\J \J \ -r \J*->~r Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/deitails/artofgalvanizingOOsang THE ART OF GALVANIZING By Alfred Sang, Pittsburg. Pa. One of the most persistent problems which confront the worker in iron and steel is the prevention of corrosion. We cannot rid ourselves of the agents which effect the corrosion of iron without at the same time ridding ourselves of the agents which are essential to life itself. Air is indispensable both to human res- piration and for the formation of rust and other oxides for which it supplies the oxygen ; moisture is necessary for the formation of clouds which make the earth fertile, and it also supplies the medium in which rusting takes place and hydrates the oxide; carbonic diox- ide is an animal by-product, and a raw material for the vegetable world, and the exchange of carbonic dioxide and oxygen, which is continually taking place between the animal and vegetable kingdoms is of vital importance; then, on the other hand, rust is not readily- formed — if at all — unless there be an acid present, and the acid which is most universally distributed is carbonic acid or hydrated carbonic dioxide. There is, as you see, a close relationship between the processes of living and rusting, but while human beings make up for the rusting or decaying of their tissues by nutrition, it has not yet been discovered how to feed or regenerate iron, and un- til such a discovery is made we are com- pelled to take our cue from the ancient Egyptians and resort to embalming. Methods for Protecting Iron and Steel. There are two general ways of em- balming iron to prevent its decomposi- tion, which might be called respectively the non-metallic and metallic methods. In the non-metallic method, the articles are coated with an organic substance, usually oil or varnish, the efficiency of which depends on its being more or less air tight; when coloring matter is add- ed to the oil it becomes a paint, but I understand from authorities on the sub- ject that a varnish free from pigments is preferable to anything else. The metallic method consists in coating the iron with some other metal, and it , this method which I have come to discuss with you. The Composite Nature of Steel. Iron rusts less readily than does steel; this is perhaps due to steel being a very composite material. In the iron, which forms the bulk of its composition, are dissolved or immersed a great variety of other substances; some of these are simple, such as graphite, silicon and manganese, and others are compound, such as carbides, sulphides, phosphides and silicides; the carbon compounds are very numerous and diversified, being due to different heat treatments; the best known are cementite, pearlite and mar- tensite. Just as variety is, to some people, the spice of living, so is hetero- geneous composition the spice of rusting, in the present instance at any rate; nor is this by any means a solitary instance; it is a well £nown fact that chemically pure zinc is dissolved very slowly by cer- tain acids, whereas the commercial prod- uct, especially if it be high in iron, is rapidly dissolved.* When -"'steel is attacked by an acid pickle its surface is due to the iron dis- solving first* and the impurities be- ing left ai a poorly adhering black powder. For some work which has to be coated, and especially if the coating is non-metallic, it is desirable to remove the surface "rottenness'' by means of the sand-blast; the sand-blast is often inconvenient or undesirable, but a high pressure water jet is also ef- fective and will remove at the same time the gelatinous or colloidal salts of iron which are left on the surface of the steel. Metallic Coatings. If the metallic coating is considered merely as a garment which protects the * The theory has been advanced by Weeren that this passiveness of pure zinc is due to the formation of a condensed layer of hydro- gen on the surface, which prevents further action of the acid. It is difficult to see how the presence of iron would prevent the ac- cumulation of hydrogen. 98 TRAN^4CTT KS AMERICAN FOUNDRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION / iron article i^" atmospheric influences, the point3^P" cn ™ust receive special consider;]** 3 ' 11 are tne closeness of the fit and th/- irnpenetralile qualities of the coa tins'- A close fit is more readily ob- tain/" by depositing the metals electric- , ;/?. In hot processes the uneven con- fraction of the coating and coated met- als — the latter usually having the lower coefficient — will cause blisters which are not always noticeable to the naked eye but which are none the less present. This poor adherence due to uneven con- traction is evidenced by the flaking which will take place when the articles arc bent; with articles which do not undergo bending, such as castings, there may not be any flaking, but the air spaces are there just the same and oxi- dation will take place under the blisters, out of sight, slowly but surely, if the air is given access. Unfortunately the air has free access to these spaces because no hot coated surface which has not re- ceived a mechanical treatment in the hot state, such as rolling, is free from faults and crevices: especially is this the case in rough and irregular work like cast- ings where the variety of strains taking place at the moment of setting of the coating metal produce an equivalent va- riety of microscopical fissures. Through these fissures the air, moisture and car- bonic dioxide have free access to the iron. An electrically deposited coating ad- heres a great deal better than does a hot coating, and this is the greatest point in its favor ; unfortunately, it is almost impossible to obtain a sur- face free from pores. Every pho- tographer knows how specks of dust will cause pinholes in his negatives: a particle of dust is more or less light- proof and protects the point of the film on which it rests from the chemical ac- tion of light In electrolytic work each speck of impurity prevents the metal-ions of the electrolyte from depositing on the spot covered by the impurity and a pin- bole or pore is the result. These pin- holes are like weds with a spot of rust, a -speck of dirt or a particle of oil at the bottom, each of which is sufficient in itself to prevent the deposition of the coating metal, but none of which is able to prevent the access of the corroding agencies. Under the microscope rust will be found to originate in all cases in the pores, and I have examined speci- mens where the rust seemed to fairly ooze out of them. If articles could be made perfectly clean before being coated, the electrolytic process would be perfect as regards the two points of quality re- quired of a coating considered as a cov- ering only. The Coating as a Mechanical Protection. Considered merely as a mechanical protection, the coating should be resist- ant to impact and to abrasion, the latter being the most important. The soft met- als, such as tin and zinc, do not stand up well against abrasion, but unless their adherence be very defective, they will stand impact well, on account of their malleability at ordinary tempera- tures. It would be desirable to obtain a coating which would be as good a pro- tection as zinc but tougher and harder. Aluminum is being used with some suc- cess and if the metal were cheaper it would become an interesting competitor of zinc. Different Behavior of Tin Plate and Galvanized Iron. But there is a more important feature of metallic coatings to be taken into con- sideration. This feature I shall intro- duce by the following example: If you make an incision in the surface of a sheet of tinplate and a similar one in a sheet of galvanized iron and expose the two sheets together to the same oxidiz- ing agencies, you will soon note a very great difference in the behavior of the two mutilations. The cut in the gal- vanized iron will rust very slightly or nut at all and the zinc at the edges will be oxidized, but the cut in the tinplate will not only show much more rapid and intense oxidation of the iron but the cor- rosion will extend beyond the edges of the cut. and in spite of the tin. A pin- hole in a galvanized sheet will not rust; a pinhole in a tinplate will spread out like a star. Metals in Contact. T must now call your attention to a few scientific