iHMiiiii « sns ; ifiis hRS m m ttM*l * ■oZ*' A. • ., „ - .V '^ ..0' j^O Vc,^ v^ .jj;^'* 'cv aO '°o '0^ i''^% '°o .,-i-* .':^*% ^-^ rO^»: y %/.« / v^-/ \*^^\/ v^^'/ \:^'y :^M'. %<^' ••»': ^^/ i^-. "*-<** :K \>^* • A'- \f :i ^V ►<» '^'^ -^.^ • • «? «J>', "^ O^ 'o . . • -'V o > •^^.■t ^X'^-^V^ V^^V X/^^/ X'^^%00' "-. s^*%^ \ -^0 IC ^^""^ Bureau of Mines Information Circular/1983 The Florida Phosphate Industry's Technological and Environmental Problems, A Review By Staff, Bureau of Mines, Tuscaloosa Research Center UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ^"^wm Information Circular 8914 The Florida Phosphate Industry's Technological and Environmental Problems, A Review By Staff, Bureau of Mines, Tuscaloosa Research Center UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR James G. Watt, Secretary BUREAU OF MINES Robert C. Norton, Director Research at the Tuscaloosa Research Center is carried out under a memorandum of agreement between the U.S. Department of the Interior and the University of Alabama. ' : As the Nation's principal conservation agency, the Department of the Interior has responsibility for most of our nationally owned public lands and natural resources. This includes fostering the wisest use of our land and water re- sources, protecting our fish and wildlife, preserving the environmental and cultural values of our national parks and historical places, and providing for the enjoyment of life through outdoor recreation. The Department assesses our energy and mineral resources and works to assure that their development is in the best interests of all our people. The Department also has a major re- sponsibility for American Indian reservation communities and for people who live in Island Territories under U.S. administration. This publication has been cataloged as follows: The Florida phosphate industry's technological and environmental prohleins, a review. (Rureau of Mines information circular ; 8914) Bibliography: p. 33-34. Supi. of Docs, no.: 1 28.27:8914. 1. Phosphate mines ami mining— linvironmental aspects — Florida. I. l.nitcd States. Bureau of Mines. luscaloosa Research C^enter. II. Scries; Inftirmation circular (United States. Bureau of Mines) ; 8914. TR^^i4J4 |Tr)195.IVir>J 622s [622'. 3641 82-600340 lor sale l>y tiic Supcriii icni oi Doiiiments, I'.S. (io\ernment I^rinl iiig tHf ice Vi'ashingion, !).( . 20 iO 2 ^ ^ CONTENTS Page Abstract 1 Major findings 2 Introduction 3 Significance of the Florida phosphate Industry 3 Production 3 Economic contribution. 4 Employment 4 Taxes 5 Florida phosphate resources 5 Regulatory factors affecting the phosphate industry 7 Technological factors affecting the phosphate Industry 12 Issues associated with phosphatlc clay dewaterlng 12 Geology and distribution of phosphatlc clays 12 Characterization of phosphatlc clays 17 Phosphogypsum disposal 18 Mining of wetlands 19 Land reclamation 20 Status of dewaterlng technology 21 Conventional settling process 21 Brewster Phosphates' sand-spraying process 24 International Minerals and Chemicals Corp. process 26 Flocculatlon 27 Rotary screen process 28 Gardinier, Inc. , process 29 Estech General Chemical Corp. process 29 Review of dewaterlng research 29 Phosphate land reclamation 30 Summary 32 References 33 Appendix. — Chronology of establishing a phosphate operation 36 ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Phosphate rock processing complex.... 13 2. Typical phosphate rock mine showing walking dragline 14 3. Slurry pit and hydraulic monitors 15 4. Conventional flowsheet for phosphate benef Iclatlon 16 5. Aerial view of typical settling ponds 16 6. Map of phosphate-producing counties 17 7. Typical cross section of the central Florida phosphate district 17 8. Comparison of ore constituents 18 9. Scanning electron photomicrograph of attapulglte 19 10. Scanning electron photomicrograph of montmorillonite 19 11. Scanning electron photomicrograph of kaollnlte 19 12. Phosphate land reclamation in land and lakes configuration.... 20 13. Phosphatlc clays being discharged into a typical settling area 22 14. Conventional clay disposal process 22 15. Recharge well system 24 16. Sand-spraying process for clay disposal 25 17. Sandwich construction for sand-clay disposal process 25 18. International Minerals and Chemicals Corp. process for clay disposal 26 19. Rotary screen process for clay disposal 28 11 ILLUSTRATIONS— Continued Page 20. Gardinier, Inc., process for clay disposal 29 21. Estech General Chemical Corp. process for clay disposal 30 TABLES 1. Production and value of phosphate rock from Florida and North Carolina and the United States 4 2. Total identified resources in recoverable product 6 3. Permits required for phosphate mining development 7 4. Environmental permitting requirements and costs 10 5. Permitting schedule summary 11 6. Reclamation cost summary for all evaluated parcels 31 THE FLORIDA PHOSPHATE INDUSTRY'S TECHNOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS. A REVIEW By Staff, Bureau of Mines, Tuscaloosa Research Center ABSTRACT The Florida phosphate industry currently produces more than 80 pet of the total U.S. marketable output of phosphate rock. Because phosphate is one of three principal nutrients used in formulating a complete fer- tilizer, it is imperative that an uninterrupted supply of this material be available to meet the agricultural requirements of the United States while maintaining a viable phosphate industry which is competitive in world markets. As a result of an evaluation made by the Bureau of Mines, five areas were identified that affect the overall production and projected growth of the phosphate industry in Florida. These areas re- late to the technological ability of the industry to comply with en- vironmental regulations and performance standards by using the best available technology. The most significant technical problem facing the industry is the management of the clay fraction rejected during the ben- eficiation of phosphate ores. Other areas of concern are environmental restrictions and regulatory requirements, issues associated with mining and reclamation of wetlands, reclamation of other disturbed lands, and consumptive water use. Each of these areas is reviewed, with major emphasis placed on the current state-of-the-art processes for treatment and management of phos- phatic clays. MAJOR FINDINGS In reviewing the Florida phosphate in- dustry, five problem areas, which have a direct bearing on maintaining a viable critical mineral industry, were identi- fied as significant. These include (1) management of phosphatic clays, (2) regu- latory and environmental constraints, (3) mining and reclamation of wetland phosphate reserves, (4) reclamation of other disturbed lands, and (5) consump- tive water usage. Resolution of the major concern, an effective reduction in the total volume of stored phosphatic clays, would greatly reduce the magnitude of the other problem areas. The develop- ment of technology to rapidly dewater waste clays would permit earlier reclama- tion of clay settling areas, thus ad- dressing present objectives of the State of Florida to limit aboveground storage of phosphatic clays. Indications are, however, that the ultimate physical char- acters of clay disposal areas reclaimed by either the conventional settling meth- od or presently developing technology will be comparable. Even if original contour approximation can be achieved by any of the developing reclamation proce- dures, low-profile dams will probably be required until final compaction occurs. Many years and millions of dollars in research efforts by industry, State and Federal Governments, and universities have indeed advanced the state-of-the-art technology for phosphatic clay disposal. Nevertheless, it is evident, as a result of this study and review, that initial settling ponds or impoundment for new mines will continue to be necessary to provide — • Initial settling areas for clay solids. • Reservoirs for recirculating process water. • Catch-basins for area rainfall and control of surface runoff. • A potential future source of phosphate. Research has confirmed that phosphatic clays, from mine to mine, are extremely variable in chemical and mineralogical composition and that the settling charac- teristics of these clays are related to the mineralogy and quantity of clay pres- ent in the matrix. Consequently, no sin- gle "universal" solution to phosphatic clay disposal now exists for the Florida phosphate districts. Progress has been made in translating laboratory tests to practical field dem- onstrations. However, in selecting one or more of these methods of clay manage- ment, an explicit knowledge of such vari- ables as the operating parameters of the mine and processing plant, the "total" settling and consolidation characteris- tics of the clays fraction, and the total quantities of sand and clay in the matrix material is required. The development of mathematical models supported by centrifuge testing to pre- dict clay settling and consolidation parameters should prove useful in evalu- ating and optimizing phosphatic clay man- agement systems. The generation of phosphogypsum, a by- product in phosphoric acid manufacture, apparently presents an aesthetic problem rather than an environmental problem. Recent studies show that phosphogypsum is neither toxic nor corrosive, and that little or no leaching occurs. Seepage from the gypsum pond slurry is dissipated very rapidly and has little or no effect on surficial waters or deep aquifers. The mining of wetlands presents a spe- cial problem since wetlands represent unique ecosystems. On the other hand, if wetlands in the phosphate mining areas of Florida cannot be mined, about 500 mil- lion metric tons of phosphate contained on identified industry-owned properties may be lost. This amounts to 17 pet of Florida's reserve base. A timely major effort on wetlands reclamation research should be undertaken to determine if these ecosystems can be restored after mining. Reclamation of those lands not required for phosphatic clay storage can be read- ily accomplished. However, the predomi- nant land form will be a land and lakes configuration, since sufficient materials are not available to recreate a solid land form. INTRODUCTION Florida has led the Nation for nearly 90 years in the production of phosphate rock (_3)1 and currently supplies more than 80 pet of domestic production and 34 pet of the world output. The remaining domestic production comes from Alabama, Idaho, Montana, North Carolina, Utah, and Tennessee. Supply-demand forecasts for phosphate rock indicate supplies are presently ade- quate; however, future demand may exceed supply ( 29 , 34 ). Phosphate fertilizers are a nonsubstitutible commodity in agri- culture. The agricultural industry con- sumed