north of edge of bank, 1 10 yards northeast of edge of bank and trees, 160 yards east of edge of bank, and 95 yards northwest of bottom of gully. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Barber" (N 35° 22' Ji) o 00 00 i mile. Near comer of square cupola 27 51 }4 mile. Chimney of house 78 16 1^-2 miles. Near peak of bam cupola 105 00 i}'^ miles. Near peak of large barn 136 08 ij s miles. Left peak of large bam 177 ig ij^ miles. Bam cupola 214 22 2 miles. "Cambridge Standpipe" 221 13 50 2^ miles. "Hambrooks Ear Beacon" 255 40 50 3 miles. "•Large Water Tank" 257 iq 00 8J/4' miles. Chimney of house 2S0 15 iX miles. Chimney outside near end of house 288 83 1%' miles. CHANCELLOR. General locality. — Northem shore of Choptank River on Chancellors Point about 3^ mile north of entrance to Hurst Creek and 3< mile southeast of entrance to Bolingbroke Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and grass point about i foot above high water, 35 yards west of shore, 35 yards northeast of shore, 60 yards north by west of extreme end of point, 13 yards south of line of cedar stumps, 27 yards southeast of large lone pine tree, and almost on range of Cambridge Standpipe and left peak of hospital. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.70 meters N 31° 3 1' W of observed station and almost on line to large lone pine tree. Marks. — Observed station is nail in cedar stub in center of 4-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Cambridge Standpipe" (S 78° 00' W) o 00 00 2.^ miles. Reference station 70 29 10 4.70 meters. Nail in blaze in lone pine tree (16 inches diam- eter) 71 00 CO 24.74 meters. Southeast comer of square cupola 1x5 45 350 yards. Nail in blaze in cedar stump (16 inches diam- eter) 122 32 50 12.40 meters. Chimney of house 216 38 i^ miles. Near peak of house 245 53 i}4 miles. Chimney on left end of house 282 44 ij^ miles. Chimney of house 328 52 i^s miles. Nail in blaze in small pine tree 350 04 40 23.26 meters. Left peak of hospital 359 06 2}4 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 157 BARBER. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Choptank River about i mile north-northeast of Chancellors Point and about ]/i mile west-southwest of Goose Point. (See Chart No. 35. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about 2 feet above high water, 12 yards north- northwest of county road and shore, 45 yards west-southwest of a cabin on the county road . 25 yards west of two cedar trees just across road, and 65 yards south of a wire fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting S inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top 2 inches below base of monument. References.- — ° "Duck" (N75°49' E) o Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 5 Smokepipe on wharf house 35 Near peak of house 57 Northwest peak of house 92 22 i^ miles. Chimney on left end of house 116 41 2X miles. Near peak of house with sqiiare cupola 133 33 J-^ mile. Large lone tree 208 40 350 yards. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diameter) 209 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (5 inches diameter) 323 Near corner of bam 347 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 359 16 50 20.12 meters. 00 Js mile. 50 19.17 meters. iX miles. i\4 miles. 58 40 36.42 meters. 12 30 36.01 meters. 15 21.96 meters. DUCK. General locality. — Northern shore of Choptank River on Goose Point ^i mile north of Oyster Shell Point and i}^ miles northeast of Chancellors Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on edge of sand beach on lower part of point about on level with high water, 15 to 20 yards southeast of a group of cedar and persimmon trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.61 meters N 28° 19' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — a / // • " Jam" (N 35° 54' E) o 00 00 i^s miles. Left peak of large bam 46 01 1^ miles. Center of roof of house 82 31 zyi miles. Smoke pipe on wharf house 115 Left peak of bam cupola 160 Near comer of square chimney of house 174 Chimney of house 192 Near comer of square cupola on house 197 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (2 inches diameter) 238 59 Reference station 295 47 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (3 inches diameter) 297 48 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diam- eter) 332 27 52 ]/i mile. 21 2 miles. 03 2}4 miles. 50 4 miles. 16 ifs miles. 40 21.22 meters. 30 12.61 meters. 50 15.20 meters. 20 14.28 meters. 158 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Aid. JAM. General locality. — Western shore of Choptank River on Jamaica Point opposite entrance to Warwick River. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh point about 3 feet above high water, 25 yards west -northwest of end of wharf, 7 yards north of county road, 11 yards northeast of county road, 13 yards south of shore, 8 yards west-southwest of shore, and 30 yards north by east of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Spindle " (N 14° 53' W) o Chimney outside near end of house 16 Chimney of large house 19 "Wick" 76 Chimney of house 82 Left chimney of large brick house 90 Left comer of wharf house 95 Right comer of wharf house 108 Nail in first plank on level part of wharf no Near peak of large bam 144 Chimney of house 171 Near peak of house 202 Near peak of house near wharf 211 Right peak of bam cupola 218 Near comer of fence 269 00 00 Jrs mile. 33 2 miles. 46 00 2 miles. 04 ^ mile. 48 13 8 miles. 07 I '2 miles. 57 20 49.81 meters. 14 46.85 meters. 03 50 24.94 meters. 56 1^-2 miles. 30 2 miles. 51 2}^ miles. 21 2 miles. 30 2^2 miles. 38 j4 mile. SPINDLE. General locality. — Western shore of upper Choptank River about ' s mile north of Jamaica Point Wharf. (See Chart No. 35.) Note. — This triangulation landmark was destroyed before this publication was prepared, and therefore it is not described, although its name and location arc shown on Chart No. 35. BANK. General locality. — Western shore of upper Choptank River about i mile north-northwest of Jamaica Point and 1J.4' miles southwest of entrance to Cabin Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field on a tree-fringed bluff about 20 feet above high water. 10 yards northwest of edge of bluff, 10 yards west of edge of bluff, and 12 yards north of edge of bluff. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of grovmd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Raccoon" (N ig° 26' E) o Left chimney of modem house 5 Nail in blaze in branch of double oak tree (12 and 18 inches diameter) 34 Chimney of house in woods 54 Chimney of shanty in woods 86 Chimney of house 103 23 Nail in blaze in oak tree (8 inches diameter). . 124 13 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diam- eter) 161 00 Front peak of house 168 29 00 00 5 s mile . 55 1^4 miles. .03 meters. l-i miles. 07 ij-s miles. 23 ij^ miles. 13 10 8.55 meters. 00 10 21,11 meters. H mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 159 RACCOON. General locality. — Western shore of upper Choptank about ^i mile south of entrance to a small creek, 1% miles north of Jamaica Point, and i mile west of entrance to Cabin Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is between 2 clumps of trees on sandy marsh about 2 feet above high water, 8 yards northwest of shore, 12 yards west of shore, 16 yards north of shore, and 200 yards southwest of woods beyond marsh. * Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Blind" (N 52° 15' E) o Chimney outside near end of house 34 Near peak of modem house 41 Chimney of house 77 Near peak of house 105 09 2 miles. Chimney of house 113 14 33^ miles. Near peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house 120 Left comer of house 144 Nail in blaze in oak tree ( i o inches diameter) . 155 Nail in blaze in large pine tree (12 inches diameter) 204 Nail in blaze in oak tree (10 inches diameter). 329 Chimney outside near end of house 350 04 simile. BLIND. 00 00 ^4 mile. 22 i}^ miles. 07 lyi miles. 59 iX miles. 1 1-2 miles. I mile. 50 12.66 meters. 40 37-12 meters. 20 26.50 meters. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Choptank River about K niile west-northwest of entrance to Cabin Creek, and 2 miles north of Jamaica Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point between river and line of locust trees about I foot above high water, 11 yards north of shore. 15 yards west of shore, 16 yards northeast of shore at duck blind, and 25 yards east by north of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Up" (N 6i° 44' E) o Chimney outside of near end of old house .... 47 Peak of side gable of modem house 57 Right peak of Jamaica Point wharf house ... 131 Chimney on house 162 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 201 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 226 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 270 Nail in blaze in locust tree (10 inches diam- eter) 322 00 00 ,3^ mile. 17 I mile. 24 . . % iX miles. 24 '2 miles. 44 iX miles. 23 50 10.28 metecs. 52 20 7.53 meters. 06 10 5.72 meters. 50 14-25 meters. UP. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Choptank River about }'i mile north of entrance to Cabin Creek and 2X miles north-northeast of Jamaica Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 55 yards northwest of extreme end of point, 25 yards west of shore, and 20 yards north of shore. i6o Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 8 inches above surface of marsh. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Myrtle" (S 60° 25' E) o 00 00 'smile. Peak of side gable of modem house 34 14 i mile. Chimney of old house 36 10 J.-8 mile. Tangent of point 77 45 i mile. House Ill 45 1/ s miles. Tangent of point 122 02 s s mile. House 273 00 i>2 miles. Tangent of point 305 15 175 yards. MYRTLE. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Chopt;uik River about ^2 mile north of entrance to Cabin Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediale locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 17 yards east of shore, 20 yards south of extreme end of point, 15 yards southwest of small gut, and 250 yards west of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Hut" (S 7° 47' W) o 00 00 fs mile. Left peak of old bam 6 41 yi mile. Tangent of point 32 14 yi mile. Chimney of house 53 01 2 miles. Chimney outside east end of house 78 42 1%" miles. Near peak of shanty 157 18 H mile. Stack of cannery at Choptank 180 51 2^^ miles. Left peak of house 194 19 2^ miles. Tangent of point 203 56 • • • /4 mile. Right peak of roof showing over woods 314 37 f^ mile. Large lone pine tree ^^1, 11 300 yards. HUT. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Choptank River on north side of entrance to Cabin Creek. (vSee Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 15 yards east of shore, 50 yards northwest of shor.e, 20 yards northeast of extreme end of point, 90 yards sotithwest of a hut, and 80 yards south-southwest of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried witli top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "House" (S 46° 38' W) o 00 00 3^ mile. Chimney of house 25 27 i^ rail^s. Chimney outside of house 60 33 iX miles. Cupola on bam 132 48 2^2' miles. Right corner of hut 173 53 20 90 yards. Chimney outside near end of old house 242 13 yi mile. Peak of near gable of modem house 281 42 ]4 mile. Right peak of old bam 337 43 ;'-8 mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 1 6 1 HOUSE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Choptank River about ^4 mile south of entrance to Cabin Creek. I mile north of entrance to Warivick River, and on south side of a small cove. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 14 yards south of shore, 26 yards sautheast of shore, 35 yards southwest by west of shore and mouth of small creek in marsh and 175 yards north of woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Saw" (S 6° 22' W) o 00 00 :'smile. ■ Two pine trees 5 49 Left peak of shanty 126 49 i j g miles. Chimney outside near end of house 131 06 1% miles. Near peak of house 137 29 i^- miles. Tangent of point 172 07 X mile. Stack of canner)- at Choptank 189 09 4 miles. Near peak of house 193 59 4^ miles. Near peak of shack 219 48 J^ mile. Cut in woods 348 16 }4 mile. SAW. General locality. — Eastern shore of Choptank River about }4 mile northeast of entrance to Warwick River, and i mile northeast by east of Jamaica Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 22 yards east of shore, 26 yards southeast of shore, 37 yards northeast of shore, 200 yards west-northwest of den^e woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above stuface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe, buried with top 2 inches Ijelow base of monument. References. — ° ' " "Wick" (S i9°oi' W) o 00 00 y!, mile. Right peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house .... 24 57 i mile. Left comer of very wide chimney on brick house 32 14 i^ miles. Right comer of railing on roof of house 70 36 i^ miles. Chimney of house 86 44 iX miles. Near peak of house 135 04 . . .' \% miles. Chimney outside left end of house 152 42 2 miles. Cupola or steeple 181 04 00 5 miles. Near comer of brick house 311 51 yiva\\&. WICK. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Choptank River on northern side of entrance to Warwick River, about X mile northeast of Jamaica Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sandy ridge between beach and marsh, about 2 feet above high water, 8 yards northeast of shore, 10 yards north of shore, 9 yards east of shore, 100 yards southeast by east of extreme end of point, and 35 yards northwest of two pine trees. Cement monument marking reference station is S.26 meters N 25° 00' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in cedar stub with top flush with the surface of the ground. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of groimd. 53485—12 II I 62 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Talbol County, Md. oo oo ^ mile. 21 S'8 mile. 13 2.3-i miles. SS ^yi miles. 29 l/i mile. 42 . . . >^ mile. 10 00 . . . zyi miles. . . 2j^ miles. 07 20 . . . . . . 8.26 meters. 59 10 . . . . . . 30.06 meters. 53 20 . . . . . . 400 yards. References. — ° "War"(S2°o8'E) o Near peak of house in trees 2 Smoke pipe on wharf house 27 Tangent of Goose Point 45 Right peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house .... 62 Right comer of very wide chimney on brick house 68 Left comer of cupola on roof 115 Near peak of house 167 Refere.nce st.\tion 207 Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diam- eter) 296 Right pine tree 325 WAR. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Choptank River on southern side of entrance to Warwick River, about ^ mile east-southeast of Jamaica Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on northern side of point of marsh about i foot above high water, 45 yards south of shore , 35 yards southeast of shore . 45 yardseast of shore, and 35 to 45 yards south- west to west of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.95 meters S 12° 18' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of cedar stub with top flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Gander" (S 11° 26' W) o 00 00 X rnile. Chimney of house 17 12 2 miles. Smoke pipe on wharf house 23 00 ij^ miles. Left chimney of small house 26 05 2 miles. Square cupola on large house 45 Left peak of house 66 Right comer of very wide chimney on brick house 96 Left peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house 105 Chimney of hcmse 132 Near peak of house 157 Nail in blaze in pin oak tree (10 inches diam- eter) 186 Nail in blaze in pine tree (11 inches diam- eter) ^ 212 Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diam- eter) 245 Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diam- eter 1 267 Reference station 336 Chimney of house 353 53 3^ miles. II i}4 miles. II I mile. 01 yi mile. 50 il^ miles. 00 2}^ miles. 09 50 42.26 meters. 30 40 41.75 meters. 18 30 31 -45 meters. 08 30 30.11 meters. 16 20 4.95 meters. 07 I mile. G.A.NDER. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Choptank River f s mile southwest of entrance to Goose Creek about 1 3 g miles east-northeast of Oystershell Point and about i Vs miles south-southeast of Jamaica Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in an uncultivated field on bank about 6 feet above high water, 19 yards east of edge of bank, 3^ yards northeast of edge of bank, 33 yards southeast of edge of bank, and 155 yards west of two large cedar trees at a paling fence. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 163 Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Chief" (89° 44' W) o Chimney of house 28 Smokepipe on wharf house 40 Chimney of house 50 ' ' Cambridge Stand Pipe " 62 Chimney outside of house 113 Right chimney of house 135 Near peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house 147 Chimney of house 148 Chimney of house 164 Tangent of point 172 Right end of roof of long barn 235 Black walnut tree 282 Chimney of house 344 CHIEF. 00 fi mile. 22 1% miles. 14 lyi miles. 00 4',^ miles. 46 50 SX miles. 39 ij^ miles. 48 i}i miles. 14 1% miles. 54 2ji miles. 24 3}i miles. 50 %■ mile. 04 ^ mile. 36 200 yards. 59 y* ™>le- General locality. — Southeast shore of Choptank River on a narrow neck of land between Choptank River and Indian Creek, about i mile east of Oystershell Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a grass strip between Choptank River and Indian Creek about 2 feet above high water, 15 yards south of river shore, 11 yards north of creek shore, 20 yards south- east of river shore, and 25 yards southwest of river shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // " Shell" (S 85° n'W) o 00 00 I mile. Smoke pipe on wharf house o 42 X mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 13 Right comer of railing on house 78 Near peak of house 91 Right comer of square chimney 114 Near comer of bam 144 05 % mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 167 Stack of cannery 208 Peakof house between two chimneys 253 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 348 Near peaK of cottage 358 vSHELL. 37 10 11.76 meters. 32 2 miles. 47 3^ miles. 47 yi mile. 07 10 22.07 meters. 56 20 yi mile. 32 Xmile. 04 50 13.81 meters. 38 I mile. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Choptank River on CH'Ster Shell Point about % mile south of Goose Point and i>2 miles east-northeast of Chancellors Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 100 yards north of rail fence, 55 yards southwest of shore, 75 yards south of shore, 400 yards west of a wharf, 250 yards west by north of a small house near the shore, 50 yards west by north of comer of fence. Cement monument marking reference station is 2.27 meters N 83° 07' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in cedar stub flush with surface of groimd. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above the surface of the ground. i64 Survey of ()yster Bars, Talbot County, Md. oo 00 ^/i mile. 12 225 yards. 53 50 miles, miles, meters. iVi miles. 17 ij-s miles. 29 2^4, miles. References. — ° "Whitehall" (841° ,^s' W) o Lone tree 29 "Cambridge Standpipe" 35 Right comer of square cupola 39 Reference station 54 Chimney on left end of house 83 10 lyi miles Near peak of large house 150 Near peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house 158 Right peak of building 177 Chimney on house 205 20 i}i miles. Smoke pipe on wharf house 221 13 X mile. Near peak of shed 265 40 150 yards. Near peak of house 280 06 300 yards. WHITEHALL. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Choptank River about 'x mile southwest of Oystershc. Point, and ij-s miles east of Chancellor Point. (See Chart No. 35. ) hnmediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point among water bushes about 12 yards south- southeast of shore, 13 yards south-southwest of shore, and 15 yards east-southeast of shore. Mark.s. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Ferry " (S 55° 08' W) o 00 00 i J/4 miles. Chimney of house 10 50 2^^ miles. " Cambridge Stand Pipe" 27 Right of square cupola 46 Left chimney on long house 99 Chimney outside near end of house 137 Near peak of large building 144 Front peak of Jamaica Point Wharf house ... 150 FERRY. 22 40 ..... 4 miles. 16 i>^ miles. 58 \yi miles. 20 \1/i miles. 31 lyi miles. 00 2K miles. General locality. — Soutlieni shore of Choptank River near east side of entrance to Hurst Creek about 2% miles east of Cambridge. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sand beach about on level with high water, 92 yards cast-northeast of Hurst Creek, i yard southeast of shore, and 6 to 10 yards northwest to north of several low cedar trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 16.74 meters S 50° 12' E of observed station. Marki. — Observed station is nail in pine stub in center of 2-inch tile pipe with top of pipe 6 inches below surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of tri;mgle on standard cement monument. References. — '' ' " "E. Cambridge Tall Stack" (N 8i= 21' W). . o 00 "Hambrooks Bar Beacon" 24 05 Near peak of large house with cupola 79 37 Near peak of bam cupola 99 22 Near peak of Jamaica Point Uliarf house .116 23 Nail in blaze in cedar tree ( 1 1 inches diameter ) 193 07 Reference st.\tion 211 09 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diameter) 242 42 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (16 inches diameter) 279 49 00 2' , miles. 10 3J.2 miles. I mile. 2 miles. 3? 8 miles. 00 6.82 meters. 00 16.74 meters. 50 8.32 meters. 00 9.76 meters. Chimney of house 338 10 ij^ miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Taibot County, Md. 1 65 SHOAL. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River near entrance to a small creek about i mile east-southeast of Cambridge and iSg miles west -southwest of Chancellors Point. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in woods on a point of land about 10 feet above high water, 50 yards east of edge of bank, 6 yards southwest of wire fence at edge of high land, 7 yards south of wire fence, 11 yards west of wire fence, 13 yards west-southwest of large double oak tree, and 90 yards east of a marsh point at a creek. Cement monument marking reference station is 6.08 meters S 23° 44' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of tile pipe with top 6 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — "Cambridge" (N 46° 31' W) o 00 00 iX miles. Large chimney of house 25 55 35.^ miles. Spindle on bam cupola 61 31 if^' miles. Left chimney of house 84 eg 2 miles. Near peak of bam with cupola 106 11 1^4 miles. Nail in blaze in large double oak tree 120 03 20 11. 31 meters. Nail in blaze in black walnut tree (8 inches diameter) 205 53 40 10.96 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) 224 26 30 8.05 meters. Reference station 250 15 40 6.08 meters. Nail jn blaze in black walnut tree (17 inches diameter) 304 19 20 3.19 meters. Flagstaff on boathouse 358 43 2yi miles. E. CAMBRIDGE TALL STACK. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River in the town of Cambridge on the cast side of Cambridge Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is tall square brick smokestack at plant of Cambridge Manu- facturing Co. Marks. — Observed station is center of stack. References. — None necessary' . E. CAMBRIDGE SPIRE. General locality. — Soutliem shore of Choptank River in town of Cambridge on the east side of Cam- bridge Creek and the south side of Maryland Avenue. (See Chart No. '3 5.) Note. — This triangulation landmark was tom down before this publication was prepared and there- fore it is not described, although its name and location are shown on Chart No. 35. CAMBRIDGE STAND PIPE. General /oco/i/y.— Southwestern side of Choptank River in the tovra of Cambridge. (See Chart No. 35-) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on standpipe on the north side of High Street near Pine Street. Marks. — Observed station is center of cylindrical water standpipe with ornamental railing on top. References. — None necessar)'. CAMBRIDGE. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River on a point about ^i mile southeast of Ham- brooks Bar Beacon and '4 mile northwest of Cambridge steamer wharf. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above above high water, 30 yards west of shore, 35 yards south of shore at cut, 40 yards southwest of shore, and 3 yards southwest of barbed-wire fence running northwest and southeast. 1 66 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Command" (N 50° 20' W) o 00 00 ^s mile. "Hambrooks Bar Beacon" 36 12 00 f^ mile. Southwest peak of Kirby Wharf house 58 27 i^ miles. Chimney outside of south end of house 107 00 i>i miles. Near one of four chimneys on large square house 133 26 2^ miles. Right chimney of large house on Chancellors Point 146 27 2j^ miles. Weather vane on hotel 235 36 ^ mile. Chimney of house 328 03 }4 mile. Flagpole 354 09 J^ mile. Flagpole on boathouse 359 24 X mile. HAMBROOKS BAR BEACON. General locality. — Southern side of Choptank River about % mile offshore from point of land known as Hambrooks Bar, about 2 miles southeast of Howells Point, and 1% miles northwest of Cambridge. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a cylindrical foundation known as Hambrooks Bar Beacon . Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Hambrooks Bar Beacon. References. — None necessary. COMMAND. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River about 14 mile west-southwest of Hambrooks Bar Beacon and about iK miles nortliwest of Cambridge Wharf. (See Chart 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point inside of a fence line about 2 feet above high water, 18 yards southeast of shore, 16 yards south of shore, 25 yards southwest of shore, and 150 yards northwest of a boathouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (N 49° 40' W). ... o 00 00 6^ miles. Nail in blaze in fence post 5 ^t, 30 10.85 meters. Near peak of large building 16 45 2X miles. Nail in blaze in fence post 65 08 20 11. 01 meters. Left chimney of house with three dormer windows 68 28 iT/i miles. Near peak of Kirby Wharf house 86 40 lyi miles. "Hambrooks Bar Beacon" 121 17 50 yi mile. Near peak of large house 153 10 3 miles. Flagstaff on boathouse 183 20 150 yards. "Dicks Water Tank" 266 29 30 "4 mile. Nail in blaze in fence post 328 25 40 17.23 meters. Left chimney of old house 331 53 2 %■ miles. " Large Water Tank " 347 03 10 smiles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 167 DICKS WATER TANK. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River near Hambrooks Bar about ■= s mile soutlnvest of Hambrooks Bar Beacon, and '< mile west of extreme end of Hambrooks Bar. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on water tank. Marks. — Observed station is spindle on top of water tank. References. — None necessar>'. ♦ HOWARD. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River, 2 miles southeast of Horn Point, and about I4 mile northwest of entrance to Jenkins Creek. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cultivated land on bluff about 12 feet above high water, 25 yards southwest of edge of bluff, 30 yards south of edge of bluff, 35 yards west of edge of bluff, 45 yards west-northwest of comer of fence dividing field from marsh, and 65 yards northeast of the south one of two small poplar trees in field. Mark!. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Choptank River Light" (N 36° 14' W) . . . . o 00 00 6 miles. Near peak of barn 30 20 3J 2 miles. "Black Beacon" 32 16 50 25smiles. Red Beacon 34 11 30 2 J g miles. Near peak of low house in trees 79 52 3^4 miles. Near peak of Kirby Wharf house go 53 3 miles. "Dicks Water Tank" 109 57 40 132 miles. Left chimney of house 115 00 i mile . Nail in blaze in locust tree (8 inches diam- eter). 125 51 50 37-49 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree 144 Nail in blaze in locust tree 188 Near peak of bam 245 03 X mile. Right peak of house 317 02 ^ mile. Right peak of old house 351 02 i''^ miles. TOOT. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River on Horn Point about iH miles west of Ho wells Point, and at eastern side of entrance to Lecomptes Bay. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in woods about 7 feet above high water, 15 yards south of shore, 13 yards sauthwest of shore, and 20 yards west of shire, and near but not on highest point of ground. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.38 meters S 33° 34' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of stub in 2-inch tile pipe projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Substu-face mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above the surface of the ground. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (N 34° 15' W) . . . . o TCast peak of large bam 57 Large chimney of house 68 Red Beacon 71 " Black Beacon" 73 Near peak of house 88 Nail in blaze in elm tree 147 Nail in blaze in oak tree (24 inches diameter) . 200 Nail in blaze in oak tree (20 inches diameter; . 246 34 50 45-66 meters. 22 40 63-83 meters. 00 00 4,1 8 miles. 02 2^ miles. 24 2 1-2' miles. 28 00 2 miles. 17 30 i-'s miles. 2 miles. 40 5.48 meters. 10 4.70 meters. 10 16.89 meters. 38 1 68 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References — Continued. o / // Reference station 247 49 00 12. 3S meters. Chimney of house 293 21 i J-< miles. Chimney outside of house 331 19 iS/| miles. "Large Water Tank" 344 41 10 2js miles. Near comer of boathouse 351 52 2yf, miles. LE COMPTE. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River on southwestern side of Lecomptes Bay about 1]^ miles west-southwest of Horn Point, ^4, mile northwest of Travers Wharf, and ^4 mile southwest of mouth of Lecomptes Creek,' (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 18 yards west of point of shore, 14 yards south-southeast of shore, 5 yards east-southeast of turn in shore at beach, 7 )'ards northeast of a pool, 10 yards northwest of cut in shore, and 115 yards southeast of near one of two large cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Grubin" (W 56° 00' E) o 00 00 3^ miles. "Black Beacon" o 12 10 2^ miles. Bam cupola 9 10 North peak of wharf house 69 02 yi mile. North peak of house 106 43 ^ mile. Left one of two large cedar trees 248 12 117 yards. Spindle on barn cupola 280 48 ji mile. Chimney outside of house 303 44 J s mile. Red Beacon 358 07 20 3^8 miles. LARGE WATER TANK. General locality. — Southwestern shore of Choptank River at Castle Haven about 2yi miles south of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on water tank on high steel tower near bams at Castle Haven. Marks. — Observed station is center point of windmill on water tank. References. — None necessary. CASTLE. General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River on Castle Haven J^oint on north side of Castle Haven Creek about 2 miles south-southwest of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 35.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a narrow neck of land, about 25 yards south-southwest of shore of Choptank River, 20 yards north of shore of cove, 22 yards west of bathhouse, and 100 yards east-northeast of three poplar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Choptank River Light" (N 25° 41' W) o 00 00 2 miles. Right comer of house near Bachelor Point. . . 19 27 3 miles. Left comer of bathhouse 95 31 20 21.42 meters. Near comer of bathhouse 109 32 20 19-83 meters. Near peak of house 122 56 3 miles. Right peak of boathouse at Castle Haven Wharf 215 04 simile. Right comer of chimney of brick house 254 i8 ,' s mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Aid. COOK POINT WINDMILL. 169 General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Cook Point between Tripps Bay and Cook Point Cove about iX miles southeast of end of point. (See Charts Nos. 36 and 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on windmill over smaller and west one of two water tanks west of a bam on Cook Point farm. Marks. — Observed station is center of windmill over smaller tank. References. — None necessary-. BRANNOCK. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay between Choptiuik River and Little Choptank River on the southern shore of Brannock Bay about 7 miles soutlieast of Shari)S Island Light. (See Charts Nos. 36 and 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on high land about S feet above high water, 1 1 ;)-ards south of shore, 7 yards SDUth of edge of bluff, 8 yards north of rail fence on far side of county road, 50 )-ards east of bend where road leaves shore and runs toward farmhouse and 150 yards northeast of a farmhouse. Mark!. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top pro- jecting about 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is 2-inch tile pipe buried \vith top 2 inches below base of monument. References.- — o / // Sharps Island Light (N 54° 34' W) o Near peak of house on Cook Point 38 " Cook Point Windmill " 45 Right chimney of house in trees 83 Between two chimneys on large part of house . 104 Outside chimney on near end of house 108 Center one of three chimneys of house 142 Tangent of right end of bam roof 150 Center one of three chimneys on house 163 Right peak of house 203 34 2 miles. Left chimney of I Vj'-story house acros?creek. . 210 47 2 miles. Near peak of bam 285 11 3^ mile. Tangent of Mills Point 343 43 J^ mile. Tangent of left end of Sharps Island Hotel .. . 352 12 5' 2 miles. ROBINS. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Hills Point ^t northeast side of entrance to Little Choptank River about 6 miles south-southeast of Sharps Island Light. (Sec Charts Nos. 36 and Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 8 feet above high water, 40 yards northeast by north of edge of bluff, 45 yards east by north of point of bluff, 65 yards south by east of edge of bluff in range with Sharps Island Light, and 140 yards north by west of wire fence at bluff. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Sharps Island Light" (N 34° 11' W) o Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 5 Left chimney of house 76 Near peak of barn 87 Tallest chimney of house 91 Near peak of bam 222 Tangent of end of woods on Taylor Island . . 229 00 00 7 miles. 18 3X miles. 33 3° 2X miles. 15 2 miles. 31 I mile. 06 I mile. 03 I mile. 49 I mile. 16 }^ mile. 00 6 mile 4o 14 ,37.11 meters. >! mile. yi mile. 22 J^ mile. 52 5/< miles. 14 sX miles. I -JO Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. References — Continued. o / // Chimney of house on James Point 247 10 3j^ miles. Tangent of James Point 248 3 miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 336 32 30 28.22 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 353 18 50 30.90 meters. Tangent of right side of hotel on Sharps Island 350 39 4I2' miles. JAMES (LITTLE CHOPTANK RIVER). General locality. — Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay on northeast end of James Island at south side of entrance to Little Choptank River. (See Charts Nos. 36 and 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh about i foot above high water, 8 yards west of shore, 11 yards northwest of shore, 85 yards south of shore, and 75 yards east of pine woods. Cement monument marking reference station is ig.48 meters S 84° 17' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe profecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. References. — ° "Robins" (N 23° 14' E) o Near peak of house 12 Chimney on near end of house 48 Near peak of bam 89 Near chimney of house on Hooper Point 100 00 00 2X miles. 37 3^ miles. 42 3X miles. 01 4X miles. 36 3 miles. Left peak of long bam 107 05 3X miles. Near peak of barn 146 Reference station 241 ' ' Sharps Island Light " 320 Right edge of old hotel on Sharps Island 321 Left tangent of woods on Cook Point 357 09 zyi miles. 03 00 19-48 meters. 02 40 7^ miles. 43 6X miles. 29 7 miles. CORNER (Choptank River). General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River on east side of entrance to Chapel Creek about 2 miles southeast of Todd Point, and 3 miles south-southwest of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 37-) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on grassy land about 3 feet above high water, 30 yards east of shore, 30 yards south of shore, 35 yards .southeast of extreme end of point, and west of small clump of small pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Dot" (N 58° 43' W) o Nail in blaze in holly tree (14 inches diam- eter) 35 "Choptank River Light" 75 Nail in blaze in pine tree (4 inches diameter) . 105 Right comer of new house 108 Nail in blaze in pine tree (5 inches diameter) . 187 Near peak of 2j'^-story house 308 Chimney outside right end of house 340 Chimney outside near end of house. 356 5.S 00 2/4 miles. 40 13.81 meters. 20 3 miles. 03 00 3.57 meters. 42 ]^ mile. 20 10 8.21 meters. 25 J^ mile. 33 2 miles. 46 2% miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. DOT. i7i General locality. — Southern shore of Choptank River on Todd Point about 3 miles east of Cook Point and 3,'/2 miles southwest of Choptank River Light. (See Chart No. 37.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 4 feet above high water, 55 yards west-southwest of shore , 30 yards south-southwest of edge of bank, 40 yards south by east of point where bank meets marsh, 70 yards south by west of extreme end of point, and 200 yards northeast by north of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / / " Choptank River Light " (N 56° 26' E) o " Large Water Tank" 37 Near peak of house 42 Near peak of building 72 Chimney outside right end of house "102 Chimney outside near end of house 175 Left chimney of house on Cook Point 212 "Sharps Island Light" 218 Church spire 250 Left peak of house 277 Near peak of barn 290 Cupola on house ;};^;;, 00 00 3J4' miles. 36 00 3^^ miles. 45 2}^ miles. 4g 2>4 miles. 18 i3/i miles. 25 200 yards. 24 2|^ miles. 32 40 yyi miles. 04 40 7X miles. 10 7X miles. 09 7 V2 miles. 02 35^8 miles. BOUNDARIES OF OYSTER BARS. EXPLANATION. The law of the United States authorizing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the designation and employment by the Department of Commerce and Labor of such officers, experts, and other technically qualified persons "as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State Board of Shell Fish Commissioners in making a surv'ey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland." The oyster laws of Maryland provide that the Maryland Shell Fish Com- missioners, with the aid of such persons as may be designated by the Government, shall proceed "to have laid out, sun'eyed, and designated on the said charts the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said surv'ey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said surv'ey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by a delinea- tion on the maps and charts." The oyster laws of Maryland also provide in another section that there shall "be made a true and accurate sur\'ey of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks * * * with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey." Under the provisions of the laws quoted above the State of Maryland, in coopera- tion with the Department of Commerce and Labor, must define the boundaries of the natural oyster bars "as accurately as practicable" and also "with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances." The requirement of "as accurately as practicable" is easily fulfilled by definition of the location of the comers of the oyster bars by latitude and longitude. In fact, this method is probably the most satisfactory and accurate one that could be used for all purposes of legal definition or for relocation of the oyster-bar boundaries by competent engineers. There- fore the .additional requirement of "giving courses and distances" is superfluous and is only fulfilled in the published definitions on account of the specific provisions of the law making it compulsory. This part of the description of boundaries has involved an immense amount of extra computations in order to prevent technical discrepancies between the latitude and longitude of a corner of an oyster bar and its distance and bearing from objects on shore of known latitude and longitude without adding anything to the accurac}' and very little to the convenience of practical use of the descriptions of the ovster-bar boundaries. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. i 73 As provided b}- law the boundaries of the oyster bars are all straight lines, but in the work already completed they have inclosed areas of all shapes from triangles to complicated 14-sided figures, and of all sizes from 4 acres to 7,548 acres. The sides have varied in length from 93 to 7,529 yards, and in some cases the corners of the boundaries have been practically at the triangulation stations from which they arf located, while in other instances they were over 13,600 yards from the landmarks most available for the purpose of fixing their position. The varied characteristics of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars indicated by the above statement, together with the complicated requirements of the law under which the survey has been made, and the magnitude of the work with the consequent need of fixed and uniform methods, have made the problem of describing the boundaries one of considerable difficulty and great importance. The boundaries of the oyster bars of Maryland, as established by the Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the Coast and Geodetic Survey charts and projections and on the leasing charts of the Commission, are technically defined and described by a method somewhat different from that used in other oyster surveys. But it is believed that the forms finally adopted will fulfill all needs of the sur\rey for both the present and the future. METHOD OF DESCRIBING BOUNDARIES. The descriptions have been arranged in tabular form, thus avoiding many hundred repetitions of the same words by making one explanation of the tables sufficient for all oyster bars in each county. Title. — At the top of each tabular form is given the legal name of the oyster bar to be described, and the one by which it is known and designated in the published oyster records and on the oyster charts. The adopted name of the oyster bar is the one used locally, as nearly as could be ascertained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commis- sion; and when there was no local name in common use a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity that would naturally suggest the section of the waters where the oyster bar was located. Underneath the name, in parentheses, is given the general locality of the oyster bar and the serial number of the "Maryland Oyster Chart" oh which its legal boundaries are shown.' First column. — This column, under the heading of "Corner of bar," gives the number corresponding to the corner of the boundary as shown on the charts and to the number on the buoy marking the actual corner of the bar. The numbers of the corners have been assigned by naming the southernmost point No. i, thence proceeding in a clock- wise direction around the bar. Where a corner of one oyster bar is identical with the comer of the boundaries of one or more other oyster bars, only the number of the corner of the oyster bar being described in the table is given in this column. Second and third columns. — These two columns, under the headings of "Latitude" and "Longitude," give the geographic positions of the comers. These positions have been adopted by the Commission as the primary technical definition of the location of I These charts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington. D.C. 174 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. the corners, and should be considered as final in case of a dispute arising from discrep- ancies caused by other means of location. The latitudes and longitudes given in these columns are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the points thus defined can be relocated from distant triangulation stations of the sur\^ey, even though all the landmarks and buoys originally used for their loca- tion have been destroyed by natural or other causes. Fourth and fifth columns. — These two columns, under the general heading of "True bearing" ^ and the specific headings "Forward" and "Back," give bearings measured from a true north-and-south line. 