principles which are all- important when considering metallic Gift, ; 180r (kU<*-' TRAXSACTIOXS AMERICAN FOUXDRYMEX'S ASSOCIATION 99 coatings. In order to understand the reason for the different behavior of the galvanized iron and the tin-plate, it is necessary to thoroughly understand what takes place when two metals are in con- tact. For the purpose of the present dis- cussion we must consider four cases of metals in contact as follows : First — In the presence of electricity. Second — In the presence of heat. Third — In the presence of corrosive agents. Fourth — Apart from any exterior agency whatever. In the Presence of Electricity. As regards the first case, it is important to note that copper conducts electricity better than does iron, iron better than tin, tin better than lead, lead. better than zinc and zinc better than antimony. The metals first mentioned are negative to those which follow ; iron is negative in relation to zinc and zinc is positive in relation to iron. The conductivities of these metals are the reciprocals of their resistivities, in other words, the better conductivity of copper over iron is due to the smaller resistance which it op- poses to the passage of the electric cur- rent. Again, the better the metal con- ducts electricity the less capacity it has for storing it: this is the same as in the case of heat, the poorer the body as a conductor, the more difficult it will be to heat it, but the longer it will take to cool. The wooden handle of a silver tea- pot does not heat up as well or as rapidly as does the pot itself, but when the tea- pot is cooled the metal part cools quick- est and becomes colder than the handle. If, now, two metals, say iron and zinc, are put in contact and immersed in an electrically charged medium., the iron be- ing the better conductor will not absorb as much electricity as the zinc, and there will exist what is known as an electro- motive difference of potential, there will be a difference of electrical pressure be- tween the iron and the zinc in contact, and therefore a steady current of elec- tricity will flow from the zinc to the iron, and this current will be kept steady by the leakage which is directly propor- tional to the absorbing power. If no leakage were possible the potential of the two metals would reach the same level and they would be in electrostatic equili- brium equivalent to a closed circuit. An apt comparison to what takes place would be that of two water tanks of equal dimensions, connected at the bot- tom and at the top by open pipes, and one tank having a larger intake at the top than the other ; if both tanks are filled simultaneously by steady streams of w r ater, the tank with the larger intake will fill more rapidly and there will be a continual flow through the lower con- necting pipe from the tank with the larger intake to the tank with the smaller in- take to maintain the level. When the tanks are full they will be in equilibrium, and if they are turned upside down the outflow through the intake pipes will be proportionate to the previous inflow and the current will be reversed, passing from the tank with the smaller outflow to the tank with the large outflow in which the level is going down more rapidly. It is this operation of maintaining, or rather the effort to maintain the electrical level which produces the flow between metals of different conductivity when they are in contact and immersed in an electrically charged medium. The medium itself may be perfectly static, or at rest, but the flow from the iron to the copper will manifest itself as dynamic, or moving electricity ; nothing in nature, be it ma- terial or immaterial, can be manifested to our senses unless there be a motion, a difference, a relation. Electricity is always present on this planet, and everything is fairly impreg- nated with it, if, therefore, we bring two dissimilar metals into mutual contact we shall obtain a flow of electricity from one to the other, caused by an ineffectual ef- fort to equalize potentials, which will produce sensible galvanic effects. The contact need not be direct ; a suitable con- ducting connection, such as moist air, will act as an electrolyte and enable the action to take place, the space in be- tween constituting what is known as a field of force. Besides atmospheric and telluric electricity we are often called upon to take into consideration, in our engineering problems, the electricity arti- ficially produced for industrial and do- mestic purposes, the diffusion of which, or "stray currents" as they are called, 100 TRANSACTIONS AMERICAN FOUNDRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION will hasten the corrosion of water pipes and structural steel, even when they are embedded in concrete. The reverse of the order in which I have previously placed the metals in re- lation to their conductivities — i. e.. anti- mony, zinc, lead, tin, iron and copper, indicates the positive direction in which the current will flow from metals having the higher to those having the lower po- tentials ; it is known as an electromo- tive series. In the Presence of Heat. The second case is that of metals in contact exposed to heat. The electrical conductivity of substances will vary with temperature, that of metals decreasing with an increase of temperature. There are notable exceptions to any generaliza- tion which might be attempted that the conductivity is inversely proportional to the temperature, and one of these excep- tions happens to be iron. When two metals in contact are sub- iei ted to heat the voltaic or galvanic action of which I have spoken will be influenced either favorably or unfavor- ably because the thermo-electric series is different from the electro-motive series which I have given you. The thermo- electric series runs as follows : lead, tin, copper, zinc, iron and antimony. The order of these metals indicates the direc- tion in which the current tends to flow with an increase of temperature, this tendency may lie, and is in most cases, exhibited as. either a resistance or as an aid to the electromotive current; for in- stance, increase in temperature will re- duce the current from zinc to iron in a lesser degree than from antimony to iron. This principle has been used in the con- struction of electric pyrometers in which the variation in the temperature of a couple formed of dissimilar metals is recorded very sensitively at a distance from the source of heat, by means of a galvanometer. The galvanic effect between metals is. therefore, modified in a very complicated manner and to a considerable extent by the temperature at the point of con- tact. This galvanic action seems to be intimately related to the natural tendency towards chemical action exhibited by all substances in contact and to that chemi- cal affinity which exists to some degree or other between all kinds of matter. In the Presence of Corrosive Agents. The third case is that in which corro- sive agents are present which attack both of the metals. A decrease of electrical potential seems to aid chemical action and an increase of this potential opposes it. The metal towards which the flow of current is directed is, so to speak, over-saturated on. account of the persist- ence of effect which, when it refers to magnetism is called hysteresis, and its potential is greater than normal. The How of current from zinc to iron will over-saturate the iron and will prevent its decomposition, when it is exposed to corrosive influences, whereas the zinc which is under-saturated is in poor physi- cal condition to withstand chemical at- tacks. It will decompose into oxide and carbonate more rapidly than if it were out of contact with the iron. If only one of the metals is attacked by the corro- sive agents under normal conditions, there will lie no galvanic protection and this is why nickel-plating which is unaf- fected by ordinary atmospheric condi- tions is nothing more than a protective skin and if it is partially removed the exposed surface of the irons rust very readily. Copper-plating is no better, and if the iron is exposed the galvanic action is slightly unfavorable because the cop- per is in negative relation to the iron. Copper rolled over iron and then drawn, forms a good protection, but in this case the iron i^ nothing but a core. Lead