over 87 pet of the national demand in 1980. Production of phosphate rock is vital to the Nation's agricultural production. Consequently, it is essential that the environmental problems associated with phosphate rock production be solved. While there is, as yet, no technology that is universally applicable to those problems, research is continuing, and the progress to date is encouraging. Meanwhile, the State of Florida has identified several facets associated with phosphate mining as being of concern to the State and has promulgated regulations in the areas of air and water quality, dam construction, and land reclamation. Florida, a major mining State, ranking first nationally in 1980 in the value of nonmetallic minerals produced, is unique in having no State mining law. However, county governments in the phosphate min- ing areas have enacted mining laws , as well as environmental and reclamation regulations which in many cases are more stringent than those promulgated by the State, and in some cases are beyond the technical ability of the phosphate indus- try to meet within the timeframe pro- posed. The problem of most concern is that of phosphate clay management. The solution to accelerated phosphatic clay dewatering beyond conventional settling techniques will require a technological breakthrough. The search for an acceler- ated dewatering solution currently is a major focus of industry and Federal re- search efforts. This study provides an overview and evaluation of the possible impact of reg- ulations on the phosphate mining indus- try, including a review of existing or proposed regulations, the magnitude of the problem as it affects Florida's phos- phate mining industry, the state-of-the- art and developing dewatering technology, and the efforts that are being made by government and industry to develop ac- ceptable technology for abating or mini- mizing phosphatic clay storage problems. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FLORIDA PHOSPHATE INDUSTRY PRODUCTION The Florida mining industry leads the nation in the production of phosphates. In 1981 Florida and North Carolina2 ( 34 ) produced 46 million metric tons of phos- phate rock valued at almost $1.3 billion. Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to the items in the list of refer- ences preceding the appendix. About 20 million metric tons of phos- phate rock are exported annually from the United States. Of this total about 17 million metric tons valued at $510 million is exported from Florida. In ^Florida's production data are combined with those of North Carolina to conceal the latter 's production because there is only one producing company in North Carolina. addition, the value of phosphate fertil- izers that are produced in and exported from Florida in 1980 is estimated to ex- ceed $500 million (23). Most of the phosphate is used for agri- cultural purposes, and a large agrichemi- cal industrial complex has grown up in association with the Florida phosphate mining activity. The bulk of the phos- phate rock produced in Florida is con- verted to phosphoric acid, which is then used to make various agricultural chemi- cal products such as ammonium phosphate, superphosphate, or triple superphosphate fertilizers. Figure 1 (p. 13) shows a phosphate rock processing complex. Some phosphate rock is smelted to produce elemental phosphorus, which is used in some inorganic chemicals and detergents, as well as in the manufacture of ferro- phosphorus. Table 1 shows national pro- duction figures as well as those from Florida and North Carolina. In addition to Florida's significant phosphate fertilizer production, uranium oxide (U30g) and fluorine (fluosilicic acid) are recovered as byproducts. Six companies have constructed uranium recov- ery facilities: four in Florida and two in Louisiana, The amount of U-jOg recov- erable from central Florida phosphate rock is estimated to be almost 35,000 metric tons. This material has a poten- tial value of more than $3 billion ( 23 ) and could provide a significant portion of domestic requirements (31). Byproduct fluorine, for use in water fluoridation and in aluminum metal pro- duction, also has been recovered from Florida operations for many years and represents about 47 pet of the poten- tially recoverable byproduct fluorine from U.S. sources (14). ECONOMIC CONTRIBUTION ( 23 ) Employment The Florida phosphate industry plays an important role in the economy of the State. The industry had a direct employ- ment of 12,500 people in 1981 and was responsible for a total of 48,500 jobs (direct and indirect). In the same year phosphate workers earned $27 million in wages, which greatly exceeded the wages of the entire Florida citrus industry ($9 million) . The phosphate industry also serves as "a major economic catalyst," spurring the development of numerous other enterprises that exist to serve the industry or its employees. TABLE 1. - Production and value of phosphate rock from Florida and North Carolina and the United States (Thousand metric tons- and thousand dollars) Florida and North Carolina United States Percent of production Year Production Value Production Value from Florida and North Carolina 1981 46,281 1,289,366 53,624 1,437,986 86.3 1980 47,243 1,124,929 54,415 1,256,947 86.8 1979 44,256 918,555 51,611 1,045,655 85.8 1978 43,258 817,165 50,037 928,820 86.5 1977 40,575 718,393 47,256 821,657 85.9 1976 37,690 867,092 44,662 949,379 84.4 1975 36,999 1,000,352 44,378 1,122,184 83.4 1974 33,618 408,979 41,533 501,429 80.9 1973 31,297 191,654 38,306 238,667 81.7 1972 31,019 173,910 37,119 207,910 83.6 1971 29,228 167,753 35,351 203,828 82.7 1970 28,435 158,972 35,217 203,218 80.7 Although general wage rates In Florida trail the national average by 10 pet, wages paid to Florida phosphate workers exceed the national average by 17 pet. Most of these wage earners are concen- trated in Polk County, with others in nearby Hillsborough, Manatee, and Hardee Counties, and some in northern Florida, principally in Hamilton County. Almost 56 pet of the workers directly employed by phosphate producing companies are en- gaged in mining and benefieiating phos- phate rock, with 41 pet employed in the production of fertilizer materials. The remaining 3 pet of the workers are em- ployed in the manufacture of inorganic chemicals from beneficiated phosphate products. Taxes ( 23 ) The total tax bill paid by the Florida phosphate industry in 1981 was about $125 million. Corporate income taxes have been collected in Florida since 1972. The rate is 5 pet of the adjusted Federal corporate income tax minus a $5,900 exemption. This generated approx- imately $5,800,000 in tax revenue in 1981, $3,500,000 collected directly from the phosphate industry and $2,300,000 from related economic activities. The "sales and use" tax is Florida's primary source of revenue. The basic rate is 5 pet. The sales tax revenue generated by phosphate mining and manufacturing was over $25 million in 1981. The Florida phosphate industry is also subject to vehicle and motor fuel taxes for the State of Florida. In 1981 these totaled $300,000. In the same year ad valorem property taxes paid to county and city governments, mostly in central Florida, exceeded $24 million. Since 1971, Florida has levied a min- eral severance tax based on the value of the phosphate rock. The tax, orig- inally 3 pet, was raised to 4 pet in 1973, to 5 pet in 1975, and to 10 pet in 1978. Of the $100 million the phos- phate industry has paid in severance taxes , about 24 million has been refund- ed for reclamation work. The State of Florida also allows a tax credit of up to 20 pet of the local or county prop- erty tax to be applied against the sever- ance tax due the State. Florida col- lected $75,549,531 from the phosphate industry in 1981 in the form of severance taxes . FLORIDA PHOSPHATE RESOURCES Estimates of Florida's phosphate re- sources and the portion of these re- resources that is currently economic (reserves) have come from various sources and in many cases appear to be different. These differences are mainly due to the variables that are used relating to price assumptions and/or mining and beneficia- tion technology, differences in cutoff parameters of rock quality and quantity on a deposit basis, differences in the methodology used to assess the resources, and the previous lack of a universal technical language. However, all esti- mates of phosphate rock resources and re- serves may be correct when compared and analyzed using the same parameters and language. In this regard, the Bureau of Mines, using its Minerals Availability System (MAS), contracted a study to de- fine phosphate resources in Florida (43). The study classified the resource through geologic, engineering, and economic eval- uations of identified reserves and re- sources, using specific parameters for a minable deposit, and using the resource classification system developed by the Bureau of Mines and the U.S. Geological Survey (37). Hypothetical or speculative resources were not included. Only iden- tified properties (which amounted to 108) were evaluated; speculation on resources located between mining properties was not included. Industry participation was re- quested and those data submitted by in- dustry were used; however, some pro- prietary industry data were not avail- able for the study. Data summarized in table 2 show that there were 4.1 billion short tons of phosphate rock recoverable at a cost of $40 per short ton or greater. o u o. 0) rH 43 (0 l-i > O O 0) M (0 a; o O CO 0) 4J o eg •> 1 1 0) >* <7> -* -* 1— t CM .-H CM cjs 73 W "« hJ • • • • • • • • • O O (0 Oi vO 00 ^H CT> VO SO so r^ so M S M PQ vO so r^ vO so SO so so SO Oi bO a »^ 1— < CO -* o m m -i CO • • • • • • • • • 4J .H O C r>» uo ■* CT> ^H o eg -H a\ O rH J2 O o> a. 00 o so so m o iTt in eg o eg r>. r-. 4J 1 • • 1 • • • • • • u ir» -* ^H i-H r^ •* r-t eg so o CO 1—1 1^ CM O O t-H 43 o 00 o 00 o -* •^ CM CO 1 • 1 • • • • • • • • ■u o 1^ Oi 00 r^ o .