'The three "Forward" bearings are from the corner of the boundary designated in the first column to the triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and the three "Back" bearings are from these same stations in the last column to the corresponding corner of boundary in the first column. The difference in minutes of arc between the forward and back bearings shown in some cases is actual and not accidental, and is due to the fact that the com- putations took into account the spheroidal shape of the earth. Sixth column. — This column, under the heading of "Distance," gives the three computed distances in yards from the corner of the bar noted in the first column to the three triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and vice versa. Seventh column. — This column, under the heading of "U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station,"^ gives the names of the landmarks from which were computed the corre- sponding "Latitude," "Longitude," "True bearing" and "Distance" of the "Corner of bar" designated in the first column. A full description of the location and markings of these triangulation stations is given in another part of this publication under the heading of " Descriptions of triangulation stations. " SURVEYING METHODS FOR RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES. There are a number of methods that can be used in the relocation of the actual boundaries of the natural oyster bars as technically described in this publication and delineated on the published charts of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the leasing charts of .the Shell Fish Commission. The following brief descriptions of five of these more or less different methods assume a certain amount of experience and knowledge on the part of the engineer in the particular kind of surveying under consideration, and are only intended as reminders of ways and means that can be used. There are two problems that are likely to present themselves to those interested in the boundaries of natural oyster bars: one, to determine whether the buoys marking the corners have been dragged or otherwise moved from their correct positions, and the other, to relocate or reestablish a buoy at the point from which it was removed. The different ways of solving these two problems partly depend upon the instruments pos- sessed by the engineer and his assistants and partly on his training and experience. 1 The mean magnetic variation for Taibot County was 6° lo' west of north in 191 1 and increasing at the rate of s' yearly. 2 Geographic positions of these triangulation stations can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 1 75 (i) Triangulation. — This method is the one that will give the greatest accuracy, but on account of its requiring special data and instruments, and being an operation rarely used by engineers not engaged in geodetic surveying, it is recommended only for cases in dispute that can not be settled satisfactorily by some other method. An explanation of this class of work would be too long for a report of this sort, and those not familiar with this method are referred to the publications on the subject by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. (2) Hydrographic. — This method is the most simple and satisfactory one that can be adopted if the surveyor can obtain the use of the necessary instruments and assistants. It is the one best suited for the work of the engineers of the Commission in relocating corners of boundaries, as it gives results of the accuracy ordinarily required and is rapid in execution. Besides, it has the advantage of being available whenever three triangu- lation stations of suitable relative positions are visible from the offshore points needing relocation. Most navigators and others familiar with the use of a sextant are well acquainted with the graphic three-point method of fixing a position on water, and only a brief description of the operation will be stated. In the case where there is only one engineer having a single sextant, the three-point method can be used if the two angles determining the position of a buoy are first derived from the "Forward" bearings given in the tabular forms describing the boundaries of the oyster bars. For example, take "Poplar Island" oyster bar, which is the first one described in this publication, and assume that "Corner No. 3," is to be examined as to its position. The angle between the two landmarks "Valliant" and "Haddaway," as determined from right to left from the forward bearings from this corner, is 58° 17', and the angle between "Haddaway" and "Bloody Point Bar Light" is 120° 05'. Having these two angles, the engineer proceeds to the buoy of doubtful location and measures the actual sextant angles between the landmarks for which the calculations were made. If the measured and calculated angles do not agree, the buoy is not in its correct position and the boundary corner must be relocated. This is accomplished by moving the boat about until a point is reached where the angles do agree, and this point being the desired location, the buoy can be placed in its correct position. If the engineer can obtain the use of both a sextant and a three-arm protractor (position finder), the availability of the hydrographic method is increased, as the use of the protractor is essential in case of the washing away or destruction of one or more of the landmarks originally used in describing the boundaries. Under these circumstances any three landmarks of suitable relative position that are visible from the point to be located can be utilized. For example, the engineer can proceed to the buoy of doubtful position and measure the two adjacent sextant angles between the three land- marks selected. These two angles are set off on the three-arm protractor and the actual position of the buoy plotted on the chart by shifting the protractor about until the edge of each of the three arms passes through the center of the symbols on the chart marking the position of the three landmarks selected. The center of the hub of the protractor will indicate on the chart the actual position of the buoy, and if the point thus obtained does not coincide with the true position of the corner of the boundary as given on the chart, the surveyor can proceed to locate the buoy correctly by reversing the operation. 176 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot Comity, Md. This is done by placing the center point of the hub of the protractor over the corner of the boundary in question and measuring on the chart the two adjacent protractor angles between the three selected landmarks. One of the angles thus obtained is set on the sextant and the boat moved about until the two landmarks are shown by the sextant to subtend the same angle obtained from the protractor. The second angle is then placed on the sextant and the same operation gone through, and so on, first using one angle on the sextant, then the other, until a point is reached where both observed sextant angles are practically identical with the protractor angles. The point thus located is the desired one and the buoy can be placed to mark the true position of the corner of the boundary in question. If the engineer possesses two sextants and a protractor, this problem is far easier of solution, as the two angles can be set off on separate sextants and the observer can quickly find the desired point where they agree with the protractor angles by using one sextant after the other without the need of resetting either. If there are two observers, two sextants, and a protractor, it can be seen that the best conditions for both rapid and accurate hydrographic location of a point is attained. In fact, this is the method by which the buoys at the corners of the boundaries were originally placed by the hydrographic engineer to the Commission. (3) Magnetic bearings from offshore. — This method of fixing a position on water is a simple and well-known one in navigation. It is available to anyone having a boat compass and will be of special use to the State Fishery Force in investigating cases where buoys are supposed to have been moved for illegal purposes. In the case where a buoy is supposed to have been moved from its true position the observer can take compass bearings to the three landmarks given in the last column of the tables opposite the boundary corner in question. These bearings are then corrected for the local declination,' and if the results agree with the published bearings the buoy is correctly located. In the case where the buoy is not in its correct position, or has disappeared alto- gether, the desired point can be determined by maneuvering the vessel until the cor- rected bearings agree with the ones in the tabular descriptions, when the buoy can be anchored in its proper location. In the case where the landmarks for which the bearings are published have been destroj'ed or washed away, any landmarks whose positions are indicated on the charts can be used. This can be done by getting their bearings directly from the chart by parallel rulers or a protractor and then applying these new bearings in the same manner as the ones published in the tables. (4) Magnetic bearings from shore. — This method will be of special value to engineers having an ordinary surveyor's compass. The compass can be set over the point marking a " triangulation station " on shore, the name of which is given in the last column opposite the "corner" in question. The instrument is then set at the corresponding "back" bearing (corrected for local magnetic decHnation) given in the fifth column of the tables opposite the "corner" in question. The direction thus determined will give one range on which the desired point must be located. The compass can then be moved to a 1 The mean magnetic variation for Talbot County is 6" 10' west of north in 1911 and increasing at the rate of s' yearly. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Aid. m second triangulation station and another range located in a similar manner. The inter- section of these two range lines will give the desired point; but in general it should be checked by an additional range line determined from a third station. (5) Horizontal angles measured at landmarks. — This process is a modification of the triangulation method, and will be useful to engineers who ha\'e a transit and desire considerable accuracy. The instrument is placed over a "triangulation station," the name of which appears in the last column of the tabular description opposite the "corner" in question. The telescope is then pointed to the landmark indicated in the "Descriptions of landmarks" as having a direction of 0° 00' 00" from the triangulation station being occupied by the transit. The tabular description of the boundaries is next examined and the "back" bearing of the questionable boundary "corner" from the landmark being occupied is taken out. The angle calculated from this "back" bearing and the bearing given in parentheses alongside the zero landmark in the "Descriptions of landmarks" is then set off on the transit and a range line established on which the desired point must be located. A similar process is then carried on at a second station, and so on until the position of the buoy is satisfactorily fixed. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. POPLAR ISLAND. {Chesapeake Bay — Off Poplar Island — Charts Nos. J7 and jj.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True Dearing Distance of bar Forward Back station I 38 45 43- 52 76 23 47. 66 S 62 30 E N 47 03 E N 2 53 E N 62 29 W S 47 03 W S 2 53 W Yards. I, 902 !> 510 8,697 Poplar South. Valliant. Bloody Point Bar Light. 2 38 45 S3- 47 76 24 19.45 S 64 20 E N 70 22 E N 8 41 E N 64 19 W S 70 23 W S 8 42 W 2,8oi 2, 061; 8, ,448 Poplar South. Valliant. Bloody Point Bar Light. 3 38 47 45. 44 76 23 17.97 S 5 .S7 E S 64 14 E N 4 19 W N 5 57 W N 64 12 W S 4 19 E 3, 099 5-587 4,589 Valliant. Haddaway. Bloody Point Bar Light. 4 38 47 32- 65 76 22 13.67 S 26 26 E S 59 04 E N 22 II W N 26 26 W N 59 04 W ,S 22 12 E 5,807 3,888 5>4o8 Great. Haddaway. Bloody Point Bar Light. 53485—12 12 178 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. LOWS POINT. (Eastern Bay — Charts Nos. 31 and Jj.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 47 09- 33 76 21 17. 76 S 14 20 E vS 56 52 E N 46 41 E N 14 20 W N 56 52 W S 46 43 W 4,639 2, 219 7,455 Great. Haddaway. Kemp Tower. 2 38 47 41. 86 76 21 16.85 S 38 27 E N 53 15 E N 37 00 W N 38 27 W S 53 16 W S 37 02 E 2,949 6,332 5,882 Haddaway. Kemp. Bloody Point Bar Light. 3 i 38 48 26. 00 76 19 35. 90 N 46 20 E N 62 38 W S 12 20 W S 46 21 w S 62 41 E N 12 20 E 3.331 6,984 3,888 Kemp. Bloody Point Bar Light. Haddaway. 4 38 48 07. 05 76 18 50. 23 N 19 02 W N 62 32 W S 32 48 W S 19 03 E S 62 35 E N 32 47 E 6,979 8,349 3,759 Straight. Bloody Point Bar Light. Haddaway 5 ' 38 47 16. 80 76 20 36. 40 S 27 37 E N 41 42 E N 39 44 W N 27 37 W S 41 44 W S 39 46 E 1,654 6,497 7:8°2 Haddaway. Kemp Tower. Bloody Point Bar Light. MARYS DELIGHT. (Eastern Bay — Chart No. jl. I 38 48 54 24 76 19 00. 67 N 47 42 E N 72 26 W S 20 20 W S S N 47 43 W 72 29 E 20 19 E Yards. 2, 001 7,481 5, 067 Kemp. Bloody Point Bar Light. Haddaway. 2 38 49 01 93 76 19 31-72 N 64 42 E N 72 26 W S 10 38 W s s N 64 42 w 72 28 E 10 38 E 2, 544 6,622 5,097 Kemp. Bloody Point Bar Light. Haddaway. 3 38 49 32 84 76 19 33- 63 N 81 19 W S 8 22 W N 88 54 E S N S 81 22 E 8 22 E 88 54 W 6,335 6,118 2,351 Bloody Point Bar Light. Haddaway. Kemp. 4 38 49 05 28 76 18 55. 67 N 54 08 E N 75 27 W S 20 17 W S S N 54 09 W 75 29 E 20 16 E I, 664 7,50s 5,461 Kemp. Bloody Point Bar Light. Haddaway. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS continued. WADES POINT. {Eastern Bay — Chart No. 31.) 179 Cor Latitude Longitude Truet earing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triaagulation of bar Forward Back station I / // 38 50 03. 28 76 18 29. 62 S 52 41 E N 70 04 E N 46 27 W N 52 41 W S 70 06 W S 46 26 E Yards. I, 242 3,836 3.890 Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. Straight. 2 38 50 15- 25 76 IS 55.22 S 55 II E N 78 06 E N 43 18 W N 55 10 W S 78 06 w S 43 19 E 2, 026 4,375 3,127 Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. Straight. 3 38 50 53. 78 76 18 28. 07 N 71 10 W S 21 06 E S 83 39 E S 71 II E N 21 05 W N 83 38 W 3-023 2, 632 3-587 Straight. Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. 4 38 50 23. 54 76 17 59- 43 N 61 05 W S 7 37 E . N 77 29 E S 61 07 E N 7 37 W S 77 31 W 4, 129 1-449 2,878 Straight. Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. 5 38 50 06. 52 76 18 12. 44 S 31 49 E N 69 13 E N 51 51 W N 31 49 W S 69 13 W S 51 52 E I, 015 3-373 4, 161 Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. Straight. SEDGE MARSH. {Eastern Bay — Chart No. jl.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 50 45. 88 76 17 35-05 N 73 43 W S II 38 W S 86 34 E S 73 45 E N II 38 E N 86 33 W • 4,436 2-235 2,166 Straight. Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. 2 38 50 50. 10 76 17 51. 70 N 73 55 W S 18 w S 84 02 E S 73 57 E N 18 E N 84 01 W 3,975 2^332 2,615 Straight. Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. 3 38 51 09.90 76 17 29. 38 N 84 23 W S II 19 W S 65 01 E S 84 25 E ' N II 19 E N 65 01 W 4,429 3,059 2,225 Straight. Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. 4 38 51 04.26 76 17 20. 17 N 82 22 W S 16 43 w S 67 06 E S 82 23 E N 16 42 E N 67 04 W 4,693 2,934 1,927 Straight. Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. i8o Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUND.^RIES OF N.\TUR.\L OYSTER B.'iRS Continued. RICH NECK. {Eastern Bay — Chart No. 31.) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back / ,/ / „ / / Yards. I 38 51 32- 93 76 17 03. 04 N 71 12 W S 71 14 E 4,844 Mouth . S 18 56 W N 18 55 E 3, 993 Kemp Tower. S 37 38 E N 37 38 W 1 2, 166 Rich Neck Water Tank. 2 38 51 59- 14 76 17 42. 52 N 79 II W S 79 12 E 1 3, 6og Mouth. S 3 07 W N 3 07 E 4, 667 Kemp Tower. S 67 31 E N 67 30 W 1 3, 445 Dixon. Then ce along county boundary as lelineated on Chart No. 31 to comer No. 3. 3 38 52 II. 20 76 17 26. 07 N 86 08 W S 86 10 E 3,987 Mouth. S 7 44 W N 7 44 E t 5,114 Kemp Tower. S 57 54 E N 57 55 W 3, 246 Dixon. 4 38 51 46. 33 76 16 48. 83 N 77 24 W S 77 26 E 5,083 Mouth. S 21 33 w N 21 32 E 4, 546 Kemp Tower. S 23 38 E N 23 38 W 2,367 Rich Neck Water Tank. TILGHMANS POINT. (Eastern Bay — Charts Nos. 57 and J2.) I 38 51 30. 20 76 16 15. 27 S 34 45 W S 2 14 E S 68 50 E N 34 44 E N 2 14 W N 68 49 W Yards. 4,484 1,625 947 Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. Dixon . 2 38 51 45-94 76 16 26. 10 S 28 18 W S 9 12 E S 53 15 E N 28 17 E N 9 12 W N 53 14 W 4,788 2,183 1.459 Kemp Tower. Rich Neck Water Tank. Dixon. 3 38 52 12. 40 76 13 41. 00 N 14 45 E N 30 40 W S 15 25 W S 14 46 W S 30 41 E N IS 25 E 4,898 3,653 3,161 Parsons Island Water Tank. Needle. Rich Neck Water Tank. 4 38 52 39. 22 76 15 25- 84 N II 52 E N 45 19 W S 8 57 W S II 52 W S 45 20 E N 8 57 E 3,693 3,181 2, 702 Parsons. Needle. Dixon. 5 38 52 31-74 76 15 11-38 N 5 35 E N 46 43 W S iS 21 W S 5 35 W S 46 44 E N 18 21 E 3,884 3,631 2,547 Parsons. Needle. Dixon. 6 38 52 II. 48 76 15 19. 40 N 7 23 E N 37 28 W S 18 48 W S 7 23 W S 37 29 E N 18 48 E 4,588 3,997 1,832 Parsons. Needle. Dixon. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. UPPER HARRIS CREEK. (Harris Creek — Charts Nos. ji, J2, and 34.) Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance u. s. c. & of bar Forward Back j . I / // 38 46 20. 52 76 16 36. a N 6 14 W N 49 45 W S 81 33 W S 6 14 E vS 49 46 E N Si 34 E Yards. 622 478 478 Mink. Grace. Koot. 2 38 46 21. 22 76 16 56. 08 N 28 49 E N 59 05 W S 60 13 W S 28 50 W S 59 05 E N 60 13 E 326 419 536 Grace. Rabbit. Fox. 3 38 46 25. 20 76 16 56. 02 S 49 22 w S II 43 E N 89 03 E N 49 22 E N II 43 W S 89 03 W 615 233 773 Fox. Koot. Bozman. 4 38 46 40. 40 76 16 34.90 S 34 34 W S 23 21 E N 64 51 E N 34 34 E N 23 21 W S 64 52 w 900 545 568 Koot. Bozman. Pink. 5 38 46 45. 96 76 16 34.38 S 16 26 E N 83 S3 E N 25 52 E N 16 26 W S 83 S3 W S 25 52 W 716 503 711 Bozman. Pink. Clump. 6 38 47 08. 22 76 16 17.43 S 4 19 E S 71 55 E N 46 04 E N 4 19 W N 71 55 W S 46 05 w 699 414 423 Pink. Miller. Otto. 7 38 47 35- 76 76 16 22. 00 N 83 08 W S I SI W S 78 00 E S 83 08 E N I 51 E N 78 00 W 245 692 441 End. Lawn. Rod. 8 38 47 34. 78 76 16 09. 12 N 83 54 W S 28 49 W S 8 03 E S 83 54 E N 28 49 E N 8 03 W 586 752 608 End. Lawn. Otto. 9 38 47 03. 04 76 16 08. 03 N 43 32 W N 80 40 W S 20 32 w S 43 32 E S 80 40 E N 20 32 E 568 392 ■5SS Lawn. Clump. Pink. UPPER HILL. {Eastern Bay — Chart No. J2.) I 38 SI 52. S3 76 15 12. go N 436 E N 34 20 W S 34 5° W S 4 37 W S 34 21 E N 34 49 E Yards. S, 206 4, 616 1.334 Parsons. Needle. Dixon. 2 38 52 03. S4 76 15 17.66 N 6 26 El N 35 46 W S 23 28 w S 6 27 W S 35 47 E N 23 27 E 4,848 4,240 I. 599 Parsons. Needle. Dixon. 3 38 52 05. S2 76 15 10. 08 N 4 08 E N 38 26 W S 28 37 W S 4 09 W S 38 26 E N 28 36 E 4,763 4,308 1.747 Parsons. Needle. Dixon. 4 38 51 54. 60 76 15 05. 40 N 2 28 E N 36 49 W s 39 29 m S 2 28 W S 36 50 E N 39 29 E S. 124 4.674 1.S09 Parsons. Needle. Dixon. I 82 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. ROUNDARIES OF NATUR.^L OYSTER B.\RS — continued. ALDRIDGES DISCOVERY. (Miles River — Chart No. 32.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance u. s. c. & G. S. triangulation bar ^ Forward Back / // / Yards. I 38 51 31-38 76 14 49. 48 s s s 74 32 \\' 4 16 W 22 19 E N 74 3' E N 4 16 E N 22 18 W 1,432 3.503 5,019 Dixon . Seth. Sara. 2 38 51 43. 26 76 14 40. 48 s s s 64 II w 7 17 w 18 18 E N 64 10 E N 7 17 E N iS 18 W 1,796 3,925 5,313 Dixon. Seth. Sara. 3 38 SI 33-94 76 14 32. 18 s s s 75 42 W II 20 W 17 02 E N 75 42 E N II 19 E N 17 02 W 1,894 3, 650 4,946 Dixon Seth. Sara. HORSESHOE. (Miles River — Chart No. _J2.) / // / / Yards. I 38 51 30. 28 76 14 25. 02 S S s 8739 w 14 41 w 15 18 E N 87 39 E N 14 41 E N IS 18 W I, 019 3, 573 4,776 Pearson. Seth. Sara. 2 38 51 38- 50 76 14 25. 80 s s 72 16 w 13 21 W N 72 16 E N 13 20 E I, 048 3, 836 Pearson. Seth. s 14 42 E N 14 42 W 5, 049 Sara. 3 38 SI 39. 40 76 14 08. 86 s s s 76 24 w 1930 w 9 38 E N 76 24 E N 19 29 E N 9 38 W 1,486 3,992 4,985 Pearson. Seth. Sara. 4 38 51 31- 18 76 14 08. 08 s s 87 II W 21 13 W N 87 10 E N 21 12 E 1,467 3, 739 Pearson. Seth. s 9 57 E N 9 57 W 4,707 Sara. TURTLE BACK. (Miles River— Chart No. 32.) / // , „ / / Yards. I 38 SO 55. 28 76 14 15. 54 N 48 05 W S 26 56 W S 16 26 E S 48 06 E N 26 55 E N 16 26 W 1,705 2,552 3,572 Pearson. Seth. Sara. 3 38 SO 56. 28 76 14 22. 26 N 44 39 W S 22 58 W S 18 57 E S 44 39 E N 22 58 E N 18 57 W 1,553 25508 3,657 Pearson. Seth. Sara. 3 38 SI 16. 84 76 14 13. 96 N 72 34 W S 21 45 W S 13 08 E S 72 34 E N 21 44 E N 13 08 W 1,374 3,233 4,265 Pearson. Seth. Sara. 4 38 51 II. 18 76 13 58.00 N 70 49 W S 29 56 W S 7 52 E S 70 49 E N 29 55 E N 7 52 W 1,833 3,244 3,999 Pearson. Seth. Sara. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. SEA TURTLE. (Miks River — Chart No. 32.) 183 Cor- Latitude • Longitude True bearing Distance of bar Forward Back I 38 51 02. 58 76 15 23. 66 N 30 37 E N 39 03 W S 61 55 W S 30 37 W S 39 03 E N 61 54 E Yards. i.°37 759 1,471 Pearson. Dixon. Rich Neck Water Tank. 2 38 51 07.98 76 15 26. 28 N 40 03 W N 45 07 W S 54 33 W S 40 03 E S 45 07 E N 54 33 E 927 577 1,508 Pearson. Dixon. Rich Neck Water Tank. 3 38 51 13.84 76 15 06. 67 N 8 52 E N 77 14 W S 58 27 W S 8 52 W S 77 15 E N 58 26 E 519 949 2, 048 Pearson. Dixon. Rich Neck Water Tank. 4 38 51 08. 58 76 15 03. 15 N I 04 VV N 69 12 W S 64 03 w S I 04 E S 69 12 E N 64 03 E 690 1,089 2,045 Pearson. Dixon. Rich Neck Water Tank. BOZMAN NECK. (Miles River — Chart No. 32.) I 38 50 31. 80 76 / // 15 13-30 / N 7 31 E N 24 47 W N 77 36 W S S S 731 w 24 47 E 77 37 E Yards. 1.947 1,792 I, 609 Pearson. Dixon. Rich Neck Water Tank. 2 38 50 47. 10 76 15 33- 18 N 28 51 E N II 33 W S 80 44 w S S N 28 51 W " 33 E 80 44 E I, 615 1,135 I, 061 Pearson. Dixon. Rich Neck Water Tank. 3 38 50 53. 