would be a good coating metal if it were only harder and more readily attacked by acids. Apart From Any Outside Agents. The fourth and last case is that of metals in contact without any exterior agents being taken into account. Care- ful investigation has shown conclusively that if two metals are placed in close contact there will be a slow exchange of molecules, which will result in the metals alloying at their surface. If great pres- sure is applied during this exchange, the metals may be actually welded together. This action does not take place in a minute, nor even in a day or a month. It is very wonderful what pressure will do; certain salts in a finely powdered state TRANSACTIONS AMERICAN FOUNDRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION 101 have been compressed beyond a critical point where the cohesion became equal to that of the substance before it was pulverized and even transparency was re- covered. What enormous power must exist within the atom to bring about the same results by rapid and unimpressive reaction; such as the recovery of crys- tals by dissolving a pulverized substance and then evaporating it. This exchange of molecules between metals in contact is a simple case of dif- fusion. The diffusion of metals takes a great deal longer than that of liquids or gases because the internal friction is vastly greater; if the molecular cohesion is reduced by fusing the metals, the al- loying will take place as readily as when whisky and water are mixed to form the alloy, which is known as a "high-ball." If the metals could be brought to a state of vapor, the diffusion would be practi- cally instantaneous, and even if only one of the metals were in a state of vapor this should hasten the process to a con- siderable extent. I must ask you to take good note of this statement, because it has a very important bearing on the pro- cess and nature of dry galvanizing. The effect of pressure is to hasten the action, but diffusion will always take place between metals provided there is some kind of contact. According to this theory the metals of alloys should be- ' come more thoroughly incorporated with time, and a zinc coating which has passed through the early stages of its existence without being destroyed should, like wine and love, improve with age; the two metals should gradually become alloyed at their surface of separation. If the old Ninivites or Egyptians had pro- duced galvanized work there would be people to worry over the lost art of al- loying iron and zinc just as others still persist in claiming that some useless art of hardening brass has been lost, al- though it has not even been proved as yet that it ever existed. Specifications For an Ideal Coating. On looking back at the four cases of metals in contact which I have discussed, you will readily see that all are closely related and that they must in all nor- mal cases be present at one and the same time. What then are the specifications for an ideal metallic coating for iron? First — It must be as far as possible from iron towards the positive end of the electromotive series and must ful- fill the same requirements in the thermo- electric series. Second — It must be affected by the same agents which corrode the iron. Third — It must present as large a sur- face as possible to the corroding agents. Fourth — It must be in very close con- tact with the iron. Zinc is, of all the commercial metals, the one which most closely fulfills the first and second requirements ; the third and fourth in regard to surface exposed and contact with the iron, are matters of process, and I shall, therefore, now proceed to describe the various processes which have been used to apply zinc to metal surfaces, but before doing so I want to point out that all these princi- ples which I have enumerated apply as well to the salts of the metals and that is undoubtedly one reason why red lead and zinc white give such good protection against corrosion. Cold Galvanizing. In the early years of the last century the process of electrolytic zincing, which is nowdays known as cold or electro-gal- vanizing, was first discovered, but until about 10 years ago the lack of suitable equipment prevented its commercial ap- plication. The articles to be treated by this process are first thoroughly cleaned of scale, rust and grease by an acid pick- le, sand-blasting, hot lye or by other means, singly or in combination, and are then placed as cathodes in a solution of some salt of zinc — usually the sulphate — in presence of zinc and which regenerate the solution, while a current of low volt- age is passed through the arrangement and deposits zinc from the solution upon the articles. Numerous factors must be taken into account; the composition and temperature of the bath; the voltage and density of the current; the quality, shape and position of the anodes, and many other points which are all of prime im- portance if the results are to escape first criticism and then corrosion. The surface of an electrically galvan- ized article is matt or frosted, provided 102 TRANSACTIONS AMERICAN FOUNDRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION the work has been properly done. It al- ways shows a few pores. If improperly done, or if the work was not perfectly clean before treatment it is either hon- eycombed with pin holes or spongy. Above a certain limit of thickness, below which the coating is worthless, first class electro-galvanizing is superior to hot- galvanizing and it is cheaper to produce where automatic machinery can be em- ployed, although less zinc is deposited than by a hot dip. This is no doubt due to the better contact between the zinc and iron. Hot Galvanizing. Sixty years ago the process of hot-gal- vanizing was introduced on a commercial scale. It consists in dipping the articles into a bath of molten spelter, with or without other metallic additions, at tem- peratures ranging from 750 to 900 de- grees Fahr. The articles must be first cleaned as for electrolytic work, but a slight falling short of perfection does not have such disastrous effects on the quality of the result. Very heavy pieces may be heated before dipping so as not to chill the bath. The coating is crystalline or amorphous and does not adhere as perfectly as does the electrolytic one. Properly treated sheet metal goods have an attractive spangled - appearance hut most articles look like castings and sharp edges are lost. Metallic chlorides are used as fluxes, they are expected to re- move the injurious salts of iron left by the pickling, hut it is a question if it is not another case like the introduction of rabbits in Australia, and if they them- selves are not the main cause of the de- cay which starts underneath the coating in hot-galvanizing work.* Dry Galvanizing. The latest process for applying a zinc coating, is the dry process, and I am go- ing to endeavor, not only to describe the process itself, hut to show you also how it fulfills the requirements which I have indicated, how it permits the extension of galvanizing to articles which have never been protected in this manner and how by divulging the mystery of the na- ture of zinc dust it permits us to specu- ' The fumes eiven off in hot work are in- jurious to machinery ami in a manufacturing concern it is necessary to erect a separate building for this work. late along new lines in metallurgy which may lead to the discovery of some princi- ples of great industrial value. The process of dry galvanizing or Sherardizing metals was awarded a gold medal at the St. Louis exposition of 1904 and the president's gold medal for 1903 was presented to its discoverer by the British Society of Engineers. The in- ventor, Sherard Cowper-Coles, is one of the most eminent metallurgical engineers in Europe and is well known for his re- introduction on a commercial scale of the process of electric galvanizing, the regen- erating of electrolytes by the coke and zinc dust filter, the electrolytic spinning of copper into sheets, wire and other forms, and innumerable other invent'cms and improvements in connection with the electro-deposition of metals. The Practice of Dry Galvanizing. For the purpose of Sherardizing, the articles are placed, after cleaning, in a retort — usually a drum— and are covered with zinc dust, which is commonly called