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''-o ^ -' *j» /■Of' .-o <>. ' 35th Congress, ) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. { Report 1st Session. \ ) No. 102. ANDREW LONGABOUGH. February 9, 1858. — Ordered to be printed. Mr. Jewett, from the Committee on Invalid Pensions, made the following REPORT. The Committee on Invalid Pensions, to luhom was referred the petition of Andrew Longahough, of Pennsylvania, report : That from the evidence before the committee it appears that the petitioner enlisted into the company of Captain Thomas Lawrence, in the 22d regiment of United States infantry, on the 19th March, 1813, for the period of five years ; that on the rolls of said company, extend- ing from the 1st of March, 1814, to the 4th October, 1814, he is noted, respectively, "sick at Niagara," and "left sick at Niagara." He is not reported sick on any roll between November 24, 1814, and March 9, 1818, when he was discharged ; nor do the rolls show that the disease for which he aeks a pension was incurred whilst he was in the service. The parole proof submitted in the case is of an indefinite character, and cannot be taken in preference to the evidence furnished by the roll. Your committee are of the unanimous opinion that the prayer of the petitioner be not granted, and report adversely to his a])plication, and ask to be discharged from the further consideration thereof. 146 *b. ^'J^" .o.V.. ^^ A^^ ' r-^^ 4*^ ,V^ .^^ ' * . • ■< -s .^ w ^ V, -^0^ ; ■r O ,1 o " " " ■» ^i*.