96 76 15 23.76 N 24 09 E N 28 23 W S 72 45 W S S N 24 09 W 28 23 E 72 45 E I, 296 I, 001 i!356 Pearson. Dixon. Rich Neck Water Tank. 4 38 50 44. 02 76 15 10. 12 N 6 25 E N 34 30 W S 87 41 W S s N 6 25 W 34 30 E 87 41 E 1,528 1,474 1,656 Pearson. Dixon. Rich Neck Water Tank. S 38 50 35. 58 76 15 06. 92 N 2 45 E N 31 31 W N 82 SI W S s s 2 45 W 31 31 E 82 52 E 1,804 I, 760 1,753 Pearson. Dixon. Rich Neck Water Tank. 1 84 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. HAMBLETON HILL. {Miles River — Chart No. 32.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation l>ar Forward Back I 38 49 54. 92 76 14 28. 06 N 16 28 W S 73 50 W N 80 53 E S 16 28 E N 73 49 E S 80 54 w Yards. 3,309 860 2,579 Pearson. Seth. Herr. 2 38 50 10. 40 76 14 47. 90 N 8 54 W S 21 39 W S 87 53 E S 8 54 E N 21 39 E N 87 52 W 2,685 819 3.071 Pearson. Seth. Herr. 3 38 50 40. 48 76 14 09. 46 N 41 06 W S 36 33 W S 61 14 E S 41 07 E N 36 32 E N 61 14 W 2,173 2, 210 2,345 Pearson. Seth. Herr. 4 38 50 44- 92 76 13 48. 08 N 53 15 W S 44 19 vv S 49 24 E S S3 15 E N 44 18 E N 49 24 W 2,487 2, 691 1,964 Pearson. Seth. Herr. ■^ 38 50 31.34 76 13 45- 54 N 46 37 W S 53 00 W S 60 04 E S 46 38 E N 52 59 E N 60 03 W 2,834 2,439 1,644 Pearson. Seth. Herr. 6 38 SO 15.46 76 14 13. 72 N 27 57 W S 52 15 W S 82 32 E S 27 57 E N 52 14 E N 82 31 W 2, 80S 1, 522 2, 186 Pearson. Seth. Herr. WEST END. {Miles River — Chart No. 32.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 49 43. 94 76 12 45. 04 N 51 08 E N \2 25 W S 53 28 W S 51 08 W S 12 25 E N 53 27 E 1,903 797 1,714 Wood. Herr. Sara. 2 38 49 57. 00 76 13 59.42 S 78 55 W S 21 51 E N 79 18 E N 78 54 E N 21 50 W S 79 19 w I, 611 1,574 1,822 Seth. Sara. Herr. 3 38 50 36. 08 76 13 06. 98 S 61 14 w S 22 34 E S 87 50 E N 61 13 E N 22 34 W N 87 50 W 3,381 I, 061 1,949 Seth. Herr. Frank. 4 38 SO 07. 02 76 12 51. 54 N 59 31 E N 20 33 E S 79 08 W S 59 32 W S 20 ii W N 79 07 E 1,787 2, 270 3,433 Frank. Benn. Seth. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. HAMBLETON. {Miles River — Chart No. J2.) 185 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I / // 38 4g 23. 80 a / /f 76 14 15.36 S 71 17 E N 56 36 E N 55 06 W N 71 16 W S 56 37 W S 55 06 E Yards. I, 062 2,649 1,415 Sara. Herr. Seth. 2 38 49 28. 52 76 14 39- 72 S 73 07 E N 65 32 E N 38 32 W N 73 07 W S 65 33 W S 38 32 E 1,722 3,13s 832 Sara. Herr. Seth. 3 38 49 38. 20 76 14 40. 12 vS 63 31 E N 71 16 E N 57 26 W N 63 31 W S 71 17 W S 57 27 E 1,854 3,024 601 Sara. Herr. Seth. 4 38 49 37. 82 76 13 13. 44 N ^0 24 E N 83 08 W S 37 39 W S 30 24 w S 83 og E N 37 38 E 1, 142 2,815 1,028 Herr. Seth. Sara. 5 38 49 32. 02 76 13 09. 72 S 49 35 W S 10 ig E N 22 07 E N 49 34 E N 10 ig W S 22 07 W 954 1,965 1,274 Sara. Spar. Herr. TIDEMIiL. (Miles River — Chart No. 32.) / // / // / , Yards. I 38 48 37. 48 76 13 02.90 S 61 og E N 61 og W 197 Spar. N 5 40 E S 5 40 w 3,035 Herr. N 36 34 W S 36 34 E I, 520 Sara. Thence from c omer No. i along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 2, excluding any creek, c ove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 2 38 49 14. 48 76 13 35- 54 N 63 03 W S 63 04 E 2,480 Seth. S sg 08 W N 59 08 E 51 Sara. S 37 35 E N 37 35 W 1,694 Spar. 3 38 49 18. 46 76 13 41. 28 S 33 36 E N 33 36 W '194 Sara. N 38 42 E S 38 43 w •2, 099 Herr. N 64 20 W S 64 20 E 2,286 vSeth. Thence from c omer No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to corner No. 4, excluding any creek, c ove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 4 38 49 14. 74 76 14 14. 88 S 87 57 E N 87 57 W 994 Sara. N 51 16 E S 51 17 W 2,818 Herr. N 46 27 W S 46 28 E I, 619 Seth. 5 38 49 19. 10 76 14 15. 08 S 79 39 E N 79 38 W I, 015 Sara. N 53 44 E S S3 45 W 2,733 Herr. N 50 17 W S 50 17 E 1,518 Seth. 6 38 49 25.66 76 13 36.92 N 71 02 W S 71 03 E 2, 300 Seth. . S 57 W N 57 E 402 Sara. S 31 S3 E N 31 54 W 2,025 Spar. 7 38 48 48. 26 76 12 49.34 N 55 so W S 55 so E 1,528 Sara. S 22 04 w N 22 04 E 494 Spar. S 13 48 E N 13 48 W 1,065 Deewat. 1 86 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. SCOTLAND. (Miles River — Chart No. 32.) True bearing 48 27. 76 12 50. 08 S 38 19 E N 38 19 W N 68 47 E S 68 48 W i N o 40 W I S o 40 E Thence from corner No. i along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 2, any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. Yards. 441 1,447 3,344 Deewat. OUie. Herr. 2 38 48 37- 48 76 13 02.90 S 61 09 E N 5 40 E N 36 34 W N 61 09 W S 5 40 w S 36 34 E 197 3,035 I, 520 Spar. Herr. Sara. 3 38 48 48. 26 76 12 49.34 N 55 50 W S 22 04 W S 13 48 E S 55 5° E N 22 04 E N 13 48 W 1,528 494 1,065 Sara. Spar. Deewat. 4 38 48 41. 30 76 12 31. 26 N 57 S3 W S 71 22 w S 15 35 W S 57 54 E N 71 21 E N 15 35 E 2,05s 700 830 Sara. Spar. Deewat. DEEP WATER POINT. (Miles River — Chart No. 32.) / // / // / Yards. I 38 48 00. 00 76 12 40. 70 N 82 19 E N 2 31 E S 22 13 W S 82 20 W S 2 31 W N 22 13 E 1,079 594 650 Swing. Deewat. Millwind. 2 38 48 10. 35 76 12 49. 92 S 08 W S 81 09 E N 47 49 E N 08 E N 81 08 W S 47 5° W 951 i>330 363 Millwind. Swing. Deewat . 3 38 48 13- 76 76 12 45. 06 S 6 59 W S 74 54 E N 47 32 E N 6 59 E N 74 54 W S 47 32 w 1,074 1,228 191 Millwind. Swing. Deewat. 4 38 48 03. 59 76 12 32. 86 S 32 04 W N 88 28 E N 20 57 W N 32 03 E S 88 28 W S 20 57 E 853 864 SOS Millwind. Swing. Deewat. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. ASH CRAFT. {Miles River — Chart No. 32.) 187 SECOND POINT. {Miles River — Charts Nos. J2 and 34.) / // / // '/ Yards. I 38 47 13. 02 76 12 07. 27 N 48 56 W S So 43 W S 48 57 E N 89 42 E 1,496 2,286 Millwind. St. Michaels Water Tank. S 12 II E N 12 II W 1,388 Stony. 2 38 47 25.98 76 12 21. 26 N 54 17 W S 76 so W S 54 17 E N 76 49 E 935 1,967 Millwind. St. Michaels Water TiUik. S 20 16 E N 20 16 W I, 912 Stony. 3 38 47 52. 66 76 12 og. 96 N 89 49 E N 43 02 W S 89 49 W S 43 03 E 534 I, 150 Fair. Deewat. S 71 29 w N 71 28 E I, 114 Millwind. 4 38 47 19. 28 76 II 54.46 N 32 37 E N 62 15 W S 32 37 W S 62 15 E ,1, 005 1.657 Leeds. Millwind. S I 40 W N 1 40 E 1,568 Stony. 1 88 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. WILD GROUND. {Miles River — Chart No. J2.) SYCAMORE. {Miles River — Chart No. 32.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 49 41. 90 76 12 09. 46 N 23 16 E S 23 16 W 1.375 Wood. N 52 39 W S 52 39 B 1-397 Herr. S 67 40 w N 67 39 E 2.5°3 Sara. 2 38 49 49. 44 76 12 22. 26 N 27 08 E S 27 08 W 1,684 Frank. N 52 29 W S 52 30 E 973 Herr. S 58 39 W N 58 38 E 2.316 Sara. 3 38 50 20. 14 76 12 06. 56 S 69 33 W N 69 32 E I, 266 Herr. S 86 44 W N 86 44 E 467 Wood. N 37 21 E S 37 21 w 583 Frank. 4 38 50 19. 38 76 II 48. 90 N 12 52 W S 12 52 E 502 Frank. S 75 50 W N 75 50 E 1,704 Herr. S 4 42 w N 4 41 E 3.249 Ollie. Thence from c omer No. 4 alo ng the mean Ic w water line c f the shore to comer No. 5, excluding any c reek, cove, or i ilet less than i 00 yards in \vi Jth at its mouth at low tide. S 38 49 46- 54 76 II 32.30 N 21 34 W S 21 34 E I, 190 Wood. N 71 43 W S 71 44 E 2, 201 Herr. S 18 17 W N 18 17 E 2,243 Ollie. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. EAST END. {Miles River^Chart No. 32.) 189 Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance u. s. c. of bar Forward Back , „ / // , / Yards. I 38 49 43. 94 76 12 45. 04 N 51 08 E N 12 25 W S 51 08 W S 12 25 E 1.903 797 Wood. Herr. S 53 28 W N 53 27 E I, 714 Sara. 2 38 50 07. 02 76 12 51. 54 N 59 31 E N 20 33 E S 59 32 w S 20 33 W 1,787 2, 270 Frank. Benn. S 79 08 W N 79 07 E 3- 433 Seth. 3 38 50 13- 58 76 12 35. 30 N 10 57 E S 62 41 w S 10 57 W N 62 41 E 1,940 482 Benn Herr. S 17 29 E N 17 29 W 3,189 Ollie. 4 38 49 57. 98 76 12 30. 18 S 13 49 W N 56 31 E N 5 29 E N 13 49 E S 56 31 W S 5 29 W 2,894 I, 306 2,442 Spar. Wood. Benn. HERRING ISLAND. {Miles River — Chart No. 32.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 50 07. 02 76 12 51. 54 N 59 31 E S 59 32 w 1,787 Frank. N 20 ^3 E S 20 33 W 2, 270 Benn. S 79 08 W N 79 07 E 3,433 Seth. 2 38 50 36. 08 76 1 5 06. 98 S 61 14 vv N 61 13 E 3,381 Seth. S 22 34 E N 22 54 W I, 061 Herr. S 87 50 E N 87 50 W 1,949 Frank. 38 so 48. 30 76 I ^ 17. 28 S 9 22 W N 9 22 E 3,234 Sara. S 77 40 E N 77 39 W 2, 271 Frank. N 63 3^ E S 63 34 w 1,648 Benn. Thence a long county boundary as delin eated on Chart No. 3i to comer No. 4. 4 38 50 39. 24 76 12 20. 10 S 35 12 W N 35 II E 3,53° Sara. S 75 46 E N 75 45 W 734 Frank. N 71 og E S 71 09 w 778 James. S 38 so 13. 58 76 12 35.30 N 10 57 E S 10 57 W 1,940 Benn. S 62 41 W N 62 41 E 482 Herr. S 17 29 E N 17 29 W 3.189 Ollie. !90 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. WYE TOWN. (Wye River- — Chart No. 32.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing 1 Distance u. s. c. as bar 1 Forward Back station I / // 38 50 ig. 38 76 II 48. 90 N 12 52 W S 75 50 W S 4 42 w S 12 52 E N 75 50 E t N 4 41 E Yards. 502 1,704 3. 249 Frank. Herr. Ollie. ^ 38 50 20. 14 76 12 06. 56 S 69 33 W S 86 44 W N 37 21 E N 69 32 E N 86 44 E S 37 21 W i I, 266 467 583 Herr. Wood . Frank. 3 38 50 42. 68 76 12 10. 64 S 57 17 E N 74 25 E N 16 59 W N 57 18 w : S 74 26 W ; S 16 59 E 549 S05 966 Frank. James. Benn. 4] 38 51 07.40 76 11 52, 90 vS 80 02 E N 31 36 E N 83 II W N 80 02 W S 31 36 W S 83 II E 483 973 755 Law. Bruffs. Benn. s 38 51 02. 72 76 II 45. 58 N 75 19 E N 17 48 E N 75 17 W S 75 19 W 1 S 17 49 W 1 S 75 18 E 293 i>o37 975 I,aw. Bruffs. Benn. 6 38 50 46. 70 76 II 52. 20 N 36 41 E N 44 17 W S 49 29 w S 36 41 W S 44 17 E N 49 28 E 767 I, 100 2,059 Law. Benn. Herr. Thence from comer No. 6 along the mean low water line of the shore to comer No. 1 , excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. BRUFFS ISLAND. {Wye River — Chart No. 32.) , „ , „ / / Yards. I 38 51 °2- 72 76 II 45. 58 N 75 19 E S 75 19 w 293 Law. N 17 48 E S 17 49 W 1,037 Bruffs. N 75 17 W S 75 18 E 975 Benn. 2 38 51 07. 40 76 II 52. 90 S 80 02 E N 80 02 W 483 Law. N 31 36 E S 31 36 w 973 Bruffs. N 83 II W S 83 II E 755 Benn. 3 38 51 41.96 76 II 39.82 N 2 29 E S 2 29 W 888 Nose. N 89 01 W S 8g 01 E 431 Won. S 37 04 W N 37 04 E 921 Hough. 4 38 51 43.96 76 II 25.88 S 85 42 w N 85 42 E 801 Won. S I 15 w N I IS E 352 Shaw. N 62 46 E S 62 46 w 482 South. 5 38 51 35.46 76 II 13. 80 N 74 55 E S 74 55 W I, 001 Edward. N 12 14 E S 12 14 w 519 South. S 78 40 w N 78 39 E 332 Shaw. 6 38 51 30.00 76 II 20. 90 S 70 58 E N 70 57 W I, 217 Colonel. N 68 55 E S 68 55 W 1,236 Edward. N 49 30 W S 49 30 E 183 Shaw. Thence from c omer No. 6 alon g the mean \o\\ water line of the shore to comer No. 7 excluding any creek, cove or inlet less th an 100 yards ii 1 width at its mouth at lo «• tide. 7 38 51 20. 02 76 II 32. 06 N 5 36 W S 5 36 E 406 Bruffs. N 89 36 W S 89 36 E 759 Hough. S 8 12 W N 8 12 E S14 Law. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. SHAW BAY HILL. {Wye River — Chart No. 32.) 191 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back I 38 51 08. 66 76 II 18. 45 N 73 27 E N 9 22 E N 88 22 W S 73 27 W S 9 22 W S 88 23 E Yards. I 133 1,430 1,659 Colonel. South . Benn . 2 38 51 14. 64 76 II 18. 42 N 83 38 E N 30 21 E N 10 51 E S 83 38 W S 30 21 w S 10 51 w I, 091 2,037 1,231 Colonel. Flat. South. 3 38 51 14. 62 76 II II. 94 N 82 25 E N 26 01 E N 2 53 E S 82 25 w S 26 01 w S 2 53 W 922 1,958 I, 212 Colonel. Flat. South. 4 38 SI 08. 78 76 II 12. 28 N 70 57 E N 2 51 E N 88 39 W S 70 57 W S 2 SI w S 88 40 E 977 1,409 1,821 Colonel. South. Benn. RACE HORSE (Talbot County). {Wye River— Chart No. 32.) / ., / ,, , / Yards. I 38 51 21.58 76 10 55. 52 S 76 47 E , N 76 47 W 493 Colonel. N 33 35 E s a 35 w 875 Edward. N 20 53 W S 20 S3 E 1,039 South. 2 38 51 41. 04 76 10 59. 44 N 82 59 E S 83 00 w 592 Edward. N 40 06 W S 40 06 E 417 South. S 70 13 W : N 70 12 E 74Q Shaw. Thence along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. ^2 to comer No. t,. 3 38 51 56. 76 76 10 34. 74 S 8 00 W N 8 00 E 1 463 N 57 01 E S 57 02 W 753 N 19 54 W S 19 54 E ' -360 Edward. Albert. Flat. 4 38 51 53-40 76 10 16. 98 S 57''o6 W N 57 05 E S 19 07 E N 19 07 W N 17 25 E S 17 25 W 634 440 549 Edward. Lloyd. Albert. 5 38 51 44.00 76 10 18. 00 N 47 24 E S 47 25 W Ni2 4gE S i2 4gW N 36 16 W S 36 16 E I, 001 862 953 Cousin. Albert. Flat. Thence from c orner No. 5 along the mean low water line of the shore" to comer No. 6, excluding any creek, cove or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide 6 38 51 43- 18 76 10 37. 18 N 38 44 E S 38 44 W 1,113 Albert. N 4 09 W S 4 09 E 798 Flat. N 73 53 W S 73 54 E 890 South. 7 38 51 29.42 76 10 39. 24 N 6 41 E S 6 41 W 467 Edward. N 48 25 W S 48 26 E 1,072 South. S 7 48 E N 7 48 W 381 Colonel. 192 Sui'vey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUND.\RiES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. WINDERS BANK. {Wye River— Chart No. J2.) Cor- True bearing ner Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of station bar Forward Back o / // / // / / Yards. I 3$ 51 49.42 76 10 01. 20 N 30 43 E S 30 43 W 575 Cousin. N 20 56 W S 20 57 E 704 Albert. S 44 03 W N 44 03 E 392 Lloyd. 2 38 51 55- 86 76 10 09. 00 S 7 36 W N 7 36 E 503 Lloyd. N 60 57 E S 60 57 W 572 Cousin. N 5 59 W S 5 59 E 443 Albert. Then ce along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 32 to Comer No. 3. 3 38 52 10.38 76 10 01. 42 S 54 43 E N 54 43 W 367 Cousin. N 28 00 E S 28 00 W 226 Baldwins. N 47 °3 W S 47 04 E 329 Le Seur. 4 38 52 10. 62 76 09 57. 20 S 40 34 E N 40 34 W 290 Cousin. N I 35 W S I 35 E 191 Baldwins. S 80 56 W N 80 56 E 362 Albert. 5 38 51 59. 68 76 09 48.34 N 16 52 W S 16 52 E 155 Cousin. N 62 10 W S 62 10 E 668 Albert. S 44 IS W N 44 IS E 876 Lloyd. POPLAR POINT. {Wye Rher-^Chart No. 32.) / „ / // : / Yards. I 38 52 18.68 76 09 56. 06 ; N 28 19 E N 29 06 W S 23 40 W S 28 19 w S 29 06 E N 23 40 E 287 344 87 Sylvia. Attila. Baldwins. 2 38 52 20. 62 76 10 01. 72 N 4 25 W S 62 33 W S 37 57 E S 4 25 E N 62 33 E N 37 57 W 236 262 185 Attila. Le Seur. Baldwins. Thence along county boundary as delineated on ( ^hart No. 32 to comer No 3- 3 ^8 52 26. 50 ' 76 09 57. 10 S I 19 W N I 19 E 344 Baldwins. S 85 52 E N 85 52 W 163 Sylvia. 1 N 41 24 E S 41 24 W 490 Gusta. Thence along county boundary as delineated on ( 2hart No. 32 to comer No 4- 4 38 52 52.64 76 09 45. 28 S 89 31 W N 89 31 E 396 Sang. ' S 26 53 E N 26 S3 W 265 Nodim. N 43 23 E S 43 23 w 280 Go. Thence along countv boundary as c lelineated on ( !^hart No. 32 to comer No 5- 5 38 52 52.48 76 09 30. 12 N 65 37 E N 44 54 W S so 31 W S 65 37 W S 44 54 E N so 31 E 523 294 362 Divide. Go. Nodim. 6 38 52 47-54 76 09 30.62 S 80 45 E N 51 59 E N 80 45 W S SI 59 W 611 621 Quarter. Divide. N 27 25 W S 27 25 E 422 Go. 7 38 52 48.08 76 09 41. 54 S 14 04 E N 14 39 E N 31 06 W N 14 04 W S 14 39 W S 31 06 E 86 369 45 1 Nodim. Go. Turn. 8 38 52 32.68 76 09 47. 50 N 23 59 E N 53 18 W S 22 12 W i ^3 59 W S S3 18 E N 22 12 E 174 359 237 Gusta. Tobins. Sylvia. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. JUNIPER. (Wye River — Chart No. 32.) 193 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 52 46. 56 76 09 og. 86 N 61 II W S 40 31 E N 50 45 E S 61 II E N 40 31 W S 50 45 W 846 85 387 Go. Quarter. Deck. 2 38 52 49.82 7b og 12. g8 N 65 41 W S 38 14 E N 70 r,r, E S 65 41 E N 38 14 W vS 70 33 W 724 223 405 Go. Quarter. Deck. 3 38 52 57- 1° 76 09 01. 18 N 9 49 W N 78 11 W S 32 40 E S g 4g E S 78 II E N 32 40 W 247 293 131 Princess. Divide. Deck. 4 38 52 54.80 76 08 58. 88 N 17 45 W N 68 24 W S 17 17 E S 17 45 E S 68 24 E N 17 17 W 338 374 34 Princess. Divide. Deck. POPLAR ISLAND NARROWS. {Chesapeake Bay — Vicinity Poplar Island — Chart No. jj.) I 38 44 39. 07 76 20 37. 00 N 7 13 E N so 49 W S 30 E S 7 13 w N 50 51 E N 30 W Yards. 577 5-069 1,280 Great. Valliant. Front. 2 38 44 43. 23 76 20 53. go S 17 51 E N 50 12 E N 18 18 E N 17 =;i W S 50 i2 W S 18 18 W 1,492 676 3-912 Front. Great. Haddaway. 3 38 44 50. 35 76 21 22. 52 S 36 10 E N 81 2s E N 29 44 E N 36 10 W S 81 26 W S 29 44 w 2,056 1,289 4, 000 Front. Great. Haddaway. 4 38 45 32.22 76 22 03.07 S 65 03 W S 62 32 E N 55 58 E N 65 03 E N 62 31 W S 56 00 W 1-179 2; 643 3-685 Poplar South. Great. Haddaway. 5 38 47 °9- 33 76 21 17. 76 S 14 20 E S 56 52 E N 46 41 E N 14 20 W N 56 52 W S 46 43 W 4-639 2, 219 7,455 Great. Haddaway. Kemp Tower. 6 38 47 16. 80 76 20 36. 40 S 27 37 E N 41 42 E N 39 44 W N 27 37 W S 41 44 W S 39 46 E 1-654 6-497 7,208 Haddaway. Kemp Tower. Bloody Point Bar Light. 7 38 46 06. 70 76 20 50. 90 S 60 48 W S 10 28 E N 51 58 E N 60 47 E N 10 28 W S 51 58 W 3-402 2, 422 I- 459 Poplar South. Great. Haddaway. 8 38 46 03. 46 76 20 20. 90 N 19 31 E S 67 36 W S 8 49 W S 19 31 W N 67 34 E N 8 49 E 1, 070 4,068 2, 300 Haddaway. Poplar South. Great. 53485—12- 194 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot Comity, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. POPLAR ISLAND NARROWS— Continued. {Chesapeake Bay — Vicinity Poplar Island — Chart No. jj) — Continued. Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. trianeulation of bar Forward Back S 9 21 N 76 13 N 14 54 9 38 45 45. 58 76 20 17. 42 N S S 9 21 E 76 II w 14 54 W W E E Yards. 3, 968 1,728 Haddaway. Poplar South. Great. to 38 45 04.40 76 20 39. 70 N N S 15 53 E 58 40 W 2 12 E S 15 53 S 58 41 N 2 12 W E W 3. "9 4,515 2, 135 Haddawav. Valliant. " Front. BAY HUNDRED. {Chesapeake Bay — Vicinity Poplar Island — Chart No. JJ.) I 38 42 49.30 76 21 17.92 / S 36 04 E N 24 16 E N 24 ig \V N 36 04 W S 24 16 W S 24 20 E Yards. r, 124 2,657 5. 483 Wap. Front. Poplar South. 2 38 43 14. 68 76 22 06. 60 S 47 50 E N 56 37 K N 13 16 W N 47 so W S s6 38 W S 13 16 E 2,628 2,848 4. 254 Wap. Front. Poplar South. 3 38 44 20. 44 76 21 ^-- 35 S 61 41 E N 46 s7 E N 48 09 W N 61 41 W S 46 37 W S 4i^ 00 E 1.374 1,748 2,882 Front. Great. Poplar South. 4 38 44 SO- 35 76 21 22. 52 S 56 10 E N 81 25 E N 29 44 E N 36 lo W S 81 26 VV S 2g 44 VV 2, 056 I, 289 4, 000 F'ront. Great. Haddaway. 5 38 44 43. 23 76 20 ,53- 90 S 17 51 E N 50 12 E N i8 18 E N 17 51 W S i^O 12 W S is 18 \V 1,492 676 3,912 Front. Great. Haddaway. 6 38 43 28. 42 76 20 41- 93 N 7 17 E N 41 ot; W S 7 2i W S 7 17 w S 41 06 E N 7 24 E 1, 112 4,880 2, 246 Front . Poplar South. Wap. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. PONE. {Chesapeake Bay — Off Tilghman Island — Chart No. jj. ) 195 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance of bar Forward Back I 38 40 32. 40 76 21 36. 58 S 18 42 w S 65 21 E N 17 18 E N 18 41 E N 65 20 W S 17 18 W Yards. 4,692 2, 090 3,883 Sharps Island Light. Black. Wap. 2 38 41 18. 60 76 22 39. 92 S I 38 E S 55 48 E N 52 46 E N I 38 W N 55 47 W S 52 47 w 6, 004 4,321 3. 553 Sharps Island Light. Black. Wap. ^ 38 43 14. 68 76 22 06. 60 S 47 50 E N 56 37 E N 13 16 W N 47 50 W S 56 38 W S 13 16 E 2,628 2,848 4,254 Wap. Front. Poplar South. 4 38 42 49- 30 76 21 17. 92 S 36 04 E N 24 16 E N 24 19 W N 36 04 W S 24 16 w S 24 20 E I, 124 2,657 5,483 Wap. Front. Poplar South. STONE. {Chesapeake Bay — Vicinity Sharps Island— Charts Nos. jj and j6.) I 38 37 35- 72 76 24 17. 16 • S 75 41 E N 86 28 E N 29 II E N 75 40 W S 86 32 W S 29 13 W Yards. 3,986 10, 825 11, 070 Jere. Chef. Wap. 2 38 38 33. 84 76 24 01. 16 S 49 25 E S 79 07 E N 32 51 E N 49 24 W N 79 06 W S 32 53 W 4,529 2,363 9,172 Jere. Sharps Island Light. Wap. 3 38 40 14. 30 76 22 52. 76 S 7 36 E S 86 II E N 36 16 E N 7 36 W N 86 09 W S 36 17 w 3. 867 3,922 5,355 Sharps Island Light. Black. Wap. 4 38 40 04. 04 76 21 54- 70 S 16 22 W N 87 57 E N 19 18 E N 16 22 E S 87 58 W S 19 19 W 3,63s 2,382 4,942 Sharps Island Light. Black. Wap. 5 38 38 44. 36 76 22 II. 12 S 36 24 W S 9 05 E N 45 25 E N 36 23 E N 9 OS W S 45 26 W . 994 3,342 3,949 Sharps Island Light. Jere. Black. 6 38 38 54. 12 76 21 13-58 S IS 19 W S 71 39 E N 27 54 E N 15 19 E N 71 36 W S 27 55 W 3,763 6,266 2,758 Jere. Chef. Black. 7 38 38 34. 48 76 21 08.08 N 20 15 E S 78 18 W S 21 01 W S 20 IS W N 78 17 E N 21 01 E 3,309 2,305 3,178 Black. Sharps Island Light. Jere. 8 38 37 41. 36 76 21 56. 68 N 86 07 E N 26 24 E N 36 17 W S 86 10 W S 26 25 W S 36 18 E 7,104 5,467 I, 646 Chef. Black. Sharps Island Light. 9 38 37 39- 48 76 22 45- 64 S 52 21 E N 86 18 E N 17 21 E N 52 20 W S 86 21 W S 17 22 W 1,816 8, 400 9,993 Jere. Chef. Wap. 196 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. CLAY BANK. {Chesapeake Bay — Vicinily Sharps Island— Charts Xos. jj and j6.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance of bar Forward Back I 38 35 41.40 76 23 14. 60 N 75 15 R N 37 44 E N II 28 E S S S 75 19 w 37 44 W II 28 W Yards. 10. 5«3 3, 606 "5. 479 Cook Point Windmill. Jere. Sharps Island I,ight. 2 38 36 37. 96 76 24 10. 30 N 86 10 E N 75 22 E N 36 31 E vS S S 86 14 W 7.; 2', W 36 3^2 W ".743 3. 805 4.307 Cook Point Windmill. Jere . Sharps Island Light. 3 38 37 3,'!- 72 76 24 17. 16 S 75 41 E N 86 28 E N 29 II E N S S 75 40 W 86 32 W 29 13 W 3-986 10, 825 11, 070 Jere. Chef. Wap. 4 38 37 39. 48 76 22 45. 64 S 52 21 E N 86 18 E N 17 21 E N S S 52 20 W 86 21 W 17 22 W 1,816 8,400 9. 093 Jere. Chef. Wap. 5 38 36 51-72 76 22 3S- 70 N 87 s8 E N 66 ^7 E N 00 08 E s s s 88 02 W 66 07 W 00 08 W 9, 16S 1,231 3. 000 Cook Point Windmill. Jere. Sharps Island Light. SHARPS. (Outer Choptank River—Charts Xos. jj, 5(5. and J/.") / // , // / / Yards. I 38 36 39. 40 76 20 43. 16 S 62 38 E N 63 26 E N 40 31 W N 62 36 W S 63 28 W S 40 32 E 5- 750 4.489 Brannock. Chef. Sharps Island Light. 2 38 36 58. 92 76 21 10. 24 N 71 57 E N 38 37 W N 76 43 W S 72 00 W S 38 38 E S 76 44 E 6, 162 3.526 I, 112 Chef. Sharps Island Light. Jere. 3 38 36 58. 72 Thence along 76 20 27. 22 county boundai S s6 56 E N 67 52 E N 50 24 W y as delineate N 56 53 W^ S 67 54 W S 50 26 E i on charts No 7.761 5, 096 4.332 3- a. 36. an Brannock. Chef. Sharps Island Light, d 37 to comer No. i. Survey oj Oyster Hars, Talbot Counly, Md. BOUNDARIES UK NATURAL (JYSTER BARS — continued. BLACK WALNUT. (Outer Choptank River — Charts Nos. jj, j6, and j/.) 197 Cor- Latitude Longitude True 3 earing Distance U. S. C. & a. S. trianfiulation of bar Forward Back station I 38 39 19 32 76 18 25. 64 N 18 S5 W N 63 'lo W .S 73 II W S 18 55 E S 63 12 E N 73 13 E Yards. 4,354 3,529 6,847 Bar. Black. Sharps Island Light. 2 38 39 32 44 76 19 53- 16 N 13 47 E N 35 .58 W S 60 15 W S 13 47 w S 35 58 E N 60 13 E 3,786 I, 422 4^882 Bar. Black. Sharps Island Light. 3 38 40 30 48 76 20 13- 35 N 13 01 W S 20 30 W S 39 50 E S 13 01 E N 20 30 E N 30 48 W 2, 224 861 6,798 Southern M. E. Church. Black. Chef. 4 38 40 30. 