blue-powder, and is the flue-dust, and, therefore, a by-product of the zinc smelt- ing furnace known as the Belgian fur- nace. It contains as a rule from 75 to 90 per cent of pure zinc; the supply of zinc-dust is ample at a price below that of spelter, and if the demand increases it can lie produced in any quantity that may lie required. A small amount of pou - dered charcoal is added to prevent oxida- tion of the zinc by the air inside the re- tort at the beginning of the operation, and the receptacle is closed and heated to a temperature about two hundred de- grees below the melting point of zinc. Ideal conditions would obtain if the air were exhausted from the drums. Where the size of the plant warrants the con- trol of the zinc-dust consumption to within so fine a margin, the drums might be filled witli some inert gas such as car- bonic dioxide which is supplied to soda fountains and other uses in steel bottles at a very low cost. It is, however, to be feared that if the temperature is allowed to go too high the carbonic dioxide might act as an oxidizer on some of the dust. By Sherardizing, a homogeneous de- posit of zinc is obtained, varying in thick- ness according to the length of time the TRANSACTIONS AMERICAN FOUNDRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION 103 article is allowed to remain in the re- tort, its lower portion being an alloy of zinc and iron or of zinc and copper, as the case may be. In the case of copper the alloy is a true and hard brass. The drum is occasionally turned a fraction of a revolution to insure an even coating where the articles are crowded together, and the heating may last from a few minutes to several hours and two or three drums can be used in connection with one furnace. A Sherardized surface resembles in general appearance an electrically coated surface. It is, however, of a soft silver- gray, more lustrous and metallic and, on that account, it is to most people, more pleasing to the eye, and it is distributed with great uniformity, which is not the case in hot galvanizing. Whereas in hot galvanizing the amount of zinc which is alloyed to the metal of the article is very small and most of the coating forms an exterior perishable skin, in Sherardizing the coating is thoroughly incorporated with the metal which it protects, forming an alloy having the appearance of pure zinc but much harder and more durable. It is on account of this thorough alloy- ing that the protection afforded by Sher- ardizing is so superior to that afforded by either hot or electric galvanizing. The zinc having penetrated the iron, the old surface cannot be recovered by either chemical or mechanical means. If an excessive amount of zinc is de- posited by Sherardizing, the outside sur- face is composed of zinc somewhat hard- ened by the presence of a small percent- age iron, and zinc-dust accumulates and clusters in a way which renders the sur- face rougher and much less attractive in appearance under magnification than it is to the naked eye. No special advantage is derived from the additional expense unless the conditions under which the articles are to be used are exceptionally severe. The process of Sherardizing is not con- fined to zincing; the dusts of antimony and of other metals can be used in a similar manner. The fact that zinc-dust, even at temperatures higher than its melting point, does not melt or cake, is of great value in Sherardizing, as it eliminates the danger of spoilt work from carelessness in hand- ling the temperature. Furthermore, zinc- dust containing as little as 35 per cent of pure metal can be used. The presence of the oxide is probably necessary, as it seems to play a part in the process. Some Anomalies of the Process. But why is it that zinc-dust acts in this peculiar manner, depositing zinc at a temperature several hundred degrees be- low its melting point, and why is it that the comparatively cold zinc alloys itself to the iron or other metal when the mol- ten zinc of the hot process fails to do so, or at best only does so in a cumbrous limited way? I can only answer these questions by giving you my own theory of the nature of zinc dust and of its action under the conditions of Sherard- izing. This theory is quite new to the very best of my knowledge and was not published by me until quite recently;* it is founded on observed facts but is not entirely empirical, because so far it has seemed to satisfy all the theoretical tests to which I have been able to put it and it answers a number of unexplained phen- omena which I shall mention later. The Nature of Zinc-Dust. The vapor of zinc which is given off at a temperature of 1,000 degrees Cent., or more, at the inception of distillation, comes into contact with the comparatively cold atmosphere of the flue, the sudden chill causes a rapid condensation of the vapor, so rapid indeed that it skips the liquid stage and drops in the shape of per- fectly spherical particles of which about 30,000 million can be crowded into a cube measuring one-sixteenth of an inch in every direction. This impalpable powder which, notwith- standing its high specific gravity — for it is only about 10 per cent light- er than zinc — can be blown about like lycopodium, is used mostly by paint manufacturers and is sold packed in barrels holding about 1,500 pounds. It is 10 or 15 per cent cheaper than virgin spelter at equal content of free zinc. It cannot be melted into slabs on account of its rapid oxida- tion at a very low temperature. The peculiar properties of zinc-dust *Electro Chemical and Metallurgical Industry, May, 1907. 10+ TRANSACTIONS AMERICAN FOUNDRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION have been ascribed by some to the presence of cadmium, which being a more volatile metal is distilled first from the ore and condensed in the flues; one observer found quantities ranging from 0.283 to 0.794 per cent in flue dust after two hours of fur- nace operation. Others have claimed that these properties are due to the presence of zinc oxide or other im- purities. No plausible reasons for these theories have as yet been ad- vanced. Most of the zinc-dust is produced in Belgium or in Silesia, and a sam- ple which I have had analyzed showed the following composition: Metallic zinc 88.95 Zinc oxide 6.88 Lead 3.45 Cadmium 0.62 Sulphur 0.55 Iron 0.04 G. Williams, an English chemist.* has shown that zinc-dust takes up water and decomposes it and gives up its hydrogen on heating; he has also shown that it absorbs hydrogen at ordinary temperatures when sur- rounded by it in a moist condition, and that heated alone it yields 50 times its volume of hydrogen, but when heated to redness with an equal weight of zinc hydroxide it gives off 535 times its volume of hydrogen. All this may have some bearing on the antics of zinc-dust and on Sherard- izing, but as I am about to show it is unlikely and lacks confirmation, both theoretical and practical. It is my belief that these impuri- ties have little or nothing to do with the properties of zinc-dust and that the reasons should be sought for in its mode of production. If under similar conditions of rapid cooling we produce other solid bodies we get unstable and brittle results. If a bead of fused glass is dropped into water a "Ruperts' tear" is the result. As you know, a Ruperts' tear is very unstable and whereas for a drop of normal glass of similar di- mensions several good strokes of the hammer would be required to pulver- ize it, the Ruperts' drop can be shiv- ered to fragments by breaking off its * Chemical News, Vol. 52. tail with two fingers, or by scratch- ing the surface film where tension keeps the drop together. The dif- ference of energy required to effect the destruction of the normal drop and the Ruperts' drop is enormous. If we assume that zinc-dust is in this critical state we can explain al- most every one of the effects which have puzzled chemists during the past forty years. Douglas Carnegie* found that zinc-dust instantly reduced fer- ric to ferrous salt, and this even in neutral solutions (the italics are his); this action he states was consider- ably quicker than with granulated zinc in the presence of sulphuric acid. He was at first inclined to ascribe this wonderful efficiency to the oc- cluded hydrogen mentioned by Wil- liams, but further experiments, which