-H f— 1 a\ ^O CO PO eg I— 1 so 00 -* in 00 o <«■ ■-H r-H •— I CM T3 o VO o CO CO O o o CO o\ so eg 00 00 m o -o m ■— 1 CO O CO •^ VO •H O eg CO eg eg -* -* r>. •X3 M •H 14H r^ O O o O o o r^ 4J O m as o> o> so O VO m ->r cd CM • • • • • • * • •co- t^ >^ ■* o o CM M 4J 00 o\ o a\ 00 r^ m in ■* 1 O o CO CO ^ 00 CO r-* 00 a m CO CO CO sf ea r^ o CO o f— 1 »\ *• •H vy I-H I-H •H g m o o O o in m CO o Q O o CO i-H • • • • • • ^1 sl- >* o ■>* 1 1 1 - eg CM CM • 1 • cd • • M • cd • • Vi • I r^J l >, a • • M u cd • • M Cd c c TJ o 3 • «k • M TS •H •H o M , rH rH u •H -o 43 Cd •• Cd -H u Cd M ^ o M •H jA bO ^J Cd (3 4-) (3 4J iJ O M •u 3 O TJ S {3 w -H 2 3 3 O rH rH iH O G O O 4J Cd Cd [X4 iH 3 M 43 M O CJ 43 U 4-> P^ O O 3 O * O 3 O O o 43 CO rH O 0) CO H H h ■H CO pL4 4J cd leteness" of the per- mit application. Before a formal appli- cation is filed, it may be necessary for the permittee to hold one or more prepermitting conferences to discuss special problems or sensitive issues. Once a work plan has been approved, fleldwork. and baseline studies are be- gun for use in preparing a permit application. Upon formal submission of the completed application, most agencies require 30 to 120 days for review and evaluation. As a part of the review process, the public is invited to participate in the decision- making process. Often modifications to the original application are required which subsequently require the services of consultants to support specific ele- ments of the application. To date, there is no official clearinghouse for the to- tal application. In many instances a permittee must have previously filed, or otherwise received approval from one agency, before approval from another agency can be granted. This often delays the permitting process. In section 380.06(6) of the Florida statutes, the Department of Veteran and Community Affairs requires the de- velopment of a regional impact study "...intended to provide information to local governments to assist them in mak- ing decisions concerning developments having greater than local impact." This application establishes the framework for cooperative planning between the permit- tee, the local government, and regional. State, and Federal agencies, addresses such basic information as air, land, and water ( 24 , 32) , and considers issues re- lated to — Wetlands Flood plains Vegetation and wildlife Historical and archeological sites Recreation and open space Socioeconomics Waste water management Drainage Water supply Solid waste Energy consumption Much of this same Information Is also required in EPA's Environmental Impact Statement, which is required by the Fed- eral Government pursuant to section 102(2) (c) of Public Law 91-190. A Sup- plemental Information Document (SID) also contains technical details presented in a form intended to be reviewed by a non- technical public. Copies of these docu- ments are circulated to over a dozen State and local agencies for review and recommendations . The Florida Department of Environmental Regulations (DER) also regulates and is- sues permits concerning — Air Industrial waste water Dredge and fill Drainage wells Dam construction Potable water supply Sanitary water Each of these elements requires de- tailed studies to support issuances of the permit and must include site- specific plans for monitoring and/or abating sources of potential environmen- tal problems. The Florida Water Management Districts regulate surface and ground water use by mining companies. Specifically, consump- tive water and well construction permits are required in addition to Works of the District permits which govern water with- drawal and discharge, and construction of facilities owned or maintained by the District. Water supplies for a mine are also a concern for a mining venture. Pumping tests and hydrological assessment are re- quired to project water consumption rates and 'hydrological balances. Occasionally, recharge wells are used to recharge sur- ficial aquifers in the mine area. In these instances the quality and quantity of the recharge water are determined, and special limitations may be imposed (19). Table 4 summarizes average startup costs of environmental studies and permit ap- provals for operating a mine. The ground water study, as reported, averages $1,500,000 to complete. The Florida Department of Natural Re- sources regulates and monitors reclama- tion efforts by the raining companies. Each mining company submits detailed plans for primary and subsequent reclama- tion of the mine site. These plans pro- ject rate of mining, the sequence of each mining phase, and a timetable for recla- mation and final restoration of the post- mined lands. Approximately 5 years are necessary to achieve final approval for mining to be- gin, assuming no litigation. An actual permitting schedule is given in table 5. Once a valid permit to mine is issued, additional work permits must be obtained to construct buildings, roads, power- lines , draglines , and sanitary facili- ties. The appendix details one phos- phate company's permitting chronology from land acquisition to the final permit to mine. In summary, the phosphate mine operator can expect to invest approximately $4 to $5 million and 5 years to obtain the per- mits required to mine phosphate in Florida. Only large companies with sub- stantial financial resources can afford such significant long-term investments. Consequently, the Florida industry is composed of such firms . 10 < o. 3 bO ^ < « CO 1-1 4.1 d) < l-t 0) (0 o u 00 cfl o u •a u o CA 03 o o o m CSl oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O O O LO o o o o o o o o o o o o m o oooooomo iTicMmminocMm iri m o o m o o CSl O u-i O rn cs LO in o r^ in m m CM in CSJ CVl -H O o o o o o 00 en in n X X X XIX X!XX XX X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X > > > M M M M M M H > > > M M M > « > M M H H H H CO u u o a, i) U bO c •• -H (0 t-i (U o 1-t w T3 -H s a +J o w a I c bO O C -H •H -U M (0 O -H W "O •H (0 C Oj O S O U U Cfl -H (U S 1-1 1-1 O • 10 "O T-( (U 3 3 U-i •H to S l-c U CO O , (U 3 'U CO t-i iH CO r-l 4-1 fa S O W CO O •H W> O iH O CO r-t s, M 0) P c a o w •H bon-i ■H H > rH ■a 0) ^ r-l > O CU CO o M (U bO M fa c lU CX fa-H rH O. CO bd CO c * M 0) U M oi C! Cci Q c (U Q 1 bo a 1 4-1 •H * CM -* ON en v£) ^ CO CO CO CO O . 1 JS CO 4J c K CM § •H «* H CM ^^ CM 1 <» .— 1 m , •^ CM 1— 1 o> vO CO O 1 • • •>> HI* *J • ••• •••(() ••• >, CI M < CO • +j a . . c .3 •H ^ : fa • +J H • C3 > • H .0 4J a. \^ • CO rH « 0) iH ^-N « . c • CO C < O •• • c e ■ z w • (U M ^-! ' • Me 4J m CO < CO U /-\ • H >, CO • 0. > e< od < . 0) CO -H Pi rH < 9> Q a * •H • -O 4J • t3 a) /— V OJ Q « . 73 rH . a • -O 4-) S CO • 4J iH • 3 CO • C bOCO rH Q v_/ • Ufa c . C rH c: CO 3 rH • CO 4J -O • CO M U (U M • > > (U CO H < CO 0) u • CO • CO Q > T) W < • iH 1-1 , CO U3 M • c e CO > bo u iJ • CO o •O V-' O cfl 4J M ^» • -H M < • +J M CO ^^ ex c « bO(UO<-U(UCcO Ol* > c •H ^ iJ M CM C CO • iH W • C W -H _ M ^ a CO • C0'H'^HMt-)Z ^ « E v-x QJ M-i Q E 4J 4J cO fa ^ 0) (J 4J > C o.,Q cocnococtoc^-'co ^ +J g P n CC+JcO CMyMc0>»O c •HJSCU'O^^ +JO.4J1H Q) 4J CO O. E (U> "TJC (UcOOCifaQJMW o CO 'H O 3 MOJO eOHMO (U^-'M (U 4-1 bO'-N cOM-HO) HcOHiUi cOM-iC CO & gj ^ a.O^>(UCOO.iHr-|l4-lrHcOHOOO(U • Ol. rH3>.Oa.H34J/-sail«-l-H rH ^ 4J > C (UMW4-ICJ(a^QJPMQPL,Pt, ex CliM-l fa faOfaM 3 Ofa<)M (XQfaCOCJ c Q. ":;; ■^ <=> ^ +- I- (/) 01 o IJI o Q. _n X ■< — Q C. o n k ■D 0) (U o» *- D n o Q. (/) a> -o (1) c- D (U _C o k. ^ Si — "D O C U D I- -5 u I . o r»j ■*. Oil ^ s- o 15 16 OllltltMlW I PlwVi inchT T Flol »c»»«n» h To sh . SCrMTS I fb desliming (dabrisl i 14 fr»sri I Secondory vtbf otinq 1 scfwns 5«condory log woshen , »*nu.l4.m«h r^i^ PeU>le product, V4 inch by 14 mesh WASHING PHOS'" ATc ORE ft 9d sizing } [InttrmedioTa pebble 14 by 35 mesh TXI ^ Fine feed, _», 1 ' n 35 by 150 mesh \ ^ bbleJ I J Coarse fee ' Anionic ■ ■/ reagcn 1 Conditioning 1 1 1 Conditioning | nterm peb beneficiotion Coarse(plus 35 mesh) | Fine (minus 35 mesh) Rougher flototion Rougher tails Sulfuric oci ' Rougher concentrate acid scrub and rinse —►To [;aIionic reo tailings gents disposal Amine flotation 1 Clarification and refuse Final concentrate, 14 by 150 mesh FEED PREPARATION FLOTATION FIGURE 4. - Conventional flowsheet for phosphate beneficiation. FIGURE 5, - Aerial view of typical settling ponds. 17 FIGURE 6. - Mnn of ohosphate-producing counties. FIGURE 7. - Typical cross section of the cen- tral Florida phosphate district. major structural uplift known as the Ocala Arch (12). Historically, the Bone Valley Formation as well as the minable portions of the Hawthorn Formation^ con- tain as major constituents phosphorite (carbonate-fluorapatite) , quartz, and clay fractions which are depositional products of marine, estuarine, and ter- restial sediments of Pliocene age (12). A typical cross section of the lithology is provided in figure 7, which shows a thin mantle of topsoil, a 10- to 20-ft mixture of sand-clay overburden material, a leach zone to 10 ft thick, and the 5- to 20-ft-thick phosphate matrix zone. The difficulty of processing these de- posits varies with the total clay content of the matrix zone and the mineralogical composition of the associated clays. Figure 8 (40), a schematic representation of three phosphate matrices, illustrates quantitatively the variability of the ba- sic constituents of each matrix. In each matrix the quantities of sand, clay, wa- ter, and phosphate material vary to such an extent that each processing plant must be modified and uniquely designed to ac- commodate these variations. Consequent- ly, while a particular disposal system, i.e., one involving sand and/or clay, may be a solution for one processing plant, the volumes of sand and clay, as well as mineralogical composition of the clays, may change so as to preclude its use at another plant. Characterization of Phosphatic Clays The distribution of clay is widespread throughout the Bone Valley and Hawthorn Formations and occurs intimately with the matrix zone. Typically, the clays are coii^)Osed of varying amounts of montmoril- lonite (smectite), attapulgite (palygor- skite), kaolinite, illite, fine-grained carbonate-fluorapatite, and silt-size quartz (11). A study of 28 samples from 14 processing plants in Polk County showed that a majority of the phosphatic clays also contained traces of wavellite, crandallite, millisite, feldspar, chert, dolomite, muscovite, heavy minerals, and other accessory minerals (18). Figures 9, 10, and 11 are scanning electron microscope photomicrographs of the predominant clay types found in a phosphatic clay, attapulgite, montmoril- lonite, and kaolinite. As these materi- als each have different settling charac- teristics, the complex combinations that occur in the natural state cause an almost infinite variation in settling 18 4.5p 4.0 3.5 - 3.0- I2.5 o uIZ.O d 1.5 > 1.0 .5 Note, 0.45 cu yd of matrix = I ton of product "^yP® ^ matrix Type A matrix Type C matrix Water FIGURE 8. - Comparison of ore constituents. characteristics of phosphatic clays. For example, studies (8^) have shown that phosphatic clays containing higher amounts of attapulgite settle more slowly initially than those containing less of this particular clay material. In addi- tion, it has recently been found by the Bureau of Mines that some clays are not fully "calcium ion exchanged." These clays resist dewatering by flocculation techniques and require special handling (28). Complicating matters, another study ( 15 ) demonstrated that the total solids and mineralogical content of phos- phatic clays in the mill feed from a sin- gle mine can