20 76 18 36. 52 N 33 01 W vS 74 26 W S 55 06 W S 33 02 E N 74 25 E N 55 03 E 2,061 2,970 7, 640 Bar. Black. Sharps Island Light. 5 38 40 05. 28 76 17 58. 64 N 39 36 W N 89 22 W S 64 05 w S 39 37 E S 8g 23 E N 64 02 E 3,33i 3,864 8,081 Bar. Black. Sharps Island Light. 6 38 39 29- 24 76 17 58.36 N 29 27 W N 71 59 W S 72 20 W S 29 28 E S 72 01 E N 72 17 E 4,336 4,069 7,636 Bar. Black. Sharps Island Light. SANDS. {Outer Choptank River — Chart No. 33-) , /, / // / / Yards. I 38 40 05. 28 76 17 58.64 N 39 36 VV N 89. 22 W S 64 OS W S 39 37 E S 89 23 E N 64 02 E 3,333 3,864 8,081 Bar. Black. Sharps Island Light. 2 38 40 30. 20 76 18 36. 52 N 33 01 W S 74 26 W S 55 06 W S 33 02 E N 74 25 E N 55 03 E 2, 061 2,970 7,640 ■Bar. Black. Sharps Island Light. 3 38 41 30. 48 76 18 56. 80 N 28 10 E N 37 16 W S 62 38 W S 28 II W S 37 17 E N 62 38 E 3, 509 2,709 662 Change 1910. Avalon . Bar. 4 38 41 48. 84 76 17 59. 20 N 78 54 E N 3 07 E S 66 20 W S 78 56 W S s 07 W N 66 20 E 2,791 2,478 2,304 Nelson 3 . Change igio. Bar. S 38 40 56. 92 76 17 58.88 N I 43 E N 68 40 W S 66 14 W S I 43 W S 68 41 E N 66 12 E 4,227 2,274 4,214 Change 1910. Bar. Black. 198 Survi'v oj Ovstvv Bays, Tiilbol Couiiiy. Md. BOUNDARIES OV NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued PLEASANT HILL. (Outer (hoptank River — Charts Nos. jj, J./, iiiid j6.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back o / // , // / / Yards. I 38 40 04. 20 76 17 01. 08 N 16 28 E N 54 28 W N 89 10 W S i6 29 W vS 54 29 E S 89 II E 4,240 4, 480 5. 385 Nelson v Bar. Black. 2 38 40 05. 28 76 17 58.64 N 39 36 \V N 89 22 W S 64 05 W S 39 37 E S 89 23 E N 64 02 E 3.333 3, 864 8,081 Bar. Black. Sharps Island Light. 3 38 40 56. 93 76 17 58.88 N I 43 E N 68 40 W S 66 14 W S I 43 w S 68 41 E N 66 12 E 4,227 2,274 4,214 Change 1910. Bar. Black. 4 38 40 57. 06 76 17 00. 88 N 27 40 E N 77 19 VV S 72 27 W S 27 41 w S 77 20 E N 72 25 E 2, 578 3. 743 5> 653 Nelson 3. Bar. Black. 5 38 40 14. 76 76 17 01. 00 N 17 56 E N 58 21 W S 87 03 W S 17 56 w S 58 23 E N 87 01 E 3,899 4,286 5,394 Nelson 3. Bar. Black. CHURCH HILL. (Outer Choplank River — Charts Nos. 55 and J4.) / // / „ / / Yards. 1 38 40 56. 92 76 I 7 58.88 N I 43 E N 68 40 W S 66 14 W S I 43 w S 68 41 E N 66 12 E 4,227 2,274 4,214 Change 1910. Bar. Blaek. 38 41 48. 84 76 I 7 59. 20 N 78 54 E N 5 07 E S 66 20 W S 78 56 W S 3 07 W N 66 20 E 2,791 2,478 2,304 Nelson 3. Change 1910. Bar. 3 38 41 54. 74 76 I 7 00. 72 N 74 10 E N 31 48 W S 72 55 W S 74 II w S 31 48 E N 72 54 E I, 240 2,677 3, 824 Nelson 3. Change 1910. Bar. 4 38 40 57. 06 76 I 7 00. 88 N 27 40 E N 77 19 W S 72 27 W S 27 41 W S 77 20 E N 72 25 E 2,578 3, 743 5,653 Nelson 3. Bar. Black. Survey of (lystrr Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATl'RAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. WILD CHERRY TREE. {Entrance Harris Creek — Ctiart No. JJ.) ■99 Cor- Latitude Louyitudc True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangi station of bar Forward Back I 38 41 30. 48 76 18 56. 80 N 28 10 E N 37 16 W .S 62 38 W S 28 II w S 37 17 E N 62 38 E Yards. 3,509 2,709 662 Change 19 10. Avalon . Bar. 2 38 42 38. 54 76 18 45. 48 N 59 a E N 47 25 W S 85 52 W S 59 33 W S 47 25 E N 85 52 E 1,575 1,534 1,944 Change igio. Narrows. Avalon. 3 38 42 49. 28 76 18 17.26 S 64 58 E N 54 32 E N 20 47 W N 64 S7 W S 54 32 w S 20 47 E 3,549 751 2,232 Nelson 3. Change 1910. Eagle. 4 38 42 16. 70 76 18 07. 44 S 82 IS E N 12 56 E N 50 16 W N 82 13 W S 12 56 W S 50 16 E 2,990 1,575 2, 776 Nelson 3. Change 1910. Narrows. 5 38 41 48. 84 76 17 59. 20 N 78 54 E N 3 07 E S 66 20 W S 78 56 W S 3 07 W N 66 20 E 2,791 2,478 2,304 Nelson 3. Change 19 10. Bar. TURN ROW. {Entrance Harris Creek — Charts Nos. JJ and J4.) I 38 42 16. 70 76 iS 07.44 S 82 IS E N 12 56 E N 50 16 W N 82 13 W S 12 56 W S 50 16 E Yards. 2,990 1,575 2,776 Nelson 3. Change 1910. Narrows. 2 38 42 49. 28 76 18 17. 26 S 64 58 E N 54 32 E N 20 47 W N 64 s7 W S 54 32 w S 20 47 E 3, 549 751 2,232 Nelson 3. Change igio. Eagle. 3 38 42 44. 24 76 17 39.02 N 33 19 W N 7s 40 W S 43 26 W S 33 20 E S 73 41 E N 43 25 E • 725 3,007 3,845 Change iqio. Narrows. Bar. 4 38 42 23. 58 76 17 32- 14 S 72 35 E N 24 00 W N 63 18 W N 72 34 W S 24 01 E S 63 19 E 2, 120 I, 426 3,433 Nelson 3. Change 1910. Narrows. Survey oj (\vslcr Hms, Talhol C'ouiilv, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. TILGHMAN WHARF. (Entrance Harris Creek — Chart So. JJ. ) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatioii of bar Forward Back <= / // / /, / / Yard.'!. I 38 41 30. 48 76 18 56.80 N 28 10 E N 37 16 W S 62 38 W S 28 II w S 37 17 E N 62 38 E 3. 509 2,709 662 Change 1910. Avalon . Bar. 2 38 41 55. 62 76 19 44. 20 S 30 00 E N 52 20 E N 16 32 W N 30 00 W S 52 21 W S 16 32 E 1.33° 3.674 1,364 Bar. Change 1910. Avalon. 3 38 42 15. 82 76 19 50' 27 S 24 15 E N 63 00 E N 19 59 W N 24 15 W S 63 01 W vS 19 59 E 2, 010 3,445 666 Bar. Change 1910. Avalon . 4 38 42 45. 90 76 19 41. 50 S 49 46 w S II 47 E S 79 02 E N 49 46 E N II 47 W N 79 03 W 601 2, 909 2, 890 Avalon. - Bar. Change 1910. 5 38 43 09- 63 76 19 11.75 S 46 20 W S 83 02 E N 34 48 E N 46 20 E N 83 01 W S 24 48 w 1,721 2, 067 1.543 Avalon . Change 1910. Eagle. 6 38 42 38. 54 76 18 45- 48 N 59 33 E N 47 25 W S 8s 52 W S 59 33 W S 47 25 E N 85 52 E 1.575 I, 534 1,944 Change 19 10. Narrows. Avalon . CHANGE. (Harris Creek — Chart No. jj.) I 38 42 38. 54 76 18 45 48 N 59 33 E N 47 25 W S 85 52 w S 59 33 W S 47 25 E N 85 52 E Yards. 1.575 I, 534 1,944 Change igio. Narrows. Avalon. 2 38 43 31. 82 76 18 32 34 S 45 20 E N 77 36 E N 27 57 E N 45 20 W S 77 36 W S 27 58 W 1,421 903 2,442 Change 1910. Hen. Ball. 3 38 43 39- 24 76 18 18 86 S 27 39 E « 83 53 E N 32 28 E N 27 :ig W N 83 c;? W .S 32 20 W I. 410 528 3.064 Change 1910. Hen. Ball. 4 38 43 22. 44 76 18 02 30 N 8 02 E N 50 50 W S 78 59 W S 8 02 W S 50 51 E N 78 58 E 3,4i)« I, 534 2,315 Ball. Eagle. Narrows. S 38 42 49. 28 7b 18 17 26 S 64 58 E N 54 32 E N 20 47 W N 64 57 W S 54 32 W S 30 47 E 3- 349 751 2. 232 Nels,)n 3. Change 1910. Eagle. Surm'}' of (h'stcr Burs, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. EAGLE POINT. (Harris Creek — Chart No. jj.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back o / „ / // yar,h. I 38 43 31. 82 76 18 32. 34 S 45 20 E N 77 36 E N 27 57 E N 45 20 W S 77 36 W S 27 58 w I. 421 903 2.442 Change 19 10. Hen. Ball. 2 38 43 32. 42 76 19 00. 68 S 59 55 E N 83 55 E N 41 33 E N 59 54 W S 83 56 w S 41 33 W -^ 033 1.639 2. 854 Change 1910. Hen. Ball. 3 38 43 42. 98 76 18 58. 40 S 51 01 E S 83 22 E N 45 50 E N 51 00 W N 83 22 W S 45 51 W 2. 185 1,580 2> 556 Change 1910. Hen. Ball. 4 38 43 47- 54 76 18 ^^. 20 S 34 03 E S 69 37 E N 35 40 E N 34 03 W N 69 36 W S 35 40 w 1,845 965 2, 002 Chanqe 1910. Hen. Ball. 5 38 44 11.83 76 18 36. 80 S 40 52 E N 57 23 E N 16 32 E N 40 52 W S 57 24 w S 16 32 W 1,528 1,499 2, 001 Hen. Ball. Warrior. 6 38 44 og. 12 76 i8 21.80 S 29 a E N 43 56 E N 28 46 W N 29 ^7, W S 43 56 W S 28 46 E 1,224 1,249 1-351 Hen. Ball. Dunk. 7 38 43 39. 24 76 18 18.86 S 27 39 E S 83 53 E N 22 28 E N 27 39 W N 83 53 W S 22 29 w I, 410 528 2,064 Change 1910. Hen. Ball. TURKEY NECK. (Harris Creek — Chart No. jj. / // / // / / Yards. I 38 43 39. 24 76 18 18.86 S 27 39 E S 83 53 E N 22 28 E N 27 39 W N 83 53 W S 22 29 w 1, 410 528 2, 064 Change 19 10. Hen. Ball. 2 38 44 09. 12 76 18 21.80 S 29 33 E N 43 56 E N 28 46 W N 29 33 W S 43 56 w S 28 46 E I, 224 1,249 1,351 Hen. Ball. Dunk. 3 38 44 04. 26 76 17 55-44 N 44 57 W S 72 08 W S s 54 W S 44 58 E N 72 08 E N 5 54E I, 906 I, 438 904 Dunk. Eagle. Hen. 4 38 43 45. 80 76 18 06. 96 N 27 52 W N 80 18 W S 13 01 E S 27 52 E S 80 19 E N 13 01 W 2,230 I, 079 I. 5°9 Dunk. Eagle. Change igio. Survey oj (tystcy Burs, Talbot County, Aid. BOUNDARIES UF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — COlltilllud MILL POINT. (Harris Crceli — Chart No. JJ.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatiou of bar Forward Back sUtion I 38 44 04. 26 76 17 55-44 N 44 57 W S 72 08 W S s 54 W S 44 58 E N 72 i8 E N 5 54 E Yards. 1,906 1,438 904 Dunk. Eagle . Hen. 2 38 44 09. 12 76 18 21. 80 S 29 33 E N 43 56 E N 28 46 W N 29 33 W S 43 56 w S 28 46 E 1,224 I, 249 1,351 Hen. Ball. Dunk. 3 38 44 47. 38 76 18 25. 46 S 67 55 E N 20 34 E N 35 13 W N 67 S5 W S 20 34 w S 35 13 E 1,039 769 I, 041 Ball. Warrior. Hawk. 4 38 44 51.00 76 iS 00. 90 N 59 44 W S 79 17 W S 31 15 W S 59 45 E N 79 16 E N 31 15 E 1,446 1, 224 2, 360 Hawk. Dunk. Eagle. 5 38 44 36. 98 76 17 55.72 N 49 04 W N 79 37 W S 41 23 W S 49 05 E S 79 38 E N 41 23 E 1,834 1,362 2,059 Hawk. Dunk. Eagle. HUNTS. {Harris Creels — Chart No. jj.) / / 38 44 09. 12 38 44 "• S3 38 44 ig. 42 38 44 25- 50 38 44 33- 24 38 44 38- 50 21. 80 I S 29 33 E N 43 56 E N 28 46 W 76 18 36. 80 76 iS 54. 76 18 42. 80 76 18 44. 02 N 29 33 W S 43 56 W S 28 46 E S 40 52 E ff 40 52 W N 57 23 E j vS 57 ^4 W N 16 32 E ! S 16 32 W S 46 22 E N 46 21 W N 72 26 E S 72 27 W N 32 16 E S 32 16 W S 35 37 E N 76 17 E N 26 32 E S 32 23 E N 86 37 E N 32 26 E 76 18 55. 12 S 35 50 E S 87 00 E N 45 57 E N 35 37 W S 76 17 W S 26 32 W N 32 22 W S 86 37 W S 32 26 W N 35 49 W 2, 534 N 86 59 W I, 749 S 45 57 W 1,465 Thence from comer No. 6 along the mean low- water line of the shore to corner No. 7, cxcludini; any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. Yards. ; I, 224 1 Hen. I, 249 ! Ball. 1,351 Dunk. :, 528 Hen. I, 499 : Ball. 2. 001 Warrior. 2,045 Hen. 1,828 I Ball. 1, 966 Warrior. I, 988 ; Hen. 1,463 1 Ball. 1, 629 Warrior. 2, 223 1,456 1,417 Hen. Ball. Warrior. Hen. Ball. Warrior. '' 38 44 44. 25 76 18 46 42 S 79 21 E N 44 57 E N 2 48 W N 79 20 W S 44 57 W S 2 48 E 1,543 I, 166 938 Ball. Warrior. Hawk. 8 38 44 47. 38 76 18 25 46 S 67 55 E N 20 34 E N 35 13 W N 67 55 W S 20 34 w S 3^ 13 E 1,039 769 1,041 Ball. Warrior. Hawk, Survey uj Oyster f-I4S 647 822 Tobe. Skinner. Cabin. 3 38 45 12. 80 76 IS 36- 64 S 9 08 E S 38 41 E N 6s 32 E N 9 08 W N 38 40 W S 6s 32 W 1-398 702 527 Tobe. Skinner. Cabin. 4 38 45 14. 68 76 15 28. 24 S 22 32 W S 19 33 E N 58 57 E N 22 32 E N 19 33 W S 58 s8 W 851 650 301 Pine. Skinner. Cabin. WILLEYS ISLAND FLATS. (Broad Creek — Chart No. J4.) / ./ / / Yards. I 38 44 46. 36 76 .3 55 ■ 44 S 28 39 W S 14 05 E S 74 22 E N 28 38 E N 14 05 W N 74 2i W I3372 832 1,822 Ross. Cedar Spencer. 2 38 45 04- 60 76 14 27 . 20 S 75 17 E N 57 S3 E N I- 20 E N 75 17 VV S 57 53 W S 17 20 w 983 i> 005 1,445 Willey. Ray. Grave. 3 38 45 18. 92 76 14 25 ■ 74 S 51 14 E N 88 38 E N 2^ 37 E N 51 14 W S 88 39 W S 23 37 w I, 170 814 978 Willey. Ray. Grave. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS continued. WILLEYS ISLAND FLATS— Continued. {Broad Creek — Chart No. 34) — Continued. ■U Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance u. s. c. & G. S. triangulation station bar Forward Back / ,/ / // / / Yards. 4 38 45 19. 58 76 14 38. 14 S 58 40 E N 88 32 E N 39 27 E N s8 39 W S 88 32 W S 39 27 W 1,452 I, 141 1,132 WiUey. Ray. Grave. 5 38 45 34- 03 76 14 32. 14 S 5 29 E S 64 ^9 E N 55 26 E N 5 29 W N 64 59 W S 55 26 W 798 I, 084 681 Rose. Ray. Grave . 6 38 45 40. 86 76 14 39- 10 N 78 08 E N 30 24 E N 33 48 W S 78 08 -W S 30 24 W S 33 48 E 761 589 I, 001 Grave . Royal. Mars. ' 38 45 54. 63 76 14 37. 10 N 58 55 W S 65 37 W S 10 41 E S 58 55 E N 6s 37 E N 10 41 W 712 524 706 Mars. Bengal Gram. 8 38 45 45. 50 76 14 10. 90 N 51 44 W S S5 26 W S 51 44 E N S5 26 E 569 681 Royal. Gram. S 26 29 E N 26 29 W 944 Ray. 9 38 45 14- 38 76 13 58. 24 N S3 29 W S 80 51 W, S 53 30 E N 80 SI E 1,113 827 Gram. Rose. S 15 10 W N 15 09 E 2, 227 Ross. HOLLAND POINT. (Broad Creek — Chart No. 34.) / // / // , / Yards. I 38 45 49. 42 76 14 52-34 N 71 15 E N 20 53 W N SI 23 W S 71 16 w S 20 53 E S 51 24 E 684 582 I, "5 Royal. Mars. Woodill. 2 38 45 54- 52 76 15 12. 46 N 87 40 E N 41 06 E N 33 01 W S 87 41 w S 41 06 W S 33 02 E 1,180 492 ,626 Royal. Mars. Woodill. 3 38 46 10. 07 76 15 25.37 S 23 46 E S 77 03 E N 22 52 E N 23 46 W N 77 03 W S 22 53 W ■ 575 682 616 Eastman. Mars. Venus. 4 38 46 24. 96 76 1 5 24- 56 S 44 29 E N 73 27 E N 2 06 W N 44 29 W S 73 27 w S 2 06 E 919 227 949 Mars. Venus. Willis. 5 38 46 28. 39 76 15 33-69 S 19 35 E S 83 42 E N 66 00 E N 19 3S W N 83 41 W S 66 00 W 656 461 428 Woodill. Venus. Neptune. 6 38 46 32-30 76 15 24. 60 N 44 40 W S 61 13 W S I 33 W S 44 4° E N 61 I-, E N I 33 E 605 273 75° Marion . Delta. Woodill. 7 38 46 05. 53 76 15 00. 19 S 49 14 w S 12 43 E S 69 17 E N 49 14 E N 12 43 W N 69 16 W 572 599 914 Eastman. Bengal. Royal. 214 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. HARRISON. {Broad Creek — Chart No. 34.) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. trianguiation of bar Forward Back / // / // , / Yards. I 38 46 41. 52 76 15 34.40 S 2 25 E S 56 39 E N 29 58 E N 2 25 W N 56 39 W S 29 58 W 443 489 451 Delta. Neptune. Willis. 2 38 46 47. 08 76 15 30.33 S 75 58 W S 33 26 E N 30 06 E N 75 57 E N 33 26 W S 30 06 W 282 548 234 Marion. Neptune. Willis. 3 38 46 41. 62 76 15 25.40 N 74 01 W S 26 08 W S 74 01 E N 26 08 E 420 496 Marion. Delta. S 32 10 E N 32 10 W 322 Neptune. CEDAR POINT. {Broad Creek — Chart No. 34.) I 38 44 15- 78 76 13 22.37 S 69 00 E N 58 29 E N 01 46 W N 69 00 W S 58 29 W S 01 46 E Yards. I. 417 1.035 1.524 Marsh. Spencer. Hopkins. 2 38 44 22. 42 76 13 47- 77 N 4 24 W N 51 30 W S 65 14 W S 4 23 E S 51 30 E N 65 14 E I. 177 1,802 947 Willey. Bald. Ross. 3 38 44 46. 36 76 13 55-44 S 28 39 W S 14 05 E S 74 22 E N 28 38 E N 14 05 W N 74 21 W 1.372 852 1,822 Ross. Cedar. Spencer. 4 38 44 19. 25 76 12 54.44 S 43 09 E N 18 44 E N 29 09 W N 43 08 W S 18 44 W S 29 10 E 856 447 I, 611 Marsh. Spencer. Hopkins. DRUM POINT. {Broad Creek — Ctiart No. 24-) . // , /, / / Yards. I 38 44 19. 25 76 12 54. 44 S 43 09 E N 43 08 W 856 Marsh. N 18 44 E S 18 44 W 447 Spencer. N 29 09 W S 29 10 E I, 611 Hopkins. 2 38 44 46. 36 76 13 55-44 S 28 39 W N 28 38 E 1.372 Ross. S 14 05 E N 14 05 W 832 Cedar. S 74 22 E N 74 21 W 1,822 Spencer. 3 38 44 53- 66 76 13 09.80 N 83 47 W S 83 47 E 1,099 Willey. S 43 35 W N 43 35 E 1,454 Cedar. S 29 0^ E N 29 02 W 2, 042 Marsh . Thence from comer No. 3 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 4, exc udiiig any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in tvidth at its mouth at low tide. 4 38 44 31. 81 76 12 49. 00 N 43 22 W S 43 22 E 1.352 Hopkins. S 78 28 W N 78 28 E 1.585 Cedar. S 22 SI E N 22 SI W 1. 137 Marsh. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. JOE HARRIS FLATS. (Broad Creek — Chart No. 34.) :i5 Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude - Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatio station Q of bar Forward Back / // , // / / Yards. I 38 43 50. 78 76 12 49.30 N 53 18 E 1 S S3 19 W 561 Marsh. N 20 E S 20 w 1 1,386 Spencer. N 21 15 W S 21 15 E ! 2, 539 Hopkins. 2 38 44 00. 20 76 13 02. 34 N 88 44 E S 88 44 W 795 Marsh. N 18 17 E S 18 18 W I i> 123 Spencer. N 15 42 W S 15 42 E 2,128 Hopkins. 3 38 44 19. 25 76 12 54. 44 S 43 09 E N 43 08 W 856 Marsh. N 18 44 E [ S 18 44 W 447 Spencer. ; N 29 09 W S 29 10 E I, 611 Hopkins. 4 38 44 00. 72 76 12 32. 27 N 66 24 E S 66 24 W 932 Clark. N 24 13 E S 24 13 W 749 Marshall. S 22 51 E N 22 51 W I- 137 Spencer. Thence from c omer No. 4 alone: the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. i, excludinEr any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 1 1 1 1 1 PIN CUSHION. {Broad Creek — Chart No. 34. / // / / Yards. I 38 43 58- 18 76 12 14. 41 N 39 45 E N 12 04 W N 38 51 W S 39 45 W S 12 05 E S 38 52 E 596 786 1.457 Clark. Marshall. Spencer. 2 38 44 17.84 76 12 30. 00 N 46 48 W S 5 56 W S 29 12 E S 46 49 E N 5 56 E N 29 12 W 688 580 974 Spencer. Marsh. Holly. 3 38 44 20. 18 76 12 28. 20 N 54 29 W S 9 18 W S 24 43 E S 54 29 E N 9 18 E N 24 43 W 675 •665 I, 024 Spencer. Marsh. Holly. 4 38 44 08. 74 76 12 04. 52 N 56 29 W S 69 45 W S 19 58 W S 56 30 E N 69 45 E N 19 58 E 1,409 781 579 Spencer. Marsh. Holly. 2l6 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUND.'iRiES OF N.-^TURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. WILLEYS ISLAND. {Broad Creek — Chart No. J4.) Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation ol bar Forward Back I 38 44 56- 38 76 13 44.48 S 60 31 E N 73 57 E N 2 54 E N 60 30 W S 73 57 W S 2 54 W Yards. 1,684 559 S64 Spencer. Hopkins. Judge. 2 38 45 11-68 76 13 45.60 S 57 27 E N 61 30 E N I 35 E N =;7 27 W S 61 30 W S I 35 W 671 534 I, 129 Hopkins. Taft. Harper. 3 38 45 21.40 76 13 37- 45 S 27 00 E S 73 55 E N 12 57 W N 27 00 W N 73 55 W S 12 57 E 773 264 821 Hopkins. Taft. Harper. 4 38 45 26. 42 76 13 46. 56 S 34 35 E S 63 52 E N 5 07 E N 34 34 W N 6s 52 VV S 5 07 W 1,043 55° 634 Hopkins. Taft. Harper. 5 38 45 36. 14 76 13 34.96 N 69 17 W S 23 29 W S 18 15 E S 69 18 E N 23 29 E N 18 15 W 621 521 600 Thelma. Judge. Taft. 6 38 45 33. 40 76 13 29. 96 N 66 22 W S 41 19 w S 6 41 E S 66 22 E N 41 19 E N 6 41 W 778 514 481 Thelma. Judge. Taft. 7 38 44 56. 96 76 13 33.60 N 16 06 W N 89 03 W S 17 49 w S 16 06 E S 89 03 E N 17 49 E 878 464 I, 224 Judge. Willey. Cedar. FOX. {Broad Creek — Chart No. 34.) 1 38 45 57- 50 76 13 42. 78 S 5 56 W N 66 25 E N 14 13 E N 5 56 E S 66 25 W S 14 13 W Yards. 419 226 553 Harper. Ansley. Beverly. 2 38 46 04. 16 76 13 42.68 S 4 06 W S 56 52 E N 48 23 E N 4 06 E N 56 52 W S 48 23 W 643 245 504 Harper. Ansley. Samuel. 3 38 46 08. 04 76 13 36.80 S 46 30 W S 10 40 E N 47 23 E N 46 30 E N 10 40 W S 47 23 W 381 269 302 Elmore. Ansley. Samuel. 4 38 ,46 05. 96 76 13 31-08 N 14 28 E N 34 30 W S 6s 49 W S 14 28 W S s4 so E N 65 49 E 283 305 468 Samuel. Beverly. Elmore. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. ROYSTON. {Outer Choptank River — Chart No. 34.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. of bar Forward Back I 38 40 08. oS 76 14 26. 04 N 87 14 E N 16 51 E N 36 21 W .S 87 IS w S 16 52 w S 36 22 E Yards. 3, 832 3. °4i 4,884 Benoni 2. Roys. Nelson 3 . 2 38 41 12. 32 76 15 33- °o N 74 19 E N 32 28 W N 87 04 W S 74 20 W S 32 28 E S 87 06 E 2-754 2,og6 5,982 Roys. Nelson 3. Bar. 3 38 42 c6. g8 76 14 28. g2 S 6g 2g E N 8 27 E S 88 2g W N 6g 28 W S 8 27 W N 88 28 E 1. 413 1,324 2, 8ig Irish. Peary. Nelson 3. 4 38 42 05. 74 76 14 09. 20 S 8g 26 W S 22 28 E S 60 30 E N 89 24 E N 22 27 W N 60 30 W 3,340 I, 144 g2i Nelson 3 . Roys. Irish. 5 38 41 48. 26 76 13 52. g6 N 81 36 W S 00 56 E N 69 53 E S 81 38 E N 00 56 W S 6g 54 W 3,810 467 397 Nelson 3. Roys. Irish. 6 38 41 3g. 16 76 13 56.66 N 46 41 E N 16 18 W N 76 46 W S 46 41 W S 16 ig E S 76 48 E 646 2,342 3,771 Irish. Peary. Nelson 3. " 38 40 44. 14 76 13 52. 40 S 70 41 E N 00 14 W N 54 18 W N 70 39 W S 00 14.E S 54 20 E 1,694 4,659 Benoni 2. Roys. Nelson 3. IRISH CREEK. (Outer Choptank River — Chart No. 24.) I / // 38 39 44- 96 76 13 II. 10 S 76 23 E N 62 23 E N 16 35 W N 76 23 W S 62 23 W S 16 35 E Yards. 3,412 2,083 3,851 Choptank River Benoni 2. Roys. Light. 2 38 40 26. 10 76 13 50-38 S 81 41 E N I 30 W N 49 05 W N 81 40 W S I 30 E S 4g 06 E 2, 916 2,304 S,°79 Benoni 2. Roys. Nelson 3. 3 38 40 44. 14 76 13 52.40 S 70 41 E N 00 14 W N 54 18 W N 70 39 W S 00 14 E S 54 20 E 1,694 4,659 Benoni 2. Roys. Nelson 3. 4 38 41 16. 80 76 13 21.94 N II 24 E N S3 51 W N 70 36 W S II 24 W f S3 51 E S 70 37 E I, 142 I, 006 4,865 Creek. Roys. Nelson 3. S 38 41 52. 04 76 13 16.44 N 24 04 E N 89 og W S 58 og W S 24 05 W S 89 09 E N 58 09 E 772 593 1,128 Ila. Irish. Roys. 2l8 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. IRISH CREEK— Continued. {Outer Choptank River — Chart No. 34) — Continued. Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. 6 38 41 19. 58 76 13 04. 64 N 12 43 W N 21 18 W N 68 31 W S 12 43 E S 21 18 E S 68 31 E 1.051 2,003 1,365 Creek. Pont. Roys. 7 38 41 00. 00 76 13 03.46 N 8 51 W N 16 43 W N 48 16 W S 8 52 E S 16 43 E S 48 17 E I, 706 2,638 1.743 Creek. Pont. Roys. 8 38 40 41. 02 76 12 44. 32 S 50 55 E N 18 17 W N 4S 06 W N so S4 W S 18 17 E S 45 07 E 1,467 2,45° 2.55° Benoni 2. Creek. Roys. 9 38 40 18. 30 76 12 52. 02 S 55 48 E S 83 16 E N 31 S9 W N 55 47 W N 83 IS W S 32 00 E 3.403 1.352 3,026 Choptank River Light. Benoni 2. Roys. CHOPTANK LUMPS. {Outer Choptank River — Charts Nos. 24 and 57.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 39 oS. 00 76 13 46. 22 N 83 52 E S 83 S4 W 4,273 Choptank River Light. N SI 26 E S 51 27 W 3.549 Benoni 2. N r 59 W S I 59 E 4,940 Roys. Thence al ong county boundary as delineated on Charts Nos. 34 and 37 to corner No. 2. 2 38 39 58- 32 76 15 41. 88 N 41 38 E S 41 39 W 4,344 Roys. N II 48 W S II 48 E 4,356 Nelson 3. N 63 S9 W S 64 01 E 6,387 Bar. 3 38 39 43- 3° 76 13 45. 60 S 80 10 E N 80 08 W 4,295 Choptank River Light. n;69 41 E S 69 42 W 2,941 Benoni 2. N 2 SI W S 2 SI E 3,751 Roys. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — continued. BENONI. (Outer Choptank River — Charts Nos. J4 and 57.) 219 Cor- True bearing 1 Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangnlation of bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 38 48. 40 76 II 45. 22 S 49 58 E N 49 57 W 3, 479 Castle. N 43 09 E S 43 10 W I, 533 Choptank River Light. N 8 24 W S 8 24 E 2, 005 Benoni 2. Then ce along county boundary as delineated on chart No. 37 to comer No. 2. 2 38 39 05. 04 76 13 38. 98 vS 68 56 W N 68 54 E 6, 512 ! Chef. S 16 26 W N 16 25 E 2,764 Dot. N 82 II E S 82 13 W 4,094 Choptank River Light. 3 38 39 44. 96 76 13 II. 10 S 76 23 E N 76 23 W 3.412 Choptank River Light. N 62 23 E S 62 23 W 2,083 Benoni 2. N 16 35 W S 16 35 E 3,851 Roys. 4 38 40 18. 30 76 12 52. 02 S 55 48 E N 55 47 W 3,403 Choptank River Light. S 83 16 E N 83 15 W 1,352 Benoni 2. N 31 59 W S 32 00 E 3,026 Roys. 5 38 39 4S- 15 76 12 00. 66 S 61 23 E N 61 22 W I, 660 Choptank River Light. N 17 40 E S 17 40 w 3,27s Mutton. N 00 57 W S 00 57 E 959 Benoni 2. LIGHTHOUSE. {Outer Choptank River — Charts Nos. 34, 35, and J7.) , „ ^ / Yards. I 38 38 48. 40 76 II 45. 22 S 49 58 E N 43 og E N 8 24 W N 49 57 W S 43 10 W S 8 24 E 3,479 1-533 2,9°5 Castle. Choptank River Light. Benoni 2. 2 38 39 45- IS 76 12 00. 66 vS 61 23 E N 17 40 E N 57 W N 61 22 W S 17 40 W S 57 E I, 660 3,27s . 959 Choptank River Light. Mutton. Benoni 2. 3 38 39 42. 88 76 10 50. 00 S 80 II E N 36 36 E N 61 12 W N 80 II W S 36 36 W S 61 12 E 2,403 1, 261 2, 150 Landeye . Boone. Benoni 2. 4 38 39 16. 