I need not detail, showed that he was mistaken. Referring to another chem- ical operation in which zinc-dust act- ed with equal promptness, he writes: "Zinc-dust merely effects instaneous- ly the dechlorination which I found zinc foil required several hours to effect." It is so well known that zinc-dust has a great affinity for oxygen at a low temperature that it has been used for a long time in the dis- charge style of ' printing of cotton goods. The fabric is first dyed a plain color and it is then printed on with a discharge paste. The zinc c'.ust acts as a reducing agent at the temperature of the boiling water in which the cloth is dipped to effect the discharge. A fact that is undoubtedly respon- sible in a great measure for the mys- tery attaching to the action of zinc- dust is its readiness to oxidize. It is only when oxidation is put out of its power, as in the closed Sherard- izing drum, that heat will produce sufficient overstrain to cause the par- ticles to burst into vapor. This va- por so suddenly released will con- dense instantly on the coolest spaces it can find. In Sherardizing the cool- est spaces arc on the articles in the *Trans. Clicw. Soc., London, yr. 188S, p. 46S. TR.1XSACTI0XS AMERICAN FOVXDRYMEX'S ASSOCIATION 105 drum, and the drum itself being al- ways hotter does not receive any de- posit. One drum has already lasted two years without being coated. Zinc- dust appears to break down into va- por ' at about ISO to 200 degrees Cent., although it undoubtedly begins to disintegrate at a lower heat; as the pressure increases it takes a greater amount of heat to cause the breakdown; as the vapor condenses the pressure is relieved and the hot- ter particles of dust are vaporized and re-establish an equilibrium. In reference to this question of the vap- orization of zinc, it is a well-known fact that zinc will at ordinary tem- peratures affect a photographic plate. This has always been ascribed to zinc vapor which exhibits in that state great chemical activity. Radi- ology, the new science, is expected to bear the burden of all such ac- tions and I suppose I ought to say that the action of zinc on photo- graphic plates is due to the slow dis- integration of its atoms into energy and helium. In a small way it is a significant fact that zinc-dust is intensely exo- thermic in its reactions, which means that these reactions are accompanied by the production of heat. I could also mention the property first point- ed out by Schwarz, which zinc-dust has of combining violently with sul- phur by percussion. It has been known for some time that a cement made out of certain oils and zinc-dust possesses the use- ful property of becoming exceedingly firm and adhering closely to iron, steel and other metals, when heated to a temperature of ISO degrees Cent., or even less, if treated for a suf- ficient length of time. The theory of the nature of zinc-dust which I have given explains this hardening by the release of the zinc from its peculiar condition to form a solid without the formality of passing through the liq- uid stage. In the body of the ce- ment it is protected from oxidation and the zinc becomes mechanically continuous. It is an excellent com- position for calking cracks and crev- ices in metallic objects, for packing joints and for smoothing off the sur- face of castings. I think that I have given you a sufficient number of examples to show that zinc-dust is a substance in a very abnormal physical condition and if I have spent so much time in doing so, it is because I feel certain that by taking advantage of this ab- normal condition the metallurgical in- dustries will before long reap im- portant benefits. Zinc Vapor and Ferro-Zinc. I must tell you more about zinc vapor. This vapor is a gas just like air or any other gas and subject to the same physical laws, but as it is produced by the breakdown of zinc- dust particles at a very moderate tem- perature, it finds itself in the gaseous state at a point below its critical temperature and it will therefore readily assume the solid state by con- densation under its own pressure, confined as it is within a retort. When iron is pickled, hydrogen is given off on the surface and rises to the top of the vat. The pickle works its way into the metal and hydrogen is given off below the surface and remains occluded. This occlusion has very surprising results ; the surface of the iron is hardened and if it is to be drawn through a die or worked in any way, it is necessary to bake out the gas. Hydrogen has been long suspected of metallic proclivities; it is often classed as a metal. It is known to form an alloy with palla- dium and it is supposed to alloy it- self to the iron to produce the hard skin of which I have spoken. Zinc vapor acts in the same way in Sher- ardizing, but it forms an alloy all the more readily because in its normal condition it is itself a metal as we generally understand that rather ar- bitrary term. Being a gas, the zinc vapor can force itself into the pores of the metal and form a deposit to a depth which will increase with the dura- tion of the treatment. A small piece 106 TRANSACTIONS AMERICAN FOUNDRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION can be alloyed throughout. An alloy of zinc and iron produced by fusion would be a sorry article when it came to be tested; "zinc-eisen," as it is called, is zinc ruined by the addition of a quantity of iron, which renders it brittle and worthless. By alloying with vapor at a low temperature the qualities of the metal cannot be in- jured, but they may be greatly im- proved by the zinc forming an inter- molecular binding, which fills spaces which would otherwise allow motions of the particles under stress which might injure their cohesion; the va- por deposit should increase tough- ness and it is quite possible that this theory may have some bearing upon the general subject of the nature of alloys. By using carbon as a condenser for free zinc vapor, out of contact with the dust, I have obtained a perfect zinc dew. I used a common arc lamp carbon and the drops on the top were large and reduced in size down to microscopical proportions on the edges. Here and there on the in- side were traces of zinc, showing that the gas had penetrated the mass. The zinc vapor had not alloyed to the carbon, the specific heats being wide apart, whereas I have observed that the closer the specific heats of the zinc and the material to be coated at their working temperatures, the more quickly and firmly would they com- bine. It is no doubt on this account that copper Sherardizes so much more rapidly than does iron. Improvements in Sherardizing will undoubtedly be founded on the intelli- gent control of the temperature, but to this end temperature readings will have to be taken inside the retort and not in the furnace as heretofore. Working with gas alone and under the special conditions necessitated by the peculiar circumstances of the ex- periments, I was able to obtain quite a variety of deposits. Rapid cooling will cause (lie zinc to condense as crystals the adherence of which to the iron is, however, inversely proportion- al to their size. Normal cooling would seem to yield in all cases a fine glossy surface of what can be appropriately termed ferro-zinc. Examining this 1 ferro-zinc under about 400 diameters of enlargement it exhibits the structure of the original metal. A piece of mild steel which had been thoroughly pickled and which had been treated by vapor only, and was, therefore, free from any exterior zinc coating, such as would have con- cealed the alloy if operated on in con- tact with the dust, exhibited the usual structure of an etched mild steel. This ferro-zinc appears to be harder than the original iron and its rust-proof qualities are the true secret of the ex- ceptional efficiency of Sherardizing. The Creece test with sulphate of copper is not a fair test for Sherardiz- ing. it is almost without significance for the following reasons: The outer coating of the slightly oxidized zinc particles resists the text better than does the brighter hot coating or the porous electrolytic one, but the alloy, obtained by vapor treatment alone, and which is present in all Sherardiz- ing, readily takes the copper just as the iron itself would, and yet it will resist corrosion