vary hourly. These facts emphasize the difficulty of predicting settling behavior and consolidation of a "typical" phosphatic clay. These findings, along with scanning electron microscopic studies (7), indi- cate that a diagnostic determination of each phosphatic clay "suite" is necessary before a proper treatment and disposal system can be adopted. As a result of extensive data collection and experimen- tation, a model (4^) has been developed that can be used to predict settling and consolidation characteristics of clay slurries. Also, centrifuge testing of clay slurries has been successful in characterizing phosphatic clay proper- ties. These techniques should prove use- ful in determining settling and consoli- dation variables of a particular clay slurry so that maximum water recovery and the terminal solids-to-water ratio of a slurry can be predicted. PHOSPHOGYPSUM DISPOSAL Another concern associated with the phosphate industry is the near-site chem- ical plants that produce phosphoric acid. During processing for the manufacture 19 FIGURE 9. - Scanning electron photomicro- graph of attapulgite (X 20,000). FIGURE n o " Scanning electron photomicro- graph of kaolinite (X 20,000)„ FIGURE 10, - Scanning electron photomicro- graph of montmorillonite (X 20,000). of phosphoric acid, large stockpiles of byproduct phosphogypsum are generated. It has been estimated that by the year 2000 about 1 billion tons (17) of this material will be stockpiled in Florida. To date, limited economical uses have been found for this material; however, several research groups, including the Bureau of Mines and the Florida Institute of Phosphate Research, are currently studying, testing, and evaluating the potential uses of phosphogypsum. MINING OF WETLANDS Environmental groups and some regula- tory agencies are particularly concerned about wetlands , which represent a signif- icant portion of the total land surface in Florida and may contain a significant amount of the total phosphate resources. Marshes, both intermittent and permanent, as well as swamps and extensive parts of river flood plains fall into the wetlands classification. These areas are of value for wildlife habitat and surface water retention. Florida contains over 20 pet 20 by urbanization, and agriculture of the Nation's total remaining wet- lands, which have been reduced primarily highway construction, (36)» Consequently, proposals to mine these areas often meet with strong opposition. Many of these areas contain phosphate reserves that could be mined after which the land could be reclaimed to a wetland ecosystem using modified mining and reclamation practices. Industry wetlands reclamation research projects are considered unproven technol- ogy. Dredge and fill permits are being approved by the State only for areas that have been functionally modified by agri- culture and other land use activities. To date, no standards have been developed that would allow mining of all wetland types. LAND RECLAMATION The general reclamation of phosphate lands using only sand tailings and overburden spoil is relatively easy to achieve. About 40 pet of the mined land is available for this typed of reclamation, which may result in a land and lakes configuration as shown in figure 12. The extended periods of time over which clay settling ponds remain active and the extent of areas occupied by these unre- claimed sites have caused officials to delay permission to construct fu- ture phosphatic clay storage areas. As a result of such delays, Industry's efforts to investigate other solutions to the clay disposal management have increased. ^<»^a— ^^ ■j»' FIGURE 12. - Phosphate land reclamation in land and lakes configuration. 21 STATUS OF DEWATERING TECHNOLOGY Since the early days of phosphate min- ing, phosphatlc clays have been generated In the mining process. In 1891 a pro- duction rate of 112,000 metric tons of phosphate rock per year did not create a serious phosphatlc clay management prob- lem, especially when this material was confined to sparsely populated areas. As phosphate production In Florida Increased and mining and benef Iclatlon technolgles changed, the need for expanded plant fa- cilities and for the innovative handling of overburden, sand tailings, and phos- phatlc clays led to the development of the present-day clay storage areas. CONVENTIONAL SETTLING PROCESS The conventional settling pond has been the most widely used process for dispos- ing of phosphatlc clays. This process is simple and direct in that 20- to 60- ft-high dikes are constructed around areas 300 to 800 acres in extent. These impoundments are filled with 3 to 5 pet plant clay which exits the plant at to 80,000 gpm. Figure 13 shows being discharged into a typical Most settling ponds have 1- to storage capacities and are used with other ponds to allow quiescent settling. When 20,000 clays area. 2-year alternately periods of mlned-out cuts are used for storage, the clays are directed through a network of windrows cast from overburden and/or spoil that act as baffles to allow natu- ral settling. During natural settling, most clays consolidate to 12 to 15 pet solids within 3 to 30 months (_5 , 7^) , resulting in a material having a mudlike consistency. At this stage, most of the surface water is drained from the settled material, which allows the solids to desiccate and subsequently form an Impervious crust. This crust seals the top portion of the clay mass and offers some bear- ing strength. Frequently sand tailings and/or overburden material are used to cap the clays so that the added weight of the cap can exert vertical stresses on the clays below to promote further consolidation and compaction. Because of the slow consolidation rate of the clays, this process may require 5 to 15 years before reclamation of the storage area can be totally completed. The ultimate percent clay solids required to attain original elevation storage ranges from 20 to 44 and averages 35. This wide range is due to variation in the clay content of the matrix, as well as the clay miner- alogy. Figure 14 shows the process flow of conventional clay disposal. The main advantage to conventional set- tling is that the Impoundments also act as reservoirs for process water. Without clay settling areas , large water reser- voirs would be necessary to provide enough water for benef iclatlon and other process needs. Other advantages of con- ventional settling follow — • The areal extent of the Impoundments allows rainfall to be collected. • The procedure serves to collect and concentrate residual phosphate values . • The procedure is familiar to the industry. • Based on present technology, it is the most cost effective procedure. • Surface clay storage area is minimal. The major concern regarding this pro- cess has been the possibility of a break in the dikes surrounding the phosphatlc clays; however, since the State's revised dam construction law of 1972, there have been no dam breaks. Other disadvantages include — • Slow rates of initial settling and subsequent consolidation of the terminal solids. • Large areas of unreclaimed land occupied by phosphatlc clays. • Limited land uses of reclaimed storage areas. 22 FIGURE 13. - Phosphatic clays being discharged into a typical settling area. Phosphatic clays (37o to 5% solids) ^ Initial settling area Active settling area FIGURE 14. - Conventional clay disposal process. Recycle water 23 Recently, State regulatory agencies have proposed that phosphatlc clays should be returned to the mine cuts and that reclamation of these areas should achieve an approximation of the original surface contour. In theory, below-ground storage of the phosphatic clays, sur- rounded by temporary low-profile dams, would virtually eliminate dam failure. Another method suggests building a sta- ble structure of clay solids by incorpor- ating additives such as phosphogypsum, lime, or other materials, which would tend to stabilize the clay mass. This technique would have the effect of chang- ing a fluidized mass to a semiplastic relatively incapable of fluid movement. The bulk of the phosphatic clay parti- cles is submicrometer-sized material that entraps and holds large quantities of process water. Often during processing, these colloidal-sized particles retain up to 30 times more water than was pres- ent in the initial matrix state (16), As a general rule, 3 to 4 tons of water is retained in phosphatic clays for each ton of phosphate produced. Consequently, readily available makeup water is needed to supplement any recycle water used in processing new matrix. Some of the make- up process water is withdrawn from deep- well aquifers, which also are used to support the citrus, farming, and other industrial processing demands in the area. As an example of consumptive wa- ter use, a conventional 2- to 3-million- ton-per-year phosphate processing plant will generate clay slurries at the rate of 20,000 to 80,000 gpm at 3- to 5-pct clay solids content. A typical phosphate plant will ultimately recover and reuse approximately 90 pet of its process water (40), However, much of the initial slurry water is not immediately available because of the slow settling character- istics of the clay solids. To minimize localized drawdown of supply wells , sev- eral phosphate companies are using re- charge wells as illustrated in figure 15, These wells are strategically located so as to collect and transmit surficial water from the upper phreatic levels to subterranean aquifers. In using this method and by recycling decanted water from water storage areas, water conserva- tion is practiced. In reviewing the research efforts by industry. State and Federal Governments, and universities, it should be emphasized that, collectively, many years and mil- lions of dollars have been invested in seeking ways of dewatering phosphatic clays. Studies are continuing to update state-of-the-art techniques for effective dewatering, but to date no "universal" solution has been demonstrated that will eliminate initial settling areas. In reviewing solutions to the phos- phatic clay management problem, many techniques have been investigated ( 20 , 33) , Listed below are some of the tech- niques that have been evaluated and stud- ied in laboratory tests: Admixing with coarse material Biological aggregation Cent rifugat ion Chemical solidification Flocculation Mechanical thickeners Electric field Evapotranspiration Filtration Elect roosmos is Freeze-thaw Magnetic separation Seepage dewatering Reverse osmosis 24 Recharge well "N JTfc,*t— '-t*CS>fV—V i^Water table- Monitoring wellsx ^l Floridan, li^' Shallow / M ~t^^.^=*^ .^— ^--* , -W / 1^ •.■^VN^rr" , noriaan. 