14 76 10 ig. 78 S 47 34 E N 72 34 E N I 24 W N 47 33 W S 72 35 W S I 24 E 3,057 1,645 1,915 Chlora. Landeye. Boone. 5 38 38 48. 64 Then 76 II 18. 98 ce along countj S 73 27 E N 17 43 E N 21 ig W boundary as N 73 25 W S 17 43 W S 21 19 E lelineated on 3,986 I 166 3,075 ;hart No. 3 Chlora. Choptank River Light. Benoni 2. 7 to comer No. i. Survey 0/ Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. BACK SHORE. {Outer Choptank River — Charts Nos. ^4, 35, and 57.) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 38 37 52- 86 76 og 25. 36 N 47 35 E S 47 36 W I, 106 Chlora. N 2 15 E S 2 IS W 3.3°4 Landeye . S 64 59 W N 64 58 E 1,538 Large Water Tank. Thence along county boundary as delineated on charts Nos. 34 and 35 to comer No. 2. 2 38 38 27. 80 76 10 07. 48 S 2 53 E N 2 53 W 1,544 Castle. S 77 23 E N 77 22 W 1,978 Chlora. N 30 22 E S 30 22 w 2,461 Landeye. 3 38 39 16. 14 76 10 19. 78 S 47 34 E N 47 33 W 3,057 Chlora. N 72 34 E S 72 35 W I, 645 Landeye. N I 24 W S I 24 E 1,915 Boone. 4 38 39 42- 88 76 10 50. 00 S 80 II E N 80 II W 2,403 Landeye. N 36 36 E S 36 36 W I, 261 Boone . N 61 12 W S 61 12 E 2, 150 Benoni 2. 5 38 40 04. 36 76 10 09. 62 N 47 36 W S 47 36 E 428 Boone. N 83 59 W S 84 00 E 2,968 Benoni 2. S 45 43 W N 45 42 E 2, 067 Choptank River Light. Thence from c omer No. 5 along the mean low -water line of the shore to comer No. 6, excluding any ere ■k, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 6 38 39 39- 52 76 09 43. 38 N 41 52 W S 41 53 E 1,512 Boone. S 74 26 w N 74 25 E 2, 256 Choptank River Light. S 8 03 W N 8 02 E 4, 000 Castle. 7 38 39 25.86 76 09 21. 68 N 34 54 W S 34 54 E 744 Enter. S 86 59 W N 86 58 E 2,750 Choptank River Light. S 17 57 W N 17 56 E 3,6So Castle. Thence from c amer No. 7 along the mean low -water line of the shore to comer No. 8, excluding any ere :k, cove, or inlet less than loc yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 8 38 38 14. 98 76 08 54. 49 N 57 03 W S 57 04 E 4, 131 Choptank River Light. S 59 OS W N 59 04 E 2, 160 Castle. S 10 18 E N 10 18 W 3,944 Toot. BACHELOR POINT. {Entrance Tred Avon River — Charts Nos. J4 and J5.) , „ / // / / Yards. I 38 39 42. 88 76 10 50. 00 S 80 II E N 36 36 E N 61 12 W N 80 II W S 36 36 w S 61 12 E 2, 403 1, 261 2, 150 Landeye. Boone. Benoni 2. 2 38 40 31. 52 76 II 46. 04 S 74 18 E N 89 07 E N 21 18 E N 74 17 W S 8g 07 W S 21 19 W 2,321 1,799 1,672 Boone. Bach. Mutton . 5 38 40 41. 52 76 10 47. 16 N 37 52 W S 64 19 w S 10 14 w S 37 53 E N 64 19 E N 10 14 E 1,545 2, 174 2,739 Mutton. Benoni 2. Choptank River Light. 4 38 40 11.94 76 10 ii. 64 S 26 25 w N 84 09 E N 9 29 W N 26 25 E S 84 09 W S 9 29 E 1,897 320 699 Choptank River Light. Boone . Bach. 5 38 40 04. 36 76 10 09. 62 N 47 36 W N 83 59 W S 45 43 W S 47 36 E S 84 00 E N 45 42 E 428 2,968 2,067 Boone . Benoni 2. Choptank River Light. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. FOX HOLE. (Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Bistance of bar Forward Back I 3S 40 31- 52 76 II 46. 04 S 74 18 E N 89 07 E N 21 18 E N 74 17 W S 89 07 w S 21 ig W Yards. 2, 321 1.799 I, 672 Boone. Bach. Mutton . 2 38 40 34. 55 76 11.49. 50 S 25 16 E S 87 46 E N 25 39 E N 25 16 W N 87 45 W S 25 40 w 2,721 1,892 1,614 Choptank River Light. Bach. Mutton. 3 38 41 34. 84 76 1 1 00, 60 S 43 53 E S 87 38 E N 13 43 E N 43 52 W N 87 38 W S 13 43 W 1,375 646 1,208 First. Riverview. Bellevue. 4 38 41 30. 20 76 10 39. 72 N II 16 W N 64 02 W S 69 48 w S II 16 E S 64 02 E N 69 47 E 1-357 793 I, 220 Bellevue. Tred. Mutton. 5 38 41 05. 50 76 10 54. 32 N 15 15 W N 61 24 W S 45 14 w S 15 15 E S 61 24 E N 45 13 E 1,224 860 2,485 Tred. Mutton. Bedoni 2. STONE CHURCH. {Tred Avon River — Charts Nos. 34 and 55.) / // / /. / / Yards. I 38 40 51- 43 76 10 40. 10 N 23 01 W S 23 01 E i>795 Tred. N 52 02 W S 52 03 E 1,440 Mutton. S 59 16 W N 59 IS E 2,497 Benoni 2. 2 38 41 30. 20 76 10 39. 72 N II 16 W S II 16 E 1,357 Bellevue. N 64 02 W S 64 02 E 793 Tred, S 69 48 W N 69 47 E 1,220 Mutton. 3 38 41 14.64 76 10 ;o. 36 N 15 17 W sS 15 17 E 1,924 Bellevue. N 85 45 W S 85 45 E 1,391 Mutton. S 7 51 W N 7 51 E 1,439 Bach. 4 38 40 52. 62 76 10 27. 52 N 32 40 W S 32 41 E 1,918 Tred. N 60 03 W S 60 04 E 1,694 Mutton. S 62 01 W N 62 00 E 2,806 Benoni 2. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. TOWN POINT. {Tred Avon River — Chart No. 24.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back station I 38 41 30. 20 76 10 39. 72 N II 16 W N 64 02 W S 69 48 W S II 16 E S 64 02 E N 69 47 E Yards. 1.357 793 I, 220 Bellevue. Tred. Mutton. 2 38 41 34. 84 76 II 00. 60 S 43 53 E S 87 38 E N 13 43 E N 43 52 E N 87 38 W S 13 43 W i>375 646 1,208 First. Riverview. Bellevue. 3 38 41 57. 86 76 10 56. 40 S 24 56 W S 33 40 E N 23 50 E N 24 56 E N 33 39 W S 23 50 W 646 965 435 Tred. Rivervievv. Bellevue. 4 38 41 59. 18 76 10 41-36 N 27 16 E N 32 06 W S 46 45 W S 27 16 W S 32 06 E N 46 45 E 1-437 417 920 Tar. Bellcvue. Tred. 5 38 41 40. 68 76 10 37.32 N 16 II E N 18 35 W S 89 33 W S 16 II W S 18 35 E N 89 33 E 1,979 I-03I 776 Tar. Bellevue. Tred. STEWART ISLAND. {Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) / // / / Yards. I 38 41 39. 80 76 10 14. 42 N I 35 W N 42 50 W N 89 01 W S I 34 E S 42 51 E S 89 02 E I. 931 1.374 1,382 Tar. Bellevuc. Tred. 2 38 41 .53- 54 76 10 27. 80 N II 33 E N 46 51 W S 66 51 W S II 33 w S 46 52 E N 66 50 E 1,498 795 1,118 Tar. Bellevue. Tred. 3 38 42 II. 24 76 10 15-34 N I 56 W S 86 39 W S 52 38 w S I 56 E N 86 38 E N 52 37 E 872 911 1,708 Tar. Bellevue. Tred. 4 38 41 50. 16 76 09 56. 96 N 18 02 W N 64 46 W S 36 04 W S 18 02 E S 64 46 E N 36 04 E 1,663 1,542 I, 269 Tar. Bellevue. Weather Bureau Staff. S 38 41 47.34 Thence from c any creek, c 76 10 03. 06 omer No. 5 alo ove, or inlet le. N II 55 W N 58 37 W S 32 II W ng the mean k >s than 100 yar S II 55 E S 58 37 E N 32 II E jw-virater line c ds in width at 1,714 1,446 I, 099 f the shore its mouth Tar. Bellevue. Weather Bureau Stall', to comer No. i, excluding it low tide. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIE.S OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. GOOSE NECK. {Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance of bar Forward BsLck station I 38 41 53. 54 76 10 27. 80 N II 33 E N 46 51 W S 66 51 W S II 33 W S 46 52 E N 66 50 E Yards. 1,498 795 I, 118 Tar. Bellevue. Tred. 2 j8 42 oq. 66 76 10 43. 56 S 09 14 E S 76 37 E N 37 47 E N 09 14 W N 76 36 W S 37 47 W I, 216 i>5i7 1, 169 Riverview. Town. Tar. •5 38 42 22. 78 76 10 25. 04 S 10 09 W S 51 II E N 25 14 E N 10 09 E N 51 10 W S 25 14 W I, 669 1,266 533 Riverview. Town. Tar. 4 38 42 27. 00 76 10 35. 42 S 00 38 W S 53 24 E N 55 5S E N 00 38 E N 53 24 W S 55 SS W 1,786 1,570 606 Riverview. Town. Tar. 5 38 42 38. 44 76 10 27. 60 S 5 57 W S 38 34 E S 81 01 W N 5 57 E N 38 34 W N 81 01 W 2, 184 I, 691 297 Riverview. Town. Tar. 6 38 42 32. 28 76 10 00. 40 S 59 41 w S 16 45 E S 36 23 E N 59 40 E N 16 45 W N 36 23 W 1,5" 1, 164 1,428 Bellevue. Town. Mud. 7 38 42 11.24 76 10 15.34 N I 56 W S 86 39 W S 52 38 w S I 56 E N 86 38 E N 52 37 E 872 911 1,708 Tar. Bellevue. Tred. PECKS POINT. (Tred Avon River— Chart No. 34-) I 38 41 50. 16 76 09 56. 96 N 18 02 W N 64 46 W S 36 04 W S 18 02 E S 64 46 E N 36 04 E Yards. 1,663 1,542 I, 269 Tar. Bellevue. Weather Biu-eau Staff. 2 38 42 11.24 76 10 15.34 N I 56 W S 86 39 W S 52 38 W S I 56 E N 86 38 E N 52 37 E ■872 ■ 911 1,708 Tar. Bellevue. Tred. 3 38 42 32. 28 76 10 00. 40 S 59 41 W S 16 45 E S 36 23 E N 59 40 E N 16 45 W N 36 23 W 1,511 I, 164 1,428 Bellevue. Town. Mud. 4 38 42 18. 38 76 09 47. 40 S 79 52 W S 00 37 W S 36 33 E N 79 52 E N 00 37 E N 36 33 W I, 672 645 848 Bellevue. Town. Mud. 5 38 42 19.34 76 09 34. 80 S 26 43 W S 13 27 E S S3 53 E N 26 43 E N 13 27 W N 53 52 W 759 734 I. 575 Town. Mud. Golds. 6 38 41 59- 24 Thence from c any creek, c 76 09 47- 71 orner No. 6 alo ove, or inlet les N 07 W N 77 54 W S 56 27 W Qg the mean lo than 100 yarci S 07 E S 77 SS E N 56 26 E w- water line s in width at if 749 1,676 ^ I, 537 1 the shore s mouth at Peck. Bellevue. Riverview. to comer No. .ow tide. , excluding 224 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUND.\RiES OF NATURAL OYSTBR BARS — ■Continued. MARES POINT. (Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. t station ian^Iation of bar Forward Back / // / /, . / Yards. I 38 41 59. 38 76 09 33. 54 S 78 21 E N 78 21 W I, 265 Golds. N 43 29 E S 43 29 W 852 Tall. N 26 48 W S 26 48 E 834 Peck. 2 38 42 06. 20 76 09 34. 06 S 68 49 E N 68 49 W 1.343 Golds. N 57 01 E S 57 02 W 715 Tall. N 35 09 W S 35 09 E 630 Peck. 3 38 42 15. 28 76 09 12. 56 s 35 52 w N 35 52 E 712 Mud. S 40 SI E N 40 51 W 1,047 Golds. S 76 41 E N 76 40 W I, 132 Borough. 4 38 42 30. 20 76 08 54. 60 S 09 12 E N 09 12 W 1,3" Golds. S 39 21 E N 39 21 W 988 Borough. N 86 10 W S 86 10 W I, 321 Layor. Thence from c omer No. 4 alo ng the mean low-water line c f the shore to comer No. 5, excluding any creek, c ove, or inlet les s than 100 yards in width at ts mouth at low tide. 5 38 42 39. 38 76 09 00. 22 S 35 49 E N 35 49 W 1,323 Borough. N 80 12 E S 80 12 w 825 Twin. N 45 05 E S 45 OS W 1,039 Weave. 6 38 42 42. 98 76 08 44. 00 S 16 10 E N 16 09 W 1,243 Borough. N 87 II E S 87 II W 384 Twin. N 26 38 E S 26 38 W 685 Weave. 7 38 42 29. 82 76 08 32. 40 N 28 30 W S 28 30 E 1,518 Spin. N 68 01 W S 68 01 E 756 Plain. S 16 23 W N 16 23 E 1,335 Golds. 8 38 41 59. 60 76 09 18. 92 N 78 04 E S 78 OS W 1,297 Borough. N 18 08 E S 18 08 W 643 Tall. N 45 58 W S 45 58 E I, 061 Peck. LOUIS COVE. (Tred Avon River — Chart No. 24.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 41 44. 84 76 08 57. 82 N 42 53 E N 17 S3 W N 46 54 W S 42 54 W S 17 53 E S 46 55 E 1,045 I, i6S 1,808 Borough. Tall. Peck. 2 38 41 52.00 76 09 21. 56 N 68 S7 E N 17 15 E N 34 S3 W S 68 37 W S 17 15 W S 34 53 E 1,438 908 I, 212 Borough. Tall. Peck. 3 38 41 59. 60 76 09 18. 92 N 78 04 E N 18 08 E N 45 58 W S 78 OS W S 18 08 W S 45 58 E 1,297 643 I, 061 Borough. Tall. Peck. 4 38 42 29. 82 76 08 32. 40 N 28 30 W N 68 01 W S 16 23 W S 28 30 E S 68 01 E N 16 23 E 1,518 756 1,335 Spin. Plain. Golds. 5 38 42 17. 79 76 08 21. 60 N 29 12 E N 13 30 W N 55 04 W S 29 13 W S 13 30 E S 55 °S E 1,369 893 1,203 Toe. Twin. Plain. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Mel. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. BAMINGS COVE. (Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) Car- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation ol bar Forward Back I /■ '/ 38 42 29. 10 / // 76 08 12. 06 N 27 05 E N 43 24 W N 76 04 W S 27 05 w S 43 24 E S 76 04 E Yards. 914 670 1.275 Toe. Twin. Plain. 2 38 42 38. 25 76 oS 26. 32 S 6 40 W S 72 13 E N 57 30 E N 6 40 E N 72 13 W S 57 31 w I, 042 599 940 Borough. Layor. Toe. 3 38 42 54. 24 76 08 13. 62 S 16 10 W S 18 02 E S 74 14 E N 16 10 E N 18 c2 W N 74 14 W 1,639 760 863 Borough . Layor. Mistle. 4 38 42 48. 86 76 08 00. 52 S 76 49 W S II 36 W S 83 45 E N 76 48 E N II 36 E N 83 45 W 786 552 487 Twin. Layor. Mistle. 5 38 42 33- 25 76 08 06. 42 N 21 37 E N 60 21 W S 36 44 w S 21 37 W S 60 21 E N 36 44 E 725 702 1,082 Toe. Twin. Borough. OLD HOUSE POINT. (Tred Avon River— Chart No. 34.) , „ 38 42 34-73 .^8 42 48. 86 38 42 58. 40 38 42 56.28 38 42 39-14 38 42 38. 80 / , 1 76 07 48.46 76 08 00 52 76 07 47 76 76 07 38-36 76 07 35 50 76 07 38- 40 N 12 20 E N 18 2S W N 74 40 W S 76 49 W S II 36 W S 83 45 E S 27 27 w S 21 25 E S 76 59 E S 77 44 w S 18 so W S 78 26 E S 67 s8 E N 43 45 E N 14 04 W S 70 07 E N 47 33 E N 7, ii W , s 12 20 W s 18 25 E s 74 41 E N 76 48 E H II S6 E N 83 45 W N 27 27 E N 21 25 W N 76 58 w 1 N 77 44 E H 18 30 E N 78 26 w N 67 37 W S 43 45 W s 14 04 E N 70 07 W S 47 ?,?, W s 34 E Yards. 827 ! Trippc. 657 , Toe. I, 124 Twin. 786 Twin . 552 I Layor. 487 1 Mistle. 972 Layor. '402 Mistle. 795 Venture. 486 j Toe 319 Mistle. 536 I Venture. 846 Deux. 651 Venture. 681 Trippe. 913 714 677 Deux. Venture. Trippe. Thence from comer No. 6 along the mean low water line of the shore to comer No. 7, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 38 42 47.29 ] 76 07 42. 20 I N I 43 E j S I 43 W , 385 I Trippe. N 61 50 W I S 61 50 E 423 I Toe. I I S 50 38 W I N 50 38 E I 770 ! Layor. 53485—12 15 226 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. OLD HOUSE POINT— Continued. {Tred Avon River — Chart No. 54) — Continued. Cor- ner Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance nf bar Forward Back 8 38 42 45.40 / // 76 07 45. 94 / N 13 48 E N 46 07 W S 49 28 W S 13 48 S 46 07 N 49 28 W E E Y'ards. 461 381 653 Trippe. Toe. I/ayor. 9 38 42 36.80 76 07 46. 46 N 9 32 E N 25 12 W S 74 27 W n'' Q 3- S 25 12 N 74 27 W E E 749 611 5°i Trippe. Toe. Layor. TRIPPE. {Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) I 38 42 46. 45 76 07 25. >6 S 2 20 E S 42 S2 E S 72 sS E N 2 20 W N 42 >2 W N 72 58 W Yards. 723 775 988 Crack. Deux. Cam. 2 38 42 52. 98 76 07 25. 60 S I 22 E S 33 26 E S 61 29 E N I 22 W N 33 26 W N 6i 28 W 943 945 I, 067 Crack. Deux. Cam. 3 38 42 52.92 76 07 15- 85 S 14 03 w S 18 30 E S 53 16 E N 14 03 E N 18 30 W N 53 IS W 969 830 849 Crack. Deux. Cam. 4 38 42 46. 78 76 07 15- 85 S 17 47 w S 24 25 E S 66 09 E N 17 47 E N 24 25 W N 66 09 W 770 636 744 Crack. Deux. Cam. BAKERS COVE. (Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 42 24. 60 76 07 30. 20 N 67 03 E N 17 54 E N 14 53 W S s s 67 03 w 17 54 W 14 S3 E I, 147 I, 009 1, 190 Cam. Venture. Trippe. 2 38 42 27.52 76 07 31. 92 N 72 28 E N 22 25 E N 13 54 W s s s 72 28 W 22 25 w 13 54 E I, 158 933 I, 083 Cam. Venture. Trippe. 3 38 42 . 00 76 07 og 12 N 28 12 E N 24 27 W N 68 21 W s s s 28 12 W 24 28 E 68 21 E 640 940 Plow. Venture. Mistlc. 4 38 42 30-34 76 07 06. 10 N 15 45 E N 23 03 W N 59 01 W s s s IS 46 w 23 04 E 59 °i E 819 834 1, 112 Plow. Venture. Mistle. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. MARSHY. {Tred Avon River— Chart No. J4.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation bar Forward Back I 38 42. 42. 98 76 08 44. 00 S 16 10 E N 87 II E N 26 38 E N 16 09 W S 87 II W S 26 38 W Yards. 1,243 384 685 Borough. Twin. Weave. 2 38 43 00. 78 76 oS 46. 58 S 37 50 E N 88 15 E N 2 25 E N 37 50 W S 88 15 W S 2 25 W 736 375 911 Twin. Weave. Martin. 3 38 43 03. 12 76 oS 58. 00 S 48 46 E S 84 18 E ■N 22 14 E N 48 46 W N 84 17 W S 22 14 W I, 002 680 899 Twin. Weave. Martin. 4 38 43 11.90 76 08 57. 40 S 37 38 E S 61 08 E N 31 10 E N 37 38 W N 61 07 W S 31 10 W I, 207 752 626 Twin. Weave . Martin. 5 38 43 09-80 76 08 37. 38 N 18 39 W S 88 38 W S 28 07 W S 18 39 E N 88 38 E N 28 07 E 641 594 1,208 Martin. Spin. Plain. 6 38 42 52. 44 76 08 32. 56 N 15 34 W N SI 35 W S 55 26 W S 15 34 E S SI 35 E N 55 26 E 1,238 920 845 Martin. Spin. Plain. 7 38 42 44. 64 76 08 36. 46 N 36 30 W S 69 56 W S 6 42 E S 36 30 E N 69 56 E N 6 42 W 1,038 632 1,259 Spin. Plain. Borough. FLATTY. (Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) / // / / Yards. I 38 43 18. 50 76 08 20. 96 N 16 59 W N 63 49 W S 73 19 W S 16 59 E S 63 49 E N 73 19 E I, 070 712 I, 072 Neva. Martin. Spin. 2 38 43 18. 96 76 08 26. 54 N 9 18 W N 58 46 W S 69 so W S 9 r8 E S 58 46 E N 69 49 E 1,023 S74 937 Neva. Martin. Spin. 3 38 43 37- 76 76 08 23. 26 N 7 59 W N 33 58 W S 59 48 W S 7 S9 E S 33 S8 E N 59 48 E 949 451 668 Robertson. Neva. Martin. 4 38 43 37. 22 76 08 17. 94 N IS S3 W N 45 02 W S 66 07 W S IS S3 E S 45 02 E N 66 07 E 996 SS4 786 Robertson. Neva. Martin. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. OREM. (Tred Avon River — Chart No. 24.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance of bar Forward Back I / // 38 43 20- 38 76 08 39. 86 S 16 54 E N 75 34 E N II 01 E N 16 54 W S 75 34 W S II 01 w Yards. 679 640 978 Weave . Hunter. Neva. 2 38 43 35- 52 76 08 45. 46 S 16 35 E S 65 26 E N 71 40 E N 16 34 W N 65 25 W S 71 41 W 1,211 844 1, 119 Weave. Hunter. Aye. 3 38 43 37- 06 76 08 41. 60 S II 21 E S 58 49 E N 72 39 E N II 21 W N 58 48 W S 72 39 w 1.237 779 1,008 Weave. Hunter. Aye. 4 38 43 22- 64 76 08 33. 48 N I II E N 60 34 W S 57 17 W S I II w S 60 34 E N 57 16 E 884 353 827 Neva. Martin. Spin. DOUBLE MILLS. {Tred Avon River — Chart No. ^4.) , ,f / /, / / Yards. I 38 43 40. 22 76 08 20. 35 N 19 57 E N 48 30 W S 57 22 W S 19 58 w S 48 30 E N 57 22 E 901 439 778 Stretch. Neva. Martin. 2 38 43 43. 28 76 08 40. 15 S 45 41 E N 84 23 E N 48 09 E N 45 41 W S 84 23 W S 48 09 W 877 930 1,115 Hunter. Ave. Stretch. 3 38 43 48. 27 76 08 29. 34 S 23 38 E S 83 07 E N 43 26 E N 23 s8 W N 83 06 W S 43 26 w 852 ')43 793 Hunter. Aye. Stretch. 4 38 44 04. 00 76 08 23. 56 S 8 12 E S 38 40 E N 83 23 E N 8 12 W N 38 40 W S 83 23 W 1,325 119 395 Hunter. Aye. Stretch . 5 38 44 02. 62 76 08 10. 48 S 51 45 W S 14 05 E S 87 46 E N 51 44 E N 14 05 W N 87 45 W 75° 579 1,078 Neva. Aye. Wall. 6 38 44 05. 04 76 08 06. 64 S 51 40 W S 3 30 E S 82 46 E N SI 39 E N 3 30 W N 82 46 W 880 643 983 Neva. Aye. Wall. 7 38 43 49. 83 76 07 54. 60 N 59 23 E N 35 26 W N 59 04 W S 59 24 W S 35 26 E S 59 04 E 764 642 i> 037 Wall. Stretch. Robertson. 8 38 43 51- 61 76 08 07. 14 N 71 36 E N 5 05 W N 49 43 W S 71 36 W S 5 05 E S 49 43 E I, 042 465 732 Wall. Stretch. Robertson. 9 38 43 50- 98 76 08 15. 40 N 73 49 E N 20 04 E N 34 31 W S 73 49 W S 20 04 W S 34 31 E 1.257 516 599 Wall. Stretch. Robertson. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATUR.VL OYSTER BARS — continued. JOHNSTON. {Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) 229 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triane station ilation of bar Forward Back I 38 43 SZ- °° / // 76 07 41. 02 N 35 II E N 3 37 W N 60 20 W S 35 12 W S 3 37 E S 60 20 E Yards. 1,551 648 842 Camden. May. Stretch. 2 38 44 05. 14 76 07 43. 44 N 67 46 E N 5 31 E N 89 24 W S 67 46 w S 531 w S 89 24 E 1,089 239 667 Blossom. May. Stretch. 3 38 44 13- 09 76 07 32.32 S 43 29 W S 9 58 E N 78 35 E N 43 29 E N 9 58 W S 78 36 W I, 260 401 729 Aye. Wall. Blossom 4 38 44 06. 96 76 07 27. 20 N 58 48 E N 3 51 E S 87 10 W S 58 49 w s 3 51 w N 87 09 E 678 575 1,098 Blossom. Peebee. Stretch. CAMDEN POINT. {Tred .Avon River — Chart No. 34.) I 38 44 16. 20 76 07 14. 46 N 21 37 E N 48 40 W S 79 55 W S 21 37 w S 48 40 E N 79 54 E Yards. 522 397 753 Camden. Peebee. May. 2 38 44 17. 27 76 07 20. 14 N 37 19 E N 33 13 W S 73 52 W S 37 19 w S 33 13 E N 73 52 E 564 270 617 Camden. Peebee. May. 3 38 44 36. 25 76 07 13-58 N 24 00 W S 63 17 W S 19 04 E S 24 00 E N 63 17 E N 19 04 W 652 143 674 Stab. Neck. Blossom. 4 38 44 35- 32 76 07 08. 40 N 32 40 W S 82 56 W S 07 50 E S 32 40 E N 82 56 E N 07 50 W 745 267 611 Stab. Neck. Blossom. WATERMELON POINT. {Tred Avon River — Chart No. 34.) / // / „ / / Yards. I 38 44 53. 40 76 07 12.58 S 10 30 E N 10 30 W 782 Camden. S 85 08 E N 85 08 W 297 Gash. N 29 47 E S 29 47 W 705 Melon. 2 38 44 Si- 76 76 07 17- 54 S 19 18 E N 19 18 W 828 Camden. S 85 00 E N 8s 00 W 430 Gash. N 38 44 E S 38 44 w 770 Melon. s 38 45 22.30 76 07 04.92 S 34 22 W N 34 22 E 496 Water. S 22 15 E N 22 15 W 392 Melon. N 73 00 E S 73 00 W 666 Batcman. 4 38 45 19. go 76 07 01. iS S 49 03 W N 49 02 E S02 Water. S 09 58 E N 09 57 W 285 Melon. N 62 52 E S 62 52 W 604 Bateman. 230 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot Cou>ity, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTBR BARS — Continued. HOPKINS. {IsIaJid Creek — Charts Nos. 34 and 55.) Cor- True bearing ner Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back / ,/ / // / / Yards. I 38 39 25- 86 76 09 21. 68 N 34 54 W S 34 54 E 744 Enter. S 86 59 W N 86 58 E 2,750 Choptank River Light. S 17 57 W N 17 56 E 3,680 Castle. 2 38 39 39- 52 76 09 43. 38 N 41 52 W S 41 53 E I, 512 Boone. S 74 26 W N 74 25 E 2,256 Choptank River Light. S 8 OS W N 8 02 E 4,000 Castle. Thence from comer No. 2 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 3, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its month at low tide. 3 38 39 43. 22 76 09 32. 62 S 37 26 E N 37 25 W 530 Landeye. S 85 18 E N 85 17 W 945 Berry. N 86 39 E S 86 40 W 1,729 Jay- 4 38 39 35. oS 76 09 og. 60 N 59 26 E S 59 26 W 387 Berry. N 46 58 E S 46 58 W I, 147 Delahay. N 68 07 W S 68 08 E 80s Enter. Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. WILLIS. {Island Creek — Charts No. 34 and J5.) , „ / // / Yards. I 38 39 47. 13 76 og 04. 78 S 36 S3 W S 44 32 E N 53 55 E N 36 52 E N 44 31 W S S3 55 W 691 294 270 Landeve . Berry.' Straw. 2 38 39 48. 80 76 OQ ig. 60 S 2 07 W S 66 02 E N 2 07 E N 66 02 W 609 654 Landeye. Berr^'. N 80 26 E S 80 26 W 619 Straw. 3 38 39 52. 46 Thence from c 76 09 18. 72 omer No. 3 alo S 3 35 W S 55 53 E S 88 00 E ng the mean k N 3 35 E N 55 53 W N 87 59 W w-water line c 734 694 587 f the shore Landeye . Berry. Straw, to comer No, 4. excluding any creek, c ove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 4 38 39 51-36 76 09 03. 92 S 32 10 W S 27 30 E N 79 49 E N 32 10 E N '27 30 W S 79 49 W 821 397 982 Landeye. Berry. Jay. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. ISLAND CREEK. {Island Creek — Charts Nos. J4 and JJ.) 231 Cor- True bearing ner Latitude Lonfiitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back / ,/ / // / / Yards. I 38 39 34. 20 76 08 45. 72 N 38 41 E S 38.41 W I, 219 Kent. N 14 19 E S 14 19 w 839 Delahay. N 25 38 W S 25 38 E 659 Straw. , 38 39 51. 85 76 08 56. 52 S 76 17 W N 76 17 E 1,123 Enter. S I s6 W N I 56 E 369 Berry. S 76 08 E N 76 bs W 794 Jay. Thence from comer No. 2 along the mean low water line of the shore to corner No. 3, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 3 38 40 01. 02 76 08 45. 80 S 23 35 W N 23 35 E 739 Berry. S 44 ig E N 44 18 W 698 Jay. S 76 15 E N 76 14 W I, 051 Mean. 4 38 40 00. 84 76 08 39. 00 S 35 18 W N 35 18 E S23 Berry. s 31 .';7 E N 3i 57 W 582 Jay. S 73 .50 E N 7^ 49 W 876 Mean. Thence from corner No. 4 along the mean low water line of t he shore to corner No. s, excluding anv creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 5 38 40 00. 08 76 08 28. 02 S 48 59 W N 48 58 E I, 051 Berrv. S 02 05 E N 02 b; W 488 Jay.' S 66 35 E N 66 35 W 600 Mean. 6 38 40 02. 45 76 08 21. 56 S 52 13 W N 52 13 E I, 184 Berry. S 15 39 W N i5 39 E 570 Jay. S 51 52 E N s'l 52 W 482 Mean. Thence from corner No. 6 along the mean low water line of t he shore to corner No. 7, excludini; any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 7 38 40 06. 18 76 08 12. 61 S 18 39 E N 18 39 W 447 Mean. N 89 n E S 89 13 W 471 Maslin. N 34 18 E S 34 18 W 424 Harry. 8 38 40 01. 04 76 08 02. 