perfectly. The copper will deposit without destroying the zinc and the test is, therefore, worth- less. The only way to test Sherardiz- ing is to put it into service. The alloy known as nickel steel does not rust easily and yet in a nickel plated article if the nickeling is partly removed the iron will be corroded. This shows that we must not expect contact theories to adapt themselves to perfection to metals in solution, and to alloys. The alloy of nickel and iron re- sists corrosion and in my opinion it is a parallel case to that of ferro-zinc. The Romans to make their brass, which they called "Orichalcum," threw cadmia, (oxide of zinc) on highly heated copper. The more recent cal- amine brass, process which was in use until about one hundred years ago, consisted in heating calamine (zinc ■ silicate), granulated copper and coke — dust in crucibles, the fusion and alloy- ing taking place at a temperature con- TRANSACTIONS AMERICAN FOUNDRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION 107 siderably lower than the melting point of copper. I thought these two points of history might interest you by com- parison and as aids to the digestion of the most recent developments. The Theory of Dry Galvanizing. Let us enter the Sherardizing retort and endeavor to find out what takes place. Which guess will offer the most plausible explanation? It is an established fact that in Sherardizing the presence of zinc oxide is neces- sary. We might suppose, therefore, that a molecule of oxide is reduced by voltaic action when it comes into con- tact with the iron; the zinc attaches itself to the iron which acts' therefore, as a cathode in electrolysis, and the oxygen travels in the opposite direction, combines with a free molecule of zinc to form a molecule of oxide, and goes through the same performance as be- fore. I have excellent reasons, which I must keep for later publication, for believing that this hypothesis is pret- ty close to the truth if not the true explanation of the action in dry gal- vanizing. The outer coating is composed of reduced zinc in granular form and the silver gray appearance may be due to slight oxidation of the surface. Whatever the true explanation may be it is of little immediate interest to "practical" men, but it is of great in- terest to scientists who are expected to continue furnishing their abstract facts to serve as souls to the concrete bodies created by inventors. The in- ventors, while claiming all the credit, usually sell or lose most of it to men who put these inventions into practi- cal use. He laughs best who laughs last, and by the time the invention has become an industry the poor scientist has been entirely forgotten, — except to be occasionally dubbed a theorician, a dreamer, a simple soul, a mild and childlike, — for of such is the kingdom of heaven. The Efficiency of Dry Galvanizing. The efficiency of dry galvanizing, which has been proved by thorough testing both in England and Germany, is' due to its fulfilling the conditions which I have set forth in the early part of this paper. Considered merely as a covering, it fits as closely as does an electrically deposited coating and it is impenetra- ble because free from pores or cracks. As a mechanical protection it resists both abrasion and impact better than hot or cold work because of the qual- ities' of the ferro-zinc alloy. Zinc itself is superior to both tin and lead in ductility and tenacity. Considered in relation to contact ef- fects the zinc distilled as vapor and alloyed to the iron is absolutely pure and the span between it and the iron in the electromotive series is, there- fore, extended as compared with a zinc containing a percentage of impur- ities. Its contact with the iron in the body of the alloy is as perfect as is possible. In relation to corroding agents its granular structure offers a maximum surface for them to decom- pose and, therefore, increases the ratio in which the coating acts by its own decomposition as a protection to the iron. Commercial Scope of Dry Galvanizing. It is a noteworthy fact that while many articles have appeared in techni- cal and scientific journals about Sher- ardizing, not one word of criticism or denial of its claims has' as yet been offered. I have been looking for seri- ous criticism for some time past but when I have found doubters I have only succeeded in making new con- verts. The process has always ap- pealed to scientific men because they are in position to appreciate the solid scientific foundations of its claims. The new process has not entered the field as a competitor to galvanizing alone: in a great many instances it can take the place of coppering, of nickel-plating and of tinning, where the articles are not to be used for the preparation or handling of foodstuffs. To these I should add the large amount of copper and brass articles, from tubing to typewriter and sewing machine parts which are now nickel- plated. An interesting point in rela- 103 TRANSACTIONS AMERICAN FOUNDRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION tion to the various methods of protect- ing metals is the price of the metals themselves. Nickel is 7u times, tin and aluminum 7 times, copper 4Vg times and antimony 3 r 4 times as high in price as spelter, and at equal efficiency against corrosion the lightest coating is one of zinc as applied by dry-gal- vanizing. Analyzing the various items which go to make up the cost of Sherardiz- ing, we find that in every instance there is a saving either over the hot process or over the electric process. In most cases the saving is over both of the older processes. Initial Expense. A plant for Sherardizing is less ex- pensive than a hot plant and very much less so than an electric plant. Every part of it is of a simple nature and calls for neither feat of engineer- ing nor for the solution of any out-of- the-way problems. It is very much like a plant for close annealing, and whereas the depreciation on a hot plant is usually taken at 50 per cent per annum, the depreciation on a Sherardizing plant would not exceed 10 per cent, which is the depreciation commonly figured on an electrolytic plant. The drums are not made of perishable hard rubber or wood as are those for electrolytic galvanizing. The process can lie carried on in the main manufacturing building, and the pick- ling done in the cheapest kind of an outhouse. The Saving in Cost of Zinc. For an equal thickness of coating, the zinc actually deposited is about the same in value whether derived from dust or from spelter slabs. It is less than the anodes used in electrolytic work which have to be cast specially and are very often of odd or compli- cated form. Even less zinc is re- quired than in the electric process be- cause an equal thickness is more ef- fective and because the distribution is fully as even. In Sheradizing there is nothing to throw away, but sufficient dust (from 1 to 5 per cent) is added from time to time to replace that of the weight of the articles coated which has been used. There is no equivalent to the unsatisfactory results due to using spelter recovered from dross and therefore contaminated by the presence of iron. In electro-deposition an unobstructed path is required between the anode and the object, for, the dissociated ions of the salts in solution to travel. If any part is hidden or recessed no deposit is made and the parts furthest from the anodes have the lightest coating. In addition to this it must be under- stood that the anodes are not entirely used up and part of them is lost at the bottom of the tank, and as eaten- out remnants they cannot be used to the vanishing point. It is hardly necessary to point out the enormous saving in the quantity of zinc used as compared with the hot process. Hot galvanized articles have, as a r.ule, a much thicker coat- ing than is necessary because most of them cannot be conveniently wiped like wire or band iron. In Sherardiz- ing all the zinc is consumed and the thickness of deposit is regulated just as readily as in the electric process. In the hot process a large percentage of spelter is converted into dross and skimmings, and while much of it is re- covered, the net loss cuts quite a fig- ure on the cost sheet. The Saving in Labor. Sherardizing is like annealing in that it requires but a small amount of