1^ bnaiiow -j u FIGURE 15. - Recharge well system. Recently, several research efforts have been translated from basic laboratory- scale to production-scale processes. Each of the processes was proposed for general application; however, field oper- ating conditions, plant facilities, water budgets, ore cony)osition, etc., required site-specific application. Several pro- cesses and field tests using flocculants, thickeners, and admixing processes to accomplish rapid dewatering are reviewed. BREWSTER PHOSPHATES' SANIHSPRAYING PROCESS In the sand-spraying process, as de- veloped by Brewster Phosphates, sand tailings are sprayed over a layer of pre- consolidated clays so as to impose addi- tional stresses on the clays, creating secondary dewatering. In using this method, as shown in figure 16, the clays are permitted to settle naturally to a 10- to 15-pct solids content. At this stage the clays develop a gel-like struc- ture which inhibits the further release of interstitial water. Sand is then sprayed over the clays in an effort to release additional water via vertical channeling generated by the settling sand particles. It has been estimated that once equilibrium is established, the sands and clays will form a cohesive mass of 50 to 70 pet solids (6). 25 Standby Phosphatic clays (3% to 5% solids) Initial clay settling "^1 M_i.i I Tailing sands (30% solids) — s~* * 1 1. i i Disposal area :^r Sand capping Recycle water FIGURE 16. - Sand-spraying process for cloy disposal. Phospha tic clays _^ (3% to5 7o solids) Tailing sands (30% solids) Alternate > holding pond Initial settling pond Initial clay settling I I I 1 I Sand application to cap settled clay at 12% to 15 % solids Second application of clay, 3 % to 5 % solids Recycle water FIGURE 17. - Sandwich construction for sand-clay disposal process. 26 A variation of the sand-spraying pro- cess (^, _38) is the "sandwich" technique developed by USS Agri-Chem and the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, shown in figure 17. In this process, alternat- ing layers of sand tailings and phosphat- ic clays are used to cap and expel inter- stitial water from the prethickened clays structure by virtue of superimposed stresses. The added weight of each sub- sequent layer "squeezes" the lower lay- ers, thus forcing further dewatering. The sand tailings, in this case, also provide lateral paths for water movement from the clays to preselected discharge points. The advantage to these admixture pro- cesses is the ability to dispose of both the sand and clays in the same disposal site while creating a relatively stable mass. The resulting sand-clay mixture seems to provide a suitable structure and favorable growth medium for sustaining revegetation. The most significant disadvantage to the technique seems to be the logistics of providing the sand required for dis- posal, A proper sand-clay ratio must be maintained and is largely dependent on the composition of the processed miatrlx. Other disadvantages include • Difficulty of proper clay-capping techniques, • Creation of "mud waves." • Segregation of sand particles in the resulting mixture, • "Turn-around" time for proper clay thickening. • Total volume of sand and prethickened clays may not achieve near-original- contour reclamation, INTERNATIONAL MINERALS AND CHEMICALS CORP. PROCESS The Initial dredge mix process as de- veloped by the International Minerals and Chemicals Corp, (IMC) begins when precon- solldated clays are dredged from Initial holding ponds and mixed with tailings sands (16). This admixture of clay and Tailing sand (30 % solids) Cyclone Q — ^ ^ — ' ^ Dewotered sands Holding pond-dredging Prethickened clays Recycle water Thickened clays Disposal area FIGURE 18. - International Minerals and Chemicals Corp. process for cloy disposal. 27 tailings sands Is slurried and pumped to mlned-out cuts at approximately 32 pet total solids. The flowsheet In figure 18 Illustrates the procedure wherein pre- thlckened clays at 15 to 18 pet solids are dredged from the Initial holding ponds, slurried with dewatered tailings sands, and pumped to a settling area for final consolidation. floes that will not reslurry readily and that will cause rapid settling and dewa- tering of phosphatic clays. Frequently, successful flocculating reagents evalu- ated in the laboratory on a specific clay proved unpredictable in field tests owing to the variables encountered in the field test conditions. Among these variables (39) are — Initial work conducted by IMC indicated that sand-clay admixtures alone will not provide sufficient compaction stress for ultimate ground level storage. There- fore, the process was modified to elimi- nate the sand and is now referred to as the dredge process. The dredge process still requires an initial settling area to thicken the primary clays to 15 to 18 pet clay solids, which are then dredged from the initial settling area and pumped into mined areas for final dewatering and storage. The clays are then capped with 6 to 10 ft of available sand tailings supplemented by overburden. It is re- ported that after 5 to 8 years the clays will consolidate to 34 to 40 pet solids. The dredge process capping procedure is a promising technique, and the company is continuing its research efforts to determine its technical and economic feasibility. Both processes require staging of ini- tial holding areas so that unhindered settling can occur. Once the Initial settling is completed and the product dredged, the impoundment site can be re- used. Various options are available which use flocculation and/or commercial thickeners to accomplish initial set- tling, which ultimately shortens initial settling time. FLOCCULATION Flocculation is a technique in which discrete, colloidal-sized particles are agglomerated by an appropriate reagent and, as a result, settle out of suspen- sion (22). Hundreds of commercial floc- culating reagents have been tested (39) , singly or in combination with others, in an effort to select a flocculant that will result in the formation of stable Clay mineralogy Age of the clay slurries Method of flocculant introduction Dilution of the clay slurries pH of the slurry Mixing shear Conditioning and contact time One of the earlier flocculation demon- stration tests was conducted in January 1973 at the Rockland Mine, Ft. Meade, Fla, Representatives of Andco, Inc. , demonstrated a process that involved pre- treating tailings sands with a suite of proprietary flocculants that acted as a collector for the clay particles. The process, which included filtration of the solids, produced a dewatered materi- al containing 65 pet total solids. The capacity of the unit, however, was a limiting factor, and scale-up to commer- cial application was considered to be impractical (7^, 9^) . Although flocculation appears to be an acceptable method for dewatering phos- phatic clays, the reuse of reclaimed water in froth flotation circuits may affect separation efficiency. Recent studies ( 16 , 26-27) that tested and eval- uated several of the more effective floc- culants indicated that both the fatty acid and amine flotation circuits were affected by additions of 1 to 100 ppm of residual flocculants. The fatty acid circuit was more seriously affected in both recovery and concentrate grade than was the amine flotation circuit. 28 Rotary Screen Process The Bureau of Mines is studying a de- watering technique for phosphatic clay that uses a flocculating reagent, poly- ethylene oxide (PEO) (25). This floccu- lant forms strong, stable floes, which can be partially dewatered on a static screen and further dewatered on a rotary screen in a matter of minutes. Using this technique, illustrated in figure 19, a field test unit (FTU) was operated at Estech Chemical Co.'s Silver City Mine and Occidental Chemical Co.'s Suwannee River Mine. Consolidated phosphatic clay material containing up to 24 pet clay solids was produced when feed slurries of 3 to 5 pet clay solids were treated. Pit tests indicate that products con- taining greater than 30 pet clay solids can be achieved in several months . The technique is not dependent on sand or overburden materials to achieve a high initial solids content. Thus, by not diluting the phosphatic clays, the poten- tial for future recovery of their con- tained values holds promise. Advantages to this process appear to be the in-line ability of the system, rapid "at-the-plant" dewatering capability, and the unique ability of the PEO-dewatered clay solids not to reslurry readily. Another potential advantage is that in- dividual process units can be operated either in tandem or independently. The Bureau is currently constructing a proto- type unit to be used in a cooperative ef- fort at Agrico Chemical Co.'s Fort Green mine in Polk County. Plant Phosphatic clays /-Flocculant i-< (PEO) Hydrosieve Mixing tank Recycle water to plant Warer Phosphatic^ clay solids Rotary screen Water Recycle water Phosphatic clay solids r^ 24% to mine cuts y/zMwwvMV'v Disposal area FIGURE 19. - Rotary screen process for clay disposal. 29 Gardlnler, Inc. , Process The Gardinier process is a proprietary technique. Company officials report that phosphatic clays from the conventional benef iciation plant enter the system and are mixed with a flocculating agent. "Water is then removed from the clays in two stages in the Clariflux thickeners" (13). Thickened solids leaving the Clar- iflux unit consist of 12 to 15 pet clay solids which are then mixed with sand tailings and pumped to a "super floccula- tion" thickener located at the disposal site. At this stage additional floccu- lant is added to the mixture » causing large floes to form. Upon settling for approximately 24 hours, the floe concen- trates to 25 pet total solids. It is re- ported that dewatering will continue in the prepared cuts and the agglomerate mixture will reach terminal total solids of 27 to 32 pet within a few weeks. Specific research data regarding the process are limited since testing is not complete. Figure 20 illustrates the pro- posed process, which will undergo exten- sive testing to evaluate scale-up parame- ters. The reported advantages of this process are the rapid dewatering of the clay solids and the ability for this material to be stored in or near natural ground level elevations with dams. low-level Estech General Chemical Corp. Process The Estech process (2, 21), shown in figure 21, incorporates the use of an Enviro-clear thickener. Phosphatic clays are mixed with dewatered tailings sands and a suitable flocculant in a surge tank. After conditioning, the solids are injected into the sludge bed of the thickener. In the sludge bed the free- settling zone of the thickener is elimi- nated. The admixture flows horizontally through the active sludge bed at a con- trolled velocity, while densifying and promoting additional agglomeration. In small-scale tests Estech has reported achieving products containing 32 pet to- tal solids. The major advantage of this process is reportedly its adaptability to rapidly settle sand-clay admixtures, thus elimi- nating the need for initial holding ponds . REVIEW OF DEWATERING RESEARCH Over the past 20 years many methods to dewater phosphatic clays have been inves- tigated, so that the clays as well as Phosphatic clays % to 5 solids) clavs -. ' Clarified ' , (37o to 57 Flocculant water Flocculant 1[ ♦ I Clariflux 1 thickness Thickened Pump Pump solids I Tailing sands Recycled water r^ Super — i»»«==\H'"Ty;t=x\^/'==»^ flocculation Disposal areas Sand base \ FIGURE 20. - Gardinier, Inc., process for clay disposal. 