50 N 03 40 W S 03 40 E 52s Harry. N 83 oS W S 8s 08 E 388 Kent. S 52 57 W N 52 57 E 830 lav. Thence from corner No. 8 along the mean low water line of the shor.e'to corner No. 9, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. 9 38 39 S3- 70 76 08 02. 25 N 24 46 E S 24 46 W 470 Maslin. N 52 48 W S 52 48 E 487 Kent. S 69 10 W N 69 10 E 711 Jay. 10 38 39 46. 72 76 08 04. 80 N 15 17 W S 15 17 E 241 Mean. N 31 09 W S 31 09 E 6ig Kent. S 88 21 W N 88 21 E 597 Tav. Thence from corner No. 10 along the mean low water line of the shore to comer No. i, exclviding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in widtli at its mouth at low tide. 23^ Suivcv oj Oyster Bars, Talhol C'oioil]'. Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — COntillUld. MATTHEWS. {Island Creek — Charts Nos. j^ and J5.) Cor- ! True bearing ner Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. trianc station ulation of bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I ^8 40 10. 06 76 07 ^57. 76 N 3-5 OJ E s r, 04 w 699 Charles. N 34 59 W S 34 50 E 268 Harry. S 63 01 W N 63 01 E 568 Kent. 2 38 40 11. 20 76 07 S9. 18 N 37 2c; E S 27 25 W 68q Charles. N 32 39 W S 32 39 E 214 Harry. S 57 42 W N 57 42 E S-M Kent. 3 38 40 22. 80 76 07 47. 98 S 18 01 W N 18 01 E 583 Maslin. S 53 52 E N s^ 52 W oSS Healev. 1 N 66 43 E S 66 43 W 650 Potato. 4 38 40 19. 60 76 07 41. :S N 48 49 E S 48 49 W 553 Potato. N 12 12 W S 12 12 E 270 Charles. S 80 12 W N 80 12 E 600 Harry. Thence from comer No. 4 along the mean low water line of the shore to corner No. 1. c.xclud ng any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. OLD ORCHARD. [Miles River— Chart No. 34.) / ,/ / / Yards. I 38 46 44. 98 76 12 09. 46 S 40 29 E S 78 19 E N 40 29 W N 78 18 W 540 2, 200 Stony. Gibbs. N 29 02 W S 29 02 E 2, 206 Mill wind. 1 38 47 09. 58 76 12 34.28 N 20. 42 W N 86 12 W S 20 42 E S 86 12 E 1,175 I. 576 Millwind. St. Michaels Water Tank S 39 02 E N 39 02 W I, 597 Stony. 3 38 47 13.60 76 12 26. 40 N 32 54 W S 88 59 W S 32 54 E N 88 59 E 1,147 1,780 Millwind. St. Michaels Water Tank S 30 06 E N 30 06 W 1,590 Stony. 4 38 46 50. 94 76 II 53.28 S 7 08 W S 69 31 E N 2 35 E N 7 08 E N 6g 31 W S 2 35 w 617 1,855 2,085 Stony. Gibbs. Fair. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talhol Counlv, Md. BOUND.\RlES OF NATURAI^ OYSTER BARS — continued. GIBSONS FLATS. (Miles River — Chart No. 34). 233 Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. t iaugulalion bar Forward Back I 38 46 21.94 76 11. 00. 00 S 33 18 W S 71 49 E N 45 12 E N 33 18 E N 71 49 W S 45 12 w Yards. 7°5 ii 015 467 Maiden. Long. Gibbs. 2 38 46 53- 50 76 II 46. 12 S 20 50 W S 64 36 E N 10 37 E N 20 50 E N 64 35 W S 10 37 W 747 1,715 1,746 Stony. Gibbs. Leeds. 3 38 47 02. 96 76 12 00. 00 N 26 13 E N 44 57 W S 5 40 E S 26 13 W S 44 58 E N 5 40 W I, 557 1,868 1.023 Leeds. Millwind. Stony. 4 38 47 11.24 76 II 37.88 N 61 18 W S 20 26 W S 44 56 E S 61 19 E N 20 26 E N 44 56 W 2,171 1,383 1,884 Millwind. Stony. Gibbs. 5 38 47 01.30 76 11 27. 66 N 57 37 W S 38 04 W S 46 45 E S 57 38 E N 38 04 E N 46 44 W 2,573 r, 220 1,457 Millwind. Stony. Gibbs. 6 38 46 50. 92 76 II 00. 00 N 59 15 W S 67 36 W S 27 03 E S 59 16 E N 67 36 E N 27 03 W 3,380 I, 604 728 Millwind. Stony. Gibbs. BAZZLES HILL. {Miles River — Chart No. 34.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 46 21.94 76 II 00. 00 S 33 18 w S 71 49 E N 45 12 E N 33 18 E N 71 49 W S 45 12 w 705 I, 015 . 467 Maiden. Long. Gibbs. 2 38 46 44. 98 76 12 09. 46 S 40 29 E S 78 19 E N 40 29 W N 78 18 W 540 2, 200 Stony. Gibbs. N 29 02 W S 29 02 E 2, 206 Millwind. 3 38 46 50. 04 76 II 53. 28 S 7 08 W S 60 31 E N 2 35 E N 7 08 E N 5g 31 W S 2 35 W 617 I, 855 2,085 Stony. Gibbs. Fair. 4 38 46 S3- 50 76 II 46. 12 S 20 50 W S 64 36 E N 10 37 E N 20 50 E N 64 35 W S 10 37 W 747 1,715 1,746 Stony. Gibbs. Leeds. 234 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — COllLiuiied. LONG POINT. (_Miles River — Chart No. 34.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. trianguIatioH of bar Forward Back / // , // / / Yards. I 38 45 44. 84 76 10 37.48 N 56 02 W S 85 09 W S 85 05 E S 03 E N 85 08 E N 85 05 W 1,184 629 1,087 Maiden. Bamett. Comb. 2 38 45 so. 45 76 10 47. 28 N 56 52 W S 56 38 W S 78 07 E S 56 52 E N 56 37 E N 78 06 W 864 441 1,370 Maiden. Bamett. Comb. 3 38 45 57. 80 76 II 00. 00 N S9 56 W S ~3 46 W S 72 28 E S 59 56 E N 3 46 E N 72 28 W 447 491 I, 760 Maiden. Bamctt. Comb. 4 38 46 21. 94 76 II 00. 00 S 33 18 W S 71 49 E N 45 12 E N 33 18 E N 71 49 W S 45 12 W 705 I, 015 467 Maiden. Ix>ng. Gibbs. 5 38 46 01. 44 76 10 23. 04 S 47 03 E N I 39 W N 85 44 W N 47 03 W S I 39 E S 85 45 E 958 374 1,367 Comb. Long. Maiden. BARNETT. {Miles River — Chart No. 34.) / ,/ / // / Yards. I 38 45 40.04 76 10 57.24 S 38 36 E N 87 ?ii E N 44 04 W N 38 36 W S 87 33 w S 44 04 E I, 1 59 I, 605 151 Hall. Comb. Bamett. 2 38 45 46. 02 76 II 03. 90 S 37 15 E N 50 03 E N 24 35 W N 37 15 W S 50 04 W S 24 35 E 117 1,393 684 Bamett. Long. Maiden. 3 38 45 57. 80 76 II 00. 00 N 59 56 W S 3 46 w S 72 28 E S 59 56 E N 3 46 E N 72 28 W 447 491 I, 760 Maiden. Bamett. Comb. 4 38 45 50. 45 76 10 47. 28 N 56 52 W S 56 38 W S 78 07 E S s6 52 E N 56 37 E N 78 06 W 864 441 1,370 Maiden. Bamett. Comb. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. cox. {Miles River — Chart No. 34.) 235 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatiou of bar Forward Back I 38 46 16. 13 76 09 22. 88 N 27 10 E N 64 12 W S 85 40 W S 27 10 w S 64 13 E N 85 40 E Yards. 1,052 911 I, 603 Whit. Hunting. Long. 2 38 46 28.88 76 09 26. 79 S 24 II W S 33 37 E N 71 02 E N 24 II E N 33 37 W S 71 03 w 1,074 347 1,056 Ham. Kirk. McConnell. 3 38 46 30. 98 76 09 19. 61 S 30 56 W S 00 25 E N 71 24 E N 30 56 E N 00 25 W S 71 24 W I, 225 360 854 Ham. Kirk. McConnell. 4 38 46 24. 46 76 09 07. 19 N 5 46 E N 73 35 W S 88 03 W S 546 w S 73 35 E N 88 02 E 658 756 1-857 Whit. Spree. Beg. 5 38 46 20. 94 76 09 14. 50 N 47 50 E N 18 31 E N 57 59 W S 47 so W S 18 31 W S 57 59 E 911 816 627 McConnell. Whit. Spree. Thence from comer No. 5 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. i, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. CHLORA POINT. {Middle Choptank River — Chart No. 35.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 37 17. 02 76 08 23. 70 S 45 23 w S 3 16 W S 63 42 E N 45 22 E N 3 16 E N 63 41 W 3,580 1,929 2,994 I,e Compte. Toot. Howells. Thei ice along counts f boimdary as delineated on :hart No. 3 ; to comer No. 2. 2 38 37 52.86 76 09 25. 36 N 47 35 E N 2 15 E S 64 59 W S 47 36 W S 2 IS W N 64 58 E I, 106 3,304 1,538 Chlora. Landeye. Large water tank. 3 3838 14.98 76 08 54.49 N S7 03 W S 59 05 W S 10 18 E S 57 04 E N 59 04 E N 10 18 W 4,131 2, 160 3,944 Choptank River Light. Castle. Toot. 4 38 37 35-40 76 08 18. 40 S 52 35 E N 82 34 E N 3S 34 W N 52 34 W S 82 35 W S 35 35 E 3,203 I, 516 1,641 Howells. Trappe. Chlora. 2^6 Survey oj Oystcy Buis, Tulhoi Couiily, Md. BOUNDARIES oi' NATURAU cjYSTER UARS — Continued. BEACONS. (Middle Clwplunk River — Cliait Xo. 55. ) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulatiun station bar * Forward Back / // / // / / \'ards. I 38 37 13. 20 76 oO 50. 78 N 40 47 W N 57 31 W S 55 02 w S 40 48 E S 57 .53 E N 55 01 E 1,248 3. 879 3. 134 Trappc. Chlora. Toot. 2 3S 37 21- 5« 76 07 45. 12 vS 48 20 E N 43 14 E N 45 33 W N 48 ig W S 43 15 w S 45 33 R 2,228 909 2. 571 HowcUs. Trappc . Chlora. 3 38 37 5^. 10 7O 07 52. 94 N 70 44 W S 15 36 W S 34 36 E S 70 44 E N 15 35 E N 34 35 W I. 725 3. 437 3. 295 Chlora. Toot. Hovvclls. 4 38 38 oO. 64 76 07 40. 13 N Si 52 W S ig 20 W S 27 03 E S 81 51 E N 19 20 E N 27 02 W 1,987 3,813 V ,68 si s Thence from comer No. 4 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. 5, excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in vTidth at its mouth at low tide. 38 37 41. 21 I 76 07 21. 59 I N 65 08 W [ S 65 og E ' 2, 709 I Chlora. S 86 52 W N 86 50 E 4,674 I Large water tank. I S 32 36 W I N 32 36 E ' 3,253 I Toot. 38 37 36. 75 76 07 01. 72 ] N 20 49 E j S 20 .19 W ; 684 I Gis. ] N 74 00 W S 74 01 E I 547 Trappc. S I 21 W I N I 21 E , 5,098 I Howard. Thence from comer No, 6 along the mean low-water line of the shore to comer No. i. excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at its mouth at low tide. I I I I I LA TRAPPE. (La Trappe Creek—Cliarl No. Jj.) / // / // / / Yards. I 38 37 49. 10 76 06 57. 42 N 19 22 E S ig 22 W 832 Rice. N 33 35 W S 33 35 E 546 Lan. S 67 24 W N 67 24 E 692 Trappe. 2 38 38 00. 36 76 07 06. 94 S g 50 E N g 50 W 808 Grubin. S 67 35 E N 67 35 W 412 Gis. N 52 26 E S M 27 W 666 Rice. Thence from comer No. 2 along the mean low-water line c f the shore to comer No. ^ , excluding any creek, cove, or inlet less than 100 yards in width at ts mouth at low tide. ^ 38 38 02. 40 76 07 03. 16 S 2 31 E N 2 31 W 866 Grubin. S 51 12 E N 51 II W 361 Gis. N 51 46 E S 51 46 w 545 Rice. 4 38 38 18. 30 76 06 35. 3g S 57 01 W N 57 01 E 366 Rice. S 44 20 w N 44 20 E 1,749 Trappc. S 17 42 w N 17 42 E 647 Inez. 5 38 38 II. g6 76 06 31. 00 N 87 5g W S 87 S9 E 423 Rice. S 72 26 W N 72 26 E I, 050 Lan. S 37 51 W N 37 51 E 510 Inez. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, M4Q4 Boling. N I 07 E S I 07 w I. 963 Double. 3 38 35 13- 08 76 02 4S. 08 S 85 34 w N 85 32 E 3,068 Cambridge. S 19 14 W N 19 14 E 2,497 Shoal. S 57 53 R N 57 53 W 675 Boling. 4 38 35 03-27 76 P2 35. 10 N 88 24 W S 88 25 E 3,323 Cambridge. S 28 12 W N 28 12 E 2,299 Shoal. S 65 ss E N 65 55 W 1,444 Rear. THE BLACK BUOY. {Middle Choptank River — Chart No. 55.) / // / // , / Yards. I 38 34 18. 74 76 01 58. 46 S 49 58 E N 49 58 W 926 Kerry. N 20 S3 E S 20 53 W 977 Rear. N 24 13 W S 24 13 E 1,616 Boling. Thence along county boundary as ( lelineated on ( ;hart No. 35 to comer No. 2. 2 38 34 24. 13 76 02 28. 08 N 57 10 E S S7 10 W 1,347 Rear. N 5 22 E S s 22 W 1,298 Boling. S 60 58 W N 60 58 E 1,456 Shoal. 3 38 34 46. 00 76 02 20. 24 S 89 35 E N 89 35 W 925 Rear. N 8 51 W S 8 51 E 562 Boling. N 79 42 W S 79 43 E 3,776 Cambridge. 4 38 34 32- 08 76 01 52. 26 N 84 IS E S 84 16 W 2,403 Whitehall. N 21 41 E S 21 41 w 498 Rear. N 38 55 W S 38 55 E 1,317 Boling. 240 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS Continued. SUGAR LOAF. {Middle Choplank River — Chart No. J5.) Cor- True bearing ner ot Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & C. S triansulation station bar Forward Bacls; / // / // , / Yards. 1 38 34 iS. 74 76 01 58. 46 S 49 58 E N 49 58 W 926 Ferrv. N 20 S3 E S 20 S3 W 977 Rear. N 24 13 W S 24 13 E 1,616 Boling. 2 38 34 32- oS 76 01 52. 26 N 84 IS E S 84 16 W 2,403 Whitehall. N 21 41 E S 21 41 W 498 Rear. N 38 S5 W S 38 55 E I. 317 Boling. 3 38 34 26. 46 76 01 27.88 N 76 09 E S 76 10 W 1,798 Whitehall. N 35 17 W S 35 17 E 799 Rear. S 74 37 W N 74 36 E 2, 960 Shoal. 4 38 34 20. 32 76 01 26. 22 N 69 29 E S 69 30 W 1,820 Whitehall. N :iO 28 W S 30 28 E 996 Rear. S 78 46 \V N 78 4=; E 2.067 Shoal. Then ce along county boundary as delineated on Chart No. 3 T to comer No. i. CHANCELLOR POINT. {Upper Choptank River — Chart No. J5.) / // , „ / / Yards. I 38 34 20. 32 lb 01 26. 22 N 69 29 E N 30 28 W S 78 46 w S 69 30 W S 30 28 E N 78 45 E 1,820 996 2,967 Whitehall. Rear. Shoal. 2 38 34 26. 46 76 01 27. 88 N 76 09 E N -,^ 17 W S 74 37 W S 76 10 W y 35 17 E N 74 36 E 1,798 799 2, 960 Whitehall . Rear. Shoal. 3 38 34 42. 38 76 01 18. S5 S 14 00 W S 8s 57 E N 43 53 E N 14 00 E N 8s s6 W S 43 54 W 1,436 1,503 2,824 Ferry. Whitehall. Duck. 4 38 35 05- 22 76 01 23. 00 S 6 03 W S 61 32 E N s8 38 E N 6 03 E N 61 32 W S 58 39 W 2,175 1,839 2,430 Ferry. Whitehall. Duck. 5 38 3S 07. 06 76 00 48. 15 S 27 23 W S 36 36 E N 43 46 E N 27 22 E N 36 35 W S 43 47 W 2,505 I, 169 1,667 Ferry. Whitehall. Duck. 6 38 34 39- 53 Then 76 01 03. 10 ce along county N I 17 W N 79 17 W S 30 15 W boundary as < S I 17 E S 79 18 E N 30 IS E ielineated on c 1,731 1,137 I, 502 hart No. 3 = Barber. Rear. Ferry. to comer No. i. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. BRITISH HARBOR. {Upper Choptank River— Chart No. 35.) 241 Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation of bar Forward Back station I / // 38 35 14- 68 76 00 30. 08 N 72 03 E N 35 29 E N 59 07 W S 72 04 w S 35 29 W S 59 07 E Yards. 3.°94 I, 162 1,063 Gander. Duck. Barber. 2 38 35 25- 36 76 00 55. 80 S 29 58 E S 64 00 E N 66 36 E N 29 57 W N 63 59 W S 66 37 W 1,796 1,775 1,476 Whitehall. Shell. Duck. 3 38 35 32- 84 76 00 48. 36 S 21 09 E S 53 37 E N 73 54 E N 21 09 W N 53 36 W S 73 55 W 1,939 1,737 I, 206 Whitehall. Shell. Duck. 4 38 35 38. 06 76 00 19. 50 S 52 II W S 27 44 E S 66 47 E N 52 II E N 27 43 W N 66 46 W 2,87s 1,363 2,671 Rear. Shell. Chief. 5 38 35 33- 88 76 00 01. 76 S 59 24 W S 8 46 E S 65 19 E N 59 23 E N 8 46 W N 65 18 W 3,185 1,078 2,184 Rear. Shell. Chief. 6 38 35 29- 35 Thei 75 59 58-01 ice along count N 77 38 E N 21 05 W N 88 21 W Y boundary as S 77 39 W S 21 OS E S 88 21 E delineated on 2, 144 484 I, 762 chart No. 3 Gander. Duck. Barber. 5 to comer No. i. GOOSE POINT. (Upper Choptank River— Chart No. 35.) , . / // / / Yards. I 38 35 29-35 75 59 58- 01 N 77 38 E N 21 OS W N 88 21 W S 77 39 W S 21 05 E S 88 21 E 2, 144 484 i, 762 Gander. Duck. Barber. 2 38 35 33- 88 76 00 01. 76 S 59 24 W S 8 46 E S 65 19 E N 59 23 E N 8 46 W N 65 18 W 3,185 1,078 2,184 Rear. Shell. Chief. 3 38 35 47- 52 75 59 45- 76 S 48 42 E S 85 02 E N 59 II E N 48 42 W N 85 01 W S 59 12 W 2,078 1,777 2,385 Chief. Gander. War. 4 38 35 46. 40 75 59 12- 80 S 27 19 E S 82 40 E N 43 01 E N 27 19 W N 82 39 W S 43 02 W I, 502 906 1,724 Chief. Gander. War. 53485—12 — 16 242 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS — Continued. MILL DAM. {Upper Choptank River — Chart No. J5.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S static of bar Forward Bact n I 38 35 46-40 75 59 12- 80 S 27 19 E S 82 40 E N 43 01 E N 27 19 W N 82 39 W S 43 02 W Yards. I, 502 906 1,724 Chief. Gander. War. 2 38 36 00. 58 75 59 35- 54 S 35 28 E S 68 24 E N 66 16 E N 35 28 W N 68 23 W S 66 17 W 2, 224 I. 613 1,941 Chief. Gander. War. 3 38 36 19.46 75 59 25-95 S 45 21 E N 84 34 E N 48 42 E N 45 21 W S 84 34 W S 48 43 W 1,751 I, 530 1,971 Gander. War. Wick. 4 38 36 29.37 75 59 o2- 88 S 22 06 E S 78 18 E N 42 00 E N 22 05 W N 78 17 W S 42 00 W 1,689 933 1,300 Gander. War. Wick. 5 38 36 26. 90 Then 75 58 57-27 ce along count> S 18 II E N 18 II W 1, 559 S 82 07 E N 82 07 W 772 N 34 31 E S 34 31 W 1,274 boundary as delineated on Chart No. 3 1 1 Gander. War. Wick. 5 to comer No. I. JAMAICA POINT. (Upper Choptank River — Chart No. 55.) I 38 36 32. 47 75 58 58- 80 S 17 32 E S 69 58 E N 41 29 E N 17 31 W N 69 57 W S 41 30 w Yards. 1,751 857 I, 150 Gander. War. Wick. 2 38 36 34. 74 75 59 10-36 S 25 31 E vS 71 34 E N 53 40 E N 25 30 W N {1 34 W S 53 41 w 1,935 1,171 1,325 Gander. War. Wick. 3 38 36 43. 05 75 59 07- 98 S 20 49 E vS 58 II E N 63 19 E N 20 49 W N 58 10 W S 63 19 w 2,168 1,234 I, 124 Gander. War. Wick. 4 38 36 41. 02 75 58 56. 60 S I-, 28 E S 52 05 E N 50 50 E N 13 28 W N 52 04 W S 50 50 w 2,013 947 908 Gander. War. Wick. SPAR BUOY. {Upper Choptank River — Chart No. 35.) / // . / Yards. I 38 37 46. 60 75 58 57-78 N 21 41 E S 21 42 W 1,322 Blind. N 61 00 W S 61 00 E 732 Raccoon. S 58 18 W N 58 18 E I, 150 Bank. 2 38 38 03. 92 75 58 55-44 S 41 13 w N 41 12 E 1,580 Bank. S 50 52 E N 50 52 W I, ^00 House. N 86 59 E S 87 00 W 1,990 Hut. 3 38 38 07. 18 75 58 37-02 N 42 21 E S 42 22 W I, 506 Up. N 6 26 W S 6 26 E 538 Blind. S 74 06 W N 74 05 E 1,237 Raccoon. Then ce along count) r boundary as lelineated on ( ihart No. 3 5 to comer No. i. APPENDIXES. Appendix A.— LAWS RELATING TO THE COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY AND BUREAU OF FISHERIES WITH THE MARYLAND SHELL FISH COM- MISSION. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries, in cooperation with the Marj'land .Shell Fish Comraissioii, in surve)'ing the oyster bars, establishing permanent landmarks at triangulation stations, and preparing for publication the necessary charts and technical and legal descriptions of boundaries and landmarks shown on these charts, has been executed in compliance with a request from the governor of the State of Maryland to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, and by the authority of the following laws of the United States and Maryland; [Act of Congress approved May 26, 1906.] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shellfish commissioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, upon the request of the governor of the .State of Maryland, to designate such officers, experts, and employees of the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries as may be necessary to cooperate with the Mar>-land State board of shellfish commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the officers, experts, and employees of said Bureaus so detailed as aforesaid such instruments, appliances, and steam laimches as may be necessary to make the survey aforesaid; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized to have made in the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey all the plats necessarj' to show the results of the aforesaid survey and the locations of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland, and to furnish to the board of shell- fish commissioners of the State of Marj-land such copies as may be necessary, and for this purpose to employ, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, such technically qualified persons as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of this act. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby further authorized to have erected or constructed by the officers so detailed as aforesaid, while making such survey, such structures as may be necessarj' to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same ma)^ be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland. Sec. 4. That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. [Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906.I AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, namely : * * * 243 244 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including the expenditures authorized under Public Act Numbered One hundred and eighty -one, approved May twenty -six, nineteen hundred and six, and contingent expenses incident thereto, five thousand dollars, together with the unexpended balance under this appropriation for nineteen hundred and six and prior years which is hereby reappropriated and made available on this account for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven * * *. [Act of Congress approved March 4, 1907.) AX ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteenhundred and eight, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Marj'land, to be immediately available and to continue available until expended, twenty-five thousand dollars * * *. [Act of Congress approved May 27, 190S.I AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail- able, twenty thousand dollars. [Act of Congress approved March 4. 1909.] AN ACT Making appropriation for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten. and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Slates of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic .Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail- able, twenty thousand dollars. [Act of Congress approved June 25. 1910.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry" civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- afterexpressed, forthe fiscal yearending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys, * * * includins expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, to be immediately available fifteen thousand dollars. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 245 [Act of Coagress approved March 4, 1911.] AN ACT Making appropriation for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twelve, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- afterexpressed, for the fiscal yearending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twelve, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * Por any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, to be immediately available, thirteen thousand dollars. [Act of the Legislature of Maryland approved April 2, 1906.) AN ACT To establish and promote the industry of oyster culture in Mar^-land, to define and mark natural oyster beds, bars and rocks lying under the waters of this State, to prescribe penalties for the infringement of the provisions of this Act, and * * * . Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the following sections be, and they are hereby, added to article 72 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Oysters. " * * * Sec. 86. The Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall, as soon as practicable after the passage of this Act, cause to be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars and rocks of this State, said survey to be made with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey, as hereinafter required. A true and accurate delineation of the same shall be made on copies of published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said commissioners in the city of Annapolis, and the said commissioners shall further cause to be delineated upon copies of the published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, of the largest scale, one copy for each of the counties of this State in the waters of which there are natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, all natural beds, bars and rocks lying within the waters of such coimty, which maps shall be filed in the offices of the clerks of the Circuit Court for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie. * * * Sec. 87. The Governor of this State is hereby requested to a,sk the assistance of the United States coast and geodetic survey, and of the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid in the carrying out of the provisions of the preceding section. Sec. 89. As soon as practicable after the first day of April, iqo6, the said commissioners shall organize, and shall at once proceed, with the assistance of such person or persons as may be detailed by the United States coast and geodetic survey and the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid them in their work, and of such persons as may be appointed under the preceding section, to have laid out, surveyed and designated on the said charts, the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurhte notes of said survey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a' description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, as shown by a delineation on the maps and charts provided in this Act; said report shall be completed and filed in the office of the board in the city of Annapolis within ninety days after the completion of the survey of any county. Said commissioners shall cause the same to be published in pamphlet form, and transmit copies of the same to the Clerks of the Circuit court for the respective coimties, where the charts have been filed or directed to be filed as hereinafter provided; the said report to be filed by the clerks of the several counties in a book kept for that purpose. And the said survey and report, when filed, subject to the right of apjieal hereafter provided for in this Act, shall be taken in all of the courts of this .State as conclusive evidence of the boundaries and limits of all natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, lying within the waters of the county wherein such survey and report are filed, and shall be construed to mean in all of the said courts that there are no natural oyster beds, bars or rocks lying within the waters of the counties wherein such report and survey are filed other than those embraced in the survey authorized by this Act, and that all areas of the Chesa- peake Bay and its tributaries within the State of Maryland, not shown in the survey to be natural 246 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. oyster beds, bars or rocks shall be construed in all the courts of the State to be barren bottoms and open for disposal by the State for the purpose of private planting or propagation of oysters thereon under the provisions of this Act. provided, that the said survey and report shall not be construed as to affect in any manner the holdings by citizens of this State in any lot which may have been appropriated or taken up under the laws of this State prior to the approval of this Act. The law of the State of Maryland, passed March 9, 1842, authorizing officers of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey to enter upon the lands within the State limits for the purposes of the survey, is as follows: AN ACT Concerning the Survey of the Coast of Maryland. Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons employed under and by virtue of an act of the Congress of the United States, * * * at any time hereafter to enter upon lands within this State for the purpose of exploring, sur- veying, triangulating, or leveling, or doing any other matter or thing which may be necessary to effect the objects of said act, and to erect any works, stations, buildings, or appendages requisite for that purpose, doing no unnecessarj' injury- to private or other property. Sec. 2.' And be it enacted, That in case the person or persons employed under the act of Congress aforesaid, can not agree with the owners or possessors of the land so entered upon and used as to the amount of damage done thereto by reason of the removal of fences, cutting of trees or injury to the crop or crops growing on the same, it shall and may be lawful for the said parties or either of them to apply to the chief justice for the time being or one of the associate judges of the judicial district in which such land may be situated, who shall thereupon appoint three disinterested and judicious free- holders, residents of the same judicial district, to proceed with as much despatch as possible to the examination of the matter in question, and the faithful assessment of the damages sustained by the owners or possessors aforesaid, and the said freeholders or a majority of them, having first taken and subscribed an oath or affirmation before the chief or associate justice aforesaid or other person duly authorized to administer the same, that they will well and truly examine and assess as aforesaid, and having given five days' notice to both parties of the time of their meeting, shall proceed to the spot, and then and there upon their own view and if required, upon the evidence of witnesses (to be by them sworn or affirmed and examined), shall assess the said damages, and shall afterward make report thereof and of their proceedings in writing under their hands and seals and file the same within five days thereafter in the office of the clerk of the county in which the land aforesaid is situated, subject to an appeal by either party to the coimty court of the said county within ten days after filing as afore- said, and the said report so made as aforesaid if no appeal as aforesaid be taken, shall be held to be final and conclusive as between the said parties, and the amount so assessed and reported shall be paid to the said owners or possessors of the land so damaged within twenty days after the filing of said report, and the said chief or associate justice as aforesaid, shall have authority to tax and allow upon the filing of said report, such costs, fees and expenses to the said freeholders for the performance of their duty as he shall think equitable and just, which allowance shall be paid by the person or persons employed under the act of congress aforesaid, within the time last above limited, but if an appeal as aforesaid be taken, the case shall be set down for hearing at the first term of covmty court aforesaid, ensuing upon and after appeal, and it shall be lawful for either party immediately after the entr>' of such appeal, to take out summons for such witnesses as may be necessary to be examined upon the hearing aforesaid, and the said court shall have power in its discretion to award costs against which ever the final judgment shall be entered, and such appeal at the option of either party may and shall be heard before and the damage assessed by a jur)- of twelve men to be taken from the regular panel and elected as in other cases. Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That if any person or persons shall wilfully injure or deface or remove any signal, monument or building or any appendage thereto, erected, used or constructed under and by virtue of the act of congress aforesaid, such person or persons so offending shall severally forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars with costs of suit to be sued for and recovered by any person who shall first 1 Under the rulings of the Comptroller of the Treasury no damages can be collected except through the United States Court of Claims unless an agreement has been made in advance. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. 247 prosecute the same before an)' justice of the peace of the county where the persjn so offending may reside, and shall also be liable to pay the amount of damages thereby sustained, to be recovered with costs of suit in an action on the case, in the name and for the use of the United States of America,, in any court of competent jurisdiction. Appendix B.— THE HAMAN OYSTER CULTURE LAW. [Extract from Second Report of Shell Fish Commissioa.] OBJECT. " The legislature in placing chapter 7 1 1 of the acts of iqo6, better known as the Haman o\-ster culture law, upon the statute books of Maryland, had a twofold object in view: "i. To encourage an industry in oyster culture upon the barren bottoms beneath the tidewaters of the State. "2. To prevent the leasing of natural oyster bars for the purpose of oyster culture." " To make the leasing of barren bottoms possible and the leasing of natural bars impossible, provision was made for a survey of the natural bars for the purpose of accurately locating and marking the same . It was definitely provided that no barren bottoms should be leased in any part of the State until the natural bars of that region had been surveyed, charted, and marked with buoys." Definition of .\ Natur.\l Oyster B.\r. natural bar not defined. "The Shell Fish Commission is instructed by section 90 of the Haman oyster culture law to exercise its judgment liberally in favor of the natural bars when surveying, charting, and buoying them, but other than this the commission is uninstructcd in this important matter. The responsibility of defining a natural bar is placed upon the commission. DIVERSITY OF OPINION. " No definition of a natural oyster bar could be formulated by any man or body of men which would meet with the approval of all parties concerned. Oystermen, as a rule, hold that all bottoms where oys- ters grow or have grown naturally, even though now practically barren of oysters, should be considered natural bars. Other citizens of the State, who arc not directly interested in the oyster business but interested in the oyster industry from the standpoint of revenue, hold, as a rule, that no bottoms should be excluded from leasing for oyster culture which by methods known to oyster culturists may be made to yield a greater number of oysters than they now produce. "It should be evident to everyone that neither of these definitions could be adopted by the com- mission as a working basis for determining which of the grounds surveyed are natural oyster bars." THE GOLDSBOROUGH DEFINITION. The definition of a natural oyster bar which very nearly approaches a reasonable and satisfactory compromise between the views of the subject held by oystermen on one hand and by oyster culturists on the other is that contained in an opinion rendered by Judge Charles F. Goldsborough in the circuit court for Dorchester County in the July term, 1881, in the case of William T. Windsor and George R. Todd V. Job T. Moore. This definition has been adopted by the Shell Fish Commission as the basis for tlie determination of the status of the various oyster bottoms surveyed, and is as follows; What, then, is a natural bar or bed of oysters? It would be a palpable absurdity for the State to attempt to promote the propagation and growth of oysters and to encourage its citizens, by a grant of land, to engage in their culture, if the lands authorized to be taken up were only those upon which oysters do not and can not be made to grow. That there may be lands covered by water in the State 248 Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot County, Md. where no oysters can be found, but where, if planted, they could be cultivated successfully, may be possible; but if so, I imagine that their extent must be too limited for them to be of much practical general advantage for the purposes of such a law as the one imder discussion; but there are thousands of acres of hard and shifting sands where oysters not only are not found, but where it would be folly to plant tliem, and these latter it can not be supposed that the State intended to offer to give away, for the simple reason that the State could not help knowing that nobody would have them. Upon the other hand there are large and numerous tracts where oysters of nattiral growth may be found in moderate numbers, but not in quantities sufficient to make it profitable to catch them, and yet where oysters may be successfully planted and propagated. In my opinion these can not be called natural bars or beds of oysters within the meaning of the act of assembly, and it is just such lands as these that the State meant to allow to be taken up under the provisions of the above-mentioned section of the act. But there is still another class of lands where oysters grow naturally and in large quantities and to which the public are now and have been for many years in the habit of resorting with a view to earning a livelihood by catching this natural growth, and here, I think, is tlie true test of the whole question. Land can not be said to be a natural oyster bar or bed merely because oysters are scattered here and there upon it and because if planted they will readily live and thrive there; but whenever the natural growth is so thick and abundant that the public resort to it for a livelihood, it is a natural oyster bar or bed and comes within the above-quoted restriction in the law, and can not be located or appropriated by any individual. APPLICATION OF DEFINITION. Before this definition may be of use in determining accurately and scientifically the status of an oyster ground, its central idea, "livelihood," must be expanded into accurately determinable factors, and these factors must be combined into a practical scheme of investigating the condition of the ground under consideration. Stated briefly, a livelihood is represented by a sum of money obtained from the sale, at a fixed price, of a certain quantity of oysters gathered in a given time from an allotted area of ground. Knowing the value of each of these factors, it becomes possible to calculate the number of oysters an oyster ground must produce per square yard in order that oystermen may secure a livelihood by working upon it. Note. — The factors into which the commission resolved the livelihood problem, the value assigned to each factor, and the scheme devised for practical use in examining and applying the definition to oyster bottoms are given in outline in their second report under the heading of the preceding extract, and in detail in their first report on pages 32 to 6g. Appendix C— SUMMARY OF THE PARTICULAR SURVEYING OPERATIONS WHICH CON- STITUTE AN "OYSTER SURVEY" AS NOW BEING CARRIED ON IN MARYLAND. Explanation. — A brief account of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey" as now being carried on in Maryland, will assist in the interpretation of records contained in the technical part of this report, and will be of interest to many who may not understand the necessity for the great amount of work being done or its complicated character. To those familiar with methods used in surveying and charting the characteristic features of large bodies of water there is an evident necessity for the various operations performed, especially when it is known that the boundaries of the public oyster bars and of tlie private lots leased for purposes of oyster culture must be surveyed and charted witli the greatest practical accuracy. To others it will be sufficient to state that the actual experience gained from oyster surveys in other States has proven that in order to avoid endless dissatisfaction and litigation it is necessary to accurately locate and per- manently establish oyster boundaries as is now being done in Maryland. Triangulaiion survey. — Such refinement of survey work as that demanded by the conditions of an oyster survey w^hen carried on at considerable distances offshore can only be obtained by tlie use of a system of triangulation as a framework or foundation. Therefore, a triangulation survey, including the permanent marking of the positions of landmarks with monuments, and a record of the descriptions of their locations for future recovery is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Survey of Oyster Bars, Talbot Courity, Md. 249 Topogral>hic survey. — The technical records which establish the relation between the offshore oyster boundaries and triangulation landmarks are sufficient for the requirements of engineers in making resurveys, but do not supply the needs of otliers who are interested in tlie same boundaries by reason of their occupation as oystermen concerned as to the public oyster bars, or oyster culturists concerned as to the leasable bottoms. For these it is necessary to have the charts of the survey show the relation of the shore line and other topographic features to tlie boundaries of the public oyster bars and private oyster farms. Therefore a topographic survey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Hydrographic survey. — In the settlement of the important question of what is or what is not a natural oyster bar, and in the consideration of bottoms to be selected for purposes of oyster culture, information as to the depth of water and the character of the bottom is required. Therefore a hydro- graphic surve)' is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Necessary foundation for an oyster survey. — Consequently, the necessary components of a satis- factory^ foundation for a complete oyster survey are the three classes of survey operations technically named triangulation, topography, and hydrography, or, stated in another way, the foundation of a practical oyster survey includes the surveying operations usually followed by the Coast and Geodetic Survey leading up to the preparation and publication of nautical charts. Special surveys and investigations pertaining to oysters. — Having obtained this cartographic survey for a foundation, partly by new work and partly from records of previous work of the Government, the combined operations' making up an "oj'ster survey" are completed by superimposing on tliis foundation special surveys and investigations pertaining particularly to oysters or other shell fish. The special surveys pertaining to oysters fiurnish information as to the location and outline of oyster- shell bottoms, and are carried on by the soimding-boat party in addition to the usual hydrographic work.^ This operation consists of tlic observation and record of the character of vibration of a wire and chain apparatus which is dragged over the bottom, the vibrations or lack of vibrations indicating the presence and quantity of shells or absence of shells. The special oyster investigations ' consist of the actual determination of tlie kind and quantity of oysters on tlie bottom, and such economic and biological studies of the supply of oyster food, density of water, character of the bottom, and other important matters as affect the growth of oysters. In this work the oyster investigation stations are located and buoyed by the hydrographic party while engaged in the survey of the oyster-shell limits. They are selected with the view of obtaining characteristic data which can be iised for the interpretation of the recorded vibrations of the chain apparatus at all other points covered by the survey. Preparation of results. — The actual stu'veying operations and oyster investigations having been completed for any one county, there still remains technical work of nearly equal magnitude to that described.'' This work consists of the preparation of charts and technical descriptions of boundaries and landmarks for publication by the Government, the preparation of that part of the annual report of the commission covering the special oyster surveys and investigations, the making of the leasing charts and finished projections, and finally the filing of the oyster charts and records with the courts and the commission, thus opening a county for oyster culture. Stimmary. — From the foregoing account it can be seen that a complete oyster sxu-vey properly conducted so as to answer all practical requirements of the present and permanency of results for the futine is a very complicated affair, involving many lines of surveying and other scientific work, and requiring the professional services of experts in the various operations of cartographic surveying and shell-fish investigations. * See Appendix D'of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of tlie Government and State." * See pp. 104 to 123 of " First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission." ■* See pp. 30 to 67 and 129 to 199 of "First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission." * No mention is made here of the large amount of administrative work of the commission, which is greatly complicated and increased by the effect of the oyster-survey operations on many thousands of people whose interests are more or less involved; or of the large amount of survey work involved in the survey and record of the boundaries of oyster lots leased from the State by private individuals for the purposes of oyster culture. 2 50 Survey gf Oyster Bars^ Talbot County y Md. 362 Beginning of field work June 29* 1906 Filing of certified charts and reports June 20, 1907 Natural oyster bars surveyed and dc- i lineated ^ Acres of natural oyster bars Crab bottoms surveyed and d^ineated . . . Acres of crab bottoms Clara beds surveyed and delineated Acres of clam beds Boundary buoys located and planted .... Triangulation landmarks established. . . . Miles of shore line covered by triangula- tion Square miles of water covered by trian- gulation Miles cf examination of shell bottom with chain apparatus Oyster investigation stations occupied . . . Tide stations established Number of soundings over shell bottoms . Square miles covered by soundings and chain apparatus Projections prepared and plotted Leasing charts prepared Oyster charts published Reports published Progress maps published 37 27, 566 54 32,108 3 506 IS4 679 3 17,904 Talbot County Beginning of field work Filing of certified charts and reports Natural oyster bars surveyed and de- ateds Acres of natural oyster bars Crab bottoms surveyed and delineated . . . Acres of crab bottoms Clam beds surveyed and delineated Acres of clam beds Boundary buoys located and planted Triangulation landmarks established Miles of shore line covered by triangula- tion Square miles of water covered by trian- grulation Miles of examination of shell bottom with chain apparatus Oyster investigation stations occupied. . . Tide stations established Number of soundings over shell bottoms . Square miles covered by soundings and chain apparatus Projections prepared and plotted. . . . Leasing charts prepared Oyster charts published Reports published Progress maps published 1 These statistics do not include the large amount of triangulation, topography, and hydrography resulting from previous work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, which was utilized in the preparation of the published oyster charts and records. Work in Kent. Queen Annes. Talbot, and Dorchester Counties has been finished, but final statistics of results will not be published until these counties are opened for oyster culture. 2 Less quantities covered by statistics of more than one county. 3 Total area of natural oyster bars of Connecticut, 5,770 acres. O lEFt-ra