la- bor, and that unskilled, placed under proper superintendence. A drum holding one or more tons of articles can be left to itself for half an hour or more subject to an occasional turn; in the meantime another drum is be- ing prepared for Sherardizing while the first will be cooling. Suitable par- titions will allow of several classes of small articles being Sherardized in one drum without mixing. Hot galvanizing requires constant attention and handling, which can seldom be done by one man even with the aid of overhead trolleys and sim- ilar fixtures. It is not a mechanical or automatic process, but one of hard manual labor, and the regulation of TRANSACTIONS AMERICAN FOVNDRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION 109 temperature and methods of dipping require the attention of an experienced galvanizer. As a leading authority on hot work has written: "Considerable skill is re- quired to bring a piece of work out of the metal and cool it so that the surface will be smooth, free from blis- ters and with no lumps of surplus metal attached." For the electric process at least one man possessing some knowledge of electricity and of all the whims of electrolytics is needed. In electro- deposition irregular shapes — excepting in the case of very small articles — re- quire regular shaped anodes, but in Sherardizing the dust, every particle of which may be considered as a min- ute anode in itself, is used just as it comes from the refiners for any size or shape of article. By combining the advantages of both the old processes, Sherardizing en- ables a manufacturer to galvanize with one plant only, articles which have hith- erto been divided between the two processes, the small ones being elec- tro-galvanized and the large ones dipped. Less care is needed in clean- ing the articles to be Sherardized, and oil or grease, far from being objection- able, are helpful to the process, be- cause their volatile hydrocarbons help to prevent oxidation of the dust; the addition of grease or vaseline has in- deed been found to be of some advan- tage in many cases. Furthermore, the articles can be put into the drums wet, as they come from the washing tank. The labor of recutting threads is eliminated. Bolts, screws and nuts can be put in the drum just as they are delivered from the machines, covered with oil or cutting compound. With small installations the process can be worked intermittently. The low cost of the plant warrants a man- ufacturer in running a drum two or three days a week instead of sending ■ his work out. thereby saving time, freight and jobbers' profits. The tem- perature required is so low that it takes very little time to start the fur- nace and where gas is used this ele- ment of time may be almost disre- garded. This' low temperature also suggests using the waste gases of an- nealing and other furnaces, and in many cases it will be found economical to place a whole day's production in the retort and leave it in overnight with the night watchman to keep his eye on the pyrometer. There is no labor for skimming and drossing; no pots to scrape at unexpected times, nor furnaces to destroy and rebuild at all too frequent intervals. The Saving in Fuel and Power. The plainest fact about hot galvan- izing is its thermal inefficiency. The pot must be kept going day and night, whether in use or not, and even dur- ing its operation most of the heat is lost by radiation and by having to bring the articles to the temperature of the bath. On the other hand, power is seldom an item of any consequence, whereas in electrolytic work the amount of current consumed is quite large, for a deposit which is meant for something more than exhibition pur- poses or to be buried out of sight and forgotten. This is seldom appreciated because electricity is unobtrusive in its action; the cost of electro-galvan- izing thin sheets is prohibitive on ac- count of the amount of current con- sumed. In Sherardizing the heat is very low and is kept in by a lining of refractory material; the articles do not have to reach the temperature of the zinc dust and the apparatus is al- ways ready for work on short notice. The temperature does not have to be varied to suit the different sizes and classes of articles to be coated and as I have suggested, waste gases can be used under many circumstances. Other Factors of Economy. With the new process, less acid is used than in the electrolytic process because the cleaning does not have to be so thorough. The vapor works its way under specks of dirt and bare spots cannot exist. No flux of any kind is needed as in hot galvanizing, and there are no comparatively high- priced electrical supplies to be bought. There is no danger whatever from 110 TRANSACTIONS AMERICAN FOUNDRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION explosions, no broken castings nor dis- torted iron work to replace, and the temper of the finest steel blades and of steel springs is in no way injured by the low temperature used. This may at first seem strange and will not be perfectly clear until we know some- thing more about the temperatures ex- isting and the reactions taking place in the retort. Various Applications of Dry Galvaniz- ing. Sherardizing will not full an uncalked seam and act as a solder, this is its one- limitation but it has a great variety of new applications to make up for it. Fly screening can be galvanized and the business parts of agricultural imple- ments such as mower and harrow teeth can receive adequate protection at a low cost without impairing their qual- ities. Flashing a surface electrically to dis- cover flaws has been in use for some years and Sherardizing will render the same service; it is, in fact, being used at the present time for this very pur- pose for boiler tubes. However, while electric flashing is worthless against corrosion, a flashing with zinc dust or vapor is very effective as a rust pre- ventive, and of particular service for articles which are to be shipped across the ocean. Within reasonable limits innumera- ble machined articles, tools, locomo- tive and engine parts can be flashed with zinc and be effectively protected against rust under the conditions of their operation, whereas at present they must be periodically cleaned at the expense of their appearance and of the accuracy of their fit. Articles such as wire, tubes, etc., either flashed or coated with a heavy deposit can be drawn out, the coating drawing out with the material itself. A brilliant and permanent polish which can hardly be distinguished from nickel-plating, but bluer and more like silvrr. and a better reflector of light, can be given to Sherardized articles by means of the usual burn- ishing tools and machines, but unlike nickel-plating it is absolutely rust- proof. This polish is not temporary like that of electro-galvanizing, and it is hard and durable if worked down, as it should be, t > > the ferro-zinc. The rea- son that it does not whiten by corro- sion, as might naturally be expected, is because the surface has flowed to an inpervious film and the iron is shielded from any contact effects. In this con- nection it should be remembered that highly polished steel is relatively rust- proof. If, however, nickel-plating is preferred a light Sherardizing before plating, instead of coppering, will en- sure very thorough adherence of the nickel to the ferro-zinc and superior rust-proof qualities will be obtained. It has been shown that it is very difficult to volatilize zinc from alloys where there is any nickel present.