30 Phosphatic clays (37o to 5% solids) Tailing Cyclone T^^ sands Dewatered sand , Thickener -►Recycle water Surge tank Flocculant Thickene d "S solids Disposal area FIGURE 21. - Estech General Chemical Corp. process for clay disposal. sand tailing could be returned to the mine cuts, to achieve a reduction in dammed impoundments. By reaching this goal, approximate original surface con- tours may be achieved and aesthetic use- ful landforms created. Since 1972, co- operative research between Federal and State Governments and the Florida phos- phate industry has been extensive and has led to present phosphatic clay management efforts. Present efforts can be broadly cate- gorized in the following two systems: 1. Conventional settling a. With sand admixture b. Without sand admixture c. With sand or overburden cap 2. Flocculation a. With sand admixture b. Without sand admixture c. With sand or overburden cap Owing to wide variations in clay con- tent of the matrix and clay mineralogy, each dewatering system seems to have site specific applications. Presently, other than conventional settling without variations and the site-specific sand- spraying process, the remaining systems should be considered for continuing re- search. If the present extensive re- search effort is maintained, based on the progress of the past several years, solu- tions to many of the site-specific phos- phatic clay dewatering problems may be achieved. PHOSPHATE LAND RECLAMATION (41-43) Prior to July 1, 1971, the reclamation of mined-out phosphate lands was done on a voluntary basis, largely at the discre- tion of the industry. On that date a 5- pct severance tax was levied by the State to encourage reclamation of previously disturbed phosphate lands. Fifty percent of this tax was credited to the general revenue fund of the State and 50% to a land reclamation trust fund. However, shortly after being passed, this tax was amended in lieu of the following tax rates: Through June 30, 1973 — 3 pet of value of severed mineral. July 1, 1973~June 30, 1975—4 pet of value of severed mineral. 31 On lands unreclaimed prior to July 1, 1975, the taxpayer (company) was entitled to a refund from the reclamation trust fund for reclamation costs of such lands not to exceed 50 pet of the tax paid pre- viously by the taxpayer. These lands must have been reclaimed by a plan ap- proved by the Department of Natural Resources. On July 1, 1975, the State required mandatory reclamation of all lands dis- turbed by a mining company and increased the severance tax to 5 pet. In 1977, the severance tax was increased to 10 pet of the established value of the mineral at the point of severance while reducing the rebate to 25 pet of the tax. This held constant the monies available for reclamation costs on land disturbed prior to July 1, 1975, and filed for before July 1, 1977. the severance following (30): tax reflected in the 1. Termination of the phosphate sever- ance tax contributions to the Land Recla- mation Trust Fund after July 1, 1978. This modification means there will be no refunds available for reclamation of lands mined for phosphate after the cur- rent funds are expended. 2. Creation of a new trust fund, the Nonmandatory Land Reclamation Trust Fund, which each year is to receive 20 pet of the excise tax collected from July 1 , 1978, to July 1, 1983, on the severance of phosphate rock. This modification creates a fund of approximately $40 mil- lion to be used as an economic incentive for the reclamation of lands mined or disturbed prior to July 1, 1975 (the date after which reclamation is mandatory). The 1977 Florida Legislature also cre- ated a Phosphate Land Reclamation Commis- sion to classify and inventory all lands disturbed by phosphate mining prior to 1975. Table 6 shows the acreage utiliza- tion and the average reclamation costs for reclaiming the various parcels. The total acreage reported takes into account lands that are not being reclaimed under existing standards (40-43). The 1978 Florida Legislature exten- sively amended Chapter 211, Part II, Florida Statutes in response to the recommendations of the Phosphate Land Reclamation Study Commission. The basic change enacted was a redistribution of 3. Creation of a new trust fund, the Phosphate Research Trust Fund, which is to receive 5 pet of the excise tax col- lected annually on the severance of phos- phate rock. This modification estab- lished a permanent funding base for the Florida Institute of Phosphate Research. 4. Reduction of the excise tax levied on the severance of phosphate rock from 10 to 8 pet will occur on July 1, 1983, unless additional funding of the Nonman- datory Land Reclamation Trust Fund is approved by law. The implementation of the Nonmandatory Land Reclamation Trust Fund to provide TABLE 6. - Reclamation cost summary for all evaluated parcels Land type Acres Approximate reclamation Estimated reclamation Percent of total estimated cost per acre, thousands cost, millions reclamation cost Clay settling areas Mined— out areas 59,501 33,474 7,853 5,558 1,784 $2.1 1.0 .6 1.3 2.5 $125.0 33.5 4.7 7.4 4.4 71.4 19.1 Hydraulically mined areas. Sand tailings areas Other areas ............... 2.7 4.2 2.5 Total 108,170 1.6 175.0 199.9 iDrxa.Q nr»^ ^^>^n^ inn . flfl Kc-a iiao f\i- rr\ iinAi ntr 32 economic Incentive for the reclamation of lands mined or disturbed by phos- phate mining prior to July 1, 1975, is conditional upon the development of a master reclamation plan by the Depart- ment of Natural Resources which will provide guidelines for the reclamation of said lands. The Department of Natural Resources is being aided by a specially created Land Use Advisory Committee, which is assigning priorities to the kinds and descriptions of lands to be re- claimed and designating the land uses that would best serve the public interest. SUMMARY Five problem areas affecting the Flor- ida phosphate industry's ability to meet national mineral requirements in a timely manner were identified: (1) phosphatic clay management, (2) regulatory and en- vironmental constraints, (3) mining of wetlands, (4) reclamation of disturbed lands, and (5) consumptive water usage. In reviewing these problems and the extensive research efforts conducted through the years, the single most sig- nificant technical problem identified is that of phosphatic clay dewatering. For years the phosphate producers worked in- dependently within the framework of the company entity, where often research in- formation was treated in a proprietary manner. However, it was soon apparent that phosphatic clay management was an industrywide problem that required the collective efforts of many specialized disciplines in fields such as physical chemistry, mineralogy, soil engineering, and equipment design. Consequently, in- dustry enlisted the services of State, Federal, and university researchers in ao effort to resolve this problem. In 1972 a major thrust was initiated toward resolving the dewatering problem when the Bureau of Mines and the phos- phate industry entered into a cooperative research program. Since then work has advanced from early laboratory theory to scaled-up field operations. Although much has been accomplished, no full-scale universal dewatering method has been proven that works equally well on all phosphatic clays, and site-specificity factors must be considered in selecting the most appropriate technology. In gen- eral, the flocculation processes of clay dewatering technology indicate that de- watering of clays to 24 to 32 pet solids can be achieved in a relatively short period. The dredge-capping process is also a promising developing technology in which total below-ground storage may be achieved. These developing technologies do not preclude the use of initial clay settling ponds to supplement the proposed management systems. Each proposed clay management system is still uniquely de- pendent on — • Amount of clay in the matrix zone. • Mineralogy and chemical composition of the clays. • Amount of sand associated with the matrix. • Water associated with the matrix. • Volume of available below-ground storage (collective volume of overburden and matrix zones). Although most disposal methods permit more rapid reclamation of clay storage areas, additional "external" stresses must be placed on consolidated clays to achieve the final stages of dewatering and stability of the clay areas. Although consumptive water use, land reclamation, and phosphogypsum storage all have some environmental impacts, they do not pose any immediate barriers to phosphate development. The clay manage- ment problem is critical and both it and wetlands reclamation problems are under continuing research by government and in- dustry. That research represents the best single hope for a solution that can make phosphate development and environ- mental concerns wholly compatible. 33 REFERENCES 1. Amax, Inc. Current Permitting Requirements Affecting New and Exist- ing Florida Phosphate Mines. Pres. to State of Florida legislative committee. Mar. 18, 1981, 48 pp.; available upon request from the Tuscaloosa Research Center, Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box L, University, AL 35486. 2. Barreiro, L. J., R, D. Austin, and A. P. Kouloheris. Compaction of Slimes and Sand Tailings by the Enviro-clear Thickener. Pres. at Phosphatic Clays Project Seminar, Jan. 26, 1977, 15 pp.; available upon request from the Tusca- loosa Research Center, Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box L, University, AL 35486. 3. Boyle, J. R. , and C. W. Hendry, Jr. The Mineral Industry of Florida. BuMines Minerals Yearbook 1978-79, v. 2, 1981, pp. 134-142. 4. Bromwell Engineering Co. Analysis and Prediction of Phosphatic Clay Consolidation — Implementation Package . BROM-79-105, March 1979, 52 pp.; avail- able upon request from the Tuscaloosa Research Center, Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box L, University, AL 35486. 5. Bromwell, L. G. Progress Report: Florida Phosphatic Clays Research Proj- ect, January- June 1976. July 1976, 27 pp.; available upon request from the Tuscaloosa Research Center, Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box L, University, AL 35486. 6. General Report for Session IV of Specialty Conference — Geotechni- cal Practices for Disposal of Solid Waste Materials. Geotechnical Engineer- ing Div., ASCE, June 13-15, 1977, 37 pp.; available upon request from the Tusca- loosa Research Center, Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box L, University, AL 35486. 7. Progress Report: Florida Phosphatic Clays Research Project. An- nual Report, 1973, 215 pp.; available upon request from the Tuscaloosa Research Center, Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box L, Uni- versity, AL 35486. 8. Bromwell, L. G. Progress Report: Florida Phosphatic Clays Research Proj- ect. July-December 1974, 47 pp.; avail- able upon request from the Tuscaloosa Research Center, Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box L, University, AL 35486. 9. Progress Report: Florida Phosphatic Clays Research Project. An- nual Report, 1975 (January 1976), 177 pp.; available upon request from the Tus- caloosa Research Center, Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box L, University, AL 35486. 10. Bromwell, L. G. , T. P. Oxford, and N. R. Greenwood. Economic Evaluation of Alternate Clay Disposal Processes. April 1978, 38 pp.; available upon request from the Tuscaloosa Research Center, Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box L, University, AL 35486. 11. Environmental Science and Technol- ogy. Those Nasty Phosphatic Clay Ponds. V. 8, April 1974, pp. 312-313. 12. Fountain, R. C. , J. P. Bernardi, M. E. Zeller, C. H. Gardner, and T. M. Gunn. Field Trip Guidebook — The Central Florida Phosphate District. 7th Forum on Geology of Industrial Minerals, Interna- tional Minerals and Chemical Corp. , Brad- ley Junction, Fla. , Apr. 30, 1971, 41 pp.; available upon request from the Tus- caloosa Research Center, Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box L, University, AL 35486. 13. Gardinier, Inc. Clariflux- Superf locculation Process Method for Treatment and Disposal of Phosphatic Slimes. April 1981, 8 pp.; available upon request from the Tuscaloosa Research Center, Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box L, Uni- versity, AL 35486. 14. Johnson, R. C, J. W. Sweeney, and W. C. Lorenz, Economic Availability of Byproduct Fluorine in the United States (In Two Sections) 1. Utilization of By- product Fluosilicic Acid in Manufacture of Aluminum Fluoride. 2. Utilization in the Manufacture of Calcium Fluoride. Bu- Mines IC 8566, 1973, 97 pp. 34 15. Laraont, W. E., J. T. McLendon, L. W. Clements, Jr., and I. L. Feld. Characterization of Florida Phosphate Slimes. BuMines RI 8089, 1975, 24 pp. 24. Rhodes, R. M. DRI's and Florida's Land Development Policies. Florida Environmental and Urban Issues, v. 2, No. 1, January-February 1975, pp. 5-16. 16. Lawver, J. E. Progress Report Six: IMC-Agri co-Mobil Slime Consolida- tion and Land Reclamation Study. IMC, Bartow, FL, Feb. 19, 1982, 141 pp.; available upon request from the Tusca- loosa Research Center, Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box L, University, AL 35486. 17. May, A., and J. W. Sweeney. As- sessment of Environmental Impacts Associ- ated With Phosphogypsum in Florida. Bu- Mines RI 8639, 1982, 19 pp. 18. McConnell, G. L. Mineral Varia- tions in Phosphatic Slimes. M.S. Thesis, Univ. of South Florida, Tampa, FL, 1973, 65 pp. 19. Moudgil, B.M. Mined Land Reclama- tion by the Florida Phosphate Industry. Pres. at SME meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 10-12, 1975, SME Preprint 75- AO-325, 19 pp. 20. Moudgil, B. M. , T. P. Oxford, E. D. Whitney, and G. Y. Onoda. Field Test of a Seepage Technique for Dewater- ing Waste Phosphatic Clays. Min. Eng. , V. 34, No. 4, March 1979, pp. 297-301. 21. M. S. French Co., Inc. The Enviro-clear Clarif ier/Thickener. Gen- eral Catalog No. EC-76, 38 pp. 22. Onoda, G. Y. , Jr., D. M. Deason, and R. M. Chhatre. Flocculation and Dis- persion Phenomena Affecting Phosphate Slime Dewatering. Proc. Internat. Symp. Fine Particles Processing, AIME, Las Vegas, Nev., Feb. 24-28, 1980 (pub. as Fine Particles Processing), pp. 1000- 1011. 23. Opyrchal, A. M. and K-L. Wang. Economic Significance of the Florida Phosphate Industry: An Input-Output (I-O) Analysis. BuMines IC 8850, 1981, 62 pp. 25. Scheiner, B. J., A. G. Smelley, and D. R. Brooks. Large-Scale Dewater- ing of Phosphate Clay Waste From Cen- tral Florida. BuMines RI 8611, 1982, 11 pp. 26. Smelley, A. G. , and B. J, Scheiner. Synergism in Polyethylene Ox- ide Dewatering of Phosphatic Clay Waste. BuMines RI 8436, 1980, 18 pp. 27. Smelley, A. G. , B. J. Scheiner, and J. R. Zatko. Dewatering of Indus- trial Clay Wastes. BuMines RI 8498, 1980, 13 pp. 28. Stanley, D. A. Effect of Ion Ex- change on Dewatering Phosphate Clay Waste With Polyethylene Oxide. Proc. Progress In The Dewatering of Fine Particles Conf., Univ. of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, Apr. 1-2, 1981, 13 pp. 29. Stowasser, W. F. Phosphate Rock, Ch. in Mineral Facts and Problems. Bu- Mines Bull. 671, 1981, pp. 663-683. 30. Sweeney, J. W. , and C. W. Hendry, Jr. Minerals in the Economy of Florida. BuMines State Mineral Profiler, 1979, 23 pp. 31. Sweeney, J. W, , and S. R. Windham. Florida: The New Uranium Producer. Florida Bureau of Geology Spec. Pub. 22, 1979, 13 pp. 32. Texas Instruments Inc. Central Florida Phosphate Industry Areawide Impact Assessment Program — Volume I: En- vironmental Permits and Approvals Re- lating to Phosphate Mining and Fertil- izer Manufacturing in Florida. September 1978, 85 pp.; available upon request from the Tuscaloosa Research Center, Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box L, University, AL 35486. 35 33. U.S. Bureau of Mines. The Florida Phosphate Slimes Problem — A Review and a Bibliography. BuMines IC 8668, 1975, 41 pp. 34. . Phosphate Rock — 1981 (Ad- vance Summary). Mineral Industry Survey, Apr. 14, 1982, 6 pp. 35. . Phosphate Rock. Mineral Commodity Summaries 1982. 1982, p. 112. 36. U.S. Comptroller General. Phos- phates: A Case Study of a Valuable Depleting Mineral In America. Report to Congress, EMD-80-21, Nov. 30, 1979, 71 pp. 37. U.S. Bureau of Mines and U.S. Geo- logical Survey. Principles of a Re- source/Reserve Classification For Miner- als. U.S. Geol. Survey Circ. 831, 1980, 5 pp. 38. Whitney, E. D. Field Testing of Seepage Technique for Dewatering the Phosphate Slimes. Center for Research in Mining and Mineral Resources, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL, May 14, 1975, 7 pp. 39. Woodward, F. E., and L. Gustafson, A Survey of Available Flocculants For Use With Phosphatic Clay Slimes. SCF, Inc., Oct. 10, 1974, 53 pp.; available upon re- quest for the Tuscaloosa Research Center, Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box L, University, AL 35486. 40. Zellars-Williams , Inc. Evalua- tion of the Phosphate Deposits of Flor- ida using the Minerals Availability System (Final Report, BuMines Contract J0377000). June 1978, 195 pp.; available upon request from the Tuscaloosa Research Center, Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box L, Uni- versity, AL 35486. 41. . Evaluation of Pre-July 1, 1975 Disturbed Phosphate Lands, V. 1. August 1980, 95 pp.; available upon re- quest from the Tuscaloosa Research Cen- ter, Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box L, Univer- sity, AL 35486. 42. . Evaluation of Pre-July 1, 1975 Disturbed Phosphate Lands, V. 2. August 1980, 200 pp.; available upon re- quest from the Tuscaloosa Research Cen- ter, Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box L, Univer- sity, AL 35486. 43. . of Reclamation Lands in the Phosphate District. A Model For Deteinnination Methods For Disturbed 1978, 135 pp.; available upon request from Tus- caloosa Research Center, Bureau of Mines, P.O. Box L, University, AL 35486. 36 APPENDIX.- September 1973 October 10, 1973 October 10, 1973 October 10, 1973-April 9, 1974 February 1, 1974 April 11, 1974 April 11, 1974 May 13, 1974 May 13, 1974 May 15, 1974 May 22, 1974 May 28, 1974 May 30, 1974 -CHRONOLOGY OF ESTABLISHING A PHOSPHATE OPERATION Optioned 7,553 acres in Manatee County. August 2, 1974 October 1, 1974 October 11, 1974 October 11, 1974 October 11, 1974 Filed a Zoning and Development of Regional Impact (DRI) application with Manatee County and State. County imposed 6-month moratorium on application acceptance while mining ordinance rewritten. County writing ordinance; company rewriting application. Optioned additional 1,360 contiguous acres. Manatee Board of County Commissioners passed (5-0) new county mining ordinance. Company refiled application with Manatee County. Company received positive recommendation from staff of Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council. Recommendation for denial given by Executive Committee of Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council. Public hearing held by Manatee County Planning Commission. Manatee County Planning Commission recommended approval by 6-to-l vote. Manatee County Commissioners held hearing. Manatee County Commissioners rejected the company's applications for Special Exception for Mining (Zoning) and Development of Regional Impact State- ment by 5-to-O vote. Reasons for rejection given as (1) the use may not be coiiq)atible with reser- voirs watershed; (2) a hydrology study is needed to show that the consumptive water use is compati- ble with surrounding uses. Closed on 1,360-acre property as option expired. DRI appeal withdrawn. Closed on 7,553-acre property as option expired. Optioned 1,806 additional contiguous acres. New DRI, Environmental Impact Statement, water plan, and mining plan filed with Manatee County and Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council. 37 November 9, 1974 December 2, 1974 December 9, 1974 January 8, 1975 January 15, 1975 January 28, 1975 February 26, 1975 April 8, 1975 May 6, 1975 May 16, 1975 May 27, 1975 June 9, 1975 June 17, 1975 July 15, 1975 July 21, 1975 July 31, 1975 Manatee County Public Hearing advertised for January 8, 1975. Application for Special Exception for Mining (Zoning) refiled. Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council Executive Committee votes unanimously a recommendation for approval of the DRI application. Public hearing held by Manatee County for review of DRI and Special Exception. Recommendation for approval voted unanimously by the Manatee County Planning Commission. Approval by Manatee County Board of County Com- missioners of DRI and Special Exception for Mining voted unanimously (5-0). DRI appeal filed by Sarasota County. State of Florida Department of Environmental Regu- lation Sanitary Waste, Industrial Waste, and Air Pollution permits filed by the coiiq)any. Manasota Basin Board recommended approval of the conq)any's water use based on an extensive hydrol- ogy study monitored by State and U.S. Geological Survey personnel. Federal Environmental Protection Agency permit application filed. Corps of Engineers permit application filed. All permit applications now filed. Turnkey contract signed with Jacobs Engineering for benef iciation plant construction. Governor and Cabinet upheld coiiq)any and denied Sarasota County's appeal before the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission. Sarasota County filed Writ of Certiorari with First District Court of Appeals seeking review of order issued June 17, 1975. Sarasota County appealed to First District Court of Appeals to reverse rule of Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission. State of Florida Air Pollution Construction Permit approved. 38 July 31, 1975 August 11, 1975 October 13, 1975 May 24-26, 1976 June 22, 1976 July 1, 1976 July 8, 1976 August 13, 1976 August 1976 September 9, 1976 October 9, 1976 October 15, 1976 Petition filed by Sarasota County with Department of Environmental Regulation to intervene regard- ing permit applications by the company. Closing on 1,806-acre property as options expired. First District Court of Appeals denied company request that Sarasota post bond to indemnify company for losses incurred by harrassment and delays. Court did agree to pronq)tly hear Sara- sota's July 21, 1975, appeal. Public hearing before State of Florida Hearing Officer relative to Florida Department of En- vironmencal Regulation Industrial Wastewater Discharge Construction Permit. Sarasota County and Longboat Key appeared as adversary parties. U.S. EPA public hearing on company's National pol- lutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) draft permit, Florida Hearing Officer's recommendation made rec- commending denial of State of Florida's intent to grant company's Industrial Wastewater Dis- charge Construction Permit based on a new inter- pretation of rules, not previously enforced. Prehearing conference date for Sarasota's appeal of U,S, EPA's company NPDES Existing Source determination. Secretary of Department of Environmental Regula- tion rejected Hearing Officer's recommendation and issues final order, with stipulations, to company (Florida Industrial Wastewater Permit), Sarasota County filed an appeal to decision on Florida Industrial Wastewater Periait. Department of Army Corps of Engineers public hear- ing on company's application to construct two secondary containment structures, Sarasota County requested this hearing and filed objec- tions to the construction of these structures. Record closed on comments to Corps of Engineers re company's secondary containment structures. Decision expected in November 1976, Appeal to State Department of Environmental Regu- lation Board re company's Wastewater Permit was originally expected to be heard October 15, 1976, but was rescheduled to December 1, 1976, as a result of a delay requested by Sarasota County. 39 November 6, 1976 November 9, 1976 November 12, 1976 November 29, 1976 December 1, 1976 December 27, 1976 December 1976 January 26, 1977 February 8, 1977 February 10, 1977 February 19, 1977 February 28, 1977 March 18, 1977 March 18, 1977 April 15, 1977 Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) Dredge and Fill Public Notice published in Bradenton Herald. DER staff member recommended Dredge and Fill application denial. Sarasota County filed petition to intervene in the proceedings re DER Dredge and Fill application. DER staff report issued recommending denial of Dredge and Fill application, DER Board voted 3-2 to reverse Secretary Lander's final order, thereby denying company's Industrial Wastewater Permit. Company granted a rehearing before the DER Board January 26, 1977, re the Industrial Wastewater Permit denial. Company filed for and was granted an Administra- tive Hearing relative to the Dredge and Fill recommended denial. Company had rehearing before DER Board re Indus- trial Wastewater Permit. Board voted unanimously to reverse itself and approve company's Indus- trial Wastewater Permit. Florida DER issued certification for company's Federal NPDES Permit. Final order issued by Environmental Regulation Commission adopting Florida DER final order granting company's Industrial Wastewater Permit. Prehearing conference in Tallahassee re company's appeal of Florida DER staff's recommended denial of Dredge and Fill application, Sarasota County joined action in opposition to company. Manatee County proposed joining in support of company. Hearing scheduled for April 21-22, 1977. State of Florida DER Industrial Wastewater Dis- charge Construction Permit issued. Manatee County Building (Construction) Permit issued. Federal EPA-NPDES Notice of Issuance signed. Manatee County Commissioners agreed to modify company DRI for eliminating the requirement to complete secondary dams prior to operation. 40 April 21, 1977 May 9, 1977 May 10, 1977 July 13, 1977 August 3, 1977 September 21-23, 1977 October 1977 November 2, 1977 November 28-30, 1977 December 6, 1977 December 7, 1977 December 16, 1977 January 12, 1978 January 21, 1978 Dredge and Fill Permit Administrative hearing post- poned pending hearing on Manatee DRI modification (dams). City of Sarasota attempted to appeal Manatee DRI modification through Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council (TBRPC). Appeal defeated with only Sara- sota voting for it. TBRPC approved modification. Sarasota appealed Manatee action (dams) through Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, DRI modification prehearing conference. Hearing officer refused company petition for dismissal. Hearing tentatively set for late September, 1, Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) Board voted not to declare Manatee County a water shortage area, 2. SWFWMD Board approved rules for Sarasota Basin area. 3, SWFWMD Board passed a resolution regarding de- velopment of stricter rules in stressed areas (Board Identified most of Manatee County as a stressed area). 4. Conq>any Phosphate Corporation's Water Consump- tive Use Applications were accepted (fee paid). DRI modification hearing held in St. Petersburg before State Hearing Officer. Prehearing conference re Water Use Permit. Company Water Use Permit unanimously approved by Water Management District Board at public hearing. Sarasota's appeal of company's EPA Permits held before Federal Hearing Officer in Sarasota Court House. Sarasota appealed Water Use Permit to Governor ana Cabinet. Completed application for Manatee County Operating Permit filed. State Hearing Officer found in company's favor re DRI hearing held Sept. 21-23. Sarasota County appealed decision of Dec. 16, 1977 re DRI to Governor and Cabinet. Water Management District asked Governor and Cabi- net to dismiss Sarasota appeal of company's Water Permit. 41 January 1978 February 7, 1978 February 14, 1978 February 14, 21, 1978 February 28, 1978 March 13, 1978 March 17, 1978 March 23, 1978 April 3, 1978 April 6, 1978 May 2, 1978 May 8, 1978 May 12, 1978 July 18, 1978 Regional Planning Council and Manatee County joined coiiq)any in asking Governor and Cabinet to dismiss Sarasota appeal of company's DRI modification. Governor and Cabinet remanded DRI appeal to hearing officer for reconsideration based on technicality. Manatee County Operating Permit hearing set. This was last permit needed prior to initiation of mining operations. Manatee County Operating Permit approval deferred for further discussions. Manatee County Operating Permit approved, DRI hearing (remand) continued in Tallahassee attended by company, Manatee County, Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council, Sarasota County, and South Florida Regional Planning Council. DRI hearing officer again ruled in company's favor and forwarded his decision to Governor and Cabinet for April 6, Tallahassee meeting, Sarasota County's appeal of company's SWFWMD Water Use Permit heard by the Governor and Cabinet in Tallahassee, The Cabinet asked the lawyers to brief a legal issue re Sarasota's appeal rights, EPA Administrative Law Judge Yost issued his rec- ommended decision to the EPA Regional Administra- tor for review, prior to release (Re EPA existing source and wastewater discharge permit). The Governor and Cabinet reheard the DRI appeal and ruled in Company's favor, dismissing the Sarasota appeal. Regional Administrator, EPA Region IV John C. White redetermined that the Company mine and beneficia- tion plant in Manatee County is an "existing source" and hence found in Company's favor. Sarasota County filed with Court of Appeals peti- tion re Governor's DRI ruling. Sarasota County petitioned EPA Administrator Douglas Cos tie for review of Regional Administra- tor's decision. Governor and Cabinet allowed Sarasota County to be- come a party to Water Use Permit proceedings and remanded the permit to SWFWMD for reconsideration. 42 July 18, 1978 August 2, 1978 December 15, 1978 February 7, 1979 February 22, 1979 February 22, 1979 May 15, 1979 December 24, 1980 May 7, 1981 May 1981 May 1981 June- July 1981 August-September 1981 November 1981 1981-82 Fall 1981-Winter 1982 Fall 1981-Winter 1982 Fall 1981 Manatee County Commission deferred acceptance of method of company financial responsibility until 90 days prior to mining. SWFWMD reconsidered company Water Use Permit and again approved company's application, extending the expiration data from Nov. 1, 1983 to Aug. 1, 1984. State of Florida Department of Natural Resources approves Company's reclamation and restoration programs. Florida First District Court of Appeals found in company's favor re Sarasota County DRI appeal. First District Court of Appeals ruling on DRI became final; further appeal period lapses. EPA Administrator Douglas Cos tie ruled in company's favor, finding company to be an "existing source." Florida Department of Environmental Regulation extended Air, Water, and Domestic Waste Permits to Feb. 28, 1983. Building permits withheld. Maintenance building permit granted. Building permit approved. Financial responsibility insurance policy for $13 million filed with county. Financial responsibility hearings approved. Reclamation plan submitted and approved. Plant startup. Various subpermits for road crossings, pipelines, etc. Applications for wetland activities pending. Areas included farm ditches, grove drainages, and perched water areas. Challenges to various previously approved permits were made by local and State agencies. New hear- ings scheduled. New mining ordinance and reservoir protection dis- trict and special treatment district ordinances passed by county to extend mining regulation. B^^ ^ ^ PD-199 ■i^^p "♦i* 4> o • • 0^ .-^J,!' "^c ""^ %.** .-Hfe'-. \./ .-M^". **..** /.s^--. V v-s' '^•d* 'bV" ^°--<#. 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