* Sherardized aluminum can be elec- tro-plated and the objectionable soft surface be overcome, not to mention the finish and appearance. Sherardizing has been found to pro- tect silver from sulphated hydrogen which blackens it; it can be applied very lightly before polishing without altering the color. When aluminum has been Sherardized it can be readily soldered; this is expected to do away with the very unsatisfactory riveting of articles made from aluminum sheets. The latest application is for inlaying or damascening and this art is being carried out in England on a commer- cial scale. A variety of colors can be obtained by using different dusts and by varying the time, thereby obtain- ing alloys of different tints. The de- signs shade off in a pleasing manner beyond the edges of the stopping-off material which acts as a stencil in set- ting graphical limits to the action of the dusts and vapors. It is very seldom that in the his- tory of invention we find an improved process which corrects so many de- fects', removes so many limitations oi the processes in use and creates so many new and novel applications as does dry-galvanizing. * See A. R. TTaslam in Chcm. News, Vol. 51. SCIENCE APPLIED TO THE BRASS INDUSTRY By Andrew M. Fairlie, Copper Hill, Tenn. For the sake of progress in the brass industry, as well as for the ad- vancement of science, it is highly de- sirable that the brass and scientific men learn to know each other better. Science is not nearly so formidable as many believe. She should be respect- ed, it is true, but not treated with awe; for the benefits she has bestowed, she should be admired, not feared and shunned; and while she continues to promise aid, economically lightening the labors of men, improving the qual- ity of products and the efficiency of processes, she should be cherished, not ignored, maligned not abused. Science, it must be admitted, is a forbidding word. Yet it need not be. As indicated by its derivation, science is' nothing more nor less terrible than knowledge. More specifically, it is the knowledge of nature's laws. An incident that occurred in the course of this day's work will illustrate at once the meaning of science, and its value to the brass industry. Mr. X. was superintending the manufacture of a new metal, an alloy of nickel and lead. He weighed the metals himself, and was particular that the percentages should remain exactly as' planned. He was out of the foundry when the lead was added, but stepped in just as the men were skimming, and as he did so, saw a heavy lump fall from the crucible to the floor. "What's that?" asked X. suspiciously. "Slag from the coke," was the reply, and this statement was corroborated by a fellow workman. Not content, X plunged the lump into water to cool it, scratched the sur- face with a file, and saw that the lump was not slag, but metal. Application of the magnet indicated that the metal was either nickel or iron, and a simple chemical test excluded the latter, so that the deduction was plain. The men chilled the nickel by adding the lead too fast, then skimmed off the frozen nickel, which had come to the surface of the lead, and so, entirely ignorant of this fact, spoiled their work. In this case only very ele- mentary science, or knowledge, if you will, was required to detect the error and apply the remedy — a new casting. Contemplating the help that science has already given the brass maker, ana- lytical chemistry at once claims our attention. This branch of chemistry detects injurious impurities in the com- mercial metals from which brass' is made; it locates and measures the losses in the business; by pointing out the sources of inaccuracy, it standard- izes the mixtures of a casting shop; it shows the exact composition of any metal submitted for reproduction; by selecting the good and bad qualities of molding sands it improves the quality of sand castings; it distinguishes good coal and coke from poor, and in many ways\ discovers the cause of trouble. Metallurgy, in its turn, has been of serviceV The methods of recovering metal ftom scrap have been improved. The cause of porosity in castings has been found, and the soundest castings are now possible by the use of de- oxidizers, such as silicon, phosphorus, aluminum or. magnesium. The oxida- tion of metals\in the foundry has been diminished by. keeping the molten metal surrounde^d as much as possible by reducing gases, both while melting and while pouring. The pernicious effect of the iron stirrer for mixing al- loys has been demonstrated, and one of graphite substituted. Physics has furnished the conduc- tivity bridge and the pyrometer. Since extremely small proportions of certain impurities in copper have a powerful LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 112 TRANSACTIONS AMERICAN FOUNDRYMEN'S A: 014 634 178 4 effect in depressing the electrical con- ductivity, the former has been adopted as' a quick and accurate means of test- ing the purity of refined copper. The pyrometer, by controlling the temper- ature, tends to render furnace pro- cesses more exact. The microscope, extending its researches to the exam- ination of the non-ferrous metals, has been directed upon polished and etched sections, of copper, brass and bronze, and has revealed the varying structures resulting from different degrees of heat in melting and pouring, as well as from forging, rolling, and other mechanical pri icesses In the electro-plating industry the. value of circulating the electrolite, either by rotating an electrode or* otherwise, has been recognized and the principle applied. But it is not possible, nor, indeed, is it necessary, to enumerate within the limits of an association paper all of the scientific discoveries and inven- tions adopted in practice by the brass industry since the days when, eighty years ago, sheet brass was made in Waterbury, Conn., by alternately pass- ing the ingot between heavy steel rolls and annealing in the flames of a chestnut wood fire. So much for the past and present — what is the outlook for the future? Completeness applied to the future is. of course, out of the question, and one must be content with a study of the signs of the times. Even thus the limitations of time and space serve an injunction against com- pleteness, and we can consider here only a few of the problems which con- front this generation. We had in mind just now the elec- tro-plating industry. The electro-plat- ing shop needs the chemist and metal- lurgist more, perhaps, than any other branch of the non-ferrous metal in- dustry. An examination of the inquiry columns of the trade papers demon- strates that rule-of-thumb methods in the plating room do not meet the re- quirements. The trouble experienced by the "platers in controlling their so- lutions and costs and the quality of their work is simply evidence that the electro-plating shop ought to be, and must become an electro-chemical and metallurgical laboratorj r on a commer- cial scale; that the handful of this, the pinch of that, and the bucketful of the other — yes, even the dram and ounce and gallon — must give place to the gram and the liter; in short, that science must foster an industry that was born of science. It is too much to say that science is now prepared to solve off-hand any electro-plating pro- Idem that might be presented. Pro- blems in practice require scientific in- vestigation, and as electro-plating pro- blems have been neglected, much painstaking work will be required for their solution. Let us see what prob- ability of success is offered to stimu- late efforts in this direction. Ideally, the metal dissolved from an anode showed equal the metal depos- ited on the cathode, the bath remain- ing unchanged. Practically, this de- sideratum is today seldom achieved. Impurities in the anode dissolve in the bath, polluting it. and at the same time metal is deposited on the cathode more rapidly than it is dissolved from the anode. The excess is derived from the bath, with consequent variation in com- position. Furthermore, certain impuri- ties, insoluble in the electrolyte, either form a coating on the anode, partially insulating it, or, falling off. foul the bath; consequently the electrolyte has to be regenerated or renewed from time to time. Such obstacles' should not be regarded as insurmountable. On the contrary, experience shows that patient application of scientific princi- ples will overcome such difficulties. For example, several years ago Dr. N. S. Keith was confronted with a pro- blem in the electrolytic refining of lead base bullion.* His solution of lead acetate and lead nitrate became de posed, with the formation of insoluble salts which interfered with the d< : tion. The problem was finally solved by substituting for the original bath an electrolyte composed of lead sul- phate dissolved in sodic acetate. Dr. Keith avers that the integrity of this 'Electrical Industry, June, 1903, p. 345. 014 634 178 Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type I Pb 8.5. Buffered LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 634 178 Conservation Resources